Awake ! Over the hill thro’ the gold of the morning Sweet April is kissing- to beauty the flow’rs. Zephyrs astray bear the violets fragrance, Spirits prophetic, enchanting the hours. Awake! Awake! Bluebird and lark, while the days at die well spring, Ravish the air with their magical art; By lavish endow’ring the woodland is flow’ring, Spring has awakened the world, waken to life thy heart! Harvey Worthington Loomis o rp /VW 28 S 2 To Mne.Btickhout Awake! HARVEY WORTHINGTON LOOMIS 6 6 8 6 M.W.&SONS 15324-4 Copyright MCMXVII by M.Witmark & Sons International Copyright Secured ‘Sit,. * <$&. * ‘Sib. ‘Set,. M.W.&SONS 15324-4 M.W.&SONS 15324-4 •X-o*: 9 :>o-X< 9 Two Songs by Harvey Worthington Loomis AWAKE! HARVEY WORTHINGTON LOOMIS Snl ° m 2J > (d toa ) 60 cents each Published and Copyrighted by M.Witmark & Sons. 10 Witmark Building*, New York CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO LONDON PARIS Complete Copies can be had wherever Music is sold or from the Publishers Price 60 cents each Discount off postpaid