m •Mtfftev , "wTi H < i>* a Vf4'7 \ .jfr4ii'il;R ALBEMARLE STREET, April, 1845. MR. MURRAY'S iUst of ^Forthcoming Worits* 034 #S> % ?€® ^ MR. MURRAY'S LIST OF WORKS. THE ommtn VCtyWi ILLUMINATED AND ILLUSTRATED- fXF the various Works which are capable of Pictorial Decoration and Illustration, none seem more appropriately adapted for that object than our admirable Book op Common Prayer. One of the first exercises of the painter's pencil, on the revival of the Arts in the early ages of Christianity, was to furnish embellishments for copies of the Holy Scriptures, Books of Devotion, Missals, Psalters, and the like, and some of the oldest specimens of the kind known were produced in the British Islands, during the ages styled dark. Such works, however, from the great cost of producing them, have hitherto been confined to public libraries and a few wealthy proprietors. The resources of modern art? and improved mechanical contrivances, render it practicable, in the present day, to produce a work of this kind at a moderate price ; and it is hoped that an Edition of the Common Prayer, adorned with good taste and propriety, may not be unwelcome to the Public. The Embellishments of the present Edition consist of— I. — Nearly Three Hundred different Ornamental Borders, Scrolls, Foliage, Head-pieces, and Vignettes, and about Seven Hundred different Ornamental Initials, Original Designs, by Owen Jones. Great care has been taken to avoid all questionable emblems. II. —Eight Illuminated Titles, Designed and Executed by Owen Jones : — GENERAL TITLE. MORNING PRAYER. EVENING PRAYER. THE LITANY. PRAYERS AND THANKSGIVINGS. COLLECTS, EPISTLES, AND GOSPELS. THE HOLY COMMUNION. PSALMS. MR. MURRAY'S NEW PUBLICATIONS. &f)e $3oolt of dommon dragee Illuminated— III. — Four Illustrations op the Services of the Church: — BAPTISM . . . .^ MARRIAGE ... .1 Designed by J. C. Horsley ; HOLY COMMUNION . . f Engraved by John Thompson. BURIAL ... J IV. — Thirty Historical Engravings on Wood, to illustrate the Gospels, from the Works of Raphael and the early Masters of the Italian School, with some few derived from modern German Masters : — CHRIST'S ENTRY INTO JERUSALEM . . . Ang. da Fiesole. ST. JOHN IN THE WILDERNESS .... Overbeck. CHRISTMAS DAY— THE NATIVITY .... Raphael. STONING /)F ST. STEPHEN Raphael. ST. JOHN EVANGELIST Raphael. FLIGHT INTO EGYPT Ang. da Fiesole. ADORATION OF THE MAGI Raphael. INFANT JESUS IN THE TEMPLE . . . Ovrrbeck. MARY MAGDALEN Raphael. THE LAST SUPPER Raphael. CHRIST BEFORE PILATE Overbeck. GOOD FRIDAY— THE CRUCIFIXION . . . Raphael. CHRIST BEARING THE CROSS . Raphael. THE ENTOMBMENT .' Raphael. EASTER DAY— THE RESURRECTION . . . Raphael. THE GOOD SHEPHERD Overbeck. THE ASCENSION Raphael. MIRACULOUS DRAUGHT OF FISHES . . . Raphael. THE WIDOW'S SON OF NAIN Overbeck. JAIRUS' DAUGHTER Overbeck. ST. THOMAS Raphael. CONVERSION OF ST. PAUL Raphael. PRESENTATION IN THE TEMPLE . . . Fra Bartolomeo. THE APOSTLES Raphael. &c, &c, &c. V. Notes, illustrating the Order and History of the Offices ; chiefly selected from the Works of Bishop Sparrow and Mr. Palmer. The Work will be Published in Eight Monthly Parts, and the First Part will be ready on the 1st of May. SPECIMENS MAY BE SEEN AT EVERY BOOKSELLERS. MR. MURRAY'S NEW PUBLICATIONS. THE LIVES OF THE LORD CHANCELLORS OF ENGLAND, From the Earliest Times down to the Revolution of 1688. By the Right Hon. LORD CAMPBELL. 3 Vols., 8vo. A MANUAL OF PRAYERS jFrom tfje Hitutflg* SELECTED AND ARRANGED FOR FAMILY USE. By Right Hon. W. E. GLADSTONE, M.P. 12mo. {Ready.) — * — A THREE-LEAVED MANUAL OF FAMILY PRAYER SELECTED FROM THE LITURGY; Arranged so as to bring the Selected Prayers into one view, and to save the trouble of turning the pages backwards and forwards. Royal 8vo, bound. SKETCHES OF THE HISTORY OF CHRISTIAN ART. By LORD LINDSAY. 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