s c 3 Cj:>1oX Su-Sto Ll^ STATE OF ILLINOIS WILLIAM G. STRATTON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION VERA M. BINKS, Director Geochemistry of Carbonate Sediments and Sedimentary Carbonate Rocks Part III Minor Element Distribution Donald L Graf <% -^A DIVISION OF THE ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY JOHN C.FRYE, Chief URBANA CIRCULAR 301 1960 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 3 3051 00004 1149 GEOCHEMISTRY OF CARBONATE SEDIMENTS AND SEDIMENTARY CARBONATE ROCKS Part III -Minor Element Distribution Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/geochemistryofca301graf FOREWORD Detailed knowledge of the chemical and mineralogical varia- tions that exist in the carbonate rocks limestone and dolomite and of the processes responsible for this diversity is fundamental to the Il- linois State Geological Survey's program of furthering the practical utilization of these natural resources of the state. Chemical com- position is particularly important when the rocks are used as agricul- tural limestone and fluxing stone or in the manufacture of dolomite refractories, lime, calcium carbide, sodium carbonate, glass, and other products . The invitation extended to Dr. Graf by the United States Geo- logical Survey to prepare the chapter on sedimentary carbonates for their revision of F. W. Clarke's "Data of Geochemistry" has afford- ed a valuable opportunity for the state and federal geological surveys to cooperate in a basic review of selected topics in carbonate geo- chemistry. The resultant material is presented in five Illinois State Geological Survey Circulars and subsequently will serve as the basis for a condensed treatment in the revised "Data of Geochemistry. " Part I, published as Circular 297, includes an introduction and sections on carbonate mineralogy and carbonate sediments. Part II, Circular 298, includes the section on sedimentary carbonate rocks. Part III deals with the distribution of minor elements. Part IV will discuss isotopic composition, present chemical analyses, and also will contain the bibliography for the first four cir- culars. Part V, concerned with aqueous carbonate systems, will be published with its own bibliography at a later date. .^Tef GEOCHEMISTRY OF CARBONATE SEDIMENTS AND SEDIMENTARY CARBONATE ROCKS Part III -Minor Element Distribution Donald L. Graf ABSTRACT The distribution of major and minor elements in sedimentary carbonate rocks and the mechanisms responsible for this distribution are considered on the basis of published information contained in geo- logic studies, and in studies of present-day environments of carbon- ate deposition, isotopic composition of carbonates, and experimental aqueous and nonaqueous carbonate systems. There are five parts in this series of reports; an extensive bibliography for the first four parts appears in Part IV. PartV carries a separate bibliography . INTRODUCTION The concentrations of minor elements found in carbonate rocks are a function of the amounts in solid solution in the carbonate minerals and of the kinds and a- mounts present of detrital minerals, accessory authigenic precipitates, noncarbon- ate skeletal material, organic matter, phases formed during diagenesis, and ele- ments adsorbed upon all these materials. A given minor element present in a car- bonate rock is frequently distributed among materials formed at several different times by several different mechanisms. Evaluation of the minor-element content of each of the materials is difficult and the attempt has not often been made (see Correns, 1956; LeRiche, 1959). Hirst and NichoUs (1958) considered the material that was not soluble in acetic acid to be essentially equivalent to the detrital frac- tion (table 36), and showed that the percentages of Co and Cr carried in the detrital fraction are considerably greater than those of Ni and V. The work of LeRiche illustrates the difficulty of using statistical analysis unless the mechanisms operative in trace-element distribution are understood. He found that the amounts of Mo, V, Cu, and Ni in shales and argillaceous limestones of the Lower Lias of southern England correlated directly with organic carbon content and with the amount of CaC03 (see table 37). A series of leaching experiments with water, organic liquids, and acids showed first that none of the above four elements was present in significant amount in CaC03; LeRiche believed that decaying organ- ic matter may have been involved in CaC03 precipitation and that the direct rela- tionship is actually between organic matter and CaCOo. Almost all of the V appears to be combined with silicate minerals such as the clays, and LeRiche suggests it originally may have been present in organic matter and subsequently transferred. Pure sedimentary carbonates seldom show marked concentrations of minor elements other than Sr (Krauskopf, 1955). NichoUs (1958) found that Sr and Mn were the only two trace elements out of ten studied that were present in greater amounts in a calcite-cemented sandstone than in the uncemented equivalent. The "coastal disease" of livestock in Australia results from a dual deficiency of Cu and Co in vegetation grown on indurated, wind-built dunes of comminuted shells and coral [5] 6 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 301 fragments (Thomas, 1940). Indeed, Thomas attributed the fact that these dunes are able to migrate so far inland before becoming fixed by vegetation to the paucity of available plant nutrients rather than to aridity. The crystal structures of both the rhombohedral and orthorhombic carbonates allow substitution of divalent cations of only a limited size range. Some of the larger cations such as Ba, Sr, and Pb are accepted in aragonite but are released during the subsequent conversion of that mineral to calcite. From Krauskopf's (1955) evaluation of rare metal concentrations in sediments and sedimentary rocks and from the work of Goldschmidt (1937), Goldschmidt et al . (1948), and Blumer and Erlenmeyer (1950), carbonate materials rich in organic mat- ter should also be enriched in Ag, As, Mo, V, Ni, Pb, Cu, Ge, Br, and I, whereas carbonate rocks and sediments containing manganese oxides should be enriched in Co, Mo, and Ba . Data on hand appear to be insufficient for evaluation of the manner in which minor element concentrations in phosphatic limestones are local- ized, except that much of the F and CI is structurally contained within phosphate minerals. Various cations might be expected to form insoluble carbonates in nature, but rarely do so. Of these Krauskopf suggested that Ba may be preferentially ad- sorbed on clay minerals, and that metals such as Pb, Zn, Ni, and Cu may react with H2S from decaying organic matter to precipitate as sulfides even more insoluble than the corresponding carbonates. The relative probabilities of 13 minor elements' being incorporated into rocks as sulfide precipitates, as organic compounds, and as adsorbed material on hydrated Fe^Oo, hydrated Mn02, apatite, montmorillonite, plankton, or peat moss were fur- ther evaluated by Krauskopf (1956) from calculations and relatively simple labora- tory experiments. In good accord with natural distributions are the ready adsorption of Cu, Zn, and Pb by all of the solids tested except plankton, the excellent adsorp- tion of Co and Ni onto hydrated Mn and Fe oxides, and the readiness with which Ag is held by organic matter. Krauskopf concluded by a process of elimination that biologic processes and organic compounds must play a role in the concentration of V, Ni, Co, and Mo. Keith and Degens (1959) found higher amounts of Co, As, Ag, and Cu in pyrite from freshwater shales and limestones than in comparable marine rocks. They suggested that there may be differences in the initial trace-element assem- blages collected in marine and nonmarine environments by organic matter and other chemical scavengers, and that these elements were released by decay and incor- porated in the sulfides. A study of the minor-element variation across a limestone-to-dolomite transition in a single bed was made by Adams and Lewis (cited in Adams et al . , 1959), who found that the average U content was higher and the individual values more variable in the dolomite than in the limestone. Thorium was unique among some 20 elements studied in showing no change in average concentration or range of values across the transition. Mohr (1956) noted that the relatively small amounts of Co, Ni, Cu, and V found in the MnC03-rich beds of the Lower Cambrian in North Wales are more typ- ical of carbonate sediments than of manganese oxidates. Sr and Ba showed extreme variation among the samples examined, whereas Cr varied but little. Zr is unusu- ally high and is shown by analysis to be associated with the spessartine; there is no detrital zircon. The Mo value is high, compared with that for typical lime- stone, which agrees with the results obtained by Kuroda and Sandell (1954) for manganese-iron carbonate concretions. GEOCHEMISTRY OF SEDIMENTARY CARBONATES - III 7 MINOR-ELEMENT ADSORPTION ON CARBONATES The retention of minor elements by cation adsorption on calcite and dolomite is obviously not very great, particularly in view of the extensive recrystallization to larger particle sizes that commonly occurs in these materials and that apparently results in extraneous cations' either being taken into solid solution or rejected altogether. Walton and Broecker (1959), for example, found a close correlation between clay content and the concentration of alpha-emitters in carbonate-rich Atlantic deep-sea core A180-72. Few data are available that clearly measure ad- sorption on carbonates. Adsorption measurements must be carried out in solutions in which equilibrium has first been achieved between the solvent and the range of particle sizes and degrees of structural damage initially present in the solid, and the amount of added cation in solution must be less than that required to exceed the solubility product of any phase involving the added cation. Correns (1924) was unable to measure an adsorption of Cu on calcite, and chemical reaction took place during the experiments of Heydemann (1959). Canals et al . (1949, 1950) used somewhat lower concentrations than Heydemann and be- lieved that they were measuring true adsorption, but Heydemann is skeptical. With the very low equilibrium Zn^q''"'' concentration of 0.90 x 10~° M at 25 °C, Jurinak and Bauer (1956) measured an adsorption of about 500 ppm on calcite having a surface area of 6.78 m^/g. Progressively greater amounts of Zn"*""*" were adsorbed on dolomite and magnesite, apparently because of the very close similarity in ionic charge and radius between Zn^"*" and Mg"*""*" . The negative standard entropy values computed in the experimental calcite system suggested to these authors that the hydration shell around the Zn++ ion is still relatively intact after adsorption onto calcite, whereas the large positive entropy values in the dolomite system, and the still larger values in the calcian magnesite system, indicate progressively greater dehydration. The Zn adsorption of 500 ppm given by Jurinak and Bauer for calcite is some 20 times the average concentration of Zn in carbonate rocks. If this quantity is indeed a measure of adsorption, such Zn must be held loosely enough so that in natural environments it could readily be displaced during dia- genesis or recrystallization. BIOGENIC CONTRIBUTIONS The potential importance of organisms in contributing minor elements to carbonate rocks and sediments is perhaps most strikingly shown by those carbonate materials made up almost entirely of the remains of a single organism. Twenhofel (1932, p. 305), for example, referred to Jurassic and Cretaceous beds consisting almost entirely of shells of Gryphaea or Exoiyra . Monroe (1941) described a bed in the Eutaw Formation of late Cretaceous age in Russell County, Alabama, that is as much as 100 feet thick and is made up almost solidly of shells of Ostrea cretacea. Present-day wash on the shores of the Frisian Islands, consisting prin- cipally of the tests and spines of sea urchins (Hantzschel, 1936), may be compared with a rock composed chiefly of sea urchin spines near Villette-les-Saint-Amour, France (Dreyfuss, 1933). Bucher (1938) referred to present-day and fossil con- centrations of gastropods and of gastropod opercula . The path followed after the death of an organism by the minor elements originally contained in the soft parts and in the skeletal material can be studied by analyzing present-day and fossil specimens of the organism. 8 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 301 Soft Parts of Organisms Very little has been learned about what proportion of the various metals originally contained in the soft parts of organisms is finally retained within imme- diately adjacent lithified carbonate rocks. Considerable work has been done on minor-element distribution in the soft parts (Vinogradov, 1953; Nicholls et al., 1959) and their organic compounds have been described (Awapara and Allen, 1959; Lester and Bergmann, 1941; Kind and Bergmann, 1942; Bergmann and Feeney, 1949; Bergmann and Ottke, 1949; Bergmann et al . , 1943; Bergmann and McTigue, 1948; Valentine and Bergmann, 1941; Bergmann and Stansbury, 1943; Bergmann and Burke, 1956; Bergmann et al . , 1956; see Hanson, 1959, p. 108, on the general occurrence of hydrocarbons in living organisms). The persistence of organic ma- terials for long periods in natural environments also is being studied (Vallentyne, 1957; Abelson, 1959a, 1959b; see discussion on amino acids in section on car- bonate rocks) . Apparently the only organic materials thus far described that survive under favorable conditions for geologically long periods of time and carry specific minor elements are the porphyrins. Hematin and chlorophyll, the two most important porphyrin pigments, quickly lose their Fe and Mg to become metal free until V and Ni occupy the sites formerly populated by Fe and Mg (Abelson, 1959a, 1959b). The resulting stable complexes, hydrophobic and very soluble in petroleum in contrast to the relatively more hydrophilic metal-free porphyrins, generally are the prepon- derant types of porphyrin found in old sediments and petroleum (see Blumer, 1950, 1956; Dunning et al . , 1954; Baker and Hodgson, 1959). Most of the porphyrins extracted from oil shale from Colorado, however, are complexed with Fe; the Ni- porphyrin complex identified in this shale by Moore and Dunning (1955) was pres- ent only in small amounts. The V and Ni contents of crude oils and asphalts gen- erally are higher than those of the rocks in which these materials are found (Erick- son et al., 1954; see table 24). Treibs (1935, 1936) identified porphyrins in sed- imentary rocks as old as the Cambrian. Skeletal Material The concentrations of elements in the skeletal material of living organisms can be compared relatively easily with that in fossil material, and available infor- mation on this subject, particularly for Sr, has been incorporated in the detailed summaries that follow. A discussion of the concentration of Mg in skeletal materials will be found in the section on carbonate rocks. Vinogradov (195 3) and Clarke and Wlieeler (1922) give numerous additional references on skeletal composition. It should be remembered that skeletal material may contain a sizeable percentage of structural protein or its degradation products, and that part or all of some of the minor elements listed may be bound up with the organic matter. Goldberg (see Krumholz et al., 1957; Goldberg, 1957) estimated from recent literature that the concentration factors relative to sea water for the skeletal material of marine in- vertebrates are Sr and Zn, 1,000; Cu, 5,000; Ni, 200 (Laevastu and Thompson, 1956); S, 1; I, 50. For the skeletal material of marine vertebrates, concentration factors are Sr, 200; Zn, 30,000; Cu, 1,000. Bevelander and Benzer (1948) showed that changing the constituents of sea water produces a change in the composition of shells formed by moUusks. A method of determining whether the original compositions of certain marine fossils have changed was described by Lowenstam (1959). The 0I8/0I6 ratios and the amounts of Sr and Mg in solid solution in present-day articulate brachiopods are all temperature-dependent. Diagenetic alteration by fresh water would result GEOCHEMISTRY OF SEDIMENTARY CARBONATES - III 9 in OlS/O-'-^ values corresponding to spuriously high temperatures and in Sr and Mg contents giving spuriously low temperatures. If, therefore, the temperature of formation indicated for a fossil by the O^^/O-'-" ratio agrees with that determined from either Sr or Mg concentration (or with both of these determinations), then the oxygen isotopic composition and the minor elements concentration(s) yielding con- cordant temperature values have not changed during burial. Furthermore, the iso- topic and minor element composition of an ancient ocean in which material giving concordant temperature values was deposited must have been much like that today. Good temperature agreement is obtained by Lowenstam from all three measurements on a Chonetes of late Mississippian age. Temperatures derived from Ol^/Ol^ and Sr measurements agree reasonably well for four other Cretaceous and Permian fossils, MINOR-ELEMENT CONCENTRATIONS IN ORGANIC MATERIAL A good example of minor-element concentration in organic material is given by the carbonaceous nodules found sparsely disseminated in early Permian argil- laceous limestones, shales, and sandstones of southwestern Oklahoma, which contain from 0.37 to 0.86 percent U (Hill, 1957; C. A. Horr, U.S. Geological Survey, analyst). The ash from various nodules has concentrations of U, V, As, Co, Ni, Pb, Fe, and Y in the 1 to 10 percent range (A. T. Myers, P. J. Dunton, P. R. Barnett, U. S. Geological Survey, analysts). Most of the asphaltite is as- sociated with secondary celestite and anhydrite that fill fractures and solution cav- ities in dolomites and cement the siltstones. Uraninite and smaltite have been identified from X-ray diffraction patterns of the nodules, which are believed to be epigenetic because of their botryoidal surfaces, concretionary structure, and con- centration along fractures and permeable zones. The underlying Paleozoic rocks are highly petroliferous. One nodule with an ash content of 44.08 percent was found to contain 41.61 percent C and 2.90 percent H, a ratio of 14.4 (E . A. Brittin, U. S. Geological Survey, analyst). Four samples of the Green River Formation from John Hay, Jr., well No. 1, Sweetwater County, Wyoming, which contain from one to seven percent organic matter and little more than 50 percent calcite and dolomite, were analyzed spec- trographically by Janet D. Fletcher (U.S. Geological Survey, unpublished data; see analysis 73, Part IV). Ranges and average values for some minor elements, in ppm, are markedly higher than those that will be described later for relatively pure carbonate rocks. For Cu, the range is 130 to 380, the average, 250; for B, range 20 to 100, average, 70; for V, range 50 to 90, average 70; for Cr, range 30 to 50, average 40; for Ni, range 20 to 50, average 40. DETRITAL MINERALS That portion of the trace-element content of carbonate rocks derived from detrital minerals is a complex function of the nature of the sediment source area and the nature and duration of transport. In many carbonate rocks the detrital minerals are the principal sources of minor elements, and yet it is difficult to discuss these minerals in detail. An exhaustive discussion would incorporate compositional data for all sedimentary materials even moderately resistant to transport, an obviously impractical procedure. AUTHIGENIC MINERALS AND ACCESSORY CHEMICAL PRECIPITATES The possible chemical precipitates and authigenic minerals in carbonate rocks and sediments are more amenable to discussion. The occurence of fluorite 10 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 301 and celestite in dolomites from evaporite sequences, discussed in detail below in the sections on F and Sr, is a reasonably well documented example of original chemical precipitation of accessory minerals in carbonate sediments. Arrhenius etal. (1957) listed zeolites, manganite, goethite, barite, anatase, rutile, and possibly some clay minerals, as solids that are precipitated from solution in sea water, at the sediment surface, or in the sediment. Boswell (1933) described sharp-edged euhedral crystals of tourmaline from limestones. On the basis of petrographic evidence, analcite, chabazite, phillips- ite, other zeolites, phosphates, pyrolusite, gypsum, hematite, limonite, feldspars, micas, quartz, sphene, anatase, rutile, brookite, the glauconite-greenalite-cham- osite-chlorite group of minerals, clay minerals, carbonates other than dolomite and calcite, tourmaline, and the pyrite-pyrrhotite-marcasite group have been called authigenic minerals in sedimentary rocks (Boswell, 1933). Some authors have listed epidote, garnet, staurolite, and hornblende as well. Vasil'ev et al . (1956) reported from their studies and those of earlier workers that small amounts of zeolites are widespread in Mesozoic and Cenozoic rocks of variable lithology in the northern Caucasus, western Kazakhstan, the Volga region, and the Penza area. Analcite crystals are found, together with crystals of calcite and dolomite, encrusting pores in the limestone of Great Bogdo Mountain (Kolbin and Pimburskaya, 1955) in an area unaffected by vulcanism or metamorphism. Sepiolites typically are found as diagenetic products in Mg-rich sediments, such as those of Lake Kulundinsk (Rateev, 1954), and in dolomites and dolomitized limestones (Rateev and Kotel'nikov, 1956). Occurrences of sepiolite in the dolo- mites of the lacustrine Green River Formation in Wyoming (Bradley, 1929b; Milton, 1957) and in the lacustrine dolomite of the Silkstone Series of Tertiary age from near Ipswich, Queensland (Rogers et al . , 1954) support this generalization. Rateev found palygorskites, on the other hand, to be more abundant in marine marls having a typical maritime fauna. The minor-element composition of limestones will be altered by post-dep- ositional formation of major mineral constituents such as cellophane and dolomite. Ames (1960) used radioisotopes to study the uptake of Pm"*"^, Sr'''^, U"*"^, and Pu+4 during the formation of phosphorite from calcite. Sedimentary Sulfides There are widespread occurrences in carbonate rocks of small amounts of metallic sulfides and H2S, the latter in fetid limestones. Krauskopf (1955) sug- gested that the small grains of galena, sphalerite, millerite, and linnaeite in such rocks may be formed when substituted Pb, Zn, Ni, and Co in aragonite are set free during conversion to calcite and are combined with traces of sulfur from organic matter in the sediment. Lamar and Shrode (1953) measured the amount of H2S evolved when several fetid Paleozoic limestones were dissolved in acid. Express- ed as weight percent of the original rock, the values obtained were 0.002 percent for the Kinkaid and Glen Dean Limestones, 0.003 percent for the Salem Limestone, and 0.012 percent for the Ste. Genevieve Oolite. The Racine Dolomite evolved less than 0.001 percent H2S. None of the dolomites examined had a fetid odor. The possibility remains that in such sulfide occurrences low-temperature hydrothermal activity may have taken place. However, the sulfides frequently occur in areas remote from intrusives or known ore deposits, and often are local- ized near siderite or organic matter. Goldschmidt (1937) reported that millerite, linnaeite, and arsenopyrite are often found in British coal. Other occurrences of millerite in unaltered sedimentary rocks are noted by Schraut (1950), Anderson GEOCHEMISTRY OF SEDIMENTARY CARBONATES - III 11 and Smythe (1942), Bagrowski (1940), and Northrup (1937). Sphalerite widely distributed in small amounts through limestones and other rocks of Devonian age in southeastern Tartariya is localized along cracks and other open spaces at places where there are siderite concretions, fossil remains, or bitumen, all indicating reducing conditions (Miropol'skij and Miropol'skaya, 1951). It is commonly ac- companied by pyrite and less often by chalcopyrite. Galena, sphalerite, pyrite, and barite are found in clay ironstone concretions in black, bituminous, thinly laminated shale of Pottsville age in Ohio (Ver Steeg, 1942). Galena, sphalerite, and chalcopyrite occur in the fossiliferous limestone of late Pennsylvanian age that forms the roof of a coal bed in a mine near Loving, Young County, Texas (Baker, 1933). Pyrite, sphalerite, and galena also are found in thin beds and nodular zones rich in siderite in the Middle Coal Measures of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire (Edwards and Stubblefield, 1948). Milner (1929) described authigenic pyrrhotite from sediments, Rubey (1930) found it in a pyritic and gypsiferous limestone, the Greenhorn Formation of late Cretaceous age in the Black Hills area, and Erd et al. (1957) described smythite and pyrrhotite from geodes in the Harrodsburg Limestone at a number of localities near Bloomington, Indiana, far removed from igneous rocks or evident hydrothermal activity. Also found in the Indiana geodes are sphalerite, anhydrite, siderite, dolomite, millerite, barite, marcasite, and pyrite. Disseminated crystals of galena and sphalerite are found at correlatable horizons in the Lockport and Guelph Dolomites of Silurian age from eastern New York to western Ontario (Cannon, 1955), and additional occurrences are known in Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Ohio. In New York, the sulfides are concentrated, together with above normal amounts of Cr, Ni, Cu, Y, Fe, and other elements (table 1) in clastic zones of partially dissolved fossil debris and fine-grained car- bonate that appear to have been deposited below wave base. Immediately overlying beds of recrystallized core and reef-flank material contain calcium sulfate and strontium and barium compounds, in addition to the sulfides. No specific relation of the metals to faults is apparent. The frequent association of sulfides with algal bioherms, less commonly with Stromatopora and corals, suggested to Cannon a syngenetic origin, possibly involving metal concentration by living algae and fur- ther precipitation and adsorption around decaying organic matter soon after burial in the sediments. Algal concretions being precipitated in Little Conestoga Creek, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, were found to contain 46 ppm Zn and 7.5 ppm Pb, although the stream contained only 0,06 ppm Zn. Marl in Bergen Bog, Orleans County, New York, overlying glacial clay that in turn overlies the Lockport Dolo- mite, had 180 ppm Zn and 2 ppm Pb, both expressed in terms of dry weight. Caprock Mineral Assemblages The typically nonfossiliferous limestone that forms one zone of the caprock of many salt domes is noteworthy because the suite of accessory minerals it con- tains, which must be of sedimentary origin, albeit a complex one, is similar to that found in geodes and disseminated throughout limestones. The limestone por- tions of the caprocks of Texas and Louisiana salt domes commonly contain crystals of sulfur, barite, celestite, anhydrite, strontianite, aragonite, galena, sphalerite, and less commonly a number of other sulfides (see Hanna and Wolf, 1934, 1938; Taylor, 1938). Calcite and sulfur may replace anhydrite, and anhydrite protected by sulfur is often the only evidence of anhydrite left in a mass of calcite (Brown, 1931). The limestone at Heckley Dome, Harris County, Texas, contains oil-filled vugs in addition to minor amounts of barite and strontianite (Stenzel, 1943). Rols- 12 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 301 hausen (1934) described a zone of siderite with minor impurities in the caprock at Carlos Dome, Grimes County, Texas (see analysis 91, Part IV). Sedimentary Sulfur The occurrence of native sulfur in sedimentary carbonate rocks other than caprocks probably is much more widespread than is generally realized. Stein- brecher (1959) described S crystals associated with calcite in a fetid limestone encountered in a drill hole on the South Harz border, Germany. Celestite and S crystals are found in gypsum rocks of Miocene age in Poland that are partially replaced by carbonate (Laszkiewicz, 1957). At the Woolmith quarry, Monroe County, Michigan, celestite leached from SrSO^-rich beds higher in the section has been deposited with calcite and S in cavities in bituminous siliceous dolomite (Kraus, 1905b). Sulfur at Ras Gemsa, Egypt, is found disseminated in anhydrite and in open spaces in beds of aragonite and dolomite. Some portions of these sulfur-bearing rocks at Ras Gemsa are extensively contaminated by hydrocarbons (Schnellman, 1959). Aprodov (1947) described small gypsum psuedomorphs after gypsum in Permian age marls of the upper Chusovoya River region of the U. S. S. R., and Bonython and King (1956) reported the occurrence of gypsum-encrusted sulfur nodules in clays of Recent age on the shore of Lake Eyre, South Australia. The descriptions of most of these occurrences indicate tnat the sedimentary S is associated with bituminous matter, with either calcium or strontium sulfate, and with calcium carbonate. Acceptance of a mechanism involving bacterial sul- fate reduction, accompanied by oxidation of organic matter, release of COo, and subsequent carbonate formation involving the CO2, has long been advocated by some geologists. The isotopic compositions of carbonate carbon from caprock, which is remarkably light, and of the accompanying S can be explained satisfactor- ily by this mechanism (see section on isotopic composition. Part IV). The S from the Australian locality described above by Bonython and King has a S'^^/S-^'^ ratio of 22.98, indicating an organic origin for the S. Silverman et al. (1960) found isotopically light carbon in the carbonate cementing several sandstones and in a thin dolomite bed at the base of the Cloud Chief Gypsum on the Cement Anticline, Caddo County, Oklahoma. They believed that the CO, of the carbonate was de- rived in part from organic matter, but by chemical rather than bacterial oxidation. In summary, then, isotopic carbon values indicate the generation of CO2 from organic matter in sedimentary carbonate rocks at several localities; where native sulfur with an isotopic composition indicating organic origin is also present, a mechanism involving bacterial reduction of sulfate is favored. The Green River Formation Striking evidence for authigenic formation of a wide variety of compounds in carbonate sediments has been furnished by the studies of Charles Milton, J.J. Fahey, and their co-workers at the U.S. Geological Survey on the Green River Formation of Utah, Wyoming, and Colorado (Milton, 1957; Milton and Eugster, 1959; Milton and Fahey, 1960). The list of minerals deemed authigenic, typically because their sharply defined crystal boundaries cut sedimentary textures or be- cause such crystals feather out into the groundmass, is given in table 2. The list includes a number of new minerals, and a number previously recorded only from rocks formed at much higher temperatures. Many of the beds of the Green River Formation contain more than 50 percent calcite and dolomite, but it cannot be assumed that all minerals listed in table 2 have been found as accessories in such beds. GEOCHEMISTRY OF SEDIMENTARY CARBONATES - III 13 The Green River Formation is a cold-water deposit formed in a lake that re- ceived periodic falls of volcanic ash and that for part of its existence had no outlet. There are no dikes or other evidence of volcanic activity, and the nature of the large amounts of hydrocarbons preserved in these beds indicates that no metamor- phism took place (Hunt et al., 1954). Milton and Eugster (1959) discussed the probable phase relations among the precipitates and diagenetic products formed by interaction of sodic solutions, com- mon carbonate muds, and silica contained in volcanic ash, detrital minerals, and river water. Mineral associations and modes of occurrence are dissimilar in the several separate basins; the differences between those in Utah and Wyoming, for example, can best be explained as a consequence of greater depth in the Utah lake. The occurrence of nahcolite as small isolated masses in dolomite, rather than as persistent beds, may have resulted from the dehydration of brine isolated into pockets by continuous precipitation of dolomite mud. The boron of the Green River waters reacted with silica to form borosilicates; no borates are observed. The almost constant association of chalcedony and analcite, and the virtual absence of albite, are noteworthy. DEEP-SEA SEDIMENTS The distribution of minor elements in deep-sea calcareous sediments has been clarified by Arrhenius et al . (1957) who showed that the microcrystalline fluorapatite of a sample of bathypelagic fish debris had adsorbed ionium and other Th isotopes, together with 0.6 to 1.5 percent Zn, 0.1 to 0.5 percent Cu, several percent of rare earth elements, 0.05 to 0.15 percent Sn, and 0.03 to 0.10 percent Pb by the time it was incorporated in the top stratum of sediment. The rare earths, some U, and most of the Sr and Ba in the fish debris were associated with the fluor- apatite, whereas the hydrocarbon filling of the bone cavities contained the Zn, Sn, Pb, Ti, Cu, Ag, some of the U, and much of the Mg, Al, Cr, and Ni. With long exposures at great ocean depths on surfaces of especially low rates of accumulation, such apatite apparently dissolves and the heavy metals are resorbed in the second- ary layers of manganites. In the pelagic oozes, which accumulate somewhat more rapidly, the fish debris with its adsorbed metals is largely preserved and the manganese oxide micronodules contain smaller amounts of rare earth elements. Pratje (1939) said that red clay can be regarded as the insoluble inorganic residue remaining after the calcareous parts of foraminifera, coccoliths, and ptero- pods in Globiiertna ooze have been dissolved away. If this statement is accepted, the considerable body of analytical data for red clays may be applied to calcareous oozes for which the percentage of acid-insoluble residue is known. However, Pettersson and Rotschi (1952) found that the Mn content of Albatross cores, calcu- lated on a noncalcareous basis, was one-third to one-fifth as much as that in red clays. In any event, the analyses used in such calculation should be of red clay sampled as close as possible to the calcareous oozes being considered, for Wede- pohl (1958) showed that there are constant differences between the trace element contents of Atlantic and Pacific marine clays. Differences in sedimentation rates and in the kinds and amounts of volcanic activity are suggested as explanations. The high minor-element contents of Globiiertna and Globiierina oozes found by Wedepohl (1955) (table 29) are puzzling, for some of the individual values are higher than the comparable averages for red clay. 14 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 301 Deep-sea sediments contain black, Ni-rich magnetic spherules that have an average diameter of about 45 microns and are believed by many authors (for example, Fredriksson, 1959; Laevastu and Mellis, 1959) to be extraterrestrial. However, the similarity among Ni/Cu, Ni/Co, and Cu/Co ratios for Globiiertna ooze, red clay, and average igneous rock, contrasted with the values for average meteorite, indicate a terrestrial origin for the Ni, Co, and Cu in deep-sea sedi- ments (Smales et al., 1957) (table 3). The Ni contribution from the spherules ap- pears to be insignificant relative to that scavenged by manganese and iron oxides. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIFIC MINOR ELEMENTS Discussions of the distribution of a number of specific elements are given below. In some instances where several elements were determined on the same set of samples, the results are presented as a separate table. Most of these tab- ulated results (tables 12, 16, 19, 22-37) are not discussed in the sections on specific elements, but they were considered in making the estimates of average abundance that are given later. The numerous determinations of Ni, Co, V, Cr, and Mo in carbonate rocks given by Goldschmidt et al. (1948) are unfortunately only semiquantitative and have not been summarized here. Alkali Metals A composite of 32 German limestones of Devonian age contained 43 g/ton Li20 (10 ppm Li), a composite of 16 German limestones of Cretaceous age, 76 g/ton (17.5 ppm Li), a composite of 45 German Jurassic age limestones, 50 g/ton (11 • 5 PPn^ Li), and a chalk from Kvarnby, near Malmo, Sweden, 3 g/ton Li20 (0.7 ppm Li) (Strock, 1936). Two limestones examined by Higazy (1954) each contained 1 ppm Li. Landergren (1948) reported 100 ppm Li and 5 ppm Rb in marine siderite ores. Horstman (195 7), using a flame photometer, was unable to detect Li, Rb (<5 ppm), or Cs (<1 ppm) in seven of Goldich and Parmalee's (1947) limestones and dolomites, which contained from 1 to 5 percent insoluble residue consisting almost entirely of silica minerals. These elements would in less pure carbonate rocks be associated principally with clays and related layer lattice minerals. Thus, a limestone of Lower Ordovician age from Stenbrottet, Sweden, locally contains 50 percent or more of glauconite, which in two samples was found by Herzog et al. (1958) to have 307 and 311 ppm Rb. Of this Rb, 87.8 and 86.9 ppm were Rb^^^ Welby (1952, 1958) found in a composite sample of Austin Chalk from var- ious localities, in wt percent, Na20, 6.36; K2O, 2.45; Rb20, 0.022; Li20, 0.0065; and CS2O, trace. For a similar composite sample of Selma Chalk, the values were Na20, 1.50; K2O, 1.75; Rb20, 0.020; Li20, 0.014; CS2O, . 00089 . The averages and ranges for 19 samples of Globiierina ooze are Na20, 3.57 (2 to 5.5); K2O, 2.11 (0.25 to 4.50); Rb20, . 026 (0 . 005 to .050); Li20, 0.013 (0 . 004 to 0.028). CS2O was below the limit of detection in seven samples, and reached a maximum of 0.0018 percent. When the possible CS2O concentrations in the seven samples are taken into account, the average value obtained is .00066 ± . 00004 percent. Welby did not remove salt water from his core samples. He calculated that if the water were 100 percent of dry weight, only the 1 .07 per- cent Na20 left on evaporation would be significant in terms of the Globiierina ooze determinations cited above. Welby also observed from scatter diagrams that lithium is not geochemically coherent with the rest of the alkalis in these samples. He concluded that the alkali metals are associated principally with the clay frac- GEOCHEMISTRY OF SEDIMENTARY CARBONATES - III 15 tion of the sediments, although also present in detrital feldspar and possibly con- centrated in the skeletal material of some organisms. McKerrow et al . (1956) found that trilobites from the Upper Silurian age Wenlock Limestone at Dudley, Staffordshire, England, are markedly enriched in Cs relative to other alkali metals. The average of Rb/Cs ratios for the trilobites is 3.9, the geometric mean, 2.4. For samples of the enclosing sediment, the comparable values are 19 and 15. Canney (1952) obtained a closely similar av- erage Rb/Cs ratio of 15 for 323 sedimentary rocks. The K/Rb ratio of the trilobites studied by McKerrow and his co-workers is not significantly different from that of the enclosing sediment, and is about the same as that in igneous rocks and other sediments. Accumulation of Cs by the trilobites is believed to have occurred during growth, rather than by selective adsorption after death, which would have been expected to impoverish the matrix. Of five brachiopods also examined, only Llniula, the only chitinous form among the five, showed some Cs enrichment. The averages and ranges of the actual spectrographic analyses are, for the trilobites, Li, 11 (3 to 25); Na, 2000 (1400 to 2700); Rb, 34 (8.5 to 100); and Cs, 25 (4 to 80) ppm. For the matrices they are Li, 22 (1 to 30); Na, 3100 (2500 to 3600); Rb, 45 (<1 to 62); and Cs, 6 (<1 to 14) ppm. Limestones of Paleozoic age from Illinois examined by Lamar and Shrode (1953) contained an average of 80 ppm (range 40 to 150 ppm) water-leachable Na"*", and 30 ppm (10 to 80 ppm) water-leachable K"*". The comparable averages and ranges for Paleozoic age dolomites from Illinois are 130 ppm (70 to 240 ppm) Na"*" and 40 ppm (20 to 60 ppm) K+ . See also tables 1, 5, 19, 23, and 34. Antimony A composite of six samples of Globiierina ooze from the Pacific Ocean con- tained 1.1 and 0.2 ppm Sb in duplicate photometric determinations made using rhodamine B (Onishi and Sandell, 1955b). The comparable values for a composite of nine limestones and dolomitic limestones are 0.2 and 0.3 ppm, with 2.3 ppm As and a Sb/As ratio of about 0.1. Shales and deep-sea red clays both contain 5 to 10 times as much Sb as the carbonates mentioned, so that highly argillaceous carbonate rocks and sediments should have proportionately enhanced Sb contents. See also table 22 . Arsenic Only 1 or 2 ppm arsenic are found in carbonate rocks, unless carbonaceous material, iron oxides, or sulfides are present (Onishi and Sandell, 1955a), Dover Chalk (0.3 ppm) and Bedford oolitic limestone (0.6 ppm) fall at the lower end of the range observed by these workers. The single anomalously high value of 14.5 ppm for a gray limestone from Onondaga County, New York, is unexplained. Heide and Moenke (1955) found from 0.21 to 1.99 ppm As in five pure or nearly pure Muschelkalk limestones from Steudnitz, near Jena, with an average of 1.0 ppm. A high As content was related to high values of Fe in analyses, except for one sample in which the Fe was present in ankerite (see also Goldschmidt, 1937, on the concentration of As in sedimentary iron ores). Wyllie (1941) measured from 0.3 to 7.0 ppm As in 17 North American limestones. Headden (1910), cited in Tre- mearne and Jakob (1941), found from 2.5 to 10.0 ppm As (average 5.1 ppm) in four marls from Kansas and Colorado. Five shallow-water sediments containing more than 60 percent CaCOs showed an average of 4 . 1 ppm As, and five deep-sea sediments of similar composition av- eraged 4.2 ppm (Correns, 1937). 16 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 301 Barium The most common Ba-carrying mineral in sedimentary rocks is barite, BaS04, which may carry considerable amounts of Sr in solid solution (Dragunov and Kat- chenkov, 1953). Barite is commonly seen as vein fillings and replacements in lime- stones, and also has been observed as a coating in caves (Buckley, 1909; Evans, 1946b). Very thin films of fine-grained barite cut pre-existing textures in the late Tertiary capping-caliche of the Great Plains (Swineford et al . , 1958). In a sample of this pisolitic rock from Hamilton County, Kansas, 2 percent of the rock was BaSO^. In all of these occurrences, barite obviously has undergone redistribution from unknown earlier Ba sources. Ba commonly shows an unusually wide range of concentrations compared with ranges for other elements; Young (1954) found from . 1 to more than 2.0 percent Ba in red clays. A parallelism between the percentage of Ba and the percentage of insoluble residue exists for the carbonate rocks of the Russian Platform (Vinogradov et al,, 1952) (fig. 1). The amounts of Ba present are sufficient to give a concentration in the insoluble residue closely similar to that typically found in clays. Ba is one of the elements in these rocks the concentration of which is believed to be depend- ent upon the tectonic history of the platform. The high Ba value found by von Engelhardt in the clayey interlayer of the Ceratites limestone (see table 4) also is significant in this respect. 0.024 - 48 0.020 0.008 0.004 32 24 Cm I S? ID,1D?1\IC| ICjICjIP IP? I T I J ICrilCrjl Tr ■430 =2 'L'|'U2/iN^l..| n-s'l-jir, .rj' - 310— 275 225 150 ■ 70- ABSOLUTE TIME IN MILLIONS OF YEARS Fig. 1 - Variation with time of the Ba and insoluble residue contents of carbonate rocks of the Russian Platform (Vinogradov et al . , 1952) , based on 90 composite analyses of 3530 samples. GEOCHEMISTRY OF SEDIMENTARY CARBONATES - III 17 The correlation between CaC03 and high Ba concentrations in east equatorial Pacific sediments led Revelle (1944) to suggest that Ba in these sediments had been precipitated as carbonate. In 1955 Revelle and his co-workers noted strikingly high Ba values in siliceous sediments fringing calcareous ooze areas in the Pacific, 1 to 2 percent Ba in contrast to the usual 0.05 to 0.30 percent in pelagic sediments. They suggested that, because of the relatively low solubility of BaSO., minute amounts of Ba in the calcareous skeletons of marine plankton might become con- centrated when CaC03 was dissolved, so that high Ba would be expected where rates of both deposition and dissolution of CaCO^ were high. If the percentage of Ti02 is used as a correction for varying accumulation rates, and the BaO/TiOo ratios of the surface layer of sediment across the belt of high organic productivity in the euphotic zone of the equatorial divergence (Ar- rhenius, 1952; Nielsen, 1952) are considered, the rate of Ba accumulation at the equator is found to be 20 times that outside the belt 10° N to 10° S and the in- crease toward this maximum is quite regular. The calcite of foraminifera and coccolithophoridae is practically free from Ba (see Wedepohl, 1955), and it is not known which organisms originally concentrate the Ba. A Miocene pelagic cocco- lith ooze, 99.5 percent soluble in weak acetic acid, contained 0.020 percent BaO, practically all of which was in transparent, greenish yellow, 5 to 15(jl diameter aggregates of relatively low bulk density containing minute, highly refractive in- clusions. If these aggregates are barite-containing fecal pellets, at least a me- chanical concentration of Ba by benthonic organisms occurred. If CaC03 is plotted against BaO/TiO^ for a number of cores containing al- ternating clayey and calcareous strata, the most recent CaC03 productivity maxi- mum has a corresponding BaO/Ti02 maximum, the next older has a barely notice- able BaO/Ti02 maximum, the third one, no BaO/Ti02 maximum at all. The rel- atively high post-depositional Ba mobility shown by this leveling of original con- centration gradients in about 200,000 years also is evidenced by the high content of a-active nuclides, presumably Ra and its successors, in the microcrystals of the Ba-bearing pellets (Arrhenius et al., 1957). The nuclides occur too deep in the core to have been taken up from sea water and must have been released by adjacent ionium-bearing minerals (Arrhenius and Goldberg, 1955). The frequent c-activity highs found in structures believed to have been formed by burrowing organisms are further evidence of the concentration of both Ra and Ba in excreta of benthonic ani- mals. In addition to the redistributed Ba that may persist as barite, Ba is adsorbed to a marked degree by clays, zeolites, and the iron and manganese oxides. The Ba/Ca ratios of the clams and snails analyzed by Turekian and Armstrong (see table 4) are about 200 times the corresponding ratio in sea water. These authors also noteda marked increase in the Ba content of fossil clam shells compared with those of Recent age. Many species of the Xenophyophora, a group of marine deep-water rhizopod foraminifera found along the equator and off Ceylon, contain inclusions of BaS04 up to 3|x in diameter in their skeletal protein (Schulze and Thierfelder, 1905). BaS04 concretions (Jones, 1888; B)Z^ggild, 1912) occur off Ceylon in the same region in which the Xenophyophora are found. However, these relatively uncommon BaSO.- forming foraminifera are clearly of minor importance in explaining Ba distribution in sedimentary rocks. See also tables 1, 19, 23, 26, 27, 28, 30, and 31. 18 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 301 Beryllium The Be content of five calcareous deep-sea deposits examined by Tatsumoto and Osawa (1957) averaged about 2 ppm, and generally was proportional to the amount of Al present, as shown below. Percent CaC03 53.27 56, .59 68. .75 80.23 91.13 Be, ppm 4.2 3, .1 2. .1 1.0 0.5 Percent Al 2.80 3, ,18 2, .67 1.76 0.3 Pieruccini (1944) reported 2 . 8 to 7 ppm BeO (1 to 2.5 ppm Be) in sedimentary rocks from the Tuscan Apennines. Carbonate rocks fell at the lower end of the range, and the CaC03-free fraction in general contained about 10 ppm BeO (3.5 ppm Be). Boron Although the B content of the insoluble residues of the marine and freshwater limestones examined by Degens et al. (1958) are not significantly different (table 5), values for the <2|jl fractions of the insolubles of these materials fall into two non- overlapping groups. The higher B content for the marine samples is attributed ulti- mately to the greater abundance of B in the ocean. Most of the B in these limestones is in a relatively insoluble form, which in one sample was shown by X-ray diffrac- tion to be tourmaline. Goldschmidt and Peters' finding (1932) that the B content of clay minerals crystallizing in the marine environment is approximately two orders of magnitude greater than the value for terrestrial clays is clearly revelant here. Gold- berg and Arrhenius (1958) concluded from various dissolution experiments on Pacific pelagic sediments that some of the B occurred in the structure of the ferromanganese oxide minerals, but that the larger part, which resisted dissolution on boiling in . 1 N HCl, must proxy for Si in the tetrahedral sheets of clay minerals. Other studies of marine clay sediments (Landergren, 1945, 1948; Ernst et al . , 1958; Harder, 1958) showed that B content is directly proportional to the sa- linity of the environment of deposition, inversely proportional to particle size, probably independent of geologic age, and changed in amount by incipient meta- morphism but probably not by diagenesis or weathering. Heide and Thiele (1958) found that B varied from 2.8 to 49.9 ppm (average, 15.4 ppm) in 12 limestones from a Muschelkalk section. Swiss marls containing 65.3, 59.6, 52.8, 49.5, and 44.6 percent CaCOg had 26, 33, 43, 47, and 63 ppm B (Hasler, 1942). The average of Hasler's values for purer limestones, cited by Heide and Thiele, is 11 ppm. A fresh-water and a marine dolomite of Carboniferous age contained 0.009 and 0.016 percent B2O3 (14 and 25 ppm B) (Ernst et al., 1958), and Globiierina oozes from the Pacific Ocean examined by Krasintseva and Shish- kina (1959) contained 15 ppm. The B content of three samples of siderite from the Liassic of southern Sweden (Palmqvist, 1935) ranged from 30 to 160 ppm. Goldschmidt et al . (1948) reported 0.050 percent B^O^ in a bituminous marl of Triassic age from Schrofeln near Wallgau. The Globiierina oozes of the Chal- lenger ey^pedition contained 0.05 percent B (Goldschmidt and Peters, 1932). Gold- schmidt and Peters found 0.01 percent B2O2 in the skeleton of Echinus esrulentus , from 0.0003 to 0.015 percent (average . 008 percent) B in the skeletal material of four species of Octocorallia, and from .003 to . 03 percent B (average 0.018 per- cent) in the skeletal material of six species of Hexacorallia. There was 0.01 per- cent B2O3 in the ash from shells of the brachiopods Llniula anatina and Terebratula uitrea. The shells of Nautilus pompilius, Spirula peronii, and Pinna squamosa, all mollusks, contained, respectively, 0.000545, 0.00027, and 0.00027 percent B. See also tables 1, 19, 23, 26, 27, 28, 30, 33, and 34. GEOCHEMISTRY OF SEDIMENTARY CARBONATES - III 19 Bromine and Iodine The I and Br content in limestones and dolomites depends upon the kind and amount of organic matter in the rock (Correns, 1956) . The Br content of the samples listed in table 6 shows no parallelism with CI, and the amount of Br and I present in iron ores, for example, is proportional to the amount of organic matter present. Itkina (1956) noted that rocks of Carboniferous age from the Saratov-Near Volga region, richer in organic matter than those from the Vereisk horizon, had higher I and Br contents, 9.8 ppm and 16.2 ppm respectively, compared with average values of 6 . 1 and 10.4 for the Vereisk horizon (see table 6 for average values of Br and I for limestones only). Organic matter and Br are related in the Devonian deposits of the Kuibyshev area, organic matter and I less definitely (Itkina, 1958). Part of the Br and I may be leached with water and part with HCl, but a further portion is apparently bound with organic matter. Iodine is combined with organic matter in the skeletal parts of Alcyonaria, and ranges from a trace to more than 7 percent of dry weight in the collected anal- yses presented by Vinogradov (1953). In these analyses Br reaches a maximum value of 4.2 percent of dry weight. Vinogradov's compilation of I determinations made on moUuscan shells shows five values for freshwater lamellibranchs with a range of 0.02 to 0.49 mg I per 100 g (average 0.25), 19 values for marine lamelli- branchs with a range of 0.02 to 12 mg I per 100 g (average 1.65), seven values for gastropods with a range from 0.024 to 2.40 mg I per 100 g (average 0.64), and values of 0.045 and 0.02 mg I per 100 g for two cephalopods. Cadmium Three Glohiierina oozes examined by Mullin and Riley (1956) contained 0.459, 0.275, and 0.516 ppm Cd, a marine calcareous ooze had 0.574 ppm, and fine-grained drewite sediment from the Bahamas contained 0.124 ppm. The shells of eight present-day marine mollusks gave values from 0.001 to 0.082 ppm Cd (average 0.025 ppm), whereas aragonite precipitated from sea water in the labora- tory contains up to 1 ppm Cd. The biological mechanisms involved in shell forma- tion are apparently much more specific in accepting Ca and rejecting Cd than is inorganic precipitation. See also table 22 . Chlorine The CI content of limestones and dolomites occurs principally in liquid inclusions and substituted in the hydroxyl positions of accessory minerals such as hornblende, the micas, and the clay minerals. Apatite generally is present in insufficient amount for its CI content to be significant (Behne, 195 3), and actual grains of minerals such as halite have been reported only in carbonate rocks from evaporite sequences. Clarke (1924) gave values of 0.01 and 0.02 percent CI for two averaged analyses of 345 and 498 limestones. More recent determinations are summarized in table 6 . The CI in materials such as the chalk from Riigen and the branched coral, from which most or all of it is water-leachable, must be present in inclusions of sea water (Behne, 1953). Lamar and Shrode (1953) found that more CI could be water-leached from Illinois dolomites of Paleozoic age than from limestones, but that the reverse was true for water-leachable sulfate. They reported that visible liquid inclusions in the dolomites were smaller but more numerous than those in the limestones. This fact probably explains the difficulty experienced by Behne in water-leaching Ci from the fluorite-bearing Zechstein dolomite, even though 20 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 301 the rock contains only 0.03 percent P2O5 and all the CI is soluble in heated 2N nitric or acetic acid. Graf (1952) checked the extent of soluble-salt extraction from dolomite by its effect upon dolomite thermal decomposition and found the extraction to be a function of the severity of grinding. The calcareous freshwater tufa of Recent age from Lenglern, near Gottingen, contains only 20 ppm CI. However, conclusions as to relative salinities of waters in which the various marine carbonates were formed would appear to be premature in the absence of measurements of the actual volumes of liquid inclusion fluids con- tained in the various specimens. See also table 31 . Chromium Six limestones of Ordovician age from Sweden, unmetamorphosed or only slightly metamorphosed, all had either 4 or 5 ppm Cr, except for one sample with 25 ppm that contained local enrichments in Fe believed to have resulted from an- cient surface weathering (Lundegardh, 1949). Katchenkov and Flegontova (1955) reported 0.004, 0.007, 0.006, 0.005, and . 001 percent Cr for five of the six argillaceous limestones of Devonian age from the Ural-Volga area which they ex- amined. Carbonate rocks from South Lapland examined by Sahama (1945) contained 2 ppm Cr, and Landergren (1948) found 20 ppm in marine siderite ores. An aragonite-magnesite assemblage from Lake Bonneville sediments, Utah (Graf et al., 1959; unpublished data), contained 11 ppm Cr, and three samples of dolomite sediment contained 11, 12, and 11 ppm. The average Cr content of samples from eupelagic Atlantic core A180-76, containing on the average 78 percent CaC03, Turekian and Feely (1956) found to be 11 ppm. See also tables 1, 19, 22, 23, 26, 28, 30, 35, and 36. Cobalt Extensive analyses of limestones from New Zealand (table 7) show that in a number of stratigraphic sections exposed in quarries (V^illett, 1950) the Co content increases as the limestones become more impure. No correlation appears to exist between Co content and geologic age (Stanton, 1944). Maunsell (1945) attributed the high Co values for limestones of Eocene age from North Island to their nearness to ultrabasic rocks that probably supplied high-cobalt detrital material. He applied the same explanation to Stanton's high Co values for Southland limestones. The Co from these rocks that is soluble in dilute HCl ranges from 13 to 62 percent of the total Co present. Cobalt contents of 11.4 to 26.6 ppm in soils overlying limestones with an average of 4 ppm Co (Dixon and Kidson, 1940) indicate that a fair proportion of the cobalt-bearing compounds are less soluble than limestone in weathering pro- cesses. Maunsell pointed out that the analytical method used by Dixon and Kidson gives somewhat low values for specimens rich in silica, which are those containing the most Co. Malyuga (1949) reported 0.00066, 0.0015, 0.00165, and 0.0015 percent Co in four samples of calcareous sediment from the deeper parts of the Black Sea. Young (1957) noted that Co is found in concentrations of manganese oxide in chert or quartz portions concentrated from originally calcareous rock by weathering. See aJ so tables 3, 19, 22, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, and 37. Copper Robertson found (Winslow and Robertson, 1894) from 4.0 to 25.6 ppm Cu in six dolomitic limestones of Silurian age from Missouri, the average being 12.6 ppm. Seven Missouri limestones of Lower Carboniferous age ranged from a trace to 88.0 GEOCHEMISTRY OF SEDIMENTARY CARBONATES - III 21 pprrij with an average of 20.2 ppm. Heide and Singer (1950) found an average of 5 ppm Cu in nearly pure carbonate rocks from the Muschelkalk and Rot near Jena. In marly clays as well as in carbonate rocks from this area, the Cu/Zn ratio was nearly 1. Engel and Engel (1955) made 50 analyses of the Leadville Limestone of Mis- sissippian age near ore at Gilman and Leadville, Colorado, and 75 analyses of the unaltered limestone from localities distributed over 5000 square miles. The Cu content of the samples varied but little from 3 ppm. Analyses of composites of 15 German limestones of Cretaceous age, 45 German limestones of Jurassic age, and 32 German limestones of Devonian age (Wedepohl, 1955) gave 2.-^, l-i, and l.g ppm Cu, respectively. Two limestones examined by Higazy (1954) contained 4 and 6 ppm Cu, and four unmetamorphosed Mississippian age limestones from the Hanover District, New Mexico, had 8, 17, 35, and ppm (Barnes, 1959). Shells of Area from Gaybu-Pernambuco beach contained 1.3 PPm Cu, Spirula from Praia Granda, St. Vincent, 2 ppm, a sea urchin test from Bahia beach, 25 ppm, and calcareous algal material from San Carlos, Fernando Po, I.5 ppm Cu (Wede- pohl, 1955). Itkina (1948) gave values of 0.0006, 0.00038, 0.0014, and 0.00119 per- cent Cu (average 0.00089 percent) for bituminous limestones of Carboniferous age from the Ural-Volga region. Gulyaeva and Itkina (1950) found 0.00524 and 0.00542 percent Cu in two limestones of Upper Permian age from the Tatar A.S .S.R. , and 0.02888 and 0.026 percent Cu in two dolomites. Katchenkov and Flegontova (1955) found 0.005, 0.02, 0.011, 0.002, and 0.00035 percent Cu in five of the six argil- laceous limestones of Devonian age from the Volga-Ural area they examined. Car- obbi and Pieruccini (1943) reported 7.2 ppm Cu in a limestone containing 13.71 percent Si02, 1 . 79 percent AI2O3, . 17 percent P2O5, 2. 75 percent Fe203, 2.33 percent FeO, 0.15 percent Na20, 1.34 percent K2O, 0.93 percent MgO, and 0.47 percent MnO. Malyuga (1949) found 0.005, 0.011, 0.0045, and 0.0055 percent Cu in four samples of calcareous sediment from the deeper parts of the Black Sea. The average Cu content of samples from eupelagic Atlantic core A180-75, containing on the av- erage 78 percent CaC03, was found by Turekian and Feely (1956) to be 18 ppm. See also tables 1, 3, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, and 37. Fluorine Much of the relatively small amount of F in carbonate rocks is substituted in apatite grains, in the phosphates making up bones, teeth and brachiopod shells, and in micas, clays, and hornblende (Koritnig, 1951; Correns, 1957). The bones of four freshwater fish analyzed by Vinogradov (1953), for example, contained from 0.022 to 0.043 percent F (average 0.034 percent); those of nine marine species contained from 0.043 to 1.08 percent F (average 0.43 percent). The ratio between these two averages is about that for the concentrations of F in fresh and marine waters. Bones and authigenic phosphates continue to increase their F content by reaction with the surrounding aqueous medium. Thus, horse bones of Recent age contain only 0.01 to 0.03 percent F, but those of Miocene age from Florida have F contents that group around 1.7 and 2.5 percent F (Olsen, 1950). In a number of instances where the content of minerals containing substituted F is inadequate to account for all the F in carbonate rocks, the presence of small amounts of fluorite has been verified by careful examination. Correns (1956) pointed out that the Zechstein age reef limestone of table 6 contains crystals of fluorite even though it has a low F content, and that F in such cases may have migrated within the sediment after solution of one of the fluorine- 22 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 301 bearing host minerals. Although small crystals of fluorite have been reported in the Tennessee phosphates, the crystals described by Whitlatch and Smith (1940) from phosphatic limestones there are not always in the areas of phosphate minerals, which also suggests local transport and redeposition. Scattered fluorite crystals have been noted in limestone quarries south of East St. Louis, Illinois (Schraut, 1950). Thin veinlets of fluorspar occur in the che nodules of a limestone bed in a quarry near Anna, Illinois (J. E. Lamar, personal communication). A small but more extensive vein of fluorite also was found in the same quarry. The hydrothermal fluorite- sulfide mineralization of Hardin County, Il- linois, is only about 50 miles from Anna but about 120 miles from the East St. Louis quarries. Two occurrences of sellaite, MgF2, in bituminous anhydrite-bearing dolomil at the Gebrouloz Glacier in Savoy and at Bleicherode am Harz (Koritnig, 1951; Cor- rens, 1956) are believed by Correns, because of the high solubility of MgF2, to be secondary alteration products of CaF2. A relation between fluorite deposition and algal remains is suggested by twc occurrences, both of which are in evaporite sequences. Fluorite is found in the Magnesian Limestone of Durham, England, and in algal structures (Filoirana perm- iana) from the Aislaby boring (see discussion after paper by Raymond, 1953). It also occurs in insoluble residues from Zechstein Dolomite of Permian age in north Germany that contains algal (?) grains (Koritnig, 1951), and from early Tertiary age limestones of south Germany that are made up of Lithothamnion masses (Hans Fiicht bauer, personal communication) . The amounts of fluorite that Kazakov and Sokolova (1950) were able to dis- solve in distilled water and in artificial sea water correspond to fluoride ion con- centrations roughly ten times those found in comparable waters in nature, indicatin( that fluorite precipitation could not be expected in these natural environments. Wit increasing Ca"*""'' concentration, the experimentally determined solubility of fluorite decreases because of the common ion effect; on the other hand, increasing the con centration of MgSO^ increases fluorite solubility, as does an increase of NaCl up to a point. Thus, when sea water is concentrated, these opposing effects are founc experimentally to result in a solubility minimum for fluorite, at 3X or 4X initial concentration, of about 4 mg/lF, which is about the same as the F value for sea water concentrated 4X. Calcium carbonate and calcium sulfate precipitate at some- what greater degrees of concentration, resulting in an increase in the solubility of fluorite through destruction of the common ion effect. Thus, there is a limited con- centration range in which the precipitation of fluorite in carbonate sediments might occur. If there were periodic additions of river water to a saline basin, the pos- sibility of fluorite precipitation would be enhanced because of the higher ratio of F to total dissolved solids in river water compared to ocean water. Kazakov and Sokolova obtained most of their solubility data by immersing fluorite powder in the appropriate solution and determining fluoride content in sam- ples of liquid at intervals until no further increase in fluoride concentration was observed. Some of these experiments took as much as 130 days. The usual doubts as to whether equilibrium actually was reached were partially dispelled by a few experiments with calcium-enriched systems in which the final fluoride concentratioi in the liquid phase was approached by precipitating fluorite from a supersaturated solution. Satisfactory agreement with the values obtained by solution of fluorite was reached. As Kazakov and Sokolova pointed out, many of the sedimentary occurrences of fluorite are associated with celestite and restricted to evaporite carbonate and calcium sulfate facies, as would be expected from the experimental results. Con- versely, the occurrence of disseminated fluorite in these particular rocks is a GEOCHEMISTRY OF SEDIMENTARY CARBONATES -III 23 strong argument for its sedimentary origin. Fluorite crystals found in cavities in dolomite of the Niagaran Group at Niagara Falls, Welland County, and elsewhere in southern Ontario (Wilson, 1929) bear no apparent relation to major disturbances. Celestite and fluorite, together with lesser amounts of calcite, anhydrite and gyp- sum, iron sulfide, and sphalerite line and fill solution cavities in the Guelph Dolo- mite of the Niagaran Group of Silurian age at Clay Center (Morrison, 1935) and else- where in northern Ohio (Fitzgerald and Thomas, 1932). Pustovalov (1937) found that in the cyclic sedimentary rocks of the upper Volga area fluorite was restricted to the dolomitic rocks of each cycle. Yarzhemskij (1955) correlated recrystalli- zation of dolomites in evaporite sequences with silicification and the appearance of sporadic accumulations of fluorite, celestite, and other minerals that he be- lieved were present earlier as finely disseminated particles. See also tables 19 and 34. Gallium Goldschmidt and Peters (1931) found 0.0005 percent Ga203 in Globiiertna ooze from Challenier station 332, and reported that amount or less in numerous Mesozoic age limestones studied. Shaw (1957) noted that carbonate rocks are very poor in Ga, like most other nonaluminous sedimentary rocks, and gave 4 ppm as a probable average. An aragonite-magnesite assemblage from Lake Bonneville sediments, Utah (Graf et al., 1959; unpublished data), contained 3 ppm Ga, and three samples of dolomite sediment showed 3, 4, and 2 ppm. The average difference between the Ga content of the <2^ fractions of the insoluble residues of freshwater and marine limestones examined by Degens et al. (1958) is significant at the 5 percent level, and also is clearly evident for the com- plete insoluble residues (see table 5) . The higher Ga content of the freshwater limestone is attributed ultimately to the greater abundance of Ga in fresh waters. The Ga must be combined in a relatively insoluble form, probably in the clays. Goldberg and Arrhenius (1958) were unable to detect Ga in two foraminiferal oozes, but found 13 ppm in a Globiiertna ooze (34 ppm in the residue after removal of carbonate by acid). The Ga contents found by Burton et al. (1959) for some of the samples described below in the germanium section are 17.7 and 3.7 ppm in Globiiertna oozes, 6.5, 8.5, and 5.7 ppm in deep-sea calcareous clays, 0.06 ppm in drewite, 0.02 to 0.30 (average 0.10 ppm) in eight limestones, chalks, and calcites from limestones, 0.07 ppm in a dolomite, 0.8 and 0.04 ppm in two sider- ites. Culkin and Riley (1958) measured about 0.1 ppm Ga in mollusk shells. The average proposed by Burton et al. for carbonate rocks, 0.06 ppm, is from one-for- tieth to one- seventieth of Shaw's estimate, the few values by Graf et al . , and the average value of 2. 2 ±1.2 ppm for Scottish rocks (Geol. Survey Great Britain, 1956; see table 19). Considering the Globiiertna ooze values of Burton et al. and the fact that their limestone samples are clay-poor types (chalks, oolites, calcite con- centrates), an estimate of about 2.5 ppm would seem closer to a true over-all av- erage for sedimentary carbonate rocks. See also table 5 . Germanium El Wardani (1957) reported 0.0 ppm Ge in four samples of Globiiertna ooze, three dolomites, and a limestone, using spectrophotometric determination of Ge as the phenylfluorone-germanium complex. Burton et al . (1959), using the same method as El Wardani, found from 0.14 to 0.41 ppm Ge (average 0.25 ppm) in seven mollusk shells. Three deep-sea cal- careous clays containing from 54.5 to 60.2 percent CaC03 plus MgC03 had 1.0, 24 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 301 1.0, and 0.9 ppm Ge, a pteropod ooze containing 73.5 percent carbonates showed 0.6 ppm, a Glohiterlna ooze with 92.6 percent carbonates had 0.0 ppm, and an- other Glohlierina ooze contained 1.4 ppm. A sample of fine-grained aragonite sediment (drewite) from the Bahamas contained 0.04 ppm Ge, eight limestones, chalks, and calcites from limestones had 0.03 to 0.10 (average 0.07 ppm), a dolo- mite showed 0.17 ppm, and two siderites contained 0.12 and 0.45 ppm. Ge in the calcareous oozes and muds is found entirely in the clay minerals. Burton et al. gave 0.09 ppm as an average Ge content for carbonate rocks. See also table 22 . Gold Wagoner (quoted in Clarke, 1924) found 0.005 and O.OOSs ppm Au in two marbles from California and Carrara, Italy. See also table 22. Indium Shaw (195 2), using a double-arc spectrochemical method, was unable to detect any In in a limestone, a dolomite, and a sample of Globiierina ooze. Nor was ErSmetsa (1938) able to detect In in 15 Finnish carbonates. Goldschmidt (1937) noted a concentration of In in sedimentary and hydrothermal siderite rocks. Lead Wedepohl (1956) gave an average value of 0.0009 percent Pb in limestones (table 8) and stated that the value for dolomite is of the same order of magnitude. The insoluble residue of Wedepohl's samples, averaging 10 percent of the rock, contained about a third of the total Pb. This is not surprising, for he commented that most of the Pb in sediments occurs in clays. It is also worth noting that bi- tuminous Malmkalke from Suntel, Lower Saxony, has more than twice as much Pb in the bituminous part as in the nonbituminous, and that the flint of the Cretaceous of Sylt contains more than 0.0020 percent Pb. It thus appears that the bituminous and siliceous portions of the insoluble residues may carry Pb at a concentration above that of the carbonate host. Although Wedepohl said pure biogenic calcites normally contain no more than 0.0001 percent Pb, he found that the foraminifera in deep-sea oozes contain an average of 0.016 percent Pb, the mechanism of fixation being unknown. The living matter of Echinodermata was similarly cited as containing up to 0.0021 per- cent Pb, whereas that of jellyfish contains some 0.0027 percent. It is thus pos- sible that some of the Pb fixed in biogenic carbonate rocks may have passed through an earlier stage of biogenic concentration. Patterson et al, (1953) found 0.31 ppm Pb in the dilute-acid- soluble fraction of a sample of Lomita Marl of Pleistocene age from southern California that containe( 1 .5 percent insoluble residue. The Pb composition, as atomic ratios with an as- signed absolute error of 1 percent, is Pb206/pb204 = 19.27, Pb207/pb204 = 15. 61, PJ3208/PJ3204 = 39.40. The differences between these ratios and the somewhat low- er ones observed for red clay and a manganese nodule may stem from the near off- shore depositional environment of the marl or from nonrepresentative Pb contribu- tions from the insoluble residues. The Mississippian age Leadville Limestone of Colorado contains 1 .9 ppm Pb and 0.4 ppm U, with Pb206/pb204 = 2I . 23, Pb207/pb204 = 15 . 83, and Pb208/ Pb204 = 39.33 (Engel and Patterson, 1957). The U present is insufficient to sup- GEOCHEMISTRY OF SEDIMENTARY CARBONATES -III 25 port the radiogenic Pb, and it is supposed that a separation of Pb and U took place during sedimentation. See also tables 1, 19, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, and 32. Manganese The average Mn content of 293 composite carbonate samples (10,389 spec- imens) from the post-Proterozoic rocks of the Russian Platform is 530 ppm (Ronov and Ermishkina, 1959), compared with 490 ppm for sands and silts and 580 ppm for clays. Ronov and Ermishkina made a distinction between carbonate rocks formed in humid and arid climates, because of the importance in weathering of waters rich in organic acids. The average Mn content of 3967 carbonate rocks believed to have been produced in a humid climate is 810 ppm, whereas that of 6422 samples from arid climates is 320 ppm. The amount of Mn in these samples correlates well with the amounts of Fe and of insoluble residue. However, the average value of MnO FeO + Fe203 for the carbonate rocks is 0.040, compared with a range from 0.011 to 0.024 for clays, sands and silts, and various igneous rock types, indicating some geochem- ical separation of Mn and Fe in zones of carbonate sediment accumulation. Investigations of possible source rocks for supergene Mn oxide deposits formed by weathering and chemical concentration at various localities in the United States have yielded some data on above average Mn contents in sedimentary carbon- ate rocks. Seven analyses of the upper and lower parts of the Shady Dolomite of early Cambrian age showed 0.15 to 0.87 percent Mn, and the "ribboned member" had 1.24 percent (King et al., 1944). The Shady Dolomite encountered in a drill core at Bumpass Cove, Tennessee, contained an average of 0.46 percent Mn (Rodgers, 1945). The average soluble Mn content of 15 samples of the Mount Athos Formation was 0.39 percent (Espenshade, 1954). The Fernvale Limestone of the Lower Ordovician in the Batesville district of Arkansas contains from 0.01 to 3 percent Mn (Miser, 1922). The limestone with which small, widely distributed deposits of Mn oxide are associated in southeast Utah contains 0.02 to 0.48 percent Mn (Baker et al., 195 2). An aragonite-magnesite assemblage from Lake Bonneville sediments, Utah (Graf et al., 1959; unpublished data), contained 250 ppm Mn, and three samples of dolomite sediment had 320, 350, and 250 ppm. The Mn content of seven samples of limy silt from the Black Sea was 0.04 to 0.05 percent (Strakhov, 1947). Fourteen samples of these limy silts contained from 50.37 percent to 72.47 percent CaCOg (average 58.7 percent). Five samples of sediment from the western shelf of the Caspian Sea, containing from 14.3 to 17.6 percent material insoluble in 10 percent HCl (average, 15.7 percent) and from 71.8 to 78.5 percent CaC03 (average 75.4 percent) as calculated from determined COo, had from 0.018 to 0.020 percent Mn extractable in 10 percent HCl (average 0.019 percent). Fourteen other samples from various localities in the Caspian Sea had 50.2 to 67.3 percent (average 56.6 per- cent) calculated CaCOo, 23.6 to 41.8 percent (average 32.6 percent) material in- soluble in 10 percent HCl, and 0.018 to 0.089 percent (average 0.042 percent) Mn. Of these 14 samples, the six from the section Kurinski Kamen Island — Ogurchinski Island contained from 0.044 to 0.089 percent extractable Mn (average 0.062 percent), although their average calculated CaCOj content of 57.7 percent is essentially identical with that of the other samples (Bruevich, 1946). 26 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 301 Correns (1928) reported that Mn varied directly with CaC03 in the Meteor- samples, but in the North Atlantic cores (Bramlette and Bradley, 1940) the two were found to be independent. Wangersky (1959) found that Mn in two cores from the equatorial portion of the mid-Atlantic Ridge reached very high concentrations in the zone from about 13 to 27 cm depth, and suggested that originally deposited Mn02 is converted on burial to a more soluble manganous salt and expressed up the sedi- ment column to a layer of re-oxidation and redeposition. Samples taken throughout the predominantly CaCOo core A179-4 from lati- tude 16° 36' N, longitude 74° 48' W, contain between about 0.09 percent and about 0.024 percent Mn (percent of dry sediment). No correlation exists between Mn and either Ca or the major constituents Si, Al, Fe, and Ti, but an irregular inverse re- lation with a highly significant correlation coefficient (-0.511) exists (Wangersky and Hutchinson, 1958) between the percentage of Mn and the surface temperatures determined by Emiliani (1955a, 1957) using O /O paleothermometry . Sedimentary siderites from Scania, Sweden, (Palmqvist, 1935, recalculated by Landergren, 1948) contained 2800 ppm Mn, and marine siderite ores examined by Landergren had 2600 ppm Mn. Marcelet (1913) stated that the dry matter of Corallinaceae, of which about half is ash residue, chiefly CaC03, contains up to 0.02 percent Mn. A modern Liniula anat Ina irom Ceylon consisted of 52.10 percent organic matter and 47.90 percent ash, the latter containing 0.46 percent Mn204 (Vinogradov, 195 3). Ten shells of lamellibranchs contained from 0.001 to 0.078 percent Mn in the ash (average 0.037 percent), and those of three gastropods had 0.001, 0.005, and 0.002 percent Mn (Vinogradov, 1938). Correns (1941) suggested a biological extraction of Mn from sea water into foraminiferal tests, followed by partial dissolution and release of some Mn+''' into pore water of the surface layer of the sediment. Analyses.by G.O.S. Arrhenius and his co-workers, of planktonic foraminifera (see Goldberg and Arrhenius, 1958) appear to bear this out . See also tables 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, and 37. Mercury Stock and Cucuel (1934) distilled 3.3 micrograms/100 g (0.033 ppm) of Hg from a sample of Muschelkalk from Baden. Heide and Bohm (1957), using the same method, found from 0.028 to . 1 ppm Hg (average 0.048 ppm) in 12 highly pure Muschelkalk samples. Values for clayey members of the Rot were four times as high. Fluctuations in Hg content among the Muschelkalk samples paralleled those of Zn and Cu . Molybdenum The Mo contents of 12 limestones and dolomites from the United States, determined by the colorimetric molybdenum thiocyanate method, ranged from . 1 to 1 .2 ppm with an average of 0.4 ppm (Kuroda and Sandell, 1954). Average values for dolomites and for limestones are the same. Carbonate rocks containing organic matter may be enriched in Mo. The highest value found was 1 .2 ppm, the only one above 0.5 ppm, and is for a carbonaceous limestone from Greene County, Pennsyl- vania. A sample of Globiierina ooze from the Pacific Ocean contained 3 ppm Mo (Kuroda, 1942). See also tables 22, 25, 26, 28, 30, 34, and 37. GEOCHEMISTRY OF SEDIMENTARY CARBONATES - III 27 Nickel A very pure limestone from a bore hole at Key West, Florida, containing only 0.07 percent Si02 and 0. 16 percent AI2O3 + Fe203, had 0.0009 percent Ni . A com- posite of 19 samples of limestone from 18 states and one foreign country contained 0.0011 percent Ni (Wells, 1943). The average Ni contents of the to 25, 30 to 260, and 265 to 410 cm portions of calcareous eupelagic Atlantic core A180-76 were 13, 17, and 13 ppm (Turekian, 1958). Lundegardh (1949) found that six limestones of Ordovician age from Sweden, unmetamorphosed or slightly metamorphosed, con- tained from 2 to 90 ppm Ni, with an average of 19 ppm. If the sample containing 90 ppm Ni, which has local enrichments in Fe believed to have resulted from ancient surface weathering, is ignored, the range is 2 to 10 ppm and the average 5 ppm. Katchenkov and Flegontova (1955) reported 0.005, 0.0053, 0.006, 0.001, and 0.001 percent Ni for five of the six argillaceous limestones of Devonian age from the Volga- Ural area they examined. Gulyaeva and Itkina (1950) found 0.002 percent Ni in a limestone of Upper Pennsylvanian age and 0.00142 percent Ni in a dolomite from the Tatar A.S.S.R. An aragonite-magnesite assemblage from Lake Bonneville sediments, Utah (Graf et al., 1959; unpublished data), contained 6 ppm Ni, and three samples of dolomite sediment contained 4, 6, and 3 ppm. Malyuga (1949) determined 0.0023, 0.0054, 0.0034, and 0.0032 percent Ni in four samples of calcareous sediment from the deeper parts of the Black Sea. A few lime-rich Albatross cores analyzed by Mag. Bauer for Ni (Pettersson and Rotschi, 1952) contained only a few parts per hundred thousand. The contents of Ni and Fe in the ceres, calculated on a noncalcareous basis, are about the same as in red clay. Marine siderite ores examined by Landergren (1948) contained 50 ppm Ni . See also tables 1, 3, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 35, 36, and 37. Radium, Uranium, and Thorium Sedimentary apatite contains from 50 to 300 ppm U, typically about 100 ppm, and in many limestones is the major host for U (Clarke and Altschuler, 1958). On the basis of ionic size, the U substituted for Ca in apatite should be U+^, and Clarke and Altschuler found that U"*""^ makes up a higher percentage of the total U in young and unweathered material, indicating that initially fixed U'*"'^ is oxidized to U"*"" during weathering. Surface concentrations of U observed on sedimentary apatite (see Bowie and Atkin, 1956) have been shown by Neuman et al . (1949a) to result from adsorbed uranyl ions, UO2''""'", displacing two Ca ions per uranyl ion. The extremely low syngenetic U content of typical carbonate sediments and rocks is explained by the high bicarbonate ion concentrations and the oxidizing nature of the environment in which they are typically deposited (Bell, 1956). In solutions containing carbonate and bicarbonate ions, the oxidized uranyl ion forms a relatively undissociated tricarbonate complex that may be transported long dis- tances unless reducing conditions or an environment of lowered Pqo? ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ surface is reached (Gruner, 1956). Thorium has no comparable oxidized state in such environments and so remains in the insoluble detrital fraction or is precipitated as a hydrolysate and is separated from U. Tetravalent U also forms a carbonate complex (McClaine et al., 1956). Sheldon (1959) gave a critical review of the mechanisms involved in U transport and deposition in environments of varying pH and Eh. It can be argued that phosphatic, carbonaceous, and argillaceous limestones should not contain a great deal more adsorbed U than nearly pure carbonate rocks. 28 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 301 because adsorption on clays, organic matter, and phosphates would have been in- hibited by the ionic composition of the solution. Uranium adsorption by replacement of surface Ca atoms of phosphates is found experimentally to be drastically reduced with moderate increases of Ca and bicarbonate ion in solution, because of the in- creased Ca competition for surface cation sites and because of the uranyl ion com- plexing with carbonate in solution (Neuman et al., 1949b). The reduced U adsorp- tion observed at elevated pH may be considered in part the result of competition between surface phosphate groups and hydroxy! ions. The U content of phosphor- ites and black shales drops sharply with the advent of only a few percent carbon- ate (McKelvey and Nelson, 1950). Phosphatic nodules in limestone and residual concentrates of phosphate from such limestone are in fact generally nonuraniferous, and limestones phosphatized by the leaching of guano deposits contain less than 0.01 percent U (Davidson and Atkin, 1953; McKelvey and Nelson, 1950). In gen- eral, few samples that contain more than 0.01 percent U also contain more than 3 or 4 percent CO2 (Page et al., 1956); the decrease in U with decrease in CO2 is greater than would result from mere dilution. Much of the nonphosphate U found in carbonate rocks appears to have been redistributed by ground water and in some instances by petroliferous fluids. Solid asphaltic residues coat fractures and stylolites and are distributed randomly as pellets in the dolomites of early Permian age in the Panhandle gas field, Texas, and in dolomites of the gypsiferous Seven Rivers Member of the Chalk Bluff Formation that crops out near Carlsbad, New Mexico (Bell, 1956). In some places the pellets are not uraniferous but in others they contain as much as 1 .6 percent U. According to Hail (1957), crude oil consistently has a very low U content, and the slightly higher amounts of U found in the asphalts of asphaltic limestones can be explained by concentration from loss of the lighter fractions. Anacacho Limestone of Cretaceous age from Texas contained 8.52 percent material extractable with a hot benzene-acetone-methanol mixture, and Viola Limestone of Cretaceous age from Oklahoma contained 3.18 percent. The asphalt of the Anacacho had 0.1 ppm U, and the asphalt of the Viola, 0.07 ppm. However, one of the asphalts from limestone described by Erickson et al . (1954) (see table 24) contained 150 ppm U, and a different mechanism of U concentration must be required for this material. Small lenses and nodules of chert in thin, freshwater limestone beds of the tuffaceous Browns Park (?) (Miocene) and North Park (?) (Pliocene) (?) Formations of Carbon County, Wyoming, are uraniferous, and U minerals variously reported as uranophane and carnotite coat fractures and vugs and are disseminated through the limestone. Both the silica and the U are believed to have been leached from inter- bedded vitreous volcanic sediments by ground water during conversion of these sed- iments to bentonitic clays. A similar history is postulated for the U found in thin limestone beds in the upper part of the Green River Formation near Myton, Utah (Love, 1953; Bell, 1956; Gabelman, 1956; Stephens and Bergin, 1959). Local concentrations of U at the Wyoming locality reach 1500 ppm, and those at the Utah locality reach 180 ppm. Mobility of U in the weathering zone is indicated by the disequilibrium of U and its decay products in the topmost foot of the limestone at the Miller Hill area. Carbon County, Wyoming, where radiometrically determined U is always higher than chemically determined U (Vine and Pritchard, 1959). Equilibrium is more nearly approached in the lower part of the limestone. Secondary U minerals fill cavities in marine limestones as in any other rock type, but replacement is generally not significant (Gabelman, 1956). However, GEOCHEMISTRY OF SEDIMENTARY CARBONATES - III 29 metatyuyamunite replaces both cement and oolites adjacent to fractures in oolitic limestone in Johnson County, Wyoming (Guilinger and Theobald, 1957); the rock contains from 0.017 to 0. 32 percent U and from .06 to 0.17 percent V20r . Tufa and travertine deposited by springs in the Split Rock area, Fremont and Natrona Counties, Wyoming, contain up to 180 ppm U, thought to have been deposited principally because of evaporation (Bell, 1956). Carnotite, tyuyamunite, and manganese oxides coat limestone boulders in caliche and largely fill joints and bedding planes of the Hueco Limestone of Permian age in El Paso and Hudspeth Counties, Texas. The radiometrically determined Th and U contents of composites of several thousand carbonate rock samples from the Russian Platform (Baranov et al., 1956) are given in table 9. The bulk of the Th occurs in the insoluble residue, as shown by the correlation between high Th values and high insoluble residue percentages. High Th concentrations correspond to periods when the carbonate sediments were receiving increased amounts of terrigenous detritus. U, on the contrary, is trans- ported in solution and its concentration is thus more nearly constant in these sam- ples. Baranov et al . noted some U enrichment in carbonate samples high in organic matter. Adams and Weaver (1958) determined U fluorimetrically, made total alpha counts, and used a scintillation counter to discriminate between the 1 .76 Mev gamma rays from the U series, 1.47 Mev from K^'^, and 2.62 Mev from the Th series. The U, Th, and Th/U values obtained indicate that fairly well consolidated, unweathered sedimentary rocks that do not have large amounts of pore water that can dissolve oxygen and emanation will be in secular radioactive equilibrium. The results given in table 10 incorporate earlier determinations made by Evans and Goodman (1941) and Breger (1955) using the emanation method and cited by Adams and Weaver. There is a generally good correlation between the percentage of insoluble residue and the percentage of Th, in spite of the fact that some residues consist of low-thorium anhydrite and chert. The Russian Platform samples have a higher average Th content but also a higher insoluble residue content than the North American samples. A positive correlation exists between Zr and Th in eight of Adams and Weaver's sam- ples for which Zr was determined. The percentage of total U found in the acid-soluble fractions ranges from 50 to 80 in these samples, averaging close to 80 percent. There is a fair correlation between ppm U in the insoluble residue and the percentage of insoluble residue, indicating a typical U content of about 4.5 ppm in the insoluble fraction. Essentially none of the U contained in accessory illite and only about 10 percent of that in mont- morillonite is leached during the acid treatment, judging from analogous acid-leach- ing tests of samples of clays obtained from shales. The lithogenous contribution of radioactivity is shown to be unimportant in Pacific pelagic sediments by the fact that most of the ionium (Th^^*-') is not U-sup- ported (see Arrhenius and Goldberg, 1955). Furthermore, the contribution of radio- elements by biogenic CaC03 is much less important than that from hydrogenous materials. The shell material in a Pacific mud sample examined by Evans et al . (1938) contained only a small amount of the total Ra content of the sample. Core Capricorn 39 BG with some 70 percent CaC03 had a beta-activity based upon its CaC03-free weight that was equivalent to that of adjacent carbonate-free pelagic clays . The surface water at 124° 41 .0' W, and 33° 54.5' N, contained five per- cent or less of the equilibrium amount of ionium, and a sample from a depth of 3500 meters had less than 1 percent (Sackett et al., 1958). The result? for the deep-water 30 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 301 sample agree with those Koczy et al. (1957) found for samples of coastal water col- lected in the Skagerak and GuUmerfjord. Not only ionium but apparently also Pa^^l or Kc^ , or both, are precipitated with the Pacific sediments, for the Th^^^ con- centration in the surface and deep-water samples is also below its equilibrium con- centration with respect to u235_ Suggested scavengers responsible for the concentr tion of unsupported ionium in the pelagic sediments include ferric hydroxide (Pet- tersson, 1953), manganese oxides (Goldberg, 1954), precipitated aluminosilicates (Arrhenius and Goldberg, 1955), and the microcrystalline apatite of bathypeiagic fish debris (Arrhenius et al . , 1957). The Th^^O/Th^^^ ratios of 12 bottom samples from the eastern Pacific anal- yzed by Goldberg and Koide (1958) fall into two geographical groups having typical ratios of 15 and 35. They believed that the overlying water masses in the two areas will show a similar ratio difference. In 10 of 12 East Pacific cores, the ratio Th230^ Th232 decreases exponentially with depth. Coral limestone core samples taken from depths down to 200 feet from Eni- wetok Atoll have been analyzed for U fluorimetrically and for ionium by thenoyltri- fluoroacetone extraction of total Th followed by pulse analysis of alpha-activity in the separated Th (Barnes et al . , 1955, 1956; Sackett, 1958). Uranium in core F-1 varies between 2.9 and 5.5 ppm, with an average of 3.95 ppm; in core E-1, U varies from 0.64 to 3.92 ppm, with an average of 2.4 ppm. Ionium is less than 10~" ppm near the surface, reaches (in core E-1) 4 x 10"^ ppm at 100 feet, de- creases to 2 X 10"^ ppm, and then increases again to more than 4 x 10"^ ppm at 180 feet. The uranium and ionium reported are the acid- soluble amounts, which are assumed to be essentially total amounts because the acid-insoluble material, mainly silica, is never more than 1 percent of the rock. Newly deposited coral limestone at Eniwetok contains less than 1 percent of the ionium needed for secular equilibrium. Near- surface limestones contain less than 10 percent of that amount. At 180 to 190 feet in core E-1 the figure is 85 per- cent, and at 180 to 190 feet in core F-1 it is 108 + 9 percent. Ionium-poor sea water is left for corals and other CaC03-forming organisms to draw upon after most of the ionium has been coprecipitated elsewhere in pelagic sediments. With con- tinued formation of ionium in the coral limestone as a result of the radioactive de- cay of U, the equilibrium concentration of ionium is gradually approached. Sackett found the U content of 1 1 coral limestone samples consisting prin- cipally of aragonite ranged from 1.05 to 3.46 ppm (average 2.4 ppm), whereas eight samples made up of calcite or calcite and dolomite ranged from 0.17 to 0.67 ppm, except for one value of 3 . 1 ppm (over-all average 0.7 ppm). The large change in U concentration that apparently occurs with recrystallization is not accompanied by a corresponding change in Th concentration. The Th232 \^^ 22 assorted core samples ranged from 0.009 to 0.13 ppm (average 0.054 ppm), corresponding to a range of Th232/u238 ratios from 0.002 to 0.07 (average 0.02). In checking the Th228 conten of coral limestones, in connection with the use of Th228 tracer to determine the yield of the chemical extraction process, a sample from 110 to 120 feet in core F-1 was found to have less than 2.33 x lO"-'--'- ppm Th228_ Sackett pointed out that the U/Ca ratios of most of the aragonitic materials are within plus or minus 20 percent of the atomic ratio of these materials in sea water, obtained using values of 0.40 g/1 for Ca and 3.0 x 10"^ g/1 for U. However, a biological control is suggested by the low U values for the aragonitic clam Tri- dacna and for the aragonitic algal CaC03 in table 1 1 . U/Ca ratios greater than those of sea water are thought to result from the presence of phosphatic fossils or, in porous material such as coral, perhaps from later exchange with ocean water. GEOCHEMISTRY OF SEDIMENTARY CARBONATES - III 31 Unlike the marine deposits, newly deposited tufa is not ionium-free. Eack- ett observed an ionium activity of 0.45 disintegrations per minute per gram in a currently forming tufa having a C-'-'^ age estimated as less than 50 years. This sam- ple also contained more than 100 times the Th228 th^t could be supported by the grandparent Th^"^^^ xhe excess Th^^S ^^g believed to have grown in from Ra^^S^ which has a half-life of only 6.7 years and was presumably transported in solution by streams to the lake and coprecipitated with the CaC03. The Ra content of sea water is only about 10 percent of the amount required for secular equilibrium with the U present (see review in Bernert, 1951), but is far in excess of that which can be supported by the ionium in sea water (Koczy et al., 1957; Sackett et al., 1958). The Ra deficiency relative to U results from the above- discussed precipitation of its parent, ionium. Pettersson (see Bernert, 1951) pre- dicted that the Ra content of deep-sea sediments should build up with depth until it is in radioactive equilibrium with the ionium present and then decrease with the gradual disappearance of ionium until only the small amount of Ra in equilibrium with U remained. Piggott and Urry (1941), Urry (1949), and Bernert (1951) calcula- ted sedimentation rates based upon this model. The excess of Ra in sea water relative to ionium suggests that Ra originating from ionium in the sediments is being redissolved (Sackett et al., 1958). Arrhenius and Goldberg (1955) showed that redistribution of ionium- supported radium by dif- fusion through the interstitial solution of the sediments occurred, followed by scav- enging by the authigenic zeolite phillipsite. The concentrations of Ra found in Globiierinn oozes (see Hamaguti, 1938, 1939; Piggott and Urry, 1939; Kroll, 1955) range from 1.15 to 8.25 x lO'l^ g Ra/ g. Averaging these values is pointless, because of the variation of Ra concentra- tion with depth in response to ionium and U concentrations. Of the limestones examined by Bell et al. (1940), the shaly ones contained the most Ra. All of these limestones were over one million years old and the Ra was in radioactive equilibrium with U. The Ra actually found in the Austin and Selma Chalks of Upper Cretaceous age by Breger (1955), when increased by the Ra equivalent of the determined radon loss, deviates at most 11 ± 4 percent from the- oretical Ra for the U found, indicating that the samples are in radioactive equilib- rium. See also tables 12, 22, and 24. Rare Earths A sample of Todilto Limestone from sec. 30, T. 13 N., R. 9 W., New Mex- ico, contained 0.0033 percent total rare earth oxides (Irving Breger, personal communication; Harry Levine and Irving May, analysts). Spectrographic analysis of a chemical concentrate of the rare earths gave, in percentage of the original rock, Y, 0.00130; Ce, 0.00100; La, 0.00060; Nd. 0.00030; Pr, 0.00010; Sc, 0.00002; Sm, 0.00008; Gd, 0.00006; Dy, 0.00004; Ho, 0.00001; Er, 0.00005; Tm, 0.00001; and Yb, 0.00001 percent. The limestone was of high purity, contain- ing only (semi-quantitative estimates) 0.5 to 1.0 percent Si, 0.1 to 0.5 percent Al, 0.1 to 0.5 percent Mg, 0.05 to 0.1 percent Fe, and 0.01 to 0,05 percent Na (C. L. Waring and K. E. Valentine, analysts). Sahama (1945) reported 0.001 percent La203, 0.004 percent Ce02, 0.001 percent YnOo, and 0.0001 percent SC2O3 in a dolomite from southern Finnish Lap- land, but it is not clear whether the rock has undergone metamorphism. Eberle and Lerner (1955) found 0.006 percent Sc in a limestone residue and in a carbonate residue, and Goldschmidt and Peters (1931b) reported 3 ppm Sc in Globlierina ooze. See also tables 1 and 19. 32 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 301 Selenium The Se content of carbonate rocks from the western United States appears to vary with the amount of organic matter present although not all carbonaceous rocks are Se-rich. It also seems to be independent of clay and phosphate content (Beath etal., 1937; Knight and Beath, 1937; Beath et al . , 1939). Lighter colored phos- phate rock contains less Se than the darker, confirming the importance of organic matter. Se concentrations are observed in limonite concretions from the Niobrara Formation (table 13), but those from the Steele and other formations are not partic- ularly Se-rich (see Goldschmidt, 1937, on the concentration of Se in sedimentary iron ores). The Se in the limonite concretions must be a secondary accumulation, but it is possible that Se in organic matter was concentrated by plants analogous to those that concentrate Se today. The Se contents of six high-carbonate samples from Bartlett Deep cores (Edgington and Byers, 1942) were all less than 0.08 ppm, and similar samples from North Atlantic cores typically contained 0.1 or 0.2 ppm Se. Silver Wagoner (quoted in Clarke, 1924) reported 0.2 ppm Ag in two marbles from California and Carrara, Italy. Higazy (1954) reported 1 and 4 ppm Ag in two limestones that he examined. See also tables 22, 27, 28, and 30. Strontium Most of the Sr introduced into carbonate sediments is substituted for Ca in calcite and, more especially, aragonite . Smaller amounts precipitate as SrS04 in environments of evaporite deposition. H. C. W. Skinner (personal communica- tion) reported that small percentages of celestite occur in the chemical precipitate of dolomite and magnesian calcite being formed today in certain shallow lakes of South Australia. Odum (1950, 1951a) confirmed by X-ray diffraction the presence of celestite reported, on the basis of optical and chemical tests, in the skeletons of some Acantharian radiolaria (see literature review by Vinogradov, 1953, for ex- ample) . As Odum pointed out, however, the skeletons are quantitatively insignifi- cant as sources of Sr. Not only pure celestite, but also solid solutions of SrSO^ with BaSO. occur in sedimentary rocks (Grahmann, 1920; Dragunov and Katchen- kov, 1953). The distribution of most of the celestite found in carbonate rocks, like that of barite, suggests secondary redistribution. It occurs as nodular masses, coatings on cavern walls, in geodes, and as replacing bodies containing masses of unaltered or slightly altered limestone (Phalen, 1914; Evans, 1946a). Less clear is the dis- tribution in rocks like the members of the Peacock Formation of late Permian age in Nolan County, Texas (Evans, 1946a), that contain considerable celestite dissemin- ated as individual grains in the carbonate rock as well as roughly alternating bands of celestite and dolomite in some places. As much as 0.1 percent celestite is found in the Rot near Jena, in the lowest gypsum and in the Rhizocorallum Dolomite, occurring as 0.1 to 0.5 mm grains in the rock and as crystals on the walls of cavities from which fossils have been dis- solved out (Kalkowsky, 1921). At a number of localities in New York, Ohio, and Michigan, disseminated crystals and small circular spots of celestite occur in typ- ical fine-grained Bass Island Dolomite of Silurian age that is devoid of fossils and GEOCHEMISTRY OF SEDIMENTARY CARBONATES - III 33 is part of an evaporite sequence containing salt and anhydrite beds (Kraus, 1904, 1905; Kraus and Hunt, 1906). Cavities with smooth faces are left when the celes- tite crystals are removed. The crystals are not vug fillings, but are believed to have formed when the rest of the rock had not yet solidified. One such compact dolomite contains 14.3 percent celestite (analysis 86, Part IV). At Maybee, Michigan, and Put-in-Bay, Ohio, much of the celestite has been dissolved away, leaving charac- teristic casts. It apparently was redeposited, together with gypsum and native sul- fur, in its present position, partially filling open spaces in lower lying cavernous beds (see also Morrison, 1935). Vinogradov and Borovik-Romanova (1945), on the basis of analyses of a dolo- mite-anhydrite sequence from Kazan, suggested that Sr is concentrated toward the top of a carbonate layer and in anhydrite. Sr increases to an average of 2.57 per- cent in 29 samples of the dolomites and anhydrites of the celestite-containing Low- er Kungur beds of early Permian age from the Buguruslan region (Katchenkov, 1952), compared with averages ranging from 0.003 to 0.65 percent in adjoining beds. The occurrence of redistributed celestite is not limited to dolomites. Cel- estite has been observed as a coarsely granular replacement of a pelletal calcite mudstone of the Calciferous Sandstone Series of Carboniferous age. North Berwick, East Lothian, Scotland (Geol. Survey Great Britain, 1956). The rock contains as much as 25 percent of material insoluble in cold dilute HCl, practically all of it celestite. Knopf (1918) described a recrystallized Miocene age limestone from near Barstow, California, containing some strontianite and a minor amount of celestite as a microscopic constituent. The specimen, which analyzed 39.5 percent CaO and 12.9 percent SrO, is apparently not typical, for the marls and algal limestones that occur in similar lacustrine evaporite series in California do not carry obvious amounts of Sr minerals, even though there may be actual strontianite or celestite beds a short stratigraphic distance away (Durrell, 1953). Crandallite, a hydrated Ca-Al phosphate of the alunite structural type that is formed in the soil profile and elsewhere during weathering by the interaction of phosphatic solutions with argillaceous limestones, acts as a scavenger for the concentration of Sr (Frondel, 1958). The Sr content of 49 clams of Recent age examined ranged from 660 to 5000 ppm, average 1570 ppm, and that of 47 Recent age snails from 860 to 27 00 ppm, average 1390 ppm (Turekian and Armstrong, in press). For these mollusks, Turekian and Armstrong concluded that the particular genus is more important in defining Sr content than is the calcite/aragonite ratio. Thompson and Chow (1955) determined by flame photometry the Sr/Ca ratio for cleaned, air-dried skeletons of some 250 modern carbonate-secreting marine organisms. The results, summarized in table 14, are thus for varied mixtures of organic material and carbonate skeleton. The Sr/Ca atom ratios vary from 1 . to 11 X 10~3 and are less than Thompson and Chow's value for sea water, 8.9 x 10"^ (Odum, 1951a, gives 9.23 x 10"^), except for the Hudi'branchia and Madreporaria . Variations in the ratio are according to phylogenetic classification, with the qualifi- cation that aragonitic material generally has a higher ratio than calcite (table 15). Salinity of sea water did not affect the ratio; Chow and Thompson (1955a, 1955b) showed that various sea waters have a constant ratio between Sr and chlorinity, and Ca and chlorinity, so that the Sr/Ca ratio of the water should be constant re- gardless of salinity. They found no evidence of seasonal fluctuation or variation with the age of the organism (see also Kulp, Turekian, and Boyd, 1952). Data on similar modern faunas from arctic and equatorial marine waters show that the tem- perature of the sea water changes the ratio only insofar as it may lead to a change 34 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 301 in the CaC03 polymorph secreted by the organism (see also Kulp, Turekian, and Boyd, 1952; Odum, 1957; Lowenstam, 1954a). Lowenstam (1954a) showed that the percentage of SrC03 in the skeletal carbonate of the Serpulidae is directly pro- portional to the percentage of aragonite in these materials. Odum's experiments (1950, 1951a) in which snails (Physa) were grown in environments of varying Sr and Ca concentrations showed that the Sr/Ca ratio in the shells of these mollusks, made up of a mixture of aragonite and strontianite crystals rather than a solid solution, is proportional to the Sr/Ca ratio in the en- vironmental water over a range of 10,000 units of Sr/Ca. A plot of the Sr/Ca ratios of aragonitic mollusks against the Sr/Ca of natural waters also yields a straight line (Odum, 1950). This proportionality is the self-regulating mechanism (Odum, 1951b) that has acted to stabilize the Sr geochemical cycle and maintain the Sr/ Ca ratio of the ocean at about the same order of magnitude since at least early Paleozoic time, as indicated by similar Sr/Ca ratios in fossils and their modern taxonomic counterparts. Analyses by Odum of six modern Venus clams from the same mudflat showed 35 percent variance in the Sr/Ca ratio, so significant varia- tion in comparing Sr/Ca values of fossils with those of modern counterparts must be at least outside the range 65 to 135 percent. Of some 26 Sr/Ca values for fos- sils sealed in shale or asphalt, only two fell outside the range, and these, 55 and 62 percent, were just below it. Aragonitic nautiloids from an asphalt deposit of Pennsylvanian age in Oklahoma had Sr/Ca values that were 92 percent of those of comparable modern forms; brachiopods of Ordovician and Devonian age had values of 80 to 105 percent. Odum (1957) showed that organisms with rapid circulatory and efficiently functioning excretory systems, and little or no tissue separating the calcification surface from the sea, have the lowest steady state Sr/Ca concentrations in the media around the calcification site and consequently the lowest Sr/Ca ratios. Organisms of today deposit a higher proportion of aragonite relative to cal- cite than those of Paleozoic time, which should lead to an enhanced Sr/Ca content in marine sediments, other things being equal. Murray (1954) showed that Sr was one of several elements that enhanced the formation of aragonite from solution rel- ative to that of calcite. Turekian and Kulp (1956) emphasized the suggestion of Trueman (1942) that the abundance of Sr in an environment might determine whether calcite or aragonite would be the preferred form. Such is certainly not always the case, as Odum (1950) pointed out, for freshwater moUusk shells with low Sr/Ca ratios are aragonitic. There is little or no overlap in the ranges of Sr/Ca values found for marine versus freshwater aragonitic pelecypods, gastropods, calcific algae, and decapods (Odum, 1957). Therefore, Sr/Ca ratios of diagenetically unaltered fossil skeletal material can be used to determine whether the organisms grew in marine (or saline lake) waters or in fresh water. The Sr/Ca ratio would be expected to rise with con- tinued inflow into basins having high evaporation to outflow ratios, and, indeed, high Sr/Ca ratios are noted by Odum for skeletal material from such lakes (table 17). Diagenesis decreases the Sr/Ca ratio of fossil carbonate, and the difference between the ratios for matrix and for skeleton in a given rock should be a measure of the amount of alteration. Kulp, Turekian, and Boyd (1952) analyzed 153 carbonate rocks spectrograph- ically and obtained an over-all average of Sr/Ca = 0.71 x 10~3 (table 18). The Sr content of fossils was found to vary greatly, but they generally contained twice as much Sr as the surrounding carbonate matrix, a result attributed both to the' probable presence of some inorganic, low-Sr carbonate in the matrix and to more rapid Sr GEOCHEMISTRY OF SEDIMENTARY CARBONATES III 35 loss from the finer grained matrix because of more rapid aragonite-to-calcite trans- formation of fossil fragments. Goldberg (1957) stated that CaCOj inorganically precipitated from sea water is aragonite with a Sr/Ca ratio greater than that of sea water. According to Goldberg, recrystallization of fossils, the great majority of which originally have a Sr/Ca ratio less than that of sea water, should lead to lowered Sr/Ca values only if it takes place in nonmarine waters of reduced Sr/Ca ratios . The progressively lower Sr contents of calcites from the basin, forereef, and backreef areas of the Steinplatte reef complex of Austria, 380 to 1570, 150 to 420, and 60 to 150 ppm Sr, respectively, were attributed by Sternberg et al . (1959) to more thorough recrystallization away from the basin. Kulp, Turekian, and Boyd (1952) detected no trend of Sr/Ca values with geologic age in analyses of 63 North American carbonate rocks ranging in age from Precambrian to Tertiary, because variable amounts of recrystallization apparently had taken place in rocks of the same age. However, the analyses of carbonate rocks from the Russian Platform (Vinogradov et al., 1952) (fig. 2) showed a definite de- crease in Ca/Sr ratios from the Permian to the Tertiary, which would suggest that Sr lost from fossils during recrystallization is in general not retained locally as cel- estite, and that the number of samples taken (some 3600) was sufficient for obtain- ing a statistically valid increase in the amount of recrystallization with geologic time. Examination of the plots of the percentage of CaS04 and that of Sr (fig. 3) show that the high post-Permian values are unrelated to chemically precipitated celestite associated with anhydrite (and evaporite dolomite), as appears to be the 5000 3000 Co Sr 2000 1000 510 Cm I S| 430 S2 iDilD^ilJc, ICalCjiPi IP2I T Hj ICnlCrzi Tr | — 310 — 275 225 150 70 ABSOLUTE TIME IN MILLIONS OF YEARS Fig. 2 - Variation with time of the Ca:Sr ratio in carbonate rocks of the Russian Platform (Vinogradov et al . , 1952), based on 94 composite analyses of 3563 samples. 36 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 301 case with the early Permian and some of the Devonian Sr maxima. The latter maxima coincide with several of the pre-Mesozoic points for samples in figure 2 that fall below the apparent general trend line and illustrate the inability of a simple Ca/Sr ratio to depict a situation in which Sr is being contributed in two different forms, one quite independent of the carbonate crystal structure, and in which Ca is present both as calcite and anhydrite. The additional criticism may be made that the value of Ca should be increased by an amount corresponding in mol percent to the Mg present in dolomite. For both evaporite dolomite and replacive dolomite the impor- tant quantity to be measured is the amount of carbonate mineral formed concurrently with the original Sr deposition. The use of a (Ca + Mg)/Sr ratio would have improv- ed the quality of the fit of the points in figure 2 to a straight line. Dolomites apparently may contain either less or more Sr than limestones, depending upon whether celestite is present. Stout's analyses of Ohio dolomites (1941) showed a bimodal Sr distribution in which the low-Sr dolomites have no cel- estite and the high-Sr ones do (Odum, 1950). Scotch dolomites contain markedly less Sr than Scotch limestones (table 19). Kulp, Turekian, and Boyd (1952), on the other hand, found a fair positive correlation between the percentage of Sr and that of Mg in Indiana limestones. The abundance of Sr°7 is increasing with geologic time because of the decay of Rb^^ (see Tilton and Davis, 1959). Wickman (1948) proposed that the Sr87 con- tent of marine carbonates and shells, which quite effectively reject Rb and take Sr 0.14 - 28 0.12 0.08 0.06 0.02 >- ABSOLUTE TIME IN MILLIONS OF YEARS Fig. 3 - Variation with time of the CaC04 and Sr contents of carbonate rocks of the Russian Platform (Vinogradov et al . , 1952), based on 97 composite analyses of 3659 samples. GEOCHEMISTRY OF SEDIMENTARY CARBONATES - III 37 into solid solution, be used to measure their geologic age. Cast (1955) gave prob- able Sr^Vsr^^ values ranging from 0.1206 to 0.1213 for four limestones, but did not cite his absolute values for Sr^VSr^^ and Sr^VSr^^. Ewald et al. (1956) re- ported Sr^Vsr^^ values of 0.1195 and 0.1196 for limestones of Cambrian and De- vonian age; the Sr^^/sr^G ratios given were 4. 86 ± 0.90 and 3,00± 1 ,10, respec- tively. Interpretation of these results is complicated by isotopic fractionation dur- ing the mass spectrometric analysis. Cast concluded that the Sr^^ increase with time was too slight to permit accurate measurement. Ewald et al . found that the ages obtained were always greater than the geologic ages of the samples. See tables 1, 16, 19, 23, 26, 27, 28, 30, and 31. Thallium A limestone and a dolomite examined spectrochemically by Shaw (1952) con- tained less than 0.05 ppm Tl. A sample of Globiierina ooze from 02° 44' S, 92° 45' W showed 0,16 ppm. Tin A limestone from Mansjo, Sweden, examined by Higazy (1954), contained 10 ppm Sn. Wedepohl (1955) found 3 to 5 ppm Sn in composites of 93 German lime- stones, 0.8 ppm in a specimen oi Area from the beach at Gaybu-Pernambuco, 2.6 ppm in a sea-urchin test from the beach at Bahia, 0,7 ppm in calcareous algal ma- terial from the beach at San Carlos, Fernando Po, See also tables 19, 22, 28, 29, and 30, Titanium The average Ti content, on a carbonate-free basis, for Meteor samples con- taining 50 to 60 percent CaCOo is 0,74 percent (estimated from graph in Correns, 1941). Samples with 60 to 70 percent CaCO^ contained 0.87 percent Ti, those with 70 to 80 percent CaCOo showed 0.59 percent, and those having more than 80 percent CaC03 had 0.61 percent Ti, indicating that the Ti percentage is independent of CaC03 content. The over-all average for 178 Meteor samples, on a carbonate- free basis, is 0.70 percent. Titanium is concentrated mostly in the coarser frac- tions, and is capable of migration, as is shown by the formation of authigenic anatase. Even when the organic silica diluent as well as the carbonate content is calculated out, the percentage of Ti fluctuates markedly both laterally and vertically in these samples, which suggested to Correns differences in vulcanism or in climate and consequently in weathering processes during glacial time. The Ti content of Pacific pelagic sediments decreases away from the Hawaiian Islands basaltic pyroclastic source (Goldberg and Arrhenius, 1958). Ti occurs in these sediments principally in augite. An aragonite-magnesite assemblage from Lake Bonneville sediments, Utah (Graf et al . , 1959; unpublished data), contained 360 ppm Ti, and three samples of dolomite sediment contained 370, 450, and 330 ppm. The average Ti content of 22 limestones from the northern Tuscan Appenines was 264 ppm (Pieruccini, 1951). Marine siderite ores examined by Landergren (1948) contained 2000 ppm Ti . Noddack and Noddack found only 1 to 8 mg Ti per ton in sea animals. See also tables 1, 22, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, and 35. 38 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 301 Tungsten Jeffery (1959) found 0.2, 0.6, 0.4, and 0.7 ppm W in four sedimentary limestones from Uganda, 0.5 ppm in a calcite derived secondarily from a carbon- atite. Vanadium Fragmentary information is available about certain mechanisms involved in the sedimentary geochemical cycle of V, but it has not yet been possible to eval- uate their quantitative importance in the total cycle. V is concentrated in the blood of some ascidians and holothurians, and is carried in petroleum as a porphyrin com- plex. Evidence for a positive correlation between V and organic matter in carbonate rocks is conflicting. Le Riche (1959) found such a correlation for shale and argil- laceous limestones of the Lower Lias of southern England, but demonstrated by detailed study of one of the samples that the V was associated with clay minerals. He suggested that V might have been transferred to the clay from organic matter. Hillebrand (1900) found 0.004 percent V2O5 in a composite of 498 carbonate building stones. Two dolomites from Broken Hill, Rhodesia, had 3 and 5 ppm V (Taylor, 1954), and Higazy (1954) found 6 and 10 ppm V in limestones from Uganda and Sweden, respectively. An aragonite-magnesite assemblage from Lake Bonne- ville sediments, Utah (Graf et al . , 1959; unpublished data), contained 13 ppm V, and three samples of dolomite sediment had 12, 15, and 10 ppm. Anosov and Chukrov (1948) reported an average of 0.0034 percent V20r in the "carbonate rocks" associated with ore deposits in central Kazakhstan. Katchenkov and Flegontova (1955) detected 0.014, 0.001, and 0.0001 percent V in three of six Devonian argil- laceous limestones from the Volga-Ural area they examined. Jost (1932) used a potentiometric titration method and reported <0.001 percent V in 29 of the 30 lime- stones he examined. A marl from the Hauptbleiglanzbank of the Gipskeuper at Eutendorf had 0.0036 percent V. Fersmann (1929) reported 0.0022 percent V2O5 in a limestone from Tyuya-Muyun, Turkestan, containing 0.28 percent insoluble resi- due, 0.0011 percent V2O5 in calcite from the same place, 0.0039 percent V2OC in bituminous calcite from the same place, and 0.0101 percent V20q in a bituminous limestone from Aravan. All of the V20r in Fersmann' s first sample remained in the acid-insoluble fraction, and is presumed to have been in clay minerals. An enhanced V content in bituminous carbonate rocks is also shown by Jost's analyses of thin, dark, very argillaceous limestones that occur interlayered in the Lias near Reutlingen. Five samples contained . 0048, 0.0025, 0.0026, 0.0016, and 0.0012 percent V. There is a fair correlation for these samples between the percent of V and weight loss on heating, but not between the percentage of V and the percentage of ignited HCl-insoluble residue, which suggests that the V is as- sociated with organic matter rather than with clay minerals. Bituminous limestones and dolomites from the Urals and the near-Volga area examined by Romm (1946) contained from 18 to 119 ppm V, whereas nonbituminous carbonate rocks had, at most, only a trace of V. Seven Paleogenic limestones from North Ferghana contained from <1 to 5350 ppm V (Proshliakov, 1958). Stylolitic fillings and hard bitumens in the rocks showed from 40 to 27, 300 ppm V, and in only one case was the V in the rock as a whole more concentrated than that in the filling. Small, black, acicular, V-containing crystals are reported to occur in the bitumen. There is no apparent relation between the amounts of V and of insoluble residue, but fairly positive correlations are shown between V and sulfide sulfur and between V and total organic matter. The residue GEOCHEMISTRY OF SEDIMENTARY CARBONATES - III 39 obtained on evaporation of ground water from oxidized, bitumen-free rocks in this area contains thousandths to hundredths of a percent V; almost no V (<0.001 per- cent) is observed in the residue from waters traversing unoxidized gray rocks. The sedimentary siderite ores described by Landergren (1948) contained an average of 70 ppm V. The V content of Pacific pelagic sediments decreases away from the Hawaiian Islands basaltic pyroclastic source (Goldberg and Arrhenius, 1958). V occurs in these sediments in magnetite, ilmenite, and ferromagnesian minerals. See also tables 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 30, 34, 36, and 37. Zinc Wedepohl computed an average Zn value of 0.0024 percent from values ob- tained for limestones of the Muschelkalk in the vicinity of GSttingen (Wedepohl, 1953) and Jena (Heide and Singer, 1950). The only skeletal material of those listed in table 20 to have a striking Zn content is the sample of Globiierina tests. Enrichment of Zn by plants is striking; coal ashes may contain 1 to 2 per- cent Zn and ashes of various recent plants may have 0.5 to 1.0 percent Zn. Clay minerals, in which the Zn is readily accommodated in interlayer positions, and plant residues are likely hosts for Zn in impure limestones. See also tables 1, 22, 26, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, and 34. Zirconium and Hafnium The Zr content of eight limestones and dolomites analyzed by Adams and Weaver (1958) ranged from 20 to 340 ppm (average 145 ppm). The insoluble residue ranged from 0.7 to 54 percent (average 11.9 percent) and there was a positive cor- relation between the percentage of Zr and the percentage of insoluble residue. How- ever, if a similar plot is made for the much larger number of sedimentary and meta- morphic carbonate rock analyses given by the Geological Survey of Great Britain (1956), there is a very wide scatter of points. Only the region of high Zr content and low insoluble residue percentage is essentially free of points, for example, Zr contents greater than 25 ppm at percent HCl-insoluble, greater than 85 ppm at 10 percent, and greater than 150 ppm at 20 percent. Degenhardt (1957) determined Zr colorimetrically with Alizarin-S and com- puted 19 ppm as the average Zr content of limestones, 17 ppm for dolomites. The entire Zr content of carbonate rocks generally is found in the insoluble residue in the clay minerals, as zircon relicts, and in Zr-bearing rutile, sphene, apatite, magnetite, ilmenite, and amphiboles and pyroxenes. However, the oolitic lime- stone from Auschnippetal and the Korallenoolith from Freden (table 21), which con- tain 1 ppm and 0.5 ppm, respectively, of Zr soluble in 0.2 N HCl, also contain appreciable amounts of iron oxide with which the Zr is believed to have been ad- sorptively bound. The amount of Zr in marine organisms is related by Degenhardt to the amount of Fe they contain. The Zr content of the two Globiierina oozes varies directly with the amount of acid-insoluble residue. The Hf contents of these materials is very slight and within the limits of errors of determination. See also tables 19 and 23. 40 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 301 THE ABUNDANCE OF MINOR ELEMENTS Rankama and Sahama (1950) and Krauskopf (1955) made estimates of the av- erage abundance of minor elements in carbonate rocks. Their values together with a set based upon the information contained in this circular are presented in table 38. These estimates are, of course, highly subjective, because for only a few elements such as Sr, Th, and U is sufficient information available to allow even the most rudimentary statistical analysis. Evaluation of the various analysts and analytical techniques also is very difficult. Some of the emission spectrographic results for V may be high because of the vanadium-calcium line coincidence recently discussed by Shaw (1958) and by Scott and Swaine (1959). The concentrations of most of the elements vary with the purity of carbonate rock concerned, and no good estimate of the relative abundances of various impure carbonate rock types is avail- able to permit the weighting of an average abundance properly. In spite of these difficulties, there are a number of encouraging agreements between workers studying the distribution of the same element in sample suites from different local areas. Willett (1950), the Geological Survey of Great Britain (1956), and Ronov (1956) examined carbonate rocks from New Zealand, Scotland, and the Russian Platform, respectively, and found the same average Co concentration, 4.3 ppm. The Scottish rocks contain an average of 420 ppm Sr, the Russian ones 480 ppm, those from eastern Kansas (Runnels and Schleicher, 1956) 490 ppm, and a suite of limestones from the Pennsylvanian of Illinois (Ostrom, 1957) 490 ppm. Degenhardt (1957) found for German samples an average value of 19 ppm Zr in lime- stones and 17 ppm in dolomites, and the Geological Survey of Great Britain found the Scotch rocks contained an average of 16 ±3 ppm Zr. The agreement between the values for U and Th in carbonate rocks from the Russian Platform and the United States (tables 9 and 10) is excellent, especially as the somewhat greater Th con- tent of the Russian rocks correlates with a higher insoluble residue content. The average values for Ni of the sample sets from Scotland, the Russian Platform, eastern Kansas, and the Pennsylvanian of Illinois (1 1 ± 1, 7.5, 9.0, and 17 ±0.9 ppm) lead to an over-all estimate of 12 ± 5 ppm. Shaw's (1957) estimated average of 4 ppm Ga in carbonate rocks is support- ed by the average value of 2.2 ±1.2 ppm found for the Scottish rocks. The rocks from the Russian Platform contain an average of 440 ppm CI, compared with a fig- ure of about 480 ppm obtained by averaging the various CI values given in table 6. The 320 ppm F found in the Scottish rocks is in excellent agreement with a value of about 315 ppm found by averaging the assorted F values given in table 6. Wede- pohl's (1953) average of 24 ppm Zn in German carbonate rocks is supported by av- erages of 19 and 24 ppm for sample sets from Romania (Savul and Ababi, 1956; Savul and Movileanu, 1956), by a value of 28 ppm in unmineralized Lockport dolo- mite (Cannon, 1955) from New York state, and by an average of 34 ± 2 ppm for a group of dolomites of Ordovician age from Missouri (Keller et al . , 1950). Ostrom's high average Zn value may result from an unusual abundance of organic matter in the limestones of Pennsylvanian age that he examined. The average of 9 ppm Pb in German carbonate rocks (Wedepohl, 1956) is in good agreement with an average of 7 . 2 ± 4 . 2 ppm for the Scottish rocks, 8 . ± . 5 for those from eastern Kansas, and 13 and 14 ppm for the Romanian sample sets. Examination of average values given by the various workers for other ele- ments in carbonate rocks reveals discrepancies of as much as an order of magni- tude. No explanation of this lack of agreement is at present possible. APPENDIX TABLES Table 1. - Enrichment of Specific Elements in Mineralized Lockport Dolomite Drill Hole 10, Orleans County, New York (After Cannon, 1955. Semiquantitative spectrographic analyses in ppm by A. T. Meyers and P. J. Duncan) Unmineralized Mineralized Lockport Lockport Dolomite Dolomite Element ppm ppm Fe 5,000 15,000 K 3,000 3,000-8,500 Ti 50-500 1,500 Sr 50-85 50-5,000 Zn 28* 580* Pb 8* 120* B 20 25-65 Ba 2-15 15-50 Cr 2-9 25-45 Cu 2-9 15-50 Ni 2-9 15-85 Y 5-15 •= Averages of chemical analyses by H. Bloom. At another place, Cannon quotes weighted averages of Bloom's determinations for drill hole 10 as 0.688^ (688 ppm) Zn, 0.0022^ (22 ppm) Pb. 41 42 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 3 1) 1 Table 2. - Authigenic Compounds Found in the Green River Formation (After Milton, 1957; Milton and Eugster, 1959; Milton and Fahey, 1960) The capitalized entries are unique to the Green River Formation; those in italics are known elsewhere only in igneous or meta- morphic rocks. Bassanite and anhydrite may have formed in wet drill cuttings during storage. 3'5 Acmite NaFe+++Si20^ Albertite Hydrocarbon Albite NaAlSigOg Alstonite CaBa(C02)2 Analcite NaAlSi„0. -H^O z o 2 Anhydrite CaSO Bar it e BaSO, Bassanite 2CaS0 -H^O Barytocalcite CaBa(C0_)2 BRADLEYITE Na-MgC PO^) (CO^) Burbankite Na2(Ca,Ba,Sr,La,Ce) (CO ) Calcite CaCO_, often magnesian Cellophane (fossils). Variable, approximates Ca q(PO^),(CO J-H^O Cryolite Na^AlF^ Dawsonite NaAl(CO )(0H)2 Dolomite CaMg(C02)2 Eitelite Na Mg(CO ) Elpldlte Na2ZrSi^0^^-3H20 Fluorapatite Ca q(P0.).(C02)'H20 GARRELSITE (Ba,Ca,Mg)B2SiO^(OH)2 Gaylussite Na2Ca(C0 )2*5H20 Gilsonite Hydrocarbon Gypsum CaSO •2H2O Ingramite Hydrocarbon Labuntsouite (K,Ba,Na,Ca,Mn)(Ti,Nb) (Si,Al)2(0,0H)^-H20 Leucosphenite CaBaNa^BTi^SigO-Q LOUGHLINITE (Na2,Mg)2Si20^(0H)^ Magnesite MgCO„ Marcasite FeS„ Nahcolite NaHCO^ Natron Na2C0 •IOH2O NCRSETHITE BaMg(CO ^2 Northupite Na_MgCl(CO )2 Ozokerite Hydrocarbon Pirssonite Na Ca(CO )2*2H20 Pyrite FeS„ Pyrrhotite Fe, xS Quartz Si02 REEDMERGNERITE NaBSi_Og Riebeckite-mainesioriebeckite Searlesite NaBSi„0,'H„0 Z O z Sepiolite Mg2Si20g(0H)^ SHORTITE Na2Ca2(C02)3 Siderite FeCO Tabbyite Hydrocarbon Thermonatrite Na2C0 •H2O Trona Na2H(C02)2*2H20 Uintahite Hydrocarbon Utahite Hydrocarbon UNNAMED NaMg fluoride UInINAMED Na2C02-3NaHC02 Witherite BaCO Wurzite ZnS GEOCHEMISTRY OF SEDIMENTARY CARBONATES - III 43 C o J3 U ns O (U 6 o CO u> 01 ift T3 ^ ■(-> 3 to 0) U > x: o tn Ml .H 0) O T3 ^ ra c -p cd 3 c 0) ft! e 6 01 -r-t CO cn -D ~-' c 0) 03 CO DC I ro H * * 0) +J 0) .H C71 h 03 O H CU a> +j > a; < e ♦ aj U3 * cn D j«: 0) o o M C (H > cn < •^^ 13 03 (U •—I •^ CQ cn 0) . ^^ (H ^1 2 O) o X( o - • c O S 0) cn .— I ■— I c - —I O O O 3 ^ ^ in :xi cn U • 0) m XI --' c +J 0) M 0) -H O f-l ■— I j: O 3 CO o \i I C3-^ •^ C i" J3 -.-o OJ O t, N '~-' 05 O cn- M 3 O 03 CO CN en C3 in 03 ro 0) -_' e . 03 t~- 00 CN Ul 0) ^ in ex in e I 03 v£ 1/3 • (J) CO 01 ^ a S CO 03 O U3 I o vO CM Q.CO e CO ■ ^ CM -H ro in CO in CO CM in in 0) ^-^ f— ( ao e • 03 [~- in I O ■^ • CO -H 00 CN in — ( ^ o rA CO 10 O U) O 0) ^^ .— I s • in I CM o CO O c> I in in o 'a- o CO r- I CO ^3- in in — 0) a • e o 03 —I in I O ^ • CM CM t^ CM I • p~ in •H 0) D 0) O OJ 0) OJ Z cn t ) cn O cn o cn 3 cn c r c ( ) r ( ) c f= 03 tl 01 e 0) \ 03 \ 0) n, (h U, M a M •H M •H M tx a. D. v_ 2 z 0) o cn u- Tj 0) o a> Q. i/) +-> O c ^ 8 r^ 03 • u in 0) cn • 03 > -)-> 03 C ^^ 0) • O COM O 0) u a 03 o x; ^ ■^^ -H in o in c CO 0} > o in - r- co • O -H U CO 03 o . in o S^ o o u in o) in -p in x; S m 01 >^ 0) •H x: O OJ •o in 3 Q. c 6 -H x> 0) ■(-> o 0) M ^H o o -)-> c 0) +J c o c 0) +-> c o o CO o • 03 O o in o +j- — ■H S 03 6 10 0! CD JZ .— ( 03 Q.CO e 03 T3 10 C 03 cn C 03 •H 6 -D 03 3 j<: —1 c O 01 c ex; Q. e cN-p O o (JL. CO o * 44 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 301 Table 4. - Barium in Calcareous Sediments, Rocks, and Shells (von Engelhardt, 1936, except as noted) Barium Material analyzed (ppm) Composite of 32 Devonian age limestones, Germany 110 Composite of 45 Jurassic age limestones, Germany 83 Composite of 16 Cretaceous age limestones, Germany 190 Highly pure Mucronata limestone, Kvarnby near Malmo, Sweden 3-10 Flint from Mucronata limestone, Malmo, Sweden 50 Fetid limestone. Upper Zechstein, Warteberg near Kassel 30-100 Plattendolomit, Upper Zechstein, Wichtelstein near Witzenhausen 1-3 Three Limestone layers in the Ceratites beds (Triassic age), 10-30 near Kassel Clayey interlayer in the Ceratites limestone (Triassic age), 300-1000 near Kassel Fossil-rich Trochites limestone (Triassic age), near Kassel 10-30 Clayey, fossiliferous, somewhat bituminous middle Muschelkalk 30-100 (Triassic age), near Kassel Average of 90 composite analyses of 3530 original samples of 50 carbonate rocks from the Russian Platform (Vinogradov et al., 1952) Average of 5 Cambro-Ordovician age dolomites, Missouri 24 (Winslow and Robertson, 1894) Average of 9 limestones of Mississippian age, Missouri 27 (Winslow and Robertson, 1894) Limestones, Germany ( Prashnowsky, 1957) 52, 90, 260, 60, 40 Range and average for 49 clams of Recent age (Turekian and 4-41 (12) Armstrong, in press) Range and average for 45 snails of Recent age (Turekian and 4-15 (7) Armstrong, in press) Range and average for 11 corals of Recent age (dry weight) 8-85 (27) (Bowen, 1956) Range and average for 14 Mollusk shells of Recent age C Q) £= -n 0) CO ^ U) e U) • H ^^ c c (0 o cr ■H »H .— 1 o »-H • H Qi t; ■P (0 ^ c a> o a jj M (SI fn -p U ^1 ■M c D O C (U cn O XI H ^O^d axqeqoeex ieq.01 axqeqoeax Te:^oi auipoi ^auijonxj T3 (U N ro -'^ sO o in +j o ■—1 in o CN " a U) c +j 0) c M (1) u •H o o u p^ o o \o in 00 ^ w-\ .-1 o O 1— I .—1 in c n (t! tXJ C> •H >- ^ i-i XJ 40 tH M IL, 4-1 yn 0) E o M (XJ D a •H ro (U -P -p <0 a -P % .-1 c c A 3 D 3 ■P o .-( c ••1 O o x: t-- O •r-i T> o o o 00 0) •■H o o :3 •H o vO o in •H C E o +j in -p o ^ OJ f-\ ««-t o 6 c (H c M in ■p U > 0) M (U M • (0 t-t o C •H o •rH O .-1 E e o •H • H o u^ o tJ •H CM a UJ fn •w •H -p -P tu Q. U) -P E <+H 4-1 3 (/) 0) •iH ■H a M-4 u- M-l u. O OJ O o T3 C Q. 3 r XI vO C/1 to < n o o o o o O o CO "^ vO r- \o in vO 00 ^ r- n o4 ro 00 in • in CM o ro « • • o ro CM o o o CM -a in in o o CO CO CO o CM in in o 00 CM in 00 o CM O O O CM O -t CM O CO o o CM CM O in o o in C 01 •H > to >— ( CO CM »% ex; (U •D ti +J (0 ^ *t ro M $ a ■H ■P (U cn • H ro cn <—\ 3 -P ^ >- 3 0) E •N ro o +J • H s E 10 ^^ V •s c 0) +-> ••o c c 0) (1) 6 J M 3 E o *> o x: cn (U • H ^4-4 O •N o ^ • H • H c 0) ro .—1 O -1 to 10 )-| X 0) a> Q o • H #« 0) O ^H c ■p o ro • H o -P ^~^ c 3 M Q) ro c J ■p Q 3 c (0 O »\ 0) :a3 ■p • .-( (U •» M I-H .— * c o ^H T3 o PQ 1 •H m v> o •« d) S E • e c .-H ro c c: ro 3 ro x; H-> T3 fH (U I-H i -P 10 :o • +J c <0 »— 1 (0 M . :3 ro u »-H ^ cn CO .-) cn N »-H ro ro C3 c c XI •rH .-H c 03 o 0} cc ■H c c Q) 0) c x; • H O x: • H T3 •* 01 0) c O T5 (U M C -p CTl «% ro U) •M •o ro +J ■»^ o -P • H o >- E •H ^ +> N +-> •H 3 • H 0) fH Q) c c >: 6 .— 1 -p 0) c -p -Ki i o X o lO ^-^ • H x: 0) OJ x: (U o ro » C3 .-H 0) (U M 3 cc; u CJ o K-1 o O O. N N U GEOCHEMISTRY OF SEDIMENTARY CARBONATES - III 47 o t^ „ OJ m PU o ro •H U e c c •f-H •H -P PL. U) 0) E h a Q. •* 0) o -(-> o •H »— ( +J (0 '• Q. 4J m o XI ro (1) S >-j= •o -(-> -•-> c 0) U) ro 4-1 0) 0) in o £ r-( x: a C u> +J s •H h :d ro (U o 05 73 >> 0) c ro ^ 3 ^ #t .H o -fj 01 (H -l-> U) X 3 ro W) (1) •H r-t OJ 0) 6 (fl ro X) e • H > 1 •H .—1 M 0) •-H o lU +J c 4-1 •H c ro § t-l 0) • H S s < o CO o O o o vO r^ tO o CO o '^■ CM CM i-H CM " I — ' O -H O •-H CO o o ro o .—1 ro , — ^ 1 o o iD o o o o o o o o o o OJ in o o o iT) I ro r~ ID .-H CM o o ON 00 CM o 00 t^ -H 00 iT) O O .-H CO T3 OJ iD OJ .—1 iD r-( 6 r- in in 3 00 in 3 ro H 1 CO 00 CM CM O • c •H • H • H 0) • o ro ro x: H H S =) in ^ 4-> U) ^1 4-1 a OJ 0) • H 0) co^ 01 lU tu o ro X! a i-H c c •- ro CJ> c U) in a M UJ M O T5 (~ • c o . — . lU ^ — ^ OJ ' V Q. in OJ ^ — - V ^ O 0> +-> M O ^ ^— V ro in -p vO c o c ^ :3 0) en CO -p in 0) 0) \0 r~- 4-1 (H c ir> CO -p in -p in 4h x: ■p ^ x; o 0) ro '^ — - OJ »-H •1 OJ e w\ 0) 6 »N o 0) in o in o -p - — . in " — ^ U) •N .—) v> • H N U) O O -p a •H -P a ■ H -p -p e • 0) f— I 0) r-H Q) (H f-H OJ O in — 0) t^ (/) +J O ^ 0) T3 •-t TJ nH T3 in •H 2 S e cn O in S • in > o M in «t 4h .-h C3 +J o o •r-J >+H •o o 3 lU O a> o 0) O -p CD .-H cn »— 1 ro h in 3 T3 .H >, C Q.O o I^ M O CJ^ o en c en c o h OJ ro ro ro ro 4-1 OJ O H ^ H i-o 01 ^—^ (U 0) a 0) • H c OJ ro c 0) •H C5 (H S S T3 •H Qi Q> •»H ro t~ T5 03 •^ cnx: +J o +-> in w -p •H w 4h in m o o c o c in fH O SZ U5 S l» 00 •f-O •r-O ro Q. • H ro ■ r-t in • H c o in U ■ — ^ •rH iii ro N:: ro 0) 4-1 ro a Ul •ftd " o •€W ^ (h a> in ■p a in ro c in o c x: ro O 0) -H in • H c 4h -H 0) o e « o u 03 O 0) x; o 01 o o M o o > o c f-i in aiD in T3 c T3 a; o 0> .-H x: 4h O ^ 'd- ro C > to a (H > a 3 > a Q) > 0) D X! ro O ro C o C cn -p 1-) • H CO M O CM U C3 t-b ro " — 6 o u s o 1-1 6 o Q o 1-1 c •H O f-H 3 ro > 0) ro c ro in cn "— ' o>- S O o o u CO s 1-1 Q cc < 1-1 48 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 301 ^O^d T3 D C C o u a> I— ( c ■H 6 o tH PQ axqpqoeaX IBq.01 x: o aXqeqoE9X 1^%oi 9UipOI auijonxj o -^ o o CO CM I r-l CO o O '-- o o •-I in I ^r o --^ CO o o CO o <— ( CO o o 00 o —< o r- ^ o o o OJ S o o-^ o o q o o o o CO OJ 00 CM iD O >-l CM CM ^ ^ — ^ e lO c ^^ iD o o> m CM 1 -^ u »N ^H (H iD OJ O 0) *+H 0) 03 OS e -H CJi T3 ^— ^ »« c CT1.-I •H c in O OS Mh 03 " 03 .-H •- fO OJ M ^ 03 •H 0) •H •> c u +J x: OS U h (U 2 4- 0) 3 ^ — ^ x; *t-i CO * i— ( O 3 -=<: — ' 03 in CJl 3 .. vO (^ +-> E * i-H 03 ■ ■ h jxt nj M in iT) o Q. o T3 T3 «t •H ^ OJ 03 O o CQ C 03 O en C iD cn — o C C -H ■M TS o 0) CD 03 > • H 03 OS 03 M ^- — . <0 T3 o ^ Q O jC - i^ ^ in XI •H C +J •> *3 • (h T3 in .-H o 0) C -H 0) 1— I O TO in 3 6 " — V T5 03 C in iT) •H 0) J3 *t I^ C e 03 J= e 3 T3 O CO 03 03 c 03 o m >- in c 03 M -H C »— ( o -t-> •H ^ C OJ o J 0) o -fJ -*-> Q QJ O 03 M 3 ^ o T3 M •-H O ro CM »— ( in ^ — ^ cn+J • H in M a h O -—) f—i XI e h ro ^ in tu c in e 0) 03 6 03 — • H I—) (H »» 3 .— I O CQ Q) «s •% c 03 Q) o e in U o en CO 03 03 T-J 03 in in C7^ in o CO U e .—1 • H OJ o 03 in »• O > c U c 0} • 3 .-H c +j • H • H o .— 1 -(-> ^ • H .H '- o 01 e O ro en c > O Ol 0) in O •^ J Q •H 0) M 0) c -■ — ^ c 6 +J +j^ c +J 0) 03 >> « en c Q. M • M S • H CO 03 o •H •H T-l •H +J • H .-H >-i J= 0) o (0 T) ro 03 O • H ■—1 iD •a •-H e E S -P I-) C o -P U J .— 1 7^ in O o o en .-H O 03 o o J2 O M 01 ro .-H to >^ y 1 — 1 ^H in T3 f— 1 03 1— 1 -H S > ■ — -' ■f-i Q o O c3 o 3 o o o (LI -.-» 6 z CO CM cc Q Q Q Q •-q C/J GEOCHEMISTRY OF SEDIMENTARY CARBONATES - III 49 in o o CM o o '4- o T3 0) x: o in in CM to ■Z. vO u I in o > o 4-1 O >— I -l-> 0) 03 ♦■ O) M n3 3 m c ,-1 CO -H m -^ > •- -p c >-i c o ^-^ 6 tH o OJ ^ c 1/) o -H +J O) CO u tU OJ 6 > <1> -vj- • i-t o CO •- u) en •H (H en XI c (/) in in O CM ^ C7^ ■H en -P (H :o 0) CC XI c 0) 01 CJl >— I to •—) 0) o u. en —• to CM M C> 3 ^ >-) O) CD -P M to XI to c i-j t:) to a; c o -p in 0) « c 6 0) o •H x: > -H :o - — X in 07 '-^ ■H U) 0) +J to CJl —I Ci. to to 3 O 3 o o CD U5 -— ^ cn to •<;r C M CM •H 3 o^ 4H 1-) .-H M-t LU — M C 01 » 01 CnQ M to 1 M OJ o o ^ u •H .-H t/) -H >. in S XI to -— ^ U x> 3 cr> 0) 1-1 M -p 0) o 0) ^ -p e 3 cr to CU u -p •«« V +J r- M OJ E 5 o^ in o^ I • O^ CO CM to c ^ to in c ^ o > ^ ai to Q > "^ ro Hir O D 0) cn en to OJ U 0) S -^ to en 01 T3 e C -H OJ OJ CTi CJl c to 01 -P • O T3 C 0) -P 0) o en C 5 01 M en 0) •^^ X S -p M o OJ X en 4-> en o a a o CO CM 0> en ifl 0) > a Q, Q. O r- I o -p o T3 a a a o CO ro (U en to u > G a o 00 3 O) rH " c r-l 3 in ^ CO in -> o en --H •H c - +-> 0) •H C h X o -H •H XI en to X in o o to CM 0) * ■H- * 2.4-6.6 4.0 0.2-0.4 0.3 3-5 3.3 0.2-4.2 1.3 1.0-12.5 2.5 0.6 0.6 not detectable 0.98-12.4 4.3! 50 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 301 Table 7. - Cobalt in Calcareous Rocks Cobalt (ppm) Material analyzed Range Average 14 limestones, Southland, N. Z.* 5 samples of limestone from Otago, N. Z.* 6 limestones, Southland, N. Z. t Limestones from Nelson, N. Z.+ Limestones from Canterbury, N. Z.t Limestone from Westland, N. Z.t Average for 3 limestones from Otago, N. Z.t Kaka Limestone, Nelson, N. Z. °Mid-Tertiary age limestones, N. Z. Average values for vertical series of limestone samples through lime quarries, N. Z. 3.37, 2.7, 4.39, 3.12, 2.87, 2.09, 3.25, 0.98 Average value for determination in Willett's and Stanton's studies*^ 4.26 Pleistocene age limestone. North Island, N.Z.** 1.0 Average for Oligocene age limestones, north Island, N.Z.** 1.3 Average for Pliocene age limestones. North Island, N.Z.** 2.1 Average for Eocene age limestones. North Island, N.Z.** 4,9 Six Ordovician limestones, Unmetamorphosed or slightly metamorphosed, Sweden* U3 tH Q) C 03 03 e * U3 0) 3 .-H OS > c 03 ■r-l Xi a> S > 03 s •o c 03 U) 6 03 < XI X) 03 +J — 1 XI ra c C Mh o O >- (— t .— ( 3 03 03 • H c •H 0) M ^H f—i Q. • H •f-i C 03 U) o 03 03 a} e M C O • H 1/3 03 • H 1 1 o 3 o XI 6 03 -(-> -t-> M M u 1—1 > M M fH 0) H 0) 0) •r-( Q) 03 0) 3 M 03 > > C/)QUCX>-,UI-00 o cc O 03 +-> c o 03 c O •r^ to (h 03 03 03 x; o -I-' X fH 03 O •s 00 c iD • H c> f—t e 3 w^ • H (H M 03 O > x; 03 [— 03 3 T3 C T3 03 C 03 e 3 U) • H e c 03 03 ■D M < n e e 3 Q .r-l a c - 03 03 i-H 0) X) 3 3 TJ ^ — 1 • H O . a M 03 G x: .—1 (H 6 x; m 03 -p in 03 03 03 +J-— in V O • H 03 c -■ — V 03 +-> c — f—i 03 H 3 (H 03 T3 03 03 «v X) XI O •H o a> 03 x: *H S o > 03 OJ 03 03 en > 03 +J •H O -i-> M .— 1 3 • H O 0) X) 03 03 D3 a O XI 03 -H C (H M 03 s (h c ^1 03 • H a o 03 03 x: • H a, ^ v™-- 03 +j ^-- Q. ■^ in .— 1 in OJ —1 3.2 0.37 ± 0.04 <0.01 0.1 ± 0,02 <0.1 2.5 ± 0.2 <0.01 1.83 0.42 0.32 ± 0.03 <0.01 0.28, 0.38 1.35 ± 0.07 0.26 ± 0.03 GEOCHEMISTRY OF SEDIMENTARY CARBONATES - III 53 Table 11. - Uranium and Thorium in Miscellaneous CaCO_-rich Samples (After Sackett, 1958) u '■ A^ '• Uranium ionium ^~^ Material analyzed (ppm) A 238 ^^ (calc.) Aragonitic oolites Lithophyllum craspedium, Bikini (calcitic) Tridacna, collected alive (aragonite) Porites australlensis Vaughan, collected alive (probably aragonitic) Aragonitic coral, Favia Hydrocoralline deposit (Millepora) on above coral Modern gastropod. Cook Inlet, Alaska Two mo Husks 14 Eniwetok beach rock, C date, 2700 ± 250 years Shell fragments, Bootlegger Cove, Alaska, estimated age 40,000 to 60,000 years Marine shells, estimated ages 4,000 to 9,000 years 0.11 ± 0.01 0.14 ± 0.01 0.24 ± 0.02 0.044 14 Marine shells, C ages of six samples Range: are between 4,000 and 12,000 years| 0.12-1.36 one sample 35,000 years old Av., 0.51 Sample 389A, mainly CaC03, from atop 0.41 ± 0.03 North Atlantic seamount, estimated age 8,500 years Sample 303, land snail shells, Folsom 1.4 ± 0.1 culture Pennsylvanian age limestone 0.8 ± 0.1 Mississippian age limestone 1.02 ± 0.05 0.14 ± 0.01* Snail shells from Lahontan and Bonne- 0.23 0.08 ville Lake basins Calcareous tufa from Lahontan and Bonneville Lake basins 18.3, 1.03, 6.7, 0.2, 2.84, 1.09 0.8, 0.3, 0.86, 1.04 0.3, 0.08, 1.05 0.7 * By activation. 54 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 301 Table 12. - Thorium and Uranium Content of Carbonate Rocks, Sediments, and Invertebrate Skeletal Materials Material analyzed Thorium (ppm) Uranium (ppm) 4.7, 4.6 3.5 15 2, 10 , 10, 8 12 2.6, 3.2, 3.2, 4.6 Globiierina ooze* Dolomite, Serpianot Dolomite, Verrucanot Freshwater Paleozoic age limestonet Posidonien Schiefer, Liassic aget Fossiliferous zone in dolomite, Serpianot CaC03 precipitated from sea water in the laboratoryt Marine calcareous invertebrate hard partst Three calcitic forms Six aragonitic forms Seven forms containing both calcite and aragonite Two aragonitic forms now partly altered to calcite 0.11-0.15 0.17, 0.18, 0.041 0.009, 0.21, 0.012, 0.067, 0.022, 0.028 0, ,046, 0. ,021, 0. ,013 0. ,014, 0. ,004, 0. ,032 0. ,044 2.5, 3.2 * Koczy (1950) t Erlenmeyer et al. ,1950) * Tatsumoto and Goldberg (1959), Table 13. - Selenium Content of Some Carbonate Rocks Mostly from the Western United States Material analyzed Selenium (ppm) Range Average Eight limestones interbedded with shale, Provo Canyon, Utah* "Oil Shale," Green River Formationt Limonite concretions, Niobrara Formation Limestone, Phosphoria Formation, Rocky Point, near Cokeville, Wyo.; contains 4.90% P^O^" Limestone, Upper Frontier Formation, Teton County, Wyo. "• Limestone, Thaynes Formation, western Wyo.^ Fossiliferous, argillaceous limestone, Graneros Formation, late Cretaceous age. Shannon County, S. D.** Five samples of limestone. Fort Hayes Member, Niobrara Formation, S. D.+ Three samples. Fort Hays Member, Niobrara Formation, Trego County, Kan.** Three samples, Mobridge Chalk of the Pierre Formation, S. D.'-"^ Chalky marl of the upper part of the Niobrara Formation, S. D.'-"^ Calp Limestone, Ireland"" 0.4-2.6 0.32 23-548 14.3 6.68 1.54 0.7, 1.5 0.0-3.0 0.3-6.0 6.4,15.0, 0.86 0.31 0.97 1.0 0.97 2.3 * Beath et al. (1939)- t Beath et al. (1935). a Kniqht and Beath (1937). ° Beath et al. (1937) ** Byers (1936). t Moxon et al. (1938) aa oo Searight and Moxon (1945) Walsh and Fleming (1953). GEOCHEMISTRY OF SEDIMENTARY CARBONATES - III 55 c fO o 0) c (0 D1 c •H -t-> OJ ^K O (U CO I dJ -t-> (tl c O '-^ (H in o 5 o — x: +> u c Q) T3 O C ro o. c o C M C 0) o •*-> (J Mh 6-5 3 c o u +J CO I (1> .—I XI c o (-1 4-> m (1) ai c n3 (0 U 0) c cd O !U O » o r- O o M^ vO t-~ in r- o in 00 o I-H NO 00 ON o •^ > CM o t> vO o 00 CO '^ .— 1 o 00 NO I-H ^ 00 r- NO i~~ r^ o < • • • « » • • • • • • « * • • • • « o o ro CO CN 00 ^ CT^ in ^ vO 00 .— ( .— t 00 I-H CM Ol CM CM in 00 '^ CN r- r- "* 00 o^ in CO CO in 'J- •^ r- NO ON c^ O 00 X •* CN CO ^H in o CN Ol vO Ol • • I-H 00 [-- ON lO in 00 r- 00 r- (TI ro CO 00 (-H r- .— 1 00 in vO ON Ol Ol I-H oJ 00 00 ,—t Ol Cn] oj Cn] CM (J 0) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 \ Oi ro 00 o CO "^ in vO r~ o CM f— 1 in ON o o o 00 NO CN M c o t^ CO r~- vO 00 CO r~- o 00 o CN o OJ NO nO '^ t-- cn m • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • « a; CN OJ CN CM CM 00 00 00 vO r- •— 1 ^ CO ^H CM CN OJ Ol M ^ in o CM r- v£> O o M- in 00 o CO ^3- NO r- Ol 00 in o 00 NO 0) > • f—f • • ^ CO vO • 00 .— 1 f-H • • t—l • • o • • ■p < 00 • o o^ • CN • « r- • • • CN N? • ON c « CO ON -M .-H r- CN •^ ^ OJ ^3- vO 'vT CN '^ CO 00 r- '-' CM CN CN in I-H NO s CO o O o vO in ^ o 00 00 o CO o o I-H in o CN CO ^ 'f 00 00 o o • '^ • M- • 00 • • .-H • 1— H • 00 00 O • CN • H o in in r-- in Ol 00 • CO • CO » • NO 00 O^ 00 • in CD c (0 en 0) en CN (> CN CO CO 00 00 f—i i-H CO NO i—i r^ t^ f—i t^ CO 00 I-H 00 CO c^ CM t^ 1 o 1 1 CN 1 o CO o o o O nD 1 1 CO 1 CN 1 00 1 1 o 1 o 1 o 1 1 CM ^ M c • i-H • • in 00 a^ CM CO • o in .-H • CM I^ • • CN • • O m ^ • OJ 00 • • o • r- • c^ I-H CN ON cc f—i in '"' CO CN Ol CM in .— 1 Ol 00 .— 1 f—i nO nO I-H .— 1 .-H I-H I-H vO CN vO CM l~t O in O r-< 00 00 CN 00 00 t^ ■^ CO 00 vO CO o i-~ « • • • ON • • • • « • • • • o • • • « • • • > ^r o .— I .— ( o r— ( a^ o ON .— 1 f^ i-H in CM f-H '^ f—i in 00 < ro ^ CO in •^ 00 ^ CO ^ CN '^ • •^ in ON cjN I-H I-H O CD CD CD CM Ol ^J- I-H On nC "^ . . . O • i~* OJ CO • r- CM o^ ^ o 00 CN 00 nO 00 00 . . . o • OJ 00 CM O 00 I I I I I no M' in in r- . . . o . 00 I-H 00 • in ON 00 00 in o o o o o o o o 00 00 nO 00 ^ f-H 00 ^ no ON CN t~- in 't NO CO in •^ CO r- Ol o o o o o o o I I I I I I I ON no ^- CN 00 no in CO no ■* • • • • • • cO o 00 CM no 00 r~- • 00 00 CM OJ 00 CM O ONvocNoor-ONoooocM'^^ r- r- in ON 00 00 On 00 00 00 00 CN 00 00 I I I I ON •coinincoinr-^NOON . OOOOOOOOOOOOCMOJOOOOOIO CN 00 CM ^ CN O t-~ t~~ • CM O CN I-H t^ 00 • 0) M to to 3 c to (U to .H to M - x; M C •H o O -P U to 0) to •H •H u e to X o (h • H x: c H u - • H x: o to Q.< ri t3 • H T3 M •H *N M ^H to *y • H • H •-1 o Q. c h to o to •H O • H 3 O OJ o to • H to u M o e to to ro X! to T3 ■p - -p o M O x: in to li, u en +J to to Q. •* < T3 xs M O -D O O to to u 3 c +-> < en c to to c: x: to to O o XI x: O Q.UJ -a E 0) • H •H o <—i ** #s o (H o o -p •N T3 -D *\ a a o -p a o o (h +-> x: x; »-H r. < to to a . c to O O to >- o 1/1 U) o '—{ - a 0) in CL o o to o u in -P o o to -a a a o o u o • rH jC to to o T5 < O Ol X +J h Q. ax: O •H O to C O Mh e tu -t-> < N ^H ^1 o 3 I-H U5 D. O to ex N x; C X) •H -P • H 0) I-H c 11 x: d) I-H OJ to o 0) o o •H n U o u Q 0) < c ■p Q I-H D, o 01 u >^ to x: o to H x> o c M o M (H O x: 56 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 301 Table 15. - Average Sr/Ca Atom Ratios, Times 1000, Contrasted for Calcitic and Aragonitic Skeletal Materials (After Thompson and Chow, 1955) Calcite (excluding aragonitic species) Calcite-aragonite mix- tures (excluding com- pletely calcitic species) Aragonite (excluding calcitic species) Algae, Corallinaceae 3.20 Moll usca Coelenterata Protozoa, Foraminifera 3.07 Pelecypoda 1.94 Hydrozoa 9.49 Porifera, Calcarea 2.99 Ga stropoda Zoantharia 9.86 Coelenterata, Alcyonaria 3.16 Prosobranchia 1.68 Mollusca Arthropoda, Cirripeda 4.45 Amphineura 8.06 Mollusca Gastropoda Pelecypoda Nudibranchia 10 Anomiidae 1.22 Scaphopoda 2.35 Ostreidae 1.22 Cephalopoda 3.74 Pectinidae 1.31 Bryozoa, Ectoprocta 3.41 Brachiopoda, Articulata 1.36 Echinodermata 2.71 Table 16. - Strontium Content of Modern and Fossil Invertebrate Skeletal Material (After Bowen, 1956) Material analyzed Strontium (ppm) Range Av. 15 Corals of Recent age 47 Fossil corals, Silurian to Tertiary in age* 14 Mollusk shells of Recent age 2 amphineura 5 gastropods 1 scaphopod 5 lamellibranchs 1 cephalopod 5590-13,400 9270 154-8300 1210 3950, 5600 1420-2340 1860 3550 1810-3260 2160 2910 * Four values greater than 4,000 ppm are all from Cretaceous or younger specimens; one of the Silurian corals contains 1780 ppm Sr. GEOCHEMISTRY OF SEDIMENTARY CARBONATES - III 57 Table 17. - The Sr/Ca Ratios of Selected Calcareous Organisms, Sediments, and Rocks (Compiled from Odum, 1950, 1957, unless otherwise noted) Identifications of calcite and aragonite in the invertebrate skeletal materials are in some cases based upon X-ray diffrac- tion, and in others inferred from published mineralogical des- criptions assumed to hold constant within taxonomic subdivi- sions, independent of environmental effects. Sea water has 9.23 atoms Sr/lOOO atoms Ca (Odum, 1951a). Description Number of Atoms Sr/lOOO atoms Ca samples Range or average Littoral calcareous sands ,. Pteropod ooze (32.7^ Ca) 1 Foraminif eral ooze Surface to 1000 m (av. % Ca, 22.6) 4 1000 m to 4000 m (av. % Ca, 30.3) 8 Sediment (33.44% Ca) from humid lake 1 Marine chalks 3 Precambrian age limestones with highest Sr/Ca values 2 Other Precambrian age limestones 6 Fossilif erous limestones, Silurian to Pennsylvanian in age 8 Cambrian age limestones 8 Silurian age limestones 8 Miocene fossilif erous marl 1 Averages of skeletal components of limestones 5 Average for terrestrial limestones Estimated value for diagenetically altered limestones Cambrian and Ordovician age dolomites 13 Dolomites from Funafuti 5 Celestite-bearing dolomites of Ohio* 20 Celestite-free dolomites of Ohio* 176 Limestones from evaporite deposit of Carboniferous aget 13 Dolomites from above evaporite series 36 Conemaugh freshwater limestone, Pennsylvanian age, Maryland Solenhofen Limestone Kootenai Formation, Cretaceous age, Elliston, Montana (contains freshwater snails) Lebanon Limestone, Cretaceous age, containing freshwater arachnids Freshwater limestone containing arachnids, Coconino County, Arizona Miocene age lacustrine limestone, Florissant, Teller County, Colorado, containing insects Skeletal materials formed in lakes with high evaporation/outflow rate or complete closure Calcareous algae, Lake Winnemucca, Nevada Snail, Inya Lake, Burma 0.57-13.00 (Av. 5.59) 2.38 2.61 1.49 0.6 1.49 1.92 0.1-0.7 0.92 0.3-1.2 0.5-1.2 2.78 4.64 2.68 1.21 0.40 0.82 29.15 <0.20 1.96 11.44 0.64 0.46 Noll, 1934} 0.50 0.51 1.20 0.20 10.60 3.53 1.94 Table 17o - Continued Description Number of Atoms Sr/lOOO atoms Ca samples Range or Average Balimulus alternatus, LaSal Vieja, Texas, chlorinity 16,710 ppm Succlnea avara. Gray Tom Lake, Texas Myxas ampul a. Pyramid Valley swamp, N. Z. Isadora acconorii Pyramid Valley swamp, N. Z. Organically formed amorphous CaC03 from Archidorus britannica (verified by X-ray diffraction) Organically formed calcite. Average for 18 groups of organisms Organically formed aragonite. Average for 16 groups of organisms Inorganic marine calcite precipitates Inorganic marine aragonite precipitates Rapid direct CaCOo precipitate from sea water Marine calcitic algae Aragonitic marine algae (Halimeda) Calcitic freshwater algae Littoral foraminifera Calcitic marine sponges Aragonitic marine coelenterates Hydrozoa — Millepora Antho2oa--Hexacoralla Anthozo a --Octocora 11 a- -5eZi opera Calcitic marine Octocoralla Aragonitic marine serpulid Calcitic marine bryozoa Calcitic marine brachiopods (Telotremata ) Mo Husks Aragonitic marine amphineura Aragonitic marine pelecypods Calcitic marine pelecypods Aragonitic freshwater pelecypods Aragonitic freshwater gastropods Aragonitic marine gastropods Aragonitic marine scaphopods Aragonitic marine cephalopods Calcitic marine cephalopods Marine decapods (calcite and amorphous CaC03 ) Freshwater calcitic decapods Calcitic marine echinoderms Asteroidea Echinoidea Ophiuroidea Crinoidea Holothuroidea Iron carbonate nodules. Middle Lias, England^ Aragonitic otoliths of marine teleosts Calcitic eggshell, chicken Calcitic eggshell, fish-eating bird Calcitic eggshell, invertebrate-eating bird 17 10 5 9 1 3 5 3 1 16 1 3 1 4 2 2 6 6 23 21 8 2 3 1 2.31 1.17 2.57 1.47 (foot) 6.22 (mantle) 7.27 3.63 6.09 1.29 5.90 11.30 3.96 10.80 0.52 2.07 3.82 11.02 10.80 8.06 4.10 3.10 3.96 1.81 9.01 2.63 1.65 0.87 0.75 2.31 2.35 4.86 4.60 6.03 0.62 3.71 3.06 3.47 3.38 2.60 4.4 3.08 0.32 0.57 2.40 * Stout (1941), * Taylor (1950). t Vinogradov and Borovik-Romanova (1945) GEOCHEMISTRY OF SEDIMENTARY CARBONATES - III 59 Table 18. - Strontium: Calcium Ratios of Some Calcareous Organisms, Sediments, and Rocks (Compiled from Kulp et al., 1952, unless otherwise noted) Description Number of samples Average for 155 limestones Limestones* Brachiopods and carbonate matrices (Ordovician-Permian in age) Matrices Brachiopods Average for samples from eupelagic Atlantic core AI8O-765 31.3% Ca, 1600 ppm Sr+ Average for 10 samples from Atlantic deep- sea core AI8O-745 28.2-39.6% Ca (av. 35.0%), 1550 to 2560 ppm Sr (av. 2075 ppm)* Globiiertna ooze, Pacific Ocean (37.5% Ca, 0.122% Sr, 41.8% CO2, 1.46% organic matter)* Deep-sea sediments, Indian Ocean (Swedish Deep Sea Exped., 1948-1949) (29.4% Ca, 0.125% Sr, 37.7% CO2, 2.95% org. matter)* Fossils from the Calvert Formation, Miocene age. Plum Point, Maryland Average for 155 fossils examined 12 gastropods 9 pelecypods 1 scaphopod 1 annelid tube North American carbonate rocks Precambrian age Cambrian age Ordovician age Silurian age Devonian age Mississippian age Pennsylvanian age Permian age Triassic age Jurassic age Cretaceous age Tertiary age Limestones from Indiana Pennsylvanian age, 2.63-6.44% MgCO„, av. 4.54** Mississippian age, 0.80-5.66% MgCO„, av. 2.23** Devonian age, 4.45-38.6% MgCO , av. 16.2** Silurian age, 1.04-41.1% MgCO::, av. 15.8** Ordovician age, 2.82-12.2% MgCO , av. 6.12** 15 10 1 10 1 15 7 4 4 3 1 5 2 Atoms Sr/1000 Ca Range Av. 0.71 0.63 0.16-1.49 0.41-1.83 2.34 2.71 1.49 1.94 0.51 1.03 3.10 2.12-3.21 2.68 2.05-6.57 3.19 3.88 12.0 0.17-2.45 0.99 0.25 0.33-1.33 0.71 1.19 0.11-0.71 0.29 0.12-1.73 0.49 0.40-1.30 0.84 0.18-0.67 0.35 0.39-3.12 1.66 0.45 0.27-1.33 0.55 1.09-1.50 1.30 0.73-0.92 0.82 0.29-0.65 0.46 1.03-3.90 2.50 0.82-2.66 1.55 0.61-1.69 1.04 * Thompson and Chow (1955). + Turekian and Kulp (1956). t Turekian and Feely (1956). ** Individual MgCO values from Patton (1949) 60 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 301 Table 19. - Minor Element Composition of Scottish Sedimentary Carbonate Rocks (Compiled from Geol. Survey of Great Britain, 1956) Element Sensitiv (ppm) ity Total obser- vations* B 1 29 Ba 5 183 Co 5 183 Cr 2 183 F Not St. ated 6 Ga 3 183 La 25 183 Li 1 183 Ni 5 183 Pb 10 183 Rb 30 183 Sn 10 Four samples Sr 10 183 Sr (analyses with <10% MgO) 130 Sr (analyses with >10% MgO) 52* V 10 183 Y 20 183 Zr 10 183 Percentage of observations below sensiti- vity limit Range (ppm) Average (ppm) 31 8 83 12 80 90 7 45 84 75 LO, IC 0.5 0.7 64 81 61 < 1-6000 < 5-8000 <5-35 < 2-100 200-700 <3-10 < 25-50 < 1-1000 <5-60 <10-80 <30-800 ), and 20 p <10-6000 <10-6000 10-600 < 10-150 < 20-80 < 10-200 320 220 4.3 ± 1.8t 13 320 2.2 ± 1.2t 14 ± lit 37 11 ± It 7.2 ± 4.2t 60 ± lit 420 484 134 12 ± 3t 13 ± at 16 ± 3t * Those samples are considered for which either a percent insoluble determina- tion or values for CaO, MgO, and CO2 are available to indicate that the material is a carbonate rock in the sense of this paper. t The range specified measures only the uncertainty due to possible assumed averages for the quantities below the limit of detection. t Omitting one value of 6000 ppm, which is 10 times the next larger value. GEOCHEMISTRY OF SEDIMENTARY CARBONATES - III 61 Table 20. - Zinc in Calcareous Organisms, Sediments, and Rocks (Wedepohl, 1953, except as noted) Material analyzed Zinc (ppm) Av. Range 32 German Devonian age limestones* 45 German Jurassic age limestones 16 German Cretaceous age limestones 6 Cambrian and Ordovician age dolomitic limestones, Missourit 7 Lower Carboniferous age limestones, Missourit 9 Silurian and Ordovician age carbonate rocks, including 8 highly dolomiticj insoluble residue 1.55-11.63^ (av. 4.91^), Dubuque County, Iowa** Cenomanian beds, Kaierde, Hils Korallenoolith, Delligsen, Hilsmulde Dolomite from Korallenoolith, Delligsen, Hilsmulde Zechstein Hauptdolomit, Scharzfeld, Harz Aragonite-magnesite assemblage. Lake Bonneville sediments* 3 dolomite samples, Lake Bonneville sediments* Mississippian age Leadville Limestone, Colorado, 50 samples near ore, 75 from unaltered limestone*** 4 limestones of the unmetamorphosed Mississippian age Lake Valley Formation, Hanover District, N. M.tt Sedimentary siderite. Southern Sweden** Glob tier ina-xich red clay. Albatross Station 359 (50% CaC03) Globiiertnai larger than 200 |jl diameter, above sample Globiierina-Tich clay. Meteor station 242 (48.351^ CaCOa) Calcareous clay, Meteor station 242 (41% CaCOa) Sea urchin, Bahia Branching coral, St. Isabella, Fernando Po Serpulite, St. Vincent Area, Gaybu-Pernambuco beach Janthina, Praia Granda, St. Vincent Spirula, Praia Granda, St. Vincent Calcareous algae, beach at San Carlos, Fernando Po 33 22 15 42.5 tr.-15.4 12±ia tr.-25.5 n.d. to 3.5t0.5a 13.6 7 7 4 10 25 25, 31, 20 10 35±6, 12±3, 22±6, 55±12 40 58 180 60 23 16 13 12 1 ^3 ^2 4 t a ** t *♦* tt ** Wedepohl (1955). Winslow and Robertson (1894). Range results from uncertainty of real values for samples having quantities below the limit of detection. Calvin and Bain (1900). Graf et al. (1959; unpublished data). Engel and Engel (1956). Barnes (1959). Palmqvist (1935). 62 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 301 Table 21. - Zirconium in Calcareous Organisms, Sediments, and Rocks (Degenhardt, 1957, except as noted) Material analyzed * Adams and Weaver (19581 Zirconium (ppm) 32 German Devonian age limestones 25 45 German Jurassic age limestones 12 16 German Cretaceous age limestones 18 Korallenoolith, Malm, Freden a.d. Leine 9 Solenhofen Plattenkalk, Malm, Solenhofen, Bavaria 18 Oolite zone from mu, Auschnippetal, Gottingen 20 Trochitenkalk, mo]^, Reckershausen, Gottingen 15 Ceratitenkalk, mo2, Hainberg, Gottingen 30 Cenomanian beds, Kaierde, Hils 26 Quaternary age, calcareous tufa, Lenglern, Gottingen 23 8 North American limestones and dolomites*; Zr range 20-340 ppm; insoluble residue range 0.7-54^, av. 11.95i^ 145 Fluorite-bearing Zechstein Dolomite, Romerstein, Bad Sachsa, Harz 16 Zechstein dolomite, Scharzfeld, Harz 18 Area, Gaybu-Pernambuco beach <2 Calcareous algae, beach at San Carlos, Fernando Po 8 Globiierina ooze. Meteor station 240a 10 Globiierina ooze. Meteor station 288b 30 Table 22. - Rare Elements in the Shell of Brissopsis lyrifera (Noddack and Noddack, 1939) Element % dry wt. Element % dry wt. Element % dry wt. Ti 0.00048 Zn 0.0065 Cr 2 X 10"^ 1 X 10"^ 7 X 10"' 3 X 10"^ 1 X 10 ' 7 X 10 ^ 1.8 X 10"^ 3 X 10"^ V 0.0005 Sn 0.00016 Mo Mn 0.053 Pb 0.0005 Au Fe 0.057 As 0.0008 Cd Co 0.0002 Th Ni 0.00021 Ge Cu 0.0018 Sb Ag 0.00015 Hi GEOCHEMISTRY OF SEDIMENTARY CARBONATES - III 63 Table 23. - Minor Elements in Three Carbonate Rocks from Southern Finnish Lapland (Sahama, 1945) Limestone* 412 {%) 0.003 0.07 0.1 0.003 0.0003 0.0001 0.0003 ~* It is not clear from the article whether these particular rocks are sedimentary. Element MnO BaO SrO S2°3 Li^O Cr^Og ^2^5 Zr02 Dolomite* 438 Dolomite* 470 0.05 0.03 0.1 0.05 0.01 0.1 0.003 0.0003 0.0003 0.01 0.006 0.02 Table 24, - Concentration of Some Minor Elements in Asphalts Compared with the Composition of the Carbonate Host Rocks (in ppm) (Compiled from Erickson et al., 1954) Uranium Vanadium Nickel Copper Material Analyzed Asphalt Rock Asphalt Rock Asphalt Rock Asphalt Rock Petroliferous sandy lime- stone in Kaibab Lime- stone, Capitol Reef, Utah 3 3 15 15 15 15 7 2 Asphalt in vugs, Kaibab Limestone, Capitol Reef, Utah 0.5 3 120 120 tr. 1 tr. Asphalt in vugs, Hermosa Formation, Gypsum Valley, Colo. 150 50 250 30 60 3 25 2 64 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 301 o c o X! U 0) c >. 0) 0) 0) c o f= o M c •H UJ 0) -t-" U, f— t n) M r -t-> m •H ■? fcl T5 IH c C cu • H m -p ^ cu (h o 01 -l-> D r r-H 0) nj E (U .— 1 w M o c XI H o c • H I/) -t-J U) 03 O 0) u x: CM O 0) o o o o O vO vD n iD vD ^^ • • • * * • o ^ r\/ CSI r- ■;:^ r- r- iD C) , — 1 C) c^ in o o r) o o O CJ o o o * * o o CM r- ro in r- vO 1—) o OJ C) , — 1 <) r- ^ C) C) ( ) C ) n ri O O * c:> C) (.) C.J C) ^H C) fl o r-H o O o o o o o o o o o O o iD "d- C) )N f~^ C) ^ ^ 'J^ ^X) c^ o '^ C) 00 r-H n <.) <.) .-H c> rsi o C5 in o o o o o f—t o o o F-H o O o CO o o o o in o o CM O O f—l o CN o o o CO 00 o CN o o o o o o <— 1 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o CM vO CO 00 00 00 TV 00 m f— 1 00 in r-H C5 c; (.> C) '^r C5 . — 1 vO in r-H C) ^ o o o o o CJ o o o o • O o o 00 o CD 00 00 in ,—1 in C) in CM o o o o o 00 00 ^ 00 o o CX) vO 00 r-H 00 00 CM 00 o CM CM cn en en en a> 0) T3 T3 o Q CO ai O T) f—f vO ^O CM CM CM CN CM C) (') f) m CN ^H r~ o 'd- ,_H r- r~- C) C) 00 c:) CJ 00 • • vO • • • • • • +-> C) CM CM O c • H Q. (H t~~ vO o in o 3 O T3 (1) • H M M 03 .— i 0) H m tH O rn 1 — 1 y) U CD +-> X M > -t-> c 3 V' 0) O o H 01 cu M c x: cn +-> T! hH o IH • H cn C/) 01 H t—i •rH -M 0) o N N .-H CT> -P r-H •rH T) & s •^ 01 Ol 03 11 ^ -ii > OJ C M I/) .-H T3 't-i V- D ^ v« 03 «N H M I/) o ^ ^ ^ o • H M 0) 3 c: i-H ^H H-" c ^ 0) m r • r-i fU m .-H 01 +-I •rH • H F ^ ^>i 01 m #> 01 +J M 3 -t-> H-> X r-H Cl ro O H-" (TI rO u. c M CJ. r • H Ci a. o 0) CO LU m CO CO < OJ S * GEOCHEMISTRY OF SEDIMENTARY CARBONATES - III 65 Ta ible 26. - M: inor Element Composition of 91 Samples of Pe nnsylvanian Limestones from Illinois (Ostrom, 1957) Percent of determinations Estimated Sei isitivity below sensi- Range Average Element accuracy* (ppm)* tivity limit (ppm) (ppm) B 1/3X-3X 1-200 18 Ba ± 20% 10-10,000 260 Cr ± 15% 3-61 11 Cu 1/2X-2X 4-70 18 Mn 400-3700 1400 Mo 1/3X-3X 2 84 <2-20 1.8±1.0t Ni 1/2X-2X 10 19 <10-70 17 ± 0.9+ Pb 1/2X-2X 6-100 26 Sr 20% 240-810 490 Ti 300 36 <300-2400 450 ± 50+ Zn 1/3X-3X 50 66 <50-700 63 ± 17+ * From Illinois State Geological Survey files. + The range specified measures only the uncertainty due to possible assumed averages for the quantities below the limit of detection. Table 27A. - Minor Elements in Dolomite Samples Containing Less Than 10 Percent Insoluble Residue, Believed to be Very Low in Calcite, From One Illinois Quarry (Lamar and Thompson, 1956) Element Number of analyses Range (ppm) Average (ppm) B Cu ^An Pb 14 14 14 14 6-16 0.5-4.6 330-4100 0.6-5.3 10 2.0 690 2.0 Table 27B. - Minor Elements in Limestone Samples Containing Less Than 10 Percent Insoluble Residue, From Two Illinois Quarries (Lamar and Thompson, 1956) Number of Element analyses Ag 47 B 40 Ba 47 Cu 47 Mn 47 Pb 46 Sr 47 Range (ppm) Average (ppm) 0.31-3.9 1.9-11 5.8-270 1.2-17 37-3200 1.0-5.1 110-630 1.2 4.6 15 6 1000 2.5 220 66 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 301 Table 28. - Minor Element Comoosition of Ten Samples of Dolomite From The Jefferson City Formation of Ordovician Age, Marshf ield, Missouri (Keller, et al., 1950) Element Range (ppm) Average (ppm) Ag B Ba Cr Cu Pb Mn Mo Ni Sn Sr Ti V Zn n.d.-0.5 10-50 200-2000 50-2000 0.1-10 n.d.-3 20-300 Two samples gave 20 and 30 ppm n.d.-5 One sample gave 20 ppm 200-3000 1000-10,000 n.d.-50 n.d.-200 0.31±0.01* 27 620 160 3.7 1.1±0.3* 110 2.7±0.2* 1270 2700 19±2* 34±2* The range specified measures only the uncertainty due to possible assumed averages for quantities below the limit of detection. The authors estimate the determinations are accurate to ±50 percent of the amount present. Table 29. - Minor Element Composition of Some Globiierlna Oozes and Globiierina Samples from the Equatorial Atlantic (After Wedepohl, 1955) Mn Cu Zn Sn Pb Ti Ni V Globiierina ooze Globiierlna ooze Globiierina Globiierina , some sand Globiierina, 10 percent sand 2600 65 32 160 170 800 60 10 880 94 6 70 250 1200 30 10 800 7.5 7 10 180 12 6 1500 10 200 49 6 11 360 800 20 10 2000 20 1 29 1000 GEOCHEMISTRY OF SEDIMENTARY CARBONATES - III 67 Table 30. - Minor Element Composition of 277 Carbonate Rocks from Eastern Kansas for which the Sum (CaC03+MgC03)>50 Percent (Compiled from Runnels and Schleicher, 1956) Perc entage of Range observations below Average (ppm) sensit ivity limit (ppm) < 0.1-20 65 0.36t0.03* < 0.5-300 68 4.5±0.2* < 10-3000 83 82±4.2* < 1-200 56 4.4i0.3* d. 13-500 5.6 20-6000 790 < 0.1-70 86 4.6±0.5* < 0.5-100 13 9.0 < 1-200 49 8.0±0.5* < 1-200 82 3.9±0.4* 14->2000 Ot 490 <10-6000 8 170 ±0.3* < 5-3000 9 55±0.2* <0. 5-500 92 3±0.2* Element ~~^g B Ba Or Cu Mn Mo Ni Pb Sn Sr Ti V Zn "^ The range specified measures only the uncertainty due to possible assumed av- erages for the quantities below the limit of detection. + Only 61 samples were analyzed for Sr, and all of these contained less than 10 percent MgO (see table 31 for comparison). Table 31. - Minor Elements in Carbonate Rocks of the Russian Platform (Compiled from Ronov, 1956)* Co Ni Cu CI Sr Ba Number Number of of Element composites samples Range of composite analyses (ppm) Average of composite analyses (ppm) Unweighted Weightedt 64 64 64 61 58 59 3067 3067 0.9-1.5 1.0-22 4.5 7.6 4.3 7.5 3067 8.2-87 23 3015 280-800 430 2927 20-2000 390 2973 1-250 34 23 440 480 36 m% Mg* composite analyses Range Average 0.5- 12.6 Unweighted 5.8 Weightedt 5.3 Wt% insoluble resi- due: Range 0.70-41.84 Unweighted av. 9.63 Weighted av.t 10.84 The SO3 percentages of a few composit that some anhydrite (or gypsum) rocks The value for each composite analysis as there are samples in that composit Dolomite Qontains 13.2 wt percent Mg. e analyses are high enough to indicate are included in this compilation, is counted in the average as many times e. 68 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 301 Table 32. - Minor Elements in Carbonate Rocks from the Eastern Carpathians, Roumania (Compiled from Savul and Ababi, 1956; Savul and Movileanu, 1956) m% dolomite calculated from Insoluble in HCl chemical analysis Concentration (ppm) Kind of Sample Range Av. Range Av. Elements* Range Av. Triassic age dolomites 0.10-5.23 0.96 87.78-95.76 92.83 Zn (lO) 6-45 24 Pb ( 9) 3-41 14 Cu ( 9) 0-33 6.9 0.02-20.96 1.45 77.63-95.76 91.26 Mn (72) 0-626 146 Eocene age and Mesozoic age limestones 0.00-23.81 2.33 0.23-15.27 3.00 Zn (13) 4-52 19 Pb (13) 0-31 13 Cu (12) 0-30 13 0.00-28.81 2.30 0.23-15.27 1.85 Mn (31) 9-422 93 * Number of samples in parentheses. Table 33. - Ranges and Averages for Amounts of Minor Elements Extractable from 28 Agricultural Limestones of Western and Northwestern Germany by Various Acid-Leaching Procedures* (Schachtschabel and Schroeder, 1953) Range Average Element (ppm) (ppm) Mn 44-767 274 Zn 9-446 60.5 Cu Trace-97 8.8 B 3-27 9.1 Co 0.2-12.5 4.0 * The limestones contained from 42.82 to 96.06^ CaC03, average, 84. 54^ and 0.96 to 40.00% MgC03, average 5.83%. GEOCHEMISTRY OF SEDIMENTARY CARBONATES III 69 Table 34. - Ranges and Averages for Major and Minor Element Compositions of 60 Samples of Agricultural Limestone from the Atlantic Coast Region (Chichilo and Whittaker, 1958) Chemical Range Average Chemical Range Average substance (ppm) (ppm) substance {%) {%) Mn 20-2320 240 CaCOg 48.80-98.07 76.29 F < 5-1410 240 MgCOa 0.87-44.59 16.97 P 10-3600 213 Al 0.02-1.60 0.39 Zn 4-427 44 Fe 0.02-1.27 0.35 V 2-42 10 K 0.007-1.000 0.199 B <1-18 3 S < 0.01-0.38 0.10 Cu <0.3-5.2 1.1 Na < 0.001-0.140 0.028 Mo 0.1-6.4 0.5 Co <1- 2 <1 Table 35. Amount of Minor Elements in 63 Samples Containing More than 20 Percent Ca* (Compiled from Landergren, 1955) Element Range (ppm) Average (ppm) Co Or Fe Mn Ni Ti 10-60 10-40 1.0-7.4t 1000-6500 20-130 600-2400 22 18 2.lt 1810 58 1520 * From a core taken at S 00° 07', W 18° 12'. t In percent. Table 36. - Distribution of Some Minor Elements in Eight Limestones from England and Scotland (Compiled from Hirst and Nicholls, 1958) Element Percent of total Element in acid-insolu- Total amount Range Average (ppm) (ppm) amount insoluble in acetic acid* Range Average {%) {%) ble fraction, as ppm of that fraction Range Average (ppm) (ppm) Ni 4.3-83 27 5-86 55 7.9-190 89 Co 2.0-34 10 58-100 87 28-160 67 Cr 0.88-26 7.9 58-93 76 24-100 46 V 1.6-32 9.3 33-91 51 17-85 36 Ratios of values for individual elements Range Average Range Average Co/Ni 0.25-0.65 0.39 0.35-5.5 1.2 Cr/V 0.5-2.0 0.98 0.64-2.3 1.4 ♦ Two samples contained 45 to 50% acid-insoluble material, one had about 15%, the others less than 6%. 70 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 301 •— 00 -— . iD ^ oi -— V iT) • ^ • . c * e ,— 1 r~ .— 1 o n • H o a Ti o^ 3 O t- —1 OJ CN/ .— 1 CM ^ ro CN ^ O c ■l-t T3 ^ C . . iD in ■^ t> CN J^ 03 * e ■sf ro ^ ro CM o .— ( ■H ex o D^ 2 a M 5 r~ iD o ^ CO 00 r~« o c^ r~- (1) rH 1—1 c o u x: 0) s x: -p -■ — V 0) D ^ — ^ , Q\ ^ ^, , XI O * e 00 • 00 CN CO +j LD 3 Q. .— 1 vO CM .— ( .— ( U Q. l+H 4-1 o o iT) lO 00 r- "^ CM -H in CM -^ to U) 6 ro (H •H D. ^^^ V — ^^ ^-^_^>_-' q a T3 >-) — o o o o o 0) 00 CM O 00 CM if) 0) CM CM CM Csl CM Ul x: --^ . -P -H in 00 CO CM 0) ^ ^ V ^ V '^ 0) (h l/l OJ 6 0) Q) ^ •H kJ x: -H i-J -p s e 0) C ••^ (/) O .—1 .— 1 ^ OJ Ifl 3 ^H XI 03 ^ M O Mh 03 -H in ■— 1 vo in 03 CO 0) N M CM O CM CM o Q.-P O -O •H 0) -K- • * • • • .— 1 ro < e 0) OJ •H a O m 05 (H D1 6 +J e C/5 ^ CO ON ■* in o tS ^ • • • • 00 CM CM CM • x: to -p M-i '^ — V • H .H O . V ^ — V [-~^-- — ^ u) 5 CO CO ^--- .-H 00 03 C 00 ON 00 o ■^ X! C o o o o . o o • rH . . . o • (1) 05 -P •X- -—^ o o o V o (1) .H •H c ^ ^_^V -•* --N ^V ^ IH U O 00 03 0) ro * cr ,— 1 vO vO O O OJ cn^ C (U