BBBHil ■HHHI BHffmfflflHff TfflPMflff P5 HBbhHBL «|K^^^^ Mil ■raaaraHHSHHraEHaHBancN m MiaMtmiiiwBm HKSSZfiEQedBEssESE KR580 BSBfa 8wBSa Jam LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 510.84 lifer no. £19- &2. L?ZLO which is/are unavailable. Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, Illinois This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. US NSF GJ-36265 and was submitted in partial fulfillment for the Master of Science degree in Computer Science, 197*+. UIUCDCS-R-7^-6l9 DEADLOCK IN DISTRIBUTED COMPUTER NETWORKS by Thomas Jay Miller December 197^ Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urb ana -Champaign Urbana, Illinois This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. US NSF GJ-36265 and was submitted in partial fulfillment for the Master of Science degree in Computer Science, 197^. 51 l>4r Xll Acknowledgment s My sincere thanks go to Professor Jane Liu who allocated a large amount of personal resources to me for direction, review and support in the preparation of this paper. I would like to thank June Wingler and my wife Judy for their excellent work on the typing, retyping and illustrations. Finally, thanks are also due to Professor Don Gillies, who was always available for discussion. IV TABLE OF CONTENTS page 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2 . DEFINITION AND A GRAPH MODEL 5 3. SURVEY OF CENTRALIZED RESOURCE MANAGEMENT POLICIES 2k k. DESIGN OF A DISTRIBUTED RESOURCE MANAGEMENT POLICY 3^ 5. RECOVERY FROM DEADLOCK 50 6. PERFORMANCE OF DISTRIBUTED DEADLOCK POLICIES $k LIST OF REFERENCES 57 1. INTRODUCTION With the advent of computer systems capable of supporting a number of processes (running programs) simultaneously through multi- programming and time sharing, a class of problems arose which did not exist previously in the single-user systems. These problems came about as the result of contention by the processes for the resources of the computer (such as tape drives, files, memory units and CPU time). It became apparent that if the behavior of the processes was unrestricted, not only could the overall resource utilization be inefficient, but also some processes in the system could actually induce incorrect operation on other processes. Thus, the operating system was forced to take on the additional roles of supervisor and mediator of the processes. One of the problems which arose was related to the allocation of the resources of the computer. A computer system is said to contain a deadlock if one or more processes in the system can never proceed because their resource requirements can never be satisfied. For example, consider a system in which a process cannot release a resource while waiting for the request for another resource to be granted. Suppose that this system consists of processes PI and F2. and resources Rl and R2. Furthermore, suppose that Rl has already been allocated to PI and R2 has already been allocated to P2. Now, if PI requests R2 and P2 requests Rl, then PI and P2 are deadlocked, since neither process can proceed. In general, deadlock can involve any number of processes interacting through their resource requirements. Theories have evolved which allow us to determine necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of deadlock in different types of computer systems. From these theories, resource management policies have been designed to deal with deadlock in real systems. The simplest policies prevent deadlock from occurring by restricting resource requests by processes. For example, if processes are required to request all the resources which they will need at one time, then the resource manager can allocate the resources for each process all at once and deadlock can never occur. Thus, in simple policies such as this one the resource manager simply has to enforce the restrictions. Unfortunately, such restrictions often lead to inefficient resource utilization. Therefore, other resource management policies have been designed which are necessarily more complicated, but which remove restrictions on processes and attempt to increase resource utilization. In these policies the resource manager monitors the system and controls the allocation of resources to deal with deadlock dynamically [CI, H2, Ek, H5, H6] . The resource management policies proposed so far have been central- ized, that is, only one resource manager can be active in the system at once, Request and release operations placed by processes must be queued up for service by the centralized resource manager one at a time. Inherent in a centralized resource management scheme is a lim i tation on the size of the system which can be serviced. In large multiprocessors and computer networks with common resources, the centralized resource manager can become the bottle-neck in the system. One way to alleviate this problem is with distributed resource management. In this report we will study the design of distributed resource management policies. In particular, we shall re€xamine the theory of deadlock and see how centralized algorithms may best be adapted for distributed control. In Chapter 2 we shall define the necessary terms and introduce a graph model (proposed by Holt [Ek, H5] ) for our analysis of deadlock. We have chosen this model because of its generality and because of the systematic approach to the building of deadlock-related algorithms which it allows. It has also been chosen because it is perhaps the only model proposed which considers the passing of messages in its analysis of deadlock, which is definitely an important feature when applied to computer networks. Our knowledge of deadlock will then be applied in Chapter 3 to examine the types of centralized resource management schemes currently proposed (as related to their treatment of deadlock), with specific examples. Chapter k is devoted to the development of distributed resource management. When any process is allowed to execute system procedures to handle resource management, the main problem is one of synchronization. Thus we will discuss how current algorithms may be synchronized for distributed control and show how to do so for an algorithm given in Chapter 3. Deadlock can occur in any system, even if an algorithm is employed to prevent it. In the latter case, deadlock can be caused by an unexpected occurrence, such as a hardware failure. Therefore, Chapter 5 is devoted to recovery from deadlock. The recovery process is explained and an example of a very fast recovery algorithm is discussed. Finally, in Chapter 6 we will discuss the performance and cost of the various types of distributed resource management as related to the algorithm employed for deadlock. We will give formulas for the size of the data base required and worst-case execution times. There will also be a brief discussion on how to decide what type of deadlock algorithm should be employed for any given system. 2. DEFINITION AND A GRAPH MODEL We now introduce the terminology which we shall use in our study of deadlock. A process is a sequence of instruction executions specified by a computer program. In particular, in the analysis of deadlock, we are only concerned with those points in the execution at which the process changes or attempts to change its current allocation of resources. (These points are called operations and will be described later. ) The interim execution is of no concern to us, except that it does take a non-zero amount of time. A resource , is anything in the computer system which a process may require to continue in execution. The resources are organized into resource types . Resources that are identical in terms of satisfying specific requirements by processes are said to be of the same type. The smallest assignable quantity of a resource is called a unit . For example, "tape drive" is a resource type and a specific tape drive is a unit of this type; or the "memory" type in a given system may be assignable in 512-byte units. There are two classes of resources. A reusable resource is one which a process may acquire from the system, use, and return to the system for use by other processes. Examples of reusable resources are I/O devices, tapes, disk packs, files and memory units. A unit of a consummable resource , on the other hand, no longer exists after being acquired and used by a process. Messages in inter-process communication are examples of consummable resources. Every consummable resource type must have one or more processes which are designated as its producers . A general resource system is completely characterized by: 1) a nonempty set of processes {P, , P„, . .., P ] t 2) a nonempty set of resource types [R_, R~,, . .., R ), 3) for each type of reusable resource R., a positive J integer t., which denotes the total units of R., J d h) for each consummable resource type, a nonempty set of producers. In a general resource system, a process may place a request to acquire units of a resource type which are available for acquisition. Subsequent to a request, a process may make an acquisition of the requested units. At this point, these units are no longer avaialable for acquisition by other processes. Finally, a process may release units of a resource type, making these units available to other processes. Reusable resource units are released by the processes who previously acquired them. Consummable resource units are released (or produced) only by the producers of the resource type. The request, acquisition and release of resources are the operations which a process may perform in a general resource system. Later in this section we will give more precise definitions for these operations . At any time either one of the following transient relationships may exist between a process P. and a resource R.: l) P. has requested, but not yet acquired, one or more units of type R.. 3 2) P. has acquired and not yet released one or more units of a reusable type R.. We say these units J have been assigned to P. . At any time the state of a general resource system is characterized by the number of available units of each resource type and the relationships between the processes and resource types in the system. Hence, any operation by a process changes the state of the system. The behavior of a general resource system can be described by its state diagram, such as in Figure 2.1. Each node in the diagram represents a state of the system and is labelled by the name of the state. If an operation by P. exists by which P. transforms state S to state T, then there is an edge labelled with "i" in the state diagram directed from S to T. We also represent this operation by S -i -* T (read "process P. takes S to T). Figure 2.1, therefore, represents a system with states {S, T, U, and V) and processes {P, and P ). Some of the operations in this system are S -1 -> U, U -1 -* S and T -2 -> V. If a sequence of zero or more operations exists which takes S to V, then we say S -* - V. Thus, in Figure 2.1, T -* -» S since T -2 ■+ V, V -2 -> U and U -1 -> S. When a process P. can perform no operations in state S, we say P. is blocked in S. P. is deadlocked in S if P. is blocked in S and will i i remain blocked for any sequence of operations performed by other processes. That is, P. is deadlocked in S if for all T such that S -* -* T, P. is 8 Figure 2.1 The state diagram of a system. "blocked in T. We say S is a deadlock state if one or more processes are deadlocked in S. It follows that if S is a deadlock state, then for all T such that S -* -* T, T is a deadlock state. (The converse of this statement is not true.) In Figure 2.1, P is blocked in T (but not deadlocked) and P p is deadlocked in states S and U. Though the state diagram discussed above is helpful in the formalization of basic concepts in deadlock analysis, it is not a useful tool for the analysis of deadlock in real systems. Just to generate the state diagram for any but the smallest of systems would be a formidable task. What we would like to have is the ability to analyze at any time the information contained in the current state of the system in order to answer such questions as whether the system is deadlocked or how to restrict the operations of processes so that deadlock will not occur. For this purpose we will introduce a graph model proposed by Holt [H^, H5] . To describe this graph model we need to define some terms from graph theory. A directed graph , such as the one in Figure 2.2, consists of a set of nodes and a set of edges connecting these nodes. We denote an edge directed from node n-, to node n p by (n.,, n p ). Furthermore, we say n-, is the father of n p and n p is the son of n,. A node from which no edges are directed is called a sink . Thus, node g is the only sink in Figure 2.2. A path is a sequence of nodes (n ,rip,n„, . . .,n/ >,,rL ) such that (n., n/. -,\) is an edge for i=l, ..., k-1. A cycle is a path in which the first and last nodes are the same. (a,b,e, d, a) is a cycle in Figure 2.2. A knot is a set of nodes such that every node in the set has a path to every other node in the set, and no node in the set has a path to a node not in the set. In Figure 2.2 {a,b,c, d, e) is a knot. 10 Figure 2.2 A directed graph. 11 A general resource graph is a directed graph in which the nodes represent processes and resource types in a general resource system. An edge directed from a process node to a resource type node is called a request edge, and represents a request by the process for a unit of the resource type. An edge directed from a reusable resource type node to a process node is called an assignment edge , and represents the assignment of a unit of the resource type to the process. An edge directed from a con- summable resource type node to a process node is called a producer edge and represents the processes being a producer of units of the resource type. Figure 2.3 is an example of a general resource graph describing a state in a general resource system. We can see that this general resource system has processes P-., Pp and P~ (represented by square nodes) and resource types R-,, Rp and R^ (represented by the large circular nodes). Each individual unit of a resource type is represented by a circular subnode within the type node. For reusable resources, such as R-, and Rp, the subnodes represent the total units of the resource type. Thus, t-,=2 and tp=3. Assignment edges are directed from the subnode representing the unit assigned. Since the number of available units r. of a reusable resource R. is equal to 1 i the total number of units minus the number of units assigned, we can see that r-,=0 and r 2 =l. For consummable resources, the subnodes simply represent the available units, that is, the units which have been produced, but not yet acquired. Thus, in Figure 2.3, ro=2. To see exactly how operations by processes are reflected in the state graph, let us describe in detail the three operations. 12 Reusable Resource Process Consummable Resource R„ Reusable Resource Process Figure 2.3 A general resource graph. 13 Request . If in the graph describing state S, no request edges are directed from P^ and S -i ~* T is a request, then the graphs describing S and T are identical, except that there are one or more request edges directed from P. in the graph describing state T. Acquisition . Suppose that in the graph describing state S there are one or more request edges directed from P. to R. and r. is equal to or greater than the number of request edges. J Then, if S -i -*■ T is an acquisition, the graphs describing S and T are the same, except, for each request edge (P., R.) in the graph describing S: 1) r. is decreased by one, 2) if R. is a reusable resource then each request J edge (P., R.) is replaced by an assignment edge (R , P ± ), 3) if R. is a consummable resource, then each J request edge (P., R.) is deleted. i a Release . Suppose that in the graph describing state S there are no request edges directed from P. and there is at least one assignment edge or a producer edge directed to P. . Then, if S -i -> T is a release, the graphs describing S and T are identical except that one or more of the resources having edges directed to P. has it available units (r.) increased by some i 3 number m. If R. is a reusable resource then m •3 assignment edges (R., P.) are deleted. Since a process is blocked when it can perform no operations, it follows from the definitions above that a process is blocked if and only if for some resource R. the number of request edges (P., R.) exceeds r.. lit We will say a state is expedient if all processes having requests arc blocked in that state. A process P. is deadlocked if and only if no sequence of operations by other processes can produce a state in which P. is not blocked. (If such a sequence exists then P. is not deadlocked. ) A direct method of determining if a sequence of operations leaves a process unblocked is a graph reduction method . A graph reduction by an unblocked process P. corresponds to the best set of operations which P. can perform to unblock other processes, which amounts to releasing as many units of reusable and consummable resources as possible. Specifically, a reduction by an unblocked process node does the following. For each reusable resource R., all request edges (P., R.) are deleted, corresponding to acquisition and release operations. Furthermore, for each assignment edge (R., P.), the edge is deleted and the available units, r., are increased by one, corresponding to release operations. Similarly, for consummable resources, r. is decremented by one for each request edge, and the edge is deleted. If P. is a producer of R., then the producer edge is deleted and r. is set to positive infinity, corresponding to the production of sufficient units to unblock all processes. If by some sequence of reductions, all edges of the general resource graph are deleted, we say the graph is completely reducible . Thus, we have the following results [H^,H5] : Result 2.1 . A process in a general resource graph is not deadlocked if and only if a sequence of graph reductions produces a graph in which the process is not blocked. Result 2.2 . If a resource graph is completely reducible then the corresponding state is not a deadlock state. 15 These results allow us to design algorithms to determine if any- process in a general resource system is deadlocked. Such algorithms operate by trying successive reduction sequences until the process in question is unblocked. Unfortunately, if a deadlock does exist, nearly n! reduction sequences (where n is the number of processes in the system) may have to be tried. This is clearly impractical in systems with large numbers of processes. As we shall see in the next chapter, by making various restrictions on the types of resource system which we will handle, algorithms with reasonable execution times can be designed. But first, we will develop here an example of some data structures which can be used to encode the state information of a system as described by its state graph. These data structures will then be used in the examples of resource management procedures contained in succeeding chapters. We will develop these structures for single-unit request systems , i.e., systems in which each process has at most one request edge directed from it in the state graph at any one time. First we will determine the information required to describe each node and subnode of the graph. Then we will discuss how these data can be organized into structured arrays and how these structures can be linked together to describe a state graph. Table 2.1 lists the data fields necessary for describing each kind of node in the state graph and the edges directed from it. The "name" field for each type of node will hold the index of the name of the node. For example, the name field for process P. will hold the value j. The "request edge" field for each process node will hold the index 16 Table 2.1 The data fields required to describe nodes in the state graph. Process node name request edge Resource Type node name type available units producer edges Resource Unit name assignment edge of a resource type node if a request has been placed for a unit of that type by the process. It will hold a zero otherwise. In the description of resource type nodes, the "type" field will contain a zero if the node is a reusable resource and a one if it is consummable. The number of available units of the resource type will be stored in the "available_jinits" field. If the resource type is consumraable, then there must be at least one "producer edge" field which contains the index i for each process P. which is a producer of the resource type. 17 Resuable resource units which have been assigned to a process P. will have the value i stored in the "assignment_edge" field of their description. This field will be zero for all unassigned units and for units of consummable resource types. The information describing nodes in the state graph can be con- veniently organized into structured arrays, as illustrated in Figure 2.k. Each identifier preceded by a 1 is the name of a structured array of information and is followed by a number specifying the size of the array. This name is merely a collective identifier for the data fields in the structure. The data fields are specified by the identifiers in succeeding lines, each preceded by a 2. This sequence of data fields is repeated as many times as the number specified with the name of the structured array. For example, "1PR0CESS" (100) is a structured array containing a sufficient number of data fields for describing 100 processes. The data fields describing process P. are organized into the structure "PROCESS(i). " Individual data fields describing P. can be referred to separately as in "request_edge (i ) . " Note that there are no "name" fields in any of the structures in Figure 2.k. The information which was contained in the "name" field is now implicitly contained in the index of the structure. Note also that, since a variable number of producer edges may be directed from a consummable resource type node, there are no "producer_edge" fields in the "RESOURCE_TYPE" array. The encoding of producer edges will be discussed shortly. Identifiers in Figure 2.k which are not discussed here will be explained as they are used in the remainder of this chapter and Chapter 3. iB 1 PROCESS (100), 2 request_edge, 2 acquired_unit, 2 private_semaphore, 1 RESOURCEJEYPE (100), 2 type, 2 aval lab le_units, 2 unit_queue_ptr, 2 producer_queue_ptr, 2 request_count, 2 request queue ptr, 1 RESOURCE_UNIT (1000), 2 assignment_edge, 1 QUEUE_ELEMENT (3000) 2 next_ptr, 2 structure index; Figure 2.h Structured arrays for the encoding of state graphs in single-unit-request systems. 19 To represent relationships between nodes in the state graph, fields in the node structures can be used to link the structures together. For example, we have already shown how some of the process-resource relationships can be represented with the "request_edge" and "assignment_edge" fields. Relationships between one node and a variable number of other nodes can be represented via a circular queue. The circular queue, for example, is used to link the structures describing resource unit subnodes to the structure describing the associated resource type node. Members of the "QUEUE_ELEMENT " structured array are circularly linked through their "next_ptr" fields to form the queue. The "structure_index" field of each element in the queue contains the index of (or a pointer to) a member of the "RESOURCEJJNIT " structured array. The "unit_queue_ptr" in the associated member of the "RESOURCE_TYPE" structured array points to the "rear" element in this circular queue. Since the "next_jptr" in the rear element points to the "front" element, easy access to either end of the queue is accomplished via the single "unit_queue_ptr . " Figure 2 . 5a shows an example of how the relationship between consummable resource node R. and its units U. , IL and U is represented. We will assume system dequeue and queue procedures exist as illustrated in Figures 2.5b and 2.5c. In roughly the same manner we use a circular queue to encode the producer edges of a consummable resource type. In this case the "structure_index" field of each queue element contains the index of a process which is a producer of the resource. A pointer to the queue is stored in the "producer_queue_ptr" in the consummable "RESOURCE_TYPE" structure. The simple graph in Figure 2.6 and the data structure describing it in Figure 2.7 illustrates how the structured arrays discussed above are used to 20 unit queue ptr(j) • ' a) Initial circularly linked unit queue. unit queue ptr(j) m b) After dequeue (U, unit_queue_ptr (j ) ), U contains k. unit queue ptr ( j ) • > c) After queue (n, unit queue ptr(j)), Figure 2.5 An example of the circularly linked unit queue, 21 Reusable Resource Rl Process PI Consummable Resource R2 Process P2 Figure 2.6 A simple state graph. 22 rt H II w II O ■P Ph II -P cu | ft . CD 2 H CO h ,a i 0) o s rr 1 o II H 3 (U •H -H B erf ■H +3 cd P ft 23 encode a state graph. Each box in Figure 2.7 represents a structure. All such structures are labelled by the name of the node they represent, with the exception of the "QUEUE_ELEiyiENT " structures which are not labelled. Only those data fields which we have already explained are included in the figure. The values of all structure indices are indicated by arrows pointing to the structure indexed. Each of the dashed- line circles encloses a collection of structures which together describe a single resource type node. 2k 3. SURVEY OF CENTRALIZED RESOURCE MANAGEMENT POLICIES We now briefly discuss various policies used to handle deadlock in centralized resource management systems. Available units in a centralized system belong to the system and are controlled by the resource manager. Processes queue up request and release operations to the resource manager and the manager actually performs these operations on the system for the processes. Acquisition operations are also performed by the resource manager in accordance with the deadlock and allocation policies being followed. Basically three different types of policies have been used by centralized resource managers to deal with the problem of deadlock. We t shall refer to them as : 1) static prevention, 2 ) detection and recovery, and 3) dynamic prevention. Static prevention policies are the simplest and most straightforward of the three. A resource manager adopting such a strategy enforces restrictions on the placement of requests by processes in the system so that a necessary condition for the existence of deadlock cannot occur. An example of a resource manager using a static prevention policy is Static and dynamic prevention are sometimes referred to as prevention and avoidance respectively [CI], 25 described by Havender [H2]. The necessary condition denied in this policy, in terms of our graph model, is a cycle in the state graph. To deny this condition, all resource types are organized into an ordered set of classes. A process in the system may only request resource units in classes higher than the highest class of units currently assigned to the process. This means that while traversing a path directed from a process node in a state graph, each resource node encountered must be of a higher class than the previous one, thus a cycle can never exist and deadlock cannot occur. In a resource management scheme following a detection and recovery policy, the placement of requests is unrestricted and the system state is examined at specific times for the existence of deadlock. If a deadlock is detected, a recovery scheme is invoked to eliminate the deadlock. (Recovery is discussed in Chapter 5. ) Detection may be concurrent or periodic . Concurrent detection is accomplished by invoking the detection algorithm after each request and acquisition operation which could cause a deadlock. A periodic detection algorithm can be invoked at any time, regardless of the number of operations which have occurred since the last time it was invoked, and therefore may be invoked as frequently or infrequently as desired. Detection algorithms have been proposed by Murphy [Ml] and Holt [H^,H5], For an example of a detection algorithm, let us consider a general resource system in which the resource manager treats multiple-unit requests as a series of single-unit requests. It has been shown [HU,H5] that given an expedient general resource graph with single-unit requests : Result 3.1 . The graph represents a deadlock state if and only if it contains a knot. 26 Result 3.2 . A particular process is not deadlocked if and only if it is a sink or has a path directed from it to a sink. Results 3.1 and 3.2 lead to fast periodic and concurrent detection algorithms respectively. Result 3.2 reduces the problem of deadlock detection to one of finding a path in the state graph from a process node to a sink. Algorithm 3.1 is a concurrent detection algorithm based on this result. The algorithm is essentially an exhaustive path search for a sink on the paths directed from the process node p ] . whose index, "I", is passed through the parameter I. (in an expedient graph, the only type of node which can be a sink on a path is a process node with no outstanding request.) The algorithm begins by setting a switch "D", which initially indicates that P is deadlocked. The "LIST, " which will be used to contain indices of processes with outstanding requests, is initialized to contain only "I". The main WHILE loop is then executed while "D" remains set. In this loop, successive process indices are read from the "LIST" into "Q. " A resource type index is then read from "request_edge (Q)" (see Figure 2.5) into "R." This resource "R/ is the son of process "P Q ". The algorithm then checks successive sons "P g " and "^ to see if they are sinks, that is, i: "request_edge(S)=0." If a son is found to be a sink, then "D" is cleared to indicate that % is not deadlocked. Otherwise, the son is added to the "LIST, " if it is not already there. The WHILE loop terminates when "D" is seen to be cleared or when the process indices on the "LEST" have been exhausted. At this point if "D" is still set, then no sink was found on the paths directed from »]*» and the recovery algorithm is invoked. (Recovery is discussed in Chapter 5. ) Result 3.1 indicates 27 that, in this case a knot exists consisting of the process nodes whose indices are contained in the LIST and the resource nodes to which the process nodes have directed requests. It can be shown [Rk, H5] that in an expedient single-unit-request system, the only operation which can cause a deadlock is a request for an unavailable unit. Therefore, Algorithm 3.1 must be invoked after each such request. The third type of policy is dynamic prevention. A resource manager adopting a dynamic prevention policy controls the allocation of resources dynamically in such a manner that deadlock cannot occur. To accomplish this, advanced information is required from each process concerning its expected resource requirements. The placement of requests by processes is unrestricted as long as they do not contradict the advanced information provided. Dynamic prevention algorithms have been proposed by Habermann [HI] and Holt [HU, H5] which apply to systems containing only reusable resources. Habermann' s algorithm is based on the following results stated in terms of our graph model [HI, Rk, H5]. Let S be any state in a reusable resource system. Result 3.3 S is not a deadlock state if and only if it is completely reducible. Result 3.^ . If when different sequences of reductions are applied to S, the resulting states cannot be reduced, then all of these resulting states are identical. Algorithm 3.2 is equivalent to Habermann* s algorithm. The algorithm requires that each process state its claim for the maximum units of each resource type which it may require. Resources are only allocated 28 if the resulting state is safe . A state is safe if, were all the processes in the system to request enough units to make their total allocation of resources equal to their claim, the resulting state, called the claim- limited state , does not contain a deadlock. Algorithm 3.2 simply determines if a deadlock exists in the claim- limited state, and thus if new allocations are safe. If the state is not safe, then the new allocations must be retracted. Used alone, Algorithm 3.2 is simply a deadlock detection algorithm. It detects deadlock by attempting to completely reduce the state graph, taking advantage of Result 3.^- which says only one reduction sequence need be tried. The algorithm returns a zero if the state is safe (i.e., it can be completely reduced) and a one otherwise. By making the following observation we can see one way to speed up Algorithm 3.2 : If state S is safe and state T is formed from S by allocating resources to p., then T can be determined as safe at that point in the graph reduction when P. becomes unblocked, since it can then release the newly acquired units. Thus if the index of the process which has acquired the new units is passed as a parameter, then a special test can be added to terminate the algorithm early, if this process became unblocked in the reduction of the claim- limited graph. In addition to a deadlock policy a resource manager must have an allocation policy. The allocation policy determines the order in which to honor requests by more than one process for units of the same resource type. First-come first-serve (FCFS) and priority driven allocation policies are common examples. Care must be taken such that the allocation policy does not allow for the occurrence of effective deadlock. Effective deadlock is a situation in which a process never becomes unblocked, even 29 though it is never deadlocked. As an example of effective deadlock, consider a priority-driven allocation policy in a system with a resource type for which a number of processes are always blocked with requests. A low priority process requesting this resource could remain blocked indefinitely, even though it may never be deadlocked. In Chapter h, when we consider distributed resource management, it will be necessary to consider all resource management procedures which effect operations by processes on the system. Therefore, we will now look at some simple request and release procedures by which a centralized resource manager effects these operations, so that they can be compared to the distributed procedures. Algorithms 3.3 and 3.^- are request and release procedures for single-unit-request systems. In these algorithms "I", "R" and "U" are used to contain indices of "PROCESS", "RESOURCEJTYPE" and "RESOURCEJJNIT" structures respectively. For definitions of the structures referred to in these algorithms see Figure 2.5. When a process performs a request or release operation in a centralized resource management scheme, this operation is queued up to be later effected by the resource manager. We will assume that after queueing a request operation, the process performs a P operation on its "private_semaphore, " thus blocking itself. (For a discussion of semaphores and P and V operations see Dijkstra [Dl] or Haberman [H6] . ) When the resource manager dequeues an operation it generates a call to Algorithm 3.3 or 3.^+. Acquisition operations are also performed in these procedures whenever requested units become available. To simplify the acquisition operations in the release procedure, blocked requests are redundantly encoded in the "RESOURCE TYPE" structure. A circular queue is maintained 30 in which the "structure-index" field of each queue element contains the index of a process blocked on a request for a unit of the resource type. A pointer to this queue is stored in "request_queue^ptr. " The "request_count" field keeps track of the number of blocked processes in the queue. Algorithm 3.3 effects request operations. If there are no available ■units, then the request edge is placed and the index of the process is queued into the request queue. (Queuing operations are illustrated in Figure 2.5.) If an available unit does exist, then the acquisition operation is effected immediately for the process. The index of the unit acquired is placed in the ,, acquired_unit" field of the process, to indicate to the process which unit it has acquired. Also, a V operation is performed on the "private_semaphore" of the process so that it may continue. Release operations are effected in Algorithm 3.^-. If the "request_count" is greater than zero, for the type of unit being released, then the index of a process is dequeued from the "request_queue" and an acquisition operation is performed for the process. This is done by placing the index of the unit in the "acquired_unit" field of the process node and performing a V operation on the "private_semaphore" of the process. If the request queue is empty, then the unit is simply made available. Note that since the request queue is handled in a first-in first-out manner, a first-come first- serve allocation policy is being employed. Algorithm 3.1 . A detection algorithm for single-unit- request systems, detect (i); Set D; Initialize LEST to contain only I; WHILE D=l DO for each process index Q on the LIST; 31 R < - request_edge (Q); DO for each son S of R; IF request_edge (S)=0 THEN clear D ELSE IF S is not on LIST THEN add S to LIST; FI; FI; OD; ELIHW; IF D is set THEN recover (i); FI; END; Algorithm 3.2 . A deadlock prevention algorithm for reusable resource systems. safe_state; Initialize list to contain all processes; WHILE list is not empty DO; Set D; DO for each process P on list; IF P is not blocked; THEN reduce graph by P; Clear D; Remove P from list; FI; 32 OD; IF D is set THEN RETURN (l)j FI; ELIHW; RETURN (0); END; Algorithm 3.3. A request procedure for single^-unit-request systems, request (I, R); IF available_units (R)=0 THEN request_edge (i) < - R; increment request_count (R); queue (I, request_queue_ptr (R)); detect ( I) ; ELSE decrement aval lab le_units (r); IF type (R)=reusable THEN find available unit U of R; assignment_edge (u) <- I; ELSE dequeue (U, unit_queue_ptr (R)); FI; acquired_unit (i) < - U; V (private_semaphore (i)); FI; END; 33 i Algorithm 3.^- » A release procedure for single-unit-request systems. release (R, U); IF request_count (r) > THEN decrement request_count (R); dequeue (Q, request_queue_ptr (R)); request_edge (Q,) < - 0; acquired_unit (Q,) < - U ;. IF type (R)=reusable THEN assignment_edge (U) < - Q; FI; V (private_semaphore (Q)); ELSE increment available_units (R); IF type (R^consummable THEN queue (U, unit_queue_ptr (R)); ELSE assignment_edge (u) < - 0; FI; FI; END; 3U h. DESIGN OF A DISTRIBUTED RESOURCE MANAGEMENT POLICY Under a distributed resource management policy, instead of having a single resource manager perform all operations, each process performs its own operations by invoking system procedures. To perform these operations, processes must manipulate the state information of the system, but if allowed to do so in an unrestricted manner, it is possible for them to interfere with each other and incorrectly carry out the operations. There are three types of interference problems encountered in distributed resource management. One of these is the mutual exclusion problem . This problem results from allowing processes to have read/write access to common data elements in the state information. For example, if two processes were simultaneously executing Algorithm 3.3 to request and acquire a unit of the same resource type when only one unit was available, they might first both see that "available_units (R)" is not equal to zero, then both decrement "available_units (R)" (making it -l) and then both attempt to acquire the same unit. When a dynamic deadlock algorithm is employed, it is possible for one process which is executing a dynamic deadlock algorithm to have the information which it has already examined modified by a second process. Hence, the first process may terminate its algorithm with an incorrect result. We shall call this type of interference problem the update problem . 35 Finally, consider a distributed resource management system which employs a concurrent detection algorithm or a dynamic prevention algorithm. The deadlock algorithm is invoked by a process, after it has performed an operation on the system, to see if further action is required, such as retract- ing the operation or recovering from deadlock. We shall, therefore, say that the newly performed operation is tentative and assume that it is marked as such in the state information. In such a system, the collision problem occurs when a process executing a dynamic deadlock algorithm comes upon the tentative operation of another process. In this situation we will say the first process has "collided" with the second. The first process must be able to make a decision under these circumstances which will eventually allow it to terminate the algorithm with an appropriate result. Solutions to these three interference problems will involve synchronization and occasional blocking of processes [Dl, H6] . It is obviously desirable that these solutions require as little process blocking as possible. Care must also be taken so that it is impossible for processes to become permanently blocked in the resource management procedures. We shall briefly discuss the general solution to each of the inter- ference problems. In particular, we shall show how these problems can be solved to adapt the resource manager described in Algorithms 3.1, 3.3 and 3.J+ for distributed control. The resulting example of a distributed resource management scheme is given as Algorithms ^-.1, k.2 and ^-.3. To implement these algorithms, additional data fields must be added to the structured arrays illustrated in Figure 2.5 to facilitate synchronization 36 and blocking of processes. The expanded structures are illustrated in Figure k.l. For simplicity, we assume that the state information resides in common memory accessible by all processes. The mutual exclusion problem can be solved by partitioning the state information and controlling access to each partition with a semaphore. The semaphore is initialized to one and any process which accesses the segment must first perform a P operation on the semaphore and then a V operation when it is done. For our algorithms, a semaphore is associated with each node in the state graph, i.e., a "node_semaphore" is added to the process node structure and the resource type node structure. Access to resource unit structures are controlled through the "node_semaphores" in the associated resource type structure. To solve the update problem, we must decide what part of the state information is critical to the outcome of the dynamic deadlock algorithm being used. Then we must prevent the critical information which has already been read by a process executing the algorithm from being changed by another process. For example, since Algorithm 3.1 is essentially an exhaustive path search for a sink, it is the information describing these paths which is critical. In the algorithm processes are only added to the IIST if they have an outstanding request. Therefore, path changes can be prevented by preventing the release of units which would be acquired by processes on the LIST. To do this, a "hold_count" and "holdingjprocess" field is added to the process structure and both are initialized to zero. In detection Algorithm k.l, the "hold_count" of each process is incremented as the process is added to the LIST. In Algorithm k.3 when a process 37 1 PROCESS (100), 2 request_edge, 2 acquired_unit, 2 private_semaphore, 2 node_semaphore, 2 hold_count, 2 holding_process, 2 tentative, 2 rank, 2 wait_count, 2 wait_queue_ptr, 1 RESOURCE_TYPE (100), 2 type, 2 available_units, 2 unit_queue_ptr, 2 producer_queue_j?tr, 2 request_count, 2 request_queue_ptr, 2 node_semaphore, 1 EESOURCEJUMIT (1000), 2 assignment_edge, 1 PRODUCER_ELEMENT (100), 2 producer_edge, 1 QUEUE_ELEMEJW (3000), 2 next_ptr, 2 structure index: Figure U.l Structured arrays for the encoding of state graphs for single-unit-request systems with distributed resource management. 38 finds that it is releasing a unit to be acquired by a process with a non-zero "hold_count, " the process releasing the unit places its index in "holding_j?rocess" and performs a P operation on its "private_semaphore. " Each process completing Algorithm k.l decrements the "hold_count" for all processes on its LIST. If any "hold_count" goes to zero for a process whose "holding_process" field is non-zero, a V operation is performed on the "private_semaphore" of the holding process. Somewhat more complicated is the solution to the collision problem. When one process collides with another there are three possible courses of action it might take: 1) It may block itself and wait for the other process to either retract the operation or mark it as no longer tentative . 2) It may assume the operation will be retracted and continue. 3) It may assume the operation will be marked as no longer tentative and continue. Unfortunately, it is undesirable to let all processes take the same course of action every time. To see why, consider the situation in which two processes, P. and P., are executing a concurrent detection algorithm and each collides with the other. If both processes take the same course of action, the following three possibilities could result, corresponding to the three courses of action above: 1) P- and P^ became permanently blocked. 2) A deadlock goes undetected. 3) Multiple reports to the recovery algorithm are generated for the same deadlock. 39 The first two possibilities are unacceptable. The third possibility is acceptable, but a very sophisticated recovery procedure is required to handle multiple deadlock reports efficiently. As we shall show in our example, more desirable solutions to the collision problem can be achieved by rank ordering the processes and allowing the action taken by a process after a collision to depend upon its rank relative to that of the other process in the collision. We have added four more fields to the process structure to solve the collision problem. They are "tentative, " "rank, " "wait_count" and "wait_queue_ptr. " The "rank" field is initialized to an arbitrary positive integer unique for every process. All other fields are initialized to zero. When a process makes a request for an unavailable unit in Algorithm k.2, it sets "tentative" to one and invokes the detection Algorithm k.l. • A collision occurs in Algorithm k.l when a process node P on a o path leading from the process P T is found to have a tentative request ("tentative (s) = 1"). In this event, P-j- compares its rank with that of P . If the rank of P is larger, P relies on P to find a path to a sink or -L 1 o invoke the recovery routine if a deadlock exists. This is equivalent to assuming that P g will retract its request. Thus in this case P- benefits from the collision by being able to immediately terminate the algorithm. If the rank of P_ is smaller, then P-j- waits for P^ to terminate its path search (and possibly invoke the recovery routine) before continuing. It accomplishes this wait by incrementing the "wait_count" of P queueing itself on the "wait_queue" of P„ and performing a P operation on its own "private_semaphore. " Then as P g terminates Algorithm k.l, it will perform h0 a V operation on the "private_semaphore" of every process in its "wait_queue. " Note that a process can have only one collision with a lower- ranked process, for then it will terminate Algorithm k.l. On the other hand, a process can have any number of collisions with higher-ranked processes, each time waiting for the higher-ranked process to terminate Algorithm k.l, then continuing. To illustrate that our distributed deadlock policy works correctly, we need to show that: 1) Every deadlock is reported to the recovery routine exactly once. 2 ) No spurious deadlock reports are generated. 3) No process can remain blocked forever in any of the algorithms. To see that the first statement is true, we recall from the last section that a necessary and sufficient condition for deadlock in expedient single-unit-request systems is a knot in the state graph. Furthermore, a knot can only be formed by a request for an unavailable unit. Therefore, at least one process in every knot will execute Algorithm k.l. If only one process in the knot executes Algorithm k.l, then it will have no collisions and Algorithm k.l will lead to detection of the deadlock in exactly the same manner as would Algorithm 3.1. When two or more processes simultaneously make requests and form a knot, each will invoke Algorithm k.l. Since, in a knot, a path exists from every process node to every other process node in the knot (and to no other process node), there will be collisions in the knot. 1+1 Obviously, the highest -ranked process which is executing Algorithm k.l in the knot can never be blocked from a collision. Furthermore, when this process collides with another process, it will terminate Algorithm k.l. As the highest-ranked process terminates the algorithm, it will unblock all processes which have collided with it. At this point we can again be sure that the process which is now highest-ranked will not be blocked from a collision. Since at least one process will not be blocked at any time, the processes in the knot will continue to execute Algorithm k.l until all but the one with lowest rank has terminated the algorithm. At this point the lowest-ranked process will continue the algorithm, detect the deadlock and recover. We know now that exactly one process in a knot will report a deadlock, but a process P not in a knot can be deadlocked if it has a path to a knot. So we need to show also that such a process will not generate an extra deadlock report. Let us designate the lowest-ranked process in the knot executing Algorithm k.l as P.. We will assume for now that as the result of the recovery procedure invoked by P. ; P. becomes a sink. (Recovery is discussed in Chapter 5. ) Before it also can detect this deadlock, P fc must visit every process node in the knot and place each one on its LIST. If p reaches P^ after recovery has taken place, then Pp will be a sink and P, will terminate the algorithm with no deadlock report. If P^ reaches Pn before recovery, one of two things will happen. If the rank of P, is higher than that of P», then P, will terminate with no deadlock report. If the rank of P, is lower, then it will be blocked and on the 'Vait_queue " of P* until after recovery has taken place. Of course P, may collide with another process with a lower rank and never k2 reach P/, at all. In any case, the process P which has a path to a knot but is not in the knot will not detect a deadlock. Thus we have shown that every deadlock has exactly one report. No spurious deadlocks will be detected because of our solution to the update problem. A process detects a deadlock in Algorithm U.l after searching for a sink on all paths leading from process nodes on the LIST and not finding one. Since we have eliminated the possibility of any of these paths changing after being examined, every deadlock detected will be a real one. To see that no processes will become permanently blocked, we must examine the use of semaphores in our algorithms. Each algorithm has been designed so that no process attempts to perform two successive P operations on semaphores without an intervening V operating being performed on the first semaphore. So all that we need to show is that there is a V operation for every P operation, and that processes cannot become permanently blocked in a circular manner. By examining the algorithms, we can see that this is obviously the case with each use of the "node_semaphore. " Each "node_semaphore " is initialized to one and every process which performs a P operation on a "node_semaphore " eventually performs the V operation itself. Each "private_semaphore" is initialized to zero. When a process performs a P operation on its own "private_semaphore, " it cannot continue until another process performs a V operation on the semaphore. There are three places where a process performs a P operation on its "private semaphore. " ^3 The first place is where a process has made a request for an unavailable unit in Algorithm k.2. In this case, the process queues the index of its "PROCESS" structure in the "request_queue" so that another process releasing a unit will eventually dequeue the index of the requesting process and perform a V operation on its private semaphore. Permanent blocking in this case is, of course, a deadlock, and thus is eliminated by the detection and recovery algorithms. The second place occurs in Algorithm k.3 when a process cannot release a unit until one or more other processes have terminated Algorithm k.l. The process assures a V operation in this case by placing its index in "holding_process. " This process will not be permanently blocked as long as the processes executing Algorithm k.l cannot become permanently blocked (which we show next). Processes executing Algorithm k.l become blocked upon collisions with higher- ranked processes. The "wait_queue" is used in the same manner as the "request_queue" to insure the occurrence of a V operation. Since blocked processes can only wait on processes of higher rank to unblock them, circular dependencies obviously cannot form, and no process can become permanently blocked. Thus, no cases exist in which processes can become permanently blocked executing our algorithms. This completes the demonstration of the correct operation of our deadlock policy. One pleasant side-effect of the synchronization code in Algorithm ^.1 is its effect on the execution of the algorithm in a system heavily loaded with request operations. As this load increases, the frequency of collisions increases. On the average, half of all collisions will allow a process to terminate Algorithm k.l earlier than if the process had no collisions. Thus as the load increases, the average time spent in Algorithm k.l decreases. kk Another type of detection policy for distributed systems could be designed with a periodic detection algorithm. In such a policy no resource operations would be monitored. Periodically a process would be scheduled (perhaps during CPU idle time) to execute the detection algorithm to see if any deadlocks have occurred since the last execution of the algorithm. Since only one process would be executing the algorithm, there would be no collision problem and only the mutual exclusion problem and the update problem would have to be solved. For a distributed resource management system with dynamic prevention, solutions to the interference problems very similar to the ones we have discussed can be used with Haberman's algorithm (Algorithm 3.2). Unfortunately, the time-saving shortcut discussed in Chapter 3 for this algorithm cannot be used in the distributed case. Therefore, every process executing the distributed algorithm must attempt to reduce a claim- limited graph for the entire system. Furthermore, since the algorithm operates by reducing the state graph, each process executing the algorithm needs its own copy of some of the information associated with each node in the graph. We will discuss how to choose the best deadlock algorithm for a given distributed system in Chapter 6. Algorithm k.l . A detection algorithm for single-unit-request systems with distributed resource management, detect (i); Set D; P (node_semaphore (l))=0 IF request edge (l)=0 h$ THEN clear D; tentative (i) < - 0; ELSE increment hold_count (i); Initialize LIST to contain only I; FI; V (node_semaphore (i)); WHILE D=l DO for each process node . Q on LIST; R < - request_edge (Q,); DO for each son S of R; LI: P (node_semaphore (S)); IF request_edge (S)=0 THEN clear D; tentative (i) < - 0; ELSE IF tentative (S)=l THEN IF rank (i) > rank (s) THEN clear D; tentative (i) < - 0; ELSE IF I 1 = S THEN increment wait_count (S); queue (I, wait_queue_ptr (S)) V ( node_s emaphor e ( S ) ) ; P (private_semaphore (i)); GOTO LI; FI; FI; ELSE IF S is not on LIST k6 THEN add S to LIST; increment hold_count (S); FI; PI J FI; V (node_semaphore (S)); . OD; ELIHW; IF D=l THEN recover (i); FI; P (node_semaphore (i)); tentative (i) < - 0; WHILE wait_count (i) -. = 0; decrement wait_count (i); dequeue (Q, wait_queuej?tr (l))j V (private_semaphore (Q,)); ELIHW; V (node_semaphore (i)); DO for each process node Q on LIST; P (node_semaphore (Q,)); decrement hold _count (Q); IF hold_count (Q)=0 THEN IF holding_process (Q) -, = THEN V (private_semaphore (holding_process (0,))); holding process (Q) < - 0; ^7 FI; FI; V (node_semaphore (Q)); OD; END; Algorithm k.2. A request algorithm for single-unit-request systems with distributed resource management. request (I, R); P (node_semaphore (R)); IF available_units (R)=0 THEN tentative (i) < - 1; request_edge (i) < - R; increment request_count (R); queue (I, request_queue_ptr (R)); V (node_semaphore (R)); detect (i); P (private_semaphore (I ) ) ; ELSE decrement avai lab le_u nits (R); IF type (R) = reusable THEN find available unit U of R; assignment_edge (U) < - I; ELSE dequeue (U, unit_queue_ptr (R)); FI; V (node_semaphore (R)); acquired_unit (i) < - U; FI; return (acquired_unit (i)); END; 1+8 Algorithm U.3. A release algorithm for single-unit-request systems with distributed resource management. release (I, R, U); P (node_semaphore (R)); IF request_count (R) > THEN decrement request_count (R); dequeue (Q, request_queue_ptr (R)); V (node_semaphore (R)); II: P (node_semaphore (Q,)); IF hold_count (Q) n ■= THEN holding_process (oj < - I; V (node_semaphore (Q)); P (private_semaphore (i)); GOTO LI; ELSE request_edge (Q) < - 0; acquired_unit (Q) < - U; IF type (R) = reusable THEN assignment_edge (u) < - Q; FI; V (node_semaphore (Qj); V (private_semaphore (Q)); FI; ELSE increment available_units (R); IF type (R) = consummable THEN queue (U, unit_queue_ptr (R)); h9 ELSE assignment edge (u) < - 0; FI; V (node_semaphore (R)); FI; END; 50 5. RECOVERY FROM DEALDDCK We will now direct our attention to the problem of recovery from deadlock, that is, in the event that a deadlock does occur, how can it be eliminated? Since there can exist no sequence of operations discussed so far by which the deadlock can be eliminated, recovery must be effected by special operations which we will define shortly. These operations may be performed by a recovery procedure in the operating system or by a human operator. The occurrence of the deadlock and the recovery from it should be made completely invisible to all processes in the system. The ability to recover will depend on the availability of a certain amount of backup information. When necessary, this information is used to restart processes at prior points in their execution and to replace resource units which have been modified (such as files) with copies of the unit before the modification took place. We will restrict our discussion to recovery in reusable resource systems for the following reason. Consider messages for interprocess communication as an example of consummable resource units. The content of messages can be very time-dependent. A particular message may contain information obtained from system tables and queues at particular times or from other messages obtained over a period of time. In general, it may be impossible to determine the effects throughout a system of restarting a process which is a producer or consumer of messages. Since 51 recovery from deadlock may necessitate restarting processes, we will not consider systems which have consummate le resources. There are two special recovery operations which may be used to eliminate a deadlock. First, there is termination of a process, after which the process is restarted at its "beginning. In the state graph, termination of a process means the removal of all request edges directed from the process node and the release of all. units with assignment edges directed to the node (thus creating available units). Any resource units which have been modified by the process will have to be replaced by backup copies. Resource preemption is the second recovery operation. In terms of the state graph, preemption of a resource unit means that the assignment edge directed from the unit to a process node is deleted, and the unit is assigned to another (usually deadlocked) process. If the unit is one which cannot be modifed, then the recovery procedure can place a request for the unit for the process, and the process may continue execution when it becomes unblocked. Otherwise, the recovery procedure may have to replace the unit with a backup copy and restart the process at a point at or before the request was made. In this case, the recovery procedure will have to similarly handle any resource units which were assigned to the process after the point at which it will be restarted. Associated with each recovery operation is a cost. This cost includes the cost for the recovery procedure to perform the operation plus, if a process must be restarted, the cost of the resources which the process has used since the point at which it will be restarted. 52 When a recovery procedure is invoked, it may simply perform recovery operations until it determines that the deadlock no longer exists. For example, a very simple recovery routine might simply terminate processes until the deadlock is eliminated. On the other hand, a recovery procedure may calculate in advance a sequence of recovery operations which it can perform to eliminate the deadlock. There may be any number of sequences of recovery operations which can be used to recover from a particular deadlock. The cost of performing different sequences of operations may vary widely. It is, of course, desirable to minimize the cost of recovery. A recovery procedure is said to be "optimum" if it always performs the lowest-cost sequence of recovery operations for any deadlock. Shoshani [SI] has designed an algorithm for optimum recovery in centralized reusable resource systems. There are, of course, extra problems to be considered in the design of recovery algorithms for systems with distributed resource management. The main problem is that in some systems it may be possible for deadlocks to be reported to the recovery routine more than once. Indeed, it may be possible for a deadlock to be reported after the recovery routine has already eliminated it. If it is impossible to eliminate multiple deadlock reports in the deadlock algorithm being used, then the recovery routine must be able to handle multiple reports. Recovery from deadlock in single-unit-request systems is extremely simple. Furthermore, since as we have shown in Section^, Algorithm k.l reports each deadlock only once, recovery algorithms can be the same for the centralized and the distributed case. A necessary and sufficient 53 condition for deadlock in single-unit-request systems is a knot in the state graph. To recover from deadlock, any unit of a resource node in the knot can be preempted and assigned to any process node which has requested a unit of that resource type. With its request now granted, this process node becomes a sink. Since all nodes in the knot had a path to the resource node from which the unit was preempted, they now all have a path to the process node to which the unit was assigned, and this process node is now a sink. The deadlock is therefore eliminated. For a very fast recovery algorithm we can preempt a resource unit of the type requested by the process which detected the deadlock. For optimum recovery, an algorithm simply needs to calculate the minimum cost of preempting any unit of a resource node in the knot. 5h 6. PERFORMANCE OF DISTRIBUTED DEADLOCK POLICIES In this chapter we will discuss the performance of various deadlock policies in distributed resource management schemes. The ultimate criterion by which resource management schemes should be judged is effective resource utilization . We define effective resource utilization to be the total resource utilization minus that which is spent in resource management procedures and that which must be duplicated when processes are restarted. For example, consider a system in which the resources are kept busy 5&?o of the time on the average, but 3% of the time is spent in resource management and 2% is wasted in duplication when processes must be restarted. The effective resource utilization of this system would be k %, There are two ways in which deadlock policies limit the effective resource utilization. First, inherent in each type of deadlock policy is a certain amount of inefficient resource utilization. We will discuss, in general terms, only those inefficiencies peculiar to each type of policy. Secondly, since processes executing resource management procedures compete with other processes for resources, the effective resource utilization goes down as the resources required by the management procedures increase. Thus for the algorithms we have discussed, we will derive formulas for worst- case execution time. Static prevention algorithms are the simplest and fastest algorithms. Of course, the restrictions made on the placement of requests in these 55 algorithms are not required by the dynamic deadlock algorithms. These restrictions are more than an inconvenience, for they lead to inefficient resource utilization as well. A process forced to request a resource unit T seconds before it will actually be used (as is often the case in the policy described by Havender [H2]) is effectively preventing any use of this resource for the T seconds. Further inefficiency occurs, when after the process has acquired several units of resources, it becomes blocked waiting only for the acquisition of a unit which it does not immediately need. The execution time of static prevention algorithms does not vary with the number of processes and resource types in the system and is negligible in comparison to that of the dynamic algorithms. The inefficiencies in resource utilization characteristic of detection and recovery algorithms result from the resources expended in recovery from deadlock. This includes the resources used by the recovery procedure as well as the resources wasted when a process must be restarted. To calculate the worst-case execution time of Algorithm U.l, we will consider its operation on a slightly modified state graph with weighted edges . In such a graph multiple edges directed from one node to another are represented by a single edge and an integer designating the number of edges represented. Furthermore, assume that a further test is added at the beginning of the first WHILE loop to insure that the loop is not executed more than once for the same resource R^. Then, for a graph with m resources and n processes, the WHILE loop can be executed a maximum of m times and the inner DO loop is executed a maximum of n times. For large m and n, the execution time for the remainder of the algorithm is negligible. Thus the maximum execution time for Algorithm i+.l is proportional to mn. Note that in single-unit request systems with 56 m > n, paths can only exist to a maximum of n resources, and thus in these 2 systems the maximum execution time is proportional to n . Dynamic prevention algorithms introduce inefficiencies into resource management by not allocating available units which have been requested when it finds that the resulting state is unsafe. Naturally, in some cases, were the allocations made, deadlock would not occur. The worst-case execution time of Haberman's algorithm as stated in Algorithm 3.2 occurs when only one process is unblocked initially and only one process becomes unblocked on each time through the DO loop. If each process is assigned one or more units of each of the m resources, then the reduction step in the inner loop takes a time proportional to m. The first time through the DO loop there are n processes on the list and there is one less each time after that. Thus the worst-case execution time of the loop is proportional to n+(n-l)+. . .+1 = n(n+l)/2. Therefore, the worst-case execution time of the entire algorithm is proportional 2 to mn . Holt [H4,H5] has shown an equivalent algorithm which uses extra data elements at the process and resource nodes and has a worst-case execution time proportional to mn. These factors would be the same for either algorithm if it were distributed. To calculate formulas for the average execution time of the dynamic deadlock algorithms in a given system or to predict which deadlock algorithm will give the maximum effective resource utilization in a system, detailed data on the typical resource requirements of the processes in the system is needed. With this information and the use of probability theory or simulation, an optimal distributed resource management scheme can be designed for any system. 57 LIST OF REFERENCES [CI] Coffman, E. G-. Jr., M. J. Elphick and A. Shoshani, "System Deadlocks/' Computing Surveys, 3 , 2 (June 1971 )> PP. 67-78. [Dl] Dijkstra, E. W., "Cooperating Sequential Processes," Programming Languages (F. G-enuys, ed. ), Academic Press (1968), pp. 1+3-132. [Fl] Fontao, R. 0., "A Concurrent Algorithm for Avoiding Deadlocks in Multiprocess Multiple Resource Systems, " Sigops Operating Systems Review, 6 , 1, 2 (June 1972), pp. 72-79- [HI] Habermann, A. N. , "Prevention of System Deadlocks, " Comm. ACM, 12 , 7 (July 1969), pp. 373-385. [H2] Havender, J. W., "Avoiding Deadlocks in Multitasking Systems," IBM Systems Journal, 7 , 2 (1968), pp. 7^-Qk. [R"3] Hebalker, P. G., Deadlock- free Sharing of Resources in Asynchronous Systems , MAC-TR-75, ' Project MAC, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, (September 1970). [Ek] Holt, R. C, On Deadlock in Computer Systems , TR-CSRG-6, Computer Systems Research Group, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, (April 1971). [H5] , "Some Deadlock Properties of Computer Systems, " Sigops Operating Systems Review, 6 , 1, 2 (June 1972), pp. 6U-71. [H6] Habermann, A. N., "Synchronization of Communicating Processes, " Recovery from Deadlocks in Multi-process, Multiple Resource Systems , TR-80, Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey. BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA SHEET 1. Report No. UIUCDCS-R- 7^-619 3. Recipient's Accession No. . I it U- and Sunt itle Deadlock in Distributed Computer Networks 5. Report Date December 1974 6. Authors) Thomas Jay Miller 8. Performing Organization Rept. No. Performing Organization Name and Address Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. 1 1. Contract/Grant No. NSF DCR72-03740 Al 2. Sponsoring Organization Name and Address National Science Foundation Washington, D.C. 13. Type of Report & Period Covered 14. 5. Supplementary Notes 6. Abstracts In this report, the theory of deadlock is studied to determine how centralized resource management algorithms may best be adapted for distributed control. The types of centralized resource management schemes known to date are examined. A distributed resource management scheme is proposed. When any process is allowed to execute system procedures to handle resource management, the main problem is one of synchronization. We discuss how algorithms may be synchronized for distributed control and show how to do so for an algorithm given in this report. Finally, we discuss the worst case performance and cost of the various types of distributed resource management as related to the algorithm employed for deadlock. 7. Key Words and Document Analysis. 17a. Descriptors 7b. Identifiers /Open-Ended Terms 7c. COSATI Field/Group 8. Availability Statement 19. Security Class (This Report) UNCLASSIFIED 20. Security Class (This Page UNCLASSIFIED 21- No. of Pages 22. 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