LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN ^YVO."3CoT-3to9 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 xv- Report No. 369 COO-1U69-0150 LINE AND AREA ORTHOGONALITY OF JACOBI POLYNOMIALS by M. M. Chawla and M. K. Jain fH \* December 1969 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN URBANA, ILLINOIS Report No. 369 LINE AND AREA ORTHOGONALITY OF JACOBI POLYNOMIALS* by M. K. Jain M. M. Chawla December 1969 Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 6l801 This report is supported in part by contract U. S. AEC AT(ll-l)lU69, and in part by the National Science Foundation under grant NSF-GJ-217. LINE AND AREA ORTHOGONALITY OP JACOBI POLYNOMIALS M. M. CHAWLA and M. K. JAIN Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 61801 1. In t re duct ion. j->e n n P '' (x) , n-0,1,2, ... , be the set of Jacobi polynomials which form an orthogonal system on [-1,1] with respect to the weight function (l-x) (l+x; , -1, ys > -1; that is, (1) (fc^ ?"'$ -j O-*?O+xf?f'>\x)T>r%Ux=0, "+* These polynomials are standardized, as usual, such that P '' (l) = ( J . Let p"' ; "(x) designate the Jacobi polynomial P ' * (x) normalized according n n to (1) so that p*(x) = P^^^xVUP^'^ll , where IIP^'^II = (P ( *'f°, P (jC '^)* n n ' n n N n T n Let £f> designate the ellipse z^(^ +$"') 1 ^ = pe lfi , Oi0 4 2Tf , P > 1, in the z-plane (x=Re(z)) with foci at z = i 1 and semiaxes ■§•( P + P ) and "KP-J J ~')» By A(£\) we shall designate the class of functions analytic on "the closed interval [-1,]] (A [-1,1]) and which can be continued analytically into the z-plane so as to be single valued and regular in £- , the interior of £ , and continuous in £« , the closed ellipse £« . For f,geA(A) we introduce the line integral inner product wnich induces the line integral norm (3) If II = J Kcx)| iKz^d, I ^ "ft -2- ar.d the area integral inner product ( 4 ) (M) = Jj jW6oJ *M 900^4 «p - which induces the area integral norm (5) If II* = j/lW(z)| lf<>/-l, p >— 1; further, for & > -1 , p > -\ , these polynomials also form an orthogonal system on £\ with respect to the area integral inner product (4) with weight |w(z)| = I 1 "" 2 ! ~"" 2 ll+zr"* 2 . 2 * Let L (£*; |W(z)| ) denote the Hilbert space resulting from the completion of A(£\) with respect to the area integral norm (5), and let H (£\; |w(z)J ) denote the Hilbert space resulting from the completion of A(£p) with respect to the line integral norm (3). The Hilbert space -3- 5, N L (tp? 1) has been used extensively for obtaining estimates for the errors of numerical approximation for functions analytic on E— 1,1] (the method Suggested by Davis; see, e.g., j^4] ) • As a consequence of our results we show that the area integral inner product (2) is unsuitable for obtaining error estimates for the class of functions A[— 1,1] ; this has already been observed in Chawla £6], As a side result we obtain relationships between the real integral, with Jacobi weight function, and the (complex) line and area integrals for an fC-A(£«). As an important application of the line integral orthogonality of the Jacobi polynomials on £p , we show that estimates for the errors of rules of numerical approximation for analytic functions can be obtain directly from Cauchy's integral formula. 2. Line Integral Orthogonality of Jacobi Polynomials The Jacobi polynomials form a line integral orthogonal system on £« rith the Jacobi weight function. This is contained in ?HSOREM 1 . Let ; 6) 'ti — '" ' ■■■' c p Len, for <* > -1, /?>-!. \1) ||.-z|*|i^7>^)lC<>)^ ~ »Vi«M,V' £p Proof . We follow Walsh Lit Theorem 12j. For « > -1, ^>-l, we have f l.-.l'Wl' £«£(»> W -4- V;hcrC °1, o^J P ) -, ! and » p£ || .» (2)* for all „> 0, there Co JO^lLjPy 1 . On -l 4!i l, P*( z ) = ( 2 )~* p »( a ) # £-1210. let *„J, ,_fc then p * (x) . (2/7ty*1J x) , n>0 , pJ W . (*)"* Since on ^ , T n (z) = -|( ^ n + £~ n ) , (3) «/-;ii = (P** +?**)*, »Z0 The corresponding line integral orthonormal system of Chebyshev polynomials is, therefore, 3 * A^ea Integral Orthogonality of JaooM Po1 vrmni , a1 „ lie next show that the Jacobi polynomials ?£">(,) form an orthogonal system on the area of £^ with weight |l- Z j*^ |l +a |'-* . THEOREM 2 . Let 10) £>)- /CC*)/C««)*, »-o>i,$.>.~, iiere in, for c<>-j f p y _ if Proof. Let A designate the annulus: £ =Re i0 , 1< R < p , ^ 6 4 ZV , -5- in the ^ -plane, which is the map of £p in the z-planc. Then, with -1 <=■*($ + 5 ). £=u+iv, (13) jj 1 W(,)j fc* W £(.) J^ « J{ , W (,), £(,) ££) j. ,,_ ,-^JJ, P,. c K Now, if |'.i(z)| = |l-z| " |l+zj^\ th en Prom (7), (8) and (14) we obtain (15) Si i«r-* 1 - -i''~ 1; t« K>) -4 - J^ f i J ««fi ■«!' p>)^w/^0 c c »fl£PJ£fi4 P.... A = Vj>fii f and (12) now follows from (15). We note an alternative expression for (16) C Prom (11) we observe that as />-*l, p^{ p )-* 0, and since p*(z) uniformly bounded on -1 £ z £l, there follows COROLLARY 2. The polynomials ?*(z) are unbounded on -Ui*l f and hence unbounded on every £\ , p> 1. See also Sewell [7 J , Theorem 5.3.1 and remarks on p. 154. ^--■^■r.les. 1. Let <*=£, £ =£, then p*(x) - (2/'}f)~ S U^x) , n^O. Since on $ , U^z) = ( ? n+1 - jf*" 1 VCg-^" 1 ), are d7) IKi = (V"^ p""-^' ^ so that (is) ?;<=) a±Y(p^ z +^ )-*uw are line integral orthonormal over Cp . Now, (19) /up) = ['Cr^^r^-*)^ therefore the polynomials are area integral orthonormal over L with weight |w(z)( = 1. 2. Let *— £■, £=-|; then from (8) and (ll) tfhile W- *.( P f- = ^ 4 p , 0>0 nerefore, the Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind, 2l) ?>) - *(t)*(P u, -P"* , )"*"E(0> »>° -7- c 2 -1 are area integral orthonormal over en with weight |l-z j 4- delations between Real, Line and Area Integrals of an Analytic Function Assume that fe A(L), PP" 1 * Then f possesses the uniformly convergent Fourier expansions: On -l*<*; = £ (jjTw%) Th "''"OO *"l - C M — V ** where (23) « * « f' (i-x^O*/ fOO|>*(x>kc (24) •p «■=£/ £, wnere (25) wr = f 4 and also the Fo urier expansion (26) i fo = X t * _ j , i,.*ri, + »i^wT*ww t v ! c * ^ T>^/%) where (27) c; - JT 1,.^^ |lt2 f-'A ^ ?>) J*J a Since all these Fourier expansions (22), (24) and (26) of the same f«=A(£V) arc identical on -I/-2U, the coefficients of P^ '^(z) in these n expansions must be the same. Equating the coefficients in (22) and (24), (26) 1£h a* = y h , "to Substituting for a* and b* from (23) and (25), we have -8- 2 For n=0, (29) gives i r' (30) j ■ since p" x " is a constant, o Next, equating the coefficients in the expansions (24) and (26), we obtain Substituting for b* and c* from (25) and (27), we obtain n n ' 1 (32) p B (flj i.-.r»'«i'.^ m\M =110* [fi-r^W 7 ^ fto^ For n=0, (32) gives (33) %(?) j" i.*ri!«f#o 1^1 = > rf $m~V^"V^ Finally, comparing (30) and (33) we obtain (34) ?oCF) ( O-sfO-^/fOo ^x - Jf 1-4"^ li^T^f C-)^ $ We note the following special cases of (34). (i) *=■!, p=|- : (35) ±^-p-*){ 1 o-x^f^J*- = jJfojM This particular relation was derived by Davis f5j in connection v;ith simple Quadratures. -9- (ii) oc —fr, ^=-1- : (iii) ix=0, £ =0 : (37) htn j ft*w* = j| l-^r y V^M -J •s J v;here r and L(£J = length of A . 5# ^ rrors of Numerical Approximation for Analytic Functions thrmi^h Cauchy's Integral Formula For f €A(£^), p > 1, we have from Cauchy's integral formula (33) f (x> = -L f f(^ $ x ^L-lflJi and, on £^ , f( z ) possesses the uniformly convergent Fourier expansion (24) in terms of the line integral orthonormal Jacobi polynomials P*(z). Substituting (24) in (38), we have (39) i Cx; = £ C J^- since P*(z) = p*( 2 )/ || p* Jj . Also, from the equation of closure, (40) wit « [ i,-,.ri..^if^^ = z /tf i* If E denotes the error of a linear process of numerical approximation for an ft" (^), p > 1, then from (39) (41) £ ^£, "* 1W From Schwarz inequality the error E(f) can now be bounded by -10- (42) \ui)\ 4»n ( x |f(tf(=9)J*V* If ||f|| is estimated from (43) ? If t * ^(^((i-ri^i^s)' where M(£p) = max f(z)j on £ , then we can estimate the error from: THEOREM 3 . Let ffA(^), p>l. Then, (44) |£ft>l - ( IMW*) ( g. Tj^T ; M(W For various error functionals of numerical analysis one can use a fixed Jacobi weight function and the corresponding orthonormal system of polynomials P w (z) in the estimate (44); however, for certain particular error functionals it might be more appropriate to use the related Jacobi weight function and the orthonormal system of polynomials. A striking example is the following. Let E (f) denote the error of an n-point Gauss-Jacobi quadrature formula with weight (l-x) (l+x)" : (45) Here x , , k=l, ... , n, are the n real and distinct abscissas which are n,k' ' ' the zeros of the corresponding Jacobi polynomial p*(x) and J| = (l/p*'(x ) ) -1 I (l-xf (l+x/ (p*(x)/(x - x ))dx , k=l, ... , n, are the corresoonding positive Christoffel numbers. Since E (f) = whenever n f is a polynomial of degree 4 2n-l, we have from (44) the following estimate for the error of the Gauss-Jacobi quadrature formula. -II- Tj \ :: ^r. . £ i> 6. ^.symTuoiic Estimates The second factor on the right side of (4-6) can be recognized as the line integral norm of E over II ( £. ; |l-z| |l+z)' ): n *\l* (47) »Ejf - I \E*CV)\ l i Similarly, the area integral norm of E over |_ (£,; |l-z| z |l+z)^ a ) can be obtained from the Riesz representation theorem (Davis £3] f (9*3.13)) in terms of the area orthonormal polynomials y (z) : (48) ie,, i* = 1 kodi 1 Since for z e £ p , P^ 1 * and - n sufficiently large (Szego L8] , (8.21.9)), (49) ?„ c ^) « ^ a-irvo'-v^' it follows that and since for large n, iJP^'^jj cs 2° <+ ^/n 1 therefore tp Prom (ll) and (51), ( 52) M'> « a,)- 1 p a "—^' . therefore from (10) we have for large n and P>1, (53) ?„*0) * Cai)*?*^ oj a ;a ^53; , ior large n, i _ v. 2 ; -mce !F ,* A _,_ £ k K,aoi Combining (54) and (55) it follows that for large n, (56) iiHJL ^ too* >EJI, -p EhUE, the area integral nor, will overestimate the errors in Davis' method(M) -03 also Chawla [6]. J.L. WALSH, Interpolation and Approximation by Rational Functions in the Complex Plane, American Mathematical Society Colloquium Publication No. XX, Providence, ft. I., 1935. G. ^ZGO, A Problem Concerning Orthogonal Polynomials, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 37, 1935, PP. 195-205. P.J. DAVIS, Interpolation and Approximation, Blaisdell, New York, 1963. P.J. DAVIS, Errors of Numerical Approximation for Analytic Functions, in Survey of numerical Analysis, J. Todd (Editor), McGraw-Hill, New York, 1952. ?.J. DAVIS, Simple Quadratures in the Complex Plane, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, vol. 1$ , 1965, pp.813-8^. A.M. CHAWLA, On Davis' Method for the Estimation of Errors of Gauss- Chebyshcv Quadratures, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, vol. 6, I959 ; pp. 103-117. -AE. SEWELL, Degree of Approximation by Polynomials in the Complex -lane, Annals of Mathematics Studies, Mo. 9, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1942. G. iaEGO, Orthogonal Polynomials, American Mathematical Society Colloquium Publications No. XXIII, New York, 1959. : ormAEC-427 (6/68) AECM 3201 U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION UNIVERSITY-TYPE CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATION FOR DISPOSITION OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENT ( See Instructions on Reverse Side ) I. AEC REPORT NO. 000-11+69-0150 2. TITLE LINE AND AREA ORTHOGONALITY OF JACOBI POLYNOMIALS 3. TYPE OF DOCUMENT (Check one): P> a. Scientific and technical report I I b. Conference paper not to be published in a journal: Title of conference Date of conference Exact location of conference Sponsoring organization □ c. Other (Specify) 4. RECOMMENDED ANNOUNCEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION (Check one): L3 a- AEC's normal announcement and distribution procedures may be followed. I I b. Make available only within AEC and to AEC contractors and other U.S. Government agencies and their contractors. I I c. Make no announcement or distrubution. 5. REASON FOR RECOMMENDED RESTRICTIONS: 6. SUBMITTED BY: NAME AND POSITION (Please print or type) Dr. C. W. Gear Principle Investigator Organization Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 6l801 Signature ^tkoUk^oHo^ Date December 15, 1969 FOR AEC USE ONLY 7. AEC CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS, IF ANY, ON ABOVE ANNOUNCEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION RECOMMENDATION: B. PATENT CLEARANCE: □ a. AEC patent clearance has been granted by responsible AEC patent group. LJ b. Report has been sent to responsible AEC patent group for clearance. I 1 c. Patent clearance not required. Oct 19? 3