'•7i/>3 Jacob. ird T . C3J^ "locked out incident in life of A Lincoln LINCOLN ROOM UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY MEMORIAL the Class of 1901 founded by HARLAN HOYT HORNER and HENRIETTA CALHOUN HORNER g iUocfeeb Snctbent ai» lilt m gfaraljam Xintoln ■Hi Jfirst Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/blockedoutincideOOjaco presentation Copp J?one Jfor g>ale Be*ignet> anb ^publi^eb Cfctoarfc 3J. Jacob $eoria, SUinoia, 3H.&.SL a 0Ut Snctbent TLilt 01 Stirafjam lincoln Jfiz&t g>pcetl> Cext Jflatter Cbtoaro 3L Jacob 3)llusu*atuws' Cfjarle* &. WtJjee October Jtinteen tEJjtrtp Jf tbe °\1 2, -? Lc^ £-3 3"I5j2- {£fje little prairie toton of J^eto talent in central Mtnoisi toas first oisitefc oj> &bra&am 3Un= coin in&pril 1831, tfje occa- sion uetng a flat tjoat trip boton tfje Sangamon p rtoeronitstoap to Jleto (Orleans!. tKfje boat out= fitteb bj> ©enton (Mutt at Sangamon {Koton, toas stranb* eb tottl) it's cargo of probuce at &utlebge's Jffltll bam on tfje Sangamon riber anb attracteb tfje attention of tfje entire pop= nlation of J|em talent. &mong tfjose mfjo crotobeb to tfje riber bank toas &nn &ntlebge baugfj= ter of tfje mill otoner—fjere sfje cangfjt tier first glimpse of tfje tall, ratoboneb boat fjanb &bra= fjam Lincoln. Gtfje release of tfje boat tfjrougfj tfje ingenuity of Hincoln bramati^eb foreber fjis first appearance in Jleto talent. 3t mas in August of tfje game pear tfjat Lincoln retnrneb to tfje little toton,fjabing completeb fjis trip to tfje sontfj toitfj tfje 01 f utt boat. Sfjere on fjis arribal &ug= ust first, 1831, fie cast fjis first bote anb serbeb as election clerk. fjortlp aftermarbs <^ffutt arribeb tuttfi a stock of general merc&anbise anb opened a small country store in mfjicf) ILm= coin serbeb ass a clerk. tEfjis business ben= ture, fjomeber, btb not probe a success anb mas abanboneb earl? in 1832. 0n fflmtb 9, 1832 Lincoln nob) ageb 23, announceb fjimself as a canbibate for tfje ^tate legislature from tfje Sangamon count? bistrict of mfjicf) J^em alem toas a part. &fje pack ^ab)k mar founb Lincoln as an enlisteb solbier from &pril to 3 nip 16, 1832. &t tfje close of tfje mar fie mas mustereb out at ^fjitemater, Wisconsin. tEfjere fje borromeb a fjorsie to take frim back to Jleto talent but buring tfje nigftf pre= cebing tits: beparture tbe beast mag stolen anb lie mas; f orceb to make tfje return trip afoot. ^\& journey took ijim from Wtytt- mater to Btxon, Slunote anb tfjence to $eoria. &l)ile on tfje =^ — --e== roab Lincoln ^^^g met 3Tofm #. glgw'Kj^^ g>temart anb in sp^Jjpgfil $eorta tfje tmo ^^■Pllfl °i #*m puttb- wB^m=-s^ asieb a canoe mfjicfj tfje? pabbleb bomn tfje 311= inoig as; far as tfje little riber tomn of ^abana, gome forty miles; goutfj. 2|ere tfjep bisposieb of tfje traft anb parteb maps;, Lincoln malking oberlanb to Hem talent anb ^temart on to ^pringfielb. Sifter Hincoln'a return to Jleto talent little time remained for electioneering a* election bap toa$ 8ugust 6, 1832, Since tfjere toas insufficient time for making a canba&s of all of San- gamon count? be beboteb most of b& efforts! to tfje Jleto Salem pre= cinct tofjere fje abbres&eb boter* mfjereber a crotob gatbereb- W$t &uctioneerg $oog anb Unap toere conbucting a gale of farm implements! at $appg= bille anb it mag tfjere ttjat itncoln belibereb f)ig firsJt gtump gpeecl). & i. Cllig in a letter to William Jiernbon gapg: "{E&e gpeacf) free mabe toag at $apg #ill, tfjar mag a large gathering tfjar on account a gale of goobg. $ee mag tfie only canbibate tfjar anb mag call on to mane a gpeaclj" Hincoln gaib: "Jfellom citi^engS pregumepou all nnom mfjo 3 am, 3 am fmm= ble gbrafjam Lincoln. 3 fjabe tieen stoliciteb bpmanptrienbs to become a canbibate for tfie legisf= lature. Mv pol= ititsf are stfjort anti sitoeet line tfje olb toomans bance. 3 am in tabor of a Rat- ional pann. 3 am tit fabor of tfje internal Smprobement intern anb a ?|igb $rotectibe Qfartf f . {Etyese are mp sentiment* anb political principle*. M electeb 3 sifjall be tbannfnl; if not it mill be all tfje game". 3m tbe earl? pears of Lincoln's life Ije must fiabe stoob mentally beab anb sboulbers abobe an? of bis contemporaries, anb tbe boters toljo mteto bim anb nnber= Stoob bis pbilosopfm of life tooulb no boubt babe agreeb toitb tbe mriter (mfjosie ibentitp "& bo not know) mfjo ober one fmnbreb pear* later mfjile sitanbing at tije toot of tfie colossal sitatue of Lincoln in tfje great memorial fjall in ^astfnngton H. C. torote: "^iien 3 atoob before it 3 kept (binning tjjat if be mere to sitanb np, In* im- mense beab moulb break tljrougf) tfje marble roof anb like a migfyt? gob look bourn upon tfre cromb tfjron= ging at fjte feet/' Hincoln met befeat in tfje elec= tion but in tfie Jleto talent precinct tofcere be wag really imobm be receibeb 205 botes! of tbe 208 eastern bieto of tbe fact tfjat tbere toere sixotbercanbib* ates on tbe ticket for tfie office of legislator, tbe bigb proportion of Hincoln botes castinj£etoil>alem on August 6, 1832 Speak elo= guentlp of tbe fine esteem in toincfj fie toas Ijelb bp fitsf f ellob) totous= men. &omeS migbt be written of tljte but little more neeb be saib. ^e of tfie present bap migfjt well pause for a moment in tins cfjaos of political anb social re= abjustments to reconstruct in our own mtnbs tfjts blocueb out incibent in tf>e life of Hlbrafmm Hincoln. 0n iHarcj) 9, 1832 a poung man just turneb 23 pears of age, libing in a Strange community, poorlp dab, homeless anb jobless ^— -=dHE announceb Ijis ^^y|^^^ canbibacptotfje \ 0^_ &tate legisla= /dgm cure. JN was as Wmm in referring to Hincoln at tfjis Stage of l)is life "' -as a piece of floating brift* moob". &n& pet in sptte of all tbis, sio great mas tfie man's! magnetism, tit5af contagious; sin= ceritp, W unmistakable integ= ritp tfjat it mas perhaps; not strange tbat fjisi nemlp acguireb frienbs sfoltctteb bim to become a canbibate. (Eestimonp to tfje bigb regarb in tofjicf) fjis: i rienbs belb fjim is; born bp iWentor <§rabam mfjen lie saps, 'IKfiat not only mas; be calleb Honest &be' but tbat all lobeb bim because be mas one of tlje mosit companionable person* pou mill eber see in tf)is morlb". &nb so toe f inb recorbeb tfje results of tlje election in tfje J|em talent precinct on August 6, 1832: ftotal Eotes Cast = = = = = = 208 #otes for &brabam Hincoln 205 d£>ne 3&unbreb anb Jfiftp copies of tfjis book Ijabe been prtnteb anb tije tppe otf)ic letter euolbeo from tlje ancient €gppttan tbrougb tfje pfjoenecian anb <&reefe. Cober: i& Jftume grno, (Eanino. Jftoulb mabe bp banb. Becfeel Cbge. 3Jn*ibe $agea: Hmtoeabe JHilano $eacl)beicje Beckel €bge. p > ^ ■ • irnrwi ^I'niii <" i m i ^i %* RECEIVED F£S 1- 1936 ASST. COM'R - HIGHER ED. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA 973 7L63C3J15B C001 A BLOCKED OUT INCIDENT IN THE LIFE OF AB 3 0112 03 804252