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KANSAS CITY, MO. ST. LOUIS, MO. MEXICO CITY, MEX. Inquiries should be addressed to the Home Office or to the nearest Branch Office. it DU PONT CHEMICAL WORKS NEW YORK— EQUITABLE BUILDING •t DU PONT FABRIKOID COMPANY HOME OFFICE— WILMINGTON, DEL. BRANCH OFFICES : NEW YORK, N. Y Equitable Building DETROIT, MICH. Dime Bank Building SIDNEY, AUSTRALIA 35 York Street TORONTO, CANADA ir THE ARLINGTON COMPANY HOME OFFICE— 725 BROADWAY, NEW YORK BRANCH OFFICES: ST. LOUIS, MO 505 N. Seventh Street SAN FRANCISCO, CAL 718 Mission Street CHICAGO, ILL 14 N. Franklin Street PHILADELPHIA, PA 900 Chestnut Street BOSTON, MASS 84-86 Essex Street TORONTO, CANADA 54 Frazer Street it HARRISONS, Incorporated HOME OFFICE— PHILADELPHIA, PA. BRANCH OFFICES : CHICAGO, ILL 2001 Mendel Street MINNEAPOLIS, MINN 918-922 Fourth Street, South NEW YORK, N. Y 80 Maiden Lane III Preface — Second Edition The first edition of this book was undertaken to acquaint the public with a change in the operating policy of E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, which had long been known as the leading manufacturer of explosives in America. Few people are aware, however, that the ramifications of the explosives business are so extensive and varied that they involve the manufacture of various chemicals, distillation of wood and of gas tar and the production of the chemical bases of industries apparently remote from the explosives business. On account of the enormous expansion of our business, made necessary by the war and by the inability of this country to longer import many of its chemicals and raw materials, it became necessary for the Du Pont Company to greatly expand its industrial activities, and the purpose of the Du Pont Prod- ucts Book is to tell the public of the hundreds of commodities we now make and sell, many of which until recently had never been made on this continent. So rapid have been the developments forced upon us by circumstances and by the obvious requirements of good busi- ness, it is quite out of the question that any edition of this book could ever be up-to-date, because by the time the printer is able to deliver the finished copies, additional products will have been developed on a commercial scale. It is our purpose, therefore, to revise this booklet at fre- quent intervals, at least once or twice a year, and in case any interested reader fails to find in this edition a commodity more or less related to those listed and in which he may be inter- ested, it will be well for him to inquire as to whether or not we are producing it. One important development of all this activity is the crea- tion of a new principle in American industry. We have wit- nessed the rise and decline of great industrial organizations concentrating their efforts solely on one line of activity. In the Du Pont Company, as now organized, we find the capital, facilities and business organizations developed by more than a century’s experience, directed toward the promotion of various industries, only more or less remotely associated with one another in the public mind, their common relationship being indicated chiefly by the Du Pont Oval, our trade-mark, which is recognized as a hall mark of quality in any field in which it is used. It is and always will be our policy to use this mark only on commodities which we can confidently offer to the pub- lic as the best for the price that can be made for the use in- IV UNIVERSITY Of lui:sOia LlbhAKY-CHE^fK • ^ tended. It is our announcement that we stand back of these commodities with full recognition of the confidence the public reposes in the sincerity of our purpose and our recognized policy to make every customer a permanent friend. The need for industrial explosives is most acute in view of the pressing demand for coal, iron and steel, and the speed with which all construction work is being undertaken. Not one of these activities can progress without the materials obtained by blasting. Millions of pounds are required annually. The Du Pont Fabrikoid Company is now the world’s larg- est manufacturer of leather substitutes and is bending every energy to relieve the leather situation by supplying the coun- try with a high grade substitute that is superior, for many pur- poses, to the grades of leather that have been used in the past. The quality of this material is such that it has been specified by the shipping board for use on the New Merchant Marine. The Arlington Company, now finishing its second year in Du Pont activities, is a leading manufacturer of pyroxylin compounds (Py-ra-lin) and of toilet specialties made from them. The material for the majority of the windows in auto- mobile curtains is rqade by this company, and its toilet articles (Ivory Py-ra-lin) are to be found in the hands of discriminating buyers in all parts of the country. Its line of cleanable collars is the standard of perfection and is growing in popularity. A treatise on Du Pont Chemicals would fill a large volume as it reaches from the heaviest residues to the most complex dye materials and includes the most carefully prepared solvents and acids. Some of these chemicals are sold direct to other industrial companies who use them in making different finished products, but many never leave the plants where they originate and are used to complete more complex products where only the best compounds can be used. Enamels and lacquers are made in a great profusion of colors and qualities that fit them for the most varied uses, even on the finest materials. Du Pont Py-ra-lin enamels have been accepted for use on the shells for the War Department. Harrisons, Incorporated, another Du Pont activity, utilizes its plants, laboratories and experience since 1793, in making a complete line of house and industrial paints and varnishes. Town & Country Paints are known nation-wide, and the spe- cial industrial paints and varnishes fill enviable positions in all lines of commercial activities. V The limits of this book do not permit a full description of the hundreds of Du Pont products. For further information the reader is referred to the following books, leaflets and maga- zines, any of which can be had free of cost: Explosives and Blasting Supplies: High Explosives Road Construction and Maintenance Blasting Pole and Post Holes Permissible Explosives Quarry Blasting Farmers’ Handbook of Explosives Vertical Farming Increasing Orchard Profits Vertical Farming Magazine (Sent six months free to farm owners) Blasting Powders Blasting Supplies Explosives for Shale and Clay Blasting Sporting Powders and Shooting: Sport Alluring (Trapshooting) Diana of the Traps (For Women) Trapshooting Leagues The Du Pont Hand Trap Smokeless Shotgun Powders Black Sporting Powders Fabrikoid: How Many Hides Has a Cow Rayntite Tops Fabrikoid Book Finish for Bookbinding Chemicals: Saltpetre Du Pont Chemicals Py=ra=lin: Ivory Py-ra-lin Challenge Cleanable Collars Paints and Varnishes: Town & Country Paint Sanitary Flat Sanitary Gloss The Evidence and Verdict Marine Paints Sanitary Paste White Concrete Paint Varnishes Flowkote Enamel Wagon Paint VI Pure Colors in Oil The Truth About Paint Vitrolac Finishes Oil Stains Leaves From the Woods Floor and Deck Paints Cause and Effect Japanese Enamels Our Battle With Iron Eaters Farmers' Paint Book VII TABLE OF CONTENTS High Explosives 1-16 Black Blasting Powder 17, 18 Blasting Supplies 19-26 Sporting Powders 27-^29 Rifle and Pistol Powders 31-37 Explosives for Military Uses 33-41 Du Pont Fabrikoid 42-47 Fairfield Rubber Cloth 48-50 Py-ra-lin 51-61 Chemicals 62-86 Paints and Varnishes 87-140 Miscellaneous Commodities 141, 142 Special Products 143 By-Products 144-148 Customers 149-191 INDEX OF DU PONT PRODUCTS Page Acetic Acid 63 Acids 38, 62-65, 85 Adjustable Aprons for Vehicles 49 Aeroplane Varnish 86 Agricultural Coach, No. 6726 127, 128 Alum — Ammonia (U. S. P.) 66 Alum — Cake 66 Alum — Filter 66 Alum — Iron Free 67 Alum — Pearl 67 Alum — Pickle 67 Alum — Porous 67 Alum — Potash (U. S. P.) 66 Alum — Sizing 67 Alumina Hydrate 69 Aluminum Paint 100 Ammonium Picrate 39 Amyl Acetate — Commercial 70 Aniline 83 Aniline Hydrochloride 84 Anti-fouling Ship Bottom Paint 129 Antoxide (Rust Inhibitive) 119, 120 Arctic Dynamite 10, 11 Arlington Company 51-61 Auto and Carriage Paint 96 Auto Lamp Enamel 97, 98 Bags — Nitrate of Soda and Miscellaneous 146 Ballistite (Dense) Smokeless Shotgun Powder 27 Barium Chloride 68 Barn Paint 117, 118 VIII Page Barrels 147 Barrel Paint (Paste Form) 129 Bathtub Enamel 98, 99 Battery Solutions 65 Belt Cement 76 Belting 147 Benzaldehyde 86 Benzoic Acid 64 Benzol 81-83 Bichromate of Soda 68 Black Blasting Powder 17, 18 Blackboard Coating 118 Black Fuse Powder 40 Black Powder (Potassium Nitrate) 40 Black Powder Pellets (Pressed Potassium Nitrate Powder) 40 Black Sporting Powders 29 Blanc Fixe 69 Blank Fire Powder 33 Blasting Caps 20 Blasting Caps, Delay Electric 21 Blasting Caps, Electric 20 Blasting Machines 19 Blasting Supplies 19-26 Book Finish Fabrikoid 47 Boric Acid (U. S. P.) 64 Boxes 147 Bristles 147 Bronzing Liquids 71, 100 Bronze Powders 71 Brown Japan 115 Buggy Top Dressing 97 Burlap 145 By-Products 144-148 Cabinet Finishing and Rubbing 107, 108 Cannon Powders — Smokeless and Black 37, 38 Cap Crimpers 22 Caps, Blasting 20 Caps, Detonator — Time and Percussion 39 Carbonite 14, 15 Car Curtain and Vestibule Material — Fabrikoid 46 Carpolene 79, 80 Carpo Paint 78, 79 Carriage and Auto Paint 96 Cement — Household, Water-proof, and Belt 75, 76 Charcoal 141 Chemicals 62-86 Chrome Yellow Ochre (Paste Form) 121 Clearlac 105 Coach Japan ,116 Coke 77 Collars and Cuffs 61 Colored Rod and Beading — Py-ra-lin 57, 58 Colored Tubing — Py-ra-lin — Miscellaneous 58 Compressed Triton (Trinitrotoluol orT.N.T.) 38 Concrete Floor First Coater 90, 91 Concrete Floor Coating 91 Connecting Wire 23 Cordeau Detonating Fuse 26 Cotton Ties 148 IX Page Coumaron 82 Cream of Tartar (U. S. P.) 70 Creosotes 79, 80 Crude Heavy Naphtha 81 Cuffs and Collars 61 Customers 149-191 Damar Ill, 112 Dark Creosote 80 Dead Oil 80 Decorative Stains 102 Delay Electric Blasting Caps 21 Delay Electric Igniters 21, 22 Dense Military Rifle Powders 33-36 Detonating Fuse — Cordeau 26 Detonator Caps — Time and Percussion 39 Detonators — Percussion 39 Diamond “D” Wagon Coach, No. 6730 128 Dichlorbenzol 85 Dimethylaniline. 84 Dinit rophenol 85 Dinitrochlorbenzol 85 Dinit rot oluol 86 Diphenylamine 84 Dipping Acids 64 Dipping Paints 135 Distilled Water 68 Drums — Iron and Steel 146 Dry Colors 136 Du Pont Blasting Gelatin 6 Du Pont Bulk Smokeless Shotgun Powder 27 Du Pont Dense Smokeless Shotgun Powder 27 Du Pont Extra Dynamite 2, 3 Du Pont Fabrikoid 42-47 Du Pont Gelatin Dynamite 4, 5 Du Pont Low Powders 15, 16 Du Pont No. 1 Rifle Smokeless 31 Du Pont Pistol Powder No. 3 36 Du Pont Quarry Powder . 9, 10 Du Pont Red Star Dynamite 12 Du Pont R. R. P 15, 16 Du Pont Straight Dynamite 1 Du Pont Stumping Powder 8, 9 Durable Body (Vehicle Varnish) 113 Durable Gear Varnish 113 Dynamite 1-15 Elastic Black Varnish 131, 132 Elastic Wagon Coach, No. 6733 128 Electric Blasting Caps 20 Electric Blasting Caps — Water-proof 20, 21 Electric Squibs 22 Electrolyte Acid 65 Elevator Paint (Exterior Mill Paint) 133 Empire (Bulk) Smokeless Shotgun Powder 27 Ethers 72 Ethyl Acetate — Pure 71 Ethyl Acetate (U. S. P.) 71 Explosives 1-41 Explosives for Military Uses 33-41 Extra Coach Varnish 109 X Page Fabrikoid — Du Pont 42-47 Fairfield Rubber Cloth 48-50 Farm Powder — Red Cross 7 Ferro- Keep (Rust Inhibitive) 120 Fireworks Powder (Black) 36 Flat Black Finish 119 Flat Brick Colors (Paste Form) 122 Floor Crack Filler 104 Floor and Deck Paint 91, 92 Flo wkote Enamel v 95 French Wax Finish 103 Fulminate of Mercury 39 Fuse 26 Fuse Powder 18 Gallery Rifle Powder No. 75 31 Galvanized Iron Primer (Rust Inhibitive) 120, 121 Galvanometers 24 Gear Fillers 133 Gelatin Dynamite 4-6 Gold Enamel 99 Gold Medal House Paint 96 Gold Medal White (Paste Form) 125 Gold Size Japan 116 Graining Colors 94 Graphite Paint 121 Gun Cotton (Nitrocellulose) 39, 40 Hand Trap 30 Hardwood Paste Filler 104 Harrison Bulletin Colors (Paste Form) 133 Harrisons Barn Paint 117, 118 Harrisons, Inc 62-69, 87-140 Harrison Systems 139, 140 High Explosives 1-16 High Gloss Machinery Enamel 130, 131 Household Cement 76 Household Paint 101 Hydrochloric Acid 62 Ideal Floor Varnish 108 Ideal Hard Oil 108 Ideal Inside Finish ! 108 Ideal Japan Drier 116 Ideal Varnish 108 Igniters — Delay Electric 21,22 Implement Coach, No. 6737 128 Improved Military Rifle Powders, Nos. 15, 16, 18 34 Industrial Paints 135, 136 Inside Floor Paint 89 Iso Amyl Acetate 70 Ivory Rod and Beading — Py-ra-lin 56 Ivory Sheeting — Py-ra-lin 55 Ivory Tubes — Py-ra-lin 56 Japanese Enamel 98 Kensington Barn and Roof Paint 118 Laboratory Ether 72 XI Page Lacquers — Metal and Wood 76, 77 Lactic Acid 63 Lead in Pigs 145 Leading Wire 23 Leather Renovators 73 Leather Substitute Solutions 73* Lesmok (Partly Smokeless) Rifle Powder 36 Liberty Bronze Greens (Paste Form) 122 Liberty Metallic Brown (Paste Form) 123 Liberty Oil Colors • 127 Liberty Venetian Red (Paste Form) 121, 122 Light Coach Varnish 110 Light Furniture Varnish Ill Light Hard Oil Finish 110 Lightning Drier 115, 116 Liquid Drier 117 Liquid Filler 105 Liquid Light 134 Litharge 124, 125 Lithophone 137 Low Powders 15, 16 Machinery and Engine Filler 129 Machinery Paint (Paste Form) 129, 130 Machinery — Second-Hand 148 Machinery Thinners 131 Machinery Varnishes 131 Magazines (Portable) for Storing Explosives 25 Major Cloth 49 Mantle Dips 72 Marine Paints 138 Metal Scrap 144, 145 Metal and Wood Lacquers 76, 77 Military Explosives 33 — 41 Military Rifle Powders 33-37 Miners’ Squibs 26 Miscellaneous Colored Tubing- — Py-ra-lin 58 Miscellaneous Commodities 141, 142 Mixing Varnishes 135 Monobel 12-14 Monochlorbenzol 85 Naphtha 81, 82 Naphthalene 81 Nitrate of Soda 141, 142 Nitre Cake 143 Nitric Acid 62 Nitrobenzol (Oil of Merbane) 83 Nitrocellulose (Gun Cotton) 39, 40 No. 1 Black Asphaltum 112 No. 2 Black Asphaltum 112, 113 No. 1 Coach Varnish 109 No. 1 Furniture Varnish Ill No. 1 Hard Oil Finish 110 Oil Colors 94 Oil Gold Size 117 Oil of Merbane (Nitrobenzol) 83 Oil-Proof Eggshell Gloss Machinery Enamel 130 Oil Resisting Flat Machinery Enamel (In Liquid Form) 130 XII Page Oil Stain 102 Outside Floor Paint 90 Paint and Varnish Solvent 126 Paints and Varnishes 87-140 Pale Durable Coach Varnish 114 Pale Heavy Naphtha 81 Paper Scrap 145 Parlodion 74 Patent Leather Solutions 73 Pegamoid Aluminum Paint 74 Permissible Explosives 12-15 Picric Acid 38 Pink Primers 132 Pistol and Rifle Powders 31-37 Pitch 77 Pole Paint 132, 133 Pontar 78 Pontoklene 86 Porch Chair Enamel 98 Portable Magazines 25 Preservative Paints — Metal (Rust Inhibitive) 78, 79, 119, 120 Pulp Colors 136 Pure Ethyl Acetate 71 Pure Red Lead 124 Pure White Lead 123, 124 Py-ra-lin 51-61 Py-ra-lin Colored Sheeting 56, 57 Py-ra-lin Discs 41 Py-ra-lin Manufactured Articles 58-60 Py-ra-lin Rod and Beading 53, 54, 56, 57 Py-ra-lin Sheeting 5 1-53, 55-57 Py-ra-lin Tubing 54-56, 58 Pyroxylin 74 Pyroxylin Enamels 75 Pyroxylin Lacquers (Wood and Metal) 76, 77 Pyroxylin Solutions 75 Quarry Powder 9, 10 Quick Carriage Varnish 113, 114 Quick Rubbing 114 Quik-lac 105 Radiator Enamel 101 Railway Paints j. 134, 135 Railway Paints (See Harrison Systems) 139, 140 Rayntite for Automobile Tops 46, 49 Recovered Salt 144 Red Cross Extra Dynamite 3, 4 Red Cross Farm Powder 7 Red Cross Gelatin Dynamite 4 Red Cross Straight Dynamite 1, 2 Red Star Dynamite 12 Refined Tar 78 Refined Fusel Oil 69 Refrigerator Enamel 99 Repauno Gelatin Dynamite 5 Repauno Stumping Powder 9 Rheostats 24 Rifle Powder — Smokeless 3 1-37 XIII Page Rifle and Pistol Powders 31-37 Rod and Beading — Py-ra-lin 53, 54, 56, 57 Rough Stuff 134 R. R. P. — Du Pont 15, 16 Rubber Cloth — Fairfield 48-50 Rubber Cloth Blankets 50 Rubber Makers’ White 69 Rubber Scrap 145 Rug Anchor 50 Salicylic Acid 64 Saltpetre . . . 142 Sanitary Flat (Interior Finish) 88 Sanitary Gloss 89 Sanitary Paste White 125 Schuetzen Smokeless Rifle Powder 32 Schultze Smokeless Shotgun Powder (Bulk) 27 Seat Finish 107 Second-Hand Machinery 148 Sheeting and Heavy Fabrikoid 42-45 Sheeting — Py-ra-lin 51-53, 55-57 Shellac Varnish «. 117 Shingle Oil 80 Shingle Stain 103 Shirt Fronts 61 Shotgun Powders — Black and Smokeless 27-29 Sirocco Drier 115 Smokeless Rifle Powders 31-37 Smokeless Shotgun Powders 27, 28 Smokestack Paint 119 Sodium Acetate 63 Sodium Acetate — C. P 77 Solvent Naphtha (160° Benzol) 81 Spar Varnish 109 Special Miners’ Leading Wire 23 Special Products 143 Special Varnishes for Wagon and Implement Work 127, 128 Split Leather Solutions 73 Sporting Powders 27-29 Sporting Rifle Powders, Nos. 80, 81, 90, 91, 92 32, 33 Squibs — Electric ' 22 Squibs — Miners’ 26 Star Solvent 70 Stove Enamel 100 Sulphanilic Acid 85 Sulphur Black 85 Sulphuric Acid 62 Superfine Japan Colors (Paste Form) 122, 123 Tamping Bags 24, 25 Tetramethyldiaminadiphenylmethane 84 Tetranitromethylaniline 84 Tetryl 39 Thawing Kettles 25 T. N. T. (Trinitrotoluol or Triton) 38 Toluol 82 Tortoise Shell Rod and Beading 54 Tortoise Shell Sheeting 53 Tortoise Shell Tubing 54, 55 Town and Country Paint 87 XIV Page Trade White (Paste Form) 126 Transparent Hard Oil Finish 108 Transparent Sheeting — Py-ra-lin 5 1-53 Transparent Rods — Py-ra-lin 53 Transparent Tubes — Py-ra-lin 54 Trinitrotoluol (T. N. T.) 38 Triton (Trinitrotoluol or T. N. T.) 38 Tubes — Py-ra-lin 54-56, 58 Varnishes and Paints 87-140 Vitrolac Exterior Varnish 105, 106 Vitrolac Flat 107 Vitrolac for Floors 106 Vitrolac Graining Compound 93, 94 Vitrolac Graining Ground 92, 93 Vitrolac Interior Varnish 106 Vitrolac Stain Finish 92 W agon Finishing 114, 115 Wagon Paint 96, 97 Wall Sizing 112 W ater-proof Cement 75, 76 Water-proof Electric Blasting Caps 20, 21 Water White Heavy Naphtha (180° Benzol) 82 White Enamel Undercoat 94 Wire — Connecting and Leading 23 Wire Screen Paint 101 Wood and Metal Lacquers 76, 77 Wood Oil 144 Wood Pulp 141 Xylol 82 Zinc (Paste Form) 127 XV HIGH EXPLOSIVES The following list of high explosives is complete, in that it contains one or more grades suited and recommended for every class of blasting where high explosives are needed. All of these explosives are made on exact formulae from carefully selected, high grade materials, and every precaution is exercised in the manufacture to insure uniformity and quality. Du Pont Straight 25=60% Dynamite. — This is a very quick and powerful explosive. It resists water well and is recommended for open work in hard, tough material where a shattering action is desired. It is excellent for mudcapping boulders and for scrapping boilers and machinery. It is not low freezing. The fumes are such that it should not be used in close work. It is somewhat more sensitive than the other types of high explosives and is the only grade that can be used in propagated ditch blasts. (Du Pont Co.) Miners Professional Blasters Scrap Iron Dealers Well Diggers Quarrymen Used by Contractors Farmers Telephone and Telegraph Com- panies Government Engineers Used for Quarry Blasting Scrapping Boilers and Machinery Mudcapping Hard Boulders Propagated Ditching Pole and Post Holes Mining in Open Work Razing Buildings Canal Excavation Road and Railroad Construction Red Cross Straight 25=40% Dynamite. — This dynamite is adapted to the same purposes as Du Pont Straight Dynamite, with the exception of ditch blasting by the propagated method. Red Cross Straight is a quick, powerful explosive suitable for open work of every description. It is low freezing and withstands very cold weather for a long time without freezing. When it is frozen, however, it requires to be thawed. Red Cross Straight Dynamite is a good all-year-round explosive and is particularly well adapted to quarry and construction work. It stands water as well as any explosive except gelatin and Du Pont Straight Dynamite. It is not recommended for close work. (Du Pont Co.) 1 RED CROSS STRAIGHT DYNAMITE (Continued) Used by Quarrymen Farmers Scrap Iron Dealers Contractors Telephone and Telegraph Com- Well Drillers panies Professional Blasters Mudcapping Boulders Canal Excavation Quarrying Razing Buildings Used for Scrapping Boilers and Machinery Road and Railroad Construction Pole and Post Hole Blasting Well Drilling Du Pont Extra 30=60% Dynamite. — Du Pont Extra dynamite is not so quick and shattering in its action as Straight dynamite, but has more of a heaving and lifting effect. It is better suited for soft mate- rials and for close work than Straight dynamite, because its fumes are not so objectionable. It is not low freezing and it does not resist water very well, so the cartridges should not be slit nor left long in wet bore holes. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Quarrymen Clay Miners Contractors Road and Railroad Builders A HEAVY QUARRY BLAST WITH DU PONT HIGH EXPLOSIVES 2 DU PONT EXTRA DYNAMITE (Continued) Used for Blasting Rock Blasting Marl Blasting Sand General Blasting Blasting Shale Blasting Loam Blasting Clay Red Cross Extra 20 = 60 % Dynamite. — This explosive is similar in its action to the Du Pont Extra dynamite, but is low freezing. It is admirably suited to work in soft rock, in hard rock where it is not desirable to shatter the material, in sand, clay and excavations of every kind. It works extremely well in mining soft ore. It can be used in close work with much more comfort than Straight dynamite, as the fumes are not so objectionable. It is an all-year-round explosive for general purposes, but should not be used in wet bore holes unless the cartridge wrappers are not cut or broken and the charges are not left too long in the water before being fired. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Quarrymen Government Engineers Miners Contractors Telephone and Telegraph Com- Lumbermen panies Bulk Freight Handlers Foresters Road and Railroad Builders Professional Blasters Farmers Clay Miners Well Diggers STUMP BLASTED WITH RED CROSS EXPLOSIVES 3 RED CROSS EXTRA DYNAMITE (Continued) Used for Quarrying Soft Rock or Hard Rock When Shattering is not Required Mining Soft Ore Blasting Ice All Kinds of Earth Excavation Blasting Log Jams Pole and Post Hole Blasting General Blasting Stump Blasting Tree Planting Blasting Frozen or Settled Ores and Similar Freight when too hard to handle Digging Wells Controlling Forest Fires Railroad, Tram, Road and Trail Building Boulder Blasting Clay Blasting Subsoiling Red Cross Gelatin 35=90%. — This gelatin is low freezing. It can be used in close work the same as Du Pont Gelatin or Repauno Gelatin, but the character of its fumes is somewhat different. It is not to be understood that they are better in any way, but it some- times happens that miners accustomed to one kind object to the other. The nature of the material worked also has an effect on the fumes, and it often happens that where one kind of gelatin gives objectionable fumes, the other is free from this objection. Red Cross Gelatin is dense, plastic and water resisting, and is good for ditch blasts in sandy ground. (Du Pont Co.) Miners Divers Railroad Builders Farmers Quarrying Stone Tunneling Railroad Construction Ore Mining Canal Digging Du Pont Gelatin 35=75%. — Du Pont Gelatin has in a great measure replaced other brands of gelatin dynamite because it combines all their virtues of density, plasticity, water resistance, comparative freedom from obnoxious fumes, and in addition, is low freezing. It does not Used by Contractors Quarrymen Government Engineers Professional Blasters Used for River and Harbor Improvements Blasting Ditches in Sandy Ground Shaft Sinking Blasting Ice 4 DU PONT GELATIN (Continued) freeze or lose its efficiency unless exposed to very low temperature for a prolonged period. It is used to advantage in every kind of work to which gelatin dynamites are adapted. It is adapted to a wider range of work than any other high explosive. It is especially adapted for close work of every kind, mining and tunneling in the hardest rock under most adverse conditions. The fact that in mining operations thawing is generally unnecessary gives a feeling of safety to the mine operators which they had never enjoyed before this explosive was used. (Du Pont Co.) Miners Divers Railroad Builders Used by Contractors Quarrymen Government Engineers Ore Mining Submarine Work Quarrying Stone Shaft Sinking Tunnel Driving Used for Railroad and Road Construction Blasting Ice Canal Digging River and Harbor Improvements Repauno Gelatin 35=75%. — This brand is the well-known standard gelatin dynamite. It is a dense (heavy) plastic explosive, highly water- resisting, and gives a minimum of fumes on explosion. It is low freez- ing. Gelatin dynamites are used in very wet work, under water, and in close work where ventilation is deficient. For tunneling and for mining hard rock in wet places gelatin dynamites are unsurpassed. They do not work well unless strongly confined and are unsuitable for such work as mudcapping. (Du Pont Co.) Miners Divers Railroad Builders Used by Contractors Quarrymen Government Engineers Quarrying Stone Tunneling Railroad Construction Ore Mining Submarine Blasting Used for River and Harbor Improvements Canal Digging Shaft Sinking Ice Blasting 5 Du Pont Blasting Gelatin 100%. — This is the strongest and quick- est high explosive manufactured. It can be used in close work as it gives a minimum of fumes when exploded. It is practically water-proof, and hence can be used in all kinds of wet or submarine work. It is adapted for some well shooting in place of liquid nitroglycerine. It is not low freezing, and must be thawed when frozen before using to obtain good results. It must be handled carefully when frozen, because when in this state it is sensitive to shock, while in a thawed condition it can be handled as safely as any other high explosive. It is especially adapted to blasting hard material in tunnels, sub- marine blasting, shaft sinking and in places where considerable water is encountered. (Du Pont Co.) Miners Divers Contractors Used by Government Engineers Well Drillers Well Shooters Used for Tunneling Submarine Blasting Shaft Sinking Scrapping and Destroying Wrecked Vessels Shooting Wells DU PONT BLASTING GELATIN AND SUBMARINE ELECTRIC BLASTING CAPS FOR SUBAQUEOUS BLASTING 6 A BLAST FOR WIDENING A ROAD Red Cross Farm Powder. — (Made in one strength only.) Red Cross Farm Powder is an explosive designed for scientific agriculture, especially for tree planting, subsoiling, ditching by the electrical method and ordinary stump blasting. It is an ideal all-round explosive for use on a farm. It is low freezing. It should not be left long under water and the cartridges should not be slit when loading wet bore holes. (Du Pont Co.) Farmers Professional Blasters Contractors Blasting Tree Holes Blasting Hardpan Subsoiling Stripping Used by Road Builders Clay Miners Used for Small Ditches Easy Stumps Light Excavating Mining Clay 7 A SPLENDID DITCH DUG WITH DU PONT EXPLOSIVES Du Pont Stumping Powder. — (Made in one strength only.) A low freezing dynamite especially adapted to stumping requirements on the West Coast. It does not stand water well, hence cartridges should not be slit or left long in wet bore holes. (Du Pont Co.) READY TO LOAD A BIG STUMP IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST WITH DU PONT EXPLOSIVES 8 DU PONT STUMPING POWDER (Continued) Used by Farmers Contractors Land Clearing Companies Professional Blasters Road Builders Clay Miners Used for Stump Blasting Tree Planting Subsoiling Electric Ditch Blasts Road Building Clay Blasting Repauno Stumping Powder. — (Made in one strength only.) An explosive similar to Du Pont Stumping for West Coast requirements, and having somewhat the same general characteristics. It is low freez- ing. The precautions against water are the same as for Du Pont Stumping Powder. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Farmers Contractors Land Clearing Companies Professional Blasters Road Builders Clay Miners Stump Blasting Subsoiling Road Building Used for Tree Planting Electric Ditch Blasting- Clay Blasting WHERE CLAY IS MINED WITH RED CROSS EXTRA DYNAMITE Du Pont Quarry Powder. — (Made in one strength only.) This explosive is produced to meet the demand for a powerful, quick- 9 DU PONT QUARRY POWDER (Continued) acting explosive for open work only. In the great majority of open quarry work -requiring the use of high explosives, this powder will be found satisfactory for springing, well-drill hole blasting, ordinary drill holes, block-hole and plug-hole shooting, mudcapping, ’dobying and blistering. It is low freezing. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Clay and Shale Miners Contractors Used for Quarrying Blasting Clay and Shale General Blasting Splitting Logs Arctic Dynamite. — All Arctic explosives can' be packed in any size cartridges from 1 % inches in diameter up. It is free running. It is well adapted to blasting in quarries when “well drills” are employed, and where large diameter cartridges or bulk packing is of advantage. It is non-freezing. The strengths of the four different grades of Arctic Powder com- pared with equal weights *of other standard dynamites are as follows : Arctic No. 3, equivalent in strength to 60% dynamite Arctic No. 4, equivalent in strength to 45% dynamite Arctic No. 5, equivalent in strength to 40% dynamite Arctic No. 6, equivalent in strength to 30% dynamite Quarrymen Lumbermen LOADING DU PONT EXPLOSIVES 10 ARCTIC DYNAMITE (Continued) The lower strengths are well adapted to agricultural work. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Quarrymen Clay Miners Miners Farmers Professional Blasters Contractors Road and Railroad Builders Lumbermen Stump Turpentine Companies Land Clearing Companies Telephone and Telegraph Com- Foresters panies Used for Quarrying Blasting Clay and Shale Subsoiling Tree Planting Stump Blasting Pole and Post Holes Stripping General Blasting Ore Mining Electric Ditch Blasting Controlling Forest Fires Blasting Ice RESULT OF A BLAST WITH DU PONT HIGH EXPLOSIVES. THE GREAT VARIETY OF DU PONT HIGH EXPLOSIVES PROVIDES TWO OR MORE GRADES FOR PRACTICALLY EVERY CLASS OF BLASTING 11 Du Pont Red Star Dynamite. — A general name for high explosives for export. (Du Pont Co.) Contractors Farmers Government Engineers Quarrymen Used by Miners All General Users and Dealers in High Explosives Used for Tunneling Mining Quarrying Railroad Construction Miscellaneous Excavation Agricultural Blasting Demolition of Buildings, Wharves and Heavy Machinery River and Harbor Improvements All General Uses of High Explo- sives PERMISSIBLE EXPLOSIVES Permissible Explosives are those which have passed certain tests prescribed by the Bureau of Mines at the U. S. Mining Experiment Station at Pittsburgh, Pa., when used under prescribed conditions. These explosives are especially designed for use in dusty and gaseous coal mines. Their peculiar characteristics and low, short flame, reduce to a minimum the liability to ignite mixtures of gas and dust. The Du Pont Permissibles are: Monobel No. 1 Monobel No. 2 Monobel No. 3 Monobel No. 4 Monobel No. 5 Monobel No. 6 Monobel No. 1 . — This Permissible explosive is especially suited for trimming and for blasting out the “bone” in coal mines where permis- sible explosives are required to be used. It may also be used with advantage in narrow seams of very hard coal. (Du Pont Co.) Carbonite No. 1 Carbonite No. 2 Carbonite No. 3 Carbonite No. 6 Miners Contractors Quarrymen Blasting Coal Quarrying Slag Blasting Used by Clay Miners Well Diggers Used for Mining Flint Clay Digging Wells 12 Monobel No. 2 and Monobel No. 4 (Monobel No. 4 is Low Freezing). — Monobel No. 2 and Monobel No. 4 are intended for use in hard coal, hard-shooting soft coal and coking coal. They are also used for blasting bottom and top rock, but are not quite so quick acting as Monobel No. 1. Because of their slower action they usually give better results in blasting coal. Monobel No. 2 and Monobel No. 4 are as strong as the same weight of 60 per cent, strength dynamite, but, being much lighter, there are about one-third more cartridges to the case. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Coal Miners Used for Blasting Hard Coal Hard-Shooting Soft Coal and Blasting Bottom and Top Rock Coking Coal Monobel No. 3 and Monobel No. 5. — Monobel No. 3 and Monobel No. 5 are the slowest acting of the Monobel explosives and are espe- cially adapted to mining screened coal. They are just as strong as Monobel No. 2 and Monobel No. 4, but are so much slower in their action that miners who have learned to use them properly can mine the softest coal known without breaking it any more than if blasting powder were used and at no more expense. Monobel No. 5 is low freezing. Monobel No. 3 must be thawed when frozen. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Coal Miners Salt Miners Used for Mining Screened Coal Coal Mining Salt Mining Monobel No. 6. — Monobel No. 6 is a low freezing grade of Monobel, slightly slower than Monobel No. 1, but quicker and more shattering in its action than Monobel No. 2. It is practically fumeless (does not require thawing, except under severest weather conditions), and can be successfully used in shooting hard coal and coking coal where an explosive but little quicker than Monobel No. 2 and Monobel No. 4 is desired. (Du Pont Co.) 13 COAL MINING — WHERE DU PONT PERMISSIBLE EXPLOSIVES ARE NEEDED Coal Miners Used by Used for Mining Hard and Coking Coals Carbonite. — The Carbonites are permissible explosives which are adapted for work in nearly every condition in coal mining. They are better adapted than the Monobels for wet work. They are, however, likely to make somewhat more smoke and fumes than the Monobels and they require better ventilation. Carbonite No. 1 . — Carbonite No. 1 is intended for the same kind of work as Monobel No. 2. It makes a little more smoke and fumes than Monobel does, but stands water better. It is not quite so strong as Monobel No. 2. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Coal Miners Used for Blasting Hard Coal Hard-Shooting Soft Coal and Blasting Bottom and Top Rock Coking Coal 14 Carbonite No. 2. — Carbonite No. 2 is not quite so strong nor quick as Carbonite No. 1, and does not shatter the coal as much as Carbonite No. 1 and can be used more satisfactorily in a softer coal or where it is desired to make more lump coal. It is similar to Carbonite No. 1 in respect to fumes and water resistance. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Coal Miners Used for Blasting Soft Coal when Least Shattering is Desired. Carbonite No. 3 and Carbonite No. 6 . — Carbonite No. 3 and Car- bonite No. 6 are slower and less shattering even than Carbonite No. 2 and Carbonite No. 5. They are intended for very soft coal and are among the most popular of Du Pont Permissible Explosives. Carbonite No. 6 is low freezing. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Coal Miners Used for Blasting Very Soft Coal LOW POWDERS These are detonating, nitroglycerine high explosives having a black powder absorbent. They are manufactured in four strengths : Du Pont R. R. P. — This is a black, granular, free-running explo- sive packed in paraffine paper bags containing 12^4 pounds each, and packed four bags to the 50-pound case. It is low freezing and requires no thawing except when long exposed to severe weather conditions. It is used extensively for stripping and on railroad construction work in both rock and earth. It resists water poorly, and requires a detonator of at least 5 pounds of 40 per cent. Straight dynamite for every 25 pounds of Du Pont R. R. P. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Contractors Miners Quarrymen 15 DU PONT R. R. P. (Continued) Used for Quarrying Road and Railroad Construction Ore Stripping Du Pont F. — A black granular powder slightly stronger than Du Pont R. R. P. It is packed in cartridges and is somewhat more water resisting. It is also low freezing. It is suitable for open work in soft and shaly ground and in well ventilated mines. Du Pont FF. — Similar to Du Pont F, but stronger and quicker. Du Pont FFF. — This is similar to Du Pont FF, but is still stronger and quicker (Du Pont Co.) Used by Contractors Road Builders Clay Miners Miners Quarrymen Used for Stripping Well Ventilated Mines Mining Clay Blasting Soft Shaly Ground Road and Railroad Building Quarrying 16 BLACK BLASTING POWDER The three explosives listed below are the result of the investigations and experience of 115 years. They are made from selected materials and most carefully processed. Black Blasting Powder is a slow-acting, black granular explosive made in various standard granulations from coarse to fine, the selection from which is suggested by the nature of the material in which it is to be used. It is a deflagrating powder and cannot be detonated. It is manufactured in two kinds : “A Blasting Powder” and “B Blasting Powder.” “A” Blasting Powder is made of sulphur, charcoal and potassium nitrate. It is a little stronger and a little less hygroscopic than B Blasting Powder. There are five standard granulations : C, FF, FFFF, 5 F, and 7 F. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Dimension Stone Quarries Granite Quarries Slate Quarries Fireworks Manufacturers Used for Quarrying Dimension Stone Quarrying Dimension Granite Quarrying Slate High-Grade Fireworks A TWIN BLAST FOR RAILROAD CUT, USING DU PONT BLASTING POWDER “B” Blasting Powder is made of sulphur, charcoal and sodium nitrate. It is affected by moisture a little quicker than “A” Blasting Powder. There are seven standard granulations : CCC, CC, C, F, FF, FFF, FFFF. There is also a special mixed granulation known as R. R. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Contractors Road and Railroad Builders Lumbermen Clay and Shale Miners Quarrymen Coal Miners Used for Quarrying Stripping Mining Coal Road and Railroad Construction Splitting Logs Mining Clay and Shale KEG OF BLASTING POWDER Fuse Powder. — Fuse Powder is a very fine grained potassium nitrate blasting powder. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Fuse Manufacturers Fireworks Manufacturers Squib Manufacturers Used for Making Fuse Making Fireworks Making Miners’ Squibs 18 BLASTING SUPPLIES The development of blasting supplies has kept pace with the im- provements in explosives. To-day the Du Pont Company offers to the user a full and complete line of these materials, each of which is fully developed and suited to the work for which it is recommended. No pains are spared to keep the quality of these supplies up to standard. Blasting Machines. — Portable, electric generators. Made in five sizes — Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, and Pocket (Magneto type). (Du Pont Co.) Used by Contractors Professional Blasters Lumbermen Miners Farmers Contractors Engineers Clay Miners Road Builders Pocket Size NO. 6 BLASTING MACHINE Used for Generating Electricity for Detonation of Explosives with Electric Blasting Caps, Electric Water-proof Blasting Caps, Electric Squibs, Delay Electric Igniters and Delay Electric Blasting Caps. 19 Blasting Caps. — Fulminating detonators for high explosives, and are themselves fired by safety fuse. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Contfactors Professional Blasters Lumbermen Farmers Miners Quarrymen General Users of High Explosives NO. 6 BLASTING CAP Used for Detonating High Explosives Electric Blasting Caps. — Are the same as Blasting Caps, except that they are fired by an electric current. (Du Pont Co.) e o ELECTRIC BLASTING CAP IN SECTION Used by Contractors Professional Blasters Lumbermen Practically all Users of High Explosives Farmers Miners Quarrymen Used for Detonating High Explosives Water=proof Electric Blasting Caps.— Especially water-proofed electric blasting caps for use under considerable heads of water. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Divers Government Engineers Contractors Well Shooters Used for Detonating High Explosives in wet work 20 Submarine Electric Blasting Caps. — Additional waterproofing is used on both wires and caps to adapt them for use under increased heads of water. (Du Pont Co.) GUTTAPERCHA COVERED (FOR SUBMARINE WORK ) Used by Contractors Government Salvage Companies Well Shooters Divers Used for Detonating High Explosives under water Delay Electric Blasting Caps. — Made in two classes : First Delay, Second Delay. When the current is applied there is a delay or lag in the time required for the First Delay, and a longer delay for the Second Delay. Instantaneous or regular Electric Blasting Caps are used in the first round, First Delay in second round, and Second Delay in third round. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Contractors Tunnel Men Quarrymen Used for Detonating Successive Blasts in Electric Firing DELAY ELECTRIC IGNITER, FIRST DELAY (REDUCED) Delay Electric Igniters. — The Delay Electric Igniter consists of a copper shell to which is attached a piece of 'fuse of fairly uniform burning speed. Within the shell and directly above and in contact with the inclosed end of the fuse is a priming composition in which the fine wire bridging the terminals of the two wire leads is imbedded. The insulated copper leads pass through the sulphur plug and filling as in the ordinary electric blasting cap. A blasting cap is attached to the free end of the fuse when primers are made. (Du Pont Co.) 21 DELAY ELECTRIC IGNITERS (Continued) Used by Contractors Miners Quarrymen Used for Exploding Successive Blasts of High and Low Explosives by Elec- tric Firing Electric Squibs. — Are similar in general appearance to Electric Blasting Caps, but have a heavy paper cap instead of a copper one. The charge does not detonate like that in electric blasting caps, but merely shoots out a small flame. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Miners Quarrymen Photographers Used for Firing Charges of Blasting Taking Flashlight Pictures Powder DU PONT NO. 2 CAP CRIMPER Cap Crimpers. — A special tool for attaching blasting cap to safety fuse. Made in two patterns. The No. 2 pattern is supplied with a fuse cutter. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Lumbermen Miners Practically all Users of High Explosives Government Engineers Used for Attaching Blasting Caps to Fuse Contractors Professional Blasters Farmers Trade Quarrymen 22 Leading Wire. — Fourteen-gauge insulated copper wire, both single and duplex. (Du Pont Co.) SHORT SECTION OF LEADING WIRE Contractors Professional Blasters Farmers Used by Quarrymen Lumbermen Miners Used for Connecting Blasting Machine with Electric Blasts Special Miners’ Leading Wire. — Eighteen-gauge, duplex in 100 and 150-foot lengths. Not intended for general work. (Du Pont Co.) Miners Used by Used for Firing Blasts Connecting Wire. — Twenty and twenty-one-gauge insulated copper wire. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Contractors Professional Blasters Farmers Trade Quarrymen Lumbermen Miners Practically All Users of Electric Blasting Caps Used for Connecting Electric Blasting Cap Wires when Bore Holes are far Apart 23 Rheostat. — An electric bridge adapted to testing blasting machines. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Contractors Professional Blasters Farmers T rade Quarrymen Lumbermen Miners All Users of Blasting Machines Used for Testing Blasting Machines Galvanometer. — A small galvanometer for testing blasting circuits to detect breaks. (Du Pont Co.) Used by All doing Electric Blasting Contractors Professional Blasters Farmers Miners Quarrymen Lumbermen Well Drillers Trade Automobile Mechanics Used for Determining Condition of Elec- tric Blasting Circuit Locating Breaks, Leaks and Circuits GALVANOMETER Tamping Bags. — Heavy paper bags 8 to 18 inches long and from 1 to 2 inches in diameter. (Du Pont Co.) 24 TAMPING BAGS (Continued) TAMPING BAG (FULL) Used by Contractors Miners Quarrymen Tunnel Men Used for Containers of Tamping Mate- Containers for Loading Granular rial for Boring Holes Explosives such as Blasting Pow- der Thawing Kettles. — Thawing kettles are all made with a water- tight compartment for the explosives which is surrounded by the receptacle for the hot water. (Du Pont Co.) Contractors Miners Quarrymen Lumbermen Used by Trade Professional Blasters All Those Using Dyna- mite in Cold Weather Used for Thawing Explosives DU PONT THAWING KETTLE Portable Magazines. — Of sectional steel construction. In various sizes from 110 to 1,850 -keg capacity. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Trade Quarrymen Road Builders Professional Blasters Used for Storing High and Low Explo- sives and Detonators that are kept for use or for sale 25 Cordeau. — Detonating fuse. Contractors Used by Quarrymen Used for Firing Large Blasts Miners’ Squibs. — Are small paper tubes or straws filled with a quick-burning powder. A slow match is attached to one end. Miners Used by Quarrymen Used for Igniting Blasting Powder Fuse. — All classes of countered and taped. In 100-foot rolls. Used by Miners Quarrymen Contractors Lumbermen Farmers Professional Blasters Dealers Practically all Doing Blasting Used for Firing Single Charges of Blasting Powder and High Explosives 26 SPORTING POWDERS The quality of the Smokeless shotgun powders listed below is uni- formly high. Years of experience in the manufacture and use of each of the ingredients, supported by the most careful plant process and inspections, make them standard. Smokeless Shotgun Powders. — The Du Pont Company manu- factures five brands of smokeless shotgun powders, namely : Dupont, Schultze, Empire (Bulk), Ballistite and Dupont (Dense). (Du Pont Co.) Bulk Powders. — Dupont Bulk is a hard grain, progressive burning powder, reliable under all conditions, giving highest velocity for least pressure. An ideal sporting powder. The most extensively used shot- gun smokeless powder, and one with a distinct individuality. Schultze. — One of the best soft grained, easy-on-the-shoulder type of smokeless powders. A great favorite among the trapshooters. ^chu\5^ SMOKELESS SMOKELESS SMOKELESS SHOTGUN POWDER SMOKELESS Empire. — Of the same type as Schultze, but not so extensively used. Dense Powders. — Ballistite, the best of the combination nitro- glycerin and nitrocellulose shot- gun powders, combining all their virtues — water-proof, unchange- able by time or weather condi- tions, clean burning, absolutely smokeless and giving good results when loaded with the cheaper ma- terials. The Marsh Gunners’ favorite. BALLISTITE SMOKELESS POWDER (ENLARGED 100 TIMES) Dupont Dense. — A powder of Ballistite type. Made for export only. 27 AN IDEAL TRAPSHOOTING SCENE SMOKELESS SHOTGUN POWDERS (Continued) Used by Field and Trap Shooters Dealers and Jobbers in Ammunition Ammunition Companies Used for Loading Shotgun Shells for Trap and Field Shooting in all gauges AN IDEAL FIELD SHOOTING SCENE - 28 BLACK SPORTING POWDERS Brands. — Du Pont Rifle, Hazard Kentucky Rifle, Golden Pheasant, Indian Rifle; also American Rifle for export. These powders are the results of more than a century’s experience in the manufacture of explosives, and are the World’s standard of per- fection in black powders for use in shotgun, rifle, pistol and revolver ammunition. (Du Pont Co.) All brands are made in three granulations : Fg, FFg, FFFg. Used by Loading Companies Fireworks Manufacturers Dealers and Jobbers in Ammu- Black Powder Squib Manufacturers nition Field Shooters Used for Loading Shotgun Shells for Field Shooting Loading Pistol Ammunition Manufacturing Fireworks Saluting Purposes Splitting Logs Making Horse and Cattle Pow- ders Flashes for Frightening Coyotes Whaling Guns Loading Rifle Ammunition Loading Revolver Ammunition Manufacturing Miners’ Squibs Flashlight Powders Exterminator Cartridges for Vermin. Blasting Out Bolts and Rivets Life Saving Service Guns Large Bore Rice Bird Guns 29 *1? DU PONT HAND TRAP Du Pont Hand Trap. — A light, portable trap for throwing clay tar- gets. This trap has been greatly improved since its original manufac- ture, and is to-day a perfect working device, affording at a moment’s notice the best of practice for field or trapshooting. (Du Pont Co.) Trapshooting Clubs Shooting Schools Individuals Summer Resorts Camping Parties Used by Dealers and Jobbers in Ammuni- tion and Sporting Goods Country Clubs Cruising Parties Dealers DU PONT HAND TRAP Used for Throwing Clay Targets DU PONT HAND TRAP IN USE AT AN OUTING 30 RIFLE AND PISTOL POWDERS Below is listed a complete line of bulk and dense powders. There is a powder for every ^purpose and each powder is of standard quality. Bulk Smokeless Rifle Powders. — The bulk Rifle Powders are : Du Pont No. 1 Smokeless Rifle. Gallery Rifle Powder No. 75. Sporting Rifle Powder No. 80. Sporting Rifle Powder No. 81. Sporting Rifle Powder No. 90. Sporting Rifle Powder No. 91. Sporting Rifle Powder No. 92. Blank Fire Powder. Schuetzen Smokeless. Du Pont No. 1 Rifle Smokeless. — A powder adapted for reloading in reduced and mid-range charges, and for black powder rifles adapted to smokeless powder. It is of rather large irregular granulation, of buff color, and may be loaded “bulk for bulk” with black powder. Be- cause of the latter characteristic it is a favorite with riflemen who have been in the habit of using black powder. (Du Pont Co.) Trade Used by Used for Reloading Rifle Cartridges Gallery Rifle Powder No. 75.— (Formerly known as Marksman.) A nitrocellulose powder adapted for reduced loads for short and mid- range work in smokeless powder rifles. Is of rather fine and regular granulation, gray in color and feeds very accurately through the pow- der measure. (Du Pont Co.) Trade Used by Used for Reloading Rifle Cartridges 31 Sporting Rifle Powder No. 80. — A nitrocellulose powder adapted for loading standard, reduced and mid-range loads in black powder and smokeless powder, rifle and revolver cartridges. Is of fine granulation, rather yellow white in color. We believe it to be the most accurate powder for this type of work on the market. Being extremely cool burn- ing, and non-erosive, it gives maximum accuracy with no erosion. Gives very good results in pistol cartridges. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Loading Companies Trade Used for Rifle Cartridges Pistol Cartridges Schuetzen Smokeless. — Bulk, nitrocellulose, smokeless powder for loading with lead bullets in Schuetzen rifles. It is of rather coarse, irregular granulation, salmon in color, and is loaded in the same man- ner as black powder. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Trade Schuetzen Rifle Clubs Used for Loading Schuetzen Rifles Sporting Rifle Powder No. 81. — A bulk nitrocellulose powder adapted for loading old-style black powder military rifle cartridges. (Du Pont Co.) Loading Companies Used by Used for Loading Rifle Cartridges Sporting Rifle Powder No. 90. — A nitrocellulose rifle powder adapted for small calibre rifles. (Du Pont Co.) Loading Companies Used by Used for Loading Rifle Cartridges 32 Sporting Rifle Powders No. 91 and No. 92 are nitrocellulose rifle powders suitable for small calibre rifles. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Loading Companies Used for Loading Rifle Cartridges Blank Fire Powder. — A noisy, smokeless powder made especially for blank loads in army service cartridges. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Loading Companies Government Used for Loading Blank Cartridges CANISTERS, SMOKELESS RIFLE POWDERS Dense Military Rifle Powders. — The Dense Military Rifle Powders are : Military Rifle Powder No. 10. Improved Military Rifle Powder Nos. 15, 16, 18. Military Rifle Powder No. 19 (N. G.) Military Rifle Powder No. 20. Military Rifle Powder No. 21. Military Rifle Powder No. 31 (N. G.) 33 Improved Military Rifle Powder No. 15. — A smokeless progressive burning powder, developing high velocities with low pressures. Gives excellent results in cartridges of the .30 Springfield type. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Loading Companies Trade Used for Military and Sporting Cartridges of large powder capacity Improved Military Rifle Powder No. 16. — A nitrocellulose, smoke- less, progressive powder for high velocity cartridges. The latest pro- gressive powder. It gives exceptionally good results in the 30/40 Krag cartridge. This cartridge is used by the majority of civilian rifle- men in the U. S., and this brand is accordingly of particular interest. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Loading Companies Trade Loading Rifle Cartridges Used for Improved Military Rifle Powder No. 18. — A nitrocellulose, pro- gressive powder for high velocity cartridges, giving best results in the 30/30, 32/40 and similar types. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Loading Companies Trade Loading Rifle Cartridges Used for Military Rifle Powder No. 19 (N. G.). — A dense N. G. rifle pow- der. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Loading Companies General Trade Loading Rifle Cartridges Used for 34 BOY SCOUTS AT RIFLE PRACTICE Military Rifle Powder No. 21. — A dense, nitrocellulose rifle pow- der, for high velocity cartridges of the 22 Savage H. P. type, for which cartridge it was designed. Being rather short cut it is quick burning enough to give good results with reduced loads in some cartridges. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Loading Companies Trade Used for Loading Rifle Cartridges Military Rifle Powder No. 31 (N. G.). — A dense, N. G. rifle pow- der. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Loading Companies only Used for Loading Rifle Cartridges 35 Lesmok Rifle Powder. — A partly smokeless powder for .22 calibre and other small-bore metallic ammunition. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Loading Companies Used for Loading .22 Calibre and Other Small Bore Rifle Cartridges for Gallery and Outside Shooting Du Pont Pistol Powder No. 3. — A smokeless, dense, pistol powder of pure nitrocellulose composition, and flake granulation. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Loading Companies Trade Used for Loading Pistol Cartridges Fireworks Powder (Black). — “A” fireworks, “A” dust, and meal powders; fine, coarse, “A” special. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Celebrations with Fireworks Manufacturers of Fireworks Displays Used for General Pyrotechnic Displays Manufacture of Fireworks EXPLOSIVES FOR MILITARY USES The development of the Company’s industrial chemical, nitroglycerin and guncotton plants puts it in a most excellent position to manufac- ture ordnance explosives for the Government’s wants. GRAINS OF DU PONT SMOKELESS CANNON POWDER FOR GUNS OF DIFFERENT CALIBRES Cannon Powders (Smokeless). — Propelling Charge. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Government Munition Companies Makers of Ordnance Export Used for Propelling Charge for Cannon of all Calibres Rifle Powder. — Smokeless rifle powder for all calibres of military rifles. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Government Loading Companies Used for Loading Military Cartridges 37 Triton (Trinitrotoluol or T. N. T.). — Explosive Charge. Co.) Used by (Du Pont Makers of Ordnance Government Export Powder. Companies Used for Making Dynamite Bursting Charge for High Explo- Grenades sive Shells Aerial Bombs Compressed Triton (Trinitrotoluol or T. N. T.). (Du Pont Co.) Used by Makers of Ordnance Export Government Used for Under-Water Blasting and De- molition LOADED SHELL FOR NAVAL GUN Picric Acid. — Explosive Charge. A yellow dye. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Export Dyers Government High Explosive Manufacturers Used for Bursting Charge for High Ex- A Yellow Dye for Silk and Wool plosive Shells Cannon Powder (Black). — For ignition and saluting. (Du Pont Co.) Government Used by Cannon Salutes Used for • 4 38 Fulminate of Mercury. — A detonator charge. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Loading Companies Munition Companies Used for Loading Percussion Caps Tetryl. — A detonating charge for high explosive shells. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Government Loading Companies Bursting Charge Used for Booster Charge Ammonium Picrate. — A high explosive shell charge. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Government Loading Companies Used for Bursting Charge Detonator Caps. — (Time and Percussion.) (Du Pont Co.) Used by Government Munition Companies Used for Combination Time Fuzes in Shrapnel and High Explosive Shells. Detonators. — Percussion. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Government Munition Companies Used for Detonating High Explosive shells and grenades Nitrocellulose. — An Explosive, Also a Base for Smokeless Powders. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Government Powder Makers Nitrocellulose Article Manu- Munition Companies facturers 39 NITROCELLULOSE (Continued) Used for Making Cannon Powder Mines (Military) Making Smokeless Powder Making Nitrocellulose Compounds Wrecking Fortresses, Buildings and Bridges Black Fuse Powder— Potassium Nitrate Powder. Made in variable speeds to suit. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Makers of Ordnance Government Used for Component of Shrapnel Time Fuze Compositions Black Powder Pellets. — Pressed Potassium Nitrate Powder. Va- rious speeds and forms for different uses. (Du Pont Co.) Government Used by Makers of Ordnance Used for Central Tube of Shrapnel Shrapnel Fuzes Black Powder (Potassium Nitrate). — A fine granular powder similar to black cannon powder but of finer granulation. (Du Pont Co.) Makers of Ordnance Used by Used for Shrapnel Bursting Charges Shrapnel Base Charges 40 Py=ra=lin Discs. — Made from Py-ra-lin Sheeting. (Arlington Works.) Used by Government Makers of Ordnance Used for Closing Disc of Field Gun Primers High Explosives and Blasting Supplies. — Dynamites, Gelatins, Blasting Gelatin, Blasting Caps, Safety Fuse, Cordeau, Electric Blasting Caps, Blasting Machines arid other blasting accessories. (Du Pont Co.) Used ey Army Engineering Corps Used for Clearing Camp Sites Clearing Terrane Digging Latrines Demolition Mines Sanitary Drains 41 DU PONT FABRIKOID A leather substitute made on a woven cotton fabric base and coated on one or both sides with a tough flexible film of dissolved cotton (Pyroxylin) mixed with color pigments, dyes, and «other solvents. Fabrikoid is produced in a variety of colors, grains and finishes, that exactly duplicate the appearance of leather. It is water, grease, germ, dust and perspiration proof. Is not attacked by insects. Is easily cleaned and thoroughly sanitary. Fabrikoid is made in a number of qualities to replace leather of dif- ferent weights, cloth, fibre and paper for different uses. The number of these uses and the demand for Fabrikoid is continually and rapidly in- creasing. Craftsman quality, one of the best upholstery grades, is now being used by the United States Government for ship upholstery, and other qualities are being used by the Government and for Government work for motor trucks, bookbinding and similar purposes. For ready reference we arbitrarily divide Fabrikoid into three classes, viz.: Sheetings, Heavy Goods, Auto Top Goods. Sheetings. — These include a number of the lightest grades of. leather substitutes, made on different grades of cotton sheeting (similar to muslin). The sheeting qualities are used largely for linings and for work where the Fabrikoid is pasted to paper, cardboard, wood or metal, as in bookbinding, and in covering or lining instruments and other cases. Heavy Goods. — These include 25 or 30 qualities, in the manufacture of which light cotton drill, heavy cotton drill, light and heavy sateen, ducks and moleskin cotton goods are used for the fabric base. Motor Quality and Craftsman Quality are our best known and most impor- tant grades of heavy Fabrikoid. Sheetings and Heavy Goods. — There is no distinct line separating these two classes for manufacturing purposes, the various qualities of Fabrikoid used depending on the grade of the article manufactured, the strain to which the fabric is subjected and the amount of wear it will receive. (Fabrikoid Co.) Used by Manufacturers of: Automobiles Auto-Trucks Aeroplanes Ambulances Wagons Carriages Go-Carts Perambulators Auto Accessories Pennants Puttees Belts Toys Novelties Gloves Play Suits 42 SHEETINGS AND HEAVY GOODS (Continued) Boats Furniture Shoes Trunks Traveling Bags Suit Cases Sporting Goods Hats and Caps Cushions Millinery Harness Blank Books Loose Leaf Books Ring Books Text Books and Fiction House Furnishings Instrument Cases Covering or Lining: Furniture Cushions Suit Cases Books Trunks Traveling Bags Pocket Books Cameras Table Tops Humidors Caskets Hardware Cases Cutlery Cases Manicure Cases Instrument Cases : Musical Surgical Drawing Scientific Stationery Cases Jewelry Cases Spectacle Cases A FABRIKOID BAG Used for Chests School Bags Hand Bags Novelties Hat Boxes Decorating : Wall Coverings Ceilings Portable Screens Making: Auto Radiator Covers Racquet Cases Bat Bags Camp Kits Harness Waterproof Garments ARTISTIC AND LUXURIOUS 43 44 FINISHED IN CRAFTSMAN QUALITY FABRIKOID SHEETINGS AND HEAVY GOODS (Continued) FABRIKOID FOR BOATS Typewriter Covers Counter Mats Gun Cases Gloves Shoe Findings Pennants Pillows Table Covers Hats Caps Ladies’ Hats Traveling Goods Novelties Toys Upholstering and Trimming: Furniture Automobiles Carriages Railway Coaches Ambulances CRAFTSMAN QUALITY Belts Coats Cushions Submarine Suits Storm Aprons Base Balls Golf Bags Slippers Bootees Bathing Shoes Spats Puttees Leggings Suspenders Table Pads Military Vests Play Suits Lodge Regalia SEWING FABRIKOID ARTICLES Infant’s Vehicles Boats Aeroplanes Motor Trucks 45 Auto Top Fabrikoid (Rayntite). — A highly satisfactory topping and curtain fabric in extensive use. Rayntite is made in both single and double texture. (Fabrikoid Co.) Used by Manufacturers of: Automobiles Auto Tops and Curtains Motor Trucks Manufacturers of: Carriages Boats Top Re-Covers Used for Auto Tops and Curtains Truck Tops and Curtains Boat Tops and Curtains Buggy Tops and Curtains Road Wagon and Similar Tops and Curtains RAYNTITE TOP Car Window Curtain Material. — A quality of Fabrikoid suitable for both steam and electric car window curtains. A lighter quality is made for binding the edges of these curtains. (Fabrikoid Co.) Used by Manufacturers of: Manufacturers of: Steam and Electric Cars Railway and Electric Lines Used for Car Window Curtains Car Vestibule Curtain Fabrikoid. — This is a double texture mate- rial made especially for vestibule curtains on steam and electric cars. It is very satisfactory for the purpose and is in general use. (Fabri- koid Co.) Used by Steam and Electric Railways Car Manufacturers Vestibule Curtains Used for 46 Book Finish Fabrikoid. — A special grade of Fabrikoid made in sev- eral qualities, for bookbinding and case covering where folding and pasting is necessary. This material can be printed and stamped with- out sizing. No special preparation or special adhesives are required in its use. (Fabrikoid Co.) Used by Bookbinders Box Makers Case Makers Used for Binding Books Covering Boxes Covering Cases 47 FAIRFIELD RUBBER CLOTH The different kinds of duck and drill back rubber cloth offered below are all of a very high standard quality, and are true to grain and weight. These cloths are manufactured by carefully developed proc- esses. Each yard of base cloth is carefully inspected and prepared before receiving the rubber coating. The variety of widths, weights, grains, and finishes is so great that there are several that fit the needs of even the most discriminating purchaser. Major cloth, and other double texture goods, and the finished articles are also required to pass rigid inspection. Fairfield Rubber Cloth (Drill Back). — Made in 14 to 28 ounce, 36-inch width ; 20 to 40 ounce, 50-inch width ; 22 to 42 ounce, 54-inch width. In flat, long, auto, pebble and smooth grain, and in bright, dull and medium finish, with white, drab or black back. (Fabrikoid Co.) Top and Side Curtains Fairfield Rubber Cloth (Duck Back). — Made in 20 to 32 ounce, 36-inch width ; 28 to 42 ounce, 50-inch width ; 28 to 42 ounce, 54-inch width. In flat, long, auto, pebble and smooth grain, and in bright, dull and medium finish, with white, drab, black or plaid back. (Fabri- koid Co.) Used by Manufacturers of: Automobiles Wagons Launches Manufacturers of: Boats Buggies Baby Carriages Used for Used by Manufacturers of: Automobiles Wagons Launches Manufacturers of: Boats Buggies Baby Carriages Used for Top and Side Curtains Tool Bags Water-proof Cushion Covers 48 Rayntite No. 2. — Made in single and double texture in 36-inch and 54-inch widths. (Fabrikoid Co.) Used by Manufacturers of: Manufacturers of: Automobiles Buggies Wagons Boats Used for Top and Side Curtains Major Cloth. — Double texture rubber cloth having a flannel lining. (Fabrikoid Co.) i Used by Manufacturers of: Manufacturers of: Buggies Carriages Wagons Used for Tops and Side Curtains Adjustable Aprons (Holden Pattern). — Made in sizes and shapes suitable for phaetons, carriages and buggies. They slip over the dashboard and have high straps and driving vamps. (Fabrikoid Co.) Used by Dealers Horsemen Jobbers Used for Water-proof Blankets 49 Rug Anchor. — A drill or whipcord rubber cloth used under rugs to prevent slipping and to protect highly polished floors. (Fabrikoid Co.) Used by Homes Dealers Jobbers Used for Anchoring Rugs Rubber Cloth Blankets. — For use of outside hospitals, hunters and campers; 45 inches by 72 inches. Supplied with two or four grommets to permit satisfactory rolling and tying. (Fabrikoid Co.) Used by Outside Hospitals Hunters Campers Used for Water-proof Blankets and Covers 50 PY-RA-LIN This line was added to the Du Pont products through the purchase of The Arlington Company, manufacturers of Ivory Py-ra-lin. Exten- sive increases have been made in the output of the plants, and each article must pass a most rigid inspection for quality before it is allowed to be shipped. Py=ra=Iin. — A water-proof, flexible pyroxylin material manufactured in a variety of forms and colors, as follows : Transparent Sheeting (Clear) Tortoise Shell Sheeting Ivory Sheeting Bronze Sheeting Pearl Sheeting Colored Sheeting (Opaque or Transparent) Rods in All Colors Tubes in All Colors Transparent Sheeting. — Colorless transparent sheeting or flexible glass, manufactured in thicknesses from 5/1000" up, sheets 20" x 36" and 20" x 50" in size. (Arlington Works.) TRANSPARENT SHEETING FOR AUTO WINDOWS Used by Manufacturers of: Automobiles Automobile Tops Automobile and Carriage Repairs Advertising Novelties Carriages Carriage Tops Novelties Cutlery Manufacturers of: Scientific Instruments Aeroplanes Cardcases Display Signs Tags Pocket Books Watches and Clocks Office and Library Fixtures 51 PY=RA=LIN TRANSPARENT SHEETING (Continued) Used for Manufacture of: Wind Shields Windows in Novelties Knife Handles Crystals for Watches, Clocks, and Scientific Instruments Covering for Index Guide Cards Manufacture of: Windows in Baggage Tags Flexible Window in Storm Fronts and Curtains Covering for Novelties Triangles and T Squares Aeroplane Wind Shields Covering for Signs Transparent Sheeting (Colored). — Manufactured in same sizes and thicknesses as transparent sheeting. The principal colors are amber, green, blue, and red. (Arlington Works.) Used by Automobile Manufacturers Aeroplane Manufacturers Novelty Manufacturers Stationers Automobile Accessory Manufac- turers Clothing Manufacturers Cap Manufacturers Eyeglass and Goggle Manufac- Advertising Novelty Manufac- turers turers 52 COLORED TRANSPARENT SHEETING (Continued) Used for Head Light Dimmers Cap Visors Covering Novelties Cloak Buttons Eye Shields Transparent Rod. — Py-ra-lin transparent rod, diameter from .057 to .5 inch or larger, plain or colored. (Arlington Works.) Used by Optical Goods Manufacturers Used for Knitting Needles Rims and Frames for Spectacles Tortoise Shell Sheeting. — Py-ra-lin sheeting in tortoise colors and mottle. Manufactured in same sizes and thicknesses as py-ra-lin trans- parent sheeting. (Arlington Works.) Used by Comb Manufacturers Toilet and Manicure Article Manu- Buckle Manufacturers facturers Pocket Book and Hand Bag Box Manufacturers Manufacturers Button Manufacturers Optical Manufacturers Used for Belt Buckles Brushes Manicure Sets Spectacle Rims and Frames Spectacle Cases Fine Combs Back Combs Hair Ornaments Toilet Boxes Mirrors Toilet and Manicure Cases Buttons Pocket Book and Hand Bag Frames Dressing Combs Side Combs Hairpins Glare Shields Flexible Windows Goggles Advertising Cards and Novelties 53 Transparent Tubes. — Transparent py-ra-lin tubes in plain or col- ored py-ra-lin ; diameter of opening 1/16 to 3 inches or larger; wall thickness from 15/1000 up. (Arlington Works.) Used by Gauge Tube Manufacturers Hospital Supplies Manufacturers Laboratory Apparatus Manu- Scientific Supplies Manufacturers facturers Used for Gauge Tubes Test Tubes Drinking Tubes Flexible Tubing Tortoise Shell Rod and Beading. — Py-ra-lin rods and beading. Same dimensions as transparent rod. (Arlington Works.) Used by Novelty Manufacturers Hairpin Manufacturers Hair Ornament Manufacturers Optical Manufacturers Used for Hairpins Hair Ornaments Novelties Spectacle Rims and Frames Baskets Tortoise Shell Tubing. — Tortoise shell tubes, different sizes and lengths, same as transparent tubing. (Arlington Works.) Used by Toilet Box Manufacturers Novelty Manufacturers 54 TORTOISE SHELL TUBING (Continued) Used for Tooth Powder Boxes Tooth Brush Boxes Powder and Puff Boxes Hair Receivers Cream Boxes Ivory Sheeting. — Py-ra-lin in ivory color and grain, same thick- nesses and sizes as transparent sheeting. (Arlington Works.) Used by Manufacturers of: Toilet Articles Brushes Mirrors Cases Jewel Boxes Whisk Brooms Cutlery Clock Cases Manicure Articles Combs Boxes Used for Bath Fixture Pulls Napkin Rings Handkerchief Boxes Signs Clock Cases Razor Handles Mirror Backs Powder Boxes Cases for Sets Baskets Pocket Knife Handles Manicure Article Handles Shoe Horns Soap Boxes Bath Room Seats Combs Glove Boxes Baskets Card Cases Razor Cases Hair Brushes Puff Boxes Cream Boxes Trays Frames Table Knife Handles Toilet Article Handles Shoe and Glove Buttoners Whisk Broom Handles Trays Picture Frames Bath Room Fittings 55 Ivory Tubes. — Ivory Py-ra-lin tubing in same dimensions as trans- parent tubing. (Arlington Works.) Used by Toilet Box Manufacturers Case Manufacturers Jewel Box Manufacturers Used for Toilet Boxes Vases Jewel Boxes Napkin Rings Cases Ivory Rod and Beading. — Py-ra-lin ivory rod and beading in same sizes as transparent. (Arlington Works.) Used by Cutlery Manufacturers Manicure Article Manufacturers Hair Ornament Manufacturers Optical Manufacturers Umbrella Manufacturers Cane Manufacturers Used for Knife Handles Umbrella Handles and Ferrules Hair Ornaments Manicure and Toilet Handles Spectacle Rims and Cases Cane Handles and Ferrules Py=ra=Iin Colored Sheeting. — In same dimensions and thicknesses as transparent sheeting, made in a great variety of plain and solid colors, in mottles, stripes, and plaids, including amber, pearl, horn, and bronze. (Arlington Works.) Used by Button Manufacturers Computing Instrument Manu- facturers Cutlery Manufacturers Manicure Article Manufac- turers Musical Instrument Manufac- turers Shoe Findings Manufacturers Harness Manufacturers Smokers’ Articles Manufac- turers Office Supplies Manufacturers Recording Instrument Manu- facturers Typewriter Manufacturers Toilet Article Manufacturers Organ and Piano Manufacturers Bath Room Fittings Manufacturers Whip Manufacturers Optical Goods Manufacturers Doll Manufacturers Billiard Supplies Manufacturers Lighting Fixture Manufacturers Poultry Supplies Manufacturers Die Cutting Workers Sporting Goods Manufacturers 56 PY-RA-LIN COLORED SHEETING (Continued) Used for Making and Covering Buttons Meter Disks and Wheels Table Knife Handles Piano Keys Banjo and Guitar Pegs and Inlays Bath Room Seats Bath Room Frames Shoe Counters Ladies' French Heels Toys Manicure Articles Advertising Novelties Leg Bands for Poultry Cap Visors Typewriter and Calculating Machine Keys Pocket Knife Handles Razor Handles Organ Keys Mandolin Pegs and Picks Covering for Bath Fixtures Bath Room Pull Handles Covering for Shoe Hooks and Eyes Shoe Box Toes Toilet Articles Printed Novelties Whip Handles Eye Shields Goggles Spectacle Frames and Rims Lorgnette Frames and Handles Card Indexes Poker Chips Playing Cards Pocket Billiard Triangles Dominoes Beer Scrapers Opera Glass Frames and Handles Nose Guard for Glasses Dolls Cash Checks Dice Billiard Cue Tips illiard Bridge Heads Push Buttons Checker and Chess Men Die Cutting Blocks Colored Rod and Beading. — Py-ra-lin colored rods and beading in same sizes as transparent rod and beading. Used for same purposes as ivory rod and beading where different colors are desired. (Arlington Works.) 57 COLORED ROD AND BEADING (Continued) Cutlery Manufacturers Optical Manufacturers Umbrella Manufacturers Pipe Manufacturers Used by Manicure Article Manufacturers Hair Ornament Manufacturers Cane Manufacturers Fishing Rod Manufacturers Used for Knife Handles Manicure and Toilet Handles Hair Ornaments Spectacle Rims and Cases Umbrella Handles and Ferrules Cane Handles and Ferrules Pipe Bits Cigarette Holders Cigar Holders Fishing Reel Handles Miscellaneous Colored Tubing. — Py-ra-lin tubes in all colors, in same sizes as transparent tubing. Used for the same purposes as ivory tubing where different colors are desired. (Arlington Works.) Used by Toilet Box Manufacturers Jewel Box Manufacturers Harness Manufacturers Case Manufacturers Bicycle and Motorcycle Manufac- turers Candle Tube Manufacturers Used for Toilet Boxes Jewel Boxes Candle Tubes Cases Bicycle and Motorcycle Grips Harness Rings and Loops Manufactured Py=ra=lin Articles. — The following articles are manufactured and sold. (Arlington Works.) Py-ra-lin Collars Dice Brushes, different shapes, sizes and colors : Hair Hat Shaving Cloth Nail Bath Baby 58 MANUFACTURED PY=RA=LIN ARTICLES (Continued) Mirrors , different shapes and sizes; ivory and colors. Combs , pressed, cut, and sawed: Dressing Combs Baby Combs Fine Combs Pocket Combs Desk Fittings , in ivory and Pen Holders Blotter Pads Letter Racks Letter Openers Blotter Corners Ink Wells Pencil Holders colors : Pen Cleaners Ink Erasers Stamp Boxes Pencil and Pen Racks Pin Cushions Fountain Pen Boxes Boxes, different shapes, sizes, and colors : Cream and Salve Glove Jewel Hair Receivers Handkerchief Puff Brush Pen and Pin 59 MANUFACTURED PY=RA=LIN ARTICLES (Continued) Complete Manicure Sets, ivory and colors, in various assortments, including : Cases Nail Polishers Knives Files Scissors Tweezers Sets, different sizes, colors, and assort- Complete Toilet and Dresser ments, including: Brushes Glove Stretchers Powder Boxes Trays Shoe Horns Individual articles as follows : Pipe Bits Pocket Knife Handles Baby Rattlers Collars and Cuffs Shirt Fronts Watch Dials Perfume and Toilet Water Bottles Mirrors Combs Brush Boxes Hair Receivers Picture Frames Glove Stretchers Shoe Buttoners Drinking Cups Whisk Brooms Shaving Brushes Baskets Pin Cushions Glove Buttoners Napkin Rings Drinking Cup Cases Whisk Broom Holders Shaving Brush Boxes Musical Instrument Bridges, Pegs and Picks Salad Sets Razor Handles Table Knife Handles Teething Rings Cuffs Clock Dials Salad Forks and Spoons Jewelers Drug Stores Gift Shops Hotels Sporting Goods Stores Premium Houses Department Stores Novelty Stores General Merchants Used by Stationers Hardware Stores 60 Arlington Cleanable Collars. — Made in four brands : Challenge, Blue Ribbon, Py-ra-lin, and Water- nymph. The Challenge brand is highly recommended for the careful dresser who desires to have at all times a neat, linen-like collar which will not wilt and which can be easily cleaned. (Arlington Works.) Used by Well dressed men in all walks of life Used for Wear on all occasions Arlington Cleanable Cuffs. — Made in four grades : Challenge, Blue Ribbon, Py-ra-lin and Waternymph. Recommended for all uses where a dressy but waterproof cuff is needed. (Arlington Works.) Waiters Ship's Officers Policemen Used by Totels Dealers Jobbers Used for Washable Cuffs Cleanable Shirt Fronts. — Washable shirt fronts closely re- sembling linen. Used by Hotels Restaurants Waiters Butlers Used for Washable Shirt Fronts 61 CHEMICALS The Du Pont Company, through its varied industries, is to-day one of the largest manufacturers of chemicals. Owning, as it does, some of its sources of base materials, and buying others in large amounts and having the most modern plants, it can manufacture chemicals in quan- tity without in any way impairing the highest standard of quality. Sulphuric Acid. — 50 degrees and 60 degrees ; 66° O. V. Fuming (Oleum). (Harrisons, Inc.) Chemical Manufacturers Explosive Manufacturers Dye Manufacturers Photo-Engravers Oil Refineries Used by Textile Industries Fertilizer Manufacturers Metal Workers Galvanizers Iron and Steel Industries Used for Manufacture of Explosives Etching Manufacture of Dye Pickling Acidulating Phosphate Rock Precipitating Oils Hydrochloric Acid. — 18 degrees, 20 degrees, and 22 degrees. (Har- risons, Inc.) Used by Sugar Refineries Metal Workers Tack Manufacturers Composition Floor Manufacturers Dye Manufacturers Galvanizers Used for Refining Sugar Cleaning Metal Making Floor Compositions Manufacturing Dyes Nitric Acid (Aqua Fortis). — 36°, 38°, 40°, and 42°, and stronger up to 90% on special specifications. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Explosive Manufacturers Hat Manufacturers Metal Workers Used for Making Mixed Acids Dips Harroting , 62 Acetic Acid. — Four grades : Commercial, Redistilled, and Pure, made in 28%, 56%, 60%, 70%, and 80% Pure (also ‘‘30% Pure”) ; Glacial, 90% and 99}4%. (Harrisons, Inc.) Manufacturers of: Silk White Lead Chemicals Silk Manufacture Making White Lead Used by Manufacturers of: Pickles Food Products Used for Vinegar Making Acetone Sodium Acetate. — A high grade, used for manufacturing acetic acid, and acetates, and as a mordant in dye manufacture. (Chemical Works.) Used by Manufacturing Chemists Textile Mills Used for Making Pure Acetic Acid Making Acetates Mordants Lactic Acid. — In four grades : Dark, 22% by weight ; Light Refined, 22% and 44% by weight; Special Light Refined, 22% and 44% by weight; and U. S. P. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Tanners Leather Goods Manufacturers Dye Workers Artificial Silk Manufacturers Silk Manufacturers Textile Industries Hosiery Manufacturers Laundries Shirt, Collar and Cuff Manufac- turers Druggists Manufacturing Pharmacists Bakers Food Products Manufacturers . Used for Bating and Plumping Leather Cleaning Fabrics Scrooping Pharmaceutical Products Mordant 63 Boric Acid U. S P. — (Chemical Works.) Used by Tanners Bleachers Potters Glass Makers Starin Refiners Dye Manufacturers Canners and Preservers Manufacturing Pharmacists Copper Purifiers Used for Tanning Bleaching Component of Glass Refining Starin Making Dyes Preserving Drugs Dioxidation of Copper Benzoic Acid (Technical Grade). — (Chemical Works. Used by Manufacturers of: Food Preservatives Dyes Manufacturers of: Chemicals Drugs Used for Food Preservative Dye Intermediate Chemical Drug Salicylic Acid. — (Chemical Works.) Used by Dye Manufacturers Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Used for Making Dye Drugs Dipping Acids. — High-grade Dipping Acids, especially prepared to meet the individual specifications of the users of all kinds of acid dips. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Metal Workers Galvanizers Platers Art Metal Workers Used for Removing Ferric Oxide, Grease, and Oil from Metal Surfaces 64 Electrolyte Acid. — Weak sulphuric acid with pure distilled water in any gravity from 1200 to 1450. Free from impurities. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Storage Battery Manufacturers Automobile Owners Battery Service Stations Individual Storage Battery Light Garages and Pumping Plants Homes Used for Filling Storage Batteries UNLOADING A CARGO OF NITRATE OF SODA AT A DU PONT WHARF Battery Solutions. — Prepared on order for Lee Fuller and other types of wet cells. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Physical Laboratories Owners of all Classes of Wet Cells Electricians Used for Solutions for Wet Cells 65 Alum (Cake). — Approximately 15% A1 2 0 3 ; Sulphate of Alumina, 16%, 19%, and 22% A1 2 0 3 . Lumps and ground in bags and barrels (16% in ingots). (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Paper Manufacturers Municipalities Factories Fire Extinguisher Manufacturers Water Filtration Plants Used for Water Filtration Paper Sizing Making Fire Extinguishers Potash Alum (U. S. P.). — Lump, ground, and powdered. (Harri- sons, Inc.) Used by Color Manufacturers Druggists Photographers Filtration Plants having Closed Photographic Supplies Manu- Boxes facturers Used for Making Paint Colors Photographic Work A Drug Filtration Ammonia Alum (U. S. P.). — Lump, ground, and powdered. (Har risons, Inc.) ■ L ' Used by Color Manufacturers Filter Plants Druggists Photographic Supplies Manufac- turers Used for Making Colors Photographic Work A Drug Filter Alum. — This grade is prepared especially for filtration. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Municipalities Filtration Plants Used for Filtering Water in any Make of Mechanical Filter 66 Pearl Alum. — A specially prepared alum that is neutral to colors and scarcely affects ultramarine. (Harrisons, Inc.) Paper Manufacturers Used by Making Fine Paper Used for Pickle Alum. — This grade is prepared to meet the peculiar sped fications of packers and preservers. (Harrisons, Inc.) Canners Used by Packing and Preserving Used for Porous Alum. — Iron Free, lump or ground. (Harrisons, Inc.) Color Manufacturers Used by Manufacture of Colors Used for Iron Free Alum. — In lumps or ground suitable for color manufac- turers. (Harrisons, Inc.) Color Manufacturers Used by Manufacture of Colors Used for Sizing Alum. — Sulphate of Alumina. (Harrisons, Inc.) Paper Manufacturers Used by Sizing Paper Used for 67 DU PONT FILTER ALUM IS USED IN THIS MODERN PLANT Bichromate of Soda. — Standard chemical purity and physical con- dition. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Color Manufacturers Chemical Manufacturers Wet Cell Manufacturers Users of Wet Cells Used for Making Colors Battery Solutions Barium Chloride. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Color Manufacturers Manufacturing Chemists Used for Color Base Making Chemicals and Pigments Distilled Water. — A very high quality. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Laboratories Storage Battery Manufacturers Garages Homes Battery Service Stations Chemists Used for Any purpose where distilled water is required 68 Blanc Fixe. — A very finely powdered white lead in dry and pulp form. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Color Manufacturers Paper Manufacturers Printing Ink Manufacturers Used for Making Colors Paper Coater Paper Filler Manufacture of Printing Ink Alumina Hydrate. — A reducing or extending agent for colors in the manufacture of printing ink. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Printing Ink Manufacturers Used for Making Printers’ Ink Rubber Makers’ White. — A filling pigment for the manufacture of rubber. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Rubber Manufacturers Used for Filling Rubber Refined Fusel Oil. — Sometimes called Amyl alcohol; used in the manufacture of lacquers and the extraction of drugs. (Chemical Works.) Used by Patent Leather Solution Manu- Photo Supplies Manufacturers facturers Manufacturing Chemists Paint Manufacturers Varnish Manufacturers Lacquer Manufacturers Chemists Used for Making Metal Lacquers Moving Picture Films Making Extractive Agencies Patent Leather Solutions 69 Cream of Tartar. — U. S. P. (Chemical Works.) Used by Baking Powder Manufacturers Flux Manufacturers Used for Making Baking Powder Fine Soldering Amyl Acetate (Commercial). — In three grades : Standard, Spe- cial No. 2, Special No. 3. (Chemical Works.) Used by Japan Manufacturers Celluloid Manufacturers Movie and Photo Film Manu- facturers Manufacturers of Nitrocellu- lose Compounds Varnish Manufacturers Split Leather Finishers Lacquer Manufacturers Waterproofing Solutions Manufac- turers Leather Finishing Solution Manu- facturers Bronzing Liquid Manufacturers Wholesale Druggists Paint Jobbers Patent Leather Manufacturers Used for Solvent for Nitrocellulose and Gums Iso Amyl Acetate. — The purest grade obtainable, acetic acid less than 0.002%, boiling point 135.5° to 142° C. (Chemical Works.) Used by Chemists Flavoring Extract Manufacturers Wholesale Druggists Used for Flavoring Extracts Photometric Standard Gas Manufacture Star Solvent. — A colorless liquid used as a substitute for Amyl Acetate. (Chemical Works.) Used by Manufacturers and Users of Pyroxylin Solutions Used for Solvent for Nitrocellulose and Py-ra-lin Scraps 70 Ethyl Acetate U. S. P. — Contains about 90% Ethyl Acetate, 8% Ethyl alcohol and 2% water. (Chemical Works.) Used by Druggists Chemists Manufacturers and Users of Wholesale Druggists Pyroxylin Solutions Used for Solvent Drug Manufacturing Pure Ethyl Acetate. — Contains no water, 97.5% Ethyl Acetate, 2.5% Ethyl alcohol, boiling point 77° C. (Chemical Works.) Used by Manufacturers and Users of Wholesale Druggists Pyroxylin Solutions Flavoring Extract Manufacturers Chemists . Used for Solvent Flavoring Extract Bronze Powders. — More than 200 colors or shades. Special shades to meet specifications. (Chemical Works.) Used by Manufacturers of: Picture Frames Furniture Bronzing Solutions Manufacturers of: Metal Grills Wood Grills Lithographers X v Used for * 4 :r f Making Bronzing Solutions for Various Purposes Bronzing Liquids. — For making bronzing compounds for wood and metal. (Chemical Works.) Paint Manufacturers Lacquer Manufacturers Novelty Manufacturers Used by Bronzing Material Manufacturers Paint Jobbers Picture Frame Manufacturers Used for Making of Bronze and Aluminum Paints 71 Ether. — In three grades: Anaesthesia, U. S. P., and “Washed.” (Chemical Works.) Used by Druggists Hospitals Manufacturing Chemists Laboratories Used for Anaesthetic Extractive Medium Making Corn Cures (Liquid) Making Collodions Solvent Making “Liquid Court Plaster” Cleaning Mixture Laboratory Ether. — Highly concentrated and free from water. Being 99.9 per cent, pure, it is the best grade obtainable. (Chemical Works.) Chemists Used by Used for Extraction Medium Analytical Work Solvent Mantle Dips. — A nitrocellulose solution for finishing gas mantles. (Chemical Works.) Used by Gas Mantle Manufacturers Used for Coating Gas Mantles to Prevent Fracturing 72 Leather Renovators. — Liquids for renewing gloss on natural and artificial leathers. (Chemical Works.) Used by Leather Manufacturers Shoe Manufacturers Garages Trunk, Bag and Leather Goods Harness Makers Manufacturers Auto and Carriage Top Manu- Auto and Carriage Manufacturers facturers Practically all Users of Leather and Upholsterers Artificial Leathers Furniture Manufacturers Used for Renewing Surface of Natural Split and Artificial Leather Patent Leather Solutions. — Liquids for making enamel or finish on patent leathers. (Chemical Works.) Used by Patent Leather Manufacturers Used for Making Patent Leather Split Leather Solutions. — Pyroxylin Solutions for surfacing and finishing split leathers. (Chemical Works.) Used by Tanners Finishers of Split Leathers Makers of Novelties Used for Finishing the Surface of Split Leather Leather Substitute Solutions. — Liquids for making the coating on artificial leathers and leather substitutes. (Chemical Works.) Used by Artificial Leather Manufacturers Used for Making Artificial Leather 73 Parlodion. — A shredded form of pure concentrated collodion that is to be dissolved in ether and alco- hol for biological and microscopic work, and for sealing slight wounds. (Chemical Works.) Used by Biologists Chemists Physicians Microscopists Surgeons Hospitals Dealers in Scientific Materials Hospital Supplies Manufac- turers Used for Microscopic Examinations Surgical Operations Protection of Cuts and Abra- ' sions Pyroxylin. — Chemically treated cotton for the manufacture of lac- quers, enamels, bronzes, metal paints and similar compounds. (Chem- ical Works.) Used by Manufacturers of Lacquers, Enamels, Bronzes and Metal Paints Used for Making Lacquers, Enamels, Bronzes and Metal Paints Pegamoid Aluminum Paint. — A ready-to-use, quick-drying alumi- num or silver paint for surfacing or finishing wood and metal and composition articles. (Chemical Works.) Used by Lighting Fixtures Manufacturers Steamfitters’ Supplies Manufac- turers Toy Manufacturers Organ Manufacturers Ornamental Grill Work Manu- facturers Metal Furniture Manufacturers Used for Coating Wood, Composition and Metal Surfaces Painters and Decorators Metal Workers Plumbing Manufacturers Novelty Manufacturers Piano Manufacturers Machinery Manufacturers Art Wire Workers Plumbers 74 Pyroxylin Solutions. — Film forming, waterproofing finishes for wood, metal and composition articles. (Chemical Works.) Used by Makers of Artificial, Split and Patent Leathers Manufacturers of Lacquers Makers of Dolls Makers of Manicure and Toilet Cases and Articles Painters and Decorators Makers of Aeroplanes Manufacturers of Enamels Makers of Buttons Novelty Manufacturers Used for Depositing a Thin, Strong, Waterproof Film on the Surface of Articles Pyroxylin Enamels. — Quick-drying, waterproof, black, white and colored enamels that can be applied by spray, brush or dip. (Chemical Works.) Used by Wire Workers Manufacturers of Plumbers* Supplies Furniture Manufacturers Vehicle Makers Organ Manufacturers Novelty Makers Toy Makers Specialty Manufacturers Metal Workers Piano Manufacturers Used for Coating Wood, Metal or Composition Articles Waterproof Cement. — A ready-to-use, strong, quick-drying, water- proof, pyroxylin cement. (Chemical Works.) Used by Belting Manufacturers Waterproof Clothing Manufac- Electrical Instrument Manufac- turers turers Insulation Supplies Manufacturers Auto and Carriage Top Manu- Novelty Manufacturers facturers Roofers Steamfitters* Supplies Manufac- turers Stationery Novelty Manufacturers Cabinet Makers (Wood and Metal) Manicure and Toilet Article Manu- facturers Hardware Manufacturers Lighting Fixture Manufacturers 75 WATER=PROOF CEMENT (Continued) Straw Hat Manufacturers Shoe Manufacturers Cabinet Makers Garages (Repair Department) Toy Makers Aeroplane Makers Used for Cementing of Leather, Belting, Capping and Sealing of Insulating Fabrics and Py-ra-lin Material Belt Cement. — A ready-to-use, quick-drying, pyroxylin cement of great strength. (Chemical Works.) Used by Manufacturers of: Manufacturers of: Belts (Power and Dress) Leather Goods Shoes Cementing Leather Used for Household Cement. — A ready-to use pyroxylin cement adapted to home use. (Chemical Works.) Used by Leather Goods Manufacturers Novelty Manufacturers Book Binders Clothing Manufacturers General Users of Cement Used for Repairing Household Articles General Cementing of Wood, Leather and Fabric Wood and Metal Lacquers. — Lacquers in any color, for any pur- pose, and for any material. (Chemical Works.) Homes Toy Manufacturers Cabinet Manufacturers Box Manufacturers Offices Used by Painters Electrical Supplies Manufac- turers Heating Supplies Manufac- turers Metal Workers Brass Bed Manufacturers Decorators Plumbing Supplies Manufacturers Steamfitting Supplies Manufac- turers Furniture Makers (Wood) 7 6 WOOD AND METAL LACQUERS (Continued) Furniture Makers (Metal) Novelty Makers Cabinet Makers Toilet and Manicure Case Makers Lighting Fixture Manufac- turers Silverware Manufacturers Toy Makers Hardware Specialty Manufac- turers Office and Stationery Supplies Manufacturers Ornamental Metal Workers (Parti- tions, Lattice and Grill Work) Makers of all Bright Metal Articles Used for Protecting Bright Metal Arti- Waterproofing and Finishing cles from Tarnishing Wooden Articles C. P. Sodium Acetate. — As name implies. (Chemical Works.) Used by Drug Manufacturers Photographic Supplies Manufac- Chemical Manufacturers turers Used for Drug Manufacture Chemical Re-agent Photographic Work Coke. — Extremely pure, practically free from sulphur, and has but 0.1% ash. (Chemical Works.) Used by Carbon Manufacturers Used for Marking Carbons for Arc Lights Pitch. — Melting point 130° to 200° F. Graded to meet specifications of uniformity. (Chemical Works.) Used by Manufacturing Plants Road Builders Roofing Manufacturers Chemical Manufacturers Electrical Supplies Manufac- Roofers turers General Builders Contractors Insulating Companies Used for Roof Covering Manufacture of Insulating Corn- Wire and Cable Insulation pounds Road Binder 77 Refined Tar. — Dehydrated tar. (Chemical Works.) Used by Roofing Manufacturers Contractors Paint Manufacturers Electrical Supplies Manufac- turers General Builders Chemical Manufacturers Telegraph and Telephone Com- panies Foundries Tree Surgeons Used for Roof Covering Wire and Cable Insulation Wood Preservative Manufacture of Slow-Drying Preservative Paint Manufacture of Insulated Wire Waterproofing Foundation Walls Painting Iron Pipe Tree Paint Pontar. High grade water gas tar, low in free carbon. Made in three grades : Light, for surface dressing and dust preventative ; Medium, for penetration work; and Heavy, for bituminous concrete and bituminous penetration binder. (Chemical Works.) Used by Road Contractors Road Commissioners Counties Cities Used for Bituminous binder in surfacing roads and streets Carpo Paint. — For iron and steels. A high grade, inexpensive brush paint for preserving metal. (Chemical Works.) Used by Steamfitting Supplies Manufac- turers Pipe Foundries Sheet Metal and Cornice Workers Builders Builders* Hardware Manufac- turers Stationery and Office Supplies Manufacturers Novelty and Toy Makers Painters Lighting Fixtures Manufacturers Plumbing Supplies Manufacturers Hardware Specialty Manufacturers Light and Heavy Machinery Manu- facturers Bicycle and Velocipede Manufac- turers Metal Cabinet Manufacturers Gas and Electric Companies Railway Companies 78 CARPO PAINT (Continued) Wood Cabinet Manufacturers Railway Builders Silo Builders Pulley and Hoisting Machine Manufacturers Machine Shops Boiler Makers Plumbers Bridge Builders Factories Roofers Ship Builders Contractors Agricultural Implement Manufac- turers Wagon and Carriage Builders Steamfitters Automobile Manufacturers Architectural Iron Works Electrical Instrument Manufac- turers Chemical Plants Telegraph and Telephone Com- panies Furniture Manufacturers Can Manufacturers (Kegs) Used for Bridges Fences Sheet Iron Boiler Fronts Wood Tanks Silos Brick Walls Light and Heavy Metal Machinery Water Tanks Metal Kegs Ships Bicycles and Velocipedes Unvarnished Parts of Auto- mobiles Steel Structures Fire Escapes Galvanized Iron Smoke Stacks Metal Tanks Wooden Posts and Poles Tar Paper Roofs Light and Heavy Wood Machinery Signal Towers Backs and Bottoms of Home and Office Furniture Barges Unvarnished Parts of Wagons and Carriages Carpolene.— A brown shingle stain or heavy preservative creosote for brush work on heavy wood construction; made in three shades: dark, medium and light. (Chemical Works.) Contractors Bridge Builders Silo Manufacturers Miners Coal Companies Fences Bridges Dock Timbers Used by Builders Wharf Builders Coopers Railroad Companies Telegraph and Telephone Com- panies Used for Telegraph and Telephone Posts Coal Bins Wooden Bridges 79 CARPOLENE (Continued) Piles Shingles Sheds Mine Timbers Dead Oil. — A heavy coal tar oil, having strong germicidal and pre- servative value. (Chemical Works.) Used by Roof Covering Manufacturers Roof Paint Manufacturers Insulation Composition Manu- Lamp Black Manufacturers facturers Barns Posts Railroad Trestles Used for Shingle Oils and Stains Thinning Pitch and Tar Paints Wood Preserving Making Lamp Black Shingle Oil. — A medium yellow, quite clear, light creosote. A bet- ter product for making finer stains and paints than refined creosote, used especially in the manufacture of gray and green stains. (Chemical Works.) Paint Manufacturers Builders Used by Wood Preservative Manufacturers Contractors Used for A Shingle Stain Creosote Paint Impregnating Dip Dark Creosote. — A dark, heavy coal tar oil, somewhat cruder than shingle oil, the standard product for shingle stains and general pre- servative paints. An impregnating oil. (Chemical Works.) Used by Paint Manufacturers Wood Preservative Companies Builders Contractors Wood Preservative Manufac- Stained Shingle Manufacturers turers Used for Shingle Stain Creosote Paint Impregnating Dip 80 Crude Heavy Naphtha. — A medium yellow-colored coal tar naphtha, having a specific gravity of about .910, and wide evaporation. (Chemi- cal Works.) Used by Paint Manufacturers Roofing Compound Manufacturers Painters Used for Thinning Paints Making Roof Compounds Pale Heavy Naphtha. — A pale, yellow coal tar naphtha having a specific gravity about .925. (Chemical Works.) Used by Paint Manufacturers Painters Roofers Used for Thinning and Dissolving Heavy Paints Solvent Naphtha ( 160 ° Benzol). — A water white volatile coal tar oil distilling 90% below 160° C. (Chemical Works.) Used by Paint Manufacturers Rubber Manufacturers Varnish Manufacturers Lacquer Manufacturers Degreasing Compound Manu- Cleaning Compound Manufacturers facturers Chemical Manufacturers Used for Manufacturing : Paints and Varnishes Cleaning Compounds Lacquers Manufacturing : Degreasing Compounds Rubber Goods Chemicals Naphthalene. — Whizzed (melting point about 72° C.), Crushed (melting point above 79° C.), and Flake (melting point above 7 9° C.). (Chemical Works.) Used by Chemical Manufacturers Dye Manufacturers Ordnance Manufacturers Drug Manufacturers Explosive Manufacturer’s Disinfectant Manufacturers Used for Moth Balls and Flakes Manufacture of Chemicals Manufacture of Dyestuffs Manufacture of Drugs Manufacture of Explosives Disinfectants Dips 81 Xylol. — Pure (boiling within 3° at 140° C.), and Commercial (boil- ing between 136 and 146° C.) (Chemical Works.) Used by Hospitals Manufacturers of: Paints Varnishes Solvent Laboratories Manufacturers of: Rubber Used for Cleaning Microscopic Lenses Coumaron. — A hard resin. (Chemical Works.) Used by Insulating Material Manufac- Paint and Varnish Manufacturers turers Used for Manufacture of Cumaron Oil Manufacturing Insulating Com-^ Manufacture of Paints and pounds Varnishes Toluol. — A water white, volatile coal tar naphtha, distilling within 2° C. (Pure Toluol), or 90% below 120° C. (Commercial Toluol). (Chemical Works.) Used by Paint Manufacturers Degreasing Compound Manu- facturers Paint and Varnish Remover Manufacturers Manufacturing Chemicals Dyes Cleaning Compounds Paint and Varnish Removers Varnish Manufacturers Lacquer Manufacturers Cleaning Compound Manufacturers Chemical Manufacturers Used for Manufacturing : Drugs Degreasing Compounds Paints and Varnishes Lacquers 180° Benzol (Water White Heavy Naphtha). — A water white (or nearly so) volatile coal tar oil distilling 80 to 90% below 180° C. It is slightly less volatile and has a higher flash point than solvent naphtha. (Chemical Works.) Used by Paint Manufacturers Lacquer Manufacturers Varnish Manufacturers Cleaning Compound Manufac- Degreasing Compound Manu- turers facturers Chemical Manufacturers Used for A solvent in the manufacture of: Paint, Varnish, Degreasing Com- pounds, Lacquer, Cleaning Compounds, Chemicals 82 Benzol. — An inflammable liquid derived from coal tar. (Chemical Works.) Used by Tire Makers Paint Manufacturers Rubber Manufacturers Manufacturing Chemists Artificial Leather Makers Dye Manufacturers Platers and Metal Workers Explosive Manufacturers Lacquer Manufacturers Used for Stains and Stain Dilutent Artificial Leather Paint, Varnish and Stain Re- movers Enamel Paints Primer Coat for Sappy Woods Coating and Polishing Solu- tions and Pastes Thinners for Soluble Cotton Solutions Containing Alco- hol and Amyl Acetate Manufacture of Explosives Rubber Vulcanizing Solutions Solvent for Making Rubber Tires Bronze and Aluminum Paint Vehicles Varnish, Paint and Turpentine Thinners Manufacture of Dyes Extractive, Dissolving and Crys- tallizing Agencies for Drugs and Chemicals Cements Rubber Cements Making Phenol Nitrobenzol (Oil of Merbane). — (Chemical Works.) Used by Dye Manufacturers Explosive Manufacturers Manufacturers of Lubricants Used for Dye Intermediate Making Explosives Making Lubricants Aniline. — Pure water-white, boiling within 2° C. (Chemical Works.) Dye Manufacturers Used by Explosive Manufacturers Used for Dye intermediate Making Explosives 83 Aniline Hydrochloride. — (Chemical Works.) Dye Manufacturers Used by Dyers Dye Intermediate Used for Dyeing Dimethylaniline. — Water-white to amber; freezing plus or minus 1° C. (Chemical Works.) Dye Manufacturers Rubber Manufacturers Used by Explosive Manufacturers Dye Intermediate Rubber Solvent Used for Making Explosives Tetranitromethylaniline.- - (Chemical Works.) Explosive Manufacturers Used by Cartridge Manufacturers Making Explosives Used for Making Primers for Cartridges Tetramethyldiaminodiphenylmethane. — Gray - green crystals. (Chemical Works.) Dye Manufacturers Used by Used for Making Dyes Diphenylamine. — Light yellow crystals, having a melting point of 52-53° C. (Chemical Works.) Dye Manufacturers Used by Powder Manufacturers Used for Dye Intermediate Making Powder 84 Monochlorbenzol. — Water-white liquid. (Chemical Works.) Used by Dye Manufacturers Explosive Manufacturers Used for Making Dyes Making Explosives Dichlorbenzol. — (Chemical Works.) Used by Fur Storage Houses Dye Manufacturers Bug Killer Manufacturers Used for Bug Powders Dye Intermediate Moth Preventive Dinitrochlorbenzol. — (Chemical Works.) Used by Dye Manufacturers Explosive Manufacturers Used for Making Dyes Making Explosives Dinitrophenol. — A yellow crystalline powder. (Chemical Works.) Used by Dye Manufacturers Explosive Manufacturers Used for Dye Intermediate Explosive Intermediate Sulphur Black.— Standard black dye. (Chemical Works.) Dyers Used by Dyeing Used for Sulphanilic Acid. — (Chemical Works.) Dye Manufacturers Used by Dye Intermediate Used for 85 Benzaldehyde (Technical Grade). — (Chemical Works.) Dye Manufacturers Used by Perfume Manufacturers Dye Intermediate Used for Perfume Intermediate Dinitrotoluol. — (Chemical Works.) Dye Manufacturers Used by Explosive Manufacturers Dye Intermediate Used for Making Explosives Pontoklene. — A solution for cleaning automobiles and other vehi- cles; especially effective as a tar remover. (Chemical Works.) Garages Car Owners Used by Dealers Jobbers Used for Cleaning Automobiles Aeroplane Varnish. — Solution for depositing a strong, water-proof film on aeroplane wings and other fabric-covered parts. Used by Aeroplane Manufacturers Government Used for Coating aeroplane wings and other fabric-covered parts 86 PAINTS AND VARNISHES The Harrisons line of paints and varnishes, together with the acces- sories, is complete in practically every detail. It is built from the ground up from high grade materials drawn from the company’s mines and chemical factories. Town & Country Paint. — An exceptionally high grade of pre- pared house paint, which is recommended for painting or repainting the best classes of houses where a beautiful protective coating is de- sired. No expense is spared to obtain the best materials from which to prepare this paint, and laboratories, both chemical and physical, are maintained to see that all these raw products are up to standard in quality and properly compounded. There are forty-eight standard colors in addition to outside white, inside flat white, inside gloss white, and black. Packed in quart, half- gallon, gallon and five gallon cans and half barrels and barrels. There is a complete analysis of the contents on every label. (Harrisons, Inc.) Painters Mining Companies Manufacturing Companies Municipalities Supervising Architects Steam and Electric Railways Real Estate Dealers Used by Steamship Companies Property Owners Building Contractors Homes Dealers Jobbers Used for Painting or repainting dwellings, public buildings, and exterior wood surfaces of all kinds 87 Sanitary Flat (Interior Finish). — A ready-to-use sanitary interior finish built up of permanent pigments in an oil and varnish vehicle. It gives a surface that will wear and that can be washed so that when soiled it may be easily cleaned. It is recommended for new and old work on interior surfaces. Furnished in white and fourteen tints and colors. Packed in quart, half-gallon, gallon, and five-gallon cans, half-barrels and barrels. (Plarrisons, Inc.) Used by Public Institutions Property Owners Building Contractors Railroads Homes Dealers Jobbers Used for A sanitary inside flat finish for walls, ceiling, and trim of homes, offices, hospitals and public buildings Painters Manufacturing Companies Municipalities Architects Hospitals Real Estate Dealers Sanitariums 88 Sanitary Gloss. — A ready-to-use inside paint that produces a beau- tiful natural glossy finish on walls, woodwork, ceilings, and all house- hold articles. It is sanitary because its smooth, tile-like surface pre- sents no resting place for dust and germs. Can be washed or scrubbed without injury to coating or color. It has excellent covering and hiding qualities, and is especially suitable for the walls of hospitals, nurseries, bathrooms, kitchens, and public buildings, where extreme cleanliness is essential. It is excellent as a contrasting finish on woodwork of inte- rior walls finished with Sanitary Flat. Made in seventeen tints and colors. Packed in quarter-pint, half- pint, and one-pint cans ; quart, half-gallon, gallon and five-gallon cans; half-barrels and barrels. (Harrisons, Inc.) A sanitary inside finish for walls, ceiling, and trim of homes, offices and public buildings Inside Floor Paint. — A quick-drying floor paint for old and new wood floors. It dries with a hard glossy finish that is extremely re- sistant to wear and stands washing. It has excellent covering qualities. On fairly good surfaces it will cover about 275 square feet (two coats) to the gallon. Made in ten suitable colors, and packed in quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans, and larger containers on special order. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Painters Manufacturing Companies Municipalities Public Institutions Architects Hospitals Real Estate Dealers Property Owners Building Contractors Railroads Homes Dealers Jobbers Sanitariums Used for Used by Manufacturing Companies Architects Master Painters Real Estate Dealers Building Contractors Railroads Homes Dealers Jobbers Electric Railways Property Owners Used for Painting wood floors in homes, offices, and public buildings 89 Outside Floor Paint. — A hard drying, elastic paint that withstands the weather and does not scuff. It dries hard with a good gloss, stands washing, and is very durable. This paint will cover about 350 square feet per gallon, two coats. Made in six suitable colors. Packed in quart, half-gallon, gallon, and five-gallon cans, half-barrels, and barrels. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Building Contractors Railroads Homes Dealers Jobbers Used for Deck Floors Skiffs Porch Floors Steps Painters Manufacturing Companies Municipalities Architects Property Owners Concrete Floor First Coater.— A priming or first coat concrete floor dressing to be applied under Concrete Floor Coating. Packed in quart, half-gallon and gallon cans; half-barrels and bar- rels. (Harrisons, Inc.) 90 CONCRETE FLOOR FIRST COATER (Continued) Used by Painters Manufacturing Companies Municipalities Architects Real Estate Dealers Garages Homes Dealers Jobbers Property Owners Building Contractors Used for A priming coat for concrete floors in factories, dairies, toilets, porches, garages and pavements Concrete Floor Coating. — A coating for concrete floors that pre- serves the texture and individuality of concrete, and prevents moisture from penetrating the surface. It contains nothing that will be affected by the lime and alkalies of the cement. Dries overnight with a gloss finish. Works freely and easily and does not show laps. For new work two coats are used over Concrete Floor First Coater, and can be finished with one or two coats of “Vitrolac” Floor Varnish if desired. Made in four suitable colors. Packed in quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans; half-barrels and barrels. (Harrisons, Inc.) Painting concrete floors in factories, dairies, toilets, porches, garages, and for pavements Floor and Deck Paint. — A ready-to-use floor paint. The combined pigments and vehicle are carefully selected to produce a paint that will give a maximum service under the trying conditions such a covering must necessarily meet, on either inside or outside surfaces. This paint produces a tough, elastic coating especially resistant to moisture and permanent in color. Made in ten colors. Packed in quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans, and larger packages on special order. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Painters Manufacturing Companies Municipalities Architects Real Estate Dealers Garages Homes Dealers Jobbers Property Owners Building Contractors Used for 91 FLOOR AND DECK PAINT (Continued) Used by Painters Manufacturing Companies Municipalities Architects Boat Builders Property Owners Building Contractors Homes Shipbuilders Railroads Dealers Jobbers Used for Painting all kinds of porch floors, steps, decks, and spars Vitrolac Stain Finish.— -A one-coat stain finish which stains and varnishes in one operation. With it, articles made of the less costly woods may be made to closely resemble rare woods, and rare woods themselves are brightened and improved by a coat of this stain. It is sufficiently tough and durable to make it an ideal finish for floors, woodwork, and doors, as well as for furniture. Made in five colors. Packed in quarter-pint, half-pint, and one-pint cans, quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Furniture Repair Shops Dealers Homes Jobbers Furniture Stores Used for Renewing the finish on Interior Woodwork, Doors, Floors, Trim Vitrolac Graining Ground. — A graining ground suited to meet every requirement of the grainer. It flows nicely, covers well, and dries flat. Tt is suitable for use under all varnish stains and graining colors. Packed in quarter-pint, half-pint, and one-pint cans; quart, half- gallon, and gallon cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) 92 VITROLAC GRAINING GROUND (Continued) Used by Real Estate Dealers Homes Furniture Stores Dealers Jobbers Used for A ground color for graining and staining Master Painters Furniture Repair Shops House Builders Supervising Architects Building Contractors Vitrolac Graining Compound. — A ready-to-use graining compound for imitating the natural grain of expensive woods. It is used over a surface coat of Vitrolac Graining Ground. After being grained with a graining roll and comb, it should be finished with one or more coats of Vitrolac Stain Finish. Made in two colors — light and dark. Packed in half-pints, pints, and quarts. (Harrisons, Inc.) Painters Furniture Repair Shops House Builders Architects Building Contractors Used by Homes Furniture Stores Dealers Jobbers 93 VITROLAC GRAINING COMPOUND (Continued) Used for Imitating the natural grains of expensive woods on all classes of interior woodwork White Enamel Undercut. — A ground coat for enamels. It flows smoothly, dries quickly, and requires little sanding. It dries flat enough to secure the proper adhesion of the enamel, but with sufficient gloss to prevent the absorption of the enamel, thus insuring full gloss in the succeeding coats of enamel. Packed in quarter-pint, half-pint, and one-pint cans, quart, half- gallon, and gallon cans, and larger containers. (Harrisons, Inc.) Painters Manufacturing Companies Supervising Architects Building Contractors Furniture Stores Used by Property Owners Furniture Repair Shops Dealers Jobbers Used for An undercoat for enamel Graining Colors. — Specially prepared graining colors matched to an unvarying standard. They are made from the very finest and best pig- ments, ground in paste form with the necessary vehicle. Made in four colors — Light Oak, Dark Oak, Walnut, and Mahogany. Packed in one-pound cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Painters Used by Interior Decorators Used for Imitating natural wood finishes Oil Colors. — The standards for purity, tone, uniformity, strength, and fineness of grinding. The quality of these colors is so high that they have been selected for decorating such buildings as the United States Capitol, the Congressional Library, the Washington Public Library, the United States Custom House at New York, and other prominent buildings. In strength tests they stand supreme. Offered in all standard colors. Packed in pound and five-pound cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Master Painters Decorators Sign Painters Artists Used for Tinting Painting 94 Flowkote Enamel. — A white enamel that may be used equally well for interior or exterior, as it does not check or crack. It will outwear quick drying enamels. As it is slow drying it does not show brush marks. It is used over a priming coat of Town & Country Outside White and two or three coats of White Enamel Undercoat. Flowkote Enamel should be applied in two or more coats. The last coat may be rubbed or left full gloss, as preferred. Packed in quarter-pint, half-pint, and one-pint cans, quart, half- gallon, and gallon cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Painters Architects Dealers Real Estate Dealers Outside Woodwork Furniture Walls Used by Decorators Homes Jobbers Used for Inside Woodwork Fixtures A TIDY COTTAGE FINISHED WITH T. & C. PAINTS 95 Gold Medal House Paint. — A paint for outside and inside surfaces made from raw materials that do not react chemically one upon another. It brushes out easily and smoothly and dries with a good gloss, giving an excellent surface for repainting. Under average conditions one gal- lon will cover 300 square feet, two coats. Sold as a competitive article where the price of Town & Country Paint is prohibitive. Made in twenty-four colors, also outside white, inside white, inside gloss white, and black. Packed in half-pint, pint, quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans, and half-barrels and barrels. (Harrisons, Inc.) Mining Companies Painters Manufacturing Companies Municipalities Architects Property Owners Used by Building Contractors Railroads Homes Dealers Jobbers Used for Painting or repainting dwellings, public buildings, pavilions Auto and Carriage Paint. — A ready-to-use high grade paint for carriages, automobiles, and other surfaces where a high gloss, durable finish is desired. This paint produces a fine color-varnish coat in one operation. Subsequent varnishing is not necessary, but a coat of Car- riage and Auto Clear Varnish will add to the life of the paint. It is easily applied, flows well, and dries promptly. Made in eight colors. Packed in half-pints, pints, and quarts. (Har- risons, Inc.) Carriage Painters Repair Shops Vehicle Owners Jobbers Used by Auto Painters Implement Shops Dealers Jobbers Used for Painting and repainting all classes of: Vehicles Flower Stands Implements Wagon Paint. — A durable gloss paint suitable for a variety of pur- poses where a washable coating is required. It works easily and dries quickly. Does not require a trained hand to apply it successfully. It dries with a good gloss. 96 WAGON PAINT (Continued) Made in five shades. Packed in pint, quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Farmers Breweries Repair Shops Wheelwrights Creameries Used for Farm Vehicles Ice Cream Tubs Milk Cans Brewers’ Cases Barrels and Kegs Buggy Top Dressing. — A dressing that gives a lustrous and water- proofing finish to rubber cloth and leather tops, dashes, fenders, and similar parts of carriages, automobiles, and other vehicles. It softens leather tops, will not crack, and is easily applied. Packed in half-pint, pint, and quart cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Livery Stables Dealers Jobbers Used for Cleaning and dressing natural and artificial leather Auto Lamp Enamel. — A general black enamel which works easily and flows evenly, and which gives equal satisfaction whether baked or air dried. It is found valuable for repair and refinishing work. Dries hard overnight with an egg-shell gloss. Packed in half-pint, pint, and quart cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Automobile Owners Repair Shops Garages Dealers Supply Houses Jobbers Carriage Owners Vehicle Owners Supply House Dealers Garages 97 AUTO LAMP ENAMEL (Continued) Used for Enameling or re-enameling lamps and other metal parts of auto- mobiles and other vehicles Japanese Enamel. — An enamel that brushes out easily and covers well. It may be cleaned with a damp cloth. The best results are ob- tained when this is used over a suitable ground, such as White Enamel Undercoat. Made in eight colors, and white and black. Packed in quarter-pint, half-pint, and one-pint cans, quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans. (Har- risons, Inc.) Used by Painters Railroads Manufacturing Companies Municipalities Public Institutions Hospitals Real Estate Dealers Building Contractors Chairs Beds Homes Dealers Jobbers Used for Furniture Interior Trimmings Porch Chair Enamel. — An enamel for porch and lawn furniture and for all surfaces on which bright rich colors are desired. No varnishing is needed. Made in eight colors. Packed in half-pint, pint, and quart cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Painters Homes Hotels Dealers Jobbers Used for Finishing outside furniture Bathtub Enamel. — A hard drying enamel that produces a porcelain- like glaze on bathtubs, and similar fixtures. It is easily applied and is not affected by either hot or cold water. The best results are obtained when it is used over two coats of white enamel undercoat. Packed in half-pint, pint and quart cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) 98 BATHTUB ENAMEL (Continued) Used by Homes Hardware Dealers Public Buildings Plumbers Hotels Dealers Jobbers Used for Refinishing bathtubs and similar fixtures Refrigerator Enamel. — An enamel that will stand hot and cold water. It produces a hard porcelain-like glaze on refrigerators, both interior and exterior. Can be used on metal or wood. It will not foul or taint any foodstuff with which it comes in contact and it is not affected by scrubbing. Best results are obtained when it is used over two coats of White Enamel Undercoat. Packed in half-pint, pint, and quart cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Enameling or re-enameling interiors and exteriors of refrigerators Gold Enamels — A quick drying permanent gold enamel made from bronze and liquid of the highest quality. It is put up in double cans with the bronze and liquid in separate compartments. The mixture is easily made and can be applied without difficulty. Produces a rich permanent gold finish. Packed in one-eighth and one-quarter-pint cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Homes Hotels Restaurants Dealeis Jobbers Used for Radiators Steam, Gas and Water Pipes Metal Grills All Kinds of Interior Metal Dealers Jobbers Homes Hotels Plumbers Public Buildings Decorations Used for Used by 99 Bronzing Liquid. — A specially prepared vehicle suited for those who prefer to mix their own bronze paints. It will be found to give uniformly excellent results on all surfaces, hot or cold, exterior or interior. It is free from disagreeable odors. Packed in quarter-pint, half-pint, and one-pint cans, quart, half- gallon, and gallon cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Painters Plumbers * Decorators Homes Used for Making bronze paints ' Aluminum Paint. — A ready-to-use quick drying aluminum paint in a varnish vehicle, which insures maximum durability of the paint and gives a bright, silvery non-tarnishing surface. It is suitable for use on inside and outside work. Packed in eighth-pint, quarter-pint, half-pint and one-pint cans, and quarts. Larger packages on special order. (Harrisons, Inc.) Painters ' Decorators Hotels Plumbers Used by Homes Public Buildings Dealers Jobbers Manufacturers of Leather Specialties Used for Radiators Steam Pipes Gas and Water Pipes All Classes of Metal Work Stove Enamel. — A ready-to-use liquid preparation for application with soft brush on stove pipes, or stove, range or furnace trimmings. It gives a jet black gloss of great durability. Packed in quarter-pint, half-pint, and one-pint cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Plumbers Homes Restaurants Hardware Dealers Hotels Public Buildings Dealers Jobbers Used for Stoves Stove Pipes Ranges Furnaces 100 Radiator Enamel.— A radiator enamel that is easily applied, covers well, and dries quickly, with a good gloss which is not impaired by steam or hot water temperatures. Made in five colors and white and black. Packed in half-pint, pint, quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Painters Public Buildings Hotels Dealers Decorators Jobbers Plumbers Used for Enameling radiators, steam pipes, registers, and other interior metal fixtures Household Paint. — A ready-to-use household paint especially suited for the hundreds of uses to which paints can be put about the house. It is packed in convenient sizes for small work and is found economical and satisfactory. It is easily applied and dries with a durable gloss. Made in sixteen colors and white and black. Packed in half-pint, pint, and quart cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Homes Dealers Jobbers Used for Various small painting jobs, inside and outside Wire Screen Paint. — A specially prepared paint for protecting and decorating wire screen. It completely covers the wire strands without clogging the meshes, and is at the same time suitable for use on the framework as well as on the wire. Made in two colors — black and green. Packed in half-pint and one- pint cans, quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Painters Builders Decorators Homes Public Buildings Hotels Camps Dealers Apartment Houses Jobbers Painting Wire Screen Used for 101 Oil Stain. — A stain for new wood that can be used to imitate the color of expensive woods. Made in the following colors : Light Oak, Dark Oak, Mission Oak, Mahogany, Cherry, Walnut. Packed in half-pint and one-pint cans, quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Painters Decorators Public Buildings Builders Used by Hotels Cabinet Makers Dealers Jobbers Staining new woods Used for Decorative Stains. — Permanent, penetrating stains for finishing wainscoting, panels, furniture, or other woodwork. They make common woods decorative and greatly heighten the beauty of those with hand- some grain. They dry flat and may be finished with French Wax Finish, or, if a gloss finish is desired, Vitrolac Interior Varnish can be used. Made in golden oak, antique oak, bog oak, brown oak, fumed oak, mission oak, cherry, and mahogany. Packed in half and one-pint cans, quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Painters Cabinet Makers Homes Manufacturers Decorators Furniture Factories Dealers Jobbers Used for Interior Woodwork Furniture Chairs Panels Fixtures Desks 102 4 Shingle Stain (With Creosote Oil). — A creosote shingle stain that may be used for dipping or brush coating. Its preservative action greatly lengthens the life of shingles, and a variety of colors permits the selection of a stain that will harmonize with any color combination. Packed in gallon and five-gallon cans, half-barrels and barrels. Made in seven colors. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Painters Decorators Builders Dealers Homes Jobbers Used for Dipping and brush coating shingles French Wax Finish. — A wax finish that gives a maximum of wear and does not darken the most delicate of woods. It is used largely on floors and is also adapted for finishing coat on Decorative Stains for furniture or other interior woodwork. It enhances the beauty of the grain and stain and gives a pleasing result that can be produced in no other way. It is also serviceable for renewing the polish on floors, furniture, woodwork and automobiles. Packed in half-pound, pound, two-pound, and five-pound cans. (Har- risons,. Inc.) Used by Painters Public Buildings Dealers Camps Builders Homes Jobbers Decorators Hotels Used for Waxing Floors Renewing Polish on Furniture, Au- Finishing Interior Trim tomobiles and Woodwork 103 Floor Crack Filler. — A non-shrinking filler for floor cracks to be used on old and new floors preparatory to painting or varnishing. Very bulky and economical. It works easily and makes a permanent job. Packed in one, two, and five-pound cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Painters Public Buildings Builders Homes Decorators Hotels Dealers Jobbers Used for Filling cracks in old and new floors before painting Hardwood Paste Filler. — A rub-off type for hard or open grained woods. Does not discolor under moisture. Very transparent and re- mains in suspension well. It is thinned with turpentine or benzine and is applied like paint. Can be used in connection with varnish or wax coats. Made in three colors — Light, Dark, and Golden Oak. Packed in pound, five-pound, 12^-pound, and twenty-five-pound cans. (Harri- sons, Inc.) Used by Painters Cabinet Makers Decorators Furniture Factories Dealers Jobbers Used for A rub-off filler for hard or open grained woods 104 Liquid Filler. — An easily sanded ground coating for varnish, espe- cially on close grained soft woods. Used as a substitute for shellac for undercoats. Packed in half-pint and one-pint cans, quart, half-gallon, gallon, and five-gallon cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Painters Dealers Cabinet Makers Jobbers Decorators Used for A liquid fdler or undercoat on close grained soft woods Clearlac. — A transparent liquid filler that does not raise the grain oj the wood or show lap, and holds out varnish coats well. Packed in pint, quart, half-gallon, gallon, and five-gallon cans. (Har- risons, Inc.) Used by Dealers Jobbers Used for A liquid filler for close grained woods Quik=Lac. — A superior substitute for shellac. Packed in half-pint, pint, quart, half-gallon and gallon cans; half- barrels and barrels. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Furniture Factories Dealers Jobbers Used for A substitute for shellac Vitrolac Exterior (Varnish). — Recommended for any grade of exterior work where an elastic and durable varnish finish is desired. Dries free from tack in from six to eight hours, dry in twenty-four hours, and hard in from two to three days. Painters Cabinet Makers Decorators Painters Decorators 105 VITROLAC EXTERIOR VARNISH (Continued) Packed in half-pint and one-pint cans, quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Painters Decorators Homes Builders Dealers Contractors Used for Varnishing all classes of outside surfaces Vitrolac Interior (Varnish). — A hard, brilliant, tough, easy-working and durable inside varnish. Dries dust-free in three hours and hard in twenty-four. It rubs perfectly. Packed in half-pint and one-pint cans, quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Painters Homes Dealers Used by Decorators Builders Contractors Used for Varnishing all classes of inside finishes Vitrolac for Floors. — A brilliant transparent floor varnish of great toughness and durability. Does not mar or spot from contact with water or mud or show heel marks. It works easily and hardens per- fectly. Dries dust-free in two hours and hardens in twelve. Its use increases the life of wood, linoleum, and oil cloth floors. Packed in half-pint and one-pint cans, quart, half gallon, and gallon cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Painters Builders Homes Contractors Decorators Dealers Varnishing : Wood Floors Linoleum Floors Used for Oil Cloth Floors Interior Surfaces 106 Vitrolac Flat. — A fine finishing varnish which dries with a subdued gloss which imitates the appearance of a finely rubbed high-grade var- nish. It is a permanent flat finish which sets in four hours and dries hard in twelve. Packed in half-pint, pint, quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans. (Har- risons, Inc.) Painters Homes Hotels Public Institutions Real Estate Dealers Used by Decorators Builders Contractors . Dealers Jobbers Used for Varnishing inside finishes except floors Seat Finish. — A hard drying, durable varnish for seats, church pews, and stools. It does not soften or become tacky in the warmest weather. It is of sufficient body that only one coat is necessary over a properly filled surface. It rubs perfectly, however, for the application of another coat when desired. It dries dust-free in four hours and hard in twelve. Packed in half-pint, pint, quart, half -gallon, and gallon cans. (Har- risons, Inc.) Painters Homes Dealers Contractors Schools Used by Decorators Builders Furniture Factories Churches Used for Varnishing all classes of hard and soft wood seats, pews, benches, and stools Cabinet Finishing and Rubbing.™ A quick drying, durable var- nish for interior work. It dries with a fine gloss, dust-free in four hours and hard in eighteen. It may be rubbed in two or three days, according to the conditions under which it is applied, and then polished if desired. Packed in half-pint, pint, quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans. (Har- risons, Inc.) 107 CABINET FINISHING AND RUBBING (Continued) Used by Painters Furniture Factories Cabinet Makers Dealers Used for All classes of interior varnish where a moderate-priced product is required Ideal Varnish. — Made in three kinds: Ideal Hard Oil . — A limpid body varnish for interior work and mas- ter painter’s use. Ideal Floor Varnish . — An elastic varnish for floors, linoleums, bath- rooms, window casings, and similar interior work. Especially recom- mended for any purpose where subjected to hard usage or moisture in any form. Ideal Inside Finish . — For finishing interior work of houses and public buildings. It is very pale and free working, and therefore labor- saving. It does not spot white with moisture, and can be used on win- dow sash, sills, and for bathroom and kitchen finishing. Especially adapted to contractor’s requirements. All three varnishes are packed in half-pint, pint, quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Inside Varnishing Transparent Hard Oil Finish. — A medium-priced interior varnish of sterling quality. It produces an elastic coating of high gloss and excellent wearing qualities. Packed in half-pint, pint, quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans. (Har- risons, Inc.) Painters Supervising Architects Used by Decorators Building Contractors Used for Used by Painters Homes Contractors Decorators Builders Dealers Jobbers Used for Finishing all classes of interior woodwork, trim, and fixtures 108 Spar Varnish. — A pale, brilliant, and durable varnish for all classes of woodwork exposed to the weather. Especially resistant to salt air. Works and flows well. Dries dust-free in three hours and hard in twenty-four. Packed in half-pint, pint, quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans. (Har- risons, Inc.) Painters Homes Dealers Boat Owners Decorators Masts Spars Doors Used by Builders Contractors Jobbers Ship Builders Used for Ceilings All classes of outside work Extra Coach Varnish. — A good, durable, elastic varnish for inside work. Flows well and dries dust-free in three hours, and hard in twenty-four. Especially recommended for use over graining. Packed in quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Painters Contractors Homes Dealers Decorators Jobbers Builders Used for Varnishing all classes of inside woodwork No. 1 Coach Varnish. — A good, quick drying varnish for inside work. Full bodied, and dries hard with an excellent gloss in twenty- four hours. Desirable for graining purposes. Packed in half-pint and one-pint cans, quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Decorators Builders Contractors Trade Used for Varnishing inside woodwork and furniture Painters Homes Dealers Furniture Factories 109 Light Coach Varnish. — A pale, quick drying varnish for interior use. Works freely and gives an excellent gloss. Dries without tack in three hours and hard in twenty-four hours. Packed in half-pint and one-pint cans, quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Painters Homes Carpenters Furniture Factories Decorators Used by Builders Contractors Dealers Jobbers Used for Varnishing cheaper grades of inside woodwork and furniture No. 1 Hard Oil Finish. — A good, quick drying finish for interior woodwork that may be used as a gloss finish or rubbed down. Sets in about four hours and hard in twenty-four. Packed in half and one-pint cans, quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Painters Contractors Homes Dealers Decorators Jobbers Builders Used for Varnishing inside woodwork Light Hard Oil Finish. — A pale, quick drying, durable finish for interiors. Works freely and may be rubbed. Dries dust-free in three hours and hard in eighteen. Packed in half-pint and one-pint cans, quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Painters Contractors Homes Dealers Decorators Jobbers Builders Used for Varnishing cheaper grades of inside woodwork 110 No. 1 Furniture. — A quick drying, brilliant varnish for all kinds of furniture or for inside woodwork. Dries dust-free in two hours and hard in twenty-four. Packed in half and one-pint cans, quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Builders Contractors Dealers Jobbers Used for Varnishing furniture and inside woodwork Light Furniture Varnish. — A good, quick-drying varnish of good lustre for furniture. Dries out of tack in two hours and hard in eighteen. Packed in half and one-pint cans, quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Painters Homes Furniture Factories Decorators Painters Furniture Manufacturers Toy Manufacturers Cabinet Makers Used by Novelty Manufacturers Dealers Jobbers Varnishing : Furniture Novelties Used for Varnishing : Cabinets Toys JA Damar. — A perfect, white, heavy-bodied varnish that contains only the purest and palest damar gum. An excellent mixing var- ~ nish for white enamel. Damar Varnish is not intended for use on furniture or outside work. Packed in half-pint and one-pint cans, quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Painters Dealers Decorators Jobbers Used for Mixing interior enamels 111 Extra Damar. — Made from selected damar gum. Is of good body and dries with good gloss. Extensively used for white enamels. It is not intended for use on furniture or outside work. Packed in half and one-pint cans, quart, half-gallon and gallon cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Dealers Jobbers Used for Mixing interior enamels Wall Sizing. — A pale, quick drying varnish for priming ceilings and walls. Prevents absorption of after coats. Packed in quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Painters Building Contractors Decorators Dealers Supervising Architects Jobbers Homes Used for A wall sizing under paint coats No. I Black Asphaltum. — A deep black, quick drying varnish for all kinds of iron work. Flows well. Dries dust-free in one hour and hard in ten, with a fine gloss. Packed in half-pint, pint, quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans, half- barrels and barrels. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Painters Dealers Supervising Architects Jobbers Homes Used for Painting all kinds of iron work No. 2 Black Asphaltum. — A deep, quick drying, black varnish for all kinds of iron work. Flows well. Dries dust-free in one hour and hard in ten, with a fine gloss. Packed in half-pint, pint, quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans; half- barrels and barrels. (Harrisons, Inc.) Painters Decorators 112 „No. 2 BLACK ASPHALTUM (Continued) Used by Painters Homes - Supervising Architects Jobbers Dealers Used for Painting all kinds of iron work Durable Body (Vehicle Varnish). — A pale, durable varnish sur- passing all other makes in freedom of working, durability, and lustre. Dries dust-free in eight hours and hardens in about four days, accord- ing to weather conditions. Especially recommended for all classes of automobile and other vehicle bodies. Packed in pint, quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Painters Automobile Painters Carriage Painters Automobile Factories Automobile Body Shops Dealers Jobbers Used for Varnishing automobiles and carriage bodies Durable Gear Varnish. — A pale colored, easy working varnish that gives a high finish and possesses great durability. It dries dust-free in from six to eight hours and hard in from three to four days. Packed in pint, quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Painters Automobile Factories Vehicle Manufacturers Dealers Automobile Painters Jobbers Used for Varnishing automobile and carriage gears Quick Carriage Varnish. — A finish for gears or bodies. Sets in five hours and dries hard in forty-eight, and is soon out of the way of acci- dents, due to unfavorable weather conditions or imperfect shop facili- ties. Especially good for repair jobs. 113 QUICK CARRIAGE VARNISH (Continued) Packed in quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Painters Automobile Painters Vehicle Manufacturers Automobile Factories Jobbers Dealers Used for Varnishing automobile and carriage gears and bodies Pale Durable Coach Varnish. — An extra pale, durable varnish for use on bodies and gears. May be used over light colors. Works easily, flows freely, and has a deep velvety lustre. It sets in eight hours and dries hard in forty-eight. Packed in pint, quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Painters Automobile Factories Vehicle Manufacturers Dealers Automobile Painters Jobbers Used for Varnishing automobile and vehicle gears and bodies Quick Rubbing Varnish. — A high grade rubbing varnish for bodies. Can be rubbed in one or two days. Can be worked a long time. Will not run or sag, leaves no brush marks. Very little rubbing required. It sets in four hours and hard in twenty-four. Packed in pint, quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Painters Automobile Painters Carriage Painters Automobile Factories Automobile Body Shops Dealers Jobbers Used for Varnishing automobile and carriage bodies Wagon Finishing. — A full-bodied general finish for wagon and one- coat work. It is very durable, light in color, and works with great free- dom. It has an excellent lustre over a flat color when used as a one- coat finish. Sets in four hours and dries hard in twenty-four. 114 WAGON FINISHING (Continued) Packed in pint, quart, half-gallon and gallon cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Carriage Painters Dealers Wagon Makers Jobbers Repair Shops Used for Wagons, carriages and general repair work Sirocco Drier. — The strongest pale drier made. Does not discolor the lightest paints. Possesses the maximum drying strength for a white drier. Packed in half- and one-pint cans, quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans. (Harrisons, Tnc.) Used by Painters Homes Dealers Decorators Builders Contractors Jobbers Used for Mixing with varnish and light colored paint to hasten drying Brown Japan. — A strong dark drier for general use. Mixes readily in all proportions ; never curdles the paint or gives trouble of any kind. Packed in half- and one-pint cans, quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Painters Builders Dealers Contractors Decorators Jobbers Used for Hastening drying of paints and varnishes Lightning Drier. — The quickest of all driers. Contains nothing injurious to colors and will not curdle. Packed in half- and one-pint cans, quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) 115 LIGHTNING DRIER (Continued) Decorators Painters Homes Dealers Used by Builders Contractors Jobbers Used for Hastening drying of paints and varnishes Coach Japan. — A strong drier and binder for paint. Does not curdle linseed oil. Packed in half- and one-pint cans, quart, half-gallon and gallon cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Painters Dealers Drier Jobbers Used for Ideal Japan Drier. — A safe, all-round drier, that will mix in all proportions with oil and paints. Its color is sufficiently light for use in white and light tints without fear of darkening them. It has excellent binding and hardening qualities and does not reduce the body of the paint in which it is used. Packed in half-pint, pint, quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans. (Har- risons, Inc.) Used by Painters Builders Dealers Contractors Decorators Jobbers Used for Hastening the drying of paint Gold Size Japan. — A very strong drier and binder for paints, extra pale. Has no injurious effect upon colors. While this article is now considered by the trade as a drier, it is sometimes used by expert work- men as a quick size for gilding on glass. Packed in half-pint, pint, quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans. (Har- risons, Inc.) Used by Painters Dealers Sign Painters Jobbers Used for Drier Sizing 116 Liquid Drier. — A practical, serviceable drier for all-round work. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Painters Jobbers Dealers Used for Drier Oil Gold Size. — Prepared from pure, fat linseed oil and recom- mended for use on glass when using gold leaf for gilding. Packed in half-pint and pint cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Sign Painters Used by Used for Sizing glass for gold leaf lettering and trimming Shellac Varnish. — A strictly first-class shellac containing nothing but high-grade shellac gum and denatured alcohol. It is cut at the rate of four pounds of gum to the gallon of alcohol, which gives a varnish of good heavy body. For most purposes this may be still further reduced with denatured alcohol by the user. Packed in quarter-pint, half-pint, and pint containers, and quarts, in glass — self-sealing; half-gallon and gallon containers, in glass; five- gallon containers, wooden kegs; half-barrels and barrels. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Dealers Jobbers Used for Varnish Undercoat Sealing Knots Harrisons Barn Paint. — A ready-for-use durable paint possessing permanency of color and excellent protective value. It is a lin- seed oil paint, and has given the greatest satisfaction wherever used. Works easily on new work or old work in good condition. Will spread from 500 to 600 square feet to the gallon, one coat, depending on the surface. Packed in quart, half-gallon, gallon, and five-gallon cans, half-barrels and barrels. (Harrisons, Inc.) Painters Decorators 117 HARRISONS BARN PAINT (Continued) Used by Painters Dairymen Homes Dealers Manufacturing Companies Jobbers Farmers Used for Barns Sheds Fences Posts Pavilions Kensington Barn and Roof Paint. — An economical mineral paint especially recommended for barns, tin roofs, and other classes of work where a durable, low-priced paint is desired. Packed in gallon and five-gallon cans, half-barrels and barrels. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Farmers Dairymen Used for Barns Sheds Fences Posts Pavilions Camps Blackboard Coating. — A ready-for-use blackboard coating equally adapted for new work and for renewing old boards. It is easy working and very durable. While it has sufficient tooth to take the chalk easily, it produces no grating or rasping sound and chalk marks are easily erased. Suitable for plaster, wood, or artificial slating. Packed in half-pint, pint, quart, half-gallon, and gallon cans. (Har- risons, Inc.) Painters Homes Used by Schools Colleges Universities Lecturers Demonstrators Used for Painting and repainting blackboards 118 Smokestack Paint. — A paint that withstands the high temperatures met with on hot stacks. It bakes to an enamel-like surface which resists corrosion and which is impervious to moisture and gases. Can be used when the stacks are hot. Packed in quart, half-gallon, gallon, and five-gallon cans; half- barrels and barrels. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Owners of all kinds of metal stacks Used for Painting smokestacks Flat Black Finish. — A material that produces the appearance of old black wrought iron. It is easily applied, flows smoothly, and dries rapidly. Packed in quarter-pint, half-pint, pint, half-gallon, and gallon cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Painters Homes Builders Iron Workers Decorators Used by Architects Contractors Elevator Manufacturers Dealers Jobbers Used for Iron Grills Iron Railing Decorative Iron Work Radiators Antoxide (Rust Inhibitive). — A rust inhibitive paint with a varnish- like vehicle that completely covers surfaces and prevents moisture from attacking the metal and causing rust. It prevents the formation of rust beneath the coating as well as progressive oxidation where it has begun. This paint withstands acid fumes and conditions in a most unusual degree and therefore is peculiarly adapted for use around smelters, acid plants, paper and other mills. It is also much used on water towers and standpipes, both inside and out, as it does not foul the water. Made in red, bronge green, maroon, and black. Packed in quart, half-gallon, gallon, and five-gallon cans, half-barrels and barrels. (Har- risons, Inc.) 119 ANTOXIDE (Continued) Used by Contractors Railroads Builders Factories Counties and Towns Mills Ship Builders Dealers Architects Jobbers Construction Engineers Used for Painting all classes of iron and steel “Ferro=Keep” (Rust Inhibitive). — An excellent metal protective paint prepared with special rust inhibitive pigments. It is recom- mended for work where the cost of Antoxide is prohibitive. It has great spreading capacity, brushes out easily, and dries with full oil gloss. If properly brushed, it will spread 400 square feet to the gallon, two coats, after thinning. Manufactured in four colors — gray, black, red, and green. Packed in quart, half-gallon, gallon, and five-gallon cans, and barrels. (Har- risons, Inc.) Used by Contractors Builders Counties and Towns Ship Builders Construction Engineers Railroads Factories Used for Painting all classes of iron and steel structures and steel reinforced in concrete to prevent rusting. Suitable for any metal surface Galvanized Iron Primer (Rust Inhibitive). — A primer for use on galvanized iron. It is specially recommended for this class of work be- cause it will “stay on,” at the same time give a suitable ground for sub- sequent coats. Antoxide is specially recommended for second coat, although almost any other paints may be used over it. Its spreading rate is about 450 square feet to the gallon, one coat. Its color is grayish black. Packed in pint, quart, half-gallon, gallon, and five-gallon cans, half-barrels and barrels. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Contractors Railroads Builders Factories 120 GALVANIZED IRON PRIMER (Continued) Counties and Towns Ship Builders Elevator Builders Construction Engineers Dealers Jobbers Cornice Makers Used for Priming galvanized iron surfaces Graphite Paint. — A ready-for-use graphite paint in which the pig- ment is finely ground in a linseed oil vehicle. It brushes out easily and smoothly and covers about 500 to 600 square feet to the gallon, two coats, dependent upon the condition of the surface. Packed in quart, half-gallon, gallon, and five-gallon cans, half- barrels, and barrels. Graphite paint is also furnished in paste form. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Construction Engineers Builders Structural Iron Workers Contractors Municipalities Dealers Jobbers Used for Painting all classes of structural steel and steel reinforcement Chrome Yellow Ochre (In Paste Form). — Made from an imported French ochre of light shade and of good tinting strength. It is ex- tended with durable pigments to render it possible to produce a satis- factory ochre for general purposes. Packed in \ 2 J / 2 and 25-pound pails. (Harrisons, Inc.) Painters Decorators Used by Dealers Jobbers Tinting Used for Painting Liberty Venetian Red (In Paste Form). — This red is produced from high-grade iron oxide of light yellow undertone extended with durable pigments to produce permanent goods. Packed in \ 2 l / 2 and 25-pound pails. (Harrisons, Inc.) 121 LIBERTY VENETIAN RED (Continued) Used by Painters Jobbers Dealers Used for Tinting and solid painting Liberty Bronze Greens (In Paste Form). — These greens are de- signed to meet the needs for green paint in paste form suitable for painting blinds, store fronts, and metal and wooden surfaces of every description. Furnished in three tones — Light, Medium, and Dark. Particularly valuable for the master painter. Packed in 12/4 and 25-pound pails. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Painters Municipalities Park Commissions Dealers Jobbers Painting Used for Flat Brick Colors (In Paste Form). — Practical durable paints for brick walls. When thinned with turpentine they give a good, smooth, flat finish with one coat. Ten pounds of the red or twelve pounds of the Milwaukee with one-half gallon of turpentine will cover from 1,000 to 1,200 feet of brick wall. Furnished in light red, medium red, dark red, and Milwaukee. Packed in 12/4 and 25-pound pails. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Painters Homes Municipalities Builders Jobbers Property Owners Factories Contractors Dealers Painting brick walls Used for Superfine Japan Colors (In Paste Form). — Quick drying Japan colors designed to be used in a general way. They contain sufficient and 122 SUPERFINE JAPAN COLORS (Continued) correct binders and a drier and are to be thinned with pure spirits of turpentine only. They mix perfectly with raw linseed oil and the usual varnishes used in coach and car work. These colors are recommended for use of expert painters only. Manufactured in all desirable colors. Special colors will be made when quantity desired is sufficient to warrant special mixing. Packed in 1 pound cans and 5 pound press cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Manufacturers of Automobiles Sign Writers and Carriages Used for Finishing Automobiles and Display Signs Carriages Liberty Metallic Brown (In Paste Form). — Produced from high- grade mineral paints of marked strength and clearness. Packed in \2]/ 2 and 25-pound pails. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Painters Jobbers Dealers Painting Used for Pure White Lead. — This is a strictly pure article, finely ground in best refined linseed oil. Being a mixture of stack and cylinder process leads, it combines the advantages of each, having better whiteness and spread than the old style leads, better hiding power than the straight quick process, and greater durability than either, due to a minimum of voids in the film. It is also furnished dry. Packed in J2^, 25, 50, 100, 250, and 500 pound kegs. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Mining Companies Manufacturing Companies Dealers Municipalities Supervising Architects Steam and Electric Railways Real Estate Dealers Steamship Companies Painters Jobbers Property Owners Building Contractors Homes 123 PURE WHITE LEAD (Continued) Used for Painting both exterior and interior surfaces of wood, metal, plaster and other material PURE WHITE LEAD, ^ground Pure Red Lead. — The most brilliant red lead on the market. It is of the utmost purity and fineness and is highly oxidized. Special red leads are also manufactured for makers of rubber, glass, storage batteries, varnishes, driers, and pottery. Packed in \2 l / 2i 25, 50, and 100 pound kegs, half-barrels and barrels. (Harrisons, Inc.) Architects Painters U. S. Government Ship Builders Plumbers Used by Manufacturers of Various Com- modities Construction Engineers Municipalities Steam and Electric Railways Used for Painting Metal Surfaces Filler Primer for Wood Surfaces Drier Litharge. — Color Makers’ Litharge is a bright, clean color, finely granular, and absolutely pure. It dissolves completely in either nitric or acetic acid and produces colors of greatest brilliancy and strength. Rubber Makers, or Powdered Litharge, is a good bright color and it is ground to extreme fineness. Special Litharges are suitable for the manufacture of glass, cement, varnish, driers, and similar compounds. 124 'LITHARGE (Continued) Packed in \2 l / 2 , 25, 50, and 100 pound kegs, half-barrels and barrels. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Manufacturers of: Manufacturers of: Glass Rubber Goods Cement Varnishes Colors and Paints Used for Making Glass, Cement, Colors, Pigments, Varnish, and Rubber Goods Sanitary Paste White. — This interior white, which may be broken up and thinned by the painter to suit his requirements, is specially recommended for its superior covering quality and extreme whiteness. The pigment is “Beckton White” supported by the best suited rein- forcing pigments, all ground in the palest refined oil drier and varnish. This combination adapts itself to the widest possible range of interior finishes — flat or gloss white, or tinted. It may be tinted the same as white lead. It is reduced with Sanitary Paste Reducer, Turpentine or a substitute, and Linseed Oil. For an enamel gloss Damar varnish is recommended. Packed in 12^ and 25 pound cans and 100 pound steel kegs. (Har- risons, Inc.) Used by Dealers Jobbers Painters Decorators Mills Factories Used for Practically all classes of inside painting Gold Medal White (In Paste Form). — A paste white ground in linseed oil for exterior painting. It has good body and is very white and is easily tinted to the desired shade by the use of colors in oil. Packed in 12^, 25, 50, and 100 pound kegs. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Painters Dealers Jobbers Used for Practically all kinds of outside painting 125 Trade White (In Paste Form). — This small package paste white is ' designed especially for plumbers’ use in coating threads on pipes. Packed in one, two, and five pound cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Plumbers Steam Fitters Used for Leading pipe joints Paint and Varnish Solvent. — This solvent softens paint, varnish, shellac, or wax with one application so that it may be easily and thor- oughly removed in a short time. It does not raise the grain, discolor, or otherwise injure the most delicate wood, and leaves the surface in perfect condition for new coats of paint or varnish. It does not injure the hands or affect glue-set brushes. It does not dry up even when left on the surface for some time. This solvent is free from disagreeable odors. Packed in liquid form in half-pint, one-pint, quart, half -gallon, and gallon cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Painters Dealers Homes Used by Decorators Farmers Jobbers Used for Removing paint or varnish from any surface 126 Liberty Oil Colors. — These colors receive the same care in prepara- tion as pure oil colors. They retain the same brilliancy and clearness of tone, but are somewhat weaker in tinting strength, owing to the use of inert materials to reduce the price. They are offered in nineteen colors, including light and dark oak graining colors. Packed in one, five, 12J/2, and 25 pound cans. (Har- risons, Inc.) Used by Master Painters Sign Painters Decorators Used for Tinting and Solid Painting Zinc (In Paste Form). — These zincs are especially prepared for the master painters’ use to meet the different requirements. They are pre- pared in three qualities: French Process Green Seal Zinc, ground in linseed oil; French Process Green Seal Zinc, ground in Damar varnish; Harrisons Green Seal Zinc, ground in linseed oil. Packed in one, five, 12 y 2 > and 25 pound cans. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Painters Decorators Used for Making Enamels Mixing with other pigments for Making Ground Colors painting Special Varnishes for Wagon and Implement Work. — The fol- lowing list of varnishes has been designed specially for the use of manufacturers of wagons, vehicles, and implements. Agricultural Coach, No. 6726. — A good bodied, light colored var- nish that is free working and durable. Will not scratch white with the nail, has good lustre, and surface over one-coat primer and one-coat color, and will stand weather exposure on wagons, implements, and vehicles, and not spot white with moisture. Used on both wood and metal parts. Dries dust-free in four hours, dry in eight, and hard in from thirty-six to forty-eight. Packed in half barrels and barrels. Packed also in five-gallon cans on special order. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Wagon Manufacturers Vehicle Manufacturers Implement Manufacturers Toy Manufacturers 127 AGRICULTURAL COACH, No. 6726 (Continued) Used for Varnishing Vehicles Varnishing Implements Varnishing Wagons Varnishing Toys Diamond “D” Wagon Coach, No. 6730. — A medium bodied, light in color, free working varnish. Tough, elastic, not spotted by moisture, and suitable for general wagon work. Will work over any color with- out streaking or changing. Dries dust-free in from four to six hours, hard in forty-eight. Packed in half-barrels and barrels. Five-gallon cans on special order. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Wagon Manufacturers Implement Manufacturers Used for Varnishing Wagons Varnishing Implements Elastic Wagon Coach, No. 6733. — An elastic, durable varnish, medium body, and medium light in color. Flows free and works equally well on wood and metal parts of wagons and implements. Has given excellent satisfaction for this use. Not spotted by moisture and exceptionally durable. Dries dust-free in four hours, and hard in thirty- six. Packed in half-barrels and barrels. Five-gallon cans on special order. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Wagon Manufacturers Implement Manufacturers Used for Varnishing Wagons Varnishing Implements Implement Coach, No. 6737. — An implement-wagon coach var- nish for general shop work. Not easily scratched, free working, good body, light in color. It can be used over pale colors, does not spot white from moisture, and dries well. Dries dust-free in from three to four hours, hard in twenty-four to thirty-six. Packed in half-barrels and barrels. Also five-gallon cans on special order. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Wagon Manufacturers Implement Manufacturers Used for Varnishing Wagons Varnishing Implements 128 AntLfouling Ship Bottom Paint. — A ready-to-use ship bottom paint in a special vehicle. It carries within itself a powerful insecticide which prevents the adhesion of barnacles, sea grass, and other vegetable sub- stances which may become attached to the hull. Manufactured in three colors — brown, green, and red. Packed in quart, half-gallon, gallon, and five-gallon cans, half-barrels and barrels. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Ship Builders Ship Chandlers Ship and Boat Owners Dealers Jobbers Used for Painting the bottoms of vessels Barrel Paint (In Paste Form). — Made from selected pigments that are ground with the proper vehicle so that a benzine thinner is all that is necessary for preparing a ready-for-use paint. Manufactured in five colors. Packed in barrels. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Coopers Shippers Using Wooden Barrels Brewers Used for Painting wooden barrels and other containers Machinery and Engine Filler. — For building up a smooth surface on castings. It dries hard and sands easily, producing a tough, tena- cious coat that does not scuff or scale and stands rough treatment and knocks wonderfully well. Made in three colors — black, maroon, and white. Packed in 25 pound pails; 100 pound kegs, half-barrels and barrels. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Manufacturers of Heavy and Light Engines and Machinery and Foundries Used for Surfacing Castings Machinery Paint (In Paste Form). — Made of the very best pig- ments and vehicles. Is always uniform in color and consistency. It dries rapidly and gives a flat or lustreless finish. 129 MACHINERY PAINT (Continued) Made in four colors. Packed in 25 pound pails and 100 pounds kegs, half-barrels and barrels. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Manufacturers of Heavy and Light Engines and Machinery and Foundries Used for Finishing all classes of engines and metal machinery and parts Oil Resisting Flat Machinery Enamel (In Liquid Form). — This enamel gives a soft, flat effect that is extremely resistant to lubricating oil and greases. It has excellent covering qualities, works easily, and dries quickly. Manufactured in four colors. Packed in gallon and five-gallon cans, half-barrels and barrels. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Manufacturers of Heavy and Light Engines and Machinery Used for Finishing all classes of engines and metal machinery and parts Oil=Proof Eggshell Gloss Machinery Enamel. — This enamel gives a soft effect of rubbed work. It is absolutely oil-proof, dries quickly, and has excellent covering properties. It is designed for the highest grade of work where there must be the least possible delay in the process of finishing. Manufactured in five colors. Packed in gallon and five-gallon cans, half-barrels and barrels. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Manufacturers of Heavy and Light Engines and Machinery. Used for Finishing all classes of engines and metal machinery and parts High Gloss Machinery Enamel. — A high-grade color in varnish or enamel. It is oil-proof and suitable for the finest class of machinery, as it has a high lustre, is very durable, and has excellent covering qualities. Made in five colors. Packed in gallon and five-gallon cans, half- barrels and barrels. (Harrisons, Inc.) 130 HIGH GLOSS MACHINERY ENAMEL (Continued) Used by Manufacturers of Heavy and Light Engines and Machinery Used for Finishing all classes of engines and metal machinery and parts Machinery Thinners. — Thinners made primarily for thinning the machinery paints and enamels listed in this book. They add a binder to the paint without adding to the gloss and without detracting from the ease of brushing. Also equally well suited for general thinning about the shop where extra binder is required. Packed in one and five-gallon cans, half-barrels and barrels. (Har- risons, Inc.) Used by Manufacturers of Heavy and Light Engines and Machinery Used for Thinning Machinery Paints and Enamels Machinery Varnishes. — Made in three grades: Quick Machinery Finishing, which dries sufficiently hard to handle in two to four hours and hard over night; No. 1 Machinery Finishing, an elastic water and oil resisting varnish, which dries hard enough to handle in from six to eight hours and hard in about sixteen ; and Oil-Proof Machinery and Engine Finishing, a high-grade, elastic, oil-proof varnish that dries with a high lustre that is extremely durable. This finish withstands the highest temperatures possible for a pure gum varnish and may be baked if desired. It dries in six hours and hard in twenty. These varnishes are packed in gallon and five-gallon cans, half- barrels and barrels. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Manufacturers of Heavy and Light Engines and Machinery. Used for Varnishing all classes of engines and metal machinery and parts Elastic Black Varnish. — A durable elastic black varnish suitable for interior and exterior use on wood and metal. It withstands the high temperatures encountered on boiler fronts and is specially recom- mended where acid conditions prevail. Dries in twenty-four hours. 131 ELASTIC BLACK VARNISH (Continued) Packed in gallon and five-gallon cans, half-barrels and barrels. (Harrisons, Inc.) Plumbers Transportation Companies Construction Engineers Steamfitters Used by Municipalities Electric Companies Electricians Painting: Pipes Poles Used for Fainting: Electrical Appliances Boiler Fronts Pink Primers. — In two grades — No. 1 and No. 2, the first named having the greater opacity. Especially designed for undercoating on work that is to be finished in red, and to bring out the full deep shade of the finishing coat. They cover well and work easily. Recommended for use by wagon and agricultural machinery makers. Either grade can be furnished in any shade of pink desired. Packed in 25-pound cans, 500-pound half-barrels, and 800-pound barrels. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Manufacturers of: Manufacturers of: Wagons Agricultural Machinery Light Machinery Novelties Toys Used for A priming coat in the manufacture of: Wagons Agricultural Machinery Light Machinery Novelties Toys Pole Paint. — A high-grade linseed oil paint which withstands the severe exposure required on wood and iron telephone, telegraph, elec- tric light, and railway poles and cross arms of every description. Made in four colors — Red, moss green, light slate, and brown. Packed in gallon and five-gallon cans, half-barrels, and barrels. (Har- risons, Inc.) Used by Railway Companies Electric Railway Companies Electric Light Companies Municipalities 132 POLE PAINT (Continued) Used for Painting all kinds of poles and cross arms, and for general purposes where a relatively cheap paint is required Elevator Paint (Exterior Mill Paint). — A high-grade linseed oil paint producing a tough, elastic coating which will stand severe expo- sure on wood and metal surfaces. Made in four shades — Red, moss green, light slate, and brown. Packed in gallon and five-gallon cans, half-barrels and barrels. (Har- risons, Inc.) Used by Painters Contractors Elevator Companies Plants of all kinds Used for Painting all kinds of plants and elevators Harrison Bulletin Colors. — Various colors made in paste form for the use of the sign painter desiring to expedite his work.- These goods can be thinned with any suitable vehicle, are made in strong tones and are quite adaptable for the purpose intended. Packed in five-pound and 25-pound cans, and in five-pound press cans. Used by Bulletin Board Manufacturers Sign Painters Used for Sign Painting Gear Fillers. — Quick drying fiat undercoatings and fillers for gears and bodies of wagons and buggies. They make hard, smooth surfaces on which ground coats or colors can be applied. Made in four colors — Lemon yellow, light red, dark red, and medium lead. Packed in twenty-five-pound pails, half-barrels and barrels. (Har- risons, Inc.) Used by Wagon and Buggy Manufac- Repair Shops turers Used for Filling Gears and Bodies 133 Rough Stuff. — Made in two qualities, known as Rough Stuff and No. 2 Rough Stuff, and in either liquid or paste form. It is usually applied over gear filler or primer of some nature on wood or steel for building up the surface, in finishing carriages, wagons, automobiles, street cars, and railway cars. Dark slate in color and is packed in gallon cans in the liquid form, and in 5, \2 l / 2 , and 25 pound packages in the paste form. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Manufacturers of: Manufacturers of: Carriages Wagons Automobiles Railway Cars Street Cars Used for Building up surfaces Liquid Light. — An intensely white solid covering gloss paint espe- cially designed for large interiors, such as public buildings, hospitals, mills, and offices. It is easy working and spreads to about 500 square feet, one coat to the gallon on ordinary surfaces. Its high lustre causes perfect refraction of light and makes it especially valuable in poorly lighted interiors, thereby improving the working conditions. Lint and dust do not adhere to its glossy surface. It is unaffected by fumes and steam, which makes it invaluable for use in laboratories and mills. Packed in gallon and five-gallon cans, half- barrels and barrels. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Painters Offices Hospitals Mills Public Buildings Used for Interior Walls and Ceilings to improve the light conditions Railway Paints. — A complete line of railway paints for steam and electric railways, including paints for cabs, locomotives, baggage cars, passenger cars, all classes of freight cars, station interiors and exte- riors, station and car floors, signal towers, refrigerators, brine tanks, structural iron bridges, poles, and car and station roofs. Also, truck enamels, stencil whites, japan colors, colors in oil, and varnishes for 134 RAILWAY PAINTS (Continued) every railway purpose. This line is supported by complete specifica- tions for different systems for finishing all classes of railway buildings, equipments, and appliances. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Railway Companies Street Railway Companies Electric Railway Companies Locomotive Manufacturers Car Manufacturers Used for Finishing all classes of railway equipment Mixing Varnishes. — Specially prepared varnishes suitable for mix- ing. While a number of these varnishes are manufactured on standard formulae, the variations in demand are so great that in many cases it is necessary to manufacture them on the special specifications furnished by the consumer. Any specifications can be met. (Harrisons, Inc.) Manufacturers of: Paint Linoleum Used by Manufacturers of, Printing Ink Oil Cloth Manufacture of: Paint Linoleum Used for Manufacture of: Printing Ink Oil Cloth Dipping Paints. — This line of paints has been developed to meet the requirements of all of the different methods used in dip finishing wood and metal. There is no dip paint specification now in use with which we cannot comply. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Manufacturers of: Manufacturers of: Automobiles Agricultural Implements Toys Novelties Used for Dip Painting all classes of work Industrial Paints. — Various industries require certain paint specifi- cations to meet their exact requirements. Special paints have been 135 INDUSTRIAL PAINTS (Continued) developed for these requirements in most cases. Where this is not true, variations will be made in formulae to meet all requirements. (Har- risons, Inc.) Used by Manufacturers and Industries Special purposes Used for Dry Colors. — High Quality Dry Colors in the Following Variety: Yellows and Oranges 32 Para Reds, Vermilions and Rose Greens 55 Pinks 29 Blues 14 Orange Red and Violet Lakes... 22 Also special colors on order. (Harrisons, Inc.) Paint Makers Color Grinders Wall Paper Printers Used by Printing Ink Manufacturers Linoleum Manufacturers Used for Making Mixed Paints Making Enamels Making Color Varnishes Pulp Colors. — Packed in casks shades. (Harrisons, Inc.) : Blacks 6 Browns 6 Blues 11 Greens 17 barrels in the following colors and Yellows 10 Maroons 12 Reds 15 Used by Manufacturers of: Manufacturers of: Paper Printing Ink Wall Paper Used for Making Mixed Paints Colors 136 Lithophone. — White pigment (double precipitate of zinc and barium salts) of great strength and covering power. Free of the objections to rest of lead pigments in interior work. A superior pigment sold under trade name of “Beckton White.” Packed in barrels. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Manufacturers of: Manufacturers of: Linoleum Shade Cloth Paint Oil Cloth Rubber HARRISONS PAINTS ARE ADAPTED TO EVERY PURPOSE ABOUT THE HOUSE 137 Used for Making : Making : Paints Linoleum Rubber Shade Cloth Glue Marine Paints. — These paints are made on formulae that adapt them to all classes of ship painting, including hold paints, hull paints, bottom paints, deck and rail paints, floor paints, varnishes, driers, stains, engine and machine paint and enamel. The grades, colors, and qualities adapt these paints to all classes of vessels, from the lightest canoe to the largest steam craft. (Harrisons, Inc.) Used by Ship Builders Navy Yards Canoe Owners Ship Owners Ship Chandlers Used for Painting and Finishing Boats and Ships 138 HARRISON SYSTEMS The complete line of paints, varnishes, enamels, and other finishing materials, coupled with the years of experience in their use, makes it possible to offer a number of complete systems for finishing great varie- ties of work. Variations in these systems can be made to suit all condi- tions prevailing in individual plants as well as in the nature of the surfaces to be coated. System for Finishing Steel Cars, Automobiles, and Other Metal Surfaces (Air Drying). — This system includes the primer, knifing coat, and surfacer, colors, rubbing varnishes, and finishing varnishes. (Harrisons, Inc.) Manufacturers of: Automobiles Fixtures Used by Manufacturers of: Steel Cars Metal Parts Finishing: Automobiles Fixtures Used for Finishing: Steel Cars Metal Parts System for Finishing Wooden Coaches and Cars. — This system includes the primer, knifing coat, and surfacer, colors, rubbing var- nishes, and finishing varnishes. (Harrisons, Inc.) Manufacturers of: Coaches Vehicles Used by Manufacturers of, Cars Wooden Parts Finishing : Coaches Vehicles Used for Finishing: Cars Wooden Parts 139 System for Finishing Steel Cars and Automobiles (Accelerated Drying Process). — This system includes the primer, knifing coat, and surfacer, colors, rubbing varnishes, and finishing varnishes. (Harri- sons, Inc.) Used by Manufacturers of: Automobiles Fixtures Manufacturers of: Steel Cars Metal Parts Used for Finishing : Automobiles Fixtures Finishing: Steel Cars Metal Parts 140 MISCELLANEOUS COMMODITIES Charcoal. — Hardwood. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Powder Makers Paint and Varnish Makers Manufacturers of Live Stock Powders Restaurants Drug and Chemical Manufacturers Printing Ink Makers Hotels Coal Dealers Used for Making Blasting Powder Deodorizers and Disinfectants Basis of Black Paint Medicinal Purposes Artists’ Crayons Live Stock Powders Gun Powder Metallurgic Operations Component of Printing Inks Fuel — Domestic Use Wood Pulp. — Grades, SA, B, D, L. (Du Pont Co.) Manufacturers of: Explosives Wall Paper Toys Dolls Used by Manufacturers of: Linoleum Smokeless Powders Electrical Appliances Dynamite Oil Cloth Wall Paper Insulation Used for Linoleum Smokeless Powder Toys Dolls Nitrate of Soda-Refined. Packing Houses Manufacturing Chemists Preserving Meats Acid Manufacture (Du Pont Co.) Used by Acid Manufacturers Drug Manufacturers Used for Drugs 141 Nitrate of Soda — Crude. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Fertilizer Manufacturers Chemical Manufacturers Explosive Manufacturers Blasting Powder Manufacturers Acid Manufacturers Dye Manufacturers Fertilizers Nitric Acid Potassium Nitrate Used for Manufacture of Explosives Manufacture of Acids Manufacture of Dyes Saltpetre. — Six standard sizes: Powdered, Granulated, Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large Crystals. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Manufacturers of Fireworks Manufacturers of Snuff Manufacturers of Brick Manufacturers of Live Stock Food Meat Packers Stock Raisers Makers of Commercial Fertil- izers Tobacco Manufacturers Cigar Manufacturers Manufacturers of Chemicals Manufacturers of Paper Manufacturers of Cigarettes Manufacturers of Leather Manufacturers of A Blasting and Sporting Powders Manufacturers of Guns Munition Plants Druggists (For Prescriptions) Tool and Fire Arms Manufacturers Glass Manufacturers Used for Component of Fireworks Component of Paper Component of Cigars Fertilizer Meat Curing Tanning Leather Component of Snuff A Blasting and Sporting Powders Component of Brick Component of Cigarettes Chemical Mixtures Stock Food Bluing Metal (Gun Barrels) Scouring Glass 142 SPECIAL PRODUCTS Nitre Cake. — It is a non-dangerous material used to replace sul- phuric acid. It is used in many chemical processes where sulphuric acid cannot be used. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Manufacturers of: Soap Plaster Sheet and Tin Plate Tubes Fertilizers Pressed Steel Drop Forgings Steel Hardware Ordnance and Munition Shoddy Miscellaneous Users: Galvanizers Vegetable and Animal Oil Refiners Sewage Disposal Textile Mills Smelters and Refiners Rubber Reclaimers Manufacturers of: Live Stock Food (Conditioners) Baking Powder Paper Pulp Heavy Chemicals Dyestuff Intermediates Tool Steel Enameled and Stamped Ware Bolts, Nuts and Rivets Lens Water Closet Cleaners Shells and Cartridges Miscellaneous Users: Miners of Precious and High Grade Metals Tanners Platers Rendering Works Silk Mills (Natural) Foundries Used for Acid Wash Regenerating Plaster Bleaching Paper Pulp Preparing Muriatic Acid Acidifying Naphtholates Grease Recovery Flux Flotation of Ores Pickling (In Tanning) Preparing Sulphates Acidifying Phenolates Acid Grease Wash Souring (In Textile Mills) Acid Dye Bath Cyanide Process Refining Copper Acidifying Soap Stock (Patent Ap- plied for) Acidifying Phosphatic Fertilizers Manufacture of Live Stock Condi- tioners Carbonizing (In Shoddy Mills) Removing Feces and Ferric Oxide Removing Oxide and Scale (Pat- ented Process) Substitute for Cream of Tartar Leaching of Ores One Bath Chrome Process (In Tan- ning) Larvicide Bleaching Woolens and Silks Disinfectant 143 BY-PRODUCTS Wood Oil. — From the destructive distillation of hardwoods. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Paint and Varnish Manufac- turers Mange Cure Manufacturers Miners Sheep Dip Manufacturers Disinfectant Manufacturers Used for Wood Preservative Solvent for Paints and Varnishes Deodorant Manufacture of Disinfectants for a Manufacture of Mange Cures Deodorant and Disinfectant Manufacture of Sheep Dips Flotation Oil Recovered Salt. — Common salt containing varying percentages of potash. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Fertilizer Manufacturers Ice Cream Manufacturers Tanners Farmers Brick and Tile Manufacturers Chemical Stoneware Manufacturers Railroads (Steam and Electric) Fertilizer Filler Glazing Clay Products Fertilizer Refrigerating Brine Used for Salting Hides Melting Ice and Snow on Platforms, Frogs and Switches Metal Scrap. — Low grade. Including all grades of iron and steel. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Rolling Mills Foundries Re-working Used for 144 Metal Scrap. — High grade. Including all grades of brass, copper, lead, bronze, aluminum, babbitt, zinc, electrotype metal, and drosses from lead, tin, zinc, and brass. (Du Pont Co.) Smelters Brass Foundries Refiners Used by Brass and Copper Sheet Manufac- turers Re-working Used for Burlap. — Various grades and sizes. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Manufacturers of Bags and Bagging Re-working Used for Lead in Pigs. — Weighing 100 lbs. each. (Du Pont Co.) Plumbers Municipalities Pipe and Steam Fitters Used by Manufacturers of Lead Pipe and Sheet Smelters and Refiners Piping and Sheeting Making Solder Used for Caulking Alloy Paper Scrap. — Various kinds. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Manufacturers of Paper Manufacturers of Paper Board . Used for Re working Rubber Scrap. — Various kinds. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Reclaimers (Rubber) Used for Recovery of Rubber 145 Drums — Iron and Steel. — 110-gallon capacity. (Du Pont Co.) Manufacturers of: Chemicals Tallow Paint and Varnish Used by Manufacturers of: Glycerin Soap Dyestuff Intermediates Miscellaneous Users: Miscellaneous Users: Oil Refiners Automobile Owners Railroads Shipping Chemicals Shipping Tallow Shipping Paint Shipping Glycerin Gasoline Storage Used for Shipping Dyestuff Intermediates Shipping Soap Shipping Varnish Shipping Oil Distributing and Storing Oil Bags. — Nitrate of soda. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Produce Distributors Coal Miners Railroads Contractors Bags and Bagging Manufac- Shoe Findings Manufacturers turers Casting Manufacturers Ice Manufacturers Barrel Top Manufacturers Mattress Manufacturers Manufacturers of Ground Lime- Manufacturers of Ground Lime stone Used for Shipping Produce Repairing Fills from Washouts Re-working Shipping Shoe Findings Mattress Filling Shipping Ground Lime Shipping Coal Cofferdam and Lever Work Shipping Ice Shipping Castings Barrel Tops Shipping Ground Limestone Bags. — Miscellaneous, various kinds and sizes. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Manufacturers of Bags and Bagging Re-working Used for 146 Barrels. — Oil, paint, alcohol, grease, slack, and other classes. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Grease and Tallow Manufacturers Paint Manufacturers Alcohol Manufacturers Used for Shipping or Containing : Grease Alcohol Oil Paint Boxes. — Wooden. All kinds. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Packers Shippers Used for Containers Oil Refiners Tar Distillers Barrel Manufacturers Lime Manufacturers Recoopering Shipping or Containing : Tallow Lime Tar Belting. — Leather, rubber, fabric. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Mill Supplies Manufacturers Novelty Manufacturers Used for Re-use Re-working Bristles. — Russian hog and other kinds. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Brush Manufacturers Brushes Used for 147 Cotton Ties. — Steel bands from bales ot cotton. (Du Pont Co.) Used by Cotton Ginners Used for Re-Use Secondhand Machinery. — Occasionally this Division has for sale the following: Boilers Engines Blowers Hangers Pulleys (Iron, Wood and Steel) Motors Pipe Cutting Machines Pumps Tanks and other various kinds of machinery and parts. (Du Pont Co.) 148 CUSTOMERS There is no line of activity that does not require one or more of the various Du Pont products. The following list of customers is far from complete and is intended to give only a general idea of some of the chief possibilities. A better idea of the nature of the different products listed below can be obtained by referring back to the descrip- tive paragraphs on preceding pages, where advice is given as to just how correspondence should be addressed. Aeroplanes, Manufacturers of Py=ra=lin Transparent Sheeting. — For making wind shields. (Pages 51 to 53.) Pyroxylin Solutions. — For finishing wood and metal parts. (Page 75.) Water=proof Cement. — For cementing wood and fabrics. (Pages 75 and 76.) Fabrikoid. — For upholstering seats. (Pages 42 to 47.) Aeroplane Varnish. — For finishing linen and cotton planes. (Page 86 .) Paints and Varnishes. — For finishing all wood and metal parts as well as engines and other mechanical parts ; also for plant, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Agricultural Implement Manufacturers Fabrikoid. — For finishing seats and tops. (Pages 42 to 47.) Water=proof Cement. — For cementing parts. (Pages 75 and 76.) Belt Cement. — F or cementing belts. (Page 76.) Bags. — For shipping small parts. (Page 146.) Nitre Cake. — For removing oxide and scale. (Page 143.) Paints and Varnishes. — Complete line for finishing all classes of implements and implement parts. Also, for painting plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Architectural Iron Workers Paints (Antoxide, Ferro=Keep, and Carpo). — Rust-inhibitive paints for all classes of iron and steel buildings. (Pages 78, 79, 119 and 120.) Artificial Leather Manufacturers Leather Substitute Solutions. — For finishing and graining arti- ficial leathers. (Page 73.) Pyroxylin Solutions. — For making leather substitute solutions. (Page 75.) Benzol. — For making stains. (Pages 81 to 83.) Colors and Pigments. — For making solutions. (Page 136.) Paints and Varnishes. — For painting plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) 149 Automobile and Carriage Builders Fabrikoid. — For upholstering, finishing, and trimming cushions and bodies and for making tops. (Pages 42 to 47.) Py=ra=!in Transparent Sheeting. — For flexible windows in curtains and for dimmers and glare shields. (Pages 51 to 53.) Pyroxylin Enamels. — For finishing wood and metal parts. (Page 75.) Water=proof Cement. — For cementing parts. (Pages 75 and 76.) Lacquers (Wood and Metal). — For finishing wood and metal parts. (Pages 76 and 77.) Nitre Cake. — For removing oxide and scale. (Page 143.) Rubber Cloth. — For tops, top boosts, tool bags, kick pads, and tire covers. (Pages 48 to 50.) Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, Enamels, Vehicles, Fillers, Thin= ners, and Driers. — For finishing all parts. Also for painting plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Baby Carriage Manufacturers Fabrikoid. — For tops and upholstering. (Pages 42 to 47.) Rubber Cloth. — For tops and curtains. (Pages 48 to 50.) Nitre Cake. — For removing oxide and scale from metal parts. (Page 143.) Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, and Enamels. — For finishing all parts. Also for painting plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Bag Manufacturers (See Leather Goods Manufacturers, page 168.) Battery Manufacturers (Dry Cell, Wet Cell, and Storage) Pitch. — For sealing. (Page 77.) Coke. — For carbons. (Page 77.) Py=ra=lin. — For insulation. (Pages 51 to 61.) Solutions. — For filling. (Page 65.) Paints and Varnishes. — For painting plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Belting Manufacturers Belt Cement. — For cementing belts. (Page 76.) Fabrikoid. — For making men’s belts. (Pages 42 to 47.) Paints and Varnishes. — For painting plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Bicycle, Motorcycle and Velocipede Manufacturers Fabrikoid. — For upholstering and making accessories. (Pages 42 to 47.) Lacquers. — For finishing wood and metal parts. (Pages 76 and 77.) 150 Enamels. — For finishing wood and metal parts. (Pages 75, 94 to 101, and 130.) Py=ra=Iin Tubing. — For making grips for handles. (Pages 54 to 56, and 58.) Nitre Cake. — For removing oxide and scale. (Page 143.) Rubber Cloth. — For tool bags and covers. (Pages 48 to 50.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Boiler Makers Nitre Cake. — For removing oxide and scale. (Page 143.) Lacquers, Enamels, and Japans. — For brass parts and trim. (Pages 75 to 77, 94 to 101, 115,' 116, and 130.) Paints. — For fronts, tanks, stacks, sheet iron and steel parts. Also for plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Bookbinders Household Cement. — For general cementing. (Page 76.) Fabrikoid. — For binding books of all kinds, including bank books and loose leaf books as well as other standard kinds. (Pages 42 to 47.) Pyroxylin Transparent Leather Renovator. — For varnishing. (Page 73.) Bronze Powder and Bronzing Solutions. — For bronzing. (Pages 71 and 100.) Paints and Varnishes. — For painting plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Bottlers Py=ra=!in Sheeting. — For making sanitary covers for milk bottles and also patent bottle stoppers. (Pages 51 to 53 and 55 to 57.) Paints and Varnishes. — For shipping cases and stenciling. Also for plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Box Makers Household Cement. — For cementing parts. (Page 76.) Py=ra=Iin Transparent Sheeting. — For making a water-proof cov- ering for fancy boxes, and for transparent windows. (Pages 51 to 53.) Py=ra=lin Colored Sheeting. — For covering fancy boxes. (Pages 55 to 57.) Bronze Powder. — For bronzing. (Page 71.) Paints and Varnishes. — For boxes. Also for plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Brewers Py=ra=lin Beer Scrapers. — For scraping tops of beer glasses. (See Py-ra-lin Manufactured Articles, pages 58 to 60.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) 151 Bridge Builders Refined Tar. — For water-proofing foundations. (Page 78.) Paints (Antoxide, Ferro=Keep, and Carpo). — Rust-inhibitive paints for protecting all classes of metal structures. (Pages 78, 79, 119 and 120 .) Brokers Brokers of different kinds handle many of the Du Pont Products and By-Products. Bronzing Solution Manufacturers Bronze Powder. — For making bronzing solutions. Bronzing Solutions. — Vehicles for bronze powder. 100 .) Buckle Manufacturers (Page 71.) (Pages 71 and Py=ra=lin Cement. — For cementing py-ra-lin parts. (Page 76.) Py=ra=lin Sheeting, Rod, and Beading. — For making buckle parts. (Pages 51 to 57.) Pyroxylin Enamels.— For coating buckles. (Page 75.) Nitre Cake. — For removing oxide and scale. Page 143.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Builders Pitch. — For roof construction. (Page 77.) Refined Tar. — For painting and renovating roofs, and for water- proofing foundations. (Page 78.) Paints, Varnishes, Enamels, Driers, and Special Finishes. — For finishing all classes of structural material. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 75 to 77 and 87 to 140.) Buttons, Makers of Pyroxylin Solutions and Enamels. — For coating buttons. (Page 75.) Py=ra=lin Sheeting. — For covering fancy buttons. (Pages 51 to 53 and 55 to 57.) Py=ra=lin Colored Sheeting. — A fancy covering for buttons and for covering shoe buttons. (Pages 56 and 57.) Py=ra=lin Cement. — For cementing py-ra-lin. (Page 76.) Fabrikoid. — For covering buttons used in upholstering. (Pages 42 to 47.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Cabinet Makers Pyroxylin Enamels. — For enameling parts. (Page 75.) Water=proof Cement. — For cementing parts. (Pages 75 and 76.) Household Cement. — For cementing wood and fabrics. (Page 76.) 152 Lacquers (Wood and Metal). — For lacquering parts. (Pages 76 and 77.) Py=ra=lin Transparent Sheeting. — For windows where needed. (Pages 51 to 53.) Py=ra-Iin Sheeting (Ivory and Fancy). — For inlay and finishing decorative parts. (Pages 51 to 53 and 55 to 57.) Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, Enamels, Stains, and Driers. — A complete line, including specially recommended Systems for finishing all parts of all classes of wood and metal furniture and fixtures. Also paints and varnishes for plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 75 to 77 and 87 to 140.) Calculating Machines, Manufacturers of Py=ra=lin Transparent Sheeting. — For windows in. (Pages 51 to 53.) Py=ra=Iin Sheeting. — For making keys. (Pages 51 to 53 and 55 to 57.) Nitre Cake. — For removing oxide and scale. (Page 143.) Enamels, Lacquers, and Bronzes. — For finishing parts of machines. (Pages 71, 74 to 77, 94 to 101, and 130.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Camera Manufacturers Fabrikoid. — For covering camera boxes. (Pages 42 to 47.) Cement. — For cementing. (Pages 75 and 76.) Leather Renovating Solutions. — For renovating leather and leather substitutes. (Page 73.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Can Manufacturers Preservative Paints. — For painting metal kegs. (Pages 78, 79, 119 and 120.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Canneries Alum. — For pickling and preserving. (Page 67.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Cap Manufacturers Fabrikoid. — For visors, hat sweats, or complete caps. (Pages 42 to 47.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) 153 Celebrations and Pageants Fireworks Powder. — For making fireworks. (Page 36.) Saltpetre. — For making fireworks. (Page 142.) Py=ra=lin Advertising Novelties, Banners and Buttons. (See Py-ra-lin Manufactured Articles, pages 58 to 60.) Paints and Colors. — For painting signs, banners, and properties. (Pages 87 to 140.) Cement Manufacturers (Portland) (See Quarrymen, page 180.) Chemical Manufacturers (Including Manufacturing Pharmacists) Charcoal. — For a drug, deodorizer, disinfectant, and stock powder. (Page 141.) Pitch. — For making shoemakers’ wax. (Page 77.) 180° Benzol (Water White Heavy Naphtha) . — For a variety of chemical compounds, degreasing compounds and as a solvent. (Page 82.) Iso Amyl Acetate. — For flavoring extracts and photometric stand- ard. (Page 70.) Ethyl Acetate U. S. P. — Used as a solvent. (Page 71.) Benzol. — For extracting, dissolving and crystallizing drugs and chemicals, and for degreasing and cleaning compounds. (Pages 81 to 83.) Refined Fusel Oil. — For a solvent, also base for manufacture of amyl acetate. (Page 69.) Sodium Acetate. — For use as such, and as a base for acetic acid and other acetates. (Pages 63 and 77.) Acids: Sulphuric, Hydrochloric, Nitric, Acetic, Lactic. — For reagents. (Pages 62 and 63.) Battery Solutions. — For filling batteries. (Page 65.) Alum. — For filtration and other uses. (Pages 66 and 67.) Bichromate of Soda. — For colors and battery solutions. (Page 68.) Distilled Water. — For all purposes. (Page 68.) Nitrate of Soda. — For all purposes. (Pages 141 and 142.) Coke. — For .carbon. (Page 77.) Diphenylamine. — For various uses in investigation. (Page 84.) Aniline. — For various uses in investigation. (Page 83.) Dimethylaniline. — For various uses in investigation. (Page 84.) Dinitrophenol. — For various uses in investigation. (Page 85.) Benzaldehyde. — For various uses in investigation. (Page 86.) Ether (Anaesthesia, U. S. P., “Washed”). — Anaesthetic, manufac- ture of liniments, solvent, liquid skin or court plaster, and corn cures. (Page 72.) Saltpetre (Powdered, Granulated, Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large Crystals). — For manufacturing drugs and live stock powders. (Page 142.) 154 Naphtha. — Solvent. (Pages 81 and 82.) Naphthalene. — Base for drugs and dyes. (Page 81.) Nitre Cake. — For preparation of sulphates, hydrochloric acid, and as a sulphuric acid substitute. (Page 143.) Drums. — For shipping and containers. (Page 146.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Special fume-resisting grades for exposed parts. Cities (See Municipalities, page 173.) Clay Miners (Pit and Underground) Du Pont Straight Dynamite. — For shooting flint clay, mudcapping boulders, and digging ditches to drain pits. (Page 1.) Red Cross Extra Dynamite. — For blasting down hard and soft clays and shale; for removing stumps and boulders, digging drainage ditches and stripping. (Pages 3 and 4.) Quarry Powder. — For blasting down hard and soft clays and shale; for removing stumps and boulders ; digging drainage ditches ; and stripping. (Pages 9 and 10.) Blasting Powder (A and B). — For blasting down clay and shale. (Pages 17 and 18.) Monobel No. 1. — For underground mining of flint clay. (Page 12). Thawing Kettles. — For thawing out frozen explosives. (Page 25.) Blasting Supplies. — See detailed description of each of these articles for uses. (Pages 19 to 26.) Clocks, Manufacturers of Py=ra=lin Transparent Sheeting. — For making crystals and cover- ing cases and dials. (Pages 51 to 53.) Py=ra=lin Colored Sheeting. — For making dials and covering cases. (Pages 56 and 57.) Py=ra=lin Dials. — For clock dials. (See Py-ra-lin Manufactured Articles, pages 58 to 60.) Household Cement and Water=proof Cement. — For cementing parts. (Pages 75 and 76.) Py=ra=Iin Cement. — For cementing py-ra-lin and celluloid. (Page 76.) . Nitre Cake. — For removing oxide and scale. (Page 143.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Clothing Manufacturers Household Cement. — For cementing fabrics. (Page 76.) Py=ra=lin Transparent Sheeting (Colored). — For cap visors. (Pages 52 and 53.) Py=ra=lin Sheeting. — For covering buttons. (Pages 51 to 53 and 55 to 57.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) 155 Collar and Cuff Manufacturers Py=ra=lin Sheeting (Solid or Interlined, Smooth or Linen Fin= ish). — For making collars and cuffs. (Pages 51, 52 and 55.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Comb Manufacturers Py=ra=lin Sheeting in Ivory, Shell, Transparent and Fancy Colors. — For the manufacture of combs and hair ornaments. (Pages 51 to 53 and 55 to 57.) Py=ra=lin Cement. — For cementing. (Page 76.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Contractors Du Pont Straight Dynamite 25 to 60%. — For wet work requiring a fast explosive, such as mudcapping boulders, mudcapping machineries, and in rock where a shattering explosive is desired ; for blasting ditches by the propagated method. (Page 1.) Red Cross Straight Dynamite 25 to 60% (a Low Freezing Explo= sive). — For blasting requiring a fast but comparatively insensitive ex- plosive ; used in road and railroad construction, quarrying and general excavation. (Pages 1 and 2.) Du Pont Extra 30 to 60% Dynamite. — For general excavation, in rock blasting, in dry work where marked shattering is not needed. (Pages 2 and 3.) Red Cross Extra 20 to 60% Dynamite (a Low Freezing, Insensi= tive Explosive). — For all classes of work where water trouble is not encountered. (Pages 3 and 4.) Du Pont Gelatin. — For blasting hard and medium rock, submarine work and close work. (Pages 4 and 5.) Repauno Gelatin 35 to 75%. — For blasting hard and medium rock, submarine work and close work. (Page 5.) Red Cross Gelatin 35 to 90%. — Used in general excavation in hard and medium rock and in submarine work ; also in ditch blasting through sandy ground, and in rock blasting where the burden is extremely heavy at the toe. (Page 4.) Du Pont Blasting Gelatin 100%. — Used in hard-shooting rock where the holes must be small, and in all classes of submarine work for harbor and river improvement, and for destroying wrecked vessels. (Page 6.) Red Cross Farm Powder. — For the same purposes as the low strengths of Red Cross Extra dynamite. (Page 7.) Du Pont RRP. — In dry work for excavating or stripping soil, shale and rock. (Pages 15 and 16.) Du Pont F, FF, FFF. — For same classes of work as Du Pont RRP where a stronger explosive is needed. (Page 16). 156 DU PONT BLASTING MACHINE AND ELECTRIC BLASTING CAP WORKS Du Pont Quarry Powder (Low Freezing). — For open work in rock, shale, and hard ground. (Pages 9 and 10.) Blasting Powder (A and B). — For stripping and excavating soil, shale and rock in dry work. (Pages 17 and 18.) Refined Tar. — For waterproofing foundation walls, for roofs, and for painting iron pipes; for road binder. (Page 78.) Dark Creosote. — For preserving timbers and other wooden parts. (Page 80.) Bags (Nitrate of Soda). — For cofferdams and levees. (Page 146.) Blasting Supplies. (See detailed description on pages 19 to 26.) Paints and Varnishes. — For all classes of buildings and equipment. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Decorators Pegamoid Aluminum Paint. — For finishing. (Page 74.) Pyroxylin Enamels. — For enameling surfaces. (Page 75.) Pyroxylin Solutions. — For finishing and water-proofing surfaces. (Page 75.) Wood and Metal Lacquers. — For lacquering surfaces. (Pages 76 and 77.) Fabrikoid. — For a leather substitute in all classes of decoration. (Pages 42 to 47.) Paints, Varnishes, Colors, Enamels, Stains, Bronzes. — For all classes of decoration. (Pages 71, 74, 75, 100' and 87 to 140.) 157 Degreasing Compounds, Manufacturers of Benzol. — For solvent. (Pages 81 to 83.) Toluol. — For solvent. (Page 82.) Naphtha. — For solvent. (Pages 81 and 82.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Distillers Barrels. — For shipping and containers. (Page 147.) Barrel Paints. — For painting all classes of barrels. (Page 129.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Divers Gelatin — Du Pont, Repauno, Red Cross. — For submarine blasting. (Pages 4 to 6.) Blasting Gelatin 100%. — For submarine blasting. (Page 6.) Py=ra=lin Transparent Sheeting. — For windows in helmets. (Pages 51 to 53.) Blasting Supplies. — (See detailed descriptions on pages 19 to 26.) Drug Manufacturers (See Chemical Manufacturers, pages 154 and 155.) Druggists (Retail) Py=ra=lin Manufactured Articles. — Toilet, Manicure, and Novelty. (Pages 58 to 60.) Saltpetre (All Standard Sizes of Crystals). — A drug. (Page 142.) Ether (Anaesthesia). — A drug. (Page 72.) Star Solvent. — A solvent. (Page 70.) Amyl Acetate. — Thinner for lacquers. (Page 70.) Paints and Varnishes. — All classes for all purposes. (Pages 71, 74 to 77, and 87 to 140.) Dyestuff Manufacturers Recovered Salt. — To precipitate aniline. (Page 144.) Aniline. — Component of dyes. (Page 83.) Sodium Acetate. — A solvent. (Page 63.) Amyl Acetate. — A solvent. (Page 70.) Alum. — For making colors. (Pages 66 and 67.) Bichromate of Soda. — For making colors. (Page 68.) Nitrate of Soda. — For making colors. (Pages 141 and 142.) Benzol. For making colors. (Pages 81 to 83.) Toluol. — For making colors. (Page 82.) Diphenylamine. — For making colors. (Page 84.) Aniline. — For making colors. (Page 83.) Dimethylaniline. — For making colors. (Page 84.) Binitrophenol. — For making colors. (Page 85.) 158 Benzaldehyde. — For making colors. (Page 86.) Tetramethyldiaminidiphenylmethane. (Page 84.) Nitre Cake. — For acidifying phenolates and naphtholates. (Page 143.) Acids: Sulphuric, Hydrochloric, Nitric, Benzoic. — (Pages 62 and 64.) Drums. — For shipping and containers. (Page 146.) Paints and Varnishes. — (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Electric Companies (Light and Power) Dynamite and Blasting Supplies. — For digging holes. (Pages 1 to 15 and 19 to 26.) Electric Fixture Manufacturers Py=ra=lin Sheeting, Rod, Tubing, and Beading. — For ornamental parts, shades and candle tubes. (Pages 51 to 58.) Lacquers. — For finishing surfaces. (Pages 76 and 77.) Pyroxylin Enamels. — For finishing surfaces. (Page 75.) Pyroxylin Solutions. — For finishing and water-proofing surfaces. (Page 75.) Nitre Cake. — For removing oxide and scale. (Page 143.) Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, Enamels, and Japans. — For finish- ing all classes of parts. Also for plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Electrical Instrument Manufacturers Amyl Acetate. — Thinner for lacquers. (Page 70.) Star Solvent. — Thinner for lacquers. (Page 70.) Water=proof Cement. — For cementing parts. (Pages 75 and 76.) Wood and Meta! Lacquers. — For finishing surfaces. (Pages 76 and 77.) Pyroxylin Enamels. — For finishing surfaces. (Page 75.) Pyroxylin Solutions. — For finishing and water-proofing surfaces. (Page 75.) Py=ra=lin Sheeting. — Different thicknesses and colors for making shades and ornamental parts, push buttons, meter disks and wheels, and candle tubes. (Pages 51 to 53, and 55 to 57.) Fabrikoid. — For covering cases. (Pages 42 to 47.) Nitre Cake. — For removing oxide and scale. (Page 143.) Technical Varnishes. — For varnishing coils and similar parts. (Manufactured on specifications to meet requirements.) Battery Solutions. — For filling batteries. (Page 65.) Coke. — For making carbon. (Page 77.) Paints, Varnishes, and Japans. — For finishing all classes of parts. Also for plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) 159 - Electrical Supplies Manufacturers Pitch. — For insulation. (Page 77.) Refined Tar. — For insulating wire. (Page 78.) Nitre Cake. — For removing oxide and scale. (Page 143.) Technical Varnishes. — For varnishing coils and similar parts. (Manufactured on specifications to meet requirements.) Dynamite and Blasting Supplies.— For digging pole holes. (Pages 1 to 15 and 19 to 26.) Paints, Varnishes, Enamels, and Japans. — For finishing all classes of parts, and for plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 74 to 77, 100 and 87 to 140.) Factories (See Plants, page 178.) Farmers Recovered Salt. — For soil treatment. (Page 144.) Paints and Varnishes. — For all classes of building and equipment. (Pages 87 to 140.) (See Professional Blasters, page 180.) Fertilizer Manufacturers Recovered Salt. — Used as a fertilizer ingredient and filler. (Page 144.) Saltpetre. — For manufacture of certain high grade blended fer- tilizers. (Page 142.) Nitre Cake. — For acidifying phosphates and as a conditioner. (Page 143.) Sulphuric Acid. — For making acid phosphate. (Page 62.) Paints and Varnishes.— For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Film Manufacturers (See Photographic Supplies Manufacturers, pages 177 and 178.) Fireworks Manufacturers Fireworks Powder. — For manufacture of all kinds of fireworks. (Page 36.) Saltpetre. — For manufacture of all kinds of fireworks. (Page 142.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Foresters Red Cross Extra Dynamite. — For building trails, and establishing fire breaks. (Pages 3 and 4.) Blasting Supplies. (See detailed descriptions for uses, pages 19 to 26.) 160 Foundries Nitre Cake. — For removing oxide and scale. (Page 143.) Black Sporting Powder. — For blowing out bolts and rivets. (Page 29.) Dynamite (Different Grades). — For breaking up large pieces of metal and loosening frozen metal. (Pages 1 to 15.) Refined Tar. — For painting castings. (Page 78.) Py=ra=lin. — For goggles made from clear and colored sheeting. (Pages 51 to 61.) Blasting Supplies. (See detailed description for uses, pages 19 to 26.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Furniture Manufacturers (Wood and Metal) Py=ra=lin Sheeting, Rod, and Beading. — For inlay, windows, and trim. (Pages 51 to 57.) Pyroxylin Enamels. — For finishing surfaces. (Page 75.) Pyroxylin Lacquers. — For finishing surfaces. (Pages 76 and 77.) Pyroxylin Solutions. — For finishing and water-proofing surfaces and as a wood filler. (Page 75.) Pegamoid Aluminum Paint. — For silver painting parts. (Page 74.) Fabrikoid. — For covering, upholstering, and trimming. (Pages 42 to 47.) Leather Renovators. — For renovating leather and leather substi- tutes. (Page 73.) Nitre Cake. — For removing oxide and scale. (Page 143.) Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, Enamels, Japans, Driers, and Stains. — For finishing all classes of furniture. (Pages 87 to 140.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Fuse Manufacturers Fuse Powder. — For making fuse. (Page 18.) Paints and Varnishes. — For Plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Garages Pyroxylin Lacquers. — For finishing and water-proofing surfaces. (Pages 76 and 77.) Leather Renovators. — For renovating and cleaning leather and leather substitutes. (Page 73.) Water=proof Cement. — For cementing wood and fabrics. (Pages 75 and 76.) Fabrikoid. — For re-upholstering, for tops and curtains. (Pages 42 to 47.) Py=ra=lin Sheeting. — For windows in curtains, dimmers and glare shields. (Pages 51 to 53 and 55 to 57.) 161 Drums. — For gasoline storage. (Page 146.) Galvanometers. — For testing out electric circuits. (Page 24.) Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, Enamels, and Driers. — For paint- ing, repainting, and touching up all classes of vehicles. Also for shop equipment and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Gas Companies Explosives and Blasting Supplies. — For all excavation including trenches. (See Contractors, pages 156 and 157.) Lead (Pig). — For caulking mains. (Page 145.) Metal Preservative Paints. — Rust-inhibitive paints for all classes of inside and outside metal. (Pages 78, 79, 119 and 120.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Gas Fixture Manufacturers Py=ra=lin Sheeting.— For shades and trimming and candle tubes. (Pages 51 to 53 and 55 to 57.) Pyroxylin Lacquers. — For finishing surfaces. (Pages 76 and 77.) Pyroxylin Enamels. — For finishing surfaces. (Page 75.) Pyroxylin Solutions. — For finishing and water-proofing surfaces. (Page 75.) Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, Bronzes, Enamels, Japans, and Driers. — For finishing all classes of parts. Also for plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 71, 100 and 87 to 140.) Gas Mantle Manufacturers Amyl Acetate and Star Solvent. — Solvents for mantle dip. (Page 70.) Mantle Dips. — For dipping gas mantles to prevent fracture. (Page 72.) Nitre Cake. — For removing oxide and scale. (Page 143.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Gilding Solution Manufacturers Gun Cotton. — A base for manufacture. (Pages 39 and 40.) Amyl Acetate. — Solvent. (Page 70.) Star Solvent. — Solvent. (Page 70.) Refined Fusel Oil. — Solvent. (Page 69.) Benzol. — Solvent. (Pages 81 to 83.) Bronze Powder. — For making bronzing solutions. (Page 71.) Bronzing Liquids. — For making bronzing solutions. (Pages 71 and 100 .) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) 162 Glass Manufacturers Nitrate of Soda. — Component of glass. (Pages 141 and 142.) Saltpetre. — Component of glass. (Page 142.) High Explosives. — For mining glass sand. (Pages 1 to 16.) Blasting Supplies. See detailed description for uses. (Pages 19 to 26.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Glue Manufacturers Litharge. — For making white glue. (Pages 124 and 125.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Government Engineers Blasting Gelatin. — For heavy submarine work. (Page 6.) Gelatin — Du Pont, Red Cross, Repauno. — For submarine work and river and harbor improvements. (Pages 4 to 6.) High Explosives. — For general construction work. (Pages 1 to 16.) Low Powders. — For general construction work. (Pages 15 and 16.) Blasting Powder. — For general construction work. (Pages 17 and 18.) Py=ra=lin. — For manufacture of scientific instruments, and for win- dows in submarines, aeroplanes, motor trucks and automobiles. (Pages 51 to 61.) Pontar. — For road binder. (Page 78.) Bags (Nitrate of Soda). — For cofferdams and levee work. (Page 146.) Nitre Cake. — For acidifying ponds as a larvicide. (Page 143.) Dark Creosote. — For preserving wooden timbers. (Page 80.) Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, Enamels, Japans. — For all purposes, inside and outside, including ship paints. (Pages 75 to 77 and 87 to 140.) Fabrikoid. — For upholstering automobiles, trucks, and ships’ fur- niture. (Pages 42 to 47.) Blasting Supplies. — See detailed descriptions for uses. (Pages 19 to 26.) Government and Military Departments Cannon Powders. — Smokeless propelling charges. (Pages 37 and 38.) Triton (Trinitrotoluol or T. N. T.). — For bursting charges and manufacture of explosives. (Page 38.) Gun Cotton. — For mines and manufacture of other explosives. (Pages 39 and 40.) Detonators — Percussion. — For detonating explosives. (Page 39.) Py=ra=lin Discs. — For primers. (Page 41.) 163 Py=ra=Iin Sheeting. — For manufacture of scientific instruments and for flexible glass. (Pages 51 to 53 and 55 to 57.) Ether. — For laboratory use. (Page 72.) Black Powder. — For shrapnel bursting charge. (Page 40.) Black Powder Pellets. — For shrapnel. (Page 40.) Black Powder Time Fuse Powder. — For time fuse. (Page 40.) Black Powder Base Charge. — For shrapnel base charge. (Page 40.) Bags (Nitrate of Soda). — For trench work. (Page 146.) Drums. — For pontoon bridges. (Page 146.) Nitre Cake. — For acidifying ponds and marshy places as a larvicide. (Page 143.) High Explosives. — For clearing and draining military camps, for digging latrines, for laying mines, and for demolition purposes. (Pages 1 to 26.) Blasting Supplies. — See detailed descriptions for uses. (Pages 19 to 26.) Dark Creosote. — For disinfecting camps. (Page 80.) Rubber Cloth Blankets. — For dressing station water-proof blankets. (Page 50.) Aeroplane Varnish. — For finishing cotton and linen planes. (Page 86.) Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, and Enamels. — For all purposes. (Pages 75 to 77 and 87 to 140.) Gun Manufacturers Fabrikoid. — For making gun cases. Saltpetre. — For bluing barrels. (Page 142.) Varnishes. — For finishing gun stocks. Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Hardware (Builders’) Manufacturers Bags (Nitrate of Soda). — For shipping small parts. (Page 146.) Pyroxylin Enamels. — For finishing surfaces. (Page 75.) Pyroxylin Lacquers. — For finishing surfaces. (Pages 76 and 77.) Py=ra=lin Sheeting. — For decorating. (Pages 51 to 53 and 55 to 57.) Nitre Cake. — For removing oxide and scale. (Page 143.) Paints and Varnishes. — All kinds for all purposes. Also for plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Hardware Specialty Manufacturers Bags (Nitrate of Soda). — For shipping small parts. (Page 146.) Pyroxylin Enamels. — For finishing surfaces. (Page 75.) Pyroxylin Lacquers. — For finishing surfaces. (Pages 76 and 77.) Py=ra=lin. — For flexible glass, handles and trimmings. (Pages 51 to 61.) Fabrikoid. — For covering surfaces. (Pages 42 to 47.) 164 Nitre Cake. — For removing oxide and scale. (Page 143.) Rubber Cloth. — For tool bags and covers. (Pages 48 to 50.) Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, Enamels, Japans, and Driers. — For finishing all kinds of parts. Also for plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Harness Makers Py=ra=lin Rings and Loops. — For martingales and keepers, and har- ness decorations. (See Py-ra-lin Manufactured Articles, pages 58 to 60.) Leather Renovators. — For renovating leather and leather substi- tutes. (Page 73.) Belt Cement. — For cementing leather. (Page 76.) Fabrikoid. — For making parts and for trimming. Also for covers. (Pages 42 to 47.) Rubber Cloth. — For covers and parts. (Pages 48 to 50.) Japans, Lacquers, and Enamels. — For finishing parts. (Pages 75 to 77 and 87 to 140.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Heating Supplies Manufacturers Pyroxylin Lacquers. — For finishing surfaces. (Pages 76 and 77.) Pyroxylin Enamels. — For finishing surfaces. (Page 75.) Pegamoid Aluminum Paint. — For silver painting. (Page 74.) Bronzing Solutions. — For bronze painting. (Pages 71 and 100.) Metal Paints (Antoxide, Ferro=Keep, and Carpo). — Rust-inhibi- tive paints for painting parts. (Pages 78, 79, 119 and 120.) Paints and Varnishes. — For finishing parts. Also for plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Homes Py=ra=Iin Sheeting, Rods, Tubing, Beading. — For making orna- mental articles. (Pages 51 to 58.) Fabrikoid. — For upholstering and covering furniture, making screens, table covers, hats, and useful and ornamental articles. (Pages 42 to 47.) Household Cement. — For cementing wood and fabrics. (Page 76.) Pyroxylin Enamels. — For finishing wood and metal surfaces. (Page 75.) Bronzing Solutions. — For painting surfaces of wood and metal. (Pages 71 and 100.) Paints, Varnishes, Floor Waxes, and Other Finishes. — For paint- ing all parts of homes and buildings. (Pages 87 to 140.) Pyroxylin Lacquers. — For finishing wood and metal surfaces. (Pages 76 and 77.) Pyroxylin Solutions. — For finishing wood and metal surfaces. (Page 75.) 165 Pegamoid Aluminum Paint. — For silver painting surfaces, wood and metal. (Page 74.) Py=ra=lin Manufactured Articles. — Including manicure sets, toilet sets, brushes, combs, salad sets, perfume bottles, toys, and novelties. (Pages 58 to 60.) Nitre Cake. — For cleaning out fouled drains. (Page 143.) Hospitals Parlodion. — For sealing small wounds. (Page 74.) Ether (Anaesthesia). — For an anaesthetic. (Page 72.) Py=ra=lin Tubes. — For drinking tubes. (Pages 54 to 56 and 58.) Sanitary Paints. — For painting interiors. (Pages 88, 89, 125 and 134.) Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, Enamels, and Japans. — For paint- ing and water-proofing all parts of buildings. (Pages 75 to 77 and 87 to 140.) Hotels Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, Enamels, Bronzes, and Japans. — For finishing all inside and outside parts and equipment, and for fin- ishing and refinishing furnishings. (Pages 71, 74 to 77, 100, and 87 to 140.) Stove Pipe Enamel. — For stoves, ranges, and pipes. (Page 100.) Fabrikoid. — For upholstering office and chamber furniture. (Pages 42 to 47.) Py=ra=lin Collars, Cuffs, and Shirt Fronts. — For service. (Page 61.) Ice Plants Bags (Nitrate of Soda). — For shipping ice. (Page 146.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Instrument (Engineering) Manufacturers Py=ra=lin Sheeting. — For covering and windows. (Pages 51 to 53 and 55 to 57.) Lacquers and Enamels. — For finishing parts. (Pages 75 to 77.) Fabrikoid. — For covers. (Pages 42 to 47.) Rubber Cloth. — For covers. (Pages 48 to 50.) Paints and Varnishes. — For finishing parts, and for plants, equip- ment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Insulation Material Manufacturers Amyl Acetate. — For solvent. (Page 70.) Star Solvent. — For solvent. (Page 70.) Water-proof Cement. — For cementing. (Pages 75 and 76.) Pitch. — For insulating compounds. (Page 77.) Refined Tar. — For manufacturing insulated wire. (Page 78.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178 ; also pages 87 to 140.) 166 Jewelers and Manufacturing Jewelers Py=ra=Iin Sheeting (Transparent and Colored). — For manufactur- ing novelties and parts of jewelry and boxes. (Pages 51 to 53 and 55 to 57.) Py=ra=lin Combs (Tortoise Shell and Ivory). — For silver mount- ings. (See Py-ra-lin Manufactured Articles, pages 58 to 60.) Py=ra=lin Sheeting (Bronze and Other Colors). — For inlays and covering. (Pages 51 to 53 and 55 to 57.) Py=ra=lin Manufactured Articles. — Including manicure sets, toilet sets, combs, brushes, desk fittings, and novelties. (Pages 58 to 60.) Lacquers and Enamels. — For decorating and protecting precious metal surfaces. (Pages 75 to 77.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Kyanizing Works Dark Creosote (Different Grades Including Shingle Oil). — For impregnating wood. (Page 80.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) PART OF DU PONT BLASTING CAP WORKS 167 Lacquer Manufacturers Amyl Acetate. — Solvent in the manufacture of lacquers. (Page 70.) Refined Fusel Oil. — Solvent in the manufacture of lacquers. (Page 69.) Benzol. — Solvent in the manufacture of lacquers. (Pages 81 to 83.) Star Solvent. — Solvent in the manufacture of lacquers. (Page 70.) Pyroxylin Solutions. — Base for lacquers. (Page 75.) Drums. — For storing and shipping. (Page 146.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Leather Goods Manufacturers (Including Bags, Trunks, and Cases) Fabrikoid. — For making covering, lining, and trimming. (Pages 42 to 47.) Leather Renovators. — For cleaning and renovating leather and leather substitutes. (Page 73.) Household Cement. — For cementing. (Page 76.) Py=ra=Iin Sheeting and Rod. — For windows in tags, clasps, and decorating. (Pages 51 to 57.) Py=ra=Iin Manufactured Articles. — For fittings in baggage, includ- ing toilet sets, manicure sets, combs, brushes, mirrors and boxes. (Pages 58 to 60.) Nitre Cake. — For removing oxide and scale. (Page 143.) Pyroxylin Lacquers and Enamels. — For finishing cleats, cornice, locks, hinges, and trim. (Pages 75 to 77.) Rubber Cloth. — For making and covering trim and lining. (Pages 48 to 50.) Belt Cement. — For cementing leather parts. (Page 76.) Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, Enamels, and Japans. — For finishing all kinds of parts and for plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Lens Manufacturers Nitre Cake. — For removing iron oxide after polishing. (Page 143.) Enamels and Lacquers. — For decorating and preserving mountings. (Pages 75 to 77.) Chemicals. — Various chemicals for components of glass. (Pages 62 to 86.) Xylol. — For cleaning lenses. (Page 82.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Lighting Fixture Manufacturers Pyroxylin Enamels. — For finishing surfaces. (Page 75.) Pyroxylin Lacquers. — For finishing surfaces. (Pages 76 and 77.) Pegamoid Aluminum Paint. — For silver painting surfaces. (Page 74.) 168 Py-ra-lin Sheeting, Rod, and Beading. — For shades, shields, trim- ming, and candle tubes. (Pages 51 to 57.) Nitre Cake. — For removing oxide and scale. (Page 143.) Bronzing Solutions. — For gold-painting surfaces. (Pages 71 and 100 .) Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, Enamels, and Japans. — For finishing all kinds of parts. (Pages 87 to 140.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Linoleum Manufacturers Wood Pulp. — For making surface of linoleum. (Page 141.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Loading Companies Smokeless Shotgun Powder (Bulk and Dense). — For loading shotgun shells. (Pages 27 and 28.) Black Sporting Powder. — For loading shotgun shells, rifle and pistol cartridges. (Page 29.) Lesmok (Partly Smokeless). — For loading .22 calibre cartridges. (Page 36.) Rifle Smokeless Powder. — For loading all classes of rifle cartridges. (Pages 31 to 37.) Fulminate of Mercury. — For making primers. (Page 39.) Bags. — For shipping. (Page 146.) Nitre Cake. — For removing oxide and scale. (Page 143.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Locomotive Manufacturers Fabrikoid. — For upholstering seats and making curtains. (Pages 42 to 47.) Rubber Cloth. — For upholstering seats and making curtains. (Pages 48 to 50.) Nitre Cake. — For removing oxide and scale. (Page 143.) Py=ra=lin Sheeting. — For flexible windows. (Pages 51 to 53 and 55 to 57.) Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, and Japans. — For finishing all kinds of parts. (Pages 75 to 77 and 87 to 140.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Lubricants, Manufacturers of Refined Tar. — For making crude lubricants. (Page 78.) Naphtha and Toluol. — Solvents and thinners. (Pages 81 and 82.) Barrels. — For shipping lubricants. (Page 147.) Drums. — For shipping and containers. (Page 146.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) 169 Lumbermen Red Cross Extra Dynamite. — For building roads and trams and for topping. (Pages 3 and 4.) Blasting Powder. — For splitting large logs. (Pages 17 and 18.) Blasting Supplies. — See detailed descriptions for uses. (Pages 19 to 26.) Lumber Companies (Manufacturing) Dark Creosote and Shingle Oil. — For treating and preserving wood and shingles. (Page 80.) Paints and Varnishes. — All kinds for finishing manufactured arti- cles and for plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Machine Shops Py=ra-lin Sheeting. — For making goggles and screens to protect workmen. (Pages 51 to 53 and 55 to 57.) Bags (Nitrate of Soda). — For shipping parts. (Page 146.) Boxes and Barrels. — For shipping parts. (Page 147.) Technical Varnishes. — For varnishing electric coils and similar articles. (Manufactured on specifications to meet requirements.) Paints and Varnishes. — For shops, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Machinery Manufacturers Bronzing Solutions. — For bronze painting. (Pages 71 and 100.) Belt Cement. — For cementing belts. (Page 76.) Pegamoid Aluminum Paint. — For silver painting parts. (Page 74.) Py=ra=Iin Sheeting. — For cutting boards in die cutting. (Pages 51 to 53 and 55 to 57.) Paints and Varnishes. — All kinds for all purposes, including fillers and machinery paints and enamels. Also for plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to i40.) Manicure and Toilet Article and Case Manufacturers Fabrikoid. — For making cases and covering boxes. (Pages 42 to 47.) Py=ra=lin Sheeting, Tubing, Rods, and Beading. — For making all or parts of articles, cases or boxes. (Pages 51 to 58.) Pyroxylin Lacquers. — For finishing surfaces. (Pages 76 and 77.) Pyroxylin Enamels. — For finishing surfaces. (Page 75.) Py=ra=lin. — Articles or parts of articles, brushes, combs, handles, boxes and parts. (Pages 51 to 61.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) 170 Master Painters Paints, Varnishes, and Other Fillers. — A complete line, including fillers, graining compound, waxes, white lead, red lead, shellacs, japans, and special paints for special purposes, specially prepared to meet most difficult uses in the hands of experienced master painters. (Pages 87 to 140.) Measuring Machine Manufacturers Py=ra=Iin Sheeting. — For making scale, keys, windows, and for covering. (Pages 51 to 53 and 55 to 57.) Fabrikoid. — For covering. (Pages 42 to 47.) Pyroxylin Lacquers, Enamels, and Solutions. — For finishing and decorating surfaces. (Pages 75 to 77.) Pegamoid Aluminum Paint. — For silver painting surfaces. (Page 74.) Nitre Cake. — For removing oxide and scale. (Page 143.) Rubber Cloth. — For coverings. (Pages 48 to 50.) Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, Enamels, and Japans. — For finishing and decorating all classes of parts. Also for plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Merchants (Retail and Wholesale) Py=ra=lin Collars. (Page 61.) High Explosives. (Pages 1 to 16.) Low Powder. (Pages 15 and 16.) Blasting Powder. (Pages 17 and 18.) All Blasting Supplies. (Pages 19 to 26.) Fireworks Powders. (Page 36.) Saltpetre. (Page 142.) Sporting Powders (Principally in Loaded Shells). (Pages 27 to 29.) Pyroxylin Enamels, Lacquers, and Solutions. (Pages 75 to 77.) Refined Nitrate of Soda. (Pages 141 and 142.) Pegamoid Aluminum Paint. (Page 74.) Creosote Paints. (Pages 79 and 80.) Shingle Dip. (Page 103.) Fabrikoid. (Pages 42 to 47.) Manufactured Py=ra=lin Articles. (Pages 58 to 60.) Bags. (Page 146.) Barrels. (Page 147.) Drums. (Page 146.) Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, Enamels, Bronzes, Solvents. Thin= ners, Driers, and Floor Wax. (Pages 71, 74 to 77, 100, and 87 to 140.) Rubber Cloth. (Pages 48 to 50.) Stove Enamel. (Page 100.) Pontoklene. (Page 86.) 171 Metal Workers Pegamoid Aluminum Paint. — For silver painting surfaces. (Page 740 Pyroxylin Lacquers. — For finishing and decorating surfaces. (Pages 76 and 77.) Pyroxylin Enamels. — For finishing and decorating surfaces. (Page 75.) Pyroxylin Solutions. — For finishing and decorating surfaces. (Page 75.) Fabrikoid. — For decorating and finishing parts. (Pages 42 to 47.) Py=ra=!in Transparent Sheeting. — For goggles, shields, and eye protectors. (Pages 51 to 53.) Py=ra=!in Sheeting. — For blocks for light die cutting machines. (Pages 51 to 53 and 55 to 57.) Bronzing Liquids. — For gold painting. (Pages 71 and 100.) Rubber Cloth. — For making covers. (Pages 48 to 50.) Paints, Varnishes, Enamels, Lacquers, and Japans. — For finishing all classes of parts. Also for plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Metal Workers (Art Manufacturers) Nitre Cake. — For removing oxide and scale. (Page 143.) Benzol. — For cleaner. (Pages 81 to 83.) Pegamoid Aluminum Paint. — For silver painting surfaces. (Page 74.) Pyroxylin Enamels, Lacquers, and Solutions. — For finishing,, deco- rating and water-proofing surfaces. (Pages 75 to 77.) Py=ra=lin Sheeting, Rod, and Beading. — For decorating. (Pages 51 to 57.) Bronzing Liquids. — For gold painting. (Pages 71 and 100.) Rubber Cloth. — For making covers. (Pages 48 to 50.) Paints, Varnishes, Enamels, Lacquers, and Japans. — For finishing all classes of parts. Also for plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Milliners and Milliners’ Supplies Manufacturers Amyl Acetate. — For making and dissolving lacquers. (Page 70.) Star Solvent. — For making and dissolving lacquers. (Page 70.) Pyroxylin Enamels, Lacquers, and Solutions. — For finishing and decorating surfaces. (Pages 75 to 77.) Py=ra=!in Sheeting, Tubing, Rod, and Beading. — For making orna- mental designs, buckles, and pinheads. (Pages 51 to 58.) Fabrikoid. — For making and trimming hats. (Pages 42 to 47.) Bronzing Liquids. — For gold painting. (Pages 71 and 100.) Paints, Varnishes, Enamels, Lacquers, and Japans. — For finishing parts. Also for plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) 172 Miners Du Pont Straight Dynamite 25 to 60%. — For shooting down ore and general blasting. (Page 1.) Du Pont Extra Dynamite. — For shooting down ore and general blasting. (Pages 2 and 3.) Red Cross Dynamite. — For shooting down ore and general blasting. (Pages 1 to 4.) Red Cross Extra Dynamite 20 to 60%. — For shooting down ore and general blasting. (Pages 3 and 4.) Red Star — In Various Grades and Strengths. — For export only. (Page 12.) Monobel (Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6). — Permissible Explosives for shooting different classes of ore. (Pages 12 to 14.) Carbonite (Nos. 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6). — Permissible Explosives for shooting various kinds of ore. (Pages 14 and 15). Du Pont Gelatin 35 to 70%. — For very hard ore. (Pages 4 and 5.) Repauno Gelatin 35 to 75%. — For very hard ore. (Page 5.) Red Cross Gelatin 35 to 90%. — For very hard ore. (Page 4.) “B” Blasting Powder. — For mining soft coal and soft ore. (Page 18.) Low Powder (Du Pont RRP, F, FF, FFF). — Stripping and blast- ing. (Pages 15 and 16.) Py=ra=lin Transparent Sheeting. — For goggles and eye shields and flexible windows. (Pages 51 to 53.) Nitre Cake. — For flotation and cyanide processes. (Page 143.) Dark Creosote. — For preserving props and timbers. (Page 80.) Blasting Supplies. — See detailed description for uses. (Pages 19 to 26.) Paints and Varnishes. For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Municipalities Pitch. — For roofing and block paving filler. (Page 77.) Pontar. — For bitulithic road binder. (Page 78.) Paints and Varnishes. — For all purposes, including decorating and preserving interiors and exteriors of public buildings, or for painting and preserving from rust all classes of steel structures and posts. Also for painting signs and signals. (Pages 75 to 77 and 87 to 140.) Fabrikoid. — For upholstering furniture in public buildings. (Pages 42 to 47.) Explosives and Blasting Supplies. — For all classes of excavation and demolition. (Pages 1 to 16 and 19 to 26.) High Explosives. — For fire fighting. (Pages 1 to 16.) (See also Contractors and Professional Blasters, pages 156, 157 and 180 .) 173 Munition Manufacturers Cannon Powders. — Black and smokeless cannon powders, propelling charges. (Pages 37 and 38.) Triton (Trinitrotoluol or T. N. T.). — High explosive for bursting shell charge and for manufacturing other explosives. (Page 38.) Gun Cotton. — Nitrated cotton for mines and manufacturing other explosives. (Pages 39 and 40.) Detonators — Percussion. — For firing high explosives. (Page 39.) Saltpetre (Six Sizes of Crystals). — For manufacture of black powder. (Page 142.) Py=ra=lin Sheeting. — For making primer discs. (Pages 51 to 53 and 55 to 57.) Py=ra=lin Discs. — For closing disc of field gun primer. (Page 41.) Black Powder. — Bursting charge for shrapnel. (Page 40.) Black Powder Pellets. — Shrapnel fuses and for central tube of shrapnel and field gun primers. (Page 40.) Black Powder Base Charge. — Base charge of shrapnel fuse and field gun primers. (Page 40.) Pyroxylin Lacquers and Varnishes. — For varnishing all classes of shells. (Pages 76 and 77.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) A BIT OF A BLASTING POWDER PLANT 174 Musical Instrument Manufacturers Py=ra=lin Sheeting. — For making organ and piano keys, guitar and mandolin pegs, bridges, picks, inlays, and trimming. (Pages 51 to 53 and 55 to 57.) Pyroxylin Lacquers. — For finishing. (Pages 76 and 77.) Pyroxylin Enamels. — For finishing. (Page 75.) Pyroxylin Solutions. — For finishing. (Page 75.) Fabrikoid. — For making and covering cases. (Pages 42 to 47.) Nitre Cake. — For removing oxide and scale. (Page 143.) Rubber Cloth. — For making covers and cases. (Pages 48 to 50.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Novelty, Toy, and Doll Manufacturers Fabrikoid. — For making or covering all or parts of articles. (Pages 42 to 47.) Py=ra=lin Sheeting (Transparent and Colored). — For making dolls, rattles, rings, teething rings, toys, and for covering and inlaying same ; also for making and covering boxes. (Pages 51 to 53 and 55 to 57.) Pyroxylin Enamels, Lacquers, and Solutions. — For finishing and decorating metal and wooden parts. (Pages 75 to 77.) Water=proof Cement and Household Cement. — For cementing dif- ferent materials. (Pages 75 and 76.) Pegamoid Aluminum Paint. — For silver painting parts of articles. (Page 74.) Nitre Cake. — For removing oxide and scale. (Page 143.) Wood Pulp. — For making doll heads and similar articles. (Page 141.) Paints and Varnishes. — For all classes of parts and for plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Office Supplies Manufacturers Py=ra=lin Sheeting. — For making pen and pencil holders, pen and pencil racks, ink wells, blotter pads, blotter corners, paper knives ; also for index and guide cards. (Pages 51 to 53 and 55 to 57.) Py=ra=lin Manufactured Articles. — Ink wells, pen and pencil holders, pen and pencil racks, blotter pads, blotter corners. (Pages 58 to 60.) Water=proof Cement. — For cementing wood and fabrics. (Pages 75 and 76.) Pyroxylin Enamels, Lacquers, and Solutions. — For finishing and decorating all classes of material. (Pages 75 to 77.) Fabrikoid. — For upholstering, trimming, and decorating furniture. (Pages 42 to 47.) Nitre Cake. — For removing oxide and scale. (Page 143.) Rubber Cloth . — For making covers. (Pages 48 to 50.) Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, Enamels, and Japans. — For finish ing and decorating all classes of supplies. (Pages 87 to 140.) Paints and Varnishes. — For finishing walls, ceilings, floors, and fittings, especially liquid light for improving light conditions. (Pages 87 to 140.) 175 Offices Fabrikoid. — For upholstering and trimming furniture and for deco- rations and wall coverings. (Pages 42 to 47.) Py=ra=lin Manufactured Articles. — Pen and pencil holders, pen and pencil racks, ink wells, blotter pads, paper weights, and paper knives. (Pages 58 to 60.) Paints and Varnishes. — For finishing and decorating offices and fixtures. (Pages 71, 75 to 77, 100, and 87 to 140.) Ordnance Manufactures (See Munition Manufacturers, page 174.) Packers, Meat Saltpetre (Six Standard Sizes). — For preserving meats. (Page 142.) Nitrate of Soda — Refined. — For preserving meats. (Pages 141 and 142.) Recovered Salt. — For salting pelts. (Page 144.) Wood Oil. — For curing smoked hams. (Page 144.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Painters (See Master Painters, page 171.) Paint and Varnish Manufacturers Py=ra=Iin Sheeting. — For making up color sample cards. (Pages 52, 53, 56 and 57.) Charcoal. — For the manufacture of paint. (Page 141.) Wood Oil. — A solvent. (Page 144.) Refined Tar. — For making preservative tar paints. (Page 78.) Creosotes and Shingle Oil. — For making shingle stains and pre- servative paints. (Pages 79 and 80.) Dead Oil. — A heavy solvent for paints. (Page 80.) Naphtha (Different Grades and 180° Benzol). — As solvent and paint vehicle. (Pages 81 and 82.) Benzol. — Solvent and paint vehicle. (Pages 81 to 83.) Amyl Acetate. — For making japans and lacquers. (Page 70.) Bronzing Liquids. — For making bronze and aluminum paints. (Pages 71 and 100.) Pyroxylin. — For manufacturing lacquers, bronzes, enamels, and metal paints. (Page 74.) Pyroxylin Solutions. — For water-proofing compounds. (Page 75.) Refined Fusel Oil. — A solvent. (Page 69.) Drums. — For shipping and containers. (Page 146.) Barrels. — For shipping and containers. (Page 147.) Acids: Sulphuric, Hydrochloric, and Nitric. — For re-agents* (Page 62.) 176 Alum. — For making colors. (Pages 66 and 67.) Dry Colors. — For making paints. (Page 136.) Paste Colors. — For making paints. (Pages 121, 122, 123, and 133.) Colors in Oil. — For tinting. (Pages 94 and 127.) Industrial Paints and Varnishes. — For decorating, finishing, and preserving all classes of plant equipment. (Pages 87 to 140.) Paper Manufacturers Saltpetre (Six Standard Granulations). — In manufacturing certain kinds of paper. (Page 142.) Nitre Cake. — For bleaching. (Page 143.) Scrap Paper. — For making paper. (Page 145.) Bags (Nitrate of Soda). — For making paper. (Page 146.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Parties, Camping and Picnic Du Pont Hand Trap. — For throwing clay targets. (Page 30.) Py=ra=lin Transparent Sheeting. — For tent windows. (Pages 51 to 53.) Sporting Powders. — Principally in loaded shells and metallic car- tridges. (Pages 27 to 29.) Nitre Cake. — For acidifying ponds for a larvicide. (Page 143.) Drums. — For gasoline and oil storage. (Page 146.) Patent Leather Manufacturers Patent Leather Solutions. — For putting on the patent surfacing. (Page 73.) Pyroxylin Solutions. — For thinning patent leather solutions. (Page 75.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Perfume Makers Amyl Acetate. — For solvents and odors. (Page 70.) Star Solvent. — For solvents and odors. (Page 70.) Benzaldehyde. — For making perfume. (Page 86.) Pharmacists (See Chemical Manufacturers, pages 154 and 155.) Phonograph Manufacturers (See Musical Instrument Manufacturers, page 175.) Photographic Supplies Manufacturers Amyl Acetate. — Solvents for making films. (Page 70.) Star Solvent. — Solvents for making films. (Page 70.) Py=ra=lin Transparent Sheeting. — For making films, negatives and prints. (Pages 51 to 53.) 177 Py=ra=lin Transparent Sheeting (Red).— For dark room windows. (Pages 52 and 53.) Sodium Acetate. — For making acetic acid. (Page 63.) Electric Squibs. — Flashlights. (Page 22.) Leading Wire. — Connecting up flashlights. (Page 23.) Pyroxylin Solutions. — For making kodak and motion picture films. (Page 75.) Paints and Varnishes. — For parts and for plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Piano Manufacturers (See Musical Instrument Manufacturers, page 175.) Pipe Foundries Dynamite and Blasting Supplies. — For breaking up material and frozen metal. (Pages 1 to 15 and 19 to 26.) Scrap Iron (Cast). — For reworking. (Pages 144 and 145.) Paints (Rust=Inhibitive). — For all classes of pipes. (Pages 78, 79, 119 and 120.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Pipe (Smoking) Manufacturers Py=ra=lin Pipe Bits — Finished. (See Py-ra-lin Manufactured Articles, pages 58 to 60.) Py=ra=Iin Rods (Colored or Transparent). — For making bits. (Pages 53 to 57.) Benzol. — A degreasing compound. (Pages 81 to 83.) Py=ra=lin Cigar and Cigarette Holders. (See Py-ra-lin Manu- factured Articles, pages 58 to 60.) Fabrikoid. — For covering and lining pipe cases. (Pages 42 to 47.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Plants Paints, Varnishes, Enamels, Lacquers, Bronzes, Japans, Fillers, Driers, and Similar Compounds. — For Structural Steel (Rust-Inhibi- tives), smokestacks, boiler fronts, brick walls, wood, metal and com- position interiors and exteriors. (Pages 71, 75 to 77, 100, and 87 to 140.) For many of these purposes, complete systems, including all of the above materials required, together with advice with regard to each indi- vidual step in the methods, are offered. (Pages 139 and 140.) Liquid Light. — For interiors, floors, roofs, machine parts, electrical appliances, and engine parts. (Page 134.) Black Powder. — For cleaning out stacks. (Page 29.) Nitre Cake. — For removing oxide and scale. (Page 143.) 178 Plumbers Pegamoid Aluminum Paint. — For silver painting surfaces and pipes. (Page 74.) Py=ra=lin Manufactured Articles. — Seat and stool covers, pull handles. (Pages 58 to 60.) Lead (Pig). — For caulking and soldering. (Page 145.) Nitre Cake. — For clearing out fouled pipes and drains. (Page 143.) Red Lead. — For joints. (Page 124.) Bronzing Solutions. — For gold painting. (Pages 71 and 100.) Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, Enamels, and Japans. — For finish- ing all classes of surfaces. (Pages 71, 74 to 77, 100, and 87 to 140.) Paints and Varnishes. — For shops, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Plumbing Supplies Manufacturers Pegamoid Aluminum Paint. — For silver painting surfaces, pipe and similar articles. (Page 74.) Pyroxylin Enamels, Lacquers, and Solutions. — For finishing, deco- rating, and water-proofing all kinds of surfaces. (Pages 75 to 77.) Bags (Nitrate of Soda). — For shipping supplies. (Page 146.) Py=ra=Iin Sheeting. — For making seat and stool covers, pull handles. (Pages 51 to 53 and 55 to 57.) Py=ra=Iin Manufactured Articles. — Soap boxes, pull handles, mir- rors, and mirror frames. (Pages 58 to 60.) Nitre Cake. — For removing oxide and scale. (Page 143.) Lead (Pig). — For re-working. (Page 145.) Red Lead. — For making joints. (Page 124.) Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, Enamels, and Japans. — For finishing all classes of surfaces. (Pages 71, 74 to 77, 100, and 87 to 140.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Potters Recovered Salt. — For glazing. (Page 144.) Barrels. — For shipping. (Page 147.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Powder Makers Ether. — For solvent. (Page 72.) Benzol. — For solvent. (Pages 81 to 83.) Naphtha. — For solvent. (Pages 81 and 82.) Toluol. — For solvent. (Page 82.) Wood Pulp (Grades SA, B, D, L). — For nitration and dope. (Page 141.) Charcoal. — For manufacture of blasting and sporting powders. (Page 141.) Saltpetre. — For manufacture of blasting and sporting powders. (Page 142.) 179 Sodium Nitrate. — For manufacture of blasting powder. (Pages 141 and 142.) Gun Cotton. — For manufacturing smokeless powder and gelatin. (Pages 39 and 40.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Professional Blasters Du Pont Straight Dynamite 25 to 60%. — For ditch blasting by propagated method, stumping in sandy soils, mudcapping hard boulders, blasting post and pole holes, and road building. (Page 1.) Red Cross Extra 20 to 60%. — For practically all kinds of general blasting, including ditching, boulder blasting, stumping, subsoiling, tree planting, excavating, and blasting post and pole holes. (Pages 3 and 4.) Red Cross Farm Powder. — For tree planting, subsoiling, light stumping, excavating, and blasting holes. (Page 7.) Du Pont Stumping Powder. — For stump blasting, tree planting, subsoiling, excavating, road building and ditch digging on the west coast. (Pages 8 and 9.) Repauno Stumping Powder. — For stump blasting, tree planting, subsoiling, excavating, road building and ditch digging on the west coast. (Page 9.) Red Cross Gelatin 35 to 90%. — For blasting ditches in sandy ground and for other blasting where the explosive must be under water for a long time. (Page 4.) Blasting Supplies. (See detailed description for uses, pages 19 to 26.) Pulley and Hoisting Machinery Manufacturers Nitre Cake. — For removing oxide and scale. (Page 143.) Paints and Varnishes. — For parts and for plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Quarrymen Du Pont Straight Dynamite 25 to 60%. — For hard blasting rock and where shattering effect is desired; useful for wet work and mud- capping and blockholing. (Page 1.) Red Cross Straight Dynamite 25 to 60%. — A low freezing pow- der for hard rock under cold conditions for shooting down, mudcap- ping and blockholing stone. (Pages 1 and 2.) Du Pont Extra 30 to 60%. — For shooting down, mudcapping and blockholing stone. (Pages 2 and 3.) Red Cross Extra 20 to 60% (Low Freezing). — For shooting down, blockholing and mudcapping stone. (Pages 3 and 4.) Quarry Powder. — An especially adapted powder for shooting down, and blockholing stone. (Pages 9 and 10.) Red Star. — High explosive for export only; for general use in quarry. (Page 12.) 180 Blasting Powder (A and B). — For blasting dimension stone and for blasting other stone where large drill holes or tunnels are used. (Pages 17 and 18.) Low Powders, RRP, F, FF, FFF. — For blasting. (Pages 15 and 16.) Monobel No. 1. — For shooting down, mudcapping and blockholing stone; especially useful where trouble from fumes is bad. (Page 12.) Du Pont Gelatin 35 to 75%. — For shooting down stone. (Pages 4 and 5.) Repauno Gelatin 35 to 75%. — For shooting down stone. (Page 5.) Red Cross Gelatin 35 to 90%. — For shooting down stone; the high grades especially serviceable for loading the bottoms of holes where the toe is very tight. (Page 4.) Cordeau. — For shooting well drill and tunnel blasts. (Page 26.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, cars, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Railroads and Trolley Roads Fabrikoid. — For upholstering seats, window curtains, and vestibule curtains. (Pages 42 to 47.) Py=ra=Iin Transparent Sheeting. — For flexible windows, goggles, and eye shields. (Pages 51 to 53 and 55 to 57.) Recovered Salt. — Track salt for melting snow. (Page 144.) Explosives. — All kinds, depending on work to be done. (Pages 1 to 16.) Blasting Supplies. — All kinds, depending on work to be done. (Pages 19 to 26.) Bags (Nitrate of Soda). — For filling in washouts. (Page 146.) Drums. — For shipping and storing oils. (Page 146.) Nitre Cake. — For cleaning out fouled pipes and drains. (Page 143.) Dark Creosote. — For preserving cross-ties and wooden timbers. (Page 80.) Explosives and Blasting Supplies. — For grading. (See Con- tractors, pages 156 and 157.) Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, Enamels, and Japans. — For stations, cars, locomotives, signals, bridges, roundhouses, and other classes of plants, equipments, and offices. (Pages 87 to 140; Special Railway Paints, pages 134, 135, 139, and 140.) Refineries Naphtha. — For solvent. (Pages 81 and 82.) Benzol. — For solvent. (Pages 81 to 83.) Barrels. — For shipping. (Page 147.) Nitre Cake. — For acidifying soap stock. (Page 143.) Drums. — For shipping and containers. (Page 146.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) 181 Rendering Works Nitre Cake. — For an acid grease wash. (Page 143.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Repair Shops (See Garages, pages 161 and 162.) Restaurants (See Hotels, page 166.) Road Builders Pontar. — For road binder. (Page 78.) Dark Creosote. — For preserving wooden timbers. (Page 80.) Paints and Varnishes. — For bridges, posts, signs, and signals. (Pages 87 to 140.) Red Cross Extra 20 to 60%. — For reducing grades, clearing right- of-way, straightening curves, quarrying stone for road surfacing, and digging ditches. (Pages 3 and 4.) Du Pont Straight 25 to 60%. — For blasting boulders, digging ditches, and excavating cuts. (Page 1.) Low Powders, RRP, F, FF, FFF. — For excavating cuts and blast- ing rock for surfacing. (Pages 15 and 16.) “B” Blasting Powder. — For excavating cuts and blasting down stone for surfacing. (Page 18.) Blasting Supplies. See detailed description for uses. (Pages 19 to 26.) DU PONT SHELL DRAWING PLANT 182 Roofers Pitch. — For making roofs. (Page 77.) Refined Tar. — For roof covering. (Page 78.) Creosotes. — For shingle stains. (Pages 79 and 80.) Shingle Oil. — For staining shingles. Page 80.) Dead Oil. — Solvent and thinner for roof compositions. (Page 80.) Paints. — For all kinds of roofs, (Page 118.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Roofing Material Manufacturers Pitch. — For manufacturing pitch and composition roofs. (Page 77.) Refined Tar. — For manufacturing pitch and composition roofs. (Page 78.) Dead Oil. — Solvent and thinner for roofing compositions. (Page 80.) Dark Creosote. — For making roof cement and for making cement for joining edges of roofing paper. (Page 80.) Paints and Varnishes.— For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Rubber Manufacturers Nitre Cake. — For defiberizing rubber scrap. (Page 143.) Rubber Scrap. — For recovery of rubber. (Page 145.) Water=proof Cement. — For cement in the manufacture of footwear and similar articles. (Pages 75 and 76.) Naphtha. — For solvent. (Pages 81 and 82.) Benzol. — For solvent. (Pages 81 to 83.) Toluol. — For solvent. (Page 82.) Dark Creosote. — For solvent, especially in reclaiming scrap. (Page 80.) Refined Tar. — Ingredient of certain rubber compositions. (Page 78.) Litharge. — For ingredient of certain rubber compositions. (Pages 124 and 125.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Safe Manufacturers Enamels, Bronzes, Japans, and Lacquers. — For finishing and deco- rating safes and locks. (Pages 71, 74 to 77, 100, and 87 to 140.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Scrap Iron Dealers Du Pont Straight Dynamite. — For breaking up heavy machinery. (Page 1.) Red Cross Extra Dynamite. — For breaking up heavy machinery. (Pages 3 and 4.) Iron Scraps. — For re-sale. (Pages 144 and 145.) Paints (Wood and Metal). — For sheds and equipment. (Pages 87 to 140.) 183 Sheet Metal and Cornice Workers Paints and Varnishes. — For all metal and wooden parts of cor- nices. Also for plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Shingle Mills Creosotes. — For treating and staining shingles. (Pages 79 and 80.) Shingle Oils. — For treating and staining shingles. (Page 80.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Ship Builders and Chandlers Refined Tar. — For caulking and coating rigging, and for use as an antifouling bottom paint. (Page 78.) Pitch. — For caulking. (Page 77.) Dead Oil. — A heavy thinner for paints. (Page 80.) Fabrikoid. — For upholstering and trimming, and for making cur- tains, canopies, and tops, especially for small boats. (Pages 42 to 47.) Py=ra=lin. — For wind shields. (Pages 51 to 61.) Pegamoid Aluminum Paint. — For silver painting. (Page 74.) Black Sporting Powder. — For whaling guns. (Page 29.) Paints. — For every purpose in connection with shipbuilding, from varnishes and lacquers for the most delicate scientific apparatus to rust- inhibitive and wood preservative paints for the ways. (Pages 75 to 77 and 87 to 140.) Shoe Findings Manufacturers Py=ra=lin Sheeting. — For making counters, heels, and box toes, and for covering eyelets and hooks and the French heels on ladies’ shoes. (Pages 51 to 53 and 55 to 57.) Leather Renovators. — For cleaning and renovating leather. (Page 73.) Belt Cement. — For cementing leather. (Page 76.) Bags (Nitrate of Soda). — For shipping findings. (Page 146.) Fabrikoid. — For sock linings, facings, and similar uses. (Pages 42 to 47.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Shooters, Big Game, Field, Trap, Hand Trap, Target and Gallery Black and Smokeless Sporting Powder. — For rifles and shotguns. (Pages 27 to 29.) Smokeless and Shotgun Powder Du Pont (Bulk) Schultze (Bulk) Ballistite (Dense) Empire (Bulk) Du Pont (Dense) (For export only) 184 Black Shotgun and Rifle Powders. — For black powder shotgun and metallic shells and muzzle loading guns. Brands : Du Pont Rifle and Hazard Kentucky Rifle, (Golden Pheasant and Indian Rifle for export only), Granulations Fg, FFg, FFFg. (Page 29.) Hand Traps. — For throwing targets. (Page 30.) Paints and Varnishes. — For galleries and equipment. (Pages 75 to 77 and 87 to 140.) Sign Painters Paints and Varnishes, Including Aluminum and Bronze Paints, Colors in Oil, Varnishes, and Tints. — For all kinds of signs on all classes of surfaces. (Pages 71, 74 to 77, 100, and 87 to 140.) Silk Mills (Natural) Nitre Cake. — For acid dye bath. (Page 143.) Solvent Naphtha. — For washing dyed and undyed silk in the piece. (Page 81.) 180 ° Benzol. — For washing dyed and undyed silk in the piece. (Page 82.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Silo Builders Paints. — For wood, brick, concrete, and metal silos. (Pages 75 to 77 and 87 to 140.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Smelters and Refiners Nitre Cake. — For a flux. (Page 143.) Explosives. — For breaking up large machinery and frozen ore. (Pages 1 to 16.) Blasting Supplies. (See detailed description for uses, pages 19 to 26.) Fabrikoid. — For covering concentration tables. (Pages 42 to 47.) Dark Creosote. — For preserving wooden timbers and props. (Page 80.) Black Powder. — For cleaning stacks. (Page 29.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Soap Makers Naphtha. — For solvent. (Pages 81 and 82.) Benzol. — For solvent. (Pages 81 to 83.) Toluol. — For solvent. (Page 82.) Py=ra=lin Sheeting. — For making fancy boxes. (Pages 51 to 53 and 55 to 57.) Py=ra=Iin Soap Boxes. — For soap. (See Py-ra-lin Manufactured Articles, pages 58 to 60.) 185 Py=ra=Iin Shaving Soap Tubes. (See Py-ra-lin Manufactured Arti- cles, pages 58 to 60.) Nitre Cake. — For an acid wash and for acidifying soap stock. (Page 143.) Drums. — For shipping and containers. (Page 146.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Split Leather Manufacturers Pyroxylin Solutions. — For finishing the surface of split leather. (Page 75.) Leather Renovators. — For cleaning and renovating surfaces. (Page 73.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Sporting Goods Manufacturers Fabrikoid. — For gun cases, leggings, and puttees. (Page 42 to 47.) Paints and Varnishes. — For parts, and for plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Squib Manufacturers Black Sporting Powder. — For making squibs. (Page 29.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) State Departments (See Municipalities, page 173.) Stationery Supplies Manufacturers Pyroxylin Enamel, Lacquers, and Solutions. — For finishing wood and metal parts. (Pages 75 to 77.) Water=proof and Household Cement. — For cementing parts. (Pages 75 and 76.) Py=ra=lin Sheeting. — For making ink wells, pen and pencil holders, pen and pencil racks, blotter pads, blotter corners, paper knives, and paper weights. (Pages 51 to 53 and 55 to 57.) Py=ra=lin Manufactured Articles. — Including desk fittings. (Pages 58 to 60.) Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, Enamels, and Japans.-*-For finishing all classes of supplies. Also for plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Steam Fitters’ Supplies Manufacturers Pegamoid Aluminum Paint. — For silver painting pipes and fittings. (Page 74.) Pyroxylin Enamels, Lacquers, and Solutions. — For finishing and decorating pipes and fittings. (Pages 75 to 77.) Nitre Cake. — For removing oxide and scale. (Page 143.) Bags (Nitrate of Soda). — For shipping and containers. (Page 146.) Red Lead. — For making joints. (Page 124.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) 186 Stock Raisers Saltpetre. — Condition powders. (Page 142.) Black Sporting Powder. — For condition powders. (Page 29.) Paints. — For barns, sheds, fences, silos, buildings, and posts. (Pages 87 to 140.) Straw Hat and Matting Manufacturers Amyl Acetate. — For making lacquers for finishing. (Page 70.) Star Solvent. — For making lacquers for finishing. (Page 70.) Lacquers. — For finishing coat for straw. (Pages 76 and 77.) Pyroxylin Solutions. — Water-proof sizing for straw hats. (Page 75.) Fabrikoid. — For hat sweats. (Pages 42 to 47.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Surgeons Ether (Anaesthesia). — For an anaesthetic. (Page 72.) Parlodion. — For sealing small wounds. (Page 74.) Tanners Recovered Salt. — For salting hides. (Page 144.) Nitre Cake. — For pickling in the one bath chrome process. (Page 143.) Bags. — For shipping. (Page 146.) Telephone and Telegraph Companies Wood Oil. — Solvent for paints. (Page 144.) Refined Tar. — For treating parts of poles in ground. (Page 78.) High Explosives. — For blasting holes, clearing right-of-way, and correcting drainage conditions. (Pages 1 to 16.) Blasting Supplies. — (See detailed description for uses, pages 19 to 26.) Paints and Varnishes. — For all classes of posts, poles, and equip- ment, including Technical Varnishes for the finest coil. Also for plants, properties, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Textile Mills Nitre Cake. — For souring, carbonizing, and acid dye bath. (Page 143.) Sodium Acetate. — Mordant. (Page 63.) Solvent Naphtha. — For washing dyed and undyed silks and wools in the piece. (Page 81.) 180° Benzol. — For washing dyed and undyed silks and wools in the piece. (Page 82.) Sulphur Black. — For dyeing cotton goods. (Page 85.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) 187 Theatres Fabrikoid. — For upholstering seats. (Pages 42 to 47.) Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, Enamels, and Bronzes. — For finish- ing and decorating interiors and exteriors. (Pages 71, 74 to 77, 100 and 87 to 140.) Theatrical Property Makers Py=ra=lin Collars. (Page 61.) Fabrikoid. — For a leather substitute in costumes, boots, belts, and for upholstering furniture. (Pages 42 to 47.) Py=ra=lin Sheeting. — For manufacturing fancy articles and flexible windows; also for making collars, cuffs, and shirt fronts for eco- nomical costumes. (Pages 51 to 53 and 55 to 57.) Rubber Cloth. — For making costumes and covers. (Pages 48 to 50.) Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, and Enamels. — For finishing and decorating parts of costumes and for painting scenes. (Pages 87 to 140.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Tire (Rubber) Makers Naphtha. — For solvent. (Pages 81 and 82.) Benzol. — For solvent. (Pages 81 to 83.) Nitre Cake. — For defiberizing rubber scrap. (Page 143.) Creosotes. — For solvent in reclaiming scraps. (Pages 79 and 80.) Litharge. — A component of rubber tires. (Pages 124 and 125.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Toilet Article Manufacturers Py=ra=lin Sheeting, Tubing, Rod and Beading. — For manufactur- ing all classes of articles similar to the manufactured py-ra-lin articles listed on pages 51 to 61. (Pages 51 to 58.) Py=ra=lin Cement. — For cementing celluloid. (Pages 75 and 76.) Amyl Acetate and Star Solvent (Grades Listed). — Used as sol- vents in manufacture. (Page 70.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Tool Makers Py=ra=lin Sheeting. — For making handles and cutting boards for die cutting machines. (Pages 51 to 53 and 55 to 57.) Nitre Cake. — For removing oxide and scale. (Page 143.) Paints and Varnishes. — For parts and for plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Top Manufacturers (Auto, Carriage, Buggy, and Boat.) Fabrikoid (Rayntite). — For top and curtains. (Pages 46 and 49.) 188 Py=ra=lin Transparent Sheeting. — For windows in curtains and rain shields, dimmers, and glare shields. (Pages 51 to 53.) Leather Renovators. — For renovating leather and leather substi- tutes. (Page 73.) Pyroxylin Enamels, Lacquers, and Solutions. — For finishing, decorating and water-proofing surfaces. (Pages 75 to 77.) Rubber Cloth. — For tops and curtains. (Pages 48 to 50.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Toy Manufacturers (See Novelty Manufacturers, page 175.) Trunk Manufacturers (See Leather Goods Manufacturers, page 168.) Typewriter Manufacturers Py=ra=lin Sheeting. — For keys. (Pages 51 to 53.) Nitre Cake. — For removing oxide and scale. (Page 143.) Fabrikoid. — For covers. (Pages 42 to 47.) Paints and Varnishes. — For parts and for plants, equipment, and and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Upholsterers Fabrikoid. — A leather substitute for upholstering. (Pages 42 to 47.) Leather Renovators. — For renovating old leather. (Page 73.) Cement. — For cementing wood and fabrics. (Pages 75 and 76.) Paints and Varnishes. — For furniture and for plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Varnish Manufacturers (See Paint Manufacturers, pages 176 and 177.) Vehicle Makers (Automobile, Carriage, and Wagon) Fabrikoid. — For upholstering and trimming. (Pages 42 to 47.) Py=ra=Iin Transparent Sheeting. — For flexible windows, dimmers, and glare shields. (Pages 51 to 53.) Pyroxylin Enamels, Lacquers, and Solutions. — For finishing, decorating, and water-proofing surfaces. (Pages 75 to 77.) Water=proof Cement. — For cementing wood and fabrics. (Pages 75 and 76.) Nitre Cake. — For removing oxide and scale. (Page 143.) Rubber Cloth. — For tops, tool bags, kick pads, and curtains. (Pages 48 to 50.) Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, and Enamels. — For all classes of vehicles, including Harrison Processes for building up finishes, together with all materials required. Also for plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) 189 Veterinary Supplies Manufacturers Wood Oil. — For insecticides. (Page 144.) Py=ra=Iin. — For making instrument handles. (Pages 51 to 61.) (See also Chemical Manufacturers, pages 154 and 155.) Paints and Varnishes.— For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Vulcanizing Solutions Makers Naphtha. — Different grades of, for solvents. (Pages 81 and 82.) Benzol. — Different grades of, for solvents. (Pages 81 to 83.) Toluol. — Different grades of, for solvents. (Page 82.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Watches, Manufacturers of Py=ra=Iin Sheeting. — For making crystals and dials. (Pages 51 to 53 and 55 to 57.) Py=ra=Iin Manufactured Articles. — Crystals and dials. (Pages 58 to 60.) Nitre Cake. — For removing oxide and scale. (Page 143.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Water-proof Clothing Manufacturers Water=proof Cement. — For cementing fabrics. (Pages 75 and 76 .) Py=ra=lin Sheeting. — For making buttons, collars, and cuffs. (Pages 51 to 53 and 55 to 57.) Fabrikoid. — For parts of garments. Rubber Cloth. — For parts of garments. Benzol. — For solvent in making water-proofing liquids. (Pages 81 to 83.) Toluol. — For solvent in making water-proofing liquids. (Page 82.) Naphtha. — For solvent in making water-proofing liquids. (Pages 81 and 82.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Water-proof Fabrics Manufacturers Amyl Acetate. — For solvent. (Page 70.) Star Solvent. — For solvent. (Page 70.) Benzol. — For solvent. (Pages 81 to 83.) Toluol. — For solvent. (Page 82.) Naphtha. — For solvent. (Pages 81 and 82.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) 190 Wharf Constructors Bags (Nitrate of Soda). — For cofferdams. (Page 146.) Dark Creosote. — For preserving piles and other timbers. (Page 80 .) Paints and Varnishes. — For decorating and preserving all parts of wharves; also for offices. (Pages 87 to 140.) Wire Workers (Art) Pegamoid Aluminum Paint. — For silver painting. (Page 74.) Pyroxylin Enamels, Lacquers, and Solutions. — For art finishes on articles. (Pages 75 to 77.) Bronze Paints. — For gold painting. (Pages 71 and 100.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) Wire and Cable Makers (Insulated) Pitch. — For insulating. (Page 77.) Dead Oil. — For thinning pitch and tar. (Page 80.) Refined Tar. — For making insulation. (Page 78.) Nitre Cake. — For removing oxide and scale. (Page 143.) Paints and Varnishes. — For plants, equipment, and offices. (See Plants, page 178; also pages 87 to 140.) 191 3 0112 068902003