(°ru tcb*A- &■ f drajuo- of the American Institute of Electrical Engin- eers , Buffalo , August 22nd , iqoi . [advance copy subject to revision] POWER FACTOR INDICATORS. BY WILLIAM HAND BROWNE, JR. The introduction of induction motors in factories brings with it a power factor considerably less than unity. Since this re- quires a larger current for a given power delivered, the total available output of the generating plant is less, and the efficiency of the system is lower than if the load were non-inductive. Fui- ther, the wattless component of the current causes increased armature reactions, and consequently seriously affects the regula- tion of the system. It therefore may be thought desirable to balance wholly or in part the wattless component of current, due to the induction motors, by the use of synchronous motors or converters, and it then becomes necessary to have some means of knowing when this has been accomplished. Methods of Determining Balance . — One method of judging the conditions of the system, which is used to some extent, is to place an ammeter in the line carrying the current for both in- duction and synchronous motors. Then to secure a balance, the excitation of the synchronous motor is changed until the line cur- rent is a minimum. This method, while simple, is exceedingly crude, and becomes entirely unreliable when the synchronous motor is fairly well loaded. As the power factor of the system approaches unity under these conditions, a comparatively large change in the excitation of the synchronous motor produces little or no apparent change in the ammeter reading. This is because the characteristic v curve of the synchronous motor, i. e ., arma- 475 476 BROWNE ON POWER FACTOR INDICATORS. [Aug. 22, ture current on a field current base, is quite flat for large loads. The wattless component of current, however, changes very rapidly as will be shown later. The same criticism applies to the use of an indicating wattmeter for securing balance. Here the excita- tion of the synchronous motor is changed until the volt amperes as found from the ammeter and voltmeter readings are equal to the true watts as indicated by the wattmeter. To show that both of these methods are unreliable, suppose a small error has been made in reading the ammeter or wattmeter, due to carelessness or to instrumental errors. Fig. 1 illustrates the effect of this error on the wattless component of current, or what Fig. 1. — Curve showing the rate of change of the sine with the cosine. is the same thing on sin the inductance factor ; k l represents the power factor for different percentage differences between the true and apparent watts, m n is the corresponding inductance factor curve. For an error of 1 per cent, the inductance factor is .14. For an error of 2 per cent, the wattless component of current is nearly 20 per cent, of the total current. That is to say, when the attendant thinks he has secured a balance, the wattless current fnay still be a very considerable fraction of the whole, and seriously affect the regulation of the generator. Behavior of a Synchronous Motor.— Fig. 2 shows how a syn- chronous motor will behave under these conditions. Here a con- 1901. J BROWNE ON POWER FACTOR INDICATORS. 477 Btant applied voltage and a constant true watts input have been assumed, with a variable inductance factor. That is to say, El cos (p is constant, at 5 kilowatts, represented by the horizontal line fa . (Fig. 2). The base taken here is El sin h 1 2 sin (co t — cp ) e 2 = M / 2 a) sin (co t — - — cp) and a current M T . , . 7T — 1 2 co sin (co t — - r 2 — 9) This assumes the same mutual inductance for each pair of coils and the same resistance for the two loops c and d. This current will react with that in a and set up a torque pro- portional to their product ^ ^ I* co sin co t sin (co t — - — cp) v 2 The effective value of this torque is M l, I 2 2 r co cos 2 r co sin cp It is evident that the couple existing between b and c will have the same value but have an opposite sign, since the current in c being in quadrature with that in a will be less than 90° behind b, while that in d will be more than 90° behind a. The resulting torque of the system is proportional to I x I 2 sin cp and may be written I x 1 2 sin = Jc 2 d 2 (2) where k 2 is a constant and d 2 the angle of torsion. Dividing (2) by (1) we have h d 2 = tan cp giving the phase angle in terms of its tangent. 1901.] BROWNE ON POWER FACTOR INDICATORS. 487 Breitfield's Method (2b). — Mr. C. Breitfield 1 has suggested an application of an ordinary wattmeter for measuring the power factor of a three-phase system. The current coil is placed in one line and one end of the pressure coil also connected to this line. The other end is first connected to the second line and then to the third. In the first case we have the deflection d x = El cos (

Induct- ance fact- ors sin 0 AYsinc 10.15 108 500 213 Right Lead 1096 • 456 .889 975 8.4 108 500 158 “ 907 • 552 • 834 755 7-58 107.9 500 141 “ *■ 818 .611 .791 647 6.51 108 500 106 “ “ 703 .711 •703 494 5-63 107.8 500 78 “ “ 607 .823 .568 294 5-25 107.8 500 53 “ “ 516 .884 .467 241 4.78 105.5 500 13 Left Lag 504 .992 .126 63 5.05 105.7 500 44 “ “ 533 •938 •346 185 5-67 106. 1 500 76 “ “ 602 .831 •555 334 8.17 106 500 155 “ 11 866 •577 .817 707 9.61 105.9 500 197 U 1007 •497 .867 873 Note. — Pressure coil in series with 3.5 microfarads capacity. We notice first that these lines do not pass through the origin. The resistance of the pressure coil is not negligible, as the in- strument shows a slight deflection at unity power factor. The curves show verjr clearly that a slight change in the power factor when near unity caused a comparatively large change in the value of El sin ■ .509 .860 3330 “ 29.8 2690 334 ° .590 .807 2690 “ 25.0 1950 “ 2790 .706 .708 z 975 “ 20.1 1050 “ 2240 .879 •477 1070 “ 17.7 180 “ 1975 •997 .071 140 “ 17.65 0 - 1970 1.0 .0 0 20.1 1130 Lead 2240 .879 •477 1070 25.0 2050 “ 2790 .706 .708 x 975 29.8 2785 “ 3340 •590 .807 269 1 “ 34-7 3420 “ 3870 •509 .860 333 ° 44 “ 44.4 461c “ 4950 •398 .917 454° The agreement between observed and calculated values of El sin

, cos

E /sin (p 1 10. 01 111.3 505 30.8 Left Lagging 1114 •449 63° — io' .898 996 2 8 hi . 5 5°5 23-4 “ “ 891 •567 55—27 .824 734 3 6 hi . 5 505 13-45 “ “ 669 •75 6 4o—53 .655 438 4 5-°7 iri.o 5°5 7-45 “ “ 563 .898 26-^06 .440 248 5 4.78 1 10. 3 5°S 4.68 “ “ 527 •954 17 — 26 .300 158 6 4-5 hi. 9 5°5 0 — - 5°4 1. 00 0 0 0 7 4-58 ”4-5 505 5-29 Right Leading 525 .962 15—50 •273 M3 8 S-oo II4-3 5°4 8.7 4 - “ 572 .881 28 — 14 •473 270 9 6.09 112. 2 5°5 14.6 “ “ 684 •738 42 — 26 •675 462 10 8.0 hi. 3 5°5 22.8 “ “ 890 •567 55- 28 .824 733 11 10. 0 nr. 2 505 30.6 “ 1112 •454 63— CO .891 992 Note. — Impedance coil cut out and shunt coil in series with three microfarads and 2,000 ohms. output was absorbed by a lamp bank and water rheostat. In Fig. 10, armature, current and wattless volt amperes have been plotted as ordinates, the base being field current. The input was 3J k. w. per phase. The flatness of the current curve alluded to above is quite noticeable here. The characteristic for wattless volt amperes is plotted above and below the axis of abscissae to indicate lagging and leading currents respectively. The instruments were quite steady, a condition indicating but little hunting of the armature, although there were no devices on the machine to prevent this phenomenon. The power factor in- dicator, although exactly like the wattmeter, was even steadier than the latter. There was no difficulty in setting the indicator to read any desired value by adjusting the field current. 1901.] BROWNE ON POWER FACTOR INDICATORS. 495 It was stated’ at a recent meeting of the National Electric Light Association, during the discussion of a paper on synchronous converters, that it was practically impossible to operate a syn- chronous motor or converter at unity power factor. The reasons given were hunting of the armature and dissimilar e. m. f. waves of motor and generator. In the above experiment it was found that the power factor indicator could be set at zero and under these conditions the true watts and the volt amperes were equal. This condition would seem to be that of practically unity power factor. 800 TOO 600 500 400 300 200 .100 0 o 5 .■©• z CO HH LxJ Fig. 9. A number of power factor curves of synchronous converters have been published recently in which the current passes from lag to lead without the power factor passing through unity. Even if it were impossible to hold the power factor at unity, it must pass through this value as it swings across the line. In Fig. 11 are plotted, on an excitation base, curves of power factor from wattmeter readings and inductance factor from the 1. Western Electrician , Feb. 9, 1901. 496 BRO WNE ON POWER FACTOR INDICATORS. [Aug. 22, “wattless wattmeter” readings. In addition there have been plotted two curves obtained by assuming these values to be cosines and ^ines of phase angles and the corresponding values of sines and cosines taken from tables and plotted on the same base. These deduced values do not agree at all with the observed ones. The discrepancy is greater for leading than lagging currents. This discrepancy, as has been pointed out by Mr. Steinmetz 1 , is: TABLE IV. Shallenberger Wattmeter as Power Factor Indicator. No. Amp- eres. Volts. True watts. Degrees deflection. Direc- tion. Phase Apparent watts. COS (p 0 sin 0 El sin (j> i 8.29 no. 500 75° Left Lag. 9 11 •549 56 0 — 42' .836 761 2 7.27 108.5 500 60 “ 788 •634 50—39 •773 608 3 6.54 icg. 500 50 “ 712 .702 45—35 .712 507 4 5-85 110.5 500 40 “ 646 • 774 39—17 •633 409 5 5-41 109.2 500 30 “ 590 .848 32 — 00 •530 3*3 6 4.94 109.9 500 20 “ 543 .921 22 — 56 •39° 212 7 4-57 nr. 1 500 IC “ 507 .987 9—04 .158 80 8 4-59 108.4 500 0 - - 498 1. 0 0 0 9 4-67 109. 500 10 Right Lead 509 .982 10—53 .189 96 IO 5-35 108. 500 30 “ “ 578 .865 30—07 .502 290 1 1 5-87 109.4 500 40 “ “ 642 .78 38—44 .626 402 12 6-45 109.7 500 50 “ “ 707 .708 45—05 .706 498 13 7-44 107.4 500 60 *• 799 .626 5i—i3 •779 623 i4 8.16 108.7 500 70 “ 886 •564 55—40 .826 732 Note.— Impedance coil removed and shunt coil in series with three microfarads and 2,000 ohms non-inductive resistance. Recording gear removed and light torsion spring attached to disk. due to the distortion of the e. m. f. and current waves. Table Y gives observed and computed values for these curves. Conclusions .— It would seem from the above that there is a decided need of an accurate power factor indicator in all large installations, but especially in those in which induction and syn- chronous motors are used together. This method of operation has been adopted by the Deering Harvester Company, where ad- justment of the exciting current of the synchronous machine is 1 . Symbolic Representation of General Alternating Waves and of Double- Frequency Products. C. P. Steinmetz, Transactions, vol. 16, p. 289, 1899. 1901.] BROWNE ON POWER FACTOR INDICATORS. 497 made by means of a wattmeter, and at Butte, Montana 1 , where adjustment is made from ammeter readings. The advisability of adopting this composite system is not in question here. We are considering merely the best method of attaining the end sought. 70 7000 Ij 60 6000 V 50 o 5000 § Il\ ' CO 40 £ _j h 4000 < S AMP CO 1x1 3000 t 20 $ 2000 10 1000 0 0 o 5 1 0 \l 5 2 ,0 2 5 3 1000 AMPERES EXCITA1 ION 2000 3000 LEADING \o 5000 6000 GENERAL ELECTRIC SYNCHRONOUS CONVERTER 7-K KW. 125 V. 4 POLE, 60 A/ I- I ARMATURE CURRENT II- II “WATTLESS WATTS” 7000 n Fig. 10. For accurate adjusting of the system the indications of the in- strument should depend upon the values of

0.6 0.4 \ 0.7 0.3 0.8 0.2 0.9 0.1 • 1.0 0 0 5 1 ,0 o\ .5 2 ,0 2 5 3 0.9 0.1 AMPERES EXCIT/ mON 0.8 0.2 \ ° 0.7 0.3 \ o 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.6 r\\ 0.3 0.7 o \ \ + 0.8 • /s LEAD P 1 ° leadI 1.0 Fig. 11. rent in this coil must be in quadrature with the e. m. f. If the meter is to be used on a two or a three-phase system, 1901.] BROWNE ON POWER FACTOR INDICATORS. 499 the inductance of the pressure coil must be negligibly small, and meter connected in one of the methods described above. In this case care must be taken that the loads on the different phases be kept equal. In a two-phase system, unbalancing the phases will shift the e. m. f.’s relatively to each other. In a three-phase sys- tem, since the meters used are really wattmeters, unbalancing the phases will vitiate the indications of the instrument. If the meter be of the induction type the inductance of the pressure coil must be negligible, since not only is it undesirable TABLE V. General Electric Synchronous Converter. 7-^k.w., 125 v., 4-pole, 60 2-phase. Input 3.5 k.w. per phase. Wattless kilo- volt amperes. Amperes armature current. Voltage at brushes. Amp- eresfield current. Phase relation. Kilovolt amperes Power factor. Induc- tance factor. sin < j > computed from pow- er factor. COS (p computed from in- ductance factor. 5-55 6t.6 109.9 0.57 Lag 6 76 .518 822 •855 .569 4-23 51*3 1 10.0 O 00 5-64 .621 •750 •784 .661 2.62 40.9 109.9 r.03 “ 4-5 .778 ■583 .628 .812 1 45 35 7 109.7 1.2 “ 3 9 1 .895 •37i .446 .929 o-45 32 0 109.8 1.36 “ 3-5i •997 .128 .077 .992 — 0.05 3*-9 109.8 1.47 Lead 3-5° 1.0 .014 .0 •999 — o-45 32.1 1 ie.o r.55 “ 3-53 992 .128 .126 .992 — 1.20 35-7 no. 4 1.69 “ 3-94 .888 .306 .460 •952 — 2.22 40.9 O bo 1.88 “ 4-49 •779 •495 .627 .869 — 365 5i-3 IIO.O 2.22 “ 5-64 .621 .648 .784 .762 — 5 3° 6r.6 IIO. 2 2.5 “ 6.78 .516 .782 •857 .623 — 6 65 71.9 ■ 0&8 ••75 “ 7 89 •444 • 844 .896 .536 to use condensers to compensate for this, both from their bulki- ness and expense, but the presence of any reactance makes the deflection dependent upon the frequency. An attempt was made to improve upon the induction meter described above by remov- ing the three-legged stampings of iron upon which the pressure coil was wound. The inductance was still too large for satisfac- tory working and as the condensers in the laboratory were not sufficient to compensate for this, it was necessary, to make up for this lack of capacity and to avoid the use of iron, to add an auxiliary inductance wound on a wooden bobbin. The instru- ment thus modified was found to be so sensitive to slight changes in frequency that it was impossible to use it with any degree of 600 BROWNE ON POWER FACTOR INDICATORS. [Aug. 22, satisfaction in the laboratory. Any change of load on the prime mover would so change the reading of the instrument as to make its indications extremely unreliable. Dobrowolski shows, in the reference given above, the applica- tion of his instrument for automatically adjusting the excitation of the synchronous machine so as to keep the power factor at unity at all times. The use of an instrument of this kind emphasizes the fact that, when induction motors are used alone, the inductance factor is always a large percentage of the power factor. For instance, when the power factor is .85 the inductance factor, assuming sinusoidal waves, is nearly 62 % of this. That is, for every kilo- watt used by the motor, 620 c£ wattless watts ” are, so to speak, borrowed. It would seem but fair that those who use induction motors should at least pay rental for the wattless volt amperes required. It is true this does not represent energy consumed, but it does, in a sense, represent energy borrowed and returned and the station must have sufficient capacity in generators to meet all such calls for loans. The additional charge could be taken care of by over-com- pensating integrating wattmeters of the induction type, as sug- gested by Mr. Benischke. They would then read high on lagging reactive loads and low on leading reactive loads. This would put a premium on the use of synchronous motors as they, if not too greatly over-excited, help out in the regulation of the plant. The induction motor has so many points in its favor it can well afford to pay for what it needs— a large wattless component of current. 1901.] BROWNE ON POWER FACTOR INDICATORS. 499 the inductance of the pressure coil must be negligibly small, and meter connected in one of the methods described above. In this case care must be taken that the loads on the different phases be kept equal. In a two-phase system, unbalancing the phases will shift the e. m. f.’s relatively to each other. In a three-phase sys- tem, since the meters used are really wattmeters, unbalancing the phases will vitiate the indications of the instrument. If the meter be of the induction type the inductance of the pressure coil must be negligible, since not only is it undesirable TABLE V. General Electric Synchronous Converter. 7-Jk.w., 125 v., 4-pole, 60 2- phase. Input 3.5 k.w. per phase. Wattless kilo- volt amperes. Amperes armature current. Voltage at brushes. Amp- eres field current. Phase relation. Kilovolt amperes Power factor. Induc- tance factor. sin ( j ) computed from pow- er factor. COS (p computed from in- ductance factor. 5-55 6t.6 109.9 o -57 Lag 6 76 .518 822 •855 •569 4-23 5 T -3 I 10.0 0.78 5-64 .621 • 75 ° .784 .661 2.62 40.9 109.9 1.03 “ 4-5 .778 •583 .628 .8x2 1 45 35 7 109 7 1.2 “ 3 91 .895 • 37 i .446 .929 0-45 32 0 109.8 T.36 “ 3 - 5 i •997 .128 .077 .992 — 0.05 3 i -9 icg.8 I.47 Lead 3 - 5 ° 1.0 .014 .0 •999 — o -45 32.1 I IC.O t -55 “ 3-53 992 .128 .126 .992 — 1.20 35-7 1 10.4 I.69 “ 3-94 .888 .306 .460 •952 — 2.22 40.9 109.8 1.88 “ 4-49 •779 •495 .627 .869 — 3 65 5 t -3 rio.o 2.22 “ 5-64 .621 .648 .784 .762 — 5 30 6r.6 no. 2 2.5 6.78 • 5*6 .782 •857 .623 — 6 65 71.9 io >.8 -•75 “ 7 89 •444 .844 .896 •536 to use condensers to compensate for this, both from their bulki- ness and expense, but the presence of any reactance makes the deflection dependent upon the frequency. An attempt was made to improve upon the induction meter described above by remov- ing the three-legged stampings of iron upon which the pressure coil was wound. The inductance was still too large for satisfac- tory working and as the condensers in the laboratory were not sufficient to compensate for this, it was necessary, to make up for this lack of capacity and to avoid the use of iron, to add an auxiliary inductance wound on a wooden bobbin. The instru- ment thus modified was found to be so sensitive to slight changes in frequency that it was impossible to use it with any degree of 600 BROWNE ON POWER FACTOR INDICATORS. [Aug. 22 satisfaction in the laboratory. Any change of load on the prime mover would so change the reading of the instrument as to make its indications extremely unreliable. Dobrowolski shows, in the reference given above, the applica- tion of his instrument for automatically adjusting the excitation of the synchronous machine so as to keep the power factor at unity at all times. The use of an instrument of this kind emphasizes the fact that, when induction motors are used alone, the inductance factor is always a large percentage of the power factor. For instance, when the power factor is .85 the inductance factor, assuming sinusoidal waves, is nearly 62 % of this. That is, for every kilo- watt used by the motor, 620 “ wattless watts ” are, so to speak, borrowed. It would seem but fair that those who use induction motors should at least pay rental for the wattless volt amperes required. It is true this does not represent energy consumed, but it does, in a sense, represent energy borrowed and returned and the station must have sufficient capacity in generators to meet all such calls for loans. The additional charge could be taken care of by over-com- pensating integrating wattmeters of the induction type, as sug- gested by Mr. Benischke. They would then read high on lagging reactive loads and low on leading reactive loads. This would put a premium on the use of synchronous motors as they, if not too greatly over-excited, help out in the regulation of the plant. The induction motor has so many points in its favor it can well afford to pay for what it needs — a large wattless component of current.