LEASE OF THE Vermont&Massachusetts Railroad COMPANY. TO THE THE LIBRARY OF THE JUN 29 1932 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS FITCHBURG RAILROAD COMPANY, FOR Nine Hundred and Ninety-Nine Years, FROM JANUARY 1st, 1874. LEASE OF THE Vermont&Massachusetts Railroad \ V t COMPANY, THE LIBRARY OF THE TO THE IUN ' 1932 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, FITCHBURG RAILROAD COMPANY, FOR Nine Hundred and Ninety-Nine Years, FROM JANUARY 1st, 1874. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates 32 SA LEASE. this indenture, made this first day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, by and between The Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company, a Corporation ex¬ isting under and by virtue of the laws of the States of Massachusetts and Vermont, of the first part, and The Fitchburg Railroad Company, a Corporation existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Massa¬ chusetts, of the second part — Witnesseth — That the said Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Property Company doth hereby lease , demise , and let unto the leased ' said Fitchburg Railroad Company, its successors and assigns, its Railroad extending from the terminus of the Fitchburg Railroad in Fitchburg to Brattleboro in the state of Vermont, and from “ Grouts Corner ” in Montague to Greenfield, together with its branch from Deerfield to Turners Falls — and also all the lands on which said Railroad is, or shall be located within said Terminal points ; or which are connected with the uses of said Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company and are its property, and all the rights, easements, franchises, and privileges appurtenant thereto — and all the turnouts, branch-tracks, depot grounds, water rights, stations, super-structures, and fixtures connected therewith, or belonging thereto, or used therewith, and the lands on which the same are now situate or stand¬ ing, so far as the same are the property of the said Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company, and whether included within its location or not — and generally all and singular the real estate, tenements, 812945 4 Property assigned and made over. Contracts and encum brances to which leased property is subject. franchises, and appurtenances of the party of the first part, and all its cars, engines, and equipments of every nature and description. Also all the personal property of the party of the first part, however the same may he described, or wherever situate — saving and except¬ ing only that all its open contracts for the transaction of its business, its notes, accounts, bills receivable, cash, cash funds, all its interest in the sinking fund, and claims of whatever nature and description, outstanding in its favor or arising or hereafter to arise under any contract or contracts, and belonging to the party of the first part, on the first day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, are on that day to be and become the full and absolute property of the said Fitchburg Railroad Company, and the same are hereby conveyed to said last named cor¬ poration in consideration of these presents — Excepting however and always provided, the forego¬ ing demise is made subject to a lease from the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company to the Rutland Railroad Company of that part of its road extending from “ Grouts Corner ” to Brattleboro, and to all the covenants, stipulations, and provisions therein con¬ tained ; and also subject to all the terms and condi¬ tions of a contract by and between said Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company and the Cheshire Railroad Company for the joint use by the said two Companies of so much of the road of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company as extends from Fitchburg to Ashburnham Junction, and for other privileges, to which lease and contract reference may be had; and also subject to all other existing incum¬ brances, liens, and contracts (although not specifically mentioned) entered into, made, or suffered by the Ver¬ mont and Massachusetts Railroad Company. And the Fitchburg Railroad Company shall be entitled to re¬ ceive the rent reserved under said lease and contract, now or hereafter to become due, and to the full bene¬ fit of all the covenants of the lessees in said lease and 5 contract; and the Vermont and Massachusetts Rail¬ road Company will execute all instruments which shall be reasonably necessary for that purpose. To have and to hold the same to the said Fitchburg Terra - Railroad Company, its successors and assigns for the term of nine hundred and ninety-nine years from and after the first day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four. And the said Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Covenant Company doth hereby covenant and agree with the effectu * said Fitchburg Railroad Company, that it will, at all times, upon reasonable request, execute any and all instruments that may be requisite or necessary to con¬ firm, and to its full meaning and intent effectuate and establish the foregoing lease and assignment. And the said V ermont and Massachusetts Railroad Covenant to sell real Company doth further covenant and agree, that it will estate - upon the written request of the Fitchburg Railroad Company, sell and convey to such person or persons as the said Fitchburg Railroad Company may appoint, such portions or parcels of the real estate held in fee by the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company, and outside of its location, as the said Fitchburg Rail¬ road Company may designate, and upon such reason¬ able terms as the said Fitchburg Railroad Company may direct; but upon the express agreement however, by the Fitchburg Railroad Company that all the pro¬ ceeds thereof, or a sum equal thereto, shall be, or shall previously, from the funds of the Fitchburg Railroad Company, have been, applied to permanent and sub¬ stantial improvements, upon or connected with the road or real estate of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company, and such as are not in the nature merely of renewals or repairs. And the said Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad covenant to maintain or- Company doth further agree, that, during the contin- ganization. uance of this lease and agreement, it will maintain its organization and existence as a body corporate, and to that end will comply with all the forms and requisites 6 That Lessee may use the name of the Lessor. That Lessor will not en¬ gage in any new enter¬ prise. That Lessor will do all Corporate Acts for im¬ proving and straighten¬ ing road. of the law; and that it will do and perforin all such acts, at the request of the party of the second part, lawful and consistent with the rights of the party of the first part, and its public duty, as shall be proper and necessary to the due preservation and protection of all the property, rights, franchises and interests herein demised or granted to the party of the second part, and to the improvement of its property and in¬ crease of the facilities of its business, to carry into ef¬ fect the true intent and meaning of this agreement, and that in default thereof the same may be done by the party of the second part, so far as it can lawfully do the same, or by its agents, successors, and assigns, in the name and as the act of the party of the first part; and also that the party of the second part may use the name, franchise, and corporate power of the party of the first part in commencing and prosecuting any suit in law or equity, which may be necessary to enable the party of the second part to assert or main¬ tain any right secured to it by this instrument, or to enforce payment of damages for injury thereto ; and also that the party of the first part will not engage in any new enterprise, construct any new road, issue any additional stock, or incur any new debt or liability ex¬ cept in the issue of bonds or stock as herein provided for the purposes herein expressed, so long as this lease is valid and binding, except at the written request of the Fitchburg Railroad Company; and will not in any way interfere or act in the use or management of its road or its appurtenances, except it shall be authorized to do so by re-entry in case of default of the party of the second part as hereinafter provided. And the said Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company doth agree to do all lawful corporate acts> upon the request of the said Fitchburg Railroad Com¬ pany, that may be necessary for the improvement or straightening of said Railroad, its stations, or grounds ; provided, always, that all the expenses incurred by the said party of the first part, under this, or the preced- 7 ing clause shall be borne by the party of the second part. And whereas it is probable that large expenditures may be necessary upon the line of the Vermont bonds 10 ” Massachusetts Railroad to accommodate traffic, the said Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company doth further covenant and agree that it will, at the written request of the Fitchburg Railroad Company, from time to time issue its additional unconvertible bonds, at a rate of interest either of six or seven per cent, at the option of the Fitchburg Railroad Com¬ pany, to the extent of its right under its charter and legislative acts in that behalf, and any further legisla¬ tive acts which may be hereafter passed; provided however said issue of additional bonds shall never ex¬ ceed one million, five hundred thousand dollars, (ex¬ cept renewals of its bonds as hereinafter provided) to be delivered to and sold by said Fitchburg Railroad Company, but at not less than par, and upon the ex¬ press agreement by the Fitchburg Railroad Company, that it will pay the principal and interest thereof as they may become due, and save the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company harmless therefrom, and will, in the event that it places a mortgage or other lien upon its road, or upon its interest in the Vermont and Massachusetts Road, include and secure in said mortgage all said bonds outstanding and un¬ paid, and all bonds issued in reneAval of the same as hereinafter provided — and upon the further agree¬ ment, that all the proceeds of said bonds, or a sum equal thereto, shall be or shall have previously, from the funds of the Fitchburg Railroad Company, been applied to the purchase of real estate for railroad pur¬ poses upon or immediately connected with the road of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company, and in its name, but for the occupation of the Fitch¬ burg Railroad Company as lessee, or to permanent and substantial improvements, and such as are not in the nature of renewals or repairs, upon or connected Avith 8 Covenant to sell Brattleboro Branch. Proviso for disposition of the proceeds. the road, road bed, bridges, track or real estate of the said Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company, or for the straightening or alteration of the line of the road of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Com¬ pany, or laying other tracks, or for excess in cost of steel over iron rails, or for any or all said purposes, but for no other purpose whatever. And the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Com¬ pany doth further covenant and agree with the Fitch¬ burg Railroad Company, that it will, upon the written request of the Fitchburg Railroad Company, sell and convey to such person or persons or corporation as may be designated in such request (provided such sale can lawfully be made) that portion of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad, which lies between “ Grout’s Corner ” and Brattleboro, Vermont, and known as the Brattleboro Branch, with all, or any part, of the real estate reasonably appertaining to that portion of the road, upon such reasonable terms as said Fitchburg Railroad Company may direct; and in case of a dispute between the parties to this lease as to the reasonableness of the said terms, the same shall be determined by referees chosen, one by each of said parties, and the third by the two so chosen ; and if either party shall refuse to choose a referee, an umpire shall be appointed by the Supreme Judicial Court; and the said Fitchburg Railroad Company shall re¬ ceive the proceeds of said sale; but upon the express agreement however, that all the proceeds of said sale, or a sum equal thereto, shall be, or shall have previ¬ ously from the funds of the Fitchburg Railroad Com¬ pany been, applied to the purchase of real estate for railroad purposes upon or immediately connected with the road of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company and in its name, but for the occupancy of the Fitchburg Railroad Company as lessee, or to per¬ manent and substantial improvements and such as are not in the nature of renewals or repairs, upon or con¬ nected with the road, road bed, track, bridges, or real 9 estate of the said Vermont and Massachusetts Rail¬ road Company, or for the straightening or alteration of the line of the road of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company, or laying other tracks, or for the excess of cost of steel over iron rails, or for any, or all said purposes but for no other purpose whatever — Provided however, and it is expressly agreed, that if at the time of said sale, the one million and a half of bonds of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company — being the amount hereinbefore agreed upon — shall have been issued, and are outstanding, the whole proceeds of said sale shall be applied to the purchase and extinction of said bonds, or to a sinking fund to be kept expressly for that purpose ; and if at the time of said sale no part of said issue of one mil¬ lion and a half of bonds shall have been made — or if a part of said bonds have been issued, but the said is¬ sue with the proceeds of said sale do not amount to one million and a half dollars — the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company shall not be required to issue said bonds to any greater amount, than the difference between the actual proceeds of said sale added to the bonds already issued, and the sum of one million and a half of dollars; and in case a part only of said bonds shall have been issued before the sale of said Branch, and the part so issued together with the proceeds of said sale exceeds the sum of one million and a half dollars, so much of the proceeds of said sale shall be applied to the payment of said bonds (or car¬ ried to a sinking fund) as will reduce the sum of said bonds and proceeds to one million and a half dollars, the investment in a sinking fund being regarded for the purposes of this clause, as payment and extinction, pro tanto , of said bonds. And the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Com-covenant to issue pany doth further covenant and agree, that as its now bond3i , 11 x ' # 07 renewal. existing bonds and all other bonds hereinbefore pro¬ vided for mature, it will, on request of the Fitchburg Railroad Company, duly issue new bonds to the extent 10 of eighty per centum of those so maturing, at a rate of interest of six or seven per centum at the option of the Fitchburg Railroad Company, to be sold at not less than par, and the proceeds to be applied to the pay¬ ment to that extent of the bonds so maturing. And the said new bonds, if required, shall be delivered, at least six months before the maturity of the existing bonds, to a committee consisting of an equal number from the board of Directors of each of said Companies, to be by them sold and the proceeds strictly applied to the payment of the maturing bonds. And the exist¬ ing bonds shall be delivered up, when paid, to the Treasurer of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company, cancelled. And upon the maturity of all the bonds so issued in renewal by the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company as provided in this agreement, the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company shall, upon request of the Fitchburg Rail¬ road Company, issue new bonds to the extent of seventy-five per centum of the whole amount so ma¬ turing, of like tenor, and in such due season, as to en¬ able the Fitchburg Railroad Company to liquidate and pay seventy-five per centum thereof. And when again such new bonds mature, the Vermont and Mas¬ sachusetts Railroad Company will again issue bonds of like tenor to the amount of two-thirds of the amount so maturing. And when said last named bonds ma¬ ture, will again issue new bonds of a like tenor to the amount of one-half of the bonds so maturing; it being always understood and agreed, that the difference in each case, which is twenty per centum of the original issue, shall be paid from the funds of the Fitchburg Railroad Company. The time during which said bonds shall run in each case of issue shall not exceed twenty years. covenant to And the said Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad apply to the Legislatures Company hereby covenants and agrees with the Fitcli- fornecessary 1 J J 0 authority, burg Railroad Company that it will, at all times, upon the written request of the Fitchburg Railroad Com- 11 pany, make application to the. Legislatures of Massa¬ chusetts or Vermont for all such acts and authority as may be necessary in the premises, and do all things which may be necessary or proper to enable the Fitch¬ burg Railroad Company to procure the money neces¬ sary for the purposes aforementioned, in the manner above mentioned. But all acts of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company under this clause shall be at the cost and expense of the Fitchburg Rail¬ road Company. And in consideration of the foreqoinq the said Fitch- Covenant burg Railroad Company doth hereby covenant and agree to pay to the said Vermont and Massachusetts Rail¬ road Company as annual rent, for the first two years, a sum each year equal to four per centum per annum on the present amount of the capital stock of the said Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company, two million, eight hundred and sixty thousand dollars ; for the third and fourth years a sum each year equal to five per centum per annum upon said capital stock; and for each year of the remainder of said term of nine hundred and ninety-nine years, a sum equal to six per centum per annum, upon said capital stock. And the said rent is payable semi-annually on the first days of April and October of each year of said term, in good and lawful money of the United States, and is to com¬ mence on the first day of January, A. D. 1874, and is payable at the office of the Treasurer of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company. The rent on the first day of April, A. D. 1874, is to be for three months and not for six months. And the said Fitchburg Railroad Company doth covenant 47 to pay in- further covenant and agree to pay the interest on the terest, and instalments bonds of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad of sinkin fund. Company as it may accrue, and the principal thereof when due, and also all the installments of the sinking fimd, and in the event that any of the convertible bonds of the said Vermont and Massachusetts Rail¬ road Company shall be converted into stock, the said 12 Leasee to pay $3,000 annually. Covenant to pay taxes. Covenant to expend money de¬ rived from sales of land Covenantto indemnify, and save Lessor harmless. Fitchburg Railroad Company doth agree to pay, as ad¬ ditional rental, the same annual per centum on said new stock as is hereinbefore set forth and provided as to the other stock, and at the same place and time. And the said Fitchburg Railroad Company agrees to pay to the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Com- 'pany the sum of three thousand dollars annually, for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the main¬ tenance of its organization and the salaries of its offi¬ cers ; said amount to be paid in equal quarterly pay¬ ments. And the said Fitchburg Railroad Company further agrees to pay all taxes, whether national, state, county or municipal, which shall he assessed upon said Ver¬ mont and Massachusetts Railroad Company, or upon its railroad, or any of its property, or which shall he required to be paid by said Vermont and Massachu¬ setts Railroad Company for any year or part of year during said term ; and if at any time during said term a tax shall he assessed upon the stock of the party of the first part, as a tax on property of stock-holders, and as a substitute for the tax or any part thereof now levied upon the corporation, the party of the second part hereby agrees to pay the same, as also all charges and assessments in the nature of taxes, so that the party of the first part shall receive the clear annual revenue hereinbefore stated and fully set forth. And the said Fitchburg Railroad Company further agrees to expend all sums of money received from ■ sales of land, or an amount equal thereto as hereinbe¬ fore fully set forth, in permanent improvements upon, or connected with, the road or real estate of the Ver¬ mont and Massachusetts Railroad Company and such as are not in the nature merely of renewals or repairs. And the party of the second part doth further agree to assume all the debts, claims, liabilities, and obliga¬ tions of every nature and description, now incurred and outstanding against the said Vermont and Massa¬ chusetts Railroad Company, or that may in any way 13 hereafter arise or grow out of any transactions, busi¬ ness, negligence, or misfeasance had or committed by said Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company prior to the first day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, and to forever indemnify and wholly save harmless the said Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Com¬ pany therefrom. And the said party of the second part further agrees fully to indemnify, and save harm¬ less, the party of the first part from and against all claims, obligations, losses, liabilities, or expenses, that it may in any wise incur, or become liable to, after said first day of January, that may in any manner arise, or grow out of, any transactions, business, negligence, or misfeasance in any way connected with the operation, management, or control of said leased road, or any of its property. And whereas the said party of the first part has con- covenant tracts for business and other matters still unexecuted contracts, and open, the party of the second part doth hereby agree to assume and perform all such contracts and agreements, and to do, and to keep, all things therein to be kept and performed, and save the party of the first part harmless therefrom. And it is to have and receive all payments and benefits to be had and re¬ ceived by the party of the first part under and by vir¬ tue of the same. Said party of the second part further agrees that it maintain, will at all times keep, rebuild, and maintain said Rail- replace and road, its road bed, bridges, superstructures, buildings, grounds, and fences, and every thing pertaining to the same, in as good repair and condition as it now is, and as the law may require. But nothing herein contained shall prevent the lessee from altering, taking down, or removing any structures on the premises ; but in such case, and in place thereof, it shall on some part of the leased premises make other improvements or erect other structures, equal in value to the structures al¬ tered, taken down, or removed. And the said Fitch- 14 Right to sell rolling stock. Covenant to discharge chartered obligations of Lessor. Passes to he issued. Forfeiture clause. burg Railroad Company shall have the right to use all the rolling stock of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company on and over its own road, or over any road where it can lawfully send its own cars ; and may, at any and all times, sell the locomotives, tools^ machinery, fixtures, other rolling stock, furniture, and other personal property herein leased, substituting other property of equal value therefor. And the said party of the second part covenants and agrees that in managing and operating said leased road it will, as far as it lawfully may, assume and perform all obligations and duties to which it would be liable under the laws and the Charter of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company, in case the said Railroad was owned by said party of the second part, and make all returns that are or may be required by law of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Com¬ pany. And the party of the second part further agrees to furnish, during the term of this lease, to the officers for the time being of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company, not exceeding nine in number, free annual passes over the Fitchburg, and Vermont and Massachusetts Railroads, on regular passenger trains ; the said officers taking the risk of all personal damage, detention, injury, or loss of baggage, from any cause whatsoever on said passage. And it also agrees that the stockholders of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad may pass free over said roads at any stock¬ holders meeting during said term. These presents are upon the condition, that if the said Fitchburg Railroad Company shall neglect or re¬ fuse to pay the rent herein reserved, or any part thereof, for more than six months after the same shall have become due — previous written notice of at least thirty days having been given by the President and Directors of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company that this neglect or refusal will be consid¬ ered as a forfeiture of this lease — or if the said Fitch- 15 burg* Railroad Company shall continue to neglect, or fail to perform, any or either of the covenants on its part to be performed, for more than six months after written notice from the President and Directors of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company of such neglect or failure, and that if continued it will be re¬ garded as a forfeiture of this lease — then and in either of said cases, the said party of the first part may lawfully, at any time after the expiration of said six months and while such neglect or default contin¬ ues, without further notice or demand, enter into and upon the leased premises, or any part thereof in the name of the whole, and repossess the same as of its former estate, and expel the party of the second part and those claiming under it, without prejudice to any remedies which might otherwise be used for arrears of rent or preceding breach of covenant. And whenever payment of rent as hereinbefore pro- interest L J to be paid vided shall be delayed, interest shall be paid by the rent in party of the second part to the party of the first part, from the time when such rent shall become due, at the rate of ten per centum per annum, up to the time that notice shall be given that such delay will be regarded as a forfeiture. But nothing herein shall be consid¬ ered to work a forfeiture of this lease when the omis¬ sion or delay on the part of the Fitchburg Railroad Company in performing any obligations hereunder — saving only the payment of the rent — results from causes reasonably beyond its control, or when, from any cause, such omission or delay ought not in equity to work a forfeiture - T and nothing shall prevent the right of the Fitchburg Railroad Company to delay the payment of any claim or demand against the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company which, for rea¬ sonable cause, it may choose to litigate at its own cost. And the Fitchburg Railroad Company doth further covenant to render agree, that in the event of the forfeiture of this lease equivalent, for breach of the condition thereof, and entry and re¬ possession by the lessor, it will jDay over, or render a 16 sufficient equivalent for, the appraised value of the personal property herein assigned and made over, (upon the basis of an inventory thereof, made at the time of the execution hereof,) and for the locomotives, tools, machinery, fixtures, rolling stock, furniture, sup¬ plies, and other property which it shall have sold un¬ der the authority hereinbefore contained, to pay bonds And the Fitchburg Railroad Company doth further agree, that whenever, in pursuance of the terms of this agreement, the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company shall issue its bonds as herein provided for, the Fitchburg Railroad Company will pay the princi¬ pal and interest thereof as they may become due, and save the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Com¬ pany harmless therefrom ; and will also, in the event To secure by that it places a mortgage or other lien upon its road, mortgage. ° or upon its interest in the Vermont and Massachusetts Road, include and secure in said mortgage all said bonds outstanding and unpaid, and all issued in re¬ newal of them or any part of them ; and it doth fur¬ ther agree, that all the proceeds of said bonds, or a sum equal thereto, shall be or shall previously from the funds of the Fitchburg Railroad Company have rea?estate S or been, applied to the purchase of real estate for railroad improve- 11 purposes, upon or immediately connected with the road of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Com¬ pany and in its name, but for the occupation of the Fitchburg Railroad Company as lessee, or shall be ap¬ plied to permanent and substantial improvements, and such as are not in the nature of renewals or repairs, upon or connected with the road, road bed, bridges, track, or real estate of the said Vermont and Massa¬ chusetts Railroad Company, or to the straightening or alteration of the line of the road of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company, or to laying other tracks, or to the excess in the cost of steel over iron rails, or to any and all said purposes, but to no other purpose whatever. ments. 17 And the Fitchburg Railroad Company doth further covenant agree, that whenever the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company shall sell any portion of its real es- of real estate, tate as hereinbefore provided for, the proceeds thereof, or a sum equal thereto, shall be, or shall previously from the funds of the Fitchburg Railroad Company have been, applied to the purchase of real estate, for railroad purposes, upon or immediately connected with the road of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company and in its name, but for the occupancy of the Fitchburg Railroad Company as lessee ; or shall be applied to permanent and substantial improvements, and not such as are in the nature of renewals or re¬ pairs, upon or connected with the road, road bed, track, bridges, or real estate of the said Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company, or to the straighten¬ ing or alteration of the line of the road of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company, or to laying other tracks, or to any and all said purposes, but to no other purpose whatever. Provided however, and the Fitchburg Railroad Com- of^onds 011 pany doth further agree that if at the time of the saleoneanda to of the Brattleboro Branch as hereinbefore provided jjf do^irs? 11 for, the one million and a half of bonds of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company — being the amount hereinbefore agreed upon — shall have been issued and are outstanding, the whole proceeds of said sale, or sales, shall be applied to the purchase and ex¬ tinction of said bonds, or to a sinking fund to be kept expressly for that purpose. And the said Fitchburg Railroad Company doth further agree, that in case a part only of said bonds shall have been issued before the sale of said branch, and the part so issued together with the proceeds of said sale exceeds the sum of one million and a half of dollars, so much of the said proceeds of said sale shall be applied to the payment of said bonds (or carried to a sinking fund) as will reduce the sum of said bonds and proceeds to one million and a half of dollars, the 18 Covenant to account. Lessee may relocate or rebuild. Inventory and ap¬ praisals. investment in a sinking fund being regarded for the purpose of this clause, as payment and extinction, pro tanto , of said bonds. And the Fitchburg Railroad Company agrees, at all times upon the request of the Directors of the Ver¬ mont and Massachusetts Railroad Company, to fur¬ nish the said Directors with a full and detailed ac¬ count of all expenditures, by said Fitchburg Railroad Company, of the money received from all its sales of the lands of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company, its sale of said Brattleboro Branch if made, and from the sale of any bonds issued or renewed un¬ der the provision of this lease. It is further agreed and understood between the parties hereto, that the Fitchburg Railroad Company may relocate or rebuild any part of the line of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad, and for the pur¬ pose of straightening the same, or improving the grades or curvatures, may discontinue any portion, so far as it can lawfully be done, and may construct a second track in whole or in part, sidings, stations, and, in general, may make any reasonable and proper altera¬ tions, additions or improvements on said property, which the said Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad would, if acting in its own corporate capacity, have power to do. All however is to be paid for by the Fitchburg Railroad Company either out of its own funds, or out of the funds to be raised from bonds or otherwise as herein provided. In addition to the inventory of the personal property assigned and made over as above provided, there shall be another inventory and appraisal made at, or imme¬ diately after, the execution of this lease, of all the lo¬ comotives, cars, rolling stock, machinery, and personal property of every nature and description demised to the Fitchburg Railroad Company by this lease, and an accurate description and appraisal made of the road, tracks, buildings, bridges, and all similar property ap¬ pertaining to and of the nature of real estate, of the 19 Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company; and a copy of such inventory, description, and appraisals shall he furnished to each of said Companies ; and the same shall he evidence in any and all cases in which the question of the value of said property at the time of making this lease shall arise. The said inventory, description, and appraisals, as also the other inventory and appraisal provided for in this lease, shall be made by two disinterested persons, one selected by each of said Companies, who in case of any dispute or disa¬ greement may choose a third. And if at any time it shall happen that this lease Lease de- ^ termining shall be or become invalid, or shall be terminated with- without de¬ fault, out the default of either party, then, and in such case, parties to ^ ’be restored each party shall he restored as near as may be to the to former condition in which it stood before the lease was made, and due allowance shall be made for what each party has paid, received, or become liable for in consequence of this lease, or in carrying out its provisions, so as to make an equitable adjustment between them, (but in no case shall any rent be returned, it being understood that the rent and the value of the occupation shall be considered as mutually equivalent) and if the parties cannot agree upon such adjustment, or upon an arbi¬ tration, then the party aggrieved shall have a claim to relief at law or in equity. All the covenants by either corporation shall be^^gon binding upon its successors and assigns, and all the assigns - covenants to or with either corporation shall enure to the benefits of its successors and assigns in the same manner as if in each case it had been fully expressed. 20 Til (Uitlte$$ mhereof, the Vermont and Massa¬ chusetts Railroad Company by its President, and the Fitchburg Railroad Company by its President, the President of each of said Companies being thereto duly authorized as a committee, have to this, and one other instrument of even date and tenor herewith, signed their corporate names, and affixed their corpor¬ ate seals, the year and day first above mentioned. £ o XTX Vermont and Massachusetts Rail¬ road Company, by Daniel S. Richardson, President, hereto au¬ thorized as a Committee by the Directors. Fitchburg Railroad Company, by William B. Stearns, President, hereto authorized as a Commit¬ tee by the Directors. Countersigned by Franklin V. Poor, Treasurer Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company. Countersigned by M. D. Benson, Treasurer Fitchburg Railroad Company. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. Suffolk, ss., January 7th, 1874. Then personally appeared William B. Stearns, and as President of the Fitchburg Railroad Company, and as a committee duly authorized thereto, acknowledged the above to be the free act and deed of the Fitchburg Railroad Company. Before me P. E. TESCHEMACHER, Justice of the Peace. 21 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. Suffolk, ss., January 7th, 1874. Then personally appeared Daniel S. Richardson, and as President of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company, and as a committee duly author¬ ized thereto, acknowledged the above to be the free act and deed of the Vermont and Massachusetts Rail¬ road Company. Before me P. E. TESCHEMACHER, Justice of the Peace. This memorandum witnesses that the terms of the within lease, have, before its approval by the stockhold¬ ers of the Companies therein named, been unanimously agreed upon by the Directors thereof, acting under votes of their respective boards, both in their official capacity and as representatives of their respective boards. ^ Daniel S. Richardson, ll«ds Geo. F. Fay, F. Goodhue, ilUt Wende11 T. Davis, T. K. Ware, Jas. A. Dupee, ?3ol Wm. H. Hill, Directors of Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company. l gg • a £>§« | Wm. B. Stearns, ” ^ iJD W h Robert Codman, oSl S. Seth Bemis, S'gS 5 P. B. Brigham, .-§g5 . o Alvah Crocker, Directors of the y Fitchburg Railroad Company. 22 Extracts from the Directors’ Records of the Fitch¬ burg Railroad Company. The following vote was passed at a meeting held December 18th, 1873 : “Voted': That it is expedient to call a Special Meeting of the stockholders of the Fitchburg Railroad Company, to he held at the Passenger Station on Causeway Street, Boston, on Wednesday, the 31st day of December 1873, at 11 o’clock A. M., to see if the stockholders will authorize the Directors to take a lease of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad and its branches, for nine hundred and ninety-nine years, and to act upon the terms thereof ; and the Clerk is hereby directed to call the same.” The following vote was passed at a meeting held December 29th, 1873. “ The proposed lease of the Vermont and Massachu¬ setts Railroad having been presented and read, on mo¬ tion of Mr. Bemis, seconded by Mr. Crocker, it was voted that this board do agree to said lease and ap¬ prove the same, subject to the approval of the stock¬ holders.” Extract from the Stockholders’ Records of the Fitch¬ burg Railroad Company. The following vote was passed at a Special Meeting of the stockholders of the Fitchburg Railroad Com¬ pany, held Wednesday, the 31st day of December, 1873: “That whereas the Directors of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company, and the Direc¬ tors of the Fitchburg Railroad Company, whose roads enter upon and connect with each other, have agreed that the first named Company, shall make a lease of its road to said last named Company, and that such lease shall be for the term of nine hundred and ninety- nine (999) years, from the first day of January A. D., one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, and that in addition to the payment of certain taxes, assess¬ ments and other payments to be made, and liabilities 23 to be assumed and fulfilled by the lessees under said lease, the rent of such rbad, to be paid half yearly by said lessees, shall be a certain percentage upon the Capital Stock issued by the said Vermont and Massa¬ chusetts Railroad Company, viz : Four per cent, per year thereon for the first two years of said term, five per cent, a year thereon for the two next years of said term, and six per cent, a year thereon for the residue of said term. And whereas the said Directors have agreed upon all the terms of said lease, which are fully set forth in the draft of a lease, this day submitted to the stockholders of the Fitchburg Railroad Company.” “ Now therefore, we, the stockholders of the Fitch¬ burg Railroad Company, do sanction and confirm such agreement, and do hereby approve of the terms of said lease, and do approve, ratify and confirm such lease it¬ self, and hereby authorize the Directors of the Fitch¬ burg Railroad Company in its behalf, either by their committee or collectively, to execute the same, and to affix thereto the signature and corporate seal of the Fitchburg Railroad Company.” Extract from the Directors’ Records of the Fitch¬ burg Railroad Company. The following vote was passed at a meeting held January 7, 1874: “ On motion of Mr. Codman it was voted : That the President of this Company be authorized as a Com¬ mittee to execute aild acknowledge the lease of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad, approved by the Stockholders at their Special Meeting held December 31, 1873, and to affix the corporate seal thereto.” T hereby certify that the foregoing are true copies from the Records of the Fitchburg Railroad Company. ' Attest: THOMAS WHITTEMORE, Clerk of the Fitchburg Railroad Company. Extracts from the Directors’ Records of the Ver¬ mont and Massachusetts Railroad Company. 24 The following vote was passed at a meeting, held December 19, 1873 : “ Voted : That a Special Meeting of the Stockhold¬ ers of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Com¬ pany be called, to be held at the Passenger Station of the Fitchburg Railroad Company, on Causeway Street, in Boston, the sixth day of January next, at eleven o’clock A. M., to see if the Stockholders will authorize the Directors to lease the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad and its branches, for nine hundred and nine¬ ty-nine years, and to act upon the terms thereof.” The following vote was passed at a meeting held January 6, 1874 : “ The lease of the Vermont and Massachusetts Rail¬ road to the Fitchburg Railroad Company, as agreed upon by the joint Boards of Directors, was submitted to the Board, and thereupon the following vote was unanimously passed, viz: Voted: That this Board agrees to said lease and approves the same subject to the approval of the Stockholders.” Extract from the Stockholders’ Records of the Ver¬ mont and Massachusetts Railroad Company. The following vote was passed at a Special Meeting, held January 6, 1874 : “ Whereas , the Directors of the Vermont and Massa¬ chusetts Railroad Company, and the Directors of the Fitchburg Railroad Company, whose roads connect with each other, have agreed upon a lease by the first named Company, of its road to the last named Com¬ pany, for the term of nine hundred and ninety-nine years, from the first day of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, and upon all the terms thereof, a copy of which lease has this day been read and submitted to the stockholders of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company.” “ Now therefore, we, the stockholders of the Ver¬ mont and Massachusetts Railroad Company, do sanc¬ tion said lease, and do approve the terms thereof, and 25 do hereby authorize the Directors of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company, in its behalf, either by their committee or collectively, to execute the same, and to affix thereto, the corporate seal of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company.” Extract from the Directors’ Records of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company. The following vote was passed at a meeting held January 7th, 1874 : “ Voted : That the President of this Company be au¬ thorized, as a committee, to execute and acknowledge the lease to the Fitchburg Railroad Company, ap¬ proved by the stockholders, at their Special Meeting, held January 6th, 1874, and to affix the corporate seal thereto.” I hereby certify that the foregoing are true copies from the Records of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company. Attest: B. D. LOCKE, Clerk of the Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company . •-/(//V 29 JS39 mvm » n " Ul*. ♦