- |T *Uffr c .. v 1 WMPt i t Han B THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY 6 ?> . 7 * v HGi> V*. I fck- I *B I - - ' OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS -NON CIRCULATING CHECK FOR UNBOUND CIRCULATING COPY UNIVlKSMTUf Agricultural Experiment Station BULLETIN No. 181 BY J. G. MOSIEE AND A. F. GUSTAFSON URBANA, ILLINOIS, APRIL, 1915 SUMMARY OF BULLETIN No. 181 I. A deep, well-prepared seed bed is essential for aeration, proper root devel- opment, and conservation of moisture. It gave a gain of 14.5 bushels ($7.25 at 50 cents) per acre over no seed bed. (Table 6.) 1 2. Killing weeds is the most important factor in cultivating corn on brown silt loam. No weeds gave an increase over weeds of 38.6 bushels of corn, a gain of $19.30 per acre. (Table 6.) ^ 3. Weeds reduce the yield of corn more by robbing it of plant food and light than by depriving it of moisture. Irrigation on a weed plot gave an increase of only 3.8 bushels. (Table 6.) ' 4. As an average of sixteen tests in eight years, killing weeds without cul- tivation produced a gain of 17.1 percent, or 6.7 bushels per acre, over ordinary cul- tivation. (Table 6.) 5. Three-fourths of the corn roots are in the plowed soil, and as plants de- velop no unnecessary roots, any injury to them results in a lower yield. Four-inch pruning six inches from the hill reduced the yield 16.9 bushels. (Table 4.) 6. The cultivated soil, especially in periods of drouth, is too loose and dry for proper root development, consequently the plant is deprived of the food which it contains. 7. After the roots are well distributed thru the soil, little moisture can es- cape, even from uncultivated land. (Table 9.) 8. On gray silt loam on tight clay in southern Illinois, as a three-year aver- age, preparation of seed bed gave an increase of 21.5 bushels; killing weeds by scraping with a hoe gave a gain of 21 bushels over allowing them to grow; and fertilization gave an increase of 14.2 bushels. Ordinary shallow cultivation gave a yield of 31.2 bushels per acre, while killing weeds without stirring the surface gave 31.5 bushels. (Table 12.) 9. The proper type of cultivation is deep enough to kill the weeds but shal- low enough to reduce root injury to the minimum. On Illinois soils a good seed bed, killing weeds, and soil enrichment are the important factors in growing corn. 10. Cultivation is beneficial for aeration of heavy soils, clays and clay loams. (Table 14.) II. Cultivation raises soil temperature early in the season and lowers it later. (Table 11.) 12. Subsoiling on gray silt loam on tight clay at Odin caused a decrease of" 2.7 bushels per acre. (Table 15.) 13. Results of deep-tilling tests so far conducted by this experiment station do not warrant recommending the purchase and use of deep-tilling machines in this state. SOIL MOISTURE AND TILLAGE FOR CORN BY J. G. MOSIEE, CHIEF IN SOIL PHYSICS, AND A. F. GUSTAFSON, ASSOCIATE IN SOIL PHYSICS The common impression among farmers and most agricultural writers is that cultivation of corn is necessary as a means for con- serving moisture. While this may be true to a large extent in sub- humid and semiarid regions, yet in humid sections this purpose in the cultivation of corn is a very secondary object. The reader is asked to note and to keep in mind that it is not the purpose of the authors of this bulletin to recommend specific methods or implements to be used in the cultivation of corn, but to develop principles that should be observed in order to secure the best results. The investigations reported were conducted to discover why corn is cultivated, and no one should assume that we advocate for practical farming the substitution of hand labor for horse power, but only that principles should guide practice toward the greatest profits. KILLING OF WEEDS The most important factor in the growth of a crop of corn on fertile soil with a well-prepared seed bed in humid regions is the kill- ing of weeds. With the same preparation of seed bed, corn produced, as an eight-year average, 7.3 bushels per acre where the weeds were allowed to grow, and 45.9 bushels where the weeds were kept down without any cultivation. This gives an increase of 38.6 bushels, or say $19.30 per acre, for keeping weeds down. Weeds deprive the plant of moisture, light, and food, all of which are absolutely neces- sary for the production of crops. Of these factors, however, the one that has made the greatest difference is that of plant food. Corn has been grow r n together with weeds, but irrigated so that it was not de- prived of moisture, yet the increase from irrigation, as a four-year average, was only 3.8 bushels per acre. Weeds are much better for- agers than are most cultivated crops; and it would be just as rea- sonable to expect a lamb to thrive with a bunch of hogs as to expect corn to compete with weeds. MOISTURE AND FOOD If a soil is in good tilth and there are no weeds, little or no cul- tivation is necessary. If it is in poor tilth with no weeds present, some cultivation may be necessary for aeration. This is especially 565 566 BULLETIN No. 181 [April, true of heavy soils or those containing a large amount of clay. In humid climates cultivation of corn is rarely necessary for the con- servation of moisture if a good seed bed has been prepared. After the corn has become twelve inches or more in height, the roots are so completely distributed between the rows that it is difficult for moisture to escape from the soil, for it is captured by the roots in its upward progress. As an average of eight years' investigations, the soil was found to contain no more moisture where the corn was cul- tivated than where the weeds were destroyed without cultivation. (See Table 9.) Cultivation should be as shallow as possible at all times, altho deeper stirring is permissible the first time than later. For the high- est yield, cultivation should never be deep enough to injure the roots. The purpose of the roots is to get plant food and moisture, and as a general rule plants develop no more than are necessary for this pur- pose. The injury of a few roots, therefore, may stunt the corn. It must be remembered, too, that the plowed stratum is the richest part of the soil, and that the roots will naturally develop where there is the largest supply of plant food. Three-fourths of the roots of the corn plant are developed in the plowed soil. For this reason deep plowing in both fall and spring should be done to give a large feeding area. CULTIVATION EXPERIMENTS IN OHIO Experiments have been carried on at several stations to determine how often and how deep corn should be cultivated. A few stations have determined the effect of weeds on a crop of corn. The first TABLE 1. KESULTS OF CORN CULTIVATION AT OHIO EXPERIMENT STATION, COLUMBUS, OHIO* (Yields in bushels per acre) Kind of cultivation 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 3-yr. av. Av. % of No. 3 1. None, weeds allowed to srrow . 21 7 14.5 6.4 13.5 .35 6 7 23.8 2 Surface 284 91 3 53.5 1340 52 7 994 3. Ordinary, 4 or 5 times. . . . 4. Ordinary, excessive num- ber 49.8 29.4 82.4 88.3 56.0 55.2 20.00 21.30 52.8 54.9 100.0 104.0 5. Ordinary, three times, 2 days apart 895 44.7 18.90 51.0 96.5 6. Ordinary, three times, 4 78.1 47.0 20.40 48.5 91.8 7. Ordinary, three times, 8 <3ays apart 81.0 56.4 16.10 51.2 97.0 8. Ordinary, three times, 12 days apart 94.0 53.0 18.80 55.3 104.7 'Annual Eeports 2 to 6. 2 The yield from shallow cultivation is taken as the standard and represented as 100 percent ; the relative yields from the other methods of cultivation are then expressed in percentage of this, based upon all comparable yields. 1915] SOIL MOISTURE AND TILLAGE FOR CORN 567 to carry on experiments along this line was Ohio, at Columbus, be- fore the station was removed to Wooster. Table 1 gives the results. Little was gained by a large number of cultivations. Comparing the average yields of 1885-1887, we find 54.9 bushels for excessive cultivation as against 52.8 bushels for four ordinary cultivations, or an increase of 2.1 bushels. The effect of weeds on the crop as shown in these results was very striking. Where the weeds were allowed to grow, 8.7 bushels of corn per acre were produced, as a four-year average, but where the weeds were kept down by surface cultivation the yield was 46.6 bushels, or 37.9 bushels increase. MISSOURI EXPERIMENTS Table 2 gives the results from some experiments on tillage at the Missouri Station. TABLE 2. RESULTS OF CORN CULTIVATION AT MISSOURI EXPERIMENT STATION 1 (Yields in bushels per acre) Kind of cultivation 1889 1890 Av. Av. % of No. 2 1 None scraped with hoe 82.0 45.7 63.8 95.3 2 Shallow, 4 times 80.1 53.8 66.9 100.0 3. Deep, 4 times 65.8 41.2 53.5 80.0 'Bulletin 14. Without cultivation, but with the weeds kept down by scraping with a hoe, the average yield for the two years was 63.8 bushels per acre, while for shallow cultivation the yield was 66.9 bushels, or 3.1 bushels increase. Deep cultivation, compared with shallow, shows a loss of 13.4 bushels per acre. INDIANA EXPERIMENTS Table 3 gives the results from experiments at the Indiana Station in which cultivations at different depths were compared. TABLE 3. RESULTS OF CORN CULTIVATION AT INDIANA EXPERIMENT STATION* (Yields in bushels per acre) Depth of cultivation 1888 1889 1890 1891 2-yr. av. 4-yr. av. One inch deep 60.7 56.6 58 7 Two inches deep Three inches deen. . 64.3 64.6 45.5 41.8 46.7 46.4 57.6 50.2 61.0 57.4 53.5 50.8 'Bulletin 39. EARLY EXPERIMENTS IN ILLINOIS Professor G. E. Morrow, of the University of Illinois, began some experiments in 1888 to determine the value of cultivation and its best 568 BULLETIN No. 181 [April, a 4-1 O - N tOOOlSOt^lOC^frH &o >x < t^otoco'rHaioco-* l-H iH rH rH \* co co t^ co in co IN 06 o to oi TH in * ' ; CO t- CO b- CO t- O . . ** V-* O5 35 CO rH O l^ CO ^s * eq'ido ' .T)5co'oco' t- l~ L- , , CO D CO 5O >H w* V-i-co&qc,ooo ^^ CO OOi-HCOCXl^CO-^iOrH t-cot-cot-oot^oot^ t-' 10 co' ; ~x 00 CO CO ... . . CO t~ CO O OJ CO "* tat~o (35 rH?DC\IO5GOO5COGOTj< CO rH 1^-^TtlOGOOGOlOOO t^COt^OOCOOlt^COCO 00 OGOO5CO1OOOO1O CO t 1 OCO-^-^Tttt-rHTtllO O5O5COOiOOOiOiO5OO 03 ^ rfj -*-^ ::::: 5 : : : ? ^g ^ O "tn . r3 ^3 te 1 I ^ 03 S fc ? 1^1 S ^g S.| >, - r sg^ ^! .- f-i O > a fc ""S S tn S ,S K- < -fl E W Scc'-^^' 730 fl .SSt8o^ a3*f-iJl'* ! 3^!3 *;3^OT 1;.^IIII P^-^^rHP^^ft oTr2 ^~ -T O! 03 03 00 r ^ ^ -M ^j -u gcS o COCOlOOSOSb-OOO CO * rt* rH in # oq cq co cxi CO ^J gjOgCO^rHrH^ CO o O rH CM rH rH iH "& 33Sc*;3 CM O 02 O cq' rH CM' rH co' t^ co | rHOOOtOmcOTj(CO 5 O t- 00 00 O) ^ j* " 00 rH rH eg rH o . HH Ol CO Cl t. >1 5 rH in t^ OJ t 00 CO ^ >s/ "* c O CO CO Ol CO Ol >^ J CO t~ in 1 1 03 i i rO go 1 : 'O S ( ( * ^ ^_^ , . . 4 3rfl O ci 03 15 ' 6 o " 3 9 > > a GO m fl ^ o> o> -*J ^-> -*j . T3 bo ^ W 3 'p J3 0) O rn *^ ! T^ ^ 05 p*~ Treatment w T? 9 "S > 2 o 1= M *3 ^ & Ol c 0) !- 01 o> & V M PH ^J rQ^ | bed prepared bed prepared, rigated bed prepared gated, fertili/ 3 3 A 5 Not plowed o scraping wi QJ ^ i oa a) M ^ O) PL! V o o p . tiJD . Plowed, see grow, irriga CD 01 aj Plowed, seed 3 times, ir HJ3 s ro of ,. 0) is ~ .2 co PH cS ft o o> CO 03 PQ cc 7\ rH ; t-^ HHr-i'HCO'rHCJrH'^tt C"^ CO . 1C 00 I Oi O 00 rH O r-irH * C\] i-H CO O3 -^ CQ N O u> i , 'r-i(MTtioOr-l(MCq CO J jj. -NlCt>-C^ OQlOOit^lM" "cOr-iiH CO N .< n <5 10 oi i^ oi od oc i cb Tj< co p t-s Z ^ j J i g UVJ fj **^ "^T 1 tiJ *iJ 1 ^ 1 I OO CO ocioaini-^rHfOloocif^i cc B 'A O 30 OO g Tji CO" CO" r-i " i-H CO IO Ir^OiOOiOiOOOO O I O * CO O3 Oq O3 OJ 'H rs r-i -si L i-1 U5 00 T}H (35 CD CO CO co in co i-i a rH O rft CO O3 03 03 03 03 i 1 O >O <>!> r-t 00 -rff t- IO O t rH Ol -H T}5 IO O TJH og O (M OQ O O ?> | CO * 5O x9S | 1 ^0 O CO 00 O CO Cvl CO o vSCOQ O O CT-- | CO Ttl CD xM | | | e>o O O CD OJ CO O xOTO3 O O C> 1 CO * CD ^ | | 1 f>0 O CD C-3 CO Cultivation 1. Not plowed or cultivated, weeds kept down by scraping with hoe 2. Plowed, seed bed prepared, no cultivation, weeds kept down by scraping with hoe 3S. Plowed, seed prepared, weeds allowed to grow 4. Plowed, seed bed prepared, cultivated shallow 3 times. . . 1915] SOIL MOISTURE AND TILLAGE FOR CORN 579 From the averages given in the table, it will be seen that the sur- face stratum of the unplowed plot, No. 1, had the lowest moisture content, but the difference among the plots was slight, the average being only 1.0 percent higher in the plowed, uncultivated plot, No. 2, .5 percent higher in the weed plot, No. 3S, and .7 percent higher in No. 4, cultivated. The weed plot, both in 1911 and in 1913, showed a lower moisture content than the other plots less even than the un- plowed one. Probably a better idea of the moisture content of the soil can be obtained from Table 10, which gives the lowest moisture content found in the surface soil during the season. The moisture content as given includes both hygroscopic and capillary moisture. The wilting coefficient of this type of soil, i.e., the point at which the plant wilts permanently, or where the plant has used all of the available water, is about 9.3 percent. The amount of available water in the soil at any time is the difference between the actual amount present and the wilting coefficient. From the above it will be seen that but little available moisture was in the soil at certain times in 1911, 1913, and 1914. The temperatures at a depth of 2 and 4 inches have been deter- mined once each week during the last five years on Plot 1, unplowed, and on Plot 4, plowed and cultivated. The temperatures were taken three times a day, at 9 a. m. and at 1 :45 and 4 :45 p.m., from plow- ing time till the corn was mature. Table 11 gives the averages of these determinations. The general effect of tillage, as an average for the season, was to lower the temperature from .3 to 12.4 degrees. A single exception was the average temperature taken at 9 a.m. for the two-inch depth in 1909, which was the same for both the plowed and the unplowed soil. The average differences in temperature between the plowed and the unplowed plots for the two-inch depth were 1.7 degrees at 9 a.m., 4.7 at 1 :45 p.m., and 3.9 at 4 :45 p.m. The average differences for the four-inch depth were 1.3 degrees at 9 a.m., 2.2 at 1 :45 p.m., and 1.8 at 4:45 p.m. Early in the spring the effect of plowing is to raise the tempera- ture of the soil by decreasing the amount of evaporation, which is a cooling process, and by concentrating the heat near the surface. Evaporation takes place very rapidly from unplowed soil because of its compactness and its rather high moisture content. Later in the season, however, after the unplowed soil loses some of its moisture, the tendency is for it to become warmer than the plowed and culti- vated soil, and the result is that during June, July, August, and Sep- tember the relative temperature of the unplo.wed, uncultivated soil is higher from one to twelve degrees. 580 BULLETIN No. 181 \_April, < o H EH 02 a K < H -T4 ^ >> CXI rH in rH O. o g oj g 03 rrj fc 1 1 \ ^ z: o> PH o tH i-H rH in I-H rH cx; o rH O rH _a a> _ CXI o fl cs 53 03 T3 i 3 00 CO OO .' -I- 3 m o ^ 00 11 i i o rH rH rH CXI I 1 g CO 00 CO rH CXI o g cs g rrj 11 00 1 CO "i CD i 1 1 1 in rH in oi i i co rH f ^ ^ (M CXI cx, (M O d 03 1 1 1 1 00 CO 00 *" IH (H PH o 00 in i-H o o rH I b-I eo cxi rH ^3 o 12 ^ O Pi 03 I I CO 3 OO 00 00 co JH "a 11 iH oo' rH OS rH rH CD' rH oq rH g * < * t- '^ ^> C^I CXI CXI rH o g as g 03 rQ 00 OO CO 00 i -^ t. o rH 00 Ss CO i-H rH CO rH co' rH fl ^ r*l rH rH rH rH rH rH O O fl 1 I | | s ^ 00 00 CO 00 i! 00 i-H LO rH CXI rH cq in i i s *^ ^* o 32 Cu p^ O 4 H 1 5 rH rH O Z CO Q C75 i 3 H O5 rH Q rH rH O5 rH D 3 z; Oi D rH /J Oi 1 O 1 G5 rH 2 AJNU 4 IT Fahrenheit a o '43 S I! " S O D H bio H t- OJ rH <* CO co s- QO 00 CO CO O t~ GO t- CO CO ^ t~ CO 00 S s s a a a s > ^2 a i o >e -u Ol 1 >g ^ 'cT o> I ^o 'E. u o K rH 4. Plowed, cultivated shallow 3 times 582 BULLETIN No. 181 [April, ^ O o r-l "** *^ CO 00 Ci CO o i i oo' ~-~ * (D Ci OO CO rH oi oq o in rt H 1-1 CO M O m in oq ^ ^* o rH CD rH if CO 1 rH co ' rH Oi rH O o o CO rH Ci rH o o o CD* o o rH oq' CO rH oq CO CO aq I-H rH O5 rH oq' 8 rH in -*i oq' CO rH -q H I- fc CD ba a ft bo _o CO cp . 1 e 5 80 E m It CO CO p >> ? o o a a o ^ rd CO o o nd CO '^ CD T3 rrj "B "ft -4-J | "S Is i jjj M "3 "S CO CO 49 41 5 c H * CD 1 "3 tc e9 1* n-T rrT CD 1 "5 na" E cS ft CD C ca prepare prepare imeston Ik 1 "~ S-^H r 1 IO 5 rrj r-j "CD rrj Q) ^CD g o -S CD rQ o 0. 9 is CD CD CD CD CO CD CD CO if "" H *s "S _o (73 r o* rrj I"C ^ ft * 1 1 CD ^ _0 e O O O g 25 r-i CM co * m a rH CO t~ oq CO CO r-H ^ CO OO CO CO C3i CO H oo m t~ rji co o * co * co co -^t in co CD Oq "^ rH rH CO ^^ t~^* o co as c3s m oo oq I-H CXI rH Oq rH rH CO O rH O CO rH t- CT> 05 CO OJ CO CO Tjn 00 co co oq oq Tt< +5 O CO in rH * OO CO o oo rj* o in o oo H -1 . O rHt-CM rJHCO ) !> ' >n o in o co in oo CO rH CO OO in CO in M ^ 02 "* CO CO CO * CO J ) ti I-H in * co t- co in co o in m oo <*< rH q 5 ^ri Oq rH rH Oq * CO t^ 4 Oi in O -^ rH r-f CO m co oq co TJ< -^ * 3 co J CD 1-5 oq >n in t^ rH I-H I S Q rH in * C75 in 00 Tjf (M Oi rH OO O ^ rH 4 r-5 rH CO -H CO OO rH -H | I I | O rH l^ Oq Oq CO rH { I rl oo co co T-H co oq I ft O 00 O rH oq O CO CO rH Oq O3 ^1 t~- CO ? ' I in co co co in co co i 4 V.' cS Si rH 00 O in CO CO Oi Oi O O -^ TH CO a * co oq rj< oq co rH a 01 CD in co t~ Oi Oi in oq in CO CO rH O O CO ~ PH co co co oq co I-H co = CO B cb oq o o in oo o in O T}t -* 00 rH CO OI CO CM rH rH O CXI T 1 -= oo Ci o rH oq co ^ O O rH T t i 1 T ( T 1 Oi Ci Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi r o 1915] SOIL MOISTURE AND TILLAGE FOR CORN 583 A series of experiments was conducted at the Fairfield field in Wayne county, on the gray silt loam on tight clay, the common prairie soil of southern Illinois, to determine the relative value of cultivation on that type of soil. The results are given in Table 12, while Table 13 shows the monthly rainfall during the time of the experiments. Comparing Plots 1 and 2, we find that a good seed bed, as prepared on Plot 2, increased the yield by 215 percent on this type of soil, while on the brow,n silt loam treated similarly at the University, it gave an increase of 46.2 percent. Expressed in actual yield, the in- crease at Fairfield was 12.9 bushels, and at Urbana 14.5. The yields as given in the table show a benefit of only .2 bushel from cultivation after the seed bed was prepared. Taking the average of the first three years, it will be seen that the uncultivated plot gave an actual increase of .3 bushel over the cultivated. The fertilized gave an increase of 58.1 percent over the standard cultivated. EXPERIMENTS IN MANY STATES Bulletin 257 of the United States Bureau of Plant Industry gives data recently obtained on many different soils in twenty-eight states. It seems unfortunate that the types of soil were not described more fully in the bulletin, as some important distinctions in regard to soils might be deduced. In six years' experiments with corn, from 1905 to 1911, representing 112 tests, the average yield from uncultivated plots of various types of soil expressed in percentage of similar cul- tivated plots was 99.8 percent. This figure indicates that cultivation has but little value in growing a crop of corn, provided the weeds are kept down in some other way. It shows that the principal value of cultivation lies in the killing of weeds and not in the aeration of the soil or the conservation of moisture. We find that in subhumid or semiarid sections the average yield from the uncultivated land was TABLE 14. CORN YIELDS OP UNCULTIVATED PLOTS EXPRESSED IN PERCENTAGE OP THE YIELDS OF CULTIVATED PLOTS FOR DIFFERENT GROUPS OF SOIL TYPES 1 (Average of six years' experiments, 1905-1911 ) 2 Groups of soil types Average percent Clays 92.6 Clay loams 94.5 Silt loams 102.4 Sandy loams 105.7 Average of groups 98.8 'Data taken from U. S. Bur. Plant Indus. Bui. 257. 2 This includes only the data from soils which could be classified. 584 BULLETIN No. 181 [April, 85.9 percent of that from the cultivated. This shows a greater neces- sity for cultivation in such regions than in humid ones. The results obtained from some of the different types of soil experimented with are reported in Table 14. It will be noticed that the value of cultivation diminishes as the coarseness of the soil increases. This is what would be expected, con- sidered theoretically. The fine-grained soils, such as clays and clay loams, are naturally somewhat poorly aerated, and for these culti- vation would be of value for aeration. In the coarser soils, the silt loams and sandy loams, aeration is naturally better and hence culti- vation is not so beneficial. SUBSOILING Investigations to determine the value- of subsoiling in preparation for corn on gray silt loam on tight clay, the common prairie soil of the lower Illinois glaciation, have been carried on for eight years at the Odin field, in southern Illinois. Table 15 gives the results of these experiments. The form of plow used, shown by Fig. 7, consists of a shoe that runs in the bottom of the furrow made by the ordinary mold-board plow, loosening the soil but not throwing it upon the surface. FIG. 7. SUBSOIL PLOW. FOLLOWS ORDINARY PLOW AND LOOSENS THE SOIL IN THE BOTTOM OF THE FURROW It will be seen that with every soil treatment there was an almost uniform decrease in yield for subsoiling. The general average for eight years shows a decrease of 2.7 bushels per acre. The alleged 1915} SOIL MOISTURE AND TILLAGE FOR CORN 585 benefit of subsoiling is the increasing of the water capacity of soils and of their ability to retain water during dry seasons. Yet in 1913 and 1914, both of which were very dry seasons, this method, as a general average, gave only the very slight increases of .5 and .7 bushel respec- tively. The subsoil was loosened by the plow, but ran together as soon as it was wet and became approximately as it was before. The experi- ments as a whole show that subsoiling on this type of soil not only does not pay, but is a losing operation, for in order to pay for the extra work involved in subsoiling, at least a three-bushel increase would be necessary. NOTE. Until recently the amounts of limestone and crop residues on the Odin field were too small to provide for the adequate liberation of potassium ; but where larger supplies of limestone and organic matter are provided the addition of potas- sium salts produces but little effect, as will be seen from the results of the Fairfield experiments reported in Bulletin 123, and in the Appendix of county soil reports. TABLE 15. CORN YIELDS IN TILLAGE EXPERIMENTS ON GRAY SILT LOAM ON TIGHT CLAY, ODIN FIELD* (Bushels per acre as an average of two plots) Soil treatment 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 8-yr. av. Not Subsoiled None 44.4 35.5 29.3 28.8 16.8 26.1 25 43 235 Residues 50.1 33 ft 30.4 32.8 19.0 39.6 2 3 9 3 3 265 Residues, lime 473 35.5 ft9ft 40.3 24.7 48.6 4.1 2.1 28.9 Residues, lime, phosphorus 47.0 39.9 38.9 38.7 22.8 494 6 1 2 30 6 Residues, lime, phosphorus, potas. 70.1 76.1 64.0 79.8 35.7 65.4 3 10.1 3.1 50.5 Average . 51,8 44,0 38.3 44,1 ft38 45.8 53 ft9 3ft Subsoiled None 37.6 32.5 24.1 22.5 133 31 7 3 2 4 21 1 Residues 43.2 26.4 27.2 35.1 19.9 24.0 2 3 6 43 22 9 Residues, lime 473 34.9 28.5 37.5 22.7 47.5 4 1 24 28 1 Residues, lime, phosphorus 44.4 45.9 37.6 39.8 19 9 28 1 79 2 5 28 3 Residues, lime, phosphorus, potas. 59.4 60.3 60.4 85.6 40.4 48.5 2 10.1 5.0 46.2 Average 46.3 40.0 35.5 44.1 23.2 35.9 5.8 3.6 29.3 'The east half Q| each plot of each series was subsoiled as follows: Series 400 in 1907, Series 300 in 1908, Series 200 in 1909, Series 100 in 1910, and so on in regular succession. 2 Yields from single plots, as the corn in two plots in 1912 was badly damaged by water. DEEP TILLING Farmers are frequently urged to purchase a machine for plowing to a depth of 12 to 15 inches. There is little doubt that under certain conditions of soil and climate such plowing would be beneficial; but the results obtained by the Experiment Station in this state with the deep-tilling machine on the common prairie soil of the corn belt do 586 BULLETIN No. 181 [April, not warrant recommending its purchase. Experiments have been started also on gray silt loam on tight clay, in southern Illinois, to determine the comparative value of ordinary plowing, subsoiling, deep tilling (plowing 12 to 15 inches deep), and dynamiting the subsoil. Only one year's results have been secured, and no conclusions are as yet justified. MVERSITYOFILLINOIS-URBANA C001 166-181 1914-15 ' 3011201*28436 >*"** i