MATHEMATICS The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return to the library from winch it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theff, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 UNIVERSITY OF IUINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN BUILDING JAN 18 USE JM l 8 ONUT 198Z 982 L161 — O-1096 April 10, 1969 ILLIAC III SCANNER ANALOG CIRCUITS COO-IOI8-II77 Ufc THB WOV 91972 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN • URBANA, ILLI. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 coo-1018-1177 Report No. 320 ILLIAC III SCANNER ANALOG CIRCUITS* by J. L. Divilbiss April 10, 1969 Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 618OI •Supported by Contract AT(ll-l)-10l8 with the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. 1 rT* :> cr O < Ul 1 CO ir £o 5 9 S > cc Ul 1- co o UJ cr cr UJ z cc UJ > X O Q © cr Ul t- DAC DIVIDE BY K FIGURE 2 The division constant, K, can be selected so that the vernier bits are concatenated to the gross bits or so that they overlap the gross bits. Improvement in short interval resolution results from the fact that nonlinearities in the vernier DAC output are attenuated by the division constant, K. Voltage driven resistive ladders of the type shown in Figure 3 are fairly simple to design and are capable of very high linearity and stability. K K H *OUT V, REF FIGURE 3 -3- Unfortunately, circuits suitable for implementing the switch function are too slow for the Illiac III application. (Switches are usually realized with bipolar transistors, heavily saturated to make their effective resis- tance small compared to 2R. This heavy saturation greatly extends turn- off time. ) Weighted current summing systems of the type shown in Figure k represent another common approach to D to A conversion. DIGITAL INPUT ANALOG OUTPUT FIGURE h This system might equally veil he called a current-divert er scheme. A negative voltage on the 2° logic input will reverse bias Dl and allow I to flow from the operational amplifier summing point; a positive voltage wall reverse lias D2 and divert I to the logic signal driver. It is simpler and faster to divert the current than to turn the current generator on and off. In addition, greatest stability of a current generator results when the power dissipated in it is nearly independent of the digital mput. -It- Box 2 Many practical problems accompany the design of a high speed DAC; these problems will be revealed by a point by point examination of the 1018-300-00 and 1018-306-00 cards which constitute box 2. Diodes Dl through DT at the left side of Figure 5 make up an input protection network for the SN T li75N integrated circuit buffer. This form of protection pre- supposes that the logic circuits driving these inputs are current limited for positive going signals. Thus, a conventional DTL card of the 1018-2^0-00 class is an appropriate driver, a 1018-21U-02 is not. The SNTU75N quad flip-flop IC is part of an elaborate circuit designed to insure that the logic signals seen at the diverter diodes will change state simultaneously. This is an extremely important point which will bear further explanation. Assume an input state of 0111 for a four bit current diverter. If, in changing to a state of 1000, the one-to- Z ero transitions occur before the zero-to-one transitions (as is generally true with DTL positive logic) then the DAC will respond momentarily to a false input of 0000. The transient that this introduces into the system is, of course, directly proportional to the discrepancy in transition times/ The example just given is shown schematically in Figure 6. LOGIC INPUTS DAC OUTPUT FILTERED DAC OUTPUT FIGURE 6 -5- m f «* < z 3 < UJ q tr o UJ , * BE H" 5 tr y= o < o < u <" u^u q j 8 ill tr z - o < o + v r OUTPUT STAGE OF SN7475N *OUT OUTPUT WAVEFORMS FIGURE 8 As is indicated in Figure 8, output from the SN7^75N has a transition asymmetry of about lU nsec. measured at +2 volts. We have employed a three pronged approach in reducing this value. First, R2 (Figure 5) provides fairly heavy loading in a direction which speeds the positive transitions. Second, Dl6 and R6 are oriented to slow the negative transitions at the base of Tl while having minimal effect on the positive transitions. Third, R12 adjusts the threshold of the differential amplifier to compensate for component variations. The entire adjustment procedure for the 1018-300-00 card is contained in Appendix I. An inherent problem with current diverter systems is. that the switching signal is capacitively coupled to the analog summing point through the diverter diodes. This problem is shown in simplified form in Figure 9- vw DATA IN FIGURE 9 -9- Here again a variety of techniques is needed to minimize this source of error. RIO and Rll are chosen to provide Tl collector rise and fall times of about ten to fifteen nanoseconds each. Symmetry of rise and fall times at this point alloys partial cancellation of capacitive feedthrough for some data changes, such as 0001 to 0010. The principal reason for controlling rise and fall times, however, is to limit the capacitivly coupled error current, C g- , by limiting ^. Limitation of rise and fall times here is most easily accomplished by selecting moderately slow transistors for Tl and T2. Since the output of the 1018-300-00 card is connected to the input of an operational amplifier the switching signal supplied to the diverter need swing only slightly above and below ground. Diodes D20 and D21 limit the negative swing of the driver stage and help to limit the duration of the C ff coupled error current. Diode D22 limits the positive swing for the same reason and in addition prevents Tl from saturating. It will be made clear in a following section why the positive and negative clamps have unequal numbers of diodes. In previous paragraphs the error current was given as L dt without explicit reference to which capacitance was involved. In point of fact, for a typical diverter system the greatest source of signal-induced error results not from diode capacitance but rather from charge stored in the diverter diodes. Happily, it is now possible to buy hot carrier diodes having almost zero charge storage when compared to conventional high speed silicon logic diodes. (The Hewlett-Packard 5082-2800 has less than one picocoulomb of stored charge at the current levels used in the 1018-300-00.) It is no exaggeration to say that high speed current diverter systems are feasible only, if hot carrier diodes are used for the diverters. Although hot carrier diodes eliminate the stored charge problem they do have junction capacitances on the order of one picofarad. This means that the previously developed arguments for shaping the driver wave- form are still valid. The exact extent of capacitivly induced currents is ■10- difficult to determine since diode capacitance varies with bias. Also, there are wiring capacitances and the finite impedance of the current source to confuse the issue. (A reverse biased diode and a length of wire may constitute a capacitive divider network, with the division ratio constantly changing as the diode bias changes.) Finally, the input to the operational amplifier is a virtual ground only as an average. For transient conditions it may depart substantially from ground. The current generator for the most significant bit can best be explained by starting with a very simple current generator and then adding features . -v, -39V FIGURE 10 -11- The current generator of 10a fails only because the voltage drop across D2 depends on temperature. This effect can he partly offset by making -V very large but it is not feasible to achieve one part in 1+0,000 stability this way. The circuit of 10b adds another problem without solving the previous one; the collector current depends on the base current which is temperature dependent. Base current for the Darlington complex of 10c is a negligible factor but voltage across R depends on the combined base-emitter drops of Tl and T2. In the final configuration, lOd, two transistors have been added to compensate for thermal variations in V^. T10 and Til are contained in one dual package, T9 and T12 in another. The manufacturer's specification sheet for this dual transistor (Sprague TDlOl) lists a typical base-emitter voltage tracking of |a(v - v ) m J = 6yv/°c 1 K BEl BE2 ; TA' which would appear to give nearly perfect compensation. In practice, things are not quite this rosy since the specification above is stated in terms of changes in the ambient temperature. Unless care is exercised, much larger I v - V I tracking errors will result from unequal junction heating 1 BEl BE2 1 caused by unequal collector dissipations. Tests were made on a small sample of TDlOl's to establish two important thermal parameters not given in the manufacturer's data sheet. The first of these measured the change in V^ which results from changing the power dissipation while keeping the emitter current constant. AV BE1 = .36 mv/mw Ap CI The second test measured the change in V^ for a unit change of dissipation in the #1 transistor. AV BE2 - = .12 mv/mw Ap CI The ratio of these two thermal coefficients can be regarded as a measure of the thermal coupling between the two transistors. A number of caveats -12- are appropriate here. Thermal properties were measured only over the very restricted range of power dissipations appropriate to this applica- tion and should not be regarded as applying generally. In addition, the thermal coefficients given are average values; even within a sample of 5 dual units variations of + 20$ were seen. Finally, thermal time constants for this device are quite long. For an abrupt change in collector dissipation of 15 mw, approximately one minute is required before the base-emitter voltage settles to within one mv of its final value. (A change of 1 5 mw is not typical in this application but was used in order to make the V^ shift large enough to measure con- veniently. ) Armed with these thermal coefficients, we can now calculate the V BE shift of T12 which results from changing input data. Examination of Figure 5 shows that the collector of T12 cannot go more negative than the drop access D33 nor more positive than approximately zero, a total swing of about .6 volts. For an emitter current of k.0 9 6 ma this means a variation in collector dissipation of 2. 5 mw and a V^ shift of .9 mv. It is true that this V BE shift will be partly compensated by a shift in the V of T9 but on a practical time scale the compensation is not helpful. For lie power supplies specified, a .9 mv V^ shift affects the current by one part in Uo,000. Neither T10 nor Til has enough internal dissipation to have any influence on their base-emitter drops; they must be paired, however, to cancel varia- tions due to changes in the anient. T 9 dissipates a steady 5 mw independent of the data input. The only remaining requirements for a stable current generator are a high stability power supply and a stable emitter resistor. Note that the critical current-determining voltage is from -3 to -39, not -39 to ground. For this reason two power supplies are connected in series here, an ordinary -13- laboratory supply for -3 volts and an ultra stable -36 volt supply in series to provide the -39 volt return. R23 is a Vishay film resistor with a temperature coefficient of 1 ppm. R 2k has purposely been made very small to simplify "fine tuning" of the current and to minimize the thermal drift added by this component. The cermet pot used here has a tempco of about 100 ppm. The next most significant current source is essentially identical to the one just described. Note that R25 has been selected to make the emitter current of T13 equal that of Tl6. For the two remaining current sources on the 1018-300-00 card a slightly different technique of thermal compensation is used. Instead of using a Darlington connection to make the base current negligibly small, a dummy transistor is used to compensate for variations in base current. If T18 and T19 are selected for the same DC beta, then the collector current of T18 will equal the current through R30. (R29 was chosen to make the emitter currents of Tl8 and T19 equal.) Tl8 has a base current of less than 5pA and exhibits a variation of about .03uA per degree Celcius. If the base currents of Tl8 and T19 track to within ±0% for reasonable changes in the ambient then a ten degree change in ambient will introduce an error of about one part in 260,000 of the full scale output of the DAC. No allowance need be made for data-dependent collector dissipation since the dissipation of Tl8 differs by only .6 mw for the two logic states. The complication of- a second current generator design was not introduced for the trivial saving in transistors that it makes possible. Rather, the second design is used because the Darlington connection is not satisfactory for small currents: As is well known, the Darlington gains its high equivalent beta at the expense of sluggish operation. For our pur- poses it is very much as if a small capacitor were connected from the collector of T12 to ground. Positive excursions of the driver will quickly charge this capacitance through D32 but negative excursions merely allow the charge to be drawn off by the constant U.096 ma current source. Obviously, for less significant bits with smaller currents the associated ■Ik- time constant is longer. The second current generator design reduces this time constant problem but does require a more complicated transistor selection procedure. This procedure is given in Appendix II. If speed were no object the remaining eight current generators (packaged on two additional printed circuit cards) could be designed using the techniques of the preceding paragraphs. Speed is an object, however, and some way must be found to avoid the long time constants associated with stray capacitances and very small currents. (Current for the least significant bit would be only 2 M A. ) Figure 11 illustrates the essential mechanism for avoiding very small currents at the diverter diodes A very useful by-product of this approach is that the three DAC cards are identical, thus simplifying production, testing and stockpiling of spares. 2" P 10 2 9 2 8 2 7 2 6 2 5 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 1 2° 1018- 300-00 r~" i 1018- 300-00 DIVIDE BY 16 j 1018- DIVIDE BY 256 300-00 i L 1018- 306-00 J FIGURE 11 -15- The current division shown in Figure 11 is accomplished by simple resistor networks which none the less merit some discussion. In Figure 12 we see the divider network reduced to its barest essentials. V\Ar I IS FROM 1018-300-00 CARD, TO 7.68 MA FIGURE 12 For I n = I /N it follows from Ohm's law and the assumption of a "perfect" 1 o *■ * operational amplifier that R = R (W-l). Actually, the Input of the Analog Devices 1U9A can vary by 150mV with changes in the data and room temperature variations. Rl must be chosen large enough so that a nonzero voltage at B does not result in an appreciable error in I . If Rl is made 1300 ohms the maximum error due to amplifier offset is (III) (150uVj N 1300ft = .108uA or about one twentieth of the LSB. A division ratio of 16 yields an R2 of 86.67 ohms. Of course, the addition of resistive dividers means that the two less significant DAC cards do not work into zero impedance loads (as does the most significant card) and this warrants a reexamination of Figure 5. The output of each DAC card is a current ranging from zero to -16- coin tr - — vC^3-|i' £ » •- 5» »S <• »N ro LU 6 = _ iy m (1) ~ 5g u -^ s* or V) « £ < * w in cC (A cr < * u'^ o =" ^ v> «> K (fl O CO O en d UJ < in in III T < o 4 cr h 1- O Z ID S3 -J < ^ — • CM IO T 7.68 ma. The middle DAC card sees the 81.25 ohm impedance of the divide-by-sixteen network and thus develops an output swing of zero to -.62k volts. Now it becomes clear that the use of two diodes for the negative clamp (D20 and D2l) is necessary to insure proper switching of current in the middle DAC position. The second of the two diodes could have been omitted for cards used in the most significant position but it is simpler logistically to make all cards alike. The selection of resistors for the divide network is bounded by the following two restrictions: l), Rl must be large enough to reduce offset errors to an acceptable level and 2), Rl must be small enough to limit the voltage swing at the DAC card. Precision of the division ratio can be obtained either by the use of high precision resistors or by using less precise but adjustable networks.* As is clear from Figure 13, we have elected the latter approach. The divide by sixteen network allows an adjustment of approximately! 1.5* around the center value. Since R 9 is a twenty turn pot the adjustment is quite simple to make. The divide by 256 network is simple to design since the large ratio results in a small input impedance. Voltage swing for the DAC card connected to this input is only about 66 mv. With switch 1 open, output of the operational amplifier ranges from zero to +8.190 volts, the current to voltage conversion ratio being determined by R6, a .01/., IK resistor. (This range was selected so that all output voltages would be integer multiples of 2 mv, a choice that materially simplifies adjustment.) For reasons which will become clear horning Glass tin oxide resistors having 1% accuracy, good long term lability and a tempco of 50 PP m cost about seventeen cents Vishay thin fiS resistors of .01/. accuracy and 1 PP m tempco are about eight dollars each. ■18- shortly, the pre-amplifier (box 3) requires an input range of zero to some negative voltage. This polarity discrepancy could be resolved with a unit-gain inverter but a simpler solution is to translate the op amp output by 8.190 volts. With switch 1 closed, R 5 can be adjusted to provide +8.190 mA into the input terminal of the op amp, thus shifting the output range to zero to -8.190 volts. The current generator used to effect this output translation is similar to the current generators on the 1018-300-00 card. If base emitter voltages track, the emitter voltage of Tl will equal the drop across Dl, a 9 V zener with a .01#/°C temperature coefficient. Note that R3 establishes an operating current of about 8 ma for Dl and that Rl must be slightly smaller than R 3 to avoid saturating Tl. Emitter currents and collector dissipations are closely matched and do not vary with input data. Adjustment procedure for the 1018-306-00 card is given in Appendix 1. A subtle source of error in precision DAC's results from unintended coupling of logic and analog circuits through common ground cir- cuits. This situation is illustrated in greatly simplified form in Figure lk. LOGIC (I LOGIC FIGURE lk The analog circuit in this case responds to a "logic noise" voltage equal to the product of the logic current variation and the impedance of that part of the ground system common to both loops. The common Z can be minimized by placing clock, DAC and op amp cards in adjacent card slots and by wiring at least twelve parallel ground paths between cards. This -19- plurality of ground vires creates, in effect, a local ground plane on the wiring side of the connectors. BOX 3 The deflection pre-amplifier shown in Figure 15 is based, at least historically, upon a Digital Equipment Corporation design. The knowledgeable reader will quickly discover that the circuits used here are less precise and stable than the DAC circuits. A partial justification for this will be given following the description of the deflection, amplifier. The 1018-280-00 card can be regarded as an operational amplifier with input at the base of T5, push-pull outputs from the emitters of Tl and T2. Before examining the feedback connections we might look at the circuit elements which affect open loop gain. T 5 and T6 are the two halves of a 2N2060 dual transistor connected as a differential amplifier, common emitter current being supplied by T T . A positive signal voltage at the base of T 5 increases the emitter current of T 5 and decreases that of T6 by the same amount. If we momentarily ignore RU , we see that the collector load of T 5 is the input impedance of an emitter follower or approximately R3 multiplied by the beta of T2. Thus, the voltage swing on the collector of T 5 is approximately AI x T5K (for 3 = 50). this swing being carried to the output pins via two emitter followers. The voltage across RH is essentially a constant, the combined drop of a zener diode and a base-emitter junction. Since the current in RU does not depend on the collector voltage of T5 , this resistor does not_ parallel the already computed effective collector load of T5K. Instead, Rk serves as a current source to establish a better operating point for T 5 . The optimum emitter current of T 5 and T6 is a compromise between a large current which increases gain and a small current which minimizes thermal drift RIO reduces the open look gain slightly but shortens the settling time of the pre-a^p. R5 and 01 add phrase shift necessary for -20- overall system stability; the shielding beads counter a tendency toward oscillation in the output emitter followers. The remaining circuits on Figure 15 are part of the feedback network, shown more completely in Figure l6. The parts of the amplifier of most interest at this point are the one ohm, twenty five watt current metering resistors. These provide return signals proportional to the yoke current which is, of course, the quantity that determines spot position. The interaction of the two feedback networks can be most easily understood from observing the sequence of events following a change in the input. A negative going signal at the input will cause the collector of T5 to rise and this will be coupled, through two emitter followers, to the base of T13. Increased current in TlH, 15 and l6 will develop positive voltages across RU6, 1+7 and U8 which are fed back to the input. Assuming that resistors are accurately matched and that amplifier gain is high, the conversion ratio of input voltage to current in the B_ half of of the yoke is R Z YB = V IH 5^7 f0r R 13 " R U6 Now it is inherent in the design of a differential amplifier that the rise in collector voltage of T5 will be accompanied by a similar fall in collector voltage at T6. In general, this would result in a change in current in the A half of the yoke equal and opposite to the change in the B half. Unfortunately, between the collector of T6 and the current metering resistors there are four cascaded emitters followers, all with gains dependent on temperature and other factors. Thus, it is necessary to measure current in the A half and provide appropriate feedback signals to the preamplifier. The second of the two feedback systems not only provides for an algebraic total yoke current proportional to the input but also assures -22- I ? in I ? [ s * < > a > u 3c ? Q t- 2 1 ] that push-pull balance is maintained. This is equivalent to saying that no signal current flows in the center lead of the yoke. Since I + 1^ is a constant, it follows that the total of the voltages across all six metering resistors is also constant. These voltages are summed via R^ through R and the total compared to a value determined by R . If, for example, the total is too high, TT conducts more heavily. This momentarily reduces both preamp output voltages although not necessarily by the same amount. Of course, the first feedback system is still effective in main- taining proportionality between input and I so the net effect of the second feedback system is to regulate I . The summing networks made up of R2U through R29 are used only to provide test points. BOX k Essentially, the deflection amplifier in Figure l6 consists of push-pull Darlington stages which convert the pre-amp signal voltages into substantial deflection currents. The Darlington configuration provides not only the requisite power gain but also facilitates monitoring of the yoke current. Current in metering resistors R39, ^0 and Ul will equal the I yoke current except for the base current of T9 , normally about one ma. Depending on the application, yoke currents may be as large as six amperes, thus necessitating the use of parallel power transistors. Transistors used in parallel require additional testing, so much so that it is worthwhile to consider the errors that result from unmatched components The greatly simplified circuit shown in Figure IT will serve to illustrate the problem. METERING „ VOLTAGES j TO V FEEDBACK CIRCUIT FIGURE IT -2k- For any operating point the sum of the voltages fed back is Z A + J 2 R 2 If the total current remains constant but the division changes (as the result of a V fiE shift, for example) the fed back sum becomes (I-L + AI) R x + (l g - AI) R 2 or J 1 R 1 + J 2 R 2 + [ AI (V R 2 )] Obviously, the feedback circuit should respond to the total current which means the bracketed quantity should be zero. It is important to remember that we seek a feedback signal propor- tional to the load current and independent of current division among the parallel transistors. It is not necessary that this proportionality constant be assigned with high precision. This permits relatively inexpensive power resistors to be used if they are sorted into groups of three, matched to within .1%. The matching is accomplished by connecting a large number of resistors in series with a one ampere source and measuring the drop across each with a four digit DVM. As was previously pointed out, the voltage to current conversion ratio is determined by the input resistor R12 , the feedback resistors R13 through R15 and the current metering resistors R39, kO t kl, 1+6, 1*7 and 1+8. All of these must be stable in order for the gain to be constant. Stability of the input and feedback resistors is simply a matter of choosing resistors with low temperature coefficients and operating them at conservative power levels. The current metering resistors, on the other hand, impose special problems because of the power that they dissipate. Each metering resistor dissipates a maximum of four watts; by using a heat-sinked 25 watt resistor the resistance change due to self-heating is minimized. The resistor heat sinks are fan-cooled and placed so that they are not "contaminated" by heat from the power transistors. -25- The value of one ohm was selected as a compromise between the following constraints. A large value of metering resistor helps to equalize current distribution by making V BE variations less important. A large value also minimizes the error introduced by the resistance of connecting wire. (Resistors are matched to .0010, equivalent to a 3" length of #16 wire.) Finally, a large value increases the feedback voltage and thus minimizes the error resulting from op amp offset. On the other hand, a small value minimizes thermal drift due to self-heating. Careful matching to make the (R^) factor small is only part of the job. The other factor, AI, can be minimized by selecting sets of transistors with very similar characteristics. Each of the DTS-UlO transistor: to be tested is temporarily clamped to an air-cooled heat sink, power is applied and after thermal equilibrium is reached V BE and I B are recorded. The complete procedure for testing and grouping is given in Appendix III. The Delco DTS-HlO offers a number of important advantages over other transistors which were considered for this application. The device is inexpensive, has adequate voltage, current and power ratings, is rugged* and not too fast. The last qualification may seem inconsistent with our goal of maximizing deflection speed but it is not. The ultimate limitation on sweep speed is determined by the L § of the yoke and the voltage of the deflection supply. (Full scale deflection requires about 10 ysec in the Illiac III scanners.) If the deflection transistors have rise and fall times very short compared to this L ^ limit then the transistors "shock" the resonant circuit made up of yoke inductance and stray capacitance. The ringing that results from this shock excitation effectively increases the total deflection time. In short, the best transistor in this, application is not the fastest but rather one with di speed matched to the L g- limitations of the yoke. *Units recovered from the ashes of the March 1 9 6 T fire function perfectly. No failures have occurred in use. -26- In amplifiers of this type it is common to place a zener diode network across the yoke to protect the driving transistors from excessive transient voltages. Such a network is not needed here due to the ruggedness of the DTS-UlO. It is necessary to resistively damp the yoke to improve settling time. Optimum value of the damping resis- tor was empirically established (using a Tektronix current probe to measure ringing in the yoke current) at 8 5 ohms.* On a DC basis the current in the damping resistor is only about .18* of the yoke current. Under transient conditions, however, almost the entire deflection supply voltage may appear across half of the yoke. Thus, a high wattage resis- tor is used to eliminate the possibility of burn out which otherwise might result from bizarre sweep patterns. The 50 watt resistors in series with the yoke (RU 9 through R 5 h , not physically part of the amplifier assembly) serve to reduce dissipation in the driving transistors. The same result could be achieved by lowering the deflection supply voltage but at the expense of increasing deflection time. In general, deflection speed is maximized by making the deflection supply voltage as large as is consistent with the voltage rating of the driving transistors. In making precision measurements with a flying spot scanner it is customary to calibrate the overall conversion ratio (from digital representation to microns in the image plane) frequently and automatically. Thxs calibration may be accomplished by scanning a fixed reference image or by scanning test images having easily identifiable fiducial marks. The various sources of drift in the pre amp and deflection amplifier can only *The value calculated from 1/2 fusing the manufacturer's data for L and XT^r^eSLr ^ diS ™ - - «*" -om the yoke^sTot -27- translate the output or change the scale. Translation and magnification are easily measured in the automatic calibration process and, equally important, easily compensated for in the program. On the other hand, drift in the DAC will generally introduce nonlinearities scattered through the field, much harder to measure and much harder to compensate. Two design goals in the Illiac III scanner have been l), after a two hour warm up, overall system stability should be one part in 1+0,000 for a 30 minute period and 2), the DAC system should require readjustment not oftener than once a month to maintain 1/2 LSB linearity. The Slit Word Group If the image being scanned has line-like picture elements (as, for example, a bubble chamber photograph) there may be a considerable advantage in changing the flying spot scan into a flying line segment scan. The advantage can be explained in terms of additional readout information (orientation as well as position of the track) or in terms of improved signal to noise ratio. Basically, the deformation of the CRT spot into a short line segment is possible through the use of a special diquadrupole coil mounted on the CRT. The diquadrupole has two coils (called M and N) with coil currents determining both line orientation and length. Not surprisingly, M and N are trigonometric functions of the specified angle. Coil currents for M and N could be established by a relatively straightforward table look up process. For each digitally represented angle and length there would be stored (on a diode matrix card, for example) digital values for-M and N. These would be converted to analog M and N currents through conventional DAC techniques. This approach is clean but extravagant in terms of the hardware required. In the Illiac III scanner, M and N are formed by op amp function generators. This approach permits more compact hardware but requires a few more adjustments. -?R- Scanner logic allocates eight bits to theta, equivalent to dividing the circle into 2% parts. An angular resolution of l.U° approaches the practical limit imposed by coil uniformity and other factors. As is indicated by Figure 1, the three most significant bits of theta specify the octant while the remaining bits specify the angle within the ortant. For the moment, our discussion will concern angles in the first octant only. For angles in the first octant the least five theta register lines and the three "duw" zeroes are not complemented by the complement gate (Box 7). In terms of signals to the drivers (Box 8), the angular range of to 1*3.6° is represented by the range 0000 0000 to 1111 1000. The digital to analog conversions required in the slit word group need neither high speed nor extreme accuracy. (That is, conversion speed and accuracy are not the problems here that they are in the deflection group.) Hence, it is convenient to use a simple voltage-driven ladder as the DAC. In the ladder driver shown in Figure 18, T2 and T3 constitute a SPDT switch. Depending on which of the two is saturated, the output is switched to ground or to -1 5 volts through an impedance of a few ohms. The eight outputs of two 10l8-26 5 -02 cards connect directly to the resistive ladder shown in Figure 1 9 , a commercial unit built to our specifications. Unused inputs are grounded. We now have, as the output of Box 9, an analog voltage which is proportional to theta and which can be used to generate the sine and cosine functions. A short table at this point may keep the reader from getting lost. Only enough entries are listed to give the general idea. -29- @ B @ II D ID B n > 10 IT CVJ Q Oo I o — HI oo; S go or J. ® 6 ®*"® 1111 o « uj UJ i u. u. ^ o f)[1 >- O J- t- UJ < H u < UJ O IA Z zr * CO If! Ul UJ ; ■» * to 3 in 3 w wl u>5il , i ,. ■ J S - (/I 0. D O- I- O 0- z 3 < 3 < D> H 3 not in the feedback. Over the range to 1*5° the cosine function has greater curvature than the sine function; to obtain the same accuracy from a diode break network more break points are required for the cosine. The nonlinear network of the sine generator has three diodes, that of the cosine generator, five. Having the nonlinear network of the cosine generator on the input leads to an unfortunate complication. The difficulty is. more aesthetic than practical but will be mentioned here so the author cannot be charged with evasiveness. The input impedance of the cosine generator is not constant but ranges from about 1925 ohms to 1805 ohms as a function of the input voltage. If the card were driven from a low impedance source, this 6.5$ variation in input impedance would be of no consequence. The source is, however, a resistive ladder with a Thevenin equivalent impedance of IK. Thus, the voltage at the input of the cosine generator is not strictly proportional to theta but is "distorted" by the variable loading of the input network. Worse, since the sine and cosine generators are both tied to the ladder, the "distortion" caused by the cosine generator appears in the sine generator output. We could, of course, interpose an additional op amp between the ladder and its two loads. Alternatively, a dummy diode network could be added with its only function being maintenance of constant input impedance. Neither step is needed. When the constant load of the sine generator is added to that of the cosine generator, the total load seen by the ladder varies only about 3-3$ or one LSB. Since both generators are generously provided with adjustment resistors (necessitated prin- cipally by diode variations) it is simply a matter of adjusting the complete system for the correct transfer functions. Using a ladder as the source, and with both generators as loads, the cosine card is adjusted followed by the sine card. -35- We have, at this point, positive and negative sine and cosine functions for a very restricted range of angles. A couple of simple tricks will permit us to use these two humble function generators over the entire circle. We begin by defining M and N for each of the octants, OCTANT 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 M cos 9 sinUA-9' -sin 9 -cos(tt/U-9) -cos 9 -sinUA-9) sin 9 cos(tt/U-9) N sin 9 cos(tt/U-9) cos 9 sinUA-9) -sin 9 -cos(ttU-9) -cos 9 -sinUA-9) In the table above, "9" refers to the least significant five bits of the theta register. Two techniques are needed to make this system work: 1), a method of selecting either 9 or (tt/U-0) as the input to Box 8 and 2) , a method of switching analog signals between function generators and amplifiers . The UA-9) function is achieved easily by gating the complement of the least significant five bits of theta to the ladder drivers, Box 8. By itself, this operation would introduce an error of a unit in the least significant digit. Rather than correcting this by adding a unit in the least place (which could require a five digit adder) it is simpler to add dummy stages to the theta register. These dummy stages (always zero) -36- are complemented along with theta and reduce the complementary error to 1/8 LSB. This requires no extra driver cards since each 1018-265-02 has four ladder driver circuits. Fortunately, within any octant the function is 9 or (IT/U-e) for both M and N. The function selector shown in Figure 22 simply provides a path between a function generator and an amplifier, the particular analog path being specified by the logic inputs. If, f or example, Tl is cut off and T2 , T3 and Tk are saturated, the analog signal present on pin 2 appears at the output (inverted) and the other three analog signals are suppressed. The suppression afforded by heavily saturated germanium transistors is more than adequate for this application. Note that two different input circuits are needed for switching; the NPN circuits are used for +cosine and +sine, the PNP circuits for the negative functions. BOX 13 The M and N attenuators of box 13 are adaptations of an ingen- ious design by Professor Kenneth C. Smith and Mr. A. Sedra of the University of Toronto. For the circuit shown in Figure 23 the following relations obtain Vin OUT FIGURE 23 -37- CO CO LlI cr o tivj UJ *- a. t- < S (/> «• *- I 5 oo VI z => O Id Ul UJ v- !,. CO UJ ^ J S Q 1- '- - PJ fO 01 I! ID 00 LU => Naturally, the gain with only T2 conducting is half this value and so on for the remaining switches. The input impedance due to resistors R36 and R33 is a constant 15K if we assume the loading due to terminal 5 of the op amp to be negligible. The impedance of the branch consisting of R35 and the gain- controlling resistor (or resistors) is also 15K since the op amp ensures that the voltages across R35 and R36 will be equal. With the input impedance totally independent of the gain-controlling resistance, the addition of a small resistor at R3^ simply lowers the gain by a fixed ratio. For the values specified, gain with Tl conducting is 7500 )4T0 + 7500 (.15) = .1U15, the value required to match the function generator output range to the amplifier input range. A crucial requirement of the switched-gain amplifier is that it works with both polarities of input signals. In other words, the switch transistors must be cut off or saturated depending on the logic input but independent of the collector voltage polarity. Assuring saturation is not a problem for either polarity. Cutoff, on the other hand, is potentially a problem for negative collector voltages. The problem is solved by reverse biasing the switch transistors so that for the most negative collector voltage the collector-base junction is still reverse biased. Eight switch transistors permit 256 different values of gain to be specified on the 1018-312-00 card. In practice, only a few of these are used; the inclusion of three logic diodes for each switch facilitates this selection. The amplifiers (box lU) and diquadrupole coil (box 15) are both commercially obtained. Specifications for them are summarized in Appendix IV. -1+2- The Correction Group The correction group embraces the various circuits used to compensate for geometric distortion within the CRT. For convenience, the defocus circuitry (which provides controlled spot size degradation) is also included here. Dynamic Focus Correction For a flat faced CRT the total beam length can be shown to be approximately L = K x + K^X 2 + Y 2 ) where X and Y represent deflections relative to center screen. There is little merit in deriving functions of greater exactness since some of the relevant factors such as field distribution within the deflection yoke are nearly immeasurable . If we allow the preceding equation as a satisfactory approximation it then follows that the field required for focusing is B focus = B static + K(X " + Y ") Wh ^ 6 B s£atic re P rese nts the focus field for an undetected spot and K(r + Y ) represents the dynamic focus correction. The general system for generating the composite focus field is shown in Figure 26. The X and Y inputs for Figure 26 are taken from the X and Y DAC outputs and represent voltages in the range to -8.190 volts. These voltages are shifted by +4.095 volts (so that zero voltage corresponds to zero deflection), rectified, squared and summed using conventional op amp techniques. After attenuation by the appropriate factor, the dynamic focus correction signal is amplified by a commercial amplifier of conventional design. -43- U|— rr>r>r\ ID C\J UJ q: Hh z z ^ As Figure 26 implies, the static and dynamic focus fields are obtained through separate windings on the focus coil assembly. This is chiefly a matter of efficient design. Since the static focus current by definition does not change, the static winding can have relatively high inductance. This permits a large number of turns on the static winding and thus reduces the current drawn from the constant current source. On the other hand, the dynamic focus winding needs low inductance to accommodate rapid sweeps. The smaller number of turns implied by low inductance poses no problem as the B contribution required for the dynamic winding is at most about % of the static field. Unfortunately, the two focus windings are coupled with the result that current changes in the dynamic winding induce voltages in the static winding. This would be of no consequence if the static coil could be supplied from a perfect current source. Most laboratory power supplies operated as current supplies fall short of perfection. They usually have a permanently connected large output capacitor which means that transiently, the supply is a voltage source. The effective source impedance can, of course, be increased by adding a series resistor R. This approach is limited by the amount of power one is willing to waste in the series resistor. Another more effective (and more expensive) technique is to use a second focus coil assembly to cancel the induced voltage. This approach is particularly attractive if the focus correction circuits alternately service two CRT's. Both coil assemblies are mounted in the usual way; the coil on the idle CRT serves as the voltage cancellation dummy. This requires relays or similar devices to switch coil orientation at the time a CRT is selected. -1*5- Defocus In picture processing, the smallest spot diameter does not necessarily yield the most useful data. At times, simple but useful preprocessing is achieved by merely enlarging the spot (or the thickness of the slit) until it corresponds more nearly to features in the picture. The conversion from the two bit line-width register to an analog defocusing voltage is shown in Figure 27. Note first that only three of the line register states need be decoded, the 00 state being defined as maximally sharp focus. These three signals (group A in Figure 27) are then encoded into three eight bit words in the 2U0-00 card. Finally, the eight logic outputs of the 2U0-00 are converted to an analog voltage in the 1018-301-01 card, a simple current summing DAC card shown in Figure 28. The wiring between group A and group B can be specified so that each of the three active line register states selects one of 255 defocusing levels. This arbitrary assignment of defocus levels is necessary since various classes of picture processing may require different defocusing levels. The connection pattern from A to B is established by a printed circuit card so it may be changed easily. Pincushion Correction Inherent in any flat faced CRT is geometric distortion called pincushion. The name stems from the fact that a rectangular raster of deflection currents produces a figure with pointed corners and bowed-in sides. This distortion is approximated by the functions X- Vx (l + k 2 (I x + I y )} *- Vy (l + k 2 (l x + I y )) where X and Y represent actual deflections and 1^ and I y are the deflecting currents. As was true with dynamic focus correction, expressions involving -k6- o co Z> o O Ll CD Ll) h- UJ UJ O oc <\ Ll 95 5 L E "2 o 2 (/) z ? V) 3 I V) en O -1 > 3 o -i 3 UJ 3 4 < to to 3 UJ UJ u O H O o 2 C\J higher powers of (i^ + I 2 ) are noc necessarily more accurate owing to inhomogeneities in the yoke, imperfect gun alignment and other factors. There are a number of ways of reducing pincushion distortion. Simplest of these is the addition of a special pincushion corrector assembly near the bell of the CRT. This may be either a ring of permanent magnets or a series of coils which introduces a compensating field distortion. Pin- cushion correctors of this type are satisfactory in many applications but are not useful in precision scanners because of the spot size degradation they necessarily introduce. Pincushion distortion can also be reduced by digitally transforming the deflection coordinates before they are sent to the DAC units. The transformations are of the form X* = X(l - k(X 2 + Y 2 )) Y' = Y(l - k(X 2 + Y 2 )) where the primed variables represent the coordinates after transformation. This approach can cancel at least 9 0£ of the distortion but requires a sub- stantial investment in hardware. A very similar technique might be called digital post-correction. Here, whenever the true coordinates of a picture element are needed, the DAC coordinates are multiplied by a corrective polynomial. This polynomial can cancel optical distortions in the image as well as the pincushion dis- tortion. The Illiac III scanners use digital post-correction. An analog system for pincushion reduction is shown in Figure 29. The circuits used to generate (X 2 + Y 2 ) need not be discussed since they are, in fact, the same circuits used for focus correction (Figure 26). What is new in Figure 29 is the addition of an analog input to each DAC unit. -k 9 - < Ld cr a. UJ cr o. O o LJ tr cr o o en Z) O o _J < CD - (E Q a. O IS Z3 1018- B BRIG CO «4*-*-*W-*^^^ ®^ 811! LU a: Z -- 1 ft s 5 =3s iaSii (and it is a pulse) that ultimately results from a single electron leaving the cathode can vary greatly in magnitude since the "multiplier- is actually twelve cascaded multipliers, each having a statistical dis- tribution of integer gains. Thus, on this time scale the PMT output will appear very noisy. (By way of contrast, the astronomer can integrate over a period of minutes and thus use very high gains effectively.) The subject of quantum noise in PMT's is a complex one treated at length in various journals. Unfortunately, most analyses deal with detection of single events of low level (scintillators) or other applications too remote from CRT flying spot scanners to be immediately applicable. In any case, useable signal to noise ratios in this application necessitate PMT supply voltages not higher than 1500 volts. The manufacturer's rated maximum anode current for the RCA 8575 PMT is 200 vA averaged over a 30 second interval. As a matter of good engineering practice, anode current should be limited to one half the rated value to provide some latitude for measurement error, drift in operating points and transients. Restricting anode current to one half the rated value does not guarantee safe and satisfactory operation, however. RCA data indicate that similar tubes operated at 100 M A anode current show diminished sensitivity (short-time fatigue) of about 30^ in 100 minutes of operation. A recovery period of several hours will restore most of the loss. Operation for 500 hours at this level will reduce sensitivity permanently by about 10%. The RCA data sheet for the 8575 suggests that best stability will be obtained with anode currents less than .1 pA. For a 2000 volt supply voltage this would be .15 electron/ysec. Power for the PMT is provided by the circuit shown in Figure 32, a simple but satisfactory voltage divider. More complicated configurations using zener diodes or an adjustment for the focusing electrode potential do not appear to add significantly to performance. -59- JT UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED RESISTORS ARE IW 500 V iook: IOOK IOOK IOOK IOOK IOOK IOOK iook: IOOK IOOK I50K IW IOOK 4.7 K 2W ■AAAr 2 2 ok: 2W 4.7 K 2W .03 RCA 8575 i=.005 8 ±.005 =J=.005 12 « « =h.005 I80K 2W X: ivX « « ■e « « 10 15 « « 16 « 4 17 21 -6 ~s- TO AMPLIFIER TO BNC I/4W 2% FIGURE 32 The photomultiplier am}lifier (box 25) is shown in Figure 33. Essentially, it is an inexpensive IC op amp connected as a transresistance of liOK. That is, the output voltage is the product of the PMT anode cur- rent and the feedback resistance, UOK. The emitter follower output transistor is capable of driving a terminated 95 ohm coax line. A few remarks about the nonobvious features of Figure 33 are appropriate. The 100K pot is needed to cancel the variable offset current of the M702. The test BNC allows the amplifier to be tested realistically; the k-J ohm resistor serves as termination for a pulse generator, the 100K makes the pulse generator appear to be a current source. The DC OUT BNC terminal provides a voltage proportional to the average PMT anode current. The RC filtering merely minimizes the flicker in the DVM used to monitor this quantity. The desirability of mounting the PMT amplifier physically close to the PMT follows more or less naturally from the nature of the PMT signal. The anode current is small and the source impedance is high, conditions which militate against sending this signal over long distances. Less obvious are the factors governing the placement of other signal conditioning elements. Why not place all of them (boxes 2k through 29) in a single assembly near the PMT? To see some of the problems inherent in this approach consider the highly simplified configuration of Figure 3U. ¥ LOGIC OUT THRESH FIGURE 3k -61- z> CL o o O O Q (J QQ ® LU ® 1^ fc - > ■AAA/ — ►►• m LU CL < ro ro LU CT Z) M CO o C\J CVJ o g Hi- + Here we have an amplifier (transresistanee) followed by a voltage comparator. For PMT currents „„„* ^ voyage .„ m 0Urrents greater than =ome threshold, the logic output -111 be at its most positive value. The difficulty arises with PMT cur- rents which just reach the threshold value. Under this condition, the comparator has a voltage gain of about 2000 and the current gain of the complex (measured from PMT anode to collector of the output transistor) can easily exceed 10?. if tnere exists the slightest unintended coupling between Input and output (through common grounds, common power supplies etc.) the system will oscillate for some input current range. It is certainly possible to package the system of Figure 3* in one housing by carefully decoupling the circuits. In a practical case, however, it is much simpler to physically separate the parts. Physical separation brings other benefits such as easier accessibility. The output of the PMT amplifier can be regarded as useful signal ined wi noise due to the granularity of the OPT phosphor and qU a turn e from he PMT. The multi-section 1, filter shown in Figure 3 5 takes advantage of the different spectra of these components to improve the signal to noise ratio. Filters of this type are called sin 2 filters from heir property of converting an input impulse function into a bell shaped s m output. A sin 2 filter is defined by its impedance and a characteristic P^od, T. m simplest terms, any rectangular pulse of greater duration han T lB transmitted with little attenuation. Pui se s of width t narrower than T are attenuated by approximately t/T. 0bTl ° us1 ^ the s P ect ™ ° f *e useful signal depends both on the nature of the scanned image ana on the scanning speed. It is thus necessary to provide a family of sin 2 filters for various applications. The light output of a CRT is likely to be nonuniform from point ° point on the screen owing to initial phosphor irregularities as well as the burn and wear out deteriorations mentioned earlier. In addition -63- N j^rw ■r>rv> ih L L /wi I i OUT 1 R i there may be nonuniformities in .he optical system connecting the CRT and PMT (e.g. , vignetting). This being true, there must be some means of distinguishing between PMT Q-icmnie *„*> + g ween mi signals due to image opacity and PMT signals due to CRT light output variations. One method of cancelling the effect of CRT variation is indicated in Figure 1. T*o identical PMT's are provided, one receiving light through the image and one receiving light through a similar optical path hut not hrough the image. A signal equal to the ratio of the outputs of the two ^i s is then a true measure of the opacity of the image. Division of two analog voltages can be accomplished in various vays such as that shown in Figure 36. Z vw FIGURE 36 This approach has the disadvantage that it is not symmetric for the two inputs. That is, the delays associated with Y and Z are likely to be unequal with the result that for fast transients the output may be inaccurate. -65- The configuration partially shown in Figure 1 forms the ratio as the antilog of the difference of the logarithms of the inputs. This approach allows the use of identical amplifiers and filters for the two PMT's. Thus, if a "hot grain" (a small area of the phosphor with high light output) causes a momentary increase in light output, the resulting PMT signals will reach the subtraction and antilog circuits (box 28) together. This makes it possible to cancel the effect of variable light output over a fairly wide range. The logarithmic amplifier shown in Figure 37 is based on the logarithmic relation between collector current and base-emitter voltage. For two matched transistors operating at different collector currents Av = ^ln fcSl) BE q I 2 In the circuit of Figure 37, I , is made proportional to the input voltage, I is a constant and AV_„ is amplified to provide the output. Temperature c2 BE coefficient of the circuit is necessarily high since AV is proportional to the absolute temperature, T. This is not a serious problem since both log amps are mounted on a single printed circuit card and are therefore sub- jected to the same ambient temperature. The subtraction and exponentiation functions of box 28 can be realized with the circuit shown in Figure 38. The first op amp forms the difference of the inputs; the second op amp uses the logarithmic property of Dl to provide an output of the form K exp (V^-Vg). Diode D2 is used only for thermal compensation. There are many clever and interesting techniques for converting an analog voltage to a digital representation. It is fairly easy to show, however, that where the number of bits encoded is small, the best approach is the "brute force" method of 2 N parallel voltage comparators. This method is particularly attractive now that IC comparators are quite inexpensive •66- 2 S H <_J $s — (( w*- 5 "' J 5 =! £§c V:: I s - ro LU a: o V , V 2 (I WVHI 1 cry ..A702^> 4 ] V, V, — V OUT ANTILOG CIRCUIT FIGURE 38 For the present, the llliac III scanners provide only four bits of gray scale information. The necessary sixteen comparators (actually, only fifteen are necessary) are handily packaged on two printed circuit cards of the type shown in Figure 39. Box 29 consists of the aforementioned comparator cards, cards for amplifying the y710 outputs up to logic level voltages, inverters and diode matrix cards for converting the unary output of the 313 cards into the customary binary notation. The complex totals eight printed circuit cards including the high current line driver card. While this is not an extremely compact realization, one very important feature should he noted. All of the circuits in box 2 9 are combinatorial, the type of logic most easily checked out and maintained. A fringe benefit of this organization follows from the method of setting threshold voltages for the comparators. The voltages ± n the reference voltage chain (obtained from the string of 51 ohm resistors) could be separately specified to provide a nonlinear conversion, perhaps with program-controlled nonlinearity . -69- B s -i B I 2 ft O z 5*5 ft 3 m i f> o i- w _j °3f f| UJ a a. APPENDIX I Adjustment of DAC Cards The test fixture for 1018-300-00 and 1018-306-00 cards incor- porates test circuits for DC adjustments and for timing adjustments. Asxde from power supply connections these two circuits are completely independent, The circuits are shown in Figures 1.1 and 1.2. In making the initial tests and groupings, the total set of cards will be measured and adjusted at one time, This will permit sorting the 300 cards into well-matched sets of three. fixture 1) Place a 300 card in the timing adjustment socket of the test 2) Set Datapulse 101 to approximately 1 mc, 5 0% duty cycle, 6 volt position pulse. 3) Sync Tektronix k$h on output of 308 clock driver. h) Look at collector of Tl on 300 card, adjust R12 for rise and fall intersection at zero volts. It may be necessary to readjust Datapulse frequency to insure that both transi- tions are seen. 5) Measure and record stage delay in nanoseconds Tl collector h-\ -1.1- 6) Repeat for collectors T3, T5 and TT while adjusting R15, Rl8 and R21. 7) Complete timing adjustments for all cards before commencing DC adjustments. 8) Document each set selection including which is most sig- nificant, which is least. On the basis of T , group the cards into sets of three. (The most uniform sets will he used in the scanners; the others will be used in monitors.) 9) Place the most significant 300 from any set in the most sig- nificant DC adjustment position of the test fixture. Insert 306 op amp card. 10) Apply power to test fixture and to Dana 5500 DVM for a minimum of one hour before making measurements . 11) SI on 306 should be closed. 12) On test fixture, switches through ID down, sw 11 up, adjust R12 on 306 for zero voltage on pin 6 of 306. This should be adjusted carefully to a few yV. 13) Open SI on 306. lU) Set Khron-Hite supply for exactly 36.000 volts. 15) Data switches still set to 1000 0000 0000. 16) Adjust R2U on 300 card for H.0960 volts on pin 12 of 306 card. This should be near the center of the adjustment range of R2U. 17) Set data switches to 0000 0000 0000. Output should be less than one mv. If output is not exactly zero, return to step 16 and adjust R2U for an output voltage U.O96O volts more positive than the nominal zero. -1.2- 18) Set data switches to 0100 0000 0000. 19) Adjust R27 for 2.0480 volts (relative to nominal zero). 20) Set data switches to 0010 0000 0000. 21) Adjust R31 for 1.021*0 volts (relative to nominal zero). 22) Set data switches to 0001 0000 0000. 23) Adjust R35 for .5120 volts (relative to nominal zero). 2k) Remove power just long enough to move this 300 card to the middle significance DC adjustment position. If the power is not off longer than ten seconds, allow one minute before continuing adjustments. 25) Set data switches to 0000 1111 0000. 26) Adjust R9 of the 306 card for an output of 1+80.0 mv relative to nominal zero. 27) Remove power briefly, move the 300 card to the least significant DC adjustment position. 28) Set data switches to 0000 0000 1111. 29) Adjust R13 of 306 card for output of 30.0 mv relative to nominal zero. 30) Move 300 card back to most significant DC test slot and recheck outputs of 4.0960, 2.0480, 1.0240 and .5120 volts. 31) Set this 300 card aside. 32) Place the middle significance 300 card from the same set into the most significant DC adjustment slot. 33) Set data switches to 1000 0000 0000. 3h ) Repeat steps 16 through 23. 35) Set this 300 card aside. -1.3- 36) Place the remaining 300 card of this set into the most significant DC adjustment slot. 37) Set data switches to 1000 0000 0000. 38) Repeat steps l6 through 23- 39) Place the three 300 cards in the DC adjustment positions in the correct order. kO) Check the output for the following input values. Switches Output 0000 0000 0000 0.0000 1000 0000 0000 U.0960 0111 1111 1111 U.09 1 +o 0100 0000 0000 2.0H80 0011 1111 1111 2.0U60 1100 0000 0000 6.1UU0 1011 1111 1111 6.1U20 kl) Close SI on the 306 card. U2) Set data switches to 1111 1111 1111. 1+3) Adjust R5 on the 306 for an output of zero. kk) The three 300 cards and the 306 card make up one set Record Toy serial numbers. -I.U- SWII SWIO SW9 SW8 SW7 SW6 SW5 SW4 SW3 SW2 SWI SWO LEAST SIGNIFICANT 300 CARD 8 306 OP AMP ■OUT DC ADJUSTMENT FIXTURE FOR 1018-300-00 CIRCUIT CARD. FIGURE 1.1 ® 18 1018-300-00 20 .21 DATA PULSE 101 ONE BIT COUNTER w P®,3 1018-308-00 ® o^_u_n. © TIMING ADJUSTMENT FIXTURE FOR 1018-300-00 CIRCUIT CARD FIGURE 1.2 APPENDIX II Testing and Sorting of TD 101 »s for Use in the 1018-300-00 Card /OK J '( — WV— *£D— u t, r Rf-€ID— WV— |. T i ALL S6K -30 FIGURE II. 1 Using the test facility shown above, measure base and emitter voltages for two values of emitter current, a total of eight measurements for each TD 101. VBL VBR VEL VER Base voltage, left side Base voltage, right side Emitter voltage, left side Emitter voltage, right side Tabulate measured and calculated values in the following order • 5MA # VEL 1 "s VBL VBEL VER VBR VBER VBEL -VBER IMA • 5MA IMA _ - -II. 1- VBEL = VEL-VBL VBER = VER-VBR Select a transistor (g) such that |VBEL-VBER|<3 mv at 1 ma VBL