Qskaloosa(|ollege OSK ALOOSA, IOWA HE MID-YEAR ANNOUNCEMENT 19 9-1910 I OSKALOOSA COLLEGE President: Edwin D. Kizer, Ph. D., J. D. Dean: John A. Spyker, Ph. D., D. D. Board of Trustees: Edwin D. Kizer, John A. Spyker, Hon. S. V. Reynolds, D. K. Unsicker, Manoah Hedge, H. L. White, Frank E. Baker, H. S. Rosecrans, S. A. Hendryx. We Ask You to Read this statement with your eyes open. We especially ask you to compare our tuition rates, courses, and general plan of work, with thoss of other institutions and Note Our Superiority in important particulars. It may be well to state that We Do Not Make Brains, but we do develop the material offered, with rapidity and gratifying success. We would say more, but modesty forbids. Do Not Make the Mistake of attending elsewhere when the best can be obtained at Oskaloosa College. Students Can Enter at Any lime. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT Distinct, Complete EDWIN D. KIZER, Cert. Acct, President, and Instructor in Certified Accountancy. CHARLES A. SIEGFRIED, B. Accts., Principal. PEARLE W. SNIDER, Instructor. PROFESSOR HESKETT, Faculty Assistant Our Aim is to use the best, most up-to-date systems; to give thor- ough instruction, by competent, experience i teachers; and to graduate all students as expert stenographers and book- keepers, so that they will be in demand. Can I Get a Position? Yes! When you graduate from Oskaloosa College! Our graduates fill high salaried positions. Doors of oppor- tunity open to our graduates. We have more calls than we can fill. Business men of Omaha, Des Moines, Ot- tumwa, Albia, and other cities, besides local firms, give us first call for bookkeepers and stenographers. The Best Systems are used, including the pre-eminent Bliss System of Act- ual Business from the Start, Touch Typewriting, Gregg and Benn Pitman Shorthand (your own choice), and Bank Systems as used in city banks. Ask Our Students, they will indorse and recommend our Commercial De- partment as the best. Courses of Study. Business: Bookkeeping, Theory and Advanced; Retail, Wholesale, Manufac- turing, Commission, etc.; Commercial Arithmetic; Commercial Law; Grammar and Correspondence; Rapid Calculation; Banking; Office Methods. Shorthand; Shorthand (Gregg or Benn Pitman); Touch Typewriting; Spelling; Advanced Dictation; Correspondence and Grammar; Penmanship; Billing; Fil- ing; Indexing and Copying. Combined: Includes all in Business and Shorthand Courses. Tuition for either Business or Shorthand Course separate is $40; for Combined Course, $60. Either pays for scholarship to graduation. For term of three months (any studies desired) $1 7.50. Our system is the fairest, for you pay for what you get, and are not compelled to rush unduely, or waste time. Average expense for books, $15. Stu- dents are graduated when they complete their courses. Some students require longer to do what others master in less time. NORMAL DEPARTMENT EDWIN D. KIZER, Ph. D., J. D., President F. P. HESKETT, B. Ped., A. M., Dean. IDA M. HESKETT, Instructor in English and Drawing. Faculty Assisting: President KIZER and Dean SPYKER. Preparation For Teaching acquired in Oskaloosa College has two salient character- istics: thorough knowledge of subjects, and ability to im- part knowledge obtained. These objects are attained In Shortest Time possible, with the result that a student is able to acquire from fifty to a hundred per cent, more knowledge in Os- kaloosa College in a given period of time than in many other institutions. When We Say to a student: "you are ready for your examinations," they never fail! Why then go elsewhere, when we have what you want? The Summer Session is an admirable method whereby teachers and others can either increase grade of certificate or prepare for exami- inations, and also obtain credit in course, thus shortening time usually required to graduate. The Degree of Bachelor of Pedagogy is conferred upon graduates of Normal course upon pay- ment of diploma fee of five dollars. Course of Study Preparatory: Arithmetic; Geography; English Grammar; Reading; Orthogfl phy; Penmanship; Physiology; U. S. History; Vocal Music; Map Drawing, Comp< osition; Debating. First Year: Penmanship; Physical Geography; English; General History; Al gebra; Civil Government; Didactics; Physical Culture; Latin. Second Year: English; Physics; Algebra; Economics; Zoology; Geometry, History; Latin; Third Year: English; Geometry; Physiology; Botany; History of Education; Latin (or German). Fourth Year: Trigonometry; Practice Teaching; English; Chemistry; Methods; Geology; Latin (or German). THE COLLEGE EDWIN D. KIZER, Ph. D., J. D., President. Professor of Philosophy. JOHN A. SPYKER, Ph. D., D. D., Dean. Professor of Litera- ture and Languages. CHAS. J. BURTON, Ph. B., D. D., Professor of Astronomy. F. P. HESKETT, B. Ped., A. M., Professor of Sciences. CHARLES A. SIEGFRIED, B. Accts., Instructor in German. EUGENE ALLEN, Ph. B., D. D., Lecturer in Literature. J. B. ADKINS, A. M., B. D., Lecturer in Christian Ethics. ALEXANDER McFERRAN, A. B., Lecturer in Social Science. JOSEPH W. DOE, Physical Director. The Aim of the College is to provide a liberal education that com- pares favorably with the standards of high grade institutions A witness to the accomplishment of this aim is the ac- ceptance of our credits and graduates by other institutions of standing. Admission to the College is granted graduates of Accredited High Schools of Iowa, or to those possessing equivalent credits. Courses of Study. CLASSICAL COURSE LEADINQ TO DEGREE OF fBACHELO% OF ARTS Freshman Year: Greek; Latin; Mathematics; English. Sophomore Year: Greek; Latin; Logic; English. Junior Year: Greek; Latin; Philosophy; two Electives. Senior Year: Greek; Latin; three Electives; Thesis. PHILOSOPHICAL COURSE LEADING TO THE T>EQREE OF BACHE- LOR OF PHILOSOPHY. Freshman Year: Two Languages; History; Mathematics, Sophomore Year: Two Languages; Bible; Psychology. Junior Year: Philosophy; three Electives. Senior Year: Philosophy; Sociology; three Electives; Thesis- LITERARY COURSE LADING TO