PALEY’S THEOLOGY, WITH ILLUSTRATIONS NATURAL THEOLOGY: OK, EVIDENCES OF THE EXISTENCE AND ATTRIBUTES OF THE DEITY. COLLECTED FROM THE APPEARANCES OF NATURE, BY WILLIAM PALEY, D. D. ILLUSTRATED BY THE PLATES, AND BY A SELECTION FROM THE NOTES OF JAMES PAXTON. WITH ADDITIONAL NOTES, ORIGINAL AND SELECTED, FOR THIS EDITION, AND A VOCABULARY OF SCIENTIFIC TERMS. BY JOHN WARE, M. D. BOSTON: aOUED AND LINCOLN, 59 'WASHINGTOtT STREET. NEW YORK: SHELDON AND COMPANY. CINCINNATI : GEO. S. BLANCHARD, 1860 . Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1854, by GOULD AND LINCOLN, In the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the District of Massaebaaottn PUBLISHERS’ NOTICE. Several years since the publishers of this valuable and very popnlaf work engaged the services of Dr. John Ware, of this city, to prepare an improved edition, by the addition of forty elegant pages of the illustra- tions of Paxton, “with references to the same in the- text; extensive notes, original and selected ; a vocabulary of scientific terms, etc. ; with a view of adapting it more perfectly to the wants of our colleges and schools, so as thereby to increase its circulation and usefulness. The sale, with these additions and improvements, has been gradually on the increase, until it has become very generally introduced into our best schools and colleges throughout the country ; and having passed through some forty or more editions, the publishers found the plates, by constant use, very much worn, and in some cases imperfect. They have consequently procured an entirely new and beautiful set of illus- trations, which, with other improvements, render the work all that can be desired, and in view of which they anticipate a wider and still more extensive sale of the work. Boston, January, 1854. rmiTTED BT GEORGE C. RAND & AVERY. PKEFACE TO THE REVISED AMERICAN EDITION. The present edition of the Natural Theology of Dr. Paley was under* taken witn the view of making this admhable work more extensively useful than it could ever be under the form in which it has been usually circulated. A great proportion of those who have read it must have sensi bly felt the disadvantage under which they labor in comprehending the descriptions; and of course the arguments of the author, from the want of jL knowledge of the subjects to which they relate. No man could so well supply the want of this knowledge, by clearness of statement and description, as Dr. Paley; and it is probable that fevV other writers would have made a book so intelligible, which relates to subjects remote from common observation, without the aid of plates and illustrations. Still it must be imperfectly comprehended in many important parts, except by those acquainted with the sciencqs from which his illustrations are drawn. Enough it is true may be understood by all, to carry them along with the argument, and produce a general conviction of its truth. But the concep- tions even of professional readers would be much more clear, definite, and satisfactory, were the description aided by visible representations. It was the original design of the publishers to have merely attached the plates and references of Paxton, which have been published in England and in this country in a separate volume, to the text of Dr. Paley. It was, however, suggested to them that the value of their edition might be increased by the addition of Notes, and they had made arrangements for this purpose and were going on with the work, when Mr. Paxton’s edition of tho Natural Theology fell into their hands, containing, beside the plates, a considerable number of Notes. From these Notes a selection has made of such as seemed most valuable and interesting. A number of Notes have also been made up of quotations from the excellent treatise of Mr. Charles Bell on Animal Mechanics, published in the Library of L^scful Knowledge ; a tract which cannot be too highly recommended ^ fo the perusal of those who take pleasure in studying the indications of a ^ wise and benevolent Providence in the works of creation. A few additional Notes have also been subjoined, which have not b»®^ before published. iv PREFACE. It seems to be supposed by some, that the progress made in science since the writing of this work must have furnished ample materials foi valuable additions to it. It will readily appear, however, upon reflection,, that this is not likely to be the case, and that no particular advantage to the argument is to be expected from bringing it down, as it is often ex- pressed, to the present state of science. The object of the work is, not to teach science in its connexion with Natural Theology, a plan entirely different, and one upon which distinct works may, and have been written, but to gather materials from the knowledge communicated by science, wherewith to construct an argument for the existence and attributes of God. The excellence of such a work, then, will not consist in the num- ber of illustrations, or in the copiousness and completeness of the materi- als, but in the judgment with which they are selected, and the aptness with which they are made to bear upon the question at issue. So far, therefore, as the argument is concerned, no additional strengtn will be given to it by new discoveries in science. As Dr. Paley has him- self admitted, a single case thoroughly made out, proves all that can be proved, and, generally speaking, the most familiar instances which can be selected and made intelligible are the best for this purpose, and will have the greatest influence upon men’s minds. All the knowledge, there- fore, which is necessary for the completeness and strength of the argu- ment was possessed long ago. Still there is an advantage in selecting and arguing from a variety of examples, arising out of the different constitutions of men’s minds, or their different habits of thinking and reasoning. Some are more affected by examples of one kind, and some by those of another. In this way much more might be done in the way of illustrating and enforcing the argument, and holding it up in every possible light, than has been attempt- ed in the present edition. The principal object here had in view, has been to make such additions, as with the help of the engraved views, would bring the argument, as stated by the author, clearly within reach of all readers. To give a correct edition, various English and American copies have been consulted, in which variations have been found; but those readings have been adopted, which appeared best to comport with that familiarity, and originality of expression, which gives its principal charm, and its great force and clearness to Dr Paley’s style. J W TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE AND RIGHT REVEREND S H U T E BARRINGTON, L L. IK LORD BISHOP OF DURHAM. MY LORD, The following work was undertaken at your Lordship’s recom- mendation; and amongst other motives, for the purpose of making the most acceptable return I could make for a great and important benefit conferred upon me. It may be unnecessary, yet not perhaps, quite impertinent, to state to your Lordship and to the reader, the several inducements that have led me once more to the press. The favor of my first and ever honored patron had put me in possession of so liberal a provision in the church, as abundantly to satisfy my wants, and much to exceed my pretensions. Your Lordship’s munificence, in conjunction with that of some other ex- cellent Prelates, who regarded my services with the partiality with which your Lordship was pleased to consider them, hath since placed me in ecclesiastical situations, more than adequate to every object of reason- able ambition. In the meantime, a weak, and, of late, a painful state of health, deprived me of the power of discharging the duties of my sta- vion, in a manner at all suitable, either to my sense of those duties, or to my most anxious wishes concerning them. My inability for the public functions of my profession, amongst other consequences, left me much at leisure. That leisure was not to be lost. It was only in my study that I could repair my deficiencies in the church. It was only through the press Inat I could speak. These circumstances, in particular, entitled your Lordship to call upon me for the only species of exertion of which I was capable, and disposed me, without hesitation, to obey the call in the best manner that I could. In the choice of a subject I had no place left for doubt : in saying which, I do not so much refer, either to the supreme importance of the subject, or to any skepticism concerning it with which the present times are charged, as I do, to its connexion with the subjects treated of in my former publications. The following discussion alone was wanted to make up my works into a system : in which works, such as they are, the public have now before them, the 3vidence3 of natural reli- A 2 DEDICATION. gion, the evidences of revealed religion, and an account of the duties that result from both. It is of small importance, that they have been written in an order, the very reverse of that in which they ought to be read. I commend therefore the present volume to your Lordship’s protection, not only as, in all probability, my last labor, but as the completion of a con sistent and comprehensive design. Hitherto, my Lord, I have been speaking of myself and not of my Pa- tron. Your Lordship wants not the testimony of a dedication, nor any testimony from me : I consult therefore the impulse of my own mind alone when I declare, that in no respect has my intercourse with your Lordship been more gratifying to me, than in the opportunities, which it has afforded me, of observing your earnest, active, and unwearied solicitude, for the advancement of substantial Christianity: a solicitude, nevertheless, accompanied with that candor of mind, which suffers no subordinate differences of opinion, when there is a coincidence in the main intention and object, to produce an alienation of esteem, or diminution of favor. It is fortunate for a country, and honorable to its government, when qualities and dispositions like these are placed in high and influential stations. Such is the sincere judgment which I have formed of your Lordship’s character, and of its public value: my personal obligations I can never forget. Under a due sense of both these considerations, 1 beg leave to subscribe myself, with great respect and gratitude, My Lord, Your Lordship’s faithful And most devoted servant, WILLIAM PALEY TO THE HONORABLE AND RIGHT REVEREND SHUTE BARRINGTON, LL. D LORD BISHOP OF DURHAM. MY LORD, To your suggestion the world is indebted for the existence of Dr. Paley’s valuable work on Natural Theology. The universal and perma- nent esteem in which it has been held in this country, and its favorable reception in France, even after the desolating influence of the Revolution, have abundantly approved your Lordship’s selection both of the subject and of the person to whom you intrusted it. In looking round, then, for a patron for these Illustrations, it was natural to have recourse to him who was the original suggcstor of the work which it is their object to explain. Nor was I disappointed in my wish; your Lordship not only condescending to approve of the design, but to encourage me in its prosecution, by your very liberal support. For this distinguished honor you will believe me deeply sensible ; and if I may indulge the hope that my humble efforts will increase the utility of so eminent a v, liter, I shall consider it the highest gratification. I am, my Lord, With great veneration. Your Lordship’s most obliged. And obedient servant. JAMES PAXTON. Chapter 1. State of the Argument, . • • • • 2. Stale of the Argument, continued, • • • 3. Application of the Argument, • • • • 4. Of the succession of Plants and Animals, • • • 5. AppJ'cation of the Argument, continued, • • • • 6. The Argument cumulative, . . • • • 7. Of the mechanical and immechanical parts and functions of Animals and Vegetables, 8. Of mechanical Arrangement in the human Frame— Of the Bones, 9. Of the Muscles, 10. Of the Vessels of animal Bodies, .... 11. Of the animal Structure, regarded as a Mass, . • 12. Comparative Anatomy, 13. Peculiar Organizations, 14. Prospective Contrivances, . . • • • • 15. Relations, . . ..••••• 16. Compensation, . 17. The Relation of animated Bodies to inanimate Nature, IS. Instincts, ....... 19 Of Insects, • 20 Of Plants, • 21 Of the Elements, .... • . . 22 Astronomy, ....•••• 23. Personality of the Deity, . . ... 24. Of the Natural Attributes of the Deity, • • . 25. The Unity of the Deity, • . • 26. The Goov^ness of the Deity, ..... 27. Conclusim, . . * • • ; • Vocabulary, Pag* 5 8 IS 31 35 44 45 52 74 90 109 122 137 145 149 157 166 170 180 193 207 212 229 246 249 252 292 299 NATURAL THEOLOGY t CHAPTER 1. STATE OF THE ARGUMENT. In crossing a heath, suppose I pitched my foot against a stonsy and were asked how the stone came to be tliere; I might possibly answer, that, for anything I knew to the contrary, it had lain there forever: nor would it perhaps oe very easy to show the absurdity of this answer. But suppose I had found a walcli upon the ground, and it should be inquired how the watch happened to be in that place; I should hardly think of the answer which I had be- fore given, that, for anything I knew, the watch might have always been there. Yet why should not this answer serve for the watch as well as for the stone? Why is it not as admissible in the second case, as in the first? For this reason, and for no other, viz. that, when we come to inspect the watch, we perceive (what we could not dis- cover in the stone) that its several parts are framed and put together for a purpose, e. g. that they are so formed and ad- justed as to produce motion, and that motion so regulated as to point out the hour of the day; that if the different parts had been differently shaped from what they are, of a dilTerent size from what they are, or placed after any otlier manner, or in any other order, than that in which they are placed, either no motion at all would have been carried on in the machine, or none which would have answered the use that is now served by it. To reckon up a few of the plainest of these parts, and of their offices, all tending to ono result: [See Plate L] — We see a cylindrical box containing a coiled elastic spring, which, by its endeavor to relax itself, turns round the box. We next observe a flexible chain (ar- tificially wrought for the sake of flexure) communicating the action of 4 he sj ring from the box to the fusee. We then 6 STATE OF THE ARGUMENT. find a series of wheels, the teeth of which catch in, and apply to each other, conducting the motion from the fusee to the balance, and from the balance to the pointer; and at the same time, by the size and shape -of those wheels, so regulating that motion, as to terminate in causing an index, by an equable and measured progression, to pass over a given space in a given time. We take notice that the wheels are made of brass in order to keep them from rust ; the springs of steel, no other metal being so elastic; that over the face of the watch there is placed a glass, a material employed in no other part of the work ; but in the room of which, if there had been any other than a transparent sub- stance, the hour could not be seen without opening the case. This mechanism being observed (it requires indeed an examination of the instrument, and perhaps some pre- vious knowledge of the subject, to perceive and understand it; but being once, as we have said, observed and under- stood,) the inference, we think, is inevitable ; that the watch must have had a maker ; that there must have exist- ed, at sometime, and at some place or other, an artificer or artificers, who formed it for the purpose which we find it actually to answer ; who comprehended its construction, and designed its use. I. Nor would it, I apprehend, weaken the conclusion, that we had never seen a watch made: that we had never known an artist capable of making one ; that we were alto- gether incapable of executing such a piece of workman- ship ourselves, or of understanding in what manner it was performed ; all this being no more than what is true of some exquisite remains of ancient art, of some lost arts, and, to the generality of mankind, of the more curious produc- tions of modern manufacture. Does one man in a million know how oval frames are turned.^ Ignorance of this kind exalts opinion of the unseen and unknown artist’s sldll, if he be unseen and unknown, but raises no doubt in our minds of the existence and agency of such an artist, at some former time, and in some place or other. Nor can I perceive that it varies at all the inference, whether the question arise concerning a human agent, or concerning an agent of a diflerent species, or an agent possessing, in some respects, a different nature. II. Neither, secondly, would it invalidate our conclu- sion, that the watch sometimes went wrong, or that it sel- dom went exactly right. The purpose of the machinery, the design and the designer, might be evident, and in the case supposed would be evident, in whatever we ac- STATE OF THE ARGUMENT. 7 counted for the irregularity of the movement, or whether we could account for it or not. Jt is not necessary that a machine be perfect, in order to show with what design it was made: still less necessary, where the only question is, whether it were made with any design at all. III. Nor, thirdly, would it bring any uncertainty into the argument, if there were a few parts of the watch, concern- ing which we could not discover, or had not yet discovered, in what manner they conduced to the general effect; or even some parts, concerning which we could not ascci- tain whether they conduced to that effect in any manner whatever. For, as to the first branch of the case; if by the loss, or disorder, or decay of the parts in question, the movement of the watch were found in fact to be stopped, or disturbed, or retarded, no doubt would remain in our minds as to the utility or intention of these parts, although we should be unable to investigate the manner according to which, or the connexion by which, the ultimate effect depended upon their action or assistance ; and the more complex is the machine, the more likely is this obscurity to arise. Then, as to the second thing supposed, namely, that there were parts which might be spared, without pre- judice to the movement of the watch, and that we had prov- ed this by experiment — these superfluous parts, even if we were completely assured that they were such, would not vacate the reasoning which we had instituted concerning other parts. The indication of contrivance remained, with respect to them, nearly as it was before. IV. Nor, fourthly, would any man in his senses think the existence of the watch, with its various machinery, ac- counted for, by being told that it was one out of possible combinations of material forms; that whatever he had found in the place where he found the watch, nust have contained some internal configuration or other; and that this configuration might be the structure now exhibited, viz. of the works of a watch, as well as a different structure. V. Nor, fifthly, would it yield his inquiry more satisfac- tion to be answered, that there existed in things a principle of order, which had disposed the parts of the watch into their present form and situation. He never knew a watch made by the principle of order; nor can he even foim to himself an idea of what is meant by a principle of order distinct from the intelligence of the watchmaker. VI. Sixthly, he would be surprised to hear that the mechanism of the watch was no proof of contrivance, only a motive t'^ induce the mind to think so. 8 STATE OF THE ARGUMENT. VII. And not less surprised to be informed, that the watch in his hand was nothing more than the result of the laws of metallic nature. It is a perversion of language to assign any law as the efficient, operative cause of anything. A law presupposes an agent ; for it is only the mode ac- cording to which an agent proceeds: it implies a power; for it is the order, according to which that power acts Without this agent, without this power, which areffiolh dis- tinct from itself, the laiu does nothing; is nothing. The expression, ‘The law of metallic nature,’’ may sound strange and harsh to a philosophic ear; but it seems quite as justi- hahle as some others which are more familiar to him, such as “the law of vegetable nature,” “ the law of animal na- ture,” or indeed as “the law of nature” in general, when assigned as the cause of phenomena, in exclusion of agen- cy and power; Dr when it is substituted into the place of these. VIII. Neither, lastly, would our observer be driven out of his conclusion, or from his confidence in its truth, by being told that he knew nothing at all about the matter. He knows enough for his argument. He knows the utility of the end: he knows the subserviency and adaptation of the means to the end. These points being known, his igno- rance of other points, his doubts concerning other points, affect not the certainty of his reasoning. The conscious- ness of knowing little need not beget a distrust of that which he does know. CHAPTER II. STATE OF THE ARGUMENT CONTINUED. Suppose, in the next place, that the person wffio found the watch, should, after sometime, discover, that, in ad- dition to all the properties which he had hitherto observed in it, it possessed the unexpected property of producing, in the course of its movement, another watch like itself, (the thing is conceivable;) that it contained within it a mechanism, a system of parts, a mould for instance, or a complex adjustment of lathes, files, and other tools, evident- ly and separately calculated for this purpose; let us in- quire, what effect ought such adiscoi ery to have uoon his forme conclus DU. STATE OF THE ARGUMENT. 9 I. The first cfiect would be to increase his admiration of the contrivance, and his conviction of the consummate skill of ’'he contriver. Whether he regarded the ob- ject of contrivance, the distinct apparatus, the intri- cate, yet in many parts intelligible mechanism, by which it was carried on, he would perceive, in this new observa- tion, nothing but an additional reason for doing what he had already done, — for referring the construction of the watch to design, and to supreme art. If that construction luiZ/iownhis property, or, which is the same thing, before this property had been noticed, proved intention and art to have been employed about it, still more strong would the proof appear, when he came to the knowledge of this farther property, the crown and perfection of all the rest. II. He would reflect, that though the watch before him were, in some sense^ the maker of the watch which was fabricated in the course of its movements, yet it was in a very difterent sense from that in which a carpenter, for instance, is the maker of a chair ; the author of its con- trivance, the cause of the relation of its parts to their use. With respect to these, the first watch was no cause at all to the second: in no such sense as this was it the author of the constitution and order, either of the parts which the new watch contained, or of the parts by the aid and instrumentality of which it was produced. We might ’pos- sibly say, but with great latitude of expression, that a stream of water ground corn ; but no latitude of expres- sion would allow us to say, no stretch of conjecture could lead us to think, that the stream of water built the mill, though it were too ancient for us to know who the builder was. What the stream of water does in the affair, is neither more nor less than this ; by the application of an unintelligent impulse to a mechanism previously arranged, arranged independently of it, and arranged by intelligence, an effect is produced, viz. the corn is ground. But the effect results from the arrangement. The force of tlie st'*eam cannot be said to be the cause or author of txie eflect, still less of the arrangement. Understanding and plan in the formation of the mill were not the less neces* sary, for any share which the water has in grinding the corn; yet is this share the same as that which the watch would have contributed to the production of the new watch, upon the supposition assumed in the last section. There- fore, III. Though it be now no longer probable, that the individual watch which our < bserve:; had found was made 10 STATE OF THE ARGUMENT. immediately by the hand of an artificer, yet doth not this alteration in any-wise affect the inference, that an artificer had been originally employed and concerned in the pro- duction. The argument from design remains as it was. Marks of design and contrivance are no more accounted for n:)w than they were before. In the same thing, we may ask for the cause of different properties. We may ask for the cause of the color of a body, of its hardness, of its heat; and these causes may be all different. We are now asking for the cause of that subserviency to a ase, that relation to an end, which we have remarked in the watch before us. No answer is given to this question by telling us that a preceding watch produced it. There can- not be design without a designer; contrivance, without a contriver; order, without choice; arrangement, without anything capable of arranging; subserviency and relation to a purpose, without that which could intend a purpose; means suitable to an end, and executing their office in accomplishing that end, without the end ever having been contemplated, or the means accommodated to it. Arrange- ment, disposition of parts, subserviency of means to an end, relation of instruments to a use, imply the presence of in- telligence and mind. No one, therefore, can rationally be- lieve, that the insensible, inanimate watch, from which the watch before us issued, was the proper cause of the me- chanism we so much admire in it; — could be truly said to have constructed the instrument, disposed its parts, assign ed their office, determined their order, action, and mutual dependency, combined their several motions into one re- sult, and that also a result connected with the utilities of other beings. All these properties, therefore, are as much unaccounted for as they were before. IV. Nor is anything gained by running the difficulty farther back, i. e. by supposing the watch before us to have been produced from another watch, that from a former, and so on indefinitely. Our going back ever so far brings us no nearer to the least degree of satisfaction upon the subject. Contrivance is still unaccounted for. We still want a contriver. A designing mind is neither supplied by this supposition, nor dispensed with. If the difficulty were diminished the farther we went back, by going back indefinitely we might exhaust it. And this is the only case to which this sort of reasoning applies. Where there is a tendency, or, as we increase the number of terms, a continual approach towards a limit, ihere, by supposing the number of terms to be what is ^ ailed infinite, we may con- STATE OF THE ARGUMENT 11 ceive the limit to be attained: but where there is n j such tendency, or approach, nothing is effected by lengthening the series. There is no difference, as to the point in ques- tion, (whatever there may be as to many points,) between one series and another; between a series which is finite, and a series which is infinite. A chain, composed of an infinite number of links, can no more support itself, than a chain composed of a finite number of links. And of this wc are assured, (though we never can have tried the ex- periment,) because, by inci easing the number of links, from ten, for instance, to a hundred, from a hundred to a thousand, Slc. we make not the smallest approach, we ob- serve not the smallest tendency, towards self-support. There is no difference in this respect (yet there may be a great difference in several respects) between a chain of a greater or less length, between one chain and another, between one that is finite and one that is infinite. This very much resembles the case before us. The machine which we are inspecting demonstrates, by its construction, contrivance and design. Contrivance must have had a, contriver; design, a designer; whether the machine immediately proceeded from another machine or not. That circumstance alters not the case. That other machine may, in like manner, have proceeded from a for- mer machine: nor does that alter the case; contrivance must have had a contriver. That former one from one preceding it: no alteration still; a contriver is still neces- sary. No tendency is perceived, no approach towards a diminution of thi^ necessity. It is the same with any and every succession of these machines; a succession of ten, of a hundred, of a thousand; with one series as with an- other; a series which is finite, as with a series which is infinite. In whatever other respects they may differ, in this they do not. In all, equally, ccntrivaiice and design are unaccounted for. The question is not simply. How came the first watch into existence? which question, it may be pretended, is done away by supposing the series of watches thus pro- duced from one another to have been infinite, and conse- quently to have had no such first, for which it was neces- sary to provide a cause. This, perhaps, would have been nearly the state of the question, if nothing had been before us but an unorganized, unmechanized substance, without mark or indication of contrivance. It might be difficult tG show that such substance could not have existed from eter- nity, either in succession (if it were possible, which I think 12 STATE OF THE ARGUMENT. it is not, for unorganized bodies to spring from one another) or by individual perpetuity. But that is not the question now. To suppose it to be so, is to suppose that it made no difference whether we had found a watch or a stone. As it is, the metaphysics of that question have no place; for, in the watch which we are examining, are seen con- trivance, design ; an end, a purpose ; means for the end, adaptation to the purpose. And the question which ir- resistibly presses upon our thoughts, is, whence this con- trivance and design.^ The thing required is the intending mind, the adapting hand, the intelligence by which that hand was directed. This question, this demand, is not shaken off, by increasing a number or succession of sub- stances, destitute of these properties; nor the more, by in- creasing that number to infinity. If it be said, that, upon the supposition of one watch being produced from another in the course of that other's movements, and by means of the mechanism within it, we have a cause for the watch in my hand, viz. the watch from which it proceeded: I deny, that for the design, the contrivance, the suitableness of means to an end, the adaptation of instruments to a use, (all which we discover in a watch,) we have any cause what- ever. It is in vain, therefore, to assign a series of such causes, or to allege that a series may be carried back to infinity; for I do not admit that we have yet any cause at all of the phenomena, still less any series of causes eithei finite or infinite. Here is contrivance, but no contriver; proofs of design, but no designer. V. Our observer would farther also reflect, that the maker of the watch before him, was, in truth and reality, the maker of every watch produced from it; there being no difference (except that the latter manifests a more ex- quisite skill) between the making of another watch with his own hands, by the mediation of files, lathes, chisels, &c. and the disposing, fixing, and inserting of these instru- ments, or of others equivalent to them, in the body of the watch already made, in such a manner as to form a new watch in the course of the movements which he had given to the old one. It is only working by one set of tools in- stead of another. The conclusion which the first examination of the watch, of its works, construction, and movement, suggested, was, that it must have had, for the cause and author of that con- struction, an artificer, who understood its mechanism, and designed its use. This conclusion is invincible. A second examination presents us with a new discovery. The watch . “ APPLICATION OF THE ARGUMENT. 13 is found, in the course of its movement, to produce anoth- er watch, similar to itself: and not only so, but we perceive in it a system or organization, separately calculated for that purpose. What effect would this discovery have or ought it to hive, upon our former inference? What, as hath al- ready been said, but to increase, beyond measure, our ad- miration of the skill which had been employed in the for- mation of such a machine! Or shall it, instead of Inis, all at once turn us round to an opposite conclusion, viz that no art or skill whatever has been concerned in the business, although all other evidences of art and skill re- main as they were, and this last and supreme piece of art be now added to the rest? Can this be maintained with- out absurdity? Yet this is atheism. CHAPTER III. APPLICATION OF THE ARGUMENT. This is atheism: for every indication of contrivance, ev- ery manifestation of design, which existed in the watch, ex- ists in the works of nature; with the difference, on the side of nature, of being greater and more, and that in a degree which exceeds all computation. I mean, that the contriv- ances of nature surpass the contrivances of art, in the com- plexity, subtilty, and curiosity of the mechanism; and still more, if possible, do they go beyond them in number an^^ variety: yet, in a multitude of cases, are not less evidently mechanical, not less evidently contrivances, not less evi- dently accommodated to their end, or suited to their office, than are the most perfect productions of human ingenuity. I know no better method of introducing so large a sub- ject, than that of comparing a single thing with a single thing ; an eye, for example, with a telescope. As far as the ex- amination of the instrument goes, there is precisely the same proof that the eye was made for vision, as there is that the telescope was made for assisting it. They arc made upon the same principles; both being adjusted to the laws by which the transmission and refraction of rays of light are regulated. I speak not of the origin of the laws themselves; but such laws being fixed, the construction, in both cases, is adapted to them. For instance; these laws require, in order to produce the same effect, that the 'cays of light, in passing from water into the eye, should be B 14 APPLICATION OF THE ARGUMENT. refracted by a more convex surface than when it passes out of air into the eye. Accordingly we find, that the eye of a fish, in that part of it called the crystalline lens, is much rounder than the eye of terrestrial animals. [Plate II. fig. 1.] What plainer manifestation of design can there be than this difference ? What could a mathematical instrument-maker have done more, to snow his knowledge of his principle, his application of that knowledge, his suiting of his means to his end; I will not say to display the compass or excel* lejice of his skill and art, for in these all comparison is indecorous, but to testify counsel, choice, consideration, purpose ? To some it may appear a difference sufficient to destroy all similitude between the eye and the telescope, that the one is a perceiving organ, the other an unperceiving instru- ment. The fact is, that they are both instruments. And, as to the mechanism, at least as to mechanism being em- ployed, and even as to the kind of it, this circumstance va- ries not the analogy at all. For, observe what the consti- tution of the eye is. [Plate II. fig. 2.] It is necessary, in order to produce distinct vision, that an image or picture of the object be formed at the bottom of the eye. Whence this necessity arises, or how the picture is connected with the sensation, or contributes to it, it may be difficult, nay we will confess, if you please, impossible for us to search out. But the present question is not concerned in the inquiry. It may be true, that, in this, and in other instances, we trace mechanical contrivance a certain way; and. that then we come to something which is not mechanical, or which is in- scrutable. But this affects not the certainty of our inves- tigation, as far as we have gone. The difference between an animal and an automatic statue, consists in this, — that, in the animal, we trace the mxechanism to a certain point, and then we are stopped; either the mechanism becoming loo subtile for our discernment, or something else beside Ihe known laws of mechanism taking place: whereas, in .he automaton, for the comparatively few motions of which it is capable, we trace the mechanism throughout. But, up to the limit, the reasoning is as clear and certain in the one case as in the other. In the example before us, it is a matter of certainty, because it is a matter which experience and observation demonstrate, that the formation of an im- age at the bottom of the eye is necessary to perfect vision The image itself can be shown. Whatever alficts the dis- tinctness of the image, affects the distinctness of the vision. The formation then of such an image being necessary (no APPLICATION OF THE ARGUMENT. 15 matter how) to the sense of sight, and to the exercise of that sense, the apparatus by which it is formed is con- structed and put together, not only with infinitely more art, but upon the selfsame principles of art, as in the telescope or the camera obscura. The perception arising from the image may be laid out of the question ; for the production of the image, these are instruments of the same kind. The end is the same; the means are the same. The pur- pose in both is alike, the contrivance for accomplishing that purpose is in both alike.* The lenses of the telescope, [Plate II. fig. 3, 4.] and the humours of the eye, bear a complete resemblance to one another, in their figure, their position, and in their power ^ver the rays of light, viz. in bringing each pencil to a point at the right distance from the lens; namely, in the eye, at the exact place where the membrane is spread to receive it. How is it possible, un- der circumstances of such close affinity, and under the operation of equal evidence, to exclude contrivance from the one, yet to acknowledge the proof of contrivance hav- ing been employed, as the plainest and clearest of all pro- positions, in the other The resemblance between the two cases is still more ac- curate, and obtains in more points than we have yet repre- sented, or than we are, on the first view of the subject, aware of In dioptric telescopes there is an imperfection of this nature. Pencils of light, in passing through glass lenses, are separated into different colors, thereby tinging the object, especially the edges of it, as if it were viewed through a prism. To correct this inconvenience had been long a desideratum in the art. At last it came into the mind of a sagacious optician, to inquire how this matter was managed in the eye; in which there was exactly the same difficulty to contend with as in the telescope. His observation taught him, that, in the eye, the evil was cur- ed by combining lenses composed of diflJerent substances, i. e. of substances which possessed different refracting powers. Our artist borrowed thence his hint, and pro- duced a correction of the defect by imitating, in glasses * The comparison with the lens of the telescope is not perfectly exact for the crystalline lens is a substance composed of concentric layers, of unequal density, the hardness of which increases from the surface to the centre/ and hence possesses a more refractive power than any artificial lens. Mr. Ramsden supposes that this texture tends to correct the aber- ration occasioned by the spherical form of the cornea, and the focus of each oblique pencil of rays fails accurately on the concave surface of the rotira — Paxton, 16 APPLICATION OF THE ARGUMENT. Hiade from different materials, the effects of the different humours through which the rays of light pass before they :e this has been used with great advantage. '1 he most important [)oint is, however, to consider this improvement in iu applic.ition to the argument, and it will be seen how much nearer this construction brings tin.* telescope to the eye. In Dollond’s telescope there is a combination of srdid lenses of diflerent substances. — In idair's, a combination oi' fluid and solid ; which is ex- actly the case in the human eye. 'I be oidy ditference is, that in the eye there is a solid lens between two fluid ones ; and in the telescope a fluid between two solid, d he combination is closely similar, and the final cause in both probably the same, namely, to correct the unequal refrac- tion ofligh." — See Kdinhvr^h Journal of Science, iXo. viii p 212 : Rjid Library of Useful Knowledge, iXo 1 & 12. \^Ed. APPLICATION OF THE ARGUMENT. 17 J. In order to exclude excess of light, when it is ex cessive, and to render objects visible under obscurer degrees of it, when no more can be had, the hole or aperture in the eye, through which the light enters, is so formed, as to contract or dilate itself for the purpose of admitting a great- er or less number of rays at the same time. The cham- ber of the eye is a camera obscura,* which, when the light is too small, can enlarge its opening; when too strong, can again contract it; and that without any other assist- ance than that of its own exquisite machinery. It is far- ther also, in the human subject, to be observed, that this hole in the eye, which we call the pupil, under all its dif- ferent dimensions, retains its exact circular shape. This is a structure extremely artificial. Let an artist only try to execute the same; he will find that his threads and strings must be disposed with great consideration and con- trivance to make a circle, which shall continually change its diameter, yet preserve its form. This is done in the eye by an application of fibres, i. e. of strings, similar, in their position and action, to what an artist would and must employ, if he had the same piece of workmanship to per- form. [Plate II. Fig. 5 8c 6.] | * As the rays of light flowing from all the points of an object through the pupil of the eye, by the relVaction of the lens and humours of the eye, form an exact representation at the bottom of the eye on the retina ; 80 the camera obscura, by means of a lens refracting the rays, exhibits a picture of the scene before it on the opposite wall. — Paxton, t Some eminent anatomists have doubted the muscularity of the iris, and have given very diflerent explanations of its motions, attributing the contraction and dilatation either to the varied impulse of the blood in its vessels, or to its own vita propria. The enlightened physiologist Magen- die aflirms, that the latest researches upon the anatomy of the iris proves its muscular structure, and that it is composed of two layers of fibres, the external, Plate II. (Fig. 5.) radiated^ which dilate the pupil, the other (Fig. 6.) circular, which contract the pupil. The external circular fibres appear to' be supported by a species of ring, which each of the ra- diated fibres contribute to form, and in which they slide during the alter- nate contractions and relaxations of the pupil. — Paxton. There is a curious circumstance, in the way in which light produces the contraction of the opening of the iris, which strengthens very much the ar- gument derived from design manifested in its structure and adaptation to its purpose. The object of the iris, it is to be observed, has reference to the quantity of hght to be admitted upon the retina or expansion of ''he optic nerve. It is the state of the retina then which regulates the motmns of the iris, and it is the action of the lighten the retina which causes those mo- tions and not its action upon the iris itself. This has been shown by a very delicate experiment. If a ray of light be accurately thrown in such a direction, that it shall fall upon the circle of the iris itself, and not pass through its aperture, no contraction of the aperture takes place; but if it 18 APPLICATION OF THE ARGUMENT. II. The second difficulty which has been stated, was the suiting of the same organ to the perception of objects tha. lie near at hand, within a few inches, we will suppose, of the eye, and of objects which are placed at a considerable distance from it, that, for example, of as many furlongs; (I speak in both cases of the distance at which distinct vision can be exercised.) Now this, according to the principles of optics, that is, according to the laws by which the transmission of light is regulated, (and these laws are fixed,) could not be done without the organ itself under- going an alteration and receiving an adjustment, that might correspond with the exigency of the case, that is to say, with the different inclination to one another under which the rays of light reached it. Rays issuing from points placed at a small distance from the eye, and which conse- quently must enter the eye in a spreading or diverging order, cannot, by the same optical instrument in the same state, be brought to a point, i. e. be made to form an image, in the same place wdth rays proceeding from objects situat- ed at a much greater distance, and which rays arrive at the eye in directions nearly (and physically speaking) parallel. It requires a rounder lens to do it. The point of concourse behind the lens must fall critically upon the retina, or the vision is confused;* yet other things remaining the same, this point, by the immutable properties of light, is carried farther back when the rays proceed from a near object than when they are sent from one that is remote. A person who was using an optical instrument, would manage this matter by changing, as the occasion required, his lens or his tele- scopes; or by adjusting the distance of his glasses with his hand or his screw: but how is it to be managed in the eye? What the alteration was, or in what part of the eye it took place, or by what means it was effected, (for if the known be so thrown as to pass through the aperture, and fall upon the retina without touching the iris at all, still a contraction of the iris immediately takes place. So that light upon the iris alone occasions no contraction, although it is the part which really contracts when the same liglit falls upon a distant part. The d-esign here is too obvious to need being en- larged upon. How could the iris acquire the power of contracting when light falls on another membrane, for the protection of that membrane ? although it does not contract when the light falls upon itself alone ? — [ Ed. * 'J lie focus of the refracted rays must fall exactly on the retina, so that the point of vision may be neither produced beyond it, nor shorten- ed 80 as not to reach it. 'The latter defect exists in short-sighted per sons, from too great convexity of the cornea or lens. "J'he former is the defect of long-sighted persons, in whom there is an opposite conforma- tion of tliose parts. — Paxton. APPLICATION OF THE ARGUMENT. 19 /s which govern the refraction of light be maintained, some alteration in the state of the organ there must be, ) had long formed a subject of inquiry and conjecture. The change. Chough sufficient for the purpose, is so minute as to elude ordinary observation. Some very late discove- ries, deduced from a laborious and most accurate inspection of the structure and operation of the organ, seem at length to haA e ascertained the mechanical alteration which the parts of the eye undergo. It is found, that by the action of certain muscles [PI. II. fig. 7.] called the straight muscles, and which action is the most advantageous that could be imagined for the purpose, — it is found, I say, that whenever the eye is directed to a near object, three changes are produc- ed in it at the same time, all severally contributing to the ad- justment required. The cornea, or outermost coat of the eye, is rendered more round and prominent ; the crystalline lens underneath is pushed forwards; and the axis of vision, as the depth of the eye is called, is elongated. These changes in the eye vary its power over the rays of light in such a manner and degree as to produce exactly the effect which is wanted, viz. the formation of an image upon the retina, whether the rays come to the eye in a state of divergency, which is the case when the object is near to the eye, or come parallel to one another, which is the case when the object is placed at a distance. Can any- thing be more decisive of contrivance than this is.^ The most secret laws of optics must have been known to the author of a structure endowed with such a capacity of change. It is as though an optician, when he had a nearer object to view, should rectify his instrument by putting in another glass, at the same time drawing out also his tube to a different length. Observe a new-born child first lifting up its eyelids What does the opening of the curtain discover? The an- terior part of two pellucid globes, which, when they come to be examined, are found to be constructed upon strict op- tical principles ; the selfsame principles upon which we ourselves construct optical instruments. We find them perfect for the purpose of forming an image by refraction ; composed of parts executing different offices ; one part having fulfilled its office upon the pencil of light, deliver- ing it over to the action of another part ; that to a third, and so onward; the progressive action depending for its success upon the nicest and minutest adjustment of the parts conctrned; yet these parts so in fact adjusted, as train, ind carried through the nerves to thu different par's. — Ed, 56 OF MECHANICAL ARRANGEMENT difficulty of accomplishing the task, before he be told how the same thing is effected in the animal frame. Nothing will enable him to judge so well of the wisdom which has been employed; nothing will dispose him to think of it so truly. First, for the firmness, yet flexibility, of the spine, it is composed of a great number of bones (in the human subject, of twenty-four) joined to one another, and compact- ed by broad bases. The breadth of the bases upon which the parts severally rest, and the closeness of the junction, give to the chain its firmness and stability; the number of parts, and consequent frequency of joints, its* flexibility. Which flexibility, we may also observe, varies in different parts of the chain: is least in the back, where strength more than flexure, is wanted; greater in the loins, which it was necessary should be more supple than the back, and greatest of all in the neck, for the free motion of the head. Then, secondly, in order to afford a passage for the descent of the medullary substance, each of these bones is bored through the middle in such a manner, as that, when put together, the hole in one bone falls into a line, and corresponds with the holes in the two bones con- tiguous to it. By which means the perforated pieces, when joined, form an entire, close, uninterrupted channel ; at least, whilst the spine is upright, and at rest. But, as d settled posture is inconsistent with its use, a great diffi- culty still remained, which was to prevent the vertebrm shifting upon one another, so as to break the line of the canal as often as the body moves or twists; or the joints gaping externally, whenever the body is bent forward, and the spine thereupon made to take the form of a bow. These dangers, which are mechanical, are mechanically provided against. The vertebrre, by means of their processes and projections, and of the articulations which some of these form with one another at their extremities, are so locked in and confined, as to maintain, in what are called the bodies or broad surfaces of the bones, the relative position nearly un- altered; and to throw the change and the pressure, produced by flexion, almost entirely upon the intervening cartilages, the springiness and yielding nature of whose substance ad- mits of all the motion which is necessary to be performed upon them, without any chasm being produced by a separa- .ion of the parts. I say, of all the motion which is necessa- ry ; for although we bend our backs to every degree almost of inclinaiion, the motion of each vertebrm is very small: such is the advantage we receive from the chain being mposed ol'so many links, the spine of so many bones 9 IN THE HUMAN FRAME. 57 FTad it consisted of three or four bones only, in bendiLg the body the spinal marrow must have been bruised at every angle. The reader need not be told, that these inter- vening cartilages are gristles; and he may see them in perfection in a loin of veal. Their form also favors the same intention. They are thicker before than behind; so that, when we stoop forward, the compressible substance of the cartilage, yielding in its thicker and anterior part to the force which squeezes it, brings the surfaces of the adjoining vertebrae nearer to the being parallel with one another than they were before, instead of increasing the inclination of their planes, which must have occasioned a fissure or open- ing between them. Thirdly, for the medullary canal giv- ing out in its course, and in a convenient order, a supply of nerves to different parts of the body, notches are made in the upper and lower edge of every vertebra, two on each edge, equi-distant on each side from the middle line of the back. When the vertebras are put together, these notches, exactly fitting, form small holes, through which the nerves, at each articulation, issue out in pairs, in order to se*nd their branches to every part of the body, and with an equal bounty to both sides of the body. The fourth purpose assigned to the same instrument is the insertion of the bases of the muscles, and the support of the ends of the ribs; and for this fourth purpose, especially the for mer part of it, a figure, specifically suited to the design, and unnecessary for the other purposes, is given to the constituent bones. Whilst they are plain, and round, and smooth, towards the front, where any roughness or projec tion might have wounded the adjacent viscera, they run out behind, and on each side, into lopg processes, to which processes the muscles necessary to the motions of the trunk are fixed; and fixed with such art, that, whilst the verte- brae supply a basis for the muscles, the muscles help to keep these bones in their position, or by their tendons to tie them together. That most important, however, and general property, viz the strength of the compages, and the security againt lux- ation, was to be still more specially consulted: for where so many joints were concerned, and where, in every one, derangement would have been fatal, it became a subject oi studious precaution. For this purpose, the vertebrae are articulated, that is, the moveable joints between them are formed by means of those projections of their substance, which we have mentioned under the name of processes; and these so lock in with, and overwrap one another, a 58 OF MECHANICAL ARRANGEMENT to secure the body of the vertebrje, not only from accident- ally slipping, but even from being pushed out of its place by any violence short of that which would break the bone. I have often remarked and admired this structure in the chine of a hare. In this, as in many instances, a plain ob- server of the animal economy may spare himself the disgust of being present at human dissections, and yet learn enough for his information and satisfaction, by even examining the bones of ti e animals which come upon his table. Let him take, for example, into his hands, apiece of the clean-pick- ed bone of a hare’s back; consisting, we will suppose, of three vertebree. He will find the middle bone of the three so implicated by means of its projections or processes, with the bone on each side of it, that no pressure which he can use, will force it out of its place between them. It will give way neither forward, nor backward, nor on either side. In whichever direction he pushes, he perceives, in the form, or junction, or overlapping of the bones, an impedi- ment opposed to his attempt ; a check and guard against dislocation. In one part of the spine, he will find a still farther fortifying expedient, in the mode according to which the ribs are annexed to the spine. Each rib rests upon two vertebrae. That is the thing to be remarked, and any one may remark it in carving a neck of mutton The manner of it is this: the end of the rib is divided by a middle ridge into two surfaces; which surfaces are join- ed to the bodies of two contiguous vertebrae, the ridge ap- plying itself to the intervening cartilage. Now this is the very contrivance v/hich is employed in the famous iron bridge at my door at Bishop-Wearmouth ; and for the same purpose of stability; viz. the cheeks of the bars, which pass between the arches, ride across the joints, by which the pieces composing each arch are united. Each cross-bar rests upon two of these pieces cat their place of junction; and by tliat position resists, at least in one direction, any tendency in either piece to slip out of its place. Thus perfectly, by one means or the other, is the danger of slip- ping laterally, or of being drawn aside out of the line of the back, provided against: and to withstand the bones being pulled asunder longitudinally, or in the direction of that . line, a strong membrane runs from one end of the chain tv: the other, sulficient to resist any force wliich is ever likel} to act in the direction of the back, or parallel to it, ana consequently to secure the wliolc combination in their olaces. The general result is, that not only the motions of ’’he human body necessary for tlic ordinary otlices of life IN THE HUMAN FRAME. 59 are performed with safety, but that it is an accident hard- ly ever heard of, that even the gesticulations of a harlequ in distort his spine. Upon the whole, and as a guide to those who may be in- clined to carry the consideration of this subject farther, there are three views under which the spine ought to be regarded, and in all which it cannot fail to excite our ad- miration. These views relate to its articulations, its liga- ments, and its perforation, and to the corresponding advan- tages which the body derives from it, for action, for strength, and for that which is essential to every part, a secure com- munication with the brain."^ ✓ * It will be useful to append to the remarks of Dr. Paley upon the mechanism of the spine and of other parts of the body, some observations by a very eminent anatomist and surgeon now living, who has lately considered the subject of Animal Mechanism in its connexion with Natu- ral Theology, and has presented some striking and original views. These observations have been published as one of the treatises of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, which forms the ninth number of the series. These extracts will be the more histructive asgiv ing views of a professional observer in confirmation of those of our au- thor ; and they will also serve as additional illustrations of the same great truths which he has endeavoured to enforce. — Ed, “The spinal column, as it is called, serves three purposes : it is the great bond of union between all the parts of the skeleton; it forms a tube for the lodgement of the spinal marrow, a part of the nervous system as important to life as the brain itself ; and lastly, it is a column to sustain the head. We now see the importance of the spine, and we shall next explain how the various offices are provided for. If the protection of the spinal marrow had been the only object of this structure, it is natural to infer that it would have been a strong and unyielding tube of bone; but, as it must yield to the inflexion of the body, it. cannot be constituted in so strict an analogy with the skull. It must, therefore, bend; but it must have no abrupt or considerable bending at one part; for the spinal marrow within would in this way suffer. By this consideration we perceive why there are twenty-four bones in the spine, each bending a little; each articulated or making a joint with ts fellow; all yielding in a slight degree, and, consequently, permitting m the whole spine that flexibility necessary to the motions of the body. It is next to be observed that, whilst the spine by this provision moves in every direction, it gains a property which it belongs more to our present purpose to understand. The bones of the spine are called vertebrae; at each interstice between these bones, there is a peculiar gristly substance, which is squeezed out from between the bones, and, therefore, permits them to approach and play a little in the motions of the body. This gristly substance is enclosed in an elastic binding, or membrane of great strength, which passes from the edge or border of one vertebra, to the bor- der of the one next it. When a weight is upon the body, the soft giistK is pressed out, and the membrane yields: the moment the weight is remo^ 60 ON MECHANICAL ARRAN DEMENT The structure of the spine is not in general different in different animals. In the serpent tribe, however, it is con- ed, the membranes recoil by their elasticity, the gristle is pressed into its place, and the bones resume their position. We can readily understand how great the influence of these twenty- four joinings must be in giving elasticity to the whole column ; and how much this must tend to the protection of the brain. Were it not for tliis interposition of elastic material, every motion of the body would produce a jar to the delicate texture of the brain, and we should suffer almost as much in alighting on our feet, as in falling on our head. It is, as we have already remarked, necessary to interpose thin plates of lead or slate be- tween the different pieces of a column to prevent the edges (technically called arrises) of the cylinders from coming in contact, as they would, in that case, chip or split off. But there is another very curious provision for the protection of the brain; we mean the curved form of the spine. If a steel spring, perfectly straight, be pressed between the hands from its extremities, it will resist, notwithstanding its elasticity, and when it does give way, it will be with a jerk. Such would be the effect on the spine if it stood upright, one bone perpendicular to another; for then the weight would bear equally; the spine would yiel^neither to one side nor to the other; and, consequently, there would be a resistance from the pressure on all sides being balanced. We, therefore, see the great advantage resulting from the human spine being in the form of an italic f. It is prepared to yield in the direction of its curves; the pressure is of necessity more upon one side of the col- umn than on the other; and its elasticity is immediately in operation without a jerk. It yields, recoils, and so forms the most perfect spring; admirably calculated to carry the head without jar, or injury of any kind. The most unhappy illustration of all this is the condition of old age. The tables of the skull are then consolidated, and the spine is rigid: if an old man should fall with his head upon the carpet, the blow, which would be of no consequence to the elastic frame of a child, may to him prove fatal; and the rigidity of the spine makes every step which he takes, vi- brate to the interior of the head, and jar on the brain. We have hinted at a comparison between the attachment of the spine to the pelvis and the insertion of the mast of a ship into the hull. 7'he mast goes directly through the decks without touching them, and the heel of the mast goes into the step, which is formed of large solid pieces of oak timber laid across the keelson. The keelson is an inner keel resting upon the floor-timbers of the ship and directly over the proper keel. These are contrivances for enlarging the base on which the mast resk- as a column; for as, in proportion to the height and weight of a column, its base must be enlarged, or it would sink into the earth; so, if the mast were to bear upon a point, it would break through the bottom of the ship. The mast is supported upright by the shrouds and stays. The slirouds secure it against the lateral or rolling motion, and the stays and backstays against the pitching of the ship. These form what is termed the standing rigging. The mast d(»es not bear upon the deck or on the beams of the ship; in- deed there is iC space cover v.‘4 with canvass between the deck and the mas* IN THE HUMA.I FRAME. 61 siderably varied; but with a strict reference to the conveni- ency of the animal. [PI. IX. fig. 3, 4, 5] For, whereas in We often hear of a new ship going to sea to stretch her rigging; that IS, to permit the shrouds and stays to be stretched by the motion of the ship, after which they are again braced tight; for if she were overtaken by a storm before this operation, and when the stays and shrouds were relaxed, the mast would lean against the upper deck, by which it would be sprung or carried away. Indeed, the greater proportion of masts that are lost are lost in this manner. There are no boats which keep the sea in such storms as those which navigate the gulf of Finland. Their masts are not attached at all to the hull of the ship, but simply rest upon the step. Although the spine has not a strict resemblance to the mast, the con • trivances of the ship-builder, however different from the provisions of na- ture, show what object is to be attained; and when we are thus made aware of what is necessary to the security of a column on a moveable base, we are prepared to appreciate the superior provisions of nature for giving security to^he human spine. The human spine rests on what is called the pelvis^ or basin; — a circle of bones, of which the haunches are the extreme lateral parts; and the sa- crum (which is the keystone of the arch) may be felt at the lower part of the back. To this central bone of the arch of the pelvis the spine is connected; and^ taking the similitude of the mast, the sacrum is as the step on which the base of the pillar, like the heel of the mast, is socket- ed or morticed. The spine is tied to the lateral parts of the pelvis by powerful ligaments, which may be compared to the shrouds. They se- cure the lower part of the spine against the shock of lateral motion or rolling; but, instead of the stays to limit the play of the spine forwards and backwards in pitching, or to adjust the rake of the mast, there is a very beautiful contrivance in the'lower part of the column. The spine forms here a semicircle which has this effect; that whether by the exertion of the lower extremities, the spine is to be carried forward upon the pelvis, or whether the body stops suddenly in running, the jar which would necessarily take place at the lower part of the spine, if it stood upright like a mast, is distributed over several of the bones of the spine; and, therefore, the chance of injury at any particular part is di- minished. For example, the sacrum, or centre bone of the pelvis, being carried forward, as when one is about to run, the force is communicated to the lowest bone of the spine. But, then, the surfaces of these bones stand with a very slight degree of obliquity to the line of motion; the shock communicated from the lower to the second bone of the vertebrae is still in a direction very nearly perpendicular to its surface of contact. The same takes place in the communication of force from the second to the third, and from the third to the fourth; so that before the shock of the horizontal motion acts upon the perpendicular spine, it is distributed over four bones of that column, instead of the whole force being concentrated upon the joining of any two. If the column stood upright, it would be jarred at the lowest point of contact with its base. But by forming a semicircle, the motion would produce a jar on the very lowest part of the column, and which is distrib- uted over a considerable portion of the column; and in point rf fact, this part of the spine never gives way. Indeed, we should be inclined to of- F 62 OF MECHANICAL ARRANGEMENT quadrupeds the number of vertebrae is from thirty o forty in the serpent it is nearly one hundred and fifty where- as in men and quadrupeds the surfaces of the bones are flat, and these flat surfaces laid one against the other, and bound tight by sinews; in the serpent the bones play one within another like a ball and socket,* so that they have a free motion upon one another in every direction ; that is to say, in men and quadrupeds, firmness is more consulted; In seipents, pliancy. Yet even pliancy is not obtained at the expense of safety. The backbone of a serpent, for coherence and flexibility, is one of the most curious pieces of animal mechanism with which we are acquainted. The chain of a watch, (I mean the chain which passes between the spring-barrel and the fusee,) which aims at the same properties, is but a bungling piece of workmanship in com- parison with that of which we speak. ^ IV. The reciprocal enlargement and contraction of the chest to allow for the play of the lungs, depends upon a simple yet beautiful mechanical contrivance, referrible to the structure of the bones which enclose it. [PI. X. fig. 1 ] The ribs are articulated to the backbone, or rather to its side fer this model to the consideration of nautical men, as fruitful in hints for improving naval architecture. Every one who has seen a ship pitching in a heavy sea, must have asked himself why the masts are not upright, or rather, w^hy the fore mast stands upright, whilst the main and mizzen masts stand oblique to the deck or, as the phrase is, rake aft or towards the stern of the ship. The main and mizzen masts incline backwards, because the strain is greatest in the forward pitch of the vessel ; for the mast having received an impulse forwards, it is suddenly checked as the head of the ship rises; but the mast being set with an inclination backwards, the motion falls more in a perpendicular line from the head to the heel. This advantage is lost in the upright position of the foremast, but it is sacrificed to a supe- rior advantage gained in working the ship; the sails upon this mast act more powerfully in swaying the vessel round, and the perpendicular posi- tion causes the ship to tack or stay better; but the perpendicular position, as we have seen, causes the strain in pitching to come at right angles to the mast, and is, therefore, irore apt to spring. These considerations give an interest to the fact, that the human spine, from its utmost convexity near its base, inclines backwards .” — BelVs Treatise on Animal Mechanics, * Der. Phys. Theol. p. 396. + In fish, which have more elastic, but less flexible bodies, the structure of the spine differs. The end of each vertebra is a cup containing u viscid fluid, which keeps the bones from approaching nearer to each other than the mean state of the elasticity of the lateral ligaments ; the fluid is in- compressible, therefore forms a ball round which the bony cups mov*» ; the ball having no cohesion, the centre of motion is always adapted t Jie change which the joint undergoes without producing friction. — Pac jn. IN THE HUMAN FRAME. 63 projections obliquely:* that is, in their natural position, they bend or slope from the place of articulation downwards But the basis upon which they rest at this end being fixed the conseauence of the obliquity, or the inclination down- wards, is, that when they come to move, whatever pulls the ribs upwards, necessarily, at the sam.e time, draws them out; and that, whilst the ribs are brought to a right angle with the spine behind, the sternum, or part of the chest to which they are attached in front, is thrust forward. The simple action, the" efore, of the elevating muscles does the business; whereas, if the ribs had been articulated with the bodies of the vertebrse at right angles, the cavity of the thorax could never haye been farther enlarged by a change of their position. If each rib had been a rigid bone, ar- ticulated at both ends to fixed bases, the whole chest had been immoveable. Keill has observed, that the breastbone in an easy inspiration, is thrust out one-tenth of an inch* and he calculates that this, added to what is gained to the space within the chest by the flattening or descent of the diaphragm, leaves room for forty-two cubic inches of air to enter at every drawing-in of the breath. When there is a necessity for a deeper and more laborious inspiration, the enlargement of the capacity of the chest may be so increas- ed by effort, as that the lungs may be distended with seventy or a hundred such cubic inches. | The thorax, says Schel- hammer, forms a kind of bellows, such as never have been^ nor probably will made by any artiflcer.J * For the mode of articulation of the ribs with the vertebrae, see Plate IX. Fig. 1 and 2. t Anat. p. 229. t The thorax, or chest, is composed of bones and cartilages, so dis- posed as to sustain and protect the most vital parts, the heart and lungs, and to turn and twist with perfect facility in every motion of the body; and to be in incessant motion in the act of respiration, without a moment’s interval during a whole life. In anatomical description, the thorax is formed of the v^ertebral column, or spine, on the back part, the ribs on either side, and the breastbone, or sternum, on the fore part. But the thing most to be admired is the manner in which these bones are united, and especially the manner in which the ribs are joined to the breastbone, by the interposition of cartilages, or gristle, of a substance softer than bone, and more elastic and yielding. By this quality they are fitted for protecting the chest against the effects of violence, and even for sustaining life after the muscular power of respiration has become too feeble to con- tinue without this support. If the ribs were complete circles, formed of bone, and extending from the spine to the breastbone, life would be endangered by any accidental f-acture; and even the rubs and jolts to which the human frame is con t> lually exposed, *muld be too much for their delicate and brittle texture 64 OF MECHANICAL ARRAN(?EMENT V The patella, or kneepan is a curious little bone; iu its form and office, unlike any other bone of the body. [PI. X. fig. 2, 3.] It is circular: the size of a crown piece; pretty thick; a little convex on both sides, and covered with a smooth cartilage. It lies upon the front of the knee: and the powerful tendons, by which the leg is brought forward, pass into it, (or rather it makes a part of their continu- ation,) from their origin in the thigh to their insertion in Ouf these evils .ire avoided by the interposition of the elastic cartilage. On their fore part the ribs are eked out, and joined to the breastbone by neans of cartilages, of a form corresponding to that of the ribs, being, as it were, a completion of the arch of the rib, by a substance more adapted to yield in every shock or motion of the body. The elasticity of this portion subdues those shocks which would occasion the breaking of the ribs. We lean forward, or to one side, and the ribs accommodate themselves, not by a change of form in the bones, but by the bending or elasticity of the cartilages. A severe blow upon the ribs does not break them, because their extremities recoil and yield to the violence. It is only in youth, however, when the human frame is in perfection, that this pli- ancy and elasticity have full effect. When old age approaches, the car- tilages of the ribs become bony. They attach themselves firmly to the breastbone, and the extremities of the ribs are fixed, as if the whole arch were formed of bone unyielding and inelastic. Then every violent blow upon the side is attended with fracture of the rib, an accident seldom oc- curring in childhood, or in youth. But there is a purpose still more important to be accomplished by means of the elastic structure of the ribs, as partly formed of cartilage. This is in the action of breathing, or respiration; especially in the more lighly-raised respiration which is necessary in great exertions of bodily strength, and in violent exercise. There are two acts of breathing — ex~ viration, or the sending forth of the breath ; and inspiration, or the drawing in of the breath. When the chest is at rest, it is neither in a state of expiration nor in that of inspiration ; it is in an intermediate con- dition between these two acts. And the muscular effort by which either inspiration or expiration is produced, is an act in opposition to the elastic property of the ribs. The property of the ribs is to preserve the breast in the intermediate state between expiration and inspiration. The muscles of respiration are excited alternately, to dilate or to contract the cavity of the chest, and, in doing so, to raise or to depress the ribs. Hence it is, that both in inspiration and in expiration the elasticity of the ribs is called into play; and, were it within our province, it would be easy to show, that the dead power of the cartilages of the ribs preserve life by respiration, after the vital muscular power would, without such assistance, be too weak to continue life. It will at once be understood, from what has now been explained, how, in age, violent exercise or exertion, is under restraint, in so far as it de- pends on respiration. The elasticity of the cartilages is gone, the circle of the ribs is now unyielding, and will not allow that high breathing, that sudden and great dilating and contracting of the cavity of the chest, which is required for circulating tlie blood through the lungs, and relieving the heart amidst the more tumultuous flowing of the blood which exorcise and exertioi produce. — Bell's Treatise on Animal Mechanics. IN THE HUMAN FRAME. 65 tht Hbia. It protects both the tendon and the joint from any injury which either might suffer by the rubbing of one against the other, or by the pressure of unequal surfaces. It also gives to the tendons a very considerable mechan- ical advantage, by altering the line of their direction, and by advancing it farther out from the centre of motion; and this upon the principles of the resolution of force, upon which principles all machinery is founded. These are its uses. But what is most observable in it is, that it appears to be supplemental, as it were, to the frame; added, as it should almost seem, afterward; not quite necessary, but very convenient. It is separate from the other bones; that is, it is not connected with any other bones by the com- mon mode of union. It is soft, or hardly formed, in infan- cy; and produced by an ossification, of the inception or progress of which no account can be given from the struct- ure or exercise of the part. VI. The shoulder-blade is, in some material respects, a very singular bone: appearing to be made so expressly for its own purpose, and so independently of every other reason. [PI. X. fig. 4.] In such quadrupeds as have no collar-bones, which are by far the greater number, the shoulder-blade has no bony communication with the trunk, either by a joint, or process, or in any other way. It does not grow to, or out of, any other bone of the trunk. It does not apply to any other bone of the trunk ; (I know not whether this be true of any second bone in the body, ex- cept perhaps the os hyoVdes.) [PI. X. fig. 5.] In strict- ness, it forms no part of the skeleton. It is bedded in the flesh; attached only to the muscles. It is no other than a foundation bone for the arm, laid in separate, as it were, and distinct, from the general ossifica.tion. The lower limbs connect themselves at the hip with bones which form a part of the skeleton; but this connexion, in the upper limbs, being wanted, a basis, whereupon the arm might be articulated, was to be supplied by a detached ossifica- tion for the purpose. I. The above are a few examples of bones made re- markable by their configuration: but to almost all the bones belong joints; and in these, still more clearly than in the form or shape of the bones themselves, are seen both contrivance and contriving wisdom. Every joint is a curiosity, and is also strictly mechanical. There is the hinge-joint, and the mortice and tenon joint; each as manifestly suen, and as accurately defined, as any which can be produced out of a cabinet-maker’s shop; and one F* 66 OF MECHANICAL ARRANGEMENT O’* the other prevails, as either is adapted to the motion which is wanted: e. g. a mortice and tenon, or ball and socket joint, is no^ .;^quired at the knee, the leg standing in need only of t motion backward and forward in the same plane, for which a hinge-joint is sufficient; a mortice and tenon, o ; ball and socket joint, is wanted at the hip, that not only the progressive step may be provided for, but the interval between the limbs may be enlarged or contract- ed at pleasure. Now, observe, what would have been the inconveniency, i. e. both the superfluity and the defect of articulation, if the case had been inverted: if the ball and socket joint had been at the knee, and the hinge-joint at the hip. The thighs must have been kept constantly to- gether, and the legs have been loose and straddling. There would have been no use, that we know of, in being able to turn the calves of the legs before; and there would have been great confinement by restraining the motion of the thighs to one plane. The disadvantage would not have been less, if the joints at the hip and the knee had been both of the same sort; both balls and sockets, or both hin- ges: yet why, independently of utility, and of a Creator who consulted that utility, should the same bone (the thigh-bone) be rounded at one end, and channelled at the other ? The hinge-joint is not formed by a bolt passing through the two parts of the hinge, and thus keeping them in their places; but by a different expedient. A strong, tough, parchment-like membrane, rising from the receiving bones, and inserted all round the received bones a little below their heads, encloses the joint on every side. This mem- brane ties, confines, and holds the ends of the bones to- gether; keeping the corresponding parts of the joint, i. e. the relative convexities and concavities, in close application o each other.^ For the ball and soclcet joint ^ beside the membrane al- ready described, there is in one important joint, as an additional security, a short, strong, yet flexible ligament, inserted by one end into the head of the ball, by the other * This membrane is the capsnla?', or hin'sal ligament, common to every movable joint. It certainly connects the hones togetlier, hut does not possess much strength; its chief use is to produce and preserve the synovia in the part where it is required. "J'he security and strength of the hinge-joint depends on certain ligaments c;dled lateral ligaments, and the endons of those muscles which pass over it. In the particular in stance of the knee, from its being the largest joint in the body, there is, a? we shall presently find, an additiona contrivance to prevent dislocalioru Paxton, IN THE HUIIAN PRAME 67 into 1)3 bottom of the cup; which ligament keeps the two parts of the joint so firmly in their place, that none of the motions which the limb naturally performs, none of the jerks and twists to which it is ordinarily liable, nothing less indeed than the utmost and the most unnatural vio- lence, can pull them asunder [PL XI. fig. 1.] It is hardly imaginable, how great a force is necessary, even to stretch, still more to break, this ligament; yet so flexible s it, as to oppose no impediment to the suppleness of the joint * By its situation also, it is inaccessible to injury from sharp edges. As it cannot be ruptured, (such is its strength,) so it caTinot be cut, except by an accident which would sever the limb. If I had been permitted to frame a proof of contrivance, such as might satisfy the most dis- trustful inquirer, I know not Avhether I could have chosen an example of mechanism more unequivocal, or more free from objection, than this ligament. Nothing can be more mechanical; nothing, however subservient to the safety, less capable of being generated by the action of the joint. I would particularly solicit the reader’s attention to this provision, as it is found in the head of the thigh-bone ; to its strength, its structure, and its use. It is an instance upon which I lay my hand. One single fact, weighed by a mind in earnest, leaves oftentimes the deepest impres- sion. For the purpose of addressing different understand- ings and different apprehensions — for the purpose of senti- ment, for the purpose of exciting admiration of the Crea- tor’s works, we diversify our views, we multiply examples; but for the purpose of strict argument, one clear instance is sufficient; and not only sufficient, but capable, perhaps, of generating a firmer assurance than what can arise from a divided attention. The ginglymuSj or hinge-joint, does not, it is manifest, admit of a ligament of the same kind with that of the ball and socket joint, but it is always fortified by the species ol dgament of which it does admit. The strong, firm, invest- ing membrane, above described, accompanies it in every part; and in particular joints, this membrane, which is properly a ligament, is considerably stronger on the sides than either before or behind, in order that the convexities may play true in their concavities, and not be subject to slip sideways, which is the chief danger; for the muscular * This ligament is also common to all quadrupeds, even in the more large and unwieldy, as the Hippopotamus and Rhinoceros — it is wanting in the elephant only, whose limbs, ill qualified for active movements, do not seem to require this security to the joint. — Paxton, 68 OF MECHANICAL ARRAN Gi<.MENT tendons generally restrain the parts from going farther than they ought to go in the plane ol their motion. In the knee^ which is a joint of this form, of great importance, there are superadded to the corrmon provisions for the stability of the joint, two strong ligaments which cross each other; and cross each other in such a manner, as to secure the joint from being displaced in any assignable di- rection. [PI. XI. fig. ^.] ‘‘I think, says Cheselden, ‘‘that the knee cannot be completely dislocated without breaking the cross ligaments.”* We can hardly help com- paring this with the binding up of a fracture, where the fil- let is almost always strapped across, for the sake of giving firmness and strength to the bandage. Another no less important joint, and that also of the gin- glymus sort, is the ankle; yet, though important, (in order, perhaps, to preserve the symmetry and lightness of the limb,) small, and, on that account, more liable to injury. [PI. XI. fig 4.] Now this joint is strengthened, i. c. is defended from dislocation, by two remarkable processes or prolongations of the bones of the leg: which processes form the protuberances that we call the inner and outer ankle. It is part of each bone going down lower than the other part, and thereby overlapping the joint: so that, if the joint be in danger of slipping outward, it is curbed by the inner projection, i. e. that of the tibia; if inward, by the outer projection, i. e. that of the fibula. Between both, it is locked in its position. I know no account that can be given of this structure, except its utility. Why should the tibia terminate, at its lower extremity, with a double end, and the fibula the same, but to barricade the joint on both sides by a continuation of part of the thickest of the bone over it ? | * Ches. Anat. ed. 7th, p. 45. t The most obvious proof of contrivance is the junction of the fcoi to the bones of the leg at the ankle-joint. The two bones of the leg, called the tibia and the fibula, receive the great articulating hone of the foot (the astragalus) between them. And the extremities of these bones of the leg project so as to form the outer and inner ankle. Now, when we step forward, and whilst the foot is raised, it rolls easily upon the ends of these bones, so that the toe may be directed according to the inequali- ties of the ground we are to tread upon; but when the foot is planted, and the body is carried forward perpendicularly over the foot, the joint of the leg and foot becomes fixed, and we have a steady base to rest upon. We next observe, that, in walking, the heel first touches the ground. If the bones of the leg were perpendicular over the part which first touches the ground, we should come down with a sudden jolt, instead of which M 5 desi:end in a semicircle, the centre of which is the point of the heel. And when the toes have come to the ground we are far from losing iho IN THE HUMAN FRAME. 69 The joint at the shoulder compared with the joint at the though both ball and socket joints, discovers a difTer- ence in their form and proportions, well suited to the dif- ferent offices which the limbs have to execute. The cup or socket at the shoulder is much shallower and flatter than it is at the hip, and is also in part formed of cartilage set round the rim of the cup. The socket, into which the head of the thigh-bone is inserted, is deeper, and made of more solid materials."* This agrees with the duties as- advantages of the structure of the foot, since we stand upon an elastic Arch, the hinder extremity of which is tjje heel, and the anterior the balls cf the toes. A finely formed foot should be high in the instep. The walk of opera dancers is neither natural nor beautiful ; but the surprising exercises which they perform give to the joints of the foot a freedom of motion almost like that of the hand. We have seen the dancers, in their morning exercises, stand for twenty minutes on the extremities of their toes, after which the effort is to bend the inner ankle down to the floor, in preparation for the Bolero step. By such unnatural postures and ex- ercises the foot is made unfit for walking, as may be observed in any of the retired dancers and o\d. figurantes. By standing so much upon the toes, the human foot is converted to something more resembling that of a quadruped, where the heel never reaches the ground, and where the paw is nothing more than the phalanges of the toes. This arch of the foot, from the heel to the toe, has the astragalus, re- sembling the keystone of an arch; but, instead of being fixed, as in ma- sonry, it plays freely between two bones, and from these two bones, a strong elastic ligament is extended, on which the bone rests, sinking oi rising as the weight of the body bears upon it, or is taken off, and this it is enabled to do by the action of the ligament which runs under it. This is the same elastic ligament which runs extensively along the back of the horse’s hind leg and foot, and gives the fine spring to it, but whicir .s sometimes ruptured by the exertion of the animal in a leap, producin^i irrecoverable lameness. Having understood that the arch of the foot is perfect from the heel tr the toe, we have next to observe, that there is an arch from side to side for when a transverse section is made of the bones of the foot, the ex posed surface presents a perfect arch of wedges, regularly formed like thf stones of an arch in masonry. If we look down upon the bones of the foot, we shall see that they form a complete circle horizontally, leaving a space in their centre. These bones thus form three different arches-- forward; across; and horizontally: they are wedged together, and bound by ligaments, and this is what we alluded to when we said that the foun dalions of the Edd\ stone were not laid on a better principle; but our ad Tiiration is more excited in observing, that the bones of the foot are not only wedged together, like the courses of stone for resistance, but tliat s»)hJity is combined with elasticity and lightness. Notwithstanding the mobility of the foot in some positions, yet when the weight of the body bears directly over it, it becomes immovable, and the bones of the leg must be fractured before the foot yields. BeWs Treatise on .inimal Mechanics, The socket for the head of the thigh-bone is indet d deeper than that at the shoulder, bu ‘.he “ n^aterials ” which form the concavities are ihe 70 OF MECHANICAL ARRAR OEMENT signed to each part. The arm is an instrument of motion, principally, if aot solely. Accordingly the shallowness of the socket at the shoulder, and yieldingness of the car- tilaginous substance with which its edge is set round, and which in fact composes a considerable part of its concavi- ty, are excellently adapted for the allowance of a free mo- tion and a wide range; both which the arm wants. Wiiereas, the lower limb, forming a part of the column of the body; having to support the body, as well as to be the means of its locomotion; firmness v^as to be consulted, as well as action. With a capacity for motion, in all direc- tions indeed, as at the shoulder, but not in any direction to the same extent as in the arm, was to be united stabili- ty, or resistance to dislocation. Hence the deeper excava- .ion of the socket; and the pi;esence of a less proportion of cartilage upon the edge. The suppleness and pliability of the joints we every moment experience; and the firmness of animal articu- lation, the property we have hitherto been considering, may be judged of from this single observation, that, at any given moment of time, there are millions of animal joints in complete repair and use, for one that is disloca- ted; and this, notwithstanding the contortions and wrench- es to which the limbs of animals are continually subject. II. The jointSy or rather the ends of the bones which form them, display also, in their configuration, another use. The nerves, blood-vessels, and tendons, which are neces- sary to the life, or for the motion of the limbs, must, it is evident, in their way from the trunk of the body to the place of their destination, travel over the movable joints; and it is no less evident, that, in this part of their course, they will have, from sudden motions, and from abrupt changes of curvature, to encounter the danger of compres- sion, attrition, or laceration. To guard fibres so tender against consequences so injurious, their path is in those parts protected with peculiar care; and that by a provision in the figure of the bones themselves. The nerves which supply the fore-arm, especially the inferior cubital nerves, are at the elbow conducted, by a kind of covered way, be- tween the condyles, or rather under the inner cxtuberances of the bone, which composes the upper part of. the arm.* 8amo; both are solid bone covered by cartilage, and both have a rim of a strong fdno-cartilaginous texture, not only for tlic purpose of rendering the socket deeper, l)ut for preventing fractures of the rim in robust exer- cises, to which, were it bony, it would bo very liable. — Paxton, rhes. An n 255, ed. 7th IN THE HUMAN FRAME. 71 At the Imce, the extremity of the thigh-bone is dwided by a sinus or cleft into two heads or protuberances: and these lioads on the back part stand out beyond the cylinder of the bone. Through the hollow, which lies between the hind parts of these two heads, that is to say, under the ham, between the hamstrings, and within the concave re- cess of the bone formed by the extuberances on each side; in a word, along a defile, between rocks, pass the greal vessels and nerves wiiich go to the leg.* Who led these v essels by a road so defended and so seeured.^ In the joint at the shoulder, in the edge of the cup which receives the head of the bone, is a notch which is joined or covered at the top with a ligament. Through this hole, thus guarded, the blood-vessels steal to their destination in the arm, in- stead of mounting over the edge of the concavity. 'f III. In all joints, the ends of the bones, which work against each other, are tipped with gristle. In the ball and socket joint, the cup is lined, and the ball capped with it. The smooth surface, the elastic and unfriable nature of cartilage, render it of all substances the most proper for the place and purpose. I should, therefore, have pointed this out amongst the foremost of the provisions which have been made in the joints for the facilitating of their action, had it not been alleged’ that cartilage in truth is only nascent or imperfect bone; and that the bone in these places is kept soft and imperfect, in consequence of a more complete and rigid ossification being prevented from taking place by the continual motion and rubbing of the surfaces; which being so, what we represent as a designed advan- tage, is an unavoidable effect. I am far from being con- vinced that this is a true account of the fact; or that, if it were so, it answers the argument. To me, the surmount- ing of the ends of the bones with gristle, looks more like a plating with a different metal, than like the same metal kept in a different state by the action to which it is exposed At all events, we have a great particular benefit, though arising from a general constitution: but this last not being quite what my argument requires, lest I should seem by applying the instance to overrate its value, I have thought it fair to state the question which attends it. IV. In some joints, very particularly in the knees, there are loose cartilages or gristles between the bones, and with- in the joint, so that the ends of the bones, instead of work- ing upon one another, work upon the intermediate cartila- ges. [PI. XI. fig. 3.] Cheselden has observed J that the * Ches. An. p. 35. t Ib. 30. $ Ib. p. 13. 72 OF MECHANICAL ARRANGEMENT contrivance of a loose ring is practised by mechanics, where the friction of the joints of any of their machines is great, as between the parts of crooked-hinges of large gates, or under the head of the male screw of large vices. The cartilages of which we speak, have very nmch of the form of these rings. The comparison moreover shows the rea- son why we find them in the knees rather than in other joints. It is an expedient, we have seen, which a mechan- ic resorts to, only when some strong and heavy work is to be done. So here the thigh bone has to achieve its motion at the knee, with the whole weight of the body pressing upon it, and often, as in rising from our seat, with the whole weight of the body to lift. It should seem also, from Ches- eldeifs account, that the slipping and sliding of the loose cartilages, though it be probably a small and obscure change, humored the motion of the end of the thigh-bone, under the particular configuration which was necessary to be given to it for the commodious action of the tendons; (and which configuration requires what he calls a variable socket, that is, a concavity, the lines of which assume a different curvature in different inclinations of the bones.) V. We have now done with the configuration: but there is also in the joints, and that common to them all, another exquisite provision, manifestly adapted to their use, and concerning which there can, I think, be no dispute, namely, the regular supply of a mucilage^ more emollient and slippery than oil itself, which is constantly softening and lubricating the parts that rub upon each other, and thereby diminishing the effect of attrition in the highest possible degree.=^ For the continual secretion of this im- portant liniment, and for the feeding of the cavities of the joint with it, glands are fixed near each joint; the excre- tory ducts of which glands dripping w ith their balsamic contents, hang loose like fringes within the cavity of the joints. A late improvement in what are called friction wheels, which consists of a mechanism so ordered, as to be regularly dropping oil into a box, which encloses the axis, the nave, and certain balls upon which the nave revolves, may be said, in some sort, to represent the contrivance in the animal joint; with this superiority, however, on the * This mucilage is termed synovia ; vulgarly called joint oil, but it has no property of oil. It is very viscid, and at the same time smooth and slippery to the touch; and therefore better adapted than any oil to lubricate the interior of the joints and prevent ill efiects from friction. Paxton IN THE HUMAN FRAME. 73 part of the joint, viz. that here, the oil is not only dropped, but made,^ In considering the joints, there is nothing, pernaps, which ought to move our gratitude more than the reflection, hoio well they wear. A limb shall swing upon its hinge, oi play in its socket, many hundred times in an hour, for six- ty years together, without diminution of its agility: which is a long time for anything to last; for anything so much worked and exercised as the joints are. This durability I should attribute, in part, to the provision which is made for the preventing of wear and tear, first by the polish of the cartilaginous surfaces, secondly, by the healing lubrication of the mucilage; and, in part, to that astonishing property of animal constitutions, assimilation; by which, in every portion of the body, let it consist of what it will, substance is restored, and waste repaired. * A joint then consists of the union of two bones, of such a form as to permit the necessary motion; but they are not in contact; each articulat- ing surface is covered with cartilage, to prevent the jar which would re- sult from the contact of the bones. This cartilage is elastic, and the celebrated Dr. Hunter discovered that the elasticity was in consequence of a number of filaments closely compacted, and extending from the sur- face of the bone, so that each filament is perpendicular to the pressure made upon it. The surface of the articulating cartilage is perfectly smooth, and is lubricated by a fluid called synovia, sygnifying a muci- lage, a viscous or thick liquor. This is vulgarly called joint oil, but it has no property of oil, although it is better calculated than any oil to lu- bricate the interior of the joint. When inflammation comes upon ajoint, this fluid is not supplied, and the joint is stiff, and the surfaces creak upon one another like a hinge without oil. A delicate membrane extends from bone to bone, confining this lubricating fluid, and forming the boundary of what is termed the cavity of the joint, although, in fact, there is no unoccupied space. Ex- ternal to this capsule of the joint, there are strong ligaments going from point to point of the bones, and so ordered as to bind them together without preventing their proper motions. From this description of a single joint, we can easily conceive what a spring or elasticity is given to the foot, where thirty-six bones are joined together. — BelPs Treatise on Animal Mechanics. t If the ingenious author’s mind had been professionally called to con- template this subject, he would have found another explanation. There is no resemblance between the provisions against the wear and tear of machinery and those for the preservation of a living part. As the struc ture of the parts is originally perfected by the action of the vessels, the function or operation of the part is made the stimulus to those vessels. The cuticle on the hands wears away like a glove; but the pressure stim- ulates the living surfiice to force successive layers of skin under that v^hich is wearing, or, as the anatomists call it, desquamating; by which they mean, that the cuticle does not change at once, but comes oft’ in sqxiamce^ or scales. The teeth are subject to pressure in chewing or masticating, and they would, by this action, have been driven deeper in the jaw, and G 74 OF THE MUSCLES. Movable joints, I think, compose the curiosity cfbcucs but their union, even where no motion is intendea or want-^ ed, carries marks of mechanism and of mechanical wis- dom. The teeth, especially the front teeth, are one bone fixed in another, like a peg driven into a board. The sutures of the skull are like the edges of two saws clap- ped together, in such a manner as that the teeth of one enter the intervals of the other.* We have sometimes one hone lapping over another, and planed down at the edges; sometimes also the thin lamella of one bone received into a narrow furrow of another. In all which varieties, wo seem to discover the same design, viz. firmness of juncture, without clumsiness in the seam. CHAPTER IX. OF THE MUSCLES. Muscles, with their tendons, are the instruments by which animal motion is performed. It will be our business rendered useless, had there not been a provision against this mechanical effect. This provision is a disposition to grow, or rather to shoot out of their sockets; and this disposition to project, balances the pressure which they sustain* and when one tooth is lost, its opposite rises, and is in dan- ger of being lost also, for want of that very opposition. — Bell's Treatise on Animal Mechanics. ^ Most of the bones of the skull are composed of two plates or tablets, with an intermediate spongy, vascular substance; the outer tablet is^&- rons, having the edges curiously indented and united by a dove-tailed sii'ure; the inner from its brittleness is called vitreous, and therefore merely joined together in a straight line ; this mode of union is not acci- dental — not the result of chance, but design. The author of the treatise on “ Animal Mechanics” gives the following admirable illustration of the structure: — “ Suppose' a carpenter employed upon his^own material — he would join a box with regular indentations by dove-tailing, because he knows that the material on which he works, from its softness and toughness, admits of sucb adjustment of its edges. The processes of bone shoot in- to the opposite cavities with, an exact resemblance to the fox-tail wedge of the carpenter. “ But if a workman in glass or marble were to join these materials, he would smooth the edges and unite them by cement; for if he could suc- ceed in indenting the line of union, he knows that his material would chip off on the slightest vibration. “ Now apply this principle to the skull; the outer table, which resem- bles wood, is indented and dove-tailed; the inner glassy has iln edges simply laid in contact.” — Faxton. OF THE MUSCLES. 75 to p' int out instances in which, and properties with respect to which, the disposition of these muscles is as strictly mechanical, as that of the wires and strings of a puppet.^ I. We may observe, what I believe is universal, an ex- act relation between the joint and the muscles which move it. Whatever motion the joint, by its mechanical construc- tion, is capable of performing, that motion, the annexed muscles, by their position, are capable of producing. F or example; if there be, as at the knee and elbow, a hinge- joint, capable of motion only in the same plane, the lead- ers, as they are called, i, e, the muscular tendons, are placed in directions parallel to the bone, so as, by the con- traction or relaxation of the muscles to which they belong, to produce that motion and no other. If these joints were capable of a freer motion, there are no muscles to produce it. Whereas at the shoulder and the hip, where the ball and socket joint allows by its construction of a rotatory or sweeping motion, tendons are placed in such a position, and pull in such a direction, as to produce the motion of which the joint admits. For instance, the sartorius or tailor’s muscle, rising from the spine, running diagonally across the thigh, and taking hold of the inside of the main * bone of the leg, a little below the knee, enables us, by its contraction, to throw one leg and thigh over the other; giving effect, at the same time, to the ball and socket joint at the hip, and the hinge-joint at the knee. [PI. XII. fig. 1.] There is, as we have seen, a specific mechanism in the bones, for the rotatory motions of the head and hands; there is, also, in the oblique direction of the muscles belonging to them, a specific provision for the putting of this mechanism of the bones into action. [PI. XII. fig. 2.] And mark the consent of uses. The oblique muscles would have been inefficient without that particular articulation; that particular articulation w'ould have been lost, without the oblique muscles. It may be proper, however, to observe with respect to the head, although I think it does not vary the case, that its oblique motions and inclinations are ffien motions in a diagonal, produced by the joint action of mus- * Muscles are the fleshy parts of the body which surround the bones, having a fibrous texture; a muscle being composed of a number of mws- cular faciculi, which are composed of fibres still smaller; these result from fibres of a less volume, until by successive division we arrive at very small fibres no longer divisible. These muscular fibres are longer or shorter according to the muscles to which they belong; and every fi- bre is fixed by its two extremities to tendon or aponeurosis, which are the “wires and strings which conduct the muscular power when they contract. — Paxton, 76 OF THE MUSCLES. cles lying in straight direction. But whether the pud be sin- gle or combined, the articulation is always such, as .o be capable of obeying the action of the muscles. The oblique muscles attached to the head, ere likewise so disposed, as to be capable of the steadying the globe, as well as of mov- ing it. The head of a new-born infant is often obliged to be filleted up. After death, the head drops and rolls in every direction. So that it is by the equilibre of the mus- cles, by the aid of a considerable and equipollent muscular force in constant exertion, that the head maintains its erect posture. The muscles here supply what would otherwise be a great defect in the articulation; for the^ joint in the neck, although admirably adapted to the motion of the head, is insufficient for its support. It is not only by the means of a most curious structure of the bones that a man turns his head, but by virtue of an adjusted muscular power, that he even holds it up. As another example of what we are illustrating, viz. con- formity of use between the bones and the muscles, it has been observed of the different vertebrae, that their proces- ses are exactly proportioned to the quantity of motion which the other bones allow of, and which the respective muscles are capable of producing. II. A muscle acts only by contraction. Its force is ex- erted in no other way. When the exertion ceases, it relax- es itself, that is, it returns by relaxation to its former state; but without energy. This is the nature of the muscular fibre: and being so, it is evident that the reciprocal ener- getic motion of the limbs, by which we mean motion ivith force in opposite directions, can only be produced by the instrumentality of opposite or antagonist muscles; of flexors and extensors answering to each other. For instance, the biceps and brachiseus internns muscles, placed in the front part of the upper arm, by their contraction bend the elbow; and with such degree of force, as the case requires, or the strength admits of. [PI. XIII. fig. 1.] The relaxation of these muscles, after the effort, would merely let the fore- arm drop down. For the back sfroke, therefore, and that the arm may not only bend at the elbow, but also extend and straighten itself, with force, other muscles, the longus and brevis bracliiacus exlernus, and tlie anconmus, placed on the hinder part of .he arms, by their contractile twitch fetch back the fore-arm into a straight line with the cubit, with no les: force than that with which it was bent out of it The same thing obtains in all tlie limbs, and in every riov able part of the body. A finger is not bent and straigl ten- OF THE MUSCLES. 77 ed, without the contraction of two muscles taking place. It IS evident, therefore, that the animal functions require that particular disposition of the muscles which we describe b}> the name of antagonist muscles. And they are according- ly so disposed. Every muscle is provided with an adversa- ry. They act, like two sawyers in a pit by an opposite pull ; and nothing surely can more strongly indicate design and attention to an end, than their being thus stationed; than this collocation. The nature of the muscular fibre being what it is, the purposes of the animal could be answered by no other. And not only the capacity for motion, but the aspect and symmetry of the body, is preserved by the mus- cles being marshalled according to this order, e. g. the mouth is holden in the middle of the face, and its angles kept in a state of exact correspondency, by several mi scles drawing against, and balancing each other. [See PI. XI . fig. 3.] In a hemiplegia, when the muscles on one side are vveak- ened, the muscles on the other side draw the mouth awry. III. Another property of the muscles, which could only be the result of care, is, their being almost universally so disposed, as not to obstruct or interfere with one another’s action. I know but one instance in which this impediment is perceived. We cannot easily swallow whilst we gape. This, I understand, is owing to the muscles employed in the act of deglutition, being so implicated with the muscles of the lower jaw, that, whilst these last are contracted, the former cannot act with freedom. The obstruction is, in this instance, attended with little inconveniency ; but it shows what the effect is where it does exist; and what loss of faculty there would be if it were more frequent. Now, when we reflect upon the number of muscles, not fewer than four hundred and forty-six in the human body, known and named,* how contiguous they lie to each other, in lay- ers, as it were, over one another, crossing one another, sometimes embedded m one another; sometimes perforat- ing one another; an arrangement, which leaves to each its liberty, and its full play, must necessarily require meditation and counsel IV, The following is oftentimes the case with the mus- cles. Their action is wanted, where thei * situation would be inconvenient. In which case, the body of the muscle is placed in some commodious position at a distance, and made to communicate with the point of action, by slender ^ Keill’s Anat. p. 295, edit. 3. There are, however, five hundred and ^ ventv -seven mu.^ les described by more modern anatomists. Paxton* G 78 OF THE MUSCLES. strings or wires. If the muscles which mo /e the fingers had been placed in the palm or back of the hand, the^ would have swelled that part to an awkward and clumsy thickness. The beauty, the proportions of the part, wou.d have been destroyed. They are, therefore, disposed in the arm, and even up to the elbow ; and act by long tendons, strapped down at the wrist, and passing under the ligaments to the fingers, and to the joints of the fingers, which they are severally to move. [PI. XIII. fig. 1, 2.] In like man- ner, the muscles which move the toes, and many of the joints of the foot, how gracefully are they disposed in the calf of the leg, ins^.ead of forming an unwieldy tumefaction ill the foot itself The observation may be repeated of the muscle which draws the nictitating membrane over the eye. Its office is in the front of the eye; but its body is lodged in the back part of the globe, where it lies safe, [PI. IV. fig. 2, 3,] and where it encumbers nothing.* V. The great mechanical variety in the figure of the muscles may be thus stated. It appears to be a fixed law, that the contraction of a muscle shall be towards its centre. Therefore, the subject for mechanism on each occasion is, so to modify the figure, and adjust the position of the mus- cle, as to produce the motion required, agreeably with this law. This can only be done by giving to different muscles a diversity of configuration, suited to their several offices, and to their situation with respect to the work which they have to perform. On which account we find them under a multiplicity of forms and attitudes; sometimes Avith double, sometimes with treble tendons, sometimes with none; sometimes one tendon to several muscles, at other times one muscle to several tendons. The shape of the organ is susceptible of an incalculable variety, Avhilst the original property of the muscle, the laAV and line of its con- traction, remains the same, and is simple. Herein the muscular system may be said to bear a perfect resemblance to our works of art. An artist does not alter the native * The convenience and beauty of the tendons seem only an ulterior object, their necessity and utility principally claim our attention. The fonie which a muscle possesses is as the number of the muscular fibres; but a limited numl ^r of fibres only can |)e fixed to any certain point of bo le destined to be .noved, therefore the contrivance is, to attach them to a cord, called a sii.ew or tendon, which can be conveniently conducted and fixed to the bone. If we are desirous of moving a heavy weight, we tie a strong cord to it, that a greater number of men may apply their strength. Thus a similar efiect is produced — the muscular fibres are the moving powers, the tendons are the cords attached 'o the point to bo moved. — Paxton. OF THE MUSCLES. 7S quality dF his materials, or their laws of action. He takes these as he finds them. His skill and ingenuity are em- ployed in turning them, such as they are, to his account, by giving to the parts of his machine a form and relation, in which these unalterable properties may operate to the production of the effects intended. VI. The ejaculations can never too often be repeated; — How many things must go right for us to be an hour at ease! how many more, to be vigorous and active! Yet vigor and activity are, in avast plurality of instances, pre- served in human bodies, notwithstanding that they depend upon so great a number of instruments of motion, and not withstanding that the defect or disorder sometimes of a very small instrument, of a single pair, for instance, out of the four hundred and forty-six muschis which are employed, may be attended with grievous inconveniency. There is piety and good sense in the following observation taken out of the Religions Philosopher: ‘‘With much compas- sion,” says this writer, “as well as astonishment at the goodness of our loving Creator, have I considered the sad state of a certain gentleman, who, as to the rest, was in pretty good health, but only wanted the use of these hvo lilile muscles that serve to lift up the eyelids, [PI. XIV. fig. 1, 2,] and so had almost lost the use of his sight, being forced, as long as this defect lasted, to shove up his eyelids every moment with his own hands!” In general we may remark, how little those who enjoy the perfect use of their organs, know the comprehensiveness of the blessing, the va- riety of their obligation. They perceive a result, but they think little of the multitude of concurrences and rectitudes which go to form it. Besides these observations, which belong to the muscu- lar organ as such, w^e may notice some advantages of struc- ture, which are more conspicuous in muscles of a certain class or description than in others. Thus: I. The variety, quickness, and precision, of which mus- cular motion is capable, are seen, I think, in no part so remarkable as in the tongue. It is worth any man’s wdiile to watch the agility of his tongue; the wonderful promptitude with which it executes changes of position, and the perfect exactness. Each syllable of articulated sound requires for its utterance a specific action of the tongue, and of the parts adjacent to it. The disposition and con- figuration of the mouth, appertaining to every letter and word, is not only peculiar, but, if nicely and accurately altended to, pe reptible to the sight, insomuch, that curious 80 OF THE MUSCLES. persons have availed themselves of this circumstance to teach the deaf to speak, and to understand what is said by others. In the same person, and after his habit of speak- ing is formed, one, and only one, position of the parts, will produce a given articulate sound correctly. How instan- taneously are these positions assumed and dismissed! how numerous are the permutations, how various, yet how infallible! Arbitrary and antic variety is not the thing we admire; but variety obeying a rule, conducing to an effect, and commensurate with exigencies infinitely diversified. I believe also that the anatomy of the tongue corresponds with these observations upon its activity. The muscles of the tongue are so numerous and so implicated with one another, that they cannot be traced by the nicest dissec- tion; nevertheless (which is a great perfection of the organ,) neither the number, nor the complexity, nor what might seem to be the entanglement of its fibres, in anywise im- pede its motion, or render the determination or success of its efforts uncertain. I here entreat the reader’s permission to step a little out of my way, to consider the 'parts of the month, in some of their other properties. It has been said, and that by an eminent physiologist, that, whenever nature attempts to work two or more purposes by one instrument, she does both or all imperfectly. Is this true of the tongue, regard- ed as an instrument of speech, and of taste; or regarded as an instrument of speech, of taste and of deglutition.^ So much otherwise, that many persons, that is to say, nine hundred and ninety-nine persons out of a thousand, by the instrumentality of this one organ, talk, and taste, and sw^al- low, very well. In fact, the constant warmth and moisture of the tongue, the thinness of the skin, the papillie upon its surface, qualify this organ for its office of tasting, as much as its inextricable multiplicity of fibres do for the ripid movements which are necessary to speech. Animals which feed upon grass, have their tongues covered with a perforated skin, so as to admit the dissolved food to the pa- pillsB underneath, which, in the meantime, remain defend- ed from the rough action of the unbruised spiculae.* Papillce are small bodies situated on the surface and sides of the tongue; they are furnished by the extreme filaments of the gustatory nerve, through which medium we ac(juire the sense of tasting. In hei oivorous animals the papilhe are siiarp pointed and directed backwards cO assiit in laying hold of the grass. In the cat kind there is a horny or H ickly set covering the tongue, rendering it rough, and enabling it to OF THE MUSCLES. 81 There art brought together within the ca\ity of the mouth more distinct uses, and parts executing more dis- tinct offices, than I think can be found lying so tear to one another, or within the same compass, in any other por- tion of the body: viz. teeth of different shape,* first for cutting; secondly for grinding: muscles, most artificially disposed foi carrying on the compound motion of the low- ^r jaw, half lateral and half vertical, by which the mill is worked: fountains of saliva, springing up in different parts of the cavity for the moistening of the food, whilst the mastication is going on: glands,']' to feed the fountains; a muscular constriction of a very peculiar kind in the back part of the cavity, for the guiding of the prepared aliment into its passage towards the stomach, and in many cases for carrying it along that passage; for, although we may imagine this to be done simply by the weight of the food itself, it in truth is not so, even in the upright posture of the human neck; and most evidently is not the case with quadrupeds, with a horse for instance, in which, when pasturing, the food is thrust upward by muscular strength, instead of descending of its own accord. In the meantime, and within the same cavity, is going on another business, altogether different from what is here described, that of respiration and speech. In addition therefore, to all that has been mentioned, we have a pas- sage opened, from this cavity to the lungs, for the admis- sion of air, exclusively of every other substance; we have muscles, some in the larynx, and without number in the tongue, for the purpose of modulating that air in its passage, with a variety, a compass, and precision, of which no other musical instrument is capable. And, lastly, which in my opinion crowns the whole as a piece of machinery, we have a specific contrivance for dividing the pneumatic part fi'oin !ake firmer hold of the prey. Birds also have a similar contrivance. In fish the tongue is covered by a number of teeth, serving the same purpose. Paxton. * In each jaw there qxq four incisor es, or cutting teeth, two canine rfvhich may be ranked with the former, only more pointed; four small molar, and six large molar or grinding teeth. And as the teeth of ani- mals indicate the food on which they are destined to subsist, so from analogy we may infei that man is called to use either animal or vegetable aliments, or both, i. e. keeps a mean between graminivorous and carniv- orous animals, in the structure and complication of his digestive appara- tus, without deserving on that account to be called omnivorous: for it is known, that, a great number of the substances upon which animals feed are 3f no use in the support of man. — Paxton. 1 The principal of these are the parotids, see Plate XX. 82 OF THE MUSCLES. the mechanical, and for preventing one set of actions in terfering with the other.' Where various functions are united, the difficulty is to guard against the inconve- niences of a too greit complexity. In no apparatus put together by art, and for the purposes of art, do I know such multifa: ious uses so aptly combined, as in the natural or- ganiza.ion of the human mouth; or, where the structure, compared with the uses, is so simple. The mouth, with all these intentions to serve, is a single cavity; is one machine, with its parts neither crowded nor confused, and each un- embarrassed by the rest: each at least at liberty in a de- gree sufficient for the end to be attained. If we cannot eat and sing at the same moment, we can eat one moment, and sing the next: the respiration proceeding freely all the while. There is one case, however, of this double office, and that of the earliest necessity, which the mouth alone could not perform; and that is, carrying on together the two acs tions of sucking and breathing. Another route, therefore, is opened for the air, namely, through the nose, which lets the breath pass backward and forward, whilst the lips, in the act of sucking, are necessarily shut close upon the body from which the nutriment is drawn. This is a circum- stance which always appeared to me worthy of notice. The nose would have been necessary, although it had not been the organ of smelling. The making it the seat of a sense, was superadding a new use to a part already wanted; was taking a wise advantage of an antecedent and a con- stitutional necessity. But to return to that which is the proper subject of the present section — the celerity and precision of muscular mo- tion. These qualities may be particularly observed in the execution of many pieces of instrumental music, in which the changes produced by the hand of the musician are ex- ceedingly rapid; are exactly measured, even when most minute; and display, on the part of the muscles, an obedi- ence of action, alike wonderful for its quickness and its correctness. Or let a person only observe his own hand wffiilst he is writing; the number of muscleS w'hich are brought to hear upon the pen: how the joint and adjusted oj^cration of several tendons is concerned in every stroke, yet that five hundred such strokes are drawn in a minute. Not a letter can be turned without more than one, or tw o, or three \etdinous i Urac'.ions, definite, both as to the choice of OF THE MUSCLES. 83 the tendon, and as to the spc ce through which the re- traction moves; yet how currently d)es the work proceed and when we look at it, how faithful have the musclei been to their duty, how true to the order which endeavoui or habit hath inculcated! For let it be remembered, thai whilst a man's hand-writing is the same, an exactitude of order is preserved, whether he write well or ill Thes< two instances, of music and writing, show not only th^ quickness and precision of muscular action, but the do cility, II. Regarding the particular configuration of muscles, sphincter or circular muscles appear to me admirable pieces of mechanism. [PI. XIV. fig. 3.] It is the muscular pow- er most happily applied; the same quality of the musculai substance, but under a new modification. The circular disposition of the fibres is strictly mechanical ; but, though the most mechanical, is not the only thing in sphincters which deserves our notice. The regulated degree of con- tractile force with which they are endowed, sufficient for retention, yet vincible when requisite; together with their ordinary state of actual contraction, by means of which their dependence upon the will is not constant, but occasion- al, gives to them a constitution, of which the conveniency IS inestimable. This their semi-voluntary character, is ex- actly such as suits with the wants and functions of the ani- mal. III. We may also', upon the subject of muscles, observe, that many of our most important actions are achieved by the combined help of different muscles. Frequently, a diagonal motion is produced by the retraction of tendons pulling in the direction of the sides of the parallelogram. This is the case, as hath been already noticed, with some of the oblique nutations of the head. Sometimes the num- ber of co-operating muscles is very great. Dr. Nieuentyt, in the Leipsic Transactions, reckons up a hundred muscles that are employed every time we breathe; yet we take in, or let out, our breath, without reflecting what a work is thereby performed; what an apparatus is laid in, of instru- ments for the service, and how many such contribute their assistance to the effect! Breathing with ease, is a blessing of every moment; yet, of all others, it is that which we possess with the least consciousness. A man in an asthma is the only man who knows how to estimate ‘t. IV. Sir Everard Home has observed,* that the most important and the most delicate actions are performed in the Phil. Trans, part 1 . 1800. p. 8 84 OF THE MUSCLES body by the smallest muscles; and he mentifiis, as hi» examples, the muscles which have been disco’iered in the iris of the eye, and the drum of the ear. The tenuity of these muscles is astonishing. They are microscopic hairs; must be magnified to be visible ; yet they are real, effective muscles; and not only such, but the grandest and most pre- cious of our faculties, sight and hearing, depend upon their health and action. V. The muscles act in the limbs with what is called a mechanical disadvantage. The muscle at the shoulder, [PI. XIII. fig. 1. f.] by which the arm is raised, is fixed nearly in the same manner as the load is fixed upon* a steelyard, within a few decimals, we will say, of an inch, from the centre upon which the steelyard turns. In this situation, we find that a very heavy draught is no more than sufficient to countervail the force of a small lead plummet, placed upon the long arm of the steelyard, at the distance of perhaps fifteen or twenty inches from the cen- tre, and on the other side of it. And this is the disadvantage which is meant. And an absolute disadvantage, no doubt, would be, if the object were to spare the force of muscu- tir contraction. But observe how conducive is this consti - tution to animal conveniency. Mechanism has always in view one or other of these two purposes; either to move a great weight slowly, and through a small space ; or to move a light weight rapidly, through a considerable sweep. For the former of these purposes, a different species of lever, and a different collocation of the muscles, might be better tlian the present; but for the second, the present structure is the true one. Now so it happens, that the second, and not the first, is that which the occasions of animal life prin- cipally call for. In what concerns the human body, it is of much more consequence to any man to be able to carry his hand to his head with due expedition, than it would be to have the power of raising from the ground a heavier load (of two or three more hundred weight, we will suppose,) than he can lift at present. This last is a faculty, which on some extraordinary occasions he may desire to possess, but the Other is what he wants, and uses every hour and minute. In like manner, a husbandman, or a gardener, will do more execution, by being able to carry his scythe, his rake, or his flail, with a sufficient despatch through a sufficient space, than if, with greater strength, his motions w^ere proportionably more confined and slow. It is the same with a mechanic in the use of his tools. It is the same also with other animals in the use of their limbs. In OF THE MUSCLES. 85 general, the vivacity of their motions would be ill excnanged for greater force under a clumsier structure. We have offered our observations upon the structure of muscles in general; we have also noticed certain species of muscles; but there are also single muscles, which bear marks of mechanical contrivance, appropriate as well as particular. Out of many instances of this kind, we select the following: — I. Of muscular actions, even of those which are \^ell understood, some of the most curious are incapable of pop- ular explanation; at least, without the aid of plates and figures.* This is in a great measure the case, with a very familiar, but, at the same time, a very complicated motion — that of the lower jaw; and with the muscular structure by which it is produced. One of the muscles concerned may, however, be described in such a manner, as to be, I think, sufficiently comprehended for our present purpose. The problem is to pull the lower jaw down. The obvious method should seem to be, to place a straight muscle, viz. to fix a string from the chin to the breast, the contraction of which would open the mouth, and produce the motion required at once. But it is evident that the form and liberty of the neck forbid a muscle being laid in such a position; and that, consistently with the preservation of this form, the motion, which we want, must be effectuated by some muscu- lar mechanism disposed farther back in the jaw. The me- chanism adopted is as follows: [PI. XV. fig. 1,2.] A certain muscle called the digastric, rises on the side of the face, considerably above the insertion of the lower jaw, and comes down, being converted in its progress into a round tendon. Now, it is evident, that the tendon, whilst it pursues a direction descending towards the jaw, must, by its contraction, pull the jaw up, instead of down. What then was to be done? This, we find is done: The de- scending tendon, when it is got low enough, is passed through a loop, or ring, or pulley, in the os hyoides, and then made to ascend: and, having thus changed its line of direction, is inserted into the inner part of the chin: by which device, viz. the turn at the loop, the action of the muscle (which in all muscles is contraction) that before would have pulled the jaw up, now as necessarily draws it down. The mouth,’' says Heister, “ is opened by means of this trochlea in a most wonderful and elegant manner.” II. What contrivance can be more mechanical than * The want of the aid of plates and figures, which the author here ex presses, is now supplied in this Boston edition. H OF THE MUSCLES. S6 the following, viz. a slit in one tendon to let ancther ten don pass through it? This structure is found in the ten- dons which move the toes and fingers. The long tendon as it is called, in the foot, which bends the first joint of the toe, passes through the short tendon which bends the sec- ond joint; which course allows to the sinew more liberty, and a more commodious action than it would otherwise have been capable of exerting.* [PI. XVI. fig. 1, 2.] There is nothing, I believe, in a silk or cotton mill, in the belts, or straps, or ropes, by which motion is communicated from one part of the machine to another, that is more artificial, or more evidently so, than this 'perforation. III. The next circumstance which I shall mention, un- der this head of muscular arrangement, is so decisive a mark of intention, that it always appeared to me, to super- sede, in some measure, the necessity of seeking for any other observation upon the subject; and that circumstance is, the tendons, which pass from the leg to the foot, being bound down by a ligament at the ankle. [PI. XVI. fig. 3.] The foot is placed at a considerable angle with the leg It is manifest, therefore, that flexible strings, passing along the interior of the angle, if left to themselves, would, when stretched, start from it. The obvious preventive is to tic them down. Vnd this is done in fact. Across the instep, or rather just above it, the anatomist finds a strong liga- ment under which the tendons pass to the foot. The ef feet of the ligament as a bandage, can be made evident to the senses; for if it be cut, the tendons start up. The simplicity, yet the clearness of this contrivance, its exact resemblance to established resources of art, place it amongst the most indubitable manifestations of design with which we are acquainted. There is also a farther use to be made of the present example, and that is, as it precisely contradicts the opin- ion, that the parts of animals may have been all formed by what is called appetency, i. e. endeavour, perpetuated, and imperceptibly working its effect, through an incalcu- lable series of generations. We have here no endeavour, but the reverse of it; a constant renitency and reluctance. The endeavour is all the other way. The pressure of the ligament constrains the tendons; the tendons react upon the pressure of the ligament. It is impossible that the lig- ament should ever have been gener ited by the exercise of the tenden, or in the course of that exercise, forasmuch aa ♦ Ches. Anat. p. 94, 119. OF THE MUSCLES. 87 the foi ce of the tendon perpendicularly resists the fibre which confines it, and is constantly endeavouring, not to form, but to rupture and displace, the threads of which the ligament is composed. Keill has reckoned up, in the human body, four hundred and forty-six muscles, [See note, p. 77,] dissectible and de- scribable ; and hath assigned a use to every one of the num- ber. This cannot be all imagination. Bishop Wilkins hath observed from Galen, that there are, at least, ten several qualifications to be attended to in each particular muscle ; viz. its proper figure ; its just magni- tude; its fulcrum; its point of action, supposing the figure to be fixed; its collocation, with respect to its two ends, the upper and the lower; the place; the position of the whole muscle; the introduction into it of nerves, arteries, and veins. How are things, including so many adjustments, to be made, or, when made, how are they to be put together, without intelligence? I have sometimes wondered, why we are not struck with mechanism in animal bodies, as readily and as strong- ly as we are struck with it, at first sight, in a watch or a mill. One reason of the diflerence may be, that animal bodies are, in a great measure, made up of soft, flabby substances, such as muscles and membranes; w^hereas we have been accustomed to trace mechanism in sharp lines, in the configuration of hard materials, in the moulding, chiseling, and filing into shapes, such articles as metals or wood. There is something, therefore, of habit in the case; but it is sufficiently evident, that there can be no proper reason for any distinction of the sort. Mechanism may be displaye“d in one kind of substance, as well as in the other. Although the few instances we have selected, even as they stand in our description, are nothing short perhaps of logical proofs of design, yet it must not be forgotten, that, in every part of anatomy, description is a poor sub- stitute for inspection. It is well said by an able anato- mist, and said in reference to the very part of the sub- ject which w^e have been treating of: — Imperfecta hoec musculorum descriptio, non minus arida est legentibus, quom inspectantibus fuerit jucunda eorundem prseparatio. Elcgantiss ma enim mechanices artificia, creberrime in illis obvia verbis nonnisi obscure exprimuntur: carniiim * Sterno in Bias. Anat. Animal, p. 2. c 4. 88 OF THE MUSCLES. aulem ductu, tendinum colore, insertionum proportione e/: trochlearium distributione, oculis exposita, omnen su- perant admiral ionem.” The following remarks upon the structure of the tendons, from the An- imal Mechanics already quoted, will form an instructive addition to the fore- going chapter, to the subject of which they bear a near relation. — Ed, Of the Cordage of the Tendons. Where lature has provided a perfect system of columns ana levers, and pullies, we may anticipate that the cords by which the force of the muscles is concentrated on the movable bones, .must 6e constructed with as curious a provision for their offices. In this surmise we shall not be disappointed. To understand what is necessary to the strength of a iV)pe or a cable, we must leai*n what has been the object of the improve- ments and patents in this manufacture. The first process in rope- making, is hatchelling the hemp : that is, combing out the short fibres, and placing the long ones parallel to one another. The second is, spinning the hemp into yarns. And here the principle must be attended to, which goes through the whole process in forming a cable; which is that the fibres of the hemp shall bear an equal strain : and the difficulty may be easily conceived, since the twisting must demnge the parallel position of the fibres. Each fibre, as it is twisted, ties the other fibres together, so as to form a continued line, aiid it bears, at the same time, a certain por- tion of the strain, and so each fibre alternately. The third step of the process is making the yarns. Warping the yarns, is stretching them to a certain length ; and for the same reason, that so much attention has been paid to the arrangement of the fibres for the yarns, the same care is taken in the management of the yarns for the strands. The fourth step of the process is to form the strands into ropes. The difficulty of the art has been to make them bear alike, especially in gi*eat cables, and this has been the object of pa- tent machinery. The hardenmg,^ by twisting, is also an essential part of the process of rope-making: for without this, it would be little better than extended ])arallel fibres of hemp. In this twist- ing, first of the yarns, and then of the strands, those which are on the outer surface must be more stretched than those near the cen- tre ; consequently, when there is a strain uj)on the rope, the outer fibres will break first, and the others in succession. It is to avoid this, that each yarn and each strand, as it is twisted or hardened, shall be itself revolving, so that when drawn into the cable, the whole component parts may, as nearly as possible, resist the strain in an equal degree; but the process is not ])erfect, and this we must conclude from observing how different the construction of a tendon is from that of a rope. A tendon consists of a strong cord; ni)j)areiiily fibrous ; but which, by the art of the anatomist, may be separate! nto lesser cords, and these, by maceration, can be OF THE MUSCLES. 89 ahovvn to consist of cellular membrane, the common tissue that gives firmness to all the textures of the animal body. The peeu- harity here results merely from its remarkable condensation. Jhit the cords of which the larger tendons consists, dU not lie j^arallel to each other, nor are they simply twisted like the strands of a rope; they are, on the contrary, plaited or interwoven together. If the strong tendon of the heel, or Achilles tendon, be taken as an example, on first inspection, it appears to consist of parallel fibres, but by maceration, these fibi*es are found to be a web of twisted cellular texture. If you take your handkerchief, and, slightly twisting it, draw it out like a rope, it will seem to consist of parallel cords ; such is, in fact, so far the structure of a tendon. But, as we have stated, there is something more admirable than this, for the tendon consists of subdivisions, which are like the strands of a rope; but instead of being twisted simply as by the process of hardening, they are plaited or interwoven in a way that could not be imitated in cordage by the turning of a wheel. Here then IS the difference — by the twisting of a rope, tlie strands cannot resist the strain equally, whilst we see that tins is provided for in the tendon by the regular interweaving of the yarn, if we may so express it, so that every fibre deviates from the parallel line in the same degree, and, consequently, receives the same strain when the tendon is pulled. If we seek for examples illustrative of this structure of the tendons, we must turn to the subject of ship-rig ging, and see there how the seaman contrives, by undoing the strands and yarns of a rope, and twisting them anew, to make his splicing stronger than the original cordage. A sailor opens the ends of two ropes, and places the strand of one opposite and be- tween the strand of another, and so interlaces them. And this ex- plains why a hawser- rope, a sort of small cable, is spun of three strands ; for as they are necessary for many operations in the rigging of a ship, they must be formed in a way that admits of being cut and spliced, for the separation of three strands, at least, is necessa- ry for knotting, splicing, whipping, mailing, &c., which are a few of the many curious contrivances for joining the ends of ropes, and for strengthening them by filling up the interstices to preserve them from being cut or frayed. As these methods of S})licing and plaiting in the subdivisions of the rope make an intertexture strong- er than the original ro})e, it is an additional demonstration, if any were wanted, to show the perfection of the cordage of an animal machine, since the tendons are so intei*woven ; and until the yarns of one strand be separated and interwoven with the yarns of another strand, and this done with regular exchange, the most ap- proved patent ropes must be inferior to the corresponding part of the animal machinery. A piece of cord of a new patent has been shown to us, v/hich is said to be many times stronger than any other cord of the same diameter. It is so far upon the principle here stated, that the strands are }>laited instead of being twisted ; but the tendon has still its superiority, for tbe lesser yarns of each strand in it are in- terwoven with those of other strands. It however, gratifies us to •see, that the principle we draw from the animal body is here con- 90 OF THE VESSELS. firmed. It may be asked, do not the tendons of tne human body sometiiaes break? They do; but in circumstances which only add to the interest of the subject. By the exercise of the tendons (and their exercifee is the act of being pulled upon by the mus cles, or having a strain made on them,) they become firmer and stronger ; but in the failure of muscular activity, they become less capable of resisting the tug made upon them, and if, after a long confinement, a man has some powerful excitement to muscular exertion, then the tendon breaks. An old gentleman, whose habits have been long staid and sedentaiy, and who is very guarded in his walk, is upon an annual festival tempted to join the young people in a dance ; then he breaks his tendo Achilles. Or a sick person, long confined to bed, is, on rising, subject to a rupture or hernia, because the tendinous expansions guarding against protrusion of the internal parts, have become weak from disuse. Such circumstances remind us that we are speaking of a living body, and that, in estimating the properties of the machinery, we ought not to forget the influence of life, and that the natural ex- ercise of the parts, whether they be active or passive, is the stimulus to the circulation through them, and to their growth and perfection. CHAPTER X. OF THE VESSELS OF ANIMAL BODIES. The circulation of the blood, through the bodies of men and quadrupeds, and the apparatus by which it is carried on, compose a system, and testify a contrivance, perhaps the best understood of any part of the animal frame. The lymphatic vessels, or the nervous system, may be more sub- tile and intricate; nay, it is possible that in their structure they may be even more artificial than the sanguiferous; but we do not know so much about them. The utility of the circulation of the blood I assume as an acknowledged point. One grand purpose is plainly answered by it; the distributing to every part, every ex- tremity, every nook and corner of the body, the nourish- ment which is received into it by one aperture. What en- ters at the mouth finds its way to the fingers’ ends. A more difficult mechanical problem could hardly, I think, be pro- posed, than to discover a method of constantly repairing the waste, and of supplying an accession of substance to every oart of a complicated machine, at the same time. This sys-^f^n presents itself under two views: first, the OF ANIMAL BODIES. 91 disposition of t ie blood-vessels, i. e. the laying of the pipes; and secondly, the construction of the engine at the centre, viz. the heart, for driving the'lilood through them. I. The dioposition of the blood-vessels, as far as regards the supply of the body, is like that of the water pipes in a city, viz. large and main trunks branching off by smaller pipes (and these again by still narrower tubes) in every direction, and towards every part in which the fluid, which they convey, can be wanted. So far the water pipes, which serve a town, may represent the vessels which carry the blood from the heart. But there is another thing necessary to the blood, which is not wanted for the water; and that is, the carrying of it back again to its source. For this office, a reversed system of vessels is prepared, which, uniting at their extremities with the extremities of the first system, collects the divided and subdivided stream- lets, first by capillary ramifications into larger branches; secondly, by these branches into trunks; and thus returns the blood (almost exactly inverting the order in which it went out) to the fountain whence its motion proceeded. All which is Evident mechanism. The body, therefore, contains two systems of blood-ves- sels, arteries and veins. Between the constitution of the systems there are also two differences, suited to the func- tions which the systems have to execute. The blood, in going out, passing always from wider into narrower tubes; and, in coming back, from narrower into wider; it is evi- dent, that the impulse and pressure upon the sides of the blood-vessel, will be much greater in one case than the other. Accordingly, the arteries which carry out the blood, are formed with much tougher and stronger coats, than the veins which bring it back. That is one difference: the other is still more artificial, or, if I may so speak, indicates, still more clearly, the care and anxiety of the artificer. Forasmuch as in the arteries, by reason of the great force with which the blood is urged along them, a wound or rup- ture would be more dangerous than in the veins; these vessels are defended from injury, not only by their texture, but by their situation; and by every advantage of situation which can be given to them. They are buried in sinuses, or they creep along grooves, made for them in the bones ; for instance, the under edge of the ribs is sloped and fur- rowed solely for the passage of these vessels. Sometimes they proceed in channels, protected by stout parapets on each side; which last description is remarkable in the bones of the fingers, these being hollowed out, on the 92 OF THE VESSELS under side, like a scoop, and with such a concavity that the finger may be cut across to the bone, without hurting the artery which runs along it. At other times, the arteries pass in canals wrought in the substance, and in the very middle of the substance of the bone; this takes place in the lower jaw; and is found where there would, otherwise, be danger of compression by sudden curvature. All this care is wonderful, yet not more than what the importance of the case required. To those who venture their lives in a ship, it has been often said, that there is only an inch board betweer. hem and death; but in the body itself, es- pecially in the arterial system, there is, in many parts, only a membrane, a skin, a thread. For which reason, this sys- tem lies deep under the integuments; whereas the veins, in which the mischief that ensues from injuring the coats is much less, lie in general above the arteries; come nearei to the surface; are more exposed. It may be farther observed concerning the two systems taken together, that though the arterial, with its trunks and branches and small twigs, may be imagined to issue or proceed, in other words, to grow from the heart, like a plant from its root, or the fibres of a leaf from its foot-stalk, (which, however, were it so, would be only to resolve one mechanism into another,) yet the venal, the returning system, can never be formed in this manner. The arteries might go on shoot- ing out from their extremities, i. e. lengthening and sub- dividing indefinitely; but an inverted system, continually uniting its streams, instead of dividing, and thus carrying back what the other system carried out, could not be refer- red to the same process. II. The next thing to be considered is the engine which works this machinery, viz. the heart. [PI. XVII. fig. 1.] For our purpose it is unnecessary to ascertain the principle upon which the heart acts. Whether it be irritation excited by the contact of the blood, by the influx of the nervous fluid, or whatever else be the cause of its motion, it is some- thing which is capable of producing, in a living muscular fibre, reciprocal contraction and relaxation. This is the power we have to work with; and the inquiry is, how this power IS applied in the instance before us. There is pro- vided, in the central part of the body, a hollow muscle, in- vested with spiral fibres, running in both directions, the layers intersecting one another; in some animals, however, appearing to be semicircular rather than spiral. By the contraction of these fibres, the sides ofthe muscular cavities are necessarily squeezed together, so as to force out from OF ANIMAL BODIES. 93 them any fluid wnich they may at that time contain: by the relaxation of the same fibres, the cavities are in their turn dilated, and, of course, prepared to admit every fluid \vhich may be poured into them. Into these cavities are inserted the great trunks, both of the arteries which carry out the blood, and of the veins which bring it back. This is a general account of the apparatus: and the simplest idea of its action is, that, by each contraction, a portion of blood is forced by a syringe into the arteries; and, at each dilatation, an equal portion is received from the veins. This produces, at each pulse, a motion, and change in the mass of blood, to the amount of what the cavity contains, which, in a full-grown human heart, I understand, is about an ounce, or two table-spoons full. How quickly these changes succeed one another, and by this succession how sufficient they are to support a stream or circulation throughout the system, may be understood by the following computation, abridged from Keilfs Anatomy, p. 117. ed. 3: ‘‘ Each ven- tricle will at least contain one ounce of blood. The heart contracts four thousand times in one hour; from which it follows, that there pass through the heart, every hour, four thousand ounces, or three hundred and fifty pounds of blood. Now the whole mass of blood is said to be about twenty-five pounds; so that a quantity of blood, equal to the whole mass of blood, passes through the heart fourteen times m one hour; which is about once every four minutes.’’ Consider what an aflair this is, when we come to very large animals. The aorta of a whale is larger in the bore than the main pipe of the water-works at London bridge; and the water roaring in its passage through that pipe is in- ferior in impetus and velocity, to the blood gushing from the whale’s heart. Hear I t. Hunter’s account of the dis- section of a whale: — ‘^The aorta measured a foot diame- ter. Ten or fifteen gallons of blood are thrown out of the heart at a stroke with an immense velocity, through a tube of a foot diameter. The whole idea fills the mind with won- der.”^ The account which we have here stated, of the injec- tion of blood into the arteries by the contraction, and of the corresponding reception of it from the veins by the di- latation of the cavities of the heart, and of the circulation being thereby maintained through the blood-vessels of the body, is true, but imperfect. The heart performs this of- fice, but it is in conjunction with another of equal curiosi- * Dr Hunter’s account of the dissection of a whale. Phil. Trans. 94 OF THE VESSELS ty and importance. It was necessary that the blood should be successively brought into contact, or contiguity, or prox- imity, with the air, I do not know that the chemical rea- son, upon which this necessity is founded, has been yet sufficiently explored. It seems to be made to appear, that the atmosphere which we breathe is a mixture of two kinds of air; one pure and vital, the other, for the purposes of life, effete, foul, and noxious: that when we have drawn in our breath, the blood in the lungs imbibes from the air, thus brought into contiguity with it, a portion of its pure in- gredient, and, at the same time, gives out the effete or corrupt air which it contained, and which is carried away, along with the halitus, every time we respire. * At least, by comparing the air which is breathed from the lungs with the air which enters the lungs, it is found to have lost some of its pure part, and to have brought away with it an addition of its impure part. Whether these experiments satisfy the question, as to the need which the blood stands in of being visited by continual accesses of air, is not for us to inquire into, nor material to our argument: it is suf- ficient to know, that in the constitution of most animals, such a necessity exists, and that the air, by some means or other, must be introduced into a near communication with the blood. The lungs of animals are constructed for this purpose. They consist of blood-vessels and air-vessels, ly- ing close to each other; and wherever there is a branch of the trachea or windpipe, there is a branch accompanying it of the vein and artery, and the air-vessel is always in the middle between the blood-vessels.* The internal surface of these vessels, upon which the application of the air to the blood depends, would, if collected and expanded, be, in a man, equal to a superficies of fifteen feet square. Now’, in order to give the blood in its course the benefit of this organization, (and this is the part of the subject with which we are chiefly concerned,) the following operation takes place. As soon as the blood is received by the heart from the veins of the body, and before that is sent : it again into its arteries, it is carried by the force of tne contraction of the heart, and by means of a separate and supplementary artery, to the lungs, and made to enter the vessels of the lungs; from which, alter it has under- gone the action, w'liatever it be, of that viscus, it is brought back by a large vein oni’.e more to tlie heart, in orde^', when thus concocted and prepared lo be thence * Keill’s Anat. j 121. or ANIM IL BODjeS. 95 distributed anew into he system. This ass gns to the heart a double office. The pulmonary circulation is a system within a system and one action of the heart is the origin of both. For this complicated ffinction, four cavities become ne- cessary; and four are accordingly provided: two, call- ed ventricles, which send ont the blood, viz. one into the lungs, in the first instance; the other into the mass, after 't has returned from the lungs:, two others also, called auricles, which receive the blood from the veins; viz. one, as it comes immediately from the body; the other, as the same blood comes a second time after its circulation through the lungs. So that there are two receiving cavi- ties, and two forcing cavities. The structure of the heart has reference to the lungs; for without the lungs, one ©f each would have been sufficient. The translation of the blood in the heart itself is after this manner. The receiv- ing cavities respectively communicate with the forcing cavities, and, by their contraction, unload the received blood into them. The forcing cavities, when it is their turn to contract, compel the same blood into the mouths of the arteries. The account here given will not convey to a reader, ig norant of anatomy, anything like an accurate notion of the form, action, or use of the parts, (nor can any short and popular account do this;) but it is abundantly sufficient to testify contrivance; and although imperfect, being true as far as it goes, may be relied upon for the only purpose for which we offer it, the purpose of this conclusion. “ The wisdom of the Creator,’’ saith Hamburgher, is in nothing seen more gloriously than in the heart.” And how well doth it execute its office! An anatomist, who understood the structure of the heart, might say before- hand that it would play; but he would expect, I think, from the complexity of its mechanism, and the delicacy of many of its parts, that it should always be liable to de- rangement, or that it would soon work itself out. Yet shall this worderful machine go, night and day, for eighty years together, at the rate of a hundred thousand strokes every twenty-four hours, having, at every stroiie, a great resistance to overcome; and shall continue this action for this length of time, without disorder and without weari- ness. But farther: from the account which has been given of the mechanism of the heart, it is evident that it must re- quire the interposition of valves; that the success indeed 96 OF THE VESSELS of its action must depend upon these; for when any one of its cavities contracts, the necessary tendency of the force will be to drive the enclosed blood, not only into the mouth of the artery where it ought to go, but also back again in- to the mouth of the vein from which it flowed. In like manner, when by the relaxation of the fibres the same cav- ity is dilated, the blood would not only run into it from the vein, which was the course intended, but back from the ar- tery, through which it ought to be moving forward. Tlie way of preventing a reflux of the fluid, in both these cases, is to fix valves, which, like flood-gates, may open a way to the stream in one direction, and shut up the passage against it in another. [PI. XVII. fig. 2, 3, 4.] The heart, constitut- ed as it is, can no more work without valves than a pump can. When the piston descends in a pump, if it were not for the stoppage by the valve beneath, the motion would only thrust down the water which it had before drawn up. A similar consequence would frustrate the action of the heart. Valves, therefore, properly disposed, i. e. properly with respect to the course of the blood which it is neces- sary to promote, are essential to the contrivance. Jlnd valves so disposed, are accordmgly provided, A valve is placed in the communication between each auricle and its ventricle, lest when the ventricle contracts, part of the blood should get back again into the auricle, instead of the whole entering, as it ought to do, the mouth of the artery. A valve is also fixed at the mouth of each of the great arteries which take the blood from the heart; leaving the passage free, so long as the blood holds its proper course forward; closing it, whenever the blood, in consequence of the relaxation of the ventricle, would attempt to flow back. There is some variety in the construction of these valves, though all the valves of the body act nearly upon the same principle, and are destined to the same use. In general they consist of a thin membrane, lying close to the side of the vessel, and consequently allowing an open passage whilst the stream rrans one way, but thrust out from the side by the fluid get- ting behind it, and opposing the passage of the blood, when it would flow the other way.* Where more than one mem- brane is employed, the different membranes only compose * The veins and absorbent vessels present in their cavities folds of a parabolic form, called valves, like the semilunar valve; the one edge adheres to the sides of the vein, the other is loose; the first is farthest from the heart, the other nearer. The number of valves is greatest where the blood flows contrary to the force of its own weight. See Fig. 7. Paxton OF ANIMAL BODIES. 97 one va ve Their joint action fulfils the office of a valve: for instance ; over the entrance of the right auricle of the heart into the right ventricle, three of these skins or mem- branes' are fixed, of a triangular figure, the bases of the triangles fastened to the flesh; the sides and summits loose; but, though loose, connected by threads of a deter- minate length, with certain small fleshy prominences ad- joining. 'J'he effect of this construction is, that, when the ventricle contracts, the blood endeavouring to escape in all directions, and amongst other directions pressing upwards, gets between these membranes and the sides of the heart; and thereby forces them up into such a position, as that, together, they constitute, when raised, a hollow cone, (the strings, before spoken of, hindering them from proceeding or separating farther;) which cone, entirely occupying the passage, prevents the return of the blood into the auricle. A shorter account of the matter may be this: So long as the blood proceeds in its proper course, the membranes which compose the valve are pressed close to the side of the ves- sel, and occasion no impediment to the circulation: when the blood would regurgitate, they are raised from the side of the vessel, and, meeting in the middle of its cavity, shut up the channel. Can any one doubt of contrivance here; or is it possible to shut our eyes against the proof of it.^ This valve, also, is not more curious in its structure, than it is important in its office. Upon the play of the valve, even upon the proportioned length of the strings or fibres which check the ascent of the membranes, depends, as it should seem, nothing less than the life itself of the animal. We may here likewise repeat, what we before ob- served concerning some of the ligaments of the body, that they could not be formed by any action of the parts them- selves. There are cases in which, although good uses ap- pear to arise from the shape or configuration of a part, yet that shape or configuration itself may seem to be produced by the action of the part, or by the action or pressure of adjoining parts. Thus the bend, and the internal smooth concavity of the ribs, may be attributed to the equal pres- sure of the soft bowels; the particular shape of some bones and joints, to the traction of the annexed muscles, or to the position of contiguous muscles. But valves could not be so formed. Action and pressure are all against them. The blood, in its proper course, has no tendency to pro- duce such things; and, in its improper or reflected current, has a tendency to prevent their production. Whilst we see, therefore, the se and necessity of this machinery, we 1 98 OF THE VESSELS can look to no other account of its origin or formation thaJ5 the intending mind of a Creator. Nor can we without ao- miration reflect, that such thin membranes, such weak ami tender instruments, as these valves are, should be able t<> hold out for seventy or eighty years. Here also we cannot consider but with gratitude, how happy it is that our vital motions are involiintarij , ‘We should have enough to do, if we had to keep our hearts beating, and our stomachs at work. Did these things de pend, we will not say upon our effort, but upon our bidding, our care, or our attention, they would leave us leisure for nothing else. We must have been continually upon the watch, and continually in fear; nor would this constitution have allowed of sleep. It might perhaps be expected, that an organ so precious, of such central and primary importance as the heart is, should be defended by a case. The fact is, that a mem- branous purse or bag, made of strong, tough materials, ig provided for it ; holding the heart within its cavity ; sitting loosely and easily about it; guarding its substance, without confining its motion; and containing likewise a spoonful or two of water, just sufficient to keep the surface of the heart in a state of suppleness and moisture. How should such a loose covering be generated by the action of the heart? Does not the enclosing of it in a sack, answering no other purpose but that enclosure, show the care that has been taken of its preservation? One use of the circulation of the blood probably (amongst other uses) is, to distribute nourishment to the different parts of the body. How minute and multiplied the ramifi- cations of the blood-vessels, for that purpose, are; and how thickly spread, over at least the superfices of the body, is proved by the single observation, that we cannot prick the point of a pin into the flesh, without drawing blood, i. e. without finding a blood-vessel. Nor, internally, is their diffusion less universal. Blood-vessels run along the sur- face of membranes, pervade the substance of muscles, per- etrate the bones. Even into every tooth, we trace, through a small hole in the root, an artery to feed the bone, as well as a vein to bring back the spare blood from it; both which, with the addition of an accompanying nerve, form a thread only a little thicker than a horse-hair. Wherefore, when the nourishment taken in at the mouth has once reached, and mixed itself with the blood, every part of the body is in the way of being supplied with it And this introduces another grand topic, namely, the man- OF ANIMAL BODIES. 99 I er in which the aliment gets into the Hood; which is a subject distinct from the preceding, and brings us to the consideration of another entire system of vessels. II. F or this necessary part of the animal economy, an apparatus is provided, in a great measure capable of being what anatomists call demonstrated, that is, shown in the dead* body; — and a line or course of conveyance, which wc3 can pursue by our examinations. First, The food descends by a wide passage into the in- testines, undergoing two great preparations on its way; one, in the mouth by mastication and moisture — (can it be doubted with what design the teeth were placed in the road to the stomach, or that there was choice in fixing them in this situation?) The other, by digestion in the stomach itself. Of this last surprising dissolution I say nothing; because it is chemistry, and I am endeavouring to display mechanism. The figure and position of the stomach (I speak all along with a reference to the human organ) are calculated for detaining the food long enough for the action of its digestive juice. [PI. XVIII. fig. 1.] It has the shape of the pouch of a bagpipe; lies across the body; and the pylorus, or passage by which the food leaves it, is somewhat higher in the body than the cardia, or orifice by which it enters; so that it is by the contraction of the muscular coat of the stomach, that the contents, after having under- gone the application of the gastric menstruum, are gradually pressed out. In dogs and cats, this action of the coats of the stomach has been displayed to the eye. It is a slow and gentle undulation, propagated from one orifice of the stomach to the other. For the same reason that I omitted, for the present, offering any observation upon the digestive fluid, I shall say nothing concerning the bile or the pan- creatic juice, farther than to observe upon the mechanism, viz. that from the glands in which these secretions are elaborated, pipes are laid into the first of the intestines, through which pipes the product of each gland flows into that bowel, [PI. XVIII. fig. 2,] and is there mixed with the aliment, as soon almost as it passes the stomach; ad- ding also as a remark, how grievously this same bile of- fends the stomach itself, yet cherishes the vessel that lies next to it. Secondly, We have now the aliment in the intestines converted into pulp; and, though lately consisting of ten different viands, reduced to nearly a uniform substance, and to a state fitted for yielding its essence, which is called chyle, but which is milk, or more nearly re.sembiing milk 100 OF THE VESSELS than any other liquor with which it can be compared. Fcf the straining off this fluid from the digested aliment in the course of its long progress through the body, myriads of capillary tubes, i. e. pipes as small as hairs, open their ori- fices into the cavity of every part of the intestines. [PI. XIX.] These tubes, which are so fine and slender as not to be visible unless when distended with chyle, soon unite into larger branches. The pipes, formed by this union, terminate in glands, from which other pipes of a still larger diameter arising, carry the chyle from all parts, into a common reservoir or receptacle. This receptacle is a bag large enough to hold about a table-spoon full; and from this vessel a duct or main pipe proceeds, climbing up the back part of the chest, and afterwards creeping along the gullet till it reach the neck. Here it meets the river: here it d scharges itself into a large vein, which soon conveys the chyle, now flowing along with the old blood, to the heart. This whole route can be exhibited to the eye; nothing is left to be supplied by imagination or conjec- ture. Now, beside the subserviency of this whole structure, to a manifest and necessary purpose, we may remark two or three separate particulars in it, which show, not only the contrivance, but the perfection of it. We may remark, first, the length of the intestines, which, in the human sub- ject, is six times that of the body. Simply for a passage, these voluminous bowels, this prolixity of gut, seems in no- wise necessary; but, in order to allow time and space for the successive extraction of the chyle from the digested aliment, namely that the chyle which escapes the lacteals of one part of the guts, may be taken up by those of some other part, the length of the canal is of evident use and conduciveness. Secondly, we must also remark their per- istaltic motion ; which is made up of contractions, follow- ing one another like waves upon the surface of a fluid, and not unlike w'hat we observe in the body of an earth-worm crawling along the ground; and which is effected by the joint action of longitudinal and of spiral, or rather perhaps of a great number of separate semicircular fibres. This curious action pushes forw^ard the grosser part of the ali- ment, a the same tim3 that the more subtile parts, which we call chyle, are, by a series of gentle compressions, squeezed into the narrow orifices of the lacteal vessels. Thirdly, it w’as necessary that these tubes, wdiich w’e denom- inate lacteals, or their mouths at least, should he as nar- row as possible, in order to deny admission into the blood to any particle which is of size enough to make a lodge- OF ANIMAL BODIES. 101 merit afterwards in the small arteries, and thereby to ob- struct the circulation: and it was also necessary that this extreme tenuity should be compensated by multitude; for, a large quantity of chyle (in ordinary constitutions, not less, it has been computed, than two or three quarts in a day) is, by some means or other, to be passed through them. Accordingly, we find the number of the lacteals exceeding all powers of computation ; and their pipes so fine and slender, as not to be visible, unless filled, to the nak- ed eye; and their orifices, which open into the intestines, so small, as not to be discernible even by the best micro- scope. Fourthly, the main pipe, which carries the chyle from the reservoir to the blood, viz. the thoracic duct, be- ing fixed in an almost upright position, and wanting that advantage of propulsion which the arteries possess, is fur- nished with a succession of valves to check the ascending fluid, when once it has passed them, from falling back These valves look upward, so as to leave the ascent free, but to prevent the return of the chyle, if, for want of suffi- cient force to push it on, its weight should at any time cause it to descend. Fifthly, the chyle enters the blood in an odd place, but perhaps the most commodious place possible, viz. at a large vein near the neck, so situated with respect to the circulation, as speedily to bring the mixture to the heart. And this seems to be a circumstance of great moment; for had the chyle entered the blood at an artery, or at a distant vein, the fluid, composed of the old and new materials, must have performed a considerable part of the circulation, before it received that churning in tlie lungs, which is probably, necessary for the intimate and perfect union of the old blood with the recent chyle. Who could have dreamed of a communication between the cavity of the intestines and the left great vein near the nechl Who could have suspected tha,t this communication should be the medium through which all nourishment is derived to the body.^ or this the place, where, by a side inlet, the important junction is formed between the blood and the material which feeds it? II. We postponed the consideration of digestion, lest d should interrupt us in tracing the course of the food to ue blood; but, in treating of the alimentary system, so prin- cipal a part of the process cannot be omitted. Of the gastric juice, the immediate agent by which that change which food undergoes in our stomachs is effected, we shall take our account, from the numerous, careful, and varied experiments of the Abbe Spallanzani. I* 102 OF THE VESSELS 1. It is not a simple diluent, but a real solvent. A quarter of an ounce of beef had scarcely touched the sto- mach of a crow, when the solution began. 2. It has not the nature of saliva; it has not the nature of bile; but is distinct from both. By experiments out of the body it appears, that neither of these secretions acts upon the alimentary substances, in the same manner as the gastric juice acts. 3 Digestion is not putrefaction ; for, the digesting fluid resists putrefaction most pertinaciously; nay, not only checks its farther progress, but restores putrid substances 4. It is not a fermentative process; for the solution begins at the surface, and proceeds towards the centre, contrary to the order in which fermentation acts and spreads. o. It is not the digestion of heat, for, the cold maw of a cod or sturgeon will dissolve the shells of crabs or lob- sters, harder than the sides of the stomach which contains them. In a word, animal digestion carries about it the marks of being a power and a process completely sui generis; dis- tinct from every other; at least from every chemical pro- cess with which we are acquainted. And the most wonder- ful thing about it is its appropriation; its subserviency to the particular economy of each animal. The gastric juice of an owl, falcon, or kite, will not touch grain ; no, not even to finish the macerated and half-digested pulse which is left in the crops of the sparrows that the bird devours. In poultry, the trituration of the gizzard, and the gastric juice, conspire in the work of digestion. The gastric juice will not dissolve the grain whilst it is whole. Entire grains of barley, enclosed in tubes or spherules, are not affected by it. But if the same grain be by any means broken or ground, the gastric juice immediately lays hold of it. Here then is wanted, and here we find, a combination of mechan- ism and chemistry. For the preparatory grinding, the giz- zard lends its mill. And, as all mill-work should be strong, its structure is so, beyond that of any other muscle belonging to the animal. The internal coat also, or lining of the giz- zard, is, for the same purpose, hard and cartilaginous. But, forasmuch as this is not the sort of animal substance suited for the reception of glands, or for secretion, the gastric juice • in this family, is not supplied, as in membranous stomachs, by the stomach itself, but by the gullet, in which the feed- ing glands are placed, and from which it trickles down into ihe stomach. OF ANIMAL BODIES 103 In Siieep , the gastric fluid has no efTect in digesting plants, unless they have been previously masticated. It only produces a slight maceration ; nearly such as common wa- ter would produce, in a degree of heat somewhat exceed- ing the medium temperature of the atmosphere. But pro- vided that the plant has been reduced to pieces by chewing, the gastric juice then proceeds with it, first by softening its substance; next, by destroying its natural consistency; and, lastly, by dissolving it so completely, as not even to spare the toughest and most stringy parts, such as the nerves of the leaves. So far our accurate and indefatigable Abbe. — ^Dr. Ste- vens of Edinburgh, in 1777, found, by experiments tried with perforated balls, that the gastric juice of the sheep and the ox speedily dissolved vegetables, but made no impres- sion upon beef, mutton, and other animal bodies. Dr. Hun- ter discovered a property of this fluid, of a most curious kind; viz. that in the stomachs of animals which feed up- on flesh, irresistibly as this fluid acts upon animal substan- ces, it is only upon the dead substance, that it operates at all. The living fibre suffers no injury from lying in con- tact with it. Worms and insects are found alive in the stomachs of such animals. The coats of the human stom- ach, in a healthy state, are insensible to its presence: yet, in cases of sudden death, (wherein the gastric juice, not having been weakened by disease, retains its activity,) it has been known to eat a hole through the bowel which con- tains it.* How nice is this discrimination of action, yet how necessary.^ But to return to our hydraulics. III. The gall-bladder is a very remarkable contrivance It is the reservoir of a canal. [PI. XVIII. fig. 1, 2.] It does not form the channel itself, i, e. the direct communi- cation between the liver and the intestine which is by an- other passage, viz. the ductus hepaticus, continued under the name of the ductus communis; but it lies adjacent to this channel, joining it by a duct of its own, the ductus cysticus; by which structure it is enabled, as occasion may require, to add its contents to, and increase the flow of bile into the duodenum. And the position of the gall- bladder is such as to apply this structure to the best advan- tage. In its natural situation, it touches the exterior sur- face of the stomach, and consequently is compressed by the distension of that vessel: the effect of which compression Phil. Trans, vol. Ixii. p. 447. 104 OF THE VESSELS is, to force out frotn the bag, and send into the duodenum^ an extraordinary quantity of bile, to meet the extraordinar}' demand which the repletion of the stomach by food is about to occasion.* Cheselden describesi the gall-bladder as seated against the duodenum, and thereby liable to have its fluid pressed out, by the passage of the aliment through that cavity; which likewise v/ill ‘lave the effect of causing it to be received into the intestine, at a right time, and in a due proportion. There may be other purposes answered by this contri* vance; and it is probable that, there are. The contents of the gall-bladder are not exactly of the same kind as what passes from the liver through the direct passage. J It is possible that the gall may be changed, and for some pur- poses meliorated, by keeping. The entrance of the gall-duct into the duodenum, furnish- es another observation. Whenever either smaller tubes are inserted into larger tubes, or tubes into vessels and cavities, such receiving tubes, vessels, or cavities, being subject to muscular constriction, we always find a con- trivance to prevent gurgitation. In some cases, valves are used; in other cases, amongst which is that now be- fore us, a different expedient is resorted to; which m.ay be thus described: The gall-duct enters the duodenum obliquely: after it has pierced the first coat, it runs near two fingers’ breadth between the coats, before it opens into the cavity of the intestine.^ The same contrivance is used in another part, where there is exactly the same occasion for it, viz. in the insertion of the ureters in the bladder. These enter the bladder near its neck, running obliquely for the space of an inch between its coats. || It is, in both cases, sufficiently evident, that this structure has a ne- cessary mechanical tendency to resist regurgitation; for, whatever force acts in such a direction as to urge the fluid back into the orifices of the tubes, must, at the same time, stretch the coats of the vessels, and thereby compress that part of the tube, which is included between them. IV. Amongst the vessels of the human body, the pipe which conveys the saliva from the place where it is made, to the place where it is wanted, deserves to be reckoned amongst the most intelligible pieces of mechanism with which we are acquainted. [PI. XX. fig. 1, 2.] The saliva, we all know, is used in the mouth; but much of it is * Keill’s Anat. p. 64. t Anat. p. 164 i Keill's from !\Ialpigluus, p. 62. § Keill’s Anat. p. 62. 11 dies. Auat. p. 2 50. OF ANIMAL BODIES. 105 manufactured on the outside of the cheek, by the parotid gland, whiiih lies between the ear and the angle of the low- er jaw. In order to carry the secretion to its destina- tion, there is laid from the gland, on the outside, a pipe about the thickness of a wheat straw, and about three fin- gers’ breadth in length; which, after riding over the masse- ter muscle, bores for itself a hole through the very middle of the cheek; enters by that hole, which is a complete per- foration of the buccinator muscle, into the mouth; ard there discharges its fluid very copiously. V. Another exquisite structure, differing indeed from the four preceding instances in that it does not relate to the conveyance of fluids, but still belonging, like these, to the class of pipes, or conduits of the body, is seen in the larynx. [PI. XXL fig. 1, 2.] We all know that there go down the throat two pipes, one leading to the stomach, the other to the lungs ; the one being the passage for the food, the other for the breath and voice: we know also that both these passages open into the bottom of the mouth; the gullet, necessarily, for the conveyance of the food; and the wind- pipe, for speech, and the modulation of sound, not much less so; therefore the difficulty was, the passages being so contiguous, to prevent the food, especially the liquids, which we swallow into the stomach, from entering the windpipe, i. e. the road to the lungs; the consequence of which er- ror, when it does happen, is perceived by the convulsive throes that are instantly produced. This business, which is very nice, is managed in this manner. The gullet (the passage for food) opens into the mouth like the cone or upper part of a funnel, the capacity of which forms indeed the bottom of the mouth. Into the side of this funnel, at the part which lies the lowest, enters the windpipe, by a chink or slit, with a lid or flap, like a little tongue, accu- rately fitted to the orifice. The solids or liquids which we swallow, pass over this lid or flap, as they descend by the funnel into the gullet Both the weight of the food, and the action of the concerned i.i swallowing, con- tribute to keep the lid close down upon the aperture, whilst anything is passing; whereas, by means of its natural car- tilaginous spring, it raises itself a little as soon as the food is passed, thereby allowing a free inlet and outlet for the respiration of air by the lungs. And we may here remark the almost complete success of the expedient, viz. how sel- dom it fails of its purpose, compared with the number of instances in which it fulfils it. Reflect how frequently we swallow how constantly we breathe. In a city feast, for 106 OF THE VESSELS example, what deglutition, what anhelation! yet does this little cartilage ; he epiglottis, so effectually interpose its of- fice, so securely guard the entrance of the windpipe, that whilst morsel after morsel, draught after draught, are cours- ing one another over it, an accident of a crumb or a drop slipping into this passage, (which nevertheless must be opened for the breath every second of time,) excites in the whole company, not only alarm by its danger, but surprise by its novelty. Not two guests are choked in a century.^ There is nO room for pretending that the action of the parts may have gradually formed the epiglottis: I do not mean in the same individual, but in a succession of genera- tions. Not only the action of the parts has no such ten- dency, but the animal could not live, nor consequently the parts act, either without it, or with it in a half-formed state. The species w^as not to wait for the gradual formation or expansion of a part which was, from the first, necessary to the life of the individual. Not only is the larynx curious, but the whole windpipe possesses a structure adapted to its peculiar office. It is made up (as any one may perceive by putting his fingers to his throat) of stout cartilaginous ringlets placed at small and equal distances from one another. Now this is not the case with any other of the numerous conduits of the body. The use of these cartilages is to keep the pas- sage for the air constantly open; which they do mechanic- ally. A pipe with soft membranous coats, liable to col- lapse and close when empty, would not have answered here ; although this be the general vascular structure, and a structure which serves very well for those tubes which are kept in a state of perpetual distension by the fluid they en- close, or which afford a passage to solid and protruding substances. Nevertheless (which is another particularity well worthy * The same general structure of these parts is found in all other animals of the same class with mankind, but there is a singular variation from it in the elephant, by which, if possible, the influence of a deriving intelli- gence is more wonderfully exemplified than in the ordinary structure. It is well known that this animal drinks by sucking up the liquid into its trunk, and then after thrusting the end of it into its mouth, blowing the liquid into its throat. In this case, the act of blowing through the trunk and swallowing, must be both going on at the same instant, and not in successive instants as in man. I he liquid must be passing down the throat, while the epiglottis is open and the air issuing. In order to pro- vide against interfer 3nce, a channel is provided 04i each side of the epig- lottis, along which ',e drink passes quietly on, without running into the windpipe. — Kd, OF ANIMAL BOD. ES. 07 of notice) these r„igs are not complete, that is, are not car- tilaginous and stiff all round; but their hinder part, which is contiguous to the gullet, is membranous and soft, easily yielding to the distensions of that organ occasioned by the descent of solid food. The same rings are also bevelled off at the upper and lower edges, the better to close upon one another, when the trachea is compressed or shortened. The constitution of the trachea may suggest likewise an other reflection. The membrane which lines its inside, is perhaps, the most sensible irritable membrane of the body It rejects the touch of a crumb of bread, or a drop of water, with a spasm which convulses the whole frame; yet, left to itself, and its proper ofhce, the intromission of air alone, nothing can be so quiet. It does not even make itself felt ; a man does not know that he has a trachea. This capaci- ty of perceiving with such acuteness, this impatience of offence, yet perfect rest and ease when let alone; are pro- perties, one would have thought, not likely to reside in the same subject. It is to the junction, however, of these al- most inconsistent qualities, in this, as well as in some other delicate parts of the body, that we owe our safety and our comfort; — our safety to their sensibility, our comfort to their repose. The larynx, or rather the whole windpipe taken together, (for the larynx is only the upper part of the windpipe,) be- sides its other uses, is also a musical instrument, that is to say, it is mechanism expressly adapted to the modulation of sound; for it has been found upon trial, that, by relaxing or tightening the tendinous bands at the extremity of the windpipe, and blowing in at the other end, all the cries and notes might be produced of which the living animal was capable. It can be sounded, just as a pipe or flute is sounded. Birds, says Bonnet, have at the lower end of the windpipe, a conformation like the reed of a hautboy, for the modulation of their notes. A tuneful bird is a ven- triloquist. The seat of the song is in the breast. [PL XXI. fig. 3.] The use of the lungs in the system has been said to be obscure: one use however is plain, though, in some sense, externa] to the system, and that is, the formation, in con- junction with the larynx, of voice and speech. They are, to animal utterance, what the bellows are to the organ. For the sake of method, we have considered animal bo- dies under three divisions: their bones, their muscles, and their vessels; and we have stated our observations upon 108 OF THE VESSELS OF ANIMAL BODIES. .hese parts separately. But this is to diminish the strength of the argument. The wisdom of the Creator is seen, not in their separate but their collective action; in their mutu- al subserviency and dependence; in their contributing to- gether to one effect, and one use. It has been said, that a man cannot lift his hand to his head, without finding enough to convince him of the existence of a God. And it is well said; for he has only to reflect, familiar as this action is, and simple as it seems to be, how many things are requisite for the performing of it; how many things which we under- stand, to say nothing of many more, probably, which we do not; viz. first, a long, hard, strong cylinder, in order to give to the arm its firmness and tension; but which, being rigid, and in its substance inflexible, can only turn upon joints: secondly, therefore, joints for this purpose, one at the shoulder to raise the arm, another at the elbow to bend it ; these joints continually fed with a soft mucilage to make the parts slip easily upon one another, and holden together by strong braces, to keep them in their position: then, third- ly, strings and wires, i. e. muscles and tendons, artificially iii.serted for the purpose of drawing the bones in the direc- tions in which the joints allow them to move. Hitherto we seem to understand the mechanism pretty well; and, under- standing this, we possess enough for our conclusion: never- theless, we have hitherto only a machine standing still; a dead organization — an apparatus. To put the system in a state of activity, to set it at work, a farther provision is ne- cessary, viz. a communication with the brain by means of nerves. We know the existence of this communication, because we can see the communicating threads, and can trace them to the brain: its necessity we also know, be- cause if the thread be cut, if the communication be inter- cepted, the muscle becomes paralytic: but beyond this we know little, the organization being too minute and subtile for our inspection. To what has been enumerated, as officiating in the single act of a man's raising his hand to his head, must be added likewise, all that is necessary, and all that contributes to the growth, nourishment, and sustentation of the limb, the re- pair of its waste, the preservation of its health: such as the circulation of the blood through every part of it; its lym- phatics, exhalants, absorbents; its excretions and integu- ments. All these share in the result; join in the effect; and how all these, or any of them, come together without a de- signing, disposing intelligence, it is impossible to conceive OF THE ANIMAL STRUCTURE, &C 100 CHAPTER XL OF THE ANIMAL STRUCTURE REGARDED AS A MASS. Contemplating an animal body in its collective .capacity, we cannot forget to notice, what a number of instruments are brought together, and often within how small a ?om'* pass. It is a cluster of contrivances. In a Canary bird, for instance, and in the single ounce of matter which com- poses its body, (but which seems to be all employed,) we have instruments for eating, for digesting, for nourishment, for breathing, for generation, for running, for flying, for seeing, for hearing, for smelling, each appropriate, — each entirely different from all the rest. The human, or indeed the animal frame, considered as a mass or assemblage, exhibits in its composition three properties, which have long struck my mind as indubitable evidences, not only of design, but of a great deal of atten- tion and accuracy in prosecuting the design. I. The first is, the exact correspondency of the two sides of the same animal; the right hand answering to the left, leg to leg, eye to eye, one side of the countenance to the other; and with a precision, to imitate which in any tolerable degree, forms one of the difficulties of statuary, and requires, on the part of the artist, a constant attention to this property of his work, distinct from every other. It is the most difficult thing that can be to get a wig made even; yet how seldom is the face awry! And what care is taken that it should not be so, the anatomy of its bones demonstrates. The upper part of the face is com- posed of thirteen bones, six on each side, answering each to each, and the thirteenth, without a fellow, in the mid- dle: the lower part of the face is in like manner composed of six bones, three on each side respectively corresponding, and the lower jaw in the centre. In building an arch, could more be done in order to make the curve true, i. e. the parts equi-distant from the middle, alike in figure and po- sition? The exact resemblance of the eyes, considering how compounded this organ is in its structure, how various and how delicate are the shades of color with which its iris is tinged; how differently, as to effect upon appeirance, the eye may be mounted in its socket, and how differently in different 1: eads eyes actually are set, — is a property of an K 10 OF THE ANlMAi. I5TRUCTURE imal bodies much to be admired. Often thousand eyes, 1 do not know that it would be possible to match one, except with its own fellow; or to distribute them into suitable pairs by any other selection than that which obtains. This regularity of the animal structure is rendered more remarkable by the three following considerations: — First, the limbs, separately taken, have not this correlation of parts; but the contrary of it. A knife drawn down the chine, cuts the human body into two parts, externally equal and alike; you cannot draw a straight line which will di- vide a hand, a foot, the leg, the thigh, the cheek, the eye, the ear, into two parts equal and alike. Those parts which are placed upon the middle or partition line of the body, or which traverse that line, as the nose, the tongue, the lips, may be so divided, or, more properly speaking, are double organs; but other parts cannot. This shows that the cor- respondency which we have been describing, does not arise by any necessity in the nature of the subject: for, if necessary, it would be universal; whereas it is observed only in the system or assemblage: it is not true of the separate parts; that is to say, it is found where it conduces to beau- ty or utility ; it is not found where it would subsist at the expense of both. The two wings of a bird always corres- pond: the two sides of a feather frequently do not. In cen- tipedes, millepedes, and that whole tribe of insects, no two legs on the same side are alike; yet there is the most exact parity between the legs opposite to one another. 2. The next circumstance to be remarked is, that whilst the cavities of the body are so configurated, as externally to exhibit the most exact correspondency of the opposite sides, the contents of these cavities have no such corres- pondency. A line drawn down the middle of the breast, divides the thorax into two sides exactly similar; yet these two sides enclose very different contents. The heart lies on the left side; a lobe of the lungs on the right; balancing each other neither in size nor shape. The same thing holds of the abdomen. The liver lies on the right side,* without any similar viscus opposed to it on the left. The spleen indeed is situated over against the liver; but agree- ing with the liver neither in bulk nor form. There is no equipollency between these. The stomach is a vessel, both irregular in its shape, and oblique in its position. The fold- ings and doublings of the intestines do not present a parity * The principal lobe of the liver is on the right, but a smaller is extend ed into the left side. See Plate XXII. REGARDED AS A MASS. Ill of sides. Zet that symmetry which depends upon the cor- relation o- the sides, is externally preserved throughout the whole trunk; and is the more remarkable in the lower parts of it, as the integuments are soft; and the shape, consequent- ly, is not, as the thorax is by its ribs, reduced by natural stays. It is evident, therefore, that the external proportion does not arise from any equality in the shape or pressure of the internal contents. What is it indeed but a correc- tion of inequalities? an adjustment, by mutual compensa- tion, of anomalous forms into a regular congeries? the ef- fect, in a word, of artful, and, if we might be permitted so to speak, of studied collocation? 3. Similar also to this, is the third observation; that an internal inequality in the feeding vessels is so managed, as to produce no inequality in parts which were intended to correspond. The right arm answers accurately to the left, both in size and shape; but the arterial branches, which supply the two arms, do not go off from their trunk, in a pair, in the same manner, at the same place, or a< the same angle. Under which want of similitude, it k very difficult to conceive how the same quantity of bloo^' should be pushed through each artery: yet the result i right; the two limbs, which are nourished by them, per ceive no difference of supply, no effects of excess or de- ficiency. Concerning the difference of manner, in which the sub- clavian and carotid arteries, upon the different sides of the body, separate themselves from the aorta, Cheselden seems to have thought, that the advantage which the left gain by going off at a much more acute angle than the right, is made up to the right by their going off together in one branch.* It is very possible that this may be the compensating contrivance; and if it be so, how curious, how hydrostatical ? 11. Another perfection of the animal mass is package [PI. XXII. fig. 1.] I know nothing which is so surprising Examine the contents of the trunk of any large animal Take notice how soft, how tender, how intricate they are how constantly in action, how necessary to life! Reflect upon the danger of any injury to their substance, any de- rangement of their position, any obstruction to their office. Observe the heart pumping at the centre, at the rate of eighty strokes in a minute: one set of pipes carrying the stream away from it, another set bringing, in its cou''se, the * Ches. Anat. p. 184. ed, 7. 112 OF THE ANIMAL STRUCTURE fluid back to it again ; the lungs performing their elaborate office, viz. distending and contracting their many thousand vesicles, by a reciprocation which cannot cease for a min- ute; the stomach exercising its powerful chemistry; the bowels silently propelling the changed aliment; collecting from it, as it proceeds, and transmitting to the blood an incessant supply of prepared and assimilated nourishment; that blood pursuing its course ; the liver, the kidneys, the pancreas, the parotid, with many other known and dis- tinguishable glands, drawing off from it, all the while, their proper secretions. These several operations, togeth- er with others more subtile but less capable of being inves- tigated, are going on within us, at one and the same time Think of this ; and then observe how the body itself, the case which holds this machinery, is rolled, and jolted, and tossed about, the mechanism remaining unhurt, and with very little.molestation, even of its nicest motipns. Observe a rope dancer, a tumbler, or a monkey: the sudden inversions and contortions which the internal parts sustain by the postures into which their bodies are thrown; or rather observe the shocks which these parts, even in ordinary subjects, some- times receive from falls and bruises, or by abrupt jerks and twists, without sensible, or with soon-recovered damage. Observe this, and then reflect how firmly every part must be secured, how carefully surrounded, how well tied down and packed together. This property of animal bodies has never, I think, been considered under a distinct head, or so fully as it deserves. I may be allowed, therefore, in order to verify my observa- tion concerning it, to set forth a short anatomical detail, though it oblige me to use more technical language than I should wish to introduce into a work of this kind. 1. The heart (such care is taken of the centre of life) is placed between the soft lobes of the lungs; tied to the mediastinum and to the pericardium; which pericardium is not only itself an exceedingly strong membrane, but adheres firmly to the duplicature of the mediastinum, and, by its point, to the middle tendon of the diaphragm. The heart is also sustained in its place by the great blood-vessels which issue from it * 2. The lungs are tied to the sternum by the mediasti- num, before; to the vertebrae by the pleura, behind. It seems indeed to be the very use of the mediastinum (which IS a me'Tibrane that goes straight through the middle of the * Keill's Anat. p. 107. ed. tf. REGARDED AS A MASS. 1 1 ::^ thorax, from the breast to the back) to keep the contents of the thorax in their places; in particular to hinder one lobe of the lungs from incommoding another, or the parts of the lungs from pressing upon each other when we lie on one side.^ 3. The liver is fastened in the body by two ligaments; the first, wh'.ch is large and strong, comes from the cover- ing of the diaphragm, and penetrates the substance of tlie liver; the second is the umbilical vein, which, after birth, degenerates into a ligament. The first, whicii is the prin- cipal, fixes the liver in its situation, whilst the body holds an erect posture; the second prevents it from pressing up- on the diaphragm when we lie down; and both together sling or suspend the liver when we lie upon our backs, so that it may not compress or obstruct the ascending vena cava,! to which belongs the important office of returning the blood from the body to the heart. 4. The bladder is tied to the naval by the urachus, trans- formed into a ligament: thus, what was a passage for the urine to the foetus, becomes, after birth, a support or stay to the bladder. The peritonneum also keeps the viscera from confounding themselves with, or pressing irregularly upon, the bladder: for the kidneys and bladder are contain- ed in a distinct duplicature of that membrane, being there- by partitioned off from the other contents of the abdomen. 5. The kidneys are lodged in a bed of fat. 6. The pancreas, or sweetbread, is strongly tied to the peritonaeum, which is the great wrapping sheet, that encloses all the bowels contained in the lower belly. J 7. The spleen also is confined to its place by an adhe- sion to the peritonoBum and diaphragm, ai d by a connexion with the omentum. § It is possible, in my opinion, that the spleen may be merely a stuffing, a soft cushion to fill up a vacancy or hollow, which, unless occupiijd, would leave the package loose and unsteady: for, supposing that it answers no other purpose than this, it must be vascular, and admit of a circulation through it, in order to be kept alive, or be a part of a living body. 8. The omentum, epiploon, or caul, is an apron uje- ed up, or doubling upon itself, at its lowest part. The up- per edge is tied to the bottom of the stomach, to the spleen, as hath already been observed, and to part of the duode- num. The reflected edge also, after forming the doubling, * Keill’s Anat. p. 119. ed. 3. f Chei^, Anat. p. 162. ? Keill’s Anat. p. 57. § Ches. Anat. p. 167. K* 114 OF THE ANIMAT STRUCTURE comes up behind the front flap^ and is tied to the colon ana adjoining viscera.^ 9. The septa of the brain probably prevent one part of that organ from pressing with too great a weight upon another part. The processes of the dura mater divide the cavity of the skull, like so many inner partition walls, and thereby confine each hemisphere and lobe of the brain to the chamber which is assigned to it, without its being liable to rest upon, or incommode the neighbouring parts. The great art and caution of packing is to prevent one thing hurting another. This, in the head, the chest, and the abdomen, of an animal body, is, amongst other methods, provided for by membranous partitions and wrappings, which keep the parts separate. The above may serve as a short account of the manner in which the principal viscera are sustained in their places. But of the provisions for this purpose, by far, in my opin- ion, the most curious, and where also such a provision w^as most wanted, is in the guts. It is pretty evident, that a long narrow tube (in man, about five times the length of the body) laid from side to side in folds upon one another, winding in oblique and circuitous directions, composed al- so of a soft and yielding substance, must, without some ex- raordinary precaution for its safety, be continually displac- ed by the various, sudden, and abrupt motions of the body which contains it. I should expect that, if not bruised or wounded by every fall, or leap, or twist, it would be entan- gled, or be involved with itself, or, at the least, slipped and shaken out of the order in which it is disposed, and which order is necessary to be preserved for the carrying on of the important functions, which it has to execute in the ani- mal economy. Let us see, therefore, how a danger so seri- ous, and yet so natural to the length, narrowness, and tubu- lar form of the part, is provided against. The expedient is admirable, and it is this; the intestinal canal, through- out its whole progress, is knit to the edge of a broad fat membrane called the mcsentenj. [PI. XXII. fig. 2.] It forms the margin of this mesentery, being stitched and fastened to it like the edging of a ruffle: being four times as long as the mesentery itself, it is what a sempstress would call, ‘‘pucKered or gathered on’’ to it. This is the nature of the connexion of the gut with the mesentery; and being thus joined to, or rather made a part of the mesentery, it is folded and wrapped up togetlier with it. Now the mesen- tery, ha ing a considerable dimension in breadth, being in * Clies. Auat. p. 149. REGARDED AS A MASS. 115 its substance, withal, both thick and suety, is capable of a close and safe folding, in comparison of what the intestinal tube would admit of, if it had remained loose. The me- sentery, likewise, not only keeps the intestinal canal in its proper place and position, under all the turns and windings of its course, but sustains the numberless small vessels, the arteries, the veins, the lympheducts, and, above all, the lacteals, which lead from or to almost every point of its coats and cavity. This membrane, which appears to be the great support and security of the alimentary apparatus, is itself strongly tied to the first three vertebra) of the loins.^ III. A third general property of animal forms is beauty I do not mean relative beauty, or that of one individual above another of the same species, or of one species com- pared with another species; but I mean generally, the pro- vision which is made in the body of almost every animal, to adapt its appearance to the perception of the animals with which it converses. In our own species, for example, only consider what the parts and materials are, of which the fairest body is composed; and no farther observation will be necessary to show, how well these things are wrap- ped up, so as to form a mass, which shall be capable of symmetry in its proportion, and of beauty in its aspect; how the bones are covered, the bowels concealed, the rough- nesses of the muscles smoothed and softened; and how over the whole is drawn an integument, which converts the disgusting materials of a dissecting-room into an object of attraction toUhe sight, or one upon which it rests, at least, with ease and satisfaction^ Much of this effect is to be at- tributed to the intervention of the cellular or adipose mem- brane, which lies immediately under the skin; is a kind of lining to it ; is moist, soft, slippery, and compressible; everywhere filling up the interstices of the muscles, and forming thereby the roundness and flowing line, as well as the evenness and polish of the whole surface. All which seems to be a strong indication of design, and of a design studiously directed to this purpose. And it be- ing once allowed, that such a purpose existed with respect to any of the productions of nature, we may refer, with a considerable degree of probability, other particulars to the same intention; such as the tints of flowers, the plumage of birds, the furs of beasts, the bright scales of fishes, the painted wings of butterflies and beetles, the rich colors and spotted lustre of many tribes of insects * Keill’s Anat. p. 45. 116 OF THE ANIMAL STRUCTURE There tire parts also of animals ornamental, and the properties by which they are so, not subservient, that we know of, to any other purpose. The irides of most ani- mals are very beautiful, without conducing at all, by their beauty, to the perfection of vision; and nature could in no part have employed her pencil to so much advantage, because no part presents itself so conspicuously to the observer, or communicates so great an effect to the whole aspect. In plants, especially in the flowers of plants, the princi- ple of beauty holds a still more considerable place in their composition ; is still more confessed than in animals. Why, for one instance out of a thousand, does the corolla of the tulip, when advanced to its size and maturity, change its color The purposes, so far as we can see, of vegeta- ble nutrition, might have been carried on as well by its continuing green. Or, if this could not be, consistently with the progress of vegetable life, why break into such a variety of colors? This is no proper effect of age, or of declension in the ascent of the sap; for that, like the autumnal tints, would have produced one color on one leaf, with marks of fading and withering. It seems a lame account to call it, as it has been called, a disease of the plant. Is it not more probable, that this property, which is independent, as it should seem, of the wants and utilities of the plant, was calculated for beauty, intended for display? A ground, I know, of objection, has been taken against the whole topic of argument, namely, that there is no such thing as beauty at all; in other words, that whatever is useful and familiar, comes of course to be thought beauti- ful; and that things appear to be so, only by their alliance with these qualities. Our idea of beauty is capable of be- ing so modified by habit, by fashion, by the experience of advantage or pleasure, and by associations arising out of that experience, that a question has been made, whether it be not altogether generated by these causes, or would have ^ny proper existence without them. It seems, however, a carrying of the conclusion too far, to deny the existence of the principle, viz. a native capacity of perceiving beauty, on account of the influence, or of varieties proceeding from that influence, to which it is subject, seeing that prin- ciples the most acknowledged are liable to be affected in Ihe same manner. I should rather argue thus: the ques- tion respects objects of sight. Now every other sense hath its distinclicn of agreeable and disagreeable. Some tastes REGARDED AS A MASS 117 offend the palate, others gratify it. n brutes and insects, this distinction is stronger and more regular than in man Every horse, ox, sheep, swine, when at liberty to choose, and when in a natural state, that is, when not vitiated by habits forced upon it, eats and rejects the same plants. Many insects which feed upon particular plants, will rather die than change their appropriate leaf. All this looks like a determination in the sense itself to particular tastes. In like manner, smells affect the nose, with sensations pleasur- able or disgusting. Some sounds, or compositions of sound, delight the ear ; others torture it. Habit can do much in all these cases, (and it is well for us that it can; for it is this power which reconciles us to many necessities,) but has the distinction, in the meantime, of agreeable and disa- greeable, no foundation in the sense itself.^ What is true of the other senses, is most probably true of the eye, (the analogy is irresistible,) viz. that there belongs to it an orig- inal constitution, fitted to receive pleasure from some im- pressions, and pain from others. I do not however know, that the argument which al- leges beauty as a final cause, rests upon this concession. We possess a sense of beauty, however we come by it. It in fact exists. Things are not indifferent to this sense; all objects do not suit it; many, which we see, are agree- able to it; many others disagreeable. It is certainly not the effect of habit upon the particular object, because the most agreeable objects are often the most rare; many, which are very common, continue to be offensive. If they be made supportable by habit, it is all which habit can do; they never become agreeable. If this sense, therefore, be acquired, it is a result; the produce of numerous and com- plicated actions of external objects upon the senses, and of the mind upon its sensations. With this result, there must be a certain congruity to enable any particular object to please: and that congruity, we contend, is consulted in the aspect which is given to animal and vegetable bodies. IV. The skin and covering of animals is that upon wliich their appearance chiefly depends, and it is that part which, perhaps, in all animals is most decorated, and most free from impurities. But were beauty, or agreeableness of aspect, entirely out of the question, there is another purpose answered by this integument, and by the collo- cation of the parts of the body beneath it, which is of still greater importance; and that purpose is concealment. Were it possible to view through the skin the mechanism our bodies, the sight would frighte is out of our wits. 118 OF THE ANIMAL STRUCTURE ^ Durst make a single movement/’ asks a lively French writer, or stir a step from the place we were in, if we saio our blood circulating, the tendons pulling, the lungs blow- ing, the humours filtrating, and all the incomprehensible assemblage of fibres, tubes, pumps, valves, currents, piv- ots, which sustain an existence, at once so frail, and so pre- sumptuous?” V. Of animal bodies, considered as masses, there is another property, more curious than it is generally thought to be; which is the faculty of standing: and it is more remarkable in two-legged animals than in quadrupeds, and, most of all, as being the tallest, and resting upon the small- est base, in man.* There is more, I think, in the matter than we are aware of. The statue of a man, placed loosely upon its pedestal, would not be secure of standing half an hour. You are obliged to fix its feet to the block by bolts and solder ; or the first shake, the first gust of wind, is sure to throw it down. Yet this statue shall express all the mechanical proportions of a living model. It is not, there- fore, the mere figure, or merely placing the centre of grav- ity within the base, that is sufficient. Either the law of gravitation is suspended in favor of living substances, or something more is done for them, in order to enable them to uphold their posture. There is no reason whatever to doubt, but that their parts descend by gravitation in the same manner as those of dead matter. The gift, there- fore, appears to me to consist, in a faculty of perpetually shifting the centre of gravity, by a set of obscure, indeed, but of quick-balancing actions, so as to keep the line of direction, which is a line drawn from that centre to the ground, within its prescribed limits. Of these actions it may be observed, first, that they in part constitute what we call strength. The dead body drops down. The mere adjustment, therefore, of weight and pressure, which may be the same the moment after death as the moment before, does not support the column. In cases also of extreme ♦Anatomy explains the mode in which the weight of the body is transmitted to the feet; and we have seen that the muscles which prevent the head from falling forward in standing, have their fixed point in the neck; that those which perform the same office with regard to the verte- bral column, have theirs in the pelvis; that those which preserve the pel- vis in equilibrium are attached to the tl ighs, or to the bones of the legs; .bat those which prevent the thighs from fallijig backward are inserted into the tibia; and lastly, that that } -eserve the tibia in their verti- •lal position have their fixed point in th( feet; these preserve us firm in a sta iding positiou —Paxton, regarded as a mass 119 weakness, the patient cannot stand uprignt. Secondly, that these actions are only in a small degree voluntary. A man is seldom conscious of his voluntary powers in keep^ ing himself upon his legs. A child learning to walk is the greatest posture-master in the world; but art, if it may be so called, sinks into habit; and he is soon able to poise himself in a great variety of attitudes, without being sen- sible either of caution or effort. But still there must be an aptitude of parts, upon which habit can thus attach; a previous capacity of motions which the animal is thus taught to exercise: and the facility with which this exercise is acquired forms one object of our admiration What parts are principally employed, or in what manner each contributes its office, is, as hath already been confessed, difficult to explain. Perhaps the obscure motion of the bones of the feet may have their share in this effect. They are put in action by every slip or vacillation of the body, and seem to assist in restoring its balance. Certain it is, that this circumstance in the structure of the foot, viz. its being composed of many small bones, applied to, and articulating with one another, by diversely shaped sur- faces, instead of being made of one piece, like the last of a shoe, is very remarkable.* I suppose also, that it would be difficult to stand firmly upon stilts or wooden legs, though their base exactly imitated the figure and dimensions of the sole of the foot. The alternation of the joints, the knee-joint bending backward, the hip-joint forward; the flexibility, in every direction, of the spine, especially in the loins and neck, appear to be of great moment in preserving the equilibrium of the body. With respect to this last circumstance, it is observable, that the vertebrae are so confined by ligaments, as to allow no more slipping upon * [See Plate XI.] There is no part of the human frame which is more wonderfully constructed than the foot. It has the requisite strength to support the weight of the body, and often an additional burden; flexibility, that it may be adapted to the inequalities of the surface on which we tread; and elasticity , to assist in walking, running, and springing from the ground. This advantage we possess from the number of joints, the arch of the foot being composed of twenty^six bones. Those bones have a con- siderable play on each other; and as each articulating surface is cover- ed with cartilage, the essential property of which is elasticity, the jarring is thus prevented which would result from a contact of the bones. “ The first question which naturally arises, is. Why there should be so many bones? The answer is — In order that the»*e may be so many joints ; for the structure of a joint not only permits motion but bestows elasticity .” — Paxton 120 OF THE ANIMAL STRUCTURE tbeir bases, than what is just sufficient to break the shock which any violent motion may occasion to the body. A certain degree also of tension of the sinews appears to be essential to an erect posture; for it is by the loss of this, ffiat the dead or paralytic body drops down. The whole (S a wonderful result of combined powers, and of very complicated operations. Indeed, that standing is not so simple a business as we imagine it to be, is evident from the strange gesticulations of a drunken man, who has lost the government of the centre of gravity. We have said that this property is the most worthy of observation in the human body: but a bird, resting upon its perch, or hopping upon a spray, affords no mean speci- men of the same faculty. A chicken runs off as soon as it is hatched from the egg; yet a chicken, considered geo- metrically, and with relation to its centre of gravity, its line of direction, and its equilibrium, is a very irregular solid. Is this gift, therefore, or instruction? May it not be said to be with great attention, that nature hath balanc- ed the body upon its pivots? I observe also in the same bird a piece of useful me- chanism of this kind. In the trussing of a fowl, upon bend- ing the legs and thighs up towards the body, the cook finds that the claws close of their own accord. Now let it be remembered, that this is the position of the limbs, in which the bird rests upon its perch. And in this position it sleeps in safety; for the claws do their office in keeping hold of the support, not by any exertion of voluntary power, which sleep might suspend, but by the traction of the tendons in consequence of the attitude which the legs and thighs take by the bird sitting down, and to which the mere weight of the body gives the force that is necessary. VI. Regarding the human body as a mass; regarding the general conformations which obtain in it; regarding also particular parts in respect to those conformations; we shall be led to observe what I call “ interrupted analogies.*’ The following are examples of what I mean by these terms, and I do not know how such critical deviations can, by any possible hypothesis, be accounted for without design. 1 . All the bones of the body are covered with a osieumy except the teeth; where it ceases, and an enamel of ivory, which saws and files will hardly touch, comes into its place. No one can doubt of the use and propriety of his difference; of the ‘‘analogy” being thus “interrupted;” of the rule, which belongs to the conformation of the bones topping where it does stop; for, had so exquisitely sensi- REGARDED AS V MASS. 121 ble a membrane as the periosteum invested the teeth, as it invests every other bone of the body, tkeir action, necessa- ry exposure, and irritation, would have subjected the ani- mal to continual pain. General as it is, it was not the sort of integument which suited the teeth. What they stood in need of, was a strong, hard, insensible, defensive coat; and exactly such a covering is given to them, in the ivory enamel which adheres to their surface. 2. The scarf-skin, which clothes all the rest of the body, gives way, at the extremities of the toes and fingers, to nails, A man has only to look at his hand, to observe with what nicety and precision, that covering, which extends over every other part, is here superseded by a different sub- stance, and a different texture. Now, if either the rule had been necessary, or the deviation from it accidental, this effect would not be seen. When I speak of the rule being necessary, I mean the formation of the skin upon the surface being produced by a set of causes constituted with- out design, and acting, as all ignorant causes must act, by a general operation. Were this the case, no account could be given of the operation being suspended at the fingers* ends, or on the back part of the fingers, and not on the fore part. On the other hand, if the deviation were acci- dental, an error, an anomalism; were it anything else than settled by intention; we should meet with nails upon other parts of the body. They would be scattered o\er the sur face, lik^ warts or pimples. 3. All the great cavities of the body are enclosed by membranes, except the skull. Why should not the brain be content with the same covering as that which serves for the other principal organs of the body? The heart, the lungs, the liver, the stomach, the bowels, have all soft integuments, and nothing else. The muscular coats are all soft and membranous. I can see a reason for this distinction in the final cause, but in no other. The importance of the brain to life, (which experience proves to be immediate,) and the extreme tenderness of its substance, make a solid case more necessary for it, than for any other part; and such a case the hardness of the skull supplies. When the smalls est portion of this natural casket is lost, how carefully, yet how imperfectly is it replaced by a plate of metal ? If an anatomist should say, that this bony protection is not con- fined to the brain, but is extended along the course of the spine, I answer, that he adds strength to the argument. If he remark, that the chest also is fortified by bones, I reply, that I should have alleged this instance myself, if the ribs L 122 COxVIPaRaTIVE ANaIOMI. had not appeared subservient to the purpose of moth o as well as of defence. What distinguishes the skull from ever) other cavity is, that the bony covering completely surrounds its contents, and is calculated, not for motion, but solely for defence. Those hollows, likewise, and inequalities, which we observe in the inside of the skull, and which exactly fit the folds of the brain, answer the important design of keep- ing the substance of the brain steady, and of guarding it Qgumst concu6Sior45 CHAPTER XII. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. Whenever we find a general plan pursued, yet with such variations in it as are, in each case required by the particular exigency of the subject to which it is applied, we possess, in such plan and such adaptation, the strongest evi- dence that can be afforded of intelligence and design; an evidence which most completely excludes every other hypothesis. If the general plan proceeded from any fixed necessity in the nature of things, how could it accommodate itself to the various wants and uses which it had to serve under different circumstances, and on different occasions? Arkwright’s mill was invented for the spinning of cotton. We see it employed for the spinning of wool, flax, and hemp, with such modifications of the original principle, such variety in the same plan, as the texture of those dif- ferent materials rendered necessary. Of the machine’s being put together with design, if it were possible to doubt, whilst we saw it only under one mode, and in one form, when we came to observe it in its different applications, with such changes of structure, such additions, and supple ments, as the special and particular use in each case de- manded, we could not refuse any longer our assent to the proposition, ‘‘that intelligence, properly and strictly so called, (including under that name, foresight, consideration, reference to utility,) had been employed, as well in the primitive plan, as in the several changes and accommoda- tions which i is made to undergo.” Very much of this reasoning is applicable to what has been called Comparative Jlnatomy. In their general econ- omy, in the outlines of the plan, in the construction as well as ofhces of their principal parts, there exists between all COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 123 large terrestrial animals a close resemblance. In all ifeis sustained, and the body nourished by nearly the same ap- paratus. The heart, the lungs, the stomach, the liver, the kidneys, are much alike in all. The same fluid (for no distinction of blood has been observed) circulates through their vessels, and nearly in the same order. The same cause, therefore, whatever that cause was, has been con- cerned in the origin, has governed the production of these different animal forms. When we pass on to smaller animals, or to the inhabi- tants of a different element, the resemblance becomes more distant and more obscure; but still the plan accompanies JS. And, what we can never enough commend, and which it is our business at present to exemplify, the plan is attend- ed, through all its varieties and deflections, by subservien- cies to special occasions and utilities. I. The covering of different animals (though whether I am correct in classing this under their anatomy I do not know) is the first thing which presents itself to our observa- tion; and is, in truth, both for its variety, and its suitable- ness to their several natures, as much to be admired as any part of their structure. We have bristles, hair, wool, furs, feathers, quills, prickles, scales; yet in this diversity both of material and form, we cannot change one animal’s coc>.t for another, without evidently changing it for the worse; taking care however to remark, that these coverings are, in many cases, armor as well as clothing; intended for pro- tection as well as warmth. The human animal is the only one which is naked, and the only one which can clothe itself. This is one of the proper- ties which renders him an animal of all climates, and of all seasons. He can adapt the warmth or lightness of his covering to the temperature of his habitation. Had he been born with a fleece upon his back, although he might have been comforted by its warmth in high latitudes, it would have oppressed him by its weight and heat, as the species spread towards the equator. What art, however, does for men, nature has, in many instances, done for those animals which are incapable of art. Their clothing, of its own accord, changes with I heir necessities. This is particularly the case with that large tribe of quadrupeds which are covered with furs. Every dealer in hare-skins and rabbit-skins, knows how much the fur is thickened by the approach of winter. It seems to be a part of the same constitution and the same 124 COMPARA.TIVE ANAT031Y. design, that, wool in hot countries, degenerate*?, as it is called, bit n truth (most happily for the animal’s ease) passes into hair ; whilst, on the contrary, that hair on the dogs of the polar regions, is turned into wool, or some- thing very like it. To which may be referred, what natural- ists have remarked, that bears, wolves, foxes, hares, which do not take the water, have the fur much thicker on the back than the belly: whereas in the beaver it is the thick- est upon the belly; as are the feathers on waterfowl. We know the final cause of all this; and we know no other.. The covering of birds cannot escape the most vulgar ob- servation. Its lightness, its smoothness, its warmth; — the disposition of the feathers all inclined backward, the down about their stem, the overlapping of their tips, their differ- ent configuration in different parts, not to mention the va- riety of their colors, constitute a vestment for the body, so beautiful, and so appropriate to the life which the animal is to lead, as that, I think, w^e should have had no concep- tion of anything equally perfect, if we had never seen it, or can now imagine anything more so. Let us suppose (what is possible only in supposition) a person who had never seen a bird, to be presented with a plucked pheasant, and bid to set his wits to work, how to contrive for it a covering which shall unite the qualities of warmth, levity, and least resistance to the air, and the highest degree of each; giving it also as much of beauty, and ornament as he could afford. He is the person to behold the work of the Deity, in this part of his creation, with the sentiments which are due to it. The commendation, which the general aspect of the feathered world seldom fails of exciting, will be increased by farther examination. It is one of those cases in which the philosopher has more to admire than the common ob- server. Every feather is a mechanical wonder. If we look at the quill, we find properties not easily broughc together, — strength and lightness. I know few thii gs more remarkable than the strength and lightness of the very pen with which I am writing. If we cast our eye to the upper part of the stem, we see a material, made for ti e purp ise, used in no otlier class of animals, and in no oihe' part of birds; tough, light, pliant, elastic. The pith, also, which feeds tlie feathers, is, amongst animal substances, sui generis: neither bone, flesh, membrane, nor tendon. ^ But the artificial part of a feather is the beard, oi\ as it COMPARATIVE ANAlOttY. 125 is sometimes, I believe, called, the vane. By the beards are meant, what are fastened on each side of the stem, and what constitute the breadth of the feather; what we usual- ly strip off, from one side or both, when we make a pen. llie separate pieces of laminae, of which the beard is composed, are called threads, sometimes filaments, or rays. Now the first thing which an attentive observer will remark is, hew much stronger the beard of the feather shows it- self to be, when pressed in a direction perpendicular to its plane, than when rubbed, either up or down, in the line of the stem; and he will soon discover the structure jvhich occasions this difference, viz. that the laminae, whereof these beards are composed, are flat, and placed with their flat sides towards each other; by which means, whilst they easily bend for the approaching of each other, as any one may perceive by drawing his finger ever so lightly upwards, they are much harder to bend out of their plane, which is the direction in which they have to encounter the impulse and pressure of the air, and in which their strength is wanted and put to the trial. This is one particularity in the structure of a feather; a second is still more extraordinary. Whoever examines a feather, cannot help taking notice, that the threads or la- minge, of which we have been speaking, in their natural state unite; that their union is something more than the mere apposition of loose surfaces; that they are not part- ed asunder without some degree offeree; that nevertheless there is no glutinous cohesion between the»^ , that, there- fore, by some mechanical means or other, they catch or clasp among themselves, thereby giving to the beard or vane its closeness and compactness of texture. Nor is this all: when two laminae, which have been separated by acci- dent or force, are brought together again, they immediately reclasp; the connexion, whatever it was, is perfectly re- covered, and the beard of the feather becomes as smooth and firm as if nothing^ had happened to it. Draw your fin- ger down the feather, which is against the grain, and you break probably the junction of some of the contiguous threads; draw your finger up the feather, and you restore all things to their former state. This is no common con- trivance: and now for the mechanism by which it is ef- fected. The threads or laminae above mentioned, are m- * By the aid of the microscope it appears, that the laminae are not flat, es they appear to the unassisted eye, but are semi-tubular, having on heir outward edge a series of bristles, termed in the text fibres, set in pairs opposite one another, which clasp with the bristles of the approximate L* 126 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. terlaced with one another; and the interlacing is perform- ed by means of a vast number of fibres, or teeih, which the laminse shoot forth on each side, and which hook and grapple together. A friend of mine counted fifty of these fibres in one twentieth of an inch. These fibres are crook- ed; but curved after a different manner: for those which proceed from the thread on the side towards the extremity 3f the feather, are longer, more flexible, and bent down- ward; whereas those which proceed from the side towards the beginning, or quill-end of the feather, are shorter, firm- er, and turn upwards. The process then which takes place is as follows: When two laminae are pressed to- gether, so that these long fibres are forced far enough over the short ones, tliew crooked parts fall into the cavity made by the crooked parts of the others; just as the latch that is fastened to a door enters into the cavity of the catch fixed to the door-post, and there hooking itself, fastens the door; for it is properly in this manner, that one thread of a feather is fastened to the other. This admirable structure of the feather, which it is easy to see with the microscope, succeeds perfectly for the use to which nature has designed it; which use was, not only that the laminas might be united, but that when one thread or lamina has been separated from another by some exter- nal violence, it might be reclasped with sufficient facility and expedition.* In the ostrich, this apparatus of crotchets and fibres, of hooks and teeth, is wanting: and we see the consequence of the want. The filaments hang loose and separate from one another, forming only a kind of down; which consti- tution of the feathers, however it may fit them for the flow- ing honors of a lady’s head-dress, may be reckoned an imperfection in the bird, inasmuch as wings, composed of ihese feathers, although they may greatly assist it in run- ning, do not serve for flight. But under the present division of our subject, our busi- ness with feathers is, as they are the covering of the bird. And herein a singular circumstance occurs. In the small order of birds which winter with us, from a snipe down- laminsB, and cause that adhesiveness observable between the several .aniinoe of the vane. The bristles are not of the same form on each side of one lamina ; the ower tier, Tab. XXIII. fi^. 6. form a simple and slight curve, while the upper, fig. 7. terminate with three or four little hooks, which serve to catch the simple corresponding bristle, fig. 6. of the next lamina. * The above account is taken from .Memoirs for a Natural Ilist.^ry of Animals, by the Royal Academy of Paris, published 1701, p. 209. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. wards, let he external color of the feathers be what it will, their Creator has universally given them a bed ot black down next their bodies. Black, we know, is the warmest color; and the purpose here is, to keep in the heat, arising from the heart and circulation of the blood. It is farther likewise remarkable, that this is not found in larger birds; for which there is also a reason: — small birds are much more exposed to the cold than large ones; foras- much as they present, in proportion to their bulk, a much larger surface to the air. If a turkey were divided into a number of wrens, (supposing the shape of the turkjoy and the wren to be similar,) the surface of all the wrens would exceed the surface of the turkey, in the proportion of the length, breadth, (or, of any homologous line,) of a turkey to that of a wren; which would be, perhaps, a proportion of ten to one. It was necessary, therefore, that small birds should be more warmly clad than large ones: and this seems to be the expedient by which that exigency is pro- vided for. II. In comparing different animals, I know no part of their structure which exhibits greater variety, or, in that variety, a nicer accommodation to their respective conve- niency, than that which is seen in the different formations of their mouths. Whether the purpose be the reception of aliment merely, or the catching of prey, the picking up of seeds, the cropping of herbage, the extraction of juices, the suction of liquids, the breaking and grinding of food, the taste of that food, together with the respiration of air, and, in conjunction with it, the utterance of sound; these various offices are assigned to this one part, and, indiffer- ent species, provided for, as they are wanted, by its differ- ent constitution. In the human species, forasmuch as there are hands to convey the food to the mouth, the mouth is flat, and by reason of its flatness, fitted only for reccp^ lion; whereas the projecting jaws, the wide rictus, the pointed teeth of the dog and his affinities, enable them to apply their mouths to snatch and seize the objects of their pursuit. The full lips, the rough tongue, the corrugated cartilaginous palate, the broad cutting teeth of the ox, the deer, the horse, and the sheep, qualify this tribe for 6roiys- ing upon their pasture; either gathering large mouthfuls at once, where the grass is long, which is the case with the ox in particular; or biting close, where it is short, whicn the horse and the sheep are able to do, in a degree that one could hardly expect. The retired under jaw of a swine works in the ground y after the protruding snout, lik'^, 128 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. a prong or ploughshare, has made its way to the roots upon which it feeds. A conformation so happy was not the gift of chance. In birds, this organ assumes a new character; new both in substance and in form; but in both, wonderfully adapted to the wants and uses of a distinct mode of existence. We have no longer the fleshy lips, the teeth of enamelled bone; but we have, in the place of these two parts, and to perform the office of both, a hard substance (of the same nature with that which composes the nails, claws, and hoofs of quadrupeds) cut out into proper shapes, and mechanically suited to the actions which are wanted. The sharp edge and tempered point of the sparrow's bill picks almost every kind of seed from its concealment in the plant; and not only so, but hulls the grain, breaks and shatters the coats of the seed, in order to get at the kernel. The hooked beak of the hawk tribe separates the flesh from the bones of the animals which it feeds upon, almost with the cleanness and precision of a dissector’s knife. The butcher-bird trans- fixes its prey upon the spike of a thorn, whilst it picks its bones. In some birds of this class, we have the a^oss bill, e. both the upper and lower bill hooked, and their tips crossing. The sjwoii bill, enables the goose to graze, to collect its food from the bottom of pools, or to seek it amidst the soft or liquid substances with which it is mixed. The long tapering bill of the snipe and woodcock, pene- trates still deeper into moist earth, which is the bed in which the food of that species is lodged. This is exactly the in- strument which the animal wanted. It did not want strength in its bill, which was inconsistent with the slender form of the animal’s neck, as well as unnecessary for the Kind of aliment upon which it subsists; but it wanted lengtli to reach its object. But the species of bill which belongs to birds that live by suciion, deserves to be described in its relation to that office. They are what naturalists call serrated or dentated bills; the inside of them, towards the edge, being thickly set with parallel or concentric rows of short, strong, sharp- pointed prickles. These, though they should be called teeth, are not for the purpose of mastication, like the teeth of quadrupeds; nor yet, as in fish, for the seizing and retain- ing of their prey; but for a quite different use. They form a filter The duck by means of them discusses the mud; examining with great accuracy the puddle, the brake, every mixtu»*e which is likely to contain her food. The operatior is thus carried on : — The liquid or semi-liquid sub- COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 129 stances, in which the animal has plunged her hi7, she draws, by the action of her lungs, through tlie narrow in- terstices which lie between these teeth; catching, as the stream passes across her beak, whatever it may happen to bring along with it, that proves agreeable to her choice, and easily dismissing all the rest. Now, suppose the pur- pose to have been, out of a mass of confused heterogene- ous substances, to separate for the use of the animal, or rather to enable the animal to separate for its own, those few particles which suited its taste and digestion; what more artificial, or more commodious instrument of selection, could have been given to it, than this natural filter?* It has been observed, also, (what must enable the bird to choose and distinguish with greater acuteness, as well, probably, as what increases its gratification and its luxury,) that the bills of this species are furnished with large nerves, that they are covered with a skin, — and that the nerves run down to the very extremity. In the curlew, woodcock, and snipe, there are three pairs of nerves, equal almost to the optic nerve in thickness, which pass first along the roof of the mouth, and then along the upper chap, down to the point of the bill, long as the bill is. [PI. XXIII. fig. 1.] But to return to the train of our observations. — The sim- ilitude between the bills of birds and the mouths of quad- rupeds, is exactly such as, for the sake of the argument, might be wished for. It is near enough to show the con- tinuation of the same plan; it is remote enough to exclude the supposition of the difference being produced by action or use. A more prominent contour, or a wider gape might be resolved into the effect of continued efforts, on the part of the species, to thrust out the mouth, or open it to the stretch. But by what course of action, or exercise, or en- deavour, shall we get rid of the lips, the gums, the teeth ; and acquire, in the place of them, pincers of horn? By what habit shall we so completely change, not only the shape of the part, but the substance of which it is compos- ed? The truth is, if we had seen no other than the months of quadrupeds, we should have thought no other could have been formed: little could we have supposed, that all the purposes of a m^uth furnished with lips, and armed with * There is a remarkable contrivance of this kind in the genus halcpna, or proper whale. Numerous parallel plates of the substance called whalebone, cover the palatine surface of the uper jaw, and descend ver- tically into the mouth; the lower edges are fringed by long fibres, whicr^ serve the vinimal, when taking in the water, to retain the rnofiuscse, with whi h the water abounds, and which constitute its food . — Paxton 130 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. leeth, could be answered by an instrument which had none of these; c( uld be supplied, and that with many additional advantages, by the hardness, and sharpness, and figure of the bills of birds. JEverything about the animal mouih is mechanical. The teeth of fish have their points turned backward, like the teeth of a wool or cotton card. The teeth of lobsters work one against another, like the sides of a pair of shears. In many insects, the mouth is converted into a pump or sucker, fitted at the end sometimes with a wimble, sometimes with a forceps; by which double provisions, viz. of the tube and the penetrating form of the point, the insect first bores through the integuments of its prey, and thejn extracts the juices. And, what is most extraordinary of all, one sort of mouth, as the occasion requires, shall be changed into an- other sort. The caterpillar could not live without teeth; in several species, the butterfly formed from it could not use them. The old teeth therefore, are cast off with the exuviae of the grub ; a new and totally different apparatus as- sumes their place in the fly. Amid these novelties of form, we sometimes forget that it is, all the while, the animal's mouih; that, whether it be lips, or teeth, or bill, or beak, or shears, or pump, it is the same part diversified: and it is also remarkable, that, under all the varieties of configura- tion with which we are acquainted, and which are very great, the organs of taste and smelling are situated near each other. III. To the mouth adjoins the gullet: in this part also, comparative anatomy discovers a difference of structure, adapted to the different necessities of the animal. In brutes, because the posture of their neck conduces little to the passage of the aliment, the fibres of the gullet, which act in this business, run in two close spiral lines, crossing each other: in men these fibres run only a little obliquely from the upper end of the oesophagus to the stomach, into which, by a gentle contraction, they easily transmit the descending morsels; that is to say, for the more laborious deglutition of animals, which thrust their food up instead of doivn, and also through a longer passage, a proportion- ably more powerful apparatus of muscles is provided; more powerful, rot merely by the strength of the fibres, which might be attributed to the greater exercise of their force, but in their collocation, which is a dctcruiinate circum- stance, and must have been original. JV. The gullet leads to the i)iicsfi)u\s ; here, likewise, as before, comparing quadrupeds with man, under a gene- COMPARATIVE ..NAPOMY. .31 ral simili.ude we meet with appropriate difTerences. The valvulce conniventes, or, as they are by some called, the semilunar valves, found in the human intestine, are want- ing in that of brutes. These are wrinkles or plaits of the innermost coat of the guts, the effect of which is, to retard the progress of the food through the alimentary canal. It is easy to understand how much more necessary such a provision may be to the body of an animal of an erect pos- ture, and in which, consequently, the weight of the food IS added to the action of the intestine, than in that of a quadruped, in which the course of the food, from its en- trance to its exit, is nearly horizontal: but it is impossible to assign any cause, except the final cause, for this distinc- tion actually taking place.* [PI. XXIII. fig. 2.] So far as depends upon the action of the part, this structure was more to be expected in a quadruped than in a man. In truth, it must in both have been formed, not by action, but in direct opposition to action, and to pressure ; but the op- position which would arise from pressure, is greater in the upright trunk than in any other. That theory therefore is pointedly contradicted by the example before us. The structure is found where its generation, according to the method by which the theorist would have it generated, is the most difficult; bilt (observe) it is found where its effect is most useful. The different length of the intestines in carnivorous and herbivorous animals, has been noticed on a former occasion. The shortest, I believe, is that of some birds of prey, in which the intestinal canal is little more than a straight pas- sage from the mouth to the vent. The longest is in the deer kind. The intestines of a Canadian stag, four feet high, measured ninety-six feet.| The intestines of a sheep, unravelled, measures thirty times the length of the body The intestines of a wild cat is only three times the length of the body. Universally, where the subst^ce upon which the animal feeds is of slow concoction, or yields its chyle It may be questioned, whether these extremely soft rugae cr folds of the villous coat of the intestine can in the least retard the passage of the food through its canal ; nor does the erect attitude of man require them ; for since there are as many of the convolutions of the intestines ascending as there are descending, the weight of the food can have no influence in the action of the intestine: it is certain, however, that this arrangement of the internal coat, affords a moi'e extenswe surface for the lacteals and secreting vessels ; and this appears to be the real use of the valvulce conniventes. — Paxton, i Mem. of Acad. Paris, 1701, p. 170 132 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. With lAore difficulty, there the passage is circuitous and dilatory, that time and space may be allowed for the change and the absorption which are necessary. Where the food ^is soon dissolved, or already half assimilated, an unneces- sary, or perhaps hurtful, detention is avoided, by giving to it a shorter and a readier route. V. In comparing the hones of different animals, we are struck, in the bones of birds, with a propriety, which could only proceed from the wisdom of an intelligent and design- ing Creator. In the bones of an animal which is to fly, the two qualities required are strength anc lightness. Where- in, therefore, do the bones of birds (I speak of the cylindri- cal bones) differ in these respects from the bones of quad- rupeds ? In three properties; first, their cavities are much larger in proportion to the weight of the bone than in those of quadrupeds; secondly, these cavities are empty; thirdly, the shell is of a firmer texture than the substance of other bones. It is easy to observe those particulars, even in picking the wing or leg of a chicken. Now, the weight being the same, the diameter, it is evident, will be greater in a hollow bone than in a solid one, and with the diame- ter, as every mathematician can prove, is increased, cceteiis paribus, the strength of the cylinder, or its resistance to breaking. In a w’ord, a bone of the same weight would not have been so strong in any other form; and to have made it heavier, would have incommoded the animal’s flight. Yet this form could not be acquired by use, or the bone become hollow and tubular by exercise. What appe- tency could excavate a bone.^ VI. The lungs also of birds, as compared with the lungs of quadrupeds, contain in them a provision, distinguishingly calculated for this same purpose of levitation; namely, a communication (not found in other kinds of animals) be- tween the air-vessels of the lungs and the cavities of the body; so that by the intromission of air from one to the other (at the will, as it should seem, of fie animal,) its body can be occasionally puffed out, and its tendency to descend in the air, or its specific gravity, made less. The bodies of birds are blown up from their lungs (which no other ani- mal bodies are,) and thus rendered buoyant. VII. All birds are oviparous. This likewise carries on the work of gestation with as little increase as possible of the weight of the body. A gravid uterus would have been a troublesome burden to a bird in its flight. The ad- vantage, in this respect, of an oviparous procreation is, that whilst the whole brood are hatched together, the eggs are COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 133 excluded singly, and at considerable intervals. Ten, fif- teen, or twenty young birds may be produced in one cletch or covey, yet the parent bird have never been encum- bered by the load of more than one full-^rown egg at one time. VIII. A principal topic of comparison between animals, is in their instruments of motion. These come before us under three divisions; feet, wings, and fins. I desire any man to sa} ^ which of the three is best fitted for its use; or whether the same consummate art be not conspicuous in them all. The constitution of the elements in which the motion is to be performed, is very different. The animal action must necessarily follow that constitution. The Creator, therefore, if we might so speak, had to prepare for difierent situations, for different difficulties ; yet the purpose is accomplished not less successfully in one case than in the otner; and, as between wings and the corresponding limbs of quadrupeds, it is accomplished without deserting the general idea. The idea is modified, not deserted. Strip a wing of its feathers, and it bears no obscure resemblance to the fore leg of a quadruped. The articulations at the shoulder and the cubitus are much alike; and, what is a closer circumstance, in both cases the upper part of the limb consists of a single bone, the lower part of two. But, fitted up with its furniture of feathers and quills, it becomes a wonderful instrument, more artificial than its first appearance indicsites, though that be very striking: at least, the use which the bird makes of its wings in flying is more complicated, and more curious, than is generally known. One thing is certain, that if the flapping of the wings in flight were no more than the reciprocal motion of the same surface in opposite directions, either upwards and downwards, or estimated in any oblique line, the bird would lose as much by one motion as she gained by another. The skylark could never ascend by such an action as this ; for, though the stroke upon the air by the underside of her wing would carry her up, the stroke from the upper side, when she raised her wing again, would bring her down. In order, therefore, to account for the advantage which the bird derives from her wing, it is necessary to suppose that the surface of the wing, measured upon the same plane, is contracted whilst the wing is drawn up; and let out to its full expansion, when it descends upon the air for the pur- pose of moving the body by the reaction of that element. Now, the form and structure of the wing, its external con- vexity, the disposition, and particularly the overlapping, M 134 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. of its larger feathers, the action of the muscles, ^ and oints of the pinions, are all adapted to this alternate adjustment of its shape and dimensions. Such a twist, for instance, or semirotatory motion, is given tg the great feathers of the wing, that they strike the air with their flat side, but rise from the stroke slantwise. The turning of the oar in row- ing whilst the rower advances his hand for a new stroke, is a similar operation to that of the feather, and takes its name from the resemblance. I believe that this faculty is not found in the great feathers of the tail. This is the place also for observing, that the pinions are so set up- on the body, as to bring down the wings, not vertically, but in a direction obliquely tending towards the tail; which motion, by virtue of the common resolution of forces, does two things at the same time ; supports the body in the air, and carries it forward. The steerage of a bird in its flight is effected partly by the wing^^ *yut in a principal degree by the tail. And herein we meet with a circumstance not a little remarka- ble. Birds with long legs have short tails, and in their flight place their legs close to their bodies, at the same time stretching them out backwards as far as they can. [n this position the legs extend beyond the rump, and be- come the rudder; supplying that steerage which the tail could not. From the win^s of birds, the transition is easy to the jins of fish. They are both, to their respective tribes, the instruments of their motion; but in the work which they have to do, there is a considerable difference, founded on this circumstance. Fish, unlike birds, have very nearly the same specific gravity with the element in which they move.' In the case of fish, therefore, there is little or no weight to bear up; what is wanted, is only an impulse suffi- cient to carry the body through a resisting medium, or to maintain the posture, or to support or restore the balance of the body, which is always the most unsteady where (here is no weight to sink it. For these offices the fins are as large as necessary, though much smaller than wings, * There are three powerful muscles (the fleshy part of the breast) called pectoral muscles, which, with other smaller on the bones of the wing which are analogous to the arm, press with vigor on the air, the elasticity of which gives support. “ And it is remarkable that the gene- ral resemblance which the best form of windmill sails bears to the fea- thers of the vviogs of birds is striking, and one of those beautiful instance# of truly mathematical principles om which the works of creation are con structed. * ’ — Paxton, COMPARATIVE ANx POMY. 135 their action mechanical, their position, and the muscles by which they are moved, in the highest degree convenient The following short account of some experiments upon fish, made for the purpose of ascertaining the use^of their fins, will be the best confirmation of what we assert. In most fish, beside the great fin, the tail, we find two pair of fins upon the sides, two single fins upon the back, and one upon the belly, or rather between the belly and the tail. The bal- ancing use of these organs is proved in this manner. Of the large-headed fish, if you cut off the pectoral fins, i. e. the pair which lies close behind the gills, the head falls prone to the bottom; if the right pectoral fin only be cut off, the fish leans to that side; if the ventral fin on the same side be cut away, then it loses its equilibrium entire- ly; if the dorsal and ventral fins be cut off, the fish reels to the right and left. When the fish dies, that is, when the fins cease to play, 'the belly turns upwards. The use of the same parts for motion is seen in the following obser- vation upon them when put in action. The pectoral, and particularly the ventral fins, serve to raise and depress the fish: when the fish desires to have a 7'eiro grade motion, a stroke forward with the pectoral fin effectually produces it; if the fish desire to tmm either way, a single blow with the tail the opposite way, sends it round at once: if the tail strike both ways, the motion produced by the double lash is progressive, and enables the fish to dart forwards with an astonishing velocity.* The result is not only in some cases the most rapid, but in all cases the most ger- tle, pliant, easy animal motion with which we are acquain. ed. However, when the tail is cut off, the fish loses a motion, and gives itself up to where the water impels it The rest of the fins, therefore, so far as respects motion seem to be merely subsidiary to this. In their mechanical use, the anal fin may be reckoned the keel; the ventral fins, out-riggers; the pectoral muscles, the oars: and if there be any similitude between these parts of a boat and a fish, observe, that it is not the resemblance of imitation, bat the likeness which arises from applying similar me- chanical means to the same purpose. We have seen that the tail in the fish is the great in- strument of motion. Now, in cetaceous or warm-blooded ’^Goldsmith’s History of Animated Nature, vol. iv. p. 154. The velocity with which fish swim from one part of the globe to another is astonishing; when a ship is sailing at the rate of fourteen miles an hour, the porpoises will pass it with as much ease as when at anchor. Paxton. 136 COMPAR.VTIVE ANATOMY fish, which are obliged to rise every two or three minutes to the surface to take breath, the tail, unlike what it is in other fish, is horizontal; its stroke consequently perpen dicular to the horizon, which is the right direction foi sending the fish to the top, or carrying it down to the bot« tom. Regarding animals in their instruments of motion we have only followed the comparison through the first great division of animals into beasts, birds, and fish. If it were our intention to pursue the consideration farther, I should take in that generic distinction amongst birds, the weh^ foot of water-fowl. It is an instance which may be point- ed out to a child. The utility of the web to water-fowl, the inutility to land-fowl, are so obvious, that it seems im- possible to notice the difference without acknowledging the design. I am at a loss to know, how those who deny the agency of an intelligent Creator, dispose of this exam- ple. There is nothing in the action of swimming, as car- ried on by a bird upon the surface of the water, that should generate a membrane between the toes. As to that mem- brane, it is an exercise of constant resistance. The only supposition I can think of is, jhat all birds have been orig- inally water-fowl, and web-footed; that sparrows, hawks, linnets, &c. which frequent the land, have, in process of time, and in the course of many generations, had this part worn away by treading upon hard ground. To such evasive assumptions must atheism always have recourse! and, after all, it confesses that the structure of the feet of birds, in their original form, was critically adapted to their original destination! The web-feet of amphibious quadrupeds, seals, otters. Sic. fall under the same obser- vation. IX. The Jive senses are common to most large ani- mals: nor have we much difference to remark in their con- stitution; or much, however, which is referable to mech- anism. The superior sagacity of animals which hunt their prey, and which, consequently, depend for their livelihood upon their nose, is well known in its use; but not at all known in the organization which produces it. The external ears of beasts of prey, of lions, tigers, wolves, have their trumpet part, or concavity, standing for- wards, to seize the sounds which are before them, viz. the sounds of the animals which they pursue or watch. The ears of animals of flight are turned backward, to give no- tice of the approach of their enemy from behind, whence PECULIAR ORGANIZATIONS 137 he miy steal upon them unseen. This is a critical distinc- tion; and is mechanical: but it may be suggested, and 1 think not without probability, that it is the efiect of con tinned habit. The eyes of animals which follow their prey by nighty as cats, owls, &c. possess a faculty not given to those or other species, namely, of closing the pupil entwely. The final cause of which seems to be this: — It was necessary for such animals to be able to descry objects with very small degrees of light. This capacity depended upon the superior sensibility of the retina; that is, upon its being affected by the most feeble impulses. But that tenderness of structure, which rendered the membrane thus exquisite- ly sensible, rendered it also liable to be offended by the access of stronger degrees of light. The contractile range, therefore, of the pupil is increased in these animals, so as to enable them to close the aperture entirely: which in- cludes the power of diminishing it in every degree ; where- by at all times such portions, and only such portions of light are admitted, as may be received without injury to .he sense. There appears to be also in the figure, and in some prop- erties of the pupil of the eye, an appropriate relation to the wants of different animals. In horses, oxen, goats, sheep, the pupil of the eye is elliptical; the transverse axis being horizontal; by which structure, although the eye be placed on the side of the head, the anterior elon- gation of the pupil catches the forward rays, or those which come from objects immediately in front of the ani- mal's face CHAPTER XIII. PECULIAR ORGANIZATIONS. I BELIEVE that all the instances which I shall collect under this title, might, consistently enough with technical language, have been placed under the head of Comparative Jinatomy. But there appears to me an impropriety in the use which that term hath obtained: it being, in some sort, absurd to call that a case of Comparative Anatomy, in which there is mthing to ‘‘compare;" in which a confer mat’or is found in one animal, which hath nothing proper- M 138 PECULIAR ORGANIZATIONS. ly answerirg to it in another.* Of this kind are the exam- ples which 1 have to propose in the present chapter: and tlie reader will see that, though some of them be the strong- est, perhaps, he will meet with under any division of our subject, they must necessarily be of an unconnected and miscellaneous nature. To dispose them, however, into some sort of order, we will notice first, particularities of structure which belong to quadrupeds, birds, and fish, as such, or to many of the kinds included in these classes of animals; and then, such particularities as are confined to one or two species. I. Along each side of the neck of large quadrupeds, rans a stiff, robust ligament, which butchers call the pax wax. No person can carve the upper end of a crop of beef without driving his knife against it. It is a tough, strong, tendinous substance, braced from the head to the middle of the back; its office is to assist in supporting the weight of the head. It is a mechanical provision, of which this is the undisputed use; and it is sufficient, and not more than sufficient, for the purpose which it has to exe- cute. The head of an ox or a horse is a heavy weight, acting at the end of along lever, (consequently with a great purchase,) and in a direction nearly perpendicular to the joints of the supporting neck. From such a force, so ad- vantageously applied, the bones of the neck would be in constant danger of dislocation, if they were not fortified by this strong tape. No such organ is found in the hu- man subject, because, from the erect position of the head, (the pressure of it acting nearly in the direction of the spine,) the junction of the vertebrae appears to be sufficient- ly secure without it. This cautionary expedient, therefore, is limited to quadrupeds: the care of the Creator is seen where it is wanted. *The objection here made to the use of the term, Comparative Anato- my, does not seem well founded. As commonly employed, it is intended to designate the anatomy of animals compared with that of men and of one another. It is only by comparison that the use of parts can be dis- oov^cred. Generally, conformations found in one animal have something corresponding to them in other animals; but even where this is not the case, a comparison is not the less necessary to discover the use of the conformation. Thus, particularly, in the first instance mentioned by the author, he points out the function of the pax wax by the very process which he affirms cannot have place. It is by comparing the neck of large quadrupeds in which this provision is found, with that of man in which it is not found, and by comparing the position maintained by man with that maintaincil hy quadrupeds, that he illustrates the object for which this nrovisic i is made. — Kd. PECULIAR ORGANIZATIONS. 139 II. The oil with whicli birds prune their feathers, and the organ which supplies it, is a specific provision for the winged creation. On each side of the rump of birds is ob- served a small nipple, yielding upon pressure a butter-like substance, which the bird extracts by pinching the pap with its bill. With this oil, or ointment, thus procured, the bird dresses its coat; and repeats the action as often as its own sensations teach it that it is in any part wanted, or as the ex- cretion may be sufficient for the expense. The gland, the pap, the nature and quality of the excreted substance, the manner of obtaining it from its lodgment in the body, the application of it when obtained, form, collectively, an evi- dence of intention which it is not easy to withstand. Noth- ing similar to it is found in unfeathered animals. What blind conrtto of nature should produce it in birds should not produce it in beasts.^ III. The air-bladder also of a fish, [PI. XXTII. fig. 3,] af- fords a plain and direct instance, not only of contrivance, but strictly of that species of contrivance which we denom- inate mechanical. It is a philosophical apparatus in the body of an animal. The principle of the contrivance is clear ; the application of the principle is also clear. The use of the or- gan to sustain, and, at will, also to elevate the body of the fish in the water, is proved by observing, what has been tried, that, when the bladder is burst, the fish grovels at the bot- tom; and also, that flounders, soles, skates, which are with- out the air-bladder, seldom rise in the water, and that, with effort. The manner in which the purpose is attained, and the suitableness of the means to the end, are not difticult to be apprehended. The rising and sinking of a fish in water, so far as it is independent of the stroke of the fins and tail, can only be regulated by the specific gravity of the body. When the bladder contained in the body of the fish, is contracted, which the fish probably possesses a muscular power of doing, the bulk of the fish is contracted along with it;«whereby, since the absolute weight remains the same, the specific gravity, which is the sinking force, is increased, and the fish descends; on the contrary, when, in consequence of the relaxation of the muscles, the elas- ticity of the enclosed and now compressed air restores the dimensions of the bladder, the tendency downwards be- comes proportionably less than it was before, or is turned into a contrary tendency. These are known properties of bodies immersed in a fluid. The enamelled figures, or little glass bubbles, in a jar of water, are made to rise and fall by thf same artifice. A diving machine might be 140 PECULIAR ORGANIZATIONS. made to ascend and descend, upon the like princ pie ; name- ly, by introducing into the inside of it an air-vessel, which hy its contraction would diminish, and by its distension en- large, the bulk of the machine itself, and thus render it specifically heavier, or specifically lighter, than the water which surrounds it. Suppose this to be done, and the ar- tist to solicit a patent for his invention: the inspectors of the model, whatever they might think of the use or value of the contrivance, could, by no possibility, entertain a question in their minds, whether it were a contrivance or not. No reason has ever been assigned — no reason can be assigned, why the conclusion is not as certain in the fish as it is in the machine; why the argument is not as firm in one case as the other. It would be very worthy of inquiry, if it were possible to discover, by what method an animal, which lives constantly in water, is able to supply a repository of air. The ex pedient, whatever it be, forms part, and perhaps the most curious part, of the provision * Nothing similar to the air- bladder, is found in land-animals; and a life in the water has no natural tendency to produce a bag of air. Nothing can be farther from an acquired organization than this is. These examples mark the attention of the Creator to the three great kingdoms of his animal creation, and to their constitution as such. — The example which stands next in point of generality, belonging to a large tribe of animals, or rather to various species of that tribe, is the poisonous tooth of serpents. I. The fang cf a viper is a clear and curious example of mechanical contrivance. [PI. XXIII. fig. 4, 5.] It is a perforated tooth, loose at the root: in its quiet state, lying down flat upon the jaw, but furnished with a muscle, which with a jerk, and by the pluck as it were of a string, sud- denly erects it. Under the tooth, close to its root, and communicating with the perforation, lies a small bag con- taining the venom. When the fang is raised, the closing of the jaw presses its root against the bag underneath, and the * Much obscurity still exists concerning the exact purpose which the air-bag is intended to perform. 13ut with regard to the manner in which it is supplied with air, there seems no reason to doubt that it is effected by a secretion from the blood. It is an established fact in physiology, that many of the internal surfaces of the body have the power of producing gases in this way. In the air-bag of many fishes a very vascular organ is found which has been called the air-gland; and in some species vessels have been discovered conveying the air from this gland into the cavity of the bag. Even where this gland does not exist, it is probable that the in- leriial surface of ths oag may perform the snr-ne office. — Ed. PECULIAR ORGANIZATIONS. 141 force of this compression sends out the fluid with a con siderable impetus through the tube in the middle of the tooth. What more unequivocal, or effectual apparatus could be devised, for the double purpose of at once inflic- ting .he wound and injecting the poison? Yet, though lodged in the mouth, it is so constituted, as, in its inoffen- sive and quiescent state, not to interfere with the animafs ordinary office of receiving its food. It has been observed also, that none of the harmless serpents, the black snake, the blind worm, 8tc. have these fangs, but teeth of an equal size; not movable, as this is, but fixed into the jaw. II. In being the property of several different species, the preceding example is resembled by that which I shall next mention, which is the hag of the opossum. [PI. XXI Y. fig. 1 , 2, 3.] This is a mechanical contrivance, most proper- ly so called. The simplicity of the expedient renders the contrivance more obvious than many others, and by no means less certain. A false skin under the belly of the animal forms a pouch, into which the young litter are re- ceived at their birth; where they have an easy and constant access to the teats; in which they are transported by the dam from place to place; where they are at liberty to run in and out; and where they find a refuge from surprise and danger. It is their cradle, their conveyance, and their asylum. Can the use of this structure be doubted of ? Nor is it a mere doubling of the skin; but it is a new organ, furnished with bones and muscles of its own. Two bones are placed before the os pubis, and joined to that bone as their base. These support, and give a fixture to, the mus- cles, which serve to open the bag. To these muscles there are antagonists, which serve in the same manner to shut it; and this office they perform so exactly, that, in the living animal, the opening can scarcely be discerned, except when the sides are forcibly drawn asunder.* Is there any action in this part of the animal, any process arising from that action, by which these members could be formed? Any account to be given of the formation, except design? j Goldsmith’s Nat. Hist. vol. iv. p. 244. t There is a very considerable number of animals possessed of the same structure which is here described as existing in the opossum, to which the attention of naturalists has been more particularly called since the first pub lication of this work. The animals of this kind are called marsupial, from the pouch or niarsupiuni which distinguishes them. This provision also has a relation to circumstances in the reproduction of these animals to which Dr. Paley has not referred. He appears merely to regard it as a place of refuge and deposit for the young; somewhat in the same way as tha wings of a hfin are for its brood. The fact is that the young ot theso 42 PECULIAR 0 -IGANIZATIONS. in. As a particularity, yet appertaining to more species than one, and also as strictly mechanical; we may notice a circumstance in the structure of the claws of certain birds. The middle claw of the heron and cormorant, is toothed and notched like a saw. [PI. XXV. fig. 1.] These birds are great fishers, and these notches assist them in holding fieir slippery prey. The use is evident; but the structure such as cannot at all be accounted for by the effort of the animal, or the exercise of the part. Some other fishing birds have these notches in their billsp and for the same purpose. The gannet, or Soland goose, nas the edges of its bill irregularly jagged, that it may hold its prey the faster. [PI. XXV. fig. 2.] Nor can the struc- ture in this, more than in the former case, arise from the manner of employing the part. The smooth surfaces, and soft flesh of fish, were less likely to notch the bills of animals are born prematurely, and in a very imperfect and unformed state; and the pouch of the parent seems properly intended for a residence during the completion of the process of developement. The kangaroo is an in- stance of this kind. When full grown it is six feet in extreme length, and weighs an hundred and fifty pounds. W^hen born it is only one inch in length, and weighs but twenty grains. The fore legs are scarcely dis- tinguishable, and the hind ones, which in the adult state form half the length of the body, are marked only by slight projections at the parts where they are afterwards to grow. In fact the kangaroo at birth is as imperfectly formed as the young of any other annnal would be when but a quarter part of the proper period of its growth within its parent had elapsed. It is remarkable that it has never yet been ascertained whether these little embryos are conveyed by the parent animal, or whether they find their own way, into the pouch. Having scarce the exercise of any of the senses, and being without limbs, it seems almost impossible they should make their way there by their own exertions. However this may be, they are found in the pouch closely attached, and as it were glued to the nipples, by the mouth or rather by that aperture which afterwards be- comes a mouth. Here they remain, never quitting their hold, until a sufficient p3riod has elapsed for their growth to be completed, and they have thus arrived in regard to form and structure upon an equality with other animals at the usual period of birth. W hen this is accomplished, they undergo, as it were, a second birth, and emerge from the pouch: but return occasionally for the purpose of feeding, and for that of protec- tion from danger. No marsupial animal was known before the discovery of America, of which the opossum is a native; and this animal was at first almost regar- ded as a sort of exception to the laws of nature; since the discovery of New Holland, however, and the investigation of its natural history, it has been found that the marsupial animals, so far from forming an excep- tion to :he general construction of animals on that continent, constitute the prevailing model. With a very few exceptions, all the native animaia •)f New HoU\a : are of the niarsup iil tribe. — PECULIAR ORGANIZATIONS. 143 birds, than the hard bodies upon *vhich many other species feed. We now come to particularities strictly so called, as be- ing limited to a single species of animal. Of these I shah take one from a quadruped and one from a bird. I. The sLomach of the camel is well known to retain large quantities of water, and to retain it unchanged for a considerable length of time. [PI. XX VI.] This property qualities it for living in the desert. Let us see, therefore, what is the internal organization, upon which a faculty sc rare, and so beneficial, depends. A number of distinct sacks oT bags (in a dromedary thirty of these have been counted) are observed to lie between the membranes of the second stomach, and to open into the stomach near the top by small square apertures. Through these ori- fices, after the stomach is full, the annexed bags are fillec from it; and the water so deposited is, in the first place, not liable to pass into the intestines; in the second place, is kept separate from the solid aliment ; and, in the third place, is out of the reach of the digestive action of the stomach, or of mixture with the gastric juice. It appears probable, or rather certain, that the animal, by the conformation of its muscles, possesses the power of squeezing back this water from the adjacent bags into the stomach, whenever thirst excites it to put this power in action. II. Th^, tongue of the woodpecker^ is one of those singu- larities, which nature presents us with when a singular, purpose is to be answered. [PI. XXVII. fig. 1 and 2.] It is a particular instrument for a particular use: and what else but design, ever produces such? The woodpecker lives chiefly upon insects, lodged in the bodies of decayed or de- caying trees. For the purpose of boring into the wood, it is furnished with a bill, straight, hard, angular, and sharp. When, by means of this piercer, it has reached the cells of the insects, then comes the office of its tongue; which tongue is, first, of such a length that the bird can dart it out three or four inches from the bill, — in this respect dif- fering greatly from every other species of bird; in the sec- ond place, it is tipped with a stiff, sharp, bony thorn; and m the third place, (which appears to me the most remark- able property of all,) this tip is dentated on both sides, like the beard of an arrow or the barb of a hook. The descrip- tion of the part declares its uses. The bird having expos- ed the retreats of the insects by the assistance of its bill, with a motion inconceivably quick, launches out at them this long tongue, transfixes them upon the barbed needle at 144 PECULIAR ORGANIZATIONS. the end of it, and thus draws its prey within its mouth If this be not mechanism, what is? Should it be said, that, by continual endeavours to shoot out the tongue to the stretch, the woodpecker species may by degrees have lengthened the organ itself beyond that of other birds, what account can be given of its form, of its*tip? How, in particular, did it get its barb, its dentation? These barbs, in my opinion, wherever they occur, are decisive proofs r. mechanical contrivance. III. I shall add one more example, for the sake of its novelty. It is always an agreeable discovery, when, having remarked in an animal an extraordinary structure, we come at length to find out an unexpected use for it. The follow- ing narrative, which Goldsmith has taken fromBuflbn, fur- nishes an instance of this kind. The babyrouessa, or In- dian hog, a species of wild boar, found in the East Indies, has two bent teeth, more than half a yard long, growing upwards, and (which is the singularity) from the upper jaw. [PI. XXVII. fig. 4.] These instruments are not wanted lor offence; that service being provided for by two tusks is- suing from the upper jaw, and resembling those of the com- mon boar; nor does the animal use them for defence. They might seem therefore to be both a superfluity and an encumbrance. But observe the event: the animal hitches one of these bent upper teeth upon the branch of a tree, and vhen suffers its whole body to swing from it. This is its manner of taking repose, and of consulting for its safety. It continues the whole night suspended by its tooth, both easy in its posture, and secure; being out of the reach of animals which hunt it for prey.* I * Goldsmith’s Natural History, vol. iii. p. 195. t There does not seem to be any sufficient authority for ascribing thja use to the tusks of this animal. Indeed one does not readily see how it could in the way described swing itself clear of its enemies, except by first climbing the tree; which is not pretended. The fact is doubted, it is be- lieved, by many naturalists, and the opinion probably was in the first placo founded upon mere conjecture. A modern and distinguished traveller has these remarks upon the subject. “ Philosophers had long puzzled them- selves in conjectures what the design of nature could be, as she does no- thing without design, in giving to this animal a pair of large, curved tusks, pointing inwards to the face in such a manner as made it sufficiently clear they could not be used either for attack or defence, for procuring food, or for assisting the mastication of it when procured. At length it occurred, or was discovered, by whom I do not recollect, that the animal is fond ol sleeping in a standing' posture, and, that liaving a large, ponderous head, it finds a conveniency in hanging it upon the branch of a tree or shrub within the reach of its tusks, which serve on such occasions for hooks. This is at least an ingenious discovery, and may be lru»^ but if so the PROSPECTIVE CONTRIVANCES. 145 CHAPTER XIV. PROSPECTIVE CONTRIVANCES. I CAN hardly imagine to myself a more distinguishing mark, and consequently a more certain proof of design, than •preparation^ i. e. the providing of things beforehand which are not to be used until a considerable time afterwards: for this implies a contemplation of the future, which belongs only to intelligence. Of these prospective contrivances, the bodies of animals furnish various examples. I. The human teeth afford an instance, not only of pros- pective contrivance, but of the completion of the contrivance being designedly suspended. [PI. XXVIII. fig. 1 and 2.] They are formed within the gums, and there they stop; the fact being, that their farther advance to maturity would not only be useless to the new-born animal, but extremely in its way ; as it is evident that the act sucking, by which it is for sometime to be nourished, will be performed with more ease both to the nurse and to the infant, whilst the inside of the mouth, and edges of the gums, are smooth and soft, than if set with hard pointed bones. By the time they are wanted, the teeth are ready. They have been lodged within the gums for some months past, but detained as it were in their sockets, so long as their farther protrusion would in- terfere with the office to which the mouth is destined. Na- ture, namely, that intelligence which was employed in cre- ation, looked beyond the first year of the infant’s life ; yet, whilst she was providing for functions which were after that term to become necessary, was careful not to incom- mode those which preceded them. What renders it more probable that this is the effect of design, is, that the teeth are imperfect, whilst all other parts of the mouth are perfect. The lips are perfect, the tongue is perfect; the habits of the animal must vary according to local circumstances. The same species, or one so like it that the difference is not distinguisnablo by any description or drawing that I have seen, is common among the rocks on the deserts of Southern Africa, where, within the distance cf a hundred miles, there is neither tree nor shi*ub, except a few stunted heaths or shrivelled everlastings, thinly scattered over the barren surface. In such situations, where I have hunted and taken them, it would certain- ly be no easy matter for the babyrouessa to find a peg to ?4ang its head npon.” — Bar?'ow^s Voyage to Cochin-China , — Ed 146 PROSPECTIVE CONTRIVANCES, jaws, the palate, the pharynx, the larynx, are all perfect the teeth alone are not so. This is the fact with respect to the human mouth: the fact also is, that the parts above enumerated are called into use from the beginn ng ; whereas the teeth would be only so many obstacles and annoyances, if they were there. When a contrary order is necessary, a contrary order prevails. In the worm of the beetle, as hatched from the egg, the teeth are the first things which arrive at perfection. The insect begins to gnaw as soon as it escapes from the shell, though its other parts be only gradually advancing to their maturity. What has been'observed of the teeth, is true of the horns of animals, and for the same reason. The horn of a calf or a lamb does not bud, or at least does not sprout to any considerable length, until the animal be capable of brows- ing upon its pasture; because such a substance upon the forehead of the young animal, would very much incommode the teat of the dam in the office of giving suck. But in the case of the teeth, of the human teeth at least, the prospective contrivance looks still farther. A succession of crops is provided, and provided from the beginning; a second tier being originally formed beneath the first, which do not come into use till several years afterwards. And this double or suppletory provision meets a difficulty in the mechanism of the mouth, which would have appeared almost insurmountable. The expansion of the jaw (the consequence of the proportionable growth of the animal, and of its skull,) necessarily separates the teeth of the first set, however compactly disposed, to a distance from one another, which would be very inconvenient. In due, time, therefore, i, e. when the jaw has attained a great part of its dimensions, a new set of teeth springs up (loosening and pushing out the old ones before them,) more exactly fitted to the space which they are to occupy, and rising also in such close ranks, as to allow for any extension of line which the subsequent enlargement of the head may occasion. II It is not very easy to conceive a more evidently prospective contrivance than that which, in all viviparous animals, is found in the milk of the female parent. At the moment the young animal enters the world, there is its maintenance ready for it. The particulars to be remarked in this economy are neither few nor slight. We have, first, the nutritious quality of the fluid, unlike, in this respect every other excretion of the body; and in which nature riitherto remains unimitated, neither cookery nor chemistry PROSPECTIVE CONTRIVANCES. 147 having been able to make milk out of grass, we have, secondly, the organ for its reception and retention ; we have, thirdly, the excretory duct, annexed to it; and we have, lastly, the determination of the milk to the breast, at the particular juncture when it is about to be wanted. We have all these properties in the subject before us; and they are all indications of design. The last circumstance is the strongest of any. If I had been to guess beforehand, I should have conjectured, that at the time when there was an extraordinary demand for nourishment in one part of the system, there would be the least likelihood of a re- dundancy to supply another part. The advanced preg- nancy of the female has no intelligible tendency to fill the breast with milk. The lacteal system is a constant won- der; and it adds to other causes of our admiration, that the number of the teats and paps in each species is found to bear a proportion to the number of the young. In the sow, the bitch, the rabbit, the cat, the ^at, which have numerous litters, the paps are numerous, a id are disposed along the whole length of the belly: in the cow and mare they are few. The most simple account of this, is to re- fer it to a designing Creator. But, in the argument before us, we are entitled to con- sider not only animal bodies when framed, but the circum- stances under which they are framed: and in this view of the subject, the constitution of many of their parts is most strictly prospective. III. The eye is of no use at the time when it is formed. It is an optical instrument made in a dungeon; construct- ed for the refraction of light to a focus, and perfect for its purpose, before a ray of light has had access to it; geo metrically adapted to the properties and action of an ele- ment with which it has no communication. It is about indeed to enter into that communication; and this is pre- cisely the thing which evidences intention. It is pr'ovid- ing for the future in the closest sense which can be given to these terms; for it is providing for a future change, not for the then subsisting condition of the animal, not for any gradual progress or advance in that same condition, but for a new state, the consequence of a great and sudden alteration, which the animal is to undergo at its birth. Is it to be believed that the eye was formed, or, which is the same thing, that the series of causes was fixed by which the eye is formed, without a view to this change; without a prospect of that condition, in which its fabric, of no use at present, is about to be of the greatest; without a con- 148 PROSPECTIVE CONTRIVANCES. sideration of the qualities of that element, hitherto \y excluded, but with which it was hereafter to hold so in- timate a relation? A young man makes a pair of specta- cles for himself against he grows old; for which spectacles he has no want or use whatever at the time he makes them. Could this be done without knowing and considering the defect of vision to which advanced age is subject? Would not the precise suitableness of the instrument to its purpose, of the remedy to the defect, of the convex lens to the flattened eye, establish the certainty of the conclu- sion, that the case, afterwards to arise, had been consider- ed beforehand, speculated upon, provided for? all which are exclusively the acts of a reasoning mind. The eye formed in one state, for use only in another state, and in a different state, affords a proof no less clear of destination to a future purpose, and a proof proportionably stionger, as the machinery is more complicated, and the adaptation more exact. IV. What has been said of the eye, holds equally true of the lungs. Composed of air-vessels, where there is no air; elaborately constructed for the alternate admission and expulsion of an elastic fluid, where no such fluid exists; this great organ, with the whole apparatus belonging to it, lies collapsed in the foetal thorax, yet in order, and in read- iness for action, the first moment that the occasion requires its service. This is having a machine locked up in store for a future use; which incontestably proves, that the case was expected to occur, in which this use might be experi- enced: but expectation is the proper act of intelligence. Considering the state in which an animal exists before its birth, I should look for nothing less in its body than a sys- tem of lungs. It is like finding a pair of bellows in the bottom of the sea; of no sort of use in the situation in which they are found; formed for an action which was im- possible to be exerted; holding no relation or fitness tothe element which surrounds them, but both to another e e- meiit in another place. As part and parcel of the same plan, ought to be men- tioned, in speaking of the lungs, the provisionary contri- vances of the foramen ovale and dncfiis arteriosus. [PI. XXIX.] In the foetus, pipes are laid for the passage of the blood through the lungs; but, until the lungs be inflated by tlie ins[)f ration of air, that passage is imj)ervious, or in a great degree obstructed. A\ liat then is to be done? What would an artist, what would a master do upon the occasion? He would endeavour, most probably, to provide a iemporanf RELATIONS. 149 passage, which might carry on the communication requir- ed, until the other was open. Now this is the thing which is actually done in the heart: instead of the circuitous route through the lungs, which the blood afterwards takes before it gets from one auricle of the heprt to the other, a portion of the blood passes immediately from the right auricle to the left, through a hole placed in the partition which sepa- rates these cavities. This hole anatomists call the fora- men ovale. There is likewise another cro^s cut, answering the same purpose, by what is called the ductus arteriosus, lying between the pulmonary artery and the aorta. But both expedients are so strictly temporary, that after birth the one passage is closed, and the tube which forms the other shrivelled up into a ligament. If this be not contri- vance, what is.^ But, forasmuch as the action of the air upon the blood in the lungs appears to be necessary to the perfect concoc- th)n of that fluid, i, e. to the life and health of the animal, (otherwise the shortest rout might still be the best,) how comes it to pass that the fxtus lives, and grows, and thrives, without it.^ The answer is, that the blood of the foetus is the mother’s; that it has undergone that action in her ,iabit ; that one pair of lungs serves for both. When the animals are separated, a new necessity arises; and to meet this necessity as soon as it occurs, an organization is pre- pared. It is ready for its purpose; it only waits for the atmosphere; it begins to play the moment the air is admit- ted to it. CHAPTER XV. RELATIONS. When several different parts contribute to one effect; or, which is the same thing, when an effect is produced by the joint action of different instruments; the fitness of such parts or instruments to one another, for the purpose of producing, by their united action, the effect, is what I call relation; and wherever this is observed in the works of nature or of man, it appears to me to carry along with it decisive evidence of understanding, intention, art. In examining, for instance, the several parts of r watch, the spring, the barrel, the chain, the fusee, the balance, the wheels of various sizes, forms, and positions, what is il 150 RELATIONS. which would take an observer’s attention, as most plainl]^ evincing a construction, directed by thought, deliberation, and contrivance? It is the suitableness of these parts to one another; first, in the succession and order in which they act; and, secondly, with a view to the efxect finally produced. Thus, referring the spring to the Avheels, he sees in it that which originates and upholds ihew mo- tion; in the chain, that which transmits the motion to the fusee; in the fusee, that which communicates it lo the wheels: in the conical figure of the fusee, if he refei back again to the spring, he sees that which corrects the ine- quality of its force. Referring the wheels to one another, he notices, first, their teeth, which would have been without use or meaning, if there had been only one wheel, or if the wheels had had no connexion between themselves, or com- mon bearing upon- some joint effect; secondly, the corres- pondency of their position, so that the teeth of one wheel catch into the teeth of another ; thirdly, the proportion ob- served in the number of teeth of each wheel, which de- termines the rate of going. Referring the balance to the rest of the works, he saw, when he came to understand its action, that which rendered their motions equable. Lastly, in looking upon the index and face of the watch, he saw the use and conclusion of the mechanism, viz. marking the succession of minutes and hours; but all depending upon the motions within, all upon the system of intermediate actions between the spring and the pointer. What thus struck his attention in the several parts of the watch, he might probably designate by one general name of “rela- tion; ” and observing with respect to all cases whatever, in which the origin and formation of a thing could be as- certained by evidence, that these relations were found in things produced by art and design, and in no other thfngs, he w^ould rightly deem of them as characteristic of such productions. — To apply the reasoning here described to the w’orks of nature. The animal economy is full; is made up of these rela lions : — I. There are, first, what in one form or other belong to all animals, the parts and powers which successively act upon their food. Compare this action with the process of a manufactory. Jn men and quadrupeds, the aliment is first broken and bruised by mechanical instruments of mastication, viz. sharp spikes or hard knobs, pressing against or rubbing upon one another: thus ground and commin'jte 1, it is carried by a pipe into the stomach, where RELATIONS. 151 it waits to undergo a great chemical action, which wc call digestion: when digested, it is delivered through an orifice, which opens and shuts as there is occasion, into the first intestine; there, after being mixed with certain proper in- gredients, poured through a hole in the side of the vessel, it is farther dissolved; in this state, the milk, chyle, or part which is wanted, and which is suited for animal nour- ishment, is strained off by the mouths of very small tubr's, opening into the cavity of the intestines: thus freed from its grosser parts, the percolated fluid is carried by a long, winding, but traceable course, into the main stream of the old circulation; which conveys it, in its progress, tr> every part of the body. Now, I say again, compare this with the process of a manufactory ; with the making of cider, for ex- ample; with the bruising of the apples in the mill, the squeez- ing of them when so bruised in the press, the fermentation m the vat, the bestowing of the liquor thus fermented in the hogsheads, the drawing off into bottles, the pouring out for use into the glass. Let any one show me any difference between these two cases, as to the point of contrivance. That which is at present under our consideration, the “ re- lation” of the parts successively employed, is not more clear in the last case, than in the first. The aptness of the jaws and teeth to prepare the food for the stomach, is, at least, as manifest, as that of the cider-mill to crush the apples for the press. The concoction of the food in the stomach is as necessary for its future use, as the fermenta- tion of the stum in the vat is to the perfection of the liquor. The disposal of the aliment afterwards; the action and change which it undergoes, the route which it is made to take, in order that, and until that, it arrive at its destina- tion, is more complex indeed and intricate, but, in the midst of complication and intricacy, as evident and certain, as is the apparatus of cocks, pipes, tunnels, for transferring the cider from one vessel to another; of barrels and bottles for preserving it till fit for use, or of cups and glasses foi bringing it, when wanted, to the lip of the consumer. Thf character of the machinery is in both cases this, that om part answers to another part, and every part to the fina result. This parallel, between the alimentary operation and some of the processes of art, might be carried farther into detail. Spallanzani has remarked* a circumstantial resemblance Dctween ^he stomachs of gallinaceous fowls and the struc- * Diss. I. Sect liv. 152 RELATIONS. t^ire of corn-mills. Whilst the two sides of the gizzard per form the office of the mill-stones, the craw or crop supplies the place of the hopper. AVhen our fowls are abundantly supplied with meat they soon fill their craw: but it does not immediately pass thence into the gizzard; it always enters in very small quantities, in proportion to the progress of trituration; — in like manner as, in a mill, a receiver is fixed above the two large stones which serve for grinding the corn; which receiver, although the corn be put into it by bushels, allows the grain to dribble only in small quan- tities, into the central hole in the upper mill-stone. But we have not done with the alimentary history. There subsists a general relation between the external organs of an animal by which it procures its food, and the internal powers by which it digests it.=^ Birds of prey, by their talons and beaks, are qualified to seize and devour many species, both of other birds and of quadrupeds. The con- stitution of the stomach agrees exactly with the form of the members. The gastric juice of a bird of prey, of an owl, * This subject of the relation of parts, and the correspondence of one part of the animal structure to all the others which is here briefly spoken of by our author, has since been made, in the hands of some distinguished anatomists, of immense importance in a scientific point of view. The following extract from Afr. BelVs Treatise on Animal Aiechanics^ shows how extensively it is capable of being considered, and what inter- esting results may be drawn from it. — Kd, “ VVhat we have to state has been the result of the studies of many naturalists; but although they have labored, as it were, in their own de- partment of comparative anatomy, they have failed to seize upon it with the privilege of genius, and to handle it in the masterly manner of Cuvier. Suppose a man ignorant of anatomy to pick up a bone in an unex- plored country, he learns nothing, except that some animal has lived and died there; but the anatomist can, by that single bone, estimate, not mere- ly the size of the animal, as well as if he saw the print of its foot, but the form and joints of the skeleton, the stracture of its jaws, and teeth, the nature of its food, and its internal economy. This, to one ignorant of the subject, must appear wonderful, but it is after this manner that the anatomist proceeds; let us suppose that he has taken up that portion of bone in the limb of the quadruped which corresponds to the human wrist; and that he finds that the form of the bone does not admit of free motion in various directions, like the paw of the carnivorous creature. It is ob- vious, by the structure of the part, that the limb must have been merely for supporting the animal, and for progression, and not for seizing prey. ’I'his leads him to the fact that there were no bones resembling those of the hand and fingers, or those of the claws of the tiger; for the motions whirh that conformation of hones permits in the paw, would be useless, without the rotation of tlie wrist — he concludes that these bones were formed in one mass, like the cannon-bone, pastern-bone, and coffin-bones of the horse’s foot. *■ The uiotiou limited to flection and extension of the foot cf a hoofed RELATIONS. 153 a falcon, or a kite, acts upon the animal fibre alone; it wilj not act upon seeds or grasses at all. On the other hand the conformation of the mouth of the sheep or of the ox is suited for browsing upon herbage. Nothing about these animals is fitted for the pursuit of living prey. Accord- ingly it has been found by experiments, tried not many years ago, with perforated balls, that the gastric juice of ruminating animals, such as the sheep and the ox, speedily dissolves vegetables, but makes no impression upon animal bodies. This accordancy is still more particular. The gastric juice, even of granivorous birds, will not act upon he grain whilst whole and entire. In performing the ex- animal implies the absence of a collar-bone and a restrained motion in the shoulder-joint; and thus the naturalist, from the specimen in his hand, has got a perfect notion of all the bones of the anterior extremity! The motions of the extremities imply a condition of the spine which unites them. Each bone of the spine will have that form which per- mits the bounding of the stag, or the galloping of the horse, but it will not have that form of joining which admits the turning or writhing of the spine, as in the leopard or the tiger. “ And now he comes to the head: — the teeth of a carnivorous animal, he says, would be useless to rend prey, unless there were claws to hold it, and a mobility of the extremities like the hand, to grasp it. lie con- siders, therefore, that the teeth must have been for bruising herbs, md the back teeth for grinding. The socketing of these teeth in the jaw gives a peculiar form to these bones, and the muscles which move them are also peculiar; in short, he forms a conception of the shape of the skull. From this point he may set out anew, for by the form of the teeth, he ascertains the nature of the stomach, the length of the intestines, and all the peculiarities which mark a vegetable feeder. “ Thus the whole parts of the animal system are so connected with one another, that from one single bone or fragment of bone, be it of the jaw, or of the spine, or of the extremity, a really accurate conception of the shape, motions, and habits of the animal, may be formed. “ It will readily be understood that the same process of reasoning will ascertain, from a small portion of a skeleton, the existence of a carnivo- rous animal, or of a fowl, or of a bat, or of a lizard, or of a fish ; and what a conviction is here brought home to us, of the extent of that plan which adapts the members of every creature to its proper office, and yet exliibits a system extending through the whole range of animated beings, W’hose motions are conducted by the operation of muscles and bones! “ After all, this is but a part of the wonders disclosed through the knowledge of a thing so despised as a fragment of bone. It carries ua into another science ; since the knowledge of the skeleton not only teaches us the classification of creatures, now alive, but affords proofs of thr former existence of animated beings which are not now to be found on the surface of the earth. We are thus led to an unexpected conclusion from such premises; not merely the existence cf an individual animal, or race of animals; but even the changes which the globe itself has un- iergone in times before all existing records, and before the creation of '.i...ian beings to inhabit the earth, are opened to our contemplation.” 154 RELATIONS. perin 3nt of digestion with the gastric juice in vessels, the grain must be crushed and bruised before it be submitted to the menstruum; that is to say, must undergo by art with- out the body, the preparatory action which the gizzard ex- erts upon it within the body; or no digestion will take place. So strict, in this case, is the relation betweeen the offices assigned to the digestive organ, between the mechanical operation, and the chemical process. II. The relation of the kidneys to the bladder, and oi the ureters to both, i. e, of the secreting organ to the ves- sel receiving the secreted liquor, and the pipe laid from one to the other, for the purpose of conveying it from one to the other, is as manifest as it is amongst the different ves- sels employed in a distillery, or in the communications be- tween them. The animal structure in this case being sim- ple, and the parts easily separated, it forms an instance of correlation which may be presented by dissection to every eye, or which indeed, without dissection, is capable of be- ing apprehended by every understanding. This correla tion of instruments to one another fixes intention some- where: especially when every other solution is negatived by the conformation. If the bladder had been merely an expansion of the ureter, produced by retention of the fluid, Jiere ought to have been a bladder for each ureter. One receptacle, fed by two pipes, issuing from different sides of the body, yet from both conveying the same fluid, is not to Be accounted for by any such supposition as this. III. Relation of parts to one another accompanies us throughout the whole animal economy. Can any relation be more simple, yet more convincing, than this, that the eyes are so placed as to look in the direction in which the legs move and the hands work ? It might have happened very differently if it had been left to chance. There were at least three-quarters of the compass out of four to have erred in. Any considerable alteration in the position of the eye, or the figure of the joints, would have disturbed the line, and destroyed the alliance between the sense and the limbs. IV. But relation perhaps is never so striking, as when it subsists, not between different parts of the same thing, bit between different things. The relation between a loch: and a key is more obvious tlian it is between differ- ent parts of the lock. A bow was designed for an arrow, and an arrow for a bow: and the design is more evident for their iieing separate implements. Ncr do the works of the Deity want this clearest spe- RELATIONS. 156 cies of relation. The sexes are manifestly nade for each other They form the grand relation of animated nature; universal, organic, mechanical: subsisting like the clear- est relations of art, in different individuals; unequivocal, inexplicable without design. So much so, that were every other proof of contrivance in nature dubious or obscure, this alone would be suffi- cient. The example is complete. Nothing is wanting to the argument, I see no way whatever of getting over it. V'. The teats of animals, which give suck, bear a re- lation to the mouth of the suckling progeny; particularly to the lips and tongue. Here also, as before, is a corres- pondency of parts; which parts subsist in different indi- viduals. These are general relations, or the relations of parts which are found, either in all animals, or in large classes and descriptions of animals. Particular relations, or the relations which subsist between the particular configura- tion of one or more parts of certain species of animals, and the particular configuration of one or more other parts of the same animal, (which is the sort of relation that is perhaps most striking,) are such as the following: I. In the swan; the web foot, the spoon bill, the long neck, the thick down, the graminivorous stomach, bear all a relation to one another, inasmuch as they all concur in one design, that of supplying the occasions of an aquatic fowl, floating upon the surface of shallow pools of water, and seeking its food at the bottom. Begin with any one of these particularities of structure, and observe how the rest follow it. The web foot qualifies the bird for swimming ; the spoon bill enables it to graze. But how is an animal, floating upon the surface of pools of water, to graze at the bottom, except by the mediation of a long neck.^ A long neck accordingly is given to it. Again, a warm-blooded animal, which was to pass its life upon water, required a defence against the coldness of that element. Such a de- fence is furnished to the swan, in the muff in which its body •s wrapped. But all this outward apparatus would have been in vain, if the intestinal system had not been suited to the digestion of vegetable substances. I say, suited to the digestion of vegetable substances: for it is well known, that there are two intestinal systems found in birds, one with a membranous stomach and a gastric juice, capable of dissolving animal substances alone; the other with a crop and gizzard, calculated for the moistening, bruising and afterwards digesting, of vegetable aliment. 156 RELATIONS. Or R3t off with any other distinctive part in the body of the swan; for instance, with the long neck. The long neck, without the web foot, would have been an encum- brance to the bird; yet there is no necessary connexion between a long neck and a web foot. In fact they do not usually go together. How happens it, therefore, that they meet only when a particular design demands the aid of both ? II. This mutual relation, arising from a subserviency to a common purpose, is very observable also in the parts of a mole. The strong short legs of that animal, the pal- inated feet armed with sharp nails, the pig-like nose, the teeth, the velvet coat, the small external ear, the sagacious smell, the sunk protected eye, all conduce to the utilities or to the safety of its under-ground life. It is a special purpose, specially consulted throughout. The form of the feet fixes the character of the animal. They are so many shovels; they determine its action to that of rooting in the ground; and everything about its body agrees with this destination. The cylindrical figure of the mole, as well as the compactness of its form, arising from the terseness of its limbs, proportionably lessens its labor; because, accord- ing to its bulk, it thereby requires the least possible quanti- ty of earth to be removed for its progress. It has nearly the same structure of the face and jaws as a swine, and the same office for them. The nose is sharp, slender, tendinous, strong; with a pair of nerves going down to the end of it. The plush covering, which, by the smooth- ness, closeness, and polish of the short piles that compose it, rejects the adhesion of almost every species of earth, defends the animal from cold and wet, and from the imped- iment which it would experience by the mould sticking to its body. From soils of all kinds the little pioneer comes forth bright and clean. Inhabiting dirt, it is, of all animals, the neatest. But what I have always most admired in the mole is its njes. This animal occasionally visiting the surface, and wanting, for its safety and direction, to be informed when it does so, or when it approaches it, a perception of light was necessary. I do not know that the clearness of sight depends at all upon the size of the organ. What is gained by the largeness or prominence of the globe of the eye is width in the field of vision. Such a capacity would be of no use to an animal which was to seek its food in the dark. The mole did not want to look about it; nor would a large advanced eye have been easily defended from the annoy- COMPENSAnON. 157 ance to which the life of the animal must constantly ex pose it. How indeed was the mole, working its way un- der ground, to guard its eyes at all? In order to meet this difiiculty, the eyes are made scarcely larger than the head of a ^'orking-pin; and these minute globules are sunk so deep ir. the skull, and lie so sheltered within the velvet of its covering, as that any contraction of what may be called the eye brows, not only closes up the apertures wJiich lead to the eyes, but presents a cushion, as it were, to any sharp or protruding substance, which might push against them. This aperture, even in its ordinary state, is like a pin-hole in a piece of velvet, scarcely pervious to loose particles of earth. Observe then, in this structure, that which we caii re- lation. There is no natural connexion between a small sunk eye and a shovel palmated foot. Palmated feet might have been joined with goggle eyes; or small eyes might have been joined with feet of any other form. What was it therefore which brought them together in the mole? That which brought together the barrel, the chain, and the fusee, in a watch; design: and design, in both cases, in- ferred from the relation which the parts bear to one an- other in the prosecution of a common purpose. As hath already been observed, there are different ways of stating the relation, according as we set out from a different part. In the instance before us, we may either consider the shape of the feet, as qualifying the animal for that mode of life and inhabitation to which the structure of its eyes coihnes it; or we may consider the structure of the eye, as the only one which would have suited with the action to which the feet are adapted. The relation is manifest, whichever of the parts related we place first in the order of our consideration. In a word; the feet of the mole are made for digging; the neck, nose, eyes, ears, and skin, are peculiarly adapted to an under-ground life; and this is what I call relation. [PI. XXX. fig. 1.) CHAPTER XVI. COMPENSATION. Compensation is a species of relation. It is relation when the defects of one part, or of one organ, are supplied O 158 COMPENSATION. by the structure of another part, or of ani>ther organ Thus, I. The short, unbending neck of the elephant, is com- pensated by the length and flexibility of his prohos, is. He could not have reached the ground without it; or, if it be supposed that he might have fed upon the fruit, leaves, or branches of trees, how was he to drink? Should it be asked, v/hy is the elephant’s neck so short? it may be an- swered that the weight of a head so heavy could not have been supported at the end of a longer lever. To a form, therefore, in some respects necessary, but in some respects also inadequate to the occasion of the animal, a supple- ment is added, which exactly makes up the deficiency un- der which he labored. If it be suggested that this proboscis may have been produced, in a long course of generations, by the constant endeavour of the elephant to thrust out his nose (which is the general hypothesis by which it has lately been attempt- ed to account for the forms of animated nature,) I would ask, how was the animal to subsist in the meantime, dur- ing the process, until this elongation of snout was com- pleted? What was to become of the individual, whilst the species was perfecting? Our business at present is, simply to point out the rela- tion which this organ bears to the peculiar figure of the animal to which it belongs. And herein all things corres- pond. The necessity of the elephant’s proboscis arises from the shortness of his neck; the shortness of the neck is rendered necessary by the weight of the head. Were we to enter into an examination of the structure and anat- omy of the proboscis itself, we should see in it one of the most curious of all examples of animal mechanism. [PI XXX. fig. 2, 3, 4, 5.] The disposition of the ringlets and fibres, for the purpose, first of forming a long cartilag- inous pipe; secondly, of contracting and lengthening that pijie; thirdly, of turning it in every direction at the will of the animal; with the superaddition at the end, of a fleshy production, of about the length and thickness of a finger, and performing the office of a finger, so as to pick up a straw from the ground; these properties cf the same organ, taken together, exhibit a specimen, no only of de- sign, (which is attested by the advantage,) but of consum- mate art and, as I may say, of elaborate preparation, in accomplisniiig that design. II The hook in the wing of a hat is strictly a me- chanical, and also a compensating contrivance. [PI. XXX COMPENSATION, 159 fig. 6.] At le angle of its wing there is a bent claw, exactly in the form of a hook, by which the bat at- taches itself to the sides of rocks, caves, and buildings, laying hold of crevices, joinings, chinks, and roughnesses. It hooks itself by this claw ; remains suspended by this hold; takes its flight from this position: which operations compensate for the decrepitude of its legs and feet. With- out her hook, the bat would be the most helpless of all animals. She car# neither run upon her feet, nor raise herself from the ground. These inabilities are made up to her by the contrivance in her wing: and in placing a claw on. that part, the Creator has deviated from the analogy observed in winged animals. — singular defect required a singular substitute. III. The crane kind are to live and seek their food amongst the waters; yet, having no web-feet, are incapa- ble of swimming. To make up for this deficiency, they are furnished with long legs for wading, or long bills for groping; or usually with both. This is compensation. But I think the true reflection upon the present instance is, how every part of nature is tenanted by appropriate in- habitants. Not only is the surface of deep waters peopled by numerous tribes of birds that swim, but marshes and shallow pools are furnished with hardly less numerous tribes of birds that wade. IV. The common parrot has, in the structure of its beak, both an inconveniency, and a compensation for it When I speak of an inconveniency, I have a view to a di- lemma which frequently occurs in the works of nature, viz. that the peculiarity of structure by which an organ is made to answer one purpose, necessarily unfits it for s^me other purpose. This is the case before us. The upper bill of a parrot is so much hooked, and so much overlaps the lower, that if, as in other birds, the lower chap alone had motion, the bird could scarcely gape wide enough to receive its food: yet this hook and overlapping of the bill could not be spared, for it forms the very instrument by which the bird climbs, to say nothing of the use which it makes ox it in breaking nuts and the hard substances upon which it faeds. How, therefore, has nature provided for the open- ing of this occluded mouth? By making the upper chap movable, [PI. XXX. fig. 7,] as well as the lower. In most birds, the upper chap is connected, and makes but one piece with the skull; but in the parrot, the upper chap is joined to the bone of the head by a strong membran«> 160 COMPENSATION. placed on each side of it, which lifts and depresses it a* pleasure.* V. The spider’s iveh is a compensating contrivance The spider lives upon flies, without wings to pursue them; a case, one would have thought, of great difficulty, yet provided for; and provided for by a resource, which no stratagem, no effort of the animal, could have produced, had not both its external and internal structure been speci- fica ly adapted to the operation. ^ VI. In many species of insects, the eye is fixed; and consequently without the power of turning the pupil to the object. This great defect is, however, perfectly compensate ed; and by a mechanism which we should not suspect. The eye is a multiplying glass, with a lens looking in every direction and catching every object. By which means, although the orb of the eye be stationary, the field of vision is as ample as that of other animals, and is commanded on every side. [PI. XXX. fig. 8.] When this lattice-work was first observed, the multiplicity and minuteness of the surfaces must have added to the surprise of the discovery. Adams tells us, that fourteen hundred of these reticulations have been counted in the two eyes of a drone bee. In other cases the compensation is effected by the num- ber and position of the eyes themselves. [PI. XXX. fig. 9.] The spider has eight eyes, mounted upon different parts of the head; two in front, two in the top of the head, two on each side. These eyes are without motion; but, by their situation, **suited to comprehend every view which the wants or safety of the animal may render it necessary for it to take VII. The Memoirs for the Natural History of Animals, published by the French Academy, A. D. 1687, furnish us with some curious particulars in the eye of a chameleon. [PI. XXXI. fig. 1.] Instead of two eyelids, it is covered by an eyelid with a hole in it. This singular structure ap- pears to be compensatory, and to answer to some other sin- gularities in the shape of the animal. The neck of the chameleon is inflexible. To make up for this, the eye is so prominent, as that more than half the ball stands out of the head. By means of which extraordinary projection, the pupil of the eye can be carried by the muscles in every direction, and is capable of being pointed towards every ol)j(3ct. But then, so unusual an exposure of the globe of .lie eye re'ruires, for its lubricity and defence, a more than * Goldsmith’s Nat. Hist. vol. v. p. 274. COMPENSATION. I6I ( Jinary pr-rleoiion of eyelid, as well as a more than oi - diaary supply of moisture; yet the motion of an eyelid, formed according to the common construction, would be impeded, as it should seem, by the convexity of the organ. The aperture in the lid meets this difficulty. It enables the animal to keep the principal part of the surface of the eye under cover, and to preserve it in a due state of hu- midity without shutting out the light; or without perform- ing every moment a nictitation, which, it is probable, would be more laborious to this animal than to others. VIII. In another animal, and in another part of the animal economy, the same Memoirs describe a most re- markable substitution. The reader will remember what we have already observed concerning the intestinal canal; that its length, so many times exceeding that of the body, promotes the extraction of the chyle from the aliment, by giving room for the lacteal vessels to act upon it through a greater space. This long intestine, wherever it occurs, is in other animals disposed in the abdomen from side to side in returning folds. But, in the animal now under our notice, the matter is managed otherwise. The same intention is mechanically effectuated; but by a mechanism of a different kind. The animal of which I speak is an amphibious quadruped, which our authors call the alope- cias, or sea-fox. [PI. XXXI. fig. 2, 3.] The intestine is straight from one end to the other: but in this straight and consequently short intestine, is a winding, corkscrew, spiral passage, through which the food, not without several circumvolutions, and in fact by along route, is conducted to its exit. Here the shortness of the gut is compensated by the obliquity of the perforation. IX. But the works of the Deity are known by expe- dients. Where we should look for absolute destitution; where we can reckon up nothing but wants, some contr vance always comes in to supply the privation. A snail without wings, feet, or thread, climbs up the stalks ol plants, by the sole aid of a viscid humour discharged from her skin. She adheres to the stems, leaves, and fruits of plants, by means of a sticking plaster. A muscle, which might seem, by its helplessness, to lie at the mercy of every wave that went over it, has the singular power of spinning strong tendinous threads, by which she moors her shell to rocks and timbers. A cockle, on the contrary, by means of its stiff tongue, works for itself a shelter in the sand. The provisions of nature extend to cases the most desperate. A lobster has in its constitution a difficulty so O * 162 COMPENSATION. great, that one could hardly conjecture beforehand ho^v nature would dispose of it. In most animals, the skin grows with their growth. If, instead of a soil skin, there be a shell, still it admits of a gradual enlargement. If the shell, as in the tortoise, consists of several pieces, the ac- cession of substance is made at the sutures. Bivalve shells grow bigger by receiving an accretion at their edge; it is the same with spiral shells at their mouth. The simplici- y of their form admits of this. But the lobster’s shell be- ing applied to the limbs of the body, as well as to the body itself, allows not of either of the modes of growth which are observed to take place in other shells. Its hardness resists expansion; and its complexity renders it incapable of increasing its size by addition of substance to its edg« How then was the growth of the lobster to be provided fo ^ Was room to be made for it in the old shell, or was it o be successively fitted with new ones? If a change of sh il became necessary, how was the lobster to extricate hims^ If from his present confinement? How was he to uncase his buckler, or draw his legs out of his boots? The process, which fishermen have observed to take place, is as follows: At certain seasons, the shell of a lobster grows soft, the animal swells its body, the seams open, and the* claws burst at the joints. When the shell has thus become loose upon the body, the animal makes a second effort, and by a tremulous, spasmodic motion, casts it off. In this state, the liberated but defenceless fish retires into holes in the rock. The released body now suddenly pushes its growth. In about eight and forty hours, a fresh concretion of hu- mour upon the surface, i. e. a new shell, is formed, adapted in every part to the increased dimensions of the animal Tliis wonderful mutation is repeated every year. If there be imputed defects without compensation, I ihould suspect that they were defects only in appearance, riius, the body of the sloth has often been reproached ^or the slowness of its motions, which has been attributed .o an imperfection in the formation of its limbs. But it jught to be observed, that it is this slowness which alone suspends the voracity of the animal. He fasts during his migration from one tree to another; and this fast may be necessary for the relief of his over-charged vessels, as well us to allow time for the concoction of the mass of coarse and hard food which he has taken into his stomach. The tardiness of his pace seems to have reference to the capac- ity of nis organa, ai d to his propensities with respect lo COMPENSATION-. 163 food; i e. is calculated to counteract the effects of reple^ tion.^ Or there may be cases in which a defect is artificial, and compensated by the very cause which produces it. Thus the s/ieepj in the domesticated state in which we see it, is destitute of the ordinary means of defence or escape; is incapable either of resistance or flight. But this is not so with the wild animal. The natural sheep is swift and active; and if it lose these qualities when it comes under the subjection of man, the loss is compensated by his pro- tection. Perhaps there is no species of quadruped wliat- ever, wh’ch sutlers so little as this does from the depreda- tion of animals of prey. For the sake of making our meaning better understood, we have considered this business of compensation under certain pmiiculaHlies of constitution, in which it appears to be most conspicuous. This view of the subject neces- sarily limits the instances to sngle species of animals. But there are compensations, perliaps not less certain, which extend over large classes, and to large portions of living nature. I. In quadrupeds, the deficiency of teeth is usually co?n- pensated by the faculty of rumination. The sheep, deer, and ox tribe, are without fore-teeth in the upper jaw. These ruminate. The horse and ass are furnished with teeth in the upper jaw, and do not ruminate. In the former class, the grass and hay descend into the stomach nearly in the state in which they are cropped from the pasture, or gath- ered from the bundle. In the stomach, they are softened by the gastric juice, which in these animals is unusually copious. Thus softened and rendered tender, they are returned a second time to the action of the mouth, where the grinding teeth complete at their leisure the trituration * Blumenbach states, in his Manual of Natural History, that he had conversed with many Hollanders who had lived in Guiana, and from them collected, that this apparently miserable animal is rather an en- viable one. First, he nourishes himself entirely from leaves, and, there- fore, when he has once climbed a tree, he can live on the same dish a quarter of a year. Secondly, he does not drink at all. Thirdly, on a tree he is exposed to but few eaemies, and when the sloth marks that a tiger-cat is climbing up a brinch, it goes softly to the end of the jranch, and rocks it till the tiger-cat falls off, so that seldom is there an instance that a tiger-cat surprises one: even upon the ground, so powerful are the claws of the sloth, and so fearful its cries, that its enemies generally get the worst. So idle is Buffon’s declamation against the goodness and wisdom of Providence, draw n from this beast. Paxton IG4 COMPENSATION. which is necessary, but which was before left imperfect. 1 say, the trituration which is necessary; for it appears from experiments, that the gastric fluid of sheep, for example, has no effec: in digesting plants, unless they have been previously masticated; that it only produces a slight mac- eration, nearly as common water would do in a like degree of heat; but that when once vegetables are reduced to pieces by mastication, the fluid then exerts upon them its specific operation. Its first effect is to soften them, and to destroy their natural consistency; it then goes on to dis- solve them; not sparing even the toughest parts, such as the nerves of the leaves.^ I think it very probable, that the gratification also of the animal is renewed and prolonged by this faculty. Sheep, deer, and oxen, appear to be in a state of enjoyment whilst they are chewing the cud. It is then, perhaps, that they best relish their food. II. In birds, the compensation is still more striking. They have no teeth at all. What have they then to make up for this severe want.^ I speak of granivorous and herbivorous birds; such as common fowls, turkeys, ducks, geese, pigeons, &c. for it is concerning these alone that the question need be asked. All these are furnished with a peculiar and most powerful muscle called the gizzard; the inner coat of which is fitted up with rough plates, which, by a strong friction against one another, break and grind the hard aliment as effectually, and by the same mechani- cal action, as a coffee-mill would do. It has been proved by the most correct experiments, that the gastric juice of these birds wfill not operate upon the entire grain; not even when softened by water or macerated in the crop. Therefore, without a grinding machine within its body, without the trituration of the gizzard, a chicken would have starved upon a heap of corn. Yet w hy should a bill and a gizzard go together ? Why should a gizzard never be found where .here are teeth? Nor does the gizzard belong to birds as such. A giz- zard is not found in birds of prey. Their food requires not to be ground down in a mill. The compensatory con- trivance goes no farther than the necessity. In both clas- ses of birds, however, the digestive organ within the body bears a strict and mechanical relation to the external in- struments for procuring food. The soft membranous sto- mach, accompanies the hooked, notched beak; tho short Spall, dis. III. Sect. 140. ^COMPENSATION. 165 muscular legs; the strong, sharp, crooked talons: The car- tilaginous stomach attends that conformation of bill and toes, which restrains the, bird to the picking of seeds, or the cropping of plants. III. But to proceed with our compensations . — A very numerous and comprehensive tribe of terrestrial animals are entirely without feet; yet locomotive; and in a very considerable degree swift in their motion. How is the cant of feet compensated? It is done by the disposition ?f the muscles and fibres of the trunk. In consequence of the just collocation, and by means of the joint action of longitudinal and annular fibres, that is to say, of strings and rings, the body and train of reptiles* are capable of be- ing reciprocally shortened and lengthened, drawn up and stretched out. The result of this action is a progressive, and in some cases, a rapid movement of the whole body, in any direction to which the will of the animal determine?! it. The meanest creature is a collection of wonders. Thi5 play of the rings in an eartJi-xcorm as it crawls; the undu latory motion propagated along the body; the beards or prickles with which the annuli are armed, and which thr animal can either shut up close to its body, or let out to la} hold of the roughness of the surface upon which it creeps; and the power arising from all these, of changing its place and position, affords, when compared with the provisions for motion in other animals, proofs of new and appropriate mechanism. Suppose that we had never seen an animal move upon the ground without feet, and that the problem was; muscular action, i. e. reciprocal contraction and rel axation being given, to describe how such an animal might be constructed, capable of voluntarily changing place Something, perhaps, like the organization of reptiles might have been hit upon by the ingenuity of an artist; or might have been exhibited in an automaton, by the com- bination of springs, spiral wires, and ringlets; but to the solution of the problem would not be denied, surely, (he * Contraction and expansion is the mode of progression in toor?ns, but not in reptiles; in the class of serpents locomotion consists simply of re. pcated horhontal undulations, viz. flexion and extension. Thus the head being the fixed point, the body and tail assume several curves; the tail than becomes the fixed point, the curvatures are straightened, and thus the animal advances with a serpentine motion. By these successive curva- tures and right lines alternating, it moves forward at each step nearly the length of the whole body; the ribs, which Sir E. Home considers to act as feet, hiving nothing to do with locomotion unless as affording a fulcrum for the muscles . — Paxton 166 THE RELATION OF ANIMATED BODIES praise of invention and of successful thought: least of alj could it ever be questioned, whether intelligence had been employed about it, or not. CHAPTER XVII. THE RELATION OF ANIMATED BODIES TO INANIMATE NATURE We have already considered relation, and under differ* ent views; but it was the relation of parts to parts, of the parts of an animal to other parts of the same animal, or of another individual of the same species. But the bodies of animals hold, in their constiiuiion and properties, a close and important relation to natures alto- gether external to their own ; to inanimate substances, and to the specific qualities of these; e. g. they hold a strict relation to the elements by ivhich they are surrounded. I. Can it be doubted, whether the ivings of birds bear a relation to air, and the fins of fish to water? They are instruments of motion, severally suited to the properties of the medium in which the motion is to be performed: which properties are different. Was not this difference contemplated, when the instruments were differently con- stituted ? II. The structure of the animal ear depends for its use, not simply upon being surrounded by a fluid, but upon the specific nature of that fluid. Every fluid would not serve: its particles must repel one another, it must form an elastic medium: for it is by the successive pulses of such a medi- um, that the undulations excited by the surrounding body are carried to the organ; that a communication is formed between the object and the sense; which must be done be- fore the internal machinery of the ear, subtile as it is, can act at all. III. The organs of voice and respiration are, no less tlian the ear, indebted for the success of their opera- tion to the peculiar qualities of the fluid in which the animal is immersed. They, therefore, as well as the ear, are constituted upon the supposition of such a fluid, i. e. of a fluid with srich particular properties, being always pres- ent. Chang: the properties of the fluid, and the organ cam ot act; change the organ, and the properties of the fluid would be lost The structure therefore, of our or- TO INANIMATE NATURE. i67 gans, and the properties of our atmosphere, are made for one another. Nor does it alter the relation, whether you allege the organ to be made for the element, (^which seems the most natural way of considering it,) or the element as prepared for the organ. IV. But there is another fluid with which we have to do; with properties of its own; with laws of acting, and of be- ing acted upon, totally different from those of air and water: and that is light. To this new, this singular element; to qualities perfectly peculiar, perfectly distinct and remote from the qualities of any other substance with which we are acquainted, an organ is adapted, an instrument is cor- rectly adjusted, not less peculiar amongst the parts of the body, not less singular in its form, and in the substance of which it is composed, not less remote from the materials, the model, and the analogy of any other part of the animal frame, than the element to which it relates is specific amidst the substances with which we converse. If this does not prove appropriation, I desire to know what would prove it. Yet the element of light and fhe organ of vision, how ever related in their office and use, have no connexion whatever in their original. The action of rays of light upon the surfaces of animals, has no tendency to breed eyes in their heads. The sun might shine forever upon living bodies, without the smallest approach towards producing the sense of sight. On the other hand also, the animal eye does not generate or emit light. V. Throughout the universe there is a wonderful p portioning of one thing to another. The size of animals, of the human animal especially, when considered with re- spect to other animals, or to the plants which grow around him, is such, as a regard to his conveniency would have pointed out. A giant or a pigmy could not have milked goats, reaped corn, or mowed grass; we may add, could not have rode a horse, trained a vine, shorn a sheep, with the same bodily ease as we do, if at all. A pigrr y would have been lost amongst rushes, or carried off by oirds of prey. It may be mentioned likewise, that the model and the materials of the human body being what they are, a much greater bulk would have broken down by its own weight. The persons of men who much exceed the ordinary stat- ure, betray this tendency. VI. Again (and which includes a vast variety of paitic- ulars, and those of the greatest importance;) how close is 168 THE RELATION OF ANIMATED BODIES the suitableness of the earth and sea to their several in nabitants; and of these inhabitants, to the places of theii appointed residence! Take the earth as it is; and consider the corresponden- cy of the powers of its inhabitants with the properties and condition of the soil which they tread. Take the inliab- itants as they are; and consider the substances which the earth yields for their use. They can scratch its surface, and its surface supplies all which they want. This is the length of their faculties! and such is the constitution of the globe, and their own, that this is sufficient for all their occasions. When we pass from the earth to the sea, from land to water, we pass through a great change; but an adequate change accompanies us of animal forms and functions, of animal capacities and wants ; so that correspondency remains. The earth in its nature is very different from the sea, and the sea from the earth; but one accords with its inhabitants as exactly as the other. VII. The last relation of this kind which I shall men- tion is that of sleep to night; and it appears to me to be a relation which was expressly intended. Two points are manifest: first, that the animal frame requires sleep; sec- ondly, that night brings with it a silence, and a cessation of activity, which allows of sleep being taken without in- terruption, and without loss. Animal existence is made up of action and slumber; nature has provided a season for each. An animal which stood not in need of rest, would always live in daylight. An animal which, though made for action, and delighting in action, must have its strength repaired by sleep, meets by its constitution the returns of day and night. In the human species, for instance, were the bustle, the labor, the motion of life, upheld by the constant presence of light, sleep could not be enjoyed with- out being disturbed by noise, and without expense of that time which the eagerness of private interest would not con- tentedly resign. It is happy therefore for this part of the creation, I mean that it is conformable to the frame and wants of their constitution, that nature, by the very dispo- sition of her elements, has commanded, as it were, and imposed upon them, at moderate intervals, a general inter- mission of their toils, their occupations, and pursuits. But it is not for man, either solely or principally, that night is made. Inferior, but less perverted natures, taste its solace, and expect its return with greater exactness and advantage than he does. I have often observed, and TO INANIMATE NATURE. 169 never observed but to admire, the satisfactior no less than the regularity, with which the greatest part of the irration- al world yield to this soft necessity, this grateful vicissi- tude: how comfortably the birds of the air, for example, address themselves to the repose of the evening; with what ahirtness they resume the activity of the day! Nor does it disturb our argument to confess, that certain species of animals are in motion during the night, and at rest in the day. With respect even to them, it is still true, that there is a change of condition in the animal, and an external change corresponding with it. There is still the relation, though inverted. The fact is, that the repose of other animals sets these at liberty, and invites them to their food or their sport. If the relation of sleep to nighty and, in some instances, its converse, be real, we cannot reflect without amazement upon the extent to which it carries us. Day and night are things close to us; the change applies immediately to our sensations; of all the phenomena of nature, it is the most obvious and the most familiar to our experience; but in its cause, it belongs to the great motions which are passing in the heavens. Whilst the earth glides round her axle, she ministers to the alternate necessities of the animals dwelling upon her surface, at the same time that she obeys the influence of those attractions which regulate the order of many thousand worlds. The relation therefore of sleep to night, is the relation of the inhabitants of the earth to the rotation of their globe ; probably it is more ; it is a re- lation to the system, of which that globe is a part ; and still farther, to the congregation of systems, of which theirs is only one. If this account be true, it connects the meanest individual with the universe itself: a chicken roosting upon its perch, with the spheres revolving in the firmament. VIII. But if any one object to our representation, that the succession of day and night, or the rotation of the earth upon which it depends, is not resolvable into central at- traction, we will refer him to that which certainly is, — to he change of the seasons. Now the constitution of ani- mals susceptible of torpor, bears a relation to winter, simi- lar to that which sleep bears to night. Against not only tho cold, but the want of food which the approach of winter induces, the Preserver of the world has provided in many animals by migration, in many others by torpor. As one example out of a thousand; the bat, if it did not seep through the winter, must have starved, as the moths and flying insects, upon which it feeds, disappear. But tho P 170 INSTINCTS. transition from summer to winter carries js Lito the ver;y midst of physical astronomy; that is to say, into the midst of those laws which govern the solar system at least, and probably all the heavenly bodies. CHAPTER XVIII. INSTINCTS. The order may not be very obvious, by which I place instincts next to relations. But I consider them as g species of relation. They contribute, along with the ani- mal organization, to a joint effect, in which view they are related to that organization. In many cases, they refer from one animal to another animal; and when this is the case, become strictly relations in a second point of view. An INSTINCT is a propensity prior to experience, and independent of instruction. We contend, that it is by instinct that the sexes of animals seek each other; that animals cherish their offspring; that the young quadruped is directed to the teat of its dam; that birds build their nests, and brood with so much patience upon their eggs; that insects which do not sit upon their eggs, deposit them in those particular situations, in which the young, when hatched, find their appropriate food; that it is instinct which carries the salmon, and some other fish, out of the sea into rivers, for the purpose of shedding their spawn in fresh water. We may select out of this catalogue the incubation of eggs. I entertain no doubt, but that a couple of sparrows hatched in an oven, and kept separate from the rest of their species, would proceed as other sparrows do, in every office which related to the production and preservation of their brood. Assuming this fact, the thing is inexplicable upor any other hypothesis than that of an instinct impress- ed upon the constitution of the animal. For, first, what should induce the female bird to prepare a nest before she lays her eggs? It is in vain to suppose her to be possess- ed of the faculty of reasoning; for no reasoning will reach the case. The fulness or distention which she might fee in a particular part of her body, from the growth and so- lidity of the egg within her, could not possilily inform her, that she was about to produce something, which, when pro- INSTINCTS. 171 duced, was to be preserved and taken care of. Prior to e^xperience, there was nothing to lead to this inference, of to this suspicion. The analogy was all against it ; for, in every other instance, what issued from the body, was cast out and rejected. But, secondly, let us suppose the egg to be produced into day; how should birds know that their eggs contain their young ^ there is nothing, either in the aspect, or in the internal composition of an egg, which could lead even the most daring imagination to conjecture, that it was here- after to turn out from under its shell, a living, perfect bird. The form of the egg bears not the rudiments of a resemblance to that of the bird. Inspecting its contents, we find still less reason, if possible, to look for the result which actually takes place. If we should go so far, as, from the appearance of order and distinction in the dis- position of the liquid substances which we noticed in the egg, to guess that it might be designed for the abode ana nutriment of an animal, (which would be a very bold hy- pothesis,) we should expect a tadpole dabbling in the slime, much rather than a dry, winged, feathered creature; a compound of parts and properties impossible to be used in a state of confinement in the egg, and bearing no conceiv- able relation, either in quality or material, to anything ob- served in it. From the white of an egg, would any one look for the feather of a goldfinch.^ or expect from a sim- ple uniform mucilage, the most complicated of all ma- chines, the most diversified of all collections of substances? nor would the process of incubation, for sometime at least, lead us to suspect the event. Who that saw red streaks shooting in the fine membrane which divides the white from the yolk, would suppose that these were about to be- come bones and limbs? Who that espied two discolored points first making their appearance in the cicatrix, would have had the courage to predict, that these points were to grow into the heart and head of a bird? It is difficult to strip the mind of its experience. It is difficult to resusci- tate surprise, when familiarity has once laid the sentiment asleep. But could we forget all that we know, and which oiir sparrows never knew, about oviparous generation: could we divest ourselves of every information, but what we derive from reasoning upon the appearance or quality discovered in the objects presented to us, I am convinced that Harlequin coming out of an egg upon the stage, is not more astonishing to a child, than the hatching of a chick- en both would be, and ought to be, to a philosopher. 172 INSTINCTS. But admit the sparrow by some means o know, tha. within that egg was concealed the principle of a future bird, from what chemist was she to learn, that warmth was necessary to bring it to maturity, or that the degree of warmth, imparted by the temperature of her own body, was the degree required? To suppose, therefore, that the female bird acts in this process from a sagacity and reason of her own, is to sup- pose her to arrive at conclusions which there are no prem- ises to justify. If our sparrow, sitting upon her eggs, expect young sparrows to come out of them, she forms, I will venture to say, a wild and extravagant expectation, in opposition to present appearances, and to probability. She must have penetrated into the order of nature, farther than any faculties of ours will carry us; and it hath been well ob- served, that this deep sagacity, if it be sagacity, subsists in conjunction with great stupidity, even in relation to the same subject. Achemical operation, ” says Addison, “couldnot be followed with greater art or diligence, than is seen in hatching a chicken; yet is the process carried on without the least glimmering of thought or common sense. The hen will mistake a piece of chalk for an egg; is insensible of the increase or diminution of their number; does not dis- tinguish between her own and those of another species; is frightened when her supposititious breed of ducklings take the water.’’ But it will be said, that what reason could not do for the bird, observation, or instruction, or tradition, might. Now, if it be true, that a couple of sparrows, brought up from the first in a state of separation from all other birds, would build their nest, and brood upon their eggs, then there is an end of this solution. What can be the tradi- tionary knowledge of a chicken hatched in an oven? Of young birds taken in their n^sts, a few species breed when kept in cages; and they which do so, build their nests nearly in the same manner as in the wild state, and sit upon their eggs. This is suthcient to prove an instinct, without having recourse to experiments upon birds hatched by artificial heat, and deprived from their birth of all communication with their species; for we can hardly bring ourselves to believe, that the parent bird mformed her un- fledged pupil of the history of her gestation, her timely preparation of a nest, her exclusion of the eggs, her long incubation, and of the joyful eruption at last of her expected oflspring; all which the bird in the cage must have learned in her infancy, if ve resolve her conduct into imtiluiion INSTINCTS. 173 Unless we will rather suppose, that she remembers bei own escape from the egg; had attentively observed the conformation of the nest in which she was nurtured; and had treasured up her remarks for future imitation: which is not only extremely improbable, (for who, that sees a brood of clJlow birds in their nest, can believe that they are taking a plan of their habitation?) but leaves unac- counted for, one principal part of the difficulty, ‘‘the pre- paration of the nest before the laying of the egg,” This she could not gain from observation in her infancy. It is remarkable also, that the hen sits upon eggs which she has laid without any communication with the male, and which are therefore necessarily unfruitful; that secret she is not let into. Yet, if incubation had been a sub- iect of instruction or of tradition, it should seem that this distinction would have formed part of the lesson; whereas the instinct of nature is calculated for a state of nature; the exception here alluded to taking place chiefly, if not solely, amongst domesticated fowls, in which nature is forced out of her course. There is another case of oviparous economy, which is still less likely to be the effect of education than it is even in birds, namely that of moths and butterflies, which de- posit their eggs in the precise substance, that of a cabbage for example, from which, not the butterfly herself, but the caterpillar which is to issue from her egg, draws its ap- propriate food. The butterfly cannot taste the cabbage. Cabbage is no food for her; yet in the cabbage, not by chance, but studiously and electively, she lays her eggs. There are, amongst many other kinds, the willow cater- pillar, and the cabbage caterpillar: but we never find upon a willow the caterpillar which eats the cabbage; nor the con- verse. This choice, as appears to me, cannot in the butter- fly proceed from instruction. She had no teacher in her caterpillar state. She never knew her parent. I do not see, therefore, how knowledge, acquired by experience, if it ever were such, could be transmitted from one genera- tion to another. There is no opportunity either for instruc- tion or imitation. The parent race is gone, before the new brood is hatched. And if it be original reasoning in the butterfly, it is profound reasoning indeed. She must re^ member her caterpillar state, its tastes and habits; of which memory she shows no signs whatever. She must conclude from analogy, for here her recollection cannot serve her, that the little round body which drops from her abdomen, wf 1 at a future period produce a living creature, not like 174 INSTINCTS. herseir. but like the caterpillar, which she remembers hersell once to have been. Under the influence of these reflections, she goes about to make provision for an order of things, which she concludes will, sometime or other, take place. And it is to be observed, that not a few out of many, but that all butterflies argue thus, all draw this conclusion; all act upon it.* But suppose the address, and the selection, and the plan, which we perceive in the preparations which many irra- tional animals make for their young, to be traced to some probable origin; still there is left to be accounted for, that which is the source and foundation of these phenomena, that \^hich sets the whole at work, the oToQyy], the parent- al affection, which I contend to be inexplicable upon any other hypothesis than that of instinct. For we shall hardly, I imagine, in brutes, refer their conduct towards their offspring to a sense of duty, or of decency, a care of reputation, a compliance with public manners, with public laws, or with rules of life built upon a long experience of their utility. And all attempts to ac- count for the parental affection from association, I think, fail. With what is it associated.^ Most immediately with the throes of parturition, that is, with pain, and terror, and disease., The more remote, but not less strong association, that which depends upon analogy, is all against it. Every- thing else, which proceeds from the body, is cast away and rejected. In birds, is it the egg which the hen loves? or is it the expectation which she cherishes of a future progeny, that keeps her upon her nest? What cause has she to expect delight from her progeny? Can any rational answer be given to the question, why, prior to experience, the brood- ing hen should look for pleasure from her chickens? It does not, I think, appear, that the cuckoo ever knows her * The dragon-fly is an inhabitant of the air, and could not exist in water; yet in this element, which is alone adapted for her young, she drops her eggs. Not less surprising is the parental instinct of the gad-fly, {Gastero- philub equi) whose larvae are destined to be nourished in the stomach and intestines of the horse! How shall the parent convey them there ? By a mode truly extraordinary — Flying round the animal she curiously poises her body while she deposits her eggs on the hairs of his skin. Whenever therefore the horse chances to lick the part of his body to which they are attached, they adhere to the tongue, and from thence pass intc the stomach and intestines. And what increases our surprise is, that the fly places her eggs almost exclusively on the knee and the shoulder, on those paits the horse is sure to lick. — Faxtori, INSTINCTS. 175 young; yet, in her way, she is as careful in making prcvi sion ?ci them, as any other bird. She does not leave her egg in (jvery hole. The salmon suffers no surmountable obstacle to oppose her progress up the stream of fresh rivers. And what does she do there? She sheds a spawn, which she immediately quits, in order to return to the sea; and this issue of her body she never afterwards recognises in any shape what- ever. Where shall we find a motive for her efforts and her perseverance? Shall we seek it in argumentation, or in instinct? The violet crab of Jamaica performs a fa- tiguing march of some months’ continuance, from the mountains to the sea-side. When she reaches the coast, she casts her spawn into the open sea; and sets out upon aer return home. Moths and butterflies, as hath already been observed, seek out for their eggs those precise situations and sub- stances, in which the offspring caterpillar will find its ap- propriate food. That dear caterpillar the parent butterfly must never see. There are no experiments to prove that she would retain any knowledge of it, if she did. How shall we account for her conduct ? I do not mean for her art and judgment in selecting and securing a maintenance for her young, but for the impulse upon which she acts What should induce her to exert any art, or judgment, or choice, about the matter? The undisclosed grub, the ani- mal which she is destined not to know, can hardly be the object of a particular affection, if we deny the influence of instinct. There is nothing, therefore, left to her, but that of which her nature seems incapable, an abstract anx- iety for the general preservation of the species; a kind of patriotism; a solicitude lest the butterfly race should cease from the creation. Lastly, the principle of association will not explain the discontinuance of the affection when the young animal is grown up. Association, operating in its usual way, would rather produce a contrary effect. The object would become more necessary by habits of society: whereas birds and beasts, after a certain time, banish their off- spring; disown their acquaintance; seem to have even no knowledge of the objects which so lately engrossed the attention of their minds, and occupied the industry and labor of their bodies. This change, in different animals takes place at different distances of time from the birth, but the time always corresponds with the ability of the young animal to maintain itself; never anticipates it. In 176 INSTINCTS the sparrow tribe, when it is perceived that the young brood can fly and shift for themselves, then the parents forsake them forever; and though they continue to live together, pay them no more attention than they do to other birds in the same flock.* I believe the same thing is true of all gregarious quadrupeds. In this part of the case, the variety of resources, expedi- ents, and materials, which animals of the same species are said to have recourse to, under different circumstances, and when differently supplied, makes nothing against the doc- trine of instincts. The thing which we want to account for, is the propensity. The propensity being there, it is probable enough that it may put the animal upon different actions, according to different exigencies. And this adap- tation of resources may look like the effect of art and con- sideration, rather than of instinct;, but still the propensity is instinctive. For instance, suppose what is related of the woodpecker to be true, that, in Europe, she deposits her eggs in cavities, which she scoops out in the trunks of soft or decayed trees, and in which cavities the eggs lie con- cealed from the eye, and in some sort safe from the hand of man; but that, in the forests of Guinea and the Brazils, which man seldom frequents, the same bird hangs her nest to the twigs of tall trees; thereby placing them out of the reach of monkeys and snakes; i. e. that in each situa- tion she prepares against the danger which she has most occasion to apprehend: suppose, I say, this to be true, and to be alleged, on the part of the bird that builds these nests, as evidence of a reasoning and distinguishing precaution, still the question returns, whence the propensity to buila at all? Nor does parental affection accompany generation by any universal law of animal organization, if such a thing were intelligible. Some animals cherish their progeny with the most ardent fondness, and the most assiduous attention; others entirely neglect them; and this distinction always meets the constitution of the young animal, with respect to its wants and capacities. In many, the parental care extends to the young animal; in others, as in all oviparous fish, it is confined to the egg, and even, as to that, to the disposal of it in its proper element. Also, as there is generation without parental affection, so is there parental instinct, or what exactly resembles it, without generation In the bee tribe, the grub is nurtured neither by the fathei Goldsniith’a Nat. Hist. vol. iv. p. 244. INSTINCTS. 177 nor the mother, but by the neutral bee. Probably the case is the name with ants. I am not ignorant of the theory which resolves instinct into sensation ; which asserts, that what appears to have a vie\^ and relation to the future, is the result onl/ of the present disposition of the animal’s body, and of pleasure or pain experienced at the time. Thus the incubation of 3ggs is accounted for by the pleasure which the bird is supposed to receive from the pressure of the smooth con- vex surface of the shells against the abdomen, or by the relief which the mild temperature of the egg may afford to the heat of the lower part of the body, which is observ- ed at this time to be increased beyond its usual state. This present gratification is the only motive with the hen for sitting upon her nest; the hatching of the chickens, is with respect to her, an accidental consequence. The affection of viviparous animals for their young is, in like manner, solved by the relief, and perhaps the pleasure, which they receive from giving suck. The young animal’s seeking, in so many instances, the teat of its dam, is explained from the sense of smell, which is attracted by the odour of milk. The salmon’s urging its way up the stream of fresh water rivers, is attributed to some gratification or refresh- ment, which, in this particular state of the fish’s body, she receives from the change of element. Now of this theory t may be said. First, that of the cases which require solution, there are nw to which it can be applied with tolerable probability , that there are none to which it can be applied without strong objections, furnished by the circumstances of the case. The attention of the cow to its calf, and of the ewe to its lamb, appear to be prior to their sucking. The at traction of the calf or lamb to the teat of the dam, is not explained by simply referring it to the sense of smell What made the scent of milk so agreeable to the lamb, that it should follow it up with its nose, or seek with its mouth the place from which it proceeded.^ No observation, no experience, no argument could teach the new dropped animal, that the substance from which the scent issued, was the material of its food. It had never tasted milk be- fore its birth. None of the animals, which are not de- signed for that nourishment, ever ofier to suck, or to seek Dut any such food. What is the conclusion, but that the sugescent parts of animals are fitted for their use, and the knowledge of that use put into them? 178 INSl NCTS. We assert, se3)ndly, that, even as to the cases in whicr the hypothesis has the fairest claim to consideration, it does not at all lessen the force of the argument for inten- tion and design. The doctrine of instincts is that of ap- petencies, siiperaddcd to the constitution of an animal, for the effectuating of a purpose beneficial to the species. The above-stated solution would derive these appetencies from organization; but then this organization is not less speci- fically, not less precisely, and, therefore, not less evidently adapted to the same ends, than the appetencies themselves would be upon the old hypothesis. In this way of consid- ering the subject, sensation supplies the place of foresight; but this is the effect of contrivance on the part of the Creator. Let it be allowed, for example, that the hen is induced to brood upon her eggs by the enjoyment or re- lief which, in the heated state of her abdomen, she ex- periences from the pressure of round smooth surfaces, or from the application of a temperate warmth. How comes this extraordinary heat or itching, or call it what you will, which you suppose to be the cause of the bird's inclina- tion, to be felt, just at the time when the inclination itself is wanted; when it tallies so exactly with the internal constitution of the egg, and with the help which that con- stitution requires in order to bring it to maturity ? In my opinion, this solution, if it be accepted as to the fact, ought to increase, rather than otherwise, our admiration of the contrivance. A gardener lighting up his stoves, just when he wants to force his fruit, and when his trees require the heat, gives not a more certain evidence of design. So again; when a male and female sparrow come together, they do not meet to confer upon the expediency of perpetuating their species. As an abstract proposition, they care not the value of a barley-corn, whether the species be perpetu- ated or not: they follow their sensations; and all those consequences ensue, which the wisest counsels could have dictated, which the most solicitous care of futurity, which the most anxious concern for the sparrow world could have produced. But how do these consequences ensue? The sensations, and the constitution upon which they depend, are as manifestly directed to the purpose wliich we see fulfilled by them; and the train of intermediate effects, as manifestly laid ana planned with a view to that ])urpose; that is to say, design is as completely evinced by the phe- nomena, as it would he^ even il’we suppose the operations to begin, or to be carried on, from wliat some will allow to he alone properly called instincts, Oiat is, Irom desires di- INSTINCTS. 179 reeled to a future end, and having no accomplishment or gratification distinct from the attainment of that end. In a word; I should say to the patrons of this opinion, Be it so: be it, that those actions of animals which we re- fer to instinct, are not gone about with any view to their consequences, but that they are attended in the animal with a present gratification, and are pursued for the sake of that gratification alone ; what does all this prove, but that the prospection, which must be somewhere, is not in the animal, but in the Creator? In treating of the parental affection in brutes, our busi- ness lies rather with the origin of the principle, than with the effects and expressions of it. Writers recount these with pleasure and admiration. The conduct of many kinds of animals towards their young, has escaped no observer, no historian of nature. “How will they caress them,’’ says Derham, “ with their affectionate notes; lull and quiet them with their tender parental voice ; put food into their mouths; cherish and keep them warm; teach them to pick, and eat, and gather food for themselves; and, in a word, perform the part of so many nurses, deputed by the sovereign Lord and Preserver of the world, to help such young and shiftless creatures!” Neither ought it, under this head, to be forgotten, how much the instinct costs the animal which feels it ; how much a bird, for example, gives up, by sitting upon her nest; how repugnant it is to her organization, her habits, and her pleasures. An animal, formed for liberty, submits to confinement in the very sea- son when everything invites her abroad: what is more; an animal delighting in motion, made for motion, all whose motions are so easy and so free, hardly a moment, at other times, at rest, is, for many hours of many days together, fixed to her nest, as close as if her limbs were tied down by pins and wires. For my part, I never see a bird in that situation, but I recognise an invisible hand, detaining tho contented prisoner from her fields and groves, for the pur- pose, as the event proves, the most worthy of the sacrifice, the most important, the most beneficial. But the loss of liberty is not the whole of what the pro- creant bird suffers. Harvey tells us, that he has oftei: found the female wasted to skin and bone by sitting upon her eggs. One observation more, and I will dismiss the subject The pahing of birds, and the non-pairing of beasts, forms a distinction between the two classes, which shows that the conjugaj instinct is modified with a reference to utility 80 OF INSECTS. founded on the condition of the offspring. In quadrupeds, the young animal draws its nutriment from the body of the dam. The male parent neither does, nor can contribute any part to its sustentation. In the winged race, the young bird is supplied by an importation of food, to procure i^p.d bring home which, in a sufficient quantity for the de- mand of a numerous brood, requires the industry of both parents. In this difference, we see a reason for the vagrant instinct of the quadruped, and for the faithful love of the feathered mate. CHAPTER XDL OP INSECTS. We are not writing a system of natural history; there- fore we have not attended to the classes into which the subjects of that science are distributed. What we had to observe concerning different species of animals, fell easily, for the most part, within the divisions which the course of our argument led us to adopt. There remain, however, some remarks upon the insect tribe, which could not prop- erly be introduced under any of these heads; and which therefore, we have collected into a chapter by themselves. The structure, and the use of the parts of insects, are less understood than that of quadrupeds and birds, not only by reason of their minuteness, or the minuteness of their parts (for that minuteness we can in some measure fol- low with glasses,) but also by reason of the remoteness of their manners and modes of life from those of larger ani- mals. For instance: insects, under all their varieties of form, are endowed with antennae, [PL XXXII. fig. 2, 3.] which is the name given to those long feelers that rise from each side of the head; but to what common use or want of the insect kind, a provision so universal is subser- vient, has not yet been ascertained: and it has not been ascertained, because it admits not of a clear, or very pro- bable comparison, with any organs which we possess our- selves, or with the organs of animals which resemble our- selves in their functions and faculties, or with which we are better acquainted than we are with insects. We want a ground of analogy. This difficulty stands in our way as to some particulars in the insect constitution, which we might wisli to be acquainted! with. Nevertheless, there are many OF INSECTS. 181 contrivances in the bodies of insects, neither dubious in their use, nor obscure in their structure, and most properly mechanical. These form parts of our argument. I. The dytru, or scaly wings of the genus of scarabaeus or beetle, furnish an example of this kind. The true wing of the animal is a light transparent membrane, finer than the finest gauze, and not unlike it. It is also, when ex- panded, in proportion to the size of the animal, very large. In order to protect this delicate structure, and perhaps also to preserve it in a due state of suppleness and humidi- ty, a strong hard case is given to it, in the shape of the horny wing which we call the elytron. When the animal is at rest, the gauze wings lie folded up under this impene- trable shield. When the beetle prepares for flying, he raises the integument, and spreads out his thin membrane to the air. And it cannot be observed without admiration, what a tissue of cordage, i. e, of muscular tendons, must run in various and complicated, but determinate directions, along this fine surface, in order to enable the animal, either to gather it up into a certain precise form, whenever it desires to place its wings under the shelter which na- ture hath given to them; or to expand again their folds, when wanted for action. [PI. XXXII. fig. 1.] In some insects, the elytra cover the whole body; in oth ors, half; in others, only a small part of it; but in all, they completely hide and cover the true wings. [PI. XXXII ur times the size of the object itself. For the rays passing in straight lines by the angles A, B, C, J), the sides F F, F CJ, (ji II, II F., must be each double of A B, B C, C i), J) A: therefore the shadow may be divided into four squares each equal in size to the object. At three times the dis- tance from the candle, the sides of the shadow would each be three times a.s large as the sides of the object, and its area would, therefore, contain ASTRONOMY. 22 \ The mathematics of this solution we do not call in question the question with us is, whether there be any sufficient reason to believe, that attraction is produced by an eman- ation. For my part, I am totally at a loss to comprehend now particles streaming from a centre should draw a bodv towards it. The impulse, if impulse it be, is all the other way. Nor shall we find less difficulty in conceiving a con- flux of particles, incessantly flowing to a centre, and car- rying down all bodies along with it, that centre also itself being in a state of rapid motion through absolute space: for by what source is the stream fed, or what be- comes of the accumulation? Add to which, that it seems to imply a contrariety of properties, to suppose an ethereal fluid to act, but not to resist; powerful enough to carry down bodies with great force towards a centre, yet, in- consistently with the nature of inert matter, powerless and perfectly yielding with respect to the motions which result ffom the projectile impulse. By calculations drawn from ancient notices of eclipses of the moon, we can prove that, if such a fluid exist at all, its resistance has had no sensi- ble effect upon the moon’s motion for two thousand five hundred years. The truth is, that, except this one circumstance of the variation of the attracting force at different distances agreeing with the variation of the spissitude, there is no reason whatever to support the hypothesis of an emanation; and, as it seems to me, almost insuperable reasons against it. (*) II. Our second proposition is, that whilst the pos- sible laws of variation were infinite, the admissible laws, or the laws compatible with the preservation of the system, lie within narrow limits. If the attracting force had va- ried according to any direct law of the distance, let it have been what it would, great destruction and confusion would have taken place. The direct simple proportion of the distance would, it is true, have produced an ellipse, but the perturbing forces would have acted with so much ad- vantage, as to be continually changing the dimensions of the ellipse, in a manner inconsistent with our terrestrial nine times the space. For the same reason if the distance be increased four, five, or six times, the area of the shadow will contain sixteen, twenty- five, or thirty-six squares, each equal to the object. Now the quantity of light which falls upon the object would, if it had not been intercepted, have spread over that part of the screen, which is occupied by the shad- ow; and as the surface is increased, over which a certain quantity of rays IS spread, in the same ratio their spissitude or density will be diminished; consequently this- spissitude will be reciprocally as the squares of the dis- tances — Paxton, * ASTRONOMY. 22^2 creation For instance; if the planet Saturn, so large and so remote, had attracted the earth, both in proportion to the quantity of matter contained in it, which it does; ctnd also in any proportion to its distance; i. e. if it had pulled the harder for being the farther off, (instead of the reverse of it,) it would have dragged out of its course the globe which we inhabit, and have perplexed its motions, to a de- gree incompatible with our security, our enjoyments, and probably our existence. Of the inverse laws, if the cen- tripetal force had changed as the cube of the distance, or in any higher proportion, that is (for I speak to the un learned,) if, at double the distance, the attractive force had been diminished to an eighth part, or to less than that, the consequence would have been, that the planets, if they once began to approach the sun, would have fallen into his body; if they once, though by ever so little, increased their distance from the centre, would forever have receded from it. The laws, therefore, of attraction, by which a system of revolving bodies could be upholden in their mo- tions, lie within narrow limits, compared with the possible laws. I much underrate the re^^ric.ion, when I say that, in a scale of a mile, they are confined to an inch. All direct ratios of the distance are excluded, on account of danger from perturbing forces; all reciprocal ratios, except what lie beneath the cube of the distance, by the demon- strable consequence, that every the least change of distance would, under the operation of such laws, have been fatal to the repose and order of the system. We do not know, that is, we seldom reflect, how interested we are in this matter. Small irregularities may be endured; but changes within these limits being allowed for, the permanency of our ellipse is a question of life and death to our whole sen- sitive world. (*) III. That the subsisting law of attraction falls within the limits which utility requires, when these limits bear so small a proportion to the range of possibilities upon which chance might equally have cast it, is not, with any appearance of reason, to be accounted for by any othei cause than a regulation proceeding from a designing mind. But our next proposition carries the matter somewhat I’ar- ther. We say, in the third place, that, out of the different laws which lie within the limits of admissible laws, the best is made choice of; that there are advantages in this particular law which cannot be demonstrated to belong to any other law; and, concerning some of which, it can be demonstrated that they do not belong to^any othei ASTRONOMY 223 1. Whilst this law prevails between each particle of matter, the united attraction of a sphere, composed of that matter, observes the same law. This property of the law is necessary, to render it applicable to a system com- posed of spheres, but it is a property which belongs to no other law of attraction that is admissible. The law of va- riation of the united attraction is m no other case the same as the law of attraction of each particle, one case except- ed, and that is of the attraction varying directly as the dis- tance;^ the inconveniency of which law, in other respects, we have already noticed. We may follow this regulation somewhat farther, and still more strikingly perceive that it proceeded from a designing mind. A law both admissible and convenient was requisite. In what way is the law of the attracting globes obtained.^ Astronomical observations and terrestrial experiments show, that the attraction of the globes of the system is made up of the attraction of their parts; the attraction of each globe being compounded of the attractions of its parts. Now, the admissible and convenient law which exists, could not be obtained in a system of bodies gravitating by the united gravitation of their parts, unless each particle of matter were attracted by a force varying by one particular law, viz. varying inversely as the square of the distance; for, if the action of the particles be according to any other law whatever, the admissible and convenient law which is adopt- ed could not be obtained. Here then are clearly shown reg- ulation and design. A law both admissible and convenient was to be obtained: the mode chosen for obtaining that law was by making each particle of matter act. After this choice was made, then farther attention was to be given to each particle of matter, and one, and one only particular law of action to be assigned to it. No other law would have an- swered the purpose intended. (^) 2. All systems must be liable to perturbations. And therefore, to guard against these perturbations, or rather to guard against their running to destructive lengths, is p(3r- haps the strongest evidence of care and foresight that can be g'ven. Now we are able to demonstrate of our law of * Let A, Fig. 5, Plate XXXIX, represent a sphere composed of par- ticks, which mutually attract each other with a force, which varies re- c'procally as the squares of the distances ; their united attraction, on a similar particle P without the sphere, will be according to the same law* that is, the particle will be attracted towards the sphere with a force, which will also vary reciprocally as the square of C P, its distance from the centre of the sphere. — Paxton. 224 ASTRONOMY. attraction, what can be demonstrated of no other, and what qualifies the dangers which arise from cross but unavoidable influences, that the action of the parts of our system upon one another will not cause permanently increasing irregu- larities, but merely periodical or vibratory ones; that is, they wfll come to a limit, and then go back again. This we can demonstrate only of a system, in which the following properties concur, viz. that the force shall be inversely as the square of the distance;^ the masses of the revolving bo- dies small, compared with that of the body at the centre; the orbits not much inclined to one another; and their eccen- tricity little. Tn such a system the grand points are secure. The mean distances and periodic times, upon which depend our temperature and the regularity of our year, are constant. The eccentricities, it is true, will still vary,^but so slowly, and to so small an extent, as to produce no mconveniency from fluctuation of temperature and season. The same as to the obliquity of the planes of the orbits. For instance, the inclination of the ecliptic to the equator will never change above two degrees, (out of ninety,) and that will require many thousand years in performing. It has been rightly also remarked, that if the great planets, Jupiter and Saturn, had moved in lower spheres, their influences would have had much more effect, as to disturbing the planetary motions, than they now have. While they revolve at so great distances from the rest, they act almost equally on the sun and on the inferior planets; which has nearly the same consequence as not acting at all upon either. If it be said that the planets might have been sent round the sun in exact circles, in which case, no change of dis- tance from the centre taking place, the law of variation of the attracting power would have never come in question, one law would have served as well as another; an answer to the scheme may be drawn from the consideration of these same perturbing forces. The system retaining in otlier respects its present constitution, though the planets had been at first sent round in exact circular orbits, they could not have kept them: and if the law of attraction had not been what it is, or, at least, if the prevailing law had trans- gressed the limits above assigned, every evagation would have been fatal: the planet once drawn, as drawn it neces- sarily must have been, out of its course, would have wan- dered in endless error. (*) V. What we have seen in the law of the centripeta* force, viz. a choice guided by views of utility, and a choice ASTRONOMY 223 of one aw out of thousands which mignt equall}^ have taken p ace, we see no less in the figures of the planetary orbits. It was not enough to fix the law of the centripetal force, though by the wisest choice; for even under that law, it was still competent to the planets to have moved in paths possessing so great a degree of eccentricity, as, in the course of every revolution, to be brought very near to the sun, and carried away to immense distances from him. The comets actually move in orbits of this sort; and had the planets done so, instead of going round in orbits near ly circular, the change from one extremity of temperature to another must, in ours at least, have destroyed every ani* mal and plant upon its surface. Now, the distance from the centre at which a planet sets off, and the absolute force of attraction at that distance, being fixed, the figure of his orbit, its being a circle, or nearer to, or farther off from a circle, viz. a rounder or a longer oval, depends upon two things, the velocity with which, and the direction in which, the planet is projected. And these, in order to produce a right result, must be both brought within certain narrow limits. One, and only one, velocity united with one, and only one, direction, will produce a perfect circle. And the velocity must be near to this velocity, and the di- rection also near to this direction, to produce orbits, such as the planetary orbits are, nearly circular ; that is, ellipses with small eccentricities. The velocity and the direction must both be right. If the velocity be wrong, no direction will cure the error; if the direction be in any considerable degree oblique, no velocity will produce the orbit required. Take for example the attraction of gravity at the surface of the earth. The force of that attraction being what it is, out of all the degrees of velocity, swift and slow, with which a ball might be shot off, none would answer the purpose of which we are speaking, but what was nearly that of five miles in a second.* If it were less than that, the body * The moon describes in one second of time nearly two-thirds of a mile in its orbit round the earth: and if its distance were dimhiished it might still continue to revolve nearly in a circle round the same centre, if its velocity were increased so as to compensate for the greater attrac- tion, which would now draw it constantly out of the rectilinear direc tion, in which it would otherwise move- This distance nay be supposed to be diminished till the moon is brought near to the earth’s surface, and t would, under these circumstances, still continue to complete us revolu- tion, if its velocity were increased to about five miles in a second. Now for the descriptijn of such a revolution, there is no difference between the moon and any other material substance at the same distance; for they would boc 1 be drawn down through the same space in the same time by 226 ASTRONOMY. won d not get round at all, but would come to the ground^ if it were in any considerable degree more than that, the body would take one of those eccentric courses, those long ellipses of which we have noticed the inconveniency.* If the velocity reached the rate of seven miles in a second, or went beyond that, the ball would fly off from the earth, and never be heard of more. In like manner with respect to the direction; out of the innumerable angles in which he ba'l might be sent off, (I mean angles formed with a line drawn to the centre,) none would serve but what was nearly a right one; out of the various directions in which the cannon might be pointed, upwards and downwards, every one would fail, but what was exactly or nearly hori- the force of attraction towards the earth’s centre; and therefore a cannon ball projected parallel to the horizon with this velocity would (if there were no resistance from the air or other accidental circumstance) com- plete its circular revolution, and come back to the place from which it had set out, in a few minutes less than an hour and a half, which is equivalent to the velocity of about five miles in a second. — Paxton. The ball is supposed to be fired from a place not far from the earth’s surface, it can therefore be easily conceived that if its direction is much depressed below the horizon, it must be soon brought down to the ground; but it is not equally obvious that an elevation of any magnitude would ikewise prevent its completing its revolution round the earth. Abstract- ing from the air’s resistance, and of course omitting the supposition of a projectile force sufficient to carry the ball off into infinite space, it will move in the curve of an ellipse, of which one of the foci is situated in the centre of the earth. Now a body moving uninterruptedly in an ellipse must return in time to the same point from which it set out. The body therefore which, when projected from A, Fig. 6, PI. XXXIX, comes down to the earth at C, would have continued its course along the dotted line and returned to A, if the mass of matter in the earth had Deen collected together at its centre, so as not to interfere with the mo- tion of the projectile. Let us now conceive the body to be projected back from C, with the velocity which it had acquired in its fall, and with the direction in which it reached the earth, it would then pass through A, and come down on the other side of A I, in just the same curve, in which it had fallen from A to C. The same would apply to bodies projected upwards from 15 or D; and if the velocities of projec- tion were less or greater than what would have been acquired in filling from A, the bodies would still turn, but at some less or more distant point. The longest diameter, however, of the ellipsis in which they move must always pass through the earth’s centre, and if the bodies rise on one side of this diameter they must fall down on the other. Now it will be seen that the curves at 15, C, and I), make the angles AT51, AFI, ADI less, as the body is supposed to go farther and farther befoie it falls, and that the curves, in which tire hotly can complete a revolution near the suifice, will in all its parts be nearly parallel to it. Hence tie can- aon ball fired upwards will come back again to the ground and not be able completely to go round the eaith upon any other supposition except ng that of its being fired in nearly an horizontal direction. — Paxton, ASTRONOMY. 227 zontal. The same thing holds true o he y)lanets; of out own among the rest. We are entitled, therefore, to ask, and to urge the question. Why did .the projectile velocity and projectile direction of the earth happen to be near- ly those which would retain it in a circular form? Why not one of the infinite number of velocities, one of the infinite number of directions, which would have made it approach much nearer to, or recede much farther from, the aim ? The planets going round, all in the same direction, and all nearly in the same plane, afforded to Buffon a ground for asserting, that they had all been shivered from the sun by the same stroke of a comet, and by that stroke project- ed into their present orbits. Now, besides that this is to attribute to chance the fortunate concurrence of velocity and direction which we have been here noticing, the hy- pothesis, as I apprehend, is inconsistent with the physical ^ws by which the heavenly motions are governed. If the planets were struck off from the surface of the sun, they would return to the sun again. Nor will this difficulty be got rid of, by supposing that the same violent blow which shattered the sun’s surface, and separated large fragments from it, pushed the sun himself out of his place; for the consequence of this would be, that the sun and system of shattered fragments would have a progressive motion, which indeed may possibly be the case with our system; but then each fragment would, in every revolution, return to the surface of the sun again. The hypothesis is also contradicted by the vast difference which subsists between the diameters of the planetary orbits. The distance of Saturn from the sun (to say nothing of the Georgium Sidus' is nearly twenty-five times that of Mercury; a disparity which it seems impossible to reconcile withBuffon’s scheme Bodies starting from the same place, with whatever differ- ence of direction or velocity they could set off, could not Aave been found, at these different distances from the cen- tre, still retaining their nearly circular orbits. They must have been carried to their proper distances before they were projected.* * “ If we suppose the matter of the system to be accumulated in the centre by its gravity, no mechanical principles, with the assistance of this power of gravity could separate the vast mass into such parts as the sun and planets; and after carrying them to their different distances, pro- ject them in their several directions, preserving still the equality of action and reaction, or the state of the centre of gravity of the system. Such an exquisite structure of things could only arise from the contrivance and 228 ASTRONOMY. To conclude: In astronomy, the great thing is to raise the imagination to the subject, and that oftentimes in oppo- sition to the impression made upon the senses. An allu- sion, for example, must be gotten over, arising from the distance at which we view the heavenly bodies, viz. the apparent slowness of their motions. The moon shall take some hours in getting half a yard from a star which it touched. A motion so deliberate, we may think easily gui- ded. But what is the fact? The moon, in fact, is, all this while, driving through the heavens, at the rate of consid- erably more than two thousand miles in an hour; which is more than double of that with which a ball is shot off from the mouth of a cannon. Yet is this prodigious rapidity as much under government, as if the planet proceeded ever so slowly, or were conducted in its course inch by inch. It is also difficult to bring the imagination to conceive (what yet, to ^udge tolerably of the matter, it is necessary to con- ceive) how loosCj if we may so express it, the heavenly bodies are. Enormous globes, held by nothing, confined by nothing, are turned into free and boundless space, each to seek its course by the virtue of an invisible principle; but a principle, one, common, and the same in all; and as- certainable. To preserve such bodies from being lost, from running together in heaps, from hindering and distracting one another’s motions, in a degree inconsistent with any continuing order; t. e. to cause them to form planetary sys- tems, systems that, when formed, can be upheld, and more especially, systems accommodated to the organized and sensitive natures which the planets sustain, as we know to be the case, where alone we can know what the case is, upon our earth: all this requires an intelligent interposi- tion, because it can be demonstrated concerning it, that it requires an adjustment of force, distance, direction, and ve- locity, out of the reach of chance to have produced; an adjustment, in its view to utility, similar to that which we see in ten thousand subjects of nature which are nearer to us, but in power, and in extent of space through which that power is exerted, stupendous. But many of the heavenly bodies, as the sun and fixed stars, are stationary. Their rest must be the effect of an powerful influences of an intelligent, free, and most potent agent. The eamo powers, therefore, which at present govern the material universe, and conduct its various motions, are vert/ different from those which were necessary to have produced it from nothing, or to have disposed it in the admirable form in which it now proceeds . ** — Maclaut in' s Ac- tount of J\''ewton's Phil. p. 407, ed. 3. OF THE PERSONALITY OF THE DEITY. 229 absence or of an equilibrium of attractions. It proven also, that a projectile impulse was originally given to some of the heavenly bodies, and not to others. But farther; if attrac- tion act at all distances, there can be only one quiescent centre of gravity in the universe: and all bodies whatever must be approaching this centre, or revolving round it. According to the first of these suppositions, if the duration of the world had been long enough to allow of it, all its parts, all the great bodies of which it is composed, must have been gathered together in a heap round this point. No changes, however, which have been observed, afford us the smallest reason for believing, that either the one su*" position or the other is true: and then it will follow, that attraction itself is controlled or suspended by a superior agent : that there is a power above the highest of the pow- ers of material nature; a will which restrains and circum- scribes the operations of the most extensive.* CHAPTER XXIII. OP THE PERSONALITY OF THE DEITY. Contrivance, if established, appears to me to prove everything which we wish to prove. Amongst other things, it proves the personality of the Deity, as distinguished from what is sometimes called nature, sometimes called a prin- * It must here, however, be stated, that many astronomers deny that any of the heavenly bodies are absolutely stationary. Some of the brightest of the fixed stars have certainly small motions; and of the rest the distance is too great, and the intervals of our observation too short, to enable us to pronounce with certainty that they may not have the same. The motions in the fixed stars which have been observed, are considered e’ldier as proper to each of them, or as compounded of the motion of our sj'stem, and of motions proper to each star. By a comparison of these motions, a motion in our system is supposed to be discovered. By con- tinuing this anology to other, and to all systems, it is possible to suppose that attraction is unlimited, and that the whole material universe is revolv- ing round some fixed point within its containing sphere or space. — Foley* The milky way is known to derive its appearance from a congeries of very small stars, but there are luminous spots in the heaven, which cannot be separated into distinct stars by the most powerful telescopes; these have been observed in some instances to alter their form, which Sir W. Herschell attributed to the mutual attraction of the luirinous particles which composed them. U 230 OF THE PERSON A.LITY OF THE DEITY. ciple: which terms, in the mouths of those who use them philosophically, seem to be intended to admit and to express an efficacy, but to exclude and to deny a personal agent. Now that which can contrive, which can design, must be a person. These capacities constitute personality, for they imply consciousness and thought. They require that which can perceive an end or purpose; as well as the power of providing means, and of directing them to their end."^’ They require a centre in which perceptions unite, and from which volitions flow; which is mind. The acts of a mind prove the existence of a mind; and in whatever a mind resides, is a person. The seat of intellect is a person We have no authority to limit the properties of mind to any particular corporeal form, or to any particular circum- scription of space. These properties subsist in created nature under a great variety of sensible forms. Also every animated being has its sensoriiim; that is, a certain portion of space, within which perception and volition are exerted. This sphere may be enlarged to an indefinite extent; may comprehend the universe; and, being so imagined, may serve to furnish us with as good a notion as we are capable of forming, of the immensity of the Divine Nature, i. e, of a Being, infinite, as well in essence as in power yet nevertheless a person. ‘‘ No man hath seen God at anytime.” And this, I be lieve, makes the great difficulty. Now it is a difficulty which chiefly arises from our not duly estimating the state of our faculties. The Deity, it is true, is the object of none of our senses: but reflect what limited capacities an imal senses are. Many animals seem to have but one sense, or perhaps two at the most; touch and taste. Ought such an animal to conclude against the existence of odors, sounds, and colors? To another species is given the sense of smelling. This is an advance in the knowledge of the powers and properties of nature: but, if this favored animal should infer from its superiority over the class last described, that it perceived everything which was per- ceptible in nature, it is known to us, though perhaps not Some of the fixed stars appear double, and even multiple when highly magnified. The same great astronomer, whom we have just mentioned, was induced to believe tliat these were separate systems, and his son, assisted by Mr. South, has established that some of them have undoubt- edly a revolution round a common centre of gravity analogous to the motions of the sun and planets. — Paxton. * JPhestley’s Letters to a Philosopliical Unbeliever, p. 153, ed. 2. OF THE PERSONALITY OF THE DEITY. 231 suspected by the animal itself, that it proceeded upon a false and presumptuous estimate of its faculties. To an other is added the sense of hearing; which lets in a class of sensations entirely unconceived hy the animal before spoken of; not only distinct, hut remote from any which it had ever experienced, and greatly superior to them. Yet this last animal has no more ground for believing that its senses comprehend all things, and all properties of things which exist, than might have been claimed by the tribes of animals beneath it; for we know that it is still possible to possess another sense, that of sight, which shall disclose to the percipient a new world. This fifth sense makes the animal w’hat the human animal is: but to infer, that possi- bility stops here; that either this fifth sense is the last sense, or that the five comprehend all existence, is just as unwarrantable a conclusion, as that which might have been made by any of the different species which possessed fewer, or even by that, if such there be, which possessed only one. The conclusion of the one-sense animal, and the conclusion of the five-sense animal, stand upon the same authority. There may be more and other senses than those which we have. There may be senses suited to the perception of the powers, properties, and substance of spirits. These may belong to higher orders of rationa. agents: for there is not the smallest reason for supposing that we are the highest, or that the scale of creation stops with us. The great energies of nature are known to us only b^ their effects. The substances which produce them, are as much concealed from our senses as the divine essence it- self. Gravitation, though constantly present, though con- stantly exerting its influence, though everywhere around us, near us, and within us; though diffused throughout all space, and penetrating the texture of all bodies with which we are acquainted, depends, if upon a fluid, upon a fluid which, though both powerful and universal in its operation, is no object of sense to us; if upon any other kind of substance or action, upon a substance and action from which we receive no distinguishable impressions. Is it tlien to be wondered at, that it should, in some measure, be the same with the Divine Nature.^ Of this, however, we are certain, that whatever the Deity be, neither the universe, nor any part of it which we see, can be He. The universe itself is merely a collective name: its parts are all which are real; or which are things. Now inert matter is out of the question and organized 232 iSJ THE PERSONALITY OF THE DEITY. substances include marks of contrivance. But whatevei includes marks of contrivance, whatever, in its constitution, testilies design, necessarily carries us to something beyond itself, to some other being, to a designer prior to, and out of itself No animal, for instance, can have contrived its own limbs and senses; can have been the author to itself of the design with which they were constructed. That supposition involves all the absurdity of self-creation, {. e, of acting without existing. Nothing can be God, which is ordered by a wisdom and a will which itself is void of, which is indebted for any of its properties to contrivance ab extra. The not having that in his nature which requires the exertion of another prior being (which property is sometimes called self-sufficiency, and sometimes self-com- prehension,) appertains to the Deity, as his essential dis- tinction, and removes his nature from that of all things which we see. Which consideration contains the answer to a question that has sometimes been asked, namely: Why, since something or other must have existed from eternity, may not the present universe be that something.^ The contrivance perceived in it proves that to be impossible. Nothing contrived can, in a strict and proper sense, be eternal, forasmuch as the contriver must have existed before the contrivance. Wherever we see marks of contrivance, we are led for its cause to an intelligent author. And this transition of the understanding is founded upon uniform experience. We see intelligence constantly contriving; that is, we see intelligence constantly producing- effects, marked and dis- tinguished by certain properties; not certain particular properties, but by a kind and class of properties, such as relation to an end, relation of parts to one another, and to a common purpose. We see, wherever we are witnesses to the actual formation of things, nothing except intelli- gence producing effects so marked and distinguished. Fur- nished with this experience, we view the producticns of nature. We observe them also marked and distinguished in the same manner. We wish to account for their origin. Our experience suggests a cause perfectly adequate to this account. No experience, no single instance or example, can be offered in favor of any other. In this cause, there- fore, we ought to rest; in this cause the common sense of mankind has, in fact, rested, because it agrees with that which in all cases is the foundation of knowledge, — the undeviating course of their experience. The reasoning is the same as that by which we conclude any ancient ap- OF THE PERSONALITY OF THE DEITY. 233 -r> r earances to have been the effects of volcanoes or inunda- tions, namely, because they resemble tlie effects which lire and water produce before our eyes; and because we have never known these effects to result from any other opera- tion. And this resemblance may subsist in so many cir- cumstances, as not to leave us under the smallest doubt in forming our opinion. Men are not deceived by this reasoning: for whenever it happens, as it sometimes does happen, that the truth comes to be known by direct infor- mation, it turns out to be what was expected. In like manner, and upon the same foundation (which in truth is that of experience) we conclude that the works of nature proceeded from intelligence and design, because, in the properties of relation to a purpose, subserviency to a use, they resemble what intelligence and design are constantly producing, and what nothing except intelligence and de- sign ever produce at all. Of every argument, which would raise a question as to the safety of this reasoning, it may be observed, that if such argument be listened to, it leads to the inference, not only that the present order of nature is insufficient to prove the existence of an intelli- gent Creator, but that no imaginable order would be suf- ficient to prove it; that no contrivance, were it ever so me- chanical, ever so precise, ever so clear, ever so perfectly like those which we ourselves employ, would support this conclusion. A doctrine to which, I conceive, no sound mind can assent. The force, however, of the reasoning is sometimes sunk by our taking up with mere names. We have already no- ticed,^ and we must here notice again, the misapplication of the term “ law,’’ and the mistake concerning the idea which that term expresses in physics, whenever such idea IS made to take the place of power, and still more of an in- tedigent power, and, as such, to be assigned for the cause of anything, or of any property of anything, that exists. This is what we are secretly apt to do, when we speak of or- ganized bodies (plants for instance, or animals,) owing their production, their form, their growth, their qualities, their beauty, their use, to any law or laws of nature; and when we are contented to sit down with that answer to our inqui- ries concerning them. I say once more, that it is a per- version of language to assign any law as the efficient oper- ative cause of anything. A law presupposes an agent, for it is only th^ mode according to which an agent proceeds; Chap. I. sec. vii. 234 OF THE PERSONALITY OF THE DEITY. r it implies a power, for it is the order according to which that power acts. Without this agent, without this po»ver, which are both distinct from itself, the ‘Maw’’ does noth- ing — is nothing. What has been said concerning “law,” holds true of mechanism. Mechanism is not itself power. Mechanism, without power, can do nothing. Let a watch be contrived and constructed ever so ingeniously; be its parts ever so many, ever so complicated, ever so finely wrought, or arti- ficially put together, it cannot go without a weight or spring, %. e. without a force independent of, and ulterior to, its me- chanism. The spring acting at the centre, will produce different motions and different results, according to the variety of the intermediate mechanism. One and the self- same spring, acting in one and the same manner, viz. by simply expanding itself, may be the cause of a hundred dif- ferent, and all useful, movements, if a hundred different and well-devised sets of wheels be placed between it and the final eflect; e. g, may point out the hour of the day, the day of the month, the age of the moon, the position of the planets, the cycle of the years, and many other serviceable notices: and these movements may fulfil their purposes with more or less perfection, according as the mechanism is better or worse contrived, or better or worse executed, or in a better or worse state of repair ; but in all cases, it is necessary that the spring act at the centre. The course of our reasoning upon such a subject would be this: by inspecting the watch, even when standing still, we get a proof of contrivance, and of a contriving mind having been employed about it. In the form and obvious relation of its parts, we see enough to convince us of this. If we pull the works in pieces, for the purpose of a closer examination, we are still more fully convinced. But when we see the watch going, we see proof of another point, viz. that there is a power somewhere and somehow or other, applied to it; a power in action; — that there is more in the subject han the mere wheels of the machine; — that there is a secret spring, or a gravitating plummet; — in a word, that there is force and energy, as well as mechanism. So then, the watch in motion establishes to the observer two conclusions: One; that thought, contrivance, and de- sign, have been employed in the forming, proportioning, and arranging of its parts; and that whoever or wherever he be, or were, such a contriver there is, or was: The other; that force or power, distinct from mechanism, is at this uveseiit tiin^ acting upon it. If I saw a hand-mill, even at OF THE PERSONAI.1TY OF THE DEITY. 235 rest, I should see contrivance; but if I saw it grinding, I should be assured that a hand was at the windlass, though in another room. It is the same in nature. In the works of nature we trace mechanism; and this alone proves contrivance: but living, active, moving, productive nature, proves also the exertion of a power at the centre; for, wherever the power resides may be denominated the centre. The intervention and disposition of what are called second causes fall under the same observation. Tliis disposition is or is not mechanism, according as we can or cannot trace it by our senses and means of examination That is all the difference there is ; and it is a difference which respects our faculties, not the things themselves. Now, where the order of second causes is mechanical, what is here said of mechanism strictly applies to it. But it would be always mechanism (natural chemistry, for in- stance, would be mechanism) if our senses were acute enough to descry it. Neither mechanism, therefore, in the works of nature, nor the intervention of what are call- ed second causes, (for I think that they are the same thing,) excuses the necessity of an agent distinct from both. If, in tracing these causes, it be said, that we find cer- tain general properties of matter which have nothing in them that bespeaks intelligence, I answer, that still the managing of these properties, the pointing and directing them to the uses which we see made of them, demands in- telligence in the highest degree. For example: suppose animal secretions to be elective attraction, and that such and such attractions universally belong to such and such substances; in all which there is no intellect concerned; still the choice and collocation of these substances, the fix- ing upon right substances, and disposing them in righ\ places, must be an act of intelligence. What mischief would follow, were there a single transposition of the se- cretory organs; a single mistake in arranging the glands which compose them! There may be many second causes, and many courses of second causes, one behind another, between what we observe of nature and the Deity; but there must be in- telligence somewhere; there must be more in nature than what we see; and, amongst the things unseen, there must be an intelligent, designing author. The philosopher be- holds with astonishment the production of things around him. Unconscious particles of matter take their stations, and several ly range themselves in an order, so as to become collectively plants or animals, i e. organized bodies, with 236 OF THE PERSONALITY OF THE DEITY. parts bearing strict and evident relation to one another, and to the utility of the whole: and it should seem that these particles could not move in any other way than as they do; for they testify not the smallest sign of choice, or liberty, cr discretion. There may be particular intelligent beings g aiding these motions in each case; or they may be the result of trains of mechanical dispositions, fixed beforehand by an intelligent appointment, and kept in ac- tion by a power at the centre. But, in either case, there must be intelligence. The minds of most men are fond of what they call a principle, and of the appearance of simplicity, in account- ing for phenomena. Yet this principle, this simplicity, resides merely in the name; which name, after all, com- prises, perhaps, under it a diversified, multifarious, or pro- gressive operation, distinguishable into parts. The power in organized bodies, of producing bodies like themselves, is one of these principles. Give a philosopher this, and he can get on. But he does not reflect, what this mode of production, this principle (if such he choose to call it) re- quires; how much it presupposes; what an apparatus of in- struments, some of which are strictly mechanical, is neces- sary to its success; what a train it includes of operations and changes, one succeeding another, one related to another, one ministering to another ; all advancing, by intermediate, and frequently, by sensible steps, to their ultimate result* Yet, because the whole of this complicated action is wrap- ped up in a single term, generation^ we are to set it down as an elementary principle; and to suppose, that when we have resolved the things which we see into this principle, we have sufficiently accounted for their origin, without the necessity of a designing, intelligent Creator. The truth is, generation is not a principle, but a process. We might as well call the casting of metals a principle; we might, so far as appears to me, as well call spinning and weaving principles: and then, referring the texture of cloths, the fabric of muslins and calicoes, the patterns of diapers and damasks, to these, as principles, pretend to dispense with intention, thought, and contrivance, on the part of the ar- tist; or to dispense, indeed, with the necessity of any artist at all, either in the manufacturing of the article, or in the fabrication of the machinery by which the manufacture was carried on. And after all, how, or in what sense, is it true, that ani- mals produce their like? A butterfly, with a broboscis in- itead of a mouth, with four wings and six legs, produces a OF THE PERSONALITY OF THE DEITY 237 hairy caterpillar, with jaws and teeth, and fourteen feet 4 frog produces a tadpole. A black beetle, with gauze wings, and a crusty covering, produces a white, smooth, soft worm; an ephemeron fly, a cod-bait maggot. These, by a progress through different stages of life, and action, and enjoyment, (and in each state provided with imple- merts and organs appropriated to the temporary nature which they bear,) arrive at last at the form and fashion of the parent animal. But all this is process, not principle; and proves, moreover, that the property of animated bodies, of producing their like, belongs to them, not as a primordial property, not by any blind necessity in the nature of things, but as the effect of economy, wisdom, and design; because the property itself assumes diversities, and submits to devi- ations dictated by intelligible utilities, and serving distinct purposes of animal happiness. The opinion, which would consider generation” as a principle in nature; and which would assign this principle as a cause, or endeavour to satisfy our minds with such a cause, of the existence of organized bodies, is confuted, in my judgment, not only by every mark of contrivance dis- coverable in those bodies, for which it gives us no contriver, offers no account whatever; but also by the farther consid- eration, that things generated possess a clear relation to things not generated. If it were merely one part of a gen- erated body bearing a relation to another part of the same body, as the mouth of an animal to the throat, the throat to the stomach, the stomach to the intestines, those to the recruiting of the blood, and by means of the blood, to the nourishment of the whole frame; or if it were only one generated body bearing a relation to another generated body, as the sexes of the same species to each other, animals 3f prey to their prey, herbivorous and granivo- rous animals to the plants or seeds upon which they feed, it might be contended, that the whole of this correspon- dency was attributable to generation, the common origin from which these substances proceeded. But what shall we say to agreements which exist between things generat- ed and things not generated'^ Can it be doubted, was it ever doubted, but that the lungs of animals bear a relation to tlie air, as a permanently elastic fluid? They act in it and by it, they cannot act without it. Now, if generation produced the animal, it did not produce the air; yet their properties correspond. The eye is made for light, and light for the eye. The eye would be of no use without light, and light perhaps of little without eyes; yet one is produc- 23B OP THE PERSONAL TY OP THE DEITY. cd by generation; the other not. The ear depends upon undulations of lir. Here are two sets of motions: first, of .he pulses of the air; secondly, of the drum, bones, and nerves of the ear: sets of motions bearing an evident re- ference to each other: yet the one, and the apparatus for the one, produced by the intervention of generation; the , other altogether independent of it. If it be said, that the air, the light, the elements, the world itself, is generated; I answer, that I do not compre- hend he proposition. If the term mean anything similar io wnat it means when applied to plants or animals, the proposition is certainly without proof; and, I think, draws as near to absurdity as any proposition can do, which does not include a contradiction in its terms. I am at a loss to conceive, how the formation of the world can be compared to the generation of an animal. If the term generatiori signify something quite different from what it signifies on ordinary occasions, it may, by the same latitude, signify anything. In which case, a word or phrase taken from the language of Otaheite, would convey as much theory con- cerning the origin of the universe, as it does to talk of its being generated. We know a cause (intelligence) adequate to the appear- ances which we wish to account for; we have this cause continually producing similar appearances; yet, rejecting this cause, the sufficiency of which we know, and the ac- tion of which is constantly before our eyes, we are invited to resort to suppositions destitute of a single fact for their support, and confirmed by no analogy with wdiich we are acquainted. Were it necessary to inquire into the motives of men’s opinions, I mean their motives separate from their arguments, I should almost suspect, that, because the proof of a Deity drawn from the constitution of nature is not only popular but vulgar, (which may arise from the cogency of the proof, and be indeed its highest recommendation,) and because it is a species almost of puerility to take up with it; for these reasons, minds, which are habitually in search of invention and originality, feel a resistless inclina- tion to strike off into other solutions and other expositions. The truth is, that many minds are not so indisposed to any- thing which can be offered to them, as they are to the flatness of being content with common reasons; and, what is most to be lamented, minds conscious of superiority are the most liable to this repugnancy. The ‘‘ suppositions” here alluded to, all agree in one characte;: they all endeavour to dispense with the necessi- OF THE PERSONALITY OF THE DEITY. 239 ty in nature, of a particular personal intelligence; that is to say, with the exertion of an intending, contriving mind, m the structure and formation of the organized con- stitution which the world contains. They would resolve ail productions into unconscious energies, of a like kind, in that respect, with attraction, magnetism, electricity, &c. without anything farther. Ill this the old system of atheism and the new agree And I much doubt, whether the new schemes have advanc- ed anything upon the old, or done more than changed the terms of the nomenclature. For instance, I could never see the difference between the antiquated system of atoms, and Buffon's organic molecules. This philosopher, having made a planet by knocking off from the sun apiece of melt- ed glass, in consequence of the stroke of a comet; and hav- ing set it in motion by the same stroke, both round its own axis and the sun, finds his next difficulty to be, how to bring plants and animals upon it. In order to solve this difficulty, we are to suppose the universe replenished with particles endowed with life, but without organization or senses of their own; and endowed also with a tendency to marshal themselves into organized forms. The concourse of these particles, by virtue of this tendency, but without intelligence, will, or direction, (for I do not find that any of these qualities are ascribed to them,) has produced the living forms which we now see. Very few of the conjectures which philosophers hazard upon these subjects, have more of pretension in therr than the challenging you to show the direct impossibility of the hypothesis. In the present example, there seemed to be a positive objection to the whole scheme upon the very face of it; which was that, if the case were as here repre- sented, new combinations ought to be perpetually taking place; new plants and animals, or organized bodies which vvere neither, ought to be starting up before our eyes every day. For this, however, our philosopher has an answer Whilst so many forms of plants and animals are already in existence, and, consequently, so many “internal moulds,'' as he calls them, are prepared and at hand, the organic particles run into these moulds, and are employed in supply- ing an accession of substance to them, as well for their growth, as for their propagation. By which means things keep their ancient course. But, says the same philoso- pher, should any general loss or destruction of the pre- sent constitution of organized bodies take place, the parti- cles, for want of “moulds" into which they might enter^. 440 OF THE PERSONALITY OF THE DEITY. would run into different combinations, and replenish the waste with new species of organized substances. Is there any history to countenance this notion.^ Is it known, that any destruction has been so repaired? any desert thus repeopled? So far as I remember, the only natural appearance men- tioned by our author, by way of fact whereon to build his hypothesis, the only support on which it rests, is the forma- tion of worms in the intestines of animals, which is here ascribed to the coalition of superabundant organic parti- cles, floating about in the first passages; and which have combined themselves into these simple animal forms, for want of internal moulds, or of vacancies in those moulds, into which they might be received. The thing referred to, is rather a species of facts, than a single fact; as some other cases may, with equal reason, be included under it. But to make it a fact at all, or in any sort applicable to the question, we must begin with asserting an equivocal generation, contrary to analogy, and without necessity: contrary to an analogy, which accompanies us to the very limits of our knowledge or inquiries; for wherever, either in plants or animals, we are able to examine the subject, we find procreation from a parent form: without necessity; for I apprehend that it is seldom difficult to suggest me- thods, by which the eggs, or spawn, or yet invisible rudi- ments of these vermin, may have obtained a passage into the cavities in which they are found.* Add to this, that their constancy to their species, which, I believe, is as regu- lar in these as in the other vermes, decides the question against our philosopher, if in truth any question remained apon the subject. Lastly; these wonder-working instruments, these ‘Tn- ernal moulds,” what are they after all? what, when exam- ined, but a name without signification; unintelligible, if not jelf-contradictory ; at the best, differing in nothing from the essential forms” of the Greek philosophy? One short sentence of Buffon’s work exhibits his scheme as follows: “ Wh^n this nutritious and prolific matter, which is diffus- ed throughout all nature, passes through the internal mould of an animal or vegetable, and finds a proper matrix, or re- ceptacle, it gives rise to an animal or vegetable of the same species.” l3oes any reader annex a meaning to the expres- * I trust I may be excused for not citing, as another fact which is to confirm the hypothesis, a grave assertion of this writer, that the brandi- es of trees upon which the stag feeds, break out again. in his horni t3uch facts merit no discussion. OF THE PERSONALITY OF THE DEITY. 241 Bion, ‘‘internal mould,” in this sentence? Ought it then to be said that though we have little notion of an internal mould, we have not much more of a designing mind? The very contrary of this assertion is the truth. When we speak of an artificer or an architect, we talk of what is com- prehensible to our understanding, and familiar to our expe- rience. We use no other terms, than what refer us for their meaning to our consciousness and observation; what express tlic constant objects of both; whereas names, like that we have mentioned; refer us to nothing; excite no idea: convey a sound to the ear, but I think do no more. Another system, which has lately been brvmght forward, and with much ingenuity, is that of appetencies. The prin- ciple, and the short account of the theory, is this: Pieces of soft, ductile matter, being endued with propensities or appetencies for particular actions, would, by continual en- deavours, carried on through a long series of generations, work themselves gradually into suitable forms; and at length acquire, though perhaps by obscure and almost im- perceptible improvements, an organization fitted to the ac- tion which their respective propensities led them to exert. A piece of animated matter, for example, that was endued with a propensity to fly, though ever so shapeless, though no other we will suppose than a round ball, to begin with, would, in a course of ages, if not in a million of years, perhaps in a hundred millions of years, (for our theorists, having eternity to dispose of, are never sparing in time,) ac- quire The same tendency to locomotion in an aquatic animal, or rather in an animated lump which might happen to be surrounded by water, would end in the pro- duction fins; in a living substance, confined to the solid earth, would put out legs and feet; or, if it took a different turn, would break the body into ringlets, and conclude by craivling upon the ground. Although I have introduced the mention of this theory into this place, I am unwilling to give to it the name of an atheistic scheme, for two reasons: first, because, so far as I am able to understand it, the original propensities, and the numberless varieties of them (so different, in this re- spect, from the laws of mechanical nature, wd ich are few and simple,) are, in the plan itself, attributed to the ordina- tion and appointment of an intelligent and designing Crea- tor; secondly, because, likewise, that large postulatum, which is a 1 along assumed and presupposed, the faculty in living bodies of producing other bodies organized like themselves, seems to be referred to the same cause; at W 242 OF THE PEKbONAL JTY OF THE DEITY. least IS not attempted to be accounted for by any other. In one important respect, however, the theory before us coin- cides with atheistic systems, viz. in that, in the formation of plants and animals, in the structure and use of their parts, it does away final causes. Instead of the parts of a plant or animal, or the particular structure of the parts, having il>een intended for the action or the use to which we see them applied, according to this theory, they have themselves grown out of that action, sprung from that use. The the- ory therefore dispenses with that which we insist upon, the necessity, in each particular case, of an intelligent, design- ing mind, for the contriving and determining of the forms which organized bodies bear. Give our philosopher these appetencies; give him a portion of living irritable matter (a nerve, or the clipping of a nerve) to work upon; give also to his incipient or progressive forms, the power, in every stage of their alteration, of propagating their like; and, if he is to be believed, he could replenish the world with all the vegetable and animal productions which we at present see in it. The scheme under consideration is open to the same ob- jection with other conjectures of a similar tendency, viz. a total defect of evidence. No changes, like those which the theory requires, have ever been observed. All the changes in Ovid’s Metamorphoses might have been effected by these appetencies, if the theory were true: yet not an example, nor the pretence of an example, is offered of a single change being known to have taken place. Nor is the or- der of generation obedient to the principle upon which this theory is built. The marnmse * of the male have not van- ished by inusitation; nec ciirtorum, per multa scccula Ju^ decorum propagini deest prczputium. It is easy to say, and it has been said, that the alterative process is too slow to be perceived; that it has been carried on through tracts of immeasurable time; and that the present order of things is the result of a gradation, of which no human records can trace the steps. It is easy to say this; and yet it is still true, that the hypothesis remains destitute of evidence. The analogies which have been alleged, are of the fol- lowing kind. The hunch of a camel is said to be no other than the effect of carrying burdens; a service in which * I confess myself totally at a loss to guess at the reason, either final or efficient, for this part of the animal frame, unless there be some foun- dation for an opinion, of which I draw tlie hint from a paper of Sir Kve- rard Home’s, (Phil. Transac. 1799, p. 2,) viz. that the niammie of the *bRtns may bo f'rmed before the sex is determined. OP THE PERSONALITY OP THE DEITY. ihe species has been employed from the most ar cient times of the world The first race, by the daily loading of the back, would probably find a small grumous tumour to be formed in the flesh of that part. The next progeny would bring this tumour into the world with them. The life to which they were destined would increase it. The cause which first generated the tubercle being continued, it would go on, through every succession, to augment its size, till it attained the form and the bulk under which it now appears. This may serve for one instance: another, and that also of the passive sort, is taken from certain species of birds. Birds of the crane kind, as the crane itself, the heion, bit- tern, stoik, have, in general, their thighs bare of feathers. This privation is accounted for from the habit of wading in water, a;\d from the effect of that element to check the growth (if feathers upon these parts; in consequence of which, Ihe health and vegetation of the feathers declined through each generation of the animal; the tender down, exposed to cold and wetness, became weak, and thin, and rare, till the deterioration ended in the result which we see, of absolute nakedness. I will mention a third instance, because it is drawn from an active hab.t, as the two last were from passive habits; and that is the pouch of the pe- lican. The description, which naturalists give of this organ, is as follows: ‘‘From the lower edges of the under chap hangs a bag, reaching from the whole length of the bill to the neck, which is said to be capable of containing fifteen quarts of water. This bag the bird has a power of wrink- ling up into the hollow of the under chap. When the bag is empty, it is not seen; but when the bird has fished with success, it is incredible to what an extent it is often dilated. The first thing the pelican does in fishing, is to fill the bag; and then it returns to digest its burden at leisure. The bird preys upon large fishes, and hides them by dozens in its pouch. When the bill is opened to its widest extent, a person may run his head into the bird’s mouth, and conceal it in this monstrous pouch, thus adapted for very singular purposes.”* Now this extraordinary conformation is noth ing more, say our philosophers, than the result of habit; not of the habit or effort of a single pelican, or of a single race of pelicans, but of a habit perpetuated through a long series of generations. The pelican soon found the con- veniency of reserving in its mouth, when its appetite was glutted, the remainder of its prey, which is fish. The fill- * Goldsmith, vol. vi. p. 52 244 OF THE PERSONALITY OF THE DEITY. ness produced by this attempt, of course stretched fhe skin which lies between the under chaps, as being the most yielding part of the mouth. Every distension in- creased the cavity. The original bird, and many genera- tions which succeeded him, might find dithculty enough in making the pouch answer this purpose: but future pelicans, entering upon life with a pouch derived from their progen- itors, of considerable capacity, would more readily accel- erate its advance to perfection, by frequently pressing down the sack with the weight of fish which it might now be made to contain. These, or of this kind, are the analogies relied upon. Now, in the first place, the instances themselves are unau- thenticated by testimony; and, in theory, to say the least of them, open to great objections. Who ever read of ca- mels without bunches, or with bunches less than those with which they are at present usually formed.^ A bunch, not unlike the camefs, is found between the shoulders of the buffalo; of the origin of which it is impossible to give the account which is here given. In the second example ; WTy should the application of water, which appears to promote and thicken the growth of feathers upon the bodies and breasts of geese and swans, and other water-fowls, have divested of this covering the thighs of cranes? The third instance, which appears to me as plausible as any that can be produced, has this against it, that it is a singularity re- stricted to the species; whereas, if it had its commence- ment in the cause and manner which have been assigned, the like conformation might be expected to take place in other birds which feed upon fish. How comes it to pass, that the pelican alone was the inventress, and her descen- dants the only inheritors, of this curious resource? But it is the less necessary to controvert the instances themselves, as it is a straining of analogy beyond all lim- its of reason and credibility, to assert that birds, and beasts, and fish, with all their variety and complexity of organiza- tion, have been brought into their forms, and distinguished into their several kinds and natures, by the same process (even if that process could be demonstrated, or had it ever been actually noticed) as might seem to serve for the grad- ual generation of a camel’s bunch, or a pelican’s pouch. The solution, when applied to the works of nature geii- eralljij is contradicted by many of the phenomena, and to- tally inadequate to others. The lifj^amenls or strictures, by which the tendons are tied down at the angles of the joints, ■joul : by no possibility, be formed by the motion or exer OF THE PERSONALITY OF THE DEITY. 245 cise of the tendons themselves; by any appetency exciting these parts into action; or by any tendency arising there- from. The tendency is all the other way; the conahis m constant opposition to them. Length of time does not help the case at all, but the reverse. The valves also in the blood-vessels, could never be formed in the manner which our theorist proposes. The blood, in its right and natural course, has no tendency to form them. When obstruct- ed or refluent, it has the contrary. These parts could not grow out of their use, though they had eternity to grow in. The senses of animals appear to me altogether incapable of receiving the explanation of their origin which this theo- ry affords. Including under the word “ sense” the organ and the perception, we have no account of either. How will our philosopher get at vision, or make an eye? How should the blind animal effect sight, of which blind animals, we know, have neither conception nor desire? Affecting it, by what operation of its will, by what endeavour to see, could it so determine the fluids of its body, as to inchoate the formation of an eye; or suppose the eye formed, would the perception follow? The same of the other senses And this objection holds its force, ascribe what you will to the hand of time, to the power of habit, to changes too slow’ to be observed by man, or brought within any comparison which he is able to make of past things with the present: concede what you please to these arbitrary and unattested suppositions, how will they help you? Here is no incep- tion. No laws, no course, no powers of nature which pre- vail at present, nor any analogous to these, could give com- mencement to a new sense. And it is in vain to inquire how that might proceed, which could never begin, I think the senses to be the most inconsistent with the hypothesis before us, of any part of the animal frame. But other parts are sufficiently so. The solution does not apply to the parts of animals which have little in them of motion. If we could suppose joints and muscles to be grad ually formed by action and exercise, what action or exercise could form a skull, or fill it with brains? No effort of the animal could determine the clothing of its skin. What co- natus could give prickles to the porcupine or hedgehog, or to the sheep its fleece? In the last place: What do these appetencies mean when applied to plants? I am not able to give a signification tc the term, which can be transferred from animals to plants, or which is common to both Yet a no less successful or- w* OF THE NATURAL ATTRIBUTES. ganization is found in plants, than what obtains in animals A solution is v/anted for one as well as the .other. Upon the whole; after all the schemes and struggles of a reluctant -Dhilosophy, the necessary resort is to a Deity The marks of design are too strong to be gotten over Design must have had a designer. That designer mus have been a person. That person is God. CHAPTER XXIV. of the natural attributes of the deity. It is an immense conclusion, that there is a God; a perceiving, intelligent, designing Being; at the head of cre- ation, and from whose will it proceeded. The aftribuies of such a Being, suppose his reality to be proved, must be adequate to the magnitude, extent, and multiplicity of his operations: which are not only vast beyond comparison with those performed by any other power, but, so far as respects our conceptions of them, infinite, because they are unlimit- ed on all sides. Yet the contemplation of a nature so exalted, however surely we arrive at the proof of its existence, overwhelms our faculties. The mind feels its powers sink under the subject. One consequence of which is, that from painful abstraction the thoughts seek relief in sensible images. Whence may be deduced the ancient, and almost univer- sal propensity to idolatrous substitutions. They are the resources of a laboring imagination. False religions usu- ally fall in with the natural propensity; true religions, or such as have derived themselves from the true, resist it. It is one of the advantages of the revelations which we acknowledge, that whilst they reject idolatry with its many pernicious accompaniments, they introduce the Deity to human appr 3hension, under an idea more personal, more determinate, more within its compass, than the theology >f nature can do. And this they do by representing him » xclusively under the relation in which he stands to our- selves; and, for the most part, under some precise charac- ter, resulting from that relation, or from the history of his providences. Which method suits the span of our intellects much better than the universality which enters into the idea of God, as deduced from the views of nature. When, therefore, these representations are well founded in point OF THE DEITY. 241 of authority, (for all depends upon that,) they afford aeon descension to the state of our faculties, of which, they who have most reflected upon the subject, will be the first to acknowledge the want and the value. INevertheless, if we be careful to imitate the documents of our religion, by confining our explanations to what con- cerns ourselves, and do not affect more precision in our ideas than the subject allows of, the several terms which are employed to denote the attributes of the Deity, may be made, even in natural religion, to bear a sense consistent with truth and reason, and not surpassing our compre- hension. These terms are, omnipotence, omniscience, omnipres- ence, eternity, self-existence, necessary existence, spiritu- ality. ‘‘Omnipotence,’^ “omniscience,” “infinite” power, “ infinite” knowledge, Vive superlatives ; expressing our con- ception of these attributes in the strongest and most elevated *erms which language supplies. We ascribe power to the Deity under the name of ‘ ‘ omnipotence,” the strict and cor- rect conclusion being, that a power which could create such a world as this is, must be, beyond all comparison, greater than any which we experience in ourselves, than any which we observe in other visible agents ; greater also than any which we can want, for our individual protection and pres- ervation, in the Being upon whom we depend. It is a power, likewise, to which we are not authorised, by our observation or knowledge, to assign any limits of space or duration. , Very much of the same sort of remark is applicable to the term, “omniscience,” infinite knowledge, or infinite wisdom. In strictness of language, there is a difference between knowledge and wisdom; wisdom always suppos- ing action, and action directed by it. With respect to the first, viz. knowledge, the Creator must know, intimately, the constitution and properties of the things which he cre- ated; which seems also to imply a foreknowledge of their action upon one another, and of their changes; at least, so far as the same result from trains of physical and necessary causes. His omniscience also, as far as respects things present, ’s deducible from his nature, as an intelligent be- ing, joined with the extent, or rather the universality, of his operations. Where he acts, he is; and where he is, ne perceives. The wisdom of the Deity, as testified in the works of creation, surpasses all idea we have of wisdom, drawn from the highest intellectual operations of the highest 248 OF THE NATURAL ATTRIBUTES, kc. class of intelligent beings with whom we are acquainted, and, which ‘s of the chief importance to us, whatever be its compass or extent, which i^ is evidently impossible that we should be able to determine, it must be adequate to the conduct of that order of things under which we live. And this is enough. It is of very inferior consequence, by what terms we express our notion, or rather our admiration, of this attribute. The terms, which the piety and the usage of language have rendered habitual to us, may he as pro- per as any other. We can trace this attribute much beyond what is necessary for any conclusion to which w^e have occasion to apply it. The degree of knowledge and power, requisite for the formation of created nature, cannot, with respect to us, be distinguished from infinite. The divine ‘‘ omnipresence’’ stands, in natural theology, upon this foundation: — In every part and place of the uni- verse, with which we are acquainted, we perceive the exer- tion of a power, which we believe, mediately or immediate- ly, to proceed from the Deity. For instance: in what part or point of space, that has ever been explored, do we not discover attraction.^ In what regions do we not find light In what accessible portion of our globe do we not meet with gravity, magnetism, electricity? together with the properties also and powers of organized substances, of veg- etable or of animated nature? Nay, farther, we may ask, what kingdom is there of nature, what corner of space, in which there is anything that can be examined by us, where we do not fall upon contrivance and design? The only re- flection perhaps which arises in our minds from this view of the world around us is, that the laws of nature every- where prevail; that they are uniform and universal. But what do we mean by the laws of nature, or by any law? Effects are produced by power, not by laws. A law cannot execute itself A law refers us to an agent. Now an agency so general, as that we cannut discover its absence, or assign the place in. which some effect of its continued energy is not found, may, in popular language at least, and, perhaps, without much deviation from philosophical strictness, be called universal: and, with not quite the same, but with no inconsiderable propriety, the person, or Being, in whom that power resides, or from whom it is de- rived, may be taken to be omnipresent. He who upholds all things by his power, may be said to be everywhere present. Thi^ is called a virtual presence. There is also what rnetapnysicians denominate an essential ubiquity; and THE UIVITY OF THE DEITY. 249 which ider. the language of Scripture seems to favor: but the former, I think, goes as far as natural theology carries us. ^‘ Eteriiity’" is a negative idea, clothed with a positive name. It supposes, in that to which it is applied, a present existence; and is the negation of a beginning or an end of that existence. As applied to the Deity, it has not been controverted by those who acknowledge a Deity at all. Most assuredly, there never was a time in which nothing existed, because that condition must have continued. The universal blank must have remained; nothing could rise up out of it; nothing could ever have existed since: noth- ing could exist now. In strictness, however, we have no concern with duration prior to that of the visible world. [Jpon this article, therefore, of theology, it is sufficient to know, that the contriver necessarily existed before the contrivance. Self-existence” is another negative idea, viz. the nega- .lon of a preceding cause, as of a progenitor, a maker, an author, a creator. “Necessary” existence means demonstrable existence. “Spirituality” expresses an idea, made up of a negative part, and of a positive part. The negative part consists in th3 exclusion of some of the known properties of matter, especially of solidity, of the vis inerticVj and of gravitation. The positive part comprises perception, thought, will, Dower, action; by which last term is meant, the origination of motion; the quality, perhaps, in which resides the essen- tial superiority of spirit over matter, “ which cannot move, unless it be moved; and cannot but move, when impelled by another.”* I apprehend that there can be no difficulty in applying to the Deity both parts of this idea. CHAPTER XXV THE UNITY OF THE DEITY. Of the “ Unity of the Deity,” the proof is, the unxformi^ iy of plan observable in the universe. The universe itself is a system; each part either depending upon other parts, or being connected with other parts by some common law of motion, or by the presence of some common substance * Bishop Wilkin’s Principles of Nat Rel. p. 106. 250 THE UNITY OF THE DEITY. One principle of gravitation causes a stone to drop towards the earth, and the moon to wheel round it. One law of at- traction carries all the different planets about the sun. This philosophers demonstrate. There are also other points of agreement amongst them, which may be considered as marks of the identity of their origin, and of their intelli- gent Author. In all are found the conveniency and stability derived from gravitation. They all experience vicissi- tudes of days and nights, and changes of season. They all, at least Jupiter, Mars, and Venus, have the same advanta- ges from their atmosphere as we have. In all the planets, the axes of rotation are permanent. Nothing is more prob- able, than that the same attracting influence, acting accord- ing to the same rule, reaches to the fixed stars: but, if this be only probable, another thing is certain, viz. that the same element of light does. The light from a fixed star affects our eyes in the same manner, is refracted and reflect- ed according to the same laws, as the light of a candle The velocity of the light of the fixed stars is also the same as the velocity of the light of the sun, reflected from the satellites of Jupiter. The heat of the sun, in kind, differs nothing from the heat of a coal fire. In our own globe, the case is clearer. New countries are continually discovered, but the old laws of nature are always found in them: new plants perhaps, or animals, but always in company with plants and animals which wo already know: and always possessing many of the same general properties. We never get among such original, or totally different, modes of existence, as to indicate, that we are come into the province of a different Creator, or under the directior. of a different will. In truth, the same order of things attends us wherever we go. The elements act upon one another, electricity operates, the tides rise and fall, the magnetic needle elects its position in one region of the earth and sea as well as in another. One atmos- phere invests all parts of the globe, and connects all; one sun illuminates; one moon exerts its specific attraction upon all parts. If there be a variety in natural effects, as, e. g. in the tides of different seas, that very variety is the result of the same cause, acting under different circumstances. In many cases this is proved; in all, is probable. The inspection and comparison of /ir/ng forms, add to this argument examples without number. Of all large ter- restrial animals, the structure is very much alike; their senses nearly the same ; their natural functions and pas- siong neadv the same; their viscera nearly the same, both THE UNITY OF THE DEITY 251 in substance, shape, and office: digestion, nutrition, cir culation, secretion, go on, in a similar manner, in all. TJia great circulating fluid is the same; for, I thinK, no differ ence has been discovered in the properties of blood, from whatever animal it be drawn. The experiment of trar. sfu sion proves, that the blood of one animal will serve for an- other, The skeletons also of the larger terrestrial animals, show particular varieties, but still under a great general affinity The resemblance is somewhat less, yet sufficiently evident, between quadrupeds and birds. They are all alike in five respects, for one in which they differ. In fish, which belong to another department, as it weie, of nature, the points of comparison become fewer. But we never lose sight of our analogy, e. g. we still meet with a stomach, a liver, a spine; with bile and blood; with teeth; with eyes, — (which eyes are only slightly varied from our own, and which variation, in truth, demonstrates, not an interruption, but a continuance of the same exquisite plan; for it is the adaptation of the organ to the element, viz. to the different refraction of light passing into the eye out of a denser medium.) The provinces, also, themselves of water and earth, are connected by the species of ani- mals which inhabit both; and also by a large tribe of aquat- ic animals, which closely resemble the terrestrial in their internal structure; I mean the cetaceous tribe, which have hot blood, respiring lungs, bowels, and other essential parts, like those of land animals. This similitude, surely, bespeaks the same creation and the same Creator. Insects and shell-fish appear to me to differ from other classes of animals the most widely of any. Yet even here, beside many points of particular resemblance, there exists a general relation of a peculiar kind. It is the relation of inversion; the law of contrariety: namely, that whereas, in other animals, the bones, to which the muscles are at- tached, lie ivithin the body; in insects and shell-fish they lie on the outside of it. The shell of a lobster performs to the animal the office of a bone, by furnishing to the ten- dons that fixed basis or immovable fulcrum, without which, mechanically, they could not act. The crust of an insect IS its shell, and answers the like purpose. The shell also of an oyster stands in the place of a bone; the bases of the muscles being fixed to it, in the same manner as, in other animals, they are fixed to the bones. All which (under wonderful varieties, indeed, and adaptations of form) con- liesses an imb rtion, a remembrance, a carrying on, of the ^ame plan *252 THE GOODNESS OF THE DEITY. The observations here made are equally applicable to plants; but, I think, unnecessary to be pursued. It is a very striking circumstance, and alone sufficient to prove all which we contend for, that in this part likewise of organized nature, we perceive a continuation of the sex- ual system. Certain however it is, that the whol6 argument for the divine unity, goes no farther than to a unity of counsel. It may likewise be acknowledged, that no arguments which we are in possession of, exclude the ministry of sub- ordinate agents. If such there be, they act under a pre- siding, a controlling will; because they act according to certain general restrictions, by certain common rules, and, tis it should seem, upon a general plan: but still such agents, and different ranks, and classes, and degrees of them, may be employed. CHAPTER XXVI. THE GOODNESS OF THE DEITY. The proof of the divine 2 ;oodness rests upon two proposi- tions, each, as we contend, capable of being made out by observations drawn from the appearances of nature. The first is, “that in a plurality of instances in which contrivance is perceived, the design of the contri- vance is beneficial.*^ The second, “that the Deity has superadded pleasure to animal sensations, beyond what was necessary for any other purpose, or when the purpose, so far as it was neces- sary, might hav^e been effected by the operation of pain.” First, “ in a vast plurality of instances in which contri- vance is perceived, the design of the contrivance is bcne^ ficiaV* No productions of nature display contrivance so mani- festly as the parts of animals; and the parts of animals have all of them, I believe, a real, and, with very few exceptions, all of them a known and intelligible, subserviency to the use of the animal. Now, when the multitude of animals is considered, the number of parts in each, tlieir figure and fitness, the faculties depending upon them, the variety of species, the complexity of structure, the success, in so many cases, and felicity of the result, we can never reflect, without the profoundest adoration, upon the character of THE GOODNESS 01 THE DEITY. 253 that Being from whom all these things have proceeded: we cannot help acknowledging, what an exertion of benevo- lence creation was; of a benevolence how minute in its care, how vast in its comprehension! When we appeal to the parts and faculties of animals, and to the limbs and senses of animals in particular, we * state, I conceive, the proper medium of proof for the con- clusion which we wish to establish. I will not say that the insensible parts of nature are made solely for the sensi- tive parts; but this I say, that, when we consider the be- nevolence oftbe Deity, we can only consider it in relation to sensitive being. ^Without this reference, or referred to anything else, the attribute has no object; the term has no meaning. Dead matter is nothing. The parts, there- fore, especially the limbs and senses of animals, although they constitute, in mass and quantity, a small portion of the material creation, yet, since they alone are instruments of perception, they compose what may be called the whole of visible nature, estimated with a view to the disposition of its Author. Consequently, it is in these that we are to seek his character. It is by these that we are to prove, that the world was made with a benevolent design. Nor is the design abortive It is a happy world after all. The air, the earth, the water, teem with delighted exist- ence. In a spring noon, or a summer evening, on which- ever side I turn my eyes, myriads of happy beings crowd upon my view. “The insect youth are on the wing.’* Swarms of new-born flies are trying their pinions in the air. Their sportive motions, their wanton mazes, their gratuitous activity, their continual change of place without use or purpose, testify their joy, and the exultation which they feel in their lately discovered faculties. A bee amongst the flowers in spring, is one of the most cheerful objects that can be looked upon. Its life appears to be all enjoyment ; so busy, and so pleased: yet it is only a specimen of insect life, with which, by reason of the animal being half domesti- cated, we happen to be better acquainted than we are with that of others. The whole winged insect tribe, it is proba- ble, are equally intent upon their proper employments, and, under every variety of constitution, gratified, and perhaps equally gratified, by the offices which the Author of their nature has assigned to them. But the atmosphere is not the only scene of enjoyment for the insect race. Plants are covered with aphides, greedily sucking their juices, and constan'^ly, as it should seem, in the act of sucking, ft X 554 THE GOODNESS OE THE DEITY. cannot be doubted but that this is a state of gratiication What else should fix them so close to the operation, and so long? Other species are running about, with an alacr’ty in their motions, which carries with it every mark of plea- sure. Large patches of ground are sometimes ha^f covered with these brisk and sprightly natures. If w e look to what the umters produce, shoals of the fry of fish frequent the margins of rivers, of lakes, and of the sea itself These are so happy, that they know not what to do with themselves Their attitudes, their vivacity, their leaps out of the water, their frolics in it, (which I have noticed a thousand times with equal attention and amusement, )» all conduce to show their excess of spirits, and are simply the effects of that excess. Walking by the seaside, in a calm evening, upon a sandy shore, and with an ebbing tide, I have frequently remarked the appearance of a dark cloud, or rather, very thick mist, hanging over the edge of the water, to the height, perhaps, of half a yard, and of the breadth of two or three yards, stretching along the coast as far as the eye could reach, and always retiring with the water. When this cloud came to be examined, it proved to be nothing else than so much space, filled with young shmmps, in the act of bounding into the air from the shallow margin of the water, or from the wet sand. If any motion of a mute ani- mal could express delight, it was this: if they had meant to make signs of their happiness, they could not have done it more intelligibly. Suppose then, what I have no doubt of, each individual of this number to be in a state of posi- tive enjoyment; what a sum, collectively, of gratification and pleasure have we here before our view! The young of all animals appear to me to receive pleas- ure simply from the exercise of their limbs and bodily fac- ulties, without reference to any end to be attained, or any use to be answered by the exertion. A child, without knowing anything of the use of language, is in a high de- gree delighted with being able to speak. Its incessant repetition of the few articulate sounds, or perhaps of the single word which it has learned to pronounce, proves this point clearly. Nor is it less pleased with its first success- ful endeavours to walk, or rather to run, (which precedes walking,) although entirely ignorant of the importance of the attainment to its future life, and even without apply- ing it to any present purpose. A child is delighted with speaking, without having anything to say; and with walk- ing, without knowing where to go. And, prior to both thest>, I am disposed to believe, that the waking hours oi THE GOODNESS OF THE DEITS. 255 infancy are agreeably taken np with the exercise of vision, or perliap more properly speaking, with learning to see^ But it is not for youth alone that the great l^arent of creation hath provided. Happiness is found with the purring cat, no less than with the playful kitten; in the armed chair of d)zing age, as well as in either the sprightli- ness of the dance, or the animation of the chase. To novel ty, to acuteness of sensation, to hope, to ardor of pursuit, succeeds what is, in no inconsiderable degree, an equiva- lent for them all, * ‘ perception of ease.” Herein is the exact dilference between the young and the old. The young are not happy, but when enjoying pleasure ; the old are happy, when free fronr pain. And this constitution suits with the degrees of animal power which they respectively possess. The vigor of youth was to be stimulated to action by impatience of rest; whilst, to the imbecility of age, quiet- ness and repose become positive gratifications. In one im- portant respect the advantage is with the old. A state of ease is, generally speaking, more attainable than a state of pleasure. A constitution, therefore, which can enjoy ease, is preferable to that which can taste only pleasure. The same perception of ease oftentimes renders old age a condition of great comfort; especially when riding at its anchor after a busy or tempestuous life. It is well describ- ed by Rousseau, to be the interval of repose and enjoy- ment, between the hurry and the end of life. How far the same cause extends to other animal natures cannot be judg- ed of with certainty. The appearance of satisfaction, with which most animals, as their activity subsides, seek and enjoy rest, affords reason to believe, that this source of. gratification is appointed to advanced life, under all, or most, of its various forms. In the species with which we are best acquainted, namely, our own, I am far, even as an observer of human life, from thinking that youth is its hap- piest season, much less the only happy one: as a Christian, I am willing to believe that there is a great deal of truth in the following representation given by a very pious writer, as well as an excellent man.* “ To the intelligent and virtuous, old age presents a scene of tranquil enjoyments, of obedient appetite, of well-regulated affections, of ma- turity in knowledge, and of calm preparation for immor- tality. In this serene and dignified state, placed as it were on the confines of two worlds, the mind of a good man reviews what is past wdth the complacency of an approving conscience; and looks forward with humble confidence in * Father’s instructions; by Dr. Perci^al of Manchester, p. 317. 256 THE GOODNESS OF THE DEITY. the mercy of God, and with devout aspirations tawards hia eternal and ever increasing favor.’’ What is seen in different stages of the same life, is still m)re exemplified in the lives of different animals. Animal enjoyments are infinitely diversified. The modes of life to which the organization of different animals respectively de- termines them, are not only of various but of opposite kinds. Yet each is happy in its own. For instance; animals of prey live much alone; animals of a milder constitution, in society. Yet the herring, which lives in shoals, and the sheep, which live in flocks, are not more happy in a crowd, or more contented amongst their companions, than is the pike, or the lion, with the deep solitudes of the pool, or the forest. But it will be said, that the instances which we have heie brought forward, whether of vivacity or repose, or of appa- rent enjoyment derived from either, are picked and favor- able instances. We answer, first, that they are instances, nevertheless, which comprise large provinces of sensitive existence; that every case which we have described, is the case of millions. At this moment, in every given moment of time, how many myriads of animals are eating their food, gratifying their appetites, ruminating in their holes, accomplishing their wishes, pursuing their pleasures, taking their pastimes! In each individual, how many things must go right for it to be at ease; yet how large a proportion out of every species is so in every assignable instant! Sec- ondly, we contend, in the terms of our original proposition, that throughout the whole of life, as it is diffused in nature, and as far as we are acquainted with it, looking to the average of sensations, the plurality and the prepoiiderancy is in favor of happiness by a vast excess. In our own species, in which perhaps the assertion may be more ques- tionable than in any other, the prepollency of good over evil, of health, for example, and ease, over pain and dis- tress, is evinced by the very notice which calamities excite What inquiries does the sickness of our friends produce! What conversation their misfortunes! This shows that the common course of things is in favor of happiness; that happiness is the rule, misery the exception. Were the order reversed, our attention would be called to examples of health and competency, instead of disease and want. One gre,at cause of our insensibility to the goodness of the Creator, is tlie very extensiveness of his bounty. We piize but little \vhat we share only in common with the rest, or w’th the generality of our species. When we hear of THfi GOODNESS OF THE DEITY. 257 olessings, we think forthwith of successes, of prosperous tortunes. of honors, riches, preferments, i. e. of those ad- vantages and superiorities over others, which we happen either to possess, or to be in pursuit of, or to covet. Tlie common benefits of our nature entirely escape us. Yet these are the great things. These constitute what most properly ought to be accounted blessings of Providence; what alone, if we might so speak, are worthy of its care. Nightly rest and daily bread, the ordinary use of our limbs, and senses, and understandings, are gifts which admit of no comparison with any other. Yet, because almost every man we meet with possesses these, we leave them out of our enumeration. They raise no sentiment: they move no gratitude. Now herein is our judgment perverted by our selfishness. A blessing ought in truth to be the more sat- isfactory, the bounty at least of the donor is rendered more conspicuous, by its very diffusion, its commonness, its cheap- ness; by its falling to the lot, and forming the happiness, of the great bulk and body of our species, as well as of our- selves. Nay, even when we do not possess it, it ought to be matter of thankfulness that others do. But we have a different way of thinking. W e court distinction. That is not the worst; we see nothing but what has distinc- tion to recommend it. This necessarily contracts our views of the Creator’s beneficence within a narrow com- pass; and most unjustly. It is in those things which are so common as to be no distinction, that the amplitude of the divine benignity is perceived. But pain, no doubt, and privations exist, in numerous instances, and to a degree, which, collectively, would be very great, if they were compared with any other thing than with the mass of animal fruition. For the application, herefore, of our proposition to that mixed state of things which these exceptions induce, two rules are necessary, and both, I think, just and fair rules. One is, that we regard those effects alone which are accompanied with pi'oofs of intention: The other, that when we cannot resolve all ap- pearances into benevolence of design, we make the few give place to the many; the little to the great; that we take our judgment from a large and decided preponderancy, if there be one. I crave leave to transcribe into this place, what I have said upon this subject in my Moral Philosophy: — “ When God created the human species, either he wish- ed their happiness, or he wished their misery, or he was indifferent and ur concerned about either. X* 258 THE GOODNESS OF THE DEITY. If he had wished our misery, he might have made sure of liis purpose, by forming our senses to be so many sores and pains to us, as they are now instruments of gratification and enjoyment: or by placing us amidst objects so ill suited to our perceptions, as to have continually offended us, instead of ministering to our refreshment and delight. He might have made, for example, everything we tasted, bitter; everything we saw, loathsome; everything we touched, a sting; every smell, a stench; and every sound, a discord ‘‘ If he had been indifferent about our happiness or mis- ery, we must impute to our good fortune (as all design by this supposition is excluded) both the capacity of our sense^^ to receive pleasure, and the supply of external objects fitted to produce it. “ But either of these, and still more both of them, be- ing too much to be attributed to accident, nothing remains but the first supposition, that God, when he created the numan species, wished their happiness; and made for them the provision which he has made, with that view and for that purpose. ‘‘ The same argument may be proposed in different terms; thus: Contrivance proves design: and the predominant tendency of the contrivance indicates the disposition of the designer. The world abounds with contrivances: and all the contrivances which we are acquainted with, are direct- ed to beneficial purposes. Evil, no doubt, exists; but is never, that we can perceive, the object of contrivance. Teeth are contrived to eat, not to ache; their aching now and then is incidental to the contrivance, perhaps insepara- ble from it: or even, if you will, let it be called a defect in the contrivance; but it is not the object of it. This is a distinction which well deserves to be attended to. In de- scribing implements of husbandry, you would hardly say of the sickle, that it is made to cut the reaper’s hand; though, from the construction of the instrument, and the manner of using it, this mischief often follows. But if you had oc- casion to describe instruments of torture or execution: this engine, you would say, is to extend the sinews; this to dis- •ocate the joints; this to break the bones; this to scorch the so cs of the feet. Here pain and misery are the very objects of the contrivance. Now, nothing of this sort is to be found in the works of nature. We never discover a train of contrivance to bring about an evil purpose. No anatomist ever discovered a system of organization calcu- lated to produce pain and disease; oi, in explaining the THE GOODNESS OF THE DEITY. 25 ^ parts of the human body, ever said, this is to irritate^ this to inflame; this duct is to convey the gravel to the kidneys; this gland to secrete the humour winch forms the gout: if by chance he come at a part of which he knows not the use, the most he can say is, that it is useless; no one ever suspects that it is put there to incommode, to an- noy, or to torment.’’ The TWO CASES which appear to me to have the most of difficulty in them, as forming the most of the appearance of excep ion to the representation here given, are those of veiir omoiis animals, and of animals upon one another These properties of animals, wherever they are found, must, I think, be referred to design; because there is, in all cases of the first, and in most cases of the second, an express and distinct organization provided for the producing of them. Under the first head, the fangs of vipers, the stings of wasps and scorpions, are as clearly intended for their purpose, as any animal structure is for any purpose the most incontest- abiy beneficial. And the same thing must, under the se- cond head, be acknowledged of the talons and beaks of birds, of the tusks, teeth, and claws of beasts of prey, of the shark’s mouth, of the spider’s web, and of numberless wea- pons of offence belonging to different tribes of voracious insects. We cannot, therefore, avoid the difficulty by say- ing, that the effect was not intended. The only question open to us is, whether it be ultimately evil. From the con- fessed and felt imperfection of our knowledge, we ought to presume, that there may be consequences of this economy which are hidden from us: from the benevolence' which pervades the general designs of nature, we ought also to presume, that these consequences, if they could enter into our calculation, would turn the balance on the favorable side. Both these I contend to be reasonable presumptions. Not reasonable presumptions, if these two cases were the only cases which nature presented to our ouservation; but reasonable presumptions under the reflection, that the cas- es in question are combined with a multitude of intentions, all proceeding from the same author, and all, except these, directed to ends of undisputed utility. Of the vindications, however, of this economy, which we are able to assign, such as most extenuate the difficulty, are the following. With respect to venomous bites and stings, it may be ob- served, — 1. That the animal itself being regarded, the faculty complained of is good: being conducive, in all cases, to the defence of the animal; in some cases, to the subduing 260 THE GOODNESS OF THE DEITY. of its I rey ; and in some, probably, to the killing of it, when caught, by a mortal wound, inflicted in the passage to the stomach, which may be no less merciful to the victim than salutai;y to the devourer. In the viper, for instance, the poisonous fang may do that which, in other animals of prey, is done by the crush of the teeth. Frogs and mice might be swallowed alive without it. 2. But it will bo said, that this provision, when it ccmes to the case of bites, deadly even to human bodies and to those of large quadrupeds, is greatly overdone; that it might have fulfilled its uge, and yet have been much less delete- rious than it is. Now I believe the case of bites, which produce death in large animals (of stings I think there are none,) to be very few. The experiments of the Abbe Fon- tana, which were numerous, go strongly to the proof of this point. He found that it required the action of five exaspe- rated vipers to kill a dog of a moderate size; but that, to the killing of a mouse or a frog, a single bite was sufficient; which agrees with the use which we assign to the Taculty. The Abbe seemed to be of opinion, that the bite even of the rattlesnake would not usually be mortal; allowing, how- ever, that in certain particularly unfortunate cases, as when the puncture had touched some very tender part, pricked a principal nerve for instance, or, as it is said, some more considerable lymphatic vessel, death might speedily ensue. 3. It has been, I think, very justly remarked, concerning serpents, that, whilst only a few species possess the veno- mous property, that property guards the whole tribe. The most innocuous snake is avoided with as much care as a viper. Now the terror with which large animals regard this class of reptiles, is its protection; and this terror is founded in the formidable revenge, which a few of the num- ber, compared with the whole, are capable of taking. The species of serpents, described by Linnaeus, amount to two hundred and eighteen, of which thirty-two only are poi- sonous. 4. It seems to me, that animal constitutions are pro- vided, not only for each element, but for each state of the elements, i. e. for every climate, and for every emperature; and that part of the mischief complained of, arises from an- imals (the human animal most especially) occupying situ- ations upon the earth which do not belong to them, nor were ever intended for their habitation. The folly and wickedness of mankind, and necessities proceeding from these causes, have driven multitudes of the species to seek a refuge amongst Irurning sands whilst countries, blessed THE GOODNESS OF THE DEITY. 261 with hospitable skies, and with the most fertile soils, re-^ main almost without a human tenant. We invade the ter- ritories of wild beasts and venomous reptiles, and then com- plain that we are infested by their bites and stings.^ Some accounts of Africa place this observation in a strong point of view. “ The deserts,” says Adanson, are entirely bar- ren, except where they are found to produce serpents; and in such quantities, that sonfe extensive plains are almost entirely covered with them.” These are the natures ap- propriated to the situation. Let them enjoy their exist- ence; let them have their country. Surface enough will be left to man, though his numbers were increased a hun- dred fold, and left to him, where he might live exempt from these annoyances. The SECOND CASE, viz. that of animals devouring one another, furnishes a consideration of much larger extent. To judge Avhether, as general provision, this can be deem- ed an evil, even so far as we understand its consequences, which, probably, is a partial understanding, the following reflections are fit to be attended to. 1. Immortality upon this earth is out of the question Without death there could be no generation, no sexes, no parental relation, i, e. as things are constituted, no animal happiness. The particular duration of life, assigned to dif- ferent animals, can form no part of the objection; because, whatever that duration be, whilst it remains finite and lim- ited, it may always be asked, why it is no longer. The natural age of different animals varies, from a single day to a century of years. No account can be given of this; nor could any be given, whatever other proportion of life had obtained amongst them. The term then of life in different animals being the same as it is, the question is, what mode of taking it away is the best even for the animal itself ? Now, according to the established order of nature, (which we must suppose to prevail, or we cannot reason at all upon the subject,) the three methods by which life is usually put an end to, are acute diseases, decay, and violence. The simple and natural life o^brutes, is not often visited by acute distempers; nor could it be deemed an improvement of their lot, if they were. Let it be considered, therefore, in what a condition of suffering and misery a brute animal is placed, which is left to perish by decay. In human sickness or infirmity, there is the assistance of man’s rational fel- low creatures, if not to alleviate his pains, at least to min- ^62 THE GOODNESS OF THE DEITY. .«ter to nis hecessities, and to supply the place of his own activity A brute, in his wild and natural state, does every thing for himself. When his strength therefore, or his speed, or his limbs, or his senses fail him, he is delivered over, either to absolute famine, or to the protracted wretch- edness of a life slowly wasted by the scarcity of food. Is it then to see the world filled with drooping, superannua- ted, half starved, helpless, and unhelped animals, that you would alter the present system of pursuit and prey? 2. Which system is also to them the spring of motion and activity on both sides. The pursuit of its prey forms the employment, and appears to constitute the pleasure, of a considerable part of the animal creation. The using of the means of defence, or flight, or precaution, forms also the business of another part. And even of this latter tribe, we have no reason to suppose, that their happiness is much molested by their fears. Their danger exists continually; and in some cases they seem to be so far sensible of it, as to provide in the best manner they can against it; but it is only when the attack is actually made upon them, that they appear to suffer from it. To contemplate the insecu- rity of their condition with anxiety and dread, requires a degree of reflection, which (happily for themselves) they do not possess. A hare, notwithstanding the number of its dangers and its enemies, is as playful an animal as any other. 3. But, to do justice to the question, the system of animal destruction ought always to be considered in strict connex- ion with another property of animal nature, viz. superfecun^ dity. They are countervailing qualities. One subsists by the correction of the other. In treating, therefore, of the subject under this view, (which is, I believe, the true one,) our business will be, first, to point out the advantages which are gained by the powers in nature of a superabundant mul- tiplication; and then to show, that these advantages are so many reasons for appointing that system of animal hos- tilities, which we are endeavouring to account for. In almost all cases, nature produces her supplies with profusion. A single cod-fish spawns, in one season, a greater number of eggs than all the inhabitants of England amount to. A thousand other instances of prolific genera- tion might be stated, which, though not equal to this, would carry on the increase of the species with a rapidity wliich outruns calculation, and to an immeasurable extent. The advantages of such a constitution are tw : : first, that it tends THE GOODNESS OF THE DEIT7. 263 to keep the world always full: whilst, seccnJly, it allows the proportion between the several species of animals to be differently modified, as different purposes require, or as different situations may afford for them room and food. Where this vast fecundity meets with a vacancy fitted to -eceive the species, there it operates with its whole effect; there it pours in its numbers, and replenishes the waste. We complain of what we call the exorbitant multiplication of some troublesome insects; not reflecting that large por- tions of nature might be left void without it. If the ac- counts of travellers may be depended upon, immense tracts of forest in North America would be nearly lost to sensitive existence, if it were not for gnats. “ In the thinly inhab- ited regions of America, in which the waters stagnate and the climate is warm, the whole air is filled with crowds of these insects.” Thus it is, that where we look for solitude and deathlike silence, we meet with animation, activity, enjoyment; with a busy, a happy, and a peopled world. Again; hosts of mice are reckoned amongst the plagues of the northeast part of Europe; whereas vast plains in Sibe- ria, as we learn from good authority, would be lifeless with- out them. The Caspian deserts are converted by their presence into crowded warrens. Between the Volga and the Yaik, and in the country of Hyrcania, the ground, says Pallas, is in many places covered with little hills, raised by the earth cast out in forming the burrows. Do we so envy these blissful abodes, as to pronounce the fecundity by which they are supplied with inhabitants, to be an evil; a subject of complaint, and not of praise? Farther; by virtue of this same superfecundity, what we term destruc- tion, becomes almost instantly the parent of life. What we call blights, are oftentimes legions of animated beings, claiming their portion in the bounty of nature. What cor- rupts the produce of the earth to us, prepares it for them. And it is by means of their rapid multiplication, that they take possession of their pasture; a slow propagation would not meet the opportunity. But in conjunction with the occasional use of this fruit- fulness, we observe, also, that it allows the proportion be- tween the several species of animals, to be differently mod- ified, as different purposes of utility may require. When the forests of America come to be cleared, ana the swamps drained, our gnats will give place to other inhabitants. If the population of Europe should spread to the north and the east, the mice will retire before the husbandman and iG4 THE GOODNESS OF THE DEITY. the shepherd, and yield their station to herds and flocks. In what concerns the human species, it may be a part of the scheme of Providence, that the earth should be inhabited by a shifting, or perhaps a circulating population. In this economy, it is possible that there may be the following ad- vantages: When old countries are become exceedingly corrupt, simpler modes of life, purer morals, and better in- stitutions, may rise up in new ones, whilst fresh soils reward he cultivator with more plentiful returns. Thus the diflei- ent portions of the globe come into use in succession as the residence of man; and, in his absence, entertain other guests, which, by their sudden multiplication, fill the chasm. In domesticated animals, we find the effect of their fecundity to be, that we can always command numbers; we can always have as many of any particular species as w^e please, or as we can support. Nor do we complain of its excess; it being much more easy to regulate abundance, than to supply scarcity. But then this superfeciindity, though of great occasional use and importance, exceeds the ordinary capacity of nature to receive or support its progeny. All superabundance supposes destruction, or must destroy itself. Perhaps there is no species of terrestrial animals whatever, which would not overrun the earth, if it were permitted to multiply in perfect safety; or of fish, which would not fill the ocean: at least, if any single species were left to their natural increase without disturbance or restraint, the food of other species would be exhausted by their maintenance. It is necessary, therefore, that the effects of such prolific faculties be cur- tailed. In conjunction with other checks and limits, all sub- servient to the same purpose, are the thinnings which take place among animals, by their action upon one another. In some instances we ourselves experience, very directly, the use of these hostilities. One species of insects rids us of another species; or reduces their ranks. A third species, perhaps, keeps the second within bounds; and birds or liz * ards are a fence against the inordinate increase by which even these last might infest us. In other more numerous, and possibly more important instances, this disposition of things, although less necessary or useful to us, and of course less observed by us, may be necessary and useful to certain other species; or even for the preventing of the loss of cer- tain species from the universe: a misfortune which seems to be studiously guarded against. Though there may be the appearance of failure in some of the details of Nature’s THE GOODNESS OF THE DEITY. 265 works, in her great purposes there never are. Her species never fail. The provision which was originally made for continuing the replenishment of the world, has proved itself to be effectual through a long succession of ages. What farther shows, that the system of destruction amor.gst animals holds an express relation to the system of fecundity ;^hat they are parts indeed of one compensatory scheme; is, that in each species the fecundity bears a proportion to the smallness of the animal, to the weakness, to the shortness of its natural term of life, and to the dan- gers and enemies by which it is surrounded. An elephant produces but one calf: a butterfly lays six hundred eggs. Birds of prey seldom produce more than two eggs: the sparrow tribe, and the duck tribe, frequently sit upon a dozen. In the rivers, we meet with a thousand minnows for one pike; in the sea, a million of herrings for a single shark. Compensation obtains throughout. Defenceless- ness and devastation are repaired by fecundity. We have dwelt the longer upon these considerations, be- cause the subject to which they apply, namely, that of ani- mals devouring one another, forms the chief, if not the only instance, in the works of the Deity; of an economy, stamp- ed by marks of design, in which the character of utility can be called in question. The case of venomous animals is of much inferior consequence to the case of prey, and in some degree, is also included under it. To both cases, it is probable that many more reasons belong, than those of which we are in possession Our FIRST PROPOSITION, and that which we have hither- to been defending, was, ‘‘that, in a vast plurality of in- stances in which contrivance is perceived, the design of the contrivance is beneficial.’’ Our SECOND PROPOSITION is, “that the Deity has ad- ded pleasure to animal sensations, beyond what was neces- sary for any other purpose, or when the purpose, so far as it was necessary, might have been effected by the opera- tion of pain.” This proposition may be thus explained: The capaci- ties which, according to the established course of nature, are necessary to the supporter preservation of an animal, how- ever manifestly they may be the result of an organization contrived for the purpose, can only be deemed an act or a part of the same will, as that which decreed the exis- tence of the animal itself; because, whether the creation Droceedoi from a benevolent or a malevolent being, these 266 THE GOODNESS OF THE DEITF. capacities must have been given, if the animal existed a, all. Animal properties therefore, which fall under this de^ scription, do not strictly prove the goodness of God: they may prove the existence of the Deity; they may prove a high degree of power and intelligence: but they do not prove his goodness: forasmuch as they must have been found in any creation which was capable of continuance, although it is possible to suppose, that such a creation might have been produced by a being, whose views tested upon misery. But there is a class of properties, which may be said to be superadded from an intention expressly directed to hap- piness; an intention to give a happy existence distinct from the general intention of providing the means of existence; and that is, of capacities for pleasure, in cases wherein, so far as the conservation of the individual or of the species IS concerned, they were not wanted, or wherein the pur- pose might have been secured by the operation of pain. The provision which is made of a variety of objects, not necessary to life, and ministering only to our pleasures; and fhe properties given to the necessaries of life themselves, by which they contribute to pleasure as well as preserva- tion; show a farther design than that of giving existence.^ A single instance will make all this clear. Assuming the necessity of food for the support of animal life; it is re- quisite, that the animal be provided with organs, fitted for the procuring, receiving, and digesting of its food. It may also be necessary, that the animal be impelled by its sensa- tions to exert its organs. But the pain of hunger would do all this. Why add pleasure to the act of eating; sweetness and relish to food.^ Why a new and appropriate sense for the perception of the pleasure.^ Why should the juice of a peach, applied to the palate, affect the part so different- ly from what it does when rubbed upon the palm of the hand? This is a constitution, which, so far as appears to me, can be resolved into nothing but the pure benevolence of the Creator. Eating is necessary; but the pleasure at- tending it is not necessary; and that this pleasure depends not only upon our being in possession of the sense of taste, which is different from every other, but upon a particular * See this topic considered in Dr. Balguy’s Treatise upon the Divine Benevolence. This excellent author, first, I think, proposed it; and nearly in the terms in which it is here stated. Some other observations also under thi? head, are taken from that treatise. THE GOODNE'S^ OF THE DEITY 267 state of the organ in which it resides, a felicitous adapta- tion of the organ to the object^ will be confessed by any one, who may happen to have evperienced that vitiation of taste which frequently occurs m fcvors, when every taste is irregular, and every one bad. In mentioning the gratifications cf the palate, it may be said, that we have made choice of a ti iRlng example. I am not of that opinion. They afford a share of enjoyment to man: but to brutes, I believe that they are of very great importance. A horse at liberty passes a great part of his waking hours in eating. To the ox, the sheep, the deer, and other ruminating animals, the pleasure is doubled Their whole time almost is divided between browsing upon their pasture and chewing their cud. Whatever the pleas- ure be, it is spread over a large portion of their existence If there be animals, such as the lupous fish, which swallow their prey whole, and at once, without any time, as it should seem, for either drawing out, or relishing the taste in the mouth, is it an improbable conjecture, that the seat of taste with them is in the stomach.^ or, at least, that a sense ot pleasure, whether it be taste or not, accompanies the disso- lution of the food in that receptacle, which dissolution in general is carried on very slowly ? If this opinion be right, they are more than repaid for their defect of palate. The feast lasts as long as the digestion. In seeking for argument, we need not stay to insist upon the comparative importance of our example; for the obser- vation holds equally of all, or of three at least, of the other senses. The necessary purposes of hearing might have been answered without harmony; of smell, without fra- grance; of vision, without beauty. Now, ‘‘If the Deity had been indifferent about our happiness or misery, we must impute to our good fortune (as all design by this suppo- sition is excluded) both the capacity of our senses to receive pleasure, and the supply of external objects fitted to excite it.’' I allege these as two felicities, for they are different things, yet both necessary: the sense being formed, the objects which were applied to it might not have suited it; the :)biects being fixed, the sense might not have agreed wita them. A coincidence is here required, which no acci- dent can account for. There are three possible suppositions upon the subject, and no more. The first, that the sense by its original constitution, was made to suit the object: the second, that the object, by its original constitution, was made to suit the sense: the third, that the sense is so con- 268 THE GOODNESS OF THE DEITY. stituted, as to be able, either universally, or with.n certain limits, by habit and familiarity, to render every object pleasant. Whichever of these suppositions we adopt, the effect evinces, on the part of the Author of IVature, a stu- dious benevolence. If the pleasures which we derive from any of our senses depend upon an original congruity be- tween the sense and the properties perceived by it, we know by experience, that the adjustment demanded, with respect to the qualities which were conferred upon the objects that surround us, not only choice and selection, out of a boundless variety of possible qualities, with which these objects might have been endued, but a proporlioning also of degree, because an excess or defect of intensity spoils the perception, as much almost as an error in the kind and nature of the quality. Likewise the degree of dulness or acuteness in the sense itself, is no arbitrary thing, but in order to preserve the congruity here spoken of, requires to be in an exact or near correspondency with the strength of the impression. The duiness of the senses forms the complaint of old age. Persons in fe- vers, and, I believe, in most maniacal cases, experience great torment from their preternatural acuteness. An in- creased, no less than an impaired sensibility, induces a state of disease and suffering. The doctrine of a specific congruity between animal senses and their objects, is strongly favored by what is ob- served of insects in the selection of their food. Some of these will feed upon one kind of plant or animal, and upon no other: some caterpillars upon the cabbage alone; some upon the black currant alone. The species of caterpillar which eats the vine, will starve upon the elder; nor will that which we find upon fennel, touch the rosebush. Some insects confine themselves to two or three kinds of plants or animals. Some again show so strong a preference, as to afford reason to believe, that, though they may be driv- en by hunger to others, they are led by the pleasure of taste to a few particular plants alone: and all this, as it should seem, independently of habit or imitation. But should we accept the third hypothesis, and even car- ry it so far, as to ascribe everything which concerns the question to habit, (as in certain species, the human spe- cies most particularly, there is reason to attribute some- thing,) we have then before us an animal capacity, not less perhaps to be admired than the native congruities which the other scheme adopts. It cannot be shown to result THE GOODNESS OF THE DEITY. ^269 trom any fixed necessity in nature, that what is frequently applied to the senses should of course become agreeable to them. It is, so far as it subsists, a power of accommoda- tion provided in these senses by the Author of their struc- ture, and forms a part of their perfection. In whichever way we regard the senses, they appear to be specific gifts, ministering, not only to preservation, but to pleasure. But what we usually call the senses are prob- ably themselves far from being the only vehicles of enjoy- ment, or the whole of our constitution, which is calculated for the same purpose. We have many internal sensations of the most agreeable kind, hardly referable to any of the five senses. Some physiologists have holden, that all se- cretion is pleasurable; and that the complacency which in health, without any external assignable object to excite it, we derive from life itself, is the effect of our secretions go- ing on well within us. All this may be true; but if true, what reason can be assigned for it, except the will of the Creator? It may reasonably be asked, why is anything a pleasure? and I know of no answer which can be returned to the question, but that which refers it to appointment. We can give no account whatever of our pleasures in the simple and original perception; and, even when physical sensations are assumed, we can seldom account for them in the secondary and complicated shapes in which they take the name of diversions. I never yet met with a sportsman, who could tell me in what the sport consisted; who could resolve it into its principle, and state that principle. I have been a great follower of fishing myself, and in its cheerful solitude have passed some of the happiest hours of a sufficiently happy life; but to this moment, I could never trace out the source of the pleasure which it afforded me. The ‘‘ quantum in rebus inanq^!” whether applied to our amusements or to our graver pursuits, (to which in truth it sometimes equally belongs,) is always an unjust com- plaint. If trifles engage, and if trifles make us happy, the true reflection suggested by the experiment, is upon the tendency of nature to gratification and enjoyment; which is, in other words, the goodness of its Author toward his sensitive creation. Rational natures also, as such, exhibit qualities which help to confirm the truth of our position. The degree of understanding found in mankind, is usually much greater than what is necessary for mere preservation. The pleasure of choosing for themselves, and of prosecuting the object Y* 270 THE GOODNESS OF THi. DEITY. of their choice, should seem to be ai. original source of enjoyment. The pleasures received from things, greats beautiful, or new, from imitation, or from the liberal arts are in some measure, not only superadded, but unmixed, gratifications, having no pains to balance them.* I do not know whether our attachment to property be not something more than the mere dictate of reason, or even than the mere effect of association. Property com- municates a charm to whatever is the object of it. It is the first of our abstract ideas; it cleaves to us the closest and the longest. It endears to the child its plaything, to the peasant his cottage, to the landholder his estate. It supplies the place of prospect and scenery. Instead of coveting the beauty of distant situations, it teaches every man to find it in his own. It gives boldness and gran- deur to plains and fens, tinge and coloring to clays and fallows. All these considerations come in aid of our second pro- position. The reader will now bear in mind what our two propositions were. They were, firstly, that in a vast plu- rality of instances in which contrivance is perceived, the design of the contrivance is beneficial: secondly, that the Deity has added pleasure to animal sensations beyond what was necessary for any other purpose; or when the purpose, so far as it was necessary, might have been effected by the operation of pain. Whilst these propositions can be maintained, we are authorised to ascribe to the Deity the character of benevo- lence: and what is benevolence at all, must in him be i/i- Jinite benevolence, by reason of the infinite, that is to say, the incalculably great, number of objects upon which it is exercised. Of the ORIGIN OF EVIL, no universal solution has been discovered; I mean, no solution which reaches to all cases of complaint. The most comprehensive is that which arises from the consideration of general rules. We may, I think, without much difficulty, be brought to admit the four following points: first, that important advantages may ac- crue to the universe from the order of nature proceeding ac- cording to general laws: secondly, that general laws, how ever well set and constituted, often thwart and cross one another: thirdly, that from these thwar^.ings and crossings, frequent particular inconveniences will arise: and, fourth ^ Balguy on the Divine Benevolence. THE GOODNESS OF THE DEITY. 271 ly, tLat it agrees with our observation to suppose, that some degree of these inconveniences takes place in the works of nature. These points may be allowed; and it may also be asserted, that the general laws with which we are acquainted, are directed to beneficial ends. On the other hand, with many of these laws we are not acquaint- ed at all, or we are totally unable to trace them in theii branches, and in their operation; the effect of which igno- rance is, that they cannot be of importance to us as meas- ures by which to regulate our conduct. The conservation of them may be of importance in other respects, or to other beings, but we are uninformed of their value or use; unin- formed, consequently, when, and how far, they may or may not be suspended, or their effects turned aside, by a presi- ding and benevolent will, without incurring greater evils than those which would be avoided. The consideration, therefore, of general laws, although it may concern the question of the origin of evil very nearly, (which I think it does,) rests in views disproportionate to our faculties, and in a knowledge which we do not possess. It serves rather to account for the obscurity of the subject, than to supply us with distinct answers to our difficulties. However, whilst we assent to the above stated propositions as princi- ples, whatever uncertainty we may find in the application, we lay a ground for believing, that cases of apparent evil, for which ice can suggest no particular reason, are govern- ed by reasons, which are more general, which lie deeper in the order of second causes, and which on that account are removed to a greater distance from us. The doctrine of imperfections, or, as it is called, of evils of imperfection, furnishes an account, founded, like the former, in views of universal nature. The doctrine is briefly this: — It is probable, that creation may be better replenished by sensitive beings of different sorts, than by sensitive beings all of one sort. It is likewise probable, that it may be better replenished by different orders of be- ings rising one above another in gradation, than by beings possessed of equal degrees of perfection. Now, a grada- tion of such beings, implies a gradation of imperfections. No class can justly complain of the imperfections which belong to its place in the scale, unless it were allowablo for it to complain, that a scale of being was appointed in rature; for which appointment there appear to be reasons of wisdom and goodness. In ike manner, finiteness, or what is resolvable into 272 THE GOODNESS OF THE DEITY. finiteness^ in inanimate subjects, can never be a just sub- ject of compldint, because if it were ever so, it would be always so: we mean, that we can never reasonably de^ mand that things should be larger or more, when the same demand might be made, whatever the quantity or number was. And to me it seems, that the sense of mankind has so far acquiesced in these reasons, as that we seldom complain of evils of this class, when wejclearly perceive them to be such. What 1 have to add, therefore, is, that we ought not lo complain of some other evils which stand upon the same foot of vindication as evils of confessed imperfection. We never complain, that the globe of our earth is too small; nor should we complain, if it were even much smaller.' But where is the difference to us, between a less globe, and part of the present being uninhabitable.^ The inhabitants of an island may be apt enough to murmur at the sterility of some parts of it, against its rocks, or sands, or swamps; but no one thinks himself authorised to murmur, simply because the island is not larger than it is. Yet these are the same griefs. The above are the two metaphysical answers which have been given to this great question. They are not the worse for being metaphysical, provided they be founded (which I think they are) in right reasoning: but they are of a na- ture too wide to be brought under our survey, and it is of- ten difficult to apply them in the detail. Our speculations, therefore, are perhaps better employed Avhen they confine themselves within a narrower circle. The observations which follow, are of this more limited, but more determinate, kind. Of bodily pain, the principal observation, no doubt, is that which we have already made, and already dwelt upon, viz. ‘‘ that it is seldom the object of contrivance ; that when it is so, the contrivance rests ultimately in good.” To which, however, may be added, that the annexing of pain to the means of destruction is a salutary provision; inasmuch as it teaches vigilance and caution; both give notice of danger, and excites those endeavours which may be necessary to preservation. The evil consequence which sometimes arises from the want of that timely intimation of danger which ])ain gives, is known to the inhabitants of cold countries by the example of frost-bitten limbs. I have conversed with patients who have lost toes and fingers by this cause. They ha^e in general told rne, that they were THE GOODNESS OF THE DEITY. 273 totally unconscious of an} local uneasiness at the time Some I have heard declare, that whilst they were about their employment, neither their situation, nor the state of the air was unpleasant. They felt no pain; they suspect- ed no mischief; till, by the application of warmth, they discovered, too late, the fatal injury which some of their ex- tremities had suffered. I say that this shows the use of pain, and that we stand in need of such a monitor. I believe also, that the use extends farther than we suppose, or can now trace; that to disagreeable sensations we, and all an- imals, owe, or have owed, many habits of action which are salutary, but which are become so familiar, as not easily to be referred to their origin. Pain ^Iso itself is not without its alleviations. It may be violent and frequent; but it is seldom both violent and long continued: and its pauses and intermissions become posi- tive pleasures. It has the power of shedding a satisfaction over intervals of ease, which I believe few enjoyments ex- ceed. A man resting from a fit of the stone or gout, is, for the time, in possession of feelings which undisturbed health cannot impart. They may be dearly bought, but still they are to be set against the price. And, indeed, it depends upon the duration and urgency of the pain, whether they be dearly bought or not. I am far from being sure, that a man IS not a gainer by suffering a moderate interruption of bod- ily ease for a couple of hours out of the four-and-twenty. Two very common observations favor this opinion: one is, that remissions of pain call forth, from those who experi- ence them, stronger expressions of satisfaction and of grati- tude towards both the author and the instruments of their relief, than are excited by advantages of any other kind: the second is, that the spirits of sick men do not sink in proportion to the acuteness of their sufferings; but rather appear to be roused and supported, not by pain, but by the high degree of comfort which they derive from its cessa- tion, or even its subsidency, whenever that occurs; and which they taste with a relish that diffuses some portion of mental complacency over the whole of that mixed state of sensations in which disease has placed them. In connexion with bodily pain may be considered bodily disease, whether painful or not. Few diseases are fatal. I have before me the account of a dispensary in the neigh- bourhood which states six years* experience as follows: “ admitted 6,420 — cured 5,476 — dead 234.** And this I suppose nearly to agree with what other similar institutions 274 THE GOODNESS OF THE DEITY. exhib t. Now, in all these cases, some disorder must have been felt, or the patients would not have applied, for a rem edy; yet we see how large a proportion of the maladies which were brought forward, have either yielded to propel treatment, or, what is more probable, ceased of their own accord. We owe these frequent recoveries, and where re- covery d jes not take place, this patience of the human con- stitutio r under many of the distempers by which it is visit- ed, to -WO benefactions of our nature. One is, that she works within certain limits; allows of a certain latitude within which health may be preserved, and within the con- fines of which it only suffers a graduated diminution. Dif- ferent quantities of food, different degrees of exercise, dif- ferent portions of sleep, different states of the atmosphere, are compatible with the possession of health. So likewise 't is with the secretions and excretions, with many internal fvmctions of the body, and with the state, probably, of most of its internal organs. They may var}' considerably, not only without destroying life, but withoi.t occasioning any high degree of inconveniency. The other property of our nature, to which we are still more beholden, is its constant endeavour to restore itself, when disordered, to its regular course. The fluids of the body appear to possess a power of separating and expelling any noxious substance which may have mixed itself with them. This they do in erup- tive fevers, by a kind of despumation, as Sydenham calls it, analogous in some measure to the intestine action by which fermenting liquors work the yeast to the surface. The solids, on their part, when their action is obstructed, not only resume that action, as soon as the obstruction is removed, but they struggle with the impediment. They take an action as near to the true one, as the difficulty and the disorganization, with which they have to contend, will allow of. Of mortal diseases, the great use is to reconcile us to death. The horror of death proves the value of life. But it is in the power of disease to abate, or even extinguish, this horror; which it does in a wonderful manner, and of- tentimes by a mild and imperceptible gradation. Every man who has been placed in a situation to observe it, is surprised with the change which has been wrought in him- self, when he compares the view which he entertains of death upon a sick-beJ, with the heart-sinking dismay with which he sliould some time ago have met it in health. There is no similitude between the sensations of a man THE GOODNESS OF IHB DEITY ^75 icd to execution, and the calm expiring of a patient at the close of his disease. Death to him is only the last of a long train of changes; in his progress through which, it is possible that he may experience no shocks or sudden tran- sitions. Death itself, as a mode of removal and of succession, is so connected with the whole order of our animal world, that almost everything in that world must be changed, to be able to do without it. It may seem likewise impossible If separate the fear of death from the enjoyment of life, oi the perception of that fear from rational natures. Brutes are, in a great measure, delivered from all anxiety on this account by the inferiority of their faculties; or rather, they seem to be armed with the apprehension of death just suf- ficiently to put them upon the means of preservation, and no farther. But would a human being wish to purchase this immunity, at the expense of those mental powers which enable him to look forward to the future.^ Death implies separation: and the loss of those whom we love must necessarily be accompanied with pain. To the brute creation, nature seems to have stepped in with some secret provision for their relief, under the rupture of their attachments. In their instincts towards their off- spring, and of their offspring to them, I have often been surprised to observe how ardently they love, and how soon they forget. The pertinacity of human sorrow (upon which, time also, at length, lays its softening hand) is probably, therefore, in some manner connected with the qualities of our rational or moral nature. One thing how- ever is clear, viz. that it is better that we should possess affections, the sources of so many virtues and so many joys, although they be exposed to the incidents of life, as svell as the interruptions of mortality, than, by the want of them, be reduced to a state of selfishness, apathy, and quietism. Of other external evils, (still confining ourselves to what are called physical or natural evils,) a considerable part come within the scope of the following observation: The great principle of human satisfaction is engagement It is a most just distinction, which the late Mr. Tucker has dwelt upon so largely in his works, between pleasures in which we are passive, and pleasures in which we are ac- tive. And, I believe, every attentive observer of human life will assent to his position, that however grateful the sensations may occasionally be in which we are passive, it 2T6 THE GOODNESS OF THE DEITY. is not these, but the latter class of our pleasures, which • stitute satisfaction; which supply that regular strean? of moderate and miscellaneous enjoyments, in which happi- ness, as distinguished from voluptuousness, consists. Now for rational occupation, which is, in other words, for the very material of contented existence, there would be no place left, if either the things with which we had to do w ere absolutely impracticable to our endeavours, or if they were too obedient to our uses. A world, furnished with advantages on one side, and beset with difficulties, wants, and inconveniencies on the other, is the proper abode of free, rational, and active natures, being the fittest to stim- ulate and exercise their faculties. The very refractoriness of the objects they have ^.o deal with, contributes to this purpose. A world in which nothing depended upon our- selves, however it might have suited an imaginary race of beings, would not have suited mankind. Their skill, pru- dence, industry ; their various arts, and their best attain- ments, from the application of which they draw, if not their highest, their most permanent gratifications, would be insig- nificant, if things could be either moulded by our volitions, or, of their own accord, conformed themselves to our views and wishes. Now it is in this refractoriness that we dis- cern the seed and principle of physical evil, as far as i arises from that which is external to us. Civil evils, or the evils of civil life, are much more easily disposed of than physical evils; because they are, in truth, of much less magnitude, and also because they result, by a kind of necessity, not only from the constitution of our na- ture, but from a part of that constitution which no one would wish to see altered. The case is this: Mankind will in every country breed up to a certain point of distress. That point may be different in different countries or ages according to the established usages of life in each. It wdll also shift upon the scale, so as to admit of a greater or less number of inhabitants, according as the quantity of provi- sion, which is either produced in the country, or supplied to it from other countries, may happen to vary. But there must always be such a point, and the species will always breed up to it. The order of generation proceeds by some- thing like a geometrical progression. The increase of provision, under circumstances even the most advanta- geous, can only assume the form of an arithmetic series Whence it follows, that the population will always overtake he provision, will pass beyond the line of plenty, and will THE GOODNESS OF THE DEITY 277 continue to increase till checked by the difficulty of pro- curing subsistence.* Such difficulty therefore, along with its attendant circumstances, must be found in every old country: and these circumstances constitute what we call poverty, which necessarily imposes labor, servitude, re- straint. It seems impossible to people a country with inhabitants who shall be all in easj circumstances. For suppose the thing to be done, there would be such marrying and giving in marriage amongst them, as would in a few years change the face of affairs entirely; i, e. as would increase the con- sumption of those articles, which supplied the natural or habitual wants of the country, to such a degree of scarcity, as must leave the greatest part of the inhabitants unable to procure them without toilsome endeavours, or, out of the different kinds of these articles, to procure any kind except that which was most easily produced. And this, in fact, describes the condition of the mass of the community in all countries; a condition unavoidably, as it should seem, resulting from the provision which is made in the human, in common with all animal constitutions, for the perpetuity and multiplication of the species. It need not however dishearten any endeavours for the public service, to know that population naturally treads up- on the heels of improvement. If the condition of a people be meliorated, the consequence will be, either that the mean happiness will be increased, or a greater number partake of it; or, which is most likely to happen, that both effects will take place together. There may be limits fixed by nature to both, but they are limits, not yet attained, nor even ap- proached, in any country of the world. And when we speak of limits at all, we have respect on- ly to provisions for animal wants. There are sources, and means, and auxiliaries, and augmentations of human hap- piness, communicable without restriction of numbers; as capable of being possessed by a thousand persons as by one. Such are those which flow from a mild, contrasted with a tyrannic government, whether civil or domestic; those which spring from religion; those which grow out of a sense of security; those which depend upon habits of virtue, sobr::5ty, moderation, order; those, lastly, which are found iri the possession of well-directed tastes and de- sires, con pared with the dominion of tormenting, |^rni clous, CO tradictory, unsatisfied, and unsatisfiable passions. * See statement of this subject, in a late treatise upon population. Z 278 THE GOODNESS OF THE DEITY. The distinctions of civil life are ap enough to be re- garded as evils, by those who sit under them: but, in my opinion, with very little reason. In the first place, the advantages which the higher con- ditions of life are supposed to confer, bear no proportion in value to the advantages which are bestowed by nature. The gifts of nature always surpass the gifts of fortune. How much, for example, is activity better than attendance- beauty than dress; appetite, digestion, and tranquil bowe.s, than all the studies of cookery, or than the most costly compilation of forced or far-fetched dainties.^ Nature has a strong tendency to equalisation. Habit, the instrument of nature, is a great leveller; the familiari- ty which it induces, taking off the edge both of our plea- sures and our sufferings. Indulgences which are habitual keep us in ease, and cannot be carried much farther. So that, with respect to the gratifications of which the senses are capable, the difference is by no means proportionable to the apparatus. Nay, so far as superfluity generates fastidiousness, the difference is on the wrong side. It is not necessary to contend, that the advantages de- rived from wealth are none, (under due regulations they are certainly considerable,) but that they are not greater than they ought to be. Money is the sweetener of human toil, the substitute for coercion, the reconciler of labor with liberty. It is, moreover, the stimulant of enterprise in all projects and undertakings, as well as of diligence in the most beneficial arts and employments. Now did afflu- ence, when possessed, contribute nothing to happiness, or nothing beyond the mere supply of necessaries; and the secret should come to be discovered; we might be in dan- ger of losing great part of the uses which are at present derived to us through this important medium. Not only would the tranquillity of social life be put in peril by the want of a motive to attach men to their private concerns; but the satisfaction which all men receive from success in their respective occupations, which collectively constitutes the great mass of human comfort, would be done away in its very principle. With respect to station, as it is distinguished from rich- es, whether it confer authority over others, or be invested with honors which apply solely to sentiment and imagina- tion, the truth is, that what is gained bv rising through the ranks of life, is not more than sufficient to draw forth the exertions of those who are engaged in the pursuits which THE GOODNESS OF THE DEITY. 279 lead to advancement, and which in general are such as ought to be encouraged. Distinctions of this sort are sub- jects much more of competition than of enjoyment: and in that competition their use consists. It is not, as hath been rightly observed, by what the Lo7'd Mayor feels in his coach, but by what the apprentice feels who gazes at him, that tlie public is served. As we approach the summits of human greatness, the comparison of good and evil, with respect to personal com- fort, becomes still more problematical ; even allowing to am- bition all its pleasures. The poet asks, “What is grandeur, what is power?’’ The philosopher answers, “ Constraint and plague: et in maxima quaque fortuna minimum licere.” One very common error misleads the opinion of mankind upon this head, viz. that universally, authority is pleasant, submission painful. In the general course of hu- man affairs, the very reverse of this is nearer to the truth. Command is anxiety, obedience ease. Artificial distinctions sometimes promote real equality. Whetherthey be hereditary, or be the homage paid tooffice, or the respect attached by public opinion to particular pro- fessions, they serve to confront that grand and unavoidable distinction which arises from property, and which is most overbearing where there is no other. It is of the nature of property, not only to be irregularly distributed, but to run into large masses. Public laws should be so constructed as to favor its diffusion as mq|ph as they can. But all that can be done by laws consistently with that degree of gov- ernment of his property which ought to be left to the sub- ject, will not be sufficient to counteract this tendency. There must always therefore be the difference between rich and poor; and this difference will be the more grind- ing, when no pretension is allowed to be set up against it. So that the evils, if evils they must be called, which spring either from the necessary subordinations of civil life, or from the distinctions which have, naturally, though not necessarily, grown up in most societies, so long as they are unaccompanied by privileges injurious or oppressive to the rest of the community, are such as may, even by the most depressed ranks, be endured with very little prejudice to their comfort. The mischiefs, of which mankind are the occasion to one another, by their private wickednesses and cruelties; by tyrannical exercises of power; by rebellions against just authority; by wars, by national jealousies and competi- 280 THE GOODNESS OF THE DEITY. tions operating to the destruction of their countries, or by other instances of misconduct either in individuals or soci eties, are all to be resolved into the cjiaracter of man as & free agent. Free agency in its very essence contains lia- bility to abuse. Yet, if you deprive man of his free agency, you subvert his nature. You may have order from him and regularity, as you may from the tides or the trade-winds, but you put an end to his moral character, to virtue, to merit, to a ’countableness, to the use indeed of reason. To which must be added the observation, that even the bad qualities of mankind have an origin in their good ones. The case is this: human passions are either necessary to human wel- fare, or capable of being made, and, in a great majority of instances, in fact made, conducive to its happiness. These passions are strong and general; and perhaps would not an- swer their purpose unless they w^ere so. But strength and generality, when it is expedient that particular circum- stances should be respected, become, if left to themselves, excess and misdirection. From which excess and misdi- rection, the vices of mankind (the causes no doubt of much misery) appear to spring. This account, whilst it shows us the principle of vice, shows us, at the same time, the province of reason and of self-government; the want also of every support which can be procured to either from the aids of religion; and it shows this, without having recourse to any native gratuitous malignity in the human constitu- tion. Mr. Hume, in his posthumous dialogues, asserts indeed of idleness^ or aversion to labor (which he states to lie at the root of a considerable part of the evils which mankind suffer,) that it is simply and merely bad. But how does he distinguish idleness from the love of ease.^ or is he sure, that the love of ease in individuals is not the chief foundation of social tranquillity.^ It will be found, I believe, to be true, that in every community there is a large class of its members, whose idleness is the best qual- ity about them, being the corrective of other bad ones. If it were possible, in every instance, to give a right de- termination to industry, we could never have too much of it. But this is not possible, if men are to be free. And without this, nothing would be so dangerous as an inces- sant, universal, indefatigable activity. In the civil world, as well as in the material, it is the vis inertice which keeps :hings ii .heir places. THE GOODNESS OF THE DEITY. 281 Naturai Theology has ever been pressed with this question: ^V^hy, under the regency of a supreme and be- nevolent Will, should there be, in the world, so much as there is of the appearance of chancel The question in its whole compass lies beyond our reach: but there are not wanting, as in the origin of evil, answers which seem to have considerable weight in partic- ular cases, and also to embrace a considerable number of cases. I. There must be chance in the midst of design: b_y which we mean, that events which are not designed, neces- sarily arise from the pursuit of events which are designed. One man travelling to York, meets another man travelling CO London. Their meeting is by chance, is accidental, and so would be called and reckoned, though the journeys which produced the meeting were, both of them, under- taken with design and from deliberation. The meeting, though accidental, was nevertheless hypothetically necessa- ry, (which is the only sort of necessity that is intelligible:) for, if the two journeys were commenced at the time, pur- sued in the direction, and with the speed, in which and with which they were in fact begun and performed, the meeting could not be avoided. There was not, therefore, the less necessity in it for its being by chance. Again, the rencounter might be most unfortunate, though the er- rands, upon which each party set out upon his journey, were the most innocent or the most laudable. The by effect may be unfavorable, without impeachment of the proper purpose, for the sake of which the train, from the operation of which these consequences ensued, was put in motion. Although no cause acts without a good purpose, accidental consequences, like these, may be either good or bad. II. The appearance of chance will always bear a pro- portion to the igi) orance of the observer. The cast of a die as regularly follows the laws of motion, as the going of a watch; yet, because we can trace the operation of those laws through the works and movements of the watch, and cannot trace them in the shaking and throwing of the die, (though the laws be the same, and prevail equally in both cases,) we call the turning up of the number of the die chance, the pointing of the index of the watch machinery, order, or by some name which excludes chance. It is the same in those events which depend upon the will of a free a id rational agent. The verdicit of a jury, the sentence ol Z* 282 THE GOODNESS OF THE DEITY. a judje, the resolution of an assembly, the issue of a con tested election, will have more or less of the appearance of chance, might be more or less the subject of a wager, according as we were less or more acquainted with the reasons which influenced the deliberation. The differ- ence resides in the information of the observer, and not in the thing itself; which, in all the cases proposed, proceeds from intelligence, from mind, from counsel, from design. Now when this one cause of the appearance of chance, viz. the ignorance of the observer, conies to be applied to the operations of the Deity, it is easy to foresee how fruit- fil it must prove of difficulties, and of seeming confusion. It is only to think of the Deity, to perceive, what variety of objects, what distance of time, what extent of space and action, his counsels may, or rather must, comprehend. Can it be wondered at, that, of the purposes which dwell in such a mind as this, so small a part should be k’Mown to us.? It is only necessary, therefore, to bear in our thought, that in proportion to the inadequateness of our information, will be the quantity, in the world, of apparent chance. III. In a great variety of cases, and of cases compre- hending numerous subdivisions, it appears, for many rea- sons, to be better that events rise up by chance, or, more properly speaking, with the appearance of chance, than ac- cording to any observable rule whatever. This is not sel- dom the case even in human arrangements. Each person’s place and precendency in a public meeting, may be deter- mined by lot. Work and labor may be allotted. Tasks and burdens may be allotted : — Operumque laborem Partibiis scquabat justis, aut sorte trahebat. Military service and station may be allotted. The dis- tribution of provision may be made by lot, as it is in a sail- or’s mess; n some cases also, the distribution of favors may be made by lot. In all these cases, it seems to be ac- knowledged, that there are advantages in permitting events to chance, superior to those which would or could arise from regulation. In all these cases, also, though events rise up in the way of chance, it is by appointment that they do so. In other events, and such*as are independent of human will, the reasons for this preference of uncertainty to rule, appear to be still stronger. For example, it seems to bo expedient thal the period of human life should be uncertain THE GOODNESS OF THE DEITY. ns Did mortality follow any fixed rule, it would produce a se- curity in those that were at a distance from it, which would lead to tlie greatest disorders; and a horror in those who approached it, similar to that which a condemned prisorier feelj on the night before his execution. But, that death be uncertain, the young must sometimes die, as well as the old. Als), were deaths never sudden, they who are in health wou.d he too confident of life. The strong and the active, who want most to be warned and checked, would live without appr^^hension or restraint. On the other hand, were sudden deaths very frequent, the sense of constant jeopardy would interfere too much with the degree of ease and enjoyment intended for us; and human life be too pre- carious for the business and interests which belong to it. There could not be dependence either upon our own lives, or the lives of those with whom we are connected, suffi- cient to carry on the regular offices of human society. The manner, therefore, in which death is made to occur, conduces to the purposes of admonition, without overthrow- ing the necessary stability of human affairs. Disease being the forerunner of death, there is the same reason for its attacks coming upon us under the appear- ance of chance, as there is for uncertainty in the time ot death itself. The seasons are a mixture of regularity and chance. They are regular enough to authorise expectation, whilst their being in a considerable degree irregular, induces, on the part of the cultivators of the soil, a necessity for per- sonal attendance, for activity, vigilance, precaution. It is this necessity which creates farmers; which divides the profit of the soil between the owner and the occupier ; which, by requiring expedients, by increasing employment, and by rewarding expenditure, promotes agricultural arts and agricultural life, of all modes of life the best, being tne most conducive to health, to virtue, to enjoyment. I believe it to be found in fact, that where the soil is the most fruitful, and the seasons the most constant, there the condition of the cultivators of the earth is the most de- pressed. Uncertainty, therefore, has its use, even to those who sometimes complain of it the most. Seasons of scar- city themselves are not without their advantages. They call forth new exertions; they set contrivance and ingenui- ty at work ; they give h rth to improvements in agriculture and economy; they promote the investigation and manage- ment of public resources. 284 THE GOODNESS OF THE DEITY. Again; there are strong intelligible reasons, why there should exist in human society great disparity of xoealth and station; not only as these things are acquired in dif- ferent degrees, but at the first setting out of life. In order, for instance, to answer the various demands of civil life, Ihere ought to be amongst the members of every civil soci- ety a diversity of education, which can only belong to an original diversity of circumstances. As this sort of dispar- ity, which ought to take place from the beginning of life, must, ex hjpMesi, be previous to the merit or demerit of the persons upon whom it falls, can it be better disposed of than by chance? Parentage is that sort of chance: yet it is the commanding circumstance which in general fixes each man’s place in civil life, along with everything which appertains to its distinctions. It may be the result of a beneficial rule that the fortunes or honors of the father de- volve upon the son; and, as it should seem, of a still more necessary rule, that the low or laborious condition of the parent be communicated to his family ; but with respect to the successor himself, it is the drawing of a ticket in a lot- tery. Inequalities therefore of fortune, at least the great- est part of them, viz. those which attend us from our birth, and depend upon our birth, may be lefl, as they are left, to chance, without any just cause for questioning the regency of a supreme Disposer of events. But not only the donation, when by the necessity of the case they must be gifts, but even the acquirability of civil advantages, ought perhaps, in a considerable degree, to lie at the mercy of chance. Some would have all the virtuous rich, or at least removed from the evils of poverty, with- out perceiving, I suppose, the consequence, that all the poor must be wicked. And how such a society could be kept in subjection to government, has not been shown; for the poor, that is, they who seek their subsistence by constant manual labor, must still form the mass of the com- munity; otherwise the necessary labor of life could not be carried on; the work would not be done, which the wants of mankind, in a state of civilisation, and still more in a state of refinement, require to be done. It appears to be also true, that the exigencies of social life call not only for an original diversity of external circum- stances, but for a mixture of different faculties, tastes, and tempers. Activity and contemplation, restlessness and qui- et, CO :rage and timidity, ambition and contentedness, not say even indolence and dulness, are all wanted in the THE GOODNESS OF THE DEITY. 285 world, all conduce to the well going on of human affairs, just as the rudder, the sails, and the ballast of a ship, all perform their part in the navigation. Now, since these characters require for their foundation different original talents, different dispositions, perhaps also different bodily constitutions; and since, likewise, it is apparently expe- dient, that they be promiscuously scattered amongst the different classes of society; can the distribution of talents, dispositions, and the constitutions upon which they depend be better made than by c/iance? The opposites of apparent chance are, constancy and sensible interposition; every degree of secret direction be- ing consistent with it. Now, of constancy, or of fixed and known rules, we have seen in some cases the inapplicabili- ty; and inconveniences which we do not see, might attend their application in other cases. Of sensible interposition we may be permitted to remark, that a Providence, always and certainly distinguishable, would be neither more nor less than miracles rendered fre- quent and common. It is difficult to judge of the state into which this would throw us. It is enough to say, that it would cast us upon a quite different dispensation from that under which we live. It would be a total and radical change. And the change would deeply affect, or per- haps subvert, the whole conduct of human affairs. I can readily believe, that, other circumstances being adapted to it, such a state might be better than our present state. It may be the state of other beings; it may be ours hereaf- ter. But the question with which we are now concerned is, how far it would be consistent wfith our condition, sup- posing it in other respects to remain as it is? And in this question there seems to be reasons of great moment on the negative side. For instance; so long as bodily labo. continues, on so many accounts, to be necessary for the bulk of mankind, any dependency upon supernatural aid, by unfixing those motives which promote exertion, or by relaxing those habits which engender patient industry, might introduce negligence, inactivity, and disorder, into the most useful occupations of human life; and thereby deteriorate the condition of human life itself. As moral agents, we should experience a still greatei alteration; of which more will be said under the next article. Although therefore the Deity, who possesses the power of winding and turning, as he pleases, the course of causes 2^6 THE GOODNESS OP THE DEITY. i\'hich issue from himself, do in fact interpose to alter oi intercept effects, which without such interposition would have taken place; yet it is by no means incredible, that his Providence, which always rests upon final good, may have made a reserve with respect to the manifestation of his in- terference, a part of the very plan which he has appointed for our terrestrial existence, and a part conformable with, or in some sort required by, other parts of the same plan. It is at any rate evident, that a large and ample province remains for the exercise of Providence, without its being naturally perceptible by us; because obscurity, when appli- ed to the interruption of laws, bears a necessary proportion to the imperfection of our knowledge when applied to the laws themselves, or rather to the effects which these laws, under their various and incalculable combinations, would of their own accord produce. And if it be said, that the doctrine of Divine Providence, by reason of the ambigu- ity under which its exertions present themselves, can be attended with no practical influence upon our conduct; that, although we believe ever so firmly that there is a Prov- idence, we must prepare, and provide, and act, as if there were none; I answer that this is admitted; and that w^e farther allege, that so to prepare, and so to provide, is con- sistent with the most perfect assurance of the reality of a Providence: and not only so, but that it is probably, one advantage of the present state of our information, that our provisions and preparations are not disturbed by it. Or if it be still asked, of what use at all then is the doctrine, if it neither alter our measures nor regulate our conduct.^ I answer again, that it is of the greatest use, but that it is a doctrine of sentiment and piety, not (immediately at least) of action or conduct; that it applies to the consolation of men’s minds, to their devotions, to the excitement of grat- itude, the support of patience, the keeping alive and the strengthening of every motive for endeavouring to please c(ir Maker; and that these are great uses. Of all views under which human life has ever been con- sidered, the most reasonable, in my judgment, is that which regards it as a state of probation. If the course of the world were separated from the contrivances of nature, I do not know that it w^ould be necessary to look for any other account of it than what, if it may be called an account, is contained in the answer, that events rise up by chance. But since the contrivances of nature decidedly evince m/en- hon; and since the course of the world and the contrivan- THE GOODNESS OF THE DEITY. 287 ces of nature have the same author; we are, by the force of this connexion, led to believe, that the appearance un^- der which events take place, is reconcilable with the sup- position of design on the part of the Deity. It is enough that they be reconcilable with this supposition , and it is un- doubtedly true, that they may be reconcilable, though we cannot reconcile them. The mind, however, which contem- plates the works of nature, and in those works sees so much of means directed to ends, of beneficial effects brought about by wise expedients, of concerted trains of causes terminat- ing in the happiest results; so much, in a word, of counsel, intention, and benevolence; a mind, I say, drawn into the habit of thought which these observations excite, can hardly turn its view to the condition of our own species, without endeavouring to suggest to itself some purpose, some de- sign, for which the state in which we are placed is fitted, and which it is made to serve. Now we assert the most probable supposition to be, that it is a state of moral probation; and that many things in it suit with this hy- pothesis, which suit no other. It is not a state of unmixed happiness, or of happiness simply: it is not a state of de- signed misery, or of misery simply: it is not a state of re- tribution: it is not a state of punishment. It suits with none of these suppositions. It accords much better with the idea of its being a condition calculated for the production, exer- cise, and improvement of moral qualities, with a view to a future state, in which these qualities, after being so pro- duced, exercised, and improved, may, by a new and more favoring constitution of things, receive their reward, or be- come their own. If it be said, that this is to enter upon a religious rather than a philosophical consideration, I an- swer, that the name of religion ought to form no objec- tion, if it shall turn out to be the case, that the more reli- gious our views are, the more probability they contain The degree of beneficence, of benevolent intention, and of power, exercised in the construction of sensitive beings, goes strongly in favor, not only of a creative, but of a con- tinuing care, that is, of a ruling Providence. The degree of chance which appears to prevail in the world, requires to be reconciled with this hypothesis. Now it is one thing to maintain the doctrine of Providence along with that of a fu- ture state, and another thing without it. In my opinion, the two doctrines must stand or fall together. For although more of this apparent chance may perhaps upon other prin- ciples, be accounted for, than is generally supposed, yet 288 THE GOODNESS OF THE DEITY a future state alone rectifies all disorders: and if it can be shown, that the appearance of disorder is consistent with he uses of life as a preparatorij state, or that in some re- spects it promotes these uses, then, so far as this hypo- thesis may be accepted, the ground of the difficulty is done away. In the wide scale of human condition, there is not per- japs one of its manifold diversities which does not bear upon the design here suggested. Virtue is infinitely vari- ous There is no situation in which a rational being is placed, from that of the best instructed Christian down to the condition of the rudest barbarian, which affords not room for moral agency ; for the acquisition, exercise, and display of voluntary qualities, good and bad. Health and sickness, enjoyment and suffering, riches and poverty, knowledge and ignorance, power and subjection, liberty and bondage, civilisation and barbarity, have all their offi- ces and duties, all serve for the formation of character: for when we speak of a state of trial, it must be remembered, that characters are not only tried, or proved, or detected but that they are generated also, and formed by circumstan ces. The best dispositions may subsist under the most de- pressed, the most afflicted fortunes. A West Indian slave, who, amidst his wrongs, retains his benevolence, I, for my part, look upon, as amongst the foremost of human candi- dates for the rewards of virtue. The kind master of such a slave, that is, he who, in the exercise of an inordinate authority, postpones in any degree his own interest to his slaves’ comfort, is likewise a meritorious character: but still he is inferior to his slave. All however which I con- tend for is, that these destinies, opposite as they may be in every other view, are both trials; and equally such. The observation may be applied to every other condition; to the whole range of the scale, not excepting even its lowest extremity. Savages appear to us all alike; but it is owing to the distance at which we view savage life, that we perceive in it no discrimination of character. I make no doubt, but that moral qualities, both good and bad, are called into action as much, and that they subsist in as great a variety in these inartificial societies as they are, or do, in polished life. Certain at least it is, that the good or ill treatment which each individual meets with, depends more upon the choice and voluntary conduct of those about him, than it does, or ought to do, under regular civil insti- tutions, and the coercion of public laws. So again, to turn THE GOODNESS OF THE DE jTY. 289 our eyes to the other end of the scale, namely, that part of it which is occupied by mankind enjoying the benefits of learning, together with the lights of revelation, there also, the advantage is all along probalionary. Christianity itself, I mean the revelation of Christianity, is not only a blessing, but a trial. It is one of the diversified means by which the character is exercised: and they who require of Christianity, that the revelation of it should be univer- sal, may possibly be found to require, that one species of probation should be adopted, if not to the exclusion of others, at least to the narrowing of that variety which the wisdom of the Deity hath appointed to this part of his moral economy.* Nevv if this supposition be well founded; that is, if it be true that our ultimate, or most permanent happiness will depend, not upon the temporary condition into which we are cast, but upon our behavior in it; then is it a much more fit subject of chance than we usually allow or appre- hend it to be, in what manner the variety of external cir- cumstances which subsist in the human world, is distributed amongst the individuals of the species. “This life beings a state of probation, it is immaterial,’* says Rousseau, ' “what kind of trials we experience in it, provided they produce their effects.” Of two agents who stand indiffer- ent to the moral Governor of the universe, one may be ex- ercised by riches, the other by poverty. The treatment of these two shall appear to be very opposite, whilst in truth it is the same: for though, in many respects, there be great disparity between the conditions assigned, in one main article there may be none, viz. in that they are alike trials; have both their duties and temptations, not less ar- duous or less dangerous in one case than the other; so that if the final award follow the character, the original distribu- tion of the circumstances under which that character is formed, may be defended upon principles not only of jus- tice but of equality. What hinders, therefore, but that man- kind may draw lots for their condition? They take their * The reader will observe, that I speak of the revelation of Ch/ istian- ity as distinct from Christianity itself. That dispeiisation may £. heady be universal. That part of mankind which never heard of Christ’s r.rme, may nevertheless be redeemed, that is, be placed in a better condition, with respect to their future state, by his intervention; may be the objects of his benignity and intercession, as well as of the propitiatoiy virtue of his passion. But this is not “ natural theology,” therefore I will not dwell longer upon it. Aa 290 THE GOODNESS OF THE DEITY. portion of faculties and opportunities, as any unki owi. cause, or concourse of causes, or as causes acting for other purposes, may happen to set them out: but the event is gov erned by that which depends upon themselves, the applica- tion of what they have received. In dividing the talents, no rule was observed; none was necessary: In rewarding the use of them, that of the most correct justice. The chief difference at last appears to be, that the right use of more talents, i. e, of a greater trust, will be more highly reward ed, than the right use of fewer talents, i. e. of a less trust And since, for other purposes, it is expedient that there be an inequality of concredited talents here, as well, probably, as an inequality of conditions hereafter, though all remuner- atory; can any rule, adapted to that inequality, be more agreeable, even to our apprehensions of distributive justice than this is ? We have said that the appearance of casualty y which attends the occurrences and events of life, not only does not interfere with its uses, as a state of probation, but that it promotes these uses. Passive virtues, of all others the severest and the most sublime; of all others, perhaps, the most acceptable to the Deity; would, it is evident, be excluded from a constitution, in which happiness and misery regularly followed virtue and vice. Patience and composure under distress, affliction, and pain; a steadfast keeping up of our confidence in God, and of our reliance upon his final goodness, at the time when everything present is adverse and discouraging; and (what is no less difficult to retain) a cordial desire for the happiness of others, even when we are deprived of our own: these dispositions, which constitute, perhaps, the perfec- tion of our moral nature, would not have found their pro- per office and object in a state of avowed retribution; and in which, consequently, endurance of evil would be only submission to punishment. Again: One man’s sufferings may be another man’s trial. The family of a sick parent is a school of filial piety. The charities of domestic life, and not only these, but all the social virtues, are called out by distress But then, misery, to be the proper object of mitigation, or of that benevolence which endeavours to relieve, must be real- \y or apparently casual. It is upon such sufferings alone that benevolence can operate. For were there no evils in the world, but what were punishments, properly and intel- ligibly such, benevolence would only stand in the way of THE GOODNESS OF THE DEITY. 291 justice. Such evils, consistently with the administration of moral government, could not be prevented or alleviated, that is to say, could not be remitted in whole or in part, except by the authority which inflicted them, or by an ap- pellate or superior authority. This consideration, which is founded in our most acknowledged apprehensions of the na- ture of penal justice, may possess its weight in the Divine counsels. Virtue perhaps is the greatest of all ends. In human beings, relative virtues form a large part of the whole. Now relative virtue presupposes, not only the existence of evil, without which it could have no object, no material to work upon, but that evils be, apparently at least, misfortunes ; that is, the effects of apparent chance. It may be in pur- suance, therefore, and in furtherance of the same scheme of probation, that the evils of life are made so to present themselves. I have already observed, that, when we let in religious considerations, we often let in light upon the difficulties of nature. So in the fact now to be accounted for, the degree of happiness which we usually enjoy in this life, may be better suited to a state of trial and probation, than a great- er degree would be. The truth is, we are rather too much delighted with the world, than too little. Imperfect, broken, and precarious as our pleasures are, they are more than suffi- cient to attach us to the eager pursuit of them. A regard to a future state can hardly keep its place as it is. If we were designed, therefore, to be influenced by that regard, might not a more indulgent system, a higher, or more unin- terrupted state of gratification, have interfered with the de- sign.^ At least it seems expedient, that mankind should be susceptible of this influence, when presented to them: that the condition of the world should not be such as to exclude its operation, or even to weaken it more than it does. In a religious view (however we may complain of them in every other,) privation, disappointment, and satiety, ere not without the most salutary tendencies. 292 CONCLUSION. C iAPTER XXVII. CONCLUSION. Lf all cases, wherein the mind feels itself in danger of being confounded by variety, it is sure to rest upon a fe\> strong points, or perhaps upon a single instance. Amongst a multitude of proofs, it is one that does the business. If we observe in any argument, that hardly two minds fix upon the same instance, the diversity of choice shows the strength of the argument, because it shows the number and competition of the examples. There is no subject in which the tendency to dwell upon select or single topics is so usu- al, because there is no subject, of which, in its full extent, the latitude is so great, as that of natural history applied to the proof of an intelligent Creator. For my part, I take my stand in human anatomy; and the examples of mechan- ism I should be apt to draw out from the copious catalogue which it supplies, are the pivot upon which the head turns, the ligament within the socket of the hip-joint, the pulley or trochlear muscles of the eye, the epiglottis, the bandages which tie down the tendons of the wrist and instep, the slit or perforated muscles at the hands and feet, the knitting of the intestines to the mesentery, the course of the chyle into the blood, and the constitution of the sexes as extended throughout the whole of the animal creation. To these instances the reader^s memory will go back, as they are severally set forth in their places; there is not one of the number which I do not think decisive; not one which is not strictly mechanical; nor have I read or heard of any solution of these appearances, which, in the smallest de- gree, shakes the conclusion that we build upon them. But, of the greatest part of those, who, either in this book or any other, read arguments to prove the existence of a God, it will be said, that they leave off only where they be- gan; that they were never ignorant of this great truth, nev- er doubted of it; that it does not, therefore, appear what is gained by researches from which no new opinion is learned, and upon the subject of which no proofs were wanted. Now 1 answer, that, by invKsU ^ration, the following points are always gained, in favor ofdoctriries even the most gen- erally acknowledged, (supposing them to he true,) viz. stability and impression. Occasions will arise to try the firmness of our most habitu'.l opinions. And upon these oc- COxVCLUSION. 293 casions, it is a matter of incalculable use to feel our foun- dation; to find a support in argument for what we had taken up upon authority. In the present case, the arguments upon which the conclusion rests, are exactly such as a truth of universal concern ought to rest upon. They are sufficiently open to the views and capacities of the unlearn- ed, at tlie same time that they acquire new strength and lustre from the discoveries of the learned.” If they had been altogether abstruse and recondite, they would not have found their way to the understandings of the mass of mankind; if they had been merely popular, they migbt have wanted solidity. J3ut, secondly, what is gained by research in the stability of our conclusion, is also gained from it in impression. Physicians tell us, that there is a great deal of difference between taking a medicine, and the medicine getting into the constitution. A difference not unlike which, obtains with respect to those great moral propositions, which ought to form the directing principles of human conduct. It is one thing to assent to a proposition of this sort; and another, and a very different thing, to have properly imbibed its in- fluence. I take the case to be this: Perhaps almost every man living has a particular train of thought, into which his mind glides and falls, when at leisure from the impressions and ideas that occasionally excite it; perhaps, also, the train of thought here spoken of, more than any other thing, determines the character. It is of the utmost consequence, therefore, that this property of our constitution be well reg- ulated. Now it is by frequent oi continued meditation upon a subject, by placing a subject in different points of view, by induction of particulars, by variety of examples, by ap- plying principles to the solution of phenomena, by dwelling upon proofs and consequences, that mental exercise is drawn into any particular channel. It is by these means, at least, that we have any power over it. The train of spontaneous thought, and the choice of that train, may be directed to different ends, and may appear to be more or less judiciously fixed, according to the purpose, in respect of which we con- sider it: but, in a moral view, I shall not, I believe, be con- tradicted when I say, that, if one train of thinking be more desirable than another, it is that which regards the pheno- mena of nature with a constant reference to a supreme intelligent Author. JTo have made this the ruling, the habit- ual sentiment of ou * minds, is to have laid the foundation of everything whio*"' s religious. The world thenceforth Aa* 294 CONCLUSION. becomes a temple, and life itself one continued act of ado- ration. The change is no less than this; that whereas form- erl)^ God was seldom in our thoughts, we can now scarcely look upon anything without perceiving its relation to him. Every organized natural body, in the pro\ isions which it contains for i s sustentation and propagation, testifies a care, on the part of the Creator, expressly directed to these purposes. We are on all sides surrounded by such bodies; examined in their parts, wonderfully curious; compared with one another, no less wonderfully diversified. So that the mind, as well as the eye, may either expatiate in vari ety and multitude, or fix itself down to the investigation of particular divisions of the science. And in either case it will rise up from its occupation, possessed by the subject, in a very different manner, and with a very diferent degree of influence, from what a mere assent to any verbal pro- position which can be formed concerning the existence of the Deity, at least that merely complying assent with which those about us are satisfied, and with which we are too apt to satisfy ourselves, will or can produce upon the thoughts. More especially may this difference be per- ceived, in the degree of admiration and of awe with which the Divinity is regarded, when represented to the under- standing by its own remarks, its own reflections, and its own reasonings, compared with what is excited by any language that can be used by others. The works of nature want only to be contemplated. When contemplated, they have everything in them which can astonish by their great- ness: for, of the vast scale of operation through which our discoveries carry us, at one end we see an intelligent Pow- er arranging planetary systems, fixing, for instance, the trajectory of Saturn, or constructing a ring of two hundred thousand miles diameter to surround his body, and be sus- pended like a magnificent arch over the heads of his in- habitants; and, at the other, bending a hooked tooth, con- certing and providing an appropriate mechanism, for the clasping and reclasping of the filaments of the feather of the humming bird. We have proof, not only of both these works proceeding from an intelligent agent, but of their proceeding from the same agent: for, in the first place, we can trace an identity of plan, a connexion of system, from Saturn to our own globe: and when arrived upon our globe, we can, in the second place, pursue the connexion through all the organized, especially the animated, bodies which it supports. We can observe marks of a common relation CONCLUSION. 295 as well to one another as to the elements of which then habitation is composed Therefore one mind hath planned or at least hath prescribed, a general plan for all these pro- ductions. One Being las been concerned in all. Under this stupendous Being we live. Our happiness, our existence, is in his hands. All we expect must come from him. Nor ought we to feel our situation insecure. In every nature, and in every portion of nature, which we can descry, we find attention bestowed upon even the mi- nutest parts. The hinges in the wings of an earivig, and the joints of its antennae, are as highly wrought, as if the Creator had nothing else to finish. We see no signs of diminution of care by multiplicity of objects, or of distrac- tion of thought by variety. We have no reason to fear, therefore, our being forgotten, or overlooked, or neglected. The existence and character of the Deity, is, in every view, the most interesting of all human speculations. In none, however, is it more so, than as rt facilitates the l^e- lief of the fundamental articles of Revelation. It is a step to have it proved, that there must be something in the world more than what we see. It is a farther step to know, that amongst the invisible things of nature, there must be an in- telligent mind, concerned in its production, order, and sup- port. These points being assured to us by Natural The- ology, we may well leave to Revelation the disclosure of many particulars, which our researches cannot reach, re- specting either the nature of this Being as the original cause of all things, or his character and designs as a moral gov- ernor; and not only so, but the more full confirmation of other particulars, of which, though they do not lie alto- gether beyond our reasonings and our probabilities, the certainty is by no means equal to the importance. The true theist will be the first to listen to any credible commu- nication of Divine knowledge. Nothing which he has learned from Natural Theology, will diminish his desire of farther instruction, or his disposition to receive it with humility and thankfulness. He wishes for light: he re- joices in light. His inward veneration of this great Being, will incline him to attend with the utmost seriousness, not only to all that can be discovered concerning him by re- searches into nature, but to all that is taught by a revela- tion, which gives reasonable proof of having proceeded from him. But above every ether article of revealed religion, does the anterior belief of a Deity bear w‘ h the strongest force 296 CONCl USION upon that gtand point, which gives indeed interest and im portance to all the rest — the resurrection of the human dead. The thing might appear hopeless, did we not see a power at work adequate to the effect, a power under the guidance of an intelligent will, and a power penetrating the inmost recesses of all substance. I am far from justifying the opinion of those, who ‘‘thought -it a thing incredible that God should raise the dead:” but I admit, that it is first necessary to be persuaded, that there is a God to do so. This being thoroughly settled in our minds, there seems to be nothing in this process (concealed and mysterious as we confess it to be) which need to shock our belief. They who have taken up the opinion, that the acts of the human mind depend upon organization, that the mind itself indeed consists in organization, are supposed to find a greater dif- ficulty than others do, in admitting a transition by death to a new state of sentient existence, because the old organiza- tion is apparently dissolved. But I do not see that any im- practicability need be apprehended even by these; or that the change, even upon their hypothesis, is far removed from the analogy of some other operations, which we know with certainty that the Deity is carrying on. In the ordi- nary derivation of plants and animals from one another, a particle, in many cases, minuter than all assignable, all con- ceivable dimension; an aura, an effluvium, an infinitesimal; determines the organization of a future body; does no less than fix, whether that which is about to be produced shall be a vegetable, a merely sentient, or a rational being; an oak, a frog, or a philosopher; makes all these differences, gives to the future body its qualities, and nature, and spe- cies. And this particle, from which springs, and by which is determined a whole future nature, itself proceeds from, and owes its constitution to, a prior body; nevertheless, which is seen in plants most decisively, the incepted organ- ization, though formed within, and through, and by a pre- ceding organization, is not corrupted by its corruption, or destroyed by its dissolution; but, on the contrary, is some- times extricated and developed by those very causes; sur- vives and comes into action, when the purpose for which it w^as prepared requires its use. Now an economy which nature has adopted, when the purpose was to transfer an organization from one individual to another, may have some- thing analogous to it, when the purpose is to transmit an organization from one state of being to another state: and they who found thought in organization, may see something CONCLUSION. 297 in tliis analogy applicable to their difficulties, for, what- ever can transmit a similari.y of organization will answer their purpose, because, according even to their own theory, it may be tbe vehicle of consciousness; and because con- sciovisness carries identity and individuality along with it through all changes of form or of visible qualities. In the most general case, that, as we have said, of the derivation of plants and animals from one another, the latent organi- zation is either itself similar to the old organization, or has the power of communicating to new matter the old organic form. But it is not restricted to this rule. There are other cases, especially in the progress of insect life, in which the dormant organization does not much resemble that which encloses it, and still less suits with the situation in which the enclosing body is placed, but suits with a dif- ferent situation to which it is destined. In the larva of the libellula, which lives constantly, and has still long to live, under water, are descried the wings of a fly, which two yeaVs afterwards is to mount into the air. Is there nothing in this analogy? — It serves at least to show, that even in the observable course of nature, organizations are formed one beneath another; and, amongst a thousand other in- stances, it shows completely, that the Deity can mould and fashion the parts of material nature, so as to fulfil any pur- pose whatever which he is pleased to appoint. They who refer the operations of mind to a substance totally and essentially different from matter, (as most cer- tainly these operations, though affected by material caus- es, hold very little affinity to any properties of matter with which we are acquainted,) adopt perhaps a juster reaspning and a better philosophy ; and by these the considerations above suggested are not wanted, at least in the same de- gree. But to such as find, which some persons do find, an insuperable difficulty in shaking off an adherence to those analogies which the corporeal world is continually suggest- ing to their thoughts; to such, I say, every consideration will be a relief, which manifests the extent of that intelli- gent power which is acting in nature, the fruitfulness of iU resources, the variety, and aptness, and success of its means; most especially every consideration which tends to show, that, in the translation of a conscious existence, there is no even in their own way of regarding it, any- thing greatly beyond, or totally unlike, what takes place 298 CONCLUSION. in such parts (probably small parts) of the order of nature as are accessible to our observation. Again; if there be those who think, that the contracted- ness and debility of the human faculties in our present state, seem ill to accord with the high destinies which the expectations of religion point out to us, I would only ask them, whether any one, who saw a child two hours after its birth, could suppose that it would ever come to understand fluxions;^ or who then shall say, what farther amplification of intellectual powers, what accession of knowledge, what advance and improvement, the rational faculty, be its con- stitution what it will, may not admit of, when placed amidst new objects, and endowed with a sensorium adapted, as it undoubtedly will be, and as our present senses are, to the perception of those substances, and of those properties of things, with which our concern may lie. Upon the whole ; in everything which respects this awful, but, as we trust, glorious change, we have a wise and powerful Being (the author, in nature, of infinitely various expedients, for infinitely various ends) upon whom to rely for the choice and appointment of means, adequate to the execution of any plan which his goodness or his justice may have formed, for the moral and accountable part of his terrestrial creation. That great office rests with him: be it ou7's to hope and to prepare, under a firm and settled persuasion, that, living and dying, we are his; that life is passed in his constant presence, that death resigns us to bis merciful disposal. * See Sea sh’s Light of Nature, passim. VOCABULARY A. Abdomen, the cavity of the belly. Accretion, a growth; increase in size or extent Adifose, fatty, containing fat. Alkalies, a peculiar class of chemical substances which have the fiop- erty of combitmg with and neutralizing the properties of acids. Anconceus, the name of one of the muscles which extend the e'.bow joint. Anal, a term applied to one of the fins of fish, situated near the anus of vent. Anhelation, breathing hard or panting. Annular, in the form of a ring. Annuli, rings — applied to the muscular fibres which surroun^i the bodies of some animals like rings. Antennae, organs of touch, situated near the mouths of insects having many joints. Antherae, small bodies which contain the pollen or fertilizing dust of flowers ; the antherae are fixed generally on the ends of slender fila- ments, and surround the germ or seed vessel. Aorta, the main artery of the body, which receives the blood directly from the heart and distributes it to the body. Auricle, a cavity of the heart. Its external shape gives it the appear- ance of an appendage to the organ, and its name is derived from its supposed resemblance to an ear, (auricula.) Automaton, a machine having a power of motion within itself, but des- titute of life. B. Buccinator, the principal muscle of the cheek. Biceps, one of the muscles which bend the elbow-joint. Bivalve, consisting of two valves or shells, as in shell-fish — e g thf oyster. Brachiceus, the name of two muscles moving the arm. Brevis, short. C. Calyx, the flower cup ; the external or outermost part of the flower, generally resembling the leaves in color, and containing the othe- parts of the flower within it. It is often wanting. Camera ohscura, or dark chamber. An optical instrument in which the rays of light from external objects are made to pass through a con- vex lens into a dark box where they are received upon a screen, and produce a representation of external objects. Capsule, the seed vessel of plants. Carnivorous, feeding or living on flesh. 300 VOCABULARY. Carotid, the name of the arteries which pass up the neck on ^ach sid,the meaiiu iiiditoj'ius extemus, or outward passage of the ear; leading to c, tlie, memhrana tympanic or drum ; c?, the ossicula auditus, or httle hones of tiie ear; e, the semicircular canals ;f, the cochlea; g, a section of the eustacldan tube, which extends from the cavity of the tympa- num, to the back of the mouth or fauces. Fig. 2. The bones of the ear magnified, a, the malleus, or mal- let, connected by a process to the tympanum ; the round head is lodged in the body of, h, the incus, or anvil, and the incus is united to, c, the os orbiculare, or round bone, and this to, d, the stapes, or the stirrup. These bones are named from their shape, and the names assist in conveying an idea of their form. They are united by lig- aments, and form an uninterrupted chain to transmit the vibrations of the atmosphere. F iG. 3. The labyrinth, so named from the intricacy of its cavi ties ; it is situated in the petrous part of the temporal bone, and con- sists of the vestibule, or central cavity, three semicircular canals, and cochlea, so named from its resemblance to the windings of a snail shell, and is best explained by the plate. Fig. 1, and 3. The vibrations of sounds, striking against the membrana tympa- ni, are propagated by the intervention of these four little bones, to the water contained within the cavities of the labyrinth ; and by means of this water the impression is conveyed to the extremities of the auditory nerve, and finally to the brain. Fish require no tympanum, nor external opening to the ear; the fluid in which they live is the medium for conducting souiuls through the bones of the head. Fig. 4. The tympanum of the elephant, of its natural size, show- ng ils radiated fibres, supposed to be musculai*. 318 PLATE V 4 PLATE VI, CHAPTER VIL Plate VL — trochlear muscle of the eye, and kidney. Fig. 1. The trochlear or superior oblique muscle, aiiscs with the straight muscles from the bottom of the orbit. Its muscular poriioiij a, is extended over the upper part of the eye-ball, and gradually as- sumes the form of a smooth, round tendon, 6, which passes through the pulley, c, and is fixed to the inner edge of the orbit, d, then re- turning backwards and downwards, eis inserted into,y5the sclerotic membrane. The use of this muscle is to bring the eye forwards, and to turn the pupil downwards and upwards. Fig. 2. A section of the human kidney ; a, the emulgent artery^ which conveys the blood to, 6, ihepapxlleB^ where the peculiar fluid is secreted ; from whence it passes by tubes into, c, the pelvis; 6, the ureter^ or tube, which conducts the secretion to its receptacle ; d^ the emulgent vein^ for returning the blood, after it has been submit- ted to the acti )n of the gland. 323 CHAPTER VIIl. Plate VIL — vertebras of the human neck. Fig. 1. A representation of the head and the neck ; the latter is composed of seven bones called verteircE. Fig. 2. Exhibits the fii*st and second vertebi*?e, wth their mode of connexion. The uppermost vertebra, termed the atlas, from iis siip[)oiting the globe of the head, has an oval concave suidace on either side, a, a, for the reception of two coiTesponding convex surfaces placed on the lower part of the head, in such a manner as only to admit of the action of bending and raising the head. Fig. 3. The atlas. Fig. 4. The second vertebra, called dentata, has two plane sur- faces, a, a, adapted to the planes, a, a, Fig. 3, of the atlas: and this manner of articulation provides for the turning of the head laterally in almost every direction. Fig. 2. and 4, b, b, show the tooth-like process which affords a firtn pivot for the produc tion of the lateral motion just described. This process is received into a coiTespond- ing indentation of the adas. Fig. 3, 6, and a strong ligament passes behind it, serving as an effectual security against dislocation, and consequent compression of the spinal marrow. Fig. 4, d, marks the situation for the spinal marrow, which passes through the ring of each vertebra. The letter, c, indicates a perforation in the lat- eml process ; and, as there is a corresponding perforation in each lateml, or as k is termed, transverse process of the seven cervical vertebrjB, a contLuious passage is thus fonned for the protection of two important blood-vessels destmed to supply the brain. 324 PIRATE VII ,/ v;-. If •PLATE VIII. CHAPTER VIII. Plate VIII. — bones of the akm. • Fig. 1. a, the humerus; the head, 6, is a portion of a sphere, an i exhibits an example of the hall and socket^ or univei*sal joint ; c, tlirt hinge-jointy instanced in the elbow ; d, the radius ; e, the idncu radius belongs more peculiarly to the wrist, being the bone which supports the hand, and which turns with it in all its revolving mo- tions. The ulna principally belongs to the elbow-joint, for by it we perform all the actions of bending or extending the arm. Fig. 2. a, the humerus : 6, shows the connexion of the radius, with c, the ulna, at the elbow. The mode of articulation at the wrist is seen, Fig. 1. Dd* 329 CHAPTER VIII, Plate IX. — the spine. Fig. 1. The human spine, so named from the series of shaip pro- cesses projecting from the posterior part of the veitebrse. The spine consists of seven vertebrai of the neck, distinguished by tJie perforations in their transverse processes ; of twelve belonging tc the back, and marked by depressions for the heads of the ribs and, lastly, of ^ve belonging to the loins, which are larger than the other vertebrae. Fig. 2. A separated dorsal vertebra: a, the body of the vertebra^ 6, the ring through which the spinal marrow passes: c, c, the artic- ulating surfaces to which the ribs are united. Fig. 3. The vertebra of a veiy large seipent, drawn from a spe- cimen belonging to the x\natomy School of Christ Church, Oxford. This figure shows the socket of the vertebra. Fig. 4. The ball or rounded joint, evidently calculated for ex- tensive motion. Fig. 5. A part of the spine of the same reptile ; it is exceedingly strong, each bone being united to the other by fifteen surfaces of articulation. 330 PLATE IX, V. I; PLATE X CHAPTER VIII. Plate X. — the chest, patella, 4nd shoulder-blade. Fig. 1. The spine, ribs, and sternum, constitute the frame work of the chest or thorax. Referring, however, to the plate, or to nature, we observe that the ribs are not continued throughout from the spine to the sternum, but intervening cartilages complete the form of the chest, by connecting the end of the first ten ribs to the breast bone. This is a farther provision, relative to the mechanical function of the lungs, deserving notice. The muscles of respiration enlarge the capacity of the v’hest by elevating the ribs; and during the momentary interval of muscular action, the cartilages, fi'om their great elasticity, restore tlie ribs to their former position. Fig. 2. Represents the true shape of the patella, the antenor surface convex. Fig. 3, the posterior surface, which has two con- cave depressions adapted to the condyles of the thigh bone. The projection of the patella, as a lever, or pulley, removes the acting force from the centre of motion, by which means the muscles have a greater advantage in extending the leg. That this bone is “ un- like any other in the body,” is a mistake ; such bones are numerous, though less obvious, for they do not exceed the size of a pea: these are called sesamoid bones, and are formed in the flexor tendons of the thumb, and sometimes in the fingers. They are frequently found under the tendons of some of the muscles. Two of these sort of bones are constantly found under the articulation of the great toe with the foot : some also are discovered, though not so constant- ly, under the corresponding joints of the other toes. The sesamoid bones, like the patella, remove their tendons from the centre of mo- tion, facilitate their glidings over the bone, and protect their artic- ulations. Fig. 4. The shoulder-blade [scapula] is joined to the collar bone oy ligaments, and to the thorax by powerful muscles which are ca- ()able of sustaining immense weights, and wnose action gives the various directions to the arm, and enables it freely to revolve at thr shoulder-joint. Fig. 5. The os hyoides, a small bone situated at the root of the tongue. It serves as a lever or point for attaching the muscles of the tongue, larynx, and those of deglutition. 335 CHAPTER VIII. Plate XL — the hip, knee and ankle joints. F G. 1. The capsular ligament is here opened in order to shov^ tlie ligament of the hip, named the round ligameiit It allows con- siderable latitude of motion, at the same time that it is the gi*eai safeguard against dislocation. Fig. 2 and 4. The crucial or internal ligaments of the knee-joint arise from each side of the depression between the condyles of the thigh-bone ; the anterior is fixed into the centre, tlie posterior into the back of the articulation of the tibia. This structure properly limits the motions of the joint, and gives the firmness requisite for violent exertions. Viewing the form of the bones, we should con- sider it one oPthe weakest and most superficial, but the sti*ength of its ligaments and the tendons passing over it, render it the most secure, and the least liable to dislocation of any joint in the whole Dody. Fig. 3. One of the interarticular cartilages of the knee, from their shape called semilunar ; it is also represented in situ, Fig. 2. The outer edge of each cartilage is thick, the inner concave edge thin ; the sockets for the condyles of the thigh-bone are thus rendered deeper, and the cartilages are so fixed as to allow a little play on the tibia, by which the joint moves with great freedom. A moving cartilage is not common, but is peculiar to those joints whose motions are veiy frequent, or which move under a great weight. It is a contrivance found at the jaw-bone, the inner head of the collar-bone and the articulation of the wrist, as well as at the knee. The obvious use is to lessen friction and facilitate motion. Fig. 4. a, the Jibula; b, the tibna, the lower extremities of which, c, d, form the outer and inner ankle, and receive, c, the great artic- ulating bone of the foot, called the astragalus between them. When the foot sustains the weight of the body the joint is finn, but when rfiised it easily rolls on the ends of these bones, so that the toe is ilirected to the place on which we intend to step. 336 ft PLATE XI. r PLATE XII. CHAPTER IX. Plate XIL — the sartorius and oblique muscles or thb HEAD. Fig. 1. a, a, the sartorius, is the longest muscle of the whole fabi-ic : it is extended obliquely across the thigh from the fore part of the hip, to the inner side of the tibia. Its office is to bend the knee, and bring the leg inwards. Fig. 2. There are two pairs of oblique muscles ; a, a, the ohliquus capitis superior, arising from the transvei*se process of the atlas, and uiserted into the occipital bone ; b, h, the ohliquus capitis inferior, arising from the spinous process of the dentata, and inserted into the transverse process of the atlas. I’hese muscles roll the head on one side, ana draw it backwards. Ee^ 341 CHAPTER XI Plate XIII. — the muscles of the ^rm. Fig. I. a, the biceps, (biceps flexor cubiti) arise oy two portions from the scapula ; tliey form a thick mass of flesh in the middle of the arm, which is finally inserted into the upper end of the ra- dius ; b, the brachiccus intemus, arises from the middle of the os humeri, and is inserted into the ulna. Both these muscles bend the fore-arm. c, the longus et brevis brachimis extemus ; these are bet- ter named as one muscle, triceps extensor ciibiti. It is attached to the inferior edge of the scapula, and to the os humeri, by three distinct heads, which unite and invest the whole back part of the none, becoming a strong tendon which is implanted into the elbow. It is a powerful extensor of the fore-arm. d, the anconceiis, a small triangular muscle, situated at the outer side of the elbow: it assists the last muscle. ^ Fig. I and 2. c, c, the annular ligament of the wrist, under which pass the tendons of the muscles of the fingers. Fig. 1. y; the deltoid muscle; the muscle at the shoulder by which the arm is raised. 342 PLATE XIII. PLATE XIV. CHAPTER IX Plate X1\ — the muscles that raise the eye-lids, and SPHINCTER OR CIRCULAR MUSCLES. Fig. 1. A front view of this muscle, named levator paJpebrcB sk^ verioris: Fig. 2. a profile of the same in its natural position. This muscle arises within the orbit, and is inserted by a broad tendon into the upper eye-lid. Its name is expressive of its use. Fig. 3. Exhibits examples of sphincter muscles: a, a, the orbi- cidans palpebrarum^ encircling the eyelid ; it closes the eye, and compresses it with spasmodic force, when injured by particles of dust, &c. &, the orbicularis oris, surrounding the mouth ; its chief use is to contract the lips. 347 CHAPTER IX. Plate XV — the digastric muscle. Fig. 1 and 2. The digiistric muscle has its origin, a, at the lower part of the temporal [)one; it runs downwards and forwards, and forms a strong, round tendon, 6, which passes through a pei-foration in the stylo-hyoideus muscle, f ; it is then fixed by a strong liga- ment, c, to the os hyoides, d ; it again becomes fleshy, runs ilpwards, and is inserted into, e, the chin. This description differe from Dr. Paley’s, and it will be found by reference to dissections or the plate, that the os hyoides furnishes a stay or brace instead of a pulley, and that the hop or ring is in the stylo-hyoideus muscle. 348 PLATE XV, PLATE XVI, CHAITER IX. Plate XVI. — the tendons of the toes. Fio. 1. a, the tendon of the long flexor of the toes, which divides about the middle of the foot into four portions, passing through the slits in, h, the short flexor tendons. Fig. 2. explains a similar con- trivance belonging to each finger: a, a tendon of the flexor sublimi ^ ; b, a tendon of the flexor profundus, passing through it. Fig. 3. a, b, tendons of the extensor muscles of the toes; c.a tendon of a flexor of the foot. These are bound down and retain- ed in situ by, c, the anmdar ligament of the instep, which consists of two distinct cross bands, going from the outer ankle to the inner ankle and neighbouring bones. Ff* 353 CHAPTER X. Plate XVIL — the heart. Fig. 1. A section of the human heart; a, a, the superior and in ferior vena cava^ the a eins which convey the blood to the. 6, righi mncle ; and thence into, c, the corresponding venfncZe ; from this ventricle the blood is impelled through, e, the pulmonary artery^ in- to the lungs ; and returning by^^/, the pidmonary veins, it is receiv- ed into, g, the left aur'cle ; it flows next into, h, the left ventmcle ; which by its contraction distributes the blood through the general arterial system: — j, tlie aorta, the great artery which transmits blood to the different parts of the body, from whence it is returned by veins to the cav(B ; k, the right subclavian ; I, the right carotid arteries, originating from one common trunk ; m, the carotid ; n, the left subclavian ; d, the valves of the right ; i, the valves of the left ventricle. Fig. 2. The valves of the right side (tricuspid valves) separated from tlie heart ; a, a, a, the camacB columnce, or muscular fibres of the valves ; h, b, 6, the chordce tendincce, or tendinous filaments which are attached to, c, the valves. Fig. 3. Exliibits the aiiery cut open with tlie form of the semilu- nar valves* Fig. 4. A portion of the arteiy filled, showing how effectually the valves prevent the retrograde motion of the blood in the aorta and pulmonary zuteiy. Fig. 5, 6. A section of a cutting and gidnding tooth, showing the apertures at the root and the cavities for the vessels and nerves, which supply the bony pait of the teeth, the enamel not being an organized substance. 354 plate xvii. PLATE XVIII, CHAPTER X. Plate XVIIL — the stomach, gall-bladder, &:u. Fig. 1. a, the stomach; 6, the cardia ; c, the 'pylorus. The gastric juice is a secretion derived from the inner membrane of the stom- ach, and digestion is principally performed by it. In the various orders of animated beings it differs, being adapted to the food on which they are accustomed to subsist. The food, when properly masticated, is dissolved by the gastric fluid, and converted into chyme ; so that most kinds of tlie ingesta lose their specific quauiies • and the chemical changes to which they would otherwise be liable, as putridity and rancidity, &c. are thus prevented. In this plate, h, the liver is turned up, in order to show the gall- bladder which is attached to its concave surface ; d, the duodenum ; c, part of the small intestines ; f, the pancreas ; and g, the spleen. Fig. 2. Explains the several ducts and their communicaticn with ihe duodenum ; a, XhQ gcdl-hladder ; 6, the ductus cysticus; which uniting with, c, the ductus hepaticus, forms, d, the ductus communis ; which, after passing between the muscular and inner coats of the intestine, opens into it at e, f, the pancreatic duct. The bile is said to become more viscid, acrid, and bitter, from the thinner i)arts being absorbed during its retention in the gall-bladder. 359 CHAPTER X. Pirate XIX. — the lacteals, and thoracic duct. The figure in this plate represents the course of the food, from ite CL ranee at the mouth to its assimilation with the blood ; a, the (Esoph (tgus, extending from the pharynx to, 6, the stomach ; where the ali- mentaiy matter, ha vuig undergone the digestive process, is converted into chyme^ a soft, homogeneous substance, and escapes at c, the py- lorus, into, d, the intestines. In this plate a large portion of the lat- ter is spread out to show a part of the absorbent system, called lac- teals : these collect and imbibe the chyle, or milky juice from the chyme, and transmit it through e,e, the mesenteric glands, into one general receptacle, f, (receptacidum chyli,) from wliich, g, the tho- racic duct ascends in a more or less tortuous direction to the lower vertebrsB of the neck, and after forming an arch, it descends and entere h, the left subclavian vein, at the point where that vein is united with the interned jugular. The absorbents of the right side fiecpiently form a trunk, which enters the right subclavian vein. 360 PLATE XIX PLATE XX. CHAPTER X. Plate XX. — the parotid gland. Fig. 1. A dissection to exhibit tlie parotid gland. Fig. 2. Explains the former ; a, a, the integuments turned hack; parotid gla;nd ; c, its pipe or duct passing over the masseter, then perforating, d, the buccinator muscle^ and opening into the mouth opposite the second molar tooth. The flow of wiliva into the mouth is incessant, and it is one oi' the most useful digestive fluids. It is favorable to the maceration and division of the (bod, it assists it in degluition and transformation into chyme; it also rendera more easy the motions of the tongue in speech ainJ singing. Gg* 365 CHAPTER X. Plate XXL — the larynx. Fig. 1 The larynx^ pharynx^ &c. a, the os hyoides^ 6, the epiglottis pressed down, thus covering the glottis, or opening of the larynx ; as it does in the act of deglutition. Fig. 2. Exhibits the larynx, and trachea; which is a continua- tion of the former ; h, the epiglottis ; g, the arytenoid cartilages ; e die thyroid cartilage, exceedingly strong, for the protection of the upper part of the air tube ; d, the cartilaginous ringlets of the trachea or ivind-pipe, each forming nearly two-thirds of a circle, and com pleted by f, a soft membrane, which, from its apposition to, e. Fig. ], the oesophagus, accommodates itself to tne substances passing into the stomach. Fig. 3. The larynx or upper part of the wind-pipe of a liird. Tliis is called the infenor larynx, where the vocal organ is formed by a compression of the trachea, for it is here contracted into a nari'ow chink, and divided into two openings by a slender bone, or tense membrane, which, in producing sounds, resembles the mechanism of a musical instrument. In the plate this part of the larynx is a little turned up to show the tendinous hand at this ex- tremity stretched across it, which is furnished from the surrounding parts with muscles to modulate the tone. 366 PLATE XXI PLATE XXII. CHAPTER XL Plate XXIL— package of the viscera, and mesentery. Fig. 1. In this plate the parietes of the chest and abdomen, with die omentum, are removed to show the viscera in situ; a, tli<3 heart; 6, the aorta; c, the descending vena cava; d, the lungs divi- der! by the mediastinum into two [lortions ; three lobes belong to the right, and two to the left portion of the lungs; e,the diaphragm^ or that muscle which separates the thorax from the abdomen ; /, the liver ; g*, the gall-bladder ; h, the stomach ; i, tlie spleen ; k, the large intestines ; I, the small intestines ; m, the bladder. The viscera of the thorax and abdomen, i. e. the viscera of or- ganic life, are irregidarhj disposed. The agents of volition are double, but the instruments of involuntary motion, namely, the in- terior life, are single, and at least are irregular in their form. The several viscera are correctly described in the Theology, and sufficient is said for the purposes for which they are introduced. To the supposed use of the spleen only an objection must be taken : various hypotheses have been entertained as to its office, but none are conclusive ; the most probable is, that it is a source of supply of blood for fumishing the gastric secretion, or that the blood un- dergoes some important change in it. Fig. 2. The mesentery. This membrane is fonried by a reflec- tion of the periton(Eum from each side of the vertebrae ; it connects the intestines loosely to the spine, to allow them a certain degi*ee of motion, yet retains them in their places; and furnishes their ex- terior covering. Between the laminae of, a, the mesentery, are re- ceived the glands, vessels, and nerves ; and its extent admits of a proj or distril ution of each. 871 CIlAP'i’KK X!!. Plate Will. — ^nerves uf the bill of a pick, .alvil.^ tU>MVK.\TKS. CHAP. XIII. AIR-P> LAPPF H OF A PISH, AM; FANG OF THE VIPER Fig. 1. The iijiper mandiblt of the duck, on wliich are distri- biiied the first and second branches of tlie fifth pair of neiTes; the former passing through the orbit to the extremity of the bill, and, together with the latter, supplying the whole palatine surface. This gustatory sensibility is the more necessary to those races ot birds called palmipedes, such as penguins, the wild goose, ducks, &:c. and the grallte, such as water-hens, curlews, woodcocks, &c. their sight being of no assistance to them in finding their prey in the mire. Fig. 2. A small portion of the human intestine cut open in order to show the valvvla conniventes. It may be questioned, whether these extremely soft rugae or folds of the villous coat of the intestine can in the least retard the passage of the food througli its canal ; nor does the erect attitude of man require them ; for, since there are as many of the convolutions of the intestines ascend- ing as there are descending, the weight of the food can have no in- fluence in the action of the intestine : it is certain, however, that this arrangement of the internal coat, affords a more extensive sur- face for the lacteals and secreting vessels ; and this appeal's to be the real use of the vcdvidce conniveiites. Fig. 3. The air-bladder in the roach. This vessel diffei's in size and shape, in difiercnt species of fish ; generally communicating, by one or more ducts, either with the oesophagas or stomach ; by which means the fish receives or expels the air, tlius sinking or rising without effort: but as some are destitute of this organ, it is consiilered as an accessary instrument of motion. Such fish live almost uniformly at the bottom of the wat(‘r. Fig. 4. The head of a viper of the natural size. Fig. 5. The fang magnified, at the root of which is the gland wMich secretes the venom : a hair is represented in the tube tlirougb w iiich the poison is ejected. F'ig. 6, 7. See note, p. 126. 372 PILATE XXIII > \ PLATE XXIV. CHAPTER XIIL Plate XXIV. — the opossum. •* Fig. 1. The American opossum ; [didelphis marsupiulis virginia- wa.) The body of the animal is of a grayish yellow color, some haii*s entirely black, with others entirely white ; the tail furnished with scales ; the hands, nose, and ears naked. The female has the whole lengtli of the belly clefl or slit, and appears like a person’s waistcoat buttoned only at the top and bottom. This cavity tho animal has the power of fu'mly closing. Within are thirteen teats, extremely small, one in the centre, and the rest ranged round it. Fig. 2. One of the young of the opossum. Fig. 3. The pelvis of the opossum ; a, a, the two bones {ossa marsupialia) placed on the anterior part called the ossa pubis. The kangaroo and several other animals of New Holland have a sinflar structure. Hh* 377 CHAPTER XIII. Plate XXV. — claw of the heron, and bill of the soland GOOSE. Fig. I. The middle claw of the heroru Fig. 2. The head of the Soland goose, {pelicantis hassanusy drawn from a specimen in tlie Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. This bird inhabits the coldest parts of Great Bntaln, more especially the nortli- em isles of Scotland. The inhabitants of St. Kilda make it thek principal article of food, and are said to consume annually near 30,000 young birds, beside an amazing quantity of eggs. 378 PLATE XXV. 1 . -■ PLATE XXVI. CHAPTER XIII. Plate XXVI. — stomach of the camel. The figure in this plate exhibits the cells in the stomach of (hi tamely from a prepai-ation in the museum of tlie Royal College of Surgeons, London. In the camel, dromedary, and lama, there are four stomachs, as in horned ruminants; but the structuje, in some respects, differs from those of the latter. The camel tribe have iu the first and second stomach numerous cells, several inches deep formed by bands of muscular fibres crossing each other at right an- gles ; these are constructed so as to retain the water, and conn»lete- ly exclude the food. In a camel dissected by Sir E. Home, the cells of the stomach were found to contJiin two gallons of water ; but in consequence of the muscular contraction, which had taken jilace immediately after death, he was leil to conclude this was a quanti- ty much less than these cavities were caj)able of receiving in the living animal. See Lectures on Comparative Anatomy, by Sir E. Home, vol. i. p. IG8. Mr. Bruce states, in his Travels, that he procured four gallons of water from a camel, which fi'om necessity he slaughtered in Upper Egypt. 383 CHAPTER XIIL Plate XXVII. — tongue of the woodpecker, and skull o THE BABYROUESSA. Fio. 1. The head of the woodpecker^ {picus viridis,) Fig. 2. The tongtie, the natural size. Fig. 3. The claw of the same bird, refeiTed to in Chap. V. Fig. 4. The skidl of the babyroiiessa, from a specimen in the Anatomy School, Christ Church, Oxford. This animal is nearly the size of the common hog, and instead of bristles, is covered w ilh fine short and woolly hair, of a deej) brown or black color. It is also distinguished by the extraordinary position and form of the upper tusks, which are not situated on the edge of the jaw, as in other animals, but are placed externally, jierforating the skin of the snout, and tuniing upwards towards the forehead. The babyrouessa is found in large herds in many parts of Java, Amboina, and other Indian islands, and feeds on vegetables. 884 PLATE XXVII, 2 PLATE XXVIII. CHAPTER XIV. Plate XXVIIL — temporary and permanent teeth. Fig. 1. The gums and oiuer plate of the bone are removec showing the teeth of the infant, as they exist at the time of its biilh , tiiey are without roots, and contained in a capsule witliin the jaws. Fig. 2, In this figure, also, the outer alveolar plate of the jaws has been removed to show the succession of teeth. This is the state at six years of age. The temporal'll teeth are all shed between the ages of seven and fourteen, and are supplied by the permanent teeth already nearly perfectly formed, and situated at the roots of tlie former. li* 389 CHAPTER XIV. Plate XXIX. — foramen ovale, and ductus arteriosus. F 10. 1 . A view of the foetal heart ; a, the ascending, &, the de- scending vena cava ; c, the right auricle ; d, c, yj mark the elevated ring of the foramen ovale^ or the opening between the two auricles. Fig. 2. The foetal heart; a, the pulmonary artery; &, 6, its branches ; c, the ductus arteriosus^ or canal for transmitting the l)lood into, d, the aorta. As the lungs are useless in the foetus, unless as a “ prospective contrivance,” ilie heart has to carry on a single cir- culation only: the free communication between the two auricles identifies them as one cavity; and toe ventricles also force the blood into one vessel, the aorta. 390 PLATE XXIX. 2 3 ^* f' PLATE XXX, CIIAPTHRS XV. AWD XVL Plate XXX. — fore extremity of the mole — head of the El-EPHANT — finger-like EXTREMITY OF THE PROBtjSCIb SEC- TION OF THE PROBOSCIS BAT’s WING BILL OF THE PARROT — -EYES OF INSECTS EYES OF A SPIDER. Fig. 1. Is the fore extremity of the mole ; a, the os humeri, is pe- culiar, not only for its shortness, but in being articulated by b, one head to the scapula, and by c, another to the clavicle ; it is altogether of such a nature as tc turn the palm outwards for working. The foot, or we may name it the hand, has eleven bones in the carpus or wrist, is two more than the carpus of man. One of which, d, is remarkable, and from its shape is called the falciform hone; it gives the shovel form to the hand. Fig. 2. The head the Elephant, Fig. 3. and 4. The digitated extremity of the proboscis. Fig. 5. A transverse section of the proboscis, showing, a, a, the two tubes or nostrils. Between the external integuments and the tubes are two sets of small muscles ; an inner one running in a transverse, and an outward one in a longitudinal direction : 6, b, the transverse faciculi of n\uscles, some of which run across the proboscis, others in a radiated, and some in an oblique direction : c, c, the radiated, and d, d, the f)hh.que fi- bres approximate the skin and the tubes, without contracting the cavity of the latter. The others, which pass across the proboscis, contract both the surface of the organ, and the canals it contains ; they can, at the same time, elongate the whole or a part of it : e, e, the lonoitudinal faciculi, forming four large muscles, which occupy all the exterior of the organ. Fig. 6. The extended wings of the bat. Ostrologically considered, they are hands, the bony stretches of the membrane being tho finger bones extremely elongated : a, a, the thumb, is short, and armed with a nooked nail, which these animals make use of to hang by, and to creep. The hind feet are weak, and have toes of equal length, armed also with hooked nails ; the membrane constituting the wing, is continued from the feet to the tail. Fig. 7. The upper mandiMe of the parrot, which is articulated with the cranium by an elastic ligament, admitting of a considerable degree of motion. Fig. 8. An eye compounded of a number of lenses. The eyes of in- sects differ widely from vertebrated animals, by being incapable of mo- tion ; the compensation, therefore, is a greater number of eyes, or an eye compounded of a number of lenses. Hook computed the lenses in a horse-fly to amount to 7,000, and Leuwenhoek found the almost incredi ble number of 12,000 in the dragon-fly. Fig. 9. The eyes of a spider, drawn from nature. The number ol eyes in insects varies from two to sixteen. The spider here referrea to answers the description of the garden spider, {Kpeira Dindema,) the eyes of which are planted on three tul ercles, four on the central one, and two on each side of the lateral ones. BO 5 CHAPTER XVL pLAlE XXXL THE CHAMELEON, AND INTESTINE OF THE SEA-FOX. Fig. 1. The chameleon^ drawn from one of the species prcser\’ed in the Anatomy School, Clirist Churcli, Oxford. The eyes of lliis creature are very peculiar: they are remarkably large, and project more than half their diameter. They are covered with a single eye-lid, witli a small opening in it opposite the pupil. The eye-lid is granulated like every part of the surface of the body, with this differ- ence, over the eye the gi’anulations are disposed in concentric circles which form folds in that part to which the eye is turned : and as the lid is .attached to the front of the eye, so it follows all its move- ments. The neck is not “inflexible,” but its shortness, and the structure of the ceiTical vertebrae exceedingly limit the motion; this, however, is admirably compens.ated by the not less singular local position than motion of the eye, .as the animal can see behind, before, or on either side, without turning the head. Fig. 2. The spiral intestine of the cut open; taken from a preparation in the museum of the Royal College of Surgeons, London. The sea-fox is not, as Paley supposes, a “quadruped but a species of sliark, (squalus vul[)es.) The convoluted intestinal tube is also found in some other genera of fish. In this specimen the internal membrane is converted into a spiral valve, having thirty-six coils ; so that the alimentary substances, instead of passing speedily away, by proceeding round the turns of the valve, traverse a very consiilerable circuit: an extensive surface for the absorbents .s thus provided. Fig. 3. The spiral valve removed, showing the mode of its soiling. 396 PLATE XXXT. PLATE XXXII. CHAPTER XIX. Plate XXXII. — the wings of the beetle, awl, sting of THE BEE, PROBOSCIS, &C. Fig. 1. Is an instance of the homy and gauze wings in one of the most beautiful of the becile class of tliis country, the cetonia auraia, or rose chafer; showing the expanded elytra^ a, a: the true wings, b, h. Elytra are the wing covers of all the coleoptera order. They are frequently grooved, and curiously ornamented, in some spe- cies with scaly variegations of metallic lustre, as in the diamond beetle, and some species of Buprestis. One of the latter, of extra- ordinary brilliancy, forms an object in the “Cabinet of Beauty’- in the Ashmolean Museum. The use of the elytra is to protect the wings and body; and they are of some assistance in flying. Fig. 2. A specimen of tlie elytra covering half the body in the tar-ivig^ (forficula auricularia:) one of the elytra is .extended, and the membranous wing unfolded ; showing the numerous diverging nervures, or “ muscular tendons,” whicli run in horny tubes, to keep the wing extended, a, a, anteim/B usually consist of a number of tu- bular joints, with a free motion in each, enabling the insect to giv€' them every necessary flexure; they vary in number and in shape in tiie various orders, and are covered with hair, down, or bristles, frequently elegant and diversifled, as every one may observe. En- tomologists conceive, that the anteiinre, by a peculiar structure, may collect notices from the atmosphere, receive vibrations, and communicate tjiem to the sensorium, which, though not jirecisely to be called hearing, is something analogous to it, or may answer that purpose. Fig. 3. The aivl of the cestruin bovis, or gad-fly, highly magni- fied. It is formed of corneous substance, consisting of four joints, which slip into each other: the last of these terminate in five points, three of which are longer than the others, and are hooked : when united, they form an instrument like an auger or gimlet, with which the skin is pierced in a few seconds. Fig. 4. One of the hooks. Fig. 5. The sting of a bee, drawn from nature as it appears b} means of a magnifier of very high powers: a, a, a, a, the appara- tus for [irojecting the sting ; b, the exterior, c, the interior sheath of, d, the true sting, which is divided into two parts barbed at the sides ; e, the bag which contains the poison. Fig. C. The proboscis of a bee extended, a, a, the case oi sheath ; b, the tube ; c, the exterior; d, the interior fringes; e, the tongue ; f, f, the exterior, g, g, the interior palpi. Fig. 7. The appearance of the proboscis when contracted, and folded up. Fig. 8. The head of a buttei*fly, showing the coded proboscis Fig. 9. Ovipositor of the buprestis. Kk* 401 CHAPTER XIX. Plate X.XXIIL — silk secretors of the sii^cworm — spin NERETS OF THE SPIDER PANORPA COMMUNIS FEMALE AND MALE GLOW-WORM LARVA LIBELLUL^ BREATHING SPIRACU- L.^C PUPA OF GNAT — STRATYONIS CHAMELEON. Fig. 1. The organs for forming the silk consist of two long vessels. They unite to form the spinneret (fusulus) through which the larva draws the silken thread employed in fabricating its cocoon. «, a, the silk bags, 6, the spinneret. F’ig. 2. The web of spiders is also a kind of silk, remarkable for its lightness and tenuity; it is spun from four or six anal spinnerets, the fluid j matter forming the web being secreted in adjacent vessels, a, c, d. the sjrinnerets. Fig. 3. Panorpa corjwiunis y (Linn.) is an insect frequently seen in meadows during the early part of summer. It is a long-bodicd fly, of moderate size, with four transparent wings, elegantly variegated with deep brown spots. Fig. 4. The female glow-worm. Fig. 5. The male of the same insect. Fig. 6. The larva of some dragon-flies {csshna and lihellula, F.) swim by strongly ejecting water from the anus. By first taking in the water, and then expelling it, they are enabled to swim. This may be seen by putting one of these larva into a plate with water. We find that while the animal moves forward, a currant of water is produced by this pump- ing in a contrary direction. Sometin)es it will raise its tail out of the water, when a stream of water issues from it. Fig. 7. The spiracnla, or breathing pores of insects, are small ori- fices in the trunk or abdomen, opening into a canal called the trachece ; by which the air enters the body, or is expelled from it. In the larvae or caterpillars, a trachea runs on each side of the body, under the skin, and generally opens externally by nine or ten apertures or spiraculae ; from these the same nurnber of air-vessels of a silver color pass off to be dis- persed through the body, a, a, spiracula ; h, b, trachea. Fig. 8. The pupae of gnats suspend themselves on the surface of the water, by two auriform respiratory organs on the anterior part of the trunk, their abdomen being then folded under the breast ; when disposed to de- scend, the animal unfolds it, and with sudden strokes which she gives w'ith it and her anal swimmers to the water, she swims from right to left, as well as upwards and dow'nwards, with the greatest ease. F iG. 9. This is a well known fly, {stratyonis chamceleon, F.) cha- meleon fly. In its first state it inhabits the water, and often remains supported by its radiated tail, consisting of beautiful feathered hairs or plumes, on the surface, with its head downwards. But when it is dis- posed to seek the bottom or to descend, the radii of the tail is formed into a concavity including in it an air bubble ; this is its swim bladder, and by the bending of its body from righ to left, contracting itself into the form of the letter S, and then extend ng itself again into a straight line, it moves itself in any direction. 402 PLATE XXXIII, u plate XXXIV. CHAPTER XX. Plate XXXIV. — the capsule, pistil, stamina, nioell.!, PLUMULE, AND RADICLE. Fig. 1. The capsule or seed-vessel of the poppy: (papaver somniferum :) it is divided to exhibit its internal structure. Fig. 2. Is an instance of an erect flower, the agave Americana; in which the pistil is shorter than the stamina, a, the pistil ; 6, the stigma ; c, the stamina ; d, the antherae. Fig. 3. A flower of the crown-imperial. The relative length of the parts is now inverted, a, the pistil ; 6, the stamina. Fig. 4. A blossom of the nigclla. Fig. 5. A grain of barley, showingthe plumule and radicle grow^ ixgfrom iU 407 if CHAPTER XX. Plate XXXV. — vallisneria. Fig. 1. Valisneria spiralis. The female plants the flowers of which arc purple. This is drawn from a specimen in the posses- sion of Dr, Ogle. Fig. 2. The male plants producing white flowers; these when mature rise like air bubbles, and suddenly expandhig when they reach the surface of the water, float about in such abundance as to cover it entirely. “ Thus their pollen is scattered over the stigmas of the fii*st mentioned blossoms, whose stalks soon afterwards re- sume their spiral figure, and the fruit comes to maturity at the bot- om of the water.” Fig. 3. One of the separated male flowers magnified. 408 -PLATE XXXVI. CHAPTER XX. Plate XXXVI. — cuscuta europjea. This plant is a native of England, and is found in hedges, on clover, or on beans, where it proves exceedingly injurious to the crop. It flowers from June to August. The drawing was taken from a sy)ecimen which grew in the Physic Gardens, Oxford. Ii is represented twining about some nettles, on which it annually attaches itself. “ Of all the parasitical plants, the dodder (cuscuta) tribe are the most singular, trusting for their nourishment entirely to those veg- etables al)out which they twine, and into whose tender bark they inseit small villous tubercles serving as roots, the original root of the dodder withering away entirely, as soon as the young stem has fixed itself to any other plant so that its connexion with the etuih is cut off. ” English Botany, p. 55. 413 CHAPTER XX. Plate XXXV 11. — the autumnal cRdcua The colchicum autumnale. This j)lam before us exliibits a mode of fructification scarcely j)arallele(i among Hritish v^egetables. Tlie flo\v»n-s appearing very late in autumn, the impregnated germen* remains latent under ground close to tlie hulh till the foIItAving spring, when the capsule rises above the surface accompanied by several long upright leaves, and the seeds are ripened about June, after which the leaves decay. See British Botany, vol. i. p. IBB. The phint is represented as it appears in spring ; the root is divided to show the seed vessel near the bulb. The flower is remarkable for the length of its tube. 414 PLATE v'^ mr': PLATE XXXVIII. CHAPTER XX. PliATE XXXVIIL — THE DIONJEA MUSCIPULA. The dionaa muscipulay or Venus’s fly-trap. Some parts of this plant are so remarkable as to desei*ve a particular descnption. It is a native of North Carolina; the root perennial; leaves all radical, supported on long fleshy and strongly veined footstalks, leaving a small portion of this next the leaf naked : the leaf itself consists of two semi-oval lobes jointed at the back, so as to allow them to fold close together ; they are fleshy, and when viewed through a lense glandular, sometimes of a reddish color on the upper surface ; the sides of both lobes are furnished with a row of cartilaginous ciliae which stand nearly at right angles with the surface of the leaf, and lock into each other when they close. Near the middle of each lobe are three small spines, which are supposed to assist in destroying the entrapped insect. In warm weather liie lobes are fully expanded and highly irritable, and if a fly or other insect at this time light upon them they suddenly ^lose, and the poor animal is imprisoned till it dies. See Curtis’s Botanical Magazine, No. 785. 419 CHAPTER XXII. Plate XXXIX. — astl onomy. Fig. 1,2. The remarkable ring which surrouncs the planot Saturn. Fig. 3. The eaithan oblate spheroid. See note, p. 217, Fig. 4. See note, p. 220 Fig. 5. See note, p. 223. Fig, 6. Centripetal forces illustrated. See notes, pp. 219, 226. 420 PJLATE XXXIX. 2 GOULD & LINCOLN, PUBLISHERS AND BOOKSELLERS, 59 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON, CHARLES D. GOULD. 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