c - a.*o a w \ p p \ va.|l«-W . o i!M. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY Class 3 8 5A Book Ci t p a n-\ Volume Ja 09-20M v c | U j( rJ — • Connecticut River Line. No. 11. TAKING EFFECT FEBRUARY 7 , 1872. SPRINGFIELD, MASS.: SAMUEL BOWLES & COMPANY, PRINTERS. 1872 . CONNECTICUT AND PASSUMPSIC RIVERS, MASSAWIPPI VALLEY, AND VERMONT CENTRAL RAILROADS, AND ROADS UNDER ITS MANAGEMENT, GENERAL FREIGHT TARIFF, Fo. 11. IN CONNECTION WITH Connecticut River, Hartford and New Haven, * AND New London Northern Railroads, and New York. TAKING EFFECT FEBRUARY 1st, 1872. THI8 TARIFF SUPERSEDES ALL OTHERS, AND IS SUBJECT TO REVISION AT THE OPTION OF THE COMPANIES ABOVE NAMED. SPRINGFIELD, MASS.: SAMUEL BOWLES & COMPANY, PRINTERS. v 1872. FREIGHT DEPOTS IN NEW YORK. Connecticut River Line, - - - - Pier 25, East River. New London Northern Line, - Pier 40, North River. SUPERINTENDENTS AND GENERAL FREIGHT AGENTS. CONNECTICUT AND PASSUMPSIC RIVERS AND MASSAWIPPI VALLEY RAILROADS. Office, ------ Lyndonville, Vt. H. P. ALDEN, General Freight Agent. L. GILMORE, Superintendent. VERMONT CENTRAL RAILROAD, Comprising Vt. Central, Vt. and Canada, Stanslead, Shefford and Clxambly, Montreal and Vt. June., Sullivan, Ogdensburg and Lake Champlain, Missisquoi, Rutland, Vt. Val- ley, Montreal and Plattsburg, Whitehall and Plattsburg, Addison and New London Northern Railroads. Office, ----- st. Albans, Vt. ♦ J. W. HOBART, General Freight Agent. G. MERRILL, Superintendent. CONNECTICUT RIVER RAILROAD. Office, ------ Springfield, Mass. H. E. HOWARD, General Freight Agent. . J. MULLIGAN, Superintendent. ■ — * - — — * HARTFORD AND NEW HAVEN RAILROAD. Office, — — — — — — Hartford, Conn. GEO. H. FORBES, General Freight Agent. W. P. BURRALL, President. NORWICH AND NEW YORK TRANSPORTATION CO. JULIUS WEBB, Manager, Norwich, Conn. J. E. SHORT, Jr., Agent; Office, Pier 40, North River, N. Y. NEW HAVEN STEAMBOAT COMPANY. Office, - Pier 25, East River, N. Y. WM. SCOTT, Agent. RICHARD PECK, Superintendent. CONNECTICUT RIVER LINE. Office, ----- Pier 25, East River, N. Y. FRANCI& HYDE, General Freight Agent. CONN. RIVER LINE FREIGHT TARIFF. 3 General Rules and Regulations. 1. No Single Bill of Freight shall be made lessThan^S cents'nor less than the price of 100 lbs., at First Class Rates if more than 35 cents. In all cases enter the actual as well as the assumed weight on the Way-bill. < Conditions of Receiving and Responsibility. 2. Receipts. — The Railroad Companies will not be responsible for the safe custody or transportation of Freight, unless receipted for by an authorized Agent. Duplicate Receipts, in the form prescribed, ready for signature, must accompany the delivery of Freight. 3. Owner’s Risk. — In receiving articles that are transported at owner’s risk, Station Agents will call the attention of shippers to the rule, and also write “ Owner’s Risk” on the Receipts and Way-bill. 4. Cases Strapped. — The Railroad Companies will not be responsible for any deficiency in Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and other Goods in boxes, unless strapped with iron or wood ; nor for any deficiency in freight shipped in bulk. 5. Delays. — They will not be responsible for damages caused by delays from storms, accidents, or unavoidable causes, nor for the decay or injury of perishable articles, nor for injury to property produced by frost, heat, or the elements. 6. No Responsibility will be admitted to an amount exceeding $200, upon any single article of freight, unless notice be given of its value, and a special agree- ment made therefor. Agents are not authorized to receive Specie, Drafts, Bank Bills, Watches, Jewelry, and other articles of great value, for transportation. 7. Valuable Goods. — Silver and Plated Ware, Silk Goods and like valuable articles, must be made known and charged extra at discretion, or the Railroad Companies will not be responsible for their loss or injury. 8. Bulky and troublesome articles, requiring additional care, will be charged extra at discretion. 9. Packing. — Freight will not be received, unless packed in proper condition to be safely transported, and each package plainly marked. Goods in paper bundles, and Liquids in Jugs, Demijohns, Cans and Jars, unpacked, will not be received for transportation. CONN. RIVER LINE FREIGHT TARIFF. 4 10. Furniture. — Each article or package of Furniture must be marked with name and destination, or it will be received only at the owner’s risk of loss. Furni- ture must not he way-billed as a “Lot” except at the owner’s risk. Old Furniture, Household Goods, or Plunder, will be forwarded only on conditions named in “Re- lease,” which the Agents are in all cases to furnish. One stamped, to he retained by Agent, the other marked “ Copy,” must be attached to the Way-bill forwarded with the Goods. 11. Gunpowder, Nitro- Glycerine, and like explosive articles, will not be, transported except by special contract made with the Superintendent or General Freight Agent. 12. Prepaid. — Freight that the Agents of the Company do not deem worth the transportation charges, at forced sale, will not be received, unless the charges are prepaid. 13. Cooperag-e. — All property will be subject to charges for necessary coop- erage and repacking, to stop further waste. Such expenses may be way-billed with the freight. 14. Demurrage. — The Railroad Companies will use due diligence in for- warding freight, but they will not he liable, or in any event holden for delays in discharging vessels, arising from not having at any time sufficient means for trans- porting freight offered for transportation. DAMAGES. 15. No Allowance will be made for manifest damage to freight unless notice thereof is given before it is received by the Consignee ; nor for concealed damages unless notice thereof is given within five days after it is delivered to the Consignee. CARS.— Loading and Unloading. 16. Bulk Freight. — Brick, Bark, Boilers, Coal, Clay, Cotton, Grain, Head- ings, Lumber, Live Stock, Plaster, Potatoes, Pig Iron, Slate, Staves, Shook, Stone, Sand, and similar freight in bulk, and all articles transported at car load rates must be loaded and unloaded by the consignee or owner. Should the Managers, for their convenience, choose to do the loading or unloading, 20 cents per ton additional will be charged. 17. One Bay only will be allowed for loading and unloading cars. Two dollars or more will be charged for each additional day a car is detained or at the option* of the Railroad Company, it will be unloaded upon the depot grounds at the expense and risk of the owner. 18. Cars must he sent in a homeward direction, and will in no case be loaded for Roads not named in this tariff. 19. Passumpsic cars must not be loaded for points on the Vermont Central Railroad above White River Junction from stations south of that point. Hartford and New Haven and Connecticut River cars must not be loaded, from stations north of these Hoads, except to points on the above named Roads, or points reached over them. CONN. RIVER LINE FREIGHT TARIFF. 5 WAY-BILLS. 20. Partial Consignments. — Freight must not be forwarded with memo- randum Way-bill, as “More to go,” “Part Lot,” “Bill to follow,” etc. Whenever the exact quantity of partial consignments cannot be ascertained, it may be esti- mated, and the necessary corrections made on Way-bill of the balance. When small lots of freight, for which it is necessary to assume a weight in order to make the charge amount to 35 cents, are billed to a station from which they are re-billed, Agents will in all cases enter upon the Way-bill the actual as well as the assumed weight. For instance when the article weighs but 15 lbs., and it is neces- sary to assume a weight (the rate being 10 cents), bill it 15 lbs. as 350 a 10 35 cts. 21. Gross Weight. — Transportation must be charged on the gross weight, without deduction for boxes, casks, etc., containing the freight. 22. Tile Name of Consignee and destination must be entered in full in the Way-bill. Whenever the name of the Consignee is withheld, the transportation charges must be prepaid. NEW YORK FREIG-HT. 23. All Freight transported by this line to and from New York — except Grain, Potatoes and similar freight in bulk — will be shipped to and from New Haven or New London by Steamboat, unless specially ordered to go by Railroad. 24.. Freight in Bulk for New York must be billed to New Haven or New London, as shipper may direct; and Freight ordered to go through to New York by railroad, must be way-billed to New Haven, as follows, viz. : Class 1, $2.65 per 2,000 lbs. ' “ 2, - - 2.25 U 4. 4 t Less than “ 3, - - - 2.00 4 4 *4 44 tariff rate to “ 4, - - 1.75 44 44 44 New York. “ 5, - - - 1.40 44 44 “ J From thence it will be forwarded to New York at the tariff rate of the New York and New Haven Railroad, viz.: 1st class 21, 2d class 18, 3d class 14 cents per 100 lbs. Third class rates will apply to 3d, 4th and 5th class rates of this tariff. All full car loads of about 8 tons without regard to classification, to 42d street $22 per car load, and to Center street depot, $25.50 per car load. 25. A Separate Way-Bill must accompany each car. 26. Storage will be charged on all Freight delivered in New York, not taken from the wharf on the day of its arrival. Canada Freight — Customs Regulations. 27. All Freight to and from Canada will be subject to Custom House regula- tions. All Freight from any point in Cauada to any point in the United States, to be paid in United States Currency. • 28. Importers Of Merchandise, by freight from the Dominion of Canada, must lodge with the Customs Agent at St. Albans, Ogdensburg, Mooers Junction, Rouse’s Point or Newport (as the route may be), a power of attorney, that he may as their agent lawfully transact business with the Customs in their absence. 6 - CONN. RIVER LINE FREIGHT TARIFF. 29. An Invoice of each variety of the merchandise imported, showing the quantity, quality, etc., at the market value in gold, (at the point of shipment,) must ac- company such goods when imported. 30. All Invoices representing imports of more than two hundred dollars in value, require a consul’s certificate attached. 31. All Duties must be paid in gold before any shipment can pass the ports of entry. 32. Gold, for Duties should be sent, and all correspondence relating to cus- toms should be addressed to the Customs Agents. 33. Custom House charges (not duties) on property paid by the Line, passing in and out of Canada, will be forwarded with the freight bill, and collected with ex- pense, in addition to the freight, and the same credited to Stations making such entry. 34. Agents will cause to be forwarded with promptness and regularity, all the necessary Customs Documents in connection with freight transportation. 35. The Above Rules must be strictly enforced, or property will be liable to seizure. LAKE FREIGHTS. 36. Wharfage. — Freight in any quantity coming to or going from Burlington, ' Ogdensburg, or Rouse’s Point, by Lake transportation, will be received and delivered by the Railroad upon their Wharf free of Wharfage. STORAGE. 37. Storage will he charged on all freight not taken from the Depots within one day. 38. When there is any variation from the Tariff, the Way-bill must be marked special. 39. All Special Rates Will expire on the last day of December, each year, unless othei'wise specified. All charges for Freight must be paid on delivery of the Goods. Observe particularly Rule 38. CONN. RIVER LINE FREIGHT TARIFF. 7 CLASSIFICATION OF FREIGHT. ♦♦♦ 4 EXPLANATION. The Number of the Class is given Opposite each Article. 1, 2, 3, 4 stand for First, Second, Third, and Fourth Classes, respect- ively. II 1, for Once and a Half Weight at First Class. D 1, for Double Weight at First Class. 3 1, for Three Times Weight at First Class Rates. C. L., in Car Loads. L. C. L., in Less than Car Loads. O. R., Owner’s Risk. *See Special Car Load List. Articles transported at Third Class Rates only in quantities of 2,000 lbs. each and over ; at Fourth Class Rates only in quantities of 16,000 lbs. each and over. Articles transported at Cnr Load rates, if shipped in less quantities than 20,000 lbs., the charge shall not exceed the price for a full Car. The same principle will apply to Third and Fourth Classes. Example: The charges for 18 empty barrels at Second Class Rates must not exceed the price of 20 empty barrels at Third-Class Rates between same stations. ~In all such cases assume the higher tonnage and lower rate, always giving the customer the benefit of the lowest rate. Sgp* Articles not enumerated may he classed with similar Freights. The figures in the Table of Merchandise Rates stand for cents per 100 lbs. A A CID, in wood, . . . .3 Acids, in glass, L. C. L. 0. R., D 1 Acids, in glass, C. L. 0. R., D 2 Agricultural Implements, not less than 12,000 lbs. per car load, actual weight if over that amount, 0. R., . 2 Agricultural Implements, L. C. L. 0. R., 1 Ale, in glass, 0. R., . . .1^1 Ale, in wood, 0. R. as to leakage, . 1 Ale, in wood, 50 bbls. and over, 0. R. as to leakage, . . . .4 Alcohol, 0. R., . . . . . 1 Alum, in casks, . ... .4 Anchors, . . . . . .3 Antimony, crude, . . . .4 Anvils, 4 Apples, dried, 1 25 lbs. per bbl., . . 2 Apples, green, 150 lbs. per bbl., 0. R., over 13 bbls., . . . .3 Apples, 13 bbls. or less, . . . 1 Apple Sauce, 2 Argols, 4 Arrow Root, 1 ♦Ashes, Wood, Pot and Pearl, . . 4 Asphaltum, 3 Axes, 3 Axles, car, . . . . .4 Axles, wagon, 2 B B AGS and Bagging in bales, . . 2 Baking Powders, . . i Band Boxes, 0. R., 16 lbs. per cubic foot, p ♦Barilla, in casks, . . . .4 *Bark, ground, in bags or casks, . . 4 ♦Bark, Tanners’, 2,000 per cord, . . 4 Barrels, empty, flour, 40 lbs. each, . 3 Barrels, empty, oil, ale and liquor, 100 lbs. each, 3 Baskets, in bundles, . . .31 Batting, D 1 Bath Tubs, . . . . D 1 *Beans, in bags or barrels, 60 lbs. per bush., Bed Cord, p Bedsteads, see furniture. Beams of warp, boxed, . . .1 “ “ unboxed, . D 1 Beer, lager, . . . p Beeswax, . . . . . p Beef, salted in bbls., . . .4 Bee Hives, . . . . D 1 Bellows, Bells, 0. R., p Belting, Leather, . . . ] Benzine, . . . . . p Benzole, Berries, 0. R., prepaid, . . D 1 8 CONN. RIVER LINE FREIGHT TARIFF. D D D D D 1 . 4 . 4 . 1 . 1 . 4 . 3 . 2 . 1 *. 1 H i Billiard Tables, boxed, . . .1 Binders’ boards, . . . .3 Bird Cages, boxed, . . . D I Blacking, Blankets, in bales, Do., Horse, Bleaching Salts, in casks, Blinds, Boats, Bobbins, loose, . Bobbins, packed, Boilers, steam, 28 ft. and under, Boilers, steam, over 28 ft., Boiler Flues, Bonnets, boxed, Bone Black, Bone-dust, in bbls., Bones, Books, Boots and Shoes, Borax, in casks or boxes, . Bottles, glass, packed, 0. R., Bottles, stone, in crates, 0. R., . Boxes, Cigar, 1 5 lbs. per cubic foot, Boxes, in nests, Boxes, marked “Glass,” 0. R., . Boxes, wood, empty, 15 lbs. per cubic foot, 1 *Bran, . . . . . .4 Brass, scraps in casks, . . .3 Brass, sheets and pigs, . . .2 Brass, vessels and castings, . . 1 Bread, in bbls. or boxes, . . .1 *Brick, common, 4 lbs. each, . . 4 *Do., Pressed, 5 lbs. each, . . .4 Brimstone, . . . . .4 Bristles, .1 Britannia Ware, . . D 2 Brooms, C. L., 14,000 lbs., . . 2 Brooms, 4 lbs. each, . . . .1 Broom Corn, in bdls., . . D 2 Broom Corn, pressed, . . .2 *Broom Handles, . . . .4 Brushes, . . . . . .1 Buckets, in nests, 50 lbs. per dozen, . 1 *Buckwheat, 48 lbs. per bush., . . 4 Buffalo Robes, . . . . .1 Burlaps, . . . . ' . .3 Burning Fluids, 0. R., . . .1 Burr Blocks, 2 Butter, in tubs and kegs, . . .1 Do. in boxes, . . . .1^1 Butter firkins, empty, 25 lbs. each, „ 2 Do. in nests .2 Butter, in bbls., . . . .3 Butter kegs, empty, 40 lbs. each, . 2 Burial Cases, . . . . D 1 Do. in nests, 1 c C ABS, 250 lbs. each, . . .1 Calfskins, finished,, . . .1 Camphene, 0. R., . . .1 Camphor, l Candles, . . . . . .1 Cane, l Cannon, 3 Cans, containing liquids, packed, 0. R., D 1 Canvas, 2 Canvas Roofing, . . . .2 Caps, in cases, . . . . D 1 Carboys, empty, 0. R., 150 lbs. each, . 2 Carboys, filled, see “Acids.” Carpeting, well covered, . . .1 Carriage bodies, . . . D 2 Carriages, children’s, upholstered and highly finished, 250 lbs. each, . 1 Carriages, not boxed, see table. . . 2 Carriage springs, . ... .2 Carriages, well boxed, . . D 1 Car Wheels, 4 Casks, in nests, . . . .1 Cassia, 1 Castings, Brass, . . . .3 Castings, in casks or boxes, . . 3 Castings, iron, heavy, . . .1 Castings, iron, light, 0. R., . 1^1 Castor Oil, in bbls., . . . .2 Castor Oil, in cans, 0. R. ; . . .1 Cauldron Kettles, 0. R., . . .1 *Cement, 320 lbs. per bbl., . Chain, in boxes, bbls. or casks, . Chain, loose, ...... Chairs, Cane seat, 50 lbs. each, . Chairs, Common, 30 lbs. each, . Chairs, knopk down, boxed, or in bdls., Chairs, parlor, stuffed, 100 lbs. each, . Chairs, rocking, common, 100 lbs. each, Chairs, rocking, nurse, 80 lbs. each, . Chairs, Rocking and Easy, valuable, stuffed, 500 lbs. each. *Chair stuff, Chalk, .... Champagne, *Charcoal, 20 lbs. per bush., Cheese, in boxes, 0. R. of weather, . 1 Cheese, in casks, . . . .2 Chests of Tools, . . . .1 Chiccory, 2 China Ware, 0. R., . . . .1 Chocolate, 1 Churns, . . . . D 1 Cider, in bbls., 0. R. leakage, . . 3 Cider, in bottles, 0. R., . . 1-J 1 Cider Mills, see machinery. Cigar Boxes, 15 lbs. per cubic foot, . 1 Cigars, cased, 0. R., . . . .1 Cigars, uncased, . . .31 Clams, 0. R., prepaid, . . .1 r CONN. RIVER LINE FREIGHT TARIFF. . 9 *Clay, Clocks, boxed, . . . . D Clock Weights, boxed, Clothes Pins, Clothes Wringers, Frames, and Lines, ...... Clothing, in cases, .... Cloves, ♦Coal Mineral, . . . . . Coal Sifters, . . . 1-J Coal 'far, Cob Mills, see machinery. Cocoa and Cocoanuts, Coffee, in bbls., ..... Coffee, in sacks, 0. R., . . Coffee Mills, ..... Coffins, D Coke, 40 lbs. per bushel, . Collars, horse, Combs, D Confectionery, 0. R., Congress Water, 0. R., . ■ H ♦Copperas, . ... . Copper in sheets, .... Copper, manufactured, Copper, plate and ingots, 'loose, . Copper, plate, ingots and bottoms, in casks, ...... ♦Copper, pigs, Copying Presses, . Cordage, Cork, D Cotton Belting, . ... . Cotton domestics, . . . . Cotton, square and round bala*, Cotton, compressed, . Cotton Waste, . Cotton Waste, pressed bales, ♦Corn, 56 lbs. per bushel, . Corn, parched, 100 lbs. per bbl.. Corn Planters, Cutters and Shellers, 200 lbs. each, . . . . Covers, wire, . ... . D Crackers, per bbl., 100 lbs., Cradles, children’s, D Cradles, grain, .... 4 Cranberries, in casks, O. R., Cream Tartar, Crockery, O. R., Crow-bars, Crucibles, in crates or hhds., Cultivators, 200 lbs. each, . Currants, dried, in casks, . Cutlery, ...... 4 1 3 4 1 1 1 4 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 4 1 .1 1 1 4 1 r i 4 4 1 *y 1 3 2 2 3 1 3 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 2 1 D D ates 1 Demijohns, filled or empty, packed, O. R., . . D 1 Dirt-scrapers, 200 lbs. each, . . 2 2 ♦Doors, O. R., 4 Door Frames, 15 lbs. per cubic foot, . 2 Drugs and medicines, . . . 1 Dry Goods, in boxes, bales and bdls , 1 Duck, . . s . .3 Dye Woods, in bags and bbls., . . 3 Dye Woods, in stick, . . .4 E ♦THARTH PAINTS, Earthen Ware, O. R., Eggs, 0. R., 200 per bbl., . Emery, . Engines, see Table. Envelopes in case, Epsom Salts, in bbls., Excelsior, . Extract Hemlock Bark, . 4 . 3 . 1 . 4 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 F F anning mills, . . d 2 Farina, 2 Feathers, Geese, . . .41 Feathers, Hen’s and Turkey’s, . D 1 ♦Feed, 4 Feld Spar, 4 Felloes, bent, in bdls., . H i Felloes, sawed, boxed or bdls., . . 3 Felloes, sawed, loose, . . .2 Felt, for roofing, . . . .3 ♦Fertilizers, . . . . .4 Figs, in drums, boxed, . . . 1 Figs, in drums, not boxed, . D 1 Fish, fresh, 0. R., freight guaranteed, 1 Fish, dried, salted or smoked, . . 4 ®Fish kits, halves, 6 lbs. each. . . 2 'Fish kits, wholes, 10 lbs. each, . . 2 Flax, in bdls., or loose, . . .1 Flax, pressed in bales, . . .2 Flax Seed, 4 Flocks, hard pressed in square bales, 4 Flocks, in sacks or boxes, . . 1 ♦Flour, 200 lbs. per bbl., . . .4 Flour in bags, 0. R., . . .1 Forks, hay and manure, . . .1 Fowls, in coops, . . .31 Freestone, finished, 135 lbs. per cu. ft., 3 ♦Freestone, unfinished, . . .4 Fruit, dried, not specified, . . .1 Fruit, green, not otherwise specified, 0. R., prepaid, . . . .1 Fuller’s earth, 4 Furnaces, . . H i Furniture, and other light and bulky articles well packed, to be loaded and unloaded by the owner at his risk, 140 cubic feet per ton, . . 2 10 CONN. RIVER LINE FREIGHT TARIFF. Furniture, and Household goods, fami- Hemp, in bales, pressed, . . 4 lies moving, 12,000 lbs. per car, 2 Herbs, not specified, . D 1 Furniture, new, finished 12,000 lbs. Herrings, in boxes, O. R., . . I per car, .... • • 1 Hides, dry, loose, . 2 Furniture, unfinished, 12,000 lbs. per Hides, dry, pressed in bales, . .4 car, .... Furniture, well boxed, 15 • . 3 Hides, green, casks, . . 4 lbs. per Hides, green, loose, or in bdls., . I cubic foot, . • 2 Hobby Horses, boxed, . . 1 Furs • 3 1 Hobby Horses, not boxed, 3 1 0 Hoes, . 1 Hogs, dressed, . . 1 Hogs, dressed, C. L., . 3 Hogsheads, empty, 300 lbs. each, . 3 G Hollow Ware, O. R., % i 1 Hominy, .... . l ARDEN SEEDS, VJX Gas Fixtures, • 1 Honey, in boxes, O. R., prepaid, D 1 • 1 Honey, in casks, . l Gas Pipe, .... . 3 Hoofs and Horns, in casks, . 3 Ginger, .... • 1 Hoofs and Horns, loose, . 2 Glass, window, over 12x20, . 1 ♦Hoop Poles, . 4 Glass, window, under 12x20, 2 Hops, pressed in bales, . 1 Glass Ware, O. R., D 1 *Horses, see “ Table,” . 4 Glue, .... . 2 Horse Powers, 2,500 lbs. each, . 2 ♦Grain, at weight, . 4 Horse Hakes, C. L, O. R., 12,000 ♦Granite, gross weight, 12 cubic feet lbs . 2 per 2000 lbs., . 4 Horse Rakes in bdls., . D 1 ♦Granite, wrought, 11 cubic feet per Horse Rakes, quantities less than C. 2000 lbs., . 4 L., actual weight, . . D 1 Grass Seed, 4 Horse Shoes, . 4 Grease, in bbls., # O kJ Hose, rubber or leather, . . 1 Grindstones, O. R., . 4 Hubs, boxed, . 2 . Groceries, assortment, • 2 Hubs, unboxed, . 1 ♦Guano, .... • 4 Husks, in bales, . 1 Gums, .... 3 Gunny Bags, loose, . * 1 Gunny Bags, new, in bales, . 2 Gunny Bags, old, pressed in square bales, .... Gun Stocks, in cases, 4 ■ • 3 I TCE, O. R., prepaid, . 4 -L India Rubber, . 2 India Rubber goods, . . 1 Indigo, .... . 1 H Ink, O. R. of breakage, . 1 Ink, printers’, kegs or bbls., . 1 TT AIR, curled, in bales, -■ — L Hair, tanners’, in bales . 1 Iron, American sheet, O. R. as to rust, 1 and bags, 2 ♦Iron, bar, boiler and band, . 4 Hair, compressed, Hams, in casks, . 4 Iron bolts, nuts and washers, in boxes, 4 or casks, . 4 Hams, loose, . 1 Iron Castings, casks or boxes, . 3 ♦Handles, . . . # 4 Iron, hoop, O. R. as to rust. . 3 Hardware, not specified, . 3 Iron, Liquor, . 4 Harness, .... 1 ♦Iron, ore, bloom, pig, railroad, and Hats, in cases, . D 1 scrap, gross tons, . . 4 Hat trees, 1 5 lbs. cubic foot, 2 Iron railing, O. R., . . 2 ♦Hay and Straw pressed in bales, D 2 Iron .roofing, . 2 Hay Cutters, 800 lbs. each, 2 Iron, Russia sheet, O. R. as to rust, 1 Hay Tedders, C. L., O. R., 12.000 lbs., 2 Iron shafting, . O Hay Tedders, quantity less than C. L., Isinglass, .... . 1 actual weight, • D 1 Ivory, .... • H l ♦Headings, owner to load and unload, 4 Ivory nuts, in casks, . . 3 CONN. RIVER LINE FREIGHT TARIFF. 11 J UNK A N T D JUTE, . . .4 Japan Ware, . t . . D 2 Jugs, containing liquors, packed, D 1 K *T7 r ‘ AOLTN, (paper clay,) . . 4 J-A- Kerosene, and all Earth or Rock Oils, L. C. L., . . .1 Kerosene, C. L., . . . .4 Kegs, beer, 50 lbs. each, . . .3 Kegs, lager, 50 lbs. each, . . .3 Kegs, nail, 10 lbs. each, . . .3 Kegs, oyster, in crates, . . HI Kegs, powder and lead, 10 lbs. each,' 2 ‘J’ ADDERS, 12,000 lbs. per car load, 2 H 1 D D -L^ Less quantity, Lampblack, in casks, Lard, in bbls., O. R. of leakage, Lard, in tubs, O. R., . *Lath, see “ Lumber,” Lead, dry in casks, . Lead, in oil, boxes, . Lead, in oil, cans, loose, Lead, pig, Lead pipe, in casks or reel Lead pipe, in rolls, O. R., Lead, sheet, Leather, patent, Leather, loose side, . Leather, side, in boxes or rolls, Leather, sole, in bdls. or crates, Lemons, well boxed and covered with canvas, or sacks, O. R., L. C. L., . Same, C. L., Lightning Rods, in bundles, *Lime, .... Liquors, in glass, well packed, O. Liquors in single cask, 0. R., *Live Stock, see table, ^Locomotive Tire, Logwood, in stick, . Looking Glasses, 0. R., Looking Glasses not received unless well packed and boxed. Looms, 15 lbs. per cubic foot, . Lounges, 15 lbs. per cubic foot, ^Lumber, see table, . 1 3 1 4 R., H 1 l 4 4 4 1 D M M achine cards, . . d Machinery, light, L. C. L., in frame, 15 lbs. cu. ft., Machinery, heavy, boxed or in frame, actual weight, . , . . Machinery, light and bulky, 12,000 lbs. C. L., . . . Machines, Threshing, 6,000 lbs. each, Madder, in casks, . . . . Mahogany lumber, . Malt, Manilla, Maple Sugar, bbls. or boxes, O. R., . Marble, boxed, . . . . *Marble dust, in casks, Marbles, in casks or boxes, Marble, unwrought, 0. R., . • Marble, wrought, 0. R., breakage, D *Marl, ...... Match Splits, Mats, Mattresses, ,15 lbs. per cu. ft., 4 . *Meal, in bags or bbls., Measures, in nests, . . . . Meats, fresh, prepaid, 0. R., Meats, smoked or dried, in casks, Medicines, not otherwise specified, 0. R., ...... Melons, in casks, 0. R., prepaid, Melons, loose, 0. R., prepaid, . D Merchandise, not otherwise provided for, in bbls., boxes, buckets, kegs and bundles, . Mill Stones, Mineral Acids, see “Acids Mineral Water, in glass Molasses, 0. R. leakage, Monuments, finished, Moss, in sacks, . Moss, pressed in bales, Mouldings, Mowing Machines, 600 lbs. each, Mowing Machines. C. L. and over, same as Agricultural Implements, . Muskets and other fire-arms, Musical Instruments, except pianos, 25 lbs. per cubic foot, Mustard, 2 2 4 3 4 4 1 2 4 3 4 1 4 3 1 1 4 1 1 4 1 1 2 D 0. R., 1| 1 . 3 D 1 D 1 . 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 N *ivr AIL3, 100 lbs. per keg, -LiN Nutmegs, Nuts, in bags, 0. R., . Nuts, in bbls., 0. R., . 12 CONN. RIVER LINE FREIGHT TARIFF. O AKUM, ♦Oats, 32 lbs. per bushel, ♦Oil cake, .... Oil cloth, .... Oil, in cans, boxed, 0. R., . Oil, in glass, 0. R., . . . H Oil paints, boxes or kegs, Oil, whale, lard, and linseed in casks, Onions, 50 lbs. per bushel, Orauges, well boxed, and covered with canvas or sacks, 0. R., 80 lbs. per box, Same, C. L., ♦Ore, Ovens, tin, .... 3 Oysters, bags or bbls., Oysters, loose, 50 bushels and up- wards Oysters in kegs, . D D P AINTINGS, not taken. Pails, common, 50 lbs. per doz., Paints, dry, in casks, . Paints, in boxes, - Paints, in cans, packed, Paints, in oil, loose, . Palm Leaf, C. L., 14,000 lbs., Palm Leaf Goods and Hats, Do. in cases, Palm Leaf, in bales, . Palm Leaf, loose or bundles, Paper Hangings, in boxes, Paper Hangings, unfinished, in bales, Paper Hangings, well packed in bun- dles, H Paper, light manilla, .... Paper, printing, heavy brown and straw wrapping, . . . . Paper, roofing, ..... Paper, shavings, .... Paper, shavings, square pressed bales, Paper Stock, heavy pressed bales, Paper Stock, light pressed bales, Paper, writing, in cases, O. R., . Pasteboard, . Peaches, dried, Peaches, O. R., prepaid, . . D ♦Peas, 00 lbs. per bushel, . ♦Peas, green, . Peltries, D Pelts, sheep, in bales, Pelts, sheep, loose, . . • H Pepper, ... . . Piano Forte and Billiard Table Legs, unfinished, boxed, 2 4 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 4 4 1 3 4 1 2 4 1 1 4 1 2 2 1 1 Piano Fortes, Grand, boxed, 2,500 lbs. each, O. R . . Piano Fortes, Square, boxed, O. R. 1,500 lbs. each, Pickles and Preserves, in glass, pack- ed, 0. R., . . ., . 1^ Pictures, D Pine apples, in casks, 0. R., prepaid, Pipe, drain, Pipes, in boxes, Pipes, iron, see “Water Pipes,” Pipe, vitrified, . Pitch, .... Planes, boxed, . ♦Plaster, .... Plaster Paris Casts, 0. R., Plated goods, . Plows, 200 lbs. each, Plow Points, Pork, fresh, 0. R., prepaid, Pork, salted, 320 lbs. per bbl., Porter, in glass, packed, 0. R., ♦Posts, see lumber, . ♦Potash, see “Ashes,” ♦Potatoes, 0. R. as to freezing and de- tention, 60 lbs. per bushel, ♦Poudrette, in casks, . Poultry, 0. R., prepaid, . Printed Matter, boxed, Printers’ Ink, in kegs or bbls., Printing presses, Printing presses, boxed, Prunes, .... Pumice Stone, in casks, . Pump chains in barrels or boxes Pumps, boxed, . . Pumps, loose, . Putty, .... Q Q uinces, o. r., prepaid, Quicksilver, in iron flasks, 1 I 1 I 1 . 1 . 1 . 4 . 1 . 3 . 4 . 4 D 1 D 2 . 2 . 1 . 1 . 4 H i . 4 D D R R AGS, domestic 1 Rags, pressed, . . .3 Rags, hard pressed in square bales, . 4 Railroad chairs and spike, . . 4 Raisins, strapped or cased, . . 1 Rakes, drag, 20 lbs. each, . . .1 Rakes, hand, 5 lbs. each, . . .1 Rakes, horse, . . . . D 1 Ratan, . . . . . .1 Refrigerators, 15 lbs. per cubic foot, . 2 Retorts, cast iron, . . . .1 Retorts, clay, . . . . D 1 CONN. RIVER LINE FREIGHT TARIFF. 13 Rice, in casks, .... . 3 Shot, in bags, , l Rice, in kegs or bags, . 2 Shovels and Spades, l Rims, bent, .... H i Show Cases, 25 lbs. per cubic foot, . l Roofing Composition, . 4 Shrubbery, in bd Is., H i Roots, not otherwise specified, . . 4 Shrubbery, in boxes, O. H., prepaid, . 1 Rope, in bales, .... . 4 Sieves, in nests, D 1 Rosewood, . • . . 3 Sinks, Cast Iron, D 1 Rosin, in casks, . 4 Sizing, . 1 Rubber belting, . 1 *Slate, roofing, .... . 4 Rubber car springs, in boxes or casks, 3 Sleds, children’s, in bdls.. D 1 Rubber shoes and boots, in cases, . 1 Sleds, children’s, in crates, . 1 Rugs, . 1 Sleighs, see table, . 2 *Rye, 56 lbs. per bushel, . . 4 Snuff, in bbl s., . . . . 1 Snuff, in jars unpacked, D 1 Soap, castile or cdmmon in boxes, from manufacturers, . - / . 3 Soap, fancy, .... . 1 *Soap, in casks, . . . ./ . 4 *Soapstone, O. R., breakage, . 4 Soapstone Stoves, 0. R., ,/ D 1 s Soda ash, in casks, . 4 O ACKING, in sacks, . 1 Soda, in boxes or kegs, •A O Sacking, in bales, pressed, . . 4 Soda Water. 0 . R., H i Saddles, in cases, . 1 Sofas, 15 lbs. per cubic foot, . 2 Saddletrees H i Soft Soap, in bbls., . 4 Safes, iron, .... . 2 Spelter, in casks or boxes, . 3 Saleratus, in boxes or kegs, . 2 Spelter, loose, .... . 1 Saleratus, in casks, . . 3 Spices, not specified, . 1 . Sal-soda, ..... . 4 •*Spikes, in kegs, . 4 *Salt, coarse, and coarse fine, at Spinning Machines, 16 lbs. per cubic weight, . 4 foot, ..... . 1 Salt, fine, in bags, loose, . . 1 Spirits Turpentine, 0. R. as to leak- but if packed in Liverpool sacks age, . 1 or gunny bags, will be classed the Spokes, in boxes and bdls., . 4 same as coarse salt, . 4 Spokes, loose, .... . 2 Salt, in small boxes, . 2 Sponge, 3 1 Saltpetre, . 4 Spools, loose, .... D 2 Sand, moulding, . 4 Spools, packed, .... . 1 Sand Paper, .... . 2 Spoons, iron and tin, . . 2 Sardines, in boxes, . . 1 Stage Coaches, see table, . . 2 Sash, window, .... . 1 *Starch, in casks, . 4 Sash, window, glazed, 0. R. as to Starch, in small boxes, . 2 breakage, .... D 1 Stationery, .... . 1 Saws, boxed, .... . 1 Statuary, 0. R., prepaid. . D 1 Scales and Scale Beams, boxed, . . 4 ^Staves and Shooks, see lumber, . . 4 Scales and Scale Beams, not boxed , • 2 Steel, in bdls., bars or boxes, . 4 School Slates, boxed, . 3 Stereotype, .... D 1 Scrapers, road or dirt, 200 lbs. each . 2 *Stone, not specified, 0. R., . 4 Scythes and Snaths, . • .1 Stone Ware, 0. R., . . 3 Scythe Snaths, unfinished, . 3 Stove Brick, .... . 3 *Scythe Stones, .... . 4 Stove Castings, 0 . R.., H 1 Seeds, not otherwise specified, . . 2 Stove Pipe, 0. R., 3 1 Sewing Machines, boxed, . . 1 Stoves and Stove Furniture. 0. R., H 1 Sewing Machines, not boxed, 3 1 Straw Goods, in cases, D 1 Sewing Machines, in frame, D 1 Straw Paper and Board, . . 4 Shafting, . . . . . 2 SuL-ar, coarse, in hhds., . . 4 *Slieep. see Live Stock, . 4 Sugar, in casks or boxes, and refined, 2 ^Shingles, see lumber, . 4 Sugar Mills, .... D 1 Shoddy, in bales, . 1 ^Sulphate Lime, . 4 Shoe Lasts, boxed, . . 4 Sulphur, ..... . 4 Shoe Pegs, 100 lbs per bbl., . 4 Sumach, ..... . 4 Shoes, in cases, 17 . 1 Sweet Potatoes, 0. R., . 2 CONN. RIVER LINE FREIGHT TARIFF. 14 T r I^ACKS, in boxes, -L Tallow, -in casks, . 4 . 4 Tables, 15 lbs. per cubic foot, . 2 Tack Plate, . 4 Tar, . 4 Tea, ..... . 1 Teazles, .... D 1 Telegraph Wire, Thills, .... . 4 . 1 Thread, .... . 1 Tierces, empty, 200 lbs. each, . 2 Tile Draining, 0. R., . . 4 Tile, vitrified, 0. R., . . . 1 Timber, see “ Lumber,” Tin chips, in casks, . . 4 . 4 Tin pigs, in casks, . 4 Tin pigs, loose, . 2 Tin Plate, boxed, . 4 Tin Ware, boxes or bbls., . 1 Tin Ware, in casks, . . 1 Tobacco, in bbls , . 1 Tobacco, in small boxes, . . 1 Tobacco, leaf, cased, . . 3 Tool chests, . 1 Tow, boxed or pressed, 0. R., . 2 Toys, in boxes or crates, . D 1 Trees, in bdls., . H 1 Trees, in boxes, 0. R., prepaid, . 1 Tripe, in bbls. or kegs, . 4 Trunks, empty, 15 lbs. per cubic foot, 0. R., . 2 Trunks, filled, at weight, 0. R., . 1 Tubs, nests. . 1 Turned Stuff, in boxes, not specified, 3 Turned Stuff, loose, not specified, . 2 Turnips, 56 lbs. per bushel, • . 4 Twine, in bales, • . 1 Type, .... • . 1 U U MBRELLAS, boxed, . . . 1 Umbrella sticks, . . .4 V V ALISES, empty, 15 lbs per cubic foot, 0. R., . . . .2 Varnish, in bbls., or kegs, 0. R. leak- age, 1 Varnish, in cans, packed, . . . 1 Vegetables, not specified, in casks, prepaid, 1 Veneering, boxed, 4 . 3 Veneering, not boxed, . 1 Vinegar, .... . 4 Vises, .... . 1 Vises, boxed, . 4 w ADDING, . . . D 1 Wagons, children’s, in bun- dles, 80 lbs. each wagon, . . 1 Wagons, children’s, boxed, . . 1 Wagons, children’s, in crates, . 1£ 1 Wagons, see Table, . . . .2 Wagon Springs, . . . .2 Warp Beams, boxed, . . . 1 Warp Beams, not boxed, . D 1 Washboards, 2 W aste, see “cotton waste ” and “ wool waste.” W 7 ater Pipe, cast iron, small, . . 4 Water Pipe, over 20 in. in diameter, 1 Water Wheels, 1 Web, 1 Whalebone, 1 * Wheat, 60 lbs. per bushel, . . 4 Wheelbarrows, common, 200 lbs. ea., 2 Wheelbarrows, dirt, 100 lbs. each, ■ . 2 Wheels, carriage, . . .1^1 Wheels, wagon, coarse, . . . 1 Whips, boxed, . . . . •. 1 Whiting, . . . . . .4 White Lead, see “Lead.” Wicking 1{ 1 Willow Reeds, in bundles, . . 1 Willow Wagons, 250 lbs. each, . 1 Willow Ware, . . . .31 Window Frames, 15 lbs. per cubic foot, 2 Wine, in boxes, O. R., . ■» . D 1 Wine, in casks, see “Liquors.” Wire cloth, O. R. of rust, . . .2 Wire fencing, . . . . .3 Wire, heavy iron, . . . .4 Wire, in casks, . . . .4 Wire, small, in rolls, 0. R. of rust, . 1 *Wood Pulp, . . . . 4 Wooden Ware, in crates not specified, 4 Wooden Ware, loose, not specified, . 2 Wood Screws, in casks or boxes, . 2 Woolens, domestic, . . . .2 Wool, foreign pressed, . . .4 Wool, in bales, domestic, . • H i Do., pressed, . . . . . 1 Wool Waste, 1 CONN. RIVER LINE FREIGHT TARIFF. 15 z Z INC, pig, in casks, Zinc, pig, loose, . Zinc, in sheet or roll, 0. R., All Freight for New England Railroads, Fourth Class, without regard to quantity.— For Railroads named in this Tariff in Car Toads at S 3. Articles not received for Transportation unless the charges are gnaranteed: — Berries, Clams, Fish of all kinds fresh, Fruit of all kinds fresh, Grave-stones lettered, Honey in Boxes, Ice, Mirrors, Meats of all kinds fresh, Oysters, Poultry, Shrubbery, Statuary, Trees, Vegetables of all kinds except Potatoes in Car Loads. Y Y ARN, in bales, from manufac- turer, . . . . . 1 Yeast, 1 / tO tO 16 CONN. RIVER LINE FREIGHT TARIFF. Estimated Weights of Live Stock. CHARGED AT TONNAGE SPECIFIED BELOW. JglP’L.ive Stock transported at Third Class Kates only in quantities of 2,000 lbs.; at Fourth Class Rates only in quantities of 16,000 lbs. HORSES. One, 4,500 lbs. ; each additional Horse 1,500 lbs., or 20,000 lbs. per Car Load. Sucking Colt alone 2,000 lbs.; each additional, or with dam, 1,000 lbs. CATTLE. One, 3,000 lbs.; two, 4,500 lbs.; each additional one in same Car, 1,000 lbs. ; 20,0C0 lbs. per Car Load. SHEEP, SHOATS, CALVES. Over 50 Car Load, 17,000 lbs. Fifty, half Car Load, 8,000 lbs One Sheep, Calf or Hog, 400 lbs Each additional Sheep, Shoat or Calf, 200 lbs. Each additional Hog, 300. Special Rules. 1. The rate for transporting animals is based upon and intended only for those of ordinary value, viz. : horses, $150 each ; oxen, $100 each ; cows, $75 each ; sheep, * shoats and calves, $10 each. Horses, oxen and cows of greater value will be charged extra at the rate of 20 per cent, for every $100 additional value. Sheep, valued at more than $10, will be charged extra at the rate of 20 per cent, for every $10 additional value. 2. Other valuable or very large animals will be charged extra at discretion. 3. If owners or shippers neglect to notify Agents of such additional value, and pay the extra charge therefor, the Line will not be liable, under any circumstances, beyond the amount, viz: $150 for Horses, $10.00 for Sheep, $100 for Oxen and $75 for Cows. 4. Owners are t6 load, unload and feed, at their own risk and expense, and assume all risk of damage that animals may cause to each other, or themselves, and all dam- age in consequence of their breaking from the cars. No risk will be assumed by the Railroad Companies, nor damage allowed, unless specially agreed to when the ani- mals are received, and an additional price paid. 5. One person will be allowed to pass free, when accompanying his stock, to take care of it, and paying the price for not less than 8, GOO lbs., and in no case, will he be allowed to ride free on the Passenger trains. CONN. RIVER LINE FREIGHT TARIFF. 17 CARRIAGES, Well protected, will be charged at Second Class Rates, at the LBS. Carriages or Sleighs, per car load, 0. R., 10,000 Stage Coach, Omnibus or Large Wagon, 5,000 Two-Horse Carriage, Hack or Wagon, and Four-Horse Sleigh, 3,000 One-Horse Carriage, Chaise or Buggy, with covered top, 3,000 One-Horse Buggy, without top, and Two-Horse Sleigh, 2,000 One-Horse Sleigh 2,000 One-Horse Sleighs, ordinary finish, from manufacturer, O. R., 1,000 One-Horse Sleighs, highly finished, from manufacturer, O. R., 2,000 One-Horse G-ig, Sulky, or Cart, 1,500 Fire Engines, • 10,000 Hand Kngines, 6,000 Hose Cart, two-wheel, 2,000 Hose Cart, four-wheel, 3,000 Hand Cars, 2,500 Passenger or Mail Cars, 20 cents per mile. Freight Cars, eight- wheel, 15 cents per mile. Locomotives, disconnected, and at owner’s risk, 40 cents per mile. Carriages of unusual value or risk will be carried at special contract on application to General Freight Agent. Special Rules. 1. Carriages designed for transportation should be protected with sufficient cover- ing, not liable to take fire, (as canvas, etc.,) or they will be at owner’s risk of injury by fire or otherwise. Carriages covered with cotton cloth will not be received. 2. New carriages and sleighs and carriages unprotected will be charged 50 per cent, advance on the above rates, unless the shipper agrees in writing to assume all risk of injury by fire or chafing. 3 18 CONN. RIVER LINE FREIGHT TARIFF. ’ LUMBER. For Lumber in Full Car Loads, see Special Rates and Rules. Esiimated Weight of Seasoned and Green Lumber, per 1000 feet board measure, to be used for quantities less than Car Loads only. Seasoned. Green. White Pine, Hemlock, Spruce and Bass, LBS. 2,500 LBS. 3,000 “ “ “ “ “ Planed, 2*200 2,000 3,500 3,500 4.000 2.000 2,000 50 “ “ “ “ “ Planed and Matched, . . . Chestnut and Butternut, 5,000 5,000 5,500 2.600 Yellow Pine, Ash. and Southern Pine, Oak, Maple, Beech, and Birch Clapboards, surface measure 3000 feet, 8,000 Shingles, 2,500 65 Lath, per bundle of 100 pieces, All lumber over 2 inches in thickness will be charged as green. Long Lumber, requiring two or more cars for support, unless loaded with short lumber, making full car loads, will be charged 25 per cent additional. Chestnut Logs, 38 solid feet; Oak Logs, 28 solid feet,. 2,000 lbs. Ship timber, 30 cubic feet, 2,000 “ Agents will be careful in. billing ship-plank, timber, etc., (when actual weight cannot be arrived at,) to get a full measurement, in same manner as if measuring wood, and estimate each cubic foot, as 50 lbs. for Chestnut, and 60 lbs. for Oak. The quantity given by Shipper is usually the number of feet which the timber will work, not actual contents. Railroad ties and wood, only by. special contract, and at the convenience’ of the road. Special Rules. 1. Lumber in all cases must be weighed , and the actual weight given on the way- bill. 2. Shippers are required to furnish a certificate of the number of feet board meas- ure, describing the kind and general dimensions in each shipment; the certificate to be forwarded with the way-bill, in which the same description must be given, with statement as to whether the Lumber is seasoned or green. 3. No allowance in measurement for defects in Lumber. 4. Lumber must be loaded and properly staked by the shipper, and unloaded by the consignee or owner. CONN. RIVER LINE FREIGHT TARIFF. 19 PARTICULAR NOTICE. The following unusually hazardous articles, classed “ O. R.” “ Owner’s Risk,” will be charged 50 per cent, above schedule rates unless the owner or shipper agrees in writing, before shipment, to assume the ordinary risk of handling and transportation. Agents will be particular to call the attention of shippers to this rule, that they may decide for themselves, and in case they do not assume the risk, add 50 per cent, to the weight before extending freight charges. Acids, in glass. Flour, in bags. Pickles and Preserves. Agricultural Implements. Fruits, green. Pine Apples. Ale. Glass Ware. Plaster Paris Casts. Alcohol. Grindstones. Pork, fresh. Apples, green. Hay Tedders. Porter, in glass. Band Boxes. Herrings. Potatoes. Bells. Hollow Ware. Poultry. Berries. Honey, in boxes. Quinces. bottles. Horse Rakes. Sash, glazed. Boxes marked “glass.” Iron, sheet and hoop. Shrubbery. Burning Fluid. Ice. Soapstone. Cam phene. Inic. Soapstone Stoves. Cans containing liquids. Iron Railing. Soda Water. Carboys. Lard. Spirits Turpentine. Castings, light. Lead Pipe. Statuary. Castor Oil in cans Lemons. Stone. Cauldron Kettles. Liquors. Stone Ware. Cheese. Looking Glasses. Stove Castings. Chiua Ware. Maple Sugar. Stove Pipe. Cider, in barrels. Marble. Stoves. Cider, in bottles. Meats, fresh. Stove Furniture. Cigars. Medicine not otherwise Sweet Potatoes. Clams. specified. Tile. Coffee, in sacks. Melons. Tow. Confectionery. Mineral Water. Trees. Congress Water. Molasses. Trunks. Cranberries. Nuts. Valises. Crockery. Oil, in cans. Varnish. Demijohns. Oil, in glass. W ine in boxes. Doors. Oranges. Wire Cloth. Earthenware. Paper, writing, in cases. Wire, small. Eggs. Peaches. Zinc. Fish, fresh. Piano Fortes. 20 CONN. RIVER LINE DISTANCE TABLE. Agents will way-bill only to stations to which the distance is given from his station in IKK. DISTANCES TROM BELLOWS FALLS T FROM. TO. DISTANCES FROM BELLOWS FALLS TO FROM. TO. Sherbrooke, P. Q- 185 Ogdenaburg, N Y. 302 Lennoxville, 182 Lisbon, II 293 North Hatley, 173 M adrid, U 285 Massawippi, 166 Potsdam Junction, it 277 Ayer’s Flats, “ 164 Knapps, It 274 Smith’s Mills, 155 Brasher, it 267 Stanstead Junction, “ 151 Lawrence, It 261 St’nstd and Derby L. “ 163 Moira, it 255 Newport, Vt. 145 Brush’s Mills, II 253 Barton Landing, 136 Bangor, it 247 Barton, “ 130 Malone, II 241 West Burke, 117 Burke, It 234 Lyndonville, 109 Chateaugay, 41 229 Lyndon, 108 Summit, v it 222 St. Johnsb’y Center, “ 104 Clinton Mills, II 219 St. Johnsbury, 101 Ellenburg, It 212 Passumphc, 98 Dannemora, tl 211 Norrisville, 93 Forrest, It 209 Barnet, 91 Irona, It 207 Mclndoes’, 88 Altona, tt 205 Wells River, 80 Woods Falls, it 202 Newbury, 76 Centerville, tt 199 South Newbury, “ 72 Mooers’ Junction, i< 196 Bradford, 6S Perry’s Mills, Ik 192 Fairlee, 62 Champ. Landing, It 190 Ely, 56 Champlain, it 188 North Thetford, 5 f Rouse’s Point, II 184 Thetford, 5f Alburgh, Yt. 180 Pompanoosuc, 5( ) Alburgh Springs, 1 1 176 Norwich, 4 5 Swanton, It 170 £?t. Albans, It 16C CONN. RIVER LINE DISTANCE TABLE. 21 DISTANCES FROM BELLOWS FALLS TO FROM. TO. DISTANCES FROM BELLOWS FALLS TO FROM. TO. Waterloo, p Q 246 Williston, Yt. 131 West Shefford, u 210 Richmond, ti 127 Granby, tt 232 Jonesville, it 123 St. George, tt 224 • Bolton, it 121 Whitefield, it 219 North Duxbury, 44 118 Farnham, 4* 217 Waterbury, ft 114 Soixante, 44 210 Middlesex, ft 109 St. Johns, <4 203 Montpelier, ft 103 St. Alexander, (4 195 Northfield, tt 93 Des Rivieres, it 188 Roxbury, it 86 Staubridge, it 185 East Granville, tt 81 Mooers, it 181 Braintree, tt 78 St. Ar uand, 14 178 • Randolph, it 72 Highgate, Yt. 173 Bethel, t 4 65 East Swanton, ti 169 Royalton, ( 4 60 ♦Richford, 44 188 South Royalton, it 58 ♦East Berkshire, u 183 Sharon, tt 53 ♦North Knosburgh, ft 181 West Hartford, it 48 ♦Enosburgh Falls, it 178 Woodstock, ti 43 ♦East Franklin, it 175 Hartford, tt 42 ♦North Sheldon, it 173 White River Junct’ a, “ 40 ♦Sheldon, it 170 North Hartland, tt 34 ♦Sheldon Springs, tt 169 Hartland, ti 30 ♦Green’s Corners, tt 165 Windsor, it 26 East Georgia, 44 155 Claremont, N. H. 18 Georgia, it 151 North Charlestown ti 13 Milton, it 147 Springfield, <1 e*t~ 10 Colchester, tt 140 Charlestown, N. H. 8 Essex Junction, tt 136 South Charlestown it > 4 Winooski, it 142 Burlington, 44 144 * Until further notice way-bill to St. Albans only for these Stations. 22 CONN. RIVER LINE DISTANCE TABLE. DISTANCES FROM BELLOWS FALLS TO FROM. TO. DISTANCES FROM BELLOWS FALLS TO FROM. TO. Province Line, P. Q. 199 Pittsford Quarry, Yt. 66 Sciota, N. Y. 201 Pittsford, 44 63 Chazy, 44 207 Sutherland Falls, 44 69 Beekmantown, 44 212 Center Rutland, 44 55 Plattsburgh, 44 216 Rutland, 44 53 Salmon River, 1 4 221 North Clarendon, 44 50 Lapham’s Mills, 44 224 East Clarendon, • • • .180. .“. . 58 00 50 00 46 00 41 50 40 00 45 00 42 50 4k . .180. . 44 .190. .“. . 60 00 52 00 48 00 . 43 00 41 60 46 80 44 20 “. .190. . 44 .200. .“. . 62 00 54 00 50 00 44 50 43 20 48 60 45 90 .200. . 44 • • • • .210. .“. . 64 00 57 00 52 00 46 00 45 60 51 30 48 45 “. .210. . 44 .220. .“. . 66 00 59 00 54 00 47 50 47 20 53 10 50 15 “. .220. . 44 .230. .«. . 68 00 62 00 56 00 49 00 49 60 55 80 52 70 “. .230. . 44 .240. .“. . 70 00 64 00 58 00 50 50 51 20 57 60 54 40 * “. .240. . 44 • • • • .250. .“. . 72 00 66 00 60 00 52 TO 52 80 59 40 56 10 “..250.. 44 .260. . 74 00 68 00 62 00 53 50 54 40 61 20 57 80 “. .260. . 44 .270. .«. . 76 00 70 00 64 00 55 00 56 00 63 00 59 50 .270. . 44 .280. .“. . 78 00 72 00 66 00 56 50 57' 60 64 80 61 20 “. .280. 44 • • .300. . i4 . . 80 00 74 00 68 00 59 00 59 20 66 60 62 90 .300. . 44 • • • • .320. .“. . 82 00 76 00 70 00 61 50 60 80 68 40 64 60 .320. . . . ii • • • • .340. .“. . 84 00 78 00 72 00 64 00 62 40 70 20 66 30 .340. . 44 .360. .“. . 86 00 80 00 74 00 66 50 64 00 72 00 68 00 “. .360. . 4 . • • • • .380. .“. . 88 00 82 00 76 00 69 00 65 60 * 73 80 69 70 “. .380. . 44 .... .400. .“. . 90 00 84 00 78 00 71 00 67 20 75 60 71 40 “. .400. . 44 92 00 86 00 80 00 73 00 68 80 77 40 73 10 4 . .420. . 44 .440. . 94 00 88 00 82 00 75 00 70 40 79 20 74 80 “. .440. . 44 .460. .“. . 96 00 90 00 84 00 77 00 72 00 81 00 76 50 “. .460 . 44 .480. .“. . 98 00 92 00 86 00 79 00 73 60 82 80 78 20 .480. . 44 .500. .“. . 100 00 94 00 88 00 81 00 75 20 84 60 79 90 44 . . 500 . . (4 .... .520. .“. . 102 00 96 00 90 00 83 00 76 80 86 40 81 60 .520. . 44 .... .540. . 104 00 98 00 92 00 85 00 78 40 88 20 83 30 .540. . 44 .560. .“. . 106 00 100 00 94 00 87 00 80 00 90 00 85 00 “..560 . .4 .580. .“. . 108 00 102 00 96 00 89 00 81 60 91 80 86 70 “. .580. . 44 .600. .“. . 110 00 104 00 98 00 91 00 83 20 93 60 88 40