LIBRARY CATALOGUE •fVf 1 AND RULES GOVERNMENT OF PRISONERS IN THE WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. HENRY TOWN, Warden. Democrat Printing Co., State Printers. 1904. LIBRARY CATALOGUE AND RULES FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF PRISONERS IN THE WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. Democrat Printing Co., State Printers. 1904. To. i s - J 0X7^1 { ~^Y7\L GOVERNMENT OF PRISONERS. To the Prisoner : That you may appreciate fully the power conferred upon the prison authorities by the laws of the state in maintaining order and discipline in the prison, your attention is directed to the following section of the revised statutes, and your assistance is invoked in keeping the conditions such that harsh measures may become unnecessary and unknown : Section 4922. All necessary means shall be used, under the direction of the warden, to maintain order in the prison, en- force obedience, suppress insurrections and effectually prevent escapes, even at the hazard of life ; for which purpose he may at all times command the aid of the officers of the institution and of the citizens outside of the precincts of the prison ; and any citizen refusing to obey such command shall be held liable to such fines, penalties and forfeitures as apply to persons; refusing to obey a sheriff or other officer calling upon the aid of the county to assist in serving a process or for quelling insurrec- tion. ■Mqt STq RULES GENERAL RULES. 1. Observe strictly these rules and obey the orders of officers and directions of foremen without reply or argument. When orders of officers and others conflict, obey the officer. 2. Be quiet everywhere and at all times. 3. You are not to talk or communicate ini any manner with any other prisoner while marching or standing in line, while at meals (except! by such' signs as make your wants known to the waiter) , while in the chapel or at work in the shop except when given permission by an officer or guard. You are not to talk to any free person unless by permission and in the presence of an officer. You are not to talk to any officer on subjects not con- cerning your duty or conduct as a prisoner. Insolence, profan- ity or obscenity will not be tolerated. 4. You may talk to your cell mate, if you have one, but in LOW TOGSTKlSi only. Db not talk or call to men in other cells. Do not whistle, sing or make any unnecessary noise. 5. Keep your person, clothes, bedding, cell and library books clean. You must not draw, paint or hang pictures on the walls of your cell, nor in any way mark or deface library books, build- ings, walls, furniture or fittings. 6. You are not to alter or deface your clothing in any way, and must not cut your shoes. If your clothing or shoes do not fit, or need repair, report, at once to your officer, who will take the necessary steps to remedy the matter. 6 WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. 7. You must wear your outer shirt, and are not allowed to work in your undershirt unless by special permission of the Warden or Deputy Warden, while tending boilers, furnaces, etc. 8. When leaving or entering your cell close the door without slamming. Stand at the cell door whenever required for count. Hold your door firmly closed till the switch bar is thrown, or when the officer locks the door with the key. 9. You must sleep with your feet towards the cell door. Un- less you have permission and on account of sickness, do not go to bed in the day time, except during the afternoon of Sundays and holidays. Do not go to bed with your clothing on. Keep your shoes off the bed. 10. On returning to the cell house go into your own cell. If found in the wrong cell you will be severely punished. Stopping on the range to look into another prisoner’s cell or passing any article into a cell or from one cell to another will be severely punished. Using a mirror to watch officers on the range will be severely punished. 11. You must not have money, jewelry or any valuables in your possession ; nor any stamps ; nor stationery, except that furnished you on writing day. Pen and ink will be furnished you on writing day, and letter paper, when not used for a letter, must be returned. 12. You must not, at any time, have any tools or weapons in you cell nor concealed in your clothing, or on your person. Tinkering in your cell is expressly forbidden. 13. You must not at any time have a knife on your person or in your cell unless you have written permission from the War- den or Deputy. Any knife found in your clothing or concealed upon your person or in your cell will be held as evidence of your intention to injure some one and you will be dealt with accord- ingiy. ■ 1 RULES FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF PRISONERS. 7 14 . You are not to carry a lead pencil or blank paper upon your person or into your cell without written permission of the Warden or Deputy Warden. If it is necessary for you to use a pencil at your work it must he left in the shop either at your place or in the custody of your shop officer. Materials from the shop must not, he taken into your cell. 15 . Whenever you have any necessary ' communication to make, or a request to present to the Board of Control, Warden or Deputy) Warden, inform your officer, who will make out for you a written request for audience or letter, or will state your business in writing and forward it, through proper channels to the person you: wish to address. On matters of minor im- portance notify your officer of your desire to speak to the Dep- uty when he next visits the shop, stating why you wish to speak to him. Do not step out of line to address the W arden or Dep- uty Warden. 16 . When marching in line keep your head erect and your face turned towards the front. You must not leave the line or change places in the line without permission of the officer in charge. On marching into the shop keep your place in the line till the officer commands the line to break. 17 . At the first whistle signal in the morning you must arise, wash, dress, clean your cuspidor, make up your bed and prepare to march out with the cell bucket. If sck, notify the officer who unlocks the range, or your shop keeper as soon as you reach the shop. Do not remain in your cell without permission. 18 . At the 9 PL ML signal go to bed at once, placing your shoes at the cell door, and the balance of your clothing where it can plainly he seen. 19 . Whenever you leave your cell for work, school or chapel, and whenever you leave the shop, see that your clothing is in or- der and shirt properly fastened at the neck band. Ho ribbons, WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. s badges or decorations, except the badge of the prison Christian Endeavor society, will be allowed on your clothing. Put your cap on properly and keep your hands out of your pockets. Avoid all insolence or rowdyism in walk, manner or gestures. 20. You will be promptly reported and severely punished if you unnecessarily, and with intention of annoying, jostle or brush against another prisoner, or in any way provoke another prisoner to anger. Making faces or insulting gestures will not, be tolerated. Any trick, by which another prisoner is led into violation of rules and loss of time 1 , will lead its author into severe punish- ment and reduction to the Third Grade. 21. In speaking to an 1 officer stand at two paces’ distance and speak distinctly ; it isi not necessary to 1 breathe into an officer’s face to make him hear you. Do not pass closely in front of an officer, or between two officers who are conversing, and do not interrupt: unless you are a messenger charged by another officer with very urgent and important business. 22. You must not chew tobacco while marching in line or while in the dining room 1 . You must not spit upon cell house or corridor floors or upon dining room floor. Cuspidors will be provided and must be used. When you go to sick call be sure that your mouth has been rinsed out and that no tobacco stains are on lips or tongue. 23. You must not use or have tobacco while in the hospital or in sick cell. If in the First Grade you may smoke IN YOTJRj CELL at noon, after evening count, and until bedtime — 9 P. M. ; — but in no other place in the prison and AT’ NO OTITElR TIME!, except that night engineers and firemen may smoke at work. 24. You are permitted to have in your cell the following reg- ulation article© of furniture: Ofne Bible, 1 cup, 1 mirror, 1 RtTCES FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF PRISONERS. 9 cuspidor, 1 spoon, 1 face towel, 1 dish, towel, 1 piece hard soap, 1 comb, I hair brush, blankets, sheets!, pillow cases, night shirt, mattress, bedstead, camp stool, 1 table, 1 water jar with cover, 1 electric light, 1 small library shelf, 1 library catalogue and book of rules and such school and library books as your conduct and grade privileges, permit, 25. You are not to have any tobacco in your possession if in the Second or Third Grade, and a. prisoner who gives tobacco to a Second or Third Grade man will be severely punished and reduced to either grade. 26. In chapel sit erect with arms folded when not; holding the song book or lesson leaf. Keep- your face toward the front, and pay respectful attention. Do> not chew tobacco in chapel. Do not spit on the floor. Do not read during services. 27. Tb attract your officer’s! attention raise your hand. Do not hiss at him, or call to' him, or make any noise to- attract his attention, for which you should not have long to wait. 28. Yon are not to warn any officer of the approach or move- ments of the Warden or Deputy Warden, nor are you to warn any other prisoner of the presence or movements of an officer or guard. Any interference of this nature with the business of the officers of he institution will certainly result in your pun- ishment and loss of good time. 29. Do not stare at officers or visitors. Impudent staring will be considered and reported asi insolence. Do not gaze around the shop but pay attention! strictly to your 1 work. 30. You must approach an, officer or guard in a respectful manner, taking off your capi, or touching the cap if out of doors, before speaking to him Use the officer’s last name always with the title “Mr.” and with -no other title. In addressing the of- ficer, if you do not know his name, say “Sir” and proceed with your communication. 10 WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. 31. You] are not to answer or respond ,if addressed by your first, or given name, as the undue familiarity between officers and prisoners, which such a custom breeds, will not be tolerated. Any attempt at familiarity on your part will be punished, so you are to avoid all familiarity on the part of the officer, guard or foreman. You must not place your hand upon an officer or foreman or touch their clothing, or in any way come into close personal contact with them. 32. You are not to receive anything whatsoever from any free person, or person not connected with the institution in an official capacity. You are to make no present whatsoever to any officer or employee of the institution, not to buy anything from or for any officer, nor to ask any officer to buy anything from or for you. You are not to ask any officer or employee to mail or write any letter for you without special permission from the Warden or Deputy Warden. Your mail must not be addressed to yon in care of any foreman, officer or guard, but in care of the Warden of the institution. You are not to make or repair anything for any officer, guard or employee unless written permission is obtained from the Deputy Warden. 33. Delivering Article's to Convict. (Section 4493, Devised Statutes — State of Wi scorn in.) Any officer or other person who shall deliver or procure to> be delivered or shall have in his possession with intent, to' deliver to any convict confined in the state prison, or shall deposit or conceal in or about said prison or the dependencies thereof, or in any carriage or other vehicle going into! the premises belonging to said prison any ar- ticle or thing whatever, with intent that any convict confined in said prison should obtain or receive the same, or who shall receive from any convict any article or thing whatever with intent to convey the same out of said prison, contrary to the rules or regulations of said prison and without the knowledge or permis- sion of the Warden thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment in said state prison not more than two years or by fine not ex- ceeding five hundred dollars. RULES FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF PRISONERS. 11 34 . You are required to attend chapel services on Sundays, except on the last Sunday of the month, and in no case to absent yourself therefrom without written consent or order of the W ar- den, Deputy Warden or Physician. The services are non-sectarian in character, and your religious preferences, if you have any, will not be in any way opposed. Prison life is swiftly destructive of physical and mental being if bad habits and immoral tendencies are not dispelled by the cultivation of sound morals and the uplifting of the soul from gloomy brooding and evil thoughts, and such are the objects sought in these services, which every prisoner should attend and willingly encourage for his own preservation and strengthening, as well as for the good done others by his example. GRADING RULES. 35 . On entering the prison the prisoner shall be placed in the First Grade. As long as his conduct is good and he com- plies fully and cheerfuly with the rules he shall be entitled to the following privileges : 1. One ration of tobacco each week. 2. Electric light in, his cell. 3. Visits from friends once in four weeks. 4. Permission to write a letter on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. 5. Permission to receive weekly newspapers and periodicals approved by the Warden. 6. Permission to 1 draw 1 books from the library. 7. Permission to receive from friends on Holidays one ex- press package of not more than 6 pounds, which may contain articles enumerated under mail and express rules. 8. Other Holiday privileges whenever the Warden shall deem them safe or advisable. 36 . For willful violation of the rules, or for laziness, filthi- ness, or disorderly conduct, in addition to punishment by soli- tary confinement on bread and water, with loss of good time, 12 WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. or by recording a black-mark with loss of good timei, the Warden may, in his discretion, reduce the offender to the Second or Third Grade. 37. In the Second Grade the prisoner shall receive the fol- lowing privileges only : 1. Permission to write on the 2nd Sunday of the month. 2. Electric light in cell., 3. Permission to draw books from the library. He shall remain in the Second Grade until the Warden deems him worthy of promotion to the First Grade and complete res- toration to the First Grade privileges. 38. In the Third Grade the prisoner shall receive none of the privileges heretofore mentioned, except when absolutely necessary as vital matters and then only by special direction of the Warden. 39. In the Third Grade the prisoner shall be denied all communication with outside friends and relatives except in cases of sickness and then only by special direction of the War- den. MAIL AND EXPRESS RULES. 40. All letters and papers shall be examined at the office un- der the direction of the Warden before being mailed or deliv- ered. 41. Ho mail will be taken from the Post Office for any pris- oner unless the prisoner shall, over his own signature, give the Warden authority for its withdrawal from the Post Office and its opening and inspection by the prison authorities, and its non-delivery when subversive of the safety or discipline of the prison, or the laws of the state of Wisconsin. RUEES FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF PRISONERS. 13 42. On entering the prison the following form shall be pre- sented to the prisoner for signature : “The undersigned 1 , a prisoner in the Wisconsin State Prison, hereby directs the Warden of the Wis- consin State Prison to receive for the undersigned all mail addressed to him, to open and inspect such mail, and to deliver to him all mail which does not contain criminal news or matter prejudicial to the safety and discipline of the prison.” 43. Letters of prisoners', other than those addressed to the Governor or members of the State Board of Control, which con- tain accusations, charges or complaints against the prison au- thorities, will not be mailed. 44. Letters must be short and refer to family or personal matters only, or to proper matters of business. No reference must be made to criminals nor to criminal matters generally. No reference must be made to prison officers by name, nor to anything that happens in or about the prison. Nlo obscene or vulgar language will be permitted,; such language would of it- self render the prisoner liable to prosecution under the laws of the United States if the letter containing it were mailed. Let- ters containing threats of any kind also lay the writer liable to prosecution under State laws'. 45. You will be permitted to write sealed letters to the State Board' of Control at Madison, to whom any proper or truthful complaint may be made without fear of punishment or disclos- ure of your name. 46. Written permission must be obtained from the Warden or Deputy in case it becomes necessary to write special letters, and in making application for special permits the prisoner must state his reason for such request. 47. The writing days for the First Grade are on the first and third Sundays of the month. The Second Grade will write on :i 4 WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. the second Stunday of the month. Prisoners are furnished with stationery and postage by the state. Letters when written must be left unfolded and placed on the cross bar of the cell door for collection Sunday evening. Unused letter sheets must be re- turned. Do not Write between the lines or across the written matter, nor in any way make your letter difficult of inspection or otherwise it will be destroyed. 48. Your friends may send you by mail the following ar- ticles only: Magazines, w r eekly newspapers, story papers, novels of the better grade, photographs of relatives, suspenders, oomb, hair brush, small whisk brush, tooth brush, manicure scis- sors or nail trimmer, chewing gum, wooden tobacco pipe, hand- kerchiefs. Express packages will not be received or signed for except small packages of fruit or nuts, just before a holiday, not exceeding six pounds in weight, or extra citizen’s clothing just before a prisoner’s discharge. One-half pound of sugar may be packed with the fruit; but candy, cake, meats or canned goods of any description will not be admitted, nor will any- thing escape destruction that is suspected to contain, or could contain, morphine, opium, or similar drugs. No daily paper, or papers dealing extensively in criminal, sporting house or gambling news, or sensational papers of low moral tone, will be admitted. DINING ROOM RULES. 49. On entering the dining room take your seat promptly, sit erect and fold your arms, keeping your eyes to the front un- til the signal is given for you to commence eating. Keep your elbows off the table. 50. Strict silence must be observed, and you must learn to make your wants known by the use of the following signals : If you wish water, place or hold your cup with the handle toward the aisle or toward the waiter. If you wish tea or cof- fee, reverse the position so that the handle of the cup is away RULES FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF PRISONERS. 15 from the aisle or the waiter. If you wish syrup (when the same is on the table) hold your slice of bread above your plate. If you want meat, hold up your fork about the height of your chin. If you wish soup, hold up your spoon. If you want vegetables, hold up your knife. If you want bread, hold up your right hand. After finishing your meal place knife, fork and spoon in parallel position across your plate from right to left, with the handles together. 51. Using vinegar in your drinking water or putting meat upon the table is strictly prohibited. You are permitted to eat at table until the signal is given for the line preceding yours to rise. 52. Wasting food in any form will not be tolerated. Do not ask for, or allow the waiter to place on your plate more food than you can eat. When through with your meal leave un- broken pieces' of bread unmussed on the left, side of your plate. Crusts and small pieces of bread: must not be left upon your plate. 53. You may take food to your cell from the dinner table on Sundays and holidays only. 54. If you wish to speak to your officer a, bout the food or service, or become sick and are obliged to leave the table, hold up your left hand. MARCHING. 55. At every signal to fall in for marching, you must take your place in line promptly, forming in double column of files. Every alternate man as he arrives at his place in line will step up to the left of the mam in front of him, touching elbows with him. Stand erect ini line, hands by your side, eyes on the neck of the man in front of you and keep a distance from him of six- teen inches. At the command “Forward,” transfer the weight 16 WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. of the body to the right leg and at the command, “March,” step off promptly with! the left foot, keeping in step with the man in front of you and promptly obeying the orders of your offi- cer. Do not raise your hand in the ranks. March steadily and with military precision. 56. When the column of twos approaches any doorway or passage where it will be necessary to march in single file the officer will command “Right by file — march !” At the com- mand “March” each man on the left of each set of two will step to the rear of the man on his right and continue to march. 57. When necessary to- form a column of twos from a line marching) in single file, the officer will command “Form twos — march!” At the command march the second man from the head of the column will step to the left of the man marching in front of him, and simultaneously each alternate man will perform the same movement, it being exactly the reverse of the movement Right by file. 58. When the officer shall desire to march the column to the right or left he shall command “Column right (or left) — march!” At the command march the leading man (or two men) shall turn, to* the right (or left) and the remainder of the men in the column shall march up to and turn on the same spot, preserving their distance and covering the men in front, of them. LABOR RUI.ES. 59. On entering the shop or arriving at your place of labor you will prepare for and begin upon your work promptly. 60. You must respectfully listen to and carry out all in- structions given you by your foreman. In talking with your foreman, you are required to confine your conversation strictly to your shop duties. Excepting your foreman and officer, you are strictly forbidden to speak or communicate with any one. You RULES FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF PRISONERS. 17 will make known your desire to speak to an officer by holding up your left hand. 61 . You wlill not, be allowed to leave your place of work ex- cept by permission of your officer. When out of work, or per- mitted to rest, you must stand or sit in your place with arms folded. 62 . If you are sick or unable to work, report the fact to your officer and act a.s he may direct,. 63 . Yo private work will be allowed in the shops. All trad- ing or bartering between prisoners or between officers and citi- zens and prisoners, is strictly prohibited. 64 . When passed by your officer to the cell room, you will take the pass and report therewith to the cell house keeper at once. 65 . You are warned that malicious injury or destruction of property, tools and machinery belonging to the State, or to any person, will render you liable to criminal prosecution un- der the laws of the State. 66. Notify your officer if you wish to speak to the Warden or Deputy when either visits your shop or place of employment, but you are not to seek such interview when either officer is ac- companied by official or other visitors not members of the Board of Control. DIMINUTION OF SENTENCE FOR GOOD CONDUCT. 67 . Section 4928, B). SI . . . Elvery convict who is now or may be hereafter confined in the state prison and shall conduct himself in a peaceful and obedient manner and faith- fully perform all the duties required of him, shall be entitled to a diminution of time from the term of his sentence not ex- 2 -J8 WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. ceeding the amount specified in the following table, for the re- spective years of his sentence and pro rata, for any part of a year where the sentence is mere than a year : Years of Sentence. Good time granted Total good time made. Time to be served if full good time is made. First year One month Two months One month Eleven months. One year and 9 months. Two years and 6 months. Three j ears and 2 months Three years and 9 months Four years and 3 months Four years and 9 months Spennd ypar . . Three months Third year Three months Six months Fourth year Four months Ten months Fifth year Five months One year and 3 mos. One year and 9 mos. Two years and 3 mos Sixth year Six months Seventh year Six months To ascertain the good time "which may be made on any sen- tence from one year to thirty years (inclusive) the following table may be consulted : Sentence. Good Time. Time to be Served. Years. Months. Years. Months. Days. Years. Months. Days. 6 15 5 15 7 17 6 13 8 20 7 10 9 22 8 7 10 25 9 5 11 27 10 3 1 j 11 1 3 1 15 1 1 15 1 6 2 1 4 1 9 2 15 1 6 15 2 3 1 9 2 6 4 15 2 15 3 6 2 6 4 10 3 2 5 1 3 3 9 6 1 9 4 3 7 2 3 4 9 8 2 9 5 3 9 3 3 5 9 10 3 9 6 3 11 4 3 6 9 12 4 9 7 3 13 5 3 7 9 14 5 9 8 2 15 6 3 8 9 16 6 9 9 3 17 7 3 9 9 18 7 9 10 3 19 8 3 10 9 20 8 9 11 3 21 9 3 11 9 22 9 9 12 3 23 10 3 12 9 24 10 9 13 3 25 11 3 13 9 30 13 9 16 3 RULES for the government of prisoners. 19 or, for any sentence over 5 years divide the sentence by two and add a year and three months and the answer is the amount of time the convict must serve if all good time is earned : 30 years divided by 2 equals 15 years; 15 years plus 1 yr. and 3 mos. equal 16 years and 3 months. 68. ‘‘When the sentence exceeds seven years, for every year after the seventh, if the conduct of the prisoner continues to correspond with the requirements of this section, he shall re- ceive the same diminution as provided for the sixth and seventh years. In case any convict shall be guilty of the violation of any of the rules, laws and regulations of the prison, or shall re- fuse or neglect faithfully to perform all the duties required of him and has become entitled to any diminution of his sentence, he shall forfeit from his good time earned, for the first offense, five days; for the second offense, ten days; and for the third and each subsequent offense, twenty days; and in addition thereto, the Warden may, with the consent of the Board of Con- trol, cancel and deprive him of all or any part of the good time theretofore earned. ’ ’ 69. “Whenever any convict has been or shall be committed under several convictions with separate sentences, they shall be construed as one continuous sentence, for the purpose of com- puting the good time made or forfeited under this act.” EARNINGS. 70. Eiarnings available only to a prisoner upon his dis- charge from prison are computed at the rate of 3 cents per day for the first year, and 1 cent per day for the remainder of the time of his sentence : 20 WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. Table of Earnings. 1st jear, 11 months of 26 days each— 286 days at 3 cents per day $3 58 2nd year, 10 months of 26 days each— 260 days at 1 cent per day 2 60 3rd year, 9 months of 26 days each - 231 days at 1 cent per day 2 34 4th year, 8 months of 26 days each — 208 days at 1 cent per day 2 03 5th year, 7 months of 26 days each— 182 days at 1 cent per day 1 82 6th year, 6 months of 26 days each— 156 days at 1 cent per day 1 56 Every year thereafter 1 56 In addition to' his discharge clothing and his. transportation to the place of conviction or an equal distance in any other di- rection : A one-year man can earn and have at his discharge $8 58 A two-year man can earn and have at his discharge 11 18 A three-year man can earn and have at his discharge 13 51 A four-year man can earn and have at his discharge 15 60 A five-year man can earn and have at his discharge 17 42 A six-year man can earn and have at bis discharge 18 98 71. Deductions from earnings for good time lost by miscon- duct are as follows : First 30 days lost, at 5 cents per day. $1 50 Next 60 days lost, at 3 cents per day 1 80 Next 90 days lost, at 2 cents per day 180 Next 120 days lost, at l l / 2 cents per day 1 80 Next 150 days lost, at 114 cents per day 1 87 Next 180 days lost, at 1 cent per day 180 The earnings of life prisoners are credited to them at the end of each year’s service. They are paid at the same rate as short- term men. RUEES B’OR THE GOVERNMENT OF PRISONERS. 21 LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING APPLICATIONS FOR PARDON. Chapter 199 , Revised Statutes . 72. Section, 4855. All applications for pardon, on behalf of any person] or persons convicted in any court in this state, of any crime punishable under the laws thereof, by imprisonment in the state prison or state reformatory, and sentenced to such imprisonment, shall be made and conducted in the manner hereinafter prescribed. Section 4856. Notice of the application for such pardon shall be given 1 to the judge who presided at the trial, and to the district attorney of the county, who prosecuted the indictment or informationi against such person or persons so convicted and sentenced, at least three weeks before such application shall be filed with the governor; copies of such notice, acknowledged by such judge and district attorney, or certified under oath of a credible witness to be true copies thereof, shall accompany every such application to the governor ; and a notice of such applica- tion, setting forth the name of the person on whose behalf it is made, the crime of which he shall have been convicted, the time of such conviction, and the term of sentence, shall also be pub- lished, at least once each week, for two successive weeks, in some newspaper of general circulation in the county where the of- fense for which pardon is sought was committed ; or if there be no newspaper published therein, then! such notice shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the door of the court house of such county for three weeks prior to such] application, and shall also be published once each week for two consecutive weeks in some newspaper published in a county adjoining; a copy of which notices, duly authenticated by some credible witness under oath, shall also accompany such application. Section 4857. Elach application for pardon shall also be ac- companied by the following papers : 1. A certified copy of the whole record, including docket en- 22 WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. tries, minutes of court, copy of indictment, pleas, and all other papers on file in court relating to the case. 2. A full statement of the reasons upon which the application is based, setting forth all the facts, such statement to be verified by affidavit, and also a letter from the district attorney, indicat- ing his views upon the subject of the application and stating briefly any circumstances in aggravation or extenuation which he may have in his possession. All applications for the pardon of any person who shall have been convicted of the crime of murder, shall in addition to the requirements hereinbefore in- dicated, be accompanied by the recommendation of the judge who presided at the trial in which said conviction was had, or of the judge in office when the application is made in the cir- cuit where the trial was had. 3. The warden^ or keeper- of the prison where such applicant shall have been confined, shall certify to the governor whether the applicant has, during his confinement, conducted himself in a peaceful and obedient manner; but this chapter shall not be so construed as to render it obligatory upon the executive to pardon any convict, although the application for such pardon shall be made in accordance with the provisions hereof. Section 4858. Every judge presiding at the trial of any per- son indicted or informed against for an offense, conviction of which would, under the statutes of this state, be followed by im- prisonment in the state prison for not less than one year, shall keep, or cause to be kept, full minutes of all testimony given upon such trial, and at the close of the trial, such minutes shall be delivered to and shall be filed by the clerk of the court, in which such trial is had ; and upon any application for pardon of the person convicted, upon such trial, said minutes of testi- mony, or a certified copy thereof, shall accompany the appli- cation. Section 4859. In all cases in which the governor is author- ized to grant pardons, he may grant a pardon upon such condi- tions and restrictions, and imder such limitations, as he may think proper, and he may issue his warrant to all proper offi- RULES for the government of prisoners. 23 cers to carry into effect such conditional pardons, which war- rants shall he obeyed and executed instead of the sentence, if any, which was originally awarded. Section 4860. Whenever any convict, is pardoned by the gov- ernor, or his punishment commuted, or when he shall be re- manded to imprisonment for the violation of any of the condi- tions of his pardon, the officer to whom the warrant for that pur- pose is issued, after executing the same, shall make return thereof, under his hand, with his doings thereon, to the gover- nor, as soon as may be, and he shall also file with the clerk of the court in which the offender was convicted, an attested copy of the warrant and return, a brief abstract whereof the clerk shall subjoin to the record of his conviction and sentence. Section 4861. The governor may, in his discretion, make such additional rules and regulations governing applications for pardons as may from time to time seem to him best; but the provisions of this chapter shall not apply to the applications for pardon to be granted within ten days before the time when the convict would otherwise be legally entitled to discharge. Section 4862. When any convict sentenced to confinement in the state prison, state reformatory, or in any county jail or house of correction, is pardoned upon any conditions to be by such convict observed and performed, and it shall come to the knowledge of the governor that such convict has violated or failed to comply with any of such conditions during the term of his sentence, he may issue his warrant, directed to the sheriff of any county commanding him to arrest such convict and bring him before the governor ; and it shall be the duty of such sheriff to execute such warrant without delay. Section 4863. If, upon inquiry thereof, it shall satisfactor- ily appear to the governor that such convict has so violated or failed to comply with any of such conditions of his pardon, he may, upon his order and warrant, remand such convict: to the prison, jail, or house of correction to which he had been sen- 24 WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. tenced ; and lie shall thereupon "be confined therein for the un- expiired term of his sentence, and the time between such condi- tional pardon and such subsequent arrest shall he computed as part of such term; but if it shall appear that such convict has not so violated or failed to' comply with] any of such condi- tions he shall he discharged. The fees and expenses of any such proceeding when approved by the governor shall he au- dited by the secretary of state and upon his warrant, paid out of the state treasury. Section 4864. The provisions of this chapter shall prevail in all applications for pardon by persons sentenced to imprison- ment for one year or more to the Milwaukee county house of correction or state reformatory. 73 . The following rules for the government of applications for pardon or commutation of sentence are hereby promulgated : Applications for pardon with accompanying papers should be filed in the executive office at least ten days before final exam- ination of the case can be made. 74 . Application for commutation of sentence of any person convicted in any court of this state of any crime punishable un- der the law's thereof by imprisonment in state prison, shall he made in the same manned as applications for pardon are made, and the requirements of sections 4856 and 4857 of the revised statutes', prescribing the manner of applying for pardons, shall also apply to applications for commutation of sentence. 75 . All applications for the release by the executive of any person convicted in any court of this state of any crime or of- fense punishable under the laws thereof, by commitment to the industrial school for girls shall be made in like manner as ap- plications for pardon in state prison are made. 76 . Pardons to' restore to rights of citizenship will not be granted until one year after the expiration of the term of sen- tence, and then only upon a petition endorsed by reputable citi- RULES FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF PRISONERS. 25 zens where the convict has resided since his release, that he has heen of good behavior and is worthy. Prison Officers not to Procure Pardons. 77. Section 4916. All officers and persons employed in and about the prison shall perform such duties in charge and over- sight of the prison, the care of the property belonging thereto and the custody, government, discipline and employment of the convicts as shall be required of them by the Warden, in con- formity to law and the rules and regulations of the prison, and no such officer or person shall be engaged, directly or indirectly, in procuring the pardon] of any convict confined in said prison ; and any person violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to' immediate removal by the governor. 78. Slection 4733. The sentence of any convict to imprison- ment in the state prison shall be for a certain term of time, to commence at twelve o’clock, noon, on the day of such sentence, but any time which may elapse after such sentence, while such convict is confined in the county jail or is at large on bail, or while his case is pending in the Supreme Court upon writ of error or otherwise, shall not be computed as any part of the term of such sentence; provided, that when any person is con- victed of more than one offense at the same time the court may impose as many sentences of imprisonment as the defendant has been convicted of offenses, each term of imprisonment to com- mence at the expiration of that first imposed, whether that be shortened by good conduct or not; and provided further that when any convict confined in said prison shall escape therefrom, the time during; which he unlawfully remains absent from the prison after such escape shall not be computed as any part of the term for which such prisoner was sentenced to be confined in the prison. Approved : State Board of Control. A. G. Kelson, President. LIBRARY RULES. To the Prisoner — This catalogue has been provided for your convenience and help in selecting the books you wish to read, and you will be re- quired to keep 1 it clean and free from] all defacement or mutila- tion. If you desire any benefit or pleasure from books you will ap- preciate their value to other prisoners as well as yourself, and will refrain from mutilating or defacing them by writing, draw- ing, cutting or otherwise., These books are charged against you and will be examined on their return to the library and their treatment at your hands ascertained. If unnecessarily soiled or injured by you your library privileges will be stopped. If they are wilfully defaced or mutilated you will suffer a severe punishment and loss of good time. 1. The card slate belongs to the cell and must be left behind if you are changed to another cell. 2. Write your name, register number, and the numbers only of twenty-five or thirty books you prefer, on the card slate, and leave it and the book you wish to return to the library on the seat of your cell chair on the morning on which books are changed on the tier in which you may be located, which is as follows : Wednesday, Tiers A and B. Friday, Tiers E and F. Thursday, Tiers O and D. Saturday, Tiers G and H. Books not so placed on the seat of the chair will not be taken from the cell unless they have been issued to you over two weeks. 3. You are not permitted to borrow books from other prisoners. The finding in your cell of any book not properly charged to you in the library will get you into trouble. 4. You can draw but one book at a time and the last one drawn must be returned before another one will he issued to you. Henry Town, Approved: Warden. State Board of Control. CATALOGUE BIOGRAPHY. Abbott, Jacob Alexander The Great, History of 1782 Charles The First of England, Life of 1783 Hannibal The Carthagenian, Life of 1979 Julius Caesar, History of 1744 King Alfred of England, Life of 1740 King Richard The Third of England, Life of 1754 Peter The Great, History of 638 Romulus, Life of 1746 William The Conqueror, History of 639 Xerxes The Great, History of 1800 Abbott, J. S. C. Boone, Daniel, Life of 1262 Carson, Kit, Life of / 855 Cortez, Hernando, History of 1978 Crockett, David, Life of 1347 Darius The Great, Life of 1745 Stuyvesant, Peter, Life of 1616 Anonymous Frederick The Great, and His Friends 35 Joan of Arc, Life of 1875 Jones, Paul, Life of, In 2 Vols.: Volume 1 1922 Volume 2 1923 King Richard The First, History of 1977 Lives of Eminent Men In 3 Vols.: Volume 1 667 Volume 2 668 Volume 3 66'9 28 WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. Anonymous Perry, Commodore, Life of, in 2 vols.: Volume 1 1822 Volume 2 1874 Pitt, William, Life of 1980 Robert Bruce, History of 1823 Washington, George, Life of 799 Beesly, E. S. Queen Elizabeth, History of 854 Brady, C. T. Jones, Paul, Life of 506 Brooks, Noah Lincoln, Abraham, Life of 808 Casson, Henry Rusk, Jeremiah, Life of 2086 Coffin, C. C. Lincoln, Abraham, Life of 2125 Corbett, Julian Drake, Sir Francis, Life of 1567 Jackson, Andrew, Life of 796 Davies, Henry E. Sheridan, P. H., Life of 25 Dawes, Anna L. Sumner, Charles, Life of 619 Ellis, E. S. Boone, Daniel, Life of 1080 Field's, James T. Hawthorne, Nathaniel, Life of 2198 Fletcher, C. R. L. Gustavus Adolphus, History of 1171 LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 29 Forbes, Archibald Chinese Gordon, Life of 879 Force, M. F. Sherman, General W. T., Life of 514 Franklin, Benjamin Franklin, Benjamin, Life of 465 Franklin, Benjamin, Life of, in 2 vols.: Volume 1 1848 Volume 2 1849 Gough, John B. Gough, John B., Life of 2097 Grant, U. S. Grant, U. S., Life of, in 2 vols.: Volume 1 2075 Volume 2 2076 Greene, Francis V. Greene, General, Life of 22 Hall, Henry Allan, Ethan, Life of 1079 Hammersly, L. R. Officers of The U. S. Navy, Lives of 2123 Harvey, Peter Webster, Daniel, Anecdotes of 851 Hawthorne, Julian Hawthorne and His Wife 1082 Headley, J. T. Napoleon and His Marshals, in 2 vols.: Volume 1 571 Volume 2 572 Washington and His Generals 437 30 WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. Herndon, W. H. Lincoln, Abraham, Life of, in 2 vols.: Volume 1 857 Volume 2 858 Hesekiel, George L. Bismarck, Prince, Life of 2051 Hosmer, J. K. Adams, Samuel, Life of 620 Howard, O. O. Taylor, General, Life of 23 Hughes, R. M. Johnston, General, Life of 474 Irving, Washington Columbus, Christopher, Life of 1873 Columbus, Christopher, Life of, in 2 vols.: Volume 1 1780 Volume 2 1781 James, G. P. R. Charlemagne, Life of 1924 Henry The Fourth, Life of, in 2 vols.: Volume 1 1410 Volume 2 1411 Kelsey, D. M. Gladstone, W. E., Life and Services of 2020 Lee, Fizhugh, Lee, General, Life of 469 Lodge, Henry Cabot Hamilton, Alexander, Life of 1954 Webster, Daniel, Life of 617 Lowe, Charles Bismarck, Prince, Life of 1031 LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 31 MacLeod, Donald Mary, Queen of Scots 220 J Mahan, A. T. Farragut, Admiral, Life of 499- Martin, Elizabeth G. Marie Antoinette, Life of 1998 McMaster, J. B. Franklin, Benjamin, Life of 615 Morse, J. T. Jr. Adams, John Quincey, Life of 621 Jefferson, Thomas, Life of 700 Muhlbach, Louisa Frederick The Great and His Court 256 Goethe and Schiller, Lives of 257 Henry The Eighth and His Court 1245 Louisa of Prussia, Life of 982 Marie Antoinette, Life of 983 Napoleon and Blucher 984 Queen Hortense, Life of 258 Northrup, H. D. Moody, D. L., Life and Labors of 2085 Parton, James Jackson, General, Life of 493 Russell, W. C. Nelson, Horatio, Pictures From Life of 1430 Schurz, Carl Clay, Henry, Life of, in 2 vols. Volume 1 095. Volume 2 090 Scudder, H. E. Washington, George, Life of 1953 WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. Seawell, M. E. Decatur and Somers, Lives of 1419 Seeley, J. R. Napoleon The First, History of 1276 Seelye, Elizabeth E. Columbus, Christopher, The Story of 1794 Shanks, W. F. G. Distinguished Generals, Recollections of 1309 Smith, Goldwin, Garrison, William Lloyd, Life of 665 Southey, Robert Nelson, Horatio, Life of 1824 Tarbell, Ida M. Napoleon Bonaparte, Life of 2147 Thurston, R. H. Fulton, Robert, Life of 1773 Van Holst, Herman Brown, John, Life of 1280 Voltaire, M. D. Charles The Twelfth, Life of 1579 Walker, F. A. Hancock, General W. S., Life of 1509 Warner, Charles D. Irving, Washington, Life of . . 616 Wilson, James G. Grant, General U. S., Life of 512 Woodberry, George E. Poe, Edgar Allen, Life of 1385 Wright, M. J. Scott, General, Life of 1504 LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 33 GENERAL FICTION, Abbott, Dr. Travels in a Tree Top 682 Adams, Mary Confessions of a Wife 2157 Adams, Oscar F. The Archbishop’s Unguarded Moment 1323 Ade, George Artie 1952 Aldrich, T. A. Majorie Daw and Other eople 888 Aldrich, T. B. An Old Town By the Sea S33 From Ponkapog to Pesth 699 The Story of a Bad Boy 710 Alcott, Louisa M. Eight Cousins 635 Little Men 920 Little Women 1917 Alexander, Mrs A Golden Autumn 813 Her Dearest Foe 239 Mrs. Crichton’s Creditor 1939 The Executor 240 The Wooing O’t 241 Alger, Horatio, Jr. Ben, the Luggage Boy 708 Bob Burton 709 3 34 WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. Alger, Horatio, Jr. Brave and Bold 81G Charlie Codman’s Cruise 684 Frank’s Campaign 1135 Jack’s Ward 1 817 Luke Walton 6 ... 1001 Mark, the Match Boy 1983 Paul Prescott’s Charge . 818 Paul The Peddler 1038 Phil The Fiddler 819 Ragged Dick 820 Rough and Ready 821 Rufus and Rose 656 Shifting for Himself 792 Slow and Sure 887 Tattered Tom... 1039 The Store Boy 1671 Wait and Hope 1040 Allen, James L. Aftermath 1837 The Choir Invisible 698 Altsheler, J. A. In Hostile Red 594 The Last Rebel 1052 The Wilderness Road 481 Andersen, H. C. Andersen’s Fairy Tales 400 Only a Fiddler 1335 Anonymous A Fool’s Errand 642 A Moonlight Boy 4344 A Sea Queen.... H98 Adventures of Hans Pfaal: Other Stories 1963 Aesop’s Fables 426 Arabian Nights 463 Beauchampe 4179 By and By 1834 Canoeing in Kanuckia 307 LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 35 Anonymous Daniel Defoe 1743 Friend Fritz 829 Gentleman Jim 1629 Gretchen 2175 Her Only Sin 1498 Letter of Credit 729 Little Classics • • 1866 Lone Ranch 1766 My Summer in a Garden 2158 Old Blazer’s Hero 1636’ Rose of Twolumne: Other Stories 1986 Say and Seal, in 2 vols.: Volume 1 1307 Volume 2 1308 Sir Noel’s Heir 2169 Stories for Boys . 802 Stories of the Army 1805 Tale's From McClure’s — Humor 1815 Tales From McClure’s — Romance 1814 Thackerayana 1501 The Bay Path 1775 The Conscript 755 The Cruise of the Midge 1982 The Green Carnation 674 The New Timothy 1176 The Splendid Spur * 1059 Two Gentlemen of Boston 683 Arbiter, Petronius Trimalchio’s Dinner 1144 Argyll, Duke of The Reign of Law 310 Austin, Jane A Nameless Nobleman 1722 Dr. Le Baron and His Daughters 609 The Desmond Hundred 672 Bacheller, Irving D’ri and I 1715 Eben Holden 1216 36 WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. Baker, D, B. A Year Worth Living 800 Baker, Sir Samuel Cast Up By The Sea 432 Baldwin, James The Horse Fair 2112 The Story of Roland 1612 Ballantyne, R. M. Gascoyne 2159 Balzac, H. De Cousin Pons 401 Pere Goriat 402 Bangs, John K. A House Boat on The Styx 681 Mr. Bonaparte of Corsica 70 1 The Pursuit of The House Boat 702 Barbour, A. M. That Mainwaring Affair 498 Barr, Robert, In The Midst of Alarms 1976 Tekla 853 The Face and The Mask 1938 Barret, Frank A Set of Rogues 2210 Barrett, Alfred The Boatman’s Daughter 1903 Barrie, J. M. A Window In Thrums 149 Auld Licht Idylls 151 Margaret Ogilvy 618 Sentimental Tommy 655 The Little Minister 150 Library catalogue. Barrie, J. M. The Little White Bird » 517 *Tillylos>s Scandal 1991 When a Man’s Single. * . . . . 152 Barrow, Elizabeth The Fortune of War 651 Bayly, A. E. The House of Strange Secrets 652 Bell, Lilian, A Little Sister to the Wilderness 720 Abroad With the Jimmies 680 ■ As Seen By Me: 605 Hope Loring 2211 The Instinct of Step-fatherhood 685 The Underside of Things. . .* 595 Bellamy, Edward Equality 487 Looking Backward 515 Benson, E. F. The Vintage 725 Berger, E. Charles "Auchester 350 Besant, Walter A Fountain Sealed 647 All! Sorts and Conditions of Men 217 Armorel of Lyon esse 218 Captain Cook 670 Children of Gibeon 219 For Faith and Freedom 220 The Orange Girl 661 The World Went Very Well Then. 221 Birt, Archibald Castle Czvargas 822 3g WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. Black, William A Daughter of Heth 322 Donald Rosis of Heimra 648 In Silk Attire 2193 Judith Shakespeare 686 Princess of Thule 323 The Penance of John Logan 687 White Wings — A Yachting Romance 688 Blackmore, R. D. Alice Lorraine 114 Clara Vaughan 115 Cradock Nowell 116 Cripps The Carrier 117 Kit and Kitty 123 Lorna Doone 118 Mary Anerley 119 Slain by the Doones 1071 Springhaven 121 The Maid of Sker 122 Blossom, H. M. Checkers 1988 Boldrewood, Rolf A Modern Buccaneer 904 Boyesen, H. J. Against Heavy Odds 649 Gunnar 1772 The Modern Vikings 650 Brady, C. T. For Love of Country 1601 Brassey, Mrs Around the World in the Yacht Sunbeam 352 Bronte, Charlotte Jane Eyre 222 Shirley ; 223 The Professor 224 Villette 225 LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 39 Brooks, Noah The Boy Emigrants....- 721 The Boy Settlers 723 The Story of Marco Polo 722 Brown, John Rab and His Friends 1804 / • Brown, J. R. Yusef 692 Bullock, S. F. The Barrys 719 Bunner, H. C. Love in Old Clothes 726 “Short Sixes” 749 The Midge 748 The Story of a New York House 718 Burnett, F. H. A Lady of Quality 1602 Haworths 1184 His Grace of Osmonde 782 Lindsay’s Luck 781 Little Lord Fauntleroy 1610 That Lass O’ Lowries . 750 The Pretty Sister of Jose 890 Through One Administration 889 Burroughs, John Wake Robin 1949 Burnham, Clara L. A Great Love 610 Dr. Latimer 747 Miss Bagg’s Secretary 762 Next Door 763 Sweet Clover 764 The Wise Woman 765 Bynner, E. L. The Begum’s Daughter 914 WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. 40 Carey, Rosa N. Aunt Diana . Averil Barbara Heathcote’s Trial . . Esther Heriot’s Choice Mary St. John Merle’s Crusade Nellie’s Memories Not Like Other Girls' Only The Governess Our Bessie Queenie’s Whim Search For Basil Lyndhurst Uncle Max Wee Wifie Wooed and Married Carroll, Lewis Alice in Wonderland Carruth, Hayden The Adventures of Jones. . . . Castlemon, Harry Frank at Don Carlos Rancho Frank The Young Naturalist The Camp In The Foot-hills The Mystery of Lost River Canyon True To His Colors. Catherwood, Mary H. Lazarre The Days of Jeanne D’Arc The Lady of Fort St. John The Romance of Dollard The Story of Tonty The White Islander Caxton, P. My Novel, in 2 vols.: Volume 1 Volume 2 91 §2 93 94 95 98 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 10C 457 2212 814 716 1121 86 1120 34 812 919 559 540 832 731 732 Library catalogue; 41 Charles, Mrs A. The Schonberg-Cotta Family. 454 Chesnutt, C. Wi The Wife of His Youth » . . t ; 730 Church, S. H. John Marmajuke 834 Clark, Francis E. Fellow Travellers 839 Clemens, E. J. M. Rosario 922 Clemens, Jere An American Colonel 470 Coffin, C. C. Dan of Millbrook 1435 Winning His Way 1075 Cooke, John Col. Ross of Piedmont 873 Ellie 1621 Collins, Wilkie After Dark 1032 Armadale I 193 Basil 1423 Man and Wife , 194 No Name 195 The Moonstone 196 The New Magdalen 836 The Woman in White 197 Connor, Ralph Black Rock 428 Glengarry School Days 1503 The Man From Glengarry 523 The Sky Pilot 2242 42 WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. Conway, Hugh Called Back 1133 Dark Days 780 Corelli, Marie Ardath 172 Romance of Two Worlds 173 Thelma 174 The Mighty Atom 806 The Soul of Lilith 1349 The Vendetta 175 Wormwood 176 Cornford, L. C. Sons of Adversity 884 Craddock, C. E. Mystery of Witch Face Mountains 828 The Juggler . 827 Crane, Stephen, Maggie, A Girl of the Streets 735 The Red Badge of Courage 793 Crawford, F. Marion An American Politician 777 Casa Braccio, in 2 vols.: Volume 1 760 Volume 2 761 Cecelia 483 Don Orsino 758 In The Palace of The King 1560 Mr. Isaacs 735 Pietro Ghisleri 737 Sant Ilario 759 Saracinesca 899 Too Leeward 738 Zoroaster 776 Crockett, S. R. Cleg Kelly, Arab of The Street 775 Mad Sir Uchtred of The Hills 1969 LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 43 Crockett, S. R. The Men of The Moss Hags 751 The Raiders 752 The Red Axe 1253 Cummins, Maria C. The Lamplighter 441 Curtis, George W. Potiphar Papers 811 Prue and 1 462 Dale, Alice M. The Peril of a Lie 1168 Dauiet, Ernest Which- or, Between Two Women 1605 Davis, Richard Harding Captain Macklin 546 Gallagher: Other Stories 797 Our English Cousins 1618 Soldiers of Fortune 1340 The King’s Jackal 801 Van Bibber: Other Stories 824 De Stael, Madam Corinne 425 Devereux, Mary Lafitte of Louisiana 2013 Up and Down The Sands of Gold 574 Dickens, Charles A Child’s History of England A Christmas Carol Barnaby Rudge Bleakhouse Christmas Stories David Copperfield Dombey and Son Great Expectations 1 823 3 4 5 6 7 8 44 WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. Dickens, Charles Little Dorrit Martin Chuzzlewit. ; ; Nicholas Nickleby * Old Curiosity Shop..*; .....< Oliver Twist Our Mutual Friend Pickwick Papers Pictures From Italy Tale of Two Cities 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 783 17 Disraeli, Benjamin Endymion. . . . 741 Dixon, Thomas The Leopard’s Spots 2160 Dodds, James Thomas Chalmers 925 Dodge, Mary M. Hans Brinker 803 Donnelly, Ignatius Atlantis 1237 Ragnarok 1238 Douglas, Amanda M. A Sherburne Romance 784 Lyndell Sherburne 785 Sherburne Cousins 786 Sherburne House 787 The Heir of Sherburne 788 The Mistress of Sherburne 789 Doyle, A. Conan A Study in Scarlet 206 Micah Clarke 207 Sign of The Four 208 The Firm of Gridlestone 209 The Parasite 1051 LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 45 Doyle, A. Conan The Refugees 281 The Stark Munro Letters 1005 The White Company 210 Doyle, C. W. The Shadow of Quong Lung 790 Drysdale, William The Mystery of Abel Forefinger 1126 “Duchess” Molly Bawn 448 Dudeney, Mrs H. Folly Corner 791 Dumas, Alexander Camille 1960 Chevalier De Maison Rouge 70 Chicot The Jester 71 Countess De Charny 72 Joseph Balsamo 73 Louise De La Valliere. 74 Margaret De Valois 75 Memoirs of a Physician 76 Taking The B a stile 77 Ten Years Later 78 The Count of Monte Cristo 805 The Forty-five Guardsmen 80 The Last Vendee 1132 The Man in The Iron Mask 82 The Page of The Duke of Savoy, in 2 vols.: Volume 1 794 Volume 2 795 The Queen’s Necklace 85 The Regent’s Daughter 804 The Three Guardsmen 87 The Three Musketeers 838 Twenty Years After 89 Vicomte De Bragelonne 90 46 WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. Du Maurier, George The Martian 2240 Dunbar, Alice The Goodness of St. Rocque 926 Duncan, Sara J. A Social Departure 346 The Simple Adventures of a Menisahib 734 Ebers, George In The Blue Pike 1962 Joshua 190 Only a Word 191 Serapis 1961 Uarda 192 Eggleston, Edward Duffels . .' 813 Roxy 1348 The Circuit Rider 1273 The End of The World 524 The Faith Doctor 1119 The Graysons 2243 The Hoosier School Boy 893 The Hoosier School Master 886 The Mystery of Metropolis ville 885 Eliot, George Essays and Leaves From a Note-book 866 Impressions of Theophrastus Such 867 Sad Fortunes of Rev. A. Barton 868 Espriella, D. M. A. Espriella’s Letters 2121 Erskine, Payne When The Gates Lift Up Their Heads 564 Evans, Augusta J. Beulah 309 Macaria 1676 St. Elmo 875 Until Death Us Do Part 876 LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 47 Farmer, J. E. The Grand Mademoiselle 894 Fern, Fanny Ruth Hall , . 1607 Feuillet, Octave La Veuve 1603 The Romance of a Poor Young Man 1833 Flach, Pauline B. Invisible Links 844 Foote, Mary H. Coeur D’Alene 91g John Bodewin’s Testimony 1971 The Last Assembly Ball 906 The Led Horse Claim 917 Ford, George Postle Farm 852 Ford, Paul L. A Story of Untold Love 915 The Honorable Peter Stirling 1136 Fothergill, Jessie Kith and Kin 278 The First Violin 279 Foque, D. L. M. Undine 405 Frederick, Harold Gloria Mundi g 96 In The Sixties 1250 In The Valley g 9 5 Seth’s Brother’s Wife g6i The Deserter g 69 ^be Lawton Girl g 6 ^ 48 WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. French, Henry W. Oscar Peterson, Ranchman 84 T Fuller, Hector Roach & Co., Pirates 900 Gage, Frances D. Gertie’s Sacrifice 1914 Garboriau Emile File No. 113 446 Garland, Hamlin A Member of The Third House 871 A Spoil of Office 872 Her Mountain Lover 2161 Main Travelled Roads 1110 The Captain of The Gray Horse Troop 2214 The Eagle’s Heart 472 Gaskell, Mrs Cranford 396 Gissing, George The Crown of Life 1506 Glasgow, Ellen The Voice of The People 1553 Goldsmith, Oliver The Vicar of Wakefield 291 Goodwin, Maud W. The Colonial Cavalier 995 White Aprons 1068 Gordon, Samuel Lesser Destinies 870 Grant, Robert Jack Hall 1298 LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 49 Green, Anna K. A Strange Disappearance* 1100 Behind Closed Doors 1725 Cynthia Wakeham’s Money 907 Doctor Izard 908 Hand and Ring 1197 Lost Man’s Lane 909 Marked “Personal” 1098 Miss Hurd, An Enigma 910 The Doctor, His Wife and The Clock 911 The Mill Mystery 1099 The Old Stone House 1964 The Sword of Lamocles 912 X. Y. Z. — A Detective Story 913 Grey, C. The Prince Consort 1224 Grey, Maxwell The Silence of Dean Maitland 357 Grimm, Brothers Grimm’s Household Tales 456 Grimm’s Popular Tales 389 Hale, Edward E. Crusoe in New York 1368 Gone To Texas 1087 In His Name I897 Mr. Tangier’s Vacation 1077 Ten Times One Is Ten 1932 The Man Without a Country T07S Hamblen, Herbert E. The General Manager’s Story.......... 997 Hamerton, Philip G. Round My House. 1765 Harding, J. W. The Gate of The Kiss 567 f>0 WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. Harland, Marion Nemesis 1130 True as Steel 994 Harraden, Beatrice Hilda Strafford 1947 Ships That Pass In The Night 1103 Hardy, Arthur S. ; ~ I j " Passe Rose 1074 Hardy Thomas A Pair of Blue Eyes 280 Desperate Remedies 1460 Far From the Madding Crowd 281 Jude The Obscure 1461 The Woodlanders 1018 Trumpet Major John Loveday 1019 Harris, J. C. Balaam and His Master 1063 Uncle Remus and His Friends 1027 Harris, M. C. Rutledge 430 Harrison, Mrs B. Belhaven Tales 102S The Anglomaniacs 1102 Hawthorne, Julian Garth 2052 Hawthorne, Nathaniel A Wonder Book 124 Grandfather’s Chair 125 Mosses From a.n Old Manse 126 Tanglewood Tales 127 The Blithedale Romance 128 The Gray Champion 643 The House of Seven Gables 130 LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 51 Hawthorne, Nathaniel The Marble Faun 131 The Scarlet Letter 132 Twice Told Tales 133 Hay, Mary C. Old Myddleton’s Money 298 The Arundel Motto 299 Hegan, Alice C. Mrs. Wiggs of The Cabbage Patch 612 Henty, G. A. A Final Reckoning 927 A Knight of The White Cross 928 A March on London 929 At Agincourt 930 By Right of Conquest 931 By Sheer Pluck 1124 Facing Death 1239 For Freedom’s Cause 932 For Name and Fame 1240 In Times of Peril 2215 Jack Archer 933 Orange and Green 934 The Bravest of The Brave 1283 The Young Buglers 935 Through The Fray 936 Higginson, T. W. Travellers and Outlaws 1067 Holland, J. G. Arthur Bonnicastle 976 Kathrina 1104 Nicholas Minturn 977 Sevenoaks 978 Holmes, Mary J. Chateau D’Or 993 Cousin Maude 226 Dora Deane 227 52 WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. Holmes, Mary J. Lena Rivers 228 Maggie Miller 229 Meadow Brook 230 Tempest and Sunshine 231 The English Orphans 232 Holmes, Mrs M. A. Woman Against Woman 1564 Holmes, Oliver W. The Autocrat of The Breakfast Table 249 The Poet at The Breakfast Table 1070 The Professor at The Breakfast Table 250 Horton, George The Long Straight Road 713 Howard, Blanche W. Aunt Serena 1062 Guenn — A Wave On The Briton Coast 1021 One Summer 1069 The Open Door 1030 Howe, E .W. A Man Story 1066 Story of a Country Town 1728 Howells, W. D. A Fearful Responsibility 1006 My Year In a Log Cabin 1811 Their Wedding Journey 1637 The Rise of Silas Lapham 1293 Hughes, Rupert The Whirlwind 1172 Hughes, Thomas Tom Brown at Oxford 269 Tom Brown’s School Days 270 LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Hyne, C. J. C. Honor of Thieves 1719 Uncle Remus and His Family. 2210 Ireland, Howard A Green Mariner 1000 Irving, Washington Tales of a Traveller 245 The Alhambra 240 The Sketch Book 247 Wolfert’s Roost 1985 Isham, F. S. The Strollers 484 Jackson, Helen Ramona 525 Jacobs, Joseph Reynard The Fox 41S Jarrold, Ernest Mickey Finn Idylls 1012 Jerome, J. K. Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow 282 Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow 18 The Observations of Henry 585 Three Men in a Boat 283 Three Men On Wheels 495 Jewett, Sarah O. Deephaven 407 Johnson, Samuel Rasselas 2241 Johnston, Mary Audrey 522 Prisoners of Hope 553 To Have and To Hold 506 54 WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. Kellogg, Elijah A Stout Heart 954 Arthur Brown 955 Charlie Bell, The Waif of Elm Island 956 Elm Island' Stories 957 John Godsoe’s Legacy 958 Lion Ben 959 The Ark of Elm Island 960 The Boy Farmers of Elm Island 961 The Child of The Island Glen 962 The Cruise of The Casco 963 The Fisher Boys of Pleasant Cove 1565 The Sophomores of Radcliffe 964 The Spark of Genius 965 The Turning of The Tide 966 The Whispering Pine 967 The Young Deliverers 968 The Young Ship Builders of Elm Island 969 Winning His Spurs 970 Kernahan, Coulson Scoundrels & Co 1105 Kieffer, H. M. The Recollections of a Drummer Boy 577 Kingsley, Henry Ravenshoe 1374 The Recollections ofGeoffrey Hamlyn 1391 Kinkead, E. T. 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A Plea for the Sabbath. 1898 Williams, W. R. The Riches of Bunyan 1690 Wilson, Thomas The Lord’s Supper 2236 Woodman, J. M. God in Nature and Revelation 2110 Yonge, Charlotte M. Gold Dust 593 LIBRARY CATALOGUE. ^ 3 ^ TEMPERANCE. Anonymous A Shot at the Decanter 1689 Andrew Douglas 2197 The Drinking Fountain 1790 The Old Brown Pitcher 1792 The White Angel.. 2141 Uncle Ben’s' New Years Gift 1820 Arthur, T. S. Ten Nights in a Bar-room 353 The Bar-rooms at Brantley 1583 The Pitcher of Cool Water 1904 Blackburn, W. M. The Vow at the Bars 1892 Chellis, Mary D. Out of the Fire 1793 Delavan, E. C. Temperance Statistics 1688 Edwards, Bruce Rachel Noble’s Experience 1828 Edwards, Justen The Temperance Manual 1915 Kirton, John W. The Four Pillars of Temperance : 1911 Lees, F. R. Text Book of Temperance 1585 WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. Miller, James Alcohol and Tobacco 1753 Patton, William The Laws of Fermentation 1574 Pearson, Emily C. Our Parish 1909 Richmond, Mrs. E. J. The McAllisters 1859 Ritchie, William Scripture Testimony Against Wine 1910 Talmon, Thrace The Red Bridge 1891 Van Namee, J. W. Hopedale Tavern. .. ./ 1755 Walker, M. S. Dr. Willoughby and His Wine 1791 LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 133 MAGAZINES AND PERIODICALS. Littell’s Living Age No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 No. 8 No. 9 No. 10 2900 2901 2902 2903 2901 290;'. 2900 2907 2908 2909 Littell’s Living Age No. 11 No. 12 No. 13 No. 14 No. 15 No. 16 No. 17 No. 18 No. 19 No. 20 No. 21 No. 22 No. 23 No. 24 No. 25 No. 26 No. 27 No. 28 No. 29 No. 30 2910 2911 2912 2913 2914 2915 2916 2917 2918 2919 2920 2921 2922 2923 2924 2925 2926 2927 2928 2929 134 WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. Littell’s Living Age No. 31 No. 32 No. 33 No. 34 No. 35 No. 36 No. 37 No. 38 No. 39 No. 40 No. 41. . . No. 42 No. 43 No. 44 No. 45 No. 46 No. 47 No. 48 No. 49 No. 50 No. 51 No. 52 No. 53 No. 54 No. 55 No. 56 No. 57 No. 58 No. 59 No. 60 No. 61 No. 62 W 63 No. 64 No. 65 No. 6'6 No. 67 No. 68 No. 69 No. 70 No. 71 2930 2931 2932 2933 2934 2935 2936 2937 293S 2939 2940 2941 2942 2943 2944 2945 2943 2947 294S 2949 2950 2951 2952 2953 2954 2955 2956 2957 2958 2959 2960 2961 2962 2963 2964 2965 2966 2967 2968 2969 2970 LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 135 The Atlantic Monthly No. 1 2971 No. 2 2972 No. 3 2973 No. 4 2974 No. 5 2975 No. 6 2976 No. 7 2977 No. 8 2978 No. 9 2979 No. 10 2980 No. 11 2981 No. 12 2982 No. 13 2983 No 14 2984 No. 15 2985 No. 16 2986 No. 17 2987 No. 18 2988 No. 19 2989 No. 20 2990 No. 21 2991 No. 22 2992 No. 23 2993 No. 24 2994 No. 25 2995 No. 26 2996 No. 27 2997 No. 2? f 299S No. 29 2999 No. 30 3000 The Ladies’ Magazine No. 1 3001 No. 2 : 3002 No. 3 3003 No. 4 3004 No. 5 3005 No. 6 ... 3006 No. 7 3007 No. 8 3008 No. 9 3009 WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. The Ladies’ Magazine No. 10 3010 No. 11 3011 No. 12 ; ; . . ; 3012' No. 13. ; ; . . ; l 3013 No. 14 3014 NO. 15. 3015 No. 16 3016 No. 17 . 3017 No. 18 3018 Putnam’s Magazine No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 No. 8 3019 3020 3021 3022 3023 3021 3025 3026 The Galaxy No. 1.. No. 2 . . No. 3.. No. 4 . . No. 5.. No. 6.. No. 7. . No. 8.. No. 9. . 3027 3028 3029 3030 303 L 3032 3033 3034 3035 The Knickerbocker Monthly No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 3036 3037 3033 3039 3040 3041 LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 6 i The Monthly Magazine No. 1..... No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5. * No. 6 3042 3043 3044 3045 3046 3047 Scribners’ Monthly Magazine No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 : 3043 3049 3050 Sailor’s Magazine No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 3051 3052 3053 Arthur’s Magazine No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 3054 3055 3053 Blackwood’s Magazine No. 1 3057 No. 2 305S The National Repository No. 1 3059 No. 2 3060 Hours at Home No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 3061 3062 3063 338 WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. Miscellaneous Magazines Godey’s Lady Book 3064 International Magazine 3065 Old and New 3066 Sears Family Library 3067 The Electric Monthly 3068 The Family Treasurer 3069 The Granite Monthly 3070 The Herald of Health 3071 The Home Guardian 3072 The National Magazine 3073 The Overland Monthly 3074 The Sabbath at Home 3075 The Science Monthly 3076' The Western Monthly 3077 The Westminster Review 3078 LIBRARY CATALOGUE. i39 ^eutfrfje ^mljev. 31in3mortp, 303. £artifon 2)er fiorbmapor bon Sonbon . 2446 Alarcon, ^3ebro be Manuel 33enega3 .... . 2453 tobad), (Sbuarb bon SDe§ Stager ©olbfdjmieb’S Socfyterlein fdjidjten unb anbere ©e= 2436 3Impntor, ©erfyarb bon 2)rei Hiiffe . . 2399 Wnberfen, (5. §. ©efcfyidfyten . 2423 Slrdjenfyoltj, 2;ofy. ,303il^. bon ©efdjidjte be§ ©iebenjaprigen $riege§ in ^eutfdjfar.b 2592 31reg, ip. (£? bon Uebet’3 SCT^eer — unb bie ^Hpenfec, iftoman bon (5. SOSerner 2308 ^Crtberg, 2Ray 3°fef fjrrcifclb ♦ ♦ ♦ 2355 $(uer, 3lbeHjeib bon 9Robexn ♦ ♦ ♦ 2387 ^(uerbaefy, iBertfyolb 2)a3 2anbpau3 am iftfjein — 33anb 1 2580 SDa3 £anbfjau§ am in — SBanb 2 » . , 2581. ©cfymargmalber SDorfgefcfyidjten ♦ ♦ ♦ 2364 ©pinoga — unb — SDicfyter unb Eaufmann . . . 2651 140 WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. 91nonpm 9tu§ fdj-toeren Sagen — SDrei ©r^ablungen * . . 2356 58iblijcbe ©eogxap^ie 2558 (££riftlid)e gamilien^ibliotbef — 93anb 1 2633 ©briftiicbc gamitien^93ibIiotbef — 93anb 2 . . 2634 ©briftlicfye ©olbaten * ©efcfyicfyten auS alter unb rteuer Sett 2574 2)ab/:im ^atenber 1900 2353 2)a3 £eben bon Robert Dltorrifon, bem erften proteftanti^ fdfyen Sfftiffiondr in ©bina 2559 2)a§ ipfarrljauS an ber Sfyemfe — 93on ber 93-erf afferin ber gamilie Scfyonberg^otta . 2463 2)ie' attgemeine SOSeltgef cpxrf)te nacfy biblif cpen ©runbfatjen bearbeitet 2501 ©rboIungs^Stunben — fjiinfter ^abrgang — 93anb 1 . . 2383 ©tga^Iungen meine§ ©rofebaterS — 9Jtemoiren eine3 £ifc lanber3 2375 ©laube unb Ungtaube — in SSetreff ber SSibel unb ifyreS 3n$alt3 2635 ,fiugenotteng£fdbidfyten 2481 ^Huftrirte 93ibtiotb : ef — ^rocbaffa — ©rfte ©erie — 1. 93anb 2451 SHuftrirte £au3'93ibIiotbet — 1. ^afyrgang — 93anb 1 . 2450 Sulie Ormonb — fan ber SSerfaff erin ber beiben ©d^ulen— unb anbere ©efdbicbtcn 2474 &eben§-91nfidf)ten be§ Waters OJturr .... 2 '07 fieiben unb ©ferben ©brifti — fjunfgtg 93etracbtungen . 2564 Dearie — ober: ©in ©ngel auf ©rben — Itadj bem ^rangofi' fdjen ber gannp be 93 2484 Dfabeilen'Sfjronif — 93anb 13 2480 D?ct>sS[en=©brcnif — 93anb 64 2336 ftobdUen^roni! — 93anb 67 2335 ^obeHen^SIjronif — 93anb 71 ..... 2337 Obo, ber ©opn ber armen 903ittme — nacfy bem gfran^bfi- fdjen bon ^ofepf) SSorfcpt 2513 93au£(u3 ©eptimiuS — 93anb 1 2359 93auHu§ ie ^abenfeber 2572 Seder, 2tuguft SUgnon’g CSiertang 2401 Seder, £. i)i e b)unbertjal)rxge Sepubltf 2351 Sefjrenb, Martin ®an§ ©erltng — unb anbere ©efcfyidpten .... 232S Senfarb, ©prifttan Sn ferner ^nfeltoelt 2430 Unter beutfdpen — unb anbere ©efdptcfyten . . 2333 Sernparb, Eftarie Ste cptnefifcpe Eftauer — unb anbere ©efcpicpten . . 2310 Sernftetn, 21. DDtabet ©ibbor 2382 Sepalb, 5m. SDorrenbe S^etge — unb anbere ©efdpicpten . . . 2315 U2 WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. 53ibra, (Srnft greifyerrn bon ©rkbte3 unb @etraumte3 — 33anb 1 2523 (SrlebteS unb ©etraumteS — SSanb 2 2529 5Iu3 jungen unb atten Sagen 2565 SSjornfcn, Sjornftjerne Oa§ fjtf d^ermabd^en 2461 Set SSrautmarfd) — unb anbere ©rgatjlungen . . . 2431 SSobenftebt, gricb-ttd^ Saufenb unb ©in Sag im Orient .... 2465 33om 51tlantif cfjen gum ©tillen Ocean .... 2350 Solanben, ©onrab bon Oer ©efangene bon $tiiftrin — unb — 3uba§ 9!Jiaffabdu3 2532 93blte, Arnett) DD^aria Antonia 2618 33cb=©b, 3ba ©mpor — unb anbere ©efdjidfjten 2309 SBracpbcgel, ©. 51. 5tu§ bem 9ftittefalter 2519 JBeaumardfjaiS — 53anb 1 ‘2521 SSeaumarcfjai? — 58anb 2 2522 Oer beutfdbie TOcfjet 2510 Oer f Itegenbe fooflanber — unb anbere ©efdjidjten . . 2302 ©in neuer ftalftaff — SSanb 1 2505 ©in neuer galftaff — SSartb 2 2506 SSrabbon, ©. 5Iba — unb anbere ©efd)id)ten 2330 53rabbon, m. ©. 5Iurora ftlcpb — S3anb 1 2438 Aurora ??Iobb — 53anb 2 2439 £abp 5lublet) , 3 ©efyeimnift 2447 53rennefam, Otto Srrfatjrt unb §eimfatjrt 2409 LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 143 Breufing, Hermann (5 in ©eadfyteter — Banb 1 . . . . . 2537 ©in ©eadjtcter— Banb 2 . .... 2538 ©in ©ed(f)teter — Banb 3 • . 2539 ©arlen, ©milie (gltygare) 2)ag gibeicommig — Banb 1 . 2533 SDag gibeicommig — Banb 2 . . * . 2534 $T)er Bormunb — Banb 1 .... 2457 SDer Bormunb — Banb 2 . . * ♦ 2453 2>er Bormunb — Banb 3 . . . ♦ 2459 2>er Bormunb — Banb 4 2469 ©laugb, 3. ©. Rug ber ginfternifg gum fiidfjt 4 . . . . 2437 ©oilier, SDaOib ©inleitung gum ridfjtigen SSerftanb >z unb niiialidfyer £efung ber §eiligen ©cfyrift ♦ . 2475 ©oiling SBilfie Rrmabale — Banb 1 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 2493 Rrmabale — Banb 2 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 2494 Rrmabale — Banb 3 ♦ . 2495 ©rofer, $8. 9R. 2)iana Barrington — Banb 1 . . . . . 2415 SDiana Barrington — Banb 2 . . ♦ . 2417 2)ie Iju&fdfje 9Rife Reoille — Banb 1 . . . . 2412 £)ie fyubjcfye 9Rifg Rebille — Banb 2 . . . . 2413 3rgenb ein Rnberer — Banb 1 . . . . 2414 3rgenb ein Rnberer — Banb 2 ♦ . 2415 SDaljn, ^eliy ©elimer .... ♦ . 2464 $r>'Rufriane, 3- £)♦ 9RerIe ©ef(f) icf)te ber Reformation beg e CD rH 3afyrfyunbertg — Banb 1 ... ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 2369 ©efd6idf)te ber Reformation beg 16ten 3afjrfjunbertg — Banb 2 ... ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 2370 ©efcfiicbte ber Reformation beg 16ten Safyrfyunbertg — Banb 3 . ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 2371 ©efd&idfjte ber Reformation beg 16ten Saljrfyunbertg — Banb 4 ... . . . . . 2372 114 WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. Sefoe, S). ^obtnfon ©rufoe 2636 ScUci Sorre, Robert Sret ©rgaplungen 2486 Selpit, 51. (Sin Sttutterfyerg — unb anbere ®ef($id)ten . . . 2327 StdenS, ©f)arle§ Sag ©lodenfptel 2623 SDie ©efyeimniffe fionbon’S 2555 fidwro unb ©cfytdfale 9tf(fola§ ^idelbp’S . . . . 2503 Sftartin ©fyuggletott — SSanb 1 2602 Martin ©fyugglemit — 58anb 2 2603 Sictfjoff, <5. Unter bcr Ijartcn §anb 2423 Sittmar, §etnrtdp SDSeltgef d^td^te . 2637 Snncfer, Sara SDte ©liicffudjer — unb anbere ©efcfytd)ten .... 2317 (SbetS, ©eorg Sie Sdfy'neftcrn 2499 ©tfftein, ©rnft Ste 5himtbiertn 2482 ©> f 51. t>. b. Siineburger ©cfcpidptcn 2452 ©ngel, 3 . F)txx fiorens 1 SQSeXtgef c^id^tc — JBanb 2 2362 2CeItgefcf)xcf)te — SSanb 3' 2363 ©erftadfer, griebrtd) 2) ie betben ©trdfltnge — S3anb 1 2582 3) ie betben ©traflinge — S3anb 2 2583 2)ie betben ©traflinge — SSanb 3 2584 3 m (Sdffenfter — unb anbere ©efdjtdjlcn .... 2304 3n Slmertfa 2514 *ftcue Sftetfen . 2476 Unter ben ^efjuencfyen . 2524 10 •J46 WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. ©liimer, ©latre bon $teffa — -unb — $eine SEuftonen 2448 ©olbfmttp, Oliber Z>:x £anbprebtger bon SBafeftelb 2427 ©orbon, Sulien ©tn puritanifcper §eibe— 23anb 1 2418 ©in pitritanifcper £etbe — 23anb 2 2419 ©raepp, £. 28. 23Ieicf)geftc£)t unb Etotfypaut 2640 ©lifabetp bort SSranbenburg — unb anbere ©efcfjtdjten . 2384 ©rieftnger, Z. $orf bor Btoangtg ^a^ren 2373 ©rob, 3ean §ulbreicp 3E>ingIt 2367 ©ufecf, 2krnb bon 1 • 3 m ©trom bcr — SSanb 1 2609 3m ©trom ber 3eit — Bartb 2 2610 §aa§, ©. ©. 2)er alte ©arbinat — 23anb 1 2611 2>er alte ©arbtnal — 2$anb 2 2615 £adlanber, g. 28. D^amenlofe ©efcptcpten — SSanb 1 2585 Sftantenlofe ©efcfyidpten — 25anb 2 2586 §aibjetm, £. 2Cnonpm 2402 ®arte. $8ret 2)a§ ©epeimnift bon SDeabinoob — unb anbere ©efcpicpten 2556 ©tne ©age au§ ©ammtftabt — unb anbere ©efcpidpten . 2587 ©abriel ©onrcp 2589 §auff. 28tlpe(m 2ftardpen • 2595 LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 147 geb id), (Samuel giinf TOffionS-SSortrage . , 2374 geqfe, ^}aut 2)er ©ofyn cineS 33aterS — unb anbere ©efcfyicfyten . . 2331 girftf), 3ennb Sfyerefen’S ©liicf — unb anbere ©efcfytdjien . * . 2306 gbcfer, ©eorg Unb bergieb unS unfere (Sd)ulb — unb anbere ©efdjidjten 2300 goefer, Cbmunb 3n ©iinben .... gof, 9?. bon $rone unb Oerter goltei, ©art bon (Sdfymargmalbau .... gugo, Victor 3)ie airmen unb Clenben — 23anb 1 SDie airmen unb Clenben — $8anb 2 3)ie airmen unb Clenben — S3anb 3 2>ie airmen unb Clenben — SSanb 4 SDie airmen unb Clenben — fflanb 5 SDie airmen unb Ctenben — 33anb 6 SDie airmen unb Clenben- — 93anb 7 SDie 5Itmen itnb Clenben — 33anb 8 SDie 5Irmen unb Clenben — 23anb 9 3)ie airmen unb Clenben — 23anb 10 . 2611 . 2388 . 2603 . 2540 . 2541 . 2542 . 2543 . 2544 . 2545 . 2546 . 2547 . 2548 . 2549 gumbolbt, 5lleyanber bon Oieifen in? europaifdjen unb aftatifdjen 9Ruf$(anb — 23anb 1 2339 Sfaifert im europaifdjen unb ajiaitfc^en S^u^lanb — 23anb 2 2340 Sfoife in bie 5IequtnocttaU©egenben beS neuen Continents — SBanb 1 2341 Dfteife in bie 2tequinoctiaU©egenben beS neuen Continents — S3anb 2 2342 fReife in bie 51equinoctiaU©egenben beS neuen Continents — S3anb 3 2343 148 WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. §umboIbt, Sllejanber oon Sleife in bie 5lequinoctiaI=©egenben beS neuen Continents — SBanb 4 2344 iReife in bie 2lequinocttak9egenben beS neuen Continents — 23anb 1 > 2345 s «Reife in bie 5lequinoctial=©egenben beS neuen Continents — 23anb 2 2346 Ufaifen unb gorfd^ungen ...... 2477 ^mn^inger, Subtoig SSilberbucf) gur britten $8itte 2381 ^mmermann, Earl S)ie Cptgonen 2597 ^roing, 2Bafpington ©fi^enbudj 2594 ^eaffrefon, JJcpn Cor bp 2)urd)S Seben iiberftmnben — SSanb 1 2440 SDurcfyS £eben iiberftmnben — SSanb 2 2441 Eambang, 51ti 5luf frember Crbe — S3anb 1 2525 2tuf frember Crbe — 58anb 2 2526 2luf frember Crbe — $8anb 3 2527 Earin, Roe! §auS Cicfyenberg 2305 EarlmetS, C. Cin (Sofyn feiner 3eit — unb anbere ©efdjidfRen . . 2314 Eleinfteuber, Hermann Cin norbifcfyer Ridf),elieu 2520 Etopftodf 9ReffiaS — SSanb 1 2628 RZeffiaS — S3anb 2 2629 Eocfy, Carl ©. SebenSerfatjrungen 2478 LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 140 ®onig, (Smalb Sfuguft : ’ ' |1 f[]] ©eineS ©Iiicfe§ ©dpmieb — unb — £>er ^a^tmattn am ®an- abian, Sftoman bon 23albuin 9ttbflf)aufen . . . 2332 SSerftofeen 2386 Erummacfyer Sagtid&e3 SDlarina . .... 2396 Hrummacfyer, ffrtebritf) 51boIpfy ^arabeln — 23anb 1 2575 • ^larabeln — 23anb 2 2576 £a SBrupexe, 3ean be 2>ie GtfjaraUere — SSanb 1 2424 2)t e (Sfyaraftere — SSanb 2 ...... 2425 Sabbep, @mma 5tuf eigenen ^iifeen 2376 £aun, ^rtebricfy 2)ie 3i9cunertn 2550 Sebrun, §enri ^erbinanb (Sorteg, ober — $£)ie (Sroberung bon Ottteyifo . 2535 Ceyom, ^riebrid) IftotoeflifttfdjeS 2389 J2eyom, Dfcubolpl) ^tomane unb D^obeflen 2392 fiidjtenberg, ©eorg (Sljrtft 51u3gemdfylte ©djriften 2605 Siebfyart, §. 3um getet^benb 2571 fitnbau, eite ^ftetfe nacfy ben SSereinigten ©tauten non 9torb- amertfa — 23anb 1 . 2405 ^ireite Sfteife nacfy ben SSereinigten ©taaten non 9?orb' amerila — SSanb 2 240 3 DJtarlitt, 2)a3 ©efyetmnif} ber alten 9Jtamfet( . 2557 SDa§ ©aibepring^cpen ....... 2641 'orf* unb ©tabtgefdjicpten 2454 9?eoin§, SSittiam ^ractifdpe ©ebanfen 2573 Dionne, Subtoig ©eorg SDipotb 2407 LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 15! Corbett, DCRaria ©olumbuS unb feme geit — -JBanb 1 ©olumbuS unb feme Sett — JBattb 2 . 2612 . 2613 D^ortlfjrop, §enrt) Oabenport ©rbe, 2Reer unb £immel . 2349 Orleans, ©Itfabetfy Charlotte non SBriefe . 2643 Otto, £ouife Sfteue iBafyncn * * . 2644 Outba SQSanba . . 2583 spaffoto, 21. Oer ©tern beS £ebenS — unb anbere ©efcfyicfyten . 2312 ^peftaloggi, §einrtd) fitenbarb unb ©ertrub ..... . 2619 ^eterS, g. Ontel Stuguft . 2466, platen, Sbuguft bon ©ebtdjte . 2593 Splatter, StjomaS Ceben bon . 2645 Sfoimunb, ©olo ^obetfen . 2502 Sftetdjenau, Sftubofyify Slug unfern bter SDBanben . 2627 SReKIftab, Subrotg Ok leidjtftnnige ©fye — unb anbere ©efcfytd)fen ^unft^obeKen ....... . 2432 . 2435 SRiebeL2C^renS, S3. ©anta ©lara — unb anbere ©efd)id)ten . . 2316 WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. 152 Sftirtg, i ! grauenfyergen 2408 Styoabs, ©. . 2>er altc Beg . . . . ' . . . .2533 Sftotfjenburg, Slbelfyeib b. 5Di e 51rmenljdu3ler — unb — ©3 mirb roieber gut! . . 2479 SRotoel, 9ft. SSrtefe auS her §offe 2385 @adjer*2ftafodj ©ute 9ftenfcfyen unb itjre ©efdjidjten .... 2646 (Sales, ©olbMonbeS §aar — unb anbere ©efdjidjten . . . 2334 (Samaroiu, ©regor 3)te ©rofgfiirftin — unb anbere ©efdjidjten . . . 2319 ^aiferin ©lifabetfj — unb — 5&er ^iittenbefijger — 9toman bon ©eorge ©fynet . - 2320 spietona — unb — SSornefyme £reife — Ionian bon ©mil ©a= borian 2321 Urn (Sgepter unb kronen 2322 . ©uropaifdje Sftinen unb ©egenminen — gortfetjung bon „Um (Sgepier unb kronen 7 ' — unb — ®i’e ©f)re beS §er= genS — 9toman bon ©mile Dftatio SSacano . . . 2323 3*bet Eaiferfronen — 3meite gortfetjung bon „ltm (Sgepter unb kronen" 2324 £reug unb (Sdftuert — ^ortfeijung beS Sorigen . . 2325 §etb unb flaifer— ©d^luj . . . . . 2326 (Sdjerr, ^otjanneS m$t\ 2429 .©fitter, griebridj bon (Sdmmtticbe Berfe — 33anb 1 2577 (Sdmmtlidfye Berfe — SSanb 2 2578 (Sdmmtlidfye Berfe — S3alnb 3 2579 ©djirmer, 5fboff 3-abrifanten unb 5frbeiter 2617 LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 58 ©cfyletcf), Martin 2)er (Stttftebler (3ube bon Safarea) * 2357 ©cfymtb, Gtfyriftopp bon ^ernanbo 2560 ©dpmibt, SCRayimiXian ©lafemadjerleut 2433 ©djubert, ©ottptlf §einrtd) 2)a§ Seben be§ JJof). 3 ac °k Sabricius — nebft etnern 5In- pange entpaltenb — 3^9' e au ^ bem £eben — bon §ein- ridp Gutter . 2561 ©cott, SDSaXter $E)er SaH^man Ouentin SDurtoarb SBabertep . 2507 . 2598 . 2591 Seeburg, grang 2>ie 9?adpttgaII . . 2515 (Sloet, £eon Sapriccio — 23anb 1 Saprtccio — $8anb 2 . 2394 . 2395 3- 8r. 3)te Stlt'Ct (Satroto — $anb 1 . 2)tc SXItei ©arrotn — S3anb 2 . SCRiXXt) 9ftcpnc — -S5anb 1 . TOIL) Dftopne — SBanb 2 . . 2625 . 2626 . 2647 . 2648 ©olger, ^einpolb 5Xnton in 5Xmerifa . 2649 ©outptoortp, 6mma SD. @. 9?. Virginia unb 9ftagbalen-a .... . 2531 ©pleura. ut($ 9^ad)t sum fiid^t 3n ^Reify’ unb ©tieb Unter Sannen S3ermifdjte (Scfyriften 2504 2512 2554 2470 (Spinbler, S. (Scenen unb ©efcfyicfyten — unb — (Sommermaloen . . 2513 (Sppri, Sonnet 9tm (Sonntag 2471 (Stein, 5Irmin ^aifer unb Hurfiirft 2378 spring SugeniuS bet ebk fitter — unb — 9ftartgraf ^arl ^Ppilipp bon 93ranbenburg — £iftorifdje Srgaplung non b- Sobeltitj 2393 (Stelgner, 3Hfreb S)a3 93ermacbtnij3 be§ SrbbterS — unb anbere ©efdjictjten . 2303 (Steioart, 5Igne§ 9tt. SQSelt unb Softer * 2487 (Stifft, 51. 3m (Sturme be3 £eben& — 33anb 1 3m (Sturme be§ £eben§ — 93anb 2 . 2403 2404 ©tredfuS, 5lbolf £)e r 5Imerifaner — unb — £>er . letjte non fjf. 903. §adlanber SSombatbier — 9toman 2318 (Suttner, 33ertpa non SDoftor ^eHmut’S 2)onnerstage .... 2354 (Smift, 3onatfyan Sin 30^arcf)en non bet Sonne .... 2397 Saffo, Sorquato 93efreite§ 3 eru f a ^m 2604 LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 155 SHjacfetat), SOS. BL Homifcfye ©rgafyluttgen ....... 2570 Benbenntg — Banb 1 ...... 2620 ^penbennig — Banb 2 2621 sjtenbenni§ — Banb 3 . . . . . .2:22 Sfyeuriet, Stnbtc gum Etnberparabie§ 2420 S^orobbfett, ^on Sporbarfon Singling unb 3D7dbie ©rben — unb attbere ©efdjidjten , 2301 Soiling, Sfyeopfytl Sfaife um bte ^partfer #Belt — SBanb 1 . 2468 ^ftetfe um bte ^artjer SOSelt — SSanb 2 . . . . 2460 3f<$offe, getnrtcfy 97obelIen unb SMdjtung-en — 5 unb 6 Sfyetle . . . 2590 ^obeHen unb 2>tcfytungen — 7 unb 8 Sfyetle . . . 2566 5^ot>eECen unb SDicfytungen — 14 2f)etle .... 2567 UfobeHen unb SDtcfytungen — 15 Sfyetle .... 2568 97oDeHen unb SDtcfytungen — 16 unb 17 Sfjetle . . 2569 158 WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. Norske Boger. R. B. Anderson Norge i Billeder 2785 Amerika ikke, opdaget af Columbus 2736 E. Anbert Dagny 2759 J. Anderson Vartshuset 2721 Fra Orienten 2781 Glade Sjele 2752 Den Vanskabte 2737 Hittebarnet 2758 Ti Natter i en Skjaenkeseue 2749 Den Skjungende Mand 2750 Morskabs Lossning 2756 De Forenede Staters Historie 1st Del 2708 De Forenede Staters Historie 2den Del 2725 H. H. Boyesen Gunnar 2782 A. Blancke Hyrekuskens Fortoellinger 2743 J. Boegh Fra Bergenskanten 2747 B. Bjornson Vis Knut 2741 Fortoellinger lte Bind 2721 Fortoellinger 2det Bind..., 2713 H. Birkedal Peru — Bolivia-— Chili 2769 LIBRARY CATALOGUE, ^59 R. M. Ballantyne Redningsbaaden 2733 W. Bergsoe Bruden fra Rorwig 2757 Dumas Et Aar i California 2755 J. Dahl Lina Kjorbo 2710 En Bergmands Famelie 2740 H. Drackman Paul og Virginie 2754 C. Etlar Gjongehovdingen 2705 A. Erbe Fra Skjcergaarden 2751 F. Ewald Griffenfeld 2742 K. Elster Tora Trondal 2770 K. Gloersen Dagligdags 2763 T. Grundysen Fra begge sider af Havet 2735 A. Garborg Hulda 2772 M. Halstead McKinleys Liv og Virksomhed 2702 P. Hendriksen Napoleons Soldat 2741 WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. 160 E. Hartner Severa 2765 J. Havne Bergljot Solhaugen 2739 H. Ibsen Per Gynt .' . 2727 Fruen fra Havet 2762 Samfundets Stotter 2712 D. James Urskovens Sonner 2709 A, Kjelland Jakob 2740 Skipper Worse 2716 K. Langeland Nordmcendene. i. Amorika 2731 J, Lie Trelhasteren Fremtiden 2775 Signe og Hermod 2774 F- Loviot De Kinesiske Sorovere 2779 R. Melander I Storm og Sogang 2767 Maryat Jakob Arlig 2770 Nicolai Noddebo Prestegaard 2780 Min Hnstru og Jeg 2777 O. M. Pettersen U. S. Grants. Liv og Virksomhed 2714 Abraham Lincoln, og. Negerslaveriet 2745 LIBRARY CATALOGUE. X61 A. Prydz Gunvor Thorsdatter til Hcero 2703 Rollo Svenskerne paa Norderhov 2732 M. Reid Adela 2781 S. Sturlasoan Heimskringla 2783 G. Storm Christopher Columbus og Amerikas Opdagelse 2701 E. Sue Den Evige Jode, lste Bind 2713 Den Evige Jode, 2det Bind 2711 A. Sehrader Bruden i Louisiana 2734 Sigurd Fru Westbergs Logerende 2778 Dr. Stabeck Alcoholets Physiologiske og pathologiske Inflydelse paa Meneskelivet 2771 M. Schoyen Den Amerikanske Borgerkrigs Historie 2726. Sigurd Ved Hjemets Arne 2766 H. B. Stowe Onkel Tom’s Hytte 2719 J. Strandberg Md. Petterson’s Logerende 2764 E. Schoyen Den Svenske Nattergal 2773 11 1G2 WISCONSIN STATE PRISON. A. Stein Leticoste Historier 2761 A. Swan Parlen fra Orr’s Havn 2704 H. Schulze Udvalgte Skrifter Skitser fra Norses Natur og Folkeliv.... 2722 E. Sargent Negerslaven Perculiar 2707 J. Tuendt Hamnajenten 2753 M. Thoresen Solen i Siljedalen 2706 M. Twain En Landstryger paa Reise 2768 P. Terrail Rocamboles Barndom, Iste del 2728 Rocamboles Ungdom, lste del 2723 Rocamboles Bedrifter, lste del 2730 Galeislaven Rocambole, lste del 2729 Galeislaven Rocambole, 3de del 2718 Rocamboles slste Ord, lste del 2720 Rocamboles siste Ord, 4de del 2717 S. Wang Skotter Toget 2738 J. Verne No. 8672 Fortcelling fra Norge 2760 J. W. Flood Fern Aar Tilsos 2748 INDEX TO RULES [The references are to paragraphs numbered by black figures.] Addressing an officer, 21-30. Annoying other prisoners, 20. Application for pardon, 72. Arising at signal, 17. Arms folded in chapel, 26 Arms folded in dining room, 40. Attending chapel services, 34. Articles admitted, 48. Articles permitted in cells. 24. Attracting officer’s attention, 27. Authority to take mail from postoffice, 42. Badges and decorations, 19. Beginning of sentence, 78. Brushing against other prisoners, 20. Buying things from or for officers, 32. Buying things from or for prisoners, 32. Cell mate, 4. Cell furniture, 21. Certified copy of trial record, 72—1. Certificate of good conduct, 72—3. Changing place in line, 16. Chewing tobacco in dining room, 22. Chewing tobacco in line, 22. Chewing tobacco in sick cell, 22. Chewing tobacco in chapel, 26. Christian Endeavor Society, 19. Citizenship, restoration to, 76. Cleanliness, 5. Cleaning cuspidors, 17. Clothing, altering, 6 Clothing in order, 19. Clothing from friends, 48. Commencement of sentence, 78. Communication, 3. Communication to board, warden, etc., 15. Communication with friends, 2nd and 3rd grade, 40. Commutation of sentence, 74. Complaints and accusations, 43 Complaints to State Board of Control, 45. Complaints in the dining room, 55. Confliction of orders, 1. Decorations on clothing, 15. Deductions from earnings, 71. Defacing cell walls, 5. Defacing buildings. 5. Defacing furniture. 5. Defacing fittings, 5. Delivering articles to convicts, 33. Destruction of property, 66. Dining room rules, 49. Dining room signals. 51. Diminution of time. 68. Earnings, 70. Escape, time lost by, 78. Extra discharge clothing, 48. Familiarity with an officer, 31. Fastening clothing, 19. Fastening shirt, 19. Food, wasting, 53. Furniture of cells, 24. Gazing around the shop, 29. Gestures, insulting, 20. Giving tobacco to lower grades, 19. Going to bed at signal, 18. Going to bed in day time, 9 Going to bed with clothiug on, 9. Going to own cell, 10, Good time lost, 68. Grading rules, 35. Having knife without permission, 13. Having pencil without permission, 14. Having other contraband articles, 11 . Having tobacco, 2d and 3d grades, 25. Having weapons or tools, 12. Hissing at an officer, 27. Holding cell door at count, 8. Interrupting an officer, 21. Insolence, 3 Insolence in manner, walk, gestures, 19. Jewelry, 11. Jostling other prisoners, 20. Keeping clean, 5. Knife, having, 13. Labor rules, 60. Lead pencil, 14. Leaving place of work, 62 Leaving the line, 16. Letters, 44. Letter permits, 46. Letter paper, returned, 11. Letters to Governor and Board of Control, 43-45 Looking into another’s cell, 10. Mail addressed in care of officer, 32. Mail, articles received by, 48. Mail and express rules 41. Making up beds, 17. Making presents to officers, 32. Making presents to other persens, 32. Making things for officers, 32. Marching, 56. Marching in line, 16. Marching into shop, 16 Minutes of testimony, 72. Mirror on range. 10. Money 11. Morning duties, 17. 164 : INDEX TO RULES. [The references are to paragraphs numbered by black figures.] Newspapers, 48. Obscenity, 3. Obscene language in letters, 44. Orders, obeying, 1. Officers not to procure pardons, 77. Paper, blank, 14. Pardons, 72-73. Passing articles into other’s cells, 10. Pen and ink, 11. Permission for special letters, 46. Pictures, etc., on cell walls, 5. Placing shoes at cell doors, 18. Placing clothing in sight, 18. Placing hands on officer, 31. Prison officers not to procure pardons, 77. Prison news, 44 Privileges, 1st grade, 35. Privileges, 2d grade, 37. Privileges, 3d grade, 39. Profanity, 3. Putting cap on properly, 19. Quietness, 2. Reading in chapel, 16. Receiving articles from citizens, 32. Reduction to 2nd grade. 36. Hecommendation of trial judge. 72—2. Remaining in cell without permission, 17. Repairing things for officers, 24. Requests for audience, 15. Request to see Board, Warden, etc., 15. Restoration to citizenship, 76. Rinsing mouth before sick call, 22. Rowdyism, 19. Saluting an officer, 30 Sealed letters to Board of Control, 45. Sentence, commutation of, 74. Sentence when beginning, 78. Separate sentences, 69. Services in chapel, 34. Shoes on bed, 9. Shoes, altering, 6. Signals in dining room, 51. Sickness, 17, 63. Singing, 4. Slamming cell doors, 8. Sleeping with feet towards door, 9. Smoking in the cell, 23. Special letters, 46 Speaking to Warden or Deputy, 15, 67. Spitting on floor in chapel, 26. Spitting on cell house floor, 22. Spitting on corridor floor, 22. Stamps, 11. Standing at cell door for count, 8. Staring at officers, 29. Staring at visitors, 29. Stationery, 11. Stepping out of line, 15. Taking mail from post office. 42. Taking food from table, 54. Talking to officer, 3. Talking to free person, 3. Talking to cell males, 4. Talking to men in other cells, 4. Time, good, 68. Tinkering in cell, 12 Tobacco, in hospital, 23. Tobacco in sick cell. 23. Tobacco in 2d and 2d grade, 25. Tools, 12. Touching an officer, 31. Trading and bartering, 61. Undershirts, 7. Using surnarres, 31 Using t bacco in hospital, 21. Using tobacco in sick Cells, 23. Vinegar in drinking water, ?2. Warning an officer. 28. Warning a prisoner, 28. Wasting food, 53, Weapons, 12. Whistling, 4. Writing days, 47 Writing between lines, 47. Writing paper, 11. V > /'V, kfib.