| LIBRARY | UNIVERSITY. of ILLINOIS. | ONE HUNDRED POPULAR GERMAN BOOKS | Ae ‘\ v a SMALL PUBLIC LIBRARIES SUGGESTED BY THE Wisconsin Free Library Commission COMPILED BY EMMA GATTIKER MADISON 1899 WISCONSIN FREE LIBRARY COMMISSION. Many of the smaller cities and villages in Wisconsin have quite a pro- portion of citizens and taxpayers who were born in Germany. Some of these people find it much easier and pleasanter to read books written in their mother-tongue than those writtenin English. Experience has proved that those who visit public libraries to draw German books are generally elderly people who are not in active business. They wish to get simple, popular books that can be read for enjoyment without much mental labor. The following list has been selected with reference to the needs of such readers, Many books which would be of great value in larger libraries have not been put in this list and a few have been included which have no value in a community where all read English easily. As aids in the further selection of books the German catalogs of the fol- lowing firms will be found useful; Geo. Brumder, Milwaukee, Kolling & Klappenbach, 100-2 Randolph St., Chicago, BE. Steiger, 25 Park Place, New York, G. E. Stechert, 9 East 16th St., New York, Lemcke & Buechner (formerly Westermann) 812 Broadway, N. Y., The Catalog Raisonnée Pt. I., of the last mentioned firm, is an excellent fiction list. It gives annotations on the authors and mentions books that have been translated into English, thus givinga clue to their popularity. ‘he German lists of different libraries will also prove helpful. The Somerville (Mass.), Public Library Bulletin, V. I, No. 12, gives a good classified list of German books. The St. Louis Public Library Magazine, V. 5, No. 10 (1898) gives a list of German books arranged in three grades for children from the ages of seven through the high school age. The Providence (R. I.) Bulletin, V. i, No. 2 (Feb., 1895), contains a very valuable list for such libraries as wish to develop the d partment of Ger- man literature. It gives the works of Goethe, Schiller, Lessing, Herder, Wieland and Heine, a list of nineteenth century writers and of books illus- trative of German literature. Anton Schénbach’s Ueber Lesen und Bildung, Ed. 5, 1897, isa work which will be of much value to librarians who read German. It is a crit- ical study of fiction and the author has given, in an appendix, his choice of the best novels, not only in German but in other languages.. ge e, DRG ; 2 Ny : Ps \ * Among German periodicals some of the more popular are: Daheim, $2.80 (52 nos.); Die Gartenlaube, $2.80 (52 nos.); Ueber Land und Meer, $5.00 (52 nos.); Velhagen und Klasing, Monatsheft, $5.70 (12 nos.). These can be ordered through any one of the New York firms mentioned above. ; The price of most German books is somewhat appalling to the smail library and for this reason a number of those in the following list have been chosen rom various collections, or special editions, of cheaper price, although their form and make-up is not in all respects satisfactory. For the benefit of libraries wishing to purchase only a few German books about thirty titles in the list have been starred as indicating a desirable first choice. The various almanacs like Daheim- Kalender, 55c., #. eidenker-Almanach, 25c , and Gartenlaube-Kalender, 40c , will prove very popular in most places. Ridpath. Illus. Geschichte der Vereinigten Staaten............... $2 50 Zimmermann. Vier Hundert Jahre Amerikanischer Geschichte... 2 50 * Liicke. Biirgerkrieg der Vereinigten Staaten..................0. 2 00 Hoe wpeus, Der Deutseh-franzdsische Krieg: 2... ot. t. tet e ce cee 2 50 ——. Illus. Geschichte des Krieges, 1870-71 (Jubiliéums-Ausgabe). 3 20 * Stein. Constitution der Vereinigten Staaten........ ........... 50 Falkenhorst. Nordpolfahrten. (Bibliothek Denkwiirdiger Forsch- APP SEO SEE Pets gis cities stata ie cake rah ale eRe ae ahe ee oe 85 (Other books of travel appear in this series.) ronan imeyviicen: Westen .(1ihass): 633.0 fo... oes emacs tees aan ate 3 35 Peto mere AEaZCoise (ReClAM ) se oo oan. pede nee cee ane Sapa pane ala CAGA of! 25 Buschbauer. Familienschatz ..... tins ai hee sep eSB ——, Der Amerikanische Gefliigelztichter.. ml ere Pi Notte IS Poh REE Lee 1 50 =, Der Amerikaniscue Gartenbuch........ onc bocce esc lawevaedes 2 00 *__. Der Deutsche Farmer im Busch und auf der Prairie....... 1 50 ane een ICL Cer. FUTUG. ch <7 sss es ele «bs ore ae fs Galen Soke 2 00 ——, Praktisches Kochbuch (nach Davidis)...................... 1 35 Sep Vere trier sels OCD OUCH. os 624 <. -scbe so abet ae Lele eee eee 75 Abn. Praktischer Lehrgang der Englishen Spraché............. 50 —. Englisch in Amerika (Dolmetscher fiir Eingewanderte)..... 30: * Hchtermeyer. Auswahl Deutscher Gedichte..................... 1 50 Sa EE EIT ER ON TYLA ori 358% poids. nds ia Shear, oot Steen le 59 meuroolias sonanha.»’ Gedichte-Bd: Docc, aioe. sdes pee leh aa ean Seen ae IG OO LOC GL) oicig', © ais fas cucudersaat cdidooo hx vis Waaghdias aes Gate ea re 35 eM ME LV ASCODSID 20000 )p ois corso. cities MP Ae eee a com: aS Pate ote eee 1 00 Scheffel. Trompeter von Sakkingen (Morwitz).................06. 50 Re DOLL eR eCiLlOn ) cf. cons oda Uh ms Cae cc OE ons bh ee 1 60 peMeyer. sia Weutscne -Volkskunde@2. 2.5... vac ote ves od tidings ol atouatels Barack. Wilhelm Tell.. PS ame A ce ged Klee. Die Deutschen Heldensagen fiir Jung und Alt. (Bertelsmann) as ——. Abraham Lincoln. (Germania Jug. Bib.).................. 20 eoeoee ae CAQOISG MVOSOITT LON ss. x.c 8 cs.'d 6 Us cb oaiad cb Pe oe es sate w he eee 20 Heyck. Monographieen zur der Weltgeschichte. 4 Bismark...... 1 35 PFAGtl OTE MIME AN Cae es 7925 3-55 Fe Ps cna Wee oe ee & ohn sernite ate 1 00 * Knackfuss' Kiinstler Monographieen. Defregger............... 1 00 * Seidel. Hundert Auserlesene Volks-lieder....:. 2... .... 0... eee. 1 00 SPR er WOLPOLOE ks src) Ooi s-8 ee OE vie oO Mice Meine Bn che eRe 50 eee te DELLCrSOUItION }s <5 + asc ccc scr cr wes oistsle vba 0.0 0.8 moe Vek dos adink viene Sete ein aeee een ———. ’ Unter dem :Aequator.. oi...) 5 5 oees ss Onn aul els es cee ee * Gouhelf. ~Uli-der Kneckt: und Pachter... 23 Hacklander. Wachstubenabenteuer (Morwitz)....... Aen Hanff, Tach Cnstein: 5... oss saiss'e sve elon «aie eos a eee ee Heimburg. Jbumpenmiller’s Dieschen. »..5.i..0. Je. vss + dees ee me, OPO VOR LOMON 2’). ose « alee c 'slb-0! shay Si Cols ee ene Heyse Novellen (Auswahl firs Haus), 3v............+...2002-se Hillern. »Geier-Wally (Morwitz). 0. ...-c. . 2... «seins be *Immermann Oberhof (Spemann)............. > = os eee = Weller Martin Balancer: iti. on. % sons ewe y caieoe epee - haere ——-,. Leute von Seldwyla. 2 V.v..... 2. 4-.. ++ sea os on aoe ig * Kinkel.- Otto: der Schatz 2. 5°. 2... cncsiwa's os «ts ec 0 x ——; Grobschmied von Antwerpen .........ass+scus pee WaOmE EIEN Kleist. “Michael Kohlhaas ioe oo. cS cans doses ole ole eae ene *Marlitt: Goldelse { Morwitz)*.. 5.2... 506.0000 os sea er sk pene *_—_. Geheimniss der alten Mamsell (Morwitz) 2v............... +—. ‘Zweite Frau (Morwitz), 2 Vis. ti, 6s . sce uns cca eee ee === Mulenhaus: (Morwitz)2.voo20. 0c. ois. cs a ee ee ee Meyer. Hochzeit des Monchs:. ) 22.2%. \4....~4 «mba aeue 5 eee F-—. ‘Jorg Jonatach, oa. icss scadapeavuss ¢eas ea cun eeicee ae Reuter. Hanne Niite (Morwitz) TP eRTER ATS Chet ee ee *——. Kein Hiisung (Morwits) .. 056.0... os eae a one *¥__—. ' Ut mine Stromtid (Morwitz) <2. 2.2.) .26 1.0 an are =-——, 'Franzosentied «.. > .\s+ «sass «> ae e's o és mee ne dln ale ee -———. » Neatungstied 2.5.05... 21d ev aden sc eetn Saba sales ree eee Samet, ICU UET AML UIT, «oS oss bios es Sue oon os eee eee hehe 0 el eee *Scheffes, Ekkehard (Morwitz),.... 03.5 scegscenc wae ante toe tee ———; same (better edition)..2........0s, 4. wee pe bee a ae ee Seidel.zcheberecht Hihhnechonss cc. os5 8s. bs sewed: eke ae *Spielhagen. Hammer und Amboss (Morwitz), 2v.............2:- ——.' Problematische Nataren, 2:°V...%:. ..-0 sede spas sesame een +Spyrh pebleidi. vse Gees Oc, sky noe os Pe ale ct Ee *Stinde, Familie Buchholz, Pt. bx 2, each vi... . Muscles Storm: [inmenses®. ...\ioo0. i sO. tree) casa dc Peo we steer ae ——.| JA GUIS SUDMErsNSD. 5. oa ne 0d woe ee ce ee Sudermann. Katzensteag 20s. s. kav kee beech eee +, Nrau-Sorge (Morwitz). ......0., <0. cea cow aes sar ans see *Werner.. Glick-auf (Morwitz), 2 v. 22.44 sanovs cot ce ee ee —. Gebannt und Erlost (Morwitz), 2 Vieske Visas htt See eee anh, ANKE Michael. 0. kc es ned Fae ue 04 bles dees tu ee eae Wolf. Stifmeister {Morwitz), 2'v.2. 3002. 2 ee es ee eee eee —. Rattenfanger v. Hameln (Morwitz) ................ cee wees +, Pappenheimer (Morwitz) .. 265 Son oe bene a eee zschokke.. Ausgewahite.Schriften 6.a\..4:<2- sos sepa dee ee eee -