f'fc T*m ' * ^" .--fiU d. gift from Received mg^feiL "'..- ^^" 4" .^ f'.'-, '.''JPT^^^ i^*SV/5p$*>S>l fe%-*S'ir/ -S^fe%i^l2 *AJ y*^'->-hi * "^ ^mm^mmm , r. 3^fe \ ' ; -> '%^J $ ^ '- >xr ?' ^ ^K::^t 3/Mii UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, Agricultural Experiment Station. s CHAMPAIGN, FEBRUARY, 1890. BULLETIN NO. 8. FIELD EXPERIMENTS WITH CORN, 1889. Experiment No, I. Corn, Testing of Varieties. The tests of dent corn here reported are a repetition, with certain variations, of tests made in 1887 and 1888. In 1887, 25 plats were planted; in 1888, 176. A large number of the varieties planted in 1888 were not planted this year mostly those which did not promise any special merit. Besides certain varieties planted in 1887 and 1888, tests were made of varieties offered for sale by the leading seedsmen of the United States. For a report of the tests made in 1888, and for many details of the methods employed, the reader is referred to bulletin No. 4. The land used this season was tracts (a) and (b} of that used las season. Tract (a) was divided into 25 plats, each 2x10 rods; tract (/fr) into 64 plats, each 2x2 rods. The land on both tracts was fall -plowed 6 to 7 inches deep without removing stalks of the previous season. Just before planting, the land was disked twice, harrowed and planked once. The plats were planted in hills 3 ft. 8 in. apart each way, four kernels to a hill, covered with one to. two in. of mellow soil. Tract (0) was planted May 4th; tract (^) May 3d, except plat 85 planted May 8th, and plats 86 and 87 planted May nth. Between May 28th and July 5th, tract (a) was cultivated four times, one-half of each plat being cultivated a fifth time; tract (<) was cultivated five times. The weeds remaining in the hills were removed from both tracts July 9th to nth. All cultivation was with a shallow cultivator. 1890.] FIELD EXPERIMENTS WITH CORN, 1889. DISCUSSION OF METHODS. In 1888 the space of one row was left about each plat. The figures of that season's work showed that the yields per acre from small plats under those circumstances were somewhat greater than would be obtained in field culture, and that the smaller the plat the greater the chance for error. Where the plats were unequal in size, or when on plats of equal size varieties of widely different habits of growth were raised, as those maturing at different dates, it was shown that an appreciable error might occur. It was shown that on tracts (a), (<$), and (r) the yield was increased 3, 4, and 5 per cent., respectively, on account of the vacant land about each plat from which extra food was obtained. This season the plats were so planted that all the land was occupied, an extra row being planted around the tracts. As the two tracts occupied five acres, the average yield of all the varieties is no greater than that which might be obtained in ordinary field culture. DUPLICATE PLATS. It was pointed out in bulletin No. 4 that it is essential to know what would be the difference in results between two plats planted with the same variety of corn before we can judge of the merits of two varieties from the results obtained under such conditions. It was shown that there was a difference in 1888 of over 9 bu. per acre between the two plats of Learn- ing on tract (a) and of 2% bu. on tract (^). The difference between two plats of Burr's white on tract () was nearly 6 bu., and on tract (Y) nearly 7 bu. per acre. Learning and Burr's white were again selected for a duplicate test. As in 1888, the plats of each tract were more than usually uniform to all appearances, and care was taken to have the conditions as nearly alike as possible. The following table gives the results: TABLE SHOWING YIELD PER ACRE OF AIR-DRY CORN UPON DUPLICATE PLATS. Tract (a). Tract (b). Plat. Bu. per acre. Average. Plat. Bu. per acre. Average. Learning .. ( 4 -' 10 78.6) 66 6 V 74.3 (26 < 48 86.5! 84 4 > 86 8 Burr's white. . . . (16 ji9 |25 I 77 9) 64 3' 62 . 8 ( 63 5 (53 J6 4 6 7 89 6 | 74-4 I 101.4} 87 9 68.9 87.3 With Learning the differences ran on tract (V) from less than i bu. to 12 bu.; on tract (^) from about 2 to over 5 bu. With Burr's white on tract (a) the difference was i^ bu., but n tract () 27 bu. This last is unusual, and was due to the number rather than the size of the ears pro- duced, as may be seen in table 4, page 245. Differences of 5 to 10 bu. 216 BULLETIN NO. 8. [February, per acre may arise from uncontrollable variations in conditions, while greater variations may occur from such sources. In the averages of the two varieties there was a difference of about 18^4 bu. in favor of tract (); in 1888 there was a difference of 6% bu. in favor of the same tract. This season, the corn, on tract (a) especially, came up very slowly on account of the unusually dry weather from April ist to May 2oth, but 0.99 of rain falling in that time. Following this were heavy rains and low temperature which did further injury to the corn. The night of May 3oth the lowest temperature was 33 F. May 2ist to June 2ist, 11.95 inches of rain fell. For further details see table, page 219. These conditions seem to have affected tract (a) more un- favorably than tract (^). Doubtless the differences above given represent, in a general way, the productiveness of the two plats the present season, and should be considered in comparing the merits of the two varieties grown on separate tracts. RESULTS.* A summary of the results obtained from the varieties on 82 plats in 1888 and in 1889 on tracts (a) and () is given in an article following this. For 1888 the varieties were divided into early maturing, which ripened that season in 125 or less days from date of planting; medium maturing, which ripened in from 125 to 135 days; late maturing, which ripened in from 135 to 145 days; and non-maturing. This season the time of ripening for each class was prolonged about 10 days. The classes in table 5, page 246, were made strictly upon the date of ripening for each plat; so that in 1889 the same varieties on different tracts were sometimes placed in dif- ferent classes, and a variety which was put into the early maturing class in 1888 may have been put into the medium maturing class in 1889. The vitality of the seed was good in the maturing varieties. It was rather better in the medium maturing than in either the early or late matur- ing varieties. The percentage of kernels producing plants in two weeks in 1888 and in three weeks in 1889 was largest in the early maturing, and became constantly less the later the corn was in maturing. In general the same was true of the stand at maturity. For the purpose of comparison, four stalks to the hill, the number of kernels planted, is considered a full stand. The average in each division was about J^ of a full stand in 1888, and, suckers included, rather less than .8 in 1889. In giving yields no correction has been made for dif- ferences in stand; for there is no constant relation between the number of stalks per acre and the yield. For four years past the per cent, of barren stalks has been deter- mined in a varying number of varieties. In 1886, in seven varieties, the average was 14 per cent., the greatest 25, the least, 6; in 1887, the average was 35; the largest 63, the least 22; in 1888, the average with the varieties of 82 plats was 10; the largest 28; several varieties had no barren stalks; "In the tables, pages 238-246, are given in detail the results obtained from the varieties tested. 1890.] FIELD EXPERIMENTS WITH CORN', 1889. 21 7 in 1889, the average was less than 2; the largest 9, while 37 plats had no barren stalks, or practically none. The experiments point to the conclu- sion that barrenness is to a very slight extent, if at all, an hereditary characteristic of any variety. It seems rather to be largely, if not en- tirely, the result of the conditions under which the corn is grown from season to season. Two causes have been observed which it is believed affect the result; (i) a season which is not favorable to the production of corn, as in 1887; and (2) a season which is favorable to the produc- tion of corn and also to suckers, as in 1888. In Experiment No. 5, Thickness of Planting, it was found that more suckers were produced in 1888 than in 1889. The general tendency, probably, would be for suck- ers to be barren. If this reasoning is correct, more barrenness may be expected in a poor or in an exceptionally good season. The results so far obtained do not indicate that the selection of varieties with regard to the lack of this characteristic will be of great practical benefit. There was considerable difference in the height of stalks between the seasons of 1888 and 1889. The average height on 82 plats in 1888 was 1 1. 2 ft.; in 1889, 9.7 ft. Similar differences were observed in the height of the ears on the stalk. There was more difference this year in the height of stalks ripening at the different dates than there was last. Both the size and weight of the ear increased from the early to the late maturing varieties. Both seasons, while the length of the ears in the non-maturing was greater than in the late maturing, neither the diameter of the ear nor of the cob was so large. The average weight, as husked, however, was larger, markedly so in 1889. In 1888, the average per cent, of water in the shelled corn when husked was, in the early maturing varieties, approximately, 18 per cent.; medium maturing, 22; late maturing, 27; non-maturing, 36. In 1889 the average per cent, was 17, 24, 29, and 38, respectively. The increase in the per cent, of water with the later maturing is very marked. The difference in the loss of weight is more than is usually recognized. For purposes of comparison corn containing n per cent, of water is con- sidered air-dry, for reasons given in bulletin No. 4, p. 44. On this basis the average loss in weight of shelled corn per acre by drying would be, in the early maturing, 5 bu.; in the medium maturing, 13 bu.; in the late maturing, 18^ bu. There was one variety. No 69, Helms improved, which was considered mature enough to cut, although barely so, in which the loss in weight per acre on drying would be equivalent to 35 bu. Taking an average of the two seasons, the loss in weight of the shelled corn from the time the crop was gathered until it became thoroughly air- dry would be, in 1,000 bu. of the early maturing varieties, 75 bu.; in the medium maturing, 130; and in the late maturing, 190. To make a bushel of thoroughly air-dry corn that is, shelled corn containing n per cent, of water it took, when the corn was husked, October 2oth to November i3th, 72 Ib. of ear corn in the early matur- ing, 80 Ib. in the medium maturing, and 89 in the late maturing. As ?i8 BULLETIN NO. 8. [February, most of the corn produced in central Illinois this season was late, So Ib. evidently would not have been sufficient to produce a bushel of air-dry corn. Much shrinkage is often caused by vermin, but, doubtless, shrink- age is often charged to this cause which in reality is due to drying. Both seasons the medium maturing varieties, that is, those varieties which were ripe ten days to two weeks before frost, gave the largest yield of air-dry corn, about 4 bushels per acre more than the late maturing, and 17 more than the early maturing varieties. The average yield, as husked, in 1888, of the medium and late matur- ing varieties was substantially the same, 102 bu., while the yield of air-dry corn was 90 and 83 bu., respectively. In 1889 the average yield as husked, of the medium maturing varieties was 89 bu., and of the late maturing 92 bu. per acre, while of air-dry corn it was 75 and 73.5 bu., respectively. These yields are considerably higher than is usual with the better class of corn raisers and much above the general average for the state, notwith- standing some poor varieties are included. Neither the appearance of the crop nor the conditions under which it was raised were such as to preclude the possibility of obtaining equal yields in field culture in favor- able seasons on good soil with no very unusual cultivation. While no one of the varieties tested stands far above the average of the better varieties of its class, doubiless a large number of the varieties are better than the average raised by the farmers of the state, and might be introduced on their farms with profit. Not to exclude other meritori- ous varieties, the following medium maturing dent varieties may be safely recommended for general culture in central Illinois: Yellow Learning, Clark's Iroquois, legal tender, Riley's favorite, Fisk. White Cham- pion white pearl or Burr's white, gourd-seed, Clark's premium no-day. The following, which are desirable early maturing varieties in this lati- tude, may be recommended for general culture in northern Illinois: Yellow Murdock, Edmonds or Kane county pride, grange favorite, king of the earliest (for very early). White Wisconsin white dent, cham- pion of the north. The following, which are almost too late for this latitude, would probably be desirable farther south: Yellow Improved orange pride, Steward's improved yellow, Swengel. White Helms improved, Parrish. RESULTS FOR 1887, 1888, AND 1889 COMPARED. On eighteen plats of tract (rt) the same varieties of corn have been grown three years successively. Fresh seed from original sources was obtained for each year's planting with three exceptions in 1889, Nos. 18, 22, and 23, on which, owing to our inability to get the seed as in other cases, seed grown by the Experiment Station in 1888 was substituted. The average yield per acre when the corn was husked in 1887 was 32 bu.; in 1888, 94; in 1889, 82. The yield of air dry corn for the three years was 29, 83, and 66 bu., respectively. The largest yield of air-dry 1890.] FIELD EXPERIMENTS WITH CORN, 1889. 219 corn in 1887 was 36^ bu. from Murdock; in 1888 and 1889, from Learning, 93 and 79 bu., respectively. The per cent, of water in the shelled corn of the 18 varieties in 1887 was 18.35; in 1888, 21.39; m 1889, 28.27. As the corn was husked at about -the same time each season, these figures give a good idea of the difference in the maturity of the corn in the respective seasons. THE SEASONS COMPARED. From the results just given it is evident that for the production of In- dian corn, the past three seasons have been widely different; that of 1887 exceptionally poor; of 1888, especially good; of 1889, somewhere between the extremes in yield but with the crop very late in maturing. These dif- ferences in results are chiefly due to differences in meteorological condi- tions, and a comparison of these conditions will be pertinent. The following tab'e gives some of the meteorological conditions dur- ing the corn-growing season of 1889, for each week ending on the dates given. Reference will be made to this table in succeeding experiments- TABLE SHOWING MKTEOROLOGICAL CONDITIONS APRIL 21 OCTOBER 13, 1889. For week ending Temperature. Mean humidity. i*-J8 = P l^ z . S P x_ e 3 3' B a B * n p 3 a. ft W "O SB jr ri W g 5'. -<"> 33 S- 3 w J s'pL April 21 73 74 78 9 88 5 7L 69 77 83 86 88 89 9 5 90 88 83 83 84 87 89 83 88 70 *3 74 82 33 28 28 47 46 35 33 45 46 48 5'-5 gj 50 54-5 54 5 49 5 5i 49 5 55 45 5 55 ?5 32 34 25 56 7 53-2 50.8 69.8 66 4 55 6 48.2 in 9 6 5 7 67 2 7i 5 72 9 75 6 72.4 71 8 68 8 67.9 673 69 i 73-3 66 69 52 3 54 9 58 8 50 8 58 4 59-1 59- 1 72 70.1 62.6 52 9 62 i 67 3 7i 7 72 76.3 Si 4 77 75-5 74 4 75 9 73 4 72 8 74.2 72 9 77 7 63 5 61 5 58 8 57 <> 71.8 69.2 61.5 72 7 72.1 79 4 88 82 8 83 9 81 9 79 i 77 3 82.7 83 789 7 8 2 77-8 82.2 79 3 7. 8 *4 i 82.5 78 6 83.4 79 7 68 7 o 54 .02 .OO -38 .OO 1.24 39 3 47 84 2-38 .00 .06 2-34 .78 2 66 .00 03 57 .00 . 10 i .20 .CO .00 I OO .44 05 28 May S . 12 10 26 June 2 . .... o . 61 672 70 6 72.6 77 7 79-3 74-5 74 4 72 9 73 70. i 72 7 74 7 69 9 70 6 58.8 57-7 55-J 53 ,6 2T, . 10 . Tulv 7 14 21 2 8 Aug. 4 II 18 25 . ... Sept. i 8 1C 22 29 Oct. 6 17 The following table gives the two principal meteorological conditions, agriculturally considered, for the years, 1887, 1888, and 1889. Unfortu- BULLETIN NO. 8. [Ft bruary, nately a strict comparison can not be made between 1889 and the two pre- ceding years because the figures for 1889 were taken from the Station record and those for 1887 and 1888 from the records of the Illinois Weather Service for central Illinois. The Station record begins Septem- ber i, 1888, and the Illinois Weather Service was discontinued at the end of 1888. TABLE SHOWING MEAN TEMPERATURE AND RAINFALL FOR 1887, 1888, TEMPERATURE FOR 10 YEARS, 1878 1887. >; AVERAGE Mean temperature, F. Rainfall, inches. Month. 1887.* 1888. f 1889 ^ Average 1878-87.* 1887.* 1888. f 18894 Average 1878 87.* May 67.9 73-6 80.4 75-2 66.4 59 4 7i 3 77 72.4 62.4 59-2 65-5 72.7 69.2 61.3 64.6 71 77-5 74-6 66.5 3.84 1 .62 1-65 2.56 3-68 684 5-75 5-34 3-H i 95 5-52 6.81 5.84 0.60 2-74 4-45 5 4 2-75 3 45 3-27 June lulv August September 72.7 68.5 65 .6 70.8 13-35 23.02 21.5. 18.96 *. Statistical Report, Illinois State Board of Agriculture, December, 1887. f . Monthly Weather Review of Illinois State Weather Service, December, 1888. |. Station record. CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OF A PORTION OF THE VARIETIES OF DENT CORN TESTED. The classification here attempted is an arbitrary one, based upon three obvious characteristics, the date of maturity, the color of the kernels, and the relative roughness of the ears. It is adopted that the corn raiser may find all those varieties possessing any particular combi- nation of these characters grouped together. If a medium maturing yel- low, rough variety, or an early maturing, white, smooth variety is desired, the varieties tested possessing these characteristics will be found grouped so that the searcher may easily determine which one of those described most nearly meets his wishes. The classification into early, medium, late, and non-maturing varie- ties, is, of course, for this latitude. It has been found in practice that what is an early maturing variety here becomes, when planted in the ex- treme northern portion of the state, a late maturing variety; and that varieties which mature readily in southern Illinois, often will not mature here. The classification in regard to maturity which follows is based upon the judgment of two and sometimes three seasons' tests, and indi- cates what may be expected in an average season. In the description and measurements, three specimen ears were used. The best of the type were always sought. If large ears were the special characteristic of a variety, large ears were sought. If a compact, medium sized ear, evenly rounded at butt and tip, was the type, ears possessing these characteristics were sought. The descriptions were made with a 1890] FIELD EXPERIMENTS WITH CORN, 1889. 221 view to their usefulness to those wishing to determine the relative merits of the different varieties. The purity, as indicated by conformity to a given type; the length and diameter of the ear; the size and color of cob; the relative roughness of ear; its shape, cylindrical, or more or less taper- ing; whether butt is evenly rounded, or compressed rounded, that is, be- coming distinctly smaller as it rounds over, or not rounded; shape of tip, whether filled or not filled; the difficulty in breaking the ear from the stalk, as indicated by the size of the ear stalk; the firmness of the kernel on the ear; the shape of the kernel, whether wedge-shaped, rectangular, or polygonal (five or more sides in outline); size (it may help the reader to know that an average sized dent kernel is f^-inch long and ^ inch wide); color; manner of denting, whether dimple or crease, whether, in the lat- ter case, the sides of the crease are pinched together, or whether there is more or less of a ragged projection from the chit side; the usual number of rows, their regularity and the quantity of space between them, are all of importance in forming a judgment of a variety and have received attention in the description. In addition some of the principal field results have been given. For a fuller statement of results see tables. In the description, as well as in the classification, the results of both seasons' work have been considered. The field results for 1889 only. For those of 1888, and 1887, the reader is referred to bulletin No. 4. The endeavor has been to bring together the results of the season's work in such a manner that each reader may form his own opinion of the value of the different varieties as indicated by this season's test. The suggestions made as to the relative merits are impresssions based upon two or three seasons' tests. Specimens having like characteristics, although bearing dissimilar names, have been grouped together. This grouping is tentative, and changes may be expected with succeeding tests. No special refinement is attemped in the grouping. It is intended merely to aid the practical corn raiser in selecting varieties for use. No description is given of the three flint varieties tested, which are of no general practical value in this state. Of the three varieties, the so- calkd self-husking is much the poorest. The habit of partially shedding its husks is a disadvantage, as the ears often drop to the ground. The much-advertised Brazilian flour corn, a soft variety, is utterly worth- less in this latitude, and the characteristics displayed in this season's test do not indicate that it will be found valuable forgeneral culture any where in the United States. Early maturing varieties are described on pages 222-225. Medium maturing varieties, on pages 225-231. Late maturing varieties, on pages 231-234. Non-maturing varieties, on pages 234-236. 222 BULLETIN NO. 8. [February, EARLY MATURING VARIETIES Kernels, yellow Ears, smooth. No. 13, Murdoch; seed grown on University farm. No. 14, Murdoch; seed grown by Wm. T. Lamb, Ridott, Stephenson Co., 111. Synonyms No. 12, Prairie queen; seed grown by Nathaniel Pease, Quincy, 111. No. sg Queen of the prairie; seed from Peter Henderson & Co., New York. Type, uniform. Ears, 7^ to 8^ in. long, 1.75 to 2.1 in. in diameter. Cobs, red, rather small, I to 1.3 in. in diameter. Ears, smooth, tapering; butt and tip, evenly rounded. Juncture, small, ^ in. in diameter. Kernels, firmly fixed; thick, perfectly wedge-shaped; 7-16 to % in. long, % to 5-16 in. wide; yellow above, orange below; long dimple-dented; tip kernels, not dented, Rows, usually 16 to 18, regular; no space be- tween; often compacted like the cells of honey-comb. An average of the four plats gave height of stalk, 9^ ft.; of ear, 4^ ft. The aver- age weight of 100 ears was 52 Ib. The yield per acre of shelled corn, as husked, was (good ears, 55; nubbins, 17) 85 bu., with 76 per cent, of a full stand, and of air-dry corn, 62 bu. There was 23 per cent, of water in the shelled corn and it required at that time 80 Ibi of ear corn to produce a bushel of thoroughly air dry corn. Excellent as an early variety for central Illinois, and for general culture in northern Illinois. No. 9, Golden rod; seed grown by E. Morris, Decatur, Van Buren Co., Mich. Type, moderately uniform. Ears, 8 to 9^ in. long, 2 to 2.3 in. in diameter. Cobs, usually red; medium, 1.2 to 1.4 in. Ears, smooth, tapering; butt, sometimes swollen, tip, filled. Juncture, medium, ^ to % in. in diameter. Kernels, wedge-shaped to nearly rectangular; 7-16 109-16 in. long, 5-16 to fa in. wide; yellow above, orange below; round to long dimple-dented, sometimes crease-dented. Rows, 14 to 20; some space between. The average height of stalk was 7^ ft; of ear, 2^ ft. One hundred ears weighed 45 Ib. The yield of shelled corn per acre, as husked, was (good ears, 38; nubbins, 29) 67 bu., with 79 per cent, of a full stand, and of air-dry corn, 56 bu. There was 25 per cent, of water in the shelled corn when husked, and, at that time, it took 82 Ib. of ear corn to make a bushel of thoroughly air-dry corn. No. jo, North star; seed from J. C. Vaughan, Chicago. Type, uniform. Ears, 6 to 7^ in. long, 1.6 to 2 in. in diameter. Cobs, red, rather small, I to 1.2 in. in diameter. Ears, smooth, tapering; butt and tip evenly rounded and filled. Juncture, small, ^ to ^ in. in diameter. Kernels, wedge-shaped; 7-16 to l / 2 in. long, % to 5-16 in. wide; yellow above, orange below, long dimple-dented. Rows, 16 to 18; space between, slight or none, The height of stalk was 8 ft.; of ear, 3% ft. One hundred ears weighed 43 Ib. The yield per acre of shelled corn, as husked, was (good ears, 54; nubbins, 14) 68 bu., with 93 per cent, of a full stand, and of air-dry corn 64 bu. There was 16 per cent of water in the shelled corn when husked, and, at that time, it took 70 Ib. of ear corn to make a bushel of thoroughly air-dry corn. A well-known and good extra early variety. No. 33, Wisconsin yellow dent; seed from J. C. Vaughan, Chicago. Type, uniform. Ears, 6^ to 7J^ in. long, 1.9 to 2.1 in. in diameter. Cobs, red, medium, i.i to 1.2 in. in diameter Ears, smoothish, tapering; butt and tip, evenly rounded and well filled. Juncture, small, ^ to l / 2 in. in diameter. Kernels, perfectly wedge-shaped; 7-16 to l / 2 in. long, % to 5-16 in. wide; yellow above, orange below; long dimple-dented, sometimes creased and slightly ragged. Rows, usually 18; space between, slight. The average height of stalk was 8 ft.; of ear, 3)^ ft. One hundred ears weighed 50 Ib. The yield per acre of shelled corn, as husked, was (good ears, 57; nubbins, II) 68 bu., with 87 per cent, of a full stand, and of air-dry corn 60 bu. There was 21.5 per 1890.] FIELD EXPERIMENTS WITH CORX, 1889. 223 cent, of water in the shelled corn, when husked, and, at that time, it took 77 Ib. of ear corn to make a bushel of thoroughly air-dry corn. A good early variety, but rather small for this latitude. No. 34, Woodworth's yellow dent; seed from J. C. Vaug'ian, Chicago. Type, somewhat variable. Ears, 9 to \o)4 in. long, 2 to 2.15 in. in diameter. Cobs, red, large, 1.3 to 1.4 in. in diameter. Ears, smooth, tapering; butt, enlarged, not well rounded; tip, blunt, not always rilled. Juncture, large, ^ to I in. long. Kernels, thick, rectangular; corners, rounding; % in. long, }/% in. wide; yellow above, orange below; long dimple dented; tip kernels, not dented. Rows, 16 to 18; space between rows, often considerable. The average height of stalk was 8 ft.; of ear, 3^ ft. One hundred ears weighed 57 Ib. The yield per acre of shelled corn, as husked, was (good ears, 70; nubbins, 15) 85 bu., with 84 per cent, of a full stand, and of air-dry corn, 76 bu. There was 21 per cent, of water in the shelled corn when husked, and, at that time, it took 81 Ib. of ear corn to make a bushel of thoroughly air dry corn. No. jj", Minnesota king; seed from Northrup, Braslan& Goodwin Co., Minneapolis. Type, uniform. Ears, 8 to 8^ in. long, 1.75 to 2 in. in diameter. Cobs, white, rel- atively large, I to 1.2 in. in diameter. Ears, smooth, tapering; butt, compressed; tip, blunt. Juncture, medium, ^ to ^ in. in diameter. Kernels, thick, polygonal, wider than long; ^ in. long, % in. wide; top, rou iding; light yellow above, orange below; shallow crease-dented. Rows, 8 to 10; space between, often very large. The average height of stalk was 6 ft.; of ear, i^ ft. One hundred ears weighed 38 Ib. The yield per acre of shelled corn, as husked, was (good ears, 42; nubbins, 8) 50 bu. with 67 per cent, of a full stand, and of air-dry corn 46 bu. There was 18 per cent, of water in the shelled corn when husked, and, at that time, it required 75 Ib. of ear corn to make a bushel of thoroughly air dry corn. A very early variety, but probable not desirable so far south as this state. No. j>9, Grange favorite; seed grown by Swanzey Bros., Ridott, Stephenson Co., 111. Synonym No. jS, Blakeivay; seed grown by H. Blakeway & Son, same place. Type, fairly uniform. Ears, 7 to 9 in. long, 2 to 2.4 in. in diameter. Cobs, red, rather large, 1.3 to 1.5 in. in diameter. Ears, smooth, nearly cylindrical; butt and tip evenly rounded, filled. Juncture, medium, ^ in. in diameter. Kernels, wedge-shaped to rectangular; y 2 in. long, 5 16 to y% in. wide; dimple- to create dented; yellow above, orange below. Rows, 18 to 22; space between, slight or none. An average of the two plats gave height of stalk, 9^ ft.; of ear, 4^ ft. One hun- dred ears weighed 69 Ib. The yield per acre of shelled corn, as husked, was (good ears, 77; nubbins, 18) 95 bu., with 84 per cent, of a full stand, and of air-dry corn, 81 bu. There was 24 per cent, of water in the shelled corn when husked, and, at that time, it took 84 Ib. of ear corn to make a bushel of thoroughly air-dry corn. Probably desirable in northern half of stale. EARLY MATURING VARIETIES A ernels, yellow Ears, rough. No. I, Edmonds; seed grown by H. P. Edmonds, Taylor, Ogle Co., 111. Synonym No. 27, Kane Co. pride; seed grown by R. Shedden, Pingree Grove, Kane Co., 111. Type, uniform. Ears, 7 to 8 in. long, 2 to 2. 2 in. in diameter. Cobs, red, medium, I to 1.3 in. in diameter. Ears, very rough, almost cylindrical; butt and tip, well rounded and filled. Juncture, small, ^ to f in. in diameter. Kernels, narrowly wedge shaped; 9 16 to 11-16 in. long, j^ to 5-16 in. wide; yellow above, orange below; crease dented, pinched and ragged. Rows, 16 to 24; space between slight. An average of the two plats gave height of stalk, 8^ ft. ; of ear, 3% ft. One hun- dred ears weighed 57 Ib. The yield per acre of shelled corn, as husked, was (good ears, 224 BULLETIN NO. 8. \_February, 60; nubbins, 24) 84 bu., with 79 per cent, of a full stand, and of air dry corn, 72 bu. There was 23 per cent, of water in shelled corn, when husked, and, at that time, it took 7? Ib. of ear corn to make a bushel of thoroughly air dry corn. This variety is to be recommended for general culture in northern, and as an early variety for central Illinois. Some will consider its roughness objectionable. No. 28, King of the earliest; seed grown by A. L. Goddard, W.iucomi, la. Type, uniform. Ears, 7 to 7^ in. long, 1.9 to 2.1 in. in diameter. Cobs, red, small, .910 i.i in. in diameter. Ears, rough, tapering rather strongly; butt, rounded; tip, rather pointed, not always filled. Juncture, very small, y% to y z in. in diameter. Ker- nels, wedge-shaped; $ in. long, 5-16 in. wide; yellow above, orange below; crease-dented, ragged. Rows, 14 to 20; space between, slight. The height of stalk was 6^ ft. ; of ear, 2^ ft. One hundred ears weighed 37 Ib. The yield per acre of shelled corn, as husked, was (good ears, 41; nubbins, 19) 60 bu., with 91 per cent, of a full stand, and of air-dry corn, 57 bu. There was 16 per cent, of water in the shelled corn when husked, and at that time, it took 67 Ib. of ear corn to make a bushel of thoroughly air-dry corn. There was less of cob to corn in this variety than in any other tested. To be recommended as an early variety in the extreme northern portion of the state. No. jf, Pride of the north; seed from G. S. Haskell, Rockford, 111. No. 32, Pride of the north;, seed from W. W. Barnard & Co , Chicago. Type, uniform. Ears, 6^ to 8 in. long, 2 in. in diameter. Cobs, red, small, I in. in diameter. Ears, rough, tapering; butt and tip, rounded and filled. Juncture, small, ^ in. in diameter. Kernels, broadly wedge-shaped; corners, slightly rounded; ^ in. long, ^i in. wide; yellow above, orange below; crease-dented, pinched. Rows, 14 to 18; some space between. The average of the two plats gave height of stalk, 8 ft.; of ear, 4 ft. One hundred ears weighed 49 Ib. The yield per acre of shelled corn, as husked, was (good ears, 59> nubbins, 9) 66 bu., with 76 per cent, of a full stand, and of air dry corn, 60 bu. There was 20 per cent, of water in the shelled corn, when husked, and, at that time, it took 75 Ib. of ear corn to make a bushel of thoroughly air-dry corn. EARLY MATURING VARIETIES Kernels, white Ears, smooth. No. 20, Princeton; seed grown by Wm. T. Lamb, Ridott, Stephenson Co., 111. Type, uniform. Ears, 7^ to 8*4 in. long, 1.9 to 2.2 in. in diameter. Cobs, red or white, I to 1.4 in. in diameter. Ears, smooth, very compact, tapering; butt, compressed rounded; tip, blunt, filled'. Juncture, small, _J^ to $ in. in diameter. Kernels, thick, wedge-shaped; % to ^ in. long, % to 5-16 in. wide; white above, white to orange be- low; round to long dimple-dented. Rows, generally regular, 16 to 20; no space between. The average height of stalk was 8^ ft-', of ear, 3^ ft. One hundred ears weighed 44 Ib. The yield per acre of shelled corn, as husked, was (good ears, 41.5; nubbins, '5-5) 57 DU -> w ' tn 73 P er cent, of a full stand, and of air-dry corn, 51 bu. There was 21 per cent, of water in the shelled corn, when husked, and, at that time, it took 75 Ib. of ear corn to make a bushel of thoroughly air-dry corn. No. 59, White cap; seed grown by C. Leete & Son, Moorheadville, Pa. Type, uniform. Ears, 7 to 9 in. long, 2.1 to 2.3 in. in diameter, Cobs, red, large, 1.35 to 1.45 in. in diameter. Ears, smooth, tapering; butt, slightly rounded; tip, blunt, fairly filled. Juncture, large, ^ to I in. in diameter. Kernels, thick, wedge-shaped to rectanguler; l / 2 to 9-16 in. long, 5-16 to 7-16 in. wide; white above, white to orange, usu- ally the latter, below; long dimple-dented. Rows, 16 to 22; no space between. The average height of stalk was 7^ ft.; of ear, 2} feet. One hundred ears weighed 48 Ib. The yield per acre of shelled corn, as husked, was (good ears, 55; nubbins, 15) 1890.] FIELD EXPERIMENTS WITH CORN, 1889. 225 70 bu., with 78 per cent, of a full stand, and of air dry corn, 64 bu. There was 19 per cent, of water in the shelled corn, when husked, and, at that time, it took 74 Ibs. of ear corn to make a bushel of thoroughly air dry corn. EARLY MATURING VARIETIES Kernels, white Ears, rough. No. 23, Champion of the north; seed grown by the Station. Ears, 7 to S)4 in. long. 1-9 to 2.1 in. in diameter. Cobs, white, small, 1. 1 to 1.3 in. in diameter. Ears, rough, nearly cylindrical; butt and tip evenly rounded, and espe- cially well rilled. Juncture, small, ^ in. in diameter. Kernels, wedge-shaped; ^ in. long, 21 in. wide; white, crease-dented, pinched, ragged. Rows, 14 to 18; no space between. The average height of stalks was 8 ft.; of ears, 4 ft. One hundred ears weighed 49 Ib. The yield per acre of shelled corn, as husked, was (good ears, 56; nubbins, 16) 72 bu., with 77 per cent, of a full stand, and of air dry corn, 63 bu. There was 22 per cent, of water in the shelled corn, when husked, and, at that time, it took 77 Ib. of ear corn to make a bushel of thoroughly air dry corn. Last year this variety was classed as a smooth variety; but this season it was distinctly rough. A good early variety for the extreme northern part of the state. Almost too early, and hence too small, for this latitude. No. 60. Wisconsin white dent; seed from J. C. Vaughan, Chicago. Type, uniform. Ears, 8 to 8% in. long, 2.1 to 2.25 in. in diameter. Cobs, white, rather large, 1.3 to 1.4 in. in diameter. Ears, rough, tapering; butt, sometimes slightly swollen; tip, blunt, filled. Juncture, large, % to I in. in diameter. Kernels, wedge- shaped; ^ in. long, y% in. wide; white above, white to orange below: crease-dented, pinched, ragged. Rows, 16 to 18; no space between. The average height of stalk was 7^ ft.; of ear, 2^ ft. One hundred ears weighed 55 Ib. The yield per acre of shelled corn, as husked, was (good ears, 55.4; nubbins, 19.1) 74.5 bu., with 80 per cent, of a full stand, and of air-dry corn, 65 bu. There was 21 per cent, of water in the shelled corn, when husked, and, at that time, it took 79 Ib. of ear corn to make a bushel of thoroughly air-dry corn. A promising early variety for Central Illinois and probably good for general culture in northern Illinois. EARLY MATURING VARIETIES Kernels, colored, not yellow Ears, rough. A T o. / C P C PI 2 c cr cr en $ E. 4 10 16 26 48 53 44 45 46 47 University 82 80 80 82 78 8 4 70 74 77 80 9-75 9 9 9-5 10 9-5 9 25 9 75 9 75 4-5 4 4.25 4 4-75 4-5 3 4 4-5 4-25 61 65 61 73 74 70 7i 77 74 82 25.2 27.6 24-3 24.9 25-3 25 26.7 26 5 26.7 26.4 82 88 83 83 8l 84 87 86 86 86 68 54 74 83 72 89 69 81 77 95 25 28 18 20 2 9 18 H 14 10 18 93 82 9 2 103 IOI 1 06 83 9 l 96 "3 77 67 78 87 84 9 68 78 79 93 Hallock Wilson Dep't of Agriculture . ... E. E. Chester Average 79 9.25 4.251 71 25-9 85 1 76 20 96 80 A well known and deservedly popular variety. No. 5, Clark's Iroquois; seed grown by H. H. Clark, Onarga, Iroquois, Co., 111. Type, somewhat variable. Ears, 8 to 9 in. long, 2.2 to 2.4 in. in diameter. Cobs, red, rather large, 1.3 to 1.4 in. in diameter. Ears, rather smooth, tapering, sometimes strongly in tip fourth; butt, well rounded, sometimes slightly swollen; tip, variable, but fairly well filled. Juncture, medium, % to % in. in diameter. Kernels, narrowly wedge- shaped; ^j to 11-16 in. long, ]^ to 5-16 in. wide; yellow above, deep orange below; crease-dented. Rows, sometimes irregular, 20 to 24; space between, slight. The average height of stalk was 9^ ft-; of ear, 4^ ft. One hundred ears weighed 61 Ib. The yield per acre of shelled corn, as husked, was (good ears, 62.2; nubbins, 36.3) 98.5 bu., with 86 per cent, of a full stand, and of air-dry corn, 82 bu. There was 26 per 1890.] FIELD EXPERIMENTS WITH CORN, 1889. 227 cent, of water in the shelled corn, when husked, and, at that time, it took 84 Ib. of ear corn to make a bushel of thoroughly air dry corn. This variety yielded the most of any of the varieties on tract (-/). It may be strongly recommended for general culture in central Illinois. Many ears closeiy resemble Learning. A r o. 4g, Seeknofurther ; seed grown by G. W. Hartsock, Gifford, Champaign Co , 111. Type, variable. Ears. 8^ to 9^ in. long, 2 to 2.2 in. in diameter. Cobs, red, medium, i.i to 1.4 in. in diameter. Ears, smooth, slightly tapering; butt, rounded; tip, blunt, not always well filled. Juncture, variable, % to % in. in diameter. Kernels, thick- ish, nearly rectangular; ^ to fa in. long, ^ in. wide; yellow above, deep orange or red- dish below; long dimple-dented. Rows, 14 to 18; space between, considerable. Tne average height of stalk was 9^ ft ; of ear, 4% ft. One hundred ears weighed 68 Ib. The yield per acre of shelled corn, as husked, was (good ears, 81.5; nubbins, 13.5) 95 bu., with 90 per cent, of a full stand, and of air-dry corn, 81 bu. There was 25 per cent, of water in the shelled corn, when husked, and, at that time, it took 82 Ib. of ear corn to make a bushel of thoroughly air-dry corn. In many respects like Learning generally more variable. No. 41, Fisk; seed grown by Eli Fisk, Havana, Mason Co., 111. Type, uniform. Ears, 8)4 to io/^ i n - long. 2.2 to 2.3 in. in diameter. Cobs, red, medium, 1.2 to 1.3 in. in diameter. Ears, smooth, nearly cylindrical; butt and tip, evenly rounded; latter, especially well rilled. Juncture, medium, ^4 in. in diameter. Kernels, broadly wedge-shaped; j^ to j^s in. long, fy to 7 16 in. wide; yellow above, orange below; long dimple-dented. Rows, 14 to 18; space between, slight. The average height of stalk was 9^ ft.; of ear, 4^ ft. One hundred ears weighed 66 Ib. The yield per acre of shelled corn, rs husked, was (good ears, 84; nubbins, 14) 98 bu., with 94 percent, of a full stand, and of air-dry corn, 80 bu. There was 28 percent, of water in the shelled corn, when husked, and, at that time, it took 88 Ib. of ear corn to make a bushel of thoroughly air-dry corn. Probably desirable on this latitude and further south. No. 40, Ridott pride; seed grown by J. E. Taggart, Ridott, S'.ephenson, Co., 111. Type, variable. Ears, 8 to 9^ in. long, 2.2 to 2.5 in. in diameter. Cobs, red, large, 1.3 to 1. 4 in. in diameter. Ears, smooth, tapering rather strongly; butt, enlarged, not well rounded; tip, rather pointed, fairly well rilled. Juncture large, ^ to I in. in diam- eter. Kernels, wedge shaped; ^ in. long, 5-16 to ^g in. wide; long dimple dented; tip kernels, not dented; yellow above, orange below. Rows, 18 to 20; space between, slight or none. The average height of stalk was 9% ft.; of ear, 4^ ft. One hundred ears weighed 59 Ib. The yield per acre of shelled corn, as husked, was (good ears, 67; nubbins, 20) 87 bu., with 75 per cent, of a full stand, and of air-dry corn, 71 bu. There was 27 per cent, of water in the shelled corn, when husked, and, at that time, it took 87 Ib. of ear corn to make a bushel of thoroughly air- dry corn. No. 43, Smedley; seed from W. W. Barnard & Co., Chicago. Type, very variable. Ears, 8^ to 9^ in. long, 2.2 to 2.5 in. in diameter. Cobs, rather large, red, 1.3 to 1.4 in. in diameter. Ears, smoothish, nearly cylindrical; butt, compressed; tip, variable, often not well filled. Juncture, large, i in. in diameter. Kernels, broadly wedge-shaped; fy in. long, ^ in. wide; yellow above, orange below; crease-dented. Rows, 16 to 18; some space between. The height of stalk was 8j^ ft. ; of ear, 4 ft. One hundred ears weighed 66 Ib. The yield per acre of shelled corn, as husked, was (good ears, 67.5; nubbins, 20)87.5 bu., with 70 per cent, of a full stand, and of air dry corn, 74 bu. There was 25 per cent, of water in the shelled corn, when husked, and, at that time, it took 83 Ib. of ear corn to make a bushel of thoroughly air dry corn. 228 BULLETIN NO. S. \_February, No. 52, Arleus; seed from Samuel Wilson, Mechanicsville, Pa. Type, very variable. Ears, 8)4 to 9^ in. long, 2 to 2.4 in. wide. Cobs, red, rather large, I 2 to 1.5 in. in diameter. Ears, smooth, tapering; butt, compressed; tip, fairly well filled. Juncture, medium, y% in. in diameter. Kernels, rather thick, rectangular; % to ^ in long, 5-16 to y% in. wide; yellow above, orange below; long dimple-dented. Rows, somewhat irregular, 14 to 18; space between, considerable. The average height of stalk was 8^ ft.; of ear, 4^ ft. One hundred ears weighed 68 Ib. The yield per acre of shelled corn, as husked, was (good ears, 69; nubbins, 12} 8l bu., with 67 per cent, of a full stand, and of air-dry corn, 68 bu. There was 25 per cent, of water in the shelled corn, when husked, and at that time it took 83 Ib. of ear corn to make a bushel of thoroughly air-dry corn. No. jj 1 , Paulin dent; seed grown by J. K. Paulin, Tuscola, Douglas Co., 111. Type, very variable. Ears, 10 to II in. long, 2.1 to 2.3 in. in diameter. Cobs, red, rather large, 1.3 to I 4 in. in diameter. Ears, smoothish, tapering; butt, compressed; tip, not filled. Juncture, rather small, ^ to % in in diameter. Kernels, thiokish, rect- angular; corners, rounding; ^ in. long, 5-16 to y% in. wide; white to yellow above, bright orange to pink below; dimple-dented, sometimes slightly ragged. Rows, somewhat irregular, 16 to 18, space between, considerable. The average height of stalk was 9^ ft.; of ear, 4^ ft. One hundred ears weighed 69 Ib. The }ield per acre of shelled corn, as husked, was (good ears, 89; nubbins, 18 5) 107.5 bu., with 72 per cent, of a full stand, and of air-dry corn, 87 bu. There was 28 per cent, of water in the shelled corn, when husked, and, at that time, it took 88 Ib. of ear corn to make a bushel of thoroughly air dry corn. This variety has been produced by mixing several varieties. MEDIUM MATURING VARIETIES Kernels, yellow Ears, rough. No. 6, Hague 1 s yellow dent; seed grown by R. Hogue, Crete, Neb. Type, fairly uniform. Ears, 8^ to 10 in. long, 2.2 to 2.4 in. in diameter. Cobs, usually red, large, 1.2 to 1.5 in. in diameter. Ears, rough, slightly tapering; butt, com- pressed rounded; tip, blunt, only fairly filled. Juncture, rather large, y% in. in diameter. Kernels, broadly wedge-shaped; ^ to 11-16 in. long, 5-16 to y% in. wide; crease-dented, somewhat pinched and ragged; yellow above, orange below. Rows, 16 to 22, less towards tip; space between, slight. The average height of stalk was lo^ ft.; of ear, 4|^ ft. The average weight of one hundred ears, 62 Ib. The yield per acre of shelled corn, as husked, was (good ears, 51; nubbins, 25) 76 bu., with 68 per cent, of a full stand, and of air-dry corn, 60 bu. There was 29 5 per cent, of water in the shelled corn, when husked, and, at that time, it took 91 Ib. of ear corn to produce a bushel of thoroughly air dry corn. No. u, Riley'' s favorite ; seed grown by J. Riley, Thorntown, Ind. Type, uniform. Ears, 8 to 9 in. long, 2.2 to 2 4 in. in diameter. Cobs, red, medium, 1.2 to 1.4 in. in diameter. Ears, rough, nearly cylindrical; butt and tip, well rounded, and especially well filled. Juncture, medium, ^ to ^ in. in diameter. Kernels, narrowly wedge shaped; ^ in long, ^ to 5 16 in. wide; light yellow above, orange below; crease- dented, pinched, and ragged. Rows, 16 to 22; space between, slight. The average height of stalk was 10 ft.; of ear, 4^ ft. One hundred ears weighed 62 Ib. The yield per acre of shelled corn, as husked, was (good ears, 53; nubbing 26) 79 bu., with 84 per cent, of a full stand, and of air-dry corn, 66 bu. There was 26 per cent, of water in the shelled corn, when husked, and, at that time, it took 84 Ib. of ear corn to make a bushel of thoroughly air-dry corn. This variety may be recommended for general culture in central Illinois. No. fj, Champaign; grown on the University farms. Type, variable. Ears, 8 to 9 in. long, 2 to 2. 4 in. in diameter. Cobs, red, medium, i.i to 1.3 in. in diameter. Ears, rough, sometimes smooth, slightly tapering; butt and 1890.] FIELD EXPERIMENTS WITH CORN, 1889. 229 tip, evenly rounded, well filled. Juncture, ^ to ^ in. in diameter. Kernels, wedge- shaped; ^ to ^ in. long, 5-16 in. wide; light yellow above, yellow to orange below; crease-dented, usually pinched and somewhat ragged. Rows 14 to 18; space between, slight. The average height of stalk was 9 ft. ; of ear, 4^ feet. One hundred ears weighed 58 Ib. The yield per acre of shelled corn, as husked, was (good ears, 72 5; nubbins, 23) 95.5 bu. with 85 percent, of a full stand, and of air dry corn, 78 bu. There was 27 per cent, of water in the shelled corn when husked, and, at that time, it took 85 Ib. of ear corn to make a bushel of thoroughly air-dry corn. A good variety for central Illinois. No. 43, Log cabin; seed grown by C. N. Butts, Knoxville, Knox Co., 111. Type, variable. Ears. 9 to 10% in. long, 2.1 to 2.5 in. in diameter. Cobs, red, large, 1.4 to 1.5 in. in diameter. Ears, roughish, nearly cylindrical; butt, compressed, tip. blunt, not filled. Junctuie, large, i in. in diameter. Kernels, wedge-shaped; fy in. long, 5-16 to 7-16 in. wide; yellow above, orange below; crease-dented; pinched, some- times ragged. Rows, 16 to 20, usually the latter; space between, slight. The average height of stalk was 9^ ft; of ear, 4^ ft. One hundred ears weighed 82 Ib. The yield per acre of shelled corn, as husked, was (good ears, 71; nubbins, 14 )85 bu., with 69 per cent, of a full stand, and of air-dry corn, 67 bu. There was 29.5 per cent, of water in the shelled corn when husked, and, at that time, it took 96 Ib. of ear corn to make a bushel of thoroughly air-dry corn. ,V, 25) 104. bu., with 95 per cent, of a full stand, and air dry corn, 93 bu. There were 22.5 per cent, of water in the shelled corn when husked, and, at that t'tmi, it took 75 Ib. of ear corn to make a bushel of thoroughly air-dry corn. A desirable variety for central Illinois. MEDIUM MATURING VARIETIES Kernels, colored, not yellow Ears, smooth. No. j6, Bloody butcher; seed grown by E. E. Chester, Champaign, 111. Type, somewhat variable. Ears, 8^ to 9^ in. lo.ig, 1.75 to 2.1 in. in diameter. Cobs, white, usually small, I to 1.35 in. in diameter. Ears, smooth tapering; butt, com- pressed; tip, pointed and filled. Juncture, small, % to ^ in. in diameter. Kernels, thick, rectanguler; ]/^ in. long, ^ to 7-16 in. in diameter; yellow, surrounded with red above, light to dark red below; long dimple-dented. Rows, 12 to 16, usually 12; space between, rather large. The average height of stalk was 9 ft.; of ear, 3^ ft. The weight of on2 hundred ears was 58 Ib. The yield per acre of shelled corn, as husked, was (good ears, 804; nubbins, 18. i) 98.5 bu., with 84 per cent, of a full stand, and of air-dry corn, 86 bu. There was 23 per cent, of water in the shelled corn, when husked, and, at that time, it took 79 Ib. of ear corn to make a bushel of thoroughly air-dry corn. No. 78, Calico; seed from J. C. Vaughan, Chicago. Type fairly uniform, except color. Ears, 8 tog in. long, 2.1 to 2.4 in. in diameter. Cobs, red or white, large, 1.3 to 1.5 in. in diameter. Ears, smooth, nearly cylindrical; butt, well rounded; tip, blunt, not filled. Juncture, large, |^ to I in. in diameter. Ker- nels, wedge shaped, thick; ^ in long, ^ in. w.de; long dimple-dented; ground color, white to yellow; striped lengthwise with red; some kernels solid red, others white. Rows, 16 to 20; space between, slight. The average height of stalk was 8^ ft ; of ear, 4 ft. One hundred ears weighed 57 Ib. The yield per acre of shelled corn, as husked, was (good ears, 66; nubbins, 22) 88 bu., with 77 per cent, of a full stand. There was 19 per cent, of water in the shelled corn, when husked, and, at that time, it took 77 Ib. of ear corn to make a bushel of thoroughly air-dry corn. 1890.] FIELD EPXERIMENTS WITH CORN, 1889. 2JI No. 79, Cranberry; seed from J. C. Vaughan, Chicago. Type, fairly uniform, except color. Exrs, "]% to 8^ in. long, 2.1 to 2.2 in. in diam- eter. Cobs, red or white, small, i.i to 1.2 in. in diameter. Ears, rather smooth, tapering; butt, not rounded; tip, blunt, filled. Juncture, medium, ^ in. in diameter. Kernels, narrowly wedge-shaped; 9 16 in. long, 5-i6inwide; dimple-dented; groundcolor, white, but the top half of the kernel, peculiarly covered with pink in varying quantities and shades, producing handsome effect. Rows, 16 to 18; considerable space between. The average height of stalk was 10^ ft.; of ear, 5^ ft. One hundred ears weighed 58 Ib. The yield per acre of shelled corn, as husked, was (good ears, 76.5; nubbins, 36.5) 113 bu., with 84 per cent, of a full stand, and of air-dry corn, 85 bu. There was 27 per cent, of water in the shelled corn, when husked, and, at that time, it took 83 Ib. of ear corn to make a bushel of thoroughly air-dry corn. MEDIUM MATURING VARIETIES Kernels, colored, not yellow Ears, rough. No. 17, Lake's mixed dent; seed grown by H. T. Laps, Roseville, Warren Co. Type, variable. Ears, 8 to ioy 2 in. long, 2.1 to 2.5 in. in diameter. Cobs, red, large, i.i to 1.5 in. in diameter. Ears, rough, distinctly tapering; butt, often swollen; tip, pointed, usually filled. Juncture, large, ^ to I in. in diameter. Kernels, wedge- shaped; li in. long, Y% in. wide; yellow to red above, orange to red below, crease - dented, pinched and ragged. Rows, fairly regular, 16 to 18; some space between. The average height of stalk was 9^ ft.; of ear, 5 ft. One hundred cars weighed 66 Ib. The yield per acre of shelled corn, as husked, was (good ears, 64; nubbins, 25) 89 bu., with 76 per cent, of a full stand, and of air dry corn, 73 bu. There was 27 percent, of water in the shelled corn, when husked, and, at that time, it took 86 Ib. of ear corn to make a bushel of thoroughly air- dry corn. This was classed in 1888 as smooth, but as grown this season it was distinctly rough. No. 77, Calico; seed grown by E. E. Chester, Champaign, III. Type, uniform, except color. Ears, 8 to 9 in. long; 2.1 to 24 in. in diameter. Cobs, red, medium, 1.3 in. in diameter. Ears, roughish, sometimes smooth; butt and tip, evenly rounded. Juncture, medium, $ to % in. in diameter. Kernels, wedge-shaped; YZ to ^ in. long, ^ to 7-16 in. wide; crease-dented, sometimes ragged; ground color yel- low to white; striped lengthwise with red; some ears solid red. Rows, 16 to 20; space between, slight. The average height of stalk was 9 ft; of ear, 4^ feet. The weight of one hundred ears was 58 Ib. The yield per acre of shelled corn, as husked, was good ears, 70; nub- bins, 24) 94 bu., with 8( per cent, of a full stand, and of air dry corn, 83 bu. There was 21 per cent, of water in the shelled corn, when husked, and, at that time, it took 77 Ib. of ear corn to make a bushel of thoroughly air dry corn. LATE MATURING VARIETIES Kernels, yellow Ears smooth. No. 7, Improved orange pride; seid grown by J. H. McConnell, Rigdon, Grant Co., Ind. Type, fairly uniform. Ears, 8^ to 10^ in. long, 2.1 to 2.3 in. in diameter. Cobs, red, medium, 1.2 to 1.4 in. in diameter. Ears, rather smx>th; sometimes roughish, nearly cylindrical; butt, not rounded; tip, pointed, fairly filled. Juncture, medium, ^ in. in diameter. Kernels, thick, wedge-shaped; 9-16 to ^j in. long, and Y% in. wide; yellow above, orange below; crease-dented, pinched. Rows, 14 to 18; space between, slight. The average height of stalk was 10%" feet; of ear, 5 ft. One hundred ears weighed 60 Ib. The yield per acre of shelled corn, as husked, was (good ears, 56; nubbins, 21) 77 bu., with 76 per cent, of a full stand, and of air-dry corn, 55 bu. There was 36 per cent, of water in the shelled corn when husked, and at that time, it took 102 Ib. of ear corn to make a bushel of thoroughly air-dry corn. Probably worthy of a trial in southern central and southern Illinois. 232 BULLETIN NO. 8. \_February ', No. j, Howard's improved yellow; seed grown by H. Howard, Marshall, Saline Co., Mo. Type, somewhat variable. Ears, 9^ to II in. long, 2.1 to 2.5 in. in diameter. Cobs, red, medium to large, 1.2 to 1.4 in. in diameter. Ears, rather smooth, cylindrical; butt, compressed, sometimes not well covered; tip, blunt, not filled. Juncture, large, I in. in diameter. Kernels, rectangular to broadly wedge-shaped; ]/^ to 9-16 in. long. ^ to y% in. wide; light yellow above, yellow toorange below; crease-dented, sometimes pinched. Rows, 14 to 16; space between, slight. The average height of stalk was 10 ft.; of ear, 4^ ft. One hundred ears weighed 75 lb. The yield per acre of shelled corn, as husked, was (good ears, 67; nubbins, 25) 92 bu., with 75 per cent, of a full stand, and of air dry corn, 64 bu. There was 38.5 per cent, of water in the shelled corn when husked, and, at that time, it took 109 Ib. of ear corn to make a bushel of thoroughly air dry corn. This variety is too late for general culture in this latitude. Xo. 36, Feeders' 1 favorite; seed grown by H. and L. K. Seymour, Payson, Adams Co. Type, fairly uniform. Ears, 8^ to 10^ in. long, 2.1 to 2.3 in. in diameter. Cobs, red, small to medium, i.i to 1.3 in. in diameter. Ears, rather smooth, cylindrical; butt, compressed; tip, blunt, generally well filled. Juncture, medium, ^ to % in. in diameter. Kernels, rather thin, wedge-shaped; ft in. long, 5-16 to ^ in. wide; light yellow above, orange below; crease-dented, sometimes pinched. Rows, 14 to 20; some space between. The average height of stalk was 10 ft.; of ears, 4^ ft. One hundred ears weighed 71 Ib. The yield per acre of shelled corn, as husked, was (good ears, 78 9; nubbins, 23.6) 102.5 bu., with 84 per cent, of a full stand, and of air-dry corn, 77 bu. There was 33 per cent, of water in the shelled corn, when husked, and, at that time, it took 94 Ib. of ear corn to make a bushel of thoroughly air-dry corn. No. 85, Swengel corn; seed grown by Swengel Bros., Neoga, Cumberland Co. Type, fairly uniform. Ears, 10 to n)4 in- long, 2 to 2.2 in. in diameter. Cobs, red, medium, i.i to 1.4 in. in diameter. Ears, rather smooth, cylindrical; butt, compressed; tip, filled. Kernels, thick, broadly wedge shaped; 9-16 to $$ in. long, 7-16 in. wide; light yellow above, yellow to orange below; crease-dented. Rows, 12 to 16; space be- tween, slight. The average height of stalk was n^ ft. ; of ear, 5j^ ft. One hundred ears weighed 74 Ib. The yield per acre of shelled corn, as husked, was (good ears, 95; nubbins, 22) 117 bu., with 85 per cent, of a full stand, and of air-dry corn, 79 bu. There was 39 per cent, of water in the shelled corn, when husked, and, at that time, it took 109 Ib. of ear corn to make a bushel of shelled corn. Apparently desirable for south-central and southern Illinois. .Yo. 37, Chester Co. early dent; seed from Samuel Wilson, Mechanicsville, Pa. Synonym No. j6, Claudes eariy; seed from I. V. Faust, Philadelphia, Pa. Type, uniform. Ears, 9 to 10 in. long, 2.3 to 2.6 in. in diameter. Cobs, red, large, 1.3 to 1.5 in diameter. Ears, generally smooth, although not unfrequently rough, strongly tapering; butt, not rounded: tip, rather pointed, well filled. Juncture, large, % to I in. in diameter. Kernels, wedge shaped; $ to Ii-l6in. long, ^ in. wide; usually shallow crease-dented, but sometimes ragged; very light yellow to white above, yellow to orange below. Rows, regular; no space between: often compacted like the cells of a honey-comb. An average of the two plats gave height of stalk, 9 ft.; of ear, 3^ ft. The average \veightof one hundred ears was 86 Ib., the ears of No. 37 being much larger than those of No. 36. The yield per acre of shelled corn, as husked, was (good ears, 74; nubbins, 18) 92 bu., with 60 per cent, of a full stand, and of air-dry corn, 77 bu. There was 30 per cent, of water in the shelled corn, when husked, and at that time, it required 93 Ib. of ear corn to produce a bushel of thoroughly air-dry corn. 1890.] FIELD EXPERIMENTS WITH CORN, 1889. 233 LATE MATURING VARIETIES Kernels, yellow Ears, rough. No. :3- OO OO vo O OO CO to O ro 00 CNOO CJN ON tA. r~- O O .OOOOOOOO 000000 f^OO ON Ears. volOvovo(C toto iCvo JCvoCN? 10 vo to TJ- fO 10 to *} fO^n-TfTj-rHoiONTj-n-THo^-^Tl- Stalks, ffi tC K^^tCtOtO J?K t^ vo ON ON to to t^ CM o\od o oo ON ONO ON ONO -t-ONO ON ONO ON ON Per cent, of barren stalks. co- OOOO--O-OOOOOO O O O <0- ^ Sept. 9-12. ICoo t^oo oo vo -^oo t^oo r^oo oo o co^oo ro ro O CM t^. OO t^OO ON t^ t^-OO ON^ONONOO ONONX)Ot--NOvO rooo 00 O t^ * - May 25. ON-*roONO*-i^-^OOThrot^t-0 O 00 vO - TJ- O ro Per cent, germinating in Geneva apparatus. 80 -N .OOOONOOOOOQN O O^ * O O O O O^> s1 O O^ O O^ 00 00 ON ON 88 : : : r , ... fO ""> N vO vO OO COCMvCOOCMNNOOvO Page Of description. CMCMcONNNCOroCMNCMCMNCMCMCM to ON ^ CO to vo CM N CO CO CM CM CM CM N CM o So V : : : =3 : : : o ^ = "g : = : g Is = : :=a ' Roseville, 111 Champaign, 1 C _; Z3 C ^.111 USiOU jl i o ... o ^ : : g " : : ^ ^ : g g ' g ' .5 W , ^ ' U ti/lg X r; ' >^'g ' j_j 'M " _. ^ . . 'S . . ,'s^ 1 ^'c ^'s \ ^^c >-^- .r~Nc 1 M ,ia .jj S2 f S 9 "c u p rt '''''''' 5 = : : s S -^ 1 : I : - * ^ : > JSC^^ci'^'i^sP^^G "V^'r 1 ^ 'O g g r' r^g^Q^Si-tl]^^^^!). ^-^pJc3^ 4 g ^ * ' 01 v 5 tn - i ^ "w "5 t* > 6^5 c I-! -72 i 6 S : ^ c ' g ^ s - ^s a ^ -^ c s " 4 It o -2 2 i 4-1 JA ^ 'fx, pq pu U S U No. of plat. W fi *J" voO t^OO ON O N fi ^" ioO r-~oo ON O N CO CM CNl CM N 1890.] FIELD EXPERIMENTS WITH CORN, 1889. 2 39 ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON O O ON ON ON O s O ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON cTo~b o. N N (s o S r-. r- r~oo r^ t^ar oo r-. c^oo ocococaooooboooo t^y- ooooooocooocooooooob ON SC O O ui " . i/" N in u-> M w , 10 in N N Wi *O u"j in N tt Ct ?4 C4 N f4 N lO N M N O H O C* O O Q i 7 T i t i i i i- ii i * > ~ r i- i ! i i i i i i i '-i i -i t^ rr; LT-QC >J~i J".X: i 1 ^- r) r^.QO N r ^- '^.dO l ^"> 10 r-x; N t^ 10 to t*^ fi N t^.OO OC N * . Tf ^rOf^f^^^f^Tf^n-^cOTl-TffO^^Tf-rJ-r'N. rJ-Tj-^rfTH'imm^ro iO c*i w t r*"> - * r^* oc {S ro N Xi (S OO N OO CH to rf CJ OO r*^OO NO t-O^~ OOrfO^" ^~ ^o O O^ O ^ ONoVmON^S oJ? t^ . 1-, t^-O vO O O r- t^ t^O t^ t^ t t^vd 1^ 1^0 ^ t^ : N < 5 i cfo?oo'' 1 SoNONj?^oo ^^{CiC^^-^o'vo mSTm "o ^ ^Tm ^ JN?O~C o " t^ t^mmmt^r--. mmm m in in in in in m in in in in in in in m in in in in in in in ON O OOO O ONOO t^OO 00 X O ON O-OO O ON (JNOO ONOO ON ON ON O ON ON ONOO ONONONO ONON O f^Tj-t^NoO Q r^-mTfO ON NOO t^OO X> vO -O "-.C>0 SO r^ ON t^vO t =8 vO rOTfN N 'tTTCNi ri5|'S ^n-^.jS 5 fiJ : -. - i S, .^ .2 1 u tn'C = J - -- J . - &n ^ >, *> (U M W 1, ^ "S* " : 'o W ; . . w . 4) ; -ep . ."ScC ,es-" c .; c . a S a E V 9> 'Eia : = G 240 Ripe in 2 weeks ending. BULLETIN NO 8. First tassel. Circumference, in. [February, (N) M N M .. _ _ I 1 1 1 III ON ON ON ON ON ON ON OOO fororo 1 1 1 mNNNOONNCNlONmCNlNOOOO wNNNfOfONNNrON-NNrOrOrorO 1 i 1 1 1 ! 1 1 )' I 1 1 1 1 1 1 OO M OO t~~ m 00 ^ t^-vO t--- f^NO vd t-^NO OO I--NO' Length, in. oo m r^oo oo ro r^oo t^-oo N mnoocNiro SON moo t^-OO ONOO 00 ON ON ON O O O ONX> O ON 6 00 ON OOOOOOOO Ears. mm m w Stalks. Per cent ol barren stalks. e g Sept. 9-12. Tj- OO 00 July 5- fOO O O r^f>N r^ThO ONO "^OO ^J-ONt^ OO OO ON ON t^OO OO OO ON ON ON ONNO OO ON^O t^ ON vn ON O ONNO May 25. N o N vnNO NO Per cent, germinating in Geneva apparatus. Tj-O ONONO QNOOO OOO O O 0000 NO -<1-OO O 00 Tf O ONO O O* ON O ONONO ONO O t^.O> ONOO t^. O ON ON O Page of description. O-O- *.-- rorororo NNNCS NMPJN (N M N N M -a & PL, -j2 fL, v ' '> ' ~ ' tT SQ: g'tfc^(J.^W u |w |1 ljJniiUiiH:ii|;ili;;!l - * " - - - -s - . . - s Jl : : 2 13JS ;T3 oS 5 ; ; f o^o'"!'^ I -g "|"= ^ s| s.p ^I^J-S t| & il &i ^t s s-^ k4*o'p^ c ' 5 i>G^ ( '^c O O aJ rt Cw S *O 8 S ? S>, ~~ ON O W ro ^"-oO t^-3O O^O w N ro^" w^ t^* ^O t--QQ C\ O " N *O^O ^O *O 'O ^ V O *O vO ^O *O t^ r> t*- t^ t^* t-QQ l^* t> t** t^* 00 QO 00 Plat. 1890.] FIELD EXPERIMENTS WITH CORN, 1889. 241 TABLE 2. FIELD WEIGHTS, EAR CORN, POUNDS. 7ract (a); Plats, l / s acre. Plat Row i . Row 2 Row 3. Row 4. Row 5. Row 6. Row 7. Row 8. Row 9 Total. i 74 5 73 73 5 73 66.5 64 72-5 66.5 78 641-5 2 97 90 94 5 87 5 ' 92 5 9 5 99 86 92 835 3 93 5 96.5 99 5 99 94 102. S 86.5 9 104 865-5 4 94 5 86 5 7 5 f7 89 86 s 94 9 2 89 5 804.5 5 99 98.5 92 5 IC2 94-5 90 9 1 95 98-5 86 1 6 77 75 5 7i 70 /8 2.5 75 76 75-5 680.5 7 89 5 82 81 86 72 81.5 77 58.5 75 702.5 8 89-5 83 5 88 5 84 80.5 82 75-5 68.5 90.5 742.5 9 66 67 68.5 62 57 66 66 64-5 62 579 10 85-5 82 87.5 81 82 84 77-51 78.5 76 73 ii 77 76.5 78.5 76.5 75 5 80.5 77-5 77-5 77-5 697 12 7 7 5 78 79 5 7.1 71-5 6 9-5 73 7i 647 !3 &3 5 7i 79 76.5 78.5 86 75 75 85 709 5 H 68 57-5 64 57 63 65-5 67-5 62 64 568.5 15 102 9 1 9-5 9 1 87.5 83-5 9-5 87 106.5 829.5 16 85 93 9i 85 94-5 92 84-5 84 98.5 807.5 17 88 9 87.5 83 86 79-5 86 85-5 96 781.5 18 74 5 74 75 77 5 76 77 73-5 73 75 675-5 '9 83 5 8 9 .S 80 76 80 68 80 79 87 723 20 51 54 52.5 52.5 55 52 5o 55 56.5 478.5 21 84 80 9-5 79 76 81 81 82 .85-5 739 22 86 ; 77 5 78 77 85 qo o. 1 ;. 5 ICK 604. 5 23 **** J 00.5 / / J 69 5 / ** 72 / / 68 J 70.5 y 65-5 66 5 j 74 64 ^ 610 24 Q2 82 81.5 75-5 86.5 76.5 78 79-5 87-5 739 25 3-5 80 79 So 74-5 80 77 83-5 80 7I7-5 2055 I990-5 202 1 1956 5 1965-5 1984 i9 6 5-5 !95 5 1975 17863.5 J'ract (b) ; Plats, 1-40 a ere. S Each l / 3 of plat. Total. 2 5" Each y^ of plat. T t 1 i 2 3 i 2 3 26 62 . 5 57 60 179 5 57 55-5 45-5 53 154 27 57 52 43 152 58 45-5 5 2 5 ! 46 144 28 30 33 5 31-5 95 59 39 45 35 "9 2 9 45-5 43 27-5 1 16 60 41-5 50.5 39-5 I 3 I -5 3o 37-5 37-5 37-5 112.5 61 58-5 61 63 182.5 3' 39 34 32.5 105-5 62 57-5 62 55-5 175 32 39 5 36.5 42 118 63 57 5 55 52 164.5 33 43-5 40-5 32 116 64 60.5 49 51 160.5 34 44 52 55-5 I5I-5 65 57 5 61 54 5 173 35 27-5 27.5 l 30.5 85-5 66 57 6 9 65 191 36 57 53 61 171 67 69 5 68 72 209.5 37 56 5i 565 163 5 68 76 67.5 84-5 228 38 59-5 55 48.5 163 69 85 80 83 5 248.5 39 65.5 63 5 49 178 | 70 56.5 60 57 173.5 40 53 45 57 55 71 46.5 47-5 46.5 140.5 41 59-5 63-5 52.5 175-5 72 59 5 52 56 167.5 42 46.5 56 5 49 152 73 79 68.5 70 217.5 43 52 57 52 161 74 61 55-5 66 5 183 44 52 54-5 41 147-5 75 58.5 58 62 1/8.5 45 57-5 55-5 54 167-5 76 57 53-5 58 168.5 46 47 i 56.5 70.5 62 169-5 200.5 ? 52 49 56 5 52 5i-5 53 160 154 48 545 61 55-5 171 79 57 59-5 60.5 177 49 5i 60 5 55 166.5 80 39 5 36.5 40-5 116.5 5 53 53-5 57 163.5 81 46.5 47-5 37 I3 1 68 65 76 209 82 18 24 18.5 60.5 52 47 47-5 47 141 -5 83 49 49-5 53-5 152 53 64 63.5 60.5 1 88 84 47 50.5 54-5 152 54 52 5 5*-5 153-5 85 71 68 77 216 55 55 63 73-5 I9 1 5 86 62.5 62 61 185 5 56 58.5 59 64 181.5 87 73 67 75-5 215.5 3353 5 3352 3326 '10031.5 242 BULLETIN NO. X. [February. Loss in drying. i-O O^ *-OOC ^1" t"* fi r*"i ^* N r*"> r>. L/"I "-. C "5 * X) NO ^ -0 2 "*i8 2""2 i?N'2 ;?!?" x o Total air-dry (con- taining II per cent of water). COONO*>ON Nt^n-vO-cOON NON r^f> mONroN *O OO f"13C " O *-OCC O O O d N t""* \O ^O O t^CC ^O *-/">O <-O^O "O 'O t^. i*" *5B^?*W^ c o Total as husked. d \O fO ^ ^'"-OO <-Ti^O *-O t~~. < ^ ^" N i/" t-CO O^ O^ s * t^* r>*CC O 3C r^- t^-C O vnvnr^-ro-rovo in LO O^OO M t^ N * M O ^ C^oo r^oo *-ooc t^ t^-*oc 1> " Nubbins. N^d 4^ ? ?d"M dN^S^SS O^ I s -* ro ^O N to " M fj r** i^vO ro vo O 0^^ *^* P5 Good ears. ro N MOOOO t^ro^^ tnX) mo w * NO - N o -, ^^ONONO^^NO^^.n^O^ Pounds when husked to make bushel shelled corn when air dry. ^ GO C^ ** OO 00 *-^ ** ^^ ^" *" O^OO ON o\ t-*oO ^^ N vO * f^ O^ O OO OO O** O OO 00 OC OO 00 t^* I s * 00 OO OO l^ 1 * ON r** ON C4 r^ c^ Pounds ear corn per bushel when husked. XJt^NONONONroON OONONONON in^O N i- 00 t^oo <} vO O 1 * *J~iOC ^ *^ rn ON O^ 1 *^ O O^OO C" ^aR^^^r,f:^K Percentage of water in shell- ed corn when husked. NOs^CS-in -N^O vO-^roNONNONO-^^p, NNrONNMr O'S rt-^ ... c ... c ... o ... c . rt ^. . , rt jfl H^ s X 3 LH Name of Variety. : fe :::: SE '::'::::::::::: . .>.... c :>. > 4- . -o : : :j : :2 3 : : o .' > Si g : u ' : : |-i : S ^^ t.^2* s^?c' >-c o S cr^ g TJ ** O - ' rt 'r- *LJ 2i O rt 1) 'e "^-^- .2 rH XfSb.E-*?t->-T36 ;> ~ t -~^ ; 6Si*S I -' fcJ5 o-*5rt t-~ r<5X) >O 00 I^O OO 00 P> Tt- - O O O TJ- - r", r-^ -t v/1 r^OO OO O ft ""> O OO I^X) <} n0 *i- O ""> t^. OO OOt^'>N^''C*iOu%f'>"w\PC l^O OO ^- OX) O OX) OX) OOOO OO O OO OO OX) rO ** O "1 *tf- >Ax) O PO r~- ro N OX) X) X3O TJ-t-^d O NO OO rOO i rOO O rf oi--""> t^-O t--. O O O ' C^O O r^ ro N t^X) * TJ- PI t^NPJOO | j ^* aT & .ti ti rt.. -.Cu, P-, . . ' (U ' C " 4> * ^ * ' ^ - Ck - ' " S 2 ' S C u ' l ' 1 W) O rt "u -rf '3 4, o o ^ o ^JIJ ^ ^Isa a : lJp cd v B . rt p r3 t '5ccL ^PnC^i-LKPn - : :: c" B c " ^j T3 6J) 3 W) ' ^ O ni O ^ 2r ^ o > ^ g d "S 2 2 U :g a a S : 5*8 s^:-ss O *M O M M r/~i Ui O t- * u t- w s-So^rtCj'v C/^rtqj *C . ^W s E & W fcgl I^K! 4^ ^ J? > 3 V5 - OM h ^ J ^-2| ^U QD . L .^5 . . : o : 3 w ; ; &. ' j '.c f 'i-. 3 & Learning Kane county pride. . . King of the earliest. . Queen of the prairie. . North star i- O O c c 4) O * "5 'o 'o 0) 4J 2 12 Wisconsin yellow den Woodworth yellow dt . . ^ . . . . bjQ ^.^ QJ ^i IN rt t ^_ 2 -c o u u ^ ft S i >-> > in ^^5 5 MS MJailji Smedley Log cabin True Learning True Learning ^3 a u 0) M bfl tao.2 " c c c o ^ Illls Fiasa queen Arieus Learning Farmers' favorite . . . Faulin dent. . . Feeders' favorite Golden beauty Chester county mamn White cap j_ u u ^ ^ C ** l> C '3 18 SI'S o S -o a "> u 3 M B .*] ! S 3 rt C ;r o o .c a ?oc5yffl ly N O f^X> M N M OO N r^ N ro *t "">O t^-OO O O -^r^r^rOf^roror^r^Th^ p) r<-> TT LnO r^X) O O PI ~1 Tf irio r~-X) O Q N ri 'J- 't't-t r t ^ ^rt^-ioioioioioiOLnvOLO w>\o O O O O 244 BULLETIN NO. 8. \Feb Loss in drying. Total air- dry (con- sO 00 Tt -1 so r- o I-^OO PI SO SO OO ON * f.sO ' J- PO 10 ir- taining II per cent, of water.) so * O Xi PI r> Ooc OC r 8' 00 f.OO ON OOO ^^K^J 1^2 1? Nubbins. i i/-i Tf r-^ p< 00 "-.OO OC PIsCOCCC N TfOO P)OO ro i *- OO SO ON >^ ""- CO ON OO tn M Good ears. P^ PI O ONX1 ON "-.OO ON ON O OC -N^6 t-^vO O X - r~,X5 COO 00 Pounds when husked to make bushel shelled corn when air-dry. Pounds ear corn per bushel when husked. Percentage of water in shell- ed corn when husked. OOO c/5 "-, r-i. O OO O ro ""> PI ON ON ONsO P) PI ON ON P'*. ^" ON r^ ^ PI Q * OC OO O^OO *r f^sO sO t-- t^-sO sO r-OC 00 t^sO sO SO sO OC ". "1 Pt "-. l^ OT, ""> Tf ON t^. P". P) r*~. ON P^.OO N PI PI r^ rt pi i-^ too f. ro TJ- PI n PJ - ONSO OC OC "--00 CT OO l^ , Plat. SglS a.. $ . ^ S t "E - -g ^ ^ s ^ 1 - - H -c" o^ "^ 5 =" ^u^^2rrc~-"2dS'juu^5xy:u'i "lO f^OO ON O ^ PI P"i ^i" "~iO t^OO ON O t- 1 N PO ""isO t^ SO ^O sO sO O t>* t^* t"> t^ t^* t^** t^ t^ t^ t*^OO OC OO OC 00 OO OO 1890.] FIELD EXPERIMENTS WITH CORN, 1889. 245 fOMtOtOtOtOtOtOtOlO---------- I -M,,ft in O OO^J OOi -^ W tO O O OC^I O^n 4k W 10 O O OO^I O'-" 4k '^J tO I SO O ^1 4k en o.) On 4>. OC4k 4* 4* 00 O ^1 4k O O O4k O O^l OOO OO4^ O O OOO Q <- M!>J OOJ OOO 00 4k 4k ^1 O O04k O OO-U OC OOJ O4k O OOOOtoOlOOO. OlOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONiOOOO i<*n C/J tO tO tO tO - - - - v 8O4 OW (0 to O OOOOOOOOOOOO O4^ OO OO -4 ^1 OO O OUi O^-I O^4 *^1 01 OO O^-J O O*'-! <-fi 4k 4k 4k vyi **4 OO O OC"^4 *^4 O O**-l OO O O 8OO O OO>4kOOio4iOOOtoOOO(oOtoo"OOOOOO OO O OOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO S.IB3 33BI3AV . p CfQ a - JO i 4k 4k 10 nc OO O4k O4k OO C to "oc O O O to O4- O OO^O O ^O 10 O 'OO O O-OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO --OO o^i-O~-O OOO OOOOMOto-4iOO - O O N O^J Co O lO-fc.O<-r> 4k Cn 4k^jLnOiO^J O4- ^l^J4.^i Q<-" to -U 4k 10 O04k O4kOOOQQtoOOO O4k OOOOOtoQOtoO OOO O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O--O O^l O O ^4 OO O 00 O U) 1^1 to OC4*- 4^ to to OOO OCO 4^iO totoO O <-"O OO^I ..- OOOO4* O OO O O *^> 00 O O'-" OOO O'-> OO OCOO^i-C'-~ -'- 246 i! fr "i BULLETIN NO. 8. PI NO t->- P) 00 T)- t^. i- P4 [^ 'bruary, OO t"* in T}- N- O u^ ONt^Tj-t^.Ot^roO PI OO NO TJ-NO OO m ro >n r-U r~- 2 S u i oo o ,-r 3 HH ti .5 < 1 l ri PI rt R "On S t^ Tt PI *O *n O OO O ON TJ* ON t > ^ Tf" LO O *n i^ f ON^O oo r^. in T}- ONOO TJ- O oo oo t^ N O O pi PI rood OO - O -til < K, -r ^ g? E 5 $}* PI ON PI r-,OO i~^00 PI O ** OO T^OO NO fO in in O N O vo m PI vO~ ro o" s358SSS* 5 ^ || 1 ! Tf- 1^ PI ONNb d'S.^S^^Nb' PO O ** T^ i^ NO PI t^"NO CO O O O *O NO ON 1^00 00 PI NO OO r)- p| m rooo vo" rf> ON 5 . M ' 1 : C 5 , _ > t^ ON O O OOIH NOOpit^-ONTJ- i-^oo o oo o o t^l^ OOON t~i-ioOOvr NO J^ ro inpfoo" m 00 t^ O t^* t ~ t ONNO PI ro ? S g> 2 " JTC T a 5 ^* =" "3. PI r-^ PI PI t^ PI -i ON r~^* VO i-* i-t NO Tt O ON i^" NO" PI d"> TtOO PI Tj-NO PI Tj- M 0? J>-00 00 PI O OO - PI s S 1 S'i - 8 -1 O-OO 00-" OOTj-Nt^T}- Tj- t^. Pl^ tC pr o" TJ- i- oo PI oo OO 00 00 T)-OO PI ON PI NO NO t-^00 W O OO -! PI KM S "5-g 4; d r '"I j N S ( c ) i. s > r^ - tnNO r^NO NH oo t^ VO >* 00 00 ON TJ-OC NO P'i 1^00 in O " ONOO OO ON ^ Tj-NO f^ t-^pf O* j : g 4 j i j i b ) i. t ?, s, 3 : ri J J 3 : H tr. 3 * "" *''*? ! ' I jj ' I I i "! ' I T ' i 2-m : a, : :^ c d a N m : . . -- : ; ; : : a ^Q, S2^ .. X ...... : . -o .:.:.: . . rt > | jj : : g j 2 s : : : : ; 3 ^ ; ^ ; T3 S s ^ i I ^ '|' ; : j i D^2 T April 27 c8o 8c.A 1689 80 2 April 29 460 53 2yO 44 . --> May 4 . . 02 6 16 ";Q 86 7 3Ma\ 6 . 5^4 61 7X7 51 1 May 11. 02 8 17 48 86 i i; May i~\ 602 68 26.1 56 g May 19 6^?o Q2.^ ic.Sq 87 3 6iMay 20 CAQ 61 27 5 May 26 600 88.4 16 88 82 s 7 May 27 68 27.8 55 ; s June i 620 86.0 17.28 808 8 June 5 S68 6d 3O.2 5 9 (une 8 . 470 596 2485 503 9 J une ! 3- 645 70 36.2 1890.] F1KI.D i:\PF.KIMENTS WITH CORN, 1889. 249 Both seasons, Burr's white, a medium maturing variety, planted on good soil and given good culture, matured when planted on, or prior to, June ist. Planted after this date it failed to mature. Both seasons, six weekly plantings matured in 1888, from April 2yth to June ist, and in 1889 from April 22d to May 27th; and, with the exception of plat 2 in 1889, the yields from the several weeks' plantings were strikingly uniform. In 1888, the average yield per acre of air-dry corn from the six ma- turing plats was a little less than 84 bu. The least yield, 80 bu., was from the first week's planting, April 2-jih and the largest, 87 bu., was from the fourth week's planting, May igth; while the second and third weeks' plant- ings, May 4th and nth, were essentially as large. In 1889 the average yield was a little more than 51 bu. The plat yielding the least, 44 bu. per acre, was planted within two days of the same date as the plat which gave the least yield in 1888. The plat giving the largest yield was planted a week earlier than the plat giving the largest yield in 1888; and the plat planted week later also gave nearly as large a yield. The results of two seasons' experiments indicate that the yield of corn is not appreciably affected by a variation of five weeks, prior to June ist, in the time of planting. Some differences occur which seem to be due to certain variable conditions of weather rather than to the time of planting. Sometimes the later plantings may be properly culti- vated with less labor than the early plantings. Experiment No. 4. Corn, Depth of Planting. May 4, 1888, six rows, each 8 rods in'length, were planted with corn at depths varying from i to 6 in. May 6, 1889, six rows were planted in 'the same manner and an extra row was planted on each side, so that all the rows under test might be equally surrounded by corn. The land was similar in every respect to that used in Experiment No. j, and its prior culture had been the same. There were 36 hills in a row, and hills and rows were 3 ft. 8 in. apart. Four kernels of Burr's white were planted in each hill. The cultivation of all the rows was the same. In 1888, they were hoed once, May 26th, and cultivated with a shallow cultivator three times, June ist, i6th, 26th. In 1889, they were hoed June 5th, and cultivated four times, June i3th, 24th, 27th, July 6th. In 1888, the shallower the corn was planted the quicker it came up and the more evenly did every kernel grow, with the possible exception of the row planted 3 in. deep. In 1889, the deep planted rows started to grow quicker but after four weeks they were overtaken by the shallower planted rows. This is directly the result of the weather. The conditions were unusual. Some of these have already been pointed out. The gen- eral fact was that the ground was so excessively dry, until May 2 ist, that much of the corn on the shallow planted rows was unable to get suffi- cient moisture for germination. In i388, the corn which was planted from i to 4 in. deep was some- what more forward than that wh'ch was planted 5 and 6 in. deep. August 2 5 BULLETIN NO. 8. \_Fcbruary i, 1889, the corn which was planted 4, 5, and 6 in. deep was more for- ward than the shallower planting, but at later dates no difference in ma- turity was discernable. In 1888, the corn was husked November 2oth and weighed November 26th; in 1889, it was husked November i6th, and weighed November i8th. The following table gives the results for 1888 and 1889: TABLE SHOWING DEPTH OF PLANTING; EARS AND BUSHELS PER ACRE; EARS PER BUSHEL 1888 AND 1880. 1888. 1889. Ear per acre. Bushels per a. W Ears per acre. Bushels per a. W C 2 e H O 9 H 5' O 3 q H O as e H 3" o o- o o rr cr o or o cr o cr CL cr p &. g g c a. B; p o c- P w - 3" 3 2 pr VI 1 2. in 2. 7.290 3.780 11,070 84 25 7 I09.7!lOI <;,8so 4.680 10,530 59 24 8.3 127 6 2IO 3 -420 9630 67.5 20 9 88.4 lOg 5.400 4,680 10,080 56 2 7 83 121 6570 3,870 10,440 73 527.3 100.8 104 4,050 4.140 8,190 28 23 51 161 5-*5 3,780 9,630 63 i 24 9 88. 109 5,400 4, 140 9 540 58 29 87 IIO 4.770 43^0 3* 5i 1,620 8,280 50 6 5.940 49 4 22.5 10 9 73 ij"3i 5.400 60.3! 98' 5 940 3.420 4.500 8,820 10.440 58 63 23 2 9 81 92 109 "3 In 1888, the largest yield was from the row planted i in. deep; in 1889, from the row planted 6 in. deep. In 1888, the decidedly smallest yield was from the row planted 6 in. deep, while in 1889, it was from the row planted 3 in. deep. In 1888, the latter depth gave the next to the largest yield. In 1888, the smaller yield was due to the smaller number of ears produced; In 1889, it was due both to the smaller number of ears,, and to their smaller size. In neither year was there any direct relation between the depth of planting and the yield obtained. One fact referred to under Experiment No. 54, Corn, Root Growth, is worthy of mention here. It was found upon examination that at whatever depth planted, i, 3, or 5 in , the crown roots start to grow usually at be- tween i to 2 in, deep. No roots start at a lower depth, except those grow- ing directly at the seed, and these die after the crown roots are established. With this soil and its last year's conditions, it seemed that nature required that the roots which were to support the plant should start to grow within, 2 in. of the surface. The reason for deeper planting, except to reach moisture sufficient to sprout the corn, is, therefore, not apparent and some disadvantages are manifest. Of course the corn raiser understands that, practically, it is often necessary on uneven land to plant deep lest some of the corn may be left uncovered. Experiment No. j". Corn, Thickness of Planting. This experiment was conducted to determine not only the best thick- ness at which to plant corn, but also the best manner of distributing the 1890.] I IE!. H EXPERIMENTS WITH CORN, 1889. 251 corn at a given thickness whether, for instance, to plant 3 kernels every 42 in. or i kernel every 14 in. The land used was the same both seasons. Each plat contained three rows about six rods long and five rods of each was harvested. No space was left between plats, and extra rows were planted at the ends of the tracts. In 1888, the tract was spring-plowed just before planting, which was after stable manure, at the rate of 30 tons per acre, had been applied. In 1889, it had been fall-plowed. May 8, and 9, 1888, and May 2, 1889, Burr's white was planted on the twenty-four plats, in quantity and manner indicated in the tables, pages 255-6, with the exception that in 1888, instead of plats of like thickness of planting being adjacent, plats containing the same number of kernels per hill were planted adjacent. The cultivation of all the plats was the same. In 1888, they were hoed twice, May 24th, and June 2ist, and cultivated once with a shallow cultivator; in 1889, they were hoed once, May 22d to 25th, and cultivated twice, June i4th and 26th. October 8 to 13, 1888, and October 4,5, 1889, the plats were cut and shocked. October 13 to 27, 1888, the corn-fodder on each plat was weighed, the corn husked and weighed, and other data t obtained as given in tables, pages 255-6. In 1889, the corn was husked from the shock, November i4th to i6th, and the corn weighed and shelled November i8th, igth. The stover was not weighed until December 6th, with the exception of plat i, the corn of which was husked and the stover weighed October 29th. A sample of shelled corn taken October 20, 1888, contained 22.7 per cent, of water; a sample taken November 19, 1889, contained 24.4 per cent, of water. The corn on the different plats ripened equally so far as could be observed, and the corn of the different plats was assumed to contain an equal per cent, of water. The plats were planted at six different degrees of thickness, as fol- lows: at the rate of 47,520, 23,760, 15,840, 11,880, 9,504, and 5,940 kernels per acre; and for the sake of brevity and clearness will be spoken of in the discussions which follow, as the first, second, third, etc., plantings. Number of Stalks Harvested. The yield depends upon the number of stalks harvested rather than upon the kernels planted. The seed was of ex- tra quality, its germinating power being nearly perfect. The number of stalks harvested per acre is given for both seasons in the table below. In 1888, for every one hundred kernels planted, for the six plantings, from first to sixth, there were 62, 72, 88, 104, 121, and 138 stalks harvested; in 1889, 77, 84, 84, 93, 96, and 105. There were more stalks harvested in the first two plantings and less in the last four, in 1889, than in 1888. There was very much less varia- tion in the ratio of stalks harvested to kernels planted in 1889 than in 1888. Apparently there was less tendency to stool this season than last. There was a general tendency to produce more stalks for the number of BULLETIN NO. 8. [ February, kernels planted as the planting was less thick, but this tendency was not so marked in 1889 as in 1888. In 1888, with the same rate of thickness there were somewhat more stalks harvested for every one hundred kernels planted, where one kernel was planted, than where two, three, or four kernels were planted to a hill; but in 1889 there was substantially no difference in the ratio of stalks harvested to kernels planted, whether one, two, three, or four kernels were planted in a hill. 2 he weight of stalks and ears. The size of stalk and ear for the different plantings as indicated by their weight, may be compared in the following table, giving, the summaries for the two seasons. TABLE SHOWING STALKS HARVESTED; WEIGHT OF STALKS, STOVER, EARS; POUNDS OF EARS TO 100 POUNDS OF STOVF.R 1888 AND 1889. 1888. 1889. Plantings. -a f 2 3 2. < fta ^ S'fea. en 8^ o F r -d ^ q ? cr o _ ^KZ 3^ ?- < M a, KTO O o ft en P" fp ft t/3 "" W p rt> i S " g-8? rS Sw' i ^j ^* 2cra" ! cr a ! o en r; "^ r-* ?> EE^ 3 p-^- p CT3 O O a ?a = 3 ?T en ?%" a. nT en* " ?r "^ en en ?8" First 29,460 61 4O 17 - 2 16,700 1C 2\ 24 5 Second .... 17,100 92 54 51 69 19,820 59 30 4 99 Third 13 9 j.o 107 61 60 60 13 270 84 ?6 C4 I2Q Fourth. . . . 12,350 119 70 6 4 70 11,100 IOO 44 63 134 Fifth .... 11,540 118 74 6^ 60 9 17 114 52 67 1 2O Sixth . . . 8,200 I %O O7 7o Cl 6 263 67 116 5_ -* . - In both seasons there was a nearly constant increase from the thick- est to the thinnest plantings in the weight of 100 stalks of stover and of loo ears, the ears increasing in weight faster than the stalks. The ears were much heavier in the intermediate plantings than in the thickest plant- ings, but they were not much heavier in the thinnest plantings, than in the intermediate plantings, while the increase in weight of stalk was fairly uni- form from the thickest to the thinnest. The development of the plant seems to have depended mostly upon the thickness of planting and but little upon the method of distribution. In 1888, the ears were slightly larger when 2 or 3 kernels were planted than when i or 4 kernels were planted to a hill; while in 1889, the ears were slightly larger where i, 2, and 3 kernels were planted than where 4 kernels were planted. These differences were very small, probably en- tirely within the limits of experimental variation. Numbers of ears. The number of ears per acre materially affects the cost of harvesting when husked, and, unless the yield is larger, the larger number is manifestly objectionable. In 1888, the average number of ears per acre from the first planting was, approximately, 18,400; from the second, 12,750; from the third, 10,000; from the fourth, 9,400; from the fifth, 7,600; and from the sixth, 6,050. In 1^89, there were 17.175, 14.500, 11,600, 10,100, 8,400, and 1890.] FIELD EXPERIMENTS WITH CORN, 1889. 2 53 5,760 ears per acre, respectively. For every 100 good ear?, there were, in 1888,370,97,51,33, 43, and 28 nubbins; in 1889, there were 2,335, 271, 87, 44, 34, and 37 nubbins, respectively. The very large proportion of nubbins in the thicker plantings will be noticed, especially in 1889. In 1888, there were more ears produced where there was but i kernel to the hill, while with 2, 3, and 4 to the hill, there was but little difference in the number produced. In 1889, the more kernels to the hill, the thick- ness remaining the same, the more the number of ears produced. In iS8, for every 100 stalks there were in the first planting, 62 ears; in the second, 74; in the third, 72; in the fourth 76; in the fifth, 66; in the sixth, 75; while in 1889 there were 47, 73, 87, 91, 91, 92 ears, respect- ively, for every 100 stalks. In general the thinner the planting the fewer the barren stalks, and there were less in 1889 than in 1888. Yield. The following table gives the average yield for the different degrees of thickness in planting: TABLE SHOWING FOR 1888 AND 1889 YIELD PER ACRE OF CORN-FODDER, OF STOVER, OF GOOD EARS, NUBBINS, AND POUNDS OF EAR CORN PER 100 POUNDS OF STOVER. Plantings. 1888. 18? H ft w T) r. n o . n p ZL n ^ rt Cu Tons stover per acre. ]!u. shelled corn per acre. Lb. ear corn to loo Ib. stover. *O o n C 1-1 -t It Tons stover per acre. Bu corn shelled per acre. r cr -s 8 o 2 < 3 ft ^ o o a- -! Nubbins. o o SL Nubbins. HJ First 9 8 7-5 7 5 6.8 5-8 6 4.8 44 43 4.2 4 6 4 71 74 61 55 31 16 n 5 89 95 87 72 60 52 69 69 70 60 54 6 3 59 55 55 5 2 36 4 2 2 9 2.4 2.4 2.4 62 76 71 48 50 29 17 n 8 61 86 9 1 93 56 50 99 129 134 120 116 Second Third Fourth Fifth . Sixth The total yield of corn-fodder corn and stover was greatest in the thickest planting and gradually decreased as the stand became thinner. The same was true also of the stover; that is, the residue left after the corn is husked. In 1888, the largest yield of corn was from the second planting i kernel every 6 in , 2 every 12 in, etc. while the largest yield of corn in 1889 was from the third and fourth plantings. Both sea- sons, the largest yield of corn from good ears was from the fourth plant- ing, i kernel every 12, 2 every 24 in., etc. This season the difference in favor of planting at the third and fourth thickness over planting at the first and second thickness is very marked. In 1888, the second planting produced 8 bu. more than the fourth, but the fourth produced 10 bu. more corn from good ears. To harvest an acre of the second planting would require the husking of 12,700 ears; and to harvest an acre of the fourth planting, 9,400 ears, approximately. In 1889, the third planting yielded 5 and the fourth 7 bu. more than the second 254 BULLETIN NO. 8. [February, planting, while there were 26 and 40 bu. more from good ears. To har- vest an acre of the second planting would require the husking of 14,500 ears; to harvest the third, of 11,600 ears; and to harvest the fourth, of 10,100 ears per acre. With the same rate of planting, there was, in 1888, a little more corn and considerably more corn from good ears where two kernels were planted to a hill. The total yield of corn-fodder was a little greater where i or 2 kernels were planted to a hill, but the yield was greater where 4 kernels were planted, than where 3 kernels were planted to a hill. In 1889, with i to 4 kernels per hill, the larger the number of kernels per hill the greater the yield of corn to a slight extent. The average yield in order of largest to smallest number of kernels per hill was 83, 82.5, 82, and 79 bu. per acre. The yield of corn-fodder was about the same whatever the number of kernels per hill. In these experiments planting at the rate of i kernel every 6 in. gave better results than planting at the rate of i kernel every 3 in., if the crop was grown for fodder purposes. Planting at the rate of i kernel every 9 in. or i kernel every 12 in. gave better results, if kernel was the main ob- ject, than thicker or thinner planting. Neither for fodder purposes nor for the production of corn merely do these experiments show any material advantage in planting in drills over planting in hills, and this where the cultivation was such as to keep the land equally free of weeds, whatever the method of planting. Taken as a whole, there was very little difference in the results, whatever the methods of distribution of the seed, so long as the rate of seeding was the same. [See tables on two following pages.] Experiment No. 8. Corn, Frequency of Cultivation. The land used in this experiment is the same as that used in the two succeeding experiments, and all that relates to the nature of the land, its preparation, the planting of the seed, and the cultivation of the crop will be discussed here once for all. In the season of 1887, the land was in mammoth clover. In 1888, this experiment, Experiment No. - 4- ' to '_/ 1 4- '^ - '-^-t 4- "~" 10 i_' -. u i_i tO IO K> to OJ V> O J OJ OJ to tONONONO4^4^4^4i.wOJO.iOJO-i 4> 4*. OOOOGCOOOOOOOCO O O C C vO NO O NO v ONONQNON o O O O \\i\\ B ui u33M}aq saqouj Ln On 4^ On ON ON ON^J ^4 Oi ^vl ONNO ON ON ^4 On ON ONOO Oo 4> On Oo 2 O O OOO O *~J OO O Oo NO to ^4 On OO'-n tO ^l NO ^4 IO OO On Oo 4^ O04^ 4^ NO ONOO Oi 4^ O Q ON ^4 to O ON ON ON " ON to to O OO OO O ON OO ON 04^. 4>.OOOONONOCOOOOOONOOQON 3 0" n *" i-i>"itOK}tOOlO'tOlOtOOOOOO04*. ONOn ON ON^I On On 4* tO On V Oo Oo oo 4* Oo 4^ ONOI ^J4*OOoiOtoOOtoOoOtotoON 4^ 4j* O ON O on NO 4^ 4^ Oo on *-4 to -< O Oo NO C C ON to O 4^ (O p o n On ON^I ^r OONO OCNO \OOOONONO->tOtO"toOoooOO OO^4 OO " ON4^ *"* tO 4^ '^ OC ON OC ON ON OO ONOO On 44. CONO NO On Oo OO "*4 NO ONOO On Q NO tO Oo sO 004^ On 4-^ O to 10 Oo ^/i ON ON^-4 OOOO ONOO 4^(OtoOONOMONOOOONOOOOOOIOONOCO ON4*. ON IO 'IBJO T CO OO OC Oo 4^ ONOn ON*~4 ON "^4 ON ONOn ON ON ONOO Oo Oo 4> 4* p 8O W ON OO OQ to 4* OOO ON O04* OO4^ O4^^4 COONtO to^4"^4 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONOOOOOlOto 'SJB3 pOOQ g fB "* H M H to wOOOO MOO COnOnOn4J. ONONO^I>-I ONOn on "g ONOl OJ OO tO ON ONOO ^-4 D tO 4* NO" ON ON tO ONOO OC ON * 4^ tO OOtOoO4.4*4^ON>OOOOON ON-^. O 4>- O ON4^ O ON O O g ft On On OCOOCCO v -OONOtO**Mi-i!-i On On 4^ Oo 4^ ^4 OO--4 ONVt " ON<*n On 4u On OO"-4 01 O OO to On ^4 O ON ONOO On COOo - vO OOtotoototo4^ONtoOOOON ONA O4>ONONtoOONtoto IB)0 X OO 00 NO i-> OO O <-" OO O0^4 tO^IOOONi-HNOtOtOtOi-i OOOi to OC OO OO OO pUB S>{[B}S OOI 2 10 to^ INOOT OOCO*-* tOOoOo-^4* t-i hi ON-^4 sO ^4 to OOOn OO -i 'S5JIBIS OOI oo n> CO 00^ " n *-4 ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ONOI On On 4^ Ln on Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo ONOOO OOONO^J4*-Onto O O M OOOO NO to O tO^lOnOOO 'S.IB3 OOI crq ? ""--"OONOOQ 00^4 CO OO CO ON ONOn ONOi Oo Oo Oo OO OO S.IB3 pUB S>lp3}S OOI ft tOOnvOOntOto4^A)On4itOONO ""OCCOO 4.OJtOOn TO _ P J?" 1 ft O 1 "^4 "*-4 ON ON ON ON ON ONOn On On On On 4^ 4^ 4^ 4^ 4^ to to to 10 to 4> O O ONONOOJ4iOo to H-OntAiOn O O O to CN-tOnOo4\ SJB3 OOI CfQ M Oo^OO^^OoOO^ON-tON-OO-OON^OoOOOn^^ SS-3 NO NO vO NO OONO NO NO OCNO OO OONO OC^4 ^-i-~j^4^l4^On4^4i.4i Oo -M toonoiO O COOOo ONO OO OOOi O OOto^J4>.tO CO " O < 00 O n vp ^ On on ONOn On O0~4 OoOo moo o^J-^I M (xio\ 4^. oo -4 ^j OCOO Oo ON 1-1 So o^P-? ^ |S5i _, n ui ,-_uo-c.. oo4i.ootoOoooOJtotoOOONONO ONOn on 4^ 4> On ONNO O ONOOOOnvJNO~JOtOi-itO OOOO M i-c Oo ON vp 1 "a IJUl.I-E'llN NO. 8. \_Fcbruary, u u" T3 ^ t^-oo oo r-oo oo oo r> r^-oo o oo i^. r>* i-^ t^*\c L/ ~- ij ~ >-o a- . il c ~ ju tn la o rt _= Total. ON OO oo 1^1 w,\O ON^O 00 OO 00 O 1 ^ C^ O s * O^OO C^OC ^0*^0^ t-^OC tt O if. N I in ON 00 00 vO ^-vO <^QQ fO t^ ro l^vO ON-vorr.rJ-^-M, rf ^-30 "-> ^^^^^tS^^Jj^JT^Ji-^^^^S Good ears. oo* 00 M 't OO *"* ON COO ONQO ON ON COO COOO CO ^" COO 00000 gg ^-00^ 0^^ J* . 0_0 V0_ ^ Bu. shelled corn per acre as husked. Total. 00 00 00 t^ COO M - ONO - t^O 1^0 - r^ t CNO ON OO ON CNOO OO O ONOO ON ON ONOO OO ON 1^ ON ONOO ?-OO O o'o 10 Nubbins. 1 00 CO 100 -ONCO--0000 ONCOLOCO "1O mO O t^ M ON ONO OO CJ CO N CO U1 to t/-> cOMCO't M IOO Good ears. od 88 ^O^^^cod^ON^^ddO^^do^-^^^- o o a ^ v 0, tn m 'O C o CH ON $ O M O OOO MOOOOGOO COOOGO NGOO 'tNOO TtO O rt O "*t M to O O Tf" ONGO co *OCOt--CN OOO TO TTTM M i/-.O t^OO T t>. N COOO O r O CO MCOM MM OOO O OOO f^O 00 2 8OOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOCO N N T TOO Q GO GO O M O OC TO OGOOO O TM O T N r~-COO N MOOO O COCOTOOO lOGO O~O T "-. M O ONOO O r^oo t~O COO tnO TcoioMO TTM loco coO 11 c! C m TD cj ONOC O vnoo **5 O "~.O T N co TO T 10 co T GO O 8 00 O OC O M M to N CO O TO TO ONCO M ON CO O lO :S B 2 1 * u 3 j3 > 2n tn ON 2 ON to M O ONGO O TTO TOO cot^O to O T OO to O O to ^^r^^^TcOTttMMMMMMNMM 2 GO T ON T ONO CO CO ON O CO T to OC toTONONcO O 10 toO OCOCOCOCOCOCOMMCOMMMMNMMM - No. kernels planted per plat. O O O O O totoiototoo O O C OOCOCOOOOOOOCOC TT ONONONONONTTTTTCOCOCO'CO'CO'N M M M Inches between hills. COO ON N toO N X T O ONOO l-O to N TO OC to O "1 TOO M CO MCOT MCOT COTMT X-,, V ,.~.lo ; o Kill - M CO T to - M CO T to - N CO T "1 - N CO-*- N CO- N i 1890.] FIELD EXPERIMENTS WITH CORN, 1889. 257 6 with the deep, and plat 5 with the shallow cultivator, the ordinary amount being given; and to cultivate plats 3 and 4 as plats 5 and 6, except that the cultivation was to be continued past the ordinary time of laying corn by. For the purposes of comparison in Experiment No. p, Depth of Cultivation, the weeds were removed from plat 2 without any cultivation and with the least possible disturbance of the soil; plat i was hoed in the ordinary way but not otherwise cultivated. The following table gives the quantity and kind of cultivation of the different plats. The cultivation of these plats was all one way, as cross - cultivation was not practicable, since the plats receiving different kinds and quantities of cultivation were adjacent. TABLE SHOWING THE CULTIVATION OF PLATS IN EXPERIMENTS 8, 9, 10, 1889. Date. Plat I. Plat 2. Plat 3. Plat 4. Plat 5. Plat 6. [Plat 7. Plat 8. May 25 Shallow. Deep . May 28 ... Shallow. Deep . . Shallow. Deep . . . Shallow. Deep . . June 1 Shallow. Deep . fune 11 Shallow. Deep . Shallow. Deep . fune 24. . Hoed . . Scraped. Shallow. Deep . . . Shallow. Deep . . . Shallow. Deep . . fune 2^ \ Hoed Hoed Hoed Hoed Hoed Hoed June 27 in row in row in row in row in row Shallow. in row Deep . June 20 Shallow. Deep . Tulv I Hoed .. Scraped. Shallow. Deep . . . Shallow. Deep . . Shallow. Deep . i"JJ Tulv 1 Shallow. Deep . > y * Tulv 6 Shallow. Deep . Tulv 8 Shallow. Deep . Tulv ii Shallow. Deep . July 16 . . . | Tuly 17-18 Hoed .. Sr-aped. Hoed in row Shallow. Hoed in row Deep . . Hoed in row Shallow. Hoed in row Deep . . Hoed in row Shallow. Hoed in row Deep . Aueust 2 . . Shallow. Deep . . From this table it will be seen that plat 5 was cultivated shallow and plat 6 deep, four times, the usual amount. Plats 3 and 4 were cultivated the usual amount, except they were cultivated once, August 2d, after the usual time of laying corn by, while plats 7 and 8 were cultivated 14 times, three and one-half times the usual amount. The latest pattern of the "Tower" cultivator was used this year, by which it was possible to get nearer the corn than last year. At the first cultivation the inner blades of the cultivator were but 6 in. apart, and, as the corn grew, the blades were widened to 8 in. The ground was stirred from one to two in. deep, and some of this loosened earth was forced into the rows thus ridging the ground somewhat, often considerably, the amount of course depending on the way the machine was handled. The space midway between the rows is often left almost bare of loose dirt, and to those accustomed to the work of the deep cultivator this seems very un- desirable. The deep cultivation would probably average four in. deep, and left the ground in the usual ridged and uneven condition. The shal -6 258 BULLETIN NO. 8. [February TABLE SHOWING FOR 1888 AND 1889 CULTIVATION; YIELD. ^z p Kind of cultivation. 1888. 1889. Bu. per acre. Average Bu. per acre. Average I 2 3 4 I 8 Hoed ordinary 96 90 ' l l 5-2f 93-81 84.9 f 94 .61 4-5 I 77-8 77.1 *8 3 .8) *79 3 I 84 6) 74.2 f 80.9 ( 68. 8 y None, weeds scraped from surface Shallow, twice after tasseling 89.7 89.4 89.6 *8i.6 79 4 74 9 Deep, twice after tasseling Shallow, ordinary Deep ordinary . . . ... . . Shallow, frequent . . . Deep, frequent * Once after tasseling. DIAGRAM SHOWING FOR 1888 AND 1889 CULTIVATION; AVERAGE YIELD PER ACRE. BUSHELS 75 80 85 90 1. Hoed, ordinary. 2. No Cultivation. 3. Shallow, after tasselling. 4. Deep, after tasselling. | 5. Shallow, ordinary. 6. Deep, ordinary. 7 Shallow, frequent. 8. Deep, frequent. 1890.] FIELD EXPERIMENTS WITH CORN, 1889. 259 low cultivator was more successful in destroying the weeds than last year. The deep cultivator, however, removed the weeds more thoroughly. To remove effectually the weeds, the shallow cultivator needs to be handled with more care and skill than the deep cultivator. On account of the cultivation being in but one direction, a few weeds were left in the row by both machines. These were removed with a hoe June 24th and July i6th, with as little cultivation as possible. Field notes. May 25, corn was up fairly, but unevenly on account of the preceding dry weather. June 25th, corn was about equal on the different plats but rather variable on each plat. General variation from 12 to 24 in. with an average of about 18 in. July xyth, the apparent height of corn was 3 to 4,y-2 ft.; height to tip of leaves was 5 to 7 ft. The corn was rather high to cultivate especially on the shallow cultivated plats, which was unquestionably thriftier and larger than on the deep cultivated plats. August 2d, all the plats are from one-half to two-thirds in tassel with oc- casional silks. The shallow cultivated plats Nos. 3, 5, and 7 are distinctly better than plats 4, 6, and 8, which were deep cultivated. Plat 3 was culti- vated with a one-horse "Planet Jr." cultivator with shallow shovel attached, and plat 4 with ordinary deep shovels attached. All the plats have but few weeds. Plat, 2 the least of any. September 26th, corn would not be materially injured by frost. The corn on the different plats at this time looked much alike, except that on plats 7 and 8 it was the small- est, as compared with that on other plats receiving the same kind of cul- tivation. Yifld. November i6th, each of the 36 rows of 9 hills, or two rods long, of each plat was husked and weighed so that the yield of the pruned and unpruned rows might be determined as explained under Experiment No. JO, Effect of Root-Pruning. The table on page 262 gives the weights in detail. The table on the opposite page gives a summary of the results for 1888 and 1889, and the diagram represents the average yield per acre for the two seasons on each plat. In 1888, there was, practically, no difference in yield between the two plats which were given the ordinary amount of cultivation, and those which were given three times the ordinary amount of cultivation; neither was there any better yield from those plats which were cultivated twice after the usual time of laying corn by. This season, 1889, those plats which were given the ordinary amount of cultivation yielded 4*^ bu. more than those that received 3)^ times as much cultivation; while those that were cultivated once after the ordinary time of laying corn by, yielded a little over 2 bu. more than the ordinarily cultivated plats. It was evident throughout the season that plats 7 and 8 were less thrifty, apparently on account of the too frequent cultivation. There were no less weeds on plats 3 and 4 this season on account of their later cultiva- tion last year. 260 BULLETIN NO. 8. [February, Experiment No. p. Corn, Depth of Cultivation. Everything relating to the care of the crop in this experiment has- been discussed under Experiment No. 8. In 1888, the three plats which were cultivated with a shallow cultiva- tor, one, four times during the season; one, four times during the season and twice after tasseling; and one, twelve times during the season, yielded about 94, 94, and 94.5 bu. per acre, respectively; while the plats cultivated with the ordinary deep cultivator with corresponding frequency, yielded 85 , 85, and 84.5 bu. per acre, respectively. An average of 9 bu. per acre more grew on the shallow cultivated plats than on the deep cultivated plats. Plat 2, which received no cultivation, but had the weeds removed by scrap- ing the surface with a sharp hoe with the least possible disturbance of the soil, yielded at the rate of 90 bu. per acre, 4 bu. below the yield of the shallow cultivated plats, and 5 bu. above the deep cultivated; and plat i hoed in the ordinary manner yielded 96 bu. to Fhe acre, or a little more than the plats which were cultivated shallow with the machine; that is, the shallow cultivation in this case, was better than no cultivation, and no cul- tivation was better than deep cultivation. This season, 1889, although the yields are not so high on account of the less favorable weather, the average yield of shallow cultivated plats exceeded that of the deep cultivated almost exactly the same amount as in 1888 9 bu. The three plats which were cultivated with a shallow cul- tivator, one, four times; one, four times during the season and once after tasseling; and one, fourteen times during the season, yielded about 85, 84. and 81 bu. per acre, respectively, an average of a little more than 83 bu.; while the plats cultivated with the ordinary deep cultivator with corres- ponding frequency yielded about 74, 79, and 69 bu., respectively, average of a little more than 74 bu. per acre. Plat 2, this season, which again received no cultivation, yielded 77 bu. per acre, which is 3 bu. more than the deep cultivated plats, and 6 less than the shallow cultivated plats; and plat i, hoed in the ordinary manner, yielded less than a bushel per acre more than plat 2, which received no cultivation. Last season the plat hoed in the ordinary manner, but receiving no other cultivation, gave the largest yield; this season the plat cultivated shallow the ordinary number of times gave the largest yield. The fact that both seasons i-io of an acre plat, which had no cultiva- tion after the corn was planted, the weeds being removed by scraping the surface with a sharp hoe, yielded more than the average of the deep cul- tivated plats, and with one exception, more than any one of the deep cul- tivated plats, is a matter worthy of careful consideration. One-half of each of the plats under discussion was root-pruned, from the effect of which, as explained under Experiment No. 10, the plat receiving no cultivation suffered most. An examination of the table, page 262, will show that com- paring the unpruned half of each plat, the uncultivated plat makes even a better showing. In 1888, this portion of the uncultivated plat yielded 1890.] I I K.LI) EXPERIMENTS WITH CORN, 1889. 261 94 bu. per acre; the average yield of that of the deep cultivated plats was 7 bu.; and that of the three shallow cultivated plats 96 bu. per acre. In 1889, the yield from this portion of the uncultivated plat was about 86 bu. per acre, from that of the three deep cultivated plats, 80.5 bu.; and from that of the three shallow cultivated plats, 89 bu. It is evident, therefore, that in this soil very good crops of corn may be raised with no stirring of the soil after the corn is planted, if the weeds are thoroughly removed. Ordinary cultivation stirs the ground and kills the weeds. These experiments strongly indicate that for this soil at least, the thorough destruction of weeds is the most important. Experiment No. 10. Corn, Effect of Root-Pruning. Every other row of the thirty-six rows, two rods long, of each of the 3 plats described in Experiment No. 8, was root-pruned 4 in. deep. The object was to cut the corn roots at the distance from the hill and to the depth which an ordinary so-called deep cultivator would break them, but without disturbing the soil, so that it might be determined whether such mutilation of the roots by the cultivator, without reference to the stirring of the soil, was harmful. After some observation and measurements, it was decided that 6 in. from the hill would be a fair distance at which to sever the roots. A frame one foot square, therefore, was placed over the hill and a knife, to which was attached a guage, was drawn along the edge of the frame. In 1888, the root-pruning was only 3 in. deep, and it was found that although the unpruned portion gave the largest yield in every instance, the average dif- ference was not very large, being 4 bu. per acre in favor of the unpruned portion. A careful examination of the roots of several growing corn plants showed that three-fourths of the roots would not have been broken by root-pruning or cultivating 3 in. deep. It was decided, therefore, to root-prune 4 in. deep this season. The corn was root-pruned three times, at about the time of the first, second, and fourth, or last, ordinary cultivations. At the first pruning, May 28th, the corn was just fairly started. At the second pruning, June 25th, 26th, the corn would average about 18 in. high. At the third prun- ing, July nth to isth, the height of the corn was 3 to 4 ft. The growth of the corn being unusually slow, the season of cultivation was much prolonged. The first difference between the pruned and unpruned rows was noted July 5th, at which time the pruned rows were plainly smaller, although the difference was not great. July i8th, the pruned rows were distinctly smaller than the unpruned rows. August 2d, the difference between the pruned and unpruned rows was not so distinct as July 5th, or i8th. September 26th, when the corn was practically ripe, the pruned rows could not be distinguished from the unpruned with any certainty. Difficulty was experienced in root-pruning to the proper depth plats 3 to 8 on account of the ridging of the soil along the row by the cultivator. 262 BULLETIN NO. 8. In these plats the last root-pruning was undoubtedly somewhat less than 4 in. as compared with the general level of the ground. On the other hand, the ordinary deep cultivator would have a tendency to go somewhat deeper than usual at the last cultivation on account of the space between the rows being somewhat lowered by previous cultivation. The results plainly indi- cate that the root-pruning was less effective less fully accomplished on plats 3 to 8 than on plats i and 2 where the surface was level throughout the season. The yields of eighteen pruned and unpruned rows are compared in detail below. A careful examination of this table by those interested in this subject is asked. The uniformity with which the unpruned exceeds in yield the pruned is proof of the direct effect of the root-pruning. A summary of the results of both seasons' work is given further on. TABLE SHOWING EFFECT OF ROOT-PRUNING, YIELD, POUNDS OF EAR CORN. Row. PJat I. Plat 2. Plat 3. Plat 4. Plat 5. Plat 6. Plat 7. Plat 8. j j 3{ ' ' '1 'i J "1 12 13 ,4 "1 16 i7 ,s| Pruned II .25 19 25 13 19 5 13 5 15-75 15-25 18 5 5-75 15-75 16.5 19 25 14 75 17 5 9 15 H 25 20.75 16.25 18.25 H 25 i5 14 25 17-25 13 75 15-5 ii H 75 13 25 18.5 13-75 M 5 13-75 15-25 ii 75 13 25 10-75 20 15 5 19 5 14-25 18 '3 75 18-75 '3-5 18.25 '5 22 15 25 14 5 11,5 1.8.5 16.5 18.5 ii 5 14 5 13-5 ii 75 ii 25 17-5 H 5 18.25 14 13 12 15-75 15 75 13-5 10.25 15.25 12.25 15 25 12-5 20.25 13 75 19-75 H-75 18 18.25 '7-5 ^' 5 16.75 18 18.25 20 16-75 12 75 15 15-75 21.75 13 15 i3- 2 5 16.75 13-5 19 2 5 14 75 17-75 i6.75 13-5 14-5 23 25 16 5 18 14-5 14 5 15 75 '7 75 16.5 18.25 17 185 H 25 19 25 13-75 19 25 15 18.75 16 5 18 14 25 16.75 13 13-75 15 17 25 16 16.25 12 16.75 12 I5-25 14 25 i5 5 12 75 H 75 i5 16 75 IS 5 16.5 12.25 14-25 12.75 15 25 16 19-25 13-5 18.5 15 5 I9-25 16.5 16.5 17-25 19 75 15-75 19 25 14 17-5 16.25 17.25 18 19.25 14 18.5 16.5 14.75 14 18-75 14 5 20.25 15 18 H 75 20 H 5 18.5 14.25 17.5 15 5* 17-25 13 H 75 13-5 i7 H 5 18 5 15 5 15-25 13-5 15 75 12 15 25 13 14 *l'* 16 13 5 16.5 13 14 25 12 25 14 13 75 14 14 75 16 12 17.25 12.25 18 14 25 15 75 ii 75 14-75 '4 18 15.25 15-25 13-5 14-25 12 16 12.75 17.25 ii. 5 5 H 19-25 H.75 i6.75 14 18 15.5 15 15.75 17.75 '45 14-75 '5-75 17 H 25 17.5 5S 18.5 17 75 20 i? 75 15 75 17-5 15-75 '5 19 9 5 H H5 J 5 5 1 1 U 12 '4-5 13 14 13 >5 ' 5 13 2> 15 25 12 75 14 17-5 3 5 13 10.75 H 75 12 5-25 !2 5 15 12-5 16 05 14 5 12 5 15-5 12 5 16 25 12 5 14 Unpruned Pruned Unpruned Pruned Unpruned Pruned ... ... . Unpruned Pruned Unpruned Pruned Unpruned Pruned Unpruned Pruned Unpruned Pruned Unpruned Pruned Unpruned Pruned Unpruned Pruned . . Unpruned Pruned Unpruned Pruned Unpruned Pruned Unpruned Pruned Unpruned Pruned Unpruned Pruned Unpruned Total, Pruned 244 25 303 5 241 302 25 270.75257 75 3>9 75301 275-75 320.25 238 285 267 302.75 220 264 75- Unpruned 1890.] FIELD EXPERIMENTS WITH CORN, 1889. 263 TABLE SHOWING EFFECT OF ROOT-PRUNING; YIELD IN BUSHELS PER ACRE FROM PRUNED AND UNPRUNED PARTS OF PLATS WITH DIFFERENCE. 1888. i 1889. D Kind of cultivation. Pruned. Unpruned. Diflerence. _ 2 3 n ~ Unpruned. Difference. Hoed, ordinary 92.3 98.2 5 Q 60 86 2 16 8 2 None, weeds scraped from surface 8;. <; O4 55 68 /i 8q 8 17.4 ? Shallow, twice after tasseling Q? 4 QC "J I Q *?6 Q *qo 8 17 Q, 4 Deep, twice after tasseling 8s. 2 86 6 I 4 *7VT *8i; 4 12 I 5 Shallow, ordinary Ql Q7 6 78 7 OO Q 12 6 6 Deep, ordinary 83.2 87 3 8 67.6 80 Q 13 3 - Shallow, frequent 92.8 QS S 2 7 7^.8 8;.o IO I s Deep, frequent 8?. 2 86 9 ^ 7 62 4 7C 2 12 8 Average. 88 3 92 5 4.2 7'-5 8 5 .i 13.6 * Once after tasseling. It has already been pointed out that owing to the root-pruning being but 3 in. deep in 1888, which only severed a small portion of the roots, the difference between the pruned and unpruned parts was not large, but that it was always in favor of the unpruned part. This season, with the pruning 4 in. deep, the average difference in favor of the unpruned por- tion was 13.6 bu. The least difference in any plat, the frequently shallow cultivated plat, was 10 bu.; while the greatest difference in any plat, the one that had no cultivation, was nearly 17.4 bu. The greatest decrease in yield from root-pruning was about one-fifth, the least about one-eighth, and the average about one-sixth. There can be no doubt that this de- crease in yield was directly due to cutting the roots. There can be no doubt, also, that on account of the levelness of the surface the pruning to the desired depth (4 in.) was more fully accomplished on plats i and 2 than on the other plats; and on these the decrease in the yield this season was one-fifth. Experiment No. 54. Corn, Root Growth. As stated in bulletin No. 4, the particular object of inquiry in this experiment was to ascertain the number of the roots of corn, and their depth at the points where they are likely to be disturbed by cultivation, and what proportion of all the roots was likely to be so injured. A detailed account of the roots of nine plants examined in 1888 was given in bulletin No. 4, of which the following is a summary: Nine plats which averaged 12 in. high to tip of highest leaf had altogether 94 root's, or an average of over 10 apiece. The longest root traced was 35 in., the plant being 22 in. high. A plant 4^ in. high had a root 13 in. long. Twenty-four roots were examined at 6 in. from their base. One was 4^ in. deep; five, 4 in.; twelve, 3^ in.; one 2^ in.; four, 2 in.; and one, ^ in., at this distance from the base of the root. Three-fourths of the roots, therefore, would not have been broken by root-pruning or cultivating 3 in. deep; but all except one would have been, at 4 in. 264 BULLETIN NO. 8. [February, April 29, 1889, 75 kernels of Burr's white were planted in a row on a black prairie loam which had been rather deeply spring-plowed. The kernels were planted singly 3 ft. apart, at depths y$, i in.; l /z, 3 in.; ^3, 5 in. The corn came up slowly, especially that shallower planted. May i4th, no plants were up when planted i in. deep, n were up at 3 in., 19 were up at 5 in. Seven plats were examined with the results as given in the table. In numbering roots of each plant the primary root is marked o. The follow- ing are additional data. Plant i. Examined May 2ist. Planted I in. deep. Three inches high to tip of leaf. Two leaves expanded, the third showing. This plat had seven roots, besides a whorl of three roots just starting. This last whorl was about ij^ in. above the other whorl or whorls. Plants. Examined May 2ist. Planted I in. deep. One in. high. Leaves not sprouted. This plant had 5 roots. Plant j. Examined May 2ist. Planted 3 in. deep. Apparent height, 5 in. Height to tip of tallest leaf, 9 in. Four leaves expanded, fifth showing. Roots, 14. Four were clustered about primary root, and 9 were in a whorl or whorls ^ in. above. Plant 4. Examined May 22d. Planted 5 in. deep. Apparent height, 5 in. Height to tip of tallest leaf, 9^ in. Five leaves expanded, sixth leaf showing. Roots, 12. Three were clustered about primary root, and 8 were in a whorl or whorls 2% in. above lower whorl. Plant j". Examined June I5th. Planted I in. deep. Height to tip of leaf, 9 in. Roots, 15. The primary root was dead at i j^ in. from base. The 4 roots of the first or seminal whorl [not given in table] were traced io^, 8, 3^, and I in , respectively, at which point they were broken. The crown or first nodal whorl was ^ in. above the semi- nal whorl and the stem between these whorls was about 1-16 in. in diameter, while above the first nodal whorl, the stem was 3-16 by ^ in. in diameter. Plant 6. Examined June I5th. Planted 3 in. deep. Height to tip of tallest leaf, 15 in. Primary root dead at 3 in. from base. Seminal whorl had four roots which were only partially traced. There were 15 roots at the crown, which is i^ in. above the seminal whorl. The stalk between these points is about 1-16 of an in. in diameter, while above the crown the stalk is fa by Yt in. in diameter. The roots at the crown seem to be dis- tributed into about 4 whorls. Counting from the bottom, the first and second whorls have 4 each; the third, 5; and the fourth. 2, the latter just starting.* Ten of the crown roots were traced as given in the table. Plant 7. Examined June I5th. Supposed to have been planted 5 in. deep, but seed was found 4 in. below surface. Height to tip of tallest leaf, 21^ in. Primary root, 14 in. long, went almost straight down, and had a large number of rootlets. Seminal whorl had, besides, 3 roots, all broken. The distance between the seminal whorl and the crown or nodal whorls was 2^ in. The stalk between these points was about 1-16 of an in. or about the size of an average root. Above the crown the stalk was ^ by ^jj in. in diameter. There were 21 roots at or above the crown, which seemed to constitute 4 to 5 whorls, and occupy a vertical space of ^ in. The roots of the upper whorls were con siderably larger than those of the lower. Nineteen roots were traced as given in the table. Plant 8. Five roots of a corn plant, the seed of which wns planted 5 in. deep, were traced September 2Oth, when the corn was nearly mature. Their lengths were 30, 42, 55, 52, and 48 in., respectively. The depth at the end of the first four was 19, n, 12, and 27 in., while the last mentioned went downward 48 in. 1890.] FIELD EXPERIMENTS WITH CORN, 1889. 265 TABLE SHOWING THE LENGTH, THE DEPTH AT THE END, AND AT 6 IN. FROM THE PLANT, OF 78 ROOTS BELONGING TO 7 CORN PLANTS EXAMINED IN 1889. p 9 Height of tip of tallest leaf, in. n> 5' c ft rt _p. O > O rT 3 TO 3 d ft O l I If ? o - "*> ? o "E. P" p SF f n O p ^> ? O^ ^'s, a; j? p (T) *. O r& 3 era o *> o re o f . ui r* 3 n> ^ S.3* I 3 I o I 2 6 T. 5 3-5 2 4 3-5 5 9 1 2 3 4 16 7 4 7 4 3 4 7, 2 5 16 7 c 4 2 6 7 4 4 c C 7 5 j c g e 8 6 2 5 2 5 2 i I o 4. c | 9 10 Q 5 7, e 5 1. C 2 e 2 6 _ , o f"? 3 4 6 4 3 3 3 i 2 '3 8 5 o 5 4 2 3 9 3 o I 2 3 ,1 *6 18 *u 15 4 8 7 7 4 4 6 6 4 6 7 8 21 28 10 9 6 9 13 3 3 -> 5 4 4 2 2 7. 6 12 7 6 4-5 4 9 10 1 1 10 5 5 4 3 8 D -I 7 7 21 t; - o 18 IO 2 5 1 I 18 7 10 c 2 4 " 1 1 c -J 2T, IO 4 12 . C 4 IO 8 c 2O IO 6 * 5 4 9-5 5 I *2 4 c 18 7 5 8 *5 *i7 5 12 5 6 6 5 4 4 C 2 J. 7 16 9 4 3 4 6 20 6 3-5 6 6 4 4 6 10 ii 12 17 *26 *I2 9-5 c 8 6 7 e 4 4 7 7 ^ 4 c e 8 8 c c 1C 4 9 10 1 1 8 12 I 7 7 5-5 5 16 '7 18 15-5 15-5 c 8 7 Q 6 3 c i o 1 I r '9 i 13 3-5. 3 *Broken at that poinl. tDead at that point. Summary. In 1889, of the seven corn plants planted April 29th, 4 aver- aging from 5 to 6 in. high were examined May 2 ist and 22d, and 3, averag- ing i5?n. high were examined June i5th. These 7 plants had 97 roots of which 78 were traced, with a few exceptions, throughout their entire length. Forty eight roots were examined at 6 in. from their base. At this point the depths were three, 2 in. deep; one, 2^ in.; seven, 3 in.; three, 3^2 in.; seventeen, 4 in.; two, 4^ in.; five, 5 in.; two, 5^ in.; five, 6 in.; three went straight down. 266 BULLETIN NO. 8. [February, Rather more than three-fourths of the roots would not have been broken by root-pruning or cultivating 3 in. deep; nearly two thirds would have been broken at 4 in. deep. Over one third were 4 in. deep at 6 in. from their base. Another point brought out by these examinations was that the roots (except the seminal ones, those at the seed, which afterwards die) start usually at from i to 2 in. from the surface without reference to the depth at which the seed has been planted. In case the seed is planted deeper than this, the stem issimply elongated between the first or seininal whorl and the second or first nodal whorl. The stem between these points is usually about 1-16 in. in diameter, while above the second whorl the stem is oval, and in plants 15 in. high is about ^ in. in diameter. It would seem from this that, unless necessitated by dryness, nothing would be gained by planting over, say, 3 in. deep. Deeper planting would only require of the plant extra force and time to reach a position where the roots which eventually nourish the plant will grow. Experiment No. 23. Rotation with Corn, Oats, and Meadow; Corn and Oats compared with continuous culture of Corn. This experiment is introduced here, on account of its bearing upon the question of the application of fertilizers for the production of corn. Briefly, ten half-acre plats, 5x16 rods, have been cropped during the past 14 years as follows. Plats i, 2, and 3 have been in corn continuously; plat 4 in corn and oats alternately; and plats 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 have had this rotation: Corn, 2 years; oats, i year; meadow, clover, timothy, or both, three years. From plats i, 2, and 3 both corn and stalks have been removed. Plat i has had a liberal application of stable manure each year. There was applied per acre in 1888, about 20 tons of stable manure, and in 1889, a little over 28 tons. Plat 3 has had no fertilizer of any kind applied. Up to 1881, plat 2 had an occasional application of commercial fertilizers, but none since. May 17, and 18, 1888, two weeks after corn was planted, and after it was well up, the following fertilizers were applied along the row, care being taken not to have them come in contact with the corn. Dissolved bone-black 150 Ib. Muriate of potash 50 " Sulphate of ammonia 62.5 " In 1889, a similar application of fertilizers was made with the excep- tion that sulphate instead of muriate of potash was used. It was applied broadcast May 3d, four days after the corn was planted. The half-acre which had been manured thirteen years successively with stable manure, yielded in 1888 about one-fourth, and in 1889, after another liberal application of stable manure, about three-fourths more than the unfertilized half-acre which has raised corn continuously for 14 years. Plat 2, to which the commercial fertilizers were applied, yielded 1890.] I [I I. H KXI'KRIMKNTS WITH CORN, 1889. 267 in 1888, about one-twentieth, and in 1889, one sixteenth more than the un- fertilized plat. The following table gives the results for 1888 and 1889: TABLE SHOWING FOR 1888 AND 1880 RESULTS IN ROTATION EXPERIMENT. Plat Crop grown, 1888. Bushels per acre. Stover, straw, hay, p'r acre.lb. Crop grown, 1889. Bushels per acre. Stover, straw, hay, p'r acre,lb. l Corn 68 7 4,640 Corn 77.4 2 Corn. C7 4 7,840 Corn . . ic o - Corn 54 1 2, 57"? Corn 43 2 A Corn 49 "> 7,070 Oats 7.7 4 1, 77s e Oats 48 6 2. 14"; Medium clover. 8080 I Oats 48 i,66c. Medium clover 6 66; 7 Mammoth clover. 3'> Mammoth clover.. ^,O6O i Medium clover. ^045 Corn.. .... c.6 4 Corn . 61 2 7 1 20 Corn.. CQ 1 10 Corn 3-750 Oats 5') 3/>5 At 35.7 cents per bushel, the average farm price* of corn in Illinois during 12 years (1876-1887), the increase in yield per acre of the half acre treated with stable manure would be worth $5.14 in 1888, and $12.21 in 1889. From the plat treated with commercial fertilizers the increase in yield per acre would be worth $i.n in 1888, and 96 cts. in 1889. The cost per acre for such an application of commercial fertilizers at business centers, such as Chicago, would be about $10. Experiment No. I r. Corn, Effect of Fertilizers. [Large Plats. .] The trials reported under this number are substantially similar to those reported under Experiment No. 24, except that these were on a larger scale, being on half-acre plats while those under Experiment No. 24 were on i-ioth and i-2oth acre plats. It is the belief of the writer that the results from the smaller plats are the more accurate, because the condi- tions of the soil, planting, cultivation, and harvesting were altogether more uniform; and the results, therefore, from whatever point of view, are more useful. Obviously the size of the plat is immaterial so long as the conditions under which the experiment is conducted are uniform. While it depends somewhat on the nature of the experiment, in the judgment of the writer more accurate results can be obtained with i-ioth acre plats in most cases than with acre plats. Three tracts were used in this experiment. Tracts (a) and () each contain nine plats 2x76 rods and are on the south University farm. Tract (c) contains six plats each 4 x 20 rods and is on the farm of Mr. W. W. Bowler, Flora, Clay Co., 111. Tract (0) was fertilized in 1888 only, after having raised corn two years previously. Tract (b} was adjacent to tract (a) and was fertilized in 1889, after having raised corn three years. The land was uneven, be- ing high in some places and low in others. The high and low places were *See Report U. S. Dep't of Agricultu p. 536. 268 BULLETIN NO. 8. {February, distributed somewhat, though not altogether, regularly throughout the dif- ferent plats. The tracts were spring-plowed. The stable manure was applied on both tracts before plowing and the commercial fertilizers after plowing. In 1888, plats i and 3 of tract (a) and in 1889, plat i of tract (b), unfor- tunately, were plowed somewhat later than the other plats. The seed- bed on plat i, tract (b), was appreciably better than on the other plats, which may have had an effect on the result. The cultivation of these tracts was poor. An inspection of the table, which shows fertilizers used and results on tracts (a) and (), will show that in the three trials (two on tract (a) and one on tract ()) the average yield was a little less in each trial on the plats treated with commercial fertilizers than on those having no manure. In no case did any one of the plats treated with the various kinds of com- mercial fertilizers give an appreciable increase in yield over the plats not treated. The two plats on tract (a) in 1888 on which stable manure was used yielded about 10 bu. more than those having no manure. The opinion was ventured in bulletin No. 4, p. 117, that a more marked increase in yield in 1889 was not improbable. This has not been the case. The yield in 1889 from these plats was no greater than from those not fertilized. It should be mentioned, however, that in cross-cultivation sufficient care was not taken in turning so that the outer two rows of plat i, tract (V), were somewhat injured. There is no evidence that any very marked decrease was occasioned thereby. On tract (//) the yield from the plat on which stable manure was used was about 17 bu. per acre more than the unma- nured and 19 bu. more than from the average of the other 8 plats. Tract (r) was spring-plowed and fertilizers were applied broadcast before the corn was planted, May 2d and 3d, the tract was planted with check rower. A fair, but not perfect, stand was secured. The corn was cultivated three times, but was decidedly weedy (mostly smartweed), more so, apparently, on plats, i, 4, and 6, than on plats 2, 3, and 5. August 8th, the tract was visited and the indications we're as follows: plat 6, decidedly best; plat i, next; plat 2, next; plats 3, 4, and 5, much alike, and but little below plats i and 2. December 20, 1889, Mr. Bowler writes; " Gathered corn about the ist of the month. Finished husking corn on plat 5 late in the evening and it rained on it, so we thought that under the circumstances we could estimate by the other loads with more accuracy than to weigh it. The light weights of plats 3 and 4 must have been caused by a sag in the ground. The whole piece was too flat for this season. Our corn on the north side of the road, on more rolling ground, made an average of about 40 bu. per acre." KIKI.Ii EXl'ERIMENTS WITH CORN, 1889. 269 TABLE SHOWING KIND AND QUANTITY OF FERTILIZER USED; YIELD OF CORN PER PLAT AND PER ACRE. Tract (a) 1888 and 1889. 1'lat 1888. 1889. Fertilizers. (Quantity. Lb. ear liu. per corn. acre. Lb. ear corn. Bu. per acre. I 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 Stable manure * 30 loads 4,446 4,173 4,404 3,628 3,454 3.551 3,682 4,014 4,465 4,040 7 66 7 58 55 56 59 64 55 64 2,360 2,520 2,580 2,465 2,320 2,200 2,540 2,600 2,470 31 33 34 32 3i 29 33 34 33 None .. Stable manure * 30 loads Hog tankage. . ... "?;o Ib Muriate ol potash 100 Ib j Hog tankage 350 Ib. \ | Muriate of potash. loolb. j 300 Ib Dissolved bone-black.. . . Sulphate of ammonia.. . . None . . 125 Ib None Tract (b). i8Sg i 2 3 4 6 8 9 Stable manure 28 loads. . 3,5io 2,440 2,160 2,265 2.310 i, 860 1,670 1,700 2,340 46 32 28 30 30 25 22 22 31 None 1 f Superphosphate 400 Ib. 1 50 Ib. ( j Muriate of potash i Sulphate of potash loo Ib. f 125 Ib. J 400 Ib. . ... [_ Sulphate of ammonia. . . . Guano . ... Hog tankage 400 Ib None Muriate of potash. 100 Ib. Sulphate of ammonia. . . . None loo Ib Tract (b), on farm of W. W. Bowler, Flor a, Clay Co., III., 1889. i 2 3 4 6 (Superphosphate 400 Ib. | 100 Ib. > I,2IO 95 1, 060 650 fl,I20 I.48S 30 24 27 16 *28 37 Muriate of potash Sulphate of ammonia. . . . Muriate of potash 125 Ib. J 100 Ib Sulphate of ammonia. . . . Superphosphate 125 Ib 400 Ib None Stable manure 20 loads * Approximately, t Estimated. See explanation above. Experiment No. 24. Corn, Effect of Fertilizers. \Small Plats."} Two tracts have been used in this experiment, both upon the Experi- ment Station grounds. Tract (a) was used in 1888 and 1889. The tract consists of twelve plats each 9 x 35 hills or, approximately, one-tenth acre, except plats n and 12 which in 1889 were 9 x 36 hills. The preparation of the seed-bed and the planting of corn was both years the same as described in Experi- ment No. 8. The stable manure was applied the day before the land was plowed, being in the spring, in 1888, and on December 6, 1888, for 1889. The other fertilizers were applied after the corn was plowed. In 1888, they were applied about the hills of corn and mixed with the soil with a hoe, 27 BULLETIN NO. 8. [February, nine days after the corn was planted and about two days after it was up. In 1889, they were sown broadcast, two days after the corn was planted. The corn was cultivated with a shallow cultivator five times in 1888 and four times in 1889. Any weeds remaining in the hills were removed with a hoe or by hand. No difference was observable in date of tasseling, or maturity, or in vigor of growth at any time that could be attributed with any certainty to any of the fertilizers used, with the exception of plat i on which, in 1889, the corn made a somewhat stronger growth than on the other plats. October 20, 1888, the corn was husked on each plat, and thrown on the ground. That on plats i to 7 was weighed and 78 Ib. taken for a sample. October 24th, the corn from plats 8 to 12 was weighed and 80 pounds taken for a sample. November i4th, the 78-lb. sample yielded 63.75 Ib. of shelled corn, and the 8o-lb. sample yielded 62.5 Ib. The difference in the per cent, of dry corn between the two samples was due to a rain, which occurred between the weighing of plats i to 7 and plats 8 to 12. November 20-22, 1889, the track was husked and corn weighed. November 23d, a 5o-lb. sample yielded 40.5 Ib. shelled corn containing 24.6 per cent, water. It would, therefore, require 81.6 Ib. of ear corn to make one bushel of air-dry corn. The following table gives the results of the years 1888 and 1889: TABLE SHOWING KIND AND QUANTITY OF FERTILIZER USED, AND YIELD OF CORN PER PLAT AND PER ACRE. Yield in 1888. Yield in 1889. tilizers applied in 1888 and in 1889. Pounds per acre. P ?n "* "^3 5= ' w - W c "S * -o n O y 2 in. long, 1.4 to 1.7 in. diameter; kernels, scarcely even at the butt; tip, fairly well filled; rows, 8, regular or nearly so, pairs of rows, distinct, sometimes entirely sepa- rated at the butt; cob, white, .7 to i.i in. in diameter. Kernels, solid, rounded over the top, three-fourths as deep as broad, medium sized, crimped or nearly smooth. No. 22, Ford's early; Vaughan. Corn first fit for use 80 days from planting. Stalks, 4 to 5 ft. high, rather slender, and long jointed; blades, small; tassels, mostly drooping; suckers, few; husks, with small blades. Ears, 14 to 18 in. from the ground, clear, creamy white, sometimes approaching flesh color, cylindrical, either tapering, or bluntly rounded at the tip, sometimes enlarged at the butt by added kernels, 4^ to 7 in. long, 1.3 to 1.6 in. in diameter; kernels even at the butt; tip, well filled; rows, 8, usually white, .8 to 9. in. in diameter. Kernels, flatly rounded over the top, broad, rather solid, about three-fourths as deep as broad, thick, medium size, wrinkled and crimped. Somewhat similar to Minnesota, but seems to be an improvement on that variety in quality. No. 23, Extra early dwarf; Bridgeman. Corn first fit for use in 80 days after planting. This seems to be the same as Minnesota. See bulletin No. 4, p. 129. No. 35, Original Crosby; Gregory. Corn first fit for use in 80 days from planting. Stalks, 5 to 6 ft. high, pale green, slender, long jointed above the ear; tassels, slender and drooping, not much branched; suckers, numerous; husk blades, small. Ears, 14 to 18 in. from the ground, dull white, cylindrical or tapering; tip, blunt to long tapering; 4/4 to 7 in. long, 1.3 to 1.7 in. in diameter; kernels, even at the butt; tip, fairly filled; cob, white, .8 to I in. in diameter. Kernels, not very solid, not fully rounded over the top, irregular in shape, thick, about as deep as broad, below medium size, crimped; rows, 10 to 14, not very regular, sometimes spirally arranged; pairs of rows scarcely distinguish- able. Does not produce enough good ears in proportion to nubbins. No. 52, Hawaii sugar; Wilson. Corn first fit for use in 81 days from planting. Stalks, 4^4 to 5J^ ft. high, rather long jointed, blades of medium size; tassels, not much branched, drooping: suckers, few; husks, with small to medium sized blades. Ears, 12 to 16 in. from the ground, cylindrical, tapering bluntly at the tip, sometimes enlarged at the butt, 5 to 7 in. long, 1.3 to 1.6 in. in diameter; kernels, even at the butt; tip, fairly tilled; rows, 8, regular, or nearly regular; pairs of rows, distinct, sometimes separated toward the butt; cob, white; .7 to i.i in. in diameter. Kernels, solid, rounded or broadly rounded over the top, three -fourths as deep as broad, rather thick, crimped. This resem- bles Minnesota, and is scarcely worthy of being classed as a distinct variety. No. 25, Early Boston market; Gregory. Corn first fit for use 8l days from planting. Stalks, 4 to 5 ft. high, heavy, large leaved, suckers, few; tassels, small, stiff; husk blades, small to medium. Ears, 12 to 14 in. from ground, very dull white, sometimes nearly cylindrical, usually tapering from the butt, 5/4 to 7 in. long, 1.4 to 1.7 in. in diameter; kernels, even at the butt; tip, not well filled out; rows 10 to 12, regular; pairs of rows, 1890.] EXPERIMENTS WITH SWEET CORN", 1889. 277 not distinct; cob, white, .9 to i.i in. in diameter. Kernels, not solid, flatly rounded over the top, crinkled and wrinkled, very thick, as deep as broad. No. jj>, Leet's early; Ferry. Corn first fit for use 81 days from planting. Stalks, 5 to 6 ft. high, stout, rather short jointed, blades large, dark green; tassels, much branched, rather stiff; suckers, few; husks, with small to medium sized blades. Ears, 18 to 24 in. from the ground, very dull white or brownish white, cylindrical to strongly tapering, bluntly pointed or rounded at the tip, 5j^ to 8 in. long, 1.410 1.7 in. in diameter; kernels, barely even at the butt, usually well filled at the tip; rows, 8 to 12, somewhat irregular; pairs of rows, not very distinct, except in the 8-rowed ears, in which they are sometimes entirely separated toward the butt; cob, white or red, .9 to i.i in. in diameter. Kernels, fairly solid, very large, thick, broadly rounded over the top, not very regular in shape, crimped. Ears, coarse looking. EARLY VARIETIES Colored, not Yellow.. No. 4, No. 48; Salzer. Corn first fit for use 75 days from planting. Stalks, 3 to 4 ft. high. The stalks are smaller than Cory, and the first ears were fit for use 2 days earlier than Cory; otherwise there is no apparent difference. Sent out as being 10 to 15 days earlier than any other known variety. No. jo, Early La Crosse; Salzer. Corn first fit for use in 77 days from planting. Same as Cory. For description, see bulletin No. 4, p. 130. No. 14, New England orange; Wilson. Corn first fit for use in 78 days from planting. This looks like a simple mixture of Cory and Narragansett in which Cory predomi- nates, and will not be described as a distinct variety. No. 5, Early Rock ford market; Shumway. Corn first fit for use 78 days from planting. Appears to be a selection from Cory and only differs from that in being of a lighter color, and with a little smaller ear. There is not enough difference to entitle it to be classed as a distinct variety. MEDIUM VARIETIES White. No. 33, Western queen; Shumway. Corn first fit for use 83 days from planting. Stalks, 5 to6^ ft. high, short jointed, leafy; tassels, stiff or drooping, much branched, not many suckers; husk blades, of medium size. Ears, 16 to 20 in. from the ground, very dark color when ripe, cylindrical or slightly tapering; tip, bluntly pointed; $% to 8 in. long, i. 6 to 1.8 in. in diameter; kernels, even or scarcely even at the butt; tip, fairly well filled; rows, 10 to 14, regular, sometimes spiral; pairs of rows, not very distinct; cob, white, .8 to 1.2 in. in diameter. Kernels, fairly solid, medium size, regular in shape, about as deep as broad, flatly rounded over the top, crimped. A rather smooth, regular ear. No. jj, Early D<>s Mjines; Iowa Seed Co. Corn first fit for use 85 days from planting. This is not different in any essential character from Crosby. See bulletin Xo. 4, p. 129. No. 34, Durkee; Gregory. Corn first fit for use 84 days from planting. Stalks, 5J^ to 7 ft. high, light green, rather slender; tassels, much branched, slender, drooping; not many suckers; husk blades, medium size. Ears, 18 to 24 in. from the ground, dull white, commonly tap?ring; tip, rather bluntly rounded; 5 to 1 l / 2 in. long, 1.4 to 1.9 in. in diameter; kernels, even at the butt; tip, filled or nearly filled; rows, 12 to 14, not very regular, sometimes spirally arranged; pairs of rows not distinct; cob, white, .9 to 1.2 in. in diameter. Kernels, fairly solid, little rounded over the top, not very regular 278 BULLETIN NO. 8. {Fcbruary y in shape, thick, below medium size, as deep as broad, crimped. Very similar to oiiginal Crosby except in size and season. No, 41, Extra early Tom Thumb; Dreer. Corn first fit for use 84 days from planting. This appears to be identical with the one grown under the name of early sugar, in 1888, and described in bulletin No. 4, p. 134. No. j<5, Early southern sugar; Ferry. Corn first fit for use 85 days from planting. Stalks, 5 to 6 ft. high, heavy, leafy; tassels, stiff; husks, with small blades. Ears, dull white, cylindrical, or tapering; tip, bluntly tapering; i6to 20 in. from the ground, 5 to Sin. long, 1.5 to 1.9 in. in diameter; kernels, even or rounded past the butt; tip, not well filled; rows, 8 to 10, not regular; pairs of rows, not very distinct; cob, white, .8 to I in. in diameter. Kernels, loose, irregular in shape, above medium size, wrinkled and crimped, many of them showing starch and inclining to dent. This variety is evidently the result of a cross between a sweet and a dent corn and is of very poor quality. No. 48, Roilyn },)brid; Drter. Corn first fit for use 86 clays from planting. Stalks, 7 to 8^ ft. high, heavy, leafy, light green; tassels, much branched, heavy, rather stiff; suckers, few; husks, with small to medium sized blades. Ears, 24 to 30 in. from the ground, cream to dull white, nearly cylindrical to abruptly tapering, 7 to 10 in. long, 1.9 to 2.4 in. in diameter; kernels, even at the butt; tip, well filled; rows, 12 to 16, regular; pairs of rows, not distinct; cob, white, 1.2 to 1. 4 in. in diameter. Kernels, loose or very loose, rather flatly rounded over the top, one and one-fourth times as deep as broad, wrinkled and crimped, above medium size. No. 7-jf, Mammoth early ; Faust, and A 7 !?. 79, Marbleheayi to 8 ft. high, heavy, leafy, short jointed; tassels, much branched, rather stift; suckers, few; husks, with medium sized blades. Ears, 28 to 30 in. from the ground, dull white; mostly tapering, sometimes compressed at the butt; sometimes enlarged; tip, blunt or round pointed, 6j^ to n in. long, 1.6 to 2 in. in diameter; kernels, even at the butt; tip, fairly filled; rows, 10 to 16, not very regular; pairs of rows, not distinct; cob, white, I to 1. 4 in. in diameter. Kernels, not solid, rounded or flatly rounded over the top, somewhat irregular in shape, above medium size, as deep as broad, wrinkled and crimped, or smooth. A large, coarse ear similar to Hickox. .V0. 87, The honey; Storrs & Harrison. Corn first fit for use 94 days from planting. Stalks, 6 to lYz ft. high, short jointed, stout, leafy; tassels, rather stiff; husks, with many medium sized blades; suckers, numerous. Ears, 20 to 28 in. from the ground, dull 280 BULLETIN NO. 8. [February, or bleached white color; cylindrical, or slightly tapering at the tip; 6 to 8 in. long, 1.4 to 1.8 in. in diameter; kernels, slightly rounded over the butt; well filled at the tip; rows, 10 to 12^ regular; pairs of rows, not distinct; cob, white, .9 to 1.2 in. in diameter. Ker- nels, rather solid, rounded over the top, nearly as deep as broad, crinkled. A very pro- lific variety, producing two or three ears to the s:alk. No. 76, Early mammoth; Landreth. Nos. 77. "j8, and St, Mammoth; Bridgeman, Hallock, Storrs & Harrison; and No. 82, Mammoth sugar; Salzer. Corn first fi.t for use 94 to 98 days from planting. These are the same as late mammoth, described in bulletin No. 4 p. 136 LATE VARIETY Colored, not Yellow. No. 7j, Black sugar; Cowan. Corn first fit for use 92 days from planting. This is the same as black Mexican, described in bulletin No. 4, p. 133. YIELD. In calculating the yield per acre (see table, p. 283) from the plat yields, no attention has been paid to the per cent, of stand, because the yield and stand do not bear any definite relation to each other, and although the yield varies greatly, as in 8-rowed corn, plats 95 and 99,. which gave a yield of 100.7 an d 5 1 bu., respectively, yet the same variety, if "corrected" for stand would give on plats 96 and 98 a yield of 159.8 and 74.4 bu., respectively, per acre, which would be a greater proportion- ate difference than in the first case. An examination of the table below will further illustrate. In making up the per cent, of stand, as seen in table, no attention was paid to suckers; the stalks had been counted before the suckers started. If the suckers had been counted as stalks, the num- ber would in some cases be more than doubled. TABLE SHOWING STAND; YIELD; AND THE YIELD AS "CORRECTED" v >R STAND. 3 ?T Seedsmen. fl .3 is P. 3. ~~* Yield per acre bu. 2 E" Seedsmen. .? ! 0.2 Yield per acre bu. > . C 5 < % " ?^s .0> S 2 > * n n 2 ?==2 ! &.? 95 96 97 98 99 107 105 IO2 IO4 103 1 06 8-rowed corn. Station 92 44 47 74 49 100.7 70-3 67.9 55-i Si 109.4 1598 1444 74-4 104 81 83 77 82 78 80 9i 92 in no 109 Mammoth. Storrs & Harrison Station 78 9 68 43 60 66 91 2 116.9 82.9 92.1 799 "7-5 799 185-* 69 115 63.6 963. Barnard Currie Bros Haskell Bridgeman Salzer . Vaughan Hallock Stowtll's everg Station re en. 9 1 66 77 45 55 52 86.1 747 72-3 695 62.6 592 945 113 i 939 154-4 113 8 "3-8 Triumph. Vaughan 58 88 76.1 138.3- 75.8 86. i Haskell Vaughan HallnrU Station Storrs & Harrison Wilson.. Egyptian. Station 89 37 40 80.9 90.8 63 6 171 8 58.4 146 37 40 36 38 T.Q Crosby. Hasl-pll Si 94 65 72 64 67.2 66 63-6 52-9 U.7 82.9 70.2 97-8 73-4 80.7 Vaughan Station.. IT M 12 Marbleliead. Haskell 80 92 78 45-5 56.8 41 i 44.6 2;.q ^2 Wilson Vaughan . Vaughan . Landreth . . Landreth.. . i8 9 o.] EXPERIMENTS WITH SWEET CORN, 1889. 28l While some of the calculated yields may appear excessive, others are below what might reasonably be expected. A table showing the average yields of all the plats of the same variety might give. a more correct idea of yield. The following is a list of all the varieties, of which three or more plats were grown, with the average yield of each. TABLE SHOWING AVERAGE YIELD ON PLATS PLANTED WITH SAME VARIETV. Variety. No. plats. Av. yield per a., bu Variety. No. plats. Av. yield per a., bu. Northern pedigree 7 28 Concord 7 C7 -I Cory . .... 7 7Q 4 Black Mexican 7 1\ Marblehead .. ... 2 77. e Early mammoth. . . . 7 48.7 Minnesota . 7 48 I Late mammoth. . . 6 76 I 7 47 7 8 rowed . 60 Crosby e 6O.2 Stowell's evergreen.. 6 7O.7 Perry's hybrid 3 36.9 Egyptian 3 676 VITALITY OF SWEET CORN. Sweet corn for seed should be gathered before there has been any ex- tremely cold weather. As soon as gathered, it should be thoroughly dried, and kept dry until planted the following season. To get at the vitality of the seed we were using the past season 100 kernels of each of the varieties given in the accompanying table, were planted in the greenhouse May 24th,. and the sprouted kernels counted, May 29th. The temperature in the meantime had ranged from 48 to 80 F. As the results did not seem very satisfactory, a duplicate lot (except No. 86) was put in June 2d, and taken out and counted June 7th. Range of temperature for last trial, 51 to 82 F. June i3th the stalks of corn in the field were counted. The conditions in the greenhouse were only fair for the germination of corn, while the conditions in the field were bad. When the corn was first planted the ground was excessively dry and remained so until May 2ist. The heavy rains and cold weather of the latter part of May and early part of June came before the corn had all sprouted and some of it was destroyed. Probably a few stalks were destroyed before they were counted, but as all the plats were equally exposed that would make no material difference with the result. The test of seeds seems not only to give the per cent, that will grow under the conditions in which they are tried, but in general it indicates the vital power, or the power in the living seeds to resist ad- verse circumstances. This will be more clearly brought out by an exam- ination of the table below. The first lot includes 32 varieties, of which 90 to 100 per cent, sprouted when planted in the greenhouse. The second, 37 varieties, of which 75 to 89 per cent, sprouted. In the third lot, 24 varieties, of which 60 to 74 per cent, sprouted. The last lot, 17 varieties, of which 35 to 59 per cent, sprouted. TABLE SHOWING THE RELATION OF VITAL POWER TO PER CENT. OF LIVE SEEDS. No. of varieties in each lot 32 i 37 24 Average per cent, of live seeds, as shown in green- house tests 94-74 I 83.2 68.78 Per cent, of live seeds growing when planted in the '7 52.18 282 BULLETIN xo. 8. [February, CONCLUSIONS. Among so many varieties it would be presumptions to name any one as the best. But for general planting any of the following varieties men- tioned in the order of earliness may be recommended: Early Cory, Narragansett, Ford's- early, Minnesota, Leet's early. Medium Crosby, Concord, Stabler's early, Landreth sugar, Black Mexican. Late Amber cream, ruby, Stowell's evergreen, eight-rowed, triumph, Egyptian, late mammoth. The early small-growing varieties do best planted, if in hills, \]/2 to 2 ft. apart; the medium 2^ ft. apart; and the large, late varieties, 3 to 3^ ft. apart. It will not do to depend implicitly on catalogue statements in regard to new varieties. Two illustrations will suffice. No. 48 (No. 4 of t?ble p. 283) was sent out as 10 to 14 days earlier than any other known variety. As grown here the past season it was no earlier than two other varieties; and within a week from the time when it was fit for use, sixteen other varieties had come into season. Gold coin was said to be 6 to 10 days earlier than Stowell's evergreen. It proved the present season to be 6 to 1 6 days later, there being 10 days difference between the earliest and latest plats of the latter. With the exception of gold coin, the greatest differ- ence in time betwen the earliest and latest plats the past season was 23 days; including gold coin, the difference is 28 days. In the tests for 1888, the greatest difference found was 25 days. The earlier varieties, as a rule, not only produce fewer ears in proportion to the number of stalks, but they also produce fewer good ears in proportion to the number of nubbins. The following table gives the results of the tests of germinating power, and the details of the field work: 1890.] F.XPKRIMKNTS \V1 1 H ^ \VKKT CORN', 1889. 283 _r z ^ 5 -' a 03 u. per acre. i/~i o r^C^^-^OO TJ-I->. Ln u^ i/ii/iO I/^N f^.roO"O O^O ** Q o r~i ro f. ^ fi ^* f^i fJ ^" ^T d ^* c< *-oo ^J* M** ^ ^ L o *^ *^% C4 O C^ - - M U Wt. loo ears, Ib. ON C\ CN fO i^.O fO C^OO ^ C\ ^ ^" t-^* O^iO ^> ro N t^* LO t^ ro ^O fO O^-C OO OO C^"X) ^O OO wi'O OO O ^^"00 t^O**t- > *t^O ( O i^>OO 5 x - N N ^ N - Si u 00 r^ooO OONu^ O^OO rf rf N oo 00 LnO OO TJ- iOQO ^* z i < a - - lotal Ib. corn. ^" N N C*l ^t 1 P4 vO O ** ^" O LO ^O ^" N *^i*O O t^* ^^ O^ N O^O *-O N - -f. A - a No. nubbins. js-3 s^ ^^S^SN- s-^^o R^^^S o^o ^^S-SNS ' No. salable ears. OOOOO i-p>oOt^P> t^oo N OO O t-^ r^ O oO r^ r^. r)-oo N 10 r i \O Tl"OO ^>O 10 t^ P4 t^ t^ t^* r- 10 t^ 10 PJ ro OOO ON GO CO ON P4 o i z ;- M -< Per cent, of stand. t~^ pr.OO ON ^OO OO t^* t^* ONOO t^ ON rOOO ON t^OO I~^NO NO OO NO t^* ON ON < ^ - No. stalks per plat. u"l O t^O OO M O *^OO ^O * t^s to LO O ON fl '^ O 00 00 O ^" "^ f) *O z <: S 2 X - No. hills per plat. OONOO"^OOOOONOOOOONOOOONO ONOO O O r~- O O O s s OH rn Days, planting to VONO f-vooe ^t-r-0 t-t-ONO'oo ONOONQ--0000-0 t^ 3O OO 00 00 JO 00 00 00 00 00 00 sa edible maturity. si a i r ^ S ^ b. O Cutting. ooocoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooboooooooooooooo ONOO M U. u S 3 First edible v ears. TTTTiTTTiTTTTi i i i \ \ \ \ i \ \ > < * O rt T 00 m rOTOrON\Or^OO^-OOm z O Full bloom. > i i . : i I I i I i i i i I I I I i i I I I i i i k 2 a z" a! First bloom O O ON O O OO 00 '< i 1 1 I ! 1 1 7 1 i 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 K 5 r . * S s U 0. o Field. ONOO IO O 'j- ON ONOO O ON M rO>O ON t^. ^ O OO O fJ-'O P< "ISO * s Z U. (f: - Z D 3 g -^ " J 2d trial. SSStf : : 8 SSS^SK8 RSSSSStftfSS U > ^ a - v e M ~<- ist tual. rJ-OO ** r^Tft^rOf^rOWOO O-voO ^"00 ONt^ONf^/O ^j-N *^ ONO ON ON OO ON O^OO ON 0^00 OO "V-C O>NO X O OO NO ON t^Ot ON ON * r. Z Description in this to to to r^ t^ to r>. t^ 10 vO vO NO NO * ? X. bulletin, p. ... x D Description in bul- OOO OOO-OO ONONONON- --ON r (2 k I '^-. letin No. 4, p. . . ^ - z z < is ALABLE EAR c g w en S -rt^C C '"Sc - J! ' B *'" C a *" M * 2 X j OK STAND; S 31. E SIIOWIM, Y.vRiE'i v; I 1 \.i- OK FULL HLOOM, OF FIRST 1 EACH PLAT, WITH PER CENT. '5 C a b/J w ^SJ* '(n^^c"" ^ ^- M- >^ 5 >. ^ >^ ^ ^^ ^ rt rt "^ >- >^ rt >^l-j rt >-, o >% ^J^SSSSWSQUwUwWSJSSSW^CWWWQfcWWMW ** 1/1 ro * ^"O f)NO PJ ONOO 6 "1 PJ ON "1" ^J- - N r^O t^-OO O t~~- *f ro PlfOPO P)NP) PP1P4P)P1P1P-P)-"P)tSP Total Ib. corn. 3^*^-rf*2g^ld.Q5AAj f 5?SS3; ~ ^ ;, !T _ ^ ^;S No. nubbins. r^. oj fiOO I s ** "3" Tt* "* O O oO oO *-^ PJ *-*" "O ^o N t*> ro t*" ^O 'N O O ^0 OO O^ 3O O O O^ O^ r^* CJ ^ LO ^ OO r^* s * N r^-'O OO ^"> ^ O**- No. salable ears. "^ ro CS 00 LOOO t^*'>C OO ^ !-O r^.0 OO "^ 00 fOO *^> ^" t*^* ^ OO t^*00 N OC 1^1 "-i $\ O^ ** N OOOO cOLnf^ rOr^Tt- O -OO O ^v r^ O O "O ?*} " CN Per cent, of stand. vO 10 LOM ^J-N o\N L/"I N ^-^NOO ^o >- Days, planting to edible maturity. OO ^" w> * OO O^ ~* *^" O ^" ^J" ^" ^" r O ^" N *-O ^" *o -O *-O^O u^\O O ** rlO *^V l^OO OC 00 l^ t^OC OOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOCXOOOOOOOOOOOCCOOOOOOOOOOO Cutting. <^OOONO^C s 'OaNO\OOOOOOOOOOOO'^-OOOOOOO OOO.ONcioOX^OO^ONONONONONOVO.ONiN^^iNON^CNr^^^^ ^ First edible I> -^j- O ^O ^}" PO i^> w> ^" <^> i^i ^* ^"OO OO OO O O u-iOO ^C ^ -O t->- ^ - . i i i i i ! ' ' i i i i : ! i t- t^ r^t^r^ First bloom. o 00 * PI TTX *OO X 00 OO 1^ t- 1^00 VO 00 O>X i i i i i ii ' i i i i i O O III! 1 TJ Field. w P-, PN ," . ?N S- moo OO P^ r*) rf> PI P) m ro a V E "D X . . . w . . . J4 . . . Q - o . . . : | : '^ :U . " i ' CJ W - ' * ' i c ^ 5 J< 5^t;-SoE.^ ill^jiflfisllililllll r - Plat. EXPERIMENTS WITH SWEET CORN, 1889. 28; OO f) X ^* N O in N O tnX *^* ^ ^* "^" t*"O X ON O N ON ON t^ N TO in N in X f} N OO O in M r^. N ri TJ- ~ O ro^i-N NO fO fOX ON in ON ONX ""O - ON N X X r^-O OX O O m ro O to in*C O ON t*^O CNX t^r^X in Tj-X O O ro in -^ t^O ^"O ON t-^oo ro^^O ON in o* t-*. t*>*O f"> Q pj f*4 O N ON ONX inX t"~ CO t^- "* ON^O ro ^" in t^* f5 r^. roX lOO t^- ** ON ON T^ T^OO ON NO \O X r^X X CNX i rf fi W)> * *irO W ON TJ-X> O N O t-~ ^X N i^- rj- ro rj ir,\6 rOX ri N N M N N N Tir^ro O mi^T)-OX O roO mX ONONO m ON ON t^ t^j ONVD NC vC ONX r^ in ON ON O " t^X r^. in ro in O X O ONNO insO ON ONX in MD fO ON X t^ i^. M rn tn^o ^NO T- ON r'O roO ^O N rofl XNO N ^OO ONVO Mm'*' N ^ ^ PJ t~ OXX r^mN ro-OON O"lOOM-^^-ONroro mM mX XONT)-!^. o tn TJ- N X N _-_ _ NO -... ~N-. N X ON\O ro NO rfTfTtinb r^mO\O mr~-r--.ONO OX rOO ^inONmO V XX ONN CN m -^-x> O ON ON rrO O O X O t^ ON ON inO m m f>O O ^-NO t~-rfCNTfinN TtX x ON mX tn ^j- ON t^> NX f")NO rotn'^iON^'ON in ONO tn tnx N r*lO O X X O C ^OO O N X m ONO O^r^-XXXO ^W NO ro^ONON N l^tONX fOtnXXX in OO ^ X t^. O ONX f:TrinO O O O O OXX O ONt^O O tnx ON t^- t^X X in ON ON rj- o tn in T}- DC ^^OO O N in O ' 5 OO X X X X X X X 00 X ONX X X X OO ON ONX X ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON OOOOOOOOOO r*^ O O *** O O t*>> r** O *^* ^ ^T ^ t^ ^ ^ ^ r^* r> t^* T^- r^* ^ c r^ t^* r^ t^ t*^ t^* X rt t^ r^X) X X X X X X X X XX XX UXXXXXX . t i V O OO NOONfONro ^*in N ONX X in-O r^r^f^^-forj-intnc Tj-inintncj in O\ in in ON ON ON ^X *O X t">X O ON ONOO X NO O ^X 1^* tn r>O fO O in t^ t^* t^* ONX ONX C*" ON ON mO C~ ONX ON ^00 t~ (- I~- ONO ON ONX X t^ mX X X mX ONvO O m mX t^ t^ ONX ONX m ON OO " " " -~X ^X X X ; ^_O X -OOOX -XX ONONONON N*:!!!! ! M* '. M ct et -NN-NNNN-NN NNNN ^O NO O NO .... \o \O "^ >*% o "M I S J -3 I'S a ^ > 'S)'S-2 .2 "So | 'So-S &>% && g3.2 r g^'SoS2 :: 'O.I ".! J "Sol Sl^|l^S||||||||o||j|g||||||g|| j|||||| >., '. '. 3 o rt ^ : 111 : : :1 5 vi 'O 'O ._.._ 286 1H I I.ETIN NO. [ February, Bu. per acre. rf f ON 30 rO-C iOt^N~ONrJ-OON3Nrt CNX O S-S-E^ 30 t^O O t^ LOX) 30 30 rnO ~} * rj- O ONO 1^. . ' ^ ^O . | Wt. loo ears, Ib. O 00 N ir t-. 10 ". ri O M ro N ro f r-X>0 rOTfioio-* 30 ^. ^ ^._ f,.^. 3>JS^5-SJ^5>JS -t-t,r ^ ??^mn P>3 Total Ib. corn. - '-/O ONf ON ro LOOO ro N - -t r, n roX - ON ON t>. -t N O O "~ O O l o TJ-O t^.O LOO O LO t^. r^ r1X> rj- r^ ioX N LO Tj- Tj-O No. nubbins. t^l N CO vr> rr Stf81&W?cSf t^ ^- 10 N 1-^30 f) O J^ONLON NO S.5o * No. salable ears. M - 10 t~ vr ^f LOO r~< ;s,r'g ^^KS; N ro t^.O O ^t"O N rs 1 ?-' Per cent, of stand. ?^^?^ :^L^^ LOON^ * <-OX fi CNO N OO roX ~5 LO[ No. stalks per plat. xT^S^S LO^n^^^a 'frOO L03C N 'J- 3C t^ t^O X ro LO t^. -^^ = J No. hills per plat, i ^ O O *T O TA HLE. Continned. Days, planting to edible maturitv. 1 Cutting. lllll.l^llllllll^llllllll *o First edible o ears. o CN * i 1 1 i i 1 i 1 1 1 1 I 1 i III 00 00 1^-30 t^30 00 00 X> 00 00 1--30 OOOOOOX>OOOOX>OOOOX>OOOO rt > LO to ("O fO ^- ^ ^" "*t" LO Tt" N rO ^OO 00 !"* toO N T}" N N ^O !** Q Full bloom NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN; First bloom. 1 : I 1 1 1 1 ! I i 1 I 1 I i 1 ! 1 i i 1 |l . -a' Field. rOO NOrOfN^OOOOvOvOfO ^j ON ro ^" f} ^vO ^" s * O fO^D ^" *-O ^O *-OOO O O 00 CO C^ **O ** 1 2| $ 2d trial. w^'O GO O C^ N w"> ro C^ N CO O OO 10 t-* C 1 * CN^O t^.^0 t^- O>X) t^rOONTT OO^O^f^- 3O. Description in this bulletin, p N N N Description in bul- letin No. 4, p. . . S^^S^SS^SSSS^ft'ft'ft :^^SSSS^> : - i . c I "f in : U 1 1| 3| sfilll'll 3| | e| 3 Sllgl 3 :::::::::::::::::::::::: *T3 zr . * . . A. JJ I I . fl g'-'JJecccccu'''- lijjiftS'l'l&f ?|| : :::::::::: :j l)bJO t/J< "* LOO t--X ON O N f) ^ \n\o r^x ON O i Plat. ONCNO^ONOooooooooo----- -i 1890.] EXPERMENTS WITH SSVKK.I CORN, 1889. 287 TAHLE (iivixr, A SUMMARY OF THE TESTS OF GERMINABIUTY OF SEED SWEET CORN FROM LEADING SEEDSMEN. Seedsmen. First trial, greenhouse. Second trial, greenhouse. In field. No. of varieties. Per cent, germinated. No. of varieties. Per cent, germinated. I? ft'O ji " Per cent, germinated. Station . . 13 9 3 i i i 4 2 3 25 i i 3 4 5 ii 8 I i i i 95-53 93-33 9 33 84 84 84 83-75 79 78.33 78-36 78 77 74.66 73-75 73 72-54 72-37 70 6 68-37 66 62 44 13 9 3 i i i 4 2 3 24 i i 3 4 5 ii 8 8 i i i 96.15 90.66 90 93 82 87 75-75 77 73 79-5 65 42 72 75-75 74.6 67-54 7025 72.2 63.12 72 ^ 65 13 9 3 i i i 4 2 3 25 i i 3 5 5 ii 8 8 i i I 5 ' 1 63-37 6975 61-33 6633 5733 47*6 37-33 51-33 48.74 40 20 3633 54-73 49-8 45-3 40.04 39-86 44.87 33-66 29 37-66 Haskell. . . Ferry U. S. Dep't Agriculture Iowa Seed Co. Leonard Storrs & Harrison Cowan.. Bridgemaii .. .... .... Vaughan Faust. Vandercook Barnard . . Gregory Dreer Landretti Hallock Wilson Salzer . . . Currie Bros Henderson Cole & Bro THOS. J. BURRILL, A. M., PH. D., Horticulturist and Botanist. G. W. MCCLUER, B. S., Assistant Horticulturist. All communications intended for the Station should be addressed, not to any person, but to the AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS. The bulletins of the Experiment Station will be sent free of all charges to persons engaged in farming who may request that they be sent. GEORGE E. MORROW, Acting President Board of Direction. 288 BULLETIN NO. 8. [February, 1890. ORGANIZATION. BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF TH E LMVEFS1TY CF ILLll^OIS. ALEXANDER McLEAN, Macomb, President. JOSEPH W. FIFER, Governor of Illinois. GEORGE S. HASKELL, Rockford, President State Board of Agriculture. RICHARD EDWARDS, Superintendent of Public Instruction. S. M. M1LLARD. Highland Park. GEORGE R. SHAWHAN, Urbana. CHARLES BENNETT, Mattoon. W. W. CLEMENS, Marion. OLIVER A. HARKER, Carbondale. FRANCIS M. McKAY, Chicago. EMORY COBB, Kankakee. SAMUEL A. BULLARD, Springfield. BOARD OF DIRECTION OF THE EXPERIMENT STATION. SELIM H. PEABODY, LL. D., Champaign, Regent of the University, President. E. E. CHESTER, Champaign, of State Board of Agriculture. HENRY M. DUNLAP, Savoy, of State Horticultural Society. H. B. CURLER, DeKalb, of State Dairymen's Association. EMORY COBB, Kankakee, Trustee of the University. CHARLES BENNETT, Mattoon, Trustee of the University. GEORGE S. HASKELL, Rockford, Trustee of the University. GEORGE E. MORROW, A. M., Champaign, Professor of Agriculture. THOMAS J. BURRILL, Ph. D., Urbana, Professor of Botany and Horticulture THE STATION STAFF. GEORGE E. MORROW, A. M., Agriculturist. THOMAS J. BURRILL. Ph. D., Horticulturist and Botanist. DONALD McINTOSH, D. V. S., Veterinarian. THOMAS F. HUNT, B. S., Assistant Agriculturist. GEORGE W. McCLUER, B. S., Assistant]Horticulturist. EDWARD H. FARRINGTON, M. S., Assistant Chemist. WILLIAM L. PILLSBURY, A. M., Jhampaign, Secretary. m&szzmzm rfJy ^ ^ *StK3&$K-*i& pilas?| j ^^y ; M*mc^SOT^&l'^S!tl ^'- Jifci '^M^ m ^^^+*M%* m E^R i i , > 3* : ^ ^^" "~ " : ^-iiJ