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ZIMMER Assistant Curator of Birds REPORTS ON RESULTS OF THE CAPTAIN MARSHALL FIELD EXPEDITIONS WILFRED H. OSGOOD Curator, Department of Zoology EDITOR CHICAGO, U. S. A. May 20, 1925 TWO NEW BIRPS FROM PERU BY JOHN T. ZIMMER Further study of the birds secured by the Captain Marshall Field Peruvian Expedition of 1922* has resulted in the discovery of two addi- tional new subspecies. Since a final report on the collection is still in abeyance, it seems desirable to describe the new forms in advance. Grateful acknowledgement is due to the American Museum of Natural History of New York and the Museum of Comparative Zoology of Cambridge for the loan of specimens which proved of service in de- termining the relationships of the species. The types of the new forms are in Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, as are all other specimens not otherwise accredited. The names of colors when capi- talized indicate direct comparison with Ridgway's "Color Standards and Color Nomenclature." Synallaxis azarae infumata subsp. nov. Type from Chinchao, Province of Huanuco, Peru. Altitude 5,700 feet. No. 54157 Field Museum of Natural History. Adult male. Collected November 8, 1922 by J. T. Zimmer; original number 3203. Diagnosis. Closely allied to typical S. a. azarae from Bolivia but darker above, more grayish on the back, the crown deeper in tone and the forehead darker gray, with the frontal band much wider (9.5-11 mm., av. 9.8 as against 6-7 mm., av. 6.6). The sides of the head and the superciliary line are darker gray, the latter without any white except on the supra-loral region where it is present although somewhat ob- scured by dusky tips to the feathers. The wing-patch appears to be paler than the crown. Beneath, the color is about as in azarae, possibly a little darker gray on the breast and with less pure white on the ab- domen. The throat has the white tips to the feathers less pronounced, leaving the black bases more exposed, but this may be due to greater abrasion in the specimens examined. The shafts of the middle rectrices are somewhat blacker than in azarae. The best characters appear to *The first preliminary report on this collection was published in Field Museum of Natural History Publication 218, Zool. Series, Vol. XII, No. 4, pp. 48-67, April 19, 1924. 103 104 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XII. be the broader, darker frontal band, the lack of white on the superciliary stripe and the paler wing-patch. Compared with S. a. fruticicola from Ecuador, the colors are very much darker, the superciliary stripe is gray instead of buff, and the frontal band is distinctly wider (being 5-7 mm., av. 5.9 in fruticicola). Compared with S. a. elegantior from eastern Colombia and Venezuela, the differences are about as with fruticicola but the frontal band is not so much wider in proportion (being 7-9 mm., av. 8 in elegantior}. From S. a. media of south- western Colombia, the present race is separable by being decidedly darker throughout, with the chin and throat less white, the breast deeper gray without buffy tinge, the flanks olive instead of buff, the belly gray instead of white, the forehead sooty without olivaceous tinge, the crown deeper rufous, the lores, superciliary stripe and sides of head darker, etc., but the frontal band has about the Same width (being 8-12 mm., av. 9.8 in media). Habitat. Tropical and subtropical valleys of central-northern Peru. Description of type. Forehead between Dark Olive Gray and Iron Gray, forming a band extending posteriorly to the middle of the orbit (about 9.5 mm. from the exposed base of oilmen). Crown and nape bright Auburn. Upper back Brownish Olive; rump and upper tail- coverts slightly clearer olivaceous. Chin and throat feathers black at bases, tipped with white, leaving considerable black exposed. Lores dull, dark gray mixed with white. A broad superciliary stripe the color of the forehead. Auriculars and sides of head and neck between Deep Neutral Gray and Iron Gray. Breast Neutral Gray, darker on the sides, passing into Brownish Olive on the lower flanks. Center of ab- domen Pallid Neutral Gray. Under tail-coverts Light Grayish Olive. Wings dark Fuscous; remiges edged with bright Auburn except at their tips; tips of the scapulars and all of the upper wing-coverts (at least on exposed portions) pale Amber Brown, distinctly lighter in color than the crown ; under wing-coverts Ochraceous Buff ; inner mar- gins of remiges Vinaceous Fawn. Rectrices eight, in color between Auburn and Hazel, shaded with olivaceous at the base and on the outer webs and with shafts Blackish Brown; the outermost pair dusky olive without rufous tinge; tail graduated, the outermost rectrices a little longer than the under tail-coverts; feathers acute. Iris chestnut; maxilla black; mandible Slate Color; feet about Jade Green. Wing 60 mm. ; tail 103 ; culmen from base 15.5, exposed 12 ; tarsus 21.5 ; width of frontal band 9.5. Female : Like the male. APRIL, 1925. Two NEW BIRDS FROM PERU ZIMMER. 105 A female from Molinopampa, Peru, is not typical but seems to be closer to this form than to fruticicola, its next nearest geographic affini- ty. It is slightly paler than typical infumata, with an ochreous wash on back, breast and flanks, but is darker than fruticicola. The frontal band is narrower than in infumata but broader than in fruticicola. As a matter of fact, the approach is rather toward typical azarae than toward fruticicola but the distribution of the various races does not in- dicate such a relationship. Although no definite characters can be found to favor the assumption, the specimen has an indefinable appearance of immaturity and the differences from typical infumata may be due to this cause. The study of this new race has revealed a curious and interesting feature in the development of the tail. The type specimen has, distinctly, only eight rectrices, the outermost of which are just longer than the under tail-coverts, firmly webbed and colored unlike the remaining rectrices, being olivaceous without rufescence. A second male (from Huachipa) is exactly like the type in this respect. A third male (from Vista Alegre) also has only eight rectrices, but the outermost are dis- tinctly longer than the under tail-coverts and proportionately longer than in the type. In addition, on each side, an upper tail-covert aris- ing just above and beyond the outer rectrix, in close proximity to it, is bent downward and inward so as to occupy the position of a fifth outer rectrix, although it retains the form, size, and somewhat decom- posed texture of an upper tail-covert. A female topotype demonstrates a condition somewhat farther advanced 1 in which the supernumerary feather has more definitely assumed the role of outer rectrix. This feather has become more compact or firmly webbed and is flattened, and when it is pushed around the tail to the upper surface it looks dis- tinctly out of place. It is not noticeably stiffened and its point of origin is still slightly above the line of the adjacent rectrices. The fourth rectrix, in its turn, has lengthened considerably and assumed a sug- gestion of rufescent tinge, although it is still distinguishable in color from the rest of the tail. The atypical female from Molinopampa presents a still more advanced stage in the metamorphosis. The super- numerary feather has here become slightly stiffened and projects just J I have used the term "advanced" merely as a means of describing the differ- ences that exist and not as an indication of the actual direction of development. There is nothing to show whether the eight- feathered forms have developed from the ten-feathered or the reverse. As to whether the eight- feathered tail is more advanced or more primitive than the ten-feathered one, that with the smallest number of rectrices should probably be considered the most highly developed. io6 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XII. beyond the under tail coverts as does the fourth rectrix in the type, while the fourth quill in turn extends beyond the outstretched feet of the bird. The latter is colored more like the remainder of the tail while the fifth quill (as it has undoubtedly become) is still unlike the others although it arises directly in line with the adjacent rectrices. In a large series of S. a. elegantior, only one specimen, a male from Conejos, Venezuela, exhibits but eight rectrices ; the remainder show ten with the outermost on each side short, concealed by the under tail- coverts and colored like the upper tail- coverts whose structure they share except for their more stiffened and enlarged shafts. One speci- men of fruticicola and two specimens of media, examined in this regard, show ten rectrices with the outermost rather more developed than in any of the elegantior. S. f. frontalis, of which five males and six females were examined, appears to be separable from the entire azarac group by the character of the outermost rectrices. There are ten rectrices, and the outermost are unquestionably definable as such, and can not be confused with the tail-coverts. They are much longer than the under tail-coverts, their shafts are heavy at the base and much stiffened, and their webs are firm, while their color is identical with that of the other rectrices, being rufescent without an olivaceous tint. Two males of 5. /. juae, includ- ing the type, agree with typical frontalis in this particular. On the other 'hand, a female of S. superciliosa appears to have but eight tail-feathers, although the tail, being in molt, is difficult to examine with precision. The genotype, 6". ruficapilla, in three specimens ex- amined, also has only eight rectrices, with the outermost hardly more than modified tail-coverts as in the type of S. a. infumata. Bertoni in describing his new subgenus Barnesia 1 with the type 6". cururuvi (=ruficapilla) , apparently confused these outer rectrices with the tail- coverts since he particularly noted that the species had only six tail- feathers. Presumably, a later examination showed him the real nature of the feathers since, in a subsequent publication 2 , he announced that Barnesia had eight rectrices. In any case it is evident that the genotype of Synallaxis has but eight rectrices while certain allied species have ten. Generic separation of two groups on this basis is rendered im- possible by the present new subspecies, 5". a. infumata, possessing a definitely intermediate structure. Dr. Hellmayr advises me, further- more, that out of seventy-four specimens of S. unirufa castanea ex- 'Aves Nuevas del Paraguay, p. 77, 1901. 'Fauna Paraguaya, p. 52, footn. (3), 1914. APRIL, 1925. Two NEW BIRDS FROM PERU ZIMMER. 107 amined by him, seventy-two had eight rectrices and two had ten. It is entirely possible that a critical study of other species may show a transition toward the existence of twelve rectrices in place of ten, although I have seen no tendency in that direction in any of the ma- terial I have handled. Specimens examined: S. a. azarae Bolivia : Incachaca 2 $ 2 9 a . Peru : Santo Do- mingo 6 $ . S. a. elegantior Colombia: (Bogota) I 9 ; Chipaque 2$ i 9 a , Choachi i ? a ; Paramo de Tama 2 $ . Venezuela : Conejos I $ ; Culata 5 $ ; Durainos i $ ; Escorial 6 $ i 9 ; Mechisera 3 $ ; Nevados 2 $ ; Sierra de Merida i 9 ; Valle 3 $ . S. a. fruticicola Ecuador : Alamor 2 $ a ; Celica 2$ I 9 a ; Guayinche I 5 a ; Hoyaucshi i 9 ; Loja i $ ? ; Naranjo i $ a ; Salvias i $ a ; Zaruma i $ i $ i ? a . S. a. infumata Peru: Chinchao 1$ (Type) 2$ ; Huachipa i $ ; Molinopampa (atypical) I 9 ; Vista Alegre i $ . S. a. media Colombia : El Eden i $ a ; Laguneta 2 S a ; Salento i $ a ; Valle de las Papas, Huila i S a . 5". /. frontalis Argentina : Ocampo i $ ; Sarmiento i $ . Bra- zil : Chapada, Matto Grosso i 9 ; Macaco Secco 2539; Sao Marcello i 9 ; Serro Baturite i $ i 9 . S, f. jitae Brazil: Jua 2$ (incl. Type). .S. ruficapilla Brazil : Macieiras i $ a ; Monte Serrat I ? a ; Ypiranga, Sao Paulo i ?. 6*. superciliosa Argentina : San Pablo i 9 *. Cyclarhis gujanensis saturatus subsp. nov. Type from Cullcui, Maranon River, Peru. Altitude 10,400 feet. No. 54106 Field Museum of Natural History. Adult male. Collected December 13, 1922 by J. T. Zimmer; original number 3300. Diagnosis. Similar to C. g. contrerasi but somewhat larger and richer in tone of coloration. The throat, breast and sides of the face are deeper yellow and the color spreads farther posteriorly over the breast where it is distinctly tinged with olive, especially on the sides. a . Specimens in American Museum of Natural History, New York. U. OF ILL LIB. io8 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XII. The chin is narrowly white ; the flanks and abdomen are strongly suf- fused with deep ochraceous except on the middle of the latter where the color is soiled white. The back is darker green than in contrerasi and the chestnut of the crown extends farther backwards over the nape. Habitat. Temperate valley of the upper Maranon River, north- central Peru. Description of type. Center of crown and occiput Serpentine Green, the feathers margined and tipped with Auburn; the rest of the entire top of the head and neck Auburn, becoming paler, approaching Sanford's Brown, on the nape; a narrow line of Auburn continued beneath entirely around the orbit; lores, except for the circumocular line, paler, ochraceous. There is a short but distinct line of pale brown extending posteriorly from the base of the mandibular ramus and sep- arating a small whitish malar spot from the whitish chin. Throat, auriculars and sides of the neck are rich golden yellow, nearest Lemon Chrome, passing into Pyrite Yellow on the sides and approaching that hue in the center of the breast ; the color extended broadly posteriorly. Flanks rich Cinnamon Buff; abdomen and under tail-coverts somewhat paler, the upper abdomen whitish in the middle. Back Warbler Green ; rump slightly paler. Exposed webs of upper wing-coverts like the back; concealed portions blackish. Primaries and secondaries with exposed outer webs slightly paler than the back; inner margins of inner webs Pale Lemon Yellow. Tertials like the back but duller. Under wing-coverts Pale Lemon Yellow; axillaries between Lemon Yellow and Lemon Chrome. Iris Empire Yellow; maxilla Verona Brown ; mandible Dark Green-Blue Slate, tip whitish ; legs and feet near Light Vinaceous Cinnamon. Wing 86 mm. ; tail 72 ; oilmen to base 20, exposed 17; tarsus 26. Adult female: Like the male. Immature female: Distinguishable from the adults of both sexes by having the auburn on the top of the head restricted to the forehead and the lateral portions where it forms a broad superciliary stripe, leaving the center of the crown, occiput and nape uniform with the back, without rufous margins. The rectrices are narrower toward the tips and more sharply pointed than in the adults, and the bill, in the speci- men examined, is somewhat less hooked at the tip. Like C. g. contrerasi, this subspecies (in the adult plumage) is dis- tinguishable from C. g. virenticeps by having the green of the crown restricted to the discs of the feathers. In the immature plumage this APRIL, 1925. Two NEW BIRDS FROM PERU ZIMMER. 109 difference is not apparent, but the immaturity of a specimen and its consequent value for comparison may be determined by the condition of the tips of the rectrices 1 . I am disposed to place the present form, together with contrerasi and virenticeps, under C. gujanensis, hitherto considered to be a dis- tinct species, on the evidence exhibited by a specimen of contrerasi in the Museum of Comparative Zoology (No. 79898), taken at Huanca- bamba, Peru. In this example, the fore part of the crown is decidedly grayish although there are fine rufous edges to the feathers, the nape is tinged with gray, the fore part of the auriculars is gray and the yel- low chest-band is quite narrow. The specimen seems to represent a distinct transition between contrerasi and gujanensis, both of which occur in northern Peru, the former toward the west and the latter toward the east. Specimens examined: C. g. contrerasi Ecuador : Loja i $ a . Peru : Huancabamba 2 ? b ; Perico I 9 b ; Tabaconas I $ imm. b . C. g. gujanensis Brazil : Manaos i 9 . C. g. saturatus Peru: Cullcui, Maranon River i $ (Type) i $ ad. I $ imm. C. g. virenticeps Ecuador : Chone 2 $ a ; Guayaquil 2 $ a ; Zaruma i $ a . J The specimen recorded by Bangs and Noble (Auk, 35, p. 458, Oct. 1918) as virenticeps from Tabaconas, Peru, proves, on examination, to be an immature contrerasi. The tips of the Vectrices are narrowed toward the tip and nar- rowly pointed and the lower mandible is just beginning to assume the slaty blue color at the base as found in the adults. a . Specimens in the American Museum of Natural History, New York. b. Specimens in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge. PRINTED BY FIELD MUSEUM PRESS 1 3 01 12 0404561 51