C556 /vf.fiS: e.X (Ui^^^\ Quaternary Geology of the Martinsville Alternative Site, Clark County, Illinois A proposed low level radioactive waste disposal site J** B. Brandon Curry, Kathy G. Troost, and Richard C. Berg s^ M-08 N-13 CN-14 M-101 CLK-02-03 M-06 M-07 M-03 Circular 556 1994 Department of Energy and Natural Resources ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 3 3051 00003 LIBRARY. Quaternary Geology of the Martinsville Alternative Site, Clark County, Illinois A proposed low level radioactive waste disposal site B. Brandon Curry*, Kathy G. Troost**, and Richard C. Berg* * Illinois State Geological Survey, 615 E. Peabody Dr., Champaign, IL 61820 ** Shannon and Wilson, Inc., 400 34th St., Suite 100, Seattle, WA 98103 ^nV Circular 556 1994 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Morris W. Leighton, Chief Natural Resources Building 615 East Peabody Drive Champaign, Illinois 61820-6964 Cover Cross section of the Martinsville Alternative Site shows the bedrock and glacial drift units. Length of section is approximately 5,000 feet; vertical exaggeration is lOx. Editor — E. A. Latimer Graphic Artists — M. Knapp, P. Carrillo, S. Stecyk Printed by authority of the State of Illinois/ 1994/ 1200 printed on recycled paper using soybean ink CONTENTS ABSTRACT 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 INTRODUCTION 2 Data Sources 2 Quality Assurance 6 Laboratory Methods 6 Interpretation of Laboratory Data 6 BEDROCK LITHOLOGY AND STRUCTURE 8 Carbondale Formation 8 Modesto Formation 8 Bond Formation 11 Bedrock Structure 11 BEDROCK TOPOGRAPHY AND DRIFT THICKNESS 1 1 LITHOSTRATIGRAPHY AND PEDOSTRATIGRAPHY OF QUATERNARY DEPOSITS 13 Previous Work 13 Banner Formation 13 Casey Till Member 13 Lierle Clay Member 18 Yarmouth Soil 18 Martinsville Sand 21 Petersburg Silt 21 Glasford Formation 27 Smithboro Till Member 27 Mulberry Grove Member 31 Pike Soil 43 Vandalia Till Member 43 Berry Clay Member 56 Pearl Formation 56 Sangamon Soil 56 Roxana Silt 62 Farmdale Soil 62 Wedron Formation, Fairgrange Till Member 62 Peoria Loess 62 Parkland Sand 63 Henry Formation 63 Cahokia Alluvium 63 Peyton Colluvium 63 Lacon Formation 63 Petrographic Characteristics of Sand Units 63 GEOCHRONOLOGY 66 QUATERNARY GEOLOGICAL HISTORY AND ENVIRONMENTS OF DEPOSITION 71 Pre-Illinoian 71 Early Illinoian Martinsville Sand and Petersburg Silt 71 Illinoian Glasford Formation — Environment of Deposition of Diamicton (Till) 71 Smithboro Till Member 72 Mulberry Grove Member 72 Uniform Diamicton Fades, Vandalia Till Member 72 Melange Fades, Vandalia Till Member 73 Late and Post-Illinoian Deposits, Weathering, and Development of Stream Network 73 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 80 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 80 BIBLIOGRAPHY 81 APPENDIX 84 TABLES 1 Quaternary lithostratigraphic units of north-central Clark County and the MAS 7-8 2 Comparison of stratigraphy used in this report and in the Battelle Memorial Institute and Hanson Engineers, Inc. report 18 3 Comparison of textural and clay mineral attributes of three members of the Glasford Formation 41 4 Lithic composition of sand units 66 5 Amino acid measurements of gastropod shells 69 6 Radiocarbon ages from Cahokia Alluvium at the MAS 70 FIGURES 1 Location of study area, outcrops, and reconnaissance borings 3 2 Generalized topography, location of outcrops and test holes, and section lines at the MAS 4-5 3 Cross section A-A' 9 4 Structure contour map of the upper surface of the Danville No. 7 Coal bed 10 5 Bedrock topography of part of Clark County as mapped by Horberg 12 6 Reinterpretation of bedrock topography shown in figure 5 12 7 Bedrock topography beneath the MAS 14-15 8 Thickness of glacial drift at the MAS 16-17 9 Litho fades log and laboratory data from outcrop samples collected at CC-11 19 10 Lithofacies log and laboratory data from outcrop samples collected at CC-8 20 11 Cross section B-B' 22 12 Cross section C-C' 23 13 Cross section D-D' 24 14 Cross section E-E' 24-25 15 Cross section F-F' 26 16 Cross section G-G' 25 17 Thickness of the sand and gravel facies of the Martinsville sand 28-29 18 Lithofacies log and laboratory data from samples of core CLK-02-02 30 19 Thickness of the Smithboro Till Member 32-33 20 Ternary plots of textural and mineralogical data for the Smithboro Till Member 34 21 Ternary plots of textural and mineralogical data for diamicton units at the MAS 35 22 Lithofacies log and laboratory data from samples of core D-l 36-37 23 Lithofacies log and laboratory data from samples of core C-l 38-39 24 Lithofacies log and laboratory data from samples of core M-07 40 25 Lithofacies log and laboratory data from samples of core M-106 42 26 Thickness of the Mulberry Grove Member 44-45 27 Elevation of the lower surface of the Mulberry Grove Member 46-^47 28 Thickness of lithofacies of the Mulberry Grove Member 48-49 29 Histogram and box diagrams of values of Cu for glacigenic diamicton units at the MAS 50 30 Smoothed traces of X-ray diffractograms of oriented, ethylene glycol solvated samples of the <2 urn fraction of units from boring M-104 51 31 Thickness of the uniform diamicton facies of the Vandalia Till Member 52-53 32 Thickness of the melange facies of the Vandalia Till Member 54-55 33 Sketches of outcrops CC-15 and CC-16 57 34 Discontinuities and lithostratigraphic contacts from the angled boring series M-101 58-59 35 Lithofacies log and laboratory data from outcrop samples collected at CC-16 60 36 Ternary plots of textural and mineralogical data for the surficial units at the MAS 61 37 Thickness of Cahokia Alluvium 64-65 38 Average lithic composition of sand units 67 39 Percentage of quartz vs. grain size or range of grain sizes per slide from petrographic studies 68 40 Estimation of unit ages based on data from outside the MAS 68 41 Plot of Aile/Ile in the total hydrolysate vs. Aile/Ile in the free hydrolysate of Stenotrema 70 42 Interpreted environment of deposition of the Mulberry Grove Member 74-75 43 Elevation of the lower surface of the Vandalia Till Member 76-77 44 Outcrop CC-16 and pebble macrofabrics from the melange facies of the Vandalia Till Member 78 45 Sediment types of the melange facies of the Vandalia Till Member at CC-16 79 46 Sand and gravel bodies in loam diamicton of the melange facies 79 ABSTRACT The Martinsville Alternative Site was intensely studied as part of a characterization program to select a poten- tial site for the disposal of low level radioactive waste in Illinois. As much as 206 feet of Quaternary deposits, mostly composed of glacigenic sediment of Illinoian age, overlie Pennsylvanian bedrock at the Martinsville site. Sedimentation was strongly affected by two bur- ied valleys carved into the bedrock. The thickest known occurrences of four lithostratigraphic units con- stitute the bedrock valley sediment fill. Unique features of the lithostratigraphic units are shown in detailed isopach maps, cross sections, and structure contour maps. For example, a cone-shaped feature (apex down) composed of the uppermost till unit (the Vandalia Till Member of the Glasford Forma- tion) disrupts the continuity of several underlying units. Also, the thickest and most continuous sand and gravel units occur at the bottom and top of the sedi- ment sequence that fills the bedrock valleys. The in- tensely examined stratigraphic succession at this site has strengthened our understanding of the regional glacial stratigraphic framework in central Illinois for use in future geological, engineering, and environ- mental studies. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Martinsville Alternative Site (MAS) was proposed by the State of Illinois for a low level radioactive waste disposal facility. Located in east-central Illinois north of the city of Martinsville, the MAS covers 1380 acres. To characterize the site, geological and hydrological inves- tigations were conducted by the primary contractors, Battelle Memorial Institute and Hanson Engineers, Inc. (1990 a, b, c), and by the Illinois State Geological Survey (Curry et al. 1991a, b) and the Illinois State Water Sur- vey (1990a, b). This report is a synthesis of the geologi- cal investigations of the MAS; results of hydrological investigations are discussed only to provide insights to the geometry and continuity of geologic units. Investi- gations of the MAS constitute the most comprehensive geological study of Quaternary glacial sediments ever conducted in this part of Illinois. The studies helped to delineate the succession of lithostratigraphic units at the MAS and to integrate the stratigraphy and deposi- tional environments of geologic units into the broader regional context. Interpretations of the geologic units at the MAS strengthened our understanding of the glacial stratigraphic framework for use in future geological, engineering, and environmental studies in east-central Illinois. The Quaternary succession at the MAS includes 20 to 206 feet of Illinoian alluvium and glacigenic depos- its. This sediment fills four bedrock valley segments carved into the Pennsylvanian Modesto and Bond For- mations. The Quaternary glacigenic sediments are cov- ered by a thin mantle that is less than 14 feet thick and composed of weathered Sangamonian sediment and Wisconsinan loess and alluvium. Important findings of this study are as follows: (1) Each Quaternary lithostratigraphic unit at the MAS may be differentiated by some combination of stratigraphic position, particle-size distribution, sort- ing coefficient, and semiquantitative mineralogy of the <2 urn fraction. The interpretation of stratigraphically complex or hydrogeologically critical zones required evaluation of all characteristics listed above. Other help- ful attributes for differentiating units included pedo- logic features, moisture content, and Atterberg limits. (2) The thickness and distribution of glacigenic and preglacial Quaternary lithostratigraphic units at the MAS are influenced by the buried bedrock topography. The Martinsville bedrock valley extends beneath the MAS and contains the thickest known occurrences of Petersburg Silt (50.4 ft) and two members of the Glas- ford Formation, Smithboro Till (90.4 ft) and Vandalia Till (129.4 ft). The North Fork Embarras bedrock valley contains the thickest known occurrence of the Mul- berry Grove Member (58 ft) of the Glasford Formation. (3) The network of Quaternary buried bedrock val- leys incised in Pennsylvanian bedrock appears to have been affected by superposition and piracy of valley segments during pre-Illinoian glaciation. Because the buried bedrock valleys appear to have had a south- ward gradient during the earliest Illinoian, the Peters- burg Silt probably was deposited in a slackwater lake in response to aggradation in the ancestral Wabash and lower Embarras Rivers. (4) The thickest and most continuous Quaternary sand and gravel units occur along the bedrock valleys, especially the sand and gravel facies of the Martinsville sand and Cahokia Alluvium, which were deposited during nonglacial intervals. The Martinsville sand, the lowest aquifer in the glacial drift succession, was de- posited in the deepest portion of the bedrock valleys. Along two significant buried bedrock valleys, the sand and gravel facies of the Mulberry Grove Member is also thick and continuous; however, at the MAS, the conti- nuity is disrupted by the overlying Vandalia Till Mem- ber. The sand and gravel facies of the Mulberry Grove Member is thickest (as much as 58 ft) along the North Fork Embarras bedrock valley, which generally under- lies the present-day North Fork Embarras River valley near Martinsville and the MAS. (5) The lithologic succession beneath the modern valley of the North Fork Embarras River generally in- cludes two aquifers within 60 feet of the ground sur- face. The two aquifers are the sand and gravel facies of the Mulberry Grove Member and the Cahokia Allu- vium. These units are separated by a thin layer (<15 ft) of diamicton belonging to the Vandalia Till Member. (6) The Vandalia Till Member of the Glasford Forma- tion is the most widespread and thickest deposit at the MAS. Near the center of the MAS, the Vandalia is as much as 129.4 feet thick where the lower surface of the unit is shaped like an inverted cone. The Vandalia thins to about 55 feet across a radial distance of about 1,000 feet from the inverted apex. The origin of this feature is unknown, although it is likely related to subglacial erosion along a preexisting channel. INTRODUCTION In 1988, the Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS) and Illinois State Water Survey (ISWS) participated in detailed investigations to characterize the geology and hydrology of a proposed area, known as the Martins- ville Alternative Site (MAS), for disposal of low level radioactive wastes. The detailed characterization of the site was undertaken to provide knowledge about sub- surface conditions and variability of the geologic mate- rials for use in hydrologic flow modeling, design of engineered structures, and overall suitability assess- ment of the site. The Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety (IDNS) contracted with Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio, and Hanson Engineers, Inc., Springfield, Illinois, to conduct the site characterization studies. Hanson Engineers, Inc. planned and implemented site charac- terization activities at the MAS. The technical disci- plines emphasized in the characterization were geology, hydrology, and geotechnology. Specific inves- tigations, tests, and analyses included geologic map- ping; geological resource evaluation; geotechnical analysis; geophysical surveys; drilling, sampling, and logging of rock and sediment samples; surface eleva- tion and surface water surveys; and flood hazard, land- form stability, and seismicity analyses. Hanson Engineers, Inc., subcontracted Shannon and Wilson, Inc., Seattle, Washington, as the primary inves- tigator for many elements of the technical program, including geologic mapping and analysis of the stratig- raphy and lithology, geomorphic stability, and seis- micity. The ISGS and the ISWS were initially contracted by the IDNS and later by Battelle to (1) review the reports prepared by the other contractors for scientific and technical accuracy, (2) advise other contractors on site characterization activities and adequacy of the data, (3) examine and analyze geological and groundwater sam- ples and other data in cooperation with the contractors, and (4) prepare interpretative reports of the site geol- ogy, including correlating the site geology to the broader, regional framework. Knowledge of physical properties, thickness, distri- bution, genesis, and age of the geologic units was used to develop the site-specific geologic framework needed for groundwater and geochemical modeling of the MAS (Beard et al. 1991). Beyond these purposes, inves- tigations of the MAS also constituted the most compre- hensive geological study of Quaternary sediments ever conducted in this part of Illinois. The studies helped to delineate the succession of lithostratigraphic units at the MAS and to integrate the stratigraphy and deposi- tional environments of geologic units into the broader regional context. Interpretations of the geologic units at the MAS have strengthened our understanding of the regional glacial stratigraphic framework for use in fu- ture geological, engineering, and environmental stud- ies in east-central Illinois. This report is a synthesis of the geological investiga- tions of the MAS. Results of hydrological investigations are discussed only to provide insights into the geome- try and continuity of geologic units. Most figures in this report are derived from ISGS contract reports (Curry et al. 1991a, b); figures derived from the contractors' re- port (Battelle Memorial Institute and Hanson Engi- neers, Inc. 1990a) to the IDNS are duly noted. Other information about the geology of the MAS was pre- sented in Troost and Curry (1991) and Curry and Troost (1991). After completion of the various studies, and as this report was being prepared, a special commission ap- pointed by the governor of Illinois concluded that the site was unsuitable for the safe disposal of low level radioactive waste (Simon et al. 1992). Data Sources Three primary data sources were used to characterize the regional and site geology of the Martinsville Alter- native Site. Data are from (1) five reconnaissance borings (CLK-01-02 and CLK-03-01 in fig. 1 and CLK-02-01, CLK-02-02, and CLK-02-03 in fig. 2), which provided split-spoon sam- ples about 1.5 feet long. Collected at 5.0 foot intervals (Battelle Memorial Institute and Hanson Engineers, Inc. 1988), these samples were analyzed first to develop the stratigraphic framework. (2) 103 continuously sampled borings and ten un- sampled borings, which provided rock and drift sam- ples, lithologic and geophysical logs, and other data. The borings were drilled at 80 locations, most of which are shown in figure 2. Characterization data from 53 of the borings were used in this study. (3) 13 outcrops, including three previously de- scribed by MacClintock (1929), and four outcrops and one core previously described by Kettles (1980, Curry etal. 1991a). This database is not identical to that presented in Battelle Memorial Institute and Hanson Engineers, Inc. (1990a, c). Excluded from this database were data from some borings drilled during late stages of site characterization, and from borings that duplicate data of adjacent borings. Data from beyond Battelle's study area, as shown in figure 1, were included. Additional borings were completed at the site as part of the geotechnical design; however, data from these borings ■Extent of late Wisconsinan glaciation Shelbyville Moraine borings or outcrops study area of Battelle Memorial Institute and Hanson Engineers (1990a, b) Figure 1 Location of study area, outcrops, and reconnaissance borings. -o 2 CO E Q) = E & — CD ^; CO O cu o C CD co to ® '>= c m o co P o \ 1 v. \^ i^__ j\ ^:;:; : ;:;:;:r ; ^>.-. ■ \ — r^ \~ --. \^o £ ~^^^i o J rri-— 4^> qouBjg 6uuau a >L_L _ J/W7- /&• LU ^ *«w > § r re 2 0) ^ -u* re u !/) ^ u n .«- 10 C o o TO 1 O in CO TO 13 sO U iH re Ol i) 1— 1 n l-H A co i_ 0/ 3 in O.T3 O c U-. RJ i i m o i- c a c >~i_< 5 U-. 8 c >, B X 01 a. <4H to 5 U) O a 5 o J -a in Cn N < to 2 u o ',< f_ u C/3 > tN TO 2 mm) was calculated from the subsample. The weight of the gravel fraction was removed when calcu- lating the relative percentages of sand, silt, and clay in the <2 mm fraction of subsamples. The categories of particle-grain size of the <2mm fraction included sand, 2 mm to 0.063 mm; silt, 0.063 mm to 0.004 mm; and clay, <0.004 mm. Hanson Engineers, Inc. determined most of the particle-size distributions by sieve and hydrometer analyses. The ISGS extrapolated particle-size data from Hanson's grain-size curves, which were based on sieve and hydrometer analyses, and determined additional grain sizes by using a hydrometer or a SediGraph, which is an automated X-ray absorption technique. The SediGraph analysis provides a cumulative plot of grain-size percentages for all particles <53 urn; distribu- tions of coarser particle sizes were determined by wet sieving. Class nomenclature for grain size, such as loam and silt loam, follows that of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (Buol et al. 1980). Clay mineralogy The <2 urn (<.002mm) fractions of approximately 1,500 samples from outcrops and cores were semiquantitatively analyzed for clay mineralogy. The procedure used is discussed in ISGS (1989). Other selected clay mineral analyses, reported by Kettles (1980) and listed in the appendix, were performed by Dr. Herbert D. Glass, ISGS, who developed the techni- cal procedure discussed in ISGS (1989), Hallberg et al. (1978), and Wickham et al. (1988). Sand petrography The lithologies of fine grained sand particles from subsamples of various sand units were determined by point counting. The samples were prepared in a thin-section laboratory (Thresher and Son, Inc., Madison, Wisconsin) that met Battelle's qual- ity assurance guidelines. A split of each sample was washed on a 38 urn sieve to remove silt and clay-sized particles. Each sample was dried and placed into a mold and mixed with epoxy. The resulting solid tab was polished, mounted to a glass slide, and ground to a standard thickness. During analyses under a petro- graphic microscope, a 1 mm square grid was optically overlain on the prepared slide. The lithology was iden- tified for 300 grains that lay on or nearest to nodes on the grid. Point counts were made on the basis of 12 categories of lithic fragments; general slide quality, grain size, and sorting were also noted. Interpretation of Laboratory Data Geologic units (table 1) were characterized and differ- entiated by visual description and stratigraphic posi- tion, augmented by data from semiquantitative clay mineralogical analyses, particle-size distribution, and the coefficient of uniformity (appendix). Less useful were data related to sample moisture, such as moisture content and Atterberg limits. Nondiagnostic data, which include the coefficient of curvature, liquidity index, specific gravity, and porosity, are not listed in the appendix of this report, but they are reported in Battelle Memorial Institute and Hanson Engineers, Inc. (1990c). The coefficient of uniformity described in the Uni- fied Soil Classification System (Hanson Engineers, Inc. 1989b) was useful in distinguishing till members in stratigraphically complex areas at the MAS. The coeffi- cient is calculated from Cu = D60/D10 where Cu = coefficient of uniformity, D60 and D10 = the nominal particle-size at the 60th and 10th percent values on a cumulative curve of coarse to fine particles. The coefficient of uniformity is a relative measure of sorting and takes into account the distribution of frag- ments that have diameters less than the inside diameter of the sampler. The inside diameter is about 1.8 inches for a split-spoon sampler and about 2.5 inches for a CME continuous sampler. The larger the coefficient, the more poorly sorted (or well graded) the grain-size distribution of the sample. Table 1 Quaternary lithostratigraphic units of north-central Clark County and the MAS. Unit (symbol) Age Pedostrati- graphic Description (thickness, ft); color of fresh core or outcrop unit* (Munsell notation); plasticity, moist consistence*** Discontinuities Lacon Formation (I) Holocene Modem Peyton Colluvium (pey) Wisconsinan, Modem Holocene Cahokia Alluvium (c) Holocene, Modem Wisconsinan Parkland Sand (pks) Wisconsinan Modem Peoria Loess (p) Roxana Silt (r) Pearl Formation (pe) Wisconsinan Modem Wisconsinan Farmdale late lllinoian Sangamon Loam diamicton, silt loam (variable); grayish brown (10YR 5/2), yellowish brown (10YR 5/4); plastic to slightly plastic, friable Silt loam, loam diamicton (variable); grayish brown (10YR 5/2), brownish yellow (10YR 6/6); slightly plastic, friable Interbedded gravel, fine to medium sand and silt loam (0- 35); grayish brown (2.5Y 5/2), gray (N 4/0), yellowish brown (10YR 5/4), dark gray (10YR 4/2); plastic to nonplastic, loose to friable Fine grained sand (0-7), clean to clayey; very pale brown (10YR 7/3), light gray (N 6/0); slightly plastic, very friable Silty clay, silty loam (0-7); light brownish gray (10YR 6/2), very pale brown (10YR 7/3), dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2). light gray (2.5Y 7/2), black (10YR 2/1); plastic, friable to firm Loam (1-4); light pinkish gray (7.5YR 6/1) (10YR 5/8), black (N 2/0); plastic, firm yellowish brown Gravelly sandy, clean to clayey, fine grained sand, silty clay (0-13); as above and strong brown (7.5YR 4/6); nonplastic to plastic, loose to firm Pedogenic; roots, burrows, peds, etc. Pedogenic Lithologic, pedogenic Pedogenic Pedogenic Pedogenic, in- cluding krotovina, large Mn nodules and concretions Lithologic Berry Clay Member (peb) late lllinoian, Sangamon Silty clay loam, clay loam, loam diamicton (0-12); dark gray Pedogenic, in- Glasford Formation Sangamonian, Wisconsinan lllinoian, late lllinoian, Sangamonian (2.5Y 4/1), gray (N 6/0), pinkish gray (7.5YR 6/2), grayish brown (10YR 5/2), black (N 2/0); plastic, firm Berry Clay Member (gb) As above Vandalia Till Member lllinoian melange facies B-horizon of Sangamon Soil (gv-mx) C3-horizon of Sangamon Soil (gv-mo) unoxidized diamicton (gv-m) uniform diamicton facies (gv-u) Sangamon As above Sangamon Sangamon Mulberry Grove Member sand and gravel facies (gm-z) lllinoian Pike As above, (0-2); grayish brown (10YR 5/2), brownish yellow (10YR 6/6), red (2.5YR 4/8), black (5YR 2.5/1); plastic, firm As above; calcareous except along discontinuities (0-10); light yellowish brown (2.5Y 6/2). brown (10YR 5/3); slightly plastic, firm to extremely firm Chiefly loam diamicton with lenses of gravelly sand, sand and silt (0-34); gray (N 5/0); slightly plastic, firm to extremely firm Loam diamicton, few sand and gravel lenses (0-129); gray (N 5/0); slightly plastic, extremely firm Sandy loam to sorted sand and gravel (0-31); gray (N 5/0), olive gray (5Y 5/2); nonplastic, loose eluding krotovina, large Mn nodules and concretions Pedogenic as above Pedogenic; subangular blocky structure As above, but coarser structure Lithologic, sand- filled joints, healed fractures, and glacigenic faults Lithologic dis- continuities as above, but less frequent Lithologic diamicton facies (gm-d) silt loam facies (gm-s) Loam diamicton (<10); gray (N 5/0), greenish gray (5GY Lithologic 5/1; rare); slightly plastic, extremely firm Silt loam, silt (0-10); olive gray (5Y 5/2), gray (N 5/0), dark Lithologic grayish brown (2.5Y 4/2); slightly plastic to plastic, firm Table 1 continued Unit (symbol) Age Pedostrati- graphic Description (thickness, ft); color of fresh core or outcrop unit* (Munsell notation); plasticity, moist consistence*" Discontinuities Smithboro Till Member loam diamicton facies (gs) silt loam diamicton facies (gs-s) Petersburg Silt (ps) Martinsville sand silty clay facies (ms-s) sand and gravel facies (ms-z) diamicton facies (ms-d) Banner Formation Lierle Clay Member (bl) Casey till member B-horizon of Yarmouth Soil (bc-x) C3-horizon of Yarmouth Soil (bc-o) unoxidized diamicton (be) Bond Formation (Pb) and Modesto Formation (Pm) lllinoian lllinoian early lllinoian Pike (rare) Loam diamicton (0-44); gray (N 5/0); slightly plastic, firm Silt loam diamicton (0-58); gray (N 5/0; 5Y 4/1), very dark gray (10YR 3/1), dark grayish brown (2.5YR 4/2), dark olive gray (5Y 3/2), pale olive (5Y 6/3); slightly plastic to plastic, firm to extremely firm Silt loam, silt, fine- to coarse-grained sand (0-50); pale olive (5Y 6/3), dark olive gray (5Y 3/2), black (5Y 2.5/1); nonplastic to slightly plastic, firm Silty clay, clay loam (0-4); greenish gray (5GY 6/1), dark greenish gray (7.5GY 4/1), dark grayish yellow (5Y 4/3), red (10YR 4/6), black (N 2/0); plastic, firm to extremely firm Sand and gravel (0-25); olive gray (5Y 5/2), grayish brown (2.5Y 5/2); nonplastic, loose Sandy loam diamicton (0-9); olive gray (5Y 4/2); plastic, firm Yarmouthian Yarmouth pre-lllinoian Silty clay, silty clay loam (0-8); gray (N 5/0), olive gray (5/Y 5/2), brown (10YR 5/3); plastic, firm As above, but leached and with pedogenic features (0-5); grayish brown (10YR 5/2), yellowish brown (10YR 5/6); plastic, firm Loam diamicton (0-5); light yellowish brown (10YR 6/4); slightly plastic, extremely firm Loam, clay loam diamicton (0-30); gray (N 4.5/0, 5Y 4.5/1); slightly plastic, extremely firm Pennsylvanian Yarmouth Sandstone, shale, siltstone, claystone, mudstone, limestone, coal, conglomerate; variable; variable Yarmouth Yarmouth Healed fractures, sand-filled joints, infrequent vertical pedogenic cracks Horizontal shear planes separating lithologic discon- tinuities Lithologic Lithologic Lithologic Lithologic Lithologic and pedogenic Pedogenic; sub- angular blocky structure As above, but coarser structure Lithologic, including sand-filled joints, healed fractures Lithologic, joints •generally, but not necessarily associated with lithostratigraphic unit "associated with no soil stratigraphic unit, but possesses leached, organic-rich horizons and fragments of wood •"notation from Buol et al. 1980 BEDROCK LITHOLOGY AND STRUCTURE The bedrock that immediately underlies the MAS is composed of Pennsylvanian cyclothemic strata. Penn- sylvanian rocks in Illinois are divided into three groups: the McCormick, Kewanee, and McLeansboro Groups, which are subdivided into seven formations (Willman et al. 1975). Three of these formations were encountered in boreholes at the MAS. From base to top, the units include the Carbondale Formation of the Ke- wanee Group and the Modesto and Bond Formations of the McLeansboro Group (fig. 3). Carbondale Formation The Carbondale Formation, about 200 feet thick near the MAS (Willman et al. 1975), is characterized in the Illinois basin by minable coal beds. The uppermost member of the Carbondale Formation, the Danville (No. 7) Coal, is approximately 3.8 feet thick in borings M-03 and M-04. This unit is a regionally significant marker bed. The structure of its upper surface is de- picted in figure 4. The underclay associated with the Danville (No. 7) Coal is about 7.5 feet thick at the MAS (Battelle Memorial Institute and Hanson Engineers, Inc. 1990a). Modesto Formation The Modesto Formation generally is composed of a series of partial cyclothemic sequences dominated by gray shale and less sandstone, claystone, siltstone, limestone, 0) g> 'o as iS* o S.92 . E .2 CO -oO~ E 3 ■; .S to .-= u. a, & o E >-6 £ c a; r a> to CLS « "55 t ■= 8 £ S ai to c Zi O ^ TJ N a> -Q £ E c E a) .Q a)5 to2 = o a5 to TO (3 c o 11 o t TO TO 7, TJ 0) TO > *- o c TO O 11 0) TO =9 T3 ,_ TO 01 is ® 01 _ C 01 ^ TO o 9 T3 £ O c „ .a to = .c c/> e/i .^= E CO (/> a) .2 ,2 o c y S E O TO E'-o T3 TO E o TO ~ SEE Ol Ol Ol a> .o E ai -I •St TOO a; CO a> ss e > m w t u >>CQ E 3 T3 C TO •? T) _3 < TO J* TO T3 C TO TO O to in Colluv a Loess and San na Silt, s Formati O c a - c 3 to — >» O -C X TO 03 01 01 TO O 0) U o. Q. a. or ol 01 .X a. a. a. ._ a> Q. O O >- T3 01 o -a c a) x o en 60 C l-H o Si 01 c o X 1/3 c o ij en < I < c o u Si en in O i_ u 3 .2P o U c^ 6 2 > c D u « 3 V) Ui 01 Q. a 3 o £ i- 3 O c o u u in 5, 10 and coal. Regionally, the Modesto Formation is about 200 feet thick, but at the MAS, its maximum thickness is 165 feet. The thickness of monolithologic beds within the cyclothemic sequences varies from 1 inch to 60 feet. Shale sequences, including claystone, siltstone, and mi- nor mudstone, are typically about 20 feet thick, but they range from 1 to 50 feet thick. Beneath the MAS, beds of black, carbonaceous, fissile shale range from about 1 to 5 feet thick. Sandstone layers, 6 to 60 feet thick, occur as sheet and channel deposits. Members of the Modesto Formation at the MAS include, from base to top, the West Franklin Limestone, Chapel (No. 8) Coal, Inglefield Sandstone, Womac Coal, and Macoupin Limestone (?). The West Franklin is composed of light gray, nodular limestone about 6 feet thick. It is overlain by the Chapel (No. 8) Coal, which is composed of an underclay 2.5 feet thick and a fissile coal 0.2 feet thick. The West Franklin Limestone and Chapel (No. 8) Coal are marker beds within the Modesto Formation at the MAS. Sandstone bodies in the Modesto Formation and the overlying Bond Formation are commonly discontinu- ous and vary significantly in thickness. These units appear to have been deposited as widespread sheets and channel sands. The channel sands range from 6 to 60 feet thick within a lateral distance of about 8,000 feet. Sheet sands average 20 feet thick. Sandstones com- monly are interbedded with siltstones and claystones, and contain sedimentary features such as soft-sediment deformation, crossbedding, and rip-up clasts. Basal in- traformational conglomerates containing clasts of coal, limestone, and shale occur locally in the sandstones. A limestone or calcareous sandstone occurs at the top of the Inglefield Sandstone. Where present, this layer marks the top of the Modesto Formation at the MAS. The layer probably correlates with the Macoupin Limestone of the Modesto Formation, or less likely with the Carthage Limestone (Shoal Creek Limestone) of the overlying Bond Formation (Jacobson 1985). Bond Formation The bedrock unit most commonly present at the bed- rock surface of the MAS is the Bond Formation. Region- ally, the Bond Formation is characterized by about 300 feet of claystone, shale, limestone, and sandstone (Will- man et al. 1975). Formal members of the Bond Forma- tion in eastern Illinois include, from base to top, the Carthage Limestone, Mt. Carmel Sandstone, Flannigan Coal, Reel Limestone, and Livingston/Millersville Limestone. At the MAS, the Bond Formation is the uppermost Paleozoic unit. It is overlain unconformably by Quaternary glacial deposits. The Bond Formation is thickest, about 165 feet, on the east side of the MAS. It is absent on the west side and along the walls and floors of several bedrock valley segments beneath the MAS. The upper and lower limestone members of the Bond Formation are not present at the MAS; the Carthage Limestone appears to have been truncated by the Mt. Carmel Sandstone. Identification of the Mt. Carmel is tenuous, however, because of the lack of a distinctive lithology or succession of lithologies separating the Mt. Carmel from the Inglefield Sandstone of the Modesto Formation (fig. 3). At the MAS, sandstone is the most common lithol- ogy at the bedrock surface. The bedrock immediately underlying the glacial deposit is commonly gleyed and breaks easily along bedding planes in the uppermost 3 feet. The sandstone is generally partially cemented with carbonate and contains abundant chlorite; there- fore, the friable character is probably diagenetic and not pedogenic. Bedrock Structure The MAS is located on the east flank of the Oakland Anticline, a subsidiary fold of the La Salle Anticlinal Belt (Treworgy 1981). The structure contour map of the Danville (No. 7) Coal indicates that the associated strata dip about 0.5° east or 50 feet per mile in the study area (fig. 4). The direction and degree of flexure are consistent with the regional structure (Battelle Memo- rial Institute and Hanson Engineers, Inc. 1990a). Minor flexures are present in the MAS area (fig. 4). Faults were neither noted nor interpreted from any of the cores recovered at the MAS. BEDROCK TOPOGRAPHY AND DRIFT THICKNESS Horberg (1950) mapped the topography of the bedrock surface in Illinois, and Piskin and Bergstrom (1975) mapped drift thickness. At the time of their mapping, however, the number of reliable data points was lim- ited in Clark County. Horberg showed a deep, buried bedrock valley adjacent to the MAS (fig. 5) that nearly coincides with the present-day North Fork Embarras River valley. The buried bedrock valley, which begins northwest of the MAS, is a tributary of a larger buried valley system that extends south and east. Test drilling for characterizing the MAS revealed, in addition to Horberg's original valley, other deep bedrock valley segments beneath and near the MAS. Figure 6 shows the current interpretation of the regional bedrock topography. Thin drift (glacial and postglacial deposits and re- lated materials) covers a bedrock-cored moraine east of the MAS (fig. 1), as interpreted from surface topogra- phy, distribution of bedrock outcrops (Horberg 1950, Kettles 1980), and reconnaissance borings for this study. This moraine locally coincides with the eastern limit of the bedrock valley system that underlies the MAS; older drift units occur east of the moraine (Curry et al. 1989). The buried valley segments are informally named the North Fork Embarras bedrock valley, and the west- ern, northern, and southern segments of the Martins- 11 R14W R13W R14W R13W Figure 5 Bedrock topography of part of Clark County as mapped by Horberg (1950). ville bedrock valley (fig. 7). The North Fork Embarras bedrock valley is generally parallel and nearly coinci- dent with the modern valley of the North Fork Embar- ras River as mapped by Horberg (1950). The western and southern segments of the Martinsville buried bed- rock valley join the North Fork Embarras bedrock val- ley southwest of the MAS and in the northern part of Martinsville, respectively (fig. 7). A persistent basal alluvium containing clasts of extraregional lithologies (Martinsville sand) occurs in all segments of the Martinsville bedrock valley. This observation suggests that the segments are connected. The drainage network of the buried bedrock valleys may be part of an anastomosing pattern (fig. 7). Anas- tomosing or interconnecting valleys were mapped in large bedrock valleys filled with glacial drift, such as the Teays-Mahomet bedrock valley system (Kempton et al. 1991), in smaller bedrock valley segments in Illi- nois (Vaiden and Curry 1990), and elsewhere. Anasto- mosing patterns are relatively common surficial features along valleys that received discharge from gla- cial meltwater or glacial lake outbursts, such as along the Mississippi, Illinois, and Wabash River valleys (Schumm and Brakenridge 1987). Such patterns result from blockages (local damming), superposed stream segments, and stream piracy. Figure 6 Reinterpretation of bedrock topography shown in figure 5 based on test drilling for the MAS and reconnaissance borings. The bedrock valley network at the MAS was devel- oped during the pre-Illinoian. Although absent from the MAS, pre-Illinoian glacigenic diamicton and sorted sediments are distributed south, west, and east of the study area (MacClintock 1929, Ford 1970, Johnson, Gross, Moran 1971, Johnson et al. 1972, Kettles 1980/ Curry et al. 1989, 1991a, b), indicating that the area had been covered by pre-Illinoian ice. Subsequent Illinoian glaciation further eroded bedrock on the valley flanks and divides. The thickest drift in the study area was measured in boring M-106 (206 ft) in the northeast part of the MAS, above the northern segment of the Martinsville bed- rock valley. The thinnest drift (20 ft thick) was noted in boring M-120 immediately northwest of the MAS in the valley of Bluegrass Creek (fig. 8). Bedrock was cored in 49 of the borings evaluated in this study. In 30 of these, 5 feet or more of bedrock was penetrated and sampled. The oldest Quaternary deposits of alluvium and colluvium are derived mostly from the local bed- rock, making determination of the bedrock surface dif- ficult in a few places. For the most part, however, contacts between till units and bedrock are sharp, and apparantly erosional. 12 LITHOSTRATIGRAPHY AND PEDOSTRATIGRAPHY OF QUATERNARY DEPOSITS Physical characteristics, thickness, and distribution of the Quaternary lithostrati graphic units are described in this section. Pedostratigraphic units as they generally occur within the lithostratigraphic framework are de- scribed to maintain the overall continuity of this sec- tion. Table 1 provides summary descriptions of the stratigraphic units and derivative facies found in north-central Clark County. Previous Work MacClintock (1929) described several sections east of the study area along Big Creek and Mill Creek (fig. 1). Although changes have occurred in stratigraphic no- menclature (Jacobs and Lineback 1969, Willman and Frye 1970), his descriptions and interpretations remain valid. He found a thick, pre-Illinoian paleosol (the Yar- mouth Soil) developed in wood-bearing till, which was referred to as the Casey till member of the Banner Formation by Ford (1970). MacClintock noted that the top of the paleosol was commonly covered by a thin, fossiliferous, silty unit (Petersburg Silt or the Smith- boro Till Member of the Glasford Formation), which in turn is overlain by the uppermost Illinoian unit of the area, a loam till (Vandalia Till Member of the Glasford Formation). The Sangamon Soil is developed in the upper part of the Illinoian deposits. Wisconsinan loess covers the Illinoian deposits in nearly all places, with the exception of stream valleys. As more of the central Illinois region was explored, the geologic units were described and given informal names (e.g., Jacobs and Lineback 1969, Ford 1970). Will- man and Frye (1970) formalized the names and desig- nated type sections; Johnson et al. (1972) and Follmer et al. (1979) summarized regional relationships. Unpub- lished theses provide additional stratigraphic and clay mineralogical information on Illinoian and pre-Illi- noian deposits in central Illinois (Kettles 1980, Hartline 1981, Fox 1987) and Holocene deposits elsewhere in the state (Stanke 1988, Hajic 1990). These studies set the regional framework for recognition of stratigraphic units at the MAS. Recent reports by Battelle Memorial Institute and Hanson Engineers, Inc. (1988, 1990a, b) describe the geology of the MAS, independently of this report. Battelle Memorial Institute and Hanson Engi- neers, Inc. (1990a, b, c) give informal, site-specific, stra- tigraphic names to several units. Their terminology is compared with that of this report in table 2. Banner Formation The Banner Formation, the oldest known Quaternary lithostratigraphic unit in Clark County, is less than 2 feet thick at the MAS, but it is more than 30 feet thick elsewhere in the study area (fig. 1). As defined by Willman and Frye (1970), the Banner Formation over- lies the Afton Soil and underlies either Petersburg Silt or the Glasford Formation. The stratigraphic position of the Afton Soil at its type locality in Afton Junction, Iowa, however, is controversial. The age of pre-Yar- mouthian deposits, once called Nebraskan, Aftonian, and Kansan, is now regarded in Iowa as pre-Illinoian (Hallberg et al. 1980), an informal convention that was also adopted in Illinois (Johnson 1986). The informal unit known as the Casey till member of the Banner Formation (described below) contains abundant wood fragments, indicating that an earlier soil once covered the area. Yarmouth Soil is developed in the upper part of the Banner. Casey Till Member Ford (1970) informally described and named the Casey till member of the Banner Formation, but Kettles (1980) correlated the unit in Clark County with the Hillery Till Member of the Banner Formation described near Dan- ville, Illinois (Johnson et al. 1972). Because the regional distribution of the Hillery Till Member is not well known, Ford's local nomenclature was retained. The Casey (be in table 1) is composed of gray loam to clay loam diamicton that contains a mean grain-size distribution of 38% sand, 38% silt, and 24% clay, and a mean clay mineral composition of 8% expandables, 63% illite, and 29% kaolinite plus chlorite (appendix). The particle-size distribution of the Casey is consistent at any section, but it varies regionally (Kettles 1980). The mineralogy of the fine sand fraction (0.25 to 0.125 mm) of pre-Illinoian tills in northern Clark County indicates they were deposited by the Huron-Erie Lobe of the Laurentide Ice Sheet (Fox 1987). Sediments de- posited by the Huron-Erie Lobe are differentiated from Lake Michigan Lobe deposits by a greater content of magnetic minerals, plagioclase, and calcite (Johnson 1964, Fox 1987). Where exposed, the Casey is commonly oxidized (Kettles 1980; oxidized samples are denoted as bc-o in figs. 9, 10). The oxidized diamicton generally is yel- lowish brown to brown and contains irregularly ori- ented fractures that have sand fillings as much as 0.25 inch thick. The oxidization is considered part of the CI, C2, and/or C3 horizons of the Yarmouth Soil (soil horizon designations after Follmer 1985). Although not observed at the MAS, the Casey till has been identified east and west of the MAS in outcrops CC-8 and CC-11 near Mill Creek, and in CC-20 north of Casey, Illinois. An accessible exposure of the Casey till member in Clark County is along Mill Creek at CC-11 (fig. 1) at or near location 7 of MacClintock (1929), where the unit is at least 15 feet thick (fig. 9). At CC-11, the upper 3 to 5 feet of the Casey is a leached, reddish brown, clay loam diamicton that contains a well developed, pedogenic subangular, blocky struc- ture and abundant, continuous clay cutans (fig. 9). Be- low the leached zone is about 5 feet of oxidized diamicton that has numerous horizontal, platy joints coated with sesquioxides, and at least 3 feet of unoxi- dized, wood-bearing diamicton. MacClintock (1929) 13 14 ^ c 00 4- c > e r CM .2 75 > 75 c! O 0) c a * -* 8 3 n > C c o o 2 \ 1 u c 1 < 0) c X) 2 &o o a. o ■8 CO 2 3 60 15 16 8 I I gl s o s 17 Table 2 Comparison of stratigraphy used in this report and in the Battelle Memorial Institute and Hanson Engineers, Inc. report (1990a). Battelle (1990a) This report Cahokia Alluvium Peyton Colluvium Parkland Sand Peoria Loess not reported/not present at MAS Roxana Silt Berry Clay Upper Sand Glasford Formation Vandalia Till Member Fractured Vandalia Till Vandalia Till Vandalia Sand Sand Facies Smithboro Till - Petersburg Silt Basal Sand — Pre-lllinoian Silt and Clay not reported/not present at MAS Cahokia Alluvium Peyton Colluvium Parkland Sand Peoria Loess Wedron Formation sandy silt facies of Roxana Silt Berry Clay Member of Pearl and Glasford Formations Pearl Formation Glasford Formation Vandalia Till Member — melange facies uniform diamicton facies Mulberry Grove Member I silt facies, sand and gravel facies I diamicton facies Smithboro Till Member I silt loam diamicton facies I loam diamicton facies Petersburg Silt Martinsville sand — sand and gravel facies silty clay facies diamicton facies Banner Formation Lierle Clay Member Casey till member described 20 feet of sand and gravel above bedrock and below the diamicton, but it is not presently exposed at the outcrop. MacClintock's location 7 is the only loca- tion in Clark County where thick sand and gravel is reported to be associated with the Casey till member. Lierle Clay Member Willman and Frye (1970) named and described the Lierle Clay as a member of the Banner Formation in west-central Illinois. The unit is composed of soft, leached clay and silty clay diamicton that commonly becomes finer upward (bl in figs. 9, 10). The mineral- ogy, dominated by smectite, also contains interstrati- fied clay minerals and no chlorite. The Lierle is interpreted to have been deposited as pedogenically altered colluvium, alluvium, or lacustrine sediment (Willman et al. 1966, Willman and Frye 1970). Lierle Clay, as much as 8.5 feet thick, occurs at CC-8 and CC-11 east of the MAS. The sequence is composed of leached, dark gray, massive to crudely stratified, silty clay (figs. 9, 10). The material has numerous joints coated with sesquioxides, likely due to weathering at the face of the outcrop. The clay mineralogy is domi- nated by expandable clay minerals. The Lierle Clay Member at the MAS was identified in core from borings M-02, M-ll and M-105. In each case, the Lierle is less than 2 feet thick, overlies bedrock, and underlies the silt diamicton facies of the Smithboro Till Member of the Glasford Formation. Thus, its strati- graphic relationship with the Martinsville sand (de- scribed below) is unknown. Battelle Memorial Institute and Hanson Engineers, Inc. (1990a) include the Lierle Clay as part of their Pre-lllinoian Silt and Clay unit (table 2). Yarmouth Soil The Yarmouth Soil was named by Leverett (1898), who described a buried soil from well cuttings at Yarmouth, Iowa, near the maximum extent of Illinoian glacial de- posits. The Yarmouth Soil in Clark County is devel- oped in bedrock, Lierle Clay, or the upper part of the Casey till member. Pedogenic alteration of the Lierle Clay and the Casey till member at CC-11 resulted in a leached zone 18 soil depth particle-size distribution clay mineralogy horizons (ft) (-2 mm) 50 100 50 — - x 7 »_ ^\ 7 n 2 /A/^ = ~-\ ^ i- TO -^ gv- TO T3 | X \7 C 1 — / c 5 x' XX \ o /.-- 9 -v A -< c aj to I \ \/ . ^ o o ■D w 0) QJ > £3 O gm- c 3 O (0 jo /" \ ~- O 5 2 & F v>' gs- o ^\ "' s ^ I \\y< c as n 3 O TO o bl Btg E _i \/-r/ "v^V B 2 $k bc- >v X &£ B 3 f ?3- ^< x c — \ o TO \/^_4 | ^A^A o _v_y^l_ c IL £ \~A^ 03 O c i 61 c c TO CD E 0) E >. « TO ^\\— ^^? ^ ^ \ /\~~- bc- c 3 o r / x' •g ,2 _'^ c "«5 £0 o c CO O ' c 3 ,_ ' i - N CD — E CD 2 / _\ ~~A X / - 7 X V ' = gs- i- \ / " s-o o o " X £> ~- / .c \ ~ / E CO \ CO IH2£^ ^=£3^ ps £ — a5 ' — — — bl Bg \ ~ c CD 1 ""/ X B c CO o E E CD „ \ 1 _ !c S \ ^ 13 o o LL CO t "^ X / E CD O / __ \ 1 C c CD CO CD -J / \ ~~~ — / Btg / ^ _ X i> 1 \ bc-o c 3 0. / * •- — Ca>: son-. q Silt diamicton [:■;■:■:-;■:■! bedrock — I 1 500 1000 ft Figure 16 Cross section G-G'. All borings extend to bedrock. E-1 C-1 Kettering Branch . North Fork road fin \ Embarras E' H-1 ms-s bedrock vertical exaggeration 10x 50 ft 1 1 500 1000 ft 25 g z O TJ C \ I U \ i o i • i i r^ : :^>:x>-:^^Sj:^ •■>;;•; _i \ > ■ . • .\z • • 1 .1 c 8 > in C ■e (0 s I o $ •a v2 > & •o c C re in I O 3 60 - 29 depth particle-size distribution (ft) (<2 mm) 50 100 clay mineralogy Wis Peoria L I "- £ -'- P Roxana S as*:- r sg \Berry 'Wf? gb H Mi gv- mo r T i 'i :/ ^ gv- m* m 2 x/ ,"/ = ^ \ H _ . / co / ^ "CO ■D C 5 gv- u \W \l~\ c g CO \ — 1 T3 E 0) > .o o • • . • . ■ c o ->f1 . '.'■*•■ 1-1 LL £> •'■ ■'• » ■"■ E T5 ...".■. O) o — N \ (/) v ' / ~ c CO o 03 O A \ 1 ' 1 "~" gs c X , \, — 1 / .q 6 XI \*M gs- fc / ^- N - s C/5 / -^ -' ./ ms- s 7 / a> >.';.>. -j •;. .E co CO o " '„ = ms- z ^•s S ':'::---;. : ' / ~~\ -- ms- I A - 1 ^ / d Silt diamicton 20- discontinuity ■ 40 60 80 100 120 140- 160 180 100 \ / 7 I / sand and gravel silty clay wood sand sand-filled discontinuities Figure 18 Lithofacies log and laboratory data from samples of core CLK-02-02. Location shown in figure 2. 30 Kettles (1980) correlated units in the area with the Smithboro and Fort Russell till members, which were originally described in the East St. Louis area by McKay (1979). The Smithboro and Fort Russell units have li- thologic properties similar to those of the silt loam diamicton and loam diamicton fades, respectively, de- scribed above for the Smithboro (table 3). The grada- tional physical properties and contacts between the fades, and the repetition of fades in some borings (figs. 24, 25) indicate that the two fades probably are contem- poraneous. The Fort Russell till member is, therefore, not recognized at the MAS. Regionally, Kettle's Fort Russell unit may correlate with the lower part of the uniform diamicton fades of the Vandalia Till Member, described below. Data in table 3 indicate that the silt loam diamicton fades of the Smithboro at the MAS contains about 10% less expandable clay minerals and about 7% more silt than the Smithboro as described in other studies. These differences likely reflect a larger component of Petersburg Silt reworked within the Smithboro at the MAS. Mulberry Grove Member The Mulberry Grove Silt Member was described by Jacobs and Lineback (1969) and formally named and assigned to the Glasford Formation by Willman and Frye (1970). In the study area, the Mulberry Grove is as much as 58 feet thick at boring C-l (fig. 26), and com- prises three easily distinguishable fades composed of sand and gravel, diamicton, and silt loam. Because the sand and gravel fades is dominant at the MAS, silt is dropped from the name in this report. Regional distri- bution of the Mulberry Grove Member is not well known; sediments equivalent to the sand and gravel fades and the silt fades were described in the type area near Vandalia, Illinois (Jacobs and Lineback 1969) and in Coles County, Illinois (Johnson et al. 1972, Ford 1970). Battelle Memorial Institute and Hanson Engineers, Inc. (1990b) considered the Mulberry Grove to be a moderate-yielding aquifer. An approximate north- south regional flow pattern is indicated by hydrologi- cal data. The City of Martinsville draws water from this aquifer, as well as from shallower water-bearing units. The munidpal wells are located southwest of the town of Martinsville, which is adjacent to the North Fork Embarras River valley (fig. 2). The Mulberry Grove Member, as much as 31 feet thick under the MAS, is thicker adjacent to the MAS in the North Fork Embarras River valley at borings C-l (58 ft), M-110 (32 ft), and M-lll (36 ft; fig. 26). In general, the Mulberry Grove Member of this report corresponds to the Sand Fades described by Battelle Memorial Institute and Hanson Engineers, Inc. (1990a, b, c; table 2). The Mulberry Grove, encountered in 62 of the 76 borings that penetrated this stratigraphic inter- val, averages 17.8 feet thick. A persistent layer of the diamicton fades is sand- wiched by the sand and gravel fades of the Mulberry Grove along the North Fork Embarras River buried valley (fig. 14, cross section E-E'). Differing geochemi- cal and piezometric data from the sand and gravel layers that overlie and underlie the diamicton (Battelle Memorial Institute and Hanson Engineers, Inc. 1990b) support the interpretation that the diamicton layer is laterally continuous. These data indicate that ground- water in the upper sand and gravel unit interacts with groundwater in the Cahokia Alluvium, whereas groundwater in the lower sand and gravel layer is geochemically distinct and does not readily interact with the Cahokia. The continuous diamicton and thick sand and gravel layers occupy a paleochannel eroded in the Smithboro Till Member along the North Fork Embarras bedrock valley (fig. 27). The channel mor- phology is evident in a segment of cross section C-C', which is drawn perpendicular to the buried valley axis through borings M-126, M-127, and M-110 (fig. 12). Because of the general coincidence of the North Fork Embarras River valley and its buried bedrock valley counterpart, a thick sand and gravel fades likely occurs in this channel along any cross-valley profile of the modern North Fork Embarras River valley in the study area. Sand and gravel facies The sand and gravel fades (gm-z in table 1) is composed of well sorted, fine to coarse grained sand, and less sorted sand and gravel, and sandy loam. The facies, as much as 35 feet thick under the east half of the North Fork Embarras River valley, is commonly interbedded with thin layers of the diamicton facies (fig. 23). A thick sand and gravel facies also occurs in the northeast part of the MAS (fig. 28). Diamicton facies The diamicton facies (gm-d) is composed of beds of gray loam to clay loam diamicton less than 12 feet thick. The diamicton facies generally is interbedded with the sand and gravel facies or in con- tart with the Smithboro Till Member. The mean clay mineral composition of the diamicton facies is 12% expandables, 60% illite, and 28% kaolinite plus chlorite, which is nearly identical to the clay mineral composi- tion of the overlying Vandalia Till Member (fig. 21). At D-l, the diamicton facies is soft and gleyed, and is interpreted as a Bg soil horizon of the Pike Soil, a pedostratigraphic unit that has been described at sev- eral localities in central Illinois (Johnson et al. 1972, Fox 1987). Silt facies The silt facies of the Mulberry Grove Member (gm-s) consists of silty sediment that is gray, yellowish brown, or locally black, organic rich, and leached or weakly calcareous. The clay mineralogy of the silt facies is nearly identical to that of the underlying Smithboro Till Member (e.g., fig. 24). Less common than the organic rich silts are thin beds of gray, uniform calcareous silt associated with the diamicton facies. The clay mineralogy of these beds is nearly identical to the clay mineralogy of the diamicton facies and the overly- ing Vandalia Till Member. The silt facies, generally less than 1 foot thick at the MAS, is as much as 10 feet thick 31 32 £ 8)uo|qo pue ai!U||OB>| E o 3= -a a n E

Aeo Ajjag J9qai8^\| mi BiiepueA ^/ N "O E E jaqway\j 9A0J9 Ajjaqini^ UOjlBLUJOJ PJ0>SB|9 UBIOUII AdVNH31VnD 36 c o u 2 •a c 3 o £ T3 C CC ■c C cd 1/3 (£fj g c —r— o 35 - 1 - o CD - 1 - O o o CO o 9 __ _ |Oqeo UOIIBLUJOJ PJ0|SB|9 euaoo|OH/u!Suoos!M ueiouii AavNaaivno 38 ajijomo pue aiiu||OB>( 81l||l saiqepuedxs ■ -» ■a c o o CO — T— o 1 - 1— o m o o E TO C O o <2 T3 ■o CD c ca o" ; « . , o . .0 •. . ■ <3 E en * V jaqwsiAj ||i_i_ ojoqgjiujs UOjlBLUJOJ pjojseio '*. ■' "3 ■ ••' '-"6- . ' ° • ... ' o.- ■ -J\\- co in ca to E E E E PUBS 3||IASUIIJB|/\| ueioujin AHVNH31VnO (- - E a. UOUBLUJOJ oisapoiAj NN3d ' '. ■c o o 5 41 <- 3 00 vC .s c o JZ (A c _g "J3 o o j i U a* a. £ CO £ o vfc "!5 •a o t* o x> JS T5 C «3 60 O o 01 u 3 60 (S 39 depth particle-size distribution coefficient of uniformity (ft) (<2 mm fraction) 50 100 100 200 clay mineralogy Peoria Loess p Berry Clay gb -Q E TO T3 $ > o O 0) E O E CO gv-mc gv-u W A gv-m gv-u gm-z 5 gm-s gs-s gs Martins- ms-s T ville sand ms-z < Bond Fm Pb silt />-; diamicton sand and gravel ««~<«t~», .-^- sand-filled sandstone .ziZg^ .. -^ discontinuities TTT pedogenic structures Figure 24 Lithofacies log and laboratory data from samples of core M-07. Location shown in figure 2. 40 Table 3 Comparison of textural and clay mineral attributes of three members of the Glasford Formation in central Illinois. Unit Author (year of study) Percentage of the <2um Sand Silt fraction Clay Semiquantitative clay mineral analyses (No. of samples) Exp* Mite K/C" Vandalia Kettles (1980) (199)*" 46 33 21 12 66 22 Hartline (1981) (39) 45 35 20 16 65 19 Jacobs and Lineback (1969) (10) 43 38 19 9 70 21 Lineback (1981) (97) 42 35 23 9 70 21 This study: melange facies (86) 45 33 22 12 60 28 uniform facies (488) 43 35 22 12 58 30 Fort Russell Kettles (1980) (75) 35 41 24 23 57 20 Hartline (1981) (18) 40 38 22 24 56 20 Lineback (1981) (75) 32 42 26 24 54 22 Smithboro This study: Smithboro, loam diamicton facies (109) 32 45 23 26 47 27 Kettles (1980) (24) 26 50 24 40 41 19 Hartline (1981) (21) 23 49 28 45 37 18 « Lineback (1981) (71) 25 47 28 43 38 19 This study: Smithboro, silt diamicton facies (218) 18 57 25 30 42 27 Smithboro, composite (loam diamicton and silt diamicton combined) (327) 23 53 24 29 44 27 * Exp = expandable clay minerals; " K/C = kaolinite plus chlorite; *** composite of Kettle's Till 50W and Till 50E 41 depth particle-size distribution coefficient of uniformity (ft) (<2 mm fraction) 50 100 100 200 clay mineralogy § Peo "Roxi na Loess p ina Sill r CO Pes Berry Clay peb i\* rl Fm pe gv-mj t \' ,_ ' 9 A E „ 1 .. CD / 2 1 \ P I CO 1 gv-u •o - - c ip > 1 > S / ■- - 1 "i ' - / >. E 9 m " z ■ o .■ , c 3 >- o 5 in. - DC < F ■. '»' \ / S c s / rr ro ii a: LU J— o c TJ gs < = o i ^ ~> U) o \ Smithboro Till Member (O CO •P CO

o 4) s I 8 - 45 46 c o „ ~°s ■JB ■H 3 .8 £ o hi fc a* X) (j «j -t- i- 3 tn i* a* _o •S o c o re > E 3 be 47 48 o> g o> > o 1- 01 "3 01 5 o o 01 3. oo 49 Cu o l_ o o 1_ **- \- o o A * * ->«*(- m -m * * ** oo -K-w-* ** OC© •*-t-^r^ H** O CO O ro ■ o CO, CO I O Kxmkh O 00 O O O ^ KWWW * ♦ CO o o I Vandalia Till Member O melange facies uniform diamicton facies combined facies Mulberry Grove Member diamicton facies Smithboro Till Member loam diamicton facies silt loam diamicton facies combined facies * All diamictons; MAS Figure 29 Histogram and box diagrams of values of the coefficient of uniformity (Cu) for glacigenic diamicton units at the MAS. Within the boxes of the box diagrams, the range of values falls within 1 interquartile range about the median, which is shown as a line within the box. The lines extending from the boxes (the "whiskers") are 1.5 times the value of the interquartile range beyond the range indicated by the box; outside values (shown as asterisks) found beyond the "whiskers" are as much as 3.0 times the inter- quartile range; extreme outside values (shown as open circles) are more than 3.0 times the interquartile range (see Velleman and Hoaglin 1981). 50 Berry Clay Member 8.7 ft depth Vandalia Till Member melange facies, oxidized 12.0 ft depth Vandalia Till Member uniform diamicton facies 66.7 ft depth Smithboro Till Member loam diamicton facies 86.3 ft depth Smithboro Till Member silt loam diamicton facies 109.5 ft depth Martinsville sand diamicton facies 183.5 ft depth 2°6 Figure 30 Smoothed traces of X-ray diffractograms of oriented, ethylene glycol solvated samples of the <2 urn fraction of units from boring M-104. DEC 1 3 1334 51 52 .tr o _ a> — en £ u u ■B c o £ 2 ■5 £ o c 3 0) a; 3 60 53 54 (J V) w J 5 >> % « - > 8* c 5 •a a o a. E o> 2 T3 C (0 > o> .Si 01 c *0> £ 5 01 c u 2 55 of the site, the Vandalia Sand has heads similar to those of the Mulberry Grove; in other parts, head data are similar to those of the surficial layers and the melange facies. Melange facies The melange facies (gv-m in table 1) is composed predominantly of loam diamicton, but numerous layers, lenses, and pods of sand and gravel, and less commonly, well sorted, uniform silt also are present. Contacts between sand and gravel bodies, diamicton, and silt are sharp. The melange facies con- tains at least one lithologic or structural discontinuity per vertical or horizontal 3 feet of sediment. The melange facies is more than 23 feet thick in an outcrop (CC-16) adjacent to the MAS, and as much as 30.3 feet thick beneath the MAS at boring M-104 (fig. 32). Below the uplands, the melange facies is generally found at the top of the Vandalia but, in rare instances, it occurs at depth within the uniform diamicton facies (for exam- ple, at a depth of 73-80 ft in boring M-07; fig. 24). The facies generally is absent beneath the valley of the North Fork Embarras River. The melange facies contains numerous discontinui- ties with variable orientation and habit, including li- thologic discontinuities and fractures. At outcrop CC-15, there are nearly vertical joints at least 10 feet long and filled with sand. These joints have a maxi- mum width of 1 inch and taper downward to a crack with no sand filling (fig. 33a). At the same outcrop, vertically oriented tabular beds of uniform silt are off- set along glaciotectonic faults with about 2 feet of ap- parent displacement. At outcrop CC-16, the grain of the lithologic discontinuities is generally horizontal with planar to wavy surfaces (fig. 33b). Observations of outcrops and unoriented core from four clusters of angled borings indicate that the discontinuities occur in all dip orientations. The angled borings also indicate that the contact between the uniform diamicton facies and melange facies is abrupt. The cluster of angled borings at M-101 illustrates the slope of the contact surface. The slope is as much as 14° within a horizontal distance of about 50 feet (fig. 34). Observations of outcrops and core from vertical and angled borings provide an indication of the variability and complexity of the distribution of fractures and sand lenses within the melange facies (figs. 33a, b, 34, 45, 46). Scattered sand lenses, ranging from less than 1 inch to as much as 10 feet thick, were observed in cores and outcrops. The proportion of sand as lenses, bodies, and fracture fillings in the melange facies ranges from less than 1% to 70%, and averages 15%. Berry Clay Member The Berry Clay Member is composed of leached and pedogenically modified loam to clay loam diamicton. Beneath the upland surfaces at the MAS, the Berry forms a continuous layer over the Vandalia Till Mem- ber of the Glasford Formation and under the sandy silt facies of the Roxana Silt. In this report, the Berry Clay Member is included in the upper Pearl Formation (peb in table 1) to emphasize the continuity of this mantle. Average thickness of the Berry Clay is 5 feet; maximum thickness is 13 feet. The Berry Clay Member contains more expandable clay minerals than underlying units (fig. 35, appendix), although the lowermost portion commonly has a clay mineral composition similar to that of oxidized Van- dalia diamicton. Mean values for clay mineral content are 59% expandables, 27% illite, and 14% kaolinite plus chlorite. Where the Pearl sand is absent, the contact between the Berry and the Vandalia generally is abrupt, and pedogenically the contact is at the bound- ary between the B and C horizons of the Sangamon Soil. Visually, the Berry Clay can be difficult to differentiate from the overlying Roxana Silt, which contains little or no gravel and possesses finer pedogenic features than the Berry. The contact between the Berry and the Roxana generally is gradational across a 1 foot zone. Although textural differences are useful for differenti- ating the surficial upland units, clay mineralogy is not a useful differentiating method (fig. 36). Pearl Formation The Pearl Formation discontinuously overlies the melange facies of the Vandalia Till Member of the Glas- ford Formation. The Berry Clay Member is the soft, gleyed diamicton in the upper Pearl. Pearl sand, re- ferred to as the Upper Sand by Battelle Memorial Insti- tute and Hanson Engineers, Inc. (1990a; table 2 in this report), was not observed in the sediment fill of pre- sent-day valleys. The mean thickness of the Pearl at the MAS is 1.9 feet; a maximum thickness of 12.9 feet oc- curs in angled boring M-106W adjacent to boring M- 106 (Battelle Memorial Institute and Hanson Engineers, Inc. 1990a). The Pearl Formation is composed of stratified, poorly sorted sand and gravel; well sorted, medium grained sand; and uncommon, thin interbeds of silty clay. Illuvial clay occurs in the upper portion of the Pearl and is related to the Sangamon Soil. Its pedogenic origin is indicated by an abundance of fine clay (<1 urn) relative to coarser clay (1-4 urn; fig. 35). Pearl Forma- tion particles commonly are stained and coated with sesquioxides and clay that demarcate gamma horizons (layers of translocated clay, organic matter, and sesqui- oxides below primary and beta B horizons; Johnson and Hansel 1989). Clay mineralogy of the Pearl Forma- tion is similar to that of the uppermost weathered Van- dalia diamicton. Mean clay mineral values are 37% expandables, 48% illite, and 15% kaolinite plus chlorite (appendix). The lower contact of the Pearl at outcrop CC-16 is locally convoluted, above which are stratified and undeformed beds of sand or silty clay, completely stained black and red by sesquioxides. Sangamon Soil The B horizon of the Sangamon Soil commonly occurs in the Berry Clay Member of the Glasford and Pearl Formations and the upper 1 to 2 feet of the melange facies of the Vandalia Till Member. The latter material 56 feet o 1 2 meters meters Figure 33 Sketches of outcrops CC-15 (a) and CC-16 (b) showing variable lithic discontinuities within the melange the Vandalia Till Member (from Troost and Curry 1991). Locations shown in figure 2. facies of 57 3.8P.S*olON NKH-W kh-w MlOHfl M.62X2o68N o eg o CO o o o o oo »99J 58 O) c •c 8* g™o T3 o a> O T 10 JC epth be round s long axi O Q) CO J" 3 > co o o Q. TJ C CO -o o> co co^= CO co CO o » J\ ( 3 « « 2>C0 2 «u 5^ o "^ <5 *" _ T3 *- V^ /_ 1 TJ CD S 3 co CO « 5 c co o a o 5 — CO T3 co .c cc CO O) LU ** CO 2 LU 2 111 > o cr o O > DC DC LU CD 1 CC O CD I i_ _i _i c CO Q. O .2 co® 5 S« If ■°^ '"5 w CO CO" O 0) Q. <1) CD -£ 0) CT) CD « CO C J3 S2 a) c *- 2 .c o o o CO Q) 3 O ._ x: o 1= 2 ■d'E C ,_ CO CD o>0 € 5 co 5 CL O CO CO 2 03 2 co- .i; .9f co „.r J) M* S.3 >> O) co co co =6 E c CD .Q o c o > co p 10 *_ •fc o °§ OTJS CO 0) ?o .2T3 si 2 co s 3 CD CO cr LU I- LU 0. s~> LU z o co Q z CD CD < ci >o CO \rl i i i ii vi \ Mh^AWHPi 5 t" • ° CO Tv Z o I s lu° > I- §1 z z c » o LU LU CD 2 cr cr r m LU O • •£ is O 1 2 s o >< CO co " o 2 go 0. , ~ o . < < o z E o o CO £ c 0) •c o 0) CO CO o> c 'C o n ■o _CD O) C 08 < 2 $ ■c $ if c L ja T3 0J rj C ra V ra jq p * E i—i r, k. u ■-»- c i/| ■■j in ra u •4-- a; c cu c u .5 u C UJ B C o bO 1/) B ra i ro DC in ■5 c CO 'JZ CU T3 fl ■J3 [fl 3 ra e c B c E o o b!2 5 o u 5* e rt ra a/ CO £3 59 (J) I >- a> o a3 c l!OS aiepaiJEj 60 CO a. O) CO CO U) (0 CO c/> .c o — c o o IiIiIiIiUmi' ■J-'i! -1 / «/ .••■.o..r Q o '««•••■ ■■•-.■oO;,- °.q«o.:,- -..■■. ' 1 1 a, - Q. 0) a. ^ x ^ o E a> E o) E > O) .5 co i; <" O CD 0) o 1 c/5 CO c CO X o Vandalia Till Mbr; melange facies UOIieWJOJ |JB8 65 Table 4 Lithic composition of sand units as interpreted from point counts of petrographic slides (from Battelle Memorial Institute and Hanson Engineers, Inc. 1990a). Sand bodies in the uniform diamicton Sand and gravel Sand and gravel facies, Vandalia Till facies, Mulberry facies, Martinsville Pearl Formation Membei Grove Member sand Std. Std. Std. Std. Mean Dev.* Mean Dev.* Mean Dev.* Mean Dev.* (9 slides) (14 slides) (20 slides) (15 slides) Quartz Single grain 64.1 9.4 51.1 9.9 35.8 22.3 37.9 15.5 Polycrystalline 5.2 2.6 4.4 1.9 3.8 2.4 6.4 2.8 Undulatory extinction 2.7 4.4 1.5 1.6 1.1 1.1 1.3 1.2 Feldspar 6.2 2.1 4.9 1.9 3.8 3.0 5.3 2.9 Limestone Fine grained 1.6 2.2 5.4 1.5 9.0 5.8 5.2 3.7 Crystalline 5.7 5.9 16.7 5.8 19.3 8.8 11.9 9.3 Fossiliferous 0.1 0.3 0.6 1.0 1.1 1.6 1.5 3.3 Siliceous 0.2 0.4 4.3 4.6 9.4 5.7 3.7 3.6 Rock fragments Metamorphic/lgneous 4.0 2.8 3.4 1.7 5.7 3.6 5.2 3.9 Sedimentary 7.2 5.2 7.6 3.2 11.3 6.5 19.8 8.8 Iron cemented aggregates 2.8 4.2 Opaques 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.4 1.3 2.0 TOTALS Quartz 72.0 6.4 57.0 10.6 40.7 21.6 45.5 17.1 Limestone 7.6 7.9 27.0 8.6 38.7 16.3 22.3 17.2 Rock fragments 11.2 4.5 11.0 4.1 17.0 8.0 25.0 9.6 "Standard deviation aggregate grains of calcareous concretions. Either at- tribute may be of pedogenic or diagenetic origin, but the paucity of pedogenic structures suggests the latter. The average lithic composition of the sand and gravel facies of the Mulberry Grove Member, and of the sand bodies within the uniform diamicton facies of the Vandalia Till Member is similar. The most useful pet- rographic criterion for differentiating these units was sorting of lithic type per grain-size category (fig. 39). The mean value and standard deviation of quartz grains found in the various categories of sand size is 57.0 ± 10.6% in sand bodies of the Vandalia, and 40.7 ± 21.6% in the sand and gravel facies of the Mulberry Grove Member. The relatively poor sorting (i.e., greater standard deviation) of the latter unit indicates that the sand and gravel facies of the Mulberry Grove was deposited under more variable conditions of stream power and sediment load than the sand bodies in the Vandalia Till. Samples of the Pearl Formation contain heterolithic grains of silt and fine grained sand cemented by brownish black sesquioxides. The Pearl also contains less limestone fragments than the other units exam- ined. The microconglomerate and paucity of limestone fragments may be attributed to pedogenesis associated with the Sangamon Soil. GEOCHRONOLOGY The chronologic age of most lithostratigraphic units at the MAS is not well understood from on-site determi- nations. The age of some deposits was estimated by correlation of these units with those in areas where the chronology is better known (fig. 40). The confidence in these estimates lessens with increasing age. Along the Illinois River valley, Peoria Loess was deposited from about 25,000 to 12,500 B.P. (McKay 1979) and Roxana Silt, from about 50,000 to 30,000 B.P. (McKay 1979, Curry and Follmer 1992). Three ages from the Berry 66 7.1% 5.0% 25.0°/c 22.3% MARTINSVILLE SAND 1 1 .0% 45.6% 27.0% SAND BODIES WITHIN VANDALIATILL 57.0% 6.4% 2.8% 7.6% 3.5% 72.0% PEARL FORMATION 40.7% MULBERRY GROVE MEMBER, SAND AND GRAVEL FACES Figure 38 Average lithic composition of sand units. average composition based on point count data | iron cemented grains | total quartz grains E53 total limestone fragments HI total rock fragments | other grains 67 100 80- 60 2 co 3 3 O 40- 20- MULBERRY GROVE MEMBER, SAND AND GRAVEL FACIES total slides - 20 average % - 40.7 standard deviation - 21 .6 t t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r Si-vfSa vfSa fSa f-mSa mSa fSa-fGr m-cSa mSa-fGr cSa-fGr grain size of particles 100 80- £ 60 CO fi CO er 40 3 o 20- SAND BODIES WITHIN VANDALIA TILL total slides - 14 average % - 57.0 standard deviation - 10.6 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r Si-vfSa vfSa fSa f-mSa mSa fSa-fGr m-cSa mSa-fGr cSa-fGr Figure 39 Percentage of quartz vs. grain size or range of grain sizes per slide from petrographic studies. Grain size ranges are positioned on the scale according to the mean particle size of each range. grain size of particles Si - silt Sa - sand Gr - gravel vf - very fine f - fine m - medium c - coarse 20 40 60 80 100 120- 140 160- 180 200 J ,E *3 > . o "O >% o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 AI,on W Lomax / "Mate Wisconsinan Beardstown earliest Long Lake (Petersburg) Powdermilk Creek (Petersburg equivalent) Stenotrema M-14; 113.5 ft • ',CC-11 Riddle North (Petersburg) pre-lllinoian Wildcat Creek -^ County ^AJ Line 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 free AILE/ILE 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Figure 41 Plot of Aile/Ile in the total hydrolysate vs. Aile/Ile in the free hydrolysate of Stenotrema showing that samples from the study area correlate with Petersburg Silt near the type area. yr B.P. (ISGS-2073). The sample, taken from a depth of 4.5 feet at outcrop CC-18 (fig. 2), provided a minimum age for the broad terrace surface adjacent to the pre- sent-day streams of Bluegrass Creek and the North Fork Embarras River. Corrections of the radiocarbon age by Stuiver and Pearson (1986) put the age in calen- dar years between 1474 and 1648 A.D. The age also indicates that potential archeological sites in the valley bottoms may be buried by thick alluvium. Two radiocarbon ages from the Cahokia in Blue- grass Creek are late Wisconsinan. A coniferous wood fragment found in a buried, organic-rich horizon along Bluegrass Creek at exposure CC-17 yielded an age of 23,720 ± 300 yr B.P. (ISGS-2113). Well preserved, conif- erous wood fragments (probably spruce) from a depth of 10.8 to 11.2 feet at boring M-120 (fig. 2) yielded an age of 14,490 ± 140 yr B.P. (ISGS-2024). 70 QUATERNARY GEOLOGICAL HISTORY AND ENVIRONMENTS OF DEPOSITION The glacial stratigraphy of the MAS is representative of Fllinoian deposits in central Illinois. Pre-Illinoian till units are not present at the site, but they are found adjacent to the site. The large database for the MAS allows detailed characterization of several units, in- cluding their thickness and distribution within two buried bedrock valleys. Interpretation of the environ- ments of deposition of most units is limited to what can be inferred from examination of core and isopach maps. Pre-Illinoian The age of the regional buried bedrock valley system is uncertain, but it is, in part, pre-Yarmouthian because Lierle Clay occurs near the base of the bedrock valleys. Regional evidence indicates that pre-Illinoian ice prob- ably modified a preexisting drainage system primarily by valley widening (Kempton et al. 1991), and by effec- tively removing drainage divides with low relief. Al- though pre-Illinoian tills are not present at the MAS, the Casey till member of the Banner Formation is pres- ent about 10 miles north, east, and west of the MAS (CC-11, fig. 1; MacClintock 1929, Kettles 1980, Ford 1970, Fox 1987). Other Banner tills have been described near Danville, Illinois (Johnson 1964, Johnson, Gross, Moran 1971, Johnson et al. 1972). Early Illinoian Martinsville Sand and Petersburg Silt The succession of sediments at the base of the buried bedrock valleys was deposited primarily during the early Illinoian. Yarmouthian Lierle Clay is present along the flanks, but not along the bottoms, of the buried bedrock valleys beneath and adjacent to the MAS. No more than 25 feet of downcutting is inferred to have occurred during deposition of the overlying Martinsville sand when earliest Illinoian streams were at or near the base of the Martinsville and the North Fork Embarras bedrock valleys. These buried bedrock valleys are now filled with the thickest known occur- rences of several Illinoian units: the Petersburg Silt, and the Smithboro Till, Mulberry Grove, and Vandalia Till Members of the Glasford Formation. The basal deposit of the succession, informally named Martinsville sand, is composed of colluvium, alluvium, and lacustrine sediment. Poorly expressed pedogenic features, in addition to coniferous wood fragments, indicate that the Martinsville sand accumu- lated under cool climate at the beginning of the Illi- noian Age. Features or products characteristic of interglacial weathering, such as rounded subangular blocky soil structure, cutans, krotovina (crayfish bur- rows filled with black, clayey sediment; Follmer et al. 1979), and abundant clay particles <1 urn in diameter, are not evident in any facies of the Martinsville sand. Typical changes in clay mineralogy along weathering profiles, such as loss of chlorite and an upward increase in interstratified or expandable clay minerals (Willman et al. 1966, Curry 1989), also are lacking. These charac- teristics are common in the Lierle Clay (figs. 9, 10) and the overlying Berry Clay Member (fig. 35), both of which were pedogenically modified during inter- glacial episodes. Weakly developed soils, pulmonate gastropods, concentrations of coniferous wood fragments, silt con- tent, and laminations collectively indicate that the Pe- tersburg Silt was deposited in a slackwater lake under periglacial conditions (Curry and Follmer 1992). The slackwater lake in the Embarras River valley formed during the early Illinoian as the level of glacial melt- water and fluvial sediment rose in the ancient Wabash River valley. As an analogy, late Wisconsinan sedi- ment, mapped as Equality Formation and deposited in ancient Lake Embarras (Frye et al. 1972), occurs about 20 miles south of Martinsville along the Embarras River (Lineback 1979a). Illinoian Glasford Formation — Environment of Deposition of Diamicton (Till) Overlying the Petersburg Silt, till members belonging to the Glasford Formation are the thickest and most widespread lithostratigraphic units beneath the MAS. Special discussion of their genesis helps to explain lithologic features, physical characteristics, and distri- bution across the site. Generally, three types of till related to processes of deposition are recognized. They are lodgement, deformation, and meltout tills. Deter- mining what processes predominated during till depo- sition requires careful study of outcrops or core because sedimentary structures characteristic of one process may have been modified by another process (Boulton 1987, Hicock 1990). Lodgement and deformation tills are interpreted to have been deposited by active ice. Lodgement till re- sults from debris released at the base of a sliding gla- cier. Deformation till results from the plastic behavior of sediment beneath the glacier as it is moved by the shearing force of the glacier. This underlying sediment is not incorporated into the glacial ice. Lodgement till commonly is interpreted to have been deposited by sliding "warm-based" glaciers that abraded bedrock surfaces, or covered paleosols or proglacial sequences with little or no deformation (Boulton 1972). Evidence of deposition by a shearing or sliding glacial bed in a lodgement environment includes bullet-shaped cob- bles, strong pebble fabric, and U-shaped channels filled with sand and gravel in diamicton (Eyles 1983, Drewry 1986, Johnson and Hansel 1990). The theory that till deposition results from deform- ing beds was recently advanced by Boulton (1987), Boulton and Hindmarsh (1987), Alley et al. (1987), and Alley (1991). Many tills thought to have been deposited by lodgement are now thought to have been deposited during the pervasive shear in a deforming bed. Some 71 attributes thought to be diagnostic of lodgement may be reinterpreted as features that support the deform- ing-bed theory. For example, cobble pavements (or stone lines), interpreted as partially eroded lag deposits by advocates of the lodgement process, may be reinter- preted as a lag deposit of a deforming bed (Clark 1991). Deformation till includes masses of sediment in which the primary sedimentary structure or sequence has been disturbed (Boulton 1987). Deformation till contains abundant fragments of underlying lithologies, and the lower contact is erosional as indicated by trun- cated subsequences. Deformation and lodgement may be closely related; for example, diamicton originally deposited by lodgement processes may be deformed later. Meltout till contains evidence for passive melting of interstitial ice. Passive melting may result in interca- lated deposits of sorted sediment and diamicton modi- fied by soft-sediment deformation. Examples of sedimentary structures associated with meltout till are silt layers draped over cobbles or boulders (Shaw 1988). Meltout till may be deposited in a subglacial environment or in the upper portion of an ablating glacier, from which it subsequently may be redeposited by mass wasting processes, such as sediment gravity flow (Lawson 1982). Smithboro Till Member The Smithboro Till Member of the Glasford Formation was deposited by the earliest Illinoian glacier in the region. The silt loam diamicton facies of the Smithboro is characterized by its great thickness and abundant inclusions of weathered bedrock, Martinsville sand, and most commonly, Petersburg Silt. Well preserved fossil gastropods in the Smithboro suggest that under- lying sediment was incorporated as blocks with little internal deformation. Shearing also is indicated by strongly developed platy structure imparted by crude layering of silt loam and organic-rich, silty clay loam. These features are suggestive of remolding of primary sediment and associated structures. The great thickness of the silt loam diamicton facies of the Smithboro at the MAS probably is due to incor- poration or reworking of Petersburg Silt, which was at least 50 feet thick in the bedrock valleys before the earliest Illinoian glacier covered the area. Several defor- mational processes may account for the thick sections of lacustrine silt incorporated in both facies of the Smithboro (figs. 24, 25). For example, a cold-based gla- cier may have incorporated frozen Petersburg Silt, or alternatively, a warm-based glacier may have de- formed normally or underconsolidated, saturated sedi- ment. Differences in texture of the silt loam diamicton facies may be explained by relative degrees of shearing and remolding of sediment. The loam diamicton facies is more uniform than the silt loam diamicton facies with respect to texture and structure. These differences may be explained by the deforming-bed theory. Deposition of the loam diamic- ton facies may have occurred during more pervasive shear than the deposition of the silt loam diamicton facies. Alternatively, the loam diamicton facies may have been deposited by lodgement or regelation (Drewry 1986). In either scenario, the composition of the sediment at the base of the glacier changed as the local silty and expandable clay-rich sediment became covered with till and was not re-entrained by the gla- cier. Composition of sediment higher in the sequence, therefore, was influenced by proportionally more far traveled sediment. The result is a till composition in the loam diamicton facies that generally is less silty and contains more illite relative to expandable clay miner- als than till lower in the sequence. Mulberry Grove Member The distribution and physical characteristics of facies in the Mulberry Grove Member indicate deposition in subaerial proglacial and ice marginal or subglacial en- vironments, but primarily in the latter (fig. 42). Evi- dence for these environments abruptly changes laterally and vertically. Successions that, in part, are composed of the pedogenically modified and fossilifer- ous silt facies (such as seen in core from borings M-03, M-07 [fig. 24], and M-lll) are interpreted to have been deposited subaerially in a proglacial environment. Suc- cessions composed of diamicton and unaltered gray silts that have a Vandalia-like mineralogy or texture are interpreted to have been deposited in subglacial or ice marginal environments. Because of the similar miner- alogy of this part of the Mulberry Grove and Vandalia, they are interpreted to have been deposited during the same glacial advance. Evidence for the abrupt changes in depositional environments is illustrated by features shown in cross section A-A' (fig. 3). Subaerial pro- glacial environments are indicated by pedogenically altered silt in the Mulberry Grove Member at M-07, but immediately to the west beneath CLK-02-03 and M- 101, subglacial erosion is indicated by truncation of the Smithboro Till by the Mulberry Grove and Vandalia Members. A thick deposit of Mulberry Grove Member occurs under the east part of the modern North Fork Embarras River valley adjacent to the MAS (figs. 14, 26), and consists of interbedded diamicton and sand and gravel. The topography of the lower surface of the Mulberry Grove Member (fig. 27) indicates that most of these sediments may have been deposited in subglacial or ice marginal drainageways associated with the glacial ad- vance that deposited the Mulberry Grove and Vandalia Till Members. Comparison of surface relief at the base of the Mulberry Grove Member (fig. 27) with that of the Vandalia Till Member (fig. 43) shows that the final phases of deposition of the Mulberry were generally aggradational. Uniform Diamicton Facies, Vandalia Till Member The second advance of Illinoian ice in the region depos- ited the Vandalia Till Member and part of the Mulberry Grove Member of the Glasford Formation. The homo- 72 geneity of texture and lack of primary or deformed sedimentary structure suggest that the uniform diamicton facies of the Vandalia was deposited by lodgement (Eyles 1983, Ashley et al. 1985) or in a per- vasively deforming bed (Alley et al. 1987). The genesis of anomalously thick Vandalia and deep Mulberry Grove sand and gravel near M-112 and CLK-02-03 (fig. 11) is speculative. Such a shallow cone (apex down) filled with glacigenic diamicton has not been described in the literature. Truncation of units indicate the cone is an erosional feature possibly formed in concert with the channel that occurs on the surface of the Smithboro Till Member (fig. 27). Present data do not allow specific interpretation of the genesis of these features (i.e., subglacial, ice marginal, or glaciofluvial erosion). Melange Facies, Vandalia Till Member The melange facies of the Vandalia Till Member was deposited by a combination of subglacial or ice mar- ginal and supraglacial processes, and modified by pas- sive loading and dewatering of relatively stagnant, debris-rich ice. At outcrop CC-16, subparallel, discon- tinuous layers, lenses, pods, and convoluted laminae of well sorted, medium grained sand as much as 3 feet thick and 30 feet long, are interbedded with layers of loam diamicton and uniform silt (figs. 33b, 45). The upper contacts of the sand layers commonly are irregu- lar and wavy, which possibly was caused by soft sedi- ment deformation during deposition and dewatering. The sand bodies (or "rafts"; Ruszczynska-Szenajch 1987) may have been incorporated into the glacier bed in the frozen state, and then transported to the site in a deforming bed (Menzies 1990a, b). Shearing during and after deposition destroyed any primary bedding structures. The soft-sediment deformation mentioned above re- sulted in a relatively weak macrofabric; therefore, the diamicton is interpreted, in part, as a meltout till. The loam diamicton above and below the sand layers at outcrop CC-16 contains numerous wavy sand part- ings, and yields pebble macrofabrics with poorly ex- pressed preferred orientations (SI values of 0.58 and 0.66 for macrofabrics A and B, respectively, in fig. 44). For a discussion of the interpretation of pebble macro- fabric data, see Lawson 1982. Evidence for deposition by primarily lodgement processes is lower in the sec- tion, where the melange facies yields a pebble fabric (macrofabric C in fig. 44) with a strong preferred orien- tation (SI value of 0.81) of approximately S 32° W, the inferred direction of ice movement. The diamicton also contains abundant striated, bullet-shaped cobbles and discontinuous cobble-rich layers. Such characteristics are interpreted to indicate deposition by lodgement (Eyles 1983, Johnson and Hansel 1990) or possibly at the base of a deforming bed (Clark 1991). Thus, the melange facies at CC-16 appears to have been depos- ited in a stagnating, ice-marginal environment as lodgement till, or initially deposited in a deforming bed and later deposited or modified by meltout processes. The melange facies at outcrop CC-15 consists of irregularly shaped pods of gravelly sand that are asso- ciated with thin layers of loam diamicton (fig. 46). Mix- ing of gravelly sand and diamicton did not occur, although diamicton layers are commonly less than 0.1 inch thick. Brittle fracturing of the sand and gravel, followed by filling of the fractures with fluid diamic- ton, may be explained by high hydrostatic pressure and partial dewatering of frozen sediment during deposition. Because a larger volume of ice or water would be in contact with grain surfaces in the diamic- ton than with those in the sand and gravel, it is possible that, with loading, the interstitial water in the diamic- ton was fluid, while the interstitial water in the sand and gravel remained frozen. Under great hydrostatic pressure and radial tensional shear stress, the bodies of sand, gravel, and ice may have deformed as a brittle solid, while the surrounding diamicton was suffi- ciently fluid to flow in the voids between fracture faces. The specific mechanisms that formed the disconti- nuities in the melange facies are not well understood, but multiple modes or episodes of formation probably occurred. The genesis of fracturing and discontinuities in the melange facies can be divided into primary and secondary mechanisms. Primary mechanisms likely to have affected the melange facies include deformation and faulting during compaction and dewatering, dif- ferential compaction, and stresses from loading and unloading of ice or ice movement (Connell 1984). Sec- ondary mechanisms likely to have affected the melange facies include desiccation cracking, stress release, weathering, periglacial processes, and ice-wedge for- mation under ancient permafrost conditions. The verti- cally oriented sand-filled joints at CC-15 (fig. 33a) may have formed as ice-wedge casts during the late Illi- noian. Battelle Memorial Institute and Hanson Engi- neers, Inc. (1990a) provide a more detailed discussion of fracture genesis and character at the MAS. Late and Post-Illinoian Deposits, Weathering, and Development of Stream Network Upland surfaces Sand and gravel and patchy lacus- trine sediments belonging to the late Illinoian Pearl Formation were initially deposited on upland surfaces during melting of the glacier that deposited the Van- dalia Till Member. These sediments were partly buried by colluvium and weathered during the Sangamonian Age. Composed of soft, expandable, clay-rich diamic- ton, this sediment is the Berry Clay Member. Weather- ing and bioturbation of surficial sediment continued as the first Wisconsinan loess (Roxana Silt) was deposited at the MAS. Less sand and finer pedogenic features in the lower part of the overlying Peoria Loess indicate that less bioturbation and weathering occurred during the late Wisconsinan than during the Sangamonian and early to middle Wisconsinan. The most likely origin of the Parkland Sand and the relatively high sand content of the loess at the MAS (compared to the regional mean of Fehrenbacher et al. 1986) was locally sandy alluvium in the floodplain of the North Fork Embarras River. For 73 74 c o ■s re I I! S u I % % •r '55 o o. 01 T3 1 s 60 - 75 76 c o •a (0 o U i- ii 6 s H "re -a c > 01 o (8 , ^- Ui 3 in u 01 _o