OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH. 1874 - 1885 . UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY ■,'G^S Volume ■ PHOTO -HELIOGRAPHIC RESULTS 1874 TO 1885 BEING SUPPLEMENTARY RESULTS PROM PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE SUN TAKEN AT GREENWICH, AT HARVARD COLLEGE, U.S.A., AT MELBOURNE, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS IN THE YEARS 1874 to 1885 : AND MEASURED AND REDUCED AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF Sir W. H. M. CHRISTIE, K.C.B., M.A., D.Se., F.R.S., ASTRONOMER-ROYAL. (APPENDIX TO THE GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1905.1 EDINBURGH : PRINTED FOR HIS MAJESTY’S STATIONERY OFFICE By NEILL & CO., Limited, Bellevue. 1907. Price Ten Shillings. [. All Rights Reserved.'] Photo-Heliographic Results, 1874-85. ^q-85 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Introduction Errata and Additions ......... Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse on Photographs taken 1874-1877 . Ledgers of Areas and Positions of Groups of Sun Spots for each day in the years 1874-1877 . Ledgers of Areas and Positions of Groups of Sun Spots for each day in the years 1878-1881 . Ledgers of Areas and Positions of Groups of Sun Spots for each day in the years 1882-1885 . Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse for each day in the years 1874-1885 Mean Areas and Mean Heliographic Latitude of Sun Spots and Faculse for each Rotation of the Sun from 1874 April 27 to 1886 January 16, and for each year from 1874 to 1885 PAGE V xiii 1 47 79 135 289 313 600 — Wt: 15697 / 424 — 10 / 07 — N. & Co., Ltd. 112868 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/photoheliographiOOroya PHOTO - HELIOGRAPH1C RESULTS, 1874-188 5 . INTRODUCTION. The purpose of the present volume is to supplement the “Measures of Positions and Areas of Spots and Faculae upon Photographs of the Sun” for the years 1874 to 1885, as published in the volumes of the Greenwich Observations for the years 1877 to 1885, so as to render them uniform with the similiar results published for 1886 and the succeeding years. And this in two directions. First, by supplying as far as possible the gaps in the series of solar photographs taken at Greenwich ; and next, by adding to the results of the measures of positions and areas of spots and faculse as exhibited in calendar form the results of the measures in three other forms as well. These forms include ; first, “ ledgers,” wherein the life history is given for each group of spots as shown in its position and area day by day ; next, tables giving the total areas day by day of spots and faculae, as “ projected,” that is, as seen uncorrected for foreshortening , and third, tables of the mean areas and mean latitude of spots for each synodic rotation of the Sun, and for each year. Such “ spot ledgers” and tables were given for the year 1886, and subsequent years, and are now supplied for the years 1874 to 1885. In the matter of supplying the days unrepresented in the series of photographs taken at Greenwich, the twelve years in question, 1874 to 1885, fall into three periods of four years each. For the first period, 1874 to 1877, a number of solar photographs taken at the Observatories of Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A., and of Mel- bourne, Australia, were placed by the Directors of those two Observatories in the hands of the Astronomer Royal, and have been measured and reduced at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, and the results have been collated with the measures of the solar photographs taken at Greenwich for the same years. The first section of the present volume contains these combined results from the Greenwich, Harvard College, and Melbourne photo- graphs for the four years, 1874 to 1877, exhibited as a daily register, i.e. in calendar form ; the second section gives those results in the form of ledgers of the spot groups. For the second period, 1878 to 1881, the Solar Physics Committee obtained a number of solar photographs taken at Dehra Dfin in India, and at Melbourne, besides a few taken in Mauritius, and these were measured and reduced at the Solar Physics Observatory, South Kensington, under the direction of Sir J. Norman Lockyer. The vi Photo-Heliographic Results, 1874-1885. results were collated with the measures of the Greenwich photographs for the same years, and were published by the Solar Physics Committee in calendar form, in 1892. The results for these four years exhibited in the form of ledgers of spot-groups form the third section of the present volume. In the third period, 1882 to 1885, photographs taken at Dehra Dhn in India, necessary to fill the gaps in the Greenwich series, were sent to the Astronomer Royal by the Solar Physics Committee as required, and were measured and reduced at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, together with the photographs taken at Greenwich ; the results in calendar form being published in the volumes of Greenwich Observations for 1882 and the following years. In 1885 photographs were also supplied in like manner from the Royal Alfred Observatory, Mauritius, and were measured and reduced together with the Greenwich and Dehra Dhn negatives. The fourth section of the present volume gives the combined results for these four years, 1882 to 1885, in the form of ledgers of spot-groups. From the year 1886 the ledgers of spot groups have been given regularly in the annual volumes of Greenwich Observations. The fifth section gives the daily total projected areas of spots and faculse for the whole of the twelve years, 1874 to 1885, and the sixth, the mean areas and mean latitudes of spots for the same complete period. § 1 . Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculce on Photographs taken at Greenwich, at Harvard, and at Melbourne, with the deduced Heliographic Longitudes and Latitudes ; 1874-1877. These measures are the republication, in a modified form, of the “ Measures of Positions and Areas of Spots and Faculce ” printed on pages 105-151 of the volume of Greenwich Observations for 1877, supplemented by measures of photographs taken at the Observatories of Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A., and of Melbourne, Australia, and placed in the hands of the Astronomer Royal for the purpose of measurement and reduction by the Directors of those two Observatories, Professor Edward C. Pickering and Dr. Robert J. Ellery, F.R.S. The Greenwich photographs were taken with the Kew Photoheliograph of 3 ‘6 inches aperture up to 1875 September 17, and after that date with the Dallmeyer Photoheliograph of 4 inches aperture returned from the Transit of Venus Expedition to New Zealand. The Melbourne photographs were taken with an instrument of the same pattern and aperture as the Dallmeyer Photoheliograph ; and the Harvard College photographs were taken in the primary focus of a “ horizontal photoheliograph’ ; the sunlight being received upon a movable mirror from which it was reflected into a Introduction. vii stationary lens of 5 inches aperture and about 39 feet focal length. The mean diameter of the image of the sun with each of these different instruments was about 4 inches. The results of the measures of photographs of the Sun given in this volume, begin with 1874 April 17, on which date the regular work of the Photoheliographic Department was commenced at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. The following table gives, for each of the three contributing observatories, the number of days in for which photographs of the subsequent reduction. sun taken there have 1874. 1875. (From April 17.) been used for measure- 1876. 1877. Greenwich .... 139 150 i 54 168 Harvard College 2 6 5 66 Melbourne .... 48 5 1 67 Days represented 14.I 263 271 ■ 235 Days without record . 1 18 102 95 130 Total .... 259 365 366 365 The first column on each page in this, the first section of the following results, contains the Greenwich civil time at which each photograph was taken, expressed by the day of the year and decimals of a day, reckoning from Greenwich mean midnight, January Id. Oh., and also by the day of the month (civil reckoning), which latter is placed opposite the total area of spots and faculse for the day. In cases where two or more photographs taken on the same day have been measured, the mean of the several times has been given ; the positions and areas of the several spots and faculse as measured on the different photographs being similarly combined. The photographs taken at the Harvard College Observatory are distinguished by the letter H., those taken at the Melbourne Observatory by the letters Me. ; when no distinguishing letter is inserted in this column, the photograph was taken at Greenwich. The second column contains. the initials of the two persons measuring the photo- graph ; the initial on the left being that of the person who measured the photograph on the left of the centre of the measuring instrument, and that on the right being that of the person who measured on the right of the centre. The following are the signatures of those persons who measured the photographs ;he years 1874 to 1877 : — E. W. Maunder M F. J. Bell . JB H. P. Hollis .... H A. E. Pilkington. EP H. Appleyard A W. Eussell WE W. Baker .... B S. J. Temple ST Photo-Heliographic Results, 1874-1885. The The third column gives the No. of the group, aad the letter for the spot, groups are numbered in order of their appearance. The next two columns give the distance from the centre of the Sun in terms of the Sun’s radius, and the position-angle from the Sun’s axis, reckoned from the Suns north pole in the direction », /, 4, p. The micrometer by which the measures of the photographs were made, and the processes of measurement and reduction are describe in the Introductions to the annual volumes of the Greenwich Observations. The sixth and seventh columns give the heliographic longitude and latitude of the spot ; the inclination of the Sun’s equator to the ecliptic being assumed to be 7 15 , the longitude of the ascending node as 74”, the prime meridian of the Sun that which passed through the ascending node at mean noon 1854 January 1, and the period of rotation 25-38 days. The heliographic longitude and latitude of the centre of the Sun s disc a the time of the exposure of each photograph are also given (in brackets) in the sixth and seventh columns respectively. In the volume of Greenwich ObservaUons for 1877 the longitudes, latitudes, and position -angles were expressed m degrees and minutes in the present volume they are given in degrees and tenths of a degree. el ree as columns give the areas of umbrae, whole spots and faculm expressed in millionths of the Sun’s visible hemisphere ; the total areas for each day being given (in brackets) in the last line for that day. The individual spots in a group have not always been measured separately, but have often been combined into clusters of two or more spots close together, the position of the centre of gravity and the aggregate area of the cluster being given. § 2. Ledgers ’ of Areas and Positions of Groups of Sun Spots deduced from the measurement of the Solar photographs for each day in the years 1874-1877. In these ledgers the daily results for each group are collected together from the measures of the individual spots as printed in the previous section, and given in a condensed form. Th e first column gives, for each day on which the group was observed the Greenwich civil time at which each photograph was taken, expressed by the day ot the month (civil reckoning) and the decimals of a day reckoning from Greenwich mean midnight The second and third columns give the sums for each day of the projected areas of all the umbras and whole spots comprised in the group, the projected area being the area as it is measured upon the photograph, uncorrected for foreshortening, and expressed in millionths of the Sun’s apparent disc. The fourth and fifth columns give the sums for each day of the areas of all the umbrae and whole spots comprised in the group, corrected for foreshortening, and expressed in millionths of the Sun s visi e hemisphere. The sixth and seventh columns give the mean longitude and latitu e o the group, found by multiplying the longitude and latitude of each separately measured component of the group by its area, and dividing the sum of the products by the sum Introduction. ix of the areas. The last column gives the mean longitude of the group from the central meridian, and is found by subtracting the longitude of the centre of the disc from the mean longitude of the group. In cases where no photograph has been available for measurement on a given day, the means have been taken of the areas and positions of the spot-groups as measured on the day immediately preceding and that immediately following the day for which the photograph is lacking. These interpolated values are enclosed in brackets, but have been used in taking the final means for each spot-group. These means of the areas of umbrae and whole spots and of the longitudes and latitudes of the spot-groups for the period of observation are given at the foot of the daily results. § 3. Ledgers of Areas and Positions of Groups of Sun Spots deduced from the measurement of the Solar Photographs for each day in the years 1878 to 1881- This section contains ledgers of groups of sun spots similar in character and form to those given for the years 1874 to 1877 in the preceding section. The measures of Solar photographs here given in the form of ledgers were published m the form of a daily register, in the year 1892, by the Solar Physics Committee, under the title:— Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse on Photographs taken at Greenwich, Dehra Dun , and Melbourne; with the deduced heliographic longitudes and latitudes, 1878—1881. The photographs taken at Greenwich during these four years were measured and reduced there under the direction of the Astronomer Royal, and the results were published in the annual volumes of the Greenwich Observations for the years 1878 to 1881, and also in the Greenwich Spectroscopic and Photographic Results extracted from those volumes of the Greenwich Observations. The photographs taken at Dehra Dfin and at Melbourne were measured and reduced at South Kensington, under the direction of the Solar Physics Committee, and were published in the year 1892 under the title quoted above, the Greenwich reductions (extracted from the volumes of Greenwich Observations ) being interpolated for the sake of completeness. The position- angles, longitudes and latitudes given in the Greenwich results were at the same time altered from degrees and minutes to degrees and tenths of a degree. Wherever two photographs were measured on any day, the means of the two photographs have been taken in the preparation of these ledgers, both as to the times of the photographs, and as to the areas and positions of the spots. An additional column has also been supplied to indicate the place where the photograph was taken. A photograph taken at Greenwich is indicated by the letter G, one taken at Dehra Dfin, in India, by the letter I., one taken at Melbourne, by the letters Me., and one taken in Mauritius, by the letters Ma. Photo-Heliographic Results, 1874-1885. 13 Photo-Heliographic Results, 1874-1885. The photographs taken in Mauritius were under the superintendence of the late Dr. C. Meldrum, Director of the Royal Alfred Observatory, Pamplemousses, Mauritius. The majority of these showed neither spots nor faculse, being taken at a time of a pronounced minimum in the solar activity, and the absence of any features requiring measurement was recorded in the volume published by the Solar Physics Committee. But thirty-five photographs, taken at Mauritius and placed by Dr. Meldrum in the care of the Solar Physics Committee, showed spots or faculse or both and fill up gaps on twenty-three days for which no other photographs are at present available. • These photographs have now been measured at Greenwich, so far as the areas of the spots and faculse are concerned ; but a3 the photographs are not provided with wires, it was not possible to compute the heliographic co-ordinates of the spot-groups, which have there- fore been simply interpolated from the results obtained on the days immediately preceding and following those on which the Mauritius photographs were taken. These interpolated values, like the values interpolated for days whereon no photograph is available, have been enclosed in brackets, but have been used in taking the final means for the spots-groups. The following table gives the number of days in each of the four years for which photographs are available from each of the four Observatories, distinguishing in each case between the photographs actually measured, and those showing neither spots nor faculse. 1878. *879. 1880, 1881. Greenwich : — Photographs measured Si 62 150 168 No spots or faculse . , 96 65 7 0 Dehra Dun, India : — Photographs measured 41 23 146 170 No spots or faculse . 1 13 52 22 1 Melbourne, Victoria : — Photographs measured + 11 16 9 No spots or faculae .. . 0 0 0 0 Mauritius : — Photographs measured 3 20 0 0 No spots or faculse 39 85 0 0 Days represented 3+7 318 34 i 348 Days without record . 18 +7 25 17 Total 365 36S 366 365 All the photographs included in this section were on a scale of about 4 inches to the Solar diameter. Introduction. xi § 4. Ledgers of Areas and Positions of Groups of Sun Spots deduced from the measurement of the Solar Photographs for each day in the years 1882 to 1885. This section contains ledgers of groups of sun spots precisely similar in character and form to those given for the years 1874 to 1877 in the second section, and to the ledgers for the year 1886 and the following years given in the annual volumes of Greenwich Observations for 1886 and subsequent years. The ledgers here given are derived from the Measures of Positions and Areas of Spots and Faculse published in the annual volumes of Greenwich Observations for the years 1882 to 1885, and in the Greenwich Spectroscopic and Photographic Results extracted from them. The photographs measured in this section were taken at Greenwich under the direction of the Astronomer Royal, at Dehra Dftn, North-West Provinces, India, under the direction of the Deputy Superintendent, Trigonometrical Survey of India, and at the Royal Alfred Observatory, Mauritius, under the direction of the late Dr. C. Meldrum. The following table gives the number of days i for which each of the three observatories supplied photographs used for measurement in the four years 1882 to 1885. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. Greenwich ..... 201 214 1 54 206 Dehra Dun 142 126 161 128 Mauritius ..... 25 Days represented .... 343 340 315 359 Days without record .... 22 25 51 6 Total 36S 365 366 365 The photographs taken at Greenwich were on a scale of about 4 inches to the solar diameter up to 1884 April 2, and on a scale of nearly 8 inches from that date onwards; those taken at Dehra Dhn were on the 4-inch scale up to 1882 November 7, and from 1882 December 8 to 1883 May 20, after which date they were on the 8-inch scale ; the photographs taken at Mauritius were on the 4-inch scale until the end of 1885 February, the 8-inch scale being adopted at the beginning of 1885 March. § 5. Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse for each day from 1874 April 17 to 1885 December 31. This section requires no further explanation and supersedes for the years 1882 to 1885 the corresponding tables given on pp. 60 to 66 of the Greenwich Observations Photo-Heliographic Results, 1874-1885. xii for 1888, and of the Results of the Spectroscopic and Photographic Observations made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich in the year 1888, extracted from that volume. § 6. Mean Areas and Mean Heliographic Latitude of Sun Spots and F aculcB for each Rotation of the Sun from 1874 April 27 to 1886 January 16 and for each Year from 1874 to 1885. This section corresponds to the tables printed on pp. 106 to 112 of the Greenwich Observations for 1884, on pp. 103 and 10 If of the Greenwich Observations for 1885, and on pp. 67 and 68 of the Greenwich Observations for 1888, and on the same pages of the Greenwich Spectroscopic and Photographic Results extracted from those three volumes. The figures given in this section, being based upon the measures of a more complete series of photographs than those given in the corresponding tables published in the volumes for 1884, 1885 and 1888, naturally supersede them. The measurement of the photographs and the preparation of the tabular results contained in the present publication have been carried out under the immediate super- intendence of Mr Edward Walter Maunder, Superintendent of the Photo-heliographic Branch. Royal Observatory, Greenwich, 1907 July 20. W. H. M. CHRISTIE. ERRATA AND ADDITIONS. GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS 1877. GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 18 77— continued. Measures of Positions and Areas of Spots and Fact la:. PAGE. COL. LINE. 108 I 5 109 I 34 35 37 114 1 29 3 1 33 34 35 36 117 1 12 14 119 2 12 14 *5 16 18 19 121 1 24 28 28 29 33 2 29 37 38 39 40 122 2 26 27 124 2 26 Mean Solar Time, for i54 - 692, read 154*962. Area of Umbra, for 20, read 77. Area of Whole Spot, for 351, read 620. Area of Umbra, for 90, read 23. Area of Whole Spot, for 717, read 405. Total Area of Umbrae, for 130, read 120. Total Area of Whole Spots, for 1767, read 1724. Area of Umbra, for no, read 89. Area of Whole Spot, for 641, read 522. Area of Whole Spot, for 60, read 73. Total Area of Umbrae, for no, read 89. Total Area of Whole Spots, for 701, read 595. Area of Whole Spot, for 237, read 193. Area of Whole Spot, for 53, read 65. Total Area of Whole Spots, for 290, read 258. Area of Whole Spot, for 13, read 26. Total Area of Whole Spots, for 100, read 113. Mean Solar Time,/or 31*960, read 30*960. Longitude, for 182° 52', read 196° 2'. Mean Solar Time, for Feb. 2, read Feb. 1. Mean Solar Time, for 31*975, read 30*975. Longitude, for 183° 8', read 196° 18'. Mean Solar Time, for Feb. 2, read Feb. 1. Area of Umbra, for 101, read 63. Area of Whole Spot, for 597, read 376. Total Area of Umbrae, for 101, read 63. Total Area of Whole Spots, for 641, read 420. Area of Umbra, for 81. read 51. Area of Whole Spot, for 451, read 284. Total Area of Umbrae, for 81, read 51. Total Area of Whole Spots, for 478, read 311. No. of Group, for 153*, read 153+. Area of Whole Spot, for 54, read 79. Area of Umbra, for 34, read 32. Area of Whole Spot, for no, read 1D5. Area of Umbra, for 93, read 80. Area of Whole Spot, for 494, read 429. Total Area of Umbrae, for 127, read 112. Total Area of Whole Spots, for 658, read 613. Area of Umbra, for 155, read 127. Area of Whole Spot, for 951, read 773. Total Area of Umbrae, for 183, read 155. Total Area of Whole Spots, for 1129, read 951. Mean Solar Time, for 182*918, read 181*918. Position Angle, for 148° 14', read 148° 30'. PAGE. COL. LINE. 124 2 26 27 28 29 30 3 » 32 33 34 35 125 1 2 5 135 1 37 i 37 1 33 2 n 139 First Note to 20. Longitude, for 49 0 57', read 63° 18'. Position Angle, for 281° 33', read 282° o'. Longitude, for 125° 13', read 138° 30'. Latitude, for +n° 55', read +12 0 18'. Mean Solar Time, for July 3, read July 2. Mean Solar Time, for 182*934, read 181*934. Position Angle, for 148° 21', read 148° 48’. Longitude, for 49° 52', read 63° 6'. Latitude, for —9° 23', read — 9 0 10'. Position Angle, /or 281° 23', read 281° 54'. Longitude, for 125 0 n', read 138° 24'. Latitude, for +ii° 4 fi, > rea d + I2 ° l8, ‘ Mean Solar Time, for July 3, read July 2. Mean Solar Time, for 185*885, read 184*885. Position Angle, for 247 0 9', read 247° 42'. Longitude, for 49 0 35', read 63° o'. Latitude, for — 9 0 16', read — 9 0 6'. Mean Solar Time, for July 6, read July 5. Mean Solar Time, for 185*901, read 184*901. Position Angle, for 247 0 33', read 248° 6'. Longitude, for 49 0 50', read 63° 12'. Latitude, for —9° 12', read —9° o'. Mean Solar Time, for July 6, read July 5. Mean Solar Time, for 186*902, read 185*902. Position Angle, for 25 3 0 27', read 25 3 0 54'. Longitude, for 49 0 35', read 63° o'. Latitude, for — 9 0 13', read 8° 54'. Mean Solar Time, for July 7, read July 6. Mean Solar Time, for 186*955, read 185*955. Position Angle, for 253 0 4', read 253° 30'. Longitude, for 49 0 44', read 63° o'. Latitude, for — 9 0 42', read — 9 0 24'. Mean Solar Time, for July 7, read July 6. Mean Solar Time, for April 31, read May 1. Latitude, for +7 0 26', read —7“ 26'. Mean Solar Time, for July 23, read July 22. Line 2. For May 5, 16, 18 to 21, read May 5, 18 Mean Areas of Umbras, Whole Spots, and Faculje, for each Rotation of the Sun, and for each Year, from 1873 July ii, to the end of 1877. Pages 149, 150 and 151. This Section is superseded by the corresponding Tables on pages 314-317 of the present Volume. XIV Photo-Heliographic Results, 1874 - 1885 . GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1878. GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1880— continued. Measures of Positions and Areas of Spots and Facul®. PAGE. COL. LINJ 36 1 37-39 2 9-10 23 26 27 The second photograph taken on 1878 March 5 has not been used, for the Ledger of Groups of Sun Spots. No. of Group. Transpose 2716 and 271 c. No. of Group, for 272a, read 272 b. No. of Group, for 272 c, read 272a. No. of Gfoup, for 272a, read 2726. No. of Group, for 272 c, read 272a. Mean Areas of Umbra;, Whole Spots and Facul®, for each ] tOTATION OF THE SUN IN THE YEAR 1878, AND FOR THE Year. Page 39 . This Section is superseded by the corresponding Tables on pages 314-317 of the present Volume. PAGE. 68 12 73 75 76 11 78 Ci. LINE. 18 Longitude, for 174° 46', read 174 0 15'. Latitude, for -|-i8 B 59', read +18 0 32'. 9 Mean Solar Time, for 1 5 3 '074, read 153*116. 10-14 Diminish all longitudes on June 2 by o° 35'. 20 Distance, for 0*388, read o *407. Position Angle, for 349° 45', read 4 6'. Longitude, for 89° 58', read 83° 54'. Latitude, for +22° 23', read +23° 48'. Area of Whole Spot, for 19, read 14. 21 Total Area of Whole Spots, for 77, read 72. 43-44 Area of Umbra, Transpose 89 and 9. Area of Whole Spot, Transpose 345 and 12. 31 Longitude, for 51° 10', read 62° 39'. Latitude, for — 33° 55', read — 38° 36'. 43 Area of Whole Spot, for 690, read 69. 12 Total Area of Whole Spots, for 1625, read 1004. 29 ) > Increase all longitudes on September 13 by i°*o. S ) 35 Latitude, for —29° 10', read —20° io'. GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1879. Measures of Positions and Areas of Spots and Facul®. 3 to ^ i diminish all longitudes from November 12 to , g | December 2 inclusive, by 1° 25'. Mean Areas of Umbra, Whole Spots and Facul®, for bach Rotation of the Sun in the Year 1879, and for the Year. Page 25 . Mean Areas of Umbr®, Whole Spots and Facul®, for each Rotation of the Sun, in the Year 1880, and for the Year. Page 83 . Mean Heliographic Latitude of the Spots upon the Sun’s- DlSC FOR EACH ROTATION OF THE SUN, IN THE YEAR l88o, AND FOR THE YEAR. Page 8 If . These two Sections are superseded by the Tables on pages 3 14-3 21 of the present Volume, Mean Heliographic Latitude of the Spots upon the Sun’s Disc, for each Rotation of the Sun, and for each Year, from 1874 April 16, to 1879 December 27. Pages 26 to 28 . These two Sections are superseded by the corresponding Tables on pages 3 1 4-3 2 1 of the present Volume. GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1880. Measures of Positions and Areas of Spots and Facul®. 67 68 1 26-28 The second photograph taken on 1880 March 19 has not been used for the Ledger of Groups of Sun Spots. 1 12 Distance, for 0*859, rea <4 0*864. Longitude, for 174° 25', read 174° 52'. Latitude, for +19° 4', read +19° 32'. 13 Distance, for 0*859, rea d 0*854. Longitude, for 174° 25', read 173° 58'. Latitude, for +19° 2', read -f 18° 35'. 17 Distance, for 0*867, rea< 4 0*872. Longitude, for 174° 47', read 175° 16'. Latitude, for +18° 55', read +19° 22'. 18 Distance, for 0*867, vead 0*862. GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1881. Measures of Positions and Areas of Spots and Facul®. Page 66, Column 1, after line 28. Insert as follows : — 4106 0*697 64 36 23730 + 13 18 0 21 4106 0734 64 18 *34 3 6 +*4 3 6 0 *7 71 74 1 30 Total Area of Whole Spots, for 730, read 768. 2 37 No. of Group, for 417, read 418. 2 15 Distance, for 0795, read 0*747. Longitude, for 260° 2', read 264° 31'. Latitude, for —17’ 29', read —17° 6'. 1 2 Mean Solar Time, for 74*695, read 74*965. 2 7 Longitude, for 223* 22', read 225* 18'. 9 Longitude, for 170° 3', read 169° 53' Latitude, for +11° 2', read +12° S4'« 2 13-18 Diminish all longitudes by i° o'. 1 28 Distance, for 0*632, read 0*684. Longitude, for 312° 44', read 308° 45'. Latitude, for +12° 24', read +13° 7'. Area of Whole Spot, for 70, read 75. 35 Total Area of Whole Spots, for 1396, read 1401, Errata. xv GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1881 —continued. GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1882— continued. PAGE. COL. LINE. 80 i 31-32 No. of Group, transpose 553 and 552. 2 35 Distance, for 0*562, read o ’536. Longitude, for 19 0 42', read 21" 30'. Latitude, for +20° 10', read +19° 36'. 83 1 3 Longitude, for 41° 22', read 40° 22'. 8 If 1 7 Mean Solar Time, /or 311*928, read 3 1 1 *975* 8-14 Diminish all longitudes by o° 40' 2 1 1 Area of Whole Spot, for 16, read 6. 18 Total Area of Whole Spots, for 1742, read 1732. 25 Distance, for 0*581, read 0*530. Longitude, for 248° 8', read 251" 14'. Latitude, for +24 0 54', read +22° 51'. 86 1 36 Distance, /or 0*477, read o'$z 6 . Longitude, for 28° 22', read 28° 8'. Latitude, for +28° 14', read +24 0 59. Mean Areas of Umbra;, Whole Spots, and Faculai, foe each Rotation of the Sun, in the Yeae 1881, and foe the Year. Page 88 . Mean Heliogeaphic Latitude of the Spots upon the Sun’s Disc for each Rotation of the Sun, in the Yeae 1881, AND FOE THE Yeae. Page 89 . These two Sections are superseded by the Tables on pages 3 14-321 of the present Volume. GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1882. Introduction. lxxxii 9 For on 221 days, read on 201 days. Measures of Positions and Areas of Spots and Faculae. 42 43 44 45 1 27 Area of Whole Spot, for 78, read 8. 34 Total Area of Whole Spots, for 344, read 274. 1 31 Longitude, for i7°'2, read 18° '2. 1 31 Area of Whole Spot, for 186, read 18. 39 Total Area of Whole Spots, for 817, read 649. 2 22 Longitude, /or 24i 0, 8, rearf 24i°‘6. 1 46 No. of Group, for 666, read 668. Distance, for 0^845, read 0*541. Longitude, for z 6 z°‘ 6 , read 239°*i. Latitude, for 4-17° '4, read +7°*5. Area of Umbra, for 35, read 22. Area of Whole Spot, for 199, read 127. Area of Faculae, dele 333 n. .2 2 Area of Faculae, insert 33 371. '14 Total Area of Umbrae, for 269, read 256. Total Area of Whole Spots, for 1856, read 1784. PAGE. COL. LINE. 1,5 46 51 53 55 59 60 63 64 68 72 75 76 77 85 87 Area of Whole Spot, for 144, read 14. Total Area of Whole Spots, for 1042, read 912. Longitude, for 159*3, rea & 158*9. Total Area of Whole Spots, for 844, read 845. Area of Umbra, for 18, read 32. Longitude, for 2i°*o, read zi°'g. Longitude, for z°‘ 6 , read 3°*5. Longitude, for 359°*4, read o°*3. Longitude, for 26 7°*7, read 268°*6. Total Area of Umbrae, for 80, read 94. Area of Whole Spot, for 34, read 3. Total Area of Whole Spots, for 742, read 711. Group 71 1. Omit , It is not seen on March 28 and 29, but appears again on March 30. Total Area of Umbrae, for 248, read 247. Area of Whole Spot, for 79, read 8. Total Area of Whole Spots, for 2208, read 2137. Area of Umbra, for 271, read 162. Groups 733 to 738. Diminish all longitudes by o c, 4. Total Area of Umbrae, for 533, read 424. Area of Whole Spot, for 49, read 5. Total Area of Whole Spots, for 3376, read 3332. Longitude, for 2o°*o, read zo°’i. Latitude, for — i3°*o, read — i 6°*5. Longitude, for 332°*6, read 277°*3. No. of Group, for 789, read 787. Area of Whole Spot, for 316, read 32. Total Area of Whole Spots, for 397, read 113. Area of Whole Spot, for 166, read 17. Total Area of Whole Spots, for 491, read 342. Area of Umbra, for 97, read 36. Total Area of Umbrae, for 119, read 58. Longitude, for 286°*7, read 286°*4. Latitude, for +5°*7, read -f-8°*i. Oct. 20. Increase all longitudes on this day by i°'o. No. of Group, for 859, read 862. Longitude, for 197° *9, read Area of Whole Spot, for 30, read 301. Total Area of Whole Spots, for 817, read 1088. Total Area of Umbrae, for 93, read 94. Total Area of Whole Spots, for 1146, read 1147. Mean Areas of Umbess, Whole Spots and Facula;, foe each Rotation of the Sun, from 1881 December 8 to 1883 January 18, and for the Year 1882. Page 88 . Mean Heliographic Latitude of the Spots upon the Sun’s Disc for each Rotation of the Sun, from 1881 Decem- ber 8 to 1883 January 18, and for the Year 1882. Page 89 . These two Sections are superseded by the Tables on pages 3 14-321 of the present Volume. XY 1 Photo-Heliographic Results, 1874 - 1885 . GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1883. Measures of Positions i j Areas of Spots and Facule. PAGE. COL. LINE. 73 2 15 Area of Whole Spot, /or 224, read 22. 18 Longitude, for i 87°7, read i 97 ° 7 - 23 Total Area of Whole Spots, for 1 1 10, read 908. 74 27 Total Area of Umbrae, for 152, read 142. 75 2 19 Latitude, for +n 0, o, read +ii 0, 4 . 20 Longitude, for 266° m g, read 266° 7. Footnote. For Jan. 29-Feb. 1, read San. 28-Feb. 1. 78 2 22 Area of Whole Spot, for 17, read 169. 32 Total Area of Whole Spots, for 641, read 793. 81 1 26-30 Mar. 18. Increase all longitudes by o° ’9. 85 2 34 Mean Solar Time. Insert Apr. 21. 89 Footnote. For June 2-9, read June 2-10. 91 1 22 No. of Group, for 1043, read 1045. 2 5 Total Area of Umbrae, for 1, read 19. 21 Total Area of Faculae, for 84, read 684. 95 1 37 Mean Solar Time, for 1 89-084, read 189-894. Footnote. For July 14-16, read July 13-16. 97 2 21 Total Area of Umbrae, for 314, read 3 1 1. 99 1 34 Area of Umbra, for 22, read 12. 36 Total Area of Umbrae, for 73, read 63. 2 32 Total Area of Umbrae, for 548, read 558. 10 3 2 46 Latitude, for — 1 1°'8, read +11° '8. 10 4 Footnote. Group 1130, for Oct. 2-13, read Oct. 2-14. 105 1 8 Mean Solar Time, for 277795, read 278-644. Footnote. Insert Group 1140, Oct. 9-18. A regular spot. 1 U 7 Footnote. Insert Oct. 14. Some of the groups on this day were measured on an Indian photograph, 28 5 "644. 108 1 20 Longitude, for 127°'!, read i28°"o. 24 Area of Faculae, far 1860c, read 4860c. 27-34 Groups 1140-1147, increase all longitudes by o°'9 37 Total Area of Faculae, for 6353, read 9353. 110 1 23 Area of Umbra, for 1, read 4. 24 Total Area of Umbrae, for 206, read 209. 113 1 32 Mean Solar Time, for 306791, read 306707. 2 15 Distance, dele 0-840. Position Angle, dele 283°7. 113 1 34 Area of Whole Spot, for 8, read 2. 47 Total Area of Whole Spots, for 602, read 596. 2 6 Area of Umbra, for 1, read 2. 15 Total Area of Umbrae, for 15 1, read 152. 116 1 26 Area of Spot, for 86, read 9. 31 Total Area of Whole Spots, for 2786, read 2709. 2 4 Area of Umbra, for 33, read 3. 14 Total Area of Umbrae, for 303, read 273. 118 1 4 Longitude, for ios° 7 , read 105° - 6 C 119 Footnote. Group 1204, for Dec. 10-20, read Dec. 10-21. 120 1 18 Longitude, /or 3 5 4 0 -3, read 35 3°7. 42 Total Area of Whole Spots, for 736, read 737. 2 9 Total Area of Whole Spots, for 760, read 762. 121 2 21 Longitude, for 2i2°7, read 21 i°y. 28 No. of Group, insert 1204. 122 1 48 Area of Umbra, for 24, read 11. Area of Whole Spot, for 191, read 86. 2 8 Total Area of Umbrae, for 410, read 397. Total Area of Whole Spots, for 3258, read 3153. GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1883— continued. PAGE. COL. LINE. 123 2 14 Area of Whole Spot, for 1 14, read 11. 39 Total Area of Whole Spots, for 2022, read 1919. Mean Areas of Umbre, Whole Spots, and Facul.®, for each Rotation of the Sun from 1882 December 23 to 1884 January 8, and for the Year 1883. Page 125 . Mean Heliographic Latitude of the Spots upon the Sun’s Disc for each Rotation of the Sun, from 1882 Decem- ber 23, to 1884 January 8, and for the Year 1883. Page 126 . These two Sections are superseded by the Tables on pages„3i4-32i of the present Volnme. GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1884. Measures of Positions and Areas of Spots and Faculai. 41 1 30 Area of Umbra, for 10, read o. 37 Total Area of Umbrae, for 63, read 53. 2 5 Longitude, for i40 o- 9, read i37°‘9. 53 Footnote. Group 1293, /or Feb. 22-27, read Feb. 21-27. 54 1 8-10 No. of Group, /or 1298, read 1299. 21 Area of Faculae, for 7986c, read 799c. 25 Total Area of Faculae, for 10244, read 3 ° 57 - 58 1 6 Total Area of Whole Spots, for 1759, read 1758. 2 33 Area of Umbra, for 2, read o. 50 1 4 Total Area of Umbrae, /or 233, read 231. 02 1 4 Area of Umbra, for 20, read 10. 16 Total Area of Umbrae, for 181, read 17 1. 72 1 6-19 No. of Group. Lower all these numbers for May 29 two lines each. ^ 39 j- Mean Solar Time, for 148-655, read 150-659. 74 1 5 Area of Umbra, for 5, read 10. 7 Total Area of Umbrae, for 52, read 57. 24 Area of Umbra, for 10, read 13. 28 Total Area of Umbrae, for 54, read 57. 76 2 33 Area of Whole Spot, for 9, read 1. 41 Total Area of Whole Spots, for 555, read 547. 77 2 33 } Mean Solar Time, for 199709, read 199' 9 ° 9 - 82 1 27 Longitude, /or 224 0 -9, read 225 °-o. Latitude, for — 7°'i, read — 7°"o. 2 10 Longitude, /or 222°-o, read 222 °‘ 2 . 97 23 Area of Whole Spot, for 194, read 225. 17 Total Area of Whole Spots, for 679, read 710. 100 2 26 Area of Umbra, for 37, read 4. 33 Total Area of Umbrae, for 162, read 129. 102 2 2 Mean Solar Time, /or 346-148, read 346748. Errata. XVII GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, i 8 84— continued. PAGE. COL. LINE. 202 2 5 Total Area of Umbrae, /or 69, read 70. 12 Longitude, for ai8°*4, read 2i5 0, 5. Latitude, for — ia°7, read “ I2 °'9- Mean Areas of Umbr.®, Whole Spots and Facul® for each synodic Rotation of the Sun, from 1873 July 28. Pages 106 to 108 . Mean Heliographic Latitude of the Spots upon the Sun’s Disc, for each synodic Rotation of the Sun from 1874 April 27 to 1884 December 30. Pages 109 to 111 . Mean Areas of Umbrae, Whole Spots and Facul®, for each Year from 1873 to 1884. Page 112 . Mean Heliographic Latitude of Spots upon the Sun’s Disc, for each Year from 1874 to 1884. Page 112 . These four Sections are superseded by the corresponding Tables on pages 3 14-321 of the present Volume. GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1885. Measures of Positions and Areas of Spots and Facul®. 34 2 14 Area for Faculae, for 14, read 141. 15 Area for Faculae, for 68, read 677. 17 Total Area of Faculae, for 1245, read 1981. 35 1 26 Area of Whole Spot, for 9, read 19. 28 Total Area of Whole Spots, for 57, read 67. 2 35 Longitude, for i69°’5, read i69°-6. 41 1 9 Longitude, for 248° ‘6, read 248° 7. 10 Longitude, for 246° *i, read 246° '2. 1 1 Longitude, for 244° - i, read 246° - 2. 42 1 10 Area of Whole Spot, for 92, read 9. 21 Total Area of Whole Spots, for 1332, read 1197. 43 1 18 Area of Umbra, for 6, read 1. 35 Total Area of Umbrae, for 190, read 185. 2 18 Total Area of Whole Spots, for 1386, read 1378, 3 5 Total Area of Whole Spots, for 1150, read 1158. 47 2 12 Area of Whole Spot, for 96, read 10. 15 Total Area of Whole Spots, for 2012, read 1926. 48 1 7 Distance, /or 0-935, read 9-931. 11 Distance, for 0-841, read 0*836. 12 Distance, for 0-833, read o , 828. 52 2 2 Longitude, for 244°‘4, read 243°'6. 3 Longitude, for 24o°"5, read 239° 'y. 4 Longitude, for 235°7, read 236° '4. Photo -Heliographic Results, 1874-1885. GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1885 -contirmd. PAGE. COL. LINE. 52 2 5 Longitude, for 222°"3, read 22i 0 "5. 54 2 17-22 Group 1639, increase all longitudes by o°‘3. 56 2 18 Area of Whole Spot, for 2, read 3. 27 Total Area of Whole Spots, for 762, read 763. 2 30-31 Insert between lines 30 and 31, the following : — 1651 0707 2 5 8 ? 5 281*0 -n ? i O 2 1651 0-691 2597 279-8 O 4 40 Group 1649, dele the entire line. Footnote. Group 1649, for April 26-28, read April 26-27. Footnote. Group 1649, dele and 28. Footnote. Group 1651, dele , It is not seen on April 28. 57 1 17 Total Area of Whole Spots, for 941, read 940. 68 2 3 1 1 Greenwich Civ.l Time, for 124-159, read 124 ’279. 59 2 20 Area of Umbra, for o, read 2. 60 1 8 Total Area of Umbra, for 122, read 124. 61 2 33 Area of Whole Spot, for 69, read 7. 62 1 10 Total Area of Whole Spots, for 1754, read 1692. 30 Area of Umbra, for 32, read 2 1 . 35 Total Area of Umbrae, for 219, read 208. 63 2 16 Area of Umbra, for 2, read o. 23 Total Area of Umbrae, for 60, read 67. 64 14 Total Area of Whole Spots, for 389, read 789. 65 2 33 Latitude, /or —n°7, read —i°7. 69 2 38 Longitude, /or 20i° i, read 202°-i. Footnote. Group 1708 ,/or June 20, read June 19-20. 75 2 19-21 No. of Group, for 1723, read 1723*. 25 Area of Umbra, for 19, read 2. 32 Total Area of Umbrae, for 206, read 189. 75 Footnote. Insert Group 1723*. July 17. Three very small spots. 76 1 9 Area of Umbra, /or 1, read o. 24 Total Area of Umbrae, for 357, read 356. 80 2 11 Total Area of Umbrae, /or 109, read ii2. 81 1 3-4 Insert between lines 3 and 4 the following : — 1738 0-364 I 9 I °9 2787 — 14-2 • 4 13 Total Area of Whole Spots, for 763, read 767. 7 Area of Umbra, for 2, read o. 19 Total Area of Umbrae, for 96, read 94. -22 Insert between lines 21 and 22 the following : — 1756* 0*804 8 7 ? 2 7°8 + 6°6 ° 24 83 2 25 Total Area of Whole Spots, for 933, read 957. Footnote. Insert Group 1756*. Aug. 28. A small spot. 84 2 2 No. of Group, for 1759, read 1757. 89 2 2 Greenwich Civil Time, for 285781, read 282*151. 98 1 17 Longitude, /or 28i°-o, read 28o°'i. 2 ^ j-No. °f® rou P>/ or i8i 3> rea d 1813*. Footnote. Insert Group 1813*. Dec. 21. Two very small spots. 100 Photo-Heliographic Results, 1874-1885. xviii GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1885— continued. GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1885 —continued. PAGE. COL. LINE. 102 i 5 Area of Whole Spot, for 30, read 16. 11 Total Area of Whole Spots, for 315, read 301. Photographs representing five days in 1885 have been obtained from the .Royal Alfred Observatory, Mauritius, further supplementing the measures published in the Greenwich Observations for 1885. The results of the measures of these five photographs follow. These results have been used in the formation of the Ledgers in the present Volume. 1885. '0 = 0 212-414 M, H 0-964 247-9 >34'6 +22-8 2 9 °'933 284-5 1287 + >57 >°5 0-903 296-1 123-5 +26-1 189 0-891 2520 119-4 — 13-0 344 1735 o-886 250-5 118-5 — 14-2 O 8 >73 2 °'733 248-1 103-0 — 11-6 IO 49 1733a 0-445 1657 5 Z '5 — >9‘5 7 40 M. 1733 0-486 1667 5 Z '3 9 17336 0-497 160-0 48-7 — 21 -8 33 1733 0-474 >56-7 47 ‘8 1 9 '8 0 3 *733 0-529 >59"9 47 '8 — z 3'8 0 5 *733 0-544 i6o"o 47 ’4 — 2 47 0 4 >733 0-524 156-8 46-3 — 22-8 11 55 0-927 109-5 354'3 — >*5 '5 z 75 Aug. 1 Centre (59' z ) (+ 6-o) (61) (375) (9 ZZ ) 23 3 '499 M, M °'939 255-0 208 -o -11-5 160 M. >75° 0768 272*8 >90-9 + 6-6 0 2 67C 1748 0-624 236-6 >7 Z '9 — 14-2 37 224 Aug. 22 Centre (>4°'5) (+ 7-°) (37) (226) ( zz 7) 234-211 SP,M 0-986 252-1 208-6 — 16*2 39 °-«53 251-0 186-5 — I2'I 107 1750 0-882 274-1 >93 ’3 + 7'o 8 >9 >75° 0-863 273-2 191-0 + 6-4 2 >7 j- 308c 1750 0-845 z 73'4 189-0 + 67 2 24 1748 0-766 242-4 175-8 ->57 0 i i 1748 0729 244-0 >73'3 >3*4 37 203 f >39 c M. 1748 0718 241 - 8 i 7 i '8 -14-5 0 1 J 1754a 0-963 103-9 58-9 — >>'3 35 187 >754 0-983 102-6 53' 6 — ii-o 0 59 U>6c >754 0-985 ioo-6 52-6 — 9‘> 0 34 j 0-895 7° ’5 — > 2 '3 37> Aug. 23 Centre (>3>'>) (+7-) (84) (545) (1480) 238-509 HE,P 0-837 237-1 123 6 -22 7 5 2 >755 0-710 241-9 >14-4 — I 4 -I 5 3 2 >755 0-694 240-2 112-6 — I4-6 0 4 >755 0-672 2 37'4 IIO-I -15-4 11 45 1754a 0-414 1 39 '5 58-4 — 1>'4 17 203 >754 0-449 130-8 54-2 — >°'3 0 >4 >754 0-451 n8-o 50-8 — 57 8 3> 1756 0-832 1 00 -9 >9'4 — 5*° 0 2 4 1756 o"86o 102-0 167 - 6-5 0 >9 >756 0-882 98-3 >3*5 — 3 '9 0 12 r>93 c 1756 0-891 99 "3 IZ ‘5 - 5'° 0 79 1 >756 0-909 99-0 IO "2 — 5'* 13 78 J 1756* 0-912 86-5 8-2 + 6-i 37 99c Aug. 27 Centre (74'3) (+ 7->] (54) (578) (344) 1885. 0 0 +20-1 242-210 H,SP 0-854 289-1 84-4 7* 0-818 270-1 8o"3 + 4"2 >>S 0-770 248-6 72-2 — II "4 361 1754a 0-628 2 4 2 '4 59-8 — II -O 12 88 >754 0-580 243-6 57-0 — 8-8 4 >3 >7 54 0-582 241-0 56-8 — 10"2 0 16 >754 0*612 2 35'9 567 —13-9 0 5 >754 0-581 2 38-5 55-6 —II -4 14 47 >754 °'557 241-9 55'i — 8-9 20 54 >754 0594 233'5 54-8 — 14-4 0 4 >754 0-561 2377 54-2 — ii-i 0 7 M. 1758 0-450 239-9 48-4 — 6-4 1 4 >758 0-400 2329 44-1 — 7‘> 4 23 1756 0 '2 1 6 168-4 22-9 — 5’° 2 5 >27 1756 0-229 1 60 "6 21'0 - 5"2 3 >9 >75 6 0-231 >51-8 I9I — 4-6 1 9 1756 0-268 140-6 I5-6 - 4-8 11 108 1756 0-326 1287 IO- 7 — 47 *3 6 5 >757 >757 o-688 0-714 807 83-3 34> "7 3 39 6 +n-6 + 9 '8 46 28 238 253 1 254c 102 '6 331-8 — 6"o 126 0-854 77 ‘4 + >4'5 116 °‘939 104 1 3>77 — 10-6 162 Aug. 31 Centre (25-4) (+ 7-2) (182) (1080) (1205) Mean Areas of Umbr®, Whole Spots, and Facul.® for each Rotation of the Sun, from 1884 December 31 to 1885 December 20, and for the Year 1885. Page 103. Mean Heliographic Latitude of the Spots upon the Sun’s Disc for each Rotation of the Sun, from 1884 December 31 to 1885 December 20, and for the Year 1885. Page IO4. These two Sections are superseded by the corresponding Tables on pages 3 1 4-3 2 1 in the present Volume. GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1888. Total Projected Areas of Umbrjs, Whole Spots, and Facul® FOR EACH DAT, AND MEAN PROJECTED AREAS FOR EACH Rotation of the Sun, and for each Year from 1882 to 1885. Pages 59 to 68. This Section is superseded by the corresponding Tables on pages 305-321 in the present Volume. Errata. xix PUBLICATIONS OF THE SOLAR PHYSICS COMMITTEE. Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Facula: on Photographs taken at Greenwich, Dehra DRn, and Melbourne, with the deduced Heliographic Longitudes and Latitudes, 1878-1881. PAGE. COL. LINE. 5 1 31 Mean Solar Time, for Feb. 26, read Feb. 26*. 2 6-8 The second photograph on March 5 has not been used for the Ledger in the present Volume. 6 2 15 Mean Solar Time, for June 4, read 153-936. Area of Faculse, insert 530s. After Line 15 : — Mean Solar Time, insert June 4. Total Area of Umbrse, insert (9). Total Area of Whole Spots, insert (52). Total Area of Faculse, insert (530). 714 Latitude, for +i2°'8, read +ia°7. 8 2 8 Latitude, for +io°- 1, read 9 2 16 Total Area of Faculse, for 138, read 128. 12 2 44 Area of Umbra, for 6, read o. 13 1 5 Longitude, /or 267 ° - s, 267°'i. 6 Longitude, for 264°‘5, read zbf'i. 25 Longitude, for 266 ° - s, read 266°-]. 40 Longitude, for 247, read 227. 2 3 Longitude, for 22°7, read 22-2. 14 2 35 Total Area of Umbrae, for 122, read 112. 15 2 22-23 The photograph on Jan. 29 has not been used for the Ledger, or for the computation of Projected Areas in the present Volume. 24 Mean Solar Time, for 29 "i 36, read 29 '036. 30 Latitude, for read — 15°‘5. 31 Latitude, for -\-iq°-2, read +i9° - 3. 16 2 36 Total Area of Whole Spots, for 544, read 644. 40 Latitude, for -J-2.8°'a, read -j-28 0, 3. 2 3 2_ 33 . 1. of Group,, for 312, read 312*. PAGE. COL. LINE. 18 * 3 *- 33 '| 37-38 [No. o 45-46 ) 38 Total Area of Umbrse, for 40, read 50. 41 Latitude, for +19° 7, read -\-ig a, 6. 27 Latitude, for —zo’-g, read +2o°‘3. 30 No. of Group, for 317, read 317*. 11 Position Angle, for 3oi 0, 6, read 301°"!. Longitude, for 2oi 0, 9, read zoi°’z. 36 Distance, for 0-859, read 0-864. Longitude, /or 1 74°'4, read i74°'9. Latitude, for +i9°-i, read -f-ig 0 ^. 37 Distance, for 0-859, rea ’•& 0 ' 854 - Longitude, /or 1 74° -4, read i74°‘o. Latitude, for i9°'o, read -(-i8 <, -6. 41 Distance, for 0-867, read 0-872. Between lines. 26 and 27 Longitude, for i74°-8, read i75 0, 3. Latitude, for + i8°-9, read +i9°'o. Distance, for 0-867, read 0-862. Longitude, for i74°"8, read i74°*3. Latitude, for -(-i9°-o, read + i8°'5. Position Angle, for 244°'6, read 244° -4. Distance, for 0-394, read 0*398. No. of Group, for 322, read 320. Area of Umbra, for 11, read 1. Longitude, for 87°"6, read 87° ‘7. Total Area of Faculse, for 506, read 706. Position Angle, insert 6o°‘$. » Longitude, for i53°’3, read i53 0, 5. Position Angle, insert 55°"2. Longitude, for i56 0, 9, read i57°-o. Distance, for 0-388, read 0-407. Position Angle, for 349°"8, read 4°-6. Longitude, for 90° "o, read 83° -9. Latitude, for + 22 0, 4, read + 23* - 8. Area of Whole Spot, for 19, read 14. Total Area of Whole Spots, /or 77, read 72. Total Area of Whole Spots, for 147, read 113. Total Area of Umbrae, insert (150). Total Area of Whole Spots, insert (619). Total Area of Faculse, insert (1271). Position Angle, insert i22°"5. Position Augle, insert i>g°'3- Total Area of Umbrse, for 190, read 196. No. of Group, for 333, read 333*. No. of Group, for 333, read 333*. Area of Faculse, insert 34c /. Area of Faculse, insert 192 c. Latitude, for — 36°-2, read — 36°-o. No. of Group, for 333, read 333*. Area of Faculse, insert 722 c. Area of Faculse, insert 386 c. 1 Total Area of Umbrae, for 96, read 86. Total Area of Whole Spots, for 509, read 609. Total Area of Faculse, insert (505). Area of Faculse, insert 635/ Latitude, for 1 3° -9, read 1 8° "9. Total Area of Whole Spots, for 1625, read 1004. Total Area of Whole Spots, for 197, read 199. \ Distance, insert 0-982. [Position Angle, insert 109° -8. J Area, insert 319. ; Total Area of Umbrse, insert (127). Total Area of Whole Spots, insert (605). Total Area of Faculse, insert (1067). XX Photo-Heliographic Results, 1874-1885. PAGE. COL. LINE. 32 2 4 Position Angle, /or 2o6°*6, read 2o6°*5. 8 Longitude, for 237 °* 6 , read ztf'j. 33 1 44 Position Angle, /or 237°*6, read 237°7. 2 8 Distance, for 0*673, read 0 - 675 . 34 1 20 Position Angle, for ii3°'S, read ii3°*8. 30 Longitude, for 9i°'4, read 35 1 19 No. of Group, for 360, read 361. 24 Position Angle, /or 288°’9, read 289 0, 9. • 2 16 Latitude, /or — 19° *2, read 20° 2. 45 Area of Faculae, dele 49. 46 Total Area of Faculse, for 49, read o. 36 1 49 Total Area of Faculse, for 2618, read 2718 2 26 Area of Faculse, insert 11 yp. 45 No. of Group, for 373, read 373*. 37 1 8 No. of Group, for 373, read 373*. 33 No. of Group, for 380, read 380^. Position Angle, for 67 ° ' 9 , read 67 ° ‘S. 4°) 41 [-No. of 42 J Group, for 380, read 380I. 48 No. of Group, for 380, read 380+. 8 | No. of Group, for 380, read 380*. No. of Group, for 380, read 380+. 47 J [-No. of Group, for 380 , r d 380+. 49 49 49 39 1 5 1 S> 40 1 17 44 40 2 5 41 2 44 42 1 8 43 1 8 44 1 Between lines 36 and 37 2 31 45 1 26 30 46 2 17 47 1 *7 Total Area of Umbrae, insert (139). Total Area of Whole Spots, rnseri (574). Total Area of Faculse, insert { 1090). Total Area of Umbrae, /or 22, read 26. Total Area of Whole Spots, for 91, read 81. Distance, for 0*916, read o'9i5. Total Area of Umbrae, insert (257). Total Area of Whole Spots, insert ( 1120). Total Area of Faculae, insert (2594). Distance, for 0*989, read 0*939. Area of Faculae, insert 344c. Position Angle, insert 62° *3. Mean Solar Time, for Dec. 30, read Dec. 30*. Total Area of Whole Spots, for 560, read 494. 1 Distance, insert 0*918. J- Position Angle, insert io8°*8. ' Area of Faculae, insert 286. Total Area of Whole Spots, for 738, read 753. Total Area of Whole Spots, for 1443, read 1439. Total Area of Faculae, for 1902, read 1922. Total Area of Umbrae, for 243, read 253. Position Angle, insert 73°*o. Total Area of Faculae, for 7264, read 6964. PAGE. COL. LINE. 47 i 33 Total Area of Whole Spots, /or 508, read 518 . 2 10 Total Area of Umbra>, for 194, read 204. 44 Total Area of Faculae, for 2418, read 2218. 45 Mean Solar Time, insert 54*923. 48 2 22 Position Angle has been omitted, and cannot now be supplied. 41 Latitude, /or -|-i8 0, 5, read —i8°*5. 42 Latitude, for — 19°7, read + I 9°'7- 50 Area of Umbrae, for 5, read 9. 51 Distance, for 0*779, rea & 0*979. 49 2 15 No. of Group, for 434, read 433. 30 Mean Solar Time, for 74*695, read 74*965. 50 1 3 Area of Faculse, insert 586/ ' 1 ] 9 J- No. of Group, for 441, read 441*. Area of Faculae, for 118, read 108. Area of Faculae, insert 262 c. Area of Faculae, insert 445713?. Latitude, for -f-23°*i, read -f-23°*o. Total Area of Whole Spots, for 546, read 775 . No. of Group, for 465, read 465*. Mean Solar Time, for May 4, read May 4*. Mean Solar Time, for May 8, read May 8*. Area of Faculae, for 227, read 277. Mean Solar Time, for May 10, read May 10*. Total Area of Umbrae, for 77, read 87. Area of Faculae, for 413, read 423. Longitude, for 2o7°*o, read 206° *8. Area of Faculae, insert \ 9 Tp. Area of Faculae, for 1213, read 1213 /. Diminish all longitudes on May 21 by i°*o. Total Area of Umbrae, for 66, read 68. Total Area of Faculae, for 560, read 1316. Total Area of Umbrae, for 164, read 128. Total Area of Whole Spots, for 725, read 718. Total Area of Faculae, for 3252, read 4314. Area of Whole Spot, for 70, read 75. Total Area of Whole Spots, for 1396, read 1401. Position Angle, insert 2oi°*8. Position Angle, insert i2o°*o. Position Angle, for 65°*3, read 65°*o. Total Area of Faculae, for 4929, read 5129. Total Area of Umbrae, for 93, read 95. Position Angle, insert 74° *8. Position Angle, insert 140° 7. Area of Faculae, insert 849 p. Area of Faculae, for 255, read 270. Position Angle, for 72° 7, read 72° *4. Area of Faculae, insert 1133 sp. Area of Faculae, insert 572 /. Area of Faculae, insert i88p. Area of Faculae, for 316, read 326. Area of Faculae, insert 260. Position Angle, for 53° *o, read 54°*o. Area of Faculae, insert 585c. Errata. xxi PAGE. COL. LINE. 48 Position Angle, for 6o°*i, read 6o 0, o. 26 Area of Faculae, insert 74°‘2. 27 Area of Faculae, insert ii6's. 16 Area of Umbra, for 24, read 22. 21 Total Area of Whole Spots, for 655, read 685. 3 1 Total Area of Whole Spots, for 886, read 916. 53 Mean Solar Time, for Oct. 12, read Oct. 12*. 28 Total Area of Umbrae, for 210, read 209. 1 25 Distance, for 0^56, read 0-966. ; 38 Longitude, for 251 ‘6, read 25 1 0, 9. i 19-29 The Indian photograph for Nov. 16 does not show Groups 601 and 608, which are seen on the Greenwich photograph for that date. The Greenwich measures for those two groups have therefore been adopted in the formation of the Ledgers in the present volume ; increasing the Total Area for Whole Spots in line 29, from, 1105 to 1117. 1 23 Total Area of Umbrae, for 19 1, read 201. PAGE. COL. LINE. Area of Faculae, insert 204 c. Total Area of Umbrae, for 32, read (32). Record of Absence of Spots in the Years 1878-1881. PAGE. LINE. 77 8 78 12 *5 23 *7 28 29 32 36 37 After 37 1878 March, insert 91 I. 1879 March, insert 16 I. 1879 May, for 17 I, read 17. 1879 November, insert 6. 1880 February, insert 14 Me. 1880 February, for 16 I, read 16 Me. 1880 March, for 23 I, read 23. 1880 April, for 22 I, read 22 Me. 1880 June, insert 14 Me. 1880 July, insert 17 Me. 1881 January, insert 15 I. 1881 August, insert 14 I, and 16 I. Insert October 31 I. xxii Photo-Heliographic Results, 1874-1885. PHOTO-HELIOGRAPHIC RESULTS, 1874-1885. Measures of Positions and Area of Sun Spots and Facul,® on Photographs taken in the Years, 1874-1877. Photographs taken on the following additional dates show neither Spots nor Faculae 1874, April 20, 21, 22, 23. June 8, 9. October 26, 27, 29. December 3. 1875, January 28. February 15, 16. 1876, March 3. September 12, 20. November 24, 27, 30. December 1, 2, 7, 12, 14. 1877, May 30. June 12, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. July 6, 7, 13, 24, 25, 26, 29. August 9, 12, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21. September 22. October 2, 3, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20. November 20. December 28. PAGE. coil. LINE. 3 2 28 Group 96. Dele the entire line. 29 Total Area of Whole Spots, for 588, read 541. Group 96, for June 25 -July 4, read June 27- July 4. 13 Area of Faculae, insert 662 p. 19 Total Area of Faculae, for 4898, read $560. 8 Area of Faculae, insert 1702 p. 10 Total Area of Faculae, for o, read 1702. 24 Longitude, for 3i6 0, 3, read 32o°’4. 24 No. of Group, for 150*, read 150. 23 Position Angle, for 25o 0, 9, read 2 S 7 °' 3 ’ Longitude, for 9° ’5, read Latitude, for — 19°’3, read — 14° - 3. 4 Greenwich Civil Time, insert H. 16 For No Spots or Faculae, read No photograph. 23 For No Spots or Faculae, read No photograph. 22 Greenwich Civil Time, for Sept. 23, read Sept. 22. 28 For No Spots or Faculae, read No photograph. PAGE. COL. LINE. 28 i 19 No. of Group, dele 201. 2 18 No. of Group, dele 208. 30 2 14 For No Spots or Faculae, read No photograph. 34 2 22 For No Spots or Faculae, read No photograph. 35 2 29 For No Spots or Faculae, read No photograph. 40 Footnote Group 246, insert Another distant companion is seen on May 17. 45 1 12 Area of Faculae, for 644, read 464. 2 4 Greenwich Civil Time, for Dec. 7, read Dec. 8. 7 Greenwich Civil Time, for Dec. 11, read Dee. 14. 8 Greenwich Civil Time, for Dec. 14, read Dec. 17. 10 Greenwich Civil Time, for Dec. 15, read Dec. 18. 11 Greenwich Civil Time, for Dec. 17, read Dec. 26. Ledgers of Areas and Positions of Groups of Sun Spots for the Years 1878-1881. PAGE. GROUP. DATE. 89 317 Apr. 8 Longitude, for 174° -6, read 174° 7. Latitude, for -j-i9°'o, read -f-i8°-8. Means Longitude, for i73°79, read i73°-8o, Latitude, for -f-i8°'3o, read -f-i8 0, 2&. 96 368 Oct. 4 Projected Area of Whole Spot, for 12, read II 4 .487 June 9 Projected Area of Whole Spot, for 775, read ‘ 75 - 120 5*8 Aug. 2 Area of Whole Spot, for 51 1, read 51. Means Mean Area of Whole Spot, for 274, read 228. 126 576 Oct. 4 Projected Area of Umbra, for 40, read 37. Area of Umbra, for 24, read 22. Page 85, Group 296, substitute the following Group 296. One small spot, not seen on November 26. a Nov. 25 -5 54 G 3 ‘5 5 23 27° 1 ■—12-2 _ 7 o- 9 26 Ma 0 0 27 Nopho tograph 28-547 G ‘7 39 11 25 22-5 -13-3 -36-1 29-174 Ma 0 26 0 ‘5 22*5 — ‘ 3*3 —27-8 Means 4 z6 24-03 -12-93 Errata. xxiii Page 89, Group 31 6 a, substitute the following : — Group 316A. A few spots, mostly small, in a stream inclined at a considerable angle to the equator. The group is not seen on March 28. i88o.a Mar. 27-217 28 29- 175 30- 312 31- 303 I I I I 9 3* 30 16 33 * 138 146 84 5 20 24 16 18 87 114 84 287% 288-8 288-9 287-3 —30-8 —29-2 — 28-9 —287 + +++ Means 13 61 288-03 —29-40 Pages 93 and 94, Group 349, substitute the following Group 349. PAGE. GROUP. BATE. 162 862 Oct. 21 Means. 187 1062 June 27 187 1062 June 27 Means. 197 1137 Oct. 8. Longitude from Central Meridian, for -|-29° , i, read +29°‘2. Mean Area of Whole Spot, for 170, read 172. Mean Longitude, for i68 0, 5s, read i 68 0, 57. Area of Umbra, for 209, read 228. Area of Whole Spot, for 1227, read 1391. Latitude, for +9°7, read +9°-6. Mean Area of Umbra, for 218, read 220. Mean Area of Whole Spot, for 1353, read 1366. Mean Latitude, for +io°'49, read +io°‘ 48. Area of Whole Spot, for 142, read 144. Page 162. Group 859, substitute the following:— Group 859. A small spot on August 21, not seen on August 22. The group has re-appeared as a pair of small spots by August 23. It is not seen on August 25, 26 or 27, but has reappeared again by August 28, and has greatly increased in size by August 30 and 31. Aug.2i-503 G *7 33 19 3 6 71-2 + 2 3°** —63-4 22-261 I 23-205 I 17 «5 12 46 67-8 +22-2 — 44'3 I 35 21 7 2 69-8 +227 — 29-0 25 0 0 0 26 0 O 0 27 0 O 0 28-506 G 0 39 O 22 667 +22-0 +24-6 29-236 I 43 *74 27 109 66-o +21 '8 +33*5 30-285 I 95 459 72 348 66-8 +21-6 +48-2 3*'5 l6 G 68 469 74 5*4 66-o +2I-9 +637 Sept. 1-404 G 26 252 443 657 +22-0. -j-74-6 2-517 G 0 55 218 6 i - 3 +23-8 +85-4 Means 21 *39 66-8i + 22 *34 Four or five small spots arranged in a straight line. Oct. 16-191 *7"3 2 3 18- 336 19- 309 20- 491 2V196 *5 34 *3 8 98 *3 2 69 77 75 16 8 18 8- 6 5° 67 37 46 56 r 5 I 93' 6 *95*3 *94'3 i94’7 *957 196-0 ■*5' 2 -15-1 -15-0 til? h*5* 2 +++++I Means ... 7 45 *94 ‘93 +15-30 Group 859.* A small spot. Oct. 22-635 2 24 4 43 193-8 1 +97 | +74*4 Means 4 43 193-8 +97 | Ledgers of Areas and Positions of Groups of Sun Spots for the Years 1882-1885. PAGE. GROUP. DATE. 162 862 Oct. 21 Projected Area of Whole Spot, for 557, read 574- Area of Whole Spot, for 322, read 332. Longitude, for i67°'5, read i 6 y°- 6 . Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Facul® for each Day in the Years, 1874-1885. PAGE. DATE. 290 1874 June 25. Area of Whole Spots, for 361, read 278. 295 1877 March 30. For o o o, read No photograph. 301 1880 June 28. Area of Facul®,/or 1033, read 1580. 311 1885 August 30. Area of Faculae, for 285, read 993. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH. MEASURES OF POSITIONS AND AREAS OF SUN SPOTS AND FACULT ON PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN AT GREENWICH, AT HARVARD, AND AT MELBOURNE, WITH THE DEDUCED II ELIO GRAPHIC LONGITUDES AND LATITUDES. 1874 - 1877 . Photo-Heliographicj Results, 1874-1877. 2 Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculje on Photographs Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Facul^s on Photographs taken at the Koyal Observatory, Greenwich, at Harvard College Observatory, Cambridge, U.S.A., and at the Government Observatory, Melbourne, in the Years 1874 to 1877. Note. The Greenwich Civil Time at which the Photograph was taken is expressed by the Day of the Year and decimals of a day, reckoning from Midnight, January i d o h . For convenience of reference, the Month and Day of the Month (Civil Reckoning) are added. The letter H. signifies that the photograph was taken at Harvard ; the letters Me. that the photograph was taken at Melbourne ; the time given is Greenwich Civil Time. The position-angles are reckoned from the North Pole of the Sun’s Axis in the direction N., E., S., W., N. The Groups of Spots are numbered iu the order of their appearance. When there is no number in the third column, it is to be understood that there is a Facula unaccom- panied by a Spot. The positions of Faculse relative to the Spots with which they are associated are indicated by the letters n, s, p,f, c, denoting respectively north, south, preceding, following, concentric. The longitude and latitude of the centre of the disk are given in brackets. The Areas of Spots and Faculse are expressed in millionths of the Sun’s visible Hemisphere. e 1 1 Heliographic Spots. Facula:. i 1 J Heliographic Spots. Facula. >4 g 1 =2=2 1 j g =2=2 <2=2 S’ Greenwich la * ■4J-3 , ea-vi Greenwich Jj <§ Civil * DP tf § o-S. Civil § 0.3 0 O-A Time. Measurers. O 00’ ■d* £ Distance from of Sun’s Rac Position Ang Axis. Longitude. Latitude. Area of UM each Spot Day). Area of WH each Spot Day). Area for eacl (and for Day Time. Measurers. No. of Group, Spot. Distance from of Sun’s Rad Position Angi Longitude. Latitude. Area of UMi each Spot Day). Area for eacl (and for Day 1874. 106-485 JB, B 82 0-388 6 i-2 1 1 3"3 + S’ 8 0 1 1 3 1874. 124-490 JB, B 83 o - 66o 253-2 295-6 - 13-6 16 133 Apr. 17 Centre (I 33 - 2 ) (- 5 - 3 ) (0) (113) (0) 85 0-128 102-6 248-1 - 5 -i 31 2 77 May 5 Centre ( 255 - 2 ) (- 3 - 5 ) ( 47 ) (4,0) (0) 107-506 JB, B 82 0-210 26-7 1 ! 4"3 + 5-6 0 60 Apr. 1 8 Centre ( 1 1 9 " 7 ) (- 5 - 2 ) (0) (60) (0) 125-432 JB, B 83 o -797 256-0 295-1 -13-2 21 188 85 0-083 245-6 247 " 1 - 5'4 11 324 116-556 Apr. 27 83 Centre 2960 (o-i) 86 0-951 82-0 171-5 + 6-5 0 248 JB, B 0-899 101-7 -12-4 (- 4 - 4 ) 0 (0) 171 (171) (O) May 6 Centre (242-8) (- 3 ‘ 4 ) (32) (760) (0) II 7-574 M, M 83 0-766 102-6 297-0 -I 2-4 4 1 22 I 126-515 JB, B 83 0 920 256-5 j 295-2 - 13-7 34 188 Apr. 2 8 Centre ( 3467 ) (- 4 ' 3 ) (40 j (221) (0) 85 o -344 263-8 248-4 - 5"3 39 264 118-663 83 296-6 86 0-848 79 ' 1 | I 7 I -5 + 7 A 72 467 M, M 0-594 105-8 — 1 2-6 33 189 87 o -953 96-2 156-1 - 6-9 93 954 Apr. 29 Centre 1 (332-3), f (- 4 ’ 2 ) ( 33 ) (189) (°) May 7 Centre (228-5) (- 3 - 3 ) (238) (1873) (O) 119-577 JB, B 83 0-428 I 1 2 " I 296-3 -13-0 40 205 l 27"552 M, M . 85 o -558 264-8 2487 - 5-6 42 258 Apr. 30 84 0-284 3l6-8 . 3 3 1 ' 5 + 7-9 0 24 86 0-700 75-8 1717 + 7- 5 98 494 Centre (320-2) (- 4-0 (40) (229) (0) 87 0-859 95-8 1556 - 6-6 39 io 75 83 296-2 May 8 Centre (214-7) (- 3 - 2 ) (* 79 ) (1827) (O) 120 539 M, M 0-249 I30-0 -13-0 32 19 1 84 °’45 5 295-6 33 1 ' 8 ! + 7-7 34 May 1 85 o -893 9 2 -I 244-4 - 37 0 42 128-497 JB, B 85 ; 0-721 265-9 248-3 - 5 1 35 233 Centre ( 307 - 5 ) (-4-0) ( 32 ) (267) (0) 86 ! o '537 70-9 I 7 l-6 + 7'4 64 378 87 o -735 967 155-1 - 7 ‘o 130 852 83 0-167 187-3 296-0 88 0787 299-3 249-1 + 20-5 0 68 121-499 JB, B -I 3-3 45 178 May 9 Centre (202-3) (- 3-0 (229) (> 53 i) (0) 84 0-622 288-1 33 i -3 + 8-o 0 29 132 May 2 85 °7 77 9 l -9 243-9 ~ 3’9 1 1 Centre (294-8) (- 3 - 9 ) ( 56 ) ( 339 ) (0) 130-526 JB, B 85 0-958 265-4 2487 - 5-2 j 0 100 1 149s/ 83 248-6 86 0-180 15-4 172-7 + 7 ' 1 4 196 I 23 - 57 I JB, B 0-500 295-9 -I 3-7 25 164 87 0-330 104-0 1567 - 7-2 | 52 427 May 4 85 0-330 93-8 248-2 - 47 28 3 1 4 88 o -953 294-1 244-8 + 21-9 j O 44 Centre (267-4) (- 3 - 6 ) ( 53 ) ( 478 ) (O) May 1 1 Centre (I 75 A) (-2-9) ( 56 ) (767) (” 49 ) Group 82, April 17-18. Single spot, which breaks up into two on April 18. 4 Group 83, April 27-May 7. Single spot. Group 84, April 30-May 2. Small scattered group. Group 85, May 1-11. A large spot, with several small ones near it. Group 86, May 6-1 1. Two large spots. Group 87, May 7-18. A large group of many spots. Group 88, May 9-1 1. A group of three small spots, widely separated. TAKEN AT GREENWICH, AT HARVARD, AND AT MELBOURNE, IN THE YEARS 1874 TO 1877 - Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculae on Photographs— conformed. Greenwich | Civil Time. Measurers. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. Distance from Centre in terms of Sun’s Radius. 1 Position Angle from i Axis. 1874. 0 I 35-438 M, M 87 0732 2631 89 0-929 103-6 May 16 ( I 37 A 4 I JB, B 87 0-967 263-6 89 0-657 108-2 May 18 Centre 1 39*445 JB, B 89 0-295 134*3 89* o *434 125-4 May 20 Centre 140-559 JB, B 89 0‘2I I 0 b ON 89* 0-290 I 49-5 May 21 Centre 141*5 1 5 JB, B 89 0-336 23I-0 89* 0-265 I 96-9 May 22 Centre I 45-442 JB, B 89* 0-876 253-5 90 0-875 76 ^ May 26 Centre 149-472 M, B 90 0-223 26-5 May 30 Centre 151-481 JB, B 90 0-412 300-5 9 i 0-895 1 98-0 June 1 Centre 152-527 JB, B 90 o-6oo 289-3 9 i 0-760 98-4 0-945 827 June 2 Centre i 154-466 1 JB, B 90 0-878 282-5 9 i 0-413 I07-2 June 4 Centri e Heliographic 157-2 + 2-5 * J T (iio'4)(- 2 '3) 6-6 -i 3 A I S 9 ' 1 44‘3 44'9 -! 3‘ 6 35 9 - i 6 ’ 2 ( 57 * 5 ) (— 1 ' 9 ) 279-0 45-6 34 ‘ 6 38- 278'- , -- , ( 338 - 1 ) (— i-i) + io-8 (284-8) (-0-7) 279-4 i 95 *i (258-2) ( — 0-4) 279-4 * 95*4 173-8 , (244-3) (- 0 - 3 ) 279-3 195-4 (218*7) ( 0*1) Spots. Facula:. <2=2 <2=2 i Ed -d 1 Gr gl O g S-m ; oT a 0 P % i ^ J* 0^7; $ So § !o gX -5 1 ■ <5 34 235 0 79 ( 34 ) ( 3 H) (0) J 0 92 0 27 Jl ) (0) (" 9 ) (0) J 0 28 47 3 °i ) ( 47 ) (329) (0) J 0 30 5 192 ) ( 5 ) (222). (0) 1 0 16 '■ 18 265 1) (18) (281) (0) 1 3 44 1 176s/ 3 59 384 733 n f 0 (62) (428) (1909) 3 45 259 7 ) ( 45 ) (2 59 ) (°) 6 32 202 3 33 1 1 1 4 ) (65) ( 3 i 3 ) (°) 2 34 226 6 38 166 8 818 3 ) (72) ( 392 ) (818) 9 38 216 ■o 27 142 1) ( 65 ) ( 358 ) l (0) 1874. 55-466 June 5 6 i -534 Civil 90 9 1 Centre 65-552 une 15 169-527 une 19 172- 608 Tune 22 173- 469 June 23 174 - 458 June 24 175 * 5 12 June 25 > 77*574 June 27 0-966 0’202 0-215 0-255 92 93 Centre 92 94 Centre 0-396 0-500 0790 0-390 0-869 282-0 127-8 164-2 213-6 237-9 285-8 Heliographic 92* 0-971 94 °* 2!I Centre 94 °"S 77 Centre 94 0 736 Centre 95 °'975 Centre 95 96 Centre 9 6 Centre 0-975 0-929 0459 255-9 2374 76-8 2597 4°*7 285-2 282-3 PJ. 1 Sa 280-0 +ii*6 196-2 — 7-0 (205-4) (+o-i) ( 125-1) (+ 0-8] — , -”‘3 ( 1 1 3 * 4 ) ( 4 - 0 * 9 ) 1202 129*3 4 - 87 (ioo- 3 )(+ i-o) 122-8 9 ri 12-3 1 1"3 4-io-9 (i 9 -3)(+i-8) 12-9 4 - IO "4 (338-5) ( 4 - 2-1) -r’° + 10-5 (327*1) ( 4 ~ 2*2) 280-4 68-9 279-8 66-9 124-9 0-766 66-8 •277 I 33-7 94-8 10-9 -|~ 1 2 - 1 ( 7 i* 9 )( 4 - !* 3 ) - 9-5 16-4 j 4- 10-2 237-3 4-21-1 (314-1)1(4- 2-3) 17-2 232-9 277-4 4-10 4-22-3 I2- 9 (300-1) (4- 2-4) 224-8 4 - 19*3 261-0 — 8-4 (272*8) ( 4 ” 2*7' 213 127 ( 34 °) 26 (i 34 ) 29 29 126 (184) 250 418 ( 668 ) 548 ( 548 ) 52 589 (52) (589) 34 1 481 o 62 (34) ! (543) (588) 373 17 ( 39 °) (o) (o) (°) (°) (°) (O) (o) (°) (O) 3638/ (3638/) (°) Group 89, May 16-22. Two or three small spots. Group 90, May 26-June 5. One large spot of very irregular shape. Group 91, June 1-5. One well-defined spot of regular shape. Group 92, June 11-15. Two faint spots. Group 92*, June 15-19. Two spots. oup 96, June 25-July 4. Single during the whole of its course. Group 89*, May 20-26. Two large spots of irregular shape. Group 93, June 13. One small spot. ssz » - - Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Facul^e on Photographs Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse on Photographs — continued. Greenwich Civil Time. Measurers. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. Distance from Centre in terms of Sun’s Radius. m HBHOGEAraiO Spots. Facul*. Greenwich Civil Time. Measurers. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. Distance from Centre in terms of Sun's Radius. Position Angle from Sun’s Axis. Heliografhio Spots Faculjb. Position Angle from Axis. Longitude. Latitude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Longitude. Latitude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). . Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1874. 0 0 , 0 ; 1874. 0 i79'4 l6 JB, B 95 0-470 58-8 2237 + 16-7 44 319 188-513 JB, B 0-955 j 275-0 2007 + 5‘9 201 96 0-327 226-6 262-3 — IO’I 44 419 o-888 256-5 1890 — 10-2 632 June 29 Centre (248-4) (+ 2 '9) (88) (738) (0) 98 0-432 287-2 152-8 + io-8 148 1301 99 0-232 i 229-4 138-1 - 4-8 55 329 100 0-502 | 117-9 101 -4 — lO’I 103 5H 180-409 JB, B 9 i 0-303 36-1 224-6 + 17-0 27 355 314 IOI 0-141 2 77^ 136-0 + 4’9 19 96 0-502 2 43' 2 262-2 — 10-4 loo 733 July 8 Centre (128-0) ( + 3-9) (306) (2163) (833) 97 0-766 104-1 186-7 - 87 O 22 June 30 Centre ( 2 35-3) ( + 3°) (127) (mo) (3H) 1 89*5 3 5 M, M 0-966 257-7 188-2 — io-8 271 98 0-637 283-2 1 53-5 + 11-4 179 1283 1 82-464 JB, B 0-919 282-5 274-8 + 127 442 99 0-447 2497 I39-3 - 5‘3 25 213 95 °"394 308-9 2267 + 17-3 31 186 100 0-332 138-6 IOI '7 -10-5 83 427 96 0-826 2 557 262-2 - 9'9 66 609 2233c IOI o-379 272-I 136-7 + 4"5 0 IO 97 0-387 1 22-4 188-9 - 8-8 1 43 0-921 76-0 47-4 + 14-1 298 98 0-864 77'5 148-5 + 12-4 0 H 66 onf July 9 Centre ( 1 1 4"5) ( + 4 - o) (287) (1933) (569) 99 0-939 96-9 138-9 - 5’4 18 120 424c July 2 Centre (208-1) (+3- 2 ) (u6) (972) (3759)' 190-501 JB, B 98 0779 281-5 1527 + ii -5 130 858 99 0-627 256-5 1 39*3 - 5‘2 20 113 183-529 M, M 95 0-582 2 95 ‘ 5 227-2 + 17-2 0 42 100 0-248 i 8o-i 101-7 — 10-2 47 424 96 0-949 2587 264-5 - 9-6 7 167 1 268c 102. 0-807 74'9 48-3 + 1F5 29 97 0-214 163-9 190-6 - 8-5 0 79 July 10 Centre (1017) (+4*i) (i97) (1424) (0) 98 0703 74‘9 150-0 + 12-9 22 223 99 0-821 97'3 1 395 - 4-1 33 228 July 3 Centre ( I 94"°) (+3-3) (62) (739) (1268) I93-549 JB, B 98a 0-975 2757 138-6' + 6-i 0 1 18 998/ 99 0-980 263-5 139-1 - 5-5 0 72 297/ 184-403 JB, B 95 0-722 291-2 227-1 + 17-6 20 97 100 0-685 2487 ioi-8 — 1 i-o 97 479 96 0-979 260-2 2597 - 8-9 0 59 5 1 3 C 102 0703 58-0 46-3 + I3A 14 100 97 0-265 2 1 6-4 191-5 - 8-9 0 11 I July 13 Centre (61-4) ( + 4’4) (in) (769) (1295) ] 98 0-529 73‘8 151-4 + 11-4 77 620 99 0-700 102-0 139-1 - 5-8 23 405 194-512 JB, B 100 0-828 253-6 102-4 — 10-9 54 236 100 0-990 ioi-8 1017 -U'l 0 532 102 0-174 14-4 46-1 + 14-1 0 47 July 4 Centre (182-4) (+3A) ( 1 20) ( 1 724) , (5*3) 103 o’975 71-8 331-1 + 187 0 87 July 14 Centre (48-6) ( + 4’4) (54) (37o) (°) 186-546 JB, B 95 0-956 286-6 227-0 + 16-9 0 63 245 6 nf 98 0-145 20'0 151-2 + 11-4 174 1016 1 95 "443 JB, B 100 0-923 257-3 1 02 ■ 1 “ 9-9 151 445 1162/ 99 0-307 II8-7 138-4 - 4‘9 88 44 1 102 0-231 315-2 45-9 + 13-8 38 141 100 0-815 105-2 101*2 — io-i 109 620 2130/ 103 0-909 72-9 33i-i + I 7 A 55 141 563 f IOI °"435 82-2 128-4 + 6‘6 H 85 104 0-452 68-7 io-8 + 13-5 0 53 July 6 Centre ( 1 54 " 1 ) (+ 3 - 6 ) ( 385 ) (2225) (4586) July 15 Centre (367) (+ 4 " 5 ) (244) (780) (1725) 187-454 JB, B 0-956 290-8 214-9 + 20-9 470 196-524 JB, B 100 0-991 258-6 102-8 -io- 5 0 53 ? * 749 / 98 0 - 202 j 309 - 3 151-2 + II-0 154 1228 102 0-527 286-8 53 -o + 12-7 28 185 99 0-165 i I 55 -I 138-1 - 4-8 46 307 103 0-786 70-1 33 i-i + 18-5 36 174 1352/ 100 o-686 I IO-I IOI-2 — lo-8 83 529 1346/ 104* 0-599 85-8 345-2 + 6-2 0 77 IOI 0-250 777 1 z 7"9 + 6-7 0 23 104 0-269 501 9-8 + *4*4 0 1 7 July 7 Centre | ( ! 42 * 1 ) (+3-7) (283) (2087) (18,6) July 16 Centre (22-0)1 (+4-6) (64) (990) (3101) ! and form two streams. Only one spot of the Group, 98a, is still on the Group 97, .Tune 30 July 4. One small faint spot. It breaks up into a cluster of very small spots on July Group 98, July 2-13. Two spots. They are small on July 2, but mueli larger on the following davs, a disc on July 13. Group 99. July 2-13. At first a single well-defined spot. On July 3 and 4 a row of small spots forms immediately behind it. Group 100, July 4-16. One large regular spot. Group ioi , July 6-9. Two spots, the first being very small. They greatly decrease in size on July 7, and on July 8 one disappears altogether. The spots 98 to 101 seem to suffer continual changes. Group 102, July 10-18. On July 10 one small spot. On July 13 it has become two of much larger size. size, and creak up into several portions as the group crosses the Sun. Group 103, July 14-24. One large regular spot. Group 104, July 15-16. At first one faint spot, These two spots become more and more widely separated, increase ii hich breaks up into two or three on July 16. TAKEN AT GREENWICH, AT HARVARD, AND AT MELBOURNE, IN THE YEARS 1874 TO 1877 . Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Facuhe on Photographs —continued. Greenwich Civil Time. 1874. 1 97‘ 516 M, M July 17 198-511 July 1 8 July 201-503 July 21 203- 497 July 23 204- 565 July 24 205- 460 July 25 July 30 Heliogiiaphic 0-758 0-644 0-386 0-879 0-477 0-166 0-875 0-316 0-526 0-827 0-825 279-8 66-5 84-4 2 79‘3 59'S 8 1 '2 (355-7) ( + 4‘ 8 ) ( 1 37) 104* 105 Centre 103 104' 105 Centre 0-645 0-851 0-970 0-805 0-957 0-872 104’ 105 Centre 105 1 06a 10 6b 10 6c Centre 283-2 3587 275-8 7°‘3 IOO'O 281-0 3177 273-3 330-6 346-2 + 10-5 + 1 8-6 + 6-5 36 (8- 9 )( + 4-7)(i°6) 57H 330-2 346-3 + 10-5 + 18-3 -4- 6-2 I 7-3 329-0 347-9 261-0 263-2 + I 3-3 + 18-4 + 6-6 + 19-2 138 30-7 329-3 347-7 264-6 268-2 ( 3 2 9 -2)(+ 5-o)(i6o) g io + 12-1 + 18-4 + 6-o + 20-0 -12-3 (316-1) (+ 5*1) ( 187) 293-2 328-4 274-4 348-2 86-0 213-7 289-8) 274-4 87-0 0-985 0750 + 1 8-8 + 6-5 + S’ 2 + 5-2! 328-8 348-9 214-9 ( 275 - 6 ) 344‘2 215-2 (263-8 4- 18-3 + 5-8 + 5‘3 (+ 5-3) ( + 5-6 + 4-8 (+ 5’4) 291-7 260-9 259-5 265- 277-0 79-6 78-8 2161 164-3 I 54-4 I49" 1 ( 197-3 + 22-0 7-8 + 77 + 10-5 + 11-9 + 5-2 )(+ 8 )( Greenwich Civil Time. 258 164 328 (750) 436 (730 (829) (768) 30 1075 231 ( 1336 ) 24 993 261 (1278) 299 (37°) 276 1 17 347 170 (910) (°) (1129) 1603 1670 1 168 (444 0 614 924 (2612) 625 np 7137175 (1338) 499 ?j 292c (79 0 753 nf 426/ (" 79 ) 337 673 j. 2 007 if (l2I0) 874. 21 1-420 July 31 Aug. 3 217-437 Aug. 6 1 Aug. 8 105 106& 106c 107 108 109 Centre io6e 106& 106 d 107 108 Distance iron; centre m terras i Sun s Radius. Position Angle from Sun’s Axis. Heliogkaphic Spots. Facul m. Longitude. Latitude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for 1 Day). Area of WHOLE lor | each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1-951 294-3 257-5 * f 25-0 586 ,•527 275-5 216-8 ■ +- 7’9 44 232 '•372 75 -i 163-6 ■ +•10-9 4 86 1-515 76-1 154-4 ■ 4 -I 2 -I 51 312 >•579 89-0 149-5 -4 5 A 54 223 >•954 8o-8 II2-0 4-10-5 44 189 5 66/ 1 ^85*0)1 :+ 5 ' 9 ) ( 1 97 < [1042) (H52) ( 1 - 95 1 275-8 2 I 7-4 + 7 A 43 153 506 / 1-201 3 Q 9 ' 1 154-3 -413-2 44 256 D-050 2797 I 47-9 + 6-5 45 237 1-551 79-8 1 1 1-8 + 107 4 * 3*3 1-688 128-5 I 10-2 — 20-3 42 i 93 1-697 112-8 104-4 — 1 1- 1 25 72 1-969 79-5 68-8 + II-8 299 (H 5 -i) ( + 6-i) (240) (1224) (805) 0-902 247-7 1 66-o — 17-0 160 0-757 282-3 *547 4 -I 3 A 37 207 I 0-725 274-0 152-0 + 7‘2 38 207 > ioilp 0-653 270-8 146-2 4 - 5'3 5 96 ) 0-153 306-6 I 12-6 4-11-4 38 184 0-458 I 9 1 '5 110-9 — 20-3 47 183 0-306 176-4 104-3 -"A 20 73 0-892 107-5 45 -i -12-5 215 0-932 IT 1 36-1 4-14-3 879 (105-4) (+ 6 - 3 ) (185) ( 95 o) (2265) 0-987 273-6 1597 -4 4"6 0 40 0967 282-3 154-8 + I 3-5 25 229 } * 439 f 0-958 275*3 152-4 -4 6-9 39 387 0-563 281-4 1 1 2-9 + 1 1-6 26 153 0-683 230-5 1129 — 20-4 7 i 3 i 7 262 p 0-519 234'5 104-2 — 1 1-7 14 56 0-990 88-7 356-9 + 2-2 80 518 281m 0-891 1 14-2 20’I — 18-2 158 (78-8 ) (+ 6-4) (2 5 5) (1700) (4670) 0-864 280-1 I 12-8 + I2'0 1 4 ° 177 64371/ 0-930 i 245 c 1 116-4 — 20'4 . 18 188 1129/ 0-814 . 250-8 ! 104-1 — 1 1*5 1 H 45 337 « 0-821 92 c > 357-6 1 + 2-1 j io 3 502 177371/ 0-987 I 10-2 • 3 3 5 * c , — 1 8 *6 , 80 900 775 c (52-6 )(+ 6-5 )j( 2 55 ) (1812) ( 4657 ) Group 104*, July 16-25. A very faint close cluster of small spots. The group has partly passed round the limb 011 July 25. Group 106 ’ July 30-Aufust 8. A number of spots in a fine stream, b, the leader, on August 3 and the succeeding days, is a large regular spot. Group 107’, July 31-August 11. One large spot, and two or three small fragments near it. It gradually diminishes in size. 1t t mpasnrp Group 108, August 3-10. A long line of small spots. It is seen much foreshortened on August 10, being very close to the limb, and is therefore difficult to measure. Group 109, August 3- 1 1. One small spot. Group 1 10, August 8-20. A large regular spot. Group 111, August 10-22. Three spots, one very large. 6 Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculas on Photographs Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse on Photographs — continued. Greenwich Civil Measurers. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. Distance from Centre in terms of Sun’s Radius. Position Angle from Sun’s Axis. Heliographic Spots. FACULiE. Greenwich Civil Time. Measurers. No. of Group and Letter for Spot Distance from Centre in terms of Sun’s Radius. Position Angle from Sun’s Axis. Heliographic Spots. Faculjs. Longitude. Latitude, Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Longitude. Latitude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1874. 0 0 0 1874. A O 0 222-513 JB, B 0-960 245-9 107-8 -20-9 982 232-536 JB, B 0-910 287-1 332-4 + 18-5 253 107 0-966 280-4 1 14-0 + II-8 30 123 797/ 1 1 1 °"939 247-9 3317 -17-9 58 306 1301c 109 0-93 1 2 54'S 104-5 — 1 1 - 8 0 45 39 on f H4 0-297 174-1 2641 — io-i 19 I 2 I 1 10 0-652 93'9 357-9 + 2-5 95 536 mnf ”5 10-653 I 22-8 231-3 -14-9 49 26l 1 1 1 0-936 1 1 1 -9 3327 -177 170 1244 1068c 1 16 0-721 877 219-6 + 6-5 25 78 Aug. 1 1 Centre (3*3) (+6-6) (295) (1948) (3950 Aug. 21 Centre I (265-8) (+7-o) (ISO (766) (1554) 223-439 JB, B 0-941 255-8 92-1 — 10-2 684 233A75 JB, B 1 1 1 0-989 248-2 331-4 — 20-3 0 79 12 1 57' no 0-479 97‘3 357-8 + 2-4 102 475 114 o-335 208-6 262-7 — IO’O .0 82 1 1 1 0-844 1 1 6-6 333-7 — I 8*2 136 1082 1097s ”5 0-523 136-0 231-3 -15-5 47 272 0-908 73-3 320-2 4-18-0 573 1 16 0-556 90-0 219-6 + 5-9 20 45 Aug. 12 Centre (26-0) (+6-6) (238) (1557) (2354) Aug. 22 Centre (253-4) (+7-o) (67) (478) (1215) 225-501 JB, B 0-921 281-7 66-4 + I3-4 289 235-502 JB, B n 4 0-637 247-7 263-0 - 8-2 0 80 1 10 0-076 I73-9 358-3 + 2-4 80 420 1 1 5 0-387 I 9 I "4 231-1 -151 53 253 1 1 1 0-574 I33-9 333-2 -I7-3 164 1150 11 7 o-953 8o - 6 153-5 +11-1 0 44 864SP Aug. 14 Centre (358-8) (+67) (244) (i57o) (289) Aug. 24 Centre (226-6) (+7-i) (53) (377) (864) 236-452 JB, B 114 0752 255-0 260-8 - 6-4 0 22 359 n P 115 0-471 217-6 231-3 -15-1 35 201 226-432 JB, B 1 10 0-214 249-2 358-o + 2-3 76 463 1 17 0-864 8i-6 153-8 -|- io-8 19 57 95 1 1 1 0-472 151-5 332-9 -17-9 124 912 0-989 I IO'O 135-8 -18-5 385 1 12 0-849 248-5 40-8 -14-2 10 96 Aug. 25 Centre (214-1) (+7-i) (54) (280) (1701) °"935 99-3 278-6 - 6-3 373 Aug. 15 Centre (34 6 -5) (+67) (210) (H7i) (373) 237-429 JB, B 0-891 256-0 262-1 - 9'i 1 1 9 1 0-843 288-8 258-9 + 197 225 228-477 JB, B 1 10 0-630 265-1 358-2 4- 2-2 72 459 ii5 0-607 233-1 231-2 -15-2 46 230 1 1 1 0-471 208-2 332-9 -17-8 127 685 1 1 7 0738 82-4 153-4 + 10-4 17 57 Aug. 17 Centre (3I9-5) (+6-8) (!99) ( ri 44) (0) 0-941 I I 2'3 135-8 -18-5 672 o-979 91-8 123-3 - 0-3 184 Aug. 26 Centre (201-2) (+7-i) (63) (287) (2272) 2 3°'S+3 JB, B 1 10 0-920 268-2 358-8 + i-i 8 ! 39 1 1 1 1 0-742 23 77 333-3 — I 8*2 83 49 1 238-488 JB, B 0-965 256-5 259-9 — 1 i-o 1123 114 0621 121*0 259-2 — 12-8 0 1 7 0-940 290-3 258-2 + 21-5 232 0-903 1 1 1 "3 231A -15-8 45 1 268 ii5 0757 242-9 23I-2 — 15-0 44 217 1 16 0-958 85-8 219-1 4- 6-o 0 78 1 17 0-547 8o - 2 I54-0 + H-3 0 24 Aug. 19 Centre (292-2) (+6-9) (136) (1245) (°) 0-893 1177 129-6 — 20-9 1206 0-932 87-8 I20‘5 + 4-7 4x8 Aug. 27 Centre (187-2) (+7-0 (44) (241) (2979) 231-563 JB, B 1 10 0-993 269-7 i-6 4- o-6 0 347 843K/ 1 1 1 0-847 243-9 33i-4 -17-8 86 694 i759 c 239A34 JB, B "5 0-868 248-5 231-0 — 14-6 28 218 5 IOC ”4 °‘4 1 5 139-0 262-6 -n-5 3i 191 117 0-362 77-4 1537 + II-2 3 29 !I S 0794 115-0 2307 -149 47 328 355c 0-920 113-5 111*1 — 1 8 -6 1588 1 16 0-859 86-5 219-2 4- 6-6 0 27 $o$nf o-88i 8ro 112-6 + 1 1-8 419 Aug. 20 Centre (2787) ( + 7-o) (164) (1587) (376o) Aug. 2 8 Centre (1747) ( + 7-2) (3i) (247) (2517) Group 1 12, August 15. A few very small spots in a close cluster. Group 1 14, August 19-25. A scattered group of small spots. Group 115, August 19-29. Two spots close together. Group 116, August 19-22. One small spot. Group 1 17, August 24-31. One small spot. TAKEN AT GREENWICH, AT HARVARD, AND AT MELBOURNE, IN THE YEARS 1874 TO 1877 . 7 Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse on Photographs — contiwued. Greenwich Civil Time. Measurers. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. Distance from Centre in terms of Sun’s Radius. % Hisliographio Spots. Faculie. Position Angle from ! Axis. Longitude. Latitude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1874. 0 0 0 240-515 JB, B 0-868 277-0 221*1 + 97 293 ■ 1 1 5 0-963 251-8 231-6 • -i 5-3 32 168 363c X17 0-140 55*9 153-6 4- 1 1 -6 9 29 118 0-287 147-6 I 5 I -5 - 6-9 4 81 0-903 ii 5-3 xoo-8 -19-2 1008 5 0-887 85-8 97-6 + 7 -o 98 Aug. 29 Centre 1 (160-4)1 (+ 7 - 2 ) ( 45 ) ( 278 ) (1762) 242-483 JB, B 117 0-340 285-0 I 53-9 + 11-9 0 8 1 18 0-406 2312 152-8 - 7-8 0 65 Aug. 31 Centre (I 34 - 4 ) ( + 7 - 2 ) (0) ( 73 ) (o> f 243 A 56 JB, B 118 0-585 2457 154-0 - 7-8 9 93 0-954 io8 - 8 52-2 -I 5-5 83 1 | Sept. 1 Centre (121-6) (+7-2) ( 9 ) ( 93 ) ( 831 ) 244-418 JB, B 0-895 276-8 172-9 + 9‘4 685 1 18 0736 253-3 153-9 - 7 -i 14 127 0-907 1 1 1 -i 47-6 -157 1174 0-944 74-8 37 ‘i 4-16-8 587 Sept. 2 Centre (108-8) (+ 7 - 2 ) ( 14 ) (127) ( 2446 ) 1 246-570 JB, B o -942 277-3 151-4 4 - 9-3 589 0-878 2417 i 35'8 — 20"6 722 1 18 0-964 259-3 153-2 - 8-3 45 358 805c 119 0979 88-9 2-4 4- 2-6 0 69 154c o -934 72-5 10-2 4-18-9 298 Sept. 4 Centre (80-4) ( + 7 - 3 ) 1 ( 45 ) ( 427 ) (2568) 247-403 JB, B 0-858 2 4 r 5 122-6 -19-9 1326 1 1 8 0-992 262-1 I5I-0 - 6-9 56 3 J 9 1 19 0-922 92-0 2-5 4 - n 0 33 1922s/ Sept. 5 Centre (69-4) »(+ 7 - 3 ; ) ( 56 ) ( 352 ) (3248) 251-609 JB, B n 9 O O ON 117-5 3-4 + 17 0 34 120 0-892 270-1 77-0 4 - 3‘4 0 29 27 inf 121 o-6oo 233-3 43-5 -147 7 52 : Sept. 9 Centre ! ( r 3‘9 )( + 7"3 ) ( 7 ) (1 15 ) (271) ] 252-439 1 JB, E ! 120 0-945 272-9 74 - 3 + 5 -i 0 75 380 nf 121 0-7I2 . 242-4 - 43-3 -137 8 85 Sept, ic 1 Centre 3 (2-9 )( + 7-2 ) (8) (160) 1 (380) Civil Time. 1874. ^56*464 JB, B 557-467 261-450 Sept. 19 0871 0-691 0936 0-875 0-963 0-599 °‘94 I 0-736 0783 264452 JB, B Sept. 22 j 266-414 JB, B Sept. 24 267-425 | JB, Sept. 25 1 122 Centre 122 Centre 124 Centre 123 124 125 Centre 290-5 273-0 252 104-8 275-2 223-3 90-6 117-8 Heliographs 37‘5 20-5 42-9 277-8 (336-6; £ 2 SO + 21-4 + r 3 27 33 - 9‘3 i)(+ 7 -2) (60) 24-6 335-5 238-9 262- 5 263- 8 (3°9‘ 8 )( 0-933 2 77"7 0-934 107-3 8o-8 0-883 0-417 0-897 o-535 o-373 0739 o-88i °"9 1 5 0-911 0-295 0-417 0-914 0-927 0-902 0-451 0-284 0-980 + 7 -o -192 + 1 1-8 + 4'5 16-4 + 7 ' 2 ) 5'9 230-4 233-3 (296-5 288-8 142-4 85-3 250-5 231-9 109-2 7 5 '5 286-3 245-3 327-9 130-5 1 1 6-9 2907 244'3 305-2 161-4 87-8 306-5 229-6 180-0 (244-0] 264-9 229-8 187-1 159-6 142-0 (204-4; + 97 -I3-3 + u"5 )(+7-2) + 19-9 -12-9 4- 7-4 0 (+ 7 ‘i) (29) (°) (°) 245-5 239-5 1 88-i 159-8 117-9 (178*5; 7 i 233-9 224-6 188-3 159-9 867 (165-1 + 217 — 19-6 + 21-3 - 87 + 3-6 ) (+ 6-9) 129 388 ( 517 ) (" 4 ) ( 48 ) (H) — I 4‘ I I — 1 2-9 j + 21-0 | - 9'i : + 162 ■)( + 7"o)| (9 2 ) 4- *77 | — 192 + 21-2 - 9" 1 :) (+ 69)! (82) 76 (87) 1 240c 564 (2472) 1767s/ 2405 141 534 3°3 (515°) 987 517 (1504) 490 (597) 13 65 382 (460) 4x4 (465) 4i5 52 (5io) 33 °s/ 202 (684) 37 ° (822) 402 192 345c (939) Group 1 1 8, August 29-September 5. A scattered group of faint spots. Group 1 19, September 4-9. One spot. Group 119*, September 12-14. A long row of small spots. Group 120, September 9-10. One small spot. Group 121, September 9-12. A group of small spots forming a circle. Group 122, September 15-22. One small regular spot. Group 123, September 22-28. A small spot and a very small marking at a little ^distance. Group 124, September 22-October 1. One large regular spot. ^ 0 + “ rv ' lg at a little distance. Group 125, September 25-30. One small regular spot. Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Facul^e on Photographs Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse on Photographs — continued. RAPHIC Spo Greenwich Civil Time. Measurers. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. Distance from Centre in terms of Sun’s Radius. Position Angle from Sun’s Heliographic Spots. FACUL2E. Greenwich Civil Time. Measurers. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. Distance from Centre in terms of Sun’s Radius. Position Angle from Sun’s Axis. Heliog TS. Facul®. Longitude. Latitude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Longitude. Latitude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1874. ' ‘ ' 0 0. 0 1874. 0 0 O 268-526 JB, B 0-875 284-0 212-2 + 15-5 292 277+77 JB, B 0-891 236-0 87-8 — 26-3 352 I23 0-640 295-0 188-8 + 2I-I 9 33 0-839 269-8 89-5 + 3*3 332 124 0-311 2ll- 5 1600 - 8-6 69 380 I27 0-387 210-2 44'9 -13-2 158 IO44 125 0*894 887 87-2 + 4"3 16 55 545^ 0862 56-5 334-8 + 32-0 223 Sept. 26 Centre (150-6) ( + 6-9) (94) (468) (837) 0-892 I I2‘5 333 + -167 1494 Oct. 5 Centre (32-5) (+6+) (158) ( io 44) (2401) 270'50Q JB, B 123 0-901 289-3 1887 + 20-3 O 18 288s 124 0-629 2477 160-3 - 8-3 67 383 280-508 JB, B 127 0-812 249-8 43-6 -12-4 98 734 125 0-604 927 87-4 + 3-8 O 16 128 0-440 283-8 i8‘2 + 1 1 -6 O 15 127 0-982 105-0 47-6 -13-3 148 1002 1 2 3 1 p Oct. 8 Centre (352-5) (+6-2) (98) (749) (O) Sept. 28 Centre (124-4) ( + 6*8) (215) (H19) 0519) 282-409 B, B 127 0-973 256-4 42-0 -II 7 45 335 2048s 271-516 JB, B 0-923 280-3 1 79' 1 + I2-I 952 128 0771 2817 1 8-0 + 12-9 8 103 124 0-781 2537 160-1 - 8-2 56 34 1 129 0-407 197 + 3347 -167 47 234 i*5 0-402 96-1 87-6 + 37 O 15 Oct. 10 Centre (327+) (+6-i) (100) (672) (2048) 126 o-8oo io8'6 6o - 8 -10-5 IO 59 456c 127 0-936 106-8 44’3 -13-1 105 1399 2251/ 0-919 78-8 437 + 12-9 791 0-937 70-8 4°7 + 20-3 448 285-491 M, M 129 0-806 24+7 336-o -16-3 38 145 Sept. 29 Centre (m-i) (+67) 071) (1814) (4898) Oct. 1 3 Centre (286-8) (+5*9) (38) (145) (O) 287-538 JB, B 129 0-986 252*2 3377 — 16-4 0 77 1 1 87/ 272-476 JB, B 124 0896 257-4 160-2 - 8-1 55 285 130 0-643 82-2 219-7 -4 9"4 1 1 7i 125 0-192 107-1 88-o + 3-3 10 131 Q‘953 82-0 1 87 ' 1 + 9'4 57 171 522/ 126 0-654 116-3 61-9 — 1 1‘5 1 5 70 Oct. 1 5 Centre (259-8) (+57) (68) (319) (1709) 127 0-847 1 10-7 44-1 -13-6 87 868 Sept. 30 Centre ( 98-5) ( + 67) (i57) ( I2 33) (0) 29 1 '5 38 JB, B 130 0-226 285-4 2197 + 8-7 0 26 131 0-324 79-2 188-3 + 8-6 i 20 122 132 o-743 io 5"5 161-0 - 7*7 1 22 135 273-46! JB, B 124 0-974 259-9 1 60-9 - 8-3 69 281 I755S/ Oct. 19 Centre (207-0) (+5-4) | (42) (283) (0) 126 0-495 128-2 62-1 -n-7 9 38 127 0-720 116-3 44-0 — 13-6 1 59 1 1 5 1 1020s/ °'94 I 837 14-9 + 8-4 533 292-503 JB, B 130 o-394 280-6 217-3 + 9"° 13 52 Oct. 1 Centre (85-5) (+6-6) (237) (»47°) (33°8) 131 0-113 59*3 188-7 + 8-6 11 80 132 o-579 I I I "0 161-4 - 7-5 22 79 Oct. 20 Centre (i94*3) (+5*3) (46) (211) (0) 2 75'454 JB, B 0-879 2487 117-0 -I5-3 324 126 0-316 1837 60-3 -1 1-8 1 28 294-551 JB, B 130 0765 276-4 2i7*3 + 8-2 0 16 677/ 127 0-426 142-1 437 -I3-3 J 95 1426 131 0-382 279-8 189-5 + 8-5 15 5° 0865 1037 358-2 - 9"9 247 132 o -245 1547 i 161-2 - 11 2 3 122 0-907 76-3 353-5 + 15-1 184 133 o - 8oo 114-8 118-3 — 16-2 0 21 6 ioc 092 1 7 r 5 351-3 + 19-7 1166 0-961 1017! 94-8 - 9-8 1040 Oct. 3 Centre ( 59 - 2 ) (+6-5) (196) ( 1 4 5 4 ) (1921) Oct. 22 Centre (167-3) (+ 5-0 (38) (209) (2327) Group 126, September 29-October 3. One small spot, and two very small specks near. Group 127, September 28-October 10. A close cluster composed of many spots. Group 128, October 8-10. At first one very small spot ; but on October 10 it has extended into a row of several small fragments. Group 129, October 10-15. Three spots arranged in a line. . Group 130, October 15-22. Two small spots. The smaller of these grows gradually fainter, and disappears on October 20. Group 1 3 1, October 15-23. Single spot. Group 132, October 19-23. Single spot. Group 133, October 22. Single spot. TAKEN AT GREENWICH, AT HARVARD, AND AT MELBOURNE, IN THE YEARS 1874 TO 1 31 0-580 276-8 189 9 ■ -f 8-i 0 27 132 0-259 206-6 1 6 I *2 - 8-3 25 9 ° N Oct. 2 3 Centre 1 54 -6 ) ( > 5 *o) (25) (I 17 ) (326) 3 300*53 1 JB, B 0-918 295-7 I 54-4 + 25-3 N 332 0-951 2597 1 59 2 - 8-3 707 2 o-8oo 1 1 6- 8 39-8 — 1 8 *2 1488 0-916 74-3 22-0 + 16-2 2000 Oct. • 28 Centre (88-4)1 (+ 4 - 5 ) (0) (0) ( 4527 ) s 306*552 JB, B 134 0-638 121-5 334 -6 — l6 - 2 82 446 Nov. 3 Centre (9-0) (+4-0) (82) ( 446 ) (0) 307-488 JB, B 0-819 248-2 48-6 — 1 5-3 1428 1 34 0-498 133-0 334-4 — 162 95 ' 518 Nov. 4 Centre ( 356 - 7 ) ,(+3-9) ( 95 ) ( 518 ) (1428) 308-493 JB, B 0-873 246-0 40-6 — 1 8-8 806 1 34 0-378 155-8 334-2 — 16-4 9 ° 486 1 Nov. 5 Centre ( 343 G) (+ 37 ) ( 9 °) (486) (806) 3 0 9-57 5 JB, B 134 Q ’355 I 9 !-7 333-5 -1 6*6 63 458 Nov. 6 Centre (329-2) ( + 3 - 6 ) ( 63 ) ( 458 ) (0 ] 310-469 . JB, B o"86o 286-5 16-2 + I 5-9 334 1 34 °’435 22 I - 2 334-6 -157 94 557 Nov. 7 Centre (317-4) K+ 3 - 5 ) ( 94 ) ( 557 ) ' ( 334 ) - 312-582 JB, B 134 o -737 246-5 333-7 -147 156 820 Nov. 9 Centre (289-5. >(+ 3-3 (1 56 ) (820; ) (0) 314-47 1 JB, B 134 0-948 254-6 334-4 -i 3-5 18 45 1 Nov. 1 1 Centre (264-6 K+ 3-1 (18) ( 45 1 ) (°) 3 1 5-426 i JB, B 134 0-985 253 1 330-4 . —16 c O 124 502c 135 0-960 » 84-4 ■ 178-3 ; + 6-2 - O 87 2042??^ Nov. 12 Centri (252-0 ) (+ 3 "° ■) (°) (21 I) 1 (2544) 316 47; i JB, I ! 135 0-851 i 83-5 ! i8o-i : + 6-S < 35 1 49 764 Nov. 1 ; 5 | Centr e (238-4 -K+2-8 ; ) ( 35 ) (> 49 ) ) (764) 1874. 326-459 Nov. 23 340-447 JB, B Dec. 136 0868 0-277 0-656 0*960 0*997 o - 86o 0-991 540 0753 0*940 2537 70-9 342704 Dec. 136 137 Centre 138 Centre 2567 j-i2-8 1 82-9 |+ 7'6 . ( 198-2) (t 2 ’ 5 ) 186-3 + . . + 15*6 (H57) (+2-0) 165-1 1887 59'2 38-4 ( io6 - 6) ( 83-4 66*8 0-384 274-5 75-6 0-251 339*8 - 58-2 0-960 105-4 340-4 ( 53 ' 1 ' 138 138 138* 138* 140a 140c 140^ Centre 0-162 0-959 74*8 58*9 ( 9 * 7 )( 19 8-4 + 7 'i + 3-5 + 15-1 17-4 -i*6) (80) ( 68 ) 25 (" 3 ) g lo 368 ( 368 ) 234 (234) 537 119 247 ( 9 ° 3 ) 4-14-6 24 • 5 ) ( 37 ) 5°5 ( 505 ) (°) 5 « 9 P 5 IOC (1099) I 10 1067/ 284 649/ i 809 (712) (2635) 2T2 (32i-8)(4-o-2) 238-6 85-3 2630 263*8 243-1 237-0 81-3 85-3 84-5 78-1 + 27 + i 4‘6 -14-5 )(+>- 1 : - 5 ‘° + 4‘5 (282*3) ( — 0*2) 5 " 1 295 G 292-2 276-6 2706 192*4 183-3 178-0 18 1 -8 . (252*5) (-o*4)| 4‘3 — 121 '9 + 7‘4 + 4’3 + 5-2 ( 39 ) (°) 69 251 | (320) 205 (226) (°) ( 5 ) (14) (hi) 67 (280) (°> 628 (628) 510 (5 IQ ) 178 (178) 205c 335 ( 54 °) n November 7. . Two rather large spots. „pp»- *. behind These die.,, peer ...» on Ne.en.be, n 7 . Group 137, November 20-27. The spot is seen as a notch in th'e limb on November 20. Group 138’, December 7-1 1. A line of very small spots. , . . Group 1 38*, December 9. A few small spots in a straight stream. , . « t a breaks up on December 14 into several little sp >ts, and two fresh Group 140, December 9-18. A very scattered group, composed at first of four spots a, be, and d. Spot « breaks up on He spots appear, e and/. Spot d disappears on December 14, and spot 6 on December 18. Photo-Heliographic Results, 1874-1877. 10 Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Facula 3 on Photographs Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse on Photographs — continued. Greenwich Civil Time. Measurers. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. Distance from Centre in terms of Sun’s Radius. Position Angle from Sun’s Axis. Heliographic Spots. Facul-e. Greenwich Civil Time. Measurers. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. Distance from Centre in terms of Sun’s Radius. Position • Angle from Sun’s Axis. Heliographic Spots. FACULAU 1 Longitude. Latitude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Longitude. Latitude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). i«74- a O 0 1874. 0 0 Q 344*477 JB, B 138 0-876 263-8 290-0 - 57 O 36 462?^ 347H98 JB, B i4oe 0-235 292 182-7 + 107 O 25 139 0-297 ! 319-2 240-6 •f 12-3 O 18 -.40/' 10-297 47*4 176-5 + 10-5 «7 60 140a 0-619 76 7 191-9’ 4- 7*6 15 48 349V Dec. 14 Centre («8 9 *3) (43) (269) (O) 1406 0-623 79-8 1 9 1 '3 + 5*8 O 9 1 40c 0703 84-1 184-9 4 37 22 95 140^ 0-782 : 83-2 178-2 + 4*9 22 80 Dec. 1 1 Centre (229-2) (-07) (59) (286) J8II) 35o*583 JB, B 140a 0716 281-6 193*5 + 7*2 4 69 1 40c 0-625 277*3 I 86-9 + 3*4 10 57 140 d 0-562 285-0 1817 + 7*i 0 5 34574 2 H, BP 140a 0-38l 68-4 191-6 + 7*4 22 249 i4oe 0-618 288-5 .85-, + io-i 0 40 1 40c 0-48I 78-8 184*3 + 47 21 137 I 4 0 / 0-502 292-7 176-6 + 9*9 0 26 H. 140^ 0 -S 9 6 79-9 *76*5 + 5*4 9 76 Dec. 17 Centre (H87) (-i*5) (H) ( J 97) (°) 0-957 55'3 H3*4 + 327 5 1 1 Dec. 1 2 Centre (212-4) (-0*7) (52) (462) ( 5 ") 35i*5i3 JB, B 140a 0-852 278-8 194-1 + 6-7 0 5i 1 40c 0776 275*4 186-9 + 3*2 0 23 347'498 JB, B 140a 0-I58 3367 192-9 + 7*2 1 1 63 I40e 0-768 284-4 l 85*3 + 9*9 0 31 1 40c 0-106 29-9 186-3 + 4*2 *5 9° 140/ 0-672 286-2 177-1 + 9* 6 0 21 1 40CZ 0-236 63-0 177-2 + 5' 1 0 3 i Dec. 18 Centre (136*5) (-i-6) (°) (126) (0) Group 139, December 11. A group of very small spots. TAKEN AT GREENWICH, AT HARVARD, AND AT MELBOURNE, IN THE YEARS 1874 TO 1877 . 11 Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse on Photographs— continued. Greenwich Civil Time. I8 75 . 1-527 Jan. 4 - 55 ° Jan. 5 5- 486 141 Centre 0-567 o‘953 0-930 0-993 0'945 0-906 21-530 JB, B Z 455 + Jan. 25 25734 H. Jan. 26 26-625 Jan. 27 29-552 Jan. 30 150-6 33 1 S' 1 9 I "3 331-9 -13-6 (2987) (- 3-4) -13-8 + ' (258-9) ( — 3 - 7 ) (32) (3i) Greenwich Civil Time. 215 ! (215) 140 (140) 249-3 ; 330-5 297-0 313-5 81-3 182-6 (246-6) ( — 21-0 + 23-9 + 6-2 3 - 8 ) 0-945 0-821 257-2 98-9 278-5 , 1 84-2 169-4 0-909 0-629 0-879 0-970 0707 0-821 0-869 0925 0-916 258-0 IOI-O 287-0 1 72-4 355" 6 ; 36-6 107-8 I 333-8 | ( 35 - 3 ) ( 6-4 13-3 - 8-9 (1 '4-3) (— 4*9) 5+) (o) | (o) (o) 1670s/ 437' (2107) 39 1 235 416 (1042) 944 697 (6) I (42) (1641) (' 36 ) 277-2 s 70-5 291-8' 37-3 (355-5) ( 300-6 293-9 286-0 72-3 289 361 ( 339 - 9 ) ( e i 892 | 294-3 r88o 251-2 0-919! 84-0 + 5-5 + n-o 57) 33-6 264-5 (328-2; + 210 + 17-5 ' 57) + 12-4 + 13-7 ■ 5 - 8 ) 348-5 +18-5 3 5 1 "4 -19-3 223-7 4 3-1 (289-7) (-6-o) (o) (°) m (o) 559 79 (638) 57 39 ( 96 ) (27) (°) (o) 139 409 np 1 34 1 (1889) 826c (826) 78 i 35 c (213) 486 524 (1010) 225 651 403 (1279) 1875. 30-520 Jan. 31 34485 Feb. 4 35-657 H. Feb. 5 36774 H. Feb. 6 144 Centre 144 Centre 38-699 Feb. 9 0-975 285-7 "9 I 72-2 0-928 2517 0-917 67 0-915 80-5 Heliogiiafiik; 352-0 219-4 + 13-8 + 12-2 o -593 0-859 0-887 144a 0-453 144& 0-486 144c j 0-505 Centre j 329-2 197-9 ’ 95-5 (260-5) ( 144a 144 b 144c Centre 0-931 0-425 0-451 460 0-944 0-461 0-454 0-925 144 Centre 144a * 44 c 144* 45‘5 253-2 290-7 23-0 2 57 277 35°-3 3545 359-9 288-5 3487 . 339-4 171-5 + 1 8*8 17 -177 (224-8) (— 6*4) (17) 198-3 284-3 (277-0) ( — 6-i) -I 9-3 + 1 8-o + 6-i 6-2) (o) (o) 150 (o) (150) 268-3 198-6 196-4 194-9 (209-3) ( + 15-0 + 18-3 + 197 + 20-3 -6-4) (12) I I 259-9 198-8 197-1 I 9 F 5 ( 194 - 5 ) 256-6 1 94 ‘ 3 198-5 162-3 + 15-1 + 18-2 + 20-1 + 20-8 6 - 5 ) + 15-0 + 207 + 187 -72-2 ( ! 8 8*8) ( — 6-5) 198-4 +18-2 (169*2) ( — 6-6) 306-4 311-8 82-5 100-4 7 i -4 197-8 ( + 18-7 192-6 +19-6 84-3!+ 5-9 91-0 — 12-6 96-0 I + 14-8 ( i62 2)(— 6-6) (21) (20) ( 8 ) ( 32 ) 100 5 22 (> 27 ) 16 ( 95 ) 97 (121) 59 ( 59 ) 427 1012 (H 39 ) 437 265c 502 (1204) (172) 435 ( 435 ) 478 ( 478 ) 339 265 (604) 44 Ic (44 0 ( 145 ) 702 (1464) Group 141, 1875. January 2-5. Single spot. Group 142, January 16. A group of two or three very small spots. Group 142*. January 22-25. Two large spots close together, and a few small markings round thein. sliahtlv more condensed on January 25. Group 143. January 22-25. A small spot, surrounded by a few very small and scattered markings. It beco g Group 143*, January 26. A small spot. Group 144, February 1-9. A number of spots 111 an irregular stream. Group 144*, February 9-11. A tegular spot. 12 Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Facul^e on Photographs Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faeulae on Photographs — continued. Greenwich Civil Time. Measurers. No. of Group, and Letter for ' Spot. Distance from Centre in terms of Sun’s Radius. Position Angle from Sun’s Axis. Heliogkaphio Spots. Faculas. Greenwich Civil Time. Measurers. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. Distauce from Centre in terms of Sun’s Radius. Position Angle from Sun’s Axis. Heliogp.aphic Spots. Facula?. Longitude. Latitude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for i each Spot (and for Day). | Area for each Group (and for Day). Longitude. Latitude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1875. 0 0 0 1875. 0 0 40-687 H, BP 0-858 292-9 198-1 + 157 682 55-531 JB, B 145 0-475 334-5 320 0 + l8"3 131 696 H. r 44* 0-869 79-8 84-1 + 5-5 O 4° 285c 146 0-232 249-7 320-3 — 1 1-6 53 215 Feb. 1 0 Centre (I43-I) (-67) (°) . (4°) (967) H7 0-677 74-6 266-9 + 4-9 22 108 355 Feb. 25 Centre (307-6) (-72) (206) (1019) (355) 41-205 A, H 0-882 294-4 '93‘5 + 17-8 734 Me. : 4+* 0798 78-5 847 + 5"° I 2 39 941c 56-558 145 f i45 7H Feb. 1 1 Centre (136-2) (-6-71 , (") (39) (1675) 146 147 i Ph otograp h miss ing. 16 0 144 27 Feb. 26 Centre ) t ( 161) (885) (0) 44-° 1 9 A, H H4t ° - 33 6 358-2 99-8 + 12-7 0 10 Me. 0-878 72-5 40-6 + n-7 343 Feb. 14 Centre (99-2) (-6-9) (°) (10) (343) 57-030 A, H 145 i 0-652 308-5 320-1 + 17-8 108 614 146 °-549 2601 321-1 -"•4 1 8 "9 147* 10-442 257-2 313-8 — I2'l 9 36 47-075 A, H 0-957 io8"i 344' 6 -i9‘3 225 Me. 147 o-3S7 57-2 270-4 + 4'3 17 80 Me. J 47 o-479 64-6 262-2 + 5-4 0 20 Feb. 1 7 ! (58-9) (-7-0) (°) (0) (225) o-944 103-4 2l6‘I -15-0 248 Feb. 27 Centre (287-8) (-7-2) (152) (869) (248) 48-448 JB, B 0789 293-0 89-0 + 137 545 0-840 1 1 1-8 343-8 — 22 - I 21 1 58-027 A, H 145 | 0-787 300-0 320-4 + i8'2 156 73i T 45 0-989 70-5 3227 + i7'9 134 478 1 66np 146 0-722 260-9 3212 — 1 i-6 15 1 14 417c Feb. 18 Centre (4°-9) (-7’°) (134) (478) (922) 147* j 0-63 1 2597 313-9 — I2'l 0 9 Me. H7 0*212 2 I "2 270-5 + 4'2 13 79 o-868 I02‘3 213-9 -14-3 260 50-075 A, H 0-907 281-2 83-0 + 7‘° 560 0-921 7 5 -0 2I0'0 + io-8 39 1 1 45 0-893 64-9 321-1 + 1 8-6 125 6 c 6 Feb. 28 Centre (274-7) (-7-2) (184) (933) (1068) Me. 146 0-846 99'3 321-2 — 1 1 -6 28 173 500c 146* °‘9S5 66-i 3 1 11 + 20-3 ■ 0 49 732c Feb. 20 Centre (!9'5) (-7-1) (i53) (828) ( 1 79 z ) 59-077 H, A 145 0-900 294-4 316-3 4 -i 8-3 123 654 898c 146 0-863 260-4 321-1 -"'9 16 76 353c Me. 147 0-253 320-9 270-1 + 4'0 H 7i 51-517 JB, B 145 0732 57-0 320-4 + 18-1 168 725 i47t 0-960 8 1 -i 1 88-5 4“ 6-4 0 1 1 439 ”P 146 0-623 99-7 321-9 — 1 1-6 62 383 Mar. 1 Centre (260-9) (~7'2) (i53) (812) (1690) Feb. 2 1 Centre (o'5) (-7-1) (230) ( 1108) (°) 60-209 A, H 145 o-977 290'S 320-1 4~ 1 8*2 109 634 994 s / 146 0-968 259-8 322-2 1 1 *7 0 31 39° n f 52-527 JB, B 1 45 , o-6oi 46-1 3202 + IS-2 146 658 M 147 0-448 293'9. 270-0 4- 3'9 1 1 66 146 0-428 101-3 322-0 — I 1-2 48 273 Me. 1 47 1 0-782 72 -6 197-1 + 8-8 13 39 l 7 /l 8 c H7 0-986 83-1 267-9 + 5-6 0 166 H7t 0-782 75-6 !9 6 '4 4- 6-5 13 62 r Feb. 22 Centre (347'z) (-7-i) (194) (i°97) (0) i Mar. 2 Centre (245-9) (-7-2) (146) (832) (1732) 61-266 A, H 147 0-644 285-3 270-4 + 4'2 10 49 53'49 6 JR, B 1 45 0-489 28-9 320-0 + i 8‘3 136 679 1 47 1 0‘6o2 67-0 198-1 + 77 10 7' ) 146 0-223 107-0 321-9 -107 63 359 Me. 1 47 1 0-645 70-8 194-3 + 6-6 0 9 r 227c '47 0-946 81-4 264-6 7 57 !9 156 423 n 1 47 1 0-691 72- 1 1907 4- 6-9 0 23 ) Feb. 23 Centre ( 334'4) (r-7'2) (218) ("94) (423) Mar. 3 Centre (232-0) (-7'2) (20) (152) (227) Group 144I", February 14. A small spot. Group 145, February 18-March 2. A very large spot, with two or three small ones near it. Group 146, February 20-March 2. One large spot, surrounded by many small ones. Group 146*, February 20. A small spot following Group 145. Group 147, February 22-March 5. Two small spots. The preceding spot alone has appeared by February 22. The following and smaller spot decreases in size as the group crosses the disk, until on March 5 only the preceding spot is left. Group 147*, February 27-28. A small spot following Group 146. Group i47t, March 1-3. A number of small spots in an irregular stream. TAKEN AT GREENWICH, AT HARVARD, AND AT MELBOURNE IN THE YEARS 1874 TO 1877 . 13 Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse on Photographs —continued. Greenwich Civil Time. i i i No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. Distance from Centre in terms of Sun’s Radius. Position Angle from Sun’s 1875 . 0 63446 JB, B 147 0-934 277-0 H 8 0-41 I 348-5 M:*r. 5 Centre 1 64-070 A, H 0-967 285-6 0-908 281-4 Me. 148 0-446 331-4 Mar. 6 Centre 65-082 A, H 0-929 2847 148 0-571 312-3 Me. 149 0741 257-1 149 0-700 2549 Mar. 7 Centre 66-884 H, WE 148 0-838 294-1 148 0-787 298-2 H. 149 0-954 256 6 1 49 0-912 254-6 Mar. 8 Centre 67-547 JB, B 148 0-893 292-8 1 49 0-964 254-4 0-864 72-1 Mar. 9 Centre 68-528 JB, B 148 0-977 287-6 149* 0-931 9 F 5 Mar. 1 0 Centre 69-597 JB, B 0-908 282-6 149* 0-819 93'5 150 0-971 9 1 "9 Mar. it Centre 70-680 H, EP * 49 + 0-967 279-0 H 9 * 0-651 92-8 H. 149* 0-673 95‘4 150 0-875 90-7 Mar. I 2 Centr< 5 Helioguaphio Spots. Faoula:. Longitude. Latitude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 271-4 + 3-8 O 31 58471 208 *2 + 16-4 18 90 (203-3)! I-7'3) ( 1 8) (I2I) (584) 267-9 + 1 3' 1 243 2587 + 7-2 336 207-9 + 160 l 9 168 ( 1 95" I H — 7-2) |19) (168) (579) 2477 + 9-8 285 2077 1 + 1 6- 1 34 322 229-7 ! -144 J 9 139 226-1 -157 8 55 (1817) 77.) 61) (516) (285) 2 10-5 + '!'« 9 79 204-3 i + 1 6*9 5 84 23i-5 -14-9 0 55 224-6 -17-0 0 81 (158-0) (-7-2) (H) (299) (°) 208 "2 + 16-5 5i 281 1203 sp 225-I -17-0 0 179 lo^np 9 2-5 + u-5 37i (H9"3) (-7- 2) (50 (460) (1678) 211-2 + !5"4 27 247 983/ 67-4 - 6-8 20 182 686 sf (I36-4) (-7-2) (47) (429) (1669) ' »8 5 -I + 8-2 589 6 7 -I - 7-0 31 2>3 789s 1 46-0 - 3-6 48 224 (I22-3: K-7-2; > (79) (437) (»378) ) l8l - 9 Bfij 6-8 0 13 3847^ ! 67-2 - 7'3 8 57 1 65/5 - 9° 0 22 7 46-9 - 4-2 29 9 2 504c (108-0 )(-7-2 ) (37) (184) | .(888) i8?S- 71-060 Mar. 13 72-644 Mar. 1 4 73-584 Mar. 15 74M27 Me. Mar. 16 75760 H. Mar. 17 76-570 77-691 Mar. 19 78-076 I , Me. ! 1 5 ° Centie 0-970 279-4 ’•58 0-831 0*955 262 0-584 0-076 0-273 0-275 0-215 0-125 0-191 0-993 0-965 0-897 0-410 o-294 0-955 0-909 1 5 °t 1 5 1 Centre 0-969 0-754 0-670 0-598 Group 148, March 5-10. Several small spots ranged in a straight line. Group 149, March 7-9. One spot. , Group 149*, March 10-16. One spot, regular in shape. It has divided into two parts 03- March 1 Group 149+, March 12. A small spot. Group 150, March 11-21. Single spot. Group 150*, March 17-21. Some small spots, forming s p Group 1 50. Group 150+, March 17-20. A small spot, not seen on March 18 ; probably hidden by the wire. Group) 151, March 17-29. One large spot. 83-3 Heliogiiaphio Spots. Facula:. -3 u of WHOLE for h Spot (and for )-)• for each Group id for Day) ■|d ill 2 So SJ. < 177-5 67-4 + 7-3 - r 1 16 108 485 46-8 - 3-8 •28 180 394/' 33-4 (103-0) + 15-2 (-7-2) (44) (288) 208 (1087) • 66-9 - 7-8 0 H 46-5 - 41 28 169 (0) (82-1) (-7-2) ( 2 8) (183) 46-8 - 3-9 2 5 166 (o) (69-7) (-7-0 ( 2 5) (166) 66 - o - 9-8 0 10 ; 4 6 7 - 37 1 1 122 (°) (62-5) (-7-i) (11) 0 3 2 ) - 569 — io-o 6 35 - 53‘3 - 9‘9 3 34 ) 47'3 - 3’5 1 1 45 ) 30-i - 6-5 4 27 S 320-8 + 18-0 55 529 3 325-3 (41-0 -13-4 (-7-0 (79) (670) 577 (577) ; 917 7 54-6 + 10-5 - 9M 21 85 435 i 47-1 - 3-5 6 26 342/ l 321-2 + I7-S 9i 384 1 324-3 (304) — 140 (-7-i) 1(118) (495) 5i8 ( I2 95) ) 59-8 - 9'3 o 9 3 537 - 9-8 2 9 5 47-5 - 3-6 0 l8 ? 3i-5 - 7'° 1 0 20 45°/ 4 3219 + 17-6 5° 363 (15-6; I (- 7 - 0 ) > (5°) (439) (45°) 5 84-6 9 59 7 + 8-3 - 9" 2 0 23 3i7 93 1 "/ 2 52-8 - 9-8 4 14 881/ 0 47-0 - 3-3 2 17 , and is not seen on Marcli 15. 14 Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculje on Photographs Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse on Photographs — continued . ! No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. Distance from Centre in terms of Sun’s Radius. J Heliographic - Spots. Faculas. Greenwich Civil Time. Measurers. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. Distance from Centre in terms of Sun’s Radius. Position Angle from Sun’s Heliographic Spots. Facula;. Greenwich Civil Measurers. Position Angle from Axis. 1 Latitude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (anl for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Longitude. Latitude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1875. O 0 0 1875. 0 I ' 0 0 78-076 A, H I5°t 0-353 268-6 31-2 - 7-i O 18 86-530 JB, B 0-875 298-9 3H-0 + 21-2 576 Me. 151* 0-147 142-8 5-3 -137 O 70 151 0-907 294-8 3*9-4 + I9-I 57 330 1 5 1 0-817 62-0 321-3 + 1 8'o 57 329 152 0-226 40-6 2506 + 3 - 2 36 Mar. 20 Centre (io-5) (-7-0) (63) (47 0 (2129) 0-924 78-3 193-2 + 8-i 1*93 Mar. 28 Centre (259-o) (-67) (57) (366) (1769) 79-207 A, H 150* o-833 262-9 52-0 - 9-8 0 8 8°7P 150* 0-817 261-9 50-8 — 10-7 0 1 1 87-713 H, WR 151 0-982 290-6 3*9-* + 187 27 224 839s/- 150 0-788 271-0 47‘5 - 3'5 0 H 152 0-265 3I7-5 2537 + 47 *9 85 Me. 151* 0-2 I I 235-6 5'9 -137 8 107 152 0-243 327-6 250-9 + 5-2 0 20 *5* 0-672 53-4 321-2 + 17-8 62 362 770 nf 152 C192 333-3 248-3 + 3-3 10 88 0- 97 2 101 'I 278-2 -12-4 150 H. 152 0-188 320-5 2502 + *7 0 5 Mar. 21 Centre (355-6) (-7'o) (70) (502) (1727) 152* o - 68o 107-0 200"9 — 1 6-4 0 3* 152* 0-713 107-2 198-2 — 16-9 6 4° o-86i | 79'4 185-4 + 5-6 764 80725 H, WE 0-925 264-5 43'5 - 77 438 Mar. 29 Centre (243-4) (-6-6) (62) (-193; (1603) H. 151* o-557 253-3 8-9 -15-0 0 1 '3 iSi 0-482 30-1 320-8 + 17-9 4» 247 Mar. 2 2 Centre (335-5) (-6-9) (40 (360) (438) 88703 H, WR 1 5 2 0-441 295 I 253-9 -+- 4"8 21 *37 152 0-400 , 297-8 251-1 + 47 5 1 34 152 o-347 298-8 248-1 + 3"4 17 5° 81-435 JB, B 0-9 1 1 264-3 323 - 8-i 230 H. 152* 0-479 Ilio 202-8 -157 0 36 151* 0-687 2567 9-6 -i 4 -i 1 1 1 459 152* 0-547 1 1 1 "3 198-3 -17-0 23 59 *51 o-+34 12-4 320-6 + 18-1 72 343 Mar. 30 Centre (230-4) (-6-5) (66) (3*6) (O) 0-829 77*5 271-9 + 6-3 276 Mar. 2 3 Centre (326-2) (-6-9) (183) (802) (506) 89752 H, WR 152 0-642 285-4 2547 + 4"7 28 172 82-115 A, H 0-947 257-9 29-3 -137 229 152 o-594 285-6 25* "3 + 3‘9 0 20 Me. 151* 0792 250-9 9-5 -19-3 87 702 336c 152 0-552 286-2 248-4 + 3‘3 8 46 *5* 0-425 3467 323-1 + 17-5 55 296 H. 1 5 2 * 0-267 127-6 203-9 — 1 57 8 57 Mar. 24 Centre (317-2) (-6-9) ( 1 42) (998) (565) 152* o -355 120-9 198-1 — 16-6 26 46 0-898 767 *54-5 + 8-9 287 Mar. 31 Centre (216-5) (-6-5) ( 70 ) (34*) (287) 83-448 JB, B 151* o-93i 256-9 8-9 -14-6 102 49 1 879c I5i 0-542 321-0 320-6 + i 8 -s 66 325 0-921 io 5"5 2319 — 16-9 237 Mar. 2 5 Centre ( 2 997 ) (-6-8) (168) (816) (m6) 90-587 WR, H 152 0-689 282-0 247-7 + 3'5 0 . 9 152 0-723 281-7 250-4 + 3‘9 0 38 152 0-771 281-2 254-6 + 4‘4 0 120 84-608 JB, B 1 5i* 0-986 257-0 5‘9 — 1 3 "9 0 215 171c 152* 0-221 142-8 197-4 -16-5 9 78 *5* 0-690 306-3 320-1 + 18-6 60 323 152* 0-189 155-8 200-8 -16-3 0 7 0-951 71-4 215-5 + 15*3 569 152* 0-170 166-2 203-0 -15-9 0 65 Mar. 2 6 Centre (284-4) (-6-8) (60) (538) (74°) Apr. 1 Centre \ (205-4) (-6-4) (9) (3*7) (O) 85-428 JB, B 1 5 1 0795 300-0 320-0 + 18-8 4 1 288 9 1 -460 JB, B 152 o-88o 278-7 254-4 + 4"5 28 1 22 528/ 0-902 70-1 212-4 + H-7 557 152* 0-209 220-8 202"! — 1 5*4 33 194 Mar. 27 Centre (273-5) (-6-7) (40 (288) (5 57) Apr. 2 Centre | (194-0) (-6-4) (61) (3*6) (528) Group 151*, March 20-26. Two large spots. Group 152, March 28-April 2. A number of small spots. Group 1 52*, March 29-April 4, A number of small spots in a straight line. taken at Greenwich, at Harvard, and at Melbourne, in the Years 1874 to 1877 . 15 Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse on Photographs continued. I 1 1 Heliographic Spots. Faculai. t a H icuooP.APHie: Spots. Faoul*. $ w -g a ££ | I J '© a <2 <2 <2.2 2 Greenwich Civil C3 c/5 os <§ o-S tf 3 oS O Greenwich Civil 1 6-J 5 P 0 Time, j s2 g O -e J* ll < 0 co l '5b 1 « 2a £ 2 t Iq gP Time. N 1 2 O O & It < ■g-3 J ^ cL ■— 50 0 |p l\ 1 m S Iq ‘•“tJ % A 5 pH a 7 < < % A S Ph a Q <1 < < 1875. 93-567 JB, B 0-834 295-3 218-1 + 17-0 275 1875. 104-671 H, EP 154 0-329 318-5 32-3 + 8-9 19 101 152* 06 1 5 252-7 203-5 — 1 5*5 0 55 1 1 ■54 0-308 3266 29-5 + 9"5 0 9 153 0 835 I 02* I 109-3 -13-5 0 28312 1 54 0-288 332-1 27-4 + 9"3 0 7 0-912 78-0 I02T + 8-2 34 1 155 0-223 134-4 10-2 -i4-3 59 370 707 (707) A[»f. 4 Centre l66-2) (-6-3) |°) (66) (899) Apr. 15 Centre 0-934 651 3H7 (l 9 -6) + 20-9 (-5G) (78) (487) 9+-5°7 JB, B 153* 0-921 0-263 286-8 20-7 2 I 8 '2 148-4 4- 12-8 + 8-0 0 16 449 io5-543 JB, B i$4 o-449 303-2 30-3 + 9"2 4° 169 336 Apr. 5 Centre (1537) (-6-2) (0) (16) (449) 155 0-161 o-86i 1939 6o-6 10-4 3H-3 -H'3 + 21-9 75 823 Apr. 1 6 Centre (8-i) (-5G) (i'5) (505) (823) 95-4 2 7 JB, B 0-916 285-8 205-6 + 11-9 405 153* 0-265 335-9 I47-8 + 7-8 2 5 1 0-615 0-285 30-7 io-i + 9’ 5 -I3-9 22 66 148 330 Apr. 6 C. ntre (14I-6) (—61) (2) (50 (405) 106-470 JB, B 154 155 293-0 237-5 o-8oo 52-1 3ii-5 + 25-6 7°3 96-667 H. H, WR »53* °"94 I 0-453 254-8 j 299-7 1961 148-6 — 16-3 + 7'4 3 59 393 Apr. 17 Centre 0-917 76-2 291-1 (355-8) + 10-4 (-57) (88) (478) 397 (i 100) Apr. 7 Centre ( I2 5"3) l—6-o) (3) (59) (393) 107-517 JB, B 154 0-806 285-0 33-7 + 8-8 16 106 2 5071/ i 97-522 JB, B 153* 0-597 291-9 147-8 +■ T 9 0 17 155 o-49 1 25i-3 10-4 -13-6 64 292 202 191 Apr. 8 Centre (114-0) (-60) (0) (17) (0) 0-780 0-907 60-2 73-3 2964 279-2 + 19-2 + 127 (398) Apr. 1 8 Centre (342-o) (-5-2) (80) (643) 98-108 A, H 1 53* 0739 285-9 151-9 4- 7*5 0 16 Me. Apr. 9 Centre (106-3) (-6-o) (°) (16) (0) 108-444 JB, B 154 155 0-911 0-652 282-0 255-2 33-8 IO'O + 87 -135 13 38 76 252 61571/ 0-936 72-3 262-9 + 14-6 (50 (328) 241 99-641 H, WR 0-907 281-4 J 49’ 6 + 7-8 34 1 Apr. 1 9 Centre (329-8) (-5-0 (856) 1 5 3 1 °"3 I 4 304-8 100-9 + 47 7 15 H. 1 5 3 1 154 1 54 0-259 0-885 0-905 309-1 77’5 76-0 97-6 25-4 23-1 + 37 + 8-2 + 10-0 5 0 0 42 28 21 440c 109-581 JB, B 154 1 55 0-990 0819 279-2 257-6 35‘5 9-6 + 8-3 — 13-0 0 47 79 243 $oonf 761 sf ■' Apr. 1 0 155 Centre 0-962 102-6 I I -2 (86-q) -137 K— 5*8) 53 ' (65) 434 (54°) 502c (1283) Apr. 20 156 Centre 0-946 75-1 245-7 (3147) + 12-3 X-5-o) 0 1 (47) 3° (352) 58 1 rap (1842) 102-565 JB, B 153+ 0-812 281-3 ioo-8 + 5-8 0 34 1 10-699 H, WR •55 0-942 257-4 10-7 -13-5 0 246 952c ■ 1 5 3 1 0-823 281-0 iot-o + S'7 0 44 287^ H 156 0-831 717 246-3 + 12-3 0 5i 245c 154 0-385 48-6 3o-5 + 9"3 24 100 Apr. 2 1 Centre (300-0] l(-4-9: ) (°) (297) (ii97) 155 0-615 105-8 I 0-0 -14-1 82 482 Apr. 1 3 Centre (47-4; x- 5 - 6 ; ) (i°6) (660) (287) 103-531 JB, B 1 53 + o-g^ 278-6 99-8 + 5-6 0 79 73 7» 1 1 1-659 H, WB 156 0-973 255-0 2931 -13-4 39 459 1 54 0-263 12-6 3 1 "3 + 9'3 32 105 H. 0-705 67-1 245-8 + 12-3 0 1 8 is/ Apr. 1 4 i55 Centre o-437 1 10-8 9-8 (34- 6 : -i3'9 X- 5-5 80 ) ( 1 1 2) 429 ( 6l 3) (737) Apr. 22 Centre 0-925 72-5 222-0 (287-3; + 14-2 ,(-4-s; ) (°) (39) 243 (883) Group 153, April 4. One very small spot. Group 153*, April 5-9. One very small spot. Group 153+, April 10-14. Two very small spots. Group 154, April 10-20. Two small spots on April 10. One spot, regular in shape, on April 13. Has two companions o Group 155, April 10-21. Two large spots very close together. Group 156, April 20-22. One small spot. April 1 5 ; but on April 1 8 only the chief spot remains. 16 Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Facuu® on Photographs Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse on Photographs — continued. <2 i Heliographic Spots. Faculai. ■2 P B Heliographic Spots. Facule. g m S tJ 1 •=■2 2. £ & s £ < <1 § £ 5 Ph i-J < 1875. 0 0 Q . 1875. 265-1 181-5 0 112703 H, WR 0-916 287-8 337*3 + '4’3 109 I 23-072 A, H 156* 0-708 — 6- 1 *9 52 H. 0-823 69-6 22 1-0 + 13-8 207 Me. 157 0-440 300-1 1 59' 1 + 9*3 63 564 (°) Apr. 2 3 Centre (273-4) (-47) (0) (°) (3'6) May 4 Centre (136-5) (-3-7) (82) (616) 113-488 JB, B 0-858 70'2 206-9 + '4-3 291 124-482 JB, B 156* 0-898 264-2 1817 - 6-8 0 26 Apr. 24 Centre (263-I) (-47) (0) (0) (291) 1 57 0-694 287-1 159-8 + 9-' 89 590 (0) May 5 Centre (117-8) (-3-6) (89) (616) 1 14-481 JB, B 0-913 2997 310-6 + 247 652 0841 283-1 160-1 89 1 56* 0-923 94-8 182-6 - 6-i 54 263 706/ 125-504 B, B 157 + 9"o 397 (0) Apr. 25 Centre (250-0) (-4-6) (54) (263) (>358) May 6 Centre (104-3) (-3-5) (89) (397); 1 ' 55 1 5 JB, B 156* 0-807 94‘3 i82'6 — 6-i 39 ,84 126-772 H, WR '57 0-958 280-. 159-8 + 8-7 76. 35« 1275 nf 1 57 0-977 8o‘i i6o‘o + 87 0 552 H. 0-949 104-9 ' 5"9 -15-1 (76) (3 5 1 ) | 38s Apr. 26 Centre (236-3) (-4-5) (39) (736) (0) May 7 Centre (87-5) (-3-3) (1660) 116-497 JB, B 156* 0-653 94-0 182-6 “ 5'9 49 223 128-460 B, B 0-914 105-7 359*+ — 1 5 6 (0) (0) 454 157 0-9 1 4 78-2 158-8 + 8-9 100 823 1 36871/ May 9 Centre (65-2) (-3-i) i <454) Apr. 27 Centre (223-4) (-4-4) (H 9 ) (1046) : (1368)’ 129-700 H. May 10 H, WR 0-744 272 1 1 7'548 JB, B 156* o-455 949 182-5 - 60 28 178 Centre (48-8) (-3-o) (0) H <272) I S7 0798 75-1 I58-3 + 9- 2 127 773 918 nf 130-649 0-967 283-0 + ii-8 Apr. 28 Centre (209-5) (-4-3) (i55) (95') (918) H, WR 110-3 321 H. 0857 290-9 1 92-5 + l6'2 246 May 1 1 Centre j (367) (-2-9) (0) (118) 691 (77°) (0) May 17 Centre 0-944 75'5 2498 (319-2) + I2 '9 (-2-2) (0) (°) 129 <566) Group 156*, April 25-May 5. Two small spots very close together. Group 157, April 26-May 7. One lar«;e spot, with several small ones following it. Group 157", May 1. A pair of spots following Group 157. TAKEN AT OllEENVVICH, AT HakVARD, AND AT MelBOBBNE, IN THE YeaBS 1874 To 1877. 17 Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Fnculte on Photographs— continued. Greenwich •Civil Time. 6^ 1875. 137766 H. May 1 8 138-077 Me. May 19 1 39'°77 Me. May 20 H°*533 May 2 1 141-667 H. May 22 May 23 >43-535 May 24 145- 610 May 26 146- 644 H. May 27 147647 H. May 28 1 50-603 H. May 3 1 152-527 June 2 Centre Centre 0910 0-931 Heliographio I Spots. 2532 252-0 5’I — 167 0-3 | 1 6-5 ( 3 0 z ‘ 1 );( 2-1 Centre Centre 1 57+ Centre No 158 >59 Centre >59 Centre 0-963 0-828 0-875 0-385 •896 0-595 250-8] 2-6 1 — 18-3 72-6 231-1 +15-4 222’0 + > 6-2 1 9 1 "8 + 8 (265-5) ( — 1 or F ac >59 Centre >59 Centre Centre .160 Centre 160 Centre 0-403 0-922 0-217 0-803 78-5 96-0 8r6 195-6 8 189 9 171-4 (250-5) ( ulae + 4'4 + o-86i •964 0-853 >735 66-9 82-6 210-6 163-0 ( 22 5 - 8 )(- + 163 (i 9 8-4)( 162-7 1 1 7 ‘9 , (1 84-6) ( 284-3 103-6 + + 6-5 8-5 • 8-5 163- 1 1 1 8-8 , (>7>*4)( 190-9 58-1 ( > 32*2) ( 60*6 ("9 - 9)(-°'4 164- 3 60-5 Greenwich Civil Time. (0) (0) 282 1 >9 (401) 1875. 1 53-602 JJ June 3 p .(0) 288 209 (497) 154532 J: June 4 (0) <°) 259 ( 2 59) 155-634 J June 5 (°) (°) 226 (226) 158-532 J June 8 0 >3 >77/ 160-564 ' J (0) (> 3) 121 244 (542) June 10 0 46 35 9°5 f 161-560 . June 1 1 June 1 2 (0) (81) (9° 5) 0 27 164-686 ] (0) ( 2 7) (°) H. 5 26 June 14 (5) (26) 103 (>°3) June 1 5 166-516 6 (6) 18 (18) 176 (176) (°) 3 (0) 186 232 (4 1 8) June 16 79 >67*457 June 17 (3) (79) ' (°) 33 202 639 549*1 169*478 f (33) (202; ) (>>88) June 19 160 Centre 160 Centre 160 Centri 1 60 Centre 0-918 >•553 0-949 0-380 283-8 0-586 160 ! o-886 Centre! Spots 160 Centre No Centre No 161 Centre 161 Centre 161 Centre 0966 0-906 o-86i 284-7 119-3 1567 252-6 258- 2 259- 1 or Fac 254-9 83-3 68-8 1510 60-7 £ s. + 12-6 ' -io-8 58 109-7 ! 6o-8 j (92 *6) ( 0*2)! (58) + 13-8 10-7 Spots 0-566 0-843 0-381 (80-3) ( — o-i) 61-3 10-1 (657) ( + °‘>) 61*8 (27'4)( + °'4) 62-0 ]— 10 (o"5) ! ( + o-) 61-5 1—10-4 (347‘3) l ( + °‘ 8 ) 9-6 -13 246*8 -f- 6 4 230-3 + 20-9 (305-9)(+ r2 ) ulae 80-9 103-8 7 6 '3 (28 1-7) (+ 1*4) 318-2 817 247-6 225-4 247 ’4 49 6 ] (49 6 ) ] 478 ! (478) ; 520 (520) 502 (502) bo 433 (60) (433)1 + 6-2 10-9 + 6-6 (269-2) (+ > - 5) 246-8 178 + 6-6 + 8-2 (242*5) ("F i' 7 ) ( >22) (°) (23) 457 (457) 686 ( 686 ) 217 (217) (°) (o) 701 sf (701) 582c (582) (O) (649) >79 ] (>79) 545 (545) 722 (722) 234 (234) (°) 214 (2 >4) Group 157I-, May 22. A small spot. Group 158, May 24. Two small spots. cS ,'iJ' *£ 17 , 8 -T°»” yS! ft group g~tty i»o~ r in sir. .« Juno 3 .»d following d.jo Group 1 61! June 16-24. Three or four small spots close together. Photo-Heliouraphic Results, 1874-1877. 18 Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Facul.® on Photographs Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse on Photographs — continued. Greenwich Civil Measurers. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. Distance from Centre in terms of Sun’s Radius. Position Angle from Sun’s Axis. Heliographic Spots. FACUL2B. Greenwich Civil Time. Measurers. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. Distance from Centre in terms of Sun’s Radius. Position Angle from Sun’s Axis. Heliographic , Spots. Fa cun®. 3 Latitude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Longitude. Latitude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1875. Q O * 0 . 1875. O 0 0 170-644. JB, B 161 0-366 283-4 247 9 + 6-6 98 527 180-081 A, H 0-916 281-8 i68‘2 + 12-0 545 June 20 Centre (227'o)'(+ 1*9) (98) (527) (°) 164 0-583 284 3 136-9 + IO'6 25 72 Me. 163 0662 109-3 62-7 — 10*4 16 130 163* o-86o 8o-2 42-9 + 9-9 0 1 1 318/ 171-678 H, WR 161 0-605 277A 250-3 4- 6-i 24 170 June 30 Centre ( 102-0) (+ 2-9) (40 (2 13) (863) 161 0-521 278-3 244-4 + 6-o 3 + 201 H. 162 0-215 1397 205-3 - 7'4 0 18 162* 0767 69-1 164-9 + 17-2 0 22 773 / 182-426 JB, B 164 0-924 282-0 I 38-5 1 + 12*3 18 139 26577 June 21 Centre (213-3) (+2-0) (58) ( 411 ) (77 3 ) 163 0-260 1487 63-2 1- 9-6 21 102 July 2 Centre ( 7 I-0) (+ 3 - 2 ) ' ( 39 ) : ( 241 ) (265) 172-497 JB, B 161 0705 276-8 247-0 + 6-2 72 44 ° 162 0-198 203-3 207-0 - 8-4 3 i 206 183-602 WR, H 0-987 279-7 136-5 + 10-2 4°9 June 22 Centre (202-5) (+2-1) ( io 3 ) (64 6) (°) H. 163 0260 210-2 63-1 - 9' 6 15 i 93 July 3 j Centre ( 55 - 5 ) (+ 3 - 3 ) 05 ) (93) (409) I 73 -S 30 JB, B 161 0-854 275A 247-3 + 5-8 103 333 955c 1 85*393 JB, B 163 0-556 247A 62-9 !- 92 13 1 40 162 o-334 239-5 205-6 - 7-6 105 55i July 5 Centre (3i*3)(+3*5) (13) (40) (°) June 23 Centre ( 188-8) (+2-2) (208) (884) (955) 186-429 JB, B 163 0-729 253-3 62-9 - 9'5 9 38 I7A4 8 3 JB, B 161 0-942 275A 246-4 + 5-8 7 i57 490c July 6 Centre (!8-o) (+3-6) ( 9 ) ! (38) 1 <°> 162 0-524 251-2 206-1 - 7‘7 184 775 June 24 Centre (176-2) (+2-3) (19O (932) (49°) 188-596 WR, H °'953 257-9 60-5 -io- 3 4°9 H. 164* 0-825 74-2 294-3 + 15-2 0 27 309c I75-552 JB, B 162 0704 257^ 205-7 - 7‘o 181 856 July 8 Centre (349'4) (+3-8) (0) (27) (7i8) June 25 Centre (162-0) (+2'4) (181) (856) (°) 1 89-595 WR, H 16+* o-686 28 1 59 176-519 JB, B 162 0-846 259-I 2o6*2 - 7-8 123 826 H. June 26 Centre (H9+) (+2‘5) ( I2 3) (826) Iff July 9 Centre (28) (*59) (0) I 9°"554 JB, B 164* 0-522 66-3 293-9 + 15-6 36 144 I77-53I JB, B 162 0-941 26l-I 205-3 - 7'4 106 611 717c 0-947 80-5 252-1 + 10-3 826 163 0-961 I02’9 63-1 — 1 1 -6 28 170 329 P July 10 Centre 323-5) (+ 4 ’o) ( 36 ) ( 1 44 > (826) June 27 Centre (ns-g) (+2-6) ( 1 34) (78 i) (1046) 192-585 WR, H 0-946 256-2 6-i — 1 1 -6 428 H. 164* 0-213 i-6 296-2 + 16-5 0 1 1 164* 0-238 20-9 291-5 + 17-0 17 75 178-611 H, WR 164 0-312 295-9 138-1 + 10-5 5 28 July 12 Centre 296-6) ( + 4-2) (17) (86) (428) H. 163 0-870 104-0 62-5 — 10-7 20 163 402c June 28 Centre ( 1 2] -6) (+2-8) (25) (190 (402) 193-644 WR, H 164* 0-267 324-0 291-9 + 167 6 69 H. o-955 96-8 210-5 - 5-2 668 July 13 Centre 282-5) (+4'3) (6) (69) (668) 179-501 M, M 164 0-482 285-4 137-8 + 98 10 5i 194-640 WR, H 164* 0-428 300-7 291-9 + 16 -6 O ! 45 ; 163 0-750 107-2 631 — io-8 18 1 1 1 H. 0-897 ioo-i 2o6 - 8 - 7 *i 609 June 29 Centre (109-8) (+2-9) (28) (162) (0) July 14 Centre 269-4) ( + 4-4) (°) 1 (45) (609) Group 162, June 21-27. Single spot. Greatly increases in size, and breaks up into several spots on June 23. Group 162*, June 21. A small spot. Group 163, June 27-July 6. One spot at first, which breaks up into two on July 3. Group 163*, June 30. A small spot. Group 164, June 28-30. One small spot, regular in shape. It has broken up into several spots on July 3. Group 164*, July 8-14. Two spots. TAKEN AT GREENWICH, AT HARVARD, AND AT MELBOURNE, IN THE YEARS 1874 TO 1877 - 19 Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse on Phot< jgraphf 5 — continued. & I i Hemographic Spots. Fa cum. <2 I J 0 1 Heliographic Spots. Faculie. S 1 <§* if *s- iii Civil 1 1 I a* Distance from Centre in t of Sun’s Radius. J I P i Latitude. each Spot (and for Day). s > A sill 1 c it i a »reenwich Civil Time. Measurers. h4 s J -81 O 1/1 Distance from Centre in of Sun’s Radius. Position Angle from Axis. Longitude. p p 3 - 5 g a-3- St M CO < Area for each Grou] (and for Day). 1875. July 16 4 ' H I 0-965 0-905 282-6 83-8 325-8 ;#> + >3‘4 + 7‘5 ( + 4-6) (0) ft 372 299 (670 1875. 208-450 Tuly 28 JB, B 1 66 Centre 0. °. 0 2 54*7 83-0 104-5 159-0 - 44’7 - 22*2 - ( 86*7) ( -131 f 8-8 - 10-9 + 5’ 6 ) 32 j (32) 1 7 * (171) 152 184 (336) 197-598 H. (VE,H 164+ i6 + t zm o '435 0-381 0-913 5$ 73’3 2995 292-5 254-1 ;s-3 — 106 + 177 + 15-1 + 14-1 + 17-2 0 0 22 8 233 49° 298 209-472 July 29 JB, B 166 Centre 0-941 0-490 ’£9 141-8 43M ' (73'*) < ,+57) 31 (3i) 209 (209) 184 (184) 0-924 84-7 162-7 + 6-7 (30) (0) 377 July 17 b 8 y 4 ?! JB, B Centre Centre 0-965 287-2 (230-3^ (+47) + 17-8 ( + 4"8) (0) (°) (1 398) 217 (217) 210-594 July 30 JB, B 166 Centre 0-220 77-2 ($) (+ 5-8) 26 (26) 167 (167) (0) July 19 No Spots or Fac 211-509 July 31 JB, B 166 Centre 0-067 3297 48-2 (46-3) + 9’ 1 (+5‘9) 20 (20) 1 5 6 (1 5 6 ) (0) 200 660 WR, H o-888 282-4 252-5 + 1 3"3 583 ; H. July 2 0 1 Centre (1897) (+5-0) (0) (°) (583) 213-472 JB, B 166a 166& 0-581 : 0-368 276-1 276-5 55’9 4 I- 9 + 8-4 4- 8-o 44 33 272 218 123 (•23) July 2 1 No Spots or Fac ulse. Aug. 2 Centre j 0-797 78-0 327-3 (20-3) + 131 (+6-o) (77) (49°) 202-645 WR, H o-975 84-8 85-9!+ 6-3 1390 36 29 H. July 22 Centre ( 163-5) (+5' z ) (°) (°) (1390) 214-501 JB, B 1 66a 16 6b j 0-772 0-592 ! 275-9 274-7 57M 43-o + 8-4 + 77 124 •45 ! (269) (0) 203-044 ' A, H 0-780 251-4 206-9 — ii’o 347 Aug. 3 Centre (67) (+6-i) 1 (65) Me. July 23 | Centre (158-2 •)'(+ 1 (0) (°) (347) 216492 JB, B 1 66a 0-97I 277-2 57-o + 8-4 O 88 644®/ 1 66b 0-902 i 276-4 45-o + 8-4 37 1 12 204-489 JB, B 0-948 257-5 208-9 — I 0-0 12 3°9 Aug. 5 Centr* (34o-4 >(+«•*: > (37) (200) (644) 165 0-572 587 i 107-5 ; + 2i-7 O 223 (532) j July 24 Centre 0-960 ! 104-4 1 67-3-12-2 K 1 3 9 " 1 ) (+ 5-3 ' ) (0) (12) Aug. 6 No 1 Spots or Fa< culse. 205-445 JB, B 0-887 1 277M - 189-3 j+ 9" 1 22 (22; 327 Aug. 9 1 Nc > Spots or Fa culse. July 2 5 165 Centn 0-437 0-900 e , ' 47*2 5 I 02 ’ 5 ( 106-3 +22‘2 ; 63-9 - 8-8 ( 1 26- 5) (-h 5-4 ) (°) 206 1 (533) 221-463 Aug. 1 c 1 JB, E ) Centr 0-822 e ■ 283-5 ; 33°-2 (2747 i +14-7 ) (+ 6 ’4 ) (0) (0, 163 ) (163) 206-5 IC July zt ) JB, I 1 166 Centr 0- 9 2( e 7 83-; 7 43-8,+ 7"S (1 12-3) (+5"5 ) !9 :) (19) 172 (172; 830 n ) (830) f 222*591 J j JB, I j 0-91* ; 286-; 7 326-; 5 +I7-5 21 I 620 ) (831) 207-58 July 2 ’ 3 JB, 1 7 B l66 | Centr o-8o e 1 843 44-8 + T\ (98-2)!(+5'< } 0 5) (0) 95 (95 ) (0) Aug. 1 ■! Cent] o- 9 7< re 5 84-: 1 1 8 1 < (259‘i ! ? + 7-i 0(+6-‘ ;) (0) j (0 Group 164+, July 17. A short stream. Group 165, July 24-25. One small spot. , Group 166, July 26-August 5. Several small spots close togetliei. The group becomes more and 1 nore scattered up to August 2, when it has completely divided into two parts. 20 Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculjs on Photographs Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculae on Photographs — continued. Greenwich Civil Time. g 1 £ No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. Distance from Centre in terms of Sun’s Radius. Position Angle from Sun's Axis. Heliographic Spots. FACUL2E. Greenwich Civil Time. Measurers. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. Distance from Centre in terms of Sun’s Radius. Position Angle from Sun’s Axis. Heliographic Spots. Faoulib. Longitude. Latitude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Longitude. Latitude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Aiea of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1875. 0 0 1875. 0 0 224*517 JB, B 0-917 2837 301-4 Fi5-i 316 237-642 WR, H 167 0-045 316-1 62 -6 + 9"o O 19 0-833 84-5 177-6 4- 8-2 399 H. 168 0-227 88-3 47-6 1+ 7'3 18 86 Aug. 13 Centre ( 2 3 4 " 3 ) (+6-6) (o) . (O) (715) Aug. 26 Centre ' (6o-8) (+7-0 (18) (105) (O) Aug. 14 No Spots or Fac ulae. 238-537 JB, B 167 0-242 279-0 62-9 + 9"i 0 23 168 0-024 99-9 477 + 69 27 128 Aug. 27 Centre (49-o) (+7-i) (27) OS*)! (0) 227-425 JB, B 0-893 283-6 259-8 + 15-1 243 Aug. 1 6 Centre (196-0) ( + 67) (0) (0) (243) 2 39-640 WR, H 167 0-472 275-3 62-7 + 8-9 O 13 H. 168 0-236 272-0 48-1 + 7'5 20 9 1 Aug. 17 j Aug. 28 Centre (344) (+7-2) (20) (104) (0) to } No Spots or Fac ulae. Aug. 1 9 1 240-480 JB, B 168 0-410 271-8 47-6 + 7‘3 33 128 Aug. 29 Centre (23-3) (+7*2) (33) (128) (O) 231715 H. WE, H 167 0-971 82-0 62-3 + 9-4 0 102 4 Aug. 20 Centre (*S|) (+6-9) (°) (102) (4H) 24 1 -+38 JB, B 168 0606 27 3 ’9 48-1 + 8-i 23 123 169 O vO O 104-5 306-0 -10-3 0 >4 34IC Aug. 30 Centre ( i°7) ( + 7-2) (23) ( 1 37) (34*) 232-461 JB, B 167 0-919 837 62-1 + 8-5 22 i I S 168 0-987 84-2 4 8 ’3 4- 6-9 59 382 646 A ug. 2 1 Centre (129-3) ( + 7-o) (81) (497) (646) 242-440 JB, B 168 0-766 2 74'3 477 + T 9 12 75 1071 np 0-838 io 4'5 302-6 - 8-o 328 Aug. 3 1 Centre- ( 35774) (+7-2) (12) (75) ( 1 399) 233-639 JB, B | 0-896 276-5 177-8 + 8-9 327 167 0-783 85-0 62-0 + 8-2 26 82 1 68 0-919 86-i 467 + 6-3 50 300 149971 243-526 JB, B 0-884 98-2 282-0 - 3-8 967 Aug. 2 2 Centre (II3-7) ( + 7-o) (76) (382) (1826) Sept. 1 Centre (343‘i) ( + 7-2) (°) (°) (967) 234-505 JB, B | 0-944 277-3 173-6 + 9"2 135 244-765 H, sr 0-959 278-3 40-9 + 10-0 933 167 0-641 857 62-2 + 8-4 13 50 H. °"943 258-4 35‘5 - 8-4 561 168 0-818 86 - 6 47-1 + 6-8 62 253 970? i'p Sept. 2 Centre (326-7) (+7'2) (°) ip) (H94) 0-962 103-3 30-2 — 107 256 Aug. 23 Centre (102-3) (+7-o) (75) (393) (1361) Sept. 3 No Spots or Fac ulae. Sept. 4 No Spots or Fac ulae. 235-682 WR, H 167 0-410 83-5 62-4 + 9" 1 0 32 Sept. 6 1 H. 168 0-637 86-9 47-0 + 7‘5 18 161 to No Spots or Fac ulae. Aug. 24 Centre (867) (+7'0 (18) (*9 3) (0) Sept. 8 f 251-414 JB, B 0-913 2597 303-3 - 6-3 291 0-895 286-8 303U + 18-3 220 | 236-755 WR, H .167 0-174 78-9 62-6 + 8-9 0 28 170 0-566 1 35 '9 214-6 — ! 7"3 0 17 H. 168 0-423 877 47-4 + 7A 20 129 0-900 82-8 174-2 + 97 224 Aug. 25 1 1 Centre ( 72 - 5 ) (+7-0 (20) (*57) (0) Sept 9 Centre (238-9) (+ 77 ) (0) i' 7 ) ( 735 ) .Group 167, August 20-28. One spot Group 168, August 21-31. Oue spot. Group 169, August 30. One small spot. Group 170, September 9-1 1. Two small spots. TAKEN AT GREENWICH, AT HARVARD, AND AT MELBOURNE, IN THE YEARS 1874 TO 1877 . 21 Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculae on Photographs— contmued. Greenwich 1 Civil Time. I Measurers. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. Distance from Centre in terms of Sun’s Radius. m Heliogkaphic Spots. Position Angle from Axis. 1 J Latitude. Area of UMBRA lor | each Spot (and for 1 Day). Area of WHOLE for 1875 . 253-670 H, ST 170 0-417 199-6 217-4 ■ — 15 9 O H. 170 0-416 1902 213-5 — 169 0 Sept. 11 1 Centre ( 209 'I)( ;+ 7 - 2 ) (°) Sept. 13 No Spots c )r Kao 1 rise. JB, B 171 0-965 76-6 96-0 + 14*8 38 Sept. 14 Centre ( 17 I- 9 ) (+ 7 - 2 ) ( 38 ) ( 257-478 JB, B 0-891 246-9 2 i 7*5 — 16"8 17 1 o -866 76-5 98-3 | + 15-2 5 172 0-294 93 *° 1 1417 + 6 -o 0 Sept. 15 Centre ( 158 - 8 ) ( + 7 - 2 ) ( 5 ) 258-426 JB, B 171 0740 76-0 98-5 + 15-1 0 Sept. 16 Centre ( 146 - 3 ) (+ 7 ' 2 ) (°) 259-096 A, H 0-960 827 63-1 + 9 *° It. Me. Sept. 17 Centre d 37 - 5 )( + 7-0 ( 0 ) 260*679 H, ST o - 866 80-3 56-2 I+ 1 I 7 1 H. Sept. 18 Centre (u 6 - 6 )( + 7 -i) (°) Sept. 21 ) to No Spots or Fac 1 ulse. Sept. 23 f | 266574 H, ST 0-889 266-2 ioi-i — 0-2 H. 0-871 286-5 99-8 1 + 177 Sept, 24 Centre (38-8 •).(+ 6 "9 ) (°) 267-593 H, SI 0-944 283-9 , 96-9 1 +I 5-4 0-948 104-2 3i6-c ) — I I * I H, , 0-972 266-5 : 101-7 ' ~ r 7 Sept 25 Centn (25-3 )(+6-9 ) (0) 269-54^ > JB, I 5 0-877 28 o-C ) 61-4 \ +I 2 -C 173 0703 ; 109-4 i 317-7 7 - 8-4 -i 18 0-986 i 8o-; ; 278-; 5 +10-4 .I Sept. 2; r j Centr e (359 -( i)(+6-8 > (18) 9 (33) (°) 173 ! 6ll l 76 .1 1 (87) 43 (43) (°) m (°) 134 39 6 * (53°) 641 s ( 641 ) (°) (in) 297 336 265 35° 657 Greenwich Civil Time. J i c s - § a £ 1875 . 270-722 H. Sept. 28 H, ST I I c. 271-467 M, M 1 I Sept. 29 c 272-471 Sept. 30 JB, B 1 1 c 273-065 Me. Oct. 1 A, H c 1 274-423 JB, B Oct. 2 ) ( 276715 H. Oct. 4 H, ST 1 ) 277-566 JB, B Oct. 5 0 278423 ) ; JB, B s) j Oct. t ’ Centre 0-494 °’S 54 >•917 0-361 0571 o‘ 8 ii 0-255 0-746 0-265 Spots. 173 1 0-444 174 280-0 1 345 230-6 8ro 171-1 241-6 318-4 314-0 - 8 -o - 8-4 ( 321 - 0 ) (+ 6 - 7 ) 238-4 175 175 176 177 Centre 0-955 252-0 0-269 I97‘6 4i-3 3*9*3 2797 3187 3-8 (344-0) (-6-8) *9 - 15-2 7 , +H-3 (334^) (+ 6 *7) 7-8 - 15-8 318-1 (3i 3 -2)(+6-7) ■838 0620 0-589 0754 0-749 0-376 254-8 247-8 245-6 254-9 285 2 287-4 ( 265 - 0 ) (+ 6 - 5 ) 260-5 2 49'3 257A 284-0 581 I 281 3I9-7 3003 2977 7-8 (24) 25 o (25) 32 o (32) o (°) - 7-3 — I 4'9 3i7-5 4‘9 299-9 (295-2) (+6-6) ( 27 ) - 9"° I - 8-2 - 8-6 3007 302-1 275-2 + 1*5-6 + 12-4 (253-8) (+ 6-4) 317-1 297-8 300-3 302-1 277-8 ■ 7‘5 ■ 14-0 ■ 7'4 + I5-3 + 1 1 -6 (27) 136 77 (213) 157 28 (185) 120 H (* 34) 77 (77) 166 (239) 1 1 6 27 ; (*43) 85 16 27 (128) (°) 53 (184) (242-5) (+6-4)| (14) 73 11 12 (9 6 ) (o) (°) 373 s/ (373) 292 232c ( 524 ) 16 6 p loop (3 66 ) 217c 328 np (962) Group 171, September 14-16. Three or four very small spots. Group 175, October 2-7. Two spots. Group 176, October 5-6. Two small spots close together. Group 177, October 5-9. A scattered cluster of very small spots. 22 Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculas on Photographs Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculae on Photographs — continued. Greenwich Civil Time. Measurers. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. Distance from Centre in terms of Sun’s Radius. Position Angle from Sun’s Axis. Heliographic Spots. FACULiE. Greenwich Civil Time. Measurers. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. Distance from Centre in terms of Sun’s Radius. Position Angle from Sun’s Axis. Heliographic Spots. Faculs Longitude. Latitude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Longitude. Latitude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day)". Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day), Area for each Group (and for Day). 1875. 0 0 O 1875. ■ 0. 0 0 2 79'4-39 JB, B 0-952 2847 302-0 + 1 5’9 251 298-415 JB, B 180 O'8o8 79-8 284-9 + 1 i"o 52 319 0-940 2577 297-4 - 9'3 135 Oct. 26 Centre (338-8) ( + 4-8) (52) (319) (°) 175 0-951 259-8 299-6 - 76 0 20 21 3 f 1 77 0721 281-2 275-2 + 12-4 34 122 Oct. 7 Centre (229-1) (+67) (34) (H2) (599) 299-112 A, H 0-934 282-2 38-8 + 131 388 M 180* 0-584 287-2 4'4 -H3-8 5 18 Me. 180 0-702 79'9 285-0 + 10-4 62 414 510/ 280705 H, ST 177 0-904 279-2 277-5 + II-2 0 58 481c Oct. 27 Centre (329-5H+47) (67) (432) (898) Oct. 8 Centre (212-3) ( + 6-2) (°) (58) (481) 300-066 A, H 180* 0753 284-7 5'5 + 14" 1 9 4° il 180* 0-720 286-0 2’5 + 147 6 [ 1 ^ Zp 281-41 5 JB, B 177 0964 280-4 278-1 + ii-6 0 20 154c Me. 180 0-54° 77M 2847 + 107 58 335 178 0-237 243-6 215-2 O’O 0 12 Oct. 28 Centre (317-0) (+4-6) (67) (381) ( ! 32) Oct. 9 Centre (203-0) (+6-2) (°) (32) ( J 54) 282-457 JB, B 178 0-438 2587 214-5 + °"6 6 S 2 301-042 A, H 180* o-88 1 2837 59 + 14-2 %6 X 33 489c Oct. IO Centre (189-2) (+6-1) (6) (32) (°) Me. 180 0-342 69-3 285-1 + II-2 45 442 Oct. 29 Centre (304-1) (+F5) j (45) (475) (489) 283-429 0-957 88-3 io 3‘4 + 3'4 424 Oct. 1 1 Centre (176-5) (+6-o| (°) (°) (424) 304-665 H, ST 180 0-490 286-3 284-9 + ii-6 65 386 H. 0-915 80-9 190-0 + 100 419 284-108 A, H o-886 7 3 ' 5 104-8 + I7A 3 1 5 N ov. 1 Centre (256-3) ( + 4-2) (65) (386) (419) Me. 0-909 87-5 1 02 " 1 + 4-8 7H Oct. 1 2 Centre (167-5) ( + 6-o) (0) (0) ( 1 029) 305:386 JB, B 180 0-621 282-0 284-8 F10-7 83 305 Oct. 1 3 No Spots or Fac ulse. Nov. 2 Centre (246-8) (+4'2) (83) (305) (°) Oct. 17 No Spots or Faculae. 306-753 H, ST 180 0-827 280-6 284-5 4-10-9 5° 343 464c 0-877 82-8 167-5 + 8-2 531 0-963 104-2 156-0 -125 148 290-213 A, H 0-965 276-4 1621 + 77 194 Nov. 3 Centre (228-8) (+3'9) (5°) (343) ("43). 178* 0-896 2 547 148-0 — IX'I 0 19 Me. 178* 0-871 252-8 '4S'i — I2'0 0 20 292c 0-961 68-5 ; 12-3 + 22"2 368 Nov. 6 No Spots or Fac ulae. 0-969 81-3 io-8 + 9'9 301 Oct. 1 8 Centre (87-0) (+5-6) (0) (39) ("55) 311-497 JB, B 0-879 267-8 227-5 - 0-4 241 Nov. 8 Centre (166-3) (+ 3-4) (0) (0) (24O 293-402 JB, B 0-842 272-2 102-3 + 4"8 74 1 79 0-1 61 51-2 37’6 + 11-2 0 22 Oct. 2 1 Centre (44 "9) (+5’5) (0) (22) (74) Nov. 10 No Spots or Fac ulae. 1 297-476 JB, B 180 0-912 80-3 285-3 > -f- 1 0-8 90 5°5 895/- Oct. 25 Centre (3SI- 2 ) ( + 4'9) (9°) (5°5) (895) Nov. 12 No Spots or Fac ulae. Group 178, October 9-10. Two very small spots. On October 10 one of the two spots has disappeared. Group 178*, October 18. A short stream. Group 179, October ai. A small spot. Group 180, October 25-November 3. One large spot. Group 1 80*, October 27-29. A regular spot, with a small companion on October 28. TAKEN AT GREENWICH, AT HARVARD, AND AT MELBOURNE, IN THE YEARS 1874 TO 1877. 23 Greenwich Civil Time. Measurers. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. Distance from Centre in terms of Sun’s Radius. 1875. 316-026 A, H 0-889 2 Me. 0799 2 Nov. 13 Centre 3*8-41 5 JB, B 0-960 2 181 0-924 2 0-902 1 Nov. 1 5 Centre 321-410 JB, B 1 820s 0-604 : 182ft 0-685 : 0-932 Nov. 18 Centre j 322-401 M, M 182a 0-423 182ft 0508 183 0-706 Nov. 19 Centre 323739 M, M 1 82a 0-183 1 82ft 0-267 183 0-485 184 0-891 185 0-992 Nov. 20 Centre 325-429 M, M 182a 0-376 182ft 0-268 183 0-168 184 0 "606 185 0-839 Nov. 22 Centri 326-49* ? JB, B 1 82a 0-585 1826 0-478 183 0-265 1 84a 0-349 184ft 0-442 185 o-686 Nov. 23 Centr 6 Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Facul* on Photographs - continued . Heliographic (io 6 - 5 )(+ 2 * 9 ) + 9' 2 1 3'4 1 46-8 142-0 3-6 105-9 76-9 n 1-4 1 1 1 4 76-9 I 44 ' 6 129-9 71-9 100-3 78-6 247-5 235-5 17-7 1056 77.0 2560 251-4 303-9 117-8 112-7 74-8 359 ‘ 8 354 -o 327-1 -181 + 17-1 I 9 -2 ( 75 -i)(+2- 6 ) - 7 ‘i - 9 " 1 + 13-! ( 35 - 6 )(+ 2 - 3 ) 358-8 3 54 -- 1 338-3 (22-5: - 8-7 + 107 )(+ 2 ' 2 ) i '4 3557 3397 305-4 2847 63 (342-6) (+i-8) (125) 2-9 355'4 339'7 3067 286-2 6-5 + 1 1-6 ( 7 - 5 ) (+2-0) (°) (°) ( 39 ) ( 89 ) Pi (o) 9 ( 9 ) 136 61 (i97) 140 42 36 (218) - 6-6 - 6-9 + 10-9 + ii-: 3‘2 355-5 34 1 "4 3 io -5 304-3 286-2 - 67 - 7‘3 + io-i 7 - 8 8 - 3 + n -5 528 186 (7H) 166 200 rf 219 ( 585 ) 542 ( 542 ) 520/ (520) Greenwich Civil Time. 19 (328-5) ( + 17 ) (l°8) I ( 44 6 ) 267 5 6 (507) ( 477 ) (°) 1875. 328-572 Nov. 25 329- 082 Me. Nov. 26 330- 077 Me. Nov. 27 332-096 Me. Nov. 29 3 3 3 " 1 °8 Me. Nov. 30 34 i *°59 Me. Dec. 8 182 183* 184a 1 84 ft 185 Centre 182 184 184 183* 185 Centre 0-895 263-2 0-266 333-0 0-219 226-9 0-174 203- 0-310 56-< 0-940 0-306 0-247 0-319 0-228 o-953 0-989 184 0-498 37092/ (370) (°) 184 Centre 184 Centre 265-1 347449 Dec. 1 4 348 - 074 ; Me. Dec. 1 5 | 0-876 0-832 o'935 0-884 0-912 Spots 186 187 Centre 263-5 o- 3 i 4 0702 '943 189 0-987 Centre Heliographic Spots. 1 Facul^e. Q. To 1 •ea of UMBRA fo each Spot (and fo Day). rea of WHOLE fo each Spot (and fo Day). rea for each Grou (and for Day). 3 3 3 125 383/ ; 310-1 - 7’i 26 129 1 305-5 - 7-6 O 3° 5 307-6 + >4*5 0 8 . 285-8 + 11-3 4 38 (383) (294-4) (+>•3) (43) (33°) 2 353-1 1 2-5 - 7-i - 4*7 0 >34 286 5 3io*i - 6-6 23 188 o 285-6 + ii-6 ' 0 8 (286) (281-3) (+>•2) (23) (33°) 4 3I5-3 1 3107 + 15-6 — 6-o 35 249 233 377C (254-8) (+°"9) (35) (249) (610) 5 3 IO *2 - 5*8 35 234 522/ (241-4; ) ( + °*8) I (35) (234) (522) ■4 84-1 ■3 71-5 (136-6 + 38-9 + io-6 )(-°‘2 ) (°) (°) 275 227 (502) 'ac ulse. •i 58-4 + 16-2 0 1 1 •5 8-3 — 6-o 0 10 » (0) (52-4 )(-i*° ) (°) (21) ■4 333-5 •9 323-/ , - 1-2 ’ — I 2 -C ) 39 345 >55 271 c (44*2 .)(-!•! ) (39) (345) ) (426) Group 181, November 15. One small spot. Group 182, November 18-27. A stream of spots. Group 183, November 19-23. Cluster of two or three small spots. £“ P P -u ■»» A — *«*- The 8roup lr “ ts up “ lo 1,0 “ N ,3 ' Group 185’, November 20-27. Single spot. Group 186, December 14. One small spot. Group 187, December 14. One small spot. Group 180, December 15-24. One large spot. Group i88| December 17-23, Group of three or four spots ranged m a line. ^ * — 24 - Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Facul^e on Photographs Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse on Photographs — continued. 1 I •g Heliographic Spots. Faoul.f.. S -3 Heliographic Spots. Facuii®. © w J vx | g A for 1 for E for Greenwich s 1 a £ ** p. £ C 5 • ■ Civil § 0 3 2. m * o -5 Civil g 6.1 « g g-- g 0 - 2 - Time. s' H < 0.02 IE i*J *P Time. p; 1 . 11 1 6 1 g, h gp istance of Sui |o Day). Day). t| i °| | ’ j g Ip Day). «■§ 1 ... A P PN - P < (25) ( 197 ) ( 3 ° 6 ) 35°'497 JB, B 188 0*278 iii'S 357'3 - 7 -i 22 7 ° 3 55 '063 A, H 188 0719 263-4 357-8 — 6-i 0 12 189 077+ 1037 322-4 -”'4 54 3 66 274 / Me. 189 0-244 230-9 323-2 — io-8 29 154 Dec. 17 Centre (i*- 3 jj (-i' 4 ) ' ( 76 ) '( 436 ) ( 274 ) Dec. 22 Centre ( 312-0 (-2-0) (29) (,66) (°) 356-550 M, M 188 0915 264-6 358-6 - 6-3 0 27 184c 351-026 H, A °‘937 284-9 73‘7 + I 3 A 382 189 0-512 253-5 322-3 — 10-2 3 ° 161 188 0-147 129-2 358-9 - 6-8 16 105 Dec. 2 3 Centre (292-5) (-2-0 ( 3 °) 0 88) (.84) Me. 189 0-691 106-3 322-8 -I2'3 36 322 297c 0-804 104-1 313-2 + 10-3 123 0-946 79'3 294-6 — io-6 301 357 - 54 ° JB, B 0-984 263-3 359 ' 2 - 7 'i *55 Dec. 1 8 Centre ( 54 ) (-i- 5 ) ( 52 ) (427) (1103) 189 0-706 257-2 3237 — io-6 18 84 Dec. 24 Centre (279-5) (-2-3) (18) (84) ( f 55 ) 3S3 - io8 H, A 188 0-370 257-2 359 '° - 6-3 0 7 i Me. 189 0-303 1237 323-0 -”'3 16 178 363-087 A, H 189* 0-856 262-7 265-2 - 77 3 33 202c Dec. 20 Centre ( 337 - 8 ) (- 17 ) (16) (249) (°) Me. Dec. 30 Centre (206-5) (-2-9) ( 3 ) ( 33 ) (202) Group 189*, December 30. A small spot. TAKEN AT GREENWICH, AT HARVARD, AND AT MELBOURNE, IN THE YEARS 1874 TO 187 /. Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spot; s and Faculte on Photographs — continued . | % Heliogkaphic Spots. Facul/e. 1 1 1 Ieliographic Spots. Facula:. Greenwich 1 Civil I Time. & ! No. of Group, and Lettei Spot.. Distance from Centre in t of Sun’s Radius. Position Angle from i Axis. Longitude. Latitude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). | Area oi nnuLii lor i each Spot (and for Day). | Area for each Group (and for Day). Greenwich Civil Time. t g No. of Group, and Lett 1 Spot. — Distance from Centre in of Sun’s Radius. Position Angle from ; Axis. ' Longitude. Latitude. 35 $ g-2- g Sn Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1876. Jan. 1 Ho Spots r Faci ilse. j | 1876. 21*472 JB, B 191 192 0-945 o-337 284*4 I09-9 327-5 * 239-7 * f 11*7 -11*7 6 53 291 266 4-487 Jan. 5 JB, B 190 Centre 0-649 93-6 8i-6i 122*2) - 5-1 -37) O (O) 16 (16) (°) Jan. 22 1 9 3 194 Centre 0-536 0-271 104*4 229*9 226*6 • 270*9 ■ :*s 8 '5)( — 12*2 -I5-3 -5-4) 0 (59) 12 '3 (582) (0) !' 10-072 Me. Jan. 1 1 A, H 190* 190* Centre 0*972 0-320 0-287 0*974 2847 321*0 33 OM 76-5 123-41 60-4 56*9 333’2 (48*6) + I3-2 4-10-2 + 9-8 4-12*1 (-4*3) 3 0 1 (3) 20 I I (3 1 ) 250 293 (543) 22*521 Jan. 23 JB, B 192 193 194 Centre 0*144 0*327 0*557 143*7 1 1 37 251*7 2397 226*9 2777 (2447)1 — 12*0 -12*7 — 14*6 (-5*5) 45 0 13 (58) 252 13 !3 2 (397) (O) 11-052 Me. A, H vO vO O O 0-493 0-446 0*924 200*6 3037 74*° 6 I *2 577 33°’3 4-10*5 + 10*2 -12*9 0 0 19 5 500 23*466 Jan. 24 B, B 192 194 Centre 0*171 0*703 227*4 253-9 239*6 276*5 (232*2) — 12*1 -15*2 (-5-6) 48 78 (126) 244 320 (564) (0) Jan. 12 Centre (357) (-44) (0) (24) (500) 24*511 JB, B 0-874 289*5 276*3 — 14*0 46 247 I45 192 0*377 250*8 239-7 -12*3 86c f (T005) 12-091 Me. A, H 0*872 0-875 70*2 I00‘2 324-2 318*5 4-14*8 -in 237 273 Jan. 25 194 Centre 0*856 255-7 277*5 (218*5) -15-1 (-5-6) 7i (117) 335 (582) Jan. 13 Centre (22*1) (-4-5) (0) (°) (5 IO ) 2 5*688 H, ST 194 o*934 2 55"6 272*6 -I5-5 0 118 17-526 JB, B 19 1 0-436 3° 9 -2 330-5 + I 1*2 6 26 388 sf H. Jan. 26 192 Centre 0 597 256*9 239A (203*0) -12*4 (-57) 0 (0) i35 (253) (0) 192 0-945 99*6 239*2 -io*7 49 266 Jan. 18 Centre (310*5) (-5-0) 1 (55) (292) (38.8) 26*496 JB, B 192 0735 257-o 239*6 -I3-4 20 1 10 Jan. 27 194 Ceuire 0*980 253-8 27 i*8 (1924) -17*0 ( — 5-8) 0 1 (20) 96 (206) (0) 18-503 B, B 191 0*591 298*8 329-5 4-12*2 42 162 428 sf (428) Jan. 19 192 Centre 0-857 i 99"9 238-5 (297-6; (-5-i; 105 )(H7) 658 (820) 27*099 Me. Jan. 28 A, H 192 0*815 258*8 239-3 -12*5 9 52 Centre (184-5; K -5*8; ) (9) (52) (0) 19-7 1 1 ST, H 19 1 0783 289*3 32915 4-ii*6 0 29 H. Jan. 20 191 192 193 Centri 0752 0*672 0*828 3 292*5 102*1 103*3 327-0 239-7 225*8 (2817 + 13-1 — 12*0 -13*9 )(— 5*2 0 67 0 ) (67) 124 352 138 ( 6 43) (0) 28*445 Jan. 29 JB, B 1 192 *95 Centri 0 q 257-3 967 239-8 87*9 (1667 -13*9 - 77 ) ( — 5"9 0 0 ) (0) 68 62 (130) 617/ 1 (617) 20-723 H, ST 191 194 0-875 0-191 287*9 220*3 326*7 275*6 ■ + 12*8 0 i — 1 3*6 0 1 1 1 40 384c 30-452 Jan. 31 : 1 JB, B ; 195 Centr 0786 e ' 95'2 88*4 (i40*3 - 7'9 )( — 6*1 1 10 ) (10) 35 (35) 279/ (279) H. i 9 4 0-164 196*9 1 271*1 — 1 4"3 5 J 9 192 0-485 I05*C . 2394 5 —lie > 47 301 194c *95 Centr 0421 e 957 88*2 , - 8*c > 5 25 Jan. 2 ] 193 Centr 0*679 e 1 103*9 1 225*$ (268-3 s -137 !>(— 5*3 1 0 !) (52) 45 (516; ) (578) 32'5M Feb. 2 \ B, B (II3-3 ) ( 6*2 ) (5) (*5) 1 (0) Group 190, January 5. Scattered group of very faint small spots. Group 190*, January 1 1-1 2. A short stream. Group iqi. January 18-22. Scattered group, but with two principal spots. Group 192, January 18-29. Single large spot, but several smaller spots are seen on jauuaiy Group 193, January Group 194, January 20- 23. Scattered group of small spots. 21- 27. Scattered group of small spots. A change of shape is seen on January 24. Group 195, January 29-February 4. Single spot. D Photo-Heliographic Results, 1874-1877. 26 Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Facul^e on Photographs Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots. and Faculte on Photographs — continued. i ;ter for 1 1 Heliogiiaphic Spots. FACUL2E. | | Heliographic Spots. Faculje. Greenwich Civil ! - s 0.3 ;le from BRA for (and for 0 - 2 - c 5 Greenwich Civil J S 0 J | 5RA for and for C ; Time. w” . | 6 a opi ■'4 i H>"S H j • ®fi ' Time. £ I 4 S : S gj ■ 'G ° Position Axis. I Latitude. s Ifi ; < Area of Day). | 1 < Measurer; No. of G Spot. §02 Position Axis. Longitude Latitude. Area of each * Sj Day). Day). Area for (and for 1876. „ 0 0 1876. 1 34'45 7 Feb. 4 JB, B .'95 Centre 0*0^0 | 197-8 88-3 (87-6 - 8-5 (-67 0) 6 (6) ■ (°) 51-689 H. F, ST 196 0-906 258*8 286-2 -I 3 *I 26 401 332 C 1 Feb. 2 1 Centre (220*6) '(- 7 -i; 1 (26) (401) ( 332 ) 'j 38718 H, ST 0-903 69-0 330-6 ft 5-7 O o' 262 H. Feb. 8 Centre (SI'S) (-6-6 W (0) (262) 52-446 Feb. 22 JB, B 196 Centre 0-962 1 257-1 285-7 ( 2 I 0*7) -14-3 ,(~7*i) 74 1 (74) 334 ■ (334) 969s/ ( 969 ) 4°'445 JB, B 196 0- 99 I ioo-8 285-8 — 1 1 -6 14 377 Feb. 23 No Spots or Fac ; ulse. beb. 10 Centre (87) (-6 7) (I 4 ) (377) (O) 42-679 H. Feb. 12 H, ST 196 0-808 ioi*6 285-1 -134 104 647 54453 JB, B 0-836 0-955 2587 74‘3 2414 114-1 -I3-4 + 12-6 137 102 Centre (339-3) (~6'8) ( io 4 ) ( 6 47) (°) Feb. 24 Centre ( i8 4 ’ 4 ) (-7-2) (0) (°)j ( 239 ) 43-559 JB, B 196 No Wires. 152 695 Feb. 25 No Spots or Fae ulse. Feb. 13 Centre | (3277) (-6-8) ('52) ( 6 95) (°) 4+'53 0-494 104-2 285-2 -12 9 t 49 197 0*702 67-8 1 17-2 + 9-9 17 97 Feb. 14 Centre 0-959 99‘5 240-3 (314-4)' — T I -O (-6-9) ( 1 49)' (695) 291 (388) Feb. 26 Centre 0-963 9 2 '3 83-8 (I58-3) - 4'3 (-7-2) (i7) ( 97 ) 801 ( io 5 0 45-083 Me. Feb. 1 5 A, H 196 0-385 107-4 285-5 -I 3 -0 97 642 58-558 JB, B 0-869 285-7 1877 + 9" 8 59 Centre 0-9 1 0 977 241-6 (307-6) - 9"9 ( ~ 6 9) (97) (642) 225 (225) 197 0-361 6-794 38-5 9 r 7 117*1 77-0 + 9-3 - 57 17 6 5 253 j Feb. 28 Centre (130-2) (“7-2) (if (65) (312) 46-674 H. Feb. 16 H, ST 196 0-108 1 107 71 1 Centre (2867)) ( — 7'°) (107) (711) (0) 59-593 Feb. 29 JB, B 197 Centre 0-289 2-1 115-9 (116-5) + 9'5 (-7-2) 9 (9) 80 (80) (0) 47-108 Me A, 11 196 0-138 2 1 6-8 285-9 — 1 3'3 117 701 0 60-074 A, H 197 0*308 3 36-7 1 1 7 - 2 + 9-3 9 i 128 Feb. t 7 Centre i (281-0), (-7-°)) v 11 ?) ! (701) (0) Me. : Mar. 1 198 ! Centre i 0-501 88-7 80 0 (iio-i)i - 5-6 (-7-2) *5 (24) 72 (200) (°) 1 4 8 ' 4 i 4 JB, B 196 Centre 0-958 284-7 334-8 4 1 1-8 113 61-595 JB, B 198 0-155 76*9 81-5 - 5'2 2 16 Feb. 18 o-397 251-4 1 286-4 (263-8), -i3-7 C — 7-0) i 106 (106) 516 ( 5 i 6 ) 0 » 3 ) Mar. 2 Centre ( 9 °; 0 < -7-3) (2) (16) (0) 49 532 Feb. 1 9 JB, B 196 0-609 256-5 286-5 -13-8 1 13 54 1 63-415 JB, B c 3-829 285-5 119*8 • 4- 8-6 244 Centre 1 ( 249 -i)< :-7->x ;n3) 1 (540 (0) Mar. 4 1 Centre 1 (66-2) ( - 7 - 3 ) (0) (°). (244) Group 196, February iQ—22, Single large spot. Group 19,7, Group 198, February 26-March 1, Somewhat scattered group of very small spots. March 1-2. Single small spot. ■ ‘5 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, AT HARVARD AND AT MELBOURNE, IN THE YEARS 1874 TO 1877 . 27 Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and F acute on Photographs — continued . .g Heliographic Spots. Faculjs. 1 c Heliographic Spots. Facula:. © «3 Greenwich ! Civil ■g P P c n OQ | it W-rS P g OA 5 Greenwich Civil Jj P i- g 3 t 5 -S K n P = oS te .. O Time. Measurers. C d w Distance from of Sun’s Rai Position Ang Axis. Longitude. Latitude. t- * ® ip <5 sip < \ §3 < Time. Measurers. 2 O ° A O 02 £ Distance frou of Sun’s Rs ■i p Longitude. Latitude. p g, 02 Its Area of W] each Spot Day). |p g 3, | 1876. 65-411 JB, B 198* O ' 0 o b 279-3 289-3 i 118-3 79-0 I 7-8 + 7-i 16 39 225 1 876. 75-448 JB, B *99 j zoo 0-302 0-586 251-0 5°'4 284-5 239-8 - 12-4 -FIS" 6 2 52 *7 185 | Mar. 6 Centre 0-934 73’2 | ! 333-8 (39'9) 4-12-9 (-7-3) (16) (39) 333 (558) Mar. 1 6 1 201 C entre 0-789 91-6 215-4 (267-6) 1 ~ 5"7 (-7-0 8 (62) 43 (245) ; (0) j ■' 66-410 JB, B 0-865 265-5 87-0 - 7‘5 765 76-474 JB, B 199 0-5 1 2 Z57-3 284-7 -12-5 j 0 *3 198* 0-820 284-2 79-8 7 26 20° 0-463 35-8 237-8 + 15-2 : 20 *54 0-842 69-2 333'° + 13-2 201 201 0-635 91-4 2 1 4-6 - 6-3 j 57 220 ‘ Mar. 7 i Centre (26-7) (-7-2) (7) (26) (966) Mar. 1 7 202 Centre o-8 1 8 101-2 198-8 (254- 1 ) -13-2 (—7-1)! (78) 18 (405) (0) |> 67-503 JB, B ON P ' C ?' b b b 264-8 279-9 100-3 82-2 78-5 201-7 - 7'3 + 6-3 — ii *5 365 189 3* 77-511 J13, B *99 200 0-695 0-377 258 8 3577 284-6 241-3 — 12*8 i + *5-o 0 16 5 I j Mar. 8 Centre ( 1 2-3 ) ( — 7-2) (0) ' ,(°) (585) 201 °"4 2 9 89-5 215-0 — 61 i 43 1 32 202 0-630 1 02*2 201 -4 — *3* ; 0 IO 203 0 926 96-8 *72-1 3 (62) I 2 I (0) 68*425 JB, B 0-984 265-3 8 0-2 - 5-8 244 Mar. 1 8 Centre (240-4) (-7-0)] (328) J 99 0-965 99'4 284-7 — 10-9 15 100 56osp Mar q Centre (0-2) (-7-2) (15) (100) (804) 0-446 324-6 57 78-688 JB, B 200 240-3 + ! 4"5 2 201 0-170 89-2 215-1 - 67 4i 122 270 sf (270) 69-545 JB, B 1 99 0-872 0-977 99‘* 85-1 284-2 268-5 -11-4 + 3"2 18 86 252 sp 171 Mar. 19 203 Centre 0-792 975 172-2 (224-9) — 1 0*2 (-7-0) 48 (9*) 229 (408) 5 Mar. 1 0 Centre (345-4) (-7'2) §8) (86) (423) 79‘4 8 5 JB, B 200 °’545 3 0 7-4 240-7 + 13-0 5 16 5° 70-478 JB, B *99 0-744 990 284-7 -”'5 *4 66 270 sf 201 0-103 276-1 220-2 - 6-3 48 0-908 82-4 269-0 + 3-8 *7* 203 0-642 957 174-2 - 9-0 4° *37 Mar. 1 1 Centre (333-1) ,(-7-2) (*4) (66) (44 0 Mar. 20 204 Centre 0-952 72-9 I45-0 (214-4) + * 39 (-7-0) 64 '(**5) 275 (5 IQ ) (°) 72-633 JB, B 1 99 200 o-349 0-92 1 1051 70-2 2847 241-2 — 1 1 "9 + 15-1 18 45 58 215 520 . (63) (273) (599) Me. 201 0-240 272-4 2I9-7 — 6-2 5 203 0-471 93-8 177-9 - 7"9 9 52 203 0-569 100-3 I7I-4 — 1 1 -6 5 38 I 172/ ; 75 lc (*251) 73-560 JB, B 199 200 201 0-157 0-827 0960 1217 64-9 93-2 284-7 241-4 218-5 — 11*8 -f- 1 6* 1 -50 17 49 57 176 5 2 4 */ 138 Mar. 2 1 204 204 Centre o-8oo 0-898 ! 65-3 719 I57-5 145-2 ( 206" I + 15-0 + 12-9 k-6- 9 : 7 3° > (59) 37 255 (44o) ' Mar. 1 4 Centre (292-5 )(-7->: ) (66) (233) (662) 8 i '534 JB, B o 822 ! 294-5 238-1 l -4-15-6 . 16 ! , 392 201 0-540 j 268-9 220 1 - 64 5 74-565 Mar. 15 JB, B 1 99 200 201 Centr* 0-125 0-696 0-903 234-4 59‘3 93-5 285-1 241-0 214-5 (279-2 — 1 1 2 1 +15-2 — 6-2 ) ( — 7' 1 10 40 ) (5°) 37 123 8 (*68) 756717 ' (756) Mar. 22 203 1 2 °4 205 Centre 0-216 o-66 1 0-870 ! 95-3 57-9 769 I74-9 1 52-1 128-8 (187-6; - 7-9 + *4-9 + 7-8 )(-6-9 12 157 8 )(*8*) 6 3 522 24 (625) 299s/ 228/ (9*9) Group 198*. March 6-7. A few very small spots not far apart, some of which disappear on March 7. Group 199, March 9-18. Single spot. Group 20c Group 201 ), March 13-21. Scattered group. A great change is seen on Mavcft 17. March 15-24. Small group, principally consisting of one spot, the smaller spots disappear™ ig on March 20. Group 202, March 17-18. Single spot.. Group 204! March 20-30. Scattered group, consisting principally of two large spots. Group 205, March 22-25. Single small spot. 28 Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Facul^e on Photographs ♦ Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse on Photographs — continued. § I J Heliographic Spots. FaCHLIE. 1 i ~ J Heliographic Spots. . Facul.s. J g for ® g II g. Greenwich 'S ■f * su Greenwich 7 • 4 <§ 0 =s"f j? 3 jH g So 1-1 + m, 'H S y. 3 -3 J ■< < 44'9 + 13-0 0 14 0-914 97'9 2 I 8 *2 - 9"4 123 Centre (827) (-6-5) (39) (203) (378) Apr. 1 1 Centre (284-5) (-57) (0) (30) '('5 1 3 ) Group 205* , March 29-30. A small spot following Group 204. Group 206, April 4. Very small single spot. : i:iv; i • Urroup 206* . April 6. A group only seen close to the west limb. j| Group 207, April 8-9. Very small single spot. j Group 208, April 9-: 1 3. Group of small spots. taken at Greenwich, at Harvard, and at Melbourne, in the Years 1874 to 1877 . 99 Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculae on Photographs— continued. £ i . S Heliographic Spots. Faculte. I 1 <2 1 Heliogkaphic Spots. \ Faci ' la .. & 1 3 •a a £<2 for for a 3- s | for for <2 <2 Q, £ Greenwich Civil Time. Measurers. No. of Group, and Spot. Distance from Centri of Sun’s Radius. Position Angle frc Axis. Longitude. Latitude. Area of UMBRA each Spot (and Day). Area of WHOLE each Spot (and Day). Area for each Gr (and for Day). Greenwich Civil Time. Measurers. No. of Group, and Spot. Distance from Cent) i of Sun's Radius. Position Angle fi Axis. Longitude. Latitude. Area of UMBRA each Spot (and Day). Area of WHOLE each Spot (and Day). Area for each G (and for Day). 1876. 102-682 ST, H 208 0-336 27-3 259-3 + 117 6 65 1876. Apr. 22 No : Spots < ir Faci alse. • Apr. 1 2 Centre (268-3) (-57) (6) ( 6 S) (0) 1 13-597 JB, B 0823 257-2 179*3 -132 (°) 233 Apr. 23 Centre 1 (124-1) (-47) (°) ( 2 33) IOVO^I H, A 2o8f 0‘2 12 3 1 r 9 272M + 2-6 6 26 Me. 208 0-299 12-4 259-7 + 1 1 "3 0 '5 0-882 256-4 3°5 (305) Apr. 1 3 Centre (263-4) (-5-6) (6) (40 (0) 114-404 Apr. 24 JB, B Centre 175-3 (ii3'5) -14-2 (-4-6) (°)' (°) 104-61 1 JB, B 0-780 292-3 290-6 + i3" 6 90 115564 + 20-4 i°3 208* 0-3 6 1 94-0 2217 - 6-5 12 46 JB, B 0-908 295-0 159-3 0-925 101 - 8 174-8 — 13-0 628 0-944 254-2 169*1 -16-5 (°) (°) 328 Apr. 1 4 Centre (242-8) (-5-5) (12) (46) (718) Apr. 2 5 Centre (98-1) (-4-5) (43 0 105*508 JB, B 0-867 289-2 2877 + 137 115 116-032 H, A 0-982 293-8 168-0 + 22 4 623 208* 0-173 0-856 947 1017 221*1 I71-9 — 6-i — 12-8 7 24 377 Me. Apr. 26 (9 I- 9) (-4*4) (°) (°) (623) 0-965 72-2 I587 + 15-6 160 Apr. 1 5 Centre (23I-0) (-5A) (7) (24) (652) Apr. 27 | ulse. to No Spots or Fac 106-537 JB, B o-953 285-8 287-7 + I3-3 122 Apr. 29 f i 0-831 27A8 272-8 + 27 168 208* 0'022 1 9 1 ’3 2177 - 6-5 0 8 319-8 285 0-920 68‘z I54-0 + 177 134 121-420 JB, B 0-874 92-8 - +3 (°) (°) Apr. 1 6 Centre (217-4) (-57) (0) (8) (424) May 1 Centre (207) (-3'9) (285) 107-662 ST, H 0-946 275-3 272-9 + 3'3 39 6 122-527 JB, B 0-947 74-0 296-7 + 1 3‘8 (0) (O) 80 H. 208 } 0'202 80-5 I 9 l-0 - 3'2 0 59 May 2 Centre (6 -j) (-3-8) (80) Apr. 17 Centre ( 202 *5 ) ( 5-2) ' (°) (59) (39 6 ) 123-514 JB, B 0-867 72-2 295-2 + 13*4 0 O 218 108-558 JB, B 208 1 0-0 + 5 ' 327-5 I 9 2-I - 3'i 0 ‘ 19 May 3 Centre (353-i) '(-37) 1 (0) (°) (218) Apr. 1 8 Centre : (I9 0 7) ' ( — 5" 1 ) » (0) p9) (°) '24-532 JB, B 0-807 72-5 288-0 + 11-7 > (°) (°) 462 May 4 Centre (339- 6 ) K-3-6) (462) 1 10462 JB, B 0-946 288-9 234-0 + 1 6* i 173 0-839 2637 222-8 - 8-o 1 66 or Fac 0-867 93-8 IOj-3 - 5-8 168 May 5 No Spots sulse. Apr. 20 Centre (165-6; K-5-°: ) (0) (°) (507) 126-424 JB, B 0-964 i°3M 240-1 -I3-S (°) 353 May 6 Centre (3i4- 6 ) K-3-4) ) (°) (353) 1 11-042 H, A 0-867 264-0 2 I 8- 1 - 77 357 242-6 67 Me. 127-589 JB, B 209 0-839 104-1 -136 229 3i8sf Apr. 2 1 Centre (>57-9: )( — 4-9' ) (°) (°) (357) May 7 Centre (299-2) > (— 3*3) ) (67) (229) (318) Group 208*, April 14-16. Group consisting mainly of one small spot. Group 208+, April 13. A short stream of small spots. Group io8J, April 1 7-1 8. A small faint spot. Group 209, May 7-15. Fairly large spot, with a small one at a little distance, the latter almost disappearing on May 30 Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculaj on Photographs Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse on Photographs — continued. <2 £ Heliographii ' Spots. F,\cul 2 e. 1 § § Heliographic Spots. Fac CL a:. m tn Greenwich ►3 ! w-a Greenwich p i | PM I O Civil § ^ g o<$ Civil § & § PQ- 5 - 2 s 0 A -gl? Time. 1 |m <1 p 0 £ a U Q Time. g u W « •|q S c5 1§ 1a i 1 1 1 1 .0 m 1 a5 ° -o"^ 'S a2 -A 1 O-M ■f-5 _g m g §P p gfi 1 o'® 1 g $ gp |Iq s- 5 - £ 5 Pm hJ <1 a 5 Pm 1 1 < < ■< 1876. o 0 O 1876. O 0 128-468 JB, B 209 0-708 1057 243-3 -13-3 5° 176 280 sf May 18 ) May 8 Centre (287-6) (-3-2) (5°) (176) (280) to > No Spots or Fac ulse. May 19 ) 129-483 JB, B 209 o-539 1 1 1 - 1 243-1 -137 34 158 140-596 ST, H 0-889 263-1 1897 - 7-0 0 0 226 May 9 Centre (274-2) (-3-0) (34) (158) (0) H. May 20 Centre (127-2) (-1-8) (0) (0) (226) 130-463 JB, B 0-885 263-0 323-3 - 7-6 114 209 0-344 124-4 2 44'3 — 14-0 28 I 12 141-521 JB, B 0-930 2577 1 83-0 — 12-0 236 0-960 96-7 187-3 - 7"2 208 May 2 1 Centre (ii4-9) (-17) (°) (°) (236) 0-987 767 181-7 4-127 208 May 10 Centre (261-2) (-2-9) (28) (112) (53°) 142-874 ST, H 0-981 255-0 175-6 -I 5 -0 901 II. 0-898 265-1 160-7 - S‘i 179 13I-47S JB, B 0-778 2 S 8 -5 297-0 + 12-3 124 May 22 Centre (97‘°) (-1-5) (0) (°) (1080) 209 0-203 168-0 245-3 -14-2 22 89 0-892 IOI-I 184-9 — 1 1 1 200 0-924 74-6 182-0 + 13-1 137 May 23 | May 1 1 Centre (247-8) (-2-8) (22) (89) (461) to No Spots or Fac ulae. May 24 j 132-576 JB, B 0-898 2857 295-5 4-12-7 218 209 0-294 224-9 245-6 -14-6 27 108 145-588 H, ST 209* 0-955 ioo-i 348-7 — io-o 0 55 2 76/ 0-899 107-1 169-9 -16-5 183 H. 0-807 70-5 182-0 4-14-0 156 May 2 5 Centre (61-1) (-1-2) (°) (55) (276) May 12 Centre (233-3) (-2-7) (27) (108) (557) 146639 H, ST 209* 0-849 100-4 349’6 - 93 0 31 4 °i / 133-45I JB, B 0-960 2857 294-o 4-14-2 128 H. 209 0-452 240-8 245-6 -15-0 22 106 May 26 Centre (47-2) (-i-o) (0) (3i) (401) 0815 1 10-5 168-5 — i8’o 189 May 13 Centre (2217) (-2-6) (22) ( iq 6) (3i7) 147-589 jj H, ST 209* 0708 1 02* 1 350-3 - 9-2 4 24 52271/ May 27 Centre (34-6) (-0-9) ( 4 ) (24) (522) 135-563 JB, B 209 0797 252-6 245-5 -15-2 0 9 180 sf May 15 Centre (1937) (-2-4) (0) (9) (180) May 29 to l No Spots or Fac ulse 136-544 JB, B 0-889 281-3 242-4 4- 8-9 125 May 31 ) o-888 252-0 242-5 -17-0 416 0929 96-5 1126 - 6-8 129 May 16 Centre , (180-8) (-2-3) (0) (0) (670) 152-414 JB, B 0-862 262-8 29-9 - 6-3 1 '4 ! June 1 Centre (330-8) (-0-4) (°) (°) (114) 154579 H, ST 0-909 I I I *2 238-6 1 9*2 288 1 137-657 ST, H 0-969 2 53"9 241-5 — 16-1 0 0 729 H. 0-969 52-8 230-3 4 - 35-8 298 H. June 3 Centre 1 ; 302-2)1 (-o-i) (0) (0) (586) 1 May 17 Centre 1 ( 1 66-0) (-2-1) (°) (°) (729) Group 209*, May 25 -27. A small group. TAKEN AT GREENWICH, AT HARVARD AND AT MELBOURNE, IN THE YEARS 1874 TO 1877 . 31 Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse on Photographs — continued. Heliographic ! No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. Distance from Centre in terms of Sun’s Radius. Position Angle from Sun’s Axis. i — -l- • — r — 1 Heliographic Spots. FACULiE. Greenwich Civil Time. Greenwich Civil Time. Measurers. Longitude. Latitude. Area of UMBRA for j each Spot (and for j Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). 1 Area for each Group ! (and for Day). 1876. 0 o 0 1876. 155-657 JB, B o'86o 259-7 346-5 - 8-8 130 178-580 | 0-896 99-8 224-8 - 87 81 H. June 4 Centre j (287-9) (+o-o) (°) (°) (211) June 27 June 6 | 179-586 to No Spots or Fac ulse H. June 9 1 June 28 June 12 ) 180-094 to No Spots or Fac ulse Me. June 16 ) June 29 ; 169-463 JB, B 0-907 95-8 40*2 - 4-5 368 June 1 8 Centre ( io 4 ' 9 ) (+>• 7 ) (O) (°) ( 368 ) June 30 ‘ 170-605 JB, B 0767 96-5 4°"3 - 3-8 269 184-599 - June 19 Centre (90-0) (+>*8) (O) (°) (269) July 3 ! 171-471 JB, B 0-768 327-2 112*2 -417 233 1 June 20 Centre ( 78 - 5 ) (+>• 9 ) ,(°) n ( 233 ) . 185-566 H. 172-440 JB, B 210 0-932 90-1 357-2 + o-6 O 1 40 783 / July 4 June 21 Centre ( 6 S 7 ) (+2-0) (°) j ( 4 °) ( 783 ) 186-578 1 173-575 H, ST 210 o-8oo 92-5 357-8 - 0-7 7 22 377 ”/ H. July 5 June 22 Centre (So- 7 ) (+2-2) ( 7 ) j (22) ( 377 ) I 87-573 : I 74-580 H, ST 210 0-639 93-6 357-9 - 0*5 6 25 H. H. 1 July 6 | June 23 Centre 1 ( 37 - 3 ) (+ 2-3) , (6) (25) (0) 188-407 ; >75-689 H, ST 210 °" 4 i 6 97 ' 1 358-4 - 0-8 0 21 * | H. July 7 ! June 24 Centre (227) i(+2 + ) (0) (21) C°) 189-463 \ >77-432 JB, B 210* 0-470 247-6 25*5 - 7-9 0 6 j June 26 Centre ( 359 - 6 ; I (+2-6 ) (0) (6) (0) July 8 2iof 0797 Centre 2ioj 2 1 of Centre Q-937 '9°3 2 1 of 2 1 of 2 I of Centre 21 1 212 Centre 0-969 o-955 0-942 Spots 0714 0-843 21 1 0-885 211 : o‘8i8 212 0-709 Centre 0-942 o-535 212 213 214 Centre 212 213 2>4 Centre 0-338 0-870 0-189 0-544 0758 0-287 0-308 0-581 276-5 275-7 275-0 276-5 2767 275-8 250-6 100-2 256-4 253-8 IO43 256 107-8 ”9*5 81-4 149-4 95* 80-4 224-0 103-2 78-8 + 6-9 ( 34P4) (+ 2 *7) 40-5 35' 6 ( 33 i-i' 40-1 371 348 ( 324 A + 6-3 + 57 K+2-8) 308-0 208-4 (2648) ( 312-6 304-9 2o8"2 ( 25 I- 9 : 307-5 207-9 (238 + + 7-o + 7- 3 + 6-5 ■9) •)(+ — I I ‘2 - 6-7 + 3‘4) - r 5 ) (+ 3*5) -11-9 - 6- 4 ’)(+3-6) 208-4 165-1 + 9-3 (22 5 " 5 ) (+ 3-7) 208-9 181-7 i 6 5*3 212-0 183-0 165-2 (2OO-4; - 5'5 + 0*4 + 97 (214*4) (+ 3"8) — 0-3 1 12 + 97 ! 3 ■)(+ 3 ' 9 ) ( 33 ) (76) 26 101 (209) 64 299 (363) 196 (250) 138 (138) 67 56 (123) 65 10 1 1 ( 86 ) 46 73 5 (124) Group 210, June 21-24. Single small spot. Group 210*, June 26. A very small spot. Group 2 lot, June 27-29. A short stream of spots. Group 21 1, July 3-4. Group of small spots. Group 212, July 3-10. Group consisting mainly of three fairly large spots, of which two disappear on July 7. Group 213, July 7-1 1. Group of small spots. Group 214, July 6-8. Single small spot. (°) 265c (265) 256c (256) 228c 668 / (896) 224'j (224; 303 ( 303 ) 168 f (168) 46 3 n / (463) (°) 32 Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Facul.r on Photographs Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse on Photographs — continued . Greenwich Civil Time. Measurers. No. of Grov p, and Letter for Spot. Distance from Centre in terms of Sun’s Radius. Position Angle from Sun’s — Heliogkaphic Spots. 1 1 Longitude. — J P3 | iu ggj, l Ifi Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). 1876. 0 JO 0 1 9 1 ' 545 JB, B 212 0-640 253-6 210-9 - 7-2 6 23 213 o'i8o 246-7 182-3 0-0 0 4 July 10 Centre (172-8) ( + 4'0 (6) 07) 192-575 H, ST 0-813 261-6 2127 - 4'3 H. 213 Q'473 258-0 I 86-7 - 1 '9 o 25 July 1 1 Centre (1592) (+4 -2 ) j (°) 05) 193-496 JB, B 212 0-889 259-4 208-5 - 7‘3 July 1 2 Centre (147-0) ( + 4'3) 0) 0) 1 94" 589 JB, B 0-952 261-0 203-7 - 7‘2 July 1 3 Centre (132-6) (+4A) (°) (°) 195-588 H, ST 0-926 265-0 i86 - 6 - 2 '9 H. 0-976 84-5 41-9 + 6-3 July 14 Centre ( IJ 9-4) (+4’5) (0) 0) July 15 No j Spots or Fac ulse. 1 08*488 JB, B 0*968 279-0 156-8 + 9' 8 July 17 Centre (8i-o) (+4"8) (0) (°) July 1 8 No Spots or Fac ulae. 200-591 JB, B 215 0-835 89-7 356-6 + 3-o 0 58 July 19 Centre (53'i) (+ 5'°) (0) (58) 201-571 JB, B 215 0-690 9 r 5 35 6 7 + 2-6 6 36 216 o-86i 1017 342-1 - 7'4 1 9 22 July 20 Centre (40-2) (+5-°) '| 05) (58) 202-594 JB, B 215 0-493 94-5 357-3 + 2-3 0 8 216 0-711 105-9 343-2 - T 5 0 4 217 0-957 102-4 3151 -10-3 32 121 July 2 1 Centre (26-7) '(+5*i: ) (32) (i33) 203-451 IB, B 215 0-304 986 357-9 + 2-4 0 • 9 217 0-884 1041 3 1 5‘° - 9 ’9 23 102 July 22 I Centre 1 (15-3: >(+5"2 ) (23) (•11) Greenwich Civil 2 4 1 np (2+1) 549 (549) 609 ( 6 ° 9 ) 479 (479) 138 486 (624) (18S) (°) 374 »/ (374) 273 nj 29 if 39 !/ 1876. 205-580 H. July 24 206-493 July 25 207-495 July 26 208-433 July 27 209-587 H. July 28 210-578 H. July 29 I July 31 213-589 H. Aug. 1 217 Centre 214-514 Aug. 2 215-550 Aug. 3 Aug. 4 to Aug. 5 217 Centre Heliogeaphic. j 0-586 0-910 Q’455 0969 0-919 0-890 0-970 0-846 0-813 0771 0-946 0-835 0-946 117-4 315-2 — 1 1 • 1 1 1 > 7 8 143c 99-8 282 8 — 6-6 I 582 ( 347 - 1 ) | (+ 5 ' 4 ) (11) ( 78)1 (725) 128-1 3 i 4’7 -10-5 22 ! ioo" 100-9 282-2 | - 5-5 1 1 293 ( 3 3 5 " 1 )! (+ 5 - 5)1 (22) (100) (293) 157-6 3 i 5 -i -10-7 19 66 (321*8) ( 4 - 5 ’ 5 ) ( 19 ) (66) (°) 199-5 3 i 5-3 — iro 16 42 ( 3 ° 9 ' 4 ),(+ 5 - 6 ) (16) (+2) (0) 233-1 3157 -10-5 0 17 94'4 2191 - 2-8 220 ( 2 94 ‘i),(+ 57 ) (0) ( 17 ) (220) 418 328 (281-0) (- 5 - 8 ) (°) (0) I ( 746 ) 261-7 335-5 - 6-5 226 2537 316-1 — 10-4 0 33 252-9 3127 — 10 2 7 32 3 i 3 P 250-6 308-3 — 10-9 0 7 (2607) (+ 5 ’ 9 ) ( 7 ) (72) ( 539 ) 655 256-3 3 IO "4 — 10-9 (+60) («) ( 655 ) (241-2) (°) 258-4 284-1 - 6-3 260 (229-0) (+ 6 -o) (0) 0) (260) 261-2 285-2 - 6-3 179 (215-3) (+ 6 -.) (°) (°) (i79) or Fac ulse. Group 215, July 19-22. Single small spot. Group 216 July 20-21. Single small spot. _ v Group 217, July 21-31. Single spot. It is not seen on July 29, but a number of spots in a short stream mark its place on July 31. TAKEN AT GREENWICH, AT HARVARD, AND AT MELBOURNE, IN THE YEARS 1874 TO 1877. 33 I' Greenwich Civil Time. 1876. 219-460 Aug. 7 Aug. 8 221-481 Aug. 9 Aug. 10 to Aug. 11 Aug. 14 227-663 ■ H. Aug. 15 228-499 Aug. 1 6 .29-465 Aug. 17 230- 681 H. Aug. 1 8 231- 686 H. Aug. 19 Aug. 21 34-5 8 7 H. Aug. 22 !« 218 Centre 0-865 0-908 Spots 0951 Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Facial* on Photographs — continued . Heliographic 261-8 278-2 Heliographic 222-5 229 219 Centre 219 Centre or Fac 256-8 or Fac or Fac 103-8 105-9 2069 3 Spots. I °-o^ 3-8 + io-i (163*6) (+6-4) :ulse, 10-4 (136-9) (H- 6-5) 0-651 0-289 Spots 109-5 148-1 35!’3 (°> m (°) FACULai. Greenwich Civil Time. 9-6 (55-!)(+6-8) 354 - (44- 1) (+6-8) 353*3 — 261 (261) 149 (149) (3 1 -3) (+ 6‘9) 353 2 (i5*3)(+ 6 *9) 220 Centre or Fac (i'9)(+ 6 *9) lulee. 124-6 353’i - 74 300-5 - 9* 1 (323-6) (+7-0) (10) (4) (o) 4 1 (40 127 (!27) (III) (80) 45 (45) 218 (218) (°> 00 (o) (°) (9) 876. 235-403 Aug. 23 237-586 Aug. 25 238739 H. Aug. 26 H. Aug. 2 8 241-481 243451 Sept. 247-588 248-58: 2 1 No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. Distance from Centre in terms of Sun’s Radius. Position Angle from Sun’s Axis. I w JB, B 1 220 Centre 0-367 140-2 2 (3 JB, B 220 Centre 'o no" o b 227-1 3 103-7 2 ( 2 ST, H 0798 248-0 3 220 0-646 244-2 3 220 Centre 0-559 241-1 2 (2 ST, H 220 0-893 254-3 : 220 Centre! 0-856 252-9 ; 0 JB, B > 220 Centre j o-943 256-8 ; b ST, H 221 i 0-424 1 4 1 *7 ) 221 Centre ; 0465 139-2 0 I JB, B [ 22 1 Centre 0-374 ; 1 1 162-1 ( 1 9 JB, B 221 Centre o-393 1 207-9 9 ST, H 221 0-538 232-1 2 221 Centre o-493 S 228-0 ( 8 ST, H 0-989 1 259-6 221 o - 8i6 ’ 247-1 + 221 Centri 0-768 : 245-8 1 2 JB, B 0-948 ! 266-8 5 221 Centr 0*89C e > 250-9 - 7 t (31 2*9) ( 4" 7* 1 > j — 8"o , (284-0) ( + 7-1) (34) 10-5 3 io-6 (244-4) ( + 7-2): (7) - 9'9 •5 | 12-4 I 199*9 — 13/ I io Facul^e. 199-8 (206-5) (+7-2) ( 1 77-5) (+ 7-2) 203-3 199-5 231-8 202' 5 I97-8 13-6 - 9" 1 -14-0 -i3-4 ( I 5 I ‘9)(+ 7"2 209-7 198-4 — o-6 I3-3 ( 1 38-8) (+ 7'3) 12 40 (12) (4°) (°) 34 97 271 (34) (97) (271) 214 7 65 O 18 (7) (83) (214) 0 4° 7 49 459c (7) (89) (459) o 27 466 p (0) 1 (27) (466) O 30 8 20 (8) (5°) (0) 14 44 (°) (14) (44) 17 7° (0) I (17) (70) O 150 O 39 , (0) (189) (0) 7H 0 72 0 1 1 523c > (0) (83) 1 (1237) 152 0 9 60 8 np ) (0) (9: ) (760) Group 218, August 7. Single small spot. Group 210, August 16-19. Two spots. ,, Group 220, August 22-29. Only one spot is seen at first, but a second of equal size t ° September 1, and finally disappears on September 5. Group 221 August 30-September 5. Two small spots, one of which breaks into small fia 0 ments l Photo^Heliographic Results, 1874-1877. 34 Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Facul^e on Photographs. Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculas on Photographs — continued. Greenwich Civil Time. Heliographic Spots. FACUL2E. || c 5 ^ P :'* 3 ' B. si 1 4 33 I I s ®o fg 3 3 <3 < 198-4 -14-0 344 (126-3) (+ 7 ' 3 ) (°) (0) ( 344 ) iulse. 324-2 - 9'3 28 i 57 560/ (19-8) (+ 7 - 2 ) (28) (i 57 ) (560) 324-0 ~ 9'5 39 136 394 / (F 5 ) (+ 7 - 2 ) ( 39 ) (136) ( 394 ) 324-2 - 97 l 9 106 ( 353 - 6 ) ( + 7 -i) ( 19 ) (106) (°) 41-0 + 11-4 0 31 14975 323-6 - 9-6 33 126 (329-0) ( + 7-0 ( 33 ) (i 57 ) ( 149 ) 218-3 + 0-3 670 (288-2) (+ 7 -o) (°) (°) (670) 216-6 + o-6 861 2o6"2 -16-3 166 (276-2) (+ 7 -o) (°) (°) (1027) 165-4 + 6-4 204 (241-3) (+6-9) w (0) (204) 154-1 — 6-2 201 (228-1) ( + 6-8) (9) (0) (201) 157-1 “ 5’9 39 4°3 410c (208-3) (+6-8) ( 39 ) (403) (410) Greenwich Civil Time. Distance from Centre in terms of Sun’s Radius. Position Angle from Sun’s Axis. Heliographic Spots. Facplas. Longitude. Latitude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 0-675 107-1 156-4 - 6-3 8l 341 (1967) (+ 67 ) (81) ( 341 ) (0) 0-503 II5-2 156-0 - 6-4 I 13 421 (183-1) (+ 67 ) ( 113 ) ( 421 ) (0) 0-323 132-6 154:9 — 6-2 47 39 ° (168-7) (+6-6) ( 47 ) ( 39 °) (0) 0-330 233-5 157-9 - 5 '° 26 239 (I 42 - 5 ) (+ 6 - 5 ) (26) (239) (0) 0-512 249-0 1577 - 4-9 28 238 (129-2) (+ 6 - 5 ) (28) (238) (0) 0-700 257-0 I 59-5 - 4'4 39 180 (116-5) ( + 6 - 4 ) ( 39 ) (180) (o) 0-828 260-2 I 59-4 - 4'4 46 172 353 «/ (1047) (+ 6 - 4 ) ( 46 ) (172) ( 353 ) 0-942 263-4 159-3 - 4 -i 34 131 4 ° 5 s/ 0-980 103-7 I 3-3 — 12-0 165 (89-8) ( + 6 - 3 ) ( 34 ) (131) ( 57 °) Spots or Fac ulse. Spots or Fac ulse. 0-298 159-0 177 — I0'2 2 18 (23-9) ( + 6-o) (2) (18) (°) 1876. 249-529 JB, B Sept. 6 Sept. 7 to Sept. 8 257-588 H. Sept. 14 258745 H. Sept. 15 259-581 H. Sept. 16 261-440 Sept. 18 264-529 Sept. 21 223 Centre 223 Centre 223 Centre 265-445 Sept. 22 268-089 Me. Sept. 25 269- 091 Me. Sept. 26 270- 586 H. Sept. 27 0-966 Spots 0-848 0-692 0-558 0-947 0-303 o-866 0-958 0-967 105-8 93"4 109-6 224 Centre 1876. 271-465 Sept. 28 272-495 Sept. 29 273-587 H. Sept. 30 275‘S78 H. Oct. 2 276-585 H. Oct. 3 278-443 Oct. 5 279-565 Oct. 6 Oct. 7 Oct. 9 to Oct. 10 284-559 Oct. 1 1 224 Centre 224 Centre 224 Centre 224 Centre Group 222, September 18. Single spot. Group 223, September 14-18. Two small spots. Group 224, September 27-October 6. Two spots of nearly equal size, of which the preceding spot grows larger and the following spot smaller on October 4 and «. Group 225, October 1 1-18. Scattered group. TAKEN AT GREENWICH, AT HARVARD, AND AT MELBOURNE, IN THE YEARS 1874 TO 1877 . 35 Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse on Photographs— continued. •2 terms 1 Heliographic Spots. Faculse. £ a. fi Greenwich O < Greenwich 03 A § 42 . o-S -g-R Civil Time. a 1 1 0. of Group, Spot. J3j gw 1 g«i 1 'll rea of UM each Spot Day). rea of WE each Spot Day). Time. 8 £ 5 Ph <1 1876. 198-8 0 - io-6 1876. 285-498 JB, B 225 0-301 17-2 ■ 29 99 299-049 0-977 94-0 294-5 ■ - 2-5 142 Me. Oct. 1 2 Centre ( 1 1 *6) ( + 5-9) ( 29 ) ( 99 ) 04*3 1 Oct. 26 289-052 Me. H, A 225 0-822 2 5 3 ‘9 17-8 ■ - 9-8 35 i 95 300-080 Me. Oct. 1 6 Centre 32 + 7)1 (+ 5 - 6 ) ( 35 ) (i 95 ) (°) Oct. 27 290-468 JB, B 225 0-961 258-6 18-5 - 9 - 4 144 694 554c Oct. 3 1 0-945 90-8 23+7 + i-o 150 to Oct. 17 Centre 306-0) (+ 5 - 5 ) ( 14 +) (694) ( 7 ° 4 ) Nov. 1 291-070 H, A 0-937 89-6 2287 + 2-4 395 306-648 Me. 225 0-991 259-0 18-9 — io-o 14 33 i 837c H. Oct. 18 Centre (298-1) (+ 5 - 6 ) (H) (330 (1232) Nov. . 2 292-469 JB, B 226 0-907 107-6 217-1 -I 3-4 62 308 627/ 0-821 92-1 2246 + r + 154 307752 0-894 916 216-6 + 0-9 58 H. Oct. 1 9 Centre (279-6) (+ 5 * 4 ) (62) (308) ( 839 ) Nov. 3 293-083 H, A 226 0-826 109-3 218-7 -127 l6 163 Me. 226 .0-878 1077 212-7 -127 IO 107 507c 308-664 ;Oct. 20 Centre (2717) (+ 5 - 3 ) (26) (270) ( 5 ° 7 ) H. Nov. 4 294-079 H, A 226 o-688 114-5 218-7 — 12-6 l6 121 226 0-756 I I 2’4 212-7 — 13' 1 !7 65 [ Me. 226 0785 1 1 1 • 1 209-6 -13-0 6 48 39 Ic Nov. 7 t Oct. 2 1 Centre (258*4) (+ 5 " 2 ) ( ( 39 ) (234) ( 39 1 ) to 1 Nov. 8 296-220 H, A 226 0-363 145-0 217-9 -124 22 13 1 3 i 3*572 1 Me ‘ 226 0-430 135-6 212-3 -13-1 0 38 Nov. 9 226 0-470 i I 3 1 '3 209-0 -13-+ 8 72 ' (°) Oct. 23 Centre (230-2 ) ( + 5 '° ) ( 30 ) (241) Nov. 10 298-19; 5 H, A 226 6 - 37 * 1 217-? 1 2 X 7 -C ) —12-6 I 24 102 3 I 7-657 226 o'36( )\ 2 i 3 ‘ ( ) 2161 *■ — 1 3 " 1 O 6 | Me. 226 o- 32 i e 3 195 c 3 209-; i -13-f ) O 8 ) (°) H. ' Oct. 2 5 Centr (204-2 0 C+ 4 -S 0 (24) (1 16 Nov. 1 3 g t Heliographic Spots. Faculje. u m 0.0 a. *4 | , 1 a-i O 5 o.g g 1 u < j a 0-5. f ii 1 og. \ £ U 1 & No. of < Spot. gw I'S O : Position Axis. I f,atitud< Day). Area o each Day). I 1 226 0-507 235-2 217-9 -12-4 17 79 Centre 1 ; 1 92.-8) + 4-8) ( 1 7) (79) (0) 226 0-674 245-6 218-1 -12-5 17 95 Centre (179-3) [+ 47) (17) (95) (0) No Spots < or Fac ulse. ’ 226* o-666 281-9 134-0 4-10*9 16 82 226* 0-59! 283-1 128-8 + 11-0 18 61 5*7 (527) Centre 0-945 102-9 23*1 (92-6) — io-8 (+4-°) (3+) (i+3) p 226* 0-846 279-5 135*8 + 10-2 *5 i74 l 333C 226* 0-806 281-0 131*6 + H-I 0 2 7 226* 0765 280 6 127-8 + io-6 4 70 ) 377 (710) Centre 0-819 102-7 24-5 (78*0 r ? 1 B (29) (27O t 226* 0-946 2797 137-2 +10-4 36 138 | 382c 226* o"88 1 280-1 1277 +107 0 34 Centre 0-964 ! I34-7 0-7 (66-o) -41-2 >(+3'8) ' (36) ! (172) 292 (67+) No [Spots or Fa culse. I b 227 Centri ' 0-876 3 : 9 8"S ! 301-I ( I- 4 L 6-i )(+3'2 0 ) (0) 28 (28) 202 p (202) Nc > Spots or Fa , culse. 3T 227* 228 Centr o - 8ic o*9 2 ' e ) 98-; ; 88"/ 3 254-c t 2 4 °- c ( 3°7’5 > - 5*c ) + 2-6 )(+2-9 > 0 i 0 1) (0) 66 i 84 (15°: 367c ) (367) Group 226, October 19-27. One large spot and two or three small ones. Group 226*, November 2-4. A stream of spots. Group 227, November 9. Single spot. , Group 227*, November 13. A group seen only near the east limb. Group 228, November 13-16. Single spot. 36 Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Facul.® on Photographs Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse on Photographs — continued. Greenwich Civil Time. Measurers. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. Distance from Centre in terms of Sun’s Radius. Position Angle from Sun’s Axis. Heliographic Spots. Fa cun®. Greenwich Civil Time. Measurers. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. Distance from Centre in terms of Sun’s Radius. Position Angle from Sun’s Axis. 1 Heliographic Spots. Facula:. Longitude. Latitude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Longitude. Latitude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1876. O , 0 0 1876. O O O 318-582 JB, B 228 0-819 90' 1 240-5 + i -5 34 125 190

94‘ 6 9-c (54'3 > - 7-3 ) (“ 5-8 0 ) (0) 28 (28) 200c 1 (200) 14-58; ; jb, b 232a 0-903 0-247 1 285-; ’ H'< ; 261-0 5 194-9 > + 1 1 - 8 ) + 9-c > 55 215 192 26-02*: (. H, A 234 0-626 > 94-8 ; 9-c ) - 7-5 0 1 1 Jan. 1 : 233 Centr o-8oc e > 7 *-: 1 H7'7 (198-5 r +10-8 75 ;)( — 4"8)j( 1 3°) 325 (540 706 n ) (898) f Me. Jan. 2; 7 Centr B (47-8 ')(— 5-8 ) (0) (»: 1 (0) — Group 231*, January 6. Two small spots. Group 231+, January 8-11. One or two spots, mostly small. Group 232, January 10-22. One regular spot, a, usually with a small companion. Group 232*, January 10-11. A short stream of spots. Group 233, January 15-25. One regular spot, a , usually with one or two small companions. Group 234, January 26-27. One small faint spot. a preserves its form, but decreases in size as it crosses the Sun. 38 Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Facul^e on Photographs Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse on Photographs — continued . Greenwich Civil Time. Measurers. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. Distance from Centre in terms of Sun’s Radius. Position Angle from Sun’s Axis. Heljographic Spots. FACTO.®. Greenwich Civil Time. Measurers. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. Distance from Centre in terms of Sun’s Radius. Position Angle from Sun’s Axis Heliographic Spots. Facula;. Longitude. Latitude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Longitude. Latitude. Area of UMBHA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1877. 0 0 0 1877. .. p 0 0 28-467 JB, B 0-945 98-2 30+-3 - 9-8 299 49-559 JB, B 0-872 289-5 I 55-4 + 13-2 176 Jan. 29 Centre ( 157 ) (-6-o) (0) (°) ( 299 ) Feb. 1 9 Centre (98-0) (-7-0) (°) (°) (176) 29-53+ JB, B 23+* 0-864 9 +"+ 301-7 - 7-2 0 9 190 P Feb. 20 ) Jan. 30 Centre 07 ) (-6-i) (0) ( 9 ) ( 190 ) to - No Spots or Fac ulse. Feb. 21 j 30-078 H, A 23 +* 0-780 93 9 303-1 - 6-9 O 12 Me. Feb. 2 3 ) Jan. 31 Centre ( 35 +- 5 ) (-6-i) (°) (12) ( 0 ) to t No Spots or Fac ulse. Feb 24 ) 32-083 H, A 23+* 0-407 93 -i 304-0 - 7 -o 3 14 Me. 56-048 H, A 236 0-968 8o-o 298-5 + 7-8 0 I I 2 36 6/ Feb. 2 Centre (328-1) (-6-2) ( 3 ) (l+) (0) Me. Feb. 26 Centre (12-5) (- 7 - 2) (0) (112) ( 366 ) 33-557 JB, B 23+* 0-088 113-6 304-0 - 8-3 0 l6 Feb. 3 Centre (3087) (-6-3) |o) (16) (0) 57-5+6 JB, B 236 0-837 76-1 298-0 + 7"4 36 133 59671/ Feb. 27 Centre ( 352 - 8 ) (- 7 - 2 ) (36) ( 133 ) (596) 36*097 H > A 23+* 0-633 265-8 3 H -7 - 7-5 0 7 Me. 59-089 H, A 236* 0-327 93‘4 313-2 - 8-o 6 31 Feb. 6 Centre ( 275-3 f|6-5) ( 0 ) ( 7 ) (0) 236* 0-381 94-3 309-9 - 8-3 9 3 + Me. 236 0-591 67-4 299-2 + 7 -i 10 36 236 0-621 65-2 2977 + 9"2 0 7 37-459 JB, B 23+* 0-827 265-4 3 I 3-4 - 7‘5 0 6 Mar. 1 Centre ( 332 - 4 ) (- 7 - 2 ) (25) (*°8) (0) 235 0-900 75 -6 I 95-3 + 99 28 124 Feb. 7 Centre ( 257 - 3 ) (-6-6) (28) (130) (°) 61-027 H, A 236* 0-115 257-6 3 I 3-4 - 8-6 0 46 Me. 236* 0-047 233-4 309-1 - 8-8 1 1 97 38-523 JB, B 235 0778 72-1 I 94"9 + 9'5 3 i 154 236 0-275 27-8 299-5 + 6-9 2 16 Feb. 8 Centre ( 243 - 3 ) (-6-6) ( 3 i) ( 154 ) (0) Mar. 3 Centre (306-9) (- 7 - 2 ) ( 13 ) ( 159 ) (0) 63-086 H, A 236* o'S 47 2657 313-1 - 8-4 0 19 40-073 H, A 235 0-524 6o-8 1 95 "4 + 8-8 21 128 Me. 236* o’479 265-4 308-6 - 8-5 10 133 Me. ! 0-956 76-5 1 52-0 + 10-7 394 236 0-412 3I3-5 297-4 + 9" 6 0 39 Feb. 10 Centre (222-9) (- 67 ) (21) (128) ( 394 ) Mar. 5 Centre (279-8) (-7-2) (10) (191) (°) 66609 JB, B 237 0-529 261-2 265-3 — io-8 0 36 46-508 JB, B 235 o*86o 284-9 195-3 + 9"o 28 123 20475 Mar. 8 Centre (233-3) (- 7 - 2) (0) ( 36 ) (°) 0-85+ 80-5 8o-8 + 4'4 92 Feb. 16 Centre (138-2) {- To ) (28) (123) (296) 67-069 H, A 0-919 283-8 i 291-9 + 9*6 410 Me. 237 0-620 261-2 265-8 — 1 1 - 1 0 37 + 7'533 JB, B 235 0-95+ 281-8 195-4 + 9 "o 33 146 21671 Mar. 9 Centre (227-3) (- 7 - 2 ) (0) ( 37 ) (+10) Feb. 1 7 Centre (1247) {- To ) ( 33 ) (146) (216) Group 234*, January 30-February 7. Very small faint spot, that breaks up into several fragments on February 3. Group 235, February 7-17. A well-defined regular spot, which gradually diminishes in size, but does not otherwise change its form. Group 236, February 26-March 5. A group of three or four small spots. Group 236*, March 1-5. A short stream of spots. Group 237, March 8-10. Faint ill-defined spot, which breaks up into several spots on March 10. TAKEN AT GREENWICH, AT HARVARD, AND AT MELBOURNE, IN THE YEARS 1874 TO 1877 . 39 Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse on Photographs continued. £ 1 1 Heliogkaphic Spots. Facul-e. S terms j Heliogkaphic j Spots. Faculjj. s 3 from ! § Greenwich 'd 1 . from J p Group Civil * PS § PQ— O-S Civil oi 6.1 A 3-2- 05 -gw Time. Measurers. No. of Group, Spot. Distance from of Sun’s Rad Position Ang Longitude. Latitude. Area of UM each Spot Day). Area of WH each Spot Day). Area for eac (and for Da} Time. Measurers. No. of Group Spot Distance from of Sun’s Rai Position An; 1 Longitude. Latitude. Area of UR each Spot Day). Area of WJ each Spot Day). < 1877. 68-559 Mar. 1 0 JB, B 237 Centre 0-910 262-6 273-6 (207-7) (-7-2) O (0) 40 (+°) 238/ (238) 1877. 89-427 Mar. 31 JB, B Centre 0775 294-8 339-° (292-6) + I4-5 (-6-5) (0) (O) 208 (208) Mar. 14 No Spots or Fac ulse. 93-57I JB, B 0-946 261-3 309-5 -10-3 273 0-931 284-0 30F5 + io-6 307 0-951 177-0 224-4 -777 156 Mar. 1 6 No Spots or Fac ulie. Apr. 4 •Centre (237-9) (-6-3) (°) (O) (736) 7 5 '4-8 1 Mar. 1 7 JB, B 238 Centre 0-21 I 2+97 128-0 ( ii6> 4) (-?■!) 5 (5) 39 (39) (°) 94-564 Apr. 5 JB, B Centre 0-952 279-0 2957 (224-8) + 6-6 (-6-2) (°) (0) 354 (35+) 76-399 Mar. 1 8 JB, B 23« Centre 0-424 258-5 129-2 ( io 4'3) — I I -2 (-7-0) 46 (+ 6 ) 197 (197) (0) 95-500 Apr. 6 JB, B 239 Centre 0-982 IOI-7 132-5 (212-4) — 12-6 (-6-,) 8 (8) 63 (63) 207 c (207) 77-562 JB, B 238 0-648 261-0 129-6 — u-i 39 261 96-460 JB, B °"9 I 4 286-0 263-4 + 12-0 34 (34) 124 Mar. 1 9 Centre (89-0) (-7-0) (39) (261) (°) Apr. 7 239 Centre 0-917 101-4 1327 (1997) -12-9 (-6-o) 3 (3) 445C (569) 79-169 H, A 238 o-888 261-2 131-0 — 1 i-o 1 7 1 5 1 32OC No Spots or Fac ulae. 1 Me. 238 0-865 2597 1 128-2 -I2'4 0 18 Apr. 9 238 0-827 2611 124-0 -ii-3 8 69 j Mar. 21 Centre (67-8) (-6-9) (25) (238) (320) Apr. 1 1 No Spots or Fac ulas. 80-465 JB, B 238 0-985 259-4 131-8 — 11-6 5° 173 373 M 0-877 267-0 /95'8 140 Mar. 2 2 Centre (5°7) (-6-9) (5°) (i73) (373) 101-409 JB, B - 5" 6 (0) (0) Apr. 1 2 Centre (I34-4) (-57) (1+0) 81-503 JB, B 0-894 75-+ 3 3 5 ‘9 + 9-8 237 Apr. 1 3 0-977 97-4 318-8 - 87 39 1 No Spots or Fac iulse. Mar. 23 Centre (37-i) (-6-9) (°) - (0) (628) to Apr. 14 82-474 JB, B 0-926 9 6 '3 316-0 - 8-4 730 Mar. 24 Centre (24-2) (-6-8) (0) (°) (73°) 105-123 H, A 240 0-387 2+2-4 106-1 -i5-4 33 216 Me. Apr. 1 6 240 0-323 241*2 102-3 -14-1 6 1 1 8 85-561 Mar. 27 JB, B Centre 0-928 100-2 274-7 (343-5) — 120 (-6-7) 1 (0) (°) 446 (++ 6 ) 240 Centre 0-302 233-4 99-9 (85-4) -15-6 '(-5-4) 8 ' (47) 3+ (368) (0) Mar. 28 106-476 JB, B 0-909 2577 133-2 -13-4 2 1 1 to l No Spots or Fat julse. 240 0-614 252-2 104-5 -15-0 70 401 Mar. 29 Apr. 1 7 Centre (67-5) K— 5-3) » (70) (401) (2II) Group.238, March 17-22. A scattered group of ill-defined spots, which gradually condenses into two well-defined spots. On March 22 one of the spots has gone off the limb, and the other is only partly visible. Group 239, April 6-7. One small well-defined spot. Group 240, April 16-20. A group composed of three spots, of which the smallest gradually disappears. 40 Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Facul^e on Photographs Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse on Photographs — continued. g i •s Spots. FACULiE. £ 1 1 Heliographic Spots. FACULiE. s m Greenwich 1 • 1 63 T 3 Greenwich | 6 g •Si-g T ) Group Civil § 6;§ 2 0 A Civil g JJ 43 oS Time. Measurers. No. of Group, Spot. Distance from of Sun’s Ra< Position Ang Axis. Longitude. Latitude. Area of UM each Spot Day). Area of WH each Spot Day). §Q < Time. Measurers. No. of Group Sput Distance from of Sun s Ra Position An; Axis. Longitude. Latitude, Area of UM each Spot Day). Area of \VF each Spot Day). Area for eat (and for Di 1877. 108-1523 JB, B 240 0-891 256-4 103-6 -I4-4 58 302 337/ 1877. 122-428 M, B 243 0-571 I2- 4 208-6 0 I + 30-1 13 48 (°) Apr. 1 9 Centre (4°'4) (-5-0 (58) (302) (337) May 3 Centre (2167) (-37) <*3) (48) 109-470 JB, B 240 0-966 257-0 103-4 -I3-9 56 243 355/ 123-516 M, B 243 0-561 350-9 208’I + 29-9 0 32 241 0705 84-4 343-6 + 0-4 4 4 1 31 qn 244 0-259 273-5 217-2 — 2-6 12 49 (?) 0-971 79-6 313-0 + 8-8 115 May 4 Centre (202-3) (-3-6) (12) (81) Apr. 20 Centre (27'9) (-5-o) (60) (284) (789) 124-447 M, B 244 0-49 1 272-3 219-3 - 1 9 10 31 112-408 JB, B 241 0-122 177 347-o + i'9 27 137 May 5 Centre (190-0) (-3-5) ( IO ) (3i) (°) 242 0-720 96-1 303-1 - 7-6 21 73 Apr. 2 3 Centre (349' 1 ) (-47) (48) (210) (°) 126-414 M, B 0799 312-3 206-9 + 30-0 229 244 0-838 270-1 220-7 - I- 7 4 1 1 125/ 1 1 3 '4 2 3 JB, B 241 0-241 299-8 3477 + 2-3 23 69 245 0-871 104-5 103-8 -14-2 35 I 5 I 230 sf 242 °‘S34 96-8 303-5 - 7‘ 5 1 1 41 May 7 Centre (164-0) (-3’3) (39) (162) (584) Apr. 24 Centre (3357) (-4-6) (34) ("°j (°) 127-411 M, B 0-891 306-5 206-5 + 3°-i I 9 I 1 1 4‘+ I 7 JB, B 241 0-447 284-7 348 ‘ 1 + 2-4 20 68 244 o-943 269-1 2 2 1*1 - r 9 0 20 202 / 242 0-303 I02'6 3°5'3 - 8-i 16 i 48 245 .0-743 106-3 IO37 -14-2 31 139 2I5S/ Apr. 25 Centre (322-6) (-4'5) (36) (116) (°) 0-948 8o - 2 80-3 + 8-2 (3i) (*59) 230 May 8 Centre (I50-8) (-3-2) (838) 1 16-560 M, B 241 0-823 277-4 34^9 + 3-6 0 23 3 1 1”/ 0-962 2o6'5 + 3o-i 242 0-285 261-5 310-6 - 6-6 13 56 128-455 M, B 302-5 207 Apr. 27 Centre (294-2) (-4‘3) <*3) (79) (3 1 0 - 0-925 263-9 2047 - 6-9 61 I29 245 o-573 i io-6 103-6 -i 4 -i 1 7 19 6 nf | 246 0-823 77‘9 82-9 + 8-2 11 35 117-062 H, A 242 , 0-396 263-0 310-8 - 6 ’7 O 33 260 May 9 Centre (137-0) (-3-1) (28) (9 6 ) (532) Me. o’973 IOI -O 2106 — 1 1 "7 Apr. 28 Centre (287-6) (-4-3) (0) (33) (260) 129-469 M, B 245 0-388 120-3 >03-5 -14-0 19 68 246 0-676 74-1 82-6 + 8-4 30 107 * i9'554 M, B 1242 0-893 246-4 318-0 - 6-8 1 1 33 468/ May 1 0 Centre (123-6) (-3-o) (49) (175) (0) jH3 0-827 50-9 207-8 -f- 28*6 0 25 13 6 nf Apr. 30 Centre (2547) (-4-0) (*0 ( 58 ) (604) I30-59 1 M, B 245 0-213 155-8 103-6 — 14-0 H 61 246 o-439 6 4-3 85-3 + 8-3 26 139 t°) 120-107 H, A 0-853 264-4 305-9 - 6-9 221 May 1 1 Centre (1087) (-2-8) (4°) (200) Me. 242 0-947 263-4 318-6 - 7'5 0 28 24-3 Centre 0-768 46-5 208-0 (247-3) + 28-8 (-4-0) 0 (0) 47 ( 75 ) (221) I34-549 M, B 246 0-526 291-2 86-o + 8-8 23 10.5 (0) May 1 May 15 Centre (56-4) (-2-4) (23) (105) 121-075 H, A 0-946 2647 305-6 - 6-3 223 246 0-619 287-1 85-8 + 8-6 Me. May 2 243 0-659 3 3 '3 209-9 + 29-8 0 27 I35-093 H, A 1 1 9° 243 Centre o - 68i 38-1 205-9 (234-5) 4-28-9 ( — 3*9; 4 » (4) 4i (68) (223) Me. May 16 (49- 2 ) (-2-3) <«) ( 9 °) (0) Group 241, April 20-27. A group of small spots, which change greatly 011 April 23. Group 242, April 23-May 1. A group consisting principally of two small spots, of which one disappears on April 27. Group 243, April 30-May 4. A scattered group of small faint spots. Group 244, May 4-8. A scattered group of small faint spots, condensing on May 5 into a single spot. Group 245, May 7-1 1. A single well-defined spot. Group 246, May 9-18. One small well-defined spot. A second appears on May 10, but soon disappears again. TAKEN AT GREENWICH, AT HARVARD, AND AT MELBOURNE, IN THE YEARS 1874 TO 1877. Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse on Photographs— contmued. Greenwich Civil Time. Measurers. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. Distance from Centre in terms of Sun’s Radius. 1877. 136-05 I Me. May 17 H, A ( 246 246 247 Centre 0-807 2 0771 2 0-974 I37"4 l8 May 18 M, B 1 246 247 Centre Q'933 5 0-834 0-872 143-470 May 24 M, B 247 Centre O-+73 : 144-460 May 25 M, B 2+7 Centre 0-641 145-441 May 26 M, B 2+7 248 Centre 0-798 0-626 147-420 May 2 8 M, B Centre 0-972 0-908 148-410 May 29 M, B Centre 0-977 May 3 1 No Spots c 153-499 June 3 M, B 2+9 Centre 0-851 0-959 154-432 June 4 M, B 249 Centre 0-898 0727 1 5 5 '44 1 June ; M, B 2+9 Centre o-S53 Heliographic 2 9 i- 4 285-9 281-9 56-4 281-3 259-5 260-8 88-2 +13-7 857 3204 , y ( 3 6-5)(-2-2) 86-4 323-2 3I7-9 + 8-6 + 1 o-o - 7 324-2 310- (i8-4)(-2-i) u r / + 8'7 (298-4) (-1-3) . . , . 9"> (285-3) (— 1-2) + 8-7 - 9-3 (272*3) ( — - IM) 321-9 +io-8 310-9 - 9-9 (246-1) (-o-8) (233-°) ( — °'7) 102-3 | 10842 75-8 ; 92-9 277-5 216-8 104-3 107-8 109-0 |( 1 65-7) (— O-l) (1 53-3) (-0-0) Spots. Facula:. . | 1 w Heliographic Spots. Facul m . i; J ' Greenwich s 1 oi Jj as 5 s'! 0 . 2 O Area of UMBR each Spot (an Day). 0 A P IfS < Area for each (and for Day). Civil Time. Measurers. A 1 0 0 «2 £ Distance from O of Sun’s Radii < '%< Ph Longitude. Latitude. M ; p"! 02 ? la < Area of WHO each Spot (1 Day). Area for each (and for Day 8 26 67 | 30c 1877. 156-464 June 6 M, B 249 Centre o-349 121-8 1 109-0 '126-4)1 — 10-3 (+0-2) 33 (33) H3 (l43) 0 (°) ] 0 25 3 66/ (9) (US) (396) I57MI3 June 7 M, B 249 Centre 0'2o6 153-8 io8‘6 (”3'9) -10-3 (+0-3) 36 (36) 144 (>44) O (0) 0 14 382 nf 26 . (*6) 92 (106) 302/ 141 (825) 158-506 June 8 M, B 249 Centre 0-246 219-5 108-5 (99-4) — 10-4 (+°-5) 37 (37) >59 (> 59 ) 0 (0) >9 (> 9 ) 89 ( 89 ) (0) 159-419 June 9 M, B 249 Centre 0-403 242-1 1 08 -4 (87-3) -10-3 ( + o-6) 49 ( 49 ) 221 )22I) 0 (0) 29 ) ( 2 9 ) 93 ( 93 ) (0) 161-469 June 1 1 M, B 249 Centre 0-760 255-0 108-3 (60-2) -107 (+o-8) 33 ( 33 ) 184 (184) 320c ( 320 ) 7 i 15 ) ( 22 ) 61 53 {” 4 > 45872 ( 458 ) 164-416 June 14 M, B Centre 0-816 0-913 77-9 99-9 327-3 316-1 (21-3) + 10-5 - 8-6 (+'■■) (°) (O) 150 465 (615) 1 ) 200 1 77 165-397 June 1 5 M, B Centre 0-790 101-7 317-0 ( 8 - 3 ) - 8-5 (+1-2) (°) (°) ON ON O O ! ) (°) (0) ( 377 ) 0 (°) (°) 250 (250) 166-412 June 16 M, B Centre 0-737 83 8 307-6 ( 354 - 8 ) + 5-5 ( + 1 ' 4 ) (°) (O) 205 (205) 175-428 M, B 0-956 257-2 307-2 -11-4 70 200 250 0-298 1527 227-+ — 12-8 24 I56 ( 35 6 ) 5 11 6 37 160 nf 212 June 25 Centre 0-874 9 1 "3 1747 ( 235 M: + o-l (+2-5) l (2+) ( 7 °) i) (n) ( 37 ) ( 372 ) 7 140 I 77-539 June 27 M, B Centre 0-899 2692 271-2 (207-4 - 0-5 (+ 2 - 7 ! ) (°) (°) 128 (128) 3 37 238 0 0) ( 37 ) (238) (140) 2 42 0 (42) 200 (200; 1 (0) 178-490 June 28 1 M, B 251 Centri 0-590 0-976 245-0 100-9 227-8 1 1 8-4 (I 94-9 — 120 — 1 0-0 )|(+*-8 10 ) ( IO ) 3 ° ( 30 ) 215 (215) Group 247, May 17-26. One small spot. A second appears on May 24, and a third on May 26. Group 248, May 26. Two small spots. Group 249, June 3-1 1. Two spots, one of them very small. Group 250, June 25. Two small spots. Group 251, June 28-29. Yel 7 close P a * r well-defined small spots. Photo-Heliographic Results, 1874-1877. 42 Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Pacul^e on Photographs Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculte on Photographs — continued. Greenwich Civil Time. Measurers. No. of Group and Letter for Spot Distance from Centre in terms of Sun’s Radius. Position Angle from Sun’s Axis. Heliographic Spots. Facul®. Greenwich Civil Time. Measurers. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. Distance from Centre in term of Sun’s Radius. Position Angle from Sun’s Axis. Heliographic Spots. Facul®. Longitude. Latitude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). Longitude. Latitude. Area of UMBKA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1877. 0 0 O 1877. 0 0 0 1 79 ' 4 S 9 M, B 251 0-749 250-1 228-1 -127 32 97 300 / 201-514 M, B 0-948 278-9 321-9 + io-o 95 0-937 217-9 237'8 — 46-0 157 0-938 2547 3 I 7-9 -12-4 261 0-912 ioi-6 ” 7*4 - 9-3 265 July 2 1 Centre (250-2) (+ 5 -o) (°) (°) ( 357 ) June- 29 Centre (182-0) (+2-9) ; (32) ( 97 ) (722) July 23 No Spots or Fac ulse. 183-442 M, B 252 0-626 77-2 9 1 ' 1 + io-6 10 31 0 July 3 Centre (129-4) (+ 3 ' 4 ) (IQ) (30 (0) 210-416 M, B 0-879 48-6 74-8 + 38-.8 51 July 30 Centre (132-4) ( + 5 - 8 ) (O) (O) (50 184-440 M, B 0-789 2697 1680 4- 2-0 1 16 252 0-400 73‘3 93 3 + 9-8 3 31 July 4 Centre (1 1 6-1) (+ 3 * 5 ) ( 3 ) ( 31 ) (1 16) 211-408 M, B o-8oo 44'3 73 A + 39 " 1 9 1 July 31 Centre (119-3) ( + 5 ' 9 ) (0) (°) (90 185-407 M, B 252 0-190 56-1 94-2 + 96 1 25 0 July 5 Centre (i o 3 - 3 ) (+ 3 - 6 ) (0 ( 25 ) (0) 213-523 M, B 254 0-617 282-4 129-2 + 12-4 >9 47 0 Aug. 2 Centre ( 9 i- 3 ) ( + 6-o) (19) ( 47 ) (°) J uly 9 No Spots or Fac ulse. 214-503 M, B 254 0792 280-7 130-9 + 12*1 0 20 >° 4 / Aug. 3 Centre ( 78 - 4 ) ( + 6-i) (0) (20) ( io 4 ) i 9°- 4 36 M, B 0-854 279-5 95*5 + 10*2 190 July 10 Centre (36-9) (+ 4 "°) (°) (0)1 (190) Aug. 4 No Spots or Fac ulse. 191-104 H, A 0-981 280-5 107-3 + II-I 324 Me. Aug. 7 No Spots or Fac ulse. July 1 1 Centre (28-1) (+ 4'0 (°) (0) ( 324 ) 225-523 M, B 0-858 108-3 236-4 — 12-0 >39 192-495 M, B 0-928 I02'2 303-° - 9-6 245 Aug. 14 Centre (292-6) (j+67) (°) (°) (> 39 ) July 12 Centre ( 97 ) ( + 4 - 2 ) (0) (°) ( 245 ) 233-506 M, B 255 0-991 83-0 io 4'5 + 7‘9 27 1 16 334 « 194-063 H, A 252* 0-316 2II-7 358-4 — I 1-2 5 26 0 Aug. 22 Centre (187-2) (+ 7 - 0 ) (27) (116) ( 334 ) Me. July 14 Centre ( 3487 ) ( + 4 - 4 ) ( 5 ) (26) (0) 234-534 M, B 255 0-939 83 A >03-3 + 8-6 32 149 654V Aug. 23 Centre (173-6) (+ 7 -i) (32) (i 49 ) ( 6 54 ) July 1 7 No Spots or Fac ulse. 198-468 M, B 253 0-565 2 37'4 3196 - 13-4 6 16 235-44° M, B 255 0-848 84-1 103-2 + 8-8 30 230 695 / 0-870 109-1 232-8 — 14-0 258 Aug. 24 Centre ( 1 6 1 -6) (+ 7-0 (30) (230) (695) July 18 Centre (290-5) ( + 4 " 8 ) (6) (16) ( 258 ) 200-519 M, B 0-947 283-5 335 -i + > 4*4 160 0-858 253-6 320-3 -1 1-4 215 239478 M, B 255 0-082 7°'3 103-8 + 87 15 4 i 0 July 20 Centre (263-4) ( + 4 ‘ 9 ) (0) (0) ( 375 ) Aug. 28 Centre (108-3) ( + 7 - 2 ) (15) (40 (°) Group 252, July 3-5. One very small spot which breaks up into two or three on July 4. Group 252*, July 14. Several small spots in a semicircle. Group 253, July 18. One very small spot. Group 254, August 2-3. Two very small spots, one of which disappears on August 3. Group 255, August 22-31. A large spot divided into three portions by bridges. On August 28 it has separated into two small spots, one of which disappears on August 29. TAKEN AT GREENWICH, AT HARVARD, AND AT MELBOURNE, IN THE YEARS 18/4 TO 18//. 43 Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse on Photographs —continued. Greenwich Civil Time. 1877. 240-570 Aug. 29 | 242-406 Aug. 31 243-506 Sept. 1 Sept. 4 Sept. 148-436 Sept. 6 249-392 | Sept. 7 251-520 Sept. 9 2 5 4 * 4 ° 5 Sept. 12 260*524 Sept. 18 Measurers. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. Distance from Centre in terms of Sun’s Radius. Position Angle from Sun’s Helioghaphic Spots. Facul/e. Longitude. Latitude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Groiip (and for Day). M, B 0*942 268-1 164-0 + 0-7 90 : 255 0-182 277 + 104-3 + 8-4 1 I 30 Centre ( 93 - 9 ) < :+ 7 - 2 ) (11) ( 30 ) (90) S M, B 255 0-573 273-5 104-7 + 7-9 4 19 0 s Centre (69*6) ( + 7 ' 2 ) ( 4 ) ( 19 ) (°) M, B 0-728 275-6 1 02 ’ I + 9 '° 538 0-935 100-3 357*4 - 7-0 202 Centre ( 55-0 ( + 7 ' 2 ) k (°) ( 74 o) 1 M, B 256 0*931 82-6 306-3 + 9‘5 25 1 17 29 6c i Qentre ( 15 - 5 ) ( + 7 ' 3 ) (25) ( 117 ) (296) M, IS 256 0-822 83*6 306-5 + 9*4 46 216 296c Centre (27) (+ 7 - 3 ) (46) (216) (296) M, B 256 0-676 84-2 307*2 + 9-2 51 213 149 Centre ( 35 °-o) ( + 7 ‘ 3 ) (so ( 213 ) (i 49 ) M, B 256 0-512 84-3 306-4 + 9-1 45 249 0 Centre ( 337 - 3 ) ( + 7 - 3 ) (45) ( 249 ) (0) M, B 256 0-030 35 ' 1 308-2 + 8-6 36 158 0 Centre (309-2) (+ 7 ' 2 ) (36) (158) (°) M, B 256 0-607 2747 3087 + 8-6 26 106 257 0789 1 io-6 222-5 — 1 1*4 19 75 21 is/ Centre l(+ 7 ' 2 ; 1 (45) (181) (211) M, B 257 o -593 240-1 221-8 — 1 „i ‘ 1 1 15 258 0-438 1157 167-2 - 4*4 0 12 186c 1 Centre > ( 1 9°'4 )(+ 7 + ) (1) (27) (186) ’ H, A 258 0-203 178-0 1 169-3 - 4-6 O 6 258 0-204 1597 1657 - 3'9 0 6 0 ) Centri 3 (1697 X+71 ) (0) (12) ' (°) Civil Time. 1877. 263-463 Sept. 21 268-588 j M, B 258 Centre 0-946 o-349 0-842 2 5 8< 259 Centre 269- 506 Sept. 27 270- 411 Sept. 28 271- 521 2 73 ' 4 1 5 Oct. 1 278-440 Oct. 6 289-424 Oct. 17 Oct. 23 296-447 Oct. 24 M, B M, B 0-907 o‘5S5 •999 0-901 0785 0-651 259 Centre 260 Centre M, B 0-877 0-456 o*9 2 1 0-458 0-941 0-84: 0-936 Spots 0-839 2 53'3 2 33 - 3 258-4 260-4 254-6 10 1 -9 104-8 109-2 280-9 H 9'4 100-9 219-9-13-3 167-8 - 5-3 (i 5 i- 5 );(+ 7 -°) 1687 j 7 (112-9) (+6-9) 167-4 I 3 5-9 22-1 - 57 - 2*7 - 7 -i ( 1 0 3 * 6 )|(+ 6-9) 2 1*5 — 7" 6 ( 8 +*o)(+ 6 * 8 ) 22-1 I - 7*2 ( 7 1 * 9 ) ( 6 ‘ 8 ) 21-8 — 7-0 (5 9 - 9 )(+6-8) 107-0 217 339'7 + 12*7 6-7 - 7'3 (45-2) (+67) 28-0 — 19*4 309-51+ 9-5 (20-2) ( + 6*6) 23-5 !“ 4’2 (327-3) (+6-4) 259-7 22- 767 - 7'3 ( 3 H - 3 )(+ 6 " 3 ) n 5 *i I 9-3 + 1 4 "° (169-1) (+5-5) ulse. + 117 (76-4) ( + 4-9)1 (0 (o) o o («) 20 (20) 8 ( 8 ) 6 ( 6 ) 3 ( 3 ) 3 ( 3 ) (o) (o) (o) (o) 5 133 (138) 85 (85) 33 (33) 35 (35) 330 ( 33 °) 245 ( 245 ) 360 334 C ( 6 94) 308s/ (308) 381 sf (38i) (o) 241 54 ( 295 ) 196 (196) 242 (242) 389 (389) (82) 157 (i57) Group 256, September 4-12. Two spots ; the following spot, which is small and faint, disappears on September 9, and the larger spot has D r y September 5. Group 257, September 12-18. One small spot. Group 258, September 18-21. Two small faint spots. Group 258*, September 25. A very small spot. Group 259, September 25-29. One small spot. Group 260, October 1. One very small spot. 44 Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Facul^e on Photographs Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculae on Photographs — continued. Greenwich Civil Time. Measurers. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. Distance from Centre in terms of Sun’s Radius. Position Angle from Sun’s Heliographic Spots. FACUL2B. Greenwich Civil Time. Measurers. No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. Distance from Centre iu terms of Sun’s Radius. Position Angle from Sun’s Axis. Heliographic Spots. Facul*. Longitude. Latitude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1 Longitude. Latitude. Area of UMBRA for 1 each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE for each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). 1877. o O O 1877. 0 0 0 298-072 H, A 261 0-982 99-6 337-Q - 8-5 39 444 311-44° M, B 0-959 265-2 311-8 - 3-6 539 Me. 261 0-991 97-8 333'7 - 7-0 IS* Nov. 8 Centre (238-8) (+3-5) (°) (0) (539) Oct. 26 Centre. (SS‘°) (+4-8) (39) (595) (°) 3I3-442 M, B 0-961 265-2 285-8 - 3-7 4°5 3 02-5 i 3 M, B 0747 257-5 43'4 - 6-4 120 Nov. 10 Centre (212-3) (+37) (0) (°) (405) 261 0-421 1 19 7 334’ 8 - 8-o 139 605 262 0-703 98-0 312-4 - 2-5 20 120 347C Oct. 30 Centre (356-4) ( + 4-3) ( 1 59) (72 5) (467) 3I5-44 1 M, B o-944 80-2 115-2 + 10-2 191 Nov. 12 Centre ( i8 5'9) (+3*o) (°) (0) (J9 1 ) 3°3’44 8 M, B 261 0-268 142-4 334 -6 — 8'o I24 662 262 0-528 1 0 1 • 1 3i3-o — 2-2 25 124 3I7M94 M, B 263 0-59° 1 1 II 125-2 - 97 38 I 1 1 Oct. 3 1 Centre (344'0 (+ 4' 2 ) (M9) (786) (O) Nov. 14 Centre (158-9) (+27) (38) (III) ,(°) 3°4'445 M, B 0788 283-3 22 7 + 13-0 3*3 319-548 M, B 263 0-232 155-2 126-2 - 97 16 58 261 0*222 1 95 '9 334'5 - 8-i 116 778 Nov. 16 Centre (i3>-9) (+ 2 "4) (16) (58) (°) 262 0-322 109-2 3I3-3 - 2-1] 25 139 0-775 81-3 280-3 + 9-3 1 173 Nov. 1 Centre (33i-o) (+4-0(140 (9*7) (486) 320-586 M, B 263 0-265 214-4 1269 -10-3 15 27 Nov. 17 Centre (118-2) (+2-3) (15) (27) (°) 305-131 H, A 0-938 2581 30-3 - 9'7 270 Me. 261 0-299 227-3 3347 - 77 104 770 325-508 M, B 0-965 257-3 127-2 — 1 1-8 183 262 o-i7r 1317 314-6 - 2-5 4 76 0-899 280-7 117-0 + 10-4 104 Nov. 2 Centre (321-9) ( + 4"0 ( iq 8) (846) (270) 264 0-980 ioo’6 335-5 — io-i 86 301 363c Nov. 22 Centre (533) (+17) (86) (301) (650) 306-482 M, B 261 0-541 248-1 334-4 - 8-2 120 562 262 0-188 234-2 312-8 - 2-4 18 76 Nov. 3 Centre (304-1) (+3-9) (138) (638) M 326-436 M, B 264 0-922 101-9 33P9 — 10-3 79 392 609c Nov. 23 Centre (4i-i) (+i-6) (79) (392) (609) 307-491 M, B 261 0-715 254-6 3347 - 8-2 101 543 262 °'394 254-6 313-0 -2-5 6 45 Nov. 4 Centre (290-6) (+3-8) ( io 7) (588) (0)- 327-103 H, A 264 0-852 1037 3 3 5’ 1 — io-8 5° 562 181c Me. Nov. 24 Centre (32-3) (+i-5) (5o) (562) (181) 308-442 M, B 26 1 0-845 2577 334-6 - 8-3 100 508 358c 262 0-590 259-4 3I3-6 - 3-2 0 ! 24 Nov. 5 Centre (278-2) (+37) (100) (532) (358) 328-218 H, A 264 0-652 110-9 340-2 -12-3 0 17 Me. 264 0-696 106-9 33 5-1 — 106 5i 505 Nov. 25 Centre (17-6) (+i-4) (SO (522) (°) 310-073 H, A 0-816 264-3 310-9 - 2-5 386 Me. 261 0-979 2607 334-2 - 8-4 89 564 261 0-956 258-8 328-4 - 9-6 0 15 920c 329-552 M, B 264 0-464 ii5"3 334-9 -10-3 95 468 Nov. 7 Centre (256-8) (+3-6) ( 8 9.) (579) (1306) Nov. 26 Centre (0-l)(+I"2) (95) (468) (°) Group 261, October z6-November 7. A large well-defined spot surrounded by several small fragments. Group 262, October 30-November 5. A somewhat scattered group of small spots. Group 263, November 14-17. Two small spots, the second of which moves more quickly than the first, and grows gradually smaller. Group 264, November 22-December 3. A well-defined spot, closely surrounded by several smaller ones. TAKEN AT GREENWICH, AT HARVARD, AND AT MELBOURNE, IN THE YEARS 1874 TO 1877. 45 Measures of Positions and Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse on Photographs— continued. Greenwich Civil Time. 1877. 330'22I Me., Nov. 27 • 33i*4 6 9 Nov. 28 332-086 Me. Nov. 29 333*4 z8 Nov. 30 335-SIS Dec. 2 336-077 Me. Dec. 3 264 26+ Centre 264 Centre 264 ’Centre 64 Centi c 264 Centre 0-294 0-340 0-193 0*238 0-819 0-965 H, A j 264 Centre Heliographic 180-5 246-9 338-9 335-2 Greenwich Civil Time. 107 -107 (35 1 - 2 ) (+ I ‘ I ) 3349 (3347) (+ i-o) (326-6) (+0-9) 335'° (308-9) (+07) 3354 208-4 + 26*5 (281-4) (+o- 4 ) 335-o (274-0) (+0-4) (50) 73 (73) 44 (44) 68 ( 68 ) 5° (5o) 3 1 (3i) 24 379 (403) 343 (343) 327 (327) 26: (261) 644 , 6 4 (203) (528) 215 ! 528c (215) 1 (528) 877- Dec. 5 to Dec. 7 Dec. 1 o to Dec. 1 1 Dec. 14 to Dec. 15 Dec. 17 354-100 Me. Dec. 2 1 364-466 Dec. 3 1 No. of Group, and Letter for Spot. Distance from Centre in terms of Sun’s Radius. Position Angle from Sun’s Axis. Heliographic Spots. Faculal Longitude. Latitude. Area of UMBRA for each Spot (and for Day). Area of WHOLE tor each Spot (and for Day). Area for each Group (and for Day). No Spots or Fac ulse. 0 1 1 No Spots or Fac ulse. No Spots or Fac ulse. No Spots or Fac ulse. 264* 0-887 103-3 334' 6 -127 i 0 1 37 184c Centre (36-6; k - i - 9 ; 1 (0) (37) (184) 0-960 255-6 333-8 -147 205 265 o-944 279' 1 329-9 + 7-5 0 34 192/ Centre (260-0 H-3-2 ) (0) (34) (397) Group 264*, December 21. A small spot. Group 265, December 31. Two small spots. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH. LEDGERS AREAS AND POSITIONS OF GROUPS OF SUN SPOTS DEDUCED FROM THE MEASUREMENT OF THE SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS FOR EACH DAY IN THE YEARS 1874 - 1877 . 48 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots deduced for Each Day from the Measurements of the Photographs taken at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, at the Observatory of Harvard College, Cambridge, U.S.A., and at the Melbourne Observatory, Australia, in the Years 1874 to 1877. Note. — The Greenwich 'Civil Time at which the photograph was taken is expressed by the month, day of the month (civil reckoning), and decimal of a day, reckoned from Greenwich Mean Midnight. The Projected Area of .the TJmbrte and Whole Spots is the area as it is measured on the photograph, uncorrected for the effect of foreshortening, and Expressed in millionths of the Sun’s apparent disk. The Column “ Longitude from Central Meridian ” gives the Mean Heliographic longitude of the group, reckoned from the meridian passing through the centre of the Sun’s disk at the moment of observation ; longitudes west of the. centre being reckoned as positive. Dates for which the decimal of the day is not given indicate days for which no photographic Record is at present available. In these cases the means have been taken of the areas and positions of the spot-groups as measured on the day immediately preceding, and that immediately following the day for which the photograph is lacking. These interpolated values are enclosed in brackets, but are used in taking the final means for each spot-group. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 82. Single spot which breaks up into two on April 1 18. Group 85. A large spot with several small ones near it I874- d May 1-539 2-499 3 4- 57I 5- 490 6- 432 7- 5I5 8- 552 9- 497 10 1 1-526 O 14 No pho 1 53 6i 22 73 70 48 No pho 0 38 168 tograph. 593 548 645 494 428 322 tograph. 58 0 (20 28 31 1 1 39 42 35 (18 0 42 132 223 314 277 324 264 258 233 167 IOO 244G 243-9 246- 1 248-2 248*1 247- I 248- 4 248-5 248-3 248-5 248-7 1874- d April 1 7 ‘48 5 18-506 O 0 208 11 7 0 * 13 60 113- 3 114- 3 + 5-8 + 5-6 -I9-9 - 5"4 ~ 37 “ 3-9 - 4'3 - 4'7 - 5-i - 5'4 - 5*3 - 5 "6 - 5'i - 5-2 - 52 -63-1 -50-9 -35-i) 19*2 - 7"i + 4-3 + 19*9 + 33-8 +46*° + 597) + 73'3 Means 0 87 113-80 + 5'7° Group 83. Single spot. April27 - 556 28- 574 29- 663 30- 577 May 1-539 2-499 3 4‘57 1 5- 490 6- 432 7’5*5 0 53 53 72 62 88 No pho 43 24 25 27 150 285 306 369 369 349 tograph. 284 200 227 149 0 41 33 40 32 45 (35 25 16 21 34 171 221 189 205 I9i 178 171 164 133 188 188 296- 0 297- 0 296-6 296-3 296-2 296-0 296-0 295-9 295-6 295-1 295-2 -12-4 -12-4 — 12-6 -13-0 — 13-0 -13-3 -13-5 -137 -13-6 -13-2 -137 — 64-1 -497 -357 -23-9 — 1 1 "3 + 1-2 + I4-9) + 28-5 + 4°- 4 + 52-3 + 667 Means 21 212 247-29 -4-86 Group 86. Two large spots. May 6-432 7- 5I5 8- 552 9G97 10 11-526 0 7 6 140 108 No pho 8 I56 495 706 6 39 tograph. 384 0 72 98 64 (34 4 248 467 494 378 287 196 171-5 171-5 1717 171- 6 172- 2 172-7 + 6-5 + 7‘4 + 7-5 + 7-4 + T 3 + 7-i -71-3 -57-0 -43-o — 3°"7 -167) - 2-7 Means 29 182 295-99 -13-13 Means 45 345 171*87 + 7-20 Group 84. Small scattered group. Group 87. April 30-577 0 46 0 24 331-5 + 7-9 + ii*3 A large group of many : spots. May 1-539 0 60 0 34 331-8 + 77 + 24-3 2499 0 +6 0 29 331-3 + 8-o + 36-S May 7-515 58 591 93 954 1561 - 6-9 -72-4 8-552 40 1107 39 1075 155-6 — 6-6 -59*1 Means 0 29 331-53 + 7-87 9"497 177 i 1 59 130 852 .SS-. - 7'o -47-2 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, AT HARVARD, AND AT MELBOURNE, IN THE YEARS 1874 TO 1877. 49 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. ( Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean j Mean jongitudc from Date. 1 Projected Area of j Area for i Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude Longitude from Central Meridian. Greenwich Civil Time. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Jmhra. 1 Whole Spot. of Group. 1 1 of Group. Central Meridian. Civil Time. -| Umbra. | Whole , Spot. Umbra. Whole j Spot. of Group. of Group. Group 87 — continued. Group 90. One large spot of very irregular shape. 1874- d May 10 1 1*526 12 13 H 15 16-438 17 18-441 No plio 98 No pho No pho No pho No pho 47 No pho 0 ograph. 807 ograph. ograph. ograp h ograph. 322 ograph. 48 (9 l (48 (45 (4 1 (38 34 (17 0 640 427 389 35° 312 273 235 164 92 155- 9 156- 7 1568 156- 9 157- 0 I 57 -I 157- 2 158- 2 159- I - 7’ 1 - 7-2 - 7-1 - 7'° - 6-9 - 6-8 - 6-6 - 6-7 - 67 -33'°) -187 - 5’ 6 ) + 7-5) + 20-6) +337) + 46-8 + 6ro) + 75-i 1874. rt May 26-442 27 28 29 30-472 3i June 1-481 2-527 3 4H66 5-466 58 No pho No pho No pho 87 No pho 58 55 No pho 37 376 tograph. tograph. tograph. 502 tograph. 368 364 tograph. 210 1 1 3 59 (55 (52 (48 45 (39 32 34 (36 38 0 384 353 322 290 259 231 202 226 221 216 213 278-2 278-4 278-6 278- 8 279- 0 279-2 279-4 279-4 279-4 279- 3 280- 0 + H-3 + II-2 + II-I + i °’9 + io-8 4-11-2 -f 1 1-6 + II-2 + H*I 4-10-9 4-11-6 -46-4) -32-9) -19-4) - 5-8 + 77) 4-21-2 + 351 + 47-8) 4-60-6 + 74" 6 Means 52 480 1 56-8l - 6-88 Group 88. A group of three small spots widely separated. Means 40 265 279-06 + "'' 7 Group 91. One well-defined spot of regular shape. May 9-497 10 11-526 0 No pho O 84 tograph. 27 0 (° 0 68 56 44 249' 1 247-0 244-8 + 20-5 + 21-2 + 21-9 +46-8 + 58 -i) + 69-4 June 1-481 2-527 3 4- 466 5- 466 3° 49 No pho 49 23 100 216 tograph. 258 248 33 1 38 (33 27 12 1 1 1 166 154 142 127 195-1 195- 4 I95A 195*4 196- 2 - 7'3 - 6-6 - 6-8 - T ° - 7-0 -63-1 -48-9 -36-1) -23-3 - 9-2 Means 0 56 246-97 + 21'20 ' Group 89. Two or three small spots. Means j 2 9 140 ' l95-5° - 6-94 May 16-438 17 18-441 19 20- 445 21- 559 22- 515 0 No pho 0 No pho O 0 0 r 59 L tograph. 4 1 tograph. 53 59 3° 0 (° 0 (° 0 0 0 79 53 27 28 28 3° 16 42^ 43‘4 44'3 44- 6 44'9 44'9 45- 6 -I3-4 -I3-4 -I3-4 -I3'5 — 13-6 -137 -137 -67-9 -53-8) -397 — 26-2) — I2"6 + .2-2 + I5-5 Group 92. Two faint spots. June H-534 12-417 I 3’4°9 H 15-552 0 0 38 No pin 0 97 58 198 3 tograph, 36 0 0 21 - (M 0 5° 3° 108 69 29 | I i 1217 | -ll-i 1217 — 1 1*3 1202 — 1 1 * 1 121- 5 1 —107 122- 8 j —IO - 2 - 3"4 + 8-3 4-19-9 + 35+) + 5°‘9 ■ Means 0 37 44-3I -I3-53 Means 6 57 121-58 j —10-88 Group 89*. Two large spots of irregular shape. Group 92*. May 20-445 21- 559 22- 515 23 24 25 26-442 85 IO 35 No ph , Noph Noph 3 542 367 5°9 0 tograph 0 tograpl: 0 tograpl 43 47 5 18 1. (14 1. (10 L (6 3 3 QI T 265 210 155 100 44 35'9 33-9 34‘ 6 35'5 36-4 37’3 38-2 — l6'2 — 161 — 16-2 -15-9 -15-6 -15-3 -14-9 — 21-6 - 8-8 + 4‘5 + 18-4) + 32-3) + 46-2) + 6o*i Two spots. June 15-552 16 17 18 19-527 ° 1 53 No photograph No phojtograph No pho tograph 1 0 "± 0 29 91*1 (o' 85 92-0 1. (0 140 93-0 >• (0 195 93*9 0 250 94-8 1 “ io 1 — 10-6 — 10-2 ! _ 9-8 | - 9-5 + 19-2 + 33'7) + 47*6) 4-61-6) +75-5 Means 15 181 | 35*97 — 1 5 *74 1 Means j .... | ... 0 140 92-96 j —10-20 | G Photo-Heliographic Results, 1874-1877. 50 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. I Whole Spot. | of Group. Gioup 93. t One small spot. Group 96 — continued. 1874. June 28 29+16 30-409 No pho 83 173 No pho 75 4 0 tograph. 792 1268 tograph. 688 l °7 25 (22 44 100 (83 66 7 0 218 419 733 671 609 167 59 261- 7 262- 3 262-2 262-2 262-2 264-5 2597 “ 9‘3 — IO‘I — 10-4 — 10-2 - 9-9 - 9-6 - 8*9 + 1*1) + I 3-9 + 26-9 + 4 0- 5 ) + 54 -I + 70-5 + 77-3 I 87 +- a June 1 3 ’409 O 45 O 26 129-3 + 87 + 29-0 Means 0 26 129-3 + 87 July 1 2- 464 3- 529 4- 403 Group 94. One spot, which greatly increases in size on June 19, and breaks up into several fragments. Means 40 362 261-98 — 9-60 June 15*552 16 17 18 19-527 20 21 22'6o8 23- 469 24- 458 25- 512 O No pho No pho 53 No pho No pho 89 71 32 32 126 tograph. tograph. tograph. 815 tograph. tograph. 899 801 447 193 0 (7 (H (21 27 (36 (45 54 52 34 70 126 199 272 345 418 461 504 548 589 481 428 12-3 12*1 11- 8 1 1 -6 1 1*3 1 1 *8 12- 4 1 2 *9 14-0 16- 4 17- 2 + I 2 -I + 1 1-8 + H -5 + II-2 + 10-9 + 10-7 + 10-5 + 10-4 + 10-5 + 10-2 + IO-I -59-6 -46-7) - 33 - 8 ) -20-9) — 8-o + 6-2) +20-3) + 34 + + 4 6 -9 + 62-3 + 77-1 Group 97. One small faint spot. It breaks up into a cluster of very small spots on July 2. June 30-409 July 1 2- 464 3 - 529 4 ' 4°3 0 No pho 2 0 0 28 tograph. 79 153 2 1 0 1 0 0 33 43 I 79 ! 11 1867 187- 8 188- 9 190- 6 191- 5 - 87 - 8-8 - 8-8 - 8-5 - 8-9 -48-6 - 33 - 9 ) -i 9 -2 - 3 + + 9 " 1 Means 0 -| 38 189-10 - 874 Means ... j ... 33 397 13-07 + 10-90 Group 98. Two spots. They are small on July 2 but much larger on the following days, and form two streams. Only one spot of the group, 98a, is still on the disk on July 13. Group 95. A very scattered group composed principally of five spots. It undergoes very rapid changes in form and in size during its course. June 24-458 25-512 26 27 - 574 - 28 29-416 3 °' 4°9 July 1 2- 464 3- 529 4 " 4 ° 3 5 6-546 0 1 0 No pho 54 No pho 77 52 No pho 57 0 28 No pho 0 28 85 tograph. 481 tograph. 561 678 tograph. 34 ° 68 135 tograph. 37 0 (21 42 (43 44 27 (29 31 0 20 (10 0 62 “3 243 373 346 3 i 9 355 271 186 42 97 80 63 237-3 232-9 228-9 224-8 224-3 223- 7 224- 6 225- 7 2267 227-2 227-1 227-1 227-0 + 2 I-I + 22'3 + 20-8 + 19-3 + 18-0 + 167 + 17-0 + 17-2 + 17-3 ..+ 17-2 + 17-6 + I 7-3 + 16-9 — 76-8 -67-2 -57-6) — 48-0 - 3 + 4 ) -24-7 -10-7 + 3 - 9 ) + 1 8-6 + 33‘2 + 447 + 58-8) + 72-9 July 2+64 3-529 4+03 5 6-546 7+54 8-513 9'535 10-501 12 1 3*549 0 31 ! 3 I No pho 343 30° 266 276 164 No pho No pho 0 H | 3 i 7 io 54 tograph. 2002 2395 2342 1976 1081 tograph. tograph. 53 22 77 (126 174 154 148 179 130 (87 (43 0 14 223 620 818 1016 1228 1301 1283 858 612 365 1 18 148-5 I 50-0 151-4 I 5 I -3 151-2 151- 2 152- 8 153 - 5 1527 148-0 143 + 138-6 + 12 + + 12-9 + 11 + + 11 + + 11 + + II -0 + io-8 + 11 + + 11-5 + 97 + 79 + 6-i -59-6 -44-0 -31-0 -17-0) - 2-9 + 9 -i + 24-8 + 39 "° + 5 I- ° + 597 ) + 68-4) + 77-2 Means 95 705 149-38 + io-66 Means 21 196 227-48 + 18-36 Group 99. At first a single well-defined spot. On July 3 and 4 a row of small spots forms immediately behind it. Group 96. Single spot. On June 29 it has expanded into a long straggling group of small spots. The group undergoes very rapid change in form and size during the whole of its course. July 2-464 3 - 529 4 - 403 5 6-546 13 38 33 No pho 167 84 262 579 tograph. 838 18 33 23 (56 88 1 20 228 405 423 441 138- 9 1 39 - 5 I 39 -I I 38*8 138 + - 5 + - 4 -i - 5'8 - 5 + - 4‘9 — 69-2 - 54-5 - 43’3 -29-5) -157 June 27-574 O 33 0 17 261-0 - 8-4 -,,8 TAKEN AT HARVARD, CAMBRIDGE, U.S.A., AND AT MELBOURNE, IN THE YEARS 1874 TO 1877. 51 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued . Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for . j Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. 1 Projected 1 Area of Area for ! Group. | Mean j 1 Longitude . T , Whole 1 of Group, j Jmbra. | Spot . _ _ I Longitude Mean Latitude > r0m „ Central o,u, ' o “ i '' i ibriim. Jmhra. Whole Spot. I Jmbra. j Whole Spot. of Group. [Jmbra. j Whole Spot. Gro up 99 — continued . Group 102 — continu ed. 1874- a July 7'4S4 8-513 9535 10-501 1 1 12 13-549 90 107 45 31 No pho No pho 0 602 638 379 176 ograph. ograpli. 3° 46 55 25 20 (i4 (7 0 3°7 329 213 113 100 86 72 138-1 138- 1 1 393 139- 3 1392 139-2 i39-i - 4-8 - 4-8 - 5"3 - 5-2 - 5*3 - 5’4 - 5"5 - 4"° + IO'I + 24-8 + 37‘ 6 l874- d July 15-443 16-524 17*5 16 18-511 74 48 54 1 33 274 315 ! 338 161 38 28 41 34 141 185 258 168 45*9 53-0 58-1 57 + + 13-8 + 127 + 10-5 +10-5 + 96 + 31-0 + 49-2 + 617 + 51-0) - + 64-4) + 777 Means ... iH 19 1 1 8 49*9 8 + 13-04 Means ... 32 236 138-92 - 5-16 Group 103. One large regular spot. Group 100. One large regular spot. July 14-512 15+43 16- 524 17- 516 18- 511 19 20- 513 21- 503 22 23- 497 24- 565 0 46 45 44 39 No pho 43 29 No pho 12 0 39 1 1 8 216 251 222 tograph. 149 103 tograph. 46 29 0 55 36 29 22 (22 22 15 (12 8 0 87 Hi 174 164 127 102 77 54 42 3° 24 33ii 33i'i 33i-i 33° -6 330-2 329-8 329-3 3290 3287 328-4 3288 + 187 +17-4 +18-5 + 18'6 + 18*3 + 18-4 + 18-4 + 18-4 + 1 8-6 + 18-8 + 18-3 -77-5 -65-2 -509 -38-3 — 25*5 — 126) + 0-3 + 12-9 + 25-8) + 38-6 + 53-2 July 4-403 5 6- 546 7- 454 8- 513 9*535 10-501 12 13- 549 14- 512 15443 16-524 0 No pho 126 121 178 156 91 No pho No pho 142 6l 1 16 O 154 ;ograph. 719 772 889 803 818 tograph. tograph. 699 267 343 150 0 (55 109 83 103 83 47 (64 (81 97 54 151 0 532 576 620 529 5H 427 424 442 460 479 236 445 537 101-7 101-5 10I - 2 101 -2 I0r4 1017 | i°i"7 I 1017 ioi-8 101- 8 102- 4 1 02 * 1 102-8 — Hi — 106 — IOI — io-8 — IO’I -10-5 — I0'2 -10-5 — 10-8 — 11-0 j -I°'9 1 “ 99 j -IO-5 — 80-7 -66-8) -52-9 -40-9 — 266 — 12-8 0-0 + 13-5) +27-0) + 4° "4 + 53-8 + 65-8 + 8o-8 Means 20 93 329-83 + 18-40 Means 7i 479 10177 - io*54 ... Group 104. At first one faint spot, which breaks up into two or three on July 16. Group 10 1. Two spots, the first being very small. They greatly decrease in size on July 7, and on July 8 one disappears altogether. The spots 98 to 101 seem to suffer con- tinual changes. July 15-443 16-524 0 O 94 33 0 0 53 17 io-8 98 + 13*5 + 14+ -25-5 — 12-2 Means 0 35 10-30 + I3-95 July 6-546 7- 454 8- 5I3 9- 535 25 O 0 0 152 44 35 19 14 0 0 85 23 19 10 128-4 127-9 136-0 1367 + 6-6 + 67 + 4"9 + 4"5 -257 -14-2 + 8-o + 22-2 Group 104*. A very faint close cluster of small spots. The group has partly passed round the limb on July 25. Means 4 34 132-25 + 5-68 1 0 66 i59 No phi 261 292 No pin 157 92 O 124 604 855 V. a tograph 1421 1214 o tograph 1140 576 25 0 36 81 • (110 138 172 • (160 148 158 0 77 328 43 6 594 752 7i4 895 1075 993 7i 345- 2 346- 2 34^*3 347*0 3477 347- 9 348- 1 348-2 348-9 34+2 + 6-2 + 6-5 + 6-2 + 6-4 + 6-6 + 6-o + 6-3 + 6-5 + 5-8 + 5-6 — 368 -227 - 9'4 + 4*6) + 18-5 + 31-8 +45"i) + 58+ ! +73‘3 j +80+ Group 102. On July 10 one small spot. On July 13 it has become two of much larger size. These two spots become more and more widely separated, increase in size, and break up into several portions as the group crosses the sun. July 16-524 17- 516 18- 511 19 20- 513 21- 503 July 10-501 11 12 I3'549 14-512 0 No ph No ph 27 35 .0 tograpl .0 tograpl I 9 I 92 0 '• ( 5 1. (10 14 0 29 53 77 100 47 48-3 477 47-0 4 6 ‘3 461 + 14-5 + 14-1 + 13-8 + 13-4 + 14-1 -53’4 -4°-6) -27’9) — 15 I - 2-5 22 2 3+97 24- 565 25- 460 Means 100 594 34 6 -97 + 6-21 1 - 52 Areas and Heliographic Positions of G-roups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliograpliic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. 1 Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. 1 Mean 1 Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 105. One regular spot. Group 107- — continued . 1874- a Aug. 9 10- 431 11- 513 No pho 4 1 16 tograph. 181 65 (33 40 30 165 177 123 112-9 112-8 1140 + II-8 + I2‘0 + 11*8 + 47 -r) + 6 o’2 + 757 1 874 - a July 23-497 2 4'5 6 5 25-460 26 27 28 29 3 0 - 452 31- 420 Aug. 1 2 3434 25 49 74 No pho No pho No pho No pho ffp 5 75 No pho No pho 27 1 1 3 258 39 8 tograph. tograph. tograph. tograph. 524 394 tograph. tograph. 95 52 49 56 (56 (56 (55 (55 55 44 (44 (43 43 231 261 299 294 290 285 280 276 232 206 I 80 153 213- 7 214- 9 215- 2 215-4 215-6 215- 8 2 1 6- o 216- 1 216.8 217- 0 217-2 217-4 + 5-2 + 5-3 + 4-8 + 5-4 + 6-o + 6-6 + 7-2 + 7-7 + 7‘9 + 77 + 7-6 + 7'4 -76-4 1 — 60-7 — 48-6 — 35 ' 1 ) — 21-6) - 8-i) + 5-4) + 1 8-8 + 31-8 + 45 - 3 ) + 58 - 8 ) + 7 2'3 Means ... ' ... 37 206 112-51 + II- 2 I A long line of small spots. It very close to the limb, and i Group 108. is seen much foreshortened on August is therefore difficult to measure. 10, being Aug. 3-434 4 | 5 ! 6-437 : 7 8-451 9 : * 0 * 43 1 61 No pho No pho 83 No pho 104 No pho 13 282 tograph. tograph. 324 tograph. 463 tograph. 139 42 (44 (46 47 (59 71 (45 18 193 190 187 183 250 3 i 7 253 188 I 10-2 II0-4 i io-6 1 10 9 1 1 1 -9 1 12-9 114-7 1 16-4 -20-3 -20-3 — 20-3 — 203 — 20-4 — 20-4 — 20-4 — 20-4 - 34-9 21*5) — 8-o) + 5'5 + 19-8) + 34 -I + 49 -o) + 63-8 Means 5 i 249 215-93 + 6"57 A number of spots in a days is a large regu Group 106. fine stream, b the leader c lar spot. >n August 3 and the succeeding Means 47 220 112-25 -20-35 Group 109. One small spot. July 30-452 31-420 Aug. I 2 3 A 34 4 5 6- 437 7 8-451 135 182 No pho No pho 176 No pho No pho 108 No pho 36 928 IQ56 tograph. tograph. 971 tograph. tograph. 7°3 tograph. 356 95 109 ( 102 (96 89 (86 (83 80 (72 64 634 621 5 z' 8 535 493 499 5°5 510 583 656 154-8 > 53-9 I 53-0 152-1 151-2 151-5 151- 8 152- 0 152-9 1 53-7 + 9"8 + 9-5 + 9-7 + 9 9 + io-o + 9-8 + 9-6 + 9‘4 + 9‘3 + 9 -! -42-5 - 3 i-i -187) - 67) + 6-i + i 9 " 6 ) ■ + 33-0 + 46-6 + 6o-8) + 74‘9 Aug. 3-434 4 5 j 6-437 8-451 : 9 10- 431 1 11- 5*3 : 36 No pho No pho 38 No pho 24 No pho 16 0 104 tograph. tograph. *39 tograph. 96 tograph. 53 33 20 (17 14 (14 14 0 72 72 73 73 65 56 5 i 45 45 104-4 i° 4‘4 104-3 104-3 104-2 104-2 104-2 104-1 104-5 — I II — I 1-2 - 11-3 -”■4 — 1 1 -6 -117 — 1 1 -6 — * i *5 — 1 1-8 -40-7 -27-5) -14-3) — i-i -I 2 -I) + 25 A + 38 - 5 ) + 51-5 + 66-2 Means 88 561 152-69 + 9 " 6 i Means ... 17 61 104-29 -11-47 Group 107. One large spot, and two or three small fragments n tear it. It gradually diminishes Group 1 1 0. m size. A large regular spot. July 31-420 27 1 1 5 44 189 I I2'0 + 10-5 - 73 -o Aug. 8-451 23 150 80 518 356-9 + 2-2 — 81-9 9 No pho tograph. (92 510 357-3 + 2-2 ■ - 68 - 5 ) Aug. 1 No pho tograph. (43 230 1 1 1-9 + io-6 -59-8) 10-431 1 18 577 103 502 357-6 + 2-1 -55-0 2 No pho tograph. (42 272 111-9 + 106 — 46-5) 11-513 144 815 95 536 357-9 + 2-5 - 40-4 3'434 68 523 41 3 i 3 1 1 1-8 + 107 - 33-3 12-439 179 831 102 475 357-8 + 2-4 — 28-2 4 No pho tograph. (40 270 II 2 -I + 10-9 r^ -8 ) 13 No pho tograph. ( 9 i 448 358 -i + 2-4 — H‘ 4 ) 5 No pho tograph. (39 227 I I2‘4 + iri - 6-3) 14-501 1 59 836 80 420 358-3 + 24 - 0-5 6 437 75 362 38 184 112-6 + 1 1-4 + 7'2 *5-432 i 47 898 76 463 358-0 + 2-3 + ii -5 7 . No pho tograph. (32 169 I 12-8 + 1 1*5 + 20-7) 16 No pho tograph. (74 461 3 * 58-1 + 2-3 + 25-1) 8-451 43 252 26 153 1 12-9 + U-6 . +34-1 17-477 1 12 716 72 | 459 358-2 + 2-2 + 387 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, HARVARD, U.S.A., AND AT MELBOURNE, IN THE YEARS 1874 TO 1877. 53 Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1 1 0 — continued. 1874- d Aug. 18 1 9 - 543 20- 563 No pho 6 0 tograph. 309 87 (40 8 0 42 5 391 347 358-5 358-8 1 -6 + 17 + i-i + o -6 + 527 ) + 66-6 + 82-9 Means ... 70 458 358-24 + 2-03 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Group hi. Three spots, one very large. Aug. 10-431 11- 513 12- +39 13 1 4 ' 5 ° I 154-32 16 174-77 18 19543 20- 563 21- 536 22- 475 26 121 147 No pho 269 218 No pho 224 No pho 1 12 92 297 883 H69 tograph. (150 164 124 1886 1605 tograph. (126 1206 tograph. 663 743 21 1 24 80 (105 83 86 58 900 1244 1082 1 16 1150 912 799 685 588 49 1 694 306 79 773 335 ’° 3327 3337 333 5 333*2 332'9 332 - 9 3329 333 - 1 333'3 33 i '4 3 3 1 "7 33 1 '4 332-90 - 1 8 "6 -177 - 18-2 -i 7 -8 -I 7-3 -17-9 -17-9 -17-8 -18-0 -182 -17-8 -17-9 -20-3 -77-6 -65 -6 - 52-3 -39-°) — 25-6 -13-6 - o-i) + I 3-4 + 27-3) + 41M + 527 + 65-9 + 78-0 Group 1 12. A few very small spots in a close cluster. Aug. 15-432 Means 40-8 40-8 Group 1 1 4. A scattered group of small spots. Aug. 19-543 0 27 0 17 259-2 -12-8 -33 - o 20-563 56 346 31 191 262-6 — 1 1*5 — 1 6- 1 21-536 36 231 !9 121 264-1 — io-i - 17 22-475 0 154 0 82 262-7 — 1 o-o + 9'3 23 No pho tograph. (O' 81 262-9 - 9 -1 + 22-9) 24-502 0 123 0 80 263-0 - 8-2 + 36-4 25-452 29 0 22 260-8 - 6-4 1 + 4 6 7 Means l 0 7 85 262-19 - 973 Date. Greenwich Civil Time. 1 Projected Area of j TT . I Whole Umbra - Spot. Area for Group. T , , ! Whole Umbra - Spot, j Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude 1 of Group, j Longitude . from Central Meridian. Group 1 1 5. Two spots close together. 1874. d Aug. 19-543 39 230 45 268 23 1 '4 -15-8 — 6o-8 20-563 57 400 47 328 2307 -149 —48-0 21536 74 397 49 261 23I-3 -14-9 -34-5 22-475 80 462 47 272 231-3 — 1 5*5 — 22-1 23 No pho tograph. (5° 263 231*2 — 1 5*3 - 8-8) 24-502 98 466 53 253 231-1 — 1 5* 1 + 4*5 2 5 *45 2 62 354 35 201 231-3 -15-1 + 17-2 26-429 74 368 46 230 231-2 -15-2 + 30-0 27-488 58 284 44 217 231-2 -15-0 + 44-0 28-434 28 220 28 218 231-0 1 — 14-6 + 56-3 29-515 18 92 32 168 231-6 — 15 3 + 71-2 Means 43 244 231-21 | -1515 Group 1 16. One small spot. Aug. 19-543 0 45 0 78 2191 + 60 -73-i 20-563 0 28 0 27 219-2 + 6-6 -59'5 21*536 35 108 25 78 219-6 + 6-5 -46-2 22-475 33 75 20 45 2I 9’6 + S'9. -3- Means I I 57 219-38 + 6-25 Group 1 1 7. One small spot. Aug. 24-502 0 27 0 44 153*5 + 111 -73*i 25*452 *9 58 19 57 1 TJ3*8-- -+rc>-8 — 60-3 26-429 23 78 17 57 I53A + 104 -47-8 27-488 0 40 0 24 154-0 + ii -3 -33-2 28-434 5 54 3 29 1537 + II -2 — 210 29-515 18 57 9 29 153-6 + ii-6 - 6-8 3° No pho tograph. (5 *9 I53-8 + ii-8 + 6-4) '"31*483 0 1 5 0 8 I53-9 -h 1 1 *9 + I9-5 Means 7 33 I537I + 11-26 Group 1 1 8. A scattered group of faint spots. Aug. 29-515 8 156 4 81 151-5 - 6 '9 - 89 3° No phc ) tograph. (2 73 1522 - 7+ + 4*8) 3I-483 0 1 1 8 0 6 5 152-8 - 7*8 + 18 + - Sept. 1-456 15 152 9 93 154-0 - 7-8 + 32+ 2-418 19 173 *4 127 1 5 T9 - 77“ +45'i 54 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central j Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. | Umbra, j Whole j Spot. of Group. Group 1 1 8 — continued. \ Group 1 2 1. A group of small spots forming a circle. 1874- a Sept. 3 4- 570 5- 403 No pho 24 15 tograph. 193 83 (3° 45 5 6 243 358 319 153-6 *53-2 151-0 - 77 - 8-3 - 6- 9 + 59'°) + 72-8 + 8i-6 1874-d Sept. 9-609 10-439 1 1 12-434 1 1 1 1 No pho 24 84 120 tograph. 275 7 8 (20 33 52 85 237 388 43-5 43-3 43-i 42-9 -147 -137 -13-8 -13-9 + 29-6 + 40-4 + 53*4) + 66-3 Means 20 170 15278 - 7'49 Means 17 I 9 I 43-20 -14-03 Group 1 19. i One spot. 1 Group 122. One small regular spot. Sept. 15-467 16 17 18 19-450 20 21 22-452 0 No pho No pho No pho 0 No pho No pho 35 tograph. tograph. tograph. 25 tograph. tograph. 22 0 (0 (0 (° 0 (° (° 0 48 39 31 22 14 H 13 13 230-4 230-2 230-0 2298 229-6 2297 229-7 229-8 — 1 3*3 -13-2 -131 -13-0 1 2*9 1 2*9 ,-12-9 -12-9 — 66-1 -53-2) -40-3) -27+) -14-4 - 1-2) + I2-I) + 25 + Sept. +570 5'4°3 7 8 9-609 0 0 No pho No pho No pho 0 29 26 tograph. tograph. tograph. 66 0 0 (0 (0 (° 69 33 33 34 34 34 2-4 2-5 27 2- 9 3- 2 3-4 + 2-6 + i-i + r 3 + *’4 + i-6 + 17 — 78-0 — 66- 9 -52-8) -387) 24-6) -10-5 Means 0 24 229-90 -13-03 Means 0 40 2-85 + 1-62 Group 123. A small spot and a very small marking at a little distance. Group 1 19*. A long row of small spots. Sept. 22-452 23 24-4H 25425 26-526 2 7 28-509 3° No pho 21 20 H No pho 120 tograph. 97 77 5i tograph. 16 16 (14 1 1 9 (5 0 65 58 5i 43 33 26 18 187-1 187- 6 1 88 ■ 1 188- 3 188-8 188-8 188-7 + 21-0 — 2 I ' I + 21'2 + 21-3 + 21*1 + 207 + 20-3 -I7-3 “ 3-9) + 9' 6 + 23-2 + 38-2 + 5 1 ‘3) + 647 Sept. 12-434 *3 14-464 39 No pho 16 187 tograph. 63 27 (28 29 129 122 114 20-5 22-6 24-6 + 77 + 7-i + To +43-9 + 594) + 74 8 Means 9 42 1 88-20 + 20-96 Group 124. ! One large regular spot. Means 28 122 22-57 + 7-i3 Group 120. One small spot. Sept. 22-452 23 24414 25- 425 26- 526 27 28- 509 29- 516 30- 476 Oct. 1-461 103 No pho 129 146 131 No pho 105 71 5° 1 3 2 516 tograph. 749 797 722 tograph. 597 43 6 257 129 76 (74 7i 76 69 (68 67 5 6 55 69 382 398 4H 4i5 380 382 383 34 1 285 281 1 59*6 1597 159- 8 1 59*9 160- 0 160-2 1603 160-1 x6o-2 160-9 - 91 - 9' 1 - 91 - 87 - 8-6 - 8-5 - 8-3 - 8-2 - 8-1 - 8-3 -44-8 -31-8) -187 - 5-2 + 9'4 + 227) + 35’9 + 49-0 + 617 + 75’4 Sept. 9-609 i°'439 0 0 26 5° 0 0 29 75 77-0 74-3 + 34 + 5-i + 63-1 + 7I-4 Means .... 0 52 75-65 + 4-25 Means 68 3 66 160-07 - 8-6o TAKEN AT GREENWICH, AT HARVARD, AND AT MELBOURNE, IN THE YEARS 1874 TO 1877 . 55 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time, j Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. | Whole Spot. Umbra. 1 Whole Spot. of Group. Group 125. One small regular spot. Group 129. Three spots arranged in a line. I874- d Sept. 25-425 26-526 27 28- 509 29- 516 30- 476 0 14 Nopho 0 0 0 21 5° tograph. 26 27 20 O 16 (8 0 0 0 52 55 36 16 i5 10 86- 7 87- 2 874 87-4 87- 6 88- o + 3" 6 + 4"3 + 44 + 3-8 + 37 + 3'3 -78 + -63 + -50-2) -37-o -23-5 -io-5 I874- d Oct. 10-409 1 1 12 1 3 "49 1 14 15538 86 No pho 45 No pho 0 426 tograph. tograph. 173 tograph. 26 47 (44 (4i 38 (19 0 234 204 175 145 III 77 3347 335-1 335- 5 336- 0 336-8 3377 -167 — 1 6-6 -16-5 -163 — 16-4 -164 + 7-3 + 21*3) +35-2) +49-2 +63-6) + 77-9 Means 4 3i 8747 + 3‘8 o Means 32 158 335-97 — 1648 ... One s Group 126. nail spot and two very small specks near. Group 130. Two small spots. The smaller of these grows gradually fainter, and disappears on October 20. Sept. 29-516 30-476 Oct. 1-461 3-454 12 23 16 No pho 7* 106 66 tograph. 53 10 15 9 (5 1 59 70 38 33 28 60- 8 61- 9 62- 1 6l ‘2 60-3 -10-5 -n-5 -1 17 — 1 1-8 — 1 1 8 - 5°-3 -36-6 -23 + -II-2) + II Oct. 15-538 16 17 18 19- 538 20- 503 21 22-551 17 No pho No pho No pho 0 24 No pho 0 109 tograph. tograph. tograph. 5° 95 tograph. 21 1 1 (8 (5 (3 0 13 (7 0 7i 60 49 37 26 52 34 16 2197 2197 2197 2197 2197 217-3 217-3 217-3 + 9"4 + 9‘3 + 9' 1 + 8-9 + 8-7 + 9-° + 8-6 + 8-2 — 40-1 -26-9) -137) - o‘5) + 127 + 23-0 + 36-5) + 50-0 Means ... 8 46 6l-26 — 1 1-46 Group 127. A close cluster composed of many spots. Means ... 6 43 21 8"8o + 8-90 Group 1 3 1. Single spot. Sept. 28-509 29- 516 30- 476 Oct. 1 -46 1 2 3454 4 5477 6 7 8-508 9 10-409 58 75 93 221 No pho Nopho 291 No pho No pho ”5 No pho 21 39 1 993 929 1600 tograph. 2567 tograph. I92I tograph. tograph. 859 tograph . 157 148 i°5 87 159 (i77 J 95 (i77 158 (138 (1x8 98 (72 45 1002 1 399 868 1151 1288 1426 1235 x°44 94'i 838 734 535 335 47-6 44’3 44-i 44-0 43- 9 437 44'3 44*9 44*5 44- 0 43-6 42-8 42-0 -I3-3 — 1 3"i — 13-6 -136 -I3-5 -I3-3 -13-3 — 13-2 -13-0 -127 -12-4 — 12-0 -I 17 -76-8 -66-8 -54+ 4i ‘5 -28-5) -i5'5 - x-6) + 12 + + 25-3) + 38-2) + 5i-i + 62-9) + 74"6 Oct. 15-538 16 17 18 *9*538 20-503 21 22- 551 23- 514 35 No pho No pho No pho 38 22 No pho 28 O 106 tograph. tograph. tograph. 231 158 tograph. 92 44 57 (47 (38 (29 20 11 (13 i5 0 171 158 146 134 122 80 65 5° 27 187-1 187- 4 1877 188- 0 188- 3 1887 1891 i8 9"5 189- 9 + 9+ + 9'2 + 9'° + 8-8 + 8-6 + 8-6 + 8-6 + 8-5 + 8-i -727 -59'2) -457) -32-2) -187 - 5‘ 6 + 8-3) + 22‘2 + 35‘3 Means ... 26 106 188-41 + 876 ... Means 129 984 4443 — 12-98 Group 132. Single spot. Group 128. At first, one very small spot, but on October 10 it has extended into a row of several small fragments. Oct. 19-538 29 36 No pho 44 48 181 130 tograph. 235 174 22 (23 23 25 i35 79 101 122 90 161-0 161-4 161-3 161-2 161-2 - 7-7 - 7-5 - 7-6 - 77 ! - 8'3 — 46-0 -32-9 -I9-5) — 6*i + 6-6 Oct. 8-508 9 10-409 O No phc 10 27 1 tograph. 132 (4 8 15 59 103 I 8*2 18*1 1 8-o + ii-6 + 12-3 + 12-9 + 257 + 38-2) + 50-6 ‘ 20-503 21 22- 551 23- 5I4 Means 4 59 18-10 + 12-27 Means 23 105 1 6l '22 - 776 56 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — com tinned . Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. I Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. [Jmbra. Whole Spot. Umbra, j Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 133. Single spot. Group 136. One spot. On November 23 several very small markings appear close behind it. These disappear again on November 27. O O 25 0 21 I 18-3 — I 6'2 -49-0 1874. (1 Nov. 20-492 21 22 23 - 459 24- 515 25 26 27-514 I 4 No pho No pho 34 25 No pho No pho 4 68 tograph. tograph. 171 131 tograph. tograph. 39 25 ; (24 (22 20 13 (9 (6 2 n 9 114 108 102 69 53 37 21 72-2 72- 8 73 - 5 74 - 1 74 - 8 75- 0 75‘3 75-6 1 + 4 G + 4 ' 1 + 3-8 + 3-5 + 3’4 + 3’2 + 2-9 + 27 - 73‘5 -59-8) -46-1) - 32-5 -17-9 - 4 ' 4 ) + 9’0 + 22-5 Means ... O 21 118-3 — i6‘2 Group 134. Two rather large spots. The first and larger spot throws off several fragments on November 7. Means i 5 ; 78 74-16 + 3 - 5 0 Nov. 3 "5 5 2 4-488 5 493 6- 575 7- 469 8 9-582 10 11- 471 12- 426 126 164 167 1 18 168 No pho 212 No pho 12 O 687 896 899 856 997 tograph. t igraph 289 43 82 95 90 63 94 (, .si (87 18 0 446 518 486 458 557 689 820 636 45 i 124 334 ’ 6 • 334"4 334"2 333-5 334 ' 6 3 34 ' 1 3337 334 " 1 334'4 33o-4 — i6‘2 — i6-2 ~ 16-4 — 16-6 -15-7 -15-2 -147 -14-1 - 13-5 — 16-0 - 34'4 — 22-3 - 9 ' 2 + 4'3 + 17-2 + 307) +44' 2 + 57‘o) + 69-8 + 78-4 Group 137. The spot is seen as a notch in the limb on November 20. Nov. 20-492 21 22 23'459 24-515 25 26 27-514 No pho No pho 54 39 No pho No pho 71 40 tograph. tograph. 375 4° 7 tograph. tograph. 39 6 0 (H (28 4 1 24 (28 (33 37 247 259 272 284 251 236 220 205 6o‘2 59*9 595 59-2 589 58-6 58-4 58-2 4-15-6 + I 5-4 + 15-2 + 15-1 4-14-6 + H‘6 4-14-6 4-14-6 -85-5 - 72 - 8 ) — 6o-i) -47"4 - 33-8 -20-8) - 7 - 8 ) + 5 ' 1 Means 81 5 i 9 333-8° -1546 Group 135. One spot. A second small spot appears on the second photograph on November 12. The group entirely changes its character on the following days, and on Novem- ber 16 has changed into a very long irregular line of small spots. On November 23 the greater portion of the group has disappeared round the limb. The area only of the group, not its position, was measured on November 17; Means 26 247 59 ’ 1 1 4-14-96 Group 138. A line of very small spots. Nov. 12426 l3-47i 14 *5 16- 512 17- 574 18 *9 20-492 21 22 23-459 O 37 No phc No phc 131 109 No phc No phc 133 No phc No phc 5 5° 158 1 tograph. 1 tograph. 7°7 466 > tograph. ) tograph, 8ll > tograph ) tograph. 9 1 0 35 (46 (57 68 55 (66 ■ (77 88 • (65 ■ (42 J 9 87 149 222 295 368 234 335 436 537 467 397 326 178-3 180-1 i8ro 182-0 182-9 (183-8 184- 6 185- 5 186- 3 187- 1 187- 9 188- 7 + 6'2 + 6-8 + T 1 + r 3 + 7-6 + 7-6 + 7'5 + 7'4 + 7’4 + 7‘3 + 7’2 + 7-i -737 . -58-3 -44-0) -29-6) -15-3 - i-3) + 127) + 267) 4-40-6 + 54-5) + 68-3) 4-82-1 Dec. 7-704 8 9-289 10 n-477 28 No pho 0 No phc 219 1 tograph. 80 1 tograph. 35 14 (7 0 (° 0 1 1 1 83 54 45 36 290-2 292-4 294-5 292-3 290-0 - 5 -° - 5 -° - 4'9 - 5'3 - 57 + T 9 4-25-0) 4-42-0 + 5 1 ’4) -|-6o-8 4 66 291-88 - 5-18 Means 52 321 184-02 + 7-21 1 i " Means TAKEN AT GREENWICH, AT HARVARD, AND AT MELBOURNE, IN THE YEARS 1874 TO 1877. 57 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. A few sma! Group 138*. 11 spots in a straight stream. Group 140. A very scattered group composed at first of four spots, a, b, c, and d. Spot a breaks up on December 14 into several little spots, and two fresh spots appear, e and/. Spot d disappears 011 December 14, and spot b on December 18. 1874- a Dec. 9704 O "5 0 64 274-7 — 12-0 + 22-2 I874- a Dec. 9-704 10 1 1 -477 12742 ! l 3 H*49 8 >5 16 17- 583 18- 513 5 No pho 83 92 No pho 84 No pho No pho 22 0 tograph. 325 823 | tograph. 1 527 tograph. tograph. 302 154 5 (32 59 52 (48 43 (34 (24 H 0 162 197 232 462 366 269 245 22 1 197 126 I 84*8 i84 # 6 184- 3 i8 7 -o 1857 •84-3 185- 3 186- 4 187- 4 187-8 + 6"o + 5‘5 + 5-° + 6-3 + 67 + To + To + To + To + 7‘3 -67-7 -S 6 -3) -44*9 -25-4 ->5*2) - 5*° + 9* 6 ) 4-24-2) + 387 H- 5 1 *3 Means 0 64 2747 — 12-0 Group 139. A group of very small spots. Dec. 1 1-477 0 34 0 18 240-6 + 12-3 + 11-4 Means 0 18 240-6 + 12-3 Means 3i 248 18576 + 6-48 Photo-Heliographic Results, 1874-1877. 58 Abbas and Heliographic Positions op Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Longitude Mean j ' Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian Greenwich Civil Time. 1 Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole . Spot. Group 1 4 1 . Single spot. Group 144. A number of spots in an irregr liar stream. 1875 - a Jan. 2-527 s 3 4 J 5 ' 55 ° 53 No pho No pho 19 355 ograpli. ograph. 87 32 (32 (31 31 215 190 165 140 331*9 331*7 331*5 331*3 — 1 3*6 -137 - 13*7 - 13*8 + 33*2 + 46-2) + 59 * 3 ) 4 - 72*4 1875 - d Feb. 1-773 2 3 4*485 5*657 6- 774 7- 215 8- 699 9- 229 0 No pho No pho 28 21 38 36 13 13 122 tograph. tograph. 147 225 170 215 93 80 ( 12 17 12 2 I 20 8 9 1 5 ° 130 1 10 9 1 127 95 121 59 55 197*9 198-0 1 98-2 198-3 197-9 197- 9 1977 198- 4 197-4 + 18-0 + 18-3 -4-18-6 + 1 8-8 + 187 + 18-8 + 19-1 + 18-2 + 18-8 -62*6 -50*6) - 38 * 5 ) -26-5 — 1 1 4 + 3*4 + 8-9 + 29-2 + 35*2 Means 1 32 178 331-60 -1370 Group 142. A group of two or three very small spots. Means - 104 197-97 + 18-59 Group 144*. A regular spot. Jan. 16543 IO 70 6 42 81-2 - 8-9 - 33 *i Means 6 42 8 1 -2 - 8-9 ... Feb. 9-229 10- 687 11- 205 1° o !5 39 40 47 23 0 12 90 40 39 84*3 84-1 84*7 + 5*9 + 5*5 + 5 *° — 77 9 - 59 *° - 5 i *5 Group 142*. Two large spots close together, and a few small markings round them. Means 12 56 84-37 + 5*47 Jan. 22-530 23 24 25'554 186 No pho No pho 0 '872 119 tograph. (79 tograph. (4.0 28 0 559 39 1 224 57 72-4 71-8 71-2 70-5 + 6-2 + 6-o + 5*8 + 55 + 37 *i 4 - 49 * 7 ) 4-62-4) 4-75-0 Group 144!- A small spot. Means 60 308 71-48 + 5*88 Feb. 14-019 0 j 19 O 10 99-8 + 127 + o-6 Group 143. A small spot, surrounded by a few very small and scattered markings. It becomes slightly more condensed on January 25. Means ... 1 ... 0 10 99-8 + 12-7 Group 145. Jan. 22-530 23 24 2 5‘554 1 >* No phc No phc 0 I 5 1 ) tograph ) tograph 55 17 . (.2 • (6 79 65 52 39 3 6-6 36- 8 37- 0 37*3 + I 1-2 + II*I + II-I + u-o 4 - i *3 4 - 14 * 8 ) 4-28-3) 4 - 4 i- 8 ; A very large spot, with two or three small ones near it. Feb. 18-448 J 9 20-075 42 No phc "4 230 235 237 No phc 229 235 164 193 108 47 148 1 tograph 55 1 993 io 59 1181 > tograph 1218 1157 III 576 273 134 •(130 125 168 146 136 •(i 34 131 145 108 156 123 109 478 542 606 725 658 679 688 696 7 H 614 731 3227 321-9 321-1 320-4 320-2 320-0 320-0 320-0 (3201 320*1 320-4 - 4 - 17*9 + 1 8"2 + 18-6 + 18-1 + 18-2 -4-18*3 + 18-3 + 18-3 + 18-1 + 17*8 + I 8*2 -78-2 -68-3) - 58*4 — 40-1 — 27-0 -14-4 — i-o) + 12-4 +22-4) + 32*3 + 45 *7 Means 9 59 3 6 *9 3 + II-IO 21- 517 22- 527 23- 496 24 25 * 53 i 26- 558 27- 030 28- 027 Mar. 1-077 2-209 Group 143*. A small spot. Jan. 26-734 0 2 7 | 0 27 361 + 17*5 4-56-2 654 ; 320-4 634 320-1 + 18-3 ! + 59*5 + 1 8 ‘2 +74-2 Means 0 27 36-1 + 17*5 | Means 134 | 648 320*57 ^ + 18-19 ; TAKEN AT GREENWICH, HARVARD, AND AT MELBOURNE, IN THE YEARS 1874 TO 1877. 59 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for 1 Group. Mean - 1 Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. I Whole Spot, j of Group. Umbra; j Whole Spot. Umbra, j Whole Spot. of Group. Group 146. One large spot, surrounded by many small ones. Group 147!- A number of small spots in an irregular stream. 1875- u Feb. 20-075 21- 517 22- 527 2 3 *49 6 24 2 5 ' 5 3 1 26- 558 27- 030 28- 027 Mar. 1-077 2-209 3° 97 86 122 No pho 103 2 9 3° 21 16 0 185 601 49 1 696 ograph. 417 261 199 158 78 16 28 62 48 63 (58 18 •5 16 0 173 383 2 73 359 28 7 21 5 144 I! 9 114 76 3 1 321- 2 3 21 '9 322- 0 321-9 321-1 3 2 °‘3 (3207 321-1 321-2 321- 1 322- 2 — 11-6 -1I-6 — I 1-2 — 107 — I 1-2 — 1 1-6 — 1 1 '5 -1 14 — 1 1-6 -u‘9 -11 7 -58-3 -38-6 -25-2 1875. a j Mar. 1 -077 2- 209 ! 3- 266 0 32 16 6 127 161 0 26 10 1 1 IOI 103 188-5 j 196-7 196-1 + 6 "4 1 + 7'4 + 7"4 | -72-4 -49-2 -35'9 + o-i) + 12-7 Means ... 12 72 19377 i + 7-07 +23-0) + 33-3 +4 6 ‘5 + 60-2 + 76-3 Group 148. Several small spots ranged in a straight line. Mar. 5-446 6- 070 7- 082 8- 884 9- 547 10-528 33 34 56 16 46 12 164 299 528 191 256 106 18 19 34 14 5i 27 90 168 322 163 281 247 208-2 207-9 2077 207- 3 208- 2 211-2 + 16-4 + 160 + 16-1 + i 6*3 + 16-5 + I5M + 49 + 128 + 26-0 +49‘3 + 58*9 + 74*8 Means 34 198 321-34 -11-45 Group 146*. A small spot following Group 145. Means 27 212 208-42 + 16-12 Feb. 20-075 I 0 29 0 49 31 n + 20-3 —68-4 Means 0 49 3 1 1 1 + 20-3 Group 149. One spot. Group 147. Two small spots. The preceding spot alone has appeared by February 22. The following and smaller spot decreases in size as the group crosses the disk, until I on March 5 only the preceding spot is left. Mar. 7-082 8-884 9'547 37 0 0 267 IOI 97 27 0 194 136 179 228-7 227-4 225-1 — 14-8 — 16-2 -17-0 +47° + 69-4 + 75 8 Means . *9 170 227-07 — 16-00 Feb. 22-527 23-496 24 2 5 ' 5 3 1 26- 558 27- 030 28- 027 Mar. 1077 2- 209 3- 266 4 5-446 0 12 No pho 33 0 3 2 2 5 22 15 No pho O 56 IOI tograph. 160 45 1 84 1 54 •37 117 75 1 tograph. 22 267- 9 264- 6 265- 8 266- 9 (267-8 268- 7 270-5 270-1 270-0 270-4 270- 9 271- 4 + 5*6 + 57 + 5‘3 + 4"9 + 4‘7 + 4'5 + 4'2 + 4'° + 3'9 + 4'2 + 4"° + 3-8 — 79'3 — 69-8 -55'3) -4° 7 — 29-9) -191 — 4-2 + 9'2 +24-1 +38-4 + 53-3) + 68-1 0 19 (2. 22 0 17 13 '4 1 1 10 (5 0 166 *5 6 1 3 2 108 100 7-9 7i 66 49 40 31 One spot regular in sha] seen on March 15. Group 149*. pe. It has divided into two parts by March 12, and is not Mar. 10-528 11- 597 1 2- 680 I 3-060 14- 644 15- 584 16- 127 15 36 12 26 0 0 0 135 245 120 176 2 7 0 20 20 3i 8 16 0 0 0 182 213 79 108 14 0 10 67-4 67-I 66 7 67-4 66-9 66-o - 6-8 - 7-o - 7-8 - 71 - 7-8 -'9-8 — 69-0 -55-2 — 41 2 -35' 6 -152 j + 3’5 Means 1 1 85 268-75 + 4‘57 Means 1 1 87 66-92 - 772 Group 147*. A small spot following Group 146. Group 149!. A small spot. Feb. 27-030 28-027 16 O 64 H 9 15 9 3*3'8 3*3'9 — I2-I — 12-1 + 26-0 + 39' 2 Mar. 12-680 0 7 O 13 181-9 + 6-8 + 73-9 Means 5 2 3 3*3-85 — 12-10 Means 0 ' 5 181-9 + 6-8 60 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 150. Single spot. Group 151. One large spot. I 875 - a Mar. 1 1 -597 12- 680 13- 060 H '644 i 5 ' 5 8 4 16-127 ; 17760 | 18-570 19- 691 20- 076 ; 21-207 24 28 3 * 46 46 21 1 1 0 3 0 1 10 90 202 275 3°4 234 89 5 ° 3 ° 27 1 7 48 29 28 28 25 1 1 1 1 6 0 2 0 224 92 180 169 166 122 45 26 18 17 H 46-0 46-9 46-8 46-5 46- 8 467 47‘3 47 - i 47‘5 47-0 47 '5 - 3'6 - 4‘2 - 3-8 - 4 ' 1 - 3‘9 - 37 - 3’5 - 3‘5 - 3-6 - 3'3 - 3’5 -767 — 6n — 56-2 - 35-6 -22-9 -15-8 +- 6-2 + 167 + 31-9 + 36-5 +51-9 I875- a Mar. 17-760 18- 570 19- 691 20- 076 21- 207 22- 725 23+35 24-115 25+48 26- 608 27- 428 28- 530 29713 H 55 53 66 92 72 130 99 1 1 1 87 5° 48 1 1 132 230 381 382 536 432 617 533 546 468 35i 281 87 55 9 1 5° 57 62 4i 72 55 66 60 41 57 27 529 384 363 329 362 247 343 296 325 323 288 33° 224 320- 8 321- 2 321-9 321 + 321-2 320-8 320-6 3231 320-6 320-1 320-0 319+ 319-1 + 18-0 + 17-5 + 17-6 + 18-0 + 17-8 + I7-9 + 18-1 + I7-5 + 18-5 + 18-6 + 18-8 + 19-1 + 187 — 80-3 -69-2 -537 -49-2 -34’4 -147 - 5‘ 6 + 5’9 + 20-9 + 357 + 46-5 + 60-4 + 757 Means 17 98 46-92 - 37° Means 334 32078 + 1816 Group 150*. Some small spots forming s.p., Group 150. - j - 1 5° HHHH 1 . Group 152. A number of small spots. Mar. 17-760 18- 570 19- 691 20- 076 2 1-20 7 18 38 0 6 0 i33 155 59 5i 22 9 21 0 4 0 69 85 38 37 *9 55-i 54- 6 55- i 57-1 5 1 '3 - I O'O - 9'4 - 97 - 9'4 — 103 + 14-0 + 24-2 + 395 + 4+6 + 5 57 Mar. 28 530 29713 30703 31752 Apr. 1-587 2-460 0 56 5 6 O 27 70 384 401 372 219 1 17 29 43 36 0 28 36 198 | 221 238 167 1 22 250-6 250-9 252- 2 253*2 253- 3 254- 4 + 3’2 + 4-i + 4'5 + 4"4 + 4"2 + 4‘5 - 8-4 + 7-5 + 21-8 + 367 + 47‘9 + 60-4 Means 7 5° 54-64 - 976 Group 150!. A small spot, not seen on March 1 8 ; probably hidden by the wire. Means 23 164 252+3 + 4'i5 Group 152*. A number of small spots in a straight line. Mar. 17760 18- 570 19- 691 20- 076 8 0 0 0 53 0 38 34 4 0 0 27 0 20 18 3°-i svs 31-2 - 6- 5 - 7-0 - 7-i — II'O + 15-9 + 207 Mar. 29-713 30-703 31752 Apr. 1-587 2-460 3 4+67 8 38 64 17 64 No pho 0 102 162 >95 292 378 tograpli. 8 7 6 23 34 9 33 07 0 7i 95 103 150 194 125 55 !99+ 200-0 201 '3 200'0 202 1 202-8 203-5 -167 -16-5 — 1 6- 1 — 16-2 -15+ -15-5 -15-5 -44° -304 -152 - 5 4 + 8-1 + 227) + 37-3 Means 1 1 6 3°'93 - 6-87 Group 1 5 1*. Two large spots. Means 17 1 1 3 20I-30 -15-99 Mar. 20-076 21-207 22725 2 3'435 24- 115 25- 448 26- 608 0 16 0 162 106 1 75 o >38 209 188 670 856 363 73 0 8 0 1 1 1 87 102 0 70 107 113 459 702 49 1 215 5'3 5 ‘9 8- 9 9- 6 9 ‘9 8-9 5'9 — 1 37 -137 -15-0 -14-1 — H‘3 — 14-6 — 1 3‘9 - 5’2 + 10-3 + 33 + + 43 + + 52+ + 69-2 + 81-5 Group 153. One very small spot. Apr. 4-567 0 | 12 0 11 109-3 -13-5 -56-9 Means 44 308 Til — H -I 9 Means . . . | ... 0 11 I09-3 -13-5 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, AT HARVARD, AND AT MELBOURNE, IN THE YEARS 1874 TO 1877 . 61 i 875 -d Apr. 5-507 0 3 1 0 16 148-4 + 8-o - 5'3 6-427 4 98 2 5 i 147-8 + 7-8 + 6-2 7-667 5 105 3 59 148-6 + 7 A + 23-3 8-522 0 27 0 17 147-8 + 7'9 + 33-8 9-108 0 22 0 16 151-9 + 7-5 + 45 Means ... 1 32 148-90 | + 772 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots —continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Area for Group. j Mean j Longitude , Whole of Group. nbra - Spot. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Group 153*. One very small spot. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. )up. Mean Longitude Whole of Group. Spot. | Mean Latitude of Group. j Longitude from Central Meridian. Group 1 5 5 — continued. 1875- c Apr. 18-517 19- 4+4 20- 581 21- 699 Means io-+ 1 0-0 96 107 — 13-6 -13-5 -130 -13-5 — 1 3-80 + 28-4 + 4°' 2 + 5+9 + 707 Group 153!. Two very small spots. Apr. 10-641 23 1 10 12 57 98-5 + 4‘° + 12-5 No pho tograph. (8 64 99-3 + 4"6 + 26-2) 1 2 No pho tograph. (+ 7i ioo-i + 5-2 + 39-9) 13-565 0 9° 0 78 100-9 + 57 + 53-5 i4'53i 0 65 0 79 99-8 + 5-6 +65-2 Means 5 70 9972 + 5-°2 Group 1 54. Group 155. Two large spots very close together. Apr. 10-641 29 239 53 434 I I'2 — 1 3"7 1 1 No pho tograph. (63 450 io-8 — 138 ' 12 No pho tograph. (72 466 10-4 — 1 4*0 13-565 130 762 82 482 IO'O -14-1 I 4 - 53 I 143 768 80 429 9-8 -13-9 15-671 1 14 718 59 37 ° 10-2 -14-3 I 6-543 148 662 75 336 10-4 -14-3 17-470 127 634 66 330 10-1 -! 3'9 ■74-8 ■62-3) -49-8) ‘ 37*4- — 24*8 9'4 + 2-3 + J 4’3 Group 156. One small spot. Apr. 20-581 21- 699 22- 659 2457 246-3 245-8 + 12-3 + 12-3 + I2‘3 — 69-0 -537 — 4 I- 5 Group 156*. Two small spots very close together. Apr. 10-641 0 44 O 49 24-4 + 9-0 — 61-6 1 1 No pho tograph. ( 8 66 26-4 + 9-1 -46-7) 12 No pho tograph. (16 83 28-5 + 9"2 - 31 - 8 ) 13-565 44 184 24 100 3°-5 + 9‘3 — 1 6-9 14-531 61 202 32 io 5 3 i -3 + 9‘3 - 3‘3 15-671 36 221 19 117 31-8 + 9-0 + 12-2 ' 6*543 7 i 301 40 169 3°-3 + 9"2 + 22-2 17-470 35 234 22 148 3°7 + 9'5 + 34’9 18-517 *9 126 16 106 337 + 8-8 + 5 i -7 19-444 1 1 63 13 76 33-8 + 87 + 64-0 20-581 0 23 0 79 35'3 + 8-3 + 8o-6 Means 17 100 30-61 + 9"°4 May 25-481 42 205 54 263 1 82-6 — 6-i -67-4 26-515 46 219 39 184 1 82-6 — 61 -537 27-497 74 339 49 223 182-6 “ 5-9 — 40-8 28-548 5 ° 3 i 5 28 178 182-5 — 6-o -27-0 29-582 62 284 32 i 47 182-2 — 6'2 -13-6 3°+99 0 76 0 38 182-3 — 61 - i "4 1-129 2 3 ° 176 15 89 181-4 - 6-4 + 6-i No pho tograph. (17 84 1 8 1 -6 - 6-5 + 22-0) 3-499 3 ° 125 *9 79 181-8 - 6-6 + 37-8 4-072 27 73 J 9 52 j 181-5 — 6-i + 45 -o 5-482 0 23 0 26 181-7 - 6-8 + 63-9 ns 25 124 182-07 - 6-25 1 Group 157. One large spot with several small o is following it. Apr. 26-515 27- 497 28- 548 29- 582 30- 499 May 1-129 3'499 4- 072 5- 482 6- 504 7772 No pho 185 237 675 943 1511 1345 1030 tograph. 1292 IOIO 850 433 204 Q 552 160-0 + 87 -76-3 100 823 158-8 + 8-9 — 64-6 127 773 1583 + 9’2 -51-2 1.33 98 1 158-5 + 9-6 - 37'3 74 ' 773 1 58-1 ; + 9-6 -25-6 103 554 1587 + 9-5 -1 6-6 (101 623 1 59 " 1 + 9 + - 0-5) 99 69 1 I 59-5 + 9*3 + 15-5 63 564 159-1 + 93 + 22-6 89 59 ° 159-8 + 9-1 + +2-0 89 397 ' i6om + 9-0 + 55-8 76 35 1 159-8 + 87 +72-3 88 639 1 59" 1 5 + 9" 1 9 62 Areas and Heliographic Positions op Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean jongitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for 1 Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Unj.bra. Whole Spot. Group 157*. A pair of spots following Group 157. Group 16 1. Three or four small spots close together. 1875*1 May 1-129 29 367 17 212 150-0 + 1 1-6 - 2 5‘3 1875- a June 16-516 I7A57 18 19*478 20644 21- 678 22- 497 23- 530 I 24- 483 38 161 No pho 242 182 96 102 108 5 295 1008 tograph. 1430 980 614 625 35° 107 23 179 87 545 247-6 247-4 247-1 | 246- 8 247- 9 ! 247-1 247-0 247’3 246-4 + 6-2 + 6-6 + 6-6 + 6-6 , + 6-6 I + 6-o + 6-2 1 + 5-8 + 5-8 -34 -1 — 21-8 - 8-8) 4"3 + 20-9 + 33-8 +44-5 + 58-5 + 70-2 Means 17 212 150-0 + 11-6 (105 122 98 j 58 72 | 103 ! 7 634 722 52 7 37i 440 333 *57 Group 157!. ; A small spot. May 22-667 015 0 13 195 6 + 8-6 — 54‘9 Means ' 75 434 247-18 + 6-27 Means mi 0 13 1 195-6 + 8-6 Group 162. Single spot. Greatly increases in size, and breaks up into several spots on June 23. Group 158. ! Two small spots. June 21-678 22- 497 23- 530 24- 483 25- 552 26- 519 27- 53I 0 60 197 3i3 257 132 72 35 402 1036 1318 1216 884 415 0 31 105 184 1 S 1 123 106 18 206 551 775 856 826 61 1 205-3 207-0 205- 6 206- 1 205- 7 206- 2 205-3 - 7’4 - 8-4 - 7-6 - 77 - 7-o - 7-8 - 7’4 - 8-o + 4*5 + 168 + 29-9 +437 + 56*8 + 69-4 May 24/535 0 85 O 46 2 10-6 + 15-5 -15-2 Means 0 46 210-6 + 15-5 Group 159. One small spot. Means . . 104 549 205-89 — 7*6 1 Group 162*, A small spot. May 24-535 25 26- 610 27- 644 28- 647 0 No pho 0 9 12 3 2 tograph. 44 48 35 0 (° 0 5 6 35 31 2 7 26 18 163-0 163-1 163-1 162- 7 163- 1 + 8*o + 8-i + 8-2 + 8-i + 8-5 -62-8 — 49’ 1 ) -357 -21-9 - 8-3 June 21-678 c 28 0 22 164-9 + 17-2 -48-4 Means 2 27 163-00 + 8*18 Means 0 22 164-9 + 17-2 Group 160. Two spots. This group greatly increases in size on June 3 and following days. One SDot at first. Group 163. which breaks up i nto two on t July •?. June 1-542 2- 527 3- 602 +•532 5-63+ 6 7 8-532 9 , 10-564 11*560 3 +5 97 133 189 No phc No phc 93 No phc 56 46 80 2 7S 828 884 1014 > tograph > tograph 818 ) tograph 407 242 3 33 58 72 97 ■ (84 • (7° 57 • (59 • 60 87 79 202 49 6 478 520 5*4 508 502 468 433 457 6o-6 60-5 6o-8 60- 7 61*3 61- 4 6 1 - 6 61 -8 ! 61*9 62- 0 61-5 -10-5 — 10*1 — io‘8 — 107 — 101 — 1 o-o - 9-8 - 97 - 9-9 — 10*1 — 10-4 — 593 -4 6 '3 — 3**8 — 19-6 — 4‘4 + 8-5) + 2* , 5) + 34'4 + 48-0) + 61-5 +74' 2 ' June 27-531 28- 611 29- 501 30- 081 July 1 2- 426 3- 602 4 5- 393 6- 429 16 20 24 24 No phc 41 29 No phc 22 1 2 1 95 163 148 *95 1 tograph, 197 179 >.tograph 66 52 28 20 18 16 . (19 21 15 • (>4 13 9 170 163 1 1 1 130 1 16 102 93 67 40 38 63-1 62- 5 6 3 - i 627 62- 9 63- 2 6 3 -i 63-0 62-9 62-9 - ii -6 — 10-7 - io-8 — 10-4 - 1 o-o _ 9-6 - 9-6 - 9‘4 - 9-2 - 9‘5 -72-8 -59-1 -467 — 3.9-3 -236) - 7-8 + 7-6 + 19-6) + 316 + 44"9 Means 62 4 2 3 61-28 — 10-19 Means !"... 17 103 62-94 — 10-08 ... TAKEN AT GREENWICH, AT HARVARD, AND AT MELBOURNE, IN THE YEARS 1874 TO 1877. Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected 1 Area of Area for Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. J Whole Spot. Group 163*. A small spot. Group 166. Several small spots close together. The group becomes more and more scattered up to August 2, when it has completely divided into two parts. June 30-081 0 I 1 0 1 1 42-9 + 9‘9 — 59 1 1 87 5- d July 26-519 27- 583 28- 450 29- 472 30- 594 ' ‘ 3I-509 Aug. 1 1 2-472 3"5 01 4 5-492 H 0 48 54 5° 4° No pho T 33 93 No pho 32 127 114 255 3% 324 310 tograph. 848 394 tograph. 140 19 0 32 3 1 26 20 (49 77 65 (5< 37 172 95 171 209 167 156 323 49° 269 235 200 43- 8 44- 8 44-7 43‘4 45‘9 48- 2 49 - ° 497 49- 6 50- 0 50-3 + T9 + T9 + 8-8 + 8-o + 8+ + 9-1 + 87 + 8-2 + 8-o + 8-2 + 8-4 -68-5 -53 + — 42-0 — 29-8 -12-5 + 1-9 + 157) + 29+ + 42-9 + 56+) + 69-9 Means 0 1 1 42-9 + 9 9 Group 164. One small spot, regular in shape. It has broken up into several spots on J uly 2. l875-a June 28-61 1 29- 501 30- 081 July 1 2-426 10 18 41 No pho 14 53 89 1 17 tograph. 107 5 10 25 (22 18 28 5 1 72 106 i39 138-1 137- 8 1369 1377 138- 5 + 10-5 + 9‘8 4- io-6 + IX-5 + 12-3 + 16-5 + 28-0 + 34'9 + 51-2) + 67-5 Means ... 37 226 47-22 + 8-33 Group 167. One spot. Means 16 79 137-80 + 10-94 Group 164*. Two spots. Aug. 20-715 2I+6l 22- 639 23- 505 24- 682 25755 26- 642 27- 537 28- 640 0 17 33 20 0 0 0 0 5° 9 1 103 77 58 55 38 44 23 0 22 26 *3 0 0 0 0 0 102 ii5 82 50 32 28 »9 23 13 62-3 62-1 62*0 62-2 62-4 62-6 62-6 62-9 627 + 9*4 + 8-5 + 8-2 + .8+ + 9" 1 + 8-9 + 9"° + 9" 1 | + 8-9 — 76-8 — 67-2 -517 — 40-1 -24-3 — 99 + i-8 + I3-9 + 28-3 July 8-596 9*595 I °' 5 5 4 I I 12-585 1 3 ‘64+ 14-640 0 41 61 No pho 33 12 0 31 232 245 tograph. 166 132 8l 0 28 36 ( 2 7 17 6 0 27 1 59 *44 115 86 69 ! 45 294-3 (294-1 293-9 293-0 292-1 2 9 i-9 291-9 + 15-2 + 15+ + 15-6 + 16-3 + 16-9 + 167 + 16-6 -55-i j -42+) — 29-6 -i7-i) - 4-5 + 9"4 + 22-5 Means 16 92 293-03 + 16-10 Means 7 52 62-42 + 8-83 Group 164!. A short stream. Group 168. One spot. July 17-598 0 54 0 3° 253-2 + 14-8 + 22-9 Aug. 21+61 22- 639 23- 505 24- 682 25755 26-642 i 27-537 28-640 29+80 30+38 31-440 19 40 72 28 3 6 35 54 39 60 37 i5 1 26 240 293 248 233 1 67 256 177 233 197 97 59 5° 62 18 20 18 27 20 33 23 1 2 382 300 253 161 129 86 128 9 1 128 123 75 48-3 46- 7 47- i 47-0 47 + 47- 6 477 48- 1 47- 6 48- 1 477 Means 0 30 253-2 + 14-8 + 6-9 + 6-3 + 6-8 + 7‘5 4- 7+ + 77 + 6-9 + 7’5 + 7-3 + 8-i + T9 — 81 -o — 67-0 -55-2 -397 -25-1 -13-2 — 1 "3 + 137 + 24-3 + 37+ + 50-3 Group 165. One small spot. July 24-489 25G45 0 0 20 39 0 0 12 22 107-5 106-3 + 217 + 22*2 -31-6 — 20-2 Means ... 0 17 106-90 + 21-95 Means 3i 169 47-57 + 7-26 64 Areas and Heliographic Positions of G-roups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. [Jmbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 169. One small spot. Group 174. One small spot. The photograph on October 1 is too dense for the group to be 1875-1 Aug. 30-438 O fl O H 306-0 -10-3 -64-7 i8 75 - d Sept. 29-467 3 o- 47 i Oct. 1-065 2-423 O 0 0 0 46 •9 12 0 0 0 28 •4 0 20 ••3 3-8 4'9 -15-2 -15-8 - 1+9 + 27-1 + 428 +697 Means ... 0 14 306-0 -103 Group 170. i Two small spots. Means ... 1 0 •6 3-33 -•5-30 Group 175. Two spots. Sept. 9-414 JO 11-670 0 No pho 28 tograph. 59 0 (° 0 1 7 25 33 214- 6 215- 5 216- 3 -I 7'3 — 16-8 — 16*2 -24-3 - 8-6) + 7-2 Oct. 2-423 3 47 >5 5- 566 6- 423 7+39 52 No pho 30 36 •4 0 3»9 tograph. 226 I 12 74 •3 27 (23 •9 27 •4 0 166 •55 •43 85 73 20 299-9 299-9 299- 8 300- 7 300-3 299-6 - 8-2 + 4-7 - 8-3 +19-8) - 8-3 +34-8 Means 0 25 215-47 -1677 ... j Group 1 7 1 . Three or four very small spots. — / u -■ 7 + - 7-6 — T y + 57 + + 70-5 Means j 8 107 300-03 — 7-80 Sept. 14-490 i iS -478 16-426 20 5 0 92 77 58 38 5 0 •73 76 43 96-0 98-3 98-5 + 14-8 + 15-2 + 1 5 ' 1 1 - 75-9 — 60-5 “ 47-8 Group 176. Two small spots close together. Means H 97 97-60 + 15-03 Oct. 5-566 6-423 0 21 1 1 0 0 16 302-1 302-1 + • 5-6 + • 5-3 + 48-3 + 59 " 6 ' Group 172. Two very small spots. Means 0 •4 302-10 + 15+5 Group 177. Sept. 15-478 0 21 0 1 1 1 4 1 "7 + 6-o 1 —17-1 A scatterei d cluster of very si mall spots. + 21 + + 35-3 + 4 ^" x + 65-2 + 75 -i Means 0 1 1 I 4 I *7 + 6-o i ... Oct. 5-566 6-423 0 47 0 0 5 ° 20 170 5 ° 0 0 34 0 0 27 12 122 58 20 275-2 277-8 275-2 277- 5 278- 1 + 12-4 4 -ii-6 + 12+ + n-2 + u-6 Group 173. One spot surrounded by several very much smaller ones. 7+39 8705 9-4 1 5 Means 7 48 276-76 + 11-84 Sept. 27-546 28- 722 29- 467 30 - 47 I Oct. 1-065 2-423 26 42 47 62 0 0 158 j 366 292 232 148 1 95 18 24 25 32 0 [ 1 1 1 213 •57 120 77 1 53 3177 316- 8 319-3 3187 318-1 3 1 7 - 5 - 8-4 - 8-i - 8-i - 7-8 - 7-8 1 " 7 ' 3 — 4 J "9 — 27-2 -H '9 — 2-3 + 4'9 + 22-3 Two very s Group 178. imall spots. On October 10 one of the two spots has disappeared. Oct. 9415 10+57 1 1 23 57 0 6 1 2 32 2152 214-5 0-0 4- o-6 + 12-2 + 25-3 Means i 17 - 122 318-02 - 7-92 Means ... 3 22 214-85 + 0-30 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, AT HARVARD, AND AT MELBOURNE, IN THE YEARS 1874 TO 1877 . 65 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. I Longitude j from Central j Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. I Whole Spot. of Group. Group 178*. A short stream. Group 182. A stream of spots. 1 875 - u Oct. 18*213 O 37 O 39 146-5 — 1 1-6 + 59'5 1875 . G Nov. 18-410 19-401 20*539 2 1 22*429 23-498 24 25- 572 26- 082 27- 077 76 57 104 No pho 72 57 No pho 26 9 0 307 325 39 1 tograph. 312 226 tograph. 134 86 49 32 53 (46 38 34 (32 29 i 197 182 201 184 166 136 143 1 49 125 >34 358 - 0 3577 359’3 359 - 5 3597 ro 2-6 4 'i 4-0 2-5 - 77 - 7*2 - 7-0 - 6-9 - 67 - 6*9 - 6-2 - 5 + - 4 "9 - 4'7 -3 7-6 — 24-8 - 8-2 + 4 ' 5 ) + 17-1 + 32-5 + 47 7 ) + 62-9 + 69*6 + 81-2 Means O 39 • 4 6 '5 — 1 1-6 Group 179. A small spot. Oct. 2 1 *402 O 43 0 22 37-6 + II -2 - 7‘3 T 1 Means 1 33 162 0-84 — 6-36 Means 0 22 37-6 + 1 i ‘2 Group 183. Cluster of two or three small spots. Group 180. One large spot. Nov. 19-401 20-539 2 1 22- 429 23 - 498 I .0 23 No pho IO 5 i 1 10 tograph. 35 *9 7 13 ( 9 5 0 36 63 4 ' 18 10 3387 339'7 3397 3397 34 1 "4 + 107 + 10*4 + 107 + 10-9 + 101 -44-2 -27-8 - 15 +) “ 2-9 + 12-9 Oct. 25*476 26*415 27-112 28*066 29-042 3 ° 3 i Nov. 1-665 2*386 3753 75 | 61 89 97 j NoplJ No pho 1 1 3 130 57 419 376 592 563 831 tograph. tograph. 672 479 388 90 52 62 58 45 (52 (59 65 83 5 o 505 319 414 335 442 424 405 386 305 343 2857 284- 9 285*0 2847 285- 1 285-0 285-0 284*9 284-8 284*5 + io-8 + I1'0 + 10-4 + 10*7 + II-2 + II -3 + ii *5 + ii*6 + 10-7 + 10-9 -65-9 - 53-9 - 44‘5 -32-3 — 19 0 - 3 -i) + 12-8) + 28-6 + 38*0 + 557 Means 7 34 33976 + 10-56 Group 183*. Four very small spots. Nov. 25-572 26-082 0 0 40 15 0 21 8 308*3 307-6 . +15-0 + I 4-5 + 7-1 + 13-2 Means 62 388 284-92 + I I'OI Group 180*. | A regular spot with a small companion on October 28. Means ... ° 15 307-95 + 1475 Group 184. Two large spots, with several very small ones between them. A somewhat scattered group. The group breaks up into two on November 23. Oct. 27-112 28- 066 29- 042 8 12 0 29 61 32 5 9 0 iS 46 33 4*4 5 i 5-9 + 13-8 + 14-2 + 14-2 + 34-9 + 48 ‘i + 6i-8 Nov. 20-539 21 22- 429 23- 498 24 25*572 26- 082 27- 077 28 29- 096 30- 108 21 No pho IOI 1 16 No pho 78 5 ° 40 No pho 39 25 93 tograph. 427 496 tograph. 465 304 325 tograph. 276 168 I 23 (43 j 1 63 ! (52 26 23 i (29 35 35 1 IOI 184 267 269 254 239 159 188 219 249 234 305- 4 306*1 306- 7 308-5 308- 9 309- 2 309- 2 310- 1 310*4 3107 310-2 - 8-2 - 8-1 - 7-9 - 8-o - 77 - 7-3 - r 2 - 6-6 - 6*3 - 6-o - 5 + — 62-1 -49*0) - 35'9 — 20*0 — 6- 0) + 8-0 + 14-8 + 28-8 + 42 +) + 55-9 + 68-8 Means 5 32 5-13 + 14-07 Group 1 8 1. One small spot. Nov. 15-41 5 0 7 o I 9 142-0 + 17-1 + 66-9 Means 0 9 142-0 + 17-1 Means 39 215 308-67 I - 719 ... Photo-Heliographic Results, 1874-1877. Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich. Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 185. Single spot. Group 188 — continued. l8 75- a Dec. 20-108 21- 081 22- 063 23- 550 O 0 O 0 131 38 17 22 O 0 O 71 23 12 27 359"° 359-8 357- 8 358- 6 - 6-3 — 6-o — 61 - 6-3 + + + + 1875. d Nov. 20-539 21 22-429 23+98 24 25- 572 26- 082 27- 077 O No pho 21 16 No pho 29 8 0 21 tograph. 6l 91 , ;ograph. 76 74 16 O (10 *9 1 1 (i3 i5 4 0 81 69 56 62 51 40 38 8 2847 285- 5 286- 2 286-2 286*2 286- 1 285-8 285-6 + 1 r6 + 117 + II-8 + ii -5 + 1 1 "4 + 11-3 + "•3 + ii-6 -82-8 -6 9 -6) -56-4 -42-3 -287) -151 - 8-6 + 4"3 Means 7 57 358-63 - 6-46 Group 189. One large spot. Means 9 5i 28579 + 11-53 Group 186. One small spot. Dec. 15-074 16- 071 17- 497 18- 026 19 20-108 ! 2I'o8i 22- 063 23- 550 24- 540 13 30 69 52 No pho 31 49 56 52 26 114 287 465 467 tograph. 34° 341 297 2 77 1 19 39 41 54 36 (26 16 25 29 3° 18 345 388 366 322 200 178 174 154 1 6 1 84 3237 323-0 322-4 322-8 322- 9 323- 0 322- 3 323- 2 322-3 3237 -12-9 -12-7 — 1 1-4 -12-3 — 1 1-8 — n-3 — 1 1 • 1 — io-8 — 10-2 — io-6 — 80-5 -68-i -49’9 — 42-6 -287) — 14-8 — 27 + 111 + 29-8 + 4+2 Dec. 14-449 0 21 0 1 1 58-4 + 16-2 + 6-o Means 0 11 58-4 + 16-2 Group 187. One small spot. Dec. 14-449 0 h 0 10 8-3 — 6-o -44"! Means 3i 237 322-93 -11-51 Means 0 10 8-3 — 6-o Group 188. Group of three or four spots ranged in a line. Group 189*. A small spot. Dec. 17-497 1 8-026 J 9 42 32 No phi 134 207 3 tograph | 22 I 16 • (8 70 105 88 357'3 358-9 359 ° - 7-i - 6-8 - 6-6 -15-0 - 6-5 + 7+) Dec. 30-087 3 1 3. 3 33 265-2 1 - 77 1 +587 Means ... ■ 3 33 265-20 - 770 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, AT HARVARD, AND AT MELBOURNE, IN THE YEARS 1874 TO 1877 . 67 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots— continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from | Central j Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 190. Scattered group of very faint small spots. Group 193. Scattered group of small spots. 1876. a Jan. 5*487 0 24 0 16 81-6 - 5*i — 40*6 1876. cl Jan. 20*711 21723 22- 472 23- 521 0 0 1 0 0 156 66 20 25 0 0 0 138 45 12 13 225*8 225- 8 226- 6 2269 -13*9 -13*3 — 12-2 -12-7 -55*9 -42*5 -31-9 -17-8 Means O 16 8 1 *6 - 5*i Group 190*. A short stream. Means BH 0 52 226*28 -I 3-03 Group 194. Scattered group of small spots. A change of shape is seen on January 24. Jan. 11*072 12*052 6 0 59 4 2 3 O 31 2 4 + io-i + 10-4 + 10*6 + 24*8 Jan. 21-723 22- 472 23- 521 24- 466 25*511 26*688 27*496 10 0 22 109 74 0 0 ”5 25 219 454 348 85 39 5 0 13 78 ! 71 0 0 ;q 274*2 - 13-8 — 1 53 -14-6 -15-2 — 1 5 1 -i 5*5 — 17-0 + 5*9 + 12 + + 33*0 + 44*3 + 59-0 + 69-6 + 79*4 Means 2 28 59-85 + 10-25 13 132 1 320 335 118 96 270- 9 277*7 276-5 277*5 272-6 271- 8 Group 19 1. Scattered group, but with two principal spots. Means ... ; ... 24 .153 274*46 — 15-21 Group 195. Single spot. Jan. 18-526 19-503 20*71 1 21*723 22*472 1 1 68 0 +7 262 200 109 192 6 42 0 0 6 26 1 162 i 153 i 111 291 330-5 329-5 327-5 326*7 327-5 + I 1*2 + 12-2 + I 2*8 + 12*8 + 117 + 20*0 + 3 .i '9 + 45*8 + 58*4 + 69-0 Jan. 29-445 3 ° 31*452 Feb. 1 2 - 5 I 4 3 4*457 1 1 62 49 35 3 ° 25 16 6 87*9 88-2 88-4 88-3 88-2 88-3 88-3 - 77 - 7*8 - 7*9 - 8-o - 8-o - 8-3 - 8*5 -78-8 ~ 6 5 * 4 ) — 5 i 9 - 38 * 5 ) -25-1 — 12-2) + 0-7 Means 1 11 149 328-34 + 12-14 0 No pho 12 l No pho 9 No pho 2 25 tograph. 43 tograph. 45 tograph. 12 0 (5 10 (8 5 (3 Group 192. Single large spot, but several smaller spots are seen on January 19. Means 5 32 88-23 — 8-03 Jan. 18-526 19- 503 20- 711 21723 22*472 2 3 ' 5 21 24*466 2 5 * 5 1 1 26*688 27*496 28*099 29-445 3 2 109 99 82 100 89 9 + 85 0 27 10 0 176 684 521 524 500 496 478 457 217 150 60 4 1 49 io 5 67 47 53 45 48 46 0 20 9 0 266 658 352 301 266 252 244 247 135 no 52 68 239-2 238*5 239-7 239*8 239*7 2397 239-6 239*7 239*4 239*6 239*3 239*8 -107 — II'?. — 12*0 — 1 1*9 -1 17 — I 2"0 — 12*1 12*3 — I .2 + - 13*4 -12*5 -13-9 ~' 7 i *3 - 59 -i — 42*0 -28*5 — 18-8 - 5 *° Group 196. Single large spot. + 7*4 + 21*2 + 36*4 + 47*2 + 54*8 + 73 *i Feb; 10*445 II 12-679 13*559 14*564 15- 083 16- 674 4 No pho 123 225 259 178 213 106 tograph. 763 1029 1209 1 18 I 1415 14 (59 104 152 149 97 .07 377 512 647 695 695 642 711 285-8 285-4 285-1 (285-2 285-2 285-5 (2857 — 1 1-6 -12-5 -13-4 -132 - 12*9 -1 3 *° -13-1 — 82-9 -68-6) - 54*2 - 41 * 7 ) — 29-2 — 22-1 - 8-6) Means - 4 i 246 239-50 — 12*17 68 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots— continued,. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude j of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 196 — continued. Group 199 — continued. 1876. d Feb. 17-108 18-414 i9'532 20 21- 689 22- 446 232 194 180 No pho 22 41 1388 944 860 ;ograph. 341 I 84 1 17 106 1 1 3 (7° 26 74 701 5*6 54i 47i 401 334 285- 9 286- 4 286-5 286-4 286-2 2857 -I3'3 -13-7 -13-8 -13-5 -I3‘I -I4-3 + 4'9 4-22-6 +37-4 +51-5) +65-6 +75-0 1876. a Mar. -13-633 14- 560 15- 565 16- 448 17- 474 18- 511 34 33 20 4 0 0 I08 I 12 73 32 22 13 18 17 IO 2 O O 58 57 37 >7 13 9 2847 2847 285-1 284-5 2847 284-6 -11-9 — 1 1-8 — 1 1 2 -1 2-4 -12-5 — 12-8 — 20-0 - 7-8 + 5‘9 + 16-9 + 30-6 + 44*2 Means ... 1 ... 1 ... j 91 557 28577 | -I3-I8 ... Means I I 51 284-66 — 1 1-8 1 Group 197. Somewhat scattered group of very small spots. Group 200. , Scattered group. A great change is seen on March 17. Feb. 26-425 27 28- 558 29- 593 Mar. 1-074 24 No pho 32 17 17 139 ;ograph. I 2 I 153 243 '7 (i7 •7 9 9 97 81 6 5 80 128 117-2 117-2 II7-I 115-9 1172 + 9'9 + 96 + 9’3 + 9'5 + 9"3 -41-1 -27-1) -131 - 0-6 4- 7 'I Mar. 13-633 14- 560 15- 565 16448 17474 18511 19- 688 20- 485 21*1 17 36 55 58 85 35 3° 4 8 5 170 *99 177 302 273 104 101 84 46 45 49 40 52 20 16 2 5 3 215 176 123 185 i54 56 57 5° 30 241-2 241-4 241-0 239- 8 237-8 24^3 240- 3 240-7 240-1 + 15-1 + 1 6* 1 + 15-2 + 15-6 + 15-2 + 15-0 + 14-5 + i3'° + H"4 -63-5 — 5 1 I -38-2 — 27-8 -163 + o'9 + I5M + 26-3 + 34‘° Means H 90 1 16-92 + 9*5 2 ... Means 26 1 1 16 240-40 + 14-90 Group 198. Single small spot. Group 201. Small group, principally consisting of one spot, the smaller spots disappearing on March 20. Mar. I -074 2-595 26 4 125 32 15 2 72 16 8o-o 815 - 5'6 — S' 2 -30-1 - 8-6 Means 9 44 8075 - 5'4° Mar. 15-565 16-448 ! 7"474 18-511 19688 20- 485 21- 117 b 10 88 77 80 32 10 8 0 0 7 ' 53 34i 238 239 9 6 54 27 3° i5 0 8 57 43 41 16 5 5 0 0 8 43 220 132 122 48 28 16 22 H 214- 5 215- 4 214- 6 215- 0 215-1 220*2 2 197 220-1 219-8 220*4 - 6-2 - 5'7 - 6-3 - 6-i - 67 - 6-3 - 6-2 - 6-4 - 67 - To -647 -52-2 -39-5 -25-4 - 9-8 + 5-8 + 13-6 + 32-5 + 47-2 + 58-4 Group 198*. A few very small spots, not far apart, some of which disappear on March 7. Mar. 6-411 7-410 24 8 58 3° 16 7 39 26 79-0 79-8 + r 1 + 7'2 + 39* 1 + 53-I 22- 534 23- 652 24- 456 Means 1 2 33 79-40 + 7-15 Means ... | ... 18 65 217-48 — 6-36 Grou Sing] p 199. Le spot. Grou ! Sing] p 202. e spot. Mar. 9-425 10- 545 11- 478 12 8 18 19 No ph 53 85 88 0 tograph 1 5 18 14 . (16 100 86 66 62 2847 284-2 2847 284-7 — 10-9 -114 — n'5 -1 1-7 -75’5 — 6 i-2 -48-4 -34-2) Mar. 17-474 1 18-511 1 0 21 16 1 0 18 IO 198-8 20r4 -13-2 -13-1 -55-3 -39’° Means 1 1 H 200-10 -1315 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, AT HARVARD, AND AT MELBOURNE IN THE YEARS 1874 TO 1877. Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for 1 Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 203. Scattered group. Group 206*. A group only seen close to the west limb. I 876. d Mar. 18-511 19- 688 20- 485 21*117 22- 534 23- 652 2 59 61 28 23 0 92 279 210 177 122 38 3 48 40 H 12 0 12 1 229 137 90 63 *9 172-1 172-2 174- 2 175- 2 I74-9 177-8 o - 8-9 - IO-2 - 9*° - 95 - 7’9 - 6-6 . — 68-3 -52*7 — 40-2 -30-9 -12-7 + 5-2 1876. d Apr. 6-676 0 35 0 99 266-3 -19-5 -81-3 Means ° 99 266-3 — 19 5 ... Group 207. Very small single spot. Means 20 110 174-40 - 8-68 Apr. 8-527 9"555 0 0 0 19 9 287- 8 288- 5 + 14-0 + 13-9 -35 + — 2X-I Group 204. Scattered group, consisting principally of two large spots. Means 0 >4 288-15 + I3-95 Mar. 20-485 21-117 22 '534 23- 652 24- 456 2 5’4 I 4 26 27- 087 28- 673 29- 589 30- 466 40 35 236 89 164 148 No pho 53 9 50 i5 171 271 785 7H 863 818 tograph. 560 3°4 182 72 64 37 157 5i 89 80 (57 33 6 7i 39 275 292 522 4i5 469 442 396 35° 2 66 25 7 189 145- 0 146- 8 1 52- 1 151-8 153- 9 I53-9 155- 2 156- 4 1 57-5 160-5 159-6 + 13-9 + 13-2 + 14-9 + I4-5 + 148 + I 4"9 + 14-8 + 14-6 + 147 + 15-1 -PH" 8 -69-4 — 59'3 -35‘5 — 20*8 - 8-1 + 4'5 + n-8) + 191 + 5 1" 1 + 66-2 + 76-9 Group 208. Group of small spots. Apr. 9-555 10- 667 11- 453 12- 682 13- 051 0 0 0 1 1 0 8 67 5i 122 29 0 0 0 6 0 7 43 30 6 5 *5 260-1 2600 258- 5 259- 3 2597 + 12-2 + 115 + I I "3 + 117 + ii‘3 1 -49-5 -34-9 — 26-0 - 9'° - 37 Means 62 352 153-88 + 14-56 Means 1 32 259-52 + 1 i-6o Group 205. Single small spot. Group 208*. Group consisting mainly of one small spot. Mar. 22-534 23- 652 24- 456 25- 414 8 1 13 15 24 38 47 31 8 8 8 24 27 29 1 7 128- 8 129- 4 129- 6 130- 2 + 7-8 + 7' 5 + 8-o + 8-3 -58-8 -43-2 -3 2 *4 — 19-2 Apr. 14-611 15- 508 16- 537 22 H 0 86 47 16 12 7 46 24 8 221*7 22 1 *1 2177 - 6-5 - 61 - 6-5 — 211 - 9'9 + 0-3 Means 6 26 220-17 - 6-37 Means 6 2.4 129-50 + 7-90 Group 205*. A small spot following Group 204. Group 2o8f. A short stream of small spots. Mar. 29-589 30-466 0 21 12 2 0 18 H I45-3 144-9 + I3" 6 + 13-0 + 51-0 + 62-2 Apr. 13-051 12 5i 6 26 272-4 + 2-6 + 9° Means ... 6 26 272-4 + 2-6 Means 1 16 145-10 + 13-3° Group 206. Very small single spot. Group 208 {. A small faint spot. Apr. 17-662 18-558 0 0 - 3'2 - 3-1 -n-5 + 1-4 Apr. 4*4 12 0 4 0 4 318-5 -14-0 -59-0 115 38 0 0 59 »9 191 O | 1 9 2-I Means 0 4 318-5 -14-0 ... Means 0 39 1 9 1 "5 5 | “ 3-i5 70 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 209. Fairly large spot, with a small one at a little distance, the latter almost disappear - i ing on May 10. Group 21 1. Group of small spots. 1876.4 May 7-589 8-468 9 ‘ 4 8 3 io -+ 6 3 1 1 '47 5 12-576 i 3‘4 5 1 H >5-563 73 7 > 57 5 2 43 5 2 39 No pho 0 250 248 265 213 >74 206 189 tograph. II 67 5 ° 34 28 22 27 22 (" 0 229 176 158 89 108 106 58 9 242- 6 2 43 3 243 - I 244 - 3 245 - 3 2456 245-6 245-6 245-5 -I 3 -6 -I 3-3 -I 3-7 — 14-0 -H-2 — 14-6 -15-0 — 1 5 " 1 -15-2 — 566 - 44-3 -31-1 — 16-9 - 2-5 + 12-3 +23-9 +37-9) + 51-8 1876. d July 3-599 4-566 22 0 9 ° 56 16 0 64 54 308- 0 309 - 5 — I I "2 — io-6 + 43-2 + 57-6 Means 8 59 30875 — .10-90 Group 212. Group consisting mainly of three fairly large spots, of which two disappear on July 7. Means 29 1 16 244-54 -14-30 July 3-599 4 - 566 5 - 578 6 - 573 7- 407 8- 463 9 IO "545 72 28 4 > *9 3 > 35 No pho 9 323 276 233 126 127 88 tograph. 35 67 24 10 16 18 (, 6 299 196 138 67 65 46 35 23 208-4 208 *2 207 - 9 208- 4 208-9 212-0 21 IS 2I0’9 - 6-7 = P - 5‘5 - 8-o - 7-6 - 7-2 -56-4 -437 -307 -17-1 - 5-5 + 1 1-6 + 24-9) + 38-1 Group 209*. A small group. May 25-588 26- 639 27- 589 O 0 6 33 33 34 0 0 4 55 3 i 24 3487 349-6 35°-3 - IO'O - 9-3 - 9'2 -72-4 - 57-6 - 44-3 Means 22 109 209-53 — 6- 86 Means 1 37 349-53 - 9-50 Group 213. ; Group of small spots. Group 210. Single small spot. July 7-407 8-463 9 > 0-545 ”'575 0 23 No pho 0 0 >7 >39 tograph. 8 44 O 12 (6 0 0 10 73 39 4 25 1817 183-0 182-7 182-3 186-7 + °'4 - 0-3 0-0 - 1-9 -327 -17-4 - 4-0) + 95 + 27-5 June 21-440 22- 575 23- 580 24- 689 0 8 9 0 2 39 38 0 7 6 40 22 2 5 21 357-2 357 - 8 357'9 358 - 4 4- o-6 - 0-7 - 0 ‘5 - o-8 — 68-5 -52-9 - 39'4 -24-3 Means 4 30 183-28 — 0-40 Means 3 27 357-83 - o -35 Grour ) 21A. Group 2io. w A very small spot. Single small spot. July 6-573 7 ' 4°7 8-463 0 0 5 56 >4 8 0 0 3 56 1 1 5 165-1 I 65-3 1652 + 9‘3 + 97 + 97 — 60-4 — 49 ' 1 -35-2 June 26-432 0 1 1 0 6 25-5 - 7-9 + 25-9 Means 0 6 25-5 - 7-9 Means 1 24 165-20 + 9'57 A Group 2I0f. Group 215. Single small spot. July 19-591 20- 571 21- 594 22- 451 0 9 0 0 64 52 >4 >7 6 0 0 58 36 8 9 356 - 6 3567 357 - 3 357-9 + 3 ‘o + 2-6 + 2-3 + 2-4 - 56-5 - 43-5 -29-4 -17-4 June 27-580 28- 586 29- 094 0 12 3 i 70 58 126 0 >5 5 ° 58 76 209 37 - i 38- 6 37-2 + 6-9 + 61 + 6-8 + 527 + 67-5 +72-8 Means 22 n + 37-63 + 6-6o Means 2 28 357-13 + 2-58 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, AT HARVARD, AND AT MELBOURNE, IN THE YEARS 1874 TO 1877 . 71 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 2 1 6. Single small spot. Group 220 — continued. No pho 7 0 tograph. 87 18 (7 7 0 86 89 27 303*1 302-6 300*9 -10-5 — io-6 - 99 + 46-5) + 58*2 + 68*3 I 876. d July 20-571 21-594 9 0 23 6 9 0 22 4 342 - 1 343 - 2 - 7-4 - r 5 -581 — 435 1876. d Aug. 27 28- 588 29- 481 Means 5 13 342-65 - 7-45 Means 12 67 301-46 — 9*80 Group 217. Single spot. It is not seen on July 29 but a number of spots in a short stream mark its place on July 31. Group 221. Two small spots, one of which breaks into small fragments on September i, and finally disappears on September 5. July 21-594 22-451 23 24-580 25 A 93 26-495 27 A 33 28- 587 29- 578 30 31-116 x 9 22 No pho 18 39 36 3 i 0 No pho 8 7 i 96 tograpb. 127 17 9 . 126 80 3 ° 0 tograph. 81 32 23 (i 7 1 1 22 I? 0 0 | (° J 7 121 102 90 78 100 66 42 17 0 0 72 3 I 5 -I 315-0 3 I 5 -I 315-2 3 1 4 - 7 3 1 5 - I 3 I 5-3 3 I 5-7 3 I 3-9 -10-3 — 9-9 -10-5 — 1 11 -10-5 -107 — 1 i-o - 10-5 -10-4 -71-6 t — 60-3 -46-1) - 3 I -9 — 20-4 — 6-7 + 5'9 + 21-6 •••) + 53-2 Aug. 30-582 31+51 Sept. 1-599 : 2-649 3 4- 588 5 - 582 14 26 31 0 No pho 0 89 81 129 320 tograph. 98 8 8 H 17 0 (0 0 5 ° 44 70 189 1 36 83 9 ; 201-5 i 99'8 202*2 202 *5 202-2 20I - 9 198-4 -!2-9 -13-6 -I 3 I -12-8 -13-4 -13-9 -13-3 -i 6*5 - 67 1 +io-8 + 25-0 + 37 - 5 ) + 50-0 + 59-6 Means 6 83 | 20 I' 2 I -13-29 Means 13 63 315-01 — IO "54 Group 222. ; Single spot. Group 218. Single small spot. Sept. 18-440 0 20 0 3 i 41-0 + n -4 + 72-0 Aug. 7-460 J 0 74 0 87 229-2 + IO-I + 65-6 Means 0 3 1 41*0 + 11-4 Means 0 87 229-20 + 10-10 Group 223. Two small spots. Group 219. Two spots. Sept. 14-588 15745 16-581 : l 7 18-440 30 57 32 No pho 63 168 197 176 tograph. 241 28 39 (26 33 157 136 106 1 16 126 32+2 324-0 324-2 323-9 323*6 Mill — 55 6 -40-5 -29+ ~ J 7 " 4 ) - 5 + Aug. 16-499 17- 465 18- 681 19- 686 0 70 16 »9 5 ° 193 1 99 153 0 46 9 10 41 127 1 1 1 80 354 -i 353-3 353-2 353-1 - 8-1 - 7-2 - 7-0 - 7-4 — 50-0 — 38-0 — 22-1 - 8-8 Means 29 128 323-98 - 9 56 Means 16 90 353-43 - 7 A 3 Group 224. Two spots of nearly equal size, of which the preceding spot grows larger, and the following spots smaller on October 4 and 5. Group 220. Only one spot is seen at first, but a second of equal size appears on August 25. Sept. 27-586 28+65 29+95 30-587 Oct. 1 2-578 47 120 195 89 No pho 49 488 505 728 737 tograph. 452 39 81 1 13 47 (37 26 4°3 34 1 421 390 315 239 1 57 *i 1564 156*0 154*9 1564 I 57-9 1 Aug. 22-587 2 3 - 4 0 3 24 25-586 26739 7 22 No pho 62 II 79 74 tograph. 1 77 129 4 12 (23 34 7 45 40 69 97 83 300-5 299 - 2 300- 4 301- 5 303'5 - 9 -i - 9'4 - 9'3 - 92 — 10-4 -23-1 -137 + 1 - 9 ) + 17-5 + 347 - 5-9 - 6-3 - 6+ - 6-2 - 5-6 - 5 -o -51-2 -40-3 -27-1 -13-8 + o-8) + 15 + 72 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected j Area for Area of \ Group. | Mean 1 Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude j of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra, j Whole Spot. of Group. Jmbra. Whole L . Spot. Umbra * Whole i Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 224 — continh ed. Group 227*. A group seen only near the east limb. vo oo* . 6 5 6 52 23 4°9 257 194 89 28 39 46 34 238 180 172 131 1577 1 59*5 1 59*4 1 59*3 - 4'9 - 4*4 - 4'4 - 4 'i + 28-5 + 43 "° 1876. d Nov. 13*657 0 78 0 66 254-0 - 5 *° - 53*5 + 69-5 Means . 0 66 254-0 - 5 *° Means 49 283 1 57 " 4 6 - 5-32 Group 228. Group 225. Scattered group. Single spot. ■ Nov. 13*657 14- 582 15- 518 1 6*497 0 39 25 10 65 144 96 52 34 17 6 84 125 65 3 ° 240-0 240-5 240-8 240-9 + 2"6 + 1-5 + 1*2 + 1*0 -67-5 - 54*8 -42*2 — 29-2 Oct. ii'559 12-498 13 H *5 16- 052 17- 468 18- 070 | 4 55 No pho No pho No pho 40 81 4 34 189 tograph. tograph. tograph. 222 389 93 2 29 ( 3 i (32 (33 35 144 14 18 99 123 147 171 1 95 694 33 i 177 17-2 » 7’4 17-5 17- 6 17*8 18*5 18- 9 — IO '2 — io-6 — 10-4 — 10-2 - 10-0 - 9-8 - 9'4 - 1 0-0 — 6-2 + 5-6 + I 7 - 5 ) + 29*4) + 4 i- 3 ) Means •4 76 240-55 + 1*58 + 53 -i + 72*5 + 8o-8 Group 229. Two spots of nearly equal size. Means 40 222 17-83 — 10-08 Nov. 15*518 16-497 17 18- 080 1 9 - 493 20- 097 2 1-02 1 79 72 No pho 32 80 16 8 238 261 tograph. 177 306 122 I29 94 61 (40 •9 42 8 4 285 219 163 106 161 63 67 219-1 218-4 218-5 218-6 218- 6 219- 9 220*2 — 1 1*3 -u *5 — I 1-2 — io-8 — 10-9 — 10-9 1 -10-9 -63*9 -517 - 41*0 - 3°*5 — I2'0 - 2-7 + 9*8 Group 226. One large spot and two or three small ones. Oct. 19*469 20-083 21*079 22 23*220 24 25^93 26- 049 27- 080 53 28 52 No pho 55 No pho 44 29 25 262 288 322 tograph. | 439 tograph. 215 136 I 4 I 62 26 39 (35 3 ° ( 2 7 24 17 1 7 308 270 234 238 241 179 1 16 79 95 217-1 216- 3 215-2 214-8 214- 4 215- 8 217- 2 217- 9 218- 1 - 13*4 -127 -12-8 — 12-8 — 12-8 -127 -127 -12-4 -12*5 -62-5 -55-2 - 43-2 -29-5) -15*8 - i* 4 ) + 13-° + 25-1 + 38-8 Means 38 152 219-04 — 1 1-07 Group 230. Single spot. Nov. 19*493 0 l6 0 26 302-3 — 8-0 + 717 Means 3 i 196 216-31 — 12-76 Means 0 | 26 302-3 - 8-o Group 226*. A stream of spots. Group 231. Single spot. Nov. 2-648 3752 4-664 53 32 23 221 308 123 34 29 36 143 271 172 131-8 133-3 135-3 + 10*9 + 10-4 + 10-5 + 39'2 + 55-2 + 69*3 Dec. 18-045 19- 248 20- 1 16 21- 103 37 55 95 72 171 85 No phc No ph< No ph< 107 No phi 178 445 579 257 1281 532 ) tograph 3 tograph, 3 tograph 631 0 tograph 53 49 66 42 89 44 ■ (54 • (65 • (75 85 • (94 103 258 394 402 150 667 274 33 i 388 445 5 DI 440 378 I 45-2 I 44 -2 144- 4 1 45 - 8 145 4 145*5 145*5 145*6 145-6 145*7 H 5*4 145*1 + 10-2 + IO-I + iof8 + io-6 + 10-5 + 10-4 + 10*3 + 10-2 + io-i + 10-0 + 9*9 + 97 — 69-1 - 54*4 — 42-6 — 28-2 — 9-6 — 27 + 10-4) + 23 * 5 ) + 36 * 5 ) + 49 * 6 + 627) + 757 Means 33 *95 133-47 + io-6c 22*549 23-066 24 25 26 27-020 28 Group 227. Single spot. Nov. 9*572 0 27 ! 0 28 301-1 - 61 -60-3 29-053 48 I7 8 Means 0 28 3011 — 6-i Means ... 68 386 145-28 J +10-23 j ... | TAKEN AT GREENWICH, AT HARVARD, AND AT MELBOURNE, IN THE YEARS 1874 TO 1877. 73 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 231*. Two small spots. 1877. a 1 0 0 . * Jan. 6-057 O 73 0 1 58 2737 + 6-5 -50-2 Means 0 5 8 2737 + 6-5 Group 23 if. One or two spots, mostly small. Jan. 8-048 0 30 0 18 266-7 + 5-8 — 31-0 9068 O IS 0 8- 267-1 + 6-3 -17-2 10-068 0 92 0 47 267-1 + S-8 - 4-0 11-243 0 113 0 59 2677 + 6-3 + 12-0 Means 0 ' 33 267-15 + 6-05 Group 232. One regular spot, a, usually with a small companion. Jan. 10-068 29 174 57 375 *954 + 8-8 -757 m -243 38 236 38 256 194-2 + 8-5 — 61-5 12052 +4 273 35 220 1 94*9 + 8-6 -50-1 13-036 2 9 302 19 197 194-4 + 8-5 -37-6 H No pho tograph. (37 206 1947 + 8-8 — 20-6) 15-585 106 415 55 215 194-9 + 9-0 - 3-6 16 No pho tograph. (48 190 195-1 + 9-2 + 6-5) 17-089 74 3°7 40 166 195-2 + 9'3 + 1.6-5 18-049 46 306 27 1 8 1 . i95*o + 9-5 + 29-0 19-041 56 3 1 3 39 219 194-8 + 9-5 + 4 i "8 20-050 v 32 235 29 216 194-8 + 9-6 + 55-2 21 No pho tograph. (43 212 I 94'4 + 9-6 + 68-4) 22'I l8 *5 54 56 207 1 93 *9 + 9'5 + 81-5 Means 40 220 19475 + 9"ii Group 232*. A short stream of spots. Jan. io"o68 0 87 0 49 297-1 - 8-3 4- 26*0 11-243 0 68 0 46 298-0 - 8-5 +42-3 Means 0 48 297-55 — 8-40 Group 233. One regular spot, a, usually with one or two small companions, a preserves its form, but decreases in size as it crosses the Sun. Jan. 15-585 90 39° 75 325 1477 -)- 108 —50-8 16 No pho tograph. (64 351 147-6 + 10-7 -41-1) 17-089 87 617 53 377 147-4 + 106 -31-3 18-049 76 668 42 367 I47-4 + 10-4 — 1 8-6 Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. I Whole Spot, of Group. Group 233- —continued. 1 877. a 0 0 0 Jan. 19-041 32 710 17 372 147-0 + II-2 — 6-o 20-050 38 384 20 202 147-6 + 10-9 -J- 8*0 ! 21 No pho tograph. ( J 9 177 147-6 + 11-0 + 21-6) 22*1 18 28 235 18 151 147-6 + III + 35-2 23-500 18 IOO 16 88 147-0 4-ii-6 + 527 24-536 13 65 i-7 86 146-3 + n-6 + 657 25-064 0 83 0 156 146-8 + 11-9 + 73'2 Means 3i 241 147-03 + 11-07 Group 234. One small faint spot. Jan. 26-533 0 39 0 •28 9"° - 7‘3 -45'3 27024 0 17 0 11 9-0 - 7'5 -38-8 Means 0 20 900 - 7-40 Group 234*. Very small faint spot, that breaks up into several fragments on February 3. Jan. 30-534 0 9 0 9 3017 - 7-2 — 6o-o 31-078 0 15 0 12 303-1 - 6-9 -51-4 Feb. 1 No pho tograph. (2 13 303- 6 - 7-0 -37-8) 2-083 5 25 3 14 3°4"° - 7-o -24-1 3'557 0 32 0 16 304-0 - 8-3 - 4*7 4 No pho tograph. (° 13 307-6 - 8-o + io-o) 5 No pho tograph. (° 10 311-2 - 7-8 + 247) 6-097 0 1 1 0 7 3147 - r 5 + 39+ 7A59 0 7 0 6 313-4 - 7-5 + 561 Means 1 11 307-03 - 7- 47 Group 235. A well-defined regular spot, which gradually diminishes in siz e but does 1 lot other- wise change its form. Feb. 7-459 25 109 28 124 195-3 + 99 — 62-0 8-523 39 194 3i 154 194-9 + 9’5 -48 + 9 No pho tograph. (26 141 195-2 + 9"2 -38-0) 10-073 36 218 21 128 195-4 + 8-8 -27-5 1 1 No pho tograph. (22 127 195-4 + 8-8 -13*4) 12 No pho tograph. (24 1 26 195-4 + 8-9 + 07) •3 No pho tograph. (25 125 195-4 + 8-9 + 14-8) H No pho tograph. (26 124 195-3 + 8-9 + 28-9) 15 No pho tograph. (27 124 195-3 + 9"0 + 43-o) 16-508 29 127 28 123 195*3 + 9° + 57-I 17-533 20 89 33 146 195-4 + 9-0 + 707 Means 26 131 195-30 + 908 Photo-Hbliographic Results, 1874-1877. 74 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. | Whole Spot. of Group. Group 236. A group of three or four small spots. Group 239. One small well-defined spot. I877- d Feb. 26-048 27-546 28 Mar. 1*089 2 3-027 4 5-086 O 40 No pho 16 No pho O No pho 0 57 146 tograph. 69 ;ograph. 31 tograph. 71 O 36 (23 10 (6 (1 0 1 12 133 88 43 30 16 28 39 298-5 298-0 298- 5 299- 0 299-3 299-5 298-5 297-4 + 7-8 + 7-o + 7-2 + 7A + 7*2 + 6-9 + 8-3 + 9-6 -74-0 -54-8 1877- d Apr. 6-500 7-460 3 2 I 25 28 8 3 63 34 132-5 1327 -12*6 — 12-9 -79-9 — 67-0 44 l ) -33G -•20-4) - 7'4 + 5-i) + 17-6 Means 6 49 132-60 -!2-75 Group 240. A group composed of three spots, of which the smallest gradually disappears. Means 10 61 298-59 + 7‘ 68 Apr. 16-123 17-476 18 19- 523 20- 470 87 1 1 1 No pho 53 30 685 634 tograph. 278 129 47 70 (64 58 56 368 401 352 302 243 104-3 104-5 104-1 103-6 103-4 -15-0 -15-0 -147 -14-4 -13-9 + 18-9 4-37-o 4-50-1) 4-63-2 + 75-5 Group 236*. A short stream of spots. Means 59 333 103-98 — 14-60 Mar. 1-089 2 3-027 4 5-086 28 No pho 22 No pho 18 122 tograph. 285 tograph. 265 i5 (i3 1 1 (" 10 65 104 *43 148 152 3II-5 3II-0 310-5 309-9 309-2 - 8-2 - 8-5 - 87 - 8-6 - 8-5 — 20-9 - 87) + 3" 6 + 16-5) + 29-4 Group 241. A group of small spots, which change greatly on April 23. Means 12 122 310-42 — 8-50 Apr. 20-470 21 23- 408 24- 423 25- 417 26 27-560 6 No pho No pho 53 ++ 36 No pho 0 58 tograph. tograph. 271 ' 133 121 tograph. 26 4 (12 (20 27 23 20 (10 0 4i 73 105 137 69 68 46 23 343-6 3447 345-8 347- o 3477 348 - i 348-5 348-9 + 0-4 + 0-9 + I- 4 + 1-9 + 2-3 + ' 2-4 + 3-0 I + 3-6 -44-3 -30-2) — 16 1) 1 — 2-1 4-12-0 +25-5 +40-1) + 547 Group 237. Faint ill-defined spot, which breaks up into several spots on -March 1 0. Mar. 8-609 9-069 10-559 0 0 0 60 58 34 0 0 0 36 37 40 265-3 265-8 273-6 — 10-8 — 1 1 - 1 - 9-8 + 32-0 + 38-5 + 65-9 Means 15 70 346-79 j + i*99 1 ! Means 0 38 26823 -10-57 Group 242. sting principally of two small spots, of which one disappears on Group 238. A scattered group of ill-defined spots, which gradually condenses into two well- defined spots. On March 22, one of the spots has gone off the limb, and the other is only partly visible. A group consi April 27. Apr. 23-408 ; 24-423 25-417 26 27- 560 28- 062 29 30-554 May 1-107 29 >9 3i No phc 25 O No phc 10 0 IOI 69 9 2 ) tograph, 108 60 > tograph. 3° 18 21 1 1 16 ' 05 13 0 ■ (6 1 1 0 73 4 1 48 52 5 6 33 33 33 28 303-1 303-5 305-3 308-0 310-6 310-8 3I4A 318-0 318-6 - 7-6 - 7*5 - 8-i - 7’4 - 6-6 - 67 - 6-8 - 6-8 - 7-5 —46-0 -32-2 -I7-3 - 0-5) 4-16-4 + 23-2 +43’3) + 63-3 + 7I-3 Mar. 17-481 18- 399 19- 562 20 21- 169 22- 465 10 83 59 No phi 25 18 76 357 397 o tograph 236 6l 5 46 39 • (32 25 5° 39 197 261 249 238 J 73 128-0 1292 129-6 I 29-2 128-8 131-8 — 1 1 • 1 — I 1-2 — III — I I'2 — I I‘2 — I i-6 + 1 1 -6 + 24-9 + 4°"6 + 50-8) + 610 + 81-1 Means 33 193 129-43 -11-23 Means 10 44 3 1026 - 7-22 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, AT HARVARD, AND AT MELBOURNE, IN THE YEARS 1874 TO 1877. 75 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected . Area of Area for Group. Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 243. A scattered group of small faint spots. Group 247. One small spot. A second appears on May 24, and a third on May 26. i877-d Apr. 30-554 May 1-107 2- 075 3- 428 4- 516 O 0 6 21 0 28 60 IOI 79 53 0 4 13 25 47 68 48 32 207- 8 208- 0 207- 5 208- 6 208-1 + 28-6 + 28 "8 + 29-2 + 3°'i + 29-9 -46-9 -39'3 — 27-0 - 8-i + 5-8 1877- d May 17-051 18-418 J 9 20 21 22 23 24- 470 25- 460 26- 441 0 29 No pho No pho No pho No pho 33 45 8 102 tograph. tograph. tograph. tograph. tograph. 1 57 *43 74 0 26 (25 (24 (23 (21 (20 x 9 29 7 25 92 92 9 1 90 90 89 89 93 61 320-4 323-2 323- 5 3237 324- 0 324-2 324+ 3247 3237 324-2 + 9*8 + 10-0 + 9*8 + 9*6 + 9+ + 9* 1 + 8-9 + 87 + 9 1 + 87 - 7 6-I — 55 2 -41*6) -28-0) — *4*5) o- 9 ) + 127) + 26-3 + 384 + 5**9 Means 3 44 208-00 + 29-32 Group 244. A scattered group of small faint spots, condensing on May 5 into a single spot. Means *9 81 323-60 + 9*3* Group 248. Two small spots. May 4-516 5 ‘++7 6 7’4 I 4 8411 23 17 No pho 4 O 95 54 tograph. 12 H 12 10 (7 4 0 49 3i 21 20 217-2 219- 3 220- 0 220*7 221-1 — 2-6 - x '9 - i-8 - 1 7 - 1-9 + H'9 + 29-3 + 43*o) + 567 + 70-3 Means 7 26 219-66 - 1-98 May 26-441 23 83 15 53 310-1 - 9'3 + 37-8 Means x 5 53 310-1 - 9*3 Group 245. A single well-defined spot. Group 249. Two spots, one of them very small. May 7-414 8-411 9455 10-469 1 1 ‘ 59 1 35 . 42 28 35 27 151 186 100 125 1 1 8 35 3i 17 19 H 151 139 61 68 61 103-8 IO37 103-6 I°3‘5 103-6 — 14-2 -14-2 -14-1 — 14-0 — 14-0 — 60-2 -47-1 -33‘4 — 20-1 - 5' 1 June 3-499 4+32 5+4 x 6-464 7*4 1 3 8- 506 9- 419 10 1 1 469 1 1 5i 70 62 70 71 90 No pho 43 36 328 334 267 281 307 4°4 tograph. 239 1 1 37 42 33 36 37 49 (4 x 33 37 238 200 *43 144 *59 203 184 108-2 107- 8 108- 0 109- 0 108-6 108-5 108-4 108-4 108-3 -10-5 — 1°*3 — 10-2 -io-3 -10-3 — 10-4 -io-3 -io-5 -107 -57-5 -45‘5 -32-0 — *7*4 - 5*3 + 9" 1 + 2I-I + 34*6) +48"! Means 23 96 103-64 — 14-10 Group 246. One small well-defined spot. A second appears on May 10, but soon disappears again. Another distant companion is seen on May 17. Means 35 170 10836 -10-39 - May 9-455 10- 469 11- 591 12 13 14 i5'549 16-093 I 7'°5 I 1 8418 *3 ! 44 47 No pho ! No pho No pho 39 17 I T O 4° 158 249 tograph. tograph. tograph. 179 142 117 IO 1 1 30 26 (25 (24 (23 23 1 1 • 9 0 35 107 139 131 122 n 4 105 90 93 H 829 82-6 85-3 85*5 857 85- 9 86- o 85- 8 86- 4 86-4 + 8-2 + 8-4 + 8-3 + 8-5 + 8-6 + 87 + 8-8 + 8-6 .+ IO - 2 + 8-6 54-i -41-0 -23-4 — IO *4) + 2 -6) + x 57) + 29-6 + 36-6 +49‘9 + 68-0 Group 250. Two small spots. June 25-428 46 x 34 24 70 227-4 -12-8 - 8-o Means 18 95 85-25 + 8-69 Means 24 70 227-4 -12-8 76 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued . Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Area for j Group. Mean j Longitude Whole I of Group. Spot. Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Whole Spot. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Group 251. A very close pair of well-defined small spots. Group 255. i877-d June 28-490 2 9"459 227- 8 228- 1 227-95 + 32-9 ++ 6'5 Group 252. One very small spot, which breaks up into two or three on July 4. July 3-442 4- 440 5- 407 911 93-3 942 92-87 + io-6 + 9 ‘ 8 + 9 ' 6 4-io-oo -38-2 -227 - 9 ' 1 Group 252*. Several small spots July 14-063 35 8- 4 358-4 + 97 Group 253. One very small spot. July 18-468 10 26 Means 3 I 9 ' 6 319-6 13-4 4-29-1 Group 254. Two very small spots, one of which disappears on August 3. Aug. 2-523 3 ' 5°3 1 29- 2 130- 9 I +I 2'4 4 - 1 2 " 1 130-05 I 4-12-25 + 37‘9 + 52-5 i 877 -d 0 0 Aug. 22-506 8 32 27 1 16 io 4"5 + 7'9 -827 23-534 22 104 32 149 103-3 -(- 8"6 -70-3 24-440 32 246 30 230 103-2 + 8-8 -58-4 25 No pho tograph. (26 183 10 3"4 + 8-8 - 44 ‘ 9 ) 26 No pho tograph. (22 135 103-5 + 87 - 3 i- 4 ) 27 No pho tograph. (18 88 1037 + 87 — 18-0) 28-478 3 ° 82 15 4 1 103-8 + 87 - 4'5 29-570 22 59 I I 3 ° 104-3 + 8-4 + 10-4 30 No pho tograph. (8 25 104-5 -(- 8"2 + 22-8) 31-406 7 31 4 *9 1047 + 7'9 + 35 'i Means l 9 102 103-89 + 8-47 Group 256. Two spots ; the followin g spot, which is small and faint, disappears on September 9 ; j and the larger spot has greatly increased in siz ;e by September 5. Sept. 4-503 r 9 87 25 117 306-3 + 9'5 — 69-2 S ‘474 52 246 46 216 306-5 + 9"4 -56-2 6-436 75 315 5 i 213 307-2 + 9’2 — 42-8 77.92 77 428 45 249 306-4 + 9 " 1 - 30-9 8 No pho tograph. ( 4 ° 204 307-3 + 8-8 — 16-0) 9-520 72 316 36 158 308-2 + 8-6 — i-o 10 No pho tograph. (33 140 308-4 + 8-6 + 13 - 2 ) 1 1 No pho tograph (29 123 308-6 + 8-6 + 25-4) 12-405 42 170 26 106 3087 + 8-6 + 37'5 Means 37 170 307-51 + 8-93 Group 257. One small spot. Sept. 12-405 23 92 !9 I 75 222-5 — i *'4 -487 13 No pho tograph. (16 65 222-4 -1 1- 4 - 35 - 3 ) H No pho tograph. (13 1 55 222-3 — * *3 — 22 -o) 15 No pho tograph. (10 45 222-2 -ii -3 - 8-6) 16 No pho tograph. (7 35 222 0 — I I - 2 + 4 - 7 ) 17 No jih 0 tograph. (4 25 - 22 I *9 — II-2 + I8-I) 18-524 2 24 1 15 22 1-8 — i ri + 3 I -4 Means 10 45 222*1 6 — 11-27 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, AT HARVARD, AND AT MELBOURNE, IN THE YEARS 1874 TO 1877 - 77 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean 1 Latitude of Group. ! Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 258. | Two small faint spots. Group 261 — continued. 1 877* d Oct. 29 30- 5i3 31- 448 Nov. 1-445 2- 131 3- 482 4- 491 5- 442 6 7-073 No pho 252 238 225 199 202 141 107 No pho 37 tograph. 1095 1271 1509 1471 944 760 544 tograph. 246 (114 139 124 1 16 104 120 IOI 100 (95 89 603 605 662 778 j 77° 562 543 508 544 579 335"2 334-8 334* 6 334'5 3347 334-4 3347 334-6 334‘3 334’° - 8-o - 8-o - 8-o - 8-i - 77 - 8-2 - 8-2 - 8-3 - 8-3 - 8-4 -35'9) — 21-6 - 9’5 + 3-5 + I2'8 + 30-3 + 44-I + 56-4 + 66-8) + 77-2 i877-d Sept. 18-524 20- 087 21- 463 0 No pho 0 2 21 tograph. 24 22 0 (° 0 1 12 12 12 12 167-2 167-4 167-5 167-8 - 4’4 - 4'4 ~ 4'3 - 5-3 -22'9 — 12-6) — 2 *2 + l6-3 Means 0 12 167-48 — 4-60 Group 258*. A very small spot. j Means 100 61 1 334-87 812 Sept. 25-111 0 8 O 5 I35-9 ~ 27 + 3 2 "3 Means 0 5 135-9 - 27 Group 262. A somewhat scattered group of small spots. Group 259. One small spot. j Sept. 25-111 26- 588 27- 506 28- 411 29521 O 18 10 9 5 35 75 4i 53 16 0 20 8 6 3 i33 85 33 35 9 22*1 215 22-1 21-8 21-7 - 7-1 - 7-6 - 7-2 - 7-o - 67 -81-5 -62-5 -49-8 -38-1 -23-5 Oct. 30-513 3 1 -448 Nov. 1-445 2- 131 3- 482 4- 491 5- 442 28 43 47 8 35 0 170 21 I 263 149 I48 82 39 20 25 25 4 18 6 0 120 124 j 39 76 76 45 24 312- 4 313- 0 313- 3 314- 6 312- 8 313- 0 313-6 - 2-5 - 2 *2 - 2‘I - 2-5 - 2-4 - 2-5 - 3-2 -44*0 -311 -177 - 7-3 + 87 + 22-4 + 35‘4 Means 7 59 2 I -84 - 7-12 Group 260. One very small spot. Means 14 86 313-24 - 2-49 Group 263. Two small spots, the second of which moves more quickly than the first, and grows gradually smaller. Oct. 1-415 S 14 3 8 28-0 -194 + 7-8 Means 3 8 28-0 |i9'4 Group 261. A large well-defined spot, surrounded by several small fragments. Nov. 14-494 15 16- 548 17- 586 62 j 180 No pho tograph. 31 1 13 29 | 52 1 38 (27 16 15 1 1 1 85 58 27 125- 2 1257 126- 2 126-9 - 9'7 - 97 - 97 -10-3 -337 -197) - 5'7 + 87 Oct. 26-072 27 28 IS No pho No pho 215 ' tograph. • tograph. 39 (64 (89 595 597 600 336-2 335-8 335-5 I - l'\ j_,. -78-8 -64-5) -50-2) Means 24 70 126-00 - 9-85 78 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs. Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 264. A well-defined spot, closely surrounded by several smaller ones. Group 264*. A small spot. i 877 -a Nov. 22-508 23 A 36 24- 103 25- 218 26- 552 27- 221 28- 469 29- 086 30- 428 Dec. i 2- 518 3- 077 35 62 53 73 168 94 142 85 120 No pho 58 3° 123 306 590 753 828 759 669 631 459 tograph. 233 206 86 79 5 ° 5i 95 5o 73 44 68 (59 5o 3i 301 392 562 522 468 4 ° 3 343 327 261 232 203 215 335-5 334'9 335’i 335*3 334*9 335'4 334*9 3347 335"° 335-2 335'4 335*° — io-i -103 — io-8 -107 -io-3 — 107 — io-i — I0’2 — io-o — IO-I — IO-I -10-3 - 77-8 — 66-2 - 57-2 - 42-3 -25-2 -15-8 -f- 0*2 + 8-1 + 26-1 +4°*0 + 54*° +6i-o 1877-4 Dec. 2 1 100 0 34 0 37 334-6 -127 — 62-0 Means 0 37 334-6 -127 Group 265. Two small spots. Dec. 31-466 0 23 0 34 329 9 + 7-5 + 699 Means 61 352 335* 1 1 — 10-31 Means 0 34 329-9 + 7-5 ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH. LEDGERS OF AREAS AID POSITIONS OF GROUPS OF SUN SPOTS DEDUCED FROM THE MEASUREMENT SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS FOR EACH DAY IN THE YEARS 18 * 78 - 1881 . 80 Areas and Heliographic Positions of G-roups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots deduced for Each Day from the Measurements of the Photographs taken at the Eoyal Obseryatory, Greenwich, at Dehra DOn in India, at the Melbourne Observatory, Australia, and at the Eoyal Alfred Observatory, Mauritius, in the Years 1878 to 1881. Note. — T he Greenwich Civil Time at which the photograph was taken is expressed by the month, day of the month (civil reckoning), and decimal of a day, reckoned from Greenwich Mean Midnight. In the second Column, “ Where taken,” the place where the photograph was taken is indicated. A photograph taken at Greenwich is indicated by the letter G, one taken in India by the letter I, one taken at Melbourne by the letters Me, and one taken in Mauritius by the letters Ma. The Projected Area of the Umbra and Whole Spots is the area as it is measured on the photograph, uncorrected for the effect of foreshortening, and expressed in millionths of the Sun’s apparent disk. The Column “Longitude from Central Meridian” gives the Mean Heliographic longitude of the group, reckoned from the meridian passing through the centre of the Sun’s disk at the moment of observation ; longitudes west of the centre being reckoned as positive. Dates for which neither the decimal of the day nor the place are given indicate dates for which no photographic Record is at present available. In these cases the means have been taken of the areas and positions of the spot-groups as measured on the day immediately preceding and immediately following the day for which the photograph is lacking. These interpolated values are enclosed in brackets, but are used in taking the final means for each spot-group. A similar course has .been adopted with respect to the positions of spot-groups on photographs taken in Mauritius. The photographs taken there not being provided with wires, it has not been possible to compute the heliographic co-ordinates of the spot-groups, and these have, therefore, been interpolated from the results obtained on the days immediately preceding and following that upon which the Mauritius photograph was taken. These interpolated values, like the others, are enclosed in brackets, but have been used in taking the final means for the spot-groups. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. A pair Group 266. of regular, well-defined spots. Group 268. A number of small spots in an irregular stream. A small regular spot alone remains on February 8. 1878.4 Jan. 2 3*584 24 25- 087 26- 083 G Me Me 87 No pho 43 0 239 tograph. 180 1 36 46 (36 27 0 12 6 n 9 1 12 104 325-9 327-6 329 - 3 330 - 0 + + + + + io-3 + 21-9) + 33-5 + 47‘3 1 8 7 8- d Feb. 5-179 6 7 - 8-545 Ma G 30 No pho No pho 0 177 tograph. tograph. 28 15 (IO (5 0 92 68 44 2 1 (I 33’9 133-9 > 33‘9 133-9 - 9 ' 1 - 9 ' 1 - 9-1 - 9 ' 1 -k + 13 - 6 ) + 28-4 Means ... 27 ii 5 328-20 + 77° Means 8 56 I 33-9 - 9 1 Group 267. A number of small spots in a short stream. A small regular spot alone remains on February 8. Groi up 268 A r small s{ L Feb. 26-150 I 0 7 0 4 2587 - 1 "7 + 247 Means 0 4 258-3 - 17 Feb. 3-210 4 5-179 6 7 8-545 Ma Ma G 24 Aopho No pho No pho O 182 tograph. 54 tograph. tograph. 21 1 6 (9 3 (2 (1 0 1 16 7 i 27 23 19 15 (I 52-5 152-5 ( 152-5 152-5 152-5 152-5 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 23 -i) -10-2) + 27 ) + 17 - 5 ) + 32 - 3 ) | + 47-0 Group 268B. A very small spot. Feb. 27-236 I 0 7 0 8 153-2 -107 — 66-1 Means 5 45 152-5 - 7-6 Means ° 8 1 53*2 -io-7 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AT MELBOURNE, AND IN MAURITIUS IN THE YEARS 1878 TO 1881 . 81 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot, Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 269. A number of spots in a straight stream. The leader, a, is a regular well-defined spot ; two or three small spots, 6, follow ; and, c, is the rear spot of the stream. Group 273. A small faint spot, almost entirely hidden by faculee on May 31. 1878.4 May 31*420 June 1*088 2*280 3-285 G Me I I 0 0 3 5 1 1 13 18 H 0 2 3 13 12 8 3-5 4*0 5*i 5- 1 1878.4 Mar. 4*521 5 '4+5 6*129 G G I 58 28 O 235 1 17 32 30 !5 0 121 61 18 148*5 1+8-3 151*1 + 4"o + 4' 1 + 3'6 — I *2 + io*8 + 22*5 + 4"4 + 4-9 + +"6 + 4*8 -65*4 - 5 6*I -39*2 -25*8 Means 15 67 149*30 + 3‘9° Means I 1 1 4’43 + 4*^8 ... 1 Group 270. One small spot. Group 274. Two small spots. Mar. 4*521 5*4+5 6*129 G G I 4 0 3 22 8 18 4 0 2 21 6 1 1 92*8 93' 1 93*5 + 0*5 + 07 + o*8 -56*9 -44-4 -35*i June 10*451 G 0 r 9 0 H 343-8 - 67 +47*7 Means 2 13 93-13 + 0*67 Means ° 1 + 343-8 - 67 Group 271. A long straight spot, a, from which a considerable portion, c, has broken off by- March 14. a is followed by b, a cluster of two or three small spots. Group 275. Two regular spots, a and b. They both increase in size, and 6 divides into two parts, b and c, on July 28. Mar. 11*306 12*491 I3'3°3 i 4*+8 9 15*286 16157 17 18*234 I G I G I I I 3 69 43 5i 9 1 50 No pho 20 28 308 369 252 514 347 tograph. 106 2 37 22 27 5i 3i (2+ 16 18 168 192 i33 287 214 150 86 24-3 27*1 28*0 29*5 28*8 28*3 30*0 31-6 + 5*9 + 7‘2 + r 1 + T 3 + 7-8 + 7‘9 + 7-9 + 7-8 — 36*0 — 1 7*6 — 6*o + 11*2 + 21*0 + 32*0 + 47*4) + 627 June 26*5 1 6 27*501 28*502 29*508 G G G G 17 4 1 39 3 80 188 194 38 12 36 54 8 56 167 277 9+ 126*1 125*6 126*9 122*6 + 13-8 + 13-6 + 13-6 + 13-3 + 42*6 + 55*2 + 69*7 + 78*8 Means ... 28 1+9 I25*30 + 13*58 1 ... Means 26 156 28*45 + 7- 36 Group 276. One small spot. Group 271*. A small spot. July 26*406 G 5 18 3 1 1 83*2 + I5-3 + 35-3 Apr. 5*1 8 1 I O 18 0 13 — 46*2 40*0 + o*6 Means 3 1 1 83-2 + 15*3 Means 0 13 46*0 + o*6 Group 277. One regular spot. Group 272. A small regular spot, a, followed hy a much larger spot, b. a has disappeared by June 4. Sept. 2*552 3*532 +'+°5 5*185 6*5+3 7-393 8*281 9*560 10*561 11*499 12*399 13*500 G G G Ma G G I G G G G G 1 1 27 38 37 7i 64 70 52 55 44 36 18 64 u 9 201 233 259 28 7 35+ 265 249 210 14+ 64 24 3° 31 25 39 33 35 27 32 31 32 28 1+1 134 165 154 142 148 178 139 i+5 145 126 100 1 86-3 186-8 187*2 (187*2 187*2 187*6 188*1 188*1 1 88*6 189*0 189*2 190*0 + 3*7 + 3'6 + 4*2 + +" 1 + 3‘9 + 4-i + 3-8 + 3"4 + 4"° + 4*° + 4'2 + +-i -77*4 -64*0 -52*1 -41*8) -23*8 — I 2*2 0*0 + 16*9 + 30*6 +43-4 + 55-5 +70-9 May 27*536 28*128 29*137 30*1 16 3 I *4 20 June 1*088 2*280 3*285 4'436 5- 089 6- 505 G I I I G Me I I G Me G 69 54 100 83 1 20 105 39 40 12 0 0 288 442 636 492 541 476 320 1 43 67 10 12 66 45 63 +6 61 54 21 25 9 0 0 281 35i 402 272 2 77 242 173 87 52 9 27 61 *6 62*2 627 63*2 63*1 6 3‘5 64*2 64*8 64*7 6+'9 65*9 + 7'9 + 8*2 + 8*i + 7'9 + 9*° + 8*8 + 8*9 + 9’o + 8*6 + 77 + 9*7 -58*6 -50*2 -367 — 22*9 - 5'8 + 3 + + ! 9*9 + 33*9 + 49*o + 57*8 + 77*6 Means 35 198 63*67 + 8*53 Means 3 1 >43 187*94 + 3-93 Photo-Heliographic Results, 1878-1881. L 82 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 278. One regular spot. Group 27 8 A. A small regular spot. 1878. a Oct. 29-305 30- 182 31- 204 Nov. 1-495 2-283 3'3°+ 4‘ 2I 4 5-5+7 6‘3 x 9 7- 508 8- 300 9- 182 I I I G I I I G I G I I 8 13 2 + 33 26 26 18 3 1 21 26 16 7 66 9+ 146 158 !+9 140 128 130 109 9 1 69 23 13 13 17 19 H 13 9 17 13 20 16 1 1 103 9 1 105 9 1 79 7i 65 7 1 66 7i 69 37 1631 163-4 163-9 163-4 1633 163-0 163-2 162- 8 163- 0 163-6 163-3 163-3 + 10-3 + IO-6 + io-6 + io-6 + io-6 + 10-4 + 9'9 + io-i + io-3 + 10-5 + io-6 + 10-4 -717 -59 9 -45*9 -29-4 -19-1 - 5-9 + 6-3 + 23-5 + 33-8 + 5°-i + 60-2 + 72-0 1878. a Nov. 20-290 21- 328 22- 214 I I I 3 O 20 16 23 8 2 0 - 5° J 9 !9 226-1 226-5 226-7 + 4-2 + 3-9 + 4-3 -78-9 -64-8 -52-9 Means 3 29 226+3 + 4-H Group 278B. . A small regular spot. Dec. 19-439 20-168 I I 5 4 28 1 1 7 9 36 26 348- 1 348-4 - 17 - i'4 + 677 + 77-i Means i5 77 163-28 + 10-41 Means 8 3i 3+8-25 - i-55 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AT MELBOURNE, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1878 TO 1881 . 83 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots continued. Date. Greenwich Ciyil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. 1 Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Lati- tude of Group, j Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. taken. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole , Spot. ' Group 27 8C. Group 282 — continued. A few very small spots in a compact cluster on January 30. A single small spot on January 31. 1 879- a July I -122 2- 438 3- 087 4- 496 5+39 Me G Me G G 61 4 1 39 17 4 454 194 216 75 34 36 28 3 1 20 8 268 133 165 9° 74 256*4 • 260- 4 259-3 261*0 261- 0 -267 -26-5 -268 — 263 — 26-5 | + H-5 + 32-9 +4°"3 +607 + 73-2 1879- d Jan. 30-304 31-290 I I 6 0 43 8 4 0 29 7 129- 9 130- 5 -231 -23-9 + 40-3 + 53‘9 Means 2 18 130-20 — 23-8 Means 3° 146 25+43 -26-44 Group 279. A stream of spots. The leader, a, is a large regular spot, followed by small spots, b, c, and d. b and d have disappeared by April 17, e by April 19. A Group 283, small faint reguls ir spot. Apr. 15-594 16- 087 17- 59S 1.8-453 I 9‘54° 20- 062 21- 128 22- 058 23- 098 G Me G G G Me Me Me Me 64 58 64 62 46 3 6 29 29 0 320 4i3 276 3i5 215 204 176 166 104 36 32 33 33 27 23 23 3i 0 182 227 144 169 128 130 140 178 207 I53-4 152- 0 153- 0 153- 4 154- 5 I54-3 I54-3 154-2 I54-3 — 21-1 — 20-8 — 20-8 — 20-6 — 20-4 — 20*3 — 20-7 — 207 — 21-0 -23-8 — 18-6 + 2-2 + I4- 0 + 29 + + 36-I + 5 0 " 1 + 62-3 + 76-2 July 1 ’ 1 2 2 2- 438 3- 087 4- 496 5+39 Me G Me G G 0 3 10 * i IO IO 30 1 9 17 0 3 8 0 20 IO 25 10 170-0 1697 169-9 169*5 169-5 + 28" I + 277 + 27-9 + 27-4 + 27-2 -74'9 -57-8 -49-1 — 30-8 — 1 8*3 Means 2 15 i 16972 + 27-66 Group 28 3 A. A large regular spot. Means 26 167 I 537 I — 20-7I Group 280. A very small spot, surrounded by faculae. July 11-489 12-420 13 Ma Ma Ma Me Ma 3 i 45 No pho 24 40 8 178 410 tograph. 227 222 97 16 22 (i7 13 23 6 Ji 163 121 129 72 ( 9°-5 (90-5 90*5 ( 90-5 90*5 ( 90-5 + 5-5 + 5-5 + 5‘5 + 5-5 + 5'5 + 5'5 -17-2) - 5 -o) + 8-3) + 21-5) + 30-8 + 48-0) Apr. 18-453 G 0 8 0 9 77-1 — 26*4 — 62-4 I 4'4 I 7 15-122 16 423 Means 0 9 77-1 — 26-4 .... Means 16 131 90-5 + 5‘5 Group 281. A small regular spot, a, with a very small faint companion, b, on May 10. Gi A smal ?oup 28/ .1 regular 1- May 9-083 10-425 1 1 12-504 Me G G 0 25 No phc 7 1 1 1 80 ) tograph, 3° 15 , (10 4 84 48 32 16 I 8 I *2 1 80- 6 181- 2 181*9 + + to to + + + + -45-6 — 28-5 -I 3 - 9 ) + 0-3 Aug. 11*420 12*507 13+30 Ma G G 0 19 9 18 59 20 0 19 13 H 57 29 (98-8 98-8 9+9 -17 + -17*4 -17*4 + 40" 1 ) + 54’5 + 669 Means 7 45 181-23 + H-°3 Means 11 33 98*83 -17*40 A recall ar snot. a. f ollowed 1 Group 282. oy a fainter spot, 6, which is surrounded by minute Group 285. A small spot on August 1 1 . Four spots in an irregular group on August 12. markings. 6 undergoes much change, and has disappeared by July 4. Ma G G 8 62 50 79 163 132 6 48 52 55 127 138 (94- 1 94" 1 9+2 + 9' 8 + 9‘ 8 + 10*2 + 35+) +49-8 + 622 June 27 404 28-526 29 3°’4 8 3 G 1 G G 55 65 No ph 142 232 0 tograph 3°9 40 4 1 . (37 33 105 I 43 1 6 1 179 255-1 2 57-4 257-6 257-7 — 267 -25-9 — 26-3 — 26-7 -39* 1 -21-9 - 8-8; + 4"3 Aug. 11-420 12*507 13+30 ) Means 35 107 94' *3 + 9"93 84 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longv- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 28 5 A. A regular spot. Group 289 — continued . 1879. a Oct. 10-597 ”’549 12 13 1 4+43 G Ma Ma 63 0 No pho No pho 188 161 tograph. tograph. 24 i 43 0 (0 1 (I 1 124 92 65 39 12 304-0 (304-0 304-0 304-0 (304- 0 + 18-3 + 18-3 + 18-3 + 1 8*3 + 18-3 — 40-0 -27-5) -14-8) + io-6) I879- d Aug. 2 8 ’09 2 Me 0 49 O 52 260-9 + 14-1 62*6 Means O 52 260-9 + 14-1 Group 286. A regular spot, a, followed by some small spots, b and c, in a short stream. Means 10 70 305-4I + 17-95 Group 290. Three small spots. The leader, a, and the last spot, c, are both regular spots. Aug. 28-092 29 30- 501 31- 208 Sept. 1-512 2- 512 3- 464 4- 407 5- 218 6 7' 1 9° Me G Ma G G G G Ma Ma 53 No pho 6l 24 74 54 5i 5° 24 No pho 18 224 tograph. 308 224 313 277 289 245 ”5 tograph. 96 47 (41 35 13 40 3° 3i 34 J 9 (24 28 ' 198 189 173 124 169 155 174 168 90 1 1 9 148 I 44'° 143-6 I 43'2 (H3-° 142-8 142-4 141-6 141-5 (i4i-5 141-5 (Hi-5 + 29-4 + 28-6 + 27-8 + 28-1 + 28-4 + 28-4 + 28-4 + 28-6 + 28-6 + 28-6 -(- 28-6 -54-3 -38-8) -23-3 -14-2) + 2-9 + 157 + 27-5 + 39-8 + 5°-5) + 63-5) + 76-5) Oct. 14-443 15-552 Ma G 6 *4 77 66 6 1 1 79 5° (232-8 232-8 + 2S-3 + 25-3 — 6o-6) -457 Means 9 65 232-8 + 25-3 Group 291. Two very small spots on October 16, which have coalesced to form a large spot, a, by October iB. This spot is the leader of a fine stream, of which b, a large regular spot, is the last member. The smaller spots in the centre of the group are lettered c. Means 3i 155 142-42 + 28-50 Group 287. A regular spot. Oct. 16-522 17- 189 18- 512 19- 206 20- 433 21- 483 G Ma G Ma G G 0 163 70 126 48 34 34 666 609 5i9 266 0 0 102 47 ”4 7i J 9 20 412 410 464 377 261- 1 (261-8 262- 5 (262-8 263- 0 265-3 — 2 2*0 2 2 *4 — 22-8 — 22-8 — 22"8 -23-2 - 4-8 + 4" 6 ) + 22-9 + 32-3) + 487 + 64-8 Sept. 24-438 2 5 ‘ 576 26- 555 27- 504 G G G G 17 17 29 13 73 54 66 38 23 i5 20 8 96 48 47 24 128-9 1286 128-4 127-6 + 29-3 + 29-5 + 297 + 297 -68-3 -53-6 -4o-9 — 29-2 Means 56 284 262-75 — 22-67 Means 54 128-38 + 29-55 ... Group 292. A few small spots. Group 288. A short stream. The leader, a, is a small spot crossed by a very narrow bridge, on October 2, and separated into a pair of small spots by October 3. The following part of the group consists of a cluster, b , of three or four very small spots. Nov. 7-533 8- 182 9- 206 10- 205 11- 205 G Ma Ma Ma Ma 32 1 1 0 0 0 92 69 54 *9 78 18 6 0 0 0 53 42 36 i5 86 345-2 (345-2 (345-2 (345-2 (345-2 + 3I-7 + 317 + 3*7 + 317 + 317 + 9-6 + 18-2) + 317) + 44‘ 8 ) + 58-0) Oct. 2-581 3-406 G G 28 28 85 103 18 21 56 77 1 16-6 "7'3 -23-4 -22-9 -f“ 26*8 + 38-4 Means 20 67 116-95 -23-15 Means 5 46 345-2 + 317 A stream of spots, ir Group 289. lclined at a considerable an gle to the equator. Group 293. A very small spot. Oct. 7-481 8116 9 G Me 6 0 No pho 34 5i 1 tograph. >4 0 (22 72 64 94 307-5 309-2 306-6 + 17-0 + 17-3 + 17-8 -77-6 -67-6 -53-8) Nov. 7-533 G 0 12 0 ! 7 307 + + 177 — 28-2 Means 0 7 307-4 + 177 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AT MELBOURNE, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1878 TO 1881. 85 . Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Umbra. . Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. TTmVira i Wh0le Umbra. gpot _ Group 294. A few small faint spots in two clusters, a and b. Group 297. One small spot. I879- d Nov. 7-533 8-182 G Ma 1 1 0 42 26 7 0 37 *9 282-7 (2827 + 26-4 + 26-4 -52-9 44-3) 1879- d Nov. 28-547 G 0 10 0 10 iii*5 + 30*3 + 52*9 Means 0 10 1 1 1*5 + 3°-3 Means 3 28 282-7 + 26-4 Group 298. Two small spots close together, which have coalesced by December 2. Group 295. A fine stream of spots, consisting chiefly at first of three regular spots, a, b, and c. Nov. 28-547 29-174 3° Dec. 1-222 2-555 3*537 4-467 G Ma Ma G G G 4 0 No pho 16 37 *9 4 25 78 tograph. 8l 163 20 5 0 (5 9 20 2 30 70 60 49 88 55 12 355*7 (3567 3577 (358*6 359*6 0-3 0-5 — 20-8 — 20-7 — 20"6 -20-5 — 20-4 — 20-4 — 20-8 — 62-9 -53*6) -39*2) -24-8) — 6-2 + 7*5 + 19-9 Nov. 7‘533 8-182 . 9-206 10- 205 11- 205 12- 571 1 3A88 H‘475 15- 503 16- 208 17- 163 18- 454 G Ma Ma Ma . Ma G G G G Ma Ma G 56 63 58 62 49 152 9° 44 27 17 16 0 293 402 416 467 490 487 389 261 163 78 66 12 81 7i 47 42 28 85 5i 26 T 9 H 17 0 435 440 335 3°4 279 270 218 157 1 1 1 62 72 25 268-6 (268-1 (267-6 (267-1 (2667 266- 2 267- 6 267-3 266-6 (266-6 (266-5 266-5 -22-7 -22-6 -22-4 — 22’3 — 22‘I — 22*0 -21-5 — 22-0 -2i- 9 — 22*0 — 22-1 — 22-3 — 67-0 -58-9) -45’9) -33-3) -20-5) - 3-° + 10-5 + 23-2 + 36-1 +45-3) + 57‘9) + 74-8 Means 7 52 358-44 — 20-60 Group 299. A small faint spot. Dec. 1-222 2*555 3*537 Ma G G 0 5 0 *9 32 18 0 3 0 1 5 18 10 (350-0 350-0 349*8 — 22 3 — 22*3 -22*3 -33-4) -15-8 - 3-0 Means 40 226 267-12 — 22’l6 Means 1 14 349*93 — 22-30 Group 296. One small spot. Group 300. Three small spots close together. Dec. 16516 17- 389 18- 259 j 9-407 20- 171 21- I 9 I G I I I I I 1 1 « 47 5° 60 36 48 33 242 258 270 294 297 9 31 29 32 r 9 26 27 161 152 145 x 55 160 131- 8 ! I 33" 1 132- 8 132-3 1326 x 33-3 — 18-9 — 1 9*5 — x 9"9 -19-5 -19-5 -19-4 — 50-0 -37*2 — 26-1 — * i*5 — i-i + 13-0 Nov. 25-554 26 27 28-547 2 9' r 74 G G Ma 3 No pho No pho 17 15 tograph. tograph. 26 5 (7 ' (9 1 1 0 23 24 ' 24 25 15 27-1 25-6 24-0 22-5 22-5 — I2‘2 -12-6 -12-9 -I3-3 -I3-3 -70-9 -59- 2 ) -47-6) -36-1 -27-8 Means | 6 22 2 4"34 — 12-86 Means 24 1 33 132-65 - x 9-45 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude ‘ ! from < Central Meridian. taken. 1 Umbra. Whole Spot. taken. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole , Spot. A small sp Group 301. ot, gradually increasing in size as it approaches the cen tral meridian. Group 302. Two small spots with a few small faint ma rkings near. l88o. d Jan. 3476 4- 208 5- 232 6- 324 7- 183 8 9-109 10- 285 11- 269 12 - 475 13- 307 14- 285 G I I I I Me I I G I I 25 27 74 59 98 No pho 125 1 1 1 92 59 42 l 9 79 1 16 34 ° 392 635 ograph. 613 612 459 318 254 93 33 26 55 37 5 6 (63 70 68 65 57 59 58 107 I IO 252 243 366 355 343 373 323 307 353 291 240- 0 241 - 3 240-0 240-2 239 - 4 240- 1 240- 7 241- 5 24 I- 3 241-8 24^5 241-4 -1-20-2 + 19-8 + 19-5 + 19-6 + I 9-3 + I 9-3 + 19-2 + 19-0 + ! 9 -l + 19-0 + I 9 ‘ I + 19-6 — 653 - 54 + - 42-1 - 27-5 1880. a Jan. 12-475 13- 307 14- 285 15- 207 G I I I 55 31 102 40 1 26 178 506 208 37 26 n 9 86 86 146 592 444 228-1 ■ 228-0 227- 9 228- 2 - 17-2 -17-2 — 164 -I 5-5 + 4 1 "3 + 52-2 J +65-0 , +77-4 — 1 8-o 7 7? Means 67 3 i 7 228-05 — 16-58 ... +26-0 +387 + 55 -° + 657 Group 303. Three spots. The middle one is very small and faint, and has disappeared by f January 13. The rear spot remains alone on January 15. +78-5 Jan. 9109 10- 285 11- 269 12- 475 13- 307 14- 285 15- 207 Me I I G I ' I I O 28 17 33 0 10 0 74 143 144 1 16 1 14 64 27 0 23 23 0 7 0 78 1 19 105 77 74 43 *9 180-8 177-9 175- 9 176- 3 176-3 I74’5 I7I-3 + 35-4 + 35' 1 + 35‘2 + 35-3 + 35" 1 + 35-2 + 35" 1 -50-3 I -37-6 -26-5 -10-5 , + 0-5 § + 1 1 -6 + 20-5 | Means 54 285 24077 + 19-39 Group 30 1 A. A regular spot, followed by some small companions. The leader alone remains by January 6. Means 9 74 176-14 + 35-2° ... Jan. 4-208 5- 232 6- 324 7 - i 83 I I I I 6 32' 21 23 45 122 1 16 9 28 *4 13 63 108 63 66 226- 6 227- 5 229- 4 230- 7 -1 8-8 — !8-9 -17-6 -17-4 — 73"* -54-6 -387 — 26-7 Group 304. Two small faint spots. : . M m Jan. 12-475 G 0 9 0 12 1 1 6-8 -187 -70-0 8 Means 16 75 228-55 — 18-18 Means 0 12 1 1 6-8 -187 Group 30 1 B. A stream of small spots, forming s of Group 301. Group 305. A large irregular composite spot, preceded by a cluster of faint spots, which disappear 1 before the group reaches the west limb. I I I G G 16 120 J 95 103 No phc 1 1 i34 53i 842 478 ) tograph. 34 8 67 126 89 . (5 6 24 70 297 549 412 243 74 176-6 175- 5 176- 4 175-3 I73-9 172-5 -12-7 -13-3 -13-3 -12-8 -13-1 -•3-5 + 137 + 247 + 39-8 + 547 + 66-I) +77’5 Jan. 5-232 6- 324 7- 183 I I I 7 11 7 ++ 56 85 4 6 4 27 31 46 254-0 254- 8 255- 2 + I7-3 + 17-4 + I7-4 -28-1 -12-9 — 2-2 Jan. 14-285 15- 207 16- 284 17- 498 18 Means 5 35 254-67 + 17-37 19+45 62 274 175-03 — 13-12 Group 30 1 C. A very small spot forming s of the place of Group 301 A. Means Group 30501. A small spot, n, of Group 305. Jan. 14-285 15-207 I I 0 0 27 26 0 *4 H I73-5 171-4 - 47 - 4-9 + io-6 4-20-6 Jan. 10285 ; 1 0 H I 0 8 238-0 — 23-8 + 22‘5 Means 0 8 238-0 — 23-8 Means 0 «4 172-45 ; - 4 " 8 c ) ... TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AT MELBOURNE, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1878 TO 1881. 87 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. | Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. tude of Group. Group 306. Several small faint spots in a straggling group. Group 309. A regular spot undergoing little or no change. 1880. a Jan. 16-284 17-498 18 194+5 20-172 2 I ‘2 1 8 I G G I I 8 18 No pho 3° 10 0 58 61 tograph. IOO 8l 26 4 10 (17 24 IO O 31 35 58 82 82 59 140-6 1417 1437 1457 1447 I 50-0 — 24-0 — 24-0 ~24’3 -247 -25-5 — 23-0 + 4'° + 2I-I + 35-9) + 5°7 + 59*3 + 78-3 1880. d Jan. 30-544 3 1 ’4 Z 1 Feb. 1-153 2- 513 3- 323 4- 501 5+78 6- 250 7- 242 8 9-382 io-i 16 G G I G I G G I I I Me 20 23 65 48 6l 64 65 5 1 5° No pho 24 0 102 181 234 252 306 262 283 267 212 tograph. 84 43 38 25 55 30 34 33 33 26 28 (24 20 0 194 199 198 157 172 136 144 136 120 95 7i 48 233-1 233-7 233*6 233*3 233-5 233-3 233+ 2337 2337 233 + 233-1 233-5 “15*4 — 15*1 -I5-5 -156 -I5-3 -15-4 -15-4 -15-3 -15-1 -152 -15-2 -15-8 -75-8 — 63-6 -54*i -36*5 — 25-6 -10-3 + 27 + 13*1 + 26-2 + 4°"°) + 53-8 +63-9 Means 1 1 58 144-40 -24-25 Group 306A. A very small spot. Means 29 139 233+4 -15-36 Jan. 24-284 I 0 7 O 5 75*4 + 17-8 + 44" 1 Means 0 5 75*4 + 17-8 Group 307. Two small faint spots. Gr A large regular spot on February 3. spots form following it, and by Fe appearance, being then a stream of : oup 310. rhis spot rapidly bruary 12 the grc small faint spots. diminishes in size, and new rap has entirely changed its Jan. 26-451 G 0 20 O 14 3237 + 17-9 -39*i Feb. 3-323 4"5°i 5+78 6- 250 7- 242 8 9*382 10- i 16 11- 237 12- 536 13+46 I G G I I I Me I G G 12 58 72 IOI 1 18 No pho 84 38 49 45 121 255 33i 42 5 555 tograph. 472 245 361 156 75 25 68 62 74 76 (63 5i 24 34 36 1 257 . 296 283 310 357 321 286 i54 250 133 79 188-0 1867 186 + 186+ 185-5 185-0 184-5 185 + 181-1 180-1 1787 + 27-6 + 27-4 + 26-9 + 26-5 + 26-5 + 26-9 + 27+ + 27-6 + 28-0 + 28-3 + 28-2 — 7 1 * 1 — 569 -44-3 -34’2 — 22"0 - 8+) + 5'2 + 15-8 + 26-2 +42-3 + 52*9 Means 0 14 3237 + I7-9 Group 308. A large spot preceded by one small spot, and followed by another. The large spot has divided into two portions by February 2, and a third fragment has broken off by February 3. The stream thus formed diminishes in size, and only the leader spot remains by February 10. Means 47 248 I84-35 + 27-39 Jan. 30-544 31-421 Feb. 1-153 2 '5 1 3 3A23 4-501 5+78 6250 7-242 8 9-382 10- i 16 11- 237 G G I G I G G I I ’i’ Me I +3 77 1 5i ns 95 117 1 12 9 6 66 No pho 33 25 7 188 39i 706 S3i 673 488 459 + 13 347 tograph. 176 84 3° 104 104 149 81 58 67 63 55 41 (36 32 33 21 448 547 7°4 376 418 279 258 237 217 192 167 1 1 2 90 233-8 232-1 232-8 232- 6 233- 3 232-9 232-6 232-9 232-9 232-4 231*9 232-9 231-2 + 19+ + 19-6 + 197 + 19-9 + 20-1 + 20'I + 20-2 + 20-3 + 20-8 +207 +207 +207 +20-7 -75-i -65-2 — 54*9 -37-2 -25-8 -107 + 1-9 + 12-3 + 25+ + 39-0) + 52-6 + 63*3 + 76*3 Group 31 1. A stream of spots, of which the leader and last spots are the principal members. Feb. 9-382 io-i 16 n-237 12-536 13+46 4 G 1 G 73 75 77 24 20 401 1 86 81 46 59 27 41 246 250 3°4 212 162 195 + 195-8 196+ I97*6 198-2 + 18-2 + 17-9 + 1 8*i + 18-3 + i8-o + 16-1 + 26-2 +4i*5 + 59-8 + 72 + Means 65 311 232-64 + 20-22 Means 43 235 196-68 + 18-10 88 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued . Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich .Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. taken. - * Umbra, Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 312. A spot which rapidly increases in size after February 21. A few small faint markings Group 313. A pair of small faint spots. are seen near it on February 22 to 20, 1880. d Mar. 10-592 1 1-518 G G 3 0 20 60 3 0 20 78 202-6 203-1 -23-3 — 22-8 4-61-2 + 73-9 1880. d Feb. 2 1 '400 [ 22‘173 23- 297 24- 284 2 5- 523 26- 509 27- 430 28- 221 29- 168 Mar. 1-528 2- 306 3- 168 4- 482 G I I I G G G I I G I I G 1 1 28 55 52 55 55 56 99 88 +7 57 36 7 33 171 3i7 261 308 308 262 280 258 204 212 187 71 21 37 36 33 31 3° 54 5i 32 45 35 13 66 228 281 184 183 170 142 153 >49 138 167 183 127 303-8 302-2 301-6 301-9 301-2 300-7 300-6 300-9 300-4 299-5 299-2 298-6 297-8 29' I -29-5 -29-4 -29- 1 -2 9 -I -28-8 -28-8 -28-6 — 28-9 -287 — 28-2 -28-1 -28-3 — 65*3 -54-5 -4i-3 Means 2 49 202-85 -23-05 — 25-6 “ 1 3" 1 — i‘i 4- 97 4-2 1-6 4-38-6 4-48-6 4-59-4 4-75-9 Group 314. A regular spot, followed by a cluster of markings at a considerable distance. Both have broken up into two spots each by March 12. Mar. 8-279 9-323 10- 592 11- 518 12- 517 13- 512 i 4" i6 4 I I G G G G I *9 77 43 3i 5° 9 24 1 88 368 176 139 181 125 no 1 1 44 27 23 46 1 1 5 1 108 210 1 1 1 102 164 174 242 162-3 164-5 167-5 1679 166- 3 167- 5 167-5 + 20-1 + 20-1 + 19-8 4-20-2 4-20-1 4-20-4 4-20-4 - 9-5 + 6-4 4-26-1 + 38-7 + 5°"3 + 64-6 + 73' 1 Means 36 167 300-65 -28-82 Group 312*. Two small spots. M eans 31 >59 166-21 4-20-16 Group 315. An irregular spot, surrounded by several smaller spots, which disappear before March 16. Mar. 1-528 2- 306 3- 168 G I I 25 7 4 45 69 62 17 5 4 3° 55 63 295- 9 296- 3 296-0 + I5A + 15-8 + I5-9 4-35-o + 457 + 56+ Means 9 49 296-07 4-1570 Mar. 13512 14- 164 15- 175 16- 564 17- 455 18- 607 G I I G G G 53 7i 85 3° 17 0 139 437 42 5 169 93 49 3° 43 57 28 23 0 80 260 286 *57 123 >74 1 1 1 -6 111-4 ii3"i 1 14-1 1 14-1 114-5 + 20-3 4-20-8 4-20-6 4-20-2 4-20-1 4-20-4 + 87 + 17-0 + 32-1 + 51 + + 63-1 + 787 Group 312A. A very small spot. Feb. 22-173 I 0 1 1 0 8 48-0 4-20-7 + 37’ 1 Means 3° 180 II 3" I 3 + 20-4.0 Means 0 8 48-0 4-20-7 Group 316. A small regular spot. Group 312B. A single spot. Mar. 13512 14-164 G I I G G G G 6 25 3 1 24 28 12 0 40 78 94 88 83 65 25 10 27 24 14 15 6 63 87 72 52 5° 33 >3 30-1 30- 0 3>*7 31- 8 3**5 31-6 31-8 — 181 — *77 -17-4 -17-0 -16-9 — 16-1 — I 6*2 -72-8 -64-4 -49"3 -30-9 -19-5 - 4-2 + 7-7 Mar. 6-244 7*2 i ^ 8-27C 9*32; 1 I 5 I 1 I 5 I 39 24 i5 6 102 79 65 17 2 1 H 1 1 6 54 47 47 17 215-9 217-4 217-9 2 I 8*2 — *7*9 -17-4 -171 -17-1 4-17-2 + 3i-5 + 46-1 4-60-1 15- 175 16- 564 17455 18-607 1 9'49 1 Means •3 4' 217-35 ; -17-3? 1 Means H 53 31-21 — 17-06 taken at Greenwich, in India, at Melbourne, and in Mauritius, in the YeaPs 1878 to 1881. 89 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 316A. A few spots, mostly small, in'a stream inclined at a considerable angle to the equator. Group 319. A stream of spots of which the principal member is , a large regular spot. 1880. d Mar. 27-217 28 2 9' 1 75 30- 312 3 1- 3°3 I T I I 9 No pho 31 3° 16 33 tograph. 138 146 84 5 (12 20 24 16 18 52 87 114 84 287-1 287- 9 288- 8 288-9 287-3 — 30-8 — 30-0 -29 2 — 28-9 -287 + 4"9 + 187) + 32-5 + 47'5 + 58-9 1880. d Apr. 12-435 1 3- 426 14- 175 15- 286 16- 460 G G I I G 1 14 126 63 19 0 +7* 336 271 ”5 12 66 84 48 24 0 281 224 216 H5 39 95-5 957 957 97-6 977 — 19-0 -18-8 - 1 9'5 -i9*3 -18-8 + 27-3 4-40-6 + 5°‘5 4-67-1 4- 82-6 Means i5 71 288-00 -29-52 Means 44 181 96-44 — 1908 Group 320. A number of spots, mostly small, in a long straight stream. A large regular spot. Some smaller spots have formed near it by April 3, but have disappeared by April 7. The principal spot has divided into two parts by April 8. ; Apr. 25-284 26- 306 27- 572 28- 300 29- 444 30492 May 1-430 2- 293 3- 503 4- 224 5- 3io I I G I G G G I G I I 53 142 170 295 163 168 145 36 27 4 388 634 994 H34 692 634 47i 348 23 7 150 43 100 174 132 198 95 94 81 58 27 s' 900 741 765 958 408 354 266 212 173 123 52 i 83*5 184-8 184- 8 185- 2 183- 8 184- 3 186- 8 188- 4 189- 3 187- 4 188- 2 4-20-6 4-21-1 + 19-9 + !9*9 4-20-3 4-20-3 4-20-5 4-21-7 4-227 4-21-0 4-21-8 -74-9 — 6o-i -43*4 — 33*5 — 1 9*7 — 5-6 + 9‘5 4-22-6 + 39*4 +47’i. 4-62-2 Mar. 30-312 3 1 *3°3 Apr. 1-510 2- 225 3- 4 6 3 4 5-518 6 7-447 ! 8 -527 9-254 I I G I G G G G I 35 35 44 55 42 No pho 71 No pho 54 21 13 176 209 192 253 228 tograph. 302 tograph. 246 105 59 54 34 3i 35 24 (32 (40 39 21 17 275 205 138 160 129 I 5* i73 176 179 103 78 173-2 173-2 .47 3 "2 173-1 I73-9 173- 8 1.737 174- 0 I74-3 174-6 I74-7 + 17-3 + l 7 -0 + I7-9 + 18-3 + 1 8 " 1 + 18-5 + 19-0 + 18-9 4-18-8 4-19-0 + 18-5 — 68-2 -55-2 -39-2 -29-9 -12-7 + 0-8) 4-14-2. 4-27-2) 4-40-2 + 54-8 + 64'5 Means 90 45° 186-05 4-20-89 Group 321. Means 33 161 17379 4-18-30 A large spot, with one or two much smaller companions. May 2-293 3- 503 4- 224 5- 310 6- 55° 7‘4 I 5 8- 471 9- 217 10-186 I G I I G G G I I G G G G 35 105 7 1 93 129 117 140 155 181 105 97 72 0 237 394 466 575 700 602 839 7i3 847 524 367 265 81 82 123 65 67 79 68 80 92 1 16 85 101 ”9 0 549 461 422 410 429 35° 482 422 543 423 383 438 494 91-6 4-26-0 903 4-26-2 907 +25-6 900 j 4-25-5 893 4-25-6 89-0 4-257 887 +25-6 88-2 4-26-1 87- 6 4-26-5 88- i 4-26-4 87-6 4-26-4 87- 8 4-25-9 88- 9 jd-25'8 -74*2 — 59 6 -496 — 36-0 — 20-3 — 9-1 + 4'5 + 13-9 4-26-2 4-44-0 4-56-1 4-69-0 4-83-6 Group 317*. ; A Very small faint spot. Apr. 1518 G 0 IO 0 16 283-9 -33‘5 + 71*5 Means ... 0 16 283-9 -33‘5 1 1- 500 12- 451 13- 420 H'433 Group 318. Two small spots, followed on April 3 by a very small companion. Means 83 447 88-99 4-25-95 Group 32 1 A. A small spot, sf, Group 320. Apr. 2-225 3-463 4 5-518 I G G 4 48 No ph< 7 60 123 o tograph 27 2 27 • 07 6 33 70 45 20 I 99' 6 202-3 202-4 202’6 + 17-0 4-i6-8 4-17-0 4-17-2 - 3-4 + 15-7 + 29-4) 4-43-1 May 5-310 I 0 20 O 14 168-3 |+ii - 4 + 42-3 Means 13 42 20173 4-17-00 Means 0 14 168-3 |+ii*4 Photo-Heliographic Results, 1878-1881. 90 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photog rap hs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 322. Two very small spots. Group 326 — continued. 1880. d May 7-415 G 6 35 4 20 80-4 -28-1 -177 1880. d May 29-427 30- 280 31- 285 June 1-366 2- 616 3- 223 4- 566 G I I I G I G 305 455 459 256 f 60 5 1783 2225 1 924 1152 420 282 4 ° 160 236 249 152 73 51 6 937 ii 55 1038 687 3 i 3 250 58 158-2 158-6 1582 157-6 1577 1577 I 55 -I + 13-9 + I 4 * 1 + H -3 + 14-6 + 14-6 + 14*8 + 15-5 - 8-7 + 3 -o + IS-8 + 29-6 + 45*8 + 54-2 + 69-4 Means 4 20 80-4 -28-1 Group 323. Two spots on May 10, of which only the preceding spot remains, much diminished in size, by May ix. Means 127 574 157-68 + 14-20 May io- 1 86 11- 500 12- 451 I G G 4 8 4 122 1 7 13 2 5 3 66 10 9 67-1 70-4 7°’9 + 17-6 + I 7-3 + 16-9 + 57 + 26-3 + 39'4 Group 327. A regular spot, with a small companion on May 31 and June 1. Means 3 28 69-47 + 17-27 Group 324. A pair of small spots, of which the preceding spot has disappeared by May 14, May 30-280 31-285 June 1-366 2- 616 3- 223 4- 566 I I I G I G 9 23 21 24 19 0 48 85 94 52 60 25 16 25 16 i 5 1 1 0 82 9 ° 72 32 35 H 84-6 83 - 9 83 + 8+3 84- 0 83-9 + 25-0 + 24-8 + 24-1 + 24-2 + 247 + 23-8 -71-0 -58-5 - 44*6 -27-2 -19-5 - i-8 May 13-420 H '433 G G 12 0 54 21 9 0 37 18 54-2 52-0 + 23-0 + 24T + 35 + +46-7 Means 5 28 53 -io + 23-55 1 Means H 54 84-02 + 24-37 Group 325. A pair of small spots, of which the following spot is very faint. Group 328. Several small spots in an irregular stream. May 20-482 21-535 G G 16 1 1 75 39 H 8 70 28 232- 1 233 - 1 + 23-9 + 24-1 - 53-2 - 38-3 June 6-289 7 - 553 8- 187 9- 201 1 0-48 5 I I "2 I 2 12-433 I G I I G I G 17 7 11 8 39 29 30 62 29 64 126 201 87 104 12 4 6 4 16 r 9 44 1 7 34 66 106 48 66 20-4 20-6 2 I " I 18-9 I 8*2 187 I 7-5 + 14-8 + H+ + H 7 + 15-1 + 14-6 + 14-6 + 15-1 -42-5 -25-6 -167 - 57 + 10-9 + 21-0 + 36-0 Means 1 1 49 232-60 + 24-0 Group 325 A. A number of very small spots in a short stream. May 24 222 I 6 20 6 l 9 2907 + 1 9*7 | + 54*8 Means 12 54 1 9"34 + 1476 Means 6 i 9 290*7 + *97 1 Group 326. A fine stream of spots. The group rapidly increases in size until it passes the central meridian on May 30, and diminishes again even more quickly later Group 329 A small spot, with a very small c ompanioi 1 on June : LI. May 24-222 25- 498 26- 454 27- 602 28- 507 I G G G G 8 69 201 253 324 29 292 73 ° 1 1 1 1 1 424 21 77 158 156 180 74 320 576 691 792 1 57*7 157 - 5 158- 1 157- 9 158- 2 + 13*8 + 137 + I 3-3 + 14-1 + 137 -78-2 — 61-4 — 48-2 - 33-2 -20-9 June 8-187 9-201 10-485 I I "2 I 2 I I G I 0 1 1 16 13 12 33 33 39 0 15 14 10 42 47 28 29 316-6 3167 3168 3 I 5-8 -21-4 -21-4 -21-6 -217 — 8 i-2 -67-6 -50-5 — 4 r *9 Means 10 37 316-48 -21-53 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AT MELBOURNE, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1878 TO 1881 . 91 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued . Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. tude of Group. Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 330. A regular spot. : Group 333*. A small spot, not seen on June 29. 1880. d June 1 5-200 16- 233 17- 282 18501 19- 53+ 20- 266 21- 469 22- 234 23- 464 I I I G G I G I G 3 2 3 ° 35 +9 115 5 + 35 29 28 IOO 142 21 + 2 +9 589 165 193 III 122 51 3 3 ° -64 29 19 17 19 161 139 160 152 329 89 106 6+ 82 23 +-I 2 3 + *2 233-5 232- 9 233- 0 233-5 232- 8 233 - 0 232-8 + 23-3 + 23-+ + 23-4 + 23-5 + 23-5 + 23-6 + 23-4 + 23-3 + 23-6 — 70-8 -57-0 — + 3*9 -28-3 -14-6 - +•+ -f- 1 0*8 + 21-2 + 37-3 1880. d June 27-130 28- 511 29- 586 30 * 5+5 I G G G 8 8 0 23 14 0 18 13 7 0 0 35 12 0 1 1 8o-o 79 - 8 80- 4 — 26-4 — 26-2 -25-8 — 67-0 -48-9 -214 Means 5 15 ! 80-07 — 26-13 Group 333. A few spots, mostly unstable and small at first, in an irregular stream. The group greatly increases in size when near the west limb. Means 32 142 233-31 + 2 3 -++ Group 331. A regular spot, with several small spots in a straggling stream. June 28-511 29- 586 30 - 5+5 July 1 2-402 3'497 +- 37 I 5+38 6131 7 8- 403 9- 480 I G G G G I G Me G G 9 29 21 No pho 40 56 37 0 No pho 5 ° 12 93 73 57 tograph. 95 151 172 128 5 ° tograph. 215 +8 1 1 29 17 (17 17 26 39 29 ( 5 ° 99 59 115 70 ++ 53 62 99 n 9 IOI +5 240 +35 230 717 68- 5 69- 2 69-3 693 68- 9 69- 1 7°-3 70- 8 68-6 66-4 627 - 37-3 -37-6 -36-9 -36-5 -36-1 — 36-8 -36-8 -36+ - 35*9 -36-7 - 37-5 — 38-6 -57-0 — 46-0 -32-6 -20-3) - T 9 + 6-i + 17-9 4 - 33*3 ++29 + 55 * 8 ) -f- 68*6 + 79 * 1 June 1 5-200 16- 233 17- 282 18- 501 1 9 - 53 + 20- 266 21- 469 22- 234 23- 464 I I I G G I G I G 0 2 5 +7 +3 20 77 26 0 12 25 87 150 i +7 11 + 128 93 25 0 0 26 38 28 12 +3 O 29 37 92 1 18 97 68 7 i 5 i 1 + 226-8 222-0 2 I 8* I 21+7 212-5 2I3-8 213-0 2 12-0 209-I + 24-1 + 24-8 + 25-3 + 25-1 + 2 + -S + 25-2 + 24-9 + 2 5 '+ + 26-4 -78-1 -69-2 - 59*3 -+6-5 — 35 " 1 -24-1 - 9-0 + 0-2 + 13-6 Means 33 13 + 6873 -36-93 Means 18 6+ 21578 + 25-08 Group 334. ot followed by a few small spots. These latter have disappeared by Group 332. A very fine stream, consisting principally of two large spots with numerous com- panions. A regular sp July 2. June 29-586 30 - 5+5 G G G G I 6+ 78 No pho + 1 25 15 34 + 522 tograph. 19+ 126 +9 36 +8 (+3 39 +1 57 19+ 200 192 185 206 190 1325 132-5 132-6 132- 6 133- 0 132-2 -i 7-5 -i 7-3 -17-2 -17-1 — 17 *+ -17-+ + 18-0 + 3°7 ++ 3-0 + 55 '+ + 70-2 + 8ro June 17-282 I 18-501 I 9 - 53 + 20266 21- 469 22- 234 2 3 "+ 6 + ! 2 +" 5 2 7 25-101 1 2 6 27- 130 28- 511 29- 586 I G G I G I G G Me I G G 40 89 187 2 55 290 292 +57 426 201 No phc 264 55 0 150 410 646 1092 1385 1327 1926 185+ 1756 tograph. 1585 255 I 98 98 163 176 172 165 25 + 2+9 125 (188 251 IOO 0 367 +87 533 755 817 750 1071 1084 1076 I2 $8 i++b +56 3 200-2 198-5 198- + 200-1 201-5 20I-5 200-1 200-5 1997 1 99 - 5 1 99"2 199-8 I 9+-7 -i 8-4 -197 — 20-2 -21-3 — 22'2 - 22-9 -22-5 — 22-0 — 22*0 -21-8 — 21-6 — 22-2 — 26-3 - 77-2 — 6 27 + 9*2 - 37-8 — 20-5 — 10-3 + 4-6 + 19-0 + 25-8 + 39 "°) + 52-2 4 - 71*1 — | — 80*2 2-402 3*497 +•371 Means ++ J 95 132-57 -17-32 Group 335. Two very small spots. June 29-586 G 5 35 3 20 131-0 + 23-3 4-16-5 Means 157 777 I 99-52 — 21-78 Means 3 20 131-0 +23-3 | | ... 92 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots— continued . Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude. of Gropp. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 336. Group 340 — continued . A group of small spots, which suffers great change during the period of its visibility. 1880. d July 29*526 30-509 31+30 G G G 18 9 9 53 7 ° 36 10 5 5 3 ° 37 J 9 59-5 59‘9 59*8 + 25-1 + 2+9 +24-6 — 1 8*9 - 5*5 + 6-6 1880. d July 4-371 5-438 6 • 1 3 1 7 8-403 9*480 10- 397 11- 138 I G Me G G G I 16 49 37 No pho 77 3 $ . 7 3 61 161 tograph. 290 152 21 IO 29 21 (33 45 23 6 3 42 9 I 126 147 168 98 47 IO I 3-5 H -5 13*6 H *3 15-0 I 4"5 18- 4 19- 1 -19-0 -196 -I 9 - 9 — 20-4 — 20-8 — 20-6 — 20 -6 — 20-8 -377 — 22-6 -I4-3 + I "5) Means 5 40 59-20 +25-10 + 30-9 + 47*o + 57'5 Group 341. A cluster of very small spots. Means 21 88 15-36 — 20-21 July 26-553 27- 446 28- 090 29- 526 G G I G 0 6 4i 14 4 27 215 59 0 6 37 9 8 3° 192 38 43-0 42-0 41-0 40-0 + 13-1 + 12-9 + 13*8 + 13-0 -747 -63-9 -57*3 -37*4 Group 337. i Two very small spots close together. Means 13 67 41-50 + 13*20 July 13-422 G 0 40 0 26 30S-3 -34-0 + I3-9 Means 0 26 305-3 -34-0 A large regular spot, followed by a sopiewhat straggling stream of smaller s; pots. Two clusters 1 days, anc spot fora of small l becomes is. spots on s a long i Group 338. July 20. The group increases in size on the succeeding l-regular stream, in the middle of which a large regular Aug. 2-293 3-593 4" 2 35 5" I 94 6-094 7*149 8- 234 9- 58 2 10- 407 11- 469 12- 485 13*488 I G I I Me I I G G G G G 82 187 262 291 229 303 2 77 207 208 97 76 0 661 977 1138 1422 1159 1253 1107 965 78 6 5i5 321 64 97 135 172 165 120 152 144 120 138 89 109 0 762 727 740 806 609 630 573 566 5 2 7 466 459 279 3237 323-2 322-9 322-8 322- 3 324*0 323- 3 323- 0 322*9 324- 0 324*2 325- 3 + n-6 + 1 1-6 + n-8 + n-6 + 1 1-8 + 12-0 + 11-9 + H-9 + 12*0 + 12-3 + 12-5 + 122 -64-8 -48*1 — 40-0 -27-4 — >5*9 — 0-4 + 13*3 + 308 +4**6 + 56-8 + 70-4 + 84*8 July 20-587 21- 507 22- 219 23*573 24-583 ! 2 5 i 26-553 27-446 G G I G G G G 58 141 162 177 124 No pho 38 15 368 672 969 981 661 tograph. 244 127 3i 74 85 101 80 (61 42 29 199 352 510 563 447 357 267 229 1817 181-9 181-4 i8o"8 182*8 1 8 1 *8 180-7 180-6 + 20-6 +217 ■ + 21-4 + 22-6 + 22*9 + 23*1 +23-2 +23-8 -14-9 - 2-5 + 6-4 +237 + 39" 1 + 5i-i) + 63-0 + 747 Means 120 595 323+7 + 11*93 Means 1 63 366 181-46 +22*41 Group 343. Group 339. One small spot. A large regular spot. Aug. 7-149 8- 234 9- 582 | 10-407 11- 469 12- 485 13*488 ! 14 I I G G G G G Me G I G I 0 29 48 140 73 197 200 No phc No phc 72 5° 37 20 8 7 175 275 444 689 795 688 tograph. tograph. 484 280 243 78 35 0 48 44 104 45 no 106 (85 (64 43 39 35 34 25 83 292 250 329 4 2 5 444 364 340 315 290 217 227 i33 107 235* 1 236-3 235-8 235-0 235*0 234-5 2 3+3 234-5 234-6 234- 8 235- 0 2 35-3 235-2 234*2 +23-6 +23-8 + 23-8 +24-0 +24-4 +24-6 +24-6 +247 +24-8 + 24-9 +25-3 + 24-8 + 25-6 +25-0 -89-3 -737 -56*4 -4 6 -3 -32-2 -I9-3 + 5*6) + 17+) + 29-1 +48*3 + 57-6 + 74-2 -1- 82*6 July 21-507 22- 219 23- 573 G I G 9 0 16 25 9 0 1 1 33 32 7 107-8 1077 107-2 +23-5 +22-9 + 22-9 — 76-6 -67-3 -49-9 Means + 24 107-57 +23-10 Group 340. A cluster of very small spots. 15 1 6- i 18 17- 562 18- 241 July 26-553 27- 446 28- 090 G G I 5 7 0 4i 60 99 5 5 40 46 66 59-0 57-9 59*i +25-4 +25-3 +25-3 -587 —48-0 -38-2 19- 508 20- 2 I 8 Means 56 273 2-34*97 +24-56 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AT MELBOURNE, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1878 TO 1881. 93 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 343 A A pair of small s L. lots. Group 346. A regular spot. Several small spots appear near it on August 13, forming with it a long straight stream. 1880. a Aug. 8-234 I 1 1 45 12 49 8-8 — 16-9 + 58-8 1880. d Aug. 9-582 10- 407 11- 469 12- 485 1 3*488 H !5 1 6- i 1 8 17- 562 18- 241 19- 508 20*2 I 8 G G G G G Me G I G I 0 6 18 24 53 No pho No pho 71 76 105 12 5 l 9 5° 63 127 267 tograph. tograph. 450 368 359 169 32 0 8 16 17 33 (35 (37 40 47 70 10 5 48 70 57 T 165 194 223 252 227 242 147 36 2167 216-4 216-3 2 1 6-o 215-4 214-6 213-9 213-1 212*6 21 1-0 2IO"2 211*1 -I 9 -2 -l 9 I -I9'3 — 1 8*9 -i 9 '2 — 19-0 — 18-9 -187 — 189 -19-3 — 18-9 — 75*5 -64-9 -50-9 -37*8 -25-1 -1+3) - 3*4) + 7*4 + 25-9 + 33*3 +49' 2 Means 12 49 8-8 — 169 Group 343B. | A small spot. Aug. 8-234 I IO 45 6 27 329-1 — 21-9 + I 9 -I Means 6 27 329-1 -21-9 -10-0 f 59 5 Means 27 146 213*94 — 19-00 Group 344. 1 A large regular spot. Group 347. A small regular spot, with a companion on August 16. Aug. 9-582 1 0- 407 11- 469 12- 485 1 3-488 H 15 16*1 18 17- 562 18- 241 19- 508 20*218 G G G G G Me G I G I 3° 27 25 39 48 No pho No pho 33 44 20 9 9 I02_ 170' 122 212 228 tograph. tograph. 157 1 47 130 5° 37 44 27 1 16} 24 27 1 (24 (22 l 9 32 1 7 13 25 150 169 79 131 129 1 16 104 9 1 106 1 10 69 101 225-4 225-6 2257 225*6 225-4 225-6 225- 8 226- 0 2267 227- 0 2267 228- 4 -17-5 -17-5 -17-1 — 16-9 -16-5 — 16-4 -16-3 — i6'2 — x6-2 -16-3 — 16-1 — 16-6 -66-8 -557 -41-5 — 28-2 -15-1 - 3*3) + 8-5) + 20-3 + 4°'° +49'3 + 657 + 76-8 Aug. 1 6* 1 18 17- 562 18- 241 Me G I 13 23 8 114 55 44 10 3 1 20 85 7 6 105 252-6 25+4 257*4 + 21-4 + 20-6 + 19*9 +46-9 + 697 + 797 Means 20 89 2 55*47 + 20-63 Group 348. A stream of small spots on August 18. The leader has become a large composite spot by August 19. Aug. 18-241 19-508 20'2 I 8 21- 503 22- 26l 23- 205 24- 216 I G I G I I I 40 149 189 1 16 85 86 0 154 775 938 650 57i 444 12 21 86 121 103 104 148 0 81 452 602 576 664 821 36 l86'9 187- 2 188- 5 189- 4 189-9 188-0 1817 4-22-8 +22-9 +227 -j-22‘8 +22-4 +21-9 +217 + 9' 2 426-2 + 36-9 + 54' 8 + 653 +75*9 + 82-9 Means 24 II 3 226-16 — 16-63 Group 345. A regular spot. Aug. 9-582 10- 407 11- 469 12- 485 13- 488 14 J S 1 6- 1 18 17- 562 18- 241 19- 508 20*2 I 8 21-503 G G G G G Me G I G I G 20 22 44 90 80 No pho No pho 56 77 66 42 43 40 73 184 287 39 6 365 tograph. tograph. 338 353 328 256 219 161 45 28 38 60 46 (40 (35 29 44 4 1 33 43 75 166 239 245 264 211 1 99 188 176 203 204 203 217 3°3 213-5 213-0 213-1 2135 2i3'3 213-2 213-1 213-0 212-4 212-5 211-5 211-9 21 I -O + 21-6 + 2I - 3 + 20-9 + 21-0 + 21*0 + 2I-I + 21-3 + 21-4 + 21-8 + 217 + 22'4 + 21’9 + 22-4 -787 -68-3 — 54* 1 -4° ‘3 — 27-2 -157) “ 4’2) + 7’3 + 257 + 34‘ 8 + 5°'5 + 60-3 + 76-4 Means 83 462 187-37 4-22-46 Group 349. A small spot on August 21, not seen on August 22. The group has re-appeared as a pair of small spots by August 23. These both have greatly increased in size by August 30 and 31. Aug. 21-503 22- 261 23- 205 24- 216 25 26 G I I I 17 0 17 35 No pho No pho 33 - 0 65 122 tograph. tograph. 19 0 12 21 (16 (» 36 0 46 72 59 47 71-2 67- 8 69-8 69-0 68- 3 +23-1 4-22-2 + 227 + 22-6 + 22-4 -634 ~44'3 -29-0 -15-6) - 2 2) Means 43 217. 212-69 + 2I-52 94 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. , Whole ‘ ' Spot. Mean Mean Longi- Lati- tude of tude of Group. Group. from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. taken. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 353. One small spot. 1 880. d 0 0 Sept. 2-517 G 0 17 0 34 258-9 + 187 -77-o 3559 G 9 19 IO 21 2586 + 18-5 -63-5 4-402 G 10 20 8 16 258-5 + 18-6 -52-5 5-171 I 7 24 5 16 2 59‘> + 18-4 — 4> 7 6281 I 7 32 4 18 2 59*3 + 18-3 — 26-9 Means 5 21 258-88 + 18-50 Group 354. A regular spot. A pair of small spots is seen near it on September n o and the succeed- mg days. Sept. 4-402 G 20 54 49 >34 230-2 + 25-0 — 80-7 5'>7> I 28 105 40 148 230-4 + 24-8 -70-4 6-281 I 35 183 3i 163 230-5 4-25-2 -55*7 7-583 G 48 176 32 >>7 230-0 4-25-2 -39*° 8-480 I 64 224 37 130 231-3 4-25-0 -25-9 9 '4 18 G 57 252 3i >37 230-5 4-25-4 — >4*3 10-600 G 44 174 2 3 9 2 230-5 4-25-4 + >3 11-266 I 64 142 34 ■ 76 2307 4-24-8 4- >o"4 12-321 I 28 106 1 16 60 230-1 + 24-8 4-23-6 13-608 G 0 : 5° 0 20 229-6 4-25-1 4-40-2 Means ... 2 9 108 230-38 4-25*07 Group 355, A number of small spots in a straight stream. The group rapidly increases in size and becomes s 1 very large stream by September 1 1 Sept. 5-171 1 16 62 2 4 87 235-4 — >7"9 -65-4 6*281 1 66 308 59 275 235-6 -181 — 50-6 7-583 G 76 334 49 219 2377 — 1 8-o — 3>*3 8*480 I 147 648 87 381 238-1 — >7"9 -19*1 9‘4i8 G 183 818 102 457 239*5 ->7’9 - 57 10-600 G 345 1194 >94 674 240-1 -17-4 4-10-9 11-266 I 405 1584 2 39 935 240- 3 -177 + 20-0 | 12-321 I 354 1436 236 962 240-1 — 1 8-o 4-33-6 13-608 G 21 1 983 188 888 2406 -17-6 4-51-2 14-248 I 188 959 205 1058 239*6 — 17-6 -t-587 I 5' 2 4 I I 66 35° >53 824 242*4 ->77 4-74-5 ■ Means 140 615 239-04 — 17-80 Group 356 A diminishing spot on September 5, 6, and 7. The group has disappeared by September 8, but three very small spots have appeared near its place by Septem- her Sept. 5-171 I II 49 22 102 222*7 4-24-2 -78-1 6-281 I 8 45 9 49 222*9 4-24-3 - 6 3-3 7-583 G 8 - 27 1 6 >9 222*5 4-23*9 -46-5 Group 34.9 — continued . 1880. d Aug. 27 No pho tograph. (5 35 67-5 + 22-2 4- >1*2) 28-506 G 0 39 0 22 66*7 4-22-0 4-24-6 29-236 I 43 >74 27 109 66-o 4-21-8 4-33-5 30-285 I 95 459 72 348 66-8 + 21-6 4-48-2 31*5x6 , G 68 469 74 5 1 4 66-o 4-21-9 + 637 Sept. 1 -404 G 26 252 5> 443 657 + 22-0 4-74-6 2-517 G 0 55 0 218 61-3 4-23*8 4-85-4 Means 24 150 67-17 4-22-36 Group 350. Three very small spots ; the first at a little distance from the other two which are close together. Aug. 28*506 Means + 17*9 Group 351. A regular spot, with a small companion on August 28. Aug. 28*506 G 26 100 49 189 3267 + 9*6 -75-4 29-236 I >5 77 >7 90 326-8 + 97 -657 30-285 I 3° 126 24 100 327-2 + 10*0 -5>’4 3 1 -5 > 6 G 54 246 33 >55 327-2 4- io-i -35-> Sept. 1 -404 G 35 205 >9 112 327-3 4-io-o -23-3 2*517 G 55 223 28 1 1 3 327-3 4-10-4 - 8-6 1 3'559 G 42 209 21 105 327-4 4 -io -3 4- 5-3 4-402 G 40 208 21 109 327-5 + io-6 4-16*5 5-I7I I 39 180 22 101 3277 4-10-5 4-26-9 6-281 I 36 >5> 24 100 3277 4-10-5 4-4>"5 7-583 G >9 1 12 18 105 327-5 4-107 4-58-5 8*480 I 23 82 32 >>5 327-4 4- 97 4-70-2 Means 26 1 16 327*31 4-10-18 Group 352. Three small spots. Sept. 2-517. 3-559 3°-3 27-4 28-85 + 54'4 + 65-3 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AT MELBOURNE, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1878 TO 1881. 95 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AT MELBOURNE, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1878 TO 1881 . 97 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. ! Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 370. A number of small spots in a close cluster on September 26. The group increases in size and distinctness very rapidly, forming on September 29 a fine stream, the leader of which is a large regular spot with double nucleus. Group 373*. A small unstable spot, / Group 373. I 880. a Oct. 10-284 11-486 I G 4 IS 4 3 0 12 5 235 + 239-9 -27-2 — 26-4 + 38-0 + 58-3 1880. d Sept.?. 6' 300 27- 407 28- 308 29- 577 30- 3°+ Oct. 1-521 2- 396 3- 285 +•268 5- 238 6- 286 I G I G I G G I I I I 13 36 64 169 i8 7 150 I 12 225 IO3 io 5 32 61 IOI 256 996 832 686 702 1077 562 33 ° 176 H 27 40 89 97 77 63 140 80 112 62 64 75 1 59 530 425 357 394 669 43 6 35 i 339 3 I 9-3 319-6 319-6 321-6 324- 1 325- 0 326- 0 325 - 3 326- 6 3266 326-4 + 1 6-6 + 16-3 + 16-3 + 16-6 + 16-6 + 16-8 + 16-8 + 16-2 + i6-i + 16-1 + 16-3 — 62-6 -477 - 35-8 -17-1 - 5 -o + 12-0 + 24-5 + 35-6 + 49"8 + 62-6 + 76-2 Means 2 9 237’65 — 26-80 Group 374. A few small unstable spots in a straggling stream. The group is not seen on October 10, but has broken out afresh by October 11. Oct. 3-285 4- 268 5 - 238 6- 286 7 - 575 8- 551 9 - 332 10- 284 11- 486 12- 431 1 3 - 556 14- 212 I I I I G G I I G G G I 1 1 9 1 1 10 17 7 0 1 0 4 63 36 39 73 26 21 0 18 24 37 H H 8 8 6 9 0 4 0 0 1 0 >9 82 34 25 23 40 14 0 1 5 26 90 69 225-6 225-6 225-5 225-+ 224- 6 225- 2 225-3 229- 4 22+9 230- 0 227-8 — i6-i -15-8 — 1 6-o -157 — 1 6*o -I 5-5 — 14-8 -I 5-3 -15-2 -16-3 -17-6 - 64-1 -51-2 - 38-5 - 24-8 - 8-5 + +'9 + I 5-4 + 47'8 + 59 ' 8 + 75*8 + 82-2 Means 73 345 323-65 + i 6‘43 1 Group 371. Two small faint spots. Oct. 1-521 G 9 l 9 5 1 1 287-5 + 2I-S -25-5 Means 5 11 287-5 + 21-5 Means 6 36 226-69 -15-85 Group 372. A small faint spot. Group 375. A small regular spot with a small companion on October 6. The group has changed into a straggling stream of small spots by October 10. Oct. 7-575 8-551 G G 0 1 1 6 0 0 10 8 2847 285-6 -187 I 9'4 + 5 i "6 + 65-3 Oct. 6-286 7 - 575 8- 551 9 - 332 10- 284 11- 486 12- 431 I G G I I G G 7 21 5 4 + 40 9 4 3 ° 4 ° 66 157 142 97 29 8 13 3 25 21 5 35 2+ 42 9 1 77 5 1 16 184-8 184-1 184- 9 185- 1 184-4 182-2 186- 7 + 21-5 + 21-8 +227 + 23-1 +23-1 +23-5 +22-3 -65-4 -49-0 — 354 — 24-8 -13-0 + o-6 + 17-6 Means 0 9 285-15 -1905 Group 373. A few small unstable spots in a compact cluster. The group is not seen on October 9, but a small spot is seen near its place on October 10. Means 1 1 48 184-60 + 22-57 Group 376. A regular spot. Oct. 6286 7 ' 575 8- 551 9- 332 10- 284 I G G I I 13 23 0 0 0 +5 133 22 0 9 8 15 0 0 0 27 86 17 0 10 257-8 256-2 259-2 254-0 -25-3 — 260 — 267 — 26-6 + 7-6 + 23-1 + 38-9 + 5 6 -6 Oct. 7-575 G 0 48 0 59 171-9 + 16-9 — 61-2 Means 5 28 256-80 — 26-15 Means 0 59 1 7 1 "9 + 16-9 Photo-Helioqkaphic Results, 1878-1881. 98 Areas and Heliographic Positions of G-roups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. taken. TT , ! Whole Umbra - Spot. [Jmbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra, Whole Spot. 1880. d Oct. 8-551 Group 377. A small faint spot. Group 380!. A few small spots, sf Group 380, and sp Group 380*. The group is not seen on October 17 or 18, but has revived again by October 19, and speedily becomes a fine large stream. G O 8 O 10 l 54' 1 + 28-0 | -66-2 1880. d Oct. 15-197 16- 249 17- 288 18- 556 19- 284 20 21- 284 22- 290 23- I79 24- 283 I I I G I I I I I 0 0 0 97 No pho 140 76 40 12 10 12 0 0 315 tograph. 691 34 6 2 45 4 2 0 0 0 5° (71 93 66 5 2 43 7 7 0 0 165 312 459 300 3i5 151 89-1 89-1 9°’3 91- 2 92- 1 93‘4 95- 0 96- 1 + 19-6 + 20-3 — j— 1 8 " 2 + 18-5 + 18-9 + 18-5 + 18-0 + 17-6 -43 + — 29-6 + ii-6 + 2 5'7) + 39-8 + 54’4 + 677 + 83-3 Means ° 10 I 54‘ I + 28-0 Group 378. A few small spots, only one of which remains on October 12. Two spots on October 13 and 14. Oct. 10-284 1 1- 486 12- 431 I 3 556 14-212 h 1 G G I 7 9 O O 13 5 6 7 1 6 48 39 4 6 0 21 31 45 5 5i 60 212-0 2 1 2' 5 214-5 2I 3'3 214-0 -15-8 -157 -157 -14-5 -15-1 + 14-6 + 3°‘9 + 45‘4 + 59’ 1 + 68-4 Means 38 , i7 2 92-04 + 1870 Group 38 o|. Two small spots, p Group 380. Means 6 38 213-26 — 1536 Group 379. Two small spots. Oct. 16-249 I 6 35 3 *9 108-7 + 2 4'3 — 100 Oct. 12-431 G O 13 0 9 210-2 + 30-3 + 4 1 ' 1 Means 3 J 9 108-7 + 2 4'3 Means 0 9 210-2 + 30-3 Group 380. j A large regular spot, with occasionally a small companion. Group 381. A regular spot, with occasionally one or two small companions. Oct. 14-212 15- 197 16- 249 17- 288 18- 556 19- 284 20 21- 284 22- 290 23- 179 24- 283 25- 386 I I I I G I 'i I I I I 26 12 20 21 18 27 (26 26 17 17 10 0 128 86 90 81 72 75 80 85 58 4 6 20 H 64-1 61- 7 62- 3 64-0 63- 9 64- 1 • 63-8 63-5 63-6 62- 8 63- 4 63-0 + 21-2 + 2I-I + 21-4 + 21-4 +21-5 + 21-2 I - 21*1 + 2 1-0 + 20-8 + 21-2 I + 2I-2 + 21*5 -81*5 — 70*8 -56-4 -410 -24-4 — 14-6 - 17) + II-2 + 24-6 + 35'5 + 50-6 + 64-8 Oct. 12-431 13556 14-212 I 5’ 1 97 16- 249 17- 288 18- 556 i . 19-284 20 21- 284 22- 290 2 3 ’ 1 79 G G I I I I G I I I I 16 44 63 65 63 63 S 1 79 No phc 46 24 4 104 172 300 3°3 302 3ii 257 267 > tograph. 186 ll 3i 46 53 44 37 34 27 43 (37 3i 20 5 196 1 79 254 205 177 168 136 H5 135 125 66 3° 93-1 92-8 9 2 "5 9 2 "7 9 2 '3 92-1 91-8 9 r 9 91-6 912 90- 9 91- 0 + 23-1 + 23-2 + 2 3‘3 + 23-4 + 23-8 + 24-1 + 24-4 + 24-2 + 24-2 + 24-2 + 24-2 + 2 4'5 — 76-0 — 61-4 -53*i -39-8 — 26-4 — 12-9 + 3'5 + i 3 - 2 + 26-1) + 3 8< 9 + 5 r 9 + 637 9 9 22 31 3 2 50 No pho 49 30 2 7 0 44 59 98 1 '9 126 139 tograph. 161 102 73 2 5 12 18 70 63-35 + 21-22 Means 34 151 9199 +23' 88 Means 1 Group 382. A small faint spot. Group 380*. A few small spots, / Group 380. Oct. 13-556 14-212 G I 0 4 28 38 0 5 5 2 49 78-3 78-2 + 23-0 + 23-0 — 7 5 '9 — 67-4 Oct. 18-556 G 0 i5 0 11 44-5 + 24-0 -43-8 Means 3 5i 7 8 ' 2 5 + 23-0 Means o n 44*5 + 24-0 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AT MELBOURNE, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1878 TO 1881 . 99 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of G roup. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. TT , Whole Umbra - Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. A large com posite sp Group 3 82 A. Dt, with a number of companions, forming an irregular stream. Group 382E. Two small spots, p the place of Group 382C. l88o. d Oct. 19-284 20 21- 284 22- 290 23 - 179 24- 283 25386 26- 284 27- 305 i 28-285 29285 I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 No pho 64 93 139 165 108 72 78 63 16 103 tograph. 4°7 396 696 729 53 ° 273 322 J 95 44 '9 (40 62 69 90 61 4 1 48 45 !5 463 429 396 297 449 423 297 156 199 141 42 357-5 357 - 8 358- 1 358-0 358 -i 358 -i 357 - 9 358 - 4 3587 359 - 8 !"4 — 20-3 — 81-2 1880. a Oct. 29-285 I 10 49 6 29 3357 + 1 8*1 + 28-5 — 20-9 -21-5 -21-9 -21-9 -21-8 -21-5 — 20-9 — 204 -197 -07-7; -54‘2 —41-0 Means 6 29 335'3 + 1 8" I -29-2 -147 - 0-3 + 12-0 + 25-8 + 39-8 + 54-6 Group 383. Three or four small spots in a compact cluster. Oct. 30-563 31-293 Nov. 1-283 2-478 G I I G 0 29 ?5 0 4 1 : 59 60 24 | 0 23 10 0 40 47 40 H 235-8 235-5 234-8 23+7 — 22-6 -227 — 22-8 — 2 2 "4 -54-2 -44-8 -32-5 — 1 6*8 Means 53 299 358-54 — 21-03 Group 382B. Means 8 35 235-2 — 22-63 A number of spots in a straight stream, p Group 381. Group 38 3 A. A small spot. Oct. 21-284 22- 290 23- 179 24- 283 25- 386 26- 284 I I I I I I 35 79 109 96 +5 10 161 376 5°4 449 153 42 *9 47 77 92 78 47 87 224 355 432 263 199 69- 6 70- 2 70- 8 71- 5 72- 1 71-4 + + + + + + + I 7-3 + 31-2 + 43-5 + 587 + 73’9 + 85-0 Nov. 1-283 I 0 32 0 3 i 326-1 + 21-6 + 58-8 Means 0 31 326-1 + 21-6 n-uAnn ^ Means 60 260 70-93 + 18-35 A small spot. Gro up 382C. Nov. 1-283 I 3 9 2 7 220-0 -9-. - 47'3 A small spot. Means 2 7 220-0 j -9 - i ... Oct. 22-290 23- 179 24- 283 I I I 0 4 8 26 17 24 0 4 6 40 17 17 327-3 327-5 3277 + 16-1 + 15-8 -+- i6-o -717 -59-8 -45-1 Group 384. A number of small unstable spots in a long irregular stream. Means 3 25 327-5 + 15-97 Nov. 1-283 2- 478 3 - 4 6 9 I G G 48 44 9 i 55 218 59 3 ° 35 12 96 179 68 3 OI 7 3 ° 3-3 302-8 + 16-3 + 16-3 + 15-2 + 34-4 + 51-8 + 64-3 Group 3 8 2D. Two small spots, nf Group 382A. Means 26 114 302-60 + I 5-93 Oct. 27-305 I 1 29 90 16 5 ° 35°"9 — 12-9 + 18-0 Group 385. Means ... 16 5 ° 35°‘9 — 12-9 A small spot on October 31, n of Group 383. New spots form belnnd me nrs succeeding days, making a scattered stream. on tne A fev Gr. r small sj 3 up 382 jots in a ( E. short stream. Oct. 31-293 Nov. 1-283 I I G G G I 12 3 20 « 36 33 28 26 190 179 I! 9 no 9 2 1 1 23 20 19 21 16 i °5 97 65 62 236-0 2367 236-4 234-6 234-2 233-8 -17-0 -17-1 — 16-3 -17-1 -i 7'3 -17-2 -44-3 — 30-6 -i 5 -i - 3’9 + 10-3 + 18-9 Oct. 27-305 28- 285 29- 285 I I I 3 9 36 J 9 47 1 1 1 5 18 1 1 25 56 302-5 302-5 304-2 + 1 1-6 + H-6 + 1 1-2 - 3°"4 -17-5 — 2’6 2- 478 3- 469 + 575 5-250 Means § 1 " 8 31 303-07 + 11-47 Means H 61 235-28 — 17-00 100 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 386. A small regular spot. Group 392. Two spots, of which the preceding rapidly increases in size, and coalesces with the following spot, to form on November 15 one very large spot very irregular in form. It diminishes in size after November 15, and breaks up into several fragments. 1880. a Nov. 1-283 2-478 3 ’ 4 6 9 4’575 5-250 I G G G I 9 5 7 12 35 24 34 35 34 13 4 5 7 7 49 21 24 21 19 201'0 200-8 200-0 199- 9 200- 2 -I 9 -I -18-4 -187 -187 -187 -66-3 — 5°7 - 38-5 -24-0 -147 1880. d Nov. 13-283 1 4 - 344 15- 300 16- 448 17- 295 18- 076 1 9 - 545 20- 558 2 1 22- 384 23- 309 I I G G I Me G G I I 17 103 291 126 164 40 64 32 No pho 47 22 7 1 324 934 775 662 520 375 328 tograph. 186 4 1 15 69 171 68 88 22 39 23 (42 61 60 64 220 548 4*9 356 283 230 238 240 242 1 1 1 54'5 56-2 56 - 5 57 - o 56-8 56-0 56-3 55-9 55-6 55 - 2 56- 2 + 21-2 + 21-9 + 217 + 22-0 + 2I-9 + 22-5 + 22-2 + 22-0 + 22-0 + 22-0 + 21-9 — 546 -38-8 — 26-0 — IO+ + o-6 + 10*1 + 29-8 + 427 + 54 +) 4 66-i + 79*3 Means 7 27 200-38 -18-72 Group 387. A small spot. Nov. 2-478 3469 4'575 G G G 0 3 0 7 1 1 7 0 3 0 j 9 5 185-4 185-0 185-0 — 14-8 -157 -15-8 -661 - 53-5 -38-9 Means 60 268 56*02 + 21-94 Means 1 8 185-13 - 15-43 riv Group 388. A small spot. Two spots on November 18. The group has greatly increased by November 19, and consists of two large regular spots with one or two very small companions. Nov. 18-076 1 9 - 545 20- 558 21 22- 384 2 3 - 309 Me G G I I 48 72 (80 87 65 66 3 i 5 4 " 342 274 278 52-6 55 ’o 55 'I 55 - 6 557 56- 2 - 9 + - 9‘9 - 97 - 9-6 - 9*4 - 9‘4 + 67 + 28-5 + 42-3 + 5 + 5 ) + 66-6 + 79*3 Nov. 4-575 G 4 H * 8 206-7 + 22-4 -17-2 0 81 103 No pho 68 25 127 540 592 tograph. 212 IOI Means 2 8 2067 + 22-4 Group 389. Two small faint spots. Means 59 281 55 -io - 9-57 Nov. 8-404 G 0 15 0 3 ° 245-0 + 29-1 +717 Means 0 3 ° 245-0 + 29-1 J 7 T* A few small spots in a short stream. Group 390. A small spot. Nov. 17295 18- 076 1 9 - 545 20- 558 I Me G G 60 30 43 78 157 238 287 230 33 16 23 45 86 125 153 133 38- 8 37‘5 39'4 39 - 2 - -13-2 -137 -13-2 -13-0 -17 + - 8 + + 12-9 + 26-0 Nov. 9404 G 0 19 0 1 1 136-1 -127 -24-1 Means 29 124 3873 — 13-28 Means 0 1 1 •136-1 -127 Some ver; Gi y small s •oup 391 pots in a [. compact cluster. j Group 395. A small faint spot ; it is not seen from November zo to November 24, nor on November 26. Nov. 9-404 G 3 16 2 1 1 1 16-6 + 9 ' 1 - 43-6 Nov. 19-545 20-558 G G T I I G I G 0 0 No pho 0 0 0 9 0 0 8 0 tograph. 0 0 O 42 0 14 o' 0 (° 0 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 °) 0 0 0 27 0 15 3427 3 + 1-7 342 -i + 20-8 + 20-8 + 21-4 - 43-8 + 33-9 + 6n Means ... 2 » 1 1 6-6 + 9 ' 1 22-384 Group 39 2 A. A small spot. 23- 309 24- 302 25- 515 Nov. 14-344 I 0 6 0 7 32-0 -15-8 — 63-0 ! 27-552 Means 0 7 32-0 -15-8 Means 1 5 342-I7 + 21-00 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AT MELBOURNE, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1878 TO 1881 . 101 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots —continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. j Group 396. * A few small spots in a short stream. Group 400. A large spot, followed by a number of small spots in a long stream. 1880. a Nov. 24-302 2 5-5i5 26’l82 27-552 I G I G 9 48 52 6 44 154 174 37 IO 35 33 3 46 1 12 113 20 264-3 264-7 264-1 267-2 -17-0 -17-4 — 18-0 -17-4 -59-5 -43-i -34’9 -13-8 1880. a Dec. 3-185 4-288 5 6- 187 7- 186 8 9-284 10*479 11- 465 12- 275 13- 324 I I i 1 1 G G I I 5 6 102 No pho 190 194 No pho 155 182 1 10 99 326 675 tograph. 929 1113 tograph. 1136 926 807 566 43° 82 109 (n 4 120 107 (97 87 89 120 88 571 675 627 579 606 600 595 531 532 447 481 135-2 133-5 1 133-3 I 33 - 0 1 35 - I 135*8 1365 1367 136- 8 136-5 136-1 -14-4 — 14-0 — 14-0 — 13 9 -139 — 14-0 — 14-0 -13-8 — 131 -137 -13-8 -71-6 -587 -46-5) - 34*2 -18-9 - 4 ' 4 ) + io-i + 26*0 + 39 *i + 49"6 + 62-9 Means 20 73 265-08 -I 7-45 Group 397. A very fine stream, the principal members of which are two very large composite spots on November 25. A great number of small spots form on all sides of the two principal spots. The following spot of the two has broken up by November 27, and rapidly diminishes on the succeeding days. Means 102 568 135-32 -13-87 Group 400A. A small spot, np Group 397. Nov. 24-302 25- 515 26- 182 27 - 552 28- 284 29- 403 30- 488 Dec. 1*185 2 3 - i 85 4- 288 I G I G I G G I I I H 9 216 343 300 521 436 236 201 No pho 96 71 653 1334 1871 201 5 2123 1854 1347 1232 tograph. 544 433 247 198 269 182 293 233 129 ”5 (97 79 83 1074 1238 1449 1215 1 191 989 738 704 575 446 5°4 252-4 252-6 252- 4 253- 1 253 - 9 253 9 254- 6 255- 0 255 - 6 256- 1 255-1 + 22-0 + 21*7 + 21*3 + 20-8 -f- 20*8 + 20-6 + 20-5 + 1 9-9 4 - 20-0 + 20-1 4 - 19'8 -71-4 - 55-2 — 46-6 -27-9 -17-4 - 27 + 12-3 4-21-9 + 35 ’ 6 ) + 49-3 4-62-9 Dec. 4-288 I 0 9 0 i 5 267-2 + 23-2 + 75 -o Means 0 i 5 267-2 + 23-2 Group 400B. A number of spots, mostly small, in a straight stream. Means 175 920 254-06 4-20-68 Dec. 6-187 7-186 I I 44 61 256 252 24 32 138 133 | 1 55 - 4 156- 2 + 18-3 -f- 1 8*0 — 1 1-8 + 2-2 Group 398. A small faint spot with a faint companion on November 28. Means 28 136 I 55 " 8 ° +18-15 Group 400C. A pair of small spots. Nov. 25*515 26- 182 27- 552 28- 284 29- 403 G I G I G 0 3 9 3 8 10 3 i 20 3 i *4 0 4 7 2 5 20 40 16 2 1 8 234 - 2 235- 0 2 34-9 235 - 9 236- 2 -244 -24*5 — 246 — 24-2 -24-4 -73-6 — 64-0 -46-1 -354 — 20-4 Dec. 7-186 I 21 74 20 70 209*9 +19-1 + 559 Means 4 21 235^4 -2442 M eans 20 70 209-9 + J 9* 1 Group 399. Two small spots very close together. Group 400D. A small spot, /Group 400. Nov. 27-552 G 0 »5 0 15 337 A 2 1 *9 + 564 Dec. 7-186 I 3 24 2 17 112-3 — 16-8 -417 Means 0 15 337 A -21-9 Means 2 >7 1 123 -168 102 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected ' Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 401 A few small spots in a straight stream . Only one spot remains on . December 24. 1880. d | 0 ■ 0 Dec. 17-274 I 21 90 26 j 1 10 3G-9 + 227 -63-2 l 18-279 I 28 110 24 94 318-4 + 237 -49‘5 19-182 I 31 124 21 84 320-9 + 23-8 -351 20-187 I 3° 148 18 88 321-9 + 23-8 — 20-8 J 2I-39 1 I 28 5° l6 28 3227 + 24-2 - 4-1 22-284 I l6 42 9 24 322-0 + 24-2 + 6-9 23-4! 1 G 12 57 7 34 320-1 + 24-9 + 19-8 24-439 G 6 3i 4 21 320-8 + 24-5 + 34‘o - _ ] Means 16 60 320-59 + 23-98 Group 402 A single spot on December 17. A few small spots have formed behind it by December 23, making with it a short stream. The group has increased in size by December 24. 1 Dec. 16-234 I !9 55 29 86 324-4 +13-8 ] -70-4 17-274 I 25 7i 24 68 323-8 + 13-6 -57-3 18-279 I 31 62 22 44 324-8 + 13-8 -43-1 19-182 I 31 124 !9 75 325-3 + 13-8 -307 t | 20-187 I 33 H7 18 80 325-5 + 13-5 -17-2 21-391 I 46 146 24 76 327-1 + 13-6 + 0-3 22-284 I 30 64 16 34 326-9 + 13-6 + II-8 23-411 G 23 81 13 47 324-0 + 14-2 + 237 24-439 G 58 " 185 38 u 9 321-8 + 13-6 + 35-0 _ Means 23 70 324-84 + 1372 J Group 403. A large regular spot. It is eclipsed on the photograph taken on December 31 i during the Solar Eclipse. Dec. 21-391 I 31 133 64 277 252-2 + 20-6 -74-6 22-284 I 59 294 75 377 250-5 + 20-8 — 64-6 23-411 G 82 406 69 34 1 1 250-9 + 20-8 -49A 24-439 G 1 17 496 79 335 ; 2507 + 20-6 -36-1 25 No phc 1 tograph. (60 280 250-5 +207 -25-0) 26-164 i 74 398 42 225 , 250-2 + 20-8 -13-8 27-279 I 113 617 62 337 ! 250-3 + 20-8 + i-o 28-272 I 75 363 42 204 249-0 + 21-0 + 12-8 29-243 I 92 434 56 263 2497 + 20-1 + 26-2 30-289 I 59 355 42 252 249-4 +>9-9 + 397 3I-578 G (44 277 38 233 248-8 + 20-4 + 56-1) 1881. Jan. 1493 G 23 146 34 214 248-1 +20-9 + 67+ Means 55 278 250-03 + 20-62 Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Whole Spot. Whole Spot. Mean Mean Longi- Lati- tude of tude of Group. Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Group 404. A large regular spot, with occasionally a small attendant. 3-209 4'179 Jan. 1-493 45 No plio 68 34 193 tograph. 296 194 196 -17-6 212-6 213-3 213-6 + 31-1 + 430 + 55'3 +68-3 Group 405. Three small spots. The last of these increases in size and becomes a large regular spot with occasionally a small attendant. 31-578 3- 209 4- 179 5*546 246 132 ograph. : 260 142 27 1 1 57 206'2 -I8 + “ 3-5 J 6 131 204-6 -19 + + n- 9 20 75 204-2 — 196 + 23-5 (32 135 204-4 -I 9 + -4-35*0 44 J 94 204-6 -1 9 -I + 46-6 21 140 204-1 -19 + + 58-8 0 54 203-2 -l 9 -2 + 75-9 25 1 12 2O4+7 — 19*2! Group 406. A large regular spot, with occasionally a small attendant. 880. Dec. 27-279 28- 272 29- 243 30- 28' 31- 578 155 3°9 61 24 39 46 103 185 165 190-1 192-2 190-9 190-7 190-0 -307 -311 -3i-9 -59-2 -44-0 -32-6 - 19-0 Jan. 1-493 3-209 4179 5- 546 6- 429 No phc tograph. 294 215 77 43 35 (37 4 ° 131 192 165 189-1 -31-5 -3i-4 -3i-3 -30-8 + . . + 19-0) + 307 +43'5 + 6r8 + 72-3 189-54 - TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AT MELBOURNE, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1878 TO 1881. 103 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. ;Umbr.. Whole Spot. Group 407. A very large regular spot, with some companions on January 6 and 7. The great spot has broken up by January 9. Group 409A. A small spot. *88!. a Jan. 17-265 18-284 I I 10 O 43 62 6 26 37 3207 321-6 + 277 + 28-0 -123 + 2-0 1881. d Jan. 3-209 4- 179 5- S46 6- 429 7- 492 8 9’ 1 34 10216 1 1- 282 12- 283 13- 276 I 4’ 2 75 I I G G G I I I I I I 86 1 18 133 154 104 No pho 130 1 74 102 55 40 334 589 559 77 * 768 tograph. 509 467 364 188 I 49 9i i*5 1 10 93 96 61 (68 76 77 5* 53 52 445 55° 39* 482 449 373 298 298 274 171 200 2*9 94'4 93'5 927 92-5 920 91-9 9*7. 90-9 9°7 89-4 89-0 87-1 + 25-2 + 25-1 + 25-3 + 25-4 + 25-5 + 25*3 + 25-0 + ^5-6 + 25-4 + 25-8 + 25-0 + 24‘8 — 63-6 “5**8 — 34*6 -23-2 “ 97 4- x-o) 4 -ix -6 + 25-1 + 39-0 4-50-8 4-63-5 + 74-7 Means 3 32 321-15 + 27-85 Group 410. A number of small unstable spots in a short stream. Jan. 19-386 20- 321 21- 470 22- 220 23-159 I I G I I 4 22 26 12 0 58 161 93 77 *5 2 12 *7 8 0 3° 89 60 57 16 312-9 3*3-2 3*4-9 3*4'4 3*7-4 -20-6 — 20-3 — 20-2 -20-3 — *9*5 + 7-8 + 20-5 + 37'3 +46-6 + 62-0 Means 80 347 91-32 4-25-28 Group 407A. A spot, sf Group 407. Means 8 5° 3*4-56 — 20" I 8 Group 410A. A pair of small spots. Jan. 13-276 I 0 44 0 42 78-4 + 23-3 + 52-9 Means 0 1 42 78-4 + 23-3 Jan. 19-386 20-321 I I O 6 89 45 o 4 54 28 3*77 3*57 + 26-4 + 25-3 + 12-6 +23-0 Group 408. A stream of spots of the usual type, the first and last spots being the largest and most stable. Means 2 4* 316-70 + 25-85 Group 41 oB. A stream of spots, mostly small. Jan. 17-265 18-284 19386 20- 321 21- 470 22- 220 I I I I G I 85 4 1 "4 1 1 1 85 9 369 433 680 614 3°5 61 48 25 89 112 190 27 210 272 53i 638 645 181 349*5 349*5 350-0 349-8 35*"° 345*3 4-177 4-177 + 18-1 + *87 4-19-2 4-20-3 + *6*5 4-29-9 + 44'9 + 57" * + 73-4 + 77- 5 Jan. 1 9-386 20- 321 21- 470 22'220 23- I59 24- 286 25- 175 I I G I I I I 3 0 0 3 0 0 *5 7* 47 53 104 74 62 52 5 0 2 0 0 8 121 48 38 66 42 33 28 234+ 2 34-4 236-2 235-2 235- 6 236- 1 237'* + 15-0 + 14-4 + *3-9 + 14-0 + *4’4 + *4* + *3'4 -707 -58-3 -41-4 -326 -19-8 - 4*5 + 8-2 Means 82 4*3 349’* 8 -)- 18-62 Group 409. A pair of spots. Only one small faint spot remains on January 9. Means 2 54 235-57 + *4'*7 Group 410C. Several small spots in an irregular cluster. Jan. 17-265 18- 284 19- 386 20- 321 21- 470 I I I I G 35 0 3i 16 3 201 287 209 117 17 1 9 0 23 14 5 109 172 *5* 111 25 3507 35°*3 350-2 350-6 348 -i — *9*5 — 20* 1 -19-9 — 19-0 — 18-4 + *77 + 3°7 +45-i + 57*9 4-70-5 Jan. 20-321 I 0 37 | 0 *9 29*7 — i 6"5 - * '4 Means 12 **4 349-98 -19-38 Means 0 19 2913 — 16-5 104 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. taken. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 410D Group 412 — continued. A pair of small spots on January 23. The group quickly expands into a fine stream, of which the first and last spots are the principal members. The leader becomes a large regular spot. 1881. d Feb. 1-287 2 3- 288 4- 277 I I I 229 No pho t 9+ 69 934 ;ograph. 39 1 215 133 ( io 9 85 105 547 449 352 324 165-6 1657 165-7 167-1 -I3-3 -13*3 -13-2 -12-5 + 3°-4 + 437) + 56-9 + 7»-3 1881. a Jan. 23-159 24-286 ! 2 5 * 1 7 5 26- 307 27- 172 28- 175 29- 190 30- 193 I I I I I I I I 12 ”4 193 439 337 228 182 86 60 456 893 315 1 56 651 337 7 59 100 239 204 171 205 164 34 23 7 4 6 3 724 706 694 725 639 231- 9 232- 8 234-0 234- 3 235- 9 237- 6 239-9 238- 6 -19-4 -I 9 -i — 1 8 "6 — 18-4 — 1 8- 1 -18-3 — 18-1 -!8- 5 -23*5 + 5" 1 + 20-4 Means ... 1 17 418 16577 -13-04 + 33'4 + 48-3 + 63-9 + 75-8 Group 413. A regular spot with a small companion on January 30. Means 144 528 235-63 — 18-56 Jan. 28-175 29- 190 30- 193 31- 452 Feb. 1-287 2 3- 288 4- 277 I I I G I I I 3 3 1 35 21 24 No pho 12 9 22 109 108 96 58 tograph. 25 27 6 32 26 12 13- { l 5 42 1 12 81 56 3i 22 13 i5 1 13- 2 1 14- 3 114-8 116- 2 1 17- 0 117- 4 1177 118- 2 -1 6-6 — 1 6- 1 -17-0 — 1 6-6 — 16-6 — 165 — 16-4 — 1 6-2 — 76-1 -617 — 48-0 — 30-0 — 18*2 4-6) + 8-9 + 22-4 Group 410E. One or two small spots. Jan. 24-286 25- 175 26- 307 27- 172 I I I I 0 0 0 13 72 60 22 22 0 0 8 9 1 52 J 5 H 173- 6 i 74"6 174- 6 I 7°"7 -25-1 — 24-2 -24-2 — 26-2 — 67-0 -54*3 -39-3 -31-8 Means X4 47 1 i6-io — 16-50 Means 2 43 I73-38 -24-93 Group 414. A small faint spot. | Group 410F. A stream of spots, mostly small. Jan. 29-190 30- 193 31- 452 I I G 0 4 0 13 15 12 0 3 0 16 13 8 io8’6 108-6 107-1 — 16-4 -15-4 -14-5 -67-4 -54-2 — 39" 1 Jan. 26-307 27- 172 28- 175 I I I 0 P 67 . 25 164 128 0 4i 47 14 98 89 r 228- 1 229- 0 228-8 + H’4 + M-4 + I4" 1 + 14-2 + 26-5 + 39-5 Means 1 12 10810 -I5-43 Means 29 67 228-63 + 14-3° : Group 4 1 1 . ; A short compact stream of irregular spots. A fine strean stable. Group 415. 1 of the usual type, the first and last spots being the largest and most The leader spot alone remains by February 10 . Jan. 28-175 29-190 3°* I 93 3i'452 Feb. 1-287 I I I G I 86 225 255 77 i°3 231 795 101 5 617 294 5° 122 138 45 67 133 43i 549 360 189 1 68-i 1693 1692 168-8 168-5 + 15-1 + I5-3 + 15-0 + 15-2 + 14-5 — 21-2 “ 67 + 6-4 I +22-6 + 33-3 Jan. 31-452 Feb. 1-287 3-288 G I i 1 G I I I , G i G I 8 3i No phc 228 242 226 X99 232 128 1 12 36 46 37 92 > tograph, 933 1 191 1086 937 908 766 516 323 155 21 40 , (x°3 167 I5X 129 1 12 134 82 90 41 7i 92 120 395 66 9 737 618 525 525 497 4X5 37i 238 70- 5 72- 0 7 1- x 70-2 70-4 7°"5 70-6 7i*i 7 3 " 1 73- 2 73-2 73"° + 1 8-8 + 19-3 + 19-2 + 19-0 + 19-2 + '9"4 + 197 + 19-0 + 19-1 + 187 + 18-4 + 18-6 -757 — 63-2 -50-9) -38-6 -25-4 — IO’2 — 0-3 + 14-7 + 30-6 +45-4 + 59*9 + 67-4 Means 84 332 16878 + 15-02 ... 4- 277 5- 4I9 Group 412. Two clusters, each very compact, and composed of irregular spots. 6-i68 7.273 8*328 9-446 Jan. 29-190 3°‘ 1 93 3 1 '+5 a ) I 1 I 1 G 123 406 222 301 1015 1083 64 205 ”9 155 5i5 581 164- 9 165- 5 165-9 -1 3-0 -13-1 — 12-9 — 1 1 "i + 2-7 + 197 10- 546 11- 125 Means 95 434 71-58 + 19-00 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AT MELBOURNE, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1878 TO 1881. 105 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 41 5 A. A pair of very small spots. Group 419 — continued. 1881. a Feb. 10-546 11125 12- 475 13- 146 H’34 1 15- 313 16- 361 17- 256 G I G I I 1 I I IOO 148 92 11 7 93 93 62 16 465 477 456 477 39° 281 172 77 ' 58 82 5° 66 59 70 63 25 269 265 249 268 247 21 1 174 123 353-5 353-9 353 + 353*6 354+ 353*5 353-3 353-5 + 157 + I5-9 + 157 — 19-8 -117 + 5-5 1881. d Feb. 3 -z 8 8 I 5 29 3 16 1 1 1-0 -32-3 -f 2-2 Means 3 16 I I I -o -32-3 + 15-9 +14-5 + 15-9 +3I-I + 16*2 +43'o + 16-2 +56-6 + 16-0 +68-5 Group 416. | A small faint spot on February 5. The group rapidly increases in size after February 6. Means 65 256 354-00 + 15-92 Feb. 5 "49 1 6168 7- 273 8- 328 G I I I 7 9 124 53 22 15 283 165 5 7 139 128 15 12. 318 389 1 1 2*9 1 14-3 1147 1167 + 21-7 + 21-4 + 21*5 +217 + 32-2 + 43-4 + 58-3 + 74' 2 Group 420. A close pair of small faint spots. Feb. 9-446 G 0 14 - 12 339*3 + I7-9 -48-5 Means 70 184 114-65 +21-58 Means 0 12 339*3 + 17-9 Group 417. j A few spots, mostly small and unstable, in an irregular stream. The leader spot is the largest and most stable. Group 421. A small faint spot. Feb. 6- 1 68 7- 273 8- 328 9- 446 10-546 1 1*125 12- 475 13- 146 I I I G G I G I 13 67 62 17 1 7 4i 27 12 29 202 128 135 56 133 98 47 8 38 34 10 29 26 16 18 IJ 5 7i 77 36 96 62 42-3 42-9 44-4 42- 3 43- 9 44- 2 42- 6 43- i + 18-0 + 17*9 + 1 8-3 + I7-5 + 17-9 + 18-2 + 18-0 + 18-8 -28-6 -I3-5 + i-9 + I4-5 + 30-6 + 38-6 + 547 + 64-0 Feb. 9-446 G 0 7 0 9 319-6 — 19-8 -68-2 Means 0 9 319-6 — 19-8 Group 422. Two small spots. "Only one of them is seen on February 13. Means 22 7 1 43-21 + 18-08 Feb. 12-475 13-146 . I 4"34 I G I I 22 24 10 62 38 56 13 13 5 35 20 29 I — 26-0 — 1 6- 1 — i-8 Group 418. A few very small faint spots. Only the leader remains on February 11. 321-9 323-0 3215 — 20*3 -19-3 — 20-2 Means IO 28 322-13 -I9-93 Feb. 9-446 10- 546 11- 125 12- 475 G G I G 1 1 16 32 11 3° 39 92 20 6 10 21 10 17 24 61 18 33-o 35- o 36- 8 37- 3 + 207 + 20-8 + 20-8 + 21-0 + 5-2 + 217 + 31-2 +49+ Group 423. A large regular spot. Means I 2 3° 35-53 + 20-83 Feb. 14-341 15- 3I3 16- 361 - 17-256 18-253 I I I I \ I I Me I 10 3i 3i 38 53 46 53 5° 3i 47 47 93 140 1 66 229 248 186 202 152 155 24 42 28 28 33 27 3° 29 *9 33 1 18 127 127 122 143 144 105 118 93 1 10 248-7 246-4 246-3 245 9 245 + 244-8 244-6 244-8 243-9 2437 + 197 + 20*0 + 20-0 + 20-1 + I 9 - 9 + 20-0 + 20'2 + 20-4 + 20-3 + 19-8 -74 "6 — 64-1 -50+ — 39" 1 — 26-4 1 -13-7 — o-6 + 1+5 ! +227 + 367 Group 419. A large regular spot, with a small companion on February 8. Feb. 6 - i68 7-273 8+28 9-446 I I I G 32 86 92 90 142 231 46, 4i5 77 100 76 59 346 269 382 271 355-o 355-3 354‘5 3 54* 1 + 16-2 + 157 +15-8 + 15-8 -75-9 — 6 i-i — 48-0 -337 19- 261 20- 270 21+09 22- 097 23- 167 Photo-Heliographic Results, 1878-1881. 106 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 423 — continued. Group 425 — continued. 1881. d Feb. 24-316 25- +23 26- 512 I I G 31 32 137 107 12 Z l 46 7 130 155 5° 244-1 243-0 243-4 + 20-3 + 20-0 + 20-2 + 52*2 + 657 + 80-3 1881. d Feb. 22-097 23- 167 24- 316 25+23 26- 512 27- 107 Me I I I G I 0 71 56 . 42 14 12 264 177 103 109 40 31 0 36 29 24 IO IO H5 9 1 53 63 28 26 198*8 198-2 201-3 205-9 207- 3 208- 9 — 1 6- 1 — 1 6*0 -! 5 -9 -15-6 -15-4 -15-2 -22 + - 8-8 + 9‘4 + 28-6 + 4+3 + 53-8 Means 29 119 245-0 + 20-07 Group 424. A large regular spot. Means ... 22 74 201*89 -15-93 Group 426. A regular spot, with a small companion on February 23 . Feb. 14*341 15- 3I3 16- 361 17*256 18- 253 19- 261 20- 270 2 1 -409 22*097 i 23-167 24- 316 25- 4 2 3 26- 512 27- 107 I I I I I I I I Me I I I G I 25 68 55 72 124 124 108 115 76 140 53 59 3i 16 77 218 264 39° 467 529 498 5°i 4° 3 526 406 219 H3 72 70 92 49 5° 74 67 56 60 4 1 75 39 61 59 47 220 294 234 273 278 286 258 261 218 283 301 226 214 217 242-3 241-2 241-2 241-1 240-7 240-4 240-2 240-3 239-6 239-5 239-2 239' 1 239-2 2377 — 20-1 — 19-8 — 19-8 -I 9 - 9 — 20-4 — 20'3 -20-3 -20-5 — 20-4 — 20*8 — 20-4 — 20-6 -20-3 — 20-3 — 8i-o -69-3 -55-5 -43-9 — 3 1 " 1 — 181 — 5-o + To + 18-4 + 32-5 +47-3 + 6 i -8 + 76-1 + 82-6 Feb. 20-270 21- 409 22- 097 23- 167 24- 316 25+23 26- 512 27- 107 I I Me I I I G I 22 37 0 47 47 37 17 *9 no I0 9 75 1 144 : 125 134 37 24 31 32 0 28 25 r 9 9 10 r 53 94 11 66 68 J 9 13 175-1 175-1 174-3 174-6 174- 6 175- 2 174-6 174-6 -14-1 — T 4"4 — 14-6 -14-7 -15-2 -15-3 -15 + -15-4 -70-1 -55-2 -46-9 -32-4 -i7-3 - i*o + 11*6 + 19*5 Means 19 69 17476 -14-89 Means 60 255 240-12 — 20-28 Group 42 6B. A cluster of small spots. Group 424A. A few unstable spots in a short irregular stream. Feb. 21-409 22- 097 23- 167 I Me I 25 0 3 85 89 29 0 2 48 49 17 221-0 220*8 221-6 + 18-0 + 18-2 + 16-9 - 93 - 0+ + 1+6 Feb. 16-361 17- 256 18- 253 19*261 I I I I 34 75 59 9 106 H7 125 34 22 5 9 61 16 70 1 16 133 67 336-5 335- 5 336- 5 335-4 — 20-5 — 20-6 — 20 7 -207 + 39‘ 8 + 50-5 + 647 +76-9 Means 5 38 221-13 + 1770 Group 427. A regular spot, with several small faint attendants. Means 40 97 335-9 8 -20-63 Feb. 24-3 1 6 25+23 26*512 27- 107 28- 212 Mar. 1-283 I I G I I I 28 12 21 22 0 22 63 44 73 44 54 56 67 15 18 16 0 13 150 53 62 32 34 33 117-8 I I7-2 1 16’6 117-1 1 i6-i II5-5 +21-9 + 22*0 + 21*9 + 217 + 22*9 + 23-3 -74" 1 — 6o-i -46+ — 38-0 — 24-6 — iro Group 424B. A few small spots in a sparse stream. Feb. 18-253 I 25 47 H 26 282-8 + 16-2 + II-0 Means *4 26 282-8 + 16-2 Means *■ 61 11672 + 22-28 Group 425. A number of spots, mostly small, in a straight stream. Group 427A. A spot only seen close to the West limb. Feb. 19*261 20- 270 21- 409 I I I 6 16 "7 22 49 342 6 1 1 69 3 6 203 1987 I 99 - 1 198-8 -167 — j 6-4 — 1 6-i -59-8 -46-1 -34*5 Feb. 27-107 I 9 3i 1 1 37 216-9 + 157 + 6i-8 Means 1 1 37 216-9 + 157 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AT MELBOURNE, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1878 TO 1881, 107 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central deridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. 1 Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. ■ Longi- tude from Central Meridian. taken. [Jrabra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. [Jmbra. Whole ■ Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 42 7B. A number of very small spots in a short stream. Group 431 — continued. 1881. d Mar. 11-496 12- 395 13- 164 14- 464 15- 516 16- 430 17- 465 18- 544 19- 548 G I I G G G G G G 31 60 69 26 52 27 29 >4 0 215 >55 251 3>7 >55 >53 92 34 3 25 35 38 >4 28 16 >9 12 0 148 9> >37 165 84 87 61 3° 5 3 10- 2 ■ 311- 3 ' 3117 ■ 312- 2 ■ 316-8 312- 0 ■ 313- 6 ■ 314- 6 3181 -21-2 — 2I"I — 21-2 — 21-6 -20-4 — 21-6 — 20'3 -20-5 ->9-° -41-8 -28-8 -18-2 — o-6 + 17-8 + 25-0 +40-3 + 55-5 +72-3 1881. a Feb. 27-107 I 6 57 4 36 185-3 4-I7-2 4-30-2 Means 4 36 I85-3 4-17*2 Group 428. A regular spot. Mar. 3-271 4" i8 4 5- 278 6- 190 7‘5io 8- 418 9- 284 10-284 I I I I G G I I 16 24 47 32 >4 12 10 12 41 59 124 ■126 53 48 19 22 20 22 33 20 8 7 6 8 S 2 54 88 78 3° 27 1 1 >4 38-0 38-1 377 37-9 37-2 367 3 6 A 36-2 ++++++++ 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 + + d\+ A t! w" 4- — 62-4 Means 24 115 312-44 -20-95 — 36-2 — 24-0 — 77 4- 4*2 -H15-3 + 28-3 Group 432. A small faint spot. Mar. 9-284 I I G 5 13 0 18 22 >4 3 8 0 10 >4 12 445 45-6 47-2 -187 — 18-6 -18-5 + 23+ + 377 + 55 2 Means 16 44 37-28 -|- 20*3 ^ 10284 11-496 Group 429. A small faint spot. Means ... ... 4 12 45'77 — 18-60 Mar. 7-510 8-418 G G 0 0 3 9 0 0 6 9 3299 3317 -17-9 -i 8-o -74-6 -6o-8 A number of : Group 433. spots in a straight stream, inclined at a considerable angle to the equator, groups 430 and 431, and other groups of this usual type, the leading spot •gest, the last spot the next in size, and the smaller spots which lie between idually diminish in size and disappear. The last spot also diminishes, rapidly than the smaller spots. Means 0 8 330-80 -17-95 As with \ is the lai these gri Group 430. A number of small faint spots in a straight stream. Mar. 9-284 10-284 I I G I I G G G G 31 147 177 227 198 i33 83 47 20 164 686 869 826 770 624 443 209 95 24 99 105 >3> >>5 86 65 5° 37 >35 457 5 1 7 473 448 4°4 348 222 179 336- 8 338-1 337- 6 3 39" 1 338- 4 342- 3 34>"2 343- 2 343-8 + 22-6 + 217 + 21-9 + 21-6 + 21-7 + 21-4 + 21-2 + 20*8 + 20-7 -44*3 — 29-8 -14+ — i-o + 8-5 + 29-5 + 42-2 + 56-2 + 7°-5 Mar. 8-418 9-284 10- 284 11- 496 12- 395 13- 164 1 4- 464 j >5-5> 6 16-430 G I I G I I G G G 0 0 7i 46 53 63 20 3 2 7 36 1 12 233 179 147 208 52 142 43 0 0 72 33 33 36 1 1 18 4 113 197 241 131 9 1 120 28 7 l 26 3I3-8 310-3 309" 1 310- 4 311- 8 309-6 3I3-2 3ii-5 311-0 4-13-8 4-15-0 + 14-5 4- H'6 4-I4-3 -I-14-5 4-137 4-14-6 4-15-2 -787 — 70-8 -58-8 — 41-6 -28-3 — 20*3 4- 0-4 4-12-5 4-24-0 11- 496 12- 395 i3' l6 4 14- 464 15- 516 16- 430 17- 465 Means 79 354 340-06 +21-51 ... Means 23 114 311-19 4-I4-47 Group 434 . A BTna.ll spot, not seen on March 12 and 13. Group 431. A number of small spots in a straight stream. The group fluctuates considerably in size until reaching the central meridian, after which it rapidly diminishes, and has nearly disappeared before reaching the West limb. Mar. 11 -49^ 12-39! 5 G ; 1 i 1 1 G 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 >4 0 0 0 0 22 0 0 10 277-1 2777 + 18-0 + 17-9 -74*9 -351 Mar. 8-41! 9-28, ; 10-28, 3 G 1 I 4 I 0 0 78 33 154 163 0 0 102 108 228 234 3091 309-6 3x0-1 - 21-5 - 21-4 — 21*6 -83-4 -7i-5 -57-8 13- 16/ 14- 46/ Means 0 8 2 77"4 C > +>7-9! S; ... 108 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. I Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. U mbjra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 435. A large regular spot, followed by a number of small spots at a considerable distance. Group 439. Two spots on March 19. The group rapidly increases in size, and forms on March 22 a very large double spot. The great spot has broken up by March 25, to form a compact cluster. 1881. a Mar. 1 2 -395 1 3164 14- 464 15- 516 16430 17- 465 1 8 - 544 I I G G G G G Ill 103 108 6 l 76 33 28 2 77 642 614 435 335 199 1 1 1 58 53 58 42 55 32 49 144 329 329 262 239 •93 192 i ■ — I 1-2 — i-6 + 17-6 +327 + 45 /i + 597 + 74‘4 328-9 328-3 330-4 3317 332- 1 333 - o 333-5 -17-2 -17-9 — 18-4 -18-3 — 187 — 18-8 1 9*2 1881. a Mar. 19-548 20- 223 21- 303 22- 643 23- 175 24- 286 25- 405 26- 055 27- 251 G I I G I I G Me I 78 2 77 283 34 1 283 240 ”7 32 32 272 1051 I 4 I 3 1608 1337 954 652 274 80 45 152 1 53 i 95 170 172 108 37 76 157 577 762 919 804 675 608 343 191 224-7 226-0 224-9 224-1 223-9 223-4 222-6 223-6 220*3 + 14-1 + 14-2 + I 4'2 + H ‘4 + H ‘3 + 14-2 + 14-0 4-14-0 + 127 — 2I-I -109 + 2-2 + i r + 26-0 + 40-1 + 54 -° + 63-6 + 76-1 Means •••I-" 5 ° 241 3 3 1 " 1 3 -- 1 8-36 Group 436. A compact cluster, composed of a number of small spots. The group opens out, and the leading spot increases in size, whilst the following spots diminish. Means 123 560 223-72 + 14-01 Group 440. A spot seen only close to the East limb. Mar. 12-395 13- 164 1 4- 464 1 5 * 5 1 6 16- 430 17- 465 18- 544 1 9 ' 548 20- 223 21- 303 22- 643 23 - I 75 I I G G G G G G ’ I I G I 0 +5 75 182 268 2 77 217 173 107 98 97 35 16 155 536 945 1393 1128 1217 1026 753 438 347 137 0 53 11? 146 142 1 12 96 65 75 122 59 28 188 4°9 582 76 1 579 627 567 452 338 424 227 265-1 263-1 263-6 262-3 265- 3 266- 7 267- 9 268- 8 269- 7 272-5 271-8 271-9 -15-8 — 16-4 -16-8 -16-4 — 16-4 — 16-3 — 16-2 -165 -16-2 — i6-i -16-3 — 16*2 -75-0 -66-8 -49-2 -367 -217 - 6-6 + 8-8 4-23-0 + 3 2 "8 + 49-8 4-66-8 | + 74 -o Mar. 19-548 G 0 18 0 45 1647 — 28-2 — 8ri Means 0 45 1647 -28-2 Group 440A. A small spot. Means 86 432 267-39 — 16-30 i Mar. 20-223 I 9 16 10 17 290-2 + 28-8 + 53‘3 frrfffln a 'll A large r tj/ egular spot which breaks up to form 1 a compact cluster 1 of small sp lots. Means 10 17 290-2 + 28-8 Mar. 13-164 14- 464 15- 516 16- 430 17- 465 18- 544 19- 548 20- 223 21- 303 1 G G G G G G I I 16 34 49 61 40 27 11 32 6 84 180 296 231 266 170 82 n 9 3 i 32 33 36 37 22 14 6 18 4 172 176 218 1 4 1 146 89 44 67 20 255-9 2557 255- 1 256- 1 256- 2 2567 257- 2 2577 258- 2 + IO’5 + IO-2 + 10-4 + 10-2 + IO-I -flO’O H-io-o + 9-8 + 9‘3 -74-0 - 57 -i - 43-9 -30-9 — 17-1 - 24 4-11-4 4-20-8 + 35-5 Group 440B. A small spot. Mar. 21-303 I 0 32 0 23 175-6 — 14-0 -47-! Means 0 23 175-6 — 14-0 Means 22 n 9 256-53 + 10-06 ! Group 441. Two small spots close together. Group 438. A small faint spot. Mar. 18-544 G 9 24 5 14 284-2 + 9"6 4-25-1 Mar. 22-643 G 12 47 8 3 i 166-9 + 7’3 -38-1 Means ... 5 . H 284-2 + 9 " 6 Means 8 3 i 166-9 + 77 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AT MELBOURNE, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1878 TO 1881. 109 Areas and Heliographic Pqsitions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued . Date. Greenwich Civil Time, Where taken. Projected Area of ; Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi tude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. 1 Umbra. | Whole Spot. Group 441*. Several very small spots in a straggling stream. ■ Group 445 — continued . 1881. d Apr. 4-584 5- 285 6- 509 G I G ll 9 44 21 405 274 131 95 43 39 322 271 248 81- o 82- 4 84-6 -31-6 -30-7 -29-6 j + 467 + 57*4 +757 18.81. d Mar. 23-175 24- 286 25- 405 26- 055 I I G Me 32 38 1 9 O 94 200 78 44 *9 2 1 10 0 56 109 4 1 24 171-1 170-8 i68;o 170-1 + I2‘3 + 137 + 13-6 + 13-5 -26-8 -12-5 — o-6 + 1 o' 1 Means 58 275 81-57 -3I-87 Means 13 58 170-0 + 13-28 Group 446. A small faint spot. Group 442. A small spot, which divides into two, becomes fainter and gradually fades away. Apr. I -408 G 0 13 0 II 1 130*0 -25-0 + 53-8 Mar. 28-457 29- 516 30- 410 3 1- 4 6 4 Apr. 1 -408 G G G G • G 9 9 0 0 i5 24 70 13 4 1 8 6 0 H 17 42 7 21 70-6 7 ii 7 1 ’ 1 72-6 72-4 — 19-0 -19-1 — 19-2 -195 -19-5 -577 — 43‘ 2 -31-5 — 1 6- 1 — 3-8 Means 0 II 1 130-0 -25-0 Group 447. A small faint spot. Apr. 1 408 2-519 G G O 2 16 6 0 2 27 6 6-o 67 + 15-0 + I5-I — 70-2 -54-8 Means 3 20 71-56 — 19-26 Means 1 17 6-35 + 15-05 biroup 443. A spot which breaks up into several faint spots and gradually fades away. Group 448. A small regular spot, rapidly diminishing in size. Mar. 28-457 29-516 3°'4 10 31-464 G G G G 7 20 9 0 5i 88 44 8 16 6 0 55 95 59 26 70-0 69-2 69*0 68-7 + I7-3 + 177 + 187 + I9’ 1 “58-3 — 45’ 1 _ 33'6 — 20-0 Apr. 1-408 2- 519 3- 254 4- 584 5- 285 G G I G I 12 17 15 16 48 87 80 42 25 23 18 10 9 9 95 9 1 65 26 14 359+ 359-8 o-i 0-0 359-9 -21-5 — 20*9 -20-5 -197 -197 -76-8 -617 -517 -343 -251 Means 8 59 69-23 + l8’20 Group 444. A very small faint spot. Means H 58 359-84 — 20-46 Group 449. Three very small spots close together. Mar. 29-516 G 7 2 7 171-0 + 14-6 + 567 Apr. 2-519 G 0 32 0 21 96*3 + 16-8 + 34-8 Means i 2 2 7 171-0 + 14-6 Means 0 21 96-3 + 16-8 u-roup 445. Two small spots which are near together when they first break out, but gradually separate, increasing in size at the same time, whilst smaller spots appear between them. As usual in spots of the. type, the preceding spot increases in size, whilst ! the following spots diminish. Group 450. A small spot. G I G G 0 48 10 0 1 1 1 114 7i 17 0 27 7 59 65 5i 16 50- 9 51- 1 54" 1 53-9 -176 -18-0 -17-6 -18-3 + 16-6 + 26-1 + 45-2 + 57-i Mar. 31-464 Apr. 1 -408 2519 3-254 G G G I 64 86 113 1 18 240 601 573 424 36 48 67 75 i37 ! 339 ! 339 2.68 80-7 8 1 jo* 80-5 , 8o-8 -333 -327 — 32-6 .^-32-6 - 8-0 + 4‘8 + 19-0 4-29-0 Apr. 4-584 5- 285 6- 509 7- 425 Means 9 1 48 52-50 -17-88 no Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Group. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 451. A regular spot. Group 454 — continued. 1881. d Apr. 11-309 12- 230 13- 4” 14- 228 15- 172 16- 198 17- 199 18- 513 19- 200 I I G I I I I G I O O 0 0 O O 0 3 0 O O 0 O 0 0 0 18 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 81 2767 276-1 ::: +26-2 +25*9 + 66-3 + 74*8 1881. d Apr. 3-254 4- 584 5- 285 6- 509 7*4 2 5 8-513 9'5 12 10-222 II-309 12*230 1 3 ’4 1 1 I G I G G G G I 1 I G 16 3 2 28 33 *9 3 2 2 7 0 44 117 III !4 2 102 99 98 54 44 22 25 21 17 27 *9 20 1 1 18 11 17 5 0 loo 126 9 l t 56 32 29 17 26 338-3 337*3 337-5 336-4 3357 335*3 335 * 334*9 334‘3 333-9 333-i -+-2I-2 + 21-4 + 217 + 21-8 + 22-2 + 22*2 + 22-3 + 22-4 + 22-8 + 227 + 23-1 -73-5 -57-0 -47'5 -32*5 — 2I-I - 7'i + 5-9 4-15-0 + 28-8 + 4°"5 + 55-3 Means 0 13 275-80 +26-33 ... Means 1 5 63 335-62 -j” 22* I 6 Group 45 4 A. A small spot. Group 452. Two small spots which gradually separate from each other. Two other smaller spots appear between them on April 9. Apr. 11-309 12-230 I I 0 4 22 17 0 2 13 9 274-9 276-1 — 20'I 1 9*2 — 30-6 -i7*3 Apr. 6-509 7'4 2 5 8'5i3 9-512 10-222 G G G G I 9 0 11 27 0 3° 55 57 82 15 15 0 8 17 0 51 55 42 52 9 295- 1 296- 6 297- 0 295-0 293-5 -23*3 -237 -23*3 -22- 9 -227 -73*8 — 60-2 -45*4 =&; Means 1 11 275-50 — *9*65 Group 455. A group of spots measured in two clusters. Means 8 42 295-44 — 2318 Group 453. A large regular spot. Apr. 12-230 I 3'4 11 14- 228 15- 172 16- 198 17- 199 18- 513 19- 200 20- 285 I G I I I I G I I 13 4i 64 32 57 49 45 3i 0 45 74 219 231 403 348 184 137 95 8 22 34 i7 33 32 40 35 0 28 40 1 1 6 124 231 222 167 155 194 261-5 263-9 263- 2 264- 8 264- 6 263- 2 265- 9 264- 5 263-5 -247 -24-0 — 24-0 -23-5 -23*3 -22-9 — 22"7 -22-6 -23-2 -3i*9 -i3*9 - 37 + io*3 + 23-6 + 35*5 + 55*5 + 63-2 +76*5 Apr. 7-425 8- 5I3 9- 512 10-222 11- 309 12- 230 13*41 I 14- 228 15- I72 16- 198 17- I99 18- 513 19- 200 G G G I I I G I I I I G I 0 34 4i 45 48 68 72 76 5i 48 80 38 26 76 148 310 240 267 370 355 319 289 272 219 186 90 0 52 38 34 29 37 37 39 27 28 55 38 35 401 224 290 182 162 202 182 163 153 160 150 184 123 270-5 270- 9 271- 2 271-2 271-6 271-5 271-1 271-1 271-5 271-5 270-8 2707 270-6 -I5-9 — i6-o -i5*3 -15-2 -15-0 -14-8 -147 -I4-3 -14-1 — 14-0 -137 -I3-4 -I3-5 -86-3 -71-5 — 58-0 —48-7 -33-9 -21-9 - 6-7 + 4-2 4-17-0 + 3°-5 +43-I 4-60-3 +69-3 Means ... 25 142 263-90 -23*43 ... Group 456. A cluster of small spots. Means 35 198 271-09 — 14-61 Group 454. One or two small spots. The group is not seen from April 10 to April 17. Apr. 12-230 13*4” 14- 228 15- 172 ! 16*198 I G I I . I 0 18 20 23 16 10 87 107 52 32 0 19 16 i5 9 18 90 86 34 18 220-5 219-2 218- 4 219- 2 219*9 + I3'i + 13*4 + 13*8 + 14-0 + 14*2 -7 2*9 -58 -6 -48-5 -35*3 — 21*1 Apr. 8-513 9-512 10*222 G G I 0 0 0 17 J 9 0 0 0 0 3i *9 0 273*5 276-9 4-26-6 4-26-6 — 68-9 -52-3 Means ... 12 49 219-44 + 1370 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AT MELBOURNE, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1878 TO 1881. Ill Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group, Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group, j Longi- tude from Central Meridian. taken. taken. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 457. A large spot forming suddenly. Group 460. A number of small unstable spots. The group underj ;oea continual change 18. 1881. a Apr. 15-172 16198 17-199 18*513 I I I G 77 48 32 O 251 194 1 12 48 38 38 0 156 153 132 59 290- 0 291- 6 292- 9 295-2 -l 7 - 5 -I7-3 -177 — 1 8-o + 35-5 + 50-6 + 65-2 + 84-8 1881. d Apr. 18-513 19- 200 20- 285 21- 227 22- 203 2 3'43 2 24- 25- 254 26- 555 27- 293 G I I I I G I G I 32 32 1 13 107 150 No pho 16 43 7 71 71 127 401 602 694 tograph. 264 22 7 187 16 1 9 60 55 80 (45 10 4 1 8 56 48 75 213 3 1 1 37i 272 r 74 214 242 1 59*9 159*9 156-4 r 59‘4 160- 5 161- 3 i6n 160- 9 161- 9 162- 0 — 1 6-8 — 16-9 -17-4 -17-2 -177 -17-2 -17-2 -17-2 -168 -16*5 -50-5 — 4 r 4 — 30-6 -152 — i-i + 15-9 + 27-8) + 39* 6 + 57-8 + 677 Means 31 125 292-43 -17-63 Group 4 57 A. Two spots/, Group 457. Means 36 198 160-33 -17-09 Apr. 17-199 I 64 193 48 144 274-8 — 1 8*5 +47-I Group 461. A large regular spot on April 1 8. A stream ot small spots form behind it on the succeed- ing days, the rear spot finally becoming nearly as large as the leader. Means 48 144 274-8 — 18-5 Group 458. A cluster of several small spots, not seen on April 1 9 and 20. Apr. 18-513 19- 200 20- 285 21- 227 22- 203 23- 432 24- 25- 254 | 26-555 27- 293 28- 399 29- 307 G I I I I G I G I G I 13 72 142 109 122 120 No pho 89 114 49 0 Il6 285 6l I 479 345 49° tograph. 450 567 386 352 59 i5 65 97 63 64 62 (58 54 89 121 90 0 136 258 408 274 181 254 264 274 449 4° 5 617 160 1467 146- 1 147- 6 147-0 1 5°'9 151- 4 152- 8 154-1 153- 5 154*9 1524 146-5 + 7*3 + 7-8 + 7-0 + 7-8 + 7-6 + 7-8 + 7-4 + 7-0 + 7" 1 + 7-0 + 6-8 + 8-o -637 -55*2 -39*4 — 27-6 -107 + 6-o + 19*4) + 32-8 +49*4 +6o-6 +72-6 +787 Apr. 18-513 19- 200 20- 285 21- 227 22- 203 2 3 '43 2 G 1 I I I G 0 O 0 13 62 3 31 O O 39 282 44 | 0 1 O 0 IO 61 5 17 0 0 29 280 82 2207 221-4 221*1 220-3 -23-1 -2*2-8 — 22-6 — 23-2 + 10-3 + 46-8 + 59’5 +74‘9 Means 13 68 220-88 -22-93 Group 458*. A very small spot /, Group 458. Means 65 307 I50-33 +7-38 Group 462. A small spot. Apr. 18-513 G 0 8 0 4 213-2 -217 -f- 2*8 Means 0 4 213-2 -217 Apr. 18*513 G 0 1 1 0 1 ! 0 6 3 23 0 0 0 8 3 16 142-5 H3‘2 142-5 - 9‘° — 10-2 -12-7 -67-9 -58-1 -44*5 Group 459. Two spots with several smaller attendants. The group rapidly increases in size up to April 20, and then diminishes again as quickly. 19- 200 20- 285 Means ... 1 ... 0 9 H273 — 10-63 Apr. 18-513 ! 19-200 20- 285 21- 227 ; 22-203 2 3-43 2 G I I I I G 47 IOI 222 64 17 7 134 337 601 322 170 33 30 60 124 36 10 5 85 198 336 181 101 24 182- 2 1827 183- 2 183-4 182-8 185-0 + 20-8 + 20-2 + 20-6 + 20-0 + 20’0 + ! 9 -9 — 28-2 — 18-6 - 3*8 + 8-8 + 21-2 + 39* 6 Group 462A. A short stream of small spots, n.f., Group 460. Apr. 21-227 I 16 1 16 9 1 65 148-9 — 10-2 -257 Means 44 154 183-22 + 20-25 Means Hi 9 65 148-9 — 10-2 112 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Longi- tude of Group. tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude • from Central Meridian. TT . Whole Umbra -| Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 463. A small spot. Group 467. A regular spot. 1881. d Apr. 18-513 19-200 G I 0 6 13 16 9 30 23 1312 131*5 -2 6-6 — 26-2 -79-2 — 69-8 1881. d May 3-398 4-256 5*546 6-402 7*394 8-207 9+83 G G G G G G G O 26 27 27 1 7 20 17 66 113 140 122 98 58 0 37 23 *9 10 1 1 9 60 94 97 97 73 55 3i 293-2 293-0 292- 9 293- 3 293-2 292- 9 293- 1 -23-5 -23-2 -23-0 — 23-0 — 22-8 -23-0 -227 — 80-5 -69+ -52 + — 4°"7 -277 -17-2 — 0"2 Means 5 27 I 3 1 '35 — 26-4 A small spo t on April 20. A second is seen near it on April 21. Means 16 72 293-09 -23-03 Apr. 20-285 21-227 I I ,0 61 26 5 0 31 13 185-3 183-4 -14-9 — 1 5*4 “ I’7 + 8-8 Group 468. Two very small spots. Means 3 22 184-35 -15-15 May 5-546 G 3 16 a 1 1 27 + — 11*8 + 42I Group 465. Two large spots seen only near the West limb. The preceding spot of the two is no longer seen on April 26. — Means 2 11 27 + — 1 1 *8 Group 469. Several very small spots arranged in two compact little clusters. The preceding cluster has disappeared before May 9, and the spots of the other cluster coalesce. Apr. 25-254 26-555 I G 42 333 86 4i 0 336 H 9 177-2 174- 1 + 20-3 + 20-9 + 55’9 + 70-0 Means 21 243 175-65 + 20-60 May 5-546“ 6+02 7- 394 8- 207 9+83 10-321 n+35 G G G G G I G 17 0 3 22 0 0 0 70 5i 22 83 40 29 2 1 9 0 2 15 0 0 37 28 13 57 36 35 53 348-8 349*4 347-i 349' 1 348*3 346-8 346-5 — 22-2 -21-4 -22-3 -21-4 -21-4 -21-9 -22-4 + 3*5 + 1 5"4 + 26-2 + 39"° + 55-o + 647 + 79*1 Group 465*. Two small spots. Apr. 26-555 G 9 48 s 26 111-4 + 15-5 + 7-3 Means 4 37 348-00 -21-86 Means s 26 1 1 1 -4 + 15-5 Group 470. Three small faint spots. The group is not seen on May 6. Group 4 66. A small spot. May 5-546 6-402 7*394 8-207 9G83 10-321 G G G G G I 0 0 7 16 26 32 20 0 43 ii3 168 75 0 0 4 '10 l 9 29 0 25 70 126 67 335-3 335*4 335-i 333-5 332-0 + 24+ + 2 + 5 + 24-3 +24-9 + 2+7 — IO'O + i+5 + 25-0 + 40-2 +49 '9 Apr. 30-420 May 1-242 2-262 G I I 10 7 0 26 42 49 1 12 6 3° 36 34 352-J 352-8 352-3 + 21-4 + 2I-I + 21'9 — 6i-o -49*4 -36+ Means 6 33 352-40 + 21-47 Means 10 50 33+26 + 24-56 Group 466A. A spot, «./., Group 466. A r Gr egular spot, with 1 oup 471. two companions on May 9. May 1-242 I 10 43 10 43 347-2 + 2 + 5 -55-0 May 5-546 G G G 8 28 14 32 63 62 16 31 1 1 61 7i 49 270-1 270-3 270-6 -137 -13-9 -13-8 -75-2 -637 — 5°"3 Means 10 43 347-2 +24-5 ■ 7*394 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AT MELBOURNE, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1878 TO 1881 . 113 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group, Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. taken. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 47 1 — continued . Group 475. 1 88 1. d May 8-207 9A83 10-321 G G I 17 .1 48 153 72 270-3 267- 9 268- 7 — 1 4-0 -18-3 -16-3 -39‘ 8 -25-4 -I3A A small spot, n., of the place of Group 473. 1 1 17 h 32 88 38 1881. d May 18-555 I 9'44 I G G- 0 5 5 1 13 0 3 29 8 186- 4 187- 0 + 22-1 + 22-3 + 13-2 + 25-5 Means 17 57 269-65 — 1 5-00 Means ... 2 *9 186-70 + 22-20 Group 472. A regular spot followed by a stream of small spots, of which the last is the largest. These following spots, however, have all disappeared before May 15, leaving the leader alone. The faculse connected with the group on May 20 form a straggling group of intricate shape. ' Group 476. Two small spots. May 10-321 "'435 12- 487 13- 4 0 3 14- 472 15- 163 16- 266 17- 200 18- 555 19- 441 20- 431 21- 417 I G G G G I I I G G G G 13 33 79 90 66 58 60 59 5° 5° 28 4 43 188 410 398 377 357 37i 261 237 212 164 56 35 39 63 59 37 31 31 32 3 1 37 28 7 "3 235 333 260 213 190 193 142 148 157 164 98 204-0 202- 5 203- 9 204- 5 205- 5 207-0 207-1 207-2 207-0 207-0 207-0 207-9 + 12-5 + 13-8 + 13-5 +13-8 +13-8 + 137 + 137 + 14-0 + I 4'° + *4'4 + H' 6 + I 4'5 - 7 8 -i -64-9 -49-6 -36-9 -21-8 + y 6 + 16-1 + 33-8 +45-5 + 58-6 + 72-5 May 19+41 G 8 22 8 21 215-8 + 24-8 + 54-3 Means 8 21 215-8 + 24*8 Group 477. A scattered group composed of a number of small unstable spots that undergo continual changes. May 19-441 20- 431 21- 417 22- 191 23- 563 24- 386 G G G I G G 19 58 23 20 24 0 60 225 ii3 5° 70 16 II 37 i7 r 9 33 0 35 142 86 47 102 32 I 74'3 i74'5 176*8 178-8 174-0 169-5 -30-7 -3°'3 — 302 — 3 0 ' 1 -3°’4 — 3>‘6 + 12-8 + 26-1 + 41 + + 53-6 + 67-0 +73"4 Means 36 187 205-88 + 13-86 Group 47 2 A. A small spot. May 10 321 I 16 33 9 18 287-8 + 20-2 + 57 Means 20 74 174-65 -30-55 Means ! - 9 18 287-8 + 20-2 Group 473. A small spot. Group 478. A small faint spot. May 13-403 G * 10 5 10 184-0 + 18-5 -57'4 May 19-441 20-431 G G 2 0 9 10 1 0 5 6 176-6 176-3 + 21-0 + 20-9 + I 5‘ I + 27-9 Means 5 10 184-0 + 18-5 Means 1 6 176-45 + 20-95 Group 474. A small spot. Group 479. A small spot. May 13-403 14- 472 15- 163 16- 266 G G I I 7 0 6 10 h 12 3° 32 0 5 6 28 12 24 20 166*1 167-0 167- 5 168- 0 + 57 + 6-2 + 6-5 + 6-6 -75’3 — 60-3 — 50-6 -35-5 May 21-417 0 12 0 7 164-2 — 16-3 + 28-8 Means 6 21 167-15 + 6-25 Means ! 0 7 164-2 — 1 6*3 Photo-Heliographic Results, 1878 - 1881 . 114 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued . Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. taken. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Two spots. ' Group 480. he following spot diminishes rapidly and has disappea ed before May 25. Group 484. A small spot, with a very small companion on May 29. The principal spot has divided into two by May 30. ; 1 88 1 . d May 2 1 ‘4 1 7 22- 191 23- 563 24- 386 25- 396 G I G G G 80 66 27 12 O 247 229 77 48 H 48 43 2 5 15 0 148 151 69 57 35 158-0 1 58 - 3 1 59 - 3 I 59 -I 161-1 -27-1 — 267 - 2 5-5 - 2 5-3 — 24-6 + 22-6 4 - 33-1 4 - 52-3 4-63-0 + 78-4 1881. d May 28-192 29- 101 30- 492 I I G 0 O 0 36 37 10 0 0 0 32 26 6 351*8 352-2 352 -o -19-1 — 18*8 — 19-0 - 53-9 -41-5 - 23-3 Means 0 21 352-0 -18-97 Means 26 9 2 159-16 -25-84 Group 485. A very fine stream of spots, some of them of considerable size and the last very large. Group 481. Two regular spots. A third spot is seen between them on May 25. The following spots disappear before May 30. May 27-284 28- 192 29- 101 30- 492 31- 396 June 1-418 2-404 3+38 4- 401 5- 094 6- 540 I I I G G G G G G Me G 37 189 203 234 292 360 285 291 172 1 16 34 251 523 739 1247 1595 2148 1602 1315 881 454 98 82 224 173 146 162 186 146 155 102 77 34 546 611 616 770 885 iT° 820 701 521 302 100 34 i-o 34 1 "3 34**3 340-9 340 " 1 34 o -3 340-6 340 - 8 34 1- 2 341*5 342- 0 -107 — io-i — 10-2 — 10-8 -105 — 10-2 - 9"9 - 8-6 - 87 - 8-3 -767 -64-4 -52-4 - 34 + - 23*3 - 9'5 + 3'5 + 177 + 30-9 + 40-3 + 6o-o May 22-191 23- 563 24- 386 25.396 26- 283 27- 284 28- 192 29- 101 30- 492 I G G G I I I I G 7! 58 io 9 79 66 60 46 37 68 268 249 454 385 444 404 2 77 140 6 43 33 62 47 44 47 47 83 48 157 Hi 258 230 296 3 i 4 276 318 88- i 89- 1 90- 3 9°"4 907 9°"4 90-0 90-1 9 1 "3 — 28-0 - 27-9 — 28-0 - 27-9 — 27-8 -277 -27-5 — 27-0 -268 - 37 -i -17-9 - 5-8 + 77 + 197 4-327 + 44-3 4 - 56 + +76-0 Means 135 635 341-00 “ 9*74 Means 46 226 90-04 — 27-62 Group 486. Two small spots. Group 482. A regular spot, followed by two small spots. These latter disappear, and the leader spot has broken up into several portions by May 30. May 31-396 G 0 13 0 9 324-5 -257 -38-9 May 23-563 24- 386 25- 396 26- 283 1 27-284 28- 192 29- 101 i 30-492 31-396 G G G I I I I G G 59 48 1 16 65 6 3 39 46 21 13 1 18 201 3 2 4 291 344 283 229 134 Si 57 36 75 37 35 21 26 14 1 1 1 18 155 208 167 188 1 5 2 128 90 4 2 49-8 49 - 5 49'4 50- 9 49 - i 49 ' 2 50- 5 52-5 5 2 7 + I 9-5 4-19-6 4-19-8 + 20-1 4 - 20-5 4-20-1 4-20-0 4-20-1 + 20-0 -57-2 -46-6 - 33-3 — 20-1 - 8-6 4 - 3'5 + 16-8 4 - 37-2 4 - 49-1 Means ... i 0 9 324-5 -257 Group 487. Two spots. Other smaller spots form around these, making two compact clusters. May 31-396 June 1-418 G G G G G Me G G I G G 4 21 80 83 95 97 56 No pho 36 43 17 0 .6 82* 272 386 576 400 206 tograph. 130 775 71 8 9 21 60 52 54 53 3 i (26 22 28 15 0 33 86 206 243 327 218 113 96 79 1 17 62 10 289- 1 291- 0 292- 4 291- 9 292- 0 2927 290- 6 286-4 282-2 2817 282- 2 283- 8 + 22-8 + 22*2 + 21-6 + 21-2 + 20-9 + 20-9 + 21-4 + 22-5 + 23-6 + 23-6 + 23-6 + 23-2 - 74-3 -58-8 - 44 + -31-2 -18-3 - 8-5 + 8-6 + 17-6) + 26-5 + 34'9 + 51-8 + 66-2 Means ... 35 139 50-40 +19-97 2- 404 3 - 438 Group 483. Two small spots. 4 4 01 5-094 ! 6-540 7 8 - 532 9- 198 May 30-492 G 0 4 2 0 2 7 35’5 +31-9 + 20-2 10+37 ii- 4 ii Means 0 2 7 35-5 +31-9 Means 3 i 133 288-00 + 22*29 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AT MELBOURNE, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1878 TO 1881. 115 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Vleridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group, j Longi- tude from Central Meridian. taken. 1 [Jmbra. Whole | Spot. 1 Jmbra. Whole Spot. taken. Imbra. Whole Spot. Imbra. Whole Spot. Group 488. Two spots. Group 492. Two small spots. 1 88 1 . d June 8-532 9198 G I 1 1 0 55 33 6 31 18 233" 1 231-1 4-16-9 4-18-0 — 22-6 -157 l 88 l. d June 13417 14- 401 15- 211 G G I 0 8 13 H 38 104 0 5 9 i 8 23 74 210-6 210-3 210-6 + I5-9 4-16-3 4-16-5 + 19-6 + 32-3 +43'2 Means 3 25 232-10 + I7-5 Means 5 35 210-50 + 16-23 A large regular spot Group 489. with a small attendant. The latter rapidly i ncreases in size. Group 493. A small spot. June 9’ 1 98 10- 437 11- 411 12 I3AI7 14- 401 15- 211 16- 205 17- 247 18- 191 I G G G ? I I I 30 IOO 90 No pho no 76 61 44 47 40 208 4°3 535 tograph. 626 521 440 308 281 158 39 82 59 (58 58 39 32 25 3i 33 270 332 354 342 33i 270 231 176 187 132 180-1 I79-4 178-6 178-4 178-2 178-5 178- 5 179- 2 179-5 179-8 ++++++++++ -667 -51-0 -39'° -25-9) -12-8 + o’5 + n*i 4-25-1 + 39'2 4-51*8 June 13-417 G 11 28 6 15 1687 4-22-6 -22-3 Means 6 15 1687 4-22-6 Group 494. A small regular spot. Means 46 263 179-02 +15*14 June 13-417 14- 401 15- 211 16- 205 17- 247 18- 191 19 G G I I I I G G 25 16 37 23 40 40 No pho 15 3 107 109 133 i*6 141 tograph. 47 18 1 4° 16 29 i5 23 1 22 05 9 2 172 108 105 97 73 78 53 28 12 12 1*0 121-3 I 2 I ' I I 21*2 121*2 I2I-3 I 21-2 I 21-0 120-8 — 22-2 — 21-8 — 22'2 — 22’2 -22-3 -22'4 — 22*6 -227 — 22-0 — 70-0 -567 -46-3 -32-9 — 19*1 - 67 + 7-9) + 22-5 + 36-5 Group 490. A straggling stream of small spots. June 10-437 11-411 12 i3‘4*7 14- 401 15- 211 G G G G I 15 20 No pho 8 0 0 60 9 1 tograph. 140 62 76 15 15 (10 5 0 0- 65 75 80 86 36 44 172-7 1727 172-2 171-6 1747 175-0 -29-4 -293 -29-3 —29-2 —28-9 —28-2 -577 -54*9 -37-2) -19-4 - 3‘3 ! 4- 7-6 20- 404 21- 482 Means 19 81 I 2 I ' I 2 — 22-27 Group 495. pots, of which the following has disappeared by June 20. The group is on June 22. Means ... 8 64 I73-I5 -29-05 11 Group 491. A straggling stream of small spots. not seen June 14-401 15- 211 16- 205 G I I I I G G G G 13 68 67 66 36 No phc 0 12 0 59 H7 264 198 155 ) tograph. 35 17 5 9 41 37 36 20 ( IO 0 13 0 4i 89 147 106 86 56 27 19 0 21 137*8 138- 0 1387 I 39‘ I 141-9 143- i 144- 3 144-6 139- 8 — 18-4 -18-7 - 19-0 I9'2 1 9*4 -19-5 — 19 5 — 1 g-o - 1*8-8 — 40-2 -294 -I5-4 — 1-2 + 13-9 + 29-9) +45-8 4-60-3 + 817 June 10-437 11-411 12 j 1 3417 14- 401 15- 211 G G G G I 10 21 No ph< 28 27 6 5° 205 5 tograph 188 75 H7 H 21 • (19 17 14 3 67 199 155 112 40 76 162-5 159-3 I59-5 1597 162-0 159-8 11 1 1 1 1 -67-9 -58-3 - 44-8) -3i*3 - 1 6-o - 7-6 17- 247 18- 191 19 1 20-404 21-482 22*438 23-461 Means ... 15 108 160-47 - 9+8 Means i7 59 140-81 — 19-06 116 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra, j Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 49 5 A. A spot seen only close to the East limb. Group 500. Two small spots, of which the following has disappeared by June 25. i88i. a June 1 5 *2 1 1 I 10 27 27 73 877 + 4’3 -797 1881. a June 23-461 24- 475 25- 212 G G I 5 3 33 54 27 8 0 2 5° 45 18 348+ 352-6 354-2 — io-o — 10-4 - 8-6 -697 -52-0 -407 Means 27 73 877 + 4'3 Means 3 38 35173 - 9" 6 7 Group 496. A small regular spot. Group 501. Two large spots. The following spot greatly diminishes in size. June 15-211 16- 205 17- 247 18- 191 *9 20- 404 21- 482 22- 438 23- 46! 1 24-475 25-212 I I I I G G G G G I 0 23 17 43 No pho 31 23 12 21 12 33 79 iSi 202 tograph. 1 4 1 82 55 35 38 46 O 39 17 34 (26 18 13 7 13 9 0 *59 134 151 160 122 83 47 32 22 28 40 84-2 84-4 84-9 84-2 84-2 84-1 84-1 83-2 83-0 82-8 82-1 — 27-0 -27-2 — 26-9 -27-1 — 26-8 — 26*4 -26-3 -26-5 -26-5 — 26-9 -27-1 -83-2 -697 -55 + -43‘8 29*1) -1+4 — 0"2 + ii-6 + 24-9 + 38-2 +47-2 June 23-461 24+75 25-212 26 27- 280 28- 527 29- 416 30- 481 July 1-522 2-419 3ii5 4+44 5+60 G G I I G G G G G I G G 15 40 47 No pho 77 7i 76 45 57 39 29 34 1 2 72 210 177 tograph. 326 361 334 217 265 109 11 7 95 40 108 73 54 (53 5i 41 42 25 33 25 21 34 l 9 5i5 381 206 211 217 209 185 120 154 70 84 95 6 3 33i-3 331- 5 332- 0 332-0 33i-9 331-0 33i-2 33i-3 33°"5 3307 33i-5 33°’3 330-3 + 25-8 + 26-1 + 26-4 + 26-2 + 25-9 + 25-9 + 26-4 + 2 7 -2 + 27-I + 277 + 27-I + 27-5 + 27-5 -86-8 -73-1 — 62-9 -49-3) -35-6 — 20-0 - 8-0 + 6*2 + 19-2 +31+ + 4 I "3 + 57-6 + 7 i-i Means 16 89 8375 -2679 Group 497. 5 Two very small spots. Means 45 193 33I-J9 + 26-68 Group 502. Two spots, which rapidly diminish in size and become small and faint. June 20-404 G O H 0 8 70-0 + 16-2 -28-5 Means 0 8 . 70-0 + i6‘2 June 24-475 25-212 26 27- 280 28- 527 29- 416 30- 481 July 1-522 2-419 G I I G G G G G 0 0 No pho 17 H O 14 5 25 46 tograph. 67 60 40 25 33 18 . 0 1 0 s 1 1 8 0 8 3 no 86 70 54 39 23 14 18 10 320- 8 321- 5 320-9 320-3 319- 0 320- 6 318+ 318-0 317-8 + 28-5 + 28-8 + 28-6 + 28 + + 28-0 + 27-6 + 28-6 + 27-1 + 257 -83-8 -73+ -60-3) -47-2 -32-0 -1 8-6 - 7-i + 67 + 18-5 i Group 498. Two small spots, first seen near the West limb. The group has developed into a fine stream by the second day of observation. June 23-461 24' 475 25-212 G G I IO 126 49 33 3i3 247 7 125 72 24 312 368 Io6'2 104-1 io 5'3 + 14-4 +15-3 + 147 + 48-1 H-59'5 + 70-4 Means 5 47 31970 + 27-92 Means 68 235 105-20 + 14-80 Group 503. A fine group, consisting principally of two large spots. The following spot breaks up into a number of fragments. Group 499. A small spot. June 27-280 28- 527 29- 416 30+8 1 I G G G 103 212 253 138 478 950 93° 711 55 H 1 86 255 5 QI 518 444 358-0 357+ 357-9 3577 — 14-8 -1+5 -14-6 -14+ - 9-5 + 6 "4 + 187 + 32-6 June 23-461 G 0 1 1 0 6 42-0 — 19-6 — 1 6- 1 Means 1 ° 6 42-0 — 19-6 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AT MELBOURNE, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1878 TO 1881. 117 j Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots— continued . Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group, j Longi- tude from Central Meridian. 1 Umbra. Whole Spot. taken. " Jmbra. | 1 Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. [Jmbra. Whole , Spot. Gl oup 503 — continued . Group 506 — continued . 1 88 1 . d July i *522 2-419 j 3-115 G G I 179 42 83 665 486 385 137 +3 1 1 1 509 498 512 357- 6 358- 0 356-4 -I+-4 -HA -1+7 + +6-3 + 58-7 + 66-2 1881. a July 5-460 6*449 7-108 G I Me 22 17 0 106 66 39 13 1 1 0 61 +3 29 281-5 281-2 281-3 + 24-0 + 24-2 + 24-2 + 22-3 + 35‘l +43*9 Means 98 462 357*57 -1+-54 Means 19 101 282-1 1 + 2377 Grc up 504. Didlv diminishes to become Group 507. A large spot. a cluster of three or four small faint spots. July 1-522 2419 3115 4- 44+ 5- 460 G G I G G 0 17 4° 20 17 106 133 1 1 6 5+ 22 37 1 + 10 135 13+ 123 80 32 233-0 233-0 234*5 232-4 232-2 + 23-0 + 22’5 + 22-8 + 22-6 + 23-I -7«-3 -66-3 -557 -4°-3 — 27-0 June 27-280 28- 527 29- 416 30- 481 July 1-522 2419 3' 1 1 5 +'44+ I G G G G G I G 47 65 54 20 12 0 3s 0 1 248 343 219 65 53 7i 47 36 39 29 10 6 0 2 0 193 205 1 18 33 27 38 27 8 318-2 3I9'3 320-2 319 6 318-9 3I8-4 318-4 3I8-5 + 12-6 + 12-6 + 12-5 + 12-3 + 1 2-4 + 127 + 13-4 + 13-3 -49-3 -317 -190 - 5'5 + 7-6 + 19-1 + 28-2 +45*8 Means 17 IOI 233-02 4-22-80 Group 508. Means i5 81 3I8-9+ + 1273 A cluster of very small spots. ■ July 4-444 5-460 6+49 7-108 8 9-426 G G I Me G 37 0 0 0 No pho II 7+ 64 29 77 tograph. 58 47 0 0 0 (3 6 1 + 24-3 + 23-1 + 23*4 + 2 3 -I 4-23-4 + 23-6 -66-5 -36-2 -27-9 -12*7) + 2-s Group 505. A great number of small spots in a straggling stream. The group changes into a straight stream of the usual type, the first, and last spots being the largest. All but the leader spot rapidly diminish and disappear. 95 54 l \ 46 38 31 1 200-2 2077 209-9 209*5 209-4 209-2 June 27-280 28- 527 29- 416 30- 481 July 1-522 2’4 I 9 3'ii5 4'44+ I G G G G G I G 26 46 85 77 45 35 33 1 5 266 373 479 362 217 23 1 100 29 25 32 Si 41 23 18 18 10 254 261 287 194 1 12 1 20 55 19 309-5 307-9 3077 3°7"7 309- 6 310- 1 312-0 311- 6 + 14-3 + 15-0 + 15-2 + 15-+ + 15-4 + 15-2 + 15-0 + 15-2 — 58-0 -+3-I -3i-5 -17-4 - i"7 + io-8 + 21-8 + 38-9 Means 9 +7i 208-65 + 23+8 Group 509. A small spot. July 4-444 5- 460 6- 449 7- 108 8 G G I Me G 0 0 7 9 No phc 0 18 24 33 44 ) tograph. 15 0 5 6 • (3 0 27 23 24 28 18 8 202-4 202’3 202-2 20I-7 201-5 201-2 4-20-7 + 20-5 +207 + 20-6 + 20-9 4-21-1 -70-3 -569 -43-9 -357 — 20-6) - 5-5 Means 27 163 309-51 + 15-09 Group 506. A regular spot, with two or three short-lived companions. 9-426 Means 2 21 201-88 +2075 June 28-527 29- 416 30- 48 1 July 1-522 2-419 3' 1 1 5 4"+44 G G G G 1 G I . G 2 3 4i 3 2 +5 3° 37 28 129 233 170 156 128 181 151 3° 38 23 27 17 20 15 181 228 120 94 72 98 82 282- 5 28r-6 283- 5 282-9 282-1 282-8 2817 +23-4 +23-6 +22-9 + 23-8 +23-9 +23-9 +23-8 -68-5 -57-6 — 41-6 — 28-4 -17-2 — 7 + + 9*° Group 510. Two very small spots. July 4-444 5-46o G G 0 0 4 14 0 0 8 15 200-2 200*7 -197 -19-4 -72-5 -58-5 Means ... 0 12 200^5 -19-55 118 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 5 1 1. A regular spot forming with Groups 514, 515, and 517 a remarkable line of disturbance. G rroup 5 I 5 — continued. 1881. d July 4-444 5- 460 6- 449 7- 108 8 9426 10 11- 527 12- 490 G G I Me G G G O 20 +3 3° No pho 23 No pho *7 10 10 66 *43 181 tograph. 142 tograph. 108 55 O 25 37 22 (17 12 (10 l 25 82 122 *3* 103 75 66 58 33 1929 192-8 192-4 1 92 I 192-3 192-5 I 94‘5 196-5 1967 + 167 + 16-9 + 17-2 -f 16-8 + 16-8 + 16-7 + 167 + 167 + 16-8 -79-8 — 66-4 -537 -45-3 -29-8) -14-2 + 17) + 17-6 + 30-5 1881. d July 10 11- 527 12- 490 i3+ 8 5 14-478 1 5 -400 G G G G G No pho 123 113 58 59 16 tograph. 707 5°5 388 239 114 (44 69 73 47 7i 37 282 396 327 3*7 285 264 203-8 203- 5 204*9 204- 9 205- 5 206- 1 + 14-2 + *47 + 15-0 + 1+4 + 1+5 + 14*0 + ii-o) + 24*6 + 387 + 5*9 + 65-6 + 78-4 Means 42 225 203-27 “f- I 4*82 Group 515A. A regular spot, «./., Group 509. Means 15 77 193-63 + 1 6-8 1 Three small spots. July 7-108 Me 0 70 0 4 6 *98-9 + 17-2 -38-5 July 5-460 G 7 22 4 12 243-1 -147 — 16-1 Means 0 4 6 198-9 + 17*2 Means ... 4 12 243-1 -147 Group 513. Two small spots. Group 516. Two large spots which soon coalesce. July 9-426 10 11- 527 12- 490 13- 485 14- 478 15- 400 *6*395 *7’*4* 18- 481 19- 526 G G G G G G G I G G 61 No pho 123 124 127 95 128 i33 73 18 13 334 tograph. 595 656 729 770 748 633 264 78 60 142*5 142-4 142-3 142-4 *42-3 142-2 142-3 142-4 142-2 141- 6 142- 0 -i 9 -3 — 19*6 — 19-8 -197 — * 97 — 19-8 — 19-6 -19-3 — *9"3 — 19-6 — *9 3 -64-2 -50-4) -36-6 -23-8 — 107 + 2*3 + *4*6 + 27-9 + 37-6 + 547 + 68-9 July 5-460 G 7 27 8 33 198-2 -25-8 — 61 -o 79 (81 84 74 7i 52 73 83 5* 17 21 432 420 409 : 393 1 4°7 I 423 425 i 392 | 184 76 97 Means 8 33 198-2 -25-8 Group 514. Three or four small spots. Only one remains on July n. July 7-108 8 9-426 10 11-527 Me G G 29 No pho 24 No pho 4 76 tograph. 77 tograph. 18 15 (14 14 (9 4 39 42 45 3i 18 2 37 ’3 237- 2 237^ 238- 2 239'4 + *5'2 + I5A + 15-6 + *5‘3 + 15-0 — 01 + 15-2) + 30-4 + 45 4 + 60-5 Means 62 333 142-24 -*9 - 55 Group 517. A regular spot. Means 11 35 237-84 + 15-3° ... Group 515. A large regular spot, with large proper motion, and following it a large composite spot. July 11-527 12- 490 13- 485 14- 478 15*400 1 6*395 I7-I4 1 G G G G G G I 21 24 29 42 3i 8 4 106 123 119 *47 63 27 *7 25 20 *9 24 16 4 2 125 101 77 83 33 *4 9 i*3-5 *13-9 114-2 114-4 114- 9 115- 1 115*9 + *3'9 + 13-8 + 14-2 + i+3 + I4-3 + 14-6 + 14-8 -65-4 -527 -38-8 -25-5 — 12-8 -f o-6 + * *"3 July 4-444 5- 460 6- 449 7- 108 8 9-426 G G I Me G S 21 69 53 No pho 39 27 126 235 259 ' tograph. 331 9 21 49 33 (26 20 47 I2 4 168 160 164 169 198-8 200-2 201-6 202- 5 203- 3 204- 1 + 1 6-o H-159 + «5'9 + *5‘* + 1 4‘4 + 137 -73+ -59-0 -44’5 -34‘9 -187) — 2-6 Means 16 63 114-56 + 14-27 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AT MELBOURNE, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1878 TO 1881 . 119 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued . Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central deridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group, j Longi- tude from Central Meridian. I Umbra. Whole Spot. taken. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole , Spot. Group 518. A compact cluster of small faint spots, which have coalesced by July 13 to fo faint spot. A second spot has formed, following it by July 16. The grou seen on July 17. rm one is not Group 522. A large regular spot, which diminishes in size very quickly after passing the central meridian. 1881. a July 18-481 19- 526 20- 087 21- 442 22 23- 083 24- 420 25- 466 26- 535 27- 215 28- 412 29- 398 G G Me G Me I G G I G G 54 78 96 174 No pho 126 98 99 j 65 64 17 5 180 316 374 615 tograph. 607 553 553 418 178 69 13 US 86 85 114 (9 1 68 5i 53 38 4i 14 6 382 347 33i 402 365 328 287 296 246 115 58 15 9-6 9’9 10-4 9+ 9+ 9-3 9" 1 95 9-2 8-9 8-4 7-8 + 18-5 + 187 + I9-3 + 19-3 + 19 5 + 19-6 + 195 + 19-6 + 19-6 + 19-3 + 19-8 + I9 ’9 -77-3 -63-2 -55’3 -38-3 -27-6) — 1 6-8 + 0-7 + 15-0 + 28-8 + 37-6 + 52-8 +65'3 1881. d July 12-490 13- 4 8 5 14- 478 1 5 '4- 00 16-395 I 7" I 4 I 18- 481 19- 526 G G G G G I G G O 1 1 7 1 1 0 0 17 *4 60 51 2 7 43 27 0 5i 47 O 7 4 6 0 0 1 1 12 48 32 >5 23 H 0 33 39 1 187 I 20*2 I 2 I "I I2I-0 I20-5 1 2 I * I 122*6 -147 -14-2 -13-8 -I3-9 -13-9 — 14-6 -13-8 -47-5 -32-8 -1 8-8 - 67 -f 6-o + 34-2 + 49-5 Means 5 . 26 12074 -M-**3 Group 519. A very small spot. Means 64 264 9-24 + 19-38 Group 523. A small spot on July 19. The group is not seen on July 20, but has reappeared as a pair of spots by July 21. The preceding spot has disappeared by July 23. July 13-485 G . 0 7 | ° 5 I967 -1 8-4 + 437 Means 0 5 1967 -18-4 July 19-526 20- 087 21- 442 22 23-083 G Me G Me 0 0 7 i No pho 0 >9 0 2 54 tograph. 5 ° 0 0 57 (28 1 1 0 206 136 75 98-8 100-3 98-9 97‘5 + H -5 + * 4*4 + H+ + 14-3 + 257 + 52-6 + 62-0) + 7 I -4 Group 520. A compact cluster of small faint spots. Means 17 86 98-88 + 14-40 July 13-485 1 4 - 478 15- 400 G G G 0 2 0 22 3 ° 1 1 1 0 1 0 13 17 63 135-0 134-6 I 34-6 -223 — 22-2 — 22‘4 — 1 8-o - 5'3 + 6- 9 Group 524. A few spots in a stream, which steadily increases in size. Means 0 31 13473 — 22-30 July 24-420 25- 466 26- 535 I G G 16 5 ° 52 115 190 151 1 1 46 83 80 174 241 5 i -3 5 i -4 53-0 + 177 + 16-6 + 17-2 + 42-9 + 56-9 +72-6 Group 521. A regular spot with a few faint markings, s . f . , which rapidly increase in size and form i a chain of spots. Means 47 ,65 51-90 + 17-17 Group 525. ar spot with a number of small companions. The companions soon de- leaving the chief spot alone. July 18-481 19- 526 20- 087 21- 442 22 23- 083 24- 420 25- 466 26- 535 27- 215 i 28-412 G G Me G Me I G G I G 2 9 83 80 65 No phi 43 70 72 47 10 12 188 37 ° 373 308 0 tograph 244 328 290 21 1 56 88 26 56 49 34 . (28 22 38 44 38 10 28 i 74 254 228 163 144 125 178 179 168 56 192 29 - 5 30- 2 31-3 307 3 ri 3 i -5 30-2 3 0- 3 31 - 8 3 i -5 33 -o + I 4 " 1 + I4-2 + , 4‘6 + i 4'4 + H 7 + H -9 + 127 + 12-2 + 12-3 + II-8 + io-8 -57 + -42-9 - 34’4 — 17-0 - 5 - 8 ) + 5 H + 21-8 + 35-8 + 5 I -4 + 60-2 + 77-4 A large regul appear, ! July 23-083 24- 420 25- 466 26- 535 27- 215 28- 412 29- 398 Me I G G I G G I 53 70 147 187 130 ”5 127 69 Noph 19 1 53 ° 707 721 648 621 570 4 ° 3 0 tograph 70 56 9 + 106 70 61 70 42 1. (59 251 1 420 455 I 4 ° 8 ! 351 1 329 313 244 1 255 3 1 8 - 3 319 - 3 319-1 319-5 318-6 3 I 9 1 318-9 318-9 318-4 + 24-3 + 24-6 + 24+ + 23-9 + 24-3 + 24-0 + 23-8 + 237 + 24-0 1 —67-8 - 49 " 1 - 35-4 — 20-9 -127 + 3’5 + 16-4 + 3°-4 + 43 -o) Means 34 169 31-01 + I3-34 ••• 3 ° 453 3 i 120 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 525 — continued. Group 5 28 A. A small spot, s.p., Group 525. 1 881. d Aug. 1-435 2- 501 3- 116 G G I 84 76 33 294 207 98 76 106 73 265 288 218 317-9 317- 9 318- 5 + 24-2 + 23-9 + 237 + 55-6 + 697 + 784 1881. a July 24-420 I 7 39 5 28 322-8 + 13-0 -45-6 Means 5 28 322-8 + 13-0 Means 74 316 318-70 + 24-07 Group 529. A faint spot. Group 526. A large regular spot, crossed by a fine bridge. July 26-535 27- 215 28- 412 G I G 9 I 3 4 44 5o 24 5 ’ ' 7 24 26 12 318-2 318-5 318-2 + 137 + r 44 + 1 3"° — 22‘2 -12-8 + 2-6 July 23-083 24- 420 25- 466 26- 535 27- 215 28*412 29-398 ! 3°'453 3i Aug. 1-435 2- 501 3 - i 16 4- +5I Me I G G - I G G I G G I G 0 36 130 216 162 237 233 172 No pho 185 I2 9 76 33 66 316 573 883 755 940 9°7 842 tograph. 802 569 339 i57 0 36 97 135 94 129 126 97 (1 14 132 1 18 88 95 130 313 428 552 439 5 11 490 476 524 573 522 394 449 309-9 309-6 309-5 3087 308-4 307-2 306-7 306-1 305-3 304-5 304-0 304-8 3°4' 1 + 26-2 + 26-5 + 26-8 + 26-9 + 26-8 + 27-1 + 27-3 + 27-3 + 27-6 + 27-8 + 277 + 277 + 27-2 | + + + + + + + II 1 1 1 1 Means 5 21 318-30 + i3’7o ... Group 530. A small spot. July 28:412 G 0 15 0 8 322-6 + 9'9 + 7'° Means 0 8 322-6 + 9'9‘ Means 97 446 306-83 + 27-12 Group 531. Group 527. A cluster of small spots. A large spot, with occasionally one or two small companions. July 28-412 29-398 30453 3 1 Aug. 1435 2- 501 3- 116 4451 G G I G G I G 57 87 185 No pho 77 ++ 46 13 290 39° 656 tograph. 341 224 197 64 3i 45 96 (72 49 36 48 3 1 157 201 34 1 279 217 185 207 1 5 3 296-9 298-1 2974 298- 4 299- 3 300- 7 302-3 301- 8 1 + 17-8 + 17-9 + 17-9 + 1 8 -6 + *9*3 + i 9-6 + I9-3 + 18-8 -187 - 4*4 + 8-9 + 23-0) + 37-o + 52-5 + 62-2 +794 July 24-420 25- 466 26- 535 27- 215 28- 412 I G G I G 0 9 9 0 66 40 3i 66 38 0 6 5 0 0 64 28 18 37 20 312- 1 313- 7 3H-5 3127 3I3-0 -137 -13-4 -13-4 -13-3 — 13*9 -56-3 — 40-8 -25-9 — 1 8 -6 — 2-6 Means 2 33 313-20 -I3-54 Means 5i 218 299-36 + 18-65 Group 528. A cluster of small spots. Group 532. A large spot of irregular outline. July 24-420 25- 466 26- 535 27- 215 28- 412 29- 398 30*453 31 Aug. 1-435 2-501 I G G I G G I G G 10 130 96 166 92 94 89 No phc 26 4 66 49 8 56s 485 452 433 362 tograph. l6l S 8 12 125 67 106 5 1 5i 49 (34 *9 3 83 476 405 310 252 232 ! 99 156 1 12 5H 304'4 299-4 299-6 299- 0 300- 3 300-9 300-9 300-8 300-7 299'9 -H‘3 -I5-5 -I5-5 -15-4 -I5-3 -15-2 -15*5 -157 -15-8 -15-8 — 64-0 -55'i — 40-8 -32-3 -I5-3 — i-6 + 12-4 + 25-4) + 38-4 + 517 July 28 412 29398 30453 31 ... Aug. 1435 2-501 3*116 4451 G G I G G I G 32 84 49 60 17 26 0 190 401 264 tograph. 3 6 7 168 98 60 18 44 25 (30 35 12 21 0 106 209 136 176 216 1 17 80 79 292-2 292-3 291-8 291-7 291-5 291-0 291-9 290-8 + 18-6 + 18-4 + 18-1 + 18-6 + 19-1 + 194 + 19-1 + 18-6 -234 — IO-2 + 3‘3 + I6-3) + 29-2 + 4 2 ‘8 + 51-8 + 68-4 Means 52 274 300-59 -15-40 Means 23 140 291-65 + 1874 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AT MELBOURNE, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1878 TO 1881. 121 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots continued . Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Lati- tude of Group, j Longi- tude from Central Meridian. taken. I Jmbra. j Whole . Spot. taken. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. A small spot, folio Group 533. wed on July 29 by another similar spot. Group 538. A large regular spot. l88l. d July 28-412 29-398 3°'453 G G I 5 8 33 20 7 7 0 *9 31 14 246-0 244-0 246-1 -H 1 7*7 4-18-5 4-18-3 — 69-6 -58-5 -42-4 1881. d Aug. 1-435 2-501 3*1 16 4 - 45 1 5- 561 6- 498 7 8- 556 9- 568 10-594 11*389 12*280 13-271 G G I G G G G G G G I I 0 68 65 84 1 16 84 No pho t 89 72 80 39 49 26 70 459 435 589 574 544 ;ograph. 426 353 279 225 173 76 0 87 61 57 66 44 (45 46 40 5 i 30 49 44 218 588 407 398 327 284 252 220 197 179 172 171 128 180*4 180-4 182-1 ■ 180-3 l8o - o ■ 180*3 180-4 180-5 180-4 180-0 179*9 1797 179-8 4-137 1 4 - 13-2 4 -I 3-3 4 -I 3-3 4-12-6 4-12-4 + 12-5 4-12*6 4-12-9 4 -i 3 -i - 4 -I 3 -I 4-12*8 + 12-6 — 819 — 67-8 — 58-0 -42-1 -27*8 — 1 5 " 1 — i- 4 ) + 12-3 4-25-6 + 38-8 + 49 ' 1 4-607 + 74 -o Means 5 21 24537 4-18*17 Group 534. A small spot on July 29. A second has appeared preceding it by July 30, and the one first seen has disappeared by August 1. 1 July 29-398 3°‘453 3 i Aug. 1-435 2*501 G I G G »4 12 No pho 47 0 42 81 tograph. 129 43 8 8 ( 3 ° 53 0 24 5 2 98 i 45 94 3 I 7-3 3197 321- 0 322- 2 3 22 "3 -187 -18-8 — 1 81 -! 7*3 — 16-9 4-148 -H 3 1 " 2 s Means .! I-.- 48 272 180-32 + 12-93 4-45 6) + 599 4 - 74 " 1 Group 539. Two small spots. Aug. 3-116 4 - 45 I I G I 3 ° 10 0 27 7 I 93-3 192-5 -27-1 -27-3 -46-8 -29-9 Means 20 83 320*50 -17-96 Means - 1 17 19290 — 27-20 ... wuup *>31,. Some small spots in a straggling stream. Group 540. A cluster of small spots. July 30-453 31 ... Aug. 1-435 2-501 I G G 3 No pho *9 18 63 tograph. 107 46 3 (7 12 10 63 65 67 26 233- 6 2 34 - 4 235*2 2 37-9 -19-9 — 19*6 -I 9-3 — 1 9*o - 54’9 —41-0 -27-1 -10-3 Aug. 3-116 4 A 5 I 5- 561 6- 498 I G G G G G 0 28 23 26 No pho 6 27 73 1 1 1 182 tograph. 172 66 0 21 H 15 (15 i 5 4 3 ° 54 68 104 100 95 42 180- 2 181- 3 182- 0 1 820 183- 4 184- 8 1857 -187 -187 — 1 8*6 -187 -18-4 — 18 1 -17-9 - 59"9 -411 -25-8 -I 3-4 + i-6) + 16-6 + 3°"9 Means 8 55 235*28 -19-45 8 - 556 9- 568 j Group 536. 1 A small spot. Means 12 70 18277 -18-44 Group 541. A small spot. July 30-453 31 •• Aug. 1*435 2*501 I G G No phi O 2 54 d tograph 39 9 0 • (° 44 33 2 3 5 237-5 236*9 236-2 2367 + 25*0 + 25-8 4-26-5 4-24-6 -51-0 -38-6) — 26-1 -n *5 Aug. 5-561 6-498 G G 6 3 T 8 28 1 ^ 2 1 10 1 2217 j l6 221*4 + 24-3 + 24-1 + I 3-9 4-26*0 Means - 3 13 221-55 4-24*20 Means 0 26 236-83 ; 4-25-48 Group 542. A small spot not seen on August 10 . Group 537. A small spot. Aug. 6-498 8*556 G G G G 1 G No ph 5 8 0 0 12 0 tograph 13 18 0 10 0 1. (2 5 6 0 41 26 12 13 O 6 116-5 1 16*2 115-8 115-6 115-3 — 18-6 -i8-8 — 19*0 -191 — 19-0 -78*9 - 657 ) -52-4 -39'2 -15*5 Aug. 1-435 2*501 ; G G O O 18 2 5 0 21 20 197-4 I97-3 4-15-2 + 15-5 -64-9 -50-9 9-568 i io*594 11-389 Means 0 21 197-3; 5 4-15-35 Means 2 16 115*88 1 —18-90 > Q Photo-Heliographic Results, 1878-1881. 122 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Umbra. | Whole Spot. taken. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 543. A large spot, which has broken up into a number of small fragments by Aug Of these only one remains by August 1 1. ust 9. Group 549. A large regular spot, frequently surrounded by a number of small attendants. 1881. d Aug. 20-540 21 22391 23402 24- 399 25- 271 26- 376 27- 39° 28- 399 29- 312 3°-525 3i Sept. 1407 I G G G G I G G G I G G 3° No pho 58 47 104 103 80 86 55 39 29 No pho 19 ”3 tograph. 258 273 558 583 478 454 301 226 182 tograph. 71 51 (49 47 3i 61 57 43 48 33 26 25 (32 39 194 200 207 180 327 321 258 252 179 152 157 I5i 144 295*3 295 + 295-6 294-8 294-5 294-0 293-9 293-1 292-5 291-8 291-4 291-0 290-6 N+0« MO'OVO W + +W + j ++++++++++++ + 1 -74-5 -62-6) -49’7 -37-2 -2+3 -I3-3 + 1-2 + 13-8 + 2 6-6 + 37*9 + 53’5 + 65-6) + 77-6 I88l. d Aug. 8-556 9-568 10-594 1 1 '389 G G G G SI 23 17 0 280 102 1 26 8 29 r 4 12 0 89 7 179-0 178-3 178-9 178-1 — 1 8-6 — 18-4 — 1 8 -6 -174 + I0-8 + 23-5 + 377 + 47-3 Means H 79 178-58 -18-25 Group 544. A small spot. Aug. 10-594 G 0 6 0 4 106-4 — 24-0 -34-8 Means 0 4 106-4 — 24-0 Means ... | ... ... | ... 42 209 293-38 + 28-43 j Gn A si oup 545. mall spot. Group 550. Several small spots in a somewhat scattered group, which undergoes frequent and rapid changes. Aug. 1 1-389 G 0 8 0 5 I3I-I — 28-6 + 0-3 Aug. 22-391 23- 402 24- 399 25- 271 26- 376 27- 390 28- 399 29- 312 3°-525 G G G I G G G I G 28 36 42 3° 44 57 5i 61 8 138 HI 214 230 202 263 317 246 77 44 34 3° 18 23 *J 32 5 215 134 154 140 108 134 161 130 46 273-0 273-0 2727 272-8 272-8 272-5 271-8 27I-3 271-3 + 13-9 + 13-6 + 13-4 + 1 3*4 + I3I + I3A + 13-1 + 14-0 + 12-6 -72-3 zil'° -3+5 -19+ j - 6-8 I + 5’9 i +17+ + 33 + Means ... 0 5 I3I-I — 28-6 Group 546. A straggling group of small spots. Aug. 11-389 12*280 13-271 G I I 42 16 3 93 83 99 26 io 2 57 5i 64 126-7 125-9 124-0 -29-3 -28-8 -287 - 4-i + 6-9 + 18-2 Means 27 136 272-41 + 13-38 Means 13 57 I2S-53 -28-93 Group 551. A small spot. Group 547. A straggling group of small faint spots. Aug. 23402 G 0 5 0 6 267-3 + 18-0 -647 Aug. 17-423 18-284 I9'3l6 20-540 G I I G 27 0 4 9 69 iS3 6 S 1 33 14 O 2 5 36 78 34 19 407 39‘9 38-9 38-9 + 16-8 + 16-5 + I7-3 + 17-6 -10-3 + 0-3 + 12-9 + 29-1 Means 0 6 267-3 + 1 8-o Group 552. Means j n 5 42 39-60 + 17-05 A large composite spot, with a number of small companions. Th frequent and rapid changes. e group u: ndergoes Group 548. A small spot. Aug. 23402 24- 399 25- 271 26- 376 27- 390 G G I G G G I 22 3i 52 52 87 143 198 95 171 302 246 446 824 756 26 25 35 3° 45 72 103 hi 140 201 140 232 416 392 266-3 266-0 266-0 265-1 265- 5 266- 5 2 666 + 15+ +15-0 + 1+9 + 14-8 + 147 + 13-9 +14-3 -657 -52-8 -4i-3 -27-6 -13-8 + o-6 + 127 Aug. 20 540 G i 0 8 0 n 305-2 -14-0 — 64-6 Means ... I ° 1 1 305-2 — 14-0 28- 399 29- 312 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AT MELBOURNE, AND IN MAURITIUS IN THE YEARS 1878 TO 1881. 123 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central deridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. 1 Umbra. Whole Spot. taken. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole ■ Spot. Group 55 — continued. Group 556. A small spot on August 26, with a few faint markings near it. The , dktu /^ nc ® rapidly develops, and on August 27 the group is composed of a number of small but dark spots in an irregular stream. 1 8 8 1 - d Aug. 3°‘ 5 2 5 3 1 Sept. 1-407 3-°+9 G G Me 136 No pho 78 No pho O 032 ograph. 624 ograph. 142 78 (7i 65 (32 0 593 55 6 520 389 258 266-7 2667 266-7 2667 266-7 | + , 4"3 + 14-6 + 14-8 + 15-4 + 15-9 2 8 *8 +537 +64-6) +75-+ 1881. d Aug. 26-376 27- 390 28- 399 29- 312 30- 525 31 Sept. 1 -407 G G G I G G 16 155 102 68 64 No pho 1 9 5° .557 40 5 334 379 tograph. 46 9 82 54 38 43 (26 10 27 293 215 188 254 153 53 276- 2 275-8 275-2 275-6 277- 8 277- 9 278- 0 + 24-0 + 24-5 + 24-3 4-23-8 + 23M 4-23-2 + 22-9 — 16-5 - 3‘5 + 9"3 4-21-7 + 39'9 + 5 2 '5) 4-65-0 Means ... 49 329 266-29 j+ 14-83 Group 553. A large regular spot. A second spot of considerable size has formed, follow first by August 26. Means 37 169 276-64 + 2373 Aug. 23-402 2+-399 25-271 26*376 27- 390 28- 399 29312 30-525 3 1 Sept. 1 -407 3-049 G G I G G G I G G Me 53 68 65 192 181 186 82 121 No pho 1 13 No pho 202 338 423 721 783 728 706 683 tograph. 466 tograph. 175 73 60 45 113 9 l 96 43 69 (78 88 (78 69 277 299 292 424 419 376 367 388 376 3 6 4 312 261 262- 3 263- 2 264- 5 263-2 263-6 263-7 262- 6 263- 5 263-4 263-2 263-2 263-2 + 19-7 + 20-3 + 20-8 + 20-5 + 20-8 + 20-6 +20-4 + 20-3 + 20‘2 + 20'I + 205 + 20-9 -69-7 -55 -6 — 42-8 -29-5 -157 — 2*2 + 87 Group 557. A single spot. 4-25-6 + 37-9) 4-50-2 + 6l-l) + 7I-9 Aug. 26-376 27- 390 28- 399 29- 312 30- 525 G G G I G 5 27 21 3 8 21 62 102 - 65 33 25 39 20 2 . 5 98 211-3 91 2127 95 2I 3" 1 48 213-0 20 2 I 2"8 -17-4 -17-1 -1 7-0 -17-6 -17-9 -81-4 -66-6 -52-8 -40-9 -25-1 Means 76 34 6 263-30 + 20-43 Means 18 70 212-58 -17-40 Group 554. One or two small spots. Group 558. Four small spots. Aug. 23-402 24- 399 25- 271 26- 376 27- 39° G G I G G 0 6 o 28 l6 37 38 61 90 76 0 6 18 9 64 4 1 47 57 43 257- 3 2 55-7 258- 4 256-0 255-2 + 20"0 + 20'5 + 21-5 +20-9 + 2I"I -747 -63-1 -48*9 -36-7 -24-1 Aug. 30-525 G 42 212 23 I 1 16 2597 + 16-1 + 21-8 - ... 23 1 16 2597 + 16-1 Means ... 7 5° 256-52 4-20-80 - Means Group 554A. A small spot. Group 559- A few small spots. Only one of these remains on September 1, but that one has greatly increased in size. Aug. 25-271 I 0 46 1 ° | 24 3°9'4 -8-5 4- 2-1 Means - ... 1 0 | 24 309-4 -8-5 I G G 4 7 No phi 23 57 28 0 tograph 99 4 . (10 17 32 16 44 73 255-1 25+-5 254-0 253 + — 1 8"0 -17-9 — 18-4 — 18-9 + 1-2 + 1 6-6 + 28-5) 4-40-4 Group 555. A small spot. Aug. 29-312 30-525 31 Aug. 26-376 G 8 23 4 12 307- 1 + 15-9 + H"4 Sept. 1-407 Means 8 4i 254-25 : -18-30 Means « 12 307-1 + I 5-9 124 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 560. A small spot. Group 565. A cluster of small spots on September 6. Only one small spot remains by September 7. 1881. a Aug. 30-525 31 Sept, i -407 G G 9 No pho 8 5° tograph. 39 9 (7 5 5° 37 24 i7 6 '9 176-8 176-6 + I3-5 + 13*5 + I3'4 — 6i-o -487) -364 1881. d Sept. 6-436 7-567 G G 1 7 O 38 10 1 1 0 25 9 188-0 190-5 + 14-3 + M-4 + 41-4 + 58*8 Means 6 17 189-25 + I4-35 Means 7 37 17677 + I3-47 Group 566. A small regular spot on September 6. The group rapidly develops into a fine stream, the leader of which is much the largest member. Group 561. A large composite spot, divided by a bright bridge, and followed by several smaller spots. Sept. 6-436 7- 567 8- 238 9- 269 IO-I88 1 1 - 1 66 12- 287 13- 5 8 3 H'443 I5-559 G G I I I I I G G G 18 121 122 I36 245 24I 207 221 120 5° 55 4i3 494 1067 1187 1633 1214 1016 646 234 13 7 1 67 70 124 127 123 170 120 101 40 244 270 547 601 860 718 777 655 479 99-7 I 00-0 99-9 99-5 99- 5 100- 8 101*2 101- 6 102- 0 I03-0 + 13-5 + 137 + 13-5 + 13-8 + I4" 1 + 14-1 + 14-1 + 137 + 13-0 + 12-2 -4 6 9 -317 2 2'9 97 + 2‘4 + 16-6 + 31-8 +49'4 + 61-1 + 76-9 Aug. 29-312 30-525 31 Sept. 1 -407 2 3-049 4‘ 6 55 5- 289 6- 436 7- 567 ; 8-238 9269 I G G Me G I G G I I 0 79 No pho 189 No pho 148 1 59 196 120 99 7i 33 43 338 tograph. 935 tograph. 818 978 1008 724 535 260 97 0 105 (120 136 ("3 8 9 96 123 86 92 78 65 139 45 1 563 675 586 497 IV 9 5i7 482 284 >94 177- 2 176-5 178- 8 1810 1 8o"6 i 8 o - 2 9‘5 179- 1 1787 178- 8 179- 0 179-5 -25-5- -25-2 -25-2 -25-1 -25-2 -25-3 -25-4 -25-4 — 25-0 -2S-3 -25-1 -24-9 -767 — 6i- 4 -467) -32-0 -21-6) -in + 9"4 + 17-4 4-32-1 +47-i 4-56-2 +7°-3 Means 99 5i9 IOO-72 + 13*57: - Group 567. A small faint spot. Means 92 467 179-08 — 25-22 Sept. 7-567 | 8-238 G I 3 0 25 23 2 0 18 H 86-2 86-2 1 6*2 + 15*6 -45*5 -36-6 Group 562. A small faint spot. Means 1 16 86"20 +15-90 Sept. 1-407 G 0 28 0 22 1 68 -9 — 2Q-2 -44-1 Group 568. i Two regular spots, with occasionally some very small attendants. Means 0 ! 22 168-9 — 20-2 Group 563. A small spot followed on September 5 and 6 by a small companion. Sept. 12-287 ! 1 3-583 H‘443 15- 559 16- 602 I G G G G 82 101 64 52 0 277 342 281 159 25 * 44 63 49 60 0 148 216 216 188 87 87- 2 88- 4 89- 1 90- 4 93M - 3-0 - 3'3 - 37 - 3-6 - 3-6 + 17-8 + 36-2 + 48-2 + 64-3 + 8i-o Sept. 4-655 5- 289 6- 436 7- 567 G I G G 0 61 27 13 32 1 59 125 33 - 0 10 17 86 76 25 173- 2 174- 2 1757 177-7 -IO'4 ' — 10-4 -10-3 - 9-5 + 3-i 4-12-5 + 29" 1 +46-0 Means 43 171 8970 - 3M4 Means 15 5i 175-20 -10-15 I Group 569. A small spot. Group 5 64. A small faint spot. Sept. 1 1 166 12-287 I I G G 13 6 9 0 35 36 23 4 12 4 5 0 32 24 13 2 27-2 277 27-4 27-4 + 177 + 17-0 + 17-2 + 17-6 -57-o -417 — 24-8 -I3-5 Sept. 6436 ! G 9 28 15 45 219-6 4 -21-1 4-73‘Q I3-583 H’443 Means 15 45 219-6 . 4 -21-1 Means 5 18 27M3 + 17-38 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AT MELBOURNE, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1878 TO 1881 . Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots— continued . Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central deridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean ! Longi- | tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group, i Longi- tude from Central deridian. taken. 1 Umbra. | Whole 1 Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. taken. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Gro Three or fo up 570. ur small spots. Group 573. A small spot. 1881. d Sept. 1 1 -i 66 12- 287 1 3 - 583 I +-+43 I 5-559 I I G G G IO 16 17 20 8 48 49 5 1 54 39 IO 12 IO I I 4 48 36 3 ° 29 20 23-9 22-5 21-5 21-9 221 4-19-8 + 18-9 + 19-6 + 197 + 19-6 — 60-3 - 46-9 -307 — 19-0 — 4-0 1881. d Sept. 13-583 H +43 1 5 - 559 16- 602 17+5 2 i G G G G G 0 14 15 7 1 0 1 • 27 3 ° 28 23 9 13 IO 4 0 37 27 19 13 5 344-2 - 343 - 8 ' 344 - 1 • 344-3 34+1 + 17-8 + 1 8-o + 17*6 + 17*1 + 17-2 -68-0 - 57 -i — 42*0 — 28*1 -17*1 Means 9 33 22*38 + 19-52 Means . . . ' ... 5 20 344 -io + I 7-54 Group 57 3 A. A spot seen only close to the West limb. Group 571. Two large regular spots on September 12. These have united by September 15, but have broken up again by September 1 8. Sept. 18-238 19*222 I I 16 13 61 64 18 27 69 *34 55-2 55 -o + 11*0 + 107 + 64-5 + 77*2 Sept. 12-287 I 3-583 I +-443 1 5 - 559 16- 602 17- 452 18- 238 19- 222 * 20-461 21- 284 22- 287 23- 287 24 - 4 2 3 I G G G G G I I G I I I G 0 78 69 92 105 95 90 86 73 45 32 17 8 125 228 297 39 2 43 * 479 298 373 284 258 1 12 75 25 0 76 52 5 6 57 49 46 45 43 30 27 21 3 ° 270 224 225 239 234 248 152 *95 167 1 7 3 95 95 9 1 351-4 |+i6-2 351- 9 +I7-0 352*0 +I' 7-4 352 - 2 I+I 7-5 352-1 I + I 77 — 78*0 — 60-3 -48*9 - 33-9 — 20-3 9'3 + i*i + I 4-3 + 30-2 + 4 i -5 + 54'3 + 67-9 + 83-8 Means ... 23 102 55 - 1 ° + 10*85 Group 574. A regular spot. 351-9 i 35**8 1 35 2 " 1 1 35 1 ' 6 1 35 2 "° 351-6 35 2 "° 353 -° + 17-9 I+ 17-5 1+17-6 + * 7*8 + 17-9 + 18-0 + 18-0 + 17-5 Sept. 19-222 20- 461 21- 284 22- 287 23- 287 24 - 4 2 3 2 SA 5 2 I G I I I G G G G G 23 21 17 17 17 16 12 19 0 0 64 IOO 56 58 56 47 27 3 ° 8 7 38 19 12 10 9 8 6 10 0 0 1 107 9 2 4 ° 35 3 ° 24 14 16 5 5 264*1 264-0 264-3 263*8 263-3 2637 263-2 263-1 262-5 262-7 W ovo H ++++++++++ -737 - 57 + -46-2 ! -33-5 — 208 - 5-5 + 7-6 + 21*2 + 34-7 + 46-9 Means 4 i 185 351-97 + I 7-55 26- 488 27 - 557 28- 461 Group 572. Two large regular spots on September 12. These have united by September 15 to form a very large composite spot, the s . f . portion of which afterwards seems to break up into a number of small spots. Means ! 1 1 37 263-47 + 14-59 Group 575. A large regular spot. Sept. 19-222 20-461 21*284 22- 287 23- 28 7 24- 423 25- 452 26- 488 27 - 557 28- 461 29 - 499 3 0- 544 Oct. 1-396 I G I I I G G- G G G G G 1 G 16 47 58 54 61 96 68 62 7 i 80 67 49 *7 9 i 243 276 304 416 462 500 408 401 377 306 169 96 39 5 i 48 36 35 5 ° 35 33 42 54 58 65 37 217 - 264 228 201 239 242 259 218 236 2 55 264 223 213 257*8 257-9 257- 8 2577 2577 258- 1 257*6 257-5 257-0 256*9 256-5 256*8 255-6 + 21-4 + 21-5 + 21’0 + 207 + 20*8 + 20*9 +207 +20-5 +20-4 +20-5 +207 + 20-2 + 20*6 — 8o*o -635 -527 -39*6 — 26*4 — 1 1 * 1 + 2‘0 + 15*6 + 29*2 +41-1 + 5+5 + 68*4 + 78-5 Sept. 12-287 I 3-583 H ‘443 1 5 - 559 16- 602 17- 452 1 18-238 19- 222 20- 461 | 2x284 22- 287 23- 287 24- 423 I G G G G G I I G I I - I 1 G o 139 1 12 137 133 146 126 IOI 107 57 58 49 17 123 421 602 818 779 856 849 765 47 i 3 6 7 275 194 109 0 1 55 94 90 76 78 66 53 61 36 44 49 32 310 473 507 538 446 460 443 4 ° 3 269 23 1 209 196 205 349 ’° 348 -o 347-7 347-3 347 -i 346-8 346-5 346-5 345-8 345-8 345 * 1 34+8 345-6 + 20-5 + 22*1 + 22-4 + 22-6 + 22"8 + 23-3 + 22-9 + 23*0 + 2 3‘5 + 23-3 + 237 + 23-8 + 23-3 — 80-4 — 64*2 - 53-2 -38-8 -25*3 -H -4 — 4’2 + 87 + 24-4 +35-3 +47-8 + 607 + 76+ Means 64 | 361 346-62 l + 22 *8f Means 45 2 35 257*30 +2076 126 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographie Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 57 5 A. ; A small spot. Group 579 — continued . 1881. a Oct. 1*396 2- 579 3- 420 G G G O 0 8 3 0 17 0 O 9 2 O 20 212-7 2 I 2'9 — 1 6-o -157 + 35-6 + 62-5 i88i. a Sept. 22-287 I 0 49 O 26 307-8 + 22-6 + 10-5 Means 0 26 307-8 + 22-6 Means 4 12 21 I"6o — 16-15 Group 576. A large regular spot. Group 580. Three or four small spots in a compact cluster. The group increases in size as it approaches the West limb. Sept. 25-452 26- 488 27- SS7 28461 29- 499 30- 5+4 Oct. 1-396 2- 579 3- 420 4- 462 5- 286 6291 7'399 G G G G G G G G G G I I G 18 44 53 85 104 126 7i 74 52 4° 29 29 18 87 212 288 +05 486 427 437 4 1 1 294 234 122 122 5° 72 65 *? 62 67 36 38 28 24 20 27 29 348 312 264 289 289 227 223 21 1 158 I 4 I 85 1 1 3 79 171-1 1707 170-2 170-0 170-0 170-1 169- 9 170- 4 170-2 170-2 170-2 170-5 170-5 + I5-I + 14-8 + 14-6 + H'S + 15-1 + 14-6 + H'5 + H-5 + 14-5 + 14-4 + 14-1 + H-3 + 14-3 “84-5 -71-2 -57-6 -45-8 -32-0 -18-3 - 7’2 + 8-9 + 19-8 + 33-6 + 44-4 + 57-9 +72-6 Sept. 29-499 30-544 Oct. 1-396 2- 579 3- 420 4462 5-286 G G G G G G I 0 18 13 8 18 8 6 29 27 38 39 65 58 104 0 9 7 5 13 8 8 15 14 20 24 + 6 56 150 195-0 192-5 194- 8 1 95 "9 1949 195- 8 196- 6 + 15-6 + 157 + *5*9 + 15-8 + 15-8 + I5-4 + 14-8 - 7*0 + +1 + 177 + 34*4 + 44'5 + 59'2 + 70-8 Means 7 +6 195-07 + 15*57 Group 581. A cluster of small spots, increasing rapidly in size during the period of observation. Means 44 21 1 170-31 + 14-59 Oct. 1-396 2- 579 3- 420 +•462 5- 286 6- 291 7799 8- 296 9- 300 10-293 G G G G I I G I I I 8 *9 i5 4+ 64 77 78 53 26 0 21 64 77 164 360 +43 418 34° 282 190 7 13 9 25 36 45 5i 42 27 0 J 9 43 47 93 203 260 274 265 292 333 128-1 127- 9 128- 1 1277 128- 7 1297 129- 3 129-1 1 29-1 129-5 — 20'9 — 20-0 -20-5 — 20*3 -20*3 — 19-8 -! 9 -5 — 20-1 — 20-2 — 20-0 -49*o -33’ 6 -22- 3 - 9-0 + 2 '9 + 17-1 + 3 1 ’4 + 43"i + 56-3 + 69-8 . Group 577. A small regular spot. Sept. 26-488 27- 557 28- 461 29- 499 30- 5+4 Oct. 1-396 G G G G G G 0 0 10 10 5 5 5 16 18 37 13 1 + 0 8 7 3 3 9 16 i5 25 8 8 I7 + -2 174-3 173-0 172-5 172-3 172-2 -25-2 -25-3 — 25-0 -25-1 -25-0 -25-0 -677 -53-5 -42-8 -29-5 — i6-i - +‘9 Means 26 183 128-72 — 20-16 Group 582. A single spot. Means 4 H 173-08 — 25-10 Oct. 1-396 2- 579 3- 420 4- 462 5- 286 G G G G I 5 4 11 13 7 *9 17 i5 22 . 33 9 4 8 8 4 34 16 1 1 13 18 1 02 *o 102-3 102-5 1027 102-9 + I2-I + II-9 + I2-I + 1 1*9 + I2-I -75-1 -59-2 -47 '9 — 3+*o -22-9 Group 578. A small spot. Sept. 27-557 28- 461 29- +99 G G G 10 8 2 25 13 15 5 4 1 13 7 9 226-5 228-7 230-1 - 87 - 81 “ 7‘9 - 13 + 12-9 + 28-1 Means ... 7 18 102-48 + 12-02 Means 3 10 228-43 — 8-23 Group 583. A cluster of small spots. Group 579. Two small spots on September 29, which on the succeeding days approach each other and coalesce. Oct. 2-579 3- 420 4- 462 G G G 16 8 17 60 4° 59 15 1 1 40 57 53 141 220‘2 2I89 216-3 + 1 9'+ + 19-6 -(-20*8 + 587 + 68-5 + 79-6 Sept. 29-499 30-544 G G 1 1 5 49 18 6 3 27 1 1 209-1 211-7 -167 — 16-2 + 7 -i + 237 Means 22 8+ 218-47 +19-93 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AT MELBOURNE, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1878 TO 1881. 127 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. TT , Whole Umbra -| Spot. taken. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Two v Group 584. sry small spots clo se together. Group 588. A group steadily diminishing in size. 1 8 8 1 . d Oct. 3+20 4-462 G G 0 O 17 8 0 0 14 5 96- 4 97- 0 + 14-2 4-H-2 -54-o -397 1881. a Oct. 10-293 11- 284 12- 296 13- 280 H'39 8 I I I I G 0 3 16 0 12 67 89 74 35 32 0 4 14 0 7 142 109 63 24 19 34 1 "9 340+ 34°- 1 3 39" 1 338-5 + 2 + 3 +24-3 +24-5 +25*0 + 24-6 -77-8 -662 -53-2 -41-2 -27*1 Means 0 10 96-70 j+14-20 Group 585. A single spot. \ Means ... 5 7i 340*00 + 2+54 Oct. 6-291 7.399 I G 6 0 64 36 5 0 54 50 165-8 1 68 • 1 4- 19'° 4-20-4 + 53*2 + 70*2 A large spot, frequently with some close companions which eventually coalesce with it. Oct. 14-398 15- 398 16- 287 17+23 18396 19- 522 20- 478 21- 275 22*284 23288 24-280 25+30 26-406 G G I G G G G I I I I G G 16 45 48 105 140 178 183 205 80 63 80 0 166 276 241 602 600 855 1061 9°9 665 506 425 300 64 3° 47 38 66 78 92 94 107 46 63 53 104 0 3H 288 1 93 381 335 443 544 476 382 337 357 39° 207 289-8 290*4 289-5 288-9 288- 9 288*9 289- 0 289-3 288- 9 1 289-2 ! 288-6 287-8 289- 5 + 16-1 + 159 + 157 + i6 - o + 16-9 + 159 + 16*1 + 1 6-o + 16*2 + I5-9 + 1 6-i + 15-9 + 14-9 -75-8 — 62-0 -51-2 -36-8 -2+0 + 3-6 + i+5 + 27-3 +409 + 53-3 + 677 + 82-3 Means 3 52 16695 4-197° Group 586. A large regular spot, usually with a few companions. Oct. 6-291 7’399 8- 296 9- 300 10-293 1 1284 12- 296 13- 280 H'39 8 15- 39 8 16- 287 17- 423 I G I I I I I I G G I G 45 IOI 83 69 80 80 100 64 92 75 45 2 9 1 55 55i 535 537 59 6 483 562 484 4°3 363 191 169 78 V 63 42 43 4 1 5i 34 56 55 43 53 267 547 401 326 323 248 287 259 244 265 184 308 38-2 37 + 377 38-3 38-2 387 38- 8 39- 2 39-5 391 39-9 4°"4 + 146 4-14-° + 14-0 4-13-9 -I-14-3 + 14-0 + 13-8 + 13-8 4-137 4-I4-5 4-14-° 4-I3-3 -7+4 — 60-5 -48-3 -34'5 -21-5 - 7- 9 4- 5-5 + 18-9 4-33-9 4-467 4-59-2 4-747 Means 63 357 289-13 + I5-97 Group 590. A large regular spot, frequently with some small companions. Oct. 16-287 17-423 I G G G G I I I I G G [ I 0 32 46 34 64 4° 32 27 18 44 26 0 0 + 12-9 + 13-5 + i+4 + 137 + 13-6 + I3" 6 + 14-0 + ! 4"4 + 147 + 15-1 + 147 + 14-9 + 15-0 -79-3 — 63 0 -501 -35-3 — 22*6 -n- 9 + 1 *0 + 1 4' 1 + 26-8 +409 + 541 +65-6 + 78-2 Means 55 3°5 3878 4-I3-99 30 59 55 117 77 63 5i 32 66 3° 0 0 80 205 288 289 479 461 358 266 197 213 178 89 3i 196 220 225 177 262 239 182 i39 1 12 142 152 105 72 261- 4 262*7 262- 8 2627 262-8 262-9 262*6 262*4 262-1 261-0 261*3 261-2 260-7 Group s 86 A. A faint group s.f. Group 581. 18-396 19*522 20- 478 21- 275 22- 284 23- 288 24*280 Oct. 9-300 I 0 92 0 67 io6 - o -27-4 4-33-2 Means 0 67 106-0 -27-4 25-430 26*406 •7 H •-? 8 C Group 587. A number of spots in a straight stream. 27 205 28-275 Means 28 171 262-05 + i+ i 9 Oct. 10-293 11- 284 12- 296 j 13-280 H‘39 8 I I I I G 33 63 82 44 23 201 453 460 [ 273 4 6 l 9 34 43 24 H 1 18 245 242 148 28 33-5 33-8 34"6 337 34" 1 — 1 1-8 -1 17 — 1 1"9 — 1 1-6 -117 — 26-2 — 12-8 + i‘3 4-I3-4 4-287 Group 591. A large regular spot, frequently with some small companions. Oct. 16-287 I G G 0 27 34 63 100 158 0 3° 27 H3 1 10 126 262-1 262*5 262*3 + 20-9 + 21-0 + 20-8 — 78-6 — 63*2 — 50-6 Means 27 156 33-94 -1174 18-396 128 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Mean Longi- tude of Group. Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 591 — continued. Group 594 — continued. 1881. d Oct. 19-522 20- 478 21- 275 22- 284 23- 288 24- 280 *5G3° 26-406 G G I I I I G G 41 51 49 33 47 4 1 37 8 232 227 285 207 173 151 147 38 26 29 26 17 25 24 26 7 147 129 153 108 93 88 102 34 262-2 262-0 2617 262*0 262-0 262-1 261- 9 262- 9 + 20-8 + 2I-I + 21-3 + 2I-I + 2I-I + 2I"2 + 21'2 + 207 -35-8 -23 + -i3-i + 0-4 + 137 + 26-8 + 4 i "8 + 557 1881. d Oct. 27-285 28- 275 29- 486 I I G 4 0 0 156 31 30 3 0 0 I3 1 36 102 247-9 246-5 2 49'3 + 207 + 21-2 + 21-9 + 5*-3 + 64-0 + 827 Means 31 *99 248-96 + 20-63 Group 595. A small spot. Means 22 1 12 262"! 5 + 2 1-02 Group 592 A large regular spot followed by a very small com short stream. panion. The group develops into a Oct. 26-406 27- 285 28- 275 29+86 G I I G 4 0 15 9 17 32 38 38 9 0 13 6 37 38 32 25 133+ 1337 133 + 132-9 — 18-8 -I9-3 -19-4 -19-5 -73-8 | - 6 i -9 — 49’ 1 1 “337 Oct. 17-42 3 18- 396 19- 522 20- 478 21- 275 22- 284 23- 288 24- 280 25- 430 26- 406 27- 285 28- 275 G G G G I I I I G G I I 42 45 58 138 96 130 103 79 89 61 ■I 146 21 1 536 7H 5°i 587 39 1 420 306 2,20 132 38 57 41 4 1 84 55 72 58 47 63 55 25 16 198 190 378 436 287 325 220 251 218 200 172 98 2607 261 -6 260-2 260-0 259-8 259-0 259-0 258*6 258- 8 2589 259- 6 258-8 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 — 65-0 -5i-3 -37-8 -25-4 -15-0 — 2*6 + i°7 + 23-3 + 387 + 5i7 + 64-0 +767 Means 7 33 1 3 3 "3 5 -19-25 Group 595 A. A compact cluster of small spots. Oct. 27-285 I 0 109 0 56 I 4 1 '5 + 15-6 — 54* 1 Means 0 56 Hi’5 + 15-6 Group 596. Three small spots. Means 5i 248 259-58 -19-51 Group 593. A few small unstable spots in a scattered stream. Oct. 30 568 G i ° 34 0 23 190-0 -13-7 + 37-7 Oct. 20-478 21- 275 22- 284 23- 288 24- 280 25- 43° 26- 406 G I I I I G G 22 0 0 0 9 0 61 62 60 3° 56 *9 1 1 32 0 0 0 5 0 f 65 46 20 32 io 6 214-5 2I3-5 2136 2IO'9 212-3 209*6 2097 + 20-3 +20-5 +20-5 + 20-6 + 20-8 + 21-6 +21-5 -70-9 -61-3 — 48-0 -37-4 — 23-0 -10-5 + 2-5 Means 0 23 190-0 -137 Group 5 96 A. A pair of spots. Nov. I-I53 I 0 57 0 62 194-2 + 157 + 62-8 Means 5 38 212-01 +20-83 Means 0 62 194-2 + 15-3 Group 594. A large spot preceded by a few spots in a short stream. Group 597. A small spot. Oct. 22-284 23- 288 24- 280 25- 43° 26- 406 I I I G G 19 U4 125 1 16 53 *35 527 607 595 364 10 59 67 69 36 124 274 326 352 249 250*8 250-0 250-5 248-1 248-6 + 19-9 + 20-2 + 20-3 + 20-5 + 20-3 -io-8 + 17 + 15-2 + 28-0 + 4I-4 Nov. 5-498 G 2 8 2 7 127-3 + 107 + 53-I Means 2 7 127-3 + 107 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AT MELBOURNE, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1878 TO 1881. Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Longi- tude of Group. Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 598. A regular spot. 1881. d 0 0 Nov. 2-260 I 0 50 0 99 40-9 + 14-2 - 7 6-I 3-289 1 28 1 1 1 3° 119 40-9 + 14*1 -62-3 4-264 I 28 •51 22 •i 7 40-9 + 14-° -49*5 5-498 G 48 189 29 ii5 40-6 + 14-I -33-6 : 6-289 1 43 188 24 104 41-4 + 14-3 -22-3 - 7’ 2 93 I 37 187 •9 97 416 + H+ - 8-8 8-264 1 35 189 18 97 4 1 '9 + 14-6 + 4*2 9+75 G 44 205 24 i 1 1 2 42-0 + 14-8 + 20-3 io-i 56 I 34 188 20 1 TO 41-6 + !4'5 + 28-9 1 1-284 I 3i 102 22 72 4i*5 + I4-5 + 437 . 12-440 G 24 99 24 97 418 + 13-9 + 59-2 • 3-547 G 1 1 42 20 77 42-3 + I3-9 + 74*3 Means 21 101 4i+5 + 14-28 Group 599 A small spot on November 9. New spots have broken out by November 10, ; and th.e group becomes a straight stream. Nov. 9-475 G •3 27 7 14 13-2 + 197 - 8-5 10-156 I 49 •95 26 102 12-6 + 18-9 — 0*1 - 1 1 -284 I. 63 381 34 206 127 + •9-1 + •4*9 12-440 G 58 3i7 35 192 137 + 19-0 + 31-1 I3-547 G 36 266 26 198 i4-3 + 1 8*8 + 46-3 ' 14-286 I 0 110 0 99 •3-9 + 1 8-8 + 557 Means 21 •35 13-40 + 19-05 Group 600. Several small spots in a straight stream. The group slowly diminishes in size. Nov. 7*293 I 0 98 0 97 351*1 + 16*2 -59*3 8-264 I 7 124 5 92 351 + + 15 + -46-3 9+7 5 G 36 •33 21 79 35°"9 + 15-5 — 30-8 10156 I 12 93 7 - 5i | 35°"6 + 15-2 — 22*1 11-284 1 0 1 20 0 62 35i-3 + 17+ - 6-5 12-440 G 8 60 4 3i j 349'7 + 16-4 + 7-1 Means 6 69 35 0 -83 + 16-02 Group 601 Two spots, of which the following rapidly diminishes in size. The group is not seen on November 15. Nov. 7-293 I 0 1 16 0 205 338-2 — I2'l i —72-2 8-264 I 0 167 0 •79 337 + -12*5 — 60-4 9+7 5 G 52 231 37 164 339-i — 121 — 42-6 10-156 I 43 230 26 144 339+ -12-4 -33-3 1 1 -284 I 45 202 24 1 1 o' 34i-o — 1 1-6 — 1 6-8 12+4° G 37 138 •9 72 342-6 — 1 1*3 o-o . 13-547 G 35 128 •9 69 343-8 — 11 *0 + 15*8 Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Mean Mean Longi- Lati- tude of tude of Group. Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian Group 601 — continued . 15- 295 16- 135 17- 467 (343-6 343-6 + 25-5 + 497) + 67-2 11-84 Group 60 1 A. A double spot with a small companion. Nov. 7-293 I Means 7 + 2 4‘5 -*4‘ 257 +24-5 Group 602. Two spots. Nov. 12-440 13-547 305*6 j+147 305-5 1+14-9 305-55 1 + 14-80 - 37 -o — 22 -5 Group 603. A large regular spot, with several attendants. The attendants are few and small at first, and are south of the large spot. They rapidly increase in size, and develop to a considerable distance in front of the chief spot. Finally, all the attendant spots except the leader, which is the largest of them, disappear. Nov. 1 1 -284 I 7i 248 109 381 2867 + 16-5 — 71-1 12-440 G 138 502 124 45° 287-3 + 161 -55-3 13-547 G 203 840 135 560 288*3 + 157 -397 14-286 I 104 849 62 502 288-6 + 15 + — 29-6 15-295 I 109 944 59 506 289-0 + 15 + -!5*9 16135 I 199 917 103 475 289-3 + •57 - 4-6 17+67 G 213 894 113 476 290-0 + 16-0 + 13-6 18-472 G 158 747 9i 432 289-5 + 16-2 + 26*4 19-501 ! G 126 57i 87 39° 290-5 + 16*1 + 40-9 20-536 i G 125 527 1 16 464 290-1 + 16-0 + 5 + 2 21+5° G 58 283 73 357 289-9 + 157 + 66*o 22*293 I 28 102 5i 186 286-5 + 17-0 + 73-7 Means 94 432 288-81 + 1598 Group 604. Two large irregular spots. 28-9 —286 287 -27-9 28-80 —28-25 + 60-9 + 70-5 Photo-Heliographic Results, 1878-1881. 130 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 605. A regular spot, with two or three very small attendants. Group 608. A small spot, seen only on the Greenwich photograph of November 16, not on the Indian. 1881. a Nov. 13-5+7 14- 286 15- 295 16- 135 17- 467 18- 472 G I I I G G 9 *5 2 4 9 2 7 44 59 63 7i 38 19 O O 1 1 14 5 57 58 53 45 4 2 21 2516 251-1 2511 251-4 251-2 250-8 + 237 + 23*5 4-22-9 4-22-8 +22-9 4-23-1 -76-4 -67-1 -53*8 -42-5 -25-2 -12-3 1881. a Nov. 16-394 . G 0 8 O 6 241-1 — 20-3 -49*4 Means O 6 241-1 — 20-3 Group 609. A small spot, which is joined by other spots to form a straight stream. The several spots ultimately coalesce to form a single spot. Means ... 1 ... 8 46 251-20 4-23-15 Group 606. A number of small spots which soon arrange themselves in a straight stream, the leader of which is the largest member of the group. Nov. 20-536 21- 450 22- 293 23- 504 24- 284 25- 298 26- 438 27- 550 28- 454 ; G 1 G I G I I G G G 9 o 6 3i 19 0 9 3 6 26 21 29 175 159 102 6 9 21 19 8 0 4 17 10 5 2 5 24 15 18 95 84 54 39 14 16 180-5 179*9 179*9 1817 1 8 1 * 9 180-0 1797 183*9 183 + -14*1 -15*3 -157 -15-8 -157 -16-3 — i 6'5 -14-1 -13*9 -55*4 -44*° -32-9 — 15*1 - 4-6 + 6-8 4-21-6 + 4° *4 + 518 Nov. 1 5-295 16- 135 1 7- 467 18- 472 19- 501 20- 536 21- 450 22- 293 2 3*5°4 24- 284 25- 298 26- 438 1 I G G G G G I G I I G 0 3 2 120 11 7 104 77 45 44 39 5° 28 5 2 3i 136 588 522 477 3°9 2 93 189 ^83 205 367 318 0 33 86 70 56 40 2 4 2 5 26 38 28 1 16 9 i 150 418 312 2 57 1 6 1 156 106 183 156 384 692 224-6 231-2 233-2 233*4 235 *i 236-4 236-0 233*7 2337 233*7 233*5 234*5 + 16-3 4-17*6 4-17-8 4-17-9 + 17*9 4 -i 8 -o 4-17-6 + 177 4 -i 7 -i 4-16-9 4-17-0 4- 1 6-8 — 80-3 — 62-7 - 43*2 -297 - 14*5 + 0-5 + 12*1 4-20-9 + 36-9 + 47*2 + 60-3 + 76-4 Means ... 6 40 I 8 1 '2 I -15-27 Group 610. A small spot. Means 45 256 233*25 + 17*38 Nov. 21-450 G 0 6 0 3 209-2 + 1 6* 1 -147 Group 607. A large' number of spots which soon arrange themselves to form a very fine straight stream. The first and last spots are the largest, the latter being very large on November 21, 22, and 23. Means 0 3 209-2 + 1 6- 1 Group 61 1. A small spot. Nov. 15-295 16- 135 17- 467 18- 472 19- 501 20- 536 21- 450 22- 293 23- 504 24- 284 25- 298 26- 438 27- 550 I I G G G G G I G I I G G | 0 55 166 306 ; 2 57 354 420 3 i 3 366 2 3 ° 222 188 66 62 281 884 1185 1152 1417 2207 i 99 i 2203 1531 969 610 34 ° 0 76 i 47 210 150 187 214 161 203 141 162 197 134 130 435 778 811 669 749 1125 1026 11227 93 2 7 i 9 643 693 228-6 222-7 221-4 221-0 221-0 221-2 220‘5 2 20*8 220-8 220-0 220"2 2197 219*3 + 11-2 + 10-8 + 11-2 4 -i i *5 + n*5 + n *3 4-10-9 + io-8 + II -2 + io-6 + io-6 + IO-I + 9*8 -76-3 -71-2 - 55 *o -42-1 — 28-6 -147 - 3*4 + 8-o + 24-0 + 33*5 + 47 *° 4-61-6 + 75*8 Nov. 21-450 G 0 22' 0 13 198-8 + 22-0 -25-1 Means ° 13 198-8 + 22"0 Group 612. A small spot. Nov. 23-504 G 0 12 0 6 195*9 + 13-2 - 0-9 Means i 5 2 764 221-32 + io-88 Means 0 6 195*9 + I 3-2 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AT MELBOURNE, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1878 TO 1881. 131 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of | Group, j Longi- from Central Meridian. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole taken. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Two or three mall spo Group 613. s close together. The group is not seen from November 30 to Group 618. Two spots. 1 8 8 1 . d Nov. 27-550 28-454 29495 30-108 Dec. 1*283 2*404 3-476 G G G Me I G G 4 *5 22 0 0 1 1 44 90 0 0 0 13 8 16 1 7 0 0 0 0 20 48 71 0 0 0 7 70-3 70-9 70*9 70-8 -l 9 *o -191 — 1 8*8 -I9-3 -73’* — 607 -47"o + 5"4 1881. d Dec. 2+04 3476 4-166 Means G G I 84 79 3 163 415 243 70 98 5 135 512 477 129*6 129*8 131-0 — 1 8-8 -197 — 19 5 + 50*0 + 6+4 + 747 58 375 I 3°’ I 3 -19-33 Group 619. A fine stream of spots, of which the leader is by far the largest. Means 6 21 7073 -19-05 Group 614. A very large spot, with occasionally several small companions. Dec. 1-283 2-404 3+7 6 4- 166 5- 280 6- 430 7- 302 8*280 9-291 10-331 11*228 12*280 I G G I I G I I I I I I 151 157 ,56 171 272 238 172 88 44 3i 12 142 684 1091 1060 I3°5 H°4 1186 972 524 259 109 40 0 149 “4 100 98 I5 1 i35 104 63 4 1 4 1 35 94 679 796 681 756 782 674 589 ■ 368 227 »43 114 23-0 1 + 24*1 2 31 + 2 5’3 — 7 r 3 — 565 -40-8 -3i*i 1 — 16-6 — o-5 1+11-4 + 2+3 + 377 + 5°+ + 65*0 + 787 Nov. 27 550 28*454 29-495 30*108 Dec. 1-283 2-404 3A76 4166 5*280 6- 430 7- 302 8- 280 9*291 G G G Me I G G I I G I I I 4 86 95 187 134 300 193 180 186 106 94 62 28 84 361 748 53i 766 9 J 5 700 624 482 3°7 329 282 87 16 I 43 93 151 86 170 103 96 104 67 69 60 44 322 601 73o 428 49 1 5i9 375 332 269 194 243 271 138 617 6o - 6 6i*i 6i*o 60-5 60*3 59"2 59-2 59-o 59-6 59‘5 59" 1 59*4 — 19-6 ~ I 9'9 -19-9 -I9-3 -197 -19-5 — 196 — J 9"4 -I9-3 -194 — 18*9 -187 — 18-9 — 81*8 -71-0 — 56-8 -487 - -33-8 — J 93 — 6-2 + 2-9 + i7*4 + 33-I + 44-5 + 57-0 + 70-6 24- 0 25- 2 25- 0 26- 0 26-4 26*4 26-5 25 + 28-2 28*1 j 4-24*0 1 + 25-0 + 24-9 + 25-2 + 25-1 + 25-0 + 24-9 + 24-8 + 237 + 237 Means 86 492 25-66 + 2471 Means 92 378 60-15 — ■ 1 9'39 A small snot Group 620. on December 4. A second has formed by December 5. The first has Group 615. A small spot. disappeared by December 6. Dec. 4166 5-280 6*430 I I G 0 7 62 78 13 0 0 5 35 49 10 75-i 74-1 72+ + 21-2 + 20'9 + 20-9 + 18-8 + 32-5 + 45-9 Nov. 28-454 G 0 8 0 10 1987 -13-5 + 67*1 Means a 10 1987 — 1 3'5 Means 2 31 73-87 + 2 1-00 Group 616. Two small and compact clusters of very small spots. (tTI ->nr> 62 I . Nov. 28-454 29-495 G G 1 1 *9 44 40 8 12 34 25 86*8 887 + 24-6 + 25-0 — 44-8 -29*2 A single spot. I I I I I G I I 0 6 15 15 16 23 4 0 28 104 78 7i 135 ■ 85 57 62 O 8 H 1 1 10 13 2 0 66 2727 128 272-2 ! 71 271-6 + 27'5 + 27-3 + 27-0 + 26-4 + 26-4 + 26-2 + 26*1 + 26-2 -76*1 — 62-8 — 5 1 *6 — 38*0 -25-4 — io-8 + 0+ + 13 + Means 10 3° 8775 + 24-80 Dec. 9 291 10- 331 1 1- 228 Group 617. Two small spots. 12*280 13-281 H'454 5 1 84 49 32 36 z/1-4 270-8 2699 270-2 269-2 Nov. 29-495 G 8 20 5 12 87-0 + io*8 -3°"9 15- 282 16- 349 Means 5 12 87-0 + io*8 Means . . . 7 65 271*00 + 26*64 132 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected. Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Where taken. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- tude of Group. Mean Lati- tude of Group. Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole | Spot. Group 622. Group 627. As ngle spot. A large regular spot, followed by e 1 stream of small spots. l88l. d 0 1881. d 0 j 0 ; C Dec. 10-331 I 15 74 8 40 349 * 8 + 15*8 + 14*8 Dec. 11-228 I 6 78 13 1 66 2487 +260 - 74*5 1 1-228 I 15 103 9 59 348-6 + i 3*5 + 2 5*4 12-280 I 99 346 1 18 4°9 248"! +26-5 — 61*3 12280 I O 60 0 4 1 349*9 + 13*3 + 4°*5 13-281 I 77 670 64 579 247*3 + 26 -6 - 48*9 1 3-281 I O 0 0 O I 4'454 G 144 830 98 572 247-8 + 27-1 -32-9 i 4*454 G O 15 0 2 4 3 5 1 *3 + 13*8 + 70-6 15-282 I 106 726 66 450 246-8 i + 27-4 — 23-0 I I 36 79 427 246-0 + 277 — 98 Means ... 3 33 349 ' 9 ° + I 4 ' I ° 17-458 G i 45 729 84 421 246-2 1 + 28-1 + 5 *o 18-475 G 182 712 1 1 1 434 246-6 + 27-9 + 18-9 19-504 G 1 10 533 75 3 6 S 246-4 , + 28-0 + 32-2 20554 G 106 475 89 397 246*3 + 27*4 + 45*9 Group 623 21-450 G 141 439 i 54 476 2457 + 28-3 + 57*1 Four spots m December 14. Only on remains on December 16. 22-278 I 35 238 55 377 245*4 1 + 28-2 + 677 23-186 I 3 1 17 10 365 244-1 i + 28-7 + 78*4 Dec. 1 +'454 G 32 126 20 79 3 i 5 *o + 14*3 + 34*3 Means ... 78 418 246-57 +27-53 1 5-282 I 12 172 9 129 316-3 + 14-1 + 46-5 i 6-349 I2 5 *47 3 i 9*4 + 148 + 63-6 I 7’45 8 G 0 3 1 O 80 319-2 + 14-6 +78-0 Group 62 7 A. TV/T 109 3 i 7 * 4 8 + 14*45 A £ angle spot. JVL 03 .I 1 S . . • 7 I 262-5 — 607 33 12-280 I 0 16 0 12 262-8 -147 — 46-6 Group 624. “ - . |gg — A very small spot. Means . . . O 23 262-65 -H *55 Dec. 14-454 G O '8 0 4 290-3 — 14-6 + 9*6 Gr oup 628. -14-6 Are, gular spot. Means . . . ° 4 290-3 Dsc 12*280 I 12 62 22 hi 236-6 + 17*1 — 72-8 13-281 I 3 1 I IO 31 IIO 2377 + 16-6 - 58*5 Group 625. 1 4*45 4 G 29 175 21 12 6 237-8 + 16-8 -429 15-282 I 44 212 27 131 238-0 + 16-4 — 3**8 A single spot. 16-349 I 56 228 3 1 126 238-0 + 16-4 -17-8 17-458 G 32 158 *7 83 238-6 + 16-3 — 2-6 Dec. 9291 I 12 56 16 73 282-7 + 16-6 -661 18-475 G 4 i 205 22 110 238-8 + 16-2 + 1 1*1 10-331 I *3 46 1 1 40 282-3 + 1 6-6 -527 19-504 G 50 165 29 96 239-0 + 16-1 + 24-8 1 1-228 I *9 72 13 5 ° 282-4 + 16-5 -40-8 20-554 G 15 68 10 46 239-0 + i 5*9 + 38-6 12-280 I 22 63 13 37 282-0 + 16-6 — 27-4 21-450 G 39 58 33 49 239*4 + 1 6*i + 50*8 13-281 I 6 46 3 25 282-0 + 16-3 -14-2 22-278 I 0 15 0 16 238-8 + 16-1 -+ 6 1 - 1 * 4*454 G *5 61 8 32 281-6 + 167 + 0-9 15-282 I 0 37 0 20 2817 + 1 6-6 + n *9 Means 22 9 1 238-34 + 16-36 16-349 I 0 27 0 16 28 1 -3 + 16-3 + 25*5 Means . . . 8 37 282-00 + i6 *53 Group 629. A number of unstable spots. The group undergoes frequent and violent changes. Group 626. Dec. 13-281 I 6 75 1 1 154 220-7 + 107 - 75*5 A s sin crip «n I 4*454 G 24 178 23 186 220-0 + Il - 2 — 60-7 15-282 I 34 192 28 155 219-6 + 1 1 *9 ! - 47*1 I 1 6*349 I 23 144 15 90 221-2 + 11-9 -36-2 Dec. 14-454 G 9 28 5 *5 265-1 + 15*9 -15-6 17-458 G 20 58 1 1 3 i 223-I + 10-2 — 20*0 1 5-282 I 6 46 3 24 267-1 + 148 - 27 18-475 G 21 85 1 1 44 2248 + 12-2 2*9 16-349 I 0 47 0 25 267-5 + * 4*4 + 117 19-504 G 0 58 0 3 i 223-6 + 13*2 + 9*4 Means ... 3 3 i 266-57 + 15*03 Means H 99 22 I"86 + 1 1 -6 1 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AT MELBOURNE, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1878 TO 1881. 133 I Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued . Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- Mean Lati- Longi- tude from Central Meridian. Date. Where Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longi- Lati- Longi- from Greenwich Civil Time. taken. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. tude of Group. tude of Group. Civil Time. taken. " Umbra. | Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group. Group. Central Meridian. Gro up 629A. Group 634 — continued . A single spot 1881. d Dec. 29-118 30- 166 31- 262 0 O 0 1881. Dec. 13-281 I 0 25 O 48 I0'3 -4-16*8 + 74’ 1 Me I I 55 47 12 246 l 95 H3 32 3° 10 143 128 1 17 107 + 108-6 108-7 — 267 — 26-0 -257 + 19-9 + 34*8 + 49 '4 Means 0 48 10-3 4-16-8 1882. Jan. 1-172 I 55 63 1 1 o-o -25-5 4 62 7 2-190 I 18 41 37 84 1099 -25+ + 75*9 Two mall spo s. Means 25 1 1 5 108+4 — 26-28 Dec. 20-554 21- 450 22- 278 G G I 0 7 1 25 33 3° 0 7 1 34 3 1 22 132-9 132-6 132-1 -I 9 -8 — 20-0 — 20 - 2 -67-5 — 56-0 -45-6 A small faint s] Group 635. pot, seen only as it is about to pass off at the West limb. Means - . . . 3 29 I32-53 — 20'00 Dec. 28-205 I 0 1 1 0 3 1 178+ + 17-1 + 7+8 Group 631 Means 0 3i 178 + + 17-1 : A number of small faint spots. December 24. The group undergoes many changes, and is not seen on Group 636. li. 10.11XU * Dec. 22-278 23-186 I I I I I 4 3 5 6 15 2 3 1 9 187-7 187-1 -25-3 -25-9 + 1 o-o + 21-4 Dec. 30-166 I 0 12 O 1 1 21-6 +25-5 -52-2 24- 257 25- 184 ■ 26-200 0 8 54 65 7 0 45 72 189-2 187-6 — 24-0 -247 +49'9 + 6 1-6 Means W 21-6 I+25-5 Means 2 31 187-90 -24-98 Two small spots, witl Group 637. 1 two or three very small m larkings near them. Group 632. ; Several very small faint spots in a straight stream. Dec. 31-262 I 5 23 3 14 82-2 + 25-2 + 22-9 Dec. 22-278 I 5 27 3 16 151-9 4-I6-9 — 25-8 1882. Jan. 1172 I 0 22 0 i5 8 1 *8 +25-1 + 34V5 23-186 I 0 15 0 8 1516 + l6l -14-1 Means 2 15 82-00 +25-15 Means 12 15175 + 16-50 ... Group 633. Several very small scattered spots. ixroup 030. An irregular cluster of many very small spots on December 31. size until January 5 and 6, after which they decrease. These fluctuate in Dec. 23-186 I 7 54 4 29 148-8 4-11-2 — 169 Dec. 31-262 I 0 1 26 0 87 19-6 + 15-8 - 39'7 Means 4 29 148*8 + I 1-2 1882. Jan. 1-172 I I G I I I I5 1 •9 1 25 x 6 90 20-0 20"8 + 16-1 + 16-0 -27-3 — 132 Group 634. Two spots. The following spot has divided into two portions by December 27, of which the southern has disappeared by December 31, and the northern by January 1. 2- 190 3- 512 4- 169 5- 217 6- 166 66 70 40 87 60 270 436 190 351 312 37 22 5 1 94 j 1 5 1 1 232 103 208 211 i 9 3 1 1 6 2 I • I 21-3 20-6 20‘2 + I5-9 + •57 + I5‘5 + 15-0 + 15-0 + *4‘9 + 46 + 13 + + 26*6 + 38-6 Dec. 26*200 » I i 1 1 1 71 18 4 1 107-9 -27-1 — - 1 8 • 1 7- 44 1 8- 209 G I i5 0 201 83 J 4 0 21-9 + 67-2 27- 190 28- 205 » I ; 1 67 +3 ! 1 299 321 37 24 166 178 107-7 107-3 -27-1 — 267 — 5*3 4- 77 Means 3i 155 20-69 + 1 5 *54 ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH. LEDGERS OF AREAS AND POSITIONS OF GROUPS OF SUN SPOTS DEDUCED FROM THE MEASUREMENT SOLAR PHOTOGRAPHS FOR EACH DAY IN THE YEARS 1882 - 1885 . 136 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots deduced for Each Day from the Measurements of the Photographs taken at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, at Dehra DOn in India, and at the Royal Alfred Observatory, Mauritius, in the Years 1882 to 1885. Note. — The Greenwich Civil Time at which the photograph was taken is expressed by the month, day of the month (civil reckoning), and decimal of a day, reckoned from Greenwich Mean Midnight. The Projected Area of the Umbras and Whole Spots is the area as it is measured on the photograph, uncorrected for the effect of foreshortening, and expressed in millionths of the Sun’s apparent disk. The Column “ Longitude from Central Meridian ” gives the Mean Heliographic longitude of the group, reckoned from the meridian passing through the centre of the Sun’s disk at the moment of observation ; longitudes west of the centre being reckoned as positive. Dates for which the decimal of the day is not given indicate dates for which no photographic Record is at present available. In these cases the means have been taken of the areas and positions of the spot-groups as measured on the day immediately pre- ceding, and that immediately, following the day for which the photograph is lacking. These interpolated values are enclosed in brackets, but are used in taking the final means for each spot-group. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. 1 Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 639. One faint spot when first seen on January i. A second, smaller and fainter, appears behind it on January 2. Both disappear before January 4. Group 642. Several small spots in a straight line. The preceding spot rapidly increases in size until January 8. The rest of the group gradually disappears. 1882. d Jan. 1-172 2-190 35 12 O 0 6 22 2 5 O 0 4 18 20 17 3407 3397 340-2 -28-3 -28-8 -28-1 -66-6 -54-3 -36-3 1882. d Jan. 5-217 6166 7A4 1 8-209 9'439 15 46 105 39 9 4 X 3°7 47 1 259 43 9 3i 83 40 20 2 3 8-5 187 10-6 37i H‘3 265 12-4 94 x 3’4 -4-16-6 -416-7 -4 1 6-8 + 17-2 + i7-« + x 4-5 + 29-0 + 4 6, 5 + 577 + 74-9 Means I 18 340-20 — 28-40 Means 37 188 11-24 -4 1 6*88 Group 640. Small faint spot. Group 643. Two spots. These both diminish in size on the following days, the following spot disappearing before January 7, the preceding before January 8. Jan. 4-169 0 9 O 7 3I3G -I3-3 -547 Jan. 5 ‘2 1 7 6- 1 66 7"44 x 7 x 5 0 75 5 47 9 . 41 0 5 1 28 22 316- 5 317- 3 3I7-4 + 18-5 -4i8-o -418-1 -37'5 - 2 4-3 - 7-4 Means ... O 7 3I3-4 — * 33 Group 641. Small spot. Means 5 34 3 X 7°7 + 18-20 Group 644. A single spot. Jan. 5-217 5 6-i66 11 26 22 s 15 24 30 50-3 49-7 — 20*6 + S 6-3 + 68-1 Jan. 6" 1 66 2 20 1 11 O-X -177 + x8- 5 Means 10 2 7 50-00 — 20-70 Means 1 | 1 1 O-I — X77 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 137 Areas and Heliographie Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Small spot on January 8. A Group 645. smaller one appears close to t on Januai y 9- • Group 650. Irregular spot, breaking up into three on January 16. The following portions are °much smaller than the preceding, and disappear before January 20. 1882. d Jan. 8-209 9'439 2 9 12 46 8 38 59 237-1 236-7 + 28-5 + 27-9 -77 -6 — 6i-8 1 882. a Jan. 13-493 14-187 l 5-201 1 6- 1 66 17- 158 18- 163 19- 288 20- 162 21- 470 22- 396 23- 267 42 46 60 45 34 23 16 26 4i 10 363 280 237 259 185 ! 147 160 j 136 j 1 14 | 49 16 44 37 39 26 19 12 ,1 33 12 382 231 156 149 98 78 90 85 92 56 28 186-3 186- 4 187- 2 1877 1 8 8 • I 188- 2 187- 9 188- 2 188- 5 189- 1 1 88-2 + 157 + I5-5 I + 157 ; + 15-8 + 15-2 + 1 5" 1 + 15-3 + 15-0 + 14-9 + 15-5 + 157 -587 -49'5 -35 + — 22‘2 - 8-8 + 4'6 + 19-1 + 30-9 + 48-4 + 6i-2 + 71-8 Means 10 49 236*90 + 28-20 Group 646. Two small faint spots. : Jan. 9-439 5 38 5 37 3557 -28-3 + 57-2 Means 5 37 3557 , -28-3 Means ... , 22 131 187-80 + 15-40 Group 647. A cluster of several irregular spots. The group changes very much on the follow- ing days. Group 651. Two small spots, of which the following is only seen on January 1 8. Jan. 1 3'493 14- 187 15- 201 1 6- 1 66 19 9 2 0 1 1 1 40 *9 29 H 9 2 0 86 38 23 61 287-5 289-1 283-9 282-5 + 227 + 22-6 + 23'5 +23-8 +42-5 + 53'2 + 61-3 + 72-6 Jan. 18-163 19- 288 20- 162 21- 470 9 0 9 8 27 28 1 1 16 7 0 5 5 16 16 6 10 164- 0 165- 5 165-3 164-7 + 23-6 + 24-6 + 24-5 + 24-2 -196 - 3‘3 + 8-o + 24-6 Means 6 52 28575 +23-15 Means 4 12 164-88 + 24-23 i Group 648. A dark spot with several faint spots following. The spot undergoes very great changes, diminishing in size to January 15, and then increasing again ; the leading spot divides into two portions on January 18, and one of the smaller fragments greatly increases in size on January 19. Group 652. Two very faint small spots ; each divides into two parts on January 19. Jan. 19-288 20162 0 0 1 1 29 0 0 6 16 I7°7 171-1 — 2 1-0 — 20‘2 + i*9 + 13-8 Jan. 13493 14- !87 15- 201 16166 17158 18- 163 19- 288 20- 162 46 35 >7 28 23 17 16 20 194 129 9 ! 106 173 126 186 132 25 18 10 17 18 16 29 7i 104 69 52 64 123 II 9 3°7 473 236- 4 237- 3 237- 2 2377 238- 4 238- 9 239- 2 237-9 +15-1 + 15-0 + 14-4 + 14-3 + 14-5 + 14-4 + 14-2 + 14-2 - 8-6 + i-4 + 14*6 + 27-8 + 4i-5 + 55'3 + 70+ + 8o-6 Means 0 1 1 170-90 — 20-60 Group 653. Small regular spot. 9 19 88 27 3 6 122 43 21 27 52 H 95 198 364 274 3°3 356 166 256 209 234 72 14 19 61 16 19 62 22 12 16 40 14 1 -17-2 -17-5 -17-2 -I 7 -2 -17-2 -I7-3 -I 7 -6 -I 7 -6 -17 + — 1 8-o -17-2 -714 -59-9 -43-i -30-4 — 18-6 — i-o + 8-o + 21'3 + 32-8 + 49-5 + 59"4 Means . 26 164 237*88 + 14-51 Jan. 19-288 20-162 21 470 145 198 252 162 164 181 86 141 127 181 7i 97 4 97+ 97"°' 97*5 97-8 97- 9 98- 2 98-0 98-0 98-0 98-0 , Group 649. Small faint spot, probably the same as Group 645. 22- 396 23- 267 24- 592 25- 258 26- 284 27- 162 28- 432 29- 179 Jan. 13-493 14 - i 8 7 1 5- 201 7 0 4 32 31 9 4 0 2 20 J 9 6 2 34 4 234 9 234-2 + 28-6 + 28-9 +29-1 -io-6 — i-o + ii-6 Means 2 IS 234-50 +28-87 Means 27 155 97 7 5 -17-40 Photo-Heliogeaphic Results, 1882-1885. 138 Abbas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 654. Two small spots. They break up into several small fragments on January 23. but the parts of the preceding spot coalesce on January 24, and the following spot remains divided into two small portions. Group 658 — continued . 1882. d Jan. 29-179 3 ° 3 i Feb. 1 -444 2-162 3+87 4 " I 9 I 5-188 52 No pho No pho 89 75 90 45 10 409 tograph. tograph. 4 6 3 594 471 327 IOI 3 ° (37 (45 52 48 79 5 ° 20 237 249 260 272 387 409 364 *99 18-4 i 8"5 18-5 1 8- 6 1 9 - 3 19-2 191 18-8 + 16-4 + 16-3 + 163 + 16-2 + 15*9 + I 6-2 + 16-3 + 15-8 — 20-2 - 5-8) + 8-6) + 23-0 + 33 -I + 50-5 + 597 + 72-6 1882. d Jan. 21-470 22- 396 23- 267 24- 592 25- 258 26- 284 24 9 25 62; 0 3 65 85 98 ‘ 3 1 1 10 40 l 9 6 H 33 0 2 5° 55 61 70 60 23 93- 6 93 ‘8 94- 8 96-4 98-5 95’5 — 26-7 — 28-2 -27-8 — 27-0 -26-5 — 26-8 -46-5 -34-i — 2 1 "6 - 2-5 + 8-3 + 18-8 Means 12 53 95‘43 -27-17 Means 38 272 18-67 + 16-10 Severa Group 655. very small spots. Only one fragment is left on January 23. Group 659. Three or four very ^mall spots, arranged in a straight line. Jan. 22-396 23-267 0 36 9 7 0 20 6 i43-i 145-2 + 1 S'9 + 15-9 + 15-2 + 28-8 Jan. 27-162 28-432 29M79 .30 3 1 Feb. 1 -444 2-162 10 32 3° No pho No pho 15 0 34 215 123 tograph. tograph. 67 31 5 1 7 16 (i7 (*9 20 0 18 114 69 75 82 88 83 57-8 59- 0 60- 4 61- 5 62- 6 637 64-1 + io-8 + 9-7 + 9' 8 + 97 + 9" 6 + 9-5 + io-i - 7+ + io-5 + 21-8 + 37-2) + 527) + 68-I + 77-9 Means 4 13 1 44-I5 + 15-90 Group 656. Two small spots ; both gradually diminish in size, and the following spot disappears before January 27. Means 13 76 61-30 + 9-89 Jan. 24-592 25- 258 26- 284 27- 162 28- 432 20 9 12 3 1 66 ' 66 55 H 1 1 20 8 9 2 68 58 38 8 6 38-4 37- i 35‘9 38- 6 32-0 -25-2 -25-9 -25-9 -25 + — 26-2 — 60-5 -53 -i — 40-8 -26-6 -16-5 Group 660. Several very small spots, arranged in three close and small clusters. Jan. 29-179 3 42 2 3° 82-3 — 20-3 + 437 Means 8 36 36-40 -25-72 Means 2 3° 82-3 — 20-3 Group 657. Small spot. Group 661. Two small spots. Jan. 25-258 26- 284 27- 162 28- 432 29U79 4 9 10 2 18 19 28 22 1 6 0 4 7 6 27 18 20 13 9 22-8 24- 6 25- 0 25-2 257 + 16-9 + I7A + 17-3 + 17-1 + 17 + -67-4 -52-1 — 40-2 -23-3 — 1 2 *9 Feb. 1 -444 2-162 0 31 26 0 0 16 14 6-4 8-o - 9-2 - 9-0 + io-8 -f- 2 1 *8 Means 0 i5 7-20 - 910 Means 4 17 24-66 + 17-22 Group 662. ■ A small spot, with a very small one near it on February 1 and 2. Group 658. Regular spot. Several small spots break out in its neighbourhood on January 27. Feb. I -444 2-162 3 1 29 8 3 0 127 67 55 25 10 26 H 5 2 0 106 48 33 H 6 308-1 308- 8 309- 0 309-2 3°9'3 + 193 + 191 + 18-9 + 18-3 + 187 -47-5 -37*4 -197 — 10-2 + 3-1 Jan. 25-258 26- 284 27- 162 28- 432 0 20 36 75 97 198 3i5 406 0 21 28 47 180 206 251 255 1 8*2 1 8-8 18-4 I 8*2 + 15-8 + 15-6 + 1 6- 1 + 16-3 — 72-0 -57 '9 -46-8 -3o-3 3 A 87 4 " I 9 I 5-188 Means 9 41 308-88 + 18-86 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 139 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Greenwich Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Civil Time. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 663. A small spot. Group 667. One spot, which slowly diminishes until its disappearance on February 10. 1882. d Feb. 2*162 0 3 0 2 299 0 + 12*5 -47-2 1882. d Feb. 4*191 5-188 6*158 7- 293 8- 335 9 IQ-474 5 4 0 No pho 1 29 22 10 16 7 tograph. 7 0 6 3 0 0 (0 0 84 j % 1 1 ! t J 1 241’3 2425 241*6 241-3 241-3 2 4'"9 242*5 + 14*0 + 13*9 + 14-3 + >4'5 + 14-3 + I4’ 2 + 14*1 -78-1 -637 — 5 * 9 -37-3 -23-5 - 8*9) + 5*8 . Means 0 2 2 99 -o + 12-5 Group 664. One very small faint spot when first seen on the East limb on February 2. The ; group rapidly increases in size, expanding into a long line of spots, of which Means 1 20 j 24177 + 14*18 largest shortly after passing the central meridian. Group 668. Three spots. The middle spot disappears before February 7, and the other spots increase somewhat in size, the preceding spot becoming eventually the larger. Feb. 2*162 3-487 4’ I 9 I 5-188 6*158 7- 293 8- 335 9 10*474 11*474 1 12-515 0 16 31 51 53 76 139 No pho ! 98 , 59 o 12 92 195 382 434 779 1083 tograph. 659 39 1 94 0 12 19 28 27 39 75 (77 79 80 0 13 67 125 209 222 394 587 560 533 499 497 283*1 281*3 281*1 282-7 284*2 284-1 286*1 287*5 288*9 2916 296*0 — 1 3-4 -13-4 -13-6 -13*2 — 136 — 1 3-6 -13-5 -13-9 -14*2 -I 4 *I -137 — 63*1 -47*4 -38-3 -23-5 “ 97 + 5-5 + 21-3 +36-8) + 52*2 + 68*o + 86-2 Feb. 5*1 88 6*158 7^93 8-335 9 10*474 11*474 12*515 I3-I43 14452 15-497 7 6 3i 47 No pho 90 90 41 1 1 8 136 275 238 tograph. 433 336 230 117 123 5i 1 1 6 22 28 (38 47 44 24 7 19 12 101 139 204 142 183 223 179 136 77 113 74 233*2 234- 5 233H 2 34"9 235- 4 235- 9 236- 7 238*6 239-5 239*8 239-4 + 9*1 + 8*5 + 8*4 + 7*8 + 7-9 + 7-9 + 7-8 + 7-6 + 7‘9 + 7"4 + 7-1 -73-° -59*0 -45*2 - 2 9-9 -15+) - o*8 + 131 + 28*8 + 38*0 H- 555 + 68-9 Means 1 1 - 40 337 286*05 -13-65 Group 665. A close cluster of very small spots, which gradually diminishes in size. Means 23 143 236-48 + 7‘95 Group 669. Two very small spots. Feb. 3*487 i 4*191 - 5-188 6*158 15 5 0 2 32 30 23 31 8 3 0 2 17 18 16 36 3497 3507 351-5 357-2 -i 8*3 -17*5 -17*2 -15-4 + 21*0 + 3I-3 + 45-3 + 637 Feb. 8*335 I ° 19 0 10 250-5 — 22*0 -1+3 Hfl| 0 10 250-5 — 22*0 Means 3 22 352*28 -17*10 Means Group 670. ionsisting of a number of spots arranged in three clusters in a straight i middle portion disappears before February 15. The group decreases ng the central meridian, the preceding spot less rapidly than the others. Group 666. A small spot on February 4. The spot somewhat increases in size on February 5 and 6, and several small spots form behind it. The group undergoes constant change, and is largest shortly after passing the central meridian. A fine group, c | line. The after passi Feb. 10*474 48 152 227 96 215 1 19 103 90 \i 6 394 ! 668 1 823 630 1 835 707 1 517 I 311 222 ‘ 66 5° 62 134 155 59 1 17 62 56 54 37 17 9 544 613 57i 393 453 372 280 190 159 7i 74 169-9 1 69* 1 169-6 169-5 170*2 171*4 I7I-9 173-5 173-8 176*8 176*0 + II*I + 10*7 + io-8 + 10-9 + io-8 + 10-9 + 10*7 + 107 + 107 + 10-4 + 10-4 -66*8 -54’5 -40-2 — 3 2 "° -141 + 0*9 + 13*8 + 3°-5 + 4 2 "7 + 6o-o + 68*2 Feb. 4*191 5- 188 6- 158 7- 293 8- 335 ! 9 10*474 1 11*474 12*515 0 6 5i 14 22 No ph< 13 15 0 3° 19 117 97 151 ) tograph, 217 78 16 0 6 34 8 1 1 . (10 8 11 0 44 17 78 54 81 103 124 52 14 251*1 252*8 252-4 259-2 258*9 259*2 259-4 259-7 261-2 + 1 2*6 + 13-2 + 12*4 + 1 1'6 + 12*5 + 12*6 + 127 + 13-0 + n*5 — 68*3 -53‘4 -41*1 -19-4 “ 5-9 + 8*4) 4-22*7 +36*1 + 51-4 11*474 12- 515 13- I43 14- 452 15497 16*440 I7-583 i 8*493 19*578 20-264 Means 10 63 257*10 4- 12*46 Means 69 338 I7I-97 + 10*74 140 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 671. Two small spots. Some very small spots appear between them on February 12. The members of the group increase in size until the central meridian is passed, and then diminish rapidly. Group 675 — continued. 1882. d Feb. 16-440 17- 583 18- 493 0 2 1 1 5 41 70 0 7 3 24 45 158-9 156- 3 157- 1 + 217 + 23-0 4-22-2 4- 0-8 + I3-3 4- 26-0 1882. a Feb. 1 1 ’47 4 12-515 1 3‘ 1 43 14-452 *5497 16-440 i7'S83 76 42 26 1 7 22 25 278 288 131 90 49 10 4 38 21 14 10 16 0 13 142 146 71 54 35 10 207-2 207-5 206 *2 206-1 2037 203-6 203-7 -17 -6 -17-6 -17-4 -17-3 -17-3 -17-1 — 16-9 — 16-4 - 2-3 + 47 + 21-8 + 33‘2 +45‘5 + 607 Means 1 21 I57-38 4-22-60 Group 676. Two small spots. Several small spots form round the following spot, and the preceding spot increases in size as the group approaches the W. limb. Means 15 67 205-43 -17-31 Feb. 14-452 I5A97 16- 440 17- 583 18- 493 31 52 40 53 1 1 77 3°5 35° i53 33 17 36 38 95 3° 44 21 1 325 263 94 212-3 2 137 215-0 215-8 210-7 4- 1-8 4- 2-2 4- 2-2 4- 2-3 + I-I + 28-0 +43-2 4-56-9 + 72-8 +79-6 Group 672. A small regular spot, followed by a number of small spots, which, however, dis- appear soon after the central meridian is passed. Feb. 12-515 13- H3 14- 452 15497 16- 440 17- 583 18- 493 19- 578 20- 264 21 22-412 23- 287 24- 175 24 24 68 123 97 126 V 69 33 No pho 44 20 13 222 192 420 537 416 483 466 35° 302 tograph; 202 102 39 39 29 5i 75 53 65 47 38 19 (3i 43 28 3 6 424 251 322 329 226 247 238 191 175 185 195 144 109 133-4 133- 1 134- 9 135- 9 137-3 137-8 137-9 137- 9 136- 5 1377 138- 8 138-3 137- 9 -19-3 — 20'0 — 18-9 — 18-4 — 1 8-8 — 18-8 -187 — 18-9 -187 — 18-4 — 1 8 * 1 — 1 8 *6 — 1 87 -76-4 — 68-4 “49*4 -34 -6 -20-8 - 5-2 + 6-8 + 21-1 + 28-7 + 44-2) + 59-6 + 70-4 + 817 Means 43 ■ ! 187 213-50 + 1-92 Group 677. An irregular spot, with several small spots near it. Feb. 15-497 16- 440 17- 583 18- 493 19- 578 20*264 21 22- 412 23- 287 24- 175 25- 211 15 25 31 29 35 13 No pho 82 6 13 9 45 98 102 144 88 158 tograph. 268 165 120 57 19 21 21 17 18 7 (26 45 4 9 8 54 82 68 83 46 81 1 14 H7 100 86 55 104-2 104-2 1 02 -4 101- 8 1 02 - 4 101-5 1019 1 02 ‘2 101-0 ioi-8 101-9 -18-3 — 18-4 — i8*o -17-3 -177 -17-3 -17-5 -177 -17-6 -17-9 -18-3 -66-3 -53‘9 — 40-6 -29-3 -14-4 - 6-3 + 8-3) -4 22-8 + 33-I +45-6 + 59-3 Means 43 234 13672 -1879 Group 673. A small spot. Feb. 13-143 0 1 1 0 7 234-4 + I5-9 + 32-9 Means 18 83 102-30 — 17-82 Means ° 7 234-4 + 15-9 Group 678. Two small spots. Group 674. Two small spots. 13 8 4 7 0 0 No pho 25 10 6 0 87 42 49 26 49 52 tograph. 93 89 61 9 2 9 3 4 0 0 (7 14 6 4 0 15 46 36 16 27 2 7 39 5° 53 41 8 96-4 95- 0 957 96- 8 97"z 96 - 6 97- 6 98- 5 98-6 97‘4 97'5 — 20-1 — 20*9 — 20*2 19'7 19*3 1 9 "2 1 9*6 1 9*9 — 20-0 — 20-1 — 206 -74-1 -63-1 -47-3 -34-3 -19-6 — 11-2 + 4"°) 4-19-1 + 307 4-4 1 " 2 + 54'9 Feb. 13-143 3 17 2 9 199-0 + 5'i - 2-5 Feb. 15-497 16- 440 17- 583 18- 493 19- 578 20- 264 21 22-412 "23-287 Means 2 9 199-0 + 5'i Group 675. A cluster of very small spots. Feb. I 3-143 14-452 15497 0 0 0 35 31 1 1 0 0 29 21 6 157- 0 156-8 158- 2 + 23-0 + 23-3 + 22-4 -44*5 -27-5 -12*3 24- 175 25- 211 Means 4 32 97'°3 -1996 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 141 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots —continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central MeridiaD Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude j Mean Latitude of Group. 1 Longitude from Central Meridian. Greenwich Civil Time. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Civil Time. 1 Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. | Whole Spot. of Group. Group 679. A small spot. Group 685. A spot which slowly divides into two portions about February 27. 1882. d Feb. 16-440 0 24 0 17 196-8 + 20-9 + 38'7 1882. d Feb. 22-412 23- 287 24- 175 25- 211 26- 522 27M33 28-273 16 1 9 H 13 2? 20 50 43 85 105 130 88 4i 28 *9 8 10 11 10 86 44 66 65 69 45 21 5" 1 6-4 6-o 5‘9 5- 8 6- 3 6-8 — 13-0 -12-4 -12-4 -12-5 -127 -13-1 -13-2 -74'3 — 6 i *5 -50-2 -3 6 7 -! 9 -5 - 7-0 + 4*5 Means ° 17 196-8 + 20-9 Group 680. A small spot. Feb. 1 8-493 j 8 1 8 184-3 4-159 + 53‘ 2 Means H 57 6*04 — 12-76 Means 8 184-3 + I5-9 Group 681. Two small spots. Grouj Two very s ) 68b. mall spot ts. Feb. 18-493 4 17 2 IO 164A -15-9 + 33’2 Feb. 27-433 0 8 0 7 56-6 + 21-8 +43'3 Means - ,0 164-3 -15-9 Means 0 7 56-6 + 21-8 Group 682. A small spot. Group 687. A regular spot. Another spot breaks out to the north of it, and some small spots appear before it on March 2. The group undergoes several changes during its course. Feb. 18-493 0 8 O 10 69-7 + 20-8 -614 Means 0 10 69-7 + 20-8 Feb. 27-433 28-273 Mar. 1 -444 25 39 55 98 179 238 105 86 83 80 94 47 21 78 114 273 500 862 982 617 712 622 668 498 260 137 65 53 46 64 98 122 S3 43 47 5° 76 49 35 207 154 227 328 472 501 310 365 347 423 4°3 283 237 292- 6 293- 1 2930 293- 5 2947 294- 9 295- 2 295-3 295-9 295-9 295-8 294-9 293*3 — 14-0 -137 -13-5 -12-8 — 13*3 -12-4 — 12*6 -12-4 -127 — I2-I -12-3 — I2-I -I3-3 — 807 -69-2 -53-8 — 40-8 -237 — in — 2'I + m + 26-1 + 37-9 + 52*5 + 63-4 + 74*6 Group 683. Several small spots. The group is not seen on February 19 . Feb. 18-493 19- 578 20- 264 21 22*4I2 23-287 2 4‘ 1 7 S 25-211 0 0 No pho *4 3 15 3 12 0 42 tograph. 57 39 75 78 0 0 0 (4 8 2 8 , 2 32 0 39 36 32 2 1 38 40 5 ro 50-1 50- 5 51 - o 53- i 50-6 54- 2 -13-4 -13-6 -13-6 -13-6 — 13-6 -13-2 -12-8 — 8o - i -577 -43-o) — 28-4 — 14-8 — 5-6 + ii-6 2- 397 3- 610 4'544 5'2ii 6"201 7-291 *8-187 9- 305 10- 197 Means ... 3 3° 5!-5° -13-40 11-172 Means 62 327 294-47 — 12-86 Group 684. A small spot. Group 688. Two small spots. Feb. 22-412 23- 287 24- 175 25- 21 1 26- 522 10 0 0 0 3 26 10 10 10 6 10 0 0 0 2 27 8 6 6 3 17- 5 18- 3 18-3 187 18-3 -14-9 .-14-9 -14-9 — 14-8 — 14-6 — 61-9 -49-6 -37-9 -23-9 - 7-0 Feb. 28-273 0 25 0 13 353-5 -18-3 - 8-8 Means 2 10 I 8*22 — 14-82 Means ... 0 13 353-5 — 1 8*3 142 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 689. Two small spots. Group 693. A number of small spots in a straight line. The preceding spot increases in size. 1882. a Mar. 3 '6 10 +'S44 5-211 0 24 0 67 79 103 0 12 O 36 41 54 299- 8 300- 0 300-6 + 8-3 + 8-i + 9" 1 — 1 8-6 - 6-o + 3'3 1882. d Mar. 8-187 9705 10- 197 1 1- 172 12*256 8 29 51 36 10 49 "9 210 176 100 5 18 38 33 17 28 75 152 164 151 268-2 268-0 266-9 268-8 2697 + 23-6 + 23-2 + 23'4 + 23-0 + 237 + 10-2 + 247 + 35 + + 5°'i + 657 Means 4 44 300-13 + 8-50 Means 22 ”4 268-32 + 23-34 Group 689*. A small spot. Group 694. Two small spots. The preceding spot increases in size, and the following spot diminishes. Mar. 4-544 3 18 2 12 346-6 - 9'9 + 40-6 Means 2 12 346-6 - 9’9 Mar. 8-187 9'3°5 10- 197 1 1- 172 12- 256 13- 551 14- 401 1 5'57i 16-400 0 10 24 28 16 19 20 17 6 14 87 108 96 "9 137 99 5° 17 0 8 16 1 6 8 10 10 10 4 18 73 74 55 62 69 Si 29 1 1 1897 1 88-8 188-7 188- 7 189- 2 189- 2 189 + 1897 190- 3 -147 -H-3 -14-6 -13-9 - I4-3 — 14-6 -14-5 -147 — 14-8 -68-3 -547 — 42-8 — 30-0 -152 + i-8 + 13 + + 29-0 + 40-6 Group 690. ; A small spot. Mar. 5-211 6-201 0 0 13 1 I 0 0 ‘4 9 240-2 240-5 + 197 + 19-8 -57-i -437 Means 0 12 240-35 + 1975 Means 9 49 189-30 -14-49 Group 691. A regular spot. Group 695. A very small spot. It greatly increases in size, and other small spots appear behind it. Mar. 5-211 6201 7- 291 8- 187 9'3°5 10- 197 11- 172 12- 256 ir55i 14- 401 15- 571 16- 400 39 37 55 75 95 92 1 1 1 93 140 ‘47 70 3i 8l 205 383 453 553 54i 53° 481 481 4‘5 296 146 89 41 42 47 5i 47 56 +9 86 108 75 55 I»2 226 29O 285 299 276 266 253 296 303 317 260 220*2 22 I '4 221-3 221 "O 221‘7 221*3 221-8 22 I '9 222-3 222’4 22 2 -7 223-3 + o* 1 - 0-4 - 0-5 “ 0> 9 I - °'5 - 0-7 - 0-7 - o-6 - 0-4 - 0-4 - o- 4 - °'3 -IT 1 — 62-8 — 48-5 -37-0 — 21-6 — 10-2 + 3'I + ‘7‘5 + 34’9 + 467 + 62-0 + 73-6 Mar. 8-187 9-305 10- 197 1 1- 172 12256 13551 14- 401 15- 571 16- 400 17- 613 0 2 20 32 I 12 94 36 22 1 1 7 3° 17 79 198 407 34 8 134 149 25 0 1 13 18 59 5° 21 * 15 10 20 33 14 5i 109 212 “85 79 97 22 179** 181-9 183*1 183-8 185-8 187-2 187-5 187-5 187-5 187-3 + 8-5 + 9’i + 87 + 99 + 9‘4 + 9'i + 9*4 + 9’8 + 10-0 + 10-0 — 78-6 — 61 -4 -48-4 — 34‘9 — 186 — 0-2 + 11 + + 26-8 + 37'8 + 53-6 Means ... | ... 62 271 221-78 — 0-48 Means 19 82 185-10 + 9‘39 Group 692. A number of small spots. The group undergoes constant change. Group 696. Two very small spots. Mar. 8-187 9-305 10197 1 1*172 40 18 ‘5 4 48 81 67 66 21 1 1 1 1 4 25 +9 +9 66 2777 278- 8 278-1 279- 5 -I5-3 -15-1 -14-6 -I57 + 197 + 35'5 +46-6 -f- 60*8 Mar. 9-305 0 17 0 9 270-5 - 9-« + 27-2 Means ... 12 47 278-53 — 15-08 Means 0 9 270-5 - 9-8 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 143 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. of Group. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 697. A number of small spots arranged in two straight lines at right angles to the Sun’s Equator on March 10. The group alters its shape, forming one straight line nearly parallel to the Sun’s Equator on March 11. The first and last spots are then the largest. The intermediate spots disappear on March 12. Group 701. Two or three very small spots. 1882. a Mar. 14-401 15- 571 16- 400 0 5 0 27 17 H O 3 0 25 1 1 9 124-0 I2 4”9 124-3 + 17-4 + 17-4 + 17-8 -52-1 -35*8 -25*4 1882. fl Mar. 10*197 11- 172 12- 256 i3'S5i 14-401 *5*57i 28 62 67 93 86 0 148 543 605 393 265 >5 >4 35 44 89 129 0 76 304 400 374 406 42 243-4 2447 2457 246-3 248-0 242-1 -17-2 -16-5 -157 -15-1 -14-6 — 1 6-o + ” 9 + 26-0 + 40-9 + 58-9 + 71-9 + 81-4 Means 1 i5 124-40 + 17*53 Group 702. Means 52 267 244-97 -15-85 A large regular spot, with several small spots close behind it. becomes nearly as large as the first spot. One of these finally Grou; Two very 698. mall spots. Mar. 15-571 16- 400 17- 613 1 8 *4-8 8 19*517 20- 400 21- 476 22- 416 23- 495 2475 1 25- 418 26- 497 27- 398 28- 223 21 55 70 126 x 16 153 219 228 168 ”9 192 108 57 86 196 3°3 463 512 752 1164 911 888 768 853 694 317 146 75 89 66 92 71 86 114 118 9 1 70 i33 101 81 3i 312 325 282 342 3!5 420 610 473 482 450 642 445 380 76-6 75- 8 76- 0 757 75'5 74'7 73- 4 74- 8 74' 5 737 74-1 74- 2 75- 0 74-6 — 22-8 — 22-8 -23-1 -230 — 22-9 -22'5 -22-3 -22*4 — 22*0 — 21-6 — 21-6 — 20-8 — 20-9 — 2I-I -84-1 -73*9 -577 -465 -33-i -22-3 - 9*4 + 4'4 + 18*3 + 28-7 +43*3 + 57-6 + 70-3 + 80-6 Mar. 10-197 0 1 1 0 6 219-3 - 8-8 — I 2 *2 Means 0 6 219-3 - 8-8 Group 699. A small regular spot, followed by several smaller spots. It becomes a large irregular cluster of many spots on March 17, quite unlike its appearance on March 16. Means 87 434 74-90 — 2213 Group 703. Two spots. These spots become much larger, and several smaller spots appear between and around them on March 21 and following days. Mar. 1 1-172 12- 256 13- 55I 14- 401 15- 571 16- 400 17- 6I3 18- 488 19- 517 20- 400 21- 476 22- 416 0 H 62 70 33 +5 5i 50 25 62 27 5 59 89 203 319 292 268 363 3i5 226 288 140 42 0 18 5° 48 1 9 24 26 26 *4 40 22 5 179 "5 167 218 166 143 186 165 129 185 113 45 I36-5 136-0 1347 I33-I 1 34'° 133- 6 135-5 1357 135-2 134- 9 I 34"4 133-6 -16-9 -17-6 -18-2 -17-8 -18-3 — 18-3 — 19-8 — 19-2 — 18-9 — 1 8 -6 — 18-6 — 1 7'7 — 82-2 -68-4 . -527 -43-o -267 — 16-1 + i-8 + 13-5 + 26-6 + 37‘9 + 51-6 + 63-2 Mar. 19-517 20- 400 21- 476 22- 416 23- 495 24- 35I 25- 418 !9 43 130 224 164 39 32 xx 9 353 734 939 762 292 138 10 22 72 147 140 46 69 60 180 409 612 657 359 300 108-3 108-0 108- 7 1 io-5 111*0 iii *4 109- 8 - 5-6 - 5*1 - 5*6 - 5'3 - 5 + - 5’3 - 5 + - 0-3 + ii-o + 25*9 + 4 0 " 1 + 54*8 + 66-4 + 79-0 Means 24 151 13477 -18-33 Means 72 368 109-67 i - 5‘39 Group 700. A small spot. Group 704. Two spots, and two or three small markings near them. 56 18 1 82 92 61 35 202 174 1547 153-3 + 20-6 + 21-8 + 577 +70-5 Mar. 13-551 0 13 0 8 1561 + 117 -3i-3 Mar. 20-400 | 21-476 Means 0 8 156-1 + ”7 Means 48 188 154-00 + 21-20 144 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Civil Time. Umbra, j Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 705. A large regular spot, with some small companions. Group 709. Two spots, which rapidly increase up to March 25. Other small spots appear near them on March 25 and following days. 1882. j d Mar. 21-476 § 22'4 16 23- 495 24- 35I 25- 418 26*497 27- 398 28- '223 29*164 30- 386 31- 437 Apr. 1-410 2-565 20 74 ”9 68 *59 160 156 76 80 100 131 75 22 119 439 55o 542 745 643 650 55! 559 554 498 347 85 60 103 IOO 46 89 81 78 38 44 65 hi 92 60 361 615 462 364 421 329 324 279 301 354 4!5 437 234 I "2 o - 6 2-2 2 -6 2'4 3 -o 3"3 3’5 3- 4 4- 0 5- 0 6- o 3-8 -10-3 -10-3 -107 — 10*2 — I0-4 — 10-0 — 10-2 — io-i - io*3 -10*3 — 10*4 -io-5 - 9-6 — 81-6 — 69-8 -541 -42-4 — 28*4 — 13-4 • — !'4 + 9*7 + 22-0 + 38*6 + S3'5 + 65-3 + 80*4 I 882. d Mar. 23-495 24-35I 25*418 26*497 27*398 28*223 29*164 30*386 12 !4 7! 91 42 32 36 120 210 577 522 37° 192 23 7 7 40 69 * 70 42 5° 0 !9 63 - 1 17 367 400 374 306 172 5o*i 49-5 49- 8 50- 7 51- 0 5i-9 5 ! "5 50-1 + 12*8 + I 2*2 + II7 + II-5 + 11*2 + io-8 + 10-3 + n-3 — 6*1 + 4*5 + 19*0 + 34" 1 +4 6 ‘3 + 58-1 +7°"i + 847 Means 36 227 50-58 + 11-48 Group 710. A small spot, not detected on March 26, 27, and 28. Means 74 377 3-15 — 10-25 Mar. 25*418 26*497 27*398 28*223 29- 164 30- 386 31- 437 1 5 0 0 0 0 20"2 21*9 22*9 22*7 + 20*6 +20-3 + 2I-I + 21*1 — io*6 + 40-5 + 57-5 + 71-2 Group 706. A very small spot. 18 0 0 0 22 9 9 o o 0 0 0 0 17 10 19 Mar. 22-416 0 18 0 9 767 -1 4-0 + 6- 3 Means I 8 21-93 + 20-78 Means 0 9 767 — 14-0 Group 7 1 1 . A very small spot on March 26 and 27. The spot shows a large proper motion on the following days, and several smaller spots appear near it. Group 707. A small spot. Mar. 26-497 2 2 0 0 0 8 8 0 3 0 7 14 9 7 1 7 29 59 14 4 2 O O O 4 4' 0 3 0 10 5 9 5 3 9 16 40 13 6 3177 318- 4 3202 319- 6 3187 321-7 324*8 326*1 326-4 326-3 -12*5 -12*8 -12*3 — 12*1 -13-8 — 12-8 — 1 1-8 — io*8 -10*5 -10*5 -58-9 -46-3 -336 -21*8 - 67 + 10*2 + 26*I + 42 7 + 5 6- 3 + 68-3 Mar. 22-416 23 - 495 24 - 35 1 25- 418 26- 497 6 16 0 3 0 20 62 18 8 . 3 8 2 0 12 33 9 9 5 4°"3 41-0 4 i -5 41-6 4 i -5 — 20’1 — 20*9 -20-5 — 20"6 — 20*6 -30-1 -15*2 - 3’5 + io*8 + 24-9 27- 398 28- 223 29*164 30*386 3 I -437 Apr. 1*410 2*565 3 - 57 I 4*486 Means 3 14 4 i"i8 -20-54 Group 708. A small spot. A second appears on March 24. Means 2 12 321*99 -ii *99 Group 7 1 2. Two or three very small spots. Mar. 23*495 24- 351 25- 418 26- 497 17 14 23 5 3 » 61 46 61 11 28 «4 20 47 55 172 95-3 95'5 97*3 97-9 -157 -15-8 -14-6 -147 + 39 'i + 50-5 +66-5 + 81*3 Mar. 27-398 5 18 3 10 19*5 +io*6 + 14-8 Means 16 74 96-50 — 15-20 Means 3 10 19-5 +io-6 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 145 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra, j Whole Spot. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 713- Group 716 — continued. A small regular spot. 1882. ,i Apr. 8-397 9-474 10-146 13 0 3 29 17 1 1 7 0 3 17 1 1 9 233-5 233-3 233-4 — 18-9 — 19-0 — 18-9 + 27-1 + 41 "I + 50-1 1882. d Mar. 29-164 30-386 3i'437 Apr. 1-410 2-565 3’57i 4486 5-562 13 28 26 42 21 20 8 33 78 114 1 19 104 f 67 26 0 16 23 18 26 12 12 5 77 91 96 83 64 54 40 17 268-6 267-4 267-2 267-3 267-0 266-8 266-5 266-3 + 25-4 + 25-1 + 24-9 + 25-0 + 25-3 + 25-4 + 26-0 + 25-9 -72-8 — 58-0 — 44*3 Means 8 31 233-24 — 19-28 — 1 6-4 - 3-3 + 8-5 + 22-5 Group 717. Two small spots on April x. Other spots appear on the following days, and the group increases in size, and forms a long straight line of spots, of which the preceding spot is the largest. Means 14 65 267-14 + 25-38 Group Several small spo 714. ts close ogether. ' Apr. 1-410 2- 565 3- 571 4- 486 5- 562 6- 569 7- 336 8- 397 9+74 10-146 0 0 22 83 7 6 64 100 70 14 9 17 31 65 400 479 522 47i 3 00 62 32 0 0 16 52 44 35 58 44 1 1 9 2 1 28 48 250 273 291 269 19. 49 31 2367 231 + 23I-5 231-3 233 + 2337 233- 1 234- 9 237- 9 238- 0 + 19-0 + 19+ + 18-9 + 19-3 + 198 + 19-3 + 19*5 + 19-0 + 1 8* 1 + 18-3 — 62-0 -52-0 — 38-6 — 267 — 10-4 + 27 + 127 + 28-5 +457 + 547 Mar, 30-386 31-437 Apr. 1-410 2- 565 3- 57i 4- 486 8 23 0 0 17 3 78 79 37 28 52 10 5 13 0 0 19 7 43 44 23 21 57 20 328-5 327- 4 328- 1 326-9 329- 7 33i-o + I5-9 + 15-3 + 15-1 + I5-5 + H-3 + I4-3 + 3-i + 15-9 + 29-4 + 43-5 + 59-6 + 73-o Means 27 145 234-I5 + 19-06 Means 7 35 328-60 + 15-07 Group 718. A regular spot. 1 utroup 715. A small regular spot. Apr. 1-410 2- 565 3- 571 4- 486 5- 562 6569 7- 336 8- 397 9‘474 10-146 16 28 35 61 77 67 74 49 41 24 25 12 2 73 193 192 297 284 337 3i7 293 235 161 148 69 35 3° 28 25 37 41 34 37 26 25 16 25 16 6 140 191 139 181 152 171 161 156 142 1 10 148 94 121 224-0 223- 9 224- 2 224-0 224- 7 225- 1 225-1 225-4 225-4 225-2 225-2 225-4 224-9 — o-i — 0-2 + 0" I + o-6 + II + o-8 + i-3 + i-5 + 17 + 17 + 2-0 + 2-2 + 2-5 -747 “59*5 -45-9 -34-0 -191 - 5'5 + 4-7 + 19-0 + 33-2 +4I-9 + 59-8 + 68-3 + 81-3 Mar. 30-386 31-437 Apr. 1-410 2- 565 3- 57I 4- 486 5 . 12 8 0 3 0 23 43 23 34 19 1 1 8 1 1 6 0 0 38 42 16 20 10 6 251- 8 252- 0 252-5 252-4 252-5 252-3 -14-4 -I4'4 -I4-3 -14'2 -14+ -I4-3 -73-6 -59’5 — 46-2 — 31-0 -17-6 — 57 Means 5 22 252-25 -H’33 11- 502 12- 131 13- I53 Group 7 1 6. Two spots. The following and smaller spot disappears before April 8. Means 27 147 224-81 + i-i7 Group 719. A very small spot. Apr. 1-410 2- 565 3- 571 4- 486 5- 562 6- 569 7- 336 3 0 3° 44 17 12 10 16 49 115 IOI 68 38 58 4 0 19 25 6 5 18 40 74 57 36 19 3° 233-9 231- 6 233-2 232- 9 233- 5 2338 233-3 -197 — 20-1 — 198 — 19-6 — 18-9 — I90 — 18-9 -64-8 -51-8 -36-9 -25-1 -10-3 + 3-2 + 12-9 Apr. 4-486 2 4 1 3 208-9 + 6-o -49 *i Means ... 1 3 208-9 + 6-o Photo-Heliographic Results, 1882-1885. 146 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographie Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date, Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Snot. ! Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 7 20. A small regular spot. j Group 724. A small spot. 1882. d Apr. 5*562 6 569 7 - 336 8 - 397 9’474 10*1 46 1 1-502 12*131 I 3 -I 53 0 8 9 1 1 8 0 13 0 0 18 28 35 29 17 1 1 48 17 7 0 5 5 5 4 0 9 0 12 16 '9 i 5 9 6 31 43 8 199-6 201 -I 202-3 204- 0 205*2 205 - 3 206*1 206*5 206- 9 - 10-4 -10-3 M 9'3 - 9-2 - 9-3 - 8*9 - 8-2 - 7'9 - 7-3 - 44-2 -29-5 -18*1 - 2 + + 13-0 + 22"0 + 407 + 49"4 + 63*3 1882. d Apr. 8-397 4 15 2 8 175 + -14-9 — 31-0 Means 2 8 I 75-4 — 1 4"9 Group 725. A somewhat scattered group of small spots. Means 3 4 204-1 1 - 8-98! Apr. 9+74 10- 146 11- 502 12*131 13 - I 53 14- 462 3 2 62 9 0 49 39 50 284 1 16 188 r8o 6 3 47 6 0 24 69 58 213 75 105 92 118-4 Il 8-2 1 16- 8 117- 0 117-5 1 17-2 - 87 - 8-6 - 9-1 - 9-2 - 9-0 - 87 - 73-8 -65-1 -48-6 — 40-1 — 26*1 — 9 -1 Group 721. Several very small spots in a straight line, of which the preceding spot is the largest. The following spots disappear before April 10. Apr. 6*569 7 - 336 8 - 397 9’474 10*146 1 1 -502 0 47 47 13 10 8 26 127 147 110 37 18 0 30 27 7 6 4 20 84 82 59 20 1 1 1 86-9 186-5 1 88- 9 189- 7 i 9 I- 3 1 ? 1 "4 + 1 6-6 + 161 + 15-9 -«-i 5 9 + 16-1 . .+ 1 5,-4 -437 - 33-9 -17-5 - 2-5 + 8-o + 26-0 Means H 102 117-52 - 8-88 Group 726. Three small spots when first seen on E. limb. The group undergoes very great and violent changes, and increases in size very rapidly indeed. The most striking changes occur on April 16, 17, 18, and 19. Means 1 2 46 189-12 + 16-00 Group 722. A regular spot. Apr. 10-146 1 1-502 12*131 1 3.1 53 14*462 15-283 16*546 17587 18- 542 19- 165 20- 421 21- 409 22- 164 2 3 " 5 1 2 0 32 27 3 i 64 45 45 39 6 445 275 412 457 1 49 59 22 263 165 291 43 6 3 11 298 1693 2510 2063 2517 2404 ”33 375 0 48 29 25 40 25 24 204 244 160 294 436 204 173 89 4 i 7 186 226 270 219 156 880 I 37 i 1207 1808 2258 1487 io 94 99-3 93-0 93-0 947 92 y 927 93-2 92*5 92*3 92-9 92*6 92-3 92-6 87 9 -213 -20-5 — 20-8 -21-4 — 211 — 21-2 -I96 -18-3 — 18-0 -17-5 -177 -17-5 -17-2 — 18-2 — 84-0 -72-4 -641 -48-9 - 33-4 — 22-8 - 57 + 7'4 + 19-9 + 287 ; + 45 "° + 577 ; + 68*o + 8 i*i Apr. 6-569 7 - 336 8 - 397 ” 9 A 74 10*146 1 1- 502 12- 131 1 3 - I 53 14- 462 15- 283 16- 546 17- 587 17 40 68 69 38 68 46 3 + 67 26 24 0 118 130 236 254 266 320 296 251 ?57 178 146 1 1 5 27 48 55 45 23 38 26 20 46 21 3 ° 0 192 154 191 166 1 61 179 166 146 175 h 1 : 178 285 1 162-3 159- 8 161-2 i6i*2 1614 160*6 160- 7 i6o - 6 160-3 160-4 160-5 160-3 + 20-1 + 20-4 + 20-6 + 20-6 + 20-9 + 20-9 +20-9 + 21-0 + 2 I ' 1 + 20-6 + 21-1 + 21-1 — 68-3 — 6o-6 - 45"2 -31-0 2 1 -9 4-8 + 3-6 + 17-0 + 34 '° + 44'9 + 6i*6 + 75-2 Means 136 833 92*99 -19-31 Means 32 178 1.60-78 + 20*78 Group 723. A small spot on April 7. A second is seen near the first on April 8. Group 727. ’ A small spot, j Apr. 7-336 8-397 4 15 H 73 2 8 8 37 203-4 202-9 — 1 6 - o — 1 6-o -17-0 -• 3‘5 Apr. 1 1-502 i : i 23 5 , 14 182-2 + 19-8 + 1 6-8 Means C 5 ! 4 203-15 — i:6--eo Means . ... 5 i ,+ 1 82-2 + 19*8 1 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 147 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 728. A Y-shaped group of spots on April 11 and 12. The group changes very rapidly, increasing in size between April n and 12. On April 13 it forms a straight line, the first and last spots being the largest. 1882. d I 0 0 0 Apr. 11-502 127 53° 7i 294 142*2 — 18-6 -232 - 12-131 IOI 594 53 3H 142-4 — 18-6 -147 13**53 8 1 767 45 393 143-0 -*8-3 — o-6 14-462 152 878 82 472 *43*1 — I 8 "2 + 16-8 - 1 5 * 2 83 53 642 3i 373 144-0 — 1 8 - 6 + 28-5 16-546 123 1057 89 769 *44*5 — 18-0 +45* 6 17-587 192 970 190 940 144-0 -17-8 + 58-9 18-542 47 488 77 795 *45*4 -17*7 + 73*o J >9* 6 5 1 1 1 17 20 223 139-9 -17-1 + 757 Means 73 508 J *43**7 — 18-10 Group 729. A very large spot, with three or four spots following it. The great spot undergoes constant change, especially after passing the central meridian. Apr.. 13-153 69 602 130 1 138 67-8 -27-8 -75-8 14-462 3 i 7 2002 34° 2123 65-5 -28-1 -6o-8 15-283 236 2175 191 1757 66-i -28-1 -49*4 16-546 37 i 3208 239 2059 66-3 — 28-4 — 32-6 17-587 663 3388 384 1963 65*3 -287 — 19-8 18-542 846 3693 465 203 1 64-7 — 28-6 - 77 19-165 279 3635 152 1988 64-6 -28-5 + o*4 20-421 593 3343 339 1908 64-2 -28-8 + 1 6*6 2 1 -409 688 3388 428 2109 64-0 — 28-7 + 29*4 22-164 237 i960 165 1372 64-0 -28-5 + 39*4 23-512 275 1846 264 1771 63*5 — 28-4 + 56-7 24-546 216 1 176 3 i 9 1734 63+ — 28-6 + 70*2 25-166 41 331 90 718 62-4 -28-6 + 77*4 Means | 270 1*744 | 6475 -28-45 F - Group 730. A small spot. Apr. 14462 0 18 0 *7 178-9 + 20-8 +52-6 Means 0 *7 178-9 + 20-8 Group 731. A disturbed area, in which small spots appear and disappear at irregular intervals. No spots are seen < m April 17. Apr. 14462 8 60 5 33 107-5 -21-9 — 1 8-8 1 15*283 2 27 1 *4 108-4 -215 - 7 ** 16-546 0 10 0 • 5 109-8 — * 7*9 + 10-9 17-587 0 0 0 0 18-542 5 35 3 22 109-8 — 20*8 + 37*4 Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude Longitude from Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. of Group. Central Meridian. Group 731- — continued. 1882. d Apr. 19-165 20- 421 21- 409 3 *7 0 54 74 28 2 *9 0 4* 86 II 1-2 II2‘4 >*3*9 -*9*9 -19-2 -187 + 47-0 + 64-8 + 79*3 Means 4 34 1 10-43 -*9*99 Group 732. A small spot. Apr. 14-462 15- 283 16- 546 *7*587 18-542 8 *3 *5 0 76 5 8 42 35 12 7 9 0 8 0 65 40 25 I9 6 72-6 72*9 72-4 72-2 7**9 -21-4 -21-4 — 22*0 — 21 - 9 -21-8 -537 — 42-6 -26-5 -12-9 - 0-5 Means || 5 i 31 72-40 — 2I-70 Group 733. Two small spots. The group iucreases in size on April 16, 17 and 18, and forms an irregular group of small spots. On the following days all but two of these spots disappear. Apr. I 5 '2 8 3 1 6*546 17- 587 18- 542 i 9' i6 5 20-421 2 1 -409 22-164 23*5 1 2 24546 Means 59‘5 59‘9 60- 4 61- 5 62- 4 6 1 -8 62-2 617 63'S 64-5 -13-6 -12-9 -13-8 -13-8 -i3’5 -I3-3 -132 -137 -i3'3 — 12-8 I 6174 -13*39 560 -39-0 -247 — 10-9 - i-8 + 14-2 + 2 7*6 + 37-i + 567 + 7**3 Group 734. A regular spot, with a small companion. Apr. 16-546 • 17-587 18- 542 19- 165 20*421 21- 409 22- 164 23- 512 24- 546 25- 166 26- 353 27- 161 Means 21-0 20-6 20"6 214 22’0 227 23*3 24-0 24*3 25-1 2 4’S 247 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 11 + n + ** + ** 412*1 4117 4117 2285 +11-26 -77‘9 -64-5 -51-8 — 42-8 -25-6 -ii- 9 - **3 4i7‘2 43I* 1 440*1 + 55*3 466-1 148 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot, Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 735. A regular spot. Group 739. Several very small spots. 1882. d Apr. I7*5 8 7 18-542 19165 20-421 2 1 -409 22- 164 23- 512 24- 546 25- 166 26- 353 27- 161 28- 550 0 38 33 46 9 6 52 64 63 43 32 27 47 72 150 1 54 259 339 296 364 3°7 259 257 244 178 0 47 3* 30 54 27 32 32 23 20 20 59 203 187 144 172 193 157 183 158 141 163 182 225 4*4 5- 6 6- 3 6-7 6-6 6-9 6-9 6-9 77 6-8 6-8 7*3 — 1 1-6 -n-3 — I I -2 — I I-I — IO-2 — 10*4 — I0-4 — io-6 -10-3 -"'3 — io-i — 10-3 — 807 -66-8 — 57*9 — 4°*9 — 28-0 -1 77 + o-i + 13*7 + 22'7 + 37-6 +48*2 + 67-1 1882. a Apr. 23-512 24- 546 25- 166 26- 353 27- 161 3 3° 3 2 0 20 63 32 27 20 1 7 I 0 1 1 35 20 21 24 16-5 167 1 8 - o 177 20-2 + 10-8 + 9*7 + 9'9 + 9" 6 + 107 + 9-7 + 23*5 + 33*0 + 48-5 + 6 1-6 Means 4 22 17-82 + 10-14 Group 740. Several very small spots. The group shows frequent changes. Means 3i 176 6-58 -10-73 Apr. 26-353 27- 161 28- 550 29 30-581 0 2 32 No pho 0 10 92 14 1 tograph. 17 0 1 24 0* 0 5 53 104 6 5 26 ! 344*8 343*2 344*3 343-3 342-2 + H'5 + H7 + H'8 + 15-1 + 15 + + 156 + 24-6 + 44" 1 + 56-5) + 68-8 Group 736. Two or three very small spots, which disappear before April 21. Means ! 7 5i 343-56 + 14-90 Apr. 18-542 19- 165 20- 421 2 O O 16 56 45 1 0 1 1 33 24 36- 0 37- 8 3 VP f- 15*1 + H7 + H'9 -36-4 — 26-4 — io-6 Group 741. A small spot. Means 0 23 36-93 + 14-90 Apr. 27-161 28-550 O 15 II 46 0 9 9 27 269- 3 270- 3 + 12-0 + n*o -49-3 -29-9 Group 737. Several very small spots, which break out in the same area of disturbance as Group 736. Means 5 18 269-80 + II-50 Group 742. A small spot. Apr. 22-164 23- 512 24- 546 25- 166 26- 353 27161 0 26 10 0 19 l 9 21 7 1 44 1 1 85 127 0 16 7 35 1-2 44 33 9 103 284 39-2 37-2 37*3 ' 32-8 33'° 34’i + 15-2 + 15-0 + 15*2 4* 14*6 + 14-6 + 1 5* 1 + 14-6 + 3°'4 +44' 1 +47'8 + 63-8 + 75’5 Apr. 28-550 29 30-581 May U530 24 No pho 20 7 9 0 98 tograph. 76 22 34 4 H (*3 11 4 6 0 56 49 42 13 25 4 281-6 283- 0 284- 5 284-5 288-9 287-9 + *97 + 19-5 + I9-3 + 19-1 + I9-3 + 19-2 -1 8-6 - 3*8) + 111 + 237 + 41-5 + 54-5 Means ... !3 81 35-60 + 14*95 2- 549 3- 605 Group 738. A small regular spot, which rapidly diminishes in size. Means 8 3.2 285-07 + I9-35 Group 743. An irregular spot with a small companion. Apr. 21-409 22- 164 23- 512 1 1 3 7 68 52 23 20 4 5 124 59 16 321- 3 3217 322- 1 + 7'i + 67 + 6-8 ,-73*3 — 62-9 -447 Apr. 30-581 34 47 41 76 181 212 26 3° 23 58 1 1 5 n 9 228-1 227-0 227-2 + x 4"9 + 14-9 + 15-0 -45'3 -33-8 — 20-2 Means 10 66 32170 + 6-87 May 1 53° 2-549 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 149 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. of Group. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. - Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Gro up 743- -contin Md. Group 747. Two very small faint spots. 1882. d May 3 '605 4’3H 5-549 10 0 1 1 71 8 29 5 0 6 38 4 17 227-9 229-0 2297 + 15-6 + 157 + 157 - 5-5 + 5-0 + 22-0 1882. d May 3-605 4-3I4 5 0 25 8 3 0 13 4 234- ° 235- 2 + 187 + 1 8-6 + 0-6 + II-2 Means 15 59 228-15 + I5-30 Means 2 9 234-60 + 18-65 Group 744. A large regular spot. Group 748. Two very small faint spots. May 3 605 9 18 4 9 218-6 + 5-5 — 14-8 May 1-530 2- 549 3- 605 4*3 H 5‘549 6- 495 7- 45' 8- 401 9 - u3 10- 486 11- 456 12- 597 13- 439 A 9 60 I79 108 213 23I 222 201 126 219 l6o i®5 0 1 17 329 532 53° 745 836 900 831 788 8ox 578 387 255 292 101 182 87 139 137 125 1 13 73 H7 130 125 0 1184 557 543 428 485 494 506 468 456 537 468 462 498 175- 6 177-9 177- 8 178- 3 177-4 176- 9 176-3 176-2 176-4 175- 9 176- 0 176-1 176-2 + 23-5 + 23-X +23-5 + 23-0 + 23-0 +23-3 +23-1 +23-1 + 22-8 + 23-2 + 22-8 + 23-I + 22-5 -8 5 -2 -69-5 -55-6 -457 -30-3 -18-3 — 6'2 + 6-2 +15-8 +33-5 +46-4 + 61 -6 + 72-8 Means 4 9 218-6 + 5*5 Group 749. A regular spot, with several small spots near it. The group undergoes several small changes. May 3-605 4- 3H 5- 549 6- 495 7- 45i 8- 401 9- 113 10- 486 1 1- 456 12- 597 13+39 14-528 0 14 66 103 83 88 43 9 6 62 45 33 8 43 70 225 430 35 6 379 300 424 372 280 134 37 0 21 59 73 52 5° 23 55 38 33 3°' 10 127 102 199 3°4 219 216 166 241 229 207 119 48 155- 3 i57-o 1567 156- 5 156-x 155- 6 156- 5 1566 156-5 I55-9 155-1 153-6 + 20-4 + 20-1 + 20-3 + 20-6 + 20‘5 + 21-2 + 21-3 + 21-6 + 21-3 + 21-8 +207 + 2I-I - 7 8-l — 67-0 -51-0 -387 — 264 -14+ — 4-i + 14-2 + 26-9 +4 I "4 + 517 + 647 Means 127 545 176-69 + 23-08 Group 745. A small spot. May 2-549 0 13 0 8 2X1-8 +15-4 ' -35 -6 Means ... j ... 37 181 1 55 95 + 20-9I Means 0 8 211-8 +15-4 Group 750. A small spot. Grou; Two or three small P 74 6 - spots close together. May 4-314 5-549 0 0 *9 12 0 0 36 12 148-6 149+ -19-3 — 1 9‘4 -75 + -58-3 May 2-549 3-605 4"3H 5‘549 6-495 7H5I 8- 401 9- U3 10-486 0 8 0 28 20 10 H 0 9 26 37 28 53 43 29 43 27 62 0 1 1 0 21 13 6 8 5 77 53 29 40 28 17 25 15 38 169-3 167-5 1677 167-4 167-1 1 66-8 1657 1 66-7 165-8 + 22-0 + 23-5 + 23-8 + 24-6 + 247 + 2 + 6 + 24-9 + 24-5 + 25-0 -78-1 -65-9 -56-3 -40-3 -28-1 -157 - 4-3 + 6-x + 23-4 Means 0 24 149-00 — 19‘35 Group 751. A small spot. May 5-549 0 10 0 i5 277-2 — 1 6-o + 69-5 Means 7 36 167-11 + 24-18 ... Means 0 i5 277-2 — 1 6-o 150 Areas and Heliographic Positions op Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 752. i A regular spot, with some smaller spots following it. Group 756. A small regular spot. .1882. d May 5-549 6495 7-45I 8401 9-113 10-486 "456 12- 597 13- 439 14- 528 15441 6? I06 106 4 1 89 57 40 52 5° 17 28 256 452 456 39 6 338 286 259 204 167 64 14 62 77 64 22 45 29 23 35 48 27 47 254 337 276 215 169 H7 148 137 1 57 IOI I35‘2 I35A 1347 J36-3 I38-4 140-4 142- 6 143- 3 145-2 H 6 '9 148-4 - 4-8 - 4"4 - 5"° - 47’ - 47 - 4-6 - 4"2 - 4’7 - 4'7 - 3-8 - 37 -72-5 -59-8 -47-8 -337 — 22-2 — 2-0 + I3-0 + 28-8 +41-8 + 58-0 +7i-5 1882. a May 8-401 9" 1 1 3 10-486 22 2 9 51 45 35 32 2 6 73 45 24 100-4 ioo-8 100-4 -137 -I3-5 — 14-0 o -69-6 -59-8 — 42-0 Means 13 47 100-53 -1373 Group 757. A small spot on May 9, but much larger on May 10. It is partly hidden by the wire on May 9. May 9-113 10-486 2 16 8 81 2 43 9 216 2226 220-2 + 14-2 + 16-6 + 62-0 + 77-8 Means 4 1 181 140-62 - 4-48 Group 753. Two very small spots close together, and a third at a little distance. Means 23 113 221^0 + 15-40 Group 758. May 7451 8-401 0 0 17 10 0 0 9 5 198- 7 199- 6 - 6-7 - 6-4 + I 6*2 + 29-6 Three very small, spots. May 10-486 0 24 0 16 180-3 — 16-5 + 37’9 Means 0 7 1 99’ 1 5 - 6-55 Means 0 16 180-3 -i6*5 - Group 754. A regular spot, followed by a close cluster of small spots. The latter disappear before May 13. Two very large spots 0 number of fragmeni f irregul: ts after p Grouj ar outlin assing th ? 759- e. The e central preceding s] meridian. pot breaks 1 up into a May 7451 8401 9' 1 1 3 10-486 11456 12-597 I3A39 14528 15- 44i 16- 525 17- 569 23 69 34 94 57 48 5° 43 32 37 0 94 353 334 481 390 318 226 234 152 96 45 44 87 3° 60 32 25 26 24 20 3° 0 178 425 291 307 220 166 118 131 96 77 54 108-9 106- 3 108-0 107- 3 108- 0 109- 0 1 io-8 1 1 11 1 1 1-6 I I 2"I I 12-6 + 13-5 + 139 + 13-9 + 137 + 1 37 + 14-0 + 13-3 + 13-4 + 13-7 + 13*7 + I3-7 -73 -6 -637 — 52-6 -35-i — 21-6 - 5-5 + 7"4 + 22-2 + 34-7 +49-6 + 63 9 May 10-486 11- 456 12- 597 13+39 14- 528 15- 441 16- 525 17- 569 18- 428 19- 572 20- 402 21- 510 22- 1 l8 23- 092 24- IOO 43 145 342 55° 521 502 729 456 4 6 3 228 172 231 43 27 »5 171 79° 1643 1966 2567 2380 2803 2462 2477 1449 1064 676 323 131 69 140 256 366 « 467 351 306 416 256 268 143 12 I 206 , 47 43 60 560 1331 1723 1620 1701 1440 1595 1385 1433 916 755 61 1 355 211 281 6o - 6 577 55-8 55-2 55-6 54-2 52-8 51-5 50-8 49+ 49-0 48-4 48-1 45-6 44-9 -28-1 -287 — 28-9 -28-5 -28-5 — 28-9 — 29-1 -29-2 -29-4 -29-5 -29-5 -29+ -29-6 — 29-8 -301 — 81 ’8 -71-9 -587 — 48-2 -33‘3 -227 — 97 + 2-8 + 13 + + 27-1 + 37-8 . + 51-8 + 59-5 + 69-9 + 82-5 Means 34 188 109-61 + 13-68 Group 755. Two very small spots. Means 230 1061 5 1 ‘97 — 29-15 ... May 8401 9 -II 3 10486 11- 456 12- 597 >5 22 20 0 0 33 63 53 5° 28 9 12 10 0 0 20 35 27 26 16 138-9 I387 I38-1 I386 *4°'3 -14-1 -142 -14-8 -I4-3 -13-9 -3i-i — 2 1 *9 - +3 + 9"° + 25-8 Group 760. A number of spots in a straight line. The group gradually diminishes, and only the preceding spot is left on May 22. May 12-597 9 13*439 116 14-528 105 135 459 609 17 168 9i 4°4 682 556 34-7 34-o 33*4 + 9*® + 107 + I0‘2 -79-8 — 69-4 -55-5 Means 6 25 138-92 — 14-26 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 151 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group, Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 760 — continued. Group 765. A regular spot, with a small companion. 1882. a May 15 '441 16- 525 17- 569 18- 428 I 9’57 2 20- 402 21- 510 22- 1 l8 167 122 H7 97 34 »9 0 0 7 67 691 624 387 169 81 21 10 119 7 2 78 49 ! 9 1 1 0 0 551 405 331 199 9 1 t? 9 32-8 3 3 '8 34'5 37-o 39'9 43' 2 44-0 44-1 + 10-5 + i.o-6 -|- 1 o"8 + io-8 + 107 + 10-4 + 10-2 + 1 1-8 -44- 1 -287 — 14-2 - 0-4 + 17-6 + 32-0 + 47 + + 55’5 1882. d May 25-098 26-480 27+ 0 3 28- 1 12 29- 474 30- 397 31- 402 June 1-291 2- 284 3- 416 4- 5I3 5'495 6-122 8 68 72 S 2 81 72 95 64 49 64 29 22 7 72 218 292 298 381 393 4°3 320 269 257 161 77 44 23 73 57 34 45 38 49 34 29 47 30 36 22 201 242 230 198 212 206 210 172 1 59 1 87 165 131 129 230-0 229-0 229- 9 230- 3 230-3 230-3 230-3 230-4 230-2 230-5 230-8 230-5 230-0 + 137 + 137 + 13-8 + 137 + 13*8 + 13*8 + H" 1 + 14-2 + H'4 + 15-0 + 15 + + I4-9 + I5-3 — 79" 1 — 61 - 8 — 48*7 -39-0 — 20-9 — 8-8 + 4*6 + 16-4 + 29+ +44*7 + 59*5 + 72*1 + 79'9 Means - j 57 299 37-4° + 10-59 Group 761. A small faint spot. May 13-439 0 24 0 13 99-9 — 20-4 - 3‘5 Means 4° 188 230-19 + 14-29 Means 0 13 99'9 — 20-4 Grmin 766. Group 762. . Two large regular spots, with a number of small spots between and around them. A very small spot. May 29-474 30- 397 31- 402 June 1-291 0 0 6 10 15 15 10 0 0 O 3 10 1 1 9 5 192- 3 193- 3 193*9 I93-I — 14-6 — H'4 -1+1 -12*3 -58-9 — 45-8 -31-8 — 20-9 May 14-528 I 5'44 I 16- 525 17- 569 18- 428 i l 9 ' 57 * 20- 402 21- 510 22- 118 23- 092 24100 ! 25-098 26-480 74 i75 295 37i 3i3 316 270 355 160 95 67 35 9 395 805 1171 1777 21 94 2 1 09 *958 1785 1343 1005 757 412 5 2 n 9 189 222 227 172 162 139 *95 94 - 67 60 47 4» 658 867 890 1086 1218 1084 1008 975 788 692 670 549 252 16-3 15-1 14- 8 157 15- 1 16- 2 16-3 1 6- 8 17- 3 17-6 17-1 167 r 4'9 — 16-4 — 16-3 — 1 6- 1 -15-5 -157 -151 -15-2 -15-0 — i5*i — 14-8 — 14-8 -14-5 -H’3 — 7 2-6 — 6 1 -8 -477 -33’° — 22-3 — 6-i + 5-i + 20-2 + 287 +41-9 + 5+7 + 67-6 + 84-1 Means I 9 I93-I5 -13-85 Group 767. A regular spot. May 29-474 30- 397 31- 402 June 1-291 2-284 34 i 6 4-5I3 5+95 6-122 7-45I | 8730 9 '47o 17 52 84 55 75 108 87 74 67 38 32 15 87 207 294 334 45 1 368 4°4 37° 356 221 139 4° 7°' 8l 83 4 2 47 61 47 4° 37 25 2 4 16 356 3 2 4 290 2 53 285 208 218 202 1 99 H5 45 1692 169-5 169-1 ^9-4 168-9 168-1 168-0 168-5 167-9 167-5 167-4 167-2 + 21 + + 21-5 + 21-5 + 21*5 +21-5 +21-4 + 21-4 + 20‘8 + 2I-I + 21-0 .+20 + + 20*8 — 82-0 — 696 -56-6 -446 3*9 17-7 1 33 + io-i + 17*8 + 35" 1 + 43‘9 + 61-5 Means 133 826 16-15 “ 1 5' 2 9 Group 763. Two very small faint spots. May 16-525 1 7" 569 18-428 13 0 0 3i 18 46 7 0 0 17 10 27 63-4 60-9 + 19-1 + *9.-8 + 18-9 — ro + H'7 + 2 3-5 Means 2 18 61-93 + 19-27 Means 48 219 168-39 + 21-19 Group 764. A small spot. Group 768. Two very small faint spots. May 20-402 0 1 1 0 6 + 11-4 — 107 June 1-291 0 12 0 H 277*3 +25*7 + 63-3 Means 0 6 .. °-5 . + 11.-4. Means ... 0 14 2.77-3 +257 ... 152 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 769. i A very small faint spot. Group 775. A very small faint spot. 1882. d June 3 *4 1 6 j 1 1 O 6 I 89*6 — 1 6*6 + 3*8 1882. a June 7*451 0 13 0 7 124*6 — 13*0 - 7-8 Means O 6 1 896 — 1 6*6 Means 0 7 124*6 - 13*0 Group 770. Group 776. A very small faint spot. June 7*451 3 9 2 6 93-9 — 1 6*3 - 38*5 June 3*416 + 513 4 8 16 15 4 5 i 5 10 129*6 131*0 + 16*6 4-16*6 -56*2 — 4°‘3 Means 2 6 93-9 -i 6*3 j Means 5 13 1 3 °' 3 ° 4- 16*60 Group 771. A very small spot. Group 777. A large spot, with several small spots following it. The group undergoes great and frequent changes. June 9*470 10*200 11*429 12*411 13*294 I 4 - 5 12 i 5'538 1 6*399 17*489 18 19 20*433 63 59 x 2 97 240 263 293 277 No pho No pho 1 1 299 291 66 2 824 906 1478 1452 1587 I 3°7 tograph. tograph. 92 58 70 96 53 124 140 167 186 (i 35 (84 33 439 287 464 487 493 766 770 901 873 643 4 i 3 183 36*4 377 37 -i 37-5 36*6 37*6 38*0 38*2 38*8 I 39 ' 6 1 4°"3 41*1 -12*8 — 12*2 -12*4 -12*3 -12*3 -I 3-3 -12*9 -12*7 -12*4 — 12*2 — 12*1 -II -9 -69*3 -58*3 -427 -29-3 — 18-5 - 1*4 + 12*6 + 24*2 + 39*3 + 53 -o) + 66*8) + 80*5 June 3*416 P 5 i 3 0 3 20 8 0 26 7 1 1 9‘4 1 19*6 + 16*3 4-i6*i -66*4 -517 Means 1 17 119*50 4- 16*20 ... Group 772. Two small spots. June 3*416 0 7 0 10 1 1 6*9 + r 4'9 -68*9 Means 103 560 1 38-24 — 12*46 Means 0 IO 1 1 6*9 + I 4 , 9 Group 778. Two small spots. j Group 773. A small faint spot. June 10*200 1 1 0 21 33 9 0 6* 0 12 18 5 837 83 - 3 84 - 3 -4-26*0 *426*1 + 25*3 -12*3 + 3*5 + I 7-5 June 4*513 0 3 0 2 125*1 + 17-1 — 462 11*429 12*41 1 Means | ... 0 2 125*1 + 17-1 Means 2 12 8377 + 25*80 Group 774. A small spot. Group 779. Two or three small spots. June 7*451 8*i 30 9*47° 0 0 1 21 15 7 0 0 1 1 l 152*5 > 55-2 157*1 - 8*6 - 77 - 7‘2 4-20*1 + 317 + 5 r 4 June 11*429 12*41 1 I 3-294 IO 49 4 i ”5 40 12 39 2 47 92 27 16*2 17*2 17-3 -13*2 -13-4 -117 -63*6 -49-6 - 37*8 Means 0 9 1 54*93 - 7-83 Means ... 18 55 16*90 -12*77 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 153 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 780. A number of spots arranged in a straight line. The group undergoes great and frequent changes. 1882. d 0 • 0 0 June 14-512 l 9 53 21 62 335*6 + 21-5 -63-4 I 5-538 17 IOI 14 86 334 ‘ 2 + 217 -51-2 16-399 37 168 25 "4 335*6 + 21-3 - 38-4 17-489 156 535 96 327 33 1 ’ 2 + 22-4 -28-3 18 No pho tograph. (79 344 331 -° + 22"6 - 15 - 5 ) l 9 No pho tograph. (63 361 330-9 + 227 - 2 - 7 ) 20-433 85 693 46 378 3307 + 22-9 + 10*1 21-291 24 529 14 306 331-6 + 21-8 +22-4 22-185 38 365 24 233 33 o -9 +22-4 + 33-5 23-402 37 196 3 ° 159 33 °’ 6 +227 + 49-3 24*408 0 16 O 17 329A + 22-6 + 61-4 Means 37 217 331-97 + 22-24 Group 781. A small regular spot, followed by some smaller spots. June 20-433 42 214 25 I2 5 292-5 + 15-6 — 28-1 21-291 13 9 1 7 49 292-7 + I 5 G -16-5 22-185 20 207 10 106 292-7 + 15-2 “ +7 23-402 49 254 26 133 292-3 + I 5-4 + II -0 ' 24-408 34 160 ?9 90 292-8 + 15-1 + 24-8 25-529 7 6 5 • 5 43 2927 + 15-5 + 39'5 26-417 18 72 1 5 58 292-6 + 1 4"9 + 51-2 Means 15 86 292-61 + 15-30 Group 782. A small spot. June 23-402 0 13 O 1 1 2297 + 14-0 — 516 24-408 0 13 O 8 229-8 + 14-6 -38-2 Means ° 229-75 + 14-30 Group 783. A small re, gular spot. June 23-402 *3 56 *9 84 210-9 + 14-6 -70-4 24-408 24 95 23 9 1 210- 1 + 15-! — 579 25-529 16 IOI 1 1 69 2 II- 5 , + 14-6 -417 26-417 .22 104 13 61 2117 + 14-6 -297 27-527 25 in 13 59 212-0 + I 4"9 -147 28-373 3 ° 89 15 45 212*2 + H 7 - 3-3 29-245 1 1 93 6 48 2 I 2*0 + 14-6 + 8-i 30 - 3+3 *4 64 8 35 211-8 + 15-0 + 22-2 July 1-443 9 95 6 61 2127 + 14-1 + 37-8 2-463 0 28 0 23 2 I 3-3 + 137 + 52-0 Means 1 1 58 211-82 H~ 1 4*59 Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 784. A small spot. 1882. d 0 June 24-408 0 1 1 0 14 201-8 + l6’2 — 66-2 Means 0 *4 201-8 + 16-2 Group 785. A small spot when first seen on the East limb. The group increases in size, and becomes a long line of spots, of which the first spot is the largest. June 25-529 0 8 0 8 I 9 2-2 + io-6 — 6i-o 26-417 1 1 27 8 20 I 93 -I + io-6 -48-3 27-527 '74 218 44 130 I94-5 + 10-9 -32-2 28-373 54 488 29 262 1957 + 1 o - 8 -197 29-245 5° 2 66 26 136 I9 + 8 + 10-4 - 7-i ; 30-343 52 376 27 192 197-8 + IO "4 + 8-2 July 1-443 123 529 67 289 196-9 + io 7 + 22-0 2-463 102 406 63 255 198-3 + I 0"2 + 37-0 3A57 58 281 46 222 I 99 -0 + 9’5 + 5°"8 4 No pho tograph. ( 2 5 123 I99-8 + 9‘5 + 6 4-9) 5’474 2 9 4 24 200-5 + 9"4 + 79-0 Means 3i 151 196-78 + 1027 Group 786. A very small faint spot. June 25-529 3 6 1 ' 3 25O + +24-9 - 2-8 26-417 0 21 0 1 1 250-4 + 24-1 +11-5 27-527 12 34 7 20 2 5 I "4 +23-5 +247 28-373 0 17 0 12 252-2 +23-2 +367 Means 2 12 251-10 +23-93 Group 787. Two very small close clusters of spots when first s ieen. The group develops into a line of spots, the middle spots of which soor l disappear, whilst the first and 1 last increase in size. June 25-529 26 84 H 45 247-5 -19-3 - 57 26-417 3 20 2 1 1 246-1 — 18-8 + 47 27727 127 349 73 1 99 2458 -!9-4 + 19-1 28-373 79 745 5° 466 245-1 -i9-3 + 297 29-245 81 664 58 482 245-2 -19-1 + 4i-3 30-343 36 525 37 5i7 245-6 -192 + 56-0 July 1-443 43 311 62 553 246-4 — 18-9 + 7i-5 2-463 0 39 0 207 244-5 — 20-1 + 83-2 Means 37 310 24578 — I9-26 Photo-Heliographic Results, 1882-1885. 154 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographie Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Two im gular spc Group 788. ts, and two or three very small spots close to them. Group 792. A very small faint spot. The group as it approaches the central meridian, and forms three or four spots. I 882. a June 26-417 27-527 28*373 29- 245 30- 343 July 1-443 2-463 3'457 4 5 '474 0 38 17 22 27 105 80 102 No pho 60 35 184 270 339 377 4 J 9 306 312 tograph. 268 0 39 14 >4 16 56 43 58 (54 5° 67 r 95 212 219 212 163 177 l 99 220 167-7 167-1 167- 8 168- 6 J697 l6 9‘4 169- 5 169- 6 170- 4 171- 2 — 1 5 * 1 -i5-5 -15-1 -15-1 -15-0 -15-1 -15-0 — 14-8 — !4'4 — 14-0 -737 — 59*6 -47-6 -35‘3 ~ ! 9"9 - 5‘5 + 8-2 + 21-4 + 35-6) + 497 1882. d July 1-443 2-463 3'457 4 5A74 6 7"4 l6 8 - io6 2 0 3° No pho 63 No pho 23 12 1 1 16 167 tograph. 185 tograph. 1 16 58 0 15 (* 5 34 ( 2 5 16 10 7 8 86 92 98 90 82 49 138- 9 139+ 1 39*8 1 398 1397 139- 6 139 + I39-3 - 5’5. - 5*6 - 4-6 - 4'9 - 5-i - 52 - 5'3 - 5*5 — 36-0 -21*9 - 8-4 + 4-9) + I 8"2 + 30*9) +43-6 + 52-6 Means 16 64 139+9 - 5‘2i Means 34 189 169-10 -H’9 1 Group 793. A small spot, not seen on July 2. Group 789. A small spot. i June 29-245 30-343 July 1-443 2- 463 3- 457 4 5 '474 6 7- 416 8- io6 2 6 I 9 H 8 No pho 9 No pho 12 6 36 55 63 47 23 tograph. 62 tograph. 24 12 3 4 1 1 7 4 (5 5 (8 10 6 42 4i 37 25 12 23 34 27 !9 12 140-2 I 4 1 '9 144- 8 145- 6 145-6 r 44"9 144-2 144-8 i45'3 i 4 6 '3 “ 4‘7 - 4-6 - 4-6 - 4 -6 - 4-6 ~ 4‘2 - 3-8 - 4‘3 - 4-8 - 4-6 -637 -477 — 3°'i -157 — 2 -6 + 1 0*0) + 227 + 36-1) + 49'5 + 59-6 July 1-443 2-463 3A57 1 1 54 0 14 8 0 0 40 0 8 127-8 126-2 + 18-1 + 17-6 -47-1 — 22-0 Means 3 16 127-00 + 17-85 Group 794. A number of small spots. Before disappearing at the West limb they have almost all coalesced to form one large spot. Means 6 27 144-36 — 4-48 July 10-438 11- 294 12- 472 13- 249 14A76 15- 557 16- 518 26 39 1 10 55 70 24 12 9i 219 499 447 327 400 4i 13 20 62 34 57 3i 34 47 113 281 278 265 5°3 ”7 55-0 52-2 53‘5 53‘9 53*8 55- 0 56- 1 +++++++ - o-8 + 77 + 24-6 + 35'3 + 5i-5 + 66-9 + 807 Group 790. A very small spot. June 29-245 30-343 July 1-443 2-463 3*457 0 3 0 0 IO r 7 22 3 16 0 0 2 0 0 13 15 H 8 1 36- 1 137- 0 137-0 136-1 *3 6 -5 + 15-0 + 15-0 + 15-0 + 14-0 + 15*2 — 67-8 — 52-6 -37'9 -25-2 -117 Means 36 229 54-2i + 15*97 Means ... 0 10 '36-54 + 14-84 Group 795. Two very small spots, not seen on July 13 and 14. Group 791. A small spot. 0 0 0 0 4 0 16 0 0 43 49 20 0 0 0 0 2 0 14 0 0 24 25 1 1 335- 6 334-9 334*5 336- 2 + ii *3 + n*i + 11-4 + n*5 -53*3 -13-2 - 0-9 + 13-0 June 30-343 July 1-443 2-463 3A57 0 1 1 1 1 3 17 42 50 13 0 12 9 2 ! 35 46 4° 9 1 1 6-8 1 16-3 116-4 ii5-3 -227 -23-2 -23-2 -23-0 -72-8 -58-6 -44-9 -32-9 July 12-472 13-249 14'476 15- 557 16- 518 17- 440 Means $38 6 33 116-20 -23-03 Means 0 12 335*30 + H-33 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885 . 155 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 796. Two close pairs of very small spots. Group 800. Three small spots. 1882. d July 14-476 IS ‘557 16- 518 17- 44° 42 22 3 87 ”9 14 to 22 12 2 O 44 63 8 7 7 - 8 8- 6 6- 2 7 - 4 + 87 + 9"0 + 8-4 + 8-i + 5-5 + 20-5 + 30-8 + 44-2 1882. a July 17-440 18- 452 19- 506 24 9 17 59 45 0 *9 6 20 49 29 261 3 260-2 2597 — 1 1-8 — 1 1-6 — 1 r8 — 61-9 - 49-5 -36-1 Means 8 33 260-40 -1173 Means 9 3 i 7-50 + 8-55 Group 801. A very small faint spot. Group 797. A large regular spot, with several small spots following it. These smaller spots disappear before July 22. July 18-452 0 ' 7 0 1 1 17-8 — 20-3 + 68-I Means O 1 1 17-8 -20-3 July 14-476 1 5 - 557 16- 518 17- 440 18- 452 19 - 506 20- 532 zi -533 22*106 23 - 579 24 - 397 25- 189 56 148 94 I 35 202 225 157 132 87 "5 99 35 348 652 908 855 986 885 785 716 570 539 420 178 9 ° 138 66 81 109 n 4 81 74 52 94 1 10 60 568 608 645 509 527 452 407 399 343 443 466 3°9 289- 5 290- 4 290- 6 291- 4 2917 2927 292- 8 2937 294-1 294-5 294-7 294-6 + I 4 " 1 + 14-0 + i 4'4 + 14-8 + * 4'9 + 15-2 + 14-8 + 14-7 + I 4 A + 13-9 ; +*3-9 + H’ 1 -72-8 -577 — 44-8 - 31-8 — 18-0 - 3 'i 4-io-6 + 24-S 4-327 4-52-6 4-63-6 + 73’9 Group 802. Two small spots. Other small spots appear and form a Y-shaped group, the pre- ceding spot, which is also the largest, forming the angle of the V. July 18-452 19- 506 20- 532 21 - 533 22*1 06 23 - 579 24 - 397 25- 189 26- 406 27- 406 0 8 28 44 45 40 4 1 16 26 2 28 52 128 264 268 228 211 102 65 16 0 6 17 26 25 22 26 1 1 26 3 29 39 80 IS* 150 132 1 33 74 64 26 252- 6 253 - 9 254- 8 254-6 2 547 2567 257-8 259-1 259- 8 260- 1 — 18-9 — i 9 "6 -194 — 19-8 — 20-2 — 20*2 — 20'2 — 20-1 -I 9-3 -I 9 -I - 57 -i - 4 I- 9 -27+ -14-4 - 67 + 14-8 + 267 + 38-4 + 55*3 + 68-8 Means 89 473 292-54 + H -43 Group 798. A close cluster of very small faint spots. Means ... 16 88 256-41 — 19-68 Group 803. A small spot. July 15-557 16- 518 17- 440 18- 452 19- 506 20- 532 21533 4 0 H 9 3 34 11 12 60 78 67 42 6 2 0 0 8 4 2 5 ° 10 8 37 42 35 22 277-4 279 - 4 280- 2 277-5 276- 2 277- 8 278- 2 + 18-6 + I 9 A + I 9-3 + 19-6 + 18-7 + 19-3 + 18-9 - 7°7 — 56-0 - 43 -o — 32-2 — 19-6 — 4'4 4 - 9 " 2 July 18-452 19- 506 20- 532 21- 533 22"Io6 0 0 16 12 3 16 ! 25 37 30 1 21 1 0 j 0 *5 8 2 4 1 33 33 21 13 2327 231-2 230-8 230-4 230-5 -I 7-5 — 18-3 -17-8 — 18-1 -1 8-2 - 77 ' 0 — 64-6 -51-4 -38-6 - 3 o -9 Means 3 29 278-10 + 19" 1 1 Means 1 5 28 231-12 -1798 Group 799. A small spot. Group 804. Three or four small spots. July 20-532 21 - 533 22- 106 0 9 0 15 48 26 0 7 0 18 4 i 19 216-0 215-5 215-6 + 1 8-4 + I 9-3 + I 9-5 -66-2 - 53-5 -45-8 July 17-440 *0 9 0 6 282-9 — 1 1 - 1 - 4°'3 Means 0 6 282-9 — 1 1 -i. Means 2 26 21570 + 19-07 156 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Giioup. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 805. A close cluster of small spots. Group 809. A small spot. 1882. d July 21-533 22" I 06 O O 18 37 0 O 9 19 262-2 262-9 + 7-6 + 77 - 6-8 + i -5 1882. a Aug. 3-576 3 15 2 10 57‘9 + 16-6 -386 Means 2 io 57-9 + 16-6 Means ° 14 262-55 + 7-65 Group 806. A small spot, with two or three small faint spots near it. Group 810. A small spot. July 21-533 22- I06 23- 579 H '397 25- 189 26- 406 27- 406 0 2 27 7 10 6 9 32 32 137 59 33 46 77 O 3 18 4 5 ' 3 4 59 34 9 6 , 36 18 24 39 I 94"2 I 99-3 I 97 A 197-4 199-9 196-1 194-8 + 107 + 9-8 + IQ -.5 + 10-4 + 10-4 + H -3 + 10-2 - 74-8 — 62-1 - 44"5 -337 — 20-8 - 8-4 + 3’5 Aug. 8-604 9-625 IO-378 1 1 -6 1 6 0 6 2 0 15 is 25 35 0 6 2 0 21 313- 2 3 I 4 ’i 314- 2 3147 + 217 + 21-8 + 22-4 + 22*4 — 76-8 — 62*4 - 52-3 - 35’5 Means 2 22 3 i 4‘ 0 5 + 22-08 Group 8 1 1 . Two spots, which rapidly increase in size on August 10 and 11. Means 5 44 197-01 + 10-47 Group 807. Two or three small spots. Aug. 9-625 10- 378 1 1 - 6 1 6 12- 399 13 14516 1 5 ‘537 16-570 3 i 73 205 174 No^>ho 62 120 500 981 849 tograph. 322 256 28 16 37 1 12 102 { l 2 61 86 0 62 258 533 496 399 302 364 6 9 IO'I 1 1-1 9-6 9-6 1 o-o 8-8 4-6 + 207 + 20‘0 + 19-8 + 19-8 + 19-6 + I 9-3 + 19-6 + 20-3 - 6-4 + 4-6 + 19+ + 29-2 + 437 ) + 58-1 + 70-4 + 79-9 July 23-579 24 - 397 25- 189 26- 406 27- 406 28- 170 29 - 427 4 23 0 49 3 i 0 0 68' 83 30 191 H 5 5 i 89 3 H 0 25 16 0 0 44 47 16 97 75 28 61 204-2 203-2 2057 203-4 2037 203-5 208-0 + 16-3 + 15-8 + I 5-9 + I 5-9 + 16-1 + 15-1 + 10-3 -377 -27-9 -i 5 -o — i-i + 12-4 + 22-3 + 43 + Means 62 310 9 i 1 + 19-89 Means 8 53 204-53 + 15-06 Group 812. A regular spot. Group 808. A close cluster of small faint spots. The group develops into a large V-shaped group, the preceding spot, which is also the largest, forming the angle of July 27-406 28- 170 29 - 427 3 ° 31-549 Aug. 1 2'395 3 - 576 4 - 547 5 6-538 17 0 34 No phc 48 No phc 200 108 84 No phc 39 60 119 310 1 tograph. 617 ) tograph, 908 720 673 > tograph. 271 32 0 25 (26 26 , (68 109 67 62 , (62 62 1 1 3 140 233 285 337 416 495 443 489 463 436 u 8-3 1 1 8-1 1 18-9 120- 4 12 1 - 9 1237 125- 5 126- 5 126- 8 127- 0 127-2 -”■3 — 1 i-o — 10-4 — I I-o -”•5 — 1 19 -12-3 — 12-6 -12-5 -12-4 — 12-2 -73-0 -63-1 -457 -30-2) -147 - o- 7 ) + 13 + + 30-0 + 43 ’i + 56 - 5 ) + 69-9 Aug. 9-625 10-378 1 1 *6 1 6 12-399 13 14- 516 1 5 - 537 16- 570 17- 160 18- 136 !9 20-529 15 13 58 63 72 70 42 16 25 No pho II 64 114 245 269 tograph. 326 292 243 194 165 tograph. 70 37 18 48 43 (40 38 35 22 9 15 (H 12 154 155 202 183 177 170 148 125 104 99 89 78 297-2 297-1 296-9 296-9 296-8 2967 2967 296-6 296-4 296-4 296-5 296-5 + I 5 -I + I5-6 + 15-1 + 14-2 + 14-9 + 15-6 + 1 - 5-6 + 15 + + 15-4 + 15 + + I 5-5 + I 5-5 - 79-3 -69+ - 53’3 -43-0 -29-1) -15-2 - i 7 + 119 + 19-6 + 32+ +48-3) + 64-1 Means 49 35 ° 123-12 -II74 Means 28 140 29673 + 15-28 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 157 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group A very smal 813. faint spot. Group 817. A close cluster of three or four spots. Two coalesce and form a large spot before August 21. 1882. d Aug. 10-378 0 7 O 8 3°5'3 -17*4 — 6i-2 1882. a Aug. 20-529 2I "54 I 22- 39 1 23- 454 24- 579 49 109 189 109 I 2 203 562 884 490 9° 3> 80 >75 165 27 128 4> 1 814 719 329 258-0 257A 258*2 2 59'> 1 257A 1 — 20-9 — 2I-I — 21*2 — 21 *2 -22*3 + 25-6 + 38 + + 5°-4 + 65*3 + 78-S Means 0 8 305-3 -17-4 Group 814. Three or four small spots in a straight line. Means 96 480 258-02 -21*34 Group 818. A small spot. Aug. 17-160 18-136 >9 20-529 21 '54 1 22-391 2 3"454 0 20 No pho 9 11 9 0 5 67 tograph. 2 3 30 20 18 O 13 (9 5 7 7 3 4> 27 >3 >9 >4 >7 2 4>7 243‘i 245'o 246*8 246*3 246-1 246-0 — 20-9 — 20 -6 — 207 — 20*8 — 20-8 — 21*0 — 20-8 — 35 1 — 20-9 — 3-3) + >4*4 + 27-3 + 38-3 + 52-2 Aug. 20-529 0 7 0 4 244*9 -17*4 + 12*5 Means 0 4 244-9 -17*4 Means 6 >9 245-00 — 20*80 Group 819. A very small spot. Group 815. A small spot. Aug. 20-529 21*541 4 0 10 9 2 O 6 5 204- 1 205- 1 4-10*9 + i>-3 -28*3 -13*9 Means 1 6 204-60 + 1 1*10 ... Aug. 18*136 >9 20- 529 21- 54 1 22- 391 2 3‘454 2 4'579 No pho 14 8 10 12 3 3 tograph. 43 33 3i 16 13 (4 8 4 5 6 2 4 14 24 18 16 9 8 203-2 205-2 207- 1 208- 3 209- 2 210- 3 2107 - 6-6 - 7"> - 7-5 - 7-6 - 7‘3 - 6-9 - 7-0 -6o-8 -43">) -25-3 -107 + >'4 + 16-5 + 3 1 " 8 Group 820. A very small spot. Aug. 20*529 21-541 0 7 20 0 4 10 200*3 1 99- 1 + 12*0 + I 1*9 -321 — >9*9 Means 4 >3 207-71 - 7">4 Means 0 7 19970 + 11-95 Group 816. Two regular spots, with several small spots between them. Group 821. A regular spot. Aug. 22*391 23*454 24- 579 25- 600 26- 426 27- 393 28 29- 394 3 0 - 55 0 31- 374 Sept. 1-291 2-428 27 35 43 53 37 No pho 44 32 1 1 10 8 34 105 >57 164 212 220 tograph. 183 162 5° 79 46 0 35 29 28 3> (22 24 >9 7 8 11 >3> >39 132 109 124 1 >9 1 10 100 99 34 69 64 126*8 128-0 128-2 128*1 129*0 128-5 128- 9 129- 3 129-1 128-9 129*0 128-8 — I I *1 — 1 1 *0 — 1 0-6 — 10-9 — hi — I 1*0 — 1 1-5 -11-9 ->>•3 — 11*2 -11*4 — >1*3 — 8i*o -65-8 -507 -37-2 : -25-5 — 13-2 + 0-5) + >4-> + 291 + 39‘ 8 + 52-0 + 66-8 Aug. 18-136 >9 20-529 2154 1 22-391 2 3 '454 24*579 25- 600 26- 426 2 7'393 28 29-394 16 No phc 251 3°4 280 286 256 283 218 83 No phc 80 90 1 tograph. 1300 1190 1536 I 560 1522 1222 840 619 > tograph. 272 38 ( io 4 i6 9 174 148 >44 >3> 158 136 63 (101 138 198 535 872 680 809 787 781 683 525 464 480 495 1859 1 88-i 190*3 190*5 1907 I 9>"4 190-3 190- 2 191- 2 190-4 190-4 190-3 + 13-0 + 13-0 + 13-0 + >3"5 + >3-3 + 13-6 + 13-2 + 13-2 + 13-2 + 13-0 + 13-1 + 13*1 -781 — 6o-i) — 42-1 -28-5 -17-1 — 2*4 + u-4 + 24-9 + 367 +487 + 61-9) + 75" 1 Me^ns 125 609 189-98 + I3"> 8 Means 20 103 128-55 — 11*19 ... 158 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 822. Several small spots irregularly arranged. Group 827. A regular spot, with some smaller spots close to it. 1882. d Aug. 23-454 24- 579 25- 600 26- 426 27- 393 28 29-394 -30-550 25 7 16 16 3 No pho 22 5 64 31 61 80 104 tograph. 80 52 21 4 9 9 2 (8 13 3 55 20 34 42 52 49 45 35 139- 6 141-8 I 39 I I 4°'4 140- 4 140- 9 I 4 I "3 141- 6 + II-I + 1 1 "4 + n-5 + 11-4 + ii-i + 10-9 + 107 + 12-0 -54-2 -37'i — 262 -14-1 - V3 4-12-4) 4-26-1 +4 1 "6 1882. a Aug. 31-374 Sept. 1-291 2- 428 3- 600 4- 54 1 5- 336 6- 512 7'398 8- 400 9- 530 IO 11-356 O 83 89 89 122 75 73 48 68 No pho 6 72 98 363 370 446 525 428 310 259 227 tograph. ‘25 0 17 80 63 53 67 38 38 26 42 (24 6 273 160 35° 262 267 289 220 160 140 140 82 24 4-3 3‘4 2-9 2’ I 2-0 2 ' I 2 - I 2'3 2-3 2-5 2-3 2*1 + 20-6 + 20-6 + 20-1 + 20‘I + 20-1 + 20-3 + 207 + 20-9 + 207 + 207 -j- 20"8 4-20-8 -84-8 -73-6 -59 1 -44+ — 32-0 -2I- 4 — 6-o + 6-o 4-19-2 + 34-3 4-46-2) 4-58-1 Means 9 42 140-64 4-II-26 Group 823. Several very small spots. Means 38 197 2‘53 + 20-53 Aug. 29-394 1 1 40 | 7 25 I2I-4 — 30-1 -f 6-2 Group 828. Two regular spots, with a number of very small spots between them. Means 7 25 121-4 -3o-i I Group 824. Several small spots in a straight line . Sept. 1-291 2- 428 3- 600 3° 163 53 66 606 250 21 155 95 46 582 449 I 1 7'6 117- 4 118- 0 — 12-0 — 12-2 -12-4 4-40-6 + 55 + + 7I-5 Aug. 29-394 3°-55° 31-374 Sept. 1-291 0 6 1 1 7 41 107 55 H 0 3 6 4 21 55 28 7 987 98- 6 99- 8 966 + 16-6 4-17-0 + I7-5 4-17-0 -16-5 - i*4 4-107 4-19-6 Means 9° 359 117-67 — 12-20 Means 3 28 98-43 4-17-03 Several very small sp Group 825. Sept. 2-428 3-600 2 3 17 16 2 9 9 64- 8 65- 5 + 5 + -|- 6*2 4- 2-8 + 19-0 A very small faint spot. Means 2 9 65-15 + 5-80 Aug. 30-550 0 18 0 9 106-8 4-17-2 4- 6-8 Group 830. Two small spots on September 2. These develop before September 4 into two large regular spots, with several very small spots near them. Means 0 1 9 1 06 -8 4-17-2 Group 826. Two very small faint spots. Sept. 2-428 3- 600 4- 54 1 5- 336 6- 512 7- 398 8- 400 5 98 239 443 180 178 44 31 370 864 *644 1053 618 1 18 3 53 H5 306 176 249 1 16 16 202 521 1142 1006 841 310 64- 8 66-4 667 66- 5 67- 1 65- 8 64-1 4-20-8 4-20-4 4-20-8 4-20-9 + 21-3 4-21-4 + 21-4 -f- 2*8 + 19-9 +327 +43-o + 59’o 4-69-5 4-8i-o Aug. 3I-374 Sept. 1-291 2-428 0 0 0 I 8 IO 17 0 0 H 1 1 13 185 1 4"9 1 6-o — 1 1-6 -ii*3 — 12-0 — 70-6 — 62-1 — 46-0 Means 0 13 16-47 -II-63 Means 150 577 65-91 4-21-00 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 159 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 831. Two small spots. The smaller of the two disappears before September 4. Group 836. A small spot. 1882. d Sept. 2-428 3- 600 4- 54I 5- 336 31 28 io 12 8l 60 3° 34 18 18 7 IO 48 37 20 27 63- 2 64- 5 667 66-9 -23-0 -227 -21-5 -21-7 + 1-2 1 8*o +32-7 +43-4 1882. d Sept. 9-530 0 8 0 27 245-5 + 18-9 -827 Means 0 27 245-5 + 18-9 Means 13 33 65-33 -22-23 Group 837. A small spot on September 12. Three or four small spots, arranged in a straight line, .on September 13. Group 832. Two very small faint spots. Sept. 12-544 I3-540 H 15- 396 16- 229 17 39 No pho ! 9 5° 144 tograph. 72 43 29 (31 33 0 3 1 107 XI 5 123 262 323-8 322- 0 323- 9 3257 327-1 + 22-2 + 23-1 + 22-6 + 22-0 + 21-0 + 35-4 + 467 + 6o-8) + 74-9 + 87+ Sept. 2-428 0 5 0 3 39‘9 -25-2 — 22-1 Means 0 3 39'9 -25-2 Means 21 128 324-50 + 22-18 Group 833. A number of spots, arranged in a straight line. Group 838. A large regular spot, followed by a number of smaller spots arranged in a straight line. Sept. 2-428 3- 600 4- 54 1 5- 336 6- 512 7- 398 8- 400 9- 530 11- 356 12- 544 14 66 66 199 144 153 78 56 No pho 20 25 59 i93 327 794 638 488 321 248 tograph. 215 189 *9 57 45 1 17 76 76 40 31 \ 34 89 167 221 468 33i 243 163 138 156 174 249 350- 6 351- 6 3SI-3 3 5 1 "9 351- 2 352- 6 3537 354*6 355- 5 356- 3 356-9 + 7'2 + 7-0 + 6-8 + 6-9 + 7-i + 7"4 + 7-7 4- 8-o + 8-i + 8-2 + 87 -71-4 -54-9 -427 -31-6 — 16-9 - 31 + io-6 + 26-4 + 39-4) + 52-3 + 68-5 Sept. 13-540 14 15- 396 16- 229 17 18-406 1 9 " 1 3 8 20- 41 1 21- 285 22- 585 23- 200 24- 214 25- 567 45 1 67 85 No pho 318 149 205 107 133 67 40 4 339 tograph. 969 858 tograph. 1359 1041 924 839 610 463 231 24 79 (in 143 58 '(11* 165 75 1 10 60 9 1 54 5i H 815 812 809 581 642 703 • 521 482 470 424 384 290 80 196- 2 1967' 197- 2 197-2 197- 6 198*0 198- 0 r 99'4 i 99"8 200- 4 201- 3 2017 198-9 + ”‘3 + H-3 + H-3 + 12-2 + 12-0 + II7 + H-5 + 114 + ii -3 + ii-o + 10-9 + II'2 + 10-9 -79 1 -66-4) — 53*6 -42-5 -27-8) -13-0 - 34 + 1 4"9 + 26*8 +44-5 + 53-5 + 67-3 + 82-4 Means 49 218 353-29 + T 55 Group 834. A small spot. Means 86 539 198-65 + 11-38 Group 839. A small spot. Sept. 2-428 7 *9 4 IO 50-2 -127 -ii-8 Means 4 IO 50-2 -127 Sept. 15-396 7 14 6 .1 300-7 -13-5 +49-9 Group 835. ■ A small spot. Means 6 I I 300-7 -13-5 Group 840. Two small faint spots. Sept. 9-530 10 11-356 9 No pho 0 31 tograph. 7 17 (9 0 56 3i 6 253-0 253-2 253-3 + io-8 + 11-0 + II-2 -75-2 -63-0) -507 Sept. 16-229. 0 26 0 47 3 J 5*3 + 18-8 + 75-6 Means 9 3 1 '253-17 + 1 1 ‘OO Means 0 47 3I5-3 + 18-8 160 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 841. Group 845 — continued. Two very small spots. j 1882. 4 Sept. 30+05 Oct. 1491 2-560 12 24 3 74 74 16 6 14 2 39 43 1 1 66+ 66-8 66-3 + 21*6 + 20-9 + 21-0 + 137 + 28-4 + 42-1 1882. d Sept. 18-406 1 9" 1 38 8 20 I I 4 12 6 220-0 220-9 — 20-9 — 20*2 + 9'° + I9-5 Means 2 9 220-45 -20-55 Means 6 33 67-32 + 21-27 Group 842. A small regular spot. Group 846. A very fine large regular spot. Sept. 1 8-406 19- 138 20- 41 1 1 6 13 8 89 83 35 9 8 5 52 49 23 215-2 214-5 213-1 -23-2 -23-3 -23-2 + 4-2 + 13-1 + 28-6 Sept. 25-567 26- 447 27- 410 28- 410 29- 168 3 0 - 4 0 5 Oct. 1-491 2-560 3'399 4‘ 1 45 5- 285 6- 146 120 210 260 3i5 275 347 410 43i 405 247 163 149 696 944 1212 1279 1546 1758 4704 1647 4359 1226 821 481 177 208 198 233 165 198 239 273 290 205 201 3°7 1029 936 923 949 928 1002 993 1046 972 1 1023 50-9 50- 9 51- 2 50-9 50-6 50-5 50-5 50-0 49-7 49 -i -21-4 — 20-8 -21-4 -217 -217 -217 -217 -21-7 -2I'7 -217 — 22-2 — 22-1 — 65-6 -54-0 -40-9 — 28-1 i “ i8 '4 — 2'2 + I2-I + 25-8 + 3 6 ’5 + 45 -8 + 6o-8 + 72-0 Means 7 4 1 214-27 -23-23 Group 843. Several small spots in a straight line. Sept. 21-285 22- 585 23- 200 24- 214 25- 567 26- 447 27- 410 0 20 23 +3 48 35 15 35 77 131 171 154 155 7i 0 1 1 12 23 3° 25 * H 18 39 65 90 95 hi 66 152-2 1 5°'9 I 5 r 4 I 5 1 '7 152-6 i5i-3 150-1 + n-5 + 117 + II-8 + 11-4 + ii-i + I 1-2 + H-5 — 20-8 1 u 1 3 4-y u 990 48-9 - 5-0 + 3-6 + 17-3 Means 225 984 1 50-18 — 21-65 + 36-1 +46-4 + 58-0 Group 847. Two small spots. Means 16 69 151-46 + 11-46 Sept. 25-567 26+47 27 + 10 28- 410 29- 168 30+05 Oct. 1 -49 1 2- 560 3- 399 4 - I 45 5- 285 25 57 42 57 3 1 36 29 3i 28 7 5 189 208 189 1 99 193 180 "9 70 28 20 8 33 37 18 »9 15 17 16 5 4 365 226 176 1 21 115 IOI V 64 4° 18 16 40- 1 41- 5 4i-3 4 1 ’ 1 41-0 4°"7 40-8 40-4 40-2 400 39*9 + 18 + + 18-6 + 187 + 18-9 + 19-2 + i9'4 + 19-8 + 20-3 + 20-2 + 20-0 + 19-8 -76-4 -63+ — 50-8 -37'9 — 28-0 — I2'0 + 2-4 + i6‘2 +27-0 +367 +517 Group 844. Three or four small spots, in the same straight line as 838. Sept. 22-585 23-200 32 8 IOI 47 18 4 56 28 181-3 181-8 + I2‘0 + 12-2 + 25 + + 34-° Means 1 1 42 *81-55 + 12-10 Group 845. A small spot. Means 25 121 40-64 + 1 9*39 ... Group 848. A fine group of very irregular shape. The preceding spot is regular, but the following spots undergo constant change. Sept. 23-200 24- 214 25- 567 26- 447 27- 410 28- 410 29- 168 0 0 4 45 25 25 15 32 27 112 92 0 0 0 0 2 24 13 60 *9 24 17 1 1 59 47 68-i 67-9 67-6 67-2 67- 2 68- i 67-6 + 21‘2 + 20-8 + 21*1 + 2 I *1 + 217 + 217 + 21-6 -79-7 -66-5 -48-9 — 37*7 -24-9 — 10-9 - i*4 Sept. 25 -567 26-447 27+10 28-410 4° 126 IS* 154 260 357 566 631 164 209 1 59 123 1057 59 1 595 507 37‘2 37-i 36-7 357 — 23-2 -22-5 -227 . 22 '6 -79-3 -67-8 -55+ — 43*3 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 161 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued . Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 848 — continued . Group 852. Two small spots. 1882. d Sept. 29-168 30-405 Oct. 1 -49 1 2- 560 3- 399 4" *45 5- 285 6- 146 7- 537 98 218 242 199 255 92 65 46 0 67 9 9i5 1035 9 1 1 869 724 466 284 73 68 133 140 "7 158 63 55 5° 0 474 554 597 534 537 489 398 312 227 35-3 34"9 35'o 34^ 3P5 34-o : 34-4 33-7 357 -22-7 -227 -227 — 22‘9 -227 -22- 9 -23-I — 22-8 -23-5 -337 -17-8 - 3 + + 10-4 + 21-3 + 3°7 +46-2 + 56-8 + 77-i 1882. a Oct. 4-145 5-285 O 2 32 44 0 1 18 26 9‘9 io-8 -17-4 — 18-0 + 6-6 + 22-6 Means 1 22 iQ-35 -1770 Group 853. A small spot. Other spots appear on October 5, forming a group of small spots, arranged in a straight line. Means 1 1 1 529 35-29 -28-85 Oct. 4-145 5- 285 6- 146 7*537 8- 464 9- 398 3 H 40 23 28 7 26 90 162 1 10 85 38 2 7 20 12 16 5 H 46 81 59 5° 26 339‘2 339-6 1 339 9 338-6 338-2 337+ + 7+ + 7-2 + r 5 + 7-9 + 8-3 + 8-i -24-1 - 8-6 + 3’° + 20-0 + 3I-9 + 43"4 Group 849. An irregular spot, with several small spots close to it. Sept. 27-410 28- 410 29- 168 30- 405 Oct. 1-491 2- 560 3- 399 4" 1 45 5- 285 6- 146 7'537 38 161 98 160 217 1 76 1 66 83 42 1 1 H 202 502 632 722 93 6 823 723 555 320 1 16 63 38 120 62 85 109 89 88 48 29 10 27 203 372 398 386 472 418 384 318 103 1 18 3i-5 31-0 31- 4 32- 2 327 327 32-6 32-2 32-2 32-8 337 + 6-7 + 6-9 + 7-o + 7-o + 7-4 + 8-o + 77 + 7'6 + 7-i + 6- 9 + 6-4 — 60-6 — 48-0 -3 7-6 -20-5 — 57 + 8-5 + 19-4 + 28-9 +44-o + 55'9 + 75-i Means 10 1 46 1 338-82 + 773 Group 854. A very small spot. Oct. 5-285 6-146 0 0 10 10 0 10 8 285- 6 286- 7 + 8-4 + 57 -62-6 -50-2 Means 64 309 32-27 + 7-i5 Means 0 9 286-15 + 7-o5 Group 850. A small spot. Group 855. One or two small faint spots. Sept. 30-405 Oct. 1-491 2-560 3 '399 4 - I 45 5- 285 6- 146 7- 537 4 4 16 21 H 10 14 8 33 20 45 7 1 30 23 45 24 6 3 10 1 1 7 5 7 4 44 16 .28 39 *5 12 23 H 343-8 347'9 348- 3 349*3 349- 7 350- 1 3507 351- 2 + 6-6 + 67 + 6-6 + 67 + 67 + 6-4 + 6-4 + 6-5 — 68-9 -5o-5 -35/9 -23-9 -13-6 + 1-9 + 13-8 + 32-6 Oct. 10-171 11- 157 12- 152 0 0 3 18 10 17 0 0 3 1 1 7 18 318- 4 320-3 319- 2 + 17-1 + l6-2 + l6'5 + 34' 6 + 49"4 + 6r6 Means 1 12 319-30 + 16-60 Group 856. A regular spot. Means 7 24 34-8 *88 + 6-58 Group 851. A very small faint spot. Oct. 10-171 1 1 ' 1 57 12-152 I 3'"4 2 4 14- 285 15- 217 16- 191 17*323 18- 336 19- 309 17 22 3i 96 45 60 S 52 37 98 137 243 320 336 335 III 284 258 45 27 26 60 26 3i 27 3i 29 24 261 169 204 201 189 173 180 169 160 168 203- 6 204- 1 203-6 203-6 202-6 203 + 203-0 202’9 202 ‘6 202*8 + I2-S + I2‘4 + 12-4 + 12-6 + 12-5 + 12-4 + 12-4 +12-3 + 12-6 + 12*6 — 8 o - 2 -66-8 -54-0 “37-3 -27-0 -I3-9 - i-3 + 13 + + 26-5 + 39*5 Oct. 3-399 +-H5 5- 285 6- 146 3 3 0 28 12 10 9 3 2 0 0 23 8 6 5 323-0 323-2 322-1 322-5 + 227 + 227 + 21-3 + 2 1-2 -50-2 -4o-i — 26-1 -14-4 Means ... 1 11 32270 + 21-98 Photo-Heliographic Results, 1882-1885. 162 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Projected Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. G10 up 856 — continued. Group 860. A very small spot. 1882. d Oct. 20-491 21- 196 22- 635 55 3i 0 207 1 26 49 49 36 0 183 145 214 203-4 203-1 203-9 + 12-3 + 12-3 + 127 + 55*8 + 647 + 84-5 1882. d Oct. 18-336 19-309 O 0 19 6 O 13 6 212-0 2147 -21*5 “21*9 + 35"9 + 51 + Means ... 32 186 203-28 +12-46 Means O 10 2I3-35 — 21-70 Group 857. A very fine extensive group, composed of a great number of small spc group undergoes great and frequent changes. Group 861. An irregular spot, with two or three small spots close to it. ts. The Oct. 18-336 19-309 20+91 21- 196 22- 635 25 32 71 33 0 138 216 279 163 5° H 62 38 0 77 138 243 188 3°3 200- 5 201- I 202- 7 203-2 2057 + 15-3 + 15 + + 15-0 + 15-0 + 14-6 + 24+ + 37-8 + 55" 1 + 64-8 + 86-3 Oct. 13+24 14- 285 15- 217 16- 191 17- 323 18- 336 19- 309 20- 491 21- 196 22- 635 23‘53S 24-157 *9 46 70 64 158 162 164 241 95 55 78 37 *99 447 5*4 637 708 1270 1228 V s 612 290 209 163 56 63 59 42 9 1 85 85 130 56 42 84 5i 487 619 457 442 409 673 636 5i3 354 | 225 j 226 225 , 161-4 160- 0 161- 5 1 6 1 • i 161- 9 162- 8 163- 5 164- 1 1647 168-4 170-2 168-5 + 17-5 + i«-5 + 18-3 + 18-4 + 18-2 +187 + 19-0 + 19-2 + I9* 1 + 18-9 +18-5 + 187 -79-5 -69-6 -55-8 -43'2 — 27-6 Means 27 190 202-64 + 15-06 -I3-3 + 0-2 + 16-5 + 26-3 + 49-0 + 62-5 + 69-1 Group 862. An irregular group, undergoing several changes. On October 21 it consists of two principal spots and a number of small spots, arranged in a straight line. The small spots disappear before October 22. Oct. 19*309 20- 491 21- 196 22- 635 23- 525 24- 157 15 142 120 37 3° 5 & 557 202 113 5° 8 76 69 28 33 8 3° 321 322 155 n 9 73 167-3 167-7 167-5 1690 169- 8 170- 0 + 10-9 + io-6 + 10-2 + io-8 + 10-9 + 107 + 4"° + 20’I + 29-I + 49-6 + 62-I + 70-6 Means H 70 439 i6 4’ 01 + 18-58 Group 858. 1 Two small spots. Means 37 170 1 68*55 + io'68 Oct. 16-191 ! 17-323 18-336 0 18 0 72 37 6 9 0 55 l 9 3 194-4 194-3 193-6 + 12-1 + 12-0 + 12*1 - 9'9 + 4-8 + 17-5 Grou] Two very : P 863. small spo ts. Means 3 26 194-10 + 12-07 Oct. 19-309 20-491 4 0 XI 13 2 O 7 8 147-1 145-9 -27-9 -277 — 1 6'2 - 17 Group 859. Four or five small spots, arranged in a straight line. . Means 1 8 146-50 — 27-80 Group 864. group of small spots on October 22. The group greatly increases in e following days, and on October 25 and 26, consists almost entirely ge spots. Oct. 16-191 17- 323 18- 336 19- 309 20491 21- 196 22- 635 0 15 34 13 8 0 2 98 132 69 77 75 33 24 0 8 18 8 6 0 4 5° 67 37 46 5 6 25 43 + S^* ^ £ Zi 6s + 15-2 + 15-1 + 15-0 + 157 + 15-6 + 13-6 + 97 — 107 + 5*8 + 18-2 + 31 + + 48-1 + 58 + + 74+ A rectangular size on th of two lar Oct. 20*491 21- 196 22- 635 23- 525 24.* I C7 6 59 125 384 164 285 35 255 776 1631 1382 1485 3 32 65 209 95 193 20 137 402 886 792 994 121- 6 122- 5 124-1 I2 4*9 124-6 121*5 + 20+ + 197 + 197 + 20'I + 20-0 + 18-9 — 26*0 — 15 9 + 4*7 + 17-2 + 25-2 + 39‘ 8 Means 6 46 194-89 + 14-27 1 x j / 25+91 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 163 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Arpa for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Civil Time. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 864 — continued. Group 868 — continued. 1882. d Oct. 26-535 27- 307 28- 171 293 1 18 55 1196 660 429 269 148 ‘35 I IOI 840 1028 124- 5 125- 0 «25-3 + 19-6 + 196 + I9-4 + 56-5 + 67-2 + 78-9 1882. a Nov. 1-623 2- 447 3- 402 243 132 0 953 612 255 244 189 0 954 879 74* 42- 6 43- o 4*"9 — 22-8 -22*4 -22-4 + 54’9 + 66-i + 777 Means 128 689 12378 + 1971 Means 210 1030 43-*5 — 22-38 A sn Group 865. aall spot. It is not seen on October 24. Group 869. Two small spots. 0 0 0 0 1 9 15 0 45 16 3i O O O O 2 5 9 0 40 25 29 ‘34'4 133-2 135-9 138-2 131-9 - 7-6 - 67 - 8-9 - 87 - 8-2 + 15-0 + 25-5 + 54'2 + 70-2 + 74'i Oct. 26-535 27- 3° 7 28- 171 13 22 0 68 4 1 ‘3 9 18 0 46 34 H 109-9 1 1 1*7 107-3 + 14-6 + 14-0 + 14*1 +4**9 + 53'9 + 60*9 Means 9 3* 109-63 + 14-23 Means O 18 13472 — 8-02 Group 866. Two very small spots. Group 870. A large regular spot, followed by two clusters of small spots. The small spots disappear before November 4. Oct. 22-635 23- 525 24- 157 25- 491 26535 0 34 3 1 6 0 16 124 59 3° 8 0 >9 *9 5 0 8 70 36 27 ‘3 1337 134-8 1347 I37-9 1397 + 13-2 + 12-8 + 12-5 + 9-8 + 10-0 + I4-3 + 27-1 + 35"3 + 56-2 + 717 Oct. 27-307 28- 171 29- 558 30- 154 31- 402 Nov. 1-623 2- 447 3- 402 4"4 I 3 5-180 6*412 7- 174 8- 563 IO 4 1 309 144 251 175 152 86 7‘ 74 63 44 10 106 404 ”54 887 1079 705 584 47° 4*5 381 295 214 95 39 68 284 1 10 *5 1 93 78 45 39 45 49 43 21 4°3 799 1080 687 650 375 * 299 243 230 231 228 209 200 334-2 33o-3 33o-3 330- 9 331- i 332- 5 332- 6 333- 9 333-8 333-5 333-4 333*3 333-6 + 16-3 +15-8 + 157 + *5-9 + 15-8 + 15-7 + i6-o + 1 6*1 + 16-0 + *5-9 1 +16-3 1 +*6-3 + 16-2 -83-6 -76-1 -57-8 -49-3 -327 -15-2 - 4-3 + 97 + 22-9 + 327 +48-9 + 58-8 +77 + Means 9 3‘ 13616 + II-66 Group 867. A very small faint spot. Oct. 22 635 0 7 0 6 72-5 + i 8"9 -46-9 Means 0 6 72-5 + 18-9 Means 82 433 332-57 + 1 6-oo A ver Grou ! fine lar| p 868. ;e regular ■ spot. Group 871. Three very small spots. Two of these disappear before October 30. The group is not seen on October 31 and November 1. Oct. 22-635 23-525 *4*iS7 2 5'49 I 26- 535 27- 307 28- 171 29- 558 3 0 ’ 1 54 ! 3 I- 4 02 151 237 154 297 35i 301 277 428 3°7 325 I 1 5 11 896 998 1473 1625 ‘732 1695 1961 1658 1529 389 3‘9 156 216 218 173 155 247 186 237 1318 1204 1012 1071 1013 999 948 1 1 31 1005 1112 43- 6 44- 0 44'3 43‘4 43'4 437 42-8 42-8 42-6 42-9 -22-4 -22-5 — 22-0 — 2 2 '4 — 22*4 — 22-2 — 22'2 -22-3 — 22*2 — 227 -75-8 -637 -55-i -38-3 -24-6 -14-1 - 3-6 + 147 + 22-4 + 39" 1 Oct. 29-558 30- I54 31- 402 Nov. 1-623 2+47 12 5 0 0 0 59 *4 0 0 20 6 3 0 0 0 | 33 1 8 ! 0 0 8-o , 9 .' 6 7-2 — 136 -14-1 -13-0 — io-6 + 3°"3 Means 2 11 8-27 -13*57 164 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positibns of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 872. Several small spots in a straight line. Group 876. A very fine spot, and a number of spots arrranged in a straight line above it. These spots undergo several changes, and by November 14 only two regular spots remain. The whole group, therefore, then consists of three regular spots, one of them very large, and another large. 1882. d Oct. 30-154 3 I '4° 2 Nov. 1 ‘623 2-447 3'4° 2 4’4 I 3 5- 180 6- 412 2 IO 33 38 4 1 34 27 2 7. 3 2 152 1 84 209 2 45 1 5 8 5 »9 2 4 3° 33 38 4 4 18 88 "4 153 240 208 48 5-i 5-i 5- i 4-9 P 6- 4 5'4 o-i — 201 -19-9 -19-5 -19-4 -I 9 -5 — 19 5 — 19-6 — 20-0 -I5-I + i-3 + I7-4 4-28-0 +4*7 + 55-5 + 64-6 + 75-6 1882. a Nov. 4-413 5- 180 6- 412 7- 174 ; 8-563 9- 398 10- 575 n-549 : 12-181 I3-I57 H ' i6 3 15- I55 16- 147 66 120 147 164 33° 327 412 4°4 194 1 59 79 75 H 493 623 1038 94 1 1337 1574 970 1665 1215 9 67 740 342 92 120 155 11 9 113 191 178 225 234 122 1 16 77 107 52 1163 814 862 653 77 1 858 53i 969 760 707 710 485 33i 235- 3 236- 4 236-1 236-8 236- 8 237- 8 238- 4 238-1 237-9 237-9 237-8 236-3 236-9 — 19-6 “ I 9‘5 -! 9 7 — 19-6 -i9-3 — 19-0 — 1 8-8 -191 -I 9 -2 — 1 8 - 8 -! 9 -4 — 19-6 -19-5 -75-6 -64*4 — 48-4 “377 -19-4 - 7-4 + 8-7 + 21-2 + 29-3 + 42-2 + 55-4 + 67-0 -f- 8o*6 Means *9 109 475 -I9-69 Group 873. A very small spot. Oct. 31-402 Nov. 1-623 2-447 24 0 0 74 20 7 15 0 0 48 1 1 4 333'Q 334-6 3347 — 21-6 — 21-6 -21-4 — 30-8 -13-1 — 2-2 Means 139 740 237-12 -19-32 Group 877. A regular spot, followed by several smaller spots. Of these latter, all but one disappear before November 9, and that one disappears before November 14. Means 5 21 3 34" 1 0 -21-53 Group 874. A number of spots in a straight line. The middle spots disappear, spots at the beginning and end of the line coalesce to form two spe November 3. „ and the its before Nov. 6-412 7- 174 8- 563 9- 398 10- 575 1 1- 549 12- i8i 13- 157 i 4" i6 3 15- I55 16- 147 17- I73* 77 94 99 102 1 19 78 64 62 32 23 7 98 352 483 599 54i 525 489 401 333 220 120 42 18 9° 69 64 58 67 45 38 43 27 28 17 161 4°3 361 385 3 1 1 295 284 241 232 188 146 100 2I5-3 214-6 214- 8 215- 9 217- 7 218- I 218-1 218-0 218-4 2l8-2 2l8‘I (218-3) -23-0 -22-8 — 22‘2 — 23-O -237 -23-6 -23-5 — 22-8 — 24'0 — 24-0 -24-1 -24-4 —69-2 -59-9 - 4 i-4 -29-3 — 12-0 + 1-2 + 9’5 + 22-3 + 36-0 + 48-9 + 6r8 + 75-6 Nov. 1-623 2- 447 3- 402 4‘4 X 3 5- 180 6- 412 58 80 96 7 i 61 0 33 i 457 539 355 238 44 3 i 45 64 59 66 177 259 352 % 125 2 "0 17 2-3 2 - 3 3- 4 5-0 + 19-0 + 19-2 + 19-0 + 19-4 + 18-5 + 18-8 + I 4-3 + 24-8 + 38-1 + 5 I "4 + 62-6 + 80-5 Means 44 244 278 -|- 1 8 *98 | 1 Means ... | ... 47 259 217-13 - 23-43 Group 875. Several small spots on November 4. On November 6 two small regular spots, with several smaller spots between them. Group 878. Several small spots. Nov. 4-413 5- 180 6- 412 7 - 174 12 56 68 6 60 263 320 127 8 40 7 i 12 37 x 9 ’ 336 201 344 - 2 345 - 2 344 - 8 345 - 2 - 9-9 — 100 - 9-6 - IO’O + 33‘3 + 44-4 + 60-3 + 707 Nov. 6-412 7 - 174 8- 563 9 - 398 10- 575 11- 549 3 9 25 21 20 24 13 3 ° 57 49 48 60 7 1 1 18 13 1 1 12 26 37 43 3 i 26 3 1 208-6 208-3 208-7 208-6 208-7 207-8 + I 5 -I + 15-1 + I 5-3 + i 5 -i + 15-1 + 15-0 - 75-9 — 66-2 “ 47-5 -36-6 — 21-0 - 9 ' 1 Means 33 191 344-85 - 9-88 * The photograph taken at Dehra Dun, India, on November 17 appears to be wrongly timed. From a comparison of all the groups of spots common to the photo- graphs of November 16, 17 and 18, it would seem that the photograph on November 17 was taken two hours and a halt earlier than the time marked upon it, corresponding to a difference of i° - 4 in longitude. The time of the photograph and the corresponding longitudes of the groups of spots have, therefore, been altered from these given in the Greenwich Observations for 1882, by these amounts respectively ; the decimal of the day being diminished by o d 'io4, and the longitudes of the spots increased by i°’4. TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 165 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Wean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group, Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra Whole Spot. Umbra Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 878 — continued. Group 883. A small spot. 1882. „ Nov. 1 2 -i 8 1 I3TS7 14-163 14 6 4 38 53 13 7 3 2 »9 2 7 8 208'2 206-8 208-7 + 14-0 + 12-5 + 147 - 0-4 + II-I + 26-3 1882. d Nov. 11-549 12-181 10 0 39 10 6 0 22. 6 228-9 228-3 — 21-2 — 21-0 + 12-0 + 197 Means 9 28 208-27 + 14-66 Means 3 H 228*60 — 2I"IO Group 884. A small regular spot. Group 879. Two very small faint spots. Nov. 1 1 -549 12- 181 13- 157 I4" i6 3 I 5" I 5f !6-i47 17- I73* 18- 485 19- 590 17 8 15 15 19 20 *9 34 3° 62 36 79 108 105 88 86 103 58 25 8 11 9 10 10 10 *9 20 89 37 59 66 57 45 44 57 38 148-0 148-2 1487 1487 148-9 H9"4 ( 1 49-5) H9-4 1 50-0 - 7-0 - 6-5 - 7-0 - 7*2 - 7-4 - 7-5 - 7-8 - 7'4 “ 7+ -68- 9 — 6o - 4 -47-0 -337 — 20-4 — 6- 9 + 6-8 + 24*0 + 39' 2 Nov. 8-563 2 23 1 13 233-0 + 20-4. -23-2 Means 1 l 3 233-0 + 20-4 Group 880. A small spot Means 14 55 148-98 - 7-24 Group 885. A very fine large spot. On November 18 a large portion becomes detached from the principal spot. Smaller portions become detached on the following days. Nov. 9*398 10-575 n-549 2 0 *4 8 1 1 34 3 0 8 9 8 20 i8 4'7 186-8 188-0 — 10-3 -10-3 - 9'9 — 60-5 -42-9 ? 8 *n zo 9 Nov. 12-181 13- I57 14- 163 15- I55 16- 147 17- 173* 18- 485 19- 590 20+39 21- 525 22- 334 23- 377 24- 523 25+31 0 238 449 672 785 721 141 1 1105 619 412 247 191 139 82 807 1690 2621 3549 4*94 4667 4518 3475 2702 2559 1705 649 73 o 422 468 5i5 497 4°4 733 588 345 262 183 194 267 0 500 1433 1761 2008 2249 2352 2425 2401 J 934 1719 1899 1723 1226 320 122-6 I21’9 121-8 1217 121-8 (121-5) I 2 I ' I I20'4 120-8 120-4 120-4 1197 120-1 II7-6 ■ + 20-4 + 19-5 + 19-1 + 19-2 + 19-2 + 19-1 + 1 8-8 + 19-0 + 19-1 + 19-2 + 187 + 197 + 19-2 + 18-9 — 86-0 -73-8 — 6o*6 -47-6 -3+5 —'2 1 -2 - 4"3 + 9-6 + 2I-I + 35-0 +457 + 58-8 + 74*3 + 837 Means 4 12 186-50 -10-17 Group 881. A very small faint spot. Nov. 1 1 -549 0 7 0 . 4 245-3 + 22-0 +28-4 Means 0 . 4 245-3 + 22‘0 Group 882. Two small spots. The group is not seen on November 10. Means 348 1711 I2C-84 + 19-22 Group 886. A small faint spot. Nov. H'549 I2'l8l 7 0 29 *9 5 0 20 12 I73-I l 74'° + 18-3 + I9-3 -43-8 -34" 6 Nov. 14-163 0 3 0 2 193-8 + io-6 + 11-4 Means 3 16 173-55 -f- 1 8*8o Means 0 2 I93-8 + io-6 * The photograph taken at Dehra Dun, India, on November 17 appears to he wrongly timed. From a comparison of all the groups of spots common to the photo- graphs of November 16, 17 and iS, it would seem that the photograph on November 17 was taken two hours and a half earlier than the time marked upon it, corresponding to a difference of i°‘4 in longitude. The time of the photograph and the corresponding longitudes of the groups of spots have, therefore, been altered from those given in the Greenwich Observations for 1882, by these amounts respectively ; the decimal of the day being diminished by o d 'io4, and the longitudes of the spots increased by i 0, 4. 166 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Group 887. Several small faint spots. The preceding spot becomes larger and darker by November 19, and the other spots disappear. 1882. a Nov. 15-155 16-147 1 7" I 7 3* 1 8- 485 19- 590 20- 439 8 8 5 67 0 1 1 54 33 5 6 215 97 44 4 4 3 54 0 24 28 18 35 172 124 99 174- 5 175- 0 (1747) 175- 2 177-1 176- 9 + 18-8 + 19-0 + 19-2 + 18-9 + 19-2 + I9-4 + 5’2 + 187 + 32-0 + 49-8 + 66-3 + 77-2 Means i5 79 I75-57 + 19-08 Group 888. Two small spots. Group 889. A regular spot. Group 890. Two regular spots close together. The preceding spot shows a tendency to break up, and several small spots form round the group on November 25 and follow- ing days. The smaller spots disappear before December 1, leaving only the second of the two original spots. Nov. 16-147 7 37 10 49 89-0 - 6-o -67-3 I 7 -I 73 * 13 124 1 1 104 (89-9) - 6-3 - 52-8 18+85 64 223 39 137 90-6 — 6-2 - 34-8 19-590 61 133 33 72 91-1 - 7 -i -197 20+39 12 73 6 38 90-2 - 7-0 - 9'5 21-525 0 73 0 38 90-6 - 6-9 + S' 2 22-334 0 7 i 0 37 89-0 - 8-4 + I 4-3 23-377 0 9 0 5 9 i -7 -10-5 + 30-8 24-523 6 33 4 24 90-6 — io-6 + 44-8 25-431 0 23 0 22 917 — io-8 + 57-8 Means 10 53 90-44 - 7-98 Nov. 19-590 20- 439 21- 525 22 "334 2 3-377 2 4 ' 5 2 3 2 5 - 43 i 26- 478 2 7 - 547 28 - 539 29' 1 59 30-177! Dec. ■175 38-8 38-9 37'9 37'2 37 -i 367 36-4 36-1 35-5 34‘9 33-8 ( 33 - 5 ) 32-8 -22-5 -22-5 — 22'2 - 22- 3 - 23-3 -23-8 -23 -6 -23-0 36-12 —22-85 — 72-0 -6o-8 - 47‘5 - 37-5 -23-8 - 9 ' 1 + 2-5 + i6-i + 29-5 + 42-0 + 49 " 1 + 62-1 d- 74'6 Group 891. Three or four small spots. On November 24 two regular spots, of which the following one disappears before November 29. Nov. 16-147 15 86 2 7 150 82-8 + II-2 -73-5 I7-I73* 18 i37 18 136 (82-9) + I0‘9 -59-8 18-485 73 215 5° 146 83-0 + 108 -42-4 19-590 55 215 3i 123 82 i + 9’9 -28-1 20-439 44 182 23 96 82-9 + 10-3 — 16-8 21525 2 7 108 14 55 82-9 + io-6 - 2-5 22-334 26 166 !3 85 83-0 + io-6 + 8-3 23-377 17 167 9 92 83-0 + 10-7 + 22'I 24-523 3° HQ 19 89 83-4 + 10-9 + 37-6 25-431 28 88 22 69 837 + 10-9 + 49-8 26+78 14 42 16 48 837 + ii-o + 637 27-547 2 26 6 61 837 + ii -3 + 777 Means 2 1 96 83-14 + 1076 Nov. 22-334 0 18 0 27 5 -i -19-2 -69-6 23-377 7 70 7 70 4-0 — 20-3 -56-9 24-523 43 136 32 98 4’3 — 20-6 -41-5 25 + 3 1 34 102 22 64 3-2 — 207 -30-7 26+78 9 105 5 58 6-4 — 20-6 -13-6 27747 4 15 2 8 i -4 — 21-8 - 4-6 28-539 17 5 6 9 3 i 3-8 — 20-9 . + 10-9 29-159 8 46 5 26 5*3 — 20-1 + 20-6 30-177! 0 19 0 12 ( 3 ' 5 ) -22-3 + 32-1 Means 9 44 4-1 1 — 20-72 Group 892. Three or four small faint spots. Nov. 22-334 23 - 377 24 - 523 25- 43I + 13-8 + 137 + I 3-3 + I 3-3 -737 — 6o-i -44-6 -32-3 ► The photograph taken at Dehra Dun, India, on November 17 appears to be wrongly timed. From a comparison of all the groups of spots common to thephoto- J .5 nn Nnvpmher ,7 was taken two hours and a half earlier than the time marked upon it, graphs of November 16, 17 and 18, it would seem that the photograph on November 17 was taken two hours and a half earlier than the time maiked upon . . corresponding to a difference of i°- 4 in longitude. The time of the photograph and the corresponding longitudes of the groups of spots have, theiefore, been altered from those given in the Greenwich Observations for 1882, by these amounts respectively ; the decimal of the day being diminished by o 104, and the longitudes of the spots increased by i°'4. . . ,, c . , , , t The photograph taken at Dehra Dim, India, on November 30 appears to be wrongly timed. From a comparison of all the groups of spots common to the photo- graphs of November 29, 30 and December 1, it would seem that the photograph on November 30, was taken two hours ^and a .half earlier than 1 the timemarked upon it, corresponding to a difference of i° - 4 in longitude. The time of the photograph and the corresponding longitudes of th eg oups sp , _ > been altered from those given in the Greenwich Observations for 1882, by these amounts respectively ; the decimal of the day being diminished by o 104, and the longitudes of the spots increased by i°'4. TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885 . 167 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 892 — continued. 1882. d .0 0 O Nov. 26478 15 90 8 +7 + •2 + 12-8 -15-8 27-5+7 20 56 10 29 +‘5 + 12-8 - I '5 28-539 23 1 12 I 2 58 +•8 + 12-6 + n -9 29-159 13 5 ° 7 27 +•5 + 12-9 + 19-8 30-177* 0 i 5 0 9 (+' 9 ) + 12-9 + 33-5 Means *9 105 3 "o6 j +13-12 Group 893. Three or four small spots. On November 26 only one spot remains. 1 Nov. 23-377 II +6 6 25 64-5 + 24-3 + 3'6 “ 24-523 0 9 0 5 669 + 24-1 + 2 1 ■ 1 25431 26 55 17 35 66-4 + 24-0 + 32-5 26478 7 15 5 12 67-2 + 24-0 ++ 7’2 . 27-547 6 10 6 1 1 677 + 23-5 + 617 Means 7 18 66-5+ + 23-98 Group 894. A fine group, composed of a great number of spots very irregularly arranged. The group undergoes constant changes, the preceding portion tending to increase, the following to diminish. Nov. 23-377 0 3 0 5 3+9 3 - 9‘7 -71-6 24-523 61 324 61 320 3+67 - 8-6 - 59 ’ 1 25431 208 800 153 590 3 + 7-2 - 8-o -467 26-478 175 812 104 481 3 + 8-6 - 8-i -314 27 - 5+7 190 9+2 100 +98 3+94 - 8-2 -1 6-6 28-539 131 910 66 462 349 3 - 8-1 - 3-6 2 9‘ 1 59 60 6+7 3 1 329 3 + 9"5 — 8-o + 4"8 30-177* 3 6 668 l 9 359 ( 350 - 6 ) - 7-9 + 19-2 Dec. 1-175 65 658 +0 402 351-6 - 8-i + 334 2-252 28 250 21 185 350-9 - 8-3 + 47 -o - 3-180 O 78 0 -82 352-9 • - 87 + 61 - 1 Means ... 54 338 3+9-6+ - 8-34 Group 895. A small regular spot. Nov. 24-523 0 35 0 68 330-9 + 15 5 - 7+-9 2543 1 8 64 9 72 330-8 + 15-8 -63-1 26-478 8 27 6 21 330-6 + 157 +94 27 * 5+7 + 17 3 1 1 33 i-o + 157 - 35 ‘o Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian- Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 895 — continued. 1882. d 0 0 0 Nov. 28-539 18 33 10 18 33°'7 + 154 — 22*2 29-159 13 >7 7 9 330-6 + 15-8 -I 4 I 30-177* 6 13 3 7 ( 33 i*i) + 157 - 0'3 Dec. 1-175 9 13 5 7 33 1 " 1 + 15-8 + I29 2-252 7 0 + 330-2 + 15-8 + 26-3 Means ... | ... 5 24 33078 + 15-69 Group 896. A small spot. Nov. 26-478 IO 35 7 26 66-3 + 10-9 + + 6"3 27 - 5+7 2 20 2 21 674 + ii-i + 614 Means 5 2+ 66-78 + 1 1 -oo Group 897, Four or five small spots the following days, „ „ which the last is the largest. On December 3 only the last spot remains. November 26. The group rapidly increases in size on the following days, and on November 29 forms a long straight line of spots, of Nov. 26-478 27- S+7 28- 539 29- 159 30- 177" Dec. 1-175 2- 252 3- 180 3 + 3 -+ 3 ++-o 342-9 3+3-0 ( 3 + 27 ) 3 + 2-2 3+07 3 + 1 ' 2 + 9- 8 + io-i 4-io-6 + 107 + I 1*2 + H-3 + 12*0 + I2-I -366 — 22-0 — I o-o - 17 + I 1’3 + 2+0 + 368 ++ 9 '+ Group 898. Two considerable spots, with several small spots between them. Nov. 27-547 28739 29- 159 30- 177" Dec. ■175 27-2 (27-2) 2748 -17-5 -17-2 -17-2 -17-5 -16-5 -17-18 + 18-7 + 33‘9 + + 2-5 + 55-8 + 73‘3 * The photograph taken at Dehra Dun, India, on November 30 appears to be wrongly timed. From a comparison of all the groups of spots common to the photo- graphs of November 29, 30 and December 1, it would seem that the photograph on November 30, was taken two hours and a half earlier than the time marked upon it, corresponding to a difference of iV in longitude. The time of the photograph and the corresponding longitudes of the groups of spots have, there- fore, been altered from those given in the Greenwich Observations for 1882, by these amounts respectively ; the decimal of the day being diminished by o d "io4, and the longitudes of the spots increased by i°"4. 168 Areas and Heliographic Positions, of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 899. Several verv small snots in a straight line. Onlv the first and last remain on November 29, and of these the first disappears before December 1. 1882. d 0 0 0 Nov. 27-547 0 39 0 49 300-9 -17-2 -65-1 28-539 25 104 20 89 301-2 — 1 7'3 -517 - 2 9‘ 1 * * * 59 9 69 7 52 299-0 - 17-3 -457 30-177* 13 3 6 8 23 ( 3 °°' 3 ) -17+ — 3 11 . Dec. 1-175 4 22 2 12 2967 — i8 - o -21-5 2-252 15 0 8 296-1 — 1 8*6 _ 7-8 Means 6 39 299-03 -17-63 Group 900. Six spots in two clusters on November 30. Three spots < m December 1. Nov. 29-159 3 13 2 10 26-1 — 26-0 + 4 r "4 30-177* 7 74 6 69 ( 247 ) -247 + 53’3 ■ Dec. 1-175 15 83 19 1 1 1 23‘9 - 23-9 + 65-7 Means 9 63 24-90 -24-87 Group 901. Several very faint small spots. Nov. 30-177* 0 H .0 28 333‘5 + n -5 + 2-1 Means 0 28 3 3 3 '5 + 11 * 5 : Group 902. A very small spot. Dec. 2-252 0 5 0 8 2 3 3 '6 + 20-0 - 70-3 Means 0 8 233-6 + 20-0 Group 903. Several small spots. The group undergoes constant changes. Dec. 5-160 0 44 0 23 2561 -147 - 9 -6 6-168 0 58 0 3 ° 2587 -I 5-3 + 6-3 7-160 23 73 12 40 262-3 — x 4'9 + 23-0 8-179 8 53 5 34 262-7 — J 4'9 + 36-8 Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Group 903 — continued . 1882. d Dec. 9-502 10- 175 11- 169 263-8 265- 4 266- 7 262-24 -I 3 -S -14-1 -H ' 1 + 55 -+ + 657 + 80-3 Group 904. A small regular spot. Dec. 6-i 68 7- 160 8- 179 9- 502 10-175 Means 180- 1 181- 9 180-4 1 8o"8 180-9 180-82 + 187 + 18-5 + 18-4 + 1 7*9 + i8-i + 18-32 -7*‘3 -57+ -+5’S — 27-6 Group 905. Two very small spots close together. Dec. 7-160 Means 2147 + 7-5 -24-6 Group 906. Two spots. The following spot disappears before December 1 Dec. 8-179 15 61 8 3 1 46 2l8-2 - 7 -i -77 9-502 34 89 18 219-6 - T 2 + II-2 10-175 8 46 4 25 220-9 - 7-1 + 21-2 11-169 5 22 3 13 221-5 - 67 + 35-1 12-262 6 0 5 22 I '9 - 7 '° + 49*9 Means 7 24 220-42 — 7- 02 Group 907. A regular spot, followed by several smaller spots. These latter have all disappeared before December 14. Dec. 8-179 9-502 10- 175 11- 169 12- 262 13+33 4 16 4 17 163 + + 10-2 — 62-4 59 167 4 1 117 165 + + 9’9 - 43 -i 42 253 26 156 165-6 + io-6 - 34 ' 1 29 284 16 155 165-7 + ii-i — 20-7 40 «5 280 21 144 165-4 + 11-0 — 6-6 142 8 74 165-0 + 107 + 8-4 1 The p >tograph taken at Dehra Diin, India, on November 30 appears to be wrongly timed. From a comparison of all the groups of spots common to the p 0 0- gi phs of November 29, 30, and December 1, it would seem that the photograph on November 30 was taken two hours and a half earlier than the time m rked upon it, corresponding to a difference of i°"4 in longitude. The time of the photograph and the corresponding longitudes of the groups of spots ave, therefore, been altered from those given in the Greenwich Observations for 1882, by these amounts respectively ; the decimal of the day being diminished by o d 'io4, and the longitudes of the spots increased by i 0 ^. TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 169 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitudi from Central Meridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Civil Time. i Umbra. Whole Spot, j Umbra. Whole Spot. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 907 — continued . Group 912. Two very small faint spots. 1882. d Dec. 14-289 | iS-273 16*158 O 8 4 44 39 13 0 5 3 24 24 10 1 66*6 166*0 1 66*9 + 11*1 + 1 1*6 + 11*2 + 21 *2 + 33-6 + 46’ 1 1882. d Dec. 15*273 16*1 58 I 7" 1 9 I 0 0 0 4 T 4 16 0 0 0 3 13 32 180*2 178*8 182*3 + 27 + 2*1 + 2*0 + 47*8 + 58*0 + 75-2 Means H 80 165*56 4- 10*82 Means 0 16 180*43 + 2*27 Group 908. A large spot, with two companions slightly smaller. Other spots appear ceding and following the large spots on December 1 3 and following c the group forms a very long straight line of spots. The spots in the the line disappear before December 16. The preceding cluster d before December 20. 30th pre- ays, and niddle of sappears Group 913. A group of four or five spots irregularly disposed. The group diminishes in size after December 18, and only two small spots remain on December 21. Dec. 10*175 I 1*169 12*262 I3-433 14*289 I5-273 16*158 17*191 18*208 1 9*45 2 20*422 13 38 74 125 3i 3° 59 33 33 29 0 119*1 119*1 1187 1 1 8*o 1 1 8* 1 119*8 121*8 123-2 123*1 124*1 117*9 + 1 8*8 + 19*0 + 1 9" 1 + I9-4 + 19*8 + 17-7 + 167 + 1 5"4 + I5-3 + I4-9 + 1 8*o — 8o*6 -67-3 -53‘3 — 38*6 -'27-3 — 12*6 + 1*0 -f 16*1 +29*3 +46*8 + 53-3 127 315 481 535 454 611 635 363 335 i37 40 42 5 2 66 86 >9 17 31 18 20 22 0 4'/ 437 428 366 273 333 335 200 202 105 35 Dec. 16*158 17*191 18*208 19*452 20*422 21*506 22*508 5 29 43 77 40 i5 7 27 244 368 276 205 45 72 4 18 25 40 20 8 5 155 205 Hi i°5 25 45 72*2 70*2 70*2 69*9 717 73-8 72-9 + 10*1 + 10*4 + 10*3 + 9*8 + 9"9 + 8*9 + 9*8 -48*6 -36*9 -23*6 - 7 + + 7*i + 23-5 + 35-8 Means 17 100 71*56 + 9*89 Means 34 1 285 120*26 + 17-65 Group 914. A small regular spot. Group 909. Three small spots. Dec. 12*262 13433 4 0 44 8 4 0 38 10 221*8 2I9*8 + 24*8 + 25*1 + 49*8 + 63*2 Dec. 19*452 20*422 0 19 30 48 31 23 23 3 8 0 9 47 4 61 148 136 132. 95 67 84 64 27 2 1 1 16 8 20 23 29 1 7 12 12 5 0 8 61 8 1 13 i57 103 81 52 35 43 34 16 6 23 1S l 16 2*8 3*2 2*4 3-5 2*6 2*6 3'° 3-5 37 i*6 3-i 3'o 359'4 -153 -I5-5 -15*1 -15*2 -15*4 -15-3 -15*4 -157 -15*9 — 12*0 —■12*0 -11*3 — 1 1 *6 -74‘5 — 61*4 -47'9 -33*6 — 21*0 -12*4 + o*8 + 16*6 + 27-9 + 39' 2 + 55'5 + 677 + 76*8 Means 24 220*80 + 24-95 21*506 22*508 23*530 24*183 2 5 ' 1 58 26*3 H Group 910. Several small spots. The group-undergoes frequent changes. Dec. 12*262 13433 14*289 I5-273 16*158 0 5 9 13 1 1 6 45 92 81 33 0 3 5 9 10 3 24 54 56 3° J73-5 174*8 1747 I74-3 176*6 + 87 + 9 - S + 9'9 + 10*5 + 10*1 + i-5 + 18*2 + 29-3 + 4i-9 + 55-8 28*178 29*302 30*238 31*198 Means 15 64 2*65 — 14*28 Means ... 5 33 174*78 + 9"74 Group 915. A very small spot. Group 9 1 1 . A small spot. Dec. 13*433 14*289 0 0 16 18 0 0 H 23 209*3 210*2 -237 — 24’2 + 527 + 64*8 Dec. 21*506 8 18 5 10 191 + 6*9 1 -3i-2 Means 0 l 9 20975 -23-95 j Means 5 10 19*1 + 6*9 ... Photo-Heliographic Results, 1882-1885. Y 170 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude front Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 916. Two small spots. Group 921. A small regular spot. oo£ O w O OOON 0 15 7 0 3 1 40 27 35 O 9 + 0 21 22 1 + 18 8-3 1 1 -6 12'6 13-1 -147 -H *3 -I +*2 - 13*8 — 42*0 - 25*5 — I I "O i *9 1882. d Dec. 27-162 28- 178 29- 302 30- 238 31- 198 1883. Jan. 1-156 7 8 12 7 0 0 16 16 1 1 7 IO 7 8 + 0 0 2+ 18 TO 6 I + 266- 3 267T 267- 5 267- 5 268- 0 268-6 + 10-2 + IO -3 + IO-+ + IO-I + IO '2 + 10-2 - 69*5 - 55*3 — 40-1 -27-8 — 14-6 - i*+ Means 3 l 9 n-+ 1 +'2 5 Group 917. Two small faint spots. Means 5 1 1 267-50 + 10-23 Dec. 22-508 7 61 5 +0 359*9 + I 2 -I - 37*2 Group 922. A small spot. Means 5 40 359*9 + I 2 -I Group 918. A close cluster of very faint small spots. Dec. 28-178 8 17 + 9 328-4 — 12-8 + 6-o Means + 9 328-4 — 12-8 Dec. 24-183 25-158 0 13 140 58 0 7 77 3 ° 352-1 352-2 + 6-6 + 7*6 — 22*9 — IO'O Group 923. Two very small spots on December 29. Only one remains on December 30. Means + 5 + 352 -I 5 + 7 ‘i° Group 919. Three small faint spots. Dec. 29-302 30-238 6 0 19 8 5 i 5 9 356-9 358-4 + 7 *° + 77 + + 9*3 + 63-1 Dec. 26-314 0 3 ° 0 16 359*8 — 1 1 *4 + 12-9 Means 3 12 357*65 + 7*35 Means o 16 359*8 -”■4 Group 924. Several very small spots. Group 920. A regular spot. Dec. 26-314 27- 162 28- 178 29- 302 30- 238 31- 198 1883. Jan. 1-156 2-429 3 'i 55 4- 190 5- 170 6- 463 7 *i 8 i 38 33 48 61 88 93 93 137 6 9 68 57 55 15 150 183 3+2 37 1 +73 50+ 559 , 510 482 37 2 3 1 1 184 106 89 +2 +0 39 +9 +8 +8 73 39 +5 +7 78 37 3+9 230 285 237 265 262 286 271 275 246 259 262 270 268- 9 269- 4 270- 0 270-0 270-3 270-2 270-2 270-0 2701 270-2 269-8 269-9 269-9 -13*8 - 13-8 -14-2 -14-2 -i +*3 -14-1 -H *3 -i +*7 -i+*+ -i +*5 -14-1 — 1 +*3 -H* 6 — 78-0 -66- 4 - 52 -+ - 37-6 — 25-0 - 12*4 + 0-2 + 16-8 + 26-4 + +0-2 +527 +69-8 + 79*2 Dec. 30-238 31-198 1883. Jan. 1-156 14 5 + 23 5 ° 190 113 9 +1 26 30 i +5 124 328-9 330*7 332-4 -171 — 16-4 “ i 6"4 + 33*6 + +8"i + 62-4 Means 25 100 300-67 — 16-63 Group 925. 1 Two regular spots, with, on some days, smaller spots in their neighbourhood. Dec 0-238 21 97 78 376 12 54 ++ 209 284- 1 285- 2 — 29-0 — 28-9 — I 1-2 + 2-6 Means 52 269 269-92 — 1 +'2 5 i 31**98 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 171 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Civil Time; Jmbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole 1 Spot. Group 925 — continued. Group 927 — continued. 1883.4 Jan. 1-156 2- 429 3- 155 4- 190 S‘*7 0 6-463 114 162 76 +5 37 0 614 59 1 5i9 361 191 20 65 102 54 39 47 351 373 365 313 246 88 283-8 283-2 282-5 282- 0 283- 1 285-2 -287 -28-5 -28-3 -27-9 -27-9 -2 7’7 4-13-8 4-30-0 4-38-8 + 52-0 4-66-0 4-85-1 1883. d Jan. 5-170* 6- 463 7- 181 8- 423 9"435 10-257 1 1 -1 68 62 90 35 32 28 •9 15 39 6 3°7 272 209 163 93 78 32 47 20 21 23 21 ■ 27 205 163 153 139 •35 104 144 213-6 213-6 2137 213-7 2I3-3 213-8 213-0 0 -17-2 — i8 - o — 18-0 — 18-1 — 18-5 -18-5 -187 ~ 3-5 + •3-5 + 23-0 + 39*4 + 52-3 + 63-6 + 74-9 Means 47 249 283-64 — 283-6 Means ... 3i 167 213-94 -I7-93 Group 926. A very small spot on 1882 December 30. Other spots appear on the following days, and the group rapidly increases in size until 1883 January 3. After passing the central meridian on 1883 January 4, the group begins to decrease, and entirely disappears before January 8. Group 928. Two small spots on 1882 December 31. The preceding spot has disappeared before 1883 January 1. 1882. Dec. 30*238 , 3i-i9 8 1883. J an. 1-156 2- 429 3- 155 4" I 9° 5- 170 6- 463 7 "i 8 i 0 > 8 52 102 63 49 7 1 i5 12 8 66 215 453 336 233 228 72 44 0 6 34 55 33 24 37 9 9 9 54 139 245 173 117 12 1 43 3° 23I-4 230- 1 23IT 231- 9 232- 9 233- 1 233-° 233-4 233-5 “ 9'5 - 9'9 — 10-0 — 1 0"2 9-8 — io-i — IO-I -107 — io-8 -63-9 -52-5 -38-9 -21-3 -io-8 + 3'i + I5-9 + 33‘3 4-42-8 1882. Dec. 31-198 1883. Jan. 1-156 9 74 I 0 *9 9 0 74 29 34°"3 338-9 + I3-9 + I 4" 1 + 577 + 68-9 Means — — 5 52 339-60 + 14-00 Group 929. ,r spot on 1882 December 31. It gradually becomes elongated in the of the solar equator, breaks up into several small spots on 1883 , and gradually disappears. Means 23 103 232-27 — 10-12 direction January 4 Group 927. A regular spot. 1882. Dec. 31-198 1 1 18 39 24 9 0 0 0 70 101 172 109 54 8 36 7 25 22 3 1 16 5 0 0 •59 123 •35 74 31 4 •9 4 204-8 204-8 204-2 204-3 204-0 203-9 206-0 203-9 — 20-9 — 20-8 — 21-2* -20-8 — 20-9 — 20"6 — 20-4 — 22*0 -77-8 -65-2 -49-0 -39+ — 26-0 -13-2 + 5-9 + 13-2 1882. Dec. 30.238 31-198 1883. Jan. 1-156 2- 429 3- 155 4- 190 •9 26 27 65 48 54 57 171 205 287 296 342 57 35 24 42 29 29 167 227 183 189 176 183 214-8 2147 214-9 2141 214-1 213-9 -18-4 — i8"i -17-4 -17-5 -17-2 -17-5 — 80 -5 -67-9 -55-i -39 1 — 29-6 — 1 6- 1 1883. Jan. 1-156 2429 3- 155 4- 190 5- 170 6463 7*181 Means ... j ... 12 69 204-49 -20-95 172 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Civil Time. l Umbra. Whole Spot. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole • Spot. Group 930. A large group composed, of a great number of spots very irregularly disp decreases rapidly after it has passed the central meridian. sed. It Group 934. Irregular spot. 1883. a Jan. 12A59 *3-156 14- 160 15- 521 16- 598 17- 159 18- 157 19- 183 20- 21- 179 22- 350 23- 425 *9 28 40 90 70 55 64 86 No pho 68 40 0 92 237 3 00 428 5*5 4*9 489 483 tograph. 372 245 53 45 34 33 56 39 3 ° 34 47 (49 50 42 ■ 0 221 283 249 265 285 224 258 268 270 272 255 98 487 48-9 487 48- 8 49 "* 49 - 3 49-5 49-6 49'5 49-3 49-5 49-1 ° l + * 3-8 + * 3-8 + * 3*6 ■i- 13-3 + 127 + * 3-3 + 13-2 + 13-4 + * 3‘4 + * 3'4 + 13-8 + * 3-8 -76-4 -6 3 -I -50-1 -32-0 -17-6 - 9*9 + 3‘4 + 17-0 + 3 °"°) + 43 -Q + 58-6 + 72-3 1883. d Jan. 1-156 2-429 3*155 4- 19° 5- 170 6- 463 7- 181 8- 423 9'435 10-257 1 1 • 1 68 32 140 104 i °5 127 140 83 22 53 .23 186 745 733 1001 1061 880 585 129 *55 220 25 79 144 84 66 7 * 7 * 43 34 16 461 802 602 633 593 447 299 72 97 162 24 192-0 191*2 192- 1 1 93 - 0 193- 2 194- 8 194-4 * 97'4 * 97-5 *9 6 *7 196-3 + 5'2 + 4‘9 + 5'3 + 5 '° + 5-3 + 5 '° + 47 + 4'8 + 4'9 + 4'4 + 4'9 — 78-0 — 62-0 -51-6 -37-0 - 23-9 “ 5‘3 + 37 + 2 VI + 367 + 46-5 + 58-2 Means 57 381 194-42 + 4‘95 Means 38 246 49**7 + 13-46 Group 931. Two small spots. Group 935. A small faint spot. j Jan. 13-156 0 7 0 4 113-2 + 24-6 + i-2 Jan. 9-435 10-257 1 1*168 0 23 5 1 36 21 0 12 3 5 *9 1 1 1527 1 5 1 '9 152-0 + 10-2 + 10-0 + 97 - 8-3 + 17 + * 3'9 Means 0 4 113-20 + 24-60 Means ... 5 12 152-20 + 9'97 Group 936. | Two small spots on January 14. The following spot disappears before January 15, and the preceding spot is much reduced in size. Group 932. Two very small spots close together. Jan. 14-160 15-521 33 0 75 1 2 1 1 4 *9 0 0 0 42 6 6 2 73 -o 76-5 77 ' 6 78-3 + 87 + 84 + 8-5 + 8-6 -258 - 4*3 + 10-9 + * 9 * Jan. 10-257 2 4 1 3 108-1 + 25-5 -42-1 16- 598 17- 159 Means 1 3 108-1 + 25-5 Means 5 *4 76-35 + 8-55 Group 933. Group 937. ! A small spot. A large regular spot, followed by a, number of smaller spots. 0 16 0 10 100-2 + 3*2 + 33-5 Jan. 10-257 1 1168 12- 159 13- 156 14- 160 15- 521 16- 598 17- 159 18- 157 * 9* l8 3 20* 21-179 39 ”5 *49 176 *94 276 129 125 *79 No ph 39 359 5°5 711 1023 1256 1 190 1578 *563 1269 1148 0 tograph 343 67 75 88 92 95 97 140 6 7 72 126 • (93 60 620 540 54 * 633 682 599 805 818 735 797 646 494 76-5 75 - 8 76- 1 76-1 7 6-6 75-8 75’3 75-2 75 - 9 76- 5 76-5 . 76-5 - 8-3 - 8-6 - 8-6 - 87 - 87 “ 9‘5 - 9'4 - 9'3 - 9*4 - 97 - 9*4 - 9 ’* -737 — 62-3 -49-0 - 35'9 — 22'2 - 5 -o + 8-6 + .16-0 + 29-8 + 43‘9 + 57 -o) + 70-2 Jan. 16-598 Means 0 10 100-2 + 3*2 Group 938. : Two spots. The following spot breaks up into three or four divisions on J anuary 19. The preceding spot has divided into two portions by January 21, and the following portion disappears before January 23. Jan. 16-598 * 7 " 1 59 I 8" I C 7 54 54 45 98 3*7 356 539 489 54 45 3 ° 55 3*5 292 35 * 273 6-6 67 6- 4 7- 0 — 10-2 - 9*9 - 1 o-o - 9-9 — 601 - 52-5 -397 — 25-6 Means 89 659 76-07 — 9-06 10 1 ^ / 19-183 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 173 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 938 — continued. i Group 943. Three small spots on January 26. Their size and distance from each other have increased by January 27, and they disappear before January 28. 1883. d Jan. 20 21- 179 22- 350 23- 425 No pho 31 16 17 TJ‘ b - 120 75 (36 16 8 178 83 64 46 67 6-4 8-2 10-3 — 10-2 -10-4 -"■3 — 1 1 "4 -127) + O-I + 17-3 + 33-5 1883. d Jan. 26-430 27-200 9 13 53 148 7 13 4* 149 346- 4 347- 8 -13-3 -I3-I 4-49-2 4-60-8 Means 3 2 200 7-29 — 10-41 Means 10 95 347' 10 -13-20 Group 939. Two small spots close to each other on January 21. They tend to separa following days. e on the , Group 944. A number of very small spots following one another in a somewhat curved line. The group undergoes many minute changes. Jan. 21-179 22- 350 23- 425 12 19 16 47 138 66 7 TO 9 27 75 38 355-Q 353-1 353-o + 18-3 + 18-9 + 189 — 1 1*3 + 2-2 + 16-2 Jan. 26-430 27- 200 28- 199 29- 201 28 20 0 0 134 112 104 37 19 13 0 0 93 68 59 l 9 257-1 256-8 2-54-5 254-0 + 10-4 + 111 + 12-9 + 12-0 — 40-1 — 30*2 ~ 1 P — 67 Means 9 47 3537 + 187 Group 940. A group of five or six spots arranged in a circle on January 22. The preceding spot alone remains on January 23. Means 8 60 255-60 4-1 i-6o Jan. 22-350 23-425 38 15 149 65 31 *9 1 18 83 4 r 5 44-2 — I 2'0 — I I * I + 50-6 : +67-4 Group 945. A very small spot. Means 2 5 IOI 42-85 -11-55 Jan. 26-4.30 0 1 1 0 9 240-9 - 9-2 -56-3 Group 941. A regular spot. Several very small spots are seen close to it on January 26. Means • ... O 9 240-90 — 9-20 Group 946. A small regular spot. Jan. 22 350 2 3'+ 2 5 2 4 2 5 26- 430 27- 200 28- 199 29- 201 30- 430 3 1- 4 22 Feb. 1-162 2-I 94 3"4 2 7 2 3 26 No pho No pho 57 28 38 ' 36 36 28 37 *9 5 74 123 tograph. tograph. 217 192 167 203 109 129 99 2 3 39 27 ( 2 9 (3i 33 T 5 21 20 22 *9 3° 12 129 128 137 145 154 119 103 92 124 77 107 '■5 57 276-9 276-4 276-1 275-8 275-5 275-8 275-1 274'5 273-6 272- 9 273- 0 272-6 271-8 -27-8 — 27-6 -27-5 -27-3 — 27-2 — 27-2 -27-2 -26-8 — 26-9 — 26-8 — 26-8 — 27-0 — 27-6 -74-° —60-4 -47'5) -34-6) -217 — I 1"2 + I-I + 13-8 + 29-I + 4 1 "5 + 5 I "3 + 64-5 4-79-9 Jan. 27-200 28-199 29201 30- 430 31- 422 Feb. 1-162 2-194 3A27 7 1 9 33 20 23 20 9 0 37 70 120 147 90 73 36 1 1 !3 20 25 12 •3 4 68 75 92 90 49 38 18 6 212*1 211-6 2117 2IO'9 2IO-7 210-9 2IO‘2 2102 — *9-3 -19-3 -191 -19-3 -19-5 — *9*5 -J9-8 — 19-8 -74*9 — 62-4 -49-0 -33*6 -207 -io-8 4- 2-1 + 18-3 Means 12 55 211-04 -19-45 Means 2 5 1 14 274-62 -27-21 Group 947. A cluster of very small faint spots. Group 942. A small faint spot. Jan. 23-425 0 8 0 „ 268-6 -14-1 — 68-2 Jan. 28*199 0 19 0 10 266*7 -14-5 - 7‘3 Means 0 1 1 268-60 — 14-10 Means 0 10 266-70 -14-50 174 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Two small spot. Group 948. on January 29. A third is seen on January 30, and the first two Group 954. A regular spot. ; disappear beiore January 31. 1883. a Jan. 31-422 Feb. 1-162 2- 194 3 - 427 4- 509 5- 562 6- 520 7- 160 8- 164 9 - 545 10-172 n -547 12*164 0 49 54 83 73 98 65 60 39 65 35 16 7 1 77 232 234 318 339 382 369 358 284 272 169 107 80 0 64 46 54 41 52 34 32 23 48 31 27 20 174 304 202 208 193 204 195 192 166 l 99 148 181 231 155- 8 156*2 156- 2 155-8 155-6 155-2 i 55 -i I 55-5 155-6 155-2 155-8 155-8 1 5 6 '5 + 11*8 + 117 + ii-6 + ii *5 + 11-4 + H -5 + II -2 + H -3 + 11*2 + io-6 + L 0-8 + II -2 + 1 I "5 -75-6 -65*5 — 5i 9 — 36*1 — 8-6 + 4'° + 127 + 26*1 + 43-8 + 527 +70-8 +79-6 1883. d Jan. 28-199 29*201 30-430 3 r 4 22 Feb. 1*162 O 21 23 4 0 l 9 9 l 96 *9 25 O 1 1 15 3 51 60 16 26 274-9 274- 2 275- 8 279-8 281-0 + 11-4 + 12-9 + 12*4 + II'9 + 12*1 + 0-9 + 13*5 + 3I-3 + 48-4 + 59'3 Means 6 33 277'I4 + 12-14 Group 949. Three small spots. One of them disappears before January 30. Jan. 29*201 30-430 0 3 86 i5 O 2 46 8 263-5 2637 + 15-0 + i4'3 + 2-8 + 19-2 Means 36 200 i'5 57 1 ' +H-33 Group 955. Three or four small spots on February 1. The group increases in size in the follow- ing days, and lengthens out into a long line of spots. It begins to diminish after crossing the central meridian, and gradually fades away. Means 1 27 263-60 + 14-65 Group 950. Two small spots. Feb. 1*162 2-194 3+27 4- 509 5- 562 6*520 7- 160 8- 164 18 42 57 84 88 101 45 13 1 17 215 469 442 433 437 307 121 14 26 3i 44 48 57 28 10 86 131 255 232 233 252 192 9i 175 + 176-3 176- 5 I77A 177- i 176- 3 177- 0 176-6 -23*3 -227 -22-3 -23-2 -23-2 -23-2 — 23-1 -23-0 -46-3 -31-8 — 1 5"4 - 0-3 + I3-3 + 2 5 -2 + 34"2 + 47'i Jan. 30*430 0 11. I ° 13 3II*I -16-3 + 66- 6 Means ° 13 311-10 — 16-3 Group 951. Two very small faint spots. Means 32 184 176-58 — 23-00 Jan. 30-430 0 15 0 8 267-1 -13-1 + 22*6 Group 956. Three small spots on February 2, of which only the largest remains on February 3. Means 0 8 267-10 — 13-10 Group 952., Two small faint spots. Feb. 2*194 0 3 5° 24 0 6 5o 48 268-1 268-5 — 21*0 -2i*3 + 6o*o + 76-6 Jan. 30-430 0 l 9 0 12 ' 203-7 - +9 — 40-8 3+27 Means 3 49 268-30 -21*15 Means 0 I 2 203-70 - 3‘9° Group 957. A faint spot of irregular outline. Group 953. A small faint spot. Jan. 30-430 0 n 0 8 1977 - 8-2 -46-8 Feb. 2-194 0 20 0 10 201-3 - 5-3 - 6-8 Means 0 8 197-70 — 8-20 Means 0 10 201-30 - 5*30 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 175 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for j Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. 1 Whole Spot. of Group. Group 958. , A small faint spot. Group 961 — continued. 1883. d Feb. 1 8-243 19- 204 20- 157 20 1 1 0 98 no I 2 19 17 t 169 48 57-0 56-6 56-2 -1 7*4 -1 7*4 -i7*5 + 6o*i + 72 + + 84*6 i88 3 . d Feb. 6-520 0 16 0 *3 IOI '2 + 4*8 “49 '9 Means 0 13 101-20 + 4*8° Means 25 162 58-08 -17-67 Group 959. Two large spots. A small spot is detached from the following spot on February 7. The group rapidly diminishes in size after passing the central meridian, and the preceding spot also breaks up, so that on February 12 the preceding spot has divided into two separate portions, and on February 13 the group is composed of several small faint spots scattered over a wide area. Two small spots on Group 962. February 7 and 9, but only one is seen on February 8. Feb. 7-160 8-164 9*545 5 7 0 63 33 25 4 7 41 3° 69 182-5 186-3 190*2 + 2+ + 2-7 + 4-4 + 397 + 56-8 + 78-8 Feb. 6-520 yi6o 8-164 9*5+5 10-172 1 r *547 12-164 *3*+3 6 I 4* 1 59 127 103 90 150 71 76 21 16 0 372 719 733 798 618 39 6 3H 181 i7 139 1 0 83 44 40 12 IO O 400 618 489 438 321 204 167 I IO 13 89-8 89- 6 897 90- 8 9 2 '3 93*5 93*7 94-1 98-8 + 5‘3 + 5*9 + 57 + 5*5 + 4*8 + 4*5 + 4’ 1 + 3*9 + 2 7 — 61-3 -53*2 -39*8 — 20-6 -io-8 + 8-5 + 16-8 + 34*o +48-2 Means 4 47 186-33 + 3*17 Group 963. Three very small spots on February 8. By February 9 the group has expanded into a very fine group composed of two large spots and several smaller spots between them. The smaller spots gradually disappear, and on February n only the two principal components remain, and of these the following spot gradually diminishes on the succeeding days, and disappears before February 15. Means 53 307 92-48 + 47i Feb. 8-164 9*545 10-172 u-547 12-164 7 1 1 3 80 V 67 46 8 109 734 844 618 525 288 191 132 4 58 40 5° 37 3i 19 1 1 64 377 422 323 290 199 163 183 987 99*2 99* 8 101 - 4 102- 5 103- 8 105-1 1067 - 5*2 - 5*4 - 5*2 - 4*9 - 5*2 - 5*6 - 57 - 5*9 — 30-8 — 12-2 - 3*3 + 16+ +25-6 +437 + 54*5 + 69*3 Group 960. A very small regular spot. A second spot appears near it on February 11, the two being measured together on that day. Feb. 6-520 7- 160 8- 164 9*545 10-172 u-547 12-164 b . O 9 0 9 0 0 4 1 33 27 3° *4 19 27 0 10 5 0 0 67 36 21 18 8 IO 14 78-1 78-9 78-8 78-8 79*4 8 1 -i 80-7 - 8-4 - 8-5 - 87 - 8-2 - 87 - 7*° - 8-2 - 73 -o -63-9 -50-7 — 32-6 -23*7 - 39 + 3*8 i3*436 14-159 1 5 * 1 63 Means 3i 253 102-15 - 5*39 Group 964. Means 2 25 79-40 - 8-19 A very large s] ceding poi pot of irregular shape. It divides into two on February 13, the pre- rtion being the more compact. The following portion breaks up into umber of small spots, and diminishes in size on the following days, February 21 the preceding spot alone remains. Group 961. A regular spot. Small spots are seen from time to time in its immediate neighbour- hood. a great n until on I Feb. 11-547 12- 164 13- 436 I4* 1 59 15- 163 16- 582 17*320 18- 243 19- 204 20- 157 21- 155 22- 193 *9 60 i74 146 152 3°3 207 I5 1 100 84 56 43 3 1 1 589 1267 H5 6 1715 1336 1285 1048 906 565 4 u 365 29 64 129 9 1 84 i57 107 83 62 62 56 73 463 635 94 1 925 955 689 669 573 555 418 4i3 614 1 6'o ! 5 -9 14-6 15*1 i5*3 167 16-9 1 6- 8 17- 0 16- 8 17- 1 | 1 6-2 + 7*5 + 7*5 + 7*9 + 7*6 + 7*4 + 7*3 + 7*3 + 7*4 + 7*5 + 7*4 + 7*5 + 7*8 — 69-0 — 61-0 -45*5 -35*5 — 221 — 2-0 + 80 + 199 + 32-8 +45*2 + 58-6 + 71*4 Feb. 7-160 8-164 9*545 10- 172 11- 547 12164 i3*436 14- 159 15- 163 16- 582 I 7*3 20 34 36 43 80 49 7i 44 42 5i 23 16 228 375 285 325 1 321 360 271 267 221 161 0 53 31 3i 46 26 37 22 23 33 18 31 326 313 204 186 172 183 139 144 ! 43 120 66-2 59-0 58-1 57*4 57*4 57*8 57*i 57- 6 58- 2 57+ 57*i -17*3 -17-8 -17-2 -i7*5 -17-8 -177 -18-5 — 18-3 — 1 8 - 1 -*7S -17-4 -76-6 -70-5 -53*3 -45*7 -27-6 -i 9 *i - 3*o + 7*o + 20-8 +387 +48-2 Means 83 654 I 6*20 + 7*5i 176 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Greenwich Civil Time. 1 Umbra. Whole . Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Civil Time. Jmhra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. of Group. 1 Group 965. i A small faint spot. Group 971. A close cluster of very small spots. It rapidly increases in size between February 25 and 26, and on the latter date forms a group composed of a regular spot followed by a long line of small spots. These smaller spots all disappear before March 2. i88 3 . d Feb. 1 3*436 O 20 O 12 9 I-I -17-7 0 + 31-0 1883. d Feb. 24-165 25- 224 26- 545 27- 589 28- 540 Mar. 1 * 1 6 1 2- 609 3- SI9 4- 473 0 69 45 55 36 32 0 55 63 3°3 333 274 198 88 38 2 I 0 5 35 23 3° 22 27 0 0 34 34 152 172 153 1 2 1 74 46 48 244-1 244- 2 245- 9 247-1 247-5 247-7 247-6 247- 9, 248- 4 — 12-9 — 13-0 -12-5 — I2I — I2-I -12-3 — I2-I -12 + -12-3 -34-8 — 20-6 — i-6 + I3-4 + 26-3 + 347 + 53-6 + 65-9 + 79-0 Means O 12 91-10 -17-70 Group 966. Two small spots. Feb. I3*43 6 O 38 O 22 43'4 , +15*5 -167 Means O 22 43-4° + 15-50 Groun 067. Means 16 93 24671 -I2 + I Two small spots. Two or three smaller spots are seen between them on February 16. The following spot of the pair disappears before February 19. Group 972. A small faint spot. A second spot is seen on February 2 7 to 28. Feb. 141 59 15- 163 16- 582 17- 320 18- 243 19- 204 20- 157 21- 155 0 H 28 16 20 7 9 0 8 64 109 53 55 22 55 34 O IO 15 8 10 4 5 0 9 47 61 ■27 28 30 21 346-3 3 5°'5 351-8 353‘4 353-6 355*3 355*9 356-4 -157 — 16-0 -157 -15-6 -157 -157 -15 + -15-4 -64-3 -46-9 — 26-9 — 15 5 - 3"3 + ii*i + 24-3 + 37-9 Feb. 26-545 27- 589 28- 540 Mar. 1 • 16 1 0 8 0 0 16 39 43 24 0 6 0 0 16 26 13 187- 6 189-3 189-9 188- 9 + 47 + 4'7 + 5-o + 5‘2 -59'9 -44-4 — 313 -24-1 Means 7- 29 352-90 -15-65 Means 2 21 188-93 + 4-90 Group 968. A small faint spot. Group 973. A regular spot. A small spot follows it closely on March 7. Feb. 16-582 0 11 0 6 260 + i5-i + 7'3 Mar. 7-456 8-592 27 17 48 16 0 125 130 90 81 25 60-4 61 -I 6o"8 60-4 6o - 6 607 -132 -13-8 -I3-4 -13-2 -13-0 -127 -69-7 -54-0 -43‘5 — 30-8 — 16-3 - i-8 Means ... 0 6 26-00 + 15-10 36 14 33 10 5 0 170 109 l 61 47 3° 12 Grou Two or three small faint spots, showir p 969. Lg a marked southerly f drift in lai titude. 9-413 10+13 12-588 Feb. 18-243 19- 204 20- 157 5 4 0 24 63 I 4 17 39 7 309-2 307-9 3°9"4 -177 -197 — 20-1 -477 -367 — 22*2 Means 16 ! 72 60-67 -13-22 13 0 Group 974. Two or three very small spots. Means - ; 2 21 308-83 -I9-I7 Group 970. A small faint spot,. Mar. 8-592 9 ?4 7 61 60 68 5 12 4 32 3° 36 100+ 1 02* 1 1 02 - 1 -17-5 — 17-4 -17-2 -147 + 10-9 Feb. 19-204 0 r 9 0 19 39-6 + I7-2 + 55+ 9"4! 3 10-413 Means ... 0 *9 3960 + I7-2C Means ... 7 33 101-53 -17-37 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 177 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 975. : Two small spots. The preceding spot disappears before March 9. Group 979. A straggling group, composed of about half-a-dozen small spots. 1883. d Mar. 8-592 9*4 1 3 8 3 36 • 7 5 21 4 86-3 85-9 + H-8 + 12-4 -28-8 — i 8'4 1 883. a Mar. 12-588 I3G47 14-177 39 35 12 218 170 n 9 19 1 9 6 1 12 88 64 60-3 59"9 6o-o -19-5 -19-5 -1 8-9 — 2-2 + 8-8 + 18-5 Means 4 J 3 86-10 -f- I2'IO Means i5 88 60-07 -19-30 A small spot. A number of ot and form with it a compact Group 976. ier small spots appear close to it after March 10, cluster. Group 980. A regular spot, rapidly diminishing in size after it has passed the central meridian. Two or three very small spots are seen near it on March 16, 17, and 18. Mar. 8-592 94 1 3 10 '4 I 3 12-588 I 3447 14-177 1 S'399 16- 490 17- 405 2 0 No pho 0 33 21 27 0 0 28 27 38 tograph. I30 209 124 133 37 4 0 (° 0 18 12 16 0 0 42 28 29 5° 72 109 114 74 95 34 47'5 47 ‘3 48-0 48- 9 49- 8 50- 1 49 ‘9 507 51- 2 51-0 + 15-4 + l6‘3 + 16-9 + 16-1 + 15-3 + I5-4 + 15G + 15-3 + 15-2 + 16-4 -67-6 _57-o -43-2) -127 — i-o + 8-4 + 25-3 + 40-1 + 52-0 Mar. 12-588 I3G47 I 4" I 77 1 5*399 16-490 I 7 , 4°5 18-200 1 9" 1 5 3 20- 161 21- 152 13 25 13 59 3° 25 l 7 6 0 72 72 122 169 154 164 67 67 30 23 17 23 10 36 16 13 9 6 4 0 f 67 93 103 85 88 36 38 20 18 357'5 3567 356'6 356-3 356-2 356-6 356-4 356-8 356- 8 357- o + 137 + 13-6 + I3-3 + 13-0 + 13'3 + 12-6 + 12-8 + 13-0 + 13-0 + 13-0 — 65-0 -54'4 -44-9 -291 -14-9 - 2> + 8-o + 20-9 + 34-2 + 47‘5 Means 6 65 49 '44 + I 5'77 Means 13 64 356-69 + 13-13 ... Group 977. Two or three very small faint spots near together. Group 981. A very fine spot, with a number of very small spots following it. The spot is nearly divided into two by a brilliant bridge, and the two parts are measured separately on March 17, 22, 23, and 24. The spot diminishes in size very rapidly after March 24. Mar. 10-413 1 1 • 12-588 13447 4 No pho 0 8 53 tograph. 71 60 (1 '■ ■ ■! # s ' 5 28 33 38 35 7 9' 5. 8o-o 80-4 79'9 -21-4 -21-3 — 21-2 — 20-6 — 1 17 + 3‘i) + 17-9 + 28-8 Mar. 16-490 17- 405 18- 200 1 9’ 1 5 3 20- 161 21- 152 22- 589 23- 461 24- 493 2 5 "59 1 26- 48 1 27- 417 33 85 7 1 98 99 100 163 125 11 4 57 49 0 284 5H 883 1002 939 1004 1074 920 798 37i 269 90 56 85 55 62 55 5 1 82 6 5 66 4 1 44 480 533 706 644 521 516 540 480 465 265 242 123 297-5 297-2 296-8 296- 9 297- 5 296-9 2960 295- 9 296- 6 296-8 296-0 296-2 1 — 8-o - 8-3 - 8-2 ~ 7'9 - 7-8 - 77 - 77 - 77 - 77 - 8-2 - 8-3 - 8-3 -73-6 — 6i-8 -51-6 -39-0 -25-1 — I 2'6 + 5"3 + 16-8 + 3i-i +45-8 + 56-8 +69-2 Means 2 34 79‘95 -21-25 Group 978. A regular spot, with a number of smaller spots following it closely. These latter diminish in size, and fade out one by one, until on March 20 the preceding spot of the group alone remains. Mar. 10-413 12-588 13447 14* 1 77 1 5499 16- 490 17- 405 18- 200 1 9" 1 5 3 20- 161 21- 152 0 No pho 33 88 75 1 10 88 76 49 25 12 9 119 tograph. 303 54 1 525 630 530 455 35° 242 155 60 0 (12 23 53 42 56 44 40 29 17 1 1 12 233 226 219 328 289 319 2 67 243 202 166 1 37 83 14- 8 i5'3 15- 8 16- 1 17- 0 17-3 17- 9 18- 4 18- 5 1 9- 0 1 8 *8 19-3 — I2'6 -127 -127 -13-1 — 12-6 -13-0 -13-2 -13-2 -131 -13-0 -13-1 — 12-8 -76-4 -6r6) -467 -35-o -24-5 - 8-i + 6-8 + x 9"4 + 30-1 +43-I + 56-2 -j-69-8 Means 55 460 296-69 - 7-98 Group 982. A scattered group of very small spots when first seen on March 19. It rapidly increases in size on the following days, and forms a long straight line of spots, of which the first and last are the largest. The intermediate spots disappear before March 25. Mar. 19-153 20- 161 21- 152 0 9 16 1 1 7i r 59 0 5 9 8 43 86 2897 289- 2 290- 5 -19-1 “i 9 *i — 18-9 — 46-2 -33-4 — 19-0 Means 28 226 I7'35 -12-93 Photo-Heliographic Results, 1882-1885. 178 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 982 — continued . 1883. d Mar. 22-589 23- 461 24- 493 2 5 * 59 1 26-48 1 75 67 69 33 0 473 440 497 221 163 38 35 39 24 0 242 228 286 H 9 146 288-9 291- 3 293-2 292- 6 297-4 -I 9 -2 — i8-o -17-6 -177 — 167 - i-8 + I2'2 + 27-7 + 4 1 " 6 + 58-2 Means >9 149 291-60 — 18-29 Group 983. Two small faint spots. Mar. 22-589 0 56 0 43 333-9 + 17-8 + 43"2 Means 0 43 333 ' 9 ° + 17-80 Group 984. A group of several very small spots on March 22, which increases in size very rapidly on the following days, and forms a long line of spots, of which the preceding spot is the largest. The group rapidly diminishes in size after passing the central meridian, the following spots disappearing the first, so that on March 31 the preceding spot is left alone. Mar. 22-589 23-461 2 4*+93 2 5 * 59 1 26- 481 27- 417 28- 424 2 9'443 30- 150 3 1- S 7 i 21 46 142 107 109 5 i 63 45 2 3 17 135 35 A 682 639 593 43 2 426 338 150 67 i 5 29 78 55 59 30 4 1 38 26 5 ° 93 214 374 335 317 2 49 280 280 168 201 249-2 248-1 248-3 2 497 2507 252-0 252-0 2 5 2 ‘4 2 54 ' 8 2 54"7 — 24-2 . — 2 4"5 ~ 2 4‘3 — 24-2 — 24-0 -23-8 - 2 3'9 -24' 1 -24-0 — 24-0 -41-5 -31-0 I 7 '2 - 1-3 + 1 1*5 + 25-0 + 38-3 + 52-2 + 6 3'9 + 82-6 Means 42 251 251-19 — 24-10 Group 985. A regular spot, followed by a few small spots o March 27, 28, 29, and 30. Mar. 26-481 0 hi 0 •43 171-5 _ 7'9 -677 27-47 0 221 0 1 95 171-1 — 8-8 -55*9 28-424 56 3 2 ° 37 215 171-2 — 8-i -42-5 29+43 62 4H 35 236 171-0 — 7'9 -29-2 30-150 53 369 28 J 95 171-7 — 8-i — 1 9'2 3I-57I 54 387 2 7 193 171-8 “ 8-2 - °-3 April 1-475 37 387 19 196 171-5 - 8-2 + 11-3 2-41 1 2 7 187 i5 IOI 171-4 — 8'3 + 23-6 3-406 3° 180 19 1 12 171-8 — 8-2 + 37-J 4‘ 1 37 23 1 12 17 82 171-9 — 8-2 +46-8 5-556 0 99 0 1 1 5 171-2 — 8-5 + 64-9 6-406 0 5 2 0 1 10 172-3 — 8-4 + 77-1 Means 16 158 i7i-53 - 8-23 Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Group 986. A small faint spot. 1883. „ Mar. 2 8 "424 2 9+43 30-150 Means 272-0 275-2- 270*2 -187 -I9-3 -197 + 58-3 + 75 '° “H 79*3 Group 987. with two or three small spots near it. Mar. 28-424 25 185 90 669 I 33-6 + 13 + — 8o-i 29'443 58 513 75 674 135-2 + 13-2 — 65-0 30-150 124 747 119 719 i 35 -i + I 3 "° -55-8 3 i- 57 i 171 . 857 ”4 57 2 134*9 + 13-0 - 37'2 Apr. 1+75 202 1028 1 18 602 i 35 *° + I 3-3 — 25*2 2-41 1 192 1012 104 547 I 35-6 + I 3-3 — I 2*2 3-406 196 973 103 5 H 136-0 + 13-6 + i *3 4" i 37 139 928 75 5°5 135-5 + 13-6 + 10-4 5-556 158 880 97 54 1 135-7 + 13-6 + 29+ 6-406 134 817 94 575 1357 + I 3-3 + 4°*5 7 + 53 84 447 78 4!7 135-6 + 13-8 + 5+3 8-556 42 200 64 3°5 I 35-5 + 13-1 + 68-7 9 + 2 1 15 90 55 3 2 7 135*7 + 13-3 + 8°+ Means 9 1 536 135-32 + I 3-35 Group 988. A small re gular spot. Mar. 29-443 4 62 9 133 I 22*7 -12-9 - 77-5 30-150 20 98 26 125 I22'9 -13-1 — 68-0 31-571 35 200 26 151 I23-0 -13-2 - 49 'i Apr. 1+75 36 24I 22 150 I 23-7 — 13*6 -36-5 2-411 42 237 23 130 I 23-9 -13*6 -23-9 3+06 2 7 185 i ,4 94 I24-2 -13-8 -io-5 4-137 2 9 100 1 5 5 i 124-5 -13-8 — o-6 5 * 55 6 36 144 19 77 I 2 + 5 — 14-0 + 18-2 6-406 21 142 12 83 I25-I -I 4-3 + 29-9 7+53 0 100 0 6 9 I25-0 -13-8 + 437 8-556 0 33 0 3 i I 2 5 -2 -147 + 58+ Means J 5 99 124-06 -1371 Group 989. Two or three small spots close together. Mar 30* I 50 168 31 242 I 23-5 + 13*5 -67+ 31-571 12 106 10 85 124-0 + 12+ — 48-1 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1S82 TO 1885. 179 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. 1 Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole, Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 989 — continued. Group 993. A very small faint spot. 1883-d Apr. 1-475 2-411 3‘4° 6 O 0 0 121 100 73 O O O 79 58 40 123-6 123-8 122-8 + 12-2 + I2'5 + 13-3 -36-6 — 24-0 — 1 1*9 1883. d Apr. 2-411 0 *9 0 n 126-8 + 8-9 — 21-0 Means 0 11 126-80 + 8-90 Means 8 IOI 123*54 + 12-78 Group 994. Two small spots. Group 990. A small faint spot Mar. 30-150 31-57! Apr. 1-475 0 0 0 23 25 0 0 0 5i 22 18 114- 5 115- 2 II5-4 + 7'3 + 7"4 + 7‘2 -76-4 -56-9 44*8 Apr. 5-556 6-406 O 23 104 0 0 18 I 12 154-6 156-0 + 7‘5 + 7-8 + 48-3 + 6o-8 Means 0 65 I55-3 + 7*6 5 Means 0 3° II5-03 + 7-3 0 Group 995. A small faint spot. Group 991. A small spot on April 1. Other small spots appear following it on the following days, and the group increases in size until it passes the central meridian. The following spots then disappear very quickly, and the preceding spot alone 1 remains on April 7. Apr. 6-406 0 20 0 12 64-9 - 8-6 -30-3 Apr. 1-475 2- 41 1 3- 406 4- 137 5- 556 6- 406 7’453 8- 556 9- 421 12 37 16 57 68 36 0 17 10 69 234 217 221 378 349 78 75 45 28 9 33 35 18 1 1 8 70 179 134 125 194 178 44 5° 38 IOO-3 99' 1 1 00*2 99-0 99-2 ioo-8 106- 3 107- 0 107-7 + 2‘I + 2-3 + 27 + 2-5 + 2-8 + 2-8 + 3-6 + 3-5 + 3‘9 -59'9 -487 -34‘5 — 26-1 - r 1 + 5-6 + 25-0 + 40-2 + 52-4 Means 0 12 64-90 — 8-6o Group 996. A small faint spot on April 7. It rapidly increases in size on the two following days, and other spots appear. The group begins to decrease as it passes the central meridian. The following spots disappear and the preceding spot alone remains on April 13. Means 17 1 12 102-18 + 2-91 Apr. 7-453 8- 556 9- 421 10- 552 11- 139 12- 431 13- 285 14- 168 76 107 84 45 30 i5 3 92 365 5G 498 283 105 52 17 i 1 0 46 i 57 43 I 23 16 9 2 67 219 279 254 143 56 3 1 12 34-3 339 34-8 32-2 35'2 35*3 36-3 36-4 -14-1 -137 -13-6 -13-6 -I3-4 -I3-5 -13-2 -13+ -47*o -32-9 -20-5 - 8-2 + 2-6 + 197 + 32-0 + 437 Group 992. A small spot on April 1, which rapidly increases in size on the following days. A second spot appears following it on April 2, and smaller spots are formed between the two on April 4 and 5. The group diminishes in size soon after passing the central meridian, and the preceding spot alone remains on April n. Apr. 1-475 2- 41 1 3- 406 4 - I 37 5'556 6-406 7A53 8-556 9'4 21 10- 552 11- 139 12- 431 0 3° 82 7 1 143 157 54 99 68 40 *5 0 58 275 575 462 879 1062 643 54i 445 231 161 54 0 27 58 44 77 81 28 55 44 35 16 0 85 271 411 292 470 55° 332 299 282 r 95 171 134 89-1 87- 5 89-2 89-0 89-4 88- i 88-4 887 91-8 94- 3 95- 0 95-0 — 1 8- 1 -17-3 -17-5 -17*3 -17*3 -17-1 -17-1 -17-4 -1 6-8 — 16-1 -157 — 1 6*i — 7 1 " 1 — 60-3 -45’5 — 361 — 16-9 — r 1 + 7-1 +21-9 +36-5 +53-9 +62-4 +79-4 Means 25 133 34-8o -13-56 Group 997. Two very small faint spots. Apr. 9-42 1 10-552 1 1 * 1 39 0 0 8 28 69 43 I 0 0 5 *9 44 27 27-8 26-8 26-0 + 29-9 + 3 c-i + 30-6 -27-5 -13-6 - 6-6 Means 39 291 90-46 -16-98 Means 2 30 26-87 + 30-20 180 Areas and Heliographic Positions of G-roups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich. Civil Time. Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from I Central Meridian. Group 998. A small spot on April 10 and 11. It has greatly increased in size by April p, and forms a large group of very irregular shape. It continues to change with great rapidity on the following days, breaking up into a great number of small and somewhat scattered spots. Apr. 1 o' 1 6 '4.86 1 7 ’ 1 4-7 iS‘39 1 I 9‘ I 4 I No pho 1013 1108 tograph. 430 606 565 359 35 1 ‘ 2 3 5 1 ‘3 35°-5 350- 2 35°‘4 351- 9 353*4 353-3 352- 2 351-6 351-60 + 1 + 10-5 -49-2 -4i-3 -25-1 -14-1 - 2-3 + I4-5) + 3 r 3 4-40-0 + 55‘ 2 + 64 -6 Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Whole Spot. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Group 999. A large regular spot, followed by a large spot of irregular outline. Several small spots cluster round each of the large spots, and are measured with them. The following spot divides into two portions on April 14, and breaks up yet further on the following days. Only two small spots of this portion of the group remain on April 20, and only one on April 2 1 ; and this last disappears before April 22. Two new spots (which are measured together as one on April 21 and 22) appear on April 21. Apr. 12-431 13- 285 14- 168 IS' 16- 486 17- 147 18- 391 I 9" I 4 I 20- 538 21- 439 22- 433 23- 603 No pho 190 153 582 757 tograph. 1313 1162 1177 1033 815 578 408 r 44 516 305-2 305-8 305-9 305-9 305- 9 306- 1 306-1 305- 1 306- 1 3°4-7 302-6 304-6 305-33 -22-36 -70-4 -58-5 -46-8 -3i-5) — 16-2 - 7'2 + 9-1 + i8-i + 37-6 + 48-1 + 59 " 1 + 76-5 Group 1000. A very fine spot of irregular outline, with a number of small spots close to it. The group greatly diminishes in size between April 14 and 16. Apr. 12- 431 13- 285 14- 168 15- 16- 486 17- 147 18- 391 >9H‘ 20-538 109 No pin 169 1 1 5 96 137 406 776 087 tograph. 711 918 946 824 303-5 303-6 302-7 302- 8 303- 9 303- 9 304- 3 304-0 304-0 -15-2 -15-9 — i6‘o -15-8 -15-5 — 1 5"5 — 16-0 -157 — 16-2 — 607 — 50-0 -34-0 + 17-0 + 35*5 Group 1000 — continued . 1883. a Apr. 21-439 22- 433 23- 603 Means 303-6 303- 8 304- 1 -16-4 +47'o — 17-0 +60-3 — 16-9 +76-0 303-68 ! — 16-01 Group 1001. Several spots in a compact cluster, followed by a number of spots, most of them small and arranged in a straight line. The group diminishes rapidly after nassine the central meridian, the following spots disappearing before April 24. Apr. 13-285 127 26 458 280-9 - 1 6-4 - 83-4 14-168 23 370 37 614 279-3 -17-5 -73A 15- No pho tograph. (47 470 280-0 — 1 6-9 -57'4) 16-486 82 483 56 325 280-7 - 16-3 -4 i- 4 17/147 58 597 35 355 281-5 — 15*9 - 31-8 18-391 44 696 23 365 282-2 — 1 6- 1 — 14-8 19 'H 1 61 712 32 362 282-5 - 15-8 - 4‘5 20-538 0 267 0 141 285-1 -15-3 + 1 6-6 2 1-439 32 250 18 142 282-7 - 15-8 + 26-1 22-433 25 160 , 17 103 281-6 — 16-0 + 38-1 23-603 45 106 42 98 285-2 - 15-4 + 57-i 24-610 15 0 23 285-6 -i5*3 + 70-8 Means 28 288 282-28 — 16-06 Group 1002 . A small spot. Apr. 16-486 16 33 2 I 43 254-3 -247 - 67-8 17-147 2 12 2 12 254-0 - 24-5 -59’3 Means 12 28 2 54+ — 24-60 Group 1003 . Two small spots. The following spot is only seen 0 n April 17 . Apr. 17-147 0 36 0 l 9 298-9 + 8-3 - 14-4 18-391 0 22 0 11 301-4 + 7"5 + 4'4 I 9‘ I 4 I 0 5 0 3 300-4 + 7'3 + I3A Means 0 1 1 300-23 + 77° Group 1004 . Three or four very small spots arranged in a straight line. , The group greatly increases : in size before April 21 , and forms 1 l straight line of spots, of which the preceding spot is the largest. The following spots dimmish after April 22 , and disappear before April 24 . Apr. 18-391 O 26 0 15 265-9 - 6-1 — 3*'i 19 'H 1 2 38 1 21 266-1 — 6 -o — 20-9 20-538 O 25 0 13 266-3 — 6 -o — 2-2 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885 . 181 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots —continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 1004 — continued . Group 1009. A small spot. A very small spot is seen near it on April 25, but disappears before April 26. Another very small spot appears on April 26, and others (which are measured with it) form in the neighbourhood on April 27. 1883. d Apr. 21-439 22- 433 23- 603 24- 610 25- 533 26- 418 32 42 40 30 40 0 225 442 224 97 105 3° 1 6 24 27 26 52 0 ”5 243 148 84 i35 76 268- 3 268*7 268*8 269- 5 269*8 269-9 - 5-6 - 5*1 - 5'i - 4-6 - 4' 1 - 4-i + 25-2 + 4°7 + 547 + 67-2 + 79" 1 1 883. d Apr. 23-603 24- 610 25- 533 26- 418 27- 202 28- 182 29- 136 0 16 16 26 28 16 16 41 45 71 1 9 1 51 i 0 0 12 10 15 15 8 29 1 1 31 2 7 40 47 26 154- 6 155- 2 156*0 155-6 1567 155-6 155-6 + 4"2 + 4"6 + 3-8 + 5‘5 + 6-4 + 5-8 + 57 - 73-5 -59-6 — 46-6 - 35-2 -23-8 -11? + o-6 Means 16 94 268-14 - 5 -i 9 Group 1005. Two small spots. Means ... j 9 3 ° 15561 + S * I 4 Group 1 010. A small spot. Two other small spots are seen near it on April 24 and 25. Apr. 22-433 0 34 0 31 299-1 + 7-8 + 55 - 6 Means 0 3 1 299-10 + 7 - 8 o Apr. 24-610 25- 533 ! 26- 418 27- 202 : 24 25 0 8 83 "4 39 24 19 1 1 12 13 0 5 4 0 ‘43 59 21 1 5 *4 209-9 211-3 213- 0 214- 0 213-8 2144 + 6-2 + 5-5 + 4"5 + 4-8 + 4-6 + 4"4 - +9 + 87 + 22-2 + 33-5 + 4 6 -3 + 59‘4 Group 1006. Two small spots. Apr. 22-433 O 20 O 17 i8 9‘4 + 5-5 — 54 * 1 28- 182 i 5 29- 136 O Means 0 17 189-40 + 5 ' 5 ° Means 6 27 212-73 + 5 " 0 ° A small fa: Group 1007. int spot. A second is seen near it on April 23. A small spot c Group ion. lisappearing before May 1. Several other small spots are seen in its hood on April 29 to May 1. Apr. 22-433 23-603 O O 38 40 0 39 30 182-0 180-3 - I 5‘ 9 — 1 6* 1 — 61-5 - 47-8 neighbour Apr. 24-610 0 12 6 12 4 1 8 0 H 37 47 28 49 107 166 54 0 12 9 4 7 24 4 0 26 40 38 19 28 60 86 29 142-2 142-6 142-1 1427 142-4 136*3 137-1 136-4 + 127 + 12-5 + 12-9 + 127 + 12*9 + H' 1 + 12-8 + 13-0 — 72A — 6o-o -487 - 37-8 -25*1 -187 -f- 0*8 + n*6 Means 0 35 i8i-I 5 — 1 6-oo 25 - 533 26- 418 Group 1008. A regular spot. 28- 182 29- 136 30 - 54 I Apr. 22-433 23- 603 24- 616 25 - 533 26*418 27- 202 28- 182 29- 136 30 - 54 I May 1-416 2-190 3 ' 4 i 6 O 16 49 50 61 45 45 37 36 24 17 0 70 ”4 21 1 37 ° 37 i 324 3 i 7 246 I2 3 89 68 48 0 15 34 30 33 23 23 20 24 l 9 18 0 1 18 106 147 240 168 163 133 79 ' 70 7 1 107 171- 5 172- 0 172-3 172-8 172 - 9 173- 6 I 73-3 1 73 - 9 174 - 2 174-1 1747 174-6 + 7’3 + 7‘4 + 77 + 8 -i + 8*2 + 8 -o y 7-8 + 7-4 + 7-6 + 7-8 + 7" 6 + 77 -72-0 -56-1 -42-5 — 29-8 -17-9 - 6-9 + 5-8 + 18*9 + 37-9 , + 49-3 + 60-2 +76-2 May 1*416 Means 8 4 1 140*23 + 12-95 Group 1012. Two small spots. Other small spots appear in their neighbourhood on April 26. The group has greatly diminished on April 27. Apr. 25-533 26418 27-202 65 3 i 8 148 173 34 33 16 5 76 92 20 203-9 2037 2o6"2 -17-8 -17-2 -161 + , ’3 + 12-9 + 257 Means 20 134 I 73-33 + 772 Means 18 63 204-60 -17-03 182 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographie Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Longitude Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1013. Two small spots. Group 1018. Two small spots. The preceding spot disappears before May 4. 1883. a Apr. 28-182 29 -1 3 6 8 8 28 25 5 7 19 22 208-8 2097 -I5-I -15*0 + 41-3 + 547 I 883. d May 3-416 4-491 ° 59 36 0 0 5 1 46 1519 150-3 + 107 + 10-4 + 53-5 + 66-I Means 6 21 209-25 -15*05 Means ° 49 I5I-IO + 10-55 Group 1014. A small spot. A second is seen near it on April 29. Group 1019. Two small faint spots. May 3-416 I 2 4 0 13 Ii6- 3 -19-4 + 17-9 Apr. 28-182 29*136 3 15 41 4 10 2 1 39 99-0 97G -I 5 -6 -17-3 — 68-5 -57-6 Means ° 13 I 16*30 -19*40 Means 7 3° 98-20 -1645 Group 1020. A small faint spot. Group 1015. A small spot. A second is seen near it on May 1 . May 3-416 0 7 O 9 31-3 — 1 6*3 -671 Means 0 9 3 '’ 3 ° — 16-30 Apr. 29-136 3o-5+i Mav 1-416 2*190 8 4 4 4 2 5 58 24 7 3 2 2 12 16 33 13 103- 8 105-2 104- 1 105- 9 + 13-6 + 13-6 + 14-0 dr I 4'4 -51-2 -311 — 207 - 8-6 A regular ■ spot, wi th someti Group mes two 1021. or three very small s pots close ti 3 it. May 4-49 1 5- 516 6- 430 7- 133 8- 143 9' I 4 I 10-128 1 1 -409 12- 162 13- 5I7 14- 161 15 17 20 26 3 2 34 3 2 43 21 14 11 82 142 124 217 ! 9 2 1 56 221 I94 I3 2 74 62 28 18 16 18 18 18 17 2 3 12 1 0 10 H 8 15° 97 146 83 "5 104 77 54 54 I O'O 9 ‘4 9’3 9' 2 9’4 9’5 97 97 9‘9 9 '9 9-6 j -18-3 -18-4 — 18-3 -18-3 — 1 8* 1 — 1 8 * 1 — 1 8-o -17-8 — 1 8*o — 18-4 i -18-4 — 7 4' 2 — 61-2 -49 2 — 40-0 -26-5 -13-1 + 0-0 + 17-0 + 27-2 + 45" 1 + 53 + Means 4 *9 1 °4*7 5 + 13-9° Group 1016. A number of very small faint spots arranged in a straight line. Only the last spot is left on May 4. May 1*416 2- 190 3 - +i 6 4- 491 7 21 10 0 62 67 54 21 4 10 5 0 33 34 28 12 107*6 108-5 108-4 106-5 4- 6-o + 6-2 + 6-i + 7-5 -17*2 — 6-o + 10*0 + 22-3 Means 17 104 9-60 — 18-19 Group 1022. Two small spots. The following spot disappears before May 9, and the preceding spot increases in size, breaking up into several portions on the following day. Means 5 27 10775 + 6-45 Group 1017. A very small spot. May 6-430 7‘ 1 3 3 8-143 9" I 4 I 10-128 1 1 409 12-162 0 12 22 1 + 8 0 8 36 97 122 287 1 1 1 78 12 0 7 12 7 4 0 6 23 55 64 1+9 60 49 9 24-8 26-4 28-4 28-0 26-6 28-5 30-5 | + + + + + + + -337 — 22-8 - 7-5 + 5‘4 + 16-9 + 35-8 ++7"8 May 1-416 2-190 0 0 34 49 0 0 18 26 109- 5 110- 5 + I3-5 + 13-6 -I5-3 ! - 4-0 Means 0 22 1 1000 + 13-55 Means 5 58 27-60 + 11-09 183 taken at Greenwich, in India, and in Mauritius, in the Years 1882 to 1885. j ^ reaP Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1023. Group 1 027 — continued. A small faint spot. 1883-d May 19-514 20- 132 21- 407 4 8 33 9 251 173 67 44 37 26 229 196 183 299-9 2999 299'7 -22*7 — 22-1 -22-7 + 5+4 + 62-6 + 79*3 1883. d May 6-430 O 8 0 8 359 ° — 1 6- 1 — 595 Means ... 0 8 359-00 — 16-10 Means 57 291 301-02 — 22-29 Group 1024. Two small faint spots. Group 1028. A large regular spot. Two or three small faint spots are occasionally seen in its neighbourhood. May 7-133 O 23 0 25. 1 1 1-9 + I3-4 + 627 Means O 25 111-90 + 13-40 May 10-128 1 1-409 12162 i3"5 I 7 14- 161 15- 427 16- 489 17- 406 18- 460 I9’5i4 20- 132 21- 407 24 54 53 83 70 40 70 83 37 37 25 20 215 304 3°5 518 4 8 4 258 351 3°4 257 243 156 69 56 57 43 5 1 39 21 37 45 23 28 23 35 508 318 246 3H 271 134 182 166 158 183 HI 1 17 292*8 292-4 2927 292-5 292-2 292-3 292-5 292-2 292-3 292-3 292-4 292-5 + I 10 + H'o + I I *0 + II-I + 10-5 + 10-9 + io - 8 + 111 + io-8 •+107 + H-5 + ii-i -76-9 -60-3 — 50-0 -32-3 -24-0 - 7‘3 i + 7*0 + 189 + + 46-8 + 55’* +72-1 Group 1025. A regular spot, followed by a curved cluster of small spots. These latter spots form a straight line on May 9, and disappear before May 10. May 8-143 9'H 1 10- 128 11- 409 34 3* 4 0 179 233 25 24 *9 18 3 0 95 129 i5 20 38-1 3 8 '4 40-8 40-6 + H'9 + 1 5 '4 + 14-3 + 14-6 + 2-2 + I5-8 + 3 1 ’ 1 +47'9 Means 10 65 39'4 8 + 14-80 Means 3 8 228 292-43 + 10-96 Group 1026. A small spot. Priwnn m2Q May 9*141 10- 128 1 1- 409 12- 162 1 3‘ 5 1 7 14-161 0 0 0 7 3 0 5 12 17 13 H 13 0 0 5 0 13 i5 13 9 8 7 303-0 303-6 303-2 3°3'4 302-9 302-8 -157 -15-5 -157 -15-4 -15-2 -15-3 -79-6 -66-i — 49’5 — 393 -21-9 — 134 A small spot. May 12-162 2 1 1 2 10 285-9 + 12-0 -56-8 Means 2 10 285-90 + I2"00 Means 1 1 1 3°3-i5 - 1 5+7 Group 1027. A large regular spot. A small spot is seen near it on May 1 1. Group 1030. Two small spots. Only one of these is seen on May 1 5 and 1 6. The group increases in size very suddenly, and on May 17 consists of a regular spot with a smaller one following it. May 9-141 10-128 11*409 12- 162 13- 517 14- 161 15- 427 16- 489 17- 406 18- 460 43 35 75 76 93 98 H7 103 103 77 i47 205 408 459 660 623 553 535 475 362 "9 46 62 53 53 54 79 57 62 54 4° 3 270 337 320 380 342 295 296 .284 253 302-6 —223 302-5 —22-4 301-8 —22*6 301-9 -22'3 301-3 —22-2 301-6 —22'2 301-0 —22-0 300-7 —22-0 300-4 —21 '9 299-9 -22-4 — 8o-o — 67-2 -50-9 — 40-8 -23-5 -146 + 1 + 1 +15-2 + 27-1 + 4°+ May 14-161 15- 427 16- 489 17- 406 18- 460 I 9'5 I 4 20-132 IO 0 9 60 23 i5 2 25 16 62 296 136 88 22 5 0 5 47 24 35 5 13 9 39 230 147 176 69 3 1 5*6 318*9 321- 8 322- 2 321-3 3211 3 >8-4 -15-0 -14-4 -I4-2 -14-6 -15-2 -15-2 — 14-8 — o-6 + I9-3 + 3 6- 3 +48-9 + 6i-8 +75-6 + 8i-i Means 17 98 319-90 -1477 184 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — c ron yued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1031. Three small faint spots. i Group 1037. A small spot on May 24. A second appears near it on May 25. 1883. a May 15-427 0 9 1 O 48 318-1 - 5 '4 + 18-5 1883. a May 24-504 25-402 0 0 32 36 0 O 36 3° 117-1 115-6 + 12-8 + 13-3 — 62-3 -52-0 Means ° 48 3i8-i - 5 '4 Means 0 33 116-35 + I3-05 Group 1032. A small spot. A second spot is seen near it on May 20. The two are measured together on May 21 and 22. Group 1038. A small faint spot. May 17-406 18-460 I 9'5 I 4 20- 132 21- 407 22- 404 0 O 0 0 0 0 24 21 20 5 2 24 12 O O O O 20 14 29 13 7 224- 5 225- 9 227-5 222*5 225-2 225-8 + 20-3 + 21-0 + 20-6 + 2UI + 2I-I + 20-9 -48-8 -33*6 — 1 8-o — 14-8 + 4'8 + 18-6 May 29-412 0 8 O ; 9 49-2 + 9-2 -65-3 Means 0 9 49-20 + 9'2° Group 1039. Two spots. Several small spots are seen near the preceding spot on J une 2-4. On June 7 small spots accompany the following spot. The following spot and its companions disappear before June 8, leaving the preceding spot alone. Means O 16 225-23 + 20-83 Group 1033. Two small spots. The preceding spot disappears before May 20. May 30-598 31-395 June 1-399 2-492 3+45 4- 429 5- 396 6- 400 7- 138 8- 582 9- 426 10- 149 11- 144 9 26 37 92 77 96 57 63 27 33 26 15 0 3i 185 183 417 405 418 268 239 184 56 76 42 16 27 44 37 67 47 52 29 32 15 22 20 14 0 9° 336 1 8 5 3°7 247 229 138 123 101 36 58 4i 26 19-0 14- 9 157 . 150 153 15- 3 15-7 15- 3 16- 0 17- 5 16- 9 17- 5 i7-3 + x 4'5 + 14-0 + 14-2 + 14+ + 1+4 + 14-3 + 14-1 + I4-3 + 14-6 + 14-6 + 15-0 + x 4‘9 + I4-9 -798 -73+ -59 + -45’5 -327 -!9-6 - 6-4 + 6-5 + 17-0 + 37'5 + 48-1 + 58-3 + 7i-3 May 19-514 20-132 13 6 49 S3 8 4 3 2 40 281-8 281-8 -22‘3 — 22-0 + 36-3 +4+5 Means 6 36 281-80 — 22-15 Group 1034. A small spot. May 19-514 0 33 0 18 2277 + i6-o -17-8 Means 0 18 227-70 + 16-00 Means 3i 147 16-26 + 14-48 Group 1035. A small spot. Group 1040. A fine group breaking out suddenly on June 1 near the centre of the Sun. It consists at first of a large spot followed by an irregular group of small spots. The last of these develop on the following days into a large spot, showing much detail. The other small spots tend to coalesce, and on June 5 the group consists of five spots. Two of these disappear before June 6. May 23-401 3 2 S 1 . 14 224-1 - 5*9 + 30-0 Means 2 14 224-10 - 5-9° June 1-399 2-492 3+45 4+29 67 267 251 256 185 94 28 300 1433 1497 1783 1222 666 3°3 34 136 137 161 i39 102 56 151 73i 813 1098 919 722 494 7°+ 70-2 70-0 70-0 7°-3 70-9 70-8 - 6-4 - 7-0 - 7+ - 7 -6 - 8-4 - 8-5 *- 8-8 - 47 + 97 + 22-0 + 35-1 +48-2 +62-1 + 71-8 Group 1036. Two small spots. The following spot disappears before May 24. May 23-401 24-504 1 s 0 8S iS 8 46 10 2 1 2 *9 214-6 + io-8 + 99 + 18*8 + 35' 2 5- 396 6- 400 7- 138 Means 4 28 213-75 + 10-35 Means 109 1 704 7°'37 - 773 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 185 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1041. A large spot of irregular shape. Several small spots follow it on June 4, and succeeding days. The group gradually diminishes in size, only one small spot remaining on June 8. This breaks up into yet smaller spots on June 9 and 10. Group 1045. A small faint spot on June 4. Several other spots appear following it on June 5. 1883.3 June 4-429 5- 396 6- 400 7- 138 8- 582 9+26 10- 149 11- 144 0 9 0 22 36 0 7 0 9 1 10 99 132 266 48 37 40 0 5 0 12 22 0 7 0 5 57 5° 70 165 37 38 58 I4-3 I4-I I4-I 14-3 14-7 17 + 18-9 151 -1 17 -n-5 -II-4 — u"5 — 1 1-8 — 10-9 — 1 1 • 1 -117 — 20-6 - 8-0 + 5-3 + 15-3 + 347 +48-8 + 597 + 69-1 1883. d June 2-492 3'445 4-429 S'39 6 6-400 7‘i38 8- 582 9- 426 10-149 4 1 Si 76 76 33 IS 1 1 0 0 174 416 4 6 9 488 505 '227 42 26 26 71 S3 57 47 18 8 * 6 0 0 298 425 353 308 279 1 19 2 1 14 16 347-6 3477 347-o 345- 6 345- 6 346- 4 346-6 345'2 346-8 -IO-7 — io-6 — 10-4 — 1 1 • 1 — io-g* — io - 8 -io-8 — 1 1"3 -n-4 -72-9 -60-3 -47-9 -36-5 -23-2 — 12-6 + 6-6 + 16-4 + 27-6 Means 6 60 I5-39 -n-45 Means 29 204 346-50 — 10-89 Group 1046. A large spot of irregular outline. It undergoes many changes both in shape and size during the period of its appearance. Group 1 042 . A small spot. A second is seen on June 5, and the following days. The group undergoes several slight changes, and the following spot disappears before June 9. June 6-400 7- I38 8- 582 9- 426 10-149 H-I44 12-537 i3*4°7 14- 482 15- 359 16- 523 17- 4I3 0 17 68 39 23 19 37 73 125 S 2 60 60 1 16 245 474 507 335 365 5i4 93° i°9S 844 635 557 0 21 5i 25 14 10 20 42 81 39 65 102 229 306 362 33i 203 202 281 537 7i3 641 690 94° 294- 6 295- 0 295-2 294-9 2947 294-6 294-6 294-3 294-4 293-8 2937 293-4 -23-1 -23-3 — 22-6 — 22-8 -23-2 -227 — 22-8 -237 -237 -23-5 -23-9 — 23-6 -74-2 — 64-0 -44*8 -33'9 -24-5 — n"4 + 7"o + 18-3 + 32-5 +43-6 + 58-9 +70-4 June 3-445 4-429 S'39 6 6- 400 7- 138 8- 582 9- 426 ... IO,I 49 5 0 0 0 8 0 14 47 3i 25 34 52 17 8 4 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 12 32 18 13 17 27 10 5 353-8 353- i 354- 2 3527 35i-o 353- 2 354- 9 35.2-1 - 8-3 - 7'8 - T9 - 8 - i - 9-6 - 8-o - 7'5 - 8-6 -54-2 — 41-8 -27-9 — 1 6- 1 — 8-o + 13-2 + 26-1 + 32-9 Means 1 17 353-13 - 8-23 Group 1043. Means 39 453 294-43 -23-24 A small regular spot. Group 1047. A small spot. June 3-445 4-429 5'39 6 6-400 7' 1 38 8- 582 9- 426 10-149 : I1'I44 0 9 13 37 22 27 0 2 5 18 66 47 95 81 60 16 17 16 0 13 11 26 14 14 0 1 3 5 6 89 42 66 5° 32 8 9 9 327-4 327-5 327-6 327-0 326- 9 327- 0 327-1 326-9 3267 -16-5 — l6"2 — 16-5 — 16-2 — 16-2 — I 6-2 — 16-3 — 1 6-6 — 16-7 — 8o-6 -67-4 -54‘5 — 41-8 -32-1 -13-0 — 17 + 77 + 207 June 7*138 1 18 1 22 64*2 + I7-4 + 65-2 Means 1 22 64-2 + 17*4 Group 104.8. Means 9 40 327-12 — 16-38 Group 1044. Three spots close together. Two small spots. June 7-138 8- 582 9- 426 10-149 18 45 0 2 131 152 58 27 9 22 0 1 66 78 32 16 352-2 352- 4 351-9 353- 2 + 7-3 + 6-9 + 6-9 + 7-i - 6-8 + 12-4 + 23-1 + 34-° June 4-429 S'39 6 33 0 164 33 37 0 188 68 97 '9 97-6 + 157 + 15-2 + 63-0 + 75-5 Means 19 128 9775 + 15-45 Means 8 48 352*43 + 7-°5 Photo-Heliographic Results, 1882-1885. 186 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Civil Time. , Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. A small r egular sp Group ot follow 1049. ed by some smaller spots. Group 1053. Two small spots. 1883. d June 11-144 12- 537 13- 407 14- 482 15- 359 16- 523 5 5° 28 33 H 0 37 210 168 121 57 18 6 40 19 19 8 0 48 169 1 13 72 32 10 240-9 240-9 240-8 240-3 240-3 240-6 -24-2 -24-3 — 24-6 -24-4 — 24-6 -24-5 -65-1 -467 -35-2 — 21-6 1883.4 June 17-413 18- 554 19- 201 20- 593 0 0 6 3 17 22 33 27 0 0 3 15 14 18 *4 i68‘2 168-3 168-6 1697 + 47 + 5'° + 5"4 + 5’ 1 -54-8 -39-6 — 3°7 — * i"3 - 9-9 + 5-8 Means I 15 168-70 + 5-°5 Means 15 74 240-63 -24-43 Group 1050. A small faint spot. j Group 1054. A fine regular spot followed by a great number of small spots. The group under- goes many changes. June 17 413 18- 554 19- 201 20- 593 2i'435 22- 226 23- 389 Z 4" I 79 25- 554 26- 393 27- 439 28- 372 9 33 21 92 99 62 102 38 46 46 10 4 4i 218 251 545 700 617 590 428 500 3*7 98 25 *9 39 *9 61 58 34 54 20 28 32 9 5 93 257 239 361 4°9 337 3 1 * 229 302 217 87 3i 146-8 I44-5 142- 8 143- 9 144- 9 H5*3 I43-9 I43-9 143-6 *43-3 143-6 142-9 — 16-2 -14-3 -14-9 -157 -167 -16-4 — 16-0 -!5- 9 l —16-4 -15-6 -157 — 16-2 — 76-2 -63H -56-5 -37-i — 24-8 -14-0 + o-o + 10-5 + 28-4 + 39' 2 + 53‘3 +64-9 June 13-407 0 20 0 11 256-9 - 8-2 -19-1 Means 0 11 256-9 - 8-2 Group 1051. A regular spot followed by several very small faint spots on June 15, which dis- appear before June 16. June 1 3-407 14-482 1 5 ‘3 59 16-523 I 7"4 I 3 18-554 9 17 9 9 9 5 52 99 97 28 13 26 20 18 7 6 5 3 106 82 18 7 *4 199- 9 201-2 *99’8 200- 5 200-2 199-6 +20-9 + 20-6 + 21-4 +20-9 + 20-7 + 21-2 - 7 6-i — 607 -50-4 -34‘3 — 22-8 - 8-3 Means 32 239 1 44- 1 2 1 -15-83 Group 1055. A small faint spot. Means 10 5 6 200-20 + 20-95 June 19-201 1 H 1 *4 259-4 -15-4 + 6o-i Means 1 14 259-4 -15-4 Group 1052. Two small spots on June 17. These have greatly increased in size by June 18. On June 19 they form two lines each composed of a great number of spots, the first spot in each line being the largest. The following spots in each line are measured as one cluster on June 19-21, but are divided into two clusters on June 22. The following portion of the more northerly line disappears before June 23. The individual spots of the whole group show large proper motion. Group 1056. An irregular group, first seen on June 20 not far from the ce rapidly increases in size on the following days, the small disappearing or coalescing with the larger spots, so that ! following days the group consists almost entirely of three intre of the er spots of on June 2 large regub Sun. It the group 3 and the ir spots. June 17-413 18- 554 19- 201 20- 593 21- 435 22- 226 23- 3 8 9 24- 179 10 i59 84 186 213 58 20 0 4i 867 821 1172 952 53i 167 4i 6 90 48 122 163 58 39 0 24 487 469 781 740 528 319 142 212-3 211- 8 212- 2 2I3-2 213- 4 214- 4 215- 4 213-5 — 25-6 — 24-6 -24-3 -24-1 -23-9 — 24-8 — 24-6 -23-3 -107 + 3-9 + 12-9 + 32-2 +437 + 55-I + 7i-5 + 8o"i June 20-593 21- 435 22- 226 23- 389 24- 179 ! 25-554 i 26-393 27-439 77 176 185 333 142 182 7 1 0 296 874 1574 1935 1330 9*5 373 1 16 40 96 189 92 i75 92 0 155 449 822 1104 856 855 484 457 168- 8 1697 169- 5 169-2 169- 9 1 7 1 "4 170- 5 172-5 — io"6 — 10-4 -10-5 -io-3 — io-i — 10-2 - 9-6 — I O’O — 12-2 — 0*0 + 10-2 + 25-3 + 36-5 + 56-2 + 66-4 + 82-2 Means 66 436 2I3-28 - 24 - 4 ° Means 97 648 170-19 — 10-21 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 187 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued . Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group, Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra, j Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. I Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1057. A small regular spot. ! Group 1061. Two small spots. The following spot disappears before June 27, and another small spot is seen on that day. 1883. a June 2 1 -43 5 9 46 5 25 166-2 - 19-3 - 37 1883. a June 25-554 26- 393 27 - 439 28- 372 0 2 7 0 3 1 32 59 20 0 4 0 32 24 36 1 1 54*3 55-4 55'3 55-8 + 6‘2 + 5-9 + 57 4- 6-6 — 60-9 - 48*7 - 35 -° — 22*2 Means 5 25 166-2 - 19-3 Group 1058. A very fine large spot with a great number of small spots preceding it. r spot is very irregular in outline, is crossed by bridges in various d and bas a large number of separate nuclei. It undergoes many cbai breaks up into a number of small spots after passing tbe central mei June 28. Means 1 26 55-20 + 6-io he large rections, lges, and idian on Group 1062. Two very fine spots when first seen on June 25. A third appears on June 27. The three spots tend to coalesce on the following days, and form one magnificent spot on June 29. By July 1 this has broken up to form two large spots and several smaller spots. The large spots break up further on the following days. June 22-226 23*389 24- 179 2 5 - 5 S 4 26- 393 27 - 439 28- 372 29- 415 30- 396 July 1-431 2- 148 3- 164 4- 506 2 40 5 1 135 167 316 299 3°7 171 ”5 52 37 . 25 9 330 572 1124 1585 i 9*9 I 99 2 1571 ”95 7°3 602 300 139 5 62 53 94 169 154 159 97 76 42 41 5 ° 18 516 586 782 953 1031 1025 820 673 460 470 329 275 84-1 73-3 73-5 73-0 73-2 73*5 73 - 5 74- 1 75- 0 75’3 76- 4 76-3 71*2 - 8*5 - 9-6 - 9-5 - 9'8 - IO'O - 97 - 9'4 - 9'3 - 9’3 - 9’5 - 9-8 — 10-4 - 1 1*5 -75-2 — 70*6 - 59-9 — 42-2 -30-9 -16-8 — 4-5 + 9'9 4-23-9 + 37-8 +48-4 4-617 + 74*4 June 25*554 26- 393 27 - 439 28- 372 2 9 ' 4 I 5 30-396 July 1-431 2- 148 3- 164 4- 506 5793 6*418 7 - 53 I 63 106 257 327 581 646 610 385 427 4 1 1 294 164 291 7*3 1555 2190 3014 3573 3131 2948 2809 2274 1617 9*4 336 137 H 3 209 223 334 339 309 197 233 272 240 203 0 75 * 972 1227 1505 1733 1876 1589 1510 1532 I 5°3 1323 II29 939 36-1 35-6 34 - 5 35'4 35 - 8 35-3 35 - 8 36- 4 36-8 36- 9 37 - i 37-6 37-0 4 - 9-6 4 - 9 "° + 97 4-10-6 + 10-4 + 10-9 + 10-9 + 10-7 4-10*9 4- 1 i*o 4-11-4 4-10-9 4 -io *4 - 79 -r -68-5 -55*8 — 42-6 — 28-4 -15-8 — 17 4- 8-4 -j-22’2 4 - 40-1 4 - 52-0 -)- 66*2 4-80-3 Means 85 61 1 74-80 - 972 Means 218 1353 36*18 4-10-49 Group 1059. Four small faint spots in a straight line. Group 1063. A small spot. June 27-439 0 7 0 10 1607 — 16-2 4 - 70-4 June 24-179 0 21 0 10 120*0 + 10-2 - 13-4 Means 1 ° 10 160-7 — 1 6-2 Means 0 10 120*0 4-10-2 Group 1064. pots on June 27. The group increases in size very rapidly on the days, and entirely changes in appearance. It consists of two spots v small spots near them on June 28 and 29. Only one large spot is me 30. Group 1060. Three small spots. The photograph of June 25 is badly defined, being taken through cloud. Three small s following with a fev seen on Ji June 27-439 28- 372 29 - 415 30- 396 O 33 69 20 44 202 360 138 0 25 77 48 28 *53 397 33 * 125-0 125- 0 126- 2 128*5 — io-8 — 1 o-o - 9-0 - 8-8 4-347 4 - 47 * 1 + 62-0 4 - 77-4 June 25*554 9 34 4 18 109*3 +13-8 - 5-9 Means 4 18 I 09-3 + 13*8 1 - Means 38 227 126-18 - 9*65 188 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs 883. d June 29-41 5 3 °‘ 39 6 July 1-431 2-148 3^64 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Whole Spot. Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Group 1065. Several small spots arranged in two compact clusters. 76-1 76-0 7 6-6 76-8 78-4 7678 + S’° + 5-5 + 5-6 + 5-8 + 5'5 + n -9 + 24-9 + 39 ’ 1 + 48-8 + 63-8 Group 1066. Two spots which are measured together on July 3 and 4. A small spot is seen near them on July 5. The spots coalesce and form one long irregular spot on July 6 and 7, which, for the sake of convenience, is measured in two portions. This spot breaks up on the following days, and the group rapidly diminishes in size after July n. July 3-164 4-506 S '393 6- 418 7 - 531 8 9 ' 5 8 1 iQ '394 11- 525 12- 294 13- 400 No pho 127 756 137 tograph 982 906 291*0 291-4 291-8 "290-3 290-2 290-5 290-8 290-3 289- 5 290- 1 289-1 290-45 -22-55 -83-6 -65-4 -53-3 -41-1 — 26-5 -127) + II -Pi i -5 + 25-6 + 36-4 + 50-0 Group 1067. l very large spot. A number of small spots appear in its neighbourhood from time to time. The group diminishes rapidly after passing the central meridian on July 14, and breaks up into three portions before July 19. Date. ..Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of I Area for Group. Mean Longitude Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. ■ Mean Lo “? itude Latitude r01 ? „ „ Central of Group. „ . . ...... Meridian. Group 1068. Two spots on July 10. The group increases rapidly and forms a long line of spots on July 12, the first spot being the largest. The group diminishes rapidly after passing the central meridian, the following part of the group disappearing first. The preceding spot shows a rapid forward movement in longitude. 1 883. d July 10-394 5 93 6 107 216-1 — I 1-0 — 627 11-525 76 452 57 34i 217-5 - 9-8 -4+4 12-294 68 583 43 37i 218-3 — 10-3 — 354 13-400 83 552 45 3°3 220-4 — 1 0-0 — i8 7 14 No pho tograph. (4i 303 222-5 — I 0-0 - 2-9) 15-478 70 567 37 302 224-6 - 9-9 + 13-0 16-153 34 360 20 204 2257 — IO’O + 23-1 17 No pho tograph. (13 155 226-9 - 9" 6 + 39‘5) 18 No pho tograpli. (7 105 228-2 - 9* 1 + 55-8) 19-586 0 33 0 5 6 229-4 - 87 + 72-2 20-150 2 9 5 3i 230-1 - 9‘3 + 80-3 Means 25 20 7 22361 - 979 Group 1069. Two very small spots. July 11-525 0 31 O 22 305-6 — 13-6 +417 Means 0 22 305-6 — 13-6 Group 1070. Three small spots. The first two spots are measured together on July 11, 12, and 13. On July 13 the following spot has disappeared, but three spots are again seen on July 14. The group shows considerable proper motion. July 11-525 12- 294 13- 400 14 15- 478 16- 153 0 10 52 No pho 43 17 56 120 201 tograph. 138 60 O 8 . 33 (28 22 8 72 105 128 100 7 1 31 196-4 198-4 200-8 201- 9 202- 9 203- 6 +"•9. + 10-7 + 10-3 -f io-6 H-io-8 + 1 ro -67-5 -553 -38-3 -23*5) - 8-7 + 1 0 Means ’ 17 85 200-67 + io-88 July 9-581 24 2 1 9 62 566 214-2 — 26-2 - 75-5 A regular spot. Some small s] July 16. These increase in s i °’394 90 486 i 33 7 i 8 2137 — 26-2 -65-5 11-525 158 806 148 755 212-9 -25-7 -51-0 12-294 i 6 ? 961 53 75 i 212-5 — 26-1 -41-2 July 12-294 17 95 i 3 ' 4 °° 1210 79 792 212-0 — 26-1 -27-1 13-400 57 33 ° 14 No pho tograph. (92 679 2ir8 — 26-0 -13-6) 14 No pho tograph. 15-478 181 974 105 566 2 1 1 *5 -25-9 — O'l 15-478 132 542 16-153 51 659 3 ° 389 210-8 — 26-1 + 8-2 16-153 99 545 1 7 No pho tograph. (33 33 ° j 2 IO '8 — 26-0 +23-3) 1 17 No pho tograph. 18 No pho tograph. ( 3 6 270 2107 -25-9 + 38-4) 18 No pho tograph. 19-586 40 210 39 21 1 210*7 -25-8 + 53'5 19-586 140 779 20-150 24 162 3 ° 203 2IO-5 — 26-6 + 607 20-150 95 759 21-497 0 5 8 j 0 183 209-0 -25-8 + 77 ‘i 21-497 58 5 i 9 Means 65 493 211-59 — 26-03 Means 1 ... Group 1071. ipycai in its immediate neighbourhood on d number on the following days. 175- 6 176- 3 176-4 176-4 176-1 176- 4, 1767 177- 0 i 77‘5 176-6 176-50 -10-95 -78-1 -62-8 -49-0) 35 ’ : — 26-5 — 1 1 - 1 ' + 4 ‘ 3 ) + 19-8 + 277 +447 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 189 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central VIeridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. 1 Mean jougitude Mean Latitude of Group. . Longitude from Central Meridian! Civil Time. ^ of Group. Civil Time. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole 1 Spot. [Jmbra. Whole ' Spot. Group 1072. Group 1075 — continued. A great number of very small spots irregularly distributed over a somewhat wide area. 1883. d July 19-586 20-150 21+97 22 23 2+394 54 32 59 No pho 1 No pho 1 14 333 287 200 tograph. tograph. 52 28 16 34 (28 { \l 171 150 1 14 96 78 60 155-0 I55-5 155- 5 *557 156*0 156- 2 — IO'6 -107 — IO'O -10-4 -107 ■—in — 2*2 + 57 + 23-6 + 36*6) +496) +62-6 1883. d July 13-400 H 15- 478 16- 153 24 No pbo 45 18 197 ograph. 175 134 13 (20 24 10 104 IOO 96 79 230-9 230-5 230-1 23!'3 + 197 + 19-7 + 197 + 19-5 - 8-2 + 5-2) -MS-5 4-287 Means 17 95 23070 + 19-65 Means 22 100 154-86 — 10-50 Several very sn disappeare nail spot i and th in a si e precec Group raight lir ing spot I0 73- e. On July 19 the have increased in ollowing si size. These ots have coalesce Group 1076. A small faint spot. | w uu 1,110 awaauvya 5 j , & j r j July 19-586 20-150 4 25 7 3 17 5 197- 3 198- 1 -1 17 — 12-2 +40-1 +48-3 July 15-478 16-153 17 18 19586 20-150 21 ‘497 0 O No pho No pho 18 17 24 52 27 tograph. tograph. 123 IOI 135 0 0 (3 (6 9 9 17 36 16 32 47 63 55 95 169-2 171-2 171- 6 172- 0 172-4 1747 176-4 + 8 "2 + 8-6 + 8-8 + 9-0 + 9-2 + 8-6 + 8 + -42-4 -31-4 -I5-9) “ o-3) 4-15-2 + 24-9 4-4+5 Means 2 11 19770 -11-95 Group 1077. A small faint spot. Means 6 49 172-50 + 8-69 July 19786 20-150 0 0 26 5 0 0 17 4 I93-5 1937 -14-4 -15-1 + 36*3 +439 Group 1074. A very fine group of spots, consisting chiefly of a large and nearly circular spot followed at a little interval by a large cluster of spots arranged in a roughly ; circular manner. These latter spots have greatly decreased in size by July 25, but by July 26 a number of other small spots have formed in their neighbour- hood. Means 0 1 1 193-60 -1475 Group 1078. A small faint spot. July 15-478 16-153 17 18 19- 586 20- 150 21- 497 22 23 2 4'394 25- 561 26- 405 27 '444 0 29 No pho No pho 2 77 176 205 No phc No phc 188 37 0 84 293 tograph. tograph. 1635 1468 135° > tograph. > tograph. 1287 844 393 80 0 53 (89 ( 1 2 5 161 97 1 10 ("9 , (128 1 37 117 60 0 219 547 683 819 955 823 724 790 855 921 876 581 333 1 34'4 130-0 1 30- 6 131- 1 1317 I 33'° 133- 6 1 34"° 134- 4 I34- 8 136-4 I 34"7 I34-5 -i 5 -o -147 — 14-8 -15-0 -15-1 -15 + -147 -15-0 -15-2 -15-5 -157 -15-8 — 1 6-o -77-2 — 72-6 -56-9) -41-2) -25-5 — 1 6-8 + 17 4-1+9) + 28-0) 4-41- 2 4-S8'2 4-677 + 8 I *2 July 19-586 0 16 0 8 1717 + 5-1 + 14-5 Means 0 8 1717 + 5-i Group 1079. A number of spots arranged in a straight line. The following spots diminish in size and gradually disappear before July 25. 84 54 4i No phi No phi 58 23 21 9 0 508 343 353 0 tograph 0 tograph 261 196 80 33 24 67 38 23 ,. (28 . (32 37 15 16 9 0 406 242 205 186 166 147 126 61 34 42 109-4 109- 4 1 10- 0 1 10- 5 no-9 1 1 1- 4 iii'S 1 1 17 1 1 1 -8 III'S -iy 7 -15-6 -15-2 -I5-3 -15-3 -15-4 -15-9 =:a — 16-2 -47-8 -40-4 -21-9 - 87) + 4-6) + 17-8 + 33*3 +4+7 + 58*5 +70-9 Means 92 702 I33-32 -15-22 July 19-586 20-1 50 . 21-497 ! Group 1075. Several small spots. The preceding spot increases in size on the following days, and becomes circular in shape ; the other spots diminish and gradually disappear. 22 23 2+394 25- 561 26- 405 27+44 28-400 July 16-153 17 18 8 No ph No ph 38 0 tograph 0 tograph 7 L. (21 L. (24 3° 77 124 152- 4 153- 3 154- 1 — 10-2 -10-3 ~ ,0 "5 — 50-2 -3+2) — 18-2) Means ... 27 162 iio-8i -15-67 190 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 1080. A very fine group consisting of a very large spot showing much intrical with a great number of small spots preceding it. These small spo are irregularly distributed over an extensive area, diminish greatly ' July 28 and 29. The large spot is somewhat indistinctly seen on Ju it is then close to the limb, but it appears to have broken up int parts. e detail, s, which Group 1084. An irregular group composed of three or four spots. The group diminishes in size on July 24, and the following days. ly 31, as several 1883. d July 20-150 21-497 22 23 2 +- 39 + 25- 561 26- 405 6 18 No pho No pho 33 12 0 +5 163 tograph. tograph. 168 76 33 17 ' 20 09 (19 18 6 0 136 181 152 122 93 39 16 68-6 68-5 68-3 68- o 67-8 69- 0 687 -f- 8*2 + 8-3 + 8-6 + 9 '° + 9-3 + 9-8 + 9'5 — 8 I "2 -63-4 -50-9) - 38 - 3 ) -25-8 - 9-2 + 17 1883.4 July 19-586 20- 1 50 21- 497 22 23 ! 24-394 25-561 j 26-405 27- 444 28- 400 29- 449 3 ° 3 1 "47 5 0 27 233 No pho No pho +47 55 + 408 +70 39 6 266 No pho 90 155 641 1561 tograph. ;ograph. 3013 3115 1967 2+95 2252 1461 tograph. 814 0 57 230 (235 (240 2+5 286 212 257 2+3 198 (176 i 5 + 589 1365 1508 1553 1597 1642 1606 1021 137 + I388 IO92 I 360 1627 757 7+-5 7+7 74’5 74‘3 74-1 73-4 73-2 73 -i 73-2 727 73-3 73'9 - 9'3 “ 9 1 - 9-0 - 8-9 - 8-8 - 87 - 8-9 - 9‘5 - 9-9 - 9-8 - 9-8 - io-6 - 1 1*3 -81-5 - 75‘3 - 57-2 -44-6) -32-1) — 1 95 - 4-8 Means H 106 68-41 + 8-96 + 6-2 + 19-8 + 32-6 + 45’9 + 6o-o) + 74-0 Group 1085. Several very small spots, somewhat scattered. July 24-394 25-561 3 9 20 59 1 4 1 1 3 i 65-0 65-6 + 187 + i8-x — 28-6 — 12-6 Means *95 I363 73-89 - 9 - 5 i Means 3 2 I 65-30 — 1 8 *4.0 Group 1081. A small faint spot. Group 1086. A regular spot. Two very small faint spots are seen near it on July 27. July 20-150 2 IO 3 218-7 - 2-8 + 68-9 July 24-394 25- 561 26- 405 27 - 44 + 28- 400 29 - 449 3 ° 31-475 Aug. 1-407 2 -2 I I 40 3 + 4 1 53 5 i 4 1 No pho 27 15 7 210 228 217 269 267 217 tograph. 125 105 49 32 21 23 27 26 21 (20 18 13 9 168 141 120 137 133 112 98 8+ 60 41- 9 417 417 +1-9 +i "9 42- 3 42-3 42- 2 +2-5 43 - 3 + 9-3 + 9 'i + 8-9 + 9 -i + 8-9 + 9 " 1 + 9'2 + 9‘3 + 9‘3 + 9 ' 6 -517 -36-5 -25-3 -ii-4 + i -3 + IS -5 + 28-9) ++2-3 + 5+‘9 + 66-3 Means 3 H 2187 - 2-8 Group 1082. A very small faint spot. July 20-150 0 2 0 . 186-3 + 5-2 + 36-5 Means 21 "4 42-17 + 9-18 Means 0 1 186-3 + 5*2 Group 1087. A small spot. A very small spot precedes it on July 26. Another small spot follows it on July 27. Group 1083. Several very small faint spots close together. 0 9 0 9 0 16 29 40 17 17 0 8 0 7 5 0 23 2+ 13 24 9 9 25 - 9 26- 8 27- 8 27-2 29- 1 30- 2 — IO'O — 10-6 — 9’9 -107 — IO’O — 1 0-0 -677 -51-4 - 39*2 — 26-1 — ii *5 + 3 -+ July 20-150 21-497 22 23 24 - 39 + O 0 No phi No phi 2 8 17 3 tograph o tograph 27 0 0 • (0 ■ (J 7 1 1 12 13 13 95- 6 96- 5 9 6 "3 96-2 95-9 + 57 + 5-6 + 5’3 + 5 -i + 4"8 -54-2 - 35‘4 -22-8) -io- 3 ) + 2-3 July 24-394 25- 56 1 26- 405 27 - 44 + 28*400 29-+49 Means 0 1 1 96-10 + 570 Means 3 17 27-83 — 10-20 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885 . 191 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 1088. Two very small faint spots. Group 1093. A small faint spot. A second is seen at a little distance from it on August 8. 1883. d July 31-475 O 33 O 17 67 + 5-6 + 6-8 1 88 3. d Aug. 7-424 8-298 0 0 21 35 O 0 53 52 188-2 1857 + 10-4 + 8-9 — 79-8 -71-2 Means 0 17 67 + 5-6 Means O 53 18675 1 + 9-65 Group 1089. Two spots of nearly equal size. The preceding spot breaks up into several portions on August 1, and both spots diminish in size on August 2 and 3, the following spot more rapidly than the preceding. A regular spot before Auj verv small ; with tv ;ust 12. . snots ar Group 1094. '0 smaller spots to the south of it. The latter disappear The three spots are measured as one on August 8. Some e occasion allY seen in the neighbourhood of the principal July 31-475 Aug. 1-407 2 *2 I I 3-564 89 69 32 20 420 458 229 9 1 49 37 17 12 231 H3 123 54 343A 343- i 344- 3 344"7 1*3*5 -i3-5 -13-4 -13-5 -16-5 - 4'5 + 7'3 + 25-6 spot. Aug. 8-298 9'4 21 10- 391 11- 431 12- 461 13- 389 H'39 1 15-442 I 16-489 17- I33 18- 442 ; 19-379 20-410 16 31 3° S 6 70 70 88 62 77 37 48 4 0 n 9 259 466 353 401 388 436 372 324 298 223 90 17 46 37 2 5 36 40 37 46 34 46 25 44 6 345 3i3 39 1 232 229 207 227 203 >95 1 99 208 127 65 177- 9 178- 4 178-3 178-3 178-1 177-9 177-6 1777 177- 9 178- 4 177-6 177-8 177-6 -II-4 — * i *3 — * i*3 -107 — 10 2 — IO‘2 — io-i — I0'2 - 9-8 - 9-3 - 9 6 - 9'7 - 9'5 -78-6 -63-4 — 50-6 — 368 -234 -ii-3 + 17 + 15-6 + 29-6 + 387 + 55-i + 677 + 8l -2 Means 29 163 343-88 — 13-48 Group 1090. Three small spots. Aug. 7-424 II 54 7 33 298-1 -147 + 30-1 Means 7 33 298-1 -147 Means 32 226 177-96 — 10-25 A small re gular spo t. Two Group small fai 1091. nt spots i ire seen neai r it on August 8. Group 1095. Two small regular spots. The two spots tend to separate on August 10, n, and 12, and the following spot disappears before August 16. A number of very small Aug. 7-424 8- 298 9- 42 1 29 IO O 112 77 29 18 5 0 71 42 15 230-4 230-3 230-5 + 15-6 + 15-5 + I 5 -I -37 -6 — 26-2 — 1 1"3 faint spots are seen near them on August 11 and 12. Aug. 10-391 11+31 1 12461 13-389 9 58 5 2 5° 34 4 9 8 0 83 274 295 284 161 57 35 3i 22 9 40 30 27 *7 2 5 5 0 79 191 171 1 5 1 81 29 20 19 1 9 "169-9 170- 5 171- 1 170-4 170- 2 171- 6 176-4 176-6 1767 + 111 + 11-0 + iro 4 - 11*5 + ii -6 + 1 1-6 + n -6 4 -ii *5 4 -i 1-3 -59-0 -44-6 -30+ -18-8 - 57 + 9'5 +28-1 + 36-9 + 54'2 Means 8 43 230-40 + 15-40 Several sm all faint spots. 3 Group ?he comp > 1092. onents of this group i are very unstable. 14- 391 15- 442 1 6*489 17- 133 18- 442 Aug. 7-424 8-298 9 ' 4 21 10-391 ”•431 12- 461 13- 389 I 4 ' 39 I 15-442 O O O O O 34 19 O O 67 27 12 *5 130 I46 1 0 0 0 0 0 J 9 10 0 0 7 75 21 8 8 72 80 48 4 198-4 196-6 196-2 193- 2 194- 8 192-3 1937 192-8 192-1 — 1 6*5 “ i 6"5 -17-8 -1 4*4 -17-4 - 17-3 — 17-6 -17-5 — 69-6 — 599 -45-6 -357 — 20-3 — 9 ' 2 + +5 + 16-9 + 30-0 Means i 5 84 172-60 + 11-36 Group 1096. A small faint spot. Aug. 11-431 0 15 0 21 j 148-0 -1 3 -o -67-1 Means 3 36 194-46 — 16-93 Means 0 21 148-0 -13-0 192 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean iOnpitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. „ Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group Two s 1097 - pots. Group HOI. A compact cluster of very small faint spots. Part of it has disappeared before August 18. 1883. d Aug. 14*391 o 118 0 362 253*4 -16-5 + 77*5 1883. a Aug. 17-133 18-442 19*379 I 0 0 31 20 I I 2 0 0 47 18 8 68-8 . 68-i 68-9 — O-I - 0-3 O’O -70-9 - 54*4 - 4 i *2 Means 0 362 253*4 -16-5 Meaus I 24 68-6o - 0-13 A regular spot. A very small spc August 22. Group t is seen IO98. near it on August 16, and another on Group 1102. A small faint spot. On August 19, five spots are seen scattered oyer a wide area. Two of these (long. SS°*o) are measured together. On August 20, only two spots remain. Aug. 15*442 16-489 17*133 18-442 19*379 20-410 2 1 -409 22*41 1 23 * 4 l8 24*423 25 * 43 ° 26-465 18 20 12 55 +7 5 1 3 + 28 38 20 i 5 3 47 ii 5 128 273 268 243 250 237 204 i 34 62 38 36 22 1 1 36 25 28 16 25 16 16 6 95 127 1 12 179 142 134 138 138 132 xo6 67 70 89-2 8 9 *i 89-2 89-2 89*3 89-4 89*3 89*4 891 89-0 88-6 877 -16-5 -16-5 -x6- 3 -16-3 — 16-5 -1 6-6 -x 6*4 — 167 -16-5 -16-5 -16-3 -15-9 - 72*9 - 59*2 -50-5 - 33*3 -20-8 Aug. 17-133 18-442 19*379 20-410 1 3 15 8 14 21 9 1 49 5 5 5 58 29 75 31 55-6 53 *J 57-0 577 4-10-6 4-12-2 + ii *3 4-11-2 — 84-1 -69-4 - 53 -i - 38*7 - 7-0 4- 6-o + 19*4 + 32*4 + 45*6 + 58-6 + 71-2 Means 7 48 55*85 + H -33 Group 1103. A fine regular spot, followed on August 21 and succeeding days by a smaller regular spot A number of small spots are seen at times between the two. Two small Means 21 120 89-04 — 16-42 spots are seen following the group on Augus disappears before August 30, leaving the princ t 27. JLiie ;ipal spot al< smaller reg one. Group 1099. A single spot. A small spot is seen near it on August 18, and another on August 19. Aug. 20-410 21- 409 22- 41 1 23*418 24- 423 25- 430 26- 465 27*433 28-400 29 f. 30- 469 31- 282 1 1 54 58 137 i 5 1 154 X 49 100 ”4 No pho 15 37 7 68 379 633 844 984 879 775 643 588 tograph. 253 196 42 3 i 87 57 101 95 88 80 56 68 (42 15 49 26 i 93 608 641 637 621 499 420 359 353 298 243 261 162 1 8-8 14-6 13*5 13*3 13*3 13*3 14-2 159 16-2 17*4 x8* 5 177 1 8*4 — 14-8 -157 -15-6 -15-8 -i 5 -8 -157 -15*5 -15*3 -15-2 -15-0 -147 -147 -14*2 - 77*6 -687 -56-5 - 43*4 — 3 °*x -167 - 2-3 + 12-3 + 25 + + 40-2) + 55 *° 4-65-0 + 80-4 Aug. 16-489 17- 133 18- 442 19*379 20-410 13 4 20 6 0 38 72 100 3 i 17 20 5 i 5 4 0 61 82 76 21 xo 79-6 79*4 78-8 77*9 76*3 -157 -157 -x6-5 — 1 6*2 — 18-0 — 68-7 — 60-3 -437 -32*2 — 20-1 Means 9 5 ° 78-40 — 16-42 Sept. 1-396 1 63 407 1578 -15*23 Group 1 100. Two small spots which are measured together. Means Two small spots on August 25. Group 1104. The preceding spot disappei irs before August 26. Aug. 17*133 18-442 19379 5 0 7 26 37 15 7 0 5 34 29 10 74 *° 73*9 74 *° — 10-8 -107 — io’8 -65-7 -48-6 -36-1 Aug. 25-430 26-465 27*433 0 4 0 17 31 23 0 3 0 10 19 21 55 *i 53*4 58*3 + ?°*4 4-10-2 4-10-9 + 25*5 + 36*9 + 547 Means 4 24 73*97 -1077 Means 1 17 .55-60 4-10-50 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 193 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 1105. Two small spots on August 25. Both increase in size on the following days, the preceding spot becoming a large regular spot, the following a stream of small spots. The following part of the group disappears before August 30. A small spot is seen in advance of the group on August 28. Group 1108. Two large regular spots with a number of small spots between them. The small spots (which are measured with the following spot on September 3) disappear before September 7. The preceding large spot undergoes a remarkable chaDge of shape between August 30 and September 1. 1883. d Aug. 25-430 26- 465 27- 433 2 8 '400 29 30- 469 31- 282 Sept. 1-396 13 87 49 1 39 No plio 21 *3 0 47 352 495 568 tograph. 227 173 53 7 45 26 80 (50 19 16 26 181 261 328 267 206 221 180 13-2 1 6-6 16-8 18*3 19- 4 20- 5 20-7 217 4-21-2 4-20-6 + 20-8 4-21-1 4-207 4-20-3 4-19-9 4-20-0 — 16-8 4- o-i 4-13-2 4-27-5 + 42-3) 4-57-0 4-68-0 + 837 1883. a Aug. 30-469 31-282 Sept. 1-396 2 3 + 17 4- 395 5- 492 7- H4 8- 506 9- 567 55 176 282 343 247 217 No pho 94 69 0 367 1010. 1526 tograph. 1664 1555 1284 tograph. 648 381 53 48 129 168 (178 187 139 137 (III i 8 o 0 310 727 908 9 °7 906 876 803 694 585 657 I3 1 274-0 2 7 2- I 274-0 27 3 8 273- 6 273-3 272- 8 273M 273- 9 274- 3 266-0 -14-8 -15-4 -155 -I5-5 - J 5-5 -15-6 -157. -15-8 -15-9 — 16-0 -146 — 49*5 — 40*6 — 24-0 -10-9) + 2-2 + H"8 + 28-9 +4°-3) + 517 +70-1 +75'9 Means 30 209 18-40 +20-58 Means 118 682 272-84 — 1 5-48 Group 1 100. Three small spots on August 27. The group increases in size on the following days, a fresh spot of regular outline appearing on the preceding side. The following portion of the group consists of an irregular scattered stream of many small spots. The group diminishes rapidly after passing the central meridian on August 31, and only two small spots are left on September 3. The group is measured as a whole on September 1. Group 1 1 09. A fine regular spot accompanied by two or three very small spots close to it. Aug. 30-469 31-282 Sept. 1-396 2 3MI7 4'395 5-492 6 7- i44 8- 506 9- 567 10-368 42 66 96 No pho 161 150 150 No pho 9 1 72 46 9 271 424 640 tograph. 846 916 1014 tograph. 710 430 362 93 67 71 73 (84 94 84 85 (73 60 62 60 21 426 453 49 1 492 493 5ii 575 522 468 37° 469 214 2557 255-1 255-2 254-8 254-4 2537 253-2 253-2 2S3-I 252-6 252- 9 253- 6 — i 8"4 -18-4 -18-4 -187 -18-9 -1 8-9 -i 9 7 -1 9-2 -19-2 -19-2 -197 -I9-3 — 67-8 -57-6 — 42-8 -29-9) -17-0 — 4-8 + 9‘3 + 20* 1 ) + 3o-9 +48-4 + 62-8 + 74-0 Aug. 27-433 28-400 29 30- 469 31- 282 Sept. 1-396 2 3-4I7 j 4-395 5-492 6 73 No pho 58 51 45 No pho !9 10 6 61 348 tograph. 431 386 216 tograph. 103 90 25 6 5° (40 3° 26 25 (20 H 0 56 239 233 227 200 120 100 79 97 57 308-8 310-6 312-6 314- 6 315- 5 318-1 318-2 318- 3 3I9’ 1 319- 8 - 8-9 - 9-0 - 9' 1 - 9’ 1 - 9-2 - 9' 1 - 8-9 - 8-6 - 8-9 - 9-0 -54-8 — 40-2 -24-6) - 8-9 + 2-8 -|- 20" 1 + 33-5) 4-46-9 + 6o-6 + 75-9 Means 70 457 253-96 -18-95 Means 22 H 1 ' 3i5-5 6 - 8-98 ... Group 1 1 10. A large regular spot followed at a little distance by several small spots which differ greatly in number, arrangement, and area from day to day. j Group 1107. A fine group appearing suddenly near the centre of the sun and consisting at first I of several small spots in two clusters. On August 30 it becomes two large j spots, both closely accompanied by several very small spots. Sept. 1-396 2 3"4 *7 8 No pho 80 95 95 No pho 84 87 59 70 No pho 35 59 tograph. 54 1 434 485 tograph. 52I 572 429 4 6 3 tograph. 142 *9 ( 43 67 62 53 (48 42 45 34 46 (47 47 146 306 466 285 268 266 264 298 248 305 249 192 2187 217-5 216- 3 217- 8 2187 218- 9 219- 0 219-9 2197 219- 9 220- 4 220-8 + 107 + 10-8 + 10-9 + 10-8 + 10-9 + 111 + H-3 + ii-o + 111 + 1 i*o + 1 i-o + 11*0 -79-3 -67-2) -55*i -407 -25-2 -14-2) - 3’2 + 157 + 29-6 +4°‘3 + 547) + 69-1 Aug. 28*400 29 A 30- 469 31- 282 Sept. 1-396 2 3-4I7 176 No pho 255 137 109 No phc 26 259 1 tograph. 1179 867 657 1 tograph. 184 9 2 ("4 136 79 76 (59 4i 135 382 629 501 457 372 286 339'4 339-7 339-9 339- 8 340- 5 341- 2 34i-9 - 5-8 - 5-6 - 5-3 - 5'2 - 5-o - 4-8 - 4-5 — 1 1"4 + 2-5) 4-16-4 4-27-1 +42-5 4-56-0) +70-5 4'395 5-492 6 7- 144 8- 506 9- 567 10-368 1 1 12-483 Means 85 395 340-34 -5-17 Means 46 274 2I8-97 + 10-97 Photo-Heliographic Results, 1882-1885. 194 Abeas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1 1 1 1 . A small spot. Group 1 1 1 6. A small faint spot. 1883. d Sept. 3-417 4- 395 5- 492 4 10 8 33 36 23 4 7 5 28 25 13 217-9 217-9 217-8 - 4-9 - 5-i - 5’2 -53-5 1883. d Sept. 10-368 0 6 0 4 215-9 + 18-5 + 36-3 — 26-1 Means 0 4 2159 + 18-5 Means 5 22 217-87 - 5-°7 Group 1 1 17. A regular spot closely followed by several small spots. The group undergoes many slight changes, and diminishes rapidly after passing the central meridian on September 16. Group 1 1 12. A small spot. Sept. 3-417 4-395 0 0 9 33 0 16 36 201 "2 I 99' 8 — i6‘2 — 16-s “"587 Sept. 10-368 1 1 12- 483 13- 489 14- 412 15- 54I 16- 480 17- 41! 18- 537 4 No pho 41 47 55 21 23 0 6 15 tograph. 156 3°4 262 x 35 97 38 37 1 1 (23 35 32 3 1 1 1 0 3 43 87 131 203 150 70 49 r 9 21 98-4 98-2 97’9 96*5 97’4 98-2 98*2 98-4 98-2 + io- 6 + 10-9 + n-i + II-3 + 11-4 + n-5 + 1 1-6 + i*7 + 117 — 8 I ’2 -67-5) -53-8 -41-9 -28-8 -13-1 - 07 + II-8 + 26-5 Means 0 26 200-50 — 16-50 Group 1 1 13. A small spot. Sept. 4-395 0 8 0 10 190-1 + 16-4 — 68-4 Means 17 86 97-93 + 11-31 Means 0 10 190-1 + 16-4 A very large detached fi regular 1 com the j spot. Oi >rincipal Group 1 Septerc spot. It 1 1 14. iber 10 i coalesces i large pern 3 with it bef imbral spot is seen ore September 12. Group 1 1 1 8. A small spot. Sept. 8-506 9-567 10-368 1 1 12 "4** 3 1 3M 8 9 14- 412 15- 54 1 16- 480 I 7"4 1 1 18-537 i9’4 6 5 20-297 106 202 176 No pho 321 39 2 37 6 428 362 221 176 33 0 440 826 1043 tograph. 1806 1789 1671 1696 1461 1279 825 4 2 3 53 198 214 147 (170 194 226 217 265 252 185 221 68 0 818 873 877 986 1094 1032 966 1048 1015 1070 1029 880 278 I34-I 1 34"3 133-6 I33-4 133-2 1327 !3 2 "4 1 32‘5 i3 2 -3 131- 9 132- 3 i3i-4 1297 — 2I-I — 21-2 -21-4 — 21-6 — 21-8 -21-9 — 22’0 -21-7 — 2 2-0 — 22-2 -22-3 — 22"I -22-5 70* I -55-8 —46-0 -32-3) “ 1 8*5 - 57 + 6-2 + 21-2 + 33’4 +45-3 + 60 -6 + 7 r 9 + 8 1 -2 Sept. 12-483 1 8 . 1 7 !97"4 -17-9 + 457 Means 1 7 I97-4 -17-9 1 Group 1 1 19. A spot of irregular outline. It undergoes frequent changes, and small spots appear in its neighbourhood on September 15 and the following days. Sept. 12-483 24 53 84 76 93 122 118 125 1 54 105 73 70 181 354 557 729 623 687 775 853 950 624 595 302 52 60 68 48 5i 63 60 65 86 66 61 94 387 399 45 1 455 34i 353 39 1 44 1 529 394 497 4°7 74-3 74- 1 73- 8 74- 4 75- 2 74-8 74- 8 75- 0 74- 9 75- 1 757 75-8 + io-6 + 10-4 + io*4 + 10-3 + io-8 + 10-4 + xo-8 + II-2 + ii-6 + ii’3 + n"3 + 107 -77+ -64-3 -52+ -36-9 -237 — 1 1-8 + 3- 1 + 15-5 + 26-4 + 37-9 + 53-9 + 69-0 Means 181 920 132-60 -21-83 r 3 489 14- 412 15- 54I Group 1115. A cluster of several spots. 16-480 I 7’4 I 1 18- 537 19- 465 Sept. 10-368 1 1 12-483 16 No ph< 8 46 d tograph 6l • (10 8 31 58 84 218-4 2187 218-9 — 8-o - 8-2 - 8-3 + 38-8 + 53-o) + 67-2 20- 297 21- 153 22- 326 23- 459 Means 10 58 218-67 - 8-17 Means 65 420 74-83 + 10-82 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 195 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1120. A small spot. Group 1125. Three small faint spots. 1883.4 Sept. 1 3-489 14- 412 15- 54I 0 21 0 66 21 0 18 0 15 55 25 1831 1798 176-6 + 6‘o + 6'2 + 7-2 + 447 + 53-6 + 65-3 1883. d Sept. 22-326 0 ! 1 0 3I4-5 + 18-4 — 67*3 Means ... 0 14 3I4-5 + i 8'4 Means 6 32 179-83 + 6-47 fluAnn T T 1 A Group 1 1 2 1 . Four small spots on September 13. The two middle spots being close together are measured as one. Only two spots remain on September 14. A regular spot. Sept. 26-559 27- 397 28- 422 29- 394 3°" 1 34 Oct. 1523 2- 563 3- 295 4- 295 5+52 6*5+1 7-I44 8*14.8 0 l 9 33 33 36 27 35 45 34 25 17 13 5 48 79 163 175 230 226 308 279 241 141 80 75 34 0 26 3° 24 23 1 6 26 21 18 1 6 i5 12 120 109 x 47 125 146 128 171 *59 148 103 77 92 82 250-6 250-4 250-5 250-0 249- 8 250- 0 249-5 249-5 249-3 248-9 248-5 248-2 248-1 — 19-0 -19-2 — 18-9 -18-9 — 18-9 -19-0 — 18-4 — 1 87 -187 — i 8"3 — 18-1 — 18-3 -1 8-4 -75*3 -64-4 — 50-8 -38-5 — 28-9 -io-4 + 2-9 + 12-5 + 25-5 +40+ + 54+ + 62-0 +75-2 Sept. 1 3 -489 14-412 4 3 124 37 2 2 64 *9 126-1 126-7 + 4'3 + 4' 1 -12-3 + o-5 Means ... 2 42 126-40 + 4-20 Group 1122. A group appearing suddenly near the centre of the sun. It consists at first of three small spots which are measured together. It increases in size on September 14, i and then becomes a regular spot, followed by two compact clusters of small 1 spots. These two clusters are measured as one on September 15 and 16. Means . . . l 9 124 249-48 -18-68 Sept. 13-489 14- 412 15- 541 16- 480 I 7‘4 1 1 iS '537 19- 465 20- 297 10 31 5° 58 56 49 32 0 56 229 193 259 232 238 150 124 128-9 I2 9"5 130- 9 131- 4 131-1 131-4 133-6 130-8 - 9-6 - 9'5 - 8-4 - 8-4 - 8-8 - 8-5 - 8-2 - 8-o - 9-5 + 3'3 + 19-6 + 32-5 +44-5 + 597 + 74" 1 + 82-3 l 9 57 89 93 75 45 16 0 106 435 348 4 T 7 3H 226 76 28 Group 1 127. Several very small spots. Sept. 28-422 29- 394 30- 134 8 0 0 63 27 16 4 0 34 i5 10 303-3 302- 3 303- 0 -14-5 — I2‘6 -13+ + 2"0 + I 3 -8 + 24-3 Means ... 36 185 130-95 - 8-68 Means ... 1 20 302-87 -i3-5o Group 1123. A small spot. Group 1128. Several very small spots. Sept. 16-480 17- 411 18- 537 0 0 3 24 34 16 0 0 2 4i 34 12 24- 3 25- 6 25-4 + 18-6 + 18-3 + 18-1 -74-6 — 6i-o 46-3 Sept. 29-394 30-I34 0 0 34 18 0 0 2 4 12 254-3 252-1 — 20-8 -21-5 -34'2 -26-6 Means . . . 0 18 253-20 -21-15 Means ... 1 29 25*10 + 18-33 Group 1129. A small spot. Group 1124. A small spot. Sept. 29-394 3°" I 34 0 3 20 9 0 2 22 7 224- 8 225- 2 +13-1 +13-0 -637 -53-5 Sept. 22-326 0 4 0 5 3i7-4 - 7+ -64-4 Means ... 0 5 3i7-4 - 7'4 Means . . . 1 15 225-00 +13-05 1%; Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs >883.4 176-2 — 6-o Oct.-- 2-563 32 227 5 > 358 -70-4 3-295 44 241 48 259 176-2 - 7-0 — 6o-8 4-295 59 436 45 335 176-3 - 7 "° - 47-5 5 G 52 93 354 56 213 176-9 - 7-0 — 31-6 6* 54 > 94 373 5 > 199 176-9 — 6"8 -17-2 7->44 61 377 3 > 196 177-2 - 6-9 - 9-0 8-148 64 342 33 177 177-2 - 6-9 + 4-3 9-284 44 242 24 132 177-5 - 67 + 19-6 10-549 5 > 254 33 163 178-1 - 6-5 + 36-8 11-173 16 >73 12 128 178-6 - 6-3 + 45-6 12-167 21 >>5 21 1 >5 178-6 — 6 -6 + 58-5 13-415 7 52 >4 109 1787 - 7’ 1 + 75-2 14-144 5 ° 3 70 177-6 - 6-3 + 83-8 Means 32 189 177-38 — 6-70 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Whole Spot. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Central Meridian. Greenwich Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Group 1130. A fine spot with a smaller one following it. Some small spots appear near them ,n October 7, but disappear before October 10, and the principal spot alone remains on October 1 1 . Group 1 1 3 1 . A small spot. Two smaller spots are seen near and measured with it on October 6, and on October 7 the group consists of a grea,t number of very small spots. S '452 6 ' 54 > yi +4 250-1 248- 0 249- 7 + 41-6 + 53-9 + 63-5 Group 1132. A small spot on October 5. On October 6, 7, and 8 the group is composed of a few faint and widely scattered small spots. It has undergone an entire change before October 9, and then consists of two spots with some very faint spots near them. The group undergoes several slighter changes on the following days. Only one spot is visible on October 15. 5 G 5 2 6- 541 7 - 144 8- 148 9- 284 10- 549 > 1*173 12- 167 1 3 - 4 I 5 14- 548 >5-383 >447 144-0 144-0 144- 4 > 45-5 1 45 - .5 145-2 145-6 144- 8 > 4 6 "4 >46-3' 1 45 - I 3 - 5‘9 - 4‘7 - 5'3 - 5'3 - 5-9 - 5‘5 - 5-6 - 5-8 - 5'9 - 6‘2 - 6-3 5-67- -63-8 -50-1 — 42*2 -28-5 -12-4 + 4"2 12-2 + 25-5 + 4>-3 + 57-9 + 68-8 Group 1133. A regular spot. A small very faint spot is seen near it on October 11, and two on October 12. 1883. d 0 0 0 Oct. 5-452 25 144 78 450 131-0 — 22-4 - 77*5 6-541 63 362 87 49 6 >30-3 — 22*1 — 63-8 7-144 87 4 i 5 93 444 1297 -22-3 — 56*5 8-148 101 532 82 43 i 1-29-2 — 22 "6 -437 9-284 90 628 59 412 129-1 -22-3 — 28-8 10-549 160 747 93 435 1289 — 22 - 3 -12-4 11-173 122 659 70 378 128-9 — 22-4 - 4 'i 12-167 131 679 76 393 128-7 — 22*5 -j- 8-6 I 3 G 15 156 635 98 39 8 128-0 -22-4 + H ‘5 14-548 85 488 63 3 6 3 1277 -22-5 + 39 ‘ 2 15-383 1 1 1 4°5 101 366 1277 -22- 4 + 5°"2 16-522 43 269 61 384 127-3 — 22"4 +64-9 17-397 27 104 78 294 127-6 -227 +767 Means 80 4 ° 3 >2.8-78 - 22 - 4 I Group 1 1 34 - A remilar snot. A small snot follows it on October 8, and other small spots appear ' in its neighbourhood on October 10 and following days. The principal spot diminishes in size at the same time, s io that after ( >etober 14 the group consists of a great number of small spots irregularly distributed. Oct. 6-541 O 25 0 IOI I lO'I + II‘2 — 84-0 7-144 7 31 14 62 109-9 -fll'O -76-3 8-148 13 83 >4 90 I 1 0-0 + II-I — 6 29 9-284 20 142 14 103 nro + II -0 -46-9 10-549 33 19 7 19 1 1 3 112*0 + 12-0 -29-3 11-173 36 213 20 114 1127 + 10-5 -20-3 12-167 46 292 23 ,48 114-8 + 10-4 - 5-3 13-415 45 257 23 132 1 16-2 + 10-5 + 127 14-548 4 > 244 24 139 117-1 + 10-5 4" 28*6 i 5'383 73 449 47 285 >157 + io-8 + 38-2 16-522 32 282 28 249 I 18-2 + 10-9 + 55*8 17-397 36 214 45 277 1187 + ii-o + 67-8 Means 23 > 5 > 1 113-87 + io- 9 > Group 1135. Several very small faint spots 1 on Octdber 7. On October 8 two dark and well- defined spots have formed. On October 9 the group consists of a great number of small spots extending ov( sr a large area. The group continues to increase in size until it passes out of vi bw at the west limb. Oct. 7-144 0 24 0 13 206-1 — in + > 9-9 8-148 33 1 1 3 21 72 206-5 — IO ’2 + 33 + 9-284 20 94 1 7 74 206-3 - 9-8 + 48-4 10-549 15 259 16 316 205-3 — 10-3 + 64-0 11-173 23 239 39 44 ° 205-7 — 10-2 + 72 '7 12167 3 44 6 223 203-2 -10-5 + 83-1 Means 17 190 20.5-52 — 10-35 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 197 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Civil Time. Umbra. J Whole Spot. of Group. Civil Time, Jmbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Two small spots days, and appear befo Group 1136. on October 7. The preceding spot increases in size on the following manv small spots appear near it, s and /. The smaller spots dis- re October 17. Group 1139. Three spots on October 9. One of these disappears before October 10, whilst the preceding spot separates into two portions. A fourth spot is seen on October xi. Only the two preceding spots (which are measured together) are left on October 12. 1 8 8 3 . d Oct. t 1 44 8- 148 9- 284 10-549 1 1 ' 1 73 12-167 *3'4*5 14- 548 15- 383 16- 522 17- 397 O 21 44 141 83 9* i39 62 67 17 23 1 1 IOI 3°3 710 892 683 720 3 6 4 320 186 73 0 19 29 81 46 49 81 42 55 22 57 *5 87 202 405 49 1 370 4*4 245 261 232 180 121- 5 122- 5 122-9 I22'4 122-8 123- 6 I23-5 I247 125- 5 1257 126- 9 -17-8 -15-8 — 161 — 1 6-o — 16-2 — 1 6- 1 — 16-4 — *5*9 — 15*6 — 1 5*9 — 1 6-8 -64-7 -50-4 -35-° — 18-9 — 10-2 + 3‘5 4-20-0 4-36-2 4-48-0 +63-3 4-76-0 1883. d Oct. 9-284 10-549 1 1 "! 73 12-167 *4 3 22 10 1 19 98 124 22 10 2 1 1 5 75 ' 53 65 121*2 121-5 121*5 123-0 + 17-8 + I7-2 + I7-5 + 16-9 -367 — 19-8 — * *5 + 2-9 Means 7 5* I2I'8 o + I7-35 Group 1140. A regular spot. Means 44 264 I23-82 — 16-24 Oct. 9-284 10- 549 11- 173 12- 167 13- 4* 5 14- 548 15- 383 16- 522 17- 397 18- 397 5 29 *3 12 29 23 33 *7 5 2 32 48 78 122 108 96 96 61 *9 *5 10 29 1 1 8 16 12 *7 9 3 66 48 64 80 59 49 49 33 10 80-5 8o‘6 80- 4 81- o 82- 2 8 1 - 1 81*2 8i - o 8i-o 8 1*2 + I5-* + 15-2 + *5-3 + 15-6 + 16-1 + 16-5 + 1 6-o + 16-0 + 15-9 + *5‘9 -77-4 — 607 — 526 -39* -21-3 — 7‘4 + 37 4- 18-6 + 30-1 +43 + Group 1 1 37. A regular spot with a small spot closely following it on October 8 and 9. An- other very small spot follows it on October 12. The principal spot slowly diminishes in size as it approaches the west limb. Oct. 7-144 8- 148 9- 284 1 °"549 11- 173 12- 167 13- 4I5 14- 548 15- 383 16- 522 8 15 16 26 13 20 1 1 0 0 0 90 125 1 14 79 108 99 95 37 4 1 8 18 17 12 16 7 6 0 0 200 142 88 48 61 5i 22 27 7 1 1 1-2 III-4 1 1 1 -6 1 1 1 "9 I 12-0 I I 17 I I2‘l 1 1 1*9 I I 2- 1 I 12-0 -13-1 — i3*i -12-9 -127 -12-8 — 12-6 -12-7 -13-0 -127 -127 -75-0 -61-5 -46-3 -29-4 — 21-0 - 8-4 4- 8-6 + 23-4 + 34' 6 4-49-6 Means 12 47 8 I -02 + 1576 Group 1 1 41. Two small spots. Ouly the preceding spot is seen on October 13. Means 9 70 1 11-79 — 12-83 Oct. 11-173 12-167 *4 ' 7 2 32 32 *7 1 1 8 8 25 38 54 178-3 I 8 1*2 182-1 -17-8 — i8"i — 18-9 + 45-3 4-61-1 + 78-6 Group 1138. Two small spots on October 8. The group increases in size rapidly on the following days, the preceding spot becoming a very large and irregular spot. It is followed by an irregular stream of spots, some of them large, and spread over an extensive area. Part of the large spot becomes detached and is measured separately on October 17, whilst the smaller spots are measured with the main body of the large spot. I3-4I5 Means 9 39 180-53 -18-27 A number of si Group 1 142. mall spots on October 11, which have greatly increased in size before 1, and on the following days tend to coalesce into two clusters, finally ,v’o regular spots on October 16. The preceding spot has passed the before October 17. Oct. 8-148 9-284 10-549 1 1*173 12- 167 1 3- 4 1 5 14- 548 15- 383 16- 522 17- 397 i9 52 . 192 158 183 34 1 447 359 244 70 64 35i 832 987 1270 1876 1534 2201 134° 567 16 32 102 80 92 184 283 271 275 *5* 5 1 219 440 506 644 1014 972 1670 1466 1071 I 21-2 121*3 I2 3 -0 123-3 123-5 1257 I26-1 126-5 I26-I I26-3 4-12-6 4-12-6 4-12-2 4-12-2 + 12-3 + ii -3 4-11-3 4-10-9 + * *"4 4-10-9 -517 — 36-6 -18-3 - 97 + 3"4 4-22-2 4-37-6 4-49-0 4-637 +75'4 October 1: forming ti west limb Oct. 11*173 12- 167 13- 4*5 14- 548 15- 383 16- 522 17- 397 O 42 87 127 99 28 23 21 37* 4°9 484 477 280 54 0 22 5* 89 85 39 57 1 1 196 238 338 414 4°9 *33 1289 130-0 130-2 130-0 130-4 130-9 1280 - 9'2 - 8-9 - 9+ - 9'5 - 9'4 - 97 - lO'O - 4-1 + 99 4-267 + 4*-5 + 52-9 4-68-5 +77* Means H9 805 124-30 + 1177- Means 49 248 129-77 - 9+4 198 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude ' from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1143. Two very small[spots. Group 1146. A cluster of small spots. 1883. a Oct. 12-167 0 5 O 6 1837 + I4-4 + 63-6 1883.4 Oct. 15-383 16- 522 17- 397 18- 397 19- 311 20- 473 21- 477 33 25 38 46 25 3i 16 246 286 176 21 7 I 12 I36 18 13 20 25 l6 26 20 66 127 148 96 137 167 58-8 57-3 57-6 57-5 60-5 6 1 * 1 62-0 - 6-4 - 7-i - 7-i - 6-6 - 6-6 - 6-6 - 6-5 -187 ~ 51 + 6-7 + 197 + 34-8 + 507 + 64-8 Means 0 6 1837 + J 4"4 Group 1144. A very large and fine spot. The spot is measured in three parts on October 13, and in two parts on October 15. A regular spot is separated from it by October 15, and some very small spots are seen from time to time in its immediate neighbourhood. Means 20 Il 9 59'26 — 6-70 Group 1147. A small spot, which is replaced by another small spot on October 1 B. Oct. 12*167 1 3 ‘4 1 5 H'548 15-383 i6'522 17- 397 18- 397 19- 311 20- 473 21- 477 22- 487 23- 161 24- 294 32 200 273 349 292 276 325 334 302 2 77 222 J 44 7 6 "9 1071 1770 1917 1844 1974 2370 2338 2153 1450 1024 715 367 172 287 246 250 171 148 169 176 174 187 188 158 172 636 1700 !S92 1364 1080 1066 1231 1237 1240 969 869 7 76 808 36-6 33- 8 34’i 34- o 35‘3 35‘5 35- 2 35'3 35- 3 357 36- 0 36-1 35-8 — 10-2 - 8-9 - 8-8 — 1 o-o - 9 -8 — 10-2 - 9-9 - IOI - 9'9 - 97 - 97 - 9-9 - IO’I -83-5 -697 -54‘4 -43‘5 -zj-i -15-4 — 2-6 + 9-6 +24-9 +38-5 + 52-2 +6i-i + 75-8 Oct. 14-144 15- 383 16- 522 17- 397 18- 397 10 21 2 0 0 51 73 3° 25 17 18 *9 O O 92 68 20 15 9 19-3 19*6 19A 19-8 22-6 + I2-I + II-9 + 12-0 + I2-I + 12-5 -74‘5 -57-9 -43-o — 3i*i -152 Means 8 4 1 20-14 + 12-12 Group 1148. Two small spots. They are measured together on October 17. Means 192 I I 2 I 35-28 - 978 1 Oct. 17-397 18-397 0 4 >7 26 0 10 14 2 4 -I 23-5 + 20-9 + 20-6 — 26-8 -I4-3 Group 1145. 1 A small spot. Two other small spots are seen near it on October 14. Means 1 12 23-80 +2075 Group 1149. A number of small spots. The group undergoes many changes, rapidly increasing in size after passing the central mpridian on October 24. Oct. 13-415 14-144 0 4 «7 108 O 3 18 74 167-0 172-9 + 5-6 + 3‘5 + 63-5 + 79" 1 Means 2 46 i6 9'95 + 4-55 Oct. 20-473 37 53 40 33 76 58 57 105 97 0 8 l 9 269 259 174 345 7 i 9 672 851 744 177 87 31 35 23 18 40 32 34 87 117 0 3° 72 175 H5 94 180 4°4 419 699 887 410 3 1 6 320-6 321-4 321-4 321-0 323-0 325-2 325- 8 326 9 327-I 326- 3 321-6 — io-6 — Il-o -10-5 — II-2 — 1 1 *5 — 1 1 -6 — 1 1 *9 -n- 9 — 12-0 — 12-6 -49'8 -35-8 -22-4 -14-0 + 3"° + 20-2 + 32A +497 + 63-5 +76-2 + 8o-8 Group 1145*. A regular spot. 21- 477 22- 487 23- 161 24- 294 25- 432 26- 311 27- 53 6 28- 575 29- 586 30- 304 Oct. 14-144 5° *4* 27 76 167-8 -I3-3 + 74-0 Means 27 7 6 167-8 -13-3 Means 4i 346 323-66 — 1 1*54 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 199 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected 1 Area of Area for Group. Longitude ! Mean Latitude j of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. J Umbra. | Whole Spot, of Group. Group 1150. A number of small spots arranged in a straight line. Group 1 1 54 — continued. 1883. d Oct. 27-536 28-575 29*586 30-304 31*297 Nov. 1-287 2- 289 3- 163 34 21 21 23 17 4 5 0 200 143 143 1 18 104 43 18 3 *9 11 1 1 12 10 3 4 0 112 73 72 62 60 29 16 4 2 53- 9 25+5 254- 9 255- 0 255-2 255-1 2 54-9 255-0 — 6-o — 6-i — 6-2 — 6-2 _ 6-4 — 6-6 - 6-5 - 6-5 -23-3 - 9-i + 4-8 + 14-2 + 27*5 + 4°"5 + 53-5 + 65-2 1883. d Oct. 21-477 22-487 23 42 140 250 13 29 81 170 25-0 25-5 + 18-1 + 18-0 + 27-8 + 417 Means 21 126 25-25 + 18-05 Group 1 1 5 1 . Two very small spots. Means 11 86 25+33 - 6-43 Oct. 21-477 O 12 0 6 35 6 -3 + 137 “ °"9 Group 1155. Three small spots, the first two of which are close together, and are, therefore, measured as one. The following spot disappears before October 30, and the preceding spots break up and form a compact cluster of small spots, of which only two remain on November 1. Means 0 6 356-3 + 137 Group 1152. A regular spot with two or three small faint spots near it. Oct. 25-432 26- 311 27- 536 28- 575 29- 586 3°'3°4 3 I ' Z 97 'Nov. 1-287 2-289 3 i6 3 18 18 29 26 40 18 10 6 2 87 195 266 206 85 92 60 22 22 5 27 19 15 21 9 5 3 1 2 127 *95 184 "9 45 47 31 12 14 4 236*0 2347 235' 1 235- 3 236- 2 237- 1 237+ 237-5 237-8 238*1 - 7+ - 7-6 - 7'i - 7+ - 7-i - 6-9 - 6-8 - 6-8 - 6-9 - To — 69-0 -587 — 421 -28-3 -I3-9 — 37 + 97 + 22-9 + 36+ + 48-3 Oct. 21-477 22- 487 23- 161 24- 294 25- 4-32 26- 3 1 1 27- 536 28- 575 29- 586 30- 304 1 6 16 3° 12 16 10 23 16 7 1 95 ’59 1 76 140 192 1 59 1 1 1 66 37 16 31 1 7 25 8 9 5 12 9 4 1 178 165 148 9° 106 82 : 57 35 22 1 1 281- 9 282- 0 281-7 281-4 2817 281- 4 2817 282*4 282*0 282- 3 + H-3 + H-7 + H7 + H-9 + H7 + I4-9 + 15-1 + H-9 + 15-0 + 15-0 -75'3 — 61 -8 -53‘3 -38-6 -23'3 — I2'0 + 4"5 + 18-8 + 31-9 + 4I-5 Means 12 78 236-52 — 7-10 Group 1156. A large regular spot, followed by a smaller one. On October 29 and following days some very small faint spots follow the group. The two principal spots extend toward each other, and are measured together on October 30 ; on November 1 they coalesce. On the same day, the larger and preceding spot, which from October 25 has gradually been opening from the southern side, is finally divided into two portions, and the preceding portion breaks up into a number of small spots. On the following days the group consists mainly of two clusters of small spots, both of which, but especially the following cluster, diminish rapidly in size. Means 12 89 281-85 + 14-82 Group 1153. A very small spot, which is not seen on October 24. A second is seen near it on October 25. Oct. 23-161 24- 294 25- +32 26*31 1 0 0 3 8 0 16 0 3 0 4 11 356-8 35i-9 356-0 + 13-8 + 1*3-8 + 14-0 + 21-8 +46-9 + 62-6 Oct. 25*432 26-432 27*536 28- 575 29- 586 30- 304 31- 297 Nov. 1-287 2-289 3‘ i6 3 4*207 5-397 4 31 77 I 45 184 162 209 i°5 48 43 H 0 49 3i5 614 866 1 146 1107 niS io 79 466 261 109 29 16 5° 69 100 107 86 1 10 55 27 28 1 1 0 187 5" 563 594 664 601 578 564 261 167 90 | 44 223-3 222+ 222-1 222-4 222*7 223-O 223- 9 224- 9 224-5 225 9 227-0 230-3 - 9' 1 - 9‘4 - 9’3 - 99 - 9*9 - 9‘6 - 10*2 - io-6 -io*4 - 99 “ 9-9 - 96 -817 -71-0 -55-i -41-2 -27*4 -17-8 - 3-8 + 10*3 + 23-1 + 36-1 + 5°‘9 + 69-9 Means 1 7 354-9 0 + 13-87 Group 1154. A regular spot. Occasionally small faint spots are seen close to it. Oct. 23-161 24- 294 25- 432 26- 311 6 8 26 15 5° 1 H 209 J 45 23 1 1 21 10 179 153 173 97 253-5 253-0 2537 253-3 - 67 - 6-8 - 6-6 - 67 -81*5 -67-0 -5i-3 — 40-1 Means 55 402 224-37 — 9-82 200 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 201 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 1 164. • A small spot. • Group 1168. A regular spot. It diminishes in size on November 3 and the following days. 1883. d Oct. 3 1 ’297 ■Nov. 1-287 2- 289 3- 163 4- 207 5'397 O 7 . 6 8 6 0 15 27 12 18 13 2 9 0, 6 4 5' 3 >9 23 ' 8 1 1 7 H 160-5 160-5 160- 8 1 6 1 - 1 161- 5 162- 1 + io-6 —67-2 + io-4 -54-1 + 10-2 —40-6 + I0'3 -287 + 10-4 —14-6 + 10-3 + 1-7 1883. a Nov. 2-289 3- 163 4- 207 5'397 6-296 8 8 8 1 1 2 54 75 73- 57 22 '5 9 6 7 94 78 55 36 1 2 130- 0 131- 5 1317 132- 5 132-6 -1 6-8 — 16-8 - 16-8 -165 -1 6-6 -71-4 -58-3 -44A -27-9 — 1 6’o Means 8 55 131 -66 — 16-70 Means ... ; 3 H 161-08 + 10-37 Group 1 169. A large regular spot. Group 1165. A small spot. A second spot is seen near it on November 2 and 3, and another is seen on November 7. Nov. 2-289 3- 163 4- 207 5- 397 6- 296 7- 159 8161 9-5I8 10-541 1 1 12- 520 13- 507 22 32 70 56 69 60 66 No pho 35 38 41 125 223 322 328 352 348 336 322 tograph. 176 143 0 38 33 53 36 4' 32 34 41 (36 3i 48 219 212 231 246 210 207 195 192 199 1 77 1 56 184 ”9-i 120-5 119-9 119-9 1 192 1 18-8 118-7 118-3 ii7-8 117 + 1 16-9 1166 -23-4 -23-3 j — 23-2 i -23-8 -23-3 -23-0 -23-2 — 22-8 -23-2 -23-3 -23-5 -23-8 — 82-3 -69-3 -56-2 -40-5 -29-4 -18-3 - 5-2 + 12-2 + 25-2 + 37-8) + 5°-4 + 63-1 Nov. 1-287 2- 289 3- I63 4- 207 5‘397 6- 296 7- 159 8- 161 9- 518 0 6 8 6 0 5 0 0 + 1 1 34 22 13 16 1 1 21 4 27 0 10 7 4 3 0 0 1 40 55 22 9 10 6 1 1 2 i5 133- 0 1 30- 6 132-4 134- 0 134-3 134-2 I34" 1 132-3 131- 8 — 1 i-o — 10-4 — 10/4 — I 1-0 -1 17 -ii- 4 “ 9-8 — io-6 — 8-9 — 8 1 -6 — 70-8 57’4 -42-1 -26-1 -14-4 — 3-o + 8-4 + 257 Means 3 * l 9 132-97 — 10-58 Means 35 202 1 118-59 -23-30 Group 1 1 66. Three spots of considerable size with several very small spots near. The larger spot breaks up into a number of fragments, and the entire group diminishes rapidly in size on November 3 and the following days. The group covers a wide area, the individual spots being somewhat scattered. Group 1170. A number of small spots irregularly arranged. Only two spots remain on November 7, only one on November. 8 Nov. 1-287 2- 289 3- 163 4- 207 5- 397 6- 296 7- 159 8- - 1 6 1 9- 518 10-541 9 28 52 53 94 92 28 20 17 2 1 12 307 442 405 508 384 205 132 1 6 1 56 33 42 5° 37 I 54 49 i5 1 1 10 429 464 433 289 294 200 104 67 92 38 131-4 130-2 130- 5 131- 0 131- 8 132- 7 133- 2 132-8 I35-I 135-0 + 10-4 + 10-2 + 10-8 4- io-6 + I 1*0 +11-1 + II-2 + 11 2 4-10-3 ' + 9-9 -83-2 -71-2 -59-3 -45-1 — 28-6 15-9 - 3’9 + 8-9 + 29-0 +42-4 Nov. 4-207 5'397 6- 296 7- I59 8* 1 6 1 59 35 1 7 9 3 156 1 1 3 54 45 18 32 22 13 9 4 84 72 40 44 28 194- 9 1 195- 5 l 196- 0 j 196-3 195-4- + I4-5 + I4-I + '4'4 + I4-4 + I5-r -f 18-8 + 35*i + 47 + I +59-2 + 7i-5 Means 16 54 195-62 + I4-5 0 Group 1 17 1. Two very small spots on November 6, one of which disappears before November 7. The group suddenly develops on November 8 into two clusters of small spots, Means 3° 241 132-37 + IO-67 Group 1167. A small spot. Nov. 6-296 7-159 8 • 1 6 1 9-518 1 2 0 I 5 7 7 7 76 29 2 0 3 3 5 1 + ‘ 1 1 + 101- 5 103-1 102- 9 103- 9 + 67 + 77 + 8-i + 9" 1 -471 -34-° — 2 1*0 — 2*2 Nov. 2-289 0 10 o 5 206-5 + 7" 2 + 5-i Means 0 5 206-5 + T 2 Means 2 1 16 102-85 | + 7'9° Photo-Heliographic Eesults, 1882-1885. 202 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — conti nued . Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. 1 Mean ongitude f Group. Mean latitude f Group. .longitude from Central leridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean jongitude ] if Group. ( Mean Latitude if Group. ^ jongitude from Central VIeridian. Civil Time. Imbra. Whole t Spot. Jmbra. iVhole ' Spot. Civil Time. ^ mbra. Vhole p Imbra. Vhole Spot. Group 1172. t-s a number of small spots are seen between them November Group 1175. a Two small spots. 9-14, and on November 16. 1883. a Nov. 13-507 O’ 62 0 55 I 08"0 + 18*7 + 54’5 1883.3 162 66 3 0 graph. 022 301 IOO °99 872 546 395 187 38 18 1 17 121 125 120 I I I 126 73 68 39 42 0 1 59 488 528 567 692 587 622 522 426 372 343 1 36 0 0 ° Nov. 9*518 io* 5 +i 1 1 12*520 i3'507 14-552 1 5*5 61 16151 17- 504 18- 204 19491 20-4.14 16 159 No pho t 224 227 207 223 120 85 42 24 0 4° 9 48-6 48-5 48-3 48-1 47' 2 47-6 47- 6 48- 1 47*4 477 43 '5 -i 4 2 -147 -147 — ! 4"7 -15-0 — 1 5* 1 — 14-8 -14-9 -14-5 — 14-6 -15-0 -16-5 — 57*2 - _ 44 -° - 3 1 ' 1 ) Means 0 55 io8-o + 187 — 18-2 - 5*4 + 7'5 + 21-2 + 29-0 + 47'3 + 55*8 + 73 ' 1 + 81-1 A number of November a few smal large spots a number 1 small s 15, 16, ai .1 spots 1 on Nove of small s Group 1176. ipots, measured in, two clusters on November 14. On nd 17 the group consists of two large regular spots with jetween them. These small spots are measured with the mber 15 and 17. The following spot has broken up into ipots on November 18. Means 80 45 + 47 '6 3 -14-89 Nov. 13-507 14-552 15*56* 16- 151 17- 50+ 18- 204 3 16 109 70 57 23 31 160 907 784 399 230 9 64 4 6 55 3 i 16 84 53 + 5 * 1 380 3 1 1 56-5 56-8 57'3 58-2 58-9 59’9 + io-i + 9"9 + 9"3 + 9 ' 2 + 9'3 + 87 + 3 "° + 17-1 + 3°'9 + 39 " 6 + 58-1 + 68-3 Group 1173. A large regular spot, followed on November 12 and succeeding days by another but smaller regular spot. The latter is again followed on and after November 14 bv an irregular chain of small spots, which undergo frequent changes in number, shape, and area. On November 16, 17, and 18, a large portion of the principal spot separates from it, breaks up, and moves forward. Small spots are also seen between the two principal spots of the group on November 13 and 14. Means 35 306 57*93 + 9 ' 4 2 Group 1177. A regular spot. Several small spots are seen near it on November 16, 18, 19, 20, and 23. Nov. 9-518 10-541 12- 520 13- 507 .14-552 15- 561 16- 151 17- 504 I 8-204 1 9 ' 49 1 20- 414 21- 414 60 144 No pho 201 259 325 4+7 3 i 3 424 255 209 130 0 4+3 705 tograph. 1096 1378 1976 2096 2229 2064 1777 1279 664 5 ° 85 1 3 » (126 120 140 168 231 167 265 185 219 232 0 632 646 648 649 742 1020 1083 1186 1294 1 286 1354 1157 179 37'5 36-8 36-6 3 6 '4 357 33'5 33 - 8 34- 6 359 36-6 357 35 ' 1 3°'8 - 8-9 - 9 ' 1 - 9-0 - 8-9 - 8-6 - 8-4 - 8-6 - 8-8 - 8-6 - 87 - 9*3 - 9 ' 1 - 8-8 — 68-6 -55-8 - 43 *°) -30-1 -17-8 — 6-2 + 7'4 + 16-0 + 35 " 1 + 45 '° -4-6i-i + 727 + 8i-6 Nov. 13-507 14- 552 15- 561 16- 151 17- 504 18- 204 19- 491 20- 414 0 47 1 18 7 + 128 1 10 149 155 151 121 69 48 13 60 286 580 ; 447 i 686 i 722 747 849 729 641 + 4 + 300 165 0 64 105 5 6 7 6 61 77 82 85 78 * 57 54 232 389 5 H 337 407 39 6 386 45 i 41 1 4 i 3 36+ 335 283 3317 3327 332-9 332*2 332-9 3327 332-9 332-6 332-1 332-3 332-5 331-8 331-6 -13-6 - 13-5 -13-6 — 13-6 -13-6 -I 3-4 -13-8 - 13-8 - 13-8 -13-8 - 13*8 -14-0 — 14-0 — 8 1*8 — 67*0 - 53-5 -46-4 - 27*9 — 1 8*9 — 17 + 10-2 + 22*9 + 36*5 + 507 + 62-2 + 72-2 Means 159 9 1 4 35*3 1 - 8-83 22-437 2 3 ’494 24- 422 25 - I 93 Group 1174. A number of small spots, irregularly arranged. The group undergoes constant changes. Means 63 378 332-38 -I 37 2 Nov. 10-541 1 1 12-520 1 3 ‘ 5°7 14- 552 15- 561 16151 *4 No ph 65 ■9 4 0 0 86 0 tograpl 150 118 59 20 27 8 1. (20 33 1 1 2 0 0 5 ° 63 76 62 35 13 2 1 641 65-4 667 67- 3 68- 7 67- 4 68- 3 + 13-6 + 12*6 + n*5 + 10-9 + U -3 + ii-6 + 12"0 -28-5 — 14-2) + 0-2 + 13-8 + 29-0 + 4 1 ' 0 +497 Group 1178. A small faint spot. Nov. 16-151 o 9 0 21 96-8 + 18-9 + 78-2 Means 1 1 46 66-84 + n*9: 3 Means 0 21 96-8 + 18-9 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 203 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitud' from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1 179. A somewhat scattered group composed of several very small spots. Group 1182 — continued. i883. a Nov. 21-414 22- 437 23- 494 12 7 4 1 22 30 15 7 3 2 72 16 7 2769 279-3 279-2 + 3-6 + 4"° + 4"2 -32-3 — 16-5 — 2-6 1883. d Nov. 16-151 17- 504 18- 204 8 1 1 62 7 2 28 6 15 1 48 96 57 66- 4 67- 8 66-5 -io-5 -10-4 - 9-6 + 47-8 4-67-0 + 74-9 Means 10 79 277-85 + 3‘97 Means 7 67 66-90 — 10-17 Group 1183. Two small spots. The following spot disappears before November 20. Group 1180. A number of small spots irregularly arranged on November 16. The group in- creases in size on the following days, and from November 20 onwards consists mainly of four spots closely following each other. These are measured in two pairs on November 22 and 23. Nov. 19-491 20-414 0 58 38 7 3i 20 3I3-3 3I5-4 - 8-5 - 8-5 -21-3 - TO Means 4 26 3H-35 — 8-50 Nov. 16-151 17- 504 18- 204 19- 491 20- 414 21- 414 22 '437 2 3"494 3 22 42 57 1 12 7i 0 37 5° IOI 279 657 537 632 268 2 5 1 1 25 40 97 88 0 21 25 53 164 448 455 797 938 358-6 359" 1 0- 5 3-6 2- 7 1- 6 i-5 3- 0 — I2'2 — I I"9 — 120 -II-9 — 12-0 — I2-I — I2’2 -xi- 9 — 20-0 - i -7 + 8-9 4-290 4-40-3 4-52-4 4-657 4-81-2 Group 1 1 84. A small spot. Other smaller spots are seen near it on November 20, 24, and 25. Nov, 20-414 21- 414 22- 437 2 3-494 24-422 2 5 " I 93 26- 548 27- 452 0 17 13 1 5 13 6 16 6 63 42 37 37 89 62 49 14 0 16 9 9 7 3 9 4 95 40 26 22 48 32 26 8 253-0 252- 5 253- 3 253’ 1 2527 252- 9 253- 1 253-6 -124 -ii"9 — 1 1-6 -1 x*9 -13-2 — I2"6 — 12-2 -12-3 -69-4 -567 -42-5 -287 -16-9 - 6-5 + U-5 + 24-0 Means 34 363 i-33 — 12-03 Group 1 1 8 1 . Two or three small spots on November 16. The group increases in size very rapidly on the three following days, and forms a large but at the same time compact group, composed of many spots, some of them large. The spots begin to break up after passing the central meridian on November 19. Means 7 37 253-03 — I2-26 Group 1185. Several small spots close together. Nov. 16-151 17- 504 18- 204 I 9‘49 I 20- 414 21- 414 22- 437 2 3 '494 24-422 2 5i93 0 89 87 220 180 155 126 87 64 21 75 707 871 1 355 1 39 3 1249 840 78 i 859 523 0 54 49 114 96 87 81 60 77 39 60 429 488 703 737 701 540 6 43 980 960 328- 8 329- 4 329-8 331-2 33I-3 331- 4 332- 2 332- 9 333- o 333'4 + 17-8 + 17-5 + 17-6 + 1 8-1 + 18-0 + x8-o 4-177 + 17-6 4-17-6 4-177 -49-8 -3i-4 -21-8 - 3*4 4- 8-9 4-22-2 4-36-4 4-5i-i 4-63-4 4-74-0 Nov. 21-414 22- 437 23- 494 24- 422 0 0 4 0 33 55 148 90 0 ' 3 I 0 48 49 100 53 241- 2 242- 4 243- 5 243-7 -I7-5 -•7-3 -I7-5 -17-2 -68-o -53 + — 38-3 -25-9 Means 63 242-70 -17-38 Group 1186. A disturbed area in which several small faint spots appear and disappear at short intervals. One spot is seen on November 22, four on November 23, two on November 24, three on November 25. Means 66 624 331-34 4-17*76 Group 1 1182. A regular spot with some very small faint spots following at some distance. These latter disappear before November 22. Nov. 22-437 2 3-494 24- 422 25 - 193 0 *7 0 0 7 104 66 35 0 13 0 0 9 83 42 20 2315 232-0 232-9 234" 1 + 15-0 + 15-6 + >5-3 + 16-1 -64-3 -49-8 -367 -25-3 Nov. 18-204 19:49 1 20-414 9 *9 24 64 149 162 i5 17 17 123 139 "4 2767 276-8 278-2 4- 4" 1 + 3'9 4- 4"° -74-9 -57-8 -44-2 Means 3 39 23263 + 15-50 204 Areas and Heliographic Positions op G-roups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Su ,n Spots — cont\ inued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. 1 Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. - Civil Time. ^ [Jmbra. Whole - Spot. I ■ Umbra. Whole ( Spot. of Group. Civil Time. [Jmbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1187. A regular spot. Group 1 1 90 — continued. 1883. a Nov. 29-441 30-259 16 O 34 14 IO 0 20 7 171-6 171-5 - 7-8 — 8-o — 31-6 — 21-2 1883. a Nov. 22-437 23- 494 24- 422 25- 193 26- 548 27- 452 28- 453 29- 441 30- 259 Dec. 1 2-224 47 57 49 47 75 54 4 1 28 18 No.pho 5 339 366 379 426 4H 376 299 *95 123 tograph. 22 70 52 35 29 40 27 21 15 I 1 (8 5 502 333 268 263 220 193 J 55 . 108 76 5o 24 226-2 226-1 225-7 225-4 225-9 2257 225- 8 226- 0 225-8 227- 0 228- 2 — 10-4 -10-4 — io-6 -io-8 -io- 9 — io - 9 — 1 i-o — I 1*0 -n‘3 ~ 1 1"4 ~ 1 1"5 — 69-6 -557 — 43'9 Means 9 25 171-28 - 7-82 -157 _ 3-9 + 9’5 -j-22‘8 + 33*i + 47'3) + 61-4 A few faint s; increases ii large regul diminish ii before Deo Group 1 1 9 1. pots irregularly arranged on November 27. The group a size on the following days, and on November 30 is comp ar spot, followed by a train of many small spots. The sm a number and size on the following days, and have all dis ember 4. rapidly iosed of a all spots appeared Means 28 1 99 226-16 -10-93 Nov. 27-452 28- 453 29- 441 30- 259 Dec. 1 2-224 3 4+3 0 3 1 58 128 No pho 66 No pho 29 25 84 34° 779 tograph. 462 tograph. 142 0 16 29 68 (57 4 6 ; (48 5° H 43 174 4*3 368 323 284 2 45 206- 3 207- 4 207-9 2o8"8 209- 6 210- 3 210-5 2107 + 9* 2 + 9‘3 + 9*7 + 9'9 + 9' 6 + 9' 2 + 9‘ 2 + 9’ 1 -23'3 - 8-9 + 47 + 1 6* 1 + 29-8) +43*5 + 58-2) + 72-9 Group 1188. A regular spot. A small spot is near it on November 24, and another from November 26 to November 30. The latter is measured with the large spot on November 28 and 29. Nov. 22-437 23A94 24- 422 25- I93 26- 548 27G52 28- 453 29- 441 30- 259 Dec. 1 2-224 3 4+3 18 63 58 47 76 70 59 46 3° No pho 26 No pho 0 126 399 428 349 408 408 39° 308 304- tograph. 186 tograph. 44 5i 77 5° 33 43 37 30 24 l 7 . • 09 21 (11 0 357 483 366 245 232 215 1 99 161 170 160 149 139 128 216- 5 217- 1 2l6'4- 2 I 6" 1 216-4 2 I 6'2 2157 215-9 215- 8 2 I 6-4 216- 9 217- 4 217-8 -10-5 — 10-4 — io-8 — 10-9 — 1 1 -1 -10-7 — I I'O — io-6 — 10-6 — 10-4 'd- 10-2 — IO'O - 97 — 79*3 -647 — 53' 2 — 43'3 -25-2 -i3*4 — o-6 + 12-7 + 23‘I +36-6) + 5 0 ’ 1 + 65-0) + 8o-o Means 39 233 20894 + 9*4° Group 1 192. A small spot. Nov. 29-441 30-259 0 0 12 IO 0 0 23 12 129-0 127-9 - 8-o — 8-o — 74' 2 -64-8 Means 0 18 128-45 — 8-oo Means 32 231 2165I -io-54 Group 1193. ♦A small spot. Group 1189. Two small spots. 0 6 0 9 1227 — 12-2 — 70-0 Nov. 25-193 0 14 I • 13 2047 — io-8 -547 Nov. 30-259 - Means 0 9 1227 — 122 Means 0 13 204-7 -io-8 Group 1190. A small spot. Grouj A sms P 1194- ill spot. Nov. 26-548 27A52 28-453 1 6 1 1 22 34 28 28 9 1 1 16 53 ! 27 20 1706 I7I-4 1 7 1 "3 - 7-8 - 7-6 “ 7 '9 — 71-0 -58-2 -45-0 Dec. 2-224 4 10 5 1 1 108-8 -24*2 -58-0 Means 5 1 1 108-8 -24-2 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885 . 205 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra, j Whole Spot. Umbra, j Whole Spot. Group 1195. A small spot. Group 1198 — continued. 1883. d Dec. 12-314 I3-543 14*299 I5A75 16498 17- 283 18- 284 58 56 39 3i 20 10 8 177 183 1 80 105 106 119 87 34-8 34'3 34*5 343 34‘* 34-8 33'9 - io-i - 9"8_ - IO'2 - 9-6 - 9*8 - 9 -8 -10-3 + 1*0 ..+ 167 + 26*9 + 42*2 + 55'4 + 66-4 + 787 1883. a Dec. 2 - 2 24 3 4 '4 *3 6 No pho 37 tograph. 20 6 (3 0 40 26 12 105-2 105-5 105-6 + 8-0 + 8-2 + 8-3 — 6i-6 -46*9) -32*2 35° 346 316 ■55 : **9 ! 95 34 | 29 29 23 21 18 ■3 20 Means 3 26 10543 + 8-17 Group 1 196. Two small spots. Means 32 197 34-49 - 972 Two small spots. Group 1 199. The preceding spot disappears before December 9. Dec. 6 '46 5 7- 576 8- 255 9 ‘ 1 97 10*287 0 4 5 0 0 55 57 ■9 *9 17 0 3 3 0 0 59 4° 12 1 1 9 49-1 52-0 49‘5 49-2 49-3 + 77 + 7'3 + 7- 3 + 7-2 + 6-8 -61-7 -44-2 -37-8 -257 Dec. 8-255 9**97 3 0 29 10 2 ■4 5 83*0 8o-8 + 10-5 + n-o - 4'3 + 5-9 Means 1 10 81-90 + 1075 Means 1 26 49-82 + 7-26 Group 1200. A regular spot. A number of small spots, which undergo frequent and rapid changes, appear near it on December 12 and the following days. The regular spot disappears before December 18. Group 1197. Two small spots. The group increases in size as it approaches the central meridian, and on December 9 and the following days it forms two compact clusters of spots with a few smaller spots scattered in the neighbourhood. The preceding cluster coalesces before December 14 to form a regular spot, the following cluster breaks up and its component parts become scattered and diminish in size. Dec. 8-255 9 -I 97 10- 287 11- 538 12- 314 13- 543 H'299 ■5-475 1 6- 498 17- 283 18- 284 19*280 20-307 4 4 8 32 28 43 27 8 24 24 ■4 5 0 34 40 97 120 206 237 187 78 21 1 243 207 97 ■5 *6 7 21 17 23 ■4 4 ■4 ■5 6 1 *7 56 86 78 120 125 96 40 1 18 152 161 105 26 57 6*i 5-5 5‘9 5 "3 4-0 4' 1 4-8 4*8 4’4 4-8 4-8 2-4 — I2'0 — 11-8 -1 17 — * **3 — ***5 — I 1-2 — I0-9 — I0’7 — 8-6 - 8-6 - 8-i - 7-8 - 8*2 — 81 -6 — 68*8 -55-0 -38-2 -28-5 -13-6 - 3‘5 + 127 + 26-1 + 36-0 + 49-6 + 62*7 +73'9 Dec. 6*465 7*576 8- 255 9 - I 97 10- 287 11- 538 12- 314 i3‘543 *4' 2 99 iS'475 16*498 1 7*28 3 0 10 17 9 32 104 88 132 80 27 8 3 32 69 188 166 394 693 626 859 684 231 ”3 45 0 8 12 6 17 53 48 78 54 25 13 1 2 38 56 132 99 209 357 332 5°3 460 209 164 152 46-2 45- 2 44'4 44-8 45'5 457 46- 2 46-5 48-0 48-0 48-4 50-1 -i2- 9 — 1 39 -14-0 -137 -13-1 -12-9 -13-9 -13-1 -13-1 -12-8 -12-3 -12-5 -64 -6 -51* -42-9 -301 — 15-0 + i *6 + 12 '4 + 28-9 + 40-4 + 55’9 + 697 + 817 Means 12 98 4-82 — io-i 8 Means 27 226 46-58 -13-18 Group 1201. Two small snots. Fresh spots appear, and on December 12, when on the central meridian, the group is composed of a very great number of small spots. It Group 1198. diminishes rapidly after passing the central meridian. i A regular spot with some small attendant spots. These latter have all disappeared j before December ii i. Dec. 9-197 2 16 2 1 1 3i-3 : +II-2 -43-6 10-287 6 70 4 4 1 29-9 + I0 -8 — 30-6 Dec. 6*465 14 93 29 200 34-5 - 9" 6 -76-3 11*538 58 233 3° 122 30-2 -(-io*6 -13-9 ! 7-576 59 274 63 290 34-8 - 9'3 — 61 -4 12-314 ■5 193 8 99 307 + i°'3 — 3" 1 8-255 5 ° 35i 42 294 34-6 - 9-3 -527 ■3-543 25 83 ■4 43 31-0 + IO "4 + 134 9**97 60 455 40 3°5 34-6 - 9-6 -40-3 14*299 ! 1 34 0 ■9 31-8 + 10*8 + 24-2 10-287 7 1 462 40 259 34-5 - 9"7 — 26-0 11*538 95 486 48 250 34-7 - 9‘3 - 9’4 Means 1 10 56 30-82 ; +10*68 206 Areas and Heliographic Positions op Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued . Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude Central Meridian. Civil Time, Jmbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Civil Time. Umbra. | Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Several small sp Group ots appe 1202. ir following it on December 12 These Group 1205. A regular spot. Smaller spots are seen near it on December 18, 20, and 22. disappear before December 15, on which day several small -spots are seeu to - the north of the principal spot. These last are measured with the principal spot on December 16. 1883. „ Dec. 1 1-538 12- 314 13- 543 14- 299 15- 475 16- 498 17- 283 18- 284 19- 280 20- 307 21- 493 22- 268 23- 184 22 19 22 41 44 34 42 24 24 24 17 6 0 87 1 16 161 180 230 198 231 204 181 204 58 85 25 37 2 1 17 27 ' 25 18 23 14 '5 18 7 8 0 148 131 123 121 132 108 126 1 16 113 152 58 130 72 332-9 332-4 331-8 331-8 331-6 331-3 331-4 331-3 330- 9 331- 3 329-8 332- 5 328-9 + 20-4 + 20-4 + 20*0 + 207 + 20*8 -J” 20*8 + 21*1 + 21'3 + 21-4 + 21-6 + 21-2 + 22-8 + 21'2 -71-2 — 61-4 -45-8 -35-8 -20-5 - 7‘4 + 3’0 + 1 6* 1 + 28-8 + 42-8 + 56-9 + 69-8 + 78-3 1883. a Dec. 9-197 10- 287 1 1- 538 12- 3H 13- 543 14- 299 15- 475 16- 498 17- 283 18- 284 19- 280 20- 307 14 29 125 80 93 74 52 64 60 39 18 9 62 213 445 450 586 4i3 34i 328 4i7 21 1 114 49 36 34 93 Si 5i 39 27 36 38 3i 20 20 156 252 333 287 320 215 177 184 264 166 127 105 356-6 356- 3 3577 357- 9 358- 5 359*8 17 i*9 3- i 4’i 4"4 4- 2 + 12-2 + I2-I + 127 + 12-5 + I2’3 + 12-3 — j— 1 2 "6 + 13-3 + *3-2 + 12-8 4-12-2 + 12-3 -78-3 — 64-2 -46-4 --35'9 -191 - 7-8 + 9-6 4-23-2 + 347 + 48-9 + 7.57 Means 18 1 18 33I-38 + 21-05 Means 40 216 0-52 4-12-54 Group 1203. A very small faint spot. u-roup izuu. j A small faint spot. Several other small spots appear near it on December 15, and others on December 17. The group is measured together as a whole on December 15 and 16. Dec. 11-538 12- 314 13- 543 14- 299 15- 475 16- 498 17- 283 18- 284 19- 280 0 5 15 6 6 0 16 8 15 24 38 39 29 26 30 86 ' 78 47 0 5 4 4 0 9 5 10 40 43 3° 19 14 16 44 42 28 3317 -16-3 331-1 —16-5 220-6 — l6q -72+ — 627 -47-0 -36-9 — 21-0 - 7 + + 37 + 17-2 + 3**i Dec. 10-287 0 3 0 2 109-6 -25-2 + 49' 1 3307 33i-i 331- 3 332- i 332- 4 333- 2 — 1 6-6 -16-3 — 16-2 — i8'2 -17-9 -177 Means O 2 109-6 — 25-2 Group 1204. Two spots, which are measured together on December 10 and n. On December 13 they have broken up into a line of small faint spots which are measured together, and of these only one remains on December 14. The group is not seen on December 15, but re-appears as a small faint spot on December 16. Several other small spots appear on December 17, and form an irregular scattered group. Means 5 3i 33I-58 ! -16-96 Group 1207. Two small spots. Dec. I3-543 0 33 0 36 79-9 + 87 + 62-3 I Dec. 10-287 5 6 l 156 77 113 24 0 20 43 42 104 76 40 3° 12 0 0 0 4 5 17 24 0 139 *49 59 69 '3 0 10 23 24 76 76 62 345 '4 347-i 346-8 346-6 346-9 344-5 346-0 346 - i 347- 3 347-5 342-9 + I5-3 + I5-3 + I5-3 + H‘9 + 14-3 + 13-8 4-11-5 4-10-4 4-12-1 4-11-2 4-13-0 -75-1 -57-0 -47-0 -31-0 — 20-7 + "5-8 + 17-6 + 30-9 + 45-2 + 59-0 4-70-0 Means 0 36 79'9 + 87 11- 538 12- 314 13- 543 14- 299 i5'475 16- 498 17- 283 1 8*284 19- 280 20- 307 21- 493 32 16 0 0 0 0 7 8 23 25 A small spot cluster di Group 1208. followed at a little distance by a small cluster of faint spots. This sappears before December 17. Dec. 14-299 15- 475 16- 498 17- 283 I 6 23 6 15 100 90 22 0 3 13 4 8 56 1 56 1 16 8-3 II-O n-5 14-0 +160 + 16-4 + 1 6- 3 + 16-9 + 07 + *8-9 + 32-8 +45’6 Means 9 58 34610 + I3-37 Means ... 5- 34 I I -20 + 16-40 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS. IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 207 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from .Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1209. A small faint spot. Group 1213. A regular spot. It gradually diminishes in size from day to day, and breaks up into small spots on December 27. Occasionally a very faint spot is seen in the neighbourhood of the principal spot. 1883. d Dec. 14-299 I5-475 0 4 7 0 0 2 + 345-1 345-6 -« 1*4 — io-6 -22-5 - 6-5 1883. d Dec. 19-280 20-307 2 1-493 22268 23- 184 24- 290 25- 224 26- 187 27- 207 28- 167 6 20 39 46 83 69 28 39 27 95 211 319 386 412 414 329 275 130 32 24 28 34 33 5° 37 H 20 i5 7 364 303 277 277 248 221 168 143 72 20 219-3 219-0 218-5 217- 8 2 1 8- 1 218- 5 21 9 - I 219-5 219-6 219-5 -127 -137 -13-4 -I3-3 -1 29 -12-8 — 12-8 -12-8 -127 -12-5 -82-8 -69-5 -54-4 -44'9 -32-5 -17-5 - 4*7 + 8’4 + 22-0 + 34’5 - Means 0 3 345*35 — 1 1 -oo Group 1210. A small faint spot. Dec. 17-283 O 9 0 5 3 '4-o — 16-9 -14-4 Means 26 209 218-89 -12-96 ... Means O 5 3 T 4'° -16-9 Group 1214. Two spots on December 20. Others appear on December 2t and 22, and the group forms a wavy line. Group 1 21 1. Two small clusters of spots, preceded on December 19 by a very small spot. The following cluster disappears before December 21. Dec. 20-307 21- 493 22- 268 2 3" i8 4 24- 290 25- 224 18 33 20 25 i5 9 1 1 9i 109 164 170 1 1 5 75 47 10 17 H 10 7 13 49 56 86 103 76 62 54 270- 8 271- 6 272- 3 273- 2 274- 4 275- 4 275-0 -17-6 — 16-8 -1 6-6 — !7"3 — 16-8 -16-9 -1 6-4 -177 - i-3 + 9‘6 + 22-6 + 38-4 + 51-6 + 63-9 Dec. 19-280 20^07 21- 493 22- 268 6 i5 3 6 77 86 25 3 7 3 41 43 1 1 H 282- 1 283- 5 285-8 285-9 - 6-3 - 6-3 - 5"2 - 5-i — 20-0 - 5‘o + 12-9 + 23-2 Means 4 27 284-33 - 573 26-187 Means 12 69 273-24 — 16-91 Group 1212. An extensive group of very irregular character, composed of a large spot of irregular outline surrounded by a great number of small spots. The group diminishes in size after December 21, and suffers continual change. On December 26 and following days the group consists of a great number of small spots irregularly distributed over a considerable area. Group 1215. A regular spot. A faint spot is seen following it on December 24, and another on December 28. The large spot divides into two portions on December 26 and 27, and the smaller portion disappears before December 29. Dec. 19-280 20- 307 21- 493 22- 268 23- 184 24- 290 25- 224 26- 187 27- 207 28- 167 29- 239 18 43 99 82 76 49 ■6? 35 22 0 632 868 892 808 610 5°3 562 399 299 181 34 226-3 226-1 2267 226-5 226- 9 227- 2 228- 6 228- 5 229- 5 2297 231-1 - 87 - 8-9 - 8-6 - 8-9 - 8-9 - 9-0 - 8-9 - 8-5 - 8-9 - 87 - 8-9 -75-8 — 62-4 -46-2 — 36-2 -237 — 8-8 + 4"8 + I7-4 + 3I-9 +447 + 60-3 3" 802 1235 1303 1105 9 8 3 1 107 750 504 258 34 38 47 72 5° 42 25 20 33 21 16 0 Dec. 20-307 21*493 22- 268 23- 184 24- 290 25- 224 26- 187 27- 207 28- 167 29- 239 12 43 54 67 60 68 55 53 37 23 92 194 2 55 329 382 346 378 275 217 174 27 45 45 45 34 35 28 28 15 207 206 212 218 2;t6 180 194 H4 124 1 17 2II-7 2II-7 210-5 21 I -O -2TU-6 210- 9 211- 0 21 I 0 211-3 2 1 1 * I + 8-3 + 8 '4 + 8-i + 8-i ”4- 8m + 8-o + 8-2 + 8-2 + 8-4 + 8-6 - 7 6-s -52-2 ! -39' 6 1 -25-4 1 2 '9 — O'l + I3-4 + 26-3 + 403 Means 33 526 227-92 - 8-8 1 Means 32 182 2 I I "08 + 8*24 208 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 209 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. 1 Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 1222. A very small faint spot. Group 1224. An irregular cluster of small spots. i88 3 . a Dec. 28*167 0 5 0 6 250*7 - 6*9 + 657 1883.4 Dec. 28*167 29*239 20 14 73 170 IO 8 37 90 189*0 190*5 - 8*3 - 8*3 -f 4*0 + 197 Means O 6 250*7 . - 6*9 Means 9 63 18975 — 8*30 Group 1223. A small faint spot on December 28. The group has greatly increased in size before December 29, and appears as a number of small spots scattered over a con- siderable area, the preceding spot being the largest. Group 1225. A regular spot. It has broken up before January 2, and only two or three very small faint spots remain' to mark its place. Dec. 28*167 29*239 3° 3i 1884. Jau. 1 2*232 3-149 4'397 5-3I4 l No pho No pho No pho 0 O 0 O 40 41 tograph. tograph. tograph. 32 26 IO 4 14 5 (4 (* (1 0 0 0 0 62 39 33 28 22 16 13 5 1137 II3-4 II3-5 1137 113- 9 1 14*0 1 14- 3 114*9 115*2 -15*0 -147 -147 -14*8 -14*9 -14*9 — 16*2 -141 -15-3 -71-3 -57'4 -44*1) -3o-9) -17*6) - 4*3 + 8*1 + 25*1 + 37-5 Dec. 28*167 29*239 .30 3« 1884. •Jan. 1 2*232 3H9 0 *9 No pho [No pho No pho >4 6 5 217 tograph. tograph. tograph. 223 184 O, IO (" (13 (IS 16 13 3 1 14 15 + 194 234 274 43i 181*0 182*3 182*8 i 83'3 1837 184*2 i8 4'4 -13-4 -13*6 — 14*0 -I4-3 -147 -15*0 ^•15*0 - 4*0 + n*5 + 25" 1 ) + 387) + S2-3) + 65*9 + 78*2 Means 1 1 201 183*10 -14*29 Means 3 24 114*07 -14*96 Photo-Heliographic Eesults, 1882-1885. 2D 210 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Civil Time. Civil Time. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Two small spots, a Group 1226. and 6 ; the following spot is not seen on January 3. Group 1231. A small spot a, on January 2. Several smaller spots are seen following it on January 3, and again on January 5 and 6. Other spots precede it on January and represent the group on January 8 and 9, when a. has disappeared. These all disappear before January 10, and are replaced by two spots, b and c, of considerable size, of which c disappears before January 12. 1884. a Jan. 2-232 3-149 4 5 21 9 3 5 15 9 166-5 168-4 - 9" 1 - 9" 1 + 62-2 1884. a Jan. 2-232 3- H9 4- 397 5- 3I4 6- 200 7- 186 8- 307 9- 283 10- 275 11- 488 12- 495 13- 150 2 5 4 7 5 *9 63 4 12 28 12 *9 22 28 47 45 124 222 36 39 4 5 1 3 4 0 6 3 12 5i 16 7 24 31 9 12 12 14 25 25 77 180 47 78 42-5 43’5 44- 9 45- 0 44'9 48*3 507 47- 9 48- 2 48-1 5°"3 50-8 -I3-3 -137 -I3-9 -I3-9 -13-5 — i i-6 — 1 1 *1 -12-5 — 12-9 -12-8 — 14-0 -13-1 -75-8 — 627 -44-9 -327 - 47 + 12-4 + 22*4 + 35-8 + 517 + 67-2 + 76-3 Means 4 12 167-45 — 9-10 Group 1227. Several small spots, measured in two clusters on January 2. Jan. 2-232 ; 3-i49 i 4'397 S - 3H 20 H 0 0 121 122 36 4 12 10 0 74 92 44 13 151-9 153- 3 154- 8 158-1 + 8-0 + 7'5 + 6-8 + 5-8 + 33" 6 +47 - i + 65-0 + 80-4 Means 6 5* I54-53 + 7-°3 Means 9 45 47-09 -13-03 Group 1228. Three small spots on January 2. Two clusters of very small spots on January 3. Group 1232. Jan. 2-232 3-149 7 5 5° 25 4 3 26 H 129-3 131-3 + 8-6 + 87 + 1 I'O + 25-1 A fine group, composed of two larger spots, a and l, with a number of small spots between them. The group undergoes various changes, and by J anuary 1 3 forms a compact cluster composed of a number of distinct spots. Means 4 20 130-30 + 8-65 Jan. 2-232 3- 149 4- 397 j 5-3H 6-200 7- 186 8- 307 9- 283 10- 275 11- 488 12- 495 13- 150 14- 260 2 6 37 60 76 83 63 49 37 150 16 27 5 7i 215 49 6 720 821 92 1 645 512 838 688 587 287 92 8 8 32 42 44 45 33 27 21 102 15 33 14 258 347 446 5i3 497 5°3 337 272 479 472 529 345 269 37" 1 35-6 35-3 35'i 35-2 35- 3 36- 5 37- 5 37'3 37-i 37- 6 38- 2 39- 0 +I1-I + II-2 + HI -hn*3 + 11-4 + I I "2 + HI + II-I + io-6 + 10-4 + 10-3 + io-8 + 10-5 — 8l -2 — 70 "6 -54-5 — 42-6 — 30-8 -177 — i-8 -j- I 2*0 +24-9 + 407 + 54-5 + 637 + 79-i Group 1229. A wedge-shaped and somewhat compact group of small spots on January 2. The group undergoes many changes on the succeeding days, the spots in the middle ! of the group disappearing before January 5, leaving two small clusters. Jan. 2-232 3- 149 4- 397 5- 3H 6- 200 7- 186 8- 307 9- 283 5 14 10 1 1 5 10 3 4 127 105 80 f 69 102 49 3° 3 7 6 6 3 9 3 9 70 55 42 53 43 81 58 66 99-1 1 oo-o IOI-O 99'7 100-2 101- 9 102- 0 IOI"3 + io-8 4-n-i + ii-i + H-9 + II-2 + II-I + H-3 + ii-6 19*2 — 6-2 + I I -2 + 22'0 + 34’2 + 48-9 + 637 + 75-8 Means 33 405 36-68 + 10-93 Group 1233. A small regular spot. Means 6 59 IOO-65 + 11-26 Group 1230. A small regular spot, a, followed by several small spots. The latter disappear before January 5. Jan. 3-149 4- 397 5- 3I4 6- 200 7- 186 8- 307 9- 283 : 10-275 7 0 4 7 3 4 3 0 15 20 28 3 6 26 32 17 8 13 0 3 4 2 2 0 28 20 21 22 H 16 9 4 3i-3 • 3°"3 30-5 30- 9 31- 0 31-6 31-8 31-8 -107 — io-6 -107 — 10-3 -10-4 — 10-9 — 10-9 — 10-9 -7+9 -597 -47-2 — 35' 1 — 22-0 - 67 + 6-3 + 19+ Jan. 2-232 3- 149 4- 397 5- 3I4 6- 200 9 5 6 7 9 58 44 3° 17 21 7 3 4 4 5 47 28 16 9 1 1 6 9 -2 71-1 70- 4 71- 9 72- 2 + ”‘9 + 12-3 + 12-3 + 12-6 + 127 -49" 1 -35-i -19-4 - 5-8 + 6-2 Means 5 22 70-96 + 12-36 Means 3 17 3I-I5 — io"68 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 211 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group, Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 1234. Two small faint spots. The following spot has divided into two portions by January 5, which are, however, measured together. Group 1237 — continued. 1884. d Jan. 11-488 12- 495 13- 150 14- 260 15- 164 16 17-260 *93 83 *55 70 54 No pho 16 967 755 763 624 403 tograph. IOO 97 43 84 43 4* (38 34 489 392 412 387 306 258 210 355*2 355- 6 356- 0 356 - i 3567 357- o 357*2 — 10-9 — io-8 — iro — 10-9 -107 -io-5 — 10 2 — 1-2 + *2‘5 + 21-5 + 36-2 4-48-8 4-62-8) 4-76-8 1884. d Jan. 4-397 5-314 0 12 12 0 7 6 8o-0 82-1 — 20-7 — 20'2 - 9-8 + 4-4 Means 1 7 81-05 -20-45 Group 1235. A very fine group following Group 1232 in nearly the same latitude. It consists at first of a large regular spot, a , which from January 4 to January 10 is i completely detached from the rest of the group, followed by a long stream of spots. The last spots of the group coalesce to form on January 7 a large spot, b. The spots between a and b change rapidly in number, arrangement, and area, closing up to a and leaving b behind, until on January 12 b is as completely isolated as a was on January 4. Means 5* 443 355-65 — 10-88 Group 1238. Two small faint spots. Jan. 6-200 0 *5 0 8 54-8 - 63 — I 1-2 Jan. 4-397 5- 3*4 6- 200 7-186 ! 8-307 9-283 10-275 1 1 -488 *2-495 13- 150 14- 260 15- 164 7 54 90 212 l6l l8l 225 286 283 236 67 54 264 619 ion 1528 1722 *5 6 3 1854 2168 1770 i486 100* 529 10 68 80 *55 97 98 121 161 *79 167 65 70 1097 873 944 1109 1034 860 99 2 1215 1 1 1 8 1066 970 755 7’9 10-5 **•4 io-8 * * "9 1*7 12- 8 13- 8 15-2 15-8 *5-8 15-0 + *5'5 + I5-4 + *5'4 + *5‘5 + I5-* + 15-6 + *5"i + *4*5 -t-*4"2 + 14-2 + 14-2 + *47 — 81 -9 — 67-2 -54-6 -42-2 — 26-4 -13-8 + 0-4 + I7A + 32-1 + 4*3 + 55‘9 + 67-1 Means 0 8 54-8 - 6-3 Group 1239. Two very small spots. Jan. 6-200 0 II 0 7 3*'9 — 13-6 -34-* Means 0 7 3*-9 -13-6 Group 1240. A small faint spot. A second appears near it on January 7, and others on January 8. On January 8 and the succeeding days, the group consists of several small spots in a compact cluster. It is measured in two parts on January 10. Means 106 1003 1272 + *4'95 Group 1236. Several very small spots on January 5. The group has greatly increased in size by ' January 6. On January 7 only one large regular spot is seen close to the sun’s limb. Jan. 6-200 7- 186 8- 307 9- 283 10- 275 1 1 -488 0 0 0 0 2 4 *5 5* 49 79 36 0 0 0 0 1 *3 21 44 32 46 *9 344- 5 345- * 344-o 344-9 343'5 344-8 — 12-8 — I2-I -12-5 — I2-I -I2‘5 — * *3 — 81-5 -67-9 -54'3 — 40-6 — 28-9 — 1 1-6 Jan. 5-314 6- 200 7- 186 0 *3 ! 5 ' *4 ! *49 ; 58 0 *7 12 13 207 146 *35-6 *35-° 132-2 -17-2 -1 6-6 -17-8 + 57-9 + 69-0 + 79-2 Means 0 29 344-47 — 12-22 Means 10 122 134-27 -17-20 Group 1241. A regular spot. It divides into two parts, which are measured together, on January 8. It breaks up further on January 9, and on January 11 only one small spot remains. Group 1237. A large regular spot. Small spots are seen in its immediate neighbourhood from day to day. These are usually measured with the large spot, but on January xo, 11, 12 and 13 they are measured separately. Jan. 6-200 7- 186 8- 307 9- 283 10- 275 11- 488 3 12 2 4 4 *5 3* 53 53 25 28 13 18 2 3 2 8 *35 78 47 17 *3 *5 342-o 342-5 3427 342-5 342-5 34* -8 1 II 1 1 1 -8+-o -70-5 -55-6 -43-o -29-9 — 14-6 Jan. 5-31*4 6-200 7- 186 8- 307 9- 283 10-275 4 32 60 81 77 no 108 327 635 9°5 1079 1058 *5 48 57 56 45 58 392 496 599 629 631 557 355-* 354- 8 355- o 355-o 354- 8 355- o -1 o"9 — 10-9 — n-i -**3 — I 1-0 -82-6 7**2 — 58-0 -43-3 -30-7 -17-4 Means 8 5* 34273 ~ 9‘57 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued . Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian". Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 1242. A small spot. Group 1246. A small regular spot, a . Two small spots, which are measured together, follow it on January 9. They move apart on the following days and are measured separately as b and c . They undergo several changes in size, position and shape. 1884. a Jan. 7-186 0 5 0 1 1 128-1 + 8-0 + 75’ 1 1884. d Jan. 8-307 9-283 10- 275 11- 488 *2-495 I 3" I 5° 14-260 2 0 5 35 0 11 1 *4 35 34 132 105 37 4 3 0 4 22 0 7 1 29 43 27 85 59 20 2 323-6 3207 322-5 320-9 3*9-9 3188 316-9 + 10-8 4-107 + io-6 + io-6 + io-6 + II-8 + 12-6 -747 -64-8 -49-9 -35-5 -23-2 -157 - 3-o Means O 1 1 128-1 + 8-0 Group 1243. A small regular spot, a , followed by several smaller spots. The regular spot alone remains on January 11. Means 5 38 320+7 + 1 no Group 1247. Two small spots. They are measured together on January 9, but separately on January 10, when they are somewhat further apart. Jan. 7 ‘1 86 8- 307 9- 283 10- 275 11- 488 1 2- 495 I 3‘ I 5P 14-260 15164 20 H *9 19 16 16 8 6 3° 1 10 132 112 53 49 5 1 12 15 4 *9 10 1 1 10 8 9 5 4 5° 105 92 65 28 26 27 7 10 342-1 342- 1 343- 5 346' 1 347-3 347- 6 348' 1 348- 5 348-6 + 13-1 + 12-6 + 12-8 + 12-4 + 12-3 + I2-I + 12-2 + 12-6 + 12-6 -70-9 -56-2 — 42-0 — 26-3 — 9" 1 + 4*5 + 13-6 + 28-6 +407 Jan. 9-283 10-275 0 0 20 7 0 0 12 4 35 0 ’ 1 350-6 4 -ii -3 4-II + -35 + -21-8 Means 0 8 350-35 4 -ii -35 Means 9 46 345-99 + 12-52 Group 1244. A small faint spot. Three others are seen with it on January 9, the four being arranged in two pairs. On January 10 the four spots are arranged in a straight line. The two pairs of spots have moved away from each other by January 1 1. Group 1248. | Three small spots. The first two spots are measured together. Jan. 10-275 2 33 2 28 64-6 4 -io -3 4-52-2 ’ Means 2 28 64-6 4-10-3 Group 1249. Two small spots measured together on January 14. Jan. 8-307 9-283 10- 275 11- 488 0 0 s’ 20 4 26 76 57 0 0 3 12 4 *9 47 3i 342-0 3417 342-2 340-5 — 24-2 — 24'0 -24-1 — 24-6 -56-3 -43-8 -30-2 -15-9 Jan. 13-150 14-260 9 0 22 12 10 . 0 26 28 39-6 37-9 - 6-3 - 67 4-65-1 4-78-0 Means 4 25 341-60 -24-23 Means 5 27 3875 — 6- 50 Group 1245. A small spot. A number of v ; spot rema: r ery smal ins on Jai Group 1 faint spots scatt unary 15. 1 1250. ;ered ove: r a considerable area. Only one Jan. 13-150 ? 4 0 20 1 10 5 0 63 3 347- 8 348- 6 346-0 — 1 o-o — I I "0 98 4-i3‘3 4-28-7 4-38-1 Jan. 8-307 0 2 0 3 336-9 -,77 -61 + 14- 260 15- 164 Means 0 3 336-90 -277O Means 2 25 347+7. -T' 10-27 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 213 214 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Civil Time. Jmbra. Whole Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 1257. Group 1 260 — continued. Two small spots. 1884. d Jan. 29-362 30- 34I 31- 341 Feb. 1-450 2-252 143 108 47 4° 6 1017 9°4 605 438 221 80 68 37 50 12 562 571 483 531 432 143- 2 1437 i 44’6 144- 8 144-2 + 6-5 + 6-5 + 6-4 + 6-5 + 6-5 + 22-1 + 35*5 + 49‘ 6 + 64-4 + 74*3 1884. d Jan. 19-322 3 24 2 17 2957 — 12*1 + 42-5 Means 2 17 2957 — 12-1 Group 1258. A small spot. Means 55 415 142-15 + 6-34 Group 1261. A regular spot, a. Small spots are seen near it on January 27 and 28. It breaks up into a number of small spots on passing the central meridian on January 30. Jan. 22*262 0 4 O 5 271-2 + 21'9 + 56-6 Means O 5 271-2 + 21-9 A regular spot January 3c c and d, 1 January 3c , a, whic 3. A sm appear 0: 3 and 31 1 :h dimin: all spot, n Januai only one Group 1259. ishes in size day b, is seen near it c -y 28, and a for small spot, d, rem by day, and disappea >n January 24 ; two otl irth, e, on January 29 ains of the entire group rs before ier spots, , but on Jan. 24-515 25-448 26 27- 500 28- 539 29- 362 30- 34I 31- 34I Feb. 1-450 2-252 0 0 No pho 59 48 16 22 15 9 0 14 79 tograph. 251 320 218 172 132 28 13 0 0 (20 40 27 9 1 1 8 5 0 37 102 i35 167 182 1 17 89 1 70 16 9 107-3 107-3 107-4 107- 5 108- 1 1077 107-4' 107-5 107- 5 108- 6 + 10-4 + 9-2 + 9"4 + 9*6 + 9-3 + 9"9 + 10-0 + io-8 + 9" 6 + 9'4 -77‘5 -65-4 -5i-9) -38-3 -23-9 -13-4 - o-8 + 12-5 +27-1 +387 Jan. 22-262 23130 2 4'5 I 5 25-448 26 27- 500 28- 539 29- 362 j 3°‘34 I 31-341 6 8 16 2 No pho IS 23 7 0 4 65 83 133 97 tograph. 24 83 84 8 21 1 1 8 12 (5 8 12 4 0 3 125 9* 96 58 36 13 42 44 4 13 1387 140-3 139- 6 140- 6 1407 1407 I3S-3 135-6 1327 132-8 — 165 -16-8 — 1 7" 1 -17-5 -177 -17-8 -17-0 -167 -15-4 — 151 -75‘9 — 62-8 -45-2 -32-1 — 1 8-6) 5-i + 3'3 + I4-5 + 24-5 + 37-8 Means 12 102 107-63 + 976 Group 1262. Five small spots in two clusters on January 27. One spot has disappeared before January 28, and the others seem through the effect of foreshortening to form but one cluster. Means 6 52 13770 — 16-76 Group 1260. Two small spots on January 23. A third spot appears on January 24, but the preceding spot increases in size, and other spots appear near it. The group increases yet further on the succeeding days, and consists on January 27 of four large spots following one another in a straight line, with a great number of very small spots clustering round them. The two preceding large spots approach each other, and are measured together on January 28 ; they after- wards coalesce to form spot a on January 29. The two following spots unite in a similar manner to form spot b. The smaller spots undergo constant changes both in number and size. Jan. 27*500 28-539 32 12 209 IOl 43 27 262 229 212-8 2IO-5 — 17-0 -1 8-0 +67-0 +78-5 Means *35 246 211-65 -17-50 A small spot Group 1263. on January 27. A second spot is seen near it on January 28. ary 28, this group and Group 1255 are measured on a different ph from that on which the remaining spots are measured. Jan. 23-130 24- 515 25- 448 26 27- 500 28- 539 0 44 6 3 No ph 190 228 12 162 621 0 tograph 792 1280 0 32 38 t. (68 98 120 16 120 378 393 408 670 I36-5 139-0 1402 1417 143-2 142-6 + 6-9 + 6-2 + 5-8 -f 6-o + 6-2 + 6-2 -66-6 -45-8 -32-5 -17-6) — 2-6 + io-6 On Janu photogra] Jan. 27-500 28-411 0 O 12 53 c 10 65 !99-8 200-3 — ii-o -13-2 + 54-o + 66-7 Means 0 38 200-05 — 12-10 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 215 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group IZ64. A large irregular spot, a. A portion, b, is detached from the main spot on January 29, and a second portion, c, on February 1. The spot c breaks up into several small spots on the following day, moving forward and northward at the same time ; it disappears before February 6. Some small spots are seen close to the principal spots on January 28, 29, 31, and February 1. Group 1267. A large regular spot, a, closely followed by another large irregular spot. The latter has broken up by February 1 into several portions, which are, however, measured together, and afterwards diminishes in size, disappearing before February 9. Some small spots are seen near a on February 5 and 6. 1884. d Jan. 30-341 3I-3+I Feb. 1-+50 2-252 3 +•+55 5- 298 6- 156 7- 36+ 8- 287 9- 2+5 : IO-468 ! 1 1 "+3 I 3+ 7i i+7 11 + No pho 209 150 H+ i+3 107 7+ 107 53 251 614 897 95i tograph. io 99 1026 9+5 871 727 553 370 78 8+ 123 79 (97 11 + 79 77 82 69 57 109 638 753 753 665 630 59+ 5+2 50+ 5°3 +65 428 420 +3+ 27- 8 28- 6 28-1 27-7 277 27-6 27-5 27-5 27-1 26-5 26-2 259 26-5 -25-0 -2+-9 -2+-5 -*+*+ — 2+'+ -*+•3 -2+7 -24-5 — 24-6 — 24-6 -2+-5 -24-2 -24-3 — 80-4 — 664 -52-3 -42-2 -277) -13-2 — 2-3 4- 9-1 4-24-5 + 36-1 4-48-4 4-64-3 4-77-5 1884. d Jan. 27-500 28- 539 29- 362 30- 3+1 ; 3 I ‘3+ I Feb. 1*450 2-252 3 +'+55 5- 298 6- 156 7- 364 + 1 104 81 60 85 171 115 No pho 162 26 38 IO 158 +77 678 7+3 839 1072 736 tograph. 668 385 299 1 16 7° 104 62 38 +8 9° 60 (82 103 20 38 18 273 480 527 468 +6+ 563 385 406 426 290 29+ 2 16 73-9 73-9 73-8 7+-2 7+"8 7+'+ 75-o 75-o 75-0 75-2 75'+ 75-2 + 9'9 + 10-5 + 10-2 + 10-3 + I0-2 + 10-4 + 10-4 4- io-6 4- io-8 + II-2 + 1 I"7 + "'9 - 7 I - 9 -58-1 -47-3 -3+-o — 20-2 — 6-o + 5*1 + 197) + 3+-2 +45"+ + 57-o + 72-6 Means 61 399 74-65 4“ 1068 Means 90 56+ 27-28 — 2 +"53 Group 1265. Several small spots. The group is measured as a whole 0: arrangements of the spots change from day to day. n January 28. The A large irregul small spot also under Group ar spot, a, with a number ( s undergo constant changes goes great changes in shap< 1268. )f small s i in size s i and size pots in its neighbourhood. The md position. The large spot, a, Jan. 31-341 Feb. 1+50 2-252 3 +•+55 5- 298 6- 156 7- 36+ 8- 287 9- 2+5 10-468 1 1 '+3 I 27 92 +8 No pho 106 73 82 85 7+ 28 39 +3 266 5+4 5+4 tograph. 853 731 820 693 +77 339 23+ 161 +6 9+ 38 (+9 59 +0 ++ +8 +7 +5 95 +5+ 552 428 +53 +77 395 +39 396 3°3 256 267 35 + 24-1 23-0 23-2 23-3 23- 3 24- 2 2+-5 23-5 23-5 22-6 2 2 '8 237 + 137 + 13-6 + 12-6 + 13-2 +13-8 + 13-8 + 13-8 + 13-6 + 13-6 + 13-6 + 13-6 + i+-o -70-9 -57'+ -+67 -32-i) -17-5 - 5-6 4- 6-i 4-209 4-33-1 4-++‘8 4-6i-2 4 -7+7 Jan. 28-539 29- 362 30- 3+1 33 12 12 92 76 +2 J 9 7 10 53 5° 33 160- 4 161- 4 161-8 - 5*8 - 57 - 5-8 + 28-4 ++0-3 + 53-6 Means 12 45 l6l -20 - 577 Group 1266. A regular spot. Means 52 398 23M8 + I3-5+ Jan. 29-362 17 35 55 11 + + I-I + 9'5 — 8o-o 30-3+1 17 123 22 162 + I"9 + 9’3 — 66*3 3 1 "3+ 1 20 191 17 163 +27 + 8-9 -52-3 Group 1269. Feb. 1-450 56 29+ 37 x 95 42-0 + 87 -38-+ A small spot. A second is seen 1 an February 2. 2-252 35 297 20 J 7+ +2-3 + 8-8 — 27-6 3 No pho tograph. ( 2 7 175 42-6 + 8-5 -12-8) Feb. 1 -+50 O >4 0 27 7’+ + 12-8 -73*o +'+55 67 339 3+ 175 +2-9 + 8-2 + 2-1 2-252 0 21 0 25 7-5 4-131 — 624 i 5-298 37 302 20 1 6 1 +37 + 8-i + I3-9 3 No pho tograph. (+ 26 7-6 +13-1 -+7'8) 6-i 56 35 263 20 151 ++•0 + 8-4 + 25-6 +•+55 13 + 1 8 26 7-6 + 13-1 -33-2 7-36+ 30 224 21 *5+ +3-8 + 8-o + 41-2 5-298 8 22 5 13 82 4-131 — 216 8-287 20 180 17 156 +3-6 + 7-8 + 53-2 6-156 8 27 + 1 + 8-5 + 13-0 - 9"9 9-2+5 1 1 102 13 127 +2'9 + 7-8 + 65-1 7-364 + 29 15 83 4-12-9 4- 57 10-468 0 3i 0 i35 +3-i 4- 8"o + 81-5 8-287 2 13 1 7 8-2 4-12-8 4-17-8 Means 23 i57 42-82 + 8-46 Means 3 J 9 7-92 4-1272 216 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued . Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean jongitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Gjoup. 1 Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. . Longitude from Central Meridian. Civil Time. ^ Jmbra. Whole 1 Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Group 1270. Group 1273 — continued . Several small faint spots arranged in a nearly straight line. The group undergoes frequent changes. 1884. d Feb. 11-431 12- 481 13- 403 14*559 15*453 22 16 0 0 0 81 84 40 16 12 12 IO O O O 45 5i 31 18 27 3247 325*8 327*8 328-0 3267 + *3*0 + *3*5 + *5*5 + *6-3 + 16-3 + *57 + 30* 6 + 44*8 + 60-2 +707 i88 4 . d Feb. 4-455 5- 298 6- 156 7'364 8-287 IO 7 6 3 5 81 83 63 63 77 6 4 3 2 3 5° 47 35 35 47 *3*3 151 i5*5 1 6-6 177 + 17*4 + 17*4 + 17*3 + 17-2 + 16-9 -27*5 -147 - 2*9 + 14-0 - + 27*3 Means 3 38 324-81 + *3*98 Means 4 43 15-64 + 17-24 Group 1274. Group 1271. A large regular spot. A second spot appears on February 14. A small spot. Feb. 8-287 2 5 2 4 37*6 + I2-I + 47-2 Feb. 4-455 5- 298 6- 156 i 7*364 8- 287 9- 245 10-468 1 1 1 '43 1 12-481 1 3*4°3 14*559 15*453 12 12 16 26 44 45 58 5° 35 42 42 24 106 156 225 302 278 293 295 270 244 210 153 108 21 13 13 16 25 24 3 1 28 32 49 48 186 170 182 191 157 156 157 151 156 163 182 241 329-0 329*4 329*4 329-1 329-0 328-8 328- 9 329- 1 329*5 329-6 3 3 °*4 33*** + n*3 + H-4 + n-6 -j-ii-6 + ii*6 + 11-9 + 12-0 + ii-6 + ii *9 + I2'0 + 126 + 12-4 — 7i*8 Means 2 4 37*6 + I2'I- -49'° -33*5 -21-4 Group 1275. Three small faint spots measured together. 9*° + 7*3 + 20-1 Feb. 8-287 0 19 0 10 **9 — 10-2 + ii *5 + 34*3 +46*6 + 62 6 +75*i Means ” 0 10 **9 - 10 ' 2 Group 1276. Means *7 174 329*44 + 11-83 A small spot on February 9. On February 10 the group consists of three spots of considerable size, the first two being measured together. Group 1272. Two small spots on February 5, on which day they are measured together. They have moved apart and increased in size by February 6. The preceding spot has disappeared by February 7. Feb. 9-245 10-468 0 0 12 1 13 0 0 13 257 38-1 3 6 *9 + 10-9 + 12-4 + 60-3 +75*3 Means 0 135 37-50 + 11-65 Feb. 5*29 8 6156 7*364 8-287 0 4 9 8 5 21 3° 25 0 3 5 4 4 13 16 13 34 1 * 2 34°*9 34°*3 34°*5 - 4*4 - 4*5 - 4-8 - 5*° — 48-6 -37*5 -22-3 - 9*9 Group 1277. A fine group composed of two large regular spots, 0 and b , and a number of .ampler spots between them, which undergo frequent changes, and which have all disappeared by February 20. Means 3 12 34°*73 - 4-68 Feb. 9-245 4 89 1 12 155 *9* 317 186 198 No ph 153 No ph 35 42 468 685 1002 1012 1373 ii37 969 0 tograpl 755 0 tograpl 220 18 132 107 106 1 12 168 96 105 1. (*°4 103 1. (78 52 203 705 641 693 696 728 587 5*4 5*o 5°5 409 3*3 254*9 252-3 252-9 253*8 254-0 254*4 254-6 255*6 256-0 256+ 257*1 257*8 + 8-4 + 7*5 + 7*2 + 7*2 + 7-1 + 69 + 7-2 + 7*2 + 7*4 + 7*5 + 7*5 + 7*4 — 82-9 -69*3 -56-1 -4**4 — 29-0 -1 3*4 — **4 + I3*° + 26-1) + 39*2 + 53*6) + 68-0 Group 1273. A small spot when first seen. A second is seen on February 6, a third on February 7. The group consists after this of a number of small spots irregularly arranged, the size, distribution, and number changing from day to day. 10+68 n+31 12-481 I 3*4°3 >4*559 1 5*45 3 Feb. 5-298 6-156 7*364 8- 287 9- 24; 1 0-46 i 0 1 0 0 ■ 2 ; 4 s 20 3 20 40 57 158 142 0 0 0 1 2 10 4 19 3i 34 87 76 321*4 322*6 325-1 323*6 323*5 3237 + 12 8 + 13*2 + 13*9 + 137 + 13*9 + 13-6 -68+ -55*8 -37*5 — 26-8 -H*3 + 2-1 16-470 >7 18-398 i *9 20-481 Means 98 542 254*98 •+ 7*3* ! •taken at Greenwich, in India, and in Mauritius, in the Years 1882 to 1885. 217 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1278. A small spot, a, which has disappeared by February 12. A second spot, b, appears on February 11. Group 1283. A small spot. 1884. a Feb. 13*403 H’559 0 0 7 0 0 21 5 220*2 220*5 -15*8 -15*4 -62*8 -47‘3 1884. d Feb. 10*468 11*431 12*481 0 10 7 1 1 57 2 1 0 6 5' 6 34 !5 340*6 34°*I 3387 + 6*9 + 7‘5 + 8*6 4-19*0 4-3i-i + 43-5 Means 0 13 220*35 — 15*60 Means 4 18 339-80 + 7^7 Group 1279. Two small spots. Group 1284. A large regular spot, a, preceded by a number of small spots, which diminish in size day by day, and disappear before February 20. Feb. 10*468 H'431 0 0 12 17 0 7 9 333-8 333-6 4-12*0 . + H-4 4-12*2 4-24*6 Feb. 1 3 403 14- 559 15- 453 16*470 1 7 18*398 *9 20*481 21*538 22*283 23*394 24*456 25-498 38 103 96 99 No pho 106 90 57 44 5° 49 l 9 248 506 559 537 tograph. tograph. 571 490 384 299 188 45 70 IOI 7 1 59 (57 54 (5i 47 34 29 44 68 90 437 488 4 1 1 324 318 312 3°5 298 288 255 263 262 216 208*6 208*4 208*2 207*9 207*9 207*8 207*6 207*4 207*3 207*4 207-3 207*1 208*8 — I 1*2 -10*8 — 10*0 - 9-7 - 97 - 97 - 9*6 - 9’4 - 9"3 - 9‘2 - 91 - 8*9 - 9" 1 -74-4 -59-4 -47 8 -347 -22*1) - 94 + 4' 1 ) + 17*6 + 31-4 +41-4 + 55-9 + 697 + 85*1 Means 0 8 3337° .■+1170 Group 1280. A single spot. Feb. 10*468 11*431 12*481 3 0 18 57 65 0 3 0 3i 59 48 246*8 247*1 2477 -19*2 — 19*8 -19*8 -74*8 — 61*9 -47-5 Means 60 321 207*83 - 9‘ 6 7 Means 1 46 247*20 — 19*60 Group 1285. Two considerable spots, a and 6, which appear suddenly near the centre of the sun. Several small spots are seen close to them. The appearance and areas of the spots undergo frequent changes. Group 1281. A single spot. Feb. 10468 11*431 12*481 I 3’4°3 H‘559 I5-453 16*470 17 18*398 0 10 27 43 25 24 16 No pho 15 f 63 106 148 107 74 33 tograph. 23 0 14 24 3° •4 13 8 (8 8 155 90 93 IOI 60 38 16 *4 12 238*0 238- 9 239- 3 2397 240*0 240*1 240- 3 240*4 240-5 - 9*8 — 10*1 -10*4 — io*6 — I 1*0 — 10*9 -io*8 -10*5 — 10*2 -83*6 -70*1 -55-9 -437 -27*8 -15*9 - 2*3 + 10*5) 4-23*3 Feb. I4-559 I5-453 16*470 17 18*398 92 95 87 No pho 33 3°3 597 59 6 tograph. 320 48 54 59 (52 44 160 34i " 406 416 425 285*5 285*2 285*8 286*0 286*1 -11 4 — 1 1 *5 -n*3 — 11*0 + 177 + 29*2 + 43*2 + 56*1) 4-68*9 Means 5i 35° 28572 -11*38 Means 13 64 239*64 — IC48 Group 1286. Two compact clusters of very small spots. The members of each cluster have coalesced by February 16, thus forming two small spots. The photograph on February 21 is much over-exposed. Group 1282. A small spot. Feb. 1 3 '4° 3 I4-559 0 0 »9 12 0 0 2 I 2 9 342*0 342*2 4-20*4 4-20*5 4-59*0 4-74-4 Feb. 15*453 16*470 29 17 88 44 H 8 45 249" 1 249-2 — 101 — 10*1 - 6*9 + 6*6 Means 0 25 342*10 4-20*45 Means 11 34 249*15 — 10*10 Photo-Heliographic Kesults, 1882-1885. 218 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Projected Area for Group. j Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Greenwich Civil Time. -j Jmbra. Whole , Spot. 1 Jmbra. Whole of Group. Spot. Civil Time. Jmbra. | Whole Spot. Imbra. Whole Spot. of Group. 1884. a Feb. 16-470 17 18-398 i 9 20-481 21*538 22-283 A Group 1287. scattered group of small fa int spots. Group 1291. A regular spot, a. A small spot appears near it on February 22 and is measured with it. Other small spots appear on February 23. The whole group is measured together as one on February 24. A small but dark spot, b, appears on February 25. The group is measured in three portions on February 25 and 26 ; a and 'b separately, and the remaining small spots together The small spots seen on February 26 are wholly different from those seen on February 25. 0 No pho 7 No pho O O 6 37 ograph. 67 ograph. 99 76 38 0 ( 2 4 ( 2 0 4 2 3 2 9 34 43 5 1 44 2 4 205-0 204-4 203- 8 204- 3 2047 204-8 204-5 ms’s -15 -6 -15-6 -15-5 -15-3 -167 -14-8 - 37-6 -I 3-4 + o-8) + H -9 + 28-9 + 38-5 1 884. a Feb. 18*398 19 20- 481 21- 538 22- 283 23 - 394 24- 456 25- 498 26- 480 27- 234 29 No phot 49 37 29 5 i 25 38 28 13 141 ;ograph. 35 ° 302 306 240 221 183 134 79 39 (36 32 21 15 27 13 28 20 12 191 211 236 172 163 125 119 1 10 96 68 150- 0 1507 > 5 i -4 151- 9- 152*0 152- 3 152-6 152- 9 1 53 - i 152-9 + 7-3 + 7-2 + 7 ‘o + 7'4 + 7' 5 + 7"9 + 8-o + 8-8 + 9'9 + IO-I -67*2 - 52 - 8 ) - 38-4 — 24-0 -14-0 + 0-9 + I 5 -2 + 29-2 + 42-3 + 52-1 Means 2 35 204-50 -I 5-57 1 Group 1288. A large regular spot, a, followed by a stream of smaller spots. Means 24 148 151-98 + 8-i 1 Feb. 16-470 17 18-398 19 20- 481 21- 538 22*283 2 3'394 24- 456 25- 498 26- 480 27- 234 1 No pho 55 No pho 104 102 61 96 80 51 15 3 1 tograph. 268 tograph. 575 658 828 73 i 592 3 H 164 45 (22 4 2 ( 5 ° 58 54 33 57 58 5 ° 26 5 5 ° 124 197 2 57 3 i 7 354 450 437 4 2 5 3 i 3 272 215 173-0 173- 8 174 - 5 175- 1 175- 6 176- 5 I 77 '° 177- 5 178- 4 180-3 180-9 182-8 + 14-0 + 14-2 + 14-3 + H* 1 + i 3'9 + 13-5 + I 3-3 + 12-9 + 12-9 + 12-8 + 127 + 13-3 -696 -56-2) -42 7 -28*5) -14-2 + o-6 + II-0 + 26-1 + 41-0 + 56-6 + 7 0 " 1 + 82*0 Group 1292. A scattered group of small faint spots. Feb. 20-481 21- 538 22- 283 O 0 37 43 12 6 0 20 27 9 213*4 214-0 211*9 — 16-2 -15-5 — 1 8*8 4-23-6 4 - 38 -I + 45-9 Means ... 2 *9 213-10 -16-83 Group 1293. Means 38 284 177-12 + 13-49 Two spots close together. They are measured together until February 24 but separately afterwards. The following spot breaks up into three parts on February 25, but is still measured as a whole. Group 1289. A number of small faint spots irregularly arranged. Feb. 21-538 22- 283 23 - 394 24- 456 O 1 1 27 16 20 37 6 37 57 115 180 131 97 58 0 12 20 10 1 1 18 * 3 63 62 86 108 70 49 29 102-2 102- 6 103- O 1 03 - 3 104- 0 IO3-6 103*7 - 7 -i - 7-0 - 7- 7 - 7' 5 - 7'5 - 7-6 - 7-3 -737 -63-4 — 48-4 — 34 " 1 -197 — 7-2 + 2-9 Feb. 18-398 *9 20-481 0 No ph< 71 5 tograph 0 1 1 18 2 5 259*5 260- 5 261- 5 -13-3 -ir 4 - 9‘5 + 42-3 + 57 -o) + 717 25- 498 26- 480 27- 234 Means 67 103-20 - 7*39 Means 1 18 260-50 -11-40 Group 1290. A small well-defined spot. A faint spot. Feb. 22-283 23*394 24-456 0 0 10 0 3 37 106 61 67 0 0 0 5 0 3 32 69 34 36 98-0 96- 6 97- 1 98- 4 987 - 67 - 7’3 - 7- 5 - 77 - 8*4 -68-o -54-8 — 4°"3 -25-3 Feb. 18-398 ! O 7 0 4 21 3*6 -21-9 - 3-6 25*498 26-480 Means 0 4 213-6 -21-9 Means 1 35 97*76 - 7'52 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 219 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich , Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1295. A regular spot. Group 1298. A very small spot on February 25. Three spots on February 26, the last two of which have coalesced by February 27. 1884.3 Feb. 23-394 24- 456 25- 498 26- 480 27- 234 28 29-558 Mar. 1-434 2- 553 3- 297 7 15 20 25 16 No pho 27 1 6 8 33 64 98 139 97 tograph. 9 1 62 76 63 l 9 l 9 17 17 9 (12 H 10 10 6 85 80 82 94 59 54 48 34 47 44 74-5 73' 6 73-8 73‘4 73'3 73-5 73-6 73-2 73*3 73-9 + 117 + 12-4 + 12-1 + 12-3 + 127 + 12-5 + 12-2 + 12-3 + 12-2 + 12*1 -76-9 -63-8 -49'9 -374 -27-5 -I2-I) + 3'3 + 14-5 + 29-4 + 397 1884.4 Feb. 25-498 26- 480 27- 234 2 93 J 9 7 432 238 107 33 6 484 421 174-0 1727 173-3 + 87 + 7-3 + +7 + 50-3 + 61-9 + 72-5 Means 47 3°4 173-33 + 7-57 Group 1299. Two clusters of small spots. Only two spots remain of the following cluster on February 27, and these are measured separately. Means 13 63 73-61 + 12-25 Feb. 25-498 26480 27-234 23 20 10 80 "9 164 1 1 6 42 65 96 125- 6 126- 2 126-9 + io*6 + 107 + n-3 + 1-9 + 15 + + 26-1 Group 1296. Three spots close together on February 24 . On February 26 the group consists of two cluster of spots, a and b. On February 29 a small regular spot, c, appears a little in advance of a. a and b are measured together on March r, and dis- appear before March 2 . c has divided into two portions by March 2 . Means 10 68 126*23 + 10-87 Group 1300. A small spot. Feb. 24 456 25- 498 26- 480 27- 234 28 29-558 Mar. 1-434 2- 553 3- 297 4 1 57 45 44 No pho 4 1 31 37 12 204 254 3°5 223 tograph. 199 | 171 135 42 42 28 25 (23 17 23 xo 21 1 188 185 124 1 1 3 IOI 93 86 84 75-8 75- 8 76- 3 757 77- 9 80- o 81- 4 82- 3 83- 1 -I 4 -I +44-9 — 14-6 -I 4 -2 -137 -13-2 -12-4 -12-7 -13-2 -6i-6 -47’9 -34-5 -25-1 - 71 ) + 97 + 22-7 + 384 +48-9 Feb. 25498 26- 480 27- 234 0 0 0 4 15 5 0 0 0 5 12 4 58- 8 59- 6 59-4 + io-i + 9-8 + 10-4 -64-9 -51-2 — 4 X "4 Means 0 7 59-27 + 10-10 Group 1301. A large regular spot, a, which has divided into two portions by March 5, The two spots are not measured separately until March 6. Some small spots are seen near a on March 2, and others on March 3. Means 26 132 7870 -13-67 Group 1297. A regular spot. Feb. 25-498 26480 27-234 28 29-558 Mar. 1-434 2- 553 3- 297 + , 5+ 6 5 6-339 7+54 33 82 67 No pho J 74 105 146 94 No pho 94 65 35 123 3” 47i tograph. 885 861 987 941 tograph. 54 1 495 204 144 133 72 (86 i°4 58 76 5° <2 5 1 4 1 540 5°5 506 5i9 53 1 474 518 498 426 353 39° 237 4 r 7 40*6 40- 9 4 r ’3 41- 6 41-2 41-2 41-8 41-8 41-8 41-8 41-8 + io-6 + 10-4 + io-8 + io-6 + 10-3 + 10-3 + 10-3 + 10-4 + io*4 + 10+ + io-i + 10-4 — 82-0 — 70-2 — 59 9 -44-3) -287 -17-5 — 27 + 7-6 + 21-9) + 36-2 +477 + 62-4 Feb. 24-456 25- 498 26- 480 27- 234 28 29-558 Mar. 1-434 2-553 3^97 0 16 16 No pho 8 0 21 64 53 71 tograph. 4 1 27 20 2 0 17 12 7 (8 8 4 6 48 67 40 45 33 21 H 12 2 617 64- 1 65- 3 65-9 67- 2 68- 5 68-6 69- 5 7°"4 + 9-3 + 9" 6 + 8-4 + 8-i + 7+ + 6-7 + 6-5 + 6-2 + 6-i -757 -59-6 — 45*5 -34‘9 — 1 8 +) - i-8 + 9‘9 + 25-6 + 36-2 Means 7 31 66‘8o + 7-59 Means 78 458 41-46 + 10+2 220 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean jongitude Mean Latitude of Group. jongitude from Central deridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. ] Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. . jongitude from Central Meridian. Greenwich Civil Time. ^ Jmbra. Whole T Spot. Jmbra. j Whole Spot. of Group. Civil Time. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1302. A small spot on February 26. A number of other spots appear before Febr and on February 29 the group consists of two large spots, a and 6 at small spots between them. 6 has broken up into a number of small March 3 and on March 5 the group consists of a number of small sp fairly compact cluster, which are, therefore, measured together ; bu individual spots tend to move apart, the group is measured in four divi March 6. aary 27, Group 1305. A small spot. spots by ots in a as the sions on 1884. d Mar. 3-297 5-465 O No phot 5 ograph. 21 0 (O 0 3 8 12 23 + 23-6 23-8 + 177 4-18-0. 4- 1 8-2 — 10-8 + 37) 4-18-2 1884. d Feb. 2 6 '480 27-234 28 29-558 Mar. 1-434 2- 553 3 - 2 97 + . 5- 4 6 S 6- 339 7’454 O H No pho 136 ”3 u 5 83 No pho IOI 10 0 15 48 ograph. 077 918 872 688 ;ograph. 508 I 9 7 ”5 O IO (4 1 71 57 59 45 (62 78 0 14 35 297 558 46, 447 374 383 39 2 212 2 49 52-9 52-9 54’4 55-8 55- 4 557 56- 2 55-9 55- 6 56- 8 57- 0 - 8-4 - 8-2 _ 8-6 - 8-9 - 8-9 - 9-° - 8-9 - 8-9 - 8-9 - 8-8 - 8-5 -57-9 Means 0 8 23-60 + 17-97 -47-9 ‘ -3i-2) -14-5 - 3’3 Group 1306. A small spot. + 22-0 + 36-0) Mar. 3-297 0 3 0 3 332-3 4-n-o — 61-9 + 5 0- ° + 62-7 + 77 Means 0 3 332-3 + 1 1 0 Means 40 3H 55*33 - 8-73 Group 1307. A regular spot, a, followed on March 9, 10, and 11 by several small spots. Group 1303. 1 A regular spot, a, followed by a smaller one, b. The latter has broken up into a number of very small spots by March 1. These have all disappeared by March 6. Mar. 3-297 + , 5+65 6-339 7+54 8 9-543 10- 566 11- 228 12- 593 5 No pho 32 23 27 No pho 2 I 33 7 0 6l tograph. 123 123 I27 tograph. 183 I29 Il6 27 9 (16 23 44 T5 03 1 1 *9 5 0 105 97 88 76 69 84 98 75 74 24 322- 8 323- 0 323-1 323-1 1 3237 323-6 323-5 3237 3237 325-0 + 10-2 + io-i + I 0-0 + 10-3 4- io'o + 97 + 97 + H-2 + 1 1*3 + 10-9 -71-4 -57’o) -42-5 — 310 -157 - 2-1) 4- 1 1-6 + 25-3 + 33*9 + 53'+ Feb. 27-234 28 29-558 Mar. 1-434 • 2'553 3-297 4 5G65 6- 339 7- 454 8- 9-543 10566 4 No pho 20 29 5 1 24 No pho 36 17 2 7 No phc 43 tograph. 15.0 312 273 209 1 tograph, ' 227 182 109 ) tograph 78 41 10 (13 16 1 9 29 13 , (i7 20 10 18 • (18 18 108 i*4 n 9 209 1 59. 1 16 120 124 106 74 81 87 93 20* T 20-5 20-8 19-9 19-8 19- 9 20 - I 20-2 I 9 -6 I9-3 i 8"4 17-5 17-6 — 26-3 — 26-5 -26-6 — 27-0 — 27-0 — 26-9 — 26-8 — 267 — 2 6-6 — 26-5 26*6 -26-6 -27-1 — 807 -65-1) -49-5 -38-8 -24-1 -H - 3 + o-i) + 14-6 + 25-5 + 39"9 + 52-8) + 65-6 + 79-2 Means 13 79 323-50 + 10-30 Two large irre their neig Group 1308. gular spots, a and 6. A great number of very small spots are seen in hbourhood March $-11 ; these are partly between a and b, and partly Means T . A I9-52 — 26-71 following ■ 1 Mar. 3-297 4 5+65 6-339 7+54 8 9*543 10- 566 11- 228 12- 593 4 No ph 85 66 178 No ph 155 134 65 48 69 0 tograph 618 979 953 0 tograph 935 829 753 374 8 • (35 61 4 1 94 . (86 78 72 39 39 144 297 449 607 510 49 1 47i 446 439 293 3 I 7'° 317- 8 318- 5 318-0 318-5 3i8-4 3i8-3 320-4 320-5 322-3 -10-3 - io-i - 99 - IO-I - 9-9 - 9-8 - 97 _ 8-8 - 9-0 - 8-7 -77-2 — 62-2) -47-i -36-1 — 20-9 “ 7-3) + 64 + 22-0 + 30-9 + 507 Group 1304. A small spot. A second is seen near it on March 1. Feb. 29-558 Mar. 1-434 2-553 7 0 0 J 9 1 19 13 4 0 0 63 7 40-5 39-6 4 r 9 - 6-9 - 7‘9 - 7-i — 29-8 -191 — 2 "0 Means 1 27 40-67 - 7"3 C ) Means 55 4i5 3I8-97 - 9-63 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — conti '.nued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. jongitude from Central iteridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. ] Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. ^ jongitude from Central Meridian. Greenwich Civil Time. ^ Jmbra. Whole T Spot. 1 Jmbra. | Whole - Spot. of Group. ' Greenwich Civil Time. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. of Group. A small regu ar spot, Group 1309. a ; a second, b, appears closely following it on March 9. Group 1 3 iz. A small spot. A second is seen close to it on March 10 and 11, but the two are measured together. 1884.. a Mar. 6-339 7-454 8 10-566 1 1 -228 12-593 4 7 No pho 12 8 10 0 26 58 ograph. 39 63 102 44 6 6 (7 7 4 5 0 40 51 37 22 33 52 23 282- 5 283- 2 283-3 283-3 283-9 283- 6 284- 6 - 4-8 - 5-° - 4-9 - 4-8 - 4'9 - 4-8 - 4"9 -71-6 -56-2 -42-4) 1884. d Mar. 9-543 10-566 1 1228 0 0 0 66 19 ° ! 0 O ] 13 35 10 278-9 279* 1 278-9 - 7-5 - 6-8 - 6-6 -33-o -193 -107 -14-5 — 6-o Means 0 i 19 278-97 - 6-97 + 13-0 Means 5 37 283-50 - 4-87 Group 1313. Two small spots, as and 6 ; a disappears before March 12. Group 1310. A regular spot, which breaks up into several portions on March 9. T again appears as a single regular spot on March 14, and as the gro intermediate days always forms a compact cluster, it is measured as a he group ip on the whole. Mar. 9-543 10- 566 11- 228 12- 593 25 4 0 56 43 14 1 1 21 3 1 47 28 8 6 260-6 260-6 260-0 259-5 + io-i + 10-4 + 10-3 + 9"6 -5i-3 -37-8 — 29-6 — I2-I Mar. 6-339 7-454 8 9-543 10-566 1 1 -228 12-593 !3 14- 577 15- 4 6 3 16- 441 17- 503 18- 438 2 15 No pho 56 9 1 49 89 No pho 44 45 29 20 17 20 80 tograph. 588 625 429 395 tograph. 3°5 224 IOO 81 23 (3i 38 53 27 45 (35 25 28 21 *9 29 148 124 264 4° 3 363 234 201 187 i73 188 164 IOI H 1 265- 3 266- 8 2677 268-6 268-4 268-1 2687 268-6 268-5 268-5 268-9 268- 2 269- 2 — 16-2 -i6-6 — 16-8 — 16-9 -17-2 — 1 6-8 -17-0 — 1 6-8 — 16-6 -i6-9 -16-3 -1 6-6 — 162 -88-8 — 72-6 — 68-o) -43-3 -3°-° -21-5 — 2-9 + io-i) + 23-0 + 347 + 47-9 + 6i'3 + 74-6 Means 6 22 260-18 + 10-10 Group 1314. Two large spots, « and 6 ; a breaks up into several portions on March 12 and diminishes in size ; it is still, however, measured as a whole. A small spot c, is seen between a and b on March 14 and 1 5 ; as and a disappear before March 16. Mar. 9-543 10- 566 1 1- 228 12- 593 13 H - 577 8 25 35 66 No phc 52 68 33 44 3i 8 123 270 368 34i > tograph, 355 316 256 1 12 48 17 34 36 45 . (37 29 37 18 27 21 7 284 356 367 236 211 185 192 172 i53 ! 76 « 236-6 233-6 233-2 233-1 232-8 232-4 232-0 231*6 231 + 231-5 231-0 +131 + 1 4"° + 14-1 + 139 + 1+3 1 +147 + 14-8 + 1 5‘° + 15-3 + 15-1 + 15-0 -75'3 -6+8 -56-4 — 38-5 -25-8) -13-1 i-8 + io-6 +24’5 + 36-9 + 50-1 Means 30 207 268*12 -16-68 Group 1 3 1 1 . i5+ 6 3 16- 441 17- 5 0 3 18- 438 19- 474 A regu lar spot. Means 28 1 207 232-65 + 14+8 Mar. 7-454 8 9‘543 10- 566 11- 228 12- 593 13 14- 577 15- 463 16- 441 No phi 12 'l 8 No ph 8 7 O 45 0 tograph 107 1 1 9 82 33 0 tograph 24 21 18 • (H 9 3 4 1 . ( 4 4 4 0 78 77 76 70 45 16 iS 13 13 8 265-5 2657 265- 9 2660 266- 0 266-3 266-4 266-5 266- 4 267- 1 - 8-4 - 8-3 - 8-2 - 8-1 - 8-i - 8-o - 77 - 7'4 - 7'4 - 6-7 -73'9 — 6o - o) — 46-0 -32-4 — 23-6 — 5'3 + 7-9) + 21-0 + 32-6 + 46-1 Group 1315. Two spots. Mar. 10-566 11-228 0 0 45 24 0 0 59 47 6-8 6-2 -12-3 — 121 + 68*4 + 76-6 Means 7 4i 266-18 - 7-83 Means 0 53 6-50 — I2-2C 222 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 1320. A regular spot. 1884. a 0 0 0 Mar. 11-288 3 36 9 114 207-6 - 9-8 — 82'0 12-593 2 1 107 23 1 17 207-6 — IO'O -64-0 13 No pho tograph. (19 135 208-1 - 9’9 - 5 °- 5 ) I 4-577 24 248 15 153 208-5 - 9-8 - 37 -o 15-463 44 223 24 124 208-5 — 1 o-o -25-3 i 16-441 37 232 *9 1 18 208-6 — IO'O -12-4 i I 7-503 44 220 22 1 ia 208-5 - 9-9 + i-6 ! 18-438 36 21 1 18 109 208-6 - 9-6 + 14-0 1 9-474 48 284 27 160 208 -2 - 9 -6 + 27-3 20-439 28 236 19 iS 4 2087 - 9 -i + 40-4 21-476 25 153 21 127 208-0’ - 9"4 + 53*5 22-238 16 107 17 1 17 207-9 - 8-9 + 63-4 23-553 10 5 ° 29 i 45 208-3 - 9 ‘ 6 + 8i-i Means 20 129 208-24 - 9 '67 Group 1321. Two spots. Mar. 14-577 4 68 3 82 3120 -127 + 66-5 15-463 0 1 16 0 266 312-5 — 131 + 78-7 Means 2 174 312-25 — 12-90 Group 1322. Four small spots, a, b, c. , and d ; 1 a number of other spots appear close to b on March 15 and 16, and are measured with it. Mar. 14-577 8 92 6 68 198-8 -14-1 -467 I 5-463 58 293 35 181 198-6 -13-9 - 35'2 16-441 57 468 3 i 253 198-9 — 14-0 — 22’I I 7-503 100 44 ° 50 225 199-9 -14-1 - 7 -o 18-438 60 534 30 271 199-0 -14-2 + 4"4 I 9'474 56 208 29 1 10 199-3 -141 + 18-4 20-439 20 92 1 2 53 198-2 -14-4 + 29-9 21-476 0 i 7 0 1 1 197-6 - 13-8 + 43 -i Means 24 i 47 19879 + 14-08 Group 1323. A regular spot. Mar. 14-577 16 76 16 74 1 8 8-2 + I2-I - 57'3 15-463 21 136 16 106 187-8 + I2"2 — 46-0 16-441 27 180 17 "5 187-8 + 12-2 - 33-2 I 7-503 32 192 J 9 1 10 1877 + 12-9 -i 9 -2 18-438 5 ° 182 26 97 188-5 + 13-2 - 6-i 19-474 16 216 9 1 16 188-5 + 137 + 7-6 Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Group 1316. A small spot. Max. 10-566 286-9 286-9 Group 1317. A small spot on March 10 and 11 ; it rapidly increases in size, and on March 12 is composed of seven spots in a compact cluster. This has broken up into two well-defined clusters, a and b, by March 14, and the separate spots have coalesced to form two spots by March 17, a showing a large proper motion in longitude. Mar. 10-566 11-228 I2 'S93 13 IDS77 15- 463 16- 441 17- 503 18- 438 19*474 No pho 140 tograph. 35 2 718 360 200 128 2 55'3 2 55-3 255-0 255-0 255-0 254- 8 255- 6 2547 256- 9 252-2 -13-2 -i 3-3 - 12-7 254-98 —12-51 - 43 -i - 34-3 — 166 - 3 - 6 ) + 9-5 -|- 2 1 'O + 34‘6 + 47-8 + 62-3 + 7 I -3 Group 1318. Two very small spots. 284-2 284-2 Group 1319. Mar. 11-228 1 2 "593 14-577 I5'4 6 3 25 No pho 145 tograph. ( 7 255-8 259- 0 260- 4 261- 7 -17-0 - 16-3 -15-4 - 14-4 -H"3 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885 . 223 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1323 — continued. Group 1327. A regular spot, a. A second, b, follows on March 18. Several smaller spots (measured as one) are seen between them on March 19. b has disappeared by March 21. On March 22 a is followed by a long straggling line of very small faint spots. 1884. a Mar. 20-439 21- 476 22- 238 23- 553 24- 295 20 22 12 0 216 131 94 25 10 1 7 9 0 124 IOI 7 1 30 18 188-4 1 88-8 188- 8 1897 189- 5 + 14-6 + H-4 + 14-6 + 14-0 + H-4 + 20-1 + 34’3 + 44-3 + 62-5 + 72-1 I 884. d Mar. 17*503 18-438 J 9"474 20- 439 21- 476 22- 238 0 2 36 8 0 2 32 128 216 140 98 60 0 4 35 6 0 88 195 207 103 58 34 130*1 126-4 126*3 1267 131-2 125*6 + I 4'7 + I3-9 + 1 4‘° + 14*6 + 15-3 + H'3 — 76*8 -68*2 -54*6 —41*6 -23-3 — 18-9 Means 13 87 188-52 + 1 3'4 8 Group 1324. A regular spot, a ; a small spot, b, is seen near it on March 21, 22 and 23. Means 8 "4 12772 + I 4‘47 Group 1328. A faint spot. Mar. 1 4-577 15- 4 6 3 16- 441 17- 503 18- 438 1 9A74 20- 439 21- 476 22- 238 23- 553 24- 295 25- 311 44 68 74 1 16 1 12 84 76 106 89 52 34 3° 228 421 532 644 653 636 608 544 461 289 253 109 58 62 51 68 60 44 64 57 46 41 76 295 378 367 377 349 329 324 3i5 297 259 303 274 1797 179-4 l 7 9"4 179- 4 180- 2 180-5 180-3 i8ro 180- 7 181- 4 I 8 I "2 181-5 + 6-9 + 7-0 4- 7-o + 7‘4 + 7‘4 + 7-4 + 7-8 + 8-o + 8-i + 7‘4 + 7-7 + 77 -65-8 -54-4 — 41-6 -27-5 — r 4"4 — o-4 + 12-0 +26-5 +36-2 +54-2 +63-8 +77-5 Mar. 18-438 0 45 0 36 240*5 + 13-8 + 45’9 Means 0 36 240*5 + 13-8 Group 1329. A faint spot. Means 56 322 180-39 + 7-48 Mar. 18-438 1 16 0 8 188-1 + 9' 2 - 6*5 Group 1325. Three small spots on March 15. .Four spots measured in two pairs are seen on March 16 and 17. Only one spot remains on March 18. Means ° 8 188*1 + 9’ 2 Group 1330. A large regular spot, a, followed by a number of small spots, which undergo several changes until March 21, when they consist of two clusters, b and c, which are more stable, c has disappeared by March 25 ; 6 by March 29. A very small faint spot is also seen following c on March 24- This spot re-appears as a small pair on March 26. Mar. 15-463 16- 441 17- 503 18- 438 7 12 4 0 54 36 28 23 4 6 2 0 30 20 H 12 207- 3 208- 7 208'2 209- 6 -177 1 i6-8 -17-6 -17-0 — 26-5 -12-3 + 1-3 + 15-0 Means 3 J 9 208-45 -17-28 Mar. 18-438 19- 474 20- 439 21- 476 22- 238 23*553 24- 295 25- 311 26294 27*314 28- 250 29- 273 21 72 108 1 34 138 151 H4 184 145 129 77 39 i74 476 576 604 886 1025 1032 1042 874 625 472 262 37 77 80 81 76 76 72 97 86 94 74 62 311 502 429 360 487 5i8 521 55° 518 452 456 4i9 120*1 119*0 120*4 121*4 1197 120-5 121*8 122*8 I2 3 *I 124*2 124*5 124-3 - 8*2 - 8*4 - 8-4 - 8*9 - 87 - 9" 1 - 9-0 - 8*8 - 87 - 8-6 - 8-2 - 9" 1 -74-5 — 61*9 -47‘9 — 33' 1 — 24*8 — 67 + 4-4 4* 1 8*8 + 32*1 4-46*7 + 59-3 4-72-5 Group 1326. A small spot on March 16. Other small spots are seen near it on March 17. Only one spot remains on March 18. Two spots are seen on March 19. Mar. 16-441 17- 503 18- 438 1 9- 474 1 0 4 0 8 32 3i 64 1 0 2 0 7 20 18 34 1663 i6 7‘4 1 68 *6 169-0 + 4’2 + 48 + 4"4 + 4‘5 -547 -39‘5 — 26-0 -”•9 Means 1 20 167-83 + 4-48 Means 76 460 121*82 - 8*68 AM5 AS AND HbLIOGRAPHIC POSITIONS OF GROUPS OF SON SPOTS DEDUCED FROM PHOTOSRAPHS Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued . Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean longitude Mean Latitude of Group. longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. ] Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Greenwich Civil Time. ■, Jmbra. | Whole . Spot. ' Jmbra. | Whole Spot. of Group. Greenwich Civil Time. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Two spots appea ring sud< p consist Group 1331. enly near the centre of the sun on March 19. On March s of 18 spots, extending over a considerable area. It is Group 1336. A large regular spot, a , followed March 22-26 by a number of small spots. The small spots undergo frequent changes. measured in two clusters on March 20, but in four on March 21 ana 22 then more broken up and scattered. On March 23 only two close pairs spots remain ; and a member of each pair disappears before March 24. of small 1884. d j Mar. 22-238 23- 553 24- 295 25*311 26- 294 27- 3I4 28- 250 29273 30- 210 31- 257 Apr. 1-280 58 38 63 52 49 39 16 i5 14 22 195 292 361 360 39° 335 328 312 258 219 129 48 57 29 40 28 25 20 9 9 21 481 283 2 77 _ 223 212 170 166 164 150 153 123 65-0 677 67- 8 68- 2 68- 9 697 699 69- 8 70- 2 7°"4 71- 0 — 12-2 -11-4 -ii-3 — 1 1 *6 -11-3 — in - io "9 — io-8 — 10-9 -10-9 — 109 -79-5 — 59-5 -49- 6 -35-8 — 22-1 - 7-8 + 4‘7 + 1 8 - o + 3°"8 +44-9 + 58-9 1884. d Mar. 19+74 20- 439 21- 476 22- 238 23- 553 24- 295 16 60 44 35 12 92 276 259 146 4 1 10 8 33 26 23 io 0 48 148 150 3 6 I 77' 1 177-0 1777 177-1 177-5 177*9 + 10-4 + n*9 + 12-8 + 13-8 + 13-3 + 137 - 3-8 + 87. + 23-2 4-32-6 4-50-3 4-6o-5 Means 17 81 177-38 + 12-65 Group 1332. A small faint spot. Means 1 i 7 218 68-96 — I 1-2 I Mar. 20*439 0 8 0 5 204-3 -13-3 4-36-0 Group 1337. Three pairs of very small spots on March 23 ; two single spots and one pair on March 24. Means 0 5 204-3 -13-3 Mar. 23*553 24-295 4 6 62 43 2 + 34 25 1437 142-6 + 12 + + 127 + 16-5 + 25-2 Orroup 1333. A small spot. Means 3 3° j I43-15 + 12-55 Mar. 20-439 8 20 4 10 155-6 -15-6 -12-7 Group 1338. A small faint spot. Means 4 10 i55- 6 -15-6 Group 1334. A small spot. Mar. 24-295 3 7 1 4 125-8 + 9'9 + 8-4 Means 1 4 125-8 + 9"9 Mar. 21-476 4 25 2 H 176-0 + 6-6 4-21-5 Means 2 14 176-0 + 6-6 Group 1335. A small spot. \jrruup A regular spot. Mar. 24-295 25- 311 26- 294 27- 314 0 10 6 24 48 22 5 10 4 0 42 5° 17 3 45-2 44'9 45-3 45-3 + 9'5 + 9-6 + 9-5 + 9*5 -72-2 -59-1 -457 -32-2 Mar. 21-476 0 10 0 5 143-0 — 18-7 -H-5 Means - 0 5 143-0 -187 Means 4 28 45-18 + 9‘5: 5 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 225 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Projected Area for Date. Are a of Group. Mean Mean Greenwich Longitude Latitude Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Umbra. Whole of Group. of Group. Spot. Spot. Longitudi from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Central Meridian. Group 1340. A very small spot. Group 1343 — continued. 1884. d Mar. 25-311 26- 294 27- 314 0 0 0 3 5 4 0 0 4 4 3 377 38-2 377 + I 3-4 + 13-2 + 13-1 -66-3 -52-8 -39-8 Means 0 4 37-87 + 13-23 Group 1341 - A small spot, . A second, 6, appears on March 28. Each increases in si ze before March 29, and forms a compact cluster of small spots. Mar. 27-314 O 9 0 5 i 43-8 - T 2 -337 28-250 0 *5 0 8 ! 43-6 - 7- 3 — 21-6 29-273 7 78 3 40 j 437 - 7 -1 - 8-i 30-210 19 1 1 1 TO 56 43’2 - 7 *i + 3-8 3^257 6 70 3 37 43-8 - 7 -i + 18-3 Apr. 1-280 6 18 3 10 43-9 1 ON vd + 31-8 Means 3 26 43-67 - 7 * 12 Group 1342. A large regular spot, a, followed April 1-4 by several very small spots. Mar. 29-273 4 61 i 54 332-3 - 8-8 — 79*5 30*210 8 139 10 174 332-2 - 9-0 -67-2 31-257 3 ° 220 25 180 332-5 - 9 ’ 1 - 53 -o Apr. 1-280 38 251 24 163 332-5 - 91 -39-6 2-413 24 232 H 128 332-6 - 9 ' 1 -24*5 3-234 36 210 *9 108 333-8 “ 9 ’ 1 -12-5 4 ‘ 5°7 H 163 7 82 333-9 - 9*3 + 4‘3 5*352 20 153 10 80 334 *° - 9*3 + 157 6-203 23 133 13 75 334 ‘ 2 - 9‘4 + 27-1 7-280 8 83 6 55 334-4 - 9 ' 1 + 4 I "5 8-273 18 69 i 5 59 334-2 - 8-i + 54'5 9-567 4 27 6 40 333*8 - 8-8 + 7 i-i Means ... j -3 108 333-37 — 9-02 Group 1343 - Three small spots close together, followed by a fourth at a little distance, on March 31. The j group increases in size rapidly, and on April 2 consists of a very large regular spot, a, followed by several spots of various sizes close together. These :i spots tend to coalesce, and on April 3, 4, and e consist of one large spot of irregular outline, b. , with two small spots close to it, which are measured with it. The large spot, b, divides in two parts on April 6. Mar. 31-257 4 106 2 53 17-5 - 9'9 - 8-0 Apr. 1-280 47 352 24 177 1 8-9 - 9-8 + 6-8 2-413 177 1581 98 863 19-4 j - 97 + 22-3 3-234 416 2486 251 1484 197 1 + 33‘4 1884. d Apr. 4-507 5*352 6- 203 7- 280 2143 895 289 160 1706 2005 246 521 20*7 20*4 + 5 1 ' 1 + 62-1 + 74 '° + 82-3 Means 1132 Group 1344. Two small spots, a and b. Apr. 1-280 2 " 4 I 3 3*234 *7 6 2 55 69 1 1 10 5 33 52 44*3 45'3 46-9 — 12*2 — I2-I — I2‘0 + 32-2 + 48-2 + 6o-6 Means 6 32 45 - 5 ° — 12-10 Group 1345. A very small spot. Apr. 1-280 + 33 '+ Group 1346. A regular spot. Apr. 2 - 4 I 3 3 - 234 4- 507 5 - 352 6- 203 7- 280 286- 0 287- 2 287-2 287-4 287-4 287-1 287-05 — 1^-6 — 14-6 -14-2 -H ‘4 -14-4 -147 -14-48 -71-1 - 59 " 1 -42-4 - 3 o -9 -197 - 5-8 Group 1 347 - A large regular spot with two well-defined nuclei. Several very are seen near it on April 6, 7, and 9. small faint spots Apr. z'4 1 3 3 - 234 4- 507 5 A 52 6- 203 7- 280 8- 273 9 208 15 337 284-3 — 1 1 -o 59 334 60 337 285-3 -1 1-3 104 812 72 565 285-7 — n*5 [ hi 801 66 477 285-6 — n *7 j 106 718 57 389 284-9 — 12-0 1 83 627 42 | 319 285-1 — 1 1 *6 78 617 40 1 3 H 285-2 - 1*7 -72-8 — 6i-o - 43-9 -327 — 22-2 - 7*8 + 5’5 Photo-Heliographic Results, 1882-1885. 226 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Latitude of Group. jongitude from Central Meridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Greenwich Civil Time. 1 Umbra. Whole . Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Civil Time. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. of Group. ggi : ' ■ Group 134.7 — continued. Group 1351. A very large spot. Some small spots, measured as one cluster, appear near its preceding edge on April 9. These are measured with the principal spot on April 13 and following days. 1884. d Apr. 9-567 10- 587 11- 316 12- I34IS 14-282 74 2 7 5 2 No pho 0 474 221 229 ograph. 62 21 40 1 7 38 (24 9 0 257 137 164 1 3 1 98 103 285-2 285-3 285-4 284-8 284- 2 285- 6 — 1 1*3 -1 1-4 -11-9 -11-9 -1 1-9 -1 1-9 0 + 22-5 + fpl + 45-9 + 59' 1 ) + 72-3 + 85-1 1884. d Apr. 3-234 4- 507 5- 352 6- 203 7- 280 8- 273 9- 567 10- 587 11- 316 12- 13- 4I5 14- 282 1 5 - 295 8 53 77 122 1 1 9 124 155 188 180 No pho 74 47 15 171 423 699 890 1040 1195 1078 1288 1500 tograph. 788 519 204 21 58 62 80 67 64 78 99 102 (83 64 57 40 429 4 6 3 562 587 586 619 547 681 856 768 680 628 540 2665 266-3 266-6 266-9 266-6 266-4 266- 8 267- 0 267-1 266-9 266- 7 2667 267- 2 -13-2 — 12-6 -131 -13-3 — 13-0 — 1 3' 1 — 12-6 -12-7 -12-9 -12-9 — 12-8 -13-0 - 127 -79-8 — 63*3 -517 — 40*2 -26-3 -13*3 + 4" 1 + 17-8 + 27-6 + 4 1 " 2 ) + 54*8 + 66-2 + 80-2 Means 37 279 285-12 — 1 1-62 Group 1348. A regular spot. Apr. 2-413 3" 2 34 4-507 5'35 2 6- 203 7- 280 8- 273 12 21 30 2 4 IO 7 35 79 97 no 78 25 20 2 H 16 J 9 H 5 3 74 95 76 7i 45 •3 10 279- 6 280- 0 279-6 2797 2797 279- 8 280- 2 -14-4 -147 — 14-8 -15-4 -15-6 -15-4 — 15*3 -77-5 — 66- 3 — 50-0 -38-6 -27-4 — 13 1 + 0-5 Means 67 611 266-75 — 12-92 A nui Group 1352. nber of small faint spots. They undergo frequent changes. Means 10 55 279-80 -15-09 Apr. 4-507 5-352 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 6 89 139 44 67 45 119 .107 72 0 0 4 0 0 0 3 136 133 33 4 1 24 60 54 39 258- 0 259- 3 258-2 258- 4 2597 259- 5 259-5 260*3 -14-2 -14-5 -14-3 -14-3 -14-1 -13-6 -I2- 9 -12-3 -7 1’ 6 -59*o -48-9 -34'5 — 20"0 - 3-2 1 +10-3 4-20-8 Group 1349. A very small spot. 6- 203 7- 280 8- 273 9- 567 10-587 1 1 3 1 6 Apr. 3-234 2 4 1 2 327-6 -23-9 -187 Means 1 6 5 2 5 9’ 11 -1378 .. I Means 1 2 327-6 -23-9 Group 1350. A regular spot. Group 1353. Two small spots, a and b, which tend to move away from each other ; b disappears before April 8. Apr. 5-352 6- 203 7- 280 8- 273 0 18 13 4 16 47 52 22 0 - 12 7 H 32 3° 1 1 267- 1 268- 0 268-1 270-4 4-10-9 4- II -2 4-11*1 4- 8-8 -512 — 39’ 1 — 24-8 — 9'3 Apr. 3-234 4-507 5 ‘3 5 2 6- 203 7- 280 8- 273 9- 567 10- 587 11- 316 12- I34I5 14- 282 15- 2 95 9 16 22 29 18 36 23 9 27 No phi 8 10 58 108 147 182 200 229 197 1 95 140 d tograph 6l 5 20 17 17 l 9 10 *9 1 2 5 16 • ( I2 7 12 0 123 1 1 1 1 16 "9 1 1 3 120 IOI 105 81 79 76 78 13 268-5 268-4 268-1 268-1 267- 9 268- 0 268-1 268-3 268-3 268-0 267- 8 268- 1 267-6 -177 -177 — 181 — 18-0 -17-8 -17-5 -16-5 — 16-3 -16 -6 — 1 6-4 — 16-2 -16-5 — 16-6 -77-8 — 61-2 -50-2 -39"° — 25-0 -1 17 + 5M + I 9‘ I + 28-8 +42-4) + 55-9 + 67-6 + 8o‘6 Means 5 22 268-40 4-10-50 Group 1354. Three small spots measured together. Apr. 6-203 7-280 5 3° 9 6 36 7 243- 8 244- 3 4-10-3 4-io-o -63-3 -48-6 Means 13 95 268-09 -17-07 Means 4 22 244-05 + 10-15 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 227 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Gronp. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1355. Two small spots, a and b, which are measured together on April 6. Another small spot is seen near the group on April 7, and again another on April 8. On April 9 only a remains. Some other spots are seen close to and following a on April 10 and 11. Group 135 8 — continued. 1884. d Apr. 14-282 15- 295 16- 389 17- 280 18- 287 19- 486 20- 196 21*474 22 34 26 78 53 48 39 0 172 185 154 276 443 474 5H 105 12 18 T 4 43 34 39 42 0 93 95 80 1 54- 284 4°! 557 264 182-4 182-4 182- 6 183- 2 i 83*5 183-4 183*2 183-0 + 8*4 + 8*4 + 8-5 + 8-8 + 9*3 + io-i + 10-0 + 10-0 — 1 8 • 1 — 4*6 + io-o + 22-4 + 35*9 + 51*7 + 60*9 + 77*5 1884. d Apr. 6-203 | 7-280 1 8-273 9-567 10- 587 11- 316 12" I3'4I5 14-282 5 4 10 8 27 33 Nopho 4 2 26 24 43 45 H7 148 tograph. 68 1 7 8 4 6 4 H 1 7 (10 39 22 29 24 7 6 76 59 4i 12 235-5 235-5 238-9 242-9 242-3 2427 2427 242- 6 243- 2 — 1 8-1 -1 8-o — 181 -17-6 -17-8 -1 7-6 -177 -17-8 — 18-0 -71 '6 -57'4 — 40-8 — 19-8 — 6-9 + 3'2 + 17-0) + 3°7 .+42*7 Means i9 187 18276 + 8-87 Group 1359. Two small spots. Means 7 42 240-70 — 17-86 Apr. 11-316 0 3i 0 24 191-5 + 9*3 — 48-0 Group 1356. Two regular spots, a and b. Two or three small faint spots are seen near them on April 7, 8, 9. By April 11 each spot has broken up into several small spots. On April 13 the group is represented by a close pair of small spots which are measured together. These move apart on the following days. Means 0 24 ! 9 1*5 + 9*3 Group 1360. A regular spot. A small spot is seen near it on April 20. Apr. 7-280 8- 273 9- 567 10- 587 11- 316 12- I3’4I5 14- 282 15- 295 H 3i 1 1 3 21 No pho 0 125 130 58 49 62 tograph. 3 2 2 3 12 9 17 5 2 (6 0 0 0 76 7i 3° 26 35 3° 25 25 23 261-5 260- 7 261- 3 261-4 260- 9 261- 0 261- 2 262- 6 262-3 -19-9 “ l 9'9 — 20-0 — 20-2 -20-6 — 20-6 — 20-6 — 21-2 — 211 -3i-4 1 9*o 1-4 + I2'2 + 21-4 + 35-4) + 49‘3 + 62-1 + 75'3 Apr. 13*415 14- 282 15- 295 16- 389 17- 280 18- 287 19- 486 20- 196 2i*474 22-580 2 3*447 0 5 17 18 18 18 8 H 7 7 0 10 44 76 "5 137 119 105 140 68 28 3° 0 8 16 1 1 9 4 7 4 5 0 38 68 7i 79 81 63 53 7i 37 18 24 128-1 128-7 1287 128-9 128-5 1287 1291 I 29*1 I 3°*4 130-3 i30*5 - 9*4 - 9* 6 - 9*3 “ 9* 1 - 9' 1 - 9' 1 - 8-9 - 9*2 - 8-8 - 8*5 - 8-5 -83-8 -71-8 -58*3 -437 -32*3 — 1 8*9 — 2*6 + 6-8 + 24*9 + 39*4 + 5 1 * 1 Means 6 38 261-43 -20-46 Group 1357. A small regular spot. Means 7 55 129-18 - 9*°5 Apr. 8-273 9-567 10-587 4 O H 16 28 4 4 0 22 15 J 9 *208'2 207- 7 208- 0 - 9'6 - 9 1 - 9’3 -71-5 -55-o -41-2 Group 1361. Two small faint spots measured together. Apr. 14-282 0 8 0 7 144-4 - 7*5 -561 Means 3 '9 207-97 - 9-33 Means 0 7 *44*4 - 7*5 Group 1358. A regular spot, a. On April 17 several other spots, arfanged in two clusters, b and c, appear close to it ; a and c coalesce to form one large spot on April 20, and the whole group is measured as one spot on April 21. Group 1362. A small spot a. A second is seen near it on April 16. Apr. 9-567 10- 587 11- 316 12- 1 3*4 1 5 0 7 1 7 No plic 17 20 55 120 i tograph. 209 0 {' 3 10 69 73 1 1 5 120 124 182-1 1827 182-5 182-5 182-4 + 8-4 + 8-o + 8-2 + 8-5 + 87 — 8o-6 -66- 5 -57-0 -43'3) -29-5 Apr. 15-295 16*389 17-280 8 3 0 25 23 12 5 3 0 17 21 17 227-4 2281 229-3 + 3*9 + +*o + 3*3 + 4°*4 + 55*5 + 68-5 Means ... 3 18 228-27 + 3*73 '228 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots— ccM* inued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central VIeridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. I Mean .ongitude Mean Latitude Longitude from Central VIeridian. Civil Time. ^ Jmbra. Whole j Spot. Jmbra. Whole 1 Spot. rf Group. < ' }f Group. ^ Civil Time. Jmbra. Whole Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1363. Group 1367. A small spot. of some size, c, on April 18. By April 19 b has extended itself 111 a remarkable manner, and another spot, d, is seen. This disappears before April 24, b and c disappearing before April 26. 1884. d Apr. 18-287 7 I I 6 10 205-1 - 9‘3 + 57-5 1884. d Apr. i 5 ’295 16- 389 17- 280 18- 287 19.486 20- 196 21- 474 22- 580 2 3H47 24-438 • 25-307 26-501 23 49 75 82 77 94 76 40 13 l 9 16 0 1 9 1 421 443 554 871 824 644 429 207 133 1 1 5 12 34 43 52 48 40 48 39 23 , ? 6 20 O 279 373 3°4 321 452 418 332 243 135 1 12 141 40 1 16-3 116- 5 II7M 117- 3 117-0 I 116- 7 11 7 - 5 1 18- 9 119- 4 120- 9 12 1 - o 120-9 — 10-2 - 9‘ 6 - 9-8 - 9-7 - 9-6 - 9 -7 - 9‘5 - 9' 2 - 9'4 - 9-2 - 9’3 - 9-0 -70-7 Means 6 10 205-1 - 9’3 -56-1 -43M — 3°’3 Group 1368. A regular spot, a, followed on April 19 and 20 by two other spots. - 5- 6 + 12-0 + 28-0 4-40-0 + 54*6 + 66-2 + 81-9 Apr. 18-287 19486 20- 196 21- 474 22- 580 23447 24- 438 25- 307 0 12 0 0 0 0 4 28 127 84 78 52 H 3 0 1 1 0 0 0 O 14 37 55 • 44 27 7 2 65- 6 64-2 637 67-0 66- 9 67- 0 67-3 66-8 — 20-5 — 20-9 — 20-6 — 20-6 — 20-3 -20-3 — 20-4 — 20’4 — 82-0 -67-5 -58-6 -38-5 — 24-0 -12-4 4- 1 0 + 12-0 Means 31 263 118-32 - 9-52 1 1 Means ... . ... 1 39 66-o6 — 20-50 Group 1364. Two very small spots measured together. Group 1369. A regular spot, a, followed by a second and smaller spot on April 20. A number of ® 11 ___ 7 1. c ] „ Vitt A nril 17. These are measured all together. Apr. 15-295 0 ! 9 O 10 I74M — 22-8 — 12-6 small spots nave 1U1IHCU UC1A1XXV2. ^ — r— - — . or in two or three divisions, according to their arrangement, wnicj greatly from day to day. Only a remains on April 29. 1 changes Means O 10 !74'4 -22-8 Apr. 19486 0 36 40 41 33 79 101 103 62 No phc 62 6 0 47 144 206 33° 5 1 1 476 55 6 5i5 481 1 tograph 165 1 18 52 0 46 3 1 25 18 40 52 55 36 . (48 60 10 0 99 200 158 206 282 245 284 274 277 :«? 183 189 54- 6 52-9 56-0 55- 2 55- i 56- 0 56- 6 57- 2 57- 8 58- 3 58-8 58-6 58-0 -14-4 -.3-8 -13-6 — 14 1 -14-0 -14-1 -i 4 i -14-2 -14-0 -14-0 -14-1 — 140 -13-8 _ 77 -i -69-4 -49'5 -357 -24-3 -10-3 + i-8 + 18-2 + 28-3 + 41-6) + 589- + 7I-4 4-82-6 Group 1365. A small faint spot. 21- 474 22- 580 2 3447 24438 25- 307 26- 501 27- 217 28- Apr. 16-389 0 10 O 6 152-3 + 16-2 — 20-3 Means ... ° 6 152-3 j — f- 16*2 29458 30423 Group 1366. A small spot, a, followed by several yet smaller spots ; a increases in size on April 17 and 18, and shows considerable proper motion. The other spots have disappeared by April 21. May 1-314 Means 32 214 56-55 -14-02 Group 1370. spots on April 21. The-first two spots coalesce to form a large spot 22, and a new -spot appears on the same day. The group increases d has undergone yet further change by April 23. Apr. 16-389 17- 280 18- 287 19- 486 20- 196 21- 474 22- 580 9 15 25 24 8 0 0 40 52 ■ 144 171 144 5 1 21 5 8 13 1 3 4 0 0 26 29 74' 90 79 33 17 136-8 1387 140- 0 I39 1 I 4°'9 141- 8 141-9 + 9‘3 + 8-9 + 97 + 10-4 + 10-4 + io-6 + 10-4 -35-8 — 22-1 - 7-6 + 7-4 + 18-6 + 36-3 + 5 1-0 Three small s on April in size an Apr. 21474 22-580 2 3447 24438 8 83 75 18 482 451 148 5 69 103 37 64 398 566 289 I 43‘ I 143-8 146-3 i 4 r 9 - 87 _ 7-9 - 7‘5 - 93 + 37-6 4-52-9 + 66-9 4-75-6 Means 6 5° 139-89 + 9'9 ( Means 54 329 14378 - 8-35 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 229 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. 1 Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Civil Time. ^ Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Civil Time. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole 1 Spot. Group A magnificent group composed of a very la able distance by another regular spot, 1371. 1 ge regular spot, a, followed at a consider- with which it is connected by a stream Group 1374. A small spot, a, which has disappeared by May 5, when another small spot, b, appears. of smaller spots, which undergo great changes ; b has broken up Dcrore Aprn 29. Occasionally one or two small spots are seen in advance of a. The entire group, with the exception of a, has disappeared by May 2. 1884. d May 1-314 2-448 3'553 4-524 5445 6"4 r 7 0 0 0 6 0 0 14 27 37 5 6 48 17 O O 4 0 21 24 25 3 2 26 8 2645 264-2 264- 7 265- 0 260-9 260-8 — 12-2 -10-9 - 99 -io*6 - 9-8 - 1 0-0 -70-9 — 56-2 -4i-i -27-9 -199 - 7" 1 1884. d Apr. 21-474 22-580 2 3-447 24- 438 25- 307 26*501 27- 217 28- 29- 458 30- 423 May 1-314 2-448 3*553 54 138 "3 239 384 344 342 No pho 138 74 87 5o 0 228 680 H43 1864 1985 23 66 2162 tograph. 1570 1180 845 33 1 97 140 166 9+ 163 227 180 176 (128 79 48 70 65 0 578 815 1002 1276 1177 1239 1 106 989 872 760 665 434 353 26- 2 25-2 23-9 23-0 23-0 22-8 2 3 -I 23-2 23-3 25-5 25*6 27- 8 28- 4 — 9‘ 6 — 9'3 -10-4 — 10-7 — 109 — I 1-2 — no — 1 1*0 -10-9 -10-3 — 1 o* 1 -10-3 — 12*2 -79'3 -65*7 -55-5 -43-3 -31-8 — 16-2 - 6-4 + 8-5) + 23A + 38-3 4-50*2 + 67-8 4-82-6 Means 1 23 263-35 -io*57 Group 1375. Two small spots, a and 6. A third, c, appears on May 5. On May 7 the group consists of a cluster of very small spots followed by a single very small spot. Of this cluster only one spot remains on May 8. May 3-553 4-524 5445 6417 7- 175 8- 252 0 j o 0 18 i 4 1 128 64 49 12 0 0 0 9 0 58 32 83 36 26 6 244-8 243-5 243- 2 244- 3 245- 1 243-8 -12-7 -I3-3 -142 -14-2 -15-0 -158 — 6i*o -49*4 -37-6 -236 -12-8 + 0*1 Means 1 18 j 867 24-69 — 1061 Group 1372. Two small spots, a and 6 ; b has disappeared by April 27. Means 2 40 244-12 — 14-20 10 16 15 88 185 103 35 28 6 1 1 9 & 47 96 56 79-8 79’2 8o*o 79- 4 80- 9 81- 8 — 20"6 — 20*2 — 20*7 — 20-8 — 20-6 -20-5 — 0*2 + 13-7 4-24-6 + 4 I- 9 + 52-3 Group 1376. A number of small spots irregularly distributed over a considerable area. The preceding spot increases in size, and by May 9 has become a large regular spot, a. *7 3'-’/ 26-501 3 27*217 : 0 2 i 9 0 5 May 6417 7- 175 8- 252 9- 520 0 13 12 67 No pho 114 71 56 32 5 7i 73 120 619 tograph. 910 728 529 358 0 8 6 35 (52 68 53 51 52 1 1 48 42 64 319 43i 542 53i 5°3 561 267 228-9 230-8 233-1 233- 9 234- 3 234-6 235*2 2347 234M 228*1 | ++++++++++ -39'° -27-1 — io-6 + 7-o + 18-2) + 294 + 447 + 56*9 4-70-5 + 77-4 Means 5 41 8o-i8 -20-57 Group 1373. A number of spots closely following one another. The group undergoes striking and frequent changes, the different members increasing and diminishing, coalescing and breaking up from day to day. io- 1 1*162 12- 276 13- 231 14- 287 1 5*280 Apr. 26-501 27- 217 28- 29*458 3°'4 2 3 ■May 1-314 2-448 3553 4-524 5‘445 6- 417 7- 175 0 42 33 60 97 1 18 29 33 5° 27 44 269 > tograph. 709 1023 1184 850 696 543 670 435 325 0 40 , (30 !9 31 50 62 17 23 44 36 20 65 257 333 409 538 609 446 4H 373 584 55* 719 328-4 33 1 ’ 2 332-o 332-7 333A 334-1 334- 1 335'4 335- i 335-3 3357 335-3 -14-8 -15-2 -14*9 -14-5 -14-8 — 14-8 -14-8 • —1 6*o — 16*1 -15*9 -16-5 -i4-3 — 70 6 -58-3 -42-8) -27*2 -13-8 - i-3 + 137 4-29-6 442-2 454-5 467-8 4774 Means 34 33i 232*80 + 9-71 Group 1377. A small spot. May 6-417 7-175 8*252 9-520 10- 11- 162 5 6 '0 No phc 5 21 1 18 1 27 ) tograph 19 0 5 4 0 . (1 2 26 16 13 15 13 10 2037 203- 4 2037 204- 3 204-3 204-2 + 14-0 -j - I 2 "O + 117 + 13-3 + 130 + 12-8 — 64*2 -54-5 —40*0 -226 _ii-8) — 10 Means 3 1 442 333-56 -15-22 Means 2 16 203-93 + I2'80 230 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Greenwich Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 1378. 'wo small spots, a and b ; a disappears before May 8. Group 1382. A small regular spot, a, followed by a stream of very small faint spots, which disappear by May 12 ; a moves rapidly forward between May 11 and 12, and after May 12 it moves slowly backward. Another spot appears near it on May 14. 1884.4 May 7-175 8-252 7 4 47 12 4 3 28 9 290-6 290-4 - 4’2 - 4-2 0 + 327 + 467 1884. a May 11-162 12- 276 13- 231 14- 287 1 5- 280 2 6 6 4 6 66 1 9 45 47 68 1 4 5 4 9 36 12 34 48 1 12 220-8 225-3 224-6 223-4 222-4 + ”•5 + 11-0 + 10-3 + 10-2 + 9'4 + 15-6 + 34-8 + 46-8 + 59’5 + 717 Means 4 I 9 290-50 — 4-20 Group 1379. A small spot. Means 5 48 223-30 -|- I O^S May 7-175 8-252 0 3 33 18 0 2 43 14 191-8 1931 + 9" 1 + 8-6 -66-i ^50-6 Group 1383. Means 1 29 192-45 + 8-85 A smau spot, luuuweu vy ac J ^ 5 " J May 11-162 12- 276 13- 231 14- 287 15- 280 11 3 0 0 3i 78 39 64 34 8 0 2 0 0 22 48 22 33 18 1612 158-8 1 59-4 I58-3 157-6 + 12-3 412-1 + 12-4 4- I2'I + 12-4 -440 -3i-7 — 18-4 - 5-6 + 6-9 Group 1380. A number of small spots which undergo great changes from day to day. May 7-175 8- 252 9- 520 10- 11- 162 12- 276 I 3' 2 3 I 14- 287 1 5- 280 16- 281 10 10 No pho 34 24 18 7 5 96 1 1 8 124 tograph. 478 428 264 153 48 23 0 10 7 (16 25 18 12 10 4 4 190 121 88 176 263 221 137 84 3° 1 7 183- 1 1837 l83'5 184- 0 i8 4'4 184- 8 185- 1 185-4 185-3 185-8 + 9-0 -j- 8’2 + 8-8 + 7-9 + 7'° + 6-3 + 6-3 + 5-4 + 5-o 4- 6-2 ■^74-8 — 6o-o -43'4 -32-1) — 20-8 — 57 + 7‘3 + 21-5 + 34-6 +48-3 Means 2 29 159-06 + 12-26 Group 1384. A small spot. Mav 11-162 12-276 0 4 16 16 0 4 132-4 1322 + 6-4 + 6-6 -72-8 -58-3 Means z 23 132-30 + 6-50 Means 1 1 133 184-51 + 7"oi 1 Group 1385. A regular spot. Group 1381. A very large, regular spot, a. Small spots are seen near it on May 13, 14, 15, 16, and 19. May 11-162 12-276 13231 14- 287 15- 280 16- 281 8 8 1 1 o 0 12 40 45 36 16 H 2 9 ♦•7 7 0 0 4 1 5i 39 24 9 7 1237 123-6 123-6 123- 9 1 24-1 124- 3 - 8-5 - 84 - 8-5 - 87 - 8-8 - 8-6 — 8i"5 — 66-9 -54’2 — 40-0 -26-6 -13-2 May 9-520 10- 11- 162 12*276 I 3‘ 2 3 I 14- 287 15- 280 16- 281 17- 273 18- 147 i9' 2 93 20- 2I-303 17 No phc H4 156 218 226 221 259 166 178 139 No phi 29 204 1 tograph. 1006 1090 1176 1229 H53 1028 900 818 a tograph 176 27 ■ (72 1 17 98 122 1 16 1 1 1 135 1 16 121 • ( io 9 96 337 488 639 633 609 604 617 604 588 588 716 646 576 I54-4 154-0 153-6 I53-5 153-0 153-3 153-2 152-9 152-3 152-6 1 52-6 152-6 152-5 - 6-o - 6-9 - 7-8 - 8-o - 7-8 - 7-9 - 77 - 7’4 - 7- 7 - 7*7 •- 7-2 - 7' 6 - 8-o -72-5 — 62-0) -51-6 -37-o -24-8 — io-6 + 2-5 + I5-4 + 28-0 + 39' 8 + 54‘9 + 68-2) + 81-4 Means 4 29 123-87 - 8-58 Group 1386. A small spot. May 12-276 0 9 0 1 1 254-8 + 1 o-o + 6 4"3 Means ... 103 588 153-12 - 7-52 Means 0 1 1 254-8 + 10-0 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885 . 231 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for ' Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1387. I Two small spots close together on May 12. The group diminishes in size until about May 14, and then increases. It undergoes continual change in the number, size, and arrangement of the spots composing it. It is measured as a whole until May 16. Group 1390. A small spot. 1884. d May 16-281 17-273 0 10 1 1 4 o 35 *4 55-8 57-* . - 3‘9 - 37 -817 — 67-2 I 884. A May 12-276 13- 231 14- 287 15- 280 16- 281 17- 273 18- 147 0 0 0 *4 0 0 *9 9 13 36 72 68 18 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 IO 5 7 20 47 57 18 *737 *73‘3 172-9 *737 177-4 176-4 *74-5 + 6-6 + 7"4 + 5'9. + 6-o + 6-9 4- 6-o + 6-5 — 1 6-8 — 4-5 + 9"° + 23-0 + 39‘9 + 52-1 + 617 Mi ans 2 i 1 25 56'45 - 3'8 o Group 1391. Two small spots, a and 6. They move rapidly apart, and 6 disappears before May 19. Means ... j ... 1 23 174-56 + 6-47 A regular spot. a. Some very Group 1388. small spots are seen near it on May 17, 18, May 17-273 18-147 19293 0 7 3* 42 7 0 - 5 20 33 9 .58-2 159-6 162-0 + *37 + *3-3 + 127 + 33'9 + 46*8 + 64-3 21, 22, and 24. Means 2 21 I59-93 + 13-23 May 15-280 16281 17- 273 18- 147 19293 21- 303 22- 314 23- 318 2+573 2 5 ' 1 44 26- 231 27- 123 7 24 33 4i 5° Nopho 70 51 40 34 9 3 56 136 248 301 335 tograph. 382 367 264 260 •S3 I 1 1 4 1 17 27 27 27 27 (30 34 37 32 3° 30 14 12 127 155 197 194 183 187 1 9 1 *95 168 198 ,64 168 146 73‘5 73-6 73- 6 73*6 74- 4 74*7 75- 0 757 75- 4 ' 76-2 76- 6 76-5 76-0 — 2*2 — 2-0 - *7 - 17 - *7 - 2 * i 2-4 - 2-4 - 27 - 3-* - 3‘* - 3'o - 3‘o -77-2 -63-9 -507 — 39' 2 -23-3 - 97) + 3'9 + 1 8-o + 3*-° + 48*4 + 56-3 + 707 + 82-0 Group 1392. A spot of irregular outline. It has broken up into a number of small spots by May 21. May 17*273 *8-147 19-293 21303 0 7 7 No pho 2 49 54 1 16 tograph. 70 0 7 6 ( 4 94 60 85 62 38 49‘4 49'7 5°"7 51-0 51-2 - 4*3 - 3'3 - 4‘* - +3 - 4'4 -7+9 -63-1 -47-0 -33*5) -199 Means 26 *75 74-98 - 2-39 Means 4 68 50-40 — 4-08 Group 1389. Two regular spots in contact with each other and measured together ; the smaller spot diminishes in size and breaks up before May 24, disappearing before May 26. Several small spots are seen near the large spots on May 19-25. A regular spot. Group 1393. It shows a large proper motion in longitude be tween May 29 and 30. May 16-281 17- 273 18- 147 19- 293 20- 21-303 1 22-3I4 23- 318 24 - 573 25M44 26- 23I 27 - I 23 28- 294 *9 28 46 73 No pho 96 132 88 40 54 24 H 4 1 34 251 34° 5°4 tograph. 554 849 522 322 336 181 125 33 39 3 i 38 47 (49 5 i 69 5 i 25 37 21 *9 1 9 276 279 276 320 3°4 287 439 302 *97 229 163 167 156 61-4 615 6 1 -6 617 61- 4 61 -i 62- 0 6 1 • 1 60- 5 61- 7 61- 2 617 62- 6 -*4"4 -147 -*47 -15-2 -14-9 — 14-6 -Hi -13-9 -13-3 -13-2 -*3'3 -*3 - 3 — n-6 -76-1 — 62-8 -5*2 — 36-0 -23-0) — 10-0 + 4-3 + 16-7 + 327 + 4*"4 + 55-4 + 677 + 84-0 May 18-147 *9-293 20- 21- 303 22- 3I4 23- 3I8 24- 573 25- I44 26- 231 27- I23 28- 294 29- 155 30- 564 *4 47 Nopho IOO 98 90 *3* 98 84 58 40 0 57 235 tograph. 4°9 4 8 3 489 437 480 477 4°9 32S 219 99 65 65 (62 59 58 55 46 66 54 5* 46 43 0 275 328 305 281 279 2 77 223 244 263 252 258 236 220 28-6 287 287 28-6 28-8 28-4 28-6 291 28- 9 29- 0 29-4 29-3 24-8 - 9 9 - 9'9 - 99 - 9'9 - 9-6 - 9'4 - 9‘3 - 9*5 9‘4 - 9-5 - 8-2 - 8-o - 87 — 84-2 — 69-0 — 55*8) -42-5 — 28-9 — i6 - o + o-8 + 8*8 + 23-1 + 35"° + 50-8 + 62-1 + 76-3 Means 38 261 61-50 -*3-94 .4 Means 52 265 28*53 - 9'3 2 232 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1394. A regular spot, a. A few small faint spots are occasionally seen near it. j 1884. d 0 0 0 May 22-314 6 47 18 149 337-8 + 17-8 -79-9 23-318 18 125 27 190 336-9 + 17-8 -67-5 2 4‘573 17 164 14 137 336-9 + 1 8'i -49-9 2 5'H4 4 1 232 30 169 337-o -4 1 8-1 -43‘3 26231 43 287 26 176 336-5 + i 8-3 -29-3 27-123 52 261 29 145 336-8 + 18-5 -17-2 - 28-294 46 280 25 147 336-6 + 18-0 — 2 "o 29-155 52 273 28 l 47 3 37 ’ 1 + 18-0 + 9'9 30-564 33 21 1 20 126 337-6 + 177 + 29-1 31-iSS 33 207 1 22 136 337-5 + 18-4 + 36-8 June 1 -2 1 8 21 124 18 103 337-o + 18-6 + 50-4 Means 23 148 337-o6 ! + 18-12 Group 1395. A regular spot. Two small spots are seen near it 0 n May 28. May 22-314 7 46 3° 202 3 34' 1 -15-4 -83-6 23-318 17 93 29 157 333"3 -I5-3 -71-1 2 4-573 i7 204 15 176 334-5 — 1 5 1 -53-3 2 5" I 44 38 244 28 180 3 34' 3 -i5-5 — 46-0 26-231 5i 293 3i 1 77 334-3 -157 -31-5 27-123 54 344 30 189 334-5 -157 1 9*5 28-294 43 35 2 22 182 335‘4 -15-8 - 3-2 29-155 59 326 3i 171 335'2 -15-6 + 8-o 30-564 42 230 24 132 334-2 -15-1 + 25-7 3i-i55 16 197 10 122 335-2 -147 + 34‘5 June i - 2 1 8 22 148 17 113 334-6 -H‘3 + 48-0 2- No plio tograph. (H 88 334‘4 -15-0 + 60-9) 3-184 6 34 10 62 334-2 -15-6 + 737 Means 22 150 334-48 -15-29 Group 1396.. A large and : irregular group composed of a great number of small spots, which change in number, area, and arrangement from day to day. The umbra of the last snot of the group in completely hidden by the wire on May 26, and its area is me jrely estimated. May 23-318 2 115 4 249 328-9 — 12-2 -75‘5 2 4-573 0 314 0 3°3 329-8 -i i-9 — 58-0 Z 5' I 44 3 1 317 25 255 329-5 — I 2"I — 50-8 26-231 34 377 21 238 3297 — 1 1-6 -36-1 27-123 69 440 38 244 330-5 -11-3 -23-5 28-294 68 478 35 245 330-8 — 1 16 - 7-8 29 1 55 105 635 53 325 3307 — 1 ro + 3'5 3°'5 6 4 153 594 83 326 3302 -107 + 21-7 3 1 ‘ 1 5 5 73 836 43 49 1 33o-9 — io-6 4-30-2 Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 1396 — continued. 1884. d June 1 -2 1 8 2- 3- 184 52 No pho 600 tograph. 96 35 (18 0 420 283 146 330-5 33°-7 330-8 — 10-2 — I0-9 — i i-6 + 43-9 - + 57-i) +7 0 " ; 3 Means 3° 294 330-25 — 1 1-31 Group 1397. A regular spot which decreases in size after May 25. May 23-318 24573 25- 144 26- 231 27- 123 28- 294 0 0 12 8 10 0 13 23 38 37 22 1 1 I 0 i 0 1 1 6 6 0 43 27 36 27 14 6 324- 2 325- 1 325-0 325-1 325-2 325-9 -24-4 — 24-0 -247 — 24-6 -247 -24-9 — 8 o-2 — 62-7 -55-3 -407 -28-8 -127 Means 4 26 325-08 -24-55 Group 1398. A regular spot which decreases in size after May 25. It divides into two portions on May 28. May 24-573 25- 144 26- 231 27- 123 28- 294 0 13 23 1 2 10 79 142 i47 106 77 0 17 »9 1 136 179 127 75 46 ! 315-6 ; 315-5 314-7 3 1 4-3 3*47 -23-7 — 24-6 -24-4 -24-5 -25-0 -722 -64-8 —51*1 -397 -23-9 Means 10 113 314-96 -24-44 May 25-144 Group 1399. Three small spots, measured together. 16 2 II 62-7 2 II 62-7 + 42-4 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 233 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. . Greenwich . Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Tima. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot, of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1400. A small spot on May 25. It increases in size, and other spots appear, until on May 28 and the succeeding days the group consists of two large regular spots, a and 6, with some smaller spots between them ; & has disappeared by June 3. A regular spot, On June 1 Group 1404. a. Several very small spots are seen near it 1 1 these aie measured with the principal spot. an June 3, 4, and 11. 1884.3 May 30-564 3'-'59 June 1218 3- 184 4- 321 5 6- 185 7- 167 8 9 ' 10 "’434 0 16 '9 (25 3 ° 23 ( 3 ° 37 35 (26 (,8 ( 9 * 55 * 7.7 1 66 '73 180 165 173 180 206 170 '34 98 62 -72-8 -68-3 -54-0 — 4 '**) — 281 — 12-8 — ° 7 T + **•4 + 24-6 + 38 -i) + 51-6) + 65-1) + 78-6 1884* a May 25-144 26-231 27123 28- 294 29- 155 3 °'S ^4 3**59 June 1-2 1 8 3-184 0 8 63 150 142 76 4 1 32 No pho 4 7 44 204 826 868 43 * 33 i 177 tograph. 26 0 5 36 79 74 43 25 23 (i 5 7 6 3 ° "9 437 455 241 200 130 89 47 33 OM 326-6 326-5 325-4 328-1 328-0 330-3 33**3 332-6 333‘9 + * 4’9 + H 7 + I 5-4 + 147 + 15-3 + 16-1 + 16-3 + 16-3 + 15-2 + 14-0 — 50-2 - 39'2 -27-5 -13-2 + 0-9 + I 9-5 + 29-6 + 447 + 59 **) + 73-4 - 0 1 1 21 No pho 5 ' 43 No pho 69 6l No pho No pho No pho 102 127 188 tograph. 306 308 tograph. 338 360 tograph. tograph. tograph. 23 2357 232-4 232-6 232-5 232-4 232-7 232-5 232-3 232 + 231-8 231-2 230-6 230-0 -I + 3 -17-2 -I 7-3 -167 — 1 6- 1 -15-9 — *5 9 -15-9 . -15 + -' 5'5 -I 5-3 -15-2 -15-0 Means : 31 i 75 329-28 + *5-29 Means 2 1 '57 232-24 -15-84 Group 1401. A very small spot. May 29-155 0 7 ° 1 5 2897 -167 - 37-5 Group 1405. Means O 5 289-7 1 -16-7 A regular spot, a. It divides into two parts on June 3, but these are still measured together. A very small spot is seen near a on . June 3. May 31-159 5 22 '5 64 220-9 — *77 -79-8 Group 1402. June i"2i8 9 58 1 1 68 222-8 — 177 — 63-8 Two very small spots measured together. 2 No pho tograph. ('7 9 ' 2227 — 16-8 -50-9) 3** 84 34 173 22 "4 222‘5 -15-8 — 38-0 May 29-155 0 1 1 0 H 259-4 - 7*8 — 67-8 4 " 32 i 24 170 '3 96 223-O -15-8 -22-5 5 tograph. (17 93 223-2 — 1 6-o — io-o) Means o 14 259-4 - 7'8 6-185 38 *73 20 90 223-3 — 1 6- 1 + 2-4 7-167 28 132 '5 7 ' 223-6 -15-8 + 15-8 8 No pho tograph. (** 61 223-6 -'57 +29-9) 9 No pho tograph. ( 8 52 2237 -157 + 44 ’°) 10 No pho tograph. ( 4 43 223-7 -*57 + 58-2) Group 1403. 1 '"434 0 '9 0 33 2237 -15-6 + 72-3 A regular spot, a, followed by some smaller spots. The latter have disappeared by Means '3 73 223-06 — 16*20 May 30-564 0 167 0 249 2 . 39-3 + 9'4 -69-2 3 I-I 59 21 222 23 253 236-9 1 4- r 2 — 63-8 June i‘2 1 8 40 324 3 i 251 237-2 + 7-4 - 49-4 Group 1406. 2 No pho tograph. (36 224 237-7 + 7-9 - 35 - 9 ) 3-184 75 361 40 '97 238-2 j + 8-3 1 — 2 2 ' 3 Several small faint spots. The greater number have disappeared by June 4. 4-321 23 393 1 2 201 238-7 + 8-3 1 — 6*8 5 No pho tograph. (27 205 238-7 j + 8-2 + 5-5) 6-185 77 39 ° 4 i 208 238-6 + 8-o + '77 June 3-184 O 40 0 32 211-8 — 19-0 -487 7-167 70 306 4 i *79 238-4 + 7-9 + 30-6 4 - 32 I O 1 1 0 7 209*2 — 20-7 -363 Means 28 2.9 238-19 + 8-07 Means 0 20 210-50 -19-85 Photo-Heliographic Results, 1882-1885. 2 G 234 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas -and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — cont inued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean .ongitude of Group. Mean Latitude af Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Civil Time. ] Umbra, j Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Civil Time, Jmbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Group 1407. Group 1410 — continued. A great number of small spots. The spots greatly diminish in size, and beeome much more scattered between June 4 and 6. 1884., June 1 8 19 20-589 No pho t No pho t 0 ograph. ograph. 79 (5 (3 0 68 65 6, | 805 80-5 8o-6 - 2-6 - 2-8 - 3"° + 23-6) + 37-o) + 5°"3 1884. a June 3 * 1 84 4‘3 21 5 6*185 7-167 . *9 2 4 No phot 22 7 365 322 ograph. 214 79 21 l8 (l. 6 13 3 420 247 1 84 40 196- 6 1 97 - 0 1 9 6 ’5 196-0 1977 + 9-4 + 93 + 9"4 1 9"4 + 9-i -63-9 -48-5 -367) -24-9 — io-i Means 8 75 80-04 | - 2-34 Group 141 1. A regular spot. M eans 14 202 196-76 + 9-32 Group 1408. Two small spots, a and i. Only a remains on J une 7. June 1 1 -434 12- 457 13- 123 14591 15H35 16-566 0 1 1 21 21 29 15 42 106 1 26 149 170 149 0 1 1 19 13 16 8 86 ii5 1 12 90 76 75 *6 75- 3 76- 1 75- 9 76- 2 76-8 + 6-3 + 6-3 + 6-5 ; + 6-4 + 6-5 + 6-6 -75-8 — 62-5 -53-o -337 — 22-3 — 67 June 6-185 7-167 8 O 35 9 5 0 21 7 251-8 2 5 3‘7 + 18-3 + 187 + 30-9 + 45-9 Means 1 1 95 75-98 + 6-43 Means 3 H 25275 +18-50 Group 1412. A small spot. A second spot is seen near it on June 13. Group 1409. June 12-457 13-123 0 5 20 16 0 3 '3 9 97'4 99 "2 + 4"9 + 5’4 -4° "4 -29-9 A large regular spot, a, June n. ioUQwea oy a sman spot;, o me lant ‘A nas uisap [leaieu uy Means 2 1 1 98-30 + 5-i5 June 6-185 7-167 8 9 10 n-434 12-457 I 3' I2 3 H‘59 1 15- 43S 16- 566 2 5 3 2 No pho No pho No pho 56 69 49 48 43 \ii 2 138 249 tograph. tograph. tograph. 39 6 356 33 2 265 198 77 ; 33 28 (28 (28 (28 28 36 27 33 3 6 3 184 223 217 212 207 201 184 182 183 169 108 153-1 152-1 1 52-2 152-2 152-2 152-3 151- 9 152- 5 152-1 152-1 152-3 - 7-4 - 7-3 - 7-1 - 6 "9 - 67 - 6> 5 - 6'2 - 6-4 :n — 6-o —67-8 -55-7 -41-6) -27-4) -I3-3) + 0-9 + 14-1 + 23-4 +42-5 + 53-6 + 68-8 Group Two smi 1413- all spots. June 14- 591 0 29 0 14 107-9 + 7-5 Means 0 14 107-9 + 7-5 Group 1414. A regular spot. Means ... I ... ... 28 188 152-27 - 6-6o O 0 21 No pin No phi No phi 53 43 40 32 17 5 9 55 149 ■j tograph a tograph 0 tograph 256 235 225 193 117 88 0 18 . (20 . (22 . (25 27 22 21 13 7 23 76 126 127 128 130 131 123 124 128 102 119 3°'7 30-6 307 30- 9 31- 1 3i-3 3i-5 31- 9 32- 9 32-3 31-8 3i-5 Group 1410. A regular spot. June 14-591 I5A35 16-566 17 18 >9 - «-o - 7*9 - 7-9 - T 9 - 7'9 - 7-8 - 7-8 - 8-6 - 7-8 - 8-6 - 8-5 - 9'4 -78-9 -67-9 -52-8 -39*3) -25-8) -12-3) + 1-2 + 13-4 + 22-5 + 397 + 54-0 + 67-6 June n'434 12-457 1 3‘ 1 2 3 14-591 I5A35 16-566 i7 1 1 18 18 ; 3 2 > 21 No pi 4 2 85 109 148 170 149 10 tograpl 3 10 13 1 1 17 u li. ( 8 68 81 83 87 90 75 72 79-5 79-3 79-8 79-7 79- 8 80- 3 80-4 I — 2‘I — i-9 ] — 2-1 — 22 — 2-1 — 2‘2 ~ 2’4 1 -71-9 -58-5 -49-3 -29-9 -187 - 3-2 + 10-2; 20- 589 21- 475 22- 090 23- 433 24- 549 25- 598 1 Means 16 III 31-43 - 8- 1 8 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 235 236 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude if Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Civil Time. , Umbra. I Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Civil Time. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. A small spot on followed by June 30. a stream Group On July 3 the g of small spots. 422. roup con sists of a la rge regular spot, a, Group 1426. A regular spot. A small spot is seen near it on July 5, and it has broken up by July 8 into a number of small spots. 1 884.. a June 30-486 July 1 2 3- 335 4- 243 5- 366 O No pho No pho 5 Z 67 15 59 ograph. ograph. 377 343 160 O (13 ( 2 5 38 69 3 1 3° 113 195 278 35 2 347 264- 2 265- 8 267- 3 268- 9 2 7°"4 271-8 + IO’O + 9‘9 + 97 + 9' 6 + 1 o-o 4-io-4 + 5 - o 4-I9-I) + 33'3) + 47‘4 + 60-9 + 77-1 1884. a July 3-335 4' 2 4 3 5-366 6 7 8- 348 9- 168 0 12 13 No pho No pho l 9 8 3 2 1 1 1 148 cograph. tograph. 124 44 0 16 1 I (II (l° IO 4 89 151 122 103 83 64 1 1412 '4°*9 141-5 141-4 141-4 141-3 141-2 + 8-3 + 8-i + 7'9 + 7'9 + 7-8 + 7-8 + 8-3 — 80-3 — 68-6 -53'2 - 4 °-i) -27-0) -I3-9 - 3-i Means ... 2 9 219 268-07 + 9-93 Means 9 91 I4I* 2 7 + 8-oi Group 1423. A small spot. Group 1427. 1 1 1 f ennto On June 30-486 O ^7 0 ■ ■ , i5 236-0 + 17-5 -23-2 A large spot of irregular outline, a, pi July 19 only one large regular spot is receded uy a stream 1 seen. Means O 15 2360 + 1 7"5 July 8-348 9-168 10- 205 11- 164 12- 280 13 14 !5 16 17 18 19-409 45 35 28 70 No pho No pho No pho No phc No phc No phc 12 97 266 366 2 43 345 tograph. tograph. tograph. tograph. i tograph. > tograph. 89 18 45 26 17 36 (38 (41 (44 (46 (49 (5 2 54 '49 267 267 146 183 213 242 272 301 33' 360 390 83-6 83-9 83-9 85-3 85- 1 86- 2 87- 4 88- 6 897 9°'9 920 93- 2 + 11-0 + ii-o + io*9 + 11-4 + H-3 + H-4 + 11-5 + 1 1-6 + 117 + H-8 + n*9 + 12-0 -7i -6 -60-4 -467 -32-6 — 1 8-o - 3’4) + 11-2) +25-9) +40-5) + 55-I) + 69-8) + 84-4 Group 1424. A regular spot, a , followed Jjy a stream of small spots, a has broken up into a number of small spots by July 8. July 3*335 4' 2 43 5-366 6 7 8- 348 9- 168 3 2 62 5° No phc No phc 18 9 286 303 288 1 tograpli. 1 tograph. IOI 67 24 38 2 7 (21 (16 10 5 207 184 153 120 88 55 39 1757 1761 176-4 176-6 176- 8 177- 0 I75-5 - 4"9 - 5 - i - 5-° - 5-° - 4'9 - 4'9 - 5 -2 -45-8 -33‘4 -18-3 - 4’9) 4- 8-4) + 2 1 "8 + 3 1" 2 Means - 1 59 260 87-48 + 11-46 Group 1428. A very small spot. Means 20 121 176-30 — 5-00 Group 1425.. A regular spot. July 9-168 0 3 0 ! 3 I97-4 + 15*9 + 53-i July 3-335 4' 2 43 5*366 6 7 8- 348 9- 168 10- 205 11- 164 12280 5 22 16 No ph No ph 34 39 43 100 144 0 tograpli 0 tograpli H7 158 7 22 12 1. (14 U (15 17 20 I I 13 >3 65 98 100 92 83 75 81 7i 70 86 * 5 *3 151-2 151-4 1514 151-5 151-5 151-5 151-5 151-2 1504 - 74 - 7'5 - 7‘4 - 7'4 - 7*4 - 7‘4 - 7'2 - 7-i - 7-0 - 67 -70-2 -58-3 -43'3 -30-O 1 6 9) 1 - 37 4- 7" 2 + 20-9 4-33-3 + 47-3 Means 0 3 I97-4 + IS-9 Group 1429. Two small spots measured together. 21 1 1 4 18 1 14 July 9-168 I I 7 | 22 5 i '17 I93-3 + 6-i + 49 -° "| 193-3 + 6-i Means 14 82 I 5 I " 2 9 - 7' 2 5 Means 1 - 5 i7 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 287 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude fiom Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian, Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 1430. A single spot. Group 1436. A regular spot. 1884. d July 1 1 '164 1 2*280 0 IS 18 66 0 16 36 68 43' 2 42-8 - 8-1 - 8-2 -747 — 60-3 1884. a July 19-409 20-414 22 23 24-407 25*466 26- 455 27- 244 20 31 No pho No plio No pho 33 30 28 15 172 189 tograph. tograph. tograph. 200 144 136 I O I' 1 6 '9 (19 ( 1 9 (,8 18 18 i5 131 117 115 113 109 89 103 99 320- 5 321- 1 321*4 3217 322- 0 322-3 322- 1 323*1 323- 1 - 6-6 - 67 - 6-7 - 6-7 - 6-6 - 6-6 - 7-5 - 6-7 - 6-9 -48'3 -34*4 -20-9) - 7*4) + 6-i) 4-19-6 + 33-5 +47-5 4-58-0. Means 8 52 43-00 - 8-15 Group 1431. Two small spots. Means 18 110 ! 321-92 j - 678 July 12-280 3 16 3 20 170-2 + 97 + 67-1 1 Group 1437. A regular spot on July 19 and 20. It has broken up by July 24, and forms two faint spots close together. On July 26 the group consists of three very small spots. Means ... 3 20 170-2 + 9'7 Group 1432. Fine small spots, three being close together are measured as one. July 19409 20-414 21 22 23 24- 407 25- 466 26- 455 5 9 No pho No pho No pho 0 25 63 tograph. tograph. tograph. 6l 7.4 26 10 (7 ( 5 ( 3 0 56 j § i 51 4 1 32 39 j !5 2927 293- 9 294- 7 295- 5 296- 3 297*1 297- 2 296-8 - 9-2 - 9*2 - 9-0 - 87 - 8-4 - 8-i - 8-6 - 9-0 — 76*1 — 6i*6 -47-6) -33-6) -19*6) — 5-6 4- 8-6 + 21-2 July 12-280 3i 90 22 63 HS'3 — io - 6 + 42-2 Means 22 63 I45-3 &J. io*6 Group 1433. A small spot. Means 4 45 295-53 - 878 | ... Group 1438. Three very small spots, of which the two following are measured as one. The group has greatly increased in size by July 24, and consists of two spots, ct and b, of considerable size and irregular outline. The preceding spot, a, becomes more regular in shape, and moves forward in longitude on the succeeding days. Several small spots appear between a and 6. July 12-280 0 4 0 6 327 •:-i°'3 -70-4 Means 0 6 327 — 10-3 Group 1434. A very small spot on July 1 9. Two small spots on July 2c. July 20-414 21 22 23 0 No pho No pho No pho 78 95 78 62 18 tograph. tograph. tograph. 441 4 66 596 556 0 (10 (20 (3° 40 53 51 47 13 67 1 2 1 i75 229 259 384 429 3io-4 310- 9 3”-3 311- 8 312- 2 312- 3 313- 4 3I3-6 - 3-5 - 3‘6 - 3-6 - 37 - 3-8 - 4'3 - 37 - 3-8 -45-i -3i*5) -17-8) : - 4-2) + 9-5 +23-7 , +37-8 + 48-5 July 19-409 20*414 I O 3 7 1 0 4 1 7 74-2 74-5 + 67 + 7'4 + 65-4 + 79-0 24G07 25- 466 26- 455 Means 1 1 1 74-35 + 7‘°5 27-244 Means 1 31 210 3ii-99 - 3’75 1 - Group 1435. A very small spot. Group 1439. A regular spot. July 19-409 1 7 1 5 47-3 + 9' 8 + 38-5 July 20-414 4 *9 H 67 272-8 4-10*0 — 82-7 Means 1 5 47-3 + 9- 8 Means ... ... H 67 272-8 4-io*o 1 - 238 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Several small two spots Group 1440. pots arranged in three close clusters on July 26. On July 27 only emain, and only one on July 31. Group 1444 Several small spots on July 31. The group increases in size, and on August 1 consists of two large spots, a and b, with some small spots between them. 1884. a July 26-455 27-244 28 29 30 31-357 16 12 No phjjj No pho No pho 0 78 3 ° tr graph, tograph. :ograph. 18 IO- 8 ( 6 ( 4 ( 2 5 ° 17 i 5 13 1 1 1 2 24 1 "3 240-2 242-1 244- 0 245 - 9 247-8 -I 3-4 - 13-7 -12-8 - 11-9 -io- 9 — lO'O - 34'3 -24-9 - 9 ‘ 4 ) + 6-0) + 21-5) + 37-0 1884.4 July 31-357 Aug. 1433 2-432 3’577 4- 260 5 - 485 36 1 1 1 169 169 74 4 289 862 1183 749 6 t 8 76 20 67 114 150 92 8 >55 506 812 671 773 .58 222- 6 222-6 223- 5 2217 223-5 216-4 -II-6 — 1 1 " 1 — 109 — 1 i-o — I 1-2 — I I * I + II-8 + 26-1 + 4 ° -1 + 53'5 + 64-4 + 73'4 Means 5 20 243-55 — 1212 Means 75 5>3 221-72 — 1 1 " 1 5 Group 1441. Three very small spots on July 26. Other spots appear on July 27, and the group increases in size, consisting on July 31 of two large spots, a and 6, and a few small spots between them. The small spots have disappeared by August r, and b has broken up into two spots by August 3. Only a remains on August 5. Group 1445. A few small spots irregularly distributed on July 31. The group changes rapidly, increasing in size from day to day. On August 4 the group consists of two large spots with a few small spots between them. July 3 1 ' 3 5 7 Aug. 1433 2432 3 - 577 4- 260 5- 485 23 38 63 48 14 49 3°3 467 369 629 264 5 12 23 49 47 28 25 1-67 289 291 612 545 215-7 217- 0 21 8- i 217-6 217- 2 218- 3 - 5 ‘o - 4-9 - 4-7 - 5'3 - 6-3 - 6-4 + 4"9 + 20-5 + 347 + 49 - 4 + 58-1 ■ +757 July 26-455 27-244 28 29 30 3 I -357 Aug. 1-433 2-432 3'577 4- 260 5- 485 3 No pho No pho No pho 99 103 84 57 44 4 20 29 tograph. tograph. tograph.' 877 693 389 285 240 62 . 3 (13 ( 2 5 (37 1 49 55 ■ 1 5 i 4 2 4 1 8 20 2 3 127 232 337 44 1 367 231 214 228 215-2 212*2 2I2'5 212-8 213-0 2 I 3-3 213-8 215-8 2 I 6'2 217-4 2 18-4 + 47 + 3-5 + 3-6 + 37 + 3-8 + 3'9 + 3-8 + 3 -i + 3-5 + 27 + 2'6 — 60-4 -52-9 - 39-0 -25-2) -H- 3 ) + 2-5 + I 7-3 -i-324 + 48" 0 + 58-3 + 75‘4 Means 27 322 217*32 - 5 G 3 Group 1446. Three spots, a, b, and c, in a straight line. 6 has disappeared by August z, and c by August 7. A small spot is seen close to a on August 4. The photograph on August s is badly defined. Means | ... 30 213 214-60 + 3-54 Group 1442. Two small spots measured together. Aug. 1433 2432 3 - 577 4- 260 5 - 485 6- 525 7 G 59 8-452 9 G 36 10-550 49 59 74 78 4 i 39 2 1 23 15 0 354 214 43 ° 433 353 342 205 162 100 46 34 34 38 39 2 1 23 14 20 >9 0 241 122 222 218 183 196 >37 138 127 >43 >53-9 >54-3 156-2 1567 156- 5 >577 1587 158-5 158-2 157- 6 + 10-4 + 10-3 + 77 + 8-8 + 9 " 1 + 8-5 + 7-5 + 7'4 + r 0 + 7-3 —42-6 — 29-1 — 12-0 - 2-4 + > 3-5 + 28-6 + 4>"8 + 54"8 + 67-5 + 8i-6 July 27-244 6 26 5 2 3 2I3-0 - 87 -52-1 Means 5 23 2I3-0 - 8-7 Group 1443. Two small spots close together. Means 24 173 15683 + 8-40 Group 1447. Four small spots measured in two clusters. July 31-357 Aug. 1433 8 0 36 25 7 31 33 261-9 26l-2 -I 5-5 -15-2 + 5 1 "! +647 Aug. 2-432 2 102 1 58 208-5 + 17-4 + 25-1 Means 4 32 261-55 — 15-35 Means 1 58 208-5 +17-4 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885 . 239 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Projected Area for Longitude from Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Area of Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Central Meridian. Group 1448. A somewhat faint spot, a. A small spot, b, appears near it on August 6. a has disappeared by August 7, and a third spot, c, appears. Two small spots arc also seen in the neighbourhood on August 10, and two on August 11, but they cannot be certainly identified in either case with spots seen previously. 1884. d -Aug. 3’ 577 o 8 0 1 5 94-2 + 12-2 -74-0 4-260 ° ! 35 ! 0 42 92-8 + 12-6 -66-3 5'485 4 6 5 3 5 1 92-8 + 12 '4 -50-2 6-525 49 1 3 1 91-9 + 12-9 -37-2 7-459 0. 18 | 0 10 91-8 + 13-0 -25-1 8-452 0 2 1 0 1 1 9 z 'i + 13-7 . I 1-6 9A36 0 33 0 16 92-1 + 12-9 4 i"4 10-550 5 19 3 1 0 92-0 + 13-6 + i6-o 11-503 i 0 4 0 3 90-9 414-7 427-5 Means 1 2 1 | 9 2 " 2 9 413-11 Group 1449. Two small spots. Aug. 6-525 7 48 6 39 178-7 - 8-4 449-6 Means 6 39 1787 - 8-4 Group 1450. Two spots. Only one remains on August 7. Aug. 6-525 7*459 4 58 ' 15 4 0 55 10 696 72-2 412*2 4117' -59-5 -447 Means 2 33 70-90 411-95 Group 1451. One spot on August 6 and 7. A second spot appears on August 8, and others 011 August 9. The areas of the spots diminish from day to day, and on August 10 the group is composed of a number of small faint spots irregularly distributed over a considerable area. Aug. 6-525 3 54 6 98 561 - 63 -73-0 7-459 7 76 8 82 557 — 6-5 , — 61-2 8 *4 5 2 26 182 19 146 54-0 - 7-2 -497 9436 6 231 3 150 53-8 - 7 "i -36-9 10-550 10 69 6 38 554 — 7-4 —20-6 11-503 3 54 2 28 54-8 VO 1 vb 1 IS 7 90 54*97 - 6-82 ... Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. M. an Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 1452. A small spot on August 7. The i group increases in size on the succeeding days, and consists of a great number of small spots irregularly distributed over a ! large area. The group undergoes great and frequent changes. I 884.. j Aug. 7-459 1 17 0 ,0 1 86-6 + 5"5 -3°-3 8-452 15 125 8 65 88-6 + 5-8 — 1 5 * 9-436 I 5 102 8 51 91-4 + 6-4 + 07 10-550 89 445 *45 229 88-9 + 6-3 + 12-9 11-503 59 584 3 2 3 2 3 88-7 + 7*6 + 25-3 12-559 45 536 2 9 35 i 897 + T 1 + 4°*3 I3-453 74 730 63 613 91-5 + 6-7 + 53'9 I4-439 38 506 53 649 92 0 + 6-6 + 67-5 15476 0 202 0 618 920 + 6-3 + 81-2 Means 26 3 2 3 89-93 + 6-48 j Group 1453. A regular spot. Aug. 8-452 5 45 I I 98 27-6 — 6 - o — 76-1 9436 2 4 70 28 82 27-2 — 6-o -63-5 10-550 2 3 i53 18 1 *9 27-4 - 5'9 — 48-6 11-503 14 191 9 121 I 277 — 6-o -357 1 2 *5 59 33 203 18 1 1 1 I 27-9 - 5'9 -21-5 13453 33 245 17 1 26 28-1 - 5-8 - 9'5 I4-439 26 215 13 I [O 28-5 - 5'4 + 4"° 15-476 37 199 20 107. 28-5 - 5‘9 + 17*7 16-437 19 135 12 81 28-8 - 5-5 + 30-6 17-545 13 126 10 9 2 28-3 - 5*6 +44-8 18-594 H 79 14 78 280 - 6-5 + 58-4 19 No pho tograpli. ( 7 46 27-4 — 6-i + 69-6) 20-393 0 4 0 14 267 - 5-6 + 8o-8 - Aleaus '4 9 1 27-85 — 5-86 Group 1454. A number of small spots measured in three clusters. The clusters are not the . same on August 15 as on August 14, or on August 17 as on August 16. Aug. 13-453 21 5 2 1 1 ’ 28 23 4 — 10*9 -14-2 14-439 18 70 9 37 23-8 -105 - 0-7 15-476 23 173 1 2 i 94 23-9 -ii*4 1 +13-1 I6-437 10 91 6 ! 53 237 -1 1-3 + 25-5 17-545 I 53 1 ! 38 23-9 — 11-5 + 4° "4 Means ! ... 8 P 7 " 23-74 — 11-12 1 1 Group 1455. A regular spot, a. Several small spots are se en near it on August 14 -18. Aug. 13-453 10 74 19 140 323-3 - 3 ‘ 2 -74-3 H-439 15 170 16 183 323-1 - 4*2 —61-4 I 5-476 182 16 136 323-2 - 3-7 -47-6 Moans 240 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Longitude Date. Projected Area of Area for . Group. Mean Longitude . Mean Latitude Longitude from Civil Time, Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. of Group. Central Meridian. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. of Group. Meridian. Group 1455- -contini ed. Group 1459. A regular spot. 1884. d Aug. 1 6-437 > 7-545 18-594 >9 20 - 393 21- 378 22- 432 23 - 444 24 - 543 18 42 37 No plio 23 26 7 5 0 202 222 232 ograph. 203 150 49 22 9 1 1 23 1 1 (16 12 15 5 5 0 125 120 119 1 1 4 108 89 35 2 1 >5 323'5 323-1 323-1 323-5 323 9 323 - 9 324- 1 323-8 322-7 - 3'2 - 2-8 - 2-8 - 3-0 - 3 " 1 - 2-8 - 3-1 - 3 ’° - 3 'i -347 — 20-4 - 6-5 + 5 - 8 ) + 18-0 + 3 '-i + 45 -i + 58-3 + 7 I -7 1884. d Aug. 20-393 21- 378 22- 432 2 3'444 2 P 543 25- 221 26- 413 •27-157 8 25 17 16 I 2 18 I I 4 83 I IO I 12 IOO 56 43 3 ° 24 | ’ 7 ' | '7 1 10 9 7 1 1 8 3 70 75 67 57 32 26 20 19 258 - 3 259- 6 260- 2 260-2 259-5 259-6 259- 7 260- 0 -I 9-5 — 20-5 — 20-5 — 20*3 — 20 5 — 20-1 -I 9-9 — 20-0 -47-6 - 33-2 — 1 8-8 - 5‘3 + 8-5 + 17-5 + 33 + + 43-5 Means >3 100 - 323-43 - 3-17 Means 9 ! 46 259-64 — 20"l6 Group 1456. Group 1460. Two small spots, a and b. They have moved apart by August 21 ; 6 has dis- appeared by August 22. A third spot, e, appears on August 23. Two small spots, a ana 0. Anotner small spot is seen near 0, ana measurea witn u on August 18. Aug. 20-393 21- 378 22- 432 2 3+44 0 23 © 19 256-6 - 15-7 - 49"3 Aug. 17-545 18-594 4 2 26 61 tograpli. 18 6 2 37 55 272- 8 273- 3 + 14-0 + 14*2 + 14-6 : +I 4-9 -7 07 : ^56-3 9 1 3 1 28 >9 8 5 0 16 10 257 - 2 258G 258- 8 -I5-8 -157 -I 5-5 - 35 ' 6 — 20-6 - 67 >9 20-393 in 0 pno 0 \ l 0 33 271-8 : — 45 - 2 ) - 34 ’I Means • ... 3 17 25775 -15-68 Means 2 34 272-63 + I 4-43 u-roup 14.U1. A regular spot, a. Some small spots are seen near it, . August 21-2 • 3 - Group 1457. A small spot. Aug. 20-393 21-378 o 28 I 33 101 0 20 30 ' 72 254-0 252-3 2 5 2-l 252-0 : -15-° -I 5-5 -51-9 -40-5 — 269 -13-5 Aug. 20-393 12 33 7 18 3 ° 5"3 -12-4 — o-6 22-432 2 3444 1 2 6 107 3 ° 3 17 — 1 5"3 — 16-0 21-378 0 21 0 1 1 306-0 — 12-8 + 13-2 Means 8 4 6 25260 - 15-45 jyTeans I ^ 305-65 1 2 *6o Group 1462. A small spot. Group 1458. A number of small faint 9pots on August zo. They become m ticli larger and darker Aug. 20-393 1 ° 8 1 * 8 250-8 -19-0 - 55 -i on the succeeding days, and form a long straight stream of spots following each other very closely. The stream begins to break up after August 25. The individual spots undergo frequent changes. Means ... 1 ... 1 1 o 8 2 50-8 -! 9 -0 Aug. 20-393 21- 378 22- 432 23 G 44 2 P 543 25- 221 26- 413 27- 157 4 76 ns 72 89 39 1 815 697 2 4 > 73 38 53 206 4 1 0 35 6 433 480 458 530 275-5 274- 2 275 - 9 278-4 276- 7 276-3 278-4 280-4 + 2-2 + 3-3 + 4'2 + 4"5 + 4-2 + 4-4 + 4-6 + 5-0 — 3°"4 — 1 8-6 — 3 -i 4-12-9 + 25-7 + 34-2 4-52-1 + 63 9 Group 1463. A regular spot, a, with a larger spot, b, of irregular shape near it. b lias broken up into a number of small spots by August 23. 47 1 » 5 71 46 78. 796 565 472 27 69 60 52 Aug. 20-393 21- 378 22- 432 6 24 24 19 9 62 1 65 239 2 1 34 2 1 13 5 220 1 235 I 212 ■47 99 225-1 224- 8 225- 0 224-8 224-6 - 7-6 - 7'9 - 7'5 - 7"7 — 8o"8 -68-o -54-0 -407 Means 45 366 276-98 + 4 "°! 23 444 24-543 170 - 8-4 — 26-4 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 241 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. J Whole Spot. Umbra. | Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1+63 — continued. Group 1467. A small spot. A second small spot is seen near it, and measured with it, on August 27 and the succeeding days. 1884, a Aug. 25-221 26- 413 27- 157 38 14 0 123 1 18 30 20 7 0 67 61 16 225- 0 226- 4 225-0 - 8-7 - 7-8 - 8-6 -17-1 + 0* 1 + 8-5 ! 884. a Aug. 26-413 27- 157 28- 447 29- 453 O 9 6 0 7 . 3° 37 r 5 0 8 4 .0 9 26 24 9 163-1 165- 5 166- 7 167- 1 — 1 8-1 -17-1 -17-1 -17-3 -63-2 -51-0 — 32-8 -191 Means 15 132 225-09 — 8-03 Group 1464. Means ... j 3 17 165-60 -17-40 Two small spots, a and. 5. Both move forward in longitude, but a the more rapidly. Group 1468. A small spot. Aug. 22-432 2 3 "444 3 4 35 H 2 2 2 5 8 242- 7 243- 8 -19-9 -20-3 -3+3 2 1*7 Moans 2 17 243-25 — 20-10 Aug. 26-413 27- 157 28- 447 29- 453 0 1 5 17 i5 25 H 0 3 0 20 H 16 8 159-8 159- 9 160- 1 160-1 + 7 '4 + 7-6 + 77 + 7'4 — 66-5 — 56-6 -39+ — 26-1 Group 1464*. A very small spot. Aug. 25-221 0 8 5 2 5 1 ' 5 — 18-9 + 9‘4 Means 1 i5 159-98 + 7-53 Means 0 5 251-5 — 18-9 Group 1469. A regular spot, a. Small spots follow it August 27-29. Group 1465. Several very small spots on August 24. The group has greatly increased in size by August 25, and then consists of a regular spot a, followed by two clusters of small spots. The group continues to increase in size, and on August 27 consists almost entirely of two very large spots, the small following spots having coalesced to make a very large spot, 6. On August 29, a and 6 have coalesced to make one still larger spot. Aug. 26-413 27- 157 28- 447 29A53 3° 3 1 Sept. 1 2- 434 3- 398 13 8 22 H No pho No pho No pho 0 0 59 107 125 163 tograph. tograph. tograph. 1 8 23 9 16 9 i 1 ( 5 ( 3 0 101 I 2 I 94 102 80 57 34 12 1 1 154-9 154-9 I54-5 I54-3 154- 7 155- 1 I55-5 I55-9 1559 oooobo 000 1 1 1 1 1 1 III -71-4 — 6i*6 -45-0 -3i-9 -18-4) - +8) + 8-8) + 22*3 + 35‘i Aug. 24-543 25- 221 26- 413 27 ‘ 1 5 7 28-447 2 9'453 0 46 81 203 166 ..447 29 247 659 1147 I I 12 133 + 0 24 4 1 i°4 9 1 93 16 132 334 586 615 842 222‘I 223- 0 224- 4 224-3 223-9 223-2 4-16-2 + 15-5 + 1 48 + I5-5 + 15-2 gbn — 28-9 -191 - *"9 + 7-8 + 24-4 + 37‘o Means 59 421 1 223-48 + 15-42 Means 8 68 155-08 -1079 Group 1466. A small spot. On August 27 and the succeeding days the group consists of several very small spots. Group 1470. Several small faint spots measured together on August 28. Only one remains on August 29. Aug. 25-221 26- 413 27- 157 28- 447 29 - 453 2 0 0 4 9 4 10 10 25 3 0 0 0 2 1 *5 4 7 6 H I7I-0 I 7 I-I 1 7 1- 3 172- I 1707 - 9-6 - 8-6 - 8-5 - 8-o - 8-4 -71-1 -55‘2 -45' 2 -27-4 — 1 55 Aug. 28-447 29 + 53 O 27 18 0 0 IS 10 184-0 184-0 - 8-6 - 8-9 -I 5-5 — 22 Means 1 9 I7I-24 — 8-62 Means ... O 13 184-00 - 8-75 Photo-Heliographic Results, 1882-1885. 242 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central VIeridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Civil Time. ] Umbra. Whole ■ Spot. Umbra, j Whole Spot. of Group. Civil Time. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Group 1471. Group 1476 — continued. A number of email faint spots irregularly disposed. 1884. a Sept. 7-654 8- 389 9- 227 10-463 1 1 462 17 12 12 6 5 76 3 ° 42 21 19 25-5 25-9 25 - 9 26- 9 27- 6 — Ill -n -5 r-ii ‘3 -11-6 -n-6 — 39’4 -29-1 -17-9 — o‘6 + 13-2 1884. a Aug. 29-453 3 ° 31 Sept. 1 2 '434 3 ' 39 8 4-15° O No pho No pho No pho 0 7 66 ograph. ograph. ograph. 184 104 90 O (° (° (° 0 O 4 83 88 94 99 105 58 5 ° 123-9 123-4 1 22*9 122-3 1218 I 2 I ‘ I 121-7 -19-0 — 19-0 — 1 9*0 — 190 — 19-0 -I 7’3 — 1 7 ‘ 1 — 62-3 - 497 ) — 37 ’°) 12 7 6 3 3 52 18 23 I I 10 -24-4) — 1 1 8 Means 6 27 25-87 -H -39 + io-8 Group 1477. A few very small spots on September 6. On September 7 the group consists of two large regular spots, a and b, with several small spots between them. Means 1 82 122-44 -1849 Group 1472. A small spot. Sept. 6-251 7^54 8- 389 9- 227 6 52 25 9 19 274 137 50 4 61 64 28 14 321 3*8 148 I 24-2 126-5 1 3 0 " 1 121-8 -14-0 -14-2 — 14 5 -137 + 4 1 ' 0 -4-616 + 75 -i + 78-0 Sept. 3-398 0 6 0 10 188-4 — 20"0 4-67-6 Means 0 10 188-4 — 20"0 Means 39 200 125-65 — 14*10 Group 1473. A small spot. Group 1478. Two very small spots. Sept. 4*150 1 2 12 5°-5 — 1 8- 1 — 60-4 Sept. 6-251 0 20 • - 79'9 + 1 8-6 - 3-3 Means « 12 50-5 — 181 Means 0 10 79-9 + 18-6 Group Two sm 1474 - all spots. Group 1479 - Several small faint spots close together. The group underg. aes several changes. Sept. 5-426 6-251 0 4 33 101 0 2 17 53 98-2 97-6 + 17-8 + 18-1 + 4 -i + i 4'4 Sept. 6-251 i 7-654 8- 389 9- 227 10-463 1 0 0 0 0 0 24 16 16 2 43 25 2 0 0 0 0 0 29 12 10 24 H 20*4 20 7 22-2 2 1-2 21-8 221 -H -3 -I 4-9 — 14-0 -15-0 - 14-3 — 14-6 -62-8 - 44-2 -32-8 — 22'6 - 5-7 + 77 Means 1 35 97-9° + I 7-95 Group 1475. A small spot. The small spot seen on September 6 is apparently not identical with that seen on September 5, though iii its immediate neighbourhood. 11-462 Means 0 15 2I-4O -H-52 Sept. 5 ‘426 6251 0 6 4 0 0 7 4 335 31-6 - 9-7 - r° — 6o-6 -51-6 A few small s; on Septei Group 1480. pots on September 6. Other spots appear on September 7 and 8, and nber 9 the group is a compact cluster of spots. The group continues se in size ; the first and last spots increasing with the greatest rapidity, n September 11 the group consists of two large spots, a and 6, with a f small spots between them. The intermediate spots have all dis- by September 16, but some small spots are seen on that day ; 6- Means 0 6 32-55 - 8-35 to increas so that 0 stream 0 Group 1476. A small regular spot. appeared following Sept. 6-251 7- 654 8- 389 9 - 227 0 0 0 25 10 47 28 150 0 0 0 15 15 38 19 88 12-4 12-6 I 2*2 122 + 14-8 + 14-7 + 14-2 + I 4 ‘ I — 70-8 -527 — 42-8 — 31-6 Sept. 5 6-251 9 29 29 0 10 45 3 ° 24-7 24-6 — 1 1 "O — 1 1 '6 -69-4 — 58-6 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEAR 3 1882 TO 1885 . 243 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued Date. Greenwich Civil Time. ' Projected Area for Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for i Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude j of Group. | Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 1480 — continued. Group 1483. A small regular spot, a, followed by a close cluster of smaller spots, which have coalesced by September iz to form one spot, b. 1884. d Sept. 10-463 1 1 ‘462 12-411 1 3 'd - 1 3 1 + 15*441 16-458 1 7*43 5 57 162 306 333 No plio 39 ° 167 67 653 1038 1528 1796 tograph. 2036 1304 520 3 ° 81 161 192 (265 337 218 127 338 525 801 1031 1388 1 7 44 1630 1 35 6 137 16 - o 1 6*8 1 7 - 3 19-1 20*9 15-6 15-8 + 14-0 + 14- 1 + 14-0 + I 3-4 + 137 + 14*0 + 13-9 + I 3-3 - 13-8 + i-6 + • 4-9 + 287 + 43 - 9 ) + 59 ' 1 + 67-2 + 80-3 I 884. d Sept. 9-227 10-463 I 1-462 12- 411 1 3 - 4 I 3 24 21 1 1 7 3 228 175 IOI 3 ° 28 1 5 1 1 6 3 138 92 52 15 16 9-4 97 9-2 lO "3 I I’2 + 9 ’i + 8-9 + 87 4 - 87 + 9 ’° — 34 A -l 7 -8 - 5-2 + 8-4 + 22-6 Means 7 63 9 96 + 8-88 Means "9 748 15-38 + 14-02 Group 1481. A regular spot, a, followed by two or three smaller spots. The following spots have disappeared by September 1 1 ; a small spot is seen preceding a on that day. Group 1484. A large regular spot, which has divided into two spots, a and b, by September 15 ; a has disappeared by September 18. Sept. 12-411 1 3 " 4 1 3 H I 5 " 44 I 16-458 I 7 A 35 18*431 19- 555 20- 436 21- 443 22+54 23-445 !5 3 1 No pho 53 62 36 5 1 53 33 15 12 7 103 191 tograph. 273 274 282 249 209 182 121 108 75 29 33 (33 32 34 18 26 29 20 1 1 12 10 197 204 186 167 148 143 125 1 1 3 107 86 103 1 1 5 286-6 286-2 286-4 286-5 286- 8 287- 3 287- 8 288- 0 288-2 288-4 287-9 287-1 + 5-5 + 5-5 + 5 + + 5-3 + 4"8 + 4"6 + 4'7 + 4‘2 + 3’9 + 3-8 + 3 ' 6 + 3'3 “ 75-3 — 62-4 -48-9) - 35’3 — 21 -6 - 8*2 + 5-4 + 20-4 +32-5 +457 + 587 - + 70*9 Sept. 7-654 8*389 9-227 10- 463 11- 462 12*41 1 I 3 - 4 I 3 H I 5 - 44 1 5 6 26 35 27 27 20 16 No pho 145 268 253 243 167 175 >'5 tograph. 27 43 18 22 16 16 13 12 (10 8 1 *4 188 158 142 99 1 1 1 8.3 59 34 23-3 25*0 23- 2 24- 4 24-9 24-5 23-9 23-4 2'2"9 -23-0 -23-3 — 23-0 — 23-2 -25-2 -23-5 -23-6 -23-2 — 22-8 — 41-6 — 30-0 — 20 -6 — 31 + 10*5 + 22-6 + 35-3 + 48-2) + 61 -i Means 18 1 10 2 3-94 - 23-42 Means 24 14 1 287-27 + 4-55 Group 1482. Two large regular Spots, a and b ; small spots are occasionally seen between them. The group begins to diminish in size after passing the central meridian on September 13, b diminishing the more rapidly and disappearing entirely before September 19. Group 1485. A few shia.ll spots on September 15. The group rapidly increases in size, and ; forms on September 17 and the succeeding days a long irregular stream of spots. The group diminishes in size after passing the central meridian on September 19. Sept. 8-389 9-227 10*463 1 1*462 12*41 1 I 3 ‘ 4 I 3 >4 1 5 " 44 1 16- 458 17 - 435 18- 431 • 19-555 j 20-436 16 27 86 83 123 114 No pho 92 9 ° 78 18 0 1 153 336 499 577 667 674 tograph. 562 445 315 130 73 24 35 35 69 52 70 59 (54 48 52 53 17 0 3 386 441 401 367 372 347 319 291 256 215 1 18 121 107 336-0 335 - 7 3357 336- 2 336-4 336 - 3 3367 337 - i 338 - 0 338 - 6 339 - 3 340- 2 339 9 + 5-9 + 61 + 6-i + 5‘9 + 5‘9 + 5-9 + 5‘9 + 5-9 + 5-6 + 5‘3 + 5 -o + 3‘9 + 4"2 -79-0 -68-i - 51-8 -38-2 -25-5 -12-3 + I " 5 ) + I 5-3 + 29-6 + 43 ’i + 56*9 + 72-6 + 84-0 Sept. 15-441 16-458 I 7 A 35 18- 431 1 9 - 555 20- 436 2 1*443 22-454 23+45 24- 565 25 - 459 12 13 183 185 114 1 41 84 102 50 23 0 39 240 813 920 946 891 563 539 388 120 63 14 1 1 j 118 | ■ io 3 59 1 1 7 1 45 59 35 25 0 44 192 525 516 489 45 i 296 312 272 121 11 7 257*1 25 6*6 256-1 256-2 2569 • 2.577 258-1 258-8 260*7 262*3 264-9 + 137 + 13-8 + 13-9 + 14-2 + 14-1 + 14-0 + 139 -t-i 3 9 + 12-8 -f-ii-8 + io-6 -647 -51-8 - 39 + ^26-2 -107 + i-8 + 15+ + 296 + 44-5 + 60*9 + 75*3 Means ... 42 288 337-39 + 5 - 5 i Means 49 303 258*67 + I 3 - 34 ' 244 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued . Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Umbra. I Whole I Spot, j 'oup. I Mean i Longitude | Latitude Whole j of Group, j of Group. ' Spot. I , I Longitude Mean from Central Meridian. Group i486. Two regular spots, a and b . Some small spots £ 11, 23, 24, and 25. e seen near them on September 884.3 Sept. 16-458 1 7 ‘4 3 5 18-431 i 9'555 20- 436 21 - 443 22- 454 23‘445 24-565 2S459 26 27-229 79 No phi 51 248 354 440 622 702 695 680 5 8 3 57 8 tograpli. 63 226-8 225-2 224- 8 225- 1 224-9 224-6 224-8 224- 7 225- 0 224- 2 224.9 225- 6 + 1-6-2 + 16-0 + 157 + 15-8 + 154 + I 5-7 + i 5'6 + 15-6 + 157 + I 5-7 + 157 + 157 25-05 -+I 5-73 — 81-6 -70-3 -57-6 -42-5 -31-0 — 1 8- 1 — 4'4 + 8-5 + 23-6 + 34* 6 + 47 -l + 59'3 Group 1487. A few small spots. Three are seen on September 17, two on September 18, none on September 19, three on September 20, two on September 21, and two, measured as one, on September 22. Sept. 17-435 18-431 19555 20- 436 21- 443 22+54 : Date. Greenwich ' Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra, j Whole Spot. TT ! i Whole Umbra, j Spot . of Group. Group 1489 — continued . 1884. a Sept. 2 2 -4 5 4 2 3*445 24- 565 25- 459 26 27-229 27 22 23 0 No pho 0 236 209 90 54 tograpli. 9 H 1 3 0 ( 0 1 2 1 1 16 57 40 27 H 239-0 239*8 239-1 236- 7 237- 6 238- 4 + 6-5 + 5'6 4 - 6 4 + 8-4 + 8-9 ! + 9*3 ] + 9*8 + 23-6 + 377 + 47 -I + 59 * 6 ) + 72-1 Means • ... 8 67 238-42 + 7-05 Group 1490. Two small spots measured together on September 19. Only one spot remains on September 20. This spot has developed into a close cluster of three small spots, measured as one, ‘by September 21. Sept. 19-555 20- 436 21- 443 0 7 17 17 72 1 ° 4 0 10 38 227-4 229-8 229-2 + I 9 '° + 17*4 + 17*6 — 40-2 — 26-1 -i 3*5 Means ... 1 20 228-80 + 1 8'oo 274-2 274- 6 275- 9 278-3 278-3 276-26 + 15-5 + 16-1 + H* 1 + 14-1 +14-4 + H'84 + 2 0-0 + 35*6 + 49' 1 Group 1488. A very close pair of small spots on September 1 8 ; three small spots on September 1 one spot of greater area on September 20. Sept. 18-431 1 9 - S 55 20- 436 335'9 336-2 335*2 + 53-5 + 68-6 + 79-3 Group 1491. Two small spots on September 21. The group rapidly increases in siz sists on September 22 and the succeeding days of x a r ^ ula ^ s P°h number of small spots following it ii a is very near the Sun’s limb, and jgular stream. On September 30, not clearly sepaiated from the other Group 1489. Two spots, a and b , on September 18. The spots move away from each other on the succeeding days, and other spots appear between or near them. The group on September 20 and the succeeding days consists of a number of small spots irregularly distributed over an extensive area, a and b continue to be the largest members of the group ; the other spots are measured in clusters. '• I 8 - 43 I 19*555 20-436 2i*443 66 1 49 238-1 237- 8 238- 5 239- 2 + 57 + 67 + 6-9 + 6-i -44*3 — 29-8 Sept. 21-443 2 1 47 , 34 197-6 ! - 7-2 -45*1 22+54 47 286 28 170 199-0 - 7-3 -30-2 23-445 81 394 44 215 368 199-6 — 7-2 — 16 - 6 24-565 68 7i5 35 200-5 — 6-8 - 0-9 25-459 171 1081 9 1 573 201-8 - 6 *9 + 12-2 26 No pho tograpli. (80 533 202-3 - 6-9 + 24*4) 27-229 28 106 767 68 493 202'8 - 6-9 + 3^5 No pho tograpli. (5 1 5 6 3 202-1 - 7’4 + 50-2) 29 No pho 8 tograpli. (35 633 201-4 - 7-9 + 63-9) 30-501 295 18 7°3 200-7 - 8-4 + 77*6 Means 45 429 2OO78 - 7*29 Group 1492. A small spot. Sept. 21-443 22- 454 23 - 445 24- 565 25*459 0 0 24 5 3 18 43 5 i *9 14 0 0 14 3 2 15 28 29 1 1 8 196- 5 197- 0 1982 199-2 I 99 * 8 1 1 1 1 1 — 46-2 -32-2 — 1 8-o — 22 + 1 0*2 Means 4 18 198-14 — 16-36 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 245 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots— continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole U mbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1493- Group 1497 — continued. A small spot. A second spot is seen near it on September 23. 1884. d Sept. 29 30-501 Oct. 1 2-412 3’459 - 4-435 5-i4i No pho 136 No pho 86 65 67 28 tograph. 652 tograph. 59° 37i ! 2 44 163 (60 74 (64 54 47 .70 4i 295 35° 357 363 264 253 236 1 2 4 * I 126-1 126-3 1264 129-0 129-5 129-1 -13-6 -13-4 -I3-7 ' -13-9 -13-5 -I3’4 -13-5 -I3’4) + 3-° + 15-8) 4-28-5 + 45-° + 58-3 4-67-2 1884. d Sept. 21-4+3 22-454 2 3"445 24565 0 0 5 0 I 2 3.0 23 *5 O 0 3 12 23 '4 8 1837 1 8 1- 6 1 82- 9 1 8 1-8 - 3"5 - 3"2 - 3'5 - 3-5 - 3‘43 -59-0 -47-6 -33-3 — 196 Means 1 H 182-50 Group 1494. Two small spots measured together. Means 54 283 125-82 -13-62 Group 1498. A small spot on September 27. A number of other small spots are seen on September 30. The group increases yet further in size, and on October 2 and succeeding days consists of a large regular spot, a, followed by a straggling stream of small spots. Sept. 23-445 0 38 O 19 205-3 + 5-6 — 10-9 Means 0 ! 9 205-3 , .+ 5-6 Group 1495. A large regular spot. , Sept. 27 ‘2 2 9 28 29 30-501 Oct. 1 2-412 3'459 4- 435 5- 141 6 274 7-522 5 No pho No pho 32 No pho 53 86 42 69 43 10 16 tograph. tograph. 195 tograph. 381 5'° 33° 344 210 109 9 (i3 (16 20 ( 2 4 28 45 26 48 42 !9 28 59 9i 122 17°. 217 265 205 240 202 205 957 94-9 94-2 93‘4 95'5 97-5 100-7 102-2 101*5 I02'4 102-7 -14-1 -I4-3 -14-4 — 14-6 -14-1 -13-6 — 12-6 — 12-6 -13-1 -13-4 -13-8 — 70-6 -57-0) -43'2) -297 -15-0) - °-4 4-16-7 + 31-° + 39-6 + 55-5 + 72-3 Sept. 23-445 24- 565 25- 459 26 27-229 28 29 30-501 Oct. 1 2*412 3'459 4- 435 5- 141 1 3 24 5i No pho 62 No pho No pho 83 No pho 68 54 26 20 73 162 286 tograph. 361 tograph. tograph. 398 tograph. 326 282 202 132 62 35 50 (45 39 (4i (43 45 (46 46 43 32 36 354 232 276 252 228 224 220 216 217 218 224 246 246 134-0 134- 2 133-8 i33'8 133-8 133-8 133-8 i33'8 133-9 I33-9 133- 9 134- 1 I33-9 -12-3 — 1 2 • 1 — 1 2-6 — I 2-8 -1 3-0 -13-2 -13-5 -137 -13-9 -14-1 -14-4 -147 — 14-8 — 82-2 -67-2 -55-8 -44-2) -32-5 — 1 8 • 1 ) — 37) + 107 + 23-4) + 36-0 + 49-9 + 62-9 + 72-0 Means 26 164 98-25 -13-69 A small spot c days the j Group 1499. in September 30 and October 2. On October 3 and the succeeding rroup consists of a few small spots irregularly scattered over a wide Means 43 243 I33-9 0 -13-47 area. 0 No pho 0 34 12 8 28 tograph. 9 120 83 37 0 (° 0 17 6 4 25 15 5 59 42 19 67-5 67-2 | 66-8 67- 5 68- 3 7 1 " 1 + 9' 1 + 9" 6 + 10-0 + 9-6 + 9-6 + 8-2 -55-6 -43M) -31-1 -16-5 - 2-9 4- 9-2 Group 1496. Two very small spots. Sept. 30-501 Oct. 1 2-412 3G59 4H35 5-i4i Sept. 25-459 0 22 0 1 2 i63-3 +. 6-4 — 26-3 Means 0 1 2 163-3 4- 6-4 Means 5 28 68-07 + 9-35 Group 1497. Several small spots irregularly distributed on September 27. A large regular spot, a, has formed in advance of the group by September- 30, and the small spots form a long straight stream following it. The small spots have all disappeared by October 4. Group 1500. Several small spots following one another. Oct. 2-412 8 # 2 79 1 10 5 1 46 54 72-i 721 - 7’2 - 7-8 -25-8 — I !"9 Sept. 27-229 28 40 No pli< 238 r tograph 3i . (15 186 241 1 1 9’9 I 22*0 — 1 39 -137 -46-4 -29-9) 3‘459 Means 3 5° 72-10 - 7-50 246 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots— continued. Date. Greenwich Givil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for . Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 1501. A large regular spot, a, followed by another large spot of irregular outline, b. Some small spots are seen between a and 6. 6 has broken up by October 6 into a number of spots, which undergo frequent changes during the succeeding days. Group 1505. A small regular spot, a. A second is seen on October 8. 1884. a Oct. 7-522 8- 461 9- 481 O 22 4 21 98 26 0 1 5 2 18 66 i 5 341'8 341-9 341-2 — 163 — 1 6*9 -I 7-5 -48-6 -36-2 - 23-4 1884. d Oct. 2-412 3'459 +'435 5 ‘H 1 6- 274 7- 522 8- 461 9'48 1 10- 293 11- 229 12- 186 13442 14- 458 15- 192 5 ° 152 176 210 223 297 35 1 1 9 -i *95 188 125 53 0 0 217 79 ° 1080 1328 i 4 J 4 1 699 1811 1896 1532 1473 1075 641 282 73 107 192 1 5 1 1 5 5 i 33 156 179 99 137 1 12 9 l 56 0 464 995 958 973 846 896 9 1 9 980 830 882 775 667 526 207 20-3 15-0 15- 1 154 I 5‘3 157 157 16- 0 15-6 147 15-2 14 1 14-2 1 0*2 ++++++++++++++ -77-6 — 6q-o -56-1 -46-5 Means 6 33 341-63 — 16-90 3 1 6 -14-7 - 2-4 + ii '4 + 217 + 33-2 + 46-2 +-61-8 + 75‘3 + 80-9 Group 1506. Several small spots irregularly arranged. Oct. 10-293- 1 1 '229 12-186 13442 14458 15-192 12 *4 16 18 10 12 47 65 5 ' 7 i 81 59 16 12 1 1 10 5 6 66 59 35 40 42 3 ° 283- 5 284- 1 285- 5 285-2 285-3 285-9 + 14-2 + 14-2 + 137 + I 4 " 1 + 13-9 + I 3 -I -70-4 - 57 + - 43-5 -27-1 -13-6 - 3 + Means 1 1 2 780 I5-I8 + 14-18 Means 10 45 284-92 + 13-87 Group 1502. A small spot, a. By October 5, a has become a cluster of small spots, and a second cluster, b, has appeared a little in advance of it. a has disappeared by October 7. Group 1507. Several very small spots in a compact cluster. Oct. 15-192 0 1 6 3 II -3 - 17 + 22‘0 Oct. 4-435 5 ' 1 4 1 6- 274 7- 522 8- 461 3 9 38 18 0 2'3 132 159 79 16 2 6 2 1 10 1 6 81 88 42 9 317 3 I - 3 31-1 33-6 344 -11-3 — 1 1 "3 — IX '3 -117 -12-3 - 39-5 — 30-6 -15-8 + 3‘2 4-16-3 1 1 0 Means 0 6 3 II -3 - 17 Group 1 508. A spot of irregular outline. It has broken up into a number of small spots by October 18. Means 8 47 32-42 - 1 1-58 Group 1503. A small spot. Oct. 15-192 16- 173 17- 182 18- 398 19- 506 20- 241 21- 186 22- 521 13 J 9 7 4 i H 29 22 5 106 184 151 223 167 132 9 ' 24 24 20 6 25 7 16 1 1 3 201 196 1 1 8 137 91 73 47 H 2157 2159 215-5 215- 5 216- 5 216-1 2 1 6- 6 217- 9 - 8-4 - 8-4 - 8-8 - 8-8 - 9'5 - 9-0 - 9’3 - 8-6 - 73-6 — 605 -47-6 -31 + -15-9 - 6-6 + 6-4 + 25-2 Oct. 5-141 6- 274 7- 522 8- 461 2 3 8 9 10 31 9 3 3 5 15 10 21 ' 5 3 49 ' 8 35°‘3 35 1 ‘4 35 i - 5 “ 9 'i - 94 “ 9-5 - 9-8 -72-1 -56-6 - 39 '° -26-6 Means 3 13 35075 “ 9"43 Means H 1 10 216*21 - 8-85 Group 1504. Two small spots. Group 1509. A spot of irregular outline. It has broken up into a number of small spots by- October 18. Oct. 7-522 8-461 4 7 40 45 3 7 3 ° 43 6 7'9 . 68-5 -22-9 -244 + 37'5 + 504 Oct. 15-192 16-173 ; 17-182 18-398 !5 8 6 1 5 56 95 1 10 170 62 13 6 10 229 142 104 11 7 207-3 207-2 207-3 206-6 - 8-2 - 8-8 - 91 - 91 — 82-0 — 69-2 — 55*8 - 4 ° "4 Means 5 37 68-20 -23-65 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN In.DJA, AND IN MA.UBITWJS, IN THE YEAKg 1,382 TO 1885. 247 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean M ean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area oti A rca, for Group. Mean L-rngit ude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitudi fiom Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 1509 — continued . Group 1515. A, small spot not. seen on October 22. 1 884. u Oct. 19506 20-241 21 t86 22-52 1 8 19 15 0 146 106 133 22 4 10 8 0 83 57 70 1 2 208-3 208 1 208- 1 209- 3 “ 9‘9 - 9 -6 - n-5 -11-7 -24-1 -14-6 + 1 6-6 1 884. d Oct. 20-241 2 1 • 1 86 22-521 23 493 2 0 1 10 10 29 0 1 0 1 6 7 0 33 - 2377 2 37G j 237-3 -26-8 -27-3 -27-0 + 15-0 + 27-2 4-575 Means H 102 20778 - 974 Means 1 1 2 237M7 -27-03 Group 1510. Three small spots ; two are measured together. Group 1516. Two small spots, a and b, on October 20. They move apart and increase in size on the succeeding days. Small spots occasionally appear between or near them. Oct. 16-173 8 65 l 5 109 347-6 - 9'i + 71-2 Means 15 109 347-6 - 9-i O 5 35 62 99 No pho 184 U7 20 36 124 540 ' 717 tograpli. IOOO 576 284 2 4 3 19 33 54 (97 140 133 5° 7 20 65 282 396 580 765 657 579 92 198-5 i9 8 ‘4 200- 4 20.1-2 201- 2 201*1 202‘3 202’4 198-4 - 82 - 8-5 - 8-5 - 8-6 - 87 - 87 - 8-8 - 8-9 - 8-4 -24-2 -n-8 + 77 + 21-4 + 34+) + 47A + 62-6 + 747 + 81-9 Group 1 5 1 1 . Two small spots. Ocr. 18-398 1 16 1 19 310-4 - 7‘4 + 63-4 Means ... | , ! 19 3io-4 - 7‘4 Group 1512. Three small spots. Means 60 382 200-43 - 8-59 Group 15,17- Two very small spo.ts. Oct. 18-398 9 +9 6 I . 37 291-5 - 9-8 + 44-5 Means 6 37 291-5 - 9-8 Oct. 2 I ‘1 86 4 25 2 13 217-5 + 18-8 + 7’3 \jrrouu 1 1 3. A small spot. Means 2 13 217-5 + 18-8 Oct. 20-241 21-186 0 0 5 9 0 0 4 12 2807 280-3 + 13-2 + 13-1 + 58-0 + 70' 1 Means 0 8 280-50 + 13-15 Uroup 1 5 10. Two regular spots, a and b. Some small spots are seen near them on October 25 and the succeeding days. Group 1514. A close pair of small spots on October 20. Only one spot is seen on October 2 1 , the group is not seen on October 22, and one spot is seen on October 23. Oct. 2i-lS6 22- 521 23- 493 5 23 28 No phc 49 35 17 9 46 123 186 1 tograpli. 205 X82 79 43 1 14 26 (25 28 19 9 5 125 i35 '47 132 116 98 42 23 I32-4 132-4 132-4 I32-5 I32'6 133 + 1327 1327 -139 -14-1 -i 4 -i -14 3 -145 -147 -I4-3 -HA -77-8 — 60-3 -47 + -34"3) — 211 — 6-3 + 5-o + 162 Oct. 20-241 21- 186 22- 521 2 3"493 9 0 0 0 4 1 6 0 19 6 0 0 0 25 4 0 23 240- 0 241- 8 240-5 -24-9 -24-9 -24-4 + 17*3 + 31-6 + 607 24 25- 473 26- 538 27- 447 28- 290 Means 2 13 240-77 -24-73 Means 18 | 102 132-64 - 14-29 248 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots cont inued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Greenwich Civil Time. -| Umbra. Whole , Spot. 1 Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1519. Several small spots close together. Only one spot remains after October 22 Group 1522 — continued. 1884.4 Oct. 28-290 29- 555 30- 407 31- 442 Nov. 1186 2-209 24 29 48 97 52 6 "3 144 283 367 288 4 1 '3 '5 27 61 39 5 1 58 74 152 229 209 4' 108- 9 168-8 109- 5 I 10-2 i io-6 1107 - 6’3 — 6"6 - 6-i - 57 - 57 - 5-6 - 7-6 . + 8-9 + 20-9 + 35'2 + 45”4 + 59-0 1884. a Oct. 22-521 23-493 24 2 5‘473 O O No plio 0 142 12 ograpli. 1 I O O (° 77 7 9 1 1 212-4 2I1'3 212'I 212-8 - 4-0 - 4'3 - 4"5 - 4' 6 + 197 + 3 ' "5 + 45'3) + 59" 1 Means O 26 212-15 - 4-35 Means 19 96 109-80 — 6-22 Group 1520. Two regular spots, a and b, on October 22. They increase in size on the succeeding days, and other spots appear between or near them. If has broken up into a number of spots by October 28. Group 1523. A small spot. ! Oct. 22-521 23A93 24 25- 473 26- 538 , 27-447 i 28-290 29- 555 30 - 407 3 r 44 2 : Nov. 1-186 5 2-209 O 63 No pho 290 344 241 200 288 165 148 124 48 57 260 tograph. 1226 1673 1492 1607 H53 1071 901 708 321 O 74 (i34 194 197 130 107 172 104 1 17 120 74 115 302 560 818 967 805 854 854 673 704 684 504 119 A II7-6 II7-4 II7-I 117-9 U9-3 II9-5 I 20-3 121-5 .121-7 121-8 121-5 -14-1 -H'4 -14-8 — 1 5 1 ~ 1 5"4 -14-8 -14-6 -H'5 -'37 -'3‘5 — 1 3-6 -737 — 62-2 -49-4) -3 6-6 -21-8 - 8-4 + 3 - ° + 20-4 + 32-9 + 4 6 '7 + 56-6 1 +69-8 Oct. 25-473 26-538 8 7 ] 18 3° 6 4 20 102 -4 102-6 -'37 -13-8 — 5 1 "3 — 37* 1 Means 5 18 I02-50 -I3-75 Group 1524. Two small spots, a and b. Oct. 26-538 27H47 28-290 1 2 2 9 79 '47 35 6 - 5 40 76 2 1 142-4 H3'4 M4"i + ii-i + 11-2 + 11-0 + 27 + '57 4-27-6 Means 119 653 119-55 -'4-i3 Means 4 46 I43-3 0 + 11-10 Group 1521. Two small spots close together, which are measured as one on October 23. The two spots a and b, have increased in size by October 25, and two very small spots are seen near them. The small spots have disappeared by October 26, and b has disappeared by October 28. Tw Group 1525. 0 small spots, a and b. b lias disappeared by October 27. Oct. 23-493 24 25- 473 26- 538 27- 447 28- 290 0 No phc 36 3 1 4 3 16 1 tograph, 187 104 37 17 0 ' ( "i 20 4 3 9 59 109 68 28 17* 168- 7 169- 4 170- 1 170-5 170- 3 171- 2 — 207 — 20-9 — 2II -21-4 -21-4 — 22-2 + 27) + 16-4 + 3°' 8 + 42-6 + 54*7 Oct. 26-538 27A47 0 25 9 0 1 32 8 72-4 72-6 + 8-4 4 9‘2 -67-3 -55-i Means 20 72-50 + 8-8o Group 1526. Means 10 48 170-03 — 21-28 Group 1522. Three small spots on October 25. Other small spots appear on the succeeding days, and follow each other in a straight line. The preceding spot on October 29, a, and another spot following it, b, increase in size 011 the succeeding days, whilst the other spots diminish and disappear, a and b likewise diminish after November 1. A regular spot, a, rouoweu Dy a iaiuwsi on several days, b has disappeared by November 3. Oct. 28-290 29-555 3°"4°7 31-442 9 15 54 48 7' 32 34 40 280 347 353 281 264 2 44 ! si 27 ! 37 16 18 52 223 222 197 146 132 127 48-2 48-8 50-0 50-2 50-6 50- 8 51- 0 + 9-4 + 9"9 + 10-2 + 10-2 + I0'2 + 10-2 + 10- 9 -68-3 — 38-6 -24-8 -14-6 - 0-9 + I5-3 Oct. 25-473 26- 53? 27- 44/ ! 6 S 5 ’ 0 3° 85 56 4 3 22 5i 3° 109-2 109- 9 1 10- 4 - 7 - ° - 6-8 — 6-2 -44'5 — 298 -17-3 Nov. 1 " 1 86 2- 209 3- 421 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 249 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group, Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1526 — continued. Group 1532. A small spot on November 9. The group has greatly increased in size by November 10, and then consists of a large regular spot, a, followed by a spot, b, of irregular outline. Small spots are also seen between and near them, b has begun to break up by November 13. 1884. a Nov. 4-552 5'445 6- 326 7- 408 3° i8> 21 8 l 97 1 1 6 1 10 40 18 I 2 r 9 I I ”5 80 96 55 51*4 52-1 52-6 52'4 + II-I -f n-4 + 117 + 1 1 '9 + 30-6 + 43-0 + 55-i + 69-3 1884. „ Nov. 9-180 10- 488 11- 271 12- 273 13- 156 14- 503 15- 526 16- 234 0 74 138 158 113 66 15 *5 5 f 7 952 1109 850 644 172 98 0 38 71 86 69 S 2 15 36 8 * 265 492 603 5 1 1 508 21 1 201 296-2 2996 299-2 298- 8 299- 2 2 99'3 301- 3 302- 1 — 10-2 - 87 - 8-6 - 7-9 - 7'9 - 7*5 - 7-2 - 7-2 — 23 "6 - 2-9 + 7-0 + 19-8 + 31-8 +497 + 651 +757 Means J 9 1 31 50-74 + 10-65 Group 1527. Two small spots. Nov. i -i 86 Means 9 35 5 2 2 103-0 + 57 . + 37-8 Means 46 35° 299-46 - 8-15 5 103-0 + 5'7 Group 1533. A small spot. A second small spot is seen close to it, and measured with it on November 11. Group 1528. Two very small spots. Only one remains on November 2. Nov. r 1 86 2-209 2 0 13 6 0 7 4 7 2 '3 747 - 9'5 - 9-1 + 7 -i + 23-0 Nov. 10+88 11- 271 12- 273 0 13 0 20 73 2 0 9 0 *3 52 2 336-5 336-3 335G - 6-3 - 5-6 - 5'2 + 34-0 + 44' 1 + 56-4 Means . . . 1 6 73'5° - 9‘3° Means 3 22 336-07 - 57o Group 1529. Three very small spots. Group 1534. Three small spots. The two preceding spots form a close pair and are measured together. Nov. 1 "i 86 s I 2 2 6 587 -24-2 - 6-5 Means . . . 2 6 587 -24-2 Group 1530. Nov. 10+88 11-271 12 9 5 6 30 6 4 29 H 288- 9 289- 3 + 4" 1 + 4-2 -13-6 “ 2-9 A very small spot. The spot seen on November 2 is probably not the same as that seen on November 1. Means 5 22 289-10 + 4-i5 Nov. 1 • 1 86 2-209 0 4 1 3 7 1 1 '9 13-2 + io-i + 9‘5 -53-3 -38-5 Group 1535. Two small spots, a and b. Several small spots are seen following a on November 13. Means ... 1 5 12-55 + 9-80 Group 1531. A small spot. Nov. 10-488 11- 271 12- 273 13- 156 14- 5 0 3 io 7 12 12 0 46 22 46 63 12 8 5 6 6 0 37 H 25 33 6 250- 2 251- 6 253 + 2 5 3*4 256-0 + 37 + 37 + 4+ + 4‘4 + 5-2 -52-3 — 40-6 -25-6 -14-0 + 6-4 Nov. 2-209 0 0 39 131-0 - 63 + 79'3 Means 0 39 131-0 - 6-3 Means 5 23 252-92 + 4-28 2 I Photo-Heliographic Results, 1882-1885. 250 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude j from 1 Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group Longitude from Central Meridian. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1536. A close pair of very small spots. Group 1540. Two small spots. I 884. j Nov. 1 2*273 13-156 4 5 13 15 4. 3 10 2247 224-5 - 37 - 3-6 -54*3 1884. a Nov. 1 3' 1 56 2 27 I 18 228-6 - 8-9 -38-8 -42-9 Means I 18 228-6 - 8-9 Means 4 1 1 224-60 - 3-65 Group 1541. A regular spot, a. A small spot appears following it on November 18. Other small spots forming an irregular stream appear on succeeding days. A second regular spot, b, appears closely following a on November 19. Group 1537. Two small spots, a and 6. On November 14 and 15 each spot has compact cluster of very small spots. A third spot, c, is seen on Nove >ecome a mber 15. Nov. 16-234 17- 284 18- 284 ^•467 20- 291 21- 284 22- 233 23- 225 24- 293 25- 255 12 1 7 30 7° 52 82 47 3° 6 82 154 202 354 552 452 308 2 1 1 74 23 1 7 ' i5 20 40 27 4 1 24 •i 7 4 122 136 137 199 289 228 160 * 119 5° 20 1 56'4 157-8 1 57' 6 1 57 -I 157- 1 158- 3 159- 8 ! 160- 7 I i6x-6 i6r6 + 7’9 : + 77 + 77 + 8-o + 7'9 + 7-8 + 7 + f 7‘5 + 74 + 77 -70-4 — 5 5 * 1 -42-1 -27-1 — 16*2 !"9 + 12-1 + 26-0 +4 1 ' 0 + 537 1 Nov. 12-273 13-156 I 4'5°3 ^•526 16- 234 17- 284 4 4 0 9 4 26 54 40 97 45 8 5 3 0 5 2 28 43 24 54 24 5 217-4 217- 2 218- 3 2:18-1 218-0 2 I 8*2 + 18-3 + 18-5 + 187 + 187 + I9'3 + 197 — 61-6 -50-2 -31-3 — 1 81 — 8-8 + 5'3 Means 3 3° 2I7-87 + 18-87 Means 21 146 158-80 + 770 : Group 1538. A very close pair of spots. Group 1 542. A small spot on November 18. Other spots appear on the succeeding days and form an irregular and somewhat scattered group. The group has become more condensed by November 22, when it consists of a large regular spot, a, closely followed by a number of small spots in a straight line. By November 24 these have all coalesced with a to form one large' wedge-shaped spot, the point ot the wedge following. The point of the wedge has become detached by November 26. Nov. 12-273 1 3* 1 56 I 4'5°3 15- 526 16- 234 9 14 0 6 2 64 77 66 23 13 14 14 0 3 105 77 45 13 7 207- 6 2 o 8"I 208- 5 208-5 208-5 - 8-6 - 8-3 - 8-i - 8-i - 8-3 -71-4 -59'3 - 4 ri - 277 -18-3 Nov. 18-284 19- 467 20- 291 21- 284 22- 233 23-225 24-293 0 5 9 4 1 60 81 130 160 96 No phc 33 | 1 1 18 149 217 494 726 1 1 H 1017 877 > tograph. 264 0 3 6 22 3° 41 71 99 73 (73 73 10 12 92 "9 252 372 607 630 670 605 539 142-5 142-9 1 39'4 140- 2 141- 0 141- 6 142- 0 142:9 H4-5 144-0 143- 5 - 7'5 - 7-2 - 7-8 - 74 - 7-2 - 6-9 - 7-i - 7’2 - 74 - 7’4 - 7-3 -57-2 -4i-3 -33‘9 — 20-0 - 67 + 6-9 + 21 + + 35'° + 50-0 + 62-8) +75’5 Means 6 49 208-24 - 8-28 Group 1539. A small spot. 25- 255 26- 273 27 28-287 Means ... | .- 45 355 142-23 -7-3.1 ' Nov. 12-273 1 31 5 6 1 4'5°3 15- 526 16- 234 17- 284 2 6 7 5 0 8 >5 IS 23 i5 13 4 8 5 0 3 0 17 18 1 1 14 8 7 203-0 2027 202- 9 2032 203- 5 204 0 + 77 + 8-2 + 8-6 + 8-6 + 8-7 + 8-8 — 76-0 -647 -467 _33-o -*3’3 - 8-9 Group 1543. Two small spots. Nov. 19-467 20-291 5 3 45 23 4 3 4i 30 239-8 238-2 -16-8 — J 7'3 + 55' 6 +64-9 Means 3 13 203-22 + 8-43 Means 4 3 6 2.39-00 -17-05 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 251 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1 544. A small regular spot, a, with some small faint spots following it on November 21 and 22. On November 23 four spots are seen. Only a is seen after November 23. Group 1 547. Four spots on November 29, two of which are measured together. On December 1 the group consists of two large regular spots, a and b. By December 2 a has become the leader of a straight stream of small spots. Some small spots appear following b on December z, and a second stream is thus formed. The two streams have coalesced by December 5, and form a large irregular spot, c, close to but not touching b. I 8 84. Q Nov. 21-284 22- 233 23- 225 24- 293 25- 255 26- 273 8 6 23 0 6 0 44 33 58 28 12 18 5 3 12 3 0 29 l 9 3° i5 7 1 1 124- 8 125- 6 126- 5 127- 8 128- 3 128-4 -15-9 -15-6 — 16-I -15-4 -14-9 -147 -35'4 — 22"I - 8-2 + 7-2 + 20-4 + 33-9 1 8 84. a Nov. 29-503 3° Dec. 1 '203 2- 289 3- 290 4- 458 5- 479 6- 255 7- 44i 8- 262 16 No pho 107 103 105 1 18 68 58' 3i 125 tograph. 810 606 573 661 671 631 354 233 11 (34 57 53 55 67 4 6 46 39 23 84 259 434 309 301 377 449 5i3 450 500 12-0 I2'8 I3-5 ! 13-3 1 3-4 133 12- 9 13- 5 13-1 12*5 + 14-0 + I 3"4 + 12-8 + 12-6 + 127 + 13-6 + 137 + 14-2 + 14-4 + 13-8 — 399 — 28-0) — 1 6-o — i-9 + 1 1*4 + 26-6 + 39-8 + 50-6 + 66-o + 76-0 Means 4 19 126-90 — 1 5*43 Group 1545. A few small spots on November 26. The group has increased in size by November 28, and forms a nearly continuous chain of spots. The group has broken up by November 29, and only six spots remain. Of these six, only three, a, b, and c, are seen on December 1 and 2. Means 43 368 13-03 + 13-52 Nov. 26-273 27 28- 287 29- 503 3° Dec. 1-203 2289 No pho 60 59 No pho 8 64 tograph. 389 234 tograph. 204 108 (16 3i 33 (2 5 16 8 37 120 203 132 138 144 109 7 1- 5 72- 3 73*i 72- 9 73'4 73- 8 73-8 -15-9 -I5-5 -15-0 -15*2 — 1 53 -15-4 -I5-5 -23-0 - 9’°) + 5-i + 21-0 + 327) + 44‘3 + S 8-6 Group 1548. A regular spot. Dec. 2-289 3- 290 4- 458 5'479 6- 255 7- 44I 8- 262 5 12 9 18 6 0 26 58 . 5i 49 48 32 20 7 10 6 10 3 3 0 36 5i 34 28 25 16 10 306- 4 3067 307- 1 307-3 307-4 307-4 307-4 - 67 - 6-6 - 6-5 - 6 -5 - 6-6 - 6-5 - 6-5 -68-8 -55 3 — 39" 6 -25-8 -I5-5 + 0-3 + 10-9 Means J 9 1 26 72-97 — 15-40 Group 1546. Four spots on November 29. On November 28 they are not readily separable, and are measured in two parts. By December 1 and the succeeding days the group has become a long straight and almost continuous stream of spots, the first spot, a, becoming a large regular .spot by December 2. The following spots diminish in size and number rapidly, and all have disappeared by December 8. Means 6 29 307-10 - 6-56 Group 1 549. A regular spot. It has divided into two spots, a and b, by December 13 ; b has disappeared by December 15. Nov. 28-287 29-503 3° Dec. 1-203 2- 289 3- 290 4- 458 5 ‘+7 9 6-255 7+4 1 8- 262 9- 214 5 27 No pho 27 U4 1 12 100 74 57 5° 39 49 222 tograph. 607 835 846 727 552 521 382 318 227 12 33 (26 18 57 58 56 54 43 4i 46 58 142 287 348 409 465 432 364 293 300 276 293 340 347-8 344'7 346-1 347'5 349'4 350- 2 351- 8 352- 5 352- 1 353- 3 353-5 3S4" 6 + 3‘9 . + 5-o + 4"5 + 3'9 + 3'5 + 3-4 + 3’4 + 3-3 + 3"4 + 3'3 + 3‘5 + 3'5 — 8o - 2 -67-2 -54-6) — 42-0 ~ 25-8 + 5-i + J 9'4 + 29-2 + 46-2 + 57-0 + 706 Dec. 5-479 6-255 7"44 r 8- 262 9- 214 10- 281 11- 251 12- 267 13- 248 14- 380 15- 269 16 *9 34 5 6 39 63 5i 20 4i 30 5 66 123 228 292 292 3°5 320 262 174 102 3° 23 26 36 21 32 25 23 21 5 1 26 145 175 186 161 156 160 137 100 72 20 258-1 258-0 258-0 258- 4 259- 0 259-0 259-0 259-4 259- 6 260- 2 261- 1 + 4"4 + 4‘3 + 4’3 + 4-4 + 4’4 i + 4'9 + 4"9 + 5 + + 5-i + 5-5 + 5-4 -75-0 -64-9 — 49" 1 -38-1 -25-0 -10-9 + 1-9 + 15-6 + 28-9 +44-3 + 56-9 Means 42 329 350-29 + 372 Means ... J ... 23 131 259-07 + +82 252 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued . Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. .ongitude of Group. Mean Altitude af Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Civil Time.- ^ Jmbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Civil Time. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Two spot Group 3, a and 6 ; b has 1550. isappear ed by Decen ber 10. Group .15 54. A cluster of small faint spots on December 10; on December 11 two consider- able spots. 1884. d Dec. 9'2i4 IO‘28l IS 12 53 3 i 14 2 5 54 7 6 344-0 346-5 - 7-0 - 7'3 + 60-0 , + 76-6 1884. a Dec. 10-281 11-251 0 8 25 87 0 I 2 24 147 328- 6 329- 6 - 9-3 | - 97 + 58-7 + 72-5 Means 20 65 345 " 2 5 - 7 -I 5 Means 6 86 329-1° - 9 - 5 ° Group 1551. Two faint spots measured together on December 9. Only one remains on December 10. Group A somewhat 1555 - faint spi ot . Dec. 13-248 14- 380 15- 269 16487 1 7‘ 1 9 3 o 10 1 4 0 ° 16 51 3 ° J 4 44 -O',- 1 1 1 3 39 58 24 9 8 153-2 153-4 153- 6 154- 0 153-9 + 15-6 -77-5 + 15-9 “62-5 + I 5 - 5 ' — 5 °' 6 + I 5-3 - 34 - i + 14-6 -24-9 Dec. 9 - 2i4 10-281 0 O 39 2 5 0 0 2 3 19 315 - 4 316- 0 -12-3 -13-7 + 31-4 4-46-1 Means 0 21 31570 — 13-00 Means 3 28 153-62 + 15-38 Group 1552. Two clusters of small spots on December 9. On December 10 the group consists of two regular spots, a and 6, and several small spots between or near them. 6 has disappeared by December 14. Group 1556. A large regular spot, a. A small spot is seen near a on December 16-17, and a second small spot on December 17. On December 19 on passing the central meridian two irregular spots, one of them large, appear close to a. These break up into a number of small spots, and have disappeared by December 24. Dec. 9-214 10- 281 11- 251 12- 267 13- 248 14- 380 15- 269 36 59 ! 35 ! 30 3 2 6 7 162 439 375 278 166 98 45 19 3 ° 19 18 22 6 13 85 222 196 160 115 99 75 269-1 269- 8 270- 8 272- 3 273- 6 276- 2 277- 1 - io'6 - io- 1 - io- 1 - 9-6 - 91 - 7‘4 - 7’3 ! -149 — O-I +137 ! +28-5 +42-9 +60-3 +72-9 Dec. 14380 15-269 16487 17- 193 18- 229 19- 505 20- 2 I I 21- 508 22489 23 24- 273 25- 158 36 36 .53 62 59 60 75 99 82 No phe 21 1 1 I5+ 207 332 406 389 738 612 586 ! 438 1 tograpli 161 99 56 36 37 38 32 3 ° 38 54 5 1 . (36 21 17 240 206 230 247 207 37 ° 312 322 274 216 -158 156 144-5 144-4 144-5 144- 9 1447 145- 5 145-4 145-5 145-6 145-2 144- 8 145- 4 - 7‘5 - 7'5 - 7’4 - 7-8 - 7-2 - 6-8 - 7 -i - 6-5 - 6-8 - 6-5 - 6-2 - 6-i | - 71-4 \ - 59-8 - 43-6 - 33-9 — 20-5 ~ l ' 9 + 6-3 + 23-5 ! +36-5 + 47 ’ 9 ) + 59 ' 2 + 7 i -5 Means 18 136 27270 - 9 'i 7 ! ... Group 1553. A regular spot, a, followed by a stream of small spots. The latter have disappeared by December 15. Means ... 37 245 I 45"°3 - 6-95 Dec. 9-214 10- 281 11- 251 12- 267 13- 248 14- 380 15- 269 16- 48.7 17- 193 8 22 3 ° 46 45 1 2 13 3 7 6 | 131 1 97 ! 2 53 343 178 38 19 13 12 20 21 1 26 2 5 6 7 113 120 138 146 182 90 21 12 IO 214-1 213-9 213-9 216-4 2152 216-6 223- 3 224- 9 225- 9 -12-4 -12-3 -12-4 -i 1-9 -12-3 — I 2 - 2 — II '9 -n- 9 -”•4 -69-9 — 56-0 -43-2 -27-4 -15-5 + 07 4-19-1 +36-8 + 47 ‘i Group 1557. A small faint spot on December 15. Two close pairs of spots on December 16. The group increases in size on the succeeding days and becomes an megular stream of small spots. Dec. 15-269 16487 * 7 ‘I 93 o 9 34 1 5 j 0 9 ' 5 261 j 19 u 142 170-2 169-4 1697 — 18-0 : —340 — 20-0 | —187 — 19*8 - 9 -i Means 1 5 92 218-24 — I2-oS 1 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885 . 253 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Civil Time. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 1557- — continued . 1884 0 0 Dec. 18229 3 ° 2 55 16 135 170-9 - 19-5 + 5-7 I 9 * 5°5 20 33 + I 2 191 172-0 — 1 8-8 + 23-6 20-2 1 I 33 3 22 2 I 204 1727 — 19-0 + 33 " 6 21-508 38 196 3 2 166 474 ' 1 -187 + 52-1 22-489 13 96 1 5 1 1 1 172-6 — 1 8-6 + 63-5 Means 15 125 1 7 1 *45 -19-05 Group 1558. A regular spot. Dec. 17-193 9 70 2 1 r 5 8 ioi-6 -i 3-9 - 77-2 18-229 13 102 1 5 1 16 101-5 -HA -63-7 I 9 ' 5°5 26 172 20 128 101-3 -I 3-3 - 47 -i 20-211 33 185 21 120 101-7 -13-6 - 37’4 21-508 56 206 3° 1 12 102-2 -13-0 -i 9 -8 22-489 33 2 54 17 1 30 102-5 -13-1 — 6-6 2 3 No pho tograph. (1+ n 9 102-7 — 1 3-0 + 5 ‘ 4 ) 2 4' 2 73 21 203 1 1 108 1 02 -9 -13-0 + 17-3 2 5 * 1 58 13 183 8 106 I03-2 -13-0 + 29-3 - 26-265 10 77 7 54 102-7 -12 7 ' + 43’4 27-209 0 18 0 16 103-0 -127 + 56-1 Means 15 106 102-30 -13-15 Group 1559. A regular spot. A si nail spot is seen near it on December 19. Dec. 18-229 - 5 ■ 59 5 57 106-8 + 7 '+ -58-+ I 9 ‘ 5°5 12 104 8 69 108-3 I 8-2 — 40-1 20'2 1 1 21 65 12 38 109-9 + 8-i -29-2 *21-508 i 5 53 8 28 1 ii *5 + 8-8 -10-5 22-489 2 4 38 1 2 20 1 1 2 *4 + 8-7 + 3‘3 2 3 No pho tograph, ■ (6 21 112-8 + 8-8 + IS- 5 ) H ' 2 73 0 38 0 22 ii 3 - 2 + 8-9 4-27-6 25-158 3 16 2 1 1 113-2 + 9 "° + 39-3 26-265 5 22 5 19 H31 + 8-9 + 53-8 27-209 5 IO 6 '3 II 3-5 + 8-5 4-66-6 Means 6 30 in '47 + 8-53 Group 1560. A small spot, a, which has disappeared by December 22, . A second spot, b, appears o n December 21. Dec. 20 2 1 1 0 10 o 5 155-3 -19 + + l6"2 21-508 5 + 1 3 26 154-5 -20-3 + 32-5 22-489 0 8 0 6 I 53-9 -I 9-5 + 44-8 Means 1 12 I 5+-57 -1973 ... Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Mean Mean Longitude Latitude of Group. of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Group 1561. A very large regular spot, a, followed at a considerable distance by three regular but much smaller spots, b, c, and d. A number of small spots are scattered irregularly over the intermediate space, a and c have very dark umbrae. ’4- a 20-211 13 225 36 640 597 + - ! 77 - 79-4 21-508 108 73° 143 928 56-0 + 9 -z — 66-0 22-489 202 1318 171 1152 55-0 4- 8-5 — 5+*i 23 No pho tograph. (150 1017 55-6 4- 8*4 — 4 1 *8) 24-273 224 1499 130 882 * 5 6 -2 + 8-2 -29 + 25-I58 244 1930 132 1042 557 + 8*2 — 18-2 26-265 1605 1 1 3 824 56-3 4- 8-5 - 3"° 27-209 186 1631 9 6 847 56-2 + 87 + 9’3 28-I80 236 1304 133 727 56-9 + 8-9 + 22-8 29-218 142 1002 9i 644 56-6 + 9"o + 36-2 30-2I9 89 693 7i 554 56-9 4- 9-+ + 49-7 3 1 -262 44 417 53 481 567 4- 9" 1 -f63-2 1885. I "240 13 168 31 398 57-9 + 9-4 4-77-2 ns 104 780 5679 + 871 Group 1562. Two small spots. 1884. Dec. 25-158 4 +8 2 25 89-4 -13-4 4-15-5 2 25 89-+ -13-4 Group 1563. A regular spot, a. A small spot, b, is seen preceding it on December 26 and 27, and another, c, on December 29 and 30. A fourth spot, d, is seen on December 29. Dec. 25158 26- 265 27- 209 28- 180 29- 218 3°' 2I 9 31-262 1885. 7 5+ 17 13+ 355*8 4- i*5 -78-1 1 + 123 16 140 3557 4- 1-7 — 63-6 9 14+ 8 117 355- 6 4- i-5 — 5i*3 17 194 1 1 126 355-2 + i-5 -38-9 33 211 18 1 18 3557 4- i -6 -247 19 206 10 107 355-8 4- i-8 -114 19 I90 9 95 356-0 4- I’2 4- 2-5 23 »99 12 103 356 -i 4- 17 4-15-+ 30 158 17 92 356-2 4- i-5 4-293 254 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAUKITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885 . 255 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group, Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 1566. Two small spots, a and b ; a moves forward and increases in size, and has broken up into several small spots by January 4, which are, however, still measured together, b has disappeared by January 4, but several other small spots have appeared near its place. The entire group forms a long straight stream on January 5, of which only the first and last spots remain on January 6, and only the first spot on January 7. Group 1570. Three small spots a, b, and c ; a has disappeared by January 15, 0 by January 1 3. 1885. d Jan. 12-499 13- 470 14- 218 15- 236 16292 17-217 H 46 3° i5 9 4 99 167 161 41 40 8 24 15 8 3 55 87 84 22 23 8 172-2 171-8 171-5 169- 6 170- 3 170-1 -18-9 — 18-6 — 1 8-8 — 1 8-6 -187 -187 — 20- 1 - 7-8 + 1-8 + 137 + 27-8 + 399 1885.3 Jan. 1-240 2-282 3' 2 39 4- 245 5- 175 6- 469 7- 455 8- 450 9- 517 0 21 4 1 29 15 5 0 0 44 76 142 142 1 84 44 34 29 12 0 15 23 16 8 3 0 0 42 54 82 76 93 23 20 21 12 282- 2 283- 2 285-4 285-8 285- 0 286- 9 290- 6 291- 5 292- 6 -I 3-5 -13-6 -127 -13-2 -127 -12-8 -127 -13-1 — I2"6 -58-5 -437 — 28-9 -15-2 - 3-8 + 15-2 + 31-8 + 457 + 60-9 ■ Means 1 1 47 170-92 — 18-72 Group 1571. Three small spots, a, b, and e, on January 15 ; & has disappeared by January 17, c by 18. The group forms a compact cluster on January 15, but a and c have moved in latitude by January 16, so that the three spots then follow each other on nearly the same parallel of latitude. Means 7 47 287-02 -12-99 Group 1567. A small faint spot, a, on January 1 and 2. Five other spots measured in two clusters are seen near it on January 3. Of these all but one, b, has disappeared by January 4, a has disappeared by January 7 and 6 by January 9. A third small spot, c, is seen on January 9 and 10. Jan. 15*236 16- 292 17- 217 18*212 21 8 7 63 64 42 6 4 4 33 34 23 4 146-7 148-0 148-0 150-2 — 20-2 — ! 9‘9 -197 — 18-9 - 9-6 + 5*5 + 17-8 + 33 -i Means 5 24 148-23 — 1968 Jan. 1-240 2- 282 3 - 239 4 - 245 5 - 175 6- 469 7 - 455 8- 450 9- 517 10-290 0 37 18 13 0 0 0 4 7 18 117 175 180 83 35 3i 24 40 0 0 24 10 7 0 0 0 0 4 9 16 79 102 96 44 19 18 18 38 273-2 273- 8 274- 1 . 275- 4 276- 2 275-8 274-2 274-3 277- 5 277-1 +H-4 + 117 + 12-2 + 12-2 + 12-3 + I2‘3 + 12-6 + 12-4 + 12-6 + 127 -67-5 -53-i — 40-2 -25-6 — IZ’6 + 4"! + 15-4 + 28-5 +45-8 + 55-6 Group 1572. Two small spots, a and b, on January r6. These increase in size, and other spots appear near them on succeeding days ; 6 has broken up into a number of small spots by January 20, anil a has divided to form two regular spots, c and d, by January 22. The smaller following spots have all disappeared by January 24, leaving e and d alone. Jan. 16-292 17-217 I 8*2 1 2 !9 20- 186 21- 183 22- 214 23766 24- 225 25- 542 26- 246 0 15 39 No pho 184 1 19 93 26 4i 17 12 4i 208 4i7 tograph. 894 921 5H 332 216 I 2 I 60 0 12 25 (62 t 6 1 50 15 29 17 16 46 165 271 372 473 479 278 201 151 121 85 79- 8 80- 2 79 6 79- 8 80- o 79‘2 79‘3 80-2 80-9 80- 7 8 1- 6 -217 — 21-6 -21-5 -21-4 - 21-3 — 21-2 — 21-1 — 20-8 -20-3 — 20-2 -l 9 -8 — 627 -50-0 — 37*5 -24-3) 1 — 1 1 • 1 + i-i + 148 + 3°*9 + 43 ’o + 6o"2 + 70*2 Means 5 44 275-16 + 12-24 Group 1568. 'Several very small faint spots. Jan. 2-282 0 35 0 19 308-5 - 3-3 ; -18-4 Means 0 19 308-5 - 3-3 1 ••• Means 35 240 80-12 -20-99 Group 1 569. A small spot, a, followed by two or three small faint spots. The latter undergo several changes and are usually measured together as one. Group 1573 - Two small faint spots on January 18. The group has greatly increased in size by January 20, and consists of two large spots, a and 6, and one small one. a diminishes on the following days, throwing off small spots in the direction of b ; these spots combine to form a large spot, c, on January 23. Jan. 2-282 3 - 239 4 - 245 5 - 175 7 H J 9 0 52 96 65 1 1 1 5 7 9 0 32 S 2 34 56 291-4 291- 8 292- 3 2927 ' 4 ’° - 4 'i - 4-6 - 4-0 - 35-5 -22-5 - 87 + 3-9 Jan. 1 8 *2 1 2 19 20- 186 21- 183 22- 214 0 No pho 148 169 160 53 tograph. 1014 940 948 0 (40 79 99 ii 3 27 282 537 549 664 uo-8 110-4 109-2 108-9 - 60 - 6-2 - 6-4 - 62 - 5'6 — 6-o + 67 ) + 197 + 3 i-i + 44’4 Means 5 44 292-05 - 4-18 256 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions o Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Civil Time. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1573- —continued . 1885. d 0 Jan. 23-366 141 916 139 887 108-4 - 5'i + 59’ 1 24-225 125 603 177 872 108-0 — 4' 8 + 70-1 25-542 0 49 O 300 106-1 - 3'2 + 85-6 Means 81 515 109-11 - 5M4 Group 1574. on January 20. Two others, b and e, have : appeared near it by January 21 ; a has disappeared by January 2: 1. A fourth spot, a, is seen on January 24. ' Jan. 20‘i 86 7 38 . 4 21 72-5 + 8-i - 1 8-6 21-183 0 62 0 32 72-8 + 7‘6 - 5‘3 22-214 4 48 2 24 70-9 + T 3 + 6-4 23-366 9 62 5 34 70-4 + r 2 + 21 -J 24-225 36 O 22 707 + 7 ‘3 + 32-8 25-542 0 33 0 27 70-8 4- 8-0 + 5°‘3 26-246 0 10 0 12 ' 737 + 77 + 62-3 Means 2 25 ! 7 1 ‘69 + 7‘57 Group 1575- Two small spots on January 20. The group has increased in . size by January 21, on which date it consists of ; 1 regular spot, a, followed at a little distance by a large irregular group ; this group, which consists of a number of small spots, changes ra pidlv froi n day to day. Two spots combine to form b on January 24 ; a has disappeared by January 27, and b has divided into two spots by January 28. Jan. 20-1 86 10 72 16 ”3 18-8 — 1 0-0 -727 21-183 20 244 18 223 20-8 - 9 -6 — 57‘3 22-214 59 347 39 235 22-3 - 87 -42-2 23-366 48 545 27 3°9 22‘0 — 8-i -277 24-225 109 399 57 207 22-1 — 8-i -15-8 25-542 80 368 41 187 2 3 -I “ I'i -}- 2*6 26-246 64 438 33 222 23-3 ~ 8*9 + 11-9 27-473 34 215 20 121 22- 9 - 9'° + 27-6 28-220 24 199 15 126 23‘3 - 8-7 + 37'9 29-148 18 102 *4 79^ 23-0 - 8-i + 49 '9 Means - 28 182 2 2* I 6 - 875 Group 1576. Two small spots, a and b , on January 21 . Both have moved forward in longitude, and b has also shown a motion in latitude by January 22 Jan. 21-183 5 56 3 3 ° 9°‘i + io-6 + I 2 -C 22-214 5 24 3 15 91-1 + 1 r 3 -(-26-6 Means 3 23 90-60 + 10-9 5 Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 1577. A small spot. 1885. d Jau. 22-214 ! 9 I IO , 358-9 + 0'9 -65-6 Means 1 IO 358-9 + 0"9 Group 1578. A regular spot, a. Two small spots are seei 1 near it on January 2S. Jan. 24-225 7 34 1 13 65 324-9 + 1 1 "4 -73"0 25-542 7 58 1 7 55 3247 + 11-6 -55-8 26-246 17 121 •3 94 324-5 + 11-4 -46-9 27A73 12 127 i 7 77 32+7 + 117 — 30-6 28-220 3 1 | 142 17 79 3 2 4-3 + 1 1 "7 — 21-1 29-148 26 101 H 54 324-6 + X17 - 8-5 30-552 1 2 82 6 44 324-8 + I 2"0 *-j- 10*2 * 3 1 ' 1 87 13 87 ■ 7 49 325- 1 + 1.7 + 1 S'9 Feb. 1-387 0 36 0 1 *3 325 + + n- 9 + 34'9 Means 9 60 32478 + ii-68 Group 1579. A regular snot, a, followed by a number of scattered small spots. The group appears suddenly near the centre of the sun. The following spots gradually disappear, and a alone remains on January 29. Jan. 25-542 3 6 212 *9 1 10 i 1 r 'S + 4'5 - 9-0 26246 20 182 10 92 13-8 + 4‘7 + 2-4 27‘473 14 208 8 1 10 12-9 + 4-8 + 17-6 28-220 18 138 1 1 80 H+ '+ 5-i + 29-0 29-148 1 1 70 8 5° 167 + 5-8 + 43-6 30-552 0 1 2 0 l 3 i 6"3 + 57 ! +617 31-187 0 9 0 H 167 + 5'9 | +7°-5 Means 8 67 1461 + S'21 j Group 1580. A large regular spot, a, followed by a number of small spots, cl has broken up into three parts by February 5. They are, however, still measured together as one on that day. On February. 6 only two of the three parts remain, and these are measured separately. The small spots following a have all disappeared by February 2. Jan. 25*542 26-246 27A73 28- 220 29- 148 30 - 552 31- 187 5*5 645 857 987 226 426 438 449 54 1 447 500 300-1 299- 8 300- 6 301- i 300- 9 3 OI "4 301- 2 — 80-4 -71-6 -547 -44'3 -32-2 -13-2 - 5'o TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 257 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 1580 — continued. Group 1585. A small faint spot. 1885. d Feb. 1-387 2 *457 3'220 4"447 5- 50° 6- 173 220 1 1 1 104 54 38 2 3 1015 823 685 487 296 125 113 62 64 44 47 5 i 522 458 422 4 ° 3 365 281 3017 3° 2 '3 302- 2 303- 5 303-2 305-6 -137 -I 3-3 - 13-5 - 13-3 -I 3-4 — 12-8 + II-2 + 25-8 + 35-8 + 53-2 + 66-9 + 78-2 1885. d Jan. 30-552 31-187 Feb. 1-387 . 0 3 0 16 18 9 0 3 0 13 20 21 9"0 9-4 9-8 — I2-I -12-7 -12-8 + 54*4 + 63-2 4 - 79*3 Means 1 18 9-40 -12-53 Means 72 421 301-82 - 13-55 Group 1586. A regular spot. A very small spot is seen near it on February 6 and another on February 9. Group 1581. Two small spots. A third is seen on January 28. Jan. 27-473 28-220 0 59 5 1 0 0 60 89 54-2 57-6 + IO'O + 9-2 + 58-9 + 72-2 Jan. 30-552 31-187 Feb. 1-387 2 - 457 3- 220 4 - 447 5 - 5 oo 6- 173 7 A 99 8 - 153 9- 480 10-509 16 5 ° 76 67 58 62 58 58 33 28 13 7 59 190 263 333 369 39 2 320 312 232 230 130 50 23 53 55 39 3 i 3 i 3 ° 3 i 21 21 15 16 86 201 188 196 197 199 164 168 149 172 154 116 245-0 244 - 7 245 - 4 245 - 7 246- 4 247- 1 247-1 247- 6 248- 0 248-3 248-6 247-5 + 07 + 0-8 + 0-9 + i -3 + 1-2 + 1-6 + 17 + 2-1 + 1-9 + 2-3 + 2-4 + 2-3 — 696 -61-5 - 45 -i — 30-8 — 20"0 - 3-2 + io -8 + 20-2 4-379 + 46 8 4-64-5 + 77 -i Means 0 75 55-90 4- 9-60 Group 1582. Two small spots, a and 5 . A third spot is seen on January 27, and a fourth on January 29. Jan. 27-473 28- 220 29- 148 8 21 11 68 70 76 5 16 12 43 5 2 85 3 2 9 33-5 36-3 - i’4 - i-5 - ! "4 + 37-6 + 48 " 1 + 63-2 Means 3i 166 246-78 + i - 6o Means 1 1 60 34-23 - i‘43 Group 1587. A number of small spots irregularly scattered over a considerable area. The group becomes somewhat more scattered, and the spots decrease in area until they have passed the central meridian on February 7. The following part of the group then rapidly increases in size, and becomes more compact, the individual spots coalescing with one another until on February 1 1 the group consists of three large spots so close together as almost to form a single very large spot. These have broken up by February 13. The preceding part of the group has disappeared by February n. Group 1583. A small spot. Jan. 29-148 7 16 3 8 346"7 - 27 + 13-6 Means 3 8 34 6 '7 - 2-7 Feb. 1-387 2- 457 3- 220 4- 447 5- 500 6173 7H99 8- 153 9- 480 10- 509 11- 191 12- 545 13- 288 25 39 28 3° 68 49 85 176 214 176 9 1 21 0 169 294 3i3 335 245 243 646 1 142 1019 888 809 200 57 32 32 19 18 37 26 44 94 127 125 75 3 1 0 219 248 216 194 130 124 335 604 605 619 66 1 291 200 222-5 222-3 222‘5 221-0 219- 9 220- 4 2 I 6'2 2I5-2 2149 2138 2137 2 14-6 2I7-6 -147 -14-7 -14-2 — 154 — 1 6*0 — 161 — 18-6 — 186 — 18-5 -187 — 18-9 -19-0 — 1 8-6 — 68-o -54-2 -43-9 -29-3 — 16-4 - 7-o + 6-i 4-137 4-30-8 4-434 -452-3 4-7i-i 4-837 Group 1584. Several small spots irregularly distributed. They are measured together on January 29, in two clusters 011 January 28 and 30, and in three on January 31. On January 29 a small spot is seen following the group at a little distance. Jan. 28-220 29- 148 30- 552 31- 187 7 4 0 2 151 82 - 5i 53 6 3 0 136 60 28 28 288- 8 286-1 290-5 289- 4 -12-8 -13-2 -13-6 -13-6 -5 6-6 -47-o -24-1 — 1 6-8 Means 3 63 288-70 -13-30 Means 5i 342 2I8-05 — 17-08 Photo-Heliographic Results, 1882-1885. 2 K 258 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots —continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean 1 Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. | Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Civil Time. -j Jmbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. of Group. S e-veral sir all spots Group arranget 1588. in two ompact clu ters. Group 1592. A large irregular spot, a, closely followed by a large regular spot b. a has broken up by February 13, forming two spots, c, a regular spot, and d, an lriegular spot t J 1 J 1 * .7 fnrtbnr anil HiministlPa 111 Size On the 1885. d Feb. 2-457 3-220 4 * 4+7 13 3 27 6l 64 0 7 >5 32 34 263-9 262-7 262-4 - 23*9 - 23*5 -23-2 — 12-6 - 37 + 1 2-1 with several umDrae. a uiea,K.s succeeding days, but remaining a compact cluster is measi It has disappeared by February 17. On February 16 and the group is almost entirely made up of the two large re Two or three very small spots are seen in the neighbourly on February io, 15, and 19. ired as a single spot, the succeeding days, gular spots, b and c. lod of the large spots Means 3 27 26300 - 23*53 1885.4 Feb. 8-153 9-480 10-509 11*191 12- 545 13- 288 H* 33 ° 15- 158 16- 151 I 7 * 37 i 18-490 . i 9 *H 6 20*2 I 6 27 87 63 145 144 1 19 74 70 76 20 3 i 1 1 65 325 471 652 856 771 837 587 520 399 240 179 80 0 35 75 45 82 76 59 37 38 47 15 3 i 18 479 424 406 461 480 406 419 295 278 249 189 179 133 115- 0 1 16- 3 115- 6 1 16- 0 1167 1 1 6-6 116*5 1 1 6-6 116- 5 117- 1 1167 117-3 1 159 - 4*4 - 6-2 — 6’o - 6-2 - 6-3 - 6-4 - 6-4 - 6-3 - 6-2 - 6-3 — 86-5 — 67-8 - 54*8 — 45*4 — 269 -i 7*3 — 3*6 + 7*3 + 20-3 + 37 *i + 5 i *4 + 6o-6 + 73*3 Group 1 589. A large irregular spot surrounded by several small spots. It appears suddenly on the disk, not at the limb. The large spot has broken up by February 5, and the group then consists of a large regular spot, a, closely followed by a number of small spots in a long stream. The following spots gradually diminish in | size and number, and on February 1 1 a remains alone. Feb. 3-220 4*447 5- 500 6- 173 7*499 *•153 9-480 10- 509 11- 191 9 1 138 171 183 127 104 54 28 10 477 946 964 1017 -854 706 364 239 127 5 i 70 86 95 74 70 53 49 39 265 480 484 526 508 469 355 399 487 239*9 240*9 240-8 242-4 242-5 242*5 243*4 243*3 244-2 - 4 * 6 - 4*7 - 4*7 - 4 * 6 - 4*7 - 4*3 - 4*2 - 3*9 - ’ 3*7 -26-5 - 9*4 + 4*5 + 15-0 + 32*4 +41* 0 + 59*3 + 72-9 + 82-8 Means 43 338 116-37 — 6-02 Group 1593. A large regular spot, a. A small spot is seen near it on February 12 and another Means 65 441 242-21 - 4*38 on reuructiy 14. Feb. 10-509 11- 191 12 - 545 13- 288 14 * 33 ° I 5 *i 58 16-151 I 7 * 37 i 4 14 7 i 77 65 82 7 i 96 5 i 73 60 3 ° 15 53 146 460 43 ° 5°5 5 i 5 533 372 383 279 139 152 13 24 62 55 38 44 36 5 ° 29 46 48 39 37 174 248 34 1 325 249 269 262 279 203 243 221 184 374 89-8 89-1 89-6 9°*5 91- 2 92*1 92- 4 93 *i 93 *i 93*5 927 937 94 *° + 3*9 + 3*8 + 4 *° + 3*6 + 3*2 + 3*5 + 3*3 + 37 + 37 + 3*8 + 3*8 + 3*9 + 3*9 — 8o-6 - 72*3 - 54 *° - 43*4 — 28-9 -17-2 — 3*8 + 13-1 + 27-8 + 36-8 + 5 °*i + 67-0 +77-6 Group 1590. Two small spots on February 7 and 8, but the following spot on February 8 differs considerably in longitude and latitude from the following spot on February 7. Both spots have broken up by February 9, each forming a compact cluster of small spots which are measured together. Feb. 7*499 8- 153 9- 480 10-509 10 12 8 7 38 96 140 44 6 7 6 6 21 56 101 42 229-2 229-4 229-6 228-1 — 2 1-0 — 20-1 — 20-9 — 20'7 + I 9' 1 +27*9 + 45*5 + 577 18- 490 19- 146 i 20‘2 I 6 ! 21-433 22-203 Means 6 55 ^ 229-08 — 20-68 Means 40 259 91-91 + 37 ° Group 1591. Three very small spots in a compact cluster on February 7. These have disappeared by February 8, and the three small spots, a, b, and e, are seen, a has dis- appeared by February 9, and another spot, d, has appeared in the place of the original cluster, c has disappeared by February 10. This group u ill-definec February On Febrt of spots The preci Group 1 594. ndergoes frequent and striking changes. On February n it is an l spot. On February 12 two close clusters of small spots. On 13 three spots. On February 14 other small spots are also seen. iary 15 two large clusters of spots. On February 16 a long stream following each other so closely as almost to form a single spot, sdino- spot, a, is the largest and best defined. By February 17 the !S begun to break up, the last spot, b, has become clearly isolated by 18, the centre spots fade away on the succeeding days, and by 20 only a and b remain. Feb. 7*499 8 - 153 9- 480 10-509 4 7 6 0 16 ”4 98 63 2 4 3 0 8 63 5 i 35 185-8 189-4 187-6 187-6 + IO-I + 13*3 + 10-4 + 9*7 -24*3 — I2-I + 3*5 + 17-2 stream hi February February Feb. 11-191 12-545 2 18 H 49 73 97 4 18 11 9 1 7 i 75 85-6 84*3 857 — 20-6 — 20-9 -21-7 - 75*8 - 59*3 — 48-2 Means 2 39 187-60 + 10-8? 13-288 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 259 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued . Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Grou p 1594 — continued. Group 1597 — contin ued. 1885. d Feb. 14-330 15- 158 16- 151 1 7 '37 1 18- 490 19- 146 20"2 1 6 2i'433 22-203 19 60 108 168 109 66 56 27 5 ii5 507 1005 997 817 592 358 203 107 12 34 57 88 60 40 40 29 10 7° 282 528 522 454 356 261 225 203 88-8 87-9 87- 0 88- o 87- 6 88- o 88-4 90-6 92-7 -21-8 -21-9 -21-8 -21-5 -21-7 -21-5 — 216 -21-4 — 21-6 -31-3 -21-4 1885. d Feb. 16-151 I7-37I 16 3 133 22 6 120 38 1527 I54-5 -15-4 — 14-8 + 5 6 ’5 + 74*5 - 97 + 8-0 — j— 22 -3 Means 8 62 152-52 -I5-34 ... + 3I-3 + 45-8 + 63-9 + 76-3 Group 1598. The group consists of two small spots on each day on which it is seen, but it is clear that the spots are the same on each day. Means 34 262 87-88 — 21-50 Feb. 13-288 I4'33° 15-158 0 2 3 7 64 54 1 2 5 40 3 1 84-7 84-4 83-3 + 4"° + 5-6 + 5*4 | -492 -357 — 26-0 Group 1595. A stream of small spots. The spots change in number and area from day to day. Means 1 25 84- 1 3 + 5’°° Feb. 12-545 13- 288 14- 33 0 15- 158 16- 151 17- 371 4 3 10 8 0 0 45 66 120 3i 23 13 3 2 6 4 0 0 34 42 67 16 12 7 93-2 95-3 95‘3 98- 9 99- 8 99-8 -15-8 — 1 6* 1 — I 6 ‘2 -15-9 — i6 - o -157 — 5°"4 — 38-6 — 24-8 — 10-4 + 3' 6 + 19-8 Group 1599- Two small spots, a and 6. 6 has disappeared by February 17. Feb. 15-158 16- 151 17- 37I 0 i5 13 38 1 1 0 10 0 7 25 10 1 36-6 1 36-0 140-0 — 16-1 -15-8 -H'9 + 27'3 + 39-8 + 6o-o Means 3 30 97-05 -I5-95 Means 7 I A. 177-^ — 15-60 Group 1596. A regular spot, a, followed by a few small scattered spots. ... T Group 1600. Three very small spots. Two of these are measured together on February 15 One member of this pair has disappeared by February 16, and another spot has broken out. Feb. 12-545 13- 288 14- 33° 15- 158 16151 17- 37I 18- 490 I9U46 20-216 21- 433 22- 203 235 1 1 6 *9 20 54 5 1 73 60 39 27 20 12 0 57 127 177 284 306 363 366 367 164 6 l 5 6 36 9 J 9 15 34 28 37 32 22 18 18 15 0 85 130 129 174 168 188 495 207 106 60 70 120 74-6 75’ 1 76-0 IT 1 78- i 79- ° 78- 3 79- 2 79- 4 80- 7 8 1 • 1 79'4 + 8-9 + 8-3 + 8-3 + 8-4 + 8-2 + 8-8 + 9'° + 8-6 + 8-2 + 8-5 + 8-4 + 8-o — 69-0 -58-8 -44' 1 -32-2 — 1 8 • 1 — i-o + 13-° + 22-5 + 36-8 + 54-° + 647 + 8o-i Feb. 15-158 16-151 0 0 9 11 0 0 12 10 39-9 4i-4 - 3-8 - 2-9 -69*4 -54-8 Means 0 1 1 40-65 - 3'35 Group 1601. A small regular spot, a, on February 16, followed by several very small spots. a increases in size on the succeeding days. The small spots which follow it undergo constant changes, and have all disappeared by February 22. Means 21 136 78-17 + 8-47 4 12 32 27 64 36 28 5 37 152 219 291 254 213 H3 4 1 i 15 37 26 26 8 22 79 109 I5 1 145 154 132 7i 69-0 69-6 719 72-3 72- 0 73'5 74-4 73- 3 -io- 9 -io-8 - 9" 6 — 10-2 — 10-2 - 9-7 - 9-4 - 9‘5 -27'Z -10*4 + 6*6 + 156 + 29-4 + 46-8 + 58*0 + 74*0 ! Group 1597. A small spot, a. Other small spots are seen near it on February 14 and 15, and form with it an irregular scattered group. Feb. 16-151 17- 371 18- 490 19- 146 20*2 1 6 21-433 Feb. 13-288 H'33° 15-158 0 20 12 27 107 "5 0 12 8 63 76 152-4 152-1 150-9 -15-4 -15-6 -15-5 + 18-5 + 32-0 +4!-6 22-203 23-5II Means 17 108 72-00 — 10-04 1 260 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued . Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1602. A very small spot on February 16. A close pair of very small spots on February 17. Group 1607. A spot, a, of very irregular shape on February 20, with two small spots near it. These latter have disappeared by February 21. a has broken up into a number of small spots by February 23. Only one spot remains on February 24. 1885. a Feb. 16-151 17-371 0 0 3 8 0 0 3 6 33-6 3 3 '3 — 2-6 - 3-2 -62-6 -467 1885., Feb. 20-216 2 1-433 22- 203 23- 511 24 - 45 I 5 29 22 9 2 65 1 95 318 93 10 4 17 12 4 1 47 ”3 169 48 5 356 - 8 357 - 2 357 - 4 358 - 3 357‘3 — 0-2 + 0-3 - °‘5 — O'l + 2-0 -458 - 29-5 - 19-0 — ro 4 - 10-4 Means O 5 33-45 — 2-90 Group 1603. A small spot. Means 8 76 3 57 - 4 ° + 0-30 Group 1608. A single spot, a, on February 20. A second spot, b, has appeared by February 21, and has disappeared by February 25. Feb. 18-490 0 12 0 8 100-3 + io-8 + 35-0 Means O 8 100-3 + io'8 Feb. 20-2 1 6 21- 433 22- 203 23- 511 24- 451 25- 167 9 H 6 10 4 0 46 57 87 34 36 i5 4 5 2 0 56 43 57 19 18 8 336-3 337’° 335- 6 336- 8 338 -i 3 39" 1 MINI -66-3 -497 — 40-8 -22-5 8-8 4- 17 Group 1604. Two small spots, a and b, on February 19. Only a is seen on February 20. Feb. 19-146 20*2 I 6 3 0 57 24 2 0 47 3i 107-7 1 09 " 1 + 6-o + 5'° + 5 1 " 0 + 66-5 Means 6 34 337-15 - 9-45 Group 1609. A small spot, a, on February 23. Two other small spots, b and c, have appeared by February 24. Means 1 39 108-40 + 5-5° Group 1605. A very small spot. Feb. 23-511 24- 451 25- 167 26- 1 59 0 5 4 0 20 30 24 H 0 4 3 0 23 25 16 8 294- 4 293-8 295 - 3 295-0 - 5*8 — 6-o — 6-o - 61 -64-9 -53-i -42-1 -29-3 Feb. 20-2 1 6 0 5 O 5 I02"6 -i6- 9 + 6o-o Means 2 18 294-63 ~ 5-98 Means O 5 102-6 — 16-9 Group 1610. A small spot. A second is seen near it on February 28. Group 1606. A small spot on February 20 ; five very small spots on February 2 1 ; four small spots, three of which are measured together, on February 22. Two of these four spots, a and b, have greatly increased in size by February 23. A few very small spots, measured together, are seen between them on that day. The group undergoes yet further changes on the succeeding days. Feb. 24-451 25- 167 26- 159 27- 207 28216 0 2 0 3 15 20 20 5 22 0 0 0 2 23 2 1 16 3 13 278-8 278- 8 279 - 4 279-2 276-8 + 16-5 + 15*9 4- 1 6-o + 15-9 + 16-1 -681 -58-6 - 44-9 -3i-3 — 20-4 Feb. 20-2 1 6 21 '43 3 22-203 235 1 1 24- 45 1 25- 167 26- 159 7 2 40 53 5i 20 24 42 188 ; 44 6 447 j 3i9 42 4 20 3° 33 15 1 2 12 21 96 249 283 2 37 44 27-2 26-1 25-7 25-5 25-5 25 - 6 26- 3 - 9‘9 -10-5 — IO'I -io-7 — 106 — 10-9 -n-4 -15-4 — o-6 + 9*3 + 26-2 4-38-6 + 48-2 4-62-0 Means 1 15 278-60 “f“ I 6*08 Group 1 6 1 1 . A small spot. Feb. 25-167 1 0 37 0 23 14-6 — 0'2 + 37-2 Means 16 135 25-99 -10-59 Means i 0 23 146 — 0'2 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 261 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots— continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1 6 1 2- A large regular spot, a, on February 26. On February 27 several small spots are seen s./. of a. These increase in number and size on the succeeding days, and approach a. On March 3 and the succeeding days some small spots are seen n.p. of a. a diminishes in size from day to day, but the preceding spots of the stream s.f. of a have coalesced by March 5 to form a large regular spot b. Group 1614 — continued. 1885. d Mar. 6-192 7- 493 8- 175 9- 482 10-465 n-493 205 179 116 98 18 3 1465 1443 1623 771 353 59 109 107 77 89 3 1 7 766 850 1078 7H 522 126 232-3 232-4 232- 9 233- 0 2338 226-7 -21-3 -17-5 — 1 8-o -18-2 — 18-0 — 20-8 + 13-8 + 31-0 + 4°-5 + 57-8 +71-6 + 78-1 1885. d Feb. 26-159 27- 207 28- 216 Mar. 1-442 2- 581 3- 161 4- 456 5 '573 6- 192 7- 493 8- 175 9- 482 20 50 66 61 41 86 89 79 109 70 60 !3 ”9 260 44 1 559 45i 580 628 1047 784 499 4i7 53 64 54 39 22 43 45 43 62 5i 53 22 310 327 36s 352 244 300 318 554 447 361 374 202 245-1 243- 8 244- 2 243- 9 245- 1 244- 8 246- 0 246- 4 247- 0 248- 0 248-8 247-8 “ 2'9 - 3-5 - 4-2 - 3-7 - 3-6 - 3'6 - 3'6 - 3-5 - 3-6 - 3-i - 3-o - 3-i — 79'2 -667 -53-o -37-2 — 20‘9 -13-6 + 4-7 + 197 + 28-5 + 46-6 + 56-4 + 72-6 Means 66 578 231-60 — 18-24 Group 1615. A small spot. A second is seen near it on March 5, and is measured with it. Feb. 28-216 Mar. 1-442 2- 581 3- 161 4- 456 5- 573 0 18 10 H 0 0 15 44 53 4i 28 26 0 16 7 9 0 0 23 40 39 27 16 H 230-1 229- 2 227-9 227 + 227-5 230- 5 + 17-5 + 1 8-4 + 19-5 + 19-6 + 197 + 18-5 -67-1 -51-9 -38-1 - 3 1 " 0 -13-8 + 3-8 Means 46 34 6 245-91 - 3A5 Group 1613. A small spot, a, on February 27. A second b is seen on February 28. a has disappeared by March 1. Means 5 27 22877 + 18-87 Feb. 27-207 28-216 Mar. 1-442 2- 581 3- 161 4- 456 0 9 13 6 9 0 8 5° 77 81 29 26 10 10 4 5 0 21 58 60 5 1 *7 H 234-4 236-1 236-2 236-9 237A 238-8 + 16-3 + 15-3 + 157 + 15-6 + I5-3 + 15-6 -76-1 — 61*1 -44-9 -29-1 — 21-0 - 2-5 Group 1616. A small spot. Means 5 37 236-63 + 15-63 Mar. 2-581 o 8 1 ° 5 2518 + 17-8 -14-2 size by February 28, g it, and a small spot succeeding days, and ise an immense area, lie a regular spot by 'lie preceding spots of ir spot, b, by March 5. h 8, and re-combined by March 6, and the Means ... I 0 5 251-8 + 17-8 A small spot 0 another sj north of i forms two The lead! March 2, the soutlie This spot by March entire gro n Februa 10 1 of abo t. The irregular ng spot, and in ere sm strean has, hov 9. The up underj Ijrroup 1014. ry 27. This has greatly ii ut the same area has appeal group rapidly increases in streams of spots which to a, of the northern strean lases in size on the followii n have coalesced to form a 1; rever, divided into two spe two streams have become ii goes continual changes. ncreased in red followin size on the gether encli 1 has becon ig days. T urge irregult >ts by Marc ntermiugled Group 1617. A large spot, with a small companion appearing suddenly near the centre of the disk. The large spot has begun to break up by March 5, and other spots have appeared near it ; but as the group is still very compact, it is measured together on that day. It has become more scattered by March 6, and diminishes in size after that day. Feb. 27-207 28-216 Mar. U442 2- 581 3- 161 4- 456 5'573 3 29 64 90 180 240 118 IO 232 542 1015 io 99 1608 1259 8 36 49 55 101 125 61 2 5 283 . 4i9 626 626 831 646 2298 230- 5 231- 2 23I-5 231- 7 232- 2 232-8 — 18-8 — 20*7 — 16-8 —16-5 -!6- 7 -1 6-8 -17-0 -807 -667 -49-9 -34-5 -267 - 9" 1 + 6-i Mar. 4-456 5- 573 6- 192 7+93 8-175 67 20 92 30 4 35i 7°9 732 353 183 35 12 60 27 6 184 4 J 4 474 318 228 257-2 257- 3 258- 3 2587 2597 -14-1 -13-6 -I3-5 -13+ -13-6 + I5-9 + 30-6 + 39-8 + 57-3 + 67-3 Means ... 28 324 258-24 -1364 262 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued . Date. (Greenwich Civil Time. 1885. a Mar. 4-456 6 103 16 283 I 59-3 5-573 28 199 34 269 1597 6192 62 232 60 225 256 158-8 7493 58 381 39 1594 8-175 142 419 85 250 IS 9-5 9-482 60 456 3 i 237 159-6 10465 78 522 39 262 159-6 11493 65 427 34 221 160-0 12-412 56 33 i 3 i 183 160-4 1 3-488 55 250 35 162 160*7 14-333 33 228 25 173 160-3 15-482 3 ° 174 33 200 1 59 6 16-282 20 130 35 223 159-8 Means ■ t 1 ^ 226 15975 Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Group 1618. A large regular spot, a, with occasionally a small spot or two near it. The umbra of a appears abnormally large on March 6 and 8 ; this is probably due to the manner in which the photograph has been developed. -i 6-o ■ I S'9 -i 57 -i S -8 " 1 S'3 -I5'2 -I 5 -2 -147 -15-0 -14-8 -146 -14-6 15-28 — 82-0 — 67-0 — 59*7 ^42-0 “ 3 2 '9 -15-6 — 26 + 11-4 + 23-9 + 38'3 + 4 9 -i + 63-6 + 74'3 Group 1619. A few very small faint spots following Group 1612. They form two clusters on March 5 and 7, but only one on March 6 and 9. No trace of the group can be detected on March 8. Mar. 5-573 0 3-1 0 16 235-1 - 4-9 + 8-4 6-192 0 8 0 4 237-8 - 5-1 + I 9-3 7493 0 18 0 1 1 235-3 - 5-5 + 33'9 8-175 0 0 0 0 9*482 0 18 0 17 234-5 -"6-0 + 59*3 Means 0 IO 235-68 - 5-38 Group 1620. A small spot 1 on March 6. Three small . spots on March 7 1 and 8 ; two of these have disappeared by March 9. Mar. 6-192 2 14 1 10 1764 -18-3 -42-1 7493 9 43 5 25 175-2 -i 9 -i — 26-2 8-175 2 26 1 14 ' 174-4 — 19-0 — i8-o 9-482 7 22 4 1 1 1717 -191 - 3-5 10-465 0 14 0 7 i 7 i -3 -19*8 + 9 -i Means 2 13 173-80 — 19-06 Group 1621. A very small spot on March 10. Three email spots on March n, two on March 12, one on March 13 and 14. Mar. 10*465 0 12 0 6 119-2 — 18-9 - 43-0 11493 0 9i 0 54 1197 -18-3 — 28-9 12-412 0 28 0 15 120-6 — 1 9*0 -15*9 Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Group 1621 — continued. 1885. d Mar. 13-488 i+'333 1215 122-5 -21-5 -21-4 120*70 —19-82 - 0-9 + ii'3 Group 1622. large regular spot, a. It gradually lengthens out, and has divided into two spots, b and c, by March 15. c diminishes in size on the succeeding days, and has broken up into a number of small spots by March 18. A few very small spots are seen near the principal spots occasionally. Mar. 10-465 1 1*+93 12- 412 13- 488 14*333 15- 482 16- 282 1 7 444 18-452 19431 20- 579 21- 173 22*205 86-35 + 4 '* + 47 + 47 4 5 >l6 -77*i — 63*8 -51*8 — 38-0 — 26-5 — 9'9 + o-6 4 i 5-9 430-0 443-4 458-8 467-5 482-8 Group 1623. A few very small spots irregularly arranged. The group is not seen 1 graphs taken on March 14, 15, and 16. n the photo - Mar. 11-493 12-412 13*488 14 - 333 15- 482 16- 282 17444 Means 83- 8 84- 1 834 844 83*93 - i6 - o -15-9 -64-8 -524 -39-0 414-3 Group 1624. preceded by several smaller spots, a has broken up by A ’ very unstable, the spots composing it changing from day • 1 1 493 12-412 13488 1 4 - 333 15- 482 16- 282 0 102 0 251 73'2 + 9-7 19 210 24 268 71-6 + 9-2 37 254 3i 216 714 + 9-6 21 205 15 142 71-6 + 97 28 139 16 79 72-8 + 9*3 10 88 6 48 717 + 9*4 -75*4 -64-9 - 5 i-o — 39-6 -23-2 -13-8 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 263 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 1624 — continued . Group 1629. A small regular spot. 1885.3 Mar. 1 7 '444 18452 18 0 0 IOI ll 9 0 0 5 2 43 16 74*3 74 ’ 1 74-2 + 9 ' 1 + 9*3 + 87 + 4 '* + 17-2 + 30-2 1885.3 Mar. 24-427 25+30 26-473 27+83 28-547 2 6 4 3 0 35 3 ° 29 7 1 3 2 0 20 *5 14 6 1 + 3 " + 312-5 3 * 3*0 313*2 3 H *3 - 5*5 - 61 - 6-0 - 56 - 5*7 -267 -12-4 + 1-8 + 15*3 + 3°*5 Means 1 1 124 7277 + 933 Group 1625. A small spot, a, seen only on March 14. Another small spot, b , is seen on March 16, and another, c, on March 18 and 19. No spot belonging to this group is seen on March 17. Means 2 12 312-88 - 578 An irregular Group stragglin I63O. g group c >f small spoi ;s. Mar. 14-333 15- 482 16- 282 17+4+ 18-452 I9‘43i 0 0 0 0 3 0 *3 0 1 1 0 17 20 0 c 0 2 0 16 0 6 0 9 10 44’3 44- 1 47+ 48 + — 12-2 -12-5 -12-3 — 12-6 — 66-9 -41 + - 9’5 + 4+ Mar. 25-430 26-473 27+83 28-547 4 7 18 4 34 135 83 82 2 4 10 2 *9 70 42 41 296-3 296-8 297*2 296-2 — 12-0 — 12-6 -12-5 -12-8 -28-6 -14+ - 07 + 12-4 Means 5 43 29663 — 12-48 Means 0 7 46-05 — 12-40 Group 1631. A large regular spot. It has broken up in two portions by April 4. Group 1626. A small spot. The spot seen on March 16 is probably not the same as that seen on March 15. Mar. 25-430 26-473 27+83 28- 547 29- 242 30- 446 3 1 +37 Apr. 1-429 2-434 3+13 4+23 5-5I4 6166 0 16 32 44 64 5° 46 65 7 17 *3 0 8 35 154 269 366 380 381 392 360 2 1 1 224 148 69 IOI 0 26 32 32 4 1 28 24 34 4 10 9 0 10 169 246 265 271 243 210 205 186 U4 132 103 63 124 238-8 238-2 237*9 237-1 237*0 236-9 2367 236-6 236-4 236-0 235*8 235*8 236-8 — 20-2 — 20'I — 20-1 — I9-8 -I 9 -8 1 9*9 — 20*0 — 20"I — 20-0 — 20*2 — 20-2 1 9*2 -*9*5 -86-i -73*o — 60 -o -467 -37-6 -217 - 8-9 + 4*i + 17-2 + 297 + 42*8 + 57-2 + 66-8 Mar. 15-482 16-282 0 3 10 19 0 2 5 1 1 108- 2 109- 4 -17-2 -*5+ + I2 - 2 + 2 3-9 Means 1 8 108-80 — 16-30 Group 1627. Two small spots. Means 19 179 236-92 -*9*93 Mar. 19-431 2Q-579 0 0 20 5 6 0 0 10 28 28-0 28-0 -I 5-3 -i 5 'S — i 6-o - °-9 Group 1632. A scattered group composed of a number of small spots. The preceding spots of the group have united to form one regular spot, a, and the following spots to form another, b , by April 2. A third regular spot, c, has also formed between these two by April 4, but it is measured with some smaller spots on April 5. b , which has greatly diminished in size, is measured with some small spots on April 6. Means 0 *9 28*00 -15+0 Group 1628. A small spot. Mar. 26-473 27+83 28- 547 29- 242 3°'d 46 31+37 0 5 56 55 27 93 72 21 1 364 482 367 627 0 5 47 39 *5 49 146 244 302 337 204 323 234* 1 2327 230*6 2297 234 *i 2367 — 16*5 — 16-1 — 1 5*9 — 16*1 -15-8 — 1 6-o - 77 *J -65*2 - 53-2 -44*9 -24-5 - 8*9 Mar. 19-431 0 16 0 22 336+ + 4'3 -67-5 Means 0 22 336-5 + 4 + 264 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued . Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. jongitude from Central Meridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Civil Time. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Civil Time. 1 Umbra. Whole , Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1632 — continued . Group 1637. A few small scattered spots, which change from day to day. The group is not seen on April 5. 1885. Apr. 1 ‘429 2-434 3 ‘4 1 3 44-23 S-5H 6*i 66 104 51 61 53 44 89 553 747 525 528 484 249 53 28 37 4i 48 *59 283 405 322 4°4 525 422 238-1 239’ 1 241- 1 242T 242- 0 243- 9 — l6l -15-6 — 16-0 — 1 6- 1 - i 5- 9 -167 * + 5 -6 + 19-9 + 34‘ 8 + 49’ 1 + 63-4 + 73‘9 1885.4 Apr. 2-434 3-4*3 4^3 5- 5H 6- 166 O 0 O O 4 26 18 6 0 *4 0 0 0 4 13 9 3 0 13 221-5 224-3 221 5 2261 - 6-4 - 6-3 - 6-6 I” 6 ’ 3 1 + 2-3 + 18-0 + 28-5 + 56-1 Means 43 326 237-02 — 16-07 Means I 8 223-35 — 6-40 Group 1633. Two small spots. Group 1638. A large group of very irregular form, which undergoes constant changes. It has become a long straight stream by April 9, and has divided into two groups by April 12, the first spot in each group being large and regular. ; Mar. 28-547 3 23 2 H 247-4 -16-5 -36-4 Means 2 14 247-4 -16-5 ... Group 1634. A small spot. Apr. 4-423 5- SH 6- i 66 7- 428 8- 157 9- 183 10-133 18 63 1 1 I 156 177 237 3°3 206 113 72 20 6 274 54i 916 1316 1841 2117 2063 1491 1293 806 338 79 32 61 90 95 ,3 160 n 9 72 57 27 13 483 534 749 827 1055 1 126 1089 860 810 643 437 1 54 121-3 121-3 120- 7 121- 3 120-8 1 2 I * I I22‘4 122- 4 123- 0 124- 4 12 5 - I 120-6 + u-4 + 11-4 + 117 + 11-9 + I2-I + 12-4 + 12-3 + I 3’° + 12-5 + 12-6 + 12-8 + 13-6 -717 — 57’3 -49’ 3 -321 — 23-0 — 9' 1 + 4-8 + 227 . + 32-1 +47 ’9 + 64-9 + 73-5 Mar. 28-547 29-242 6 0 25 12 4 0 17 7 241- 3 242- 1 — i^-o -14-5 -42-5 -32-S Means 2 12 24170 #■'*4-25 11- 492 12- 164 Group 1635. A small spot. | 14-483 15-476 Means ... 79 73* 122-03 + I2-3I Mar. 28-547 0 3 0 + 9-3 -69-5 4 214-3 Means 0 4 214-3 + 9-3 Group 1639. of very irregular form, which undergoes constant changes. The pre- ots have coalesced by April 11 to form a large spot, a, which has to two spots, b and c, by April 1 5. Group 1636. A regular group. A large group ceding sp divided in 0 9 25 1 17 100 * *3 132 75 64 59 *9 5 39 136 439 932 989 i°97 1322 . 732 533 433 218 73 0 9 *9 72 53 59 67 42 43 47 24 H 7i 153 338 583 530 567 682 4i5 352 343 270 185 80- 3 81- 4 82- 9 82- 8 83- 2 84- 0 83-5 85- 4 86- 2 86-2 85- 9 86- 3 + 8-9 + 8-o + 7-8 + 7 ’4 + 7+ + 7-i + T9 + r 2 + 7-1 + r 1 + 7‘4 + 7‘i — 73** — 62*+ — 47'3 — 34*8 -16-5 — 6 ’9 + 7’o + 25-2 + 39' 1 + 49'2 + 6 4‘7 + 77-9 Apr. 1-429 2- 434 3- 4I3 4- 42 3 5- 5I4 6- 1 66 7- 428 8- 157 9' i8 3 10- 133 11- 492 6 10 10 28 22 52 30 24 9 7 0 5i 85 ”9 i35 168 165 122 128 57 21 5 10 10 7 1 7 12 27 i5 13 5 5 0 86 85 87 82 90 86 62 67 33 H 5 158-8 1587 1 58-9 158-6 158-5 158-4 158-8 1587 158-3 I58-3 157-9 -I3-4 -13-4 -13-3 -I3-5 -13-8 -14-1 -13-8 -14-1 -13-9 -13-8 — I 3‘ I -737 — 60-5 -47-4 -34 - 4 — 20-1 — 1 1-6 + 5-4 + *4’9 + 28-1 +407 + 58-2 Apr. 7-428 8-157 9* i8 3 i i°-*33 11- 492 12- 164 13- 251 14- 483 15- 476 16- 237 17- 437 18- 406 Means ... 1 1 63 158-54 -13-65 Means 37 374 84-01 + 7 "5 3 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 265 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1640. Two small spots measured together. Group 1645. A regular spot, a, followed, April 21-28, by a few small spots. A small spot has separated from a by April 25. Two very small spots are seen preceding a on April 28. 1885. d Apr. 10-133 3 2 3 2 16 162-6 — IO-6 + 45-° 1885.4 Apr. 19-512 20- 442 21- 391 22- 420 2 3A44 24- 168 25- 395 26- 485 27- 408 28- 405 29- 293 30- 424 May 1-421 0 IO 17 3* 23 23 37 33 15 16 15 9 7 38 94 185 251 222 218 272 254 200 158 100 62 28 15 16 22 14 12 19 17 9 10 1 1 10 13 137 141 178 177 130 1 1 8 139 132 100 77 68 54 270-9 270-6 270- 4 271- 4 2717 271- 8 272- 1 2727 273- 0 272- 9 273- 1 272-9 271-9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 Os oiuiod“ M 0 Hsdsdoiui — 83-0 -70-9 -58-6 -43‘9 — 30-1 -20-5 — 3-9 + 1 10 +23-5 +36-6 +486 +63-3 + 75-5' Means 2 16 162-6 — io-6 Group 1641. Two small spots, a and b. b has disappeared by April 13. Apr. 10-133 11- 492 12- 164 13- 251 0 0 2 43 35 2 5 2 5 O 0 1 60 28 17 14 47*5 47*4 47‘9 50-2 “ 9-S - 9-6 - 97 - 8-9 -70-1 -52-3 -43‘° — 26-3 Means O 30 48-25 - 9'43 Means 13 120 27I-95 — 16-04 Group 1642. Two small spots, a and b. They have moved away from each other by April 13. Group 1646. A number of small spots suddenly appearing near the centre of the Sun. The last spot of the group has attained a considerable size by April 23, but has decreased again by April 24, and broken up into a number of small spots by April 25. Apr. 12-164 13-251 3 0 30 13 O 2 4 15 140- 5 141- 1 + 10-2 + 10-3 + 49-6 + 64-6 Means I 20 140-80 + 10-25 Apr. 21-391 22- 420 23- 444 24- 168 25- 395 8 21 30 14 1 1 5i 174 213 119 9i 4 16 8 8 27 88 109 64 60 3137 3I5-3 314-0 3I3-8 3155 — i i-8 — 1 1-8 — 1 1-6 — 1 1 *6 — 12-0 -I5-3 0-0 + 12-2 + 21-5 +39-5 Group 1643. A regular spot, a, followed by a number of small spots. These have all disappeared by April 24. Apr. 16-237 I 7'437 18-406 19512 20-442 2 1 ‘39 1 22-420 2 3"444 24-168 2 5*395 26- 485 27- 408 13 21 30 40 49 53 33 33 13 21 !3 4 9 1 2 39 328 3 2 7 349 34 1 308 294 220 153 109 5i 2 5 21 22 2 4 26 27 1 6 18 8 15 H 7 179 245 246 194 187 173 157 157 128 113 1 1 6 89 321-4 320- 5 3207 321- 3 3217 322- 0 322-8 322- 8 323- 4 323-6 1 323-8 323-0 - 4-8 - 4-5 - 4"3 - 4-6 - 4‘5 - 4-6 - 47 _ 4-6 - 47 - 4'5 - 4’4 - 4‘3 -75-6 — 60-7 -477 -32-6 — 19-8 - 7"o + 7-5 + 21-0 + 3 1 * 1 + 47-6 + 62-1 + 73‘5 Means 9 70 3I4-4 6 -II76 Group 1647. A large regular spot, a, occasionally accompanied by small spots. Apr. 21-391 22-420 2 3A44 24-168 25‘395 26- 485 27- 408 28- 405 29- 293 30- 424 May 1 -42 1 2- 435 3- 58S 0 16 21 33 47 55 55 44 28 13 5 0 1 17 195 232 268 312 318 319 282 226 148 69 19 0 26 20 25 29 30 29 23 15 12 10 5 0 63 183 188 181 163 I 9 164 164 152 138 109 70 34 243-0 243-3 242-8 242-9 242- 6 243- 0 243 1 243-0 243-0 243A 243-4 243-2 242-6 — 16-8 -16-3 -16-3 — i6-i -16-3 — 16-3 -16-3 — 164 -16-5 — 16-4 — i6"5 -1 6-o — 16-4 -86-o -72-0 -59'° -49'4 -33‘4 -187 - 6-+ + 67 + 18-5 + 33-8 +47-o + 6 o*2 + 747 Means 19 165 322-25 - +54 Group 1644. A cluster of very small "spots, which are measured together. Apr. 19-512 0 11 0 6 3357 + 7-8 -18-2 Means 0 6 3357 ■+ 7-8 Means 17 137 243-02 -16-35 Photo-Heliographic Results, 1882-1885. 2 L Akeas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots— continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean jongitude Mean Latitude of Group. jongitude from Central Meridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. 1 Mean jongitude Mean Latitude of Group. . Liongitude from Central Meridian. Civil Time. Jmbra. Whole 1 Spot. Jmbra. Whole ' Spot. of Group. 1 Civil Time. ^ Jmbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. of Group. A Group very sms 648. 11 spot. Group 1652. Three very small spots measured together on April 17. The group has greatly increased in size by April 28, and forms a short stream of spots, the last of which, a, is the largest. Only a and one very small spot remain by April 29. 1885.3 Apr. 25-395 0 10 0 6 242-9 -217 -33-1 1885. a Apr. 27-408 28- 405 29- 293 30- 424 i 4 13 23 0 15 106 9 1 8 2 9 17 0 8 67 68 9 274-1 272-8 272-4 272-6 - 5‘5 - 5-o - 5-° - 4-8 + 24-6 + 3^5 + 47-9 + 63-0 Means 0 6 242-9 -21-7 Group 1649. A very small spot on April 26. A compact cluster of very small faint spots 27- Means ... j 7 38 272-98 — 5-08 on April Apr. 26-485 27-408 O 0 *6 0 0 6 3 2517 252-3 -167 — 16-8 — I o-o + 2-8 liroup 1053. j A large regular spot, «, accompanied by a number of smaller spots. The latter undergo frequent changes in number, area, and arrangement. Means 0 5 252-00 -1675 Apr. 27-408 28- 405 29- 293 30- 424 May 1 -42 1 2+35 3- 585 4- 490 5- 279 6- 488 7- 544 16 58 107 "4 128 121 87 93 121 77 68 40 4 130 334 560 723 759 817 717 650 582 5 J 4 5 6 3 4°7 i35 38 73 92 74 7i 62 44 67 42 61 53 11 300 420 495 473 424 420 361 34 1 323 347 5°5 546 382 171-5 169-4 168- 8 169- 4 170- 2 171- 1 171-2 171-6 171-5 171- 6 I 7 1 ‘3 172- 4 171-0 — IO'O - 9'9 - 9’5 - 97 - io-i - 10-2 -IO7 — io-8 — I 1*2 ] -io-3 — 9-8 i “ 9'4 — io-o — 78-0 — 66-9 -557 —40-2 — 26-2 -1 1-9 + 3’3 + 157 + 261 +42-1 + 55-9 + 68-I + 80-2 Group 1650. A compact cluster of small spots on April 26. The group forms a long stream of spots on April 27 and 28 ; the central spots then disappear, and the group forms two compact clusters on April 29, of which the preceding one rapidly diminishes in size on the succeeding days. Apr. 26-485 27-408 28*405 29- 293 30- 424 May i'4 21 2-435 1 1 24 57 22 0 1 1 0 9 6 142 235 238 200 170 34 6 12 3 1 13 0 9 0 52 76 128 138 135 139 38 248-1 248- 1 247- 5 249- 0 248- 0 2457 244-1 + 147 + I4-5 + 1 4'9 + H’5 + H’7 + 1 5' 1 + 157 -13-6 - 1 + + 1 1 '2 + 24-5 + 38-4 + 49‘3 + 61-1 8- 390 9- 409 Means ... 57 41 1 170-85 | —10-12 Group 1654. I A very small faint spot. Means 10 !OI 247-21 + 14-87 Apr. 28-405 0 4 0 2 245-3 — 12-0 + 9'° Group 1651. Two very small faint spots measured together on April 27, but separately on April 29 The group has increased in size by April 30, when it forms a compact cluster composed of four spots. The first and second are measured separately ; the last two are taken together. Means 0 2 245-3 — I2"0 Group 1655. A very small spot. Apr. 27-408 28- 405 29- 295 30- 424 ; 0 ; 0 1 2 i- 0 22 9 28 IOI 0 0 1 0 12 6 24 | 143 278- 8 280-2 279- 8 279-4 — io-o -10-5 — 10-4 -io-3 + 29-3 + 43-9 + 55-3 + 69-8 Apr. 28-405 4 ■ 2 231-9 -12-5 - 4+ Means 0 ! 4 6 1 279-55 ; — io "3' 0 Means 1 2 231-9 -12-5 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 267 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1656. A single spot. It has greatly decreased in size by April 29. Group i66j. A large irregular spot, a. The outer part of the spot has broken up into a number of small spots by May 6, but a large spot still remains in the centre. It decreases in size on the succeeding days. 1885. d Apr. 28*405 * 29-293 0 0 16 7 0 51 9 154- 6 155- 0 -15-8 — 1 59 -817 -69-5 1885. d May 1 -42 1 2- 435 3- 585 4*490 5-279 6*488 7'544 8- 390 9- 409 10- 508 11- 432 12*419 12 23 45 62 97 117 24 35 22 6 5 2 199 448 618 700 672 737 446 312 258 48 4i 25 28 27 36 4 1 58 63 13 19 13 5 5 3 456 533 489 462 400 398 236 172 156 35 39 36 0 | . 120-4- ! +I3Q — 76-0 -63-5 — 48-4 -367 — 26-3 — io-i + 37 + 15*0 + 29-0 + 43-3 + 55-i + 67-8 Means 0 30 154-80 -15-85 119-5 IT 9"5 II92 ”9*1 119-4 119-1 119-3 119-8 119-6 1 19-2 1 1 8 -8 + 13-6 + 13-9 + 137 + 137 + 14-6 + 147 + H-9 + I 5"4 + 15-6 + 15*8 + I5-5 Group 1657. A very small spot. May 1-421 0 4 0 3 I54-9 -13-8 -41-5 Means 0 3 I54-9 -13-8 Group 1658. Two regular spots, a and b, accompanied by a number of smaller spots. The latter undergo continual changes in number, area, and arrangement, b alone remains by May 9. On April 30, b is confused with the smaller spots near it, through the effect of foreshortening. Means 26 284 119-41 + 14-58 Group 1662. A regular spot, a. It increases in size from day to day until May 7 and 8 On May 6 the penumbra of the spot becomes extended towards the south, the extension being measured as a separate spot. On May 7 and the succeeding days, spots are seen s.p. of a, and the group becomes a short stream of spots closely following each other. Apr. 30-424 May 1 -42 1 2 "435 3- 585 4- 490 5- 279 6- 488 7- 544 8- 390 9- 409 10- 508 11- 432 0 17 4i 3 2 5i 83 65 49 47 26 9 6 146 2 39 281 3 1 1 364 382 500 395 216 2 44 130 60 O 20 33 20 29 44 34 2 7 2 9 J 9 9 10 3 6 9 282 229 !95 207 204 261 216 191 177 136 96 132-0 132-9 13 2 - 5 133- 3 I33- 2 132-9 132- 9 133- 3 1337 1 34*5 134- 8 134-8 + 11-4 + 11-2 + II-2 + ii-4 + II-2 + n-5 + 1 1-6 + 12-0 4-12-2 + 12-5 4-12-4 4-12-4 -77-6 -63-5 5°’5 -34" 6 -227 -12-5 + 3"4 4-17-9 4-29*4 + 437 + 58-5 +7°7 May 3-585 4-490 5*279 6-488 7'544 8-390 1 9"4°9 10- 508 11- 432 12*419 13 H'384 0 9 l 9 22 56 43 17 21 21 No pho 0 147 271 294 431 318 34 1 243 186 tograph. 18 0 11 | 18 ! 14 12 29 22 9 12 14 (7 0 66 93 136 177 165 224 161 178 i39 124 74 24 90-8 90-9 90-4 905 90- 8 9 ! "3 91- i 9 i 7 9 I "5 92- 0 9 T "9 917 + 47 + 4‘3 + 47 + 3"9 + 4"2 + 4' 1 + 4"3 + 3-7 + 4"4 + 4-i + 4*5 + 5"° -77*1 — 65-0 -55-0 -39’° — 24-6 -13-0 + o‘3 + 15-4 + 27-4 + 41-0 + 53*9) + 66-8 Means 2 3 214 133-4° + ”75 Group 1659. Two small spots. Only one is seen on May 3. Means ... 12 130 91-22 + 4*33 Group 1663. A regular spot, a, closely followed from May 7 to May 12, and on May 16 by a stream of small spots. May 1-421 2*435 3-585 9 4 0 2 4 44 6 6 4 0 14 36 8 234- 1 235- 8 236- 9 - 5-9 - 5*4 - 5’4 + 377 + 52-8 4-69*0 Means 3 x 9 235-60 - 5-57 May 4-490 5-279 6*488 7-544 8*390 1 O 5 11 21 48 32 17 H l 9 No pho 1 1 i 75 126 195 284 247 248 243 210 tograph. 1 0 ,0 H 3° 18 9 8 1 1 (” 33 130 ”3 136 174 135 129 130 123 i°5 77- 1 75 "6 76-1 75-1 74*4 747 75-6 75’4 75-2 75-0 + I 4"9 + 15-1 + 14-6 + I4-3 + 14-2 + I4-3 + I4-3 + 147 + 14-6 + 14*6 -78-8 — 69-8 -53'4 — 4°"3 -29-9 — i6-i — 0*7 + ”"3 + 24-2 + 37-°) Group 1660. Two small spots. May 1 -42 1 2 24 1 16 234-3 -17-8 + 37-9 10- 508 11- 432 Means 1 16 234-3 -17-8 12-419 13 268 Areas and Heliographic Positions oe Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued . Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. liongitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich _ Projected Area of Area for Group. 1 Mean jongitude i , . 1 Mean Latitude if Group, j jongitude from Central Meridian. Greenwich - Civil Time. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Civil Time. ^ rmbra. ^ Vhole { Jmbra. Whole 1 Spot. if Group. 1 Group 1663- -continued. Group 1668. A very small faint spot. 1885. d May 14+84 1 5 "43 16-381 12 4 0 106 5 8 42 io 5 0 86 69 87 747 74'7 73‘ 6 + 14-6 + 147 + 15-0 + 49-8 + 63 + +74'9 - 1885. a May 9+09 0 IO O 5 91 + -247 + 0-6 Means O 5 9 r 4 -247 Means - ... 10 1 12 75-17 + 14-61 Group 1669. Two small spots, a and 6. They move somewhat away from each other, a has broken up into a number of very small spots by May 18, but is still measured as one. j Group 1664. Two regular spots, a and 6, on May 6. Other spots appear on the sc days and 6 diminishes in size, so that by May 9 the group has becor stream of small spots closely following each other, with a as their lead small spots rapidly disappear after May 9, and by May 14 « remains a cceeding ae a long er. The one. May 16-381 17+93 18-389 7 0 0 33 66 5° 5 0 0 23 38 26 314- 9 315- i 316- 0 - 8-4 - 8-i - 7 + -43-8 -28-8 — 16-1 May 6-488 7- 544 8- 390 9- 409 10- 508 11- 432 12- 419 13 14- 384 15 - 43i 16- 381 27 48 41 10 23 21 No pho 17 1 2 8 113 198 282 313 230 283 194 tograph. 99 81 37 2 25 34 24 6 11 1 1 10 10 IO 189 187 206 187 121 142 99 81 63 65 43 56- 8 57- 5 58- 3 59’ 1 60-3 6o-8 60- 2 61- 3 62- 3 62- 6 63- 0 - 9-0 - 9" 1 - 9' 1 - 8-7 - 8-2 - 7-8 - 77 - 7'4 - 7-0 - 7 + - 7 + -727 -57-9 — 46*0 -317 — 16-0 - 3*3 + 9"2 + 23-3) + 37 + + 5 I- 4 + 6+3 Means 2 29 3I5-33 - 7+7 Group A' small regular spot, a, followed by sever in size, and a has become a spot of ve: by coalescing with several of the m soon disappear, and by May 24 a ren 1670. al very si ry consid eighbouri lains aloi mall spots. The group erable size by May 20, a] ing spots. The followi le. increases pparently :ng spots Means 14 126 6o"20 — 8-07 May 16-381 17+93 18-389 19 + 1 5 20- 474 21- 556 8 12 38 16 69 5° 69 54 20 No pho 7 60 142 295 278 555 510 429 383 226 tograph. 69 9 9 26 9 3 6 26 39 35 17 (18 19 77 113 191 i54 290 268 245 251 186 187 188 29+0 295-0 295-6 297-9 300-8 301 + 302-8 3°3+ 304-2 3°5 + 306-6 i + I 3’ 2 + 1 3‘5 + 13-8 j + 1 3' 8 + 13-8 + 133 1 +I3’° + I2"6 1 +12-3 1 +12-2 1 + I 2'0 -6+7 -48-9 -36+ -20*5 - 37 + II-2 + 2 + 8 + 37-8 + 5I-3 + 65-1) + 78-9 Group 1665. A short stream of very small spots. It is measured in two parts on each day. May 7-544 8- 390 9- 409 4 10 2 36 54 5 6 3 9 2 25 47 73 159-5 158-6 158-1 -12-3 -12-4 -12-3 +44’ 1 + 5+3 + 67-3 22477 23 + 18 2+375 25 26-273 Means . 5 48 15873 -12-33 22 i95 300-65 + 13-05 Means Group 1666. A short stream of spots, which appears suddenly near the centre of the disk. Group 1671. A large regular spot, a. One or two very small spots are seen near it May 22-28. May 8-390 9-409 10-508 29 21 1 3 ‘ 1 19 ■ 182 I 85 J 5 13 2 64 1 12 64 I22‘6 124-5 1 124-6 - 3'4 - 3‘4 - 35 + 18+ + 337 + 48-3 May 18-389 19 + 15 20474 21- 556 22- 477 23 + 18 2+375 25 26-273 27+45 8 22 38 44 41 48 47 No ph< 46 29 13 6 0 73 164 309 320 33o 271 3i9 3 tograph 3°5 196 1 18 64 35 16 24 29 27 23 25 24 • < 2 5 26 20 12 9 0 144 179 240 197 186 140 163 169 175 136 109 9° 108 256-5 255-9 255-5 255-5 255-0 255-1 255 1 255-0 254- 8 255- 0 255-0 2 547 253 + — I 2-6 - 13-0 -12-3 -133 — 126 -12-8 -12'5 -12-5 -124 — 12 -2 — I2-I — I2‘0 — I2-I -75-6 -62-5 -49-0 -347 -23-0 -10-5 + 2-2 + H7) + 27-I +42 '8 + 56-6 + 68-3 + 80-4 Means I - ... IO 80 1 123-90 - 3+3 Group 1667. A small faint spot. May 8-390 1 0 33 0 1 18 110-3 + 16-.3- + 6-o 29+03 3°+n Means 0 18 1 10-3 + 163 Means 20 157 255-12 -12-49 1 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 269 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude ' of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 1672. Group 1675 — continued. A very large regular spot, a, with from time to time several small spots near it. 1885. a May 25 26-273 27G45 28-490 No pho 4 0 tograph. 129 69 10 (” 10 3 0 76 82 48 10 260- 9 261- 9 256-2 254-1 -157 -157 -15-3 -15-3 + 20-6) + 34'2 + 44-0 + 557 1885. d May 18*389 19 - 4I5 20- 474 21- 556 22- 477 23- 418 24- 375 25 26- 273 27- 445 28- 490 29- 403 30- 411 33 49 163 204 221 185 171 No pho 168 76 52 1 7 4 138 4°4 609 805 io53 1042 1191 tograph. 1028 883 532 352 106 82 58 133 129 126 97 88 (93 98 53 48 24 !3 339 479 498 5 12 599 534 614 606 598 613 494 488 336 254-6 254-6 254-5 254-5 254-3 254A 254-2 254’2 254-1 2537 254-0 254-2 253A + I3" 6 + 13-8 + 14-2 + 13-8 + 14-2 + 13-9 + 13-8 + 14-0 + 14-1 + 14-1 + 14-1 + 14-0 + 13-6 -77-5 -63-8 — 50-0 -357 -237 — XI-2 + 1-3 + 1 3"9) + 26-4 + 4i-5 + 55-6 + 67-8 + 80-4 Means 5 42 257+8 -15-84 Group 1676. A small spot. May 20-474 21- 556 22- 477 23- 418 0 2 2 O 33 23 24 9 0 31 16 15 5 .246-6 246-5 246- 4 247- 0 - 9'3 — 10*2 9+ - 9' 6 -57‘9 -437 -31-6 — 1 8-6 Means 80 516 254-21 + I3-94 Group 1673 . A regular spot. Means 1 17 246-63 - 9' 6 3 Group 1677. A large spot, a, of irregular outline. It rapidly diminishes in size, throwing off some small spots on May 22 and the succeeding days. It has entirely broken up by May 27, but the group is measured together on that day. It has begun to increase in size again by May 29. May 18-389 I 9'4 1 5 20- 474 21- 556 22- 477 23- 418 24- 375 25 26- 273 27- 445 0 8 6 1 1 18 6 7 No pho 8 0 33 5° 72 62 84 93 53 tograph. 21 8 0 10 5 7 3 3 (4 4 0 80 58 58 38 46 47 26 19 12 5 254-0 253- 6 2537 254- 4 254- 5 255- 2 255-1 255-2 255-2 2557 - 8 -+ - 7’ 9 - 6-9 - 7- 5 - *9 - 6-7 - 6-7 - 6-4 - 6 "o - 5-8 -78-1 -64-8 — 50-8 -35-8 -23-5 -io -4 + 2-2 + 14-9) + 27-5 +43"i May 20-474 21556 22- 477 23- 418 71 33 37 l 9 23 No pho 10 26 4 4 6 3 305 458 556 399 4° 5 tograph. 244 270 90 144 75 59 101 29 25 (9 5 14 2 3 7 4 433 39 6 381 233 214 170 126 152 59 !'4 82 97 235 + 236-1 236-2 236-5 236-3 2361 235- 9 236- 5 237- 0 2362 235" 1 234-9 + 8-9 + 8-6 + 9*3 + 9' 1 + 9’2 + 9' 8 + 10-4 + 10-3 + 10-3 + 99 + 10-2 + IO'O — 687 -54-1 -41-8 -291 -166 ~ +2) + 8-2 +24-3 + 38-6 +49-8 + 621 + 72-0 Means 5 39 254-62 — 6- 92 24-375 25 1 Group 1674 . Three small spots, a, b, and c, on May 20 ; only a remains by May 21 . 26 273 27G45 28- 490 29- 403 30- 411 31- i77 May 20-474 21-556 4 0 45 16 0 25 8 285-0 2867 1-1*2 + 16 -6 -19-5 - 3'5 Means 18 205 236-05 + 9' 6 7 Means 1 17 285-85 + 1640 Group 1678. A regular spot, a. A few very small spots are seen near it on May 24, 27, 30, and 31. Group 1675. A small spot, a, on May 20 . Other spots appear near it on the succeeding days, and the group becomes a long straggling stream of small spots, which change from day to day. a has disappeared by May 23. The group is mainly measured in two clusters on May 23-26 ; the first of these two clusters has disappeared by May 27 . May 20-474 21- 556 22- 477 23- 418 0 18 53 3i 72 No pho 83 62 52 36 35 81 164 214 281 356 tograph. 398 360 301 277 I 9 I 0 20 44 21 4 1 (42 43 34 3i 27 3' 205 1 86 179 188 205 206 207 193 181 178 169 225- 9 2271 226- 5 2266 2267 226-8 226- 8 227- 1 227-1 227-3 226-9 -I7‘3 -177 -172 -177 -17-4 -17-4 -177 -17-0 -i*9 — 16-8 -i*4 — 78-6 -63-1 — 51-5 -39‘° — 26-2 -13-6) — 0-9 + !4"9 + 287 +40-9 + 53‘9 May 20-474 21- 556 22- 477 2 3"4 1 8 24-375 0 0 10 0 21 21 21 44 66 135 0 0 6 0 12 18 H 24 34 69 251-9 254-2 2587 260-0 259-8 — 16-9 -167 -15-4 -15-9 -157 -52-6 — 36-0 -X97 - 5‘6 + 6-9 25 26-273 27G45 28- 490 29- 403 30- 411 27G Areas and Heltographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Mean „,ongitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. 1 Mean jongitude Mean Latitude of Group. . Longitude from Central Meridian. Civil Time. ^ Jmbra. Whole of Group. Civil Time. Jmbra. Whole Jmbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. | Group 1678— -continu ed. Group 1683. Two very small spots, a and b, on May 24. A third spot, e, is seen near them on May 26. b and c have disappeared by May 27, and a fourth spot, d, is seen near a. 1885. d May 31-177 June 1-388 29 0 159 60 35 0 190 191 227-3 227-4 — 16-8 — 16-2 + 64-4 “j" 80*6 1885.4 May 24-375 25 26- 273 27- 445 3 No pho 1 4 20 ;ograpl). 69 48 2 (4 5 4 IO 29 47 48 2687 269-7 2707 272-1 0 1 - 3*2 - 3-0 - 27 - 2-0 + 15-8 + 29+) + 43'o + 59‘9 Means ... 28 .9. 226-88 — 17-08 Group 1679. A small spot. Means 4 34 ! | 270-30 - 2-73 May 2 1 '5 5 6 22-477 0 1 1 9 0 0 12 17 353-9 353*3 - 3-0 - 38 + 637 + 75-3 Group 1684. A small spot. Means ... 0 15 353*6o - 3*4° May 27-445 28- 490 29- 403 0 0 3 8 1 1 10 O O | 2 i 15 8 137*0 1368 137*1 + ii *3 -75-2 + 11-7 — 61-6 + n*5 -49-3 Group 1680. Two small spots. Means x ! i 12 136-97 + 11-50: ... May 21-556 0 4 1 0 21 304-0 | - 6-5 + 13*8 Group 1685. Two small spots on May 29 and 30. No trace of the group can be seen on May 31, but one small spot is seen on June 1. | Means 0 21 304-° - 6-5 Group 1681. A small spot on May 23. On May 24 and succeeding days a regular spot, a, followed by a cluster of small spots. May 29-403 30- 4H 31- I77 June 1-388 0 0 0 0 1 21 12 1 ° 18 0 0 0 0 23 10 0 10 126-0 123-4 126-6 — 23-0 — 22*9 — 24-0 — 60-4 -49 '6 — 20-2 May 23-418 M‘375 25 26-273 27 ‘+4 5 28-490 0 No pho H O 40 94 tograph. I 7 I ”5 7 0 6 (9 12 16 0 20 52 94 136 140 15 277- 8 278- 5 278-3 278-1 2777 274*5 — 1 0'2 - 9- 6 — 1 0-0 j — 10-3 " 9-8 — 10-6 + 12-2 ! +25-6 + 38-0) 1 +5°-4 1 +65-5 j +76-1 Means II 0 11 125*33 1 -2370 Means - 7 76 277-48 j — 10-08 1 1 Group 1686. ts a and b on May 30. These have moved apart by May 31. b has creased in size by June 1 , and several very small spots have appeared , and b. Only a and b remain by June 6, and only a by June 7. Group i68p. A regular spot, a. It diminishes in size from May 23 to May 29. A very small spot is seen near it on June 1 . Two small spo greatly in between a May 30-411 31-177 June 1-388 2-423 3*38o 4- 400 5- 384 6- 245 7*4 16 8-284 0 8 26 10 16 23 15 19 0 0 39 72 190 230 206 IXO 94 73 15 9 0 5 8 13 9 13 0 0 ; 3i 47 109 120 108 59 57 52 16 16 I2 4*o ! 124-9 123*5 | 123-2 1227 123-0 ! 1242 1266 128- 5 129- 3 + 14-2 + 14*9 | +H-2 + 14-5 + 14*1 1 +14-2 + I4-5 + I4-5 + 14*4 | +14*4 -49’° -38*0 -23*3 - 9*9 + 2-1 + 16-0 , +30*3 ! +44*1 ! +61-5 +737 May 23-418 24-375 25 26- 273 27- 445 28- 490 29- 403 30- 411 31- 177 June 1-388 6 6 No phi 17 6 7 4 4 5 0 3« 59 0 tograph 80 52 47 27 25 23 22 16 8 [. (xo 12 4 4 2 2 3 88 77 66 55 3° 24 14 | J3 185-6 185-5 185-3 185-0 185-2 1 185-0 185-2 184- 9 185- 0 184-9 - 8-8 - 8-4 - 8-2 - 7*9 | - 7-9 - 7"3 - 7-i - 6-9 - 7* 1 - 67 + + + l 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 | 62 124-99 + 14-39 Means 6 | 39 185-16 - 7*63 H - Means TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 271 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. of Group. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 1687. Two small spots on May 30. The group increases in size, and consists ir three spots, a, b, and e. Between b and a is a group of small spot change their position considerably. By June 7 only a and b remain. Group 1690 — continued. ainly of s, which 1885. d June 4-400 5- 384 6- 245 7- 4 1 6 8- 284 9- 162 10-397 1 1 -406 12- 449 13- 4 0 4 182 143 3 2 4 208 290 223 99 96 120 15 1291 1522 1928 1615 1661 1378 1105 972 763 420 137 85 176 106 149 120 64 73 130 3i 967 926 1052 83 2 851 740 692 748 827 787 60-5 6 I ’2 1 60- 9 1 6 1- 6 60*9 62-2 62-9 62-5 62-2 6 1 "8 -”•3 -io-8 — 108 — io-6 — io‘6 — io - 6 — 10-4 — 101 — 9-7 — 9-8 -46-5 -3 2 7 — 21-6 - 5-4 + 5-3 + 18-2 + 35-2 4-48-3 4-6i-8 + 74-° 1885. d May 30-41 1 3 1 ' 1 77 June 1*388 2-423 3'38° 4-400 5*3^4 6- 245 7- 416 8- 284 9- 162 2 40 35 79 78 82 34 3 2 15 3 0 43 291 510 49 1 614 55i 374 281 79 73 2 7 2 3° 21 43 40 43 ! 9 20 13 4 0 40 218 310 264 318 286 210 178 69 g 1 i 6"4 115- 8 114-9 1146 Il6l 1 16- 8 1 1 6-8 n8-6 1203 120-4 120*1 -i 1-9 -”’9 — 1 1-6 -117 -12-3 — 12-6 -12-8 -127 -13-8 -137 -14-0 — 56-6 -47-1 -3i-9 -18-5 - 4-5 + 9-8 + 22-9 + 36-1 + 53-3 Means 9 2 814 61-90 -10-55 + 64-8 + 76-1 Groun 1601. Means 21 186 ”7-35 — 12-64 T1 iree small spots seen only on this day. June 3-380 0 2 3 0 14 94-7 -12-5 -25-9 A group of four spots. The group has entirely changed its appearance by June 2, when it consists of a nearly straight stream of very small spots. It is measured in three clusters on June 2 and 3, and in five on June 4. It has again changed its appearance by the latter date, the stream being now nearly circular. Only two spots are seen on June 5. Means 0 14 94‘7 -12-5 Group 1692. A faint spot. June 1-388 2- 423 3- 38o 4- 400 5- 384 28 24 7 0 140 1 10 107 83 36 15 13 4 1 0 73 57 58 5 1 26 136-6 136- 6 137- 4 1387 138- 0 -12-8 -12-8 -129 -12-5 — 12-6 — 10-2 + 3‘5 + 16-8 + 317 + 44-i June 4-400 5'384 6-245 0 0 0 17 16 0 0 0 58 2 5 i5 25-8 2 5"7 2 5"3 — 2-0 - 17 - i-9 — 8 I *2 — 68*2 57*2 Means 7 53 137-4 6 -12-72 Means 0 33 25-60 - 1-87 Group 1689. Two spots. On June 2 the following spot has broken up into four very small spots. One of these is measured by itself. Group 1693. Two spots, which separate and diminish in size. June 1-388 2- 423 3- 38o 4- 400 3 1 0 0 2 9 35 28 10 2 1 0 0 18 *9 i5 5 1 1 2-9 ”3‘4 114- 3 115- 9 + 7-4 + 7-9 + 7-4 + 7*5 -33-9 - 6-3 + 8-9 June 7-416 8- 284 9- 162 10 14 0 162 108 17 6 9 0 94 7i H 94-0 937 95’4 — 135 — 136 -I3-4 + 27-0 4-38-1 + 5i-4 Means 5 60 94-37 -13-50 Means 1 H II 4" I 3 + 7'55 Group 1694. A very large spot, a. On June 9 it has three companions, which are measured together on June 10 and 12. On June 11, a breaks into two parts, b and c. Small spots are detached on June 14 and 15. Group 1690. A fine group, consisting mainly of four spots. On June 6, c, which has broken up, is measured in two parts. On June 7, a and b have joined, and are measured together, d has broken up by June 7, and has disappeared by June 11. e increases in size after June 10. A small spot has appeared preceding a by June 7, and other small spots are seen occasionally. June 7-416 53 212 2 55 183 186 316 673 95 2 1192 1108 83 210 194 1 10 100 1 494 ! 665 7 21 1 711 600 356- 4 357" 2 357- 0 357-5 357-1 -147 — 14-6 -14-3 -142 -14-3 — 70-6 -58-4 -47-0 -30-2 — 1 7" 1 June 1-388 2- 423 3- 38o 8 3 2 61 1 12 547 876 26 43 60 355 898 902 661 61-3 6o-6 ! -10-3 1 o"9 — II-2 1 — 807 -71-8 — 6o-o 8- 284 9- 162 10-397 1 1 -406 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots— continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. .ongitude Mean Latitude of Group. jongitude from . Central Meridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. 1 Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Civil Time. ^ Jmbra. Whole | Spot. | Jmbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Civil Time. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1694- -contim led. Group 1698. Two very small spots. 1885.4 June 12-449 1 3 *4°4 14- 541 15- 482 16- 431 17*218 18-470 193 167 138 108 88 9 1 23 296 195 948 811 564 447 176 IOI 87 79 70 69 93 42 674 627 543 529 449 457 389 357-0 357*3 3567 356-8 356-8 356'3 356-8 -14-2 — *4*4 -H*5 -147 -14-5 -I 5* 1 -14*7 to 3‘4 . + 9*5 1885. a June 12-449 0 8 o . 6 3ii*5 + 15*1 -48*9 + 24 0 . + 36-5 +49*° Means 0 6 3ii*5 + 15*1 + 59*0 + 76-0 Group 1699. A large spot, a, with two small companions, on June 14. a has broken up by June 16 into two principal spots, 6 and c, with small companions. Means ... 103 572 356-91 -14-52 Group 1695. A large spot, which rapidly diminishes in size. On June 11 it breaks into two parts, and the preceding spot is not seen on the next day._ A different spot is seen preceding on June 13. On June 14 the group consists of several very faint spots. June 12-449 I3*404 14- 541 15- 482 16- 431 17*218 18-470 19*484 20- 414 21- 510 IO 7 i9 18 3i 26 21 9 8 3 105 130 262 261 313 161 69 23 13 19 8 13 17 13 1 1 5 5 2 187 136 191 158 169 83 46 37 14 10 286-9 286- 8 287- 1 288- 2 288-3 288-6 288- 9 289- 2 2887 288-8 - 8-2 - 8-5 - 8-o - 7*8 - 7*4 - 7*6 | - 7*° - 7*° - 6-9 : - 6-5 I -73*5 — 6ro -45*6 -32*1 -i9*5 - 87 + 8-i + 21*9 + 33*8 + 48*3 June 8-284 9-162 10- 397 11- 406 12- 449 1 3 ’4°+ i 4'54i 0 12 13 6 8 0 0 162 168 146 1 1 1 28 16 , 88 0 13 9 4 5 0 0 263 174 105 68 15 8 47 344*3 344*2 344*2 344* 0 343-5 344*i 346-3 -i5*3 -i5*3 -14-9 -15-2 -147 — 14 6 -15-4 -7i*3 -59*8 -43*5 — 30-2 -i6- 9 ■ - 37 4-13* 6 Means 10 103 288-15 - 7*49 Group 1700. A small regular spot. Means 4 97 344*37 — 15-06 Group 1696. A faint spot. June 12-449 I3*404 I4*54i 15-482 16431 0 0 0 0 7 18 19 10 13 13 0 1 0 0 0 17 22 i5 7 7 5 7 282-9 282-0 281- 9 282- 0 282*3 282-1 282-4 - i*3 - i*5 - i*4 - i-3 - i*3 - i-7 - '*3 -77*5 -65-8 — 50-8 -38-3 -25*5 -15-2 + i-6 June 9-162 0 10 0 18 33o-5 + 8*8 -73*5 17- 218 18- 470 Means ... 0 18 33°*5 + 8-8 Means 0 ! " 282-23 - 1-40 Group 1697. One faint spot on June n, five on June 12, four on June 13. Of the four seen on June 13 the third has disappeared by June 14, and the two preceding are measured together. Group 1701. One spot, a, on June 14. Another, b, appears on June 15, and has disap June 18. peared by 0 5 25 13 7 18 44 73 56 33 0 4 16 8 4 20 36 ! 47 33 17 270-2 269- 9 270- 5 270*8 272-5 -107 -107 -107 — II'O -107 -62-5 -50*4 -37*3 — 26-5 - 8> 3 June 1 1 -406 12*449 I3*4 0 4 I 4'54 I 0 25 0 0 4 168 136 1 1 1 0 15 0 0 98 9 1 103 29*8 3°"2 31-2 30*1 + 4*6 + 5*o + 5*i + 4*9 4-15-6 4-29-8 4-43-4 4-57*4 June 14-541 15-482 16*431 17- 218 18- 470 Means 4 74 3o-33 + 4*9 C ) Means ... I ... 6 [ 31 27078 -1076 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 273 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. | Projected Area of Area for Group. j Mean | Mean | Latitude of Group. Longitude from 1 Central | Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. I Whole Spot. j of Group. Group 1702. A regular spot. Group 1705 — continued. 1885. d June 23-416 24- 401 25- 251 42 0 0 144 72 17 33 0 0 1 16 72 26 264-1 259-7 2597 -14-9 -1 6-o — 167 | 4-48*8 + 57-5 + 68-6 1885. d June 1 4*54-i 15482 16431 17-218 18 -470 *9‘4 8 4 20- 414 21- 510 22- 409 23- 4.16 24- 401 25- 251 6 1 1 23 34 3i 26 29 20 24 20 5 80 117 171 204 226 207 251 196 192 129 65 21 10 1 1 17 21 17 13 15 II 14 15 5 4 134 1 17 126 128 121 105 127 106 1 17 95 65 33 260-2 260- 6 261- 1 261-1 261-1 261-4 261-4 261-5 261-6 261- 9 262- 1 262-9 4- 8-6 + 87 + 8-5 + 8-i + 8-i + 8-3 + 8-5 + 8-6 + 8-9 + 9-2 + 9’2 + 9'5 -72-5 -597 -467 -362 -197 - 5’9 + 6-5 + 2 1-0 + 33'° + 46-6 + 59-9 + 71-8 Means ... 16 188 262-63 -15-04 Group 1706. A very large group, consisting of a large spot, a, preceding and an irregular mass following. The latter undergoes constant changes. The entire group appears, and is measured as one spot on June 25. On June 27 it appears as two spots on the limb, which are measured separately. June 15-482 16- 431 17- 218 | 18-470 19- 484 20- 414 21- 510 22- 409 23- 416 24- 401 25- 251 26 27-445 27 1 16 203 240 312 259 298 251 284 105 70 No pho 0 234 1001 1530 2188 2571 3154 3762 3463 2999 2139 1512 tograph. *44 56 *45 181 160 1 77 135 151 130 163 70 56 (28 0 5*8 1310 1450 1482 1483 1654 *9*7 1799 1686 1415 1212 821 43o 243-4 240-5 239-6 239-6 239- 8 240- 3 240- 2 2407 241- 1 242- 1 242-2 242-4 242-5 + 10-2 + 107 + 10*9 + I i-o + II-I •4-IO-9 4-10-9 4-ii'i 4-10-9 4-10-5 + 10-4 4- 9-5 4- 8-6 -76*9 -67-3 -577 -41-2 -27-5 — 14-6 - o'3 4- I2-I 4-25-8 + 39’9 4-5*i + 65-9) 4-80-6 Means 13 106 261-41 + 8-68 Group 1703. Two spots, a and b, are seen on June 15. Another spot, c, is seen near b on June 16. b has disappeared by June 17, and a has divided into two portions. June 14-541 15- 482 16- 431 17- 218 18- 470 0 10 9 5 0 21 192 127 79 23 *4 9 3 0 54 257 122 61 14 255- 2 2547 253-4 252-9 256- 0 -21-8 -21-9 -22-5 — 22-8 — 22-6 -77-5 -65-6 -54'4 -44'4 — 24-8 Means 1 12 1 321 2411 1 4-10-52 Means 5 102 254-44 — 22-32 Group 170 7. Two small regular spots, a and l. Group 1 704. Three small spots ; two are measured together on June 15. June 16-431 17-218 9 6 53 hi 5 4 3° 70 3 3 1 '5 332-3 -H‘3 pH’s 4-23-7 4-35-o June 1 5-482 16- 431 17- 218 2 4 0 67 22 30 1 2 0 36 1 1 i-5 299- 5 300- 8 301- 1 “ 3'5 - 37 - 37 — 20-8 - 7-0 + 3-8 Means 5 50 331-9° -14-40 Group 1708. A very small spot. Means 1 21 300-47 - 3-63 Group 1705. June 19-484 20-414 0 2 1 9 0 12 6 290-3 290-8 -107 — io-8 4-23-0 4-35-9 Two irregularly shaped groups, which diminish in size after June 20. Small companions are measured separately on June 17, 21, and 22. Means 1 9 29°-55 -1075 June 15-482 16- 431 17- 218 18- 470 19- 484 20- 414 21- 510 22- 409 6 20 25 47 33 3i 56 26 74 1 99 401 683 472 543 512 266 6 15 16 26 17 17 33 1 7 73 147 254 375 248 288 295 170 262-9 262-8 262-9 262- 9 263- 3 263- 6 264- 1 262-9 — 1 4"3 — 139 — I 4'5 -15-0 -15-2 -15-1 -*4'9 -14-9 -57A -45-0 _ 34‘4 -17-9 - 4-° + 8-7 + 23-6 + 34‘3 Group 1709. Two very small faint spots. June 23-416 24-401 5 0 24 ■5 2 13 7 201 2 201-6 - 9'5 — io-i -14-1 - o-6 Means I 10 201-40 — 980 Photo-Heliographic Results, 1882-1885. 2 M Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Son Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots ^-continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. I Mean ongitude „ L Mean latitude f Group. ] ongitude from Central leridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. T Mean .ongitude Mean Latitude >f Group. . 1 .ongitude from Central vieridian. Greenwich Civil Time. ^ Imbra. Whole T Spot. 1 Jmbra. Whole ' Spot. of Group. ( Civil Time. ^ mbra. Whole T Spot. Imbra. | ^ Whole Spot. f Group. Two spots, whi disappeared a large gro a and b. a divided into h appea by June up, whic has a sm two spot Group 1710. to separate. The following spot diminishes, and has 27, on which day the preceding spot has developed into h, after some changes, remains as two principal spots, all companion on June 30 and July 1, and by July 2 has s. b is measured as two spots on July i. Group 1714. Seven large spots, a, b, c, d, e, /, and g, on June 30, with some smaller spots follow- ing. b has disappeared by July 2, and a begins to break up on July 4- « an irregular mass, which has broken up and partly disappeared by July 4, causing 8 an apparent change of place on that day. On July 5 the group appears as a multitude of small spots, and after this the group consists of the spots d, f, and y, with several small spots at some distance. The small spot following d on July 6 is measured with it on July 7. 31 21 I 1 (3° 48 98 73 56 65 40 95 179 130 4i5 699 749 689 606 685 499 157- 3 158- 3 159- 8 1 61 -I 162-4 162- 8 163- 5 1 64- 1 165- 4 165-9 -14-5 -! 4 -5 — 14-6 -14-2 -13-8 -13-5 -12-8 — 121 -II -8 -11-9 0 1885. d June 23-416 24- 401 25- 2S 1 26 27A4S 28- 412 29- 581 30- 409 July 1-496 2-402 32 29 18 No pho t 90 182 120 79 66 23 95 245 210 ograph. 134 ° 1394 1141 868 713 327 — 58-0 -43'9 -3I-3 -15-4) + 0-5 + 13-8 + 29-8 +4I-4 + 57-0 + 69-6 1885.4 June 28-412 29-581 3°-4°9 July 1-496 2- 402 3- 463 4‘459 5- 326 6- 460 7- 482 8- 427 9- 488 iQ’439 1 1-406 O 39 160 164 181 193 238 117 48 51 24 0 0 13 318 728 ,252 1451 ! 1540 j I 4 I 4 1 176 763 531 ! 399 ! 221 127 , 100 1 o 0 48 133 1 10 104 102 124 61 28 34 21 0 0 60 763 928 1055 978 881 751 610 408 3°5 266 162 259 65 A 56-5 56-8 56-3 56- 4 57- 0 56-0 55’9 55-i 53'5 55'2 54"4 55-0 54-8 — 8-4 — io-i — IO'O — 9'9 — 101 — IO-I — io-8 -io-4 — 1 1 -o -n-3 — 12-0 — I 2 'I -12-4 — 121 — 836 -IT 2 -65-9 -52-1 -39"9 -25-3 -13*1 - 17 + 12-4 + 24-3 + 387 + 51-8 + 65-1 + 777 Means ... 47 475 162-06 -I3-37 Group 1711. Three spots on June 24. Only one is seen after June 25. June 23-416 24- 401 25- 251 26 27A45 28- 412 29- 581 30- 409 July 1-496 2*402 17 26 26 No pho 1 1 0 0 0 113 236 250 tograph. 67 ' 53 33 38 8 7 29 26 20 (12 3 6 0 1 0 0 192 251 198 1 1 8 37 28 18 22 5 6 143-9 142- 7 143- 6 144- 4 145- 2 1 45 '3 145-2 144-8 I44-5 H4"6 — 16-4 -167 -16-5 — 16-3 — i6'o -15-9 -157 -157 -15-5 -I5-5 -71-4 — 595 -47’5 -32-1) -167 - 37 + H-5 + 22-1 + 36-1 + 48-3 Means 544 56-3! — 10-76 A small spot, a, is seen on July 2 ; and a s] 5 the group is muc size, and appear as b have coalesced, ai is included. Group on July i. Seve rot, 6, somewhat Is h broken up. B; broken spots, with ad are measured tc 1715. sral very small spot: irger than a, appears y July 6, a and b liar . a small spot followii igether, and by July s appear pr on July 3. re much inc ng. By Jul 9 the group eceding a On July ireased in y 8, a and following Means 10 88 144-42 — 1 6-02 July 1-496 0 8 18 16 57 154 1 10 218 146 54 25 21 38 158 208 284 1175 1777 1673 1442 1062 5 g 5 0 7 1 1 9 32 86 66 150 127 65 53 22 29 97 118 154 651 1069 1 148 1249 1270 1246 5°‘3 51- 5 54'5 54-0 53- 5 54- 8 53-6 54’4 53-i 52- 1 51-2 — 19-6 — 196 -1 9 -I — 19-0 — 18-6 — 18-4 -1 8-8 — 1 8*6 — 18-8 — 18'6 — 1 8-8 - S 8-I -44-8 -27-8 — 1 5*i - 4 1 + 12*1 + 24+ + 37-9 + 50-5 4-62-2 + 74' 1 Group 1712. A small spot. 3A 6 3 4'459 5- 326 6- 460 7G82 8-427 June 25-251 0 4 0 5 253-5 — 20-6 + 62-4 Means 0 5 253-5 — 20-6 9-488 10-439 - 1 1 -406 Group 1713. A group of ten spots on June 28. They separate, and form a straight line of spots, the largest being in the middle. Means 55 641 53-00 — 18-90 Group 1716. A regular spot. June 28-412 29-581 3°"4°9 July 1-496 2- 402 3- 4 6 3 15 0 , 29 > 24 1 6 i 1 7 176 234 474 286 172 64 7 0 16 15 4 7 89 121 261 183 136 7i I43-9 146-1 146-3 145- 8 146- 5 I45-3 - 6-2 - 57 - 5-9 - 6-o - 5-9 - 5-8 - 5' 1 + 12-4 + 23-6 + 37-4 + 50-2 + 63-0 July 4-459 5‘3 2e 6- 4 6c 7- 482 8- 42^ 1 3 . 29 > 17 1 3 1 ' 17 5 25 49 84 1 12 142 169 171 7 35 H 20 10 13 103 99 90 9 1 97 92 354’4 354'5 354-7 353- 9 354- 8 354-1 — 1 5 1 -14-9 -15-4 -i5'3 -15-4 -i5-3 -747 -63-1 — 48-0 -35‘3 -217 - 8-5 Means . ... ... j 8 144 145-6; ; - 5-9 2 9-48$ TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 275 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean J Latitude j of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1 7 1 6 — continued. Group 1720. Two principal spots, a and 6, and a stream of small spots ; a has divided into two by July 17, and breaks up still further on the succeeding days ; b at first has two nuclei, but on July 15 and following days there is only one. 1885. d July 10-439 1 1 -406 12- 195 13- 489 1 4- 494 15- 484 12 I 2 19 10 2 0 121 121 108 107 54 13 6 7 1 1 8 2 0 64 67 65 80 54 20 354-0 353*8 3 54 " 1 353-8 353-5 3527 -• 5 -i — , 5 ‘ I -15-0 -14-8 -14-9 -15-0 + 167 + 27 A + 44 " 1 + 57-2 + 69-5 1885. d July 12-195 13- 489 14- 494 15- 484 16- 459 17 - 493 18- 180 19- 641 20- 560 21- 507 22- 475 23- 410 24 A 5 I 38 77 9 * 56 63 83 159 80 38 28 6 10 O' 296 586 864 960 875 739 849 624 487 3 i 7 201 1 17 92 105 85 72 35 34 42 80 43 21 *9 5 *3 0 845 657 663 59 6 478 378 427 336 295 224 x 74 148 245 246-3 246- 0 247- 0 247 A 247- 7 24+6 248- 1 248-8 250-0 248-2 2457 245 A 244-5 + 9-5 + 10-0 + 9 ‘ 6 + 9*3 + 9"4 + 9 " 2 + 8-9 + 8-3 + 8-o + 8-4 + 9-3 + 9"2 + 9‘3 — 80-4 -6 3-7 -493 “ 35-8 — 226 — io-o -f 0 6 + 20-6 + 34 ‘° + 447 + 55 -° + 67-1 + 8o-o Means 1 1 77 354-03 — i 5 *n Group 1717. A spot, with smaller spots following, one of which has disappeared by July 6, and the others have coalesced by July 7, to form one spot. July 5-326 6- 460 7- 482 8- 427 10 22 8 S 1 12 95 218 ti 4 6 16 8 8 66 68 206 168 82- 4 84-1 83- 9 84- 4 -17-3 — 1 6 -6 — 16-9 — 16-6 + 24-8 + 4 r 4 + 547 + 67-9 Means 43 420 247-05 + 9 " 1 1 Means 10 127 8370 -16-85 Group 1721. A very small spot. Group 1718. A regular spot, a. A faint spot follows a on July 9 and the succeeding days. It has divided into two portions by July 12. July 14-494 0 10 0 7 256-6 + 2-6 -397 Means 0 7 256-6 + 2-6 July 9-488 10-439 1 1 -406 12-195 I 3’489 H ‘494 15-484 i 6‘459 17*493 18- 180 19- 641 20- 560 10 17 45 1 1 1 99 92 84 56 66 79 33 5 140 329 437 488 587 486 491 460 345 338 160 74 18 17 33 69 53 48 44 32 43 60 42 12 244 345 333 306 316 251 256 260 224 254 203 186 290- 1 289-6 289-7 2 9 1- 3 292- 1 293- 0 293-2 293-8 293- 8 294- 1 293-5 293-5 - 7-5 - 77 - 7 -6 - 7-8 - 8-o - 8-2 - 8-4 - 8-4 - 8-8 - 9*3 - 9-8 - io-o -72-5 — 60-3 - 47-4 - 35‘4 — 17-6 - 3’3 + io - o + 23-5 + 37-2 + 46-6 + 65-3 + 77' 5 Group 1722. A regular spot, a, with two companions. These are measured together on July 1 5 and 17, and with the large spot on July 19. Only the large spot, a, is seen on July 20. Two spots, b and c, have appeared by July 21, following a ; b increases in size, and has broken into two, d and e, by July 23. July H '494 15- 484 16- 459 I 7 A 93 18- 180 19- 641 0 9 43 49 29 i 7 8 42 24 0 x 9 115 218 282 321 217 170 285 229 426 37 ° 40 0 2 8 29 29 15 9 4 0 25 20 0 53 x 55 193 192 194 ii 3 87 ! 49 127 267 293 50 217-2 215- 9 2 1 6- 1 215-6 215- 5 216- 1 2i6-6 2146 212-8 2137 2141 215-9 - 77 - 7'4 - 7 ‘o - 6-9 - 6-5 - 6-3 - 6-2 - 6-3 - 53 - 5 "° - 4*5 - 4‘9 -79 1 - 6 7"3 -54-2 -41-0 -32-0 — I2-I + o-6 + ii-i + 22-1 + 35‘4 + 49-6 + 66-2 Means 39 265 292-31 - 8-46 Group 1719. A very small spot on July 12. On July 13 an irregular spot, with two small spots following it. On the next day the group consists of two faint broken patches. By July 15 the preceding patch has become a regular spot. The following patch has disappeared by July 16. A fresh spot has appeared by July 18. 21- 507 22- 475 23- 410 24- 451 25- 576 — 12 156 215*34 - 6-17 July 12-195 1 3*489 14-494 i 5 ' 4 8 4 * 6*459 17493 18-180 1 0 1 1 2 4 7 5 58 109 86 X 9 H 33 1 0 6 3 5 3 32 57 43 10 9 22 284-9 287-2 286-0 286-9 290-0 290-5 290-3 + H *4 + 15-0 + 14-5 + * 4*5 + 15-0 + 14-9 + 15-0 — 41-8 - 22-5 -10-3 + 3-7 + 197 + 33‘9 + 42-8 Means .... ... Group 1723. A very small spot. July 16-459 0 *4 0 i 8 244-9 — 20-8 1 -254 Means 2 25 287-97 + i 476 Means ... 0 8 1 244-9 — 20-8 276 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. ' Mean Mean Latitude of Group. jongitude from Central deridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for 1 Mean Jongitude of Group. 1 Mean Latitude of Group. | liongitude from Central Meridian. Greenwich Civil Time. 1 Jmbra. Whole Spot. Civil Time. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole , Spot. 1 Tlir Group 1723*. ee very small spots. Group Two faint spots on July 17. A ' 1727 - third has appeared by July 18. 1885. d July 17-493 0 7 O 4 2199 -137 - 3 6 7 1885.3 July I 7 M 93 18-180 19641 20-560 0 5 4 12 51 29 58 0 3 3 0 6 3 ° 22 59 0 1 273-1 272- 5 273- 2 2737 - 15*4 -15-4 -156 -i 4*9 + 16-5 + 25-0 + 45 *° + 577 Means ° 4 219-9 -137 Group 1724. Three spots on July 16. By the next day each has broken up, the first into three small spots, the second into a regular spot, a, and a group of small spots, and the last into a long group of small spots (measured in two) stretching northwards. The first portion of the group has disappeared by July 18, and the last by July 19, leaving only the centre portion, which forms a line of spots on that day. By July 21 the group has much changed, and consists of a large scattered group, with two small spots preceding, which are not seen on the next day. Means 2 29 273 -I 3 - 15*33 A regular s pot, a. 1 Group 1728. Small spots are seen following a on July 20, 25, and 27. July I 7 M 93 1 8- 1 80 19- 641 20- 560 21- 507 22- 475 i 23-410 24- 451 25- 576 26- 501 27 - 433 28441 29-546 14 79 88 96 1 1 8 96 171 157 172 75 90 61 7 109 208 437 600 635 700 792 794 716 575 483 3°3 161 43 146 78 67 71 52 89 83 101 5 ° 75 74 14 342 383 387 4 1 7 380 382 4 i 3 422 418 385 405 37 ° 44 i 176-8 174*4 174-8 174- 6 174*9 175- 0 1 74 - 9 1747 175- 0 175*5 175*7 175-4 174*9 — IO'O — io-6 — 10-4 — io-6 — 1 1*7 — 1 1 -6 -ii *9 — I 2 'I — 1 1*9 -n *9 — 1 1 -8 -ii *9 - 79*8 - 73 *i - 53*4 -41-4 -28-6 -157 - 3*4 + 10*2 + 25-3 + 38-0 + 50*6 + 637 + 77*9 July 16-459 17493 18-180 19641 20- 560 21- 507 22- 475 23- 410 0 32 46 12 5 0 0 92 267 334 235 268 35 ° 261 68 O 22 29 6 3 0 0 0 92 198 2I 4 128 141 187 150 44 212-8 2I2'0 2 1 3 - I 214- 8 213-9 2I4O 213-3 2 I 2‘8 -I 2'9 -13-1 - J 3'2 -13-2 -13-8 -127 -12-8 -140 -57‘5 -44-6 -34'4 -13-4 — 2'1 + 10-5 + 22-6 + 34*5 Means 8 I 44 2 13-34 — 13-21 Means 73 39 6 .... i — 1 1 • 2 c Group 1725. Two small spots, measured together. Group 1729. A small spot. July 16-459 17- 493 1 8 - i8o 0 0 1 1 17 1 1 0 1 2 13 7 209-4 209-4 2084 - 6-9 - 7-8 - 9-i — 60-9 -47-2 -39-1 July 22-475 23-410 O 0 24 5 0 0 i 9 6 241-6 241-1 + 15-0 + H 7 + 50-9 + 62-8 Means 0 l l 209-07 - 7*93 Means 0 13 241-35 + 14-85 Group 1726. Three well-defined spots, with small companions, on July 17. Only one small spot is seen on July 19. Group 1730. Two small spots. The second has increased in size by July 23. The first is not seen on July 24. July 17-493 1 8- 1 80 19 641 8 6 0 *59 3 2 6 6 4 0 98 23 8 288-4 288-7 291-9 -107 ~i i-6 -12-8 + 31-8 + 4 1 * 2 + 637 July 22-475 23- 410 24- 451 0 10 47 100 35 0 7 0 32 62 20 151-8 150-9 I49* 8 — 16-8 -i 7*5 -18-4 -38-9 -27+ -147 Means 3 43 289-67 - 11-70 Means 2 38 150*83 — 17*57 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885 . 277 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Whole Spot. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Group 1731. Two small spots on July 24. Both have broken up by July 25. Only three spots remain on July 27. 1885.4 July 24-451 5 61 4 46 1 1 8-4 — I2"0 -46-1 25-576 33 274 20 170 1 1 8-6 — 1 1-8 — 3 1 " 1 26-501 13 345 7 191 118-9 -12-5 — 1 8 -6 2 7-433 1 6 212 8 114 1 1 8-8 -13-1 - 63 28-441 29 169 16 90 118-9 -12-9 4- 7- 2 Means 1 1 122 118-72 — 12-46 Group 1732. A small spot, a. Two others, b and c, have appeared by July 26. a has disappeared by July 27, c by July 30, and b has broken up into several portions by July 28. July 24-451 I 25-576 ‘ 26501 2 7'433 28- 441 29- 546 30- 482 31 - 459 Aug. 1-414 2- 516 3- 188 92-3 92-8 94'5 95‘9 96-4 9 8 '3 100- 7 101- 6 103- 0 104- 3 104-8 -I 3-4 -13-0 -13-2 -I 3-3 1 2*9 -12-4 -117 -117 — 1 1-6 -12-4 — 1 3 " 1 98-60 — 12-61 -72-2 -569 -43 - o -29-2 -I 5-3 + i '3 + •5-9 + 297 +43" 8 + 59-6 + 69-1 Group 1733. Two spots, a and b, when first seen. A third spot, c, has become detached from b by July 28. Small companions are seen on July 31 and following days. July 27-433 28- 441 29- 546 30- 482 31 - 459 Aug. 1-414 2- 516 3- 188 4- 409 5- 488 6- 389 7 - 45 i Means 51-6 50-0 49‘5 49‘7 49 -° 48-8 48-4 47 - 9 48- 1 48-1 47-9 47-2 48-85 —21-51 -73'5 -617 -47-5 -35'i — 22-9 — 10-4 + 37 + 12-2 4-28-5 +4 2 7 + 54-5 4-677 Group 1734. A small spot. July 28-441 58-5 58-5 Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Whole Spot. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Group 1735. Two small spots. 1885.4 July 31-459 Aug. 1-414 119-5 118-5 -14-1 4-47- 6 -! 4 -2 4 - 59-3 Group 1736. Two spots, a and b. Two smaller spots are seen between them on August 5. On August 7 another companion is seen. Only b remains on August 9. Aug. 3-188 6 38 4 21 87 + 8-o — 27-0 4-409 0 150 0 76 1 o-o + 8-o - 9-6 5-488 30 185 15 93 ”•3 + 7-5 + 5‘9 6-389 9 179 5 94 10-5 + 7'5 + 17-1 7-45I H 167 8 98 9-5 + 7'4 + 30-0 8-386 14 40 9 27 92 + 7-i +42-1 9-210 12 0 10 8-3 + 6-9 + 52-2 Means 6 60 9-64 + 7'49 Group 1737. A regular spot, a, on August 5. Another spot, b , with two companions has appeared by August 8. By August 9, b seems to nave changed its position, and a new spot, d , has appeared, b breaks up, and is measured as two on August 12 and 13. Aug. 5-488 2 5 109 35 155 2977 -107 -677 6-389 32 166 3i 158 297-9 — 10-4 -55-5 7‘45 1 35 208 25 147 297-9 -10-5 — 41 "6 8-386 57 454 34 278 298-1 — 1 1*3 — 29 0 9'2IO 101 617 56 340 298-3 -ii'9 -17-8 10-513 128 873 67 463 2 99 -i — I2'2 + 0'2 11-457 98 73° 53 398 299-8 -I 17 + I3-3 12-401 45 493 26 293 299-2 -”•9 + 25-3 13-407 4i 37° 27 250 299-6 — ii*5 + 389 I 4’54 I 22 186 l 9 163 298-2 — 1 1 *0 + 52-6 15-428 10 98 12 122 298-1 - i°l + 64-2 16-407 4 60 9 142 297-1 — io-8 + 76-I Means 33 242 298-42 — 11-22 Group 1738. A regular spot, a . Several small spots have appeared following a by August 7, forming a long stream on the succeeding days. Aug. 5-488 Q 13 0 40 286-5 — 12-1 -78-9 6-389 O 60 0 79 288-2 -11-7 -65-2 7-45 1 47 3i3 40 277 287-0 — I I"5 -52-5 8-386 64 526 44 368 286-6 -n*4 -40*5 9*210 53 422 32 253 287-5 -117 -28-6 10-513 76 472 4i 254 2877 -11-5 — II-2 11-457 64 509 33 267 287-9 — in + I- 4 12-401 57 433 3i 237 288-4 -u"3 + 14*5 278 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. jongitude from Central Meridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Greenwich Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Civil Time. 1 Umbra. Whole , Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1738 — continued. Group 1742 — continued. 1885. d Aug. 13-407 I 4'S4 I 15- 428 16- 407 17- 430 54 47 26 17 I 356 294 178 1 06 26 33 35 25 25 5 213 216 171 161 122 288- 9 289- 4 290- 1 289- 8 290- 0 — 1 1 1 — 1 11 — I I’l — in -f- 28 *2 +43-8 + 56-2 + 68-8 1885. d Aug. 16-407 17- 430 18- 191 19- 475 12 4 9 2 161 98 4 1 8 8 3 8 2 95 7i 38 12 253- 3 253 + 254- 6 252-0 + 13-0 + 12-9 + 117 + 117 + 32-3 + 46-0 + 57-2 +7i-4 -f- 82 6 Means 4 70 252-08 + 1274 Means 204 288-31 -H-37 Group 1743. A group of four well-defined spots, the two smallest, long. 272° -i being measured together. Group 1739. Two small spots. Aug. 7-451 I 27 1 27 36-2 -II-2 +567 Aug. 9-210 12 68 8 47 272-9 + 12-8 -43-2 Means 1 27 36-2 — I 1-2 Means 8 47 272-9 + 12-8 Group 1740. ; A group of very small spots. By August 9 the preceding spot has broken into two, which are measured together. Only one spot is seen on August 10. Group 1745. Two spots, a and 6. There is a small companion on August 11, and a different one on August 12. By that day 6 has broken into two. On August 13 there are three small spots following a, two of which have disappeared by the next day. 6 has broken up into a group of small spots by August 16, and is not seen after August 17. Aug. 7-451 8-386 9210 IO-513 2 3 23 15 , 77 77 23 1 2 12 0 8 40 41 15 332'5 333'3 333-o 336-0 -J- 2 I "O + 20-4 + 21-0 + 22-0 - 7-0 + 6-2 + 16-9 + 37' 1 Means 4 26 3337° + 21-10 Aug. 10-513 n-457 12-401 I 3"4°7 14- 541 15- 428 16- 407 17- 430 18- 191 0 1 9 12 44 29 4 1 25 18 20 1 1 0 33 192 233 326 298 284 235 171 1 13 5 6 i5 0 19 9 27 16 24 H 10 12 9 0 60 *99 174 193 158 i55 n 9 9 1 67 44 17 224- 5 225- 3 226- 1 227- 8 227- 6 2277 228- 4 229- 6 230- 8 231- 5 231-6 + 6-8 + 6-6 + 6-i + 6-4 + 6-5 + 6-6 + 6-8 + 6-3 + 6-3 + 67 + 7 -i -7+4 — 6i-2 -47-8 -32-9 — 1 8-o — 6-2 + 7-4 + 22-2 + 33 + + 50-9 + 64-5 Group 1741. Two small spots. Aug. 8-386 0 28 ! 0 l 21 131 + I 5’ 6 +46-0 Means 0 21 131 + 15-6 1 9 47 5 20-492 Means 13 1 16 228-26 + 6-56 Group 1742. One large spot when first seen ; it has broken up into a group of small spots by August 9, which continually change in number and position. Group 1746. August 12. On the second day there are two spots close together as one. Aug. 8-386 9-210 10- 513 1 1- 457 12- 401 13- 407 H-54I 15-428 0 1 5 9 10 12 0 1 64 85 128 192 77 . 1 34 67 37 0 4 6 6 6 0 1 144 99 98 119 42 68 35 19 249- 1 250- 5 249- 2 250- 8 251- 5 253-0 253-1 2547 + I2-I + II9 + I3-5 + I3-5 + 13-2 + 137 + I27 + 13-0 — 78-0 -65-6 -497 -357 — 22'4 - 77 + 7-5 + 20-6 Two spots on measured Aug. 12-401 13-407 2 0 28 18 1 0 21 1 1 232- 3 233- 8 -19-5 -i 9 i — 41 -6 — 26-9 Means 1 16 233-05 -i9"3 c 1 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 279 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1747. Four small faint spots on August 13, three being measured together ; of these one has disappeared by August 14, and the other two are measured separately. Group 1752. A small spot. I 885. d Aug. 19-475 I 4 1 4 233*9 - 9*8 1 +53*3 1885. d Aug. 13-407 H’54 1 0 6 26 60 3 16 32 226-3 226-5 - 8-7 - 9*i -34*4 -I 9 -I Means I | 4 233*9 - 9*8 Means 2 24 226-40 — 8-90 Group 1753. Two well-defined spots. Group 1748. A regular spot. Aug. 20-492 16 94 16 94 223-3 -13*8 + 56-2 Means 16 94 223-3 -13-8 Aug. 14-541 15- 428 16- 407 17- 430 18- 191 I 9'47 S 20- 492 21- 492 22- 499 23211 24-577 25*459 3i 35 38 36 62 55 34 39 37 37 8 10 198 226 257 257 256 249 230 189 244 205 150 94 -71*3 — 60-3 -47* 6 -34*3 -24*5 - 7*8 + 6-2 4-19-2 + 32-4 4-42-2 + 59*8 + 71-2 18 3 1 48 56 io 5 104 62 68 58 5 1 7 5 1 1 1 203 320 395 435 465 426 33i 35i 280 i37 53 174*3 173-6 173*4 I73*i 172-9 172- 8 173*3 173- 0 172-9 173*3 172-8 172-6 -13*8 — 14-2 -14-0 -H*i -14-1 -141 -i3*9 -13*8 -H* 2 -13*4 — 14-0 — 13-6 Group 1754. Two large spots, a and b, with smaller spots between them, b decreases in size, and is not seen on September 1, by which day the group as a whole has very much increased in size, and consists of several fine spots, which have become two large spots with small companions by September 2. Aug. 23-211 24*577 25*459 26- 457 27- 509 28- 480 29- 444 3° 31-210 Sept. 1-399 2-391 3*42 3 !9 40 32 43 45 10 27 No pho 89 44 107 16 136 418 465 439 450 332 266 tograph. 426 564 8,5 263 35 39 24 26 25 5 14 (35 55 34 113 32 280 426 360 275 248 175 141 201 261 436 876 494 57*o 54* 6 54*8 55*7 57*2 58-4 587 57*3 55*9 56-8 56-6 55*9 - iro - 9*3 - 9*3 - 9*3 - io-6 -107 -107 -10-5 - IO‘2 - 9-8 - IO'l - 9 -6 -74*i -58-4 -46-6 — 32-6 — 1 7* 1 - 3*i i +io-o + 20-3) + 30-5 +47*i + 6o-o + 72*9 Means 35 213 173-17 -13*93 Group 1749. A small spot. Aug. 16-407 0 17 2 9 - 231-9 - 9-0 ■fio*9 Means 36 348 56-58 — 10-09 Means 2 9 231-9 - 9-0 Group 1755. Two small spots. They have greatly increased in size, and a new spot has appeared by August 28. Group 1750. A group of faint spots. Only one spot is seen on August 20. Aug. 26-457 27- 509 28- 480 29*444 0 24 1 1 12 60 121 276 285 0 16 9 14 35 81 238 350 110- 9 111- 9 1 1 1*3 m-6 -14-6 -i4*9 -15-1 — 14-8 + 22'6 + 37-6 +49*8 + 62-9 Aug. 18-191 19*475 20- 492 21- 492 22- 499 23- 211 13 >9 0 4 12 65 58 3i 23 3 61 6 9 0 3 0 12 32 \l H 2 60 187-8 1887 1 87* 1 190-2 190*9 190-9 + 6-o + 5*4 + 5*i + 6-2 + 6-6 + 67 - 9-6 -)- 8-i 4-20-0 + 36-4 + 5°*4 + 59*8 Means 10 176 iii *43 -14-85 i Group 1756. A well-defined spot with three fainter spots preceding on August 28. The preceding spot increases in size after August 29. One of the middle spots has disappeared by September 1, and the other has broken into a number of very small spots by September 2. Means 5 26 189-27 + 6-oo Group 1751. A group of four faint spots. Aug. 27-509 28-480 29*444 9 32 No pho 102 39 57 46 195 235 330 tograph. 636 355 552 484 13 8 20 (37 53 20 32 30 212 183 204 266 328 185 3i5 324 12-3 13*2 14*3 1 6- 1 17- 9 20-8 21*4 227 - 5*i - 4*9 - 4*5 - 4*7 - 4*9 - 4-8 - 5* 1 - 4*7 — 62-0 -48-3 -34*4 -21-0) - 7*5 + ii-i + 24-8 + 397 Aug. 18-191 19*475 24 5 56 35 H 3 33 18 166-2 165*3 + 20-3 + 20-5 -31-2 — 1 5*3 30 31-210 Sept. 1-399 Means 9 26 16575 + 20-40 ... 2-391 3*42 3 280 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean ^ Latitude of Group. , Longitude from Central Meridian. Greenwich Civil Time. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Civil Time. -j Jmbra. Whole . Spot. 1 Jmbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1756 — continued. Group 1759 — continued. 1885.4 Sept. 4-525 S'+ I + 6*408 7-273 22 8 2 0 359 240 115 12 19 IO 6 0 320 316 327 43 22*9 23-5 227 13-4 - 4"9 - 4' 4 - 4"4 - 5-6 + 545 466-8 479-2 481-2 1885.4 Sept. 9-410 10- 260 1 1- 208 12- 229 23 32 IO I 105 1 16 69 38 23 9 64 82 64 54 2937 293A 294-6 293-9 -127 — 12-6 -127 . -13*0 + 297 + 40*6 + 54A + 67-3 Means 21 252 18-43 - 4-83 Means 12 88 293-37 — 1 2*42 Group 1756*. A small spot. Group 1760. A small spot on September 4, which has divided into two by the next day. Aug. 27'5°9 28-480 0 0 3 1 29 0 O . 37 24 8*2 7*8 + 6-i + 6-6 -66-i -55-7 Sept. 4-525 54H 6- 408 7- 273 0 28 0 8 43 236 107 66 0 15 0 5 23 127 62 43 327-8 327- 8 328- 0 3283 -ii* 7 •-n"5 — 1 1 3 -n*8 — o-6 -h hi + 24-5 + 36-1 Means O 3 1 8-oo + 6*35 Group 1757. Two spots which increase in size and have coalesced by September 3. This spot has divided into three by September 5, but is measured as one except on September 9. Small companions are seen on August 29, September 5 and 7. Means 5 64 327-98 -11-58 Group 1761. Three small spots. Aug. 28-480 29-444 3° 31*210 Sept. 1-399 2-391 3'4 2 3 4"5 2 5 5 - 4H 6- 408 7‘ 2 73 8-404 9"4 10 10 29 No pho 73 135 64 53 68 37 49 *9 9 123 300 tograph. 702 971 1127 795 7i8 456 308 298 176 63 23 36 (55 74 4 1 7i 32 27 37 23 38 21 >9 337 374 433 49 1 552 592 399 368 252 *94 229 199 130 34°-9 341-3 34 1 " 0 340-6 34°‘9 340- 7 34 1 ' 1 341- o 341- 3 34 1 ' 3 342- 0 34 1 "7 34i-o + 107 + II-2 + 10-0 + 8-7 4-io-6 4-10-6 4-107 4-10-3 + io*6 4-10*5 + 9'9 + 9'9 4-10-4. — 8o - 6 -67-4 -56-1) -44-8 -28-8 — 15'9 - i"9 4 12-6 424-6 + 37-8 + 49 '8 464-4 477-o Sept. 5*414 0 39 0 21 304-9 — I 2’2 I -n*8 Means ... o 21 1 3°4‘9 — I 2 ’ 2 Group 1762. A very small spot. Sept. 5-414 0 0 6 2861 — I I *2 — 30-6 Means ... - O 6 286-1 — I 1*2 Means 38 35° 34 I " I 4 410-32 ... - 1 — Group 1758. Two very small spots. Group 1763. A very large spot. The following portion, which is of irregular shape, has become detached by September 1 3 and 14, and is measured in five portions. These have disappeared by September 15. The nucleus has divided into two portions by September 14, and the whole spot by September 17, although still measured as one Some small spots are seen near the principal spots on September 14, 18, Aug. 29-444 0 21 0 10 45-i — 6‘8 - 3'6 Means 0 1 0 45-i — 6*8 ■ Sept. 8-404 9"4 IQ 10-260 1 1*208 12229 13- 178 14- 558 15389 16- 572 17- 180 18*507 19*214 26 59 164 219 i54 194 128 95 9° 1 17 5i 40 246 506 832 885 1 1 49 1294 1195 816 74i 616 375 338 52 66 136 H7 90 106 69 54 58 85 55 62 49 8 566 697 592 671 703 644 464 479 448 4°3 533 203-8 203-8 203-1 2037 202-6 202*5 202-7 203-3 203-0 203-0 203-I 203-2 -13-4 -I3-5 -13-3 — 13** -12-8 “ 1 3 '2 -13-2 — 1 3*6 -13-6 -H* 2 -14-1 — 14*6 -73-5 — 60*2 -49-7 —36-5 -24-0 -117 + 6-6 + 18-2 j +33+ + 4 1 -7 + 59"3 + 68*7 Group 1759. A regular spot, a. A small companion is seen on September 3, and another on September 7. Sept. 1-399 2-39 1 3A 2 3 4-5 2 5 5"4M 6- 408 7- 273 8- 404 16 18 21 i 18 1 24 22 29 87 136 154 197 205 175 134 0 20 17 12 12 10 1 3 12 69 1 12 1 H IOI >14 1 1 1 94 75 2937 291*9 292-9 292- 8 293- 1 293-2 293 5 2937 — I 2'I — 12*1 — I2‘I — I2-I -12 *3 -I2'3 -12-4 — 12-6 — 76-0 -64-7 -50-1 -35-6 -23*6 -10-3 + i'3 4164 Means 82 558 203-I5 -I3'55 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885 , 281 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean ! Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitudi from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. I Whole Spot. 1 b of Group. Group 1764. A group of faint spots. Group 1768. A large regular spot. 1 8 8 5 . (l Sept. 13-178 H'55 8 O 0 85 137 0 O 64 162 256- 6 257- 4 -16-3 -157 + 42-4 + 61-3 1885.3 Sept. 21-443 22- 441 23- 428 24- 574 25+07 26- 447 27- 132 28- 469 29- 164 30- 195 Oct. 1-388 2- 171 3- 381 0 15 9 0 65 45 95 62 66 66 20 33 65 150 120 154 354 432 440 406 4,8 320 246 206 61 0 20 8 0 37 23 48 32 35 39 15 32 0 197 201 106 101 202 224 224 208 222 191 I 89 202 1 1 8 23-9 23-2 23-1 23-0 23-3 23-3 22-8 23-3 23-5 23-3 23 + 23-5 233 + 7'3 + 7-o + 7* 1 + 7'2 + 7-4 + 75 + 77 + 7-8 + 7-5 + 77 + 77 + 7‘5 + 7-8 — 8i-2 -68-6 -557 -407 -29+ -157 - 7‘2 + 109 + 20-2 + 337 + 49-6 + 6o-o +757 Means 0 1 1 3 257-00 — 16-00 Group 1765. Two faint spots, measured as one, on September 16. On the next day the group appears as three well-defined spots with some very small companions. On September 19 only three spots are seen. Sept. 16-572 17- 180 18- 507 19- 214 6 22 16 3 61 127 151 53 5 16 9 2 5° 88 87 30 122-4 122-6 123-9 12 I -O -I5-3 — I 4‘9 — 146 -15-2 -47-0 -387 — J 9"9 -13-5 Means 22 ,83 23-30 + 7-48 Group 1769. A number of small spots irregularly distributed. The group is measured, in two clusters on September 25, but it becomes more scattered on the succeeding days until September 28, after which date many of the spots disappear. Means 8 64 122-48 — 1 5-00 Group 1 766. A small spot on September 19. A second is seen near it on September 21. On September 22 the group consists of four small spots which are measured in pairs. Sept. 2 5 -407 26+47 27-132 28+69 29- 164 30- 195 0 7 44 1 5 25 7 38 139 166 143 138 17 0 4 24 8 13 3 27 82 9 1 73 7i 9 77 i 8 + 7- 8 87 8- 6 8-o + 1 6-6 + 16-8 + 17-8 + I7-1 + 17+ + 17-3 -45-0 — 306 — 22'2 - 37 + 5-3 + 1 8+ Sept. 19214 20-561 21 ‘4+3 22-441 2 0 22 22 5 3 2 1 10 2 0 0 1 1 16 3 1 7 57 85- 5 86- 4 83-3 83-4 + 16-3 + 167 + 16-1 + 16-9 _ 49 -o -3°-5 -2 1-8 - 8-4 Means 3 2 3 84-65 + 16-50 Means 9 59 8-20 + 17-17 Group 1767. A large regular spot. A small spot is seen near it on September 25. Group 1770. Sept. 2 1 -443 22- 441 23- 428 2 4* 5 7 4 25- 407 26- 447 27- 132 28- 469 29- 164 3°' I 9 5 Oct. 1-388 2- 171 3- 381 12 «4 12 4 9 18 66 27 35 33 7 i5 0 9 1 146 142 9 1 2 73 250 279 228 264 197 107 9i 13 2 7 16 10 3 5 9 34 H 20 2 1 6 *9 0 202 168 ”4 57 153 129 142 120 H9 128 93 1 10 36 287 28-3 28-2 28-3 28-4 28-9 28-3 28-8 28-9 28-2 28-1 28-6 26-6 - 29 - 3'i - 27 - 2-4 - 2-4 - 2 ’ I - 21 “ 2'4 - 2-8 - 27 - 27 - 3-i - 2-9 -76-4 -63-5 — 50-6 -35-4 -24-3 — io-i — I- 7 + 16-4 + 25-6 + 38-6 H-54’3 + 65-1 +79-0 A regular spot. A very small spot is seen near it on September 28. Sept. 25-407 26+47 27- 132 28- 469 2 9' i6 4 3o-i95 Oct. 1388 2171 3- 381 4- 567 5- 200 6 10 26 17 35 4i 14 28 10 6 2 89 87 154 H3 194 175 162 H5 1 1 2 38 16 8 9 ! 9 10 19 20 7 15 6 5 2 1 17 75 113 81 103 88 83 78 7i 32 17 344-4 344" 1 343*i 344-2 344- 3 344*5 345* 1 345- 2 345'2 345’2 345 3 + I2-I + I2-I + 12-3 + 121 + 12-0 + 12-2 + 12-0 + 12*0 + I 1*8 + 117 + 11 + -68-3 -54-9 -469 — 28-2 — 19-0 — 5-i + n-3 + 217 + 37-6 + 537 + 617 Means 1 + 123 28-33 — 2-64 - Means 1 1 78 34460 + 11-97 Photo- Hkliographic Rhsults, 1882-1885. 282 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of -Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean jongitude Mean Latitude of Group. .longitude from Central deridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. 1 Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Greenwich Civil Time. | Jmbra. Whole .Spot. 1 Jmbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Civil Time. r mbra. Whole Spot. Imbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group A small 771- spot. Group 1775. A regular spot. It has broken up into several small spots by October 1 3. 1885. d Sept. 2 6 ^47 27- 132 28- 469 29- 164 O 8 0 3 27 24 12 18 O 4 0 2 16 13 6 9 15-9 I5'4 15- 9 1 6- o - 8-1 - 7-8 - 8-o - 8-5 -23-1 -14-6 + 3-5 + 127 1885. d Oct. 5-200 6-398 7 + 17 8- 184 9- 446 10- 151 11- 162 12- 268 13- I55 1 4' 1 5 1 8 1 1 24 37 10 10 24 13 12 4 21 9 1 141 177 I 4| 164 i35 81 72 28 4 1 i5 27 6 5 13 7 7 3 1 10 124 127 130 86 92 73 44 42 1 9 200- 7 201- 4 201-2 200-6 200-9 2006 200*5 200'0 I996 200-4 -I3-3 -13 + — 13*6 -I3-3 -13-6 — I 3-6 -I 4 -I -147 -147 -15-1 — 82-9 -66- 3 -53-i _ 43 -6 -266 -1 7-7 - 4'5 + 9-7 + 21‘0 + 34-9 Means 2 1 1 1 5-80 — 8-io Group 1772. A small spot. Sept. 28-469 0 20 0 10 257 + 13-4 + I3-3 Means i5 85 200-59 -I3-94 Means 0 10 257 + I3-4 Group 1773. Two large regular spots, a and 6. Several small spots are also seen near b. A small spot. Two Group 1776. others are seen near it on October 11. Oct. 1-388 2- 171 3- 38I 4- 567 5- 200 6- 398 7"4 J 7 8- 184 9- 446 10- 151 11- 162 12- 268 13- I55 28 125 1 1 1 154 207 17 1 158 173 1 17 118 95 59 3 2 76 606 933 97 i 1,156 ii35 1054 105 1 750 7°9 537 263 49 5° 146 87 98 122 92 86 97 78 89 106 8 510 727 745 619 680 619 576 597 495 532 543 465 134 262-5 261-8 261-7 261-7 261-2 261-3 261-8 260- 8 261- 5 261-4 261-4 261-1 255-5 — 16-9 — 1 6-9 -16-5 — 16 - 6 — 16-5 -16-5 — 16-4 -167 — 1 6-6 — 1 6-6 — 16-8 -167 — 18-9 -71-3 -617 -45‘9 -30-2 -22-4 - 6-4 + 7'5 -4-16-6 + 34-° + 43-I + 56-4 + 70-8 + 76-9 Oct. 7-417 8- 184 9- 446 10- 151 11- 162 0 7 4 3 1 20 22 17 9 23 0 6 3 2 24 J 9 11 5 12 191- I I 9 I "3 193-0 I93-5 192- 0 — 1 1-6 -117 -12-5 -12*4 — 12-6 1 — 63-2 -52-9 -3A5 — 24-8 -13-0 Means 2 H 192-18 — I 2* I 6 Group 1777. Means 1 - 89 557 261-05 — 16-82 A small spot with a very small compa .nion on the first day. Grouj 1 1774. Oct. 17-212 18-147 0 3 18 12 0 25 1 1 55-5 5 71 + 6-5 + 6-3 -69-6 -55-0 Two spots, a and b. a has increased in size by October 5, and become a well- defined regular spot ; b has broken upland forms on October 5, and the succeeding days a train of small spots following a. a has broken up by October 8, and the group consists on October 9, and the succeeding days, of a number of small spots irregularly distributed. Means I 18 56-60 + 6-40 Group 1778. A spot which has very much decreased in size by October 18. Oct. 4-567 5- 200 6- 398 7 AI 7 8- 184 9- 446 10- 151 11- 162 12- 268 13 5i 20 34 37 0 10 28 20 1 14 258 246 258 145 87 74 74 IOI 7 28 10 18 20 0 7 29 35 66 138 124 132 78 55 56 76 185 262- 7 263- 6 265- 0 266- 3 264- 9 265- 6 266- 5 265-5 264-0 — 1-2 — 1-0 - o-5 - °'9 - o-8 - o-5 - 1 "4 - 3-9 — 29-2 — 20-0 - 27 + I2"0 4-20-7 + 38-1 4-48-2 4-60-5 + 737 Oct. 17-212 18-147 5 2 57 4 84 4 547 54-8 + I 4-9 + ■ 5-1 -70-4 -57-9 Means ... 5 44 5475 + 15-00 > Means 16 IOI 264-90 - I*2ij TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885 . 283 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 1779. Mean Mean Longitude Latitude of Group. of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. A large regular spot, a, followed by a stream o t smaller spots. Of these, two, 6 and c, are of considerable size, a moves rapidly forward in longitude on October 1 7, 1 8, and 19 ; and more slowly subsequently. It decreases in size until October ai, but has slightly recovered by the succeeding day. It is very much larger on October 26 than on October 25 and 27. b and c diminish in size from day to day, c having disappeared by October 23. The smaller spots of the group undergo constant changes. 1885. d | O 6-8 0 Oct. 17-212 0 59 0 258 40-8 + -84-3 18-147 5i 35 1 82 652 37-8 + 7-8 — 74'9 19-416 5i 606 45 538 40-1 + 7‘4 -55’9 20-509 73 668 49 443 40-5 + 8-o -41-1 21-272 81 663 46 388 41-0 + 7.9 -30-5 1 22-418 6S 732 33 380 42-6 + T 3 -13-8 23-165 90 779 45 389 42-6 + 7 '2 - 4-0 24-175 ”9 613 61 3” 437 + r 1 + 10-4 25-558 18 37i 1 1 219 46-5 + 6-8 + 3 r 4 26 273 61 410 40 272 46-6 + 6-4 + 4 r0 27-422 31 232 27 206 46-5 + 67 + 56-1 28-436 6 121 9 164 45-8 + 7-1 + 68-8 Means 37 ! 352 42-88 + 7-21 Group 1780. A very small spot on October 18. Two small spots on October 19. Oct. 18-147 0 8 Q 5 151-1 - 87 + 38-4 19-416 1 29 2 27 152-0 - 8-6 + 56-0 Means 1 16 '5i-55 - 8-65 Group 1781. A very small spot. Oct. 18-147 4 11 2 6 83-8 + I3A — 28-9 Means 2 6 83-8 + I3A Group 1782. Two spots, a and 6. The; size by October 20. Oct. 19-416 5 20- 509 o 21- 272 o have moved away from each other and diminished in has disappeared by October 21. 106 4 77 I39-5 — io-6 +43-5 29 0 29 139-2 -io-5 + 57-6 18 0 23 141-9 -10-5 + 7o-4 1 43 140-20 -10-53 Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group, Mean Longitude Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Longitud* from Central Meridian. Group 1783. A regular spot, a, followed by several small spots, a diminishes in size after October 26, and the small spots have all disappeared by October 28. 1885. a Oct. 20-509 0 19 • 0 47 37 - 3"i -77-9 21-272 10 H5 !5 245 359 4 - 4-0 -72-1 22-418 64 326 57 291 1*2 “ 3'9 -55-2 23-165 79 439 56 311 2‘2 - 3‘5 -44"4 2 4" I 75 104 475 61 279 2- 9 - 37 -3°-4 25-558 5i 542 27 281 4 4 - 3'9 -10-7 26-273 56 444 29 226 4"4 - 39 — I ’2 27-422 63 404 32 210 49 - 3-9 + H-5 28-436 3i 260 18 150 6 -o - 3-6 + 29-0 29-431 13 191 9 131 5-8 - 37 + 4 I- 9 30-170 22 158 18 130 6-3 - 4-3 + 52-0 3i-i55 17 1 1 1 21 132 5'9 - 4-5 + 646 Nov. 1-407 0 17 0 58 6-o - 4"° + 81-3 Means 26 192 4-08 - 3-85 Group 1784. A very small spot on October 22, three spots on October 23, six spots, measured in three clusters, on October 24. On October 25 and the succeeding days the group consists of a stream of small spots, a and 6, the first and last of the stream, being the largest. 6 has broken up and diminished in size by October 27. Oct. 22-418 0 6 0 7 3557 -17-4 — 60-7 23-165 15 73 H 63 355 -° 1 -15-0 -516 24-175 42 190 29 130 3547 -15-3 — 38*6 25-558 29 207 16 1 18 35^6 -152 -18-5 26-273 29 3 i 9 i 5 172 356 -o -I 5-3 - 9-6 27-422 44 21 243 23 J 3 1 357-8 -15-1 + 7’4 28-436 •59 1 1 9 1 358-4 -14-9 + 21-4 29-43 1 32 149 20 96 357-1 -15-2 + 33-2 30-170 43 276 32 ,98 355-6 -156 + 4 I "3 3 i-i 55 44 305 40 273 3 54 " 1 1 -15-8 + 528 Nov. 1-407 7 92 9 132 35 2 ‘4 -147 + 677 Means | *9 128 35576 I -i 5 * 4 i ••• Group 1785. A small spot. Oct. 23-165 + 14 0 + 14-0 + 61-5 Means Means 284 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Whole Spot. Mean Longitude of Group. Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Group 1786. Two large spots, a and 6, on October 25. Both have broken up by October 27, though on that day (as also on October 28) the spots are grouped for measure- ment so as to correspond nearly with a and b. On October 29 and the succeed- ing days the group has broken up further and spread out into a long stream of spots, but the largest portions of a and b are still recognisable and form well- defined spots. The letters are therefore still attached to them. Only a remains after November 1. 1885. a Oct. 25-558 26- 273 27- 422 28- 436 29^431 30- 170 31- 155 Nov. 1*407 2- 422 3- 132 4' 1 *4 Means 303- 1 302-5 3°3'9 304- 2 3°4‘5 304-0 304- 2 3°5'3 3°5' 8 305 - 3 306- 0 32 317 304-44 ,■+ 9-17 - 8-6 - 8-6 - 8-8 - 8-9 - 9 -o - 9-5 - 97 - 9'4 -72-0 — 63-1 -46-5 -32-8 -19-4 -10-3 + 2*9 + 20-6 +34-5 +43-4 + 57-o Group 1787. A small spot. Oct. 27-422 28-436 280-3 280-0 280-15 -70-1 -57-0 Group 1788. A large regular spot, a. Some very small spots are si Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for • Group. Mean Longitude Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. n near it on November 3-4. Oct. 28-436 29- 43! 30- 170 3«-i55 Nov. 1-407 2- 422 3- 132 4'“4 5- 122 6- 129 7- 130 8- 121 9* 1 39 Means 262-8 261-7 260-5 260-4 260-3 260-3 259- 8 260- 0 260-1 260-2 260-3 260-1 260-0 260-50 -157 -15-6 -15-4 — 1 51 -15-1 — 14-6 -14-9 -146 -14-9 -‘47 -15-2 -15-0 1 5 '2 — 15-08 Group 1789. A short stream of very small spots on November 1. Only one spot is seen on November 2. The group consists of a number of very small scattered spots on November 3. Only one spot is seen on November 4. The group is not seen at all on November 5. On November 6 and 7 the group consists of a regular spot, a, followed at a little distance by three very small spots close together, which are measured as one. 1885. d Nov. 1 -407 0 37 0 ‘9 270-8 - i'4 -I3-9 2-422 0 ‘4 0 7 271-8 - 0-4 + 0-5 3 ' 1 3 2 2 30 1 ‘4 271-2 — i - 8 + 97 4'“4 0 22 0 1 2 270-3 — I’2 + 21-3 5-122 0 0 0 0 + 51-8 6-129 23 ‘3 1 112 18 92 2747 - 2-9 7-130 68 ‘7 87 2757 - 27 + 66-4 Means 5 33 272-35 - 1-73 -74-2 — 62-2 - 53-8 -40-9 -24-4 + ii-o + 24-3 + 377 + 5 1 '° + 6 39 + 777 Group 1790. A small spot on November 7. Two other small spots are seen preceding it on November 8. The first of these, a, increases in size very rapidly, and has become a large regular spot by November 10. A great number of smaller spots have appeared by November 9 ; these follow a at a little distance, but the stream does not lie along a parallel of latitude as is generally the case. They have all disappeared except one spot by November 13. a has partially broken up by November 12. Nov. 7-130 8 22 4 12 ‘9 2 '5 8-121 ‘5 70 8 37 I94-3 9* 1 39 27 217 ‘5 1 18 196-5 10*121 101 606 61 360 ‘9 6 '4 II-I26 5° 602 35 4 1 3 196-3 I2-142 36 357 32 3‘4 196-2 13-185 ‘7 103 25 1 5‘ 198-2 Means 26 201 ‘9577 -14-4 -14-2 -13-8 -‘37 — 1 3‘5 -‘3'4 -12-8 13-69 — 1 6-8 r 9 + ‘ 3-8 + 26-6 + 397 + 53-o + 687 Group 1791. Two small spots on November 7. Not seen on November 8. Two small s and b, on November 9 and 10. A third, c, is seen on November 11. a forward on November 9, 10 and 11. Nov. 7-130 5 32 3 18 183-1 - 2-8 — 26-2 8-121 0 0 0 0 9-139 5 33 3 16 1847 — 2-2 + 2-0 10*121 12 40 6 22 185-4 — i-8 + 15-6 II-I26 0 27 0 16 186-4 - ‘9 + 29-8 Means * ‘4 18490 — 2-18 TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885 . 285 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1792. A regular spot. Group 1795 — continued. 1885. d Nov. 20-148 21- 453 22- 155 23- 211 24 - 153 1 172 99 97 75 i 5 862 575 478 327 208 92 62 68 72 22 460 356 334 3 H 310 53 - i 54*4 54 - 3 55- 0 55-2 + 147 + 14-8 + 147 + 14" 1 + 14-0 + 15-5 + 33*9 + 43 -I + 57-9 + 70-3 1885. d Nov. 8'I2I 9-139 IOM 2 I 11-126 I2-I42 ' 4 8 0 2 32 44 29 12 10 7 7 I 5 ° 42 21 7 5 125-0 124-5 124-8 124- 9 125 - 3 + 6-i + 6-4 + 6-3 + 6-3 -f 6-o -71-2 -58-2 -45-0 - 3 i -7 -I 7-9 Means 88 536 5373 + 14-82 Means 3 25 124-90 + 6-22 Group 1796. Five small spots on November 14, of which four are measured in two pairs. The group lengthens out on the succeeding days, and becomes a straggling stream of small spots. The members of the group change from day to day. Group 1793. A regular spot. 53 127 191 229 226 202 200 158 143 120 86 22 33 36 33 3 ° 21 14 12 13 1 1 13 12 0 160 163 163 151 129 104 102 85 84 81 72 32 88-8 89- 5 897 90- 2 90- 4 9 1- i 9°"9 90-9 90-8 9 ° 7 9°"4 90-5 + I 4 -I + I 4-3 + 13-8 + 13-8 + 14-0 + I 4-3 + 14-0 + 14"° + 13-8 + 137 + I 3-4 + 13-3 — 8i-o -67-1 — 53*5 - 39-3 — 26-6 — 7'9 + 4'3 + 18-0 + 30-3 + 41-2 + 52-8 +70-0 Nov. IO-I2I 11- 126 12- 142 13- 185 14- 127 15- 491 16- 428 17- 477 18- 419 19- 246 20- 148 21 - 453 1 1 28 39 45 36 28 24 24 19 19 15 0 Nov. 14-127 I 5 + 9 1 16-428 17+77 I8 + 19 1 7 13 36 19 4 73 122 173 91 l 33 12 7 20 10 2 52 72 94 49 18 74 + 7+4 74-0 73-5 8o-i -17-6 -1 8-o — 1 8*2 “T — 162 — 42-6 — 24-6 — I 2’6 + o-6 + 19-6 Means ... 10 57 75-28 — 17-80 Group 1797. A stream of small spots. Only one spot is seen on November 24. The group is not visible on November 25, but one spot is seen on November 26. Means !9 in 90-33 + 13-88 Group 1794. A very small spot. Nov. 17-477 18- 419 19- 246 20- 148 21+53 22- 155 23- 211 24 - I 53 25 - I 57 26- 257 0 10 21 27 5 7 0 0 0 0 19 131 138 89 129 1 67 54 9 0 i 5 0 9 14 16 2 4 0 29 120 101 53 66 63 28 5 0 10 2- 8 3- 6 2’9 5-3 97 5 -i 9‘9 9"2 i-6 - 3-6 - 3-6 - 3‘5 - 3"3 - 2-9 - 3*7 - 3 + - 4 "° - 4-0 -70-1 -56-9 -46-6 - 32-3 — io-8 — 6 - i + 12-8 + 24-3 + 44 + Nov. 11-126 12-142 9 0 13 6 5 0 7 3 140- 9 141- 6 — 1 2-0 — 12-6 -157 — i-6 Means 3 5 141-25 -I 2- 3 0 Group 1795. A very large spot, a, followed by a large spot, b. A number of very small spots are seen in the immediate neighbourhood of a and l, especially on November 16 and 20. b and nearly all the small spots have disappeared by November 21. Both a and b diminish in size after passing the central meridian on November 19. Means 5 48 5-57 - 3*56 1 Group 1798. Three small spots, of which the two preceding are measured together on November 19. One of this pair has disappeared by November 20, but a small spot has appeared near the following spot, and is measured with it. Nov. 13-185 14- 127 15- 491 16- 428 I 7 H 77 1 18-419 19-246 63 134 156 152 187 196 123 295 592 948 1 1 6 1 1315 1287 1 105 124 146 1 12 93 102 101 63 647 684 676 701 711 664 569 52-5 52- 9 54-3 54-2 53 - i 52-9 52-9 + 15*5 + 157 + 15 + + 15-1 + I4-6 + I4-6 + -77-0 • -64-1 -447 -32-4 -19-8 - 7-6 + 3 + Nov. 19-246 20-148 4 0 76 35 4 0 72 54 107- 3 108- 8 + 13-1 + i 3 ‘° + 57-8 + 71-2 Means 2 63 108-05 + 13-05 286 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Projected Area of Area for Group. 1 Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. . Longitude from Central Meridian. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. Jmbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Civil Time. ^ Jmbra. Whole 1 Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Group 1799. Three very small spots close together and measured as one. Group 1804. Two small spots. 1885. d Nov. 23-21 1 18 I 10 340-0 -II'4 -17-1 1885. a Dec. 9-226 3 22 2 17 195-4 -117 + 49-2 Means I 10 340-0 -i 1-4 Means ... 2 17 I 95-4 -II7 Group 1800. A small spot. Group 1805. Nov. 26-257 0 17 0 9 3127 — 12-6 - +'5 A very small spot. Means 0 9 3127 — 12-6 Dec. 9-226 0 6 0 5 957 -13-1 -50-5 Means 0 5 957 -!3-i ... || Group 1801. Two small spots, a and b, on November 28. Only b remains on November 29. Group 1806. A large regular spot, a, with double nucleus. Small spots are seen near it on December 14-19. a has divided into two distinct spots by December 17. These are not measured separately until December 18, when they are lettered Nov. 28-162 29*142 12 4 38 15 ' 7 3 23 1 1 321-1 3197 -21-5 -21-5 + 29-1 +40-6 Means 5 17 320-40 — 21-50 b and c. Two v Group 1802. ery small spots, a and b. Dec. 10-470 11-406 12193 1 3194 H" 1 57 15- 47i 16- 474 17- 192 18192 19-139 4 25 30 42 48 49 53 49 32 38 22 4 52 i 4 8 233 307 291 280 275 268 183 155 96 59 9 3° 27 29 28 26 28 26 18 25 18 5 1 17. 177 205 213 172 148 ! 44 143 105 102 80 74 53-3 53'3 53-6 53-2 53-i 537 53-5 53‘9 53-3 52- 9 53- 3 52-4 + 15-6 4-15-5 + I 5’S + 15-6 + I5-5 + I5-3 + 15-2 4- 1 5*4 + 15-5 + H'6 + 1 4"5 + I +"4 -76-5 — 641 - 53-6 — 40-8 -28-3 -10-3 + 27 + 12-6 + 25-2 + 37-3 4-51-1 +65-0 Nov. 28-162 29-142 0 H 12 1 0 6 6 291-8 2 93'4 -127 -12-9 — 0-2 + H'3 Means 1 6 292-60 — I2-8o y jy \ 20-104 21-279 Group 1803. A number of very small spots on December 2. The preceding spot, a, increases in size on the following days. On December 3 the smaller spots follow it closely in a short stream. On December 4 a alone is seen. On December 5 three spots are seen close to a. Means 22 140 53-29 + 15-22 Two small spc Group 1807. >ts, a and b. b has disappeared by December 13, and another small as formed. Dec. 2-447 3 >i8 3 +•554 5' 2 57 2 20 O 77 H7 5i 68 2 18 0 3 5+ 1 25 95 232 277-9 2787 2817 279-9 + 13-6 + 13-8 + I4-4 + H"8 + 42-3 + 52-8 + 73‘9 + 81-3 spot, c, h Dec. 12-193 I3-I94 3 4 26 37 2 16 19 77-9 797 -19-2 -17-8 ‘-29-3 -14-3 Means ... 6 127 279-55 + H"»f Means 2 18 78-80 — ! 8 -5 c TAKEN AT GREENWICH, IN INDIA, AND IN MAURITIUS, IN THE YEARS 1882 TO 1885. 287 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Group 1808. Two small faint spots, a and b. Group 1812. Two small spots, a and b. Only b is seen on December 23. b moves rapidly forward in longitude. I 885. a Dec. 1 3*194. 14-157 3 0 29 25 O l 9 13 54- 6 55- 8 - 8-o - 8-3 -39-4 -25-6 1885. a Dec. 20-164 21- 279 22- 189 23- 149 7 0 0 3° 20 36 8 3 0 0 0 16 13 27 9 25-2 24- 5 25- 0 24-2 - 4-2 - 4-8 - 4-6 - 4-7 + 23-0 + 37-1 + 49-6 + 61-4 Means I 16 55-20 - 8-15 Means 1 16 2473 - A58 Group 1809. Two very small spots. Group 1813. A large regular spot, a. A very small spot is seen near it on December 24 and 25. Dec. 20164 21-279 22189 23- H9 24- 490 25- 130 26- 143 27’i43 28- 144 29- 516 30- 127 31- 150 15 36 5° 66 55 64 72 68 5° 29 12 5 102 225 299 290 35i 366 355 343 292 147 123 61 3° 36 39 43 3° 34 38 38 3 1 25 12 9 21 1 245 235 189 1 94 196 189 *93 183 123 125 xo 3 287- 5 286-6 2877 2877 288- 2 288-3 288-5 288-6 288- 9 289- 0 288-6 288-2 + 167 + 1 6-6 + 16-8 + 16-9 + 17-2 + 17-4 + 17-2 + 17-2 + I7-I + 177 + 17-5 + 17-2 -747 — 6o-8 -477 -35-i — 16-9 - 8-4 + 5" 1 + 18-4 + 31-9 + 50-1 + 577 + 707 Dec. 14-157 0 8 0 7 239 - 3'5 -57-5 Means 0 7 23-9 - 3-5 Group 1810. Two very small spots on December 18. On December 19 and the succeeding days a short stream of spots, of which a and b, the first and last, are the largest. a moves forward rapidly in longitude. Only a and b remain on December 22, and only a on December 23. Means 3° 182 288-15 + I7-I3 1 Group 1813*. Two very small spots. Dec. 18-192 1 9" 1 39 20- 164 21- 279 22- 189 23- 149 30 31 9 17 0 18 137 168 95 68 23 1 16 18 6 !5 0 9 7 1 95 6 5 62 37 27-8 26-5 287 2.9 -8 32*4 34' 8 -117 — 1 1 - 1 — 10-9 -jo-9 - 0-3 + 10-9 + 26-5 + 42-4 + 57-0 + 72-0 Dec. 21-279 0 5 0 5 284-1 - 6-8 -63-3 Means 0 5 | 284-1 - 6-8 Means 9 57 30-00 -11-23 Group 1814. Two small spots on December 21, one on December 22, three on December 23, two on December 25. None are seen on December 24, but there is a large group of faculae in the place the spots would occupy. Group 1 81 1. A small spot. Dec. 21-279 22-189 2 3 " 1 49 24- 490 25- 130 0 2 0 24 17 5° 0 3° i 0 13 1 1 42 0 74 I 1-2 16-2 15-5 15-3 - 4"4 - 4"4 “ 4"2 -‘3-8 + 23-8 + 40-8 + 527 + 78-6 Dec. 19*139 0 10 0 8 67-8 -f* I0’8 + 52*2 Means 0 8 67-8 -f- 1 o*8 Means 0 28 14-55 — 4-20 288 Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots Deduced from Photographs Areas and Heliographic Positions of Groups of Sun Spots — continued. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude of Group. Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Date. Projected Area of Area for Group. Mean Longitude Mean Latitude of Group. Longitude from Central Meridian. Civil Time. Umbra. Whole Spot. of Group. Civil Time. Jmbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. Umbra. Whole Spot. A regular spot, a, follow in size from day to d Group ed by a short stre ly, and all the sma 1815. am of small spots. The group diminishes 11 spots have disappeared by December 29. Group 1817. Three small spots on December 24. Of these only the first, a, is seen on December 25, but a is followed by two clusters of very small spots on that day. On December 26 only two spots are seen. On December 27 and 28 only one spot is seen. 1885. a Dec. 23*149 24*490 25*130 26-143 2yH3 28- 144 29- 516 30- 127 5 24 42 29 23 12 0 0 115 133 176 144 84 58 26 16 246-3 246- 2 245-3 244*6 245*6 247*3 247- 4 247*6 — I 6*2 — 16*2 — 16*3 -17-1 — 16-8 -167 — 1 6*o -I 6*2 53 i35 214 220 146 1 1 1 5i 30 12 23 34 19 13 6 -76-5 -58-9 -51-4 -38-8 -24*6 - 97 + 8-5 + 167 1885. d Dec. 24-490 25- 130 26- 143 | 27- I43 28- 144 8 12 0 74 20 40 6 1 1 o 6 1 7 0 0 78 17 25 3 5 243 - 5 244 - 4 246-3 246-0 245- 0 - 8-X - 7-3 - 7-2 - 7 ' 1 - 87 — 61 -6 - 52*3 - 37 *i -24-2 — 12-0 Means l 0 3 26 245-04 - 7-68 Means ' •3 94 246*29 j —16-44 Group 1818. A very small spot. Group 1816. Two small spots, a and b. Dec. 24*490 25-130 0 1 31 3 ° 0 1 20 16 270- 1 271- 4 - i*8 - i *9 - 35 -° -* 5‘3 Dec. 25*130 0 6 0 6 355’4 - 3*4 + 587 Means 1 18 27075 - 1-85 Means 0 6 355‘4 - 3-4 ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH. TOTAL PROJECTED ARRAS SUN SPOTS AND FA'OTJLJ) FOR EACH DAY IN THE YEARS 1 8 7g4 - 1 8 8 5. 2 O Photo-Heliographic Results, 1874-1885. 290 Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Faculae for Each Day in the Years 1874 - 1877 . Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Faculye for Each Day from 1874 April 17 to 1877 December 31 DEDUCED FROM THE MEASUREMENTS OF THE PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE SUN TAKEN AT THE KoYAL OBSERVATORY, G-reenwtch, at the Observatory of Harvard College, Cambridge, U.S.A., and at the Melbourne Observatory, Australia. The Projected Area is the Area as it is measured on the photograph, uncorrected for the effect of foreshortening, and expressed in millionths of the Sun’s apparent disk. The Greenwich Civil Time is expressed by the month, day of the month (civil reckoning), and decimal of a day, reckoned from Greenwich Mean Midnight. The decimal of the day has not been given for days when neither spots nor faculse were observed on the The dates for which no photographic Record is at present available are indicated by the words “ No photograph.” As these are numerous in the present table, no attempt has been made to supply approximate numbers for them by interpolation from the days immediately before and after those for which photographs are lacking. 1874. d Apr. 17-5 18-5 >9 26 May photo graph. 27- 6 28- 6 297 30-6 4-6 5'5 6-4 7'5 8 '6 9'5 16-4 17 18-4 *9 20'4 2 I ‘6 22*3 23 photo photo photo 150 285 306 415 250 333 No 106 No No 467 563 photo 877 748 Projected Areas. graph. graph. graph. graph, 1729 2241 2204 photo 1276 photo photo photo photo 38 photo 89 photo 595 426 539 photo photo photo graph. 667 graph. graph. graph. graph, graph. o graph. graph. graph. graph. 874. d May 26*4 I 1 1 '5 12*4 *3’4 >4 *5* 16 22*6 2 3‘5 24*5 25-5 26 27*6 28 29*4 3°'4 No photo July 419 photo photo gi photo gi 502 graph. ;raph. graph. 468 580 photo 468 361 photo photo 54° graph. graph. graph. graph. o graph. photo 938 photo photo 899 801 475 361 photo 5H photo 1353 1974 photo £ 1205 9 °7 photo 97 58 243 photo 215 photo photo graph. graph. graph. graph. 601 graph. o graph. o 600 1874. July i3‘5 H-5 >5 '4 1 6*5 17*5 18*5 19 20*5 21*5 22 23*5 24*6 25-5 26 30*5 3i 4 3'4 4 5 Projected Areas. Umbrae. Whole Spots. Faculae. 288 24 1 4 215 No photo | graph. 661 3748 3886 5 1 1 3813 2242 55i 39°4 709 477 3D7 379 286 2110 0 No photo graph. No photo graph. 169 973 584 61 398 0 236 829 1379 93 838 2166 164 ii93 0 231 1238 1084 No photo graph. 304 1570 4155 321 1317 2790 No photo graph. 194 1299 IOII 141 863 588 74 42 3 785 No photo graph. No photo graph. No photo graph. No photo graph. 240 1452 1088 284 1565 708 No photc graph. No photc » graph. 368 1975 464 No photc > graph. No photc > graph. 304 1 528 2403 No photc > graph. ; 230 1317 2049 No photc > graph. 214 1247 4180 ; 281 J 79 6 31H 1874. Aug. 21*5 22*5 23 2 4 *5 25'5 26*4 27*5 28*4 295 3° 3 1 ’5 Sept. Projected Areas. Umbrae. Whole Spots. Faculae. 326 2000 *2144 No photo graph. 428 2722 225 376 2605 265 . No photo graph. 336 1922 0 No photo graph. 157 1274 0 205 1604 3353 185 947 1124 >>3 7i5 316 No photo graph. 98 616 527 81 44 1 1569 97 446 1880 58 324 2157 33 274 2167 44 3°5 1446 No photo graph. 0 133 0 15 152 507 19 >73 2008 No photo graph. 24 222 1825 i5 109 2884 No photo graph. No photo graph. No photo graph. 1 1 176 247 170 251 No photc 1 graph. 64 462 2101 ! No photc 1 graph. 16 63 6045 0 35 1192 No photc 1 graph. No photc > graph. No photc > graph. ; 0 25 543 Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Facula? for Each Day in the Years 1874-1877. 291 Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse — continued. 1874. d Sept. 20 21 22-5 23 24- 4 25- 4 26- 5 27 28-5 2 9'S 3°'5 3'5 4 5'5 6 7 8*5 9 io*4 1 9'S 20-5 22*6 23'5 28-5 29 3*6 H'S 12-4 i3'5 H *5 16-5 No No 133 No 15° 166 *59 No 163 158 166 269 291 No No ”5 No 126 164 167 photo photo 658 graph. graph. 78 photo graph. 1795 photo ] 2620 photo: 1921 photo graph. 1030 733 1527 4659 2473 graph. 1625 graph. 2273 photo graph, photograph. 886 photograph. 9 6 3 graph. ;raph. 7i5 photo photo 173 photo graph. 241 photo photo photo 462 383 photo 373 218 photo 709 graph. graph. graph. graph. 2187 300 graph. photo graph. photo photo photo 687 896 899 856 997 photo mS photo 2008 graph. graph. photo graph. graph. 344 graph. graph. 158 photo photo 707 810 graph, graph. 5°S Project fid Areas. Whole Umbrae. gp 0ta Faculce, 1874. d Nov. 1 7 '6 19 2Q'5 23- 5 24- 5 25 26 27-5 1 1*5 127 17-6 1 8'5 19 4 66 photo photo graph. 9 T 9 photo 180 graph. photo graph. 637 1827 538 photo graph, photo graph. 435 photo graph, photo graph, photo graph. photo graph. photo graph. 316 graph. graph. photo photo photo graph. 323 316 photo graph. 394 823 photo 527 photo 296 graph. 54 photo photo graph. 358 graph, photo graph. 302 graph. photo graph, photo j graph. photo graph, photo graph, photo graph, photo graph, photo graph, photo graph, photo graph. photograph, photo graph. 1875. 15 16-5 2 + 25-6 267 27-6 28 29 3°'6 3i-5 18-4 >9 20 * 1 21*5 22'5 23-5 Projected Areas. ole m 1 Faculse photo 355 photo photo 87 o photo photo photo photo photo photo photo photo photo graph, o graph, graph. 1342 607 graph, graph, graph, graph, graph, graph, graph, graph, graph. 70 I 1425 photojgraph. photograph, photo photo photo 1023 graph, graph, graph. 2042 photo graph. photo 83 photo graph. 4°5 225 793 o graph. 1152 1204 946 photo graph. photo photo photo l 9 148 photo 765 1594 1606 1978 photo I? 95 H 6 3 1380 1232 graph. 177 4°5 353 428 697 883 987 834 graph. graph. 333 957 graph. 145° 275 graph. 522 o 166 1145 1875- Mar. Apr. 8-9 9*5 10- 5 1 1- 6 127 i3‘i 14A 15- 6 16- 1 17- 8 18- 6 197 27*4 28-5 297 307 31-8 13-6 14*5 157 1 6*5 17*5 18*5 19-4 20'6 217 227 237 24- 5 25- 5 265 27*5 28- 5 29- 6 3°'5 I Projected Areas. ™>rJ I!:::! 0 1 r^ui*. 146 797 533 236 photo gi 186 299 795 292 353 241 355 217 378 302 3°4 254 407 435 508 632 784 620 1287 i3 8 9 9°9 54i 35i 35i 495 photo 99 27 393 photo gi photo 1036 1035 939 9 6 3 868 634 446 322 224 55 1400 1064 347 ;raph. 420 412 1529 914 1408 694 804 306 1027 472 2700 2108 333 500 560 827 4 1 1 485 1483 1114 253 507 graph. 902 35° 328 267 980 graph. graph. 327 597 509 848 1 162 7i5 688 1398 921 658 324 303 1079 292 Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Facul^e for Each Day in the Years 1874 - 1877 . Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Faculae — continued. Projected Areas. Projected Areas. Projected Areas. Projected Areas. May d 1875. d 1875. d 1875. d II 251 1573 337 June 28‘6 3° 216 402 Aug. 237 92 370 1347 Oct. 1 8 -2 2 No photo ;raph. 2 9‘5 4 2 2 37 0 247 28 306 0 i9 3’5 215 1417 0 3°-i 65 3 2 3 769 25-8 36 288 0 20 4' 1 140 1083 0 26-6 35 205 0 21*4 5‘5 128 873 0 27-5 54 300 0 22 6-5 97 433 O 28-6 39 200 0 23 7-8 44 204 983 July 1 No photo | graph. 29-5 60 233 0 24 8 No photo *raph. 2 ’4 55 3°4 204 3°‘4 37 208 269 25-5 9'5 0 0 37 2 3‘ 6 2 9 179 135 3i-4 i5 97 1740 26^4 107 0 0 364 4 No photo j graph. 27'I 1 1 -6 0 0 420 5*4 22 66 0 28-1 12 0 O 0 6-4 12 5 2 0 29’0 137 0 0 282 7 No photo ; graph. Sept. 17 0 0 9°9 30 14-6 0 0 4°4 8-6 0 31 598 2-8 0 0 908 31 15-6 0 0 719 9'6 4i 2 3 2 0 3 0 0 0 16 No photo graph. IO'O 61 2 45 5 2 9 4 0 0 0 I 7’S 0 0 478 1 1 No photo graph. 5 No photo graph. 18*8 0 0 287 12*6 33 1 66 278 6 0 0 0 19-1 0 0 395 13-6 12 132 401 " 7 0 0 0 Nov. 17 20-1 0 0 223 i4'6 0 81 542 8 0 0 0 2’4 21-5 0 0 124 i5 No photo graph. 9’4 0 28 634 3-8 227 0 15 407 16-1 c 0 45i 10 No photo graph. 4 23 0 0 0 1 7-6 0 54 H5 1 117 0 59 0 5 247 0 117 815 18-5 0 0 . US 12 No photo graph. 6 25 No photo graph. 19 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 7 26A 0 44 0 207 0 0 542 14-5 20 92 329 8*5 27-6 9 48 80 21 0 0 0 I5-5 5 98 52! 9 28-6 12 35 209 22 '6 0 0 625 i6‘4 0 58 865 10 29 No photo graph. 23-0 0 0 437 17-1 0 0 188 1 1 30 No photo graph. 2 4‘5 0 20 325 187 0 0 695 12 31-6 0 0 317 2 5 '4 0 39 485 19 No photo graph. 13-0 26-5 14 12 7 614 20 No photo graph. 14 27 - 6 0 114 0 21 0 0 0 I5M 28-5 48 2 55 231 22 0 0 0 16 29-5 54 364 125 23 No photo graph. 17 3 80 0 30*6 5° 3 2 4 0 24‘6 0 0 609 1 8-4 2*5 45 275 1418 3 1 '5 40 310 0 25 - 6 0 0 717 1 9-4 3-6 97 828 549 26 No photo graph. 20-5 4'5 133 884 137 27-5 26 158 579 21 5-6 189 1014 0 287 42 366 0 22-4 6 No photo graph. Aug. 1 No photo graph. 29-5 47 338 168 23-5 7 No photo graph . 2 ‘5 133 848 149 30-5 62 251 0 24 8'S 93 818 0 3‘5 93 394 25-6 9 No photo graph. 4 No photo graph. 26'I io - 6 56 4°7 659 5 '5 3 2 140 560 27-1 1 1-6 46 242 308 6 Eo photo • graph. Oct. i- 1 0 148 0 28 12 No photc • graph. 7 No photc • graph. 2 -4 52 426 224 29*1 13 No photc • graph. 8 No photc • graph. 3 No photo 1 graph. 30*1 147 0 0 459 9 0 0 0 47 3° 226 682 15 0 O' 0 10-5 0 0 186 5 -6 36 183 485 16-5 38 295 2 53 1 1 *6 0 0 444 6-4 14 i°5 823 I 7'S 161 1008 0 12 No photc • graph. 7‘4 47 183 381 18 No photc ) graph. i3-5 0 0 696 87 0 5° 4H Dec. 1 195 242 143° 184 14 0 0 0 9'4 0 34 83 2 20-6 182 980 0 15 No photc • graph. 10-5 1 1 57 0 3 217 96 677 997 16-4 0 0 221 11 ‘4 0 0 !S° 4 22'5 162 1027 0 17 0 0 0 1 2 *i 0 0 896 5 . 2 3'5 3°5 1386 1003 18 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 6 24-5 318 1425 333 !9 0 0 0 14 No photc • graph. 7 25-6 257 1216 0 207 0 50 203 15 No photc • graph. 81 26-5 132 884 0 21-5 36 217 213 16 No photc > graph. 9 277 88 510 672 22 *6 73 343 1493 17 0 0 0 10 37 photo photo 43 photo photo photo 419 376 621 624 863 photo photo 751 graph. graph. 81 graph. graph. graph. 743 o 1008 180 469 ;raph. ;raph.. 672 479 388 photo photo gi graph. raph. photo o photo o photo photo 7 photo photo 307 376 6i 5 photo 835 832 photo 715 479 383 photo 276 168 graph. 231 graph. o graph. o 709 graph. 440 graph. graph. 39 6 738 o graph. 4°3 o graph. H4 264 174 graph. 647 371 photo graph. photo graph. photo graph. photo graph. photo graph. photo graph. photo graph. 0 446 photo graph. photo graph. Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Facul^e for Each Day in the Years 1874-1877. 2 93 Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Faculae— continued. 1875. d 1 6- 1 17- 5 1 8*o 23*6 24-5 25 photo photo photo 35 ”4 287 599 674 photo 47i 379 3H 299 "9 photo graph. graph. graph. o 193 39 6 347 1040 graph. o 229 o 149 57 graph. photo graph. photo photo graph. graph. photo graph. 34 21° photo graph. 1876. Lme. Umbrae, j Whole I Spots. Faculae. 0 0 0 2 No photo < ;raph. 3 No photo £ ;raph 4 No photo < *raph 5-5 0 24 0 6 No photo < graph 7 No photo j graph 8 No photo { graph 9 No photo j graph 10 No photo \ graph hi 6 59 255 12*1 0 4* 385 13-1 0 0 5°5 H No photo graph 15 No photo graph 16 No photo graph 17 No photo graph i8- S 43 223 256 19-5 177 946 445 207 99 877 0 . 217 92 814 716 227 104 737 0 23-5 1 1 1 740 0 247 203 932 0 257 1 59 805 1036 267 0 302 0 277 27 189 0 28-1 1.0 60 0 29-4 0 66 376 3° No photo graph 3 r 5 12 43 346 1 No photo graph 2-5 9 45 0 3 No photo graph 4‘5 2 12 0 5 No photo graph 6 No photo graph 7 No photo graph 87 0 0 225 9 No photo 1 graph 10-4 4 106 0 11 No photo 1 graph 127 123 763 0 iy 6 225 1029 0 14-6 259 1209 244 15-1 178 1181 189 167 213 1415 0 17-1 232 1388 0 1 8-4 194 944 66 19*5 180 860 0 20 No 1 photc 1 graph 217 22 1 34 1 282 22*4 4i 184 533 23 0 0 0 247 0 0 212 25 0 0 0 26^4 24 139 5*>3 27 No photc ) graph 28'6 32 121 368 29-6 17 153 0 1876. d 3 4'4 5 6-4 7‘4 8*5 9 ’4 10-5 ”'5 12 13-6 i4’6 15-6 i6‘4 17*5 18*5 197 207 2 1 ■ 1 22-5 237 247 25'4 26 27-I 287 29 - 6 3°'5 3i-5 Apr. 5 67 7'4 8- 5 9- 6 107 11-5 127 I 3' 1 146 15- 5 16- 5 Projected Areas. Umbrae.J Whole Spots. Faculae. 43 | 368 0 4 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 273 No photo l graph 24 58 3i9 8 30 985 0 0 4 1 1 8 53 387 18 85 326 *9 88 5°7 No photo graph 70 278 4 66 88 3** 671 78 257 650 99 387 0 124 657 0 109 463 0 H3 619 332 *4* 561 0 78 548 1041 275 958 1128 90 820 95i 177 925 847 163 849 542 No photo graph. 53 560 0 9 3°4 1330 52 203 371 15 84 144 0 0 130 No photo graph. 0 0 286 0 0 *4* 0 4 75 0 0 0 0 35 434 0 99 0 29 *3* 0 24 319 0 6 7 723 0 5i 592 1 1 122 0 12 80 0 22 86 590 H 47 593 0 16 368 0 ”5 257 ; 0 38 0 No photo • graph. ; 0 0 461 * 0 0 361 0 0 0 i 0 0 266 0 0 293 i O 0 308 ) O 0 243 O ° 0 Projected Areas. Apr. May ime. Umbrae. Whole Spots. Faculae. 5. d 28 0 0 O 29 0 0 0 30 No photo { graph. i*4 0 0 279 2‘5 0 0 5* 3'5 0 0 220 4'5 0 0 55° 5 0 0 0 6-4 0 0 191 7 6 73 250 347 8-5 7i 248 392 9‘5 57 265 0 10-5 52 213 3°5 1 1'5 43 *74 445 126 52 206 54* *3'5 39 189 292 14 No photo graph. 156 0 11 218 16-5 0 0 597 177 0 0 365 18 0 0 0 *9 0 0 0 20-6 0 0 208 215 0 0 *75 22-9 0 0 5*8 23 No photo graph. 24 No photo graph. 25-6 0 33 163 26-6 0 33 42 5 27-6 6 34 736 28 No photo graph. 29 0 0 0 3° 0 0 0 3i 0 1 ° 0 1-4 0 0 1 1 6 2 No photo graph. 3 '6 0 0 39* 47 5 0 0 207 No photc 1 graph. 6 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 10 No photc > graph. 11 No photo 1 graph. 12 0 0 0 *3 0 0 0 0 0 0 *5 0 0 0 1 6 0 0 0 17 No photo 1 graph. 18-5 0 0 3*3 19-6 0 0 347 20-5 0 0 298 21-4 0 29 572 22-6 8 26 452 23*6 9 i 39 0 294 Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Facul.® for Each Day in the Years 1874 - 1877 . Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse — continued. Projected Areas. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Areas. Civil Time. Umbrae. Whole Spots. Faculse. Umbrae. Whole Spots. Faculse. 1876. d 1876. d June 247 O 38 O Aug. 2 1 O O 0 2 5 No photo graph. 22"6 7 79 O 26-4 0 1 1 0 23A 22 74 O 27‘6 0 7°. 0 24 No photo graph. 28-6 12 58 209 25-6 62 >77 276 29-1 31 126 1 5 1 267 1 1 129 259 30 0 0 0 27 No photo graph. 28 - 6 7 ' 87 477 29-5 0 18 312 July 1 No photo graph. 34 89 0 2 No photograph. 3>-5 26 81 0 3-6 94 4 1 3 1040 4' 6 28 332 237 5-6 4 1 233 206 Sept. 1 - 6 3 1 129 0 6-6 19 182 168 2 ’6 0 320 0 r 4 3 1 158 607 3 No photo graph. 8-5 63 235 0 4-6 0 98 890 9 No photo graph. 5-6 0 8 656 10-5 9 43 37> 6-5 0 0 182 1 1-6 44 642 7 0 0 0 12-5 0 O 560 8 0 0 0 1 3 '6 0 0 297 9 No photo graph. i4'6 0 0 3 1 9 10 No photo graph. 15 0 0 0 1 1 No photo graph. 16 No photo graph. 12 0 0 0 1 7 '5 0 0 96 >3 No photo graph. 18 0 0 0 i4'6 3° 168 599 19-6 0 64 0 157 57 197 567 20'6 18 75 385 i6'6 32 176 0 21-6 >9 9 1 556 >7 No photo graph. 22-5 1 13 368 18-4 63 261 95 2 3 No photo graph. >9 No photo graph. 24-6 18 127 722 20 0 0 0 25-5 39 179 346 21-5 0 0 456 265 36 126 0 22-4 0 0 965 27-4 3 1 80 0 23 No photo graph. 28-6 0 3° 1 10 24 No photo graph. 29A 0 0 632 2 5 -I 0 0 I 104 3° No photo graph. 26'I 0 0 i°5 311 8 81 477 27 -6 47 367 496 28-5 120 505 0 29-5 >95 728 0 Aug. 1 ‘6 0 0 426 30-6 89 737 0 2-5 0 0 286 3-6 0 0 116 4 0 0 0 Oct. 1 No photo graph. 5 0 0 0 2-6 49 452 0 6 No photo graph. 3‘ 6 48 4°9 0 7'5 0 74 263 4'5 5 6 257 0 8 0 0 0 5’4 52 194 399 9'5 0 0 92 6-6 23 89 343 10 0 0 0 7 No photc 1 graph. 1 1 0 0 0 8 No photo 1 graph. 12 No photc 1 graph. 9 0 0 0 13 No photc 1 graph. 10 0 0 0 H 0 0 0 1 1 '6 4 34 0 157 0 0 179 125 55 189 61 i6'5 0 5° >3 No photc • graph. 17-5 70 193 0 >4 No photc > graph. 187 16 *99 0 >5 No photc > graph. 197 >9 >53 0 1 6- 1 40 222 0 20 No photc > graph. >7-5 81 389 409 1876. d Oct. 1 8 • 1 Projected. Areas. 9 '6 i37 1 4/6 1 5'5 167 17 1 8 * 1 19-5 29-5 288 322 photo 439 photo 215 136 141 photo photo photo 5 10 762 49 1 489 graph, o graph. graph. graph. 308 123 photo photo 27 phot< photo photo 143 H4 334 3i3 photo 177 322 122 129 photc photo photo 34 8 833 47i graph. graph. 198 graph, graph, graph. 279 219 254 o graph, o 214 104 171 graph, graph, o graph, photo graph. photo photo photo photo photo photo photo graph. graph. 1 10 o graph. graph. graph. graph. 1876. d Dec. 1 3 '6 26 27-0 photograph, photo graph. 0 graph. 268 photo g 178 445 579 257 1281 532 photo graph. photo graph. photo graph. 631 photo 178 graph. photo graph. Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Faculas for Each Day in the Years 1874-1877. 295 Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Faculae — continued. Projected Areas. Civil Time. Umbrae, j Whole Spots. Faculne. Civil Time. Umbrae. Whole Spots. Faculae. 1877. d Jan. 1 No photo graph. 1877. d Mar. 1 * 1 44 r 9 i I 0 2 No photo graph. 2 . No photo graph. 3 0 0 0 3'° 22 316 0 4 0 O 0 4 No photo graph. 5 0 0 0 5' 1 18 336 0 61 0 73 O 6 No photo graph. 7 No photo graph. 7 No photo graph. 8-o 0 30 0 8*6 0 60 0 9' 1 0 15 0 V\ 0 58 324 10*1 29 353 147 100 0 34 200 I I '2 38 417 260 1 1 No photo graph. I 2*1 44 273 259 12 No photo graph. 13*0 29 302 0 13 No photo graph. H No photo graph. 14 0 0 0 15*6 196 805 T012 *5 No photo graph. l6 No photo graph. 16 0 0 0 17*1 161 924 0 17-5 10 76 0 18*0 122 974 0 i8‘4 83 357 0 190 88 1023 0 196 59 397 0 20*1 70 619 0 20 No photo graph. 2 I No photo graph. 2 1*2 25 236 298 22*1 43 289 "9 22*5 18 61 1 3 1 23-5 18 100 0 23-5 0 0 381 24*5 13 65 215 24*5 0 0 555 25-I 0 83 273 25 No photo graph. 26*5 0 39 282 26 No photo graph. 27*0 0 17 0 2 7*6 0 0 335 28 No photo graph. 28 0 0 0 29*5 0 0 197 29 0 0 0 30*5 0 9 194 30 0 0 0 3i* 0 l S 0 3i-4 0 0 264 Feb. 1 2*1 No s photo 25 graph. 0 Apr. 1 No photo graph. 3 '6 0 32 0 2 No photo graph. 4 No photo graph. 3 No photo graph. 5 No photo graph. 4*6 0 0 535 61 0 1 1 0 5-6 0 0 219 7'5 25 116 0 6'5 3 25 81 8*5 39 194 0 7'5 2 28 458 9 No photo graph. 8 No photo graph. 10*1 36 218 232 9 0 0 0 1 1 No photo graph. 10 No photo graph. 12 No photo graph. 1 1 0 0 0 13 No photo graph. 12-4 0 0 136 14 No photo graph. 13 0 0 0 15 No photograph. H 0 0 0 16-5 29 127 3°7 *5 No photo graph. I 7'5 20 89 I 132 1 6- 1 87 685 0 18 No photograph. 17*5 1 1 1 634 177 19*6 0 0 174 18 No photo graph. 20 0 0 0 I 9'5 53 278 310 21 0 0 0 20*5 36 187 697 22 No photc 1 graph. 21 No photo graph. 23 0 0 0 22| No photo graph. 24 0 0 0 2 3 '4 82 372 0 25 No photc > graph. 24*4 63 202 0 260 0 57 187 25-4 67 213 0 27*5 40 146 656 26 No photo graph. 28 No photc > graph. 27-6 25 I3t 355 Greenwich Projected Areas. Civil Time. Umbr®. Whole Spots. Faculae. 1877. d Apr. 28*1 0 60 122 29 No photo graph. 30*6 10 58 580 May i*i 0 78 232 2*1 6 101 H5 3 '4 21 79 0 4'5 23 148 0 5'4 17 54 0 6 No photograph. 7 A 39 ii3 , 642 8*4 ' 42 200 748 9’5 41 140 435 io*5 79 283 0 1 1*6 74 367 0 12 No photo graph. 13 No photo [graph. H No photograph. 15-5 39 179 0 1 6’ 1 17 142 0 17*1 1 1 129 204 1 8*4 29 1 12 75° J 9 No photograph. 20 No photograph. 21 No photograph. 22 No photograph. 23 No photo graph. 24*5 33 157 0 25'5 45 >43 0 26*4 3 1 157 554 27 No photo graph. 28*4 0 0 246 29A 0 0 107 30 0 0 0 3i 0 0 0 June 1 No photo graph. 2 No photo graph. 3'5 1 1 36 293 4'4 5o 301 125 5 ‘4 70 334 0 6*5 54 2 77 0 7 ‘4 70 281 0 8-5 7 1 3°7 0 9'4 9° 4°4 0 10 No photo graph. n*5 43 239 416 12 0 0 0 13 No photo graph. J 4'4 0 0 555 *5 '4 0 0 320 1 6*4 0 0 279 17 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 23 No photo graph. Greenwich Projected Areas. Civil Time. Umbr®. Whole Spots. Faculae. 1877. d June 24 No photo graph. 2 5 '4 46 1 34 271 26 No photo graph. 27*5 0 0 1 18 28*5 16 49 95 29*5 43 129 729 3° No photo graph. July 1 No photograph. No photograph. 3'4 16 48 0 4'4 5 57 H3 5‘4 2 49 0 6 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 8 No photograph. 9 0 0 0 io*4 0 0 200 in 0 0 130 12-5 0 0 184 13 0 0 0 I 4‘ I 10 49 0 *5 No photo graph. 16 No photograph. 17 0 O 0 18*5 10 26 258 19 No photo graph. 20*5 0 0 326 21*5 0 0 244 22 .No photo graph. 23 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 26 0 0 0 27 No photo graph. 28 No photo graph. 29 0 0 0 3°‘4 0 0 49 314 0 0 1 10 Aug. 1 No photo graph. 2> 5 3° 74 0 3‘5 0 24 128 4 0 0 0 5 ' No photo graph. 6 No photo graph. 7 0 0 0 8 No photo graph. 9 0 0 0 10 No photo graph. 1 1 No photo graph. 12 0 0 0 13 No photo graph. H'5 0 1 0 H3 i5 No : photo graph. 16 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 *9 No photo graph. 20 0 0 0 296 Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Faculae for Each Day in the Years 1874-1877. Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Faculae — continued. 1877. ' Aug. Sept. Projected Areas. 22'5 23-5 Z \'\ 2S 28-5 29A 3 4'5 5’5 6-4 9'5 i8'5 l 9 20’I 21-5 photo graph. photo graph. 59 photo 61 graph. 880 graph. graph. photo 202 photo photo photo photo photo 45 photo photo graph. 337 photo photo 87 246 300 445 photo graph. 316 0 photo graph. graph. 260 graph. graph. graph. graph. graph. 333 graph. o 214 Projected Areas. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Areas. Greenwich Civil Time. Umbrae. Whole Spots. Faculae Umbrae. Whole Spots. Faculae. Civil Time. 1877 . d 1877 . d 1877 . d Sept. 23 No photo graph. Oct. 26-1 15 215 0 Nov. 28-5 24-4 0 0 265 27 No photo graph. 29-1 251 0 20 33 6 28 No photo graph. 3°*4 266 18 75 271 29 No photo graph. 27-5 10 4 1 472 3°'5 280 1265 654 28-4 9 53 0 3i-4 281 1482 0 Dec. 1 29-5 5 16 276 2'5 30 No photo graph. 3 ' 1 Nov. 1 ‘4 272 1772 608 5 2 * 1 207 1620 189 6 Oct. 1 -4 5 H 133 3'5 237 1092 0 7 2 0 0 0 4'5 152 842 0 8 3 0 0 0 5 ‘4 107 583 383 9 4 No photo graph. 6 No photo graph. 10 5 '4 0 0 261 7 -i 37 246 99 1 1 1 6-4 0 0 276 8-4 0 0 3°7 12 7 No photo graph. 9 No photo graph. 13 8 0 0 0 10-4 0 0 227 *4 9 0 0 0 1 1 No photo graph. 15 i° No photo graph. 12-4 0 0 128 16 11 • 0 0 0 1 3 No photo graph. 17 12 0 0 0 14-5 62 180 0 18 13 No photo graph. !5 No photo graph. *9 *4 No photo graph. 1 6*5 3i 113 0 20 15 0 0 0 17-6 29 52 0 21*1 i 16 0 0 0 18 No photo graph. 22 *7'4 0 0 97 19 No photo graph. i 2 3 18 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 24 19 No photo graph. 21 No photo 1 graph. 25 j 20 0 0 0 22- 5 35 123 338 26 21 No photo graph. 23H 62 306 475 2 7 22 No photo graph. 24-1 53 590 190 28 ! 23 0 0 0 25-2 73 7 S3 0 29 ! 24-4 0 0 171 z6 m 6 168 828 0 3° ! 25 No photograph. 27-2 94 759 0 3i-5 Projected Areas. photo photo g] graph. 568 507 ;raph. photo photo photo graph. graph. graph. photo photo 34 photo photo photo photo o photo o photo photo graph. graph. 171 graph. graph. graph. graph. o graph. o graph. graph. 246 Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Faculas for Each Day in the Years 1878-1881. 297 Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse for Each Day in the Years 1878-1881, deduced from the Measurements of the Photographs of the Sun taken at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, at Deiira DAn in India, at the Melbourne Observatory, Australia, and at the Royal Alfred Observatory, Mauritius. The Projected Area is the Area as it is measured on the Photograph, uncorrected for the effect of foreshortening, and expressed in millionths of the Sun’s apparent disk. The Greenwich Civil Time is expressed by the month, day of the month (civil reckoning), and decimal of a day, reckoned from Greenwich Mean Midnight. The decimal of the day has not been given for days when neither spots nor faculse were observed on the photographs. Dates for which the areas are given in brackets indicate days for which no photographic Record is at present available ; in these cases the areas have been obtained by interpolation from the measures of photographs taken on the days immediately preceding and following the day for which the photograph is lacking. These interpolated values have been used in taking the mean daily areas for each rotation and for each year, given in the last section of this volume. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Areas. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Areas. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Areas. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Areas. Umbrae. Whole Spots. Faculse. Umbrae. Whole Spots. Faculse. Umbrae. Whole Spots. Faculse. Umbrae. Whole Spots. Faculae. 1878. d 1878. d 1878. d 1878. d Jan. 1 0 O 0 Feb. 10 0 O O Mar. 22 O O 0 May 1 0 0 O 2 0 O 0 11 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 2 ( 0 O °) 3 0 O 0 12 0 O 0 24 0 O 0 3 ( 0 0 °) 4 0 O O 13 0 0 O 25 0 0 0 4 O 0 0 5 O O 0 I 4'3 0 O 282 26 0 O O 5 O O O 6 ( 0 O l 7\) 15 0 O O 27 O O O 6 0 0 O 7'5 0 O 347 16 0 0 0 28 0 0 0 7 0 O O 8 0 O 0 17 0 O O 2 9’3 0 O 328 8 0 0 0 9 O O 0 18 0 0 0 3° 0 0 0 9 0 O O IQ'S 0 O 63 1 9 0 O 0 3i ( 0 0 °) 105 0 O 1 15 I I O O 0 20 0 0 0 1 1 O O 0 12 O O 0 21 0 0 O 12 0 0 O 1 13 0 O 0 22 0 0 O Apr. 1 0 O 0 13 O O O H ( 0 O 0) 23 0 O 0 2 0 O 0 *4 0 0 0 15 ( 0 O 0) 24 0 O 0 3‘3 O 0 146 15 Q O O 16 0 O 0 25 0 0 O 4 0 0 0 16 O 0 0 17-5 0 O 700 26 0 7 O 5'2 O 18 395 17 O 0 0 18 0 O 0 27-2 0 7 265 6 O 0 0 18 O O 0 19 0 O 0 28 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 l 9 O O 0 20 0 O 0 8 0 0 0 20 0 0 O 21 0 0 0 9 O 0 0 21 O 0 0 22 0 O 0 Mar. 1 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 22 O 0 O 23-6 87 239 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 23 O 0 0 24 (65 210 °) 3 0 0 O 12 0 0 0 24 O 0 0 25-1 43 180 0 4'5 62 257 409 13 O 0 0 25 O 0 0 261 136 0 5‘4 28 125 1026 H'3 O 0 130 26 (35 144 4°3) 27 ( 0 9 1 °) 6'i 3 5° 0 15 0 0 0 27-5 69 288 806 28 ( 0 45 0) 7 0 0 0 16 O 0 0 28-1 54 442 702 29 0 0 0 8-4 0 0 588 17 O 0 0 291 100 63 6 944 3° 0 0 0 9-2 0 0 247 1 8 O 0 0 30-1 83 492 62 3i 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 3 r 4 120 552 461 "‘3 3 28 0 20 0 0 0 12*5 69 308 0 21 0 0 0 Feb. 1 0 0 0 13-3 43 369 0 22 0 0 0 June i* 1 105 489 0 2 0 0 0 I 4’5 5i 252 0 23 0 0 0 2*3 42 338 478 3-2 24 182 0 15-3 9 1 5 ! 4 0 24 0 0 0 3-3 45 1 57 0 4 (3° 207 °) i6'2 5° 347 0 25 0 0 0 4'4 12 67 684 5 ‘2 36 231 0 17 (35 227 0) 26 0 0 0 5'i 0 10 1845 6 (24 170 174) i8'2 20 106 0 27 0 0 0 6-5 0 12 282 7 (12 1 10 347) 191 0 0 347 28 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 8-5 0 49 521 20 0 0 0 29 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 3° 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 Photo-Heliographic Results, 1874-1885. 2 P 298 Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Faculj® for Each Day in the Years 1878-1881. Total Projected Areas of Sun £ Spots and Faculse — continued .. 1 Projected Areas. Projected Areas. Greenwich Projected Areas. Greenwich Projected Areas. Civil Time. Jmbrse. Whole Spots. i'aculse. Civil Time. I mbrse. Whole I Spots. "'aculae. Civil Time. I 1 Jmbrae. . Whole . Spots. Faculae. Civil Time. 1 Jmbrae. Whole - Spots. Faculae. 1878. d June 1 o’ 5 11 12-5 13 H 15 16 17 18 19 20 2I- + 2 2 '4 23 24 25 26-5 27'5 28'5 29-5 3 ° July 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16- 5 17- 5 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26‘4 2 7‘5 28 29 30 3 1 Aug. 1 2 3 4 5 6-5 O O 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 17 4 1 39 3 0 0 0 0 0 (° 0 0 0 0 0 -0 (° 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 188 194 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 102 O 0 O O O O O 236 535 0 103 369 271 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 °) 0 0 0 0 °) 0 449 7 i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 272 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 79 1878. d Aug. 7 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I 16-5 17 18 19 20 2 1 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3 ° 3 i Sept. 1 2- 6 3 - 5 4‘4 5‘2 6-5 7 ‘4 8 - 3 9- 6 io-6 1 1 "5 I 2‘4 1 3 - 5 1 4 - 5 1 5 16 17 18 »9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29-2 3°‘5 Oct. 1 '4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (0 (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 27 38 37 7 i 64 70 52 55 ++ 36 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 1 19 201 233 259 287 354 265 249 210 144 64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 0 0) 0 °) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 58 257 279 0 0 0 0 85 332 775 445 1 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65 213 477 0 1878. d Oct. 3 4 5 6 7 8-5 9 10 1 1 I2'2 1 3 '3 14 1 5 16 17 18 I 9‘5 20 21-5 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29- 3 30- 2 31- 2 Nov. 1 ’5 2‘3 3'3 42 5-5 6‘3 7'5 8- 3 9- 2 10 1 1 12 13 H >5 16-5 17 ! 18 195 20-3 i 21-3 2 2 '2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29-5 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 13 24 33 26 26 18 3 i 21 26 16 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 66 94 146 158 149 140 128 130 109 9 1 69 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 16 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 169 180 0 0 0 0 0 289 0 322 0 0 0 0 _ 0 ’ 0 0 231 368 222 153 O O O O • 0 O 2 9 I 228 0 0 0 0 0 0 106 0 0 113 70 93 140 0 0 0 0 0 217 1878. Dec. d 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 1 5 163 17-2 18 i 9'4 20*2 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3 ° 3 i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 II 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 54 42 0 233 102 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Facul^e for Each Day in the Years 1878 - 1881 . 299 Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse — continued. Projected Areas. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Areas. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Areas. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Are Civil Time. Umbrae. Whole I Spots. Faculae. Umbrae. Whole I Spots. Facul®. Umbrae. I Whole I Spots. Faculae. Umbr®. j Whole Spots. | 1879. d 1879. d 1879. d 1879. d 0 O 0 Mar. 1 0 O O Apr. 2 8 O O 0 June 25 O 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 O O 29 0 O 0 26 (28 7 1 O 0 3 0 0 0 3° 0 O 0 27-4 55 142 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 O 28*5 65 232 5 0 o 5 0 0 O 29 (6 < 271 6 0 O 0 6 0 O 0 May 1 0 O 0 3°'5 5 6 309 7 0 0 0 7 0 O 0 2 0 0 0 8 8 0 0 3 0 O 0 9 0 O 0 9 0 0 0 4 0 O 0 July n 61 464 10 0 0 0 10 0 O 0 5 0 0 0 2*4 44 204 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 3-i 49 246 1 2 (0 0 °) 12-3 0 0 80 7 0 0 0 4'5 17 94 13 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 8 (0 5 6 1021) 5'4 6 5i 14 0 0 0 14-2 0 0 161 9' 1 0 hi 2042 6 (3 26 15 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 10*4 25 80 572 7-5 0 0 16 0 0 0 16*2 0 0 136 1 1 (16 55 286) 8 0 0 17 0 0 0 17-2 0 0 167 12*5 7 3° 0 9 0 0 18 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 10 0 0 i9'3 0 0 H7 I 9 -I 0 0 88 H 0 0 0 n*5 3 1 178 20*2 0 0 259 20 0 0 0 i5 0 0 0 12*4 45 410 212 0 0 584 2 i 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 13 (35 319 2 2*2 0 0 105 22 0 0 0 T 7‘4 0 0 375 I 4'4 24 227 23 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 I 5’ 1 40 222 24 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 i9'5 0 0 150 16*4 8 97 25 0 0 0 2 5'3 0 0 386 20 (° 0 75) 17 (4 49 26 0 0 0 26-3 0 0 259 21 0 0 0 18 '4 0 0 27 0 0 0 27-2 0 0 268 22 0 0 0 19 (° 0 28 0 0 0 28 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 20 (° 0 29 0 0 0 29 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 21 0 0 3°'3 6 43 J 99 3° 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 22 0 0 3i - 3 0 8 419 3i 0 0 0 26 0 0 0 23 0 0 27 0 0 0 24 0 0 28 0 0 0 25 0 0 29 0 0 0 26 0 0 Feb. 1-3 0 0 246 3° 0 0 0 27 (° 0 2*2 3 '2 0 0 0 265 35° Apr. 1 2 0 0 ° 0 0 3i (° 0 °) 28 29 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3°'4 0 0 5 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 June 1 0 0 0 3i 0 0 6-2 0 0 21 1 5 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 7'5 0 0 186 4 0 0 0 Aug. 1 0 0 9 0 0 0 8-5 0 0 203 5 (° 0 °) 2*4 0 0 10 0 0 0 ! 9 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 3 (° 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 10 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 4 0 0 125 0 0 178 1 1 0 0 0 8 (° 0 94) 5 0 0 13 0 0 0 12 (16 80 0) 9‘5 0 183 6 0 0 H 0 0 0 !3 (32 160 °) 10 0 0 0 7 0 0 15 (° 0 0) 14 (48 240 °) 1 1 0 0 0 8 0 0 16 (0 0 °) 156 64 320 0 12 0 0 0 9 0 0 17 0 0 0 16*1 58 4*3 0 13 0 0 0 10 (4 49 18 0 0 0 176 64 276 525 H'5 0 0 90 ii*4 8 97 19 0 0 0 18-5 62 323 136 15 (° 0 45) 125 81 222 20 0 0 0 195 46 215 0 16 0 0 0 i3'4 59 152 21 0 0 0 20* I 36 204 0 17 0 0 0 *4 0 0 22 0 0 0 21*1 29 176 844 18 0 0 0 15 0 0 23 0 0 0 221 29 166 1430 J 9 0 0 0 16 0 0 24 0 0 0 23*1 0 104 624 20 0 0 0 17 (° 0 25 0 0 0 24 (0 S 2 312) 21 0 0 0 1 8 26 0 0 0 2 S 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 I 9 \° 27 0 0 0 26 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 20 0 0 28 0 0 0 27 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 21 0 +87 1584 841 1260 707) 15+ 487 o °) 67) 89) 44 ) °) o o 169 30) 175) 35 ° 333 138 300 Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Facul.® for Each Day in the Years 1878 - 1881 . Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Facula? for Each Day in the Years 1878 - 1881 . 301 Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Faculae — continued. ected Areas. Green Civil T Projected Areas. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Areas. Greem Civil T vich Projected Areas. Greem Civil T vich Proji ime. Jmbrae. Whole I Spots. Faculae. Jmbrae. 1 Whole I Spots. Faculae. ime. Umbrae, j Whole Spots. Faculae. 'ime. Umbrae. J Whole Spots. Faculae. 1880. d 1880. d 1880. d 1880. d 844 Mar. i'S 72 2 49 698 Apr. 28-3 206 975 2665 June 24-5 426 1854 0 Aug. 21*5 173 2923 23 64 281 2074 29-4 162 692 384 25-1 201 1756 0 22*3 85 571 72I 3-2 40 2 49 1246 3°'5 168 634 293 26 (237 1682 345) 232 103 509 915 +•5 7 7i 542 27-1 272 1608 690 242 35 134 212 56 0 0 360 28-5 72 362 1033 25 0 0 0 6-2 7- 2 8- 3 9’ 3 io-6 39 24 34 83 46 102 79 2 53 385 196 1874 2 4 9 2 2071 1481 312 May 1 '4 2 '3 3'5 4' 2 145 133 141 98 47i 585 631 616 383 202 357° 1 544 July 29-6 3°'5 1 98 99 (83 453 397 343 1547 549 66 5) 26 27 28*5 29*2 30*3 0 0 53 58 125 0 0 199 251 585 0 0 545 0 0 1 1*5 12-5 13 *5 14-2 3i 5° 68 120 1 99 1 8 1 3°4 625 102 2 743 617 1298 5 3 6-5 7 '4 8'5 97 129 123 140 700 637 839 1092 360 153 2 '4 3'5 4'4 5 '4 67 65 87 86 289 277 282 289 780 217 398 899 Sept. 3i'5 i*4 122 61 725 457 HH 460 15-2 1 16 5i9 115 9' 2 1 5 5 713 0 6-i 37 272 3394 2 '5 68 369 35° 1 6-6 S3 256 184 10 z 185 969 0 7 (82 389 2041) 3'6 5i 240 ”45 17- 5 1 8 - 6 46 12 176 1 14 2 47 86 ”*5 12-5 113 101 54 1 380 4H 871 8-4 9'5 12 7 48 5°5 200 688 799 4'4 5'2 70 101 282 420 1052 765 IQJ 0 2 5 2 73 i3'4 84 3i9 9 1 1 10-4 7 21 508 63 152 719 1 129 0 0 40 5 14-4 0 55° 1 1 -i 3 10 276 7-6 196 806 2506 21 0 0 0 iS'4 368 12-4 0 0 373 8*5 420 1626 205 22 0 0 0 16-3 1 77 !3'4 0 4° 268 9'4 561 2332 0 2 3 0 0 0 I 7*5 312 14-4 0 0 143 io*6 871 3073 1378 24 0 0 0 1 8 0 0 O 1 5 '5 0 0 360 ”'3 1064 3948 0 25-5 0 0 318 19-2 0 0 180 16 (0 0 1834) 123 938 3773 0 26 0 0 0 20-5 16 .75 512 17-0 0 33°7 13 *6 680 3089 1419 27’2 9 33 189 21*5 1 1 39 228 18 (° 0 2006) 1 4*2 629 2785 0 28 0 0 22-3 0 0 241 19-6 0 0 7°4 15*2 371 1615 1521 29*2 31 138 79 6 2 3 0 0 0 20*6 58 368 795 16-6 158 679 1757 3°’3 65 3 22 319 24-2 H 49 642 21*5 141 688 389 *7*5 135 443 1470 31*3 5i 2 93 1845 25-5 265 69 201 73° 965 22*2 23*6 171 177 994 99° 595 2782 i8-6 19 134 (102 570 427 2932 2246) 27-6 253 1 1 1 1 146 24-6 124 661 1536 20*5 69 284 1560 28-5 324 1424 379 25 ( 84 474 1880) 212 103 406 0 2 9'4 3°5 1783 733 26*6 43 286 2223 22*5 5i 326 466 Apr. i'S 44 202 744 3°'3 464 2273 489 27-4 28 214 1648 23'3 47 247 0 2 '2 59 3i3 122 3 1 *3 482 2009 298 28-1 4 1 3i4 1497 24*4 70 343 495 3*5 9° 350 113 29-5 32 1 12 1555 25'4 80 481 1940 4 . (84 339 699) 30-5 9 70 2094 26*3 102 494 1476 5‘5 78 328 1284 June 1 '4 2 77 1246 5i3 314 9 36 1315 27-4 135 757 2112 6 (66 287 927) 26 122 472 ”39 28*3 342 1494 1 184 7 '4 54 246 569 3 ' 2 79 5 342 553 29*6 556 2932 979 8-5 21 105 660 4-6 65 564 Aug. I (46 349 851) 3°'3 624 2874 0 9'3 13 59 356 5 0 0 2'3 82 661 387 10 0 0 6-3 17 62 0 3-6 187 977 230 426 847 11 0 0 0 7*6 7 29 0 4' 2 262 1138 0 Oct. i*5 2139 I2 '4 114 47i 63 8-2 11 76 7i 5*2 291 1422 432 2 '4 225 1550 0 1 3*5 126 336 263 9' 2 !9 159 478 6-i 229 ”59 1579 3'3 429 2054 2551 14-2 63 271 1057 io*5 55 234 806 7-i 3°3 1260 4° 3 4'3 182 965 814 1 5 "3 J 9 ”5 1212 I I '2 42 126 626 8-2 327 1372 461 5-2 129 428 55° 1 6*5 0 12 108 I2'4 30 104 0 9-6 3°5 1434 1239 6*3 62 290 859 i7'4 0 0 220 13 (i5 S 2 3i5) 10*4 4° 3 1634 1760 7*6 61 305 1818 18 0 0 0 H'i 0 0 630 ”'5 1 257 1676 1073 8*6 5 128 1851 19-4 0 0 326 15-2 32 1 12 289 12-5 426 1851 2540 9*3 5i 178 0 20-5 0 0 927 l6*2 3° 167 144 1 3*5 381 1612 1360 IO '3 5i 222 521 21-4 0 0 441 *7*3 100 45i 842 14 (336 1589 906) ”*5 18 190 1496 22-1 0 0 717 1 8 ' 5 185 809 2004 i5 (290 1566 453) 1 2*4 21 176 1649 2 3’5 0 0 487 195 345 1382 2155 16*1 245 1543 0 13*6 44 285 1666 2 4 0 0 0 20-3 329 i37i 425 176 241 1040 948 14-2 93 435 2154 2 S'3 53 388 9 2 3 21-5 402 1706 1491 18-2 276 1258 821 15*2 74 372 1262 26’ 3 142 634 1534 22 ‘2 347 i53i 0 19*5 232 1328 1301 16-2 9i 447 783 27*6 170 994 4578 23'5 485 2073 0 20*2 254 1261 915 17*3 94 430 333 302 Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Faculte for Each Day in the Years 1878 1881 . Greenwich Projected Areas. Civil Time. 1 Jmbrse. - iVhole I . Spots. | J raculse. 1880. d Oct. 1 8*6 83 398 832 I 193 230 824 167 20 (282 I215 493 ) 213 334 1606 819 22*3 302 1325 228 23*2 323 I 56 l 1864 24*3 293 1269 I 4°5 2 5'4 153 695 927 26*3 82 315 223 27-3 1 10 43 1 63 28*3 72 242 0 293 62 204 228 30*6 0 4 i 1170 31-3 4 i 87 1785 Nov. 1*3 78 3 1 7 9*5 2*5 69 463 1684 3‘5 62 283 1179 4*6 52 175 1390 ' 5’3 45 144 3 H 6 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 8*4 0 i 5 847 9 ’4 3 35 1527 10 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 ; 12 0 0 0 *33 17 7 * 546 *43 103 33 ° 846 * 5*3 291 934 516 16*4 1 126 775 223 I 7-3 224 819 0 1 8 * 1 70 885 0 1 l 9 'l 188 1210 879 20*6 213 1150 1374 21 (164 774 1466) 22*4 1 1 5 398 1558 23 A 47 142 912 2 4'3 158 697 1349 25-5 273 1540 1332 26*2 398 2076 * 5*5 27*6 3 i 5 2101 1071 28*3 524 2154 374 29*4 444 1868 453 3°‘5 236 *347 481 Dec. 1*2 201 1232 0 2 (177 1051 371) 3-2 152 870 742 4'3 *73 1 1 17 2 7 *4 5 (204 ** 5 * 1948) 6*2 234 1185 1182 7*2 279 1463 1423 8 (223 1300 983 ) 9’3 166 1136 543 io*5 155 926 2082 ii*5 182 807 1 128 123 1 10 566 476 *33 99 430 1220 (72 305 1312) I 7'3 18-3 I9’2 20*2 21*4 22*3 2 3‘4 24*4 2 5 26*2 2 7’3 28*3 29*2 3°'3 31*6 Projected Areas. Projected Areas. Projected Areas. (46 19 46 59 62 63 io 5 10 5 1 17 181 (128 7+ 172 106 * 5 * 157 270 H°+) 1496 1 6 1 6 508 1245 740 1018 5 ° 9 ) o 1728 728 o 463 1881. Jan. d 1881. d i ‘5 164 594 0 Mar. *‘3 22 56 1569 2 (219 889 * 454 ) 2 {l l 49 2298) 3-2 274 1184 2907 3’3 16 4 * 3026 4*2 242 1140 4 * 3 * 4*2 24 59 2272 5'5 153 663 1499 5 ’3 47 124 *554 6*4 162 814 *394 6*2 32 126 0 7‘5 104 768 295 7'5 *4 5 6 1623 8 (”7 639 148) 8-4 12 126 1503 9 *i 1 30 509 0 9*3 46 467 3816 10*2 *74 467 0 io*3 321 1126 5181 ii*3 102 364 0 n *5 254 1286 2202 12*3 55 188 1241 12*4 45 * 1421 2372 1 3‘3 40 i 93 *535 13*2 494 2110 2007 14*3 21 9 1 5*9 * 4*5 39 6 2338 2286 15*3 0 0 156 * 5-5 467 2416 4402 16 0 0 0 16*4 486 2364 3374 * 7*3 1 30 613 0 17*5 399 1780 1809 18*3 4 1 782 0 * 8*5 295 1556 2245 * 9'4 152 1 107 *579 *9*5 262 1401 1779 20*3 155 1021 851 20*2 425 *939 97 * 21*5 1 14 468 753 21*3 387 * 9*4 3486 22*2 24 242 338 22*6 450 2002 2 666 23*2 12 *49 2230 2 3*2 35 ° 1568 3241 2 4‘3 ! 114 59 ° 1384 2 4'3 278 **54 4522 25*2 1 208 1005 940 25*4 136 73 ° 1521 26*3 439 1362 184 26*1 32 3*8 712 27*2 28*2 4*9 i 384 1342 1292 0 *959 27-3 28*5 32 16 80 66 0 1046 29*2 561 1869 4738 29'5 3 * 152 *947 30*2 1 786 2490 4986 3°'4 9 *58 1107 31-5 328 1845 1266 3 **5 64 297 4°3 1*3 387 1378 *473 Apr. 2 (363 1378 3436 ) *4 98 7 i 9 753 3'3 339 1378 5399 2*5 132 698 1520 4‘3 320 H 33 2311 3’3 *39 548 2086 5*5 233 1108 0 4*6 150 675 2854 6*2 253 1123 1876 5'3 140 524 4308 7'3 5°9 1624 2956 6*5 68 374 2096 8'3 335 1520 2442 7 ‘4 33 250 1567 9'4 230 * **7 3*53 8-5 64 32* *°33 10*5 169 883 0 9‘5 100 5°9 14*4 hi 267 857 0 10*2 64 3°9 0 12*5 152 636 1169 ** - 3 74 333 0 13*1 153 562 0 12*2 92 464 2775 H '3 i 5*3 16*4 138 192 182 570 592 682 3210 1300 55*5 I 3 A 14*2 15*2 * 3 * 160 *83 54 * 645 823 1492 3658 1489 17*3 201 780 • 8219 I 6*2 169 901 9°4 1 8- 3 261 868 55 ** 17*2 225 872 534 * 9‘3 20*3 21*4 185 1 99 344 833 843 1239 201 1 1381 1674 * 8*5 192 20*3 167 268 406 781 97 * 1518 2920 4660 3362 107 983 0 2 1*2 3*5 1382 0 23*2 2 4‘3 25*4 308 215 182 1031 834 613 0 2093 5814 22*2 23*4 24 308 280 (214 *398 1261 i *54 0 1616 1669) 26*5 85 275 1288 25*3 *47 1047 1721 27*1 84 259 5362 26*6 163 928 1790 282 0 54 1243 27*3 121 573 3*35 Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Facul^e for Each Day in the Years 1878 - 1881 . 303 Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse— continued. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Areas. Greenwich Projected Areas. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Areas. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Areas. Umbrae. Whole Spots. Faculae. Civil Time. Umbrae. Whole Spots. Faculae. Umbrae. Whole Spots. Facul®. Umbra, j Whole Spots. Facul®. 1881. d 1881. d 1881. d 1881. d Apr. 28-4 49 35 2 1 148 June 21-5 38 * *7 1356 Aug. 14-3 0 0 589 Oct. 5-3 106 619 >393 2 9'3 O 59 734 2 2 '4 12 55 580 • 5*5 0 0 "49 6-3 >57 784 2237 3°*4 IO 26 1 1 16 2 3*5 51 189 977 16-5 0 0 947 7*4 197 1055 1605 2 4*5 178 640 2337 1 7*4 27 69 1730 8*3 136 875 2880 25-2 99 543 3161 18-3 0 153 0 9*3 95 9 " > 55 > 26 (184 964 2337 ) ' 9*3 4 6 5 1033 10-3 "3 1054 9>2 2 7*3 269 1385 1513 20-5 39 * 54 1616 * *3 146 1025 1890 May 1 % z 17 85 1 1 36 28-5 434 2216 3218 2 I (63 275 1641) 12-3 198 1096 2775 2-3 0 49 0 29*4 523 2235 1 186 2 2 '4 86 39 6 1665 > 3*3 108 792 1669 3'4 0 21 957 3°*5 312 1550 1916 23*4 158 753 1152 > 4*4 >43 647 368 4'3 26 66 884 24*4 251 1319 2247 > 5*4 120 639 1078 5'5 55 2 5 i 1201 25*3 250 1645 875 163 93 575 35 >° 6-4 55 2 54 1766 26^4 42 5 1831 1821 > 7*4 233 1222 1824 7 '4 41 2 49 1629 27-4 609 2641 831 1 8 -4 278 >257 1066 8-2 75 34 2 440 July 1-5 352 > 44 6 1777 28-4 558 2677 2123 > 9*5 332 1912 654 9*5 7 2 419 1154 2 '4 168 1 >49 2520 29*3 455 2433 17x9 20-5 5 " 2542 58 i >°*3 87 252 2I 75 3 *i 225 9 6 3 2486 3°*5 503 3 °H 3263 213 427 2218 2065 1 1‘4 33 209 439 4*4 139 535 3205 3 1 ( 47 i 2661 3358 ) 22-3 325 2112 >355 12-5 79 410 644 5'5 106 543 2955 23*3 410 >893 2045 I 3-4 102 422 2922 6-4 1 36 506 21 1 1 24*3 34 ° 1856 35 o I 4 'S 66 389 1335 7 * 1 121 746 2625 25*4 397 1580 898 1 S' 2 64 387 1631 8 (140 852 1992) 26-4 156 892 2482 16-3 70 4°3 I2 35 9*4 158 957 1358 27*3 23 518 >539 17-2 59 261 1 146 10 (223 1246 2619) Sept. 1 -4 439 2308 3453 28-3 21 138 764 18-6 5 ° 288 1008 1 1*5 288 1534 3879 2 (3i7 1722 2538) 29*5 9 68 2238 > 9*4 84 316 1747 12-5 271 1 399 2119 3-0 194 "35 1623 30-6 0 34 467 20'4 86 399 1510 i 3-5 225 1316 2823 4*7 1 59 1010 472 3**3 0 0 632 21 '4 107 428 9>5 > 4*5 205 1213 2646 5*3 257 1167 1457 22*2 95 347 938 i 5*4 186 1079 1553 6-4 191 970 2682 23-6 183 533 2695 16-4 > 4 > 687 1709 7*6 236 1016 1645 2 4'4 118 5 i 4 I 94 ° 17-1 77 281 0 8-2 193 777 2978 2 5'4 225 792 733 1 8 "5 118 497 1701 9*3 169 1164 263 1 26’3 144 676 475 19-5 188 812 1795 10*2 245 1187 1373 Nov. I '2 0 57 2316 2 7*3 166 l0 39 1304 20-1 176 747 3233 I 1*2 264 1716 358 2-3 0 5 ° 285 2 8 '2 288 1246 2449 21‘4 310 1177 3301 I 2'3 3 * * 1824 1032 ' 3*3 28 hi 764 29- 1 2 95 1282 946 (266 1168 2773 ) 13-6 565 2108 1481 4*3 28 > 5 > 2317 30-5 292 1573 2093 231 222 1158 2245 I 4'4 399 > 9>4 2243 5*5 5 ° 197 1132 31-4 3°9 1675 1359 24*4 307 2013 1 100 15-6 354 1670 2144 6*3 43 188 1470 25*5 637 2851 2167 16-6 245 1258 1467 7*3 37 470 1090 26-5 681 3024 3462 i 7*5 241 >344 708 8-3 42 480 5°4 27-2 545 2238 1428 1 8-2 232 1208 2392 9*5 i+5 596 440 28-4 57i 2741 1683 1 9*2 239 1357 2686 10-2 138 706 866 June 1 4 381 2230 1 166 2 9*4 652 2789 2040 20*5 248 1098 1423 11*3 210 1053 7>2 2 '4 365 1874 928 3°*5 579 2745 874 21-3 1 77 957 1617 > 2*4 285 1 191 "59 3'4 374 1701 487 3 i (539 2537 2002) 22-3 161 798 739 * 3*5 34 > >577 > 9°4 4*4 267 H 57 1712 23-3 144 74 1 1037 >43 >56 1165 >536 5 *> 213 854 2265 24*4 137 643 852 > 5*3 109 1096 1104 6-5 90 3°4 2 355 25*5 98 614 803 1 6- 1 301 > 4>3 2284 7 (69 2 45 1977 ) 26-5 125 655 1553 > 7*5 523 2444 2266 8-5 47 185 1 599 Aug. 1-4 498 2328 313° 27*6 1 34 738 2645 > 8-5 590 2492 2342 9*2 73 416 1634 2*5 358 1808 5295 28-5 183 820 2412 > 9*5 487 2200 1661 10-4 142 584 4247 3 *i 246 , 1224 3927 29*5 194 922 2408 20*5 565 2279 >373 11 *4 131 839 4645 4*5 159 953 2150 30-5 203 654 1041 21*5 523 2832 842 12 (i 57 971 3 H 4 ) 5-6 H 5 703 831 22-3 39 * 2311 745 ' 13-4 182 1 103 1643 6-5 "3 766 608 23*5 436 2673 638 I 4*4 140 864 1177 7 (142 829 990) 24*3 299 1895 626 > 5 * 2 >95 1107 1 345 8-6 i 7 * 891 1371 25*3 250 1438 1422 i 6'2 157 799 33 ° 9-6 109 538 1711 26*4 249 1 997 938 17-2 170 756 944 io -6 97 41 1 1944 Oct. 1*4 1 19 628 1 1 9 1 27-6 77 456 1286 i 18-2 >59 656 2155 1 1*4 81 344 2929 z ’6 121 59 1 1261 28-5 1 18 476 932 >9 (i °3 447 1906) 12-3 6 5 256 2223 3 M 1 12 525 >555 29*5 144 898 1039 20-4 46 2 37 1657 13*3 29 175 1635 4*5 "9 545 728 30-1 187 5 3 > 0 304 Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Faculae for Each Day in the Years 1878-1881. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Areas. Projected Areas. Greenwich Projected Areas. Greenwich Projected Areas. Umbrae. Whole Spots. Faculae. Civil Time. Umbrae. Whole Spots. Faculae. Civil Time. Umbrae. Whole Spots. Faculae. Civil Time. Umbrae. Whole Spots. Faculae. 1881. d Dec. i *3 2‘4 3'5 +•* 5'3 6-4 7'3 8-3 134 535 429 339 357 385 332 234 908 1762 2219 1989 1865 1724 1515 1254 1814 1455 1895 2132 1488 1627 1698 0 1881. d Dec. 9’ 3 io’3 I I‘2 12-3 13- 3 14- 5 15- 3 i $*3 128 78 86 160 136 276 206 215 695 483 472 658 I061 1506 I442 1366 1263 2978 354 ° 4096 3216 1612 1228 272 1881. d Dec. 17-5 18-5 I9 ’| 20-6 21*5 22’3 23*2 24*3 197 244 160 121 187 45 13 0 976 1002 756 568 53 ° 366 201 0 217 979 1546 946 2512 631 ii 37 611 1881. d Dec. 25*2 26*2 27*2 2 8 ‘2 291 3°'2 3 1 ’3 8 31 67 43 55 47 i 7 54 136 299 332 246 207 291 1265 1058 7°3 1864 1635 1926 2251 Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Faculae — continued. Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Facula; for Each Day in the Years 1882 - 1885 . 305 Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Faculae for Each Day in the Years 1882-1885, deduced from the MEASUREMENTS OF THE PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE SUN TAKEN AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, AT DEIIRA Dun in India, and at the Royal Alfred Observatory, Mauritius. The Projected Area is the Area as it is measured on the Photograph, uncorrected for the effect of foreshortening, and expressed in millionths of the Sun’s apparent disc. The Greenwich Civil Time is expressed by the month, day of the month (civil reckoning), and decimal of a day, reckoned from Greenwich Mean Midnight. The decimal of the day has not been giveu for days when neither spots nor faculae were observed on the photograph. Dates for which the areas are given in brackets indicate days for which no photographic Record is at present available. In these cases the areas have been obtained by interpolation from the measures of photographs taken on the days immediately preceding and following the day for which the photograph is lacking. These interpolated values have been used in taking the mean daily areas for each rotation and for each year, given in the last section of the volume. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Areas. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Areas. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Areas. Greenwich Projected Areas. Umbra. Whole Faculae. Umbrae. Whole Spots. Faculae. Umbrae. Whole Spots. Faculae. Civil Time. Umbrae. Whole Spots. | Faculae. 1882 d 1882 d 1882 d 1882 d Jan. 1-2 S3 242 1070 Feb. 10*5 249 1710 1313 Mar. 224 537 2369 2535 May 1 ’5 83 320 687 2*2 84 339 3°4 1 1*5 325 1498 2199 23*5 49 6 2329 2320 2*5 1 IO 614 2675 3‘5 76 461 IO97 12-5 368 1663 1236 24-4 254 1801 2652 3*6 21 1 730 1321 4-2 40 199 977 1 3> 176 1290 3118 25-4 495 2027 838 4*3 122 663 1607 5-2 "4 493 835 14-5 360 1617 1291 26-5 385 1994 2394 5*5 327 1102 2527 6*2 134 708 644 15-5 347 1833 688 27*4 3 1 1 1514 2839 6-5 416 I565 2495 r 4 120 7i3 1483 16*4 295 1501 1705 28*2 130 1081 2703 7*5 444 I 848 3532 8-2 4 1 354 732 17-6 306 M49 1 1 1 6 29-2 1 12 815 1531 8-4 5i5 2156 3332 9 '4 23 127 993 i8*S 205 1006 2676 3°'4 126 77 2 2183 9* 1 270 I961 3344 10 (46 270 i°r 3 ) 196 120 553 786 3i'4 202 761 4527 io *5 * 595 247O 4353 1 1 (68 4H 1032) 20-3 52 604 1 5 36 ii*5 481 24 66 1004 12 (9 1 557 1052) 21 (122 650 H95) 12*6 589 3050 2721 135 1 *4 700 1072 22-4 191 696 1455 Apr. 1 '4 136 661 2778 i3*4 801 3268 3285 14-2 90 480 1450 23*3 58 448 1542 2 *6 92 583 x 4 6 4 I 4*5 801 4009 2754 152 83 360 io 99 24-2 61 39° 3 I 7 I 3*6 131 549 1401 r 5*4 893 4168 3569 16*2 73 394 1267 25-2 25 259 799 4*5 212 894 44°9 16-5 1196 4792 3851 17-2 57 358 1549 26-5 22 136 651 5*6 178 875 1922 1 7*6 973^ 4926 6380 I 8*2 49 300 2090 27-4 46 174 773 66 168 1069 3178 18-4 873 5 io 4 2744 J 9'3 4i 480 I 4°5 28*3 59 180 1140 7*3 284 "52 1560 i 9 *6 578 3727 1244 20*2 74 506 1068 8*4 2 77 1122 495i 20'4 461 3”4 1816 21-5 161 559 1060 9*5 148 734 344 1 21-5 586 2482 3013 22*4 58 444 2925 Mar. 1 -4 55 273 1471 10*1 86 ■59° 4075 22*1 203 1 676 4621 23A 61 426 1624 2-4 98 500 1635 1 1 5 344 i 6 34 2368 23*1 122 1136 3357 24*6 204 553 456 3-6 179 929 1670 1 2 *i *95 1257 338s 24*1 82 826 1288 2S'3 52 457 149 4‘5 265 1079 1452 13*2 217 2141 2554 251 43 484 2603 26-3 60 568 575 5-2 I 44 814 2063 14*5 665 39°7 1668 26*5 77 270 925 27*2 85 600 3°°7 6'2 123 928 1096 i5,*3 382 3433 4827 27*4 72 292 826 28-4 170 888 285 7'3 138 1005 999 1 6*5 614 5025 294 28*1 52 298 XIII 29‘2 101 662 1 81 1 8-2 203 1239 13 77 17-6 1388 6750 2768 29*5 98 478 1387 3° (”* 671 1609) 9' 3' 246 1385 374° 1 8*5 1535 7638 3773 3°*4 I2 4 615 366 3 1 (124 679 1408) IO - 2 259 1362 6501 19-2 638 6537 2527 3i*4 179 712 608 1 1 ‘2 282 1686 4757 20‘4 1175 6808 3847 12-3 232 1592 3423 21*4 *364 6892 2316 Feb. 1 -4 135 688 1207 13-6 426 1634 1649 22-2 490 3839 3174 June 1*3 125 676 1233 2'2 105 733 3055 H‘4 4i7 H73 I 884. 23*5 516 3°74 2524 2*3 124 720 1055 3-5 129 650 2371 i 5‘6 182 890 622 24*5 37i 1838 343° 3*4 177 679 1853 4'2 85 636 2337 16*4 1 59 790 653 25'2 99 79 1 2593 4*5 127 59 1 1725 5-2 79 612 2161 17-6 132 691 657 26*4 75 459 1461 5*5 96 447 79° 6*2 1 16 728 2179 18-5 176 778 873 27-2 52 596 2665 6-i 74 400 1097 T 3 121 1167 567 19-5 160 857 0 286 1 18 463 1063 7*5 4 1 264 1 1 10 8-3 208 1498 1032 20‘4 3 1 4 1575 49 1 29 (86 316 1176) 8*i 32 154 748 9 (229 1604 1172) 21*5 414 2249 2164 30-6 54 169 1289 9*5 79 346 2873 Photo-Heliographic Results, 1874-1885. 2 Q 306 Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Facul,® for Each Day in the Years 1882 1885. Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Faculae — continued. Projected Areas. Greenwich Projecti Civil Time. 1 inbrse. Vhole Spots. 1 i’aculse. Civil Time. 1 T Vv W ) morse, gj 1882 d 1882 d June io*2 59 312 1173 Aug. 7 (20 1 n *4 120 736 2285 8*6 0 12-4 21 I 9+8 3807 9*6 52 i 3'3 99 946 1339 10*4 88 H ’5 259 1531 175° 1 1*6 263 1 1 5'5 280 1553 I 5 6 3 12*4 237 1 1 6-4 330 1755 2947 13 (188 17-5 433 1842 5486 H ‘5 138 18 (335 1549 4207) I 5-5 132 19 (236 1256 2927 ) 16*6 42 20*4 138 963 1648 17*2 16 21-3 37 620 1031 1 8*i 61 22*2 58 572 1056 19 (200 2 3 ‘4 99 5*9 1877 20*5 338 2 + '4 58 295 1 55 1 21*5 432 25-5 5 2 264 2120 22*4 488 26*4 5 + 279 917 23‘5 459 ■ 27:5 276 896 2732 24*6 3 i 3 28*4 1 80 1609 953 25*6 342 2 9 *2 166 1408 1213 26*4 287 3°'3 i 35 H 3 i 2236 27*4 123 28 (140 29*4 157 July 1 *4 326 1546 5161 30*6 43 2-5 207 895 4408 3 i'+ 22 3'5 201 826 2394 4 (168 675 2607) 5’5 i 34 524 2819 Sept. 1*3 58 6 (85 33'2 2872) 2*4 3 i 3 - 7"4 35 140 2924 3*6 337 81 18 - 70 2612 +’5 404 9*6 0 0 2143 5‘3 776 10*4 26 9 1 2629 65 399 1 1*3 39 219 2366 7‘4 4 °+ 12*5 1 10 P 5 1310 8*4 170 13*2 55 447 ii 33 9‘5 i 33 14-5 168 762 1996 10 (80 15*6 198 1248 1907 n *4 26 16*5 ”5 1023 4229 12*5 42 17*4 i 35 9 2 3 3 6 78 13-5 84 18*5 226 1 1 56 3 I 3 2 » + ( x 39 I 9’5 256 1085 2132 I 5-4 i 93 20*5 210 1032 2386 I 6*2 85 21*5 200 1150 2715 17 (214 221 i 37 954 3074 18*4 342 23*6 186 972 2823 191 162 24*4 170 773 4755 . 20*4 213 25*2 61 343 1330 21-3 107 26*4 81 3°2 2794 22*6 185 2 7'4 59 298 1598 23*2 98 28*2 170 1226 24*2 83 2 9 *+ 34 399 2602 25*6 237 30 ( 4 1 508 2318 ) 26*4 428 SI’S +8 617 2034 27*4 510 28*4 73 i 29*2 527 Aug. 1 (124 763 1 97 9 ) 30 '+ 777 2*4 200 908 1923 3'6 1 1 1 735 2384 4‘5 84 673 1401 Oct. 1*5 926 5 (62 472 1588 ) 2*6 856 6-5 39 271 1775 3‘4 878 Projected. Areas. 143 2021) 1882 d Oct. 41 449 2633 i 15 22 66 5 - 3 301 1804 i I 99 1017 6*i 260 1107 ! 646 2211 7*5 45 270 1261 3 1 66 8*5 28 85 : 1 1 1 8 3973 9 + . 7 3 ® 883 2646) 10*2 17 1 16 648 1318 I 1*2 22 147 548 1 1 19 12*2 34 260 271 729 I 3 -+ 1 1 5 5 i 9 199 1988 H ‘3 9 1 783 325 1089 15*2 130 849 994 2675) 162 1 18 1165 1663 4260 17-3 251 1203 184+ 3765 i 8-3 273 1786 2505 1735 19-3 265 1855 2253 1848 20*5 5 2 3 2166 1813 760 21*2 338 1746 1457 883 22*6 37 ° 1934 1132 2566 23-5 763 2988 9+3 1433 24*2 39 i 2652 780 1368) 25*5 588 3033 616 1303 26*5 6 57 2913 339 1188 27’3 + 5 2 2570 1 8 5 1932 28*2 373 25 + 1 267 2149 29*6 3°‘2 31-4 749 458 610 3174 2566 2714 1244 1259 1 667 2997 2119 1751 1763 1603 101 5 25 + 1 Nov. i*6 509 2161 1416 1328 2*4 401 1 864 698 1320 3 ‘4 223 1473 5 H 2595 4’4 254 1568 381 2794 ) 5*2 338 1663 247 2992 6*4 294 1829 239 3 5 3 1 7*2 300 1664 483 1250 8*6 461 1995 769 1574 ) 9‘4 449 2230 1055 1897 10*6 534 1 570 927 1805 ”*5 595 2421 1198 1605) 12*2 294 1889 1468 1405 13*2 482 2307 1135 3939 14*2 609 2887 959 785 15*2 806 334 i 874 1204 l6*I 872 +005 788 2204 r 7’3 783 4639 666 1307 18*5 1649 54 2 3 417 1662 19*6 1324 537 i 1355 1332 20*4 756 4229 1691 2906 21*5 5 2 9 3261 2292 3236 1 22*3 368 3443 27!3 357 i 23*4 337 2853 31+8 2273 24-5 475 2159 3695 788 25*4 478 *947 3949 1187 26*5 27*5 28-5 363 454 55 ° 1665 2079 2292 35 61 2671 29*2 275 1809 3120 279 + 3°’3 132 1534 1882 d Dec. 1 [679 1953 938 1428 [841 1308 1072 1658 1682 2196 2013 2398 7 2692 2114) 2 5 (87 439 2345) 25-6 I 97 1231 768 21*4 29 160 1066 18 (501 3267 3442) 26*4 94 464 3237 26*5 158 1 136 I 33° 22*4 0 1 2 54 6 196 623 3843 4769 27-2 68 5 I 4 1117 27-4 5i 743 807 23'4 18 1 10 312 20 '2. 436 3847 2924 28*2 57 4°4 2382 28-4 H4 967 658 24*5 0 47 i4°3 21*5 638 4356 344° 29*2 9° 5°3 1828 29-4 169 1374 1642 2 5 ‘4 0 36 9 H 22 (687 4589 3831) 3°'4 82 5*7 900 3 0-2 242 i5 6 3 2024 26 (0 18 490 23 (736 4821 4222) 3 r 4 55 295 323 3 1 '6 289 1640 2455 27 *6 0 0 68 2 4 *4 785 5°54 4 6i 3 28*4 0 0 157 25*6 752 4547 I 95° 29-4 0 8 230 26*4 507 2710 1249 30*6 9 3i 7i 274 544 29 1 7 946 Feb. 12 124 576 1124 Apr. 1 -5 287 1 929 333 3i-4 26 185 139 28*4 456 2560 1848 2‘2 I2 4 654 1912 2 -4 328 2064 6 39 2 9’4 3°7 1695 2327 3 '4 148 845 1000 3‘4 35 1 2203 1145 3° (257 1 5 44 1816) 4'5 157 781 183 4-i 3i9 1823 1272 June 1*4 104 483 252 3i-5 206 1392 1 306 5-6 186 815 647 5-6 405 2403 2 344 2‘5 400 2024 1382 6-s 293 l2 35 2398 6-4 348 2546 1693 3*4 384 2350 1844 563 982 7' 2 222 1496 39 5 1 7*5 138 1360 477 4'4 470 2956 704 Aug. 1*4 84 8-2 190 1 5 3 5 2662 8-6 234 1214 755 5*4 340 2199 176 2*2 39 278 1582 9*5 373 2234 1765 9*4 200 1125 1879 6*4 227 1745 1255 3-6 20 9 1 273 IO - 2 229 *93° 1318 io*6 137 846 H49 7*i 150 1355 1480 4 (25 1 16 559) ii *5 288 1776 995 in 74 529 1275 8*6 228 1102 556 5 (3° H 1 844) 12-2 204 1856 1200 1 2 ‘4 288 1506 941 9*4 65 748 0 6 (35 166 1130) *3*4 307 2154 2234 13-3 321 2550 3131 10*1 49 492 1071 7*4 19 1 I 4 I 5 I4-2 212 1 943 2755 14-2 392 3339 4860 1 1 * 1 29 474 768 8*3 20 298 1 377 15-2 216 2178 2098 >5 (472 3155 3263) 12*5 87 724 979 9 ‘4 3i 3i5 ”33 1 6*6 382 1677 1388 16-5 552 2970 1666 13-4 no 1170 476 10*4 39 561 2130 1 7 '3 246 H99 2502 17-1 421 333i 1217 14-5 175 1315 1041 ii *4 1 1 4 6 57 728 1 8*2 196 1225 3129 18-4 274 3432 559 I 5'4 75 998 1510 12*5 156 826 55 1 19-2 122 1120 2617 19-1 368 2971 1293 1 6*5 69 681 957 134 139 818 1 102 20-2 93 645 2096 20-5 164 1632 0 i7‘4 88 669 882 *4*4 122 799 1040 2 I ‘2 56 445 2894 21-4 222 1402 0 186 197 ”33 734 I 5*4 84 482 J 459 22 *2 43 365 1 59 6 22*4 137 1339 729 192 1 12 1 1 19 2483 I 6*5 1 *9 512 3273 2 3'5 0 0 210 23*6 1 17 677 1260 20*6 358 2040 1164 17*1 68 600 3722 24-2 0 55 924 24 - 6 103 43i 1222 21*4 497 2572 1700 18*4 126 696 4°37 25-2 9 63 1877 25-5 207 815 1200 22*2 3°7 2731 1 945 19*4 79 506 1523 26-5 69 3i9 1208 26-4 120 705 1230 23*4 495 3022 2054 20*4 70 III 33° 27*6 53 372 739 27-2 93 481 1462 24*2 231 2392 1923 21*4 88 Q/C 844 28-5 55 3i7 755 28-2 101 5i9 977 25 *6 435 2895 1917 22*4 oO 8 7 o 308 Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Facul^e for Each Day in the Years 1882 1885 . Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Facul continued . Projected Areas. Greenwich Projected Areas. Civil Time. I 1 JmbrEe. Vhole Spots. ''aculse. Civil Time. 1 Imbraa. ] Whole _ Spots. * 'acute. 1883 d Aug. 23-4 175 1048 1368 1883 d Oct. 20-5 37 ° 2354 1057 : 24-4 171 1118 51 + 21-5 385 2102 885 25-4 182 1005 2731 22-5 320 1692 17.00 26-5 243 1 196 316 23*2 213 1123 2528 2 7‘4 155 1222 7°4 24-3 172 966 2969 28*4 502 1763 3°9 2 5 '4 125 1272 1370 29 (474 2246 662) 26-3 I 3 1 H 97 1 1740 3 °' 5 446 2728 1014 27-5 271 2054 I 1 1 8 x 3 1 ‘3 480 3056 1567 28-6 315 2147 1848 Sept. 1 '4 547 3*93 344 29-6 3°-3 31-3 361 397 460 2209 251 2 2647 1680 2600 3387 2 3 ‘4 4 '+ (589 632 512 3287 338 i 3072 696) 1047 1788 Nov. i*3 3°3 2496 2235 5 ‘ 5 47 ° 2831 881 2’3 244 I989 3284 6 ( 37 ° 2355 573 ) 3-2 312 1935 4042 7 " 1 8-5 269 1879 265 4‘2 3°4 1832 4819 334 1823 2165 5 ‘4 339 l8l I 2710 9-6 307 1670 1195 6-3 252 1351 2809 10-4 275 1666 3056 7-2 148 1152 2363 1 1 (353 2010 2909) 8*2 98 723 2015 12-5 43 ° 2354 2761 9-5 164 II58 1192 1 35 515 2698 1864 10-5 385 I832 1429 I 4'4 596 3028 2424 1 1 (455 2138 1422) 1 5'5 614 2929 1 18 12-5 525 2444 141+ 16-5 57 i 2622 603 13-5 546 3°93 587 17-4 418 2352 836 14-6 599 358 i 603 18-5 348 1879 2904 15-6 897 4702 1592 1 9‘5 174 x 35 2 1710 16*2 588 4542 2329 20-3 154 L03 1 653 17-5 804 45 2 4 947 21*2 105 624 633 l8*2 549 4. 1 8 8 193 + 22‘3 73 610 1485 T 9'5 663 +°54 3876 2 3'5 70 302 I2 99 20-4 560 3864 3290 24*6 0 0 383 2 I ‘4 448 2762 1571 25-+ 0 0 659 22*4 4°3 2707 1245 26-6 0 +8 268 23-5 316 2562 329+ 27-+ l 9 79 807 24-4 232 2211 2153 28*4 ii 226 5+8 25-2 134 1574 1783 29-4 33 256 1095 26*5 173 905 1936 30*1 39 273 763 27*5 141 851 908 Oct. 1 - 5 27 226 598 28*5 29-4 3°'3 i 53 148 176 801 889 1236 1226 12 77 2392 2*6 3*3 4'3 67 89 93 535 520 677 1222 1028 1239 Dec. 1 (142 977 2281) 5'5 150 663 930 2*2 107 717 2169 6-5 180 922 1556 3 (.68 462 1725) 7-1 186 1126 1840 4 '+ 2 9 206 1281 8-i 278 I 437 2424 5'5 0 0 ”99 9’3 368 2193 2 4 2 5 6*5 14 180 419 10-5 678 3585 268 1 7*6 73 400 1340 11 ’2 561 39 6 ° 3 39 1 8-3 79 621 1661 I2’2 630 4173 2023 9 ' 2 89 768 1298 I 3'4 1091 5399 1622 10*3 I 5 1 1325 1401 H '5 1 124 539 6 i 9 6 9 n *5 468 2244 2+93 154 11+5 6142 4 i 55 12-3 3°9 2056 3225 i6'S 700 + 5+6 3 °°7 i 3-5 386 2457 2325 17-4 498 3333 536 i i 4‘3 269 1886 1419 1 8-4 377 2604 1690 i 5-5 17 + 1 168 881 19-3 359 2555 2479 1 6*5 173 1 109 624 Projected. Areas. [883 IT 3 18-3 I 9'3 20- 3 21- 5 22- 3 23- 2 2 4'3 25- 2 26- 2 27*2 ii n . 77 6 1026 1721 2751 37 21 +475 4401 477 8 434 8 3659 2926 2522 2096 1671 3576 2 35i 4486 53 2 7 2500 2907 2 73 + 1511 2057 2252 2110 2844 3852 3 6 34 ) 34i 6 ) Greenwich Projected Areas. Civil Time. I Jmbrae. Whole . Spots. Facute. 1884 d Jan. i (163 1245 3198 ) 2*2 84 820 2980 3 * 1 67 773 1936 4*4 6l 960 2025 5‘3 146 1641 29,32 6*2 242 2 S 1 7 2975 7*2 387 3401 | 2953 8-3 348 3 6 34 3408 9’3 337 3533 2063 10*3 426 4245 1918 ii *5 783 435 i 655 12*5 410 33 ° 2 1512 13*2 460 2712 3052 H ‘3 163 1945 2161 15*2 230 1777 2481 16 (255 2040 3412 ) 17-3 279 2303 4343 18*4 33 ° 2326 3596 19*3 278 2164 2291 20*5 427 2272 4501 21-4 3 ” 2215 961 22*3 226 1894 2753 23*1 229 1576 255 + 24*5 240 1301 848 25*4 190 1 573 1624 26 (310 1708 3953 ) 27*5 43 ° 1843 6281 28*5 498 2618 2235 29*4 278 2129 2400 3°’3 253 2243 1963 3 i -3 269 2668 3688 Feb. 1*5 5*6 3287 +132 2*3 318 2783 1 7 34 3 (45o 2985 1397 ) 4‘5 581 3187 1059 5 ‘ 2 3 1 3 2713 1609 6*2 333 2684 2296 7 ‘4 310 2368 2240 8-3 264 1858 2028 9*2 166 H 99 3189 10-5 312 1735 3695 ii *4 3°3 1603 4+84 1 2*5 240 1521 1078 13-4 316 1696 3887 14*6 580 2478 32+0 15-5 +54 2 575 2136 1 6*5 416 2248 2427 17 (407 2258 3347 ) 1 8*4 397 2268 4267 l 9 (343 2068 3 ° 4 °) 20*5 289 1868 1813 21*5 196 1606 192 22*3 151 1631 135 + 2 3 '4 231 1456 1 77 3 24-5 224 1576 3629 25*5 289 1364 3631 26*5 360 1853 4046 27*2 204 1542 2221 28 (3i3 2001 2989) 296 422 2460 3756 Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse for Each Day in the Years 1882-1885. 309 Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse — continued. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Areas. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Areas. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Areas. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Areas. Umbrae. Whole Spots. Faculse. Umbrae. Whole Spots. Faculse. Umbrae. Whole Faculse. Umbrae. Whole Spots. Faculse. 1884 d 1884 d 1884 d 1884 d Mar. 1 ‘4 3°+ 2469 454° Apr. 29-1; 233 2 444 194 June 26-5 0 367 338 Aug. 23-4 123 1096 1 1 1 5 2'6 375 2376 2204 3°'4 140 2321 78 27-5 48 536 819 2 4'5 68 1045 3'3 230 21 53 1 947 28-4 73 630 432 25-2 219 1226 669 4 (289 2097 2170) 29-4 85 845 288 26-4 190 1 459 1241 5'5 3+8 2040 2393 May 13 184 2095 1252 3°-5 165 I2 93 1 346 27‘2 271 1835 1838 6-3 187 2022 1570 2 ‘4 168 1208 1428 28-4 *99 1336 2114 7*5 300 1691 1247 3-6 29 886 1 1 1 29-5 165 1635 524 8 (302 191 1 99 1 ) 4‘5 39 640 358 July 1 (201 1550 J433) 3° ( I2 4 1277 49 2 ) 9’5 3°+ 2132 734 5*4 5° 846 279 2 (237 1807 1 5 I 9) 3* (83 9 1 9 460) io*6 3H 2256 1088 6-4 27 589 39 6 3’3 273 2064 1606 1 1 '2 184 1 99 5 x 947 7*2 54 641 1972 4'2 4‘7 2457 1723 I 2'6 288 1616 488 8-3 35 299 1348 5*4 257 2015 21 94 Sept. 1 (4 1 562 427) 13 (260 1688 702) 9‘5 94 974 460 6 (204 1550 1978) 2 '4 0 204 395 14-6 232 1760 916 10 (2° 9 i6 49 775) 7 (152 1085 1761) 3 '4 0 128 ”43 15-5 4 2 3 2657 1370 1 1'2 323 2323 1089 8-3 99 620 x 545 4 -2 8 101 1419 16-4 3H 2368 675 12-3 279 2343 2033 9-2 1 1 6 617 *743 5*4 0 68 568 i7'S 376 2144 1220 13*2 3i5 2021 1 840 1 0*2 56 497 1506 6 ’3 20 207 1078 18-4 348 2318 2247 x 4'3 291 1847 962 I I *2 49 375 1074 77 125 558 2133 19-5 336 2248 1 39 5 153 246 1598 ! 4 2 3 12-3 1 37 635 1187 8-4 79 632 1296 20\L 3 2 8 2172 1212 16-3 322 1542 2780 1 3 (123 586 1227) 9'2 132 1061 1329 21*5 33 6 1839 2672 i7-3 227 1686 2726 H ( io 9 538 1268) i°*5 197 1634 1722 2 2*2 3 l 4 ! 9 49 3465 181 293 1712 1878 15 (95 489 1308) ii*5 288 1927 2148 23-6 289 1784 1398 19*3 317 2015 3399 16 (81 441 1 349) 12*4 47i 2503 x 7 2 3 24*3 225 1740 2190 20 (300 1804 2878) 1 7 (67 392 1 389) . r 3'4 497 2804 1132 2 5-3 287 1 562 1510 21-3 282 1592 2357 18 (53 344 I 43°) x 4 (525 2871 1274) 26^3 203 1291 2775 22'3 3i5 1792 2179 19-4 39 296 1470 1 5*4 553 2937 1415 27'3 178 978 2048 23*3 274 1621 1801 20-4 44 296 1 439 16-5 34 1 2384 1763 28-3 1 16 815 2481 24*6 204 1803 263 21 (61 398 1224) 1 7*4 429 2243 2x57 2 9'3 66 7 I 3 2475 25-1 357 1 995 1591 22 (77 499 1010) 18-4 347 ^64 1485 30-2 4 2 508 I 5°4 26*2 298 1956 2062 23 (94 600 796) 1 9*6 293 1 848 1075 31-3 54 615 2952 27-1 361 1952 3287 24-4 1 1 1 702 581 20-4 298 *9 2 4 1367 28-3 379 2382 2565 25*5 125 684 613 21-4 248 1802 1764 292 398 2338 1 7 3 3 26-5 125 856 1 142 22*5 300 1981 *479 3°‘6 3°4 1832 1465 27-2 96 742 1138 23*4 3°9 x 93 x X4 9 6 Apr. 1-3 130 810 2445 3 1 ' 2 202 1942 1983 28 (no 874 ”35) 24^6 231 1704 1512 2 -4 221 21 77 771 29 (125 1005 1 1 33) 25-5 3°4 2098 1048 3' 2 562 343° 3076 3° (139 1 1 37 11 3°) 26 (284 1876 1980) 4* 5 4H 39°7 1689 June 1-2 197 1619 i8 95 3i *4 *54 1269 1128 27-2 264 1654 2912 5 ‘4 500 4048 5299 2 (*93 1510 2477) 28 (262 1625 2452) 6'2 468 3473 4016 3 -2 189 1401 3058 29 (261 1597 X99 1 ) T 3 2 79 2427 1032 4'3 ”4 1204 2371 Aug. 1-4 286 2237 1792 3°-5 259 1568 x 53 x 8-3 310 2384 3616 5 (i77 1246 1722) 2*4 352 2355 1556 9-6 2 79 2034 640 6-2 239 1288 1073 3*6 363 1841 1 1 17 io-6 261 2090 841 7-2 198 ii35 1068 4'3 244 1955 745 Oct. 1 (262 1585 1644) 1 1*3 336 2302 2964 8 (163 982 1077) 5*5 67 820 1480 2-4 265 1602 1756 12 ( 22 3 1779 2604) 9 (128 829 1086) 6-5 55 55 1 1398 3*5 393 2183 1752 1 3 *4 109 I2 55 2244 10 (93 675 io 95) 7*5 29 33 1 557 4*4 326 1962 947 H’3 86 865 3240 ii *4 58 522 1 104 8-5 69 535 1099 5 1 346 2145 3015 15-3 97 717 1589 12-5 9i 567 492 9*4 60 536 7 X 5 63 3°7 x 793 3743 164 105 763 1760 13-1 93 582 734 io‘6 127 732 292 7*5 337 1979 1540 17-3 186 920 55° 146 87 600 707 1 1*5 76 833 755 8-5 381 1979 44 1 18*3 185 1275 2831 i5-4 104 593 510 12-6 78 739 278 95 x 95 1922 35 1 19-5 157 1696 1009 x6-6 59 524 0 I3-3 x 38 1101 I 5 11 10-3 207 1 579 1823 20*2 203 1893 2720 17 (58 545 0) x 4'4 97 961 1800 1 1 '2 202 1538 2396 21-5 185 1476 5i9 18 (57 565 °) I 5'5 82 756 1052 I 2 *2 141 1126 3x82 22*6 3i9 21 36 408 J 9 (57 586 0) i6’4 47 428 1225 1 3 '4 7» 712 1278 23'4 250 2579 "25 20 '6 56 607 0 I7-5 61 427 45 1 x 4-5 10 363 1856 24*4 370 2736 720 21-5 43 402 0 1 8*6 53 372 1163 15-2 39 3°5 2683 25’3 5 1 1 2694 2744 22'I 5i 553 886 *9 (53 464 1070) i6‘2 35 344 1358 26^5 450 2945 163 23-4 38 369 0 20-4 53 55 6 976 17-2 J 3 261 357 27-2 446 2918 1647 24-5 18 212 150 21-4 i 9 i 970 1692 18-4 66 458 982 28 (34° 2681 9 21 ) 25-6 16 302 0 22-4 217 1385 1971 195 22 3 X 3 421 310 Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Faculj? for Each Day in the Years 1882 - 1885 . Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Faculas for Each Day in the Years 1882-1885. 311 Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Faculae — continued. Green Civil r Projected Areas. Green Civil Projected Areas. Greenwich Civil Time.- Projected Areas. Greenwich Civil Time. Projected Areas. Umbra;. Whole Spots. Faculae. ime. Umbrae. Whole Spots. Faculae. Umbrae. | Whole Spots. Faculae. Umbrae. Whole Spots. Faculae. 1885 d 1885 d 1885 d 2664 1885 d 1536 Apr. 2 9'3 197 1306 1526 June 24-4 164 2771 2675 Aug. 18*2 171 710 Oct. I 3 *2 >5 121 3°-4 >43 1466 1095 25-3 1 16 2014 3438 19-5 142 626 2081 14*2 4 28 850 26 (107 1783 >85 >) 20-5 79 566 102 7 >5-4 0 0 222 27-4 97 >55> 263 21-5 72 354 1 57 1 1 6*4 0 0 759 2 8 ‘4 207 > 6 35 631 22*5 58 353 200 17*2 5 60 >34 1 59 1 May i'4 1 99 1594 >95 1 29-6 120 1726 436 2 3 -2 82 477 1185 18*1 386 1580 2*4 194 1693 1513 3°*4 148 2107 883 24*6 47 555 1858 >9*4 58 74> 984 3-6 164 1700 1384 25-5 37 518 907 20*5 73 716 1275 4'5 215 1801 2256 26-5 43 499 1082 21*3 9* 826 >557 5'3 3 2 5 1858 1094 27-5 80 797 3>3 22*4 129 1064 1 176 6-5 V 5 8-4 9 '4 2 93 215 3i3 I 9 I 2261 2127 2238 1763 1255 2092 1 39 8 1290 July >■5 2'4 3'5 4'5 250 205 213 2281 >993 1761 1671 I7II 2150 1629 707 28- 5 29- 4 3° 312 40 99 (198 297 994 1202 1483 1764 590 569 285) 1416 23*2 24*2 25*6 263 27*4 184 265 108 226 209 I2 99 1278 1363 1797 1667 1521 5>9 237 2354 2764 ”'4 12-4 13 14-4 iS'4 16*4 17- 5 18- 4 19- 4 20- 5 2 I ‘6 22'5 2 3 ‘4 24-4 26- 3 27- 4 28- 5 29- 4 3°*4 3 1 '2 69 62 (46 29 16 2 3 12 79 95 35i 362 45i 349 381 (379 377 221 128 70 5i 85 870 615 419 223 >39 172 208 589 896 2030 2 43> 2 743 2615 2858 2686 2 5 1 4 2009 1 1 16 895 526 604 266 1223 859) 494 520 768 580 453 59 6 1948 2889 1367 1790 2282 2332) 2382 2353 3279 39 6 9 2473 3>49 5'3 6- 5 7- 5 8- 4 9'5 10-4 11 '4 I2‘2 13*5 >4-5 >5-5 1 6*5 17- 5 18- 2 196 20*6 21-5 22-5 23-4 24*5 25- 6 26- 5 334 310 197 £ 83 82 168 188 186 >53 >3> 250 430 245 1 6 1 >54 102 234 186 205 88 1679 2141 2669 2397 >975 1640 1244 897 >339 1542 1664 1688 1951 2177 1709 1657 1588 1462 1508 1361 1046 986 34> 6 1 191 758 1122 2365 2014 1804 3084 2015 1798 981 >°53 1694 1874 >733 2158 1096 7>4 1170 1104 685 670 Sept. 1 '4 2*4 3 '4 4'5 5‘4 6-4 T 3 8-4 9 ’4 10-3 I 1-2 122 13*2 14-6 >5'4 16*6 17-2 1 8*5 >9*2 20*6 >57 3>5 >47 93 124 57 81 67 196 229 >55 194 128 96 i39 67 45 0 1920 2581 1678 1273 1178 735 5 5 1 556 674 948 954 1187 >379 1332 816 802 743 526 4>3 s 438 1938 1235 185 300 868 X74 2 887 588 2414 >7°9 402 583 457 737 748 1990 1262 838 231 Nov. 28*4 29*4 30*2 31*2 1 ‘4 2 '4 3' 1 4'i 5> 6*i 7' 1 8*i 9> 10*1 1 1 * 1 I 2* I 13*2 >4*i >5*5 127 140 201 1 9 1 73 7> 95 93 75 72 67 47 52 124 89 77 125 187 197 >3>3 1274 >3°7 1183 729 542 545 455 325 372 3>4 228 355 728 781 564 627 891 1272 >349 1061 1840 1416 680 94 > 177 1189 587 1408 941 881 624 IIII 1218 1613 1730 1 >49 0 27-4 1 >9 870 >°34 2 I ‘4 12 188 804 16*4 212 >534 288 28-4 169 870 3392 22*4 5> 406 454 17*5 230 1583 222 June 1 "4 2 '4 3’4 1 00 146 162 1 08 1 1 >4>3 1854 1526 973 >4>4 29-5 3°'5 3 1 *5 5> 56 33 619 55 6 581 2809 1642 697 23-4 24*6 25-4 21 4 80 262 245 754 347 0 966 1 8*4 > 9*2 20*1 229 167 214 >594 >439 1072 543 1003 645 4'4 288 2063 1939 26-4 80 935 361 21*5 104 726 53> 5'4 193 2 °45 444 27-1 239 1063 753 22*2 104 645 1281 6*2 375 2298 1625 28-5 121 952 578 23*2 76 399 1418 7 '4 287 2187 1213 Aug. 1 ‘4 103 630 776 29*2 164 1032 1147 24*2 >5 217 1211 8-3 5i9 2686 >539 2 "5 84 577 1131 30-2 >47 709 >59° 25*2 0 0 4° 5 9-2 490 2552 2327 3'2 52 491 1157 26*3 0 32 639 10*4 295 2 443 472 4'4 18 387 583 27*5 0 0 246 1 1 '4 288 2I 95 284 5*5 65 559 1851 69 1288 28*2 >3 52 412 12-4 357 2 37S 2114 6-4 48 516 485 Oct. >‘4 79> 29*1 4 27 437 13-4 190 1915 645 7*5 103 817 3100 2‘2 201 1048 2384 30*1 0 0 820 *4‘5 163 1546 1602 8-4 138 1 190 33>o 3*4 121 1 1 19 1149 1 5’5 188 181 1 2124 9*2 190 1281 1409 4-6 >73 1123 367 16*4 3 2 4 2 53 6 2260 io-5 209 1528 910 5*2 268 1451 5°5 Dec. 17-2 4°3 3029 2168 ir 5 190 1623 2272 6-4 202 1472 362 >•5 0 0 295 18-5 37° 3434 661 12-4 126 1264 1462 7'4 216 >473 44c 2*4 2 77 114 1 9*5 381 3339 256 >3*4 >5> 1230 97 0 8-2 254 >395 161 1 3-2 20 >47 524 20‘4 3 2 9 3980 656 I 4'5 123 1017 6 39 9-4 131 999 69 4*6 0 5 1 246 21'5 377 4483 222 >5 ‘4 109 800 707 10*2 141 956 >9 6 7 5*3 1 68 308 22.4 300 3921 94 1 16*4 106 899 1670 I I *2 148 769 2322 61 0 0 272 2 3‘4 400 35°4 2348 1 7*4 78 690 848 12*3 92 445 1617 7*2 0 0 445 312 Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and Facul/e for Each Day in the Years 1882-1885. Total Projected Areas of Sun Spots and 7 acute— continued. Projected Areas. Projected Areas. Greenwich Projected Areas. Greenwich Projected Areas. Civil Time. Umbrae. Whole Spots. Faculse. Civil Time. Umbrse. Whole Spots. Faculse. Civil Time. Umbrse. Whole Spots. Facul*. Civil Time. Umbrse. Whole Spots. Faculse. 1885 d Dec. 8-2 9 ' 2 io -5 "•+ 12*2 13-2 0 3 4 ZS 33 49 0 28 5 2 148 259 373 657 683 121 812 852 9 1 9 1885 d Dec. I4’2 I 5-5 i . 6 ‘5 17-2 I 8"2 19-1 48 49 53 49 34 68 324 280 275 268 201 303 1216 0 0 792 987 822 1885 d Dec. 20’2 21-3 22*2 2 3 -I 24 ^ 2S-I 75 49 68 73 79 124 39 6 428 420 424 59 i 7 1 1 827 2021 1801 1271 892 895 1885 d Dec. 26-1 27- 1 28- 1 29 - 5 30U 31-2 121 126 86 54 65 5 ° 647 746 642 42 3 461 383 475 3 6 9 286 249 508 614 ■■ . ... " - ■ . 1 ■ - 7 ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH. MEAN AREAS AND MEAN HELIOGRAPHIC LATITUDE SUN SPOTS AND FACULT FOR EACH ROTATION OF THE SUN FROM 1874 APRIL 27 TO 1886 JANUARY 16 FOR EACH YEAR FROM 1874 - 1885 . 2 R Photo-Heliographic Results, 1874-1885. 314 Mean Areas of Sun Spots and Facul^e from 1874 April 27 to 1886 January 16. Mean Areas of Sun Spots and Facul^e, as measured on Photographs taken at the Royal Observatory, G-reenwich, at the Observatory of Harvard College, Cambridge, U.S.A., at the Melbourne Observatory, Australia, at Dehra Dun in India, and at the Royal Alfred Observatory, Mauritius, for each synodic Rotation of the Sun, and for each Year, from 1874 April 27 to 1886 January 16. The Mean Areas have been formed by taking the Means of the Areas for each day of observation throughout each Rotation of the Sun and throughout each Year, the projected Areas being the Areas as measured on the photographs and expressed in millionths of the Sun’s apparent disk, and the Areas Corrected for Foreshortening being expressed m millionths of the Sun’s visible hemisphere. The Rotations adopted in the following table (which is intended to supersede those for the years 1873-1885 printed in the Greenwich Observations for 1884 and 1885) correspond to the synodic rotation of the Sun, and the commencement of each is defined by the coincidence of the assumed prime meridian with the central meridian, the assumed prime meridian being that meridian which passed through the ascending node at mean noon on January 1, 1854, and the assumed period of the Sun’s sidereal rotation being 25-38 days. The rotations adopted in the volumes of Greenwich Observations, 1877 to 1883, correspond, on the other hand, to the sidereal rotation of the Sun, the commencement of each being defined by the coincidence of the assumed prime meridian with the ascending node. The numeration of the rotations is in continuation of Carrington s series ( Observations of Solar Spots made at Redhill by R. C. Carrington, F.R.S.), No. 1 being the rotation commencing 1853 November 9. The dates of commencement of the rotations are given in Greenwich Civil Time, reckoning from midnight. No. of Days on which Photographs were taken. 275 276 277 278 279 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 299 300 301 302 3°3 304 3°5 306 1874 April May June July August September October November December December 1875 January February March April May June July August August September October November December 1876 January February March April May May June July August 27- 56 24- 79 20- 99 18-19 1442 10-67 7'95 4’ 2 3 1- 55 28- 88 25- 21 21- 55 20- 87 17- 16 I 4'39 io-66 7-80 4- 01 31-26 2 - 7 - 5 1 24-81 21 - 11 18- 42 1476 I1‘II 944 5 - 74 2-99 30-21 26-41 23-61 19- 84 2 5 24 17 24 Mean of Daily Areas. Projected. Corrected for Foreshortening. Umbrae. Whole Spots, i Faculaa. Umbrae. Whole Spots, j Faculse. 98 833 39 64 597 68 42 335 185 28 243 21 1 219 1590 921 140 1069 1171 251 1 399 1897 198 1175 2325 115 767 1138 80 566 1452 H 9 1001 1749 113 788 1932 56 318 79 1 42 242 841 107 643 629 67 458 767 35 3°4 226 21 192 283 60 3°7 1083 41 207 1336 3 1 i 73 607 29 155 7°4 1 16 679 633 87 53 ° 734 95 570 570 63 395 659 85 57 i 489 60 4 i 7 577 3 ° 217 344 l 9 137 387 109 593 272 75 416 328 24 156 3 i 7 i 5 97 433 25 136 268 20 1 17 342 2 22 406 3 21 466 19 1 37 306 12 87 37 i 60 338 375 4 1 236 387 72 4 1 5 34 ° 5 i 323 398 20 158 163 11 90 218 62 406 200 44 322 209 76 428 201 48 271 283 75 373 414 5 Z 264 483 2 28 242 1 1 9 304 17 72 291 11 48 34 ° 1 6 128 1 5 140 *7 98 270 H 80 287 10 56 *59 6 36 185 87 222 1 9 59 248 Mean Areas of Sun Spots and-Facula5 from 1874 April 27 to 1886 January 16. 315 Mean Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse — continued . No. of Rotation. Date of Commencement of each Rotation. No. of Days on which Photographs were taken. Mean of Daily Areas. Umbrae. Projected. Corrected for Foreshortening. | Whole Spots. Faculse. Umbrae. Whole Spots. Facuke. 307 1876 September 16-09 20 42 220 I 5 I 27 145 186 308 October 1 337 I 8 29 177 251 28 177 321 3°9 November 9-67 16 23 105 9 1 18 81 127 310 December 6 99 1 3 52 3H 47 41 233 5 2 ' 311 18 77 J anuary 3-32 23 37 279 129 28 205 161 312 J anuary 30-66 15 10 59 69 10 56 97 313 February 27-00 16 20 142 1 59 16 101 206 3H March 26-3 1 17 17 108 189 H 85 235 315 April 22-58 20 34 158 21 1 22 106 24.0 316 May 19-81 18 32 146 145 *9 90 1 55 317 June I 6-02 20 6 23 107 4 14 125 318 July 1322 17 3 10 66 2 6 73 319 August 9’43 17 1 1 S 2 172 1 1 54 191 320 September 5-68 16 21 98 x 74 H 73 134 321 October 2-95 15 1 H 54 3 40 58 322 October 30-24 20 104 592 225 7i 4° 3 273 323 November 26-55 18 29 166 69 18 99 69 3H December 23-87 *9 0 1 70 0 2 81 325 1878 J anuary 2021 22 , J 66 47 5 28 30 326 February 1655 27 13 7 1 94 7 39 78 327 March 15-88 25 4 26 45 2 13 68 328 . April 12-17 25 0 0 5 0 0 6 329 May 9-42 27 24 129 232 *5 81 203 33° June 5' 6 3 27 4 20 72 4 24 98 33i July 2-82 25 0 1 3i 0 0 32 332 July 30-03 25 0 0 9 0 0 H 333 August 26-27 28 19 87 84 13 61 103 334 September 22-53 27 0 54 0 0 65 335 October 19-81 27 9 48 67 6 34 73 33 6 November 1612 27 ‘ 0 2 28 0 3 34 337 December 13-43 28 0 1 15 1 2 25 338 1879 January 9-77 26 0 2 95 0 1 121 339 February 61 1 25 0 0 14 0 0 1 5 34° March 5 '44 28 0 0 55 0 0 72 34i April r 75 23 18 lOI 158 10 66 199 342 April 29-01 24 2 12 167 1 6 i43 343 May 26-23 23 0 0 J 5 0 0 1 1 344 June 22-44- 22 23 129 207 i5 84. 232 345 July i 9' 6 4 23 6 !9 48 6 18 52 34 6 August 15-86 20 *9 99 190 H 73 1 53 347 September 1 2 "i 1 23 7 25 205 5 21 218 348 October 9"39. 22 !9 113 160 18 94 195 349 November 5-68 24 29 168 196 23 139 243 350 December 2-99 24 12 68 217 7 37 204 35 1 December 30-32 26 67 347 565 52 270 657 352 1880 January 26-66 25 94 470 875 74 372 921 353 February 23-00 27 5i 232 861 36 180 1 927 354 March 21-32 26 35 151 424 24 107 461 355 April 17-60 27 94 461 949 77 405 926 356 May 14-84 27 101 462 4°7 63 286 478 357 June 11-04 23 158 746 796 122 557 1077 358 July 8-24 24 60 325 1 109 49 265 1119 359 August 4'45 25 206 993 849 H7 73i 1031 316 Mean Areas of Sun Spots and Facul^e from 1874 April 27 to 1886 January 16 . Mean Areas of Sun Spots and Faculs z— continued. 360 361 362 363 3 6 4 36? 366 367 368 3 6 9 370 37 1 372 373 374 375 > 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 39 ° 39 1 39 2 393 394 395 39 6 397 398 399 400 401 402 4 ° 3 4°4 405 406 4°7 408 4°9 410 4 1 1 412 4 1 3 414 1880 August September October November December 1881 January February March April May May June July Aug'ust September October November December 31-69 27-96 25-25 21-56 15-21 11-56 4'44 31-65 27-85 25-06 21-28 1 7 ' 5 4 14-82 1112 8-44 No. of Days on which Photographs were taken. 1882 January February February March April May June July August September October October November December 1883 January February March April May June July July August September. October November December 1884 January February March April April May June July August September 477 i'll 28-45 2776 24-03 21-26 i 7 ' 4 6 14-66 io-88 7-12 4-40 31-69 28-00 2 5 ' 3 2 21-66 18-00 1 7 '3 3 13-62 io-86 7-07 4' 2 7 31-47 27-71 2 3'97 21-26 17-56 7-56 5-89 219 29-45 26-68 22-88 20-08 16-30 12-55 2 3 24 2 5 25 2 4 Mean of Daily Areas. Projected. Corrected for Foreshortening. Umbrae. Whole Spots. Faculse. Umbrae. Whole Spots. Faculae. 275 1148 1051 207 896 1178 201 966 1005 146 734 1270 79 371 647 5 ° 231 739 189 979 1126 1 5 1 759 1375 135 586 817 100 437 9 2 9 260 1071 1586 187 772 1772 I 3 I 5 H 2542 106 420 2894 239 ii 33 2138 160 760 2210 135 630 1490 93 475 1802 122 569 1401 93 424 1542 1 59 797 1836 1 17 587 1973 223 1112 2254 161 803 2420 240 ii 33 1832 165 776 2015 307 1569 1821 214 1088 2116 154 828 1616 1 13 612 r 9 4 9 155 832 1286 103 585 1497 321 1 59 5 1319 227 1142 1517 103 55 1 1516 78 434 1959 89 508 1248 68 397 1416 164 9*7 1599 118 677 1877 262 1325 1 954 189 952 2031 437 2615 2820 3 i 3 1 93 5 2907 429 2099 2553 343 1688 2736 143 790 1758 107 582 1880 1 37 734 2405 84 493 2298 109 658 2344 82 495 2542 248 1160 1947 182 859 1872 3 2 4 1 5 x 4 2062 255 1202 2185 3°5 1 59 2 1940 245 1296 2134 553 2664 2136 398 2016 2424 88 589 1545 61 421 1730 225 1365 • 1933 161 9 66 2192 175 1106 1710 123 794 1792 64 432 1402 44 308 1 5 49 222 1 5 1 5 1348 151 1073 1617 163 1170 1355 105 755 1483 136 803 892 99 596 1031 335 2242 1222 224 1563 H 99 428 2765 2046 296 2037 2130 98 625 1366 78 55 i 1776 394 2176 1324 278 1589 1647 337 1971 1749 253 1478 2311 361 2197 . 2060 248 160 6 2469 233 1589 1893 180 1302 2268 310 2485 2720 220 I 9°9 3 * 5 * 345 239 2 2562 240 1716 2858 312 1937 2795 234 J 434 3 1 54 249 1688 1693 168 1 181 2168 291 2207 1879 210 1651 2157 21 1 1580 1425 H 7 1 1 84 1751 1 54 1073 1200 107 795 1602 1 19 849 1188 83 661 1209 125 939 1060 93 757 1151 124 929 1203 89- 646 1534 3 2 7 1991 1667 235 H 77 2010 Mean Areas of Sun Spots and Faculae from 1874 April 27 to 1886 January 16. 317 Mean Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse — continued. No. of Rotation. Date of Commencement of each Rotation. No. of Days on which Photographs were taken. Mean of Daily Areas. Projected. Corrected for Foreshortening. Umbra. Whole Spots. Faculse. Umbrae. Whole Spots. Faculae. + 15 1884 October d 9^3 26 171 1076 1642 ”5 760 2029 416 November 6-13 26 99 742 1700 63 471 1988 417 December 3’44 26 175 1241 1561 1 17 852 1932 418 December 3077 25 98 643 1756 69 473 1936 4 ! 9 1885 J anuary 27-11 27 264 1712 1 396 i73 1178 1688 420 February 2 3'45 28 144 ”33 1596 100 800 1937 421 March 22-76 27 131 1141 854 89 79 1 1038 422 April I 9'°4 26 138 1 140 1235 95 844 1507 4 2 3 May 16-27 27 247 1789 1731 168 1270 2016 424 June 12-47 26 244 2432 1448 168 1712 1817 425 July 9-67 27 141 1170 1508 104 9H 1829 426 August 5-89 26 1 18 95 1 1284 77 670 J 49 2 427 September 2-13 28 1 10 863 876 77 633 1100 428 September 29-40 27 125 870 1179 93 666 1404 429 October 26-70 27 132 891 1013 94 620 1136 43° November 23-01 28 22 142 589 17 120 723 43i December 20-33 26 135 936 842 90 654 975 The above Table supersedes the corresponding Tables given in the volumes of Greenwich Observations for 1884 and 1885. Mean Areas of Sun Spots and Faculse for each Year from 1874 to 1885. The Mean Projected Areas are expressed in millionths of the Sun’s apparent disk. The Mean Areas corrected for foreshortening are expressed in millionths of the Sun’s visible hemisphere. Year. No. of Days on which Photographs were taken. Mean of Daily Areas. Projected. Corrected for Foreshortening. Umbrae. Whole Spots. Faculae. Umbrae. Whole Spots. Faculae. 1874 141 121 820 826 84 604 994 1875 263 57 341 426 40 248 5°3 1876 271 3 1 J 75 217 22 126 257 1877 235 26 150 138 19 108 162 • 1878 347 6 34 62 4 22 67 1879 318 10 55 129 7 38 136 1880 34i 124 588 813 9 1 440 921 1881 348 196 946 1723 140 681 1951 1882 343 248 1293 2015 188 IOOO 2154 1883 340 251 j6oo 1605 175 1154 1864 1884 3i5 208 1458 1688 148 1079 2034 1885 359 H5 1125 1251 100 807 1485 The Means of Daily Areas for the Year 1874 refer to a period of eight mouths, from 1874 April 27 to 1874 December 18. Many of the photographs taken at Greenwich during the early part of the Year 1874 do not show the Faculae with sufficient distinctness to allow of their measurement. The above lable supersedes the coresponding Tables given in the volumes of Greenwich Observations for 1884 and 1885. 318 Mean Heliographic Latitude of Sun Spots from 1874 April 27 to 1886 January 16. Mean Heliographic Latitude of Sun Spots, as measured on Photographs taken at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, at the Observatory of Harvard College, Cambridge, U.S.A., at the Melbourne Observatory, Australia, at Dehra Dun in India, and at the Koyal Alfred Observatory, Mauritius, for each synodic Rotation of the Sun, and for each Year, from 1874 April 27 to 1886 January 16. The numbers given in the accompanying table have been formed as follows : — The Heliographic Latitude of each Spot for each day has been multiplied by its Area (corrected for foreshortening), and the sum of the products, for Spots North of the Equator, has been divided by the sum of the corresponding Areas to form Mean Heliographic Latitude of Spotted Area North of Equator; similarly for Spots South of the Equator. In forming the Mean Heliographic Latitude of entire Spotted Area, the algebraic sum of the products for Spots North and South of the Equator has been divided by the sum of the Areas; and for the Mean Distance from the Equator for all Spots, the numerical sum of the products, without regard to the sign of the latitude, has been similarly divided. The mean Areas have been formed by dividing the sum of the Daily Areas (corrected for foreshortening) by the number of days of observation for each Rotation of the Sun and for each Year, and are expressed in millionths of the Sun’s visible ohere. The dates of commencement of the Rotations are given in Greenwich Civil Time, reckoning from midnight. No. of Rotation Date of Commencement of each Rotation. No. of Days on which Photographs were taken. Spots North of the Equator. Spots South of the Equator. Mean Heliographic Latitude of entire Spotted Area. Mean Distance from Equator of all Spots. Mean of Daily Mean Heliographic Latitude. Mean of Daily Areas. Mean Heliographic Latitude. 275 276 277 278 279 1874 Apr. May June July Aug. 27-56 24-79 20-99 18-19 14-42 17 13 • 20 14 20 1 17 1 59 613 861 140 8-o6 1 1 ' 1 9 12-09 7‘ 2 7 2-94 481 84 457 3 H 426 871 8-84 9'°3 18-13 1 5-20 - 5 ! 4 2 + 4" 2 9 + 3-07 + 0-48 — 10-62 — 10-68 878 10-38 1078 10-17 12-17 n-88 280 281 282 283 Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 10-67 7"95 4’ 2 3 i '55 H 13 14 9 43 5 6 214 163 1 1 -06 95 1 9-50 6-27 745 186 2 44 29 1 1‘93 12-87 15-58 678 — 7-66 — 3'86 + A 38 — ro8 12-09 1273 6-35 9-20 284 Dec. 28-88 5 128 j 6-57 79 1 3 ‘ 4 2 285 286 1875 Jan. Eeb. 25-21 21-55 25 130 373 17-29 1623 2 5 157 11-95 9 -I 7 + 12-53 + 873 1642 H'H 1 3-85 287 288 Mar. Apr. 20-87 17-16 24 2 5 193 312 13-39 9 ' 3 § 202 106 14-30 • IO ’02 + 4+7 — Q"I C 9’55 10-34 289 2QO May June H '39 io-6o 21 21 8 1 7 1 10-37 6- 96 129 245 IO '34 8-28 7 j — 2-01 4 - 10-22 7-74 10-22 291 292 293 294 295 290 297 July Aug. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 7-80 4-01 31-26 27-51 24-81 2 1 - 1 1 1 8-42 24 21 20 - *9 17 13 1 1 97 1 16 l 9 17 196 21 5 10-22 7‘39 I 3 ' 3 0 10-51 11-05 12-01 1023 1 3 69 40 302 85 10-30 16-29 8- 25 7'39 8-66 9- 86 + 7^9 + 9-84 “ +48 + 7'93 + 11-96 - 8-75 7 - 40 I 3-65 8- 70 io -43 8-88 9- 86 298 299 300 1876 Jan. Feb. Mar. 14-76 1 1 - 1 1 9’44 17 24 24 44 18 194 12-27 9-06 14-66 279 2 53 70 1251 13-04 8-64 io*68 - 9-15 -11-56 + 8-46 — 0-83 12+8 1278 13-06 10-78 301 302 Apr. May 574 2-99 2 5 2 3 9 0 I ?. 91 48 13-54 o-66 -I 3-54 — 0-19 13-54 0*63 303 3°4 30S May June July 30-21 26-41 23-61 21 2 3 2 3 2 3 4 6-12 IO’IO 3 57 3 2 7- 30 8- 95 1 1 03 - 3 - 4 ° - 6-95 - 11-03 6-96 9-06 11*03 306 Aug. I 9'^4 x 9 0 59 — 5-80 6-02 307 Sept. 1609 1 10 2 11-40 H 3 5‘97 Mean Heliographic Latitude of Sun Spots from 1874 April 27 to 1886 January 16. 319 Mean Heliographic Latitude of Sun Spots — continued . No. of Rotation. Date of Commencement of each Rotation. No. of Days on which Photographs were taken. Spots North of the Equator. Spots South of the Equator. Mean Heliographic Latitude of entire Spotted Area. Mean Distance from Equator of all Spots. Mean of Daily Mean Heliographic Latitude. Mean of Daily Areas. Mean Heliographic Latitude. 308 1876 Oct. 13-37 18 33 1 o*49 I 44 1 1 - 1 6 - 7° >7 11-04 309 Nov. 9-67 16 >9 1-91 62 10-69 - 773 8-64 310 Dec. 6-99 13 233 10-35 0 + 10-35 10-35 3 * 1877 Jan. 3-32 23 l 99 9'94 6 8-oi + 9'39 9-88 312 Jan. 30-66 15 52 9-16 4 7-48 + 8-o8 9’°5 3i3 Peb. 27-00 16 H 7-46 86 10-48 - 7"9° 10-04 3 >4 Mar. 26-3 1 1 7 2 0-40 83 I4A3 — 14-01 1403 3i5 Apr. 22*58 20 61 10-90 45 10-32 + i-86 10-65 316 May 19-81 18 14 8-95 77 10-07 - 7-22 99° 3i7 June 16-02 20 4 10-31 10 I2-8o - 572 12-03 318 July 13-22 17 4 12-31 2 12-04 + 2-93 12*2 1 3i9 Aug. 9'43 17 54 8-90 0 + 8'9° 8-90 320 Sept. 5-68 16 45 8-95 27 7-93 + 2-64 8-57 321 Oct. 2-95 i5 0 40 8-io — 8-io 8"io 322 Oct. 30-24 20 0 4° 3 8-27 - 8-27 8-27 323 Nov. 26-55 18 0 99 10-24 — 10-24 10-24 324 Dec. 23-87 19 2 7-50 0 + 7’5° 7'5° 325 1878 Jan. 20-21 22 16 7-65 1 2 8-37 + °-56 7-96 326 Feb. i6 ’55 27 38 6-41 1 7-95 + 6-24 6+3 327 Mar. 15-88 25 13 7 -66 0 + 7-66 7-66 328 Apr. 12-17 25 0 0 329 May 9-42 27 81 8-26 0 + 8-26 826 330 June 563 27 33 13-62 1 6-70 + 13-17 1 3A7 33 1 July 2-82 25 1 15-30 0 + i5-3° 15-30 332 July 3°'°3 25 0 0 333 Aug. 26-27 28 61 3-87 0 + 3-87 3-87 334 Sept. 22-53 27 0 0 335 Oct. 19-81 27 34 3 10-50 0 + 10-50 10-50 336 Nov. 16-12 27 4-14 0 + 4">4 4-14 337 Dec. 1 3 ‘43 28 0 2 1-57 - i-57 1-57 338 1879 J an * 977 26 0 1 2375 -2375 2375 339 Feb. 6-i 1 25 0 0 34° Mar. 5‘44 28 0 0 34i Apr. 175 23 0 66 20-81 — 20-81 20-8 I 342 Apr. 29-01 24 6 14-25 0 +14-25 14-25 343 May 26-23 23 0 0 344 June 22-44 22 32 8-34 53 26-65 -13-47 >975 345 July >9' 6 4 23 14 9-97 4 17-4° + 3'4 6 11-74 34 6 Aug. 15-86 20 73 27-86 0 + 27-86 27-86 347 Sept. 121 1 23 15 24-64 6 23-11 + 11-00 24-20 348 Oct. 9‘39 22 16 20-48 77 22-93 -15-4° 22-50 349 Nov. 5-68 24 13 30-46 127 21-94 — 17-16 2271 35° Dec. 2-99 24 0 37 19-77 -1977 1977 35i Dec. 3°-32 26 H3 21-38 127 15-68 + 3-91 1869 352 1880 Jan. 26-66 25 298 22-03 75 17-49 + 14M0 21-12 353 Feb. 23-00 27 87 I 9'9 2 93 26*03 - 3-87 23-08 354 Mar. 21-32 26 60 17-90 47 r 21*83 + 0-46 19-63 355 Apr. 17-60 27 4°4 23-46 28-10 + 23-37 23+7 356 May 14-84 27 281 14-68 4 21-19 + I 4" I 4 I478 357 June 1 1-04 23 1 87 23-39 47° 22* I 6 + 15-08 ? 2 "35 358 July 8-24 24 224 1773 4i 33'°2 + 9-88 20-10 359 Aug. 4H5 25 627 18-98 103 18-06 + 1375 18-85 360 Aug. 31-69 26 318 20-47 578 I7-44 - 3*99 18-52 361 Sept. 27-96 26 354 19-01 379 19-67 - o-99 19-35 362 Oct. 25-25 27 125 20-54 106 15-82 + 3-87 18-38 363 Nov. 21-56 22 486 20-88 273 1378 + 8-43 18-33 364 Dec. 18-88 24 3i7 2270 120 24-45 - 9'7° 2318 320 Mean Heliographic Latitude of Sun Spots from 1874 April 27 to 1886 January 16. Mean Heliographic Latitude of Sun Spots — continued. Spots N orth of the Equator. Spots South of the Equator. Mean Heliographic Latitude of entire Spotted Area. Mean Distance from Equator of all Spots. No. of Rotation. Date of Commencement of each Rotation. on which Photographs were taken. Mean of Daily Areas. Mean Heliographic Latitude. Mean of Daily Areas. Mean Heliographic Latitude. 365 366 3 6 7 368 369 37° 371 ; 37 2 ! 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 38s 386 387 388 389 390 39 1 39 2 393 394 395 39 6 397 39 8 399 400 401 402 403 4°4 405 406 407 408 4°9 410 4 1 1 412 4*3 4H 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 d 1881 Jan. 15-21 Feb. 11-56 Mar. io-88 Apr. 7*18 May 4-44 May 3 1 -65 June 27*85 July 25-06 Aug. 21-28 Sept. 17-54 Oct. 14-82 Nov. 1 1 "i 2 Dec. 8-44 1882 Jan. 477 Feb. 1 -n Feb. 28-45 Mar. 27-76 Apr. 24-03 May 21-26 June 17-46 July 14-66 Aug. io-88 Sept. 7-12 Oct. 4-40 Oct. 31-69 Nov. 28-00 Dec. 25-32 1883 Jan. 21-66 Feb. 1 8"oo Mar. 17-33 Apr. 13-62 May io-86 June 7-07 July 4-27 July 31-47 Aug. 27-71 Sept. 23-97 Oct. 21-26 Nov. 17-56 Dec. 14-88 1884 Jan. n-22 Feb. 7-56 Mar. 5-89 Apr. 2-19 Apr. 29-45 May 26-68 June 22-88 July 20-08 Aug. 16-30 Sept. 12-55 Oct. 9-83 Nov. 6-13 Dec. 3-44 Dec. 3077 1885 Jan. 27-11 Feb. 23-45 Mar. 2276 2 7 26 2 7 2 7 2 7 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 5 2 7 2 7 28 2 7 22 26 2 7 27 26 2 7 2 4 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 7 2 7 28 26 2 5 26 28 26 26 2 7 20 2 5 2 3 2 7 2 7 2 5 2 4 2 5 2 3 2 5 1 2 5 26 *9 r 7- 21 24 26 26 26 2 5 2 7 28 2 7 471 *95 378 210 149 292 5 2 3 631 847 5°7 444 886 38 i 289 34° 1 16 339 652 203 2 47 328 651 566 776 1 142 213 263 469 143 3 6 3 2 33 172 360 78 410 4°3 416 44° 753 93 2 859 381 ”5 219 297 316 318 416 1074 219 188 577 100 298 169 493 I7°93 18- 65 15- 89 12- 48 16- 91 19- 01 1873 20- 89 18-47 17- 80 1 6-6 1 16-14 2 3 -oo 16-03 10-94 13- 64 14- 01 18- 32 18-09 1 5- 66 14- 82 15- 81 1268 16- 60 18-27 14-77 8-07 8- 33 9- 42 12- i6 10-32 1266 10-46 10- 69 13- 48 1175 11- 46 10- 99 14- 87 I2'I2 IO-67 IO'Ol 10-59 9-31 10- 37 11- 71 n’13 675 9- 57 12- 91 12-94 8-03 8-u 772 472 7-37 10- 5! 301 225. 382 265 275 295 281 145 241 105 141 256 52 107 337 836 1597 i°37 379 246 1 66 208 636 520 873 208 7°3 324 165 710 522 424 1017 1677 473 "79 1075 1190 862 1 1 56 784 575 800 1536 965 498 345 439 231 404 54 1 283 275 373 880 631 298 16- 88 19- 32 20- 14 1 8 -02 18-72 14- 88 17- 10 17-26 2077 17- 89 18- 13 19- 61 2470 19-59 1 6*22 12- 98 2 2 ‘06 23-04 15- 88 15- 37 14-04 16- 64 22-14 22-0 7 18-94 14- I9 13- 82 16- 41 I3'42 HA 0 18-00 13-62 15- 37 15- 11 13-67 17- 14 12- 77 11-67 "43 10- 8o 16- 24 13- 28 11- 04 11- 67 io-88 10-88 10-83 7- 52 13-01 1171 12- 06 8- 36 1073.. 1 1* 1 6 12-21 13- 25 1573 + 4-38 - 172 — 2-22 - 4'53 - 6- 1 6 + 2-04 + 6-21 + 1377 + 976 + 11-65 + 8-21 + 8-13 + 17-24 + 6-40 - 2-57 - 972 -15-76 - 7’°7 - +°3 + o-i7 + S'" + 7’95 - 575 + i-io + 2-15 + 0-47 - 7-86 - 176 - 2-85 - 5-41 - 9-26 - 6-04 - 6-35 -io-55 - 9-81 _ 9-69 - 6' 1 6 - 5*80 - 2-55 - 176 - 1-62 + 0-67 1 - 4-06 - 1 0-2 I - 696 - 2-44 - 0-34 - i‘53 + i-5i + 6-19 _ 4-86 - 1 -8 1 + 2-02 - 7'l6 - 7"9 Z - 8-89 + o-6 1 1 7- 5 2 19- 01 18- 03 15- 57 18-08 1 6- 8 6 1 8 • 1 6 20 '2I 1 8-98 17- 8l 16-98 16- 91 23-26 17- 00 I3-57 13- 06 20- 66 2 1 ‘22 16-65 15- 52 14- 56 16- 01 17- 68 1879 18- 56 14- 48 12- 25 11-63 11- 57 13- 64 15- 63 I3-35 13- 66 14- 33 13-64 1575 12- 42 11- 49 12- 6o 11-32 13- 22 11-32 10- 90 11- 50 10- 79 11- 19 10-97 7- 20 io'8o 12- 58 12-31 8- 23 8-96 10-43 10-31 12-01 I2-58 Mean Heliographic Latitude of Sun Spots from 1874 April 27 to 1886 January 16. 321 Mean Heliographic Latitude of Sun Spots — continued. No. of Rotation. Date of Commencement of each Rotation. No. of. Days on which Photographs were taken. Spots North of the Equator. Spots South of the Equator. Mean Heliographic Latitude of entire Spotted Area. Distance from Equator of all Spots. Mean of Daily Areas. Mean Heliographic Latitude. Mean of Daily Areas. Mean Heliographic Latitude. 422 1885 Apr. I 9'°4 26 363 II? 99 480 io-86 — i-oi 1 1°35 4 2 3 May 16-27 27 419 12-76 851 12-23 — 3-98 12-40 424 June 12-47 26 686 10-58 1026 1 3‘4 2 — 3-80 1 2-28 425 July 9-67 27 217 9'34 697 i3'i3 - 779 12-23 426 Aug. 5-89 26 I7S 9' 8 3 496 11-44 - 5-91 1 102 427 Sept. 2-13 28 178 10-23 455 io-8o — 4* 8 9 1064 428 Sept. 29-40 27 188 7-86 478 1-2-64 - 6-87 11-30 429 Oct. 26-70 27 287 *4*38 333 11-47 + °*49 1 2 "8 1 430 Nov. 23-01 28 106 15-11 H 11-45 + 11-98 14-68 43i Dec. 20-33 26 *59 12-58 496 10-27 - 473 10-83 The above Table supersedes the correspouding Tables given in the volumes of Greenwich Observations for 1884 and 1885. Mean Heliographic Latitude of Sun Spots for each Year from 1874 to 1885. Year. No. of Days on which Photographs were taken. Spots North of the Equator. Spots South of the Equator. Mean Heliographic Latitude of entire Spotted Area. 1 Mean Distance Mean of Daily Areas. Mean Heliographic Latitude. Mean of Daily Areas. Mean Heliographic Latitude. from Equator of all Spots. 1874 141 263 9°'°3 34° 12-19 - 2 °93 io-8i 1875 263 145 12-00 103 I O' I I + 2*8 1 1 1 '22 1876 271 40 11-83 87 10-87 - 377 ”•17 1877 235 38 9-69 70 9*5 1 - 274 9*57 1878 347 21 7-60 I 7-12 + 6-90 7*58 1879 318 I I 21-14 2 7 22-32 - 9‘34 21-96 1880 34i 269 *9*99 171 19-10 + 479 r 9‘ 6 4 1881 348 454 I 8-20 226 18-50 + 6-oo 18-30 1882 343 442 15-96 557 19-28 - 3 69 17-81 1883 34° 339 10-99 815 13-92 - 6-6o 13-06 1884 3i5 478 10-65 601 1174 - 1-82 11-26 1885 359 280 IO *54 526 12-43 - 4*44 n-77 The Means of Daily Areas, etc., for the Year 1874, refer to a period of eight months, from 1874 April 27 to 1874 December 18. The above Table supersedes the corresponding Tables given in the volumes of , Greenwich Observations for 1884 and 1885. Photo-Heliographic Results, 1874-1885. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH. PHOTO-HELIOGRAPHIC RESULTS. 18 74-18 85 .