=> vr MAN w \ , S| _ & ae ae ‘ ey ~~ =r > 2 pi } 4 a Ne | Can re ae ' ‘ LAw * CMe ® : 2 il ana ma i” .< < W\4 at e'10.S LIST OF 100 HOUSE-ORGANS RECEIVED BY THE APPLIED } SCIENCE DEPARTMENT, TOGETHER WITH A SUBJECT INDEX. Compiled by Sloan Duncan Watkins, Chief of the Department. This list includes only periodicals published by a firm, corporation, association or group of firms in the interests of their products or commodities offered for sale. | distributed gratis and are intended to serve as advertising mediums. Such periodicals are Periodicals issued for the employees of a firm only, are not included in this list, nor are house-organs that contain no practical information on technical subjects, but only squibs, cartoons, short talks on salesmanship, etc. The periodicals listed deal chiefly with mechanical and electrical subjects. For a list of over 500 , house-organs, see Printer’s Ink of Jan. 2, 1913, (v. 32, no. 1, pp. 60-68), which says of house-organs: ' ‘It is only fair to state that mortality among house-organs i is very heavy and many concerns that have | begun the publication of a paper of their own, have, after a while, decided to suspend its publication.” ‘ LIST OF FIRMS. With the Titles of their House-Organs. Abbreviations used:—(m), monthly; (w), weekly; (bi-mo), bi-monthly; (irreg), issued at irregular Moers St. Louis firms. 1. Banner Buggy Co. The Axis (m). ) 2. Brennan’s. Brennan’s monthly. 3. Broderick and Bascom Rope Co. Yel- low strand (m), 3A. Davis Realty Development Co. Da- vis messenger (m). 4. Emerson Electric Mfg. Co. Emerson monthly. 4A, Johns-Manville Co. J-M Power ex- pert (m). 4B. Johns-Manville Co. salesman (m). 5. Koken Barbers’ Supply Co. news item (irreg). J-M_ Roofing Koken 6. Leschen & Sons Rope Co. Leschen’s Hercules (m). 7. Meyer Bros. Drug Co. The Dissemi- ti nator (m). Hi 8. Mississippi Valley Trust Co. Service. (bi-mo). 9. Peacock Chemical Co. The Doctor (q). 10. St. Louis Cordage Mills. Yarns (m). 11. St. Louis Well Machine and Tool Co. Well drillers news (m). 12. Shapleigh Hardware Co. Gimlet (m). Out-of-town firms, 13. Alabastine Co. Grand Rapids, Michi- gan. Brush and pail (m). 14. Albany Lubricating Co. The Bearing (m). 15. American Clay Machinery Co. Bucy- aa Ohio. American clay magazine m). 16. American Multigraph Sales Co. land. Layman printer (m). 17. American Steel and Wire Co. American wire rope news (irreg). 18. American Typefounders Co. New York. American bulletin (irreg). 19. Baker (J. T.) Chemical Co. Phillips- burg, N. J. Chemist-analyst (irreg). New York. Cleve- Chicago. 20. Baltimore Gas, Electric Light and Power Co. Maryland. Baltimore gas and electric news (m). 21. Berlin Machine Works. Beloit, consin. Berlin quality (m). 22. Bessemer Gas Engine Co. Grove City, Pa. Bessemer monthly. Wis- 23. Bissell (F.) Co. Toledo, Ohio. Bissell book. 24. Brill (J. G.) Co. Philadelphia. Brill magazine (m). 25. Carborundum Co. Niagara Falls, N. Y. Abrasive age (m). 26. Carter White Lead Co. Chicago. Car- ter times (irreg). 27. Central Electric Co. Chicago. Elec- tron (m). 28. ive Belt Co. Milwaukee. Chain belt m), 29. Challenge Machinery Co. ven, Michigan. mo). Grand Ha- Printer’s album (bi- 30. Channon (H.) Co. Chicago. Chan- non’s review (m). 31. Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co. Chicago. ; Ideal power (m). 32. Cole Motor Car Co. Indianapolis. Cole bulletin (m). 33. Consolidated Gas Co. New York. Gas logic (m). 34. Consumers Gas Co. Toronto. Gas news (m). 35. Grane Co. Chicago. Valve world (m). 36. Deere (J.) Plow Co. The Furrow (q). 37. De Laval Separator Co. Laval monthly, 38. Disston (H.) & Sons. Disston crucible (m). 39. Dixon (J.) Crucible Co. N. J. Graphite (m). 40. Dodge Mfg. Co. Mishawaka, Indiana. Dodge idea (m). Moline, Illinois. New York. De Philadelphia. Jersey City, ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY 2 41. Du Pont de Nemours Powder Co. Wil- mington, Delaware. Du Pont maga- zine (m). 42. Edison Portland Cement Co. New York. Edison aggregate (irreg). 43, Electrical Mining Pub. Co. Chicago. Electrical mining (q). 44. Excavating Engineer Pub. Co. Mil- waukee. Excavating engineer (m). 45. Ford Motor Co. Detroit. Ford times (m). 46. General Fire Extinguisher Co. New York. Grinnell automatic sprinkler bulletin (q). 47. Goldschmidt Thermit Co. New York. Reactions (q). 48. Goodrich (B. F.) Co. Akron, Ohio. The Goodrich (m). 49, Hartford Steam Boiler, Inspection and Insurance Co. Hartford, Conn. The Locomotive (irreg). 50. International Harvester Co. Chicago. Harvester world (m). 51. Johns-Manville Co. Cleveland & St. Louis. J.-M. Power expert (m). 52. Leader Iron Works. Decatur, Illinois. The Leaderite (m). 53. Liquid Carbonic Co. Chicago. Liquid bottler (m). 54. Locomotive World Pub. Co. Lima, Ohio. Locomotive world (m). 55. Lucas (John) & Co. Philadelphia. Lucas news (irreg). 56. Madison Cooper Co. Calcium, N. Y. Cold (m). 57. Mergenthaler Linotype Co. New York. Linotype bulletin (m). 58. National Fireproofing Co. Pittsburgh. Building progress (m). 59. National Lead Co. New York. Dutch boy painter (irreg). 60. National X-Ray Reflector Co. Chi- cago and New York. Eye comfort (im). 61. New York Edison Co. New York. Edison monthly. 62. North Western Expanded Metal Co. Chicago. Expanded metal construc- tion (m). 63. Obermayer (S.) Co. Cincinnati. Ober- mayer bulletin (bi-mo). 64. Ohio Brass Co. Mansfield, Ohio. Bul- letin (bi-mo). 65. Otto Gas Engine Works. Philadelphia. Otto cycle (m). 66. Packard Motor Car Co. Detroit. The Packard (bi-mo). 67. Penberthy Injector Co. Detroit. Pen- berthy engineer and fireman (m). 68. Plymouth Cordage Co. North Ply- mouth, Mass. Plymouth products (m). 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. oF, . Standard Paint Co. . Stephens-Adamson Mfg. Co. . Timken Roller Bearing Co. . Trenton Potteries Co. Pratt & Lambert, Inc. Varnish talks (irreg). Buffalo, N. Y. Rae Co. New York. Electrical mer- chandise (m). Raymond (C. W.) Co. Dayton, Ohio. Claycrafter (m). Remington Typewriter Co. New York. Remington notes (q). Reo Motor Car Co. New York. (R. M. Owen Co., agts.) Reo echo (irreg). Rumely Co. La Porte, Indiana. Rumely power seed and soil (m). . Ryerson (J. T.) & Son. Chicago. Ryer- son’s monthly journal and stock list (Chicago ed.). . Safety Car Heating and Lighting Co. New York. Safety heating and light- ing news (m). Sherwin-Williams Co. Cleveland. (The) Colorist (irreg). Simonds Mfg. Co. Fitchburg, Mass. Simonds guide for millmen (m). Smith (H. B.) Machine Co. Smithville, N. J. The Mechanic (irreg). New York. The Exchange (irreg). . Standard Sanitary Mfg. Co. Pittsburgh. Modern sanitation (m). Aurora, Illinois. Labor saver (irreg). . Sullivan Machinery Co. Chicago. Mine and quarry (q). Canton, Timken magazine (m). Trenton, N. J. Ohio. Sanitary pottery (m). Triumph Electric Co. Cincinnati. Tri- umph chronicle (bi-mo). . Underfeed Stoker Co. of America. Chi- cago. Publicity magazine (m). . United Gas and Improvement Co. Philadelphia. New business (m). . United Gas and Improvement Co. Philadelphia. A Thousand uses for gas (m). U. S. Radiator Corporation. Detroit. Radiation (irreg). Universal Portland Cement Co. Chi- cago. Farm cement news (q). Universal Portland Cement Co. Chi- cago. Universal bulletin (m). Warner (Chas.) Co. Wilmington, Dela- ware. Farm economics (q). Warner (Chas.) Co. Wilmington, Dela- ware. Mason builder (m). Webster Mfg. Co. Chicago. Webster method (irreg). Winton Motor Car Co. Cleveland. Auto era (m). Yarnall-Waring Co. Philadelphia. Blow-off (m). Sry LOUIS, PUBLIC’ LIBRARY 3 ALPHABETICAL SUBJECT INDEX. The numbers following each entry refer to the corresponding numbers in the list of firms above. Abrasives, 25. Electric tools, 31. Pencils, 39, Agricultural machinery, 36, Electricity, 61. Philadelphia—Gas companies, 0, 74. Electricity in mining, 43. 88, 89 Air compressors, 31. Excavation, 44. Plumbing, 81. Aluminothermics, 47. Explosions, 49. Pneumatic tools, 31. Asbestos, 51. Explosives, 41. Portland cement, 42, 92. Automobiles, 32, 45, 66, 73, 96. Fans, electric, 4. Pottery, 85. Banking, 8. Farm buildings, concrete, 91. Power plant equipment, 51. Barbers’ supplies, 5. Finance, 8. Power transmission machin- Baths and bathing, 81. Financial news, 30. ery, 28, 30, 40. Bearings (machinery), 14, 84. Foundry practice, 63. Printing, 16, 18, 29. Blasting, 41. Gas as fuel, 20, 33, 34, 88, 89, Real estate, St Louiga3.Ac Boilers, 49. Gas engines, 22, 65. Refrigeration, 56, 81, 86. Bonds, 8. Gas lighting, 20, 33, 34, 88, g9, Roller bearings, 84. Bottling machinery, 53. Gas power, 89. Roofing, 4B, 80. Brick and brickwork, 15, 58, Graphite, 39. Rope, 3, 6, 10, 68: 71 Grinding and polishing, 25. ee Louis, he a SAG Groceries, 2. anitation, 81, 85, Saw mill machinery, 21. Hardw 12. arg yeh, Saws, 38, 78. Buggies— Manufacture, etc., 1 Building materials, 94. Camieatine 76. Harvesting machinery, 50, 74. ~< Bie 76 acl pecioneG: Silos, concrete, OL » 10. oe 00 Soda and mineral waters, 53. Cement, 93, 94. Ses eS igi Spraying, 93 Cuemicals, 7, 9. Hot water heating, 90. C Me a i ie ee ore Chemistry, analytic, 19. Ice—Manufacture, 56. ne oy ped ‘ Gia 4s Income tax laws, 8. Sra ong ate Blaweaks. 4 Steam heating, 90, Cold storage, 56. Industrial betterment, 40. Steal 63.075 Concrete, 42. Industrial efficiency, 40. Bieanara nie Mpa Concrete construction, 91, 92, Iron, 75. A Stokers, mechanical, 87. 93, 94. Iron founding, 63, Street 24 Confectionery, 2. é ah Sones Fee ss ; ect 28 92 Iron work, 52. Therapeutics, 9. ee en Os Laths, metal, 74. Tiles, Hollow, 58. Cookery—recipes, 2. Lighting, Indirect, 60. Tires, Automobile, 48. Coverings, Boiler and pipe, Lime and liming, 93, 94. Toronto, Canada—Gas com- Bhi Linotype machines, 57. panies, 34. Cream separators, 37. Locomotives, 49, 54. Traction engines, 74. Decoration, interior, 13577; “Tubrication and lubricants, Travel notes, 12. Drilling and boring ma- 14, 39, 67. Trust companies, 8. chinery, 11, Lumber, 21. Type, 18. nae ae Machine tools, 30. Typesetting machines, 57. Be ss 41 Machinery, 30, 75. Typewriters, 72. ee. Pieiecting 61 Mechanical engineering, 67. Vacuum cleaning, 23. Pee ie eqtipment, 4, 23, 70. Medicines, 9, Valves, Soe. Electric fans, 4. RE MA ar pre ieh bis : Electric lighting, 20, 27, 60, Metallurgical analysis, 19. Vehicles—Buggies, 1. 61. Mine haulage materials, 64. Welding, Thermit, 47. Electric machinery, 86. Mining machinery, 43, 83. Well drilling, 11. Electric motors, 4, 23. Multigraph machines, 16. White lead, 26. Electric power, 20, 88. New York City—Gas com- Wills, 8. Electric railroads—Cars, 24. panies, 17. Wire rope, 3, 6, 17. Electric railroads—Trans- Paint and painting, 13, 26, 39, Wood working machinery, 21, mission, 64. 55, 59, 69, 77, 80. 79. Gaylord Bros. Makers Syracuse, N. Y. PAT, JAN. 21, 1908 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA NON 3 0112 061565781