EXTRACTS ANCIENT DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE CATHEDRAL AND PRECINCTS CANTERBURY. RELIQULE CCENARUM. LONDON : MITCHELL AND HUGHES, 140 WABDOUB STREET, W. 1881. P7» ■■■■^y-\ ■%.*■ The structural history of the Cathedral of Canterbury and its surrounding monastic buildings has been more or less touched upon by various writers ; and the subject has been so elaborately wrought out by the late Professor Willis, that probably very little relating to it remains to be discovered. But the following pages shew that gleanings may yet be gathered, which, perhaps without adding anything of much importance, make a useful supplement to what is already known. The principal records preserved among the Cathedral muniments have been repeatedly examined, with different degrees of industry, by former historians. But besides these there is a large number of subordinate documents to which less attention has been given : some of these are in a very fragmentary condition, and seem, from the neglect they have undergone, to have been formerly discarded as worthless refuse ; nor does their appearance offer much hope of the labour of their investigation being repaid by the produce. These are now properly cared for, and it is by an extensive search (which the Chapter have kindly permitted) among them that the following extracts have been collected : 4 they are of very various kinds, and, for the most part, en- tirely disconnected with each other; some are annual accounts prepared by the higher functionaries to shew the expenditure of the monastery during the preceding year, while others are private registers of inferior agents, and relate to their special offices. It is not to be assumed that no further accounts of the operations carried on under the dates here specified ever existed, much less that no works were in progress during the intervals between these dates. The following compilation merely exhibits what has been found in the documents which have come under examina- tion, and it is not beyond possibility that some further dis- coveries may yet be made. In records extending over two centuries and a half, close uniformity of language was not to be expected ; but the di- versities arising from this cause are not the most remarkable : thus under Befectorium and Claustrum, 1236, the changes of inflection are frequent and incomprehensible, unless it may be supposed that these accounts are made up from dis- connected notes supplied by different hands, without any care for their being brought into accord. The vagaries in spelling usual in medieval writings, both English and Latin, are abundant, and grammatical aberrations are not wanting, especially in the private accounts, in which the entries are often exceedingly brief and rudely written, sometimes in mingled Latin and English. These peculiarities are retained as samples of the style of the originals. Of the documents examined the most numerous class has been the Treasurers' annual accounts, which do not all give many particulars. , An exact and minute statement of the entire outlay of /"V nine ^ the Convent in every branch of expenditure seems to havt been annually prepared for the monastic exchequer ; from these accounts much information might be expected, but unfortunately few of them remain, and of these few some are imperfect, and others relate to years in which no build- ing operations beyond ordinary repairs were carried on ; one of them, however, has supplied the items relating to the Refectory and Cloisters in 1236. It does not appear that hitherto the date of the erection of the Refectory has been known, except from the character of what remains of its architecture. Nor has it been previously shewn that extensive works were in progress in the Cloisters during the reign of King Richard III ; or that a serious fire occurred about the same time ; and another at an earlier date, whereby many valuables were destroyed. It is seldom that the names of the designers of medieval buildings are recorded ; and the documents under con- sideration supply no clear information on this subject ; for although several superintendents of building operations are mentioned, there is nothing to shew whether or not they prepared the designs for the erections under their charge. In 1236 it is manifest that John Pikenot was directing the progress of the new Refectory, and he may, not improbably, have been its designer : in the absence of any later items of expenditure, it is to be supposed that his promise to have the building completed for the contribution of £14 9s. 8d., then due to him, was fulfilled. In 1287 W. clericus operum is mentioned, but without any allusion to his being employed on any particular work. John Otteford is named as supervisor fabrica: Ecclesiuc in 1370, when the rebuilding of the transepts and nave was in progress : and in 1380 John Godenestone and John Roper are designated as supervisors of the new work of the nave of the chnrch ; and again, in 1383, John Godnystone alone is mentioned as custos novi operis. In 1498, when the Angel tower must have been still incomplete, another John Godnystone is twice named as wiagister operum. These titles are compatible with authority to design as well as to superintend ; and they appear to imply an office superior to that of the clericus operationum, a functionary sometimes mentioned in ancient documents (once in these, as above noticed), whose duties seem to have been mainly, if not entirely, the keeping of the accounts, and taking charge of the appliances and materials required in the progress of the works. Bricks are first mentioned in 1458. The title Bricklayer does not occur till 1512. In 1477 Bedde bryhs are named. EXTRACTS. (a.d. 1221). Expensa. Hcrlewino sacriste ad noua open xxiij lib. xvj sol. Nicholao Forester (forest') ad ealcera faciendam ad nouuin refectorium cxvij sol. viij den. (1222). Herlewino sacriste ad noua opera xxviij lib. xv sol. Hillario capellano xv lib. ij sol. vj den. commodatum priori ad nouam capellam. Item Benedicto Judeo vij lib. v sol. que commodauerat priori ad eandem capellam. (122-1). Ricardo granetario interiori ad nouum granarium xxxvj lib. iiij sol. Thome granetario ad nouum granarium ad bertonam xv lib. ix sol. iij den. Huberto granetario ad idem granarium xj lib. (1225). Huberto ad nouum granarium de bertona ix lib. iiij den. (1226). Ad opus refectorii c lib. xl sol. (1227). Precentori ad opus Refectorii lxxiiij lib. xvj sol. Hugoni de girunde ad opus Refectorii xxxiij lib. iij sol. iiij den. (1228). Expensa per taleas. Contra Jordanum de opere refectorii xxx lib. xj sol. (1280). Ad fabricam refectorii de anniwrsariis xxij lib. xiij sol. ij den. (1281). Anniuersarii ad opus Refectorii x\ lib. iiij den. Pellicee ad opna Refectorii xxv lib. (1282). Ad refectorium 1 lib. xiiij boI. iiij den. (1288). In op.-re mmi refectorii xxx lib. En opere QOU1 granarii ad bertonam cum camera xxvij lib. i boL Thome sacriste pro opere de refectorio Ix lib. (1284). Ad nouum refectorium clxj lib. xviij sol. (1285). Ad nouum Refectorium x lib. xvj boI. L236). Compotus Hugonis de gynmde (gyrud) De Car- pentaria. In camera prioris xvij sol. In locntorio inlirmarie iij sol. vj den. In capella prioris lxxiij sol. vij don. Expensa. Ad notmm refectorium lxxiiij lib. Ad opus claustri xx lib. Domino J. Piknot (Pikf) pro refectorio cxvij sol. Refectorium. Compotus J. Pikenot De opere Refectorii. Recepta eiusdem de Thesauraria lxxiiij lib. De anniuersario Hugonis de douor xl sol. De perquisitis iiij lib. xx den. De melle vj lib. xv sol. De Tegularia (Tegla) uendita lj sol. Summa Reeepte iiij** ix lib. vij sol. viij den. Expensa. Petra empta xj lib. viij den. Cementarii lxij sol. Pro calce et sabulo xiij sol. vj den. In solidatis Henrici page xliij sol. vj den. Plumbum emptum scilicet xxxij charees j pensa et dim id* lxiiij lib. xviij sol. xj den, ob. Plumbar ex sol. Pro bordis et lattis emptis xliij sol. vj den. Pro clauis emptis xxxij sol, Carpentariis ix sol. x den. Pro tribus fenestris uitreis lxxviij sol. iiij den. inareseaft ix sol. viij den. In solidatis carectarii vj sol. viij den. Pro coloribus xvj sol. vij den. ob. Summa Expense iiij xx xviij lib. x sol. vj den. Et debentur ei xiiij lib. ix sol. viij den. vnde Thesaurarii tenentur soluere lvj sol. iiij den.f Sacrista xx sol. De anniuersario Thome de newe- sole xxx sol. Symon Blund' x marcas De Carecta uendita 1 sol. De quibus predictis xiiij lib. ix sol. viiij den. Idem Johannes promisit perficere refectorium. Claustrum. Compotus B. Sacriste de opere claustri. Recepta eius- dem lxiiij lib. xiij sol. iiij den. Expensa. Pro meremio empto xiiij lib. xvj sol. ij den. ob. In solidatis Carpentari- orum xxiij lib. xviij sol. ob. Pro petra empta lxxij sol. ob. Cementariis xviij sol. iiij den. Pro plumbo et stangno iiij lib. xij sol. ij den. Plumbar' ij sol. vj den. In tribus baisj lx sol. ferrum et claui liiij sol. iiij den. vitrum et fenestre iiij * Thirty-two cart loads, one weigh and a half. f It will be seen that this contribution was paid to J. Piknot the following year. t The precise meaning of this word is uncertain. The term will apply to openings made in walls for doors or windows ; to the lights between the mul- lions of windows and screens ; and to openings of any kind made to look through, in masonry or woodwork. In Cooper's Thesaurus (1584) under Cin- clidas, is this— 4 ' Bayes or parcloses made about judgement places, where men may stand to behold and heare : as is thnt in Westminster hal, about the com- mon place called Bekens/' 9 lib. xiij sol. viij den. Colores et oleum lx sol. ob. In soli- datis pictoris xxiiij sol. j den. In dealbatione claustri xxvij sol. j den. In sabulo ij sol. ij den. In solidatis fabri vij sol. iiij den. In sepultura R. sacriste xx sol. iiij den. In soli- datis trium seruiencium eius xlv sol. Cuidam pauperi vj den. ob. In roba garini xiij sol. iiij den. Sumnia Expense lxviij lib. vij sol. ij den. ob. Et debentur ei lxxiij sol. x den. ob. (1237). Expensa per talleas. Contra capellanos pro noua aula xxv sol."* Partes solutorurn debitorum. Domino J. de Pikenethf pro opere refectorii lvj sol. iiij den. (1238). Expensa. In opere claustri lxij sol. In opere magne aule ad portam xlvij lib. x sol. viij den. Soluciones debitorum. Pro opere claustri vj lib. xiiij sol. vij den. ob. (1239). Pro fenestris noue aule ciiij sol. ix den. (1244). In nouo opere ultimi Dormitorii cum Gutteris ex vtraque parte lxj lib. iiij sol. j quad. (1253). Notandum quod (Dominus Guidon sacrista) dedit conuentui piscinam in cimiterio quod amuntat xxviij marcas vj den. ob. (1254). Expensa. Ad capellam prioris xiiij lib. (1256). Meremium et carpentar' cum emendacionibus domorum cum nouo solario J vj lib. j den. Pro pauimento vestiarii xxxviij sol. viij den. (1257). Summa vtriusque camararii viij xx x lib. xv sol. iiij den. ob. quad, cum nouis operibus non consuetis et cum prebenda que amontat xix lib. iij sol. iij den. (1259). Compotus lamberti sub celerarii tempore domini W. de Hereford. Opera et vtensilia cum emendacionibus domorum et pauimentum coquine vj lib. vj sol. iiij den. (12G1). Memorandum quod (dominus R. de Weyncliepe * The MS. here is defective ; the sum may be pounds, and not shillings. The aula nova was in the north-west corner of the Precincts, adjoining the north side of the entrance gateway. f One of the several variations in the spelling of the name of John Pikenot. % Solar ; an upper room or story : strictly perhaps a building with a wooden floor, and therefore raised above the ground. In medieval structures the floors on the ground level were paved. B 10 sacrista) dedit eonuentui solarium nouum constructum iuxta magnam portam Curie. (1262). Expensa per talleas. Contra dominum J. Car- penter (Carpenf) pro prisona xxx lib. x sol. vj den. (1265). Expensa. Pro lxvj colnmpnis marmoreis* soluti monacliis Sancti Augustini lxij sol. x den. (1271). Expense facte circa vinarium et ad murum (cum ?) aqueductu f apud f osam de Northgate xiiij lib. x sol. iij den. (1272). This year, to the usual item, Opera infra Curiam, which is almost annual, is added, cum aqueductu ; and this continues, with some notices of the purchase of lead, to 1290. During this period some few building operations, beyond ordinary repairs, are also specified: in 1275, Opera infra Curiam cum aqueductu et ultimo dormitorio xliij lib. xiij sol. — 1276, Opa inf a Cur' cu aqductu et noua domo juxta plum- barium xxvj lib. viij sol. viij den. ob. quad. — 1277, Opa infra Cur' cu aqueductu et oriol J xxix lib. ix sol. v den. quad. — 1280, Opa infra Curia cum emendacione et mundacione magniviuarii et aqueductus xxvj lib. xx den. ob. — 1281, Opa infra Cur' cu aqeduct' et stabulo domini Prioris xx lib. iiij sol. 3 den. — 1287, Opa infra Cur' cu aqueductu Petra et plumbum empt* lx lib. xix sol. vj den. ob. quad. — 1290, Opera in Cur' cum duabus piscinis et aqueductu cum mundacione et emenda- cione viuarii apud horsfoldune § xxxij lib. xviij sol. ij den. (1291). Opa infra Cur' cum camera domini Prioris lapi- dea et plumbata et plumbo empto lvj lib. xiij sol. viij den. (1292). Opa inf a Cur' cum noua camera circa Thesaura- riam xxiiij lib. xvj sol. j quad. (1295). Pro noua prisona et pauimento in claustro xiij lib. ij den. (1299). Eecepta. De Eeginaldo Noldekyn pro nouis stallis faciendis in Choro xx lib. * Probably small shafts of Purbeck marble. f In the twelfth-century drawing of the system of water works for the sup- ply of the monastery (Archceologia Cantiana, Vol. VII.), the main pipe is shewn to be carried into the Precincts on a series of arches crossing the town ditch near Northgate ; this is perhaps the wall here alluded to. X In a duplicate account this word is written horiole. § The source of the water supply of the monastery. 11 Expensa. Pro nouis stallis inferioris Chori faciendis xvij lib. xviij sol. iij den. (1301). Opa inf a Cur' xvj lib. v sol. x den, cum 110110 sta- bulo Thesaurariorum. (1303). Pro nouo granario in bracino xiij lib. v sol. x den . (1319). Pro nouis studiis xxxij lib. ix sol. vij den. (1320). Pro nouis muris braeini cum petra calce arena emptiscum stipendiis cementariorum lvlib. vij sol. I den. ob. Item pro meremio empto pro Bracino xxxvj lib. ix sol. ix den. (1321). Pro Carpentaria et opere cementario in Bracino et cum meremio lattis et tegulis emptis ad idem lix lib. viij sol. xj den. (1323). Opa inf a Cur' xxiij lib. viij sol. vij den. Inde sunt pro domo portarii ex sol. x den. (1331). Pro nouis aluris magne aule Sancti Thome fac- tis* iiij lib. iiij sol. ix den. Item pro dormitorio reparando xvij lib. ix sol. ix den. Item pro Tumba domini H. priorisf xxj lib. iij sol. iiij den. (1332). pro carpintria dormitorii soluimus W. de Ynder- don vij lib. vj sol. viij den. Item datum Cementario facienti tumbam domini H. Prioris xij den. (1333). Recepta. per manus J. Lekede pro nouis organis multipliciter perficiendis per vices xliij sol. Expensa. Circa noua organa per diuersas vices lxxj sol. Item pro Organis xlvj sol. de quibus sunt ij sol. pro nier- cede Organiste. (1334). Kecepta.J per manus J. (lekede) Cu.stodis pro nouis organis multipliciter perficiendis per fieea xliij sol. Expensa. circa noua organa per diurrsas vi« . a lxxj sol. (1335). Expensa. pro pristrino faciendo xxvj lib. vij sol. xj den. * This item is preceded by one relating to works in the town, and followed by others fur works in the Precincts. The hall referred to was probably con- nected with the Archbishop's palace. t Prior Benxj de Bastry died in April 1331. % There is here a slight confusion in the accounts ; and this and the follow- ing item seem to be repetitions of those of the preceding year. 12 (1341). Memorandum quod liberauimus J. Bouryner pro desca nostra* de nouo facienda v sol. Soluti in bordis emptis pro noua desca nostra iij sol. Item ij sol. iiij den. Item in gunfis et vertinellis emptis ad eandem iiij sol. Item iiij sol. vij den. Memorandum quod liberauimus J. Bouryner Carpintario pro meremio apud magnam Chart (Cht) prostrando et scapu- lando viz. pro noua aula infirmarie xiiij sol. iiij den. Item eidem alia vice pro meremio apud lose x sol. (1371). Nouum opus. Domino Ricardo Gylyngham pro noua coquina xiij lib. vj sol. ij den. (1372). In reparacione refectorii lxxvij lib. v sol. v den. In reparacione Thesaurarie xij lib. xix sol. xj den. (1373). In reparacione lauacri domini Prioris cij sol. ij den. Item in reparacione diuersarum gutterarum in Curia circa lauacrum domini Prioris cum vna noua gutter a facta de magno puteo iuxta nostrum brasini vsque in magnam gutte- ram prouenientem de tercio dormitorio pro aqua vacuanda subtus Cacabos iiij lib. xj sol. xj den. Item in duabus piscinis mundandis apud horsf old cum vna noua hwersse facta ibidem in capite parue piscine vj lib. xiiij sol. (1378). Opera infra curiam videlicet in reparacione magne domus infirmarie cum nouof boteras f actof et mur' exaltand et aliis emendandis (emend:) xxvj lib. x sol. iij den. Nouum opus, in j noua CJausura ferrea facta circa Ca- pellam beate marie in Criptis 1 lib. (1379). (Thesaurarii) petunt allocacionem de lxvj lib. xiij sol. iiij den. solutis ad Pabricam EccJesie per manus domini Josephi et domini Henrici Eedyng' custod Corone et * As this item is in a volume of Prior's accounts desca nostra must be the Prior's Pew or Carrell, perhaps in the cloisters, like those described in the " Rites of Durham" (Surtees Society, 1842, p. 70). The mention of door-hinges, gunfcs et vertinellcs (in Kentish dialect hooks and rides), shews that the struc- ture comprised an enclosure. In the Anglia Sacra, vol. i. 146, the monks' carols in the cloisters at Canterbury are named Textus : this suggests a possible mis- reading, or a corruption in the MS., which may be older than Wharton's time, for the word to be expected would be descus, dexus or dexcus, or perhaps descas, &c. f The first three letters only of these words are given in the MS. The gen- der of boteras is subject to the reader's discretion, 18 beate Marie in Criptis. Item de xvj lib. xiij sol. iiij den. solutis per manus do mini Johannis Otteford Custodis in Crip- tis stvperuisoris Fabrice Ecelesie in plenam solucionem de c marcis de anno quinquagesimo."* Item de vj lib. xviij sol. solntis pro expensa circa clausuram beate marie in Criptis. (1380). Eeparaciones. In emendacione noui ostii ferrei in Criptis iij sol. iiij den. In emendacione duarum fenis- trarum ibidem xxxiiij sol. viij den. (Thesaurarii) petnnt allocacionem de lxvj lib. xiij sol. iiij den. solntis Fratri Johanni Godenestone et Johanni Eopere superuisoribus noui operis nauis ecelesie. (1381). (Thesaur') petut allocam de lxvj lib. xiij sol. iiij den. solutis domino Johanni Godneston ad Fabricam ante- rioris ecelesie. Item 1 sol. solutis eidem pro hostio claustri.f Item de v sol. pro expensa pro meremio signando in Walk- herst pro naui ecelesie. (1382). Nouum opus. In diuersis expensis pro le malt- halle de nouo faciend hoc anno vij lib. ij sol. ob. Item in nouo opere anterioris ecelesie nostre Cantuar' xliij lib. In partem pro nouo muro faciendo iuxta martirium xxiij sol. iiij den. (1383). Expensa. Opa inf a Cur' vij lib. iiij sol. v den. et tantum cum terremotu.J In cooperacione coquine de nouo cooperiende cum stipendiis plumbar' lxxv sol. Nouum opus. In expensa circa fabricam ecelesie per manus Johannis Godnystofi custodis noui operis lxxvj lib. x sol. In diuersis expensis circa le malthalle hoc anno de nouo faciend exxiiij lib. ij sol. viij den. ob. In plena solu- cione cariagii meremii ecelesie per Thomam longe per aquam x lib. (1384). Eeparaciones. in reparacione molendinarum berthone cum petris de Folkeston et carpent' cum nouis bayis faetis vij lib. xvij sol. v den. Et in reparacione capelle infir- marie ex parte boriali per terremotum destructe xj lib. xiiij sol. vj den. Et in reparacione lotorii prioris et lotorii claustri * The fiftieth year of Edw d III, 1376. f Perhaps the door between the cloisters and the north transept. J A settlement probably arising from unsound foundations, which appears to have increased in the following year. 14 et muri claustri ab ostio capituli vsque ostium dormitorii per terremotum destructi vij lib. xix sol. Nouum opus, in nouo tecto facto vltra martirium* beati Thome cum plumbo empto in partem solucionis x lib. x sol. v den. Et in noua clausura f errea sub magnis organist per manus domini Johannis Godenystoii xxxj lib. xx den. (1385). Receptum de obuencionibus. De domino Ricardo hatfeld confratre nostro ex dono ad aqueductum de nouo factum xxvj lib. xiij sol. iiij den. Nouum opus. In expensa circa malthalle in berthona de nouo fact' et anno precedenti non computata xlviij lib. xix sol. xj den. Item in expensa facta ibidem hoc anno xxiij sol. viij den. Item in plenam solucionem noui tecti vltra marti- rium beati Thome ix lib. iij sol. ij den. In expensa aqueduc- tus de nouo facti a capite aque vsque ad curiam et sic per omnes officinas ecclesie cum plumbo facta hoc anno in partem solucionis lj lib. xviij sol. ix den. ob. (1408). Nouum opus. In uno camino facto in nouo stabulo Thesaurariorum xxj sol. x den. (1434). Solutum domino Priori, nouo opere ecclesie xxxiij lib. vj sol. viij den. Et solutum latam et labor' per vices pro reparacione de la vaute aule sancti langfranc' xlvj sol. xj den. (1436). Solut' quatuor latamis et uni latamo pro repara- cione carceris iuxta tercium dormitorium per septimanam ix sol. vj den. * This, as noticed by Mr. Willis, is likely to have been a roof over the nar- row space between the north transept and the south wall of the chapter house. f The original situation of the organ, in Lanfranc's church, was on a vault in the south transept ; but at this date, as pointed out by Mr. Willis, it proba- bly stood on a large corbel over the entrance of St. Michael's Chapel, now com- monly called the Warriors' Chapel : if so, this clausura f errea must have been in the archway opening into that chapel from the south transept. The corbel is now unfortunately destroyed, but it is shewn in Britton's Plate IV. : it is also represented, on a larger scale, in Dart's History of the Cathedral (1726), page 94, ornamented on the under part with two figures of archbishops, which are more than a little fanciful, and may be due entirely to the artist's imagination, for they exhibit various characteristics of modern invention and none of antiquity, and in Britton's engraving there is no indication of anything of the kind. Dart's plate is also used in a folio vol. : ' An accurate description &c. of the Cathedral churches of Canterbury and York' (1755), page 80, but by a strange error is there assigned to York. 15 Item solut' latam pro reparacione carceris iuxta terc m dormit m per septimanam conduct' vij sol. It. in duobus latamis et uni laborario conductis pro repara- cione carceris iuxta terc" (lormit" 1 v sol. iij den. Item Bolnf Johanni Asscheford pro latamje pro repara- cione in tercio dormitorio iiij sol, iiij den. Item solut' pro cc ami pro pictnra in Capella domini Prioris xj sol. Item duobus latamis conductis pro reparacione carceris YJ SOl. (1437). Johanni latamo pro carcere tercii dormitorii ij sol. iij den. Koberto Tebbe latamo conducto pro duabus septimanis pro carcere iuxta dormitorium iiij sol. j den. T. Gor' latamo conducto pro carcere per septimanam ij sol. iij den. Allocantur T. hwytysham* pro cariagio calcis pro capella henrici iiij 11 anno xiiij mo t omisso per Wilt priorem vij sol. viij den. Nichno Felde Carpentario pro veteri porta renouanda xx sol. (1438). Nicho Felde et Famulo eius pro veteri porta supponenda ij sol. Nichfio Felde carpentario pro factum veteris porte x sol. Item Nichiio Felde Carpentario pro factum veteris porte pro prima conuencione secum facta J in plenam solucionem x sol. Item Nichfio Felde Carpentario pro secunda conuencione secum facta pro veteri porta reparanda in partem solucionis xiij sol. iiij den. Item Nichno Felde Carpentario pro factum veteris porte in plenam solucionem vj sol. viij den. Item sarratoribus apud Thorynden (Thoryd) pro v.teri porta sarranda iij sol. iij den. It. hi Bolntnm Thome Gor' latamo cum laborario pro repa- racione carceris in dormitorio iij sol. vj den. (1439). Solut' Witto Rysscfa latamo conducto pro re * Wittcrsham ; a surname derived from the parish, f The fourteenth year of Henry VI. 143.". -0. X MS. factam. 16 (paracione?) vnius camini in domo vocata veteri porta in partem solucionis iiij sol. vj den. (1440). Niclo Felde pro factura noui ostii in le prisone- hows iij sol. iiij den. (1467. In this year there are various payments to stone cutters (lathami) labourers, a plasterer (daber), smith and others, and for the purchase of materials pro nouo opere iuxta quenengate, amounting to between thirty and forty shillings, but the character of the work is not described. Among the items are, pro ferrament' fenestrarum — pro tegulis pinnandis.) (1471). Solutum Johanni holwey lathamo conducto pro reparacione valti tercii dormitorii iij sol. viij den. Item solu- tum vni laboratori conducto pro eodem opere xxj den. (1473). Solut' diuersis latham plumbar' vitriar' et aliis laboratoribus operantibus circa reparacionem ecclesie hoc anno cum plumbo calce petris et aliis necessariis ad hoc emptis lv lib. xij sol. Et solutum Wift-mo Bonevile pro lapide posito super se- pulcrum domini Johannis Oxne* nuper Prioris lxvij sol. viij den. Et solut' Wiftmo Bonevile marbeler' in partem solucionis vnius lapidis pro sarcofago W. Petham xx sol. Item Witto mexstede cum famulo operanti circa Grana- rium vocatum langf rankishalle f per duas septimanas v sol. (1483-5. A greatly injured parchment roll, evidently a Treasurers' account, and proved by internal evidence to be- long to the reign of King Richard III, supplies the following fragmentary particulars) ex integro construend quia totaliter hoc anno . . .... combust' erat J c lib. ix sol. viij den. ob. Expensa empt' cum cariagio hoc anno pro nouo claustro edificando liiij lib. x sol. Item in duodecim lathamis * Prior Oxney died in July 1471. f Lanfranc's hall has been mentioned above, in 1434 : it is also referred to in an account of the year 1496, thus : Solutum Johanni Wodt attumato nostro in alta Curia apud lamfrangi shall pro rvarantf atturnaf contra Johanncm hay- ward de Frennyngham ii den. X The expense caused to the monastery by this fire shews that it was serious, but there is nothing to indicate its extent or locality. 17 conductia per annum integrum Lnatrumentorani auorum iiij° rv lib. a sol. [tem Id quatuor oementariia conduct is pro eodem opere cum duobufl Laborariia per annum integrum .... viij boI. [tem in duobua laborariifl oonduetia per sex Beptimanaa pro petrifl aarrandia pro eodem opere d sol. Item pr<> latere occidental] viij Lib. ij sol. v i j den. l 185). Anno domini milleaimo «•<•«•,• Ixxn fcerck) kalen- daa A j » r i 1 i s lit era dominicali a obiii renerandisaimua in Christ o pater dominufl Thomas Boughier tituli aancti ciriaci preabiter eardinalifl cantuarienaia archiepiaoopua et sepultus est in eeclesia Christi Cantuar" ¥1° idus Aprilis videlicet die sabbati iuxta altare ad feretrum Bancti elphegi. (1493-4. The following account relates to the building of the central tower of the Cathedral, known as the Angel Steeple.) Anno 8 h 7 (anno octavo Henrici Septimi). Julii 17 mo 39 tonelli de Canestone empti le toner! 6s. 4d 12 li. 7s. Anno 9 h 7. Octobr' 8. Anno 9 no Canestone empt' 39 tonett ipipa 12 li. 10s. 2d. Nouembr' 10 dicto anno 9. Canestori empt' 36 tonett le tonett 6s. 4d 1 1 li. 8s. April 10 diet' An 9. Canestone empt' 72 tonett i pipa le tonett 6s. 4d 22 li. 19s. 2d. Maii 5 diet' A 9. Canestori empt' 87 toneH le tonett 6s. 4d 11 li. 1 Ig. M. Maii Beptimo diet* A, ( .». Becole empt 5 2<> Chaldre 61i, 13s. 4d. [tem eodem die Secole empt' 20 Cbaldre . 611 l^s. 8d. Solutum latham eir«a nouam turrim maii 9 diet' A° 9 et aliia duobua aarrato- ribus lapidum 40s. 4d. Barrator' eodem die Is. latham maii 17 diet' A" 9 LSf. id. el Laboratorea com latham eodem die et anno LOs. Id. 18 Eegardum datum cuidam magistro lathamo misso a domino Cardinali 20s. latham maii vltimo 13s. 5d. Junii septimo latham xxiijs. Junii 9 diet' A 9 Caneston empt' 82 toneft ipipa3peddl 25 li. 15s. lOd. Junii 14 diet' A 9 latham 10s. Junii 25 diet' A 9 latham 6s. 8d. Sarrator' lapidum 3s. 6d. Junii 28 eodem Anno 9 latham circa cam- panilem 3s. 4d. 116 H. 14s. 3d. cxlv toneft de le toneft 6s. 224 toneft 6s. 4d. le toneft. (on the dorse.) Anno 10 mo . Expenduntur circa lathamos mense Octobr . 4 li. 16s. lid. Expenduntur circa lathamos mense Nouem- br' 71i. 12s. 3d. ob. quad. Marcii 28 eodem Anno (Canestone) 41 toneft le toneft 6s 12 li. 6s. Decembr 5 Caneston empt' 22 toneft le toneft 6s 61i. 12s. Expenduntur circa lathamos mense De- cembr' 10 li. 6s. 5d. Expenduntur circa lathamos mense Januarii 12 li. 6s. Expenduntur circa lathamos mense Febr' . 16 li. 9s. Expenduntur* circa lathamos mense marcii 25 li. 17s. lOd. 97 li. 19s. Id. ob. quad. Calxis uste per vnum annum videlicet a festo Sancti Michaelis Anno regni regis Henrici septimi decimo usque idem festum extunc proxime sequentem Anno predicti Regis undecimo — dc iiij xx iij quart' ij bz (683 quarters 2 bushels). vnde ad opus Campanilis angelici .... cccc iiij xx x q a rt' (490 quarters). Et ad opus monasterii cxlvij. Et in vendicione xlvj q a rt' ii bz. Expenduntur in Caneston 451 li. 7s. 6d. ob. * This item is crossed out ; and there are some original corrections in the account which serve to falsify the sums of £116 14s. 3d. and £97 19s. lfd., but the scribe has not struck them out. 19 (1494). Solutum Johanni de la haron pro escuracione guttere a claustro vsque ad cameram supprioris ij sol. viij den. Et eidem pro escuracione guttere a camera supprioris vsque ad finem parlure domini prioris iuxta studium suum iij sol. iiij den. Et Johanni de la haron cum sociis suis pro mundacione guttere a parlura domini prioris vsque ad tercium dormitorium Et a tercio dormitorio Et a lardaria vsque ad fossatum ville capienti pro roda infra murum a porta Stephani Monk- ton vsque ad lardariam x den. Et ab illo muro vsque ad fos- satum ville viij den. in partem solucionis x sol. Et Johanni de la haron pro escuracione gutterarum lar- darie et tercii dormitorii in partem solucionis viij sol. Et Johanni de la haron pro escuracione gutterarum a parlura domini prioris vsque ad tercium dormitorium et a lardaria usque ad fossatum ville in plenam solucionem iiij sol. iij den. Et eidem pro escuracione guttere in pandoxa- torio iiij den. (1495). Subsidium noui operis ecclesie. domino priori ad opus et subsidium noui Campanilis angelici xx lib. Et Johanni Ellynbreg' pro quatuor tonellis de merstham- stone* precium tonelli xxij den. — vij sol. iiij den. Et Eicardo lulle pro vectura dictorum quatuor tonellorum a london vsque feuyrsham Et thome havkyn pro cariagio dictorum a feuyrsham vsque Cant' (sum omitted) . (Three other items follow for Merstham stone, and the carriage to Canterbury, amounting to ten tonels : for carriage of one tonel 2s. 8d. : for five tonels 13s. 4d.) (1496). Thome barbone pro vno tonello de merstham- stone cum cariagio empto v sol. Et domino priori ad edificacionem noui Campanilis ange- lici xx lib. (1498). thome barbone pro sex tonellis de merstham- stone emptis in plenam solucionem xxxj sol. * Stone from Merstham in Surrey, though very perishable, was much used in medieval buildings over a wide extent of country in which better stone was not to be found. 20 The following* additional extracts relating, more or less, to the economy of the monastery, may be acceptable to those who take interest in its history. (1214). Expensa pro noua domo lxv lib. xiiij sol. This item probably refers to some building within the precincts, but neither its character or situation is described. Partes obuentionum. De testamento Wirli anglici xl sol. per manus abbatis Sancte radegunde. This appears to be a legacy from William the Englishman who carried on the work of the new choir of the Cathedral after the first super- intendent, William of Sens, was compelled by an accident to relinquish the direction of the operations in 1178. (1220). Expensa. Ricardo Celerario contra translacio- nem* sancti Thome xxxv lib. (1221). Expensa. Ad diuersa negocia DC.xxxij lib. iij sol. xj den. cum seruicio curie romane scilicet ccc.xliij marc, et cum aliis donis tarn Legato quam archiepiscopo (archo) et Justiciario (Justic) scilicet ciiij xx et ix marc. Et cum vino empto iiij xx et iiij lib. et ix den. et cum denariis datis pro falso sigillo scilicet lxx marc. (1222). Recepta. De Oblacionibus. — De Corona iiij xx lib. x sol. qui expenduntur in feretro. Expensa. Helie Carpentario x lib. ad carpentariam. Item eidem vij lib. ad emendandam criptam alborum monachorum. (1233). Expensa. In opere noui sigilli vij lib. vj sol. viij den. (1270). Expensa. vinum emptum scilicet pro lxviij doleis ij pipes et pro vino empto ad diuersa exhennia ad re- fectorium aulam et cameram prioris cxxxij lib. xviij sol. vj den. (1272). Recepta. De abbate de bello per manum fratris S. de feuersham quando fuit excommunicato ab officiali (offic') nostro sede vacante xij sol. (1285). Expensa. Pro noua Capsa feretri x lib. * This year the body of Archbishop Becket was translated with great solemnity from the crypt to a costly shrine in the eastern part of the Cathedral, above the choir. 21 (1294). Pro expensa circa Electionem* in Anglia lxij sol. ij den. ob. Item pro expensa eiusdem electionis in Cnria Eomana mille iiij xx xvj lib. Pro causa Archidiaconi in Curia xij lib. x sol. Pro exhennio misso domino Archiepiscopo in Curia Eomana xij lib. x sol. Et memorandum quod hoc anno excreuit debitum con- uentus pro expensis circa electionem mille ccc.viij lib. xv sol. j den. (1327). Solutum Thome de Stowe eunti Curiam Eoma- nam pro canonizacione f domini Eoberti Archiepiscopi per conuentum x lib. (1328). Thesaurarii petunt allocationem de xxij lib. so- lutis Stephano de Berkjng' et sociis suis ad opus ecclesie beate marie de arcubus J Londonie. (1335). dedimus quibusdam venientibus de Francia por- tantibus vnam ymaginem argenteam ad Feretrum beati Thome ij sol. (1336?). Solutum Thantone pro magno sigillo nostro de nouo faciendo xij sol. (1340). Memorandum quod Gervasius Alard§ de Sner- gate habet a nobis vnam acquietanciam de omnimodis trans- gressionibus et contractis nobis et ecclesie nostre illatis a principio mundi vsque ad xij diem mensis maii Anno regni regis Edwardi tercii a conquestu xiiij sub da to Cantuar' xviij die febr' anno eiusdem Eegis xv°. * The election of Archbishop Robert Winchelsea. In addition to the items of expense here entered there are also in the preceding year pro eatpenta circa electionem in Anglia lxxvi lib. vj sol. iiii dm. ob. — vertm Curiam lxvi lib. xiii sol. iiii den. Part, if not the whole, of this expenditure was repaid by the archbishop. In 1307 is this item — de debitis atterminatis ; Dominus R. de Wynchelese pro expensis factis circa electionem de se factam DC xx lib. f Unsuccessful application was made to Rome for the canonization of Arch- bishop Winchelsea, whose memory was popularly held in the highest veneration ; and for years after his death in 1313, offerings were made at his tomb, at first to a very considerable amount ; but after a time they sunk to extinction. A memorial of his obit was continued to the Reformation, by an annual ringing of the bells, for which two shillings were paid. + Bow Church, Cheapside. § The family of Alard was of considerable repute, and held property in Romney Marsh, and the neighbourhood of Rye and Winchelsea ; and Gervase appears to have been a prevalent name among them ; but their history seems to be imperfectly known. A slight notice of them may be seen in Blore's Monu- mental Remain-. 90 (1342). Liberavimus Thome Gar-went' capellano nostra pro signis emptis xxxviij sol. (1372). Recepta. De vna Cappa venerabilis lamfranci cremata* et de diuersis Jocalibus fucis venditis cxvj lib. vj sol. viij den. (1373). De duabus Casulis venerabilis Lamfranci crema- tis cum aliis diuersis Jocalibus fucis venditis cxxxviij lib. xij sol. Item recepte per manus domini Ricardi Prioris c lib. de diuersis ymaginibus Feretri beati Thoinse martiris fucis ven- ditis. Item de R. Lyonns in partem solucionis diuersarum petrarum et jocalium feretri beati Thome martiris sibi ven- ditorum iiij xx lib. Datum domino Principit in prima peregrinacione ad beatum Thomam post aduentum suum de acquitannia iiij xx xiiij lib. xiij sol. iiij den. cum duabus bacsillis precio xvij lib. Item datum clericis portantibus oblaciones domini Principis iiij lib. (1374). Recepta. de domino Stephano monyngham in persolucionem diuersarum petrarum et Jocalium Feretri beati Thome martiris venditorum Ricardo lyonns xx lib. (1380). (Thesaurarii) petunt allocacionem de xvj lib. xv sol. iij den. ob. solutis ad wallaturam Oiuitatis Cantuar' ad supplicacionem domini Simonis Sudbury Archiepiscopi. (1381). (Thesaur') petut allocam de viij lib. solutis ad wallaturam ville ad supplicacionem domini Simonis Sudbury Archiepi. (1473). Solutum. Fratribus studentibus Oxonie pro vno aproj erga festum Natalis domini ex consuetudine vj sol. viij den. Solut' Firmario de Adysham pro Jocale invento in dominio ibidem xij den. (1474). Recepta. — xiiij sol. viij den. pro patena inuenta apud addisham. * From this and the next item it is manifest there must have been a very serious fire within the Cathedral, but it does not appear to have injured the building. f Edward the Black Prince. X A similar purchase for the inmates of the monastery frequently occurs. Canterbury was once famous for brawn, but nearly half a century ago the pre- paring of it was found to be limited to a single maker. 23 (1475). Soluturu pro invencione vnius cuppe enee et deaurate xvj den. Memor d quod Eicardus marchatt thesaurarius recepit de domino priore Iiij sol. iiij den. ad soluendum marbilario pro lapide domini Johannis langdong'* in officio thesaurarie- Et pro cariagio et wharfagio ij sol. Memor d ffor Syryng (cering) off my lorde prior Sellyngt xiijs. iiijd. ob. Item ffor iiij brancheyd tapers at hys bereyng xiijs. iiijd. Item delyueryd x torcheys wayyng v xx ij lb & xviij lb Y off ys waste xlij lb dij price the lb iiijd. and ffor euery lb makyng jd. Summa ffor waste and ffor makyng . . xxixs. Item ffor vj brancheyd tapers at the monyth mynd off my sayde lorde w t iij xx lyghts and xviij xxxs. Item delyueryd vij torcheys wayyng iiij xx lb & xiij lb di Y off is waste iiij lb di price the tb iiijd. and ffor euery lb makyng jd. Summa ffor waste and ffor makyng ixs. iiijd. ob. Item delyueryd ffroe the fforthe beryng vn to the monythe mynde viij tapers off ij lb apece brenyng a bowte the grave price the lb viijd. Summa vs. iiijd. Summa totatt v li. iijd. ob. The following is extracted from an imperfect list of ecclesiastical vestments, evidently relating to the beginning of the reign of Elizabeth. Ornaments geven by the late L° Cardynalle Poole. Fyrste a Mytre of syluer and gylte sett w l pearle and stone weyenge iiij xx xvij oz di defaced. * Langdon was an author of note in his day. f Prior Selling died in December 1494. % 10 torches weighing 102 lbs. and 18 lbs. ; thereof is waste \'1\ lbs. 24 Item a payre of gloues of knytte Crymsen sylke embro- dered w t golde and tassells also. Item another payre of gloues of white knitte sylke em- brodered with golde and Crymsen sylke. Item a payre of Buskyns and a payre of Shoes of cloth of golde, and a payre of shoes & a payre of Buskyns of whyte Taffeta. Item a payre of Tunycles of Crymsen taffeta w* a Crosse and Borders of purple taffeta lyned w* Crymsen sarcenett. Item another payre of Tunycles of whyte Taffeta layed w 1 lace and fringe of golde. Item A Camericke clothe edged w t golde to take the Myter of (off) tharchbusshopps heade. Item a vestemente of clothe of golde braunched w l whyte syluer and the Crosse of purple clothe of Tissue. It has been shewn by the late Mr. Larking, in referring to the birthplace of Caxton, the first English printer (Archceo- logia Cantiana, II., 231, and V., 324), that the names Caxton and Causton are identical as applied to localities. In these Canterbury records a John and a Thomas Causton, usually so spelled, are frequently mentioned in the latter half of the fifteenth century ; but the name is once written Kaxtu, in 1474, and Caxton and Caxsto in 1478, shewing that the family title was subject to the same variation.