INTERSTATE AIR POLLUTION STUDY B I -STATE DEVELOPMENT AGENCY ST. LOUIS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HOSPITALS ST. LOUIS - DIVISION OF AIR POLLUTION CONTROL PHASE II PROJECT REPORT ^, EAST ST. LOUIS - AIR ^'3 POLLUTION CONTROL COMMISSION ST. LOUIS COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT EAST SIDE HEALTH DISTRICT II. AIR POLLUTANT EMISSION INVENTORY MISSOURI DIVISION OF HEALTH ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF METROPOLITAN ST. LOUIS ILLINOIS AIR POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD DHEW PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE INTERSTATE AIR POLLUTION STUDY PHASE II PROJECT REPORT II. AIR POLLUTANT EMISSION INVENTORY prepared by R. Venezia G. Ozolins "'"'""'"^'--^^'s^'u..,,^, MAR 2 1 1978 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Public Health Service Bureau of Disease Prevention and Environmental Control National Center for Air Pollution Control Cincinnati, Ohio Revised December 1966 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 FOREWORD The Interstate Air Pollution Study was divided into two phases. Phase I, a general study of the overall air pollution problems in the St. Louis - East St. Louis metropolitan area, was conducted to determine specific activities that would require further study in Phase II of the project. The effort was divided into two phases to provide a logical stopping point in the event that interest and resources for proceed- ing further might not nnaterialize. The necessary impetus did continue, however, and the Phase II operation was also completed. The Phase I operation resulted in a detailed report, designed primarily for use of the Executive Committee nnembers and their agencies in making decisions con- cerning the Phase II project operation. A Phase I summary report was also pre- pared; it received wide distribution. Numerous papers, brochures, and reports were prepared during Phase II operation, as were some 18 Memorandums of Information and Instruction con- cerning the project. All of these doctiments were drawn upon in the preparation of the Phase II project report. The Phase II project report consists of eight separate volumes under the following titles: I. Introduction II. Air Pollutant Emission Inventory III. Air Quality Measurements IV. Odors - Results of Surveys V. Meteorology and Topography VI. Effects of Air Pollution VII. Opinion Surveys and Air Quality Statistical Relationships VIII. Proposal for an Air Resource Managennent Program. m CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 SUMMARY OF RESULTS 4 FUEL COMBUSTION IN STATIONARY SOURCES 5 Methodology 13 Industrial 14 Steam-Electric Utilities 18 Residential 18 Other 18 Results IS Industrial 18 Steam-Electric Utilities 22 Residential 22 Other 24 SOLID-WASTE DISPOSAL 26 Methodology 28 Combustible Refuse Generated 28 Municipal Incinerators 28 Open-Burning Dumps and Sanitary Landfills 29 On-Site Incineration 29 On-Site Open Burning 29 Results 29 TRANSPORTATION SOURCES 30 Methodology 30 Road Vehicles 30 Aircraft, Railroads, and Vessels 32 Results 32 Road Vehicles 32 Aircraft, Railroads, and Vessels 34 INDUSTRIAL PROCESS EMISSIONS 35 Methodology 35 Results 35 Oil Refineries 35 Cennent Manufacturing " 36 Asphaltic Concrete Manufacturing 37 Steel Manufacturing 37 Foundries 37 Grain Handling and Processing 37 Coffee Roasting 37 Chennical Industry 37 Solvent Evaporation 37 REFERENCES 40 APPENDIX - EMISSION FACTORS 41 II. AIR POLLUTANT EMISSION INVENTORY INTRODUCTION Knowledge of sources of air pollution in a community and the quantities of the various pollutants emitted to the air can provide the basic framework for further air conservation activities. Through an emission inventory, information relating to the quantities of the various pollutants released, the relative contribution of pollutants from the different source categories, and the geographical distribution of pollutant emissions within the study area may be obtained. The results of an emission survey may be used effectively in metropolitan planning, pollution abate- ment activities, sampling programs, and diffusion models for predicting atmospheric levels of pollutants. An emission inventory was conducted during 1963-1964 as part of the St. Louis - East St. Louis Interstate Air Pollution Study. The Study covered an area of 3,567 square miles and included the City of St. Louis and the six surrounding counties - St. Louis, St. Charles, and Jefferson Counties in Missouri and Madison, St. Clair, and Monroe Counties in Illinois. More than 95 percent of the population and almost all of the industrial activity are located in the 400 square nniles of the centrally located urbanized part of the Study area. The pollutant emission data presented can be almost entirely attributed to this urbanized portion of the 'area. Population density and land-use naaps , which provide an excellent index to the areal distribution of most pollutant emissions, are presented in Figures 1 and 2. The pollutants considered in this survey are those emitted in large quantities from a variety and nnultitude of sources dispersed throughout the area. Included are aldehydes, carbon nnonoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides (calculated as nitrogen dioxide), sulfur oxides (calculated as sulfur dioxide), particulates, and benzo(a) pyrene (B(a)P). The emissions of other pollutants are generally associated with a specific process or operation and, in general, are not distributed throughout the community. The sources of air pollution in the Study area nnay be subdivided into the five following general categories: 1. Fuel combustion in stationary plants. ' — ^ 2. Combustion of refuse material. ^^^ 3. Fuel combustion in transportation vehicles, d-- 4. Industrial process ennissions.' — ■ 5. Solvent evaporation. ^^ The geographical variations of pollutant emissions within the Study area are delineated by presenting emission data for the City of St. Louis and each of the six 1 i ~^ 1 M ii "1 i 1 "" - ^L ^ ^ L|^vX;:v:j S s -— -\ J^ I nr k' T\ ^■" ^ i^ ^^^\ — --- ^^/t'r^ ^ ^ •V- J- M. f /Id N ^ 1 \^ ^ >«4.l — "EDWARDS — —• '^^ <^ -X ^ IT ^ — "^ r ) 1 i ^M / / iiiS^i f ^'' / m ^i^p 1 / ~m -Ifil «- ^.. . rrA — . ,_hl 1 A «s \ ^ ,__. ^jmss^ _i ^y A^ ^i itvr^ / / f i ■ ^ ^- ' '■ ;.> ¥\ rrx / / 1 "-kW ^ij Am W^\ : />/ ^■■■. 1 — - ^ p HlF^ m :: w\m / M , ^i^ I'ia imp %M ...Ji h ::;*: ^i^ ^ WM>^ Y ' W: '■ i>^Hiil ^ :;::;: :;:-p :]; ; WW ' I :■:■;■;■:■:■;] •I ! i '.','. '.'.'.'.'.'. M |\madis6n CO m ^ ■ liPillll^^ ^1 ^m CO ^ s^ v$w. - -- ^ ] 1 ^masm ^lyt. Lvui^gii^^g^^^g^m "»- ■t"- J is ff. i it TH : "^^^:F^iB ft.aiM s T^H^ 1 — . '■■■^y:- ^ i /^ , \ -■• ■;■ \ ' |- IB a«i ^^'' r / \ \ ^ ■^\ ■■■j^ ^^^^ ( * ■; 1 > 1 1 Nf Fn} K ■>>«$ ^ H \ N i •"KP-i-i-s- taKWft:. fi \ Pv V" X •^ m / \^:m W 1 1 1 r^ f^ si* 1 /> ^ s ^ >lw ;;;! teELLEVILLE^ ■ ■^ , k •\ 1 ! 7 •fcN. c. — -p <499 500-1.999 2,000-4.999 5,000-9.999 r / ft L 1 \ ^ j;^ i 1 ^m k ^^^ r-^ I ^ m < 53 ■> ^<^ \ ( 4'A "-' - ^ ^\ ^ 1 ^1 > 20,000 « y r 1 1^ L ^^ L» L. ^O > 810 800'* -h4-|790 780 770 760 750 740 750 720 710 700°° 690 680 670 660 650 640 630 620 400°"' 410 420 430 440 450 46C 470 480 490 500" 510 520 530 540 550 Figure 1. Population by 5, 000-foot-square grid cells - I960 census. counties individually. In addition, pollutant emissions were designated for 10, 000- foot-square grid cells. -:= Pollutants by grid cells are shown in Figures 3, 4, 9, and 10. *Grid cells refer to the area north and east of the designated point. I f ill,- ' * n il? MILES EXISTING LAND USE INDUSTRIAL [ZJ RESIDENTIAL HD OTHERS COMMERCIAL Figure 2. Land use in Metropolitan St. Louis in 1957, The procedure for conducting an ennissions survey consists of two parts. The first part involves collection and connpilation of basic data such as quantities of fuels and refuse material burned, the combustion equipment and techniques ennployed, selected chemical analysis of fuels used, and the quantities and types of materials handled or processed. In the second part of the survey, average emission factors are applied to the measured data to translate these quantities into pollutant emission rates. An emission factor represents the average emission rate of a pollutant per unit quantity of material handled, processed, or burned. The emission factors used in this survey are presented in the Appendix. SUMMARY OF RESULTS The following is a brief sumnnary of pollutant emissions and sources in the Study area: 1. Particulate matter is emitted primarily from the combustion of coal, various industrial processes, and the open burning of refuse. The com- bustion of coal contributes 56 percent, industrial processes 27 percent, and open burning of refuse 10 percent of the total particulate ennissions. 2. More than 90 percent of the sulfur oxide emissions are discharged during the combustion of fossil fuels. The burning of coal contributes more than 87 percent and fuel oil 4 percent of total emissions. 3. Oxides of nitrogen are discharged primarily from the burning of coal (51%), transportation sources (35%), and burning of gas (7%). 4. Motor vehicles emit more than 63 percent and open burning of refuse almost 23 percent of the total hydrocarbons released. 5. The major source of carbon monoxide is the operation of gasoline-powered motor vehicles, which emit alnnost 98 percent of the total. The emissions of pollutants discharged to the air of the Study area are sum- marized in Table 1 for the Study area and Tables 2 through 8 for each of the political subdivisions. The geographic distribution of particulate and sulfur oxide emissions are shown in Figures 3 and 4, The validity of the results depends primarily on the accuracy and applicability of the presently available emission factors. These factors, for the most part, represent the average emission rates for a particular industry or fuel group. Because of the differences in ennission rates among the plants or fuel users within a given category, the application of the emission factors to any individual plant or even a small number of similar plants or processes may result in a considerable discrepancy between the actual and calculated emissions. The incompleteness of data relating to pollutant emissions from some processes and fuel uses has resulted in the omission of some air pollutants and air pollution sources in the area. For the most part, these omissions have been confined to source categories or sources contributing relatively small quantities of pollutants. The emission inventory should therefore be fairly representative of total area emissions of the principal pollutants. This inventory of commonly occurring pollu- tants cannot, however, be used to identify sonne kinds of pollutant sources, which are few in number but which nnay cause objectionable neighborhood pollution problems Table 1. SUMMARY OF AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS IN INTERSTATE AIR POLLUTION STUDY AREA, 1963 (tons/year^) Source Carbon Hydro- Nitrogen SuUY Partic- i ■ category- Aldehydes monoxide carbons oxides oxides ulate s.<^ B(a)pa Transportation 1, 800 1, 088, 000 236.000 48, 000 4, 400 C^l^i 00 ' 489 Road vehicles 1,600 1, 083, 000 232,000 43, 400 3, 600 4, 700 456 Other 200 5, 000 4, 300 4,700 800 2,400y 33 Combustion of fuels stationary sources 600 26,500 6, 200 85,600 421, 000 C87f000 641 Industry 200 2,600 900 22,700 113, 000 39,000 427 Steam-electric util. 16 1,200 500 53,200 244, 000. 22^00 7 Residential 360 19,000 4,000 8,000 50, 000 19,900 156 Other 28 3,600 800 1,800 14, 000 5,500 .' 51 Refuse disposal 1.240 150 84,000 500 500 f 'l5,80~6^ 416 Incineration 90 150 50 300 200 1.700 15 Open burning 1, 150 nab 83,900 200 300 14. 100 401 Industrial process emissions nab nab 11,700 4, 200 29, 600 ^7,500 nab Solvent evaporation nab -- 36,000 nab -- -- -- Totals 3,640 1, 115,000 373,900 138.300 455, 000 14 7 400 \,546 ^Benzo(a) Pyrene in lb/year. *na = Information not available or not reported. because of particulates or odors. The maps in Figures 5, 6, and 7, showing loca- tion of several types of sources of this kind, are of some assistance in evaluating the potential problems that may be associated with these kinds of sources. FUEL COMBUSTION IN STATIONARY SOURCES Coal, fuel oil, and gas are the principal fuels used in the Study area to supply heat and power for industries, steam-electric utilities, households, and commer- cial establishments. The combustion of these fuels produces various products, which, when released to the air of the community, contribute significantly to the deterioration of the air quality. In fact, these releases constitute the major sources of particulates, oxides of sulfur, and oxides of nitrogen present in the air of the Study area. To more accurately define the sources of pollution and provide better estimates of emissions, the area fuel use was subdivided into the following consumer categories: 1, Industrial 2. Steam-electric utilities 3. Residential 4. Other (connmercial. institutional, etc.) Pi o CO t-H o H CO O U 0) CO O 1— I CO CO W O >-' < CO H od Bi m 00 o rvj o ro ro r^ 1 r^ n) on —1 vO sO c ro C r- C 1 ro • — ( f m 1 o o '^t* K •t a. •, C C 1 M X ^H CT- o rg 00 rg CO o '-' ro r-H t^ o o 00 r^ CT- ro o 00 o ■* ■* in •* O T3 o Lfl -* r\J O r- 00 sO ^H ro ■ •k ^1 0) OCT-'* p-H rg CT- 00 00 vX) »— « '— t t—t I-H ro o o ^1 T3 X m u X W CQ H —* in in ro CO ■"i* C T3 o r- rM rj rO '^ 00 ro 00 O O -r^ o fM ro ro r- 00 1) 00 (U O) , — 1 '^ U~l ^^ fM X) r-H ro ,—i rg 1 C7- sO r-4 C O C •r-f 4-> ni h en (D +j C C ■r-l (ti U r— I c en CL, •'-' C u . — 1 o ■iH n •H •r~i en G CO 0) o C • (-) ■-* , — 1 ■4-> u O c o U tn 1'b O •H +-> o CO »— < O tn 00 en •H en tn > 4; en to :i V 13 i*-i f— 1 0) -i-t {J u c •r-t o e o u T3 •t^ a; en ^1 o (fl > tn I-H (fl H 0) 0) C UH eo en 1) -fH C oc ^, c u o en XI nJ u 1 1 •H +-> f— * 3 . 1 .3 a ^1 (fl o u (fl u o u 0) > > eu u en •H en ■1-4 U ■H XI •pH ■H ■!-> en n! nJ f — t en J3 eo c en 3 1) -5 X) o O 0) - Di Pi « « U O S oi 3: (fl c o o -*-» (fl ^1 o a .s ^^ O ■^ (fl -- 00 ^ ro O ^ (fl 43 (fl (fl > 'o en tn 0) XJ r-H U a •iH c o H 4-> (fl o (fl > 0) II (fl (fl XI in O (fl 5:S II cq o o o M U C X) (U >, (fl ^ o c o ■M (J (fl o c o -'-' Ji tJ Sa B (fl 00 r; -^ ;::: o ^, 1^ "^ !> 0) G '■^: ri (fl u X) 0) o en CO h O U CO t-i O ^r . u to § O I— I CO CO l-l U O >^ < CO f-H ni ^ (U 0) 0) in (NJ oi IVJ t^ ro 00 (NJ r- !i (d 1 sO n) LD C (VJ r^ c CO C C 1 ^ •— t (NJ « 1 # 1 CO o o '^ 00 (T- r- o o vO o oo in r- INJ o .^ (7^ in o >X) vD vO (NJ CO -* ^ fVJ in ^o eg O ,-H O 00 1 (NJ ^H (TJ ^ .^ ^ ^ ,« „ 1 •■ rt ':i ^H ro ^ in I-H CO •"* a =" (NJ o o 00 "^ O r^ >~-t "in" in 00 CO CO o CO r— 1 CO ^H 00 00 CO ^H sD 00 :3 0) (N) CM 00 o in nO vC ^ ON 'J'" r-" (NJ T3 00 1 CO 5 X ■—I CO r- c/5 S »— 1 ^^ c o o r^ o ro ro r^ in o CO ON r- o tifi ill o o ^H o INJ 00 in ^ ^H (NJ 00 r- O T3 ^ oo ro fM in O 00 Tt< CO 1 ^ -s •« ■1 « « 1 * '*< (\j CO t^ I-H o *-H rg in to C o o o o o O O o ON r- r- fNJ o r- ^ 00 o o o o rf »— 1 ^£) 00 o^ ^ CO o 00 00 ^ ^ OO IT) «— 4 r^ •—1 r~- (NJ CO (NJ ■* ^^ M ■« ■« .s .« M n) -^ vO iM nO ON 00 u in 1— t ^H o o -a X m u a:: w m H (U o o in ^ '^ CO o %o O (NJ o sO Tf in CO o INJ rsj (NJ vO o o (M CO NO t-i 1) (\l M w (U a. o U nJ I— t ■H (J to a •H C o f-H (4 .2^ ^ •1-1 •H to c 10 0) 1:1 tJ O C to o C 1— t OJ 4-t to ^-v o 4-) -^ ■iH •H +-> ^ o CO c 1— 1 H o 1 — 1 o nJ ■fH 4-> to s V B H 1 V to a, (T) CO CuO -o to CO CO o G C CO (4 if 'Oi o to to > tu ;3 I-H Q 73 •— - u u o (V H (U V -M -v t« to to C GC -H ^ c l—t u •IH 0) s i-H I-H ;3 O u ■u nJ 3 1) 'rt (i u (U V c •»H ^4H ;:! •iH 3 c •H (Tj > > XI to to 3 I-H •iH to to u CO ^ (U (U to -M to 3 u o u O o •r-t n) (U T3 C 1— 1 T3 pt. - rt « <; C5 rt h ,3 « I-H X to ^ u nJ O •iH -*-> flt CO B o u C! o •IH -M (U o CO (\J 00 c o •H (Tj o > +-> PI > I — I o to to a; TI I-H u . G u ■'-> ?! ^ ^ o U (\J >> (tJ O f-l Pi d CO u to X) a X P! (d 2 ^ O (t) " IS PI o rC u a u o X! o u o H-> o .„ O .2 .2 .2 ^ -- -[J d ^ ^ trj (ticflcn^^t;!U^X) V (D y, -^ Q^y, >. CO r-H H CO > C O o u G O ■*-» (0 )h O (X > (D C •H "o CO (D 60 O ^ C 3 4-> r! (d .Q ■*-> )h u (fl I/) a. u UJ n1 01 > X) l-H m ft Cl y. • > o l-H nJ CO II >• l-H •H CO 0) T1 U H a > :3 l-H ^ in 4-> >. • C , C XI •rH ■M (i) l-H n (J >> •iH Xi +-> (Tl n rt II CD UH ^ CO ^H c CQ r— t (U ccJ > pq 1 C 0) , ^ a; ■M 0) CO •IH DO •H ^ ni (U II ^ 0) ^x II m PQ X W c C (X! !> u -a (U D O to >< H Z o o u z o w "r W ^ •-) ^ z ^ o I— I w CO l-H w o < r— < (4 H rt Dh_ 0) s CO T3 -H fVJ OT3 — 1 00 r^ n) 1 ^H ^H C C rg c 1 nO CQ 1 U B) o lTi '^ ■^ O ^ o o o ^ •H (U fM O^ rg '?' CO 00 -H o o 0. ^ PO OCX) G rg rg o — ' 00 t 1 o" ^H u (n O (M ^ rO iri ^H ro Tj" O rg 3 1) O . rO rg r- T) ro in , rg )2 "^ ^H o rg c r-H J in c^ § . « rg c o ^ o O r-l o o rg r^ in in O o — CT- »— * 00 Ti r-i r- 1 cr- fM rg 00 C ■=r 1 CT- 2 ° •« " •^ r-H rg ^ tt) o o o 00 '^ r^ o . , in o o _ vO C 00 O rg in vU rg O vX) o 00 00 o fvj ^ O —1 -0 sO rg 00 ro o ^ ■««<•« C >s -t •« M ^ r-C ^ r^ -H r- n) 1—4 u O ^ U X CQ U W CQ H 0) c -o o ro ^ vO 00 lD CO 'd o a-i 00 sO 0) d) 0) '~~* -^ ^ o (VJ TJ rt (tJ nj 1 ^ ^^ 2 ^ c c c a 1 «^ «) g i-H •-H "1 rn ro 1 (0 OJ a; 01 •^ O ^H 013 -^ o sO rt 1 '-H T3 TJ rr C --H --^ C -1 ^ c 1 O -! >> 1— * rg < X c o •H +» (4 h (U C •i-i o .s CO C I-H nS •H^ •iH CO C M 3 o in to . — i 0) CO o o pr CO -5 o <" o H w U3 3 t— t (D a; a, X) V (V 0) u •fH 1 — 1 u ^-1 1 — 1 •H •S .S a o X X .2 ^ (Ti ^1 ^1 rt o; 0) CO c ■ I-I -H > -a CO ^ -a •£ ^6 u •J-" CO :3 ^ ^ i; c c « 4J (U ^ u o u nJ nJ «) to -v o ^ Di ^ > ^ X u M o CO >^ u nJ C O O fH >*H c o •iH -tJ nJ M O Oh Oj > 0) a; C )-i I — 1 nJ o 0) CO >^ nJ ~~^ 00 ^ T-l c ^ o (T) O ^^ o (4 4-> (1 c4 -iJ 4H M M o (Tt l/J a U (0 rrt cu > XI ID (ti n C X • 0) c M lU I-H .> (tJ nJ ,Q O CU nl CO II >- 1 — 1 •iH CTl CO T1 u H o 4-> > ::! , in u >s • c . C ^ o t-l •H ^ c *H o (Ij C o (ti -4-> CU o 1— ) n c; o •tH +-> II CO U CO fH c O 0( CQ (V I-H O 0) > 0) CQ CO (;) 1 ■ H o 1 — 1 Xi •H 00 •iH u o u II 00 Z •> X M CQ X w c C nJ 43 u XI (U en CO H o u u CO O l-H CO CO O § 113 CO n) (1) 5i. rj ^ CO in ox) in ^ m 00 ^ ■* »— 1 CO cr c o^ >o C 1 -^ rg 1 in cq 1 O LD r- fo 00 in in •* (T- o o sO u en a- INJ INl f—i I-H ■* ^H rg f—t CO O o •♦-> m 00 tsj vO CO vO CO tr- r- 1 o tH r— 1 (U tf 00 CO 't -H vO >-~t CI. 3 CO )h CO 0) XI •H o C» f—i m 00 00 in ^ ^ CO 00 ^X> (Ni o 00 in 00 in I-H CO sO r\) CO c CO ro t^ •« CT^ CO "^ CO 1 'J- o o" CO in •—< '^'" vO #— ( fVJ >—t »-H sO (0 o o 00 ^X5 tXI ^ o I-H in -H O (NJ 60 O 0) o r- vO O vO I-H CO m ■* O in XI o vO —* Tt< ^ (VJ CO 1 '^^ U •rH o '^'" ^H i—t CO CO ' 't •H 1-^ 2 o o o o IM Tf cr- ^ i—t XI ^ o o CO r- o o o ITI in r^ 00 CO rg C CO o o 00 CO 1 (0 o vO CO CO 00 I-H a^ in in I-H in o C ^ •» •» ^ •* « f^ » u '^ ■^ CO •— < in I-H r—t fM in XI r^ -H rg f-H sO >^ ^ X u u X w (U o 00 o in in in fM in o c XI o •-H in r^ vO 00 O q; ^ ^H CO -< a c» <; ^ n •H •M n) u ■(-> a •H T-H O CI to (X •H c u I-H n • iH •H to c u o CO 0) c • H O to i-H CO to 0) to to to :3 to ^1 ■M O I-H B o (1) o to ft to •H ^ H to 1 "^ o •iH ■>-> a u o ft a to (-H +-> CO to > ;3 I-H UH I-H (U XI 0) H 0) (U X3 Vh to to I-H s •S CI Bf >^ c 1—1 o •H . — 1 u •iH t;) I-H •iH f-H tti I-H .3 ^ C r-H fjD ^ X X) O a pi d Vi ^1 nj «) U o 0) > tu > •H U ■I-" f-H •iH 3 XI XI M :2 to •iH to u +-> O to 3 c s| u nJ (4 I-H to to a> T3 O 0^ 05 Pi X) o XI <§• &1 to 1) u u 3 o CO >N u nt a o •fH ■<-> nt to H o u VfH C! o • fH nt o ft nt > o to nt XI c nt a o •H ■t-> nt u o ft nt > 0) +J C 0) > f-H o CO to 0} x> I-H U C •H d o •rt +-> nt u O ft > C O a; TO nt m u nt f-5 >s n) C > in ^ d « n) -(-> o nt h I-H o ' (U to nJ w |fM.^£ .. .. II II fp u XJ ^ o 1— I w w I— I w o % to 0) t— I nt H (tJ D. -— ^ o T3 (Nl ^^ ■^ ^ -n ^ o (Ll O ■* c fM in C c '^ sO c 1 1 o (Nl 1 o in r<^ r~- IM o ro rg o o ro ■n U U) vO f\j vO r^ OO ro o ^H ^H 00 -^ o f»-> rvj — ' r^ ro in vO r- (NJ 1 ^H !3 JS 1 rO ^ iNJ ^H vO o" 1. :3 ^ ^ in o 00 -£) U~l ^ r- 00 o^ o o t~- ^1 (n o O ^ o og ■* ^H o^ o r- 3 U ro •— t 00 O (NJ T3 in 1 ^H ^ T3 . •« c . 1 . C^ g 00 ro (> r-H in 00 ^ r^ ro •— ' Nitrogen oxides O o fM ro o a- r- 00 t- O o (^ 00 in in (NJ ro o o" r^ 1 1 in r- (NJ ro U3 o o o o o (Nl sO o ^T-j 00 O t^ o O 00 fM ■* ro ^ un 00 O q r^ O OJ 00 CO ^ f\J fVJ 'r vO on —\ ^H ^ in (\j (NJ 00 -. ^ « A c ^ •« (J CO Tf ro ro o in •—I ^H ^^ ^ o ^ u X CQ U X w m H 0) o LO ^ ro nO o (NJ CvJ fvj C T3 o .— 1 ■^ 00 in r- o vO o -rl o ^H O CT^ Tf ^ 0) (U -i ^ in 00 fOTJ ro o (NJ <^ ro rg CO C in '^ 1 CO in c o •H -M !i u CO (U ■M c C •H ni CJ C CO Dh •H C u (T) o •H n ■iH •(H U) c in (U u ^> 3 o . "o w 1! 0) •rH 1 — 1 (0 CO a; > 0) 3 :3 o a; a; U (U s o o CO £ (D ■H CO 1 § CO • H B CO CO u o > to . — 1 n) +-> H m cn XI 3 0) f-H (U ■M V T) u O 1) 0) a; c '^H to CO C GO Ofl M C 1— 1 u CO 1— ( f-H (U s f-H •iH Cu o X X o ^1 '^j nJ 3 (t) M u 'cti M > > 13 CO •iH CO • H +-' CO 3 c • iH to u o >-( nJ n) •fH cn 3 to 3 o; (1) 3 T3 O O (fl (U T3 O T) fX p. -a >^ « « CcJ cc; tN 1— 1 O O K a; u u o to >< ^1 (;! C O -4-> to O u 't-t C o •H O Oh > 1) o to a (U XI 1— 1 u # d ^ • H a n (U o >^ •iH (tJ ™ o ^ (U u o a; rt ^ > 2 ^ in O (ti 5 :S n u o a > o u IT) u o XJ a: 3 ^^ 1h ^ 3 -( O " ^ I, W C C u x3 a; 11 CO 1— ( O H o u w O o Z o O ^ I— I CO CO H O < CO oo 1 — I H T3 T) T3 , '^ (Nl 00 Sulfur oxides CO fSJ Nitrogen oxides Hydrocarbons ooo — if\j oo t^ oooLm3 (Nj-^xi ooTi ^ X cq U W CQ H O o Carbon monoxide O O O (1) 0) •2 I a u i5 "i 5 u nS (U - CO II ^ :h ^ --> ^ U >^ • C •" ^ c " C O nJ 5 2 0) > o o M U ,£3 3 " ^ M II X W 12 PARTICULATE EMISSIONS, tons/year MULTIPLE SOURCES SINGLE SOURCES 00 K 100 - 500 ^ 500 -1,000 / 1,000 -3,000 1,500 - 3,000 3,000 - 6,000 6,000 - 13,000 780 770 760 750 740 730 720 710 700000' 690 680 670 660 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500°°°' 510 520 530 540 Figure 3. Emissions of particulates in study area. The emissions of pollutants are not only dependent upon the types and quantities of fuels burned but also on the chemical composition of fuels, firing techniques and equipment employed, and efficiency of air pollution control devices used. Where applicable, these parameters have been considered in the emission calculations. Methodology Fuel consumption data for the Study area were obtained through the use of a variety of techniques and from numerous information sources. These varied from individual contact, nnostly by questionnaires, to the use of city or metropolitan area totals as reported by the U.S. Bureau of Census or national fuel associations. Where possible, the data have been cross-checked by using different techniques and sources. 13 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500°"°' 510 520 530 540 Figure 4. Emissions of sulfur o>cide3 in study area. Fuel-use data were compiled by consumer categories and by major political subdivi- sions of the Study area. The techniques used in assessing the fuel consumption of each of the user categories are briefly summarized below. Industrial - With the cooperation of the Industrial Waste Council and the Metropolitan St. Louis Chamber of Commerce, the largest 900 of the approximately 3,300 manu- facturing firms in the Study area were sent questionnaires. Approximately 330 of these establishments returned usable data. Although the percentage of response was small, these firms actually burn a large nnajority of the fuel consumed in the Study area, especially coal and residual fuel oil, and thus contribute the majority of pollutants fronn this consunner category. For example, 23 of the 24 largest indus- trial coal users in the Study area replied to the questionnaire. Most of the firnns 14 not surveyed are engaged in light manufacturing, which requires little fuel for pro- cess use, and which generally uses gas or distillate fuel oil to satisfy their space heating requirements. MADISON CO. ST. CLAIR CO. 1 • SOLID-WASTE DISPOSAL SITE 4 MUNICIPAL INCINERATOR Figure 5, Solid-waste disposal sites and mvinicipal incinerators. 15 - J ^ — r- -^ 1< r ! 1 -L - c ^ \ \ -^ > \ . \ s kOf %t 'i 1 1 >» / - 1 ^;7 ;^JfARDSVILLt 1 rf# ' ''Zf ^^'^^ - ^ v4 i 1 r { /noit HUE r \ \CIT -^ _.. — -^-•^1 ( n. LOUIS 1 / ( ' 1 1 V ^ ^ ^ ■ten* ^ ^ ^ J r t 1 BELLEVILLE 1 .1 LOUllCO v^ 1 J r N LICtND 1 '"'"'""." J ■^ i r ■-J ^■f r,;"«.%',s' _i. — I ml \ r*C>LiTi(t. CUOLIM e i J £\ I 410 430 4J0 470 490 510 530 550 570 ^ ^ V_A»i TflM -- i £ t \ ^ ^ o „^ T CH. LESC J ^ ^ te!?i ^ "^ >>M / -- ^ ^ Jl 1 i^Vx ^Jr r^ |i\y f .Tlij A — ^ -- y & / Jp. »^ f /A 'jS') l/f r D^Jd (gra (?TE Ao 1 V 1 A &a/ Si CITY • • »_. 1 o A — .... — fcUOISOM I- y *** AST T.LO 1 a SI . LOUIS * 1 JIS o ^ ^-- \ \ A ^^ MfH* \ ( BELLEVILLE 1 I a "a. JT tOUIiCO ■**— 1 1 "^ \' LECCND STCEL FOUNDRY TJ^N CRAY tllON FOUNOKT O WAT yOM ft STiEL f OUNDOt B^ CItAY l*OH FOUMDSt « 1 \ >^ ^ r \ fe% "\ . _ J -^ I. 1 J 410 430 450 470 490 510 530 550 570 110 790 770 750 730 m 690 670 i "^ ^ ^ALTON 11 o ...„L 2^ ;k \ ^\ ^ ^ &<»! J f^ bK VJ 1 1 / - *^ *iSi h 1 1 1 1 EDIARDSVILLE | r— » ■"- \ 1 J \ ,Tj V^ 1 r — 4 'jf] I r \ I / \ SCIT Y ft / — — -»■ , MAOItONCO 1 ' / STL OUIS • » / I • EAST # ST. LOU IS \ \ -£i! r^ ^ ^"TT • BE LLEV LLE iT LOU.SC T j / < \ • LtCENO *SPM»LTIC COMCftETC 650 \. y 1 % T^ a-r, —.^^TZ Figure 6, Major industrial operations. To check the valid'.ty of the survey results, the survey data were compared with those reported by the U.S. Bureau of Census for the St. Louis Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area. Industrial coal consumption agreed within 10. 5 percent, fuel oil consurnption within 7. 5 percent, and gas consumption within 37 percent of the amounts reported by the U.S. Bureau of Census. The predomi- nant use of gas in the smaller industrial establishments not surveyed accounts for 16 ^' '^T. ^ 1« ALTON -^ i c :i 3k \ ^ ^ ' CMMlvCl CO V ^ s ^Cfi V3 U- 1 CKA* ■i p^/ _.. - h — 1111 EIWARDSVILLE | r " — ,/' J ji ^ i f .4 y 1 /" X f , / :* (w* mil :nY / * 1 ._ -A ._.. ~i-T-cr.-.!Ts— 1 i STL lUIS A .i • • -~ r alt ST.: i N / ' *i LOU IS «• f\ > J 1 t BE .LEV LLE 1 > It OOOCO >^ 1 • ^1 LECCND cor'EC MoceuiMC A \ r~ n| %o ^' i W N > I 1 1 1 J i J 110 770 - " r- n / c — 1 ^ L ■ ^ ALTON 1 n ^. >5 k> ^ E - ■ ■ - ' 3^ - -i- n N «* h ^ JWARDSVILLE | ^ ■ • — / / .4 'j^l ~r i — —r-~ 1 1 \ «F'V J ^' / ( t y iT »• n»-' r' MAOHOM - \ ST LOUIS B 1 IEast IIS k - i 1 '> J . r ' »» r V I, — N i Jkg 1 f 1 BELLEVILLE 1 CO 1 '"ffl ^ j LCCiHO 1 """"»' N \ It ■ ^\ — Hk IM CHIMKAL PLANTS • "^ i > iM^ '°\ nmtc AcienANTi * J J 1 in 4» 4n 470 4W 5!0 S30 5» 57( 410 430 4S0 470 4M SIO S30 550 570 ^^^- c ^ 1 k^LTON j fd ^ Lv Vp5 '^ ) 790 770 CHA» k \ \ -^^ OtA* • TOJ LBC i - ^ N^ ^ V ■■)ic«ul t ---- — ^J 1 — EMARI^VILLE j1 P Esii^ / CO, // E[ (ARC SVILLE ^ «9 ^ *' Looa w " P' 1 J / /J - ; f h^5l f i r a/gra IITE 730 710 t J /' t /grAnitf ; / rf" / °e^ \CIT> . 1 ' ST LOUI 'Xl /_ ... _.. — MAOrjOM '' o •'o ■ s '^r •o~' ... .*-« WHOW CO J ,^ H-* AsK LOj r .V :% u o -" 1 j ( / IS I ST. LOUIS iJEAST " y ST. LOU IS i \ \ / ^ > r Jtt [^ ^> J S70 S50 630 _^ ^ \ ^^* ! / e ELLE VILLE 1^ BE LLEV LLE ^«». 1 1 7 X \ Lf CEUO 1 1 1 % \r LCGtND STOCKTAROl C« t4AjO* HCAT PROCeiSMt • MNOfBlMC PLANT O • uAfB ■fClAIMiNC PLANT « "SOA^ t OfT(»CCNT wrc" ^" A yA?H-IM«rc SUP«rP>40IPM*T( ttfc ■ jtr/t>MM ci' 1 h \ b^ i \ 1 ^\ \ m ^ 1^^ K °N »XI i \ W ""^ ill J ■;A ' i _ _ 1 —X 1 J ^ ^ 1 "' r:;- X Figure 7. Major industrial operations. the larger discrepancy in the gas consumption data. Since, however, the comous- tion of gas produces relatively insignificant amounts of most pollutants, the resulting error may be considered negligible. It is, therefore, estimated that the responses to the questionnaire accounted for more than 90 percent of the area industrial fuel us< 17 Steam-Electric Utilities - The annual consumption of fuels by each of the five public utility steam-electric generating plants in the area was obtained by questionnaires and verified by information published by the National Coal Association. Residential - The residential use of the respective fuels was estimated on the basis of the number of dwelling units using each fuel and the average heating requirement per unit per degree-day. The number of dwelling units using a given fuel for each political subdivision was obtained from the U.S. Bureau of Census. This method of estimating domestic fuel consumption has been proved relatively accurate in instances where actual fuel consumption data were available for comparison. Other - There are more than 12,000 commercial establishments in the Study area. Included in this total, in addition to commercial concerns, are public and private institutions, schools, and hospitals. Questionnaires relating to fuel use and waste disposal practices and one followup letter were mailed to 899 of these concerns; a response of 64 percent was obtained. The 899 establishments were preselected to include businesses and institutions large enough to possibly burn considerable quantities of fuels. Many of the 899 establishments are large office buildings, some of which house as many as 100 individual commercial concerns. The multitude of the smaller concerns and shops did not allow more complete sampling of this con- sumer category. On the basis of the information received, the fuel use was extrapolated to include all of the 899 large establishnnents sannpled. The total fuel use by all of the establishments in this consumer category could not be extrapolated in a similar manner. More than 85 percent of the area comnnercial-institutional fuel use is thought to be consunned by the 899 establishnnents. This is only a rough approxi- mation and should be interpreted as such. In any event, the presented fuel use data and the resulting pollutant ennissions from this consumer category are minor when compared to the total emissions from fuel use in the Study area. Results During 1963, approximately 7.5 million tons of coal, 242 million gallons of fuel oil, and 13 1 billion cubic feet of gas were burned in the Study area. This con- sumption represents a total heating value of 345 x 10 Btu per year, of which 52.2 percent was supplied by coal, 40, percent by gas, and 7. 8 percent by fuel oil. In addition, 1. 3 million tons of coal was used in the area for the production of coke. A breakdown of these totals by consumer category and major political jurisdictions is given in Tables 9 and 10. The locations of the 57 largest consumers of fuels - coal, fuel oil and gas - in the area are presented in Figure 8. The quantities of pollutants released in the Study area by the combustion of fuels are summarized in Table 11. Industrial - During 1963, the manufacturing industry consumed 22 percent of the coal, 47 percent of the fuel oil (mostly residual), and 52 percent of the gas burned in the Study area. The connbustion of these fuels resulted in an emission of 39,000 tons of particulates , 113,000 tons of oxides of sulfur, and 23,000 tons of oxides of nitrogen. These emissions accounted for between 20 and 30 percent of the area totals of these pollutants. The coal consunnption of individual plants ranges from a few tons per year to over 250,000 tons annually. A study of the nnajor coal consumers (industrial, 18 410 430 450 470 490 510 530 550 570 ^^ ^ }. ALTON / c ^ ^. I >n ST.CHAI ?LES C( 3- (' ^ ^s%-i ^ A S>^^ / N 3? •^ Ji A E ?^ DWARU^jviLLt 1 ST. CHAR -ES ST .LOUIS CO. .^ ¥ J 7 ^ /III r / ^y,') / / /gra • NITE ( a« a Z^ i / / • A \^ VciT^ a/ rST. LOur • -.— madison co. 1 s't.clair'co. 1 / • A A AST T.LOl D • ^^ / A A Oa 2u^ JIS A V A MERf \ > ^.^ • ( \sjtj )/f/ BE .LLEV ILLE ^ A _ST.L ~JEFI OUIS c ■ERSON co. ! i 7 ^, \ LEGEND COAL • GAS D OIL A COAL & GAS COAL, GAS & OIL A \ > > 'J ^ ) J 2A I City BOUNDARIES: County _.—_.— 810 790 770 750 730 710 690 670 650 Ic^n Figure 8. Locations of fuel consumers that use 565 x 10 or more Btu per year. steam-electric utilities, and commercial) in the area conducted by the National Coal Association indicated the following distribution. 50 plants use between 1,000 amd 25,000 tons per year 12 plants use between 25,000 and 50,000 tons per year 4 plants use between 50,000 and 100,000 tons per year 19 8 plants use between 100,000 and 250,000 tons per year 6 plants use 250,000 or more tons per year. The amounts of particulates released by the combustion of coal are not only dependent upon the quantity and type of coal burned, but also on the firing equip- ment used and the collection devices employed. Table 12 summarizes industrial coal use by burner type and lists the annual coal consumption according to types of air pollution control devices used. The quantity of sulfur oxides released are dependent directly upon the sulfur content of the fuels used. The sulfur content of the coal used in the area averages from 1. to 3. 3 percent with a mean of slightly less than 3. percent. Approxi- mately 90 percent of the fuel oil used by industries is residual, with the remaining 10 percent distillate. The sulfur content of distillate fuel oil is approximately 0. 3 to 0. 7 percent and that of residual of 1. 5 to 3. 6 percent. The sulfur content of gas is negligible. Selected cheraical analyses of the fuels used in the area are sum- marized in Table 13. Table 9. ANNUAL FUEL CONSUMPTION IN INTERSTATE AIR POLLUTION STUDY AREA, 1963 Annual Percent Fuel Consumer category consumptioji of total Coal, tons /year Industry^ 1,628, 000 21.8 Steam-electric utilities 4,874, 000 65.3 Residential CT38, 000 ) 9.9 Other 222, 000 3.0 Total 7,462,000 100.0 y Fuel oil- -residual, Industry 106,223, 000 99.0 » gal/year Steam-electric utilities 642,000 b n 0.5 Residential nb Other nb nb Total 106,865,000 100.0 Fuel oil- -distillate, Industry 8,284,000 6. 1 gal/year Steam-electric utilities Residential > 120,543,000 . 88.9 Other 6,414, 000 5.0 Total 135,233,000 100. Gas, naillion cubic Industry 68. 151 51.8 feet/year Steam-electric utilities 9,252 7.0 Residential Other (^51.078 2,974 ^ 38.9 2.3 Total 131,454 100.0 *An additional 1, 327, 000 tons is used in the production of coke, bn = Negligible. ^- 20 5 /./«'" ^J^' r J ctM o o c/3 I— ( >-< 2 O 2h ^? 2 O U I Z^^-;' /c c ^ ( /^ -i V / ; 2 V < c^ ? ;S 7ty ? /. r'^F-'o I TL o o o o o O o o o o o o o o o o o vO sO vD in OO OvJ 00 o o ■^ o o O o ^J- o o o o o o o o OO in ■* r-H 00 o r~ o a- vO in '-* 00 r^ CT- — ' o o o o o o o o ^ 'J- vO vO CT- o '-' OO o" 00* 1"" r-H a^ iTi r- 00 d" o" o" o o" o" o" o" OO 00 ^" O a~- r-- «1 00 M ^~i in r- O en o ^^ 00 OO r-i vjD O "^ og CM 0^ (T- rd o 00 LTl 00 Tf •, >« ^ * ^ » - ■t ■t >s -s O ^^ fM INJ r- o^ 00 un r- in e^ —1 CM H r«^ sO o CM C\J o o o O o O o o o o o O ^ IN) 00 up, t- vD o o o O o O o o o o o O Os) r^ a-- r- r- o o LTl o m r~- o o o o o o o LO ^ 00 o r- o \r ^^ o o o" (-0 o o o" ^ ^ (M j:: rr ro ct oj ^-4 CM CTl CM 00 r- CM o r- ctJ o CD CtJ r^ C C c CM ^ sD CM r^ C ^ C C ro - sO o O o O o O O O O O o o o o o o 00 ^ 00 un o ^ CM in o O o O o O O O O o o o o o o o t-- OO m ^ in in r- 00 rj LD o ^ ro LA O^ ^ O o o o o o o o OO 00 ^ 00 oO '^ ^^ -X) c CT^ sO ro ^ rg m r^ ^'' O o o" o" o" o" o" o" LO oo" OO OO CM 0) 00 rg ^-1 —1 CM sO m O o o o o o o o —1 —f ^ "0 •r-4 (VJ ^ ^ ^ r~- ^ o 00 o 00 r- '^ in en o m iri r^ in ^ ^ o a; ro ^ ^ ^ og u • l-l u o o O o o O o o o -o r^ ^ O dJ o o o o o O o o o OO sO CT- o t/) ro oo (^ LT) ^ O o o o in ^ »— * CM OJ -^ ^ « 1 1 K * 1 ^ ^ « K ^ „ n K 1 c r^ ro 1 1 'T o 1 '^ in 1 1 1 o in 1 o (M 1 1 vO 1 1 (T- e nJ r^ t^ OO ro r^ ^ 1 1 1 CM r^ 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 — H ,—t '^ 00 ro 00 CM OO ^ rt a INI — ' ^ CO o o O o o O o o o o o o o o CM xO ^^ vO un O o o ^ o o O Tf o o o o o o o O 00 in "* t^ in >^ ■^ ro ^X) o ro O -^ o o o o o o o O O t^ OO ^ un ^^ '* _r o f<-i 00 r^ o o o" o o o o in in OO «— 1 in iM to t- o^ ^ LTl ^ (ti CM 00 ^ ^ 00 en -1 tti ^H a CM nJ '* 3 '^ — I LTI on C sO CM o ro CM in c LD c C -Q •s » >s >N -. -. c <— t vO rr) o in ^ ►-H CM t^ ^H -- ■"* >- >> >« -*-> -*-» J-) en >> 3 ;>. >^ tn >- :3 >^ >- tn >^ J3 >> >- ■iH 4-> 4-> >, •rH 4-> -4-» >^ •fH +-> ■i-> >- c 3 C c +j o >- ;3 C o c -M c >- ;3 c O a -M >^ o S u p C -*-* :i u p c § § U o •iH p u c c 13 o U •rH J 3 3 J o o :i J o o 13 O •H tn CO U tn CO U c U c u -iH o U CO U to ■r-t to O Ih o 3 O nJ (n o en ni a; o o H 4-1 ■ O o CD to o CO ^ s o o to ^1 o tn tfl H us J u > o >^ c . o >> o U CO CO 0) 1-^ 2 CO 2 U CO ■M CO s CO 2 -rH u CO 4-> CO 0) 1-^ s CO 2 ct o CO GO ■rH ^ ^^ s r— 1 4-J a; ^ r-4 OJ u ■*-> U ■r-l O 0) •fH B m a 1) u .r-4 U .-H x> •H •iH tJO cU 2 / ^/« r z ■^.J-r 67 ♦^ >< '4. r ro 5. -i (' r 2- i/ *A O a H z o 2: HH ro H vO D O J 05 < w 5 1—1 <; >H o Q ID H u w cu y, >^ o H 1— 1 H P D 2 J ^ W CQ H w § tn D ^ a Q < U O CO U P J in < N t-H U Pt; l-H H > W Ui D p Q 2 «■ CO o o •** O o* o in o 00 o o o IN in sO <*> CO >o ro •— ' vO >o >o U o — " H h 41 l« '^ VM " 00 IM ro (M IM •* o f* o ■'J' ^^ m ^^ CO o 2 ^ VH TJ . 41 *1 O o o o ^ c "• O o o O >- C 41 o o o o vfi n • H 3 >^ » ■ ^ t; ^ ^ >o o* in '-^ in cm •-• m ^^ 00 ro Qua coal ton tf) in ^ w u [J 1 s 41 <« M s Numb of units CM OJ '-• - IM 00 V - o CO u o ° "S 12 o O o o o o > ^ c ? o O o o o o 4) >. C 4) o o o o o o r- ti -^ ^ CO m ■"l"" in 00 00 r^ o >< g- 00 IM '^ ro IM 00 (M '" c 58° « (« go" - r- ro o ro -H IM oo "o u .5 1 § a < O 4) ^ o o O o O ^ c ? o o o o O n ^ *< S^ f o o o ■* m »4 n ^ >- . «) >~ t Xi INJ m in r-" cr~ ^ 01 in — ^ in ~o t~ o r?i P .ti — < nj IM w 1 § ^ >« T3 . (0 4) t: o O o o o O V ^ c iS o o o o o O > 4) o o sO o o -^ ■* •s -^ ^ -H ■*" in • , Z IM in IM u 4) X X 4-> X «1 *j s 41 W O in 41 1 0) '1 c "> 2 u '0 3 o .« Ji: 4-) n! 41 C 11 u ., 3 o (A 14 Ji! ^ 4) "— » 5; cr ^j ki u o 'xJ r' o &" (A 4J &C T3 TJ " '^ «-^ C u (J H 00 T3 4; 41 00 .s 4; 4< 4) Vt 13 u ••^ ^H VM u 4> •o x: h u 41 .s 4J > 1 73 41 > 4) nJ o H 4> •o l< ifl c ^ X ^ 4J c X u rt "3 Ci. V) 0. 3 O o H X 0. W rt W 23 Table 13, SELECTED CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF FUELS IN INTERSTATE AIR POLLUTION STUDY AREA, 1963 Quantity consiimed annually Selected chemical analysis of fuels^^ Fuel and source Sulfur, % Ash, % Volatile, % Average heating value Coal Belleville District Southern Illinois East Kentucky Miscellaneous (tons) S, 411,600 2,600,000b 450,000*^ 250,000 3. 3 1. 5 1.0 10 8 5 36 34 38 (Btu/lb) 11, 300 12,200 13, 500 Residual fuel oil (gallons) 106,865,000 I.6d n^ 100 (Btu/gal) 151,000 Distillate fuel oil (gallons) 135,233,000 0.4^ ne 100 (Btu/gal) 142, 000 Gas (106 ft3) 131,454 0. 0008 n^ 100 (Btu/ft^) 1,050 ^As -burned basis. "876, 000 tons used for coking. ^^450, 000 tons used for coking. ^Estimated average, -n = Negligible. but in only 30 percent in the Illinois part; whereas coal is used in 35 percent of dwellings on the Illinois side and only 17 percent in Missouri. A summary of the domestic heating fuels by county and the City of St. Louis is given in Table 14. Emissions of particulates and sulfur oxides from residential uses are shown in Figures 9 and 10. Other - The commercial-institutional use of fuels is nninor when compared to the oth«r consumer categories. Similarly, the pollution load arising from these estab- lishments is relatively small. This consumer category consumed less than 10 per- cent of any of the fuels used in the area. On the basis of the returned questionnaires, the following generalizations relating to the use of fuels and types of firing equipment and control devices used may be made. Approximately 29 percent of the establishments use coal as the heating fuel, 16 percent use fuel oil, 45 percent use gas, and 11 percent use various combinations of these fuels. The use of coal is centered primarily in the City of St. Louis, where coal is used in 52 percent of the establishments. The returned questionnaires indicated that 150 establishments are heating with coal; 135 of these are equipped with underfeed stokers, 8 with chain grate stokers, 3 with spreader stokers, 3 with hand-fired, and 1 with traveling grate. Only 9 of the 150 establishments are equipped with air pollution control devices (7 with settling chambers and 2 with nnultiple cyclones). The types of firing equipment used and the queuntity of coal burned are summarized in Table 15. 24 (« CO H 1-1 2: D o CO J 14 J W u U ^ o Q fcM ^ 2 (Xi o W « pq u< S < D u 2 rt >^ <; CQ >< 2:; l-H Q H H w < ?^ W O X 1— 1 H u 1— 1 H en -1 W O S a. o p S ^ < K H < CO >| rt S D »-7 w ti 0) r-1 ■s ■*-> c < — 1 O vO (M CO c u r- (M -H IVJ (0 CO o o 00 vO in ^ o in cr (NJ CO 1—4 rg sO O^ ■-( r~ (M (M •H c o r^ rg r-H rn o ^ 1 j T) :3 . ^ .. « (— ( (\} t^ o 00 —> vO s U v£) (NJ —1 (\J G o -t-> O r~ m in m 00 r- r- CO 00 00 ■* vO 00 00 r- CO ^ c lO 00 (VJ O •-t ■— 1 0) p M K •• •• •. « 4) 00 m 00 — < ro 1— < U 1— 1 i-n CO 0) C r— t >^ o^ o t^ O f\J o 1— « •rH (ti o r- nO 00 o ^ IM o X in in ro m (M ro t- 1 ^ o « .^ K » •^ 1 o •M u " vD (N ro •r4 CO ^1 3 ■ o CO o in vO ^ -O -O r~ t— 1 00 CO •r-t 2 3 O o 00 in in CO ■^ [^ r^ r«1 sD ■*" c> 00 , u o (\j ■* -H ■tJ ,_4 r~t CO CO ^H ^ CT~- in ro f— * CM r~- •fH in O (T^ ^£) m o r- 00 3 vD 00 r- 1 m in 00 1—4 xO O >^ ^ ^ 4-» 0C3 ^ ■rf in ro 1— 1 +J (M l-H CO 4J CO CO OJ (30 •iH . tu a X) (U U (U CO O • fH o a, ^ 0) X u o 1— 1 cu vH tH T) MH C >- O O ^c 1— ( 4^ < •H *J t— 1 .— 1 u a> "> r;^ 2i 2 a) -*-> ^ G Q) U 3 o ^ o -t-" o X ^ fcM U W « O Z 25 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500°''°' 510 520 5.^0 MO Figure 9. Emissions of particulates froin the residential use of fuels. SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL Refuse material generated within the Study area is disposed of through municipal and on-site incineration, open-burning dumps, backyard or on-site open burning, sanitary landfills, and salvage operations. (On-site means that the refuse is dis- posed of on the premises on which it is produced. ) A variation of disposal practices among the different political subdivisions within the Study area is clearly evident and is therefore considered in making emission estimates. For exannple, the City of St. Louis operates two municipal incinerators; St. Louis County operates a sanitary landfill; and the surrounding counties have open -burning dumps scattered throughout the area. In addition to these, on-site incineration and open burning are employed to a varying extent in all of the jurisdictional areas. 26 420 430 440 450 460 480 490 500°°°' 510 520 530 540 Figure 10. Emissioas of sulfur oxides from the re'Jidential use of fuels. To estimate the pollution load released by the combustion of refuse material, the quantities of refuse material incinerated and burned openly had to be determined. This attempt was severely hampered by the lack of authentic and complete data. The available data relating to refuse quantities handled at collective disposal sites ranged fronn relatively accurate records for the municipal incinerators to "rough" estimates for the landfills and dunnps. The only way possible, within the available resources, to estimate the quantities burned on-site was to assume average per capita production of waste material and assume that the difference between the quantity generated and the quantity disposed of at collection sites was that disposed of on-site. Any interpretation of the data should then be viewed within the accuracies and limitations of these estimates. 27 Table 15. COMMERCIAL-INSTITUTIONAL COAL USE BY BURNER TYPE^ IN INTERSTATE AIR POLLUTION STUDY AREA, 1963 With air pollution Without air pollution control devices control devices Quantity of Quantity of Number of installations coal burned. Niimber of coal burned. Burner type tons /year installations tons/year Underfeed stokers 3 326 132 20,082 Chain grate stokers 4 15.629 4 7,747 Traveling grate stokers - - 1 30,785 Spreader stoker with ash reinjection 1 2,000 - - Spreader stoker without ash reinjection 1 682 1 4,000 Hand -fired units - - 3 328 Totals 9 18,637 141 62, 492 ^Unexpanded partial total, based only on returned questionnaires. ^The presented numbers refer to installations, not individual boilers, Methodology For the purposes of this investigation, it was assumed that the total refuse generated was 4. 5 pounds per capita per day (household, commercial and industrial) and that 75 percent, or 3.4 pounds per capita per day, was combustible. These per- capita averages are based on the resalts of past studies in 12 cities conducted by the American Public Works Association. An average per-capita collection of refuse of approximately 4 pounds per day with a range of 3, to over 4. 5 pounds per day was observed. Since, however, the amount collected does not include the portions of refuse disposed of on-site, an estimate higher than 4 pounds per capita per day is likely. The variations among the sectors of the Study area in the per capita generation of combustible waste are assumed to be negligible; therefore 3. 4 pounds per capita per day seems reasonable for all sectors of the Study area. The amount of com- mercial cind industrial refuse undoubtedly decreases in the predominately residential counties of the area; however, an increase in yard and garden rubbish in residential areas would tend to minimize the variation. Conabus tible Refuse Generated - The quantity of combustible refuse generated in each area is based on the estimated 1963 population and 3.4 pounds per capita per day. The per capita average of 3. 4 pounds per day compares favorably with the 3. 1 pounds per day reported for St. Louis County by Horner and Shifrin. Since the 3. 1 pounds per day was based on the amount collected, a total production of more than 3. 1 is likely. Municipal Incinerators - Data relating to the quantities of refuse material burned at the two St. Louis municipal incinerators was supplied by the City of St. Louis. 28 Open-Burning Dumps and Sanitary Landfills - The quantities of refuse brought to the dumps and landfills are based on estimates obtained in cooperation with the Illinois and Missouri Health Departments. Since actual weights were unavailable, estimates were generally based on the number of loads brought in per day and an estimate of the weight of refuse in the average load. On-Site Incineration - The quantity of refuse disposed of by on-site incineration at major commercial and industrial establishments was supplied in the questionnaires and expainded to include the establishments not responding. The quantity of refuse disposed of in domestic incinerators was based on the number of gas -fired incinera- tors in use and an estimated quantity burned per unit. Since, however, information on the number of domestic incinerators in use was available only for the City of St. Louis and St. Louis County, the estimated quantities disposed of in residential incinerators are undoubtedly low. On-Site Open Burning - The difference between the amount of waste generated and that disposed by the above mentioned means in each of the political subdivisions was assumed to be burned on-site. Results An estimated 1,329,000 tons of combustible refuse material is generated annually in the Study area. A breakdown of this total by county and the City of St. Louis individually is given in Table 16. Table 16 also presents the quantities of refuse material disposed of by the various disposal nnethods in each political subdivision. In some instances refuse material is transported from one jurisdic- tional area to others for disposal. Where possible this transfer has been taken into account. For this reason the quantities given in Table 16 may show more refuse disposed of than generated in a given county. The predominant direction of refuse material transfer was from the City of St. Louis and St. Louis County to the counties on the Illinois side of the river. An estinnated 948,000 tons, or 70 percent, of the total refuse generated is disposed of at collection sites, with the remainder being burned on-site. The locations of the collection disposal sites are shown in Figure 5. Table 16. REFUSE DISPOSAL IN INTERSTATE AIR POLLUTION STUDY AREA, 1963 (tons/year) Combustible refuse Incineration Open b urning Political subdivision generated Municipal On-site Landfills Dumps On-site St. Louis City, Missouri 440, 000 223,000 44, 000 100, 000 -- 88.000 St. Louis County, Missouri 480.000 -- 13,000 296,000 45, 000 St. Charles County, Missouri 40, 000 -- 100 26. 000 -- 14. 000 Jefferson County, Missouri 50, 000 -- 2, 500 19,000 55,000 9. 000 Madison County, Illinois 145. 000 -- 1, 000 n^ 29,000 75. 000 St. Clair County, Illinois 165. 000 -- 2, 000 n^ 185,000 82, 000 Monroe County, Illir.ois 9, 000 -- n^ na 15,000 5, 000 Totals 1, 329, 000 223,000 62, 600 441.000 284, 000 318.000 ^n = Negligible. 29 On-site open burning is used for the disposal of approximately 25 percent of the total refuse generated in the area. Included in this total, however, are the com- mercial and industrial on-site incinerators not shown on the questionnaires, and the residential non-gas -fired incinerators. Similarly, since this total was obtained by difference, any errors in the assunned per capita generation or in the quantities handled at the collective disposal sites will be reflected in these figures. In addi- tion, since the quantity of refuse transported from the City of St. Louis to areas outside could not be estimated accurately, the on-site open burning may be subject to considerable error. The quantities of air pollutants released during the burning of refuse material are shown in Table 17. Since the landfills in the area burn only intermittently, no pollution load is ascribed to this method of refuse disposal. The pollutants generated by refuse burning are primarily hydrocarbons and particulates. Approximately 85,000 tons of hydrocarbons and 15,000 tons of particulates are released annually from this source category. Open burning, on-site or at dumps, accounts for more than 90 percent of these pollutants from this source category. Table 17. AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS FROM SOLID-WASTE DISPOSAL IN INTERSTATE AIR POLLUTION STUDY AREA, 1963 (tons/year^) Carbon Nitrogen Sulfur Category Aldehydes monoxide Hydrocarbons oxides oxides Particulates B(a)P^ Incineration 150 377 396 323 226 1,486 14 Municipal 39 33 33 268 201 1,004 3 Residential 25 nab 19 25 25 80 nab Industrial 52 208 208 17 nab 262 6 Other 34 136 136 13 n<= 140 5 Open burning 1, 140 nab 84, 300 165 297 14, 147 402 On-site 572 nab 44, 500 80 127 7,473 245 Dumps 568 na^ 39.800 85 170 6.674 157 Total 1,290 377 84,696 488 523 15.633 416 *Benzo (a) Pyrene in lb/year. 'na = Information not available or not reported, 'n = Negligible. TRANSPORTATION SOURCES The transp'ortation sources of air pollution include any vehicles that are powered by the combustion of fuels. Road vehicles (automobiles, buses, and trucks) are by far the most important community-wide transportation source of air pollution. Other transportation sources include railroads, aircraft, and river vessels. Methodology Road Vehicles - The quantity of gasoline and diesel fuel consumed in a community is an index to the amounts of the various pollutants released to the air of the com- munity fronn the operation of automobiles, buses, and trucks. 30 The quantity of gasoline sold in a metropolitan area is approximately the same as the amount consumed in the area. For the purposes of this investigation, gaso- line sales in the Study area, less evaporation and other losses, are considered to equal the amount burned. The effect of through traffic, i. e. , the purchase of gaso- line outside the area and its consumption inside and vice versa, is considered insig- nificant when compared to the total gasoline consumption in the area. Since the service boundaries of the gasoline distributors do not coincide with those of the Study area, gasoline sales data for the entire Study area could not be obtained directly. Actual gasoline sales, in gallons, were available for only the City of St. Louis. These data allowed direct verification of the methodology used in calcu- lating gasoline sales for the entire area. Gasoline sales were determined from the 9 10 following data: (1) service station sales in each county and the City of St. Louis, ' (2) service station sales in the States of Missouri and Illinois, '» ^^ and (3) gasoline sales in gallons for the States of Missouri and Illinois. ^ Since the ratio of gasoline sales to the value of service station sales is relatively constant throughout a state, this ratio and the service station sales for each county were used to determine the gallonage sold. The validity of this method was tested by comparing the results with those obtained for surrounding states, other urban areas in the country, and the City of St. Louis. The calculated and actual gasoline sales 12 for the City of St. Louis agreed within 6 percent. The annual per-capita gasoline consumption connpared favorably with other metropolitan areas, being somewhat higher than cities with rapid transit facilities and slightly lower than others without these facilities. The evaporation of gasoline fronn gas tanks and carburetors adds to the pollution arising from vehicular traffic and also reduces the quantity of gasoline available for combustion. An average of 1. 5 percent by volume of the gasoline sales is assumed to approximate these evaporation losses. ^^ The gasoline consumption within each county and the City of St. Louis was estimated on the basis of gasoline sales in each area adjusted to reflect the inter- area travel. On the basis of traffic studies, employment data, and location of principal shopping areas, an estimated 20 percent of the gasoline sold in the Missouri counties and 10 percent sold in the Illinois counties are burned within the City of St. Louis. This is only a rough estimate and should be considered as such. The consumption of diesel fuel may not be approximated in the same manner. The prime users of this fuel, the long-haul trucks, may purchase the fuel within the area, but use the majority of this fuel outside the area. By comparison with gasoline usage, the annual consumption of diesel fuel, and therefore the quantities of pollutants emitted, is minor. The errors introduced by the rough method of estimating diesel fuel consumption will therefore be snnall when considering the total ennissions from transportation or mobile sources of pollution. An estimate of diesel fuel consunnption in the Study area was obtained by con- sidering trucks and buses individually. The annual consumption of diesel fuel by buses was obtained from the local transit companies. For lack of more definitive information, national averages of diesel-powered vehicles in urban areas and their fuel consumption per mile were used to estinnate the consunnption of diesel fuel by trucks traveling in the area. I'* 31 Aircraft, Railro ads, and Vessels - The emissions of pollutants fronn aircraft, railroads, and vessels were based on the following: Aircraft - Number of flights originating or terminating in the area (Lambert Field), Vessels - Quantity of fuels burned as determined by considering the number of vessels passing through the Study area and the average opera- ting conditions. Railroads - Quantity of fuels consumed in the area. These quantities were supplied by the individual railroad lines. Results Road Vehicles - An estinnated 759 nnillion gallons of gasoline, including gasoline for non-highway uses, is sold annually in the Study area. As shown in Table 18, gaso- line sales in the City of St. Louis account for 28 percent and in the St. Louis County for 42 percent of the total Study area gasoline sales. A connparison of per-capita and per-vehicle use of gasoline in the Study area to those of the nation, surrounding states, and selected metropolitan areas is shown in Table 19. Estimates of gasoline consumption in each of the political subdivisions in the Study area are given in Table 20. Approximately 9. 5 billion vehicle miles is traveled annually in the Study area distributed among the political subdivisions according to the gasoline consumption data presented in Table 2 0. The annual diesel fuel consumption in the Study area is approximately 12. 5 million gallons, with 7 million gallons consumed by buses and the remaining 5. 5 million gallons by diesel-powered trucks (Table 21). The quantities of pollutants attributed to vehicular traffic are summarized in Table 22. More than 1 million tons of carbon monoxide, approximately 220,000 tons of hydrocarbons , and over 40,000 tons of oxides of nitrogen are contributed annually by the movement of vehicular traffic in the area. The contribution of diesel fuel is alnnost insignificant in comparison with that of gasoline. Table 18. GASOLINE SALES FOR 1962 IN INTERSTATE AIR POLLUTION STUDY AREA Retail service station sales. Gasoline sales Per capita. Total, Jurisdiction million dollars gal million gal St. Charles County 6.5 470 24. 9 St. Louis County 85. 1 468 329.0 Jefferson County 7. 1 414 27. 5 City of St. Louis 56.7 294 220. ■ Madison Coiinty 21.9 333 74.6 Monroe County 1.2 262 4. St. Clair County 23.7 306 80. Study Area 202. 2 366 759. 32 Table 19. COMPARISON OF STUDY AREA USE OF GASOLINE WITH SELECTED STATES AND CITIES 1962 1962 Per capita Per vehicle 1960 gasoline 1962 persons use of use of population. consumption, vehicle per gasoline. gasoline. Jurisdiction millions million gallons registration vehicle gallons gallons United States 179.3 66, 144 79,023,000 2.27 369 837 Missouri 4.3 1,804 1,698,000 2.53 417 1,060 Illinois 10. 1 3,228 3,977,000 2.54 323 812 Indiana 4.7 1,865 2, 174,000 2.16 400 860 Cincinnati 1. 1 340 356, 000 3.23 310 930 District of Columbia 0.8 217 217,000 3.52 286 1,000 Los Angeles County 6.8 2,701 3,450,000 1.97 390 783 Study area I. 1 759 780,000 2.66 366 975 Table 20. GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL CONSUMPTION IN STUDY AREA POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS (million gallons /year) Political Gaso Line Diesel subdivisions Consumption Evaporation consumption City of St, Louis 306. 6.3 9.3 St. Louis County 257.7 5.3 1.9 St. Charles County 19.6 0.4 0. 1 Jefferson County 21.6 0. 4 0. 1 Madison Co\mty 65.8 1. 3 0.5 St. Clair County 70.6 1.4 0.6 Monroe County 3. 5 0. 1 n^ Total 744. 8 15.2 12. 5 •■n = Negligible. Table 21. GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL CONSUMPTION ROAD USE IN INTERSTATE AIR POLLUTION STUDY AREA, 1963 (million gallons/year) Fuel and use Quantity Gasoline Road use 744 Evaporation 15 Diesel fuel Buses 7 Trucks 5.5 33 Table 22. AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS FROM TRANSPORTATION SOURCES IN INTERSTATE AIR POLLUTION STUDY AREA, 1963 (tons/year^) Carbon Nitrogen Sulfur Partic- Source Aldehydes monoxide Hydrocarbons oxides oxides ^ates^ B(a)P* Road vehicles 1,560 1,083,000 232.000 43,400 3,600 (^, 700y 456 Gasoline ■ Exhaust 1. 500 1, 083,000 147, 200 42, 000 3, 400 4, 100 445 Blowby nb nb 48, 100 nb nb nb nb Evaporation (tank and carburetor) -- -- 35,500 -- -- -- -- Diesel Exhaust 60 370 1,000 1, 400 200 600 11 Aircraft 28 3.945 722 289 18 211 na^ Jet 17 230 50 110 15 190 nac Turboprop 2 15 2 9 2 4 naC Piston 9 3,700 670 170 1 17 naC Railroad 140 800 2, 500 3, 000 500 1, 500 24 Vessels 60 360 1, 100 1, 350 250 670 9 Totals 1,800 1, 088,000 236, 000 48, 000 4, 400 7, 100 489 ^Benzo(a) Pyrene in lb/year. bn = Negligible. ^na = Information not available or not reported. Aircraft, Railroads, and Vessels - In 1963 itinerant operations (flights that do not originate and terminate at St. Louis) totaled 226,748; local operations (flights that do originate and terminate at St. Louis) totaled 29,988. ^^ An "operation" as used here means a takeoff and landing. A summary of air traffic activity by cate- gory is given in Table 23. Aircraft emissions at Lambert Field by aircraft type are given in Table 22. Emissions from aircraft activity in other parts of the survey area may be considered negligible. Railroads consunne about 27 nnillion gallons of diesel fuel per year in the Study area. Table 23. AIR TRAFFIC ACTIVITY AT LAMBERT FIELD, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI, FOR CALENDAR YEAR 1963 Itinerant operations Local operations Air carrier General aviation Air Force and Army Navy 90, 970 119, 085 12, 681 4,012 None 22,977 5,470 1, 541 Totals 226, 748 29,988 34 l^. rM ''■'^ A"'' Approximately 10, 300 vessels , primarily diesel-powered tugs, pass through j^ "^ .'^ the Study area each year.^" An estimated 13,000 gallons of fuel oil is consumed t^ per month per mile of river. Emissions from vessels are also given in Table 22. J\ Collectively, aircraft, vessels, and railroads contribute extremely snnall *' amounts of pollutants to community -wide air pollution. The quantities are, however, considerable if considered in specified locations within the area. INDUSTRIAL PROCESS EMISSIONS The quantities of the different pollutants discharged from most industrial and some commercial establishments are attributable to two general types of operations, the pollutants generated by the combustion of fuels and the pollutants jjroduced and discharged from the industrial processes. Unfortunately, emission factors are available for only a small number of processes and industries. In addition, quanti- ties of pollutants discharged or the production data upon which to base emission estimates were not available in all cases. For exajmple, data relating to the emis- sion of benzo(a)pyrene fronn processes involving the treatment of hydrocarbon materials such as coal tars, asphalts, and petroleum were not reported. The indus- trial process emissions presented herein are therefore only a fraction of the area total. In addition to the seven major pollutants included in this survey, other pollutants such as aluminum oxide, ammonia, chlorine, chlorinated cyanic acid, fluorides, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen cyanide, ilmenite, magnesium oxide, nitric acid, phos- phorous pentoxide, potassium meta bisulfite, potassium cyanide, sodium fluoride, sodium bifluoride, sodium hydroxide, zinc chloride, zinc oxide, and others are generated and released by the various industrial processes. The industrial process emissions of common pollutants that were obtained are summarized in Table 24. The geographical locations of the major industrial establishments are shown in Figures 6 and 7. Methodology Data relating to materials heUidled or processed and the types of processes employed were collected by the use of the industrial questionnaires and supple- mented by personal contact with a number of industry groups. A detailed descrip- tion of the sampling procedures, percentage of responses, and the treatment of data is included in the section on industrial fuel use. Results The St. Louis Metropolitcui Area is a heavily industrialized complex. In 1963 almost 260, 000 employees were employed by the area's industries. Almost all of the major types of industrial activity are present in the area. The most prevalent, in terms of employment, are the fabricated metals, primary metals, food and kindred products, and chemical products manufacturing industries. The types and quantities of pollutants discharged vary not only among the various industrial categories, but also within these categories. Oil Refineries - Four large oil refineries are located within the boundaries of the Study area - three in the Alton-Wood River area and one in Monsanto, Illinois. The most important factors affecting refinery emissions are crude oil processing capacity, 35 Table 24. SUMMARY OF INDUSTRIAL PROCESS EMISSIONS IN INT^ilRSTATE AIR POLLUTION STUDY AREA, 1963 (tons/year) 1 ■ ■■ " ' , Miseouri Illinois 1 ^=s St. Louis St. Louis St. Charles Jefferson St. Clair Madia on Area Pollutant «md sources City County County County County County total Particulates Coffee processing 18 n» 2 18 38 Sulfuric acid manufactur- ing 77 115 192 Asphaltic concrete batching Steel foundries Gray iron foundries Nonferrous foundries Steel nnills 28 217 265 32 94 1 3 7 158 4 69 300 14 1 11,438 198 517 437 41 (4^438^ Superphosphate manufac- turing Coke plants Cement plants Grain industry 9 1,907 57 3.600 166 3,813 64 975 223 73 3,600 6,695 Other sources reported on industrial questionnaire Totals 188 2,664 6 3,835 50 53 8,000 8.000 2,435 6.700 3,384 16,263 14,^1)^ Sulfur oxides Sulfuric acid nnanufactur- ing 8,663 11, 118 19.781 Other sources reported on industrial question- naire Totals nab nab nab 8,663 na 1. 150 1, 150 3,250 14,368 5,500 5, 500 9.900 29.681 Nitrogen oxides Nitric acid manufacturing Cement plants 1,387 2,475 2,475 1,387 Other sources reported on industrial questionnaire Totals 5 5 nab 1.387 nab nab nab 2,475 300 300 nab nab 305 4, 167 Hydrocarbons Sources reported on indus- trial questionnaire 9,447 1 nab 800 1,500 nab 11,748 *n •Negligible, less than 0. 5 ton/year. bna • Information not available or not reported. the processing techniques ennployed, level of maintenance and housekeeping, and the air pollution control measures used. Hydrocarbons, oxides of sulfur and nitro- gen, carbon monoxide, and odors are the primary pollutants emitted from this operation. The reclamation of sulfur from various hydrocarbon streams containing hydrogen sulfide has resulted in approximately 95 percent reduction of sulfur dioxide emissions from two of the refineries. Previously these gas streams were used as boiler fuel. This use resulted in the conversion of hydrogen sulfide to sulfur dioxides and their subsequent release to the atmosphere. During 1963 none of the refineries had carbon monoxide boilers to burn the carbon monoxide in catalyst regenerator effluents; since then, however, one refinery has installed such a boiler. The hydro- carbon emissions from this source category have been included under solvent evaporation. Cement Manufacturing - Two large cement pleints, with a combined capacity of 7. 6 million barrels per year, are located in the Study area. An estimated 3,600 tons of particulates and 1,400 tons of oxides of nitrogen are discharged annually from 36 the two plants. They are equipped with electrostatic precipitators and multiple cyclones. The overall collection efficiency is approximately 95 percent. Asph altic Concrete Manufacturing - Approximately 600, 000 tons of rock is processed annually at the 14 asphaltic concrete plants in the area. Dust from the rotary drier and related handling operations is the principal pollutant. To mininnize particulate emissions, 13 of the 14 plants in the area employ one or more prinnary dry cyclones followed by a wet scrubber. The remaining plant uses only a primary dry cyclone. Collectively, these plants emit an estimated 198 tons of particulates annually. Steel Manufacturing - Two major steel plants are located in the Study area, one in Granite City and one in Alton, Illinois. One plant operates blast furnaces, open- hearth furnaces, and coke ovens; the other operates open-hearth furnaces and sup- plements its production with cupolas. The steel manufacturing industry emits an estimated 11,400 tons of particulates annually. Foundries - Eight steel foundries, 18 gray-iron foundaries and 30 nonferrous found- ries located in the Study area annually discharge approximately 517, 417, and 41 tons of particulates , respectively, to the atmosphere. Particulate emissions from eight electric arc furnaces are controlled by the use of cloth collectors, whereas ten are uncontrolled. Eleven open-hearth furnaces in steel foundries and 16 gray- iron cupolas are being operated without the use of any control equipnnent. Emissions from two cupolas are controlled by the use of wet cap scrubbers. Control equipment is not used to reduce the emissions from five electric induction furnaces; the emis- sions from these are, however, negligible if only the clean scrap is charged. Grain Handling and Processing - St. Louis is a large grain handling and processing center. Grain processing plants are located in Granite City, Alton, Belleville, and the City of St. Louis. Grain storage facilities are scattered throughout the area. The particulate ennissions from grain processing and handling, based on a loss factor of 0. 3 percent of the grain handled, are estimated as 6,000 tons annually. Coffee Roasting - Processing of approximately 32,000 tons of green coffee beans annually in the Study area results in a particulate emission of approximately 38 tons per year. In the indirect-fired roaster a portion of roaster gases is recirculated through the combustion area to reduce some of the smoke and odors. In the direct- fired roaster, however, all of the roaster gases are vented directly to the atmosphere. In addition to roasting, some particulate matter is also released fronn the stoners, coolers, cleaners, and handling systems. Chennical Industry - The lack of ennission factors and production data, and incom- plete reporting of process ennissions on industrial questionnaires made it impossible to estinnate emissions from chemical industry operations in most cases. The manu- facture of 950, 000 tons of sulfuric acid by five firnns in the area results in an esti- mated annual discharge of 20,000 tons of sulfur dioxide and 192 tons of sulfuric acid mist. Mist eliminators are used in all plants to reduce the acid mist emissions. Nitric acid manufacture causes an estinnated emission of about 2,500 tons of nitro- gen oxides per year. Superphosphate fertilizer manufacture results in emission of an estimated 225 tons of particulates per year. Solvent Evaporation - Solvent usage in 1963 amounted to approximately 7 million gallons, or 21.5 pounds per capita per year. Table 25 lists solvent emissions in the Study area by consumer type. Solvents are used primarily in the application 37 u (It CO < P H CO Z O H-l H O < W H <: H CO W H CO O I— I CO CO l-H W Z w > O CO in rsl a) JS ~iJ Tf 4.; 3 p- u r- ^ ro cd 1) 1 00 o r^ in o "^ j^ u >> ' ro PO fO ^ ^ ^ ^-1 rg o IT) sO vO r^ o r~ 00 CO CT^ o ^ -H o sO nj •— * ^ •« «t M ^ V nJ 1^ IT) -^ -^ ro ^1 < ■4-* o ■»-> f—t rS •-I rg (U >> o ■4-" O o 00 r- ^1 c § O O 1 rg rg in o o 1 ^ U 1— 1 »— < o i-H in vo rg 4-> o ID — 1 o^ sO o lO in •<*< in U ■^'" »— 1 , O NO « U rg o rg nO O 00 CO o ^ ID ^ o o in ■^ ■^ ^ § ■*'" i-H rg" (tf o CO s U IM a o so o in »— 1 o >> ■t-> c o CO in ■^ rT) o •— « i—t CO 0) <4H ►-> (0 (U .—1 o t~ (VJ O^ n) o rg rg ^ U o o 1 r-( --H 1 rg , U sO ■M CO (0 o O CO 00 <-H • I-l o ■t-» o in rg ^ ■* o -H in Tf ^H c^ ^ n n n », hJ O 1-H 00 ■<*l ^ .-( r^ ■4-> U t^ CO CO -H g o vo nO r- o o rg 00 ro ^ H^l o rg CO CO o •H «^ •«->■• •t u 1— 1 cr* 1— 4 i-H ■-H •t-> l—i »— 1 CO f~ (4 PI o 1— t 00 . C (0 nt +-> O nO 10 15-17-44 No practical method of control - - - - Batic oxygen 5-8 20-40-60 V.S. 0. 03-0. 12 0, 4 99 Varies with amount (umace of oxygen blown. E.S. P. 0. 05 0. 4 99 20 to 25 scfm per cfm of oxygen blown. Scarfing machine O.i-0.8 3 lb/ton of • teel pro- ceased Settling chamber No data No data No data 85, 000 8cfm for a 45-inch, four-side machine. Coke oveni No data 0. 1% of coal Emissions can be No data No data No data No data (By-product type) proceeded (rough estimate) minimized through equipment design and operational techniques *Taken from Reference 20. *V.S. n^eans venturi vcrubber. E.S. P. mean* electrostatic precipitator ^Utcd in aeries. Data on that basis. When three values are given, such as S- highest values reported. All data are h and operating procedure. 20-100. the center value is the approximate average ghly variable depending on nature of a specific piece and values of equipme at either end are the lowest and Tt, iTidterials being processed. 47 REFERENCES FOR EMISSION FACTORS 1. Smith, W. S. and C. W. Gruber. Atmospheric emissions from the conabustion of coal - an inventory guide. PHS Publ. No. 999-AP-24. R. A. T aft Sanitary Engineering Center. Cincinnati, Ohio. 1965. 2. Hangebrauck, R. P. , D. J. von Lehmden, and J. E. Meeker. Emissions of polynuclear hydrocarbons and other pollutants from heat-generation and incin- eration processes. JAPCA. 14:267-78. July 1964. 3. Cuffe, S. Private comnnunication. Division of Air Pollution. R. A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center. U. S. Public Health Service. Cincinnati, Ohio. Oct. 1964. 4. Smith, W. S, Atmospheric emission from fuel oil combustion. An inventory guide. PHS Publ. No. 999-AP-2. R. A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center. Cincinnati, Ohio. Nov. 1962. 5. Weisburd, M. I. Air pollution control field operations nnanual - a guide for inspection and enforcement. PHS Publ. No. 937. 1962. 6. Bowerman, F. R. , editor. Summary of the Conference on Incineration. Rubbish disposal and air pollution. Report No. 3. Air Pollution Foundation. Los Angeles, Calif. Jan. 1955. 7. Feldenstein, M. , S. Duckworth, H. C. Wohlers, and B. Linsky. The contribution of open burning of land clearing debris to air pollution. JAPCA. 13:542-45. Nov. 1963. 8. Health officials' guide to air pollution control. Annerican Public Health Associa- tion, Inc. 1962. 9. How the Bay Area APCD's regulation 2 affects incinerator operations. Technical Information Bulletin No. 2. Air Currents. Vol. 2, No. 2. Bay Area Air Pollu- tion Control District. San Francisco, Calif. Sept. I960. 10. Kanter, C. V., R. G. Lunche, and A. P. Fudurich. Techniques of testing for air contaminants from combustion sources. JAPCA. 6:191-99. Feb. 1957. 11. Larson, G. P., G. I. 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