A SURVEY OF HARMONY AS TAUGHT IN THE STATE UNIVERSITIES OF THE UNITED STATES BY ALMA STARR PERROTT THESIS FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF MUSIC IN MUSIC SCHOOL OF MUSIC UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1922 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS June__9 i 9 ^___ THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE THESIS PREPARED UNDER MY SUPERVISION BY Alma. .S tarn _ Pa rxc±-t ENTITLED. _ A- -SUKYE Y-QF- HARMON Y_ _AS_. TAUGHT -IN— THE. -STATE- -UNIVERSITIES -OF— THE- UNITE U -STATE S IS APPROVED BY ME AS FULFILLING THIS PART OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE of _ JBacha lar.-of- Music. _ _ in. _Mus is. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/surveyofharmonyaOOperr A SURVEY OF HARMONY AS TAUGIIT in the STATE UNIVERSITIES OF THE UNITED STATES By Alma Starr Perrott Degree of Bachelor of Music University of Illinois 1922. Introduction The study of Music in the State Universities is compara- tively new in the United States. The majority of the States have added it to their curriculum since the beginning of the Twentieth Century. In Europe the study of Music is found in almost every institution of learning. In Germany the Univer- sities are all under State control. In the Eleventh Century with the establishment of the university of Paris a school of Music was considered as necessarjr as a school of Science. Y/hile Italy, Trance, Germany, and England had well established schools of Music during the Seventeenth Century, the American settlements of Virginia, New York, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania were just beginning. Altho distracted by many wars with the Indians and the countries of Europe, our colonists still contributed to the establishment of schools and colleges such as Harvard, Williams and Mary and Yale* In the Universities of England, Music is much more a ” subject” than it is in the Universities of the United States; Almost without exception Music is offered; and, after the requirements of the Board of Examiners have been met, and a series of examinations passed, the student of music becomes a candidate for a degree of bachelor of Music. - i Il'i When entering Oxford University a Preliminary Examination is taken. This examination includes the elements of harmony and technique; a fair exhibition of ability to perform on some musical instrument or to sing, The requirements of the Department of English for music students may be met by substuting for jjmglish any two of the following foreign languages: German, French, Italian, Greek and Latin. Ilaving satisfied the Board of Examiners with the Prelim- inary examination, after at least one year in the University, one is eligible to take the first examination in Music. This includes Harmony, History, and Principles of Sound. This exam- ination is given twice each year, in May and November. The second examination in Music may be taken any time after passing the first This includes Harmony (not more than five-part Harmony) Counter- point and Musical History. An original composition is required; a knowledge of full scores of standard Classical compositions, previously selected by the Board of Examiners, .after twelve terms from the time of Matriculation candidates may offer them- selves for the third examination. This is given two times each year, in February and June. A degree may be obtained without being in residence at Oxford, by satisfying the Board of Examiners that one has pursued, either at the University or some other place, some music study over a period of at least two years. Also he murft become a member of some society within the University and pay a college fee. Attendance at Lecture Courses are required. Women are admitted to the examinations, but are not eligible to a degree. The third and final examination leading to a degree of Bachelor of Music, is accompanied by an Original Composition. The work may he a five part chorus, a song or a duet; Unaccom- panied Vocal Quartette; or a Five -part Choral Fugue. Four or five years after having become a Bachelor of Music; if the stud3^ of music has been continued, one may become a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Music. An examination and original exercises are called for again. A fee is charged for every examination and for each degree. Altho Oxford has been taken as an example the Universities of Cambridge, Manchester and London are practically the same, differing only slightly in details. The Universitjr of Toronto, Canada has an extensive school of Music. Various local centers, each under charge of a local representative, have been established in different parts of the Dominion. Five candidates in one department are necessar?/ to constitute a center. Examinations are given twice a year at Toronto but at the discretion of the senate may be held at other places. A grade of at least sixty per cent is required to pass in any subject. There are three examinations in theory. Junior, Intermediate and Senior. No text-book is used, but intelligible answers are accepted regardless of an3 r particular system or theory. The Junior division embraces questions on notes and rests; key signitures; time signitures; intervals and inversions; treble and bass Clefs; scales; meaning of ordinary terms and signs. . The Intermediate division includes questions on trans- positions into various keys and clefs ; intervals and inversions; chords of the dominant seventh and diminished seventh;prepara- tion and resolution of suspensions ;harmonization of figured bass; cadences; sequences. The Senior division paper includes questions on triads; consonants and dissonants of seventh and nineth chords ; passing chords ; augmented sixths ; inversion of all chords ; adding three parts above a figured bass ; harmonization of a given melody or unfigured basses in four parts; adding one part in the first species of counterpoint to a cantus firruus ; elementary forms, including Music sentence and forms employed in the Sonata . The Certificate for a Senior division of theory will not be issued unless the candidate has passed the examinations of the Junior and Intermediate Divisions. The examination certificate will be accepted for all the theory of a candidate for Bachelor of Music. Higher examinations for diploma of Licentiate of Music are of a professional standard. It must be kept in mind that this comparison, of the Harmony Courses as taught in the State Universities of the United States, is limited strictly to State Institutions of learning. The research has been confined to one subject ,Harnony. Data has been obtained from the nineteen hundred twenty one catalogues in the Main Library at the University of Illinois, and from personal questionnaires. The following Questionnaire was employed and each question answered in detail as far as possible, that of CQUrSQ rig npnn g n.h n n 1 . « Questionnaire In your University is Music a School or a Department? Prerequisite requirements, if any? What does the class work include each term? Number of credit hours toward graduation? What courses are required and what are elective toward a degree? Does credit differ for regularly registered Music School students, and students registered in other colleges, or depart- ments, of the University? Is work accepted and full credit given hy the University, for work that has been done under the supervision of another institution, or under recognized private instructors? Is there any special requirement before graduation? In order that the States may be grouped systematically and to leave a clearer idea of location in the readers mind they have been taken according to their geographical location. Beginning with the New England States, the Middle Atlantic States, the Eastern Section of the Southern States, the Western Section of the Southern States, the Eastern Section of the Central states, the Western Section of the Central States, the South- Western Group and the North-Western Group complete the eight divisions THESIS The Hew England States, with the exception of Maine, have no State Universities* The State University of Maine is in Orono* Music is a Department in the College of Arts* Only one credit each semester is counted toward a degree* Introduction to Earmony requires a fair knowledge of notation. The Class meets twice a week, thru two semesters* The Course includes Major and minor scales, harmonization of a melody with a given hass, sept-chords, inversions and modulations. Advanced Harmony, supplementary to the first Course, is designed to apply to more advanced forms, with emphasis on analysis and composition and melody writing in simpler forms* The Class meets two hours a week thru two semesters* The Middle Atlantic States, with the exception of New- Jersey, all have State Universities. The State University of New York, at University Heights has recently been endowed with a fund toward a Music Department, but is not as yet fully established. The State University of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia offers a special Music Course, extending thru four years and leading to a Certificate of Proficiency. This is followed by a degree of Bachelor of Music upon the performance of certain professional work. The special course in Harmony only require a limited amount of time and may be taken in conjunction with the practise of Music in other Conservatories of the city. , . . „ credits of which will he added as electives in the General Course of Fine Arts. The number of credits vary with the amount of work done by the student up to five hours each semester; for two years. The State Universities of Delaware at Newark and of Virginia at Charlottsville have made no provision for Music. The State University of Maryland at College Park has a Department of Music, teaching and giving credit for Applied Music but teaches no theory. The State Universit;/ of Y/est Virginia at Morgantown offers a preparatory Music Course. The courses are open to outside students at a rate of twenty dollars per semester per subject. Before entering these students are required to pass an exam- ination on fundamentals , the same as regular Music students. First year Harmony classes meet five hours per week thru two semesters. Ten hours credit is given for the Course. Its study includes* scales, cadences, sept-chords, melody writing, triads, inversions and modulation. Second year Harmony requires harmonization of melodies employing: triads, diminished and secondary seventh chords with inversions and dispersed harmonies; simpler writing of chorals and chants. These two years of Harmony are required for graduation and are prerequisite to further work such as Counter point. Form and Analysis . The Eastern Section of the Southern States all have State Universities. The State University of North Carolina has a Department of Music* Any one is eligible to take the Course providing he is able to read musical notation. Elementary Harmony meets three times a week, during three quarters, and one and one half credits per quarter is given towards a degree. The State Universities; South Carolina at Columbus, of Georgia at Athens, of Alabama at University Post Office, of Mississippi near Oxford, and of Tennesee at Knoxville have neither Music Schools nor Departments of Music* The State University of Florida at Gainsville offers only Applied Music Courses* The "Western Section of the Southern States all have State Universities. The State University of Louisiana at New Orleans has a Music School. The entrance requirements are the same as for any school of the University, at least four years high school training or the equivolent from a recognized school. Theoretical Courses are open to men and women alike whenever classes that permit a separate division arc formed. The courses are open to non-matriculated students the same as to regular Music students. Private lessons subjects may be arranged. An extra fee is charged according to the number of hours per week the student meets with the instructor. Elements of Theory give a study of scales, signiturcs, intervals, triads, and cadences. Class meets three times a week and is given one and one half hours credit, during the first semester. Elementary Harmony continues the first semester’s work, also includes scale tones and tendencies, triad inversions and their resolution, harmon- ization of melodies -original and given- by means of the dominant seventh chords. The text- book used in this course is 1 "Musical Essentials"by Maryott. The second year, Advanced Harmony, meets three times a week and three hours credit is given* The work includes: modulation, altered chords, analyses, three to five part harmonization of melody and accompaniment figuration. These Harmony courses are prerequisite to further studs' - in advanced theory. Attendance at a series of Lectures by the Physics Department on Acoustics is required in the second year Harmony. The State Universitjr of Texas at Austin has a School of Music with a five year Course. Not later than December first of the fifth year, a composition in smaller Iiomophonic or polyphonic form or both, as required by the instructor must be submitted by each candidate for graduation. The first year in theory, together with proficienc3'- in piano playing, is a Course in fundamentals prerequisite to the first year Harmony r The usual outline of Harmony is followed ending with transitory modulations and sequences . Second year Harmony is a conclusion of theory, given in the first semester, exercises in counter-point being then taken up. Counter-point, analysis and composition are required in each succeeding year, a continuation of the foregoing work all based on the first year and one -half of Harmony. The University of Arkansas at Fayetteville has a Depart- ment of Music in the school of Arts and Science. Two Music credits will be rec eived for entrance, if the music has been from recognized instructors. A student is charged five dollars per class a semester in addition to the entrance fee. Before registering in anj’- course permission must be obtained. A ■ Two years of Harmony is offered, one credit, each year is allowed toward graduation. The work includes: scales, cadences, sept— chords and resolutions, modulations, altered chords and harmonization of melodies. The State University of Oklahoma at Norman has a School of Music. A student may Major in theory and receive a degree of Bachelor of Music, provided three years of Piano, Voice, Cello or Violin has "been completed. The first year of harmony is a five hour course each semester , including one hour Solfeggio during the first semester. This is all the theory required for a degree in Public School Music. For Major in Applied Music two more years , including Counterpoint , Analysis and Form, are required, while for a Major in u.ieory to oiie^e subjects are added a fourth year of Composition and Analytical harmony and analysis of harmonic structure of typical classical and modern works. Experiments in vocal composition and an original selection for production in public in some form chosen by the student completes the requirements for Theory as a Major. The Eastern Section of the Central Spates all have > tato Universities. Ohio State University at Columbus and Kentucky State University have neither schools nor departments of usic, The Iowa State University at Iowa City tenches Applied Music, gives credit for Glee Club and Orchestra worj but does not teach theory. The University of Indiana at Bloomington has a School of Music. Two years of Harmony is required for gradua- ion. ' . • « The class is a five hour course, giving five hours of credit each semester. The first semester includes essentials of harmony and music notation thru the seventh chords; the second semester continues the same thru modulation and altered chords. The year is mostly harmonization of melodies - original and given. The State University of Michigan at Ann Arbor has a department of Music in the School of Arts and Science# The general rule of electives applies to music. The Music Courses are open to all who show sufficient ability to pursue them with profit. The Science of Harmony, a two hour ccurse thru two semesters, may be taken by special permit only. By working two extra periods the student may secure an additional credit. Advanced Practical Music may be taken only by special permit of the instructor in the Science of Harmony or the director of Music. One or two hours credit will be given accord- ing to the work accomplished by the student. The State University of Wisconsin at Madison has a School of Music. The Courses are open to all students in any Depart- ment of the University, except Freshmen, who show by examination musical ability and fundamental knowledge of notation. There are two years of Harmony offered, classes meeting three hours per week each semester. The work includes practically the same outline as heretofore given - Scales thru altered chords and modulations . uring alternate unior s.nd enior years ouoie Counterpoint, Canon and fugue and Free onposition in small form _ls onercd. The State University of Illinois at Urbana has a School of Music. ■ . - , Illinois requires three years preparatory work, at least. together with an entramce examination for admission* Courses are open to students from other Schools or Departments in the University and credit toward graduation is given for eight hours Applied Music, provided first year harmony has been completed* Music may be used as electives for sixteen hours* First year Harmony,a two hour Course meets two hours a week thru two semesters* The work includes: scales, intervals, keys, triads and cadences the first semester* The second semester, a continuation of the first, includes; Dominant Seventh Chords, Secondary Seventh Chords and Modulations together with harmon- ization of Melodies, as an application of principles studied. Text -books,” A Catechism of Harmony" and "Melody Harmonization" by G*F*ichwartz are used thru the first and second year harmony. The first years work is prerequisite to the second, both being required for further work in Counterpoint and General Theory. The second year Harmony is a three hour Course Thru two semesters, a continuation of Altered Chords, Modulations, Writing harmonizations and original •Melodies • Another book "Harmonic Analysis" by G*F. Schwartz is used during the second semester, second year, some analysis being introduced at this time. The We stern Section of the Central States all have State Universities. The State University of Missouri at Columbus has a department in Arts. Harmony is given two years with three hour Courses each semester. The first year studies the fundamentals upon which the science of harmony rests. The second year studies. Applied Harmonic Principles to harmonization of melodies and chorals, beginnings c-f Counterpoint , and additions LoCantus-f irmus. The State University of Minnesota at Minneapolis has no Music. I The State University ox ortn aiiota U Grand Forks has a Department of Music* Fintrance requirements are Pulslic ~chool Music, such as usually offered in the grades and high school, and some ability in playing either the piano or organ is to he desired* The first year of Harmony, meeting four hours per week thru two semesters, is required, of those who receive special certificates in xuusic. Advanced Harmony, giving two hours a week thru two semesters , gives four hours toward graduation and is required for a supervisors Certificate* The department is intended primarily for mblic school Music* ihe state University of South Dakota at Vermillion has a School of Music. The first year Harmony gives three hours work each semester and includes Major and Minor scales, intervals, construction and progression of chords, including the dominant seventh, keyboard transition of cadences and simple harmonic formulae. The second year is a continuation of the first thru Modulation and simple application of principles to original illustrations. Tuition is six dollars per subject per semester, if taken as a Major, but free if taken as a minor or an elective* The State Universit;/ of Nebraska at Lincoln has a Music Department in Fine Arts. The tuition for a theory class is ten dollars per semester. The Courses are open to all University students and are required of those qualifying for a degree in Fine Arts. There are two full years of harmony offered, classes meeting twice a week thru two semesters , for each course. A fourth year is open to students by permission of the instructor. * . •» 4 The State University of Kansas at Lawrence has a Department of Music in Arts, and allows fifteen hours credit toward graduation* Six hours of Applied Music is the maximum accom- panied I37/ as many acceptable theoretical credits toward a degree. The South Western Group alihave State Universities. The State University of Colorado at Boulder has a Music School that teaches Harmony the first two years. Classes meet twice a week each quarter aiid receive two credits per quarter .Beginning harmony covers the usual material and the second year is a continuation of the first, until Composition is introduced. The end of the Course requires a Composition either sacred or secular containing at least four movements and sufficiently long to occupy fifteen to twenty minutes in the performance. It must include: a)A chorus in four parts, b)A recitative and Solo, c) a Quartette for voices only, d)Eour part vocal Fugue. a,h,and d, must have accompaniment for string hand only. The State University of New Mexico at Albuquerque has a Department of Music. Any one with sufficient musical knowledge may Major in Theory. Twenty four hours is called a Major and must be taken with Fiano and Voice. Theory, so called, subdivides into Appreciation, History, Public School Methods, Elements of Harmony and Musical Notation. The State University of Utah at Salt Lake City offers Music as an Arts Course, the credits going toward a degree of Arts. Five hours per year, the first three years are allowed. Elementary harmony and history courses are prerequisites for other Music Courses. . Utah offers three years of harmony, Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced* The Intermediate includes Altered chords. Modulation and sequences. Advanced Harmony is the practical employment of various chords and their usages, studied in previous courses. The State University of Arizona at Tuscon has a Music Department. The Harmony courses are open to those who are moderately proficient in Voice, Piano or Organ playing and can read music at sight. Classes meet two hours a week and two credit hours are given per semester. Elementary Harmony includes: Notation, clefs, keys, intervals, consonants and dissonance, Major and minor scales, chords and inversions , harmonization of melodies and "basses in four part music. Second year Harmony also meets tw o periods per week, continuing four part writing in hymn tunes and extensive study of the function and relation of triads and sept-chords in the key extension of the principles and modulating to near and remote keys. The third year harmony class carries a two hours course each semester. It is an appli- cation of principles and figures in piano accompaniment , an aid thru schooling in harmony and modulation. The State University of Nevada at Reno includes Music in the Arts department. A minor may "be taken in Music. Elementary Harmony is a one hour course , meeting two times a week thru two semesters. This course is prerequisite to any other Music Course. Other courses may "be taken any time after completing elementary harmony. Advanced harmony is a three hour course, meeting three times a week thru two semesters. The work includes Analysis of Altered chords and a practical application of theories. > «*• i* ■ ** • The State University of California at Berkeley includes Music in a department of Fine Arts, Familiarity with the symbols and terminology of music notation together with a knowledge of intervals and simple metrical types, is a prerequisite to Course One. Course One-Diatonic Harmony- is a three hour course extending thru two semesters. The study includes treatment of complete diatonic resources of the Major and minor modes as well as the simpler modulations. Chromatic Harmony, a three hour course extending thru two semesters is the second year harmony. The study is: Strict counterpoint two hours per week each semester taken concurrently with the first year course in fundamentals of contrapuntal writing "based on the classical traditions of musical procedure. This course is required of all who intend making Music their Major. Work taken at either division of University Extension at San Francisco or Oakland receives the same credit as at Berkeley. The State University of Montana at Missoula has a Music School. Harmony is taught four years; two years is required and two advanced years is given for those who wish to Major in Harmony. Credit for Music courses to the extent of twenty seven hours may he applied on a degree of Bachelor of Arts. Harmony includes sight singing and ear training thru the four years. The State University of Wyoming at Laramie has a School of Music. Elementary Harmony gives a two hours course per quarter thru one year. It includes, the study of scales to modulation to nearly related keys. Advanced Harmony is also a two hour course thru the year and includes the study of modulation to more remote keys, secondary sevenths in Major minor and altered chords, "besides application of principles to original examples. Third year Harmon?/ is a continuation of the previous work and passing tones, suspensions, florid melody accompaniments. Text-hook for first year is "Harmony”, J.F.Budge,f or the second and third years a hook by James Higgs. The State University of Idaho at Moscow has a department of Music in Arts. A Major may he taken in Music. Two years of Harmony is given and is prerequisite to further theory study. Two hours theory together with two hours of Applied Music are acceptable credits toward a degree each year. The State University of Oregon at Eugene has a School of Music. The work in Musical Science may he chosen as a Major subject leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts. Portland Extension works on the same basis as at Eugene. Class lessons vary from two to three hours per week. A fee of nine dollars a semester is charged. Individual lessons may be arranged for at the rate of forty dollars a semester for two lessons a week or twenty five dollars for ons lesson a week. The amount of work depends upon the ability and progress of the student. . The State University of Washington at Seattle has a Music School. The first year Harmony is a two-fold Course taken concurrently, in ear training and melody writing. Classes meet two hours per week each quarter. The second year Harmony classes meet three hours per week each quarter. The work includes nalysis and keyboard work and must follow Melody Writing. Before beginning third year Harmony all music work listed before the Junior year must be completed. The third year includes Analysis and Composition. Classes meet three times a week each quarter and three hours credit is given for the Course. ■ Generalizations There is in most of the State Universities where Music is a part of the Curriculum, either as a department or as a school, at least two years of harmony being taught. The Course in any of the Universities when completed has covered the same material , practically. The exceptions do not teach less, but if any deviation, the difference is for more thoro and complete study, covering a longer period of time. Entrance to the Music Section of any of these Universities requires practically the same educational background as any other department. As a conclusion from ine foregoing information, one, so inclined, is able to obtain as good a musical education from a State University in one part of the United States as in any other-with the exception of the South Eastern Section. Tabulations I. Regular Music Schools in State Universities. State Years Harmony Class Meetings per week Credit Hours per Semester Degree West Virginia 2 5 5 B.M. Louisiana Texas? 2 2 3 1 % 1st yr. 3 2sd yr. B.M. B.M. Oklahoma 1 5 5 P.S.M. 4 5 5 B.M. Indiana 2 5 5 B.M. Illinois 2 2 1st yr. 3 2sd yr. 2 1st yr. 3 2sd yr. B.M. Wisconsin 2 3 3 B.M. South Dakota 2 3 3 B.M. Colorado 2 2 2 (per quar.) B.M. Montana* 4(2 yrs requi ) 2 2 B.M. Wyoming 3 2 2 (per quar,) Washington 3 2 1st yr. 2 2sd yr. 3 3sd yr. 2 (per quar. ) 2 (per quar.) 3 (per quar. ) B.M. ? Data not complete. * A major may be taken in Theory. . ' Tabulations II. Music a Department in State Universities. State Years Class Credit Hours Harmony Meetings per semester Degree 1 per week Maine 2 2 1 A. B. Arkansas 2 ? JL 2 A.B. Michigan* 1 ( 2sd yr. 2 by permit) 2 extra per 1-2 A. B. week Missouri 2 3 3 A.B. North Dakota 2 2 4 P.S.M. Nebraska 2 2 2 A.B. Kansas 2 6 Cr. Hrs . in all A.B. New Mexico# 24 Cr. Hrs. in all A.B. Utah 3 2 5 per yr. A • B • Arizona 3 2 2 A.B. Nevada 2 2 1st yr. 2 1st yr. 3 2sd yr. 3 2sd yr. A.B. California 2 3 3 A.B. Idaho 2 2 2 A.B. North Carolina 1 3 !§- per quar. A.B. *By special permit a second year's course is given. But two extra hours work per week from one to two hours additional credit v is allowed, this depending upon the ability of the student. #A major may be taken in Theory. ?Complete data not at hand. Tabulation III* Pennsylvania has a school of Music. It teaches two years of Harmony in a Special Preparatory Course, five hours per Semester taken in conjunction with the practice of music in other Conservatories in the city, obtaining a degree in Proficiency in Music* Upon Special professional performance a B.M. degree is obtained. The State University of Oregon has a school of Music. No certain number of class or individual lessons in Harmony are required, that depending upon the ability of the student. Credit is given when a certain examination is passed! Harmony may be chosen as a Major subject and an A.E. degree received. Tabulation IV. The following State Universities have Departments of Music in Fine Arts, offering only applied music courses; Iowa, Florida, and Maryland. The State University of New York has recently been endowed with funds for a Music Department. The Curriculum is not yet announced. The Universities of the states named below have in no way provided for music; Alabama Mississippi Delaware Ohio Georgia South Carolina Kentucky Tennesee Minnesota Virginia The following do not have State Universities: Connecticut New Jersey Massachusetts Rhode Island New Hampshire Vermont.