Extract from "CONSTRUCTION” Published at Pittsburg', June 10, 1905 THE POSTAL LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES AS RELATED TO BUSINESS INTERESTS AN ADDRESS Delivered before the Merchants’ and Manufacturers’Association of Pittsburg, at its Annual Ban¬ quet at the Hotel Schenley, June 6, 1905. by MR. CHARLES WILLIAM BURROWS President of The Burrows Brothers Company, Cleveland, Ohio Presented with the compliments of The Burrows Brothers Company so high class houses as Browning, King & Com¬ pany and many others. AS' I HAVE SAID BEFORE, THE GROWTH OF NEW PERIODICALS HAS AVERAGED MORE THAN TEN A DAT, SUNDAYS AND ALL INCLUDED, EVERY DAY FOR THE LAST FIVE YEARS, and it is getting where you cannot see the woods for the trees. And frankly, while I consider it of tire utmost importance that every business organi¬ zation and commercial body in the country should unitedly band together to produce all the sentiment possible to educate the public and their congressional representatives on this sub¬ ject, YET WE MUST LOOK FOR MORE HELP FROM THE ASSISTANCE THAT CAN AND SHOULD OF RIGHT BE REN¬ DERED TO US BY THE DAILY AND WEEKLY PAPERS AND THE BETTER CLASS OF MONTHLY PERIODICALS THAN IN ANY OTHER WAY. The en¬ tire publicity machinery of the country has up to within a short time been arrayed upon the other side of the question, but now the tide has turned. WHERE A DAILY PAPER IS SAVING FROM EIVE'DOL- LARS TO ONE HUNDRED ON ITS POST¬ AGE BILLS THROUGH THE OPERA¬ TION OF THIS LAW, IT IS LOSING FROM ONE HUNDRED TO ONE THOU- 28 SAND DOLLARS ON ITS ADVERTISE REVENUES. THE SAME ARGUMENT, M1Y OPINION, ALSO APPLIES WI1 EQUAL STRENGTH TO THE BETTI CLASS OF THE JOURNALS OF MONTlj LY ISSUANCE, FOR WERE THE THOl SANDS OF THEIR WEAK competitc weeded out, they could procure their advertisirl patronage far more cheaply and hold their rati much more stiffly, and while they might nc make money as swiftly as they have done in tli past they would at least do so much more freell than they can do if the law stands and the ur checked flood of new competitors is permitte to come into existence. But, gentlemen, I have detained you ovei long, and before I sit down I will thank you fo your attention. 24