A LIST OF BOOKS AND ARTICLES - ON — CITY PLANNING and CIVIC CENTERS Compiled and Annotated by Jesse Cunningham, Librarian of the Municipal Reference Branch GENERAL. Books and Pamphlets. Addams, Jane. The spirit of youth and the city streets. 1909. 29 American League for Civic Betterment. Proceedings. 1901. Pam. 352.701 Volume 4, no. 4 of the Home Florist. American Park and Outdoor Art Associa¬ tion. Publications, v. 3-7. 1899-1903. Ref. 65L -Report. 1-2. 1897-1898. Ref. 65L The large interest in the importance of public parks and pleasure grounds led to the organization of this association. American Park Builders. American parks and their construction, n. d. Pam. 352.74 Architectural League of America. Report of the committee on civic improvements. 1906. Pam. 352.701 Resumg of what has been accomplished or is being planned in a few cities and towns. Arthur, W. Our home city. 1911. Ref. 710 Baker, M. N. Municipal engineering and sanitation. 1902. 40 Bill for a National Advisory Board on Civic Art and a plea showing the demand and necessity for such a board. 1906. Pam. 352.701 The National Society of Fine Arts submitted this bill. Chautauquan. Civic improvement number. June. 1907. Pam. 352.701 Has several articles on city-making by well-known authorities. Crawford, A. W. The house beautiful and its relation to the city beautiful. 1905. Pam. 352.701 Contains also “Window Gardening,” by H. D. Hemenway. American Civic Association pamphlet no. 1. Eno, W. E. Street traffic regulation. 1909. Ref. 352 Great Britain. Laws, statutes, etc. The hous¬ ing of the working classes acts, 1890-1909, and town planning, annotated and ex¬ plained; together w. the statutory rules and forms, by C. E. and F. J. Allan. 1911. Ref. 331.8 Hollander, J. H. Cities and public build¬ ings. (in Maryland. Board of World’s Fair Managers. 1893.) Ref. 917.52 Lamb, F. S. City making, prospectus of the department. American Civic Association Leaflet no. 4. Pam. 352.701 Lancaster, H. V. Town and country; some aspects of town planning. 1909. Pam. 352.701 A clipping from the Journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects, Feb. 20, 1909. 2 / » w - ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY Liverpool University. Arts Faculty. Pros¬ pectus of the school of architecture for the session 1909-10. 1909. Pam. 352.701 One of the objects of this school is to equip archi¬ tects, engineers and others with a knowledge of town planning. McCrea, Mrs. A. E. and Crawford, A. W. Railroad improvements. American Civic Association Leaflet no. 6. Pam. 352.701 McFarland, J. H. Furnishing the streets in suburban communities. Pam. 352.701 Reprint from “Suburban Life.” Maltbie, M. R. Civic art in northern Europe, a report to the Art Commission of the city of New York. 1903. Pam. 352.701 Mr. Maltbie collected data from the experiences of sixteen large European cities. Manning, W. H. Suggestions for beautify¬ ing the home, village and roadway, n. d. Pam. 352.701 Reprint from the Youth’s Companion by the Amer¬ ican Civic Association. Marsh, B. C. An introduction to city plan¬ ning; democracy’s challenge to the Ameri¬ can city with a chapter on the technical phases of city planning. 1909. Outlines the achievements of foreign cities in civic improvement and gives a brief review of the work in a few American cities. Bibliography on pp. 153-56. National Conference on City Planning. Proceedings. 1909-1911. Ref. 710 The proceedings for the first meeting are published as U. S. Senate Document no. 42 of the 61st Cong. 2d sess. Thereafter the proceedings are published by the conference. Olmstead, F. L. City planning 1910. 710 Address delivered at the Second National Con¬ ference on City Planning and Congestion of Popula¬ tion, Rochester, May 2, 1910. Pray, J. S. The department of landscape architecture in Harvard University. 1911. Pam. 352.701 Reprint from “Landscape Architecture,” Jan., 1911. Robinson, C. M. The improvement of towns and cities. 1906. Ref. 65L Contains much information about what has been done at home and abroad in civic aesthetics. -Modern civic art. 1903. Ref. 65L A few of the subjects treated are: A new day for cities; The city’s focal points; In the business dis¬ trict; In the residential sections; The city at large. -The width and arrangement of streets, a study in town planning. 1911. Royal Institute of British Architects. Town planning conference London, 10-15 Octo¬ ber, 1910. Transactions. 1911. Ref. 710 Stark, W. P. Civic improvement for town and country. (In Missouri. State Board of Horticulture. Annual report. 3. 1909.) Ref. 63b Triggs, H. I. Town planning, past, present and possible. 1909. Ref. 710 Mr. Triggs as holder of the Godwin Bursary spent several years on the Continent of Europe where he studied closely the methods that have made Paris, Munich, Berlin and Vienna beautiful cities. Unwin, Raymond. Town planning in prac¬ tice, an introduction to the art of design¬ ing cities and suburbs. 1909. Ref. 710 Maps, photographs and other material collected during some years of study and practice of town planning. Quite an elaborate treatise. Willis, W. A. Housing and town planning in Great Britain, being a statement of the statutory provisions relating to the hous¬ ing of the working classes and to town planning. 1909. 1910. Ref. 331.83 Woodhead, Howard. The first German Municipal exposition held in Dresden in 1903. 1904. Pam. 352.701 Reprint from the American Journal of Sociology, volume 9, no. 4, 5, 6, and volume 10, no. 1. Zueblin, Charles. A decade of civil im¬ provement. 1905. 65L Magazine Articles. A. C. A. Spirit of civic improvement. Brush and Pencil. 18:149-53. 1906. Alden, P. Problem of housing the poor. Chautauquan. 61:311-30. 1911. Baltimore Municipal Art Conference. Municipal Affairs. 3:706-14. 1899. Barker, H. A. Need of a city plan com¬ mission. American City. 4:64-5. 1911. -Park in its relation to physical geography and the city plan. Charities. 19:1506-12. 1908. Batterson, E. C. Town promotion and city planning. American City. 4:119-20. 1911. Baxter, S. Art in the street. Century. 49: 697-705. 1906. -Civic center, a dominant aesthetic feature. Charities. 19:1502-4. 1908. -Civic improvement in the street and highway. Century. 42:682-90. 1902. Blashfield, E. H. A word for municipal art Municipal Affairs. 3:582-93. 1899. Bottge, F. Art of laying out cities. Cassier. 38:483-9. 1910. Brown, F. C. What is being accomplished in civic improvement here and abroad. Craftsman. 19:149-53. 1910. Brown, R. Suggestions for municipal im¬ provements. New England Magazine, n. s. 40:472-80. 1909. Brunner, A. W. Must the American city be ugly? Harper's Weekly. 54:12-13:Jan. 1910. Budd, K. C. Plant decoration. Municipal Affairs. 5:685-95. 1901. CITY PLANNING AND CIVIC CENTERS 3 Buis, Ch. City aesthetics. Municipal Affairs. 3:732-41. 1899. This is a translation of “L’Esthetique des Villes” by Mr. Buis, who has been a leader in the movement for the betterment of cities. Christian, Mrs. W. Texas cities and their improvement. Chautauquan. 47:68-73. 1907. City plan notes. Charities. 19:1557-62. 1908. City planning and congestion. Survey. 25: 1069-71. 1911. City planning and urban congestion. Out¬ look. 95:282-3. 1910. Clancy, E. A. Ready made cities. Harper f s Weekly. 53:30. Jan. 2,1909. Cleaning up American Cities. Survey. 25: 83-4. 1910. Coffin, C. H. Beautifying cities; a com¬ parison of the growing beauty of the world’s municipalities and the impulses that are making for improvement. World’s Work. 3:1429-35. 1901. Crawford, A. W. Street, the basic factor in the city plan. Charities. 19:1493-502. 1908. Crawley, A. E. Town planning. Nature. 84:498-9. 1910. Croly, H. What is civic art? Architectural Record. 16:46-52. 1904. Davison, T. R. Our best municipal build¬ ings. Magazine of Art. 27:131-36. 1902. DeForest, R. W. Practical side of city plan¬ ning. Charities. 19:1549-50. 1908. Ford, F. L. City making. Chautauquan. 47:64-8. 1907. Ford, G. A. Relation of city planning to the municipal budget. American City. 4: 66-71. 1911. Ford, G. B. City plan exhibit in Berlin. V -Survey . 24:643-5. 1910. -City planning exhibition in Berlin. American City. 3:120-24. 1910. -Second National Conference on City - Planning and Congestion. Survey. 24: 293-8. 1910. } Fuller, M. V. London town planning con- _—-ference. American City. 4:41-2. 1911. Gould, C. F. City planning, too many | straight lines. Outlook. 98:747-8. 1911. Growth of town planning. Chautauquan. U 61:291-2. 1911. Harder, J. F. The city’s plan. Municipal Affairs. 2:25-45. 1898. Hartman, E. T. Town planning. Chart- ties. 19:1519-21. 1908. Haupt, L. M. Planning the site for a city. Engineering Magazine. 8:626-37. 1895. Hooker, G. E. Traffic and the city plan. Charities. 19:1491-3. 1908. Howe, F. C. American city of tomorrow. Hampton. 26:573-84. 1911. Hurd, R. M. The structure of cities. Municipal Affairs. 6:24-43. 1902. Ihlder, J. London town planning confer¬ ence. Review of Revews. 43:46-8. 1911. Johnson, W. T. Coming city planning exhibition. Survey. 26:183-4. 1911. Jones, Beatrix. City Parks. Municipal Affairs. 3:687-90. 1899. Kellar, P. R. Washing away a city’s hills. World Today. 19:703-8. 1910. Kelsey, A. The city possible,, utility, beauty, economy. Booklover’s Magazine. 2:163-73. 1903. Kelsey, F. W. Parks and tree planting in American cities. Municipal Affairs. 5: 675-83. 1901. Kriehn, George. The city beautiful. Municipal Affairs. 3:594-601. 1899. Lamb, F. S. Beautifying of cities. Crafts¬ man. 2:172:88. 1902. Levison, J. J. Woman’s influence in beauti¬ fying our cities with trees. American City. 5:85-7. 1911. Lewis, N. P. The planning of undeveloped city areas. American City. 3:137-40. 1910. Lay, C. D. Playground design. Landscape Architecture. 2:63-75. 1912. London town planning conference. Archi¬ tectural Record. 28:455-7. 1910. MacFarland, B. F. The twentieth century city. American City. 5:138-9. 1911. -J. H. Growth of city planning in America. Charities. 19:1522-8. 1908. -Why not have a beautiful town? Ladies* Home Journal. 24:27. April, 1907. 1908. Maltbie, M. R. Advertising signs and art. Municipal Affairs. 5:738-53. 1901. -Street fixt*res and vital art. Craftsman . 6:219-27. 1904. Marsh, B. C. City planning in justice to the working population. Charities. 19:1514-8. 1908. Martin, J. City planning. Survey. 23: 417-8. 1909. Modern city improvements. Architectural Record. 22:323-32. 1907. Miscellaneous comment on the subject. Moses, E. C. Elevated railways and civic beauty. World Today. 12:160-9. 1907. Municipal aesthetics from a legal standpoint. Municipal Affairs. 3:715-23. 1899. 4 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY Nolen, John, Putting a city into action. American City. 5:332-4. 1911. -Replanning smaller cities. American City. 4:238-9. 1911. Olmsted, F. L. The basic principles of city planning. American City. 3:67-72. 1910. -The limits of city beautification, a reply to an inquiry. American City. 2:209-12. 1910. -Scope and results of city planning in Europe. Survey. 22:497-508. 1909. Our cities as they are and as they ought to be. Revieiv of Revews. 42:499-500. 1910. Oyen, H. Beautification and business. World’s Work. 22:14612-8. 1911. Padelford, F. M. Civic control of archi¬ tecture. American Journal of Sociology. 14:38-51. 1908. Parkhurst, H. L. A plea for stained glass. Municipal Affairs. 3:694-701. 1899. Parsons, S. and O’Donovan, W. R. Design as applied to cities. North American Re¬ view. 185:862-8. 1907. Petavel, J. W. Town planning of the future. Westminster. 172:398-405. 1909. Planning for cities. Independent. 70: 1431-3. 1911. Price, W. L. Beautiful city. Craftsman. 17:53-7. 1909. Public art in American cities. Municipal Affairs. 2:1-13. 1898. Rankin, N. S. Plotting towns for a future. World Today. 19:782-4. 1910. Robinson, C. M. Cities of the present as representative of a transition period in urban development. Architectural Record. 28:458-62. 1910. -City plan exhibit. Survey. 22:313-8. 1909. -City plans and planners. Survey. 26: 397-400. 1911. --Civic improvement. Charities. 21:684-6. 1909. -Civic imorovement. Craftsman. 17: 425-8. 1910. Survey. 23:185-7; 24:152-5; 324-6; 420-2; 631-3; 865-8; 25:117-9; 475-8. 1910. -Handicraft workers and civic beauty. Craftsman. 5:235-39. 1904. -Interest in civic improvement. Crafts¬ man. 17:425-8. 1910. -London town planning conference. Sur¬ vey. 25:253-5. 1910. -Remaking of cities. World’s Work. 12; 8046-50. 1906. -Replanning cities. Charities. 19:1489-90. 1908. Schopfer, Jean. Art in the city. Architectural Record. 12:573-83. 1903. Shean, C. M. The decoration of public buildings, a plea for Americanism in sub¬ ject and ornamental detail. Municipal Affairs. 5:711-20. 1901. Shirley, Major J. W. The problem of ex¬ tending the city plan. American City. 3: 193-4. 1910. Stilson, F. J. Civic beauty and civic safety. Chautauquan. 47:80-5. 1907. Sturgis, R. Beautifying the American city. Scribner’s Magazine. 33:509-12. 1903. Taylor, G. R. Cincinnati civic convention. 1909. Survey. 23:321-8. 1909. Town planning. Independent. 66:872-4. 1909. Editorial. Town Planning Review. Journal of the Department of Civic Design, School of Architecture, University of Liverpool, v. 1. no. 3, 4. 1910-11. v. 2. no. 2. 1911. Warner, J. D. Civic centers. Municipal Affairs. 6:1-23. 1902. -The importance of municipal improve¬ ments. Craftsman. 5:362-67. 1904. Weed, H. E. Civic development in Okla¬ homa and Texas. American City. 2: 158-60. 1910. Woodruff, C. R. City planning in America. Atlantic. 101:721-7. 1908. -Progress in city planning. American City. 3:75-6. 1910. -Rebuilding our cities. World Today. 16:493-500. 1909. Zueblin, Charles. A decade of civic im¬ provement. Chautauquan. 36:174-77. 1902. -The making of the city. Chautauquan. 38:267-75. 1903. INDIVIDUAL PLACES. Books and Magazine Articles. Algiers. Plate. A close view of the water front, showing the storage spaces below the Esplanade and the inclined railways. Altus, Oklahoma. Jensen, L. P. A prelim¬ inary report on the improvement of the city of Altus, Oklahoma. 1910. Pam. 352.701 -Hooker, H. J. Small city’s plans for growth, Altus, Oklahoma. American City. 4:51-5. 1911. Baltimore. Baltimore. Municipal Art. Soc. Partial report on city plan. 1910. Ref. 710 -Olmsted Brothers. Report upon the development of public grounds for Greater Baltimore. 1904. 352.7 A personal study of the needs and opportunities for a comprehensive outer park system for Baltimore. The conclusions and the advice are intended to be preliminary. -Dennenberg, J. Civic art in Baltimore. Craftsman. 9:202-17. 1900. CITY PLANNING AND CIVIC CENTERS 5 Bangor, Me. Manning, W. H. Bangor city- plan, the burned district. 1911. Ref. 710 This report, besides covering the relocation of buildings, . . . and the improvement of the street system, including bridges and connection with out¬ lying regions, emphasizes the possibilities for beauty of the river banks .—Landscape Architecture. Berlin. Plate. Showing the artistic advan¬ tages of broad plazas. Binghamton, N. Y. Robinson, C. M. Better Binghamton, a report to the Mercantile- Press Club of Binghamton. 1911. Ref. 710 The author is high authority on town planning. With the recommendations for the proper and system¬ atic development of the city are included street and topographical maps. Birmingham, Eng. Nettleford, J. S. Town planning and co-partnership housing. Sur¬ vey. 26:370-3. 1911. Boston. Boston. Parks Department. Annual report of the Board of Commissioners. 1895-1911. Pam. 352.7 Contains reports of landscape architects and plans and schemes for parks, playgrounds and boulevards. -Boston Society of Architects. Report of its committee on municipal improve¬ ments. 1907. Pam. 352.701 Suggestions here offered are not endorsed or ap¬ proved by the Society but are merely printed with the hope that a fuller investigation will follow. -“Boston 1915.” Official catalogue and year book. 1909. Pam. 352.701 -Prospectus. 1909. Pam. 352.701 The 1915 Boston Exposition will be held from Nov. 1 to 27th, 1912. It will be a collection of exhibits by agencies engaged in the improvement of the city. -What Boston 1915 is. Bulletin no. 1. 1909. Pam. 352.701 -Massachusetts. Metropolitan Park Com¬ mission. Annual reports. 1904-1910. Pam. 352.7 Contains reports by Sylvester Baxter, Charles Eliot and the Olmsted Brothers. -A history and description of the Boston Metropolitan parks. 1900. Pam. 352.701 -Brown, F. C. Civic improvement in Boston, present and future. Craftsman. 19:273-83. 1910. -Kellog, P. U. 1915 Boston exposition. Survey. 23:328-34. 1909. ——Lovejoy, O. R. Making Boston over. Survey. 22:764-78. 1909. -Shurtleff, A. A. Practice of replanning; suggestions from Boston. Charities. 19: 1529-32. 1908. Brooklyn, N. Y. Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Brooklyn planning section. April 12, 1912. -Brooklyn League. A civic center. [1904?] Pam. 352.701 Shows some of the features of the material devel¬ opment of Brooklyn during the year 1904. - Milhau, Zella. The block beautiful World’s Work. 6:4000-06. 1903. Buffalo. Buffalo. Railways Terminal Com¬ mittee. Report on proposed improvement of passenger and freight terminals at Buffalo. 1907. Pam. 352.701 Study and analysis of the Buffalo terminal situation, recommending the Fillmore site for a Union Passenger Terminal. -Cary, George. The grouping of public buildings and gardens with adjoining water front, excursion docks and Union Station for the city of Buffalo. 1905. Pam. 352.701 The railway terminal situation in Buffalo is more complex than that of any other city in this country. This is a plan for the betterment of conditions. -McFarland, J. H. Buffalo, a city of homes. Outlook. 88:393-405. 1908. Cambridge, Mass. Cambridge (Mass.). Mayor’s Commission. Report upon a com¬ prehensive plan for the development and improvement of the streets and disposal of refuse. 1911. Pam. 352.701 Cedar Rapids, la. Robinson, C. M. Report with regard to civic affairs in the city of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 1908. Pam. 352.701 One of the earliest acts of the first commission government of Cedar Rapids was to engage Mr. Rob¬ inson to make a survey of the city and report on possible improvements. Chicago. Chicago. Outer Belt Park Com¬ mission. Report. Forest preserves; country playfields for the people of Chi¬ cago and Cook County. 1905. Pam. 352.701 - Special Park Commission. The call for trees. Pamphlet no. 2. July, 1909. Pam. 352.77 -Trees—What, when and how to plant them. Pamphlet no. 4. Oct. 1909. Pam. 352.77 -Chicago Commercial Club. Plan for a boulevard to connect the north and south sides of the river on Michigan Ave. and Pine Street. 1908. Pam. 352.701 The need of a connecting boulevard to bridge the gap between the North and South Park systems was the incentive for this report. The scheme takes into account the needs of the whole city as well. -Chicago Plan Commission. Chicago’s greatest issue, an official plan. 1911. Pam. 352.701 This pamphlet portrays the condition of Chicago and is designed for reference so that all citizens may study “The Plan of Chicago.” -Proceedings. 3rd meeting March 7, 1910. 6th meeting Sept. 14, 1910. 7th meeting Oct. 18, 1910. 8th meeting Jan. 13, 1911. 9th meeting March 22, 1911. Pam. 352.701 -Delano, F. A. Address to the Chicago Real Estate Board, Jan. 25, 1906. 1906. 352.701 Contains a suggestion for the solution of the Chicago terminal problem. p 35657 6 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY -Foreman, H. G. Outer belt of forest preserves and parkways for Chicago and Cook County. 1904. Pam. 352.701 Address delivered before the Outer Belt Park Commission. -Hofer, Amalie, comp. Neighborhood improvement in and about Chicago. 1909. Pam. 352.701 Something of what the women have done in inaugur¬ ating improvements in Chicago. -Burton, C. P. New and greater Chi¬ cago. Independent. 69:128-34. 1910. -Eliot, C. W. Study of the new plan of Chicago with remarks on city planning in general. Century. 79:417-31. 1910. Hooker, G. E. Plan of Chicago. Survey. 22:778-90. 1909. - Sikes, G. C. New Chicago. Outlook. 92:997-1013. 1909. -Taylor, G. R. New Chicago. Charities. 19:1551 -7. 1908. -Plate. A Chicago civic center, one of the typical small parks. 1906. -Map showing proposed and existing park lands. -Proposed plan for the city of Chicago, showing Lake Front Parkway, Yacht Harbor and Docking, Civic Center with radiating arteries and Park and Boulevard System. Cincinnati. Cincinnati. Park Commission. A park system for the city of Cincinnati. Report to the honorable Board of Public Service. 1907. Ref. 65L A plan for a comprehensive system of parks within the borders of Cincinnati with the necessary lines of intercommunication. -Kessler, G. E. The plan of Cincinnati. American City. 2:3-7. 1910. Cleveland. Burnham, D. H., and others. The group plan of public buildings of the city of Cleveland. 1907. Pam. 352.701 Second edition with the supplement indicating the progress of the improvement. Cleveland is making headway in carrying out this group plan. -Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. Grouping Plan Committee. Progress of the grouping plan for Cleveland public buildings. 1904. Pam. 352.701 - Dyer, J. M. Cleveland’s new city hall; complete description of the proposed municipal building with floor plans, eleva¬ tions and comparisons with other similar building’s. Pam. 352.701 A clipping from “Ohio Architect and Builder.” -Brunner, A. W. City and town plan¬ ning, suggesting beauty based on busi¬ ness conditions. Craftsman. 17:657-67. 1910. --Howe, F. C. Cleveland group plan. Charities. 19:1548. 1908. -Plate. Public buildings group now under construction. Colorado Springs. Robinson, C. M. Report on the development of the streets. 1905. Ref. 710 Columbia, S. C. Kelsey and Guild. The improvement of Columbia, South Caro¬ lina; report to the Civic League. 1905. Pam. 352.701 Columbia, like Washington had the choosing of her own site and the good fortune to have a well- made plan in the beginning, but it was too arbitrary and topography was ignored. This scheme seeks to modify the existing gridiron plan. Columbus, O. Columbus. Plan Com. Plan of Columbus, rept. 1908. Dallas, Tex. Babcock, J. R. The campaign for a city plan in Dallas. American City. 3:157-62. 1910. Denver. Robinson, C. M. Proposed plans for the improvement of Denver. 1906. Pam. 352.701 When this plan was first broached there was an opposition which took years to overcome. # Now Denver takes great pride in the project, which is making her famous. -Robinson, C. M. The development of Denver. American City. 2:197-207. 1910. Detroit. Detroit. Parks and Boulevards De¬ partment. Annual report. 1904-1905; 1907- 1910. Pam. 352.7 -Phillips, T. G. City tree planting, selec¬ tion, planting and care along city thoroughfares. 1910. (Detroit City Plan Com. Rept. 1.) Ref. 710 District of Columbia. Map of the permanent system of highways. 1911. -Map showing existing and proposed park system. Dresden. Plate. Theatre place. -Plate. The Zwingerhoff. A formal group treatment. Dubuque, la. Robinson, C. M. Civic im¬ provement in Dubuque. Charities. 21: 461-4. 1908. Dunfermline, Scotland. Geddes, Patrick. City development, a study of parks, gar¬ dens and culture institutions. 1904. Ref. 65 L Report on the laying out of a park in Dunfermline, made to the Carnegie Trust. Edinburgh, Scotland. Robinson, C. M. Civic improvement in Edinburgh; the work of the Cockburn Association. Municipal Affairs. 3:664-71. 1899. Essex Co., New Jersey. Essex County ( N. J.) Park Commission. Annual report. 1896- 1908. Pam. 352.7 Contains reports by the Olmsted Brothers on the noteworthy county system of parks and reserves covering Newark, the Oranges, Montclair and neigh¬ boring towns. CITY PLANNING AND CIVIC CENTERS 7 Fort Wayne, Ind. Robinson, C. M. Civic revival. Survey. 22:687-9. 1909. Frankfort, Germany. Plate. River front. Gary, Ind. Fuller, H. B. Building Gary, Indiana, to order. Harper’s Weekly. 51: 1482-3. 1907. Germany. Gurlitt, C. German city planning. Architectural Record. 24:135-48; 350-63. 1908. Translations by Sylvester Baxter. -Baxter, S. German way of making bet¬ ter cities. Atlantic. 104:72-85. 1909. -Howe, F. C. City building in Germany. Scribner’s Magazine. 47:601-14. 1910. -Nolen, John. The basis of German city planning procedure. Landscape Archi¬ tecture. 2:52-9. 1912. -Weirick, R. F. Mannheim—a remark¬ ably planned city. American City. 5: 189-93. 1911. -Woodhead, H. Hints from Germany; Suburban areas. Charities. 19:1512-3. 1908. Grand Rapids. Brunner, A. W., and Carrere, J. M. Preliminary report for a city plan for Grand Rapids. 1909. .Pam. 352.701 Conditions in Grand Rapids are favorable to a city plan with extensive park provisions. The parks are ready to hand and do not have to be made. - Grand Rapids. Board of Trade. Mu¬ nicipal Affairs Committee. Monthly re¬ port. June, 1910. Pam. 352.701 Notes on city planning. -Ihlder, J. Civic spirit and city planning in Grand Rapids. Charities. 21:120-2. 1908. -Civic conversion of a city; how the city of Grand Rapids is being transformed by the combined efforts of its influential citizens. World Today. 15:1163-9. 1908. Greenville, S. C. Kelsey and Guild. Beautify¬ ing and improving Greenville, South Car¬ olina, report to the Municipal League. 1907. Pam. 352.701 A report confined to suggestions and plans, omitting the general consideration of municipal and civic problems. Harbourne, Eng. Town planning at Har- bourne, England. 1907. Pam. 352.701 Reprint from the Birmingham Gazette and Express, Sept. 21, 1907. Refers particularly to improved tenements. Hartford, Conn. Ford, F. L., comp. The grouping of public buildings. 1904. (Mu¬ nicipal Art Society. Hartford, Conn. Bulletin no. 2.) Pam. 352.701 A reprint of a series of articles on this subject in Connecticut newspapers. -Hartford, Conn. City Plan Commission. Annual report. 1908-1911. Pam. 352.701 Contains an excellent monograph on “Public Com¬ fort Stations” by F. L. Ford. -Dickinson, E. L. Civic improvement; what has been done in Hartford, Conn. New England Magazine, n. s. 41:34-43. (Incorrectly paged 802-11.) 1909. -Ford, F. L. The commission on the city plan of Hartford. American City. 3: 237-39. 1910. Honolulu, H. I. Robinson, C. M. The im¬ provement of Honolulu. 1906. Pam. 352.701 Honolulu desires to be made the well-to-do and popular stopping point for all tourist travel across the Pacific. To this end plans were outlined to make the city so attractive that no one would want to pass without a visit. Hudson Co., N. J. Hudson Co. Park Com¬ mission. Annual report. 1903-1910. Pam. 352.7 Hungary. Hungary. Magyar Varosok Orsz. Kongresszus. Naplo; ed. by Harrer Ferenc. Ules 1. 1909. Ref. 352 Journal of the National Congress of Hungarian cities. Treats of civic improvement and the planning and laying out of cities and towns. (Hungarian.) Jersey City. Jersey City. City Plan Commis¬ sion. Know city planning, yesterday, to-day, to-morrow, for a better Jersey City. 1911. Pam. 352.701 Kalamazoo, Mich. Improving Kalamazoo. World’s Work. 20:13089-90. 1910. Kansas City, Mo. Kansas City. Park Com¬ missioners. Report. 1905-1910. Pam. 352.7 London, Eng. Cecil, Hon. Mrs. Evelyn. London Parks and Gardens. 1907. Ref. 711 Sketch of the history of the more important parks and gardens within the boundaries of the jurisdiction of the London County Council. -London County Council. Parks and Open Spaces Committee. London parks and open spaces. Notes on the acquisi¬ tion, history and maintenance of the parks, gardens and open spaces under the con¬ trol of the council. 1906. Pam. 352.701 -Plate. Trafalgar Square and the en¬ trance to the Strand. Los Angeles. Los Angeles, Cal. Municipal Art Commission. Report. 1909. Ref. 710 Suggestions of C. M. Robinson providing for better roads, an aqueduct and civic improvements requiring an expenditure of over fifty million dollars. -Mitchell, J. W. Los Angeles in the making. American City. 2:149-57. 1910. Madison, Wis. Madison Park and Pleasure Drive Association. Annual report. 1908- 09; 1911. Pam. 352.7 -Nolen, John. Madison, a model city. 1911. Ref. 710 A fair and frank examination of the city’s needs was made with the intent of taking definite steps to adopt a practical plan. 8 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY Milwaukee. Milwaukee. Metropolitan Park Commission. First tentative report. 1909. Pam. 352.701 -Report of F. L. Olmsted and John Nolen on a civic center. 1909. Pam. 352.701 -City planning in Milwaukee. Outlook. 97:479. 1911. Minneapolis. Minneapolis. Court House and City Hall Commissioners. A history of the municipal building. 1909. Ref. 710 Souvenir issued on the completion of the City Hall. -- - Park Commissioners. Annual re¬ port. 1901; 1904-1910. Pam. 352.7 Mirror , Canada. Trancontinental Town Site Co. Mirror, the city beautiful. 1911. Pam. 352.701 Mirror in Western Canada is to be made a division point and trade center on the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, which is to be finished in 1913. Montclair, N. J. Montclair. Municipal Art Commission. Montclair, the preservation of its natural beauty and its improvement as a residence town; report of John Nolen, landscape architect, and the commission’s recommendations to the citizens of Mont¬ clair. 1909. Ref. 710 -Planning for the future of Montclair, N. J. American City. 3:32-5. 1910. See also Essex Co., N. J. New Haven, Conn. New Haven. Civic Im¬ provement Commission. Report of the civic improvement committee. 1910. Ref. 710 Report of Cass Gilbert and F. L. Olmsted with their special recommendations and suggestions for the development of the heart of the city, plans for widen¬ ing the streets and for inner and outer parks, play¬ grounds and reservations. New Orleans. James, G. W. Municipal art in American cities; New Orleans, Louisi¬ ana. .Arena. 38:465-78. 1907. New York City. Davis, A. E. The borough beautiful, a Bronx opportunity. 1905. Pam. 352.701 Taper read before the New York City Improvement Commission at a hearing in the office of the President of the Borough of the Bronx. -New York (City.) Art Commission. Annual report and minutes. 1902-09. Pam. 352.7 The Art Commission was created by a Municipal Act originally drafted by J. M. Carrere. The Com¬ mission exercises a broad and full supervision over works of art, buildings and other features affecting the appearance of streets, avenues and squares. - City Improvement Commission. Re¬ port of the New York City Improvement Commission to the Hon. G. B. McClellan. 1907. Ref. 352.701 The commission puts forth a formula or skeleton outline for future changes and development of the thoroughfares, parks and parkways. Plans accom¬ pany the report. -New York (State.) Bronx River Park¬ way Commission. Report. 1906. (N. Y. State Assembly Documents. 1906. v. 26.) Ref. 27b -Report of the Bronx River Park¬ way Commission, appointed under Chap¬ ter 699, Laws of 1906. 1906. Ref. 710 -Sage Foundation Homes Co. Forest Hills Gardens, the suburban land develop¬ ment of the Russell Sage Foundation. 1911. ——Doyle, A. P. Beautifying Columbus Circle. Municipal Affairs. 5:722-25. 1901. -Croly, H. Civic improvement, the case of New York. Architectural Record. 21: 347-52. 1907. -Civic center for New York. Municipal Affairs. 6:478-83. 1902. -Barnaby, C. W. Methods of laying out cities. Cassier. 38:400-7. 1910. -Bush-Brown, H. K. New York city monuments. Municipal Affairs. 3:602-15. 1899. -Lamb, F. S. New York City improve¬ ment report. Charities. 19:1533-6. 1908. - Lee, J. E. Play and congestion. Char¬ ities. 20:43-8. 1908. -Lopez, C. Municipal sculpture. Munic¬ ipal Affairs. 5:696-708. 1901. -Mitchell, C. B. Trees in city streets. Municipal Affairs. 3:691-3. 1899. -Municipal Art League. Growth and beauty of our American cities; practical suggestions offered for advancement in art, sanitation and general comfort of metropolitan life. Craftsman. 16:399-413. 1910. -National conference of city planning. Survey. 22:299-300. 1909. -National Sculpture Society. From the battery to Harlem. Suggestions. Munici¬ pal Affairs. 3:616-50. 1899. -Pink, L. H. Gas tanks vs. the city beau¬ tiful. Survey. 22:596-7. 1909. -Robinson, C. M. Civic improvements. A reply to an article in Architectural Record. 21:347-52. Architectural Record. 22:117- 20. 1907. -Schopfer, Jean. Plan of a city. Arch¬ itectural Record. 12:692-703. 19*02. -Spencer, N. S. Street signs and fixtures. Municipal Affairs. 5:726-37. 1901. -Verdure for the city streets; how the Municipal Art Society is working to beautify New York with plants and flowers. Craftsman. 16:550-8. 1909. -Warner, J. D. The city of bridges. Municipal Affairs. 3:651-63. 1899. - -Matters that suggest themselves. Municipal Affairs. 2:123-32. 1898. CITY PLANNING AND CIVIC CENTERS 9 -Winkler, F. R. Mitigating the gridiron street plan; good effects in New York City. Architectural Record. 29:379-96. 1911. Newark, N. J. Newark (N . /.) Shade Tree Commission. Annual reports. 1904-date. Pam. 352.77 The Newark Commission has an enviable reputation for work accomplished in beautifying streets by plant¬ ing trees. See also Essex Co., N. J. Oakland, Cal. Robinson, C. M. A plan for civic improvement of the city of Oakland, California. 1906. Pam. 352.701 This plan met with hearty approval in Oakland and on Jan. 14, 1907, the people voted, by a large ma¬ jority, in favor of an issue of bonds amounting to $992,000 to purchase lands recommended in the re¬ port. Paris, France. Forestier, J. C. N. Grades villes et systemes de pares. 1906. Pam. 352.701 -Robinson, W. The parks, promenades and gardens of Paris described and con¬ sidered in relation to the wants of our cities. Lond. 1869. Ref. 65L -Smith, E. R. Baron Haussmann and the topographical transformation of Paris un¬ der Napoleon III. Architectural Record. 22:121-33; 227-38; 369-85; 491-506. 1907. 23:21-38. 1908. Bibliography at the end of each article. The pres¬ ent systematic study of town planning is supposed to have originated in the far-reaching schemes of Baron Haussmann. (1853.) -Plate. Place Vendome, showing the public square and column Vendome sur¬ rounded by formal architecture. --Plate. Champs Elysees. Similar treatment recommended between Chestnut and Market Streets from Twelfth to the Union Sta¬ tion. (St. Louis.) Philadelphia. Crawford, A. W. Parks and parkways. 1904. Pam. 352.701 Contains also “The Improvement of the Schuylkill Water Front,” by L. W. Miller. 1904. -Philadelphia. Allied Organizations. The existing and proposed outer park systems of American cities, n. d. Ref. 710 - - City Parks Association. Annual reports. Pam. 352 7 The 20th (1908) annual, report contains the “Offi¬ cial Plans for the City’s Development;” the 21st (1909) report is devoted to “The Need of a City Plan;” the 23d (1911) report gives first place to “The City Plan of Philadelphia.” -Special report on the city plan. 1902. Pam. 352.701 Philadelphia has long felt the need of additional small parks owing to the failure to carry out the far-sighted provisions of early plans. This report advocates more open spaces and the extension of existing diagonal streets. - Fairmount Park Association. Report of the commission employed by the asso¬ ciation to study the entrance of the Phila¬ delphia Parkway into Fairmount Park. 1908. Pam. 352.701 Contains also the address on “Architectural De¬ velopment of Cities” delivered by R. A. Cram at the 36th annual meeting of the Association. - Mayor. Second annual message for the year ending Dec. 31, 1908. Pam. 352.701 The message is largely devoted to city planning and improvement. -Crawford, A. W. City planning and Philadelphia parks. Annals of the Amer¬ ican Academy. 35:287-96. 1910. - -Recent city planning in Phila¬ delphia. Charities. 19:1537-42. 1909. Pittsburg. Olmsted. F. L. Pittsburgh main thoroughfares and the down-town district; improvements necessary to meet the city’s present and future needs. 1911. Ref. 710 An interesting feature of this repprt is the argu¬ ment that delays and congestion of traffic are a factor in the increased cost of living. -Howland, H. J. City practical, a city plan to relieve and prevent congestion and to regulate the cost of living. Outlook. 97:393-402. 1911. -Olmsted, F. L. Pittsburgh city plan, thoroughfares, civic center and water front. Survey. 25:733-53. 1911. -Robinson, C. M. Pittsburgh street plan. Survey. 25:728-30. 1911. Port Sunlight, Eng. Beeson, E. W. Port Sunlight, the model village of England, a collection of photographs. 1911. Ref. 710 Providence, R. /. Map of the metropolitan district showing proposed systems of parks, boulevards and public reservations. Reading, Pa. Nolen, John. Replanning Reading. 1910. 710 Reading, an old city, as originally planned, was very similar to Philadelphia. The main features con¬ sidered in Mr. Nolen’s plan are: Penn Square and the civic center; Public buildings; Boulevards; Play¬ grounds and housing. -Green, H. R. The awakening of Read¬ ing. American City. 2:245-53. 1910. Rochester, N. Y. Baker, R. S. Do it for Rochester. American Magazine. 70:683-96. 1910. -Brunner, A. W., and others. A city plan for Rochester, a report prepared for the Rochester Improvement Committee. 1911. 352.701 Rochester is a city well known for its enterprise and highly developed civic pride. This report deals, first, “with certain specific improvements, more or less imminent, in the central part of the city; second, with the general question of improving the street system of the city, illustrated with a number of spe¬ cific suggestions, and third, with the general question of public lands, other than highways, especially those to be used for park purposes, also illustrated by a number of specific suggestions.” -City planning. Rochester. Outlook. 98:467-8. 1911. - Rochester to the fore. Survey. 26: 136-8. 1911. St. Louis. Englemann Botanical Club. Tree Planting Committee. Tree planting in St. Louis. 1902. Pam. 352.77 10 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY -McAdam, D. H. Tower Grove Park oi the city of St. Louis, review of its origin and history, plan of improvement, orna¬ mental features, etc. 1883. 352.7 -St. Louis. City Plan Commission. Re¬ port. 1910-11. Pam. 352.701 This association was an organization of private citizens interested in the future development of St. Louis. The report contains extracts from addresses delivered before the meetings. - Civic League. The need of a city plan for St. Louis. 1907. Ref. 710 Shows the conditions in St. Louis in 1907, with a brief statement of city planning progress in other large cities. - - -A city plan for St. Louis. 1907. 352.701 Plan for the improvement of St. Louis drafted by several committees under the direction of the execu¬ tive board of the Civic League. The problems consid¬ ered were: A group plan for municipal buildings; An inner and outer park system; Civic centers—the grouping of small parks, playgrounds, public baths, libraries, etc.; Street improvements; A municipal Art Commission; Legislation necessary to carry into effect the plans as outlined. - - -Outer park system for St. Louis city and county. 1910. Pam. 352.701 - - Forest Park Commissioners. Re¬ port. 1875. Pam. 352.7 - Kingshighway Commission. Report, March, 1903. ~ Pam. 352.7 - Park Commissioner. Annual Report. 1896; 1899-1911. 352.7 Other reports can be found in the Mayor’s Message and Accompanying Documents. - - Public Buildings Commission. Re¬ port. 1904. Pam. 352.701 A comprehensive scheme for the development of the city’s official buildings, which was expected to offer a start for a definite plan to be carried out in suc¬ ceeding years. -Crandall, U. S. The model city, a sug¬ gestion for the St. Louis Exposition. Municipal Affairs. 5:670-4. 1901. -Fesler, Mayo. The municipal outlook in St. Louis. American City. 2:101-9. 1910. -Mauran, J. L. Public art in St. Louis. Municipal Affairs. 3:702-5. 1899. -Robinson, C. M. City plan report of St. Louis. Charities. 19:1542-5. 1908. -Block plan, ideal poor form group. -Cross section and plan of the river front, showing the commercial opportuni¬ ties under the proposed esplanade. -Plate. The Kingshighway, nineteen miles in length. -Plan no. 1. Showing a possible group¬ ing along Twelfth Street. -Plan no. 2. Proposed Municipal Court and Public Parkway looking south, Thir¬ teenth to Fourteenth Streets. -Map showing how St. Louis early turned her back on a beautiful water front. -Plate. New City Hall, the nucleus of any grouping of public buildings. .-Relief map of St. Louis and contiguous territory, prepared for a city plan for St. Louis. 1906. -Plate. The Soulard Civic Center. A suggested treatment which will not inter¬ fere with the market place. -Plate. Typical sections of the River Des Peres valley; route of the proposed Des Peres boulevard. St. Paul. St. Paul. Capitol Approaches Com¬ mission. Report to the Common Council of the city of St. Paul. 1906. Pam. 352.701 The distinctive features of the project are: (1) The systematic plaza in front of the capitol; (2) The central approach; (3) The Cedar Street mall; (4) The Summit Avenue or Cathedral approach. -Croly, H. Ambitions of three cities. Architectural Record. 21:337-46. 1907. -Watrous, R. B. St. Paul’s opportunity. American City. 3:3-8. 1910. - Wheelock, W. Re-setting Minnesota’s capitol. Charities. 19:1545-7. 1908. San Diego, Cal. Nolen, John. San Diego, a comprehensive plan for its improvement. 1908. San Francisco. Burnham, D. H., and Ben¬ nett, E. H. Report of a plan for San Francisco presented to the Mayor and Board of Supervisors by the Association for the Improvement and Adornment of San Francisco. Ed. by E. F. O’Day. 1905. 352.701 From a bungalow built on a spur of Twin Peaks, which point was selected on account of its panoramic view, Mr. Burnham studied and worked out this plan. The scheme had been adopted as a tentative plan before the earthquake. -Hill, A. A. Reconstruction of San Francisco. 1904. Pam. 352.701 A clipping from “Charities.” -Promised city of San Francisco. Arch¬ itectural Record. 19:425-37. 1906. Discussion of the plans of D. H. Burnham. Shows four plans. San Jose, Cal. Robinson, C. M. The beau¬ tifying of San Jose, California. 1909. Ref. 710 Santa Barbara. Santa Barbara, Cal. Civic League. Report of C. M. Robinson re¬ garding the civic affairs of Santa Barbara; also report of the Committee of Eleven on the Improvement of the City Streets. 1909. Ref. 710 Seattle, Wash. Seattle (Wash.) Park Com¬ missioners. Parks, playgrounds and boule¬ vards of Seattle, Washington. 1909. Pam. 352.701 Contains the original report of the Olmsted Brothers, landscape architects, for a comprehensive scheme of parks and parkways. - Municipal Plans Commission. Plan of Seattle. 1911. Ref. 710 CITY PLANNING AND CIVIC CENTERS 11 The Municipal Plans Commission was created by an amendment to the city charter with the duty to procure plans for the arrangement of the city with a view to future expansion. -Robinson, C. M. Planning for Seattle’s future. Arch. Rec. 31:165-70. 1912. Spring-field, Mass. Tower, J. E., ed. Spring- field, present and prospective. 1905. Pam. 352.701 -James, G. W. Municipal art in Amer¬ ican cities, Springfield, Mass. Arena. 37: 16-30. 1907. -Kirkham, Guy. The improvement of Springfield, Mass. House and Garden. 3: 277-82. 1903. - Wellman, H. C. Recent development in Springfield, Mass. Charities. 19:1548-9. 1908. Toronto , Canada. Toronto Guild of Civic Art. Report on a comprehensive plan for systematic civic improvements in Toronto. 1909. Pam. 352.701 The work outlined is divided into two branches, the radial road projects and those which have relation to the connection of various squares and parks by boule¬ vards, driveways and parkways. Washington , D. C. American Institute of Architects. Plan of Washington. 352.701 A clipping from the Journal of the Proceedings of the Institute. -District of Columbia. Chief of Engineers. Report upon improvement and care of public buildings, and upon the care and maintenance of the Washington monu¬ ment and of the highway bridge across the Potomac River, Washington, District of Columbia. 19 1 0 and 1911. Pam. 352.7 -U. S. Congress. Senate. The improve¬ ment of the park system of the District of Columbia, ed. by Charles Moore. 1902. 352.7 * Contents: (i) The report of the Senate Committee on the District of Columbia on the improvement of the park system of the District. (2) Report of the Park Commissioner. - Committee on the District of Colum¬ bia. City Planning. Hearing before the committee on the District of Columbia. 61st Cong. 2d Sess. Sen. Doc. no. 422. 1910. 352.7 -Burnham, D. H., and others. The twentieth century Washington. House and Garden. 2:39-56. 1902. -Mechlin, L. Washington plan and tfoe art of city building. Studio. 33. Supple¬ ment: 109-15. 1908. -Olmsted, F. L. Beautifying of cities. Independent. 54:1870-77. 1902. -Schuyler, M. Art of city making. Architectural Record. 12:1-12. 1902. Washington. Plate. View of Washington Place looking toward the capitol. Waterloo, la. Robinson, C. M. The well¬ being of Waterloo; report of the Civic Society of Waterloo, Iowa. 1910. Ref. 710 -What can be done in Waterloo. Amer¬ ican City. 4:17-9. 1911. 12 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC 'ARY PUBLICATION / OF THE ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY, IN PRINT. FOR SALE. Monthly bulletin (each number 10 to 32 pp.), (not published in July and August), April 1909—April, 1912, available for distribution, per year.$0.25 Fiction catalog, 2,000 titles (Annotated), 1910, 57 pp..10 2,000TEngIish novels (Annotated), 1909, 176 pp.05 CatholicTooks in the St. Louis Public Library (Indexed), 1911, 72 pp.10 The Pubbc Library of the City of St. Louis (Descriptive booklet), 20 illustrations, 1912, 48 pp.10 FREE ON APPLICATION. Annual Report, 1894-1895, 46 pp. “ “ 1895-1896, 43 pp. “ “ 1896-1897, 34 pp. “ “ 1897-1898, 50 pp. “ “ 1898.1899, 40 pp. “ “ 1899-1900, 29 pp. “ “ 1900-1901, 38 pp. “ “ 1901-1902, 32 pp. “ “ 1902-1903, 44 pp, “ “ 1903-1904, 46 pp. “ “ 1904-1905, 42 pp. “ “ 1905-1906—1906-1907, 3 illustrations, 92 pp. “ “ 1907-1908—1908-1909, 15 illustrations, 102 pp. “ “ 1909-1910, 11 illustrations, 98 pp. “ “ 1910-1911, 12 illustrations, 100 pp. Information for Readers, 4th ed., 1912, 8 pp. Information for Persons desirous of Entering the Staff, 2d ed., revised 1912, 16 pp. Proceedings at the Opening of the New Central Library, January 6, 1912, 24 pp. Lists— Blue book of fiction, [cl911], 16 pp. Books and information for home builders, 1911, 16 pp. Oriental art, 1911, 12 pp. Poultry, 1911, 8 pp. Practical books for practical boys, 1910, 16 pp. List of books and articles on child-welfare; and a reading list for use with the Junior Civic League, 1912, 12 pp. List of songs, with music, in the St. Louis Public Library, 4 pp. Reprint from Bulletin, January, 1911. Reading list on Flemish art, 4 pp. Reprint from Bulletin, November, 1910. List of books on folk-lore, 6 pp. Reprint from Bulletin, February, 1910. City planning and civic centers; compiled by Jesse Cunningham, 11 pp. Reprint from Bulletin, May, 1912. Small lists from 2 to 4 pp. in length, on Accounting, Aero¬ nautics, Automobiles, Dramatic history and criticism, Gas engines, German history in English (Annotated), Lettering, Perspective, Salesmanship and Advertising, Wireless telegraphy, Writing and speaking; also Supplementary Reading and Grade lists, First to Eighth Grade.