HARTER COMMISSIONERS’ STATEMENT TO THE ELECTORS m REFERENCE TO THE PRO¬ POSED REVISED CHARTER. The “Grand Rapids Plan of City Government” in the revised charter, which the Charter Commission herewith presents to the electors, is the fruit of months of labor and the result of studying- and drawing upon the best thought, the country over, along municipal lines. It is progressive, up-to- Idate and will insure the people’s rule. [ Thevrevised charter divides the powers of government into Legislative, 'Administrative and Judicial, and assigns the execution of these powers to the [appropriate departments. I The Council will consist of twelve Aldermen, one from each ward, elected :for two years. (Title II.) i The Council will pass all ordinances and make all laws for the city and its [people. The council has now only such legislative powers as are specifically given to it, but under the revised Charter it will have and exercise all legisla¬ tive powers of the municipality, subject only to the few restrictions expressly stated in the new Charter. Thus is the Council’s importance and responsibil- lity in all legislative matters greatly increased, and it will become the policy- I determining body of the city. While most of the administrative, or purely business functions, with which the Council is now burdened will be trans- jferred to the business end of the government, under the revised Charter, the [Council will adopt all budgets, fix the amount of taxes, determine the neces- isity of special and public improvements and order the same, grant all licenses, [sit as a Board of Review upon all assessment rolls, act upon all franchises, supervise and control all public utilities. (Title IV.) In place of the present cumbersome and outworn board system of govern¬ ment, with its necessary dissipation of power and hiding of responsibility, the revised Charter will make the Mayor the responsible head of the city govern- ! m.ent. i The general business affairs of the city will be conducted' through four [main departments, as follows; j Department of Public Works, in charge of water works, electric lighting, all I public and special improvements, streets and sewers; ; Department of Health and Safety, in charge of the health, police and fire i departments; ! Department of Parks and Public Property, in charge of parks, playgrounds, [markets and public buildings; = Department of Finance and Revenue, in charge of the finances and rev- venues of the city, and whose manager will be the Treasurer of the city. i At the head of each of these four departments will be a General Manager, I appointed by the Mayor without definite term, responsible to him for the efii- [jcient management of his department and subject to removal by him for cause, jupon filing his reasons therefor; and all of whom, together with the Mayor, 5will constitute the Administrative Board. All the administrative functions of iihe city government will be concentrated in this Board and in the four general [departments named. (Title V.) ? This Board will hold daily public meetings, at which it will transact the [general business of the city, by yea and nay vote to be publicly recorded, and [at which the people will be heard in petition, recommendation or complaint. [Thus publicity in the transaction of the city’s business will be secured and P responsibility will be fixed. Efficiency in office cannot be expected nor re¬ sponsibility placed without power is given. If satisfactory results are not I obtained, the people will have their remedy in the recall of the Mayor. [ Under the revised Charter, as under the present one, there will be_ one [City Attorney, one Clerk, one Comptroller, each, however, with additional power and responsibility, and one Judge and Clerk of the Superior Court, one 2 ' ^ /• ) /-• I V.- Judge and Clerk of the Police Court, two Justices of the Peace, and five Library Commissioners, all to be elected by the people, (Title II.) Under the revised Charter, all municipal primaries and elections will be non-partisan. If at the primary a candidate receives a majority of all the votes cast, he will be thereby elected without another election. If no candi¬ date receives a majority at the primary, only the two who receive the highest vote will be candidates at the subsequent election. Thus a majority choice will always be assured. The purity and non-partisan character of all nom¬ inations and elections will be secured through the stringent corrupt practices provisions of the election title of the Charter. (Title III.) The merit system will be established. All city employes, other than the General Managers and Assessors appointed by the Mayor, will belong to the classified civil service and will be appointed and hold office for efficiency and merit and in accordance with civil service rules based upon experience and the recommendations of the National Civil Service League. Removals of such employes will he made only for cause, after reasons given and an opportunity for answer afforded, all of which will be matters of public record. Thus pub¬ licity will be assured, and arbitrary and unwarranted removals be nrevented. (Title VIII.) The revised Charter will secure to the people the right of the initiative and referendum upon all ordinances, and the right of the recall upon any elective officer, except the Judiciary. Initiative petitions of 25 per cent—fixed by the Home Rule Act—referendum petitions of 12 per cent and recall petitions of 2 5 per cent will be required. Thus the city government will be brought closer to the people. (Title VI.) The revised Charter will safeguard the interests of the people in all fran¬ chise grants, will secure reasonable rates of charge, good service and neces¬ sary extensions; first, by publicity in the granting of all franchises and re¬ newals and in the accounting and reports of all public utilities; second, by re¬ quiring the Council to fix a maximum rate of charge; third, by requiring the (Council to fix the actual value, of the property of the utility, not including any so-called franchise value; fourth, by reserving to the Council the right to re¬ duce rates of charge, subject only to the restriction that the rate shall be such as to earn a fair and reasonable return upon the actual investment: fifth, by giving the Council, in determining the value of such investment, the right to pass upon all expenditures for operation and all amounts expended or charged for improvements and depreciation, subject only to the right of arbitration if the utility objects; sixth, by giving the right to the Council to order and enforce extensions of service, subject to the right of arbitration: seventh, by the compulsory and automatic referendum of all term franchises and upon petitions of 12 per cent on all other franchises; eighth, by making municipal ownership easy when the people so determine and by giving to the city the right, at the end of fifteen years from the grant of each franchise or renewal and any five-year period thereafter, to purchase the property of the utility for its actual cash value, plus an amount to be named in the franchise; and by giving to the city the right, either upon forfeiture or at the expiration of the franchise, to purchase the property of the utility, or compel its sale to others at its actual cash value—such value in no case to include any fran¬ chise value. Thus will the rights of the city be protected upon the expiration of the existing franchises and continuous service provided, without the ne¬ cessity of tearing up streets and interrupting business for the installation of new utilities. (Title VII.) The revised Charter will initiate a new and efficient system of uniform ac¬ counting of all city finances and business, a system that,will prevent expend¬ itures in excess of appropriations, will show the taxpayers where their money goes, will encourage economy and will in the near future bring and there¬ after at all times keep the city upon a cash basis (Titles V. and XVITT.) Under the revised Charter there will be, as at present, three Assessors and the tax provisions will remain practically as at present, except that the new Charter—under the specific requirements of the Home Rule Act—will make the procedure of assessment, review, levy and collection of taxes con¬ form to the general tax laws of the state and, it is hoped, will save consider¬ able expense. The sale of property for delinquent taxes will be made only upon judicial decree, as is now the case with state and county taxes. This will give every delinquent taxpayer his day in court, and will insure better collection of the taxes of the city. (Title IX.) The revised Charter will recognize and secure to the people the benefits of social welfare work, in the creation of a new “Municipal Social Center Com¬ mission;” the proper relief of the poor and the scientific treatment of the problem of poverty in the creation of thTe ‘“Commission of General Welfare;” fe\ , U \ the growing interest in art for the people and the increasing importance of the Museum in the creation of an “Art and Museum Commission.” It will make no change in the government of the Public Library. (Titles V., XIII ^ and XIV.) In all matters, however of business and of direct administrative authority, it will sw’eep away the board system and substitute therefor a system of di- ^ rect, individual responsibility of each official to the people. Finally, the revised Charter will, we believe, be a distinct step forward in the well-being and progress of the City of Grand Rapids and its whole people, and we bespeak for it the fair-minded consideration and study of the people. The complete text of the proposed new Charter can be secured in pam¬ phlet form, free of charge, by application to the City Clerk. ALBERT J. ALT, JOHN DE KRUIF, ALLEN M. FREELAND, HENRY T. HEALD, • CORNELIUS HOFFIUS, ROBERT W. IRWIN, WHLLIAM J. LANDMAN, WILLIAM OLTMAN, HOWARD A. THORNTON, ARTHUR H. VANDENBERG. MYRON H. WALKER, SYBRANT WESSELIUS, ROGER I. WYKES. 4 I hereby certify that the follov/ing is a correct transcript of the proposed Revised Charter of the City of Grand Rapids, Michigan, as adopted by the Charter Commission of said city, November ii, igii, and approved by the Governor November 15, 1911. Said proposed Revised Charter to be submitted to a vote of the electors on February 20, 1912. JAMES SCHRIVER, City Clerk. Proposed Charter REVISED CHARTER OF THE CITY OF GRAND RAPIDS. The Electors of the City of Grand Rapids, in the State of Michigan, pursuant to the authority granted them by the Constitution and General Laws of said State, hereby revise the Charter of the City of Grand Rapids to read as follows: TITLE I. IXCORPORATIOX — CITY AND WARD BOUXDARIES—GEXERAL CORPORATE POWERS — DIVI- SIOX" OF POWERS OF GOVERX- MEXT—IMPOSED AXD ASSU3IED POWERS. Xame—Action. Sec. 1. That the municipal corpor¬ ation known as “The City of Grand Rapids” shall be and continue to be a municipal corporation by the name of “The City of Grand Rapids;” and by that name it may sue, implead, and complain in any court of record, and in any other place whatsoever; but it shall be sued or complained of only in the Superior Court of Grand Rap¬ ids; it shall have and use its present seal, and may alter such seal at pleas- sure; it may take, hold, use, occupy, possess, purchase, lease, convey, en¬ cumber and dispose of any real, per¬ sonal or mixed estate for the use or benefit of said municipal corporation as authorized under this Charter. Description of Territory. Sec. 2. The district of country in the County of Kent and State of ^lich- igan hereinafter particularly described, is hereby continued as and constituted and declared to be a City by the name of “Grand Rapids,” and subject to the municipal government of said corpor¬ ation; said district of said country be¬ ing bounded as follows, to-wit: Be¬ ginning at the northwest corner of Section Eighteen, Town Seven North, Range Eleven West; thence east along the north line of said section, one mile to the northeast corner thereof; thence south along the east line of said Section Eighteen, one mile to the southeast corner thereof; thence east along the north line of Section Twen¬ ty, Town Seven North, Range Eleven West, one-half mile to the north quar¬ ter post of said Section Twenty; thence south along the north and south quar¬ ter line of said Section Twenty, to the south line of said section; thence east on the line between Sections Twenty and Twenty-nine of said Town Seven North. Range Eleven West, one- half mile to the northeast corner of said Section Twenty-nine; thence south two miles along the east line of said Section Twenty-nine and Section Thirty-two of Town Seven North, Range Eleven West to the south line of said Town Seven North, Range Eleven West, thence south along the east line of Section Five, Town Six N'orth, Range Eleven West, one mile to the southeast corner of said section; thence west along the south line of Sections Five and Six of Town Six North, Range Eleven West, two miles to the west line of said Town Six North, Range Eleven West; thence west one mile along the south line of Section One, Town Six North, Range Twelve West, to the southwest 5 corner of said Section One; thence north along the west line of said Section One, one mile to the northwest corner thereof; thence west along the south line of Sec¬ tions Thirty-flve and Thirty-four produced of Town Seven North, Range Twelve West, one and forty-five one- hundredths miles, more or less, to the center of Grand River; thence north¬ easterly along the center of said river to the west line of Section Thirty-five produced south; thence north on the west line produced north of said Sec¬ tion Thirty-five and the west lines of Sections Twenty-six, Twenty-three and Fourteen of Town Seven North, Range Twelve West, to the quarter post of said Section Fourteen; thence east along the east and west quarter line of said Section Fourteen, one-half mile to the center of said section; thence north along the north and south quarter line of said Section Fourteen, one-half mile to the north quarter post of said section; thence east along the north boundary of said Section Fourteen and Section Thirteen. Town Seven North, Range Twelve West, to the northeast corner of said Section Thirteen; thence north ten and fifty-six one-hundredths feet to the place of beginning; also as much of Grand River as is embraced within the boundaries above described. Ward Divisions—Boundaries. Sec. 3. The said City of Grand Rapids shall be divided into twelve wards, as follows: First Ward. Sec. 4. All that part of said city lying south of the center line of Ful¬ ton street extended to the center of Grand river and west of the center line of South Division street, and east of the center of Grand river and north of the center line of Fifth avenue in said city, and of that line extended west to the center of Grand river, shall constitute the First Ward. Second Ward. Sec. 5. All that part of said city ly¬ ing north of the center line of Fulton street and of said center line of Fulton street extended to the center of Grand river and east of the center of said river and south of the center line of Lyon street and of said line extended to the center of said river and ex¬ tended east to the city limits, as fixed by this Charter, shall constitute the Second Ward. Third Ward. Sec. 6. All that part of the city ly¬ ing south of the center line of Fulton street and of that line extended east to the city limits as fixed by this Char¬ ter, and east of the center line of South Division street and north of the center line of Wealthy avenue, and of that line extended east to said city limits, as fixed by this Charter, shall constitute the Third Ward. Fourth Ward. Sec. 7. All that part of said city lying north of the center line of Lyon Street and of said line extended to the center of Grand river and east to the city limits, as fixed by this Char¬ ter, and south of the center line of Fairbanks street and of said line ex¬ tended to the center of Grand river and easterly to the said city limits and east of the center of Grand river, shall constitute the Fourth Ward. Fifth Ward. Sec. 8. All that part of said city lying north of the center line of Fair¬ banks street, and of said line extended to the center of Grand river and ex¬ tended easterly to the city limits, as fixed by this Charter, and lying east of the center of Grand river and ex¬ tended north to the north boundary of said city, as fixed by this Charter, shall constitute the Fifth Ward. Sixth Ward. Sec. 9. All that part of said city lying west of the center of Grand river and north of the center line of Seventh street and of said line extended east¬ erly to the center of Grand river and extended westerly to the city limits, as fixed by this Charter, and extended north to the city limits, as fixed by this Charter, shall constitute the Sixth Ward. Seventh Ward. Sec. 10. All that part of said city lying west of the center of Grand river and south of the center line of Sev¬ enth street extended easterly to the center of Grand river and westerly to the city limits, as fixed by this Char¬ ter, and north of the center line of West Bridge street and of said last line extended easterly to the center of Grand river and westerly to the city limits, as fixed by this Charter, shall constitute the Seventh Ward. Eighth Ward. Sec. 11. All that part of the city lying west of center of. Grand river and south of the center line of West Bridge street extended easterly to the center of Grand river and w'esterly to the city limits, as fixed by this Char¬ ter, and north of the center line of Sha'wmut avenue extended easterly to the center of Grand river and westerly to the city limits, as fixed by this Char¬ ter. shall constitute the Eighth Ward. Ninth Ward. Sec. 12. All that part of said city lying south of the center line of Shaw- mut avenue extended easterly to the center of Grand river and westerly to me cicy limits, as fixed by this Char¬ ter, and west of the center of Grand river to the west city limits, as fixed oy this Charter, shall constitute the Ninth Ward. Tenth Ward. Sec. 13. All that part of said city lying south of the center line of Wealthy avenue and of that line ex¬ tended easterly to the city limits, as fixed by this Charter, and east of the center line of South Division street and north of the center line of Fifth avenue and of such last named line extended easterly to the city limits, shall constitute the Tenth Ward. Eleventh Ward. Sec. 14. All that part of said city lying south of the center line of Fifth avenue and of that line extended east¬ erly to the city limits, as fixed by this Charter, and east of the center line of South Division street and of that line extended south to the city limits, as fixed by this Charter, shall consti¬ tute the Eleventh Ward. Twelfth Ward. Sec. 15. All that part of the city lying south of the center line of Fifth avenue and of that line extended west¬ erly to the center of Grand river and west of the center line of South Di¬ vision street and of that line extended south to the citv limits, as fixed by this Charter, and east of the center of Grand river, shall constitute the Twelfth Ward. Each Ward an Election District. Sec. 16. Each ward shall be an election district by itself, but it shall be lawful for the Council in the month next preceding the notice of a general registration to d'vide the several wards of the city, or any part of them, into convenient election precincts for the purposp of holding general and special elections, and in case any ward or wards shall be divided the provisions of th-'s Charter end of the e-eneral laws of this state relating to elections other than in tow^s, shall be applicable, ex¬ cept as herein otherwise provided. ' I’ov.crs of Go-.cMimcnt—Division Of. Sec. 17. "nhe powers of government of this city are divided mto three de¬ partments—the Legislative, Executive and .Judicial. Ihu'.'-cn.s in One Dci)artnicnt Not to E.vtvcisc rowers of Another. Sec. 18. No person belonging to one department shall exercise the pow¬ ers properly belongina- to another, ex¬ cept in the cases cxnressly prov'ded in this Charter. Riehts and t'owers Imposed by Tjaw— City to Exercise. Sec. 19. Without lessening or in disparagement of any powers now held or exercised by the city, unless in this Charter expressly repealed, it shall hereafter have and through its Ex¬ ecutive, Legislative and Judicial De¬ partments exercise all rights and pow¬ ers made mandatory upon it by the constitution and laws of this state or expressly enjoined upon it by Sec. 3 of Act 279 of the Public Acts of 1909 and any amendments thereof. Further Rights and Powers—Assump¬ tion of. Sec. 2 0. Without lessening or in disparagement of any powers now ex¬ ercised by said city, and not herein and hereby expressly surrendered and repealed, it reserves the right and hereby accepts the right to exercise at any time, throu°-h its Executive, Legislative and Judicial Departments, or by the joint action of two or more of said departments, all powers and rights permitted by the constitution and general laws of this state and particularly those conferred upon it by virtue of the provisions of Sec. 4 of Act 279 of the Public Acts of 1909, and any amendment thereof, and also the righi to appropriate private prop¬ erty for public use, now or hereafter vested in the City of Grand Rapids, for any purpose authorized by this Charter or by any special or general law of the State of Michigan, TITLE II. ELECTION AND APPOINT3IENT OF OFFICERS. Elc'ctive Officers. Sec.'l. The following officers of the city shall be elected, hold office, possess the .qualifications and have the powers and perform the duties as provided in this Charter and in the general or special law^s of this state, viz: One Mayor, one City Attorney, one Comp¬ troller. one City Clerk, one Judge and one Clerk of the Superior Court of Grand Rapids, one Judge and one Clerk of the Police Court, two Justices of the Peace, and five Library Com¬ missioners; also one Councilman and one Constable from each ward, and such other elective officers of the City, if an.v, whose offices are no\v or may hereafter be created by laAv. Row and Mlicn Elected—Term of Olfico. Sec. 2. At the first municipal elec¬ tion after the adoption of this Charter and every two years thereafter, except as otherwise provided in the schedule hereto, there shall be elected by the electors of the w'^hole city, the follow¬ ing officei-s: The Mayor. City Attorney, City Clerk, Comptroller, each of whom shall hold office for the term of two 7 years from and including the first Monday of May after his election and until his successor is elected and quali¬ fied. The Judge and Clerk of the Superior Court, the Judge and Clerk of the Police Court, the two Justices of the Peace and the members of the Board of Library Commissioners, shall be elected at isuch times and hold their offices for such periods as is provided in the several titles or sections of this Charter providing for their election, but the manner of their nomination and election shall conform to that of all other city officers as provided in this Charter. At the first municipal election after the adoption of this Charter and every two years thereafter, there shall be elected by the electors of the several wards, one Councilman and one Con¬ stable from each ward, each of whom shall hold his office for the term of two years from and including the first Monday of May after his election and until his successor is elected and quali¬ fied. Nomination and Election. Sec. 3. All officers to be elected by the people shall be nominated and elected in accordance with the pro¬ visions of Title III of this Charter relating to nominations and elections. General Managers. Sec. 4. There shall be appointed, as hereinafter provided, heads of the sev¬ eral departments whose titles shall be as follows: (a) General Manager of Public Works. (b) General Manager of Health and Safety. (c) General Manager of Parks and Public Property. (d) General Manager of Finance and Revenue: Provided that the General Manager of the Department of Finance and Revenue shall be the Treasurer of the city. Office—Qualifications for. Sec. 5. No person shall be eligible to any elective office unless he shall be a citizen of the United States and ^ an elector of the city. No person shall be elected or ap¬ pointed to any office under this Charter who shall be or has been a defaulter to said city during the ten yeans previ¬ ous to his election or appointment. May Hold but One Office. Sec. 6. It shall not be competent for any city officer or employe to hold two offices under the city government at one time except as herein otherwise provided. Office—When Deemed Vacant—When Council May Declare Vacant. Sec. 7. An office shall be deemed vacant upon the death or resignation of the incumbent, or upon such in¬ cumbent ceasing to possess the quali¬ fications of an elector of the city, or upon impeachment, removal or recall from office. The office of Councilman shall also be deemed vacant whenever the in¬ cumbent thereof shall cease to be a resident of the ward for which he was elected, or fails to attend four suc¬ cessive regular meetings of the Coun¬ cil unless excused by the Council, but a change of the bounds of any ward shall not be deemed a change of resi¬ dence of any Councilman so as to create or cause a vacancy in such office. The office of any city officer or em¬ ploye may be declared by the Council to be vacant whenever the incumbent thereof shall be absent from the city for a period of 30 days without leave of the Council or shall not perform the duties of his office for a like period without such leave. Office of Mayor—Vacancies in—How Filled. Sec. 8. In case of a vacancy in the office of Mayor, the President of the Council shall act as Mayor until the next .special or general election and until his successor is elected and quali¬ fied. In case of the disability, refusal to act or absence of the Mayor from the city, the President of the Council shall act as Mayor during such in¬ terim. Other Offices—Vacancies in—How Filled. Sec. 9. In case of any vacancy in the office of City Attorney, Comptroller or City Clerk, the Council shall elect by majority ballot the person to fill such vacancy who shall serve until the next general or special election and until his successor is elected and qualified. Acceptance of Office—Taking Oath of Office and Filing Bond. Sec. 10. It shall be the duty of every person elected or appointed to an office under this Charter, and of any employe who may be required so to do. within twenty days after the time of his election or appointment and before entering upon the duties of his office or employment, to take the Constitutional oath of office and file the same in the office of the City Clerk, together with his acceptance of said office or employment, and any bond which he may be required to execute and file as such officer or em¬ ploye. 8 Failure to Qualify. Sec. 11. If any person elected or appointed under this Charter shall not take and subscribe the oath of office required therein and file the same as required, or shall not cause a notice of acceptance to be filed as therein directed, or shall fail to exe¬ cute and file an official bond as therein required, the same shall be deemed to be a refusal to serve. Appointive Offices—Vacancies in— WTien Filled. Sec. 12. Whenever a vacancy occurs in an appointive office or position, the same shall be filled, if deemed necessary, by the officer or officers having power to make the appoint¬ ment and in like manner as in the first instance, and where the same shall be subject to confirmation by any other officer or officers, the same con¬ firmation shall be required as in the case of the original appointment. All resignations shall be made to the authority having power to fill the vacancy and shall be filed with the City Clerk. General Managers—Appointment of— Removal. Sec. 13. The General Managers of the several departments herein created, in case of vacancy in such position, shall be appointed by the Mayor, sub¬ ject to confirmation by a majority vote of the Council, and shall hold office during good behavior and efficient service: Provided, the Mayor shall have power to suspend or remove any General Manager, when in his judg¬ ment the public interest demands or will be better served thereby. In case of such removal or suspension, if the General Manager so removed or sus¬ pended requests it, the Mayor shall file in the office of the City Clerk a written statement of the reasons for which the removal or suspension was made. During the period of suspension the Administrative Board shall provide for the performance of the duties of the suspended officer. Assessors—How Chosen. Sec. 14. There shall be three As¬ sessors. who shall be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by a majority vote of the Council, and who shall hold office during good behavior and efficient service: Provided, the Mayor shall have power to suspend or re¬ move any Assessor, but only upon cause or when in his judgment the public interests demand or will be better served thereby. In case of such removal, if the As¬ sessor so removed or suspended re¬ quests it, the Mayor shall file in the office of the City Clerk a written statement of the reasons for which the removal was made. Until changed by the Council, the salaries of the Assessors shall remain as at present. The Assessors may ap¬ point such employes as the economi¬ cal and efficient service of their office may require, and prescribe and fix their duties and compensation, sub¬ ject to the approval' of the Council: Provided, however, that such employes shall be appointed from persons cer¬ tified by the Civil Service Commission as eligible under its rules and shall hold office during good behavior and efficient service or until they shall resign or be removed in accordance with the Civil Service Rules and Regu¬ lations in this Charter provided. The Assessors shall be and constitute the Board of Assessors of said city. TITLE m. ELECTIOXS—REGISTRATIOX. Elections—Notice of—Primary In¬ cluded. Sec. 1. Regular elections shall be held as provided in this Charter and special elections shall be held at such times and for such purposes as the Council may prescribe, except when otherwise provided in this Charter: Provided, that at least ten days’ notice shall be given of the time, place and purpose of any such election as in this Charter provided. The term “elec¬ tions” and “election” as used in this Title shall be construed to include primary elections. Electors—Who Are—No Party En¬ rollment. Sec. 2. All persons who are electors under the Constitution and general laws of the State are made electors under this Charter and qualified to vote at all elections held thereunder; they shall be subject to the same challenge and required to take the same oath, and for any violation thereof shall be subject to the same penalties as may be prescribed by the laws of the state: Provided, that noth, ing in the laws of the state applying to party enrollment or any other party procedure shall apply to elections held under this Charter. Residence of Voters—Electors Not Householders. Sec. 3. At all elections every voter shall vote in the ward or precinct wherein he shall have resided twenty days next preceding the day of elec¬ tion at which he casts his vote. Any elector, not being a householder, shall be deemed a resident of the ward or election district in which his regular place of lodging is located. 9 Council to Designate Place and Officers of Election—Voting Machines. Sec. 4. At least twenty days prior to any election, the Council shall desig¬ nate one place of voting in each pre¬ cinct and shall appoint and fix the compensation of inspectors of election for each place of voting as may be required by the general laws for state and county elections. Voting machines may be used in any ward or precinct if so ordered by the Council, and in that case the Council shall have the authority to reduce the number of in¬ spectors. Time and Manner of Conducting Elec¬ tions. Sec. 5. At all elections the votes shall be by ballot, and the polls shall be opened in each of the respective precincts of each of the wards of said city, at the several places designated by the Council, at 7 o’clock in the forenoon, and shall be continued open until 5 o’clock in the afternoon of the same day and no longer. The manner of printing, numbering and initialing the ballots, of conducting the elections, and voting at same under this Charter, of opening and closing the polls, keep¬ ing the poll lists, canvassing the votes, declaring the result and certifying the returns, shall be the same as provided by the laws of this state for state and county elections, except as otherwise provided in this Charter, and except wherein the same may be inconsistent with the provisions of this Charter. Notice—By WTiom and How Given. Sec. 6. The City Clerk, under di¬ rection of the Council, shall give no¬ tice by publication in two daily news¬ papers, printed and circulated in said city, at least four alternate days with¬ in the last ten days preceding such election, of the time and places of holding such election, the offices to be filled, a list of the names of all the candidates therefor, and the meas¬ ures, if any, to be submitted, except as otherwise provided by this Charter or by the laws of the State. Ballots, Etc.—City Clerk to Prepare —Delivery of—Certificate for. Sec. 7. It shall be the duty of the * City Clerk to cause to be made out, ready for delivery forty-eight hours before the time fixed by law for the opening of the polls on the day of each election, all necessary books, blanks and lists required by the gen¬ eral law's of the state or by this Char¬ ter, for holding elections, and twice the number of ballots for each voting place as the total vote cast therein at the last general election. It shall be the duty of the chairman or any member of the board of election in¬ spectors of each voting precinct in the City, to appear in the office of the City Clerk not more than forty-eight hours before the hour for opening of the polls of any municipal election, and the said City Clerk shall deliver to him, in a sealed package, the ballots and other material provided for his precinct. The necessary number of ballots shall be wrapped and tied in packages and securely sealed with wax, and the City Clerk shall make and sign a certificate setting forth the number of ballots in each package, and that such packages were packed and sealed by himself personally, and, upon delivery of such package and certificate to said inspector of elec¬ tion, he shall receipt for the same and such certificate shail be returned and filed in the office of the City Clerk when the return of the number of votes cast in such precinct shall be made by said inspectors of election. For the safe sealing of such ballots the City Clerk shall provide himself with a seal of such design as he may deem proper. The said package shall not be opened until delivered to the boards of election inspectors of the respective voting precincts to which they were directed after said boards shall be fully organized and ready for the re¬ ception of votes as in this Title pro¬ vided. Ballots—How Prepared—Proof Copy —Inspection, Etc. Sec. 8. All ballots printed shall be uniform, except as to the number thereon, and the names of all candi¬ dates printed thereon shall be in type of the same size and style. The forms shall be set up with the names of the candidates for each office arranged in alphabetical order according to sur¬ names. In printing each set of tickets for the several election precincts, the positions of the names shall be changed in each office division as many times as there are candidates in the office division wffiere there are the most names. As nearly as possible an equal number of tickets shall be printed after the change. In making the changes of position, the printer shall take the line of type at the head of each office division and place it at the bottom of the division and shove up the column, so that the name that before was second shall be first af¬ ter the change, and so arrange the pile of ballots that every alternate ballot shall have the names in a dif¬ ferent position. The proof copy of all ballots shall be open to inspection at the office of the City Clerk not less than two full secular days before such election, and it shall be the duty of said Clerk to correct such errors as 10 may be found therein by such inspec¬ tion. Instruction Ballots. Sec. 9. At least five days before any election the City Clerk shall cause to be printed not less than five hundred nor more than three thousand instruc¬ tion ballots, upon paper of different color and quality, and plainly marked “Instruction Ballots,” but otherwise identical with the ballot to be used at general elections, and he shall dis¬ tribute the same at his office to regis¬ tered voters upon personal application. Votes—Return, Canvass and Tabula¬ tion of. Sec. 10. Immediately after the clos¬ ing of the polls, the inspectors of elec¬ tion shall then and there, without re¬ moving the ballot box from the place where the ballots were cast, publicly canvass the votes and, as soon as com¬ pleted, publicly declare the result and certify and make return thereof and forthwith, and not more than two hours after the completion of such certificate and return, the same, se¬ curely enveloped and sealed, shall be filed with the City Clerk by not less than two of such inspectors: Provid¬ ed, that the Council shall designate an Election Commission, consisting of two of its members and the City Clerk, which shall receive the re¬ turns thus filed and tabulate them forthwith. Return of Vote—Canvass of by Coun¬ cil—Casting Off of Ties. Sec. 11. The Council shall be the Board of Canvassers for all elections. On the first Thursday after any elec¬ tion the Council shall meet at seven o’clock p. m. and proceed to canvass the returns of such election and shall thereupon declare the result and what persons are nominated or elected; and in case of a tie vote for any office shall decide by lot which of the persons hav¬ ing the highest and equal number of votes shall be nominated for or elect¬ ed to such office. A statement of such canvass shall be made out and signed by the President of the Council and filed with the City Clerk, and a dupli¬ cate thereof shall be filed with the County Clerk. The City Clerk, with¬ in three days thereafter, shall make out and cause to be delivered to each person so nominated or elected a cer¬ tificate of such nomination or election, as the case may be. Council Judge of Elections. Sec. 12. A certificate of election shall be prima facie evidence of the facts therein stated; and in all cases of contested election for any office the contest shall be decided by the Council as nearly as may be accord¬ ing to the laws of the state regulating proceedings in cases of contested elec¬ tions for state officers. . The Council shall have power to settle any question concerning any other election procedure or questions involved therein, not specifically cov¬ ered by this Charter or by the pro¬ visions of the general election laws of the state to which it refers. Non-Partisan Primary Election— Time of. Sec. 13. A non-partisan primary election shall be held in each ward annually on the third Tuesday pre¬ ceding the first Monday in April for the purpose of nominating such offi¬ cers of the city as this Charter pro¬ vides. Nominating Petitions—F o r m o f— Time of Filing. Sec. 14. The name of no person shall be placed upon the primary bal¬ lot unless before five o’clock in the afternoon of the fourteenth day be¬ fore the primary election day there shall be filed in his behalf in the office of the City Clerk a petition or petitions signed by not less than 2 per cent nor more than 4 per cent of the qualified elec¬ tors of the election district in which the candidate seeks election, as shown by the total vote for Mayor at the last general election in said district: Pro¬ vided, that these petitions shall bear no reference to any political party, and that the signature of each signer shall include his street address, ward and precinct, and date of signing said petition: Provided, further, that such petition must be in substantially the following form: “We, the undersigned, qualified electors of the City of Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, respectfully petition and request that the name of . (an elector in the City of Grand Rapids), residing at. street, be placed upon the ballot to be prepared for use at the next non¬ partisan primary election as a candi¬ date for the nomination for. (name of office).” If any elector shall sign more than one petition for the same office, his signature shall be void on all peti¬ tions for that office, except the first one signed. The said Clerk shall number each petition in numerical order as re¬ ceived, and shall then place, or cause to be placed, the name of such per¬ son upon the non-partisan primary election ballot of the city as herein provided'. I 11 Primary Ballot—Printing and Form of. Sec. 15. On the tenth day before ahy primary election, the City Clerk shall prepare and proceed to have printed one general, non-partisan bal¬ lot, which shall bear the names of the offices to be filled and the duly quali¬ fied candidates therefor, without re¬ spect or reference to party. Across the head of each ballot shall be print¬ ed in plain black type the words, “Non-Partisan. Primary Election Bal¬ lot.” On the next line and in smaller type shall be printed the w’ords, “List of Candidates for Nomination to Be Voted for in.Ward” (naming the ward that said ballot is intended for), followed by “City of Grand Rap¬ ids.” The balance of the ticket shall be made up in a single column. At the top shall appear the words, “To vote for a person, mark ‘X’ in the square at the left of the name of the person for whom you desire to vote.” This sentence shall be closed in a rule, the same as the names of each candi¬ date, and at its end shall be a square directly over the squares in which marks are to be made. In that square there shall be a black cross to show the voter how to mark the ballot. Immediately below, and separated by a rule, shall appear the name of the first office for which candidates are to be voted upon, the offices to appear in the orider in which they are named in Sec. 1, of Title II, of this Charter. Fol¬ lowing this shall come the names of each of the candidates for that posi¬ tion, with a square to the extreme left. Each position, with the names of the candidates for that position, shall be separated from the following one by a black face rule to separate each position clearly. In no manner, directly or indirectly, shall it be per¬ missible to print or cause to be print¬ ed any reference to any political party or the insignia or other mark of iden¬ tification of any political party on said ballot. Who to Be Candidates at Election— When Primary is Final Electioii. Sec. 16. The two candidates receiv¬ ing the largest number of votes in the non-partisan primary in the whole election district for any office, shall be the candidates whose names shall ap¬ pear upon the succeeding general election ballot for said office: . Provid¬ ed, that if there be but one candidate in the primary for a given office, then the primary for said office shall be final and he shall be declared elected and no second election shall be held in connection with said office. If there be more than one candidate in the primary for a given office, and if any one candidate receives a major¬ ity of all votes cast for said office at said primary, then said primary for said office shall be final and he shall be declared elected, and no second election shall be held in connection with'said office. Election—Time of. Sec. 17. A general non-partisan election shall be held in each voting district annually on the first Monday in April at such places as the Council shall appoint: Provided, that there shall be no elections in such years as there are no expiring terms of office or officers to be elected under this Charter. Election Ballot—Form of. Sec. 18. The City Clerk shall cause to be printed on one ballot, without respect or reference to political party, the names of the two candidates for each office chosen in the primary election as hereinbefore provided; and the names of no other candidates shall appear upon the ballot. The only print¬ ing on said ballot shall be the num¬ ber of the ballot.'the title of the elec¬ tion, the words “To vote for a person, mark ‘X’ in the square at the left of the name of the person for whom you desire to vote,” the name of the office, the names of the two qualified candi¬ dates for each office and squares at the left in front of these names: Pro¬ vided, that if more than one officer is to be elected under any classification in any election district, the wording and the number of names of candi¬ dates shall conform to this same ratio. In Filling Vacancies, Term of Office to Be Designated on Ballots. Sec. 19. If at any election to be held in said City there shall be one or more vacancies to be filled in any office, and at the same time any per¬ son is to be elected for the full term of said office, the term for which each person is to be voted for shall be des¬ ignated on the ballot. Bonding Proposition Ballots—Form of. Sec. 20. Whenever the question of bonding the City or other special question is proposed to be voted upon by the electors of the City, the sub¬ stance of such question shall be clearly indicated upon the ballot, and below the same upon the ballot shall be placed, in separate lines, the words “yes” and “no.” The elector shall designate his vote by a cross (X) placed opposite the word “yes” or the word “no.” Who Deemed Elected. Sec. 21. The person having the greatest number of votes for any office 12 in the district in which he was a can¬ didate shall be deemed to have been duly elected to such office. Campaign Expense—Sworn Statement to Be Filed. Sec. 22. Within two days prior to any election and 10 days after any election held under the provisions of this charter, every candidate whose name appeared either upon the pri¬ mary or general election ballot as a candidate for any elective office in the city or in any ward or district thereof, shall file with the city clerk state¬ ments, under oath, setting forth in de¬ tail all sums of money, if any, which he has expended in his campaign, or which with his knowledge, have been expended by others in his behalf; said statements shall show to,whom such sums were paid, in what amount, and for what purpose; and also in what amount and by whom contributions were made to him or to his knowledge to any campaign committees or any person working in his Dehalf. Wilful neglect to file such statements, or wil¬ ful falsification therein, or wilful fail¬ ure to fully set forth every item here required, shall be punishable as here¬ inafter provided. Campaign Expense Statement—Fail¬ ure to File. Sec. 23. The statements thus filed with the City Clerk shall be public records open at all times for the in¬ spection of the public. If any can¬ didate in any election shall have failed to file the statements as herein provided, it shall be the duty of the City Clerk to notify the Mayor of said city forthwith, and it shall be the duty of the Mayor to make complaint in a court of competent jurisdiction. Campaign Contributions — Pei’sons Disqualifiedi From 3laking. Sec. 24. No corporation and no offi¬ cer of any corporation interested, either directly or indirectly, in any li¬ cense or contract or the purpose there¬ of then pending or in contemplation before the city, its Council or any de¬ partment thereof, and no officer or agent of any public service corpora¬ tion holding franchises in the said city, shall, either directly or indirectly, contribute any money or other valu¬ able thing to the campaign fund of any candidate for office at any primary or other election held under this Charter. Campaign Literature—What Fro- hibited. Sec. 25. No candidate in any elec¬ tion held under the provisions of this Charter shall print or cause to be printed any literature or letters of any description or any advertising of any nature, which shall contain a refer¬ ence to any political party, the name of which has appeared on the election ballot in the last preceding election for Governor held in said city. Services and Expenses—What Pro¬ hibited and What Allowed. Sec. 26. No person shall perform or agree to perform any service in the interest of any candidate for any office provided in this charter in con¬ sideration of any money or other valu¬ able thing; but the bona fide payment by any candidate for office or other person, for the fair and reasonable cost of printing, advertising, office maintenance and the reasonable and bona fide expenses of holding public meetings and of distributing litera¬ ture, shall not be in contravention of this Charter. Acts to Influence Electors Ih’ohibited. Sec. 27. No person, firm or corpor¬ ation shall give offer to give, or promise any money or other consider¬ ation to any elector, or to any person for the use of any elector, for the pur¬ pose of influencing the vote of any elector at any election provided for in this Charter; or to or for any elector for the purpose of securing support for any candidate at such election; and no elector shall receive, accept or solicit such money or other consideration for any such purpose. Pi’omise of Public Office Prohibited. Sec. 28. No person nominated for or holding any office in the government of the city, and no person while seek¬ ing a nomination for or appointment to any such office, shall use or promise to use, either directly or indirectly, any official authority or influence, wffiether then possessed or merely an¬ ticipated, in the way of conferring upon any person or in order to secure or aid any person in securing any office or public employment in any po¬ sition under this Charter, or any nom¬ ination, promotion, increase of salary or other preferment upon the consid¬ eration, condition or understanding that the vote, influence or action of such person shall be given or used in behalf of any candidate, officer or party, or upon any other consideration or condition. Political Activity by Public Officials and Employes Prohibited. Sec. 29. No employe or officer of the city shall be an employe or officer of any partisan campaign committee; nor shall he be an employe or officer of any campaign committee in behalf of any candidate for public office, other than himself. Nor shall any em¬ ploye or officer of the city circulate or solicit signatures to any petition 13 mentioned in Sec. 14 of this Title, ex¬ cept his own; nor shall he solicit en¬ dorsement for any candidate for pub¬ lic office, other than himself. No Person to Do Any Act Candidate Could Not Do. Sec. 30. No person shall do any act in the interest of any candidate at any primary or election under this Charter which this Title prohibits the candi¬ date himself from performing. Propositions Submitted to Vote—Pro- visions of Title to Apply. Sec. 31. The provisions of this Title, so far as applicable, shall apply to general or special elections held upon any propositions submitted to the vote of the electors. Penalty. Sec. 32. Any violation of any sec¬ tion or part of this Title shall be a misdemeanor, and punishable by a fine of not to exceed $500, or by im¬ prisonment in the County Jail for not to exceed 90 days, or by both: Pro¬ vided, that the conviction of any offi¬ cial or employe of said city shall, ipso facto, render his office vacant or end his employment; or, if a candidate, it shall render him ineligible to retain place upon the ballot at the election at which he seeks to appear as a can¬ didate: Provided funrther, that any such vacancy shall be filled in the manner prescribed by ,this Charter. Inspectors of Election. Sec. 33. Inspectors of election, as specified in the preceding sections, shall be inspectors of elections held in the several voting precincts of the city for the election of state, county and municipal officers. V^acancy—How Filled. Sec. 34. If from any cause any of the inspectors of election shall fail to attend any election held under this Charter at the appointed time or place, his or their places may be sup¬ plied for the time being by the electors present from among their number. The inspectors so elected shall take the oath prescribed for inspectors of election. Board of Registration. Sec. 35. There shall be a Board of Registration for each voting precinct in the city, consisting of two mem¬ bers, who shall be appointed by the Council and whose duties and com¬ pensation shall be such as are now provided or as may hereafter be pro¬ vided by the statutes of the state gov¬ erning such boards in cities, or as the Council may by ordinance provide. Each member of such Board of Reg¬ istration before entering upon the du¬ ties of the office, shall take and sub¬ scribe the constitutional oath of office. Except at the time of general regis¬ tration such board shall not be in ses¬ sion to exceed one ,day. Registration. Sec. 36. There shall be a general registration of the electors in the year 1912, in time for the general fall elec¬ tion of that year. There shall also be a general registration of the electors every fourth year thereafter and at such other times as the Council may designate. The registration shall be conducted according to the general registration laws of the state in force at the time. TITLE IV. DEGISDATIVE DEPARTMENT— COUNCIL. LfCgislative Power—How Vested. Sec. 1. The Legislative power of the city is vested in a Council which is authorized to pass all laws and or¬ dinances relating to its municipal concerns, subject to the Constitution and General Laws of the State and this Charter, the purpose of this pro¬ vision being to vest in the Council, subject to the limitations of this Char¬ ter, all legislative authority permitted to be exercised by the city and not ex¬ pressly required to be contained in the Charter. Certain Other Express Powers of Council. Sec. 2. Without intending to limit or curtail the power in this Charter otherwise vested in the Council, it is hereby expressly vested with the fol¬ lowing powers: (a) To pass all ordinances and regulations of every character to se¬ cure the health, safety, welfare and convenience of the city and its in¬ habitants. (b) To pass all ordinances and reg¬ ulations of every character to ad¬ vance the interest of the city and the good government and prosperity of the municipality and its inhabitants. (c) To provide for the licensing and regulation of trades, occupations, businesses and amusements, within the city. (d) To provide for the punishment of those who violate its laws or ordi¬ nances, but no punishment shall ex¬ ceed a fine of $500, or imprisonment for 90 days in the county jail or house of correction, or in any work house authorized by law to receive prisoners from such city, or both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. Council—How Constituted and Chosen. Sec. 3. The Council shall consist of 14 twelve Councilmen. There shall be elected from each ward of the city, once in two years, one Councilman, who shall be an elector of such ward, and who shall hold office for two years from the first day of May in the year in which elected and until his successor is elected and qualified. Salary. Sec. 4. The salary of a Councilman shall be $750 per year, payable in equal monthly installments. Council—How Organized—Rules of Pro<;edure—Judge of Qualification and Klection of 3Iembers—Expul¬ sion of 31 e ni b e r s—Exempt as Jurors. Sec. 5. The Council shall annually organize by the election of one of its members as President, who shall pre¬ side at all meetings and exercise such other functions as provided in this Charter and, except as otherwise provided, the Council shall choose its own officers, including a temporary President of the Council, fill all va¬ cancies in its own membership to con¬ tinue until the next municipal elec¬ tion, and determine the rules of its procedure. It shall be the judge of the qualifications, elections and returns of its members, and may, with the con¬ currence of three-fourths of all the members elected, expel a member. The reasons for such expulsion shall be entered upon the journal with the yea and nay vote thereon. No member shall be expelled the second time for the same cause. The members shall be exempt from sitting as jurors. Council—3Ieeting.s of—Quorum. Sec. 6. The Council shall meet at the City Hall on the first and third Mondays in each month, and at such other times as it shall from time to time appoint. Special meetings may be called whenever the Mayor, Presi¬ dent of the Council, or one-third of its members, shall appoint, by such notice as the Council may by rule prescribe. All sessions of the Council shall be public. A majority of the Council shall be a quorum for the transaction of business. CMcrk of Council—Journal—Yea and Xay Vote. Sec. 7. The City Clerk shall be C'lerk of the Council, and shall keep in the Phiglish language a written or printed journal of its proceedings at all sessions, which shall be a public record and which shall be published in pamphlet form and furnished free to all ])ersons applying therefor. The yeas and nays of the members on any vote or question shall be entered on the journal on request of one member. All votes on the confirmation of ap¬ pointments, upon every franchise and upon every amendment and section thereof, shall be taken by yeas and nays and published in the journal. Ordinances—How Originated—Style of Sec. 8. All legislation shall be by ordinance and may originate either in the Council or through an initiative petition in the manner in this Charter provided. The style of all ordinances shall be: “The People of the City of Grand Rapids do Ordain.” Ordinances—How Adopted—Yea and Xay Vote. Sec. 9. No ordinance shall become a law without the concurrence of a majority of the entire Council elected. On the final passage a yea and nay vote shall oe taken and entered on the journal. Ordinances—V eto by 31ayor. Sec. 10. Every proposed ordinance passed by the Council shall be pre¬ sented to the Mayor before it becomes a law. If he approve he shall sign it, if not, he shall return it with his ob¬ jections to the Council, which shall en¬ ter the objections at large on its jour¬ nal and reconsider it. If passed by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Councilmen elected, within thirty days after the filing of the reasons for such disapproval, it shall become a law. The votes thereon shall be by yea and nay, and entered on the journal. If any proposed ordinance be not returned by the 3Iayor within ten days after it has been presented to him the same shall become a law in like manner as if he had signed it. When an ordinance appropriating money contains several items the Mayor may approve the provisions relating to one or more items and disapprove the others. In such cases those items which he shall approve shall become operative and those which he shall not approve shall be reconsidered by the Council and shall become operative only if again passed by it as above pro¬ vided. W')to, 3Iotion or Hcsohition—Veto I>y 3£ayor. Sec. 11. No final vote, motion or resolution taken or passed by the Council except upon confirmation of appointments, shall become effective if within twenty-four hours after its passage the 3Iayor shall file in the of¬ fice of the City Clerk his reasons, in writing, why the same should not go into effect and in such case the same shall not go into effect or have any legal operation, unless it shall, within thirty days after the filing of such rea¬ sons for disapproval, be passed by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Councilmen elected. 15 Oidinaiice to Embrace One Subject to be Exi3ressed in Title. Sec. 12. No ordinance shall embrace more than one subject, which shall be expressed in its Title, and no ordinance shall be revised or amended by refer¬ ence to its Title only. Ordinances—When to Take Effect. Sec-. 13. No ordinance shall be in force until the expiration of thirty days from its approval by the Mayor, or from the date of its passage over his veto, or from the date of its other final adoption, except that earlier ef¬ fect may be given to appropriation measures, to measures mentioned in Sec. 20 of this Title, and to acts imme¬ diately necessary for the preservation of the public health, peace or safety by a two-thirds vote of the Councilmen elected with the approval of the Mayor. Ordinances—Publication, Etc. Sec. 14. All ordinances shall be published twice in the official paper at least two weeks before becoming op¬ erative and not less than one week to intervene between such publications, except that ordinances given effect within thirty days shall be published once, as long a period as possible, and af least one day, before becoming operative. Ordinances—When to be Passed. Sec. 15. No proposed ordinance, ex¬ cept acts immediately necessary for the preservation of the public health, peace, or safety, shall be passed at the session at which first presented, nor before the substance thereof shall have been published In the official pa¬ per. Referendum by Council. Sec. 16. Any proposed ordinance passed by the Council may be referred by the Council to the qualified elec¬ tors; and in such case shall become a law only when approved by a major¬ ity of the electors voting thereon. ^)aths—By Whom Administered. Sec. 17. The President or Clerk of the Council and the Chairman of any General or Special Committee of the Council shall have power to administer oaihs to persons testifying in respect to any matter pending liefore the Council or any such Committee and to persons su])scribing affidavits in re¬ spect to any such matter. False Swearing—How Punished. Sec. 18. Any pei’son taking any such oath who shall in any statement or affidavit or otherwise wilfully swear falsely as to any material fact shall be punished as by ordinance pre¬ scribed. Re- assessment. Sec. 19. In the event of the failure of any tax or special assessment through defective procedure of assess¬ ment, collection or sale, the Council may provide for its re-assessment upon the property chargeable- therewith in the first instance. Powers of Council to Eevy and Collect. Sec. 2 0. The Council may provide for the levying and collecting of spe¬ cific taxes, tolls, excises and license fees: Provided, that the same shall be uniform upon the classes upon which they operate. The Council may also provide for the collection of rents. Taxing Ordinance to State Object. Sec. 21. Every taxing ordinance shall state the tax and the object to which it is to be applied. Annual Budget and Annual Tax — Council to Provide for by Ordinance —Limitation. Sec. 22. On or before the third Monday in May in each year, the Council shall provide by ordinance for a budget and a tax sufficient, with other resources, to pay the estimated expenses of the city government for the ensuing year, the maintenance of all sinking funds and the interest on all municipal debts: Provided, that the amount of tax levied and collected in each year, not including school taxes, interest and principal of bonded indebtedness, and special improve¬ ments, shall not exceed one per cent of the assessed value of all real and personal property in the city appearing upon the last previous assessment roll. No Money to be Paid Except as Ap¬ propriated. Sec. 2 3. No money shall be paid out of the City Treasury except in pursu¬ ance of appropriations made by law. Private Enterprise—C ity Not to be In¬ terested In. Sec. 24. The credit of the city shall not be granted to nor in aid of any person, association, public or priv'ate corporation, nor shall the city sub¬ scribe to or be financially interested in any company, corporation or associa¬ tion, except where the same is by this Charter or the general laws or by any existing special act made one of its municipal departments. Rescission of Contracts. Sec. 2 5. The Council shall not re¬ scind or alter any conti-act with the City, except franchise grants, nor re¬ lease the principals or sureties from the perforu:iance of any of the obliga¬ tions thereof, without the consent, of the Administrative Hoard. 1 « Mt'inbers of Council Ineligible to City Ollic e—Xot to be Interested in City Contracts. Sec. 2 6. Xo person elected a mem¬ ber of the Council shall receive any civil appointment within the city from any municipal authority during the term for which elected, but members of the Council may serve as inspectors of registrations and elections. No member of the Council shall be inter¬ ested directly or indirectly in any con¬ tract with the city authorized by, or the subject of legislation in, any ordi¬ nance passed during the time for which he is elected, nor for one year thereafter. Certain Officers Ineligible to Council, Sec. 27. No person holding any office under the city or county govern¬ ment shall be eligible to, or have a seat in the Council, and all votes given for any such person shall be void. Officers and Employes—Removal of by Council. Sec. 28. Any officer or employe of the city, except the Mayor, Judges, Justices of the Peace, members of the Admmistrativ^e Board or employes un¬ der civil service, or those whose re¬ moval is otherwise provided for in this Charter may be removed by the Coun¬ cil -for official misconduct or for un¬ faithful or improper performance of the duties of his office or employment or for ineligibility. The proceedings for such removal shall be entered in the record of the Council. A copy of the charges against such officer or em¬ ploye sought to be removed ami notice of the time and place of hearing the same, shall be served on him at least ten days previous to the date as- aigned for hearing. If personal ser- '.nce cannot be had the same shall be left at his last place of resi¬ dence within the city, with some /mitab’e person of proper age, or other substituted service may be had. Op- poi-^.unity shall be given him to make his defense thereto. An affirmative vote of three-fourths of all the Coun- cilmen elected shall be nocessary to re- mo^•e such officer or employe. Board of Supervisor.s—Representation o' City Upon. Sec. 29. The several Councilmen, the Mayor, and the members of the Board of Assessors shall be representa¬ tives of the city upon the Board of Supervisors and the Council shall in addi'Vn thereto annually, and before the first day of June, designate other electors of the city, who may be city officials or employes, sufficient in num¬ ber to complete the full representation of the city upon the Board, who shall likewise be representatives of the city thereon. Super \isors—Councilmen to Perforin Unties of. Sec. 30. The Councilmen shall pos¬ sess all the powers and be subject to all the duties of individual Supervisors under the general laws not inconsistent with this Charter and not delegated to other officers: Provided, that so long as the city has twenty-four Council- men, these powers shall be exercised only by the senior Councilmen. Borrowing of 3Ioney by Council. Sec. 31. Except as herein otherwise provided, it shall not be lawful for the Council to borrow money or authorize the creation of any liability or indebt¬ edness against the city in any one year exceeding in the aggregate the amount which, by this Charter and the laws of the State, may be raised by tax for such year. In case any sum or sums of money are borrowed by the Council in any one year, or any officer thereof shall enter into any contract or con¬ tracts binding upon said city for the payment of moneys, the same shall be paid out of the sums raised by tax for such year, if the payment thereof is not otherwise provided. All sums of money borrowed by said city, shall be applied to the purpose for which the same was borrowed, and for no other purpose whatsoever. Nothing in this Charter contained shall be construed to ])rohibit the Council from making assessments and levying and collecting taxes for the purpose of special im¬ provements. Council to Advertise for Proposals for Depositai*y. Sec. 32. The Council shall within the thirty days before the termination of any existing contract, advertise in two of the newspapers of the city for a period of at least one week after the first insertion of such advertisement, for sealed proposals for the highest rate of interest obtainable on daily balances of money belonging to the city, or the Board of Education, or in their custody, and the lowest rate of interest to be paid by the city for such temporary loans as it shall de¬ sire to make. Contracts with Banks as City Depos¬ itaries. Sec. 33. The Council shall contract with any safe and secure banking in¬ stitution or institutions, and make rules and regulations in regard to the depositing of money therein, for a pe¬ riod of not to exceed three years, as a depositary or depositaries for the safe keeping of the public moneys belong¬ ing to or in the custody of the city, or any of its departments, including the 17 Board of Education, and for the pay¬ ment of interest, at a rate not exceed¬ ing that established by law, upon such moneys so deposited with such banking institution or institutions, to be drawn from the current account by the city through its proper officer or officers, which said interest shall be¬ long to the city, or to the Board of Education, as the case may be. Every such contract shall contain an agree- • ment on the part of such banking in¬ stitution permitting the Council to terminate such contract and to with¬ draw all moneys deposited with such institution or institutions whenever it • shall deem that the interests of the city require it, and in such case the books required to be kept by such de¬ positary shall be by it delivered into the custody of the City Clerk. The Council shall require such depositary or depositaries to give suitable bonds in such penalty as it shall determine, and with such sureties as it shall ap¬ prove, before any transfer of any such moneys as aforesaid can be made to such depositary or depositaries. Books to Be Kept by City Depositaries. Sec. 34. The depositary or deposi¬ taries so designated by the Council shall keep an accurate account in a set of books of all moneys belonging to or in the custody of said city de¬ posited with such depositary or de¬ positaries, such books to be provided by and belong to said city, and to con¬ stitute a part of the public records of said city. Such books shall at all times, during business hours, be sub¬ ject to inspection by any member of the Council, Board of Education, the Comptroller, Treasurer, Mayor and City Attorney. They shall be deliv¬ ered by the outgoing depositary or depositaries to those succeeding to the trust. Such depositary or depositaries shall report in writing monthly to the Council the amount of moneys belong¬ ing to said city then on deposit with such depositary or depositaries, and the interest earned thereon. Additional Bonds from Treasurer and City Depositarle® • Sec. 3 5. The Council is hereby au¬ thorized to require new or additional bonds or security from the City Treas¬ urer and from the depositaries of money belonging to, or in the custody the city, and deposited in such de¬ positaries, at any time or times when it shall deem the interests of the city require. TITTjE V. ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT. Administrative Board—Power to Ex¬ ecute Ordinances. Sec. 1. The power and duty to exe¬ cute all ordinances is hereby vested in the Administrative Board and its sev¬ eral departments. Executive and Administrative Author¬ ity—In Whom Vested. Sec. 2. The executive and adminis¬ trative functions, powers and author¬ ity of the city, unless otherwise pro¬ vided in this Charter or in the general laws of the state, shall be vested in, and in the manner herein provided, exercised by, the Mayor, City Attorney, Comptroller, City Clerk and the Gen¬ eral Managers of four departments, as follows: Department of Public Works. Department of Health and Safety. Department of Parks and Public Property. Department of Finance and Rev¬ enue. Administrative Board—Who Con¬ stitute. Sec. 3. The Mayor, together with the General Managers of the four de¬ partments above named, shall consti¬ tute an Administrative Board, which shall have and exercise general su¬ pervision over the administrative functions, powers and authority of the city. The Mayor shall preside over such Board, shall be entitled to vote and shall have veto powers over any action of the Board in the manner herein provided. The City Clerk shall act as Clerk of such Board, and keep the records thereof. Administrative Board Shall Receive and Consider Petitions and Com¬ plaints. Sec. 4. The Administrative Board shall adopt rules for its proceedings and shall meet daily at an appointed hour and place, for the transaction of its business, and to receive, hear and consider the petitions or complaints of any citizen or citizens, or other persons, or organizations, pertinent to the ad¬ ministrative affair.=! of the city, ex¬ cept the enforcement of franchise grants and take such action thereon as it may deem advisable, and make a record thereof. All meetings and rec¬ ords of the Board shall be public. A yea and nay vote of the members of the Board shall be taken and record¬ ed in the minutes upon all questions. Administrative Board—Powers and Duties of. Sec. 5. The Administrative Board shall have power as a Board: (a) To superintendent, direct and control the administration of the busi¬ ness of the city, delegated to it and its several departments. It shall pass upon all contracts to which the city shall be a party except franchise grants. Its members may attend all 18 meetings of the Council and shall have the right to be heard upon any matter concerning such member’s department, but shall have no power to vote there¬ in; said Board shall prepare and rec¬ ommend a budget to the Council and shall not exceed in its expenditures the appropriations provided by the Coun¬ cil, nor expend any money for any purpose other th^n that for w'hich ap¬ propriated. (b) It shall possess and exercise all other powers and perform all other duties granted to or imposed upon it by this Charter or by the Council. It shall determine and assign the duties of the several departments and may change or reassign them from time to time, subject to the limitations of this Charter: it may create, subject to the approval of the Council, such sub-de¬ partments as it may deem wise but shall not discontinue any sub-depart¬ ment provided for in thi.s charter; it shall annually, in connection with the adoption of the budget fix the salary of the sub-heads of departments, sub¬ ject to the approval of the Council, and shall fix the compensation of other employes not fixed by the provisions of this Charter; and shall prescribe the duties of the officers and employes of any department; it may assign, with¬ out change of salary and in accord¬ ance with the rules prescribed by the Civil Service Commission, particular officers or emploj’es to one or more of the departments of the city, and shall make such other rules and regulations, including its own rules of procedure, as may be deemed necessary or proper for the efficient and economical con¬ duct of the business of the city sub¬ ject to the limitations of this Charter. (c) The Administrative Board shall prescribe the method by which all contracts for the city in relation to public works or improvements and the purchase of supplies and materials in its several departments shall be en¬ tered into. All purchases over $25.00 shall be made upon specifications on which sealed bids shall be received, except that the Administrative Board may authorize purchases without com¬ petitive bids in emergency cases, and the facts claimed to create such emer¬ gency shall be made a matter of record. All contracts involving the expendi¬ ture of .$500.00 or over shall be made upon plans and specifications adopted by the Board and shall be advertised at least one week in two newspapers of the city for proposals to execute such contracts. Said Board shall re¬ quire security for the performance of proposals tendered and security for the performance of any contract entered into. Said Foard shall let the con¬ tract to the lowest responsible bidder, or may reject all bids made. All re¬ quests for bids shall state the time and place at which said bids are to be opened and all bids received shall be opened at one time and considered together at a specified meeting of the Board. In all cases where any ma¬ terial, machinery, process or thing, either in process, production or supply is controlled by one person or com¬ pany or is in any sense a monopoly, no bids shall be invited or received nor contracts for or purchases thereof be made by or on behalf of the city or any department thereof including the Board of Education, except it be sep¬ arate by itself and not included with any other matter or thing. Xo officer or employe of the city, elected or appointed, including mem¬ bers of the Board of Education, shall be interested directly or indirectly in any contract with the city unless such contract shall be approved by the unanimous vote of the Administrative Board and a two-thirds vote of the Council. Nothing in this section or in any ordinance shall limit the authority of the Administrative Board to employ day labor to carry on or perform any work entrusted to it. (d) Nothing in this Charter con¬ tained shall authorize the Adminis¬ trative Board or the Council to create any new or different general depart¬ ments. (e) The Administrative Board shall have and nossess all the author¬ ity and perform all the duties that are conferred or imposed upon the Boards of Health in townships by the general laws of this state and the exe¬ cution of such authority and duties may be delegated to and performed by the General ^Manager of Health and Safety in accordance with the pro¬ visions of this Charter. (f) The Administrative Board shall be vested with, and possess the powers conferred upon Boards of Building In¬ spectors under the general law of the state. Powers and Duties Assumed— Whom Exercised. Sec. 6. All administrative or ex¬ ecutive power and authority, per¬ mitted to be exercised by the city, whether required to be expressly as¬ sumed and detailed in the Charter or otherwise, are hereby assumed by the city. Except as herein otherwise pro¬ vided. such power and authority shall be exercised by the Administrative Board or other administrative officers of the city in the form and manner from time to time prescribed by or¬ dinance. Mayor—Powers and Duties—Salary. Sec. 7. (a) The Mayor shall be 19 the chief executive of the city. He shall, together with the General Man¬ ager of Health and Safety, take all proper measures for the maintenance of public order and public health and safety, the suppression of riots and tumults and, in case said General Man¬ ager of Health and Safety shall fail to perform his duty, may command the police force to that end. (b) He shall be charged with the general oversight and be responsible for the proper conduct of all the de¬ partments of the executive and ad¬ ministrative branch of the city gov¬ ernment. (c) He shall have the general su¬ pervision, management and control, subject to the other provisions of this Charter, of the relations of the city to the county, state and federal govern¬ ments. of all matters pertaining to the publicity of the city’s affairs and of the exhibition of its products. For the purpose of carrying into ef¬ fect any of his duties in this para¬ graph specified, the Mayor may ap¬ point a non-salaried commission or commissions of such size and charac¬ ter as he may deem advisable. (d) He shall, after approval by the Administrative Board and after the City Attorney shall have approved as to form, validiH’ and manner of exe¬ cution, sign all deeds, contracts, bonds or other instruments requiring the assent of the city, and cause the same to be attested by the City Clerk, and the seal of the city attached, and to be countersigned by the General Man¬ ager of the department having super-^ vision over the subject matter of the contract and shall take care that the same are duly performed. (e) He shall take care that the laws of the state, this Charter and the ordinances of the city are faithfully executed within the city and its juris¬ diction, and in the execution of this duty he may command and call upon any officer or employe of the city. ff) He may attend and shall have the right to be heard at all meetings the Council, and shall annually, and at such other t'mes as may be fixed by the Council, submit in writing a report of the condition of the affairs of the city and his recommendations **especting the same. • (g) He may require any officer or employe of the city to exhibit the books and papers of such officer or employe, and may take forcible pos¬ session thereof, and may require him to .submit to an examination thereof *».nd of all other affairs of his depart¬ ment. Upon failure to comply with such requirements such officer or em¬ ploye may be suspended by the Mayor for a period not exceeding thirty days and such failure shall be ground for removal by the proper authority in its discretion. (h) He shall be Chairman of the Administrative Board and shall have power to veto any action of that Board not unanimously concurred in by all other members of the Board, which veto and the reasons therefor shall be spread upon the records of the Ad¬ ministrative Board. (i) He shall have and exercise such other powers, prerogatives and authority as provided by this Charter or as may be conferred upon him by the Council or the general laws of the state not inconsistent with the pro¬ visions of this Charter. (■''' He shall receive an annual sal¬ ary of $3,500. (k) The Mayor shall have the power to appoint some suitable per¬ son to act as his Secretary who shall not be under the Civil Service rules, and may be removed at will by the Mayor, and who shall receive such compensation as shall be provided by the Council. City Attorney—Powers and Duties— Salary. Sec. 8. The City Attorney shall be the lep-al adviser of the Mayor, Coun¬ cil, Administrative Board, Board of Education. Board of Library Commis¬ sioners and all city 'officials; shall con¬ duct all cases in court wherein the city. Board of Education or Board of Library Commissioners shall be a party or interested, and shall perform such other duties as are required by ordinance or as may be provided for in th’s Charter or assigned to him by the Council or Administrative Board. He or his deputy shall attend all meet¬ ings of the Council and the Adminis¬ trative Board. He shall keep in his office copies of all franchises and con¬ tracts filed -with the City Clerk in which the city is interested, together with proper data and information con¬ cerning the same, and shall give to the Mayor and Council ample notice of the expiration or termination of any such franchise or contract. He shall have power tf> appoint and remove such assistants as may be provided by ordi¬ nance. He shall pass upon the le- .srality of all contracts made by the city or any officer in its behalf, and no contract shall be valid unless ap¬ proved by him as to form, validity and manner of execution, and such ap¬ proval endorsed thereon before exe¬ cution by the city or any officer there¬ of. He shall give opinions in writing to all officials and heads of depart¬ ments named in this Charter v'^^'en re¬ quested in writing So to do; he shall keep on file in hi.-s office all written opinions given by him to any officer, and the briefs and transcripts used in causes wherein he appears, and bound 20 books of record and docket entries of all actions or proceedings under his charge in which the cit> is inter¬ ested; he shau cause an index to be made of all books and records, reports documents and papers, and a liot of all statutes, law books and other property of every description belonging to his office or to ulre eity. and deliver the whole thereof to r:is successor in of¬ fice, who shall give him a duphcat* re¬ ceipt therefor, and file one with the City Clerk of sa.d city. He shall receive an annual salary of not less than three thousand dol¬ lars. He may designate twm assistants as his senior and junior deputies, who shall respectively perform all the duties of said City Attorney in case of his actual disability or absence from the city. The City Attorney shall, within sixty days from the taking effect of the Charter, prepare and report to the Council such changes and modifica¬ tions in existing ordinances as may be deemed necessary to adapt the same to this Charter, and as may be best calculated to carry into effect its pro¬ visions. and he shall receive no addi¬ tional compensation therefor. Comptroller—Powers and Duties— Salary. Sec. 9. (a.) The Comptrollei- and his deputy, under his direction, shall have access to all books, records and documents kept by any officer, em¬ ploye or department of the city. Upon failure of such officer or employe to comply wdth the requirement of the Comptroller therefor, he shall be sus¬ pended by the Mayor for a period not exceeding thirty days, and such failure shall be grounds for removal by the proper authority at its discretion. The Mayor shall immediately re¬ move or suspend any such officer or employe upon satisfactory evidence of such failure being submitted to him by the Comptroller. (b) The Comptroller shall keep books of account of all of the departments of the city government affected by the provisions of this Charter, and he shall keep such books and make all financial reports herein provided for, according to an approved uniform system of ac¬ counting, which uniform system shall be the system provided by the general laws of this state when adopted. His books shall exhibit accurate and de¬ tailed statements of all money received and the several sources from which it is derived. His books shall contain original entries of all expenditures and the specific purpose for which each expenditure was made and shall contain a ready reference to the origi¬ nal accounts and vouchers covering each item. He shall keep separate accounts of each item of the budget and the date, purpose and manner of each payment therefrom. (c) He shall examine and audit all claims and demands against the city, shall promptly report to the Mayor and Administrative Board in writing any default or delinquency he may dis¬ cover in the books, records or accounts of any city department. He shall countersign all checks and drafts against the city treasury. He shall provide a system for keeping a check upon all monies and property received by the city or by any officer or agent thereof, for the counter signature of receipts or otherwise so as to keep a daily record thereof. (d) He shall not audit or counter¬ sign any draft, check or warrant until he has audited and examined the claim, and he shall not allow any ac¬ count against the city for which the money is not duly appropriated nor unless the appropriation therefor has not been exhausted, nor shall he audit or countersign any pay roll unless in conformity with the provisions of the Civil Service Title of the Charter. (e) He shall require any person presenting for payment an account or claim exceeding $5.00 against the city to be sworn or affirmed touching such account or claim and when so sworn or affirmed, may require him to answer orally as to any facts relative to the justness of such account or claim and may require claims of less than $5.00 in amount to be verified. Proof of all claims shall be under oath and upon blanks to be furnished by the Comptroller. False swearing shall be punishable as a misdemeanor by a fine of not to exceed five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the countj'- jail for not more than ninety days, or both in the discretion of the court. Sub-divisions c. d and e of this sec¬ tion shall not apply to unliquidated claims. (f) He shall, in co-operation with the heads of the several departments; prepare blanks for checking, complet¬ ing and keeping an inventory of all property, real or personal, which the city owns in whole or in part and shall keep a copy thereof in his office. In^ ventories of all property shall be fur¬ nished by the General Manager of each department at the end of each fiscal year, which shall show, item by item, the sums charged off or added for depreciation or increase, if any depreciation or increase exists since the previous inventory, and shall be checked and corrected by the Comp¬ troller. (g) He shall establish in each de¬ partment, with the co-operation of the head thereof, an accurate system 21 of distribution and accounting of ex¬ penditures under the heads of “Cost of Operation,” Cost of Maintenance,” and “Cost of Permanent Improve¬ ments,” which system, w’hen installed, shall be maintained by the several departments. (h) It shall be the duty of the Comptroller and the heads of the sev¬ eral departments to balance all books affecting accounts and accounting once in each month. (i) All accounts, vouchers, bills and inventory records shall at all times be open for inspection by the public dur¬ ing business hours. (j) On the first of each month he shall make reports to the Council and to the Administrative Board of the condition of the financial affairs of the city and shall report as much oftener as may be required by either the Council or Administrative Board, and he shall make an annual report covering in detail the receipts, ex¬ penditures and financial condition of the city. (k) He shall perform such other duties not in cohflict herewith as shall be required of him by this Charter or by the Council. Until such time as a uniform system of accounting is adopted by the state, the Comptroller shall install and maintain a system of accounting subject to the approval of the Administrative Board. (l) He shall also have the same powers and perform the same duties as in this section specified, in regard to the financial affairs of the Board of Education. (m) He shall receive an annual salary of not less than $2,500. (n) He may designate an employe of his office as his deputy, who shall perform all the duties of said Comp¬ troller in case of his actual disability or absence from the city. City Clerk—Powers and Duties— Salary. Sec. 10. (a) The City Clerk shall be the Clerk of the Council and of the Administrative Board and attend all meetings thereof; he shall keep a Printed record of the proceedings of the Council and the record of the pro¬ ceedings of the Administrative Board. He shall also keep the corporate seal and shall affix the same to all instru¬ ments and documents requiring the seal and attest the same. (b) He is hereby authorized to ad¬ minister all oaths required to be ad¬ ministered under the provisions of this Charter, but shall receive no com¬ pensation therefor. (c) He shall perform such other duties as may be provided for in this Charter and as may be assigned to him by either the Council or Admin¬ istrative Board. (d) He shall receive an annual salary of not less than $2,500. (e) He may designate one or more employes in his office as his deputy or deputies, who shall perform all the duties of said City Clerk in case of his actual disability or absence from the city. General Managers—Powers and Duties —Salary. Sec. 11. The General Manager of each department shall have the super¬ vision and control of the affairs and property belonging to such depart¬ ment, except as otherwise provided in this Charter, and subject to the con¬ trol and supervision of the Administra¬ tive Board. He shall employ the sev¬ eral employes in his department ac¬ cording to Civil Service regulations, and may employ and discharge, or delegate to any subordinate the power to employ or discharge such minor employes and day laborers in his de¬ partment as shall not come under Civil Service regulations. Each Gen¬ eral Manager shall take a complete inventory of all the property under the control of his department at the end of each fiscal year and file the same in his office. He shall give to the Comptroller a copy thereof and shall check and correct the same with the Comptroller as may be required by said Comptroller. The salaries of the General Managers shall not be less than three thousand dollars per annum: Provided, how¬ ever, the Council shall have power to increase but not to diminish the sal¬ ary of any General Manager, while in office. Department of Public Works. Sec. 12. (a) The Department of Public Works' shall have the general supervision, management and control, subject to the other provisions of this Charter, of the water works property and service, electric lighting property and service, streets, sewers, flood pro¬ tection. sidewalks, bridges, conduits and other public places. It shall es¬ tablish, fix and maintain all grade lines for street, sidewalk and other purposes. It shall also have the same supervision and control of any other public utilities which the city may hereafter acquire. (b) The General Manager of this department shall appoint, subject to confirmation by a majority vote of the Administrative Board, a City Engineer from persons certified by the Civil Service Commission as eligible under its rules, to hold office during good behavior and efficient service and un¬ til he shall resign or be removed in 0 ‘> accordance with the Civil Service rules and regulations in this Charter pro¬ vided. The Administrative Board may call upon said Engineer to do work for any department. (c) The income from the water works property and service, except as hereinafter provided, may be used by the Administrative Board in the operation, maintenance and extension of said property and service. Department of Health and Safety. Sec. 13. The Department of Health and Safety shall have general super¬ vision, management and control, sub¬ ject to the other provisions of this Charter, of the police and Are pro¬ tection service, health, city hospitals, sanitation and garbage disposal. The General IManager of this department shall appoint, subject to confirmation by a majority vote of the Administra¬ tive Board, the following employes, which appointments shall be made from persons certified by the Civil Service Commission as eligible under its rules. A Superintendent of Police, a Fire Marshal, a Health Officer, each of whom shall hold office during good behavior and efficient service, and until he shall resign or be removed in accordance with the. Civil Service rules and regulations in this Charter provided; Provided, such Health Officer shall be a registered physician in good standing and of not less than five years’ actual practice. The Council shall provide by ordi¬ nance for a system of gas inspection, plumbing inspection, building inspec¬ tion, smoke inspection, electric inspec- ton. milk and food inspection, inspec¬ tion bf weights and measures, and may provide for a system of inspection of other conditions and matters in its discretion, and it shall be the duty of the Administrative Board to execute such ordinance and to provide the necessary officers or heads of the spe¬ cial departments to make the same effective. Any employe or other person desig¬ nated as such officer to take charge of any such system or sub-department shall be appointed by the General Manager of this department, subject to confirmation by a majority vote of the Administrative Board, which ap¬ pointment shall be made from persons certified by the Civil Service Commis¬ sion as eligible under its rules to hold office during good behavior and effi¬ cient service and until they shall re¬ sign or be removed in accordance with the Civil Service rules and regulations in this Charter provided. Department of Ihirks and Public Prop¬ erty. Sec. 14. The Department of Parks and Public Property shall have general supervision, management and control, subject to the other provisions of this Charter, of the parks, playgrounds, trees, plants and shrubbery in the city streets, boulevards and alleys; of the cemeteries, public property over which supervision is not otherwise granted herein, market and public buildings; and the care of the streets and alleys between the curb and the lot line, ex¬ cept sidewalks. The General Manager of this depart¬ ment shall appoint, subject to con¬ firmation by a majority _vote of the Administrative Board, the following employes, which appointments shall be made from persons certified by the Civil Service Commission as eligi¬ ble under its rules. (a) A Superintendent or Superin¬ tendents of Parks, Playgrounds and Cemeteries, who shall hold office dur¬ ing good behavior and efficient service, and until he or they shall resign or be removed in accordance with the Civil Service rules and regulations in this Charter provided. (b) A Superintendent of Market, w'ho shall hold office during good be¬ havior and efficient service and until he shall resign or be removed in ac¬ cordance with the Civil Service rules and regulations in this Charter pro¬ vided. Department of Finance and Revenue. Sec. 15. (a) The Department of Finance and Revenue shall have su¬ pervision, management and control, subject to the other provisions of this Charter, over all matters of finance, collection of revenues, pay¬ ment of obligations, keeping such books of account as shall be pre¬ scribed by the Comptroller in accord¬ ance with the system of accounting established as in this Charter pro¬ vided. The General Manager of this de¬ partment shall designate an employe of his department to act as Deputy City Treasurer, who shall perform all the duties of Treasurer in case of his actual disability or absence from^ the city. (b) Except as in this Charter pro¬ vided or by law authorized, the City Treasurer shall not lend to or deposit with any bank, banker, person or corporation, nor use, pay out nor al¬ low to pass out of his custody the moneys received by him as such Treasurer, or an>’ part thereof. (c) The General Manager of this department, as treasurer of the city, shall be the sole money receiving and disbursing officer of the corpora¬ tion and of its officers, agents and of its boards, including the Board of Education, (d; School moneys shall be used 23 for school purposes only and shall not be transferred by the Council to any other fund. Except as provided in this Charter the City Treasurer, in respect to the moneys received by him, shall perform all duties and be subject to all the obligations and liabilities that now or hereafter may be by law imposed upon the Township Treasurers of the State in respect to the keeping and paying out of moneys collected for school purposes. Commission of General Welfare. Sec. 16. (a) It shall be the duty of the Mayor to appoint a Commis¬ sion of General Welfare, consisting of three members and also the Mayor as ex-officio member with power to vote. The terms of office of the members of such Commission shall be three years and their appointment shall be so arranged that one mem¬ ber thereof shall retire each year. In making the first appointments to such Commission, the Mayor shall appoint one member to hold office for one year, one member to hold office for two years, and one member to hold office for three years. Women shall be eligible to appointment on this Commission. (b) Said Commission subject to the general laws of this state shall be vested with the entire charge and care of the public charities of the city, and the care of poor persons en¬ titled to relief by the city, and shall have the same powers and authority as Supervisors acting as Directors of the Poor in townships of the state, where the poor are cared for under what is known as the township sys¬ tem; Provided, that said Commission may ado^t such plans and system in the administration of the charities of the city as it may deem adapted to secure the greatest efficiency in the care and relief of the poor: Pro¬ vided, further that said Commission shall be charged with the duty of gathering statistics bearing upon the question of poverty and, with the ap- yroval of the Council, of establishing special departments dealing with the problems relating to the question of poverty, such as the housing prob¬ lem, the unemployed, child labor, provident loans and such other work tention of city officials and employes who shall be in office at the time of the adoption of this Charter and who come within the classified service. After the first certification of reten- ^ tion, all such officials and employes shall come under the provisions of this Charter. TITIjE IX. GENERAL TAXATION. Subjects of Taxation Same as General Law. Sec. 1. The subjects of taxation for general municipal purposes shall be the same as foi state, county and school purposes under the general law. Assessors to Make and Complete As¬ sessment Rolls—Powers and Duties. Sec. 2. The Assessors shall make and complete an assessment roll of all of the taxable property in each of the wards of the city at the time and in the manner and form provided in the general tax law and upon such roll shall assess at its true cash valutj all real and personal property sub¬ ject to taxation by the laws of the state. They shall possess all the powers vested in and be charged with all the duties imposed upon assessing officers by the general tax laws of the state. Assessors—Notice to Taxpayers as to Examinations and Correction of Assesment Roll—Return of Roll to Council. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Assessors to cause to be published in two newspapers in said city, for ten days, commencing thirty days prior to the first meeting of the Board of Re¬ view on said roll, in each year, no¬ tice to the taxpayers that the assess¬ ment roll will be open for inspection and that said Assessors will be in their office in the City Hall to hear complaints upon the assessments in said roll, for ten days, beginning twenty days prior to said first meet¬ ing of the Board of Review, and that any person considering himself ag¬ grieved by reason of any such assess¬ ment, may make complaint thereof to said Assessors. The said Assessors at such time shall reviev/ the assess¬ ments complained of, and may alter or correct the same as to persons charged thereby, the property de¬ scribed therein and the estimated val¬ ue. thereof. After having com¬ pleted the review and correction of said assessment roll, the said Asses¬ sors shall sign the same and add thereto their certificate that the same has been duly completed. Before the dale provided for the first meeting of the Board of. Review, by State law, said Assessors shall return said assessment roll to the Council: Pro¬ vided, that in the publication above provided for, the Assessors shall des¬ ignate the particular days and dates on which said assessn;ent roll is open to the public for exauiimii ion. Board of Review—Council to Con¬ stitute. Sec. 4. After receiving said as¬ sessment roll from the Assessois, the Council shall act thereon as a Board of Review and, as such, shall have the powers vested in and be charged with the duties imposed upon Boards of Review in townships or as in this Charter otherwise provided. It shall meet in the Council chamber on the dates and at the times designated in the State law for the meeting of such Township Boards of Review, and at its second meeting may continue in session from day to day, not exceed¬ ing five days, until such review is completed. Increased or Additional Assessment— Notice Of. Sec. 5. After the first meeting of the Board of Review, no assessment shall be increased or property added to said assessment roll, except on written or printed, or partly written and partly printed, notice to the per¬ son to be directly affected thereby. Such notice, in case of a resident of said city, shall be served either per¬ sonally upon him or by leaving the same at his place of abode with some suitable person of proper age and dis¬ cretion, at least two days before such action is taken thereon by said Coun¬ cil acting as a Board of Review: Provided, that in case of a non-resi¬ dent of said city, or in case, service cannot be made upon a resident in the manner above provided, such no¬ tice shall be published in two news¬ papers of said city at least two days before any action is taken by such Council acting as such Board of Re¬ view. City Clerk to Keep Records of Board of Review, and Deliver Roll to As¬ sessor.?. Sec. 6. The City Clerk shall be the Clerk of the Council acting as such Board of Review; keep the records of its sessions and proceedings, and af¬ ter the review has been completed and the roll endorsed and signed as provided by the General Tax Law of the State it shall be his duty at once to redeliver said assessment roll to said Assessors. Meeting; of Board of Review—Notice of—Apportionment Among; Wards. Sec. 7. The Council shall provide for the giving of notice to the public of the time and place of meeting of the Board of Review. The Council shall provide, in case any assessment roll is divided into separate rolls for each ward of the city, for a proper apportionment of any tax to be spread thereon among the several wards of the city. A.sscssmcnt Roll—What to Contain— How Collected. Sec. 8. After the Board of Review shall have approved such assessment 38 roll, the Assessors shall spread there¬ on the amount of state and county- taxes, and the same shall be levied, collected, accounted for and returned at the time and in the manner pro¬ vided by the general tax laws of the state. The City Treasurer in such case shall act in the same capacity as Township Treasurers under the State law; and he or his employes shall be in the City Treasurer’s office at all hours between eight a. m. and five p. m. of every week day, not a legal holiday, for the purpose of receiving taxes. City and School Taxes—How Spread —City Tax Roll. Sec. 9. The city and school taxes shall be spread and levied upon a separate roll, which shall be known as the “City tax roll,’’ and be a du¬ plicate or copy, either manifold or otherwise, of the assessment roll pre¬ pared for state and county taxation, after the same has been reviewed but before the taxes have been spread thereon. City and School Taxes—Council’s Duty in Regard Thereto. Sec. 10. The Council shall fix the time within which such City Tax Roll shall b^ prepared and the taxes ex¬ tended thereon, and shall provide a uniform system for the time, method and notice of the levy and collection of such taxes, the accounting there¬ for, the return, advertisement, sale and conveyance of lands for delin¬ quent taxes, and the redemption thereof, together with the amount of collection fees, interest or penalty to be added. Taxes—When Become Lien. Sec. 11. Every tax levied upon the City Tax Roll shall become at once a debt to the city from the person to whom assessed, and from the date of the delivery of such roll to the Treas¬ urer for collection, such tax, together with all interest and charges, shall be and remain, until paid, a first lien upon the real property against which the same is assessed. All personal taxes shall become a lien upon all of the personal property of such per¬ sons so assessed from the same date, which shall take precedence of any sales, assignments, chattel mortgages, levies or other liens thereon executed or made after said date, except where such property is sold in the regular course of trade. Tax Sales—Conditions of. Sec. 12. All sales for taxes of any lands which have been bid in to the state at any tax sale, and upon which such bid or bids remain undischarged, shall be conditioned upon the pay¬ ment of the tax lien held by the state and the payment of all taxes then a lien upon the said land, and no purchase by the city at any such sale shall be made without the purchase of any tax lien held by the state. Judicial Decree Basis of Sale. Sec. 13. The system of sales of land for delinquent taxes prescribed by the Council sha.ll provide for a judicial decree as a basis of the sale. Unpaid Taxes—Return of. Sec. 14. The Council may provide by ordinance for the return of all un¬ paid taxes upon real property to the County Treasurer in the same manner and with like effect as returns by township treasurers, in which case the time and manner of sale, convey¬ ance, redemption and other pro¬ cedures shall be the same as for state and county taxes. Additional Bonds Required of Treas¬ urer. Sec. 15. Before any tax rolls are de¬ livered to the City Treasurer, the Council shall require him to give ad¬ ditional bonds in such form and amount and with such condition and sureties as it shall order and appprove. The City Treasurer shall give such additional bonds to the County of Kent as are required by law of town¬ ship treasurers. Such bonds shall be paid for by the city. Upon the giving of such bonds, the City Treasurer shall possess and exer¬ cise all of the powers, duties and functions with respect to the collec¬ tion and return of all taxes as are now or may be hereafter prescribed for township treasurers. He shall also perform such other duties with respect to the collection, return of taxes and sale of property for taxes, a.s may be imposed upon him by the Council. Procedure for Collection of City Taxes to Follow General Tax Law. Sec. 16. Except as otherwise pro¬ vided in this Charter, or any ordi¬ nance in pursuance thereof, the as¬ sessment of property taxable in the city, the review of assessments, the levy and. collection of taxes, the ac¬ counting for such taxes, the sale of property for unpaid taxes and the re¬ demption of property sold for taxes, shall be made and held at the same time. In the same manner and with like effect as is now or may be hereafter provided by law for the assessment of property, the review of assessment, the levy and collection of taxes, the sale of property for unpaid taxes and the redemption of property sold for taxes for state and county purposes. A City Officials to Have Like Powers and Duties as Township Offieers. Sec. 17. All the powers and duties of Supervisors, Township Treasurers and Township Clerks vested in or im¬ posed upon them by the general tax laws of the state, so far as they may be applicable under this Charter, are hereby vested in and imposed upon the Assessors, the City Treasurer and the City Comptroller, respectively. .Annual Tax—Clerk to Certify—As¬ sessors to Apportion. Sec. 18. After the Council shall have determined the amount of the annual tax to be raised, the City Clerk shall forthwith certify the same, un¬ der the seal of the city, to the Asses¬ sors. and it shall be the duty of the Assessors to apportion such amount among- the several wards of the city, according to the property valuation appearing upon such assessment rolls as approved by the Council, acting a hoard of Review. Making and Delivery of City Tax Rolls —Date of Collection. Sec. 19. Upon receipt of such cer¬ tificate from the City Clerk, it shall be the duty of the Assessors to make manifold or other copies of such rolls and to cause the amount of all taxes authorized to be assessed and collect¬ ed in each year to be ratably assessed upon the property therein described upon and according to the value thereof as assessed in said assessment rolls. Said assessment rolls shall be knowm as “The City Tax Rolls,” and shall show in separate columns the property assessed, the name of the person to whom assessed, the assessed value and the amount of the city, highway, school and other municipal taxes. Said rolls shall be completed, footed, balanced, signed, certified by the Assessors and delivered to the Treasurer of the city before the date fixed by the Council for the collection of such taxes, and the said Assessors, within the time aforesaid, shall annex their warrant to each of said city tax rolls, to be signed by the Assessors and directed to the Treasurer, com¬ manding him to collect from the per¬ sons named in said city tax rolls the taxes therein set forth, in accordance with the mandate of the law in rela¬ tion thereto, and take the receipt of the City Treasurer therefor. The As¬ sessors shall at the same time deliver to the Comptroller a statement show¬ ing the amount of the taxes assessed upon eacfi of said rolls, including school taxes, and the Comptroller shall make an entry thereof in the books of his office, and charge the gross amount thereof to the Treas¬ urer. Collection Fees to Be Collected by Treasurer and Paid to City. Sec. 20. All collection fees and charges which are now or may here¬ after be, by the general tax laws of the state, payable to the Township Treasurer to his own use, and all in¬ terest upon funds of the State, County and City received by the City Treas¬ urer shall be collected and paid by the City Treasurer to the city for its use. Ad\ertising of Rolls and Collection by Treasurer. Sec. 21. Upon receipt of any tax roll for state, county, school or city taxes, the Treasurer forthwith shall give notice thereof for at least ten successive days in two newspapers published and circulated in the city, which notice shall describe said tax roll, the general nature of the taxes thereon contained, and name the lo¬ cation of his office, the time when said taxes are due and payable, the days and hours of collection, the amount of penalty and when it will attach for non-payment. TITLE X. PUBLIC AND SPECIAL I3IPROVE- MENTS. Waters and Water Fronts—Power of City in Regard to. Sec. 1. The City of Grand Rapids shall have, and it is hereby given the power to use, control and regulate the streams, waters and water courses, natural or artificial, within its cor¬ porate limits, and to that end it may, (a) Deepen, widen, dock, cover wharf, alter or change the channels of such streams, waters and water courses, establish dock lines and pro¬ vide permanent flood protection by walls or otherwise; (b) Control and regulate the use of the beds, waters, chores and banks of such streams, waters and water courses so as to keep the same in safe, sanitary and proper condition as concerns health, satcty, utility and beauty. (c) Acquire by purchase, condemn¬ ation or otherwise the waters, beds, shores and banks of such streams, water,s and water courses, and to im¬ prove, use and maintain the same for such useful or ornamental purposes as may from time to time be deter¬ mined by the Council. 1*0wcr of City to Acquire and Dispose of IToperty. Sec. 2. The city, by a two-thirds vote of the Councilmen elected and subject to the provisions of this Char- 40 ter and the general laws, shall have the power to obtain by purchase or gift, or to otherwise acquire real es¬ tate or other private property within or without the city limits, and, when acquired, to hold, improve and prop¬ erly maintain the same for parks, playgrounds, cemeteries, streets, al¬ leys, driveways, boulevards, or for purposes, incident thereto, and for other uses or purposes within the scope of its powers heretofore or here¬ after granted, and it shall have the power to sell and dispose of such real estate or other property, subject to the same limitations and by the same vote of the Council. Plan of Streets and Alleys—Council May Adopt—Administrative Board May Execute. Sec. 3. The Council shall have power to adopt, and the Administra¬ tive Board shall have power to exe¬ cute, a plan of streets and alleys with¬ in the city limits and for a distance of not more than three miles beyond' its limits, or for such other distance be¬ yond the limits as may be hereafter authorized by law; and to that end all plats shall be submitted to and ap¬ proved by the Administrative Board before they are filed for record. Sewers—Right to Extend Beyond City Limits. Sec. 4. The city shall have the right to extend sewers beyond the city lim¬ its, when necessary for better sanita¬ tion or drainage. Grade Crossings—Separation of. Sec. 5. The city, by ordinance, shall provide for a general plan of separa¬ tion of streets from the railroads and street railways at grade crossings within said city and for the execution of the same under and by the Admin¬ istrative Board and the proper depart¬ ment thereof. Power and Duty of Council as to Pub¬ lic Works—Public and Special Im¬ provements. Sec. 6. The Council shall (a) Determine the necessity for and order all public works and public and special improvements by a vote of five-sixths of the Council elected, ex¬ cept where street improvements and sewer extensions are ordered by the Administrative Board upon petition, and shall make the requisite appro¬ priation and provide for securing the necessary funds therefor. (b) Declare the same to be a nec¬ essary public improvement at the next regular session after the Administra¬ tive Board shall have ordered any street improvement or sewer exten¬ sion. (c) Provide by general ordinance the method of petitioning the Admin¬ istrative Board for the ordering of any street improvement or sewer ex¬ tension. (d) Determine the character of the improvement in the cases in which it orders the improvement, and deter¬ mine and fix the district over which the assessment to pay the cost of any public or special improvement shall be levied and the amount, if any, of the cost of such public or special im¬ provement which shall be spread up¬ on the city at large. (e) Specify, at the time of declar¬ ing the necessity of any public or spe¬ cial improvement, whether the cost of the same shall in the first instance be met by issuing the bonds of the city therefor in anticipation of the collection of the assessment to defray the expense thereof, and in such case authorize the issuing of such bonds. Special Improvements — Administra¬ tive Board May Order Upon Peti¬ tion. Sec. 7. The authority to order street improvements and sewer extensions, when petitioned for by property own¬ ers owning a majority of the street frontage to be affected by the im¬ provement, and the fixing in such cases of the character of the improve¬ ments to be ordered, is vested in the Administrative Board: Provided, that when the character of the pavement for any such street improvement shall be named in any such petition signed by property owners owning not less than two-thirds of the street frontage affected thereby, that the Administra¬ tive Board, if it order such improve¬ ment to be made, shall specify pave¬ ment of the character named in such petition. Ad",ertising Bids, Letting Contracts— Supervising Public Works and Im¬ provements—Declared to Be Ad¬ ministrative Functions. Sec. 8. The estimating of the cost, advertising for bids, letting and mak¬ ing of contracts, the carrying on, su¬ pervision and approval of the work upon or for any public work or public or special improvement are hereby declared to be administrative func¬ tions and vested in the Administrative Board: Provided, that in case of any contract involving the expenditure of ten thousand dollars or more, let and approved by less than an unanimous vote of the Administrative Board, the same shall be reported to the Council at its next meeting, and, if disap¬ proved by the Council at the same or the next subsequent meeting, shall not take effect. % Special Improvements — Assessment Districts—Notice of. Sec. 9. Before any special improve¬ ment is ordered or declared to be necessarj^, and before any special as¬ sessment district is fixed, the Council or Administrative Board, as the case may be, shall give notice and an op¬ portunity to be heard thereon to all persons liable to be assessed therefor. Such notice shall be given in such form and manner as the Council by or¬ dinance shall prescribe: Provided, that notice by publication shall be deemed sufficient. Special Improvement Bonds—Amount and Payment of. Sec. 10. The aggregate amount to be borrowed in any one year for the purposes of special improvements shall not exceed two-fifths of one per cent of the assessed valuation of the city, according to the last preceding city tax roll: Provided, that the total amount of bonds authorized to be is¬ sued for such purpose and outstanding at any one time shall not exceed one and one-quarter per cent of the total assessed valuation of the city accord¬ ing to the last preceding city tax roll. Said bonds shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding five per cent per annum and shall be made payable in equal yearly amounts for a period of not exceeding five years from the date of issue. Such bonds shall be sold for not less than par, and the proceeds of the same shall be paid to the Treas¬ urer, by him to be placed to the credit of the particular improvement fund for which issued. Said bonds shall be the general obligation of the city and shall be paid at or before maturity, and shall not be reissued or refunded, and any avails thereof shall be used o’^ly to defray the expense of the special improvement for which they were issued. When and as collected the install¬ ments of the tax roll for the special Improvement, together with the ac¬ crued interest thereon, shall be paid by the Treasurer into the Sinking F^nd, the same to be credited to the proper special improvement, and to be used only to retire the bonds issued on account of such improvement and to pay the interest thereon. Special As.sessments—Rolls—Notice of Comp’etion—Inspection and Appeal —Separation of Assessment Rolls. Sec. 11. The Council shall cause to be transmitted to the Assessors a map of the district fixed by it, and a state¬ ment of what part of the cost of any improvement Is to be spread upon the city at large, and the Administrative Board shall transmit to the Assessors such facts as they may have and are necessary to make a proper assess¬ ment; and thereupon the Assessors shall prepare an assessment roll which shall contain the names of the owners and the description of the several par¬ cels of property in the district fixed by the Council to be assessed for such improvement, and upon such roll or against each of such descriptions the Assessors shall spread and levy the cost of such improvement, in whole or in part, as the Council may determine, in proportion, as near as may be, to the advantages which each such parcel shall be deemed to be benefited by the making of such im¬ provement. After the assessment roll is completed, the Assessors shall give notice to all persons assessed thereon, in such manner as tne Council rnay provide, by publication or otherwise, of the completion of such roll, that the same will be open for ten days for public inspection and for correction by said Assessors, and of the time and place of the meeting of the Board of Review on such roll. Immediately after the expiration of said ten days such corrected roll shall be signed by said Assessors or a majority of them, and returned forthwith to the Council. Assessment rolls for sewer purposes, as well as bond issues therefor, shall be kept separate and distinct from street improvement rolls and bonds. The exemption of any property from general taxation shall not amount to an exemption of such property from taxation for special improvements un¬ der this Title. Council—Board of Review—Hearing of Appeals. Sec. 12. At its next regular session after the receipt of such roll from the Assessors, the Council shall act there¬ on as a Board of Review, anfi shall continue to act at such other times as may be necessary and as it may designate. Any person may appeal in writing to the Council acting as such Board of Review at any time prior to the opening of its first session as such Board of Review. The Council as such Board shall have the power to correct or change the whole or any part of such roll or to return it to the As¬ sessors for re-assessment, in which latter case it shall take the same course as an original roll. The roll as finally corrected and reviewed shall be ratified and confirmed by the Council and delivered by its Clerk to the Treasurer for collection, with proper warrant for such purpose attached thereto, signed by the President of the Council, and attested in due form by the Clerk. 42 liiens, Return and Sale of Delinquent Proi)crty, etc.—Council by Ordi- ance to Provide for. Sec. 13. The CounciL by general or¬ dinance shall make the necessary pro¬ visions for carrying this Title into effect, including the time within which such rolls shall be prepared by the Assessors, the method of transferring such rolls from one office or depart¬ ment to another, the notice, time, place and manner of payment of assess¬ ments and the return of surplus, if any. It shall fix a uniform rate of in¬ terest on deferred installments, the time at which any such assessment shall become a lien upon the property assessed and the penalty for non-pay¬ ment, and shall make provision for the return, sale and conveyance of any property delinquent for non-payment thereof, and for the redemption of said property after sale. Supplenirntal Roll. Sec. 14. The Council may provide for th'- spreading of an additional as¬ sessment for any public or special improvement, in case it determines that the former assessment or assess¬ ments will not produce sufficient funds to pay for sucn Improvement. Such additional assessment shall be spread upon a supplemental roll which shall conform so far as possible to the original roll for such improvement, and shall be made, reviewed, deliv¬ ered, collected, accountea for and re¬ turned in the same manner as the or¬ iginal roll, and all sales and redemp¬ tion of property therein describee shall be made in the same manner as the sales and redemption upon said original roll. Acquiriiio- Private Property for Public Use—Right of Condemnation, etc. Sec. 15. The Council shall by or¬ dinance provide for acquiring, by con¬ demnation proceedings in a court of competent jurisdiction under the gen¬ eral laws of the state, or otherwise, such private property and rights as may be required for any public works, public or special improvement, or for any other use or purpose within the scope of its powers heretofore or hereafter granted: Provided, that until the passage of a valid ordinance for that purpose, the right of eminent domain for such purpose may be ex¬ ercised by the city in the manner pro¬ vided for in Sections 3392 to 3415, in¬ clusive, of the Compiled Laws of 1897, as amended or supplemented, or any other general law which, so far as the same may be applicable, is hereby adopted and made the law of the city for such nurposes. Cost of Condemned Property to be Added. Sec. 16. Whenever any property is purchased by condemnation or other¬ wise for the purpose of any special improv'^ment, the cost thereof shall be added to the cost of such special im¬ provement levied upon the property benefited thereby, and collected ac¬ cordingly. Delinquent Taxes—Safi s of Property For; Decree as Basis of Sale; Pay¬ ment of State and City Tax Liens. Sec. 17. The sale of any property ^ on account of the non-payment of any special assessment levied against it,, shall be made only upon decree there¬ for of some court of competent juris¬ diction, upon petition praying for such decree filed by the Treasurer in form and manner advised by the City At¬ torney, who shall conduct such pro¬ ceedings to a final hearing. Due no¬ tice of the pendency of such petition shall be given to all persons interested in any property to be affected in such decree in like form and manner as is provided for notice of like proceedings under the general tax laws of this state, and such sale so decreed may include property which has been as¬ sessed for any public or special im¬ provement, whether made after or be¬ fore this Charter goes into effect, and against which property there is any unpaid assessment which has become a lien: Provided, that no sales of any property for any such assessments upon which the state or the city holds a tax lien shall be made to any person without the payment of all such tax liens nor to the city without the pay¬ ment or purchase of the tax liens held by the state. Assessments Against Railroad Fropert.v —Who Liable for—How LiAicd and Collected. Sec. • 18. All freight houses, road beds, rights of way and other prem¬ ises or property belonging to any steam, electric or street railroad or corporation, within the corporate lim- ■» its of the city, which are necessarily used in the operations, under the re¬ spective fi’anchises, or of the owners of said railroads, and the person, cor¬ poration or company owning the same « shall be liable for all valid unpaid as¬ sessments for public improvements hereafter made within the city and assessed against such property. As¬ sessments of such property shall be made in the same manner as that of other property, for special improve¬ ments under this Charter, and the as¬ sessment roll therefor shall be prima facie evidence in any court of the reg¬ ularity of all proceedings up to and including such assessment and the making of said roll. •Cost of Improvement to Include Cost of Estimate. Plans, Etc. Sec. 19. The cost of public and spe¬ cial improvements for which a special assessment roll shall be made shall in¬ clude the cost and expense of making estimates, plans and assessments inci¬ dental thereto. Persons Contributing Lands for Streets —Council May Relieve From Assess¬ ment. Sec. 20. In any case where the owner of property liable to be assessed to pay the cost of a street opening has contributed thereto a portion of the street, the Council may relieve such person from paying an assessment for the purchase or condemnation price of a like portion opposite that so con¬ tributed. Sewer Extension.s—-to be Construed. Sec. 21. The term “sewer exten¬ sions” shall be construed to mean the construction of new sewers and the reconstruction or changing in any material way of existing sewers. TITLE XI. CITY BONDS—EXCEPT STREET AND SEWER. Public Improvement Bonds—When and Row Issued—Vote of Electors. Sec. 1. For the purpose of making public improvements, other than street and sewer improvements, or for any other purpose within the scope of its powers, the Council may borrow, on the faith of the city, such sum or sums of money as it may deem ex¬ pedient; for a term of not exceeding twenty years at a rate not exceeding 5 per cent per annum; and it may is¬ sue the bonds of the city therefor. The avails thereof shall be used for the purpose for which fhe same were is¬ sued and for no other purpose. But any such bonded indebtedness against the city shall be void unless approved by three-fifths of the quali¬ fied electors of the city voting there¬ on: Provided further, that bonds is¬ sued for the purpose of renewal of former bonds or loans, bonds issued to raise money for the current expenses of the city, authorized by this Charter, street and sewer improvement bonds, school bonds and emergency bonds for the purposes and within the limits enumerated in Sub. b of Sec. 4 of Act No. 279 of Public Acts of 1909 or any amendment thereof, shall be valid without such approval. Bonds for Ciirrt'ni Expoiise.s. Sec. 2. For the purpose of paying that portion of the expenses and lia¬ bilities of the city for the current year which the revenues thereof shall not be sufficient to meet the Council may issue the bonds of the city for a period not longer than one year, in such form and for such sum as it shall di¬ rect, not exceeding fifty thousand dol¬ lars in any one year, at a rate of in¬ terest not exceding five per cent per annum, to be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the Comptroller, and with the seal of the city affixed there¬ to. Such bonds shall be disposed of un¬ der the direction of the Council, and upon such terms as it shall deem ad¬ visable, but for not less than their par value, and the avails thereof shall be applied only to the purposes mentioned in this section. The amount so borrowed shall be assessed and col¬ lected in the general assessment roll for the ensuing year. Emergency Ronds, Sec. 3. In case of fire, flood or other calamity, the Council may borrow for the relief of the inhabitants of the city or for the preservation of municipal property, a sum not to exceed one- fourth of one per cent of the assessed value of all real and personal property in the city, and issue bonds therefor due in not more than three years. TITLE XII. BOARD OF SINKING FUND COM¬ MISSIONERS. 31embei's of Board. Sec. 1. The Mayor, Comptroller, Clerk. Treasurer and the President of the Council, together with two electors who shall be citizens and free-holders of said city and be appointed by the Mayor, on the first Monday in May after his election, or as soon there¬ after as practicable, and each of whom shall hold office for two years, shall act cs a Board of Sinking Fund Com¬ missioners, without compensation. Powers and Duties of Board. Sec. 2. The Board of Sinking Fund Commissioners, from time to time, and upon terms satisfactory to it, shall purchase or pay the bonded indebted¬ ness of the City or such part thereof as it may be able so to do. Whenever said board is not able to purchase or pay said debt, or any part thereof, it may invest temporarily by unanimous vote to be recorded in its minutes, any moneys in such Sink'ng Fund in ir terest bearing municipal bonds or in other bonds or securities which consti¬ tute a legal investment for savings banks in the State. All bonds and evi¬ dences of debt so purchased shall be delivered to the Treasurer and shall become and be the property of the 44 city, and be held and controlled by said Board of Sinking Fund Commis¬ sioners. The interest on such bonds and evidences of debt shall be cred¬ ited and belong to said Sinking Fund. The Treasurer shall endorse upon the back of all bonds so purchased by the Sinking Fund Commissioners the following: “Registered bonds not transferable without the written con¬ sent of the Mayor. Comptroller and Treasurer endorsed hereon.” Such bonds shctll be transferred and sold only under the direction of the Board of Sinking Fund Commissioners. In making temporary investments of the moneys of the Sinking Fund the said Board shall give preference to bonds of this city, but may sell such bonds and apply the proceeds thereof to the purchase or to the payment of other bonds of this city, whenever such ac¬ tion is deemed advisable. Whenever the Council shall transfer funds to said Sinking Fund for temporary invest¬ ment, the same shall be invested by said Commissioners by loan or pur¬ chase of the bonds of said city, and not otherwise. Board to Have Control of Sinking Fund, Etc. Sec. 3. The Board of Sinking Fund Commissioners shall have exclusive control of the moneys of the Sinking Fund, and whenever possible and when it may appear to the city’s interest, shall faithfully apply the same to the payment of the principal and interest of the bonded indebtedness of this city, and to no other purpose whatso¬ ever, except as herein otherwise pro¬ vided. The Board may invest, tem¬ porarily. any portion of the Sinking Fund in so-called street improvement bonds of the city, but no. portion of the Sinking Fund shall be applied to the payment of any of such bonds. l^Ieetings of Hoard—Yea and Nay Vote —City Clerk to be Clerk of Board and Keep Record. Sec. 4. The Board of Sinking Fund Commissioners shajl meet at such times as it may determine, for the transaction of business, and it may adopt rules of procedure for its meet¬ ings. A majority of the whole Board shall be a quorum for the transaction of business. It shall not purchase or pay the outstanding debt of said city, or invest any of the moneys belonging to the Sinking Fund, except under a resolution for such purpose passed and approved by a five-sevenths vote of the whole Board, by a yea and nay vote, entered of record at a regular meeting, or at a special meeting called for that purpose. The Mayor of said city, or in case of his absence, some member to be designated by those present, shall preside at the meeting of said Board. The City Clerk shall be the Clerk of said Board, and it shall be his duty to keep and preserve on file in his office a true record of all meetings of said Board. Treasurer to Have Custody of All Moneys. Etc. Funds—How Paid Out. Sec. 5.—The Treasurer shall have custody of all moneys, securities and evidences of debt belonging or apper¬ taining to the Sinking Fund. He shall pay out the moneys of said fund only by order of the Board of Sinking Fund Commissioners, on a five-sevenths vote of the members thereof, and upon the warrant of the Comptroller, counter¬ signed by the Mayor and Treasurer. The official bond of the City Treasurer shall cover any and all funds in his hands or under his control belonging to the Sinking Fund. When not invested the money con¬ stituting the Sinking Fund shall be kept in an approved depositary to be withdrawn only upon checks counter¬ signed by the Comptroller, Mayor and Treasurer. Bond of Treasurer’s Depositary. Sec. 6. Such Board shall require proper and sufficient bonds from the person or institution in whose actual custody any of its money or property may be. Tax for Benefit of tlie Sinking Fund. Sec. 7. At least one-fifth of a mill on a dollar upon the assessed valua¬ tion of the real estate and personal property of the city shall be placed annually in said Sinking Fund, to be applied exclusively to the payment of the principal of the bonds of the city other than water bonds, school bonds and street and sewer improvement bonds. Freniium.s and Interest to Go to Sink¬ ing und. Sec. 8. Whenever any bonds of the city shall be sold for more than par value thereof, all of the premiums or amount received at such sale more than the face value of the bonds so sold, not including interest accrued upon such bonds that may be paid by the purchaser, shall be credited and belong to the Sinking Fund. All of the interest paid to the city, by the city depositary or other depositaries, or on account of any securities pur¬ chased for the Sinking Fund, shall be credited and belong to said Sinking Fund. Relative to Pavment of Water Bonds and Interest Thereon. Sec. 9.—From the gross income re¬ ceived from the sale of water fur- 45 nished by the city’s water works there shall be paid fifty (50) per cent there¬ of to the Board of Sinking Fund Com¬ missioners; Provided, that this per¬ centage may be temporarily increased by the unanimous vote of the entire A-dministrative Board. From such moneys so received said Board shall pay at maturity the current interest * of the water bonds issued by said city, and the remainder of said money shall be kept separate from other funds and invested by said Board under the limi¬ tations provided in this Title, for the i purpose of creating a special sinking fund, the moneys of which are to be applied to the payment, so far as pos¬ sible, of the principal of the so-called water bonds of said city. Sinkin?" Fund for Payment of School Bonds. Sec. 10. There shall be placed in the budget of the Board of Education of said city a sufficient amount to pay the interest upon the school bonds, and such amount for each year as may be recommended by the Board of Edu¬ cation on approval of the Council, or as may be determined to be necessary by the Council, to be paid to sa d Sinking Fund Commissioners to cre¬ ate a Sinking Fund to be applied to the payment of the principal of the bonded indebtedness of the Board of Education as the same matures. Cemetery Funds. Sec. 11.—There shall be paid to the Board of Sinking Fund Commission¬ ers fifteen per cent of the gross re¬ ceipts of the cemeteries of the city, other than the receipts for the per¬ petual care of lots in such cemeteries, and such further and other sums as may be determined upon from time to time by a majority vote of the Ad¬ ministrative Board, which moneys shall be invested by said Board of Sinking Fund Commissioners under the provisions of this Charter. A sep¬ arate account shall be kept of the funds of each cemetery and the earn¬ ings from these funds shall be ex- > pended only for the maintenance of such cemeteries. From the funds ac¬ cumulated from any cemetery here¬ after acquired, there may be taken and paid to the city an amount suf- f ficient to pay the principal and inter¬ est of any moneys advanced by the city for the purchase or improvement of such cemeterv. The interest on all such sums shall be expended for ceme¬ tery purposes or left with the Sinking Fund Commissioners to be added to such fund in the discretion of the Ad¬ ministrative Board. The moneys and property received by the city for the perpetual care of cemetery lots shall be placed in a .separate fund in care of said Board of Sinking Fund Com¬ missioners. and invested by said board under the limitations provided in this Title, the interest thereof to be used for the care of the lots on which such payments have been made, said Board to carry out the trust imposed on it by law. Investment of Other Funds—Improve¬ ment Bonds Preferred. Sec. 12. The Board of Sinking Fund Commissioners, subject to the approval of the Mayor, shall invest such other funds as shall be intrusted to it from time to time by the Council, and said funds shall in all respects be subject to the provisions of this Title. In the investment of such funds pref¬ erence shall be given to public im¬ provement bonds, to be repaid out of the first installment of bonds issued against the same. Such bonds shall be actually delivered to said Board of Sinking Fund Commissioners, or. in lieu thereof, temporary interest bear¬ ing bond certificates may be accepted, and said bonds shall be held until paid or until the same are sold with the balance of said issue to other pur¬ chasers. Power to Collect Bonds by Suit. Sec. 13. The Board of Sinking Fund Commissioners may adopt rules not in conflict with this Charter, and it is hereby authorized for the purpose of enforcing the collection of any bonds or securities taken by it. to bring suit in the name of the City of Grand Rapids in any court of com¬ petent jurisdiction. The City Attorney shall act for such Board. TITLE XIII. BOARD OF LIBRARY COMMIS¬ SIONERS. Term of Office. Sec. 1. At each annual election after the adoption of this Charter, one Library Commissioner shall be elected to hold office for five years and until his successor is elected and qualified. Notice of the election of such Com¬ missioners shall be given in the same manner as that of members of the Board of Education. Members of—Control of Library. Sec. 2. The five Library Commis¬ sioners so elected with the Superin¬ tendent of Schools, and their succes¬ sors, shall constitute the Board of Li¬ brary Commissioners of the City of Grand Rapids, the Superintendent of Schools having the same right to vote on any matter coming before the Board as the other members thereof. Such Board '■'-nil have the entire man- ngement and control of the Public Li¬ brary of said city being the District Library, and of all property and as- sets belonging thereto, real or per¬ sonal, the title to which is now vested in the Board of Education, and which is devoted to or intended for library purposes. Elections, Etc. Sec. 3. The election of members of said Board shall be upon the same ballot and in the same box as the elec¬ tion of the members of the Board of Education. All persons eligible to vote for school officers shall be eligible to vote for Library Commissioners. The result of the vote shall be canvassed and declared in the same manner as in the case of city officers. Except as herein otherwise 'provided, the election of Library Commissioners shall be governed by the same rules as the election of members of the Board of Education. Wlio Eligible to Election as Library Commissioner. Sec. 4. Any qualified voter at school elections in the city shall be eligible to election as Library Com¬ missioner. Nominations shall _ be made in the same manner as nomina¬ tions for members of the Board of Education, and nominating petitions Shan be signed by not less than one hundred qualified school electors. Vacancies. Sec. 5.—In case of the death, resig¬ nation or rem.oval from the city of any Commissioner, his position shall be¬ come vacant and the vacancy shall be filled by election by the remainder of the Board, but for a term continuing only until the next election for Li¬ brary Commissioners, at which time his successor for the unexpired term shall be nominated and elected in the manner herein provided. Members to Serve Without Compensa¬ tion—Organization of Board—City Treasurer Custodian of Funds—Al¬ lowance of Bills. Sec. 6. No member of such Board shall receive any compensation for his services in connection therewith. An¬ nually on the first Monday of May the Board shall organize by electing one of its members President and one of its members Secretary. The City Treasurer of the City of Grand Rap¬ ids shall hold the funds of said Li¬ brary Commission, and all bills in¬ curred by it shall be allowed by said Board and certified by it to the City Comptroller to be audited by him and paid from the Library Fund. Librarian, Etc. — Employment, Sal¬ aries. Sec. 7. The Board may employ in its management of said library such Librarian, assistants, janitors and other employes or workmen as it may determine and fix their salaries: Provided, however, that such Li- rarian and employes shall be appoint¬ ed from persons certified by the Civil Service Commission as eligible under its rules and shall hold office during good behavior and efficient service or until they shall resign or be removed in accordance with the Civil Service rules and regulations in this Charter provided. It may purchase such books, charts, maps, and apparatus for the use of the library as it may find necessary, and may do every act and thing necessary to maintain the library building and grounds and in¬ crease the usefulness of such library. For this purpose it may estab¬ lish and, from time to time alter, amend or repeal rules and regulations in any manner not inconsistent with this Title. Fines and Penalties to Go to Library. Sec. 8. All fines and penalties which by law are devoted to library purposes and which now by law are paid to the Board of Education for such purposes, shall instead thereof be paid into the City Treasury for the purposes of the Board created by this Title. Gifts to Board for Library. Sec. 9. Said Board of Library Commissioners is hereby authorized to receive gifts, devises or bequests of real or personal estate, as trustees for the Board of Education, for the library or any matters connected therewith, and the said Board is here¬ by authorized to carry out in connec¬ tion with any such gifts any trust or trust conditions that may be at¬ tached thereto, in the same manner as any other trustee. All such gifts, de¬ vises or bequests for the benefit of the said library, shall be subject to the same control and management by the said Board of Library Commis¬ sioners as the original library com¬ mitted to its care. Funds for Support of Library. Sec. 10. There shall be placed in the budget annually for the support of the library and the running ex¬ penses thereof, two-fifths of a mill on a dollar of the assessed value of the property of the City of Grand Rap¬ ids, and such further sum as may be determined by the Council in making up its budget from year to year. The Council may provide from time to time temporary funds for the purpose of such Board, in such manner and in such amount as it determines to be necessary. Enforcement of Rights, etc. Sec. 11. Whenever necessary for the enforcement of the powers, rights 47 and privileges conferred upon said Board, it may in the name of the City of Grand Rapids institute in any court of competent jurisdiction an ac¬ tion at law or equity to protect the property placed in its charge, or to enforce the powers, rights and priv¬ ileges hereby given to such Board, and shall be represented therein by ^ the City Attorney of said city. TITLE XIV. BOARD OF ART AND MUSEUM t COMMISSIONERS. Members—How Appointed—Term of. Sec. 1. There shall be a Board of Art and Museum Commissioners con¬ sisting of the Superintendent of Schools and five other persons, to be appointed by the Mayor, on the first Monday of May after his election, or as soon thereafter as practicable, one of whom may be a non-resident of the city. Women shall be eligible to serve upon this Board. In making the first appointment hereunder, the respective appointees shall be se¬ lected for such terms as may be nec¬ essary to constitute a Board wherein one member’s term shall expire at the end of one year, one at the end of two years, one at the end of three years, one at the end of four years, and one at the end of five years. The full term of each member of the Board thereafter appointed shall be five years. The Superintendent of Schools shall be ex-officio member of the Board and entitled to vote. Control of Property. Sec. 2. The Board shall have the management and control of the mu¬ seum, heretofore under the control of the Library Commissioners, and of all property and assets belonging thereto or intended to be used there¬ with, real or personal, and of all property belonging to the City or Board of Education intended for or devoted to art or an Art Gallery or similar pur¬ poses, and all property which shall ^ hereafter be purchased, donated, loaned, or otherwise belong to, or be used in connection with said Museum or Art Gallery. ^ Members to Serve Without Compen¬ sation—Organization of Board—City Treasurer Custodian of Funds— —Allowanee of Bills. Sec. 3. No member of such Board shall receive any compensation for his or her services in connection therewith. Annually on the first Monday in May, or as soon thereafter as practicable, the Board shall or¬ ganize by electing one of its members President and one of its members Sec¬ retary. The City Treasurer shall hold the funds of said Board and all bills incurred by it shall be allowed by said Board hnd certified to the "City Comp¬ troller to be audited by him. Superintendents, etc—Employment of —Salaries. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the Board to appoint and employ such Superintendent and other employes as the economical and efficient ser¬ vice of this department shall require, and to prescribe and fix their duties and compensation, subject to the ap¬ proval of the Council: Provided, however, that such Superintendents and employes shall be appointed from persons certified by the Civil Service Commission as eligible under its rules and shall hold office during good behavior and efficient service or until they shall resign or be re¬ moved in accordance with the Civil Service rules and regulations in this Charter provided. Gifts to Board. Sec. 5. Said Board is hereby au¬ thorized to receive loans, gifts, de¬ vises and bequests of property, both real and personal, as Trustees for the Board of Education or the City in connection with either said Museum or Art collection; and it may carry out any trust or trust conditions that may be attached to such loans, gifts, devises and bequests, in the same manner as might any other trustee: Provided, that in case of the gift or devise of real estate, it shall be ac¬ cepted only after the approval of the Council. All such additions to the property, either real or personal, shall be under the management and con¬ trol of the Board. Funds for Support. Sec. 6. There shall be placed in the budget annually to defray the ex¬ penses of conducting the Museum and Art Gallery, a sum which shall be annually appropriated by the Coun¬ cil. Enforcement of Rights. Sec. 7. If at any time it shall be¬ come necessary to institute or defend a suit or suits in any court, for en¬ forcing the rights, powers and priv¬ ileges of the said Board, or to protect the property placed in its charge, it may cause suit therefor to be brought and prosecuted in the name of either the City of. Grand Rapids or the Board of Education of the city. The City Attorney shall act for the Board. Title to Property—Holding and Man¬ aging Board. Sec. 8. The Board hereby created is intended to be a holding and inanag- 48 ing board and not to take title to any property except as trustee, either for the Board of Education or the City of Grand Rapids or other owner of the property. The title to all property now held by either the City or the Board of Education shall remain as now vested, and the equitable title to property hereafter received to be either in the City or the Board of Education as the gift, bequest or conveyance thereof shall determine. TITLE XV. HOUSE OF CORRECTION. Council 3Iay Provide for. Sec. 1. The Council, by ordinance may provide for the establishment and maintenance by the city of a house of correction. How Governed and Maintained. Sec. 2. Said institution when es¬ tablished shall conform to the general state law and be governed, conducted and maintained in the manner there¬ in provided, and when established the Council shall have the authority over such institution and over the appoint¬ ment and control of the officers and employes thereof, as is or shall be vested in it by Act 278 of the Public Acts of 1911, or any amendment thereof. Referendum. Sec. 3. The questions whether such institution shall be provided for and maintained in said city and of raising the necessary funds for instal¬ lation shall first be submitted to and approved by three-fifths of the quab ified electors of the city voting there¬ on, and upon such propositions women tax payers having the qualifi¬ cations of male electors shall be en¬ titled to vote. TITLE X\ I. LICENSES. Intoxicating Liquors—Places of Sale —Council May Regulate. Sec. 1. The Council shall have authority to restrain, license, and regulate saloons or other places where intoxicating, spirituous, malt, brewed, vinous, or fermented liquors are sold, furnished or given away, and to prescribe the location thereof. District Wherein Liquor May be Sold or Furnislied—Council to Fix. Sec. 2. The Council shall fix and prescribe by ordinance, from time to time the district within which sa¬ loons and bars where such liquors are furnished, sold at retail, or given away may be located; and no such district, after it has once been fixed, shall be extended except upon a three- fourths vote of the members of the Council elected. License Fees—Council to Fix. Sec. 3. The Council shall fix by or¬ dinance the city license fees that shall be charged and paid for the privilege of manufacture, sale or other disposi¬ tion, of any such liquors. License—Wlien and How Obtained. Sec. 4. No person shall engage in the business of manufacturing, selling at wholesale or retail or otherwise disposing of, any intoxicating, spirit¬ uous, malt, brewed, vinous, or fer¬ mented liquors until he shall , have first been granted a license therefor by a two-thirds vote of the members of the Council elected. Said license shall fix the location of such business. No license shall be issued to any such person for the manufacture, sale, or disposition of any such liquors un¬ til he shall have first complied with the state law and all city ordinances and until he shall have paid the state tax and all license fees provided for by ordinance. Every application for license shall be first filed with the Department of Health and Safety and by it shall be investigated and transmitted to the Council with the recommendation endorsed thereon of the Superintend¬ ent of Police. In case the recom¬ mendation of the Superintendent of Police be adverse to the granting of such license, such license shall not be granted except by a five-sixths vote of the members of the Council elected. Druggists, Who Soli According to I.aw, Not to Apply to. Sec. 5. Druggists who furnish liquors for medicinal, mechanical, scientific or sacramental purposes only and in strict compliance with law, shall not come within the provisions of the foregoing sections relating to saloons. Other Licenses—How Granted—Terms of. Sec. 6. No licen.se shall be granted for more than one year and before the issuance thereof the licensee shall execute a bond to the city in such pengl sum as the Council may pre- scrilDe, with one or more sureties con¬ ditioned for the faithful observance of this Charter and the ordinance.s and regulations of the Council of said city. All licenses shall terminate on the first day of May following their issuance. 49 TITLE XVn. CE3IETERIES. Cemeteries—Adinlnistrati\ie Board to Have Charge of. Survey, Make Sale of Lots, Improve and Regulate— Limitation as to Price of Certain I Sites and Lots. Sec. 1. The -Administrative Board shall have exclusive care, custody, and management of all cemetery property belonging to the city and shall have authority to adopt rules and regula¬ tions for the use of cemetery lots in any of the cemeteries of the city and for the care thereof. It may cause to be made suitable surveys and maps of all cemeteries and shall regulate the sales and prices of lots and in¬ terments therein, and shall make such improvements and regulations for the use and protection of such cemeteries as it may deem proper; Provided, there shall always be for sale, in some of the city cemeteries, single grave sites at not to exceed one dollar for sites under four feet in length and two dollars for sites four feet and over in length. The Council shall make an annual appropriation for care of such sites: Provided further, that there shall always be for sale in some of the city cemeteries family burial lots, containing one hundred and twenty square feet, at not to exceed thirty dollars, and containing two hundred and forty square feet at not to exceed fifty dollars. It may expend, for the care and improvements of the cemeteries, moneys received by it from the sale of lots and other sources of revenue, subject to the other provisions of this Charter. Board May Accept Trii.sts for Certain Purposes. Income—How Expended. Sec. 2. The said board is hereby authorized to accept from any person any conveyance, gift, bequest or de¬ vise, in trust for the use and purpose I of keeping in good order and repair any or all burial lots, monuments, vaulLs, tombs, graves and lot improve¬ ments as well as for the planting and care of flowers or shrubbery on such - lots or graves or any part thereof in ' the cemeteries or any part thereof under the charge and control of such board, but for no other use or purpose whatsoever. All funds in trust for such uses or purposes shall pass to and be held by the Board of Sinking Fund Commissioners, and be kept separate and apart from all other funds under its control and invested as in this Charter provided, and the whole income thereof shall be paid over to the Administrative Board and used according to the terms of the trust and accounted for accordingly. Earnings of Cemeteries—Administra¬ tive Board May Expend for Care and Upkeep. Sec. 3. The Administrative Board shall have the authority to expend the earnings from cemetery funds in the hands of the Board of Sinking. Fund Commissioners for the care and up¬ keep of the cemeteries from which the fund was created. Cemetery Lots—Conveyances of—How Executed and Recorded—Control Retained. Sec. 4. All deeds and conveyances of cemetery lots shall be executed by the Mayor and City Clerk, countersigned by the Comptroller and recorded in the office of the City Clerk: Provided, that no deed or conveyance shall be delivered to any person until the receipt for the purchase price thereof is shown to the officer executing or con¬ veying the same: Provided, however, that such deed shall not in any way preclude or limit the right and au¬ thority of the board to approve and give final directions as to grading and platting lots, monuments to be erected, and other improvements and use of the same. Cemeteries and Lots Exempt from Taxation—Execution, Levy and Sale or Other Process. Sec. 5. The cemetery properties of the City of Grand Rapids, and all lots or plats therein which have been or shall hereafter be conveyed by said city as places of burial of the dead, shall forever be exempted from taxa¬ tion and from special assessments for local improvements, and shall not be liable to be levied upon or sold under execution or be applied to the payment of debts by any assignment under any insolvent law, or by any compulsory process of law. TITLE XVIII. MISCELLANEOUS. Bonds of City Officers and Employes— Foitu and Approval of. Sec. 1. The Council shall prescribe the character and amount of surety bonds t6 be furnished by any officer or employe of the city. Such bonds before acceptance shall be approved as to form and validity by the City Attorney: and when so approved and accepted by the Council shall be filed with the City Clerk. Cost Paid by City. Sec. 2. The cost of all bonds re¬ quired to be given under the provisions 50 of this Charter by any and all city officials or employes shall be paid by the city, A^'arrants Void Wlien V'und is Ex¬ hausted. Sec, 3, No warrant shall be drawn upon the treasury after the specific appropriation from which it is pay¬ able has been exhausted; and in case any warrant is so drawn it shall be void. Contingent Fund—Temporary Transfer of Moneys to Sinkino- Fund Au¬ thorized. Sec. 4. Moneys not received or ap¬ propriated for any particular purpose shall be credited to the Contingent Fund. The Council may, by majority vote, upon the written request of the Administrative Board, temporarily transfer to the Sinking Fund any funds not needed for the purpose for which the same are appropriated for a period of not less than sixty days, and which transfer shall specify the purpose thereof and the investment to be made of such funds. Warrants Payable Only from Specified Appropriation. HE Sec, 5. Every warrant upon the (treasury shall specify the specific ap¬ propriation from which it is payable, and shall be paid therefrom. Fiscal V'ear. Sec, 6. The fiscal year of the city shall begin on the first day of April in each year and end on the last day of March in each year. Annual Reports—Budget. Sec. 7. The Administrative Board and every other official, commission, board or department not under the Administrative Board shall render, an¬ nually, on the last Tuesday of April, and oftener when required by resolu¬ tion of the Council and in accordance with such resolution, their whole and complete written report of the busi¬ ness of such office, commission, board or department, or any division thereof covering the period of the fiscal year and of the doings of the several subor¬ dinates, and shall make such com¬ ments find recommendations for the irhprovement and needs of the work of the office, commission, board or department,' as he or it may deem expedient or necessary. All reports so made shall be public, and the origi¬ nal thereof shall be filed with the City Clerk. Each such annual report shall show the amount of money re¬ ceived and expended, and the balance on hand, and shall also contain an estimate of the probable income for the ensuing year, and a recommenda¬ tion as to what sum of money in his or its judgment should be placed in the next annual budget to be raised by direct taxation or in any other manner. Such reports shall be printed and published as the Council may direct in a single bound volume. All reports of receipts and expenditures of money and estimates for the budget shall be upon blanks furnished by the Comptroller. Contracts—Term of Limited,. Sec. 8. Except as otherwise pro¬ vided in this Charter, no contract shall be entered into by the city for a period exceeding fiv.e years. Contracts To Be in Triplicate. Sec. 9, All contracts executed by the city shall be in triplicate, one copy thereof to be filed with the Comp¬ troller and one with the City Clerk. Contracts for City Printing—Council to Advertise For. Sec. 10. The Council shall annually advertise for bids and award contracts for city printing and advertising. One contract shall cover the printing of the city pamphlets in manner and form as the Council shall provide by ordinance, which shall contain the record of the proceedings of the Coun¬ cil. One contract shall cover all ad¬ vertising where the city is required by this Charter to advertise in one daily newspaper, and such newspaper shall be known as the official paper. One contract shall cover all^ advertising in a second daily newspaper and shall in¬ clude all advertising where the city is required by this Charter to advertise in more than one daily newspaper. Books, Papers, etc., to be Delivered to Successor—Violation How l^unislied. I Sec. 11. Whenever any officer shall resign or be removed from office, or the term for which he shall have been elected or appointed shall expire, he shall, on demand, deliver to hLs suc¬ cessor in office all the books, papers, mone.vs and effects in his custody as such officer, or in any way appertain¬ ing to his office. Every person violat¬ ing this provision shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and punished as the Council shall by ordinance pro¬ vide. Rights to Use and Occupy Streets— How and for What Term Granted. Sec. 12. No right for the use or oc¬ cupancy of any street for any purpose shall be granted, except by a two- thirds vote of the Councilmen elect, nor shall any such right be granted for a period exceeding 30 years, and no such franchise or right so granted shall affect the right or claim of any person for damages sustained by rea¬ son of the exercise of such right ■r- t' > against the person, firm or corpora¬ tion exercising the same. Title to Public Property Not To Be Acquired by Adverse Possession or Given Away. Sec. 13. No person, persons, firm or corporation shall be entitled to any street, lane, alley, public place, square, or any part thereof, or to any right therein by reason of any occupancy thereof had, created or claimed by adverse poss-ession. The Council shall not possess the power to give away, surrender or relinquish the control of any street, lane, alley, court, public square or place, or create any per¬ manent use thereof for any other pur¬ pose than for street or public pur¬ poses, except by regular vacation pro¬ ceedings. Claims for Damages—Notices of— When and How Given. Sec. 14. If any claim for unliquidated damages is made against said city for injuries to persons or property by reason of any defects in the sidewalks, streets, highways, crosswalks, bridges, alleys, courts, public grounds, or public places in said city, or by reason of any negligence on the part of said city, or said city officials, or its employes, in any public work in which it or they are engaged, or any claim is made against said city in an action of tort, the claimant in such cases shall present the same to the Council within sixty days after the injury or wrong oc¬ curred, such claim shall state the place where such injury or wrong was re¬ ceived. the names of claimant’s wit¬ nesses concerning the same, then known to claimant, a description of the injury sustained, and a succinct statement of the facts constituting such claimant’s demands against said city and any further statement that may be required by said Council, If said claim arises from injury received by reason of any defect in the side¬ walks, streets, highways, bridges, al¬ leys, courts, public grounds or public places in said city, or public works in which the said city or its officials are engaged, the claimant who alleges injury thereon shall give notice to the city by a written statement filed with the City Clerk within ten days of the time of said injury, specifying the loca¬ tion upon the street, alley, lane, high¬ way, sidewalk, crosswalk, bridge, court, public place or public ground, or public works where the same was received, and the general character of the alleged defect claimed to have existed resulting in the injury of the claimant; said preliminary notice not to take the place of the specific no¬ tice herein required to be filed within sixty days. If required by the Coun¬ cil or a committee thereof, said claim¬ ant shall produce his witnesses before ' said Council or committee and they m.ay be sworn and examined as to the nature of the claims, the amount there¬ of and the particular basis upon which they are miade. The Council or com¬ mittee shall have power to .subpoena witnesses for such hearing. Any such claim shall be void unless such claim¬ ant shall bring an action against said city for such a demand within a period of one year from and after said Coun¬ cil has had a reasonable time, not to exceed sixty days, to investigate and pass upon such claim. Claims for Damages-^—Bar to Action, etc. Sec. 15. It shall be a sufficient bar to any action or proceeding brought in any court for the recovery of any such claim against the city that such claim has never been presented to the Council, or notice thereof given either as to the time and place of injury or of the specific basis of the claim as provided for in the preceding section, within the time therein limited, or that the action or proceeding was brought before said Council, had such reasonable time to investigate and pass upon such claim as hereinbefore provided, or that such claimant did not produce his witnesses for examina¬ tion upon claim made, as required by the preceding section, or that the ac¬ tion or proceeding was not brought within the period of one year after the time elapsed for the Council to investigate and pass upon such claim as hereinbefore provided. Contractor Liable for Damages to Per¬ sons or Property Injured Througli Negligence — City Subrogated bo Plaintiff's Bights in Certain Casts. Sec. 16. If any contractor shall fail to maintain sufficient fence or protec¬ tion guards to prevent damage or in¬ jury to persons or property, or shall be guilty of other negligence in doing work under contract, and injury to persons or property shall occur by reason of such default or negligence, such contractor and his bondsmen shall be liable to the person injured in person or property, for the damage sustained, to be recovered with costs in the proper form of action in any court of competent jurisdiction. If any judgment be recovered against the city as defendant in any suit based upon such default or negligence, the city shall be subrogated to the rights of the plaintiff against such contractor or his bondsmen. I'owors Reserved to City I?egarding Fulfillment of Contraets. Sec. 17. Every contract to which the city Ls a party shall reserve to the 52 city the right to determine finally all questions as to the proper perform¬ ance of such contract, or any unfinish¬ ed portion thereof and, in case of the improper, dilatory or imperfect per¬ formance thereof, to suspend the work at any time and to order the partial or entire reconstruction of the same, and, whenever from unreasonable de¬ lay in the work or for other just cause, it shall deem such contract forfeited, to relet the work covered by such con¬ tract, or any unfinished portion thereof, and power is hereby given said city to determine all such questions arising under any such contract according to the true intent and meaning thereof. Every contract shall also reserve to the city the right, when it shall be¬ come satisfied that the work provided for in any contract will not be com¬ pleted within the time limited, to place additional men and teams on said work and supply additional material if nec- essry, and render such assistance as it may deem advisable for the com¬ pletion of such contract, and all cost and expense thereof shall be charged to the contractor and retained by said city out of the contract price. Arrests AVithout Process. ^ Sec. IS.—The chief of police, police officers, police detectives, police con¬ stables and special policemen of the city, in addition to the powers, duties and authority possessed by them at common law and the laws of this state, in matters of a criminal nature, shall have power to arrest without process all persons who in the presence of the arresting officer shall be engaged in the violation of any law or ordi¬ nance, and such persons may be de¬ tained in custody until complaint can be made and process issue for their arrest and trial; and it shall be the duty of such officer to make such com¬ plaint and procure such process in the proper court as speedily as possible after such arrest. Police Court to Enforce Rules and Or. dinances. Sec. 19. The police court of the City of Grand Rapids shall have juris¬ diction for the enforcement of all the legal provisions of th's Charter, and of all Ordinances in pursuance thereof concerning the cemeteries, or of the general statutes of the state, within the boundaries of cemeteries, both within and without the city, an 1 to that end the Council may ‘adopt ordi¬ nances and regulations in relation to such enforcement, and may provide for the imposition of penalties, for im¬ prisonment, or both, for any violation thereof. Expenses of Apprclicnding Criminals. Etc.. To Pc l^aid b.v Kent Count.v. Sec. 20. The expen.ses of apprehend¬ ing, examining and committing of¬ fenders against the laws of this state in said city, and their confinement, shall be audited and paid by the supervisors of the County of Kent, in the same manner as if such expenses had been incurred in any town of the said county. Suits to Recover Fines, Etc. Sec. 21. All suits which shall be commenced to recover any fine, penalty or forfeiture for the violation of any by-laws, ordinance or regulation of the Council, or of any of the provisions of this Charter, shall be brought in the name of the City of Grand Rapids in any court having jurisdiction thereof. No Person Disqualified as Judge, Juror or Witness Because of Resi¬ dence in City. Sec. 22. No person who is an in¬ habitant of the city, and who has the other requisite qualifications therefor, and is not specially exempt therefrom, shall be disqualified from acting as a judge, justice or a juror in the trial or other proceedings in any suit brought to recover any such fine, pen¬ alty or forfeiture, nor from serving any process or summoning a jury in such suit, nor from acting in any capacity in any proceeding before or during the trial thereof, or in any proceeding after judgment therein, taken to carry such judgment into ef¬ fect; nor shall any such person be dis¬ qualified from being a witness on the trial of any issue or upon the taking of any inquisition or assessment, or any investigation of facts to which is¬ sue, inquest or investigation in any suit as aforesaid, the city or any city or ward officer is a party, or on which the city or such officer is interested. provisions of Ihreccding Section to Ap¬ ply to All Suits Bi’Ought by City. Sec. 23. All of the provisions of the preceding section in relation to the disqualification of any person because of his residence in the city, shall apply to all suits of whatever nature, civil or criminal, brought in the name of the ^ City of Grand Rapids, or on its ac¬ count or in its behalf. * Pleadings in Certain Cases. Sec. 24. In suits commenced before ^ any justice of the peace or in any other court for the recovery of any fine, penalty or forfeiture for violation of any provisions of the statutes of thi.s state or any provisions of this Charter, or of any by-law, ordinance or regulation of the Council, it shall not be necessary to file any declara¬ tion therein or to recite, or to name any plea in any writ or process, but the plea of the defendant shall be the same as in criminal cases and shall be to the complaint filed in such suit. If upon the trial of any such suit the defendant is acquitted, the judgment entered shall show that fact, and if convicted it shall show the judgment for the fine, penalty or forfeiture for which suit was brought, and costs therein, and the term of imprisonment, if any, in case of the non-payment thereof. Fines, Costs and Imiorisonment—Exe¬ cutions For. Sec. 25. Every execution for any fine, penalty or forfeiture recovered for the violation of any of the pro¬ visions of the statutes of this state, or of this Charter, or of any by-law. or¬ dinance or regulation of the Council, may be issued immediately on the ren¬ dition of the judgment and shall com¬ mand the amount thereof to be made of the property of the defendant, if any such can be found, and if not, then to commit the defendant to the Kent County jail for such time as shall be fixed therein by the court from which such execution was issued. It shall be lawful for the officer receiv¬ ing such execution to take the body of such defendant therein, unless such defendant shall point out or deliver to such officer sufficient goods and chattels belongvn^^ to such defendant, liable to execution and free from all encumbrances, to satisfy the same. The keeper of said Kent County jail shall receive the said defendant and keep him safely therein during the time mentioned in said writ unless he shall sooner pay the amount specified in such execution and the cost of his de¬ tention. Payment of Judgments and Costs by City. Sec. 26. No execution shall issue against the city for any judgment or costs recovered against it. but the Council shall allow and pay the amount of any final judgment or costs which may be recovered against the city in the same manner as accounts are audited and paid by the city. Not Necessary for City to 111c Bond. Sec. 27. Whenever the city shall take any proceedings or shall be a party to any suit or proceeding in any court, or an apnellant from any judg¬ ment or final order of a court wherein by the statutes of the state, or by the rules and practice of the court where such suit or proceeding is to be com¬ menced or is pending or is sought to be taken, a bond is required to be given, such statutes or such rules and practice of the court shall not apply to said city, but such proceedings or appeal may be taken and such suit brought by said city without the giv¬ ing of such bond. Public Records—What Deemed to Be —Effect as Evidence. Sec. 28. All papers, books or other records of any matter required by the general statutes of this state, or any of the provisions of this Charter, or by the provisions of any by-law, or¬ dinance, resolution or regulation of the Council, to be kept in any of the several departments of the municipal government of the city, shall be deemed public records of such depart¬ ments, and the same or copies duly certified by the custodian thereof shall be prima facie evidence of their con¬ tents in all suits at law or in equity or in any other proceedings. Pensions for Policemen and Firemen. Sec. 29. Upon wmitten recommenda¬ tion of the General Manager of the Department of Health and Safety, which shall set forth in verified detail the cause of the action, the Adminis¬ trative Board, by a four-fifths vote, shall have authority to pay pensions, under rules to be provided by ordin¬ ance, to disabled firemen or policemen or to firemen or policemen who have been in continuous service of either or both departments for a period of not less than tw'enty years, or to the widows or other dependents of firemen or po¬ licemen killed in discharge of their duties; and the Comptroller shall pay such claim when certified to him by the Administrative Board. All such pensions now in existence shall con¬ tinue in full force and effect. No new pension to a policeman or fireman for temporary injury shall be paid for more than six months or for more than two-thirds of the regular pay of such disabled member. No pension to firemen or policemen, wffio may be re¬ tired after at least twenty years of service as aforesaid, shall exceed a sum equal to one-half of the amount paid to full paid firemen and police¬ men filling like positions at the time of their retirement. No pension to a widow or other dependent as afore¬ said shall be paid for a period longer than five years or in a sum exceeding $30 0 per year. Perquisites Prohibited. Sec. 30. No city officer or employe shall receive directly or indirectly any perquisite of office in addition to his salarv. Buildings Threatened b.y Fire—When May be Destroyed—Claims for Dam¬ ages Therefor—How and When Ih'esented to Council. Sec. 31. Whenever any building in the city shall be on fire it shall be lawful for the fire marshal or his as¬ sistant in charge at such fire, with the consent of a member of the Admin- istrative Board, to order such building or any part thereof not on fire, but which may be deemed hazardous or likely to communicate fire to other buildings, to be pulled down and de¬ stroyed. In such case no action shall be maintained against the city or any person therefor until after a claim therefor shall have been presented to the Council and disallowed in whole or in part by it. The Council shall, by general ordin¬ ance, prescribe the time, manner and form in which claims against the city under this section may be presented and the time thereafter within w^hich suits based thereon shall be instituted against it. Except in those cases where the pulling down or destruction of the building shall deprive the claimant of the right to collect insurance actually in force thereon, the Council in con¬ sidering, and the Court in any suit based upon any such claim, shall take into account the probability of the building having been destroyed or in¬ jured by fire if it had not been pulled down or destroyed. TITLE XIX. SCHEDULE. That no inconvenience may arise from the changes in the Charter of the city hereby made, and in order to carry the same into complete operation, it is hereby declared that: Existing Ordinances and Rules Con¬ tinued in Force. Sec. 1. The existing ordinances and special laws of the city, the rules and regulations of the Council and of all Boards of the city not inconsistent with this Charter are hereby re-enact¬ ed and shall continue in force until they expire by limitation or are super¬ seded Or repealed by action of the con¬ stituted authority: Provide, that the Council for a period not greater than sixty days may by a separate vote upon each continue in force any such ordinances, rules or regulations in¬ consistent with this Charter. City to Remain Vested With Property, etc. Sec. 2. After the adoption of this Charter, the city shall continue to be vested with all the property, moneys, contracts, rights, credits, effects, and the records, files, books and papers be¬ longing to it as formerly incorporated, and no right or liability, either in fa¬ vor of against it, existing at the time of the taking effect of this Charter, and no suit or prosecution of any character shall in any manner be af¬ fected by such change, but the same shall stand or proceed as if no such change had been made, and all debts and liabilities of the city shall con¬ tinue to be its debts and lia¬ bilities, and all fines and penalties imposed and all taxes and assess¬ ments levied and uncollected at the time of such change shall be col¬ lected, and all licenses issued by the city shall be and remain the same as if such change had not been made: Provided, that when a different rem- - edy is given in this Charter, or in any ordinance pursuant hereto, which can be made applicable to any rights ex¬ isting upon the adoption of this Char¬ ter or subject thereto, the same shall be deemed cumulative to the remedies before provided, and may be used ac¬ cordingly, unless the newly provided remedy shall be expressly declared to be exclusive. Charter—3Iethod of Pubisliing Before Submission. Sec. 3. This Charter, before sub¬ mission to the electors shall, to¬ gether with such a statement of its provisions as shall be prepared by or under the direction of the Charter Commission, be published in the fol¬ lowing manner: Within twenty days after the filing of a copy of the Charter with the City Clerk, he shall cause it to be printed at least once in the official paper of the city, together with such statement of its provisions. Under the direction of this Commis¬ sion, and within thirty days after such • filing, the Clerk shall procure printed copies of such Charter and statement in pamphlet form from the official paper in like manner as pamphlet copies of the proceedings of the Coun¬ cil are procured, and keep on file for free distribution, and shall cause to be distributed to the registered voters of said city either copies of such of¬ ficial paper or of such pamphlet. Said statement shall also be pub¬ lished in each of the aaiiy newspapers of the city, not more than 15 days nor less than 10 days before the election for the adoption of such Charter, and specific attention shall be directed to ^ the issue of the official paper contain¬ ing such Charter and to the fact that ^ copies may be procured at the office , of the City Clerk. Officers to Continue in Office. ^ Sec. 4. All officers now holding any office or appointment shall continue to hold the same unless removed by competent authority, until superseded under laws now in force or under this Charter. Ek'Ction to Adopt Charter—Time and Manner of. Sec. 5. This Charter shall be sub¬ mitted for adoption or rejection to a 55 vote of the qualified electors of the city at a special election to be held on Tuesday, February 20th, in the year 1912. Notice of such election shall be given in the same manner and for the same length of time as is provided in the existing Charter for special elections, and the votes shall be counted and canvassed and the re- Jturns made, and the result determined and declared in the same manner, as '^near as may be, as provided by gen¬ eral law for the counting, canvassing and returning of votes, and the de- l termining of the results thereof. Charter Election—\Vlio Entitled to Vote—Form of Ballot. Sec. 6. The ballots used at such election shall contain the instructions required under the general election laws of the state, and the proposition to be submitted ; shall be in the lan- guage: “Shall the Revised Charter Be Adopted ? ( ) Yes. “Shall the Revised Charter Be Adopted ? ( ) No.’’ Every person entitled to vote for city officers under the existing Char¬ ter may vote upon said adoption or rejection. Should the revised Charter so sub¬ mitted receive more votes in its favor than shall be cast against it, it shall take effect and be the governing law of the city on and after the first Mon¬ day of May, 1912, except as herein otherwise provided. Council and Clerk—Duty of Upon Adoption of Charter. S^c. 7. At the next regular meeting after such election the Council shall canvass the vote and declare the re¬ sult thereof, and, if a majority of the electors shall have voted in favor of the adoption of the Charter, the Coun¬ cil, by a resolution entered upon its records, shall declare such result and that a majority of the electors voting thereon voted in favor of the adop¬ tion of such Charter, and that the 4Name was thereby adopted. The Clerk shall thereupon, and within thirty “^days after the adoption of this Char- •ter, certify to four copies of said reso¬ lution and to four printed copies of ^said Charter, and file two copies of each with the Secretary of State and the County Clerk, respectively. Primary Election—Time of—Ofiicer.s Holding Over. Sec. 8. The first non-partisan pri¬ mary election under the provisions of this Charter shall be held on the third Tuesday preceding the first Monday in April, in the year 1912; and the first non-partisan election under the provisions of this Char¬ ter shall be held on the first Mon¬ day in April, in the year 1912. No¬ tices of said primary and of said elec¬ tion and of the officers to be nominat¬ ed and elected shall be given, petitions for nomination filed, the elections held and conducted, the votes canvassed, the results determined and notices given the persons nominated and elected, as the case may be, in the manner and within the time herein provided. Nominating petitions for candidates for the primary in 1912 may be filed until five o’clock in the afternoon of the tenth day prior thereto. At such elections, all officers who are named in this Charter and required to be elected biennially shall be nominated and elected, except the Clerk and Comptroller and the twelve Councilmen elected at the last general city election. The present City Treasurer shall continue to hold office and shall be ex-officio General Manager of the Department of Finance and Revenue until the expira¬ tion of the term for which he was elected. All officers elected thereat shall take office under this Charter on the first Monday in May, in the year 1912, and the • terms of office of all officers su¬ perseded by any officer elected under this Charter, or whose office or du¬ ties are abrogated thereby, shall thereupon terminate and cease. All terms of appointive officers holding office under the city shall also terminate and cease on that day, and appointments to fill offices for terms under this Charter shall begin on that day. The provisions of this Charter limiting the Council to twelve mem¬ bers shall take effect in 1913, and at the first Charter election under this Charter a sufficient number of Coun¬ cilmen shall be elected to continue the Council w’ith twenty-four members, ea.ch of whom shall hold office for one year. In 1913, twelve Councilmen, the Clerk and the Comptroller shall be elected to hold office for one year. So long as the Council consists of twenty-four members the representa¬ tion of the city upon the Board of Su¬ pervisors shall remain as at present, and the other provisions of this Char¬ ter fixing such representation shall not take effect. l^Tseiit Salaries to Continue. Sec. 9. Unless otherwise herein or by ordinance provided, the salaries or compensation of all city officers shall continue as under the existing Char¬ ter and ordinances. Casli Basis Fund. Sec. 10. For the purpose of plac¬ ing the city upon a cash basis, the Council shall create and maintain, so 5G 3 0112 098436246 long- as necessary, a cash basis fund, and for this purpose it shall place in the budget until the city is on a cash basis and until the amount ac¬ cumulated in such fund shall be suf¬ ficient to meet all legal demands against the treasury for any shortage heretofore existing, five cents upon each 3100.00 of the value of the prop¬ erty placed upon the assessment roll each j^ear. Until the said city is on a cash basis, the Board of Sinking Fund Commissioners may loan to the said city, such sums from time to time at a rate of interest not exceeding five per cent, funds it may have avail¬ able for such purpose, and the inter¬ est upon such loans shall be pro¬ vided for in the annual budget. Pro¬ vided, that the authority to borrow money given by this provision shall be subject to the other limitations of this Charter on the authority to bor¬ row money. Special Acts—Power Conferred by— To be Exercised Until Repealed. Sec. 11. All power and authority conferred upon any municipal officer, department or board under any spe¬ cial act so long as- such act remains in force, shall continue to be exer¬ cised by the board, officer or depart¬ ment exercising like duties under this Charter. Repealing Clause. Sec. 12. The existing charter, be¬ ing Act. No. 593, Local Acts of 1905, and all acts, amendatory thereto or forming a part thereof, are hereby repealed, except Title XIV of said Act relating to the Board of Education; Title XVII, relating to Justice Courts; Title XVIII, relating to the Police Court; Title XIX, relating to dock and safety lines; Title XX, relating to the Superior Court; Title XXI, relat¬ ing to Jury Commissioners; XXIV, relating to repeal of Hydraj Company’s charter; Title XXVI, lating to Tax Histories, and the amendatory to said Titles XVII, XVIII, and XIX, XX, >i XXIV and XXVI which are repe only so far as inconsistent with Charter; Title XIV of said Act 593 of the Local Acts of 1905, b the Title covering the Board of ucation, and the acts, amenda thereto, are hereby continued in force and effect, except that par Act No. 523 of the Local Acts of 1 requiring the members of the Be of Library Commissioners to be v for and elected at the same time on the same ballot as members of Board of Education, which is het repealed. All other special acts b plementary to the existing charte the city are hereby repealed so as inconsistent with the provision^ this Charter and so far as consis therewith are hereby continued force, until the same are supers by lawful authority exercised urj this Charter or otherwise. Adopted by the Charter Commis; of the City of Grand Rapids of 1 at the City Hall in said city, on eleventh day of November, 1911. R. W. IRWIN, Preside Adopted by the Charter Com Sion of the City of Grand Ra Mich., in regular session assemt] on November 11, 1911, by the fob ing vote: Yeas—Commissioners Alt, DeK Pleald, Hoffius, Irwin, Landman, man, Thornton, Vandenberg, Walj Wesselius. Wykes—12. Nays—Commissioners Ball, B — 2 . Absent—Commissioner Freelan JAMES SCHRIVER, Secreta MILLS PRINTING CO., GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.