.•< DIGEST OF thf: LAWS OF ILLINOIS, RELATING TO COMMON SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL LANDS; TO WHICH IS ADDED, AJJ APPENDIX OF INSTRUCTIONS AND FORMS: PREFAREO UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A JOINT COMMITTEE OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. BY WILLIAM THOMAS, A SENATOR FROM THE COUNTY OF MORGAN, AND A MEMBER OF THE SAID COMMITTEE. VANDALIA: J. Y. SAWYER, PUBLIC PRINTER. 1835. /'; Of the Laws of Illinois^ relating to Common Schools and School Lands. JOINT RESOLUTION, ADOPTED JANUARY 27, 1835. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives, That a Joint resolution Joint Select Committee of two from the Senate, and three from directing the the House of Representatives, be appointed to digest and publish, anduubilcation in pamphlet form, the present School Laws, with such amendments of this digest, as the present Legislature may engraft thereon ; to be distributed among the several School Districts in this State. [The following extracts, taken from the ordinance adopt- ed by the Convention of the State of Illinois, show what Ordinance of Lands have been srranted to the State for purposes of Edu- }?^^- J iU * r xu X 1 t- r Grants made to cation; and the terms oi the grant:] the State by Congress for the Wherkas, the Congress of the United States, in the purposes of act, entitled "An act to enable the people of the Illinois ««^"<^*''0"' Territory to form a Constitution and State Government, and for the admission of such State in the Union, on an equal footing with the original States, passed the 1 8th April, 1818," have offered to this Convention, for their free ac- ceptance or rejection, the following propositions, which, if accepted by the Convention, are to be obligatory upon the United States, viz: "1st. The section numbered sixteen in every township, and when such section has been sold, or otherwise dispo- sed of, other land equivalent thereto, and as contiguous as may be, shall be granted to the State for the use of the in- habitants of such township for the use of schools. "2d. That all salt springs within such State, and the lands reserved for the use of the same, shall be granted to the said State for the use of the said State, and the same to be used under such terms and conditions, and regula- tions, as the legislature of said State shall direct: Provi' ded, the legislature shall never sell nor lease the same for a longer period than ten years at any one time. "3d. That five per cent, of the net proceeds of the lands lying within such State, and which shall be sold by Congress from and after the first day of January, one thou- sand eight hundred and nineteen, after deducting all expen- ses incident to the same, shall be reserved for the purpose G Term of ser- vice. Declared a bo- dy corporate. Oath. May lease for ten years. On the best terms.. Lessees com- mitting waste, liable to an ac lion. trustees of the school lands; said court shall fill vacancies that may occur in said board of trustees; and said trustees, when appointed, shall hold their o'ffice for four years, and until their successors are appointed and qualified to office. Sec. 2. Said trustees shall be a body politic and corpo- rate, and may sue and be sued by the name and description aforesaid, in any court in this'State. They shall, before entering upon the duties of their office, take an oath, well and truly and faithfully to execute the duties of trustees of the school lands for said township, so far as relates to the sixteenth section thereof, according to law, agreeably to the best of their understanding; which oath shall be ad- ministered by some justice of the peace, and shall be en- dorsed on their certificate of appointment. Sec. 5. The trustees, or a majority of them, shall have power to lease any of said lots, except such as may be re- served as aforesaid, to any person or persons wishing to lease the same, for such term of time as they may think proper, not exceeding ten years, and upon such terms as they may think most conducive to the interest of the town- ship: Provided^ That said trustees shall advertise the leas- ing of sueh lands for at least four weeks, in four of the most public places of the township, previous to the making any lease; and said trustees shall lease said lands to the persons offering the best terms; and shall, or a majority of them, make and execute leases to the persons to whom they may let such lands. Said leases shall be conditioned to use the lands in a husband-like manner, and not to commit or suffer waste thereon, and to pay said trustees at the end of each year, the amount of money or rent agreed upon in said lease. [This section, although repealed by the "act requi- ring the auditor to issue his warrant on the treasury for school purposes," approved, 22d January, 1829, was revi- ved by the 3d section of the act of 15th February, 1831, (vide post,) so far as related to lands which had been leased previous to that time. See, further, the act of 22d Febru- ary, 1833, confirming such leases, joo5^] Sec. 6. If any lessee, his, her, or their heirs or assigns, or any other person or persons, shall cut down or destroy any more timber than may be necessary for the improvement and cultivation of the lot so leased; or shall do any damage to said leased premises, or commit any unnecessary waste thereon, or cut or take from off the same, any timber from the lot so reserved, without first obtaining the order of the trustees of such township, every such lessee, or person claiming under him, and all other persons offending, shall be liable to the said trustees in an action of damages; and every lessee violating the provisions of this act, upon con- viction thereof, shall forfeit his or her lease. Sec. 9. When any township lies partly in one county and Where town- partly in another, or others, the business of said township, P'"'^ ''^^ partly ^ r '^ 1 I 11111 • I II 1 i^' in one county, so tar as relates to the school lands therein, shall be trans- partly in an- acted under the direction of the commissioners' court of other. the county which contains the greater portion of the school lands in said township. Sec. 10. The said trustees shall have power, whenever Trustees may they deem it expedient, to appoint and discharge at plea- ^PPO''" ^ <;ierk sure, a clerk and treasurer. The clerk shall record the of- tu • . j • ficial proceedings of the said trustees, file dnd preserve such papers as they may direct, and furnish the treasurer, from time to time, with a statement of the debts and mo- neys which such treasurer may be authorized to receive. Such clerk shall, on the first day of the county commis- sioners' court, at their June term, annually, transmit a copy of the proceedings of said trustees, of the past year, to said court. The treasurer shall give bond, in such penalty as the trustees shall prescribe; with approved security, paya- ble to them and their successors in office, conditioned that the said treasurer shall faithfully perform the duties of his office, account for and pay over all moneys he may have in his possession, in pursuance of any order given by a majority of said trustees. It shall be the duty of said trea- surer to receive all moneys due for rent, or in any other way accruing to the school fund of said township, to keep fair and regular accounts, and shall exhibit his books to a ma- jority of said trustees, whenever they shall require the same. Sec. 14. Upon the death or resignation of any trustee. Death orresig- appointed under the provisions of this-act, the survivor or nation of trus- survivors, shall do and perform all the duties required of '*^®^* such trustees, until successors be appointed. Sec. 15. The trustees, clerk, and treasurer, appointed Compensation under the provisions of this act, for their services perform- ^° tiustees, &,c. ed, shall be allowed a reasonable compensation, paid out of the school fund of the township in which they reside, as the county commissioners' court may direct, or as the citizens of the township may otherwise provide for. Sec. 16. An act relating to the lands reserved for the Acts repealed, use of schools, approved, March 2, 1819; the act providing for persons settled on the school lands, approved, March 24, 1819, are hereby repealed: Pi'ovided, That all leases, surveys, and all other lawful acts, heretofore made by the trustees of the school lands in each township; and all trus- tees heretofore appointed that have discharged the duties of their office, shall continue in office for the term of time for which they were appointed; and all rights acquired un- der the act hereby repealed, shall be of the same validity, and shall be settled in the same manner as though this act had not been passed. Approved, Feb. 17, 1827. 8 Act of. January yliV ACT aulhovhing the. Sale of Sections numhered Six- ' teen^ or such Lands as may he granted in lieu thereof to the inhabitants of snch townships for the use of Schools, Commissioner Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the county commissioners' count*"*shair*' coui't of each and every county, on proclamation being be appointed, made as aforesaid, to appoint some good, competent and responsible person of the county, to act as commissioner and agent for the inhabitants of the county, and who shall, at all times, while acting as commissioner, reside in the Shall give county; and before entering upon the duties of his office, bond. he shall give bond and security in the sum of twelve thou- sand dollars, by three or more responsible freeholders, con- ditioned for the faithful performance of all the duties re- quired by this act, or which may hereafter be required and enjoined on him by law; which bond shall be drawn in the name of, and payable to, the county commissioners of the county, or their successors in office, for the use of the in- habitants of the county, and of each and every congres- sional township therein; and which bond, when broken, How sued up- may be prosecuted, and sued upon, and judgment thereon on- rendered against the principal and securities, either jointly or severally, for the sum found due, in any court having jurisdiction thereof, for the use of the inhabitants of any township to whom the same may of right belong. [That part of this section which makes the appointment of the school commissioner await the proclamation of the Governor, is repealed. See 1st Sec. of the Act of 1831.] Sec. 3. When it shall appear necessary for the better securing and managing the funds or moneys, which shall come into the hands of any commissioner so appointed, the commissioners' court may require additional security, in the sum aforesaid, or any other sum they shall deem right; and for any good cause, such as misapplication of the mo- ney, neglect of duty, or failure to give the necessary infor- mation of the loans made, or transaction of the business committed to his care, when required, the commissioners' court may remove him from office, and in that case, or in case of death, or resignation, appoint another, and require bond and security as aforesaid; and all bonds given as aforesaid, shall be filed in the commissioners' court of the proper county, and an entry of record made of all such ap- pointments, removals, and bonds given, the amount, the time when executed and delivered, and the names of the securities, and a certificate of appointment shall be made out, with the seal of the court affixed, and a certificate of the clerk, and handed over to the commissioner so ap- pointed. Additional se- curity may be required. How removed from office. Certificate of appointment. 9 Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of such commissioner or Commissioner agent, to procure well bound books, in which, previous to coid^^^ ^ ^^' making sale of any school lands, he sliall make a record of -his appointment, or commission, and of all the school lands in his county, as contemplated in this act, in a clear and ^ comprehensive manner, designating the Congressional townships, ranges, sections, and numbers of acres in each section. Sec. 5. When the inhabitants of any Congressional town- The iuhabi- ship shall be desirous to sell and dispose of section num- 'f"'^ °' ^°"'"". i^ . Ill 1 ^ 1 11 1 1 1 • shjps may petj- bered sixteen, or such lands as have or shall be selected m uon commis- lieu thereof, granted for the use of the inhabitants, for the sioner. use of schools, they shall make their wish known to the said commissioner, by a petition in writing, w^hich shall be signed by at least nine-tenths of the freeholders and house- holders of the township, and which shall be signed public- ly, and of their own free will and accord, at any place in the township at which they may assemble, or otherwise, and which shall be done in the presence of at least two Pvoof of sign- good citizens of the township, and shall make oath that ing. said individuals signed said petition freely, and that the true intent and meaning thereof was made known and ex- plained to them previous to signing, which oath shall be in writing, signed by the persons making the same, on the pe- tition, or the same shall be annexed thereto. [So much of this section as requires nine-tenths of the freeholders and householders of the township to petition before the land can be sold, is repealed. See Sec. 1st of the Act of 1831.] Sec. 6. Upon petition as aforesaid, and it appearing to Upon which the satisfaction of the commissioner that nine-tenths of the f^'^- 16 may be citizens of the township, as above, have signed said petition °° fairly and freely, he shall proceed and advertise the land for sale, giving at least forty days' notice previous to sell- ing, particularly describing the land, the time when, and the place where, to be sold, by posting up written or print- Notice thereof, ed notices in six of the most public places in the county, and likewise by publishing the same in som'fe newspaper, the nearest to the land, either in the State, or any adjoin- ing State, as said commissioner shall deem best; and all such lands shall be offered and sold at public vendue, at the seat of justice of the county in which the land shall He, ^v^^en and and during the sitting of the Circuit Court, or the time said ^^^'^''^ *°^*^" court ought to be in session, should the court not sit at the time stated by law, and in no case shall he offer a greater quantity than eighty acres, or a half quarter section, in one lot; and all subdivisions of tracts shall be made and sold as now directed and observed by the United States in selling public lands, by lines north and south, and all sales shall be 10 Price. Payment. Certificate of sale and paj'- ment. Default of pay- ment and sec- ond sale. Diffeience to be paid by first purchaser. Report to coun* ty commission- ers' court. Report to the Auditor. conducted openly and fairly, between the hours of nine in the morning, and six o'clock in the evening, and may be adjourned from day to day, during the session of the court. The comriiissioner shall cry (or cause the same to be done,) the tract distinctly, and give a reasona- ble time for persons to bid, and the same shall be stricken oft' and sold to the highest bidder, and set down to him: Provided, That the sum bid shall amount to one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre; if that sum be not offered, no sale of such tract shall take place, but the same shall be set down and noted unsold. [So much of this section as requires the petition to sell, to be signed by nine-tenths of the citizens of the township, and so m-uch as directs the manner of subdividing the sec- tions, and fixes the price at which lands may be sold, and so much as requires sales to be made during the sitting of the Circuit Court, is repealed.] Sec. 7. The purchaser shall, during the day on which he purchases, or on the morning before the next day's sale commences, pay to the commissioner, in gold or silver coin, or notes of the Bank of the United States, the amount of the land, or lands, so by him purchased; whereupon said commissioner shall give him a certificate, or receipt, sta- ting the land particularly, the price sold for, r.nd the pur- chaser's name and place of residence. If any person shall purchase any tract, and not pay the money as above sea- ted, the same shall be again offered, and if, on a second sale, the same shall not sell for so great a sum as at the first sale, the person so bidding off said tract, and not paying for it, shall be liable for the difference between the first and sec- ond sale, to be recovered for the use of the township, in the name of the said commissioner, vhose duty it shall be to prosecute and sue for the same in any court having juris- diction thereof. Sec. 8. Said commissioner shall make to the commis- sioners' court of his county, at every regular term thereof, a true statement or return in writing, of all the lands so from time to time sold, particularly describing the land, number of acres, section, township and range, price per acre for which the same was sold, the time when sold, and the name and place of residence of the purchaser, which shall be recorded in the said court in a well bound book, and the original shall be carefully filed and preserved in the said court; and said commissioners shall, in like man- ner, make out and forward, by mail, every three months, to the Auditor of Public Accounts, a similar statement and return, which shall be recorded in like manner by said Auditor, and the return filed and preserved. And it shall be the dutv of the Auditor to make out, in the name of the n Governor, and the same shall be signed by the Governor, the Seal of State affixed by the Secretary of State, and the same shall be countersigned by the Auditor, patents for the Patents shall land so sold, or lands sold at private sale, after being first '^"®" offered at public sale, which shall completely vest in the purchaser, or purchasers, the fee simple, a sure, perfect, and absolute title to the land so purchased and patented; and the Auditor, after having made an entry of the date thereof, shall forward the same to the said commissioner, to be by him delivered to the person or persons entitled thereto, on presentation and surrender of the oi'iginal cer- tificate, or receipt, given to such person or persons, which receipts shall be filed and preserved by said commissioner. Sec. 9. It shall be the duty of the Auditor of Public Ac- Auditor and counts, and the Secretary of State, on request, to give, offi- Secretary of cially, to any commissioner so appointed in any county, '^'^^®- information respecting the school lands in the county, so far as they are enabled so to do from the records and do- ments in their respective offices. Sec. 10. It shall be the duty of each and every commis- Commissioner sioner so appointed, to make a complete record, in a well ^° ^^^P °- ^^' bound book, or books, of all petitions, signers' names, &c. presented, praying for the sale of such school lands, when he shall be clearly of the opinion that the same has been fairly obtained, and signed by the number of citizens above stated, and he shall determine to proceed to advertise and sell; and also a record of all sales made, describing the What it thali land particularly, the price sold for, the time when sold, <^°"'^'"- the purchaser's name and place of residence, in a clear and concise manner, in order to perpetuate and preserve the title; and he shall make an entry, in a well bound book, of all mone\'s by him received on sales of land, and shall keep the money and interest arising therefrom on loans made, of every township separate and distinct, and shall loan the Loans of mo- same in like manner, and in all mortgages and notes taken, "^y- the same shall state to what township the same belongs; he shall loan all the moneys which shall come into his pos- session, for the best and highest interest he can get, and securing the same by taking good personal security, or by Secured by note 1 1 I • 1 1 • 1 11 1 r or mortgage. mortgage on real estate, and which letting shall be tor one year, or a term of years, not exceeding five ; and all sums loaned, viz: ojfie hundred dollars, or any sum under that, may be secured by the borrower giving a note, with two or more good responsible freeholders, as sureties, who shall sign, and be considered in all respects as principals. Sums over one hundred dollars shall be secured by mort- gage on real estate, the title of which shall be clear, unin- cumbered, and indisputable, in value treble the amount so loaned; and it shall be expressed in all mortgages and notesy Additional se- that when additional security shall be required, that the '^""*^" same shall be given to the satisfaction of the commissioner; all mortgages and notes shall be drawn in the name of, and payable to said commissioner, or his successor in office, for the use of the inhabitants of the township to which the mo- ney so loaned properly belongs; and the interest agreed on shall be expressed and required to be paid punctually paid every year, at the time specified, and which interest Interest paya- shall be paid over by said commissioner, annually, to the bieyeari}'. trustees, or such person or persons of the township to which it belongs, as the county commissioners shall ap- point, and under the regulations and restrictions the said court shall deem right, and make known, relating to the distribution of said interest, the principal remaining en- tire, and not in any case diminished. [So much of this section as requires the commissioner to loan the money for the best and highest interest he can get, is repealed; and the rate of interest is to be fixed by the commissioners' court. See 7th Section of the Act of 1 831.] Private sales of Sec. 11. All lands which shall not be sold at public sale, land. and no sale shall be made until the same shall have been first offered publicly, may be purchased of said commis- Prjce. sioner, at private sale, at one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, cash down; and the commissioner of each and every county is hereby empowered and authorized to bring suit, and prosecute, on all contracts made by virtue of his office, when the same becomes necessary; and he shall be allowed such compensation for services rendered under this act, and expenses incurred, as the county commission- ers of his co.unty shall deem just. [So much of this section as relates to the price at which land may be sold, is repealed. See 5th Section of the Act of 1831.]- In force from its passage. Approved, January 22, 1829. Act of Feb. 15, AN ACT to amend an act, entitled an act authorizing the ^^^^' sale of Sections numbered Sixteen, or such Lands as may he granted in lieu thereof to the inhabitants of such town- ships for the use of Schools. Certain acts Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illinois, repealed. represented in the General Assembly, That the first section of the act, entitled "An act authorizing the sale of sections numbered sixteen, or such land as may be granted in lieu i:5 thereof to the inhabitants of such townships, for the use of schools," approved, January 22, 1829; and so much of the second section of said act as makes it imperative for the county commissioners of each and every county to wait for a proclamation by the Governor, before they shall ap- point a commissioner or agent for the inhabitants of the county; and so much of the fifth section of said act as re- quires nine-tenths of the freeholders and householders of the township to petition before the land can be sold; and such other parts of the above recited act, as are inconsis- tent with the provisions of this act, be, and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 2. The county commissioners' court of each and County com- every organized county shall, at any regular term, pro- missioners' ceed to select and appoint the commissioner of the coun-'^^""\°^PP°'"' ty, and require bond, or bonds, as stipulated in the act to which this is an amendment; and all other provisions and stipulations in said act shall be carried into effect, sales made, and patents issued, as fully as if government had as- sented to the sale, and the sales made as aforesaid, shall be valid: Provided^ That no land shall be sold unless peti- Lands not to be tioned for, as pointed out in the act hereby amended, by ^°^^' unless three-fourths of the white male inhabitants in the town- inhabitants pe- ship, over twenty-one years of age: And provided^ «Z50, tition. That no sale of such lands shall be made in any township, unless the same contains at least fifty white inhabitants. Sec. 3. Hereafter it shall be the duty of the county com- County com- missioners' court of the several counties, to appoint trus- missioners' tees in each township, as provided for by an act relating to tni'stee^*''^^'"' school lands, approved, February 17, 1827; and said trus- tees, when so appointed, shall be required to do and per- form so much of the duties of trustees set forth by that act, as will be conducive to the advancement of common schools, in their township. And the said act is hereby re- vived and made to be in force hereafter, for the regulation of their proceedings in all cases where the school lands have been, or may be hereafter leased; and said trustees Their duties, shall perform all other duties required by this act: Provi- ded, That in no case shall said trustees lease out any school lands which have not heretofore been leased. Sec. 4. Whenever three-fourths of the legal voters of the Lan-i to be va- township shall petition the commissioner to sell the school i^ed. lands in the township, the trustees shall proceed, previous to the lands being offered, to value each half quarter, or other smaller subdivision, if they shall deem it advantage- ous to sell in smaller quantities, and shall make out a a map Maps to be of the said school lands, with the several tracts marked "'ade. and numbered thereon, as proposed by them to be offered, with a certified statement of the valuation per acre, of each 14 Commissionei* to keep book. Kow sales shall bu conducted. Leases to be respected. Claimaat un- der lease, to give notice. Mone)- to be loa:u'd. Con?:iiistiou- er's return. particulai- tract, and the number of acres contained there- in, (assuming six hundred and forty for the contents of the section;) wliich map and valuation shall be filed with the commissioner appointed for selling the land, who shall re- cord the same in a book to be kept by him for that pur- pose: Provided^ That no tract shall be valued at a less price than one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre. Sec. 5. When any commissioner, appointed and qualifi- ed by law, shall receive the petition of three-fourths of the legal, voters of any township, as provided for, and the map and valuation of the trustees, as required in the preceding section, he shall proceed in the same manner as required in the act to which this is an amendment, except that the same shall be offered in tracts as designated on the map filed by the trustees; and no tract shall be sold unless the bid shall amount to the valuation thereof, as certified by the trus- tees; and in case that sum is not bid, it shall be noted down as not sold, and may be purchased thereafter by any per- son at the aforesaid valuation, and the purchaser, whether being the highest bidder or otherwise, shall pay for the same in cash, at the time of making the purchase, and the commissioner shall proceed as now required by law. Sec. 6. In all cases where the inhabitants of any town- ship petition the commissioner to sell their school lands, and there should be any legal holders of leases on any part of said land, that part shall remain unsold, unless the trus- tees can make a contract with such lessee to relinquish his lease, not paying to exceed one half the interest that would accrue from the amount that would be obtained from the sale of such land; and in all cases where any tract of land shall be advertised for sale by any commissioner, whereon there is a lease or any other incumbrance, it shall be the duty of the claimant, previous to the day of sale, to deliver to the commissioner a statement of his claim, with a copy of the vouchers that entitle him to it; and if they are such as to give him any legal claim whatever, said commissioner shall give notice thereof to the trustees, and if the claim is not removed previous to the day of sale, the same shall not be offered at that time. Sec. 7. The county commissioners' courts of the several counties in this State, shall be authorized to establish a rate of interest at which school funds shall be loaned, and to make such rules and regulations for the safety and useful- ness of the same in their counties, as are necessary to cause a judicious and equitable distribution of the interest arising from the same; and the commissioner, at each regular term of said court, shall be required when making return as now required by law, also to make return of his other transac- tions, specifying the bonds, notes, and all other obligations 15 for money, or interest on money, or other property, that he may have received; also, a statement of all moneys recei- ved, and the person or persons by whom the same was paid, and whether for interest, or principal, or purchase money ; also of all moneys paid or loaned out, and to whom the same was paid or loaned, and the rate of interest payable on each one ; and he sliall present to said court, annually, a statement of all interest paid to him, (keeping the accounts Annual statc- and funds of each township separate at all times) and a sum- mem. mary statement of the manner proposed for the distribution , thereof, and if approved by the court, they shall order the same to be paid to the treasurer of the several townships to which the same belongs. Sec. 8. Whenever any commissioner appointed to sell Commissioner school lands shall resign, refuse to act, or be succeeded by ^'^/^^Jlfl'^^^°^' the appointment of another person, he shall immediately de- \l gfv"^i,p pa,' liver over to the clerk of the county commissioners' court pcrs. of the county, all books, notes, bonds, and other papers, ap- pertaining to said office, and said clerk shall give him a re- ceipt for them ; and upon failure to perform the same,when required so to do, by a notice from the commissioners' court, and served by the sheriff, he shall be liable to indict- ment, and upon conviction shall forfeit and pay a fine, not exceeding five hundred dollai's, for the use of the county where such conviction is had, and be liable for all other pe- nalties and forfeitures incurred by any other neglect of his duty ; and the clerk receiving such books and papers shall, as soon as the successor of said commissioner is qualified, deliver to him the books, and all other papers, and take his receipt for the same ; and in case of the death of any per- son holding the office of commissioner, his executors or ad- Executoi-s or ministratQrs shall be required to make the delivery of the of llec'.^'s^d'''^ books and papers as aforesaid, under the penalties above commissioner provided. Approved, Jan. 22, 1829. Approved, Feb. 15, tog'^e "P P^- 1831. In force from its passage, ^ ' ' AN ACT to provide for the application of the Interest ofAct of March the Fund arising from the sale of the School Lands belong- ^i ^^'^•^• ing to the several Townships in this State. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illinois, l^"'y of school represented in the General Assembly, That every school j^ relation to commissioner who shall, on the second Monday of Novem- the interest de- bar next, have in his possession any amount of the interest "^'^^ from the derived from the proceeds of the sales of the school lands, {^^L. of any township within his county, if such interest shall not be wanted to pay the expenses incident to the survey 16 Teachers when entitled to their portion of saifl interest. Jtlinployeis of teachers when to meet. Notice. Shall appoint trustees. Duties of said trustees. and sale of the school lands of such township, and the ma- nagement of the funds arising therefrom, shall, on that day, or within one week thereafter, proceed to apportion the same among the teachers, who, by the provisions of this act, shall be entitled to the same. Sec. 2. No teacher shall be entitled to receive any por- tion of said interest, unless his school shall be conducted, and his returns made in conformity to the provisions of this act. Sec. 3. On the first Saturday in May next, or if the school shall commence after that time, then at some time within one month after the commencement of the school, a meeting of the employers of the teachers shall be held, of which meeting the teachers shall give three days previous notice to each of his employers, who are not absent from the neighborhood, at which meeting such employers shall proceed to appoint three persons as trustees of said school : said trustees shall be authorized, and it shall be their duty to visit the school from time to time, and to require the ad- mission into the school, and the gratuitous tuition of such children residing in the vicinity of the school as shall be presented to said trustees for that purpose, if such trustees shall believe that the parents or guardians of such children are unable to pay for their tuition. It shall also be the du- ty of said trustees to receive and apply to the use of the school, any donation of money, books, maps, globes, sta- tionery, or other articles necessary or useful for schools. The term of service of such trustees shall expire on the second Monday of November annually, when a new ap- pointment shall be made in the manner provided in this section ; and all vacancies in said office shall be filled in the same manner. [So much of this seation as provides for gratuitous in- struction, is repealed.] Sec. 4. The teacher shall make a schedule of the names make a sched- of all scholars attending his school, who reside within the uie of the township to which the school fund belongs, from the inter- sc^h^fars '^'^ ^^^ ^^ which he wishes to obtain a part of his compensa- tion ; and on every day on which a school shall be kept by him, he shall set dov.^n under the proper date, and opposite the name of each scholar, the attendance or absence of such scholar. Immediately after the close of the month of Oc- tober, or sooner, if his school shall have come to a close, said teacher shall add together the number of days which each scholar residing in the proper township shall have at- tended his school, and set down the total number of days opposite the name of such scholar ; he shall then add toge- ther their several amounts, and set down the total number Term of ser- vice. Teacher shall 17 at the bottom of the schedule; and this total number, after the schedule shall have been examined, and if necessary, corrected by the school commissioner, shall be the crite- rion by which he shall be governed in making the appor- tio«mient aforesaid; but no such schedule shall be taken into consideration, unless it shall be accompanied by a cer- tificate from a majority of the trustees of the school, or from five of the employers of said teacher, setting forth that they verily believe said schedule to be correct, and that said teacher has, to the best of their knowledge and belief, given gratuitous instruction in his said school, to all such orphans and children of indigent parents residing in the vicinity, as had been presented for that purpose by the trustees of said school. If any school shall contain scholars residing in two or more different townships, each possessing a productive school fund derived from their school lands, the teacher of the school in order to become entitled to a share of the interest of each of said township school funds, shall make separate schedules of the names of his scholars residing in each of said townships, and make return thereof to the school commissioner of the county in which such township, or the larger part thereof, shall be situated. In making the apportionment authori- zed by the foregoing part of this act, no services of any teacher shall be taken into consideration, except such as shall have been rendered between the last day of April and the first day of November of the present year. [That part of this section relating to gratuitous instruc- tion, is repealed.] Sec. 5. On the second Monday of November, in the year Commissioner one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four, or within one ta apportion the week thereafter, and at the same time in each succeeding g"hooj''f°^jl° year, each school commissioner shall proceed to apportion his county the interest derived from each township school fund in his among the sev- county, among the several teachers entitled to the same, entitied^hei'e- In all cases where such interest is not required to pay the to. expenses incident to the survey and sale of the school lands, and the management of the fund, such apportionment of interest shall be made among the several teachers entitled to it, according to the number of their scholars residing in the township possessed of such school fund, and the num- bei' of days each of said scholars shall have been instruct- ed by such teacher, within the twelve months immediately preceding the month in which such apportionment is here- Dy required to be made, to be ascertained in the mode pointed out in the fourth section of this act. Sfx. 6. As soon as the apportionment of moneys provi- Shall pay the ded for by this act shall have been made, the school com- [eacher's.*^''^ missioner shall pay to each of the teachers, on his dcmand- 9 18 jn<' the same, the share to which he shall be found entitled, taking his receipt for the same, and charge the same to the school fund of the proper township. Compensation. Sec. 7. As a compensation for apportioning and paying out money as directed by this act, the school commissioner shall be entitled to retain two and a half per centum on all sums thus apportioned by him. Trustees shall Skc. 8. The trustees, employers, who shall certify to the cerUfy the correctness of the schedule of the teaciier, shall also certi- thTteacheT fy ^'^*^ whole amount due to such teacher, and the commis- sioner, if that amount be due and coming to his share, shall pay the same; and the employers, should there be a balance due said teacher, shall pay the same in such manner as they shall agree. Ailmoneyin Sec. 9. All moneys now ill the hands of trustees of school the hands of lands, in any township, or in the hands of other individuals, errshaiibepahi bouud out, or Otherwise, shall be paid over to the commis- overtothecoin- sioner appointed by the county commissioners' court to sell raissioner. school lands, and it is hereby made his duty to call them to account for all moneys, and on failure, to sell and col- lect the same of the said trustees, or others, so that all the funds which have accrued, and which have not been law- fully and fairly expended, belonging to each and every township, and all rents or moneys which, from year to year, or time to time, shall hereafter arise, over and above the allow'ances for services to trustees, and incidental ex- penses, shall be promptly paid over to said ' commissioner, who shall give' them proper vouchers or receipts for the same; and all notes, mortgages, and claims assigned over, shall be by him, in his name, for the use of the inhabitants of the township, sued for and collected. Any trustee, or other township officer, who shall have money in his posses- sion belonging to the township, and shall not, on demand, pay the same over, shall, I'rom that time on until the same shall be collected, pay an interest thereon, at the rate of twelve per cent, per annum. Law requiring Sec. 1 1. So much of the law now in force as requires that *^^ ^^Vlf *°h^^ s6hool lands shall be by the trustees valued and appraised, trustees re- ^ ^^^ ^hat the school lands shall be soldduring the setting of the pealed. circuit court of the county, or when the court should be in session, be, and the same is hereby repealed; and the lands shall be advertised for the length of time now required, and shall be sold at the court house, or place of holding courts, for the highest and best price that can be had, without any regard to valuation: Provided, That the sarrre shall bring one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre; if the same w^ili not bring that sum, there shall be no sale. [So much of this section as repeals the law requiring a 19 valuation of school lands, is repealed, and the valuation law is revived.] Sec. 12. The eleventh section of the act, approved, Fe- Acu repealed, bruary 17,1827, entitled "An act relating to the school lands," and all other acts and parts of acts coming within the purview of this act, are hereby repealed. This act shall be in force from and after the last day of April next. Approved, March 1, 1833. AN ACT authorizing a Credit on Sales of School Lands. Actof Jan. 12, *^ 1833. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the peojjle of the State of Illinois, School lands represented in the General Assemhhu That whenever the in- "^^^ ^e sold on , ', . ~ , . . . . •^' ,. , 1 r • I ^ credit, habitants oi a township, petitionmg tor the sale or sixteenth section, shall be of opinion that their interest would be pro- moted by selling said section on a credit, they may repre- sent the same in their petition; whereupon, it shall be the duty of the commissioner to sell said lands on a credit of one, two, and three years, the purchaser giving a mortgage Purchaser shall on the land, and good personal security for the payment of S'^^ mortgage the purchase money, to be approved by the county com- secudtyr"^ missioners' courts respectively. This act to take effect and be in force from and after the 1st of June, 1833. Approved, Jan. 12, 1833. AN ACT conjirming certain leases of School Lands. Act of Fob. 22, 1833. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illinois, repre- Leases con- sented in the General Assembly, That all leases of sections, ^^™^'^- or parts of sections, numbered sixteen, in the several town- ships of this State, and set apart for school purposes, exe- cuted under the "Act relating to school lands," approved February 17, 1827, prior to the first day of July, 1831, shall be, and they are hereby confirmed to the lessees there- in, and shall be deemed and taken as conferring and grant- ing to them all the rights and privileges stipulated in said leases, in conformity with the said act, any other law or parts of laws to the contrary notwithstanding. Approved, Feb. 22. 1833. 20 In force Feb. ^jV ACT providing for the security of School Funds. 12, 1 83 J. Form of mort- Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the people of the State of Illinois^ gnge. represented in the General Assembly^ That mortgages to be taken by school commissioners and agents for the inhabi- tants of counties, may be in the following form: I, A. B., of the county of , and State of , do assign over and transfer to E. F., school commissioner and agent for the inhabitants of the county of , for the use of thje inhabitants of township , range , (or of the county,) the following described real estate, (liere describe the estate;) which real estate I declare to be in mortgage for the payment of dollars, this day loaned to me by the said school commissioner, with per cent, interest per annum thereon until paid; and I hereby covenant, that the title to said real estate is free from all encumbrance, that I will pay all taxes and assessments which may be le- vied upon said estate; and I further agree that if I do not pay the interest on said sum annually, and the principal when due, that the said real estate may be sold by the said commissioner in conformity with the laws of the State, and that I will deliver immediate possession to the purchaser. Witness my hand and seal this day of ,18 ; which mortgage shall be accompanied with a note for the amount loaned, and shall be valid to all intents and purposes. Failure to pay Sec. 2. If any person shall make default in the payment interest. of interest as it becomes due and payable, such interest shall thereafter be considered principal, and interest at the rate of twenty per centum per annum shall be chargea- ble and recoverable thereon; and if any person shall fail Failure to pay to pay the principal sum borrowed at the time the same piincjpa . becomes due and payable, such person shall be chargeable with interest on such principal sum at the rate of twenty per centum per annum until paid; and the school com- missioners of counties shall be authorized to recover the penalties aforesaid in an action or suit on the note or mort- gage given for t.he payment thereof. Where addi- Sec. 3. In all cases where the school commissioner of i5°'e^ulred'^and ^^^ county shall require additional security from any per- not given. son for the payment of money loaned, and such security shall not be given, the commissioner may sue for and re- cover the amount loaned such person, upon making proof of such requisition, together with the interest which may have accrued at the time of obtaining judgment. Khooi fund^by ^^^' ^* ^"^ ^^^ payment of debts by executors or admin- executorc, ..hall istrators, debts due to the school fund of the State, or any have preference county or township, shall have a preference over all other funeral expen- ^.^bts, except funeral and other expenses attending the last 8«s excepted, sickness, not including the physician's bill. 21 Sec. 5. The county commissioners' courts of the several School com- counties shall require of the school commissioner and agent "I'^s'^'"^''* shall i- I ■ I I • c I • 1^ . S'^'^ bond ali- tor the inhabitants oi such counties to execute a new bond niaiiy. at the next June term of their respective courts, and to execute a new bond annually thereafter; and if any com- missioner as aforesaid shall fail to execute such new bond, the court shall thereupon remove such commissioner from office, and appoint a successor: Provided^ That the court proviso, may allow further time to such commissioner to execute such bond, if in the opinion of the court, such further time may be allowed without injury to the school funds in the hands of such commissioner. Sec. 6. All record books required to be kept by school Record books commissioners, shall be paid for out of the county treasu- ^°^^ l^^'^ ^°^- ries of the counties in which such books shall be used. Sec. 7. That the county commissioners' courts of the County com- several counties in this State, shall be authorized when "^'ssjO'iers may , , . ,. ' • r 1 • 1 1 i'ed'of°^ ^^^^ ^^^^1 forever remain as a principal fund, to be denomi- nated "The County School Fund," to be loaned out by the school commissioner of the county as township funds; and the interest accruing thereon, shall be subject to distribu- tion for the support of schools in the county, in the same manner and under the like regulations as is or may be pre- 25 scribed for the distribution of the interest on the State fund: Provided^ That in making the distribution of the State fund for the present year, no teacher shall be paid for any ser- vice rendered before the first day of June next. Sec. 6. No part of any township fund shall be made to Township constitute any part of a county fund; and teachers employ- ^"°^^ '° ^® ^^' ed in townships having no productive fund, who keep sche- county funds, dules and make returns as is required in townships having productive funds, shall be entitled to a distributive share of the State fund, and the township funds shall be paid to teachers at the time now required by law. Approved, Feb. 7, 1835. AN ACT concerning the School Fund. In force Feb. 6, 1835. Sec. 1 . Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illinois^ Commissioners represented in the General Assemhhu That the commis-^fs^^f""'^^"- • " c ^ I 1 r 1 1. J "lu \^ -u • tnonzed to le- sioners of the school fund, be, and they are hereby requi- ^ove the same red to receive the whole amount of the school fund be- from u. States longing to this State, and now deposited in the Branch ■J^°^^^'|'-"S*^^^ Bank of the United States at St. Louis, and deposite the ^®^'"''y- same in the Treasury of the State; and the Treasurer is hereby required to receive said money and receipt for the same ; and the said money when so received, shall be ap- How applied. plied to the payment of demands against the Treasury, in the same manner as money derived from the ordinary sources of revenue, and the State shall be chargeable with State to pay in- the interest on the same, at the rate of six per cent, per ^^^^^ ^^ g p^^. annum, the interest to be added to the principal annually: cent. Provided^ That if any law shall be passed at the present proviso, session of the Generaf Assembly to distribute the interest or principal of said fund, the Treasurer shall, on the War-- rant of the Auditor, pay over to the said school commis- sioner the amount so loaned to the State, out of any mo- ney in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be dis- tributed according to law. This act to take effect from its passage. Approved, Feb. 6, 1835. 4 APPENDIX. GENERAL REMARKS. The petition required to be presented to the school commissioner, by the inhabitants of townships, requesting a sale of the school lands there- in, may be in the following form: [See section 5 of the act of the 22d January, 1829, and the 1st section of the act of 13th February, 1831.] State of Illinois, County To , School Commissioner and Agent for the in- habitants of the County of The subscribers, being white male inhabitants over the age of twenty- one years, and legal voters of the township of land known and desig- nated on the plat of the surveys of the land belonging to the United States, as township number in the district of lands offered for sale at , lying in the county of , being de- sirous to sell and dispose of section numbered sixteen in the said town- ship, granted by the United States to the State of Illinois, for the use of the inhabitants of the township for the use of schools; do hereby request that the said section be sold according to the laws of the State of Illinois, authorizing a sale thereof. In testimony whereof we hereto severally sign our names this day of , eighteen hundred and thirty- This petition must be signed by at least three-fourths of the free white male inhabitants over twenty-one years of age, who are legal voters of the township — the inhabitants must sign the petition public- ly, and in the presence of at least two good citizens of the township, and those two citizens are required to make oath, that the individuals, whose names appear on the petition, signed the same publicly and free- ly, after the true intent and meaning thereof was made known to them. The law has made no provision to enable the school commissioner to ascertain the number of inhabitants in the townships, nor does it fur- nish any rule by which the commissioner is to be governed in ascer- taining whether or not the requisite number have signed the petition. In order to comply with the provisions of the law upon this point, as near as may be, affidavits will be required of the witnesses to the pe- titions, stating their knowledge and means of information, as to the number of inhabitants in the township, and their belief as to the pro- portion of those inhabitants who have signed the petition. 27 affidavit of witnesses to petition. State of Illinois, County, ss: A. B. and C. D. being severally sworn, state, that the persons whose names appear to the foregoing petition, are each while male inhabi- tants over twenty-one years of age, and legal voters of township num- ber , of range number , in the county of , as they verily believe, that each of the said persons signed the petition publicly and freely, after the contents thereof were made known and explained to them, in the presence of the deponents; that the depo- nents are citizens and legal voters of the township aforesaid. [Here insert the facts, &c. which the witnesses can swear to, as to the num- ber of white male inhabitants and legal voters of the township.] The aforesaid affidavit subscribed and sworn to before me,] this day of ,18, /. P. REMARKS IN RELATION TO THE DUTIES OF TRUSTEES. The trustees of the school lands in the different townships will, so soon as they have been sworn into office, furnish the school commis- sioner with the certificate of their appointment, and a certificate of their having been sworn into office, to enable him to make a record thereof. The trustees will observe, by reading the act of 1831, that the du- ties required of them are, first to value and subdivide the school lands of their township, and make report to the school commissioner for the county, upon being notified by him that the inhabitants of the town- ship desire a sale of the school lands therein. In performing this du- ty, the trustees may divide the sections into lots of half quarter sec- tions, by lines north and south, or they may subdivide half quarters into smaller quantities; but the law provides, that in no case shall a greater quantity than eighty acres be offered for sale in one lot. An actual survey of the section is not necessary, if subdivisions can be made without that expense. Whe« the trustees have subdivided the section and valued the lots, they will make a map of the section, with the several tracts marked and numbered thereon, as proposed by them to be offered for sale, with a certified statement of the valuation per acre of each particular tract, and the number of acres contained therein, assuming six hun-^ dred and forty acres for the contents of the section, which map and valuation must be filed with the commissioner appointed to sell the land. The law provides that no lot shall be valued at less than one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre. After making the map and valuation as above required, the trustees will make a certificate in the following form: State of Illinois, County: We, A. B., C. D., and E. F., trustees of the school lands lying in the congressional township, known and designated as township number , range number , within the county of , be- ing informed that the inhabitants of the said township are desirous to 28 sell the school lands therein, have proceeded to subdivide the same in- to tracts or lots, and to value the same according to the true value thereof. The map hereto annexed is a correct map of all the school lands within the township; also, of the several tracts or lots, into which the school lands have been subdivided, and we propose that the said lands be sold in lots, as marked and numbered on the map. Lot number one contains eighty acres, and is bounded as follows: [here insert the boundary] and then describe each of the other lots in the same manner. After describing the lots, then state the valuation of each lot as fol- lows: We value lot number one at two dollars per acre. We value lot number two at five dollars per acre, &,c. Given under our hands and seals, this day of ,18 SEAL. SEAL. SEAL. In making the subdivision, the trustees are not bound or required to regard any surveys, leases or divisions heretofore made; they will ex- ercise a sound discretion upon the subject, and make the division in the manner which they may deem most advantageous to the interest of the school fund of the township. ' - The trustees are authorized to make contracts with lessees, to re- linquish their leases, "not paying to exceed one half the interest that would accrue from the amount that would be obtained from the sale of the land leased." In making contracts for the relinquishment of leases, the valuation of the land will be considered as the amount that would be obtained from a sale thereof, the interest will be calculated on that amount, from the date of relinquishment to the time the lease would expire; the law has not fixed the rate of interest, but has authorized the commissioners' courts of the several counties, to establish a rate of interest at which school funds shall be loaned; the interest there- fore may be computed at the rate established by the commissioners' courts. The trustees will take from each lessee who may relinquish his lease, a written relinquishment, in the following form: State of Illinois, County: Whereas, on the day of ,18 , the trustees of the school lands in the congressional township, known as township num- ber , of range number , leased to me for the term of years, a certain tract of the school lands within said town- ship; described in the lease as follows: (here insert the description contained in the lease.) And A. B., C. D., and E. F., present trustees of the school lands within the said township, have this day agreed, (here insert the agreement on the part of the trustees.) In considera- tion of which, I hereby relinquish my said lease, and do hereby re- lease and assign over to the said trustees and to their successors in of- fice, all my right and title to the possession, use and occupancy of the said leased premises; and I hereby acknowledge myself the tenant of •i9 the said trustees, and agree to deliver to them, or their successors, the possession of the said premises on the day of next, in as good repair as they are in at present. Witness my hand and seal, this day of ,18 SEAL. DUTIES OF SCHOOL COMMISSIONER. School commissioners are required to give at least forty days notice of the time, place, and terms, of selling school lands, "by posting up written or printed notices in six of the most public places in the coun- ty; and likewise by publishing the same in some newspaper the nearest to the land" — this notice should contain a particular description of each lot of land to be sold, and should not be published until the trustees shall have returned a map and certificate of valuation. The following forms should be adopted by the commissioners in making sale of lands, and keeping accounts. CERTIFICATE OF PURCHASE AND CHECK. Office of School Commissioner and Agent for the \ Inhabitants of the County of . ^ No, % Mr. County of and State of No. containing acres, 16th section T. R. at. % per acre. $\ No. ^ Mr. of the County of , and State of , has this day purchased a lot of land, containing acres, being- part of Section No. Sixteen, Township N. Range W. designated on the Map of the Section, as No. ,for which he has paid $ per acre, amounting to dollars, and cents. Commitrioner. FORM OF SALE BOOK. Date of Sale. Names of purchas- ers. Resi- dence. No. of Acres. Price per Acre. Am't of Sale. Description of Land. 30 FORM O*" LOAN BOOK. Date of Loan. To whom Loaned.' Residence. Amount Loaned. Rate of Interest. When due. Description of Security. FORM OF CASH BOOK. DR. A. B., School Commissioner^ to -Township 15, R. 10. CR. Date. Ofwhom received. Interest. Principal Total. Date. To whom paid or loaned. .\mount. LOANING THE SgHOOL FUNDS. The Legislature has made it a part of the duty of the Commissioner to sell, to loan all the moneys which shall come into his possession, and has authorized the commissioners' courts of the several counties to es- 31 tablish a rate of interest at which school funds shall be loaned, and to make such rules and regulations for the safety and usefulness of the same in their counties as are necessary to cause a judicious and equita- ble distribution of the interest arising from the same. The law requires that the money shall be loaned for one year, or a term of years, not exceeding five — and all sums loaned, of one hun- dred dollars, or less, may be secured by the borrower giving a note with two or more good, I'esponsible freeholders as securities; who shall sign and be considered in all respects as principals. ' Sums over one hundred dollars shall be secured by mortgage on real estate, the title of which shall be clear, unincumbered and indisputable, in value treble the amount loaned. Every person who may obtain u loan of one hundred dollars or less, will be required, previous to obtain- ing the same, to satisfy the commissioner that his securities are respon- sible freeholders — he will also be required to execute a note in the fol- lowing form : One year after date, we, A. B., C. D., and E. F., jointly, and sever- ally, promise to pay G. H., school commissioner and agent, for the in- habitants of the county of , for the use of the inhabitants of township number - , of range number , the sum of one hundred dollars, and interest thereon at the rate of per cent, per annum, from this date, until paid. [If more than one hundred dollars is borrowed, the payment must be secured by mortgage, the form of which will be found in the "Act providing for the security of school funds," approved, February 12th, 1835.] We further promise, that in case additional security for the payment of the aforesaid sum of mo- ney, and interest, or any part thereof, shall be required, the same shall be given to the satisfaction of the said G. H., or his successor in office. Witness our hands and seals, this day of ,18 SEAL. SEAL. SKAL. ORGANIZING SCHOOLS. Whenever a school is desired in a township or neighborhood, the in- habitants employ the teacher, and engage to pa}-, by the year, month, or scholar, whatever may be due after the reception of the school funds — when the teacher is employed, and the school begun, the employers meet at the school-house, and elect three of their number to superin- tend the school — these trustees derive their authority from the inhabi- tants who elect them, and have no other duty to perform, than to see that the school is conducted in a proper manner. At the close of the school, they are required to certify the schedule of the teacher. The teacher, to be entitled to any compensation from the school funds, must keep a schedule, or day-book, and set down the name of each scholar, and note the absence or presence of each, every day. The following form will conform to the law: 3i Schedule of a Common School lept by A, B., in Toivnship number , Range number , in the County of , commencing on the day of ,18 Names of scholars. Monday, 1st June, 1835. Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday Thursday. Friday Total. John Jones, James Jones, present, absent. present, present. present, absent. present, present. present, absent. 5 2 At the close of the school, or on the first day of November, the teach- er will make an abstract of his schedule, by setting down the names of all the scholars, and placing opposite each name, the total number of days that each has attended the school, and then add a certificate, in the following form: "I certify, that the foregoing is a correct schedule of the school kept by me in Township number , Range number , and that each of the scholars resided in the said township, and attended the school the number of days stated in the abstract. Given under my hand, this day of , 1 8 ." The trustees will then add a certificate, in the following form: "State of Illinois, County: "We certify, that at a meeting of the employers of A. B., school teacher, held, pursuant to previous notice, at the school house, on the day of ,18 , we were elected trustees of said school, and that we have performed the duties of trustees, by attending to the school from time to time, and superintending the same — that we have examined the foregoing schedule and abstract, and verily believe the same to be correct. We further certify, that there is due to said teacher for his services, dollars. Given under our hands and seals, this day of ,18 SEAL. SEAL. SEAL. In organizing schools, it is only necessary to obtain a sufficient num- ber of scholars. The law does not require the formation of Districts. In the distribution of the township funds, each scholar is entitled to the benefit of the funds of the township in which he resides; and where a teacher has scholars residing in several townships, separate schedules should be kept for each township. The schedules should be returned to the school commissioners by the first Monday in November. The township funds are required to be paid to teachers on the second Mon- days in November. The State funds are not paid to school commis- sioners until the first of January, and cannot be paid to teachers until after that time. 38 It will be seen by the Act approved 7th February, 1835, that any number of inhabitants of a township may associate together, and pur- chase ten acres or less of land, for the use of a school house, and have the title made to the trustees of the school lands in the township, and their successors forever. The following form of conveyance should be adopted: "This indenture made and entered into this day of , 18 , between A. B. and C. D. his wife, of the county of , and State of , of the first part, and the "Trustees of School Lands in Township number , Range number , in the County of ," of the second part, Witnesseth: That, whereas A. B., C. D., and E. F., {insert here the names of all the persons who contribute to the purchase of the Land, or building the School House,) inhabitants of said township, have purchased of the said A. B., party of the first part, a certain piece or parcel of land situated in said township, being (he7'e describe the land,) and paid therefor, the sum of dollars, for the purpose of erecting thereon a school house or houses, and of organizing and maintaining a common school for the education [of their children, wards, and apprentices, and the children, wards, and apprentices of their successors forever, and such other children as may be admitted according to the rules and regulations of the school;] and the said in- habitants being desirous that the said land shall be conveyed to the parties of the second part, and their successors forever, and held in perpetuity for the uses and purposes aforesaid; the said parties of the first part, do, in consideration of the premises, hereby grant, bargain, sell, and convey, unto the s lid parties of the second part, and their suc- cessors forever, the aforesaid piece or parcel of land, with the appur- tenances thereof. To have and to hold the same forever, for the use of the inhabitants aforesaid, and their successors and assigns, the said land and the house or houses which mny be erected thereon, to be used and occupied by them, exclusively, for the uses and purposes express- ed in this deed, and for no other. And the said A. B. hereby covenants to warrant, and forever defend the title to said land, unto the parties of the second part, and their successors forever, against the claim of all and every person,or persons whomsoever. In testimony whereof, the parties of the first part, hereto sign their names, and affix their seals, the date first herein written. Witness: SEAL- SEAL. If the land and house is intended for the use of the inhabitants of the township generally, the words included in brackets, in the deed, must be omitted, and the following words inserted, viz: "of all children whose parents, guardians, or piasters, reside in the said township, and such others as may be admitted by the rules and regulations of the school." 5 1 X D E X . PAGE APPORTIOiNMENT OF LNTEREST— How made, 15-1G-17 AUDITOR & SECRETARY OF STATE— When required, shall give officinl information to school comniisi>ionor?, 11 COMMISSIONERS OF SCHOOL FUND— To provide books for said fund, 23 Authorized to remove the same from U. 8. Bank into State Treasury, 25 Accounts of, how kept, '23 CREDIT— May be given on Pale of school lands, 19 DEBTS DUE SCHOOL FUND— Shall have preference over all others, except funeral expenses, 20 GRATUITOUS INSTRUCTION— Not allowed, 22 Laws authorizing the same, repealed, - ib INTEREST ON MONEY LOANED— Rate of, to be established by the county comniissioners' court, li Api>ortionment of, how made, 15-16-17 INTEREST OF COLLEGE & SEMINARY FUNDS— To be loaned annually lo school fund, 23 To be distributed annually, and in what proportion, 24 To be paid to teachers of schools, - ib INHABITANTS OF TOWNSHIPS— Associating for school purposes, 22 May purchase land?, . ib LEASES — Term for which they may be made, Confirmed in certain cases, 19 LESSEES OF SCHOOL LANDS— Liability of, for committing waste, 6-22 Failure of, to pay interest, 20-22 Failing to give additional security when recpiired, 20 LAWS AUTHORIZING GRATUITOUS INSTRUCTION— Repealed, 22 MONEY — In the hands of trustees to be paid to school commissioners, 18 MORTGAGES — To be taken bv school commissioners — term of, 20 PETITIONS FOR THE SALE OF SCHOOL LANDS— Requi- sites of, 9-13 Duty of school commissioners in relation to ib PATENTS FOR SCHOOL LANDS— By whom issued 11 RECORD BOOKS— How paid for, 21 SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS— How appdnted e-13 To give bond annually 21 When refjuired to give additional bonds ib Compensation of, for apportioning interest 18 Moneys in the hands of trustees to be paid to ib Form of mortgage to be taken by '^0 When and how, may be removed from office 8-13 Shall keep records of all school lands 9 Petition to sell to be presented to ib Dnty of, in relation to selling sch»ol landa 9-10 35 SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS— (continued.) rxon Shall make rejwrt of sales to commissioners' court and auditor of public accounts jq Shall keep records of all business of their office 1 1 Shall loan money and upon what termo U-IS Resigning or refusing to act, to ^ive up all his paoers "' 15 Auditor and secretary to give omcial information" to, when re- quired 2j SCHOOL LANDS— Under lense to be exempt from salo 14 Sale of, how conductad &-10-14 Requisites of a petition for the sale of '©-13 Duty of school commissioners in relation to ib Liability of lessees of, for committing waste 6-22 Persons trespassing on, penalty for . 4 Penalty how recovered jb Trespassers how proceeded against 5 Duty of circuit courts in relation to ib Patents for, by whom issued H Valuation of, to be made by trustees 13 SCHOOL FUND — Commissioners authorizerl to remove the same from the U. S. Bank into the state treasury 25 How applied ' jj, State to pay interest on the same at 6 per cent, per annum ib Interest on college and seminary funds to be paid to, annually 23 To be distributed annually and in what proportion 24 Commissioners of, to provide books for same - 23 Books how paid for 21 Debts due the, to have preference over all others except funeral expenses 20 Apportionment of interest of, how made 15-16-17 Persons failing to pay interest or principal how proceeded again&t 20 Failing to give additional security when required ib TRUSTEES OF SCHOOL LANDS— How appointed 5-^3-13 Term of service of Q Shall be sworn ' ib Declared a body corporate ib Shall have power to make leases 6-22 May lease for ten years May appoint a clerk and treasurer 7 Death or res'gnation of ib Compensation of ib Valuation of school lands to be made by 13 To certify the amount due each teacher 18 Moneys in tlie hands of, to be paid to school commissioners ib TEACHER OF SCHOOLS— Duty of 16-17 Shall make schedule of all scholars ib Interest on college and seminary funds to be paid to 24 Amount due to, to be certified by the trustees 18 TOWNSHIPS — Partly in one county and pavtlv in another, bow regulated 7 TOWNSHIP FUND— To be kept separate from countv fund 25 VALUATION OF SCHOOL LANDS— To bo made by truilees 13 INDEX TO THE APPENDIX. PAGB CONVEYANCES TO TRUSTEES— Form of 33 CASH BOOKS— Form of 30 CERT[F[CATES— Form of (fee forms) FORMS Of a petition to sell school lands 2G Of affidavit of trustees ib Of certificate of trustees 27 • Of certificate of purchase and check 29 Of cash book * SO Of loan book ib Of sale book ib Of teachers' schedules 32 Of affidavit of witnesses ib Of the relinquishment of leases 28 Of certificate of valuation of school lands 27 Of notes for the purchase of school lands 31 Of certificate to teachers' abstracts from scher'ules 32 Of conveyances to trustees 33 INHABITANTS OF TOWNSHIPS— Associated together for school purpose?, may purclnse lands 33 Title to be vested in trustees of school lands ib Form of the convevance ib LOAN BOOK— Form of ' 30 NOTES— Form of (see forms) PETITIONS FOP. THE SALE OF SCHOOL LANDS— Form of 26 By whom signed and how — witnesses to make affidavit ib Form of aflidavit ib RELINQUISHMENT OF LEASES— Trustees authorized to make con- tracts for 28 Form of ib SALE BOOKS— Form of 30 SCHOOL COIVIMISSIONERS— duties of 29 To give forty days notice of sales of school lands ib In what manner ib Contents of the notice ib Form of his certificate of purchase and check ib SCHOOL FUND— Manner of loaning 30 Form of note 31 SCHOOL LANDS— Petition for tl>e sale of, fonn of 26 Bj' wliom signed and how — witnesses to make affidavit ib Form of aflidavit jb SCHOOLS — Manner of oigaiiiziug 31 What deemed necessary 32 SCHEDUIiES— To be kept by teachers 31 Form of 32 To be returned to school commissioner ib Separate to be kept for each township ib TRUSTEES OF SCHOOL LANDS— To make map of township and value it 27 To certify the same — form of cevtificaie ib Authori.^ed to make cfntracts for tlie re'nnqtishment of leases 28 Form of the relinquishment — to certify the amOLint due teachers ib TEACHERS OF SCHOOL?— To keep schedules 31 When scholars attend fiOm diflerent townships, schedules to be kept separate 32 To return schedules to school commissioners ib To make abstracts from, and certify tlie same ih Form of certificate — form of schedule ib