mmv mill SI IS $ mmm fill M « LI B RAHY OF THE U N IVER_S'iTY Of ILLINOIS The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 2? r*R ,NG Wq 4 * *-' ■* i 1982 JSE OiNfLV 1982 L161— O-1096 Report No. 199 MATHEMATICS THE AUTOMORPHISM GROUP OF A STRONGLY CONNECTED AUTOMATON AND ITS QUOTIENT AUTOMATA by Rudolf Bayer February lU, 1966 Report No. 199 THE AUTOMORPHISM GROUP OF A STRONGLY CONNECTED AUTOMATON AND ITS QUOTIENT AUTOMATA *>y Rudolf Bayer February 1^, 1966 Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The research carried out in this paper was initiated by a suggestion of Professor M. Paul. The author wants to thank Professor F. E. Hohn and Professor M. Paul for many valuable discussions and for the encouragement they gave during the course of this investigation. Professor J. Nievergelt remarked that the theory developed in this paper might lead to interesting applications in the design of highly parallel computers, since it seems reasonable to expect that certain subcomponents of such computers like ILLIAC IV should have a relatively large automorphism group . ■Hi' TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. INTRODUCTION . 1 II. THE AUTOMORPHISM GROUP OF A QUOTIENT AUTOMATON 5 III. THE SUBGROUP LATTICE OF G(A) AND THE POSET OF QUOTIENT AUTOMATA OF A 11 IV. JORDAN-HOLDER -SCHREIER THEORY AND QUOTIENT AUTOMATA 18 V. AN APPLICATION TO COSET ALGEBRAS 22 PRINCIPAL NOTATIONS 31 BIBLIOGRAPHY 33 -IV- I . INTRODUCTION In this section we give the basic definitions and the general background of the following theory. Also the major results obtained by various authors in this research field will be stated as far as they are needed later in this paper. Definition 1 : An automaton A is a triple A = (S, 1, 6) where S is a finite set (set of states) I is a finite set (input alphabet) 5 is a function from S x I into S Definition 2: I* is the free semigroup of strings over the alphabet I with the operation of string concatenation. We make the convention that I* contains the empty string. We extend 5 to a function from S x I* into S by defining inductively: 5 (s,z) = s for all s e S where z is the empty string 6 (s,xy) =5(5 (s,x),y) for x s I* and y e I. Our definition of an automaton differs slightly, but not essentially from the definitions given in [l] , [ 2 ] and [3], the reason being that we want to keep the mathematical theory of automata as close to physical representations as possible. -1- Definition 3 : A = (S, I, 5) is strongly connected < > (Vs £ S) (Vt e S) (3x e I*) such that 5 (s, x) = t Definition ki By a function h from A = (S, I, 5) to B = ( T, I, \ ) we mean a function from S into T. h is called operation preserving if (Vx e S) (Vx e I*) it is true that h (b(s,x)) = (\(h(s),x). An operation preserving function is called a homomorphism if it is from A to B endomorphism if it is from A to A isomorphism if it is from A to B and 1-1 automorphism if it is from A to A and 1 - 1 . Clearly the set of automorphisms of A is a group under function composition. We denote this group by G(A). For the rest of this paper we assume that all the automata are strongly connected. This seems like a severe restriction for the mathematical theory, one should realize, however, that all automata that are interesting for applications, e.g. as computing devices, must be strongly connected. Theorem 1 : (Weeg [2]): If A is strongly connected, then G(A) is a a group of regular permutations on S . Lemma 1 ; (Fleck [l] ) : Let h , h e G(A). If h (s) = h (s) for some s £ S then h = h * -2- Definition 5 ; Define the equivalence relation = on I* by: x s y iff (Vs 6 S) (6(s,x) = 6(s,y)) Note that = actually is a congruence relation and therefore we can define the factor semigroup I* i . Definition 6 : The semigroup of the automaton A is defined to be I*/_ and is denoted by S(A). Definition 7 : We call the strongly connected automaton A total if the order of G(A) is equal to the number of states of A. Notation : Denote isomorphism between groups or automata by 'V". Theorem 2 : ( [5] ) : G(A) ~ S(A) if and only if A is total. Definition 8 : Let H be a subgroup of G(A). Then we define the equivalence relation = on the state set S of A by: a S l "H S 2 <=> (a h e H) such that h(s ) = s We denote the equivalence class of s with respect to this relation by H— H— s. Call s a transitivity class of H and denote the set I s ! s € s| by ^H and 7 5(t,x) |t e s > by 5( s,x). Then we get the following useful lemma: -3- ■ H- H- Lemma 2: 6( s,x) = 6(s,x) H— H— Proof: 6("s,x) = <6(t,x) t e s H- h (h (s),x)| h e HS h (&(s,x)) h £ H( = "5(s,x) . This means that an arbitrary input x maps a transitivity class of H 1 - 1 onto some other transitivity class of H. Notation; "H < G" means: "H is a subgroup of the group G" . "H A /H by f u ( H s) = H uTTT We use the normality of H in U to show that f is well defined. -5- TT IT Therefore let s = t and Hu = Hv, i.e., there exists h e H such that s = h (t) and an h e H such that u = h g v . Thus we get: ,H-x H f ( s) = u(s) = h v(s) = v(s) = H- H H-x = V^Ct)) = n iy(tT = n 7TtT = f v ( t) since vh = h v for some h e H by normality of H and f is well defined. Next we want to show that f is 1 - 1: •H- N -Hr-> H- H- sorae So let f ( s") = f ( t), i.e., u(s) = u(t). Then there exists h e H such that u(s) = h u(t) = uh (t) for some h e H again by the normality of H But u is 1 - 1 as an automorphism of A and therefore TT XT s = h (t). But this means s = t and f is 1 - 1. Also since u is onto clearly f is onto, u It is left to show that f is a homomorphism: H 5(f u ( H F),x) = H 5( H uTFJ» = H 5(u(s),x) = = H u(o(s,x)) = f u ( H oT^T) = f u ( H 5( H s,x)) Thus f is an automorphism of A/„ and f e G(A/„). Next we have to show that the correspondence it : Hu > f is 1 - 1. TT TT Suppose that u and v belong to distinct cosets and that f(s)=f(s) TT TJ T T for some s e S , then u(s) = v(s) and there exists an h e H such that H hu(s) = v(s). Then by lemma 1 we have: hu = v and u and v are in the same coset of H which is a contradiction. Thus it is 1 - 1. To show that it is a homomorphism: ^(Hu Hv) = it(Huv) = f where uv = w w «(Hu)«(Hv) = f f . ' U V But f f ( s) = f ( vTsT) = uv[s7 = wTsT = f ( s) and f f = f and u V x ' U V V ' ' V ' K ' W V ' U V w is a homomorphism. Since it is also 1 - 1 it is an isomorphosm. QED ■6- Theorem T5 : Let A be total and H < G(A). Let J < G(A/ ). Then there exists a subgroup U < G(A) such that H < U and U/ =, , J. rhe proof makes use of the following lemma: IT IT Lemma 3 '• Under the conditions of theorem T5 let j e J and j ( s) = t. Let g € G(A) and g(s) = t. Then Hg = gH. H- Proof of Lemma : Note that g exists since A is total. Clearly Hg(s) = t. IT To show: gH(s) = t H H— H— Let h e H and a e I* such that h(s) = 6(s,a), then clearly 6( s,a) = s and 5( t,a) = 5(j( s),_a) = j 6( s,a) = j( s) = t H— Then gh(s) = g(S(s,a)) = 5(g(s),a) = 5(t,a) € t and Hg = gH by lemma 1 which completes the proof of the lemma. Proof of T5 ; Define a map it from J into the cosets of H as follows: Choose TT _ a fixed s in S H* it: J ~ > J Hg|g e G(A) it (j) = Hg if J( H s) = H t and g(s) ■. , t TT TJ IT IT To show: Jt is well defined. Let s = s, h (s) = s and t = t; h £ (t) = t and g ][ (s 1 ) = t . Where h , h g e H and g e G(A). Then g(s ) = gh (s) = h g(s) = h (t) for some h € H by lemma 3. h x g(s ) = -1 t = h ; x (t x ) -7- Therefore h h^gCs.^ = t ± and h 2 h~ g = g 1 by lemma 1. Therefore Hg = Hg and « is independent of the representatives we choose in s and t. To show that it is 1 - 1 let *(j) = Hg and *(,],) = Hg 1 and Hg = Hg , i.e., g = hg for some h e H. TJ TT TT II Then let j ( s) = t and j ( s) = t^. H- Then g(s) = t and g (s) = t , therefore t = g(s) = hg (s) = h(t ) and t = H- t and j = j by lemma 1. To show that " is a homomorphism let - jo and ^(j- ) = H §- > * = 1> 2 ,3- «(j 1 )«(j 2 ) = (Hg 1 )(Hg 2 ) = H( g;L H)g 2 = H(H gl )g 2 = (HH) gl g 2 = Hg ] _g 2 by lemma 3 and we need to show that Hg g = Hg . So let g.(s) = t. , then g 1 g 2 (s) = g ] _( t 2 ) = g 1 (6(s,a)) = 6(g 1 (s),a) = IT TT TT JJ = 5(t ,3.) for some a e I*; but 5( t , ,a) - 5(j-.( s),a) = H„,H- -H-x H-— = j ± B( s,a) = j 1 ( t 2 ) = j i j 2 ( s) = t and g^g^s) = 8(t 1 ,a) € t i.e., g,g p (s) = h(t ) = hg (s) for some h e H and therefore g g = hg and Hg n g p = Hhg = Hg which shows that it is a homomorphism. Therefore it is an isomorphism between J and a group of cosets of H under coset multiplication. Clearly the union of these cosets is a subgroup U < G(A) such that H O U and u/ H =J. QED. As simple corollaries to Theorems 5 and T5 we get the following: JL sorem 6 : Let H < G(a). Then H"/ is isomorphic to a subgroup of G(A/ ) -8- Theorem T6: Let A be total. Then H # / H ^G(A/ H ) Note that theorems 3 and ^ are trivial corollaries of Theorems 6 and T6 resp. for the case that IT = G(A). Clearly Theorem 6 gives us the maximum amount of information about G(A/ ) that can be extracted from G(A) using Theorem 5 > while Theorem T6 gives a total characterization of G(A/ ) in terms of the lattice of subgroups of G(A) if A is total. Theorem "J : Let H < U < G(A). Then A/ is a homomorphic image of k/ H Proof : note that s = t => s = t define f : A/ — > A/ by f( H s) = U i" Then f is well defined and onto. To show that f is a homomorphism: f( H 5( H s,x)) = f( H 5li77T) = U oT^T = U 6( U s,x) = U 5(f(%,x) QED. Definition 11 ; We call an automaton B a natural homomorphic image of A if B is isomorphic to a quotient automaton of A. With that much information available it is natural to consider the following question: Let H < U < G(A). Then we know by theorem 7 that A/ is a homo- morphic image of A/ . Under what conditions is this homormorphism a natural one? The following theorem which resembles closely a basic theorem in group theory gives a partial answer to this question. -9- Theorem 8: (First Isomorphism Theorem): Let H < U < G(A). Then {k '*p/ n) = A /u Here U/ stands for the isomorphic copy of U/ in G(A/ ) under the isomorphism H it defined in the proof of Theorem 5. H' Proof: Let card (A) be the number of states of A and let card (U) be the order of U. Then obviously card (A) = card (U) • card (A/ ). Define the U/ _ U map fs A/ D — > (A/ H )/ (u/ } by f( D ?) = H ( H s). / H u- U- To show that f is veil defined let s = t, then s = u(t) for some u e U and s = u(t) = f ( t) where f is as defined in the proof of Theorem 5. "A "/, H ( H s") = U/ H ( H I) = U/ H f u ( H t) = U/ H ( H t) = "' H ( H t) since f u e o/ H and f is well defined. Clearly f is onto; to show that f is 1 - 1 notice that card (A/ TJ ) = card (U/ E )L 1 ))• To show that f is a homomorphis.m: U / W .n . . U A H ( H 5) (f( U s),x) = H ( H 5) ( H ( H s),x) = u/ uA H 5 ( H F,x) = " H ( H oT^7^D= f( u 5T^T = f( U 5( U s,x)) QED, ■10- III. THE SUBGROUP LATTICE OF G(A) AND THE POSET OF QUOTIENT AUTOMATA OF A With the results of section II we are now ready to study the structure of the set of quotient automata of A under certain relations. We denote the lattice of subgroups of G(A) by L P / A \ and the set of quotient automata of A by L . Obviously if H < G(A) and K < G(A) and H ^ K then also A/ ^ A/ since at least S ^ S . Thus we get a natural 1-1 correspondence between L G(A) and L . Furthermore, we can impose the lattice structure of L / \ onto L simply by transporting it J G(A) A from L G(A) to L. using our 1-1 correspondence. It is also possible, however, to define the same lattice structure on L. in a more natural way in terms of certain properties of the quotient automata of A. This was carried out by the author, but it was found neither conceptually satisfying nor very useful. A more reasonable approach seems to be to identify isomorphic quotient automata and to drop down to equivalence classes of isomorphic automata in the study of L . . If this is being done then the question arises what happens to the lattice L p /.N and its structure, or in other words, what are necessary and sufficient conditions on subgroups H < G(A), K < G(A) that the corresponding quotient automata A/ and A/ K be isomorphic. Again partial answers are obtained for strongly connected automata and a complete characterization is obtained for total automata. It turns out that group isomorphism is not the proper concept on Lp/.N to correspond to isomorphism on L . Too much collapses and too -1.1- I much structure is lost in Iw A \ if one considers classes of isomorphic subgroups of G(A) to study the equivalence classes of L . The author found the concept of conjugacy between subgroups of G(A) to be more fruitful to the approach of this study. For completeness sake we state here the standard definition of conjugacy in group theory. Definition 12: The subgroups H and K of G are called conjugate if there exists some element g € G such that gHg " = K. Conjugacy clearly is an equivalence relation and the equivalence class of H is called the conjugacy class of H. Denote conjugacy between groups by "~". Notation: Denote the set of conjugacy classes of subgroups of G(A) by P r /.\ and the set of isomorphism classes of L. by P.. Denote the conjugacy class of H < G(A) by H and the isomorphism class of A/ g L. :> Definition IS: We define the relation < on P /.\ by: H < U <= H is conjugate to a subgroup of U. It is clear that < is a partial order on PpfAN and if in the sequent we speak of the "poset P / s" we mean the set P r fA\ with the partial order <. Definition 1^-: We define the relation < on P. by: A/ < A/ < > ./ is a homomorphic image of A/ . It is clear that < is a partial order on P. and if in the sequent we speak of the "poset P " we mean the set P. with the partial order <• A -12- We do not distinguish in notation between the two different partial orderings in definitions 13 and 1^ but it will always be clear from the context which one is meant. Th eorem 9: Let H < G(A), K < G(A) and H ~ K. Then A/ ~ A / K Proof: Fix g e G(A) such that gH = Kg. r > A/ by Vh -H- K- f ( s) = gR TT TT To show that f is well defined let s = t and t = h(s); h e H. Then f ( H t ) = K gTtT = K ihTsT = K kgT^T = K g(iy for some k e K since H ~ K and f is well defined. Clearly f is onto since g is. Also f must be 1 - 1 since card (A/„) = card (A/ ). To show that f is a homomorphism: f( H 5( H s,x)) = f( H oTI^Ty = K g(5(s,x)) = \(g(s),x) - ViTiXx) = fyf (*£)>*) QED Our first isomorphism theorem and theorem 9 together give us the following slightly stronger version of the first isomorphism theorem: Theorem 8.1: Let N A/ ~ A / K Proof: c=^> This is Theorem 9 < by Theorem 11 K contains a subgroup 1C conjugate to H, But K = K since card (K) = card (h) = card (K_). Theorem T 10: Let A be total, H < G(A), U < G(A). Then A/ is a homorphic image of A/ < > U contains a subgroup K such that H ~ K. Proof: <- :> This is Theorem 11 This is Theorem 10. -15- Definition 15: Call an order preserving map of a poset onto another poset a -poset homomorphism, an order reversing map a poset antihomomorphism . If the maps are 1-1 call them poset isomorphism and poset anti- isomorphism respectively. Note that Theorems 9, 10, T9, T10 characterize the poset p of isomorphism classes of quotient automata in terms of the automorphism group G(A) or better in terms of the poset of subgroup conjugacy classes of G-(A). The relation between these two poset s is made precise in the following two theorems. Again we obtain a partial knowledge for the case of the strongly connected automaton and perfect knowledge for the case of the total automaton. Theorem 12; The map f : P G(A) -> P A defined by: f (H) = A/ is an antihomomorphism from the poset P^/aN onto the poset P.. Proof: f is well defined by Theorem 9* f is clearly onto, f is order reversing by theorem 10. Theorem T 12 : If A is total, then the map of Theorem 12 is an antiisomorphism between the posets P«/ a n a nd P . Proof: The homorphism f is 1-1 by Theorem T9» Therefore f is defined. The fact that f " is also order reversing follows from Theorem T10. QED -16- Now we can strengthen our first isomorphism theorem for quotient automata in case A is total. Theorem T 8 : (Second Isomorphism Theorem): Let A be total. Then A/ is a natural homorphic image of A/ < > N is a normal subgroup of a conjugate group of H. Proof: <= this is Theorem 8 and Theorem 9« > Let J < G(A/ N ) and A/ ~ (A/ )/j. Then by theorem T 5 there exists a subgroup U of G(A) such that N <\ U and U/ ~ J* Then A /U = (A V/(U /H ) : ( A /V 7j = A /H ^ the first isomorphism theorem and U ~ H by theorem T9« -17- IV. JORDAN-HOLDER-SCHREIER THEORY AMD QUOTIENT AUTOMATA The Jordan -Holder -Schreier Theory about normal series and composition series of groups can now be used conveniently to investigate series of natural homomorphisms for quotient automata. We need some definitions first: Definition l6: Let 12 n (1) and N. < G(A); i = 1, 2, ..., n. Then this series is called a partial normal series. It is called lower sem inormal if I, = i^S where 1 is the identity of G(A), upper seminormal if N = G(A) and normal if it is both lower and upper semi- normal. If all the factor groups N 1+1 /N. l for i = 1, 2, . .', n - 1 are simple and non trivial then we call the series (l) partial composition, lower semicomposition, upper semi- impositio n and compos i tio n series respectively. Definition 17: We call a series of quotient automata A, -> A, -> -> A (2) a partial natural series if A. is a natural homomorphic image of A. } i = 1, 2, . . . , n - 1. We call (2) lower seminatural if A ~ A/ ,.^, v n = /G(A)' upper seminatural if A = A and natural if it is both upper and lower seminatural. We call the series (2) partial tight , lower semitight, -18- upper semitight and tight respectively, if all the automorphism groups used to obtain the natural homomorphisms are simple and if in addition 7 A - i t i +1 A. 7 k. ,., for i = 1, 2, . .., n - 1. Theorem 13: Let N < G(A), let N_ < N_ A '/k -> -> A .1 is partial natural, n 1 2 upper seminatural, lower seminatural, natural respectively Note that ] , -, is isomorphic to a subgroup of G(A/ ) N. 1 i+l/j by theorem 5 (i = 1; 2, . . . , n - l). Also (A/ N. / (N. , ) ~ A/^ T 1 / 1+1 /n. = /N i + i by our first isomorphism theorem and A/ is a natural homomorphic 7 i+1 image of A /N.* x QED Theorem ik: Let N < G(A); let ff. <1 N_ A 'At "> -> A /m 1 ' 2 is partial tight, upper semitight, lower semitight, tight respectively. -19- Proof: Note that the factor groups N in the proof of /N. theorem 13 are now simple groups, QED Theorem T 13 : Let A be total. Then there exists a partial normal, lower seminormal, upper seminormal, normal series N A/ M -> A 1 '/K- •> -> A/ M -> A n-1 /m is a partial natural, upper seminatural, lower seminatural, natural series respectively. Proof: > this is theorem 13 <- = By theorems T5 and T9 M. is a normal subgroup of a conjugate K. , of M. _ for i = 1, 2, ..., n - 1. Then define N = M and if l+l l+l ' ' ' n n the conjugate N. , of M. n is defined, then N. , ~ K. n by the l+l l+l l+l i+l J transitivity of conjugacy of groups. So let N = g K & . and define N. = g. , _ M. g. " . Then N. <\ N. . and N. ~ M. l i+l l i+l l i+l i i -1 QED Theorem T lU : Let A be total. Then there exists a partial composition, lower semicomposition, upper semicomposition, composition series N n O N^. O ... -20- •'•4r«V A /m, -> A Ik -> -> A /M ." ' n-1 -> A /M 1 '2 ■ n-± ' n is a partial tight, upper semitight, lower semitight, tight series respectively. Proof: > This is theorem 1^ <: Observe that in this case the factor groups arising in the construction in the proof of theorem 1^+ are all simple and non trivial by definition 17 • Theorem 13: Let A and A > A/ M -> A/ N, -> ... -> A /N -> ... -> A /m (1) (2) 1 n be two tight series of the total automaton A. Then n = m and every amtomorphism group used to define a natural homomorphism in series (l) is isomorphic to an automorphism group used to define a natural homomorphism in series (2) and vice versa. Proof: This is an immediate corollary to theorem T ik and the Jordan -Holder Schreier theorem on composition series of groups. QED -21- V. AN APPLICATION TO COSET ALGEBRAS In our investigation we have put some rather strong restrictions on our automata. So far, however, we have not yet answered the question whether automata with the required properties exist. The following theorem gives a positive answer to the existence question: Theorem l6: (Stated without proof in Bavel [6]): Let H be an arbitrary finite group. Then there exists a total automaton A such that G(A) ~ H. Proof: Let A = (H, H, &) where 5 (h , h ) = h h (group multiplication in H). To show that G(A) ~ H: For every h e H define the map: A -> A by f (h ) = h h (group multiplication in H) Vh e H Clearly f. is 1-1 and onto. J h To show f, is an automorphism: h f h (5(h 1 , h 2 )) = f h (h 1 h 2 ) = h(h 1 h 2 ) = (h h 1 ) h 2 = f. (h. )h = &(f, (h.).h^) and f. is a homomorphism. Hence f. is an h 1 2 h 1 2 h h automorphism and we have f e G(A). -22- HHHW Clearly h n 4 ^ > f, 4 f, and the map 1 ' 2 h, h„ it : H 1 2 -> G(A) defined by « (h) = f h is 1 - 1. Since card H = card A and card G(A) < card A we have that card G(A) < card H. Therefore n is onto and we must have card H = card A = card G(A). To show that n is a homomorphism: it (h ± h 2 ) = f = f^f = * (h^K (h 2 ) and H : G(A) QED Notation: We denote the automaton A defined in the proof of theorem l6 by (?„ and call it the canonical automaton of H. n Remark : It is easy to see that it would be enough to use a set of generators of the group H as inputs in the construction of the automaton A in the proof of theorem l6. So we get the following corollary. Corollary l6.1: Let H be a finite group and I„ a set of generators h. for H. Then the automaton A = (H, I H , 5) where 5 is group multiplication in H is total and G(A) ~ H. These two results characterize a whole class of total automata for which the special results obtained in sections II, III, IV for the case of total automata are valid. Our considerations suggest that the theory of -23- total automata might be used to study coset systems of arbitrary (not necessarily normal) subgroups of a group. In the rest of this section our intention is not to present new results but to demonstrate a new approach to a classical field of mathematics using the theory of total automata and their quotient automata. However some of the proofs given here should be new. To make these ideas more specific we need a few definitions first. Definition 18 : A monadic algebra 'ffirC is a pair -^Y, = (E ; 0) where E is a set, the elements of "?9~d , and is a set of unary operators on E, the operators of 'ffl'C* Let o, , o , ..., o e 0, e e E. Then by o |e we denote the element of E which we get if we apply the operator o. to the element e and by o, • • • o^ o., e we mean o. ( o, n • > . (o_ e ) • • • ) ■ k 2 l 1 k 1 k-1 l 1 Let G be a group and H a subgroup of G. Then define the monadic algebra ^^■^ - the coset algebra of H in G- by G, n ^ G , H = ( I H g I g e G I , G) where > Hg | g € G I is the collection of right cosets of H in G and the operators g, e G are defined by gjHg = Hg g ± -2k- Mit»«M This coset algebra of H in G can in a certain sense , which will "be made precise in a moment, be considered as a generalization of the concept "factor group of a normal subgroup of G" for the case that H is not normal. Definition 19 j We define the relation = on G by <- ■> g-jHg = g 2 |H§ Vg € G. °1 ~ & 2 We do not indicate the dependence of = on H in the notation. Denote the collection of equivalence classes by G and the equivalence class of g by g. If in our coset algebra y 2'?L„ „ we want to have a non redundant set of operators, i.e. we identify operators with the same effect on the coset s Hg dropping from G down to G, then we get the following non redundant monadic algebra of H in G: 1H Gr,H with g 1 j Hg = Hg by definition 19. = ( H " f ^ 6 G i, G) ; . It is clear that the operator g is well defined Hotation: Let H be a subgroup of G. Then by En we denote the unique maximal subgroup of H which is normal in G. Theorem 17 '• = is a congruence relation on G and the factor group G/_ is isomorphic to G/ -25- Proof: Let g ± = g 2 , then (g g 1 )|Hg = Hg(g 3 g^ = (Hg g ) g^_ = (Hg g 3 ) g 2 = Hg (g 3 g 2 ) = (g 3 g 2 )|Hg and (g ± g )|Hg = Hg (^ g^ = (Hg g^ g 3 = (Hg g 2 ) g 3 = Hg (g g ) = (g g )|Hg. Thus = is a congruence relation. Also = is a refinement of the equivalence relation defined by the cosets of H as equivalence classes since g. = g > Hg = g JH = g |H = Hg and g and g are in the same coset of H. Also if NOG and N < H then g = n g^^ (Vn e N) since n g |Hg = Hg n g = Hn g g- L = Hg g 1 = g^^lHg for some n e N. Therefore = is a refinement of the equivalence relation defined by the cosets of H and the cosets of any subgroup of H which is normal in G is a refinement of the congruence =. Consequently = must be the same congruence relation as the one defined by En. QED Now if N < G, then N u = N and the non redundant coset algebra ^T- , T of N in G is "isomorphic" to the factor group G/_ T in Vn the following sense : 1//t G,N = (G /V 7 N } and ■26. .-.IrU'- ' Ng |Ng = Ng g = Ng Ng and the application of the operator Ng corresponds to multiplication with the coset Ng from the right in the factor group G/ . In this sense it is justified to consider the coset algebra of an arbitrary subgroup H of G of the non redundant coset algebra of H in G as a generalization of the factor group of a normal subgroup. Since normal subgroups and the corresponding factor groups play- such a central role in many branches of mathematics it should be interest- ing to study the generalization to coset algebras. Our theory of total automata and their quotient automata will turn out to be useful for such an investigation since under a certain interpretation all the results obtained for total automata carry over immediately to coset algebras. Let G be a finite group and CL the canonical automaton of G. G Let H be a subgroup of G. Remember that C n is total and that G(C„) ~ G. G G = So we can consider the quotient automaton (C r ) . . Then there is a very /H close relationship between the automaton (C )/ and the coset algebra G / n W'-- n „ in the following sense: i. The states of (CL). are the right cosets of H in G and so are the G /h elements of the monadic algebra sty'^ G,H' ii. The inputs of (C ) are the group elements of G and so are the G /h operators of 1?j£ G,H* -27- 111. The transition function D of C & / H is multiplication of the coset from the right by group elements and so is the application of an operator - an element of G - to an element of / 7tTi^ c „ - a right coset of H in G. Formally this is: S G,H = ( \ Hg | g € G i, G) (O /H (S„, G, 5) H where \ Hg | g e G V = S H operation in '/<}£ G,H' 5 I Hg = Hg g 1 transition in C G/H' o (Hg, g 1 ) = ( g, g ] _) = b(g, gj_) H- 5-l = H S g-L Therefore the quotient automaton (CL) / is just a different way of viewing the monadic algebra ^^„ „. CL , could be considered as a machine representation of 'c/J 6. n „ at work displaying what "happens" in $/£„ „• Lr,n U-jii Now it is routine work to carry over the concepts like isomorphism, automorphism, automorphism group, natural homomorphism etc. from automata to monadic coset algebras. Clearly all the theorems obtained for total automata will carry over immediately to coset algebras, too. We will state some of the more interesting ones here, numbering the theorem corresponding to Tn now by Mni -28- .<,tr u ■OW G,H* Theorem M 8: (isomorphism theorem for coset algebras). i. Let N I is a normal subgroup of a conjugate group of H. Theorem M 9: Let H < G; K < G. Then J 71 r t n „ ~ 7/T n v \ijti = • • ' k} } is. < ■ - > H, K are conjugate. We give a proof of the following theorem of group theory using automata theory techniques. Theorem 18 : Let G be a finite group and let H,K be conjugate subgroups of G. Then *• H# / H : ^/ K ii. W is conjugate t oi -29- Proof: ?/ c~ G H ~ ■ '■• Q K by theorem M9. Thus G( 9/£ Q R ) ~ G( .y/ Q y ) , but G(7y^ G H ) ~ H # / H and G( •V^' g r ) ~ K"/ K by theorem M6 and we get i). Now using theorem M8 we get 'i- # ~ ( G,IT = v £ 1 G^/tJ /<*/ H ) g ' k 7(k*V) Therefore H is conjugate to K. again by theorem M9 QED We will not carry over the results of section IV. to monadic coset algebras since it is entirely routine. But it should be noted that all the results of section IV are valid for coset algebras. Also it should be noted that analogously to "^^ T r we can define a monadic algebra of left cosets instead of right cosets and all the techniques and results obtained here carry over trivially. -30- PRINCIPAL NOTATIONS A,B/., G(A) G,H, . , H < G N < G H# A/ H I I* b,\, . < S,T,.. V a A H- s H Finite state automata The automorphism group of the automaton A Groups and subgroups H is a subgroup of G N is a normal subgroup of G The maximal subgroup such that H