raft mi fill m |1| m ■* OF THE UNIVERSITY Of ILLINOIS 606 1 L 84M ? / i Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. University of Illinois Library Ul l : rn L161 — H41 THE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. COLONIAL AND FOREIGN DIVISIONS. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/officialcatalogu03lond THE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION of 1862. THE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE INDUSTRIAL DEPARTMENT. VOL. III. COLONIAL AND FOREIGN DIVISIONS. PRINTED FOR HER MAJESTY’S COMMISSIONERS. Printed for Her Majesty's Commissioners by Clay, Son, & Taylor, Bread Street Hill I Pf.tter & Galpin, La Belle Sauvage Yard Clowes & Son, Stamford Street. I Spottiswoode & Co., New Street Square. j~z> C ' ,c ' ■ ~ d ’ 2 j ) 2-- / 7 ~ $ c) f fib A ^ CONTENTS. VOLUME III. COLONIAL DIVISION. Australia, South Australia, Western Bahamas Barbados Bermuda Borneo British Columbia Canada Cape of Good Hope Ceylon Channel Islands (Jersey and Guernsey) Dominica Honduras, British Jamaica Malta Mauritius Natal New Brunswick Newfoundland New South Wales New Zealand Nova Scotia Prince Edward’s Island PAGE 1 3 5 6 9 10 16 17 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 31 32 44 47 49 CONTENTS. I'AGE Queensland 50 St. Helena 54 St. Vincent 55 Tasmania 56 Trinidad 60 Vancouver 61 Victoria 62 INDIAN POSSESSIONS— Sec Index at the end of “ India." FOREIGN DIVISION. Africa, Central 5 Africa, Western - 5 Belgium 7 Brazil 35 China 43 Costa Rica 45 Denmark 47 Ecuador 59 France 61 France, Colonies of 156 COLONIAL DIVISION. COLONIAL POSSESSIONS (Generally in and near the North-East Transept.) AUSTRALIA, SOUTH. NORTH-EAST TRANSEPT, WEST SIDE. 1. MacDonnell, His Excellency Sir R., C.B. — A case of insects ; a specimen of mala- chite. 2. General Committee. — Native woods ; a collection of stuffed birds ; photographs of public buildings in Adelaide. 3. Dutton, F. J. — Malachite, and other minerals ; volumes of debates, votes, and proceedings of the Parliament, and Acts of the Legislature of the Colony. WINES. 4. Evans, H. —Shiraz, 1857-8 ; Reisling, 1857; Espanoir, 1857 and 1860; Muscatel, 1860. 5. Gilbert, J. — Shiraz, 1861; Verdeilho and Reisling, 1852. 6. Green, W. — Pineau, 1858. 7. Hector, E. — Montura, 1858. 8. Auld, P. — Palomino Blanco, 1859 ; Verdeilho and Donzelinho, 1860. 9. Wark, Dr. — Black Portugal, 1859. 10. Kingston, G. S. — Molle negro, 1861, &c. 11. Beaseley, F. — Black Portugal and Verdeilho, i860. 12. Wyman, J. — Shiraz, 1860. 13. Hills, C. — Verdeilho, 1858. 14. Barnard, G. H. — Mixed, 1860. 15. Randall, D. — Shiraz and car b one t, 1860. 16. Davis, A. H. — Moore Farm, 1859. 17. Overbury, T. — Muscat, of Alexan- dria, 1860. 18. Ind, G. F.- — Wines. 19. Warne, J. B. — Wines. 20. Davis, A. H. — Wines. 21. Cant, Griffin. — Wheat. 22. McDougall, J. — Wheat. 23. Dunn, J. — Wheat. 24. Hay, J. — Wheat. 25. Bell, A. — Wheat. 26. Buttfield, J. B. — Wheat. 27. Wedd, W. — Wheat. 28. Stevens, J. — Wheat. 29. Weiil, E. — Wheat. 30. Waddell, J. — Wheat. ( i ) South Australia, *■ 31. Weiil, Dr. — S mall-grained wheat. 32. Cant, G. — Barley. 33. White, S. — Flour. 34. Stevens, J. — Flour. 35. Magarey, T. — Flour. 36. Duffield, W. — Flour. 37. Dunn, J. — Flour. 38. Harrison, Bros. — Flour. 39. Hart, J. & Co. — Flour. 40. Beeby & Dunstan.— Flour. 41. Murray, A. — Biscuits. 42. Campbell, J. — Muscatel raisins, and soft shell almonds. 43. Graves, T. — Dried apricots. 44. Davis, F. C. — Jams. 45. Skipper, — . — A nautilus shell. 46. Neales, J. B.— A box of gold speci- mens. 47. Priest, T. — Slabs of slate. 48. English & Australian CorrER Co. — Refined copper in cake and tile. 49. S. Australian Mining Association. — Copper ore and other minerals from the Burra Burra and Karkulta mines. 50. Wheal Ellen Mining Co.— Copper and lead ores. 51. Cumberland Mining Co. — Copper and lead ores. 52. Gt. Northern Mining Co. — C opper ores. 53. Wallaroo Mining Co. — C opper ores. 54. Wirra Wilka Mining Co. — C opper ores. 55. Worthing Mining Co. — C opper ores. 56. Preaminna Mining Co. — Copper ores. 57. Dureya Mining Co.— Copper ores. 58. Kapunda Mining Co. — Copper ores. 59. Mount Rose Mine.- — Copper Ores. 60. Cornwall Mining Co.— A block of copper ore, weighing 6 tons. 61. Rollinson, W. — Collections of mine- rals. 62. Engleiiart, Dr. — Collections of mi- nerals. 63. Maurau, Dr. — Collections of mine- rals. 64. Rodda, R. V. — Copper ore smelted by his patent process. 65. slate. Kellett, J. — Polished marble and 66. Crabb, R. S. — Malachite. 67. Mellor, J. — A reaping machine ; model of do. ; cart-wheels and felloes ; samples of wood ; a plank of blue gum timber. 68. Benda, A. — Native woods. 69. Haigii, J. F. — Alpaca and angora wool. 70. Peacock, W. & Sons. — Wool in fleeces. 71. Anderson, A. — Wool. 72. Hawker, Hon. G. — Wool. 73. Kelly, P. — Wool. 74. Bowman, Bros. — Wool. 75. Murray, J. — Wool. 76. Burford, W. H. — Soap. 77. Chambers, J. — Curiosities brought by J. M. Stuart from the centre of Australia. ( 2 ) NORTH-EAST COURT, NEAR THE NAVE. 1. Samson, L. Fremantle. — Copper and lead ore from Wheal Fortune Mine. 2. Scott, D. Fremantle. ■ — Copper and lead ore from Wheal Fortune Mine. 3. W. A. Mining Association, Perth — Copper ore from Wanernooka Mine. 4. Drummond, J. N. Champion Bay . — Copper ore from Gillireah Aline. 5. Horrocks, J. L. Champion Bay.- — Copper from Gwalla Aline. 6. Siienton, G. Perth . — Surface copper ore from Wheal Arrino Aline. 7. Siienton, A. and Central Committee, Perth. — Fossils from the Greenough, York, and Kojenup districts. 8. Meade, The Ret. W. Albany. — Black metallic sand. 9. Elliot, G. Bunbury. — Surface iron ore and black sand from the Bunbury dis- trict. 10. Siienton, A. — Specimens from the Northern district. 11. Barker, S. A. Guildford. — Mag- netic iron ore from Cotes. 12. Carson, J. Perth. — Porcelain clay, from the Darling Range, and crucible made therefrom. 13. Habgood, R. Af. London. — Lead ore from the Geraldine Aline. 14. Walsh, J. Perth. — Alodelling clay. ( 15. Central Committee, Perth. — “ Wilgi” clay, with which the Aborigines rub them- selves. 16. Aliu jArd, J. Toodyay. — Stone used instead of Turkey-stone. 17. R. Engineer Department, Fre- mantle. — A bar reduced from magnetic iron ore. 18. Drummond, J. Toodyay. — Mineral, containing asbestos. 19. Newman, E. Fremantle. — A pile of Jarrah wood. 20. Carr, J. G. C. Perth. — A log of sandal wood, weighing 454 lbs. ; fibrous rush. 21. Kenworthy, J. York.— A log of sandal wood. 22. King, C. Perth. — A wheel of native gum wood ; planks of Jarrah wood. 23. Smith, T. Perth. — Jarrah wood. 24. Joyce, W. Perth. — Shea oak shingles for roofing. 25. Central Committee, Perth. — Sec- tions of excrescences from mahogany trees; cabinet-work and turnery ; bark of the tea- tree, reducible to pulp, for paper, &c. ; wool from York district. 26. R. Engineer Department, Freman- tle. — Alahogany posts, 17 years immersed in water and mud ; a cabinet and slab. 27. Carson, J. Perth. — A cask made of j casuarina. 3 ) b 2 West Australia 28. Clifton, W. P. Leschenaidt. — Logs, a slab, and parts of wheels. 29. Johnson, H. Perth. — An inlaid dumb waiter. 30. Durlaciier, A. Newcastle. — A sandal wood pedestal. 31. Sloane, W. Perth. — White and red gum, for shipwrights’ work. 32. Local Committee, York. — Native woods, and parts of wheels. 33. Whitfield, G. Toodyay. — Varieties of eucalyptus wood. 34. Eanford, B. B. Perth. — Colonial leathers : sole leather, kip, calf, kangaroo, &c. ; barks used for tanning. 35. Homfray, E. Perth. — Native spears, shields, kylies, head dresses, nose bones, hair girdles, opossum wool, &c. 36. Yelverton & Co. Vasse. — A collec- tion of timbers. 37. Samson, L. — A beam of Jarrah wood. 38. Padbury, W. Perth.- Silver wattle bark. 39. McIvnoe, Mrs. — F eather flowers. 40. O’Neil, Miss. — F eather screens. 41. Lukin & Knight, Misses, Perth . — A muff of parrot feathers. 42. Burges, S. Tipperary.- — Skins of native animals. 43. Farmaner, F. Perth. — Emu skin. 43a. Gregory, F. T. — Pearls and pearl oysters from Nichol Bay. 44. Hillman, A. Perth. — Native silk. 45. Fleay, J. Beverley. — Wool. 46. Clifton, G. Fremantle. — A collec- tion of shells, pearls ; a fishing net, rope, Ac. from Nichol Bay. 47. Jackson & Co. Perth. — An inlaid work-table. 48. Leak, Mrs. G. M. London.— An inlaid chess table. 49. Du Cane, Mrs. F. F. London. — Pressed flowers from Swan Biver. 50. Du Cane, the Eey. A. — Hortus siccus of flowers, from Swan Eiver. 51. Little, T. Dardanup.— Frontignan wine, of 1860 and 1861. 52. Macguire, J. Dardanup. — Frontig- nan wine of 1861, from the Wellington dis- ; trict. 53. Central Committee. — W ine of 1860, from Pyrton. 54. Clifton, W. P. Leschenault. — Pedro Ximenes, white Frontignan, and black St. Peter’s wines ; olive oil ; wheat reported to yield 27 to 28 bushels per acre, each weigh- ing nearly 70 lb. 55. Clifton, Mrs. — A ustralian Madeira, of 1860. 56. Barleo, F. P. Crawley. — Black cluster grape wine. 57. Jecks, T. Guildford . — Olive oil. 58. Parker, S. S. York. — 3 bushels of wheat. 59. Bain, J. Fremantle. — Preserved meat and fish. 60. Hardey, J Perth. — Preserved fruits. 61. Clifton, G. — Jelly seaweed (eu- chemia speciosa ), for culinary purposes. 62. Carr, J. G.C. — Gum from the manna eucalyptus, and blackboy, or xanthorhcea. 63. Barker, S. A. Guildford. — Gum from the eucalyptus resinifera. 64. Drummond, J. Toodyay . — Gum from the “ boro blackboy ” tree ; and wheat. 65. Shenton, A. Perth. — Native hops. 65a. Sandford, H. A. Ijondon . — Furs and dressed skins ; native weapons, from the Murchison, taken in action ; baskets of black- boy, or xanthorhoea; emu eggs; minerals from Victoria district. 66. Bostock, C. Fremantle . — Wheat in ear. 67. Shenton, G. Perth. — Wheat in ear. 68. Muir & Sons, Forest Hill. - Wheat, 66 lb. the bushel. ( 4 ) NORTH-EAST COURT, WEST SIDE OF NORTH-EAST TRANSEPT. 1. Local Commissioners. — Native woods, viz. : Yellow wood, green ebony, iron wood, naked wood, Braziletto, cedar, Madura, and horseflesh mahogany. Fibre of the pita plant, pine-apple leaf and forest pine, and specimens of cordage ; indi- genous cotton and seed. Coarse grain and blown salt, produced by solar evaporation. Arrow-root and starch. Shell-work, palmetto hats, fans, and walk- ing sticks; baskets and ornaments from the Jumbu Bean. 2. George, .T.S., M.C.P. — Cascarilla bark, turtle shells, conch pearls, amber- gris, &c. 3. Harris, The Hon. G. D., M.C.P.— Several kinds of sponges, and a collection of shells. 4. General Apothecaries’ Co. — Casca- rilla bark, canella alba, surgical sponges. 5. Harris, Samuel. — Conch pearls, iponges, shells, and shell-work. ( 5 ) EAST SIDE OF NORTH-EAST TRANSEPT. S. Cave, M.P. ( Commissioner for the Colony ) : — 1. Sugar made by common process on Drax Hall, the first estate on which sugar was arown in Barbados. 2. Sugar from Hannay’s Estate, made by the oscillating process — a new method of stirring the sugar after it has been poured from the copper into the cooler. The sugar crystallizes in larger grains, and sells for nearly 2s. per cwt. more than sugar made by the old process. 3. Sugar from Maxwell’s Estate, made by same process. 4 — 15. Various specimens of sugar made by the ordinary process. lfi. Two samples of rum from Sunbury and Hampton Estates. 1 7. Vine cotton ( Gossypium vitifoli um). 18. Arrowroot. 1 9. Starch made from the sweet potato ( Batatas edulis). 20. Indigo. 21. Barbados tar (petroleum), with two samples of lubricating oil made from it ; these last sent by L. R. Valpy, Esq. 22. Fibre of the ochro plant. 23. Silk cotton ( Eviodendron civfrac- tuosum). 24. The flower of the sugar-cane arrow. 25. Basket of fruit, Ac. of the island, in wax. 2(5. Vase of flowers of the island, made of feathers. 27. Box of flowers, made of shells. 28. Two gourds of aloes, one split. 29. Guinea corn ( Sorghum vulgare). Simmons, Mrs. J. A. 30. Flowers of the island, in wax. 31. Another case of the same. 32. Two cases of fruit of the island, in wax. 33. The flower of the night blowing eereus (Cere us grandijlorus ) in wax. 34. St. John, Mrs. — C ase of shells, moss, and seaweed, arranged in vase. 35. Chambers, G. H. — Specimen of white coral, which forms the basis of the island of Barbados. ( o ) EAST SIDE OF NORTH-EAST TRANSEPT. Tucker, W. C. Faiiie ( Commissioner for | Bermuda ) : — Cedar furniture, &c. Specimens of woods. Samples of work in palmetto, straw, gras- ses, and flowers. Cotton, fibre. Preserves. Lime-juice. Seeds. Pepper. Honey. Beeswax. Tannic acid. Starch. Models. Pumice and brain stones. Petrifactions. Sponges. Marine specimens. Coral. Turtle shell. Lime-stone. Lime, &c. ( 7 ) NORTH EAST COURT, NEAR ENTRANCE TO THE HORTICULTURAL GARDENS. 1. St. John, Spencer: — Native cloths. Native amis. Vegetable tallow. Mats. Sago. Block of antimony ore. Antimony paint. Coal. Dammar. Rubber. 2. Grant, C. T. C. — Gold and silver ornaments of native manufacture. ( 8 ) CENTRE OF NORTH-EAST TRANSEPT. Executive Committee at New West- minster : — 1. Model of a. log but. 2. Shingles from cedar wood. 3. Pales of cedar wood. 4. Fence post of cedar wood. 5. Stakes of cedar wood. 6. Horizontal section of Douglas fir. 7. A rent slab of Douglas fir. 8. Log of yew. 9. Log of dogwood. 10. Log of cherry tree. 1 1 . Specimens of birds stuffed. 11a. Indian curiosities. 12. Sample of wheat. 13. Sample of peas. 14. Sample of hops. 15. Pickled fish. 16. Drawing of a tree of Douglas fir, 309 feet high. 17. Ten horizontal sections of Douglas 18. Dr. J. W. Gilbert, Esq. F.R.S. — A walking-stick of curled maple, with engraved head of Cariboo gold. 19. Bank of British North America. — A case of specimens of native gold. 20. Hydrographer’s Office, Admiralty. — Map of the south coast, and of Vancouver. 21. Commander Mayne, R.N. — Photo- graphs of New Westminster. ( » ) CENTRE AND EAST SIDE OF NORTH EAST TRANSEPT. 1. Larue, A. & Co. Three Rivers. — Bog iron ore, with samples of wrought and cast iron obtained from the same at Radnor Forges. 2. Seymour, G. Madoc. — Magnetic iron ore. 3. Cowan, A. Kingston. — Magnetic iron ore ; phosphate of lime ; mica ; plumbago ; friable sandstone ; feldspar. 4. Orton, J. Hastings Road. — Magnetic iron ore. 5. Closter, C. C. Gaspe Basin. — Lead ore from Indian Cove, Gaspe. 0. Wright, J. & Co. Montreal. — Lead ore from Upton. 7. Foley & Co. Montreal. — Lead ore and pig lead from Ramsay Mine, with a plan of the mine. 8. Montreal Mining Co., Montreal . — Copper ore, undressed and dressed, from Bruce Mine, Lake Huron, with plans of the mine; copper from Mamainse, Lake Superior. 9. West Canada Mining Co. Wellington Mine, Lake Huron. — Copper ore, undressed and dressed, from Wellington Mine, Lake Huron, with a plan of the mine. 10. Davies, W. II. A., & C. Dunkin, Montreal. — Copper ore, undressed and dressed, from Acton Mine, Actouvale, with plans of the mine. ( J 11. Moore, Of. B. & Co. Montreal.— Copper ore from Upton Mine. 12. Pomroy, Adams, & Co. Sherbrooke . — Copper ore from Wickham & Yale’s Durham Mines, with plans of the mines. 13. Siiaw, Bignol, & Hunt, Quebec . — Copper ore from Black River Mine, St. Flavien. 14. English and Canadian Mining Co. Quebec. — Copper ore, undressed and dressed, from Harvey’s Hill Mine, with plans of the mine. 15. Flowers, Mackie, & Co. Montreal. — Copper ore from St. Francis Mine, Cleve- land and Coldspring Mine, Melbourne, with plans of the mines. 1G. Griffith & Brothers, Cleveland. — Copper ore from Jackson’s ."Mine. 17. Sweet, S. & Co. North Sutton . — Copper ore from Sweet’s 5 line, N. Sutton, with a plan of the mine. 1 8. Robertson, G. D. & Co. St. Hyacinthe. — Copper ore from Craig’s Range -Mine, Chester. 19. McCaw, T. Montreal. — Copper ore from Ascot or Haskell Hill Mine, Ascot. 20. Fletcher, R. H. Bruce Mines . — Smelted copper. 21. Walton, B. Montreal. — Roofing slates, serpentine, chromic iron. ) North -Eat t Transept. 22. Brown, A. S. Brockville. — Cobalti- j ferous pyrites from Elizabethtown, and phos- phate of lime from North Elmsley. ' 23. Canadian Oil Co. Hamilton. — Crude and refined rock oil from Enniskillen. 24. Watkins & Inglis, Hamilton. — Crude and refined rock oil. 25. Bussell & Co. Kingston. — Plum- bago from Pointe du Chene Graphite Mine, county of Argenteuil. 26. Finlay, M. Quebec. — Fire clay. 27. Cheeseman, C. R. Phillipsburg. - Building stones and marble. 28. O’Donnell, H., C.E. Quebec. — Building stone (gneiss) and sewerage pipe tile. 29. Brown, T. Thorold. — Hydraulic cement, crude and prepared. 30. Pell & Compte, Montreal. — Bricks. 31. B ulmer & Sheppard, Montreal.— Bricks. 32. Treadwell, P. C. L'Original. — Drain tiles. 33. Missisquoi Drain-tile Co. Mis sisquoi.- -Drain tiles. 34. Martindale, T. Oneida. — Crude and prepared plaster (gypsum). 35. Donaldson, J. Oneida. — Crude and prepared plaster (gypsum). 36. Taylor, A. York, Grand River . — Crude and prepared plaster (gypsum), with a plan of the mine. 37. Caron, E. St. Anne de Montmorenci. — Iron ochre. fire clay, building stones, marbles, serpen- tines, slates, bricks, flagstones, hydraulic limestones, common limestones, whetstones, grindstones, millstone, buhrstone, freshwater shell marl, iron ochres, sulphate of barytes, lithographic stones, agates, albite, orthoclase, jasper conglomerate, epidosite sandstone for glass making, moulding sand, peat, a collec- tion of the crystalline rocks, with a geological map of Canada. 42. Provanciier, Abbe, St. Joachim. — Specimens of woods, branches, leaves and flowers. 43. Prieur, F. X.— Specimens wood, obtained in County St. John, southern ex- tremity Lower Canada. 44. Lepage, J. B. — Specimens woods, obtained at Rimouski. 45. Dubord, Dr. — Specimens of woods, collected in county St. Maurice. 46. Coultee, L.M. — Specimens of woods, obtained in the county of Ottawa. 47. Price, D. — Specimens of woods, col- lected in the county of Chicoutimi. 48. Patton, Duncan, & Co. — Collection of commercial woods. 49. Gingras, G. Quebec. — Nine pieces of sawn wood. 50. Giroux, 0. Quebec. — Vegetable ex- tracts. 51. Turgeon & Ouellet, Quebec. — Pre- served fish. 52. Tetu, C. H. River Ouelle. — Skins of white porpoise and seal ; oils of white por- poise, shark, and cod liver. 38. Gibb, T. Toronto . — White bricks and drain tiles. 39. Bell, R., M.P. Ottawa. — Building stones used in the construction of the Parlia- ment House, Ottawa. 40. Knowles, W. Arnprior. — Marble from Arnprior. 41. Geological Survey of Canada, Montreal . — Collection of ores of iron, lead, copper, nickel, silver, gold, platinum, indor- mine, chromic iron, molybdenite, dolomite, magnesite, bituminous shale, soapstone, pot- stone, mica rock, mica, plumbago, asbestos, ( 53. Cote, 0. Quebec. — Collection of furs. 54. Van Allen, D. R. Chatham. —Sec- tions of trees and planks. 55. Sharp, S., of the G. W. R. Hamilton. — Sections of Trees, planks, and specimens polished woods. 56. Skead, J. Ottawa. — Sections of trees and foliage; and planks. 57. Laurie, J. Markham i . — Sections of trees and planks. 58. Dickson, A. Pakenham. — Specimens polished woods. ii ) Canada 59. McKee, H. Norwich. — Specimens of shrubs, twigs, and leaves. 60. Choate, J. Ingersoll. — Planks. 61. McCracken, A. London. — Planks. 62. McKellar, A. Chatham. — Sections, trees. 63. Burrows Simcoe. — Sections, trees. 6 3^. Trembicke, A. L. Engineer, G. T. Railway. — Sections of trees. 64. Bronson, A. Bayharn. — Plank. 65. Fruit Growers’ Association, U.C. — Coloured plates of fruit grown in Upper Canada (open air ). 66. Passmore, S. W. Toronto. — Ducks, birds, fishes. 67. Thompson, .T. Montreal. — Case of 103 birds. 68. Crooks, Miss Iv. Hamilton. — Native plants, flowers, leaves of trees, &c. from vicinity of Hamilton. 69. Fleming, J. Toronto, U.C. — Wheat, oats, barley; seeds of tare, millet, peas, turnips, flax, red onion, &c. 70. Tiie Agricultural Society of Beauharnois, Lower Canada. — Barley, oats, peas, rye, wheat, flax, and grass seed. 71. The Agricultural Society of Huntingdon, L. C. — Samples of barley, Indian corn or maize, oats, peas, wheat. 72. Boa, W. of St. Laurent, Island of Montreal, L. C. — Barley, beans, Indian corn, meal, oats, peas, wheat, buckwheat, and oat straw. 73. Beaudry, P. St. Dcimase, L. C.— Barley and wheat. 74. Logan, J. Petite Cote, Island of Montreal, L. C. — Barley, beans, butter, maize or Indian corn, oats, and wheat. 75. Malo, P. St. Damase, L.C. — Barley, wheat. 76. McKinnon, I). Somerset, Megantic, L.C. — Samples of barley and wheat. 77. Rociielau, A. St. Bruno, L. C. — Barley, flax. 78. Wilkins, C. Rougemont, L. C. - Barley, flax, Indian corn, maple sugar. 79. Evans, W. Montreal, L.C. — Beans, Indian corn, peas, Timothy seed. 80. Brown, I). Nelsonville, L. C. — Cheese, maple sugar. 81. Lymans, Clare, & Co. Montreal, L.C. — Clover seed, Timothy seed, flax seed. 82. Peel (County) Agricultural So- ciety, U. C. — Barley, wheat, peas. 83. Denison, R. L. Toronto, U.C . — Indian corn stalks. 84. Shaw, A. Toronto, U. C. — Indian corn, rye, peas. 85. Martin, P. dit Ladouceur, St. Lourent, L. C. — Indian corn. 86. Dawes & Sons, Lachine, Island of Montreal, L. C. — Hops. 87. McKee, H. Norwich. U. C. — Honey. 88. The Agricultural Society of Wentworth and Hamilton, U. C. — Oats, wheat. 89. Badham, T. Drummondville, L. C. — Oats. 90. Matthieu, H. St. Hyacinthe, L. C. — Oats. 91. Gumming, H. Megantic, L.C. — Peas. 92. L‘ Heureux, Rev. F. Contrecoeur, L. C. — Maple sugar. 93. Ally, J. B. St. Cesaire, L. C. — Maple sugar. 94. Sharon, H. Southwick, U.C. — Maple sugar. 95. The Agricultural Board of Upper Canada. — S amples of wheat. 96. Robertson J. Nepean, U.C. — Wheat. 97. Beardman, J. Nepean, U.C.— Wheat. 98. Brunelle, L. St. Hyacinthe, L.C. — Buck wheat. 99. Drummond, J. Petite Cote, Island of Montreal, L. C. — Wheat. 100. Wheat. Lamonde, J. St. Damase, L. C.— 101. Wheat. Stewart, D. Inverness, l. a— North-East Transept. 102. Pilote, Rev. F. St. Anne's College, L. C. — Wheat. 103. East Brant Agricultural Society. ' — Wheat. 104. Blaikie & Alexander, Toronto, U.C . — One sample of Hax, and four samples of straw. 105. McNaugiiton, E. A. Newcastle, JJ. C . — Prepared arrowroot, Hax, seed, etc. 106. Reinhardt, G. Montreal, L.C . — Smoked meats and sausages. 107. Pigeon, N. Montreal, L.C . — Wine from native Canadian grapes. 108. Paulet, Mdme , Montreal, L.C . — Native wine. 109. Crawford, D. Toronto, U.C . — Canadian mustard. 110. Laidley & Torrey, Toronto, U.C. — Box of wool. 111. Lyman & Co. Montreal, L.C.— Arctusine ; Canadian yellow wax. 112. Wiieeler, J. Montreal, L.C. — Toi- let soap. 113. Larue A Co. Three Rivers, L.C . — Railway wheels from Radnor forges, St. Maurice. 114. Lowe, J. Grand Trunk Railway. L.C.— Model of direct action, self-balanced, oscillating cylinder for steam-engine, and a steam gauge. 115. Martin, J. Toronto, U.C . — Model of steam superheater for locomotive. 116. Sharp, S. G. W. Ra i Iway of Canada, Hamilton, U. C . — Models of sleeping and freight cars. 117. Leduc, C. Montreal, L.C . — A four- wheeled open carriage. 118. Bawden, W. Hochelaga, Montreal, L. C . — A brick and tile making machine, with model of pug mill. 119. Richard, E. O. Quebec, Lj.C . — Model of an improved water wheel. 120. Moore, T. Etobicoke. — Wooden handles for tools, &c. 121. Tongue A Co. Ottawa, U.C . — A large collection of tools. ( 1 122. Washburn, S. Ottawa, U.C. — Axes. 123. Jeffery, J. Cote des Neiges, Mon- treal, L. C .- — An iron plough. 124. Paterson, J. Montreal, L.C . — An iron swing plough. 125. Collard, H. Gananoque, U.C . — A cultivator, with wheels. 126. Comer, L. Hinchinbrooke, Fronte- nac, U. C . — Model of an improved beehive. 127. Gaskin, Capt. R. Kingston, U.C . — Agricultural implements, &c. 128. McSiierry, J. St. David's, U.C . — An iron plough. 129. Morley, J. Tlior old, U.C. — An iron swing plough. 130. Myers A Son, Toronto, U.C . — A patent churn. 131. Whiting A Co. Oshawa, U.C. —A collection of agricultural implements. 132. Maynard, Rev. Mr. Toronto, U.C. — Model of fish-tail submarine propeller. 133. Oats, R. H. Toronto, U.C . — Model of patent instantaneous reefers. 134. King, T. D. Montreal, L.C. — Dia- gram of the mean diurnal changes of tem- perature of air and water of the St. Lawrence, Montreal. 135. Thompson, J. E. Toronto, U.C.— Heating and other apparatus. 136. Notman, W. Montreal, L.C.— Two portfolios, and a collection in frames of photographs. 137. Bonald, G. S. I). McGill University, Montreal, Ij.C. — An apparatus for detecting consumption, Ac. 138. Palmer, Dr. H. London, U.C. — A medical magnetic instrument. 139. Dunphy, Mrs. P. St. Malachi, L.C. — Woollen yarn. 140. Stephen A Co. Montreal, L.C . — Woollen cloths. 141. Fairbank, E. Clifton, U.C . — Screens, mats, plumes, Ac. 142. Thompson, T. Toronto, U.C . — A Shaftoe saddle. 3 ) Canada, 143. Angus & Logan, Montreal , L.C . — Paper. 144. Council of Public Education in Lower Canada: Superintendent— Hon. P. J. 0. Chauveau. — A large collection of edu- cational works. 145. Allen, W. Montreal . — School fur- niture. 146. * Edwards, J. Toronto . — Specimens of penmanship. 147. Nelson & Wood, Montreal, L.G.— Brooms and brushes. 148. Eddy, E. B. Ottawa , U.C. — Tubs, pails, washboards. 149. McIlroy, T. Brampton , Peel County , U. C . — A walnut invalid bedstead. 150. Snell, W. H. Victoria Iron Works, Montreal, L. C. — Nail plates, &c. 151. Bullock, W. Toronto, U.C . — Stained glass. 152. Mills, J. Hamilton, U.C . — Orna- mental tiles. 153. Gibb, T. Toronto, U.C . — Drain tiles. 154. Missisquoi Brain Tile Company, L. C. — Drain tiles. 155. Palsgrave, C. T. Montreal . — Type and impressions. 156. Henry, V. Montreal, L.C. — Cigars, &c. 157. Bridge, A. Westbrook, Kingston, U. C . — Small fancy tub of Canadian woods. 1 58. Haycock & Co. Ottawa, U. C . — Canadian walnut box, containing specimens of building stones used for New Parliament Houses, Canada. 159. Lewis, C. Ingersoll , U.C. - A fancy keg of Canadian woods. 160. Robertson, G. Kingston, U.C . — A case of blacking. 161. Benson & Aspden, Edwardsburgh, U. C . — Samples of Indian corn starch. 162 . McNaughton, E. A. Newcastle, Durham County, U.C . — Flour and potato starch. 1 63. Hopkins, J. W. Architect, Montreal, L. C. — Architectural drawings. ( 164. Lawford & Nelson, Montreal, L.C. — Interior view of a building for skating during the winter. 165. Hopkins, Lawford, & Nelson, Montreal, L.C. — Photograph of building erected by them. 166. Jacobi, 0. R. Montreal, L.C. — Views in oil of local scenery. 167. Westmacott, S. Toronto, U.C. — Two landscapes — Canadian scenery. 168. Whale, R. Burford, U.C. — Land- scapes, &c. 169. Rodden, W. Montreal, L.C. — Plan- tagenet water. 170. Sovereign, L. L. Simcoe, C.W.—A combined plough, drill, and harrow. A garden drill. 171. Thompson, Miss. — Wreath of Ca- nadian autumn leaves. 172. Hodges, Messrs. — Pictures of Ca- nadian scenery and life, by Kreighoff. 172. Armstrong, D. Owen Sound. — Spring wheat. 173. Benning, D. Beauharnois. — En- glish oats. 174. Agricultural Society, Beauhar- nois. — Flax seed. 175. Brodie, J. Beauharnois. — Late peas. ■ 175. Carey, J. Flamboro West, U.C. — Spring wheat. 176. Carroll, Ambridge, & Co. Ha- milton, U. C. — Crude and refined kerosene. 177. Drummond, J. Petite Cote, L.C. — Spring wheat. 178. Filiatreau, J. B. Beauharnois, L. C. — Late rye. 179. Galbraith, J. Beauharnois. —Ca- nadian barley. 180. Gendron, J. Beauharnois. — Early peas. 181. Gerie, A. Ancaster, U.C. — Soule’s wheat. 182. Malo, G. St. Damase, L.C. — Black Sea wheat. 183. Canada Oil Works, Hamilton. — Ilock oil. i ) Worth-East Transept. 184. McDonald, Beauharnois, L.C . — Wheat. 185. M‘Gtaw, T. East Whitby, U.G . — Spring wheat. 186. Muir, J. Huntingdon, L.C. — Oats, 80 bush, to acre. 187. Percil, J. Huntingdon, L.C. ~ Peas. 188. Rose, E. H .Chatham, U.C. — Walnut veneers. 189. Saunders, W. London, U.C. — Medicinal herbs and fluids ; perfumery. 190. Schuyler, S. Huntingdon , L.C.-- Indian corn. 191. Tait, C. Beauharnois, L.C. — Black Sea wheat. 192. Thompson, D. Beauharnois. — Two- row barley. 193. Trembicki, A. L. Montreal. — Sec- tions of wood. 194. Wilson, J. Wellington, U.C. — Barrel oatmeal. 195. Billings, E. Montreal. — Figures and descriptions of Canadian organic remains. 196. Hunt, T. Sterry, Montreal . — A collection of the crystalline rocks of Canada. ( 15 ) NORTH-EAST COURT, NEAR WEST SIDE OF NORTH-EAST TRANSEPT. Ghislin, T. G. : — Novel applications of South African algae, as a substitute for horn, as handles in cutlery, whips, &c. A collection of African vegetable fibres, adapted to textile fabrics, brushes, rope, paper, &c. Various kinds of wood. Curiosities, natural and artificial. Specimens of aboriginal industry. Bowler, . 1 . W. Cape Toivn. — View of Cape Town from Blue Berg (water-colour). Bowler, J. W. Cape Toivn. — View of Keeskamma river, British Kaffraria. ( 16 ) CEYLON. UNDER GALLERY, EAST SIDE OF NORTH-EAST TRANSEPT. 1. Ceylon Committee: — Sponge (iY Prov. ) ; oyster shells ( E. Prov . ) ; chenaub (IF. Prov.). Oils of gingelley, margosa, elleppy, and dugong (N. Prov.) ; cocoa-nut oil (iY S. W. & N. W. Provs.). Medical substances (N. Prov.). Green, black, and gingelly, gram, rice, lioney, vinegar, fruits, and spices (iY. Prov.)-, rice, &c. ( IT. & Cent. Provs.); cocoa-nuts ( E. If. Provs.); palmyra flour (E. & N. Provs.)., Sunn fibres, and a variety of gums (iY Prov.); fibres {Cent. Prov.); Tagoolacoody sap and root (E. Prov.) ; hemp (E. Prov.); cotton (N. E. & Cent. Provs.). Stuffing moss lichen ( Maritime Provs.). Tobacco (iY & N. W. Provs.). Beeswax, vegetable wax, and birds’ nests (IY Prov.). Dye stuffs {N. S. E. IF. JY. W. Central A Maritime Provs.). Tanning substances (iY. E. IF. N.W. & Maritime Provs.). Monkey skins (iY & E. Provs.); sheep, goat, and bullock skins ( W. JS T . & E. Provs.); cheetah and tiger skins (iY. Prov.). ( A musical instrument called “Nagoola” (E. Prov.). Lace and gold embroidery ( TF. Prov.). Carved cocoa-nut shells; manufactured articles in wood (IF. Prov.). Articles made of brass {E. Prov.). Mats, baskets, &c. of date and screw pine leaves, pooswel and coir mats (TF. Prov.); coir mats, native figures, cigars, and cheroots (iY. Prov.); talipot leaves, a mat and tent of talipot {Cent. Prov.) ; towels, napkins, and a table cloth (E. Prov.). Bope and cordage made of a variety of substances (iY. & Cent. Provs.) ; deerskin rope {E. Prov.'). A bullock-pack, a casting-net, a peacock- feather fan, a pingo, a harpoon, bows and arrows, yokes, a scoop, a pitchfork, and ploughs (E. Prov.). A dalada shrine (TF Prov.). 2. Kattemaiiatmeya of Lower Doom- bera. — Iron, rice, kittool fibres, Singhalese axes, knives. 3. Rattemahatmeya of UTper Doombera. — Iron, rice, and cotton. 4. Rattemahatmeya of Udunuwera. — Rice, kittool fibres, cotton, Singhalese axes, bill-hooks, walking-sticks. 7 ) c Ceylon. 5. Rattemahatmeya of Yatinuwera. — Rice, Singhalese axes, cocoa-nut fibre ropes, a mammoty, bill-hooks, walking-sticks, Kan- dyan whips. 6. Rattemahatmeya of Lower Hewa- nETTE. — Rice, bill-hooks, ploughs. 7. Power, T. C. — Plumbago and iron, cotton, areca-nut cutters, Singhalese axes, knives, a sickle, a mammoty, and a tevelum pack, a cotton-cleaning machine (IF. Prov.). 8. Steele, T. — Plumbago, red and white coral {S. Prov.) ; kittool fibre {N. S. & Cent. Provs.). 9. Illangakoon, J. D. S. Modliar. — Plumbago, gums {S. Prov.)., 10. Brodie, A. 0. — Iron {Cent. Prov.)-, neganda fibre (N. & Cent. Provs.) : neganda mats {Cent. Prov.). 1 1 . Wijesinhe, J. D. S. Modliar. — Iron, painted boards, Singhalese axes, knives {S. Prov.). 12. Ismail, C. L. M. Lebbe, Merikan. — Oils of citron and lemon grass {S. Prov.) ; citronella {N. Prov.). 13. Breard. — C innamon-oil (IF. Prov.). 14. Corea, D. C. Modliar. — Oils of cin- namon and camphor {S. Prov.) ; kittool fibre {N. S. & Cent. Provs.). 15. Obeyesekere, T. F. S. Modliar. — A large collection of oils and medicinal sub- stances {S. Prov.). 1 6. Pieris, T. A. — Paddy and rice, fibres, neganda mats, ropes of various substances, two inlaid daggers {N. IF. Prov.) ; Cadjie gum (2V. IF. & IF. Provs.). 1 7. Karumaratine, A. R. Modliar. — Paddy and rice, spices {S. Prov.). 18. Smith, D. — Cinnamon (IF. Prov.). 19. Daniel, J. B. — Coffee (IF. Prov.). 20. Wright, W. H. — Fruits, &c. ( Cent. Prov.). 21. Shank & Co. — Coir fibre (IF. Prov.). 22. Tiiwaites, G. H. U. — Vanilla {Cent. Prov.). 23. Tissa, Sirisumana. — Jackwood, for dyeing {S. Prov.). 24. Forbes, W. G. — Lace {S. Prov.). 25. Dissanaike, A. T. Modliar. — Carved cocoa-nut shell lamp and shells {S. Prov.). 26. Wickremeratine, A. B. Modliar. — Carved cocoa-nut shells ; porcupine-quill desk {S. Prov.). 27. Weiralasirinayana Abeyaratine, Don C. & I. — Carved ebony Davenport and jewel-case {S. Prov.). 28. De Costa, Don A. — Ebony table and chairs {S. Prov.). 29. Karunanaike, Don F. — Ebony foot- stool (S. Prov.). 30. Wimalasiririayana, A. de S. — Pair of lyre tables {S. Prov.). 31. Layard, C. P. — Pair of ebony flower- stands (IF. Prov.). 32. Sim, Capt. — Pair of tamarind card tables (IF. Prov.). 33. De Silva, Don S. — Singhalese axes. 34. Ratnaike, W. B. Modliar. — Rush mats {S. Prov.). 35. De Soyza, I. Modliar. — Manufac- tured articles from the cocoa-nut tree (IF. Prov.). 36. De Soyza, L. Modliar. — Table nap- kins {S. Prov.). 37. Mendis, A. Modliar. — Walking- sticks (IF. Prov.). 38. Templer, Mrs. — Caltura baskets ( IF. Prov.). 39. Giboore, Jos. — Models of Ceylon boats. 40. Croft, J. McGrigor, M.D. — Dugong oil. 41. D’Oyley, Rev. C. T. — Dagger worn by the last of the kings of Kandy. ( is ) NORTH CENTRAL COURTS, NEAR THE STAIRCASE. JERSEY. 1. B^nezit, Mme. — Artificial flowers. 2. Fothergill, Mrs. — A lgae. 3. Labalastiere, P. — Eau de Cologne. 4. Mullins, H. — Photographs. 5. Peacock, R. A. — Model of patent dock gates. GUERNSEY. 1. Arnold, A. — Iodine, and chemical pro- I 2. BiSHor, A. — Model of an improved ducts obtained from sea-weed. I paddle-wheel steam-boat. c 2 ( 19 ) WEST SIDE OF NORTH-EAST TRANSEPT. Dominica Commission: Hon. J. Imray, M.D., Chairman: — Cotton. Coffee. Cocoa. Indian corn meal. Arrowroot and other starches. Sugar. Spices. Preserves. Gums. Honey. Beeswax. Specimens of sugar-cane. Guavas. Bananas, &c. Cork and other vrnods. About 170 specimens of indigenous w T oods polished, and their foliage. Seeds. Grasses. Tortoiseshell and ornaments. Specimens of natural history. Building stone. ( 20 ) WALL NEAR HORTICULTURAL GARDENS, NORTHERN ENTRANCE. Collection of woods. Aloe fibre. Hammock made of ditto. Samples of sugar. Rum, coloured and uncoloured. Tobacco. Rice. Pimento. Black beans. Turmeric. Arnatto. Pepita or cucurbit seed. ( 21 ) EAST SIDE OF NORTH-EAST TRANSEPT, UNDER GALLERY. 1 . McCrindle, J. — Ovum of the nurse shark ; nereis. 2. Harris, R. — Sea-horse ; caterpillar of an ocellated phalaena; carapaces of hawk’s- bill turtle and green turtle, and parrot fish ; liqueurs ; chemical preparations ; meals ; manufactures. 3. Bowerbank, Dr. L. Q. — Saw of the Sawfish ; pottery ; sticks ; chemical prepara- tions ; meals ; oils ; manufactures ; ladies’ ornamental work. 4. Potts, Dr. — Animated nature ; woods; basts; sticks; botanical specimens; seeds; coffee ; chemical preparations ; starches ; oils ; manufactures. 5. Barrett, L. — Minerals. 6. Fyfe, Hon. A. G. — Minerals. 7. Sawkins, J. G. — Minerals. 8. Bell, J. C.— Minerals : including the ores of iron, copper, lead, zinc, cobalt, man- ganese. 9. R. Soc. oi’ Arts, Jamaica. — Minerals; woods; botanical specimens; rums ; liqueurs; sugars ; chemical preparations ; starches ; oils ; fine arts. 10. Cooper, Capt. R.N. — Minerals; che- mical preparations ; starches. 11. Sailman, J. — Manures. 12. Soc. Industry, Hanover. — W oods; sticks ; rums ; liqueurs ; sugars ; chemical preparations ; manufactures. 1 3. Gordon, R. M. — Woods ; basts ; cof- fee ; chemical preparations ; manufactures, &c. 14. IIaughton, — . — Woods. 15. Campbell, Rev. J. — Sea shells ; woods ; basts ; botanical specimens ; seeds ; coffee ; chemical preparations ; starches ; manufac- tures. 1 6. Wilson, N. — Vegetable fibres and basts ; fruit in spirits. 1 7. Nash, Mrs. J. — Basts ; botanical specimens ; seeds ; ladies’ ornamental work. 18. Campbell, Dr. C. — Basts; seeds; oils. 19. Maxwell, Dr. J. — Basts; botanical specimens ; seeds ; chemical preparations ; starches ; oils ; manufactures. 20. Browne, W. — Basts ; coffee ; manu- factures. 21. Wilson, E. F. — Basts; seeds; coffee; oils. 22. Hyams, Rev. — . — Sticks. 23. McIntyre, — . — Botanical speci- mens. ^ ) ( North-East Transept. 24. Hepburn, R. — Botanical specimens. 2.5. Paine, W. S. — Botanical specimens; coffee. 26. Clark, — General Penitentiary. — Botanical specimens ; manufactures. 27. V ian, the Misses. — W ax models. 28. Vickars, Hon. B. — Seeds. 29. Phillips, H. — Seeds. 30. James, Miss E. — Seeds. 31. Trench, J. L. — Seeds chemical preparations. 32. Darling, His Excel, the Governor. — Fruits in spirits ; manufactures. 33. Gordon, R.— Coffee. 34. ‘ Shepherds’ Hall.’ — Coffee. 35. Miller, W. — Coffee. EXHIBITORS OF RUM. 36. Roberts & Griffiths. 37. Dingwell, J. 38. Siiortridce, S. 39. Callaghan, D. & Harrison, J. 40. Mitchell, J. W. 4 1 . Espeut, P. 42. Shouborg, A. A. 43. East, Hon. H. 44. McKay, W. 45. Russell, R. 46. Solomon, Hon. G. 47. Lawrence, J. F. 48. Hammett, J. 49. ‘ Hall-Head Estate.’ 50. Westmorland, Hon. H. 51. Berry, W. Sen. & 52. Wallace, J. 53. ‘ Seven Plantation Estate.’ 54. Mitchell, J. H. 55. Child, W. D. 56. Martin, G. L. 57. Westmoreland, W. 58. c Gibraltar Estate.’ 59. Campbell, T. 60. Sinclair, D. 61. Vickars, W. 62. Fogarty, D. 63. Vickars, Hon. B. 64. ‘ Fontabelle Estate.’ 65. Colville, E. 66. Campbell, Miss E. 67. Tharpe, J. 68. Fisher, J. W. 69. Wetzler, D. B. & Co. 70. Wetzler, D. N. & Co. 7 1 . Sewell, W. 72. Gordon, J. W. 73. Hostop, L. 74. Boddington & Co. 75. Tyson, H. 76. Barrett, C. G. 77. Clarke, E. H. 78. Grant, Miss. 79. Clarke, T. 0. 80. Fletcher, J. & Peryer, J. 81. Hind, R. & Stirling, W. 82. Milner, T. H. 83. Elmslie, J. & Shortridge, S. i 84. Hossack, Hon. W. 85. ‘Haywood Hall.’ 86. Dawkins, Lieut.-Col. W. G. 87. ‘ Raymond Estate.’ 88. « New Ramble Estate.’ 89. Melville, J. C. 90. Pennant, Col. the Hon. E. G. I), 91. Wray, J. & Nephew. 92. Harvey, J. 93. Georges, W. P. I 94. Vaz, I. N. ( 23 ) J amaica. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100 . 101 . 102 . 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110 . 111 . 112 . 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120 . 121 . 122 . 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. Barclay, A. Paine, W. S. ‘ Blue Mountain Valley.’ ‘ Dovor Estate.’ Garrigues, H. L. Jarrett, J. Dewar, R. Lawson, G. M. Atkins, G. W. Siiawe, R. F. McGrath, G. Jarrett, H. N. Williams, J. L. Fayermore, G. Dod, F. Holt & Allan. Boddington, Dayis, & Co. Hine, R. Stephen, A. Hoskins, J. A. Hutton, W. Parkins, Davis, & Selby. Whitelock, Hon. H. .A. Heaven, W. A. Tod, F. Vaz, I. N. Sharp, E. Hawthorn & Watson. Wray, J. & Co. Denoes, P. Gadpaile, C. Arnaboldi, G. LIOUEURS, &c. Derbyshire, J. Melville, J. C. Cooke, A. Wray & Co. ( 24 ) 131. Denoes, P. 132. Davison, Mrs. J. 133. Henry, H. G. 134. Trench, J. 135. Dickson, R. 136. Grant, C. SUGAR. 137. Gaiirigues, H. L. 138. Russell, R. 139. McKennon, Hon. L. M. 140. Paine, W. S. 141. Holt & Allan. 142. Williams, J. L. 143. Highington, J. 144. Whitelock, Hon. H. A. 145. Parkins, Davis, & Selby. 146. Harvey, J. 147. Sharp, E. 148. Henry, W. 149. Dod, F. 150. White, R. 151. Grant, J. 152. Boddington & Co. 153. Vaz, I. N. 154. Stephen, A. 155. Hoskins, J. A. 156. Hind, R. 157. Vic kars, Hon. B.— Coffee, Sic. 158. Sawkins, Mrs. — Chemical prepara tions. 159. Aaron. — C hemical preparations. 160. A’Court, Wm. — C hemical prepara tions. 161. Segueira, E. G. — Chemical pre parations. 162. Grey, C. — Chemical preparations. 163. Ball, T. — Chemical preparations. North-East Transept. 164. Edwards, E. B. — Chemical pre- parations. Meals ; manufactures. 165. Brass, J. — Chemical preparations. Meals ; manufactures. 166. Gall, J. — Chemical preparations. Starches ; oils ; manufactures. 167. Brown, Mrs. W. — Chemical pre- parations; starches. 168. Nugent. — Chemical preparations. 169. Kentish, Mrs. S. — Starches. 170. Johnson, Miss M. — Starches. 171. Batley, D. W. — Meals. 172. Kemble, Hon. H. J.-^Oils. 173. Arnaboldi, Gr. — Oils, seeds. 174. ‘Brownsville.’ — Oils: manufac- tures. 175. O’Hallokan, J. — Manufactures; ladies’ ornamental work. 176. Ciiitty, E. — Manufactures; ladies’ ornamental work ; fine arts. 177. Bell, J. — Manufactures. 178. La wes & Co. — Manufactures. 180. Carey, W. 0. — Manufactures. 181. Fingzies, J. K. — Manufactures. 182. ‘An African.’ — Manufactures. 183. Thompson, R.- — Manufactures. 184. Rankine, Mrs. — Ladies’ ornamental work. 185. Harrison, Mrs. & Miss. — Ladies’ ornamental work. 186. James, Miss.— L adies’ ornamental work. 187. Arnaboldi, Miss. — Ladies’ orna- mental work. 188. Poole, Mrs. P. — Ladies’ orna- mental work. 189. Teap, Miss C.— Ladies’ ornamental work. 190. Potts, Mrs. Hr. — Ladies’ orna- mental work. 191. Savage, J. A. — Fine arts. 192. Maull & Polyblank. — F ine arts. 193. Jamaica Cotton Co. — B asts, &c. 194. Chitty, E. & Ridgeway, A. F. — Botanical specimens ; manufactures. 195. banner, - Ridgway, Mrs. Gr. & Sisters. — T he — “ Arms of Jamaica.” 196. Bowerbank, Dr. — W oods. 197. Cooper, Capt., R.N.— Woods. 198. Campbell, Dr. J. — Woods. 199. Paine, W. S. — Woods. 200. Hankey, Thomson. — R um. 201. Mowatt, W. — Cotton. 202. Hamilton, Hon. Dr.— C offee. 203. Casson, J. — Coffee. 204. Orgill, Herbert.— C otton. 205. Harman, Rev. J. — -Rum. 206. Scott, A. — Manufactures. 207. Gall, J. — Cotton. 208. Levien. — C hemical preparations. 209. tions. Caseley, R. — Chemical prepara- 210. Adonio, Marcus. — Chemical pre- parations. 211. Harvey, Mrs. Wm. — Chemical preparations. 212. tures. Jamaica Cotton Co. — Manufac- 213. Dubuisson. — L iqueurs, &e. 214. copper. Abrahams, J. — Engraving on 215. Simons.— A nimated nature. 216. Wilson, N. — Woods ; cotton. ( 25 ) EAST SIDE OF NORTH-EAST TRANSEPT, UNDER GALLERY. 1. Borg, P. P. & Co. — Black silk lace articles. 2. Munnero, V. — Black silk lace articles, 3. Grecii, G. — Embroidered handker- chiefs. 4. Azzopardi, F. — Black silk lace articles. 5. Meilach, A. — Black silk lace articles. 6. Micallef, S. — Black and white lace articles. 7. Leonardis & Bellia. — Black lace articles. 8. Bellia, M. — Lace collar, and a specimen of broad white lace. 9. Bellia, P. — Black lace articles, silver hligree work. 10. Muir, G. — Silver and silver gilt hligree Avork ; stone vases ; flower pots, &c. 11. Vella, Bros. — Cotton counterpanes, quilts and table covers, and straw hats. 12. Aguis, P. P. — Cottonina cloth. 13. Muscat, A. — Cottonina cloth. 14. Zammit, G. B. — Cottonina cloth. 15. Vella, A. — Woollen quilts and table cloths. 16. Schembri, Dr. S. — Specimens of paste ; seeds ; honey ; wax ; and orange- flower water. 17. Francalanza, L. — Stone vases. 18. Testa, F. — Stone vase. 19. Segond & Brother. — C arved frame. 20. Meli, G. — Samples of leather, hides, &c. 21. Darmanin & Sons. — S pecimens of marble mosaic work ; and stone work. 22. Dimech, C. — Stone work. 23. Tonna, G. — A counterbass. 24. Catania, A. — Carved Avood-\\ r ork, and paper pattern. 25. Polito, Rev. Canon. — S tatuettes of saints and knights of Malta. ( 26 ) NEAR CENTRAL ENTRANCE FROM HORTICULTURAL GARDENS. 1. Wieiie & Co. Labourdonnas Estate. — Law and manufactured sugar, candy, and syrup. 2. Icery, E. & Co. La Gaite Estate . — Manufactured sugar, &c. 3. Barlow, H. Lucia Estate. — Pure and impure sugar. 4. Bullen, R. Gros Cailloux. — Ordinary sugar. 5. Belzim & Harel, Trianon. — Sugar for British market, and for Australian market. 6. Guthrie, Messrs. Beauchamp. — Sugar. 7. Currie, J., Beau Sejour. — Sugar to meet English duty, and turbined with water. 8. Stein & Co. Gros Bois. — Sugar. 9. Breard,F. Savannah Estate . — Sugar. 10. Duncan, J. Director of the Botanic Gardens, Pamplemousses. — A collection of fibres prepared at the gardens from indi- genous plants. Arrowroot, spices, and litchi fruit. 11. D’Esmery, P.— Manure as active as guano. 12. WichIs, P. A. — Coral lime, reef and inland coral, and a case of colonial spirits. ( 1 3. Bergicourt & Co. — Cigars and snuff. 14. Murphy, W. Long Mountain . — Twenty-five specimens of native woods; cotton. 15. Fresquet, A. — Vacoa tree, the roots made into various articles ; hats of date tree leaves, &c. 16. Martindale, E. — Finest honey; a treefern walking-stick. 17. Barclay, Lady. — A rrowroot. 18. Bonieux, Arsenal. — Specimens of lalo fibre ( Abelmoschus esculentus), biscuits, crystallised manioc, and arrowroot flour. 19. Closets, M. De. — Iron ore. 20. * Maugendre, C. A. — A barrel of dis- infecting powder. 21. Dumont, Mdlle. — Embroidered handkerchief. 22. Brousse, M. — Vanilla. 23. Langlois, C. — Vanilla. 23. Bedingfield, Hon. F. — A walking- stick. 24. Morris, Mrs. J. — Bag made of acacia seeds; articles from ‘Seychelles Isles,’ of cocoa-nut leaves and grasses. 25. Bedingfield, Hon. F. — A walking- stick. r ) UNDER GALLERY, NORTHERN COURTS, WEST SIDE OF NORTH-EAST TRANSEPT. Natal Commissioners (Hon. Sec. R. J. Mann, M.D.). — Extensive collections of- — 1. Food Substances: Sugar, arrowroot, coffee, cereals, pepper, roots, fruits, and pre- serves ; tea, cheese, spirits, honey, cured meat, &c. 2. Horns, skins, carosses, tusks, &c., of native animals, the produce of the chase ; feathers of the ostrich, crane, &c. ; samples of wools, fleeces, &c., and sponge from the Umgeni. 3. Textile and other materials : Cotton, Kafir cotton, flax seed, hemp, &c. ; speci- mens of a variety of woods, hark, fibres, &c. 4. Colonial manufactures : Tanned skins and articles of leather, horns, soap, candles, tallow, cigars, tobacco, bricks, tiles, models, &c. 5. Kafir manufactures, illustrating native industry and domestic economy : Shields, assegais, clubs, musical instruments, orna- ments, implements, models, &c. 6. Mineral substances : Freestone, gra- nite, plumbago, quartz, limestone, fossils, sulphuret of lead, mineral water, &c. 7. Specimens of natural history : Snakes, birds, insects, shells, &c. ; Kafir medicines. 8. A counter and frame made of native woods ; a map of Natal ; charts illustrating the climate of Natal, from observations taken by Dr. Mann ; water-colour drawings of colo- nial scenery, with photographs of scenery, portraits of natives, &c. ( 28 CENTRE OF NORTH-EAST TRANSEPT. 1. New Brunswick Commissioners. — Specimens of wheat, oats, buckwheat, rye, barley, beans, Indian corn, wheat flour, barley meal, buckwheat meal, rye flour, oat- meal, and hulled barley. Albertite coal, freestone, and granite. Native woods, with twigs and leaves. Native woods, unmanufactured, and manu- factured into doors, ballusters, and articles of furniture. A drill harrow, a mould-board plough, a horse-rake, a saw frame, a double sleigh, a travelling wagon, ships’ blocks, &c. A sample of leather engine-hose and dis- charge pipe. Models of steering apparatus; of capstan and windlass; of suspension-bridge over falls of St. John’s River; of road and railway bridge over Hammond River; of railway bridge over Salmon River ; of a N. B. rail- way train ; snow plough and flange cleaner ; of railway engine-house, St. John; of pas- senger locomotive and tender ; and of a saw- mill. Chilled locomotive car-wheels. A collection of edge-tools, hammers, &c. Homespun cloth, rug, socks, and mitts; Indian bead-work and dress, basket-work ; ( 29 ) transparent shop window blinds ; dried grasses. Preserved salmon and lobster. Photograph views in the colony. 2. Scrymoeour, J. — Horse-shoes. 3. Heoan, J. & J. — Sattinet ; union tweed and flannel. 4. Scovil, N. H. — Nails, ship- spikes, &c. 5. Piin.rs Bros. — Bunting, wrapping and sheathing paper. 7. Adams, W. H. — Carriage and railroad springs. 8. Magee, A. — Beaver cap, gauntlets, and coat ; bear and lynx robe ; silk hats, &e. 9. Rankine, A. — Biscuits. 10. McMillan, J. & A. — Bookbinding. 11. Pearce, C. — Stand of brass casting's. 13. Foster, T. A. D. — Case of dentistry. 14. Price &Siiaw. — Single-horse sleigh. 15. Matthews, Gr. F. — Case of minerals. 1(1. Spurr, Dr. Wolfe. — Oils from coal. 17. Chapman, .T. — Hearth-rug. New Brunswick. 18. Westmoreland and Albert Mining and Manufacturing Co. — Fossil-fisk from their mine. 1 9. Potter, E. — Specimen frames ; box- wood moulds. 20. Blacictin, C. — Circular saws, variety of saws, knives, &c. 21. Bowren & Cox. — Photographic views. 22. Flood & Woodburn. — Ditto. 23. Jardine, Misses. — Model summer- house, made from cones. 24. Thomson, Mrs. R. — Watch-pocket, made from cones. 25. Stevens, Mrs. D. B. — What-not, made from cones. 27. Fleming & Humbert, Phoenix Foun- dry . — Oscillating steam-engine. 30. McFarlane, P. — Forks and hoes. 31. Reid, J. H. — Pair of moose horns. 32. Gilbert, S. H. — Model stone picker. 33. Lamont, M. — Indian dress. 35. Harris, J. — Cast-iron enamelled mantle-piece. 36. Provincial Penitentiary.— Wooden ware, brushes, &c. ( 30 ) NEWFOUNDLAND UNDER EASTERN GALLERY, NORTH-EAST TRANSEPT. 1. Newfoundland Government. — Cop- per, galena, silver lead, silver ores, marble, and iron ; skins of the silver grey, patch, and red fox, the martin, otter, beaver, weasel, and bear ; stuffed birds, &c. A model screw propeller. 2. Gisborne, F. N. — A map of the colony; a Carriboo stag’s head ; Esquimaux carvings, and feather bags; patent fire-damp indi- cator ; patent ship-steering signals, and a patent railway ticket-date cutter. 3. O’Brien, Hon. L. — Wheat, barley, and oats. 4. Doyles, E. — Fish oils. 5. Fox, C. — Cod-liver-oil, seal and cod manure, deodorised. 6. O’Dwyer, Hon. B. — Cold-drawn seal oil. 7. Angel. — Cold-drawn seal oil. 8. Punton & Munn. — Seal stearine, seal and cod oils. 9. McBride & Kerr. — Cod-liver oil. 10. Stabb, E. — Cod-liver oil. 11. Dearin, J. J. — Cod-liver oil. 12. Moore. — Cod-liver oil. 13. Morris, L. — Cod-liver oil. 14. McPherson. — Cod-liver oil. 15. Knight, S.— Preserved salmon and lobsters. 16. Norman, N. — Preserved curlew. 17. Tilly, Messrs. — Preserved salmon. 18. McMurdo, T. — Cochineal colouring. 19. Dearin &Fox. — Advertising plates. 20. Page & Co. —Silver ores. 21. — Leamon, J. — Flax. 22. A Lady. — Snake-root, and poplar blossoms. ( 31 ) UNDER STAIRS OF NORTH GALLERY, NEAR THE EAST DOME AND NAVE. Macarthur, Sir W. — Woods in variety, of Southern districts. 193 specimens. Moore, C. Sydney. — Woods in variety, of Northern districts. 115 specimens. 1. Thompson, Henry, Camden. — 21 spe- cimens of woods adapted for posts, spokes, felloes, &c. 2. Holdsworth, J. B. George Street . — 1-in. board of Wellington pine. 3. Leneiian, A. Castlereagh Street. — Specimen of rosewood. 4. Trickett, J. Royal Mint. — Specimen of Wellington pine, with bark on. 5. Cuthbert, — . — Twenty-one woods for ship-building; iron-bark knee weighing 19 cwt. (I. Riley, J. Glenmore. — Log of Myall timber. 7. Jolly W. & Co. — Bundle of forest oak shingles. 8. Fountain, — Neivtoivn. — Three speci- mens of tree-fern stems from Lane Cove. 9. Murray, Hon. T. A. — Specimens of Myall and Boree woods. 10. Hall, L. Miss, Sharwood. — Small specimen of pine from the Billybong. ( 3 1 1 . Ward, Mr. Maitland. — Specimen of iron-bark wood that has been under ground for 25 years. 12. Williams, J. Pitt Street, Sydney . — Staves of mountain ash. 13. Samuel, S. Pitt Street, Sydney. — - Specimen of Myall. 14. Dawson, A. Sydney. — Twenty-three woods adapted for building purposes. 15. Chapman, C. Sydney. — Undressed staves. 1 6. Casey, J. B. for McLeay River Com- mittee. — Seventeen specimens of woods. Rudder, E. W. Kempsey, McLeay River: — 17. Iron-bark timber cut in 1836, con- stantly exposed to the atmosphere for 25 years. 18. Two specimens of ash exposed to all weathers for 15 years. 19. Blood-wood that has been under ground 23 years. 20. Turpentine wood that has been ex- posed for 29 years. 2 1 . Blackbutt that has been exposed to weather for 15 years. 22. Mahogany that has been exposed for 1 7 years. 2 ) Under Stairs of North Gallery, near Eastern Dome and, Nave. 23. Pine that has been used in a mill for 15 years. 24. Three specimens of forest oak. ' 25. Three specimens of fustic. 26. Palm tree. 27. Spotted gum wood. 28. White blossoming acacia, lias been exposed to weather 5 years. 29. Monthly rose. 30. Cherry-tree wood. 31. Yellow root. 32. Bastard Myall. 33. Gigantic American Aloe. 34 & 35. Yellow cedar, ftwo specimens). 36. Tulip wood. 37. Macartiiur, Sir W. — Two posts of stringy bark 46 years old. 38. Macartiiur, Sir W. — Narrow leaved iron-bark posts 46 years old; section of post 40 years old; butt of post 38 years old. 39. Manning, Edye. — Spotted gum tim- ber from hull of vessel built in N.S. Wales in 1830; vessel still plying. 40. Mort, T. S. — Log of Brigalow tim- ber. 41. Clarke, S. — Six specimens of fancy cedar. 42. Dean, A. Liverpool Street . — Two pieces of blackbutt timber, one of blue gum. 43. Macarthur, Sir W. — Specimen of blue gum of Camden. 44. Hill, E. S. — Specimen of iron bark of Paramatta, and tea tree of Brisbane Water. 44a. Dawson, A. — 20 specimens of build- ing wood. 44b. Howard & Co. Berner Street . — Tables and cabinet work from woods of New South Wales. 45. Gosper, J. Colo. Hawkesbury River. — Maize in cob. 46. Gosper, J. — Maize shelled. Macartiiur, J. & W. Camden Park: — 47. Six kinds of maize in cob. 48. Four kinds of shelled maize. 49. Four bundles of maize. 50. Peck, M. Hunter River. — Yellow maize, arrived at perfection in 100 days, 70 bushels per acre. 51. Bowden, C. Hunter River. — Yellow maize in cob. 52. Batten, C. Frederickton. — Maize in cob. 53. Anderson, Campbell, & Co. Sydney. — Two samples of maize in cob. 54. Aytom & Bourne, near Stroud . — Maize in cob. 55. Doyle, A. J. Mkllorn, Hunter River. — Maize in cob. 56. Paterson, T. Lorn, Hunter River . — Maize in cob. 57. Oaks, Montague C. Seven Oaks, Mcljeay River. — Maize in cob, yielding 100 bushels an acre. 58. Clements, Ingham S. Bathurst. — Wheat. 59. Macartiiur, J. & W. Camden Park. — Wheat. 61. Chappell, T. Mudgee. — Wheat. 62. Futter, Mr. Lumley, Bungonia . — Wheat. 63. Thompson, H. Camden. — Wheat. 64. Macartiiur, J. & W. Camden Park. — White wheat, three samples, 68 lbs., 66 lbs., and 64 lbs. to the bushel. 65. Thompson, H. Camden. — Wheat flour. 66. Solomon, Vinden, & Co. West Mait- land. — Wheat flour. 67. Spring, J. & Sons, Surrey Hills Mills. — Wheat flour. 68. Anderson, Campbell, & Co. Sydney. — Wheat flour. 69. Pemell, J. and Sons, Paramatta Street. — Wheat flour. ( 33 ) New South Wales. 70. Hays, J. Burrowa. — Wheat flour. Thompson, H. Camden: 71. Wheat flour. 72. Maize flour. 73. Solomon, Vinden, & Co. West Mait- land , — Maize flour. 74. Anderson, Campbell, & Co. Sydney. — Two samples of maize flour. 75. Stroud Mills. — M aize flour. 76. Havenden, J. Grafton. — Cotton : the seeds were sown in August, and picked in May. 77. Peck, M. Hunter River . — Cotton. 78. Fogwell, R. Hunter River. — Cotton. 79. Hickey, E. Osterley, Hunter River. — Cotton. 80. Moss, H. Shoolhaven . — Cotton. 81. Nowlan, J. B. Hunter River.— Cot- ton, various samples. 82. Vinden, G. West Maitland. — Cotton grown by J. M. Ireland, V illiams Kivei. 83. Goodes, C. W. Sydney. — Cotton grown at Clarence River. 84. Caldwell, J. Pitt Street.— Feejee Island cotton. 85. Peck, M. Hunter River. — Arrowroot from Dalwood roots. 86. Neale, Mrs. Elizabeth Farm, Para- matta . — Arrowroot. 87. Hassall, Miss, Camden.— Arrow- root. 88. Robertson, W. Hermitage, Grafton, Clarence River. Arrowroot. 89. Filmer, W. West Maitland. — Arrow- root. 90. Filmer, W. West Maitland. — Arrow- root. 91. Beaumont, W. Botany. — Arrowroot. 92. Thornton, W. McLeay River. — Arrowroot pulp for paper stuff. 92a. Gunst, Hr. J. W. Clarence River. — Arrowroot : 42 square feet of land produced 436 lbs. of flour. 93. Lardner, H. Clarence District.— Nettletree fibre (urtica gigas). This tree sometimes reaches 60 feet in height: but the tree seems to consist chiefly of water, and is useless, even as firewood: the bark, however, contains abundance of fibre. 94. Gosper, J. Colo, Hawksbury River. — Kurrajong bark. 95. Bowler, C. E. Newtown. — Fibre of Miranda reed. 96. Blacket, E. T.— -Kurrajong bark. 97. Bawden, T. Lawrence, Clarence River. — Nettletree and sycamore barks. 98. Moss, H. Shoalhaven. — Burrawang fibre. 99. Calvert & Castle, Cavan, near Yass. — Kangaroo grass, and another grass. 100. Greaves, W. A. B. Dovedale, Clar- ence River. — Sycamore fibre. 101. Lardner, A. Grafton, Clarence River. —Nettletree fibre and Kurrajong bark. 102. Lardner, A. Grafton, Clarence River. — Hilly bag of brown Kurrajong, made by aborigines of Clarence River. 103. Moore, C. Botanic Gardens. — Kurrajong bark. 104. Garrard, Richmond. \ River. — Six bags made by aborigines, of native fibies. 105. He Mestre, A. Terrara, Shoalha- ven . Two kinds of bark used by the blacks, as fish poisons : one of them is an excellent tanning substance. 106. Hill, E. S. Wollahra.— Tea-tree bark (yphormium tenax), and fish wattle bark. 107. Macartiiur, J. & W. Camden Park. — Native flax. 108. Scott, T. W. Brisbane Water . — Tea-tree bark. 109. Snaps, P. Stroud. — Wattle bark. 110. Thompson, Camden. — Wattle bark. 111. Krefft, G. Australian Museum. — Grass-tree gum. 112. Simmons, C. Waverly.— Grass-tree gum. 113. Rudder, E. W. McLeay River.— Collection of gums, dyes, varnish, &c., and 200 specimens of dyeing. ( 34 ) Under Stairs of North Gallery, near Eastern Dome and Nave. 114, 115. Boscir, J. — Varnishes and gums. 116, 11 7. — Smith, Capt. — White wine and red wine. Macartiiur, J. & W. Camden : — 118. White wine of 1858. 119. White wine of 1858. 120. White wine of 1856. 121. White wine of 1849. 122. White wine of 1848. 123. Muscat of 1845. 124. Muscat of 1853. 125. G. Muscat of 1851. 126. Red wine of 1853. 127. Red wine of 1851, bottled in 1855. 128. White wine of 1851, bottled in 1855. 129. White wine of 1853, bottled in 1856. 130. Muscat, 1853, bottled in 1856. 131. White, 1858, bottled in 1862. 132. White, 1858, bottled in 1862. 133. White, 1858, bottled in 1862. 134. Red, 1854, bottled in 1862. 135. Red, 1854, bottled in 1862. 136. Muscat, 1854, bottled in 1862. 136 a. Red, 1849, bottled in 1861. 137. Carmichael, H. — White wine. 138. Ireland, J. M. — White wine. 139. Pile, G. — Amontillado. 140. 141. Bettington, Mrs. — White, vintages 1858 and 1859. 142. Bettington, Mrs. — Claret, 1860. 143. Blake, J. E. — Red wine. 144. 145. McDougall, A. L. — White wine 1860 ; red wine, Malbec, 1860. 146, 147. Windeyer, A. — Red Hermit- age and white Madeira, 1858. 148, 149. Lindemann, H. L. — Red and white Cawarra. ( 150. McDougall, A. L. — White wine, 1851. 151. Cowrer, Hon. C. — Wivenhoe Ma- deira, 1853. 152. Mort, T. S. — Irrawang white, bottled 1850. 153,158. Cooper, Sir D. — Dalwood red and white Lindemann’s Cawarra (two kinds), Docker’s Burgundy, and Lawson’s Burgundy. 159. Aspinall, T. — Australian wine. 160, 161. Sangar, J. M. — Rosenberg Shiraz and brown Muscat of 1860. 162 — 164. Sangar, J. M. — Riesling, To- kay, and Aucarot wines of 1860. 165. Smith, J. — Red Kyamba, 1859. 166. Frauensfilder, J. P. — White wine, 1858. 167. 168. Moyse, V. — Australian wines. 169, 170. Rodd, B. C. — Australian wines. 171. Aspinall, T. — White wines. 172. FARQunAR, H. M. — Muscat of Cam- den. 173. Smith, J. — White Kyamber, 1859. 174. Blake, J. E. — White Kaludah, 1856. 175. Blake, J. E. — Red Kaludah, 1856. 176. Blake, J. E. — White Kaludah, 1858. 177. Wright, J. Balgoivrie , Wollongong. — Cayenne pepper, from chillies of Nepaul kind. 178. Macarthur, J. & W. Camden Park. — Cayenne from chillies of Nepaul kind. 179. Bolland, Mr. West Maitland. — Cayenne pepper from chillies of the Nepaul kind. 180. Thornton, Capt. W. — Cayenne pepper from chillies grown on the McLeay River. 181. Church, J. West Maitland. — To- bacco, leaf and manufactured. 182. McCormack, J. West Maitland. — Leaf-tobacco. ) D 2 New South Wales. 183. Hamilton & Co. G. & J. Hunter I Street. — Biscuits of various kinds from flour, and arrowroot. 184. Wilkie, G. & Co., George Street. — Biscuits of various kinds. 185. Jacques, Miss L. Balmain. — Four samples of native currant jelly. 186. Skillman, Mr. near Stroud. — Box of dried peaches. 187. Caporn, W. G., Port Street, Sydney. — Orange Wine. 1 88. Miller, P. Paramatta. — Raspberry and mulberry wines. 189. Lavers, J. Y. Sydney. — Ginger wine. 190 — 195. Macartiiur, J. & W. Camden Park.— Capers, sorghum, broom-millet, im- phee, beans and carob pods. 196. Moss, H. Shoalhaven. — Sponge from Jerrimgong Beach. 197. Prescott, H. Sydney. — Italian Rye-grass seed. 198. Tiiornton, Captain. — Sarsaparilla grown on McLeay River. 199. Macarthur, J. Camden Park. — Walnuts. 200. Scott, J. W. Point Clare , Brisbane Water.- — Sugar-cane. 201. Ledger, C. Sydney. — Alpacas. 202. Jones, D. & Co. George Street, Sydney. — Native cat-skin rug. 203. 204. Harbottle, W. George Street. — Whales’ teeth, tortoiseshell, and beeswax. 205. Norrie, J. S.—Pitt Street. — Bees- wax. 206. Rose, Mrs. Campbell Toivn. — Honey. 206a. Norrie, J. S. — Honey. 207. Robb, Mrs. Jas. Kiama. — Feathers. 208. Crawley, T. W. Market, Sydney. — Skins of platypus. 209. Child, W. Mount Vincent, West Maitland.-— Cochineal from the acacia. 211 — 213. Harbottle, W. George Street, Sydney. — Sperm, southern whale, and Du- gong oils. 214. Kirciiner, W. Grafton, Clarence River. — Oleine, or tallow oil. 215. Youdale, J. West Maitland. — Neat’s-foot oil. 216. Bell, H. Pitt Street, Sydney. — Neat’s-foot oil. 217. Rudder, E. W. Kempsey, McLeay' s River. — Purified neat’s-foot oil. 218. Battley, J. Castlereagh Street . — Shank bones. 219. Skinner, T. Darling Point.— Silk. 220. Turner, C. West Maitland. — Silk. 221. Sandrock, G. F. — Silk. 222. Lord, Mrs. Double Bay. — Silk. 223. Kellick, J. Jun. Philip Street, Sydney. — Silk. 224. Lee, Mrs. Sen. Parramatta. — Silk. 225. Whiting, J. Hanley Street, Wool- loomooloo. — Silk. 226. Lord, Mrs. South Head Road. — Silk. 227. Bell, H., Pitt Street. — Beef. 228. Manning, J. Kamareuka. — Beef. 229. Battley, J. Castlereagh Street. — Ox tongues. 230. Myers, P. Pitt Street, Sydney. — Fish. 231. Nott, J. West Maitland. — Tallow. 232. Nott, J. West Maitland. — Alpaca tallow. 233. Commissioners of South Wales Exhibition of 1862. — Alpaca pomade. 234,235. Battley, J. Sydney. — Beef and mutton tallow. 236. Child W. Mount Vincent, West Maitland. — Cheese. 237. Holden, A. Gresford, Paterson River. — Cheese. 238. 239. Riley & Bloomfield, Messrs. —Fleece wool, washed on sheep’s back. 210. Bell, Bone Manure. H. Pitt Street, Sydney . — ( 36 ) Under Stairs of North Gallery , near Eastern Dome and Nave. 240. Cox, E. — Fleece wool, washed on sheep’s back. 241. Marlay, E. — Fleece wool, washed oil sheep’s back. 242. Lord & Ramsay. — Fleece wool, washed on sheep’s back ; from sheep the progeny of merino stock of Messrs. Mac- arthur. 243. Macansh, J. D. — Wool, washed on sheep’s back. 244. EisswoRTit & Co. Sydney.— Wool, washed on sheep’s back. 244a. Daugar & Co. — Four fleeces washed on sheep’s hack. 245. Hayes, T. — Scoured wool. 246. Riley & Bloomfield, Messrs. — Scoured wool. 247. Cox, E. K. — Scoured wool. 248. Clive, Hamilton, & Rowland J. Trail. — Scoured wool, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quality, and lambswool. 249. Bettington, Mrs. — Scoured wool. 250. Lord & Ramsay. — Scoured wool. 251. Cox, Of. H. & A. B. — Scoured wool. 252. Ebswortii & Co. Sydney. — Scoured wool. 253. Bell, H. Sydney. — Scoured wool. 254. Riley & Bloomfield, Messrs. — Wool in grease. 255. Cox, E. K. — Wool in grease. 256. Clive, Hamilton, & Rowland J. Trail. — Wool in grease. 257. Macansh, J. D. — Wool in grease. 258—260. Cox, G. H. & A. B.— Wool in grease. 261. Ledger, C. — Fleece of Cotswold merino ram, 3 years old, 10 months wool. 262. Ledger, C. — Fleece Leicester me- rino ram, 2 years old, 10 months wool. 263. Donaldson, Sir S. A. — Six fleeces in grease. 264. Ledger, C. Sydney.— Alpaca wool. 265. Cooper, Lady. — Case of specimens of gold. 266. Wilson, D. Adelong. — Seven speci- mens of quartz and ruundic. 267. Thomas, J., C. E. Railway Depart- ment. — Iron ore, coal, and quartz. 268. Bawden, T. Clarence River. — Car- bonate of iron. 269. Lynch, R. Esq. — Auriferous quartz. 270. Gordon, Mrs. — L ead, silver, and copper ores. 271. Larkin, E. Esq. — Stalagmitic de- posit from Wianamatta rocks. 272. Samuel S. Esq. & Christoe, J. P. — Copper ores and copper. 273. Loder, A. Esq. — Combustible schist. 274. Williams, Capt. D.— Silicate of magnesia. 275. Levien, A. Esq.— S pecimens illus- trative of strata encountered in working a rich claim. 276. Blacket, T. Esq. — Two kinds of building stone. 277. Macarthur, Sir W. — Niue speci- mens of building stones. 278. Croaker, C. W. — Limestone, sul- phate of barytes, and green carbonate of copper from Bathurst. 279. Australian Agricultural Co. — Iron ore from Stroud. 280. Moss, H. Esq.— Native alum from Shoalhaven. 281. Laidlaw, T. Esq. — Lead ore from Jobbin’s mine. 282. Hume, H.— Iron, copper, and lead ores. 283. Brown, Mrs. W. — Silicified rock, with leaves, &c. 284. Pearson, R. W. — Copper ore from Good Hope Mines. 285. Patten, W. Esq. — Polished Devonian marble. 286. Brown, Tiros. — Bituminous schist, granite, ironstone, sandstone, alum, sulphate of magnesia, slate and limestone. 287. Christoe, J. P. — Copper and its ores. ( 37 ) New South Wales. 288. Dawson, A. — Stones used in build- ing. 289. Wilson, A. — Silicate of magnesia. 290. Blaxland, A. — Gypsum, emery powder, coal, and geological specimens. 291. Thompson, H. Camden. — Ironstone and iron ore of Camden district. 292. Morehead & Young, Messrs. — Copper ores. 293. Holden, A. — Sulphide of antimony. 294. Dangar, T.- — Auriferous cpiartz. 295. Clarke, Rev. W. B. — White porce- lain clay. 296. Keene, W. inspector of coal fields. — Coal from eleven seams in the colony. 297. Joplin, C. — Tooth and bones of fossil kangaroo. 298. Solomon, S. & H. Eden, Twofold Bay. — Copper and lead ores, and auriferous sand. 299. Vyner, CArT. A. — Polished marble. 300. McMurrick, Mr. - — Auriferous quartz from new diggings. 301. SNArE, P. — Iron ore, coal, clay, and limestone from Stroud. 302. Howell, Miss. — T wo specimens of stone. 303. Rudder, E. W. McLeay River. — Earth)’ cobalt. 304. Samuel, S. Pitt Street. — Marble, &c. 305. SNArE, P. Stroud. — Ironstone, &c. 306. McCullum, A. Woolgarlow. — Copper ore. 307. 308. Samuel, S. — Rock killas from Ophir mine ; and iron ore. 309. Australian Agricultural Co. — Coal from bore-hole seam, Newcastle. 310. Australian Agricultural Co. — Coal from Bellambi. 311. Dalton, F. — Specimens of minerals from Rocky River District : including petrified wood, topaz, opal, Ac. 312. Royal Mint, Sydney. — Samples of gold, characteristic of the gold fields of the Colony. 313. Royal Mint, Sydney. — Auriferous quartz from some of the veins in N.S. Wales, now being worked, or capable of being worked, with profit. 314. Royal Mint, Sydney. — Two cases, illustrating the various deposits encountered in sinking for gold in this Colony, and the character of gold thus obtained. 315. Clarke, Rev. W. B. — Thirty genera of mesozoic fossils, from Wollumbilla Creek and the Fitzroy Downs. 316. Keane, W. Government Examiner of Coal Fields. — Series of palaeozoic fossils, in 40 compartments. 317. Ironside, Adelaide E. — The mar- riage in Cana of Galilee, painted at Rome in 1861 by the Exhibitor. 318. Ingelow, G. K. — Water-colour drawings of Entrance to Sydney Harbour, and Manly Beach. 319. Martens, C. — Sydney Head (water colour). 320. Cooper, Lady. — Two drawings by C. Martens, and one by Thomas, water colour. 321. Commissioners oe N.S. Wales Ex- hibition.- — Six drawings, &c., by E. B. Boulton. 322. Hamilton, E. First Provost of Uni- versity. — The University of Sydney. 322a. Denison, A. — Senate House of the University. 323. Nicholl, W. G. — Plaster bust, alle- gorical of Australia. 324. Tenerani. — Photograph of marble statue of W. C. Wentworth, by Tenerani, of Rome. 324a. Blacket, E. T. — Photographs in variety. 325. Jolly & Co. Sydney. — Five photo- graphic views. 326. Paterson, J. — A. S. W. Co.’s patent ship Pyrmont — photograph . 327. Freeman, Bros. Georye Street . — Collection of photographs. ( 38 ) Under Stairs of North Gallery, neon' Eastern Dome and Nave. 328. Plomley, Jenner, Paramatta River. — Fifty stereographic views. .329. Blackwood & Good ks, George Street. —Eight photographic views. 330. Gale, F. B. Queanbyan. — Photo- graphic portraits of aborigines and half castes. 331. Dalton, E. George Street . — Fifteen frames of photographs. 332. Wingate, Major. — Panoramic view from Pott’s Point — photograph. 333. Mort, T. S. — Five photographs. 334. Cutiibert, J. — Ship-building yard — photograph. 335. Williams, J. Pitt Street . — Masonic officers. 336. Hobbs, J. T. — School of Arts, by an amateur — photograph. 337. Jolly & Co. Messrs. — Five saw mills — photograph. 338. Young, Right Hon. Sir J. and Lady. — Kangaroo and emu of Australian gold, by Hogarth. [ 338 .] Kangaroo, of Australian Gold. 339. Flayelle, Bros. Mounted inkstand. George Street . — 340. F inck & Backemann, Market Street. — Bracelet and brooch of Australian gold. O 341. Hogarth, J. New South Wales . — Natives in precious metals. ( 39 342. Brush &Macdonnell, George Street. — Two emu eggs mounted. 342a. M‘Leay, Mrs. G. — Brooch of white topaz, from the Murrumbidgee. 342b. M‘Leay, Mrs. G. — Table orna- ments, made from the seed vessels of plants near Paramatta, by the nuns of Subiaca, New South Wales. ) New Sovtli Wales. 343. Ridley, Rev. W. Rushcutter’s Bay. — Two primers of aboriginal language. 344. Cowper, Mrs. — K ey to aboriginal language. 345. Bernicke, C. L. Kent Street.— Bookbinding. 346,347. Sherriff & Downing. — Ac- count books and bookbinding. 348. Richards, T. Government Printing Office, Sydney. — Bookbinding and publish- ing. 349. Furber, A. G. — Bookbinding. 350. Sands & Kenny, George Street . — Account books and printed books. 351. Rees, G. H. Castlereagh Street . — Books illustrative of Colonial binding. 352. Waugh, J. W. George Street. — Bookbinding and publishing. 353. Degotardi, G. — Specimens illustra- tive of the advancement of printing in Australia. 354. Moss, L. Hunter Street. — Five specimens of music publishing. 355. Clarice, J. R. George Street.— Book of printed music, Ac. [338.] Emu, of Australian Golf. 356. Anderson, J. R. George Street, Sydney. — Two specimens of printed music. 357. Clarice, H. T. Castlereagh Street . — Two gig whips, four stock whips, and piece of hide. 358. Hinton, Bros. George Street . — Gentleman’s saddle. 359. M‘Call, D. Hunter Street. — Gen- tleman's saddle, Ac. 360. Bovis, C. King Street, Sydney . — Three pairs of boots and pair of slippers. 361. Vicicery, J. 375 George Street, Syd- ney.- — Four pairs of rivet boots; two pairs of slippers. 362. Hall & Anderson, Pitt Street . — Harness leather, sole and kip leather, saddles, Ac. Ac. 363. Brush, J. George Street. — Lady’s side saddle. ( 40 ) Under Stairs of North Gallery, near Eastern Dome and Nave. 364. Lobb, J. Pitt Street. — Boots. 365. Begg, J. E. Glenmore Tannery . — Sole leather. 366. Row, J. Camden. — Kip leather. 367. Goodluck, J. G. Camden. — Leather. 368. Smith, J. Botany Tannery. — Skins and leather ; improved graining board. 369. Vinden, G. West Maitland. — Case of Colonial rosewood. 370. Reynolds, A. Balmain. — - Cedar boat. 371. Renney, W. Pitt Street. — Work table. Tucicey, W. : — 372. Chest of drawers. 373. Library door. 374. Carved cedar font. 375. Carved Elizabethan frame. 376. Oram, E., Liverpool Street. — Carved cedar truss. 377. Mort, T. S. — Carving of Moreton Bay staghorn fern. 378. Fuller. — Window blind. 379. Milgrove, H. Park Street.- — Two spiral-turned candlesticks. 380. Jones, W. & Son, 21 Surrey Street. — Cabinet of cypress and other woods. 38 1 . Cooper, Lady. — Set of drawers, table, book- stand, &c. 382. Gillman, Mrs.- — Table top of cy- press pine from Northern districts. 383. Commissioners of N. S. W. Exhibi- tion of 1862. — Fourteen pieces of cabinet work from Colonial woods. 384. Ebsworth, F. E. & Co. Bridge Street. — Reel cotton, manufactured from cot- ton of N. S. Wales. 385. Paterson, Mrs. Manton Creek . — Socks from opossum wool. 386. Zions, H. Castlereagh Street. — Coats and vests made from a Colonial invention. 387. Russell, Capt. Regentville.- Colo- nial tweed. ( 388. Farmer & Painter. — Two suits of Colonial tweed. 389. Campbell, M. M. Sussex Street . — Colonial tweed. 390. London Commissioners of N. S. Wales. — (A.) Merino wool- manufactures : series under ten consecutive numbers of light and heavy fabrics, manufactured by Joseph Craven, Benjamin Gott & Co. Barker & Co. Verity of Bramley, Paton & Co. Pease & Co. Carr & Co. of Twerton ; also sundry goods from the general committee of Bradford. (B.) Alpaca wool manufactures : series of cloths manufactured at Bradford from Australian alpaca wool. 390a. Barker & Co. Leeds. — Case show- ing various stages of manufacture between © © raw wool and cloth. 390b. Bradford Committee. — Case show- ing various stages of manufacture in merino © © and alpaca wool. 391. Directors of Randwick Asylum. — Cabbage tree plait, 392. Duffin, J. Sussex Street. — Cabbage tree manufactures. 393. English, Miss Kate, Jamberoo. — Cabbage tree and plait. 394. Prescott, H. Sydney. — Cabbage tree 100 hands. 395. New South Wales Commissioners. — Plait work, cap, belt, and mat, of cabbage tree. 396. Farmer & Painter, Pitt Street, Sydney. — Two hats of cabbage tree. 397. Hass all, Rev. T. Berrima. — Cabbage tree hat. 398. Gregory & Cubitt , Alder manbury. — Cabbage tree hats. 399. Bousfield, F. Crystal Palace. — Cabbage tree hat. 400. Biddell, Bros. George Street . — Confectionery. 401. Cates, W. G. George Street. — Con- fectionery. 402. Australian Sugar Co. Sydney. — Sugar and spirits, manufactured in the Colony. L ) New South Wales. 403. Sacher & Josselin, Sydney . — Con- fectionery. 404. Wellam, N. Burwood. — Pottery. 405. Enevis, W. Bathurst. — Soap and candles. 406. Kirchner, W. Grafton. — Candles and soap. 407. Kensett Bros. Campbell Street . — Blacking. 408. Monk, I). J. Pitt Street, Redfern. — Blacking. 409. Bland, Dr. Sydney . — Model of ship, showing mode of extinguishing fire in hold, &c. 410. Bland, Dr. — Model of atm otic ship. 411. Dawson, E. Lower George Street . — Model of coffer dam. 412. Cowper,Miss.- — M odel of St.Philip’s Church. 413. Bracket, E. T. Sydney . — Model of St. Mary’s Church, Maitland. 414. Thackeray, B. — -Model of horse railroad, invented by P. Brawen. 4 1 5. Woore, T. Sydney . — Model of sup- porting rails. 416. Kirkwood, D. S. Bega . — Model of bridge. 417. Francis, H. Balmain . — Model gas retort. 418. Cooke, A. Randwich. — Model of St. John’s church, Darlinghurst. 419. Woore, T. — Model of bridge. 420. Low, J. C. Pitt Street . — Model of Sofala "old diggings. O oo O 420a. Crystal Palace Co. — M odel of Government dry dock in Sydney Harbour : length, 300 feet ; depth, 25 feet. 420b. Crystal Palace Co. — M odel of Mort dry dock in Sydney Harbour : length, 350 feet ; depth, 26 feet. The ‘ Simla,’ one of the largest steam ships in the fleet of the P. & 0. Co. has been repaired in this dock. 421. Cowper, S. S., H. Moss, E. Herborn, and Miss Macarthur. — A boriginal imple- ments and weapons, and work-box. ( 4 422. Hall, J. B. Richmond Terrace . — Case of birds. 423. Caporn, W. G. Fort Street . — Two mats, rock sea-weed. 424. Hensley, Mrs. Hunter River . — Sea-weed. 425. Bate, J. E. Merrimbula. — Collec- tion of sea-weeds. 426. Ivrefft, G. Australian Museum . — Seven cases of reptiles. 427. Becker, A. Australian Museum . — Fishes, &c. 428. Kudder, E. W. Kempsey. — Sixty- eight specimens of birds. 429. Crawley, T. W. Market, Sydney. — Stuffed birds (120), sea-weeds, Ac. 430. Sawyer, H. Derwent Street, Glebe. — Insects. 43 1 . Barnes, H. Australian Museum . — Casts of reptiles. 432. Cooper, Sir D. — Various geological specimens. 433. Krefft, G. Australian Museum .- — Reptiles in variety. 434. Gipps, Lady. — C ase of birds. 435. Lavers, G. V. George Street. Noyeau and orange wine. 436. Monk, D. J. Pitt Street, Redfern . — Vinegar. 437. Leycester, A. A. Singleton. — Fish- ing rod. 438. Fuller, Pitt Street . — Dwarf Vene- tian blinds. 439. Chapman, C. Sydney. — Colonial staves. 440. Fletcher, D. Wynyard Square . — Dental work. 441. Cooper, J. Woolloomooloo . — Church glazing. 442. Jennings, W. George Street, Sydney. — Cutlery. 443. Wacey, G. William Street, Wooloo- mooloo. — Intersection ornaments, &c. 444. The Surveyor General. — Two maps of Victoria and N. S. Wales. 445. Bryce, J. Laurence, Clarence River. — Casks of different woods. 2 ) Under Stairs of North Gallery , near Eastern Dome and Nave. 446. Hill, E. S. Woolhara. — Peg tops of various woods. 447. brandy. Macarthur, Sir W. — Cherry- 447a. Macarthur, Sir W. — Axe-handles. 448. Mann, G. K. — Hone stones. 449. cedar. Norrie, J. S. Pitt Street. — Fossil 450. Dalgleish, D. Sydney. — Fossil. 451. Manning, Sir W. M. — Vase made of grass tree. 452. Paterson, F. Market Street. — Twenty-six herbals. 453. Selfe, H. Pitt Street. — Broom of cabbage tree. 454. ments. Hertziiaumer, C. — Surgical instru- 455. Lackerstein, A. — Cayenne pepper. 456. Hayes, T. — Sheep-skin rugs. 457. Norrie, J. S. Pitt Street. — Cajeput oil, and a variety of ottos and essential oils. 458. Thomson, H. Camden. — Lime, bricks, bullock yoke, etc. 459. Schulte, It. Woolloomooloo. — Dyes and dyeing. 460. Shaw, Of. B. — Two engravings. 7 o O 461. Wainwright, J. — Flute of Myall wood. 462. Jolly, W. & Co. — Bullock yoke, &c. 463. Macartiiur, Sir W. — Walking- sticks. 464. Enever, W. Sydney. — Coach wheel illustrating woods used iu the trade. 465. Goodsell, F. J. Neivtoivn. — Bricks. 466. Hale, T. Bellambi. — Quartz gold. 467. . Hertziiaumer, C. King Street . — Surgical instruments, invented by Dr. Bland. 468. Bousfield, F. Crystal Palace. — A portion of Captain Cook’s MS. journal, describing the discovery of Botany Bay ; letters, medals, &c. 469. Macarthur, General. — Gold me- dal struck in 1856 to commemorate the establishment of Constitutional Government in Victoria. ( 43 ) UNDER GALLERY FRONTING NAVE, NEAR EASTERN DOME. Province of Auckland. 1 . New Zealand, Bank of. — Otago gold. 2. Hunter. — Gold. 3. Reading, J. B. — Sample of gold from Terawiti. 4. Heady, C. & Ewen. — Gold and auri- ferous quartz. 5. Heapy, C.- — Minerals, ores, auriferous deposits, fossils, views, maps, frames, shells, magnetic sand. 6. Jones, A. — Copper ores. 7. Great Barrier Copter Mining Co. — Copper ore. 8. Holman, J. — Stalactite, building- stone. 9. Smai.es, Rev. G. — Stalactite, lignite, lava, and quartz in ditto, war weapons, pad- dles, obsidian. 10. Hancock, J. — Specimens of lime- stone, trachytic stone. 1 1 . Cadman, J. — Colouring pigment, slab of mottled kauri ; volcanic and building stones. 12. Gilbert, H. Pumice stone. 13. Pollock, T. — Ironstone; fireclays. ( 14. Arrowsmith, W. — Iron sand. 15. Burnett, J. — Marble. 16. Buchanan, F.- — Moss agate; spar. 17. White, J. — Agates, cornelians; na- tive adzes ; sinkers for fishing. 18. Brighton, W. — Silicate. 19. Elliott, G. E. — Sulphur, silicious incrustations of. 20. Andrews, H. F. — Sulphur; shells. 21. Waihoihoi Coal Co. — C oal. 22. Cole, G.— Petrified wood ; soap stone. 23. Preece, Rev. G. — Petrified rimu (wood). 24. Scott, A. — Kauri gum. 25. Thierry, E. I). — Petrified Kauri gum. 26. Wells, S. — Blue obsidian ; petrified wood. 27. Otama-Yea. — Specimens of petri- faction. 28. Roe & Shalders. — Slabs of Kauri. ) Under Gallery fronting Nave, near Eastern Dome. 29. King, C. — Slab mottled Kauri, rimu- matai, auriferous earth. 30. Brown, T. W. — Aleake wood. 31. Gibbons, Messrs. — Woods (Reware, wa and Ilinau). 32. Commissioners International Exhi- bition for Auckland. — Woods from Museum at Auckland. 33. Ellis. — Vase, cotton stand, with specimens of New Zealand woods. 34. Ninnes, J. — Taraire wood. 35. Mason, J. — Loo table, made from New Zealand wood ; Pohutuhawa wood. 36. Mannakan Saw Mills. —Specimens of woods. 37. Reid, Rev. A.— Mixed breed wool, dried apples. 38. Morgan, Rev. J. — Mixed breed wools, bark ; war weapons, native garment. 39. Runciman, J.— Ewe Hoggett wool, cross (Leicester and Merino) wool; perennial rye grass seed. 40. Sellers, Mrs. — Wool-cross, Merino and Leicester. 41. West, J. — Long wool, mixed breed wool (Merino, Cotswold, and Leicester). 42. Church Mission School, OtakL— Various samples of wool. 43. Barton. — Various samples of wool. 44. Taylor, Watt, & Co. — Various samples of wool. 45. Hunter. — Various samples of wool. 46. Ludlam. — Various samples of wool. 47. Moore. — Samples of wether fleece. 48. Shepherd, T. Jun. — Wool (Hogg, Leicester). 49. Lloyd, Neil. — Flax, ropes, lines. 50. Purciias, Rev. A. & Ninnes, J.— Patent flax. 51. Matthews, W. — Door mats, fibres. 52. Probert, J. — Flax, Pikiareo plant. 53. Smith, J. S. — Flax basket. 55. Therry, Baron de. — Flax and New Zealand fibre. 56. Webster, G. — Flax, Kiwi egg, vege- table caterpillars, land shells, fishing hooks. 57. Taylor, Rev. R. — Textile materials, warlike and domestic implements. 58. Innes, J. & Purciias, G. A. — Coil rope, dressed by patent machinery. 59. Holt, C. — Netting, wove by loom and shuttle. 60. James, Captn. — Rigging, made from New Zealand flax. 61. McEwen, A. — Californian Prairie grass. 62. Horne, I)r. — F erns. 63. New Zealand Society. — Native robe. 64. Owen, G. B. — Native garment. 65. Owen, G. B. — One cabinet made entirely from New Zealand woods, height 10 ft., 5 ft. broad, 3 ft. deep. 66 . White, W. — Carved tiger and alli- gator. 67. King, E. — Stuffed birds, dried apples, gold, limestone, cotton. 68. Goodfellow, J. — Soap, candles. 69. Blearzard, R.— Buckets. 70. Volckner, Rev. C. — War canoe, mats, garments, baskets. 71. Chamberlin, H. — Huni-Huni. 72. Chamberlin, H. — Four native New Zealand fish-hooks. 73. Combes, Daldy, & Burtt. — Guano from South Sea Islands. 74. Burtit. — Guano. 75. Fox, Mrs. — Drawing of New Zealand lora. 76. Combes & Daldy.-— Coffee ; cotton from S. Sea Islands ; Kauri gum ; iron sand. 77. Crombie, J. N. — Photographic views of local scenery, groups of members of House of Representatives. 78. Jones, F. L. — Views of local scenery. 79. Bariiaud, C. F. — Views of local scenery. 80. Martyn, A. — Views of local scenery. 54. Turnbull, T. — Dressed flax and tow. ( 45 ) New Zealand. Province 1. Nelson Commissioners. — A library table, cloth, photographs and stereoscopes. 2. Nelson Provincial Government. — A collection of gold specimens, each weighing 50 ounces, coal, and maps. 3. Nelson Institute Committee. — Native copper, rock with scales of gold, red haematite and chrome ore. 4. Nelson Chamber of Commerce. — Dressed flax. 5. Dun Mountain Co. — C opper ore and crome ore. 6. Morse, N. G. — Fleece of wool, long Leicester. 7. Buck Bros. — Scoured wool, Hinau bark for dyeing cloth. 8. Nattrass, L. — New Zealand flax for paper, and blue colour from Nelson chrome. 9. Curtis, Bros. — Plumbago, from Paka- wau. of Nelson. 10. Hacket, T. R.— Coal from B uller River and Waimangaroha, W. coast. 11. Lewtiiwaite, J. — Coal from Paka- wau. 12. McGee, C. — A stick of Rata. 1 3. Everett, E. — Chrome ore from Mars- den’s set. 14. Wiesenhaven, C. — Iron sand, from Blind Bay. 15. Redwood, H. Jun. — Wheat. 16. Monro, D. — Oats. 17. woods, Baigent, Sen. — Timber, native foliage of trees. 18. Harley, C. — Nelson hops. 19. Elliot, C. — Tea-poy of native wood. 20. Nevis. Andrews, T. — Chrome ore from Ben 1 . Holmes, M. : — 500 ozs. of gold specimens from mines in Otago. Province of Otago. Views of local scenery. Provincial newspaper printed on satin. Samples of grasses, corn, and wool. Province of 1. Hunter. — Various samples of wool. 2. Taylor, Watt, & Co. — Various sam- ples of wool. 3. Ludlam.- — Various samples of wool. 4. Sellers. — Various samples of wool. 5. Moore. — Various samples of wool. (i. Barton. — Various samples of wool. 7. Church Mission School. — Various samples of wool. 8. Barraud, C. F. — Sketches showing the growth of the rata tree, Ac. ( Wellington. 9. Barraup, C. F. — Photographs. 10. Taylor, Rev. E. — Maori implements and numerous textile materials. 1 1 . Hunter. — Terawiti gold. 12. Rending, J. B. — Wairiki gold. 13. New Zealand Society. — Basket made of ‘ flax.’ 1 4. Ellis. — Cotton-stand of New Zealand woods. . 6 ) WEST SIDE OF NORTH-EAST TRANSEPT. 1. Pkovincial Government. — A collec- tion of mineral specimens: — Gold from the quartz workings at Tangier, Sherbrooke, Wine Harbour, Allan’s Mill, the Ovens, &c. ; washings from the auriferous sands at the Ovens; gold bars, &c. Iron and iron ore from the Londonderry Mines, and other localities. Coal from the Sydney Mines, the Glass Lay Mines, and the Joggins ; and oil-coal from Fraser’s Mine. 2. Scott, James, Esq. — A column of coal 34 feet in height, from the Albion Mines. 3. Howe, Professor. — 224 specimens of minerals, including barytes, copper, man- ganese, &c., freestone, granite, ironstone, &c., marbles, clay, slate, anhydrite, clays and mineral paints, infusorial earth and cements, iron and garnet sand, amethysts, jaspars, agates, stilbite, calc spar, ankerite, selenite, and topaz. 4. IJoneyman, Tiie Rev. — A large col- lection of specimens illustrating the geology of the Colony. 5. Downs, A. — A stuffed bull-moose ; a case of game birds and wild ducks. 6. Faj.es, A. J UN. — 84 varieties of polished woods, leaves, cones, &e., and a collection of native plants. 6a. Howe, Dr. — Medicinal and other plants. 7. Bessonet, Miss. — Water-colour paint- ings of native flowers. 8. HonaES, Miss. — Baskets made of cones. 9. Lawson & Pillsbury, Misses. — Forest leaves, varnished. 10. Black, Mrs. W. — Wax fruits and Hewers. 11. Chase, W. — Photograph of Nova Scotia vegetables. 12. Coleman, W. — Nova Scotian furs. 13. Haliburton, R. G. — Bayberry, or myrtle wax. 14. Jones, J. M. — Native fish, prepared in large glass jars, under direction of Professor Agassiz. 15. Willis, J. W. — A collection of edible shell-fish. 1 6. Nova Scotia Commissioners. — Dried, pickled and preserved fish, as prepared for export. 1 7. Frazer, R. G. — Fish oils of the pro- vince. ( 47 ) Nova Scotia. 18. F razee, R. G.— -A large collection of fruits and vegetal lies preserved in alcohol ; grain, garden, and field seeds. 19. Harris & McKay. — Flower seeds. 20. Curry & Co. Windsor. — Patent axles. 21. Donald & Watson, Halifax. — Cast- ings in brass, gaseliers, sleigh bells. &c. 22. Connelly, Gr. Picton. — Axes. 23. Grant, P. St. Croix. — Horse-shoes. 24. Sullivan, ,T. Halifax. — Horse-shoes and a curd chopper. 25. Londonderry Mining Co. — Bar iron. 26. Bill & Kerry, S. Liverpool. — Edge- tools, hay and manure forks, and skates. 27. Cornelius, J. — Jewellery, manufac- tured of native gold, pearls, amethysts, Ac. 28. Scarfe, F. — Common and pressed bricks, and drain tiles. 29. Malcolm, R. — Fire-bricks, drain pipes, and pottery. 30. Wallace. — Grindstone. 31. Picton. — Grindstone. 32. Johnstone, W. — Carving in Wallace freestone. 33. Holloway, T. — Purchase blocks. 34. Mosiier, J. — Purchase blocks. 35. Wilson, W. — Purchase blocks, log reel, dead eyes, and belaying pins. 36. McEwen & Reed, Halifax. — Sofas, chairs, and a cabinet, &c. of native woods. 37. Gordon & Keith, Halifax. — Furni- ture, and a ship’s wheel. 38. Moore, J. Truro. — Ox yokes. 39. Dickie, J. — Patent harrow. 40. Frazer, W. & Son, Halifax. — A piano of native wood. 41. Brockley, Meisner, & Brockley. — A piano of native wood. 42. Wyman & Freeman, Milton. — Laths. 43. O’Brien, G. L. (late). — A pony phaeton. 44. Curry, E. & Co. Windsor. — A sleigh. 45. Cameron, J. Neiv Glasgow. — Model of a steamer. 46. Moseley, E. — Two working models on a new system. 47. McCurdy, Miss E. Onslow .- Wool- len cloth, frilled and sewing thread. 48. Dunlop, J. Stewinclce. — Home-spun cotton and wool. 49. Laquille Mills. —Black and grey satinet. 50. Creed, G. — Grey homespun. 51. Beals, Mrs. Bedford. — Women’s hose. 52. Cowie & Sons, Liverpool. — Skiding leather, hogskins, sole and harness leather. 53. Scott, Miss. — A leather picture frame. 54. Phillips, N. — Bookbinding. 55. Blair, Mrs. J. F. Onsloiv. — Sewing- thread. 56. Begg, Miss E.— A bonnet and hat. 57. Campbell & McLean. — Tobacco, and maple sugar. 58. Lyttleton, Capt. — Three water- colour drawings. 59. Woods, J. — A pencil drawing. 60. Harding, C. — A pen and ink draw- ing. 61. Cogswell, Dr. — A set of artifieia teeth ; two bottles of silex. 62. O’Connell, J. — Salmon and trout flies. 63. Sarre, N. — Hair tonic. 64. Crosskill, J. — Bear’s grease, eau de Cologne, and native cordials. 65. Dupe, G. — Cider and bitters. ( ts ) NORTH-EAST TRANSEPT. Local Committee (H. Haszard, Commis- sioner in London): — Corn, pulse, agricultural seeds. Flour, meal and pearl barley. Pork and dairy produce. Linen and woollen manufactures. Furniture and screens of native wood. Agricultural machine and implements. Harness and leather work. Native canoes and baskets. Patent ship’s tackle. Horse-shoes. Preserved fish. Samples of textile materials. Osiers for basket-work. Oil painting. Hats, &c. Pay-tree wax. Honey, ike. $ 49 ) E NORTH-EAST COURTS, NEAR NORTH-EAST TRANSEPT. •fysoT' QUEENSLAND Commissioners in London: — M. H. Marsh, M.P., Alfred Denison, and Arthur Hodgson. The Colony of Queensland, the most northern of the settlements of Australia, was only separated from New South Wales and formed into an independent colony at the close of 1859; the present is, therefore, its first appearance as a competitor for honours in International Exhibitions. The wide extent of territory, and great variety of climate and elevation, renders the colony well suited either for pastoral occupa- tion, for agriculture, or for raising tropical products. The population of Queensland, by the census of 1861, was 311,500, and from the immigration that has taken place, must have largely increased during the last year. Along the coast-line, from the Clarence to the northern boundary of occupation, com- prising some eight degrees of latitude, most, if not all, the productions of the Indies, South America, and not a few of those of Africa, maybe successfully and profitably cultivated. The hill-slopes, from the base to the summit, are found to be admirably adapted for the cultivation of the vine, olive, indigo, cin- chona, cinnamon, cocoa, allspice, tamarind, nutmeg, clove, tea, coffee, orange, cotton, &c. ; and upon the rich extensive lands in the glens or valleys of the rivers near the coast, the sugar-cane, arrowroot, ginger, tobacco, banana, &c., can be produced in the highest perfection, as the samples exhibited prove. The arrangement and grouping of the products of the colony in the Queensland ( Court has attracted, during the Exhibition, a large amount of public attention; and the importance and interest of most of the ar- ticles shown is demonstrated by the awards of the various juries, which comprise 26 medals and 20 honourable mentions. The four beautiful cases of stuffed birds, the opossum skins and rugs, and other objects of natural history, illustrate the animal life of the colony. Wool has hitherto been the chief staple, the number of sheep exceeding 3.500.000, and the export being upwards of 5.000. 000 lbs. per annum. The beautiful fleeces shown by Messrs. Marsh, Hodgson, Watts, and Bigge, all rewarded with medals, also those of Messrs. Deuchar and Davidson ; the wool indifferent stages of manufacture, and the broad-cloths manufactured at Leeds from wool of Mr. Marsh’s, and at Westbury from Messrs. Bigge’s flocks, prove the importance and value of this industry to the colony. Mess beef and tallow, honey and beeswax, leather, silk, and the oil of the dugong, a substitute for cod-liver oil, are other useful animal products. The vegetable products are far more numerous and of equal importance in a com- mercial and industrial point of view. First in interest is the cotton, the quality and character of which indisputably demonstrates the fact that a vast cotton field is open to enterprise, capable, with capital and labour, of furnishing a supply of this staple equal o ) North-East Courts. to any demand. Sea-Island cotton, it is shown, can be successfully grown in Queens- land, not only on the coast, but on the table- lands far in the interior. -Four medals and five honourable mentions testify to the quality of the produce; whilst the cashmere, the warp of which is made from 250 lace thread, spun from very fine cotton, and the woof from beautifully fine wool, by Mr. T. Bazley, M.P., further demonstrate the value of these two staples. The wealth of Queensland in forest pro- ductions is scarcely to be estimated, most of her timbers being of a kind exceedingly valu- able for building and manufacturing pur- poses. There is a fine scientifically-named collection of 130 specimens of indigenous wood shown by Mr. W. Hill, and 26 specimens from the northern regions by M. Thozet. For both of these collections medals were given. The woods are well described, and the value of most of them has been scientifically tested. The magnificent sugar-canes, hon- oured with a medal, are unequalled by any others shown in the Exhibition. The arrow- root made in Queensland will also compare favourably with that of West India origin, and is much cheaper. It has carried off three prize medals, and will become of great local importance. Maize is a crop that suc- ceeds well in Queensland ; and the fine heads of corn shown by Mr. Fitzallen, for which he has received a prize medal, testify to the quality of this grain. Rice and wheat are also honourably mentioned by the jurors. Whilst flour, made in the colony, also re- ceives honourable mention. There are two medals given for tobacco, and the samples of wine made in the colony are most favour- ably spoken of, one from pine-apple receiving a medal. Coal and other mineral products are exhibited, but to enumerate these would be impossible in a brief compass. It is, however, most satisfactory to find Queensland taking so prominent a place in the list of Australian colonies for raw materials and manufactures, as is evidenced by the ap- pended list of exhibits ; collected too under many disadvantages, arising from restricted time and great distance of transport. 1 . Attorney - General, The Hon. — Arrowroot and walking-canes. 2. Aldridge, Mrs. — Arrowroot ; Rosella and pine-apple jams, Granadilla jelly, citron marmalade, and seeds of the Cycus media. 3. Austin. — Wood fossils. ( 5 4. Archer, W. — Sandal-wood, Leich- hardt tree ; and geological specimens. 5. Balfour, J. — Twenty-two fleeces of wool. 6. 7. Bazley, T.,M.P. — Cashmere manu- factured from 250 lace-thread warp, spun from very fine cotton and wool, native pro- duce. 8, 9. Bigge, F. & F. — Wool and cloth manufactured by A. Laverton, from wool grown by F. & F. Bigge (Medal). 10. Bigge, F. & F.— Log of the Bunya Bunya. 11. Bartlett, N. — Mineral specimens; pictures; and engravings. 12. Coxen, C. — Specimens of Myall wood. 13. Coxen, Mrs. — A rrowroot (Medal); beeswax, honey, and candied lemon-peel. 14. Cairncross, W. — Sea-Island cotton (Medal). 15. Campbell, J. — Mess beef; beef tal- low ; coal. 1 6. Cadden, W. — Rosella jam. 17. Cannan. — Aboriginal implements. 18. Curphy, Mr. — Cypress pine-root. 19. Childs, T. — Sea-Island cotton, Ro- sella jam and vinegar. 20. Commissioners for Exhibition. — Wheat (Hon. Men.), dugong oil, colonial rum, 30 over-proof, leather. 21. Chapman, T. T. — Arrowroot. 22. Costin, W. J. — Dugong oil, bees- wax, and arrowroot. 23. Costin, T. — Colonial saddle, and stock-whip. 24. Carmody, W. — Maize. 25. Challinok, G. — Photographic views (Hon. Men.). 26. Cockburn. — Specimens of silk. 27. Cooper, Lady. — Moreton Bay pearl, set in Australian gold. 28. Clarke, J. & T. — Broadcloth manu- factured at Troubridge from Queensland wool. 1 ) 13 2 A Lira L.o« Queensland . 29. Davidson, G. & W. — Fleeces of Queensland wool. 29a. Day, S. — Arrowroot, 30. Dudgeon, S. V. — Sample of silk. 31. Douglas, R. — Colonial soap. 32. Denison, A. — Two cones of the Bunya Bunya, or Araucaria Bidwillii. 33. Fitzallen. — Maize (Medal). 34. Fleming, J. — Flour (Medal). 35. Fail fax, W. — Specimens of colonial 1 printing. 36. Gregory, C. — Aboriginal weapon. 37. Gregory, A. C. — Fibre from pine- apple leaves. 38. Gray, T. — Colonial leather and boots (Hon. Men.). 39. Gammie, G. — Plaid manufactured from Queensland wool. 40. Hartenstein, A. T. — Arrowroot. 41. Holdswortii, W. A. Executors of. — Arrowroot. 42. Haynes, M. — Geological specimens, cotton, fibre from indigenous plants, and aboriginal decorations. 43. Hope, Hon. L. — Large sugar-canes (Medal), rice (Hon. Men.), varieties of Banana fibre, Sea-Island cotton, and flax. 44. Hockings, A. J. — Maize and pre- serves. 45. 46. Hill, W. Botanical Gardens . — 120 specimens of woods, water-lily seeds, arrowroot, preserved tamarinds and ginger, medicinal and tanning barks, sarsaparilla, dye-woods, tobacco (Medal), rice (Hon. Men.), cotton, sugar-cane and rattans, walking-sticks, fibres, gums, stock-whip bandies, and aboriginal weapons, implements, and ornaments ; framed collection of the foliage of the indigenous woods. 47. Holmes. — Wool in grease. 48. Hodgson & Watts. — Sixteen fleeces of washed wool (Medal). 49. Hodgson, Mrs. — Bracelet of quan- dong seeds ( Fusanus acuminatus) set in Australian gold, gold wine labels (Medal). 50. Hodgson, A. — Case of stuffed birds ; stock-whip ; gold Australian nugget ; and map of Queensland. 51. Ivory, J. — Cayenne pepper; speci- mens of natural history. 52. Illidge, R. — Scented soap from dugong oil (Hon. Men.). 53. Johnson, R. & J. — Arrowroot. 54. Johnson, J. — Honey, beeswax, and orange marmalade. 55. Love, G. — Arrowroot. 56. Love, E. — Arrowroot, 57. Lade, T. — Grape wine (Hon. Men.) and pine-apple wine (Medal). 58. Laidley, J. — Opossum rugs ; and photographs. 59. Lutwyche, Mr. Justice. — Table and chessmen made of Moreton Bay woods (Medal). 60. Marshall, W. II. — Arrowroot, bees- wax (Medal), and honey. 61. Marshall & Deuchar. — Twelve fleeces of wool. 62. Marvoney, M. — Arrowroot, 63. Marsh, M. H. — Wool in fleece (Medal); cloth manufactured at Leeds from his flocks ; stock-whip ; indigenous flax seed ; Moreton Bay chestnut ( Castanospermum ) (Hon. Men.); Queensland flag. 64. Marsh, Mrs. — Sachet made of Queensland woods ; sapphire ring ; brooch of white topaz found at Moreton Bay, and bracelets of Myall wood. 65. Marsh, Miss. — Eucalyptus manna (Hon. Men.). 66. Macdonald, C. — Wool in fleece, three cases of stuffed birds, opossum rug, aborigi- nal weapons, and stuffed native animals. 67. North British Australian Co. — Wool in fleece. 68. Meeks, N. — Black wattle bark. 69. O'Connel, Cart. — One ton of copper ore, and specimens of copper. 7 0. Pratten, J. — Sea-Island cotton (Hon- Men.). 71. Patiien, Mrs. — A rrowroot. ( 52 ) North-East Courts. 72. Patterson, S. — Cypress pine board. 73. Pucir, T. — Queensland almanack. '73a. Pauley, W. — Specimens of wood, and two turned bed-posts. 74. Rode. — Sea-Island and upland cot- ton (Medal). 75. Petrie, J. — Building stones (Hon. Men.). 76. Pettigrew. — Model of a ship. 77. Stewart, J. — Arrowroot (Medal) and maize. 78. Stewart, H. — Two varieties of arrow- root (Medal), and Sea-Island cotton (Medal). 79. Sutherland, Mrs. — Sea- Island cot- ton (Hon. Men.) ; silk. 80. Siioll, Cai-t. — N atural curiosities. 81. Slaughter, A. Sen. — Arrowroot, beeswax ( Medal) ; honey. 82. Sheehan, N. -^-Specimen of silk. 83. Tiiozet. — Bitter, spice and cascarilla barks; tobacco leaf (Medal); cigars; Sea- Island and N.O. cotton (Medal; ; ebony, fibre, and plum-wine. | 84. Thompson, P. W. — Sea-Island cotton (Hon. Men.), maize and banana fibre. 85. Thornton, W. — Stone tomahawk and calabash. 86. Vowles, G. — Specimens of silk. 87. Wilder, J. W. — Photographs and views (Hon. Men.). 88. White, J. C. — Gum from Myall tree, &c. 89. Way, E. — Walking-canes, rosella jams, beeswax, and ginger root. 90. Warner, J. — Banana fibre, and map of Brisbane. 91. Queensland Government. — 400 lbs. cleaned Sea-Island cotton, grown in Queens- land. 92. Wildash, J. — Ornithorhynchus (water mole) ; Echidna (Australian hedge- hog)-' 93. North British Australasian Co., 49, Moorgate Street, E.C. — Wool. ( 53 ) NORTH CENTRAL COURT, NEAR ENTRANCE TO HORTICULTURAL GARDENS. 1. St. Helena Committee: — Cotton. Coffee. Specimens of wood with foliage, bark, &c. Native birds. Specimens of building stones. I 54 ) EAST SIDE OF NORTH-EAST TRANSEPT. 1. Cropper, R. — Specimens of the buli- mus rosace as, from the egg to the adult shell. Sloughs of the common rock crab (grap- sus ). Inner and outer bark of the mountain mahoe, hibiscus elatus, and rope made of the inner bark. 2. Hawtayne, G. H. — Arrowroot, guava jelly, coffee, cacao, plantain meal. Gum from the G (?) tree. Ginger. Oil of the cocoa nut, benna, canole nut, castor and ground nut. Spices. 3. Anderson, F. — A cask of pozzolano. 4. Stewart, C. D. & Cloke, E. J. — Arrowroot from the Fancy Estate. ( 55 ) NORTH-EAST TRANSEPT. 1—14. Abbott, J. — Coal, ores, fancy woods, palings, staves, tanning bark, vege- table fibre, music. 15 — 17. Allison, N. P. — Wool, skins, shell necklace. 18. Allison, W. R. — Wedge-tailed eagle. 1 9, 20. Allport, Mr. — Walnuts, filberts. 21 — 30. Allport, Mrs. — Preserves, vine- gar, Tasmanette, water-colour painting, topaz brooch. 31 — 34. Allport, Mr. Morton. — Shells, Huon pine, stereographs. 35. Allport, Mrs. M. — Fancy plait of rush pith. 36. Backhouse, R. — Flax. 37. Baker, I. — Coal, New Town. 38. Bale, J. D. — Platypus skin. 39. Barclay. — Freestone, Glenorchy. 40. 41. Bartlez, T. B. — -Manna, native bread. 42. Barnet, G. — Bituminous coal, Mersey. 43. Blythe, W. I.. — Wool. 44 — 46. Boutcher, W. R. — Wheat, wine, and vinegar. 47 — 1 1 3. Boyd, J. — Clay, bricks, pottery, fruit, vinegar, shells, fancy woods, ship- ( 56 ) building and railway timbers, palings, skins, fern trees, 230 feet spar. 1 14. Bryant, Miss S. — Flying opossum skin. 1 15, 1 16. Burdon, Mr. — Carriage wheels, blue gum plank. 1 1 7 — 1 20. Burgess, Mrs. — Embroidery. 121. Butcher, Mrs. — Potter’s clay. 122. Button, W. S. — Glue. 123 — 184. Calder, J. E. — Cubes of sand- stones, marble, limestone, sea-weed, fancy woods, deer horns, photographs, opossum mouse in spirit. 185, 186. Cameron, A. L. — Skins. 187. Carter, W. — Bituminous coal, 1 2-ft. seam, Fingal. 1 88. Chatfield,W. — Chestnut-faced owl. 189. Chilton, R. — Strong bituminous coal, 4i-ft. seam. 190. Clark, G. C. — Wools. 191. Clark, Miss C. A. C. — Railway rug, fur ; work-box of fancy woods. 192. Clifford, S. — Stereoscopic views in Tasmania. 193. Collins, Miss.— Fancy basket. North-East Transept. 1 94— 330. Commissioners- for Tasmania. — Coal (bituminous and anthracite), ores, marble, freestone, grindstones, hones, gold- dust, whalebone, timber-trophy, whale-boats, casks, implements, vegetable fibre for manu- facture of paper, barks for tanning and medicinal uses, models of fruits, furs, skins, furniture, guano. 331. Cook, Mrs. If. — Myrtle-wood vase. 332. Cox, E. — Native bread. 333. 334. Cox, F. — Peppermint wood, 25 years cut, can tharides -beetle. 335 — 337. Cresswell, C. F. — Wheat, Talavera and Tuscan ; preserves. 338 — 341. Crouch, Mrs. S. — Preserved meat, hams, penguin skin. 342—347. Crowtiier, Mrs. B. — Sinews, opossum fur, ornamental feather work, bird- skins. 34$ — 379. Crowther, W. L. — Sperma- ceti, oils, whale’s jaws, split timber, sawn timber, railway sleepers, ship planking, blue gum 45 years in use. 380. Cruttenden, T. — Opossum wool, gloves. 381. Dalgetty, F. G. — Oil painting of Hobart Town. 382. Denny, H. — Bituminous coal. 383. Dobson, A.- — Opalized wood, Syndal. 384. Dooley, M. — Native bread. 385. 386. Douglas, Opalized wood, ‘ La PerouseV tree. 387—391. Doyle. — Leather of sorts. 392. Du Croz, Mrs. — Couch rug, black native cat. 393. Du Croz, F. A.— Rug of grey and black opossum fur. 394. Dysodile Co. — Resiniferous shale : Mersey river. 395. Emmett, S. — Gold dust ; Hellyer river, Tasmania, N.W. 396. Fawns, J. A. — Table of fancy woods of Tasmania. 397. Fenchier, H. — Iron ore. 398. Finlayson, A. If. — Cabin bread in Huon pine case. 399. Fletcher, D. S. — Wheat. 400. Oerrard, Rev. T. — Wool. 401 — 404. Gell, P. If.— Clay, wheat, wools. 405. Gibson, J. — Oats. 406. Gillon. — Granite from Clark’s Is- land. 407 — 409. Glediiill. — Boots, sorts, hones. 410 — 436. Gould, C. — Ores, dysodile, alum, porphyry, granites, limestones, topazes, bituminous coals, marbles, skins, geological maps, table of lluon pine and muskwood. 437, 438. Gourlay, F. R. — Porpoise oil, heart of fern tree. 439. Gowland & Stanard. — Freestone. 440. Gray. — Hickory wood knee. 441. Greenbalgii, M. — Rug. 442. G room, F. — Strong bituminous coal. Mount Nicholas, 12 feet seam. 443 — 445. Grubb & Tyson. — Bench screws, office rulers, shingles. 446. Gunn, Ronald. — Aromatic wood. 447, 448. Haes, Frederick. — Ornamen- tal plat of rush-pith, and fern-tree vase. 449 — 452. Hall, R. — Granite, kangaroo, and platypus skins. 453. Hawkins. — Palings. 454 — 456. Hill, R.- — Blackwood log, palings, and shingles. 457 — 460. Horne, A. J. — Skins; wool. 461. Hull, J.-F.- — Leather of elephant seal skin. 462. Hull, FI. M. — Manna, insects. 463. Hull, II. — Skins of tiger-cat of Tasmania. 464. Irwin, D. — Muskwood. 465. Judd, H. — Native bread. 466 — 468. Johnson, T. — Model of appa- ratus for conveying salmon over to Tasmania. 469. Keiimode, R. Q. — Fine wools. 470 — 476. Letts, R. L. — Minerals, shells, woods, Xerotes fibre. ( 57 ) Tasmania. 477 — 479. Lewes, J. L. — Lavender, she- oak, bronze pigeon. 480. Lloyd, Major.— Wattle gum. 481. MacCracken, E. — Beef in canisters. 482. MacCracken, Miss. — Bronze-wing beetles. 483. MacDonald, W. —Asbestos in ser- pentine. 484. MacFarquiiar. — Rug of native furs. 485 — 488. McGregor, J. — Ship timbers of blue gum. 489. MacLanachan, J. — Fine wool. 490 — 492. Marshall, J. — Wheat, oats, barley. 493 — 495. Meredith, C. — Bituminous coal, fibre, native bread. 496 — 507. Meredith, Mrs. — Water-co- lour paintings of flowers of Tasmanian trees, shrubs and plants, framed in muskwood. 508. Meredith, J. — Wool. 509 — 546. Milligan, J. — Topazes, ja- cinths, beryl, cairngorm, rock crystal, opal, cornelian, garnet, schorl, hornstone, auri- ferous quartz, iron ores, galena, obsidian, pumice, alum, Epsom salts, aboriginal baskets and necklaces, shells, loo-table of musk- wood inlaid. 547 — 549. Moore, Dr. — Palings, staff, gate. 550. Morrison, A. — Busts (2) of abori- gines of Tasmania. 551. Morrison, J. A. — Grindstone, kan- garoo point. 552. Nixon, Eight Eev. Dr., Bishop of Tasmania.— Photograph of groups of Tas- manian aborigines. 553. Noake, E.— Flour. 554. Officer, E. — Cajeput oil, distilled from the leaves of blue gum. 555 — 558. Oldham, T. — Draywheels, piles, and ship planking of blue gum. 559. Pink. — Beef. 560 — 566. Powell, W. — Table of myr- tle, and black-wood, vases; walking-sticks, office rulers, turned of jaw and teeth of sperm whale. ( • 567. Proctor, W. — Peppermint wood, 29 years in use. 568 — 570. Pybus, E. — Arrowroot, grass- tree gum ; peppermint wood, 35 years cut and exposed. 571. Eansom, J. — Bituminous coal. Mount Nicholas 12-ft. seam. 572, 573. Eitciiie, E. — Oatmeal, groats. 574 — 576. Eogers. — Vegetable fibre- barks. 577, 578. Eoss, J. — Ship-timber, of blue- gum. 579, 580. Sanderson, M. — Teeth of sperm-whale, and walking-stick of jaw of the same. 581, 582. Scott, J. — Flours; she-oak timber. 583. Seaele. — Flour. 584, 585. Sharland, F. W. — Wattle-tree gum, grindstone. 586. Sharland, W. S. — Golding hops. 587. Shaw, M. — Native bread. 588. Siioolridge, E. — Fossiliferous lime- stone. 589. Smith, J. L. — Oats. 590. Smith, P. T. — Wools. 591. Stevenson. — Lard. 592—604. Stuart, J. W.— Ink, basket- work, knee-caps, carriage-mats, ladies’ boots. 605 — 615. Stuttard, J. — Views in water colours of scenery on the north coast of Tas- mania. 616, 617. Swift, A. H. — Bituminous coal, east coast of Tasmania, seam 5 -ft. to 6-ft. 10-in. 618. Tupfield, Miss. — Feathers of Tas- manian emu. 619. Thomas, Mr. — Skin of penguin, Bass’s Strait. 620. 624. Thompson, Mr. H. — Minerals, gloves of opossum fur, skins, emu’s egg. 625. Thorne, J. — Eed ochre. 626—628. Tully, W. A.— Paraffin oil, native bread, backgammon board. 629. Wade, Mr. — Products of botanic garden. ) North-East Transept. 630. Walch & Sons. — Bookbinding. 631. Walker, J. C. — Almonds grown by exhibitor. 632. 633. Weaver, W. Gr. — Alcohol, skin of musk duck. 634. Wedge, J. — Paraffin oil. 635. Wedge, J. H. — Vegetable fibre : a grass. 636. 637. Whiting, Gr. — Opossum skin rugs. 638. Wiiiting, J.— Stalactites. 639. Whyte, J. — Fresh-water limestone. 640. Wilkinson. — ‘ More pork,’ skins, &c. 641. 642. Wilson, Gr. — Wheat, oats. 643. Wilson, J. J. — Preserved fruits of 1861. 644 — 648. Wright, T. — Wheat, leather of sorts, ‘ Cape Barren ’ goose. 649. Youl, J. A. — Busts of two abori- gines of Tasmania. 650 — 654. Young, Lady. — Book-stand, writing ditto, paper knife, paper-weight, casket. 655. Smith, L. — Wheat. 656. Cooper, A. H. — Sketches of South Sea Whale fisheries. 657. Marshall, Gr. — Wheat. 658. Smith, J. — Wheat. 659. 660. Lindley,G. H. — Wheat, barley. 661. Williams, W. — Flour. 662, 663. Nutt, R. W. — Fine wools from Malahide. 664 — 668. Archer, W. — Wools. ( 50 ) UNDER EASTERN GALLERY, NORTH-EAST TRANSEPT. Trinidad Exhibition Committee : — A collection of minerals : Asphalte from the Pitch Lake, glance pitch, iron ore from Ma- racas, gypsum from St. Joseph, tertiary coal from the eastern coast, and lignite from the Irois coast. Chemical and pharmaceutical products. A collection of food substances : Ilice, in the husk and cleaned ; ground nuts; gingili or sesamum; varieties of cacao or cocoa; coffee, nutmegs, akee seeds, Brazil nuts, tea; Hour of the bread fruit, plaintain, yams, tania, sweet potatoe, cushcush, (a kind of yam), bitter cassada, sweet cassada ; ochro ; starch from the cassada, arrowroot, and tolo- man (canna); cloves, nutmegs, black pepper, and vanilla. Among substances used in manufactures : Oil from the cocoa-nut, pressed and boiled : whale, castor, Avocado-pear, and carap oils ; balsam of copaiva ; a collection of orna- mental seeds, timite fruit and seed, vegetable ivory, grugru-nuts, rough leaves of curatella, skins of sharks, canto bark, sponges, mamure ; timite, raw and prepared ; arnatto, from fresh and fermented seeds. Textile materials : Wild and cultivated cotton ; ochroma or corkwood cotton ; leaf and fibres of oenocarpus batawa, of carata. macerated and unmacerated, of langue de boeuf or agave vivipara, sanseviera, of wild cane or heliconia, of musas, plantains, and various other plants. 141 specimens of native woods. Rope from sterculia caribea and malachra radiata. Indian jugs, pots, and garglets made of clay mixed with the ashes of cauto bark. Plantains stewed in syrup, and fruit pre- serves. Indian wicker-work made of tirite, a species of calathea ; Indian impermeable baskets of the same. Plain and ornamented calabashes; razor strops made of various vegetable substances; fancy baskets of luffa fruit; Indian fans ; cocayes, and ornamented articles made of seeds. Patent fuel, manufactured from pitch, by Hamilton Warner, San Fernando. Walking-sticks of native woods. Photographs made by Mr. Wili.iamTuck.er, Port of Spain. ( 60 ) NORTH-EAST TRANSEPT. Executive Committee, Victoria: — 1. Gold ; copper and iron ore ; coal, lime- stone, cement stone, slate, sandstone, granite. A spar of Douglas fir for the International Exhibition flag-staff, 220 feet long. White and Douglas pine, silver fir, spruce, yellow cypress, cedar, oak, yew, hemlock, maple, dogwood, alder, white pine and cypress cones and twigs. Wheat, barley, oats, peas, timothy, and potatoes of field growth. A bunch of barley, of timothy, and of hemp nettle. Garden vegetables. A bundle of kelp. A specimen of the rock crab. Oils of whale, seal, dog-fish, and oulachan. A sample of wool. A pair of antlers ; a buck. Indian manufactures : Hemp and net, from the hemp nettle; rope and mantle, from the bark of yellow cypress ; hats, a basket, whaling tackle, a harpoon, float and line, halibut fish-hooks. Models of a stern-wheel steamer, of a side- wheel steamer, of a centre-board schooner. Specimens of red bricks, manufactured near Victoria. Three small kegs, a claret-jug, and a drinking-cup, made of native oak. 2. Henley, Clover Point. — Fifty-two rarities of kitchen-garden seeds. 3. Driard, S. — Prepared meat, concen- trated soup ; apples, and other fruit ; sardines and anchovies. 4. Foucault. — Halibut and salmon. 5. Fardon. — Photograph views and por- traits. 6. A Colonial Amateur. — Sketches of scenery near and in the town of Victoria, and wild flowers from Fein Wood. ( Cl ) CENTRE AND WEST SIDE OF NORTH-EAST TRANSEPT. 1. Abel, Prof. J. Ballarat . — Meteorite found at Cranbourne ; collection of minerals ; wine. 2. Albion Quartz Mining Co. — Five cwt. of auriferous quartz. 3. Bank of Australasia. — Samples of gold, 50 in number, from tbe various gold j fields in Victoria. 4. Bank of Victoria Directors. — Speci- mens of gold, for the most part alluvial. 5. Bank of New South Wales, Directors of Victoria Branch.— Specimens of tbe oc- currence of gold in the matrix. 6. Bank Oriental. — Two specimens of quartz rich in gold. 7. Bristol Reef Mining Co. — Section showing the strata cut through in reaching o o o the quartz reef ; bag of quartz. 8. Back Creek Local Committee. — Sec- tions, showing strata cut through in reaching Cornubian Reef, All Nations Reef, and allu- vial sinking. 9. Baillie A Butters. — Large specimens of quartz, studded with gold ; samples of wash-dirt ; copper ore, tin ore, Ac. 10. Bluciier’s Reef Co. Maryborough . — Sample bag of quartz. ( c 11. Bland, W. H. Clunes. — Twenty ounces of silver taken from Victorian gold ; gold in various forms ; sample of arsenic. 12. Bendigo Gold Mining Co. — S ection, showing strata and workings of their reef, Bendigo. 13. Buciiannan’s Reef, Inglewood. — Piece of sandstone, showing quartz veins therein ; piece of slate, Ac. 14. Burkitt, A. H. Beechworth. — Sample of analysis of black sand, gold, Ac. from the Middle Woolshed, Ovens District. 15. Benton, J. Tarnagulla. — Alluvial specimen from Doctor’s-gully, quartz studded with gold, various specimens of quartz, rich in gold. lb. Bligh A Harbottle, Melbourne. — Two samples of antimony. 17. Black Hill Quartz Mining Co. — Twenty-five tons of ordinary quartz for crushing. 1 8. Beechworth Local Committee. — Samples of granite and other building stones, wheat, Indian corn, and flour. 19. Barkly, Sir H. — Specimen of me- teoric iron from Western Port, and horseshoe made therefrom. ^ ) Centre and ]Yest Side of North-East Transept. 20. Breading, P. G. Castlemcdne. — Grap- tolite, found in forming Barker Street. 2 1 . Bannerman, A. Sandhurst. — Twenty - sqven specimens of auriferous quartz; sundry small specimens from the Eagle Hawk Reef. 22. Bright, Bros. Melbourne. — Sample of iron ore from the Ovens District. 23. Clark & Sons, Melbourne. — Tin-ore ; six casks of auriferous quartz, from Ajax Mine, Castlemaine. 24. Castlemaine Local Committee. — Sandstone, slate, fossils, &c. 25. Campbell, Back Creek. — Fourteen fossils ; two precious stones ; quartz, with mundic and small crystal. 20. Cotoworth & Wood, Morse's Creek. — Specimens of gold in quartz, from Oriental Reef. 27. Chambers & Gitchell, Beecliworth. --Gold in quartz, from reefs in the Ovens District. 28. Colles, J. Back Creek. — Volcanic specimens from Mount Greenock, an extinct volcano. 29. Clunes Alliance Mining Co. — Sec- tion, showing strata in sinking shaft. 30. Clunes Mining Co. — Twenty-five tons of quartz, to be crushed by machine in Exhibition. 31. Catherine Reef Mining Co. — Three samples of auriferous quartz ; one sample of quartz tailings. 32. Cairns, Wilson, & Amos, Melbourne. — Antimony, reduced from the ore ; bar iron, rolled from scraps. 33. Cakebread, G. Geelong. — Block of limestone, polished. 34. Great Republic Gold Mining Co. , — Cask of auriferous wash-dirt from a depth ' of 290 feet through two layers of basaltic j rock. 35. Royal Saxon Gold Mining Co. hi- ke cman Lead. — Auriferous wash-dirt from a \ depth of 300 feet through two layers of ba- l sal tic rock. 3(5. Prince of Wales Gold Mining Co. i — Cobbler's Lead, Ballarat. — One cask of wash-dirt. ( 37. Nelson Gold Mining Co. Sebastopol Hill. — Wash-dirt, auriferous cement, and lignite found at a depth of 378 feet through four layers of basaltic rock. 38. Temperance Gold Mining Co. Band of Hope Reef , Lit. Bendigo, Ballarat. — One cask of quartz (Schist Reef). 39. Red Jacket Gold Mining Co. — A uri- ferous wash-dirt. 40. Clifford, G.P. Melbourne. — Twenty- five small surface stones containing gold, from Fryer’s Town; quartz road metal con- taining gold. o O 41. Cogdon, J. Ballarat. — Small speci- men from Hiscocks prospecting claim, Bun- ingong, where gold was first discovered. 42. Majestic Mining Co. Black Hill, Ballarat. — Sample of quartz (Schist Reef). 43 Independent Mining Co. Little Ben- digo, Ballarat. — Sample of quartz (Schist Reef). 44. Camp Co. Cobbler's Lead, Ballarat . — Wash-dirt 400 feet from surface through three layers of basaltic rock. 45. Commissioners of Victoria Ex- hibition. — Three specimens of auriferous quartz, five specimens of quartz with gold. 4(5. Castlemaine Local Committee. — Two quartz crystals. 47. Dartmouth Reef, Inglewood. — Quartz stone with crystals, taken ten feet from surface. 48. Daly’s Reef, Inglewood. — Speci- mens of quartz. 49. Darcy, Heathcote. — Two quartz crystals found at 120 feet from surface. 50. Dowding & Co. Sandhurst. — Speci- mens of quartz gold, and other metals, from Johnson’s Reef, Bendigo. 51. Dyer & Co. Melbourne. — Limestone and lime from Geelong and Point Nepean. 52. Dalgetty & Co. — Sample of tin ore. 53. Eastwood Capt. Sandhurst. — Seven specimens of auriferous quartz, sample of conglomerate from the White Hills. 54. Foord, G. Melbourne. — Collection of minerals associated with gold; meteoric iron etched to exhibit the structure ; titanic iron sand ; sample of coal and coke from New I Caledonia. 63 ) Victoria. 55. Gething, G-. Ballarat . — Specimen of basaltic rock containing zeolithes. 56. Guilford, Mr. Loddon. — One bag of upper or below wash-dirt, one bag alluvial wash-dirt. 57. Hart, G-. H. Sandhurst. — Five samples of auriferous drift from the neigh- bourhood of bluntly. 58. Hall, J. Emerald Hill. — Sample of iron ore from Sandhurst, crude and reduced to pig iron. 59. Heffernan, J. Sandhurst. — Iron ore from Sandhurst. 60. Independent Gold Mining Co. Am- herst, Back Creek. — Section of the Company’s claim at Rocky Flat. 61. Joske, Paul, Melbourne.- — A collec- tion of specimens of quartz rich in gold, from the exhibitor’s claim at Sandhurst. 62. Joseph, H. Sandhurst. — Specimen of quartz from Wellington Claim, Golden Gully; two pieces of quartz, road metal con- taining gold ; specimen of gold in cement. 63. Knight, J. Gr. Melbourne (Architect Secretary to Victoria Department of Exhibi- tion). — Specimen of building stones at pre- sent known in Victoria, and treatise thereon ; drain pipes, bricks, tiles; Ac. 64. Kidd, P. R. Fryer's Creek. — Iron ore producing 70 per cent, of metal. 65. Ker, R. Melbourne — Sample of red granite from Western Port. 66. Lewis, J. Whroo. — Specimens of gold- bearing quartz and other minerals, from Balaclava Hill, Whroo District. 67. Leviathan Reef Mining Co. Mary- borough. — Section, showing ^strata cut through in reaching quartz reef. 68. Levy & Sons, Melbourne. — Sample coal from Cape Patterson. 69. Leicester, C. Melbourne. — Case of minerals; specimens and illustrations of various methods of extracting gold. 70. Mariner’s Reef, Maryborough. — Section, showing strata cut through in getting to the reef; samples of quartz. 7 1 . Maxwell’s Reef (Laidlaw and Party, Inglewood). — Eighteen specimens of quartz containing gold, live containing sulphurets. < ( 64 72. Meads, R. Gr. — Specimens of galena, found in the Tullarook Ranges, near Goul- hurn River. 73. McNair, J. — Chines nugget, from Clunes, weighing 16 oz. 74. Mitchell, A. Avoca. — Specimens of gold in calcined quartz. 75. Mitchell, M. Melbourne. — Quartz, from the first opening of Mclvor Caledonia Reef, Mclvor. 76. Maryborough Local Committee. — Samples of quartz, various stones, and quartz crystals. 77. Malakoff Reef Co. Steglitz. — Sample of auriferous sulphides. 78. Nuggety Mining Co. Campbell's Creek , Castlemaine. — Specimens of quartz with gold ; yield of reef, 25 oz. to the ton. 79. Mixon, Wm. Geelong. — Sample of coal found at the surface, about 10 miles from Geelong. 80. Polkingiiorne, J. Mclvor. — Samples of tin ore, bar tin, antimony, oxide of calcium. 81. Parkins, H. Sandhurst. — Two sec- tions, showing strata in deep sinking at Huntly. 82. Preshaw, W. J. Castlemaine. — Boulder taken from a freestone quarry; three quartz crystals. 83. Poole, A. Castlemaine. — Fossils found at Talbot Quarry, Tarradale. 84. Robertson, J. S. Inglewood. — Three casks of auriferous wash-dirt, and quartz from Inglewood District. 85. Roberts & Jones, Castlemaine. — Slate flag ; sample of granite. 86. Rodda, R. N. — Case of minerals and metals, operated upon by a patent process. 87. Richards, A. Scotchmans Gully, Bendigo. — Section, showing distribution of alluvial deposits in connexion with gold. 88. Rigby, E. Mclvor. — Washing of gold 7 o o and black sand from Mclvor Creek. 89. Specimen Hill Mining Co. Eagle Hawk, Bendigo. — Bottle containing quick- silver and alluvial gold, rough gold, fine gold, etc. i ) Centre and West Side of North-East Transept. 90. Sandhurst (Bendigo) Local Com- ! mittee. — Quartz with gold, flagging building stones, slate. 91. St. Mungo Gold Mining Co. Ben- digo. — Large quartz stone, containing gold ; two small ditto. 92. Smyth, Brough, Melbourne. — Collec- tion of rocks and fossils relating to the geo- logy of Victoria. 93. Selwyn, A. C. R. Government Geo- logist. — Six cases of minerals, rocks, and fossils, relating to the geology of Victoria; gypsum, coal, Ac. 94. Stieling, G. F. Richmond. — Sample of modelling clay, fine clay, Ac. 95. Turner, W. J. Beechivorth. — Gold, alluvial gold in slate, bar tin gold in crystal- lised quartz ; precious stones, jewellery. 96. Triumphant Gold Mining Co. Rocky Flat , Back Creek. — Petrified wood found at 120 feet from surface. 97. Victoria Government, per Hon. C. Haines, Minister of Finance — 8,000 ounces of alluvial gold. 98. Victoria Kaolin Co. Bulla Bulla . — Block of kaolin, and specimens of its manu- factures in various forms. 99. Watson, J. F. Back Creek. — Iron ore from the ranges between the Bet Bet and Adelaide Lead. 100. Wall, Dr. — Specimen of magnesian limestone. 101. Walters A Wright, St. Arnauds. — — Two quartz stones from a cross spar 90 feet deep ; specimens containing gold and silver. 102. Wright, G. E. Inglewood. — Large quartz boulder, and numerous specimens of gold in quartz. 103. Wellington Claim, Maryborough. — Section showing strata in reaching the great reef. 1 04. Wilkinson, R. Back Creek. — Fossils, and three precious stones. 1 05. Wilson, E. Back Creek. — Sample of blue stone. 106. Askunas A Co. Melbourne. — Guano from Flat Island. 107. Barnard, J. Kew. — Hyoscyamus leaves, extract and tincture. 108. Bosisto, J. — Oils, tinctures, var- nishes, drugs, Ac. 109. Connor, D. B unyip Creek. — Resin, palm nuts, extracts, Ac. 110. Cole, Mr. Murray River. — Resins of the Eucalypti. 111. Caulfield, E. Toorak. — Olive oil. 112. Daintree, H. Melbourne. — Resins. 113. Denny, E. A J.' Geelong. — Meat manure. 114. Fletcher, G. — Resins of various kinds. 115. Gray, H. Ballarat. — Essential oils ; pyroligneous acid. 116. Harris, South Yarra. — Resin of Eucalyptus Viminalis. 117. Holdswortii, Sandhurst. — Sample of pyroxylic spirit. 118. JonNSON, W. St. Hilda. — Oils, resins, Ac. 119. Kruse, J. Melbourne.- — Fluid mag- nesia, mineral waters, beeswax, leeches from Murray River. 120. Meckmerican A Co. Flemington. — Superphosphate of lime. 121. Macdonald, Mr. Wicklife. — Sam- ples of salts and crystals from Lake Bolac. 122. Morton, W. L. Melbourne. — Sandarac from Callitris Verrucosa- 123. Muller, Dr. — Resins and oils from various indigenous trees and plants. 124. Pragst, G. Williamstown. — Char- coal, tar, and the residue from wood leaves in the manufacture of vegetable gas. 125. Robertson, Dr. Queen's Cliff. — Resins and essential oils. 126. Woodward, G. Kew. — Two samples of Victorian guano. 127. Aitken, T. Melbourne. — One barrel of ale. 128. Beeciiworth Local Committee. — Small samples of wheat, Indian corn, and flour. ( 65 ) Victoria. 129. Bencraft, G. Melbourne. — Two barrels of oatmeal. 130. Bayles & Co. Melbourne. — Two bags of wheat. 131. Bowles, J. B. Back Creek. — Two small cases of biscuits. 132. Castlemaine Local Committee. — Small sample bag of barley. 133. Clark, R. Benalla. — Sample of wheat, barrel of flour from Ovens District. 134. Doepper, H. Richmond. — Samples of maccaroni and vermicelli. 135. Danelli, S. Richmond. — Samples of maccaroni and vermicelli. 136. Docker, Rev. J. Wangaruta. — One bag of wheat. 137. Dennys, C. & J. Geelong. — Charqui ; preserved meats. 138. Dewar, J. Gisborne. — One bag of wheat. 139. Elliot & Fawns, Sandhurst. — One barrel of ale. 140. Finlay, J. Emerald Hill. — Two small sample bags of oats. 141. Fallon, J. F. — One bag of wheat. 142. Fry, J. Ascot Mills . — Flour. 143. Forbham. — Bottles of fruit; assorted jams. 144. Green, Rawdon. — Mess beef in tierces. 145. Grant, T. Melton. — Victorian prize barley. 146. Gref.n, Warnambool. — Bag of wheat ; barrel of flour. 147. Giiiaud, L. Collingwood. — Liqueur, confectionery. 148. Hodgkinson, W. Prahran. — Two bottles of honey ; one bottle of mead ; bees- wax. 149. Hadley, T. H. & Co. Melbourne. — Flour from wheat weighing 69 lbs. per bushel. 150. JonNSON, J. Xeivburn Park, Port Albert. — Four tierces of mess beef and pork. 151. Kruse, J. Melbourne. — Sample of Sorghum sugar. 152. Kinnersley, D. Burrambeet. — Vic- torian prize oats, 49 lbs. per- bushel. 153. Lawrence, AY. Mend Creek. — Three Stilton cheeses. 154. McKenzie & Co. Melbourne. — Oat- meal. 155. Mueller, Dr. — Tea; ginger; bark. 156. Ramsden, S. Carlton Mills.— Flour, bran, and wheat. 157. Reynolds & Co. Melbourne.— Seeds of agricultural produce. 158. Richards, Mr. Albert River . — Arrowroot grown at South Gipps Land. 159. Swallow & Co. — Two cases of biscuits. 160. Sandhurst Local Committee. — • Samples of wheat, Indian corn, and tobacco leaf. 161. Stewart, R. Geelong. — Three tins of biscuits ; jam, and marmalade. 162. Smith, T. Collingwood. — Two bags of wheat. 163. Victoria Exploration Committee. — Dried beef and meat ; Nardoo flour, on which Burke, Wills, and King, the explorers, for a long time subsisted. 164. AATlkie, J. & Co. Melbourne . — Prize wheat, weighing 69 lbs. 4ozs., grown by William Thompson, Gisborne. 165. Abel, A. T. Ballarat. — AA T ine : colonial. 166. Albury & Murray River Agri- cultural Society. — AA T ine : colonial. 167. Bryden & Hendrick, Geelong . — AA T ine : colonial. 168. Blake, J. A. Melbourne. — \A T ine : five cases. 169. Brequet, F. Geelong. — AAflne: Aus- tralian, Sauterne, Burgundy, Claret, white Sauterne. 170. CoorER, R. Melbourne. — AYine : red A’ictoria, white ATctoria. 171. Dunoyer, J. Geelong. — Wine: white Piueau, Gris. 172. Dixon, P. G. Melbourne. — Orange bitters, ginger wine, ginger brandy, soda- water. ( 60 ) Centre and West Side of North-East Transept. 173. Everist, T. J. — Wine : white Carig- nan, white Gouais. . 1 74. Fallon, J. F. — Wine : Aucarot, Carbeitrel, Sauvignon, Muscat, Riesling, red Scjras. 175. Grosmann, Melbourne. — Wine: Burgundy. 176. Hirschi, F. Castlemaine. — Mount Alexander (red); ditto (white). 177. Lemme & Co. Castlemaine. — Red Castlemaine wine. 178. McMullen, W. Geelong. — Wine: Hermitage ; brandy. 179. Mate & Co. — Wine : Aucarot, white Muscat of Alexandria, white tokay, Reisling (white). 180. Niffenecker Bros. Barabool Hills. — Wine : Auvernat black cluster, Burgundy, sparkling Chasselas ; brandy. 181. Passelaigue. — Wine: Hermitage. 182. Sidel, B. Barrabool Hills. — Bur- gundy. 183. Weber, Bros. Batesford, Geelong. — Wines : Chasselas, Burgundy, Sweetwater. 184. Walsh, H. S. Hawthorne. — Wine : white Longfield. 185. Zorne, E. Oaldeigh. — Five bottles of tomato sauce. 186. Victoria Exhibition Commissioners. — Coloured plaster casts of fruits grown in Victoria, comprising 57 varieties of apples, 45 pears, 10 cherries, plums, strawberries, figs, oranges, melons, and a large assortment of vegetables. 187. Acclimitization Society of Vic- toria. — Hair from llamas, alpacas, camels, Angora goats, &c. 188. Barker, J. & R. Melbourne.- — Raw silk from worms fed on the black mulberry. 189. Castlemaine Local Committee. — Native cochineal. 190. Crofter, W. H. Melbourne.— B ow silk. 191. Chuck, T. Melbourne. — Small sam- ple of native cotton and fibres. 192. Crofts, Mr. Meibom me. — Samples of raw silk. ( 6 ’ 193. Dardanelli,Sig. Melbourne. — Raw silk. 194. Downie & Murphy, Melbourne. — Mixed, purified, and common tallow. 195. Gaskell, J. Melbourne.— Fare emu oil ; raw silk. 196. Gough & Co. Richmond. — Bag of malt from Victorian barley; one bag of malt from Californian barley. 197. Hayter, H. H. Melbourne. — Spe- cimens of Gryptostemma Calendulaceum. 198. Lambert, T. Richmond. — Four samples of bark wood for tanning. 199. Loughman & Co. Melbourne. — To- bacco leaf. 200. Mears, J. & A. Collingwood. — Me- dical herbs and roots (14 varieties). 201. Mackmeikan & Co. Flemington . — Glue pieces and bone dust. 202. Murphy, F. M. Castlemaine.— Na- tive flax. 203. Mueller, Dr. — Fibres ; various plants ; lichens. 204. Quirk, H. B. Maryborough. — Na- tive silk. 205. Reed, J. Collingwood. — Rope, &c. made of New Zealand flax, grown at the Botanical Gardens, Melbourne. 206. Ridge, Mrs. Melbourne. — Hair of the first cross with the Angora and common goat. 207. Staber, F. Collingwood. — Fibre of the Yucca gloriosa, from leaves grown at the Botanical Gardens, Melbourne. 208. Saddler, T. St. Hilda. — Silk, from worms reared at Caulfield. 209. Wilson, E. Melbourne. — Hair of the Poiteau ass. 210. Bayldon & Graham, Geelong . — Scoured wool. 211. Clough & Co. Melbourne. — Sixteen bales of choice wool of various brands ; ninety- six fleeces. 212. Corrigan, S. B. Geelong. — Comb- ing, clothing, and lambs’-wool. 213. Commissioners of Victorian Ex- hibition. — Two samjfles of wool. 7 ) f 2 Victoria. 214. Douglass, A. & Co. Geelong. — Scoured combing, clothing, and lambs’- wool. 215. Degraves, Wm. Caliban Park . — Spanish merino wool. 216. Elder & Son, Kuruc Kuruc. — Merino fleece wool. 217. Goldsborough & Co. Melbourne. ■ — Thirteen bales of choice wool of various brands, forming one half of the trophy in conjunction with Clough & Co. 218. Learmontii, Messrs. Ercildoun . — Washed fleece. 219. Marshall, T. Geelong. — Scoured wool. 220. Russell, P. Carngham. — Cross- bred wool. 221. Russell, T. Wanook. — Fleece wool. 222. Rowe, E. Melbourne. — First cross between merino and Cotswold wool. 223. Simson, R. Langi Kal Kal. — Beau- fort fleece wool. 224. Spiro, F. Melbourne. — Three bales of scoured wool. 225. Tondeur, 0. & Co. Melbourne. — Trophy, containing 70 samples of wool, various brands. 226. Victorian Exhibition Commis- sioners. — Specimens of Victorian timber, in all 447 pieces, the greater portion being in slabs, 8 feet in length and 4 inches thick ; collected under the direction of Dr. Mueller, Government Botanist. The collection also comprises specimens contributed by Messrs. Beveridge, Allitt, Kidd, McHafRe, Levy Bros. Williams & Little, Rodgers, Weatherhead, and Dr. Backhaus. 227. Purciias, A. Melbourne. — Working models of a railway carriage, with self-acting brake, and of gas tender, for lighting railway trains. 228. Randall, Wm. Melbourne. — Work- ing model of a locomotive engine and tender. o o 229. Hackett & Co. Collingwood. — An ‘ Albert ’ street car. 230. * Williams, Wm. Melbourne. — Pair- horse carriage. 231. Nicol, D. — An improved saw-set. 232. Kay, J. A. Melbourne. — Sewing machine. 233. Macintosh, Melbourne. — Mining picks, hammers, drills, and gadges. 234. Robardt, 0. — Model of puddling machine, prismatic cross tramel, parallel rider, and beam compass. 235. Brown, W. Fitzroy. — Model of a road-scraper by horse-power; model of a battery of stampers. 236. Commissioners of Victorian Exhi- bition. — Working battery of 12 stampers for crushing quartz and amalgamating gold with ripples, and amalgamation complete ; manu- factured by the Port Philip Gold Mining Company, at Chines. 237. Groley, W. East Collingioood. — Model of a quartz -grinding and amalgamating mill. 238. Meridetii, J. Castlemaine. — Model of an improved gold amalgamator. 239. Harper, R. — 'Working model of an automatic coffee roaster. 240. McNaught, Cheivton. — Models of horse-puddling machines, &c. 241. Strachan, W. Melbourne. — Model of engine for extinguishing bush-fires. o o o 242. Thomson, R. &W. — Mercurial filter, for separating gold amalgam from the liquid mercury. 243. Henderson & Bett, South Yarra. Swing plough. 244. Robinson & Co. Melbourne. — -Vic- torian prize reaping machine with side delivery. 245. Champ, Wm. Pentridge. — Model of a pump made by a Chinese prisoner at the penal establishment. 246. Lambert & Curtis, Collingioood . — Perforated gratings, for stamper boxes con- nected with quartz-crushing machinery. 247. Love, R. A. Sandhurst. — Model of a new compound truss suspension-bridge. 248. White, J. H. Melbourne. — An im- proved fire-hose director, with revolving noz- zles of different sizes; an improved lever hose. 249. Henson, A. W. Melbourne. — Fowl- ing-piece, bullet-moulds, ramrods. ( 68 ) Centre and West Side of North-East Transept. 250. Ferguson, Capt. Williamstown. — Model of a life-boat. 251. Heath & Jackson, Geelong. — Model of yacht, ‘ Southern Cross.’ 252. Hiddle, J. Melbourne. — Model of an improved shackle for heavy chains. 253. Skinner, Mr. Melbourne. — Model of the iron steamer, 4 Phantom.’ 254. Vail, Mr. Melbourne. — Model of wreck escape. 255. White, Messrs. Williamstown . — Working models of vessels built by exhibi- tors. 256. Wilkie, Hon. D. Melbourne. ■ — Model of a new form of propeller for steam navigation. 257. Bolton, J. Wllliamstoivn. — A gra- vitating dial. 258. Robardt, Otto, Melbourne. — Pris- matic cross-trammel parallel ruler and beam- compass. 259. Grimoldi, J. Melbourne. — Baro- meter and thermometers. 260. Amherst Municipal Council. — Photographs of views and buildings in the municipality and suburbs. 261. Ballarat Municipal Council. — Views and buildings in the town and district of Ballarat. 262. Belfast Municipality. — Views of Belfast. 263. Beeciiworth Municipality. — Views. 264. Castlemaine Municipal Council. — Photographs of views and buildings. 265. Cox & Lucken, Melbourne. — Pho- tographs of stores and buildings in Mel- bourne, &c. 266. Carlton Municipal Council. — Panoramic view of Carlton. 267. Dunolly Municipal Council. — Photographs of views and buildings. 268. Daintree, R. — Photographs of panoramic views of Ballarat, Castlemaine, &c.; geological sections and views. 269. Davis. — Photographs of buildings in Melbourne and Fitzroy. 270. Geelong Corporation. — Photo- graphs of public buildings in Geelong. 271. Geelong. — Photographs of banks and private buildings, presented by the owners of the property. 272. Haigh, E. — Photographs of views and buildings in and around Melbourne. 273. Johnson, Messrs. — A collection of photographic views. 274. Kilmore Municipal Council. — Views and buildings in the district. 275. Kyneton Municipal Council. — Views of Kynet'on. 276. Moonambel Municipal Council. — Photographs of views of the district. 277. Melbourne City Council. — General views of the city, photographed by Littleton. 278. Nettleton, Melbourne. — Photo- graphs of buildings. 279. Public Works Department. — Photographs of public buildings in the neighbourhood of Melbourne. 300. Richmond Municipal Council. — Views, &c., in the municipality. 301. Smytiiesdale Municipal Council. — Photographs of general views in the districts. 302. Sandridge Municipal Council. — Photographs of views and buildings in Sand- ridge. 303. St. Kilda Municipal Council.— Photographs of views and buildings in the municipality. 304. Spiers & Pond, Messrs. — Photo- graph of racket ground, showing the 4 All England ’ match. 305. Sandhurst Municipal Council. — Views and buildings at Sandhurst. 306. Victoria Volunteers. — Photo- graph by Batchelder and O’Neil, Melbourne. 307. Williamstown Municipal Coun- cil. — Photographs of views and buildings in Williamstown. 308. Osborne, S.W. — Specimens of pho- tolithography, the process invented and pa- tented by exhibitor. ( 69 ) Victoria. 309. Matthias, J. E. Melbourne. — A bass drum, constructed on a new principle. 310. Thorne, J. Melbourne.— New kind of silver strings for violins, tenors, violon- cellos, &c. 311. Witton, H. Collingwood. — Case of clarionet reeds. 312. Beaney, J. G., F.E.C.S. — An im- proved fracture apparatus. 313. Chrinside, T. Werribee. — Basket and nets made by natives on the Grampians ; baskets and nets made of reeds. 314. Horwoon, H. Echuca. — Nets made of Victoria flax. 315. Mackenzie, J. Swan Hill. — Fish- ing net made by natives of the Murray, from fibre cyperus vaginatus. 316. Champ, W. Pentridge. — Woollen door mats. 317. Hollings & Chambers, Melbourne. — Wool flock for upholsterers. 318. McLennan & Co. Gastlemaine.— Six pair of socks ; one pair of gloves. 319. Potts, Mrs. E. Melbourne . — Point lace. 320. Beechwortii Local Committee. — An opossum skin rug. 321. Clark, J. Melbourne. — Kangaroo skins ; opossum skins ; flying squirrel ; native cat skins. 322. Fitzgerald, Eyan, Portland. — Kangaroo skins ; opossum skins. 323. Gray, Mrs. Portland. — Emu feathers : wool and skin of native cat, dyed with sea-weed. 324. Hart, J. Melbourne.- — Large rug of native cat skins. 325. Eobertson, J. Melbourne. — Dressed and dyed feathers of Australian birds. 326. Williamson, J. Colli/ngwood. — ■ Sample of curled horse hair. 327. Brearley, Bros. Geelong. — Two crop butts, four crop sides, four sides dressed curried shoe leather. 328. Clark, J. Melbourne. — Dressed and curried hides, shoe leather, harness leather, waxed and brown kangaroo dressed saddle leather curried. ( 7 329. Ciiirnside, T. — Stock whips, saddle girths, hide rope. 330. Commissioners of Victorian Ex- hibition. — Pack saddle, as made for the Burke and Wills exploring expedition. 331. Christian, H. Kew. — Halters. 332. Docker, Eev. J. Wangaratta. — Stock whip, with handle of Myall wood. 333. Ford, Bros. Melbourne. — Camel shoes made for the Burke and Wills exploring expedition. 334. Lade & Sanders, Melbourne . — Ladies’ and gentlemen’s riding saddles. 335. McFarlane, Melbourne. — Stock whip, 17 ft. long. 336. Mfeller, Dr.- — Pair of saddle bags, with wire and leather covers, as used by Exhibitor for drying plants when travelling in the bush. 337. Champ, W. Pentridge. — Cabbage tree hats ; boots ; uniform ; prisoners’ clothes, made at penal establishment. 338. Ford, Bros. Melbourne. — Patent washing hats. 339. Galvin, J. Melbourne. — Case of hats. 340. King, Mrs. Collingwood.— Bonnets made of colonial straw. 341. Oxley, G. W. Talbot. — Black Creek volunteer uniform, in Sydney tweed. 342. Thomas & Murphy, Melbourne. — Pair of jockey boots of kangaroo leather. 343. Wallworth, Melbourne. — [Military hats (Busbies). 344. Angus & Elleray, Castlemaine. — Specimen of printing. 345. Burnie, J. D. Warnambool. — Copy of Warnambool Sentinel. 346. Clarson, Shallard, & Co. — Print- ing in colours. 347. Cook & Fox, Melbourne. — Super royal folio ledger, bound in vellum, double Eussia bands. 348. Clough & Co. Melbourne. — Vol. Clough’s Circular, and loose copies of ditto. 349. Detmold, Wm. Melbourne. — Speci- mens of bookbinding — 3 vols. Shakespeare. o ) Centre and West Side of North-East, Transept. 350. Evans & Sommerton, Messrs. — -Vol. Maryborough and Dunolly Advertiser. 351. Franklyn, F. B. Melbourne. — Vols. of Melbourne Herald, Bell's Life, and Illus- trated Post. 352. Ferres, John, Government Printer. — Copies of official books and acts of parlia- ment ; vellum binding ; stereotyping. 353. Heath & Cordell, Geelong. — Almanack for 1862. 354. Levey, Wm. Melbourne. — Copies of Victorian Puff', Stud Book, Fistiana. 355. Melbourne Public Library, Trustees. — Progress catalogue ; Melbourne Benevolent Asylum ; Reports. 356. Melbourne University. — Copy of Library Catalogue Calendar, 1861-1862. 357. Mason & Firtii, Messrs. Mel- bourne. — Copies of various pamphlets and papers published by them. 358. Proprietors op Ararat Adver- tiser. — Copy of journal. 359. Proprietors of Ballarat Star. — V olume of j ournal. 360. Proprietors of Buningong Tele- graph. — C opy of journal. 361. Proprietors of Castlemaine Ad- vertiser. — C opy of journal. 362. Proprietors of Creswick & Clunes Advertiser. — C opies of journal. 363. Proprietors of Economist. — Volume of journal. 364. Proprietors of Christian Times. --Volume of journal. 365. Proprietors of Federal Standard. — Copies of journal. 366. Proprietors of Illustrated Aus- tralian Mail. — Copies of journal. 367. Proprietors of Mount Alexander Mail. — Volume of journal 368. Proprietors of Ovens and Murray Advertiser. — Copies of journal. 369. Proprietors of Revival Record. — Copies of journal. 370. Proprietors of South Bourke Standard. — Volume of journal. ( 71 371. Proprietors of Talbot Leader. — Copies of journal. 372. Proprietors of Warnambool Ex- aminer.— C opies of journal. 373. Royal Society of Victoria. — Copies of transactions. 374. Sands & Kenny. — Copies of Mel- bourne Illustrated, Kelly on the Vine, Cricketer’s Guide, map of Australia. 375. Smyth, R. B. — Mining Surveyors’ Reports, 2 vols. 376. Supreme Court of Victoria. — Copy of Catalogue of Law Library. 377. Syme & Co. — Melbourne. — Vol. Daily Age, Weekly Age, Leader, and Farmers’ Journal. 378. Statistics in Illuminated Writ- ing, showing the rise and progress of the corporations and municipalities in Victoria. 379. Turner, J. Melbourne. — Letter dis- patch box, pocket-books, card cases. 380. Victorian Commissioners.— Copies of Melbourne Exhibition Certificates, and season tickets. 381. Wilson, E. — Vols. of Examiner and Yeoman newspapers. 382. Wilson & Mackinnon. — 2 vols of Daily Argus, Weekly Argus. 383. Bernard, W. H. Beechworth. — An improved scale diagram. 384. Marsh S. D. Melbourne. — Portion of MS. Opera, ‘ The Gentleman in Black.’ 385. O’Brien, J. Hotham. — Ornamental writing, in frame of the oak. 386. Tolhurst, G. P. Melbourne. — Music compositions. 387. Wilkie & Co. Melbourne. — Music published by Exhibitors. 388. Alcock & Co. Melbourne. — Bil- liard table made of myrtle wood, specimens of turned work, in wood and ivory. 389. Barry, Sir Redmond. — Portable wardrobe, of Colonial woods, by Thwaites & Son. 390. Bowie, Dr. Yarra Bend Lunatic Asylum. — A loo table, made of colonial woods. ) Victoria. 391. Champ, W. Pendridge. — 2 fire- screens, 1 work-table, 1 flower-stand, chess- board and men, solitaire board. 392. Carr & Son. — Model of Venetian window-blind. 393. McKenzie, D. South Yarra. — Rustic seat. 394. Pasley, Captain, E. E. — Inlaid desk of Australian woods, with gold mount- ings. 395. Pietoiche, F. — Potichiomanie chimney-piece and ornament. 396. Victorian Exhibition Commission- ers. — A Gothic case, 9 feet by 9 feet, and 15 feet high, for exhibiting gold and precious stones, writing-desks, work-boxes of inlaid wood. 397. Whitehead, J. Melbourne. — Picture frames. 398. Cairns, Wilson, & Amos, Melbourne. -Bar-iron rolled out of scraps and refuse. 399. Hughes & Harvey, Melbourne. — Fletcher’s anti-agitator or milk-preserving cans. 400. Jenicinson, W. Fitzroy. — Portable oven for use in the bush. 401. Lamble, S. Geelong. — A set of horse- shoes mounted on hoofs. 402. Ward, Melbourne. — A small sample of plain cutlery. 403. Bruce, J. V. — Gold inkstand, with granite pedestal, presented to Exhibitor by the workmen on Melbourne and Murray Eiver Railway. 404. Commissioners of Victorian Ex- hibition. — A pyramid, 44 feet, 9| inches high, and 10 feet square at the base, repre- senting the quantity of gold exported from Victoria from 1st of October 1851, to 1st of October 1861, viz., 26,162,432 ounces troy, equal to 1,793,995 lbs. avoirdupois, or 800 tons 1 7 cwt. 3 qrs.7 lbs., equal in solid measure- ment to 1,492^ cubic feet of gold, of the value of 104,649,728/.. sterling. Designedby J. G. Knight, Fel. R.I.B.A., Secretary to the Commissioners of Victorian Department. 405. Rhodes, Mrs. Melbourne. — Topaz found at Kangaroo Flat, near River Loddon. ( 7 406. Turner, W. J. Beecliworth. — 7 brooches, 2 bracelets, 1 diamond ring, gold and precious stones. 407. Wiper, J. Melbourne. — Specimens of cut and bent glass, frame of coloured cut glass. 409. Hirschi, F. Castlemaine. — Pottery. 410. Kelly, T. Brunsivick.- — Stone ware drain pipes. 411. Stieling, G. F. Richmond. — Pot- tery. 412. Arnold, C. Melbourne. — Five cases of myall wood pipes, case of myall wood. 413. Anderson, Sharp, & Wright. — Machine-made window sash and frame. 414. Adamson, H. A. Queen's Cliff. — Two cases of sea-weeds. 415. Beale, Mrs. Emerald Hill. — Marine bouquet made of sea-weeds and shells. 416. Beale, W. J. Prahran.— Three cases of fancy soap. 417. Boehmn, J. East Collingivood . — Soap. 418. Ballarat Committee. — Three pieces of steam-bent timber. 419. Brown, W. Melbourne. — Sample gold and produce bags. 420. Ciiatfield, C. M. Melbourne. — Australian earth soap. 421. CnAMr, W. Pentridge. — Coir mat- ting, door-mats, paper-knives, walking-sticks, imitation books, made of Victoria woods, granite fountain. 422. Crompton, Beechwortli. — Cigars made from tobacco grown at Beechwortli. 423. Commissioners of Victorian Exhi- bition. — Fifty-one paper-knives of different Victorian woods. 424. Downie & Murphy, Hobson's Bay, Candle Works. — Sample boxes of candles, soap, refined tallow, &c. 425. Bothers, E. Castlemaine. — Sample of prepared and common bricks. 426. Ewing, J. A. Fitzroy. — Yeast pow- der. 2 ) Centre and TFcs£ Side of North-East Transept. 427. Frazer, Mr. Bach Creek. — Six bot- tles of bair dye and atmospheric oil. 428. Fitts, C. Melbourne. — Sample of Victorian glue. 429. Foord, G. Melbourne. — Two sam- ples of hydraulic cement made from septara. 430. Gray, W. Philiptown. — Bricks and tiles. 431. Gray & Waring, Melbourne. — Butter churn. 432. Goernamann, F. Melbourne. — Steam-bent timber. 433. Heath, R. Geelong. — Case of artifi- cial teeth in gold and vulcanite. 434. Hodgkins, W. Emerald Hills. — Brushes. 435. Hodgkinson, G. Prahran. — Bricks, tiles, and terra cotta. 436. Hewetii, Beechwortk. — Soap. 437. Kelsall, J. Buningong. — Case of soap. 438. Knight, J. G. Melbourne. — Bricks and tiles from various parts of the colony. 439. Levy Bros. Melbourne. — Myall wood pipes mounted in gold. 440. Lee, P. St. Hilda. — Cigars. 441. Mercer, Mrs. Geelong. — Frame of fancy leather work. 442. Miller, F. McD. Melbourne. — Cartridge and compressed bullets of various kinds. 443. Montgomery, R. Collingwood. — Samples of cork cuttings. 444. Memmott, W. Collingwood. — Spe- cimen of comb making, made on the Hold- fields. 445. Melbourne Asphalt Co. — Eleven small specimens of asphalt. 446. Mourant, G. W. Collingwood. — Wooden taps and spiles. 447. McIlwraith, Melbourne. — Sheet lead and piping. 448. McCape, A. Chiltern. — Patent powder-proof lock. 449. Nightingale, E. Melbourne. — Milliners’ boxes. 450. Perry, J. Melbourne. — Bent timber for carriages. 451. Quelch, Bros. Prahran. — Case containing various kinds of candles. 452. Skeats & Swinbourne, Melbourne. — Machine-wrought mouldings for joiners’ work. 453. Ship & Co. Melbourne. — Samples of wire work. 454. Shieblach, C. Bach Creelc. — Candles and soap. 455. Sandhurst Local Committee. — Bricks and tiles. 456. Stieling, G. F. Richmond. — Fire bricks. 457. Sansom, H. St. Hilda.— A curious chain cut in wood. 458. Siieckel, T. Geelong. — Fancy basket and willow work. 459. Tallermann, W. Collingwood . — Samples of india-rubber manufacture. 460. Wilkie, Mrs. — Two cases of sea- weeds. 461. Williams, W. Melbourne. — Ma- chine-wrought timber for carriage building. 462. Whitelaw, G. Ballarat. — Four specimens of graining in imitation of wood. 463. Ward & Co. Melbourne. — Soap powder. 464. Wood, W. J. Toorak. — Blacking. 465. Westall, Mrs. Melbourne. — Case of wax flowers. 466. Crouch & Wilson, Melbourne . — Design for Town-hall, Prahran ; design for Wesleyan chapel, Collingwood. 467. Billing, N. Melbourne. — Design for Presbyterian church. 468. Knight, J. G. Melbourne. — Design for Government House. 469. Purchas & Sawyer.— Designs for Melbourne Savings’ Bank, Bank of Austra- lasia, Temple Court, and premises, Bourke Street. 4/0. Terry, L. Melbourne. — Design for Flower, Macdonald & Co.’s warehouse. ( 73 ) Victoria. 471. Bateman, Melbourne. — Designs for woollen fabrics, introducing indigenous flowers and foliage. 472. Calder, J. Ballarat. — Oil painting : View in the Pyrenees, Victoria. 473. De Gruciiy & Leigh, Melbourne. — Specimen of chromo-lithography, £ The Three Marys.’ 474. Eaton, Miss, Melbourne. — Three water-colour paintings of indigenous flowers. 475. Guerard, E. Von, Melbourne . — Oil paintings of Victorian scenery. No. 1. Fern Tree Gully. No. 2. Stony Rises. No. 3. View of Geelong. No. 4. Mount William. No. 5. Forest scene. No. 6. Sydney Heads. 476. Rowe, G. — Six water-colour paint- ings of scenery in Victoria. 477. Strutt, W. Melbourne. — Portrait of the late Colonel Neil, Portrait of Major- General McArthur, Maoris driving off Settler’s Cattle, and six other subjects. 478. Taylor, T. G. — Painting, £ View at Fryer’s Creek, in 1852 £ Road Making- in Black Forest’ — a sketch taken in 1852. 479. Arnoldi, X. Melbourne. — Seal of the Commissioners of the Victorian Exhi- bition. 480. Poole, Mrs. G. H. Melbourne. — Small medallion in wax of Burke and Wills, the explorers. 481. Scurry & Mackennal, Melbourne. — Two designs for fountains ; design for chimney-piece. 482. Summers, C. Melbourne. — Collec- tion of medallion portraits ; design for the seal for Victoria Exhibition ; cast of the head of Wonga Wonga, a native chief. 483. TnoMAS, Miss, Richmond. — Bust of Dr. Barnett ; figure, £ Napea.’ 484. Cosmopolitan Gold Mining Co. Ballarat. — Drawing showing the workings of the Company’s claim. 485. Davidson, Mr. — Large geological map of Ballarat, showing the principal leads of p-old in that district. o 486. McCoy, Professor, Melbourne Uni- versity. — Three plates of Decades of the Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria. ( -7 487. Selwyn, A. R. C., Government Geologist. — Progress map of the geology of Victoria. 488. Tocknell, W. Melbourne. — Steel- plate engraving. 489. Tocknell, W. Melbourne. — View of Melbourne in 1839. 491. Blackhaus, Dr. Sandhurst. — Platypus. 492. Beechwortii Committee. — Two small Murray River turtles, porcupine, small platypus. 493. Champ, W. Inspector- General of Penal Establishments, Fentndge. — Native weapons. 494. Dunn, E. H. Beechivorth. — Seven- teen bottles containing snakes, lizards, Ac. 495. Dennys, M. L. Geelong. — A collec- tion of Victorian quails. 496. Howitt, W. Leader of Contin- gent Exploring Party. — Native bag con- taining pitcherry. 497. 498. Howard, the Rev. W. C. and Brokey, P. le P. — A collection of birds shot in the Ovens District. 499. Henson, W. A. Melbourne.— Col- lection of native birds. 500. Jamieson. — Native weapons used by the Murray tribe. 501. Johnson, T. Back Creek. — Native tomahawk. 502. Murray River Fishing Co. — Pre- served specimens of Murray cod and other fish. 503. 51c Coy, Melbourne University.— A collection of insects (six cases). 504. Mueller, Dr — Native weapons. 505. Martindale, Mrs. Back Creek.— Two bottles containing snakes. 506. Preshaw, W. J. Castlemaine. — Na- tive tomahawk. 507. Paull, J. 51. Back Creek. — Two bottles containing reptiles. 508. Sanbridge, H. A. — Native peaches. 509. Thomas, W. Melbourne. — A kur- bur-er, or native bear ; native te work, used by natives to produce fire ; native basket. i ) Centre and West Side of North-East Transept. 510. Coop. — Lead piping. 511. McIlwraith. — Milled lead and piping. 512. Crisp. — Diamond and precious stones. 513. Smyth, W. — A collection of quartz specimens, rich in gold, from Inglewood. 514. Commissioners of Victorian Exiii- bition. — Sixteen cases of cereals. 515. Attwood, S. — Sample of wheat. 516. Butcher, Benj. N. — Sample of wheat. 517. Buchanan, R. & J. — Two samples | of wheat. 518. M‘Caskill. — Two samples of wheat. 519. Cockrane. — Sample of wheat. 520. Connor, J. H. — Sample of wheat. 521. Dyer, R. — Oats. 522. Darcy, M. — Sample of wheat. 523. Forrest, J. — Sample of wheat. 524. Gaul & Lumsden. — Sample of wheat. 525. Hancock, A. & B. — Sample of wheat. 526. Hadley & Co. — Bag of flour. 527. Johnson, D. — Sample of wheat. 528. Iyinnersley, I). — Sample of wheat. 529. Kitson, S. — Sample of wheat. 530. Morgan, J. — Sample of wheat. 531. M ‘Alpine, W. — Sample of wheat. 532. Morrison, W. J. — Sample of wheat. 533. Hall, Mr. — B ox of beans. 534. Patterson, A. — Sample of wheat. 535. Patten, A. — Sample of wheat. 536. Porter, B. C. — Sample of wheat. 537. Simpson, G. H. — Sample of wheat. 538. Thomson, W. — Three samples ol I wheat. 539. Vearing, T. — Sample of wheat. 540. Westlake, A. — Sample of wheat. 541. Dalgetty, F. G. — A collection of Victorian birds in three cases. 542. Benjamin, D. — Presentation gold cup, gold brooch. t 75 ) PRINTED FOR HER MAJESTY S COMMISSIONERS BY' SPOTTI SW CODE AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUARE, LONDON CASES. 1 Metallic ores, iron, tin, copper, gold, &c. 2 Coal, pottery and other clays, building stones, plum- bago, salt, sulphur, and other chemicals. 3 Tea. 4 Narcotics, opium, betel nut, tobacco, &c. 5 Perfumery, attars, &c. 6 a Fibres. i 6 b Ropes, mat-making materials, basket-work, &c. 7 Wool. 8 Raw silk, silk-producing insects. 9 Paper, Specimens of. \oa Inlaid work. 106 Carved ivory and horn work, i i Carved sandalwood, i la Massive silver plate. 126 Brass, copper, inlaid steel and plated ware. izc Mosaics, carvings in stone, pottery, &c. 1 3 Filigree silver work. 14 Jewellery. 1 5 Arms, armour, and accoutrements. 16 Muslins, plain and embroidered. 17 Do. do. do. 1 8 Gold and silver embroidery. 19 Shawls, &c., embroidery on Cashmere cloth. 20 Embroideries on cloth and velvet. 21 Cashmere shawls. 22 Plain and fancy silks, loongees, sarees, &c. 23 Plain silks, kincobs, &c. 24a Clothing, caps, shoes, Ac. 246 Chintzes, manufactured of Indian cotton. 25 Mixed fabrics, printing in gold and silver, &c. 26 Pattern books. 27 Clothing and mixed fabrics. 28 Gold, embroideries fans, &c. 29 Cotton goods, plain, table linen, towellings, &c. 30 Specimens showing the suitability of Indian cotton for manufacture of first-class t goods. 3 1 Cotton, specimens of printing and dyeing. 32 Feathers, feather work, &c. 3 3 Carvings in ivory. 34 Jade, crystal, and agate. 3 5 Carved furniture. -$ 6 a Lacquered ware. 3 6b Models of figures. 37 Agricultural implements, &c. 38 Models of machinery, &c. 39a Musical instruments. 39 b Saddlery, harness, &c. 40 Specimens of printing, lithography, &c. 41 Woollen goods, &c. Ld Ci cc < O < C£ => O h or o X TZ o> a u> Oq o os cm 37 b 36~1 32 35 30 24 a 28 26 □D STANDS. A Soils. B Dyes and colours — indigo, safflower, Ac. C Medicinal substances, Ac. D Cereals — wheat, millet, rice, &c. E Pulses — peas, beans, Ac. P Oilseeds. G Oils and fats. H Food substances, preserves, fruits, spices, sugars, coffee, spirits. I Tans, galls, barks, lac, &c. K Cotton (raw). L Woods. M Photographs. N Ditto. BRITISH 0 I V I S ION F 23 q 21 .3 1 19 | 20 22 N Vr M ■q V 17 c D 16 <§> 14 | a a 15 | I2[sscr- DO b L- '3 1 1 n a 2 tr < 1 r ' x~'o & & g 63 K <2 8 N D l THE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION of 1862. A CLASSIFIED AND DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE INDIAN DEPARTMENT. BY J. FORBES IVATSON, AM., M.D. F.L.S., F.C.S., F.R.J.S. Reporter on the Products of India ; Director Ifc. Indian Department , International Exhibition. PRINTED FOR HER MAJESTY’S COMMISSIONERS. PRINTED FOR HER MAJESTY'S COMMISSIONERS BY SPOTTISWOODE AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUARE, LONDON PREFACE. I N preparing for Her Majesty’s Commissioners the Catalogue ot the Indian Department, my object has been to supply not only a correct guide to the articles actually exhibited, but at the same time to afford as much information as possible within the space at my disposal. To the Committees established in India for the purpose of collecting specimens illustrative of the districts represented by them, as well as to individual exhibitors, the public are indebted for much information which finds a permanent record here, as well as in Mr. Dowleans valuable catalogue of the articles forwarded through the Central Committee for Bengal. For the numerous statistical tables, which add so materially to the value of this compilation, I am indebted to the Statistical Department of the India Office. I have offered but few remarks on the quality of the various articles exhibited in the department over which I have the honour to preside : these have necessarily been reserved for my final report to the Indian Government. It may, however, be fairly assumed that, in a commercial point of view, the value to India and to this country of the present Exhibition will be considerable, and that the substantial advantages accruing therefrom will far exceed those which followed the display of Indian articles on the two previous occasions of 1851 and 1855. JOHN FORBES WATSON. INDIAN COMMITTEES CENTRAL COMMITTEE FOR BENGAL CALCUTTA. PRESIDENT. The Honorable Sir Bartle Frere, K.C.B., Member of the Supreme Council of India. MEMBERS. Honorable Sir Mordaunt Wells, Kt., Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of Judicature Honorable H. B. Harington, Member of the Legis- lative Council of India Honorable W. FitzWilliam, Esq., Member of the Legislative Council of India Honorable D. Cowie, Esq., Member of the Legisla- tive Council of India , and Sheriff of Calcutta A. Grote, Esq., President of the Income Tax Com- mission, and Member of the Board of Revenue lb Temple, Esq., Currency Commissioner for India W. S. Seton-Karr, Esq. Col. C. B. Young, Secretary to the Government of Bengal, Department Public Works Professor T. Oldham, Superintendent of the Geolo- gical Survey of India Dr. T. Anderson, Superintendent of the Botanical Gardens Dr. F. N. Macnamara, Chemical Examiner, and Professor of Chemistry at the Calcutta Medical College W. S. Atkinson, Esq., Director of Public In- struction Col. Baird Smith, C.B., late Mint Master of Calcutta G. Brown, Esq., of the firm of Messrs. Jardine, Skinner, 4 Co. Seth Apcar, Esq., of the firm of Messrs. Apcar 4 ■ Co. F. Jennings, Esq., Master of the Trades' Asso- ciation Rajah Kali Krishna Bahadoor Manockjee Rustomjee, Esq. Syud Keramut Ali. SECRETARY. A. M. Dowleans, Esq. ( v ) Indian Committees. CENTRAL COMMITTEE FOR THE PUNJAB. LAHORE. PRESIDENT. D. F. McLeod, Esq., C.B., Financial Commissioner of the Punjab MEMBERS. T. D. Forsyth, Esq., C.B., Commissioner of the Lahore Division Dr. Burton Brown, Chemical Examiner , and Professor of Chemistry in the Lahore Medical College SECRETARY T. H. Thornton, Esq., C.S. DISTRICT COMMITTEES. UMRITSUR. Major Farrington H. Cope, Esq. T. C. Vaughan, Esq. D. FitzPatrick, Esq., Secretary LOODIANA. Captain McNeile PESHAWUR. Captain Coxe Lieut. Shortt, Secretary DELHI. Fred. Cooper, Esq., C.B. Dr. B. Smith, Secretary MOOLTAN. Lieut. -Colonel Hamilton Colonel Voyle Lieut. Lane, Secretary KANGRA. P. Egerton, Esq. Sir A. Lawrence, Secretary ( ™ ) Indian Committees. CENTRAL COMMITTEE FOR THE N.W. PROVINCES. ALLAHABAD. PRESIDENT. Rowland Money, Esq. C. B. Thornhill, Esq. Dr. Beatson Captain Hodgson Captain Peile G. Sibley, Esq. MEMBERS. Cecil Stephenson, Esq. D. W. Lome Campbell, Esq. J. Middleton, Esq. Nazir Ali Khan, Esq. Buldeo Narain alias Chotee Loll SECRETARY. G. H. M. Batten, Esq. SUB-COMMITTEES. ALLAHABAD. W. Johnstone, Esq. W. Young, Esq. BANDA. H. W. Dashwood, Esq. C. W. Carpenter, Esq. Ahmed Hossein Ooodey Ram Seth CAWNPORE. C. A. Elliott, Esq. E. S. Robertson, Esq. — Maxwell, Esq. — Palmer, Esq. Lai la Sheopershaud FUTTEHPORE. J. Power, Esq. W. Tyrrell, Esq. Ahmed Buksh Lall Bahadoor ( vii ) Indian Committees. SUB-COMMITTEES —continued. ROHILCUND DIVISION. President. W. Roberts, Esq. Members. J. Inglis, Esq, Dr. Corbyn Dr. Cunningham Captain Unwin Rajah Byjnath Moul vie Ivhyrooddeen Ahmed Baliadoor Baboo Gunga Pershad Rajah Khyratee Lall Lalla Luchmee Narain Moonshee Buldeo Singh Nawab Neamut Khan Secretary. H. R. Wilson, Esq. AGRA DIVISION. President. G. F. Harvey, Esq. Members. A. L. M. Plnllipps, Esq. John Murray, Esq., M.D. G. R. Playfair, Esq., M.D. Captain L. Macbel Lieut. J. L. Watts J. T. Pritchard, Esq. W. Birks, Esq. Lalla Motee Lall Moulvie Syud Ameer Alii Shah Hukeem Syud Nusseerooddeen Lalla Jyaram Dass Chowbey Muttrapershad JUBBULPORE DIVISION. President. Major W. C. Erskine. Members. Captain W. Nembhard Captain A. Impey Captain Pearson J. W. Williams, Esq. F. Macbell, Esq. Kooshall Chund Seth Innarjun Pundit Secretary. A. M. Russell, Esq. BENARES DIVISION. President. F. B. Gubbins, Esq., C.B. Members. W. Edwards, Esq. J. H. Bax, Esq. Rajah Deonarain Singh Baboo Gooroodas Mitter Baboo Narain Dass Baboo Shevapershad Baboo Dabeepershad MEERUT DIVISION. President. Colonel Iluyshe Members. Colonel Hogge, C.B. Major Ross, H.M. 36th Regiment Captain Brown, H.M. 35th Regiment G. D. Turnbull, Esq., C.S. H. C. Cutcliffe, Esq., F.R.C.S. E. E. Watson, Esq., C.S. Koour Ouzeer Alii Khan Mahomed Alii Khan Oomer Alii Khan Lalla Bankey Raie ( viii ) Indian Committees. SUB-COMMITTEES — continued. JHANSIE DIVISION. President. Major Ternan Members. C. Daniell, Esq. Captain Davidson Captain Baillie Doctor Annesley Rajah of Kutera Secretary. W. R. N. James, Esq. MIRZAPORE DISTRICT. H. P. Fane, Esq. C. B. Denison, Esq. MIRZAPORE DISTRICT — continued. J. H. Loch, Esq., M.D. C. McLean, Esq. Mulanut Jyramgeer Ukbur Alee Khan GORUCKPORE DISTRICT. President. A. Swinton, Esq. Members. F. M. Bird, Esq. G. Osborne, Esq. M. Cooke, Esq. Chedeeloll Muhajun Kamsuroop Muhajun Meer Zuhoor Alee CENTRAL COMMITTEE FOR OEDE. LUCKNOW. PRESIDENT. G. Campbell, Esq. Colonel Abbott Major Evans MEMBERS. Major Crommelin, C.B. Captain Chapman SECRETARY. Dr. Bonavia ( i* ) Indian Committees. LOCAL COMMITTEES IN BENGAL AND ITS DEPENDENCIES. RANGOON. President. Major F. P. Sparks Members. Captain Browne R. S. Edwards, Esq. R. S. Steel, Esq. Thomas Christien, Esq. G. Bullock, Esq. E. Fowle, Esq. CUTTACK, President. A. Shore, Esq. Members. Colonel Maclean T. De B. Armstrong, Esq. W. L. Heeley, Esq. R. Pringle, Esq., M.D. Baboo Juggomohun Rai Baboo Luckheenarain Rai Chowdry Secretary. W. C. Lacey, Esq. TIPPERAH. M. Lecolier, Esq. H. G. Leicester, Esq. Baboo Hurkally Ghose Baboo ITurrish Grander Bose AKYAB. President. Major G. Verner Members. J. Bullock, Esq. A. L. McMillan, Esq. Mahomed Bux T. Shepherd, Esq. Captain Ripley H. W. Beddy, Esq. Captain Twynam J. H. O’Donel, Esq. Phat-May Secretary. Dr. Graham CHITTAGONG. President. V. H. Schalch, Esq. Members. J. D. Ward, Esq. J. E. Bruce, Esq. — Hollingsworth, Esq. Dr. W. B. Beatson Captain Magrath W. J. Brown, Esq. Baboo Obhoy Grander Doss Baboo Ramkinoo Dutt Baboo Brijo Mohun Roy Baboo Hur Grander Roy Baboo Thacoorbux Tewaree ( x ) Indian Committees. LOCAL COMMITTEES IN BENGAL BULLOOAH. Dr. H. M. Davis Baboo Ramgopal Roy Baboo Gungapersaud Sein Baboo Gungadass Sein BACKERGUNGE. — Harvey, Esq. SYLHET. — Davies, Esq. MYMENSING. R. Abercrombie, Esq. FURREEDPORE. — Tottenham, Esq. CACHAR. Lieut. Stewart ARRAH, IN SHAHABAD. C. P. Leycester, Esq. R. F. Hutchinson, Esq. S. Bayley, Esq. GYA, IN BEHAR. T. C. Trotter, Esq. E. E. Lautour, Esq. James Farrell, Esq. J. B. Allan, Esq. AND ITS DEPENDENCIES — continued. CHUPRAH, IN SARUN. H. Nelson, Esq. J. Jackson, Esq. DACCA. President. C. T. Davidson, Esq. Members. — Dodgson, Esq. — Wise, Esq. Dr. Simson. J. G. Pogose, Esq. Khajeh Abdool Gunny — Reynolds, Esq. — Davy, Esq. — Brennand, Esq. Baboo Gobind Chunder Dutt PATNA. President. H. D. H. Fergusson, Esq Members. H. Wake, Esq. J. Sutherland, Esq. J. K. Walter, Esq. C. J. Muller, Esq. R. F. Chisholm, Esq. Syed Lootf Ally Khan Baboo Hurry Kishen MOOTEEHAREE, IN CHUMPARUN W. Macpherson, Esq. J. M. Coates, Esq. ( Jd ) Indian Committees. LOCAL COMMITTEES IN BENGAL MOZUFFERPORE, IN TIRHOOT. A. E. Russell, Esq. T. B. Lane, Esq. N. C. Macnamara, Esq. J. Forlong, Esq. Rai Nundeeput Mabta Baliadoor CHOTA NAGPORE. President. Captain E. T. Dalton Members. Major W. H. Oakes Captain J. S. Davies Captain G. C. Depree Captain A. P. S. Moncrieff Bura Lall Oopendumath Sahee Deo Thukoorai Kisliendeal Singh Rae Baliadoor Tlrakeorai Rughooburdeal Singh Rae Baliadoor Lieut. -Col. T. Simpson M. de W. George, Esq. W. F. Clark, Esq. C. G. Wray, Esq. Baboo Kallie Dass Paulit Koomar Ramnath Sing M. Liebert, Esq. Captain G. N. Oakes Dr. W. J. Ellis R. C. P. Perry, Esq. Baboo Nundookoomar Aikat Baboo Umbikachurn Mookerjee Captain R. C. Birch Dr. A. J. Meyer Rajah Chunderhur Sing Deo Baliadoor Rajah Chillresser Dhul Rajah Bindhessuree Pershad Sing Deo Baliadoor Rajah Protap Narain Sing Baliadoor. Secretary. AND ITS DEPENDENCIES - continued. BHAUGULPORE. Vice-President. C. B. Skinner, Esq., Officiating Commissioner Members. W. R. Davies, Esq. Baboo Dwarkanauth Chatterjee Captain Layard MONGHYR. President. W. Id. Henderson, Esq. T. Duka, Esq., M.D. J. Bean, Esq. PURNEAH. President. W. L. T. Robinson, Esq. Members. F. J. Earle, Esq. W. M. Beaufort, Esq. Baboo Kalyprosonno Roy Chowdry T. J. Shilhngford, Esq. BURDWAN. President. G. Plowden, Esq., Commissioner Members. The Maharajah of Burdwan Pierce Taylor, Esq. Captain Short S. S. Hogg, Esq. Baboo Sharoda Pershad Roy Secretary. J. Tweedie, Esq. Lieut. R. C. Money ( xii ) Indian Committees. LOCAL COMMITTEES IN BENGAL AND ITS DEPENDENCIES — continued. RAJS HA HYE. President. H. M. Reid, Esq. Members. L. S. Jackson, Esq. S. Taylor, Esq. Dr. Shircore James Cockbum, Esq. C. R. Jennings, Esq. D. T. Gordon, Esq. Rajah Prosnnno Nath Roy Koour Anund Nath Roy Baboo Mothooranath Bannerjee GOWHATTY, IN ASSAM. Members. H. Bainbridge, Esq. Colonel D. Reid J. N. Martin, Esq. W. Becher, Esq. Colonel H. Vetch Captain R. Campbell Dr. De Fabeck Secretary. Captain Lloyd DARJEELING. Dr. A. Campbell BOGRAH. — Larkins, Esq. GOWALPARRAH. Lieutenant Morton NOWGONG. Lieutenant Sconce DURRUNG. Lieutenant W. Phaire SEEBSAGUR. W. O. A. Beckett, Esq. LUCKIMPORE. Captain H. S. Bivar BERHAMPORE. Members. A. Pigou, Esq. A. W. Russell, Esq., Judge H. A. Cockerell, Esq., Collector J. Guise, Esq., Civil Surgeon Sir W. Wemys, Bart. Rajah Prosononarain Deb Bahadoor Baboo Rajkisto Sein Baboo Poolin Beharee Sein Baboo Punchanun Banerjee Secretary. Major II. C. James Indian Committees. CENTRAL COMMITTEE FOR MADRAS. PRESIDENT. The Honorable E. Maltby, Esq., Member of Council MEMBERS. W. R. Arbuthnot, Esq. (Messrs. Arbuthnot Orissa 1,876 Balasore, j 600 Talcheer Coal Field, Orissa 5,032 ( Midnapore { Hidgellee 1,349 Bancoorah 2,692 Burdwan 2,007 Hooghly 3,114 Beerbhoom 2,634 Moorshedabad 7,804 Bhaugulpore 3,035 . Rajshahye 1,288 Maldah 5,878 Purneali 3,599 . Monghyr 1,829 Patna 48,495 In addition to the above, large portions of Dinagepore, Tirhoot, Behar, Shahabad, Mirzapore, Benares, Goruck- pore, &c. (in all about 15,000 square miles) have been ■ examined, although the entire districts are not yet completed. In Eastern Bengal the Khasia Hills and parts of adjoining districts have also been examined. In the North-West of India the country extending from Hurdwar on the Ganges to the Beeas along the Sewalik | and Sub-Himalaya ranges has been mapped, embracing ' an area of about 6,000 square miles. 2 ) Class T. — North-East Gallery. In Pegu, the examination of which was commenced in 1860-61, 3,000 square miles have been completed, while portions of the Burmese Empire and of the Tenasserim Provinces had also been reported on. In addition to the foregoing, preliminary examinations of large areas have been completed (Guzerat &c.) A total area, therefore, of more than 94,000 square miles has been completed and geologically mapped ; an area much larger than the whole of Great Britain. 8. [6623] Maps of the Raneegunge Coal Field. 9 . [6624] Atlas Sheets. 10. [6617] Geological Map of Bancoorah. 11. [6616] Geological Map of Burdwan. 12. [6615] Do. Beerbhoom. 13 . [6618] Do. Monghyr. The maps of the Raneegunge Coal Field on the larger scale of 1 inch to the mile, marked e, and the Atlas Sheets Nos. 112, 113, 114 f, which embrace a large portion of the country which has been examined in Bengal, will show the amount of detail and care which has been applied ; while the full maps of a few of the districts are sent to show the character of the original field work, (Ban- coorah g, Burdwan h, Beerbhoom 1, Monghyr j.) Owing to the peculiar mode of publication of these topographical maps, no general or combined map of the whole area can be exhibited on the larger scale.* III.— ORES AND METALLURGICAL OPERATIONS. Ores of the more common metals, as of iron, copper, zinc, tin, lead: — Iron Ores. The iron ores of India are of great interest and value. Many are noted for their singu- lar purity, especially those belonging to the magnetic iron-ores. Some are distinctly titaniferous, being in this respect similar to the Taranaki iron-sand from New Zealand, which has lately attracted so much attention in this country. Series illustrating the Iron-manufacture, exhibited by the East India Iron Com- pany, through E. J. Burgess, Esq. Secre- tary. 16 . [9845] Laterite stone, of which the shell of the blast furnaces are built, and all other permanent buildings at Beypore. 17 . [9847] Shells used as a flux in the Beypore blast furnace instead of lime. 18 . [9848] Lime used at Trincomallee blast furnace. WOODS USED FOR MAKING CHARCOAL. 19 . [9849] Vella Murdah. 20 . [9850] Kurrah Murdah. 21. [9851] Errool. 22. [9852] Indian Gooseberry. 23 . [9853] Poohum. 24 . [9854] Nux vomica. 25 . [9855] Cassan. SAMPLES OF CHARCOAL EMPLOYED. Ores. 26 . [9857] Magnetic iron ore from Nynamullay, Salem. 27 . [9858] Do. Tullamullay, Salem. 28 . [9859] Do. Shadamunglam, Salem. 29 . [9860] Do. Moorakcully, Salem. 30 . [9861] Do. Rajakcullay, Salem. 31 . [9862] Hydrous peroxide of iron, Arreanattuin, South Arcot. 32 . [9863] Magnetic iron ore, Palam- cotta, South Arcot. 33 . [9864] Do. Penatoor, South Arcot. 34 . [9865] Do. Tondamum, Poodoocola District. 35 . [9866] Do. Poonpara, Beypore. 36 . [9867] Do. Honore, Beypore. 37 . [9868] Do. Edewannah, Beypore. The bulk of these ores are rich magnetic oxides, and when freed from earthy matter, and ready for the blast furnace, contain about 72 percent, of iron. They are found * Note by Professor Oldham. b 2 ( 3 ) Class I. — India. in mountain masses, and are obtained by quarrying with a crowbar. The quantity is so large, that it is not neces- sary to have recourse to underground operations. They are quite free from sulphur, arsenic, and phosphorus, and upon a large average have been found to yield 68 per cent, of metal in the blast furnace. The Poonpara and Honore ores are those chiefly used at present for the production of steel by the Bessemer process. 38. [9856] Two pieces of bamboo used for supports and rafters in sheds, floating rafts for timber, &c. 39. [9846] Clay found at Beypore 20 to 30 feet below the surface, used for fire-bricks and for lining furnaces. 40. [9874] Specimen of native steel. 41. [9875] Two samples of steel made direct from the ore in Malabar native fur- nace. 42. [9873] Three samples of hammered bar iron, manufactured by native process. 43. [9870] Pair of goat-skin bellows for blowing smiths’ fires. 44. [9871] Cast iron mamooty. 45. [9869] Nine specimens of East In- dian charcoal pig iron. 46. [9876] Samples of Indian Bessemer steel, made at Beypore, direct from blast furnace. 4 7. [9877] Three jungle knives, manufac- tured by native smiths at Beypore Works, from Indian Bessemer steel, which had been made direct from blast furnace. 48. [9878] Three sickles, do. 49. [9879] Four felling axes, do. 50. [9880] Razor, do. 51. [9881] Two penknives, do. 52. [9882] Six pocket knives, manufac- tured from Indian Bessemer steel, which had been made direct from blast furnace, by Anthony Rotherham, Sheffield. 53. [9883] Four desk knives, do. 54. [9884] One pruning knife, do. The plan adopted for the production of Indian cast- steel at the Beypore Works, by the Bessemer process, is similar to that pursued in Sweden, but differs essen- tially from the Sheffield method. At Sheffield and elsewhere in this country, where the process is in operation, pig-iron is melted in a rever- beratory furnace, and run thence into the converter or Bessemer vessel, which is mounted on axes ; but in Sweden, and at the Beypore Works in Madras, the crude metal is run direct from the blast-furnace into an ordinary founder’s ladle, which is raised to a sufficient height by means of a travelling crane, and then poured into the converter, which is a fixed vessel, lined with a mixture of native fireclay and sand, and pulverized English firebrick. Steam is raised to about 50 lbs. in the boilers, giving a pressure of blast of about 6| or 7 lbs. per square inch, and the air is driven into the converter through 11 tuyeres of f-inch diameter, placed horizon- tally at the bottom of the vessel. No manganese or other metal is added to temper the steel, the quality of the metal required being regulated by the pressure of blast and the time of blowing. As soon as the metal is sufficiently decarbonised, the vessel is tapped, and the fluid steel run into a ladle pro- vided with an outlet in the bottom. This ladle is swung round over the cast-iron ingot moulds, the fireclay-plug withdrawn, and the steel allowed to flow in a clear stream into the moulds beneath. These ingots are then cogged down, under a Nasmyth hammer, and drawn into finished steel bars of various sizes. The native tools exhibited were made from steel pro- duced at some of the early experiments, and drawn down under considerable disadvantages ; but with the appliances that will soon be at command, improved steam tilt-hammers by Messrs. Kitson & Hewitson, and Messrs. Hudswell & Clarke of Leeds, having been despatched to Madras, it is expected that nicely-finished bars of Indian cast- steel, of excellent quality, will soon be supplied from the Beypore Works. 55. [9885] Samples of Bessemer steel, made from East Indian charcoal pig iron, various sizes, tilted and rolled. 56. [9885] Two pieces of ingots, broken to show fracture, made by Bessemer process from Indian charcoal pig iron, at the works of Messrs. John Brown & Co., Atlas Steel and Iron Works, Sheffield. 57. [9886] Three steel sheets, do. 58. [9887] Small steel circular saw, do. 59. [9888] Piece of steel bridge rail, do. 60. [9889] Piece of bright shafting, do. 61. [9890] A pocket knife, made from Indian steel by Anthony Rotherham, Shef- field. 62. [9891] Four table knives, do. 63. [9892] Two bread knives, do. 64. [9893] Two carvers, do. 65. [9872] Small and large native lamp, used in pagodas &c. 66. [9894] Three razors, and case of razors, made from Indian iron and steel. 67. [9896] Two gun barrels and gun lock, do. 68. [9894] Sword blade, do. 69. [9898] Two pieces of bright shafting, do. ( 4 ) Class I. — North-East Gallery. 70. [9897] Small spring, made from In- j dian iron and steel. 71. [9899] Walking stick, do. 72. [9895] Carving knife and fork, and bread and table knives, do. 73. [9900] 74. [9898] 75. [9901] 76. [9902] ings, do. 77. [5975] Salem. 78. [597 s ] pure, Salem. 79. [5979] Salem. 80. [5976] Salem. 81- [5977] first sort from Nails (various) and screws, do. Small spindle, do. Five bundles of wire, do. Two small malleable cast- Magnetite in lustrous flakes, Do. massive and singularly Do. rusting on the surface, Do. in octohedral crystals, Do. rusting on the surface, Salem. 82. [5974] Do. rusted on the surface, second sort from Salem. The iron ore of the Salem districts of the Madras Pre- sidency is a rich magnetic oxide of iron, very heavy and massive. It is commonly known as loadstone. The yield averages GO per cent, of metallic iron. Much of the ore being a pure black magnetic oxide would doubtless yield 73 per cent. The ore is, however, often mixed with quartz, which is a very refractory material in the blast furnace. Limestone, and, in some places, shell lime, is employed as a flux ; and the charcoal of some kind of aca- cia is the fuel. 83 . [7222] Iron ore. Very fine and mas- sive haematite. Dr. Hunter. Iron Sands exhibited by Catt. J. Mitchell. 84. [5041] Magnetic iron sand, village of Pankam, Vellore Talook. 85. [5042] Do. village of Pulleputt, Vel- lore Talook. 86. [5043] Do. village of Anchenamput, Vellore Talook. 87. [5044] Do. village of Van nan than gal, Vellore Talook. 88. [5045] Do. village of Vennembutt, Vellore Talook. 90. [5047] Magnetic iron sand, village of Vamembady, Vellore Talook. 91. [5048] Do. village of Nimmanapully, Santooroo, Congoondy Talook. 92. [5049] Iron ore, from Santghum Talook. 93. [5050] Iron sand, from Talook of Streevellypootoor, in district of Tinnevelly. 94. [5304] Iron ore, Dlienkanal, Cuttack. 95. [5302] Iron ore of the class of haematites, both micaceous and siliceous, Dlienkanal. 96. [5303] Do. do. Talchere, Cuttack. Government. An abundance of this ironstone is found in the district of Sumbulpore, and it is plentiful in the Cuttack Tributary States of Talchere, Dlienkanal, Pal-Lahara, and Ungool, and indeed throughout the hilly country bordering the settled districts of this province on the north-west. The whole of the iron used for various purposes in this division is supplied from these local sources. In Sumbulpore, ac- cording to Dr. Shortt, of the Madras Army, who passed through that district in 1855, the crude iron is sold at one anna per seer, which is equivalent to about three-fourths of a penny per English pound. From a report by the same observer, the following information relative to the method of smelting is gathered. No flux is used ; the broken ironstone is mixed with charcoal, which can be prepared in any required quantity on the spot, and the mixture is then, probably in alternate layers, put into the furnace, — a kiln in miniature, standing about 4 feet high, and made of clay. The top is open, and the bottom and sides thoroughly closed. The fire is maintained by an artificial blast, introduced through a fire-clay pipe, which is sealed up with day after the insertion of the nozzle of the bellow's. The slag escapes, or more properly is raked out, through an aperture made in the ground, and which runs up into the centre of the furnace base. Three men — one to serve the fire, and two to work the bellows — are required to tend each furnace. Nearer home, this ore abounds, as has been observed, in Ungool, Talchere, Pal- Lahara, and Dlienkanal. The specimens sent are from Talchere and Dlienkanal. These are a red-ochry ore, said to produce very excellent metal, without the aid of a flux. The method of smelting here is very similar to that already described, the main difference being that the slag is passed out through an arched opening 111 the base of the furnace. The charcoal used is made from the Sal or Shorca robusta. Limestone in calcareous nodules is abundant 011 the spot, in Ungool at least, but is nowhere used in smelting. The price of the crude iron in Ungool is a trifle less than one anna per seer. It is, as might be expected, mixed with impurities. A specimen of the Ungool ore, taken from the ground where it had lain exposed to sun and rain, gave 66 per cent, of the peroxide of iron, equal to 46 per cent, of metallic iron. A sample from Pal-Lahara gave 60£ per cent, of the protoxide of iron, equivalent, to 47 per cent, of metal. These results are given on the authority of Mr. Piddington, late Curator of Economic Geology, Calcutta. The native method of smelting is, however, rude and wasteful.* Although there is abundance of mineral coal in South Mirzapore, in Palamow, Singrowlie, and Ilewah, native smelters use only wood charcoal prepared by themselves, 89. [5046] Do. village pum, Vellore Talook. of CatharercQop- ( * Local Committee of Cuttack. W. C. Lacey, Esq,, Secretary. 6 ) Class I. — India. and as their furnaces and tools are small, they can all be constructed and arranged by one man in half a day ; this fuel and ore are close at hand to the furnace, the latter being remade farther in the jungle to suit their main requirements, while the wretched hut in which they live may well be prepared in the half day remaining. The process employed by the smelters is a very simple one. To each furnace there are two men, and it is kept in full play all day. Each day, if the smelters have wives and children to break up the ore into -j or 5-inch cubes, and bring charcoal, they will charge the furnace four times, and the day’s work will be 4 or 5 small malleable pigs of 2 or seers each, or in all 12 annas to a rupee’s worth of iron. They employ no flux, and the slag runs off first in pipe-like lumps. The furnace is emptied at each charge. The metal never runs liquid from the furnace, but falls to the bottom, below the blast tube, from whence it is taken in a flaming mass by a pair of iron tongs, and while incandescent it is hammered on a hard stone, or if the smelter be rather rich, on a rough iron anvil, into a double-wedge-shaped pig, and so on, the labour being divided between the smelter and his family, who think themselves fortunate if they can earn D anna per head. 97. [6504] Iron ore, Monghyr. E. B. Harris, Esq. Found in excavating- the Monghyr tunnel. 98. [7968] Iron ore, Shahabad District. B. W. Bingham, Esq., Hon. -Assistant Magis- trate, Chynepore. The part of the Vhyudhya Hills forming the southern portions of Shahabad, and of Mirzapore, north and north- west of the Soane River, together with Mirzapore, south of the Soane, Rewah, Palamow, and, in fact, the whole chain and spurs of the Vhyudhya range in this neigh- bourhood, is full of mineral wealth of various kinds, and will doubtless, in the course of a few years, when railways run down the valley of the Soane, connecting the Gangetic valley with that of the Nerbuddah. be found to yield products of immense value. Abundant quarries of the peroxide and proto-peroxide of iron, as also of iron- pyrites, abound in the most accessible portions of the Kymore range. The Kymore range is the north-easterly spur of the Vhyudhya range, and fills all Southern Mirzapore and Shahabad. Most of the ores are peculiarly rich in metal, some of them even yielding 70 to 75 per cent, of pig iron, but without accessible coal they are comparatively useless. Considerable quantities of iron, and that some of the best in India, are annually produced in Palamow, Rewah, Bidjugghur, and Singrowlie. The iron from the latter place in particular bears a high character in the market, being tough, flexible, and easily worked, while English iron, having originally been smelted from an inferior ore (the clay ironstone) and with mineral coal, is almost unworkable by native blacksmiths. The ores are extremely rich, and the cost merely nominal, probably not more than 2 per cent, upon the cost of quarrying; and the ores being all above ground, would reduce the cost of quarrying to a minimum. One rupee per ton for royalty and cost of quarrying would give an ample margin for all contingencies, allowing rates of labour to remain as at present. Charcoal, as used by native smelters, may be obtained at 10 or 11 mauuds per rupee, say 2 1 to 3 rupees per ton, in the forest, to which, j of course, must be added cost of carriage to site. Native charcoal is, however, made in open kilns in a most waste- ful manner. Burnt in close kilns more than double the quantity, and that of a much better quality, would be obtained, while the tar and wood vinegar obtained at the same time would materially diminish the cost.* 99. [1476] Iron ore, Cliundeyrie, Jhan- see. 100. [983] Do. hydrous peroxide in flakes and powder (Dhaoo), Gfwalior. H.H. the Maharajah. Iron ore (Dhaoo) is produced in the land lying between Mouzah Sathoo Nurwaree of the Gwalior District and Punehar, i. e. about 4 coss (8 miles) from east to west, and 1 coss (2 miles) north to south ; also in the hills adjoining. In that neighbourhood people dig for the ore: after digging 20 cubits deep and 50 yards square, a description of earth called dhaoo (the ore), which is like small stones, but very soft, is found. This earth is loaded on bullocks, and taken to Dhoa and Bugrowlee and other places, where it is smelted and iron made from it. The cost of digging and refining the ore is 12 annas per maund, as per following detail : — R. A. P. Digging of ore 0 0 5| Duty do 0 0 3 Carriage do 0 10 Duty paid to Zemindars . . , 0 0 01 Charcoal 0 8 6' Wages for one blacksmith for three hours 0 0 41 Do. of men for working the bellows .0 1 1 1 Do. of Bhistee (water carrier) . .003 Total . . . 0 12 0 At this rate, a piece of iron about 20 seers in weight is made in three hours, at the cost of 12 annas. The price in the bazaar of 20 seers of iron is 14 annas, thus a profit of 2 annas is derived by the manufacturer.* 101. [10251] Specular iron ore, of a pecu- liar character. Very fine specimen. Ku- maon. Kumaon Iron Company. 102. [10252] A peroxide, mixed with much gangue, Kumaon. Kumaon Iron Com- pany. 103. [10277] Massive haematite, Ku- maon. Kumaon Iron Company. 104. [10215] Do. Kumaon. Kumaon Iron Company. 105. [1465] Iron ore. Siliceous per- oxide. First quality. Tendookhera, Nur- singpore. 106. [1466] Do. Second quality. Ten- dookhera, Nursingpore. The ore actually worked is a large vein or lode in the limestone of the great schist formation of the Indian Geo- logical Survey, and the only rock in its immediate vicinity is hard grey and blue crystalline limestone. It occurs to the north of Nerbudda in the open flat country between the river and the Vhyudhya Hills. Only one mine is worked at present, but ore of a similar quality has been found at one or two other places in the neighbourhood. The only fuel used is charcoal, which is of very fair quality. Some coal mines also are situated at Mohpanee, not far from Tendookhera. The distance of fuel from mines is from * Major R. J. Meade, Political Agent, Gwalior. Note by Mr. Bingham. ( 6 ) Class I. — North-East Gallery. 5 to 10 miles. The iron is smelted in small clay furnaces, blown by goat-skin bellows, worked by the hand. It is obtained in small lumps or blooms called ‘ cutcha,’ or raw iron, and is afterwards reheated and hammered, and then sold as ‘ pucka,’ or finished iron. Intermixed with the , raw iron as it comes from the furnace, is a sort of crude steel, which is carefully selected and used for the manu- facture of tools and agricultural implements. The ore is largely smelted by the natives at the town of Ten- dookhera, about 2 miles from the mines, where, during the eight dry months of the year, about sixty furnaces are worked, but the mines have now been leased to the Nerbudda Coal and Iron Company formed in London. About 5 tons 3 cwt, of iron ore, and 5 tons 12 cwt. of charcoal, are used for the manufacture of 2 tons of ‘ pucka,’ or finished iron. The ore contains, upon an average, about 40 per cent, of iron ; it is of a calcareous nature, very fusible, and somewhat resembles the ores of the Forest of Dean. The ore is obtained by means of pits sunk from 30 to 40 feet, through the alluvium of the valley, to the ore. They are washed in during the rains, and require to be resunk yearly. The iron is obtained at a very small cost, as the government do not demand at present any royalty from the smelters. The fuel or charcoal is sold at from 3 to 3^ buffaloe-loads per rupee, which is equivalent to about 8 shillings per ton. The pucka iron sells at from 5 to 6 rupees, 12 shillings, per goan or bullock-load of 3 maunds, equal to 24 bundles, or from 41. 10s. to 51. 8s. per ton. The iron is sent by bullock carts and buffaloes to all fairs of any consequence within 100 miles, and in some instances is sent even 200 and 250 miles. From the iron of these mines, several years ago, a very good suspension bridge was built near Saugor. * 107 . [1467] Iron ore, Azureea, Jubbul- pore. The geological description of these mines will best be obtained, as well as those at Tendookhera, from the Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India, vol. ii., part 2. It may here be said, however, that the Azureea mines are situated on a hill consisting of iron ore found at 1 j feet from the surface, and extending over an area of about 60,000 yards square and 30 feet deep. The ore exists in thin flakes of a grey iron colour and metallic lustre. The nature of fuel used is common wood charcoal, and for re- fining the metal, bamboo charcoal: the fuel is brought from a distance of about 5 miles from the mines. The ore and charcoal are thrown in small quantities every half hour into an earthen furnace 5 feet high and 2 feet square ; a part of the bottom of the furnace is filled with fuel only ; this being kindled, a pair of bellows is applied to raise the heat, and a passage made at the side of the furnace for the melted metal to run out. Four maunds (320 lbs.) of ore and 2j maunds of charcoal are daily used in a furnace ; the fuel is used in the proportion of 5-8ths or 62 per cent, of the ore for smelting, and l-5th more for refining the metal. A furnace furnishes daily 2 maunds (160 lbs.) or 50 per cent, of the crude iron from 4 maunds of the ore ; this, when forged, yields 30 seers, or nearly 19 per cent, of wrought iron. The ore is simply dug out with pickaxes ; it costs 6 pie per maund for excavating and carrying to the furnace. The fuel or charcoal costs Rs. 1-1-6 per every maund of wrought iron. The entire cost of the pure metal obtained amounts to Rs. 1-13 per maund, including labour and materials. The ore is generally sold at the works and conveyed on bullocks to different markets. When brought to Jubbulpore, the nearest market, it costs 2 annas 8 pie per maund, exclusive of duty. The specimen exhibited from Azureea, the village where it is found, is not far from the proposed branch line of the East Indian Railway to Allahabad. f * Local Committee, Jubbulpore. A. M. Russel, Esq., Secretary. t Local Committee, Jubbulpore. ( 108 . [102 1 2] Iron dust, Purulia, Chota Nagpore. 109 . [102 1 3] Do. Purulia, Chota Nag- pore. 110 . [102 10] Magnetite, near Ranchee, Chota Nagpore. Iron ore, in this form, or granulated, is found lying on the surface of almost all the high grounds in Chota Nag- pore ; where it lies, the soil is only surface, the rocks pri- mary formation.* 111 . [7979] Haematite, Assam. Lieut. W. PlIAIIiE. 112. [6578] Iron ochre, Gfholagat, Assam. — Beckett, Esq. Iron is obtained from this earth, which is found in Shoroo Caeharree Mehaul, in Gholagat Sub-Division, about 15 or 18 feet under the surface of the ground. 113 . [6579] Iron sand containing iron prepared therefrom. — Beckett, Esq. 114 . [6580] Iron in the rough prepared therefrom. — Beckett, Esq. 115 . [6581] Refuse after extracting the iron. — Beckett, Esq. 116 . [10211] Rusty magnetic iron ore, Ranchee, Chota Nagpore. 117 . [102 1 2] Do. Manbhoom. Found in beds of streams. 118 . [6582] Iron clay, from Cfellaka Mouzali, in Seebsaugor, Assam. 119 . [5305] Iron ore, Pegu. These specimens were brought from the base and western slope of a mountain called 1 Popah,’ about 3,000 feet in height, 15 miles inland from the river Irrawaddy, on its left bank. The ore is found in large quantity in no- dules, and is collected and smelted by the inhabitants of the neighbouring villages. They use no flux of any descrip- tion in smelting. Price 4 rupees per ton, delivered at the neighbouring furnaoes.f 120 . [7226] Htematite. Makoom, Upper Assam. Major H. S. Biyar. 121 . [6747] Ironstone (Laterite?), Ma- lacca. 122. [10 195] Iron sand, Moulmein. 123 . [5305] Bog-iron ore, Rangoon. CHROME. 124 . [5980] Chrome-iron ore, Salem. * Local Committee, Chota Nagpore. t Local Committee, Rangoon. Major T. P. Sparks, President. 1 ) Class I. — India. The chrome-iron ore of Salem is exceedingly pure, and of great value as a source of chromic acid. It is now largely imported into England. COrPEB. Copper ores are found in several parts of India. 125. [5320] Copper ore, specimen of carbonate, Ulvvar. 126. [5322] Cojiper ore. A carbonate, Ulwar.* H.H. the Maharajah. Copper is found but in one or two places, and its work- ing cost has not been ascertained, as it is under the direct management of the State. 127. [5889] Copper ore. An impure car- bonate, very rich. One specimen weighs nearly ^ cwt. From Singhboom. D. C. Mackay, Esq. The fuel used for smelting, is charcoal made from the extensive forests in the immediate vicinity of the mines and works in Landoo, in Dalbhoom, and Singbhoom, in the south-west frontier of Bengal. The distance of the works from Calcutta is about 140 miles, and may be reached via Midnapore or mcL Raneegunge and Purulia. By assay this sample is said to give copper 3 If per cent., and silver 2 oz. o dwts. 17 grs. per ton of ore, 128. [5890] Kunkur flux, Landoo in Dalbhoom. D. C. Mackay, Esq. 129. [5891] Lime flux, Landoo in Dalb- hoom. D. C. Mackay, Esq. 130. [5892] Copper slag, Landoo in Dalbhoom. D. C. Mackay, Esq. 131. [1051] Copper-pyrites, Hills of Beloochistan, Upper Sindh. 132 . [1844] Carbonate of copper. Lahore Committee, Punjab. 133. [5022] Copper ore. A silicate of copper, Nellore. Captain J. Mitchell. antimony. 134. [1474] Antimony ore from Canda- har via Umritsur. Tersulphide of antimony is said to be found in the salt range near the Keura salt mine. Vast quantities of anti- mony have been found by Major Itay in the Himalayan ranges of Spite. The ore is also imported from Cabul.f 135. [1844] Antimony ore, Punjab. 136. [7230] Antimony, Sarawak. LEAD. The only ore of lead is the common sul- * Presented by H. H. the Maharajah of Ulwar. t Central Committee, Lahore. ( phide or galena. It frequently contains silver. The specimens exhibited are few, but good. 137. [4410] Galena, very pure, Kandahar. 138. [5040] Do. in quartz. Several large specimens. Contains no silver. Kur- uool. Captain J. Mitchell. 139. [5051] Do, massive. Contains sil- ver, Catloor, near Cuddapah. 140. [1050] Do. massive. Picked from the surface of the soil in the hills. Belooch- istan. 141. [1052] Do. massive. From the mines. Beloochistan. TIN. The tin-ore of India and of the Archi- pelago is the same as that of Cornwall. It is the ordinary tin-stone, or binoxide of tin. It occurs in veins, and also in rounded masses or grains. It is often beautifully crystallized, interspersed with decomposing granite, and is generally free from sulphur and arsenic. 142. [4164] Tin ore from Larut, Malay Peninsula. Forbes Browne, Esq. 143. [4165] Do. from Junk Ceylon. Forbes Browne, Esq. 144. [4075] Do. diffused through quartz Ac., Martcham Booboo, province Wellesley. 145. [4076] Do. 146. [4077] Tin in bar, obtained from the tin-stone of Macham, province Wellesle} r . 147. [9362] Twelve samples of tin ore, with prepared tin. Contains capital specimens of stream-tin. British possessions, Malacca. 148. [4833] Kensac tin, Burmah. 149. [5973] Tin-stone, picked specimen in more or less perfect crystals, Malacca. F. F. Geach, Esq. Illustrations of Tin produce from Malacca. Hon. Captain Burn. 150. [6352] 1. Alluvial soil containing ! tin ore, Malacca. 151. [6353] 2. Quartz from which the tin ore is extracted, Malacca. 152. [6354] 3. Tin ore, Malacca. 8 ) Class I. — Nortli-East Gallery. 153 . [6355] 4 . Tin when smelted, Ma- lacca. 154 . [6358] 5 . Tin goblet and cup, Kas- sang. 155 . [6712] Tin-ore from Kassang. J. Moniot, Esq. 156 . [6718] Do. from Tringanu, Malay Peninsula. Jose d’Almeida, Esq. 157 . [6719] Tin Peninsula. Do. from Pattani, Malay 158 . [6720] Do. Peninsula. Do. from Johore, Malay 159 . [6721] Do. Peninsula. Do. from Lanwan, Malay 160 . [5972] Do. Peninsula. Do. from Lingie, Malay 161 . [6722] Do. Peninsula. Do. from Pahang, Malay 162 . [6723] Do. from Kassang. F. F. Geacii, Esq. Mature of Fuel. — Charcoal made from the Gomposs tree, is the only description of fuel employed. Its distance from the mines varies according to circumstances. If a mine is opened in the primeval forest the distance is not great, abundance of charcoal can be procured within the radius of a mile ; but in some old mines in the valley of Kassang, where all the jungle has been cleared, the dis- tance varies from 4 to 6 miles. Method in Smelting. — A funnel-shaped blast furnace, 6 feet high and 4 feet diameter at the mouth. The sides of the trunk and funnel-hole are shaped and backed with clay. The fused matters escape from the cavity and flow continually into an exterior reservoir, hollowed out for that purpose, from which the liquid metal is ladled out into moulds, shaped in moist sand. The trunk is filled with charcoal, and combustion is accelerated by a cylin- drical blowing machine, worked by eight men, of which the nozzle is introduced by an aperture. When the whole mass is brought to a red heat, the crude ore is sprinkled on top of the burning embers and kept constantly fed, by successive charges of charcoal and mineral. Quantity of Metal obtained from the Ore. — Each charge consists of 30 piculs of washed ore containing from 45 to 60 per cent, of tin. Nature of Mining Operations. — The ground being marked out and cleared of vegetation, a square or oblong pit is sunk, varying in depth from 40 to 80 feet, through an alluvial deposit and the ore extracted by a series of stream works. The stanniferous deposits occur in the form of regular beds, in which the binoxide of tin is associated with coarse sand and decomposed quartz, which are removed in baskets by the Chinese coolies, arranged in heaps on the surface, and exposed to sun and rain for a month or two. The washing is conducted in wooden jutters, through which a stream of water is made to flow, the dirty ore or ‘work’ thrown into coarse wicker baskets immersed in water in the wooden trough and shaken about : the metal- lic ore and finer particles of sand and decomposed quartz are washed through the crevices of the basket into the wooden trough, through which the stream of water flows, and is there kept in constant motion by several coolies with spades, by which means all the dirt and lighter par- ( tides of sand are carried off by the stream, and the heavy ore collected in the heap when the flow of water is stopped, and the metallic ore conveyed to the smoltinec shed. Cost of Ores. — Fifty per cent, of the reduced metal. The annual importation of tin from these mines to Singapore is, on the average, as follows : — Tringanu 150 piculs or 178 Pattani 100 118 Johore 250 296 Lanwan 2,000 2,375 Lingie 1,000 1,187£ Pahang 3,000 3,5624 Kassang 3,000 3,5624 b. Native Metals. The only representative of this subdivision is gold, which is found in a number of dis- tricts throughout India, and attempts are, it is said, about to be made in the Belgaum district to turn to account the gold resources of the South Maharatta country. 163 . [6447] Gold sand. From Purulia, Chota Nagpore. 164 . [6448] Do. From Purulia, Chota Nagpore. Gold dust is extracted from sand in the beds of rivers in Maunbhoom and Palamow, but not in large quantities.* 165 . [3042] Gold-washers’ sand. Sum- bulpore, Cuttack. Gold-washers’ sand from Sumbulpore. It is a matter of regret that a more ample specimen has not been forwarded. Such as it is, the committee submit it. The tools and vessels used in washing are so primitive and simple, that it has not been thought worth while to forward specimens. "f Gold deposits from Kangoon, viz. : 166 . [10056] Deposit from which gold is washed on the Meh-Tyne stream, a tri- butary of the Shoay Gyeen Eiver. 167 . [10055] Deposit taken from the bottom of Shoay Gyeen River, containing gold. 168-70. [6466-7-8] Sand containing gold, deposited by the Nars Rivers at the mouth of the Martaban stream, a tributary of the Shoay Gyeen River. 171 . [ 3 0 43 ] From Meh-Tyne stream, a tributary of the Shoay Gyeen River. 172 . [ 3 ° 48 ] From the sewers of the Meh-wine stream, a tributary of the Beeling River. 173 . [2102] Gold dust from Jubbulpore. * Local Committee, Chota Nagpore. t Local Committee, Cuttack. 9 ) Class I. — India. The gold dust is found in the Paiqdhur Nullah, in the [ Seonee district. The little stream rises in the Konye range of hills, and falls into the river Wyne-Gungah. The gold is obtained by washing the sand, and the natives say they never get more than four annas worth by a day’s work, and would consider it unlucky if they did, as the goddess who is supposed to make it would then leave their lo- cality.* 174. [4491] Gold and dust. Luckimpore, Assam. Lieut. W. Phaire. 175. [2101] Gold washings fromPeshawur. Gold is found in minute scales in the sandstone of the Salt range, a lower range of hills running parallel to the Himalayan chain, between the rivers Indus and Jhelum ; it is also found in small quantities in the sands of the Indus, Jhelum, Beas, and Sutlej ; but the occupation of gold-washing is not very remunerative, amounting on an average to not more than from 3 d. to 6<7. a day, and the proceeds of the annual lease of gold-washing amounted last year to but 8 4/. Gold dust is also imported from Elaehe, in Khoktan.f 176. [3045] Gold dust found in beds of rivers at Purnalia, Cliota Nagpore. 177. [3046] Gold manufactured from the same, Chota Nagpore. 178. [9363] Auriferous rock, from Canda- har. 179. [4451] Burmese gold dust. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. Subdivision IV. — Adaptation of Metals to Special Purposes. a. and b. 180. [5307] Refined iron from Rangoon. From iron of this description, blacksmiths manufacture all the implements for common use throughout Burmah. In Pegu, English iron and tools of British manufacture are rapidly supplanting the native articles. Price 12/. per ton on the spot. | 181. [5314] Crude iron from Assam. 182. [10201] Do. Kumaon Iron Company. 183. [10253] Welded iron from Wuzeeree Hills. 184. [10254] Iron from Peskawur. 1 85. [10255] Iron slag from Kangra Hills. Government. Magnetic iron ore is found in considerable quantity, and of a very fine description, closely resembling the Swedish, in the Himalayas, about 30 miles north-east of Dhurmsala, | in the Kangra district ; close to the sanitarium of Dal- liousie; in the native states of Maudi and Kotkai ; in the Sulymani range near Kolachi, on the western frontier of ' * Local Committee, Jubbulporc. t Central Committee, Lahore. 1 Local Committee, Rangoon. the Punjab. In all these places mines are worked, but iron is also to be found in the Salt range, in theAfidi hills to the west of Peshawur, and the Mewatti hills of the Goorgaon district. But there is one great obstacle to the successful working of iron mines in all these localities, viz., the absence of coal. In the year 1858 sixty bars of Kangra iron were sent to England, in order to ascertain the quality of the metal and its value in the European market. On being tested at the Atlas works of Messrs. Sharp, Stewart, & Co., of Manchester, while the best English iron yielded at a pressure of about 56,000 lbs. to the square inch, the Kangra iron, in the state in which it was received, required a force of 61,300 lbs. per square inch to break it ; and, after being hammered in Manchester sustained a pressure of 71,800 lbs. The quality was con- sidered ‘equal to that of Yorkshire iron.’ At present, however, its cost in Kangra, about 30 miles from the mines, is no less that 14/. a ton.* 186. [7222] Iron for railway purposes. I)r. Hunter, Madras. 187. [5298] Crude iron, Cuttack. 188. [5299] Do. 189. [5299] Do. Pal Lahara. 190. [5304] Do. Dkenkanal. 191. [5306] Do. Talchere. 192-3. [1477-78] Bloom, or pig iron, Gwalior. H. H. the Maharajah. 194. [10214] Iron, Chota Nagpore. 195. [5823] Iron smelting, Skahabad. 196. [7949] Pig iron from Sirkee,Rohtass Spur, Kymore range. R. W. Bingham, Esq. 197-9. [7950-53, 7959] Do.fromBiggery- ghur, Roktass Spur, Kymore range. R. W. Bingham, Esq. 200-2. [7958, 7961-3] Do. from Sin- growlee, Rohtass Spur, Kymore range. R. W. BiNGnAM, Esq. 203-6. [7954-5-7, 7960] Do. from Sir- kee, Rohtass Spur, Kymore range. R. W. Bingham, Esq. 207. [9361] Iron from Gkolagat. — Beckett, Esq. 208. [10 199] Cast-iron railway bars. Kumaon Iron Company. 209. [10200] Do. bed. Kumaon Iron Co. 210. [2425] Do. plate. Kumaon Iron Co. 211. [6726] Ingot of iron. Cochin China. G. Angus, Esq. 212-3. [5970-71] Sixteen bars of iron. Chittledroog, .Mysore. 214. [5969] Ingots of steel. Chittle- droog, Mysore. * Central Committee, Lahore. 10 ) ( Class l .— North-East Gallery. 215. [5948] Wire rope, 1J inch, galva- nized. Calcutta Government. 216. [5263] Iron rope, galvanized, from 'Shalimar Patent Rope Works, Calcutta. Messrs. Avisiier & Co. 217. [6508] Steel wire (used as strings for the c Citar ’), Cuttack. 218. [2583] Do. Bangalore, Mysore. 219. [5893] Slab copper, made from the ores of Landoo, in Dalbhoom. D. C. Mackay, Esq. 220. [5894] Sheet copper, rolled in Cal- cutta mint from the above. D. C. Mackay, Esq. 221. [4834] Copper from Rangoon. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. 222. [5300] Lead from Rangoon. Go- vernment. Exported by sea from Rangoon, in the year 1860-G1, to the value of 12,000^.* 223. [4836] Lead from Rangoon. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. IV.— NON-METALLIC MINERAL PRODUCTS. Subdivision I. — Minerals used as Fuel. a. Coal and derived products. Series of Indian coals, collected and exhi- bited by Professor Oldham, Superintendent Geological Survey of India : — LOCALITIES ETC. 224. [1464] Kurhurbalee is in the district of Hazareebaugh. It contains several valu- able seams of coal varying from 7 to 16 ft. in thickness, and is worked by the East Indian Railway Company. In 1860-61, 275,256 maunds of coal were raised. This coal is superior to any of the coals raised elsewhere in Bengal. A comparative trial 1 in the locomotives of the East Indian Rail- way, continued for three months, showed a superiority, amounting to 13 per cent., over the good steam coals of the Raniganj field. 225. [1463] Kasta is situated to the north of the Adjai River, in the extreme north of the great Raniganj field. Here an immense seam of upwards of 30 ft. in thickness crops 1 to-day, and is worked in open quarries. The lower 111 ft. of this are of superior quality, and from these the specimen has been se- lected, which is of a quality much above the average of this coal. At Kasta 11,892 maunds were raised in 1860-61. It is less accessible than other collieries. 226. [1480] At Chokidanga, the most northerly of these, a fine seam of 151 ft. is worked. The average production of three years has been 360,000 maunds. 227. [1431] At Toposi, a seam (higher in the series of rocks) of 22 ft. is worked. In 1860-61, 300,000 maunds were raised. 228. [1487] Bansra is another seam still higher in the series, of about 7 ft. in thickness. In 1860-61, 70,000 maunds were raised. 229. [1462] Mangalpur, a long-estab- lished colliery: a seam of 15-Jj ft. (including 9 in. of shale ) is worked, yielding 1,000,000 maunds in 1860-61. The Chokidanga, Toposi, Bansra, Man- galpur, Babiisol, and Harispur collieries are all on the Singarun, a feeder of the Damuda River, and in the eastern portion of the great Raniganj coal field. 230-1. [4697-4695] Babusol and Mad- hubpur (or Harispur ) are situated in the lower portion of the Singarun stream, and are the most eastern collieries in the field. From Babusol 84,000 maunds, and from Harispur 440,000 maunds, were raised in 1860-61. 232. [1462] Rogonathchuk is on the banks of the Damuda River, and is one of the oldest collieries in the field. The bed is 12^ ft. thick, and yielded, in 1860-61, 300,000 maunds of coal. 233-4. [4702, 4696] Raniganj. — The most extensive workings in the field are near the Damuda River. The entire seam is 13 ft. in thickness, divided by a band of shale into two seams of 9 ft. and 3 ft. From each of these, specimens are sent. The Raniganj ( 11 ) Local Committee, Rangoon. Class I. — India. workings yielded 1,600,000 maunds in 1860-61. 235. [4700] Bhangaband is in the same neighbourhood, and yielded, in 1860-61, 250.000 maunds. 236. [1208] Banali is a recently opened colliery, where a fine seam of 12 ft. is worked at a depth of 43 ft. below the surface. 237. [1484] Futteh pur is on the Grand Trunk Road. The bed is of 10 ft. in thick- ness, and of excellent quality. In 1860-61, 150.000 maunds were raised. The Rogonathchuk, Raniganj, Bhanga- band, Banali, and Futtehpur collieries are in the middle of the Raniganj field. 238. [1209] Hattinal. — This colliery is in the west of the Raniganj field, near the junction of the Barakar and Damuda. The seam is 84 ft. thick, the pits only 42 ft., the out-turn in 1860-61, 200,000 maunds. 239. [4694] Chinakuri (Cheenacooree) is close to Hattinal, and coal has long been worked here. In 1860-61, its out-turn was 3.290.000 maunds. 240. [4701 a] Dumarkunda lies to the west of the Barakar, and is the most westerly colliery now worked in the field. These three collieries, Chinakuri, Hattinal, and Dumarkunda, are all in the western portion of the Raniganj coal field. 241. [3 1 9 5 ] At Banchbyni a 7 ft. seam has been worked to some extent in open quarries. ALUBERA COLLIERIES. 242. [1212] At Chilgo a 5 ft. seam yielded 20.000 maunds in 1860-61. 243. [1211] At Oormoo, two seams of 7 ft. and 3 ft. produced 30,000 maunds in 1860-61, and at Bankijora, a thick bed of 19 ft., worked in open quarries, produced 30.000 maunds. The Chilgo, Oormoo, and Bankijora collieries are often spoken of as the Alubera collieries. 244. [1485] At Bhorah, a thick seam of 17 ft. produced, in 1860-61, 700,000 maunds. This colliery is only 20 miles from the Ganges. It is worked in open quarries. These collieries are all in the Rajraahal hills. That of Panchbyni is on the Brahmini stream, at the extreme south of the hills. The Alubera collieries are near the Bansloi stream in the centre of the hills ; and the Bhorah colliery to the north end. The foregoing 21 specimens give a fair average repre- sentation of the coals of Bengal. They are from three distinct districts : 1st, — the detached coal field of Kur- hurbalee : 2nd, — the great coal field of Raniganj, or, as it is not uncommonly called, the Burdwan field : and 3rd, — - the Rajmahal hills. The following is the general classifi- cation of all these coals, with the names of the pro- prietors, and arranged in the order of the relative amounts of fixed carbon which they contain, which may be taken as a fair index of their relative value as fuel. Names of Collieries Thickness of seam in Composition of Coal Proprietors feet Carhon Volatile matter Ash Kurhurbalee . 7 to 16 66-70 24-80 8-45 East Indian Railway Company Futtehpur 10 63-80 25 00 11-20 Messrs. Apcar & Co. Dumarkunda . 10 62-40 22-60 15-00 Bengal Coal Company Kasta 30 61-40 28-00 10-60 East Indian Coal Company, and Messrs. Nicol & Sage Chokidanga . 154 56-80 34-00 9-20 Messrs. Nicol & Sage Chinakuri 10* 53-20 35-50 11-30 Bengal Coal Company Hattinal . 11 52 '60 33-00 14-40 Beerbhoom Coal Company Madubpur (Harispur) 17 5110 35-40 13-50 Bengal Coal Company Raniganj 9 50-80 36 00 13-20 Do. Do. ... 3 50-30 36-30 13-40 Do. Toposi . 22 49-20 35-40 15-40 East Indian Coal Company Bansra . 13 47-00 40 00 13-00 Do. Rogonathchuk 10.V 46-90 35-00 1810 Beerbhoom Coal Company Babusol . 17 46-00 35-40 18-60 Bengal Coal Compiany Chilgo . 5 45-50 43-50 11-00 Messrs. Eaton & Browning Oormoo . 7 & 3 45-00 44-60 10-40 Do. Panchbyni 7 44-20 3410 21-70 Messrs. Mackey & Co. Mangalpur 151 43-90 38-40 1770 Beerbhoom Coal Company Bankijora 19 43-50 42 00 14-50 Messrs. Eaton & Browning Banali . 12 42-60 44-20 13-20 Beerbhoom Coal Company Bhangaband . 7 40-30 28-40 31-30 Bengal Coal Company Bhorah . 17 2520 3720 37 60 East Indian Railway Company ( 12 ) Class I. — North-East Gallery. If, on the other hand, these coals were arranged ac- cording to the relative amounts of ash in each, which for many purposes is a more useful classification, they would stand as follows : — ceedingly difficult to procure a specimen which will show more than one single prism.* 246 . [470 1 b] Ball Coal, Dumarkhunda. AMOUNT OF ASH. 247. [9322] Coal from Tirop, Assam. Kurhurbalee .... 8-45 Chokidanga ..... 9-20 Oormoo ..... . 10-45 Kasta ...... . 10-60 Chilgo ...... . 11-00 Futtehpur ..... . 11-20 Chinakuri ..... . 11-30 Bansra ..... . 13-00 Banali ...... . 13-20 Raniganj, (average of 2 seams) . 13-30 Madubpur (Harispur) . . 13-50 Hatinal ..... . 14-40 Bankijora ..... . 14-50 Dumarkunda .... . 1500 Toposi ...... . 15-40 Mangalpur ..... . 17-70 Rogonathehuk .... . 18-10 Babusol ..... . 18-60 Panchbyni ..... . 21-70 Bhangaband ..... . 31-30 Bhorah ..... . 37-60 Some curious Ball-Coal from the Dumarkunda mines is also sent. Full statistics of the amount of coal raised in the years 1858-9-60, are given in the Memoirs of the Geolo- gical Survey of India.* The total returns give an average of coal yield for the past three years of 87,37,454 maunds, or about 320,631 tons. But it is scarcely just to consider this as giving a fair mean of the present production, for during the first of these years there were, as is well known, disturbing causes at work tending to injure the regular trade of the country — and a fairer average, though determined by too small a number of years, will be obtained by taking the mean of the last two years’ produce. This will give 100,25,020 maunds, or about 367,890 tons in the twelve months. The returns also show one important and interesting fact, namely, that however the local out-turn may have increased or diminished, as affected by local causes, the general out-turn has steadily and markedly increased, apparently indicating a healthy and sound extension of trade and commerce. The total out-turn for 1860 (that is. for the twelve months ending October 1860) was 100,88,113 maunds, or 370,206 tons, an amount about only the 200th part of the coals raised annually in Great Britain, viz. 72 millions of tons, but still evidencing a large and increasing com- merce, and the spread of many of the arts of civilisation. 245. [3196] Coal, indurated and rendered columnar by the intrusion of trap rock, Lower Damuda. 248. [5578] Bo. Bancoorah. Two sam- ples. A steam coal. Baboo Goyind, Pundit of Bancoorah. 249. [1468] Do. Mohpanee, Nursingpore, Jubbulpore. The coal mines in Nursingpore are entirely confined to the south side of the Nerbudda Valley, where they form a strip or band of irregular width, along the foot of the Puchmurree hills. Thin seams of inferior coal, from 18 inches to 3 feet thick, have been found also on the Shere River, but the only workable seams are at Mohpaneeon the Seeta-Rewah River. At this point three seams, respectively 10 feet, 6 feet, and 3 feet 6 inches thick, are found. The coal is of very fair quality, resembling that of Bengal, and small quantities that have been used experimentally by the Great Indian Peninsular Railway Company and the Indian Navy, have been very favourably reported of. These mines have been leased to the Nerbudda Coal and Iron Company, f 250. [10281] Coal, Hills, Maribhoom, Chota Nagpore. A surface coal. 251. [10285] Bo. Hills near Hazaree- baugh, Chota Nagpore. A surface coal. 252. [10279] Do. near Purulia, Chota Nagpore. A surface coal. 253. [6713] Do. from Bintaloo, Borneo. H. C. Read, Esq. 254. [6356] Do. Malacca. Hon. Captain Burn. b. Lignite and Peat. 255. [5576] Lignite, Sumbulpore. 256. [5576] Do. Talehere. 257. [17] Do. Rajmahal. 258. [6503] Do. Chittagong. This specimen was found up the Kurnafulloo river, amongst the hills ; exact locality unknown. + The coals in the lower portion of the Damuda Coal Field are very frequently found intersected with basaltic trap, and in most cases the structure of the coal is entirely changed. The coal has become beautifully prismatic or columnar, and this may be seen over large areas. The columns are often not more than half an inch diameter, and generally are so completely separated, that it is ex- 259. [ 5577 ] Do. Talehere. 260. [ 10202 ] Do. Assam. — Beckett, Esq. 261. [1824] Do. ‘ Salajit,’ Kangra, Pun- jab. * The above specimens of coal were contributed by the various proprietors, andare sentforexhibition by Professor Oldham, under whose directions the above analyses were made. * Also exhibited by Professor Oldham. t Local Committee, Jubbulpore. ( Local Committee, Chittagong. ( 13 ) Class I. — India. c. Bituminous Bodies and native Naphtha. 262. [5183] Petroleum, Yuynanyoung, Burmah. Supply unlimited, but price high, being a close mono- poly of the King of Burmah.* 263. [5705] Petroleum, Assam. J. X. Martin, Esq. 264. [5706] Do. Assam. J. N. Martin, Esq. 265. [5708] Cheduba petroleum, Akyab. 266. [5707] Do. Akyab. It is used by natives for burning ; by Europeans for medical purposes ; by both for varnish and to preserve wood. Also put on the bottoms of boats, it being an excellent preservative of wood from insects and worms. In the Island of Ramree there are 13 wells, in Cheduba 22 wells. Each well produces about 2 maunds per season, the aggregate produce of all the wells being 70 maunds per annum. The produce might be increased some 10 to 20 maunds by digging more wells. No petro- leum is exported from the province. The petroleum is thick and dark coloured.! 267 . [5729] Ramree naphtha, Akyab. Used as varnish for oiling boats, posts, &c. There are 2 wells; they each produce about 14 maunds per annum. No great increase is expected. The naphtha is clear and bright, and none is exported. Price from 6 to 7 rupees per maund of 80 lbs.| 268. [5716] Petroleum. 269. [4810] Petroleum, Rangoon. Halli- day. Fox, & Co. 270. [10702] Do. Mangalore. V. P. COELHO. 271. [6337] Do. Minia Kayo (?) Malay. Gr. Angus, Esq. 272. [10702] Do. Mangalore. V. P. Coelho. Subdivision II. — a. For purposes of con- struction GENERALLY SILICEOUS OR CALCAREOUS FREE-STONES AND FLAGS, GRANITES, PORPHYRITIC AND BASALTIC ROCKS, SLATES. Although India affords abundant illustra- tions of every stone belonging to this sub- division, the present Exhibition, from the absence of their international commercial value, does not attempt to display them in anything like adequate proportions. Xever- * Local Committee, Rangoon. t Local Committee, Akyab. | Local Committee, Akyab. ( theless, many of the specimens supplied are of great interest. Most of them need only to be named : whenever a description is re- quired, it will be found in its proper place. 273. [10232] Moss sandstone, Banda. 274. [10233] Do. Banda. 275. [7917] Sandstone, Chynepore Spur, Kymore Range, of Vhyndhya Hill. R. W. Bingham, Esq. 276. [7926] Do. Do. Do. 277. OO ON Do. Do. Do. 278. [793°] Do. Do. Do. 279. [79 21 ] Do. Do. Do. 280. 1 1 Oj Do. Do. Do. 281. [7932] Do. Do. Do. 282. [7922] Do. Do. Do. 283. [7920] Do. Do. Do. 284. 1 — 1 VO (S ON Do. Do. Do. 285. [7927] Do. Do. Do. Mr. Bixgham adds the following remarks : — The sand- | stones of this range have a high commercial value at Chunar and Mirzapore, being used as flagstones, and for ornamental purposes. The stones at those places owe their advantage to the proximity of the Ganges, which affords an easy river carriage ; otherwise they are the worst and most destructible description of stone in the range. The millstones of Chynepore, Sasseram, and Tilowlhoo (perhaps also Ackbarpore), are famous, but must always be dear in a distant market for want of river car- riage. The Soane causeway and the Koylwan railway bridge are built of the dense sandstone of Sasseram, while even little quantities axe found in the higher portions of the range towards Rohtass. The best stone, while easily workable, is almost as hard as granite, and may be had of any colour, viz., white, crystalline, blue, grey, and all shades to a dark red. 286. [5875] Flexible sandstone, Ulwar. 287. [7844] Do. Jkend. 288. [4275] Do. Darjeeling. Dr. Camp- bell. 289. [4276] Moss sandstone, Darjeeling. Do. 290. [6727] Sandstone, Singapore. Col. Collyer. 291. [7946] Old red sandstone from the Sasseram spur of the Vhyndhya Hills. 292. [10280] Slate found near Purulia, Chota Nagpore. 293. [6524] Do. Monghyr. 1* ) Class I.— North-East Gallery. 294. [5400] Slate found near Cossia Hills. . 295. [7150] Grey slate, ‘Teluck matee,’ Cuttack. Grey slate from Nilgiri, in Orissa, used for the purpose of making the marks on the forehead, nose, arms, and breast, more particularly affected by Hindoo devotees, and also by high-class natives in the Madras Presidency, and by Stirling called ‘ Meerschaum.'* 296. [5301] Kharee or slate stone, Cut- tack. Specimen of what is locally called ‘ Kharee,’ which is used, among other purposes, for the manufacture of pen- cils and balls for writing on the ground or floor, being so used in all rural schools, and by native accountants.f 297. [5399] Slate pencils, Cossia Hills. 298. [5295] Moongnee stone or chlorite slate, Orissa. Specimen of what is locally known as Moongnee Stone, apparently a kind of chlorite slate. According to locally received accounts, this stone, when freshly quarried, is comparatively soft and easily workable, but by long weathering becomes highly indurated, black, and bright. It comes from the hill state of ‘ Nilgiri ,’ in Orissa, where extensive quarries are said to exist. This stone is used principally for the manufacture of various utensils. Idols are also made of it, and if the popular assertion that it is the true 1 Moongnee ’ be accepted, this stone is that on which the finest specimens of native sculpture extant in the province are executed, to wit, the ‘ Aroon Khumba,’ a polygonal column of considerable grace and beauty now standing before the principal entrance of the Pooree Temple ; also the elaborately carved and figured slabs that adorned the top and sides of the doorways of the old Temple of the Sun at Kanarac, in the same district, and the gigantic figures of certain native deities of Jajpore, in the Cuttack district. It is probable, however, that ‘ Moongnee ’ is a general term confined, not to one species of stone, but applying to several, and that the specimen is what is called the ‘ Kharee ’ or slate ‘ Moongnee .’ J 299. [7912] Limestone deposit overlying the old red sandstone, Rohtass Spur, Kymore range. R. W. Bingham, Esq. 300. [7931] Limestone from the Mussaye quarries, Cbynepore Spur. R. W. Bingham, Esq. 301. [7914] Do. Do. Do. 302. [10283] Do. from hills near Hazaree- bagh. R. W. Bingham, Esq. 303. [10284] Do. Do. Do. 304. [7945] Mountain limestone underly- ing the old red sandstone of the Rohtass range. R. W. Bingham, Esq. 305. [7933] Mountain limestone under- lying the old red sandstone of the Rohtass Pass. R. W. Bingham, Esq. 306. [7913] Limestone from the M ussay e quarries, Kymore. R. W. Bingham, Esq. 307. [7915] Do. from the Mussaye quar- ries, Kymore. R. W. Bingham, Esq. 308. [7916] Do. Do. Do. The so-called mountain limestone underlies the whole of the Kymore range in Shahabad, and it also shows itself along the valley of the Soane as far at least as Mungeysur peak in Mirzapore. In some parts, as in Rohtass, it crops up boldly to 200 or 300 feet, forming a sloping base to the precipitous sandstone rock. In these places there appear to be three well-defined strata, viz. an upper one of a yellowish blue mixed with disintegrated sandstone, iron-pyrites, and chalk, — all in thin plates. Below that a more bluish-grey limestone with occasional calcspar crystals again is found, but generally of the same nature as a German lithographic stone. Under the aforesaid strata lies a very dense bluish-grey limestone mixed with veins of calcspar. It is not used by- native lime-burners, as being intractable. This is the lowest stratum, and would be an almost indestructible building or flooring stone from its great hardness, much harder than granite, and approaching to porphyry. It may be had in large blocks, and, if sawn into slabs, would be a very handsome building stone, bluish-grey with white streaks, and moreover it would probably make a superior kind of lime. Immense quantities of lime are made from the quarries of the western bank of the Soane, and exported down the Soane and the Ganges as far as Monghyr. Perhaps 300,000 to 400,000 tons are made an- nually, and the material is inexhaustible. The same limestone rock crops out on the northern face of the range at intervals, between the Soane river and Mirza- pore ; and again, especially in the singular and interesting limestone caverns of Goopteswar in the valley of the Door- gowtee River, at Beetree Band, in Khawah Koh at Mus- saye, on the Sooreh River, and near Mirzapore. With canals and tramways, these quarries could supply all Northern India with the finest lime in the world. The cost of the lime at these quarries varies from 6 to 16 rupees per 100 maunds, or, say 5 to 14 shillings per ton. The present system of lime-burning is a very imperfect one, and indeed only suited to native wants, but with European supervision, although the material could not perhaps be produced cheaper, it could be produced with much more certainty and evenness in quality.* 309. [1471] Limestone from the vicinity of Jubbulpore. 310. [1472] Do. Do. 311. [1473] Do. Do. 312. [1469] Do. Do. 313. [1470] Do. Do. There is close to Jubbulpore a range of low hills within a circumference of about ten miles, interspersed with masses of limestone both above and below the surface. The fuel generally used and most available for burning * * Local Committee, Cuttack. f Local Committee, Cuttack. J Local Committee, Cuttack. ( 15 ) Note by R. W. Bingham, Esq. Class I . — India the lime is brushwood. It is cut and brought from a distance of 7 or 8 miles. The stone is broken into fragments of 6 to 12 inches in size, then piled like a dome over a hole of about 9 feet diameter dug in the ground, and a passage left for introducing the fuel. This kiln is kept burning continually for the whole of the day, and the lime removed on the following morning. The fuel is used in the proportion of 40 maunds to every 75 maunds of limestone. Seventy-five maunds of the stone yield about 50 maunds of well-burnt lime. The stone is simply collected and broken up by manual labour, and the cost of collecting and putting it in the kiln amounts to 3 rupees for every 100 maunds of lime. The fuel costs from 5 to 8 rupees for every 1 00 maunds of lime. The entire cost of preparing the lime varies from 8 to 10 rupees per 100 maunds. The lime is at present only used in the city and station of Jubbulpore, and the locality is leased by Government to a farmer from year to year for a trifling sum ; but the railway works shortly to commence will en- hance its value. The hills are conveniently situated both as regards the line of railway to Bombay as well as to Mirzapore.* 314 . [g8oo] Magnesite, Salem. Dit. Hun- ter. 315 . [9801] Dolomite, Cuddapah. Dr. Hunter. 316 . [9802] Mountain limestone, much used in Madras. Dr. Hunter. 317 . [9803] Grey hydraulic limestone, banks of Godavery. Dr. Hunter. 318 . [9804] Slaty grey limestone, contain- ing magnesia, Kurnool. Dr. Hunter. 319 . [9805] Nodular limestone or kunkur, Bellary. Dr. Hunter. 320 . [9806] Nodular stalactitic limestone, Bangalore. Dr. Hunter. 321 . [9807] Black slaty limestone, Cudda- pah. Dr. Hunter. 322 . [9808] Brown slaty limestone, Gun- toor. Dr. Hunter. 323 . [9809] Blue modular limestone, En- nore, near Madras. Dr. Hunter. 324 . [6502] Limestone, Chittagong. 325 . [7965] Limestone deposit, Kymore range. 326 . [9786] Twelve varieties of building stones used for railway purposes, Madras. Dr. Hunter. 327 . [6724] Granite, Singapore. Col. Collyeil 328 . [6725] Do. Do. Do. 329. [ 7934 ] Porphyritic granite from the upheaved range of isolated rocks at Burn- monee, eight miles north of Sasseram, and ten miles from the nearest hills of the Rohtass range. 330. [ 7937 ] Porphyritic granite from do. 331 . [7932] Do. 332 - [7935] Do. 333 . [7929] Do. 334 . [7924] Do. 335 . [7938] Quartzose conglomerate from the upheaved Plutonic rocks at Sonar, near Rohtass range. 336 . [9225] Rough slabs of slate from Karakambady, in the Chendraghiri Talug, North Arcot. This description of slate is found in abundance in quar- ries in the Karakambady jungles, which belong to the Poligar of that place. When first taken from the quarry it is very soft, and can easily be cut into slates, or other- wise, as required. b. Massive Minerals used for Ornament , Decoration , and the Fine Arts. The marbles are few in number, and give an imperfect notion of the varieties existing in India. The collection of marbles made by Messrs. Schlagintweit, under the direction of the late East India Company, and de- posited at the India Museum, Fife House, together with others there exhibited, furnish proof of the varieties to be met with. 337 . [9791] White saccharine marble, from the banks of the Nerbudda. Dr. Hunter. Bhera Ghat on the Nerbudda near Jubbulpore (ten miles), on the line of the railway to Bombay. The mar- ble is plentiful and easily accessible. It has been used in a limited degree at Jubbulpore, sometimes to make lime, and other times for metalling roads. It is made up into images by natives, but does not take a good polish. A block was sent to the late Paris Exhibition, and pro- nounced to be equal to Italian marble for statuary pur- poses.* 338 . [9821] Three slabs of polished marble. 339 . [9822] Six do. 340 . [9789] Crystalline marble for sta- tuary, Tinnevelly. Dr. Hunter. 341 . [9790] Do. in large grains, Rangoon. Dr. Hunter. * Local Committee, Jubbulpore. ( 16 ) * Local Committee, Jubbulpore. Class I. — North-East Gallery. 342. [9796] Green marble passing into serpentine, Cuddapah. Da. Hunter. 343. [9792] White calcareous spar, Ma- suiipatam. 344. [9793] Pink calcareous spar, Tra- vancore. 345. [9794] Rhomb spar, Nellore. 346. [9795] Satin spar, Hyderabad. 347. [1129] Alabaster, Boogtee Hills, near Jacobabad. 348. [9797] Serpentine, Nellore. 349. [9798] Steatite, Madras. Doctor Hunter. 350. [9799] Potstone for carving images, Chittoor. Dr. Hunter. 351. [4782] Steatite, Burmah. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. 352. [5297] Do. Do. 353. [5294] Boulmala stone, Cuttack. Procured from the hill state of Dhcvkanal , in Orissa; this is used to make the little tripods on which sandal-wood is ground, and the small mortars used by natives. 354. [5296] Dalimba stone, Cuttack. A hard, granulated coarse stone, very common, and worked into utensils of various kinds.* 355. [4838] Burmese stone. 356. [10144] Carbonate of lime, Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey. 357. [1816] Iceland spar (Surma Safed), Kabul. This mineral is found in rocks in Kabul, and is ex- tracted and broken into crystalline fragments, more or less opaque, which belong to the rhombohedral system. It is employed by the natives as an astringent in ophthal- mia, gonorrhoea, and other fluxes, in doses, internally, of 7 ■$; grains, and also externally as a local application. It is called Surma Safed, or white antimony, from being thought to be similar to black antimony, the common tersulphide of that metal. Price 3c?. per lb. 358. [7911] Indurated potstone, from the Mussaye quarries, Spur of Kymore range, Chynepore. R. W. Bingiiam, Esq. 359. [7940] Do. Quoindee quarries. R. W. Bingiiam, Esq. 360. [7936] Do. from old red sandstone of the Rohtass Pass, Kymore range. R. W. Bingiiam, Esq. 361. [7941] Indurated potstone, from the Quoindee quarries. R. W. Bingiiam, Esq. 362. [7944] Do. Do. Do. 363. [7943] Do. Do. Do. 364. [7942] Do. Do. Do. 365. [7910] Do. Do. Do. It is found in several parts of the range, and from some quarries can be had in large slabs, and in great varieties of colour. It takes a high polish, and might be used for a great deal of ornamental work. Want of cheap carriage is against its being much worked. It is at present simply taken to Benares for the purpose of making images of gods for temples of private worship, or used locally. Although it has many of the qualities of, and is called ‘indurated potstone’ by Colonel Sherwill in his Geological Survey, it is not potstone, but rather a fine sandstone, stained of a dark hue, varying from greenish to dark brown, (and, when polished, black) by some mineral oxide, and hardened by igneous action. It is a useful stone, and deserves to bo better known.* 366. [9811] Black mica. 367. [9812] Mica. 368. [9813] Do. from Behar. 369. [10282] Do. Chota Nagpore. Mica is exported from Bombay in considerable quanti- ties. In the year 1861, 5 tons of the value of 146?. were exported. 370. [7152] Talc slate. Cuttack. c. Cements and Artificial Stones. With the exception of gypsum for plaster, the only farther illustrations of this sub- division are supplied by — 371. [2927] Two large slabs of cement and concrete, Bhagulpore. J. Sandys, Esq. 372. [4787] White lime, Burmah. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. 373. [4762] Red lime. Do. Do. 374. [6745] White coral, for making lime. Malacca. T. Neubronner, Esq. Subdivision III. — Minerals used in the Manufacture of Pottery and Glass. Of the clays used for bricks, tiles, and the various kinds of pottery and porcelain, a large and interesting collection, embracing Class I. * Local Committee, Cuttack. ( 17 ) B. W. Bingham. Esq. c Class I. — India. Nos. 375 to 410, is exhibited by Dr. Hunter, of Madras. The varieties of colours are unusual, and all are worthy of careful study. 375. [9751] White kaolin from decaying Clevelandite, Bimlipatam. Dr. Hunter. 376. [9752] Do. from decaying Albite, Vizianagarum. 377. [9753] Do. from decaying Pegmatite, Bangalore. 378. [9754] Do. from decaying granite, Bimlipatam. 379. [9755] Do. do., Bangalore. 380. [9756] Do. from decaying Felspar, Kercumbada. 381. [9757] Cream-coloured do. do. Ban- galore. 382. [9758] Kaolin from Beder, near Se- cunderabad. 383. [9759] Lavender-coloured do., ap- proaching Lithomarge, from near Tanjore. 384. [9760] White do. from Cuddapah. 385. [9761] Do. from railway cuttings near Cheyar Bridge, Cuddapah District. 386. [9762] Do. from Madura. 387. [9763] Cream-coloured do. from An- goomly, Nugger Division, Mysore. 388. [9764] Greenish-yellow do.. Banga- lore. 389. [9765] Buff-coloured do. Do. 390. [9766] Do. Yercand, Salem. 391. [9776] Fawn-coloured do. Do. 392. [9767] White pipe-clay (occurs be- low kaolin), Cuddapah. 393. [9768] White ball-clay, Conjevaram. 394. [9769] Do. Bangalore. 395. [9770] Ball-clay, Coopoor, near Ma- dras. 396. [9771] Do. Awady, near Madras. 397. [9772] Do. Mount Capper, Cudda- lore. 398. [9773] Silty clay (bed of river), near Cuddapah. 399. [9774] Blue clay, Bangalore. 400. [9775] Fire clay or aluminous shale, Streepermatoor. 401. [9777] Yellowish clay. Bangalore. 402. [9778] Greenish clay, Bangalore. 403. [9779] Yellowish clay, Salem. 404. [9780] Pink-coloured clay. Banga- lore. 405. [9781] Soft red clay, accompanying kaolin, from Bangalore. 406. [9782] Yellow ochrey clay, Banga- lore. 407. [9783] Brown potter’s clay (three qualities), Madras. 408. [9784] Black clay (containing man- ganese), Bangalore. 409. [9785] Black clay, Madras. 410. [5053] Series of pottery clays, from Madras. 411. [6576] White earth, banks of Dun- seerie Nuddee, Assam. E. W. Bingham, Esq. 412. [6574] Washed earth, banks of Nambur Nuddee, Assam. E. W. Bingham, Esq. 413. [6573] White earth, Seel Chitta, Assam. E, W. Bingham, Esq. 414. [6575] Do. unwashed, from banks of Nambur Nuddee, Assam. E. W. Bingham, Esq. 415. [6577] Black earth, Assam. E. W. Bingham, Esq. 416. [6714] Blue clay, Singapore. Col. Collter. 417. [6715] Do. Do. Do. 418. [6716] Yellow clay Do. Do. 419. [6717] Pipe clay Do. Do. 420. [673°] Clay No. 6 Hydraulic Do. cement Do. made therefrom. 421. [4166] Pipe clay, Penang. 422. [4167] Do. Do. 423. [4168] Do. Do. 424. [2863] Chooee mutty or pipe clay, Eaepore. 425. [2703] Samples of clays for brick, ( 18 ) Class I.— North-East Gallery. pottery, and china, from Bangalore, Mysore. Capt. Puckle. a Clays. b Do. c Do. d Do. e Quartz powder. / Powdered grit. 426. [2723] Vase, ordinary native pottery, from potter’s clay, intended to illustrate the clays (No. 2703), Bangalore. CArT. Pi'ckxe. 427. [2724] Four vases, made of the finer clays, at the Bangalore jail and industrial school, in illustration of clays (No. 2703). These clays had not been previously used. Bangalore. Capt. Puckle. 428. [6748] Tannali Mala (white clay), Malacca. 429. [6729] Fire clay bricks, Singapore. These bricks were manufactured, at the government convict brick establishment, by native convicts from various parts of India, mostly transported to Singapore for life. The bricks are made in the slop method on a slab table, with water trough, &c. Each moulder turns out in a working day of eight hours 2,500 bricks. Eight tables can be worked daily, and the out-turn has been 500,000 per month. The cost of the establishment last year was 26,727 rupees, and the value of manufacture produced 41,526 rupees, showing a balance of profit to the government of 1,500/.* 430. [5935] Bricks, Government works, Calcutta. 431. [5936] Do. made at Akra. 432. [41 1 1] Fire brick, made at Avaren- dang, Prov. Wellesley, by J. C. Thompson, Manager of the Malakoff estate. The bed of clay extends for several miles along the north bank of the Pry river, and its depth lias not been ascertained. Subdivision IV. — Minerals used for Per- sonal Ornaments, or for Mechanical and Scientific Purposes. In this subdivision but few specimens are exhibited. Agates are fairly repre- sented. Kubies are almost entirely absent, and sapphires altogether. TABLE SHOWING THE VALUE OF PRECIOUS STONES EXPORTED FROM INDIA AND EACH PRESIDENCY TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD, FROM 1856-57 TO 1860-61. 03 S3 ◄ K t* Whence Exported COUNTRIES WHITHER EXPORTED TOTAL EXPORTED TO ALL PARTS United Kingdom France Other tarts of Europe Suez and Aden China Arabian and Persian Gulps Other Parts Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Value £ £ £ £ £ £ £ I £ t— Bengal 16,776 272 1,122 1,800 250 971 21,191 “? Madras 8,205 70 35 290 8,600 cl Bombay 13,000 84,908 3,546 5,195 1,784 108,433 All India 24,98 I U,34* >,157 86,708 3>796 5,195 3,045 138,224 CO Bengal 9,618 261 2,125 5,060 50 416 17,530 • Madras .... 14.950 134 15,084 CD Bombay 22 3,000 61,304 4,459 6,839 2,591 78,215 All India *4,59° 3,261 1,125 66,364 4,509 6,839 3,141 110,829 O Bengal 16,296 8,530 1,958 746 27,530 Madras 9,927 1,600 60 536 11,523 *0 Bombay 12,129 66,318 8,865 1,486 397 89,195 All India 38 , 15 * 1,000 74,848 10,883 1,486 1,679 128,248 O Bengal 7,645 710 10,990 6,542 698 26,585 Madras 2,243 470 280 1,947 4,940 O Bombay .... 18 1,800 90,206 15,018 3,623 644 111,309 All India 9,906 2,980 101,196 21,840 3,62.3 3,189 142,834 rH Bengal 7,955 2,840 7,490 1,317 2,363 21,965 • Madras 1,578 115 150 913 2,756 OO Bombay ... 1 600 108,309 9,367 9,963 787 129,027 All India 9,534 3,555 "5,799 10,834 9,963 4,063 >53,74? ' 433. [10272] Jasper, Banda. 434. [1027 1] Bloodstone, Do. 435. [988] Piece of fossil wood and bam- boo, Jubbulpore. 436. [10266] Petrified bamboo, Banda. 437. [10270] Bloodstone, Do. * H. A. M'Nair, Esq., Superintendent. c 2 ( 19 ) Class I. — India. 438. [987] Piece of fossil bamboo, Jub- bulpore. 439. [986] Piece of fossil wood, Do. 440. [985] Do. Do. 441. [10263] Jasper, Banda. 442. [10264] Do. reddish. Do. 443. [10265] Petrified palm tree, Do. 444. [7964] Box of pebbles, Soane River. R. W. Bingham, Esq. 445. [4461] Unpolished rubies, Burmah. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. 446. [7992] Pieces of malachite, C. India. India Museum. 447. [7991] Turquoise (large specimens), Thibet. Do. 448. [7990] Cfarnets, cut and polished. Do. 449. [2143] Turquoise, Jubbulpore. 450. [2370] Garnets, Mysore. 451. [2139] Specimen of Tombra stone, Peshawur. 452. [7989] Garnets, rough, Viziangram. India Museum. 453. [10278] Goree Soleymance stone, Kane River, Banda. 454 [1479] P°ck crystal, Jubbulpore. 455. [5884] Do. Ulwar. Presented by H. H. the Maharajah. 456. [616] Do. Vizagapatam. Govern- ment. 457. [4837] Large piece rock crystal, Burmah. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. 458. Rough agate stones, Cambay. 459-61. [5311-12-13] Specimens of jade, Rangoon. 462. [10268] Polished Goodurreea stone, Banda. 463. [10269] Polished shells, Do. 464. [10262] Goodurreea stone, Do. Subdivision V. — a. Simple Bodies, or Com- pounds CONTAINING THE ALKALIES OR Alkaline Earths. Of those used principally for culinary pur- poses or for medicine, salt and mineral waters require special consideration. Salt is very well represented, as the fol- lowing varieties prove. 465. [6176] Scinde Kurkutch salt, 1860- 61, Cuttack. Salt produced by solar evapo- ration.* 466. [6184] Chilka Kurkutch salt. Cut- tack. Salt produced by solar evaporation. 467. [6188] Chilka Pungah salt. Do. Do. Do. 468. [6189] Khoredah Pungah salt. Do. Do. Do. 469. [6185] Balasore Pungah salt. Do. Do. Do. 470. [6181] Cuttack Pungah salt. Do. Do. Do. 471. [6195] Pungah salt. (Ghaut Na- rainpore). Tumlook. Do. 472. [6200] Ghaut Pooreeghattah salt, 1267 S. S. Hidgelee agency. Boiled salt. 473. [6174] Ghaut Russoolpore salt. Do. Do. Do. 474. T6 1 73] Ghaut Ramnuggur salt. Do. Do. Do. 475. [6197] Ghaut Kalinuggur salt. Do. Do. Do. 476- [6192] Ghaut Kissennuggur salt. Do. Do. Do. 477. [6186] Salt, Narainpore. Manufac- tured under excise during season 1860-61, at the factory of Messrs. Collins & Hills, at Narainpore, within the limits of the Barripore Salt Chokey Superintendency, Zillah 24-Per- gunnahs, Bengal. 478. [6178] Do. Barripore. Manufactured under excise during season 1860-61, by Baboo Mohendronarain Dutt, in Lot No. 122, within the limits of the Barripore Superintendency, Zillah 24-Pergunnahs. 479. [6198] Do. Saugor Island. Manu- factured under excise during season 1860-61, Contributed by Goyekxment. Class I. — North-East Gallery. at Saugor Island, by H. Frazer, Esq., within the limits of the Barripore Superintendency, Zillah 24-Pergunnahs. 480. [6175] Pungah salt, Southern Arungs, manufacture of 1267. Chittagong. O 7 OO 481. [6196] Pungah salt, Nezampore Arungs, manufacture of 1267. Do. 482. [6179] Salt, Midnapore. 483. [6183] Common salt, Pungah salt. Cuttack. 484. [6177] Gravel do., Kurkutch. Do. Two specimens are sent, furnished by W. J. Money, E sq. Salt Agent of Pooree. The first, called Pungah salt, is obtained by boiling to a residuum highly concentrated brine. The second sample is the Kurkutch , or gravel salt. As the word signifies, it is produced by the aid of solar evapo- ration only, from sea-water. The water is introduced into small beds prepared with a smooth bottom of clay, rightly depressed in the ground, and surrounded by a slight ridge of earth. A few hours’ exposure in the burning sun of March and the two following months, is sufficient to evaporate the water in these beds, which de- posits the salt it held in solution. A fresh supply is then let in, and the process of total or only partial evaporation is continued, till the bottom of the beds is covered with a layer of this salt, more or less thick, which is then scrapied up and is the salt of the sample. Both these kinds of salt are produced all along the sea- board of the province, from February to June, and under what is practically a Government monopoly. The last season's manufacture amounted to 50,000 tons of the one, and 44,000 tons of the other. The production is con- sidered handsomely to remunerate the petty contractors, who engage with Government for its supply at 10 annas and 4 annas per maund for each kind respectively, which is equivalent to 35s. od. per ton for the one, and 14s. 5 d. per ton for the other, in English money and mea- sure. To the Pungah must be added about 50 per cent., to the Kurkutch about 25 per cent., for expenses of super- intendence &e. To the more extended manufacture of the white salt, the present insalubrity of the manufacturing localities and the consequent difficulty of procuring labour, as well as the insufficiency of the fuel supply, are obsta- cles. The coarser kind may be manufactured ad infinitum , but is nowhere appreciated so much as locally, that is, in the district, as, not being ‘ cooked ’ like the Pungah, it is more acceptable to the scrupulous caste prejudices of the Oryahs. The bulk of both kinds is exported to Calcutta. The local retail price at Cuttack in the shops of the bazaar for Kurkutch is 6s. 3 d. per maund of 100 English lbs. Pungah is sold at the Government depots at 8s. 3 d. per maund.* * * * § * Local Committee, Cuttaclc , which also supplies the following note: — “This committee, in specifying the local prices of articles, do so with this explanation, that it is impossible to give any rates which are average, ones, or which are in any degree equally applicable all over the district. Where any particular article is produced, there it is cheapest; and the cost and difficulty of transport, and the want of compe- tition, are such, that a distance of 50 miles between the place of production and the central market, makes a dif- ference in price of 50 or 100 por cent, in the rates at which some articles are bought and then sold. This is especially the ease with the oil seeds of the province, cotton, &c. Under these circumstances it would have been impossible for this committee to have stated any average rates. The prices which have been generally mentioned in the catalogue are the local, that is, the Cuttack bazaar ( 21 485. [6568] Common salt, Cha. Ramree. Used with food by the inhabitants ; price, 1 rupee per maund; annual production, 100,000 maunds, but could be extended to 500,000, if necessary. The surplus salt not required for consumption in the province, is exported by Government to Chittagong. The salt is manufactured by boiling the salt sea-water after it has been allowed to stand for some days on land prepared to receive it.* 486. [6187] Salt in lumps on wood, Isa- daing. Ramree. Used with food by the inhabitants ; price, 1 rupee per maund. The quantity annually manufactured is 400 maunds. f 487. [6182] Salt., Racee Nimuck. Luck- now. This is an impure chloride of sodium. Formerly the greater part of the salt consumed by natives of Oude was made in this province; nowit comes from other provinces, and this is the only kind made at present in Oude. \ 488. [10259] Do. From salt mines of the Shahpore district. There are five salt mines worked by Government in the salt range; one at Kalabagh, across the Indus, and several in the Kohat district, and the supply from these sources may be said to be inexhaustible. An excise duty of 3 rupees per maund of 80 lbs. is now charged upon all salt sold, the rate having been lately increased (two years ago it was but 2 rupees); and the revenue derived from this source amounted to upwards of 280,000A The salt mines are the means of supplying the traders of the Punjab with a kind of paper currency. By payment of the regulated price at any of the Punjab treasuries, a warrant for the delivery of so much salt at the mines may be obtained ; these docu- ments are transferable, and pass from hand to hand like bank-notes. § 489. [9824] Crystals of common salt from old salt works, Patree. 490. [9825] Do. Do. Do. 491. [10259] Rock salt from the salt range, Punjab. 492. [4786] Salt, Burmali. Messrs. Hal- LIDAY, FOX, & Co. 493. [1849] Salt, No. 4416. 494. [9826] Crystals of common salt found in salt-pits, Futtehpore. 495. [2175] Black salt, Padah noon, Cal- cutta. 496. [2176] Do. Do. Do. retail prices. It may be as well to state, that all articles coining from Sumbulpore or elsewhere, by river carriage, are cheapest in the months of July and August, when the rivers first admit of navigation, and that between July and January the rates for the same articles may vary as much as 50 per cent.” * Local Committee, Akyah. t Local Committee. Akyah. J Central Committee, Oude. § Central Committee, Lahore. ) Class I. — India. MINERAL WATERS. 497. [2103] Mineral water, Deoree, Jub- bnlpore. 498. [2104] Do. Do. Do. 499. [2105] Do. Rosunghat. Do. 500. [2106] Do. Do. Do. 501. [2119] Do. Surar. Do. 502. [2120] Do. Do. Do. 503. [2107] ilpore. Mineral water, Koodra, Ji 504. [2108] Do. Do. Do. These four springs produce a good deal of water ; they bubble up, and are supposed to contain no sulphur; the natives do not attribute to them any beneficial effect in disease, but after recovery from sickness drink the waters, as they are supposed to create an appetite, and thereby give strength. 505. [2121] Mineral water, Sonachur. 506. [2122] Do. Do. Does not bubble up, but produces a good deal of water; the villagers drink it daily. Comes out of black earth. 507. [2I° 9 ] Mineral water, Kooslee. 508. [2II0] Do. Do. 509. [2III] Do. Churgaon. 510. [2112] Do. Do. 511. [2113] Do. Bilba. 512. [ 2114 ] Do. Do. 513. [ 2 1 1 5] Do. Bumhee Boomba. 514. [2Il6] Do. Do. There is very little water in the last-named spring ; it bubbles up mixed with sand. It contains no sulphur, and is not supposed to be beneficial in disease. 515. [2117] Mineral water, Nugur Moha. 516. [2118] Do. Do. Very little water ; does not bubble up ; contains no sul- phur. Dries up in hot weather. 517. [2123] Mineral water. Artesian well near J nbbu 1 po r e. 518. [2124] Do. Do. Do. A chalybeate used as a tonic by convalescents in fever cases. 519-20. [5718-19] Water from mineral springs from the Singphoo country, Khouang, Assam. H. L. Jenkins, Esq. As sulphur and borax belong to the same subdivision as the mineral waters, they are inserted. The specimens of sulphur are very few. 521. [1049] Sulphur from the mountains of Beloochistan. 522. [1128] Do. from mines near Shoruns, Beloochistan. 523. [1848] Do. from salt range, Punjab. 524. [2300] Do. from Rangoon. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. BORAX OR BIEORATE OF SODA. Sohaga, or Borax, is also called Tincal. It is obtained in large quantities in the valley of Puga, in Ladakh, and in Thibet ; it. is collected T>n the borders of the lakes as the water dries up, then smeared with fat to prevent loss by evaporation, and transported across the Himalayas on the backs of sheep and goats ; refined at Umritsur and Lahore by washing with lime water. It is employed by the natives as a tonic for loss of appetite ; also as a deobstruent and diuretic in ascites ; and also to promote labour. It is used in the arts to clean metals before soldering, to form a glaze on earthenware, and in the pre- paration of varnishes. It is employed as a chemical flux in experiments with the blowpipe. It is in composition a biborate of soda. Price of raw borax, 4 d. per lb. ; of refined borax, 6 J. per lb.* 525 . [1793] Sohaga or tincal, Umballah. 526. [9834] Crystals of borax, Thibet. 527 . [1794] Sohaga, Umballah. 528. [1802] Do. Thibet. 529. [1803] Do. Do. 530. [9835] Crystals of native borax, Thibet. 531 . [10140] Borax, Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey. b. Earthy and Semi-crystalline Minerals. Minerals useful for grinding and polish- ing abound in many parts of India. Al- though its grindstones and honestones are as yet but little known, its corundum is attracting attention. Several of the speci- mens are beautifully crystallized. 532. [9814] Corundum stone, Chittle- droog, Mysore. 533. [9815] Corundum, Salem. ( 22 ) Note by Dr. Brown, Lahore. Class I. — North-East Gallery. 534. [6505] Emery, Moongliyr. 535. [9816] Corundum. 536. [7978] Do. Mysore. 537. [9817] Do. 538. [9818] Eed corundum. 539. [9819] Corundum stone. made in the budget of 1862-63 to admit of farther en- quiries and examination of the deposits being carried on.* 547. [7232] Plumbago, Travancore. India Museum. 548. [1583] Plumbago (cake), Umritsur. 549. [4274] Plumbago brick, Darjeeling. Dr. Campbell. Used to make ink with rice-water. 540. [9820] Corundum cake, made of stick lac and corundum powder, as used by jewellers. 541. [9226] Honestones, North Arcot. 542. [9364] Twelve rough honestones. . Of lithographic stones there a$e only the specimens exhibited under 543. [9823] Lithographic stones. E. W. Bingham, Esq. Me. Bingham says : “ I had stones for lithographic pur- poses made from the grey limestone, and it was used in the office of the Surveyor-General. The first stone was used in the press of Shah Kubeerooddeen Ahmed of Sasseram ; it answered admirably for the pm’pose, but the stone must be freshly quarried or it chips, as after ex- posure to the atmosphere it grows intensely hard, and could then only be sawn into shape. Outside stone of limited sizes can only be obtained, owing to the ages of debris and decay which cover the main strata, but after quarrying some feet into the living rock, I feel satisfied from observation that lithographic stones of any size can be obtained.” Of earthy and other minerals used as pig- ments or for staining, dyeing, and colouring, there are some few illustrations. 550. [10 157] Gteroo, from Eohtass Spur. E. W. Bingham, Esq. 551. [2849] Oeroo, from Eaepore. 552. [10 1 60] Kirimchee or Oeroo, Eoh- tass Spur. E. W. BiNGnAM, Esq. 553. [1822] Multani mitt, Mooltan. 554. [6392] Yellow ochre, Malacca. Belonging to the same class and sub- division are various minerals used in manu- facture, such as alum schist, fuller’s earth, French chalk, &c. 554a. [693] Alum schist. H. H. the Bao of Kutch. 555. [7977] Fuller’s earth, Cliittledroog, Mysore. Plumbago, graphite, or black lead, is found in various parts of India. A deposit of some extent exists at Trevandrum, near Travancore. The following samples are ex- hibited : 544. [6357] Plumbago, Malacca. Hon. Capt. Burn. 545. [617] Do. Vizagapatam. H. H. the Eajah. 546. [10260] Do. Groorgaon. Dr. Thorn- ton. This specimen is taken from a plumbago mine, disco- vered by Dr. W. J. Thornton, Civil Assistant Surgeon, Goorgaon, in October 1861. It is found in masses of variable sizes, and in general quite detached ; though, in some cases, the rock all round is full of plumbago mixed with finely divided micaceous particles. Provision has been 556. [9836] Do. Scinde. Subdivision VI. — Soils and Mineral Manures. Of the latter there are none exhibited. But of the former, a portion has been se- lected from the large collection made by the Messrs. Schlagintweit, and since then sub- mitted to analysis. The accompanying Table (pp. 24 6) will convey useful information f to persons interested in agriculture. The soils which form a portion of the present Exhibition have been transferred from the India Museum. * Central Committee, Lahore. f A complete report on these and other Indian soils has been prepared for separate publication. ( 23 ) ANALYSED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE REPORTER ON THE PRODUCTS OF INDIA. Class I. — India . joqumjsj; ppB oijoqdsoqj SILLIOJ jaqjo ui Bpog apuoiqo sb uimpog BisauSBj\[ sulioj .xaqjo ui aunq ajBqdpis sb auiiq ajBuoqjBa sb aiuiq uo.ii jo apixo.iaj Buuuiqy pauiquioa puB aaoj ‘aoqig .lajJBUI OIUB^.IO puB l Q ZlZ aAoqB jajBAV 'ki oZIZ V* o < x _+-> © o § ^ c © 9 5- © P o © © © C5 CO © © C Tl C o “ KXO I— CO CO o l- X X CCD ?> os I I I I he O ( "9 §2 “.So ; cs c > ► * © 0 o o .. u ts ^ ^4 > o < — p ’© ^ © o O ,0 o ; >••'5; n S 2? o < 9 c? © g 8 ! O ! s s o P P - X c3 53 d> : he P : ^ o - — ci iPQO © s II 3 GO 13 13 5 53 53 C3 - - ri he he he CCC o © Tj< o o § § 0 5 d d d s 0 O 0 03 0 O *■? ^ p 1C W d ^ O tr c3 c3 a oj »o ZD 00 0 P< ZD M O CO rH 0 t-H to tO CO -rjl 43 O U * is 00 rH O Oi to P 03 P t-H CO. C3 tO 03 to 0 04 © d © o 00 CO 04 CO t- P 04 04 o o o o - © ~t< zp as co cs QC t - TO P 3 4 U d g-§ ( 'C ^ c <1 H S'S 31S C-H (ill 3 1 5 S-H-g Ifill § 3 “ 'C d f 2 1 1 a r.fl-Jl a - 2 s n - * 43 -S +3 ^ T 3 3 -‘- 1 rd rtf OJ 2 > d bL d ^ : -rj ,d a -e S? hi bo d ‘si Ph " rd 3 .'£ ° 'd rrj £§ /a II- TO ,H -c 'd 5 gjb O .5 W5 o ^ V >» d ,© TJ o cj g 3 4 £ O * c3 1/3 p, d S3 o d a £ TO ~ h E o d d ,© < .5 o d T3 'd ^ n d d J-j < u TO TO j O T3 d < fl'o’Sil K -P 3 © o 3* ft* S ^ 03 S * . g O -d #.2 * 8 S $ s frio ■gl a ■a 1 "” c'g S ■ 43 i fcf O r£ d SO_Uio <1 P CQ • i “ (D43.H if-s sf £ g.£ *■3 g S S ■So K 52 j-i o -P> > m ll d o O SH d a, a d & o 4 d a) “ •53 d 43 u • g eS d d d 2 I? 8 E 0 t>)-*3 'd g 2 o fc~o §5 ■•oi £ . 2 S ” .Sf 1 ? o g c o-§'3.£S «♦-. d ci if 43 o> ds o r-J 43 d 0 d g d h >>o d g g g a 4 -ll d'd ho «g* E 0 -“ o « g to d * .a o p ^ S d d §* s ft s c 8 ^ A §1 t- 4 : ag 'EM '54 fe S.C C 1 “ -'l a 0 g 2 5«3 h rr. H o 2 « d d d B d cj d o3 r - So d to rM d d d = ,S » ei ‘♦-i 4 d d ° a ci do . 0.0 - O d S S d '3 •'-> o « M S| o^l5 W P drO d c3 s: o 43 p d Jt ci js m d -M qjQ .S ** H rb d b gm J 5^ g M 3 02 3 PP 2 ^ c3 QJ & I -a rd 03 ^P r| O 0 d |s 1 § P ^ pH J? « Jz; P " E £ 1 s d s d a s w w w w ho ho ho d d 3 3 PP Class I. — India, ppB ouoqclsoqj 0-1C6 O'OGo 0-080 0-025 0-038 0-101 0-005 0-007 0-436 0-102 0-023 0’066 0-008 sauoj J9q^o ui upos Clt^CCOCS'* ooo »o COCH c: i— > CC t— O l" t-* OCirH o COO r>4 L- o CH 1— t" 00 ^ r* O 00 CO O PooPoo ooo o oo o api.xoiqD ST 3 unupog CO O CO CC CO iQ OOCC -T CO i—i *o • o o *o -r *o * 0 - oj <— •>! oo co *o oooooo ooo o oo o oooooo ooo o oo o qs'B^oj CO-^sti»ocOOl O OO rri CO 04 o CO ■'tf 05 rH CO O o >0- rf 1' 04 i.o r-H t- d oo oo t* o y lo -rj- n oooooo OOO P oo o 'BK8US'BJ\[ 0-720 0-447 0-492 0-570 0-143 0-290 0-195 0-036 0-034 0*461 0-308 0- 960 1- 440 srajoj joq^o ui aiuiq; 1-377 1-824 0-929 0- 240 4-353 1- 154 0-448 0*024 0- 932 1- 104 0- 013 3-286 1- 194 a^qdpis st? arniq; 0-121 0-061 0-382 0-004 0-024 0-057 0-017 0-014 0-037 0-398 0-002 0-004 0-005 a^'Baoqiuo sb araiq --fl CJ *0 © CO r—, © fl, CJ TP-TJ* ‘C 5 C5 © O'! CD © o O *0*0 “3 ^ 9 *?> co CC coco © »d <» id PH t> CO -rf OO r-l © 9 P TO © CO P P P>b© © p P p © © rf o CO OO CC r- CC O -rf .I9JJBUI OIUBSJO PUB ‘ 0 ZU 9A0qB J9JB^i none 2- 560 3- 099 0-330 0-460 0-260 10-080 10-190 0-826 2-507 0-140 0-530 2-000 1 ■A oZll 40 3340 Ai © © © © © © © © e oi © © © ©©I.O©©© t'-i-HHjl © © © 40 rf< © © © ©©04 © CO© © C P W O P C4 lb P P P 04 04 © £ d ■a-S rH O d a a a be ^3 _C 3 0 > I O s P'i _-sa 'gdS jjo I* |'8 £ o g a ce ^ On S o £ _ -*f £ rt’S O o .coco o o ^ -O a ^ o'“ , S r d H O C3 £ 3 | 3 -P a ° §-a^ A ■2 « s 8 > » A & § V 'P-s^- 8'3 £ o ^ o ^ •as a 9 . v ^ ll-S "5 s 1§! SO a 0^0“ & £ a* «H «C O o cJ s c cr O d £> - >» r? 5 sir o ; Mali* ; g g.§ o g-2 li'SooJ; ! R R >S’S s‘ll faf C 3 O o . O -H |l|l a |f I R c3 a; ri £SL &'u be . , £ M '£ kP.z fl Pfl h O “ h® ^ 2 £ “P O > O - 'o " ^ H O c “ 43 Op |!lll P P «H •« ■*- ,rJ 5 o K a c ^ Sp *&£ ft^> - S 'o 'CS S C ° rv, d fc~ £ > r 8.5> o £ >> a 11 o s ft 3 £ 9 c 5 8 a 2W 03 i ^|1 ' 'Sb^ .2 P • >-C3 a-o hi 3 -P> 5 C d a d > ^| 1 h K, O © >i o< 2 C - fe.S 3 £ * 8 -S ra £ O d ft ■g l|s.| 55 -S-SJ r <) S-8 £ 3 >» c .. o “ ” fl O ‘o a d P p o a o ^ o ■ s , S3 § p » & pH M o £t> Ei c s P Q m P o p P fc £ ( 26 ) Section A.— CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES AND PRODUCTS. Division I. — Chemical Substances used in Manufacture : — Alkalies, Earths, AND THEIR COMPOUNDS. IMPURE CARBONATE OF SODA. This occurs as an efflorescence in some part or other in almost every district in India. It is largely employed in the manu- facture of native soap. Specimens from various localities, as indicated below, have been forwarded. 557. [1895] Impure carbonate of soda, Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey. 558. [9831] Crude carbonate of soda, Madras. 559 . [1935] Crystals of carbonate of soda. C. B. Wood, Esq. 560. [10256] Sajji, from the common Sajji mutti (soda earth), Mooltan. 561. [10257] Do. Jung district. 562. [10258] Do. Do. SALTPETRE. Bengal supplies the largest portion of this important salt sent into the European market. The Punjab is said to possess large resources in this respect, which have still to be developed. The subjoined Table in- dicates the extent and value of the Indian export trade in saltpetre from the various Presidencies, whilst the samples exhibited embrace representatives from a number of districts. The notes entered below the various samples have been furnished by the different exhibitors or committees, and, although chiefly of local application, are possessed of considerable general interest. 563. [6180] Nitre or saltpetre (black), from Cuttack. 564. [6193] Do. (white) Do. Nitre is known locally as ‘Khai jalikliai.’ The black specimen is obtained by a process of solution and filtra- tion of the salt, which is found effloresced on old mud walls. The white is the same salt more carefully prepared for the most part in the hill tracts, from a similar efflores- cence found in the cold months on the base of cow-house walls, and there generated, it is to be supposed, by the oxydation of the ammonia thrown off from the urine of the cattle. Neither kind is manufactured extensively enough for commercial purposes ; still the local manufacture fur- nishes a good deal of the saltpetre, if not the bulk of it, used in native gunpowder for shooting and for fireworks.* 565. [10164] Saltpetre, first quality, from Ulwar. Presented by H. H. the Maha- rajah of Ulwar. 566. [10165] Do. second quality. Do. 567. [1947] Saltpetre from Jhansi. 568. [6194] Saltpetre (Shorah), Luck- now. For gunpowder and frigorific mixtures ; 2 seers per rupee ; made in various parts of Oude. This is purified nitre, and is the kind only used for making gunpowder.! 569. [9827] Saltpetre, Nellore. * Local Committee, Cuttaclc. f Central Committee, Lucknow. ( 27 ) TABLE SHOWING THE QUANTITIES (AS FAR AS CAN BE ASCERTAINED) AND THE VALUE OF SALTPETRE EXPORTED FROM INDIA AND EACH PRESIDENCY TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD FROM 1850-51 TO 1860-61 Class II. — India. Total Exported to all Parts 1 Value jzu Isis mu i.iis sin ms mn sih §111 § s "5 I s "? r—i r-? r's'i v*i rip i&i vh imi lilS RSSS I3SI 1313 in? g|i| Hi? gigs ggsa ET £ SSS~S8~;;£’-'3 , SS <«« sat mi «« an tin as? aw as? mi m% 5 5-"t W = 3 SS « P-° l=*3 P=S i s 'S 3* s i 1 5 =S s“*i rw Other Parts § ■a SjN SJI| SJsS IJ3* |sst 1? :| SS"1 Pp mn I s "? CO rf O VO S'? 00 H CO sO^ 4 05 O'# -4- tJ< - «* i 50 ?? :”£<§ :?“S : :g & :*?S ? : : : : :::: : :::: i I 1 : m Eo :SSS" :2S= :£££■ ::;3r. :22'5, :::: : : : : : :S2 :::: )TED China 1 i> . .* | . ; | 8 *..? | .« I . .% 8 . 3 . .? | .!? s ,i? | . .? s « s S’ a s ss * s r s ?s as ?§ s I ::t 1::? t : : S 1: :t 1 :!? | : : ? | : : $ | ; : % ? : £$ 3 M 1 : :l sg as ? s as “ s ss j s g a? ? WHITHER EXPOS America 1 l :: f |..f «:A 1: A l::l »::? AM 8.::? | : 5 ? 8 =k. » « 2 z s ? g R 3 ? 2 2 § g- g 3 g g g ""S I . .i s . i g . .1 s . .1 I . .H . .1 5 . .k 1 .11 s . ii Is! 1 .11 I ' '2 2'^ §"§' s"1 2 ”2 l"f 2“ * f”l COUNTRIES Other Parts of Europe § s > =8 |: :| 1 : :K 1 : ^ |: :| : : : : |2 :? 3S1? 1 : :| S : :S I : :g cTc>t^t^COso" COexT «T 00 I©" »o W rT ls s l> SI .1 II .§> s l-l 1 . .? s .11 l s 15 lip 11 ■? .... n “as ■’8 g" ■’8. S” 8 S ?S''3 : g'8.S' N 2- 1 I ^113? IS .a II .1 S!”° IF! g . .« 1 .!» IS*? £13? II .€ cs ? s 'a r ? s' a § ' 'a s‘ ' s '"a r,re United Kingdom I 1> «aw »s.*s ?«« mi at? Isis nw mx aw ?a« aw * = "1 S S “S S—S S’W a K =S 8‘ s s s“' 5 l a' 3 : i _3 a r 3 i I Am mi §iii sii £ mk pj.i m s mt pi? im ga-a 5=s? R22g |SSS |23g |«gg gssg s^-s r sg 1 I 8 1 is Bengal Madras Bombay All India Bengal Madras Bombay All India Bengal Madras Bombay All India Bengal Madras Bombay All India Bengal Madras Bombay All India Bengal Madras Bombay All India Bengal Madras Bombay All India Bengal Madras Bombay All India Bengal M a Iras Bombay All India Bengal Madras Bombay All India Bengal Madras Bombay All India SHV5IX 1 T9-IC8I (•C-ICSl fis-7.i?ai TS-Rl'St CS-K-SI oe-SCRT 1 2 Class II. -India. 760. [6207] Grookhroo ( Tribulus lanu- ginosus), Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey. The powdered seeds are given in decoction in dropsy and gonorrhoea. 761. [7014] Tejbul bark ( Xanthoxylon sp.), Bombay. This aromatic bark is employed as a condiment ; in medi- cine for its supposed efficacy in strengthening the stomach. 762. [1833] Jujubes or Unab ( Zizy - phus jujuba), Punjab. The dried fruit of the Lotus tree. Common all over the Punjab, ripens in February, and is then plucked and dried. The best comes from Kabul. Used by the natives as a refrigerant in fevers, and as a local application for pain in the ear ; also as a laxative. Employed as an infusion. Price 2s. per lb.* 763. [9369] Kakra-singee ( Rhus Jca- krasinghee), Kangra. KAKRA-SINGEE. These horn-like excrescences, formed probably in con- sequence of the deposition of the ova of some insect, have long constituted a famed article of Hindoo medicine : they are found in the : Deyr a Dhoon and everywhere in the hills, at moderate elevations. I)r. Boyle refers the specimens contained in his col- lection, which are identical with the above, to Rhus Icakra- singhee, but it has been doubted whether these galls are produced by a species of Rhus , as they are nearly identical with those found on Pistada terebinthus. 768 . [4973] Legumes of Agati grcmdi- flora, Chingleput. Dit. Sixortt. These legumes are eaten by the natives in their curries. 769 . [6025] Pulas ke beej ( Bute, a fron- dosa ), Bombay. The large flat seeds deprived of their outer covering used as an anthelmintic in cases of tapeworm and also as deobstruent. Dose gr. iij. to Dj. 770 . [6554] Areca nuts {Areca catechu), Midnapore. 771 . [9935] Do. Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey. 772 . [6555] Sooparee {Areca catechu ), Cuttack. The Goobak of the Sungscreet classics — the nut of the Areca catechu. This graceful tree is cultivated to any ex- tent only in the Pooree district. The nut is used in this province almost exclusively in conjunction with other in- gredients, with the leaf of the ‘ Piper Betel,’ forming together the well-known masticatory of the East, ‘Pan.’ Locally at Cuttack the best nuts are retailed at about 2 annas per English lb. weight. The tree is grown in com- pany with the cocoa nut in plantations in moist situations, and, like the cocoa nut, is productive and valuable. An astringent extract is also, the Committee believe, obtained from old areca nuts, which is used in dyeing processes.* The betel nuts are much relished by the natives, being chewed with the leaf of betel pepper (C'kavica Betel) spiced with chunam (lime), but they sadly discolour the teeth. They are considered to be astringent and tonic. Boasted and powdered they make an excellent charcoal powder for the teeth, and are much used as an antiseptic tooth powder. 773 . [799 3] Babool bark {Acacia arabica.) 764. [9366] Bbela {Semecarpus ana- cardium), Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey. The nuts are in general use for marking cotton cloths ; the colour is improved and prevented from running by the mixture of a little quick lime and water. The acrid juice of the shells is given in small doses in leprous and scro- fulous affections. Price 2 annas per lb. 765. [6038] Balessan (fruits of Balsavi- odendron carpobalsamum), Bombay. These fruits have probably no medicinal use, but are sent on account of their botanical interest. 766. [6241] Hudgah {Balanitis evgyp- tiaca ), Bombay. The unripe drupes are bitter and violently purgative. 767. [1831] Root of Hedysarum gan- geticum, Punjab. Saloporni, believed to be the Hedysarum gangeticum, one of the Lcguminosee, a bitter tonic used in fever. Babool bark is used as a tonic in infusion, and a strong decoction is employed as a wash for ulcers, and finely powdered and mixed with gingclly oil it is recommended externally in cancerous affections. 774. [70x6] Fruits of a species of Astra- galus. 775. [1840] Mulathi {Glycyrrhiza gla- bra), Punjab. 776. [1911] bra), Calcutta. Liquorice {Glycyrrhiza gla- Kanny Loll Dey. 777. [4809] Liquorice, Burmah. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. The root of the liquorice plant, grown in large quantities about Peshawur; dug up, dried, and cut into pieces; used by the natives as a tonic in fever, in doses of gr. lx. Also as a demulcent in coughs &c. ; also in all diseases conse- quent upon an undue accumulation of plilegm or bile. Price Id. per lb.f ) * Dr. Burton Brown. ( 36 * Local Committee, Cuttack. f Dr. Burton Brown. Class II. — North-East Gallery. 778 . [7007] Cowage (Mucuna prurita), Bombay. The stinging hairs of the pod are employed when mixed ' with honey as an anthelmintic in European practice, but it is doubtful whether the natives employ them at all. 779 . [4041] Fenugrec ( Trigonella foenu m-grcecum), Madras. 780 . [6469] Do. Calcutta. 781 . [9936] Do. Do. Kanny Loll Dey. The seeds are mucilaginous and are employed in dy- sentery. 782 . [7003] Gardul (Entada purscetha), Bombay. The kernel of the seeds is employed by the Hill people as a febrifuge. 783 . [10126] Croton seed ( Groton tig- lium), Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey, 784 . [9252] Do. "Moulmein, 785 . [4027] Do. Madras, 786 . [10739] Croton fruits, S. Canara. V. P. Coelho, Esq. 787 . [4769] Cankhosa ( Groton tiglium), Burmah. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. 788 . [132*] Croton oil ( Groton tiglium ), Madras. The seeds yield a powerfully cathartic oil. It is pre- pared by grinding the seeds, placing the powder in bags, and pressing them between plates of iron. The oil is then allowed to stand fifteen days, and afterwards filtered. The residue of the expression is saturated with twice its weight of alcohol, heated on the sand-bath from 12o° to 140° Fahr., and the mixture pressed again. The alcohol is distilled off, the oil allow'ed to settle, and filtered after a fortnight. One seer (2 1b.) of seed furnishes 11 fluid ounces of oil, 6 by the first process, 5 by the second. The oil is well known in this country for its medicinal properties. 789 . [6161] Bowchee ( Psoralia coryli- folia), Bombay. 790 . [9944] Babchee ( Psoralia coryli- folia), Bazaar, Calcutta. 791 . [6250] Babchee, Poona. The seeds are aromatic and slightly bitter ; they are used by the natives as a stomachic and deobstruent, and also in cases of leprosy. 792 . [6237] Notonia grandiflora, Bom- bay. Dr. Gibson's specific in hydrophobia. 793 . [4967] Seeds of Bauhinia pulcher- rima, Chingleput. Dr. Siiortt. ( 794 . [4960] Seeds of Bauhinia tornen- tosa, Chingleput. Dr. Siiortt. 795 . [4968] Seeds of Acacia sp. Do. Do. 796 . [9367] Nickar ( Guilandina Bon- duc ), Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey. Seeds, a powerful tonic, and very valuable febrifuge ; the kernels are very bitter ; reduced to powder and mixed with black pepper, they are used in ague with the best results ; powdered small with castor oil, they are applied externally in hydrocele. Dose gr. v. to gr. x. Price 12 annas per lb. The Chittagong Committee adds the following infor- mation. It grows well in waste land and in the jungles of this district. It is used as a febrifuge administered in pills, 4 grains of the pounded kernel with 4 grains of the black pepper. It is a very effectual remedy, but to make it so, the pills must be given fresh. If the seeds are not broken they will keep good for years, but if broken, and the kernel kept for four or five days, they become useless as a medicine for fever. 797 . [6167] Senna ( Cassia lanceolata), Bombay. 798 . [1790] Ditto ( Cassia sp.) Punjab. 799 . [1791] Du. Do. Do. 800 . [9942] Senna mookee ( Cassia obo- vata), Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey, Largely grown about Peshawar. The leaves are col- lected and dried in the sun. Used by both Europeans and natives as a purgative and carminative. Dose jij. Price 6 d. per lb. 801 . [7012] Chemil seeds (Cassia absus ), Bombay. The seeds are bitter and mucilaginous ; they are some, times employed in ophthalmia, 802 . [1859] Poar seeds ( Cassia tora), Punjab. The seeds are employed in preparing a blue dye. They are also used medicinally. 803 . [9915] Beekeedanna (Cydonia vul- garis), Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey. 804 . [7010] Do. Bombay. Seeds used as a valuable demulcent, tonic, and a restorative remedy. Price 12 annas per lb. 805 . [6201] Chaulmoogra ( Hydnocarpus odorata ), C hittago n g. Seeds imported from Sylhet ; yield by expression about 10 per cent, of a thick fixed oil, of unpleasant flavour and rather offensive smell ; used extensively in the treat- ment of cutaneous diseases; also given internally in Lepra tuberculosa. Dose iij- to m vj. of oil. Price for oil, 2 rupees per lb. ; seed, 2 annas per lb. 37 ) Class II. — India . 806. [9931] Potole root ( Trichosanthes dioica), Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey. The root is extensively used as a hydragogue cathartic in dropsy. Fruits and leaves are used extensively in curry. Dose gr. ij. to gr. vj. in powder. Price 0 annas per lb. 807. [4962] Root of Goccinia indica, Chingleput. Dit. Siiortt. This is a favourite medicine with the native practi- tioners in syphilitic disorders. 808. * [7009] Katairee ( Cucurbita sp.), , Bombay. 809. [9937] Grhosal paul ( Momordica dioica ), Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey. The root is employed in the form of an electuary in haemorrhoids. 810. [1890] Colocynth ( Citrullus colo- cynthis), Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey. 811. [6956] Bitter apple (Cucu mis colo- cynthis), Chingleput. Dr. Siioktt. The pulp and seeds of the colocynth ( Indrewan ) pro- duce exceedingly powerful cathartic effects; extract made from the pulp is equal to English extract of colocynth. Dose gr. v. to gr. x. Price T annas per lb. 812. [6075] Singara (Trapa bispinosa), Poona. 813. [6072] Do. Bombay. These farinaceous fruits are chiefly employed as an article of food — they are also mixed with hermodactyl as an adulteration. In China the similar fruits of Trajpa bicornis are much sought after as food. TRAPA BICORNIS. 814. [4977] Hydrocotyle as i at tea, Chingleput. Dit. Shortt. "815. [1882] Thalkin (Hydrocotyle ctsia- tica), Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey. The plants grow wild in Bengal ; the leaves are bitter ; are toasted and given in infusion to children in bowel complaints and fevers. They are also applied as anti- inflammatory to bruises ; it is said to be an excellent remedy in leprosy on the Malabar Coast. Dose 5j. to 3ij. ot fresh juice. Price 2 annas per lb. 816. [6240] Fitura [Prangos pabxdaria), Bombay. 817. [6141] Gajur ( Daucus carota), Ahmedabad. 818. [6991] Sowa ( Anethum Sowa ). The seeds of the Indian dill are to be met with in every bazaar. They not only form an ingredient in curries, but are also employed as a carminative, and are bruised and applied externally in rheumatic and other swellings of the joints. 819. [7036] Bhaphullee ( Ptychotis mon- tana), Bombay. 820. [9916] Ajwan ( Ptyclwtis ajowan), Bazaar, Calcutta. 821 . [6470] Do. Do. Do. Kanny Loll Dey. The dried seeds are used as a substitute for aniseed, both as an aromatic and in colie. Also as a deobstruent in ischaria and dysmenorrhira, and as a stimulant in catarrh and hemierania. Employed as an infusion. Dose two drachms. Price 2s. per lb.* 822. [1805] Black Carraway (Carum ni- grum), Punjab. 823. [9929] Carraway ( Carum nigrum), Bazaar. Calcutta. 824. [9903] Sha jeera ( Carum album), Do. Kanny Loll Dey. The dried seeds are used as a substitute for carraway seeds, similarly to those of the Ptychotis. Dose 30 grains. Price Is. per lb. 825. [1829] Anisbu ( Ptychotis involu- crata), Kabul. 826. [99 1 9] Bonjewan ( Ligusticum dif- fusum), Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey. Seeds used as a carminative. Price 3 annas per lb. 827. [9906] Khetpapra ( Oldenlandia biflora), Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dew Plants extensively cultivated in Bengal. The whole plant used in infusion as excellent tonic and febrifuge in chronic fever. Dose -j. to Jij. Price 8 annas per lb. 828. [7011] Pieraloo ( Randia dume- torum), Bombay. The fruits are used as a fish poison, and also in medi- cine as an emetic. 829. [2840] Deekamul ( Gardenia lu- cidci), Raepore. The young branches of the tree which yields the Dika- mali resin, and with which they are impregnated. 830. [1841] Baman Lai (Centaurea Be- hen), Punjab. * Dr. Bikton Brown. ( 38 ) Class II. — North-East Gallery. 831. [7028] Lai Behmen, Bombay. The dried roots of two varieties of a composite plant, chiefly obtained from Kabul. Used by the natives as a tonic in debility, in doses of 4 drachms ; also in impotence as a deobstruent. Price Is. per lb. Not at present used in European medicine, but was formerly employed as an aromatic stimulant. 832. [1837] Baman sufed, Kabul. This is the white lichen root of the old pharmacopoeias, now rarely met with and not employed medicinally in Europe. 833. [7034] Kasnee seeds of Gichorium intyhus, Bombay. 834. [7046] Akurkura ( Pyretkrum in- dicium), L)o. 835. [9912] Do. ( Anacyclus py reth- rum), Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey. Indian pellitory ; the roots imported ; used as an ex- ternal as well as an internal stimulant and sialogogue. Dose 5j- to 5j. in infusion. Price 12 annas per lb. 836. [7045] Nak chiknee ( Artemisia sternutoria), Bombay. The powdered plant, which is called the 1 sneezer,’ is used as a sternutatory. 837. [1867] Assautiu ( Artemisia in- dica), Kabul. It has a very bitter taste. Grows chiefly in Kabul. Used by the natives as a febrifuge, in asthma, in diseases of the brain, and also in dyspepsia. Leaves are much used in scents for its strong odour; it yields a volatile essential oil when distilled. Price 5 annas per lb. 838. [6435] Baahiring ( Embelia vibes), Chota Nagpore. 839. [9920] Borunga ( Embelia vibes), Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey. 840. [7008] Baibarung ( Embelia vibes), Poona. The dry berries come from Sylhet; are pungent ; given in infusion, they are anthelmintic; also heating and sti- mulant. Dose gr. v. to ijj. in powder. Price 5 annas per lb. 841. [4972] Mudar bark ( Calotropis yi- yantea), Cbingleput. Dit. Siiortt. 842 . [10125] Do. Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey. The root, bark, and inspissated juice are used as power- ful alteratives ; the natives use the powder of the roots in almost all cutaneous affections, especially in syphilitic com- plaints, and in leprosy ; it is used in place of ipecacuanha. Dose gr. iv. to gr. viij. Price 4 annas per lb. 843. [5121] Anta Moole ( Hemidesmus indicus ), Cuttack. ( 844. [ 9917 ] Anta Moole, Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey. Plant very common in Bengal ; the roots largely used as a substitute for sarsaparilla. Dose 5j- to 5bj- in de- coction. Price 3 annas per lb. 845. [ 9913 ] Shamalata ( Ichnocarpus frutescens), Calcutta. The plant is occasionally used as a substitute for sarsa- parilla. Price 12 annas per lb. 846. [ 6238 ] Inderjan ( Wriyhtia anti- dysenterica), Bombay. The seeds very bitter, are used medicinally, being boiled in milk, and given in haemorrhoids and dysentery, and in decoction in fever and gout ; also used as an an- thelmintic. Dose gr. v. to 3j. Price 5 annas per lb. The bark of the root is astringent and febrifuge, and is used as a specific in dysentery and bowel complaints. Dose 3 j. to 5iij- in decoction. Price 8 annas per lb. 847. [2835] Kecklab vomica), Baepore. ( Strychnos nux 848. [10742] Do. Coelho, Esq. Mangalore. Y. P. 849. [101 13] Do. Loll Dey. Calcutta. Kanny 850. [10 1 12] Do. Do. 851. [10 1 14] Do. Do. 852. [4915] Do. Cbingleput. Dr. Shortt. Employed chiefly as an infusion ; the trees are very common in the Bengal jungle ; the seeds are sold in great abundance in the bazaar; it is used as a stimulant and tonic in debility and rheumatism ; as an aplirodisiae ; also as a poison. Price 4 annas per lb. 853. [1855] Clearing-nuts ( Strychnos potatorum), Punjab. 854. [9905] Nerntali ( Strychnos pota- torum), Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey. The clearing nut. By rubbing the nuts round the in- side of water-pots containing muddy water, the impurities very soon fall to the bottom, leaving the water clear and perfectly wholesome. Price 2 annas per lb. 855. [1845] Ckiretta (Ayathotes chi - rayta), Punjab. 856. [6570] Do. Calcutta. 857. [7047] Do. Bombay. 858. [9943] Do. Calcutta. This is an exceedingly valuable tonic and febrifuge. The whole plant is pulled up at the time that the flowers begin to decay, and is dried for use. It is much employed in India as a substitute for gentian, by which name it is known amongst the European residents. The root is con- 39 ) Class II. — India. sideri d the bitterest part, and it is best administered in the form of a tincture ; the nuts of Guilandina bonduc are sometimes pounded and given with it. 8 . 59 . [6247] Moota ( Pedalium murex), Bombay. The seeds are diuretic, and are employed in dropsy. 860 . [6205] Tooti ( Martynia diandra ), Calcutta. Kanny Loll Ley, 861 . [5032] Do. Chingleput. Dk. Shortt. 862 . [7022] Turbeth or Teoree ( Ipomea turpethum), Bombay. The bark of the root is used as a hydragogue cathartic ; the root being free from a nauseous taste and smell, pos- sesses a decided superiority over jalap, for which it might be substituted. Dose gr. x. to 5ss, Price 12 annas per lb. 863 . [7005] Kala dana (Pharbites nil), Bombay. 864 . [9930] Do. Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey. Seeds used as an effectual and safe cathartic. Dose css. to 3j- Price 4 annas per lb. The plant is cultivated in Bengal ; the powder of the seeds is used as an excellent tonic purgative, and is very useful in Lepra tuberculosa &c. The infusion of the seed is demulcent. Dose 9ij. to Biss, in powder. 865 . [1832] Dodder ( Cuscuta reflexa), Punjab. Grows about Lahore, but the best specimens are ob- tained from the Sub-Himalayan country. The whole leafless herb is gathered and dried ; it is employed either in mixture or infusion as a laxative in fever, as an anthel- mintic, and also as an alterative in cancer. Dose 5ij. of the powder. Price Is. per lb.* 866. [1247] Cfaozubau ( Onosma brac- teata), Bombay. 867 . [6145] Wairitak ( Solan-urn melon- gena), Ahmedabad. The fish boiled in gingelly oil, is used as a remedy for toothache. 868. [1904] Bakoor (. Solarium indi- cum), Calcutta. The root is used in infusion as stimulant in cases of fevers and coughs ; the juice of the leaves boiled with the juice of fresh ginger is administered to stop vomiting. Dose fij. to 3j- in infusion. Price 4 annas per lb. 869 . [9910] Kantee karee {Solarium Jacquini), Calcutta. The whole plant is used in decoction as expectorant in coughs and consumptive complaints, also in humoral asthma. Vinum made from root is used to check vomit- ing. Dose 3 ij- to 5 vj. in infusion. Price 2 annas 0 pie per lb. 870 . [6243] Neesah ( Physalis somni- fe.ro), Eombay. The root is deobstruent and diuretic, the fruit diuretic. All parts of the pilant are employed by native prac- titioners. 871 . [1789] Henbane {Hyoscyamus ni- ger ), Punjab. 872. [ 9909 ] Do. Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey. 873 . [7030] Do. Bombay. The seeds are used as a slight stimulant. Price 3 annas per lb. They are obtained chiefly from Kabul and Khorassan. 874. [4952] Datura {Datura alba), Chingleput. Dr. Shortt. The plant is known for the intoxicating and narcotic properties of its fruit. Price 5 annas per lb. The root is used in cases of violent headache, and in epilepsy. In India it is a very common practice to em- ploy Datura seeds for stupefying and even poisoning those whom they are at enmity with. Price 5 annas per lb. 875 . [6049] Do. {Datura metel ), Bom- bay. 876 . [4974] Datoora root {Datura fas- tuosa), Chingleput. Dr. Shortt. 877 . [6818] Wild mint seed, Burmah, Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. 878 . [4955] Basil seed {Ocymum basili- cum), Chingleput. Dr. Shortt. 879 . [9921] Babooi Toolsi {Ocymum basilicum, var, pilosum), Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey. The whole plant has a grateful smell. The juice of the leaves are used in catarrhal affections in children. This shrub is considered sacred in India. Dose f-j. to 4 ij. warm. Price 12 annas per lb. 880 . [7004] Balungoo {Dracocephalum Royleanum), Bombay. 881 . [1785] Ustakhudas {Lavendula sta- dias), Punjab. Chiefly from Kashmir. Employed either in powder or infusion as a laxative and tonic in diseases of the heart and brain ; especially as a nervine tonic in epilepsy and headache. Dose jiv. Price let. per lb. Dm Buktox Brown. ( 40 882. [1888] Kala megh ( Andrographis paniculata), Calcutta. ) Class IT. — North-East Gallery. 883. [6214] Kala megh (Androgr aphis paniculata), Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey. Under the name of Creyat this plant has a wide repu- < tation for its tonic and stomachic properties. It is em- ployed in cholera and dysentery. It is found wild in the North, and is cultivated in the South. 884. [1879] Boree Gopum (. Ruellia liti- brosa), Calcutta. 885. [4975] Asteracantha longifolia, Chingleput. Dii. Shortt. The roots are considered tonic and diuretic, and the leaves boiled in vinegar are used as a diuretic. 886. [7035] Lai chitra ( Plumbago rosea), Bombay. 887. [6988] Lall chitta, Chittagong. Is a species of plumbago, with bright red flowers; the Mugs use the roots of this as an irritant ; they bruise a piece of the root and lay it on any part of the human body, and in a very short time a blister rises, but the action is so violent and painful that it could not be gene- rally employed in practice.* 888. [9904] Isabgool ( Plantago ispag- hula), Calcutta. 889. [7002] Ispagool ( Plantago ispag- hula), Bombay. The seeds highly mucilaginous and very much used as a demulcent in dysentery. Dose 5ij- to 5ss. in infusion. Price 3 annas per lb. 890. [9907] Azareh ( Aehyranthes asper- sa), Calcutta. Ivanny Loll Dey, 891. [7015] Do, Bombay. The flowering spikes, rubbed with a little sugar, are made into pills and given in hydrophobia, and in cases of snake-bites. Fresh leaves made into a pulp applied ex- ternally to the bites of scorpions with great effect. Dose gr. v. to gr. xx. Price 4 annas per lb. 892. [1795] Rhubarb ( Rheum emocli), Punjab. 893. [1796] Do. (Rheum sp.), Kangra. 894. [9939] Do. ( Rurnex tuberosus ?), Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey, The inferior quality of rhubarb comes from China and is used as a gentle purgative. Dose ;)ss. to 5j. in powder. Price 12 annas per lb. 895. [7006] Maida luckri bark ( Tetran - thera Roxburghii), Bombay. Mildly astringent, used by the Hill people in diarrhoea. ( 41 896. [1854] Bhera ( Terminalia belerica). The fruit is collected and called the Beleric Myrobalan. It is administered by the natives either in powder or infusion, and is used as an astringent tonic in loss of appetite and debility. The kernels are said to be in- toxicating. It is distinguished from other Myrobalans by being slightly pentangular, with rounded angles and having a smooth surface. Dose .‘-j, of the powder. Price 3d. per lb. 897. [1817] Harhur (Terminalia che- bula ), FRUIT. The fruit is used both in powder and infusion as a laxative and tonic in fever and in brain disease. Dose 5j. Price 3d. per lb. 898-9. [1800-1] Pakhan bed, Kangra. A root obtained from Thibet, believed to be an antidote for opium, and used as such in cases of poisoning by that drug, either in powder, in doses of 15 grains, or in in- fusion. 900. [7042] Keeramar ( Aristolochia bracteata), Bombay. Every part of the plant is nauseously bitter. An infusion of the dried leaves is given as an anthelmintic. The leaves beaten up with water are given internally in cases of snake-bites. The plant grows abundantly in the Deccan. 901. [1839] Juramina mudharo (Aristo- lochia longer), Kabul. Is used both in powder and mixture ; employed as a tonic in diseases of the chest and brain, and especially in headache. Dose cij. Price 2s. per lb, 902. [10123] (Aristolochia indica), Cal- cutta. Kanny Loll Dey. The root is nauseously bitter; it possesses a powerful emmenagogue property ; it is used for procuring abor- tion ; and is also considered to be a valuable antidote to snake-bites, being applied both externally and inter- nally. Price 4 annas 6 pie per lb. 903. [1868] Asarabacca (Asarum euro- pocum), Kangra. 904. [1869] Do. Do. Do. 905. [1830] Asorun (Asarum euro- poeum), Do. The dried leaves are used as an expectorant, and em- ployed also by natives as a deobstruent and tonic in diseases of the brain, stomach, and liver. Dose ;isa. Price 3d. per lb. ) Local Committee, Chittagong. Class II. — India , 90 5 a. [1786] Ukkulbeer ( Datiscct can- nabina), Punjab. Ekolbir , used as an expectorant in catarrh in doses of gr. xlv. ; also as a local application for carious teeth. 906. [9934] Kamala (Rottlera tinctoria.), Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey. A red powder formed on the outside of the capsules of the Rottkria tinctoria, called the monkey’s nut, as these animals are believed to use the powder instead of rouge, is obtained from the hills about Chumba. It is used in powder mixed with the curd of milk as a purgative and anthelmintic in doses of Jij. Price Is. per lb. Has lately been introduced into European medicine, and used with j great success as an anthelmintic. 907. [994 1 ] Amleka ( Phyllantlms cm- blica ), Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey. Seeds given in infusion as a cooling remedy in bilious affections and nausea, also in diarrhoea ; used also by na- tive females for cleaning their hairs. Dose 5j- to 3ss. Price 2 annas per lb. 908. [1828] Hirbi (Euphorbia verru- cosa ), Kangra. 909. [1850] Bhang (Cannabis saliva), Punjab. 910. [1846] Churrus (Cannabis saliva), Punjab. The resinous exudation of hemp. Charus is a resinous exudation from the hemp plant of the tracts north of the Punjab. It is brought into the Punjab from Ladakh via Kulu, Kangra, and Cashmere ; also from Yarkand and Persia via Peshawar and Dera Ishmael Khan on the western frontier of the Punjab. A small quantity placed in the hookah and smoked, produces I almost immediately an intoxicating effect. Price, 8s. 4 d. per lb.* The dried hemp plant which has flowered, and from which the resin has not been removed, is called Gunjah ; it is used for smoking alone. The alcoholic extract of it is used medicinally as antispasmodic and anodyne, very useful in spasmodic coughs, in tetanus, in hydrophobia. &c. Dose — Extract j gr. to gr. j. Price, 8 annas per lb. The larger leaves and capsules without the stalks are called Bhang , Subjee, or Sideline. They are used for making an intoxicating drink, for smoking, and in the PUNJABEE PEAZ on conserve or confection termed Majoom. Bhang is cheaper than Gunjah, and though less powerful, is sold at such a low price, that for one pice enough can be purchased to intoxicate a person habituated to it. Dose, 3j- in infusion for intoxication. Price, 8 annas per lb. The resinous juice that exudes and concretes on the leaves, slender stems, and flowers, when separated, con- stitutes the churrus ; it is collected in great abundance in Nepal, also in Goruckpore ; it is used for smoking, mixed with a little tobacco. Price, 2 rupees per lb. The majoom or hemp confection is a compound of sugar, butter, flour, milk, and siddhee or barley. Dose 5j to jiij. for intoxication. Price, 2 rupees per lb. 911. [7051] Cubab cheenee ( Piper cu- beba), Bombay. 912. [9918] Kabob chenee (Piper cube- ba), Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey. 913. [1906] Do. Do. Do. 914. [6341] Do. Do. Java. Jose d’Almeida, Esq. Employed among other purposes in gonorrhoea. Dose, ?j. to 3 ij . Price 1 rupee 4 annas per lb. 915. [6164] Pipilee mool ( Chavica Rox- burghii), Bombay. 916. [1798] Baami ( Taxus baccata), Kangra. The leaves are used by the natives as an expectorant in catarrh ; administered in powder in doses of gr. xlv. or in decoction. 917. [1886] Aloes (Aloe indica), Cal- cutta. Kanny Loll Dey. 918. [9914] Zafran (Crocus cashmeria- nus), Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey. 919. [7031] Keyswo (Crocus cashmeria- nus), Bombay. 920. [6068] Punjabee Peaz or Podshap salep, Bombay. PODsHAP SA1.EP. * Central Committee, Lahore. ( 42 ) Class II. — North-East Gallery , 921. [7018] Soorungan tulli ( Bitter her- modactyls), Bombay. 922. [7044] Suffaid Mooslee ( Murdannia scapifiora). 923. [1836] Orris root ( Iris sp.), Kash- mir. 924. [7037] Cairoofsha {Iris florentina), Bombay. 925. [1808] Kuth metha ( Costas ara- hicus), Punjab. 926. [1807] Do. Kabul. The root is brought down from Kashmir in large quan- tity, and sold to the Chinese, who burn it as incense. Used by the natives in infusion in rheumatism as an ano- dyne. Dose, gr. xxx. Price, 3s. per lb. 927. [9908] Huldee (Curcuma longa), Calcutta. Plant is common in Bengal, where the root is exten- sively used as a condiment. Price, 1 anna 6 pice per lb. 928. [7026] Amba 'HxAda,(Curcuma zedo- aria), Ahmedabad. 929. [7027] K\\tchoov&(Curcuma zerum- bel), Bombay. 930. [7019] Kupoor Kuchree ( Hedychium spicatum), Bombay. 931. [1834] Calamus aromaticus, Kangra. 932. [9922] Do. Calcutta. The dried rhizome is employed either in powder or in- fusion as an aromatic tonic and carminative, in doses of 5iss. Price, Is. per lb. 933. [9926] Mootha ( Cyperus longus), Calcutta. 934. [6569] Mootkoo ( Cyperus rotun- dus), Do. 935. [9938] Mooth e (Cyperus rotundus), Do. Kanny Loll Dey. In medicine it is used as tonic and stimulant. In the fresh state given in infusion as a demulcent in fevers, and also used in cases of dysentery and diarrhoea. Dose, gr. v. to gr. xv. Price, 8 annas per lb. 936. [7041] Nagur mootha ( Cyperus pertennis), Bombay. 937. [1810] B'othesi (Nardostachys Jata- raansl), Punjab. An aromatic root, common in the Hills ; employed chiefly as an expectorant in cough and colds. Dose, gr. xlv. of the powder. Price, 9 d. per lb. A kind of spikenard, imported from Nepal, and is used in scents for its strong odour ; it is also used as refrigerant. Dose, gr. v. to jj. in infusion. Price, 6 annas per lb. 938. [5343] Bamboo fungus, Rangoon. This fungus is formed at the roots of bamboos. It is a favourite vermifuge with the Burmese, and has been used with much success by our own medical officers in their practice. Dose, a piece about the size of a large cherry pounded and administered in any convenient vehicle.* 939. [6428] Bunslocbun, Chota Nagpore. 940. [2127] Do. white, Manilla. 941. [2125] Do. pink. Do. 942. [2126] Do. blue, Jubbulpore. 943. [10118] Do., Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey. Found in the hollow bamboo, obtained from the pith of some bamboos. It is said to be found in old wood only, and about one bamboo in three produces it. Used by natives as a stimulant and tonic, in doses of about five grains ; though what purpose it can serve would be diffi- cult to understand, as it is a very pure kind of silica or silex. Some of it approaches opal in appearance and composition. Price, 1 rupee 8 annas per lb.f 944. [35*] Massoy bark (cosmetic). New Guinea. 945. [2343] Cosmetic root, Burmah. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. 946. [2342] Pitch wood. Do. Do. 947. [6351] Tuba root (poison), Singa- pore. Col. Collyek. 948. [1827] Kanochar or Konachan, Kangra. Supposed to be a species of Barrera ; used as an aro- matic expectorant in doses of gr. xxx. 949. [1858] Bistang or Bartang, Kangra. An astringent used in diarrhoea and dysentery. Dose of the powder, gr. ij. 950. [6249] Sicilian manna (Oimuseuro- poea), Bombay. Imported into Bombay from the South of Europp. * Local Committee, Rangoon. f Local Committee, Jubbulpore. ( 43 ) Class II. -India. 951. [1864] Shirkhist, Kabul. The collector states that this is obtained from the Ononis rotund/folia. It is found on the plant in small, rounded, reddish grains, and is used by the natives similarly to Sicilian manna. Price, 2s. per pound. Dose 3j. Dr. Boyle says : — ‘ Sheerkhisht, a kind of manna, is said to be procured from a tree of Khorasan, perhaps a species of Fraxinus or Ornus.' Perhaps the collector has mistaken Ornus rotundifolia for Ononis rotund/folia, as the former is a much more probable source than the latter. 952. [1864] Alhagi manna or Taranjibin, Punjab. A sort of manna found on the Hedysarum Alhagi, one of the Lrguminosce, produced principally in Kabul. It occurs in unequal, dark brown pieces, of a bitter, sweetish taste, and is mixed with the stalks of the plant on which it is produced. It is used by the natives as a laxative and refrigerant in fever, in doses of Jj. Price, 1-s. (id. per pound. In the latter it is much used as a substitute for sugar. It is imported into India from Kabul and Khorasan. MISCELLANEOUS. 953. [5189] Essence of Chiretta, Cal- cutta. Messrs. Bathgate & Co. 954. [6416] Powder for sore throat, Singapore. Tan Kim Sing. 955. [6417] Powder for extracting teeth. Do. Do. 956. [2253] Bremma Dimdoo Veray Ennye, an ointment prepared from Arge- mone seed, Salem. Chedumbara Pillay. 957. [3746] Kottanguchee Thylum, oil of cocoa-nut shells. Do. 958. [3748] Meza Eajanga Thylum, a mixture of Ctingellie, Iloopa, Vappum, Poonga, and Poonnay oils. Do. 959. [ 3747 ] Myel Ennye, an ointment of peacock’s fat. Salem. 960. [7*] Blistering beetles ( Mylabris , various sp.), Bombay. Dr. Birdwood. About 180 lbs. forwarded last year by Dr. Birdwood, to test market value in England, were sold at 5s. 8 d. per lb. 961. [10690] Pills for diabetes, Man- galore. V. P. Coelho, Esq. ( '14 ) SUBSTANCES USED AS FOOD. Section A. — AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE. A large and interesting series is exhibited — one which embraces almost every kind of grain used as food in India. The collection of grains in the ear com- prises the following : — 962. [9948] Coelho, Esq. Maize, Mangalore. V . P. 963. [9949] Mulloo Navane. Do. Do. 964. [9950] Save. Do. Do. 965. [9951] Do. Do. White and black Navane. 966. [9952] Raghy. Do. Do. 9( ^- [9953] Samugga paddy. Do. Do. 968. [9954] Maskatta do. Do. Do. 969. [9955] Guddoo Maskatta do. Do. Do. 970. [9956] Kalane white do. Do. Do. 971. [9957] Sangula paddy. Do. Do. 972. [9958] Somasale do. Do. Do. 973. [9959] Kalune red do. Do. Do. 974. [9960] Amate paddy Do. Do. 975. [9961] White Nerrir paddy Do. Do. 976. [9962] Kini bitter paddy Do. Do. 977. [9963] Chokambally do. Do. Do. 978. [9964] Kukuma do. Do. Do. 979. [9965] Jarsali do. Do. Do. ( 980. [9966] White Maskatta paddy, Man- galore. V. P. Coelho, Esq. 981. [9967] Black paddy Do. Do. 982. [9968] Kojari do. Do. Do. 983. [9969] Paddy ( Oryza sativd), Elooppapoo Simba, Madras. Dr. Hunter. 984. [9970] Do. Cada. Do. Do. 985. [9971] Do. Oodicha. Do. Do. 986. [9972] Do. Muvadasu. Do. Do. 987. [9973] Do. Peseme. Do. Do. 988. [9974] Do. Nuroolly Sumba. Do. Do. 989. [9975] Do. Manakata. Do. Do. 990. [9976] Do. Vellay Car. Do. Do. 991. [9977] Do. Vellay Manacartha Car. Do. Do. 992. [9978] Common do. Perroo Car. Do. Do. 993. [9979] Paddy, Koondo Sumba. Do. Do. 994. [9980] Do. Vaday Sumba. Do. Do. 995. [9981] Do. Sumba. Do. Do. 996. [9982] Do. Mathoo Sumba, Do. Do. 45 ) Class III. — India. 997. [9983] Paddy, SegapooWindoo Car. Mad ras. Dr. Hunter. 998. [9984] Do. Moja Manacartha Car. Do. Do. 999. [9985] Do. Seeroomanee. Do. Do. 1000. [9986] Do. Poompada. Do. Do. 1001. [9987] Do. Pall Sunba. Do. Do. 1002. [9988 ] Little millet (Panicummi- liaceum), Shama. Do. Do. 1003. [9989] Italian millet (P.italicum), Tenney. Do. Do. 1004. [9990] Baggy ( Elen sine stricta), Eolla Ivevara. Do. Do. 1005. [9991] Little millet (P. italicum), Waraa'oonura var. Do. Do. 1006. [9992] Do. (P. miliaceum), Wara- goo. Do. Do. 1007-8. [9993-94] Eaggy ( Eleusine stricta ), Kararoo or Kehmvaragoo. Do. Do. 1009. [9995] Paddy ( Oryza sativa), Ca- rapoo Manacartha Car. Do. Do. 1010. [9996] Common paddy, (do.), Coo- dnm Sumba. Do. Do. 1011. [9997] Paddy (do.) Parroon Sumba. Do. Do. 1012. [9998] Do. Muvadasse, blue var. Do. Do. 1013. [9999] Do. Essara Cova. Do. Do. 1014. [10000] Eed paddy, Legapoo. Do. Do. 1015. [192] Paddy ( 0 . sativa), Sacree Sumba. Do. Do. 1016. [193] Do. Aroonjothee. Do. Do. 1017. [194] Do. Vi illoor Sumba. Do. Do. 1018. [195] White Cholum, or great millet (Sorghum vulgare). Do. Do. 1019. [ 196] Cholum , or great millet (Sorghum vulgare var. ) Do. ^ Do. 1020. [197] Do. var Do. Do. 1021. [198] Do. var Do. Do. 1022. [199] Yellow Cholum, or great millet (Sorghum vulga re var.), Murj, 1 CI10- lum, Do. Do. CEREALS. WHEAT Is cultivated and employed as an article of food throughout almost the whole of India. The analyses of the samples first entered, as well as those of the other grains which follow, are by the compiler of the present Catalogue. 1023. [55] Wheat, Broach, Bombay. COMPOSITION. Per cent. Moisture .... . 12-40 Nitrogenous matter . 14-68 Starchy matter . 69-78 Fatty or oily matter 116 Mineral constituents (ash) 1-98 Total 10000 1024. [56] Wheat (Triticum vulgare), Guzerat. Moisture .... Per cent. . 10-88 Nitrogenous matter . 13-30 Starchy matter . 73-23 Fatty or oily matter 1-29 Mineral constituents (ash) 1-30 Total 100-00 1025. [57] Wheat, Guzerat. COMPOSITION. Per cent. Moisture . 13-28 Nitrogenous matter . 1319 Starchy matter . 70-87 Fatty or oily matter 1-20 Mineral constituents (ash) 1-45 Total 100-00 1026. [58] Wheat, Bombay Bazaar. COMPOSITION. Per cent. Moisture . 13-41 Nitrogenous matter . 12-84 Starchy matter . 70-99 Fatty or oily matter . 117 Mineral constituents . : 1-59 Total 100-00 1027. [59] Wheat, Bombay Bazaar. COMPOSITION. Per cent. Moisture . 13-32 Nitrogenous matter . 14-90 Starchy matter . 68-54 Fatty and oily matter . 1-14 Mineral constituents (ash) 2-10 Total 100-00 ( 40 ) Class III. — North-East Gallery. 1028. [60] Wheat, Madras. COMPOSITION. Per cent. Moisture ...... 10-80 Nitrogenous matter . . . . 12-98 Starchy matter ..... 73-51 Fatty or oily matter .... 103 Mineral constituents (ash) 1-68 Total 100-00 1029. [6 1 ] Wheat, Calcutta. Nursingpore, and Hoshungaba'd districts, all along the line of the railway to Bombay. The average selling price at this place is about 30 to 35 seers per rupee (about 2(7. per bushel), and other descriptions of wheat can be had cheaper.* 1038. [1943] Wheat, Jubbul pore, Bengal. 1039. [6307] Do. Rangoon. Messrs. Hal- liday. Fox, & Co. 1040. [4790] Do.fBurmah. Messrs. Hal- LIDAY, Fox, & Co. COMPOSITION. Per cent. Moisture .... . 11-78 Nitrogenous matter . 12-73 Starchy matter . 72-58 Fatty or oily matter 1-01 Mineral constituents (ash) 1-90 Total 100-00 1030. [62] Wheat, Bombay Bazaar. Moisture .... Per cent. . 12-56 Nitrogenous matter . 14-26 Starchy matter . 70-26 Fatty or oily matter 106 Mineral constituents (ash) . 1-86 Total 100 00 Several of the samples of wheat forwarded on the present occasion were destroyed by weevil ; and a number of the other products had suffered from insects to a similar ex- tent.* The specimens of wheat enumerated be- low will be found on the stand along with those before named. 1 03 1 . [4980] Wheat, grown at Bangalore, Madras. 1032. [6082] Do. Poona, Bombay. 1033. [2368] Do. Nuggur Division, My- sore. 1034. [6086] Do. Ahmedabad. 1035. [6087] Do. Do. 1036. [9368] Do. Gilghit, N.E. of Pe- shawur, now being grown experimentally in Punjab. 1037. [1942] Do. Jubbulpore, Bengal. BARLEY Is extensively grown in the north of India, and occasionally in the hill regions in the south. 1041. [63] Barley (unhusked), Bombay Bazaar. COMPOSITION. Moisture Nitrogenous mutter Starchy matter Fatty or oily matter Mineral constituents (ash) Per cent. 8-00 . 10-94 . 7714 . l - 65 2-27 Total 100 00 1042. [64] Barley (husked like pearl- barley), Nepal. COMPOSITION. Per cent. Moisture .... . 12-90 Nitrogenous matter . 11-46 Starchy matter . 72-30 Fatty or oily matter 1-25 Mineral constituents (ash) 209 Total 100-00 1043. [6084] Barley ( Hordeum hexasti- chon), Ahmedabad. 1044. [2808] Do. 1045. [6910] Do. Calcutta. 1046. [6911] Do. Lucknow. Two kinds of barley are grown in Oude on light soils, and not irrigated. The one kind is called ‘ Jan,’ and is grown everywhere ; the other is called ‘ Dasawree,’ and is grown on the banks of rivers. Sown in October. Sells for 2 or 2 j maunds for 1 rupee.J OATS Are not indigenous. Some years ago they were introduced into Patna and Moonghyr, This beautiful wheat is produced in the Jubbulpore, * With but few exceptions the whole collection of grains from Mysore was destroyed by insects. ( 47 ) * Local Committee, Jubbulpore. f Local Committee, Rangoon. | Central Committee, Lucknow. Class III. — India. but the cultivation is not carried on to any extent. The sample the analysis of which is given below was not a good specimen. 1047. [ 65 ] Oats ( Arena sativa). Mixed sample from Patna and Moonghyr, 1850. COMPOSITION. Per cent. Moisture .... . 1352 Nitrogenous matter . 1013 Starchy matter . 68-79 Fatty or oily matter 3-63 Mineral constituents (ash) . 3-93 Total 100 00 1048. [ 7371 ] Oats, Moonghyr, 1861. MAIZE (Zca Mays). Extensively cultivated in many parts of In- dia. Only two representatives are shown. 1049. [ 69 ] Maize (Zea Mays), Bombay Bazaar. COMPOSITION. Per cent. Moisture .... . 12-90 Nitrogenous matter 9-23 Starchy matter . 74-63 Fatty or oily matter 1-59 Mineral constituents (ash) 1-66 Total 100-00 COMPOSITION. Per cent. Moisture .... 12-70 Nitrogenous matter 9-18 Starchy matter 74-53 Fatty or oily matter 1-90 Mineral constituents (ash) . Total 1-69 100-00 1052. [ 67 ] Jowaree (red) Bombay Bazaar. COMPOSITION. Per cent. Moisture .... 12-00 Nitrogenous matter 9-51 Starchy matter 74-71 Fatty or oilv matter 215 Mineral constituents (ash) Total 1-63 100-00 1053. [ 6080 ] Jowaree Do. Ahmedabad. 1054. [ 4940 ] Mootoo cbolum ( Sorghum vulgare), Madras. Dr. Hunter. 1055. [ 5004 ] Cumboo. Do. Do. Do. 1056. [ 2814 ] Jowaree (yellow). Various samples of this grain from Oude and other parts had become unfit for exhibition. Bajra ( Penicillaria spicata ; Holcus spicatus), Spiked Millet. 1057. [ 70 ] Bajra ( Penicillaria spicata), Bell ary, Madras. 1050. [ 4799 ] Maize, Burmah. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. It is common in Burmah. Maize is also extensively cultivated in Oude. The stem and leaves, when dry, are chopped up and given to cattle. The seed is ground for bread, and eaten under the name of Chabena. It is sold at 30 seers for the rupee.* MILLETS. Jowar, Jowaree ( Sorghum vulgare), ( Holcus Sorghum), Indian Millet. This and the next mentioned species, the Peni- cillaria spicata, or Bajra, constitute the chief grain food of a considerable pro- portion of the people of India. Taking the country as a whole, it is only the rich or well-to-do classes who can afford to em- ploy rice and wheat. The native names are those which have been attached to the different samples by the exhibitors. 1051. [ 66 ] Jowaree (white) ( Sorghum vulgare), Patna, Bengal. * Central Committee, Lucknow. ( 43 COMPOSITION. Per cent Moisture ...... 12-40 Nitrogenous matter .... 1014 Starchy matter . . . . . 73-37 Fatty or oily matter .... 2-20 Mineral constituents (ash) 1-89 Total 100-00 1058. [ 71 ] Bajra, Bombay Bazaar. COMPOSITION. Per cent. Moisture ...... 9-82 Nitrogenous matter .... 10-90 Starchy matter ..... 74-27 Fatty or oily matter .... 305 Mineral constituents (ash) 1-96 Total 10000 1059. [ 72 ] Bajra, Narespore. Moisture .... Per cent. . 11-80 Nitrogenous matter . 10-00 Starchy matter . . 71"45 Fatty or oily matter . 4-62 Mineral constituents (ash) 213 Total 100-00 ) Class III. — North-East Gallery. 1060. [106] Bajra, Bengal. 1061. [4060] Do. 1062. [4807] Do. Burmah. Messrs. Hal- 'libay, Fox, & Co. Panicum miliaceum common through- out India. 1063. [73] Panicum miliaceum, Bengal. Moisture .... Per cent. . 12-00 Nitrogenous matter . 12-60 Starchy matter 7043 Fatty or oily matter 3-62 Mineral constituents (ash) 1-35 Total 100-00 1064. [108] Panicum miliaceum, Tra- vancore. 1065. [5003] Chamay ( Panicum milia- ceum), Madras. Dr. Hunter. 1066. [hi] Do. Travancore. 1067. [6083] Chenoo ( Panicum milia- ceum), Ahmedabad. 1068. [107] Koda (Paspalum scrobicula- tum), Travancore. 1069. [113] Do. Benares. 1070. [1967] Do. Bengal. 1071. [2805] Do. 1079. [4051] Little millet ( Panicum miliare), Madras. 1080. [75] Eaggee ( Eleusine coracana ), Bombay Bazaar. COMPOSITION. Moisture Per cent. . 11*16 Nitrogenous matter 5-76 Starchy matter . 79-94 Fatty or oily matter 0-50 Mineral constituents (ash) . 2-64 Total 100 00 1081. [76] Eaggee, Bombay Bazaar. COMPOSITION. Moisture ...... Nitrogenous matter .... Starchy matter ..... Fatty or oily matter .... Mineral constituents (ash) Per cent. 1200 600 78-69 1-20 211 Total 100-00 1082. [109] Eaggee Bazaar. (black). Bombay 1083. [5007] Do. Dr. Hunter. Do. Madras. 1084. [6552] Do. Do. Cuttack. 1085. [4966] Mutlinga pilloo ( Eleusine cegypt iaca), Madras. Dr. Siiortt. 1072. [6310] Saurwah {Panicum frumen- tciceum), Bengal. 1073. [5838] Shegapoo Thenee {Panicum f rumentaceum ), Madras. 1074. [6308] Kakum ( Panicum itali- cum), Lucknow. 1075. [6085] Do. Ahmedabad. 1076. [6553] Do. Cuttack. 1077. [5002] Hicana ( Panicum itali- cum), Madras. Dr. Hunter. 1078. [74] Millet, called wild rice ( Pan- icum colorium), Gaujam. COMPOSITION. Per cent. Moisture . . . . . .11-96 Nitrogenous matter .... 9-64 Starchy matter 75 76 Fatty or oily matter .... 0-60 Mineral constituents (ash) . . . 2 01 Total 100 00 Class III. ( 1086. [110] K i ery ( A m aran th u s ft u men- taceus). 1087. [6309] Kiery ( Amaranthus anar- dhana), Lucknow. 1088. [7485] Kiery Eajura (A. anar- dhana), Ahmedabad. RICE (Oryza sativa). This is the favourite food-grain of the people ; but, except in Arracan, and a few other districts, in which it constitutes the chief and almost only article cultivated, its use is confined to the richer classes through- out the country. The extent to which it is exported from India to this and other countries will be gathered from an inspection x)f the Table pp. 50 and 51. A very large collection of paddy (rice in the husk) and cleaned rice has been forwarded on the present occasion. The space at disposal has, however, only admitted of the exhibition of the following samples : — 49 ) E 1860-01 18-59-60 1858-59 1857-58 1856-57 1855-56 1854-55 1853-54 1852-53 1851-52 1850-51 | Years Class III. — India . QUANTITIES (AS FAR AS CAN BE ASCERTAINED) AND VALUE OF RICE EXPORTED COUNTRIES WHITHER Whence United Kingdom France Other Parts oe Europe America China Arabian and Persian Gulfs Aden and Africa Cape of Good Hope Exported 1 § | § § t § | § s & •43 § P § ■3 d ■3 ■3 § 3 d •3 d ■3 1 ■3 P ■a 1 > !• > 5 > 1 > I > 3 > 1 t> 3 > Bengal . . . ^84, *762 £ 95,277 qrs. 6,597 £ 7,578 5,817 qrs. 6,632 £ 5,665 *5^076 £ 4,328 qrs. 7,223 £ 6,223 qrs. 59,533 £ 48,408 qrs. £ 3^550 £ 5,446 Madras . . 47,894 36,190 6,941 58,576 54,589 328 275 Bombay . . 77 165 5 10 14,751 25,632 128,629 2,788 1 :* All India . 13 i,7J3 131,631 13,538 13,395 6,6; 2 5,665 5,076 4,328 7,233 6,233 132,860 2,788 4,375 5,878 5,721 Bengal . . . 82,674 82,965 4,418 5,268 12,426 10,038 6,485 5,725 1,936 1,652 47,407 42,768 14,419 15,513 Madras . . 29,761 22,363 2,224 1,934 93,502 85,585 . . 6,057 5,196 Bombay . . 7 12 9,584 16,553 2,145 4,003 All India . 111,435 105,318 6,642 7,202 11,426 10,038 6,485 5,725 1,943 1,664 150,493 144,904 2,145 4,003 20,476 10,709 Bengal . . . 107,922 113,574 16,124 17,553 2,650 2,749 9,914 7,931 3,827 3,570 49,616 41,188 64,956 5,018 4,843 Madras . . 89,015 63,533 13,357 10,068 71,077 Bombay . . 27,621 2,650 7 13 9,858 17,517 4,888 9,576 All India . 196,937 177,107 19,481 1,745 9.914 7,931 3,834 3,583 130,551 123,661 4,888 9,S76 5,018 4,843 Bengal . . . 847,116 328,665 57,210 50,657 70,610 55,608 3,620 2,127 38,783 15,559 49,753 33,334 4,900 3,005 8,116 5,542 Madras . . 79,875 80,678 13,883 11,720 . . 3,345 2,040 83,861 91,272 7 12 Bombay . . 1,052 1,596 1 1 9,034 13,615 10,576 16,084 19,089 All India . 918,045 410,939 7L093 62,377 70,610 55,608 3,620 2,127 42,129 17,601 142,648 138,221 '5,542 8,123 5,554 Bengal . . . 11,507,584 538,959 1,982,248 73,819 2,204,936 114,78-5 144,889 5,024 342,561 13,276 1,448,292 53,730 5,228 2,520 192,096 7,778 Madras . . 21,508 21,270 7,882 6,041 80,914 99,275 8 14 Bombay . . 1,477 2,240 2,204,9j6 82 in 31,458 21,700 5,ioi 7,862 All India . 11,530,569 561,469 1,990,130 79,860 114.783 144.889 5,024 342,643 13,393 1 ,560,664 174,705 10,329 10,381 192,104 7,791 Bengal . . . 13,936,612 1,181,079 3,736,701 192,736 1,169,815 169,947 257,908 10,211 2,063,521 87,209 1,177,860 48,755 49,022 1,672 227,361 8,954 Madras . . 111,308 82,975 47,204 39,427 2,283 1,696 2,296 3,850 71,125 90,451 5 6 Bombay . . 2,784 4,107 885 1,343 34 52 332 504 19,449 26,597 3,2S6 4,978 All India . 14,050,704 I,268,l6l 1,784,790 133,506 1 ,169,849 169,999 160,191 11,907 1,066,149 91,56; 1 ,268,434 165,806 52.?'3 6,656 227,361 8,954 Bengal . . . 7,436,159 662,096 1,800,688 162,281 236,196 41,279 251,700 14,954 4,611,622 224,453 1,689,480 88,969 14,060 3,828 312,556 17,6-54 Madras . . 102,420 86,260 18,966 17,129 100 129 40,077 52,546 562 81S 16 21 Bombay . . 3,381 3,315 17,906 27.267 4,744 7,320 All India . 7,538.579 748.3 56 1,819,654 ■ 79,41° 236,296 41 ,408 251,700 H>954 + , 6l 5,003 227,768 1.747,463 168,782 19,366 11,966 511,571 ' 7,675 Bengal . . . 5,392,635 1,181,419 906,807 135,397 93,552 41,556 391,368 31,541 3,515,860 593,595 1,676,842 111,844 113,750 6,548 144,249 25,568 Madras . . 126,663 102,717 13,672 1 1 ,098 1,698 1,553 50,146 76,675 Bombay . . 1,284,136 146,49s 1,892 2,867 3,757 5,619 11,947 n, 9 o« 5,796 7,8*72 25,568 All India . 5,519,198 920,479 97,142 4S-976 191,368 31,541 3,519,617 599,214 1,738,935 200,425 119,546 14,420 344,145 Bengal . . . 496,893 461 ,662 13,748 14,891 161 219 28,468 44,792 168,966 159,944 113,357 156,944 6,224 9,586 1,457 23,356 Madras . . 34,891 22,412 21,261 13,164 1,713 2,230 36,271 64,717 279 414 Bombay . . 245 371 9,150 13,539 4,342 6,569 13,3S 6 All India . 531,784 484,074 35,009 28,055 161 219 28,468 44,792 170,924 162,545 158,778 235,20c 10,845 I6.569 i ,457 Bengal . . . 499,920 518,799 18,571 24,691 17,663 7,171 20,027 31,792 44,261 44,654 101,854 140.97.- 35,375 7,401 16,740 33,197 Madras . . 57,379 46,589 11,243 9,477 43 89 34,678 66,537 928 1,762 Bombay . . 70 117 9,656 14,792 2,314 3,533 All India . 557,299 565.388 29,814 14, 168 17,663 7, '71 20,027 3U792 44,374 44 , 86 = 146,188 228,304 38,617 12,696 16,740 33, '97 Bengal . . . 838,196 769,060 49,206 83,441 31,300 27,824 20,468 6,S86 12S, 962 134,69c 135,153 131,527 77,964 15,958 13,341 >2,039 Madras . . 54.602 38.339 31,805 25,918 99 155 4*1,604 84,892 583 1 ,080 33 50 Bombay . . 1,796 3,476 70 132 31,945 49,396 4,154 6,231 All India . 894.591 810,875 81 ,01 1 '09,355 31,300 27,824 20,468 6,886 129,131 134,98; 211,702 165,815 81,701 13.169 '3,374 21,089 ( 50 ) Class III. — North-East Gallery. tOM INDIA AND EACH PRESIDENCY TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD FROM 1850-51 TO 1860-G1. EXPORTED Total Exported to Ceylon Mauritius and Bourbon New South Wales Straits Settlements Turkey West Indies Other Parts ALL Parts Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value qrs. £ 141^311 £ qrs. £ qrs. £ qrs. £ qrs. £ qrs. £ qrs. 341,352 £ 5,607 3,417 119,467 1,228 1 ,253 9,463 7,669 3,006 2,405 5,361 4,367 31 1 ,503 245,545 190,648 28,210 23,017 164 138 1,137 947 20,037 15,890 3,631 3,023 412,463 330,534 18 29 118 192 17,757 30,401 251,170 194,094 169,521 14*484 1,39* i,39i 10,600 8,616 *3,043 18,295 9, no 7,58* 77', 57* 671,438 1,201 5,175 163,432 140,873 4,434 5,520 6,622 6,518 4,114 3,322 4,081 4,960 353,649 330,297 336,008 236,449 75,914 62,926 1,636 1,496 1,353 1,218 7,223 6,028 1 ,370 1,178 555,048 424,371 13 27 325 638 3 5 781 1,125 12,858 22,363 317.*“ 241,651 *39,671 204,457 6,070 7,°'6 7,978 7,74' 9.350 6,23* 7,163 9*1,555 777,03 1 5,965 3,780 220,586 135,456 10,600 10,184 8,031 6,947 3,213 2,870 5,430 4,363 448,296 355,008 301,251 221,923 64,101 51,146 196 179 2,038 1,742 7,247 6,464 1,138 7.33 549,420 420,744 8 16 56 112 1 ,020 1,484 15,837 28,718 507,224 225,719 284,687 166,602 10,852 10,47 s 10,069 8,689 10,460 9,334 7,588 6,580 ',0'3,S53 804,470 143,939 5,588 265,267 155,649 6,142 4,543 343,376 69,882 31,820 20,347 60,707 6,852 1,931,425 757,358 255,104 206,300 67,290 68,313 34 54 2,523 2,354 5,370 9,004 546 505 511,838 472,252 10 16 21 32 442 552 21,136 31,896 399.05 3 211,904 33*, 578 2*3,994 6,176 4,597 345,899 7*,*36 37,190 *9,351 61,695 7.909 *,464,399 1,261,505 582,497 18,911 4,304,316 159,883 236,562 8,557 2,245,595 105,518 834,332 30,630 673 482 26,431,809 1,143,870 248,361 226,582 29,260 30,241 354 593 261 259 405 680 507 803 389,460 385,758 48 74 1 1 622 698 39,789 32,692 850,906 *45,567 4,333,576 190,1*4 236,916 9,150 *,*45,857 105,778 834,737 3i,3io 1,802 1,983 26,861,058 1,562,3*0 819,230 29,585 5,170,340 213,895 642,756 23,166 1,067,117 74,566 786,500 28,398 338,049 11,175 31,442,792 2,081,348 289,640 240,060 17,355 17,759 914 942 836 700 804 835 543,767 478,704 38 57 853 62 27,661 38,694 1,108,870 *69,645 S, 187, 733 *31, 7” 641,756 23,166 1,068,031 75,508 787,336 29,098 339,706 12,072 32,014,220 *,598,746 770,930 30,729 6,667,617 303,838 785,872 69,432 1,207,292 91,019 1,633,948 71,104 554,957 15,964 ■27,773,083 1,797,600 295,585 253,053 15,299 14,718 316 288 30,641 38,544 1,542 940 182 66 505,706 464,512 52 80 840 1,089 26,923 39,071 1,066,521 283,782 5,682,968 518,636 785,87* 69,431 1,207,608 9', 307 30,641 38,544 ',635,490 71,044 5 S 5, 979 '7, "9 28,305,712 *,301,183 446,776 27,459 5,412,321 410,699 608,123 51,203 1,055,395 232,969 552,394 38,853 114,617 14,492 20,624,689 2,903,143 288,468 243,995 38,381 37,376 180 187 4,926 5,018 22,175 33,708 3,277 2,997 2,110 114 549,696 515,438 289 438 215 281 85 129 1 ,274 1 ,480 25,255 30,592 735.533 271 ,892 5,450,917 448,356 608,303 51,390 1 ,060,406 *38,116 **,'75 33,708 555,671 41,850 1 18,001 15,086 21,199,640 3, 449- '73 22,428 164,956 320,298 507,645 96,935 158,480 290,792 260,906 32,940 46,300 21,008 17,303 1,613,675 2,026,984 236,423 229,119 34,750 34,863 23 42 1,116 1,170 6,884 12,395 1,230 1,875 107 177 374,948 382,578 23,584 64 97 1,164 1,764 1,079 1 ,244 16,044 258,915 394, '7* 356,zi* 544, *7* 96,958 ! S8, 5** 291,908 262,076 6,884 '*,395 34.' 7° 48,175 **,'94 18,724 2,004,667 *,433,'46 95,959 66,035 376,044 33,287 511,526 84,758 139,912 248,667 112,650 38,341 135,022 184,845 35,309 1 ,783,025 1,815,134 287,440 258,186 38,355 3 5 489 497 7,628 14,912 3,974 4,405 7 11 437,099 440,825 383,399 77 117 623 1,777 13,740 20,336 3*4, **1 409,408 549-998 84,761 '39,917 *49,156 '1 3, '47 7,6*8 14,91* 4*,3'5 '39,4*7 185,475 37,097 *,*33,864 *,*76,*95 290,906 123,250 420,080 483,175 60,941 103,432 460,673 63,903 29,197 37.741 281,695 27,191 2,838,082 2,030,123 340,598 314,031 83,457 89,274 306 312 11,966 22,018 4,280 5,812 271 446 572,604 582,327 15 23 5 10 2 4 1,041 1,618 39,028 60,890 2.675,540 631,519 437,304 503,54* S7*,459 60,941 103,43* 460,981 64,219 11,966 22,018 33,477 43,553 183,007 *9-*55 3,449-7'4 e 2 ( 51 ) Class III . — India. 1089. [ 77 ] Rice ( Oryza sativa), Pegu. India Museum. COMPOSITION. Per cent. Moisture ...... 13-50 Nitrogenous matter . . . . 7-41 Starchy matter . . . . . 78-10 Fatty or oily matter . 0-40 Mineral constituents (ash) 0-59 Total 100-00 1090. [ 78 ] Rice, Bombay Bazaar. Do. COMPOSITION. Per cent. Moisture ...... 13-00 Nitrogenous matter .... 7-44 Starch matter ..... 77-63 Fatty or oily matter .... 0-70 Mineral constituents (ash) 1-23 Total 100-00 1091. [ 79 ] Rice, Broach, Bombay. Do. COMPOSITION. Per cent. Moisture 1310 Nitrogenous matter .... 7-12 Starchy matter ..... 78-70 Fatty or oily matter .... 0-49 Mineral constituents (ash) . 0-66 Total 100-00 1092. [ 81 ] Rice, Bareilly. Do. COMPOSITION. Per cent. Moisture ...... 12-80 Nitrogenous matter .... 8-24 Starchy matter ..... 77-80 Fatty or oily matter .... 0-64 Minera 1 constituents (ash) 0-52 Total 100-00 1093. [ 80 ] Pul ut rice, Malacca. Do. COMPOSITION. Per cent. Moisture ...... 12-90 Nitrogenous matter . . . . 7-24 Starchy matter ..... 78-56 Fatty or oily matter .... 0-60 Mineral constituents (ash) 0-70 Total 100-00 1094. [ 82 ] Rice, Arraean. Do. 1095. [ 83 ] Do., Bengal. Do. From Arraean, which exports rice to a larger extent than any other district, the undermentioned samples and information are forwarded by the Local Committee at Alcyab. 1096 . [9253] Lak-taw-ree-tha-jung-thau, Akyab. 1097 . [9254] 1098 . [9255] 1099 . [9256] 1100. [9257] 1101. [9258] (iua-kreen-tliee, Akyab. Loong-phroo, Akyab. Lak-roong, Akyab. Toung-pkroo, Akyab. Byah, Akyab. Nos. 9253 — 9258 are exported: No. 9254 in very large quantities; Nos. 9255 , 9257 , and 9258 are varieties of No. 9254 , ‘Gua-kreen-thee.’ It is not possible to state the quantity exported of each. Previous to 1845-46, Nos. 9253 and 9256 , Lak-taw-ree and Lak-roong. were more exten- sively grown than Gua-kreen-thee, as they were preferred in China, in the Straits, and Coast markets, but Gua-kreen- thee. being preferred in the European markets, and their yield per acre being greater, it has almost entirely sup- planted the other kinds. The quantity produced may be estimated at, ‘ Gua-kreen-thee,’ and varieties, 200,000 tons, and Lak-roong and Lak-taw-ree at 20,000 tons. Last year 125,000 tons rice were exported from Arraean, of which not more than about 5,000 tons were Lak-roong and Lak-taw-ree. The average annual export of rice from Arraean, during the last eight years, has been, to Europe 112,000 tons, to the East and Indian ports about 4,000 tons. The wholesale price of rice varies consider- ably, according with the demand : formerly it might be purchased at from 21. 10s. to 3/. 10s. the ton. The average rate, for the last ten years, may be set down at 51. per ton. In consequence of the rise in the price, China and other Eastern countries have been nearly driven out of the market. With regard to the desirability of endeavouring to cause an extension of the cultivation of any particular kind of rice, the natives will readily see which gives the best return, and there being a very large extent of waste land in this province, were it desirable, with increase of population, the cultivation of rice might be increased ten-fold ; but taking the population into consideration, the export of rice from Arraean is very great, owing, no doubt, to the excellent water-communication throughout the province : could, however, the inhabitants be induced to cultivate other articles to a greater extent than is now done, such as cotton, jute, tea, &c., it would be very de- sirable. Most of the information contained in the above has been furnished by J. Bullock, Esq., of the firm of Messrs. Halliday, Bullock, & Co., of Akyab, Member of the Akyab Committee. The specimens of rice submitted are of last year's pro- duce, and are consequently not of as good colour as if they were of this year’s produce.* 1102. [ 5732 ] Rice, Kurak-thor, Akyab. 1103. [ 9259 ] Paddy (rice in the husk), Akyab. 1104. [ 5733 ] Gua-mounk-way, Akyab. 1105. [ 5736 ] Lak-taw-ree-tha-jung-thau, Akyab. 1106. [ 5735 ] Gua-kreen-thee, Akyab. 1107. [ 5737 ] Loong-phroo, Akyab. 1108. [ 9260 ] Lak-roon, Akyab. 1109. [ 5734 ] Toung-phroo, Ak} 7 ab. * ( 52 ) Local Committee, Akyab. Class III. — North-East Gallery. 1110. [9261] Byah, Akyab. Paddy ( Rice in Husk) from Moulmein. 1111. [6292] Paddy, Aliphet or Kouk- gyee, Moulmein. This grain is cultivated in June and reaped in Decem- ber. This is the daily food of the people. 1112 . [6286] Paddy, Shangalay, Moul- mein. 1113 . [6285] Do., Konk Yen, Do. The sowing of rice takes place in June, and it is reaped in October; it is very quick in its growth, and requires little culture. 1114 . [6306] Paddy, Konk Mhoag, Moul- mein. 1115 . [6297] Do,, Nhat Tsa Bah, Do. 1116 . [6287] Do., Yahine, Do. 1117 . [6289] Do.., Wetssee, Do. 1118 . [6288] Do., Thootpaya, Do. 1119 . [6296] Do., Than Bah, Do. 1120. [6284] Do,, Konk Mhoag, Do. 1121 . [6280] Do., Khakabong, Do. 1122 . [9262] Do,, Tsankouk Ngei), Do. 1123 . [6278] Do., Konk Ya, Do. 1124 . [6305] Do., Na Kheit, Do. 1125 . [6281] Do., Toung Byan, Do. 1126 . [6279] Tsa Tha, Do. 1127 . [9263] Do., Ain Thee, Do. 1128 . [6291] Do., Yui Gnay, Do. 1129 . [6293] Po., Toung Aw, Do. 1130 . [6303] Do., Tsin Soay, Do. 1131 . [9264] Do., Nga Tin Thoay, Do. 1132 . [6302] Do., Kyet Thai, Do. 1133 . [9265] Do., Thakapheit, Do. 1134 . [6300] Do., Tsin Thee, Do. 1135 . [6298] Do., Gkakha Yine, Do. 1136 . [628.2] Do,, Nnagkheit Nhet, Do. 1137 . [6299] Do., E — thine, Do. 1138 . [6283] Do., Thetkouppan, Do. 1139 . [6290] Do., Gkalaon, Do. 1140 . [9266] Do., Myai-thuay, Do. All the varieties of rice in these provinces are sown in May or June at the setting in of the south-west monsoon ; some are cultivated in high land, and others in low land. A few samples showing the extremes of quality of the rices produced in the Cuttack district have been forwarded, accompanied with the remarks by the Local Committee here appended : — Rice is the staple of this division. It is used for food for man, beast, and bird ; for the manufacture of starch, the distillation of spirits, &c. Its varieties are as nume- rous as its uses. There are in this province three distinct crops ; the first, grown on somewhat high ground, is the early crop, sown for the most part in June, and reaped in August and September. The second is the main crop, sown in June and July, and cut from November to January. It requires a great deal of moisture, some varieties growing in several feet of water. The third is a dwarf crop, cultivated in the months of March, April, and May, on low-lying land, generally on the sides of marshes and pools, where irrigation is easy. The ratio of productiveness is said to be, in a good season, as 1 to 35. The market value of this grain varies so much according to locality and season, as is indeed the case with all other raw products of this part of the country, that it would only tend to mislead to give any rates pur- porting to be of general application. 1141 . [5738] Rice in the husk, Meeshay, Rangoon. 1142 . [5746] Do. Natsieng, Do. 1143 . [5749] Cargo rice husked by the Oriental Rice Company’s steam mill, Do. 1144 . [5745] Cleaned rice, Natsieng, dressed by the Burmese, Do. 1145 . [5750] Do. dressed by the Oriental Rice Company’s mill, Do. 1146 . [5747] Rice in the husk, Meedo, Do. 1147 . [5748] Cargo rice husked by the Oriental Rice Company’s mill, Do. 1148 . [6275] Cleaned rice dressed by the Oriental Rice Company’s mill, Do. 1149 . [5741] Rice in the husk, Beeat, Do. 1150 . [6276] Do. black rice. Do. 1151 . [5744] Do. ‘ winged ’ rice. Do. 1152 . [5742] Cleaned rice, red Koung- nyeen ( Oryza glutinosa), Do. 1153 . [5743] Rice in the husk, white Koungnyeen ( 0 . glutinosa ), Do. 1154 . [5740] Cleaned rice, white Koung- nyeen, Do. The Burmese recognise nearly a hundred varieties of rice, but the principal distinctions between the different kinds are as follows: — Hard grain, soft grain, glutinous rice. The ‘ Natsieng’ is the hardest grain, and is the rice which is accordingly principally exported to Europe. The ‘Meedo’ is the chief of the soft grain varieties. ( 53 ) Class III. — India. It is much preferred by the Burmese to the hard-grained sorts, and it is certainly superior in taste when cooked ; but the hard-grained rice is chiefly purchased by the merchants for export, as it keeps better, and the soft- grained rice is too much broken by European machinery in cleaning. Latterly, on the Continent, this last objec- tion appears to have been overcome, and a greater demand is consequently springing up for the ‘ Meedo ’ rice for the markets of foreign Europe. The ‘ Koungnyeen,’ or hill rice, is called ‘ glutinous’ rice by Europeans, from the property it possesses, when cooked, of the grains all adhering in a thick glutinous mass. It is the chief article of food with the Karens and other hill tribes, but is not much eaten by the inhabitants of the low swampy plains, where the common rice is grown. Nos. 5749, 5750, 5748, and 6275, have been husked and cleaned respectively by the steam mills erected at Rangoon by the Oriental Rice Company. Price of rice in the husk 50 rupees per 100 baskets of 52 lbs. Cargo rice 95 rupees per 100 baskets of 63 lbs. Cleaned rice 150 rupees per 100 baskets of 70 lbs. Of the special collection furnished by Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co., the under- mentioned samples are exhibited : — 1155. [4210] Baw-gyn. 1156. [4211] Shwai tkway, Burmah. 1157. [4213] Tha-za, Do. 1158. [4214] Cargo thaug-bong, Do. 1 1 59. [42 1 7] N a-pangyu-cow nyeing, Do. 1160. [4219] Tha-za, Do. 1161. [4231] Mian ma Ida dow, Do. 1162. [4233] Kya-nee-young, Do. 1163. [4234] Cow nyien ka nghet (glu- tinous rice), Do. 1164. [4247] Tann dwing, Do. 1165. [4819] Necranzie, Do. 1166. [4824] Byack, Arracan. 1 167. [4825] Do. Do. Lieut. W. Piiaire, Deputy-Commissioner, Assam, sends a large collection, of which the subjoined are a few representatives: — 1168. [6277] Rice, unshelled, Durrung, Assam. 1169. [6758] Do. shelled, Hukeoahbac, Do. 1174. [6781] Rice, unshelled, Homzul, Assam. 1175. [6782] Do. shelled, do. Do. 1176. [6794] Do. unshelled, Hurra Pooa, Do. 1177. [6795] Do. shelled, do. Do. 1178. [6770] Ditto, unshelled, Burhooag- mony. Do. 1179. [6771] Ditto, unshelled, Dulkoosee, Do. 1180. [6772] Do. shelled, do. Do. 1181. [6752] Do. unshelled, Maneekee- madoovy. Do. 1182. [6751] Do. shelled, do. Do. Of the specimens of rice forwarded by the Central Committee, Allahabad, the following are exhibited 1183. [6856] Rice, Bansmuttee, Phili- bheet District, Rohilcund. 1184. [6850] Do. Dhanee, Do. 1185. [6853] Do. Roymoonia, Do. 1186. [6857] Do. Gantanee, Do. 1187. [6868] Do. Hirruuj, Do. 1188. [6861] Do. Rutnee, Do. 1189. [6848] Do. Surhee, Do. 1190. [6862] Do. Hunsa, Do. 1191. [6867] Do. Hunsraj, Do. 1192. [6859] Do. Bunkee, Do. 1193. [6866] Do. Jhilma, Do. 1194. [6872] Do. Sammaloo, Do. The collection forwarded from Lucknow comprises the following : — 1195. [6817] Dhim^Ovt/za sativa), Luck- now, Oude. Eighteen seers per rupee. Grows all over Oude exten- sively. This is considered as one of the best sorts of rice, and is produced from the bateesa paddy. 1 196. [6818] Dhan (O. sativa), Lucknow, Oude. 1170. [6796] Do. unshelled (Paddy), Kuchareehalle, Do. Twenty seers per rupee. Grows all over Oude. This is considered a superior kind, and produces a white rice called b :tecsa. 1171. [6797] Do. shelled, do. Do. 1172. [6775] Do. unshelled, Bugagulm, Do. 1173. [6776] Do. shelled, do. Do. ( 1197. [9267] Dhan (lamba) (0. sativa), Lucknow, Oude. Sixteen seers per rupee-. Grows all over Oude exten- sively. This is also a superior kind, and is called lamba chawl. ) Class III. — North-East Gallery. 1198. [6819] Kala Dhan ( Oryza sativa), Lucknow, Oude. Twenty-five seers per rupee. Grows all over Oude. This is a specimen of browrn rice produced from the black ' paddy ; it is an inferior kind, and used by the poorest people ; it is called bagree chawl.* 1199. [6816] Dhan (lamba) ( 0 . sativa), Lucknow, Oude. Twenty seers per rupee. Grows all over Oude exten- sively. This is considered one of the good kinds of paddy, and produces the long white rice. 1200. [6820] Dhan (0. sativa), Luck- now, Oude. Twenty-eight seers per rupee. Grows all over Oude. This is an inferior kind of paddy, and produces, when husked, a reddish rice ; the natives call this kind bagree. Very many varieties of rice are grown in Oude. A heavy soil and plenty of water suits them best. There are five kinds which are considered among the best ; ‘ Mihee ’ and ‘ Bansee ’ are foremost. The peculiarity in the cultivation of these tw r o kinds is, that they are trans- planted and placed about 5 inches apart. And, by this method, if the soil is good, they grow to the height of an ordinary sized man, and produce a much larger quantity than if otherwise treated. The odour and flavour of these two kinds, when cooked, are superior to those of any other kind. They are only used by those who can afford to buy them. As the labour in cultivating them makes them dearer than the other sorts, the three other varieties which are considered good are the ‘ Bateesa,’ the ‘ ’ and the ‘ Phool-Biring.’ They are sown broad-cast in June, and left so, and they are the kinds mostly used by natives. The first two mentioned, when new, sell for 10 or 12 seers per rupee, and become dearer according as they become older. The other three kinds sell for about 19 seers per rupee, and are dearer if older. Some consider ‘ Phool- Biring ’ the best, as it swells in boiling, and has an agree- able odour.* The collection of rices from Chota Nag- pore, as forwarded by the Local Committee there, is partly represented by the follow- ing:— 1201. [6883] Rice, Pershad Chogdan, first sort, Chota Nagpore. 1202. [6884] Do. Shamzeerer Dhan, Do. 1203. [6885] Do. Rajnath Dhan, Do. 1204. [6886] Do. Seetul Cheenie Dhan, Do. 1205. [6887] Do. Sikhee Dhan, Do. 1206. [6888] Do. Ramghurria Dhan, Do. 1207. [6889] Do. Chundunphul Dhan, Do. 1208. [6890] Do. Kussoor Sal Dhan, Do. 1209. [6891] Do. Gehu Hurree, Do. 1210. [6892] Do. Raichoonee Doshawdar Dhan, Do. 1211. [6893] Rice, Siree Kumul, Chota Nagpore. 1212. [6894] Do. Chundunphul Dhan, Do. 1213. [6895] Do. Bansmuttee Dhan, Do. From Madras the following examples are exhibited : — 1214. [4045] Rice {Oryza sativa), Seer oo- manen aresee, Madras. 1215. Do. 1216. Do. 1217. 1218. 1219. 1220. 1221. Do. [4046] Do. Hoonda sumba aresee, [4048] Do. Coodum sumba aresee, [4048] Do. Paswell, Do. [4054] Do. Seeraga sumba, Do. [4056] Do. Peroo car aresee. Do. [4057] Do. Segapoo aresee. Do. [4061] Do. Nelloo var. Monakata, 1222. [4248] 1223. [4979] 1224. [4982] 1225. [4984] 1226. [4985] 1227 [4986] Hunter. 1228. [4988] 1229. [4989] 1230. [4990] Do. Do. Do. Medong Cargo, Do. Do. Red aresee, Do. Do. Majay aresee. Do. Do. Carah aresee, Do. Do. Piegoh aresee, Do. Do. Baulah aresee, Do. Dr. Do. Pootoo aresee, Do. Do. Do. Pallow aresee, Do. Do. Do. Curpoo pootoo aresee. 1231. [4991] Do. Car aresee, Do. Do. 1232. [4992] Do. Chodum Chumbah, Do. Do. 1233. [4994] Do. Kaddy Khythan, Do. Do. 1234. [4999] Do. Palin Chumbah, Do. Do. Rice is not extensively cultivated in the Bombay Presidency. The following are ex- amples from Poonah and Ahmedabad. 1235. [7410] Rice {Oryza sativa), Chowl Dakosal, Poonah. 1236. [7411] Do. Chowl Bhasud, Do. 1237. [7412] Do. Chowl Dhowlasal, Do. * Local Committee, Lucknow. ( 55 ) Class III. — India. 1238. [7413] Rice, Chowl Umbemoher, Poonah. 1239. [7415] Do. Bhat Danger allahurry, Ahmedabad. 1240. [7416] Do. Bhat Danger satee, Do. 1241. [7417] Do. Bhat Camood, Do. 1242. [7418] Do. Bhat Danger pakalee. Do. Do. 1243. [7419] Do. Bhat Danger satee sat, PULSES. Pulses occupy an important position in the food vocabulary of the people of India. They are eaten with, and supply to rice, and some other cereals, the nitrogenous or ‘flesh- forming ’ material in which these are defec- tive. Of the pea tribe, Gram ( Gicer arietinum), or chick pea, occupies an important posi- tion. It is largely used by the people, and constitutes, besides, the great horse-food of Northern and Western India. It can be used for this purpose for a length of time without causing ‘ heating,’ or the other deleterious effects, ordinarily produced by the too exclu- sive employment of peas and beans in this country. A comparison of the various analyses which follow will show that the proportion of nitrogenous or ‘ flesh-forming ’ matter in gram is, with one exception, less than in any of the other pulses enumerated : — 1244. [84] Gram ( Gicer arietinum), Bengal. India Museum. COMPOSITION. Per cent. Moisture .... . io-so Nitrogenous matter . 19-32 Starchy matter . 62-20 Fatty or oily matter . 4-56 Mineral constituents (ash) . 312 Total 100 00 1245. [85] Gram, Bombay Bazaar. Do. COMPOSITION. Per cent. Moisture .... . 12-24 Nitrogenous matter . 1805 Starchy matter . 61-70 Fatty or oily matter 4-95 Mineral constituents (ash) 3-05 Total 100 00 ( 1246. [86] Gram, Bombay. IndiaMuseum. COMPOSITION. Moisture .... Per cent. . 10-86 Nitrogenous matter . 2117 Starchy matter . 6011 Fatty or oily matter 4-47 Mineral constituents (ash) 3-39 Total 100 00 1247. [87] Gram, Bombay Bazaar. Do. COMPOSITION. Per cent. Moisture .... 9-25 Nitrogenous matter . 20-64 Starchy matter . 63-62 Fatty or oily matter 411 Mineral constituents (ash) 2-38 Total 100-00 1248. [88] Gram, Bombay. Do. COMPOSITION. Per cent. Moisture .... . 10-80 Nitrogenous matter . 21-23 Starchy matter . 60-30 Fatty or oily matter . 4-77 Mineral constituents (ash) . 2-90 Total 100-00 1249. [90] Gram (husked), Madras. Do. COMPOSITION. Per cent. Moisture .... . 11-30 Nitrogenous matter . 21-04 Starchy matter . 60-45 Fatty or oily matter . 4-31 Mineral constituents (ash) 2-90 Total 100-00 1250. [91] Gram (white runpore. Do. variety), Saha- COMPOSITION. Per cent. Moisture .... . 12-20 Nitrogenous matter . 2013 Starchy matter . 60-24 Fatty or oily matter 4-63 Mineral constituents (ash) 2 SO Total 100-00 1251. [6081] Chenna peela (Cicer arie- tmum), Ahmedabad. 1252. [4032] Chick pea (C. arietinum), Madras. 1253. [5039] Do. 1254. [4032] Do. (husked), Madras. 1255. [89] Gram, husked, (C. arietinum). 56 ) Class III. — North-East Gallery. 1256. [4805] Gram, Burmah. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. PIGEON PEA ( Cajanus indicus). This pea is a particular favourite. When husked and split, it constitutes the kind of ‘ dhol ’ which, when procurable, most com- monly enters with rice into the formation of the vegetable curry of the Hindoo. The three samples which follow show its composition. The others are a portion of those forwarded for exhibition on the present occasion. 1257. [92] Pigeon pea, Jaffrabad, Bom- bay. India Museum. COMPOSITION. Per cent. Moisture ...... 10-77 Nitrogenous matter .... 2019 Starchy matter ..... 64-32 Fatty or oily matter , . . . 1-32 Mineral constituents (ash) 3-40 Total 100-00 1258. [93] Pigeon pea, Calcutta Bazaar. Do. COMPOSITION. Per cent. Moisture ...... 12-80 Nitrogenous matter .... 20-38 Starchy matter ..... 61-90 Fatty or oily matter .... 1-62 Mineral constituents (ash) 3-40 Total 100-00 1259. [96] Pigeon pea, (husked), Broach Do. COMPOSITION. Per cent. Moisture .... 12-30 Nitrogenous matter . . . . 19-83 Starchy matter . 6312 Fatty or oily matter . . . . 1-86 Mineral constituents (ash) 2-89 Total 100-00 1260. [4934] Thoraray ( Cajanus incli- cus), Madras. Dr. Hunter. 1261. [4927] I)o., Madras, Dr. Hunter. 1262. [4929] Mullay thoraray (C. indi- cus ), Do. 1263. [4034] Pigeon pea (C. indicus), Do. 1264. [7165] Arhar kala, dark variety (<7. indicus'), Lucknow. 1265. [7166] Arhar safaid, white variety (do-), Do. 1266. [7182] Parbuttee (Cay anus indi- cus), Beerbhoom. 1267. [7179] Do. Hooghly. 1268. [4034] Pigeon pea, husked, (C. indicus), Do. 1269. [97] Pigeon pea. Do. 1270. [ 1 1 7] Do. COMMON PEA {Pimm sativum). 1271. [94] Pea (P. sativum), Benares. India Museum. COMPOSITION. Per cent. Moisture .... . 1270 Nitrogenous matter . 2520 Starchy matter . 58 38 Fatty or oily matter 110 Mineral constituents (ash) 2-53 Total 100-00 1272, [98] Pea, Benares. Do. COMPOSITION. Moisture .... Nitrogenous matter Starchy matter Fatty or oily matter Mineral constituents (ash) 1273. [95] Pea, 1274. [4933] Buttanee Madras. Dr. Hunter. 1275. [4040] Do. Madras. 1276. [4764] Do. Burmah. Messrs. Hal- liday, Fox, & Co. 1277. [4817] Paisailong (P. sativum), Do. Do. 1278. [2819] LENTILS {E> •vum lens). Cultivated in many parts, but not gene- rally held in high repute. 1279. [101] Lentils (E. lens), Calcutta Bazaar. India Museum. COMPOSITION. Per cent. Moisture . 12-70 Nitrogenous matter . 24-57 Starchy matter . 59-43 Fatty or oily matter 101 Mineral constituents (ash) 2-29 Total 100-00 Per cent. . 12-60 . 21-80 . 6219 M2 2-29 Total 10-000 (P. sativum), ( 57 ) Class III. — India. 1280. [102] Lentils (husked), Bombay Bazaar. India Museum. COMPOSITION. Moisture Nitrogenous matter Starchy matter Fatty or oily matter Mineral constituents (asli) Per cent. 12-50 24-65 59-34 114 2-37 BEAN TRIBE. Beans are largely cultivated and em- ployed similarly to the foregoing. Of the Dolichos species, the two first enumerated are those chiefly used as articles of human food. Of the first mentioned, the Dolichos Lablab, there are a number of varieties, all of them favourites. Total 100-00 1281. [103] Lentils (whole), Calcutta Bazaar. Do. COMPOSITION. Per cent. Moisture . 11-40 Nitrogenous matter . 2618 Starchy matter .... . 59 43 Fatty or oily matter 1-00 Mineral constituents (ash) . 1-99 Total 100-00 1282. [104] Lentils, Bombay Bazaar. Do. COMPOSITION Moisture .... Nitrogenous matter Starchy matter Fatty or oily matter Mineral constituents (ash) Total 100-00 Per cent. 10-72 25-20 59-96 1- 92 2 - 20 1283. [4753] Lentils, Burmah. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. 1284. [4031] Do. (split), Madras. 1285. [4939] Lentils, Madras. Doctor Hunter. 1288. [133] Whal ( Lablab vulgaris), Bombay Bazaar. India Museum. COMPOSITION. Per cent. Moisture .... . 1 O' 81 Nitrogenous matter . . 2455 Starchy matter . 60-81 Fatty or oily matter 0-81 Mineral constituents (ash) 3 02 Total 100-00 1289. [136] Ghot wall (Z. vulgaris var.), Bombay Bazaar. Do. Moisture .... Per cent. . 1202 Nitrogenous matter . 22-45 Starchy matter . . 60 52 Fatty or oily matter 215 Mineral constituents (ash) 2-86 Total 100 00 1290. [4926] Yelley Mochay (Z. vul- garis), Cottay, Madras. Dr. Hunter. 1291. [4928] Segapoo (Z. vulgaris), Madras. Dr. Hunter. 1292. [4800] Do. Burmah. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. VETCH ( Lathy r us sativus). This pulse is cultivated in many parts of the country ; it is not, however, considered a particularly wholesome article of food, for either man or beast. It is too rich in nitro- genous matter, and therefore requires to be largely diluted. 1286. [105] Vetch (Z. sativus), Calcutta Bazaar. India Museum. COMPOSITION. Per cent. Moisture . 10-10 Nitrogenous matter . 31-50 Starchy matter . 54-26 Fatty or oily matter 0-95 Mineral constituents (ash) 319 Total 100 00 1287. [6597] Khesaree (Z. sativus), Cut- tack. ( 58 CHOWLEE ( Dolichos sinensis). Extensively cultivated. There are three varieties, white, brown, and black. 1293. [132] Chowlee (D. sinensis), Bom- bay Bazaar. India Museum. Moisture Per cent. . 12*44 Nitrogenous matter . 2400 Starchy matter . 59 02 Fatty or oily matter 141 Mineral constituents (ash) . 313 Total 100 00 1294. [6079] Chowlee, Ahmedabad. 1295. [6158] Do. Poona. 1296. [135] Katjangpootayam (Z). sinen- sis), Malacca. ) Class III. — North-East Gallery. COOLTEE, ‘ Madras Horse Gram,’ {Dolichos uniflorus). Chiefly cultivated in the Madras territory. ^Steeped and used for horses; occasionally eaten by man. 1297. [122] Cooltee (D. uniflorus), Bom- bay Bazaar. India Museum. COMPOSITION. Moisture .... Per cent. . 11*30 Nitrogenous matter . 23-47 Stai-chy matter . 61-02 Fatty or oily matter 0-87 Mineral constituents (ash) . 3-34 Total 100 00 1298. [129] Cooltee, Bellary, Madras. Do. COMPOSITION. Per cent. Moisture .... . 11-50 Nitrogenous matter . 23 03 Starchy matter . 61-85 Fatty or oily matter 0-76 Mineral constituents (ash) . 2-86 Total 100 00 1299. [138] Cooltee ( D . uniflorus). 1300. [4938] Caroopoo colloo (Z). uni- florus), Madras. Dr. Hunter. 1301. [4035] ‘Horse gram’ (Z). uni- florus). Madras. 1302. [128] Do. 1303. [4696] Colloo (Z). uniflorus), Madras. Dr. Hunter. GTJWAR ( Dolichos fabceformis). A hard refractory bean, cultivated in the Deccan, steeped, and then almost entirely used for animals. 1304. [139] Guwar (Z). fabceformis), Poona. India Museum. COMPOSITION Moisture .... Nitrogenous matter Starchy matter Fatty or oily matter Mineral constituents (ash) Total 100 00 Per cent. . 11-75 . 29 80 . 53-89 1-40 316 BHOOT, Soja hispida , ( Dolichos Soja). Cultivated in many parts to the north of India. This is the same as the well- known Chinese bean, which constitutes such a large article of trade between the nor- thern and southern ports of China. Of all vegetable substances, it is richer in nitro- genous or ‘ flesh-forming’ matter than any yet discovered. 1307. [99] Salmca bean, white ( Soja hispada). India Museum. COMPOSITION. Per cent. Moisture .... 8-12 Nitrogenous matter . 40-63 Starchy matter . 29-54 Fatty or oily matter . 1771 Mineral constituents (ash) 4-00 Total 100-00 1308. [100] Salmca bean, white. Do. COMPOSITION. Moisture Nitrogenous matter Starchy matter Fatty or oily matter Mineral constituents (ash) Per cent. 796 . 37-74 . 3108 . 18-90 4-32 Total 100 00 1309. [130] Salmca matra. Do. bean (black), Su COMPOSITION. Per cent. Moisture . 10-40 Nitrogenous matter . 41-54 Starchy matter . 30-8-2 Fatty or oily matter . 12-31 Mineral constituents (ash) 4-93 Total 100-00 Of the PHASEOLI, the P. radiatus is one of the principal favourites, although it is doubtful if any of these are in such general repute as some of the preceding. 1310. [118] Phaseolus radiatus, Bom- bay Bazaar. India Museum. COMPOSITION Moisture .... Nitrogenous matter Starchy matter Fatty or oily matter Mineral constituents (ash) Totai. 100-00 Per cent. . 1100 . 22-48 . 6215 1 -46 2-91 1 305. [4044] Muthee puttay ( Cyamopsis psoralioides), Madras. 1311. [4937] Patchay pyaroo (P. radi- atus), Madras. Dr. Hunter. 1306. [6078] Guour, Ahmedabad. 1312. [4936] Do. Do. 59 ) Class III. — India, 1313. [4964] Thoolokak pyaroo ( Phaseo - lus radiatus), Okiugleput. Dr. Shortt. 1314. [48 1 6] Paidee (P. radiatus), Bur- mah. .Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. 1315. [ 1 1 6] Do. 1316. [120] Do. 1317. [123] Do. 1318. [7184] Qord (P. radiatus), Luck- now. 1319. [4043] Do. (husked), Madras. 1320. [125] Green gram ( Phaseolus mungo), Bombay Bazaar. India Museum. COMPOSITION Moisture .... Nitrogenous matter Starchy matter Fatty or oily matter Mineral constituents (ash) Total 100-00 Per cent. 9-20 24-70 60-36 1-48 3-26 1321. [126] Green gram (husked as ‘ dholl ’ ), Bellary, Madras. Do. Moisture . . . . Per cent. . 12-90 Nitrogenous matter . 23-54 Starchy matter . 59-38 Fatty or oily matter 1-11 Mineral constituents (ash) 3-07 Total 100-00 1322. [4037] Black gram (P. mungo), Madras. 1323. [4935] Oolendoo (7k mungo), Madi as. Dr. Hunter. 1324. [4033] Do. Madras. 1325. [4802] Painaut (P. mungo), Bur- mah. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. 1326. [4806] Paikinant, (P. mun go), Bur- in ah. Do. 1327. [4033] Moong, husked (P. mungo), Madras. 1328. [124] Phaseolus aconitifolius, Calcutta Bazaar. Moisture .... Per cent. . 1122 Nitrogenous matter . 23-80 Starchy matter . 60-78 Fatty or oily matter 0-64 Mineral constituents (ash) 3-56 Total 100 00 It is extensively cultivated in Oude. When split, it forms ene of the ‘ jDdls’ and ground into flour is used for bread by natives. It is also sometimes used mixed up with wheaten flour. Bullocks, sheep, goats, and many of the native cavalry horses are fed on it. Two varieties are cultivated, white and black. 22 seers per rupee. 1329. [4930] Cawramanee (P. vulgaris), Madras. Dr. Hunter. 1330. [4931] Do. Do. 1331. [6239] Kiwanch-ka-beej ( Mucuna prurita), Bombay. 1332. [105*] Dkoolaconda (47. prurita), Do. 1333. [4941] Poona kalie (47. prurita), Madras. Dr. Hunter. 1334. [4039] Agathee ( Agate grandi- flora), Madras. The undermentioned is a peculiar grain- like substance from Malacca, the botanical source of which has still to be determined. The appearance of the seed does not afford any very distinct clue to this ; its composition leads, however, to the conclusion that it is of leguminous origin, 1335. [38*] Ejin or Ee-gin, Malacca. Moisture .... Per cent. . 12-60 Nitrogenous matter . 23 06 Starch}- matter . 59-40 Fatty or oily matter . 0-89 Mineral constituents (ash.) 4-05 Total 100-00 ( 60 ) Class III. — North -East Gallery. Section B. — GROCERY OR PREPARATIONS OF FOOD AS SOFD FOR > CONSUMPTION. FRUITS. The specimens of dried fruits are good, and their condition, generally speaking, ex- cellent. They comprise many which are but little known in England. 1336. [4190] Mangosteen ( Garcinia Mangostana), Rambutan ; Rambai ; Limon Kandangsa; Langsat ; Kumbule ; Rumania. Penang. 1337. [4191] Custard apples; Mango- steen ; Guava ; Buahbell, Pulasan, Amrah, Limonpurut, Blimbing-buloh, Blimbing- saga, Assam-glugor, Katapang and Blinjow. Penang. 1338. [4192] Durian, Rambutan, Rambai, Sillooh, Assam Kulubi, Pulasan, and Blim- bing (. Averrhoa Bilimbi'). Penang. 1339. [4193] Mangosteen, Jamboo ( Eu- genia Jambolana), Papaya ( Carica Papa- ya), Blinjow, Buah-dulee-mah, Buah-bungah Siam, Buahblingai, Assam Glugor. Penang. 1340. [4194] Durian, Mangosteen; Am- rah, Nutmegs and Rambai. Penang. 1341. [4359] Durian, Mangosteen, Lemon kaya, Namnam, Rambutan Langoat, Kona- jang. Singapore. A number of specimens of imitation fruits have also been sent for exhibition. These may now be fitly introduced. They are all from Lucknow, with one exception. 1 342. [5I3 1 ] Imitation squash 1343. [5132] Bael fruit. 1344. [5134] Mango. 1345. [5136] Guava. 1346. [5138] Custard apple. 1347. [5HO] Orange. 1348. [5 T 4 2 ] Kumralk. 1349. [5 1 44] Plantain. 1350. [5H7] Cucumbers. 1351. [5150] China peach. 1352. [5i5i] Lime. 1353. [10052] Certain imitation fruits from Bareilly. TICKLES, PRESERVES, DRIED FRUITS, ETC. 1354. [5730] Preserve of Asparagus racemosus, Lucknow. 1355. [5672] Limes, Do. 1356., [5673] Imitation fish, cut out of Benincasa cerifera , Do. 1357. [5670] White mango. Do. 1358. [5669] Preserve of Momordica charantia, Do. 1359. [5667] Carrot, Do. 1360. [5663] Petha (Benincasa cerifera), Do. 1361. [5665] Chillies, Do. 1362. [5668] Green mango, Do. 1363. [5671] Oranges, Do. 1364. [5677] Nauratan pickle, of nine ingredients, among which are mangoes, figs, &c., Do. 1365. [5674] Pickles of Averrhoa Ca- rambola, Do. 1366. [5676] Tamarind chutney ( Tama - rindus indica), Do. 1367. [5675] Mango chutney ( Mangi - j era indica), Do. 1368. [10169] BaeJ (JEgle marmelos), Calcutta. 1369. [4777] Gee Thee, Burmah. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. 1370. [4066] Niangis burong, Penang. 1371. [5664] Preserve of Artocarpus la- coosha, Lucknow. 1372. [10193] Pickles of Artocarpus la- coosfia, Do. 1373. [ 1 o 1 7 1 ] Mowha flowers ( Bassia latifolia), Moonghyr. 1374. [7177] Do., Lucknow. ) ( 61 Class III. — India. 1375. [6456] Mowha flowers, Allahabad. 1376. [6x10] Oomla ( Phyllanthus em- blica), Abmedabad. 1377. [5182] Dried plantains {Musa pa- radisiaca), Eamree. 1378. [6107] Figs ( Ficus Carica), Bom- bay. 1379. [6106] Kokum ( Garcinia pur- purea), Poona. 1380. [6103] Raisins ( Vitis vinifera), Bombay. 1381. [6113] Sultanas, Do. 1382. [7100] Cabid grapes, Calcutta. 1383. [6138] Raisins, Bombay. 1384. [1861] Do. Punjab. 1385. [1910] Tamarinds ( Tamarindus indica), Bengal. 1386. [4780] Do. Burmali. Messrs. Hal- liday, Fox, & Co. 1387. [6102] Do. Abmedabad. 1388. [6101] Do. Poona. 1389. [6108] Dates ( Phoenix dactyli- fera), Bombay. 1390. [6099] Jujubes (Zizyplms jujuba), Do. 1401. [6689] White pepper, Singapoi'e. Jose d’Almeida, Esq. 1402. [6608] Black pepper ( Piper ni- grum), Rhio. Do. 1403. [6685] White do. Do. Do. 1404. [1*] Black pepper (P. nigrum), Travancore. 1405. [6105] Do. Bombay. 1406. [4*] Wild pepper (P. trioicum), Travancore. 1407. [4145] Soosoo pepper (P. nigrum), Penang. 1408. [4146] Trang pepper (do.), Do. 1409. [8*] White pepper (do.), Bengal. 1410. [10730] Do. Mangalore. V. P. Coelho, Esq. 1411. [4808] Black pepper (P. nigrum), Burmah. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. 1412. [6104] Pepile ( Ghavica Rox- burg/di), Bombay. 1413. [6691] Long pepper (C. officinalis), Java. Jose d’Almeida, Esq. 1414. [6210] C. Roxburghii, Calcutta. 1415. [10170] Do. Assam. Lieut. Phaire. 1391. [6134] Do. Do. 1392. [6248] Sebestens (Cordia lati- folia). Do. 1393. [6100] Amboolie ( Mangofera in- dica), Almedabad. 1394. [6034] Shah bul loot (edible acorns), Bombay. 1395. [6071] Pounded do. Do. 1396. [6074] Chilgoza ( Pinus Gerar- diana), Do. 1397. [6109] Badam ( Amygdalus com- munis), Do. 1398. [6133] Peroo ( Psidium pomi- ferum), Do. 1399. [4795] KyaTsai (Nelumbium spe- ciosum), Burmah. STICES, ETC. 1400. [6690] Black pepper (Piper ni- grum ), Singapore. Jose d’Almeida, Esq. ( 62 1416. [6486] Sha morich (P. nigrum ), Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey. 1417. [4779] Chillies (Capsicum sp.), Burmah. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. 1418. [6114] Muchai (Capsicum frutes- cens), Poona. 1419. [6116] Do. Abmedabad. 1420. [6213] Capsicums (C. fastigiata), Calcutta. 1421. [6212] Do. (C. frutescens), Do. 1422. [6124] Assalia (Lepidium sati- vum), Abmedabad. 1423. [10737] Kavate (Xanthoxylum sp.), Mangalore. V. P. Coelho, Esq. Used by the natives in their curries. 1424. [10678] Cardamoms (Elettaria cardamomum), Do. 1425. [4788] Do. seeds (Amomum sp.), Burmah. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. ) Class III. — North-East Gallery. 1426. [70*] Cardamoms ( Elettaria car- damomum), Calcutta. 1427. [65*] Do. 1428. [66*] Do. Travancore. 1429. [6218] Ginger ( Zinziber offici- nalis), Midnapore. 1430. [1908] Do. Calcutta. 1431. [6216] Do. Kanny Loll Dey. 1432. [6092] Green ginger (do.), Poona. 1433. [6093] Soont ginger (do.), Ahme- dabad. 1434. [6094] Udruck ginger (do.), Bom- bay. 1435. [6x11] Turmeric ( Curcuma longa), Akmedabacl. 1436. [4144] Cloves (Caryopliyllum aro- maticum), Penang. 1437. [6089] Do. (mature fruits), Bom- bay. 1438. [4195] Do. (preserved), Penang. 1439. [6088] Do. Bombay. 1440. [44*] Cassia buds (Cinnamomvvi sp.), Canara. 1441. [7181] Cinnamon (Laurus niticla), Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey. 1442. [6090] Do. Bombay. 1443. [6091] Do. (C. cassia), Bombay. 1444. [36*] Wild cinnamon, Coorg. 1445. [33*] Cinnamon, Travancore. 1446. [6344] Do. Singapore. Jose d’Al- meida. Esq. 1447. [34*] Sassafras bark, Martaban. 1448. [98*] Malabathrum leaves (Cinna- momum cassia). 1449. [4139] Nutmegs ( Myristica mos- chata), Penang. 1450. [4194] Do. (preserved). Do. 1451. [4195] Do. Do. 1452. [4140] Do. Do. 1453. [4138] Do (in shell). Do. 1454. [6073] Jaiputree (Myristica sp.), Bombay. 1455. [6097] Jawntree mace (Myris- tica tomentosa), Bombay. 1456. [4142] Mace (M. moschata), Pe- nang. 1457. [6096] Jaiputree mace (Myristica sp.), Bombay. 1458. [6119] Sowa (Anetkum Sowa), Akmedabad. 1459. [6118] Warcalee (Fceniculum pan- morium), Poona. 1460. [6117] Coriander (Coriandrum I sativum), Poona. ( 63 ) • Class III. — India . 1461. [6122] Sovva ( Anethum Sowa ), Poona. 1462. [6123] Jeera ( Guminum cymi- num), Alnnedabad. 1463. [6120] Carraway ( Carum nigrum), Bombay. 1464. [6121] Ajowan ( Ptychotis ajo- tvan), Poona. 1465. [6115] Poppy seed ( Papaver som- niferum), Ahmedabad. Used as a condiment. SUBSTANCES USED IN THE PREPARATION OF DRINKS : — TEA. The collection is one of the greatest in- terest, both as to magnitude and the quality of the article displayed. No fewer than 153 different samples of tea are exhibited, and many of these are of excellent quality. All of them are unadulterated with colour, and show at least what we ought to receive in ‘ green ’ and ‘ black ’ teas. An exhibition of teas from localities other than the well-known ones in China possesses more than ordinary interest. There can be no doubt that tea will be extensively culti- vated in India — land spread over a district exceeding 1,000 miles in length being more or less adapted to its growth. The produc- tion of tea in Assam lias taken very firm root, and is spreading with almost unexampled rapidity. But the cultivation of tea is not confined to Assam ; the Government of India having succeeded, through the able agency of Dr. Jameson, in introducing its cultiva- tion into Dhera Dhoon, Kumaon, Gurhwal, and Kangra. As the result of this, private enterprise — as represented by a number of individuals and several companies — is now engaged in extending its cultivation in the districts in question — the Government still, however, continuing to foster its growth, not with the view to immediate pecuniary profit, but simply to encourage so important an article of commerce. Of what is being done, a very good notion is conveyed by the sam- ples displayed. Tea from Assam. 1466. [7243] Congou, No. 1, Assam. Assam Tea Company. ( 1467. [7244] Congou, No. 2. Assam. Assam Tea Company. 1468. [7245] Flowery Pekoe, Do. Do. 1469. [7246] Orange Pekoe, Do. Do. 1470. [7247] Pekoe Souchong, Do. Do. The Assam Company has been established since 1839, and now supplies the markets of London and Calcutta with no fewer than 1,000,000 lbs. of tea annually. The plant, which is reared in nurseries until it is matured, was first obtained from the shrubs indigenous to the country. It begins to yield in its third year, and attains its maximum production in the seventh. One and the same plant affords the following varieties : — Pekoe, Flowery Pekoe, Orange Pekoe, Souchong, Congou, and Bohea. The kind of tea is determined simply by the number of the sieve through which the dried leaves will pass. 1471. [4703] Fine flowery Pekoe, Do. Pekoe, Do. Souchong, Green tea, Chundy- pore Factory (season 1861), Assam. Messrs. John Borradaile & Co., Calcutta. 1472. [4704] Fine Congou, Do. Do. 1473. [4705] Fine flowery Pekoe, Do. Pekoe, Do. Souchong, Do. Congou, Sooris- pore Ballicandy Factory (season 1861), Assam. Do. 1474. [2023] Fine Souchong, Coocheela Factory (season 1861), Assam. Do. 1475. [2024] Fine Pekoe, Do. Do. 1476. [4404] Fine flowery Pekoe, Do. Do. 1477. [2085] Pekoe tea, Do. T. Morgan, Esq., Debroogkur, Assam. Maijan Planta- tion. 1478. [2086] Souchong, Do. Do. 1479. [2087] Congou, Do. Do. 1480. [2095] Flowery Pekoe, Do. W. Straford, Esq., Jorehaut, Assam. Noak- haree Plantation. 1481. [2096] First class Pekoe, Do. Do. 1482. [2097] Unsorted Black, Do. Do. 1483. [2098] Greenish tea (finest), Do. Do. 1484. [2034] Pekoe, Do. G. Williams, Esq., Scebsagur, Assam. Benganakooah Tea Plantation. 1485. [2035] Do. Do. Singlo, Assam. 1486. [2036] Do. Do. Nowgong. Diffloo, Assam. 1487. [2037] Do. Do. Seebsagur. Gil- liedary, Assam. 04 ) Class III. — North-East Gallery. 1488. [3970] Orange Pekoe (Chah or Phalap), Dibrooghur. II. E. S. Hannay, Esq. 1489. [3967] Pekoe, Do., Mankottah, Upper AsHatn. Messrs. Higgs, Sevenoaks, & Melany. 1490. [3968] Hyson, Do. Do. Do. 1491. [3969] Scented Pekoe, Do. Do. Do. 1492. [3971] Pekoe, Do., Nagagbooli, Upper Assam. Messrs. JIarky & Wagen- TRIEBEK. These teas have been manufactured from China plants, in July 1861. 1493. [3972] Souchong (Chah or Phalap), Nagagbooli, Upper Assam. Messrs. Barry & Wagentrieber. 1494. [3973] Congou, Do. Do. Do. 1495. [3974] Pekoe, Do. Do. Do. Manufactured from indigenous plants, in July 1861. 1496. [3975] Souchong, Do. Do. Do. 1497. [3976] Congou, Do. Do. Do. 1498. [3977] Green, Mankottah Sesa Barie, Upper Assam. Dhatooram Jemadar. The manufacture of this tea differs from China tea. The Assam green teas are unfaced, and not coloured in any degree. 1499. [2092] Pekoe (Chah or Phalap), Maijam, Upper Assam. C. II. Morgan, Esq. 1500. [2093] Souchong, Do. Do. Do. 1501. [2094] Congou, Do. Do. Do. 1502. [2088] Flowery Pekoe, Khowang, Assam. Captain Lloyd, Commissioner of A 88am. Manufactured by II. L. Jenkins, Esq. 1503. [2089] Orange Pekoe, Gowhatty. II. G. Bainrridge, Esq., Gowhatty. Manufactured from Assam leaf. 1504. [2090] Flowery Pekoe, Do. II. G. Bainrridge, Esq., Gowhatty. Manufactured from China leaf. 1505. [2091] Do. Do. Toa from Cachar. A number of new plantations have been started in this district. Already upwards of fifty are said to exist, and some thousands of acres are under cultivation. .Class III, 1506. [3963] Flowery Pekoe, Cachar. The produce of the Goongoor Pahar Plan- tation, of the season of 1861, belonging to the Cachar Company. Superintendent, R. Stewart, Esq. 1507. [3964] Orange Pekoe, Do. Do. 1508. [3965] First-class Souchong manu- factured from leaf taken from China plant, Do. Do. 1509. [3966] First-class Souchong manu- factured from the plant indigenous to Cachar, Do. Do. 1510. [4400] Flowery Pekoe. Messrs. Tydd, Forbes, & Co., Cachar. Victoria Tea Garden Plantation. 1511. [4401] Pekoe, Do. Do. 1512. [4402] First quality Souchong, Do. Do. 1513. [4403] Second do. Do. Do. 1514. [3717] Souchong. Mr. Paterson, Tullee Cheer a, at Sylhet. 1515. [3718] Congou, Do. 1516. [3730] Flowery Pekoe, Do. 1517. [3731] Pekoe, Do. 1518. [6566] Tea, Chittagong. Tea thrives vigorously in this place. It is good, though gathered from trees little cultivated, and not properly dried and prepared.* 1519. [2149] Flowery Pekoe, Hazaree- baugh. From Seetagurah Plantation. 1520. [2148] Orange Pekoe, Do. Do. 1521-24. [2144-7] Pekoe, Do. Do. 1525. [3734] Indigenous tea plant, Do. Found in the jungles, being of wild indigenous growth. f Tea from Darjeeling. The following remarks on the cultivation of tea and coffee in the Darjeeling territory are by Dr. Campbell, to whom we are chiefly indebted for the excellent display of Indian teas on the present occasion. The first trial of the tea plant at Darjeeling was made in 1841, with a few seeds grown in Kamaon from China stock. It was quite successful as to its growth, and the quality was approved of by the Assam tea planter who visited Darjeeling in 1846, and made the first tea here. * Local Committee, Chittagong. + Local Committee, Chota Nagpore. ( 65 ) Class III. — India. The original plants are now to be seen. All are of gigantic size : one is a bush 50 feet in circumference and 20 feet high. Nevertheless 7000 feet, the elevation of Darjeeling, is too great for profitable planting; the frost kills the seedlings, and there is not a sufficiently rapid succession of leaf in the warm season to make the manufacture pay. At 7,500 feet the plant does not thrive at all. Elevations of 4,500 feet and under that to 2000, are the best for tea, and from 3000 to 1200 feet will probably be found the best for coffee. Tea and coffee plantations at higher elevations than these may eventually come into occasional use to secure high-flavoured produce without reference to profit. Although experiments continued to be made on the growth of the tea plant, and seed from Assam and Kumaon was distributed gratuitously by Government, it was not till 1856 that the first plantation was started at Nursing, and another near Darjeeling, by Captain Samler, who was also the first to try coffee. The success in both cases has been complete, and others have followed in the same path. Indeed all that is now required, is care- fid and liberal encouragement by the Government, to render these hitherto valueless mountains a rich and pro- ductive field for European enterprise, a profitable source of pleasant labour to the Hill tribes, and through these channels a source of strength and stability to our power. The following table exhibits the quantity of land taken up for tea and coffee planting in Darjeeling up to 1861, with the extent of cultivation, the numbers of plants out of nursery, the probable quantity of tea for the season of 1861, and the labour employed. RETURN OF TEA AND COFFEE PLANTATIONS IN THE DARJEELING TERRITORY, 1861. Name of Planter or Company Extent of Grant in Acres Acres in Tea Cultivation No. of Plants not in Nursery No. of lbs. of Tea to be made in 1861 Labourers f At Darjeeling 20,000 lbs. of tea at Nursing and Darjeeling Tea and Coffee Company, l 2,000 421 acres in tea 112 in coffee < 318,000. At Nur- sing, 184,000. At Darjeeling and Nur- sing. At, Nursing, 300 Limited j Nursing, coffee 2,000 lbs. of coffee, 91,800 1.200 tea seed Tuckvor Tea Company, Li- 1,500 500 tea, 20 coffee 950,000 3,200 360 mited Hopetown Tea Association, 1,500 500 900,000 4,800 360 Limited Balasan Tea Company, 1,000 130 200,000 None 150 Limited J. Perry, Nenwiek . . . 25 30,000 30 J. Cleene. Hopetown . . 25 . 20,000 25 W. Taylor, Hopetown . . 300 8 Coffee. Nursery 25 300 acres. Mr. Vaughan Seed in Nursery 10 Darjeeling Tea Company, 4,150 200 240,000 I Iii mited Ging Park and Ambotia . 3,000 50 60,000 J 4,800 700 Mr. Truetter 26 9 13,000 1.600 24 Minchu 81 8 20,000 10 Singell . . ... Wardroper and Ames : — 1,500 240 None 200 Nursing 100 80 132,0001 2,000 50 Tuckvor 15 36,000 J Torikoolla 360 200 8,000 1,000 30 Mr. Grant 150 12 20,000 400 20 Mr. Barnes 300 13 Tea. 3 Coffee 40 Castleton 300 200 300,000 100 Dooturia 4,000 500 800,000 48 oz. Darjeeling Tea Company, 1,598 Limited Total 21,865 3,251 Tea plants, 4,303.000 42,600 Tea 2,534 Coffee, 91,800 20,000 Coffee The manufacture of tea in Darjeeling begins in April and ends in October. During the period twenty pickings of leaves are reckoned on. The tea of April, May, and October is the finest. The coffee is cured from October to January. The number of tea plants per acre varies from 1860 to 2700, according as they are placed at 5 or 4 feet apart. The produce of tea per acre looked for from the first year of manufacture to the fourth or fifth, when a plantation is at maturity, cannot be correctly estimated. The produce per plant in the fourth year of age is variously estimated at i to 3 ounces. Captain Massan in a memorandum of his operations at Tuckvor, states ‘ he got last season from a few indigenous Assam plants grown at an elevation of ( 66 5000 feet above the sea one pound of manufactured tea from each tree. The trees were seven years old.’ This is an immense return, and not to be reckoned on, on a large scale. Labour is still abundant, and is likely to continue so from the absence of demand in Eastern Nepaul, the great source of supply. The plantations give steady employ- ment to about 3000 persons, with extra hands occasionally. Wages of Coolies 4 s. 8 d. to os. per mensem. Employment on tea and coffee is preferred to that on roads and buildings. Wages of manufacturing Coolies amount to 8 rupees per mensem ; that of European assistants to from 100 to 150 rupees; of managers from 200 to 400, with house, &c. ) Class III. — North-East Gallery. The capital involved in tea and coffee plantations in Darjeeling up to 1861, is 1,600,000 rupees or 160,000/. The difficulty of communication with Rajmahal is still the greatest drawback to the progress of tea and coffee planting, as it is to the general advancement of Darjeeling. For the full developement of its resources, a continuation of the rail to the foot of the Hills is required. 1526. [3732] Pekoe tea, Darjeeling. Forwarded by Messrs. Wood, Oliffe, & Co., agents of the Kursiong and Darjeeling Tea Company. Captain Samler. 1527. [3733] Do. Knrsiong. Do. 1528. [3718] Pekoe. Kursiong Planta- tion. Darjeeling. P. H. Scanlan, Esq. 1529. [3719] Souchong. Do. 1530. [3720] Congou. Do. 1531. [3721] Souchong, Kursiong Planta- tion. P. H. Scanlan, Esq. 1532. [3722] Pekoe. Do. 1533. [3723] Congou. Do. 1534. [3724] Pekoe. Do. 1535-8. [3725-28] Four samples of mixed black tea. Tuckvor Tea Plantation. Darjeel- ing. Captain Masson. 1539. [2047] Souchong. Darjeeling. Ma- homed Tonikoolla. 1540. [2040] Do. Darjeeling. Hope Town Tea Association. 1541. [2039] 1542. [2038] 1543. [2041] 1544. [4415] 1545. [4416] 1546. [4417] 1547. [4418] 1548. [4711] Tea Plantation. 1549. [4412] 1550. [4411] 1551. [4410] 1552. [4708] 1553. [4414] 1554. [4709] 1555. [4707] 1556. [4706] Pouchong. Do. Souchong. Do. Hyson. Do. Pekoe. Do. Pouchong. Do. Souchong. Do. Hyson. Do. Fine Souchong. Koalagire Darjeeling. Government. Souchong. Do. Pouchong. Do. Bohea. Do. Young Hyson. Do. Hyson. Do. Imperial gunpowder. Do. Gunpowder. Do. Hyson skin. Do. ( 1557. [4413] Pekoe. Koalagire Tea Plantation. Darjeeling. Government. 1558. [2045] Hyson. Do. 1559. [2046] Souchong. Do. 1560. [3729] Young Hyson. Do. 1561. [3994] Brick tea, Sikkim. Dr. Campbell. Tea from Deyrah Dhoon. The following samples have been for- warded from this important district : — 1562. [4407] Pouchong. Hurbunswala, Arcadia, and Hope Town Plantation, Deyrah Dhoon. North-west Tea Company. 1563. [2099] Young Hyson. Do. 1564. [4710] Hyson. Do. 1565. [4405] Pukh Hyson. Do. 1566. [4406] Gunpowder. Do. 1567. [4409] Company’s Mixture. Do. 1568. [2100] Fine Souchong. Do. 1569. [4408] Souchong. Do. Tea from Kumaon and Gurwhal. Both in Kumaon and Gurwhal, and the Deyrah Dhoon, Government plantations,* as well as those of individuals and com- panies, are to be found. In the year 1861 alone, the Government distributed to pri- vate planters throughout Kumaon, Gurwhal, Deyrah Dhoon, and the Punjab upwards of 130 tons of seed, and 2,400,000 seedlings. 1570. [3986] Souchong. Megree Tea Plantation. Kumaon. C. II. Troup, Esq. 1571. [3987] Pouchong. Do. 1572. [3988] Bohea. Do. 1573. [3989] Souchong. Konsamire Tea Plantation. Kumaon. Konsamire Tea Com- pany. 1574. [3990] No. 1 Young Hyson. Do. 1575. [3991] No. 2 Do. Do. 1576. [3992] Hyson. Do. 1577. [3993] Imperial Gunpowder. Do. * The Government tea factories and plantations in Kumaon and Gurwhal, as well as those in Kangra, are about to be notified for sale by public auction. 67 ) ' f 2 Class III. — India. 1578. [4385] No. 1 Imperial Gunpowder. Kumaon Hawalbagk Tea Plantation. Government. 1579. [4386] No. 2 Do. Do. 1580. [4387] Gunpowder. Do. 1581. [4388] No. 1 Young Hyson. Do. 1582. [4389] No. 2 Do. Do. 1583. [4390] No. 1 Hyson. Do. 1584. [4391] No. 2 Do. Do. 1604. [2030] Hyson Skin. Kangra Tea Plantation. Government. 1605. [2031] Souchong. Do. 1606. [2032] Pouckong. Do. 1607. [2033] Bohea. Do. Note. — The above samples were those first forwarded. The eight which follow are superior in point of quality, but these did not come to hand until the jury had all but concluded its labours. 1608. [7860] Souchong, Kangra. Go- vernment. 1585. [4392] Hyson Skin. Do. 1586. [4393] Souchong. Do. 1587. [4394] Bohea. Do. 1588. [4395] Souchong. Kumaon Agar- tola Tea Plantation. Government. 1609. [7861,] Hyson, Do. Do. 1610. [7862] Imperial Gunpowder, Do. Do. 1611. [7863] Young Hyson, Do. Do. 1612. [7864] Souchong, Do. Do. 1589. [4396] Pouchong. Do. 1590. [4397] Bohea. Do. 1591. [4398] Souchong. Kumaon Bhurt- pore Tea Plantation. Government. 1592. [4399] Pouchong. Do. 1593. [7242] Bohea. Kumaon Blimthal Tea Plantation. Government. 1594. [3980] Fine Souchong. Gurwhal. Government. 1595. [3981] Souchong. Do. 1596. [3982] Pouchong. Do. 1597. [3983] Bohea. Do. 1598. [3984] Souchong. Warrand Field Tea Plantation, Gurwhal. T. Warrand, Esq. 1599. [3985] Souchong. Willow Bank Tea Plantation, Gurwhal. G. Richards, Esq. Tea from Kangra, Punjab. Upwards of 1416 maunds, or more than 52 tons, of the seed were obtained from the Government plantations at Kangra for dis- tribution in 1861. The present exhibition includes the following samples : — 1600. [2026] Hyson. Kangra Tea Plan- tation. Kangra. Government. 1601. [2027] Young Hyson. Do. 1602. [2028] Gunpowder. Do. 1603. [2029] Imperial Gunpowder. Do. ( 1 1613. [7865] Do. Do. Do. 1614. [7866] Hyson, Do. Do. 1615. [7867] Souchong, Do. Do. Sample of Tea from Burmah. 1616. [4758] Brick tea, Burmah. Messrs. IIalliday, Fox, & Co. COFFEE. This important berry is being extensively cultivated in the high-lands of Southern India, and large tracts of country are avail- able for the extension of its growth. The amount and value of the coffee ex- ported from India will be gathered from the Table subjoined. (See next page.) 1617. [5065] Coffee (Goffea arabica), Mysore. Colonel Onslow. Known in the market as ‘ Cannon’s Mysore.’ The subjoined remarks on coffee-planting in Mysore are by Colonel Onslow : — According to the traditions of the country, the coffee plant was introduced in Mysore by a Mussulman pilgrim, named Baba Booden, who came from Arabia about 200 years ago, and took up his abode as a hermit in the un- inhabited hills in the Nuggur Division named after him, and where he established a muth or college, which still exists endowed by Government. It is said that he brought seven coffee berries from Mocha, which he planted near to his hermitage, about which there are now to be seen some very old coffee trees. However this may be, there is no doubt that the coffee plant has been known in that neighbourhood from time immemorial ; but the berry has never come into general use among the people for a beverage. It is only of late years that the coffee trade of these districts has become of any magnitude, or that planting has been carried to any important extent. There is no record of either farther back than the year 1822, when the revenue was under contract. In the vear 1837, ) SHOWING THE QUANTITIES (AS FAR AS CAN BE ASCERTAINED) AND THE VALUE OF COFFEE EXPORTED FROM INDIA AND PRESIDENCY TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD FROM 1850-51 TO 1860-61. Class III. — North-East Gallery. Class III. — India. when the country had been some years under British rule, the Baja’s authority having been suspended in 1832-3, the contract system was discontinued, and a duty of one rupee per maund of 28 lbs. was fixed. From that time the pro- duction of coffee and duty is duly recorded. In 1843 the duty was reduced to half a rupee per maund on exporta- tion, and in 1849 to a quarter of a rupee. Together with the reduction of duties, regulations for taking up and holding coffee lands were adopted. At the same time prices continued to rise. 1 Cannon’s Mysore’ (the eoflfee exhibited) has risen from 48s. per cwt. in 1846-7 to an average of 96s. per cwt., and has fetched so high as 115s. Native coffee sold in the country has risen from 1 rupee per maund of 28 lbs. to 6 and 8 rupees. The encouragement thus given to coffee planters has resulted in the great extension of planting, the prosperity of the planters, and an increase of revenue to the state. Under the contract system the revenue averaged from 1822 to 1832, 4270 rupees annually, and from 1832 to 1837, 7472 rupees annually. The yearly average during the next six years under the duty system, the duty being 1 rupee per maund, was 15,238 rupees on that number of maunds. During the next six years, the duty being half a rupee per maund, the average yearly produce rose to 52,236 maunds, giving a revenue of 26,118 rupees yearly. During the next 12 years, that is, up to 1861 inclusive, to which time the accounts are made up, the yearly average of produce rose to 346,083 maunds, and the revenue to 86,524 rupees, the duty having been reduced to a quarter of a rupee per maund. This short statement serves to show the good effect of liberal measures. More than 30 years ago a few Europeans were engaged in coffee planting near Chiekmoogloor, a few miles from the Bababooden Hills. About 20 years ago the planta- tions producing the well-known coffee called ‘ Cannon’s Mysore’ and others on the Memzera, ‘ bad moun- tain,’ were commenced by two enterprising gentlemen. The success of these has induced many more Europeans to plant coffee in Mysore. The consequence is, that the coffee trade of Mysore bids fair to emulate that of Ceylon. It has given also an example to other parts of India, and the plant originally taken from the Baba- booden Muth is now extending over tens of thousands of acres in Coorg, the Wynaad district, the Neilgherry Hills, and along the Western Ghauts, North and South. In Mysore the number of European coffee planters has within the last 10 years increased to 20 or 30. The number of native planters is estimated between 3000 and 4000. The quantity of land planted or taken up cannot be ascertained with any degree of accuracy. The revenue depending upon the quality of the coffee produced, not upon a tax on land, there is no regular correct system of land measurement. This way of taxing is bad ; it leads to bad cultivation and smuggling. It is to be hoped that a land tax will be adopted instead, which would have a good moral and fiscal effect. It would put an end to smuggling, and would be a great inducement to the natives to improve their cultivation, which is now very slovenly. If the tax were on the land, they would make more effort to increase the produce of it. The average produce per acre in Mysore is probably not half that of Ceylon. The coffee districts are confined to the region of the Western Ghauts and the Bababooden Hills. Some at- tempts have been made to cultivate coffee in the open country, but without success ; it seems to require forest land and considerable elevation and moisture. ‘ Can- non's Mysore’ is grown on a range of hills from 3,500 to 4,000 feet above the sea, having the benefit of the south- west monsoon, which very seldom fails at all, never entirely, and of the tail-end of the north-east monsoon. It is probably to these advantages that the peculiar qualities of ‘Cannon’s Mysore’ are attributed, viz. closeness of texture and richness of flavour. This elevation gives a pleasant climate well suited to the Europeans. During the south-west monsoon, the planter may be in his gar- dens all day long without oppression in the hottest weather ; the thermometer in house on these plantations 1 ( 70 rises no higher than 81° or 82° Fahrenheit. The whole of the coffee district, with here and there an exception of feverish spots, possesses a climate in which the European can live and work with comfort, and, with moderate care and prudence, with health. Planting has of late years been carried to such an extent by Europeans and natives in Mysore, that but little available land remains. These mountain and forest wastes have been turned into rich productive gardens. From being the most wild and desolate parts of Mysore, these districts have become very prosperous, and the people have been raised from poverty to comfort, and in many instances to wealth. The natives are benefiting largely by the capital and example of European planters, and are learning the science of planting. Mysore generally, especially the coffee districts, affords a most promising field for European capital and enter- prise. 1618. [10583] Coffee, Salem. Messrs. Fisher & Co. 1619. [10799] Do. in husk, Mangalore. V. P. Coeliio, Esq. 1620. [6423] .Coffee, Ckota Nagpore. M. Lieisekt. 1621. [6422] Do. Do. 1622. [6567] Do. Chittagong. 1623. [6098] Do. Bombay. 1624. [6387] Do. Malacca. Captain Playfair. 1625. [4771] Do. in husk ( C . arabica), Burmah. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. 1626. [4174] 1627. [6699] Valborg, Esq. 1628. [4171] 1629. [4148] Do. Penang. Do. Singapore. Do. Penang. Do. Do. W. J. 1630. [6694] Cocoa (Theobroma Cacao), Singapore. Captain W. Scott. This sample was grown experimentally in a garden at Singapore. Among the substances used in the prepa- ration of drinks the following are included: — 1631. [6095] Hura Char ( Andropogon dtratum), Ahmedabad. Used as a beve- rage. 1632. [5188] Dietetic Bael (j£gle mar- melos), Calcutta. Messrs. Bathgate & Co. This dietetic preparation is obtained from the fruit of the Bael (Mgle •marnulos), and is strongly recommended by the manufacturers for invalids and dyspeptic persons, and an agent has been appointed in England for its sale. ) Class III. — North-East Gallery. STARCHES &c. Arrowroot, Tapioca, and Sago. 1633. [7148] Arrowroot {Maranta arun- dinacea), Cuttack. arrowroot PLANT ( Maranta arimdinacea ).* 1634. [7149] Wild arrowroot, Do. It is not easy to decide whether this is identical with our garden arrowroot. A cup of arrowroot made of the one is not distinguishable from a cup made of the other, except, perhaps, by a slightly earthy taste and smell observable in the wild arrowroot, which is easily accounted for by its imperfect manufacture. The cultivation and more perfect manufacture of the garden arrowroot have been comparatively recently introduced into the province, so that it is neither generally grown nor its produce used by the natives. The specimen sent was made from plants of his own growing by a native Christian of ‘ Khundittur,’ who sells his produce among the European residents of Cuttack, his price being a little under 6 d. per English lb. This arrowroot is of excellent quality, and the .process of manufacture as simple as can be. The tubers arc taken up in the cold season, washed, put into a large wooden mortar, and mashed. The mash is then taken out, and well washed in cold water, the water drained off, and set to stand in large flat vessels, in which it deposits a large proportion of the arrowroot flour, which is rewashed in cold water, and set to dry in the sun. The wild arrow- root, known in the bazaar as 1 Palooa,’ grows abun- dantly in the jungles of the district. It is collected in the cold season by the Sahars, the tubers pounded and mashed, and the sediment dried in the sun. By these people it is eaten and sold for the manufacture of what is called ' Abheer.’ In the Sumbulpore, and to a less degree also in the Cuttack District, the wild arrowroot is made * From Mu. 11. Haedwicke, 192 Piccadilly. ( | into cakes, or boiled with milk, and thus used as an article of food. This Committee had intended to send specimens of sago and tapioca meal, the trees being indigenous, but the time and the season of the year have prevented it.* 1635. [6425] Arrowroot from plant grow- ing wild in the jungles, Cliota Nagpore. M. Liebert. 1636. [6425] Arrowroot, Chota Nagpore. 1637. [6565] Starch from wild ginger, Chittagong. o o The plant which furnishes this sample grows every- where in this district ; it is very difficult to eradicate it from land, as the smallest root or piece of a root that has an eye will spring up again. The plant dies off in December. A rough experiment was made with this root by the Civil Assistant-Surgeon of this place, Dr. W. B. Beatson, and the yield was estimated at 1 ounce of starch from 1 pound of the root. The experiment, how- ever, was not precise enough to be satisfactory, and he is inclined to think that the yield would be much larger, as the microscope shows the root to be loaded with starch granules. The supply of the root being inexhaustible, any quantity of starch might be extracted from it yearly, and it might be found a valuable article of commerce. There would be no expense for cultivation, and allowing for the cost of digging the root, and manufacturing the starch by bruising and macerating the root in water and drying the deposit, the product would be cheaper than Arracan rice, which is believed to be largely' exported to Europe, to be used, not as food, but in manufacture for glazing linen, &c.f 1638. [22*] Arrowroot {Cu.rcuma, spe- cies), Rohilcund. 1639. [18*] Do ( C . angusti folia), Ma- labar. 1640. [5731] Arrowroot, Bard wan. 1641. [7147] Do. Akyab. Large quantities can be produced if required. This description of arrowroot is prepared from the Pemban Oo root, obtainable in large quantities. Price 4 rupees per maund. f 1642. [10694] Arrowroot flour, Manga- lore. V. P. Coelho, Esq. 1643. [6684] Arrowroot, Singapore. M. T. Davidson, Esq. 1644. [6390] Kledey Poteh, sweet potato flour ( Batatas edulis), Malacca. Captain Burn. 1645. [10697] Byne Palm flour {Caryota urens), Mangalore. V. P. Coelho, Esq. * Local Committee, Cuttack. f Local Committee, Chittagong. } Local Committee, Akyab. 71 ) Class III. — India. 1646. [10698] Amroota Bally, Bangalore. Y. P. Coelho, Esq. 1 647. [1881] Singara flour ( Trapa bispi- 7iosa), Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey. 1648. [34*] Sweet farina of Parkia bi- globosa, Madras. 1649. [4073] Tapioca ( Jatropha ma- nihot ). Province Wellesley. tapioca plant {Jatropha manihot ).* 1650. [4074] Tapioca. Lawrence Nairne. 1651. [4182] Do. Alma Estate, Province Wellesley. I). C. Thompson, Esq. 1652. [1331] Speed’s steam-made arrow- root {Mar ant a arundinacea),. Calcutta. A. George, Esq. 1653. [1332] Tapioca, steam-made ( Ja- tropha manihot), Calcutta. A. George, Esq. 1654. [4180] Tapioca flour, Alma Estate, Province Wellesley. 1655. [4181] Refuse of tapioca root after extracting the starch, Alma Estate, Province Wellesley. 1656. [6388] Tapioca, Malacca. T. Neubronner, Esq. 1657. [190] Raggy flour ( Elen sine cora- cana), Mangalore. V. P. Coelho, Esq. 1658. [6389] Sago Rombiya, Malacca. Captain Burn. 1659. [4070] Sago, Penang. 1660. [6697] Sago flour, Singapore. Jose d’Almeida, Esq. r I ||j !L- -- « BHI ff SAGO PALM. 1661. [6687] 1662. [6692] Angus, Esq. 1663. [4071] 1664. [4069] 1665. [4072] 1666. [3835] 1667. [2838] Do. Lingee. Do. Pearl sago, Sarawak. G. Sago, Penang. Do. Do. SALEPS. Bechundie, Jubbulpore. Do. Raepore. This substance, if pulverised, resembles arrowroot, and is made use of by natives on fast days, prepared in various ways. It is obtained from the glutinous matter which issues from the stems of a jungle plant, after being soaked in running water for some days. The Gonds prepare the Behchandee. It can be had in any quantity in the Jub- bulpore bazaar, but most of it comes from Mundla and Sconce.* The specimens seem to consist of the dried sections of a farinaceous root containing bassorin, and allied in composition to salep. 1668. [6067] Pungie salep, Bombay. 1669. [ 1 8 1 1 ] Salep misree, Punjab. * From Mr. II. Hardwickt. ( 72 ) Local Committee, Jubbulpore. Class III. — iV 7 'orth-East Gallery. 1670. [6069] Salep misree ( Eulophia campestris?), Bombay. SUGARS. 1671. [7040] Mooslee seah ( Murdannia ' scapiflora), Bombay. 1672. [5057] Alst.rcemeria root. Dr. Riddell. Both of these are probably the dried corns of the plant first named, and not of an Alstratmeria. EDIBLE ALG7E & c. 1673. [6677] Sea weed ( Plocaria Can- dida), Eastern Archipelago. G. Angus, Esq. 1674. [1*] I)o. 1675. [2*] Agar agar ( Euchemna spi- nosa), Malacca. 1676. [3*] Do. Macassar. 1677. [6669] Do. Eastern Archipelago. G. Angus, Esq. 1678. [7115] Kek kieo, Ramree. 1679. [71 16] Do. Do. This is a lichen, doubtless Alectoria jubcita , but the absence of fructification renders it difficult to decide with certainty. Gelatinous : eaten by the natives with rice. Cost 2 annas. Not exported. Good samples not procurable during the rains.* 1680. [4162] Mushrooms collected from the stumps of trees ( Agaricus ( Pleurotus ) subocreatus, n.s.), China. Col. Collyer. \ This is a new and apparently undescribed species of Agaricus belonging to the sub-genus Pleurotus. It is nearly allied to the British Agaricus vlmarius , from which it is separated by the volva, remains of which may be traced at the base of the stem. It is a dendrophytal species, drying readily, and is employed in the Straits Settlements as an article of food. If it proves to be really, as it appears to be, a new and undescribed species, the most suitable name would be the one here adopted.! 1681. [6688] Dried Fungi ( Hirneola auricula- Juda), Singapore. Col. Collyer. This fungus does not appear to differ from our indi- genous Hirneola auricula-.] ud ce, which has a wide range, and an almost obsolete reputation in medicine. It is sent as a food product, but, we should imagine, of very little merit.J Although the samples of sugar on show are not numerous, a few are of excellent quality. The Tables subjoined will give the requisite information as to the extent of the Indian export trade in this important article of daily life. ( See pages 74, 75.) 1682. [5348] Double refined loaf sugar, Shahjehanpore. Messrs. Carew & Co. 1683. [5350] Crystallized sugar, Do. Do. 1684. [6226] Goor from sugar-cane, Hooghly. 1685. [6228] Sugar-candy, Midnapore. 1686. [7146] Do. No. 1, Calcutta. 1687. [7145] Do. No. 2, Do. 1688. [2177] Daloo, Calcutta Bazaar. 1689. [2178] Ach Borah (first quality). Do. 1690. [2179] Do. (second quality), Do. 1691. [2180] Dobarrah, Do. 1692. [2181] Cassee Chena, Do. 1693. [6227] Ook or Junnah (Saccharum ojjicinarum), Lucknow. This is the sugar extracted from the above, called by the natives Cheenee, partly refined. 4 seers for the rupee. Used for sugar and spirits.* 1694. [6229] Goor ( S . ojfficinarum ), Lucknow. This is the appearance of the sugar after the first boiling of the cane juice : the natives call it Goor. 11 seers per rupee. Used for sugar and spirits.! 1695. [6230] Kund (S. officinarum), Lucknow. This is refined sugar, and called Kund by the natives ; this is what many of the Europeans use for their tea, coffee, &c. 2 seers per rupee, j 1696. [3833] Calpee candy, Jubbulpore. 1697. [2738] Sugar (first quality). As- tagram Sugar Company. K 98. [2739] Do. (second quality). Do. * Local Committee, Akgab. t M. C. Cooke, Esq. { M. C. Cooke, Esq. ( 73 ) * Central Committee, Lucknow. t Central Committee, Lucknow. I Central Committee, Lucknow. TABLE SHOWING THE QUANTITIES (AS FAR AS CAN BE ASCERTAINED) AND THE VALUE OF SUGAR EXPORTED FROM INDIA AND EACH PRESIDENCY TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD FROM 1850-51 TO 1860-G1. Class III. — Indna. g g H i > „U4C lilt lilt US! SIS* §fgS IS! s- §8 St Ms* m* Mil JPf |w : | |5*| gsa| ||g| ii's| psf ii'i-'l £'p| i put Ills 4444 S22l §11? 1115 3§g5 $111 Slit llli §ggt S2-R S ?. ro & 3 2 ™ P 8 S - S 5 = ■’ £t 9 8 05 ft 8 2 ro ft % - “ ■ X 3 2 ” 3 83'"$. m «n **tt mi »m tut tm sm «ii mi mi «§*** |S*| $8*1 *l*| K» HS$ *i*| S**i *81? 1*** *S*J COUNTRIES WHITHER EXPORTED (2 i > pU'k pit WH ril i s l? 3/fi (« 8 £ |- 2 | ri= Ifsf <4 p*v C* HO 4 rH >- G'l ph CO ph p* rf< v^ i lips |S|| ISIS. PS? | ; |U 22 |& |S?!| |2§a pi| rl| 1:1| O »-H r-* PO r-t HO 4 r- CM H 'M H CO 00 r-. «00 <> CO rr CC g 1 « 4 t :f IS 114 l§ 4 1 f ? HP Ip? lip ill | |3 ! SSI? C'f y— ■+ ‘A cm s Mn 4 ■«* -"t- «?■ r-i O o o ^ OiCi-inoo 4 . h o ?i oo cT cf h i |||:| S |4 P || :| HP ||i| Sl“| !. 2 I| IIP § 1:1 | 1 S| Orlrl N WM *r\ Oi rH PH -rf< rH VO CM Ov CO r-H 4 -4 4 t- OO \0 O CM O' is & s a > B S 14 4 ISP IS :S 11 :2 S : :S J: 4 SI : f 11 :i 11 4 S : 4 ^ ^ 3 S 15 £ i 2® S S x K P. 3“ 3 sg- S' 2" I§ " 0. 1 ps 4 S3 :R sgsa gg : i ss 4 S : 4 1 = 4 11 4 SI 4 IS 4 8 ■. 4 o„ 'p ? s-® a s*~ ES S 2 5 vg- S S 2 °" 'S S H ‘ S 3" ~ SI 6 ^ ■3 * : : =|| = :|| : :|? : M : M : :|| : :|§ : :|| : :|§ 1 j B = =S3 ::*l = :« : :« = ** = :« ::*?*« — " - - — - •-> ^ ^ P " 1 - T. H T«H Cf f« a 3 !> « : M : -M ■ § :|t : :ls; § :SI I : 1 £ 1 :S 8 1 :S| 3 :S| 1 :H ri H — 1- Ct H -+■ -M -1 — ‘ -A — — — 1~ — *M -- ' — r? -*■ *M p“ \n 1 1 : :P : :3.J : :|| 1 :SS : :St “ :|S S 1 :|'| 1 :|? g :1| 1 :|| ° «N H *-< •- CCpps rH h- OP'' — - T! ^ N 4 §9 § 3 1 lit I!a PI? I s 14 ISIS lip Pit till 4344 Sill O OO (M irT-fiC >C H — 1- OO CO t- pi C5 ^ fp - — p-p O N 1C O vr. O Cl ’f CIO l- L- ovo COOCICtTj- GOO t~0O «.:::: :::: : : : : » : 4 S : § : : | | ; : J ::::§::£ ^ :S l|: 4 1 t 2 • ■% 3 • • 5 § ■ • 8 S • ■ a ■ • • - “ • • = S™ • & 3 ■ S s . rJ m- 4- i 1 > „:::: 1:4 U :? %-.i% 1 : A 5::? 13 4 S. : :« | : :% t : ?? *• M - - " m -2 3 S§ 8 2 « 2 S 3 'SH 2 g S' I | : : : : S:4Sl4S::8i::|l:41:4||:l|::?|::K|:4 O ^h P- Cl r*s r-i P- Tt- T-H pp O Q n 00 to VO — I Cl o £ w p3 | s ^ n ° I > ^ :1 I- -5 1 : : s • ■ • • § : ■ 1 1 : 4 II -1 S ■ 4 I : : S 3 : : “ 1 : 4 I |S : ! 1:! S::5 : : : : I : : ? 1 : !§ 4 : :t 1 : : § 1 : :% 1 : ! r-H ph >— p-C^H— .p-Op^Opp'OvOO'O - ~ O so ~ - - - — | § 3 t> «*§.: :? SI 4 : : : : 1 : 4 4 I : 4 SI 4 p! |I4 : : : : ”2 :3 rH H nn 4 -M H t- 4 Cl o oo ^ 1? N ' | ll : :% 3.4 :| : : : : S : 4 § : :l S. : 4 11 4 S| 4 IS :l : : : : 1 :5 w r-H P-<4ct-f rH P-CJ H t— 4 p^ c: O § a £ § 3 > .mt It 3 SSS a IPS ||*i III? 1311 133= IPS 8 S 8 | ||i| IS* ? p '■• *8 Jf 1* { IS J IS*| !**§ «*J 85 | *i"t 51 s t 1 45 IS HA tvs ||*f HIS Eis? 1st! Ill* tut 8*11 IMS prs si t is ■% 3i s is t si ? 't trt s*’k st s irt «s*s 8 I * mil mil mil ltt | ,i*l 1t *l ti il till ,irf ,i|l tt|S mi HIS Ills Ills Ills Ills Ills Ills HIS ills Mis SHYT'tA | TS-0S8I 0 S-IS 8 I 8 S-SS 8 I W8681 gC-K'SI I'J'tl'.-Sl y.-:vsl im-ii'.M 19-Q981 Class lit. — North-East Gallery. TABLE SHOWING- THE QUANTITIES (AS FAR AS CAN BE ASCERTAINED) AND THE VALUE OF MOLASSES OR JAGREE EXPORTED FROM INDIA AND EACH PRESIDENCY TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD FROM 1857-58 TO 1860-61. COUNTRIES whither exported Total 1 * 1 * Whence Exported United Kingdom France Other Parts of Europe America China Arabian and Persian Gulfs Other Parts Exported to all Parts Quan. Value Quan. Value Quan. Value Quan. Value Quan. Value Quan. V alue Quan. Value Quantity Value £ cwt. £ cwt. * cwt. £ cwt. £ cwt. £ cwt. £ cwt. tons £ Bengal 9,884 1,427 681 307 J 1 * 2,690 * 73-5 13,256 663 2,468 0 Madras . 39,122 25,630 1,270 578 1 ,29( 326 * 5,877 * 2,341 67,565 3,378 28,880 Bombay . 14 2,043 61{ 2,676 x> All India 27,071 1,270 578 681 307 1 I 2,369 3 , 69 s 14 , 314 Bengal 1,911 650 * 5,824 * 2,207 7,735 387 2,857 10 Madras 79,769 35,498 164 49 t 2,584 t 751 82,517 4.1 2( 36,296 CO Bombay . 104 82 2,301 893 t 1 ,05(1 t 42" 3,456 17: 1,400 s All India 8,1784 36,228 •- 2 , 46 ^ 942 9,45k 3.381 91.708 4,681 40,551 0 Bengal 1 ,532 201 *11,358 * 1,548 12,890 644 1,747 63,154 26,023 8 - r 26 t 2,991 t 991 66,230 3,31: 29,043 rs Bombay . . , 3,241 1,288 t 2,231 t 875 5,471 274 2,163 All India 64.686 28,224 3,315 1,314 16,580 1.4'S 84 . 59 1 4, 2 K 1 2 ,951 Bengal 6,639 2,656 392 157 7 3 36 14 7,074 354 2,830 0 Madras 41,144 15,884 9 t 2,829 t 972 43,998 2,20C 16,865 Bombay . 36 13 3,184 1,471 t 300 t 322 3,520 176 1,806 All India 47.819 18.551 192 157 7 ? 3,212 1,480 3,162 1,508 54. 59 2 2 ,71° 21,501 * Principally to New South Wales. t Principally to Ceylon. I Principally to Aden and Coast of Africa. 1(599. [2740] Sugar (third quality), As- tagram Sugar Company. 1700. [10576] Do. North Arcot. 1701. [10577] Do. Do. 1702. [4778] Jaggery, Rangoon. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. 1703. [4781] Sugar, Do. 1704. [4149] Sugar from Caledonia Es- tate, Penang, the property of Right Hon, E. Horsman, M.P. 1711. [4188] Cane sugar. Grown and manufactured 011 the Chinese system by Teo AnToo,at Songhy Bakow, ProvinceWellesley. 1712. [6667] Molasses (first quality), Singapore. Jose d’Almeida, Esq, 1713. [6666] Do. (second quality), Sin- gapore. Jose d’Almeida, Esq. The Date Palm (Elate sylvestris) furnishes almost the whole of the sugar exported in such considerable quantities from Calcutta. 1714. [7139] Kasee chinnee (E, sylves- tris), Calcutta. 1705. [4150] Do. 1706. [4183] Do. from Golden Grove Estate, Province Wellesley. 1707. [4184] Cane sugar from Province Wellesley. Grown and manufactured on the Chinese system by Jow Kam Meah, at Songhy Bakow. 1708. [4185] Do. Do. by Teo An Too, at Songhy Bakow. 1709. [4186] Cane sugar. Grown and manufactured on the Chinese system by Jow Kam Meah, at Songhy Bakow. 1710. [4187] Do. Do. on Golden Grove Estate. 1715. [71 40] Dhoba batta ( E. sylvestris). Do. 1716. [7141] Suckhur (E. sylvestris), Do, 1717. [7144] Ball sugar, ‘ Oullab ’ ( E . sylvestris), Do. 1718. [7142] Crushed sugar (clo,), Do, 1719. [7143] Refined sugar (do.), Do, 1720. [6225] Goor from date juice (E, sylvestris), Do. 1721, [6231] Do. Beerbhoom. Mr. S. H. Robinson, of Calcutta, makes the following remarks on the date palm, and the manufacture of date sugar in Bengal : — 75 ) ( Class III. — India. The date tree is met with in almost every part of Ben- gal Proper, but it flourishes most congenially, and is found plentifully only in the alluvial soils which cover its south- eastern portion, excepting only such tracts as suffer en- tire submersion annually from the overflow of their rivers, as is common in portions of the Dacca, Mymensing, and Sunderbund districts. The extent of country best suited for its growth, and over which it is found most plentifully as above indicated, may therefore be taken as within an area stretching east and west about 200 miles, and north and south about 100 miles, and comprehending by a rough estimate about 9,000 square miles, within an irregular triangular space. When not stunted in its growth by the extraction of its juice for sugar, it is a very handsome tree, rising in Ben- gal from 30 to 40 feet in height, with a dense crown of leaves spreading in a hemispherical form from its summit. These leaves are from 10 to 15 feet long, and composed of numerous leaflets or pinnules about 18 inches long. The trunk is rough, from the adherence of the bases of the falling leaves ; this serves to distinguish it at a glance from the smooth-trunked cocoa-nut palm, which in its leaves only it resembles. The fruit consists more of seed than of pulp, and altogether is only about one-fourth the size of the Arabian kind brought annually to Calcutta for sale, and, when fresh imported, a rich and favourite fruit there. This inferiority of the Bengal fruit may no doubt be attributed to the entire neglect of its improvement there from time immemorial, and, perhaps, in some mea- sure, to the practice of tapping the trees for their sap, so universally followed in the districts around Calcutta, its principal range of growth. The process of tapping and extracting the juice com- mences about the 1st of November, and terminates about the 15th of February. Some days previously, the lower leaves of the crown are stripped off all round, and a few extra leaves from the side of the tree intended to be tapped. On the part thus denuded, a triangular incision is made with a knife, about an inch deep, so as to penetrate through the cortex, and divide the sap vessels ; each side of the triangle measuring about 6 inches, with one point downwards, in which is inserted a piece of grooved bam- boo, along which the sap trickles, and from thence drops into an earthen pot suspended underneath it by a string. The pots are suspended in the evening, and removed very early the following morning, ere the sun has sufficient power to warm the juice, which would cause it immediately to ferment, and destroy its quality of crystallizing into sugar. The cutting being made in the afternoon, next morning the pot is found to contain, from a full-grown tree, 10 seers of juice, the second morning 4 seers, and the third morning 2 seers of juice; the quantity exuding afterwards is so small, that no pot is suspended for the next four days. Daily at sunrise, throughout the goor season, the indus- trious ryot may be seen climbing his trees, and collecting at a convenient spot beneath them the earthen pots con- taining the juice yielded during the past night. Under a rude shed, covered with the leaves of the date tree itself, and erected under the shade of the plantation, is prepared the boiling apparatus to serve for the goor season. It consists of a hole of about 3 feet in diameter, sunk about 2 feet in the ground, over which are supported by mud arches four thin earthen pans of a semi-globular shape, and 18 inches in diameter; the hole itself is the furnace, and has two apertures on opposite sides for feeding in the fuel, and for escape of the smoke. The fire is lit as soon as the juice is collected, and poured into the four pans, which are kept constantly supplied with fresh juice as the water evaporates, until the whole produce of the morning is boiled down to the required density. As the contents of each pan become sufficiently boiled, they are ladled out into other earthen pots or jars, of various sizes, from 5 to 20 seers of contents, according to local custom, and in these the boiled extract cools, crystallizes into a hard co'm- ( I pound of granulated sugar and molasses, and is brought to market for sale as goor. The subsequent processes by which the goor is deprived more or less of its molasses and impurities are too long to be detailed. 1722. [ 688 o] Dhannee (Nipafruticans), Moulmein. This molasses is made out of a plant called Dhannee * 1723. [ 52 "*] Nipa sugar (N. fruticans). 1724. [ 59 *] Gomuti palm sugar {Boras- sus ftabelliformis), Java. 1725. [ 5187 ] Palm sugar [do.), Burmah. This coarse substitute for sugar is obtained from the toddy of the Palmyra tree. The sugar-cane grows and thrives admirably in Pegu, but it is not very largely cul- tivated, and none but the very coarsest sugar is manufac- tured from it.f ANIMAL FOOD PRODUCTS. Fish Maws and. Shark Fins. As will be gathered from the tables (p. 77), these form a considerable article of export. 1726. [ 6703 ] Fish maw, Eastern Archi- pelago. G. Afmus, Esq. 1727. [ 5579 ] Do. Akyab. 1728. [ 5580 ] White shark fins, Do. 1729. [ 5581 ] Black shark fins, Akyab. 1730. [ 5582 ] White shark back fins, Do. 1731. [ 4157 ] Edible birds’ nests ( Collo - calia nidifica ) from islands adjoining Junk Ceylon. 1732. [ 4158 ] Do. Do. Do. 1733. [ 4159 ] Do. Do. Do. 1734. [ 4160 ] Do. Do. Do. 1735. [ 4155 ] Beche de Mer or Trepang (. Holotkuria , species of,) Penang. 1736. 1737. 1 738. 1739. 1 740. [ 6671 ] Do. Eastern Archipelago. [ 4156 ] Do. Penang. [ 4153 ] Dried shell fish, Do. [ 4154 ] Do. Do. Do. [ 2367 ] Coorg hone} 7 , from Mysore. * Local Committee, Moulmein. t Local Committee, Rangoon. 76 ) Class III. — North-East Gallery, TABLE SHOWING THE QUANTITIES (AS FAR AS CAN BE ASCERTAINED) AND THE VALUE OF FISH MAWS EXPORTED FROM INDIA AND EACH PRESIDENCY TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD FROM 1857-58 TO 1860-61. COUNTRIES WHITHER EXPORTED Total E> x Whence Exported United Kingdom China Other Parts Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity V alue Quantity Value X Bengal .... cwt. & cwt. 42 £ 265 cwt. 7,237 £ 1,208 cwt. 7,279 tons 364 £ 1,473 Madras .... 2 4 15 44 17 1 48 £ Bombay .... 36 184 1,587 7,273 33 84 1,656 83 7,541 All India 38 188 1 ,629 7,518 7 , 28 s* ',336* 8,952 448 9,062 Bengal .... 113 770 128 525 241 12 1,295 ‘7 Madras .... 2 3 3 Bombay .... 180 899 1,449 6,271 1,629 81 7,170 - All India 180 899 1,562 7 , 2+1 130 * 528 * 1,872 93 8,468 Bengal .... 431 138 507 938 Madras .... 32 01 2 6 39 111 73 4 208 cs Bombay .... 253 1,247 1,184 5,054 1,437 72 6,301 All India 285 1,338 5,49' '77* 618 * 7,447 Bengal .... 137 137 Madras .... 08 279 2 10 47 171 117 6 460 2 Bombay .... 733 2,876 854 2,928 1,587 79 5,804 All India 801 3 , 15 s 3 , 07 s 47 * 171 * 6,401 * Comprise exports to Straits Settlements. TABLE SHOWING THE QUANTITIES (AS FAR AS CAN BE ASCERTAINED) AND THE VALUE OF SHARK FINS EXPORTED FROM INDIA AND EACH PRESIDENCY TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD FROM 1857-58 TO 1860-61. X < W 1 ^ Whence Exported COUNTRIES WHITHER EXPORTED Total Exported to all Parts United Kingdom China Other Parts * Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value cwt. £ cwt. £ cwt. £ cwt. tons £ Bengal .. Madras i 2 218 651 219 11 653 t- Bombay . 7,433 18,338 15 44 7,448 352 18,382 X All India ■ 2 7,433 i8,3J8 133 695 7,667 365 ■9,°35 Bengal Madras 4 10 229 676 233 12 686 00 Bombay . 8,062 16,126 2 5 8,064 403 16,131 00 All India 4 IO 8,062 16,126 231 681 8,297 4'5 16,817 Bengal zc Madras 148 469 148 7 469 35 Bombay . 6,216 12,435 6,216 311 12,435 X All India 6,216 '1,435 148 469 6.364 318 12,934 Bengal Madras *84 222 101 362 185 9 584 Bombay . 5,564 11,127 5,564 278 11,127 All India 5,648 1 ' -349 IOI 362 5,749 287 1 1,71 1 * Consisting of the Straits Settlements only. ( 77 ) Class III. — India. Section C.— SPIRITS ; INTOXICATING OR STIMULATING DRUGS, ETC. 1741. [ 10689 ] Palmyra arrack (Bo- rassus flabelliformis ), Mangalore. V. P. Coelho, Esq. Other interesting arracks sent by V. P. Coe:lho were lost in transit by the breaking of the bottles. 1742. [5717] Sugar-cane spirit {Sac- charum ojjicinarum), Lucknow. 1743. [2746] Spirits of wine. Astagram Sugar Company. 1744. [ 2172 *'] Country spirit ( Baclcur Khatee), Calcutta. 1745. [ 2174 '*'] Country rum, Do. 1746 . [10129] Rum, Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey. 1747. [ 10128 ] Doasta or country spirit, Do. Do. 1748. [ 6415 ] Medicinal arrack, Singa- pore. Tan Kim Sing. 1749. [ 2747 ] Rum, Mysore. Astagram Sugar Company. 1750. [ 6340 ] Do. Singapore. Jose D’ Al- meida, Esq. 1751. [ 5351 ] Do. Shalijehanpore. Messrs. Carew & Co. 1752. [ 5728 ] Rice arrack ( Oryzasativa ), Cuttack. A spirit distilled from rice. This is the only distilled spirit used by the natives of this province, and that only by those of the lower classes. It is the same to the use of which the wild tribes of Orissa, the Khonds, Sahars, and Coles are so addicted. It is unpalatable and nauseous. It is made 25 below London proof, L maund of rice making 8 gallons. An intoxicating spirit is distilled also in the Sumbulpore district, chiefly from the fruit or flower of the Bassia latifolia, the Mcihool, as locally called. This tree is also met with throughout the forest jungles of this province : the sweet fruit or flower is a favourite food of wild animals, especially the bear, and it is believed that the saccharine matter, which apparently abounds in the fruit or flower, whichever it may be, might be turned to the very best account.* 1753. [ 4196 ] Rice arrack, from Penang rice, Penang. 1754. [ 5727 ] Chellee, Midnapore. 1755. [ 5726 ] Do. Do. 1756. [ 2168 ] Country spirit, Cumlaha, ; Calcutta. 1757. [ 2173 ] Country Calcutta. spirit, Pattaha, 1758. [ 2167 ] 1759. [ 2169 ] 1760. [ 2171 ] 1761. [ 2170 ] Do. Allackee, Do. Do. Aumish, Do. Do. Atturee, Do. Do. Joobabee, do. These ardent spirits are distilled from sugar-cane, and used by the Hindoos of the lower order. , Backerkhatee is the spirit distilled, in which cardamom is put and weakened with water, and called ‘ Allachee;’ ‘Cumlaha’ with orange peel; ‘Joobabee’ and ‘Pattaha’ are adulterated with tobacco leaf, and ‘ Atturee ’ is scented with uttur. ‘ Aunish ’ is the only pure spirit distilled from aniseed. 1762. [ 1934 ] Mango spirit ( Mangofera indica ), Malda. Dr. Thompson. Prepared from the mango, a fruit well known, cheap, and to be had in abundance in Bengal and in many parts of India. The taste of the spirit is not unlike whisky, and far superior to anything of the sort sold in our Indian bazaar for every purpose to which the latter is applied. The specific gravity of that in the phial is about 903'5, which at a temperature of 80° F. gives about 60 per cent, of alcohol to the volume of spirit. OPIUM. The extent to which this drug is exported to China and other parts, is shown by the Table. {See next page.) Series Illustrative of the Manufacture of Opium at Patna. 1763. [ 5378 ] Poppy seed {Pap aver somniferuvi). 1764. [ 5379 ] Poppy-seed oil. 1765. [ 42 *] Poppy capsules as cut by the nushtur for the purpose of collecting the opium. 1766. [ 6535 ^] Nushtur for scratching the capsules. 1767. [ 5380 ] Abkaree opium cake. 1768. [ 5381 ] Medicinal opium cake. 1769. [ 5382 ] Bottle of lewah. 1770. [ ] Tawa or iron plate. 1771. [ 5383 ] Bottle of morphia. 1772. [ 5384 ] Bottle of narcotine. * Local Committee, Cuttack. ( 78 ) TABLE SHOWING THE QUANTITIES (AS FAR AS CAN BE ASCERTAINED) AND THE VALUE OF OPIUM EXPORTED FROM INDIA AND EACH PRESIDENCY TO ALL PARTS OF THE AVORLD FROM 1850-51 TO 1860-61. Class III. — North-East Gallery. | to ps £ c 3 , h << s H o °i. m o x o CD r~, G_ •-«_ • TlT c> co o • CM -*■ X Tj- CO’ — CO NO CO N CO • X o' C N t- • ro *“ of\o co r- i- o • C. COM3 .-isB CO O' -M rl X so O' ct oi -• l_~ (M O' O' CO CO • r* O * -* ' OS CO • Cl « H © ' >- CO O . c i. • 1 - 'O o • ci ^ .o' * M OcT cT * CC r^> M X U-. rl NO I- • t-H O' CO G H 5 § < a g^ W C3 ! O’ ° © 'O •O O' • ci o ‘O © ui CO © C CO CO sO O O’ • X X CO • t— 1 Cl CO U I- O' Cl ■ -t i i" o O © u-, c « o • O H CO • «> ~ CO O O' o o • 1— o X *+■ O'. SO • io 'O O' CM Mr*- CD X -+■ CO MU-1 cc wi a c: n • oi o -* • r-t vo V: X jjj X © OI O 00 co r- ® ; co -4- co' MO t- X O H CO r^i M * ci oo i-T Cl cc cc t- ’ CC r* Cl C. O' CC CC O' CO 30 ’ °„ 1 aT'o • I— O Ci ,( M H * X CO • CO o Cl H- O I— X r-l X ■'$■ -t i— u-i Cl • ^ O CO C£ ; ^ ■4- *-T LO so © CO O • ci O' co r- CO X 00 u-1 M vo X M O : r ~i, ■ CO oo X 'O w^O * o o' • — o co so C. Cl -to oi x r- cc ci f-H X t- X C -i- oi 0-1 *t* IO 3 : : $ X • • X '3 •a§|a fcfrd £ S C H Bengal Madras Bombay All Indl Bengal Madras Bombay All India Bengal Madras Bombay . All In du Bengal Madras Bombay All In du Bengal Madras Bombay All Indu ■s gig bit' is pq^pq-3 *q 7S 2 ce X b£i,i3 - c - £ i-3 o o 5 3 ilia O H pq£pq-3 Bengal Madras Bombay , All In du % s boi >: c s g J c - o q pq^pq 1795. [ 5393 ] Leaves for packing opium. 1796. [ 5394 ] Cake mould. 1797. [ 5389 ] Ball of provision opium. “Figure representing tlie section of an opium store. 1802. [1865] Nirmasor (antidote for opium), Punjab. CHURRUS OR HEMP RESIN. 1803. [ 10130] Bang ( Cannabis indica), Calcutta. 1804. [10131] Do. Do. 1805. [6127] Do. Ahmedabad. 1806. [6128] Do. Bombay. 1807. [6129] Gunjah (C. indica ) Ahme- dabad. 1808. [6131] Do. Poona. 1809. [2891] Majoom. 1810. [10 134] Sidee majoon, Bengal. 1811. [1853] Bhang prepared with sugar, Punjab. 1812. [10132] Churrus or hemp resin, Nepaul. 1813. [10 1 33] Do. Gorruckpore. 1814. [6557] Do. Lucknow. 1798. [53896] Ball cut in section. 1799. [5414] Ball opium. The narcotic properties of hemp become concentrated in a resinous juice, which in certain seasons and in tropical countries exudes, and concretes on the leaves, slender stems, and flowers. This constitutes the base of all the hemp preparations, to which all the powers of the drag are attributable. In Central India, the hemp resin, called churrus, is collected during the hot season in the following manner: — Men clad in leathern dresses run through the hemp fields, brushing through the plants with all possible -violence ; the soft resin adheres to the leather, and is subsequently scraped off and kneaded into balls, which sell at from 5 to 6 rupees the seer, or about 5s. or 6s. per pound. A still finer kind, the momcca or waxen churrus, is collected by the hand in Nepaul, and sells for nearly double the price of the ordinary kind. Ur. M‘Kinnon says — ‘ In Nepaul, the leathern attire is dispensed with, and the resin is collected on the skin of naked coolies.’ In Persia the churrus is obtained by pressing the resinous plant on coarse cloths, and then scraping it from these and melting it in a pot with a little warm water. Mirza considers the churrus of Herat the most powerful of all the varieties of the drug. The hemp resin, when pure, is of a blackish grey colour, with a fragrant narcotic odour, and a slightly w A ■a “■5 = J S « 3 -A Bengal . Madras . Bomba y . All Indl * fclo •alia £ Bengal . Madras . Bombay . All In dl Bengal . Madras . Bombay . All Indl Bengal . Madras . Bombay . All Indl Bengal . Madras . Bombay . All Indl Bengal . Madras . Bombay . All Indi. Bengal . Madras . Bombay . All Indl Bengal . Madras . Bombay . All Indl 12-0281 62" 1281 86-SW81 *2“828l 22-1281 95-9281 12-9281 82-1281 62-828 L 09-6281 19-0981 ( 91 ) The Indian rupee is here converted at the exchange of two shillings. Class IV.-- India. TABLE* SHOWING THE PLACE OF CHIEF PRODUCTIONS IN WESTERN INDIA — THE QUALITY, PRICE AND QUANTITY OF THE PRINCIPAL OILS AND OIL SEEDS EXPORTED FROM BOMBAY. Article Place of Production Quality Nominal Prices in 1861 Export for j'ear ending 30th April 1860 In Bombay. In London. Linseed Sholapore and Khandeish . Best in the World Rs. 5/4 @ 5/6 per cwt. t 5/ @5/2 Do. . Arvee, Hingunghaut, Oomrawutty Good Good 262,970 Qrs. Do. . Scinde ..... Inferior Good 4/14 J Teel seed Khandeish ..... Best Best Rs. 40/ per candy of ) about 5 cwt. [ 40,963 do. Do. . Scinde and Guzerat . Good Good 38/ do. do. Rape seed Guzerat ..... Best in the world 6/9 per cwt. ] Do.. . Scinde, Ferozepore Good Good 6/ do. | 73,270 do. Do. Cutch ..... Do. Do. 5/10 @ 6/ Mustard seed . Guzerat ..... Best Good to best 25 @ 26 per candy of 1 1,039 do. Do. . Ghattee Good Poor to good 22 @23/ do. Do. . Scinde ..... Do. Do. do. do. Poppy seed . Guzerat and Malwa . Only description 6/ 219 do. Niger seed Nassiek and Sholapore Do. 25 @ 26 per candy of £ 5 j cwt. ( 458 do. Ground nuts . Vingorla, Mliar, Barsee, Nassiek . Good Good 26 @ 27 per do. of i 5 cwt. ( 4,057 do. Castor oil Bulsar and Neighbourhood . Do. Poor 4/8 @5/ per maund / of 28 lbs. ] 11,063 Gals. Teel oil . Bombay ..... Do. Good 5/ per maund of do. } 407,089 do. Do. . Ghatee ..... Inferior Inferior 4/ @ 4/4 ^ Safflower Barsee ..... Best Inferior 9/ @ 10/ per do. of 1 lbs. 4106 1 237 cwt. Do. . Rajapore and Compta. Good Do. 7/ @ 8/ do. do Kokum . Goa Best Do. 40 @ 45/ per candy I of 7 cwt.. v None. Do. . Mhar, Vingorla, Compta . Poor Do. 20 @ 22/ per do. J * Furnished to Du. Biiidwood by the Hon. W. B. Tristram. 1974. [ i oi 72 ] Linseed (Linuvi usitatis- simum), Lahore. 1975. [ 1017 3 ] Do. Jhansee. 1976. [ 4028 ] Do. Madras. 1977. [ 7119 ] Dou Cuttack. 1978. [ 7169 ] Do. Lucknow. 1979. [ 7168 ] Do. Midnapore. 1980-1. [ 6486 , 7 r 7 5 ] Do. Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey. 1982. [ 6062 ] Do. Ahmedabad. 1983. [ 5692 ] Linseed oil (L. usitatissi- mum), Lucknow. 1984. [ 5684 ] Do. Cuttack. 1985. [ 10095 ] Teese oil (boiled), Cal- cutta. Messrs. Doss & Dey. 1986. [ 10089 ] Do. Do. Do. 1987. [ 15 1 *] Linseed oil, Madras. 1988. [ 6312 ] Macassar oil, Macassar. G. Angus, Esq. This oil is solid at ordinary temperatures. 1989. [ 6063 ] Malkungunnee seed (Celas- trus paniculatus ), Bombay* 1990. [ 100 *] Malkungee oil (do). 1991. [ 99 *] Valuluvy oil (do.), Madras. The oil yielded by the seeds of this species of Cclastrus by expression is of a deep scarlet colour; it is only employed medicinally. 1992. [ 6486 ] Marking nuts (Semeca'i'pus anacardium), Calcutta. Messrs. Doss & Dey. The acrid and vesicating oil which is contained between the laminae of the pericarp is employed as a preventive against the attack of the white ant. and also by native practitioners as a remedy in rheumatic and leprous affec- tions. The oil which is obtained from the kernel of the nut is of a different character, but it has only been obtained experimentally, and it would seem to resemble the mild oil of Cashew-nut kernels. 1993. [ 7176 ] Bakul seeds (Mimusops elengi), Calcutta. ( 92 ) Class IV. — North-East Gallery. 1994. [6244] Rana seeds (71/. kalci), Ak- medabad. 2016. [97*] Myrabolan oil ( T. belerica), Madras. Although the oil of the Bakul is obtainable in con- siderable quantities, it is not much used. It lias some medicinal reputation. 1995. [9392] Pul as seed ( Butea fron- dosa). 1996. [65*] Moodooga oil (5. frondosa). Only obtainable in small quantities. Merely employed medicinally. 1997. [7725] Sasvey seed ( Sinapis di- chotoma), Astagrara, Mysore. 1998. [7118] Do. Cuttack. 1999. [6452] S. ramosa, Cbota Nagpore. 2000. [7170] Sarson ( S . juncea), Luck- now. 2001. [7178] Eaee ( S . ramosa), Mid mi- pore. The fruit is astringent, but the kernels are eaten. They yield a small quantity of oil, which appears to be of medicinal use in India. 2017. [46*] Indian almond oil (2 1 . Ca- tappa), Calcutta. 2018. [6439] Badam oil ( I . Catappa), Cbota Nagpore. The kernel of the fruit resembles an almond or filbert in taste and composition ; hence it has been called the wild almond and country almond. It yields an excellent fixed oil, which is rather thicker and more amber-coloured than almond oil, for which it might be substituted. 2019. [9393] Nakor seeds ( Mesua fer- rea ), Bengal. 2020. [6209] Nageskur ( M. ferrea ), Ckittagong. o o 2021. [10738] Nago sampige (M. fer- rea), Mangalore. V. P. Coeliio, Esq. 2022. [1932] Nakor oil (71/. ferrea). C. B. Wood, Esq. 2002. [7183] Do. Beerbhoom. 2003. [7174] Do. Hoogkly. 2004-5. [6236, 6232] Do. Ahrnedabad. 2006. [6233] Do. Bombay. 2007. [6235] Do. Poona. 2008. [10696] Mustard-seed oil, Manga- lore. V. P. Coelho, Esq. 2009. [5681] S. dichotoma, Cuttack. 2010. [5689] S. ramosa, Lucknow. 2011. [5712] S. juncea, Do. 2012. [5696] S. ramosa, Hoogkly. 2023. [5709] Nagkesur oil (71/. ferrea), Chittagong. This promises to be a valuable oil, if it can be obtained in sufficient quantities. The tree from which seeds are obtained grows wild in the jungles in the hills of this district, and has been planted many years ago on the sides of the road leading 10 some of the dwelling houses in the station. The seeds are contained in a strong brown skin, one, two, or three in each. When ripe the skin bursts and the seeds drop out. The seed is covered with a thin hard shell. The 011 is an excellent cure for cutaneous diseases.* 2024. [88] Pkysic nuts (J atropha curcas), Mangulpore. 2025. [6203] Arenda seeds (./. curcas), Ckittagong. © © 2026. [86*] Pkysic nut oil (.«/. curcas), Madras. 2013. [6443] S. dichotoma, Ckota Nag- pore. 2027. [5704] Arenda oil (J. curcas), Chittagong. Five or six species of Sinapis are cultivated throughout India for the sake of their oil, which is much esteemed in the country for cookery, for medicine, and for anointing the person. 2014. [6041] Myrabolans ( Terminalia chebula). The kernels of the fruit yield in small quantities an oil which is occasionally extracted in India for medicinal purposes. 2015. [1854] Beleric Myrabolans (7 1 . belerica), Punjab. ( 93 The oil is employed not only medicinally, but also for lamps. It is, however, very local, both in its manufacture and use. The bush from which the seed is obtained is used for fencing ground ; it is readily increased by cuttings, which rapidly take root. The seeds are three or four, con- tained in a thin skin, which is black ; the seed is of the same colour, and grows in branches ; the stems of the bushes are not strong, but they answer excellently for fences, with split, bamboo tied on each side to keep them straight and together, and the great advantage is that no kind of cattle eat them. The seeds are collected and the oil expressed in the usual way.f * Local Committee, Chittagong. t Local Committee, Chittagong. ) Class IV. — India. 2028. [144*] Bherinda oil ( Jatropha , a species of), Blieerbhoom. 2029. [7120] Polang seed (Calopliyllum inophyllum ). 2030. [4029] Do. Madras. 2031. [93*] Pinnaycottay oil (C. ino- phyllum), Madras. 2032. [5682] Polang oil ( C. inophyllum), Cuttack. Is manufactured and used at Bombay, Tinnevelly, and other parts of India, as a lamp-oil. The seeds from which it is obtained are very oleaginous, and yield about 60 per cent, of their weight of oil. 2033. [10736] Hone seeds ( C . calaba), Mangalore. V. P. Coeliio, Esq. 2034. [4021] Poonga seed ( Pongamia glabra), Madras. 2035. [6055] Kurrunj seed (P. glabra), Ahmedabad. 2036. [6202] Caron seed (P. glabra), Chittagong. 2037. [82*] Kurrunjate oil (P. glabra), Sattara. 2038. [6444] Kurrunj oil (P. glabra), Chota Nagpore. 2039. [5694] Caron oil (P. glabra), Chit- tagong. This oil is of a pale brownish colour, and is fluid at a temperature above 65°. It has a slight smell, which be- comes more evident in the darker-coloured samples than in the pale sherry-coloured. The tree from which it is obtained is a crooked tree, grows in wet places near fresh water, very common on the sides of ditches which sur- round native dwellings. The seed is bean-shaped, and produced in a flat pod : the pods grow several together. The flower is pink and white, of the shape of a bean-flower or blossom. The oil is used for burning in native lamps, and in large quantities for boiling with dammer to soften it for the seams and bottoms of ships. It is also often used by native practitioners for the cure of itch. A maund of seeds costs 1b. 8a., and the extraction of the oil by heat costs 8 annas : the oil produced amounts to 6j seers per maund.* 2040. [10156] Poppy seed ( Papaver somniferum). 2041. [4024] Do. Madras. 2042. [5697] Poppy seed oil (do), Bengal. 2043. [ 1 o 1 0 1 ] Posto oil (P. somniferum), Calcutta. Messrs. Doss & Dey. * Local Committee, Chittagong. ( 2044. [11*] Poppy seed oil (P. somni- ferum), Vizianagram. 2045. [6955] Do. Lucknow. The seeds would yield by expression about 50 per cent, of a bland and very valuable oil, of a pale golden colour, fluid to within 10° of the freezing-point of water. It dries easily, is inodorous, of agreeable odour, and partially soluble in alcohol. The seed is worth about 61s. in the English market. By simple exposure to the rays of the sun in shallow vessels, the oil is rendered perfectly colourless. It is expressed by means of a heavy circular stone, placed on its edge, made to revolve by a long lever, and the apparatus is worked by draught bullocks. Mb. Bingham adds the following note on this oil seed : — ‘ The seed has no narcotic qualities, but has a sweet taste, and is used, parched, by the lower class of natives as a food ; it is also much used by the sweetmeat-makers as an addition in their wares. This and the seed of the Teel (Scsamum orientate) are the only oilseeds, with the ex- ception of the cocoanut, which are used for that purpose. It produces, under the native method, a clear limpid oil, which burns very quickly. About 30 per cent, of .oil is generally extracted, and the cake is then sold as a food to the poorer classes. The oil at present sells at about 5 seers per rupee at Shahabad. The production of this seed is only limited by the production of the poppy. ‘ In Oude each ryot sows from 2 to 4 beegahs in the month of October. The oil is extracted by the common native press. The cost of the seed is 10 seers for the rupee, and the oil sells for 3 seers for the rupee ; two- fifths of the weight of the seed employed is about the proportion of oil yielded by the native process. The poppy seed is eaten by the natives made into sweetmeats, provided the opium has been extracted from the seed ves- sel, otherwise it is bitter and narcotic, and under these circumstances the oil extracted is also bitter. Used for cooking and burning.’ * 2046. [9394] Prickly poppy seed (Arge- mone mexicana), Chingleput. Dr. Shortt. 2047. [1933] She-al-kanta oil (H. mexi- cana), Malda. Dr. R. F. Thompson. 2048. [5699] Do. Chittagong. The plant from which the oil is obtained is a very common, troublesome weed, growing almost everywhere, on any abandoned heap of rubbish. The plant itself is well known, having prickly, thistle-like leaves, and bright yellow flowers. The seed yields a large quantity of oil, nearly as much as the common mustard seed. The oil is pale yellow-coloured and clear. It is mild, resembling that of the poppy, and may be taken in one-ounce doses without producing purgative effects. It is readily pro- curable, and so cheap that a considerable saving has been effected from its introduction by Dr. Thompson into the Malda jail for burning in place of mustard oil. 2049. [6060] Moora seed (Raphanus sativus), Bombay. 2050. [6150] Moola seed (do), Ahme- dabad. 2051. [6076] Ramtil seed (Guizotia oleifera), Poona. * Central Committee, Lucknow. 94 ) Class IV. — North-East Gallery. 2052. [7171] Sooregoja (G. oleifera ), Midnapore. 2053. [6442] Soorgooja oil ( G . oleifera), Chota Nagpore. This is a sweet-tasting edible oil, plentiful in some parts of the country, and is employed similarly to sesame or gingelly oil, but is not generally considered so good. The seeds yield about 34 per cent, of oil. In some parts of India its value is said to be about 10 d. per gallon. It is exported under the name of Niger seed. Its price in the Bombay market will be seen on reference to the Table, (p. 90). It was first shipped to London experimentally in 1851. It is grown in very large quantities in Chota Nagpore, being a favourite crop, of easy cultivation, and giving good returns. 2054. [6234] Rape seed (Brassicanajoa), Ahmedabad. 2063. [76*] Soap-nut oil (S. emargina- tus), Madras. This is a pale yellow semi-solid oil, valued in medicine by the natives, but too costly to be otherwise employed. 2064. [77*] Tobacco oil (Nicotiana taba- cum). An oil extracted from tobacco-seed of a very dark colour, thick, and with an oppressive odour. 2065. [*] Eabool seed ( Acacia arabica). The pods of this tree, known as the Babool in many parts of India, have long been employed in tanning on account of their astringency, but the extraction of oil from the seeds is only of recent date. It must be classed among experimental oils. Although we do not receive the oil, large quantities of seed are imported under the name of rape-seed from India, probably some of it the produce of species of Sinapis. 2055. [12 1 *] Vappauley seeds ( Wriglitia antidysenterica). The seeds of this tree are in great repute in India for their medicinal virtues, which the oil is supposed also to possess. It is emjjloyed only medicinally, and is obtained in but small quantities. 2056. [1788] Koosum or koosumba seed ( Carthamus tinctorius), Punjab. 2057. [6070] Hurdee seed (G. tinctorius), Ahmedabad. 2058. [1931] Safflower oil (G. tinctorius), Calcutta. C. B. Wood, Esq. 2059. [5688] Do. Lucknow. 2060. [7053] Do. (refined), Do. This is a light yellow clear oil, when properly refined or prepared ; it is used in India for culinary and other purposes. This oil deserves more attention than it has hitherto received in this country ; and if once fairly intro- duced, there is no doubt whatever of its becoming a staple import. It is used in some of the Government workshops as a ‘ drying oil.’ It is believed to constitute the bulk of the celebrated ‘ Macassar oil.’ The seed is exported under the name of Curdee or safflower seed. The Lucknow Committee appends the following note : — In Oude it is sown in October, either alone, or along the edge of wheat crops ; both light and heavy soils are adapted to it. It is cultivated in every village, but not extensively. There would be no difficulty in farther cultivating it to any ex- tent. The oil is extracted by pressing. The cost of the seed, which is called 1 Barr6,’ is 18;] seers per rupee, and the cost of the oil is from 3 to 4 seers per rupee. 2061. [7113] Retha, soap berry ( Sapin - dus emarginatus), Cuttack. 2062. [6064]. Reetab (do.), Ahmedabad. ( 2066. [8*] Bassia butter in cakes (Bassia hutyracea). This is a beautiful, white, solid fat, the produce of the fruit of Bassia hutyracea. It melts at a temperature above 120° Fahr., and in this respect it is superior to all other vegetable fats produced in India. The oil concretes immediately it is expressed. 2067. [4961] Mowba seeds (Bassia lati- folia), Madras. Dr. Siiortt. 2068. [6139] Do. Ahmedabad. 2069. [6457] Do. Allahabad. 2070. [6458] Do. Do. 2071. [5683] Mowha oil (do.), Cuttack. 2072. [6440] Do. Chota Nagpore. 2073. [7*] Do. Do. 2074. [5690] Do. Lucknow. 2075. [10 1 00] Do. Calcutta. Messrs. Doss & Dey. 2076. [7082] Do. Madras. This fatty substance, obtained also from the kernels of the fruit, is an article of common consumption in India, and may often be met with under the names of Mowha or Yallah oil in the London market. The tree grows wild in the Taree, and is also planted in groves in most parts of Oude, near villages, &c. Its cultivation can be ex- tended almost indefinitely, and it thrives without any trouble. Its flowers have a thickened and enlarged tube, in which is contained a considerable amount of sugar. They are dried and eaten by the natives, and also fer- mented for the manufacture of Mohwah Spirits. The cost of the oil extracted is 3 rupees per maund. The pro- portion of oil yielded by native process is about half the weight of the seed ; used only for burning.* 2077. [9*] Illoopa oil (B. longifolia), Madras. 95 ) * Central Committee, Lucknow. Class IV. — India 2078. [2251] Illoopa,ChedumbaraPillay. This solid fat is obtained from the kernels of the fruit, and is generally of a dirty white colour, and not so firm as the Bassia butter of li. -butyracea. It melts at a tem- perature above 70°. The tree is common everywhere in Southern India, and the fat or oil is employed largely by the natives. 2079. [5036] Cocoa nut [Cocos nucifera). 2080. [6326] Cold-drawn cocoa-nut oil (do.), Singapore. Jose d’Almeida, Esq. 2081. [4197] Cocoa-nut oil, Ayer Rajah, Penang. G. Scott, Esq. 2082. [9370] Do. South Canara. V. P. Coelho, Esq. 2083. [5703J Do. Cuttack. 2084. [2951] Do. Cossipore. 2085. [6001] Kokum butter (Garcinia purpurea ), Bombay. This solid vegetable oil melts at a temperature of 95°. It now forms an article of export. The seeds are first sun-dried, and then pounded and boiled in water ; the oil collects on the surface, and on cooling cobcretes into a solid cake. When purified from extraneous matter, the product is of a rather brittle quality, of a pale yellowish hue, inclining to greenish, and mild to the taste. The seeds yield about one-tenth of their weight of oil. It is admirably adapted for the manufacture of healing oint- ments. 2086. [10740] Gamboge fruits (Garcinia pictoria), Mangalore. V. P. Coeliio, Esq. 2087. [10693] Gamboge butter (do.), Do. Do. This solid flit is obtained from the fruit of the gamboge tree of India. It is obtained by pounding the seeds in a stone mortar, and boiling the mass until the fat rises to the surface. It is used as a substitute for ghee (purified butter) by the poor. 2088. [10684] Mangosteen oil (Garcinia mangostana), Mangalore. V. P. Coelho, Esq. A hard solid fat, resembling the vegetable tallow of Borneo 2089. [4954] Coodiri seed (Sterculia fce- tida), Madras. Dr. Shortt. 2090. [14 1*] Kikuel oil (Salvadora Persica). Tliis oil has a somewhat aromatic odour, is of a bright green colour, and solid at a temperature below 95°. It most resembles in appearance the vegetable tallow of Borneo. 2091. [7001] Neem seed (Azadiraclita indica), Bombay. 2092. [4951] Do. Chingleput. Dr. Shortt. 2093. [3749] Veppa ennye oil (Azadi- rachta indica), Salem. Chedumbara Pillat. 2094. [130*] Margosa oil (A. indica), Madras. This is a pale yellow semi-solid oil, obtained from the fruits of a tree common in India. It is much employed by native practitioners, administered both internally and externally, and is sold in the bazaars, for illuminating purposes, under the name of bitter oil. 2095. [7055] Neem oil (A. indica). 2096. [115*] Marotty seeds (Hydnocar- pus inebrians). 2097. [10734] Surrate fruits (PL ine- brians), Mangalore. V. P. Coelho, Esq. 2098. [10682] Surrate oil (do.), Do. Do. 2099. [*] Neeradimootoo oil ( H . ine- brians). The oil is used as a sedative, and as a remedy in scabies and ulcers of the feet. 2100. [4202] Nutmeg butter (Myristica moschata), Penang. G. Scott, Esq. This fat is generally prepared by beating up the nut- megs, enclosing the paste in a bag and exposing it to the vapour of water, and afterwards expressing the fat by means of heated plates. 2101. [10744] Pundi kai (M. malaba- rica), Mangalore. V. P. Coeliio, Esq. 2102. [11*] Piney tallow (VateHa in- dica), Canara. 2103. [ 19 1 ] Do. Mangalore. V. P. Coelho, Esq. This butter is of solid consistence, and requires a higher temperature to melt it than animal tallows. 2104. [6675] Vegetable tallow, Siam. G. Angus, Esq. 2105. [6676] Do. Cochin China. Do. 2106. [6679] Do. Borneo. Do. The Borneo tallow is obtained from the seeds of a Dipterocarpous tree, and is generally run whilst melted into joints of bamboo. It has a pale, greenish tint, is very hard, and approximates nearly to a vegetable wax. The other two vegetable tallows now exhibited appear to be new, and they are unaccompanied with any information. 2107. [1876] Vegetable wax. H. E. Lower, Esq. This is an artificial product manufactured by the exhi- bitor from castor oil. . ( 96 ) Class IV. — North-East Gallery. Section B. — ANIMAL SUBSTANCES USED IN MANUFACTURES. I. — For Textile Fabrics and Clothing. 1. wool. As will be gathered from the Table (p. 98), wool has very rapidly become an im- portant article of export from India. The following information respecting the various wools used in the Punjab, of which specimens have been forwarded, is supplied by the Lahore Committee : — The following woollen substances are used in tlie Punjab : — a. Pashum, or shawl wool, properly so called, being a downy substance, found next the skin and belowthe thick hair of the Thibetan goat. It is of three colours : white, drab, and dark lavender (Tusha). The best kind is produced in the semi-Chinese Provinces of Turfan Kichar, and exported via Yarkand to Kashmere. All the finest shawls are made of this wool, but as the Maharajah of Kashmere keeps a strict monopoly of the article, the Punjab shawl- weavers cannot procure it, and have to be content with an inferior kind of Pashum produced at Chath&n, and exported via Leh to Umritsur, Nurpur, Loodianah, Jelalpur, and other shawl-weaving towns of the Punjab. The price of white Pashum in Kashmere is for uncleaned, 3s. to 4s. per lb. ; ditto cleaned, 6s. to 7s. per lb. Of Tusha ditto, uncleaned, 2s. to 3s. a lb. ; cleaned, from 5s. to 7s. b. The fleece of the Dumba sheep of Kabul and Peshawur. — This is sometimes called Kabuli Pashum. It is used in the manufacture of the finer sorts of chogas, an outer- robe or cloak witli sleeves, worn by Affghans and other Mahomedans of the Western frontier. Specimens of these are included in the collection. c. Wahab Shdhi, or Kirmani Wool.- — The wool of a sheep found in Kirman, a tract of country in the south of Persia, by the Persian Gulpli. It is used for the manufacture of a spurious kind of shawl cloth, and for adulterating the texture of Kashmere shawls. Specimens of this wool will be found in the collection. d. The hair of a goat common in Kabul and Peshawur, called Pat, from which 'a texture called Pattu is made. e. The woolly hair of the camel. — From this a coarser kind of choga is made. f. The wool of the country sheep of the Plains. — Re- garding the production of wool in the Himalayan or Sub-Himalayan portion of the Punjab,' the last year’s Revenue Report states that ‘there can be no doubt that the valleys of the Sutlej, Ravee, Chandrabaga (or Chenab), Namisukh, and other tributaries of the Indus, supply grazing grounds not to be surpassed in richness and suitableness in any part of the w r orld. The population inhabiting them are chiefly pastoral, but owing to sloth and ignorance the wool they produce is but small in quantity, full of dirt and ill-cared for in every way.’ The government of the Punjab have made efforts to improve the breed by the importation of Merino rams, but hitherto with little success. However, a truss of Merino wool produced at Huzara, a hill district to the north-west of the Punjab, and sent to England in 1860, was there valued at Is. 6 d. per lb. 2108. [ 3504 ] Wool, Kashmere goat’s, Umritsur. ' 2109. [ 3508 ] Do. weft (Wahab Sliahi). Class IV. / 2110. [ 3509 ] Wool cleaned (Wahab Sliahi), Umritsur. 2111. [ 3510 ] Do. Kashmere goat’s, Do. 2112. [ 3511 ] Do. Do., new, Do. 2113. [ 3512 ] Do. raw, Do. 2114. [ 3513 ] Do. first class, white Cabul goat’s, cleaned, Do. 2115. [ 3514 ] Do. original colour. Do. 2116. [ 3515 ] Do. first class, brown Cabul goat’s, cleaned, Do. 2117. [ 3516 ] Do. third class, black and raw. Do. 2118. [ 3517 ] Do. first class, white. Do. 2119. [ 3518 ] Do. second class, original colour, Do. 2120 . [ 3519 ] Do. second class, red. Do. 2121-2. [ 3520 - 1 ] Do. fourth class, black, Do. 2123. [ 5612 ] Do. raw Pashum of the Thibetan goat, used in the manufacture of Kashmere shawls of the kind called Tusha, produced in Thibet, Lahore. 2124. [ 5613 ] Do. raw, white, Do. 2125. [ 5614 ] Do. cleaned, of the kind called Tusha, Do. 2126. [ 5656 ] Wool of the Dumba sheep. Do. 2127. [ 3505 ] Do. first class, for weft, Kashmere. 2128. [ 3506 ] Do. second class, do.. Do. 2129. [ 3507 ] Do. third class, do., Do. 2130. [ 5650 ] Wool, Thibet. 2131. [ 5651 ] Untwisted yarn, Lahore. 2132. [ 5652 ] Pashum thread, Do. 2133. [ 5615 ] Thread used in the manu- facture of Kashmere shawl, Do. 2134. [ 5653 ] Pushum thread, cleaned. Do. 2135. [ 5654 ] Do. of ordinary quality, Do. 2136. [ 5655 ] Do. of finest quality, Do. ) » 97 TABLE SHOWING THE QUANTITIES (AS FAR AS CAN BE ASCERTAINED) AND VALUE* OF WOOL EXPORTED FROM INDIA AND EACH PRESIDENCY TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD FROM 1850-51 TO 1860-61 INCLUSIVE. Class IV. — India. Total Exported to all Places 1 Value .111 ii§& SS2S S 1H .111 .31? Ills "SIS ..SI- , s 3* ’.*« ' Is 22 -'is* "if ' S£ ’ U U if "li ' if i g : :|| SBgJ rt S|S : SS| "S|S : : |S : ; |§ ^ CM N W m »0 vr, CD vO lO W CO oo' CO OO CD CC CO Cl O' ,3 §| US'S ISIS 111? sl!£ !SU III SIS* SSI* II IS? S :§| :i|g gS|| Sigf "g|£ :g|f |S|| §|| = :§£ : SS •'f t'- rH N ^ Cm r*-> CO CO CO os' JO Cl C> r- h COUNTRIES WHITHER EXPORTED 1 £ 1 I t> .... 1- • • N . .i(j w wj . . vi 5 • ■§ ' '9% ” • ■" i I : : l| | ; : K ;::: ;::: :::; :::; § 'S §£ ” H If P I t> 1 |S : - : : : : g : : o : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : = : : : : : = : : = : : • : : t- V- -4- I > « : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : j A :; : :::: :::: :::: :: |f | 1 i> i I S § 3 t> ..* b '° S..s S3 2 - 2 ° ..5? ..as. • -il (NH OOCD'OCld'CD'O J §::§ : :: : : : II :: : : : : : : | $A : :|| : : H ; : |1 Ph C3 o CC OO CC C5 0J- ‘-TO-- V -t O O 2 2 S* SB ££■ SB fa O ^ | § •3 > t- r- co © oo *«:::: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : - :»% : : : : : : : : : : : : t I ^ « © C so f( i CC oo t- .3; - s ii « 'a# 8 1 § 3 JL- „ IS ..2S- - .1? ..IS ..II • .rs Ss y—t 11 «} Vl CO T} - Nf. y— pm # 1 »:::: : : : : : : : : : :!f : : Jf : :|£ : :§| : : : : : : :ll 5 £3 3: ££ 2jC || I'g. £2 £ 1 I I > .III lie? bbIS .i*S ,1H .sst !IS* "sis ..22 sgs ' i§ is "if '"¥i ' is- ' it is is "5? * ss 1 SS ISf ISIS HIS III- III S§a Ills SS1I SH |::|| :£|! SSgf SW? :§|i ^ 88|| S|2 : :$g : || ^ ^ t-T rT T? OJ ^_<0 0 X CO JC VO JO tt OO ^ « 8§ IS Bengal 1 Madras j Bombay j All India Bengal t Madras ! Bombay All India Bengal Madras Bombay All India , Bengal Madras Bombay All India Bengal Madras Bombay All India 1 Bengal Madras Bombay All India Bengal Madras Bombay All India Bengal ' Madras Bombay All India Bengal Madras Bombay I All India Bengal Madras Bombay All India Bengal 1 Madras Bombay 1 All India s!lv: ‘ l A | I9-0S8T ZS-IS8T ES-ZS8I Wfit'St ee-feSl 9S-9S8I ZS-9SSI SS’ZSSl 6S'8fi8t 09-6SSI [9-0981 I 1 I •a 1 1 ! s I ( ‘->8 ) Class IV. — North-East Gallery. 2137. [3522] Six samples of coloured wool thread for needle-work, Umritsur. 2138. [3523] A sample of blue wool fhread, Do. 2139. [3524] Do. dark yellow, Do. 2140. [3525] Do. light do., Do. 2141. [3526] Do. scarlet, Do. 2142. [3527] Do. light blue, Do. 2143. [3528] Do. green. Do. 2144. [3529] Do. rose-coloured, Do. 2145. [3530] Do. scarlet, Do. 2146. [353 1 ] A sample of light green thread, Do. 2147. [3532] Do. crimson, Do. 2148. [3533] Do. black, Do. 2149. [3534] Do. dark rose-coloured, Do. 2150. [3535] Do. purple. Do. 2151. [3536] Do. scarlet, Do. 2152. [1041] Eaw wool, Khelat. 2153. [777] Do. Sindh. 2154. [696] Do. Ivutch. 2155. [1270] Black wool, Ahmedabad. 2156. [1270] White wool, Do. 2157. [2698] Uncleaned wool, Mysore. 2158. [2699] Woollen thread, Astagram, Mysore. 2159. [4267] Thibet wool, Darjeeling. 2160. [1054] Groat’s hair, Hyderabad. 2161. [1055] Camel’s hair, Do. 2162. [981] Eaw wool, Bengal. A. M. Dowleans, Esq. 2163. [5645] Do. Do. Do. 2164. [4484] Burmese twist, Eangoon. 2. silk. Among the textile fabrics of animal origin, silk holds a high rank. The Table (p. 100) shows the export of silk from India. The present Exhibition embraces not only a con- siderable number of the silks produced by the various kinds of silkworms, but also a veiy valuable collection, of the silk-produc- ( 99 ing moths, together with drawings of the caterpillars and specimens of the cocoons. These latter have been prepared by Mr. F. Moore. They are contained in a series of trays in Case 8, and are as follows : — Tray I . — Containing cocoons and moths of various species of mulberry-feeding silkworms ( Bombyx ), &c. 1. Cocoon of Bombyx mori (Linn.) from Cashmere stock. 2. Cocoons of do. as imported into England from the continent. 3. Cocoon of cross between Cashmere B. mori and Bengal B. croesi, obtained by Capt. T. Hutton at Mussooree. 4. Cocoons of B. tcxtor (Hutton), from Mussooree. 5. Ho. of B. sinensis (?), from Bengal. 6. Golden-yellow cocoons, from Shanghai, as imported into England. 7. Pure white do. do. do. 8. Do. do. from Canton. do. 9. Cocoon of very large size; locality unknown. 10. Do. from the Punjab. 11. Cocoon, raw silk, and specimen of moth of B. Huttoni (Westw.), from Mussooree. 12; Do. do. B. Horsfieldi (Moore), from Java. 13. Do. with drawing of caterpillar and cocoon of Ocinara dilcctula (Walk.), from Java. Tray II. — Containing samples of raw silk, produced by various species of Bombyx. 1. Silk from Surdah filature, Bengal. 2. Commercolly silk. 3. Silk from Rangamutty filature, Bengal. 4. 5, 6. Punjab silk — first and third years’ cultivation. 7. Madras silk. 8. Mysore silk — raised from eggs originally from Bengal. 9. Silk obtained from cross between 9 Cashmere ( B. mori ) and $ Bengal ( B. croesi ?), from Bengal. 10. Do obtained from cross between French and Bengal moths, from Surdah filature, Bengal. 11. White silk, obtained from the Boro-poloo, from Bengal. 12. Do. do. from Mysore, raised from eggs origi- nally from Bengal. 13. 14. Do. do. from Bangalore. Tray III. — Containing raw silk r produced by various species of Bombyx, from several localities, viz. — 1. Pat raw silk, from Durrang, Central Assam. 2, 3. Several samples of silk obtained from the large and small 1 Pat Polo ’ or mulberry worm of Assam, from Durrang, Central Assam. 4. Silk raised in Munguldye, Assam. 0. ‘ Pat Soot,’ Pat silk ungummed, from Seebsagur, Upper Assam. 6. 1 Na Dhoroa Pat,’ silk thread unbleached, from Nowgong, Do. 7. ‘ Dhoroa Pat ’ silk thread bleached, do. 8. Silk from Sandoway, Arracan. 9. Burmese silk, from Tenasserim. 10. White silk, from Pegu. 11. Yellow silk, Do. 12. Do. silk from Cochin China. Tray IV. — Containing samples of cocoons, raw, thrown, and waste silk as imported into England from China (Shanghai) and Japan. Also a compressed batch of relaxed cocoons, stated to be imported from Southern Russia. Tray V . — Containing drawing of caterpillar, specimens of cocoons and moths of Attacus atlas (Linn.) from China, Sylhet, Mussooree, Madras, and Java. Tray VI. — Containing specimens of: — 1. Male and female moths of Attacus Edwardsii ( White), from Sikkim. ) H 2 TABLE SHOWING THE QUANTITIES (AS FAR AS CAN BE ASCERTAINED) AND VALUE* OF SILK EXPORTED FROM INDIA AND EACH PRESIDENCY TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD FROM 1850-51 TO 1860-61 INCLUSIVE. Class IV. — India. The Indian rupee is here converted at the exchange of two Class TV.-— North-East Gallery. 2. Male Attacus Guerini (Moore), from Bengal. 3. Attacus Eicini, from Assam. 4. Eggs, caterpillars (preserved in spirits), cocoons, and male and female moths of the ‘ Ailanthus silkworm,’ or cross between the Chinese and Bengal ‘Eria;’ reared in London in 1859 by Me. F. Moore ; also sample of the spun silk, and cloth manufactured in France. Tray VII. — Containing specimens of eggs, drawing of caterpillar, specimens of cocoons, male and female moths of the 1 Eria,’ ( Attacus Cynthia Drury), from China (Hong Kong), Nepal, Mussooree (reared in London from the cocoon), and Java. Tray VIII. — Containing samples of ‘ Eria ’ or ‘ Arrindy ’ silk in several conditions (raw, dyed, flossed, &c.), with specimens of the cloth, from various districts in Assam, Bengal, &c. Tray IX.— Containing — 1. Bundle of relaxed cocoons, raw and twisted silk, and cloth of the ‘Mezankoorie,’(A)fr/ii'r< 2 « Mezankooria Moore). 2. Drawing of caterpillar, specimens of cocoons and moths of Actius Selene M‘L.), from Darjeeling and Mussooree. Tray X. — - Containing eggs, drawing of caterpillar, specimens of cocoons, raw silk and thread, cloth, &c., of the ‘ Tusseh ’ or ‘ Tussur,’ ( Anthercza Paphia Linn.), from Darjeeling, Bhagulpore, &c. Tray XI. — Containing drawing of caterpillar, specimens of the cocoons, raw and floss (dyed pink and yellow), silk, cloth, and moth of the ‘ Moonga ’ or ‘ Moogha,’ (Anthcr&a Assarna Heifer), from various districts in Assam. Tray XII. — Containing specimens of various species of so-called ‘ Tusseh ’ moths. 1. Anthercea Per?ry?(Guer.-Men.) drawing, North China. 2. A. Pcrrottitti (G. Men.) do. Pondicherry. 3. A. Enylei (Moore), moth and cocoon, from Mussooree. 4. A. Helferi (Moore), from Darjeeling. 5. A. Jana (Cram.), drawing, Java. 6. A. Frithii (Moore), Darjeeling. 7. A. Larissa (Westw.), drawing, Java. Tray XIII. — Containing specimens of — 1. Male moth of Saturnia pyretorum (Westw.), from China. 2. Do. Saturnia Grotci (Moore), from Darjeeling. 3. Drawing of caterpillar and cocoon ; male and female moths of Loepa Katinka (Westw.), from Java. 4. Drawing of Ncoris Huttoni (Moore), from Mussooree. •5. Do. Caligula Thihcta (Westw.), and specimen of cocoon, from Mussooree. 6. Male and female moths of Caligula Simla (Westw.) 7. Drawing of Salassa Lola (Westw.), South-east Himalayas. 8. Drawing of caterpillar, specimens of cocoon, and moths of Cricula trifencstrata (Heifer), from Java. 2165. [3786] Raw silk (dyed). Reared and reeled by Jaffeii Allee, of Goordas- pore , under the direction of Lalla Chumba Mull. 2166. [3787] Do. Do. 2167. [3788] Do. Do. 2168. [3789] Do. Do. 2169. [3790] Do. Do. 2170. [3791] Do. Do. 2171. [3792] Raw silk (dyed). Reared and reeled by Jaffer Allee, of Goordas- pore, under the direction of Lalla Chumba Mull. 2172. [3793] Do. Do. 2173. [3794] Do. Do. 2174. [3795] Do. Do. 2175. [3796] Do. Do. 2176. [3797] Do. Do. 2177. [3798] Do. Do. 2178. [3799] Do. Do. 2179. [7228] Bengal raw various stages. F. Bashford, 2180. [7229] Bengal raw silk (yellow and white), from the filatures of Messrs. Lyall, Rennie, & Co., Berhampore and Calcutta. 2181. [2590] Silk thread (dyed), Chittle- droog, Mysore. 2182. [2582] Do. Do. 2183. [5616] Floss silk (dyed), Peshawur. Maiiomed Auzum. 2184. [815] Do. Shikarpore. 2185. [34*] Do. Cachar. 2186. [41*] Silk thread (dyed), Sattara. 2187. [38*] Do. Madras. 2188. [5100] Mezankoree silk, Assam. H. Bainbrldge, Esq. 2189. [8227] Do. Seebsagur, Assam. Lieut. Piiaire. 2190. [4775] Raw silk (dyed of various colours), Burmah. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. 2191. [9245] Do. (yellow), Bengal. 2192. [9244] Do. Punjab. 2193. [5618] Do. Cashmere. 2194. [9246] Do. Mysore. 2195. [9247] Do. Pegu. 2196. [9248] Do. Arracan. 2197. [9249] Do. (white), Singapore. 2198. [5545] Do. (yellow and white), Pegu. ( 101 ) Class IV. — India. 2199. [5543] ‘Pat soota’ (white floss), Luckimpore. H. L. Michel, Esq. 2200. [5999] Do. Balasore, Assam. 2201. [4483] Raw silk, Rangoon. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. 2202. [2371] Do. (pale yellow), Mysore. 2203. [3785] Do. (white), Bokhara. 2204. [3784] Do. (yellow). Reared in Umritsor by Mr. H. Cope, and reeled by Jaffir Allee, of Goordaspore. 2205. [7060] I)o., reared at Umritsur by Mr. H. Cope. 220(1. [816] Do. (pale yellow), Khorasan. Almost all the raw silk used in the Punjab is produced in Bokhara, but it is not improbable that the submontane districts of the Punjab were formerly silk-producing countries, as we know that in the time of Justinian silk was produced in Sirhind. A series of experiments was made a few years ago by the government of the Punjab, with a view of ascertaining whether silkworms could be successfully reared in the plains, but the experiment was a failure, the heat and want of sufficient moist food having rendered the worms nearly unproductive. Mr. Cope, of Umritsur, who originated the experiment, has, however, again tried it with considerable success.* In the month of February of the present year, the Manchester Chamber of Commerce reported thus on the samples forwarded from Umritsur by Mr. Cope : — ‘The silk is very well and care- fully reeled in every respect; the thread is clean, round, and .uniform in size, well laid on the reel, and the hank a convenient size. It winds well, and passes through the other operations of throwing in a satisfactory manner. Its elasticity is about 1 in 6, equal to good China. If the silk can be supplied in quantity in every respect equal to sample, it would be worth 25s. per lb. in the present state of the market.’ The sample of yellow silk has been valued at very nearly the same amount. 2207. [9243] Raw silk, Oude. R. Car- negie, Esq. Forwarded by the Chief Com- missioner of Oude. Reared by Mr. Carnegie at Seetapore, in Oude, from the silkworm of Cashmere. The cultivation of the silk- worm in Oude is believed to be capable of great extension, as the midberry abounds throughout the province, and the climate appears favourable to the rearing and thriving of the worms. Of this sample Messrs. Durant & Co., of Copthall Court, report as under: — ‘So far as we can judge from so small a sample, we consider it to be most creditable to the reeler, and such as affords good hope of future success. ‘ The colour and quality are good, in appearance strongly resembling silk of Lombardy. The thread is well made, clean, and fairly open in size ; and we think that when tried on the throwing mill and in the loom, such silk will be found to yield satisfactory results. In every respect it is equal, and in some better, than the silk of Bengal, in- asmuch as it has more nerve and less of the “ fiuffiness ” and small fold which more or less seems to be an inherent condition of even the best of the European filatures of that country. ‘ The present value is about 25s. per lb.’ 2208. [2589] Raw silk, Ckittledroog, Mysore. 2209. [2591] Mulberry silkworm cocoons, Do. Do. 2210. [2708] Raw silk, No. 1, Bangalore, Mysore. 2211. [2709] Do. No. 2, Do. Do. 2212. [4005] Kora silk, Salem. 2213. [3836] Raw Tusseh silk and co- coons, from Seonee, Jubbulpore. This is produced extensively in the Seonee district, but is not manufactured into cloth there. It is exported to Nagpore, where it is woven into native cloths, called ‘ Tussur Sarees,’ &c. No farther information can be given at present, as the trade is carried on by the Gonds, living in scattered jungles.* 2214. [5056] Do. Chynepore, Bengal. 2215. [6517] Do., and thread in various states, Cuttack. Locally called the ‘ Khosa' — ‘ Kkoscare.’ These are, it is presumed, the product of the Saturnia Mylitta , moth- caterpillar. The cocoons are found in abundance through- out the forest jungles of this division, and for the most part on the larger trees called the ‘ Asan' (the Pentaptera tomentosa), the Sal or Shorea robusta, and less fre- quently on the common Indian plum or ‘ Bar Icolee’ tree. The wild cocoons are collected by the ‘ Sahars’ and other poor and half wild castes (whose villages are often met with in the heart of the jungles), and sold so many for the pice, to the best advantage, but at no fixed rates. Each cocoon being very carefully enclosed within two leaves brought together and made to wrap around it, it is almost impossible to discover by mere sight on which trees cocoons are to be found. This is, therefore, done by observing the dung of the caterpillar under the tree. The eggs of the moth are also collected and preserved, and the caterpillar regularly reared and tended, in many parts in the Hill tracts, on trees pruned and preserved for the purpose. The cocoons vary much in size and colour, and there is also a very perceptible diversity in the tex- ture and glossiness of the raw silk, which most probably depends on the species of tree on which the caterpillar may happen to have fed. The same variety is observable in the female moths, which are of three or four different sizes and colours. The mode of winding off the thread does not differ from that pursued in the ease of the ordi- nary silkworm cocoon proper.! 221fl. [2864] Tussur cocoons, Raepore, Bengal. 2217. [9250] Moonga silk, Assam. 2218. [7909] Do. Luckimpore, Upper Assam. Baroo Charoo Chunda, Mowzahdar. 2219. [5094] Do. Balasore, Assam. * Central Committee, iAihore. * Local Committee, Jubbulpore. t Local Committee, Cuttack. ( 102 ) Lieut.- Class IV. — North-East Gallery. 2220 . [5095] Moonga silk, Kamroop, Assam. Liedt.-Col. Hamilton Veitcil 2221. [5097] Eria silk, Assam. Col. Hamilton Veitcii. 2222 . [5098] Eria silk, Assam. H. Bainbridge, Esq. 2223 . [9251] Do. Assam. 2224 . [7094] Yellow Eria cocoons of castor oil silkworms, No. 1 , Durrung, Assam. Lieut. W. Phaire. 2225 . [7095] Do. No. 2, Do. Do. 2226 . [7096] White do. Do, Do. 2227 . [5546] Do. cocoons and silk in various states, Assam. 2228 . [5542] Eria silk, Luckimpore. Jawram Deka Boroovaii Peska. II. — For Domestic or Ornamental PURPOSES, OR FOR THE MANUFACTURE of Implements. BONE, HORN, ETC. 2229 . [4249] Pair of buffalo horns, Bur- mah. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. TABLE SHOWING THE QUANTITIES (AS FAK AS CAN BE ASCEBT AINED ) AND THE VALUE OF HORNS EXPORTED FROM INDIA AND EACH PRESIDENCY TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD FROM 1857-58 TO 1860-61. Whence Exported COUNTRIES WHITHER EXPORTED Total Exported to all Parts United Kingdom France Other Parts of Europe America China Arabian and Per- sian Gulfs Other Parts Quan. Value Quan. Val. Quan. Val. Quan. Val. Quan. Val. Quan. Val. Quan. Val. Quantity Value £ £ cwt. £ cwt. £ £ £ £ tons £ Bengal . 8,263 1 ,408 314 145 10,130 Madras . cwt. 1,363 5,788 iss 930 300 383 921 1 ,560 2 ', 769 138 8,670 Bombay . „ 7,034 1,643 010 561 316 330 187 043 110 45 10,454 Am, India 21,985 3,^57 1 ,013 330 187 943 no U7S9 29,254 Bengal . 5,873 4,008 17 200 10,188 Madras . No. 113,292 4,0*20 114,814 1 ,08*2 237 2 55,558 1,077 583,001 7,090 Bombay . cwt. 6,986 1,034 621 576 70 8,262 All India 17,788 5,801 593 81 1,277 25,54° Bengal . 5,000 2,667 522 88 382 9,559 Madras . 5,704 702 100 6,515 Bombay .cwt. 6,975 ioo 60 1,3*17 29 17 8,369 All India „ 18,579 3,429 522 ',405 29 >7 49 1 24,443 Bengal . 10,000 4,100 462 50 203 15,814 Madras 406,328 1.971 } 6,211 127,675 1,675 8,549 323 | 426 542,552 2,294 ) 8,312 Bombay .cwt. 12,138 758 455 100 60 1,215 4 3 13,871 All India „ 29,258 6,320 462 IOO 60 1 ,265 4 3 629 37,997 * Received from J. II. Johnson, Esq. ( 103 ) Class IV. — India. 2230. [4756] Pair of elephants’ tusks, Burmah. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. 2231-2. [5157-8] Pair of wild buffalo horns, Cuttack. 2233-4. [5159-60] Do. wild Gyal horns, {Bibos cavvfrons ), Do. 2235-6. [5161-2] Do. {Antilope cervica- pra), Cuttack. These horns have heen polished by native workmen. The tame buffalo horns, which are much smaller than the wild, form, together with the antlers of the spotted axis and the Sambur or Cervus Hippelaphus, an article of export to a considerable extent from this district. The local retail rates are, for black horn, about 5 annas per seer, and for deer horn (wholesale) 6 lb. weight per shilling.* 2237. [5914] Deer horn {Cervus sp.), Assam. Lieut. W. Piiaire. 2238. [2346] Horns of the wild yak {Poephagus grunniens ). Dr. A. Campbell, Darjeeling. 2239. [2348] Do. of tame yak {do.) Do. Do. 2240. [2353] Do. of Cbiru antelope (. Kemas Hodgsoni). Do. Do. 2241. [2360] Do. of Shou {Cervus affinis). Do. Do. 2242. [2354] Skull and horn of rhino- ceros. Do. Do. * Local Committee, Cuttack. 2243. [2356] Horns of Jharai (i2usa sp.). Dr. A. Campbell, Darjeeling. 2244. [2357] Do. of Growree {Bibos cavifrons). Do. Do. 2245. [4271] Do. of black antelope. Do. Do. 2246-9. [2362-5] Deer horns {Cervus sp.). Do. Do. 2250. [2961] Shagreen. V. — For Pigments and Dyes. Of auimal origin, the only Indian dyes of importance are those afforded by the Coccus lacca insect. 2251. [41*] Lac dye from the Coccus lacca , Calcutta. 2252. [43*] Do. Do. 2253. [10104] Do. Do. Is the well-known colouring matter of ‘lac,’ and is obtained from those incrustations by the insect Coccus lacca. It is employed chiefly as a red dye on wool. 2254. [1916*] Cochineal, Calcutta. 2255. [10 1 66] Purree or Indian yellow. Monghyr. W. H. Henderson, Esq. Produced from the urine of horned cattle fed on mango leaves. It is used in the locality of production, and also sent to Calcutta for exportation.* * W. H. Henderson, Esq. Section C.— VEGETABLE SUBSTANCES USED IN MANUFACTURES. I. — Gum and Resin Series. This subdivision comprises the gums, the resins, and the gum resins. The Table (p. 105) shows the extent to which these are exported. GUMS. 2256. [136*] Gum ghati {Acacia ara- bica), Bombay. 2257. [6037] Babool {A. arabica), Do. 2258. [6208] Do.' Lucknow. 2259. [6221] bica), Calcutta. 2260. [1948] 2261. [6050] 2262. [141*] 2263. [148*] 2264. [2585] Mysore. 2265. [2587] Babool gum {Acacia ara- Do. Jhansee. Do. Ahmedabad. Do. Calcutta. Do. Acacia gum, Bangalore, Do. Chittledroog, Mysore. ( 101 ) Class IV. — North-East Gallery. TABLE SHOWING THE QUANTITIES (AS FAR AS CAN BE ASCERTAINED) AND THE VALUE OF GUMS EXPORTED FROM INDIA AND EACH PRESIDENCY TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD FROM 1857-58 TO 1860-61. Years Whence Exported COUNTRIES WHITHER EXPORTED Total Exported to all Parts United Kingdom France Other Parts of Europe America China Arabian and Persian Gulfs Other Parts Quan. Value Quan. Value Quan. Value Quan. Value Quan. Value Quan. Value Quan. Value Quantity Value cwt. £ cwt. £ cwt. £ cwt. £ cwt. £ cwt. £ cwt. £ cwt. £ cn Bengal . 117 354 7 30 13 19 4 20 141 7 423 >0 Madras . 13 17 104 134 £ Bombay . 21,755 313 i70 240 3,297 570 112 26,457 All India 22,122 360 170 259 3,197 570 236 17,014 0 Bengal . 160 254 82 96 6 20 248 12 370 l.'t) Madras . 28 65 28 1 65 io Bombay . 22,166 29 29 11,633 7,384 956 301 30,836 All India 22 ,l 66 189 283 82 96 11,633 70*4 956 386 3 uw O Bengal . 144 274 3 6 140 449 287 14 729 Madras . 27 132 159 lo Bombay . 9,878 10,065 36 27 6,278 5,019 432 901 125 214 16,749 837 16,226 All India 10,092 180 301 6 , 28 l 5,015 431 901 265 795 17,114 Bengal . 37 88 40 224 82 229 113 147 10,02S 8,345 10,300 9,033 Madras . 102 102 •3 Bombay . 9,671 16,307 75 75 4,250 3,288 129 245 267 373 14,392 720 20,288 rH All India 9,708 ' 6,395 40 ZZ 4 75 75 4-331 3,517 242 391 8,820 * 9,413 2266. [2743] Acacia gum, Nuggur, My- sore. 2277. [139*] Ivoonee gond (0. wodier), N. W. India. 2267. [2585] Do. 2268. [4898] Acacia speciosa, Chin- gleput. Dr. Shortt. 2269. [4896] A. sundra, Chingleput. Dr. Siiortt. 2270. [6046] Kheir gum (A. catechu ), Ahmedabad. This tree yields the largest proportion of the Cuteh, so much employed in tanning and dyeing, and which is obtained by boiling the wood and inspissating the liquor. The gum exudes freely from the bark when wounded, and is of the character of an ordinary gum arabic. 2271. [142*] Vachelliafarnesiana, Ben- gal. 2272 [4001] V. farnesiana, Salem. This is a useful gum arabic, and is exuded freely and in considerable quantities by the tree which produces it. The flowers, under the name of wattle flowers, are much employed in perfumery for their delicious fragrance. 2273. [6002] Dhowla gum, Ahmedabad. 2274. [6044] Dower goond, Do. 2275. [2860] Dhowrah tree gum, Rae- pore. This gum resembles the true gum arabic both in appear- ance and properties, and is often largely mixed up with the East India arabic of commerce, which often contains gum collected indiscriminately from a number of different trees, including several species of Acacia, Odina wodier, and Fcronia elephantum. 2278. [4908] Prosopis spicigera, Chin- gleput. Dr. Shortt. 2279. [4911] Soap tree gum ( Sapindus emarginatus), Madras. Dr. Shortt. 2280. [4919] Wrightia tinctoria, Chin- gleput. Dr. Shortt. 2281. [4903] Do. Erythrina indica, Do. 2282. [6432] Gum from jungle trees, Chota Nagpore. 2283. [6433] Do. Do. 2284. [6434] Do. Do. 2276. [7184] dier), Calcutta. Koonee gond ( Odina wo- ( 2285. [4917] Shamgathalee gleput. Dr. Shortt. 105 ) gum, Chin- Class I V .— - India . 228G. [49 1 8] Poongkalee gum, Chingle- put. Dr. Shortt. 2287. [4901] Palmyra gum ( Borassus flabelliformis), Do. Do. 2288. [73*] Margosa gum (Melia, aze- darach), Travancore. 2289. [37*] Do (do.), Palamcottah. 2290. [124*] Gum of Buclianania lati- folia. 2291. [4904] Wood apple gum (. Feronia elephantum), Chingleput. Dr. Shortt. This grim is abundant. From its ready solubility ■without residue, it gives the best mucilage for making ink. 2292. [69*] Marking nut gum ( Seme- carpus anacardium), Travancore. 2293. [79*] Moringa (Moving a pterygo- sperma ), Travancore. 2294. [4905] Do. Chingleput. Dr. Shortt. The gum of the Moringa somewhat resembles traga- canth. It exudes freely whenever an incision is made in the bark. It is used by the natives in headache mixed with milk and rubbed on the temples, and is also em- ployed as a local application for pains in the limbs. 2295. [4899] Gum of Ailanthus excelsa, Chingleput. Dr. Shortt. 2296. [6054] Kuda na gond ( Sterculicc , species), Ahmedabad. 2297. [132] Kuteera gum (Sterculla urens), Bengal. 2298. [6042] Do. Ahmedabad. Kuteera gum was known as false tragacanth before the tree which produces it was correctly determined. Both this and the following gum resembles a coarse tra- gacanth, and is employed, in India as a substitute for the genuine gum, which is the produce of the south of Europe. 2299. [38*] Gum of Cochlospermum gossypium, North-west India. This gum is also sometimes called Kuteera. It exudes from every part of the tree when broken, and resembles an inferior tragacanth. 2300. [10154] Kotilla or Tragacanth, Calcutta. 2301. [4912] Gum of Stereospermum suaveolens, Chingleput. Dr. Shortt. 2302. [4913] Gum of Terminalia alata, Do. Do. 2303. [4895] Gum of Calophyllum ino- phyllum, Do. Do. ( 2304. [4897] Gum of Cassia auriculata, Chingleput. Dr. Shortt. 2305. [4906] Gum of Poinciana alata, Do. Do. 2306. [4759] Ta Mazie gum, Burmah. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. 2307. [4760] Do. Do. Do. 2308. [6052] Daweej gum, Ahmedabad. 2309. [4916] Selembai, Chingleput. TINCTORIAL GUMS. 2310. [6382] Mangosteen gum (Garcinia mangostana), Malacca. A. A. de Wind, Esq. A few tear-like pieces of this gum is all that is exhibit ed. These resemble gamboge in appearance, but the sample is too small to venture a correct judgement. 2311. [189] Ardalla ( G . peduncidata), Mangalore. V. P. Coelho, Esq. This gum bears a great resemblance to the gamboge of the Wynaad ; and is interesting as being the Erst sample sent to England derived from this source. 2312. [1*] Gamboge (G. pictoria), Wy- naad. A very superior kind of gamboge, to which the atten- tion of the trade might be advantageously drawn. 2313. [1896] Gamboge, Bengal. 2314. [6010] Pipe gamboge, Bombay. 2315. [6663] Do. Siam. G. Angus, Esq. 2316. [6695] Gamboge ( G . cochinchi- nensis), Cambodia. Jose d’ Almeida, Esq. This is the true pipe gamboge of Siam, and the ordinary gum gamboge of British commerce. 2317. [6383] Gutta Kandees, Malacca. A. A. de Wind, Esq. From the wild mangosteen. 2318. [5*] Gum from Hebradendron cambogioides. This is the gamboge which is known commercially as Ceylon gamboge. It is of good quality, and is made up in cakes or irregular masses. 2319. [6016] Heradukliun ( Pterocarpus draco), Bombay. 2320. [4063] Dragon’s blood, Pinang. 2321. [11*] Do. Singapore. 2322. [6664] Do. Sumatra. G. Angus, Esq. 3 ) Class IV. — North-East Gallery. 2323. [7136] Kino (P. Wallichii), Ran- goon. This is affirmed to be the produce of the above tree, ' which is one of the commonest forest trees in the locality whence it is derived; the ordinary commercial kino is obtained from Pterocarpus marsupium. 2324. [19*] Vangay kino (P. dalbergi- oides). This kino differs but little in appearance and properties from the ordinary kino. 2325-6. [4909, 3356] Kino (P. marsu- pium), Bengal. This is the common East India kino. It is employed medicinally as an astringent. 2327. [7127] Moochrus ( Bombax hep- taphyllum), Calcutta. This astringent gum, which exudes from the bark rather freely, is employed for tanning leather as a substitute for kino ; it is also used medicinally for its astringent pro- perty and its supposed strengthening virtue. 2328. [4907] Butea gum (. Butea fron- dosa), Ckingleput. Dr. Shortt. 2329. [6600] Dlmk gum (P. frondosa ), Lucknow. This is sometimes called Pulas kino; it is very astrin- gent, some specimens yielding 73 per cent, of tannin. In the North-west Provinces the natives employ it for pre- cipitating their indigo and in tanning. It contains a durable colouring matter, which generally renders it objectionable for the latter purposes. MEDICINAL GUM RESINS. 2330. [6026] Assafcetida ( Narthex assa- foetida ), Bombay. 2331. [1851] Assafcetida ( Narthex assa- fcetida), Punjab. The concrete juice of the root is obtained by slicing off the stem obliquely, collecting the liquid which exudes, and drying it. It is obtained chiefly from Bokhara. By the natives it is employed as a condiment to food, as a carminative in colic, and also as a stimulant tonic in paralysis, tremors, and epilepsy. Dose, gr. iv. Price, 2s. per lb. 2332. [31*] Ammoniacum ( Dorema am- moniacum), Persia. 2333. [6033] Ocsliak ( D . ammoniacum ), via Bombay. Gum ammoniac is not an Indian product, but is obtained from Persia. It is a gum resin exclusively medicinal, and is employed as a stimulant expectorant and antispas- modic. 2334. [6035] Dikamali ( Gardenia lu- cida ), Bombay. This resin is obtained chiefly in Canara and Mysore, and is stated to have been found useful in the hospitals in keeping away flies from sores. 2335. [1818] Sarcocolla ( Penea mucro- nata), Kabul. Anzerut, a gum resin obtained from the bark of the Penea muaronata, called sometimes Sarcocolla, and ob- tained chiefly from Kabul. It is used either in powder or infusion as a laxative, and as an alterative in cancer. Dose 1 drachm. Price Is. per lb. Formerly used in Eu- ropean medicine, chiefly as an application for wounds, whence its namo of Sarcocolla. 2336. [9924] Bdellium ( Balsamo - dendron species), Calcutta. 2337. [7126] Groogul (R. agallocha ), Do. 2338. [51*] Do. ( B . myrrha), Do. goooul tkee ( Balsamodcndron Mukul).* * Received from Pharmaceutical Journal. ( 107 ) Ci, ass IV. — India. 2339. [6051] Heera bol, Bombay. 2350. [2*] Stick lac, Vizagapatam. 2340. [6056] Googul ( B . Roxburghii ), Bombay. The sources of these gums are given as sent from India; there is still some confusion in the botanical sources of the substance known in India as googul and of the bdellium and myrrh of commerce. 2351. [1949] Lac from Acacia arabica , Bengal. 2352. [10 103] Shell lac, Do. 2353. [6429] Stick lac, Ckota Nagpore. 2341. [6572] Benzoin ( Styrax benzoin), via Calcutta. 2342. [61*] Do. Sumatra. 2343. [6384] White benzoin, Malacca. A. A. de Wind, Esq. 2354. [7160] Do. Cuttack. 2355. [7162] Do. Do. 2356. [2839] Lac, Raepore. 2357. [1940] Shell lac, Umritsur. 2358. [1941] Do. Do. 2344. [6674] Benzoin, Sumatra. Benzoin has an agreeable fragrant odour, and a sweetish balsamic taste. It is obtained chiefly from Sumatra and Siam. A very interesting variety (No. 6384) is exhibited from Malacca. In Sumatra, benzoin is obtained by making incisions into the tree in its seventh year. The juice which first exudes is the purest and most fragrant ; it hardens on exposure to the air, and becomes brittle and semi-transparent. 2345. [10 147] Olibanum ( Boswellia tlmrifera), Calcutta. 2346. [10 152] Do. Do. 2347. [6048] Do. Bombay. 2348. [6219] Do. Calcutta. This balsamic gum resin is a considerable article of export from Bombay and other ports of India. The best is found in pieces as large as a walnut, of a bright yellowish colour, sometimes inclining to reddish or browm, covered on the outside with a whitish bloom. It burns with a clear and steady light, diffusing a grateful fragrance. In taste it is slightly bitter, and not perfectly soluble in water or alcohol. The most important resin belonging to the next group is lac. It is formed by the insect Coccus lacca, which feeds upon various trees in India. It is found encirclim>- twigs and branches. The broken twigs covered with these in- crustations is called ‘stick lac’ in commerce, and is sufficiently represented, as the under- named sources abundantly testify. After the colour has been extracted and farther purified, shell lac results. The Table (p. 109) indicates the extent to which lac is ex- ported from India. 2349. [5396] Crude lac, Shahabad. ( 2359. [6680] Do. Siam. Gf. Angus, Esq. 2360. [6005] Lac from Zizyphus jujuba, Admedabad. 2361. [7512] Do. from Urostigma reli- giosa, Ahmedabad. 2362. [6045] Chupra lac, Poona. 2363. [4002] Shell lac, Salem. 2364. [6606] Lac, Durrung, Assam. Lieut. Phaiiie. 2365. [7161] Do. Do. Do. 2366. [7163] Stick lac, Burmah. 2367. [7164] Do. Do. 2368. [2586] Do. Chittledroog, Mysore. 2369. [2588] Lac, Do. Do. 2370. [2742] Do. Mysore. 2371. [2580] Sealing wax, Chittledroog, Mysore. 2372. [9170] Do. Cuttack. I RESINS. 2373. [10 1 52] Mastic ( Pistacia len- tiscus), Bengal. 2374. [6007] Do. Bomba} 7 . 2375. [1821] Do. Kabul. A gum resin which exudes from the young branches and is scraped off. It forms white translucent tears, 10 S ) TABLE SHOWING THE QUANTITIES (AS FAR AS CAN BE ASCERTAINED) AND THE VALUE OF LAC EXPORTED FROM INDIA AND EACH PRESIDENCY TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD FROM 1850-51 TO 1860-61. Class I V .-North-East Gallery. r/s © ci d P £ Cl co P ^ O C3ClT*t d ’ d x x u-, : x i- -f o I fl *o P > O N 'O I- DO © P . Tt» 00 Cl VO a t)I O CO N p th x p Ci r-< NO © O' • lO 00 't »o Cl © CO rf CO CO rf P *0 P r] CO •« P > 0 © W -rf C CO P - >0 r 1' .CO — © • r 0^0 O CO d V/-1 WCOO O I- »0 N G Cl h O -H • d rh 'O' CO CO ON © d • • r» rf ■ Q f*< h 11 Cl P X rj- lO d rf T *- • d tS J Cl rf O O' Cl r d H • © o • CO 00 : : CO o P p p 7 12 H X lO • oc • p CO Cl • *vs CO • tS SO d rJ • P i • • rf rf co so O 5 12 rl 438 X • rf Ci Os rf p • • • • rf • 47 £ 41,454 rf • rf rf o X X o X • p ■ o d Ci d O' p^- Ci Ci_ Ol O' : ^ * 00 o X CO. . 2s p^ 52,582 d X ■ of »o CO X X • rf X X jf d ■s* • vs p co_ • x" d p • x^ rT Ci Cl Os * O' Ci © pf © O' •sq p r4 . °0 X J—t n p p- Cl O' o o ■'P X •VS P X X 4: . $ CO • •so” X • • X Ci . O' rt< • • ? p . • p p • • p p • • p © • •sO X • • 2s © • •sO 6 00 - CO oo = CO sO s d N p p" p d rf Cl O' © sO Ci O' p p p- p- Ci O' M X X © o © & Cl O' Cl O' : : ^ rf 1 I rf © I : o X ; x x : I X © ; : 8 p I I p © ; : o ^ ; 1 -4- Cl I I is *■ p CO so CO •vs X •vs X fvs of d r rjT rf h X X CO so X fvs CO SO »o >rs © •8 d H rH rf- : o d ; I H co : I rvN Ci : o^ 4 : ! ’t- X 1 ; 'Ss Cl ; © p : P © I I O o co VO o' (M rf of H 1-1 ** of rf 1—1 - ~ rH " P o X X X p X X X CO © O »o © VO CO rH P co © cv CO F— ( tvs • T p p Jh - © X • 12 © SO n “ cT CO x" p o' rH * 6 co~ ‘ VO CO ■ d" rf co^~* rrs X p CO op »o X Ci pi X X © VO X rH ■ct- © SO »o vrs X X I £2 © 00 : os CO 1 :*Ss rjl I 't - S : : 2 d ; ; h d I ; h" co ; IsO co I I x’ © I :58 © I : o Oo p d Ci X o o o' rf 3 . .? 3 S* ®. : r s>ivaA Class IV. — India. obtained principally from Kabul. It is used by the natives as an astringent in diarrhoea, which property it owes to the volatile oil contained in it ; ‘ also in all diseases depending on an undue accumulation of phlegm.’ Price Is. per lb.* 2376. [10699] Piney resin (Valeria in- dica), Mangalore. V. P. Coeliio, Esq. 2377. [10699] Do. (refined) (do.) Do. Do. 2378. [88*] Do. Malabar. 2379. [147] Dhoop ( V. indica). 2380. [77*] Do. Travancore. 2381. [90*] Do. Do. As these specimens distinctly indicate, there are at least two distinct varieties of the piney resin. Some resemble amber both in lustre and fracture ; others are of various shades of colour, from light green to yellow. 2382. [108*] Black dammar (Canarium strictum), Malacca. Black dammar is of a shining black colour when viewed in mass, but on closer examination appears to be of a reddish hue and translucent. It occurs in stalactitic masses. 2383. [103*] Resin of Canarium stric- tum, Seebsaugor. 2384. [6686] Dammar Daging, or rose dammar, Singapore. Or. Angus, Esq. $4^ per picul. 2385. [6378] Dammar Batu (Shorea ro- busta), Singapore. Gr. Angus, Esq. 2386. [7135] Dbonab, Calcutta. 2387. [6426] Do. Chota Nagpore. 2388. [6427] Do. Do. 2389. [6700] Dammar Batu (S. robusta), Sumatra. T. Neubronner, Esq. $1| per picul. Boiled with common oil and used for ships’ bottoms. 2390. [117*] Saul resin (S. robusta), Midnapore. 2391. [6220] Sakhoo (S. robusta), Luck- now. 2392. [7129] Dhoona (S. robusta), Cut- tack. A resin, locally called ‘JJioona’ or ‘ Dhoona! It is obtained from the Shorea robusta, one of the most abun- dant forest trees in Indian jungles, and is procured by making incisions in the stem of the tree from which the resin exudes. The local retail price is about 3 annas, that is 4| d. per seer of 2| pounds weight.* 2393. [4813] Dhoona (S. robusta), Burmah. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. 2394. [6385] Dammar Keejee, Malacca. A. A. de Wind, Esq. Procurable in large quantities. 2395. [6379] Dammar Mata Knocking, Singapore. T. Neubronner, Esq. 2396. [6678] Dammar Mata Kooching, Eastern Archipelago. Gl. Angus, Esq. $81 per picul. Procurable in large quantities. Boiled down for varnish. 2397. [6004] Dammar (Dammara orien- talis), Bombay. 2398. [6707] Dammar, Malay Peninsula. Gr. Angus, Esq. Largely exported from Singapore to Great Britain and other ports. It is a very clear transparent resin, much in request for the manufacture of varnishes. 2399. [7130] Dammar Pooy Nyat, Moul- mein. 2400. [2518] African Anime. H.H. the Sultan of Zanzibar. 2401. [6011] Anime, BombajG It is easily distinguished from copal by its softening in the mouth, and its ready solubility in alcohol. 2402. [no*] Glaup resin (Embryopteris glutinifera), Bkagulpore. Gaup tree resin is dark-coloured in the mass, and approximates in appearance to the black dammar of Travancore, except that it is in smaller masses or tears, and is not so vitreous in its fracture. 2403. [105*] Resin (Dipterocarpus, species), Seebsaugor. All dipterocarpous trees abound in a resinous juice, and from one of these this sample of resin has been obtained. * Central Committee, Lahore. ( no ) * Local Committee, Cuttack. Class IV. — North-East Gallery. 2404. [2847] Surry tree resin ( Vatica, a species of), Raepore. 2405. [4003] Resin, Salem. 2406. [7130] Ing Donay ( Vatica tam- huggaia), Moulmein. 2407. [4761] A resin, Burmah. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. 2408. [6381] Gutta Runghus from red wood tree, Malacca. A. A. de Wind, Esq. Procurable in large quantities. 2409. [7128] Pine resin ( Pinus longi- folia), Calcutta. 2410. [6003] Pine resin, Bombay. 2411. [6465] Thus, Shahjehanpore. 2412. [6053] Suk Muuiar, Bombay. A resin coloured artificially and sold for scammony. OLEO-RESINS. 2413. [5184] Black varnish (a), ( Mela - norrhoea usitata ), Burmah. 2414. [5185] Do. Do. ( b ) 2415. [5186] Do. Do. (c) This is the celebrated Burmese black varnish, obtained from Melanorrkcea usitata. In varnishing an article, the Burmese first give it a coat of a; when this is dry, they lay a coat of It over it, and finish with a coat of c over all. Price 120r. for first quality, 80r. for second, and 60r. for third quality, for 365 lbs.* 2420. [5695] Capawa wood oil, Moulmein. 2421. [5693] Do. Akyab. 2422. [7137] Eintsee, Arracan. 2423. [6337] Minia Kayu, Malay Penin- sula. 2424. [1893] Gurjun ( Dipterocarpus turbinatus), via Calcutta. 2425. [5702] Do. Chittagong. This oil is obtained from a large tree, formerly common in the hills of this district. The oil is obtained by cutting a hole in the tree, about 3 feet from the ground ; the cut being about 4 to 5 inches deep into the trunk of the tree. The base is hollowed out to retain the oil. The whole of the hollow is cleared with fire, without which no oil exudes ; after it is cleared the oil exudes, and is col- lected in the hollow at the base, and removed at in- tervals. The oil is thus extracted year after year, and sometimes there are two or three holes in the same tree, while the tree does not die. The oil is allowed to settle, when the clear part separates from a thick portion, which is called the ‘ guad.’ If a growing tree is cut dowm and cut to pieces, the oil exudes and concretes on the stem and ends of the pieces, very much resembling camphor, with an aromatic smell also. It is said that the tree yields from 3 to 5 maunds yearly, i. e. 240 to 400 lbs., and the same tree will yield oil for several years. It is a good balsamic medicine, and is very generally used as a substitute for copaiba; but it would be more valuable as a varnish : it is preservative to wood, to which it gives, with little trouble of application, a fine surface and polish ; it becomes, however, white and milky if exposed to wet. It can be had at Chittagong in large quantities at 10r. per maund.* 2426. [5679] Cboca oil, distilled from country resin. 2427. [4068] Barus camphor ( Dryobala - noys camphora), Sumatra. 2416. [7131] Tset-tsee, Moulmein. The wood oils may be said to form the link between the oils and resins. They hold a balsamic resin in solution, and are obtained from various of the Order Dipterocarpece, some of which yield the dammars of com- merce. 2417. [5711] Teak oil (Tedona grandis), Cuttack. A kind of wood oil obtained from the teak tree. 2418. [5698] Emsleekee wood oil, Moul- mein. 2419. [10700] Wood oil, Mangalore. V. P. Coelho, Esq. The camphor is found secreted in cavities of the wood. It is of great value, and is only obtained from trees of a certain age. It sells at Padang at upwards of 3 dollars for a lb. 2428. [7132] Camphor ( Laarus cam- pltora ), Calcutta. 2429. [6014] Do. This is the produce of a Chinese and Japanese lam’el, and is largely obtained from the island of Formosa. It is not so highly esteemed in the East as the Barus cam- phor, and consequently does not command sxich extra- vagant prices. All parts of the plant contain camphor diffused through them, but it is obtained chiefly from the wood of the stem branches, and root. These are cut in chips and boiled, and the camphor is obtained by distil- lation. 2430. [5130] Cup of camphor (X. cam- phora), Calcutta. Baboo GorAUL Ciiundau G ooriA. Local Committee, Rangoon. ( HI ) * Local Committee, Chittagong. Class IV. — India. ELASTIC AND PLASTIC GUMS. 2431. [6509] Caoutchouc, Durrung, As- sam. Lieut. W. Phaire. 2432. [5572] India rubber, Cossia Hills. J. N. Martin, Esq. 2433. [10229] Indian caoutchouc, Go- ruckpore. George Osborne, Esq. 1 A new production collected and prepared from tlie various plants of the district of Goruckpore.’ 2434. [6318] Gutta Babee caoutchouc, Malacca. T. Neubronner, Esq. 2435. [6317] Gutta Gree grip Do., Do. Do. 2436. [ 6701 ] India rubber, Eastern Archipelago. G. Angus, Esq. 2437. [ 6380 ] Gutta Terbole, Malacca. A. A. de Wind, Esq. ‘ Used to adulterate gutta percka.’ 2438. [6324] Gutta percha ( Isonandra gutta'), Eastern Archipelago. G. Angus, Esq. 2439. [6693] Gutta percha as imported into Singapore. G. Angus, Esq. 2440. [6693] Do. Malay Peninsula. Jose d’ Almeida, Esq. 2441. [6316] Do. Malacca. T. Neubron- ner, Esq. 2442. [161*] Do. Singapore. The gutta percha tree is a native of the Malayan Penin- sula ; but not the only one which yields it. 2443. [ 7083 ] Gutta percha cup. Dr. Riddell. 2444. [6319] Pair of gutta percha buckets, Singapore. Hon. Col. Cavanagh. 2445. [164*] Pauchontee ( Isonandra acuminata), Travancore. The exudation from the trunk has some resemblance to the gutta percha of commerce. According to General Cullen, ‘ in 5 or 6 hours upwards of lbs. was collected from 4 or 5 incisions in one tree.’ 2446. [154*] Cattimundoo (Euphorbia Cattimundoo), Madras. W. Elliot, Esq. This gum is worthy of more attention than it has yet received. 2447. [4924] Gutta (E. antiquorum), Chingleput. Dr. John Shortt. The true Euphorbium is supposed to be obtained chiefly from E. officinarum. 2448. [4949] Gutta (E. tortilis), Chin- gleput. Dr. JonN Shortt. Very similar to the former in nature and properties. 2449. [4965] Mudar gutta (Calotropis gigantea), Chingleput. Dr. John Shortt. Dr. Riddell calculates that 10 average sized plants will afford as much juice as will make 1 lb. of this gutta- percha-like substance. Subdivisions II. and III. — Dye Stuffs and Tanning Materials. TABLE SHOWING THE QUANTITIES (AS EAR AS CAN BE ASCERTAINED) AND THE VALUE OF DYES (EXCLUSIVE OF INDIGO AND MUNJEET) EXPORTED FROM INDIA AND EACH PRESIDENCY TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD FROM 1857-58 TO 1860-61. cu PS H Y * Whence Exported COUNTRIES WHITHER EXPORTED Total Exported to all Parts United Kingdom France Other Parts op Europe America China Arabian and Persian Gulfs Other Parts Quan. V alue Quan. Value Quan. Value Quan. Value Quan. Value Quail. Value Quan. Value Quantity Value cwt. £ cwt. & cwt. £ cwt. £ cwt. £ cwt. £ cwt. £ cwt. tons £ or Bensral . 1 1 ,03 f 26,017 23,757 6,7S5 1 ,722 505 2,938 1 ,074 394 293 4S2 S48 40.326 2,016 35.52: Madras . 24,246 18,535 11,657 8,961 906 1,023 3,079 1,40? S.154 3,325 48,042 2,402 33,247 Bombay . 5,604 1,657 443 135 2,740 6,71; 1,148 IS, 307 All India 50,156 >7,4°3 2,628 1,528 '.sw 529 3,033 8,1 18 5,321 87,076 Ct Bengal . 60,043 57,102 21,367 16,930 9,097 3,806 17,281 8,624 21 604 111 2- 2.437 1,332 110,555 5,528 88.421 , Madras . 2,S66 1 ,466 91 61 3,298 1.57: 7,887 3,201 14,142 707 6,303 A Bombay . 1,800 1 ,275 9b 46 188 3,943 13,101 5,5 IS 1,518 827 16,700 835 11,619 All India 6+,7°S 59*843 21,549 <7,037 9,097 3,806 17,281 8,614 109 4,547 16,510 7,116 1 1,842 5,360 '41,397 7,070 106.343 Bengal 64,078 47,168 26.970 14,184 13,087 5,054 12,SS9 6,440 9 183 21,828 12,087 138,861 6,943 85,116 £ Madras . 6,675 2,441 3,192 950 1 58 47 4 1 1,167 551 6,3S1 2,490 17,577 879 6,480 >C Bombay . 4,133 2,730 127 75 559 333 61 1,290 6,620 4.271 1,281 794 12,7S1 639 9,493 All India 74,886 52.339 30,289 15,209 13,245 5,101 13,448 6,773 74 1,474 7,787 4,822 29.490 '5,37' 169,219 8,461 101,089 Bengal . 50,452 01.706 7,233 10,541 916 S 61 3,322 3,421 53 IS 1.261 1,158 63.235 6,662 107.705 Madras . 1 ,630 521 2,108 722 3,792 1,384 7,530 376 2.657 •3 Bombay . 3,406 1,646 500 250 525 263 231 4,654 7,453 21,411 . 873 2S6 12,988 649 28.509 All India 55.48s 93,873 7-731 10,791 9l6 861 3.847 3,684 284 4.672 9,561 22,132 5.926 2,828 83.753 7.687 158.871 ( 112 ) Class IV. — North-East Gallery. The Table (p. 112) indicates the quantity and value of the dye stuffs, exclusive of Indigo and Munjeet (Indian Madder) ex- ported from 1857 to 1861. m DIGO. The importance and value of indigo as an article of Indian export will be gathered from the Table (p. 114). But few samples of indigo have on this occasion been forwarded from Bengal, its chief seat of manufacture. This deficiency (as far as showing the public here the various qualities of this important dye imported into the London market is concerned) has been supplied by Messrs. Auerbach & Co., of Mincing Lane. 2450. [10584] Indigo. Messrs. Fischer & Co., Salem. 2451. [10585] Do. Do. Do. 2452. [106*] Do. Do. 2453. [92*] Do. 2454. [94*] Do. 2455. [10584] Kurpah indigo. Arbuthnot, Esq., Madras. W. R. 2456. [10623] Do. North Arcot. SHESIIIA. Rama- 2457. [1001 1] Do. Hansi. Messrs. Jar- DINE & Co. 2458. [5123] Do. Hooghly. H. Esq. Steel, 2459. [5124] Do. Do. Do. 2460. [5125] Do. Do. Do. 2461. [5126] Do. Do. Do. 2462. [5127] Do. Do. Do. 246.3. [5122] Do. Midnapore. 2464. [99*] Do. Jessore. 2465. [7109] Wild indigo, Cuttack. Wild indigo is reported to be found in some parts of the forest jungles of this division, but the Cuttack Committee have been unable to verify the report. The specimen was procured from the state of Bunkee, where a small quantity of indigo is cultivated in a very imperfect manner ; the plants being apparently allowed to grow so thickly that they shoot up into long slender reeds instead of developing the leaf. It was tried in a part of the Cuttack district, and proved an entire failure.* 2466. [7363] Indigo, Ulwar. H.H. the Maharajah. Indigo might be cultivated in Ulwar, but there is a great, though by no means insuperable, disinclination on the pjart of the people generally against its cultivation, as it is looked upon as 1 napak,’ unclean. The cost of production is about 2 seers for the rupee. When the railway is completed to Agra, that station will be the nearest connecting link towards Calcutta. A cart occupies five days in going from here to Agra, the cost of which is 8 annas, 12 annas, and 1 rupee a day marching, with half for return hire, according as there are two, three, or four bullocks to each. 2467. [6449] Indigo, Mooltan, Punjab. 2468. [6450] Do. Moozuffergurh, do. Indigo has been manufactured from time immemorial in the districts of Moozuffergurh, Mooltan, and the country west of the River Indus, called the Derajat. It is exported, but not to any great extent, in the direction of Afghanistan. The article, as at present prepared in the Western Punjab, is quite unfitted for the European market, but under proper superintendence it might be produced of the finest quality, and to an almost unlimited extent,.* 2469. [1048] Indigo, Jacobabad, Scinde. 2470. [1056] Do. Hyderabad, do. 2471. [820] Do. Shikarpoor, do. 2472. [4189] Do. Penang. 2473. [93*] Do. 2474. [4163] Do. Penang. SAMPLES OF INDIGO EXHIBITED BY MESSRS. R. AUERBACH AND CO. 2475. [7198] H H; H & Co. Bengal Indigo Company, Khalbolia. Fine purple violet. 2476. [7199] R; J & R W. European make. Deep red violet. 2477. [7200] P & 0; B. Do. Hatton Tirhoot. Fine red violet. 2478. [7201] C D & Co. Do. Sericole, Jessore. Good red violet. 2479. [7202] McA & Co. : R. Do. Meer- gunge, Jessore. Dull violet. 2480. [7203] Do. Do. 2481. [7204] G. W. C. Do. Rancore. Good violet and red. 2482. [7205] Moran, European make, Meerpore. Middling violet and red. Class IV. * Local Committee, Cuttack. ( 113 ) * Central Committee, Lahore. 1 TABLE SHOWING THE QUANTITIES (AS FAE AS CAN BE ASCEETAINED) AND THE VALUE OF INDIGO EXPOETED FEOM INDIA AND EACH PEESIDENCY TO ALL PAETS OF THE WOELD FEOM 1850-51 TO 1860-61. Class IV. — India. ( in ) The principal portion of this was exported to Suez. Class IV. — Norite-East Gallery. 2483. [ 7206 ] Up country, native make. Ordinary violet. 2484. [ 7207 ] R. & H. Up country. , Copper red. 2485. [ 7208 ] Plant, Oude. Violet. 2486. [ 7209 ] Oude, native make. Lean copper. 2487. [ 7210 ] I. C. European factory make, Hirzapore, Jessore. Bengal washing. 2488. [ 7211 ] A. & Co. Kurpah, Euro- pean make, deep violet. Kurpah, native make, good red violet. Do. red. Do. cop- pery red. 2489. [ 7215 ] Pondicherry indigo (Kur- pah). 2490. [ 7217 ] Madras dry leaf (native make). 2491. [ 7218 ] Do. Do. 2492. [ 7219 ] Penang indigo. 2493. [ 7220 ] Madras fig indigo. 2494. [ 7221 ] Spurious fig indigo, sup- posed to he made in England. 2495. [ 7223 ] H. & S. J. Bengal indigo, European make. Jeetnapore, Kishnaghur. Purple blue. 2496. [ 7224 ] Indigo. Do. Do. 2497. [ 7225 ] H. & S. J. Bengal indigo, European make. Jeetnapore, Kishnaghur. Deep blue. 2498. [ 9082 ] Indigo, P. & Co. ; T. ; Vel- lore. North Arcot. Messrs. Parry & Co. 2499. [ 9083 ] Do. P. & Co. ; W. ; Vel- lore. Do. Do. 2500. [ 9084 ] Do. P. & Co. ; C. ; Vellore. Do. Do. 2501. [ 9085 ] Do. P. & Co.; A.; Vellore. Do. Do. 2502. [ 9086 ] Do. (green leaf), T. D. South Arcot. Do. 2503. [ 9087 ] Dry leaf indigo, T. G. Do. Do. 2504. [ 7124 ] Room dye (Ruellia species), Muttock, Assam. W. Gt. Wagentrieber, Esq. 2505. [ 7125 ] Do. Do. ( 1 2506-7. [ 6520 - 1 ] Cloth dyed therewith, Muttock, Assam. W. Gr. Wagentrieber, Esq. This dye, derived from the Assam Eoom plant, is pre- pared after the manner of indigo. Specimen 6520 has been steeped twenty-four hours, but not pressed for want of apparatus; 6521 has been prepared in a similar manner, but steeped forty-eight hours. Room grows wild in Assam. No attention is paid to the cultivation. This plant (or a species very nearly allied to it) is culti- vated with the same object in Pegu and other parts of the Burmese Empire, a specimen of whieh is exhibited under the name of Mai gyee from Moulmein. It is believed that the Room contains indigo allied to that produced by species of Isatis and Wrightia. The source of this dye has been referred to Buellia eomosa Wall. MADDER. The Rubia munjista, known in the market under the name of ‘ Munjeet,’ furnishes the madder-root exported from India. The following Table (p. 116) shows the extent to which it is so. 2507 a. [ 5277 ] Madder ( Rubia 'mun- jista'), Meeree and Duflah Hills. H. L. Michel, Esq. Produced at the Hills occupied by the Meeree and Duflah tribes,. North Luckimpore, Assam. Value 1 \d. per lb. 2508. [ 5276 ] Do. Mishmee and Abor Hills. Major H. S. Bivar. Produced at the Hills occupied by the Mishmee and Abor tribes, Suddyah Luckimpore, Upper Assam. Value 1 \d. per lb. 2509. [ 9162 ] Do. Mishmee Hills. W. Gl. Wagentrieber, Esq. 2510. [ 9163 ] Do. Durrung. Lieut. W. Piiaire. 2511. [ 9160 ] Do. Geipore. J. N. Martin, Esq. 2512. [ 1871 ] Do. Calcutta. 2513. [ 9161 ] Do. Nepal. H.H. Sir Jung Baiiadoor, K.C.B, 2514. [ 1738 ] Do. ( Rubia munjista), Punjab. 2515. [ 6031 ] Do. Bombay. 2516. [ 5221 ] Do. ( Rubia tinctoria), Jullundur. Col. F. C. Burnett. Grown from seed imported two years ago from France. 2517. [ 5329 ] Chay-root ( Oldenlandia umbellata), Cuttack, i ) 1 2 Class IV. — India. TABLE SHOWING THE QUANTITIES (AS FAR AS CAN BE ASCERTAINED) AND THE VALUE OF MUNJEET EXPORTED FROM INDIA AND EACH PRESIDENCY TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD FROM 1850-51 TO 1860-61. c r . Cfi w r H Whence Exported COUNTRIES WHITHER EXPORTED Total Exported to All Parts United Kingdom France Other Parts of Europe America Arabian and Persian Gulfs Other Parts Quantity Value Quan. Value Quail. Value Quan. Value Quan. Value Quail. Value Quantity Value lbs. £ lbs. £ lbs. £ lbs. £ lbs. £ lbs. £ lbs. tons £ Bengal 32,917 120 412 1 4,362 16 37,691 17 137 Madras O Bombay 1,370,320 13,324 896 10 1,371,216 612 13,334 * Air, India ',4°3.137 '3,444 411 I 4.361 16 896 IO I ,408,907 629 '3,47' CH Bengal 28,710 104 20,295 74 49,005 22 178 ' ; Madras £ Bombay . 1,172,304 10A67 2,576 23 4,032 36 1 ,178.912 5*26 10,516 X Am, India 1 ,201 ,014 10,571 20,295 74 1,576 13 4,032 36 1,117,917 548 10,694 m Bengal 128,205 311 128,205 57 311 Madras Bombay . 3,216,192 28,717 6,832 62 3,223,024 1 ,439 28,779 All India 3.344.397 29,028 6,832 62 3, 3 5 ',«9 1.496 29,090 Bengal 42,896 105 18,816 46 61,712 28 151 *0 Madras Bombay 3,782,576 33,773 2,912 26 3,785,488 1,690 3.3,799 X All India 3.82.5,472 33,878 18,816 46 2,912 26 3,847,200 1,718 33,950 ir . Bengal 122,304 344 122,304 55 344 ‘7 Madras Bombay . 1,621,088 15,094 1,621,088 724 15,094 00 All India 1.743.39* >5,438 1,743,39* 779 15,43^ CO Bengal 134,960 493 1,792 7 136,752 61 500 *? Madras O Bombay . 1,635,312 13,141 3,136 26 1,638,448 731 13,167 All India 1 ,770,272 13,634 4,918 33 1,775,200 792 13,667 r~ Bengal 187,712 685 187,712 84 6S5 ‘ ; Madras CD Bombay . 4,161,136 33,429 224 2 4,161,360 1 ,858 33,431 All India 4,348,848 34, "4 224 2 4,349,071 1,941 34,116 Bengal 280,252 1,022 280,252 125 1,022 Madras Bombay . 4,21*9,824 35,832 5,478 44 17,472 151 2,240 20 4,245,014 1 ,895 36,047 X All India 4,500,076 36,854 5,478 44 >7,471 '5' 2,240 20 4,525,266 2,020 37,069 Bengal 186,144 679 39,984 146 226, 12S 101 825 ‘7 Madras c c Bombay 1 ,672,832 14,936 1 ,672,832 747 14,936 X All India 1,858,976 15,615 39,984 146 1,898,960 848 15,761 _ Bengal 274,820 1,002 274,820 123 1,002 Madras r. Bombay . 1, 456, 896 13,008 336 3 42,784 382 336 3 1 ,50*0,352 669 13,396 X All India I ,73I,7l6 14,010 336 3 41,784 581 336 3 1, 775, '7* 791 '4.39s Bengal 271,824 1,973 27,328 1S6 299,152 134 2,159 CD Madras O Bombay . 2,353,792 31 ,032 131,936 1,178 1,127 io 2,486,855 1,110 32,220 All India 2,625,616 3 5 >005 159,164 1,364 1,127 ,0 2,786,007 1.144 34,379 2518. [76*] Chay-root ( Oldenlandia umbellata,), Cuttack. Is largely used by the Indian dyer in the south of India. It furnishes a red dye similar to Munjeet. Ex- periments in this country with the chay-root have hitherto failed, in consequence, it is supposed, of deterioration during the voyage. It is advisable in the case of this and of some other Indian dye stuffs, that the colouring matter should be extracted similarly to indigo before it is ex- ported. 2519. [4013] Muddi ckuckay ( Morinda umbellata), Salem. 2520. [109*] Mungkudu (d/. umbellata), J ava. 2521. [75*] Mungkudu (M. umbellata )> Malacca. The tree producing this dj T e-stuff grows freely every- where in India, and no particular care is required in gathering it. The best dye is procured from the bark of the roots of plants three years old. It is one of the com- monest red dyes of India, though the colour is dull, yet it is considered faster than the brighter tints obtained from other substances. 2522. [6461] A1 root ( Morinda citri- folia), first quality, Banda District. H. \Y. Dasiiwood, Esq. 2523. [6462] Do. second do., Do. Do. 2524. [6463] Do. third do., Do. Do. ( 116 Class IV. — North-East Gallery . 2525. [1950] A1 root ( Morinda citri- folia), Jhansee. 2526. [5800] Do. Burmah. 2527-8. [7501-2] Do. Dharwar. The bark and root of this Morinda is used in the same manner as the last. Most of the Madras red turbans are dyed with this substance, which is very common in that presidency. It yields three different permanent shades — a bright red, a pink red, and a faint red. Mr. Dashwoou adds the following note : — The A1 root is cultivated in the Banda Purgunnah of this district at the villages of Kupsa, Muttound, Khunna, &c. : the whole extent of cultivation is only about 400 beegahs. The Idumeerpore district is the great producing country for al, probably from there being greater facilities for irrigation than in this district. The plants come to maturity in three years. The roots are then dug up and sorted into three kinds, according to the fineness of the fibres. The fibres are then cut and beaten down well, and then ground to powder, which latter is used for the dye. The proportion of prepared fibre is equal to the raw material. The uses to which it is applied are dyeing a red colour, as a remedy for tooth-ache, as well as for sprains of horses. The cost of the prepared fibre is 1 rupee per maund. It is transported on carts, horses, and bullocks to Banda and Rajapore for export to other parts of India, and the cost of transport is about 8 annas per maund. 2529. [9371] Mug dye, Chittagong. This plant grows wild in the southern part of this district. The Mugs make yellow and red dye, by grinding the plant and its roots into powder, and boiling the same in water. The colours are dull, but seem to last for a long time.* 2530. [6021] Indian Alkanet, Havapiva ( Onosma species), Bombay. Several species of Onosma are employed as substitutes for the true alkanet, of which this appears to be the pro- duce of one. 2531. [1806] Alkanet ( Anchusa tinc- toria), Punjab. 2532. [1807] Do. Do. This is probably the true alkanet root. 2533. [4798] Turmeric (Curcuma longa), Burmah. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. 2534. [7114] Do. Cuttack. 2535. [2852] Do. Raepore. 2536. [6024] Do. Bombay. 2537. [7504] Do. Dharwar. The powder of the rhizome of this plant is much used in India for dyeing. 2538. [84*] Pupli chuckay ( Ventilago Maderaspatand). 2539. [7506] Do. Dharwar. 2540. [7510] Do. powdered, Do. The bark of the pupli root is used in Mysore and else- where, as yielding an orange dye. It is treated with alum, myrabolans, &c. This dye stuff is in very common use in India, and deserves a fair trial in this country. The pupli is seldom used alone, but generally as an adjunct, with ebay root, to produce a rich chocolate colour, or, if with galls, a black. 2541. [6169] .lack wood (Artocarpus in- tegrifolia), Akyab. Used for dyeing phoongie (priests) clothes with yellow orange colour; 5,000 maunds procurable, but more can be had if required. Price 5 rupees per maund.* 2542. [81*] Kayu Lakah, Singapore. This is a Malayan red wood. It is heavy and compact, somewhat resembling red sunders wood, but, when pow- dered, the colour is browner and not so brilliant. 2543. [82*] Kayu Laxka, Singapore. This is a red dye wood, so closely resembling the Kayu lakah that it may be the produce of the same tree. Either of the above woods seem to be applicable to the same purposes as red sauders. _ 2544. [9372] Oak bark ( Quercus spe- cies), Chittagong. There are a great number of oak trees in the jungles in this district, both in the low lands and hills, particularly the latter. It is used for tanning as well as for firewood. 2545. [4015] Turwar ( Cassia auricu- lata ), Salem. 2546. [4953] Do. Madras. Dr. Shortt. This bark is employed both in tanning and dyeing, and has been of late imported on two or three occasions into this country. 2547. [6170] Cassia fistula bark, Cuttack. The . bark of the Cassia fistula, locally Soon a lira Chali, is used in tanning leather. The tree is abundant in the jungles of the Tributary Mehals.f 2548. [77*] Kuephul ( Myrica sapida), Rohilkuud. Used for dyeing yellow. * Local Committee, Chittagong. ( 117 ) * Local Committee, Akyab. t Local Committee, Cuttack. Class IV. — India. 2549. [23*] Samak or Sumach ( Ccvsal - pinia coriaria) or Divi-divi bark, Singa- pore. This bark is used both as a tanning material and as a dye-stuff. 2550. [7106] Lodh bark (Symplocos ra- cemosa), Cuttack. 2551. [2844] Do. Raepore. This bark is employed in dyeing yellow, and also some- times as a mordant for other dyes. 2552. [15*] Garan-chal ( Ceriops Rox- burghianus ). The bark is used in India for dyeing, chiefly in the Presidency of Bengal. 2553. [21*] Sagab bark, Singapore. This bark resembles mangrove bark in appearance, and is employed as a dyeing material. 2554. [24*] Mangrove bark (Rkizophora mangle), Singapore. 2555. [6708] Do. Do. Gr. Angus, Esq. 2556. [4101] Do. Penang. It is used in Arracan as the source of a chocolate colour. This substance can be readily enough obtained if found valuable to the home dyer, as it is often imported for tanning. 2557. [4100] Tengab ( Rhizophora spe- cies), Penang. It is allied to the mangrove. 2558. [3809J Pabool bark ( Acacia ara- bica), Jhansee. 2559. [22] Do. Do. A valuable tanning bark, sometimes also employed in dyeing. 2560. [20*] Jamoon ( Eugenia jambo- lana). This bark is chiefly employed for tanning. 2561. [40*] Trap bark ( Artocarpus spe- cies). 2562. [78*] Thenaka bark, Tenasserim. 2563. [6023] Rusot extract ( Berberis lycium and Berberis aristata), Bombay. Furnishes a yellow dye. A similar dye is obtained in the Neilgherries from Herberts asiatica. 2564. [6009] Mara Manjil, Woniwol or Bangwellgetta (Menisperrnum fenestratum), Bombay. 2565. [9373] Bukkum chips (Ccesal- pinia sappan), Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey. 2566. [7104] Do. Cuttack. 2567. [31*] Do. Madras. 2568. [79*] Sapan wood (G. sappan), Singapore. 2569. [5270] Bukkum or Sapan, Assam. 2570. [5269] Do. Assam. A large quantity of Sappan or Bukkum wood is grown in Malabar. The wood of the trunk, and also of the root, are rendered available. The wood of Ctesalpinia puticata is also employed in the East Indies as a dye stuff. There is every probability of its becoming an established article of British commerce. 2571. [80] Kayu Kudrang, Singapore. A yellow dye wood ; source undetermined. 2572. [86*] Woodunpar, Upper Assam. 2573. [6172] Kabine (dye tree bark), Akyab. Used to colour fishing nets a red brown ; 10,000 maunds could be obtained. Price 6 rupees per rnaund.* 2574. [6168] Rairo (Dye tree bark), Akyab. This gives a yellow colour ; with oil and plantain ash a red colour is made. Price 6 rupees per maund.f 2575. [1786] Ekalbir ( Datisca canna- bina), Punjab. 2576. [1787] Ukkulbeer, ( D. cannab ina), Do. The bark and woody portions of the root have long been known and used as a yellow dye in Cashmere. It is in great esteem for dyeing silks. 2577. [6171] Thit-na-myeng, Akyab. Thread is coloured yellow by it, and when oil and sealing-wax are added, a red colour is obtained : 1,000 maunds might be obtained. Price S rupees per maund. J 2578. [6559] Grutteah, Chittagong. Another tanning substance. It is a bush that grows on the sides of creeks and rivers, in low ground, which is inundated with the spring tide. It is cut for firewood, and the fishermen and shoemakers purchase it, and take the bark off to lay their fishing nets and leather, and afterwards sell the wood posts for firewood. It is very abundant at Chittagong. 2579. [18*] Bark of Gmelina arborea, Bengal. Furnishes a yellow dye. ( US ) * Local Committee, Akyab. t Local Committee, Akyab. { Local Committee, Akyab. Class TV.— North-East Gallery. NEW DTE STUFFS EXHIBITED BT DR. R. F. TIIOMFSON, MALDA. * 2580. [2191] Vegetable green dye and cloth. 2581. [2194] Do. (1). 2582. [6645] Do. in a liquid state. 2583. [2153] Dyed cloth from the green dye, without mordants (2). 2584. [2152] Do. passed through a dilute sulphuric acid (3). 2585. [2158] Cake of green dye (4). 2586. [2156] Cloth dyed from the cake of green dye with acetate of copper (5). 2587. [2165] Dyed cloth from cake of green dye (6). 2588. [2157] Do. from leaves of do. (7). 2589. [2163] Leaves of green dye dried in the oven (8). 2590. [2159] Do. in powder (9). 2591. [2165] Dyed cloth from dried leaves of green dye (10). 2592. [2164] Cloth boiled in solution of leaves of the green dye (11). 2593. [2147] Yellow dye in cake. 2594. [2161] Do. in powder. 2595. [2164] Do. do. 2596. [2154] Cloth dyed with yellow dye. 2 597. [2168] Do. Dr. Thompson supplies the following note: — This yellow dye is from the petals of a flower which gives out the dye largely, and which at once attaches itself to cloth permanently, without mordants. It can be had abundantly, and collected with greater facility than safflower. Dissolve and boil in hot water, then dip the cloth or silk into it. Nos. 2154 and 2168 have been dyed with it. If these green and yellow dyes are approved of, India will be able to supply annually a very large quantity. 2598. [63*] Casan leaves ( Memecylon tindorium), Madras. A small tree, common in the jungles of the Carnatic, the wood of which is used for firewood, and the leaves brought into the markets in large quantities for dyeing purposes. A cold infusion of the leaves yields a yellow dye. Crimson dye is also said to be obtained from them. 2599. [4017] Vat tan gee (Ccesalpinia Sa- joan?), Salem. 2600. [20*] Leaves of Dicalyx tindoria. The powdered leaves of Dicalyx tindoria are employed at Mirzapore and elsewhere for dyeing red. 2601. [6027] Hunsraj ( Adiantum lunu- latum ), Bombay. 2602. [7101] Mai Gyee ( Reuellia , spe- cies), Moulmein. The leaves of this plant are boiled in water, when the decoction gives a blue colour to cloth &c., inferior to in- digo.* 2603. [4963] Henna ( Lawsonia alba) Chingleput. Dr. Shortt. The leaves of this plant beaten up into a soft mass with conjee water are applied to the nails, finger ends, palms and soles of the feet over night : on being washed out the next morning these parts are found stained a deep red colour. The men use it to stain their moustaches and beards, and for dyeing the manes and tails of their horses. It is also used as an ordinary dye stuff. A de- coction of the leaves is used in lepra &c. The flowers when distilled are used as a perfume. 2604. [49] Safflower ( Carthamus tinc- torius), Celebes. 2605. [7105] Do. Cuttack. 2606. [6602] Do. Hoogly. 2607. [6459] Safflower ((7. tindovius), Allahabad. 2608. [2848] Do. Eaepore. 2609. [45] Do. Deccan. 2610. [6013] Do. Alimedabad. 2611. [48] Do. Assam. 2612. [7907] Cake Do. Dacca. Messrs. Auerbach & Co. 2613. [7908] Do. Do. Do. 2614. [7507] Do. Dbarwar. 2615. [7508] Do. Do. This article is sent down from Sumbulpore. It yields a bright handsome colour. The wholesale price per maund of 100 lbs. English is about 8 rupees or 16.s'.t 2616. [58*] Godari flowers ( Grislea to- mentosa). The red flowers and leaves are used for dyeing pur- poses. In the Northern Circars, where it is known under ( 119 ) * Local Committee, Moulmein. f Local Committee, Cuttack. Class IV. — India. the name of Godari, the leaves are employed in dyeing leather. Sheep-skins, steeped in an infusion of the dried leaves, become a fine red, of which native slippers are made. The dried flowers are employed in Northern In- dia, under the name of Dhauri, in dyeing with Morinda bark ; but perhaps more for their astringent than for their tinctorial properties. Dr. Gibson states that in Kan- deish the flowers form a considerable article of commerce inland as a dye. It grows abundantly in the hilly tracts of the Northern Circars. 2617. [6206] Goolanua ( Panica grana- tum), Calcutta. 2618. [7031] Saffron (Crocus cashmeri- anus), Cashmere. This well-known substance, scarcely important as a dye-stuff, is produced in the vale of Cashmere, from indi- genous species of Crocus. 2619. [65*] Siamese dye stuff. 2620. [66*] Burmese dye flowers. 2621. [6008] Tisso flowers (Butea fron- dosa), Cuttack. 2622. [7107] Do. Bombay. These flowers, and probably also those of Butea superba, are used as a yellow dye in India. 16 seers per rupee. 2632. [1246] Suringee ( Calysaccion lon- gifolium), Bombay. The flower buds of this plant, a portion of which is figured below (see opposite page), are collected and em- ployed for dyeing silk. 2633. [7 111] Daleemka kola, or pome- granate rind (Punica granatum), Ahme- dabad. 2634. [6022] Do. Do. 2635. [3439] Mangosteen rind (Garcinia mangostana), Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey. The coat or rind of the fruit of the mangosteen, and the bark of the Katapping or wild almond ( Terminalia ca- tappa), are used for dyeing black. 2636. [73*] Munjulde ( Terminalia che- bula), Assam. Appears to be the fruit collected and dried before it is ripe. Under the name of Munjulde it is known in Assam, where it is employed in dyeing. 2637. [6041] Haridah (T. chebula), Ali- medabad. 2638. [6605] Do. Calcutta. 2639. [6019] Heerda (T. chebula), Bom- bay. 2623. [7110] Hursinghar flowers (Nyc- tanthes arbor tristis), Calcutta. 2624. [4891] Do. Ckingleput. Dr. SnORTT. These flowers are used for dyeing yellow or orange. 2640. [6030] Bkerda (T. chebula ), Do. 2641. [2842] Do. Raepore. 2642. [1817] Do. Punjab. 2643. [6486] Bokara (T. belerica). 2644. [2836] Bahara, Raepore. 2625. [4958] Shoe flower ( Hibiscus rosa sinensis ), Chingleput. Dr. Shortt. The flowers are of a rich scarlet colour, and yield a pur- ple juice. They are employed for dyeing a lilac colour, and for blackening leather. Du. Shortt adds, that he has fre- quently used an infusion of the shoe flower for preparing litmus, and found it to answer admirably. 2626. [7108] Kamala powder (Rottlera tinctorial), Cuttack. 2627. [1862] Do. Punjab. 2628. [51] Capila rung (do.) 2629. [83] Capela podi (do.) 2630. [4016] Kapila podi (do.), Salem. 2631. [7509] Kamala (do.), Dharwar. Used for dyeing silk an orange colour. This powder consists of the stellate pubescence shaken from the surface of the fruit capsules of the Rottlera tinctoria, a large tree widely spread over many parts of the country. It is worthy of extended attention. 2645. [9376] Humtokee. 2646. [6486] Haritoke, Calcutta. 2647. [2843] Terminalia angustlfolia, Raepore. These three kinds of Myrabolans yield, with alum, a good durable yellow, and with salts of iron, a black colour. They are in very common use in India, and have been so from time immemorial. It is not long since they were introduced into Great Britain for tanning purposes, and now a large quantity is annually imported. 2648. [9377] Aomla (Phyllanthus em- blica). 2649. [2845] Owlah (P. emblica), Rae- pore. 2650. [7102] Do. Cuttack. 2651. [4945] Do. Madras. 2652. [6604] Bhellawa nuts(Semecarpus anacardium), Calcutta. ( 120 ) Class r V. — North-East Gallery. 2653. [4019] Bhela nuts (JS. anacar- dium), Madras. The common marking nuts are thus designated. The yuice is black, and is employed not only as a medium, but especially for marking all kinds of cotton cloth. 2654. [70*] Graub fruits ( Diospyros glutinosa). 2655. [6560] Tari ( Ccesalpinia species), Chittagong. It is the pod of a leguminous plant, which grows abun- dantly in the Hills, and is useful for tanning. 2656. [6571] Oom Tari, Chittagong. Is the produce of a palm, which grows in this district, and is susceptible of the same as an ordinary tari. 2657. [6036] Amlee ( Tamarindus spe- cies), Ahmedabad. LICHENS. 2657a. [36*] Burmese Orchil ( Roccella phycopsis), Burrnak. Probably equal in value to the ordinary B. tinctoria of commerce. 2658. [1815] Chulcheleera, Punjab. 2659. [34*] Do. Do. A mixture of dye lichens employed for dyeing, contains Parmelia KamtschadaMs, Parmelia pcrlata, and its variety sorediata, Usnea Jiorida, Ramalina calicaris , and frag- ments of Physcia leucomela. I11 this mixture the first- named species constitutes the greatest proportion.*' SuniNGEE ( Calysaccion long} folium ).f TANNING SUBSTANCES. Some of these have been already inci- dentally referred to, but as the following are distinct of their kind, they are better enu- merated together : — 2660. [1812] Kakrasinghee galls on Rims kakrasinghee, Kangra. These galls are procured only in small quantities, and are not yet articles of commerce beyond the confines of India. 2661. [6015] Grool-i-pista, Bombay. 2662. [7507] Do. Dharvvar. These galls are produced on the Pistachio ( Pistacia vera), and are brought down from the North. 2663. [7503] Galls of Terminalia che- bula, Dharwar. * M. C. Cooke, Esq. f Received from Pharmaceutical Journal. ( 121 ) Class IV. — India. 2664. [6032] Cadooca Poo ( Terminalia species), Bombay. 2665. [6451] Mani dye, galls of Tamarix furas , Jhung District. 2666. [6006] Burree-mue, galls of T. indica, Bombay. 2667. [9378] Chotee, galls of T. furas, Bombay. 2668. [6020] Chotee-mue, Do. Do. The Tamarisk galls are exported in small quantities, and are occasionally found in the British market. OAK. GALLS. 2669. [6018] Maapbul, galls of Quercus infectoria, Bombay. 2670. [ 1 1*] Galls of Q. infectoria. 2671. [7103] Do. Calcutta. These galls are exported, and are ordinarily to he met ■with in commerce. 2672. [15] Asaucum (Terminaliatomen- tosa). An astringent extract somewhat of the nature of kino applicable for tanning and dyeing. 2673. [18] Dhak gond (Butea frondosa), North-west India. The kino of the Pulas tree. 2674. [6601] Dhak gum ( B . frondosa), Lucknow. 2675. [13] Pelachy extract. The astringent extract of Butea svperba, similar in properties and uses to kino. 2676. [16*] Kino ( Pterocarpus mar- supium), Malabar. The concrete exudation of the Btcrocarpus marsupiitm. 2677. [6017] Moocherus (Bombax hepta- phyllum), Bombay. The astringent gum of the silk cotton tree, which is employed for tanning. 2678. [6681] Gambir (Nauclea gam- bir), Singapore. G. Angus, Esc]. _ 2679. [6662] Do. Do. Jose d’ Almeida, Escj. 2680. [6704] Yellow gambir, Ehio. G. Angus, Esq. 2681. [6665] Gambir, Do. Do. Gambir is the Malay name for Terra japonica. 2682. [6039] Cutch or Catechu (Acacia cateclm), Bombay. 2683. [5341] Do. Cuttack. 2684. [5398] Do. Shahabad. 2685. [5397] Do. Do. 2686. [6211] Do. Calcutta. 2687. [6204] Do. Do. 2688. [5317] Do. Bangoon. 2689. [3332] Ava Cutch (do.) Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. 2690. [4763] Cutch (do.), Burmah. Do. 2691. [6028] Cutch (Areca catechu). 2692. [36*] Cake catechu (do.), Calcutta. Subdivision IV. — Fibrous Substances, including Materials for Cordage and Clothing. COTTON. A very large and interesting collection has been forwarded. The arrangement requires but little explanation. The cottons are not placed according to the importance of the district, in relation to its exports up to the present time, but geographically, beginning with those from Bengal. A distinct statement is made as to whether the sample is grown from native or foreign seed. The cotton has been priced both by the Jury* and by the Commissioner f appointed by the Cotton Supply Association. Various details will be found condensed in the tabular synopsis commencing at p. 134, whilst the Table which now follows (p. 123) exhibits the exports of cotton from each Presidency for ten years. Cotton from Cuttack and Sumbulpore. 2693. [121] Kupass and bolls, Piplee. Bey. G. Taylor. A'. B . — The native term ‘Kupass’ is applied to every sample of uncleaned cotton. * For Jury, by Thomas Bazley, Esq., M.P. t W. Waxklyx, Esq. ( 122 ) TABLE SHOWING THE QUANTITIES (AS FAR AS CAN BE ASCERTAINED) AND VALUE* OF COTTON EXPORTED FROM INDIA AND EACH PRESIDENCY TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD PROM 1850-51 TO 1860-61 INCLUSIVE. Class IV. — North-East Gallery. i 8 P ■ inf isii isii in? tttt m% mi ait§ mi pm *1111 iSII llil ISII -111 1IS| -sll "III "ill rA Cl rA iM m of p 4 OJ pj M ro CC ^f* -r* -*t* CO -f i® '-S > i slsl? 111? HH lilt lilt till m% 5111 HI? till .11. HS*So S"-£a “"“g.SS ‘'33a -g'S ®§ S: ““KS "®S ' Ills sslir 1S1? IsH III? mi Ilia III? Sals Isat 11 iMU s¥ta mi ms ms m? sies isss ii¥I ins =i¥ = ssg| §s§a skss t ' 2 2t ~H? g ll "IS" ®«"sS s"| 1 1 I I w mi S|gg .III; III a 211? nil “1H “111 Hit IMS ms ^ OHM iO of CC ‘P-rHOO C5 of pf Tjf t> pj ' — 1 O' CO 02 of £- N^hO' i jm 4444 .444 4444 4141 4444 4444 4444 4444 4444 .44. ««ii ui ‘4*4 *ui -|s| «|*| "|*$ "|«j *!|| s||| 'ir |1 ”3 i § s «s§ig sees Iks? ji~ mi mi; ms mis s^smt ssss's, s^aa -'Sss's, ksr "«3<§ > I ,11k? Ilia Isl a lit SiH s li| UU 111? lilts Us I PH US sill' 111 lisa 13|1 : : : : : : : : : : : : F—I rH PA HH CO o rH PA of OJ n m i® lr p 1 s> «* 111 :sli 1111 :SI? :llt : S ls :"t$ : :|| : :ls : : |I rf r-T« up rJivA 0 *h CO pa Ci^ I . m m tits .in .in .in m . .11 .111 11 t i-ns - g i& m% ■»ii -"ii • s? ■ ‘Si -si' ••§§. :: i : Ph § I § a > ,4444 444* 4444 4444 4441 4*4i 4444 4444 *444 4444 4444 *ssif isii sail mt ms s si s s ie —gg **44 =*p I till till till III! HU 111: list III? Ilia Hit 11 llsl? 3“1E 11r£ Ills 5SSJ? S s i$ SIS? liH -SI? lisa : S3 : “sa.8 sssic t ' r -sa 2 s-sa sa m ¥a ®"s* i m o 1 <« 1 -1" la S? s . .5 ^ 1 11 S2 a J-s 3? H c O'i'HEIi Pabts op Eubope 1 Jt..i .... 44 8.1 . .41 * .44 4444 .444 . .44 .444 8 .44 ‘2? **1^ ‘s§5 "8S '838 ‘22. 1 .1 | 1 l|ll S? III Sia! IJI li 11? 1 !S:LB ::::s::a| S : 5 = :|| =|| HfS : §|| : : g|| : r—« C>-< i— i 35 O' COf»-> 05 O CO 8 1 § -3 IS.? II .Is? .“1.3 l''Sa lilt .alt .as!" .Sit •- - 10 • • a ' s us g|? •§ s 'sst 'ass a f I MMM II I II III III HIE nil III 111 II :::: : is -it : "“g ""II g l|? : l 5 | : II : of rA l-Hl-IT^CSThofrf'^Hrf^Hr-r I i§ I > silt Hi” IsIl Slip §IIJ gill Elsa 1211* USE ill? 2 la S i ' s i? -si? nil ill mt mi mt ml iil lit H rl «-!»-« or rl I— (>-H »— 1 «-> Olr4 COpa CO PA of PA COpa »0*wi | Ilia III? Hll III? Ill S 111? ini' list liar l!IS II litti mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mt ®ga “sss ”*§2, »:? '"gR “Sga ass to R-3' s§«. ss si II 111 Ij Is Mis Ml His Ills III Hit Hli ills savai | 13*088 [ 23*1681 86*2381 t6*£68t 66**381 96*6681 13*9381 83*1381 63*8381 09*6681 19*0981 ( 123 ) e converted «at the exchange of two shillings. Bengal for 1861 not yet to hand. Class IV. — India. 2694. [ 125 ] Clean cotton, Piplee. IIev. G. Taylor. Both this and the preceding sample are from New Orleans seed. 2695. [ 82 ] Cotton bolls, Cuttack. 2696. [ 83 ] Do. Do. Both yellow and white upland. 2697. [ 102 ] Clean, Cuttack. Yellow lowland cotton. 2698. [ 122 ] Kupass, Cuttack. Yellow upland cotton. 2699. [nl Kupass, Cuttack. Yellow lowland cotton. 2700. [119] Clean cotton, Cuttack. Go- pul Patue. Yellow lowland cotton. 2701. [ 123 ] Kupass, Autgar, Cuttack. Yellow and white upland cotton. 2702. [ 120 ] Clean cotton, Dkenkanal. Yellow upland cotton. 2703. [ 126 ] Clean cotton, Dbenkanal. White upland cotton. 2704. [ 103 ] Clean cotton, Sumbulpore. 2705. [ 104 ] Do. Do. 2706. [ 124 ] Kupass, Do. Upland cotton. The following remarks on the cottons of the above district are by Mr. W. C. Lacey, Secretary to the Cuttack Committee : — The first sample of the raw material was presented to the Committee of Cuttack by the Rev. Geo. Taylor, of Piplee, a missionary in connection with the General Bap- tist, Mission Society, who has for some time persevered in an experiment on a small scale to grow, and thus encou- raged others to grow, this useful staple. His plants are reared from American New Orleans seed, and yield, as cal- culated on his data, at the rate of 300 lbs. per English acre, at an outlay of about 21s. per acre. On a light sandy soil the plants require manure and irrigation only in the hot months, or from March to June. The others are specimens of the good cotton grown in Sumbulpore, from which district a quantity of cotton is annually brought down the Mahanuddy. In settled parts, the crop is for the most part a stunted, weakly, annual one, frequently grown in the same beds with other crops, and therefore yielding a poor return. More cotton is raised in the Sumbulpore district compara- tively than elsewhere in the province, and three-fourths of the produce is said to be exported to Cuttack and Calcutta. The varieties from Dhenkanal may be described as two highland or upland varieties ; the one called the Daloona — a name given probably because the plants throw out numerous branches and grow to a great height, some specimens being 12 feet; — the second kind of upland is what is called the yellow, from the colour of the flowers ; — the flower of the Daloona being white. The third variety may be called the lowland, and is known locally as the ‘ Keda.’ They would all appear to be indigenous. ( 1 The upland varieties, which are most extensively culti- vated, are grown more or less all over the Hill States, and, in short, wherever the single condition of a virgin forest soil exists. They are grown generally in the Sumbulpore district and its dependencies, throughout the Tributary States, and share the cultivation with the overland variety in Dhenkanal and Khoordah. In different locali- ties there are variations in the mode adopted in regard to the sowing of the seed and the after-tending of the plants. But, as a rule, the trouble taken with the crop is almost nominal, the vigour and richness of the new soil being looked to to compensate for the absence of these auxiliary efforts of the planter, which are absolutely necessary in the case of the lowland cotton on soil which every year is called on to yield one or two crops of one kind or another. The gi’ound selected for the cultivation of uplands is then, in the first instance, a patch of jungle. The site is elevated ; the soil may be a dark-looking mould, a light clay, or a loose reddish gravelly one. The jungle is cut down, all the brushwood cleared, heaped, and burnt on the spot. But much trouble is not taken in the clearing, : and the stems and roots of the larger trees are left in the ground. The ground thus cleared then receives a super- ficial ploughing and is weeded ; at all events this is the case in Sumbulpore, in Khoordah, and Dhenkanal gene- rally, so that the plants shoot and grow and arrive at maturity through the rainy months. In Sumbulpore a selection is made from the following seeds, dwarf paddy, Sooa, Panicum italicum, Eleusine corocana, Bajra, a species of pulse, castor oil, melons, pumpkins, and others. Two, three, or more of these kinds of seed are, with the cotton seed, scattered broad-cast over the ground which has been prepared as before described. No artificial irrigation is of course applied. The edible seed crops spring up and mature rapidly, and in the third or fourth month are ripe, and gathered suc- cessively as they ripen. After they have been taken off the ground, say the castor-oil plants and the cotton re- main. These then receive a little attention ; the ground is weeded and turned about, and the luxuriant masses of light green foliage, which every stump in the clearance has meantime put forth, are all cut away. After this the two crops thrive rapidly together. In January and February the cotton plants yield the first picking, and a month after, the castor-oil seed is ripe, and the plants are plucked and removed, leaving the cotton alone. If the variety of cotton be the Daloona or tall cotton, the plants last for two or even three years, and yield three pickings annually, and reach a height of 9, 10, 11, or even 12 feet. With the yellow upland, it is not so gene- rally the practice of sowing many other crops. In Khoordah, for example, it is principally cultivated to the exclusion, to a certain extent, of the taller white flower cotton. Its yield is considered more abundant, the plants average a height of 6 and 7 feet, but are treated as annuals, and except when cultivated along 'with the white, in the newest soil and in cool sheltered positions, die off, or are abandoned after the first year. The yield of the upland so cultivated may be said, from the imperfect information afforded, to average about 50 lbs. of raw seed cotton per local beegah, and taking the Khoordah beegah, three of which are the equivalent of an English acre, 40 lbs. of clean good cotton (seedless) per English acre. Land of the character indicated is abundant in the province, the whole of the woodland estate of Ungool, which is Government property, being well adapted to the growing of upland cottons. A similar remark may be made of Khoordah. The extensive tract of country called the Gurjato, or Hill States, which, for the most part, are covered with luxuriant forest jungle, are also well suited to the same purpose. No opinion can here be ventured as to the quality of the staple produced in these tracts, of which specimens are submitted : it is probably short and poor, while the yield is undoubtedly small. But these are faults which may arise more from the rude and negligent treatment of the plant, than from I any other cause. 24 ) Class IV. — North-East Gallery. The seed used throughout the district for lowland cotton is procured from Khoordah and Dhenkanal, it being alleged that none other will germinate in the low- land districts. It undergoes the following preparatory processes, before being placed in the ground. It is placed in a pot, and soaked in dung and water for a night, and then dried by exposure to the sun on the following day. It is afterwards laid on straw contained in an earthen vessel covered over with castor-oil leaves and placed near a fire. So soon as the seed splits and shoots it is carried away and planted ; after two leaves have sprouted water is applied to the plant at intervals of two, three, and four days. This kind is planted, for it cannot be said to be sown in ridges, the intervening channels being necessary for irrigation, which in this case is indispensable, and must be abundant and frequent. November and December are the usual months for the planting. The plants are annual, and attain a height of 4 to 5 or sometimes 6 feet. The colil weather showers falling occasionally in December, January, and February, favour the plants, and when plen- tiful, constitute a good season. The pickings are obtained continuously in April, May, and June ; in the latter month all the bolls are picked off the plants, and open on ex- posure to the sun. The same plan is adopted with the uplands, when an anticipated duwn-pour is likely to in- terfere with the natural developement of the mature cotton pods on the plants at the time. After the month of June, the lowland cotton plants are plucked up and the land cleared for a pulse crop. The yield of this variety may be said to be 200 lbs. of raw cotton per acre, giving in the usual proportions about 50 lbs. of clean cotton per acre. The proportion of wool to seed and loss for all the varieties is very uniformly stated to be as 1 to 4, that is out of 4 lbs. of raw cotton there is obtained 1 lb. of good clean staple. Cotton from Chittagong. 2707. [26] Kupass, Chur Burrea, Bac- kergunge. Shaik Ukbar, cultivator. 2708. [44] Clean cotton. Do. Do. Mr. C. H. Harvey reports that this is produced from native seed. It is sown from the middle of October to the beginning of November, and is ready for picking in May. It requires no irrigation. 2709. [182] Kupass, Chittagong. 2710. [ 1 8 1 ] Do. yellow or Nankin variety, Chittagong. 2719. [138] Kupass, Mungulkote. 2720. [137] Clean, Do. 2721. [53] Kupass, Salamabad. 2722. [54] Clean, Do. 2723. [76] Kupass, Burdwan. 2724. [74] Clean, Do. 2725. [52] Do. Do. Mr. Tweedie, Secretary of the Local Committee at Burdwan, supplies the following information : — The seed employed is indigenous, and the soil itself light. The height of the plant is from four to seven feet, and the approximate yield of clean cotton per acre six maunds seed-cotton giving one fourth of clean. The soil is ploughed four or five times before the seed is put into the ground. For three or four days previous to sowing, the seed is kept in water, and is taken out on the day before it has to be sown. It is then mixed with ashes and cow-dung, and in this state is scattered over the ground, which is again ploughed. Some cultivators, however, put four or five seeds in small holes at the in- terval of about 1 £ cubit. No irrigation is employed just after the seed is sown. When in the months of January and February the plants rise half a cubit high, they are watered. This practice is not followed in the species of cotton called ‘ Burma' which is cultivated in June. No irrigation is required for ‘ Nurma’ cotton, as it is a rainy season plant. The picking of the first-mentioned variety of cotton, called in the native dialect, ‘Wesbee,’ is commenced in April and finished in June and July. It requires watering three or four times in the course of its growth. The pods of ‘ Nurma ’ cotton are picked in the months of November and December. Cotton from Bancoorah. 2726. [92] Cleaned, Gungajulghatee. Raine Hazaree, cultivator. 2727. [90] Kupass, Biskenpore. Nusseii Dey, cultivator. 2728. [93] Cleaned, Do. Do. 2729. [94] Do. Sonamookhey. Kenarain Dutt, cultivator. 2711. [246] Do. Bengal. Manchester Cotton Supply Association, Liverpool Market. Cotton from Burdwan. 2712. [24] Kupass, uncleaned or seed- cotton, Cutwa. 2713. [23] Clean, Do. 2714. [62] Kupass, Bood Bood. 2715. [63] Clean, Do. 2716. [70] Kupass, Poobthul. 2717. [71] Clean, Do. 2718. [72] Kupass, Do. ( The soil is sandy, but mixed with clay. The cotton is grown from native seed. Its average height is 3 feet, and produces about 1 maund 35 seers of clean cotton, and about 3 maunds and 30 seers of seed. Mr. Wei.es of Bancoorah, states: — • ‘After ploughing the land three times before planting, water is sprinkled on the seed, and it is mixed with cow-dung and covered with earth, and allowed to remain two or three days in this state, and then planted out. It is irrigated three or four times from the time it is planted till bolls show themselves. Picking generally commences in April and lasts to the middle of July. 2730. [91] Cleaned, Jail Garden, Ban- coorah. J. Andrews, Esq. 2731. [3] Cotton seed. Do. Do. I The seed in this case is Egyptian; the soil a damp i argillaceous sand. Only 1 j acre of land was planted, and 125 ) Class IV. — India. yielded 3 maunds* of cotton, worth about 9 maunds of seed. Mb. W. S. Wells adds : — ‘ The soil was irrigated hut little, as the unusually heavy rains this year caused the trees to shoot up somewhat quickly; consequently the production has been small and untimely, and much of the strength of the plant wasted in height and leaves.’ The sample now sent is from the second picking ; the bolls commenced ripening about December, and it was then picked by the prisoners. Cotton from Midnapore. 2732. [ 1 1 7 ] Kupass. acre. Mr. W. H. Henderson writes : — ‘ The seed is sown in June, after the soil has been well ploughed, and is scattered broadcast with Indian corn. In April the first picking takes place, but little is obtained ; in the second, more ; and yet more after several pickings. Cotton is not generally cultivated in the district.’ 2739. [ 35 ] Cotton bolls, Fort Garden. W. H. Henderson, Esq. 2740. [ 36 ] Kupass, Do. Do. 2741. [ 37 ] Do. Do. Do. 2733. f 1 1 8 ] Cleaned, Midnapore. Jot- sing & Bagroy Sootol, of Hateamohun; Seedookotal, of Goorma; Doorgaram Sing, of Ekoor; and Pooroo Sing, of Moorakatee, cultivators. The cotton is indigenous, and grows from 1 to 5 feet high. Mr. R. V. Cockerell states that the bolls are picked from October to middle of January. The sample was obtained from the second picking. As the rains were very heavy, no irrigation was employed. 2734. [ 101 ] Kupass, Midnapore. Cotton from Bogra. 2735. [66] Cleaned, village of Deogong. Doorgakanth Hore, cultivator. The seed is indigenous. The height of the plant from 3 to 4£ feet. This sample, says Mr. T. P. Larkins, was cultivated in the beginning of April, and is called the Chaugtah cotton. The month of April is the proper time for the cultivation of such cotton, but there is another sort of cotton called the Bureattee, which is cultivated in October. Before sowing the seed the land is repeatedly' ploughed and watered. The average number of bolls grown on both plants is 150 or upwards, according to the soil. The picking of the Chaugtah cotton commences in the beginning of Sep- tember. The sample sent was obtained from the last picking, which took place in November last. The approximate quantity of seed required to cultivate a beegah of land with cotton is 10 or 12 seers, and the average produce of cotton per beegah will be about li maund, which, being cleaned, would yield 20 seers of clean cotton. There being no demand for country cotton in the market, the cultivation is very indifferent at present. If proper encouragement was held out, a vast extent of land could be cultivated in this district. Cotton from Pubna. 2736. [ 51 ] Cleaned, Pubna. Cotton from Monghyr. 2737. [ 1 ] Cotton bolls, Mouzah Hussun- gunge. SnAiK Yar Ally Buiijian Khan, cultivator. 2738. [ 34 ] Kupass. The seed was obtained from Tirhoot, The plant is from 4i to 6 feet high, and affords 1 maund 10 seers per The seed is acclimatised New Orleans. The cotton was obtained from the first picking. The plants grew to the height of 5 feet, and afforded 1 maund 20 seers of clean cotton (to the acre?) 2742. [ 19 ] Kupass. 2743. [ 17 ] Do. 2744. [ 38 ] Do. Cotton from Behar. 2745. [ 56 ] Kupass, Mouzah Klinjoor, Nurbut. Bujjoo Sing, Teka, Mabtoo, Ghun- sham, Muktoo, and Bobee Muktoo, cul- tivators. 2746. [ 55 ] Cleaned, Mouzah Klinjoor, Nurbut. Bujjoo Sing, Teka, Mabtoo, Ghun- sham, Muktoo, and Bobee Muktoo, cul- tivators. The seed was native and the soil sandy ; the average height of the plant was 4 feet. Mr. J. S. Drummond, of Behar, remarks: — ‘The field in which the cotton was grown was twice ploughed, once in the month of June and again immediately prior to the sowing. Previous to sowing, the seed is allowed to soak in waier and saltpetre- earth for about a couple of hours. ‘ The date of picking coidd not be accurately ascertained, but the sample sent was gathered about the end of May, or the commencement of June. Judging from its appear- ance, it was probably gathered at a late picking, as no considerable deterioration in the article is said to take place up to the sixth picking : the sample sent is very poor. ‘ The seed is separated from the cotton by a primitive machine of the description of the model forwarded. ‘Irrigation takes place four times; once about a fortnight after the sowing, and afterwards at intervals of twenty days or a month, as the land may require it, and the land is always manured with ashes of cowdung each time previous to the irrigation.’ Cotton from Sarun. 2747. [ 73 ] Kupass ‘Bhogla’ cotton, Ben- doosaree, Barrah. Chutter Dharee, Mubto, and Bamunnograh Tewary, cultivators. 2748. [ 75 ] Cleaned, Do. Do. 2749. [ 132 ] Kupass ‘Booehree’ cotton, Dewreah, Burrye. Gudharee Dooby, culti- vator. * The weight avoird. of this maund is not stated. At the usual rate of S2 lbs. the above would give 164 lbs. to the acre. ( 126 2750. [ 1 3 1 ] Cleaned, Do. Do. The seed is indigenous. The Bliogla cotton, according ) Class IV. — North-East Gallery. to Mr. Rose of Sarum, is superior in quality, and is grown in small quantities on all sorts of land, excepting the low land. The fields are ploughed three or four times accord- ing as the soil is soft or hard, and weeded after the plants have germinated. The date of picking is the beginning of May. The above remarks are also applicable to the Boochree cotton, but this cotton is inferior in quality. Cotton from Patna. 2751. [12] Kupass, Patna. Baboo G-ooree S hunker, cultivator. 2752. [18] Cleaned, Do. Do. The seed is indigenous : the soil a black loam. Irri - gation is employed. The sample is last year s. — E. L. Latour, Esq., Collector, Patna. P Cotton from Shahabad. 2753. [95] Cotton bolls, Arrah. Mr. Mtlne, on the estate of H. Burrows, Esq. 2754. [97] Do. Do. Do. 2755. [114] Do. Do. Do. 2756. [96] Kupass, Do. Do. 2757. [98] Do. and cleaned, Do. Do. 2758. [ 1 1 5] Cleaned, Arrah. Mr. Mylne, on the estate of H. Burrows, Esq. The foregoing are from Egyptian seed. 2759. [99] Cotton bolls. Do. Do. 2760. [100] Kupass, Do. Do. 2761. [ 1 1 6] Cleaned, Do. Do. The above are from New Orleans seed. 2762. [13] Sample of Nankin cotton, kupass, with yarn and cloth of do., Chyne- pore. K. W. Bingham, Esq. Cotton from Tirhoot. 2763. [42] Kupass and bolls, Nanpore. Chowdree Rooderpersiiad, cultivator. 2764. [43] Cleaned, Do. Do. Native seed yielding 1 maund and 28^- seers per acre. According to Mr. T. B. Lane, the cotton produced in Tir- hoot is of the kinds called Bhojra, Bhogla, and Kooktee, but as the two former do not ripen till April or May, they have not been forwarded. The Kooktee ripened in September 1861. The fabric manufactured from this cotton is not white, but of darkish colour : the white is alone produced from the Bhojra and Bhogla kinds. Cotton from Assam, Cachar, Silhet, tho Garrow Hills, and Darjeeling. From Assam. 2765. [79] Kupass, Assam. Captain Morton. ( 2766. [78] Kupass, Kamroop, Assam. Capt. Lamb. ‘ The produce might he greatly increased, were there sufficient demand.’ 2767. [81] Clean cotton, Mattock, Assam. W. Gr. Wagentrieber, Esq. 2768. [80] Do. Assam. Lieut. Phaire. 2769. [67] Kupass, Glowhatty, Assam. Rev. R. Bland. Grown in Mr. Bland’s garden. 2770. [77] Do. Luckimpore, Assam. Major Bivar. 2771. [16] Cotton bolls, Assam. From Cachar. 2772. [49] Kupass, Kookee, on southern slopes of the Burail Mountain to north of the river Barak, Cachar. Capt. R. Stewart. 2773. [50] Cleaned cotton, Kookee, Ca- char. Capt. R. Stewart. 2774. [68] Kupass, Naga, Do. Do. 2775. [69] Cleaned cotton, Do., Do. Do. Capt. R. Stewart, Superintendent, Cachar, remarks as follows upon the soil of Cachar and the cultivation of cotton : — ‘ The soil upon which the cotton plant in Cachar is grown consists of a rich red clay, considerably mixed with sand, which forms the soil of the principal hills in the district, and also of the small ranges of hillocks that run through it. The cultivation lies on the slopes of these hills and mountains, such lands being never inundated, although they are wonderfully retentive of moisture. The Hill tribes, to whom the cultivation is limited, raise all that is necessary for their subsistence on the same fields which produce cotton. The same hills and slopes are now in great request for the cultivation of the tea plant, the soil being peculiarly adapted for its growth ; when left to nature the soil is such as to produce the most dense jungle, and in cultivation it is fertile enough for any purpose. ‘The soil of the plains of Cachar is a rich alluvial one, formed from the washings of the mountains which sur- round it on three sides. ‘ The climate is a very temperate one for Bengal, the thermometer in the shade rarely, if ever, rising above 93° or 94° Fahrenheit in the hottest weather of July and August. ‘ The seed produced upon the land is the same that is again sown upon it. Several endeavours have been made to introduce Mauritius and Sea-Island cotton, and other varieties, but without avail. These varieties do not appear to suit the primitive mode of cultivation to which they are subjected. ‘ The mode of cultivation is a peculiar one, and requires description. The cotton-bearing tracts forming the slopes of the hills in the district are, in their virgin state, covered either with glorious timber forests or dense jungles of bamboo. The latter, being more easily cut, is considered better for the cultivation, but the former is also frequently cleared for the purpose. Early in the cold season large parties of the cultivators, the wild tribes of Kookees and Nagalis, proceed to the jungles in the vicinity of their village, and selecting good patches commence felling the forest. The bamboos and small trees are cut off about two feet from the ground, and the stumps allowed to remain r ) Class IV. — India. in the soil. The larger trees are merely ringed and allowed to die away. When a sufficient space has been cleared, the felled bamboos and jungles are left to rot on the ground, and the effect of one or two showers at in- tervals, coupled with the continued dryness of the cold season, renders them by the months of March and April as inflammable as jin cotton. Towards the end of the cold season these fields of cut bamboos and jungles, some- times embracing the whole of a hill, at other times stretching along the faces of long ridges and valleys, are set on fire in various places. Nothing can exceed the fierceness of the conflagration, or the glorious effect pro- duced by such large masses of flame roaring and lapping the hills on all sides, and the enormous volumes of smoke that are emitted and hover like clouds in the air. The conflagration is over in a few hours, and leaves on the ground a coating of ashes about an inch or two in thick- ness, and this is the only manure necessary to make these hills yield fertile crops of almost every kind. By means of a small hoe, or kodalee, the soil lying below the ashes is mixed with them in the places between, the stumps of the felled trees and bamboos, which are still left to cumber the ground. Nor is the immunity enjoyed by these stumps the effect of indolence, or a desire to save labour at the expense of the crop on the part of the cultivators, but, on the contrary, an established custom, which experience has forced them to adopt, for the roads and stumps serve in a great measure to prevent the loose soil being washed away from the faces of the hills, and furthermore facilitate the fresh growth of the jungle when cultivation on the spot is abandoned. The soil being thus prepared, the seeds are dropped in, nor is care taken to allot the different vegetables different compartments, but paddy, sugar-cane, tobacco, cotton, and cucumbers are found growing on the same beds. The harvest is reaped in September and October, sometimes as late as December, and the same ground is again made in many instances to yield for another year or two, after which it is abandoned and reclaimed by its pristine jungle. In seven years’ time, if bamboo jungle, it is again fit for cultivation, but not for twenty or thirty if tree forests have to be cleared. ‘ The cotton seeds, together with others, are put in in March and April ; they are planted irregularly, but never closer than 3 or 4 feet apart. The whole cultivation is weeded three or four times* during the rains. The cotton flowers in July and August, the picking com- mences in September, and is continued till December. In such a system of cultivation of course it is impossible to obtain correct statistics as to the weight produced per acre, or the amount of labour required. Suffice to say, that although carried on on a very small scale, it is the most profitable cultivation practised by the Hill tribes, for not only does it supply them with their ow r n scanty clothing, but it is almost their sole article of barter with the people on the plains for salt, iron, gunpowder, cattle, and ornaments. ‘ No manure, save the ashes of the jungle, is ever used. When the cotton seed is returned to the same soil, the stalks of the last crop are again burned on the surface. No irrigation is ever required.’ From Silhet. 2776. [48] Kupass, Silhet. F. Smith, Esq. 2777. [47] Cleaned cotton, Do. Do. The seeds are of last year’s plants. The cotton was grown on a range of small hills. From G arrow Hills. 2778. [29] Kupass, Goja and Dobunba, (barrow, Blialukmara Hill, Pergunnab Soo- soong, Garrow Hills. A. Smith, Esq. ( 128 2779. [64] Kupass and bolls, Goja and Dobunba, Garrow, Bhalukmara Hill, Pergun- nah Soosoong, Garrow Hills. A. Smith, Esq. The seed was originally brought from Gowalparsh, and the plant is from 3 to 6 feet high. Mr. A. Smith, Offici- ating Collector of Mymensing, reports : — ‘ New ground is selected every year about the end of February; the jungle is burnt down to the ground, which is covered with the ashes of the burnt jungle ; holes are dug at sufficient intervals, and two or three seeds thrown into each hole along with the seeds of other vegetables, such as pumpkins, and covered. ‘ The picking goes on, as bolls get ripe, from November to January. ‘ The specimens sent are from the lower Hills, but a large quantity is grown beyond the limits, to which the natives of the plains dare not go, by the uncivilised Hill tribes, who bring it for sale to the hats, on the British frontier; no irrigation is needed, there being pretty constant rain from May to October.’ From Darjeeling. 2780. [15] Clean cotton, Darjeeling. Capt. Magson. From Egyptian seed. Cotton from Chota Nagpore. 2781. [40] Cotton bolls, Burbee and Bus- sureah, Hazareebaugk. C. E. Blechynden, Esq. 2782. [39] Seed cotton, Do. Do. 2783. [58] Clean cotton. Do. Do. The above samples are from New Orleans seed. 2784. [57] Clean, Do. Do. 2785. [59] Do. Do. Do. 2786. [129] Do. Do. Do. These samples are from Egyptian seed. 1 The specimens from New Orleans seed,’ writes Mr. Blechynden, ‘were received in June 1860 from the Manchester Cotton Supply Association, and were first grown at Chumparun, twelve miles farther west of this station: the seed there produced was sown here in 1861. 1 The Egyptian seed was also received from the Man- chester Supply Association in the beginning of July 1861. ‘ The New Orleans cotton plant was from 2 to 0 feet high — the Egyptian from 1 to 3. Both were grown upon a common black soil. ‘ Commenced picking New Orleans in November. Sample from first picking. Plants now covered with bolls and flowers. Egyptian from first picking. Plants with bolls and flowers still on. ‘ The season has been very much against the cultivation of cotton ; in the latter part too much moisture, and cloudy weather, with occasional rain, every change of the moon. The cloudy weather has prevented the usual fall of dew, and deteriorated the quality of the cotton, the heat not being sufficient to bring the bolls to maturity, and make them burst. No irrigation has been given. ‘ The advanced period of the season in which the culti- vation was commenced has also tended to make this season’s results unfavourable, both as to quality and quan- tity. As the crop is only in the act of being gathered, the yield of clean cotton per acre has not been deter- ) Class IV. — North-East Gallery. mined ; the same cause has also prevented the sending of the quantity of sample of cleaned cotton as required. ‘ The other specimen of cotton was grown from indige- nous seed ; in this the second year of cultivation a marked improvement is observed. The plants are 7 to 8 feet high. It is worthy of remark that this cotton has changed > its time of bearing, the cotton crop of the country having been gathered two months ago, whereas these plants are continuing to blossom and bear bolls, the same as the New Orleans and Egyptian.’ 2787. [ 8 ] Clean cotton, Seetagurrah Plantation, Hazarebaugli. M. Leibert, Esq. 2788. [7] Bolls, Do. Do. From New Orleans seed. 2789. [ 84 ] Clean, Seetagurrah Planta- tion, Hazarebaugli. M. Leibert, Esq. From Sea Island cotton. 2790. [ 9 ] Clean, Seetagurrah Plantation, Hazarebaugh. M. Leibert, Esq. From Egyptian seed. 2791. [ 88 ] Kupass, Sillee. 2792. [ 86 ] Kupass and bolls, Ilahey. 2793. [ 87 ] Cleaned, Do. 2794. [hi] Kupass, Boloamat. 2795. [ 106 ] Clean, Torepa ? 2796. [ 108 ] Do. Peetoria? 2797. [ 109 ] Kupass, Leshgunge ? 2798. [no] Clean, Munika. 2799. [ 112 ] Do. Chuttur. 2800. [ 1 1 3 ] Kupass, Lohardagga. 2801. [ 128 ] Clean, Burgurh. 2802. [ 130 ] Kupass, Tamar. All these samples are grown from indigenous seed by various native cultivators, whose names have not been forwarded. Ca.pt. K. C. Birch supplies the following in- formation. The plants are from 6 to 7 feet high, and the yield per acre 5 maunds, one third clean cottcii and two- thirds seed. The cotton is grown on the hills and high lands, where the soil is naturally dry, undulating, and well-drained. The mode of planting is as follows: From the month of February the people burn their fields with wood pro- cured from the jungles, and leave the ashes there until a shower or two falls in July, when the seeds are sown, and the soil is then slightly ploughed. On sprouting, in August, the fields are carefully weeded, which is continued till the plants are grown up. The shrubs flower in Sep- tember, and the bolls are fully open in October. In some parts of Nagpore the field is tilled and manured with ashes and cow-dung before sowing. In Purgunnah Boondoo, besides the common kind, there are two other sorts of cotton, called ‘Tureea’ and ‘ Guteh.’ The former is sown in October, and picked in April and May, the field being tilled ten or twelve times before sowing ; the latter is sown in July, and grows in two years. Cotton is picked two or three times in April ; the trees last from Class IV. ( 12 three to four years, producing cotton every year, and they are 7 \ feet high. This is grown by the poorest class on their own premises. The time of picking, speaking generally, is the whole of November and December, excepting in Purgunnah Boondoo, where, as already stated above, the ‘ Tureea ’ and ‘ Guteh ’ are picked in the months of April and May. In this country rain falls abundantly from the middle of June to the end of Septemlier, consequently no irri- gation is required. 2803. [ 2 ] Cotton bolls, Maunbhoom. Jadoo Manjee and others, cultivators. 2804. [ 105 ] Clean cotton, Do. Do. The cotton is grown in every part of the district on high lands from indigenous seed. The plants are from 4 to 5 feet high, and yield from 3 to 4 maunds per acre. Capt. G. N. Oakes, who forwards the samples, says that this cotton is called ‘ Kherooa ’ in this district. The land is ploughed five or six times, and then the seed is sown. After the plants have grown a little, the land is kept carefully clean. The cotton is picked in October It requires no irrigation. The samples were obtained from the third picking. 2805. [ 85 ] Cotton bolls, Jail Garden, Chybassa, Singbhoom. Capt. R. C. Birch. 2806. [ 107 ] Kupass, Do. Do. 2807. [ 127 ] Clean cotton. Do. Do. The cotton is indigenous to Singbhoom ; it grows on gravelly soil to an average height of 3| feet, Mb. W. H. Hayes, Deputy Commissioner, states that the first picking commences in November. The plant is perennial, and bears well for three years ; it requires little irrigation. 2808. [ 60 ] Kupass, Ckota Nagpore. Is the produce from the native crop, but the exact locality is not given. 2809. [ 89 ] Kupass, Chota Nagpore. Grown from American seed. Grown in the German Lutheran Mission. Cotton from the North-Western Provinces, Bundelkhund, G-walior, and Ulwar. 2810. [ 46 ] Kupass and cleaned cotton, Kool Puhar, in the district of Humeerpore. 2811. [ 22 ] Kupass, Poongree, Banda District. H. W. Dashwood, Esq. From a long and elaborate note of Mr. Dashwood' s, we extract the following statement regarding the culti- vation in Banda : — ‘ Cotton is a precarious crop ; its success or failure de- pends entirely on the rain-fall. It is injured by drought, but its chief risk is from excess of rain. This year con- siderable damage has been done to the cotton crops by the severity of the wet season, and especially by the heavy fall of September. Cotton being entirely a “Khurreef” or rain crop in this district, it cannot be sown in the low rich lands, which bear the best spring crops, and which are generally flooded in the wet season. It is sown generally on high ground, on the sides of ravines for in- stance, or on elevated spots where the water cannot ) K Class IV. — India . lodge. In its best season it is more remunerative than ordinary crops ; but it is uncertain and precarious, and in the long run it is not sufficiently remunerative to induce ryots to cultivate more than a small portion of their land with it. If a man has 10 or 16 beegahs of land, he will almost certainly cultivate two or three with cotton, but he will not cultivate more. If the price were to rise, the cultivation would no doubt be extended: and if it rose enough to make the cultivation of cotton considerably more profitable than that of other crops , it might be extended almost indefinitely. ‘ In this district the same land is never cultivated with cotton in two consecutive years. After a field has borne cotton, two, and sometimes three, years are allowed to intervene before it is again sown with that crop. Entirely new lands a.re said to be more fruitful than any. Fresh cotton is always sown. The same plants are never allowed to remain standing for a second crop, as it is the common opinion of the people of the district that the plants produce nothing in the second year. The sowing takes place in the month of July, commonly after the first fall of rain. The ground is generally manured, if the ryot can afford it. It is ploughed only once, and never watered. As a general rule, it is weeded three or four times; occasionally even five and six times. The weeding takes place during August or September and the beginning of October. About the end of October the crop is generally matured, and the gathering takes place between this and the end of December.’ 2812. [27] Clean cotton, Raepore. 2813. [28] Kupass (second quality). Do. 2814. [41] Clean cotton, Jaloun, Bun- delkhund. Central Committee, Allahabad. 2815. [61] Do. and bolls, Do. Do. 2816. [30] Clean cotton, Sutwaree, in the native state of Chirkaree, Bundelkhund. 2817. [31] Do. Do. 2818. [32] Do. Do. The last two are from American seed. 2819. [45] Clean cotton, Bundelkhund. From Egyptian seed. 2826. [135] Kupass, Umballah. Jung District. Lahore Committee. 2827. [136] Clean cotton, Do. Do. 2828. [25] Do. Hoskiarpore. Do. 2829. [134] Do. Mooltan. Do. Value per maund of 80 lbs., 13b. in Mooltan. 14,764 maunds annually produced in the district. 2830. [10] Clean cotton, Leia District. Do. The following note is by the Central Committee, La- hore : — ‘ Cotton is grown largely in the Punjab, chiefly for home consumption ; but the soil is generally not so suited for cotton as the basaltic soils of Central India. Still there is no doubt, from experiments which have been made, that the Punjab is capable of producing cotton suitable for the English market. But efforts to secure it must not be confined to making speeches at Manchester ; the only practical plan is to depute persons of skill and capital to direct the people in the best mode of preparing the cotton, and to buy up the produce on the spot. Spe- cimens of cotton from the principal cotton-growing dis- tricts of the Punjab have been included in the collection, and also a specimen of cotton grown from American seed in the Dehra Ismael Khan district. The localities best suited for the growth of cotton are the submontane districts of Umballah, Hosliiarpore, Gujerat, and Peshawar ; but with irrigation it might be produced almost anywhere. From official returns published in the Punjab Gazette of the 28th August 1861, it would appear that altogether about 467,513 acres are under cotton cultivation in the Punjab and its dependencies. The average produce per acre of cleaned cotton varies from 50 to 150 lbs. ; its price varies from Id. to 4 \d. per lb. ; and the whole cotton produced per annum amounted to 20,000 tons, of which not more than 3,500 tons were exported. The time of sowing varies from February in the south, to the middle of June in some of the northern districts. The flowering com- mences, according to locality, between August and De- cember ; the picking following about a month after the flowering, is continued at intervals for two months.’ 2831. [133] Clean cotton, Punjab. Messrs. Smith, Fleming, & Co. Cotton from Sind. 2820. [140] Kupass, Gwalior. H. H. the Maharajah of Gwalior. 2821. [ 1 4 1 ] Clean cotton, Do. Do. 2822. [14] Do.Ulwar. H. H. the Maha- rajah of Ulwar. Cotton from the Punjab and Sind. 2823. [139] Clean cotton, Dehra Ismael Khan. Lahore Committee. Grown from Now Orleans seed. 2824. [21] Clean cotton, first sort, Jung District. Do. 2825. [20] Do. second sort. Do. Do. 2832. [142] Kupass, Shikarpoor. Col- lector of SlIIKARrOOR. 2833. [143] Clean cotton, Jacobabad. 2834. [144] Kupass, Do. 2835. [147] Do. Do. 2836. [149] Clean cotton, Khyrpoor. H. IJ. Meer Ali Moorad. 2837. [145] Partly cleaned cotton, Hy- derabad. 2838. [238] 2839. [146] 2840. [148] 2841. [150] ) Clean cotton, Do. Do. Seebee. Kupass, Do. Clean cotton, Do. ( 130 Class IV. — North-East Gallery. Cotton from Western India and Berar. 2842. [156] Nurma cotton, clean, Ahme- dabad. Bombay Government. 2843. [159] Lalia cotton, do. Do. 2844. [154] Do. Kupass, Dundooka. Do. 2845. [155] Lalia cotton, clean. Do. Do. 2846. [160] Wagaria cotton, Kupass, Do. Do. 2847. [153] Do. clean, Do. Do. 2848. [15 1 ] Do. Kutch. H.H. the Kao of Kutch. 2849. [ 152 ] Do. Kutch. Messrs. Smith, Fleming, & Co. 2850. [247] Do. Mangrole, Kattywar. Manchester Cotton Supply Association, Liverpool Market. 2851. [158] Dhollerah cotton, clean, Dhollerah, Guzerat. Messrs. Smith, Flem- ing, & Co. 2852. [243] Do. Dhollerah, Guzerat. Manchester Cotton Supply Association, Liverpool Market. 2853. [168] Do. Broach. Messrs. Smith, Fleming, & Co. 2854. [169] Do. Do. Do. 2855. [248] Do. Do. Manchester Cotton Supply Association, Liverpool Market. 2856. [240] Do. Kandeish. Do. 2857. [163] Cotton, cleaned, Poonah. Manchester Cotton Supply Association, Liverpool Market. From indigenous seed. 2858. [162] Cotton, cleaned, Poonah. Do. From Egyptian seed. 2859. [172] Cotton, cleaned, Belgaum. — Hearn, Esq. From Egyptian seed. 2860. [157] Coompta cotton, clean, Dhar- war. Messrs. Smith, Fleming, & Co. 2861. [170] Do. Coompta. Do. 2862. [167] Do., Kupass, Coompta. Do. ( 2863. [241] Coompta cotton, clean, Coompta. Manchester Cotton Supply As- sociation, Liverpool Market. 2864. [244] Do. Dharwar. Do. 2865. [ 1 6 1 ] Kupass, Bombay. Messrs. Smith, Fleming, & Co. 2866. [165] Do. Do. Do. 2867. [166] Do. Do. Do. 2868. [180] Clean cotton, Do. Do. 2869. [171] Do. Do. Do. 2870. [173] Do. Do. Do. 2871. [174] Do. Do. Do. 2872. [175] Do. Do. Do. 2873. [176] Kupass, Do. Do. 2874. [178] Clean cotton, Do. Do. 2875. [179] Kupass, Do. Do. 2876. [177] Clean cotton, Do. Do. The two last are from New Orleans seed. Cotton from Berar. 2877. [183] Clean cotton, Bolarum. Dr. Riddell. 2878. [184] Do. Do. Do. 2879. [185] Carded cotton. Do. I)o. 2880. [186] Clean cotton, Bolarum. I)r. Riddell. From Mauritius seed. 2881. [200] Kupass, Oomrawattee. Messrs. Smith, Fleming, & Co. 2882. [245] Do. Manchester Cotton Supply Association, Liverpool Market. 2883. [164] Clean cotton, Hingenghaut. Messrs. Smith, Fleming, & Co. 2884. [249] Do. Manchester Cotton Supply Association, Liverpool Market. Cotton from Madras. 2885. [207] Oopum cotton, Kupass, Salem. Messrs. Fisher & Co. From native seed. Class IV. — India. 2886. [195] Bourbon cotton, first quality, cleaned, Salem. Messrs. Fisher & Co. 2887. [196] Do., second quality, cleaned, Do. Do. 2888. [194] Do. clean, Chingleput. Dr. J. Shortt. Uncultivated. 2889. [201] Clean cotton. Do. Do. From Gossypium arboreum. 2890. [203] Clean cotton, Chingleput. I)r. J. Siiortt. From Egyptian seed. 2891. [188] Clean cotton, Tinnevelly. Messrs. Smith, Fleming, & Co. 2892. [189] Do. Do. Do. 2893. [242] Do. Do. Manchester Cotton Supply Association, Liverpool Market. 2894. [191a] Kupass, Nellore. Go- vernment. 2895. [191^] Kupass and clean. Do. Do. 2896. [187] Clean cotton. Do. Messrs. Smith, Fleming, & Co. 2897. [197] Do. Madras. Messrs. Smith, Fleming, & Co. This is from Bourbon seed. 2898. [206] Do. Western Madras. Do. 2899. [239] Do. Do. Do. Cotton from Mysore. 2900. [198] Clean cotton, Mysore. Go- vernment of Mysore. 2901. [192] Cotton bolls, Do. Do. From New Orleans seed. 2902. [193] Cotton Lolls, Mysore. Go- vernment of Mysore. From Egyptian seed. 2903. [204] Kupass, Mysore. Govern- MENT Of Mysore. 290-1. [2°5] Clean cotton, Do. Do. 2905. [208] Kupass, Do. Do. 2906. [202] Clean cotton, Do. Do. 2907. [199] Clean cotton, Mysore. Go- vernment of Mysore. Cotton from Arracan, Pegu, Tenasserim, and Straits Provinces. 2908. [214] Clean cotton, Arracan. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. From Egyptian seed. 2909. [216] Kupass, Akyab. Local Com- mittee. 2910. [215] Clean cotton, Do. Do. 2911. [217] Clean. Red or Nankin cot- ton, Do. Do. Cotton is principally grown by the Hill tribes in this province ; but little is brought down to Akyab or other markets. Price from 6 to 7 rupees per maund. 2912. [212] Kupass, Moulmein. 2913. [213] Do. Do. 2914. [ 210 ] Clean cotton, Pegu. Local Committee, Rangoon. The Rangoon Committee writes as follows: — The area under cotton cultivation in Pegu in 1860-61 was 17,500 acres, and the estimated produce in cleaned cotton 2, 1 16.300 lbs. The general character of the native cotton is — fibre coarse, curly, harsh, and rather short, most tenaciously attached to the seed ; but it is exceedingly strong, and in this respect lies its excellence. Persevering efforts have been made to induce the Burmese to grow foreign cotton, but, as in the case of tobacco, without success. There are many millions of acres in Pegu now lying waste, where cotton can be grown of a quality far superior to any now known in the province. It is hoped that the recent offer by the Go- vernment of India of the fee-simple in waste lands, free of tax for ever, at the low rates of 5s. and 10s. an acre, will attract both European superintendence and capital to the mutual benefit of England and Pegu. 2915. [209] Clean cotton, Burmali. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. 2916. [21 1] Do. Rangoon. Messrs. Smith, Fleming, & Co. 2917. [224] Do. Washington Estate, Province Wellesley, Penang. Alexander Hutchinson, Esq. This is raised from New Orleans seed. This is a new estate, the proprietor and manager both being Americans. The latter is a cotton planter from the Southern States. The sample sent has been grown on the same principle of culture as cotton growers follow in the Southern States. It is from a yield the average of which gives 1425 lbs. per acre of Kupass or seed-cotton. It was planted on the 11th September 1861, came into bloom in the first week of December, and began to bear about the first week of January in the present year. As there were at the time no gins on the estate, the cotton was separated by hand, and is consequently some- what deteriorated by perspiration. ( 132 ) Class IV. — North-East Gallery. 2918. [225] Pernambuco cotton, clean, Glugor Estate, Penang. 2919. [226] Sea-Island cotton, clean. Do. 2920. [221] Clean cotton, Singapore. Col. Cavanagii. 2921. [223] Do. Do. Do. 2922. [218] Do. Do. Do. 2923. [219] Sea-Island cotton, clean, Do. G. H. Brown, Esq. 2924. [220] Pernambuco cotton, clean, Do. Do. 2925. [222] Malacca cotton, clean, Do. J. Baumgarten, Esq. [ For Tabular Synopsis, see pages 134-7.] Silk Cottons. The seed pods of various genera of plants supply a material which, from its appearance, is called ‘silk cotton.’ It is deficient in strength, and difficult to spin, on account of the smoothness of the individual fibres. Some specimens of cloth manufactured from an admixture of cotton and the floss of the Ak ( Calotropis Hamiltonii ) are shown, and an interesting application of the material by itself is supplied by the rug (2942) exhibited and entered below. There are two species of Calotropis — one the Mudar ( Calotropis gigantea), the other the Ak (C. Hamiltonii), which produce this floss in great abundance. One or other of these grow luxuriantly in all parts of the country ; and should the material, as now expected *, prove of commercial value, it could be furnished at a cheap rate in large quantities. Hitherto its chief use has been for stuffing pillows &c. The sample (2926) is a portion from that referred to in the note below. 2926. [9386] Floss or ‘silk cotton ’ from the Ak ( Calotropis Hamiltonii ), Agra. Dr. W. Walker. * Attempts in this country to work this material by means of machinery have hitherto failed. At the sugges- tion, however, of Mr. Stuart Clark, Inspector-General of Prisons, North-Western Provinces, a considerable quan- tity of it was lately forwarded to my department by Dr. Walker of the Agra Jail, and a portion having been sub- mitted to Messrs. Thresher & Glenny (who have for a long time been devoting attention to the subject), these gentlemen are at length enabled to report their ability to turn it to account, if obtainable, here in a clean, good con- dition at 30/. per ton.— J. F. W. Dr. Walker appends the following remarks : — The charge of the down is merely that of the labour employed in collecting it, and the charges incurred in packing. It may be collected at about 1r. 8a. (3s.) per maund (82 lbs.). The plant is to be found in the greatest abundance everywhere, growing most luxuriantly in those dry sandy tracts where nothing else will flourish. The down ought to be collected in May and June, and its collection is spread at least over two months. 2927. [229] Floss or silk cotton from Simul tree ( Bombax malabaricum), Chota Nagpore. Government. 2928. [235] Do. Mysore (Bangalore Di- vision). Government of Mysore. 2929. [231] Do. from B. heptaphyllum, Chingleput. Dr. Shortt. 2930. [233] Do. from B. pentandrum, Do. Do. 2931. [234] Do. from Chynanclmm, Do. Do. 2932. [232] Do. from Calotropis gigan- tea, Do. Do. 2933. [236] Do. (C. gigantea), Madras. Capt. J. Buckle. 2934. [230] Do. Sutwarree, Bundel- khnnd. 2935. [8137] Do. 2936. [228] Floss or silk cotton, un- cleaned, Singapore. Hon. Col. Cavanagii. 2937. [237] Flowers of Lallang grass, Do. Tan Kim Sing. 2938. [227] Floss or silk cotton. Do. Do. The following manufactures, consisting chiefly of Mudar floss, are, for convenience, exhibited in this class. 2939. [10304] Cloth, one part cotton and four parts Mudar floss thread, Central Prison, Agra. Dr. W. Walker. 2940. [103040] Do. one part cotton and one part Mudar floss thread. Do. Do. 2941. [103046] Cloth made entirely of Mudar floss, Do. Do. 2942. [5191] Rug made of Mudar floss, Shahpore Jail, Punjab. ( 133 ) INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1862. INDIA COTTON: TABULAR SYNOPSIS. Class IV. — India. Remarks by Commissioner appointed by Cotton Supply Association to Examine the Various Cottons in the International Exhibition (18G2) Short strong fibre Not worth growing Very red ; worthless Good ; injured in ginning Very white ; short and tender Very clean ; very short ; very weak Short and coarse ; spoiled ; very badly ginned Inferior ; very short Very short, but very clean. Inferior ; very short, but good colour Inferior and short Very inferior, but clenn Do. do. Do. do. Silky ; spoiled in ginning Inferior and short Clean, but very short Ruined in cleaning ; chopped to bits Dirty and inferior Chopped to bits in ginning Very short ; good colour Coarse, short, strong ; bad colour Good colour ; naturally very short Very short, but white Very short rough fibre ; very white White, but too short to be of any value Poor and weak ; dusty White ; clean ; exceedingly short Poor and weak ; dusty White ; short ; very weak Good white ; somewhat over-ginned Price per Lb. By Commis- sioner, Cotton Supply Association Pence 8* 6 7 ; would have been worth 9 7 8 8 8 to 9 8 7 to 8 7 to 8 7 to 8 7-! to 8 8 8 8 to 9 8 to 9 7 to 8 G or under 7 6 or less 5 to 6 9 to 11 By Jury g t-l - • - tV . UTffS L- C ’iV* CO t'-* CO O* • siTsC* t^*QO SO • SO 30 Length op Staple in Inches and Parts of an Inch 1 3 Vulgar Fractions (approxi- mate) J! !§!!!!! Jill !!! ! Illll IS!!? J Decimal Fractions s g$p spsppsgsppgsp sps ? gspssspss pppssspp •xtJM ? fas gspgggppggpgf pas s ^gsggggss ppsppfp? 1 £ pgp psgggsppggpps ?££ £ Sggfggggg £p£p£pg^ J r fr £ o *3 1 i|, b j! « §. Gov. of India, Gopul Patur, vator Government . Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Paine Hazaree, cultivatoi Do. Nusser Dey, Do. Do. Kenarain Dutt, Do. . Do. Joysing and Bagroy S Seadookotal, Doorgaram and Pooroo Sing, cultivate Do. Do. Do. Bujjoo Sing, Teka, Mabtoo sham, Muktoo and Ilobee Mu Do. Do. Chatter Dharee, Mubto an mun nograh Tewary, Do. Do. Gudharee Dooby Baboo Gooree Shunker . Cliowdree Rooderpershad Lieut. Pliaire . W. G. Wagentrieber, Esq. Capt. R. Stewart . Do. P. Smith, Esq. Native cultivators, through R. C. Birch Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Jadoo Manjee and others Capt. R. C. Birch . Mean . Seed Employed ilia! 1 &$&&&£ iiiiiii I a § g a BENGAL Cuttack .... Do Dhenkanal .... Do Sumbulpur .... Do. .... Cutwa, Burdwan . Bood Bood, Do. . Poobthul, J)o. . Mungulkote, Do. . Salamabad, Do. . Burdwan .... 1 Do. .... Gungajulghatee, Bancoorali Bishenpur Do. Sonamookhey Do. Midnapur .... Deogong, Bogra . Pubna Mouzah Klinjoor, Nurbut, Behar Bendoosaree, Ban-all, Sarun Dewreali, Burrye, Do. Patna Nanpore, Tirhoot . Assam Mattock, Assam . Kookee, Cachar . Naga, Do Silhet Rahey, Lohurdagga, Cliota Nagpore Torepa (?), Do. Peetoria (?), Do. Munika, Do. Chuttur, Do. Burgurh, Do. Maunbhoom, Do. Jail Garden, Chybassa, Sing- bhoom, Do. 'A uoiiRioossy -tiddng uonoo JO ITS HI puts TSI-I Linp UI 2 HI gggSCSSftSSSSS £ g23£SSg$£ |1228§g anSo^om ! 1 H<£ pll £ IHtSSfcSS gHIlIl' ^4 r-4 rl H rlHH rl M H H H ^ H„N r) H N aiduiBS 10 ( ) NORTH-WESTERN TOO- Class IV. — North-East Gallery. ? : t-T-5-V :f? :«??<» oof?®?? - 'S ; cof? : ^SolS 1 : : t -tf , coS'«> :® : ? : S : 2g§g :§* 2 : Si 2 S :23 Is l|l s. ,/ g 2 ? 22 ggSgg?|gp ??????? ?3 &?? ?||| & f 2 g| 22 pg 2 p gggg§gSg§§gSg 8 2SSS2S3 S2 §22 22SS S' ggS2222S2? SSSSSgfSSSSSgSP. |S£SSSS SS B ?9 Sg§g 55 gggggggggg aa aaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa aa aaa aaaa a aaaaaaaaa sa 332333 §Sg§;|!2g333|3§ O M -+■ zo ~ M r-ao CN il iliisi lilii £S 33333:3 3S33S ° - s'S.fc* 33333333 3 S 33 SSK 3 SSSSSSS S3 223 3252 3 3SS22KSS® f-i r-» r-t r- .-I .-H 4 o >»? o O O bL >■ h *" P 55 - g > -S o © P « § -2 w ^ O 53^ boO £ P - y £ H Ohc p I “-a Is 1 §'& PH mo 2 rS Cw Jj Jh « § •e a^ s a * , g o.ci g i»oi . S-PO t- O ri-H O 5 P . A o<,P «o 5fi a> -p | Si|| *gf s ’g o S •H S ~ r P , ©•a 8 At3 . -P - ci O 'P . t -W OtS'Cr ' Mg'S Sp>,E P.j gag* CC CP O* bD “.S CD JP £ § O O S'8’3 & I ° I J *•'+3 Q §s; b 0 =2 & O o © ©^ t -Q C3 P o Srfi .2 o S o tT be 35 r> c ^ © ° m 'P ES| Q OC ■P’S t>> O Q J-< O^o o* *g np rp o o o o be be t>fi cj > t>t> .2 3 & 2 to -g H § “ 3 h >.s .*» ■a 5 S Sd -uo"! ao ■ r 1 O ” IP o o rprp£ O O » k O M A . B « b O **-* r; T3 8 2 & « ° tv O r-H “-E *►1 3 S T* lO :$$ 1 I rl< CO >0 0 0' H 0 =3 be p 1 2 *o .525 W 5 bo • • d •1 6* O 0 P . 2 0 u 40 <0 -■B’S Do. Smith, W m w 2 ^ | f4 d © PP^ a S §« t/T * 4^l« ; ow 50 £ * .b £2 •c^ A „ >> w bo , ,oH A'~' • ■ S H Sa3 g S3 gpa W o rJ1 • o' 55 .w 3 S °" bp cJ O an £0 bo m s § P=P1 Jh a O ci be bo 3® . 03 O PQ 4* „ p S A 0) s fa 5) WO03 ra 6 'B P 1 1 OO c 3 pbhv t ci O 6 ■ 3 n pp 2 ^ o 3 A 1 1* a § be o be C © "o o P fiO< bo fi c3 P A P c3 s 111. §=§!§• s a ™ M O N P S © P OQ O M >0 O Cl “i CM M O C5 O ON 0X0 00 00 oo 00 00 00 bl rl O r- ( 137 ) But for an accidental admixture previously to examination, this cotton would have been valued at 2.s\ and upwards. In February 1860 it was valued at IGd. in Liverpool. Length of the long staple kind only inserted. PRINTED FOR HER MAJESTY’ S COMMISSIONERS BY S POTT IS W OODE AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUARE, LONDON PART II. Class IV. — ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE SUBSTANCES USED IN MANUFACTURES — continued. FIBRES.* In the arrangement of this important division, the following classification, founded on the capability of the different fibres to fulfil certain functions, has been adopted. I, — FIBRES SUITED FOR SPINNING AND MANUFACTURING PURPOSES. a. FLAX ( Linum usitatissimuni). 2943. [ 5793 ] Flax and flax stems from acclimatised seed, Sealkote, Punjab. Indian Flax Company (Limited), Belfast. 2944. [ 5794 ] Flax and flax stems from native seed, Do. Do. 2945. [ 5786 ] Unsteeped flax (Riga seed), Do. Do. 2946. [ 5787 ] Flax (native seed), Do. Do. The above samples were prepared under the superin- tendence of Mr. Wightman, the agriculturist of the Indian Flax Company (Belfast). The Lahore Central Com- mittee. through whom the samples were forwarded, append the following remarks : — * For farther information see Dr. Boyle’s ‘ Fibrous Plants of India ; ’ also work on 1 Flax, Cotton, and other Fibre-yielding Plants of India,’ by Dr. J. Forbes Watson, published for the Society of Arts, by Messrs. Bell & Daldy. Class IV. ( Flax is mentioned by Strabo as one of the staples of this part of India. A small quantity of Riga seeds, which had been imported experimentally by Dr. Jameson, Superintendent of the Government Botanical Gardens at Saharunpore, was distributed amongst the peasants, with instructions as to the mode of cultivation ; an agent of great practical experience was deputed to examine and report upon the qualifications of different districts for the growth of flax, and a staff of natives were trained by him to act as scutchers. In 1856, two tons of flax produced under his superin- tendence in the district of Goojranwalla were sent to England, and were sold for 92/. 2s. 2d., realising a net profit of 47 per cent. In 1857, 8 cwt. of flax, grown at Juddura, a tract of country in the Kangra district, bordering on the River Beas, were sent home, and were valued at from 551. to 60/. a ton. In consequence of the success of these experiments, an association, called the ‘Indian Flax Company,’ has been newly established in Belfast, and has sent out an agent to buy up flax produce. He has made the district of Seal- kote his head-quarters, and, as far as can be judged, has every prospect of ultimate success, as the natives are now beginning to see that there is a day of large profit before them, and join heartily in the movement. 2947 . [3365] Flax from imported seed. 2948 . [10339] Do. Do. Grown in the jail garden, Hazareebaugh, Cliota Nag- pore. 5. RHEA ( Boehmeria nivea, also Urtica nivea and U. tenacissima). Of all Indian fibres, the one which at pre- sent attracts most attention in this country is ' ) l Class IV. — India. that of the Rhea. As soon as arrangements have been effected for its production, along with that of other species of nettle which abound in various parts of India, it is antici- pated that fibres from this class of plants will eventually occupy a position second only in importance to that of cotton and flax. Late experiments have shown that the fibre of the Rhea can be turned to account for the manufacture of a variety of fabrics of a very valuable and useful description ; and its ex- tended cultivation in India is worthy of every attention and encouragement.* The great desideratum is an efficient machine for the separation of the fibre from its parent stem. 2949. [5266] Rhea fibre ( Bcehmeria nivea), Growhatty, Assam. H. Bainbridge, Esq. 2950. [7783] Do. Debrooghur, Assam. Rev. E. H. Higgs. 2960. [4850] Nilgiri nettle ( Urtica he- terophylla), from old wood. Mb. W. Gf. McIvor. 2961. [4850a] Do. from new wood. Do. Mr. McIvor in forwarding these excellent specimens appends the following remarks : — The plant grows wild all over the Nilgiris, and as it is well known to the natives, its cultivation might be readily extended. Its cultivation on the Hills would pay well as soon as the rail is finished to Coimbatore. With reference to the preparation of the fibre, that from the bark of the old wood was steeped in cold water for about six days. The bark of the young wood was steeped in hot water for about twenty-four hours, when the fibre was found to separate readily from the pulp. Neither of the specimens were exposed more than three weeks to bleach, and, con- sequently, the colour is not so good as would have been obtained had more time been occupied in the bleaching process. e. MUDAR or YERCUM ( Calotropis gigantea), also AK {C. Hamiltonii) 2951. [5330] Do. Luckimpore, Assam. Ameer of Luckimpore. 2952. [5331] Do. Do. H. L. Michel, Esq. 2953. [8113] Do. Do. 2954. [8114] Do. Do. 2955. [9379] Talee Ramee (B. nivea), Malacca. C. Evans, Esq. c. PUYA ( Tiahmeria pay a). Although botanically a different species, the fibre of this plant is almost identical with that furnished by the Rhea. It flourishes at Darjeeling and other places in the north of India. Its commercial value is the same as that of Rhea. 2956. [8134] Puya stems ( Bcehmeria puya), Deyra Dhoon. 2957. [8132] Do. fibre, Do., Darjeeling. 2958. [8155] Do. do., finally prepared by chemical action. Do. 2959. [8156] Do. do. do. Do. d. NILGIRI NETTLE ( Urtica heterophylla). This nettle abounds in the Nilgiri Hills and also in some other parts of the country. It furnishes a fibre of such a nature that the term ‘ vegetable wool ’ has been applied to it. The samples exhibited have been valued at 70 1. to 80 1. per ton. Have already been referred to under the head of Silk Cottons. The stems of these two species furnish a valuable fibre, which is, however, very difficult of extraction. The following samples have been for- warded for exhibition : — 2962. [8133] Yercum ( Calotropis gi- gantea), Madras. Dr. Hunter. 2963. [4843] Do. Do. Do. 2964. [4854] Tow from Do. Do. Do. 2965. [4888] Do. or Mudar (do.), Chin- gleput. Dr. J. Shortt. Prepared as follows : — The branches are gathered and dried in the sun for from twenty-four to thirty-six hours, when they are taken up, the bark peeled from the woody parts, and the fibres gathered. If placed out in the dew for a night, they lose their greenish tint, and become white. 2966. [4011] Yerooka (C. gigantea), Salem. H. A. Brett, Esq. 2967. [9385] Yercum (do.), Bolarum. Dr. Riddell. 2968. [8157] Do. Shapore, Punjab. 2969. [8115] Do. Do. 2970. [8136] Handkerchief made of Mudar fibre. India Museum. /. BEDOLEE SIJTTA ( Pederia fcetida). * Some bales of Rhea fibre, lately put up for sale, realised at the rate of 80A per ton. ( HO This excellent fibre is the produce of a creeper which grows abundantly on grass allu- ) Class IV. — North-East Gallery. vial deposits along some parts of the banks of the Brahmaputra in Assam. It is particularly worthy of attention, as its fibre is of a very valuable description. From its appearance it has been named ‘ vegetable silk.’ 2971. [8161] Stems of the Pederia fce- tida, Assam. India Museum. 2972. [8161a] Fibre from P. foetida. Do. Do. Do. II. — FIBRES SUITED FOR SPINNING AND MANU- FACTURING PURPOSES, BUT OF INFERIOR DU- RABILITY TO TIIE PRECEDING. a. JUTE. There are two species which afford this well- known article of commerce, viz. Gorchorus olitorius and C. capsularis. Both are largely cultivated. The extent to which jute-, in either its raw or manufactured form, is ex- ported from India, will be gathered from the subjoined tables. The first (p. 142) shows the quantity of jute and jute -rope exported from India to all parts from 1850-51 to 1860-61, and the second (p. 143) the quantity of gun- nies (pieces of gunny cloth) and gunny-bags (which are made almost entirely of jute) to all parts for the same period. 2973. [5793] Jute ( Gorchorus olitorius), Hooghly. 2974. [9168] Do. Midnapore. 2975. [3191] Do. Darjeeling. Dr. Camp- bell. 2976. [5924] Do. Assam. Lieut. Piiaire. 2977. [9384] Do. Cuttack. The plant is to be found under cultivation all over the district. Every farmer requires rope and twine, and so grows a little jhote. The fibre is extracted as in the case of the ‘ sunn’ hemp. In the bazaar jute sells at 10 lbs. per shilling, and the rope at from 5 to 7 lbs. weight for do. Gunnies are made of this fibre at Cuttack and else- where in the district, while a good proportion is taken up to Calcutta.* 2978. [5069] Jute, bleached for manu- facture of paper &c. C. F. Jeffrey, Esq. 2979. [5070] Do. Do. Do. In the above samples the difficulties attendant upon the bleaching of jute appear to have been, to a very con- siderable extent, overcome. * Local Committee, Cuttack. b. SUPET BARIALA (Sida rhomboidea). This fibre is very similar to jute in ap- pearance; but it is considered to be intrin- sically so superior that it is worth from 51. to 61. more per ton, and it has accordingly been placed next to that fibre, in order to attract to it the attention which it de- serves. 2980. [9387] Sufet bariala ($. rhom- boidea). E. Sturrock, Esq. c. AMBAREE or HEMP-LEAVED HI- BISCUS ( Hibiscus cannaJ/inus). This plant furnishes a portion of the so- called ‘ brown hemp,’ exported from Bombay. It is readily cultivated, and with more atten- tion to its preparation, is calculated to com- pete with jute. 2981. [8116] Patwa ( Hibiscus canna- binus), Lucknow. Every ryot sows a small quantity along the edges of his usual crops for his own use. It is not, but it might be, cultivated extensively all over Oude, and in all kinds of soil. It is sown in the beginning of the rains, and when it commences to flower, it is cut and treated exactly in the same way as ‘sunn hemp’ from Crotalaria juncea. The proportion of fibre is about half the weight of the plant. It is used for making rope, sackcloth, twine, paper, & e. The cost of the prepared fibre is from three to four rupees per maund, according to its strength, length, and cleanliness.* 2982. [4811] Palungoo ( H.cannabinus ), Chiugleput. Dr. Shortt. Prepared carelessly by the native rolling process, which accoimts for its dark colour. 2983. [8117] Ambaree (H. cannabinus), Bolarum. Dr. Eiddell. 2984. [10060] Sunn Okra ( H . canna- binus), Lahore. This grows abundantly, but its fibre is inferior to that of the true hemp. Price at Lahore from 10/. to 14/. per ton.f d. ROSELLE ( Hibiscus sabdariffa). Commonly cultivated in gardens for the sake of its leaves, which are eaten in salads. Worthy of extended cultivation on account of its fibre. * Central Committee, Lucknow. t Central Committee, Lahore. ( HI ) l 2 ‘ TABLE SHOWING THE QUANTITIES (AS FAR AS CAN BE ASCERTAINED) AND VALUE* OF JUTE AND JUTE ROPE EXPORTED FROM INDIA AND EACH PRESIDENCY TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD, FROM 1850-51 TO 1860-61 INCLUSIVE. Class IV. — India. $ — CO CO -f C5 I " • M CM CO 00 r—< © • • O CO 6 ^ 33 5 I & li 2$ © • • VO © • • < CO • • 00 §1 Sa >-3 t— i u , I- CM . . N 3 ' • • I 5 3 . . t'* CO . . 00 ■•'8 5P2 3 >>Q ass §!§d A „ t>> Q all 5 O' ” © H 3 §! id >« ■s sja c , § s 5 j 3 3 J|!3 1115 §”o-3 £ ” C -3 3 - >»Q a §ji3 toic , c 3 c J feci ’5 , C 3 g j 0)5 o M A _ t»o i,afs slid 3 cr ^ a •3 |53 c a e ^ 5,2 o h 55-1581 85-558 1 *5-8581 55’*58l 95‘558l £5-9581 8S-£S8I 65"858I 09 "658 1 19-0991 ( i« ) * The Indian rupee is here converted at the exchange of two stallings. Class IV. — North-East Gallery. M Eh O W O fH ,5zi tZ5 . P W o t> w§ °w to o W p OS w _ co S w 2 HH gg §5 I ^ g 0 *0 CO §2 8 W« W O <1 W w £9 gp wg Wo E« S w gp r* U W £ w w “g O X! ^ w t— I £ o W CO s W H 0 H 1 « I§ *1 j H 3 o> 3 ”d > NWCH h QO Cl h* rH ©_CM 4 go" 00 •O Vn O Tf< 1 — 9 C^rjv crT CM CO 0 CM rJ c> H HCOO N CO 05 10 vo cm oj ^ sq^ 0 0 CM rJ CO Cl CO t- 05 05 4 vH O CO *M rH O' 4 r- CO ( Cl no OH CO 05 Tj- CO 05 05 rr. 05 4 d CM CM rJV CM tH O rH Cl ■+ r-^CM rr. cm” 4 O O cc CO O. rH <4 t- 05 *0 rr, vn no” rn h- © © cM 55.5^ 5 ©” d CM rH O' VO © h*- cM © © cM O^© t*" 4 4 O' O' J— © ^ L- rH © © 1 ^. 05 05 bM q cd rn 05 m 05 m rH © © © © © 9 CO *0 05 -t- q d >. HP HP 3 00 , co 89 O 05 < V 0 0 00 O' r^. f_ ' 4 ca 4 § oT Cl v-. Cl L- vO O d r- d co Cl CM_ co” 0 0 O O' °- »M_ co” 4 4 CO VO (» <» 0 00 oc 0 05^00 0 ” 4 rH ON 9. 4 05 rrs CO NO CO NO cT • • d CM * tM 9s *1 CO 9s 0 ” CO 9. 0 ” NO 00 6 CM CO 9. CO * 9 cT 00 «M * 00 ^ d © O' r- r-. ©, q CM • • 4 © * • O' CO 00 ^ © CM co © q cm gf© © CO N^ • 4 • rH OO d Cl H* VO I- 9 © l- © 05 9 cd tO - 1 — 0 9 q. vo” d NO” © rtv 0 VO CM © 99° vo” cm” -JV © 4 tM OO q tq 4 ■H D H 3 O' 0 m O bo • 9 d • r— ,Q CM 8 • ^ * H 0 0 4 0 •+ O • 9 0 • 9 • O VO • °i • 4 05 0 • 9 ■ 4 OOO T* W5 O' • ‘^1 9 • vo” r-T no” 0 ^ HO N . 0^05 rr ' d 4 • 9 ' CM 4 05 CM vn V. t- vn • 9 9. 9 • cocm d : 4) ^d > O OH Tt 1 NO LO 05 W N r^- ceT cc CO 05 05 Tt- can H CM^CO NO^ 0 CO 1 - 05 CM co” vO O ; 0 ’ d ■^Clr-ITf Cl I'- Cl NO 1-05 H co” r- 'tHH'O rH CO 05 »M Tt^OS^rH & t- i-h 00 05 CM c. c-v rf_CM O” ; 0 ” -tv r- t- CO Tt^rH 4 4 05 © *0 t'H CM © CM Hi TjV^TjV O' cd NO © © © © ©” CM O' 00 d t- Hf vn -f © -f vn cqos rH ©* 4 t- © © © © © 9. vd © 9 CO § 03 a t>> hp 3 10 m ^ 0 "~L 0 f-l • 0 ) 0 O vo O O' '~L ^ r-T tf R O CO * 0 i ? >s VO Cl CO 9 4 CO CO O' NO NO 4 • CO CM O NO o_ rq cd 0 ” CO NO H* ■+ cm” • *4 CO ■ ■ NO CM o 1 ncT 00 OO o' ; 0 00 d vO 05 CM 05 CO I CM »M ! 00 *M 0 CO t— ” I O b 5 NO I 4 d CO NO i- r- o r 0 co” I I 00 t— t''- t- r- 05 VO vO 0 ” I Cl I 0 ” 0 Cl CO cd ! -tv Cm” O' 00 ; no” 0 ^ 4 © m t- 9s *i 4 : : 4 t- r- vO vn 3 “ a a co 0 O' bo d • • 43 0 . 0 • 10 cm” : 8 J ’d : 00 M v/-> O O VO Vy, co . 0 . O NO Cl ON . . 00 00 . .00 CM fM 0 . -I" CM . CM . vo r- rM 05 . -v -f CO . CM 0 00 00 05 m 05 m rfv . -t* O © . 0 Q H H 03 a Ph ^ 4 >> HP +2 3 rr 0 0 0 0 0 • .2 4 • a 9 0 10 vrs VO Lr> 4 io ^ O O §8, CO 'O' 0 0 Tf^ • co” 0 0 i- r- 05 t^ 4 0 ” 0 0 T* • © © 9 * O :5 1 : .% vo vn © >0 © • 4 4 vdso” © © to • 8 Ph O Ph R w 1 6* be . . d . . a> 0 8 rt -f CO NO 05 rr © O CM H © O • 'll C3 O Ph w w H ◄ 5 a 0 O) 3 "d > «« : : CM • • H CO VO • cm” 00 • vyj 4 3! • CM • : J s . .= vO t- • 05 • • >0 1 - • vn • t'' © © • : 8 vO CM • T* • • ^ 05 • • f-H s £ GG W 3 d 3 O' 0 0 ! I a »o r- 05 . vr» ’ tC 0 VO > 0 ” * Tt< CM 0 vn . h- »M O O Cl” * 8 • ^ • d 0 0 0 0 0 . . 0 ^ O O O . cT • CM O O • ° • d © © ©_ . 05 ” * : ! : : : : © © ©. . 4 * O .8 - 4 © © 0 8n © © 9 • • 4 • • O O q 4 5 H O <. 0 a 3 *d Oi , OJ . ^ cT • * d VO CO °0 . o' • CO CM vo' . 00 •v8 H CO T* cq_ . cT * co 00 .t ■vf Cl 00 . co” • On 00 • 't * 00 rH rh vo vr. . . On 0 ” * * 0 ” 00 00 O CO 9 • 05 ’ r- CM r- rM CM VO N . 4 • CM 05 fM . tq ■ 4 rM Tjv Hf- © 0 © . . 0 ^ 4 • • d © NO 05 00 * 05 • od r£ © © 9. • cd • © CM O' O' . q •so” O' tM CM 9 ♦ • © 05 rM q 4 0 O E 0 6 hp +3 3 d 3 O' CO c* 0 -rt* |g : 4 4 co” • ■ 00 ” 05 * rr. cT d CO >0 t-^ vO * N Cl” 00 rq 4 d CM TfV vo” * *0 ' 9 no” g 8s 00 00 vd • • d vo • ■ Vn 4 4 t— © 9 4 * vd NO : I vn © CM 9 cd * 'n ’ 4 O' 9 " vn 4 © vO 9 vo” * * © * * cm” O' NO NO (M CO £ w a a ◄ 0 0 *d t> : • O' O • CM • • 0 • N SI : :S Cl • OO • CM • O' • 00 © • © • • © . CO © . . Tt< • • © * g a pq a ^ B a 6 p ►» n-> V> d 3 O' m 0 co O rH • .2> HP HP d O' 0 a * * 0 • • ft O O ®~ * »o” CM O O • CM 0 0 9 * cd .8 ‘ od vO © 05 ” vn O • t>S 0 Q 0 Q • O' • 00 • CM lO • Cl • vO vr. *0 • • V/N 0 CO • 05 ■ S CO 4 • 00 • ^ © O' 05 • • m CO CO -t- cc 9 CM 05 rM ■ q vo " vo” vn • vo 05 • • vd vn M Q i a P >» HP ’0 d r O' i « 0 ^ : ft§ vO ■ '■o' 0 VO CO • CO 0 ’ 9. t£ 'O O O vo” .8 UN T* CM co” -+■ ’no” 1 . .§. 0 ” ’ ’ 0 iO vn CO 9 ’ NO •NO ’ d © 05 00 • r-” 05 0 ■ 9 4 © Q © O ©^ • • q cm” * *4 t- r- TjV T* 05 Ol 99 cd 4 © rH 00 vn © 9 * cm” T* .t d © © 9 ‘ * ©” © | d Whence Exported ■3 8 a s a> ^ PQS |a 14 3 g's&l a j 0 ° a B3«.5 d /5 ,0 S h m-5 i § boi c s < bp 8 H m3 3 • ■ >,Q “■3 S J o- 0 a 3 be£ *5 , s 12 3 a a> 0 H ■a i -ti: S rt P3S 3 a m i s|a 0 « ° a PP^M^ SHvajt IS-0581 M-IS8I 89-2S8I w-( <;8i s§-w Wl 99-9981 19-9981 89-1981 6S-8S81 09-6981 19-0981 ( 143 ) Class IV. — India. 2985. [8118] Roselle ( Hibiscus sabda- riffa), Bolarum. Dr. Riddell. 2986. [8120] Do. Do. Do. 2987. [8121] Do. Do. Do. 2988. [4008] Gango (IF. sabdariffa), Salem. H. A. Brett, Esq. e. OKRO ( Abelmoschus esculentus). Dr. Riddell, from his experiments, strongly recommends this plant, as furnishing an ex- cellent fibre for the manufacture of paper. 2989. [8122] Okro (A. esculentus), Bo- larum. Dr. Riddell. 2990. [9181] Benda ( A . esculentus ), Madras. H.H. the Rajah of Vizianagram. 2991. [10723] Do. Mangalore. V. P. Coelho, Esq. Other fibres from the same natural family ( Malvaceae ) are likewise worthy of atten- tion. They include the following 2992. [4880] Indian mallow ( Abutilon indicum), Chingleput. Dr. Shortt. The plants are gathered and freed of their leaves and twigs, and are put out to dry in the sun for a couple of days. They are then taken up, tied into bundles, and placed under water for about ten days, after which they are taken out, and the fibres are well washed it© remove the bark and other foreign matter that may be adhering to them, and are placed in the sun to dry. 2993. [8131] Indian mallow (Lb indi- cum), Madras. Dr. Hunter. 2994. [4853] Do. Do. Do. 2995. [10724] Jungle Bende ( Hibiscus sp.), Mangalore. V. P. Coelho, Esq. 2996. [8119] Jungle mallow ( Hibiscus sp.) Dr. Riddell. 2997. [8125] Wild Bende [Hibiscus sp.) Dr. Riddell. 2998. [9165] Paharea Jute ( Hibiscus sp.), Cuttack. 2999. [5791] Urena lobata, Burmah. This plant is the pest of Rangoon and its neighbour- hood, springing up spontaneously wherever the jungle is cleaned, and rapidly forming a dense mass of luxuriant vegetation. The specimen of fibre exhibited has been manufac- tured in the jail by simple maceration, and afterwards beating the stalks. Very good ‘gunny’ has been made from it, and it is believed that this fibre might, if treated with due care and skill, prove valuable. Any quantities of the plant may be had for the mere trouble of gathering it.* 3000. [8142] Fibre of Malope grandi- flora. Dr. Riddell. 3001. [4852] Cryptostegia grandifiora, Madras. Dr. Hunter. The plant is common in the south, and yields a fine silky fibre capable of being spun into fine yarn, and of employment for many of the purposes to whieh flax is applicable. III. — FIBRES CHIEFLY SUITED FOR THE MANU- FACTURE OF CORDAGE, TWINE, ETC. a. HEMP ( Cannabis sativa). It is cultivated in many parts of India for the sake of the ‘ Bhang ’ or intoxicating resin of its leaves, but as yet only occasion- ally for its fibre. 3002. [10245] Sunn Bhang (C. sativa), Kangra, Punjab. It grows spontaneously and in abundance everywhere in the submontane tracts, but is cultivated for the fibre only in the eastern portions of the Kangra, and in the Simla Hills. In 1859 an experimental consignment of two tons of Himalayan hemp was valued in the English market at from 30/. to 32/. per ton, and during the past year another larger consignment of hemp has been de- spatched at Government expense, by request of the mer- chants of Dundee. The price at Lahore is about 15/. or 16/. per ton.f 3003. [8135] ‘Himalayan hemp’ (C. sativa), Kangra. 3004. [8123] Do. Do. 3005. [8124] Do. Do. E. Sturrock, Esq. Opened mechanically in Dundee. Worth 40/. per ton. ( m ) * Local Committee, Rangoon. f Central Committee, Lahore. Class IV. — North-East Gallery. 3006. [2731] Hemp ( G . sativa), Ban- galore. 3007. [5902] Do. Calcutta. Messrs. Ahmuty & Co. 3012. [10076] Sunn (C. juncea ), La- hore. It is extensively cultivated for its fibre, especially near rivers. Sunn prepared for the native market can be ob- tained at Lahore for 14/. per ton. b. SUNN HEMP {Crotalaria juneca). This plant furnishes the vast proportion of the so-called hemps exported from India. The table on the next page shows the quantity and value of the ‘ hemp ’ and also hemp rope, of this kind sent from India to all parts. 3008. [7772] Sunn (Crotalaria, juncea), Hooghly. 3009. [2866] Do. Eaepore. 3010. [9169] Do. Lucknow. Cultivated near cities by hundreds of beegahs ; but in the vicinity of villages only in small quantities, principally for the purpose of making fishing nets. Its cultivation can be extended all over Oude, and principally where a light soil exists. It is sown very thickly at the beginning of the rains, so that it may grow tall and thin. When it begins to flower, it is cut near the root, tied in large bundles and immersed in water, putting some weight on it (generally mud) to prevent its being carried away. After remaining immersed from four to eight days it is withdrawn from the water, taken by handfuls, beaten on a piece of wood or stone, and washed till quite clean, and the cuticle with the leaves completely removed from the other portion of the plant. Each handful is then piled musket fashion, and left to dry. Wlien perfectly dry, the woody portion, which has been more or less broken, is separated from the fibre by farther beating and shaking. From 3 to 6 mannds of fibre are extracted from each beegali of plant. The fibre is used for making rope, sack- cloth, nets, twine, and paper. The raw material on the field, as plant, costs from two to four rupees per beegah, according to quality ; and the prepared fibre costs from four to ten rupees per maund, according to strength, length, and cleanliness of fibre.* 3011. [9411] Sunn (Crotalaria juncea), Cuttack. Under its local synonymes, CTuniput and Clmmese, this plant is grown in this district in sufficient quanti- ties to supply its wants, and probably more. It requires comparatively but little tillage, and not much after- tending. The plants, when site and soil agree, attain to a height of 8 or 9 feet. The fibre is separated by thresh- ing and beating, after the plant, which, at the time of cutting, is tied into convenient bundles for the purposes, has been kept immersed in water several days. The hemp is bought in the bazaar about 7 lbs. per shilling, and rope made of it at 5 lbs. weight for the shilling. The country paper is made from this article.! * Central Committee, Lucknow. f Local Committee, Cuttack. 3013. [5899] Sunn (C. juncea), Nipal. Messrs. Aiimuty & Co. 3014. [5900] Do. Do. Do. 3015. [3810] Bi-own hemp (C. juncea), Bombay. 3016. [553] Sunn (C. juncea), Dharwar. 3017. [9412] Do. Bolarum. Dr. Rid- dell. 3018. [4014] Janapan (C. juncea), Salem. H. A. Brett, Esq. 0 . JUBBULPORE HEMP ( Crotalaria tenui- folia). 3019. [1497] Jubbulpore hemp (C. tenui- folia), Jubbulpore. In forwarding this sample, the Jubbulpore Committee appends the following remarks : — The cultivation of ‘hemp’ in the district has received considerable impulse of late. Several years ago, Mr. Williams having occasion to send to Calcutta samples of wax, oilseeds, and other materials, filled up the box with indigenous hemp to prevent breakage of the bottles. On arrival at Calcutta, the cleanness and brightness of the fibre struck the consignee, who had it immediately ex- amined by one of the proprietors of the patent Rope- walks, who pronounced it equal to the best Russian hemp, and at once sent an order for 400 maunds of it. The trade has since gradually increased, and Mr. Williams now sends about 6,000 maunds of this fibre annually to Calcutta. The plant is regularly cultivated, but the cul- tivation is limited. About 10 per cent, of the fibre is lost in the process of heckling, and the cost varies accord- ing to the several places in the district and seasons of the year. The price of the prepared fibre is from 3r. 8a. to 4r. per maund. The present means of inland transport is by country carts to Mirzapore, which costs Is. 8 a. per maund, and from thence to Calcutta by boats, at a farther cost of 1r. 4a. to 1h. 8a., which, with other contingencies, such as covering for carts, or guards’ hire, duty in native states, and agency charges at Mirzapore, brings up the cost of the material to 7 rupees per maund before it reaches Calcutta. Mirzapore is, at present, the nearest place of export. The great length of time in getting down bulky produce from Central India, and the enor- mous expense of transport, have hitherto prevented Mr. Williams sending his hemp to England ; but all this will be overcome the moment the railway line from Bombay to Jubbulpore opens, when the hemp can be landed at Liverpool in as many days as it now takes weeks by country carts and native boats to convey it from this station to Calcutta, and there is no doubt that in a very few years hemp, and also flax, will become large articles of export from the Saugor and Ncrbudda territories. ( 145 ) TABLE SHOWING THE QUANTITIES (AS FAE AS CAN BE ASCERTAINED) AND VALUE * OF HEMPf AND HEMP ROPEf EXPORTED FROM INDIA AND EACH PRESIDENCY TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD FROM 1850-51 TO 1860-61 INCLUSIVE. Class IV. — India. x *© oco ^ © CO CC t"- Oi Tj* *C ON cT n yo ■^COC N © -t O 01 , T (N O 0 *— I CC r«-\ Cl 00 -rj* 1-1 » 83 W J . H o »o o +» " O 00 O 00 CO Cl Cl o __ iq CC 1- vO Jg Cl r-T d OO ^ Cl Cl VO 00 CC CC NO C h O » t- sO CO ( w CO ■ co_ cc ©^ q cq_i cc cl d d tJi o oo h cc • © ~r r. cc H CO cq -+• Cl ofcdd N of . o I- Cl NO CC ' ■ L- Cl CO O L- 3 © NO d 00 X © rl © © © r*N t- ©^ Cl O o' cc of oo c © © o Cl Cl © Tj- r- CC 00 H ©©©On oqcc © rl © © Tf CD d CC 00 CC~ CC 00 f* CC OO Cl Cl X rl © Cl C r © o cc cc © c*n cc. *c c fee 00 cf©vdd 1 I' « •'t t- -t NO © C p- 1 © t"- Pf I— < VPN q> © * no d d © O' I 00 o © CC © O' Cl VPN — CC pH O' ci io r- Cl ■** © rl 00 Cl ■ 1C CICO - « c © c © 0 pH rPN © © I- O'* - tJ- "c O' © O' l © O' *-C © I-* c Cl © — O' © p* "fr Tf © Tt- ©Cl rl 4 » H H* 00 rl CC CC rl © P* ”* Cl © Cl _ *cc cc + Cl © Cl o © © © I «5b-CC © CC ppn © r-p CC pa 1 00 rl '5 5: ? 3 ■ p* 00 • ■« £ H ft H W W P OO © pH o «♦$ ©_ ; Cl • Cl Hf © • - NO Cl NO . • ©' no" Cl rl © NO • • -C CO 00 CO c . © o © c 5 c • •'o' • • • • • • • • ‘.III ph • - ^ c t~P pH cc ^ 1 * 1 ! ; ; ; ; ; ; • • o • O © CC Cl nO CC cc L- no ,2 : : : : © Cl pf rl p- i — r pp> cc © co oq ©T .drf : Ci - © t* © x n i#x® i x x c n t* © p* i Cl CC 00 CO cc ci ■ CO © CC O C Nf Cl rl cc 4 © h- ©©XO © Cl © o © Cl © O' Cl r p X I'NO iCNUJW ©^cc I- cf © o © © Cl o PH © Cl © © PTN X t- ©.p^iqvq n -q cf p-T cd d ef * N © x ci o P? Cl P- OO P* © CC NO © Cl X O •pf ^h © n id t-f ©* rl © H* © V/N CM CC rp; cf N o' ■pf d © rl NT M N IN © I- © NO Cl I' M m cqx CS Tf id CD rf NXM O © Cl © © © © HJ. NO © © X X X Tf Cl 4 ©oqiq 4- d t- d no" is M C. 00 © © X VPN © Cl X O T — © NO cd ©" d oo © IC d O (M • © PPN t- • — X « I- O • o to 3 c o ■g a O ci £ .2 p 3 tuD ^3 S ^ rt a 5 o — > I'S i=s C o e .2 a ill iaSfl .SjJ P53«-? ce ci be ^3 rj _ § s g 3 «3w. clH Cl J2 © « *3 SjS Is I a S9-1G81 c js £ ^ c'H ft J all 3 eg 3 ^ eSa^ SHVclA J 18-0681 68-1881 £ST.S8X W8S8I 68-1-6SI 98-8881 68-8881 09-6881 19-0981 ( ) Class IV. — North-East Gallery. d. DUNCHEE ( Scsbania aculeata). For rope-making purposes, well worthy of attention. ' 3020. [5902] Dunchee (S. aculeata ), Nepal? Messrs. Aiimuty & Co., Calcutta. e. JETEE ( Marsdenia tenacissima). 3021. [9410] Jetee ( M . tenacissima). India Museum. 3022. [5954] Kumbh ee (Careya arborea), Lucknow. This is a large tree which abounds in mountainous districts. The fibre it affords is coarse, and only appli- cable for rough cordage. Matches for matchlocks are made from its bark. 3023. [10726] Kavane ( Sterculia wrens), Mangalore. V. P. Coelho, Esq. 3024. [5336] Do. Assam. H. L. Michel, Esq. The bark of this, as well as almost every other species of Sterculia , affords a strong, but not very handsome, fibre, which may be employed for making ropes. 3025. [9402] Kodal, Cuttack. This substance is the inner bark of a forest tree. It is reported to make the strongest and most durable rope, which is said not to be liable to deteriorate from wet, and hence it is made into boat cables. The specimen was procured from Autgurh, where the fibre is collected for sale on requisition by the Sahars. The tree, which the Committee have not been able to examine, may possibly be the Sterculia villosa, which in Assam is called the ‘ Oadal’ and the fibres are employed for making ropes with which to secure wild elephants.* 3026. [7757] Scalie, Cuttack. This is the fibre of a gigantic twining plant, common throughout the forest jungles of the province. It is used in these parts for cordage, and is made into twine for mat-making and roofing purposes, f IV. — FIBRES FOR MISCELLANEOUS TURPOSES, ADAPTED FOR TWINE, CORDAGE, AND PAPER, OCCASIONALLY CAPABLE OF MANUFACTURE INTO FABRICS SUITED FOR WOMEN’S DRESSES ; IMITATION HORSEHAIR CLOTH, ETC. This division embraces the fibres furnished by the leaves and stems of endogenous plants. a. PINE APPLE ( Ananassa sativa). This plant supplies the only fibre of the group which is at all likely to be employed for spinning by machinery. Its fibres are fine and very divisible. 3027. [4886] Pine-apple fibre {A. sa- tiva), Chingleput. Dr. Shortt. The leaves are gathered in the same way as the aloe, and are placed on a piece of board and scraped with a blunt knife. The fibres that are loosened are drawn out, the leaves turned over, and from four to six inches of the stem end scraped as before, and as soon as the fibres are loosened by the removal of the pulp in that part of the leaf, the fibres are taken hold of by the fingers and drawn out. These fibres are again laid on the board, and any remaining portion of the pulp gently scraped out with the aid of water, when they are gathered and dried in the sun. By another mode of treatment, the leaves are laid in the sun so as to dry up a portion of the sap, when, on being taken up and bruised by the hand, the fibres become loosened, and may be taken hold of, and drawn out. But a great loss of fibre results, so that this method cannot be recommended. 3028. [8138] Pine-apple fibre (A. sativa), Bolarum. Dr. Riddell. 3029. [10720] Do. Mangalore. V. P. Coelho, Esq. 3030. [10721] Jungle pine-apple, Man- galore. V. P. Coelho, Esq. 3031. [ 6345 ] Do. Malacca. Tan Kein Sing. 3032. [6377] Do. Do. b. MOORVA, MAROOL, or BOW-STRING HEMP ( Sanseviera zeylanica). This plant supplies a fibre in point of strength and other qualities well calculated, when properly prepared, to compete with the ‘ Manilla hemp ’ of the Philijipine Islands. 3033. [7784] Moorga or Moorgavee (S. zeylanica), Cuttack. This plant is both indigenous and common in the pro- vince, growing alike in low, marshy, shady spots along the coast, as in Balasore, on high gravelly grounds in the interior, and in the jungle in the tributary Mehals. The fibre it yields in this district is only used for the manu- facture of bowstring. The sample of rope (see Class XIX.) was made for the Local Committee by Captain Bond of Balasore ; the leaves are to be had for the collecting. They are, when matured, about two feet long, and each leaf yields from thirty to forty threads. The same tedious process of detaching the thread from the cellular tissue is employed with this as ( H7 ) * Local Committee, Cuttack. f Local Committee, Cuttack. Class IV. — India . with the Agave leaf, and it would be necessary to intro- duce a mechanical method of doing so, ere the production could be made profitable on a large scale. The bowstring and sample of fibre were prepared to order in Cuttack : not being a marketable article, no attempt at a specifica- tion of price can be made.* 3034. [4009] Munjum (S. zeylanica), Salem. H. A. Brett, Esq. 3035. [4887] Bowstring hemp (S. zey- lanica ), Chingleput. Dr. Shortt. 3036. [8140] Do. Dr. Riddell. 3037. [4847] Muujee (S. zeylanica). Bangalore. 3038. [4844] Marool (S. zeylanica), Madras. Dr. Hunter. 3039. [4851] Tow of Sanseviera cylin- drica, Do. Do. c. AGAVE t or ALOE FIBRES {Agave amcri- cana, also Agave vivi/para or Fourcroya gig anted). Although neither of these plants is in- digenous, both are now cultivated in many parts of the country. A variety of speci- mens have been forwarded for exhibition. After suitable preparation, the agave fibre is usually employed for the manufacture, amongst other things, of an imitation £ horse- hair ’ cloth. 3040. [4884] Aloe (A. americana), Chin- gleput. Dr. Shortt. 3041. [4879] Great aloe (F. gigantea), Chingleput. Dr. Shortt. The leaves, cut close to the stem, are placed on a piece of board, and beaten with a short stout stick. After being thus bruised, the pulpy portions are scraped out with a blunt knife, and the fibres subsequently washed in clean water and dried in the sun. 3042. [9405] f Hatteecheeghar ’ (F. gi- gantea), Lucknow. Planted in hedges, and grows luxuriantly without any farther cultivation. The extent of present cultivation is very limited, but it is capable of being extended all over Oude, and in any soil. The fibre has been prepared only on a small scale. In the Lucknow jail rope and sack- cloth have been made of it. J 3043. [4845] Agave ( Agave americana), Madras. Dit. Hunter. * Local Committee, Cuttack. f Misnamed aloe, but having now become the ‘trade’ term, it is likely to be retained. } Central Committee, Lucknow. 3044. [2725] Kathali, long aloe. Banga- lore. Dr. Kirkpatrick. 3045. [2726] Chicca Kathali, short aloe. Do. Do. 3046. [10727] Wild aloe (Aloe inclica Mangalore. 3047. [8126] Aloe ( Agave americana). Dr. Riddell. 3048. [8140] Aloe fibre dressed. Do. 3049. [8127] Do. dyed in colours. Do. 3050. [8128] Do. do. Madras. 3051. [554] Agave, Dharwar. 3052. [6483] Aloe ( Agave americana), Chota Nagpore. 3053. [2726] Do. Do. 3054. [9406] Do. Agra. 3055. [10306] Aloe fibre, dyed and un- dyed, Bareilly. 30o6. [8144] Specimens of Agave fibre dyed and prepared. W. Staufen, Esq. 3057. [8144] Brush manufactured from do. Do. By process originally patented in this countiy by Exhibitor. d. ADAM’S NEEDLE (Yucca gloriosa). This plant, although not yet cultivated for economic purposes, produces fibre of very considerable value when properly pre- pared. 3058. [4841] Adam’s needle (F. glori- osa), Chingleput.* Dr. Shortt. 3059. [9407] Adam’s needle (do.), Chin- gleput. Dr. Riddell. 3060. [2733] Howah Kathali ( do .) Ban- galore. Dr. Kirkpatrick. 3061. [8141] Adam’s needle (Y. angus- tifolia), Madras. Dr. Hunter. e. PLANTAIN (Musa paradisiaca). Universally cultivated for its fruit. Its leaves afford a fibre suited for certain pur- poses. Ordinarily it is inferior to Manilla hemp (Musa textilis) in point of strength. ( US ) * Central Committee, Lucknow. Class IV. — North-East Gallery. 3062. [5901] Plantain (M. paradisiaca), Nepaul. Messrs. Ahmuty & Co. 3063. [4889] Do. Chingleput. Dr. >Shortt. These fibres were prepared from the inner footstalks of the plantain tree. These were taken of certain length, placed on a piece of board, and the pulpy mass scraped out with a blunt knife. Both sides of the stalks having been thus scraped, whilst clean water was poured on to wash away the remains of the pulp, the fibres were dried in the sun. 3064. [9408] Do. Bolarum. Dr. Riddell. 3065. [4846] Manilla liemp ( M. textilis), Madras. Dr. Hunter. 3066. [4842] Plantain (M. paradisiaca), Do. Do. 3067. [4849] Do. Bangalore. 3068. [10728] Red do. (If. Cavendishii), Mangalore. V. P. Coelho, Esq. 3069. [10725] Jungle plantain (Jf. su- perba), Do. Do. 3070. [10722] Plantain (M. paradi- siaca), Do. Do. 3071. [9176] Do. Vizagapatam. H. H. the Rajah. 3072. [8x29] Do. Singapore. /. SCREW-PINE (Pandanus odorcitissivius). The leaves of this plant furnish a fibre which can be turned to account for the manufacture of paper and some common purposes. It is, however, in every respect inferior to those in this group above entered. 3073. [4856] Screw pine (P. odoratis- simus), Chingleput. Dr. Shortt. 3074. [8146] Screw pine (P. odoratis- simus), Madras. Dr. Hunter. Prepared like the pine-apple, but no water should be used, simple scraping, after which the fibres are put to dry. V. — FIBRES SUITED FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF MATS, BRUSHES, COARSE CORDAGE, IMITATION HORSE-HAIR FOR STUFFING PURPOSES, ETC. a. COIR. This well-known material is furnished by the fibrous envelope of the nut of the cocoa palm ( Cocos nucifera). It is exported from India in considerable quantities, as will be gathered from the table (p. 150), which indi- cates the amount of coir and coir-rope sup- plied from India and each Presidency to all parts of the world from 1850-1 to 1860-1 inclusive. 3075. [4874] Coir ( Cocos nucifera), Chingleput. Dr. Shortt. 3076. [453] Do. Dr. McPherson. 3077. [2728] Do., Bangalore. Dr. Kirk- patrick. The outer rind of the nut is taken, bruised, and steeped in water for two or three days, when it is taken up and the fibres separated by the fingers and scraped gently with a blunt knife and dried in the sun. If steeped in water too long, they get dark-coloured. h. GOMUTI ( Arcnga saecharifera). This fibre is considered superior to all others yet made use of for the manufacture of artificial bristles for brushes, imitation horse-hair for stuffing, and such like pur- poses. 3078. [6349] Gfomuti (A. saecharifera), Singapore. Col. Collyer. 3079. [4091] Ejow (A. saecharifera), Province Wellesley. 3080. [4091] Do. Penang. 3081. [8143] Do. dyed and prepared for use as brush bristles, &c. (patented). W. Staufen, Esq. 3082. [8143] Hair-brush manufactured from do. Do. c. MOONJ ( Saccharum Munja). This grass supplies a strong good fibre, which is beginning to attract attention in this country, and is now being exported from Kurachi in Sinde. 3083. [10242] Moonj (stems) ( Saccha- rum Munja), Lahore. 3084. [10240] Do. in raw state. Do. 3085. [ 1 0241] Do. in that of fibre. Do. Used for rope-making. The outer cuticle of the grass called Sir Id ( Saccharum Moonja). It is largely used for well ropes, tow lines, and for attaching buckets to Persian wheels, and in all cases where the rope is exposed to the action of water. Price, at present, from 5/. to 81. per ton, but it can ordinarily be obtained much cheaper.* * Central Committee, Lahore.. ( H9 ) TABLE SHOWING THE QUANTITIES (AS FAR AS CAN BE ASCERTAINED) AND VALUE * OF COIR AND COIR ROPE EXPORTED FROM INDIA AND EACH PRESIDENCY TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD FROM 1850-51 TO 1860-61 INCLUSIVE. Class IV. — India. Total Exported to all Parts I Value .*«* ««i m% hi* « it smi iws rot rot rot — SS ® 0 2 S“2 "222 -2*2 "2-2 "£2J "282 - = 2-2. *282 88K i 1*11 & “sl| s ll§ 1111 “fS| Sill s Sll5 *$£$ -*-*!— ( f^i 1 —t tS c-l N Ol r— I vj- d r— i H Cl n to W C8 ^ CS i— < d d CM d CCr— Am iii== m% mm ms mm mu mm im ms mi 5 11 IS; -11? -11? sill ill.l ill? ill? iPl 111? HSl S IH «T d d d «— id 1— ND m O' trtdoo ra rH lA dcooc' d d d 1C H" o ccdcT QO -d d COUNTRIES WHITHER EXPORTED fl 1 t> «,mi §n? -ssi: sis? iii? ini mi m% ins tm mi 1 jiii in? mi nil in.i mm ms mi mi tin Pit -HI 111 "Hi Hflf lls| §3 S 3 -ill 11 §S w fa d o § ■3 > ^SS : S' : :Sff :3SS 8!= :$ : : : : gg«| § g :§£ : : : : : : : : : : : : I jj.i ..ii .in m.% .... §IU HI lit 2 -s ■= • -s» -sscs gs •& ' ’ ’ ‘ sis-— s; 8 ‘ss s - s? I «:gJ4 Ilf :1H 111 "111 :IH :Ilt :?S$ :|5 1 :S§1 l-H H cod'd W l-t H ri f- M r-1 d f-S H r- r-. d r— M d d d 1 1 n .in .in .in .in. .in mi .in lit .in .lit .in s 'iH -§g| ‘SIS. '§!§ '§-& 31$ 1st Is- 'lit 'H~ 'ill i 1 > oS : i'S $ :S 8 §£ :"| § §S|2 2 : :2 3 : : 0 ::S^ : :3 $ 1 I £ l : 1 1 11 HU || :! ? 14 1 11 IfH S ; : I 1 : : M : M So o » ®g “*£SS, S3 £ 3 -S' gs 3F - - N 1 £ § s cl M :§IS a§ :S S : :£ 1 = §f II 1 H | :i| |l|| S :I| : 1 ,|f .111 II .1 1 . .% I .13 111 II .t 1 .11 111? 1 .|8 . .11 eg •£& -SS'fa W S •« S ' ' O - SS "8 -sg § •£- 222$ - 'S'S • ’SS « t-H T-H H i“H «- rHH « r-H fH rH (t CJWMCC ^ :S :£ :S :3 :S:^ ISIS'S. :gg£ : S : g Sg : f : 2 :® i 10 :2:2 J ,.n i.i .i.i .m m i.i ill it. t n.i . 1.4 .1.4 S ■% -gg -8 -a - 05 ■° > -2|<$ -S$R -S -3 S2 ■ F •'S ’ R ” ro ‘ ^ ‘ m 'S ‘ $ a i & § 3 t> t I *8*88 :iis rot ®ii t in? »ro attt :iw wit silt rot ccdso lO WOO VO O' OOOOO H 05 tO P* ^ O TjJ V- CCr£ lo r-* 0 Madras 4 7 11 00 10 Bombay 92.3 729 97 22 14 100 1,885 All India 1,846 1,842 60 35 s 44 18 377 4,539 Bengal . 884 547 204 28 151 431 2,245 cc Madras 17 11 28 CS Bombay 51 490 14 555 < r . All India 935 1.037 204 28 168 456 2,828 Bengal . 701 91 1,062 1,854 cc Madras 24 6 30 c Bombay 98 431 81 6 616 All India 799 512 81 *4 1.074 2,500 * The greater part exported to the Cape of Good Hope, Mauritius, and New South Wales. Subdivision C. — v. Cellular Substances. This subdivision has only one representa- tive. 3147. [10161] Sago palm tinder, Luck- impore, Assam. H. S. Biyar, Esq. ( 152 ) 3148. [9409] Palm tinder, Malacca. Class IV. — North-East Gallery. Subdivision C.— vi. Timber and Fancy Woods used for Construction and Ornament, and prepared for Dyeing. The collection of woods is particularly Valuable, on account of the accuracy with which the majority of the samples have been named. Although some progress has been made since 1851, the adaptation of many of these woods is still but imperfectly known. Experiments* and observations have, how- ever, been commenced with the view of test- ing the strength and other qualities of those forwarded to the present Exhibition, which, when completed, will afford the means of judging of their relative value as compared with the woods of this and other countries, and so far assist in determining to what extent they are likely to prove worthy of attention for export. j Various specimens of timbers, forming portions of the collections from Lucknow, Midnapore, Chota Nagpore, Umritsur, Cut- tack, Jubbulpore, Akyab — from Dr. Camp- bell, Darjeeling ; Dr. Graham, Moulmein ; Dr. Brandis, British Burrnah ; Col. Keid and Lieut. Phaire, Assam ; Drs. Hunter and Sbortt, Madras — and from Id. H. Inche Wan Aboo Bakar, Hon. Col. Cavanagh, G. Angus, Esq., Col. Collyer, C. Evans, Esq., and Hon. Major Man, Malayan Peninsula and Singapore — have, for want of space and other reasons, been deposited at the India Museum. The whole have, however, been carefully gone over, and the more pro- mising ones selected for experiment &c. WOODS FROM CUTTACK. Exhibited by T. W. Armstrong, Superin - tending-Engineer of the Cuttack Division. 3149. [5600] Sissoo, black ( Dalbergia Sissoo ), ‘875 sp. gr., Is. per cubic ft. 3150. [5606] Do., red ( D . Sissoo), P000 sp. gr.. Is. per cubic ft. Used for every description of furniture, both by natives and Europeans. In grain and colour it somewhat re- sembles rosewood. The heart of this timber is generally unsound. 3151. [5610] Koozoom, 1-286 sp. gr., 7 \d. per cubic ft. Used for the handles of tools, and native cart axles, and might be applied to other purposes. * By Captain Fowxe. f The result, of these experiments, as well as the skilled opinion of others practically acquainted with the subject, will be embraced in my general report on the Indian pro- ducts and manufactures exhibited on the present occasion, now in course of preparation. — J. F. W. 3152. [5599] Teak, ‘Sagoon’ (Tectona grandis), -875 sp. gr., Is. 3d. per cubic ft. To what extent this valuable timber exists in the Sum- bulpore district and its dependencies, and some of the tributary Mehals of Cuttack, has never been certainly ascertained, but is a question well worthy of careful enquiry. 3153. [5608] Koozoom, -714 sp. gr., 6(7. per cubic ft. Used for ordinary purposes, such as packing-cases, common doors, &c. 3154. [5597] Guringa, -714 sp. gr., 9c7. per cubic ft. A light wood, principally used by the turners of Cuttack, and for palankeen poles, &c. — purposes where lightness is a necessity. 3155. [5598] Sal (Shorea robusta), 1-000 sp. gr., Is. per cubic ft. Common in our jungles ; large quantities are floated down the river Mahanuddy, and sold at Cuttack. By the natives it is used for almost every purpose to which wood can be applied — young trees being cut down even for fuel and palings. A good supply used, some years ago, to be obtained from the jungles skirting the principal water- ways of the district, for the Government gun manufactory in the Madras Presidency. In mature trees the heart is always unsound. Temporary bridges, gun-carriages, boats, beams, door-frames, trusses, &c., are generally made of this wood. 3156. [5605] Jack, ‘Punsee’ (Artocavpus integrifolia), -750 sp. gr.. Is. per cubic ft. Wood of which the native oil-mill or ‘ghana’ is made. It is also a handsome wood for furniture purposes, having a neat fresh appearance, which darkens with age. As a timber tree, however, it cannot be said to be plentiful, as it is not a forest tree, and the fruit it yields renders it more valuable than if it were simply cultivated for the sake of the timber. 3157. [5607] Peasal ( Buchanania lati- folia), -875 sp. gr., 9(7. per cubic ft. This useful wood is worked up generally into furniture, house doors and windows, presses, tables, &c. It requires to be polished, otherwise it stains a burnt sienna colour any cloth brought into contact with it. 3158. [5601] Burdur, 1-000 sp. gr., Is. per cubic ft. Excellent wood for carriage poles, shafts, and wheels, and in all coach-builder’s work. 3159. [5609] Keebar, 1-250 sp. gr., 9 d. per cubic ft. A hard useful wood for mallets, pounders, rammers, and such like articles, and would, perhaps, make up strong furniture. 3160. [5604] Gumbaree. The trees which furnish these timbers are found more or less plentifully throughout the forest jungles of the Sumbulpore district, and on the banks of the Mahanuddy, Brahming, and Byturg rivers. The. main difficulty attend- ing timber transactions is the, at present, almost insur- mountable one of conveying the timber from the spot ( 153 ) Class IV. — India. where it is felled (which, of course, is for the most part in the interior of the dense forest) to the nearest spot whence water-carriage is available. Teams of buffaloes are em- ployed for this purpose, in the present mode of operating, but if the distance to be traversed is at all considerable, it may easily be conceived that this method becomes so expensive and dilatory that much cannot be undertaken. The only means of modifying or evading this difficulty, if it were desired to embark in any extensive transactions, would apparently be to have the timber sawn and cut up on the spot, and roughly shaped for the purposes for which it might be required. Planks and sleepers, for example, or the various constituent portions of a gun- carriage, might perhaps, with advantage, be roughly shaped and cut on the spot. For the transport of timber there are, however, some facilities, which it may be proper to notice. The timber country of this division is traversed by three large streams — the Mahanuddy, Brahming, and Bytumee; so that when the united difficulty of getting the wood from the forest to the water-side has been over- come, it is a matter of ease, at the proper season, to float it down in rafts to any depot which might be established for the purpose at the mouths of the rivers, or others con- nected with them. From Cuttack to False Point harbour is a distance of 65 miles, via the Mahanuddy. This harbour affords a safe anchorage for vessels at all seasons, and the route is available for about five months in the year, namely, from the middle of June generally to the middle of November; while from a point on the route, 42 miles from Cuttack, at Tadanda, namely, on to the sea, the river is navigable all the year round. Another route from Cuttack is via the Beeroojsa and Brahming to the Dhamree harbour, the distance being 96 miles, and the Dhamree port safe for sailing vessels from November to February. Small steamers could ply to the harbour all the year round, and vessels of 150 to 200 tons can clear the bar. But this route from Cuttack is an uncertain one, and not open for more than three and a half months in the height of the monsoon, that is, it may be said, from July to September.* 3161. [5603] Assart ( Terminalia tomen- tosa), 9 d. per cubic ft. 3162. [5602] Abloos or Kandoo (Dios- pyros melanoxylon ), Is. 6 d. per cubic ft. A very handsome fancy wood. WOODS FROM JUBBULFORE. 3163. [4657] Seba Sagoon Teak (Tectona grandis). This is called by the natives ‘ Oil Teak,’ or ‘ Seba Sagoon,’ and is found on the Bindhyers, north of the Nerbudda, almost exclusively, and is the best in these provinces. 3164. [4658] Putteereea Sagoon. Do. Called by the natives ‘ Putteereea Sagoon,’ or ‘ Stony Teak;’ is shorter and more knotty than the last; is found in the more hilly tracts. 3165. [4659] Doodheea Sagoon. Do. Called by the natives 1 Doodheea Sagoon,’ or ‘ Milky Teak ; ’ is the softest timber of the three, and is found chiefly south of the Nerbudda, on the Satpoora. The only difference in the above three woods is the soil they grow on. 3166. [4660] Surrye (Shorea robasta). Found chiefly in large forests in the south Mundlah, and one forest near the Puehmurries. 3167. [4661] Jiomrassee (botanical name not known). Is a beautiful close-grained wood, the leaf oblong, and serrated edge ; it is found in the more hilly tracts, but does not attain any great size. 3168. [4662] Dbengun ( Gordia Mac- leoda ). A remarkably beautiful wood, found in Mundlah, Seonee. 3169. [4663] Saj ( Terminalia arguna). Very useful for beams and rafters ; grows abundantly in all the districts to a great size, 40 to 50 feet long, and 2 to 3 feet broad ; will not last if exposed to the weather. 3170. [4664] Beejah ( Pterocarpus sp.) An excellent wood, easily worked, grows to a large size, is found in all parts, but not very abundant. 3171. [4665] Kowah ( Terminalia ar- guna). Grows to a large size along the banks of rivers, all over the district; is an excellent lasting timber, somewhat similar in quality to ash. 3172. [4666] Grhattoo ( Zizyphus zylo- pyxa or glabra). It, grows to a fine large tree, but is a scarce wood, and close-grained and excellent. 3173. [4667] Trosum (botanical name not known). Good timber, but, does not exist in any quantity. 3174. [4668] Dbowrab (Conocarpus la- tifolius). A tough, knotty wood, hard to work, grows abundantly everywhere : used much for cart axles. 3175. [4669] Serlee ( Boswellia thuri- fera). Very abundant, but is soft, and has a bad character for lasting. 3176. [4670] Bber (Zizyplius jujuba). Is abundant, but not often found of large size. Timber inferior as to transverse, but otherwise good. 3177. [4671] Baubul (Acacia arabica). A close-grained, hard, and tough wood, but does not attain any great size ; very valuable for the spokes and felloes of wheels. 3178. [4672] Kkumee (botanical name not known). Is a light, strong, and easily-worked wood, much in request by natives. ( 154 ) * Local Committee, Cuttack. Class IV. — North-East Gallery. 3179. [3947] Gunjah (botanical name not known). The same as the foregoing specimens of wood. 3180. [3948] Siris ( Acacia sirisa ). A splendid timber, but now very scarce in these parts. 3181. [3949] Hurdoo ( Nauclea corcli- folia). Abundant, and much in request; is light and easily worked. Its strength is not great, but it is lasting, if not exposed to the weather. 3182. [3950] Kaim (N. parvifolia). Somewhat similar to Hurdoo, but is a stronger, better timber. 3183. [3951] Pindra (N. orientalis). Not abundant. A good joiner’s wood. 3184. [3952] Jymungul. A large tree, not of much use. 3185. [3953] Rohnee ( Acacia leuco- ploca ?) An excellent and tough wood, but does not work smoothly. Abundant in the Deinwah valley and Hos- singabad. 3186. [3954] Londya. A common wood, suited for poles. 3187. [3955] Kardahee ( Conocarpus mystifolium). A tough wood, but difficult to work ; tolerably abun- dant (similar to Dowrah) ; grows along the banks of the Nerbudda. 3188. [3956] Taman ( Eugenia jambo- lana). A coarse-grained wood, used for well steps, and in other wet places, where it is almost indestructible. 3189. [3957] Tine or Sisso ( Dalbergia Sissoo ). A splendid timber, but not abundant; small in this part of India. 3190. [3958] Pandur. A coarse wood, common, and is a good, strong, and lasting timber. 3191. [3959] Knmbee ( Careya arhorea). The wood is not much used; the bark is made into slow matches for matchlocks. 3192. [3960] Hurrah. Is abundant in the hilly tracts, but attains no great size. 0 3193. [3961] Mowah ( Bassia longifolia). . Thi * trc<; is so valuable for its fruit, out of which arrack is made, that it is seldom felled, except when barren ; but its wood is excellent. Ci.ass IV. 3194. [3962] Tendo o(Diospyrosebenum). The heart- wood of the tendoo; it is found to a large size in the Seonee district, but generally small else- where. 3195. [1214] Doodhee (Asclepias 'rosea). An inferior timber of no transverse strength. 3196. [1215] Karee ( Uvaria). Used by natives for making toys. 3197. [1216] Damin (Grewia tiliafolia). Not abundant, and now very difficult to procure of any size. 3 1 98. [1217] Sissoo (Dalbergia lati folia). A very strong and useful timber. 3199. [1218] Gurraree (Acacia procera). 3200. [1219] Toon (Cedrela Toona). 3201. [1220] Unjun (Hardwiclda bi- nata). Of the woods from Assam forwarded by Col. Reid the following are exhibited*: — 3202. [5273] Nahori (Mesua ferrea ), Assam. 3203. [9001] Ajar or Jarool (Lager- stroemia regina). 3204. [9002] Sanm (Artocarpus). 3205. [9003] Kantal (A. integri folia). 3206. [9004] Poma (Cedrela Toona). 3207. [9005] Gomari (Gmelia arborea). 3208. [9009] Gondhosoroi (Lauras Sas- safras). 3209. [9010] Uriatn (Andrachne trifo- liata). 3210. [9011] Bheh (Salixtetraspermum). 3211. [9012] Reghu (Nauclea cadamba). 3212. [9013] Hilikha (Terminalia ci- trina). 3213. [9015] Bnal (Ehretica serrata). 3214. [9016] Aum (Mangifera indica). 3215. [9017] Teham (Artocarpus). * The remainder of Con. Reid’s collection, along with some specimens presented by Lieut. W. Phaire, for which space could not be found, and to which the native names only have been attached, have been deposited at the In- dia Museum for farther reference. ( 155 ) M Class IV. — India. 3216. [9018] Joba Hingoru ( Quercus ). 3217. [5272] Sissoo ( Dalbergia ). 3218. [9019] Koroi ( Acacia ). WOODS FROM DARJEELING. 3219. [7235] Horcul. timber. Dr. Camp- bell. 3220. [7276] Kerhoola. Do. 3221. [7237] Roobees. Do. 3222. [1779] Cospie. Do. 3223. [1769] Kuttoos (chesnut). Do. 3224. [1770] Tacar ( Chelonia ). Do. 3225. [ 1 7 7 1 J Toon {Cedrela Toona). Do. 3226. [1772] Chump {Magnolia'). Do. 3227. [1752] Keranee. Do. 3228. [1751] Boheeleear. Do. WOODS FROM CHOTA NAGPORE. A numerous collection, embracing some good specimens, has been forwarded. The following are exhibited: — 3229. [7576] Dhan Dhauta. Hard white timber. 3230. [7575] Dhela Kata. Hard yellow timber. 3231. [7594] Siris ( Mimosa Serisa). Hard light-brown timber. 3232. [102 1 7] Sisa {Dalbergia Sisoo). Hard brown timber. 3233. [102x6] Sal Sakhna ( Shorea ro- busta). Hard brown timber. 3234. [7541] Belunnan. Hard brown timber. 3235. [7582] Dhatnan ( Grewia sp.) 3236. [7535] Asan ( Terminalia alata- tomentosa). Hard brown timber. 3237. [7577] Pindar (Greivia nudi flora). Hard white timber. 3238. [102 1 9] Grora. 3239. [10244] Tun ( Cedrela Toona). 3240. [1022 1 ] Nauclea cordifolia, Phi- libeet. Central Committee, Allahabad. 3241. [10222] Usyna, Do. Do. 3242. [10223] Kame, Do. Do. 3243. [10224] Toon ( Cedrela Toona), Do. Do. 3244. [10225] Saul ( Shorea robusta), Do. Do. 3245. [10226] Sissoo ( Dalbergia Sisoo), Do. Do. 3246. [10236] Kutha ( Acacia Catechu), Shahj ehanpore. 3247. [1221] Indian rosewood ( Dal- bergia sp.), Jhansee. 3248. [1222] Thurdai, Do. 3249. [7239] Mahogany ( Siuietenia Ma- hagoni) grown in Calcutta. C. Lazarus, Esq. 3250. [748] Bamboo ( Bambusa arundi- nacea). 3251. [749] Do. Do. The collection of woods from Oude, amongst others *, comprises the following : — 3252. [7527] Neem ( Melia azedirachta), Lucknow. Plentifully in Oude. 3253. [7523] Peepul ( Ficus religiosa), Lucknow. In various parts of Oude. 3254. [7530] Mulseree ( Mimusops elengi), Lucknow. In various parts of Oude : not extensively. 3255. [7517] Toon ( Cedrela Toona), Lucknow. Spontaneously in the northern parts of Oude. It is considered the best for furniture of a high polish. * Deposited at the India Museum, on account of want of space. ( 156 ) Class IV. — North-East Gallery. 3256. [ 7526 ] Bahera ( Terminalia hel- lerica), Lucknow. Grows spontaneously in the Taraee. Not a very large tree : used for all purposes. From its fruit blacking is made. 3257. [ 7516 ] Jamun ( Eugenia jambo- lana), Lucknow. All over Oude. This is a large-sized tree, and bears a black astringent small fruit, about the size of a large olive, which the natives eat. Used for various kinds of wood- work. 3258. [ 7529 ] Asna or Asan ( Terminalia tomentosa), Lucknow. Spontaneously in the Taraee jungles. Considered du- rable and elastic for many purposes ; preferable to sAl. 3259. [ 7525 ] Aum ( Mangifera indica), Lucknow. Cultivated extensively in Oude. 3260. [ 7524 ] Kaitha ( Feronia elephan- tum), Lucknow. In various parts of Oude, not extensively. The fruit of this tree is used for the same purposes with that of Mgle. marmelus ; but the latter is preferable. 3261. [ 7528 ] Bael (jEyle mai'melos), Lucknow. All parts of Oude, extensively. The fruit of this tree is extensively used dry in powder, and also for making shurbut for bowel complaints. 3262. [ 7518 ] Bair ( Zizyphus Jujuba), Lucknow and various parts of Oude. Used principally for making nativo dogs. 3263. [ 7522 ] Arar ( Ailanthus excelsa), Lucknow. Extensively all over Oude. The principal use made of this wood is for sword scabbards. 3264. [ 75 x 3 ] Gooler ( Ficus ylomerata), Lucknow. All over Oude. For furniture. From this tree some of the lac of commerce is gathered: tho fruit is eaten by natives. 3265. [ 7519 ] Mhowah {Bassia latifolia), Lucknow. All over Oude in groves. From tho seeds oil is ex- tracted, and from the fruits or flowers spirits are distilled. 3266. [ 7532 ] Saul ( Shorea robusta), Midnapore. Of the collection from the Punjab* the following specimens are exhibited : — 3268. [ 3729 ] Walnut wood, Melira Forest, near Abbottabad, Hazara. 3269. [ 3730 ] Toon wood ( Cedrela Toona), Do. 3270. [ 3740 ] Buroongi, Do. An evergreen oak bearing acorns, leaves of young plant like those of tho holly ; a varioty of oak, Quercus ( Quercus Hex'). 3271. [ 3741 ] Umloke, Mehra Forest, near Abbottabad, Hazara. 3272. [ 3742 J Mulberry, Do. 3273. [ 3743 ] Loon, Do. Apparently a species of wild pear. 3274. [ 3744 ] Kungur or Kukker, Mehra Forest, near Abbottabad, Hazara. A species of toon. 3275. [ 3745 ] Deodar ( Cedrus De.oda,ra), Mehra Forest, near Abbottabad, Hazara. 3276. [ 3746 ] Do. Do. From Chittagong, as under : — 3277. [ 563 ] Toon ( Cedrela Toona). 3278. [ 564 ] Chuckwah. 3279. [ 565 ] Tazeboil. 3280. [ 566 ] Loehah. 3281. [ 567 ] Chuckrassee ( Chickrassia tabularis). 3282. [ 568 ] Gootgooteah. 3283. [ 569 ] Kandeb. 3284. [ 570 ] Jarrool ( Lagerstrcemia re- cjina). 3285. [ 571 ] Gamar. 3286. [ 572 ] Chaplass. Forwarded by the Central Committee, Chittagong. 3267. [ 7514 ] Sakhoo (do.), Lucknow. Spontaneously and extensively in the Taraee. This is the timber generally used for building purposes, bridges, &e. ; is durable, and is considered the best for such works. * A series of small specimens of timber in tho form of a round table, forwarded from Umritsur, has lost its value in consequence of the labels on the individual pieces having in many instances become so damaged as to be illegible. ( 157 ) m 2 Class IV. — India. The following are representatives from the collection from Arracan, forwarded through the Local Committee at Akyab 3287. [9118] Kashy (Erythina indica), Akyab. A strong wood, used as floor and wall -planking. It grows to a large size, and is procurable in the Sandoway district. 3288. [9119] Thykadah {Erythina), Akyab. Used for making bangliies, also for boxes. This tree grows to a large size, and is procurable throughout the province. 3289. [9158] Tahoot, Akyab. For making bangliies, and other fine work. It grows to a moderate size, but is not very plentiful. 3290. [9159] Toung-gangan, Akyab. Sometimes used for planks. It grows to a large size, and is not very plentiful. 3291. [9144] Ka-moung, Akyab. Used for planks, posts, &c. Grows to a large size, and is plentiful. 3292 [9145] Pya, ironwood {Inga xylo- carpa ?), Akyab. Used in making rice mills. Grows to a moderate size, and is plentiful in Sandoway and Eamree districts. 3293. [9157] Thenganet (Tilsa), Akyab. A very good wood, used for work of all kinds. Grows to a large size, and is very plentiful in the Akyab and Ramree districts. 3294. [9121] Phathan ( Bignonia stipu- lata), Akyab. Used by natives for bows &c. It is a moderate-sized tree, very plentiful in the province. 3295. [9122] Bamaw, Akyab. 3296. [9123] Khoongho {Dipterocarpus sp.), Akyab. Used for making oars for boats, and sometimes in house- building. It grows to a large size, and is plentiful in the Sandoway district. Specimens of timber furnished by the Superintendent of the Gun-carriage Manu- factory, Madras. Col. J. Maitland. 3297. [2501] Pegu teak {Tectona gran- dis). Colour light brown. Grain straight and open. Free from knots. Uses. — For all parts of light field carriages (except the beams) ; waggons and their limbers (except poles and splinter bars), as well as heavy field and garrison ( u carriages, garrison traversing platforms, and gun and mortar .platforms, and all parts of heavy and light mortar carts ; store carts (with the exception of poles and splinter bars); platform line and water carts; gins and wheel work ; heavy and light field ammunition boxes ; transport carriages and limbers, and furniture work. 3298. [2502] Saul {Shorea robusta). Strong coarse-grained timber. Colour both white and dirty whitish-brown. The white is the better of the two. The grain is often short and cross, and contains little or no fibre ; is liable to expand and contract ; contains a good deal of acid. Uses. — For beams of gun and howitzer carriages; light field axle-eases of all kinds ; all parts of carts ; transport carriage cheeks ; handspikes of all sorts ; perches of wag- gons, poles, short perches, braces, framing and splinter- bars of limbers ; gun and waggon, and framing of all carts. 3299. [2503] Peddowk {Pterocarpus dalbergioides). A good strong wood ; colour deep, and pale red. The pale is the lighter of the two, but the red is the stronger ; it has an aromatic smell, and is slightly pungent to the taste, and when steeped in water imparts a deep indigo tinge to it. Uses. — For light field beams, cheeks, axle-cases, perches, poles, limber-framing, waggon-perches, and framing; heavy field-cheeks, transoms, axle-cases, handspikes, poles, braces, framing, &c. All parts of garrison carriages, gar- rison traversing platforms, as well as gun and mortar platforms ; transport carriages and limbers, and cart work of all sorts ; wheels, heavy and light field. 3300. [2504] Peemah {Lagerstrcemia regina). A light tough straight-grained wood. Colour pale red. Uses . — For light field-cheeks, felloes, and cart naves ; framing and boards of waggons, limbers, and platform- carts, and ammunition box-boards, and heavy field-cheeks. 3301. [2505] Trineomallie {Berrya am- monilla). A good sti'ong close-grained reddish-coloured wood. Uses. — For light field splinter bars, poles, pole rests, waggon handspikes, wheel-props, &c. ; heavy field-poles, handspikes, splinter-bars, pole-rests, garrison carriage handspikes, poles of carts, sick cart framing, spokes, yokes, &c. ; and shafts. 3302. [2506] Satin {Cldoroxylon Swie- tenia). A strong curly-grained wood ; its colour is whitish or yellow. Use. — For naves. 3303. [2507] Rose ( Dalbergia latifolia). A strong fibrous and close-grained wood ; its colour is good purple, mottled with whitish veins. This wood is also called black wood. Uses. — For light field-beams, cheeks, axle-cases, braces, perches, poles, splinter-bars, waggon-perches and framing, spokes and felloes. 3304. [2508] Peengandoo {Inga xylo- caipa). A very heavy hard close-grained wood ; it is of a reddish-brown colour, and of a brittle nature. It is also called iron wood. i8 ) Class IV. — North-East Gallery . Uses. — Poles, axle-cases, and braces for transport lim- bers ; poles and jokes for water-carts ; cheeks, axle-cases for transport carriages ; light mortar-carts. 3305. [2509] Chittagong ( Ghickrassia tabularis). A pale red-coloured light wood; it is rather soft, and some of it beautifully veined, somewhat resembling ma- hogany, and is susceptible of a high polish. Uses. — Plane-tables and furniture work. 3306. [2510] Model or Putchavettoo ( Nauclea cordifolia). This wood is close-grained and soft, resembling the box in colour and texture ; lighter, and easily worked ; not durable ; will not stand the alternations of dryness and moisture. Uses. — A good w r ood for model work. 3307. [2511] Paula ( Mimusops hexan- clra). A very fine close-grained heavy wood, hard and very brittle, colour chocolate. Uses. — For rulers, knobs, handles of tools, such as chisels, &c., and other articles of turnery. 3308. [2512] Thumbagum (Vatica tam- buggaia). A very strong, close-grained, splintery heavy wood. The tree yields dammer resin. Uses . — It was tried in the arsenal, Fort St. George, for fuzes, some time ago. 3309. [2513] Malavemboo ( Melia aze- daraeh). A light wood, colour reddish brown. Use . — Will answer for boxes. 3310. [2514] Ebony (Dlospy, os ebe- naster). Hard, brittle, and heavy, and takes a high polish. Use . — For ornamental work. 3311. [2515] Congo. Colour brown, grain straight and not fine. Use . — For fuzes. TABLE SHOWING THE RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTS BY COLONEL MAITLAND ON THE WOODS UNDERNOTEI). Names op Timbers Breaking Weight in tes'itng Ex- perimental Pieces, each 3 FT. LONG AND D IN. SQUARE Average Deflection Calculated FROM A Series of Experi- ments Period of Season- ing in Log Period of Seasoning in Half-Wroughts Specific Gravity Obtained by Ap- proxima- tion Sources from whence OBTAINED lbs. inch yrs. lbs. Pegu Teak . . 702 to 1000 •4 to 1-3 5 to 6 18 months for the larger 41 Rurmah component parts, 12 months for the smaller Saul .... 627 to 1187 •4 to U8 6 3 years for larger com- 56 Cuttack, Bengal Pro- ponent. parts, 2 years for vinees, and Burmah the smaller Peddowk . . 739 to 1336 •6 to 1-5 5 to 6 2 to 3 years for the 56-6 Burmah larger component parts, 18 months for the smaller Peemah . . . 664 to 888 •5 to 1-5 2 1 to 2 years . 36-25 Burmah Rose .... 888 to 1187 •4 to 1-5 3 18 months 505 Annaniullay forests Trincomailee . 739 to 1224 •5 to Do 2 12 do. 50 Ceylon Satin .... 739 to 1262 ■0 to 1-7 3 6 do ... 60-75 Ceylon and Southern India Thumbagum . 1075 to 1187 •4 to 1-4 67 75 Southern India Peengaudoo 702 to 1064 •3 to 1-8 5 1 to 2 years 58-6 Burmah Chittagong . . 2 6 to 12 months 31 Annamullay forests Model or Put- 1 6 months 42 Annamullay forests chavettoo and Malabar coast Ebony . . . 3 12 months . 75 Ceylon and Southern India Malavemboo . Annamullay forests Congo . . . H 6 months 59 Malabar coast Paula . . . 2 12 do. 72 Southern India WOODS OF SOUTH CANARA. EXHIBITED BY V. r. COELIIO, ESQ. 3312. [140] Sandal wood ( Santalum album). 3313. [ 14 1 ] Savagani or Teak ( Tedona gvandis). 3314. [142] Halsu or Jack (Artocarjpus integrifolia). 3315. [143] Kebal.su or Wild Jack (Arto- carpus incisa). 3316. [144] Bengha. ( 159 ) Class IV. — India , 3317. [145] Bou. Strong wood used for building purposes. 3318. [146] Bannapoo ( Guettarda spe- ciosa). A strong wood employed for building. 3319. [147] Terruvah. Strong and useful for building purposes. 3320. [148] Marava ( Terminalia alata). Strong and useful building timber. 3321. [149] Jembu Nerlu. 3322. [150] Votte Kully. 3323. [151] Tamarind ( Tamarindus in- dica). 3324. [152] Uru Sampige ( Michelia champaca). 3325. [153] Kaddi Sampige. 3326. [154] Daddalu. 3327. [155] Torenha or Pumbilo. 3328. [156] Kalu boghe. 3329. [157] Pattu bage. 3330. [158] Shore Kane. Used in boat-building and for spars. 3331. [159] Uru Hone. Used for making boats. 3332. [160] Mango ( Mangifera indica). 3333. [ 1 6 1 ] Jarrige. 3334. [162] Nanne. 3335. [163] Andippu naru. 3336. [164] Cadippilan. Used in the preparation of a dye. 3337. [165] Manjutty. The bark is employed for medicinal purposes. 3338. [166] Purrally. 3339. [167] Nalikai (Emblica officinalis). For making frameworks for wells. Docs not rot in water. 3340. [168] Santamarry. Makes good gunstocks. 3341. [169] Renje. 3342. [170] Page or Gargass. Leaves used instead of sandpaper for polishing wood. 3343. [ 1 7 1 ] Ardalla or gamboge tree ( Garcinia pedunculata). 3344. [172] Cinnamon {Laurus sp.) 3345. [173] Mannadike. 3346. [174] Jungle Geru Kai ( Semecar - pus anacardium). The juice is vesicatory. Nuts employed for marking cloth. 3347. [175] Cashew ( Anacardium occi- dentale ). 3348. [176] Halley. 3349. [177] Tally. A very strong wood for building purposes. 3350. [178] Cocoa nut (Cocos nucifem). 3351. [179] Ivunttal. 3352. [180] Karmara. 3353. [18 1 ] Dhuppa ( Vateria indica'). 3354. [182] Loukatty. 3355. [183] Tarrolly. 3356. [184] Areca nut {Areca catechu). 3357. [185] Blackwood {Dalbergia fron- dosa). 3358. [186] Ebony ( Diospyros mela- noxylon. ) 3359. [187] Jummikai. 3360. [188] Takote Kai. 3361. [7436] Pith of JZschynomene. WOODS FROM MYSORE. {See Tables, pp. 162- 166 ). 3362. [2680] Teak {Tectona grandis), Nuggur Division, Mysore. 3363. [2706] Sandalwood ( Santalum album), Do. 3364. [2707] Do. ( 160 ) Do. Class IV. — North-East Gallery. COLLECTION OF WOODS FROM RANGOON. By Messrs. IIaxliday, Fox, & Co. ,3365. [4754] Iron wood ( Inga xylocarpa). 3366. [2345] Tenassorim mahogany. 3367. [2339] Muniahban. 3368. [2337] Thengan (Hopea odorata). 3369. [2335] Teak ( Tectona grandis). 3370. [2340] Mango ( Mangifera in- dica). 3371. [2336] Ting-daik-nits. 3372. [2338] Ger-doma. The residue of this series, being the same as shown by other exhibitors, and space being limited, are removed to the India Museum, Whitehall. 3373. [9395] Two young Teak trees {Tectona grandis), Pegu. D. Bhandis, Esq. WOODS FROM MOULMEIN. Forwarded by Dr. Graham. 3374. [7618] Thin Gan (Hopea odorata). A very strong durable wood ; used for making canoes. 3375. [10459] Pyen-ka-doe {Inga xylo- carpa). Wood extremely hard ; used for house-posts. 3376. [7619] Ah Nan {Xylocarpus gra- natum). A very strong wood ; used for making gun-stocks and scabbards. 3377. [10460] Toun Phain (Artocarpus echinatus). Used for making boats and carts. 3378. [7620] Bun Boay {Careya ar- borea). A strong durable wood ; used for house-posts. 3379. [7621] Gyoo Tha ( Mellicocca tri- juga). This wood is used for bows, being tough and elastic. 3380. [7622] Oak An. This wood is made into canoes. 3381. [7623] Toting Pain Nai {Artocar- pus echinatus). Fruit edible. Used in house-building. 3382. [7624] Mya-ya-gyee {Grewia flo- ribunda). Made into any common house-building material. 3383. [7625] Fonk-sha-gyee ( Vitex ar- borea). Fruit eaten. The wood is used for any common purpose. 3384. [10461] Khan Tha. This wood is made into any house-building material. 3385. [10462] Myouk Ngo, Moulmein lance wood. Ditto. 3386. [10463] Tsouk Yo (Dalbergia ovata). A tough wood ; much used for tool handles. 3387. [7626] Mohmagah (Galex sp.). Used in common purposes of building. 3388. [10496] Thau Thet Ngai (Bigno- nia sp.) Ditto. 3389. [7691] Goay-pin-gyee (Adenan- thera pavonina). Ditto ; and also its seed for weight in weighing gold. 3390. [7692] Balawa (Gardnia speci- osa). Ditto. 3391. [7627] Yee Pyee {Phyllanthus emblica). Ditto. 3392. [10464] Setphan. Ditto. 3393. [7628] Goay Tha. Ditto. 3394. [7629] Bom Mai Za (Inga sp.) Wood hard. Used for making musical instruments. 3395. [7630] Thet Ya {Gordonia flori- bunda). This wood is made use of for ordinary house-building purposes. 3396. [10465] Dedoap Tha. Ditto. 3397. [7631] Ka Nat Tha. Ditto. ( 161 ) Class IV. — India. Pm O m ft co W ft o Pm ft hM H VrM O ft Pm co ft O O ft ft o CO ■4 w co Pm O g*- ft 9 w g h ft 03 ft ft"’ £5 CO <1 H 7 O aabo c 5 rt « 'S ^ O C £ c ^ o 55 55 O O • -ft r- > - 4 -J 3 &*§ s s 2 § ■ « ft h tt 5 P. P 2 £ ~ S *2 % o o ft ft — o o 17 tj a € s c« ° 3 — « a g M p of o rt ~ .3 5 ~ -h tf S SI c §j e° s 5|?o 3 |o-“ is alslllll .£=B !Sa 'g83S S 3 Ss s og.g | •S 20 jou .io ju^punqu jt puu ‘o^q'LMiioojcl Soi poiunbs qSnoj jo ozis aJtuaoAy % m S £ ® & £ £ £ * ^ «M . n|« v v x ^ x i ^ X H '” X X X Pi x PJ O oo r— < CO *“ • r— < ainjo'Bij jo puix Short fibrous Long fibrous Long fibrous Short fibrous Short fibrous jou ao SJO0SUI iCq pa^o'Bj -V> aq Oi jCpqq JaniaqAi No No No No No *&9 'oy ‘paqdde qoiq.w oj sosjq For furniture, is strong, and tough Has great resilience — useful for all pur- poses For carriages, and house building For naves of wheels, oil mills, mallets, rice pounders, &c., excellent for brick and tile burning Furniture of every description uoi^duosaa; Dull brown, close grain Bright brown, long grain, rather open Light reddish brown . and with minute cavities, filled with secretion Heartwood is red and black, streak- ed ; close-grained, knotty Black, and streaked red, like rosewood, rather open grain 2CjiAX}.t3 oyxoadg »o co -•* $3 co rft t- o 2J — 1 Ci Cl O CO noijooyop oj'cmijin. O O O O © »0 *0000 C IP O Lp C »P © o Ci cs |NOC3N *F F T* ?' O C> 00 h- Cl CO r-( O O HHOO Hhhh oooo O C O fft •sqi ui jqSieAi ^upt'eaig; PI . CC -f PJ O CPPIC3 ’fNOBJ P M PIN O 00 . UP ft- o O CO CC CC CO CSCCC'P ft C PI Cl ■pio CCip-rf-pl c P IO O PICOrJICO iCCCi® Deflection in Inches and Tenths -# "sqi m OO OOO lp OO O IPO oooo oo cp ;ooa> ; »p o o o ; b- 1- • o • poo O o O Am O O -ft o o oo ’ oooo *sqi 028 OO CO O OO CO OOOO ‘POO O O up o ■*f CO IOtCIOCOIO Tjiipip^ * -t lp CO ^tco»t-ti o o ooooo OOOO OOO oooo ™ - sqi 8Et. O O ft- >P O O O IPOOO (BO O fl OIPOO PI PI CO PI -rtl PI CO CO PI CO PI CO PI PI CO PI o o ooooo oooo oooo oooo - ‘sqt 9b t OO ft-OlOO© IP OOO PIOOO Oft- >P o i-H rM-HOlPICI o—l PI -ft — — PI— < oo ooooo oooo oooo oooo suauipadg JO *0j^ | t-H CM r-MC^CO^O H r-< PI CP Tt ^ P< CP Ti< A sg Is ft ft Wft ft ft w ft o CO H ft ft co ft ft ft O H A pq '?. pq ft ft CO p A 3 qsi-j in -o>j a 9 ft CO .10 quins; ( 162 ) Ja 3 P. | a -Cm R& Class IV. — India. REMARKS This is one of the woods used as sleepers in the South Western Railway No. 1 bad specimen No. 2 cracked at 462 lbs., and broke after sustaining the weight one minute A large tree, which the lac insect attacks ; the shellac of commerce is procured from it No. 1 cracked at 406 lbs. : very abundant everywhere No. 1 cracked at 550 lbs., and snap- ped with that weight after half a minute A large tree, the timber is hard, durable, and in great demand The bark is astringent, and used for dyeing black No. 1 broke in two suddenly No. 2 snapped short in two, after sustaining weight for a few se- conds No. 3 Do. Do. N.B. — The Nuggur teak appears not to be so good as that of the Mysore and Malabar forests. Sometimes timber of much larger scantling is procurable, but seldom longer 3011 .io junpunq-e ji pin? ‘aiqumoaid Sox paxenhs qSnoj jo azis aSujaAy « ip 1 ii 1 ip 2 x * £ * £ X ** XX X X r-H X 0 QO 0 ajujouaj jo puiAi Long, and ra- ther splint- ery Splintery Short Rather splint- ery Long Splintery jou .10 sjaasui ifq pa^ouj -ye aq oj XiaJiii .xaqjaqAV. No No No No No No •D5J -oiy ‘pajiclthj ipiqAv oq sasfl. Polishes well, is used for house building, and furniture, &c. Furniture ; polishes and turns well, useful for the cabi- net maker ; and would do for ve- neering Strong useful wood for a variety of purposes House building ; bears a good trans- verse strain ; a wood much es- teemed for all rail- way purposes Furniture, shafts, plough heads and knees, and crooked timbers in ship building ; and rail- way sleepers Ship building, house ditto, furniture, &c. &c. uoijduosaQ Greenish brown, dull, close grain Light, mottled brown ; long re- gular grain Light yellow ; long fibrous grain Dark brown ; open grain Dull dark chocolate brown ,with orange tint ; close grain Light brown, open grain XqiABjS oijioads 907 657 689 892 934 684 uojioogap apsurpHn 0*70 1-00 1*20 1-00 0*70 1 * io 0T0 0-70 0-70 0*80 0-70 0*50 ■sqi ui jqSiaA\ SupTBajg; § 11 11 1111 1 1 mu Deflection in Inches and Tenths -sqi Z9f 1 : S 1 = Sill : : CO *sqi os § g g 8 8 8838 8 § ggg . O OO OO OOOO OO OOO** -sqi 885 8 § 8 88 8888 8 8 ???§? 6 OO OO OOOO OO 6 6 6 6 6 rn -sqi 951 2 S 2 8 S 2 S © OO 66 6666 66 66666 suaraioadg jo *o^ r-H >-.rN r—l T-l ©< CO T* t— C* HNCO^lO NAMES OF WOOD Can. Nowladdi | Can. Haudiga f Can. Jfilari .... \ Tam. Talura .... ( Lat. Vatica laccifera . Can. Kurraymutti . Turn. Kurray Maradah. Lai. Terminalia tomentosa . Tel. Muddie .... (Can. Jambay . J Tam. Erool .... 1 Lat. Inga xylocarpa l Tel. Ezoovaloo ( Can. Sag wan . J Tam. Theke Marums . | Lat. Toctona grandis . [ Tel. Teka .... isn > 1 ’ 'ON XII xm XIV XV XVI xvn jaqumK g: 8" s’ 8 f jf O O' O' O' O' 1409 3410 3411 3412 3413 3414 ( 164 ) but ii Class IV. — North-East Gallery. be

> p r -3 A 3 ^ © A >> -P co © . t>>£> ^ a «, Ifj'gSS '-‘5 ll'S u £• .p © P o £ CO ^ cl, Qj .2 ‘Ci -P C fj p r— “ (—2 "g "S’" P 2 «§a o^s-aW s : .52 d t>i .52 o .2 ^ - od Td 3 be P o Si S B ^*3 9 p > l! -’ r 3 A 3 £ e a nd +j © to o ° « a O +^ ' Jz; - 0) a >» § p 2 . P * O «« t£j Cl §1 • c ^ .' © © ' >~>rC ps ^ p © ■go 2 d § i; S a rt a a o a a^ a o oo ora og_ g oj so 03 ,a 4 ■ © CO t>>ce< p -- 1 ? 0r u t ^ H 0 .3 S cJ O m H ' O 0 ) fe p JfcJ , «ra 0 p co ; © Si OAO £ M !=3 o <0 -p m ’■^ A ci 0) -p O ©a 3 fs^Ki {5 oH,o 03 1 £ - 1 5 ® ^rpto^ o '£ P o 2 « « S §8 aa g 5 f Sa '3 ” --I 'o .^! © A 3 ■£> ;> j© P £.ag '§4 2 |S'S m 5 |opq c --g§ 1 a sp^aoo §o^t- r s§!^s 0 . 3 .S aas b 5 ? ft » .H M xl o 3 - © o p rt 40 co 7 * S o A3 , ~,d 3 ^3 d o o ^ hn o 2 dp p, ^’g'C^ 2 ) Sg®|g o^ * 0 ^ 05 ass !Z3 m Yes, very Yes Very Very Very © t> Yes Yes «|M HI? H|« Hii H|M •ClA X X «e)M X Oi H|C< X CM H|Ci CO X »o X H|» X 0 X «|M X as X »o X 0 X CM & © 1 .S a a^ §•2 a •S “ tA , o td • M 2 CQ gj CO © O 0 © £ K -1 {z; ^5 kH JSgS a & b ?? S 8 a ^ p a -p ■ S i , sll! 03 © cd 'd ^5 § 25 §i a »h d 0 5 iPllj tSaah^ i S P s S s fa a SP ; p s 1 o 2 p P p g I § -p 1 | ■s % p O -p S -p 1 ^ 3 . oaa & If 3 «a 5 ro ^ :?. 1 . 0-3 1 §■* rf-8 t'l Em A S 3 3 ci 55 0 S is oVS l&fl be p oe Very © a p © £ c3 11 4J -e P | 5 ^5 2 |? 1 T3 O © p a ^ I A3 0 50 Jj 1 S a 2 3 ^ 0D 11 ■|i s £fe| III Q p ^ '■p a Browi close grain © O © 2 0 SSs 2 043 © > n-t -p.g »p ^ be p -P ■ P 50 £ & § 1 iS g J ® | =3 0.3 «s > cr co p: |f|f-§ ^ 5 sees OOOO OOOO ic 10 IC o H-^riH OOOO OOOt- H n rH IN 0000 O 10 o (NHCp OOO g o •||| a H a s5 2° P 1*3 © c 3 fca bo 0 m 2 3 vrj 3 ”aa e S ,2 ^ t e d O Sn S 5 m ( 165 ) Class IV. — India. REMARKS No. 2 snapped in two like a carrot No. 3 do. after one minute’s suspension No. 4 the last two lbs. caused it to snap like tlie others With 182 lbs. No. 1 deflected much, but it broke nearly through after sustaining the weight (238 lbs.), and remained so, kept together by its stringy fibres, with a de- flection of three inches. This tree produces the cocoa nut oil and fibre of commerce ; the leaves are used for thatching houses ; Toddy is also extracted Neither specimen good Apparently a very excellent wood jou jo ‘junpunqu jt pu^ l 0 {qsjnoojd Soi pa.rmibs qSnoj jo azis aSuaaAy '0 Z 8 . * » ~ h* 8 8 *, x !« H x XX X 3 S 2 ainicnjjj jo purx "V ery splint- ery and brit- tle Very fibrous Splintery Straight, short, fibrous C|OU JO SC)08SUI Aq p93[OBC| •ye oq oj jEissrI JaquaqAV Yes Yes No No Yes •OTjf -oiy ‘patlddii ipiqAt oq sas£L Polishes well, re- sembles box wood, and is good for turning ; cracks and warps ; is light and durable if kept from wet Ridge poles for tem- porary roofs, aque- ducts, &c. &c. Furniture UOIldUOSOQ Dull yellow, close short grain Light speckled, something like a nutmeg in the sec- tion ; pithy Handsome red, ra- ther open grain, but it warps and cracks Light, close even grain A'jiAtua oijioods 581 747 1200 uoxjoagap ajuunjixi gg££ SSSS g Sg onio bbbb b bb •sqi ui jqSi3A\ Sui^ajg; Ills Ills : 1 II Deflection in Inches and Tenths *sqi Zi)f :::: :::: : : |g m - sqi OfiS .... •• W ^ * ■ * • © * * © 6 (n *sqi 885 g§£g gggg g S S§ bbbb bbbb bb bb r- *sqi 951 ggS.2 g g S2 COCO COCO © © CO suoinioady jo 'o^j | hoico^ im co •-< c* -n qsn HI -ON £‘rl isi iSSgg m a i ^ jiS I Deflection in inches *4# r-f<> (N CO « Tji rj> c c i — i Weight Suspended in lbs. 1II11I11 II Scantling i 7 t 1 1 1 1 w w jaqumfl; { 1(56 ) Class IV. — North-East Gallery. WOODS FROM BURMAH. The following numbers from 3428 to 3540, embracing 112 samples of wood, are the excellent collection of Du. D. Brandis, Superintendent of Forests in the Pegu , Tenasservm, and Martaban provinces. O 3 Average size of full-grown trees on good soil Number Burmese Name Systematic Name op Tiiee C ^ 0 3 .s '55 1 -+-> ci*- 1 Z 0 ?? 8 .S p 0 0 42 1o ° O btg fi Z u Remarks * 3428. [ 10341 ] Zimbjoon . . Dillenia aurea, Sm. . 48 9 20 Abundant in the plains and on the hills. Wood occasionally used in house-building, but mostly for fire- wood. Br. weight 198 lbs. 3429. [ 10342 ] Bjooben . . Dillenia pentagyna, Roxb. 69 6 20 Abundant in the Eng forest (fo- rest of Dipterocarpus grandiflora). Wood hard and strong, used for rice mills 3430. [ 10343 ] Thabyoo . . Dillenia speciosa, Thunb. 41 5 15 On the banks of the mountain streams. Wood not used 3431. [ 10344 ] Thabootkyee . Meliusa velutina, Hf. & Th. 42 5 15 All over the plains. Wood used for the poles of carts and harrows, yokes,- spear-shafts, oars, &e. 3432. [ 10345 ] Lepan . . . Bombax malabaricum, Dc. 28 15 60 The cotton tree, abundant in the plains. Wood light and loose- grained, used for coffins. The cot- ton used for stuffing pillows 3433. [ 10346 ] Let-Khop . . Sterculia fcctida, L. . 33 10 50 Common in the plains and on the hills. Wood not used CO CO 0 1-0 Pinlay Kana- zoe Heritiera sp. . . . 66 56 6 30 Common in the Delta of the Irrawaddy. Wood used for house posts and rafters, and for firewood for the manufacture of salt. The tree is nearly related to the ‘ Soon- dree ’ of Bengal 3435 . [ 10348 ] Petwoon . . Berrya mollis, Wall. . to G 2 7 50 Found on elevated ground. Wood red, much prized for axles, the poles of carts and ploughs ; also used for spear handles 3436. [ 10349 ] Dwa-Nee . . Eriolcena sp. . . . 47 7 50 Trees not uncommon, but not very large. Wood of a beautiful brick-red colour, tough and elastic, used for gun-stocks, paddles, and rice-pounders. A wood well worth attention, the weight being mode- rate 3437. [ 10350 ] Mya-ya . . Grewia microcos, L. . 51 4 10 Found on elevated ground. Wood not used 3438. [ 10351 ] Ka-nyin . . Dipterocarpus alata, Wall. 38 25 100 The wood oil tree of Burmali. The wood decays very fast : used for canoes, which last only from three to four years 3439. [ 1035 a] Eng .... Dipterocarpus gran- diflora, Wall. 55 10 60 This tree forms, in company with a few other kinds, extensive forests which cover upwards of 2,000 square miles in the Province of Pegu. Wood somewhat more du- rable than that of ‘Kanyin’ (No. 3438) : used for canoes, house- posts, planking, &c. 3440. [ 10353 ] Kyau-thoo Dipterocarpus sp. 43 20 80 A large tree found in the hills. Wood used for canoes and cart- wheels * The figures marked ‘ Br. weight ’ denote the weight required to break a piece 4 ft. long, 1 in. square, laid on supports 36 inches apart. These results were obtained by a few preliminary experiments, and are subject to corrections. ( 107 ) Class IV.— India. £ 0 £ Average size of full-grown trees on good soil Number Burmese Name Systematic name of Tree ^ h 0 rC bp 1 -p T7 • ^ C ll 2 sll 43 H © O sgg Remarks 3441. [10354] Thingan . . Hopea odorata, Roxb. 46 12 80 One of the finest timber trees of the country. Found near moun- tain streams and in evergreen fo- rests. Large specimens of this valuable tree are common east of the Sittang river, but rather scarce in the greater part of Pegu. Wood much prized for canoes and cart- wheels. Boats made of this wood are said to last for more than twenty years 3442. [10355] Thingadoe Ilopea sp 52 20 100 Large trees abound in the same localities as the foregoing, but the wood is not equally valued 3443. [10356] Engyin . . . Hopea suava, Wall. . 55 7 60 This valuable tree is found in the Eng forest. Large trees not common in Pegu. Wood tough and hard, .but heavy, used in house- building. for bows, and a variety of other purposes : said to be as dura- ble as teak 3444. [10357] Theya . . . Shorea obtusa, Wall . 57 7 50 In the Eng forest and on the brow of hills in Pegu. Wood va- lued equally with Engyin 3445. [10358] Gangau . . Mesua ferrea, L. . . 69 5 20 Cultivated in Pegu on account of the beauty and fragrance of its flowers, bat wild in Tenasserim. Wood said to be used for furni- ture 3446. [10359] Toung-tha-lay Gareinia cowa, Roxb. 42 6 20 Scattered over the hills. Wood not used 3447. [10360] Tha-ra-phee . Calophyllum sp. ' . . 57 4 20 Wood used for carving images, occasionally for canoes 3448. [10361] Poonyet . . Calophyllum sp. . . 39 12 60 Firewood 3449. [10362] Gyo . . . Scbleichera trijuga, Willd. 70 12 25 One of the heaviest woods known in Burmah, common in the plains as well as on the hills : used for cart-wheels, the teeth of harrows, the pestles of oil mills, &c. 3450. [10363] Tsheik-khyee . Sapindus sp. . . . 66 6 40 Found on the hills and in the forests skirting them. Wood prized for house-posts, ploughs, &c. Colour grey, with a beautifully mottled grain 3451. [10364] Pinlay-oong . Xylocarpus granatum, Koen. 47 7 20 In the forests of the Delta. Wood used for house-posts and musket-stocks 3452. [10365] Thit-kadoe Cedrela toona, Roxb. 28 8 40 On the hills and in the plains, plentiful in some districts. If not identical with the Toon of Bengal, certainly, nearly related to it 3453. [10366] Yimma . . Chickrassia tabularis, Juss. ? 24 8 80 Scattered throughout the forests on elevated ground, large trees scarce. Either identical with ‘ Chittagong wood ’ or nearly re- lated to it 3454. [10367] Boomayza . . Albizzia stipulata, Boiv. 66 9 30 Common throughout the forests on elevated ground ; heartwood brown, beautifully streaked, but rather small, the sap wood being very large. Much prized for cart- wheels, also used for the bells of cattle ( 168 ) Class IV. — North-East Gallery. £ '£ Average size of full-grown trees on good soil Number Burmese Name Systematic Name of Tree 0 •'-* 1 * . “7- 3 p a « a t ? s •a b p cs an CM O O til 1-1 3.0 Remarks 3455. [ 10368 ] Seet .... Albizzia alata . . . 42 to 10 40 Abundant throughout the coun- 345C. [ 10369 ] Sha .... Acacia catechu, L. 55 56 6 20 try in the plains, particularly near the banks of rivers. This wood may at a future time become an important article of trade. 4’ he heartwood is strong and durable, and less heavy than that of most trees of the same family. The only drawback is, that the propor- tion of sapwood is large. Used by the Burmans for bridges and house- posts. Br. weight 250 lbs. Common all over the plains and 3457. [ 10370 ] Sha .... var. a. Acacia catechu, L. 70 6 20 scattered over the hills. Immense numbers of these trees are annu- 3458. f 10771 ] I5oay-gyin . . var. b. Bauhinia malabarica, 42 4 15 ally cut down and made use of for the extraction of cutch. The wood is considered more durable than teak, and is used for house-posts, spear and sword handles, bows, &c. There are several varieties, differing in shade, specific weight, and yield of cutch Common in the plains. Wood 3459. [103721 Hpa-lan . . Roxb. Bauhinia racemosa, 44 3 10 used for the cross pieces of harrows, house posts, &c. Resembles No. 3458 3460. [ 10377 ] Gnoo-sliwoay . Lam. Cafhartocarpus fistu- 66 4 15 Common in the plains and on the 3461. [ 10374 ] Gnoo-gyee la, L. Cassia sp 57 4 15 hills. Wood used for bows, axles of carts, &c. Same as No. 3460 3462. [ 10773 ] May-za-lee Cassia florida . . . 58 6 15 Cultivated. Heartwood almost 3463. f 10776 ] Yin-dike . . Dalbergia sp. . . . 64 9 35 black: used for helves, walking- sticks, mallets, &c. Common in the plains and on 3464. [107771 Pynkado . . Inga xylocarpa, L. . 60 to 9 50 thp hills. A kind of black wood well worth notice. The sapwood of this tree decays rapidly, but the heart- wood is extremely durable ; it is black, sometimes with white and red streaks, clastic, but full of na- tural cracks. Used for ploughs, bows, handles of dahs and spears. There are probably two kinds in the country A magnificent tree, abundant 3465. [ 10378 ] Thitpouk . . Leguminosae . . . 66 35 4 20 throughout the forests on and near the hills. The Ironwood of Pegu. The sapwood is attacked by white ants, and decays easily, but is very small in large trees. The heart- wood of full-grown trees is said to last as long as teak. This wood would be invaluable if it were not for its weight. Used for house and bridge posts, ploughs, boat-anchors, in the construction of carts, and for other purposes A light wood, not much used ( 169 ) Class IV. — India. +3 O O O ? Average size of full-grown trees on good soil Number Burmese Name Systematic Name of Tree xs, 0 -3 -M § $ . 43 % c3 £ s Sit -g g s s U ° O li| s g S h-3 +3 43 Remarks 3466. [ 10379 ] Padouk . . . Pt.erocarpus dalbergi- oides 60 9 35 Trees of the largest size, of this strong and beautiful timber, abound in the forests east of the Sitang river, also in the valley of the Sal- ween river, and its tributaries, the Thoungyeen, Yoonzalen, Hline- boay, Houndraw, and Attaran. Much less frequent in Pegu, and entirely wanting in some districts. Wood prized beyond all others for cart-wheels. The trees are felled green, and are split up into short planks, 3 ft, 6 in. long, 2 ft, wide, and 9 in. thick. Three of these pieces make one wheel, and a pair is sold on the spot, in the forests of the Prome district, at from 12 to 25 Rs. The wood is extensively used in the gun-carriage manufac- tories in India 3467. [ 10380 ] Kokoli . . . Albizzia sp. . . 48 12 60 In the northern districts of Pegu, on and near the hills. The wood is valued by the natives as much as Padouk (No. 3466), or even more so. It is used for cart-wheels, oil- presses, and canoes. In the Prome district, a special tax was levied on the felling of ‘Kokoh’ and ‘Pa- douk’ under the Burmese rule. Large trees are becoming very scarce in the Irrawaddy valley, but are not uncommon in the Toungoo district. 3468. [ 10381 ] Thinwin . . Pongamia sp. . . . 60 6 20 Not uncommon in the dry forest, in the plains, and on the hills. The heartwood, which is black and tough, but rather small, is used for the cross pieces of Burmese har- rows, the teeth being made of Sha (No. 3456), Myoukkhyau (No. 3485), and Gjo (3449) 3469. [ 10382 ] Poukthenma- myek-kyouk Leguminosse . . . 58 ,. 5 15 A light-coloured, close-grained wood, much prized by Burmans 3470. [ 10383 ] Tounkatseet . Leguminosoe . . . 45 10 50 Not uncommon on the hills. Wood used for canoes 3471. [ 10384 ] Thitsee . . . Melanorhoea usitatis- sima, Wall. . . . 54 9 30 The varnish-tree of Burmah. Rare in the Irrawaddy valley, com- mon in the forests east of the 8 >i- tang river, particularly south-east of Sitang Town. Wood dark red, hard and close-grained; used by the Burmese for the stocks of their wooden anchors, tool helves, &c. 3472. [ 10385 ] Khyong-yook . Garuga pinnata, Roxb. 52 9 40 Tree rather common in plains, and on the hills. Wood not much used 3473. [ 10386 ] Nabliay . . Odina wodier . . . 65 12 50 Tree rather common on the hills. Heartwood red, used for sheaths of swords, spear-handles, oil-presses, and ricc-pouuders 3474. [ 103 S 7 ] Titseim . . Terminalia bellerica, Roxb. 40 12 so Commonthroughout Pegu. Wood not used 3475. [ 10388 ] Pangah . . Terminalia chebnla, Retz. 53 12 80 Common on the hills. A valuable wood, used for yokes and canoes ; heartwood yellowish brown ( 170 ) Class IV. — North-East Gallery. Number Burmese Name Systematic Name of Tree 3476. [ 10389 ] Lein .... Terminalia bialata, Roxb. 3477. [ 10390 ] Htoukgyan . Terminalia macrocar- pa 3478. [ 10391 ] Yoong . . . Conocarpus acumina- tus 3479. [ 10392 ] Bambouay . . Careya arborea,Roxb. var. a. (dark) 3480. [ 10393 ] Bambouay Careya arborea, Roxb. var. b. (light) 3481. [ 10394 ] Thabyehgjo . Eugenia obtusifolia, Roxb. 3482. [ 10395 ] Tliabyehgyin . Eugenia cerasoides, Roxb. 3483. [ 10396 ] Thabyeht ha- pan Eugenia, sp. ... 3484. [ 10397 ] Thabyehgah . Eugenia earyophyllse- folia, Roxb. 3485. [ 10398 ] Myouk-kyau . Blaekwellia tomento- sa, Vent. 3486. [ 10399 J Laizali . . . Lagerstroemia pubes- cens, Wall. 3487. [ 10400 ] Thitpyoo . . Lagerstrcemia sp. 3488. [ 10401 ] Pyimma . . Do. Regina, Roxb. var. a. wood light red 3489. [ 10402 ] Pyimma . . Do. Regina, var. b. wood dark red 3490. [ 10403 ] Tsambelay Do. parviflora, Wall. 3491. [ 10404 ] iViyoukgnau . D u abanga grandiflora, Wall. 3492. [ 10405 ] Hnau . . . Nauclea cordifolia, Roxb. 3493. [ 10406 ] Bingah . . Nauclea diversifolia, Wall. O -S rC Average size of full-grown trees on good soil a eo 5 ■H b o ogi 39 12 80 Common. Remarks Wood not used 58 50 to 57 55 55 12 12 9 9 80 80 20 20 One of the largest trees in Pegu, very common, and the stems of very- regular shape. Heartwood dark brown. Used for house-posts and planking Almost equal to the preceding, in size and the regular growth of its stem. Wood reddish brown, hard and strong. Br. weight 226 lbs. Note. — If it were not for their weight, Nos. 3473, 3475, 3477, and 3478 would be most valuable for furniture Common throughout the country. Wood used for gun-stocks, house- posts, planks, &c. Same as foregoing 48 51 50 56 9 9 9 6 20 ' 40 30 20 y The different kinds of Thabyeh have a hard, red-coloured wood, but not straight-grained, and sup- posed to be brittle. The stems are occasionally used for canoes, espe- cially those of Thabyehgah. Br. weight of the Thabyehgah, 254 lbs. 56 53 6 12 30 to 38 12 37 12 44 12 40 5 70 100 80 30 30 15 Wood tough, of a light yellow colour, used for the teeth of harrows A very large tree, stem not al- ways perfectly round, inclined to form buttresses. Timber valued for bows and spear handles, also used for canoes and cart-wheels A light but comparatively strong wood, colour white and pinkish, probably a valuable wood for fur- niture. Used for planking. Br. weight 153 to 179 lbs. A splendid tree, abundant throughout the country. Wood used more extensively than any other, except teak : used generally for the fittings of boats, sometimes for the hulls of canoes, for house- posts, planking, beams, scantling for roofs, carte, and a variety of other purposes. Large quantities are now employed for ordnance purposes. The wood of the light- coloured variety is less heavy, and is said to be less durable Wood not much used 30 12 80 Wood used in house-building 42 10 45 80 Trees large, of regular growth, but not very common. Wood yel- low, rather close-grained, used to make combs — may be expected to prove valuable for furniture 60 Wood of a light yellow colour, not much used, but may be re- commended for furniture Class IV. ( 171 ) N Class IV. — India, 4^ Average size of full-grown trees an good soil Number Burmese Name Systematic Name op Tree Weight of 1 in lbs. G-irth mea- sured at 6 ft. from ground Length of trunk to first branch Remarks 3494. [ 10407 ] Maookadoon . Nauclea cadamba, Wall. 37 23 15 70 Wood of a deep yellow colour, but loose-grained ; recommended for furniture 3495. [ 10408 ] Ma -00 lettan . Nauclea undulata, Wall. to 34 15 100 A soft useless wood, decays in less than a year. Br. weight 80 to 120 lbs. 3496. [ 10409 ] Htein . . . Nauclea parviflora, Eoxb. 43 6 30 Used for planking 3497. [ 10410 ] Hteingalali Nauclea sp. . . . 43 to 56 6 40 Wood of a light chestnut colour, recommended for furniture. Br. weight 208 lbs. 3498. [ 10411 ] Hteinthay Do 35 6 30 Wood not used. Br. weight 170 lbs. 3499. [ 10412 ] Tsaythambyah Gardenia lucida, Eoxb. 49 3 15 A white close-grained wood, apparently well adapted for turn- ing. This wood, like that of seve- ral other species of Gardenia and Kandia, is used for making combs 3500. [ 1041 3 ] Ouk-khyin-za Diospyros sp. . . . 41 9 30 A beautifully white and black mottled wood, used for house-posts 3501. [ 10414 ] Gjoot . . . Do. sp 49 3 15 Wood similar to that of the fore- going, but a much smaller tree. Small quantities of black heart- wood (ebony) are occasionally found near the centre of very old trees of this and another kind nearly related to it (Taybeu) 3502. [ 1041 5 ] Khaboung Strychnos nux vomica, L. 52 3 15 Trees small, but common. Wood close-grained and hard 3503. [ 10416 ] Toung-za-lat . Wrigbtia sp. . . . 55 5 40 A beautiful wood 3504. [ 10417 ] Paet-than . . Spatbodea stipulata, Wall. 48 4 20 U sed for bows and spear handles, also for paddles and oars 3505. [ 10418 ] Tkit-lin-da . Spatbodea sp. . . 63 6 50 A white wood, not much used 3506. [ 10419 ] Tha-khoot-ma Spathodea Eheedii, Spreng 35 7 30 Wood used for yokes and cart poles 3507. [ 10420 ] Than-day . ; Bignonia sp. . . . 33to36 7 30 A light loose-grained wood, not much used. Br. weight 125 lbs. 3508. [ 10421 ] Kyoun-douk . Do 23 2 15 Wood not used 3509. [ 10422 ] Thanat . . . Cordia inyxa, L. . . 33 4 15 Wood soft, not used. Leaves collected extensively, sold for cover leaves for cigars 3510. [ 10423 ] Kjeyoh . . Vitex sp 45 3 15 Wood used for tool handles, much prized, but rather scarce 3511. [ 10424 ] Htouk-ska Vitex leueoxylon, Eoxb. 42 12 30 A large tree very common in the plains. Wood grey, deserves atten- tion for furniture: used for cart- wheels. Br. weight 142 lbs. 3512. [ 10425 ] Kyoon-na-lin . Premna pyramidata, Wall. 52 5 30 Wood strong, used for weaving shuttles. Trees small 3513. [ 10426 ] Kuyon — Teak Tectona grandis, L. . ( 40to51 172 ) 18 90 The best teak forests in British Burmah are on the hills between the Sitang and Irrawaddy rivers, and in the Thoungyen valley ; but even these forests are poor com- pared with the extensive tracts covered with teak-producing forests to the north of the British bound- ary, especially on the feeders of the Sitang and 'Salween rivers, and some of the tributaries of the Mei- nam, or Bankok river. The trees also are, as a rule, much larger, and the shape of the stem more regu- Class IV. — North-East Gallery. £ Average size of full-grown trees on good soil Number Burmese Name Systematic Name op Tree Weight of 1 c in lbs. Girth mea- sured at 6 ft. from ground Length of trunk to first, branch Remarks lar, in the forests of the Burmese empire, the Siamese kingdom, and the Karennee country. The tallest teak tree measured in Pegu was 106 ft, high to the first branch. The strength and density of teak timber vary exceedingly, accord- ing to the locality where the tree is grown. The extremes observed in preliminary experiments were 40 and 50 lbs. per cubic foot, and 190 lbs. to 289 lbs. breaking weight. Teak, when young, grows very ra- pidly. The two stems sent were dug out by me in July 1858, at the Thinganenoung nursery in the Attaran forests. The seed had been sown in March and April 1856. The plants, therefore, were two years and three months old. The largest seedlings had a girth of 13 in. measured one foot from the ground, and of 8 in. at 6 ft. from the ground. They were 32 ft. high, but this is an instance of uncommonly rapid growth. Trees ten years old have usually a girth of 18 in., measured at 6 ft. from the ground ; with 22 years a girth of 3 ft. is attained ; but full-grown trees of 9 ft. in girth cannot be supposed to be less than 160 years old 3514. [ 10427 ] Yemaneh . . Gmelina arborea, Roxb. 35 12 50 A large tree with white light wood, used for house-posts, planks, and for carving images. Recom- mended for planking and furniture 3515. [ 10428 ] Thit-kya . . Quercus semiserrata, Roxb. 48 4 20 Used for plugs or pins to join together the three pieces which compose the body of a Burmese cart-wheel 3516. [ 10429 ] Momakha . . Salix tetrasperma, Roxb. 37 3 10 Wood not used 3517. [ 10430 ] Tounbein . . Artocarpus mollis, WaU. 30 12 80 Immense trees, wood used for canoes and cart-wheels. On the hills, large trees rather scarce 3518. [ 10431 ] Toun-pain-nai Artocarpus sp. . . 39 12 80 Wood yellow, used like the pre- ceding 3519. [ 10432 ] Myouklouk . Artocarpus laeoocha, Roxb. 40 6 30 Used for canoes 3520. [ 10433 ] Thaphon . . Ficus lanceolata, Roxb. 27 12 25 Wood soft, useless 3521. [ 10434 ] Theetmin . . Podocarpus neriifolia 50 6 20 The meaning of the Burmese name is, ‘ the prince of trees.’ Large trees with stems not very regularly shaped are found on the higher hills between the Sitang and Salween rivers, and on the range which skirts the coast of the Tenasserim provinces. The wood is close-grained, and may prove a substitute for boxwood 3522. [ 10435 ] Tinyooben Pinus Massoniana, Lamb. 6 50 The pines of British Burmah. Pinus Massoniana is a moderate- 3523. [ 10436 ] 1 Tinyooben Pinus Khasyana . . 9 80 sized tree, found in the forest of Dipteroearpus graudiflora (Eng N 2 ( 173 ) Class IV. — India. _o 'rQ O . Average size of full-grown trees on good soil Number Burmese Name Systematic Name of Tree r " 1 'o ’3 Girtlv mea- sured at 6 ft. from ground Length of trunk to first branch Remarks 3524. [ 10437 ] Kanazoe . . Pierardia sapida . . 61 4 15 forest), east of the Salween river. Spars of this species have occa- sionally been brought down to Maulmain P. Khasyana is found on the hills between the Sitang and Salween rivers, at an elevation exceeding 3,000 ft. It is a stately tree, sometimes as high as 200 ft. to the top ; but owing to the difficulties of transport from these hills, no timber of this species has as yet been brought to Maulmain. The wood of both kinds is very rich in resin A small tree, wood not used 3525. [ 10438 ] Nasha . . . Pliyllantkus sp. . . 35 6 30 A light-coloured wood, exhibit- 3526. [ 10439 ] Yagine . . Rottlera sp. ... 35 6 30 ing a natural shine or polish when planed A moderate-sized tree, common 3527. [ 10440 ] Bamau . . . Unknown .... 52 6 30 on the low ground near streams. Br. weight from 153 to 170 lbs. Close-grained, possibly a substi- 3528. [ 10441 ] Palawah . . Do 52 6 45 tute for boxwood, prized by Ka- rens for bows A beautiful red, but heavy wood 3529. [ 10442 ] Nattamin . . Do 33 6 60 Wood loose-grained, reddish 3530. [ 10443 ] Moondein . . Do. ... 33 to 10 50 grey, recommended for cigar boxes. Br. weight 129 lbs. Wood fine-grained, light, recom- 3531. [ 10444 ] Koothan . . Do 38 28 6 40 mended for furniture. Br. weight 121 lbs. A loose-grained light wood, re- 3532. [ 10445 ] Tliakooppo Stereospermum chelo- 5 30 commended for packing cases, used for blackboards in Burmese schools. Br. weight 114 lbs. Wood used in house-building 3533. [ 10446 ] Maneioga . . nioides Carallia integerrima, 60 10 50 A large tree, common north of Rangoon and throughout Pegu. Wood of a peculiar structure, thick medullar rays going through from the centre to the circumference ; colour red ; may possibly be found useful for cigar boxes. Used for planks and rice-pounders A beautifully red, but heavy 3534. [ 10447 ] Tkitnee . . Da Unknown .... 80 8 50 3535. [ 10448 ] Lumbo . . . Buchanania latifolia . 36 6 30 wood A soft light wood, not used 3536. [ 10449 ] 3537. [ 10450 ] Chloctni . . Thitpagan . . Erioloena sp. ? . . Pongamia sp. . . 9 40 A red wood, used like Dwanee (No. 3436) A soft wood, said to be useless 3538. [ 10451 ] Kaungmlioo . Dipterocarpus sp. 12 100 Trees of an immense size, used 3539. [ 1045 a] Katsitka . . Unknown .... 6 30 for canoes A red wood, abundant in the 3540. [ 10453 ] Anambo . . Henslowia panicula- 9 50 forests north of Rangoon, used for boats; said to last from 5 to 6 years A reddish-coloured wood, not ta, Migu. straight-grained ; used occasionally for cart-wheels, mostly for fire- wood { ) Class IV. — North-East Gallery. WOODS PROM MOULMEIN. — Continued. 3541. [7632] Young Zalai ( Garcinia mangostana). This wood is made use of for ordinary house-building purposes. Fruit edible. 3542. [7633] Dain Tha (Moringa ptery- gosperma ). Flowers, bark, and root used medicinally. Wood made into dolls. 3543. [10466] Mya Ya Ngai ( Grewia micrococos). 3556. [7641] Thin-win. The root is used medicinally. 3557. [10472] Phat Than. Used for chisel handles. 3558. [7642] Koung Mhoo ( Vatica sp.) Used for making carts and boats. 3559. [7643] Pyen Ma Phoo ( Lager - strcemia sp.) Used for making oars and for rough house-building. This wood is used for ordinary house-building purposes. 3544. [10467] Pyen Ma Nee, or Jarue of Chittagong {Lager strcemia regina). Wood used for boats and carts, also for flooring houses. 3545. [10468] Ein Gryin {Dipterocarpus vatica). A very strong durable wood, as strong as Pyengado ; when kept long in water it is said to become petrified. 3546. [10469] Phangah {Terminalia chebula). Is very hard and heavy. Used to make rice pounders, furniture, &c. 3547. [7634] Kamala {Sonneratia ape- tala). An inferior wood for boats, which last but two or three years. 3548. [10470] La Moo ( Soimeratia acida ). The fruit is an article of food. 3549. [7635] Ya Tha Nat. Ditto ditto. 3550. [10471] Ka Na Zo {Pierardia sa- piila). A very hard wood. Used for wheel axles. 3551. [7636] Kya Nan. Red wood ; used generally by carpenters. 3552. [7637] Tha-ran {Grewia sp.). A wood used to make dancing dolls. 3553. [7638] Ya-tha-pya. The fruit is edible. Used for house-building purposes. 3554. [7639] Oan Naih. Ditto. 3555. [7640] Bon Sone. 3560. [7644] Konk Koe {Acacia sp.) This wood is made into boats, carts, and other ordinary house-building material. 3561. [10473] Myouk Shaw {Dalbergia sp.) This wood is used in ordinary house-building. 3562. [10474] trana). Kyee Ditto. {Cassia suma- 3563. [7645] Mazalee {Cassia florida). Ditto. 3564. [7969] Tha Khoot. Ditto. 3565. [7646] Zinpyun Gryee. Ditto. 3566. [7647] Ya Ka Ngine. Ditto. 3567. [7648] Ouk Kyine- Ditto. 3568. [7649] Yamani. Ditto. 3569. [7650] Thapya ( Water Dalbergia). Ditto. 3570. [7651] Koan Tha Nath {Cordia myxa). The leaf is made into cigar-wrappers. 3571. [7652] Tha Yat {Mangifera in- dica). Fruit is eaten. 3572. [7653] Konn Soay-dan. Ditto. ( 175 ) Ditto. Class IV. — India. 3573. [7654I Thet Kon Nyen. Fruit is eaten. 3574. [7655] Tsan-saypen. Used for ordinary liouse-building purposes. Leaf is eaten boiled as greens. 3575. [7656] Ahline Ngai. Ditto. 3576. [10475] Manee Auka. Bark is used medicinally. 3577. [10476] Ngoo Tha ( Cassia sp.) Made into house-posts. Fruit and bark used medi- cinally. 3578. [7657] Youg Tha Ngai (ALr&ws?) Used in ordinary building materials. 3579. [7658] Tha-man-tlia. Ditto. 3580. [7659] Kaboung ( Strychnos Nux vomica). Fruit used as medicine. 3581. [7660] Mai Kin. Used in ordinary building material. Fruit used as medicine. 3582. [7661] Yamana ( Gmelina arborea). Ditto. 3583. [10477] Kay Yoob. Ditto. 3584. [10478] Nat Gyee. Used for posts and knife handles. 3585. [10479] Anan Pho (Gordonia sp.) A strong wood, good for building purposes. 3586. [10480] Yin Yo. Ditto. 3587. [7662] Sha Bya Gyin ( Eugenia sp.) Wood soft ; used as an ordinary building material. 3588. [10481] Pyen-ma-zoat Gyee (La- gerstrcemia sp.) Ditto. 3589. [10482] Pune Tha. Ditto. ( 1 3590. [7663] Paran Tha. Wood soft; used as an ordinary building material. 3591. [10483] Ma-oo-tha ( Nauclea ca- damba). Used for building purposes. 3592. [7664] Tsat Tha. Ditto. 3593. [7665] Dhane Eha ( Moringa pterygosperma). Ditto. 3594. [723 4] Yin -gat? ( Gardinia coro- naria). Ditto. Fruit edible. 3595. [10484] Mayan ( Mangifera oppo- sitifolia). Ditto. 3596. [10485] Padouk (Pterocarpus Dal- bergioides). A very strong wood, admirable for furniture, used by the Burmese to make their musical instruments. 3597. [7666] Kya Zo. Used for building material. 3598. [766 7] Na Bai ( Odina Wodier). A red wood. Bark used medicinally. 3599. [7668] Nyoung Lan. Used for building material. 3600. [10486] Tha Bya Nee (Red Jambo). Ditto. 3601. [10497] Nyoay Sha. Ditto. 3602. [7974] Monk Kyan ( Homalium tomentosum). A strong wood for any ordinary purpose. 3603. [7669] Nga Thingyee ( Ficus cor- difolia ?). Ditto. 3604. [10487] Nyoung Tha. Ditto. 3605. [10488] Woot Tha. Ditto. 3606. [10489] Kya Ya ( Mimusops elengi). Ditto. The flower is used medicinally and for scent. 6 ) Class IV. — North-East Gallery. 3607. [7670] That Pan ( Bombax sp.) A strong wood for any ordinary purpose. The flower is used medicinally and for scent. 3608. [7671] Tlia Bja {Eugenia sp.) Ditto. 3609. [7672] Zin Pyun Ngan ( Dillenia speciosa). Ditto. Fruit edible. 3610. [7673] Ma Shoay {Bignonia stipu- lata). A strong wood for any ordinary purpose. Fruit edible. 3611. [7674] Tonk Tsa ( Vitex arborea). Ditto. 3612. [7675] Ah See Eha. Wood hard. Used for making musical instruments. 3613. [10490] Tkan-that-gyee. Used for building materials. 3614. [7676] That Yat ( Mangifera in- dica). Ditto. Fruit edible. 3615. [7677] Tseek Tha ( Acacia sirissa). Wood reddish colour. Used for furniture. 3616. [7678] Ein Win. Used for all ordinary purposes of building. 3617. [7679] Thet Lendah. Ditto. 3618. [10495] Wiha Oung. Ditto. 3619. [7680] Kha Gyee ( Strychnos Nux vomica). Ditto. Fruit used medicinally. 3620. [ 1 0491] Zangyeeoat-doup (Oak- leaved Polypod). Ditto. 3621. [7681] Ah Nan ( Cyrtophyllum fray vans). A strong wood, good for building purposes. 3622. [7682] Kyan-pho. Ditto. 3623. [7683] ZaPadrup. Ditto. 3624. [7684] Yendike ( Dalbergia sp.) A hard heavy black wood, useful for furniture. 3625. [7685] Bha Woon (Grewia sp.) Converted into planks for building. 3626. [10492] Tngtha ( Dipterocarpjus grandis). Ditto. 3627. [10493] Tsouk Yoa ( Dalbergia alata). Used for tool handles. 3628. [7686] Toung Ma Yoa. Wood smooth. Used generally for Burmese slate or wilting boards. 3629. [10494] Thit Nee. Converted into boxes, tables, &e. &c. 3630. [7687] Thit Nya (Castanea marta- banica). The fruit eaten exactly like chestnuts. 3631. [7688] Pani Nai, vulgo ‘Jack tree ’ ( Artocarpus integrifolius). Fruit eaten. Wood yellow. Used to dye the yellow Pongyee (Burmese Priest) cloths. SPECIMENS OF WOODS FROM MALACCA. Forwarded by C. Evans, Esq. 3632. [2465] Marabow. 3633. [2466] Billian Wangee. 3634. [2467] Madang Katana. 3635. [2468] Pannaga. These four species are the very best description of timber procurable in Madras, and command a market at very high prices. They are strong, solid, and very durable, being principally used for girders, rafters, joists, door and window posts, and timber for bridges, standing the sudden changes of the climate remarkably well. The Marabow is also used for furniture. Not subject to dry rot, and when well seasoned is known to last nearly half a century. 3636. [2469] Patalin. 3637. [2470] Klat Mera. 3638. [2471] Kasso. These hold a second position in the art of house- building, but are much more commonly used, being more abundant and easily procurable. Nos. 3636 and 3637 are commonly used for door and window frames, but No. 3637 is apt to split in the sun, consequently is always used within doors in the Straits. 3639. [2472] Tumboosoo. 3640. [2473] Giam. 3641. [2474] Brombong. Best and most durable species of timber, known to resist the effects of a damp soil ; invariably used for ( 177 ) Class IV. — India. foundation piles, palisading and supporting piles for bridges ; Nos. 3639 and 3670 sawn into planks are the very best description of timber that can be used for the platform of a timber bridge supporting a gravel road. 3642. [2475] Traling. 3643. [2476] Marsawa. 3662. [2495] Kranjee. A good, heavy, valuable timber, somewhat like iron wood. Used for machinery, mortar and pestle, &e. 3663. [2496] Alban. Used for ribs of vessels and boats. 3644. [2477] Pasal Antoo. These three species grow to an enormous height and girth, with huge buttresses, which are eagerly sought for solid cart-wheels, in common use among the Malays, and the trunks are converted into jaloors or river boats, con- sisting of one solid block scooped out in the shape of a canoe. 3645. [2478] Bintangore Batoo. 3646. [2479] Do. Akar. 3647. [2480] Do. Boonoot. Tough, hard, crooked-grained, fibrous wood. In general use for masts and spars of vessels. No. 3645 is often used for purlins among the natives. 3648. [2481] Marpoyan. 3649. [2482] Marbatoo. 3650. [2483] Marpadang. Used for fishing stakes, piles, and is the best description of fuel for steamers. Makes very good charcoal for a blacksmith’s forge. 3651. [2484] Madang Kuniet. 3652. [2485] Do. Pao. 3653. [2486] Do. Klade. 3664. [2497] Ensanna. Close-grained, mottled, and valuable wood for furniture ; it takes a high polish, and when well seasoned does not warp. 3665. [2498] Karantey. Employed for gun stocks. It is a white soft wood, close and compact, and fit for turning purposes. 3666. [2499] Glelotong. Light, pithy wood, coarse-grained and porous. Used for sandals, stoppers for bottles, and covers for cooking utensils. 3667. [2500] Neepis Koolit. Light and pliant. Used for oars and buggy shafts. 3668. [2500a.] Pangarawan. A very valuable tree ; the bark is used in lieu of planks by the poorer classes of natives. The trunk yields ex- cellent planks for shipbuilding; and the valuable gum known in commerce as Damar Matakooehing, or Gum Copal, is procured from this tree. 3669. [7986] Rambey Dahoon. Good for planks, and the tree yields Damar Batoo, a coarse resin, much used in manufacturing torches. 3670. [7987] Rangas. 3654. 3655. 3656. 3657. 3658. [2847] Do. Lawang. [2488] Do. Saraya Batoo. [2489] Marantee. [2490] Niatoo. [2491] Doorian Doorian. Bed wood. Much used for furniture. 3671. [7987a.] Kamooning. This tree is not indigenous to the place, but thrives well on private grounds. It yields superior planks for manu- facturing small boxes, and the roots, not unlike Kayoo bookoo, are made into handles for krisses. 3672. [7988] Glam Tambaga. In general use for planks, tile laths, except No. 3651, which being soft and cohesive is used by the Chinese for carvings. No. 3656 is very inferior in quality, and is only used by the poorer classes, great quantities being brought down to market as floats for heavier descriptions of timber. 3659. [2492] Kampas. Used as charcoal, which is of excellent quality and much used by the tin miners. Used for piles and posts under water : the paper-like bark is much used by the Malays in caulking the seams of vessels. SPECIMENS OF WOODS FROM THE MALAYAN PENINSULA. 3673. [79] Garro, Malay Peninsula. Used for burning as incense. Tan Kim Seng. 3660. [2493] Klaydang. Used principally by the Chinese for coffins, and planking vessels. 3661. [2494] Minia Jantan. The wood oil of commerce is tapped from this tree, and it yields tolerably good planks for bridges. 3674. [2464j}"Kaimooning, Do. Scarce. Hard and close-grained, resembling box. H. H. Inche Wan Aboo Bakab. 3675. [2445] Moodang Tandoo (Sipoo ?) Do. Used for furniture, and doors and windows. Do. ( 178 ) Class IV. — North-East Gallery. 3676. [2448] Maraboo, Malay Peninsula. Wheels, buggy shafts, and junks’ masts. H. H. Inche Wan Aboo Bakar. 3677. [2453] Kranjee, Do. ' Junks’ masts. Do. 3678. [2449] Mursawah, Do. Do. Do. 3679. [2447] J ulatong, Do. Used for making coffins and boxes. Do. 3680. [2458] Jamah, Do. Common house work, doors, &c. Do. 3681. [2451] Pawang, Do. Boat building. Do. 3682. [2454] Rengas, Do. Furniture. Do. 3683. [2455] Serayah, Do. Doors, windows, and ordinary floors. Do. 3684. [2446] Mudang, Do. House fittings. Do. 3685. [2450] Kuning, Do. Boat purposes. Do. 3686. [2457] Samar ang, Do. House fittings. Do. 3687. [7984] Casuarina (Casuarina), Singapore grown. Felloes for wheels and spokes. Col. Collyer. 3688. [7983] Mangrove ( Rhizophora mangle), Salt swamp. Do. Used for piles. Do. 3689. [2459] Piuagah, Do. Used for boats’ knees. Do. 3690. [7985] Kompas, Do. House building. Do. 3691. [7982] Teak ( Tectona grandis), Do. Building. Do. 3692. [7981] Daroo, Do. Do. Do. 3693. [2460] Malow, Do. Junks, masts, &c. Hon. Col. Cavanagh. 3694. [2461] Tampenis, Malay Peninsula. House building. Hon. Col. Cavanagh. 3695. [2462] Balow, Do. Piles and junks’ masts. Do. 3696. [2463] Ckangal, Do. Ships’ lower masts. G. Angus, Esq. 3697. [2452] Trabang, Do. Do. Do. 3698. [7238] Cladang, Do. Doors and windows. Do. 3699. [2456] Do. Used for carvings. Do. SPECIMENS OF WOODS FROM THE FOREST ON PINANG- HILL. Hon. Major Man. 3700. [9418] Pulai. 3701. [7070] Bahkok. 3702. [7061] Cbampada. 3703. [9419] Bayor. 3704. [9239] Bayang Bada. 3705. [7064] Jurai. 3706. [7068] Nangka. 3707. [9240] Brangan. 3708. [7065] Gabain Bada. 3709. [7069] Tumusu. 3710. [7067] Bia-babi. 3711. [7080] Mungkudu. 3712. [7091] Abtow. 3713. [7078] Kampas. 3714. [7074] Tumpang. 3715. [7066] Rungas. 3716. [7073] Juntang-malab. 3717. [7061] Champada Ayer. 3718. [7062] Tampineh. 3719. [9241] Nangka pipet. ( 179 ) Class IV. — India. 2720. [7072] Ivlat. 3721. [7076] Jelutong. 3722. [7063] Jong-purlis. 3723. [7075] Jermalang. 3724. [7090] Kumpas. 3725. [7088] Jelatoh. 3726. [7086] Dammer-laut. 3727. [7093] Grading -gading. 3728. [7087] Koolin. 3729. [7079] Pisang-pisang. 3730. [7071] Murbow. 3731. [7089] Bintaling. 3732. [7092] Madang-Serai. 3733. [7077] Sittola. Subdivision C. — vi. (3) Prepared Woods. Of this there is only one representative. Specimens of wood prepared with Cullen’s patent composition. Mr. Adams, Bow, London. 3735. [9397] A piece of Deodar wood, or Himalaya pine, not prepared with the com- position. 3736. [9396] A piece of wood cut from the same log as No. 3735, and coated with the composition. These two specimens were buried in a white ants’ nest, at Meean Meer, for the space of five months, from March to July, 1860. At the end of this period. No. 3735, which had not been previously coated, was nearly destroyed by the ants; and No. 3736, which had been prepared with the composition, was in a perfect state. Section VII. — MISCELLANEOUS SUBSTANCES. I. Substances used as Soap. Of substances belonging to this division, the Indian soap berry is worthy of more attention than it has yet received. It is ad- mirably adapted for cleaning silks and other fabrics, the colours of which are likely to be damaged by the use of ordinary soap. It besides readily forms a lather with water, however hard. ( : 3737. [9925] Soap berries from Sapindus emarginatus, Calcutta. The natives use them as soap for washing the hair, silk, &c. Agitated with hot water they form seeds. Price 4 annas per lb. 3738. [4793] Kinmon (Mimosa abstergens or Acacia concinna ), Burmah. 3739. [6047] Sikakai (do.), Ahmedabad. A considerable trade is carried on in some parts of India in the pods of this plant, which resemble the soap- nut, and like it are used for washing the head. 2. Substances used mechanically. 3740. [4978] Aerial roots of Banyan (Ficus indica), Madras. Used as a tooth brush. 3. Seeds employed for Bracelets and other Ornamental Purposes. 3741. [7157] Kooneh (Abrus precato- rius) (white), Calcutta. 3742. [6222] Do. (red). Do. 3743. [7013] Do., Bombay. Of the seeds of this creeper there are several varieties, white, scarlet, and black. Those of a bright scarlet colour, with a black speck at the tops, are used not only for ornament, but also as weights by jewellers and drug- gists. 3744. [4923] Mimosa seeds (Desmanthus virgatus), Chingleput. Dr. Shortt. Amongst miscellaneous substances are also placed the following : — Charcoal. 3745. [7233] Charcoal fire balls, Vizaga- patam. 3746. [4893] Mudar root charcoal (Calo- tropis gigantea ), Chingleput. Dr. Shortt. 3747. [7056] Charcoal, Ahmedabad. 3748. [7059] Charcoal, of Euphorbia antiquorum, Do. 3749. [7057] Do. (Bassia latifolia), Do. 3750. [7058] Babool charcoal (Acacia arabica), Bombay. 3751. [6431] Buglar tree bark, Chota Nagpore. ) Class IV. — North-East Gallery. 3752. [6437] Buglar tree bark powdered, Chota Nagpore. This is used for uniting wood, as a substitute for glue. • X. — General Manufactures from Wood [not being Furniture). I— TURNERY. — Plain and lacquered. 3753-4. [5845-6] Two betel stands, Lahore. Lahore Committee. Government of India. 3755-8. [5841-4] Four large circular boxes, Do. Do. 3759-66. [5833-40] Eight small do. Do. Do. 3767-9. [5830-2] Three flower vases, Do. Do. 3770. [5829] Pair candlesticks, Do. Do. 3771-5. [5851-5] Five cigar cases, Do. Do. 3776-7. [5825-6] Pen cases, Do. 3778-82. [5856-60] Five plates, Do. Do. 3783. [5847] Glass-shaped vessel with cover. Do. Do. 3784. [5848] Do. without cover. Do. Do. 3785. [5850] Ten toys, Do. Do. These articles have been manufactured by the turners of Pak Puttan in the Googaria District. 3786. [5433] Table, lacquered, Lahore. R Taylor, Esq. 3787. [5434] Candlestick, do. Do. Do. 3788. [1509] Vases, black and silver, orna- mented in chemical amalgam, Umritsur. Lahore Committee. Government of India. 3789. [1510] Do. Do. Do. 3790-1. [1537-8] Two wooden cups, Um- ritsur. Do. Do. 3792. [1639] Eighty-two specimens of coloured turnery (toys, &c.) Do. Do. 3793. [7998] Set of black japanned articles. 3794. [5752] Pen-tray, lacquered, Meerut. Syud Hossein Allee Kiian. 3795. [5753] Workbox, do. Do. Do. 3796. [8108] Boxes, vases, and other articles made of lac at Beerbhoom. Govern- ment of India. 3797. [3164] Drinking cup of Lamas, Darjeeling. Dr. Campbell. 3798. [3165] Do. Do. Do. 3799. [3166] Two wooden spice boxes. Do. Do. 3800. [3169] Wooden bowls, Do. Do. 3801. [3162] Thibetan cup, Do. Do. 3802. [3170] Four meal boxes, Do. Do. 3803. [3185] Wooden bowl, Do. Do. 3804. [3179] Wooden cup. Do. Do. 3805. [1070] Circular box, Hyderabad. Sinde Local Committee. 3806. [1071] Do. Do. Do. 3807. [1074] Cigar case, Do. Do. 3808. [1075] Do. Do. Do. 3809. [1064] Wooden boxes. Do. Do. 3810. [1065] Nest of boxes, Do. Do. 3811. [1066] Do. Do. Do. 3812-3. [1067-8] Two boxes melon- shaped, Do. Do. 3814. [1069] Nest of seven boxes, Do. Do. 3815. [1072] Flower vase with stand. Do. Do. 3816. [1073] Do. Do. Do. 3817. [2516] Painted box, Sinde. Bom- bay Government. 3818. [4715] Pen-tray, Sawunt Warree. Do. 3819. [4716] Pen cases. Do. Do. 3820. [4721] Churka model, lacquered. Do, Do. 3821. [4722] Two pots, Do. Do. 3822. [4724] Egg cups, Do. Do. 3823. [4725] Polpat and Satnee, Do. Do. 3824. [4726] Mortar and pestle. Do. Do. 3825. [4728] Two lacquered toys, Do. Do. 3826 . [10508] Two trays, lacquered ware, Bangapully, Kurnool, Madras. Govern- ment of Madras. ( 181 ) Class IV. — India. 3827. [ 10509 ] Two boxes, do. Bangapully, Kurnool, Madras. Government of Madras. 3828. [ 2686 ] Toys, lacquered, various, Bangalore, Mysore. Government of Mysore. 3829. [ 4482 ] Box, Burmese, Rangoon. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. 3830. [ 4494 ] Do. Do. Do. 3831. [ 4495 ] Nest of nineteen boxes. Do. Do. 3832. [ 4499 ] Nests of boxes, Do. Do. 3833-4. [ 4477 - 8 ] Two water cups, Do. Do. 3835. [ 469 ] Knitting box, Burmah, Ca- nara. Dr. MTherson, Madras. 3836. [ 4832 ] Bowls, Do. Do. 3837. [ 6322 ] Wooden boxes, turned, sup- posed to be tamarind, Trinjanu. Turned and presented by H. H. the Rajah. 3838. [ 6323 ] Lacquered tray, Singapore. Col. Collyer. 3839. [ 6311 ] Box and cup for betel nut, Singapore. Hon. Col. Cavanagh. 3840. [ 6749 ] Box lacquered in imitation of Mangosteen, Do. Do. 3841. [ 6321 ] Box and cup for betel nut, Singapore. H. H. Incjie Wan Aboo Bakar. 3842. [ 6327 ] Circular box, Palembang, Sumatra. Do. Do. II. CARVINGS IN SANDALWOOD ETC. 3843 . [3438] Spoon, Umritsur. Rajah of PlITTIALA. 3844. [ 1501 ] Box, Puttiala. Do. 3845. [ 968 ] Walking-stick, Do. Do. 3846. [ 3041 ] Large box, with pictures on lid, Delhi. Ishmail Khan. 3847. [ 10048 ] Five spoons, Budaon. Government of India. 3848. [ 10049 ] Five do.. Do. Do. 3849. [ 5155 ] Two ebony necklaces and bracelets, Moonghyr. Do. 3850. [ 10030 ] Pen-box, Bijnour. Ab- DOOLA of NUGEENA. 3851. [ 5356 ] Ebony combs, Bijnour. Saadct Allee. 3852. [ 5357 ] Do. Do. Do. 3853. [ 5359 ] Do. Do. Do. 3854. [ 5360 ] Do. Do. Kurreem Bux. 3855. [ 5361 ] Do. Do. Do. 3856. [ 5362 ] Do. Do. Do. 3857. [ 5364 ] Do. Do. Do. 3858. [ 5365 ] Do. Do. Do. 3859. [ 5352 ] Carved ebony casket. Do. 3860. [ 5353 ] Carved ebony writing-case. Do. 3861. [ 5354 ] Carved ebony casket, Do. 3862. [ 355 ] Glove-box, Bombay. Bom- bay Government, jjer J. Macfarlane, Esq. 3863. [ 343 ] Portfolio, Do. Do. 3864. [ 306 ] Book-stand, Do. Do. 3865. [ 313 ] Portfolio, Do. Do. 3866. [ 354 ] Glove-box, Do. Do. 3867. [ 524 ] Card-basket, Do. Do. 3868. [ 286 ] Card-case, Do. Do. 3869. [ 285 ] Do. Do. Do. 3870. [ 346 ] Card-basket, Do. Do. 3871. [ 270 ] Writing-desk, Do. Do. 3872. [ 338 ] Do. Do. Do. 3873. [ 523 ] Glove-box, Do. Do. 3874. [ 316 ] Cabinet, Coonqjta Malabar. Jamsetjee Heerjee Parsee. 3875. [!243] Knitting-box, Do. Do. 3876. [ 320 ] Do. Do. Do. 3877. [ 1240 ] Do. Do. Do. 3878. [ I 2 4 I ] Do. Do. Do. 3879. [1239] Do. Do. Do. 3880. [3 1 7] Envelope-case, Do. Do. 3881. [ 318 ] Do. Do. Do. 3882. [ 1 333] Large box, Do. Do. 3883. [ 1242 ] Knitting-box, Do. Do. 3884. [319] Do. Do. Do. 3885. [334] Writing-desk, Do. Do. ( 132 ) Class IV. — North-East Gallery. 3886. [1244] Twenty-four paper-knives, Coompta Malabar. Jamsetjee Heerjee Parsee. 3887. [3 21 ] Knitting-box, Surat, Bom- bay. 3888. [3 22 ] Do. Do. Do. 3889. [3 2 3l Do. Do. Do. 3890. [3 2 4] Do. Do. Do. 3891. [3 2 5] Do. Do. Do. 3892. [3 2 6] Do. Do. Do. 3893. [327] Do. Do. Do. 3894. [328] Do. Do. Do. 3895. [329] Do. Do. Do. 3896. [307] Writing-desk, Do. Do. 3897. [308] Do. Do. Do. 3898. [3 11 ! Card-case, Do. Do. 3899. [3 12 ] Do. Do. Do. 3900. [3*0] Do. Do. Do. 3901. [332] Card-basket, Do. Do. 3902. [33°] Do. Do. Do. 3903. [33 1 ] Do. Do. Do. 3904. [3°3l Work-box, Do. Do. 3905. [3°5] Inkstand, Do. Do. 3906. [3°9] Chessboard, Do. Do. 3907. [3°4] Glove-box, Do. Do. 3908. [648] Carved writing-case, Kutch. H. H. the Rao of Kutch. 3909. [4731] Pen-case, Madras. 3910. [4733] Tray, Do. 3911. [2521] Chess-table, North Canara. Government of Madras. 3912. [2522] Paper-knives, Do. Do. 3913. [10750] Large box, Do. Do. 3914. [443] Box, Kurnool. Doctor M‘Piierson. 3915. [444] Do. Do. Do. 3916. [423] Four card-cases, Vizagapa- tam. Do. 3917. [2714] Pen-rack, Bangalore, My- sore. J. Lacey, Esq. 3918. [2662] Pen-case, Do. Do. ( 3919. [2675] Card-case, Bangalore, My- sore. J. Lacey, Esq. 3920. [2711] Work-box, Do. Do. 3921. [2668] Walking-stick, Do. Do. 3922. [2669] Do. Do. Do. 3923. [2663] Fly fan, Do. Do. 3924. [2664] Do. Do. Do. 3925. [2674] Paper-knife, Do. Do. 3926. [2666] Album-cover, Do. Do. 3927. [2667] Do. Do. Do. 3928. [2665] Book-cover, Do. Do. 3929. [2673] Paper-knife, Do. Do. 3930. [2677] Portfolio, Do. Do. 3931. [2671] Bracelet, Do. Do. 3932. [2672] Do. Do. Do. 3933. [2712] Box, Do. Do. 3934. [27 1 3] Envelope-case, Do. Do. 3935. [569] ] Box, Do. Capt . PUCKLE. 3936. [434] Two picture frames, Malacca. Dr. M‘Pherson. 3937. [471] Fan, British Burmah. Do. 3938. [472] Paper-knife, Do. Do. 3939. [469] Bracelet, Do. Do. MODELS CARVED IN WOOD. 3940. [8158] Model of Benares Chut- taree, in logwood, Benares. 3941. [4698] Do. Hindoo temple, san- dalwood, Do. Rajah Doonarum Sing. 3942. [8159] Do. Rulianishwar temple. 3943. [7080] Do. Hindoo temple, sandal- wood. 3944. [2579] Do. Minar, in blackwood, Ahmedabad. 3945. [449] Do. Malacca temple, British Burmah. Dr. M'Pherson. 3946. [5896] Do. Tasoung or pavilion, Pegu. Col. Piiayre. 3947. [6743] Do. Malay house, Malacca. Hon. Capt. Burn. ! ) Class IV. — India. 3848. [6744] Model] Pondoh Eery (Hut- seim), Malacca. A. A. De Wind, Esq. XII. — Manufactures from Straw, Grass, and other similar Materials. 3949. [5174] Reeds ( Saccharum sp.) used as a substitute for quills, Calcutta. 3950. [5167] Hand fan, Dowleans, Esq. Do. A. M. 3951. [5168] Do. Do. Do. 3952. [5169] Do. Do. Do. 3953. [5170] Do. Do. Do. 3954. [5171] Do. Do. Do. 3955. [3155] Palm-leaf fans, Hooglily. 3956. [3156] Do. Do. 3957. [2901] Basket of straw, Moonghyr. Government of India. 3958. [2902] Do. Do. Do. 3959. [2903] Do. Do. Do. 3960. [2904] Do. Do. Do. 3961. [5163] Set of table mats, bamboo. Do. Do. 3962. [5164] Do. Do. Do. 3963. [5165] Do. Do. Do. 3964. [5166] Fan with blue edges, Do. Do. 3965. [6482] Leaf cloak worn by natives in wet weather, Chota Nagpore. The Chookul or Clioput is in general use amongst the natives in Manbhoom during wet weather.* 3966. [2688] Fancy worked basket, Dar- jeeling. Dr. Campbell. 3967. [3159] Basket for infusing Murwa, Do. Do. 3968. [3176] Three baskets, Do. Do. 3969. [3171] Basket, Do. Do. 3970. [4422] Do. Do. Do. 3971. [4428] Do. (curious manufacture), Do. Do. 3972. [4429] Do. (do . ) Do. Do. 3973. [4752] Basket, Darjeeling. Dr. Campbell. 3974-8. [4423-27] Five bamboo tubs. Do. Do. 3979. [3178] Large straw hats, Do. Do. 3980. [4269] Straw hat and waterproof cover, Do. Do. 3981. [4431] Halter of bamboo, Do. Do. 3982-5. [5908-11] Grass basket, Nepal. H. H. Sir Jung Bahadoor, K.C.B. 3986-7. [5539-40] Kuskus fans, Ulwar. II. H. the Maharajah. 3988. [4730] Nestof four baskets, Sawunt Warree. Government of Bombay. 3989. [2888] Four Kuskus baskets, Poonah. Do. 3990. [4866] Basket made from the leaves of the Cocos nucifera, Chingleput. Dr. Shortt. 3991. [4868] Basket made of wild date leaves, Do. Do. 3992. [600] Two leaf caps, Salem, Madras. 3993-6. [9349-52] Four do., S. Canara, Do. V. P. Coelho, Esq. 3997. [2710] Nest of bamboo boxes, Ban- galore. J. Lacey, Esq. 3998. [3735] Betel boxes, Burmah. Calcutta Committee. Government of India. 3999. [3737] Do. Do. Do. The framework of these hoses is formed of thin strips of bamboo plaited into the shape of a box ; the basket- work foundation is then coated with ‘ Theetsee,’ painted and varnished. Every Burman has one or more of these shaped boxes to hold his betel, cigars, money, &c. ; whilst the women, in addition to the above purposes, use them as jewel and dressing-cases. The specimens exhibited are the finest procurable, and come from Pagan, in Burmah, celebrated for the manufacture of these boxes. Inferior sorts are made all over Pegu and in the Shan States. The higher classes of Bu rmese use boxes of silver, whilst the nobles of the Court of Ava use gold.* 4000. [4455] Straw hat, Rangoon. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. 4001. [6709] Mat of Pandong rush, Sin- gapore. Col. Collyer. 4002. [6320] Cocoa-nut colander, Do. G. Angus, Esq. Local Committee, Chota Nagpore. * Local Committee, Rangoon. ( 184 ) Class IV. — North-East Gallery. 4003. [4102] Two water buckets of the spathe of the Nibong (Mpa fruticans), Penang. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. 4004. [4752] One do. Do. Do. 4005. [4092] Work-basket of Pandanus odoratissimus, Province Wellesley. Penang Committee. 4006-7. [4104-6] Three plate covers of do. Do. Do. 4008. [4110] Birdcage, Do. Do. 4009. [4088] Mat bags of Mandrong rush, Do. Do. 4010. [6364] Tapeesan, Malacca. T. Neubronner, Esq. 4011. [6368] Kokoosan or bucket, Do. Do. 4012. [6369] Eery sieve, Do. Do. 4013. [6370] Neeroo, Do. Do. 4014. [6372] man’s hat, Do. Sarenda or Malay fisher- Hon. Cart. Burn. 4015. [ 6363 ] Sikole, Do. Chee Yam ClIUAN. 4016. [6365] Tapeesan, Do. Do. 4017. [6366] Gayong, Do. Do. Section D. — PERFUMERY ETC. The value of the Perfumery of all kinds exported from India is shown by the following Table. TABLE SHOWING THE VALUE OP PERFUMERY EXPORTED FROM INDIA AND EACH PRESIDENCY TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD FROM 1857-58 TO 1860-61. Years Whence Exported COUNTRIES WHITHER EXPORTED Total Exported to all Parts United Kingdom France Other Parts of Europe China Arabian and Persian Gulfs Other Parts Value Value Value Value Value Value Value £ £ £ £ £ £ £ X Bengal . 16 1 9 33 59 • Madras Bombay 2 .. 1,460 122 1,253 2,837 All India is 1 1,460 131 1 , 286 * 2,896 Ci Bengal . 28 4 29 18 79 1 i Madras 15 25 22 62 x Bombay 12 4,315 37 1,484 5,848 rH All India 55 4,319 91 1 , 524 * 5,9^9 Bengal . 283 7 9 20 36 Madras O Bombay 7 9,326 30 688 10,051 £ All India 290 7 9,335 SO 724 * 10406 Bengal . 156 84 80 87 407 Madras 7 83 90 ■3 Bombay 6,9*36 53 972 7,961 All India 156 7,020 140 1 , 142 * 8,458 * Exported chiefly to Ceylon, Straits, Aden, and Africa. I.— Perfumes of Animal Origin. Under this division only two specimens are exhibited. Of these musk is the one of chief importance. The Table on next page ( indicates the value of that exported from India to all parts for the last four years. 4018. [1*] Musk ( Cervulus moschatus), Nepal, i ) Class IV. — India. TABLE SHOWING- THE VALUE OF MUSK EXPORTED FROM INDIA AND EACH PRESIDENCY TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD FROM 1857-58 TO 1860-61. Whence Exported COUNTRIES WHITHER EXPORTED Total Exported to all Parts United Kingdom France Other Parts of Europe China Arabian and Per- sian Gulfs Other Parts Value Value Value Value Value Value Value £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Bengal 1,142 42 700 1,884 Madras Bombay 72 72 All India 1 ,142 4Z 77Z* 1,956 Bengal 1,347 142 19 102 1,586 3,196 Madras Bombay . 40 40 All India >,347 i+z >9 102 1 ,6z6* 3, *36 Bengal 1,304 160 328 1,792 Madras Bombay All India L304 160 3z8f 1 ,79» Bengal 2,343 63 1,255 3,651 Madras Bombay 20 20 All India 343 20 6l I,2J5t 3,671 The whole to Suez. f To Suez and Mauritius. X Chiefly to Suez. 4019. [2*] Civet ( Viverra zibetha), Madras. II. — Perfumes derived from Plants etc. 4020. [6421] Garoo wood ( Aquilaria ayallocha), the produce of Pahang. This wood has a great reputation in the East, and yields one of the kinds of Lign aloes. 4021. [2891] Agarbuttees, or stick pas- tiles. Messrs. Doss & Dey. 4022. [4430] Do., another kind. 4023. [2256] Citronelle oil. Dr. Cleg- iiorn. 4024. [6446] Lemon grass oil. 4025. [4081] Lemon grass from whence the oil is obtained, Penang. 4026. [4087] Citronelle grass, Do. Do. 4027. [5055] Roosa grass oil ( Andropo - fjon nardoides ). Dr. R. Riddell. 4028. [2128] Do. Do., Jubbulpore. This is also known under the names of grass oil and ginger grass oil. It has an odour distinct from that of lemon grass and citronelle. The specimen sent from Jubbulpore is not supposed to be the pure produce, as every endeavour to obtain un- adulterated oil has failed. The best is said to be pressed at Ajmere. A miserable imitation of this oil is occa- sionally manufactured at Saugor. Twenty seers of the grass, which; grows wild over the station and district, are mixed with two seers of common teel oil, and then slowly distilled. The oil thus becomes highly impregnated with ( 3 the peculiar roosa flavour, and is sold as such at 4r. a seer. Grass oil is never taken internally by natives, but they have a great faith in it as a stimulant to the functions of the several organs, when rubbed on externally. They also use it as a liniment in chronic rheumatism and neu- ralgic pains, and though they place great reliance on its virtues, its expense prevents its being used generally. It has a fragrant aromatic smell, persistent, and very agree- able at first, but after a time the odour becomes un- pleasant, and gives many people a feeling of sickness with headache. The natives use it for slight colds also, to excite perspiration, by rubbing in a couple of drachms on the chest before the Are or in the heat of the sun. From information collected, it appears that the pure unadul- terated oil has been used by many European officers with most wonderful effect in cases of severe rheumatism ; and indeed such appears to have been the effect of its appli- cation, that two good rubbings of the pure oil on the part affected produced such severe burning as to render a third application almost impracticable. In the cases brought to notice, the second application was found suffi- cient to insure perfect cure. § 4029. [2254] Essential oil of orange. Bauloo Modelier. 4030. [2255] Do. Dr. Cleghorn. 4031. [10082] Essenceof Bahoor. Messrs. Doss & Dey. 4032. [1008 1 ] Belgachia villa bouquet. Do. 4033. [10084] Hair dye. Do. 4034. [10083] Do. D°' 4035. [4199] Patchouli oil ( Pogostemon patchouli), Penang. George Scott, Esq. 4036. [4198] Nutmeg oil. Do. Do. § Local Committee, Jubbulpore. ' ) Class IV r . — North-East Gallary. 4037. [6683] Nutmeg oil, Singapore. H. G. Brown, Esq. 4038. [10686] Sandal wood oil ( Santa - lam album), Mangalore. V. P. Coeliio, Esq. 4039. [2749] Do. Do. 4040. [6477] Kims ka attur ( Andropogon muricatum), Lucknow. Essential oil, extracted from the roots of A. muricatum. Bazaar price 2 rupees per tola. Grows spontaneously and plentifully in all the jungles of Oude. The roots are also used for making tatties, and leaves for thatching. 4041. [6478] Keoula ka attur ( Panda - mus odoratissimus ), Lucknow. Essential oil, extracted from the male flowers of P. odoratissimus. Bazaar price 2 rupees per tola (about a rupee’s weight). Cultivated in very small quantities in Lucknow. 4042. [6475] Chamelee ka attur ( Jasmi - num grandiflorum), Lucknow. Essential oil, extracted from the petals of J. grandi- florum. Bazaar price 2 rupees per tola. This plant is extensively cultivated in gardens in Lucknow for the sake of its flowers. 4043. [6474] Motiah or Belak ka attur ( Jasminum sambac), Lucknow. Essential oil, extracted from the petals of J. sambac. Bazaar price 2 rupees per tola. Cultivated extensively in gardens in Lucknow for the sake of its flowers. Coloured red by means of dragon's blood. 4044. [6476] Hina or Mehudee ka attur ( Laivsonia inermis), Lucknow. Essential oil of the petals of Lawsonia inermis. Bazaar price 2 rupees per tola. Forms extensive hedges in all native gardens all over Oude. Coloured red by means of dragon’s blood. 4045. [6479] Golab ka attur ( Rosa damascena), Lucknow. Essential oil of the petals of Rosa damascena. Bazaar price 2 rupees per tola. Cultivated in gardens in Lucknow for the sake of its flowers. 4046. [3254?,] Champa ka attur (Michelia champaca), Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey. 4047. [32 5 6b] Kawrah ka attur ( Panda - nus odoratissimus), Do. Do. 4048. [32571?] Donna ka attur {Artemisia indica), Do. Do. 4049. [3258B] Nagkusur ka attur ( Mesua ferrea), Do. Do. 4050. [3259B] Motia ka attur ( Jasmi- num liirsutum), Do. Do. Class IV. ( 187 ) 4051. [3260B] Pucha put ka attur (Po- gostemon patchouli), Calcutta. Kanny Loll Dey. 4052. [326 1 b] Kurna ka attur ( Phoenix dactylifera), Do. Do. 4053. [3262B] Tore ka attur (Jasminum grandiflorum). Do. Do. 4054 . [3263B] Bookool ka attur fMimu- sops elengi), Do. Do. 4055 . [3255B] Sohag ka attur. 4056. [10085] Mattagussa oil, Calcutta. Messrs. Doss & Dey. 4057. [2891-1] Attar of Champa ( Mi - chelia champaca), Poona, Bombay. 4058. [2] Attar of Patch ( Pogostemon patchouli), Do. 4059. [3] Attar of Kewda ( Pandanus odoratissimus), Do. 4060. [4] Attar of Goolab ( Rosa damas- cena), Do. 4061. [5] Essence of Chumbellee ( Jas- minum grandiflorum), Do. 4062. [6] Attar of Chundun, Do. 4063. [7] Essence of Mogra, Do. 4064. [8] Attar of Mussala, Do. 4065. [9] Essence of Motia ( Jasminum sambac), Do. 4066. [10] Attar of Downa (. Artemisia . indica), Do. 4067. [1 1] Attar of Buckoola ( Mimusops elengi), Do. 4068. [13] Essence of Ood, Do. 4069. [14] 'Essence of Dalchenee, Do. 4070. [15] Essence of Lorung, Do. 4071. [16] Essence of Joyphul, Do. 4072. [17] Essence of Jovputtree, Do. 4073. [18] Essence of Elldorah, Do. The following, also from Poona, are in Class IV. — India. the form of ointments for anointing the person : — 4074. [19] Kessur ke golee. 4075. [20] Limbolee arguja. 4076. [21] Arguja. 4077. [22] Kewda ka arguja. 4078. [23] Iveshri arguja. 4079. [24] Kustori ka arguja. 4080. [25] Arguja. 4081. [26] Patch ka arguja. 4082. [27] Keshri mussalaka arguja. 4083. [28] Ootna. 4084. [29] Badarn ka ootna. 4085. [2891] Kathgolie, Poona. Small pills to be chewed with beera. 4086. [5720] Rose-water ( Rosa damas- cena ). 4087. [5721] Do. 4088. [5722] Do. 4089. [5723] Keora- water ( Pandanus odoratissimus). 4090. [5724] Do. 4091. [5725] Do. 4092. [10086] Mataghussa (a kind of Pot pourri). 4093. [1913] Putcha pat ( Marrubium odoratissimum). 4094. [7050] Patchouli (Pogostemon ■pat- chouli). 4095. [5119] Khus khus ( Anatherum muricatum). 4096. [5120] Do. 4097. [1884] Do. 4098. [10046] Kharee (scented grass), Jhung District. 4099. [7024] Putchuk ( Costus arabicus). 4100. [942] Screw -pine flowers ( Pan- danus odoratissimus). 4101. [1784] Ustakhudas ( Lavandula stcechas). 4102. [1785] Do. 4103. [1870] Do. 4104. [1809] Indian Nard (Nardostachys Jatamansi). 4105. [7043] Goolab ke phul ( Rosa da- mascena), Bombay. 4106. [1877] Nagkesur flowers ( Mesua ferrea). 4107. [6486] Southernwood ( Artemisia indica). 4108. [78*] Sweet Fennel-seed oil ( Pirn - pinella anisum), Madras. 4109. [75*] Oil of Fenugrec ( Trigonella fcenum grcecum), Do. 4110. [73*] Pepper oil (Piper nigrum), Do. 4111. [71*] Bishop’s weed ( Anethum sowa), Do. 4112. [69*] Cuscus (Andropogon muri- catum), Do. The following miscellaneous collection of articles of perfumery, &c. is from the India Museum : — 4113. [8*] Three cakes of scented paste or ointment from Malwa. 4114. [9*] Arguza, Beejapoor. Pigment for the body. 1r. I 4a. per tola. 4115. [10*] Indooree Booka, Satara. Scented powder used in offerings. 4116. [ 1 1 *] Vijarpoorchey Till Chumalee, Do. Scented sesamum seed. 2a. 4117. [12*] Ashtagundh Tupkeree, Do. Snuff-coloured perfume of eight ingredients. 5r. per tola. 4118. [13*] Ashtagundh Iveshree, Do. Saffron -coloured perfume of eight ingredients. 2 r. 10a. 4119. [14*] Beejapoor Booka, Do. Scented powder used in offerings. 6a. 4120. [19*] Clarified Gum Benjamin (. Sty rax benzoin), Madras. ( 188 ) Class IV. — North-East Gallery. 4121. [20*] Cinnamon sugar-candy. 4122. [22*] Scented sticks, Sattara. For fumigating apartments. 4123. [23*] Scented sticks, Sattara. 4124. [24*] Do. Do. 4125. [25*] Do. Do. 4126. [284*] Oil of Keora ( Pandanus odoratissimus), Do. 4127. [285*] Oil of Paudkree Matee (or white earth), Do. 4128. [286*] Oil of Bukolee ( Mimusops elengi), Do. 4129. [287*] Oil of Murra or hyssop, Do. 4130. [288*] Oil of Duvna ( Artemisia inclica), Do. 4131. [289*] Oil of Goolab or rose (Rosa damascena ), Do. 4132. [290*] Oil of Son Chapa (Michelia Champaca), Do. 4133. [292*] Oil of Gaee ( Jasminum sp.), Do. 4134. [293*] Attar of Kheora {Pandanus odoratissimus). Do. 4135. [294*] Attar of Josee, Do. 4136. [295*] Volatile attar of Lavandula carnosa. Do. 4137. [304*] Attar Keora ( Pandanus odoratissimus), Calcutta. 4138. [305*] Attar £ Santal ’ (Santalum album), Do. 4139. [306*] Nag Kesur (. Mesua ferrea ), Do. 4140. [307*] Attar of Ughur, Do. 4141. [308*] Attar (Bela) ( Jasminum sambac), Do. 4142. [309*] Attar of Jasmine (single), (do.) Madras. 4143. [310*] Do. (double), Do. 4144. [3 1 1*] Do. Do. 4145. [312*] Do. (single), Do. 4146. [313*] Do. Patchouli ( Pogostemon Patchouli), Do. 4147. [314*] Do. Do. ( 4148. [315*] Attar of Rose ( Rosa centi- folia), Madras. 4149. [316*] Do. Do. 4150. [317*] Do. ' Do. 4151. [318*] Do. of mixed roots and flowers. Do. 4152. [319*] Do. Do. 4153. [320*] Do. Lemon Grass (Andro- pogon schcenanthus), Do. 4154. [321*] Do. Do. 4155. [322*] Do. Fragrant Percularia, (Peroularia ocloratissima), Do. 4156. [323*] Do. Do. 4157. [324*] Do. Do. 4158. [326] Do. mixed flowers, Do. 4159. [327*] Do. Aloes Wood, Do. 4160. [328*] Do. Do. 4161. [329*] Do. Southernwood (Arte- misia indica), Do. 4162. [330*] Do. Fragrant screw pin (Pandanus odoratissimus ), Do. 4163. [331*] Do. Pointed-leaved Mimu- sops (Mimusops elengi), Do. 4164. [333*] Do. (Pandanus odoratis- simus), Do. 4165. [334*] Do. Gulzar, Do. 4166. [335*] Do. (Andropogon murica- tus), Do. 4167. [336*] Do. (Jasminum auricula- turn), Do. 4168. [337*] Do. Nuttee, Do. 4169. [338*] Do. Muhak Pari, Do. 4170. [339*] Do. Jasminum grandiflo- rum. 4171. [340*] Do. Do. 4172. [344*] Grass Oil (Andropogon Iwarancusa), Calcutta. 4173. [345*] Attar of Moteya (Jasmi- num hirsutum), Benares. 4174. [346*] Do. Sohag. Do. 4175. [347*] Do. Chumpa (Michelia Champaca), Do. S9 ) o 2 Class YIT. — India. 41 7(1. [348*] Attar of Khus-khus (. An - dropogon muricatus), Benares. 4177. [349*] Do- Uggu (Aloes wood). Do. 4178. [350*] Do. Wuroos. Do. 4179. [351*] Do. Sogundra. Do. 4180. [352*] Oil of Be}' la ( Jasminum sambac), Benares. 4181. [353*] Oil of Bey la ( ) Class VII. — North-East Gallery , 4194. [ 544 ] ‘ Rahat,’ or spinning-wheel (J- real size). C. W. Anderson, Esq. 4195. [ 545 ] £ Tan wul,’ or rack, (A real size), on which the thread is wound to form into hanks for sale. 4214. [ 5821 ] 4215. [ 8097 ] 4211). [ 2722 ] Oil mill, Patna. Ivailhoo or oil machine. Oil mill, Mysore. 4196. [ 2744 ] Silk spinning wheel, Mysore. 4197. [ 8096 ] Loom, Rangoon. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. 4217. [ 3330 ] Burmese pestle, Rangoon. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. 4218. [ 3323 ] Husking machine. Do. Do. 4198. [ 3915 ] Instrument used in spin- ning, Durrung, Assam. Lieut. Phaire. 4199. [ 5918 ] Loom, Assam. Do. 4200. [ 5919 ] Do. Do. 4201. [ 5811 ] Weaving apparatus, Cuttack. 4202. [ 1649 ] Shawl manufacturer’s loom, with goat’s wool, &c., Umritsur. 4202u. [ 3830 ] Carpet loom, .Thansee. 4219. [ 3324 ] Do. Do. Do. 4220. [ 5809 ] Model of rice-cleaning ma- chine, Burmah. Do. 4221. [ 5810 ] Model of rice-husking ma- chine, Do. Do. 4222. [ 3061 ] Model of mill for hulling and dressing rice, Rangoon. Oriental Rice Company. Although not strictly coming under the above heading in the ‘Jury Directory,’ the cotton-cleaning gins or churkas are inserted here. 4203 4204. 4205. 4206. 4207. 4208. 4209. 4210. cotton. [ 5820 ] Churka, Patna. [ 3827 ] Cotton gin. [ 2831 ] Do. Behar. [ 2681 ] Do. Mysore. [ 5818 ] Churka, Ulwar. [ 2873 ] Cotton gin, Cuttack. Used in the Sumbulpore district only. [ 5812 ] Cotton gin, Cuttack. [ 562 ] The foot roller, for cleaning The iron is worked witli two feet on a stone by a woman sitting, or rather balancing herself on a low stool. The seeds are rolled out in front, and the cotton drawn away as fast as it is freed from the seed, and piled up behind under the stool. A small model of a woman cleaning cotton with this instrument is sent. 4211. [ 537 ] ‘ Ratee,’ or roller (l the real size) is sometimes used for separating the seed from the cotton. Section B. — Machinery used in the Manufacture of Vegetable Sub- stances. 4212. [ 5822 ] Oil mill, Shahabad. 4213. [ 5816 ] Do. Cuttack. ( 191 The following remarks accompany the above : — The mill was invented by Thomas Sutherland, mer- chant and mill-owner, Melbourne, Australia, at which place the first mill was erected, and is now working. A great many merchants having tested the invention at once formed themselves into a company, named as above, and sent the inventor and patentee to India to erect a mill. Rangoon was selected. Mr. Sutherland arrived there on the 1 3th of November 1860; and in a little over three months had these extensive and substan- tial buildings finished, the walls being all brick, and covered with corrugated galvanised iron. The main building is 175 ft. long, 40 ft. wide, and 35 ft. high, three stories. The engine-room is 70 ft. long, 20 ft. wide, and 18 ft, high; the boiler-house, 50 by 60, and 18 ft high; work-shop, 20 by 20 ; the smithy and moulding-shop, 35 by 16 ; European’s cottage, 40 by 24 ; office, 30 by 20 — two stories high. The mill contains, as shown by the model, 40 run of stones, 20 being conical and 20 circular; besides these are fifty other machines, viz. polishing-machines, elevators, fans, screens, &c. These are driven by two large engines, each engine driving a half of the mill ; but one engine is capable of driving all, if necessary, in case of a break-down. A clutch is placed on the main shaft, by which it is joined or separated at pleasure, and one engine then drives the entire mill. The steam is supplied by four large boilers. The mill has now been several months at work, and has surpassed the best expectations of the owners, both as to the quantity and quality of the rice produced. Three hundred and fifty tons can be turned out in the twenty- four hours, with a mere trifle as to manual labour, as nearly all the work is done by machinery. Ships load at the company’s wharf, in front of the mill — the sacks of rice being sent from the mill to the ship’s side in trucks running on a tramway. This alone saves immense labour. Such is the success of the mill that several others are now ordered for this and other ports. The value of rice produced by the Company’s mills is already valued at Is. a cwt. over native-cleaned rice ; but it is believed, when the trade once know the quality, it will fetch 2s. a cwt. over any hand-cleaned rice. Messrs. James Wyllif, & Co., of No. 2 King William Street, London, have full power from the patentee to license parties to erect and work this patent. They ) Class XIII.— India, further also possess working plans, &e., and will give all necessary information to those who may desire to erect such mills in Europe or elsewhere. 4223. [2721] Sugar mill, Mysore. 4224. [5814] Sugar-cane mill, Cuttack. 4225. [538] ‘Gana,’ Dkarwar. W. C. Anderson, Esq. Mill for extracting the juice of the sugar-cane (i real size), worked by two bullocks, or, by putting an extra bearer, by four bullocks. Class VIII. — MACHINERY IN GENERAL. Under the division of this class devoted to c Hydraulic Machines, Pile Drivers, &c.,’ a particularly interesting model of a pile- driving machine, invented by Dr. Forbes, is exhibited, along with a photograph of a bridge constructed in accordance with the arrangement shown in the model. The object of the machine is the construction of sub- stantial wooden bridges at a small cost, in ‘ black soil ’ districts, where building materials are not procurable. 4226. [269] Pile-driving machine, Dhar- war. Dr. Forbes. 4227. [9420] Photograph of bridge con- structed by Dr. Forbes. Under the bead of c Measuring and Re- gistering Machines for Commercial, and not for Philosophical Purposes,’ is placed Mr. Wood’s ingenious and useful ‘ East Indian Wages Calculating Machine.’ 4228. [8099] Wages calculating machine for the East Indies. C. Wood, Esq. The inventor having long experienced the labour and liability to error in making up the weekly wages account, in works where a number of hands are employed, recom- mends the above machine to the notice of railway con- tractors, builders, managers of iron works, coffee planta- tions, cutcherries, &c. as a valuable adjunct to their accountant’s offices. The Calculating Machine is arranged upon a plan so simple, that persons of the most ordinary capacity may be made familiar with its use in a few minutes, and the inventor believes that it will be found to repay the pur- chaser its original cost in the space of a few weeks, viz. by reducing the number of clerks required under the pre- sent system of calculating wages. ( 192 This machine will calculate wages in rupees, annas, and pice, at rates varying from 6 pice per day to 12 annas per day, and from ^ day to 35 days; and also for monthly wages varying from 1 rupee per month up to 20 rupees per month, or for any number of days during that time. Directions for Use . — Required the amount of wages due to a workman for 18^ days, at the rate of 7 annas and 9 pice per day : — Turn the rollers round until you find 7/9 on the first, row of large figures (on the left-hand side), then find 1 8 j in the fixed Index above the opening under weekly wages table, immediately under which number you will see 9/1/3 upon the roller, being the amount, 9 rupees, 1 anna, and 3 pice. ) Class IX. — Nortli-East Gallery. Again, let a man’s wages be 9 rupees per month, re- quired the amount due to him for 7 days’ work : — Look for the division marked monthly wages table. Turn the rollers round until you find 7, in the last row of large figures on the left-hand side (of this division), then find 9 in the fixed Index above the opening, and imme- diately under which number you will see 2/1/3 upon the Adler — 2 rupees, 1 anna, and 7 pice. Upon the roller of each machine will be found farther instructions. Price in England, packed ready for India, 120 rupees. These machines may be obtained of Messrs. Ransomes & Sims, Ipswich, or of the inventor, Mr. Charles Wood, Bramford, near Ipswich. Class IX. — AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL MACHINES AND IMPLEMENTS. Although the ordinary agricultural imple- ments, viz. those used in simple tillage, are often of the very rudest description, and although a wide field is opened for improve- ment, it must nevertheless be borne in mind that the soils of India are of a very different character to those of this country, and do not require either the same amount or kind of mechanical treatment in order to pro- duce the requisite effect. The description of the implements used in Dharwar agri- culture given with the models forwarded by Mr. Anderson, will be read with interest. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS USED IN THE DHARWAR COLLECTORATE. Collected by C. W. Anderson, Esq. 4229. [ 536 ] Large plough (J- the real size). On ground being brought into cultivation for the first time, it is ploughed with this, lengthways and crossways. If the land is heavy eight bullocks are used ; if light four are sufficient. It is used in cotton and also in grain cultivation. 4230. [ 533 ] Small plough Q real size). Used in black soil at intervals of from six to ten years, and worked with two or four bullocks according to the depth of ploughing and stiffness of the soil. Used in cotton and also in grain cultivation ; in red soils it is used every year. 4231. [ 528 ] The ‘Kooloo’ (a the real size). Used with two bullocks after ploughing for farther breaking up the soil, and also used without previous ploughing in the years when the black cotton soil is not ploughed. After the seed, whether cotton or grain, is sown with the drill, the iron and wooden supports are removed from this instrument, and the soil smoothed over the seed with the upper wood alone drawn by two bullocks, and kept by the foot of the driver. ( 193 4232. [ 531 ] The * Teephun ’ or drill (f- the real size). Used for sowing cotton, drawn by two bullocks ; the two seed tubes are fed by a woman each. 4233. [ 543 ] The ‘Koolpee’ (£ the real size). Drawn by two bullocks between the rows of cotton, to eradicate weeds by this means: also the soil about the roots of the cotton plants is loosened and piled up — a rough substitute for hoeing. 4234. [ 532 ] Koorie, or drill real size). Used in sowing grain, worked with two bullocks, which one man drives, and this man feeds the receptacle for the seed communicating to the four tubes, and a third man works the extra tubes at the side, with which another description of seed or oil seed is very commonly sown in every fifth row. A model of this implement in work is sent. 4235. [ 530 ] Kolpa (A real size). Drawn by two bullocks, used for rooting up the weeds between the rows of grain ; the row of grain is left un- touched in the interval in the middle; the earth is also by the same operation loosened around the roots of the grain. Two of these are frequently worked together with one pair of bullocks and two men. 4236. [ 555 ] ‘ Eela,’ or reaping-hook (a real size). 4237. [ 556 ] Pickaxe real size), two descriptions, and axe (A real size.) 4238. [ 535 ] ‘ Hullee Bundee’ ( T U real size). Not seen much of large size in the Deccan, but very common in the S. M. C„ drawn by eight bullocks. The tires are of much heavier iron than appears from the model. They are commonly six inches deep. A pair of wheels cost up to 120 rupees; they last 50 or even 100 years, and are handed down as heirlooms in families. ) Class X. — India. RICE CULTIVATION. 4239. [ 550 ] ‘ Nangur ’ plough fe real size). 4248. [ 560 ] ‘ Akree,’ or hook, for collect- ing the grain in straw together ( 4 real size). 4249. [ 547 ] ‘ Phowra’ real size). Used for rice cultivation, worked with two bullocks. Rice land is ploughed with this two or three times every year. 4240. [ 549 ] ‘ Dou,’ or clod-crusher (yU- real size). Drawn with two bullocks : the driver stands on the implement when working it. 4241. [ 528 ] ‘ Kooloo ’ (J- real size). Used after the clod crusher for farther evening the ground. With the scarifier removed, it is used for covering in the seed after it is drilled in. 4242. [ 534 ] Manure-cart ( T \ real size). Worked with two bullocks. 4243. [ 534 ] A ‘Koree,’ or drill used in rice cultivation (4 real size). Is similar to the drill used for the other grain, except that there are six tubes, and no extra tube for other grain is used, rice being sown alone : worked by two bullocks. 4244. [ 542 ] ‘ Koolpa,’ or weed-extractor (J- real size). The loose handle is used to keep it true in its line. Worked by two bullocks. 4245. [ 559 ] ‘Khora,’ or hoe (4 real size). 4246. [ 551 ] ‘ Khorpee,’ or weeder (4 real size). For cleaning away any weeds which may have escaped the khoolpa or weeder drawn by bullocks. 4247. [ 558 ] ‘ Eela,’ or rice reaping-hook (4 real size). May be called a solid rake for heaping together grain. 4250. [ 541 ] ‘ Dantala/ or rake real size). 4251. [ 548 ] ‘ Fewuttee,’ or stool ( T u real size)* For standing on when winnowing. It is six or seven feet high. 4252. [ 540 ] ‘ Bheerut,' or mill (4-real size). Used for removing the husk off rice. SUGAR-CANE CULTIVATION. 4253. [ 557 ] ‘ Grhoorda’ (4 real size). Used for raising water three or four feet ; worked by men holding the ropes at the corners and surging it baek- Model of plough, Mysore. Harrow, Do. Sowing-machine, Do. Weeding-machine, Do. Levelling-machine, Do. Harrow, Do. Common plough, Jhansee.* Plough, Cuttack. Plough ( BuJchur ), Jhansee.* wards and J forwards. 4254. [ 2 7U] 4255. [2716] 4256. [ 2717 ] 4257. [2718] 4258. [2719] 4259. [2720] 4260. [3288] 4261. [5817] 4262. [3829] * Forwarded by the Central Committee, Allahabad. Class X. —CIVIL ENGINEERING, ARCHITECTURAL AND BUILDING CONTRIVANCES. Section A. — Civil Engineering and Building. Under the fifth division of this section Mr. Elton Templemore exhibits a model of a diving-bell and apparatus in successful ap- plication in connection with the operations now being carried on in the Madras roads. 4263. [375] Model of diving-bell and apparatus, Madras. Elton Templemore, Esq. Section C. — Objects of Architectural Beauty or Decoration. iv. — Manufactures in Stone , Alabaster, &c. for useful and ornamental purposes. 4264. [ 5596 ] Cup and cover, gilt edges, Patna. Government of India. 4265. [ 5219 ] Stone dish, Do. Do. 4266. [ 5799 ] Small stone goblet, Do. Do. ( 194 ) Class X. — North-East Gallery. 4267. F 5 587 ] Brahmin bull, Gyah. VERNMENT of INDIA. Go- 4268. [5588] Do. cow, Do. Do. 4269. [5589] Buffalo, Do. Do. 4270. [559°] Buffalo cow. Do. Do. 4271. [5584] Rhinoceros, Do. Do. 4272. [5586] Camel, Do. Do. 4273. Do. [559 x ] Figure of Runjeet Sin g, Do. 4274. [5583] Bear, Do. Do. 4275. [559 2 ] Bull, Do. Do. 4276. [5593] Stag, Do. Do. 4277. Do. [5594] Religious mendicant. , Do. 4278. [5595] A dog, Do. Do. 4279. [ 5570 ] Stone cup, Nilgiri, Cuttack, Do. 4280. [ 5571 ] Pair drinking cups, Do. Do. 4281. [ 5220 ] Turned stone plate. Do. Do. 4282. [ 1207 ] Square marble chessboard, Agra, Do. 4283. [ 1333 ] Octagonal, Do. Do. 4284. [ 1506 ] Marble inkstand, Do. Do. 4285. [ 1344 ] Do. Do. Do. 4286. [ 1530 ] Tray, Do. Do. 4287-90. [ 1533 - 6 ] Four paper weights, Do. Do. 4291. [38i7] Inkstand carved in soap- stone. Do. Do. 4292. [3815] Do. Do. Do. 4293. [ 3818 ] Large tray, Do. Do. Do. 4294. [3819] Do. Do. Do. Do. 4295. [ 3821 ] Square ; tray. , Do. Do. Do. 4296. [ 3822 ] Small tray, Do. Do. Do. 4297. [ 3823 ] Small tray, carved in soap- stone, Agra. Government of India. 4298-4300. [ 3824 - 6 ] Small plates, Do. Do. Do. 4301. [ 3816 ] Octagonal box. Do. Do. Do. 4302. [ 1638 ] Model of Hyderabad Tem- ple, Do. Do. Do. 4303-5. [ 1633 - 5 ] Vessels in soapstone, Jhansee. Iviieree Rambux. 4306. [ 5874 ] Ruler of pink tinted marble, Ulwar. H. H. tbe Maharajah. 4307. [ 5877 ]’ Paper weight, Do. Do. Do. 4308. [ 5878 ] Do. Do. Do. 4309. [ 5879 ] Do. white marble, Do. Do. 4310. [ 5880 ] Do. Do. Do. 4311. [ 5881 ] Cup of pink tinted marble, Do. Do. 4312. [ 5882 ] Spoon, Do. Do. Do. 4313. [ 4980 ] Plate, white marble, Jey- pore. 4314. [ 9380 ] Elephants fighting, Do. 4315. [ 9381 ] Cow and calf, Do. 4316. [ 3740 ] Flower vases, Bellary, Ma- dras. Government of Madras. 4317. [ 3741 ] Two paper weights, Do. Do. 4318. [ 3742 ] Inkstand, Do. Do. 4319. [ 3743 ] Water jug, Do. Do. 4320-1. [ 3774 - 5 ] Butter-pot and stand, Do. Do. 4322. [ 10624 ] Goglet,N. Arcot. Thathna Lingaciiarri, manufacturer. Do. Do. 4323. [ 10625 ] Vase, Do. Do. Do. 4324. [ 10626 ] Do. Do. Do. Do. 4325. [ 5888 ] Model of temple in Bur- mese alabaster, Pegu. Col. Piiayre. 4325a. [ 4832 ] Burmese idol, Rangoon. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. Class XI. — India. Class XI. — MILITARY ENGINEERING. Section C. — Arms etc. Division III. — Small Arms. The arms exhibited on the present occasion are not nearly equal in number to those shown in the Exhibitions of 1851 and 1855 ; nevertheless some of them are exceedingly choice, and of exquisite workmanship. 4326. [ 5764 ] Rifle, Enfield pattern, Re- paid. H. H. Sir Jung Bahadoor, K.C.B. 4327. [ 5765 ] Musket and bayonet. Do. Do. 4328. [ 5763 ] Breecli-loading carbine. Do. Do. 4329. [ 5766 ] Revolver, six-barrelled, Do. Manufactured in Sir Jung Bahadoor’s Arsenal at Nepaul. 4330. [ 10249 ] Matchlock flint, with ap- paratus, &c., Lahore. H. H. the Nawab of Biiawulpore. 4331. [ 5761 ] Matchlock, Ulwar. H. H. the Maharajah of Ulwar. 4332. [ 5759 ] Musket, enclosing a second, Do. Do. Exhibited as an excellent specimen of native ingenuity. It was made by Setaram, head-smith of the Kajah of Ulwar. DIRECTIONS FOR TAKING OUT THE INNER GUN. a. Sight-screw to be taken off. This will separate the length of the outer gun and discover the smaller one inside. The box at the end of the butt of the latter contains : — )>. Screw, to be fixed on the left side of the outer barrel after the moveable breech has been fixed in. — c. Moveable breech, to be fixed to outer barrel. — d. Breech screwer. — e. Small gun. — f. The knife securing gun-caps at its handle pushes down the trigger through the recess, and the cap is fixed on the down-pointed nipple by the knife’s handle. 4333. [ 788 ] Rifle, twisted and engraved barrel, Khyrpoor. H. H. Meer Ali Morad. 4334. [ 802 ] Matchlock, Arabian pattern, with accoutrements, Kutch. H. H. the Rao of Kutch. 4336. [ 5762 ] Matchlock, with punch and powder-horn, Cuttack. Government of India. Made at Bedhanpore, in the Hill State of Dhenkanal. Time has not allowed of its being finished in the best style, but it is a fair piece of workmanship for this country, and the maker is noted among native Shekarees (hunters), his guns carrying a small charge, yet shooting very hard and well. The match is made of the Koombhee {Careya arborea). Price of this piece 30 r. or 3/.* SWORDS, DAGGERS, ETC. 4337. [ 5771 ] Dagger (Kuttar), gold- mounted, Ulwar. H. H. the Maharajah of Ulwar. 4338. [ 5768 ] Sword (Tulwar), blade of two kinds of steel, Do. Do. 4339. [ 5769 ] Do. small (Zuffur Tukia), Do. Do. 4340. [ 5770 ] Knife (Choora), Do. Do. 4341. [ 971 ] Dagger, ivory handle, gold- mounted, Puttiala. H. H. the Maharajah of Puttiala. 4342. [ 972 ] Do., silver handle, ivory scabbard, Do. Do. 4343. [ 973 ] Sword, gold-mounted, Do. Do. 4344. [ 974 ] Do. Do. Do. Do. 4345. [ 5776 ] Dagger, pearl handle, La- hore. H. H. the Nawab of Bhawulpore. 4346. [ 5777 ] Do., ivory handle, green velvet scabbard, Lahore. Capt. Harrison, H. M. 79 th Highlanders. 4347. [ 8175 ] Sword and scabbard, Cal- cutta. John Martin, Esq. 4348. [ 3051 ] Dagger, fine steel, gold- inlaid handle, green velvet scabbard, Luck- now. Do. 4335. [ 803 ] Do., and accoutrements, Do. Do. ( 193 ) * Local Committee, Cuttack. Class XI. — North-East Gallery. 4349. [2186] Sword, presented by Cal- cutta Volunteers to Major Davies, Calcutta. Messrs. Allen & Hayes, Jewellers, Calcutta. Manufactured by native workmen. 4350. [3052] Dagger, Damascene blade, massive ivory handle, in a gold-mounted velvet scabbard, Calcutta. Messrs. Allen & H ayes, Jewellers , Calcutta. 4351. [4252] Do., with scabbard, with two smaller knives in handle, Rainpore. H. H. the Nawab of Rampore. 4352. [4253] Do. Do. Do. 4353. [5772] Hunting-knife, with scab- bard, Cuttack. GOVERNMENT of INDIA. Price 10s. The native blacksmiths of Cuttack turn out excellent specimens of cutlery. 4354. [5778] War knife, Peshawur. Ma- homed ZuMA. 4355. [6495] Dagger or Chura, Bokhara, Peshawur. H. H. Nawab Kharroola Khan. 4356. [6496] Do. Do. Do. 4357. [4254] Knife (Kookee), silver- mounted, Darjeeling. Dr. Campbell. 4358. [4255] Do. do. Do. Do. 4359. [4256] Do., plain, Do. Do. 4360. [4257] Do. (Bootanese), Do. Do 4361. [4258] Dagger -shaped instrument, wooden, Do. Do. Found in altars, in Lamooneers. 4362. [4268] Sword (Bootanese), in crimson scabbard, Darjeeling. Dr. Campbell. 4363. [1381] Dagger, jade green buffalo- head handle, jade scabbard mount. Col. Guthrie, Bengal Engineers. 4364. [1382] Do., jade ram’s-head handle, leather scabbard. Do. 4365. [1383] Do., white jade handle, jewelled. Do. 4366. [1384] Do. do., gold-inlaid. Do. 4367. [1385] Do., plain jade handle, two jade mountings. Do. ( : 4368. [1386] Dagger, rock-crystal leo- pard’s head handle, topaz eyes, coral tongue, plain velvet scabbard. Col. Guthrie, Bengal Engineers. 4369. [1387] Do., rock-crystal handle, blue velvet scabbard. Do. 4370. [1388] Do. do., red velvet scabbard. Do. 4371. [789] Do., with horn handle, silver- mounted scabbard, Khyrpoor. H. H. Meer Ali Morad. 4372. [786] Sword, gold-mounted, Do. Do. 4373. [792] Sword or Talwa, inlaid with gold and silver, Kutch. H. H. the Rao of Kutch. 4374. [795] Dagger, inlaid with gold and silver, Do. Do. 4375. [796] Do. do. Do. Do. 4376. [799] Do. or Bichwa, inlaid, Do. Do. 4377. [800] Do., with red glass handle, Do. Do. 4378. [801] Do., inlaid with gold, Do. Do. 4379. [1076] Knife, ivory handle and scabbard, Hyderabad. Government of India. 4380. [1077] Do., wooden scabbard, Do. Do. 4381. [4719] Hunting knife or Shikaree, with accoutrements, Sawunt Warree. Do. 4382. [452] Two Malay knives, Malabar. Dr. M‘Pherson, Madras. 4383. [10590] Two do. Do. Do. 4384. [6360] Six Krisses, viz. 4 Panjang,’ ‘ Sepucal,’ ‘ Chinankas,’ 4 Toomboo Ladah,’ 4 Bladohe,’ 4 Badeh,’ Singapore. Hon. Col. Cavanagh. These krisses are those commonly in use, and have their names according to their uses or qualities, as Panjang, long — Sepucal, straight, &c. 4385. [9422] Two metal daggers, small. 4386. [9423] Two long swords, with gauntlet handles. India Museum. 7 ) Class XII. — Indio. BATTLE-AXES, SPEARS, ARROWS, &e. 4387. [5779] Weapon, Bysakliee, Khyra- j bad, Oude. C. Lindsay, Esq., Deputy Com- missioner of Hardin. A powerful weapon of offence and defence ; also used as a rest for the arm by fakeers. An article of very great antiquity. 4388. [5767] Weapon, Nepaulese ‘Korah.' H. H. Silt Jung Bahadoor, K.C.B. Silver handle and gold mountings, Nepaul. 4389. [10235] Bow and arrows, Tilhur, Shahjehanpore. Government of India. 4390 . [5773-5] Battle-axes, Cuttack. Government of India. 4391-2. [7857] 2 spears, highly orna- mented. Jhend. 4393. [8172] Shield of basket-work, Dar- jeeling. Dr. Campbell. 4394. [7816] Horn priming flask, Jey- pore. H. H. the Rajah. 4395. [5660] Shield or Dlial, Ulwar. H. H. the Maharajah. 4396. [646] Shield of rhinoceros skin, Kutch. H. H. the Rao. 4397. [651] Battle-axe or Koolung, Do. Do. Inlaid with gold, &c. 4398. [797] Do. or Tubbur, Do. 3. Inlaid with gold, &c. 4399. [79 g ] Do. Do. Do. Inlaid with gold, &c. 4400. [976] Do. Da. J. Do. Do. 4401. [794] Lance, Kutch, H. H. the Rao. Gold mounted (in two parts). 4402. [8174] Chain armour, Do. Do. Complete suit of five pieces. 4403. [787] Shield, gold mounted, Khyr- poor. H. H. Meer Ali Morad. 4404. [8173] Chain armour, viz., one coat of mail ; one head-piece ; one legging ; two gauntlet-gloves, Do. Do. 4405. [920] Steel how and twenty-six ar- rows, Rewa Kanta. Dr. Nicholson, Bombay Army. 4406. [451] Battle-axe, British Burmah. Dr. McPherson, Madras. 4407. [466] Quiver of Upas poisoned ar- rows for the simpoon or blow-pipe gun, with spare Upas jioison in case attached, Do. Do. 4408. [6343] Six spears, with royal gold ferules. H. H. the Rajah of Tringanu. Those spears are borne as marks of royalty before the Rajah of Tringanu. 4409. [9424] Four shields on outside of arm’s case. India Museum. 4410. [9425] Eight spears, various. Do. 4411-2. [2443-4] Two Hankas, or Ele- phant drivers’ spears. Kenneth McLeod, Esq., Grishinish, Isle of Skye. 4413. [9426] Two very fine Mahout spears, of the best cut steel. E. W. Win- grove, Esq., Twickenham. Inlaid with gold, &c. Class XII. — NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND SHIPS’ TACKLE. Sections A. and B. The models of boats, Ac. exhibited on the present occasion are but few in number. In order to form a correct notion of the forms employed, the India Museum, which con- tains the admirable collection of models be- ( longing to this class exhibited in 1851, and again in Paris in 1855, must be referred to. 4414. [5806] Ferry-boat, Kishnaghur. 4415. [3315] Burmese pulling-boat, Ran- goon. Messrs. IIalliday, Fox, A Co. > ) Class XII. — North-East Gallery. 4416. [ 3316 ] Burmese royal boat, Ran- goon. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. 4417. Co 1 00 >— i 1 1 Do. racing-boat, Do. Do. 4418. [33 i8 1 Do. cargo-boat, Do. Do. 4419. [33 I 9] Do. Do. Do. 4420. [33 20 1 Do. long-boat, Do. Do. 4421. [33 22 ] Do. dauk, Do. Do. 4422. [33 2 5] Chinese junk, Do. Do. Section C. — Ships’ Tackle etc. Under this section is exhibited an interest- ing appliance, the invention of Mr. Elton Templemore, of Madras , the object of which is to prevent the loss and facilitate the re- covery of ships’ moorings, and of submerged property in general. 4423. [ 7996 ] Submarine recovery buoys (patent). Elton Templemore, Esq. 4424. [ 7996 ] Tank, with buoys, models of boats, &c., showing application of the above. Do. TEMPLEMORE S SUBMARINE RECOVERY BUOY. 199 Class XIV. — India. This invention is stated to supersede the ordinary and doubtful security afforded by the present plan of buoy- ing ships’ anchors and cables off with a rope and surface buoy, when slipped at the anchorage ground ; in which case the rope rots, or is broken, the buoy disappears, and, finally, the moorings are lost. The submarine buoy is for the purpose of being attached to property intended to be submerged ; and whilst being chiefly applicable to ships’ moorings, it may be used with advantage in all cases of submerged property, where the use of a buoy is necessary. The following advantages are claimed for this inven- tion : — 1st. It preserves ships’ moorings from all risk of loss, at whatever description of anchorage ground. 2nd. The moorings are preserved submerged, in a posi- tion to be recovered after any lapse of time. 3rd. It affords additional facilities for ships to slip their cables, when it is known they are perfectly safe with the submarine recovery buoy attached. 4th. It is economical, as it saves the destruction of good rojse, which must otherwise be required for the purpose of buoying the cables. The submarine recovery buoy can be used in lieu of, or in addition to, the ordinary surface float, in all cases of property to be submerged. The inventor, being engaged by the Madras Government in recovering and raising ships’ moorings from the Madras roads, has thus been enabled, from practical experience, to mature and submit a plan which will, for the future, prevent the loss of submerged property. The Madras roadstead, consisting as it does of a soft yielding sand, presents greater difficulties than are to he met with elsewhere ; it allows articles to sink beneath the surface of the sand, by which they are irrecoverably lost, by being buried out of sight of the divers. Patentee’s agent W. H. Payn, Esq., Solicitor, Dover. Class XIII. — PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS. 4425 . [5058] Troughton’s improved land level and prismatic compass, Roorkee, N.W. Provinces. Sir Probt Cautley, K.C.B. These excellent specimens of native workmanship are copies of instruments furnished by Messrs. Troughton & Simms to the government workshops at Eoorkee. With the exception of the glass, which was procured from England, every part of these instruments was made by na- tive workmen under the supervision of Captain Augus- tine Allen, the Superintendent, and Mr. Mason, the head of the Mathematical Instrument Department. 4426. [10050] Trisector, Agra. Moon- SHEE SADA SuKH LALL. Invented by the exhibitor. Class XIV. — PHOTOGRAPHIC APPARATUS AND PHOTOGRAPHY. Division II. — Photographic Impressions EXHIBITED AS PHOTOGRAPHIC PICTURES. The following photographs reached in time for exhibition. Since then a large col- lection, embracing portraits from almost the whole of the tribes and classes of India, taken under the auspices of the Indian Govern- ment, have been received and are now being arranged for publication as lithographs, along with copious descriptive notes of the various subjects delineated. Amongst these are in- cluded the tribes of Central India, photo- graphed by the Rev. E. Godfrey and Lieut. Waterhouse ; those of Bhurtpore by Messrs. Shepherd and Robinson ; of Nagpore, Sik- him, and Bootan (specimens of which are exhibited) by Dr. Simpson; of the North- ( Western Provinces by Dr. Tressider ; of Oude by Captain Fitzmaurice and Lieut. R. H. De Montmorency; of Hazara by T. T. Davies, Esq. ; of Bombay and Sinde by Cap- tain Houghton and Lieut. Tanner ; and also of the tribes or inhabitants from the places undernoted which have come to hand unac- companied with the artists’ names, viz., from Moradabad, Benares, Allyguib, Goruckpore, Dehra Dhoon, and the Punjab ; from the various collectorates of Madras; from Koorg, and, lastly, from Burmah and Penang. A. — Landscapes , Architectural Subjects , Natural Objects. 4427 . [8018] View of the town and tem- ples of Hurdwar and head of Ganges Canal. Sir Proby Cautley, K.C.B. 200 ) Class XIV. — North-East Gallery. 4428. [ 8006 ] 1. Great Temple ; 2. The Singh Durwajah, or Lion’s Gate, of the Great Temple ; 3. A curious tank to the east of the Great Temple, surrounded by seventy or eighty small temples ; 4. Group of temples , to the west of the Great Temple ; 5. The Boital Temple ; 6 . The Mookteswar Temple, and idol’s swing ; 7. A grave near the Mook- teswar Temple, and ruins ; 8 . The Temple Annuntoo Basa Davey, on the large tank Bindoo Sagur — evening; 9. The Temple Pursuram Is war. Bobeneswar, Orissa. In one frame. Photographed by Captain Henry Dixon, 22nd M.N.I. 4429. [ 8007 ] 12. The Palace of Rajah Lalet Indra Kesari, or Ranee Goompah, rock cut caves (right view); 13. The Palace of Rajah Lalat Indra Kesari, or Ranee Goom- pah, rock-cut caves (left view) ; 14. Do. Do. Do. ; 1 6. The Ganesa Cave, cut in the rock, said to be the most ancient, and dating about 200 years b.c. ; 17. The Hill of Khundaghirri, with modern Jain temple. 19. Group of rock-cut caves. Oodyaghirri, Orissa. — 10. The Temple Sideswar; 11. Group of tem- ples. Bobeneswar, Orissa. — 22. View of the Great Temple of Juggernaut, showing the lion’s gate and beautiful monolith ; 23. The Street leading to the Great Temple. Pooree. Captain Henry Dixon. In one frame. 4430. [ 8008 ] Idols carved out of rock, in the Badamee Caves ; Carved Juggernauth Car ; Stone ditto ; Stone Idol called Rockus (the Evil Spirit) ; Brahminee Bull. Bombay. Photographed by Captain Sellon, Bombay Engineers. 4431. [ 8009 ] Elephant Stables at Beeja- nuggur; Temples at ditto; Lesser Fort at Badamee; Linguite Temple and Tank at Bunshunkeree. Do. Photographed by Captain Sellon, Bombay Engineers. 4432. [ 8010 ] Wooden Bridge over the Sangum River at Peona ; Falls of Gokak ; Cocoa-nut Trees ; Encampment at Ironey ; Banian Tree at Sutguttee. Do. , Photographed by Captain Sellon, Bombay Engineers. 4433. [ 8011 ] Fort at Copal ; Large Fort at Badamee; Fort at Ironey, on the Toon- gabudra ; Lesser Fort at Badamee ; Hill and Fort of Munshur and Munsuntash. Do. Photographed by Captain Sellon, Bombay Engineers. 4434. [ 8012 ] Hill and Fort of Nurgoond ; Town of ditto ; Cotton Carts. Cotton Dis- trict of S.W. India. Photographed by Captain Sellon, Bombay Engineers. 4435. [ 8013 ] Mahomedan Temple at Ba- damee; Temples at Sassoor, West Poona; Temples, Sacred Tanks, Idols, &c., at Maha- cote ; Grand Hindoo Temple (150 ft. high), at Beejanugger ; Linguite Temple at Bada- mee. Do. Photographed by Captain Sellon, Bombay Engineers. 4436. [ 2207 ] Calcutta drainage works at Kotrung, steam brick-making shops. Peter Nicholl, Esq. 4437. [ 2208 ] Do. machine-shops, &c. Do. 4438. [ 2209 ] Do. view from the works across the river Hooghly. Do. 4439. [ 2206 ] Do. engineer’s bungalow Do. 4440. [ 2205 ] Do. superintendent’s bun- galow. Do. 4441. [ 2204 ] Do. work-people. Do. 4442. [ 8014 ] l.Dog; 2. Brahmin Priest ; 3. An 'Officer of Irregular Cavalry ; 4. A Dancing Beggar ; 5. A Gooroo, or Seikh Priest; 6. A Woman selling Indian Corn ; 7. A Tailor ; 8 . A Madras Bandy ; 9. A Parsee; 10. A Barber; 11. A Hindoo Woman; 12. Jewellers. Captain Allen N. Scott. In one frame. 4443. [ 8015 ] 13. Hindoo Temple, Secun- derabad; 14. Tomb at Golconda; 15. Fruit and Flowers; 16. Tomb of a Mahomedan Saint; 17. Tomb and Banian Tree; 18. Hill Fort at Golconda ; 19. A Native Cart ; 20. Women grinding Wheat; 21. A Bullock Cart ; 22 . Camels ; 23. Dead Tiger ; 24. Dead Cheetah or Leopard. Cai>tain Allen N. Scott. In one frame. 4444. [ 8094 ] Stereographs of Triehino- poly, Tanjore, Madura, &c., 1855. 2 vols. Captain Tripe. 1S.B . — Several other volumes of photographs, forming part of this collection, are in the India Museum, Fife House, Whitehall Yard, S.W. ( 201 ) Class XIV. — India. 4445. [9427] Copy of paintings of the Adjunta Caves. Photographed by Major Gill. B. — Portraits , Single or in Groups. 4446. [1650] H. If. Mehundur Singh, son of the Maharajah of Puttiala, and heir-appa- rent to the throne. 4447. [1651] Sirdar Narain Sing, Sahib of Sealbah, son-in-law to the Maharajah. 4448. [1652] Interior of the principal re- ception-room in the palace of the Maharajah of Puttiala. 4449. [8016] Portraits of natives (15 pic- tures in one frame). Printed at Industrial School of Arts, Madras. Photographed by Dr. Scott. 4450. [8017] Do. (12 pictures in one frame). Do. Photographed by Dr. Scott. 4451. [2210] Lagoatna Brahmin. 4452. [2211] Do. Do. 4453. [2212] Sanoorna Do. 4454. [2213] Bhugela Thakoor. 4455. [2214] A Marwaree. 4456. [2215] Goundhes, or bricklayers (men and women). 4457. [2216] Do. Do. Do. Photographic Likenesses of Natives of various Parts of India. 4458. [8019] Cheeboo Lama, Dowan of Sikkim. D.it. Simpson. 4459. [8020] Bhootia (Bhutan). 4460. [8021] Do. (Thibet). 4461. [8022] Sauwar (Nepaul). 4462. [8023] Bhootia (Sikkim). 4463. [8024] Thibetan. 4464. [8025] Limbo'female (Nepaul). 4465. [8026] Lepcha female (Sikkim). 4466. [8027] Sauwar female (Nepaul). 4467. [8028] Bhootia (Thibet). ( 202 4468. [8029] Magar (Nepaul). 4469. [8030] Kus (Gookha Nepaul). 4470. [8031] Bhootia (Bhotan), inter- preter at the Darjeeling Court. 4471. [8032] Lama Pernianchi Sikkim. 4472. [8033] Lepcha (male). Do. 4473. [8034] Bhootia (female), Lassa Thibet. 4474. [8035] Muddick Group. 4475. [8036] Newar (Nepaul). 4476. [8037] Moormi, Nepaul. 4477. [8038] Limbo, Do. 4478. [8039] Goorung, Do. 4479. [8040] Mech, Terai. 4480. [8041] Lepcha, Sikkim. 4481. [8042] Kamee, Nepaul. 4482. [8043] Bhootia female, Sikkim. 4483. [8044] Oraon Cole female, Chota Nagpore. 4484. [8045] Korwah, Do. 4485. [8046] Rajah Chutroo Gimadhit, Maumboom, Rajpoot. 4486. [8047] Moonda female, Chota Nag- pore. 4487. [8048] Cole Christian, Do. 4488. [8049] Rajpoot, Singbhoom. 4489. [8050] Cheeroo, Palamow. 4490. [8051] Bhogta, Chota Nagpore. 4491. [8052] Oran, Do. 4492. [8053] Moonda male, Do. 4493. [8054] Rajwar, Behar. 4494. [8055] Aheer, Shahabad. 4495. .[8056] Dosadh, Behar. 4496. [8057] Mullick, Do. 4497. [8058] Musahar, Do. 4498. [8059] Pohariah, Bhaugulpore Hills. 4499. [8060] Garrow. ) Class XV. — North-East Gallery. 4500. [ 8061 ] Maram Nagar, Muneepore. 4501. [ 8062 ] Cacharee, Assam. 4502. [ 8063 ] Rajbunsee, Koch Behar. 4503. [ 8064 ] Burmese. 4504. [ 8065 ] Mugh, Akyab. 4505. [ 8066 ] Kyang, Burmah. 4506. [ 8067 ] Rajpoot Christian, Bhojpore. 4507. [ 8068 ] GRilzie, Kandahar. 4508. [ 8069 ] Dooranee, Cabul. 4509. [ 8070 ] Persian, Calcutta. 4510. [ 8071 ] Lurka Cole, Singbhoom. 4511. [ 8072 ] Pathan. 4512. [ 8073 ] Tartar horse-dealers, Thibet. 4513. [ 8074 ] Bhootan group, Bhootan. 4514. [ 8075 ] Groorung group, Nepaul. 4515. [ 8076 ] Sunwar family group, Do. 4516. [ 8077 ] Lepcha peasants, Sikkim. 4517. [ 8078 ] Newar group, Nepaul. 4518. [ 8079 ] Kus group, Do. 4519. [ 8080 ] Limbo group, Nepaul. 4520. [ 8081 ] Mech group, Terai. 4521. [ 8082 ] Bhootia group, Bhootan. 4522. [ 8083 ] Moormi group, Nepaul. 4523. [ 8084 ] Do. Do. 4524. [ 8085 ] Lepcha water-carrier. 4525. [ 8086 ] Rajbunsee group, Koch Behar. 4526. [ 8087 ] Dosadh group, Behar. 4527. [ 8088 ] Affghan group, Cabul. 4528. [ 8089 ] Korwah group, Chota Nag- pore. 4529. [ 8090 ] National dance, Coles. 4530. [ 8091 ] Do. Do. 4531. [ 8092 ] Do. Chota Nagpore. 4532. [ 8093 ] Santhal group, Bhaugul- pore. 4533. [ 8095 ] Santhal, Do. 4534. [ 2218 ] A Kuttik Thakoor, Etah district, Agra division. 4535. [ 2219 ] AMahomedan priest, Do. 4536. [ 2220 ] A Kamboo Mahomedan, Do. 4537. [ 2217 ] A Khateeh, Do. Class XV. — HOROLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS. 4538. [ 3129 ] Silver watch (with chain), Ulwar. Presented by H. H. the Maharajah of Ulwar. This watch is stated to have been made by the watchmaker to H. H. the Maharajah. Class XV. ( 203 ) p Class XVIII. — India. Class XVI. — MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. These are few in number, but an almost complete collection is to be found at the India Museum. 4539. [3173] Double-headed drum, Dar- jeeling. Dr. Campbell. 4540. [4462] Burmese gong, Rangoon. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. 4541. [33x2] Burmese ‘ putalah,’ Do. Do. 4542. [4459] Small gong, Do. Do. 4543. [4458] Gong tolled after prayer, Do. Do. 4544. [1764] Trumpet made of a human thigh bone, Darjeeling. Dr. Campbell. 4546. [1766] Horn bells, Darjeeling. Dr. Campbell. 4547. [4464] Burmese harp, Rangoon. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. 4548. [1245] Burmese gong. Baily, Esq. 4549. [8100] Guitar. 4550. [9428] Do. 4551. [9429] Flageoletto. 4552. [9430] Do. 4553. [9431] Fiddle. H. S. 4545. [4480] Bell hung to the pinnacle of Burmese pagodas, Rangoon. Messrs. Hal- liday, Fox, & Co. 4554. [9432] Do. 4555. [9433] Pair of cymbals. Class XVIII. — COTTON. The Table (p. 205) shows the value of the cotton goods, including twist and yarn, exported from India to all parts of the world from 1850 -51 to 1860-61, and indicates the persistency which has so far attended the Indian exporttrade in manufactured cotton to various countries. Of the large collection of samples forwarded for exhibition on the pre- sent occasion, a selection only has been shown, the remainder, as in other similar instances, having been deposited at the India Museum. Although not manufactured in India, space was readily accorded to the Cotton Supply Association for the exhibition of a complete and important series of speci- mens illustrating the adaptability of the native or indigenous cotton of India to the manufacture in this country of goods, in every respect, whether dyed or bleached, of first-class quality, and such as, until now, it had been deemed impracticable to produce from 4 Indian cotton.’ * * Much credit is due to Mr. K. Burn, of Manchester, for his exertions in this matter. I. — Cotton Yarn and Thread. The collection from India under this head is of very small extent. The samples of fine yarn exhibited by the Cotton Supply Asso- ciation are, however, worthy of particular attention, as showing the capability of Indian cotton for the manufacture of yarns of high numbers — a fact which is still farther illustrated by the numerous specimens of manufactured cotton, chintzes, &c. sliowm in Case 30. 4556. [5338] Cotton yarn, Jumbulpore, Cuttack. 4557. [5129] Do. Piplee, Cuttack. 4558. [5485] Do. Assam. Lieut. Phaire. 4559. [5486] Do. Do. 4560. [7880] Do. Poona. 4561. [1261] Cotton j T arn, spun by fe- males with mills termed ‘ Bhettia,’ Broach. 4562. [1265] Do. No. 8. Do. ( 204 ) Class XVIII. — North-East Gallery. TABLE SHOWING THE VALUE OF COTTON GOODS (INCLUDING TWIST AND YABN) EXPORTED FROM INDIA AND EACH PRESIDENCY TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD FROM 1850-51 TO 1860-61. COUNTRIES WHITHER EXPORTED Value op Total Ye abs Whence Exported United Kingdom France Other Parts op Europe America China Arabian and Persian Gulps Other Parts Exported to all Parts Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Value & £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Bengal 917 4 942 1,289 17,364 93,403 113,919 Madras 46,054 246 54 12 3,261 125,106 174,733 Bombay 1,830 1,442 267,992 77,735 348.999 All India. 48,801 *5° 996 *,743 288,617 296,244 657,651 CM Bengal 794 861 929 11,908 103,046 117,538 *0 Madras 70,163 2 3,087 132,562 205,814 O Bombay . 11 i 774 305,862 320,857 118,493 425,141 74849 J A A1.1. India. 70,968 862 1,705 354,101 Bengal 461 40 1,572 8,310 13,990 99,948 124,321 >0 Madras 136,095 li.i 1 56 1,521 123,981 261.767 CM Bombay 66 112 1,749 411,663 130,379 354,308 543,969 00 All India . 136,622 **S 40 1,573 10,115 4*7,174 93°, °S7 Bengal 4,681 35 2,775 474 16,246 16,125 40,336 Madras 102,607 1 2,077 105,262 209,946 2 Bombay . 818 353 363,460 154,226 275,613 518,857 CO All India . 108,106 35 2,776 827 381,783 769,159 JO Bengal 15,018 270 758 20,125 16,722 52,893 Madras 68,050 700 114,405 183,155 Bombay . 512 3,592 392,965 183,986 581,055 s All India . 83,580 270 4,350 413,79° 3 I 5 ,H 3 817,103 Bengal 1,440 814 423 89 1,006 11,288 16,124 31,184 s Madras 35,410 39 233 648 97,532 133,882 »o Bombay . 288 553 431,386 181*944 614,171 All India . 37.138 853 4*3 34 * 1,559 443,322 295,600 779,* 3 7 Bengal 5,352 224 185 104 328 33,117 13,226 52,536 >0 Madras 39,952 42 40 2 1,086 84,599 125,721 Bombay . 30 878 493,443 208,216 702,567 All India . 45,334 266 185 144 1,208 527,646 306,041 880,824 Bengal 1,504 10 350 345 29,210 24,939 25,315 81,673 >0 Madras 33,515 98 1,246 94,197 129,056 Bombay . 78 2,425 42S.534 167.417 598,454 809,183 CO Alt. India . 35,°97 108 35° 345 31,635 454,719 286,929 Bengal 3,686 238 339 229 15,677 13,651 33,820 *0 Madras 22,594 78 987 89,460 113,119 CO Bombay 17 1,198 504,836 160,614 *6 3,7*5 666,665 2 All India . 26,297 316 339 1,4*7 521,500 813,604 Bengal 1,510 167 35 518 4,816 10,128 9,112 26,286 0 Madras 27,284 41 11 1 801 83,609 111.747 Bombay 310 7,558 387,813 39^,74* 229,872 625,553 763,586 CO All India . 29,104 208 46 519 1 *, 374 3**, 593 Bengal 293 5 246 1,185 3,885 16,762 22,376 Madras 39,617 822 5 224 82,419 123,087 SO Bombay . 17 9,944 433,095 190,596 633,652 All India . 39,9*7 827 246 11,134 437, *°4 * 89.777 779,n5 4563. Broach. [! 26 7 ] Cotton yarn, No. 16. 4564. [ 1264 ] Do. No. 20 . Do. 4565. [ 1266 ] Do. No. 22 . Do. 4566. [ 1 263 ] Do. No. 30. Do. 4567. [ 850 ] Do. Shikarpoor. Go- VERNMENT of INDIA. 4568. [ 9434 ] Yarn No. 70s double. Spun in Manchester from Broach cotton. Cotton Supply Association. 4568a. [ 9434 a] Yarns Nos. 60s and 80s ( 205 spun from exotic cotton grown near Madras. Cotton Supply Association. II. — Muslins. Some excellent specimens of Dacca manu- facture are exhibited. The piece referred to in the following note by Mb. H. Houlbs- worth, is superior to any shown in 1851, the best specimen on that occasion proving to be of No. 357s yarn instead of 380s as in the present instance. It will be seen, however, that, as then, some machine-made muslin in the present Exhibition is superior in point of fineness, according to the mode of computa- tion adopted. ) p 2 Class XVIII. — India. ‘ MULMUL KH.VS ’ MUSLIN PIECE. The number of warp threads in one inch appeared to be . . 104 And of weft ..... 100 The width of piece .... 3 feet The length 31 „ The number of square feet . . 93 ,, The weight of the piece . . . 1565 grs. The formula by which the numbers of the yarn is deduced from the above is warp threads + weft threads in 1 sq. in. x 144 (in. in 1 sq. ft.) x 7000 grains x sq. ft. in the piece, and •= by 36 in. in a yard x 840 yards in a hank x weight of piece in grains = Nos. of the yarn. This, if the constants are inverted, resolves itself into threads x threads x sq. ft. x 333 1565 grs. rp, 204 x 93 x 333 OOA ,, XT c , Tlius =380, — the Nos. of the yarn ac- 1565 J cording to our English mode of computation, which is as follows. A hank of cotton yarn contains 7 ropes or leys, each of 80 threads, each thread being 54 in. long (which is the circumference of the cotton reel). Thus there are 560 threads in one hank (7 x 80) each 54 in. or lg yards in length, and 560 x 14 =840 yards, the length of 1 hank of cotton yarn, and the fineness is indicated by the num- ber of hanks in one pound of 7 000 grains. In the French department, in the case of Mons. Thivel Michon, of Tavare, there are several pieces of fine muslin or tarletan, woven in France, the yarn of which is No. 440, spun by Thomas Houldsworth & Co., of Manchester ; and there are a few yards of muslin woven of No. 700 yarn: but this last is too imperfect for any purpose, except to point the limits of fineness «t which cotton yarn can be woven at all. The pieces of No. 440 are, however, very perfect, and a great advance on any mus- lin exhibited in 1851, chiefly owing to the introduction since then of Neilman's combing machine for cotton, by which the quality of fine yarn has been vastly im- proved, and made nearly as perfect as the fibre will admit. A comparison, however, of this muslin with the Dacca piece, as tested by the eye and feel, would lead to the opinion that the Indian piece was the finer. This arises from the difference in the finishing or getting up of the two muslins — the French pieces being got up hard and wiry by means of starch, which coats the threads and makes them appear coarser than they are ; while the Dacca muslin is soft, and appears perfectly free from all starch or other dressing. It may also be that the India threads, spun by hand, are more condensed in their sub- stance by the compression of the fingers in the act of spinning than the machine-spun 440 of the Manchester yarn. The fact, however, still is, that by our mode of com- puting the fineness of cotton yarn, the French muslin is 15 per cent, finer than that of the Dacca muslin. It may be of interest to add, that the fineness of the finest select seed, Sea Island cotton fibre, which my firm has ever spun, appears to be from No. 8,000 to 10,000, supposing the fibres to be laid end to end in a continuous line, and assuming each fibre to average 1^ to If in length ; thus if we assume the latter length, 1 pound of such fibres would extend nearly 4,770 miles, and 1 grain weight of such fibres would extend about 1,200 yards.* MUSLINS ETC. 4569. [3396] ‘ Mulmul Khas,’ Muslin, Dacca. Hurjiohun Roy. 4570. r 337 x ] ‘Buddon Kbas’ muslin, Dacca* Do. 4572. [3378] 4573. [3366] Do. Do. 4574. [3401] Cbarkana muslin, Dacca. ‘ Junglekkassa ’ muslin. Striped Dooreak, Do. Do. 4575. [3401] Do. Dooreah, Do. Do. 4576. [3400] Spotted Bootee, Do. Do. 4577. [1707] Striped muslin, Dacca. JuGGUT ChUNDER DOSS. 4578. [ 1703 ] Allabully muslin. Do. JUGGUT CHUNDER DOSS. 4579. [1709] Red spotted Bootee, Do. Chunder Doss. 4580. [3393] Spotted muslin. Do. Kha- jeh Abdool Gunny. 4581. [3372] 4582. [33 6 5] 4583. [33 6 7] 4584. [33 6 4] 4585. [33 6 4] 4586. [3370] 4587. [3376] 4588. [3394] Khajeh Abdool 4589. [3400] 4590. [4744] Capt. Lloyd. ‘ Jamdanee’ do.. Do. Do. ‘ Abrowan ’ do., Do. c Sircar Ali,’ Do. ‘ Mulmul Khass,’ Do. ‘Mulmul Khas,’ Do. ‘ Nyansook, Do.’ ‘ Figured muslin,’ Do. Jamdanee muslin, Do. Gunny. Spotted Bootee, Do. Striped muslin, Assam. 4591. [8266] Cbunderkoora Mulmul, Hoogbly. 4592. [105 14] Kurnool muslin, 1st quality, Kurnool. 4593. [105 1 5] Do., 2nd do.. Do. 4594. [10516] Do., 3rd do., Do. 4595. [10517] Do., 4th do., Do. 4596. [10518] Do., 5th do.. Do. 4597. [10627] ‘Maderpak ’ muslin, North Arcot. 4598. [90] Maderpak muslin, from Ma- nellore, Maderpak division, Do. Petti- angeri Ciietti and Ponneri Jangam Ciietti. 4571. [9435] Checked muslin, Do. Do. ( 206 The thread used in weaving muslins of this kind is spun from a peculiar kind of cotton, known by the ver- nacular name of ‘ Pu Parthi.’ The weavers state that ) * II. Houldsworth, Esq. Class XVI 1 1 . — North-East Gallery. they purchase this thread ready spun from a colony of pariahs who have settled in the neighbourhood, and who have the speciality of its preparation. It is not stated wherein this peculiarity of manufacture chiefly consists, as all that the local report says on this head is, that after the cotton is carefully cleaned and picked it is laid by in cloth bundles for two or three years, when it is rolled in plantain bark and then wound off. CALICOES ETC. 4599, 4603. [1661-5] Calicoes glazed, Puttiala. H. H. the Rajah. 4604. [10035] Do., Jullundurh. Go- vernment of India. 4605. [3805] Gazereen, Umritsur. Do. 4606. [5214] Ganibroon (twilled cotton lining), Khanjurh. Do. 4607. [8272] Do., Sealkote Jail. Do. 4608. [8274] Do., Loodianak do., Do. 4609. [866] Doputtas, Akmedabad. Do. 4610. [7800] Do., Sauganeer. Do. 4611. [7876] Do., yellow, Poonah. Do. 4623. [1975] Table cloth, 36 ft. x 7, 11 r. each, Broach. Government of India. 4624. [1979] Do. 7 ft. x 6, 1 r. 15a. Do. Do. 4625. [1996] Do., Allahabad. Do. 4626. [3268] Do. Jubbulpore School of Industry. Do. 4627. [3269] Do. Do. Do. 4628. [5199] Do., Lahore Central .Tail. Do. 4629. [8254] Do., coloured, Patna. Do. 4630. [8255] Do. Do. Do. 4631. [8256] Do. (2), 3 yards square, Beerbhoom. Do. 4632. [8259] Do. (2), Do. Do. 4633-5. [8263-5] Do. (3), Do. Do. 4636. [8281] Do. (6), various patterns, Dinapore. Do, NAPKINS AND DOYLEYS. 4612. [7869] ‘ Chudders ’ (2 pairs), Sante- pore. Do. 4613. [8269] Do., Hoogkly. Do. 4614. [5198] Handkerchiefs, Goojerat Jail. Do. 4615. [7801] Do., Sauganeer. Do. TABLE CLOTHS. 4616. [615] Table cloth, Salem, Madras. Government of India. 4617. [2049] Do. 8 ft. square, 5£r., Madras. Do. 4618. [2051] Do. (2) damask, 6ft. square, 3r. each, Madras. Do. 4619. [2642] Do., bleached, Chittledroog, Madras. Do. 4620. [1492] Do., coloured, Benares Jail. Do. 4621. [1973] Do. 36 ft. x 7, 12r. each, Broach. Do. 4622. [1974] Do. 36 ft. x 7, 10b. 8a. each, Do. Do. 4637. [417] Napkins, one dozen, 6 r. 8a., Madras. Government of India. 4638. [1976] ‘ Doyleys,’ 1r. per doz., Broach. Do. 4639. [2066] Do., checked (6) 22 inches square, 1r. 5a. Madras. Do. 4640. [2072] Do., coloured check, 3£ yards square, 1r. 8a. Do. Do. 4641. [2074] Do., coloured, 12 inches square, 1r., Do. Do. 4642. [2075] (6) Napkins, checked, 2it. 8a., Do. Do. 4643. [3270] Do. Jubbulpore School of Industry. Do. 4644. [5195] Do. Lahore Central Jail. Do. 4645. [5196] Do. Do. Do. 4646. [5200] Do. Punjaub Jails. Do. 4647. [5202a] Do. Punjaub Jails. Do. 4648. [5204] Do. Goojerat Jail. Do. ( 207 ) Class XVIII. — India . 4649. [5205] Napkins, Goojerat Jail. Government of India. 4650. [5224] Do., coloured, Dinapore. 4651. [6325] Do., bleached and un- bleached, Singapore. Col. Collyer. 4652-3. [8257-8] 6 large, 6 small, Beer- bhoom. Government of India. 4654. [8280] Do. 1 r. 8a., Broach. Bom- bay Government. 4655. [8282] Do. 5 dozen, Dinapore. Government of India. TOWELLIK GS, DUSTERS, SHEETINGS, ETC. 4656. [1495] Ribhed, 5r. 6r., Benares Jail. Dr. N. H. Cheke, Superintendent. 4657. [1496] Bathing, 12 a., Do. Do. 4658. [1969 ] 3r., Broach. Bombay Go- vernment. 4659. [1980] Bathing, 2 r ., Broach. Do. 4660. [1991] Baden Baden, Allahabad Jail. Government of India. 4661. [1993] Bathing, Allahabad Jail. Do. 4662. [2061] Ribbed, 1^ yards x 1 yard, Madras. Government of Madras. 4663. [2062] Do. 8a. 8p., Do. Do. 4664. [5192] Do. Shahpore Jail. Go- vernment of India. 4665. [5197] ‘Huckaback,’ Jhelum Jail. Do. 4666. [5207] ‘ Huckaback,’ Goojerat Jail. Do. 4667. [5208] Dhera Ghazee Khan Jail. Do. 4668. [5209] Punjaub Jails. Do. 4669. [5210] Lahore Central Jail. Do # 4670. [5211] Huckaback, Ferozepore Jail. Do. 4671. [5212] Do. Do. 4672. [5568] Bathing, 12r. per doz. Meerut Jail. Do. 4673. [8252] 1 dozen, Patna. Do. 4674. [8253] 1 do. Do. Do. 4675. [8260] (6) Washing, Beerbhoom. Bombay Government. 4676. [8251] Dusters, 1 dozen, Patna. Do. 4677. [766] Sheeting, Khyrpoor. H. H. Meer Ali Morad. 4678. [769] Do. Do. 4679. [1138] Moorgode, Belgaum. Bom- bay Government. 4680. [2626] Fine Dungaree, Astagram, Government of Mysore. 4681. [724] Pillow case, Kutch. H. H. the Rao. CANVAS. Canvas for tents, sails, &c. is in India almost entirely made of cotton. The list given below of the tents, &c. manufactured for sale at the Jubbulpore School of Indus- try, will afford an idea of the variety, sizes, and prices, of a class of appliances in the manufacture of which a large quantity of cotton is yearly consumed. 4682. [3279] Canvas. Jubbulpore School of Industry. LIST OF TENTS AND OTHER ARTICLES MANUFACTU RED IN THE JUBBULPORE SCHOOL OF INDUSTRY. Double-poled Regulation Tents, of four cloths throughout, with four feet verandah, complete, with car- pets, bamboo chicks, purdahs, gunny bags and ropes — 28 feet by 16 feet ..... 670 r. 26 do. „ 16 do 645 24 do. „ 16 do. ..... 600 23 do. „ 14 do 520 Single-poled Regulation Tents, of four cloths throughout, with four feet verandah, complete as above — 16 feet square 450r, 15 „ „ 430 14 „ „ 390 13 „ „ 350 12 „ „ 310 Hill Tents, with four folds of cloth throughout, complete as above — 14 feet square, with two sybans . . 265r. 13 „ „ 240 12 215 10 „ „ 200 Swiss Cottage Tents, double fly, with sybans, complete as above — 16 feet square 390r. 14 „ „ 340 13 .. 320 12 „ „ 300 ( 208 ) Class XVIII. — North-East Gallery . Kotvties, five cloths to the fly, and four to the kunauts, complete as above — 16 feet by 14 feet . 210r. 16 do. „ 12 do. . 200 14 do. „ 12 do. . 185 13 do. „ 12 do. . 175 Shameeanahs. 40 feet square, and 12 poles . 400r. 30 „ „ 12 „ . 300 24 „ 12 ,. . 225 20 „ 8 „ . . . 150 18 „ 8 „ . . . 125 15 „ 4 „ ■ • . 90 Carpets and kunauts extra. Bechobah Tents, five cloths in fly, and four in kunauts, as above — 12 feet square . 10 „ „ • 9 „ „ . 8 ,, „ . 13 OR. 120 100 90 Sleeping Pals, four folds of cloth, including chintz, with lacquered poles, and carpet, with four feet kunauts- — 12 feet square . ..... 110 h. 10 „ „ 100 Without carpet, 15r. less. Servants’ Pals. Madras pattern, 12 feet square . . 66r, Bengal „ 12 „ „ . .55 Necessary tents 27 Stable Tents, and every other description of tent, made to order. Division kunauts to large tents . . 35 r. „ „ to small do. . . .30 Bhoots, 3 feet, for increasing the inside of the tent, each ..... 26 „ 2| feet 20 „ 2 „ . . . . .18 Tent Thermantidote, carried by one cooly . 25 Zenanah kunauts, per running yard . 3^ Bath rooms, according to size ordered . 0 4684. [967] Canvas, eight samples of various texture, Rewa Kanta. Government of Bombay. 4685. [1288] c Purum.’ Narrow strips, Dharwar. W. C. Anderson, Esq. These strips are sewn together, and used as curtains for the front of shops and houses, and also as tents to protect goods on transit. This is made of the waste warp-ends of pieces of cotton cloth joined together. 4686. [1289] Do. Another description used more for making hags, &c. Halfpiece, 9a. Do. 4687. [1290] ‘Kadee.’ Common white cotton cloth, used in great quantities for all purposes, 2 r. 8a. Do. Do. 4688. [1293] Tape. Principally used for lacing of cot frames for sleeping upon, and also in making horse trappings, 1r. 6a. 4689. [1298] 4 Gint,’ two Thread cloth, used by the working classes for making breeches, &c., 1r. 12a., Do. Do. 4690. [1981] (2) for Tents, 18 yards, 4r. per piece, Broach. Government of Bombay. 4691. [1995] for Tents, Allahabad Jail. Government of India. 4692. [5289] 4 Dosootee,’ for Tents, two Thread, Meerut Jail. Do. 4693-4. [5291-2] 4 Teensootee,’ for Tents, Do. Do. 4695. [10579] f° r Tents, North Arcot, Madras. Government of Madras. SUNDRY ARTICLES MANUFACTURED. Turkey carpets, fine texture, per square yard ....... 4r. Scotch carpeting, per yard, 33 inches wdde 1^ Suttrinjees, per square yard . . • G Kidderminster ditto, one yard wide, per yard 1^ Plaids of (9) yards English thread . . 5 Table cloths, of all sizes, per running foot 11 a. Table napkins, per dozen . . . 3|r. Stamped floor chintz on Dosootee, per piece of 12 yards 4 Towels, per dozen ..... 4 Huckaback towels, per dozen . . . Bathing towels, per dozen ... 7^ Horse clothing, per than of 12 yards . 4 Horse rollers, to match the above . . 2 The tents are made of the best materials and of new cloth. Brass eyelets are used in lieu of leather ones; the ropes are all manufactured with English machinery, and will be found far superior to, and more durable than, ropes made with country machines. 4683. [3274] 4 Dosootee,’ Jubbulpore School of Industry. Government of India. COTTON PIECE GOODS (COLOURED), CHINTZES, ETC. ETC. 4696. [705] Striped 4 Neelo Kakamia, Kutch. H. H. the Rao. 4697. [7 1 1 ] Coloured stripe, Do. Do. 4698. [719] 4 Phaleu,’ coloured stripe, Do. Do. 4699. [725] Checked, Do. Do. 4700. [727] ‘ Taujeri,’ Do. Do. 4701. [730] 4 Puncheree,’ Do. Do. 4702. [806] Coarse, Do. Do. 4703. [869] 4 Chowtara,’ .32| ft. x 2 ft. 2 in., 2r. 4a., Ahmedabad. Bombay Go- vernment. 4704. [870] 4 Chowtara,’ 1 6-h ft. x 2 ft. 6 in., 2r. 3a. 2r., Do. Do. ( 209 ) Class XVIII. — Indict. 4705. [ 853 ] £ Elacha,’ 12 ft. x 2 ft. 9 in., 15 a., Ahmedabad. Bombay Govern- ment. 4706. [ 883 ] ‘ Kholia,’ Do. Do. 4707. [ 931 ] Do., 3 ft. 6 in. x 1 ft. 6 in., 1 r. 8a., Do. Neknamdar Shetanee Hurkoovurbhaee. 4708. [ 1087 ] Checked, Broach. Bombay Government. 4709. [1251] Checked. 26 yards, 5r. 14a., Broach, Bombay. Do. 4710. [ 1253 ] Do., 6f do., 2 r., Do. Do. Do. 4711. [ 1254 J Do., 25 do. x 2 ft., Do. Do. 4712. [1257] Do., 26 yards, 6 r. 8a., Do. Do. Do. 4713. [ 1985 ] Duck, 10 yards, 5r., Do. Do. 4714. [ 1986 ] Checked, lO^ yards, 2r. 10a., Do. Do. 4715. [ 2077 ] Blue drill, 3 yards, 10a. per yard, Madras. Government of Madras. 4716. [ 2078 ] Checked do., 3 do. x 28 in. 10 a. do.. Do. Do. 4717. [2079] Blue stripe, 3 do., 9 a. do., Do. Do. 4718. [ 2080 ] Do. ticken, 3 do., 9a. do. Do. Do. 4719. [2081] Do., 3 do., 9a. do.. Do. Do. 4720. [ 2082 ] Horse ‘ Jhool,’ 4 ft. wide. ljR. do. Do. Do, 4721. [2083] Do., 1 yard broad, 9a. do., Do. Do. 4722. [ 2628 ] Thick four thread, Asta- gram. Government of Mysore. 4723. [ 3193 ] Striped, Darjeeling. Dr. Campbell. 4724. [ 5033 ] Coloured, Dharwar. Bom- bay Government. 4725. [ 5201 ] £ Guzzee,’ second quality, Sirsah Jail. Government of India. 4726. [ 52026 ] Punjaub Jail. Do. 4727. [ 5203 ] ‘ Do ootee,’ Goojerat Jail. Do. 4728. [ 5215 ] Printed, Seetapore, Oude. Government of India. 4729. [ 5238 ] ‘ Lahanza,’ green, Luck- now. Do. 4730. [ 5239 ] Do. blue, Do. Do. 4731. [ 5240 ] ‘ Urhnee,’ Do. Do. 4732. [ 9436 ] Two pieces checked cotton, Hyderabad. 4733. [ 5241 ] ‘Mughie,’ Chittagong. Go- vernment of India. 4734. [ 5242 ] Do. Do. Do. 4735. [ 5243 ] Do. Do. Do. 4736. [ 5293 ] Imitation of Duck, Meerut Jail. Do. 4737. [ 5561 ] Common quality, Cuttack. Do. 4738. [ 5562 ] Medium quality, 3s., Do. 4739. [7875] £ Joth,’ 2r. 4a., Poonah. Government of Bombay. 4740. [ 8262 ] ‘Dimity,’ Beerbhoom. Go- vernment of India. 4741. [ 8270 ] ‘Nawar,’ or band, Sirsah Jail. Do. 4742. [ 8271 ] Punjaub Jails. Do. 4743. [ 8273 ] ‘ Konia Bor Kapoo,’ Dur- rang, Assam. Liedt. W. Piiaire. 4744. [ 8275 ] Checked, Bhaugulpore. Government of India. 4745. [ 8276 ] Do. Do. Do. 4746. [ 8277 ] £ Selleng,’ Durrang, Assam. Lieut. W. Piiaire. 4747. [ 8278 ] Checked, Bhaugulpore. Government of India. 4748. [ 8279 ] Do. Do. Do. 4749-51. [ 8289 - 91 ] Do. Lucknow. Do. 4752. [ 9211 ] Striped, Bhaugulpore. Do. 4753. [ 751 ] Chintz, 3r. 4a., Khyrpoor. H. H. Meer Ali Morad. 4754. [753] Do., 3r. 4a., Do. Do. 4755. [ 755 ] Do., 2r. 8a., Do. Do. 4756. [757] Do., 2r. 4a., Do. Do. 4757. [ 758 ] Do., 2 r. 4a., Do. Do. ( 210 ) Class XI X. — North-East Gallery. 4758. [759] Chintz (2),2r. 8a., Khyrpoor. H. H. Meer Ali Morad. 4759. [760] Do., 1 r. 10a., Do. Do. 4760. [1035] Do., 3r. 13a., Hyderabad. Bombay Government. 4761-3. [7796-8] Printed, Sauganeer. Do. 4764-72. [10536-44] Chintz. North Arcot, Madras. Venkata Rao and Bapana Kao. 4773. [10545] Do. A. Rab Rao. 4774. [10546] Do. Do. Baseth Rao. 4775. [9437] Four pieces of Chintz, Hy- derabad. 4776. [8294] Cotton printed fabrics (various) in Case 30. Manufactured exclu- sively from East India Cotton, exhibited by the Cotton Supply Association, Man- chester. These fabrics, manufactured by Mr. J. Cheetham ; bleached by Messrs. Eden & Thwaites; dyed by Messrs. Ainsworth, Son, & Co., F. Steiner & Co., and Green- wood & Lieber; printed by Messrs. McNauglitan & Thom, Thomas Hoyle & Sons, Salis Schwabe & Co., Daniel Lee & Co., Walter Crum & Co., Daglish & Co., Inglis & Wakefield, Thomas Clarkson & Co., Grimshaw, Gibson & Co., Edmund Potter & Co., and F. & W. Grafton & Co., prove the capability of Indian Cotton for the produc- tion of goods of first class quality in every respect. 4777. [9438] Specimens of Furniture Chintz, manufactured exclusively of Indian Cotton. Printed by Thomas Clarkson & Co. (Case 24.) Cotton Supply Association. The under-noted specimens of cotton manu- factures, for which space could not be found, are deposited for reference at the Indian Museum; viz., towellings from Beerbhoom; Jails in the Punjaub ; Benares Jail ; Jub- bulpore School of Industry; Dinapore ; Patna; Allahabad ; Mysore ; Madras, and Broach. Table-cloths from Beerbhoom and Benares Jail ; Mysore ; Madras ; Broach. Sheetings from Mysore ; Madras ; Dhar- war; Broach. Gambroon and chintzes, Sealkote Jail ; Khyrpoor, H. H. Meer Ali Morad ; Hy- derabad and Chundawarra. Striped, checked, and other cottons, from Allahabad ; Bhandere ; Darjeeling, Dr. Campbell; Hooghly; Jaloun ; Jhansee ; Jubbulpore ; Lucknow; Meerut; Jails in the Punjaub, &c. ; Madras ; Ahmedabad ; Broach ; Belgaum ; Dharwar ; Shikarpoor, and Poonah. Class XIX. — MANUFACTURES IN FLAX, HEMP, AND OTHER FIBRES. Of manufactures belonging to this class exported from India, those furnished by Jute occupy an important position. The amount of these may be again seen by reference to the Table (p. 142). The Table (p. 146), likewise indicates that a certain proportion of ‘ Hemp,’ in the manufactured form of rope, is also exported. 4778. [5962] Twilled cloth and sacks, No. 1, Baranagore. Borneo Company (Li- mited). 4779. [5960] Twilled cloth and sacks, No. 2. Do. 4780. [5961] Twilled cloth and sacks. No. 3. Borneo Company (Limited). 4781. [5964] Plain power loom bag, C. Do. 4782. [5963] Twilled jail bag. Do. 4783. [5965] American gunny cloth. Do. The above specimens were manufactured at the steam works of the “'Borneo Company, Limited,’ at Barana- gore, near Calcutta. The Company work up about 400 tons of jute monthly, and employ ‘2,500 natives. Contri- buted by Thos. Durr, Esq., Manager and Agent. ( 211 ) Class XIX. — India. 4784 . [5290] One piece of canvas made of hemp, Meerut. Made by the prisoners in the jail at Meerut. 4785 . [5289] One piece of Dosootee (made of two threads) for tent-making, Do. Made by the prisoners in the jail at Meerut. 4786 . [5291] One piece of Teensootee (made of three threads) for tent-making, Do. Made by the prisoners in the jail at Meerut. 4787 . [5292] One piece of broad Dosoo- tee (two threads) for tent-making, Do. Made by the prisoners in the jail at Meerut. 4788 . [9237] Bag-a-Chut, Peshawur. 4789 . [10312] Sacking of aloe fibre, Chota Nagpore. Made in the Hazareebaugh jail by prisoners. 4790. [5197] Newar cloth, Jhelum Jail. Central Committee, Lahore. 4791 . [8270] Do., Sirsa Jail. Do. 4792 . [3192] Four specimens of jute cloth, Darjeeling. Dr. A. Campbell. 4793 . [9071] Crotalaria juncea, Gunny cloth or rope for sackcloth, Lucknow. This is sackcloth manufactured from the fibre of the above, used for making bags and sacks of various sorts. 4794 - 5 . [9331-2] Two pieces of cloth made from the fibre of the stinging-nettle, Nepaul. H. H. Sir Jung Bahadoor, K.C.B. These specimens are very inferior, but in the cold season the Hill people bring into Katmandoo small quan- tities of a very superior quality, which very much resem- bles thick canvas. 4796 . [5267] Net of Rhea fibre, Assam. Presented by H. Bainbridge, Esq. Fabrics manufactured from Aloe Fibre. 4797 . [10306] Raw aloe fibre, Central Prison, Bareilly. 4798 . [10306] Dyed aloe fibre. Do. Do. 4799 . [8139] Cloth made of aloe fibre dyed. India Museum. 4800 . [8145] Do. Do. 4801. [ 8148 ] Do. Dr. R. Riddell. ( 4802 . [8149] Cloth made of aloe, double fibre. Dr. R. Riddell. 4803 . [8150] Do., and cotton. Do. 4804 . [8151] Do., and silk. Do. 4805 . [8152] Do., and Tusser silk. Do. 4806 . [8153] Do., aloe fibre dyed and silk. Do. 4807 . [8154] Cloth made of coloured aloe fibre. Do. VI. Cordage of all Kinds. 4808 . [5946] Rope Manilla, of plantain fibre, Shal-i-mar Ropery, Seebpore. Messrs. Ahmuty & Co. Running rigging for ships, or tackling for land purposes. 4809 . [5940] Rope, West Indian hemp ( Cannabis sativa). Do. Standing rigging for ships, or for use in water. 4810 . [5942] Rope, West Indian hemp. 4811. [5937] Do. of Sesbania acvdeata. Kunning rigging for ships, and tackling for land pur- poses. 4812. [5939] Do. of Sesbania aculeata. 4813 . [5938] Do., Coir (cocoa-nut fibre). Boats’ and ships’ running gear and hawsers for cables, also for all tackling purposes when exposed to wet, especi- ally salt water. 4814. [5944] Do., of Crotalaria juncea. Tackling in dry places, without exposure to wet. These specimens will show the great improvement in the manu- facture of the various kinds of cordage in India since 1851 . The foregoing were manufactured at the Shal-i-mar Ropery, Seebpore, near Calcutta, by the Exhibitors, Messrs. Ahmijty & Co. 4815 . [10074] Rope of a fibrous plant called Chuyan, Lahore. 4816 . [10062] Do., Sunn Okra, Do. 4817 . [ 1 0061] Do., common hemp ( Can- nabis sativa), Do. 4818 . [10064] Do., fibre called ‘ Bugar,’ Do. 4819 - 20 . [10044-5] Do., two samples, Lahore. Made in the Shahpore Jail. Central Committee, Lahore. 4821 . [10059] Do., made of palm leaves, Do. Central Committee, Lahore. * ) Class XIX.— North-East Gallery. 4822. [ 10069 ] Rope made of Dab grass, Lahore. Central Committee, Lahore. 4823. [ 10065 ] Do., of plantain leaves, Do. Do. 4824. [ 5898 ] Rope of Bail grass, Assam. Lieut. Piiaire. pies), Penang, Malay Peninsula. Singapore Committee. Used for drawing water, and as halters for cattle. 4845. [ 4751 ] Do. bast, Burmab. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. 4846. [ 2889 ] Do. ‘ Mole,’ Poonab. Bom- bay Government. 4825. [ 5330 ] Do. ( Urtica tenacissima), Luckimpore. Jadooran Borooah. 4826. [ 5336 ] Do. ( Sesbania aculeata), Do. Do. H. L. Michel, Esq. 4827. [ 5678 ] Do. (four samples), Tezpore, Do. Tezpore .Tail. 4828-9. [ 5264 - 5 ] String of twisted Rhea fibre, Assam. H. Bainbridge, Esq. 4830. [7754] Bowstring of Moorgave fibre ( Sanseviera zeylanica), Do. 4831. [ 5566 ] Rope of cotton, Meerut Jail. Government of India. 4832. [103 1 3] Do. aloe fibre, Chota Nagpore. Do. 4833. [ 10315 ] Twine, Do., Do. Do. 4834. [5953] Ropeof Sacharum Moonja, Lucknow. Do. Twine made from the fibre of the leaf sheath : a kind little thicker than the present specimen is used for towing boats ; when dry, it does not possess much strength, wheii wet it is strong and durable. The moonj is used for ropes, thatching, &c. 4835. [ 5957 ] Twine of Crotalaria juncea, Lucknow. Do. 4836. [ 7761 ] Rope of Agave fibre, Bala- sore. Do. 4837. [ 7762 ] Do. Moorgave fibre, Do. Do. 4838. [ 7763 ] Do. Curved Agave fibre, Do. Do. 4839. [ 7757 ] Do. Sealee fibre, Do. Do. 4840. [ 7760 ] Do. ( Stercidia ramosa ), Cuttack. Do. 4841. [ 5949 ] Twine of Crotalaria juncea, Hooghly. Government of India. 4847. [ 4873 ] Do. Palmyra fibre ( Boras - sus flabeliiformis), Chingleput, Madras. Dr. Shortt. 4848. [ 2727 ] Do. Plantain fibre (Musa paradisiaca), Mysore. Dr. Kirkpatrick. 4849. [ 2728 ] nucifera), Do. 4850. [ 2729 ] 4851. [ 2730 ] 4852. [ 2732 ] gigantea), Do. 4853. [ 2733 ] Do. Do. Cocoa-nut fibre (Cocos Do. Do. Dudi, Do. Do. Do. Pundi, Do. Do. Do. Sereum (Calotropis Do. Do. (Yucca gloriosa), Do. 4854. [2683] Do. Cotton, Do. Local Committee. 4855. [ 2684 ] Do. do. Do. Do. The undernamed specimens belonging to this class, forming a portion of the consign- ments from India to the Exhibition, are for the present deposited in the India Museum. Samples from Lucknow ; Hooghly ; Dar- jeeling ; Lahore; Guzerat ; Rajgolee ; North Arcot ; Broach ; Poona ; Rewa Kanta, &c. ; and Bolts of Canvas, by the Borneo Company, Limited. And of cordage and twine as under — 4856. [ 5950 ] Rope of Gossypium herba- ceum, Lucknow. Government of India. Produced all over Oude. This kind of rope is made of cotton thread, and is used for hanging and pulling punkahs, and the ropes of all tents are made of it ; it is considerably strong. 4857. [ 5951 ] Rope Koombbee, Lucknow. Government of India. 4858. [ 5956 ] Do. of Crotalaria juncea , Do. Do. 4842. [ 7755 ] Cord and fibre of Red Sterculia bast, Moulmein. Do. 4843. [ 7756 ] Do. do. Do. Do. 4844. [ 4094 ] Rope of rattan (two sam- t 4859. [ 5954 ] Do. Bunkuss, Do. Do. 4860. [ 5955 ] Do. Hibiscus cannabinus, Do. Do. 4861. [ 9172 ] Do. Sunn, Uhvar. H. IT. the Maharajah. 1 ) Class XX. — India. 4862. [9173] Eope Moonj, Ulwar. H. H. the Maharajah. 4863. [9174] Do. Cotton, Do. Do. 4864. [2932] Do. of aloe plant for tent- makers, Meerut. Government of India. 4865. [10066] Do. Bark of the Phalsa tree ( Grewia asiatica), Lahore. Do. 4866. [10068] Do. grass called ‘ Dib.’ Do. Do. 4867. [10072] Do. Madar plant. Do. Do. 4868. [10067] String of the Putta plant, Do. Do. 4869. [5263] Rope (ten samples), Cal- cutta. Messrs. Ahmuty & Co. 4870. [5958] RopeHooglily. Government of India. 4871. [5959] Do. Do. Do. 4872. [2731] Do. ( Cannabis sativa), My- sore. Dr. Kirkpatrick. 4873. [779] Twine of hemp (two lbs.), Khyrpoor. H. H. Meer Ali Morad. 4874. [7889] Do. aloe fibre, Poonah. Bombay Government. 4875. [2886] Rope of hemp, Do. Do. 4876. [7890] Do. flax, Do. Do. 4877. [7894] Do. f Ghayal,’ Do. Do. 4878. [6346] Do. Manilla plantain fibre, Manilla. Hon, Col. Cayanagh. Class XX.— SIL1 The quantity, in pieces, and value of the silk goods exported from India and each Presidency to all parts of the world will be seen by referring to the Table (p. 215). I. — Silk Yarns. With the exception of the specimens un- der-noted, these have already been entered under Section B, Class IV. pp. 102, 103. 4879. [775] Thirteen specimens of dyed silk yarn, Khyrpore. H. Id. Meer Ali Morad. 4880. [8227] Silk thread, Assam, Lieut. W. Phaire. 4881. [8228] Do. (Moonga.) Do. Do. 4882. [8229] Do. Do. Do, Do. 4883. [5471] Ornamental fastening of red silk thread, Lahore. 4884. [5469] “ Fly protectors,” Do. Do. II. — Plain and Fancy Silks. 4885. [3147] Fifteen silk pieces of co- lours, Berhampore. Government of India. 4886. [3150] Silk piece, Do. Do. 4887. [6630] Silk piece, white, Do. Do. ( 5 AND VELVET. 4888. [1744] Silk piece, Benares. Gool- badan Than. Government of India. 4889. [1745] Do. Do. Do. 4890. [5075] Silk piece, white gauze, Nimtollah, Midnapore. Ram Doss, manufac- turer. 4891. [8202] Do. orange-check, Dasspore. Ram Gui. Government of India. 4892. [8201] Do. white. Do. Madhub Porramanick. Do. 4893. [8200] Do. red gauze, Do. Kristo Porramanick, manufacturer. Do. 4894. [8204] Do. white. Do. Do. Do. 4895. [8199] Do. figured, Puddumpore, Midnapore. Kartic Nundee, manufac- turer. Do. 4896. [8203] Silk piece, Bellaghat, Mid- napore. Nobin Hythe, manufacturer. Go- vernment of India. 4897. [9439] Do. Russickgunge. Ba- charam Pera, manufacturer. Do. 4898. [5085] Silk piece, white, Burdwan, Biprodoss I)utt, manufacturer. Govern- ment of India. ) TABLE SHOWING THE QUANTITIES (AS FAR AS CAN BE ASCERTAINED) AND THE VALUE OF SILK GOODS (EXCLUSIVE OF CHUSSUMS) EXPORTED FROM INDIA AND EACH PRESIDENCY TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD FROM 1850-51 TO 1860-61. Class XX. — North-East Gallery. ( 215 ) Class XX. — India. 4899. [8206] Biioobun Dutt. 4900. [8207] Do. 4901. [8208] Do. 4902. [8215] Nundee. Do. Silk piece, white, Burdwan. Government of India. Do., Do. Mad hijb I)utt. Do., Do. Nobokissen Dutt. Do., Do. Nobocomar 4903. [8216] Silk piece, white, Malda. Government of India. 4904. [8217] Do., Do., Do. Do. 4905. [8218] Do., grey, Do. Do. 4906. [5092] Do., Do., Do. Do. 4907. [8221] Do., figured, Malda. Ba- boo Hans Geer Gossain. 4908. [8222] Do., Do., Do. Dr. B. F. Thompson. 4909. [5083] Do., Do., Do. T. M. Lewis, Esq. 4910. [5086] Silk piece, white, Gonatea, Beerbhoom. — Bait, Esq. 4911. [5084] Silk piece, bordered, Assam. H. Bainbridge, Esq. 4912. [8232] Do., Bhotan red, Do. Do. 4913. [5088] Do., yellow, Do. Lieut. W. PlIAIRE. 4924. [3754] Silk piece, rose colour, Punjaub. Government of India. 4925. [3755] Do., yellow, Do. Do. 4926. [3756] Do., scarlet. Do. Do. 4927. [3757] Do., yellow, Do. Do. 4928. [3758] Do., green, Do. Do. 4929. [3759] Do., crimson, Do. Do. 4930. [3760] Do., purple. Do. Do. 4931. [8241] Do., pink, Do. Do. 4932. [5465] Silk piece, shot, Peshawur. Government of India. 4933. [5466] Do. Do. Do. 4934. [8247] Figured and gold embroi- dered, Do. Bliawulpore. H. H. the Nawab. 4935. [8248] Do. Do. Do. The principal places of silk manufacture are the cities of Peshawur, Lahore, Umritsur, Mooltan, and the capital of the neighbouring state of Bliawulpore. — The silks of the latter place are considered the best, and the next those of Mooltan.* 4936. [6497] Silk pieces, Bokhara. H. H. the Nawab Phairoolla Khan. 4937. [6498] Do. shot, Do. Do. 4938. [6499] Do. red. Do. Do. 4939. [838] Two pieces do. red, Shik- arpoor, Sindh. Do. BOMBAY AND SOUTHERN INDIA, &c. 4914. [1195] Silk piece, crimson, Put- tiala. H. H. the Maharajah. 4915. [h 9 8] Do., white, Do. Do. 4916. [ ir 99] Do., crimson, Do. Do. 4917. [3777] Do., striped, Do. Do. 4918. [3778] Do., Do., Do. Do. 4919. [37 8 °] Do., Do., Do. Do. 4920. [378i] Do., Do., Do. Do. 4921. [375 x ] Silk piece, red, Punjaub. Government of India. 4922. [3752] Do., green, Do. Do. 4923. [3753] Do., Do., crimson stripe, Do. Do. 4940. [891] Silk pieces, striped, 12 r. 4a. Ahmedabad. Government of India. 4941. [894] Do. ‘ Gagrapat,’ Do. Do. 4942. [909] Two pieces Do. Do. Siiett Jatsingbhaee Hutteesing. 4943. [910] Two pieces ‘ Gujeeam,’ Do. Do. 4944. [91 1] Do. Do. Do. 4945. [937] Do. striped Panchputta, Do. Bahadoor Siiett Muggunbhaee Kramchund. 4946. [915] Figured Do. with stamped figure, 2r. 4a. Ahmedabad. Shett Jaysing- bhaee Hutteesing. 4947. [916] Do. black, Do. Do. ( 21G ) * Central Committee, Lahore. Class XX.— North-East Gallery. 4948. [ 917 ] Figured silk, crimson, Ahme- dabad. Shett Jaysingbhaee Hutteesing. 4949. [ 2606 ] Do. checked, Mysore. Go- vernment of Mysore. III. — Handkerchiefs. 4950. [ 8231 ] Silk piece for handkerchiefs (Bhootan), Assam. H. Bainbridge, Esq. 4951. [ 7870 ] Do. Santipore. Govern- ment of India. 4952. [ 2369 ] Do. red check, Mysore. Government of Mysore. 4953. [ 2613 ] Do. Do. Do. Do. ‘MUSHROO’ OR SATINS WITH COTTON BACK. A satin, the back or warp of which consists of cotton. 4954. [1746] Mushroo, Benares. Go- vernment of India. 4955. [ 1747 ] Do. Do. Do. 4956. [933] Six pieces do., 2r. 4 a. per yd., Ahmedabad. Bahadoor Shett Mug- gunbhaee Kramchund. 4957. [934] Do., 3 r. 8a. per yd., Do. Do. 4958. [935] Do., 4 r. per yd., Do. Do. 4959. [ 936 ] ‘Hemroo’ do., 2r. per yd., Do. Do. 4960. [ 944 ] ‘Pancliputta’ do., 11a. 6p. per yd., Do. Nugger Shett Premabhaee Hemabhaee. 4961. [ 945 ] ‘ Chumkhee ’ do. (red), 1r. per yd., Do. Do. 4962. [ 946 ] Do. (blue and white stripe), 1r. per yd.. Do. Do. 4963. [ 947 ] Do. (white and red stripe), 1 R. per yd.. Do. Do. 4964. [ 948 ] Do. (Goolkhar), 1r. per yd., Do. Do. 4965. [ 949 ] Do. (Goolkhar Choondry), 1 r. 6a. per yd., Do. Do. 4966. [ 697 ] ‘ Chumkhee,’ 1r. 6a. lOr. per yd., Kutch. H. H. the Rao of Kutch. 4967. [ 698 ] Do., 2r. 7 a. Ip. per yd., Do. Do. 4968. [ 699 ] Do., 2r. 7a. Ip. per yd., Do. Do. ( 217 4969. [702] * Chumkhee,’ 2 r. 7a. lr. per yd., Kutch. H. H. the Rao of Kutcii. 4970. [ 715 ] Do., 1 r. 2a. 8p. per yd., Do. Do. 4971. [ 716 ] Do., 1 r. 6a. 4 p. per yd., Do. Do. TUSSUR SILK. 4972. [ 5081 ] Tussur silk piece Beerbhoom. Government of India. plain, 4973. [ 5082 ] Do. Bhaugulpore. Do. 4974. [ 5093 ] Do. Do. Do. 4975. [ 5080 ] Do. shot, Do. Do. 4976. [ 8214 ] Do. Do. Do. 4977. [ 5089 ] Do. checked, Do. Do. 4978. [ 5090 ] Do. Do. Do. 4979. [ 8210 ] Do. Do. Do. 4980. [ 8211 ] Do. Do. Do. 4981. [ 8212 ] Do. Do. Do. 4982. [ 8213 ] Do. Do. Do. 4983. [ 5079 ] Do. ends, Burdwan. Do. coloured border and 4984. [ 8025 ] Do. Do. Do. 4985. [ 8209 ] Do. Do. Do. 4986. [ 9189 ] Do. Do. Do. 4987. [ 9190 ] Do. Do. Do. 4988. [ 9200 ] Do. plain, Cuttack. Do. MOONGA SILK. 4989. [ 7741 ] Moonga silk piece, Luckim- pore. Baboo Ivisseram Borooah Peshkar. 4990. [ 7743 ] Do. Do. Baboo Mohun Chunder. Used as a mosquito curtain. 4991. [ 8225 ] Do. Assam. Lieut. W. Phaire. ERIA SILK. 4992. [ 5078 ] Eria silk piece, Assam. Lieut.-Col. Vetch. 4993. [ 7742 ] Do. Do. Baboo Jewram Deka. 4994-5. [8223-4] Two pieces, Do. Lieut. W. Phaire. ) Class XXI. — India. 4996. [8230] Two pieces, Assam. II. Bainbridge, Escp MEZANKOOREE SILK. 4997. [5076] Mezankooree silk piece, bordered, Assam. Liect.-Col. Vetch. 4998. [8220] Mezankooree silk piece, bordered, Assam. Government of India. 4999. [8233] BRIDGE, Escp Do. Do. H. Bain- Class XXI. — WOOLLEN AND WORSTED FABRICS, INCLUDING MIXED FABRICS GENERALLY. I. — Yarns. The specimens of woollen yarns — chiefly those from the wool of the Kashmere goat — exhibited, have already been entered in Sec- tion B, Class IV. pp. 97-99. II. — Woollen Fabrics, Blanketings, etc. Under this head are placed £ cumblies,’ a kind of small blanket or rug, generally of a coarse material, used as a covering at night during the cold season, or worn over the head or round the shoulders during the day. The under-noted articles embrace a selec- tion from the common woollens forwarded for exhibition on the present occasion. The re- mainder, for which space could not be found, have been deposited at the India Museum. 5000. [2638] Cumblies, white, 26r. Chittledroog. Government of Mysore. 5001. [2629] Do. 4r. 6a. 4p. Astagram. Do. 5002. [2956] Black cumblies, check, Chittledroog. Do. 5003. [2658] Do. plain, Do. Do. 5004. [2648] Do. Do. Bangalore. Do. 5005. [1153] Do. Do. Do. Belgaum. Government of Bombay. 5006. [1160] Cumbly, black, 3r. 4a. Belgaum. Do. 5007-11. [7832-6] Five blankets, Jey- pore. 5012. [8306] Felt blankets, Peshawar. 5013. [819] Felt cloth, 10r., Shikarpoor. 5014. [1656] Woollen horse cloth ‘ Taroo,’ 3r. 12a., Umritsur. 5015. [1272] Cumbly or blanket, 1r. 8a. Dharwar. W. C. Anderson, Esq. Commonly worn by all classes of natives as a protection from cold, heat, or wet. 5016. [1273] Do. striped, 1r. 12a. Do. Do. Worn by Lingayut priests. 5017. [1274] ‘Numbda,’ 8r. Do. Do. Felt nsed for sleeping on, and as a pad under saddles. III. — Kashmere Shawls, etc. A large collection of Kashmere shawls has been forwarded. Those exhibited are the result of a careful selection from the very numerous examples sent by the different exhibitors. The importance of this manufacture will be seen by reference to the Table (p. 219), which shows the value and, as far as can be ascertained, the quantity, in pieces, of the Kashmere shawls exported from India for the past eleven years. The subjoined remarks are by the Central Committee, Lahore. This is now by far the most important manufacture in the Punjaub : but thirty years ago it was almost entirely confined to Kashmere. At the period alluded to, a terrible famine visited Kashmere ; and, in consequence, numbers of the shawl-weavers emigrated to the Punjaub, and settled in Umritsur, Nurpur, Dinangar, Tilaknath, Jelalpur, and Loodianah, in all of which places the manufacture con- tinues to flourish. The best shawls of Punjaub manufac- ture are manufactured at Umritsur, which is also an emporium of the shawl trade. But none of the shawls made in the Punjaub can compete with the best shawls made in Kashmere itself; first, because the Punjaub manufacturers are unable to obtain the finest species of wool; and, secondly, by reason of the inferiority of the dyeing, the excellence of which in Kashmere is attributed to some chemical peculiarity in the water there. On receipt of the raw pashum or shawl wool, the first opera- tion is that of cleaning it : this is done generally by women ; the best kind is cleaned with lime and water, but ordinarily the wool is cleaned by being shaken up with flour. The next operation is that of separating the hair from the pashum ; this is a tedious operation, and ( 218 ) Class XXI. — North-East Gallery. Class XXI. — India. the value of the cloth subsequently manufactured varies i ■with the amount of care bestowed upon it. The wool j thus cleaned and sorted is spun into thread with the 1 common ‘ churka ’ or native spinning-machine. This is | also an operation requiring great care. White pashumeea ' thread of the finest quality will sometimes cost as much j as 21. 10s. a lb. The thread is next dyed, and is then ready for the loom, a model of which is included in the collection. The shawls are divided into two great classes — 1. Woven shawls, called ‘ Teliwalah ; ’ 2. Worked shawls. Shawls of the former class are woven into separate pieces, which are, when required, Sewn together with such precision that the sewing is imperceptible. These are the most highly prized of the two. In worked shawls, the pattern is worked with the needle upon a piece of plain pashumeea or shawl cloth. A woven shawl made at Kashmereof the best materials, and weighing 7 lbs., will cost in Kashmere as much as 300/.; of this amount, the cost of the material, including thread, is 30/., the wages of labour 100/., miscellaneous expenses 50/., duty 70/. Besides shawls, various other articles of dress, such as chogas, or outer robes, ladies’ opera-cloaks, smoking-caps, gloves, &c. are made of pashumeea. Latterly great complaints have been made by European firms of the adulteration of the texture of Kashmere shawls ; and there is no doubt that such adulteration is practised, especially by mixing up Kirmanee wool with real pashum. In order to provide some guarantee against this, it has been proposed that a guild or company of respectable traders should be formed, who should be empowered to affix on all genuine shawls a trade-mark, which should be a guarantee to the public that the material of the shawl is genuine pashum, especially as the Indian Penal Code provides a punishment for those who counterfeit or falsify trade-marks, or knowingly sell goods marked with counterfeit or false trade-marks. At Delhi shawls are made up of pashumeea, worked with silk and embroidered with gold lace. A very delicate shawl is made of the wool of a sheep found in the neighbourhood of Ladak and Kulu : the best wool is procurable in a village near RampDur, on the Sutlej ; hence the fabric is called ‘ Rampur chudder.’ Other woollen manufactures in the Punjaub are Peshawur chogas, made of the wool of the Damba sheep, and of camel's hair, and chogas made of Patti, or the hair of the Cabul goat. 5018. [ 4576 ] Shawl ‘Chudder,’ green, Umritsur. Davee Saiiai & Ciiumba Mull. 5019. [ 4575 ] Do., blue. Do. Do. 5020. [ 4574 ] Do., slate-colour, Do. Do. 5028. [ 3548 ] Shawl, Kashmere, Um- ritsur. Davee Sakai & Ciiumba Mull. 5029. [ 3682 ] Choga, embroidered. Do. Do. 5030. [ 3684 ] Do., Do. Do. 5031. [ 3687 ] Do., Do. 5032. [ 3453 ] Cape, blue and white, Do. Do. 5033. [ 3466 ] Do., white, Do. Do. 5034. [ 3476 ] Do., Do. Do. 5035. [ 3469 ] Do., Do. Do. 5036. [ 3480 ] Do., Do. Do. 5037. [ 3691 ] Cap, Kashmere, Do. Do. 5038. [ 3693 ] Do. do., Do. Do. 5039. [ 3697 ] Do. do., Do. Do. 5040. [ 3698 ] Do. do., Do. Do. 5041. [ 3699 ] Do. do.. Do. Do. 5042. [ 3700 ] Do. do., Do. Do. 5043. [ 4641 ] Bordering, do., Do. Do. 5044. [ 4642 ] Do. do., Do. Do. 5045. [4322] Shawl, Jamewar. Rot Lall Chund, Bahadoor. 5046. [ 4314 ] Do. Kashmere, Do. 5047. [ 4312 ] Do. do. Do. 5048. [ 4308 ] Do. do. Do. 5049. [ 4311 ] Do. do. Do. 5050. [ 3546 ] Shawl, Kashmere, Um- ritsur. Government. 5021. [ 4587 ] Do., crimson, Do. Do. 5022. [ 4590 ] Do. do.. Do. Do. 5051. [ 3547 ] Do. 5052. [ 3441 ] Do - Ball. Do. Do. Do. Do. Baboo MonuN 5023. [ 4591 ] Do., green, Do. Do. 5024. [ 3676 ] Do. Kashmere, Do. Do. 5025. [ 36 77 ] Do. do., Do. Do. 5026. [ 3678 ] Do. do., Do. Do. 5027. [ 3498 ] Shawl, Kashmere, Um- ritsur. Davee Saiiai & Ciiumba Mull. 5053. [ 3440 ] Do. Do. Do. 5054. [3853] Do., Jamewar. Kai Hive, Dyab of Umritsur. 5055. [ 3668 ] Do., Kashmere. Baiiai Ivolyan Singii. 5056. [ 3664 ] Do., Do. Do. 5057. [ 4 ^ 06 ] Do., Do. Mahomed Shah Sapideen. ( 220 ) Class XXI. — North-East Gallery. 5058. [ 4520 ] Shawl, Jamewar. Mahomed Shah Sapideen. 5059. [4501] Do., Kashmere. Do. 5060. [4549] Do., Jamewar. Munsee 'Ram & Kunshee, Loodianah. 5061. [4556] Do., Do., Do. Do. 5062. [ 5278 ] Do., Kashmere. Narain Doss. 5063. [5646] Do., Do. Government. 5064. [1683] Do. Scarf, Dacca. Hur- mohdn Roy. 5065. [1685] Do. Do. Do. 5066. [1682] Do. Do. Do. 5067. [5281] Do. Loodianah. Futteh Butt. 5068. [5282] Do. Do. Do. 5069. [5280] Shawl, Do. Do. 5070. [5279] Scarf. Soobham Joo. 5071. [5647] Do., Mooltan. 5072. [5648] Do., Do. 5073. [8303] Chudder, Rampore, Seri- nugger. 5074. [8304] Shawl, Do., 4 Kangra,’ Do. 5075. [8305] Do., Do., ‘Tusha,’ Do. 5076. [9413] Do., Kashmere. Imported by Messrs. Farmer & Rogers, Regent Street. III. — Silk Shawls. 5077. [2603] Silk shawl. Government of Mysore. 5078. [2604] Do. Do. 5079. [2605] Do. Do. IV. — Mixed Fabrics, Soosees, etc. 5080. [3776] Soosee, brown, 15| yds.-, Umritsur. 5081. [3768] Do., green and white stripe, Do. 5082. [3772] Do., dark purple stripe, Buttala, Umritsur. 5083. [3773] Do., yellow, do.. Do. 5084. [3771] Do., do., Do. 5085. [3769] Do., dark green, do.. Do. 5086. [3774] Do., purple, do., Do. 5087. [3775] Do., white, red stripe. Do. 5088. [3770] Do., Do., green stripe. Do. 5089. [1033] Do., Hyderabad. 5090. [1034] Do., Do. 5091. [855] Elacha, cotton and silk piece, Ahmedabad. 5092. [ 5547 ] Moonga, silk and cotton piece, Assam. W. A. 0. Becket, Esq. Q 2 ( 221 ) Class XXII. — India . Class XXII. — CARPETS, RUGS, AND MATS. The manufactures embraced under this class are likely to eventually occupy an im- portant position amongst articles of export from India to this and other countries. The substance of the following interesting remarks has been furnished by A. M. Dowleans, Esq. I. — Carpets. The chief places in which carpets are manufactured, are Lahore, Meerut, Bareilly, Jubbulpore, Gorruckpore, Mirzapore, Rungpore, and Benares, in the Presidencies of Bengal, the North-West Provinces and the Punjaub, and at Masulipatam in the Madras Presidency. At Lahore, Meerut, and Bareilly, the manufacture is solely carried on by prisoners in the jails ; but as it has only been commenced since the introduction of the new prison discipline, the annual production is limited ; so far, however, as quality is concerned, the carpets are ex- cellent, They can be made there of any size and pattern, the average price being from seven to nine shillings per square yard. The great drawback to the exportation of carpets from the above places is the heavy expense of inland transport, which, however, will remedy itself as soon as the three great lines of railway, now in the course of construction, have been completed. At Jubbulpore, the manufacture of carpets, rugs, and suttringees (cotton carpets), has been regularly carried on for years ; chiefly in jail, where Thugs and other prisoners are extensively employed upon them. The Jubbulpore carpets are considered of extremely good texture, and are remarkable for their cheapness. The annual consumption, though large, is limited to a comparatively small area. The nearest place to which they are at present conveyed is Mirzapore, on the Ganges, whence they are forwarded by river boats to Calcutta. The expense of transport from Jubbulpore to Calcutta, including duty and agency charges, &e., is very nearly 90 per cent, on the original cost of the articles at the place of production. When the railway from Jubbulpore to Bombay is com- pleted, the cost of bringing these carpets to Bombay will be reduced to about 20 per cent, on the cost price, so that a carpet costing at Jubbulpore 10 1. will be capable of being landed in London for 14/. at the outside. The Jubbulpore School of Industry, as it is called, receives direct orders for any amount of carpets, and their fixed prices are as follows : — Turkey carpets . . 4 r . or 8s. 0 d. per sq. yd. Scotch carpeting . In. 8a. or 5s. 0 d. per yd. 33 feet wide. Suttrinjees . . 1r. 2a. or 2s. 3 d. per sq. yd. Kidderminster . 1 r. 2a. or 2s. 3 d. per yd. 1 yard wide. At present, however, the places which supply the greater portion of India, as well as the export demand, are Mirzapore and Benares. There is no specific price per yard, as carpets, both at Mirzapore and Benares, are generally sold at so much a piece. The Mirzapore carpets arc noted for excellent staple and durability of wear, but are dearer than those from Jubbulpore, though for pur- poses of export they are cheaper, as the place is situated on the Ganges, and has, therefore, the advantage of easy transport to Calcutta. When the railways come into full operation, the carpets of Mirzapore and Benares will be, in all probability, superseded by those of Meerut, Bareilly, Lahore, and Jubbulpore. The manufacture of carpets ( is also carried on at Gorruckpore ; they are, there- fore, more expensive than those of the neighbouring districts of .Mirzapore and Benares. In the Madras Presidency, Masulipatam is the chief seat of the manu- facture. The trade is carried on to a considerable extent, and entirely by natives, who, as in Bengal, combine it with agricultural undertakings adapted to the season of the year. The above remarks apply exclusively to carpets not less than 10 feet square. CARPETS EXHIBITED. 5093. [6487] Carpet made by the Thugs, Lahore. Major McAndrew. This carpet is made from the common wool of the Punjaub, obtained from sheep kept in the waste pasture lands of the Lahore district (called the Bah) ; the thread was spun, dyed, and made up into this carpet at the School of Industry attached to the Thuggee Department at La- hore ; the spinning was done by the wives of Thug appro- vers, and t he weaving of the carpet by eight boys, sons of approvers, the eldest of whom is only fourteen years of age. Approvers are men who have been tried and convicted as having belonged to a band of Thug murderers, but who, having made a full confession of their crimes (jn some individual cases amounting to the murders of as many as eighty persons) and denounced their associates, have received a conditional pardon.* 5094. [3296] Large Persian carpet, Lahore. Made in Mooltan Jail. Ornamental carpets of thread, with a woollen and some- times with a silken pile, are made up in Mooltan, Pesha- wur, Umritsur, Bhawulpore, and Kashmere. Those of Mooltan are perhaps most celebrated.f 5095. [2896] Carpet, Kashmere, Lahore. M. Dallas, Esq. 5096. [5824] Do. large woollen, Meerut Jail. Government of India. 5097. [5981] Do. Do. Do. 5098. [5345] Do. 15 feet square, Jubbul- pore School of Industry. Do. Made by Thug prisoners. 5099. [5346] Do. Do. Do. 5100. [10198] Do. Bokhara. Nazir Biiarrull, Khan of Peshawar. 5101-2. [9414-5] Do. Masulipatam. Messrs. Watson, Bontor, & Co., London. 5103. [9416] Do. Indian manufacture. Messrs. Robinson & Co., London . * Central Committee, Lahore. t Central Committee, Lahore. 222 ) Class XXII. -North-East Gallery. 5104. [1493] Carpet, imitation of Kid- derminster, Benares Jail. Dr. N. H. Ciieke, Superintendent. II. — Rugs. The manufacture of rugs is very extensive and com- prises many localities. At Peshawur, Bareilly, Shahpore, Sealcote, and Sirsa, the manufacture is entirely confined to the jails. The places, however, where a regular manu- facture and trade are carried on, are, Benares, Mirzapore, Allahabad, and Gorruckpore in Bengal ; North Aicot, Tanjore, Ellore, and Malabar in the Madras Presidency ; and also at Mysore, as well as at Shikarpore, Kyrpore, and Hyderabad in Sinde. Those of Bengal commend themselves by extraordinary cheapness ; they are exten- sively used throughout India, and also somewhat largely exported. In point of texture and workmanship, how- ever, the rugs from Ellore, Tanjore, and Mysore, though they are comparatively much dearer, are greatly pre- ferred. The employment of rugs throughoxit India is most ex- tensive, as every native who can afford to purchase one uses it to sit upon and smoke his hookah. It is impos- sible to form an estimate of the annual value of this ma- nufacture, as only the small portion exported is entered in the official records, and as no steps have hitherto been taken to ascertain the local trade. The rugs made in Bengal vary in length from 3 to 3^ feet; their average width being if feet, and their value from 1/. to 1/. 10s. The rugs from Ellore, Tanjore, and Mysore are made of various sizes, and are valued from 21. to 4 /. each; those from Shikarpore and Kyrpore as well as from Hyderabad (Sinde) are of a lighter texture, but excellent workman- ship ; their width is generally uniform, but in length and consequent cost they vary from 21. to 51. each. The finest articles of this description, however, are the silk rugs from Tanjore and Mysore, the blending of colours and workmanship being excellent. They are made of all sizes, up to even in squares of 10 feet ; but being too costly for general adoption, this manufacture is very limited.* 5105. [5985] Rug, small square, Agra. Government of India. 5106. [5284] Do. Patna. Do. 5107. [5987] Do. for Buggy (a kind of gig), Sealcote Jail. Do. 5108. [3255] Do. Allahabad Central Jail. Do. 5109-10. [852-3] Three rugs, Persian, Shikarpoor, Sinde. Do. 5111. [5986] Rug, large. Do. Do. 5112. [2523] Do. small, Ahmedabad. Do. 5113-4. [10527-8] Two rugs, North Ar- cot, Madras. Subbi, Chetti, & Co. 5115. [2659] Rug, large, Bangalore, Mysore. Government of India. 5116-7. [10667-8] Two rugs, Ellore, Madras. Do. 5118. [5984] Two rugs. Messrs. Robinson & Co., London. 5119. [5285] Rug of silk, Bhawulpore. H. H. the Nawab. The work of Sadioe and Ola Buksh, of Khairpore. 5120. [5983] Do. do., Madras. India Museum. 5121. [587] Do. do. Tanjore. Sac- carim Sahib, son-in-law of the late Rajah of Tanjore. 5122. [3256] Rug of aloe fibre, Allaha- bad Central Prison. Government of India. 5123. [10337] Do. dyed do., Bareilly. Dr. J. M. Cuningham. SUTTRIN GEES, OR COTTON CARPETS AND RUGS. These fabrics, which are entirely made of cotton, may be considered a cheap substitute for woollen carpets. They are used by every one, European or native, through- out India, and the annual manufacture is consequently very considerable, especially in Bengal, where they form a large and important branch of inland trade. They are of all sizes, from that of the largest carpet to the smallest rug, but generally of one and the same pattern through- out India, the only difference being the colour. Blue and white, and red and white, stripes constitute the preva- lent patterns, but in some one colour of darker and lighter hues is employed. In Meerut, Bareilly, and Patna, new patterns have of late been tried with con- siderable success, but though preferred by the Europeans, are not by natives, who like the striped patterns because they wear better in daily use, and do not lose the fresh- ness of colour by washing. The principal localities where suttringees are manufactured are Agra, Bareilly, Patna, Shahabad, Beerbhoom. and Burdwan. Those ma- nufactured at Agra are considered the best, and the value of its annual production is about 10,000/. In Shahabad, the quantity manufactured last year was nearly 7,000/. ; and the same may be assumed to have been produced in the other places above-mentioned. Suttringees vary in price according to size and quality. The small ones are valued from 3s. to 15s., and the larger ones (carpet size) from 1/. 10s. to 4/., the price in many cases being regu- lated by weight,* 5124. [5564] SuttriDgee carpet of cotton, Patna. Government of India. 5125. [ 1 0001] Do. or Dhurree, Bhawul- pore. II. H. the Nawab. 5126. [1490] Do., cotton, Benares Jail. Dr. N. II. Ciieke, Superintendent. 5127. [1491] Do., English thread. Do. 5128. [10197] Do., large, of dyed cotton, Bareilly Jail. Dr. J. M. Cuningham, Super- intendent. 5129. [10338] Do. or Dhurree, Do. Do. * A. M. Dowleans, Esq. ( 223 ) * A. M. Uowjleans, Esq. Class XXII. — India. 5130. [5567] Suttringee carpet, ‘hemp cotton,’ Meerut Jail. Dr. J. N. Cuningham. 5131. [5565] Do., do., Do. Do. 5132. [8293] Do., do., Luckimpore. Ba- boo Kisseram, Darojah. 5133. [3297] Do., common quality, La- hore. Chief of the Lcghasee Tribe. 5134. [5988] Do., blue stripe, Patna. Government of India. 5135. [5990] Do., white and blue border. Do. Do. 5136. [10563] Do., do., N. Arcot, Ma- dras. Subbi, Chetti, & Co. 5137. [10587] Do., do., Do. Do. 5138. [5982] Do. 5139. [1291] Suttringee carpet, blue, Dharwar, 4r. 6a. W. C. Anderson, Esq. Used for sitting and sleeping on. Made of all sizes. 5140. [2954] Do., Shahabad. E. W. Bingham, Esq. 5141. [2930] Striped rug. Do. 5142. [2931] Do. Do. Do. These are made wholly of cotton, and almost invari- ably striped. From being made of cotton they are cool and pleasant, and are in invariable use by the better class of natives and by all Europeans. The smaller kinds are used as quilts for beds, and of late the Government has given them to its European soldiers for that purpose. The manufacturers, called in this district Kalleeun Bap, are almost invariably Mussulman of the weaver class, who will make carpets of any size and pattern given in stripes. The two local seats of manufacture in Shahabad are Bubbooah and Sasseeram. In the former place, from 10,000 to 12,000 rupees worth are yearly manufactured and sold, and in the latter from 30,000 to 40,000 rupees. These dhurrees or carpets are sold readily in all the bazaars around, and at all the neighbouring fairs, par- ticularly at Berhampore, and Hurrier Chutter, or Sona- pore ; probably two-thirds of the whole quantity made are exported from the district, while the annual expendi- ture in the district will vary from 20,000 to 25,000 rupees worth per annum. The dhurrees or carpets generally made for sale are the following : — I. — 6 yards long and 2 yards broad, thick and strong, of any colour, sold at from 6n. to 6a. 8 a. II. — A small kind used as quilts, or to spread in lieu of any other bedding on the ground. They weigh from 2 to 3 lbs. each, and are to 1J yards broad, by about 2 yards long: they sell at from Ha. to 1r. 8a. each, according to thickness and quality. (The specimen ac- companying is 14a. only.) III. — Hatizhassiea . — This is the better kind of carpet, and often displays much taste in the arrangement of the striped colours. It is made of any size to fit any room, and is always sold by weight. The price varies ac- cording to quality from 1r. 4a. to In. 12 a. and sometimes as high as 2n. 4a. per seer. It is sold in all the fairs and in all the large cities around, such as Patna, Ghazee- pore, Daodnuggur, Gyah, &c. Mo merchant’s or banker's ( 224 shop, or rich native’s reception room, is complete without these being spread. This is the kind generally used by Europeans for their drawing and public rooms. IV . — Is a small kind of carpet made for use in zemin- darree and other small cutcherries, and much used from its portability. It is from 3 to 4 yards long, and from lj to 2 yards broad, and sells at from 3 to 4n. each carpet. It is generally made from five colours, from which cause it obtains the name of Dhurree Pancli Rungha. Any other description wanted are made, but these are the principal in use. The supply of these articles is only limited by the local demand. Mr. Bingham thinks that Manchester might manufacture them with great advan- tage, and by copying and improving on the native pat- terns command a very large sale indeed. If Manchester would make these articles in long webs and in all widths and patterns, she would be certain to drive the native ma- nufacture from the market to other trades, and command a valuable trade all over India for herself ; wdiile the superior stiffness, thickness, and quality of Manchester goods would, as in the matter of her calicoes and cotton, surely but slowly supersede the native manufacture alto- gether : but to do so, it is important to work from native patterns. The natives are a people of routine even in their carpets, and would not patronise sudden changes in the patterns and colours to which they had been used from childhood. But there yet exists abundant ground for superior work, and for Manchester to improve on the established native patterns, as Europeans (and they would probably consume one-third of the supply) would be glad to have some other than the monotonous stripes of native manufacture ; and as other patterns come into use among them, they would slowly but surely find their way among the native population. Gutteecha, or carpets. —These are only manufactured in Sasseeram, and are almost always woollen, of florid but neat patterns, in imitation of the Persian carpet. They are used to a considerable extent by the rich natives in their zenanas and by Europeans also. The size usually manufactured is 2 yards long by 1 yard broad, and they sell at from 2r. to 4r. 8a. per carpet. Any other sizes and patterns can be made according to order, and some of the patterns are extremely pretty. The European carpet manufacturer could not compete with these as to price and actual value, as the wool costs but little in this country, and the native dyes answer admirably for the purpose, while also the coarse local wools, which would not pay for exportation, answer for carpet work. The colours are harmonious, and I have but little doubt that it would pay any enterprising merchant to export these to Europe. The annual manufacture at present in Sasseeram is about 10,000 to 12,000 r. V. — Another kind, in imitation of the above, but wholly of cotton, is also made : prices nearly the same. The patterns are prettjq but they rapidly become spoiled by dirt and dust. They are invariably made of only two colours, blue and wdiite.* Division II. — Matting of Hemp, Cocoa Nut Fibre, Straw Reeds and Grasses, for Floors or Walls. In point of value the export of mats from India to this and other countries, as will he seen from the following Table, is not yet of great importance. ) Fi. W. Bingham, Esq. Class XXII. — North-East Gallery. TABLE SHOWING THE VALUE OF MATS EXPORTED FROM INDIA AND EACH PRESIDENCY TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD FROM 1857-58 TO 1860-61. X Whexce Exported COUNTRIES WHITHER EXPORTED Total Exported to all Parts United Kingdom France America China Arabian and Persian Gulfs Other Parts Y alue Value Value Value Value Value Value £ £ £ £ £ £ £ c c Bengal . 11*5 47 39 26 474 701 Madras 7 3 707 717 -r Bombay 5 23 130 158 All India . 122 5* 39 51 1,3" 1,576 Bengal . 21 101 1,058 164 2 317 1,6G3 ‘4 Madras 4 25 607 726 u Bombay 10 106 116 All India . 25 IOI 1,058 164 37 1,120 2,505 Bengal . 16 21 912 54 11 332 1,346 'i Madras 23 3 568 594 Bombay 5 18 416 439 * All India . 44 21 912 54 V- 1,316 2,379 _ Bengal . 65 178 695 46 506 1,492 Y Madras 11 524 535 2 Bombay 25 18 24 67 All India . IOI 178 695 46 18 1,054 2,094 The internal trade in mats is, however, very extensive, as they are in universal use by both Europeans and natives, and are therefore made of kinds and varieties to suit everybody’s taste and means. Europeans use only the better kinds of mats, and almost exclusively for the covering of floors in their houses, but natives employ them for a variety of other purposes, such as to sleep upon, smoke, &c. Every Mahomedan, however poor, after having performed the prescribed ablutions, spreads a small mat before him, while saying his prayers. The Hindoo uses it as a sort of table-cloth ; in many a poor hut it constitutes the only piece of furniture perceptible. Though mats are made in almost every part of India, the finest kinds are manufactured at Midnapore, near Calcutta. These are only manufactured to special order, but can be made of any size required. The piece varies according to the size of the border, which is coloured either red or black, and the large mat, No. 5143, 25 feet square, cost at Midnapore 30/. Smaller mats may be valued in proportion. But besides these extremely fine mats, a description is manufactured, of which consider- able numbers are exported to Madras, Bombay, Mauritius, and South Australia ; these are much cheaper, and a good strong mat, about 20 feet square, may be had for 4/. if plain, and 51. 10s. with a black or red border. The mats next in point of fineness are those from Jessore, also in t he vicinity of Calcutta, and called Sittulputtee; these, however, are never made, if Indian, of the size of an entire room-floor, but only in the shape of rugs, and have invariably a red border, sometimes also a red-flowered centre. They are generally made about 4 to 5 feet long, and 2 broad, and cost from 2t. to 3/. each. At Hooghly, near Calcutta, an inferior kind of small mat is made, of which very large quantities are exported by the emigrants to Mauritius and Demerara, and lately several shipments have been made to New South Wales. The largest variety of small mats is, however, made in the Madras Presidency ; North Arcot, and the whole of the Malabar coast, are celebrated for these handsome fabrics. There are at least 200 varieties of design and colouring, the price varying from 3s. to 31. per mat, ac- cording to quality and length. All mats in India are made by a special caste, who devote themselves exclu- sively to that description ’of manufacture. There are no statistical records to show the number and value of mats annually manufactured, but if it be considered that everybody, high or low, rich or poor, uses some kind of mat, it can easily be imagined that a very large number ( 2 of people must be employed in making mats to supply the demand, not only of the immense local population, but also that for export. MATS EXHIBITED. 5143. [2925] Large mat, Midnapore. H. B. Cockerell, Esq. This mat is made of the rushes exhibited under reeds and grasses, specimens of which have been exposed to the sun for three days ; when about to be used the}' are soaked in water for an hour, and then split into thin strips, as shown in the specimen. It is made more or less fine, according to the quality of the mat required. If the border of the mat is to be coloured, the rushes are dipped into a red dye to the necessary depth. This process of manufacture consists in plaiting the rushes thus prepared on threads highly strung between two bamboos, a sley being used, as in weaving, for compressing them tightly together. The finest kind of mats take from one to six months to manufacture, both the time occupied and the cost depending on the size required. Small mats are much used by the natives, but of an inferior quality, and of much cheaper descriptions than those sent. Mats of this kind are exported largely to Calcutta. They can be made of any pattern. Price, 300r.* 5144-8. [5415-19] Mushnud mats, Mid- napore. Government of India. 5149. [5420] Seetalputtee mat, Calcutta. R. D. Turnbull, Esq. 5150. [5421] Do., Jessore. Baboo Ram- diione Ghose. 5151-3. [5422-4] Mats, Hooghly. Go- vernment of India. Made from the Katee reed, at Mundul Ghat. 5154. [5897] Grass mat, ‘ Punch Kungee Mandra,’ Nepaul. H. H. Sir Jung Baiia- door, K.C.B. * H. B. Cockerell, Esq. 25 ) Class XXTIT. — India. 5155-6 : . [ 8311 - 7 ] Mats and matting, Malabar. 5162 - 88 . [8319-45] Do. Do. Some of these mats (contributed by the Government of Ma: i:as) were manufactured at Pulghaut, Malabar; the 1 ; i 1 ci’s are of a similar character, but are contributions from the India Museum. 5189 - 95 . [10529-35] Mats, North Arcot. There are 63 mat weavers in Wandawash, six of whom are reported to be skilful workmen. The manufacture of this article is not carried on so largely as it used to be, owing to a series of unfavourable seasons. The reeds or grass of which these mats are made grow in Kasba Wandawash, on a kani of land, which is situated in the vicinity of a tank. They are also largely cultivated in Palle-Konda, Pondicherry, and Cuddalore in the South Arcot District, on river-banks or river Poramboke, &c. At Wandawash a kani of land would yield a produce of two bandy-loads of grass, if the season be favourable. The price of a bandy-load at Pallikouda is 30 r., exclusive of the bandy hire thence to Wandawash, viz., 7 r. or thereabouts. A superior kind of mat grass is to be had at Velani, Tanjore District, but the charges are so heavy that they prohibit import. 5196 . [4864] Screw pine matting, Ma- dras. Dr. J. Siiortt. 5197 . [4861] Rush mat, Madras. Do. 5198 . [10323] Mats of wild date leaf, Chota Nagpore. Made all over the district, and in universal use among natives.* 5199 . [6709] Coir mats, Singapore. Col. Collyer. 5200 . [6710] Rattan mat. Do. Do. These mats were manufactured by prisoners at Singa- pore. 5201 . [6335] Mats made of the leaf of the Pandong rush, Lubeck, on the Coast of Java. H. H. Inciie Wan Aboo Bakar. 5202. [6361] Mats, Malacca. Chee Yam Chuan. 5203 . [6414] Do. Do. Made by Malay women, from palm leaves. 5204 - 5 . [9382-3] Large mats. Messrs. Robinson & Co., London. A curious application of ivory is exem- plified by the mat next entered : — 5206 . [5760] Mat made of ivory strips, Chittagong. H. H. the Rajah of Tipperaii. * Local Committee, Chota Nagpore. Class XXIII. — WOVEN, SPUN, FELTED OR LAID FABRICS, WHEN SHOWN AS SPECIMENS OF PRINTING OR DYEING. The various specimens exhibited under this head are not numerous, and, as a whole, unimportant. 5207 . [5103] Cloth dyed with Koosum flowers, Cuttack. 5208 . [10331] Do. Groolabee, dyed with Koosoom, Allahabad. 5209 . [10328] 5210 . [10329] 5211 . [10336] 5212 . [10327] indigo, Do. 5213 . [10334] Koosoom, Do. Soorkhee, do. indigo. Do. Peazee, do. Do. Do. Do. do. Koosoom, Do. Kasnee do. Koosoom and Narungee, do. mixture of 5214 . [10335] Baijanee, do. Koosoom and indigo, Do. 5215 . [10330] Budawee, do. Koosum and Hursinghar, Do. 5216 . [10325] Khuskhus colour, do. Koo- sum and a little indigo, Do. 5217 . [10326] Sonlay, dyed with Koosum and Hursinghar, Allahabad. 5218 . [10332] Goolanar, do. mixture of Koosum, Do. 5219 . [10333] Chumpyee, do. Do. Do. 5220-2. [ 5557 - 9 ] Roomals, shown for dyeing, Ulwar. H. H. the Rajah. 5223 - 4 . [5245-6] Do. do. Do. 5225 . [6520] Cloth dyed with Roam dye, Assam. W. E. Wagentrieber, Esq. 5226 . [5622] Specimens of dyeing pro- duced in Nepaul. H. H. Sir Jung Bahadoor, K.C.B. A paper-book, containing patterns of cloth, showing the various dyes produced in Nepaul. About the authenticity of this production there exists some doubt. The only person who professes to be able to produce the colours is a dyer in the employ of Maha- rajah Sir Jung Bahadoor. K.C.B., who states that the book (which contains many colours that he cannot repro- duce) was the result of repeated mixtures in various proportions of two or more of the following dyes : — 1. Bukkum, or sappanwood ( Casalpinia sappan ). ( 226 ) Class XXIV. — Forth-East Gallery. 2. A1 ( Morinda citrifolia). 3. Lae Dye. 4. Buhera ( Terminalia belerica). 5. Hurra, Myrobalan nut ( Terminalia chebula). 6. Koossoom, safflower ( Carthamus tinctorius). 7. Huldee or turmeric ( Curcuma longa). 8. Hursinghar, Weeping Nyctanthes ( Nyctanthes ar- bortristis). 9. Nil, indigo. 10. Potash ( Butea frondosa ). 11. Khyr {Mimosa catechu'). Also blue vitriol ; iron ; Nepaul madder ; lime ; yellow ochres earth ; and a preparation of the vetch called Oord or Dolichos pilosus. 5227. [10561] Dyed cloth, North Arcot, Venkata Rao & Bapana Rao. 5228. [10552] Do. blue, Do. Do. 5229-33. [10547,49, 51,59,62] Do. red, Do. Do. 5234. [10558] Do. green, Do. Do. 5235. [10555] Do. red, Do. Do. 5236-7. [10556-7] Do. do., Do. Govern- ment of India. 5238-42. [10550-54] Dyed cloth, red, North Arcot. Venkata Rao & Bapana Rao. 5243. [10560] Do. blue, Do. Do. 5244. [5544] Thrown silk, seven speci- mens of dyeiug, Burmah. 5245. [4006] Kapila silk thread, Salem. 5246. [4007] Kiruvunga do., Do. 5247. [807] Red cotton cloth, Kutch. H. H. the Rao. 5248. [10548] Dyed cloth, North Arcot. 5249. [5105] Cloth dyed with Ccesalpi- nia sappan, Cuttack. 5250. [5106] Do. Kamba goonda. Do. 5251. [709] Do. yellow with pomegranate bark, Kutch. 5252. [978] Cloth dyed with indigo, Jhansee. Balmok Chund. 5253. [9417] Series of cotton thread and cloth dyed of various colours, Madras. 5254. [9266] Patterns of English Mad- derpauts, dyed at Peethapoor, in the Mahee Kanta, expressly for the use of the Siamese. The dyers are supplied with cloth by the Bombay mer- chants. Cost of dyeing, 1 d. per yard. 5255. [9268] Patterns of Madderpaut prints, stamped at Wasna Zillee Baweesee, in the Mahee Kanta. The export of these to Siam is increasing, as is proved by the additional number of dyers employed within the last few years at Peethapoor and Wasna. 5256. [979] Cloth dyed with Al, Jhansee. Shumsiiere, dyer. 5257. [10305] Four specimens of Saloo cloth, Banda. H. H. Dashwood, Esq. This cloth is dyed with the Al-root, with a mixture of castor oil in the proportion of one pdo to every piece of cloth, each piece of cloth being eight yards. Besides castor oil, ‘Russes,’ a kind of earth, is also mixed, and goats’ dung and alum. The cloth is first rubbed for ten days in the castor oil, ‘ Russee,’ and goat’s dung, and then dried in the sun. After ten days it is well washed and dried, and then steeped in the oil for five days ; afterwards washed and dried in the sun, and after a third application of soap and water the cloth is ready for sale. The cost of dyeing different kinds of cloth is as follows : — Dyeing Long cloth, 1|a. per yard. Ditto Nynsook cloth, 1 a. per yard. Ditto Mulmul cloth, |a. per yard. Ditto Pugrees, 4 a. per yard. It is not easy to ascertain the extent and value of the quantity cf saloo cloth annually manufactured. It is not confined to local consumption, but exported to other parts of India, and its use is general, and not limited to particular castes. The wholesale market value is about Ik. 6a. 6p. per piece, according to the quality of the cloth dyed.* * II. H. Dashwood, Esq. Class XXIV. — TAPESTRY, LACE, AND EMBROIDERY. In the following arrangement of this im- O o portant class, the Juiy Directory has, as far as practicable, been complied with ; the great variety of Indian articles of embroidery has, however, led to the adoption of the following classification or grouping : — I. — Tapestry, Counterpanes, Quilts, etc. 5258. [1666] Counterpanes, embroidered, Puttiala. H. H. the Rajaii. 5259. [3803] Do. Do. Do. 5260. [5108] Counterpanes, Cuttack. Government of India. II. — Ornamental Tapestry of Silk, Wool, Mohair, Linen, Cotton, and of THESE MATERIALS MINGLED TOGETHER, OR with Metal Wires, whether woven in the Loom or of any kind of Needlework. The only Indian manufactures answering to the above are the ‘Kincobs,’ or loom-made fabrics of silk and with gold and silver wire. ( 227 ) Do. Class XXIV. — India. which, although only employed in India as articles for personal wear, might be used in this country for covering chairs, couches, &c. 5261. [3309] Kincob, light blue, gold and silver, Benares. Mohun Lall. 5262. [3308] Kincob, blue and gold, Benares. Mohun Lall & Chitoo Lall. 5263. [3307] Do., white and gold, Do. SlLHUT ClIUMDRABHAN. 5264. [3306] Do., dark blue, gold and silver, Do. Do. 5265. [3310] Do., gold and silver, Do. Dabee Pehsilaud. 5266. [951] Do.. Ahmedabad. Nugger Shet Premabhaee Hemabhaee. 5267. [899] Do., green and gold, Do. 5268-70. [896-8] Do., red and gold. Do. 5271-2. [895, 950] Do., Do. 5273. [952] Do., green and gold. Do. Nugger Shet Premabhaee Hemabhaee. 5274. [1235] Do., Surat. 5275. [1229] Luppoo Rosperi, silver tis- sue, Do. 5276. [1228] Luppoo Sooneri, tissue, red and gold, Do. 5277. [1237] Kincob, red and gold, Do. 5278. [1236] Do., green and gold, Do. 5279. [1233] Do. Do. 5280. [1234] Dor Do. III. — Lace. 5281. [10601] Lace, black, No. 130, 10 yds. Per Collector of Tinnevelly. Manufactured at Mission Station, Edayangudi. Direc- tress, Mrs. Caldwell. 52S2. [10602] Do. do., No. 132, 6 yds. Do. 5283. [10603] Do. do., veil border. Do. 5284-7. [10604-7] Four do. do., lappet. Do. 5288. [10608] Do., white, veil border. Do. 5289. [10609] Do* do., collar and sleeves. Do. 5290. [106 10] Do. do., do. and gauntlets. Do. 5291. [10611] Do. do., Berthe No. 1. Do. 5292. [10612] Do. do.. Do. „ 2. Do. ( 22 5293. [10613] Lace, white, No. 5, 1r. per yard. Per Collector of Tinnevelly. 5294. [ 10614 ] Do. do., No. 10, 4r. per yard. Do. 5295-7. [10615-7] Three do. collars, Do. 5298. [ 106 1 8 ] Do., insertion, at 14 a. per yard, 1 6 yards. Do. 5299-5302. [10619-22] Four do., lappet, Do. 5303. [3995] Lace made by children in Missionary School, Nagracole, South Tra- vancore. Mrs. Mackinnon. IV. — Plain Embroidery, or ‘ Chickun Work.’ a. On Tusser Silk. 5304. [3558] Dresses, double skirt, 120r., Calcutta. Shaik Golab. Government of India. 5305. [ 3559 ] Do., 80r., Do. Do. Do. b. On Net. 5306. [493] Dresses, tamboured, Madras. Do. Do. c. On Muslin. 5307. [416] Two dresses, do., Do. Do. Do. 5308. [488] Do., 12r. 8a. each, do. Do. Do. 5309. [773] Do., Khyrpoor. H. H. Meer Ali Morad. 5310. [3553] Do., 100r., Calcutta. Shaik G-olab. Government of India. 5311. [3554] Do., two flounces, 80 r., Do. Do. Do. 5312. [3571] Do. Do. Do. 5313. [3572] Babe’s robe, 20r., Do. Do. 5314. [3574] Dress bodies, 1r. 8a., Do. Do. 5315. [3583] Bernous, 40r., Do. Do. Do. 5316. [3584] Do., 30r., Do. Do. Do. 5317-20. [3579-82] Scarfs, 40r., Do. Do. 5321. [3556] Skirts, 8r., Do. Do. 5322-9. [3563-70] Petticoats, 8 r., Do. Do. 5330-4. [3585-9] Collars and sleeves, 2 r., Do. Do. Do. 8 ) Class XXIV. — North-East Gallery. 533 5-6. [3643-4] Collars and cuffs, 3 r. each, Calcutta. Shaik Golab. 5337-48. [3594-3605] Handkerchiefs, 12r., Do. Do. 5349-59. [3606-16] Do., 1 r. 8a., Do. Do. 5360-1. [3618-9] Do., 8 a., Do. Do. 5362. [3622] Do., 4 a., Do. Do. 5363. [1712] Do., on plain muslin, 20 yards, 50 r., Dacca. Jugget Chunder Doss. 5364. [3376] Two do., 30r., Do. Govern- ment of India. 5365. [3378] Do., ‘ Charkana,’ 8r., Do. 5366. [3398] Do., plain, 30 r., Do. Hur- mohun Roy. 5367. [3899] Two do., 25 r., Do. Do. V. — Gold and Silver Embroidery. a. Gold, on Silk. 5368. [2988] Shawls, 200 r., Delhi. Ma- nak Chund, Exhibitor and manufacturer. 5369. [1725] Palungposhe, 153 r., Agra. Government of India. 5382. [1726] Scarfs, 95r., Benares. Dabee Pershaed. 5383. [1727] Do., 75 r., Do. Do. 5384. [1728] Do. Do. Do. 5385-8. [1731-4] Do., 10r., Do. Do. 5389. [1738] Do., 46r., Do. Do. 5390. [1739] Do., 48r., Do. Do. 5391. [1748] Do. Do. Do. 5392. [2989] Do., Delhi. Manak Chund. 5393. [3311] Do., Benares. Mohun Lall & Ciiittoo Lall. 5394. [3387] Three do., 90 r. each, Delhi. Manak Chund. 5395. [6251] Do., Delhi. Do. 5396. [6254] Do., 65r., Do. Do. 5397. [1735] Boomals, 175r., Benares. Dabee Pershaud. 5398. [1737] Do., 90r., Do. Do. 5399. [9413] Shawl. Messrs. Farmer & Rogers, London. 5370. [3800] Choput or chesscloth, Um- ritsur. Lall Ciiumber Mull, exhibitor and manufacturer. b. Gold on Cashmere, Merino, etc. 5371. [1694] Shawl, 1 75r., Dacca. Jug- get Chunder Doss. 5372. [2983] Do., Delhi, Manak Chund. 5373. [2987] Do. Do. Do. 5374. [2999] Do., 200 r., Do. Do. 5375. [3000] Do., Do. Government of India. 5376. [3304] Do., Benares. Moiiun Ball & Chittoo Lall. 5377. [6252] Do., 110r., Delhi. Manak Chund. 5378. [2991] Cape, Do. Do. 5379. [3303] Doputtas, Benares. Moiiun Lall & Chittoo Lall. 5380. [3305] Do. Do. Do. 5381. [1667] Scarfs, 100u., Dacca. Huh- I mohun Roy. ( 22 c. Gold on Muslin. 5400. [486] Dresses, with beetle wings, 200r., Madras. Government of India. 5401. [487] Do. black, 100r., Do. Do. 5402-3. [2207-8] Two bottles of beetles’ wings. Used for ornamental work and embroidery. 5404. [1714] Doputtas, 123r. 8a., Agra. Do. 5405. [1719] Do., 67r. 8a., Do. Do. 5406. [1720] Do., 123r. 8a., Do. Do. 5407. [1721] Do., 136 r., Do. Do. 5408. [3802] Roomals, Puttiala. H. H. the Maharajah. 5409. [631] Scarfs, Vizagapat am. H. H. the Rajah of Vizianagram. 5410. [1695] Do., 60r. each, Dacca. Jugget Chunder Doss. 5410a. [1710] Do., 6 Or. each, Do. Do. 54106. [3389] Five do., 60 k. each, Do. Government of India. :9 ) Class XXIV. — India. 5411. [3395] ‘ Luchuck Kusseeda.’ KnAJEn Abdool Gunny. 5412. [1499] Handkerchief, Benares Jail. Dr. N. H. Cheke. d. Gold on Cotton. 5413. [1999] Roomals (diaper pattern), Ram pore. H. H. the Nawab. 5414. [2000] Do. (do.), Do. Do. e. Gold on Net. 5415. [485] Two dresses, with beetle wings, Madras. Government of India. 5416. [3403] Two shawls, 100r. each, Dacca. Hiirmohun Roy. 5417. [1715] Doputtas, 92r., Agra. Go- vernment of India. 5418. [1718] Do., 72r., Do. Do. 5419. [1698] Scarf, 55r., Dacca. Jugget Chunder Doss. 5420. [3385] Three do., 60r. each, Do. Government of India. 5421. [6255] Scarf, 30r., Delhi. Manak Chund. /. Gold and Silver on Muslin and Net. 5422. [1717] Doputtas, 52r. 8a., Agra. Government of India. 5423. [ 1722 ] Do., 107 r., Do. Do. 5424. [1723] Do., 153r., Do. Do. g. Gold Lace. 5425. [632] ‘ Danasary ’ border, Vizaga- patam. H. II. the Rajah of Vizianagram. h. Gold and Silver Lace. 5438. [1100] Lace, Bombay. Govern- ment of India. 5439. [1101] Do. on red silk ground, Do. Do. *’• Silver on Cashmere or Merino. 5440. [1736] Shawl, Benares. Dabee Pershadd. 5441. [1729] Scarfs, 43r., Do. Do. 5442. [3388] Three scarfs, 70r. each, Dacca. Government of India. k. Silver on Muslin. 5443. [1668] Dresses, 95r., Dacca. Hur- mohun Roy. 5444. [1716] Doputtas, 59r., Agra. Go- vernment of India. 5445. [3390] Seven scarfs, 40r. each, Dacca. Do. I Silver on Net. 5446. [3404] Three shawls, 80 r. each, Dacca. Government of India. 5447. [3386] Three scarfs, 40r. each. Do. Do. 5448. [1669] Head-dress, 4r., Do. Hur- moiiun Roy. VI. — Silk Embroidery. a. Silk on Silk. 5449. [704] Sachet, in coloured silks, Ivutch. H. H. the Rao. 5450. [6332] Pillow-ends, Singapore. Tan Kim Sing. 5426. [633] ‘ Banjeebund ’ do., Do. Do. 5427. [1230] Lace for trousers, Surat. Government of India. 5428. [1231] Do. Do. Do. 5429. [1226] Gold lace edging, Surat. 5430-2. [954-6] Narrow gold lace, Do. Nugger Siiet Premabiiaee Hemabhaee. 5433. [2196] Gold lace, |-inch, Patna. 5434. [1224] Do., 2-inch, Surat. 5435-6. [5454-5] Gold lace edging, Do. 5437. [5472] Gold lace, Lahore. ( b. Silk on Cashmere or Merino. 5451. [1091] Shawls, 60r., Bombay. Go- vernment of India. 5452. [ 1092 ] Do., 60u , Do. Do. 5453. [2984] Do., 50r., Delhi. Manak Chund. 5454. [ 2990 ] Do., 50 r., Do. Do. 5455. [6268] Do., 30r., Do. Do. 5456. [2968] Capes, Do. Do. 5457-9. [2969-71, 2996] Do. Do. Go- i vernment of India. 5460-1. [ 1678 - 9 ] Do., 7 r., Dacca. Hur- I mohun Roy. •230 ) Class XXIV. — North-East Gallery. 5462. [1681] Capes, 7r., Dacca. mot un Roy. 5463. [1689] Do., 3 b., Do. Do. 5464. [1690] Do., 3 r., Do. Do. 5465-7. [2974-6] Do., Delhi. Manak Chund. 5468. [2979] Do. Do. Do. 5469-70. [2982, 2998] Do., Do. Go- vernment of India. 5471. [3380] Two capes, 40r. each, Dacca. Government of India. 5472. [3381] Two do., 35r. each. Do. Do. 5473. [6256] Do., 30r., Delhi. Manak Ciiund. 5474. [6257] Do. 30r., Do. Do. 5475-9. [6258-62] Capes, 10 r., Do. Do. 5480. [6269] Do., 30r., Do. Do. c. Silk on Cloth (not Cashmere). 5481. [1002] Table cover, scarlet, em- broidered in silver, 230r. 1a. 4p., Hyder- abad. . 5482. [1007] Do., green, do. silk, 71r. 15a. Ip., Do. 5483. [1001] Do., scarlet, do. gold, 230r. 1a. 4p., Do. 5484. [1020] Chair cushion, green, do. and silver, 29 r. 3a. 9p., Do. 5485. [1014] For cap, velvet, scarlet, do. gold, 11 r. 13a., Do. 5486. [1013] Two do., cloth, black, do. and silver, 14 r. 9a. 6 p., Do. 5487. r 1003 ] Table cover, scarlet, do. silk, 77r. 1a. ^4p., Do. 5488. [1028] Apron, velvet, black, do. gold, 35r. 8a., Do. 5489. [1018] Slippers, cloth, black, do. and silver, 5 r. 12a. 9p., Do. 5490. [1029] Apron, velvet, black, do. gold, 35 r. 8a., Do. 5491. [1016] Two caps, green, do. and silver, 13r. Oa. 6p., Do. 5492. [ 1008 ] Table cover, scarlet, do. and silk, 41 r. 12a., Do. 5493. [1017] Slippers, cloth, black, em- broidered in gold and silver, 8 r. 12a. 9p., Hyderabad. 5494. [1030] Apron, velvet, black, do., 17r. 8 a., Do. 5495. [1031] Bottle stands, scarlet, do. and silks, l Or. 7a. 6 p., Do. 5496. [1031a] Do., scarlet, do. and silver, 10 r. 7a. p., Do. 5497. [1006] Table cover, green, em- broidered in silver and silk, 172 r. 5a. 4p., Do. 5498. [1012] Cushion, velvet, green, do., 15r. 1a. 2p., Do. 5499. [1027] Book cover, velvet, blue, do., 19 r. 1 a. 4p., Do. 5500. [1015] Cap piece, velvet, green, do. and silver, 13 r. Oa. 6 p., Do. 5501. [1026] Chess cloth, velvet, scarlet, do., 31 r. 9a., Do. 5502. [1032] Bottle stands, velvet, green, do. and silver, 3r. 4a. 4p., Do. 5503. [10316] Do.,velvet,scarlet, do. and silver, 10 r. 7a. 6 p., Do. 5504. [1009] Cushion, cloth, black, do. and silver, 15 r. 4a. 9p., Do. 5505. [700] Apron, silk, do. silk, 36r. 15a. 2 p. Rao of Kutch. 5506. [5067] Table cover, do. silk, Sinde. Burzorjee, Sons, & Co. 5507. [5068] Do., do. silk, Do. Do. 5508. [1010] Cushion, green, do. gold and silk, 16r. Oa. 7p., Hyderabad. 5509. [701] Apron, silk, do. silk, 36r. 15a. 2 p. Rao of Kutch. 5510. [1005] Table cover, black, do. silk, 100r. 2a. 7p., Hyderabad. 5511. [710] Apron, do. silk, 179 r. 10a. Rao of Kutch. 5512. [703] Do., do. silk, 36 r. 15a. 2p. Do. 5513. [1011] Cushion, velvet, violet, do. gold and silver, 17r. 7a. Ip., Hyderabad. 5514. [1023] Do., velvet, scarlet, do. and silk, 32 r., Do. 5515. [1019] Do., cloth, black, do. and silver, 28 r. 5a. 4p., Do. ( 231 ) Hur- Class XXIV. — Indm d. Silk on Muslin. 551 G. [3391] Five shawls, 60r. each, Dacca. Government of India. 5517. [1713] Scarfs, ‘ Jamdanee,’ Do. Hurmohun Roy. 5518. [3392] Two do. 25r. each, Do. Government of India. e . Silk on Net. 5519. [ 1711 ] Three dresses in ten pieces, 60r., Dacca. Jugget Ciiunder Doss. 5520. [2985] Shawls, 3 L, Delhi. Go- VERNMENT of INDIA. 5521. [2986] Do. 30r., Do. Do. 5522. [1672] Do. 50r., Dacca. Hurmo- hun Roy. 5523. [1692] Do. 4il, Do. Do. 5524. [3392] Two do., 25 r. each. Do. Government of India. 5525. [6270] Shawls, 12 r., Delhi. Manak Ciiund. 5526. [6271] Do. Do. Do. 5527. [6272] Two do., Do. Do. 5528. [713! Scarfs, 36r. 15a. 8p., Ivutch. H. H. the Rao. 5529-33. [6263-7] Three do. (out of five), Delhi. Manak Ciiund. 5534. [6270] Scarfs, 12r., Do. Do. 5535. [6273] Do., 35r., Do. Do. 5536. [2991] Mantles, Do. Do. Eeadwork. 5537. [3801] Choput or chess cloth, Umritsur. Lall Chumber Mull. 5538. [923] ‘ Churee,’ bead-worked scep- tre, Ahmedabad. 5539. [1505] Chess cloth, with beads, H.H. Rajah of Puttiala. 5540. [924] ‘ Bajat,’ bead ornament, Ah- medabad. Miscellaneous Articles of Embroidery' NOT INCLUDED AMONGST THE PRECEDING. 5541. [1189] Gold embroidered mat, | green, Benares. Dabee Pershaud. ( 23 5542. [1167] Gold embroidered bag, green, Benares. Dabee Pershaud. 5543. [1170] Silver do. do., blue, Do. 5544. [1183] Gold do. table mat, Benares. 5545. [1192] Silver do. do.. Do. 5546. [10053] 3816. Lacquered hand screen, Bareilly. 5547. [10054] Do. Do. 5548. [9443] Pair of Chimdas or tops of a cap, Surat. 5549. [2919] Ivory fan, Chittagong. Rajah of Tipperah. 5550. [5496] Two pouches, Assam. Lieut. Phaire. 5551. [ 1 1 9 1 ] Gold embroidered mat, black, Benares. 5552. [1187] Silver do. do., Do. 5553. [5432] State parasol, embroidered, in gold and silver handle, Moram, Oude. II. H. the Rajah Garee Shunker. 5554. [1194] Gold embroidered mat, blue, Benares. 5555. [1178] Do., do.. Do. 5556. [1186] Do., do.. Do. 5557. [1169] Do. bag, blue, Do. 5558. [1161] Do. do.. Do. 5559. [1162] Do. do., Do. 5560. [5507] Gold embroidered purse, Lucknow. Nawab Shurfood Dowlah. 5561. [5508] Do. Do. Do. 5562. [5509] Do. Do. Do. 5563. [1175] Do. table mat, Benares. 5564. [2361] Goolductal or golden tree, Do. Lalla Bunerain. 5565 [4419] Do. Do. Do. 5566. [2907] Necklace of honour, Cal- cutta. 5567. [7829] Do., Jeypore. 5568. [1172] Silver embroidered bag, Benares. 2 ) Class XXIV. — N. 5569. [ 1 1 66] Silver embroidered bag, Benares. 5570. [919] Chukur gold and silver, em- broidered round table cover, Ahmedabad. Neknamdar Sukawuttee Shetanee Hur- KOOYURBHAEE. 5571-3. [1179-81] Gold embroidered table mats, Benares. 5574. [1173] Bo. Bo. 5575. [1185] Bo. Bo. 5576. [1165] Bo. bag. Bo. 5577. [1174] Silver embroidered table mat, Bo. 5578. [1 193] Gold embroidered table mat, Bo. 5579. [1177] Gold do., Bo. 5580. [1164] Bo. bag. Bo. 5581. [1184] Bo. table mat, Bo. 5582. [1182] Bo. Bo. 5583. [1163] Bo. bag, Bo. 5584. [1190] Bo. mat, Bo. 5585. [976] Small embroidered umbrella, Umritsur. 5586. [1 168] Silver embroidered bag, Be- nares. 5587. [1171] Gold do., Bo. 5588. [1176] Bo. mat. Bo 5589. [5537] Bo. belt, set with pearls, emeralds and rubies, Nepaul. H. H. Sir Jung Bahadoor, Iv.C.B. 5590. [975] Large gold embroidered um- brella, Umritsur. 5591. [5450] Eight gold and crimson silk tassels, Lahore. 5592. [903] Gold lace edging, Kenaree, Ahmedabad. orth-East Gallery. 5593. [928] Kothlee Ivusbee embroidered purse, Ahmenabad. Neknamdar Sukawuttee Shetanee Hurkoovurbiiaee. 5594. [929] Bo. Bo. 5595. [2195] Gold thread, Patna. 5596. [4712] Saddle cloth, green velvet, embroidered in gold. Sawunt Warree. 5597. [902] Gotta or silver lace, Ahmed- abad. 5598. [904] Silver lace, Keenaree, Ah- medabad. 5599. [5071] Embroidered blue velvet mat, Benares. Beonarain Sing. 5600. [1997] Velvet rug, gold embroider- ed, Benares. 5601. [2197] Silver thread, Patna. 5602. [925] 4 Wutwa,’ or purse, embroi- dered with pearls, Ahmedabad. 5603. [926] Kothlee, do. Nugger Siiet- TAINE PrEMABIIAEE HeMABIIAEE. 5604. [922] Wutwa, do. Bo. 5605-8. [940-3] Keenarees of gold and silver lace, Ahmedabad. Neknamdar Shet- anee Sukawuttee Hurkoovurbhaee. 5609. [938] Bo. Bo. 5610. [3767] Belts, gold embroidered, Umritsur. Ciiumba Mull. 5611. [1225] Silver lace, Surat. 5612-14. [5451-3] Silk and gold lace bands, Lahore. 5615. [1223] Silver lace, Surat. 5616-7. [5467-8] Gold thread, ‘ Kulla Buttoo,’ Peshawur. 5618. [7830] Bo., or wire, Jeypore. 5619. [7831] Silver thread. Bo. 5620. [5473] Silver lace, Bo. ( 233 ) Class XXV. — India. Class XXV. — SKINS, FUR, FEATHERS, AND HAIR. The annual value of the feathers and dency, will be seen bj 7 reference to the tables hair exported from India, and each Presi- which follow : — TABLE SHOWING THE QUANTITIES (AS FAR AS CAN BE ASCERTAINED) AND THE VALUE OF FEATHERS EXPORTED FROM INDIA AND EACH PRESIDENCY TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD FROM 1857-58 TO 1860-61. X < Whence Exported COUNTRIES WHITHER EXPORTED Total Exported to All Parts United Kingdom France Other Parts op Edrope China Other Parts Value Value Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quan. Value & & £ . Nos. £ Nos. £ Nos. £ X Bengal . 233 327 84 1,188 1,832 Madras . 9 3,712 3,721 X Bombay Au India 242 3*7 84 4 , 900 * 5,553 Bengal . 164 121 6 295 949 1.535 Madras . 200,226 2,663 200,226 2,663 Bombay All India I 64 121 6 *95 3 , 612 * 4,198 Bengal . 290 629 7 958 2,190 4,074 Madras . 31,231 814 187,952 4,715 219,183 5,529 35 Bombay All India 290 629 7 i.77* 6,905* 9,6=3 Bengal . 163 880 1 2,517 2.451 5,012 Madras . 13,357 293 134,675 2,911 148,032 3,204 3 Bombay All India 163 880 1 2,810 5 , 362 * 8,216 * The greater part of this was exported to Ceylon and the Straits Settlements. TABLE SHOWING THE QUANTITIES (AS FAR AS CAN BE ASCERTAINED) AND THE VALUE OF HAIR EXPORTED FROM INDIA AND EACH PRESIDENCY TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD FROM 1857-58 TO 1860-61. Years Whence Exported COUNTRIES WHITHER EXPORTED Total Exported to all Parts United Kingdom France America Arabian and Persian Gulfs Other Parts Quan. Value Quan. Value Quan. Value Quan. Value Quan. Value Quantity Value cwt. £ cwt. £ cwt. £ cwt. £ cwt. £ cwt. tons £ op Bengal ; Madras Bombay 5,402 2,701 86 43 5,4SS 274 2.744 - All India . 5,40* 2,701 86 43 5,488 274 2,744 Cl Bengal • Madras ic Bombay 4,298 2,149 i59 79 52 26 4,509 225 2,254 * All India . 4,298 2,149 159 79 5 * 26 4,509 225 2,254 0 Bengal >. Madras • . . d Bombay 4,566 2,398 78 39 31 15 271 136 4,946 247 2,588 All India . 4,566 2,398 78 39 31 '5 271 136 4,946 *47 2.588 Bengal Madras Bombay 3,409 1,705 io9 84 238 89 3,816 191 1.878 All India . 3,409 1,705 169 S 4 *)8 89 3,816 191 I ,878 ( 234 ) Class XXVI.— India. Section A. — Skins and Furs. 5621-2. [8171,8171ft] Two Bengal tigers, mounted in glazed cases, shot in the Deyra Boon, March I860. Col. Charles Eeid, C.B. 5623. [2348*] Skin of the domestic yak, Darjeeling. Dr. A. Campbell. 5624. [2346*] Do. of the ‘ Dung,’ or wild yak, Do. Do. Of manufactures from skins from which the hair has not been removed, a few specimens of the coats and cloaks in common use in Upper India and Sinde during the cold season have been forwarded from Lahore and Shikarpore, and also from Darjeeling, by Dr. Campbell. Section B. — Feathers and Feather Work. 5625. [3334] Feather plumes, Calcutta. Government of India. 5626-7. [3335-6] Muffs and boas, Do. Do. 5628-9. [3337-8] Do. and victorines, Do. Do. 5630. [3339] Do. and boa, Do. Do. 5631. [3340] Do., boa and victorine, Do. Do. 5632. [3341] 5633. [3342] 5634. [3343] Six victorines, children’s, Calcutta. Government of India. 5635. [3344] Six cuffs, Do. Do. 5636. [3345] Six powder puffs, Do. Do. 5637-55. [3346-64] Feather plumes, Do. Do. 5656. [627] Do., Bulbul feathers, Ma- dras. KAJAH of VlZIANAGARUM. 5657. [5662] Pair peacocks’ feather fans, Calcutta. A. M. Dowleans, Esq. 5658. [5661] Three peacocks’ feather fans, Do. Do. 5659. [3154] Two do, Hoogly. Do. 5660. [4713] Pair fans, bordered with peacocks’ feathers. Sawunt Warree. Go- vernment of Bombay. 5661. [2925] Peacocks’ feather fan, silver handle, Nepaul. Sir Jung Baiiadoor, K.C.B. 5662-3. [5929-30] Peacocks’ feather bas- kets, Do. Do. 5664. [5429] Peacocks’ feather umbrella, Do. Do. 5665-6. [5430-31] Do. fly flapper. Do. Do. 5667. [5785] Do. plume, Assam. Col. Vetch. Six boas, Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Qfcr* Class XXVI.— LEATHER, INCLUDING SADDLERY AND HARNESS. As chiefly connected with this class a Table, indicating the extent to which Hides and Skins now form an article of export from India, is here introduced. (P. 236.) Section A. — Leather and Articles CHIEFLY MADE FROM LEATHER. 5668. [5933] Chamois leather, Nepaul. H. H. Sir Jung Baiiadoor, K.C.B. 5669. [5934] Coloured leather, Do. Do. 5670. [2961] ‘ Kimmookht,’ Bareilly. A kind of prepared leather which looks like ‘shagreen.’ Is used for making native shoes, and also for sword scab- bards. About 2 ,OOOr. worth is annually exported from Bareilly to Delhi, and other places. Class XXVI. 5671. [8101] Eed leather sheepskin, cost 50r. per 100, Cawnpore. 5672. [8102] Buffalo leather, cost 10r. per maund of 40 lbs.. Do. 5673. [8103] Cowhide, do., Do. 5674. [8104] Eed goat leather, cost 62 r. 8a. per 100 lbs.. Do. Section B. — Saddlery, Harness, etc. 5675. [6488] Set of buggy harness, Cawnpore. Luciimee Pershad. Government. 5676. [6489] Set of artillery harness for one horse, Do. Do. The staple manufacture of Cawnpore is leather. There ( 235 ) TABLE SHOWING THE QUANTITIES (AS FAR AS CAN BE ASCERTAINED) AND THE VALUE OF HIDES AND SKINS EXPORTED FROM INDIA AND EACH PRESIDENCY TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD FROM 1851-52 TO 1860-61. Class XXVI. — India . cocci- coc^oo^ r-T cT so rC coc ^ ' lO US r-T I OPJrH o ^ '1. Ki i-T of of «-f CC Cl OQ 0500^3 Its CO Its ''f CC O Its ■+ UJHH N Ol CO Ov o t- cc r-nco h X CO CO ‘'V COCC-fvO * ^ to as H UJ CD ^ CO of £ CO — f CC o Pi O P5 l- ?i i t- CO — lO — ^ r- 'M O < CO • I CCTtCO*^ c cccoo Its CO 00 O C I'K) « 0-1 rl I- w n W CO n OOCO >2 M iO ^ CC Cl 'C o cco Oi -t vO ■n(M w - Cl ^ CO O Cv > “ O' • Its & CC . . 'O X ^ • '4- O t- 00 l!5 CC CO CC' N .la I- H W N Cl - CO © Cl r+\ Its Its C I' * rH M ICC t S § 00 CC CO r-- cc • U-, -T CC O Cl oi — O its CO O - Cl <-h . o O Cl «a .h r^TcO*' X Ol Ol Pi HlCriOO 0,-^0 r«_ rf — T CO O -#oc o i— > t'- -J< r+> co^cs r^- of«T vo >o *o -o- ■ Cl LO l N«tJ< O T* Cl o CO H CO COH CC t>- CO o CC' © Its o • a rt x x x O' • I - - ol , t F F . c5 ^ £ s 3 << CQ ce — x •'* r^ • o ^ of of X X • X NO • o o • §\8 • Tt< ^ Tj< Th • c^vo of o' os o • O VO CS O' o o • r- • X PHV « : :g O o of of : H a « S >P ; c3 'F s tti: gs PJ 1^ cS •s E j ■a s js tc ~ w S - o ~ «S~ Committee. 6295-6. [6493-4] Two drawing room chairs, green velvet cushions, embroidered, Do. Do. 6297. [2955] Teapoys, Do. Do. 6298-9. [2957-8] Two footstools, Do. Do. 6300-1. [1003 1, 1 005 1 | Knitting boxes, Do. Do. 6302. [5355] Bookholder, Do. Do. 6303. [5442] Set of charpoy or bedstead legs, Meerut. Do. 6304. [3501] Folding bedstead, Morada- bad. Government of India. ( 2/ Divisions III. and IV. — Indian Inlaid Work. The following note on the ‘ Inlaid Work ’ of Bombay is by Dr. Birdwood : — This kind of work is stated to have been carried on in Bombay for about 60 years, having been originally intro- duced from Hyderabad, Sinde. It is said to have been introduced into Sinde about twenty years previously from Persia; its native seat is supposed to Vie Shiraz. From Bombay the work has been carried to Surat. The following are the materials used in the work : — A mineral green dye: for dyeing the stag’s horn. Tin Wire (Kylacenotur) used in the ornamental veneering. Sandalwood, ebony and sappanwood used in the frame- work, and sometimes entering into the ornamental veneer. Ivory, Ho. Stag’s Horn, Do. Dyed green with mineral dye. Glue, for binding. Ahmedabad glue being esteemed far above all other kinds, including English. The tools employed arc a wheel for drawing the tin wire into different shapes for the preparation of the ornamental patt erns ; Saws of different kinds, files, chisels, drills, planes, and a T square. Process of Manufacture. The only 1 mystery ’ is in the portion of the work which appears inlaid, but which is not inlaid in the first sense of the term. The patterns are veneered on, and may be applied to any flat or gently rounded surface. The ornamental veneer is prepared by binding the rods of ivory, tin, sappan, ebony, and green dyed stag’s horn of different shapes together. These rods are usually three-sided, cylindrical, and obliquely four-sided. They are arranged so as when cut across to exhibit definite patterns, and in the mass present either the appearance of rods or of thin boards, the latter being to be sliced down into borders. The primary rods are some- times bound together before being sliced, so as to form more complex patterns. The patterns commonly found in Bombay ready pre- pared for use are : — 1st. Chukra ( i.c . wheel), the smaller being of the diameter of a fourpenny bit, and the larger of a shilling. 2nd. Kutkee, or hexagonal, being composed of obliquely four-sided rods, of ivory, ebony or sandalwood, and of ebony, tin wire pnttung, and green dyed stag’s horn mixed. 3rd. 1'renkoonia goal (i.c. three-sided flower), a three- sided pattern composed of tin wire, ebony, ivory, puttuug, andgreen dyed stag’s horn. 4th. Gool (flower), obliquely four-sided, and com- pounded as last. These are all for the central veneer. The border patterns are : — 5th. Teekec, round and varying in size from a twopenny bit to a large pin’s head, and used for the central pat- terns as well as for bordering. 6th. Gundeirio (plumb, full), composed of all the materials used in this work. 7th. Ek dan a (one grain), having the appearance of a single row of tin beads set in ebony. 8th, 9th, and 10th. Poree lehur, ‘ Sanksoohansio’ and ‘ Porohansio,’ varieties of border ornaments not easy to distinguish from one another by mere description. Remarks. Fifty manufacturers are established in Bom- bay, the majority having commenced business during the last few years ; six, however, have been settled here from periods varying from twenty-five to forty-six years. A few employ workmen, but the majority work for themselves with the aid, in many cases, of a brother or son. The inlaid work resembles Tunbridge ware. 53 ) s 2 Class XXX. — India. 6305. [525] Materials, tools, and pat- terns referred to above, and exhibited in centre of Case 10. SPECIMENS EXHIBITED, 6306. [1507] Box, inlaid with ivory, Delhi. (Government of India. 6307. [302] Chessboard, Surat. Govern- ment of Bombay. 6308. [314] Jewel box, Do. Do. 6309. [271] Chessboard, Bombay. Do. 6310. [272] Workbox, small, Do. Do. 6311. [273] Inkstand, Do. Do. 6312. [274] Bookstand, Do. Do. 6313-4. [275-8] Watchstands, Do. Do. 6315-6. [279-80] Cribbageboard, double, Do. Do. 6316-7. [281-2] Do., single, Do. Do. 6318-9. [283-4] Card basket. Do. Do. 6320. [287] Two card cases, Do. Do. 6321. [288] Four card cases, Do. Do. 6322. [2751] Six needle cases, Do. Do. 6323. [2752] Do. Do. Do. 6324. [290] Square table, Do. Do. 6325. [291] Working and writing case. Do. Do. 6326. [292] Glove box, Do. Do. 6327. [293] Envelope case, diamond pat- tern, Do. Do. 6328-9. [294-5] Do., round, Do. Do. 6330. [296] Portfolio, Do. Do. 6331. [297] Card basket, Do. Do. 6332. [298] Glove box, Do. Do. 6333. [299] Wafer box. Do. Do. 6334. [335] Round table, with two draw- ers, Do. Do. 6335. [336] Writing desk, large. Do. Do. 6336. [337] Do., small. Do. Do. 6337. [339] Solitaire game, Do. Do. 6338. [340] Inkstand, Do. Do. 6339-40. [341-2] Card basket, Do. Do. ( 254 6341. [344] Portfolio, diamond pattern. Bombay. Government of Bombay. 6342. [345] Do., black, Do. Do. 6343-5. [347-9] Envelope cases, Do. Do. 6346-9. [350-3] Four glove boxes, various patterns, Do. Do. 6350-4. [356-60] Five do.. Do. Do. 6355. [361] Bookstand, Do. Do. 6356. [362] Paper stand. Do. Do. 6357. [363] Pin cushion. Do. Do. 6358. [364] Round box. Do. Do. 6359-62. [365-8] Four wafer boxes, Do. Do. 6363-4. [369-70] Two round boxes, Do. Do. 6365. [502] Portfolio, diamond pattern, yellow, Do. Do. 6366. [503] Bookstand, Do. Do. 6367. [504] Solitaire game, board and 33 marbles. Do. Do. 6368. [505] ‘Panjra,’ or paper holder. Do. Do. 6369-71. [ 506 - 8 ] Paper holders, Do. Do. 6372. [ 509 ] Writing desk, Do. J. Mac- FARLANE, Esq. 6373. [510a] Chessboard , Do. Do. 6374. [5106; ] Two paper < gutters. Do. Do. 6375. [5i 1] Workbox, Do. Do. 6376. [512] Inkstand, Do. Do. 6377. [5i3] Bookstand, Do. Do. 6378. [5H] Watchstand, Do. Do. 6379. [5i5] Card basket, Do. Do. 6380. [5i6] Card basket. Do. Do. 6381. [5i7] Glove box, round top, Do. Do. 6382-3. [518-9] Do., diamond pattern. Do. Do. 6384-5. [520-1] Portfolio, Do. Do. 6386. [522] Cribbage board, Do. Do. 6387-91. [10650-4] Knitting boxes, Vi- zagapatam. H. 11. the Rajah. ) Class XXXI. — North-East Gallery. 6392. [583] Card basket, Vizagapatam. Collector of Vizagapatam. Madras Go- vernment. 6393. [584] Writing box, Do. Do. Do. 6394. [585] Book case, Do. Do. Do. 6395. [419] Envelope case, McPherson, Madras. Do. Dr. 6396. [420] Tea caddy, Do. Do. Do. 6397. [421] Jewel case. Do. Do. Do. 6398. [429] Tortoise of ivory and tortoise shell, Do. Do. Do. 6399. sore. J. [2676] Workbox, Bangalore, Lacey, Esq. My- 6400. [2678] Card basket. Do. Do. 6401. [2679] Jewel case, Do. Do. 6402. [2405] Two paper cases. J. Glad- ding, London. 6403-4. [2403-4] Workbox. Do. 6405. [2402] Writing desk. J. Gladding, London. 6406. [2406] Inkstand. Do. 6407-9. [2407-8-10] Glove boxes. Do. 6410. [2442] Walking stick. Do. 6411. [2437] Workbox. J. Neal, -L ondon. 6412. [2434] Writing desk. Do. 6413. [2436] Paper case. Do. 6414. [2432] Dressing case. Do. 6415. [2440] ‘ Fox and geese’ board. Do. 6416. [2435] Sandalwood workbox. Do. 6417. [2438] Do. inkstand. Do. 6418. [2433] Envelope case. Do. 6419. [2441] Set of ebony chessmen. Do. 6420. [7751] Sandalwood envelope case. Messrs. Farmer & Rogers, London. 6421. [7752] Portfolio. Do. 6422. [7753] Knitting box. Do. Class XXXI. — IRON AND HARDWARE, METAL WORK, ETC. 6423. [3299] Hookah bottom, brass, plated and engraved, large, Moradabad. 6424-5. [33°°- 1 ] Do. do., small. Do. 6426-7. [1527-8] Two tumblers, do. do., Do. 6428. [1517] Tumbler, large, do. do.. Do. 6429. [1518] Do. small, do. do., Do. 6430-1. [1525-6] Do., do. do., with covers and platters, Do. 6432-3. [1512-13] Two plates, small, do. do., for betel leaf, Do. 6434. [1523] Spittoon, large, do. do., Do. 6435. [1542] Do. small, do. do., Do. 6436-7. [152 1 -2] Two cups, do. do., Do. ( : GENERAL HARDWARE. 6438-9. [1519-20] Two brass wine gob- lets, plated and engraved, Moradabad. 6440. [1516] Plate, large, do. do., Do. 6441-2. [15 14-5] Two do., small, do. do., Do. The above articles are remarkable for the beauty of the patterns engraved on them, also for their shapes and the superior way in which they are tin-plated. Contributed by Mahomed Syut Rehmut Alee, Kadir Bux, Mahomed Hafiz, and Mahomed Hyne through the Cbntbal Com- mittee, Allahabad. 6443. [8178] £ Ghurra,’ brass, for fetching water, Hooghly. Government of India. 6444. [8179] ‘ Garoo,’ water vessel for cleaning purposes, Do. Do. 6445. [8183] ‘ Dabaree,’ brass, vessel for steeping betel leaf, Do. Do. 6446. [8189] ‘ Bhogona,’ do., for cooking curries, &c., Do. Do. 6447. [8187] ‘ Ghotee,’ do., for drinking, Do. Do. ' ) Class XXXI. — India. 6448. [8188] ‘ Ghote'e,’ brass, engraved, for drinking, Hooghly. Government of India. 6449. [8180] ‘Picdan,’ do., a spittoon, Do. Do. 6450. [8190] ‘ Recaybee,’ plate for tiffin or luncheon. Do. Do. 6451. [8185] ‘Hookah Bytuck,’ stand for hookah. Do. Do. 6452. [8181] ‘ Kassa,’ or ‘Thalia,’ of mixed metal, plate for food. Do. Do. 6453-4. [8191-2] ‘ Batta,’ do., do. with cover, on which prepared betel leaf is kept. Do. Do. 6455. [8182] ‘Ghuttee,’ of mixed metal, Do. Do. For drinking water. 6456. [8184] ‘ Battee,’ do., Do. Do. For keeping curries. 6457-64. [8186-93] Mugs, do.. Do. Do. A recent invention, in imitation of European drinking glasses. 6465. [5253] Spittoon, brass, Sewan. Shaiic Fukeer Haissain. 6466-8. [5252-4] Hookah, do., Do. Do. 6469. [5251] ‘ Catorah,’ do., large cup, Do. Do. 6470. [5258] Do., do., small cup, Do. Do. 6471. [5257] Mug, do., Do. Do. 6472-3. [5255-6] Do., do., small. Do. Do. 6474. [5259] Dish, of brass, Luekimpore, Assam. Baboo Kessubram Borooah. 6475. 5573] Brass cups, Cuttack. Go- vernment of India. 6476. [5574] Brass bangles, &c.. Do. Do. 6477. [5926] Sacrificial lamp, on elephant stand, Nepaul. II. H. Sir Jung Bahadoor, K.C.B. 6478. [5930] Plate, small, brass, Do. Do. 6479. [5927] Vessel, copper, used at fes- tivals, Do. Do. 6480. [5925] Water pot, or ‘ Jharee,’ Do. Do. 6481. [5928] Pen and ink case, brass, worn in the belt, NepauL H. H. Sir Jung Bahadoor, K.C.B. 6482-3. [5261-2] Two locks, used by native bankers, &c.. Do. Do. 6484. [5260] Iron padlock, Patna. Go- vernment of India. 6485. [1532] Iron umbrella, comprising inkstand, dagger, spear, scissors, &c. ; it may also be converted into a lanthorn, Sarun. Patna. Baboo Bindas Huree Pershad 6486. [8197] Water engine and pump, brass, Do. Do. 6487. [5366] ‘ Sarota,’ for cutting betel nuts, silver, Shahjehanpore. Kunhye Loll Teilseldar, JehanabctcL 6488. [5367] Do., steel, Do. Mindaee Lohar. 6489-90. [1765,8195] Bells, Darjeeling. Dr. Campbell. 6491. [3182] Copper vessel. Do. Do. 6492. [3163] ‘ Mane,’ or praying cylinder, Do. Do. 6493. [4273] Model of Llamas’ tomb. Do. Do. 6494. [8194] Three Dorje seeptres. Do. Do. 6495-6. [3167-8] Two'pairs Llamas’ cym- bals, Do. Do. 9497. [4266] Iron spoon, with Dorje head, Do. Do. 6498. [8196] ‘Mane,’ or praying wheel, Thibet. India Museum. 6499-6500. [1582-3] Two castings in brass, Maunbhoom, Chota Nag-pore. Prof. Thos. Oldham. These specimens are interesting, not from the size or beauty and high finish of the workmanship, but from the ingenuity displayed in the mode of casting articles of this kind in hollow net work, &c. This is accomplished as follows : — A core is made of plastic clay, all carefully shaped to the internal form of the fish or other object to be imitated. This core is then baked and indurated. On this, the pattern designed to be represented is formed with wax (ordinary clean bees’ wax is used). This done, and the wax having cooled, it becomes tolerably hard. Soft clay is moulded over all. The whole is then baked, the heat indurating the outer coating of clay, but soften- ing the wax, which all runs out of the mould, leaving empty the space occupied by it. The mould being suffi- ciently dried, the molten brass is then poured into the ( 256 ) Class XXXII. — North-East Gallery. empty space, and, -when cool, the clay is broken away, when the result is as exhibited. These are untouched after the casting, excepting on the smooth and flat sur- faces, which are ronghly filed. These sell in the district at sixpence to one shilling each, and are used and hung from the neck or waist as boxes > for tobacco, pan, &c. 6501 . [996] Eleven pairs metal bangles, Jliansi. Government of India. 6502 . [2297] Two Burmese spoons, Ran- goon. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. 6503 . [2299] Tattooing implement, Do. Do. 6504 . [4476] Areca nut crushers, do. Do. 6505 . [4479] Tweezers, Do. Do. 6506 . [6358] Tin cup and stand, and goglet and stand, Malacca. Hon. Captain Burn. These are illustrative of the tin ore series exhibited by Capt. Burn, in Class I. 6507 . [10568] Cup, small, engraved, ‘Jambu,’ North Arcot. * Swarammudu, Vengubathudu, and Kalapa, manufacturers. Government of India. 6508 . [10569] Do., large. Do. Do. Do. 6509 . [10570] Do., small. Do. Do. Do. 6510 . [10571] Jug, Do. Do. Do. 6511 . [590] Goglet, metal, Tanjore. W. M. Cadell, Esq., Collector of Tanjore. 6512 . [591] Wine-glass, do., and cover. Do. Do. 6513 . [592] Tumbler, do., Do. Do. 6514 . [7998] Fishing reel, made by Bood- raj, a native smith, at Aurangabad, Deccan. Dr. Riddell. 6515 . [1059] Rose-water sprinkler, Hy- derabad. Government of India. * A variety of metal idols from North Arcot have been deposited at the India Museum. Class XXXII. — STEEL, CUTLERY, AND EDGE TOOLS. 6516 . [1078] Pen-knife, Hyderabad. 6517 . [ 1 0591] Three hunting knives and leather cases, Salem. Baboo Arnachellum. 6518 . [10593] Bread knife. Do. 6519 . [10595] Two table knives. Do. 6520 . [10592] Two spear heads and sheaths. Do. 6521-4 . [10596-9] Garden scizzors Baboo Arnachellum. 6525 . [10600] Pocket knife. Do. 6526 . [10594] Turnscrew. Do. 6527 . [6514] Four knives, Assam. Lieut. W. Phaire. ( 257 ) Class XXXIII.— India. Class XXXIII. — WORKING IN PRECIOUS METALS And in their Imitations; Jewellery, and all Articles of Vertu and Luxury not included in the other Lists. The value of the articles of this class exported from India up to the present time will be gathered from the Table below. TABLE SHOWING THE VALUE OF JEWELLERY EXPORTED FROM INDIA AND EACH PRESIDENCY TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD FROM 1857-58 TO 1860-61. Years Whence Exported countries WHITHER EXPORTED Total Exported to all Parts United Kingdom France Other Parts of Europe America China Arabian and Per- sian Gulfs Other Parts Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Value £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ cr Bengal . 1,433 334 567 803 3,137 Madras . 1,299 9 34 377 1,719 1- •o Bombay 40 78 43 858 1,459 2,478 All India *>77* 421 644 858 2,639 7.314 o* Bengal . 2,583 300 17 2,089 4,989 iO Madras . 1,221 286 1,507 CO Bombay 102 20 io 182 1,241 1,162 2,717 All India j,9°6 320 10 199 1,241 , 3.537 9 .“3 0 Bengal . 356 13 1,495 1,864 T Madras . 1,538 377 1,915 10 Bombay 139 20 44 25G 2,366 2,825 £ A_ll India 1.033 20 ■3 44 256 4,238 6,604 Bengal . 656 5 214 53 3,658 4,586 Madras . 1,893 200 329 2,422 CO Bombay 287. 12 615 889 1,871 3,674 All India 2,836 217 214 668 889 5,858 10,682 Articles of Gold and Silver, etc. a. Works in Gold. 6528-9. [ 2257 - 8 ] Two gold bracelets, Madras. T. Chocalingum, jeweller. 6530. [ 5255 ] Do. Henckell, Du Buis- son & Co., for Mootianassary, jeweller, Trichinopoly. 6531. [ 2264 ] Do. and three tassels, Trich- inopoly. Rosalingum Assary, jeweller. 6532. [ 2265 ] Bangle, lion’s head, gold. Do. 6533. 6534. 6535. 6536. Do. [ 2266 ] Do., snake’s head, do. Do. [ 2267 ] Bracelet ball, do. Do. [ 2268 ] Do., rose snake, do. Do. [ 2269 ] Filigree snake bracelet. 6537. [ 2270 ] Bracelet, smooth snake, gold. Do. 6538. [ 2271 ] Chain rose, gold. Rosa- lingum Assary, jeweller. 6539. [ 2272 ] Do. bobbin, do. Do. 6540. [ 2273 ] Do. tape, do. Do. 6541. [ 2274 ] Brooch Sawmi, do. Do. 6542. [ 2275 ] Studs and sleeve links, do. Do. 6543. [ 2276 ] Brooch, elephant, do. Do. 6544. [ 2277 ] Bracelet, do. Do. 6545. [ 2278 ] Do., elephant, do. Do. 6546. [ 2279 ] Do., with three tassels, do. Do. 6547. [ 2280 ] Two puzzle rings, do. Do. 6548. [ 2281 ] Brooch, snake, do. Do. 6549. [ 2282 ] Do., with painting of Trich- inopoly Rock. Do. 6550. [ 2287 ] Bracelet, gold, and beads, do. Do. ( 258 ) Class XXXIII. — North-East Gallery . 6551-5. [6776-80] Four thimbles, gold, Kutch. H. H. the Kao. 6556-7. [1062-63] Two scent bottles, Hyderabad. Government of India. 6558. [3096] Necklace. 6559. [3097] Pair bracelets, gold. 6560 [3098] Nose ring. 6561. [3099] Pair earrings. 6562. [3100] Head button, gold. Set of jewels worn by females, TJlwar. H. H. the Maharajah. 6563. [2763] Head ornament, gold, set with rubies. Sir R. Hamilton, Bart. Worn by Mahratta ladies. 6564. [2764] Pair earrings, gold, emeralds and pearls, Bhopaul. Sir K. Hamilton, Bart. Worn by Mahomedans. 6565. [2765] Pair earrings, gold, emeralds and rubies. Sir R. Hamilton, Bart. Worn by Mahomedans. 6566. [2766] Pair earrings, gold, pearls, emeralds, and rubies, Oossein. Sir R. Hamilton, Bart. Worn by Hindoos. 6567. [2767] Pair earrings, enamel and pearls, Oossein. Sir R. Hamilton, Bart. Worn by Mahratta ladies. 6568. [2768] Pair earrings, gold, Indore. Sir R. Hamilton, Bart. Worn by Hindoos. 6569-70. [2769-70] Two pair earrings, enamel and pearls. Sir R. Hamilton, Bart. Worn by Mahratta ladies. 6571. [2771] Pair earrings, pearls, emeralds, and rubies. Sir R. Hamilton, Bart. Worn by Mahratta ladies. 6572. [2772] Pair earrings, pendant, emeralds and pearls, Delhi. Sir R. Hamil- ton, Bart. 6574. [2774] Nose ornament, gold, pearls, and diamonds, Delhi. Sir R. Hamilton, Bart. 6575. [2775] Head ornament, gold, enamel, pearls, and emeralds, Madras. Do. 6576. [2776] Necklace, gold enamelled, 64 pearls, 29 rubies, 4 emeralds, Indore. Do. 6577-8. [2780-1] Two bracelets, massive gold, Mahratta. Do. 6579. [2782] Bangle, gold, Hindoo. Do. 6580. [2783] Rings for the toes, gold. Do. Do. 6581. [2784] Spice box, pendant, gold, rubies, and emeralds, Bhopaul. Do. 6582. 2785] Betel-cutter and box for lime, gold, Hindoo. Do. 6583-4. [2786-7] Two gold armlets. Do. Do. 6585. [2788] Two curious gold rings, Umferah. Do. 6586. [3065] Bracelet, gold, Babool work, six pieces, Delhi. Hurruck Chund, jeweller. 6587. [3066] Do., do., do., light orna- mental, Do. Do. 6588. [3067] Brooch, do., and large amethyst, Do. Do. 6589. [3068] Do., do., circular, with pearls. Do. Do. 6590. [3069] Do., do., do., and painting- on ivory of Kotoob Minoar, Do. Do. 6591. [3070] Do., do., and painting on ivory of Sufdar Jhung’s tomb, Do. Do. 6592. [3071] Do., do., light gold work, rubies, and pearls, Do. Do. 6593. [3072] Do., do., topaz, and car- buncle, Do. Do. 6594. [3073] Do., do., filigree, turquoise, and pearl, Do. Do. 6595. [3074] Do., sword-shaped, Do. Do. 6596. [3075] Do., light gold, crescent- shaped, turquoise, Do. Do. 6597. [3080] Pair of bracelets, carbuncle and turquoise, nine pieces each, Do. Do. 6573. [2773 1 Nose ornament, gold and pearls, Indore. Do. 6598. [3086] Brooch, gold, and five large carbuncles, Do. Do. ( 269 ) Class XXXIII.— India. 6599. [3087] Brooch, gold, and pendants, Delhi. Hurruck Chund, jeweller. 6600. [3088] Do., small square, four pearls and turquoise. Do. Do. 6601. [3089] Cornelian cross, Do. Do. 6602. [3090] Gold breast pin, Do. Do. 6603. [3113] ‘ Surpech,’ 1 75 r., Benares. Choonee Lall. 6604. [3105] Necklace or garland of pearls, 350 r., Do. Do. 6605. [3114] ‘ Dusta ’ or bracelet, 100 r., Do. Bukhta Dur Singh. 6606. [3076] Pair gold bracelets, Ba- boolwork, Delhi. Jowallie Shaw. 6607. [3077] Bracelet, gold and ame- thyst, Do. Do. 6608. [3078] Do., gold, with paintings on ivory, Do. Do. 6609. [3079] Do., gold, turquoise, Do. Do. 6610. [3081] Do., gold, Baboo! work, Do. Do. 6611. [3082] Four brooches, gold, cres- cent shaped, Do. Do. 6612. [3083] Brooch, gold, Babool pat- tern, Do. Do. 6613. [3084] Earrings (one pair), Do., Do. Do. 6614. [3054] Bracelet, gold filigree, with onyx, five pieces, Delhi. Biiyaro Doss. 6615. [3055] Do., gold and turquoise. Do. Do. 6616-7. [3056-7] Two do., gold filigree, topaz, and small stones. Do. Do. 6618. [3059] Brooch, gold and turquoise, Do. Do. 6619. [3060] Do., gold, double crescent, with turquoise, Do. Do. 6620. [3062] Small turquoise, with locket, Do. Do. 6621. [3064] Bracelets, gold and tur- quoise, Do. Do. 6622. [3091] Brooch, do., Do. Do. 6623-4. [3093-4] Six small turquoise crosses, Delhi. Biiyaro Doss. 6625. [3095] Brooch, horse-shoe pattern. Do. Do. 6626. [3107] Pair of Bazoo, 85r., Be- nares. Baboo Fukeer Chand. 6627. [3108] ‘ Chumpa Kullee ’ necklace, 175r., Do. Do. 6628. [3109] Sattara garland of pearls, 325r., Do. Do. 6629. [3110] Pair of earrings, 120r., Do. Do. 6630. [3112] A Bundee, 175 r., Do. Do. 6631. [31 1 1] Pair of bracelets, 65 r., Do. Do. 6632. [3115] Necklace of 122 pearls and emeralds, with diamond and topa,z ena- melled locket, Lucknow. Jno. Martin, Esq., Calcutta. 6633. [3116] Finger ring, gold, with an emerald, with Persian inscription, ‘ Badsha Jhazie Nusserwoollah Hysler Sultan,’ Do. Do. 6634. [3117] Finger ring, gold, "with 20 diamonds and Persian inscription, * Gha- zie ool Hyderabad Nussera Sultan,’ Do. Do. 6635. [3118] Curious pearl with Persian inscription, * Namee Shah Alum Gheer Bahadur Shah,’ Do. Do. 5636. [3119] Two very curious shaped pearls, plain, Do. Do. 6637. [3120] Large pearl, gold mounted and set with rubies and other stones, Do. Do. 6638. [3996] Pearl ornament, taken at the capture of Seringapatam. Dr. Eiddell. 6639. [8307] Brooch, gold, aquamarine stone, set in pearls. Do. 6640. [10290] Pair tiger-claw bracelets set in gold. Calcutta. Government. 6641. [ 1 0291] Do. and turquoise, Do. Do. 6642. [10292] Four pairs earrings, gold. Do. Do. 6643. [10294] Three pairs sleeve links, | gold, Do. Do. ( 260 ) Class XXXII L — North-East Gallery. 6644. [10295] Three brooches, Calcutta. Government. 6645. [10296] Do., with turquoises, Do. Do. ' 6646. [10297] Two breast pins, Do. Do. 6647. [10299] Two vinaigrettes, Do. Do. Nos. 6640 to 6647 were manufactured by native artists under the superintendence of Messrs. Allen & Hayes, Government jewellers, Calcutta. 6648. [626] Gold ‘Chikoo’ ring, Viza- gapatam. Rajah of Vizianagram. 6649. [83 10] Three gold bracelets. J. Neal, Edgwave Road. 6650. [1396] Gold schist or archer’s thumb ring, inlaid with rubies. Colonel Guthrie. 6651. [1399] Gold enamelled and dia- mond schist or archer’s thumb ring. Do. 6652. [4278] Gold locket. Dr. Campbell. 6653. [4289] Gilt image set in tur- quoise, Do. 6654. [4285] Gilt and malachite locket, Do. 6655. [4492] Sapphire ring, Rangoon. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. 6656. [3101] Sapphire ring, Burmah Proper. 6657. [3102] Ruby, Do. Do. The ruby and sapphire mines are to the north of Man- dalay, the present capital of Burmah. All attempts of Europeans to visit them are frustrated by various impedi- ments thrown in their way by the Burmese authorities, who are very jealous of too close a scrutiny into the source of wealth on which they so much pride themselves. Great numbers of these gems are brought down to Rangoon for sale, but a heavy price is always demanded for them, and it requires an experienced eye to purchase them with a view to profit. Topazes are also found in the vicinity of the rubies and sapphires, but they are scarce, and fetch a higher price in Burmah than they would realise in England.* b. Works in Silver.— Filigree Work, Plate, &c. 6658. [2411] Epergne, double branch, filigree, Cuttack, 599k. 1a. Jugger Nath Doss, maker. 6659. [2412] Do. do. Do. 377r. 8a. Seeboo, maker. 6660. [2413] Do. do. Do. 285r. 5a. Chotaseeboo, maker. 6661. [2414] Jewel casket, filigree, Cut- tack, 165r. Kunnye, maker. 6662. [2415] Basket, do. Do. 81r. 4a. Saiioo Sonar Ramchunder, maker. 6663. [2416] Pair of bracelets, do. Do. 15r. 15a. 6664. [2417] Do. Do. 24r. 3a. 6p. 6665. [2418] Brooch, in form of a cross, do. Do. 6r. 6a. 6666. [2419] Bouquet holder, do. Do. 15r. 15 a. 6667. [2420] Ring stand, do. Do. 14r. 1a. The native silversmiths of Cuttack have long been noted for the fineness, neatness, and lightness of their filigree work. This kind of work is executed, for the most part, under supervision, by mere boys, whose nimbler fingers and keener eyesight are supposed to enable them to bring out and put together the minute patterns with more distinctness and accuracy than their elders can ; comparative cheapness is, perhaps, another reason for their employment. The ruling rates for this filigree work are from two to two and a half rupees, that is to say, taking the first rate, two rupees or four shillings is charged for every rupee weight of finished silver work, namely, one. rupee for workmanship, and one rupee as the price of the silver. This branch of industry is, however, declining from want of sufficient demand. These articles are all of the purest silver. The filigree work in gold seems almost as good as that of Delhi. * 6668. [746] Calcutta trades’ plate for 1860-61. G. Plowden, Esq. Calcutta. Manufactured by native artists under the superintend- ence of Messrs. Allen & Hayes, Calcutta. 6669-70. [5071-2] Silver vase. Rajah Denorain Singh Baiiadoor, Benares. This vase, manufactured by native artists under the superintendence of Messrs. Allen & Hayes, Government jewellers, Calcutta , bears an inscription stating it to have been ‘presented to Rajah Deouarain Singh Bahadoor, by His Excellency the Right Honourable the Governor-Gene- ral and Viceroy of India, for his loyalty and devotion to the British government during the rebellion of 1857.’ 6671. [4251] Fountain in massive silver. Do. Do. 6672. [5073] ‘The Governor-General’s plate.’ 6673. [5074] ‘The trades’ plate,’ 1862, Do. Do. 6674-7. [2421-4] Silver salver, claret jug and two cups, presented by Lodge ‘ True Friendship ’ to the worshipful Master. Do. Do. Manufactured by native artists, under the superinten- dence of Messrs. Allen & Hayes, Calcutta. Local Committee, Rangoon. ( 261 ) * Local Committee, Cuttack. Class XXXIII.— Mia. 6678-9. [644-5] Bouquet holder, silver, Bhooj, Kutch. H. H. the Rao of Kutch. 6680. [647] Salt cellar, do., Do. Do, 6681. [649] Box of stone, mounted in silver. Do. Do. The stone of which this box is made was procured from the Hubba Hills, and polished at Bhooj. It is also used as a substitute for marble in the decoration of temples. 6682. [650] Mug, silver. Do. Do. 6683. [655] Bottle labels, wild boars’ tusks, silver mounted, Do. Do. 6684-6. [656-8] Salt cellars. Do. Do. 6687-9. [659-61] Muffineers, Do. Do. 6690-1. [663-4] Card cases, Do. Do. 6692-3. [665-6] Two cigar cases, Do. Do. 6694-7. [667-70] Four penholders, Do. Do. 6698-9. [671-2] Two paper-knives, Do. Do. 6700-3. [673-6] Four thimbles, silver. Do. Do. 6704-5. [681-2] Goolabdanees or rose- water sprinklers and trays, Do. Do. 6706-8. [683-5] Toasting forks, of horn and silver, Do. Do. 6709. ^687] Silver model of Mahomedan temple, Do. Do. This model is of a building erected over the tomb of Sheeah Mahomedan, at Bhooj.* 6710. [10032] Utterdan, silver, in the form of a fish. Piiilibeet Budrooden. Aoula. 6711-2. [3122-3] Betel boxes, filigree work, Nepaul. Sir Jung Baiiadoor, K.C.B. * A large number of articles in gold and silver are annually made at Bhooj, principally for Europeans. The Goolabdanas, or rose-water sprinklers, are, however, manufactured for native use. The silver and gold used is very nearly pure. The principal artizans are Vishram Goldsmith, Jewram Shamjee, and Heerjee Nagjee. The charge is at the rate of 8a. per tola weight. ( : 6713-4. [5226-7] Snuff boxes, Trichino- poly. Messrs. Henckell, Du Buisson, & Co., for Mootianassary, jeweller, Trichinopoly. 6715-7. [5228-30] Cigar cases, Do. Do. 6718-23. [5231-6] Six cigar lighters, Do. Do. 6724. [2291] Cannon faleta, silver, 24r. 6a., Do. Rosalingum Assary. 6725. [2283] Hair pins, silver filigree, 12r. 7a., Do. Do. 6726. [2284] Bracelet, filigree ball, 13r. 14a., Do. Do. 6727. [2285] Do. do., flat, 18r. 8a., Do. Do. 6728. [2286] Do. do., ball, 10 r. 10 a., Do. Do. 6729. [2290] Silver purse, 38r. 8 a., Do. Do. 6730. [2292] Cheroot case, 70 r., Do. Do. 6731. [2288] Card case, 25 r., Do. Do. 6732. [10662] Casket, filigree, 170r., Yizagapatam. Gajapati Rao. 6733-4. [10663-4] Two pair of bracelets, do., 32r. each, Do. Do. 6735. [10665] Necklace, beads and silver, do., 30 r., Do. Do. These articles, No. G732-5, are intended as presents to H. R. H. the Princess Alice, at the close of the Exhi- bition. 6736-7. [2259, 2293] Six dessert spoons, silver, 200r., Madras. T. Chocaaingum. 6738. [2260] Six table do., do., 135 r., Do. Do. 6739-40. [2261, 2294] Six tea do., do., 100r. Do. Do. 6741. [2262] Two ladles do., do., 30 r., Do. Do. 6742-3. [2263, 2289] Bracelet, do., 80 r., Do. Do. 6744. [1503] Tea pot and stand, do., Puttiala. H. H. the Maharajah. 6745. [4277] Butter do. do., Do. Do. 6746. [1502] Mug and lid, do.. Do. Do. 6747. [3048] Mango tree, do., Futteh- pore. Rai Hall, Bahadoor of Jenanabad. ! ) Class XXXIII. — North-East Gallery. 6748. [5865] Box, massive silver, gilt inside, and enamelled lid, Lahore. Govern- ment. 6749. [2898] Spice box or 4 Pandan,’ Lucknow. Sha Makhum Lall, Mahajaun of Lucknow. 6750. [2897] Do. or ‘ Uaeecheedan,’ Do. Do. 6751. [2899] A chased silver box, Bur- mah. Major T. P. Sparks, Rangoon. 6752. [3434] Two antimony boxes, silver, Umritsur. Chumber Mull. 6774-5. [7852-3] 4 Goolabdanee,’ or sprinkler and tray. Jhend. 6776. [7854] Pair bracelets. Do. 6777. [4279] Locket, silver, Darjeeling. Dr. Campbell. 6778. [4282] Bootanese bangles, silver, Do. Do. 6779. [4284] Silver locket necklace, Do. Do. 6780. [4283] Do. chain cloak clasp, Do. Do. 6753. [3435] One do., do., gilt inside, Do. Do. 6754. [3439] Three spindles for do., do., Do. Do. 6755. [3436] Two silver gilt hookah mouthpieces. Do. Do. 6756. [3049] Pandan box for holding betel leaf, Futtehpore. Lalla Thakoor Pershad. 6757. [3050] Plate for do. do., Do. Do. 6758. [3130] Four silver Politas, Cal- cutta. Government. 6759. [3131] Two do.. Do. Do. 6760. [3437] Five wild boars’ tusks, mounted in silver as bottle labels, Umritsur. A. M. Dowleans, Esq. 6761. [3121] An antique vase of silver, exhibiting the twelve signs of the Zodiac, in basso relievo, and supported by the shield of a Burmese warrior, Ava. John Martin, Esq., Calcutta. 6762. [5754] Ink and pen tray, glass, silver mounted, Meerut. Kooeii Wuzeer Ally Khan, Meerut. 6763. [8298] Basket, filigree work. Im- ported by J. Neal, Edgware Road, London. 6764. [8298] Bracelets, do. Do. 6765-8. [7811-4] Four silver bottles for attar of roses, Jeypore. H. H. the Maha- rajah’s distillery. 6769. [1061] Ten enamelled buttons. 6770-1. [1062-3] Two scent bottles. 6772. [7850] 4 Goolabdanee,’ or rose- water sprinkler. Jhend. 6773. [7851] Peacock. Do. ( 263 6781. [4287] Do. earrings, as worn by the Tumboo tribe, Do. Do. 6782. [4288] Do. locket, Do. Do. 6783. [3106] Pair bracelets, silver fili- gree, Banda. Setii Oodey Kuri. 6784-6. [2793-5] Ornaments for the feet, silver, Hindoo. Sir Robt. Hamilton, Bart. 6787. [2792] Three bangles, do., Do. Do. 6788. [2791] Anklet, do., Do. Do. 6789. [2790] Armlet, do.. Do. Do. 6790. [2789] Pair bracelets, do., Do. Do. 6791. [4280] Cloak clasp, silver and ma- lachite, Darjeeling. Dr. Campbell. 6792. [4281] Silver locket and coral neck- lace, Do. Do. 6793. [4290] Earrings, malachite, Do. Do. 6794. [4291] Earring, do., silver and coral, Do. Do. 6795. [4292] Earrings, silver and coral, worn by the Tumboos, Do. Do. 6796-7. [4294, 4305] Gentleman’s ear- ring, Do. Do. 6798-9. [3103-4] Two pairs agate brace- lets, mounted in silver, Banda. Govern- ment. 6800. [8309] Knife handle. COINS. 6801. [906] Large gold coin, weight 4 tolas and 21 wals of acbars, and 2 silver, both of Jahageer, Ahmedabad. Nijgger Shette Premabhaee Hemabhaee. ) Class XXXIII. — India. 6802. [907] Square gold coin, period of Mahomed Aiiunshar, Ahmedabad. Neknam- DAR SuKAWAl'TEE SHETANEE HuRKOOVUR- BHAEE. 6803. [908] Three silver and one copper coin, Ahmedabad. Rao Bahadooii, Shet Muggunbhaee Kramchand. 6804. [8250] Cashmere rupee, coined by the late Maharajah Putab Singh, bearing a Christian cross, and the letters, ‘ J. H. S.’ These rupees were first coined in 1849, shortly after the annexation of the Punjaub, when the Maharajah was very anxious to show his loyalty in a way which he sup- posed likely to be most gratifying to a Christian Govern- ment. Exhibited by Sib J. Logan. 6805. [3126] Silver bullion ‘ Daing,’ Bur m ah. 6806. [3127] Do. ‘ Ban,’ Do. 6807. [3128] Do. ‘Govetnee,’ Do. The currency of Burmali Proper, and formerly of Pegu, until the British conquest, when the Indian coinage sup- planted it.* 6808. [4299] Five Thibetan coins, Dar- jeeling. Dr. Campbell. c. Enamelling and Damascene Work, etc. Enamelling on Gold and Silver. 6809. [10286] Gold enamelled pan box, Jeypore. H. H. the Rajail 6810. [10287] Do. do. vase and cover, Do. Do. 6811. [10288] Pair of enamelled and diamond bracelets, do. 6812. [10289.] Jewel-enamelled ankus or elephant spear, do. 6813. [1059] Goolabdanee or rose-water sprinkler, enamelled, Hyderabad. Govern- ment. 6814. [1060] Covered dish, do.. Do. Do. The following note on the enamelled work of India is by A. M. Dowleans, Esq : — The finest enamelled work of India is produced in the independent Rajpootana state of Jeypore, and considered of great artistic merit. The enamellers came originally from Lahore. The enamel is a kind of glass made in earthen vessels, and when fused the colouring matters are added ; the whole is then allowed to cool, and in this state is kept for use. Only pure silver or gold articles are enamelled. From the silver, the enamel may come off in course of time ; but it never does from the gold. All good enamel is consequently only applied to gold, which must be free from alloy, or otherwise it would tar- nish by contact with the enamel in the great heat to which it is subsequently exposed. The gold is first carved of the required pattern : the enamel, having been ground to an impalpable powder, and made into a paste with water, is then placed on the exact spot required by the pattern. The article is then strongly heated, much skill being required to take it out at the precise moment when the enamel is thoroughly fused, but before the colours begin to run into one another. As soon as removed, the work- men then exert the full power of their lungs in blowing upon it as quickly and as violently as possible. The hardest colours are first placed in the furnace and fused, and then those which melt more easily. Afterwards, the whole is ground and polished. The enamelled work of Jeypore is very highly valued, and can only be procured through H. H. the Rao of Jeypore himself, by whom the workmen are employed. The artisans themselves form a small family, and the real process of enamelling is kept by them as a secret, which descends from father to son like an heirloom. Enamelling, as applied to jewellery, consists of an ex- tremely fine pencilling of flowers and fancy designs in a variety of colours, the prevailing ones being white, red, and blue, and is invariably applied to the inner sides of brace- lets, armlets, anklets, necklaces, earrings, surpezes, tiaras, and all that description of native jewellery, the value depending upon the fineness of the work, and often ex- ceeding that of the precious stones themselves. In general the cost is moderate, as the finest specimens are only made to order. The best come from Benares, Delhi, and the Rajpootana states. The manufacture of enamels on articles of domestic use like the above is almost entirely restricted to Hyderabad. It presents no varieties, but in general consists of a blue coating interlined with white on a surface of silver, and is applied to rose-water sprinklers, spice boxes, basins, and such like articles. The merit of the manufacture lies in the simplicity of the enamel itself, and in the lightness of the silver article to which it is applied. Though pleasing, it is the coarsest enamel produced in India. Bidri Ware , Composition Metal inlaid with Silver. 6815. [5218] ‘ Chillumchee,’ or spittoon, and cover, inlaid Bidri ware, Purneeak. Government of India. 6816. [5795] Water bottle, do., Do. Do. 6817-8. [5796-7] Hookah bottom, do., Do. Do. Bidri, or Biddery ware, derives its name from Bider, a city situated about 60 miles to the NAY. of Hyderabad. It is a species of inlaid ware of excellent form and graceful pattern. The stages of the manufacture are as follows : — A mass of finely-powdered and sifted old laterite dust mixed with cow-dung is put upon a rude lathe, and when dry, carefully turned to the correct shape. The model having been smoothed with a chisel, is next covered with a mixture of wax and oil boiled together ; when dry. the whole mass is carefully smoothed and turned. Over this coating is plastered a second layer of laterite dust, moist- ened with water alone ; this coat is rough, and not subse- quently smoothed down. The next stage consists in boring two openings in the composite mould, and placing it in the fire, the effect of which is to melt the interme- diate layer of wax, and thus to leave a vacant space for the reception of the alloy. Into this space is poured the alloy, consisting of 1 part of copper and 4 parts of pewter.* * The metal employed for the groundwork of the ‘ Bidri ware’ is stated by Dr. Hamilton to consist of ( 264 ) * Local Committee, Itani/oon. Class XXXIII. — North-East Gallery. The vessel has now a dull leaden look ; it is hard, but easily cut. This shell, as it may be called, is carefully turned, and upon its smooth surface the pattern is traced by hand. This tracing is done rapidly. The workman next takes a small chisel and hammer, and, following the lines of the pattern, cuts it deeply and expeditiously, scooping out the tracings of the little leaves, &c., and leaving an indented, but rough surface. This rough sur- face is next smoothed down by hammering gently with a blunt-pointed chisel, and the space is then ready for the process of inlaying. Thin plates of very pure silver are then taken, and the little leaves (or other patterns) are cut out with a small hammer and chisel ; each little leaf is then raised separately by the chisel and finger tip, and hammered gently but carefully into the depression in- tended for it. This part of the process is tedious. In the more durable kinds of Bidri ware, silver wire is substi- tuted for silver leaf. The vessel in this state is rough, and requires smoothing ; this is done with a common file and a curved scraper of a rude and clumsy form. The hole in the bottom of the vessel is filled up with lead, and smoothed down. Finally, the vase is gently heated, and, whilst warm, is blackened by the application of a powder (supposed to consist of chalk and sal-ammoniac — chloride of ammonium). This imparts a brilliant black polish to the shell, and careful hand rubbing brings out the polish of the silver.* * Glass inlaid with Gold. 6819. [2777] Pair of bracelets, gold enamelled, Pertaubghur. Sir R. Hamilton, Bart. 6820. [2778] Necklace, do., Do. Do. 6821. [2779] Five gold enamelled tablets for bracelet. Do. Do. The manufacture is peculiar to Indore, in Central India, but it does not constitute a regular trade. It is invariably applied to articles of personal decoration, such as necklaces, armlets, brooches, earrings, &c., which are set by native jewellers according to the taste of the purchaser. These subjects generally consist in a repre- sentation of the avatars, or pictures of the metamorphoses of Indian deities ; and the work is so perfect that it will stand, not only the influence of climate, but even rough handling. The specimens of this kind of work have no fixed market value, and the price is, therefore, entirely dependent upon the number of competitors that may be in the field when any of them are offered for sale. A set of these or- naments, consisting of a necklace, earrings, two armlets and a brooch, in plain gold, contributed to the Exhibition of 1851, was valued at 1,700 r., or 170/. A duplicate, forwarded to the Paris Exhibition in 1855, was purchased for 600 r., or 60/. Koftgari Work or Steel inlaid with Gold. 6822-4. [5861-3] Caskets of Koftgari work, or steel inlaid with gold, Lahore. zinc 12,360 grains, copper 460 grains, and lead 414 grains, melted together, a mixture, of resin and bees’ wax being introduced into the crucible to prevent calcination. Dr. Hayne states that it is composed of copper 16 oz., lead 4 oz., tin 2 oz., and that to every 3 oz. of this alloy, when melted for use, have to be added 16 oz. of zinc. * The foregoing description of this interesting manu- facture is chiefly taken from an article by Dr. George .Smith in the Madras Journal of Literature and Science for October, 1856. 6825. [5864] ‘ Kalamdan,’ or pen case, inlaid with gold, Lahore. 6826-7. [5866-7] Pen trays, do. Do. 6828-31. [5868-71] Paper weights, do. Do. 6832. [5872] Paper knife, do. Do. 6833. [5873] Sword hilt, do. Do. Koftgari work, or steel inlaid wdfh gold, has, in former days, been carried on to a considerable extent in various parts of India. It was chiefly used for decorating armour ; and among the collections exhibited on the present occa- sion, are some very fine specimens of guns, coats of mail, helmets, swords, and sword handles, to which the process of koftgari has been successfully applied. These speci- mens, however, are not the manufacture of the present day. Since the late rebellion in India, the manufacture of arms lias been generally discouraged, and Koftgari work is, consequently, now chiefly applied to ornamenting a variety of fancy articles, such as jewel caskets, pen and card trays, paper weights, paper knives, inkstands, &c. The process is exactly the same as that pursued in Eu- rope, and the workmen can copy any particular pattern required. The work is of high finish, and remarkable for its cheapness.* Koftgari is chiefly carried on in Goojerat and Ivotli, in the Sealkote district. It was formerly much in vogue for decorating armour and the blades and hilts of sw'ords, but the artisans now confine themselves chiefly to the manu- facture of ornamental paper knives, &c. The specimens above mentioned have been contributed by the Kotli artisans.f Several admirable specimens of inlaid metal work by the native artizans of Bhooj will likewise be found in the collection of arms contributed by II. II. the Kao of Kutch. Articles of Vertunot included in THE PREVIOUS ENUMERATION. a. Jade and Rock Crystal. 6834. [1342] Jade long box and top, both gold inlaid, Calcutta. Col. GtCTHRIe. 6835. [1418] Do. leaf-shaped box, inlaid with gold, Do. Do. 6836. [1417] Do. carved octagon box and top, jewelled, Do. Do. 6837. [1375] Do. straight octagon box, jewelled, Do. Do. 6838. [1369] Do. pen box and top, jew- elled, with six fittings all jewelled, viz. 2 ink bottles, 1 penknife, 1 pen rubber, 1 pencil, and 1 spoon, Do. Do. 6839. [1370] Do. small trefoil-shaped box and top, jewelled, Do. Do. * A. M. Dowleans, Esq. f Central Committee, Lahore. ( 265 ) Class XXXIII.— India. 6840. [ 1338] Jade, leaf-shaped box and top, carved in relief, Calcutta. Col. Guthrie. 6841. [1335] Do. large pen box and top, carved in relief, Do. Do. 6842. [1371] Do. white jade cup, 498 jewels, 5-f diameter, exclusive of bandies, Do. Do. 6843. [1372] Green jade bowl, with bandies, Calcutta. Col. Guthrie. 6844. [1373] White jade bowl, with bandies, Do. Do. 6845. [1411] Pure white jade abcorab, with bandies, Do. Do. ARTICLES IN JADE, FORMING PART OF THE COLLECTION EXHIBITED BY COL. GUTHRIE.* 6846. [ 1 340] Jewelled jade abcorab, with handles, Calcutta. Col. Guthrie. 6847. [1376] Grey jade abcorah and top, with handles, Do. Do. 6848. [1412] White jade jug, with bandies and gold rim, bo. Do. 6849-50. [1353, 1428] White jade bowls, very thin, carved in relievo, Do. Do. 6851. [1427] Very remarkable thin cup, jade, carved all over, Do. Do. 6852. [1429] Thin green jade bowl, carved all over, Do. Do. 6853. [1377] Small oval greenish jade cup, with duck’s head handles, jewelled eyes, Do. Do. 6854. [1424] Small green jade cup, with handles, Do. Do. 6855. [ 1 430] Jade cup, turned up, Do. Do. 6856. [ 1431] Do., very thin, do.. Do. Do. * From the Mechanics’ Journal ( 2 < 6857. [1354] Jade cup, Calcutta, Col. Guthrie. 6858. [1355] Do. saucer, Do. Do. 6859. [1356] Small plain jade cup, Do. Do. 6860. [1374] Large coarse jade bowl, with handles, Do. Do. 6861. [1426] Green jade dwat, or ink bottle, carved in relief, Do. Do. 6862. [1432] Very thin jade saucer, Do. Do. 6863. [1341] Jade jug, with handle and top, Do. Do. 6864. [1416] Do., with handies, Do. Do. 6865. [1380] Yak chowrie, with jade handle, Do. Do. 6866. [1346] Green jade hilt, prepared for inlaying, Do. Do. 6867. [1413] White jade handle, in two parts, Do. Do. 6868. [1347] Handle, carved in relief, Do. Do. record of the Exhibition, 1862. 16 ) Class XXXIII. — North-East Gallery. 6869. [1348] Large blueish jade handle, carved in relief, Calcutta. Col. Guthrie. 6870. [1414] Very fine white jade hilt, two onyx girdles, Do. Do. 6871. [1415] Hilt and two scabbards black, inlaid with white jade and rubies, Do. Do. 6872. [1420] Hilt, jewelled, greenish, Do. Do. 6873. [1396] Gold schist, or archer’s thumb ring, inlaid with rubies, Do. Do. 6874. [1397] Jade white schist, inlaid with rubies and emeralds, Do. Do. 6875. [1398] One jade schist, prepared for inlaying, Do. Do. 6876-9. [1357-1360] Four plain schists, or archer’s thumb rings, Do. Do. 6880. [1399] Gold enamelled diamond schist, or archer’s thumb ring, Do. Do. 6881. [1400] White jade schist, jewelled, 30 rubies, 9 emeralds, Do. Do. 6882. [1401] White jade schist, jewelled, 13 rubies, 7 emeralds, Do. Do. 6883-4. [1402-3] Two schists, jade, pre- pared for inlaying, Do. Do. 6885. [1404] Silver enamelled schist, or archer’s thumb ring, Do. Do. 6886. [1405] White jade schist, jewelled, 12 emeralds, 1 diamond, Do. Do. 6887. [1409] Five jade finger rings, Do. Do. 6888. [1366] White jade top to stick, jewelled, Do. Do. 6889. [1350] Green jade do., carved in relief, Do. Do. 6890. [1351] Black stone do., jewelled, Do. Do. 6891. [1425] Small white jade cup, jew- elled, 12 jewels, Do. Do. 6892. [1419] Jade inlaid hookah bottom, Do. Do. 6893. [1406] White jade schist, 20 rubies, 2 emeralds, Calcutta. Col. Guthrie. 6894. [1407] Do., for inlaying, Do. Do. 6895. [1408] Do., do., Do. Do. 6896. [1336] Pair white jade bangles, Do. Do. 6897. [1364] Jade hookah mouthpiece, jewelled, Do. Do. 6898. [1365] White jade mouthpiece. Do. Do. 6899. [1389] Green jade pierced-work mirror, Do. Do. 6900. [1361] Small jewelled jade round mirror. Do. Do. 6901. [1362] Jade jewelled, 6 diamonds, 30 rubies, 1 emerald, Do. Do. 6902. [1363] Jade jewelled charm, 25 rubies, 6 emeralds. Do. Do. 6903. [3244] Jade box, set in gold, with rubies, Umritsur. Rai Nursing Doss. A valuable relic of oue of tbe rulers of Cabul. 6904. [1422] A jade charm, plain, Lahore. Government. 6905. [1423] Do., set in gold, Do. Do. 6906. [3124] A pair of bangles, a fine specimen of jade. Government of India, per Local Committee, Rangoon. These bangles are made of jade from Mogoung, in the north of Burmah. The bright green tint seen in these specimens is the characteristic peculiarity of the Burmese jade, or precious serpentine. The Chinese have a perfect mania for it, using it for Mandarins’ buttons, pipemouth pieces, and various articles of personal ornament and luxury. They estimate it according to the purity of the white and brightness of the green tints. These bangles, though of good quality (they cost 12.5 r. or 12/. 10s., and were obtained from the owner with difficulty even at that price), are by no means of the finest description. The Chinaman who sold the bangles showed the Com- mittee a specimen which he assured them would fetch in China sixty times its weight in silver, and that the really first-rate is sold for as much as forty times its weight in gold ; this appears incredible, but all enquiry tends to show that the Chinese will give almost anything for fine jade.* 6907. [1337] Rock crystal water pot and top, spout out of the same piece, Calcutta. Col. Guthrie. Class XXXIII. ( 267 )* Local Committee, Rangoon. T 6908-9. [ 1 39 1—2^1 Two pairs rock crystal spoon bowls, one ribbed, one leaf-shaped, with handles, Calcutta. Col. Guthrie. 6910-1. [1378-9] Do., carved in relief, Do. Do. 6912. [1352] Rock crystal melon-shaped bowl and top, Do. Do. 6913. [1393] Rock crystal hilt, diamond cut, Do. Do. 6914. [1421] Do., carved in relief, Do. Do. 6915. [1394] Do., inlaid, Do. Do. 6916. [1395] Do., carved in relief, Do. Do. 6917. [1410] Rock crystal, carved in relief, Do. Do. 6918. [1390] Large plain bowl, with handles, Do. Do. 6919. [1367] Bowl, fluted octagon, Do. Do. 6920. [1368] Small mounted vase, with handles, Do. Do. 6921. [1339] Do., without handles, Do. Do. 6922-3. [1433-4] Two pairs crystal handles, Do. Do. b. Cornelian, Agate, etc. 6924. [5483] A cup of stone, called Zah- mora, Cashmere. Government of India, per Lahore Committee. 6925. [2138] Four necklaces of cornelian, Lahore. Sororham, maker. Government of India, per Lahore Committee. 6926-7. [989-90] Two specimens of for- tification agate, Jubbulpore. Government of India. 6928. [991] Five brooch stones, moss agates, Do. Do. 6929. [992] Three specimens of moss agate pebbles, Do. Do. 6930. [993] Three specimens of blood- stone, Do. Do. 6931. [994] Two specimens of cornelians. Do. Do. 6932. [10273] Specimen of jasper (worked), Banda. Do. 6933. [1436] One dozen knife-handles, jasper, Do. Do. 6934. [1451] Do., do., Do. Do. 6935-6. [1448-9] Two paper weights, of jasper and Goodurrea stones, Do. Do. 6937. [1455] Jasper brooch-stone, Do. Do. 6938. [1435] One dozen knife-handles, agate, Do. Do. 6939. [1437] Grass agate, Do. Do. 6940. [1440] Fourteen stones for agate bracelets, 1 )o. Do. * Lent by J. II. Johnson. Esq. ( 263 ) Class XXXIII. — North-East Gallery. 6941. [1441] Sixteen stones for agate bracelets, Banda. Government of India. 6942. [1442] Fourteen do., Do. Do. 6943. [1444] Forty-one do., Do. Do. 6944. [4445] Paper-knife, agate. Do. Do. 6945. [1446] Brooch-stone, do., Do. Do. 6946. [1447] Paper-knife, do., Do. Do. 6947. [1456] Six sets shirt-studs, do., Do. Do. 6948. [1457] Twenty stones for sleeve- links (five pairs), do., Do. Do. 6949-51. [10274-6] Agates, Do. Do. 6952. [1453] Brooch-stone, bloodstone, Do. Do. 6953. [1452] Four do., Lapis Lazuli, Do. Do. 6954. [10267] Map-stone, rough and polished specimens, from the Kane River, Do. Do. 6955. [4303] An agate schist, or archer’s thumb-guard, Darjeeling. Dr. Camprell. 6956. [995] Specimen of agate, Guzerat. Government of India, per Calcutta Com- mittee. 6957. [1102] Twelve crochet needles, of various stones, Cambay, Guzerat. Govern- ment of Bombay. 6958. [1103] Ten paper-knives, do., Do. Do. 6959-60. [1 104-5] Two cups and saucers, agate, Do. Do. 6961 [1106] Seven sets waistcoat buttons, do., set in silver, Do. Do. 6962. [1107] Three sets do., do., set in gold, Do. Do. 6963. [1108] Ten pairs sleeve-links, do., do., Do. Do. 6964. [1109] Twenty-four brooch-stones, do., Do. Do. 6965. [mo] Six doz. knife-handles, do., Do. Do. 6966. [mi] Ten crystal stones, do., Do. Do. 6967-8. [1 1 12-3] Agate slabs, Do. Do. 6969. [1114] Do., with two side pieces, Do. Do. 6970. [ 1 1 1 5] Three pairs do., Do. Do. 6971. [111 6] One do., Do. Do. 6972. [111 7] Thirty-four agate stones for bracelets, Cambay, Guzerat. Government of Bombay. 6973. [1118] Three pairs round beads, agate, for bracelets, Do. Do. 6974. [ 1 1 19] One bracelet, black stones. Do. Do. 6975. [1120] Five pairs bracelet-stones, various colours, Do. Do. 6976. [1121] Ten cigar-holders, agate, Do. Do. 6977. [1122] Cup and saucer, do., Do. Do. 6978. [1123] Six rulers, various colours, do., Do. Do. 6979. [1124] Twelve sets shirt-studs, various colours. Do. Do. 6980. [1126] Two sets bracelet-stones, Do. Do. 6981. [4489] Pair serpentine earrings, Rangoon. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. 6982. [4450] Bracelet, Do. Do. 6983. [4493] Stone earrings, set in horn, Do. Do. c. Personal Ornaments in Tinsel, Ivory, Horn, Hair, etc. 6984. [2908] Tinsel box, Lucknow. 6985. [2909] Bracelets of tinsel. Do. Sheik Hassain Khan. 6986. [2910] Bracelet or necklet of do., Do. Do. 6987. [2911] Earrings of do., Do. Do. 6988. [2912] Ticklees or face ornaments, as used by native females, Patna. Govern- ment. 6989. [5755] Bangles of hair, Meerut. Do. 6990. [10047] Do. porcelain, Moonghyr. Dr. Sutherland. 6991. [7885] Do. glass, Poonah. Go- vernment. 6992. [7886] Rings, do., Do. Do. 6993. [5153,8109] Necklaces of horn, Moonghyr. Government of India. t 2 ( 269 ) Class XXXV. — India. 6994-5. [ 5154 , 8110 ] Bracelets, horn, Moonghyr. Government of India. 6996. [ 7999 ] Bangles for the wrists and ankles, do., Do. Do. 6997. [ 3432 ] Four and half doz. buttons, ivory, Umritsur. Government of India. 6998. [ 3433 ] Three doz. do. and studs, do,. Do. Missur Gema Chund. I Class XXXV. — POTTERY. Although some of the specimens of pot- tery are very creditable, especially in the accuracy of their shape, the value and extent of the collection has been seriously dimi- nished by the breakage of the greater portion during transit. 6999. [ 3295 ] Specimens of pottery, Am- roha. Stud Ahmed Kiian, principal Sudder Ameen. Thirty-three of these specimens, remarkable for the superior nature of the clay of which they were constructed, were sent to England for exhibition, but, unfortunately, two samples only came to hand uninjured. Regarding these specimens the officiating magistrate reports, that the Umroha pottery work is only capable of improvement under European energy and capital, and gives the following information noted, under the head of 1 Manufactures.’ About 300,000 pieces are annually manufactured at an average of 1 r. per hundred. Articles made of this clay are much sought after, and are used by the natives from all parts of the N.W. Pro- vinces. The clay is not exported from this country. Articles made from this clay are intended more for ornament than for use, but cups, saucers, and such like things, are used at festivals and feasts by people of rank. Mahomedans more than Hindoos use these articles. The pottery articles can be made of all patterns and shapes, but the old oriental designs are those chiefly ap- proved of. The wholesale market price would be, on an average, 1b. 87a. per hundred. The clay of which this pottery is composed is evidently of a very superior quality ; it shows great strength and is used pure and unmixed in all articles composed of it. It | is peculiar to Amroha, where it can be had in large quan- tities. 7000. [ 5347 ] Specimens of painted pot- tery, Allahabad. Government of India. Fourteen specimens of this ornamented pottery were sent from India, but from their extremely brittle nature were, on receipt, all found to be more or less damaged. 7001. [ 5440 ] Specimen of Put tan pottery, Lahore. Lahore Central Committee. Go- vernment of India. 7002. [ 2895 ] Specimens of glazed pot- tery, Lucknow. Lucknow Committee. Do. 7003. [ 7839 ] Figure of a buffalo, Jey- pore. 7004. [3177] Specimens of pottery, Dar- jeeling. Dr. Campbell. 7005. [2893] Do., Hossengunge. Shaik Fakeer Hossain. 7006. [ 2894 ] Butter cooler, Sarun, Patna. Patna Committee. Government of India. Of sixteen specimens forwarded, this sample only came to hand uninjured. 7007. [ 1081 ] Six specimens ‘ Halla,’ glazed tiles, Hyderabad. Htderabad Com- mittee. 7008. [ 381 ] Five goblets, Madras Indus- trial School of Arts. Dr. Hunter. 7009. [ 398 ] Jars, Do. Do. 7010. [ 379 ] Salt-cellar, Do. Do. 7011. [ 378 ] A pedestal, Do. Do. 7012. [ 376 ] Tiles, plain, Do. Do. 7013. [ 377 ] Do., glazed, Do. Do. 7014. [ 384 ] Garden labels, plain, Do. Do. 7015. [ 406 ] Do., glazed, Do. Do. 7016. [ 397 ] Flower vase, Do. Do. 7017. [ 394 ] Red tile, Do. Do. 7018. [ 388 ] Four jars, Do. Do. 7019. [ 387 ] Porous cells, Do. Do. 7020-2. [ 389 - 91 ] Chemical utensils, four sets, Do. Do. 7023. [ 392 ] Flower basket, Do. Do. 7024. [ 393 ] Tray, Do. Do. ( 270 ) Class XXXVI. — North-East Gallery. 7025-6. [382-3] Raised-pie dish, Madras Industrial School of Arts. Dk. Hunter. 7027. [385] Ornamented tiles, glazed, Ho. Do. ' 7028. [390] Jug, glazed, Do. Do. 7029. [396] Vase, do., Do. Do. 7030. [399] Two jars, do., Do. Do. 7031. [41 1 ] Models of cooking utensils, Do. Do. 7032. [402] Basket, Do. Do. 7033. [405] Butter cooler, Do. Do. 7034. [401] Goblet, Do. Do. 7035. [413] Three chemical lamps, Do. Do. 7036. [400] 7037. [407] 7038. [444] 7039. [409] Do. 7040. [404] 7041. [408] Do. Two goblets, Do. Do. Two water-pipes, Do. Do. Ventilating brick, Do. Do. Garden border tiles, Do. Cooking utensils, Do. Do. Rail pattern balustrade, Do. 7042. [410] A C chattee,’ glazed, Do. Do. 7043. [415] Vase, glazed, Do. Do. 7044. [4436] Tea pot, Madras. Do. 7045. [4435] Pair of jars, Do. Do. 7046. [4434] Jar and goblet, Do. Do. 7047. [4435] Pair of jars, Do. Do. 7048. [4436] Tea pot, Do. Do. 7049. [4437] Circular ornamental rim, Madras Industrial School of Arts. Dr. Hunter. 7050. [4438] Pan, Do. Do. 7051. [4439] Chemical vessels, Do. Do. 7052-3. [594-5] Earthen cups, Vizagapa- tam. H. H. the Rajah of Vizianagram. 7054. [105x9] Goglet and cover, North Arcot, Madras. Arumga Udayar, maker. Government of Madras. 7055-6. [10520-1] Vase and cover, Do. 7057. [10522] Do. for wine, Do. Do. 7058. [10523] Do. for flowers, Do. Do. 7059. [572] Figure of a lion, Bangalore Convict School, Mysore. Capt. J. Buckle. 7060. [573] An owl, Do. Do. 7061. [576] Drain tile, Do. Do. 7062. [577] Lid of butter cooler, Do., Do. The last four specimens are made of potters’ clay, buff, and felspar grit in the following proportions : - 2 butt, 1 brown potters’, and 1 grit. This mixture is found very strong and serviceable. 7063. [575] Purple goglet or water bottle, Do. Do. There is evidently much manganese in this clay, which hardens by hard tiring ; the buff is found almost pure, and requires only washing to separate the clay from the grit. This mixture is found very strong and serviceable. 7064. [578] Fire brick, Do. Do. Two parts buff clay and one part grit. These specimens (Nos. 7059-64) arc illustrative of the clays sent by the same exhibitor, and shown in Class I., No. 425. Class XXXVI.— DRESSING CASES, DESPATCH BOXES, AND TRAVELLING CASES. Division I. — Writing Cases and Fittings. 7065-6. [3415-16] Paper-knives, Umrit- sur. Missur Gema Chund. 7067. [3419] Do.* Do. Government of India. 7068. [5751] Pen case and tray in ivory, Meerut. Kooer Wuzeer Ally Khan, Dep. Magistrate, Meerut. 7069. [10635] Writing desk in ivory, Vizagapatam. H. H. the Rajah of Vizian- agram. ( 271 ) Class XXXVI.— India. 7070 . [10636] Envelope case, ivory, Viza- gapatam. H. H. the Rajah of Vizi anagram. 7071 . [10652] Inkstand in buffalo horn, Do. Government of Madras. 7072 . [10653] Envelope box, do.. Do. Do. 7073 . [10657] Do. in elk horn, Do. Do. 7074 . [10658] Inkstand in porcupine quills, Do. Do. 7075 . [10660] Pen tray, Do. Do. 7076 . [10643] Writing desk in buffalo horn. Do. H. H. the Rajah of Vizianagram. 7077 - 8 . [10645-6] Paper weights, porcu- pine quills, Do. Do. 7079 . [567] Inkstand of horn, Do. E. G.R. Fane, Esq. 7080 . [568] Do.,- grotesque, Do. G. N. Taylor, Esq., Inam Commissioner. 7081 . [422] Do. elk and buffalo horn, Do. Dr. McPherson. Division II. — Dressing Cases and Fit- tings, Toilet Articles, etc. 7082 - 4 . [3406-14-7] Combs of ivory, Umritsur. Missur Gema Chund. 7085 - 7 . [3418-20-3] Do., Do. Govern- ment of India. 7088 . [2913] Do., Seebsagur, Assam. Baboo Poormanund Boorooah Pesiikar. 7089 . [2916] Do., Do. Lieut. Phaire. 7090 . [2921] Do., Luckimpore. Baboo Gobind Ram Shurmah. 7091 . [3425] Pincushion of ivory, Um- ritsur. Government of India. 7092 . [3429] Thimbles, do. Do. Do. 7093 . [2914] Ear probes, do. Seebsa- gur, Assam. Baboo Poormanund Borooaii Peshkar. 7094 . [2917] Back scratcher, do., Do. Government of India. 7095 . [2920] Do. do., Gowhatty, Assam. Baboo Pursooram Borooah. 7096 . [2919] Fan, do. Chittagong. H. H. the Rajah of Tipperah. 7097 - 8 . [10503, 10649] Work baskets, octagonal, ivory, Vizagapatam. Government of Madras. 7099 . [10651] Jewel case, do., Do. Do. 7100 - 1 . [10639-40] Two do., octagonal, do., Do. H. H. the Rajah of Vizianagram. 7102 . [10641] Workbox, do., Do. Do. 7103 . [10642] Glove box, do., Do. Do. 7104 - 6 . [10637-8,10666] Watch stands, do.. Do. Do. 7107 . [2230] Two pairs glove stretchers, Travancore. H. H. the Rajah. 7108 . [10648] Watch stand, ivory and buffalo horn, Vizagapatam. Government of Madras. 7109 . [10655] Tea caddy of elk horn, Do. Do. 7110 . [10656] Knitting box of do., Do. Do. 7111 . [10659] Do. of porcupine quills, Do. Do. 7112 . [431] Shell tea ladle and horn handle, Malacca. Dr. McPherson, Madras. Class XXXVIII. — North-East Gallery , FINE ARTS DIVISION. Class XXXVIII.— PAINTINGS IN OIL AND WATER COLOURS AND DRAWINGS. I. — Paintings on Ivory. i t . Architectural Subjects and Views. These paintings are very beautiful, and exhibit a marked improvement in shade and perspective, whilst their minuteness of detail and brilliancy of colouring give evidence of great skill and accuracy of touch. 7113-4. [3002-3] Lahore palace gate at Delhi, inside Delhi. Government of India. 7115. [3004] Taj at Agra. Do. 7116. [3005] Jummul Musjeed, Delhi. Do. 7117. [3006] Dewan Khas at Delhi. Do. 7118. [3007] Temple at Umritsur. Do. 7119. [3008] La Martiniere, Lucknow. Do. 7120. [3009] Mosque Koogat. Do. 7121. [3010] Emambarrah, Lucknow. Do. 7122. [3011] Peacock throne in the pa- lace of Delhi. Do. 7123. [3012] Inside of the Taj at Agra. Do. 7124. [3013] Nurad Shaw Mosque, Delhi. Do. 7125. [3014] The Taj from the river side, Agra. Do. 7126. [3015] Umritsur temple. Do. 7127. [3016] Interior of Dewan Khas, Delhi. Do. 7128. [3017] Twelve views of Agra, Delhi, and Lucknow. Do. 7129. [3018] Lahore palace gate. Do. 7130. [3019] Dewan Khas gate. Do. 7131. [3020] King’s house, Delhi. Do. ( 2 7132. [3021] Kootub pillar, Delhi. Go- vernment of India. 7133. [3022] Sufdur Tuness’ tomb. Do. 7134. [3023] Hoomayoon’s tomb, Delhi. Do. 7135. [3025] Kootub pillar, Delhi. Do. 7136. [3026] Nine views of Delhi. Do. 7137. [3027] Eight do., for shirt studs. Do. 7138. [3029] Feenut Mehal, Delhi. Do. 7139. [3035] Four views of Lucknow and Delhi. Ismail Kiian. 7140. [3036] Do. Delhi. Do. 7141. [3037] Do. Lucknow. Do. 7142. [3038] Do. Agra. Do. 7143. [3039] Do. Agra, Lucknow, and Delhi. Do. 7144. [3040] Do. Delhi. Do. 7145. [5657] View of Kaiser Bagh, Lucknow. Sah Makkhun Lall. 7146. [5658] State Procession of the late King of Lucknow. Do. 7147. [8003] Teroomaul Nuik’s tank, Madura. 7148. [8004] Madura pagoda. 7149. [8005] Teroomaul Naik and ten rajahs inside of Poodoo Munabrun. 7150. [3333] Burmese mythological painting, Burmah. Messrs. Halliday, Fox, & Co. b. Portraits on Ivory. 7151. [3028] Ex-king of Delhi. Ismail Kiian. 7152. [3033] Three portraits of wives of the ex-king of Delhi. Government of India. 73 ) Class XXXVIII.— India. 7153. [ 3034 ] Portraits of Golab Singh, Runjeet Singh, and Bulad Shaw. Govern- ment of India. 7154. [ 3024 ] Eight portraits of kings and queens, Delhi. Do. 7155-6. [ 3030 - 1 ] Portraits of kings and queens, Delhi, for sleeve links. Do. 7157. [ 3032 ] Six portraits of wives of the ex-king of Delhi. Do. 7158. [ 5115 ] Portrait of Nawab Shur- food Dowlah, Shureef ol Mulk Gholam Rajah Khan, Sherafat Jung of Lucknow. Painted on ivory by the son of Mahomed Alee, a Lucknow artist. Lucknow. H. H. the Nawab Shukeood Dowlah. II. — Paintings on Mica, in Water Colours, etc. 7159-60. [ 2199 , 2201 ] Paintings on mica, small size, Patna. Government of India. 7161-2. [ 2202 - 3 ] Do., large do., Do. Do. Most of these paintings, by native artists, represent the various domestic occupations and religious ceremonies of the Hindoos. 7163. [ 1540 ] Portrait of Rajah Dheean Singh, Prime Minister of H. H. the Ma- harajah Runjeet Singh, by native artists. Central Committee, Lahore. Government of India. 7164. [ 1541 ] Ranee Surdan, wife of do. Do. Do. 7165. [ 1542 ] H. H. the Maharajah Run- jeet Singh and Court. Do. Do. 7166-7. [ 1543 - 4 ] Sirdar Shere Singh of Utaree (Kanghur), Umritsur. Do. Do. 7168-70. [ 1545 - 7 ] II. H. Maharajah Runjeet Singh and Court, Do. Do. Do. 7171. [ 1551 ] Rajah Heera Singh, son of Rajah Dheean Singh, Do. Do. 7172. [ 1552 ] Ranee Sirdan, wife of H. H. Runjeet Singh, with her suite, Do. Do. 7173. [ 1553 ] The Maharajah Dhuleep Singh, son of H. H. Runjeet Singh, Do. Do. 7174. [ 1554 ] TheMaharajah Shere Singh, son of Runjeet Singh, Umritsur. Govern- ment of India. 7175-6. [ 1548 - 9 ] The Ameer Dost Ma- homed Khan, Cabul, Do. Do. 7177. [ 1550 ] H. H. the Maharajah Golab Singh, Cashmere, Do. Do. 7178. [5 1 1 1 ] Maharaj ah Bukhtawar Singh, grandfather of the present chief of Ulwar. Water-colour drawing by a native artist of Ulwar. H. H. the Maharajah. 7179. [ 5110 ] The late Maharajah Bunee Singh, father of the present chief of Ulwar. Do. Do. 7180. [ 5116 ] H. H. the Maharajah Sheo- dan Singh Bahadoor, the present chief of Ulwar, and a liberal contributor to the In- ternational Exhibition of 1862. Age 16 years. Do. Do. 7181. [ 8002 ] View of the western por- tion of the city of Ulwar. Do. Do. 7182. [ 5117 ] Elephant carriage of the Maharajah of Ulwar. Do. Do. 7183. [ 5114 ] ‘ Umbapershad,’ the favou- rite elephant of the Maharajah of Ulwar. Do. Do. 7184. [ 5112 ] ‘ Asphoor,’ the favourite horse of the Maharajah of Ulwar. Do. Do. 7185. [ 5113 ] ‘ Kaisir,’ mare, in jumping position, with Ahmedjan Khan. Do. Do. III. — Oil Paintings. 7186. [ 9398 ] Portrait of the last Great Mogul, king of Delhi. Painted by August Sclioefft. 7187. [ 9399 ] Portrait of the late Maha- rajah Shire Sing, king of the Punjaub. Do. 7188. [ 9400 ] The Thugs (men stranglers). Do. This picture represents the moment when the Thugs expect from their chieftain’s wife the signal for strang- ling unsuspecting travellers. 7189. [ 9401 ] The Court of Lahore, and other paintings of various interesting Indian subjects, by the same artist, can be seen in the principal dining-saloon in the Exhibition Building. ( 274 ) Class XXXIX. — North-East Gallery. Class XXXIX. — SCULPTURE, MODELS, ETC. I. — Statuettes, and other elaborate Carvings in Ivory. 7190 . [3133] Royal yacht, carved by Bawul of Bekhampore. Government of India. 7191 . [3135] Palanquin, Do. Do. 7192 . [3136] Juggernath car, Do. Do. 7193 . [3137] Travelling cart, Do. Do. 7194 . [3138] Eckha, Do. Do. 7195 . [3139] Set of draughtsmen, red and white, Do. Do. 7196 - 7 . [3140-1] Statuettes, Do. Do. 7198 - 9 . [3142-3] Country boats, Do. Do. 7200 - 1 . [3144-5] Paper knives, Do. Do. 7202 . [3424] Boxes for antimony, elabo- rately carved in ivory, Umritsur. Govern- ment of India. 7203 . [3426] Boxes with images, do., Do. Do. 7204 . [3427] Chunlcuna, do., Do. Do. 7205 . [3428] Salt cellars, do., Do. Do. 7206 . [3430] Box, with gold edges, do., Do. Do. 7207 . [2431] Two cups, do., Do. Do. 7208 . [5382] A cow and calf, do., Ulwar. H. H. the Maharajah. 7209 . [1508] Table ornament, do., Put- tiala. Do. 7210 . [2228] A lion (a paper weight), do., Travancore. Do. 7211 . [2229] A cow, do., do., Do. Do. 7312 . [2231] Paper knife, crocodile handle, do., Do. Do. 7213 . [2232] Do., serpent handle, do., Do. Do. 7214 - 7 . [2233-6] Do., various designs, do., Do. Do. 7218 - 21 . [2238-41] Parasol handles, do., Do. Do. 7222 . [2242] Pair of birds, ivory, Tra- vancore. H. H. the Rajah. 7223 . [2246] Twenty-four various ani- mals, small, do., Do. Do. 7224 - 5 . [2247-8] Paper weights, serpents, do., Do. Do. 7226 - 7 . [2249-50] Do., the human hand, do., Do. Do. 7228 . [445] Three knife handles, large, Burmese. Dr. McPherson. 7229 . [8106] Two dozen do., table size. Do. Do. 7230 . [8107] One dozen do., dessert size, Do. Do. 7231 . [10644] ‘Tonjan,’ or palanquin, carved in buffalo horn, Yizagapatam. H. H. the Rajah of Vizianagram. 7232 . [10504] Two palanquins, do., Do. Do. II Plastic Models and Figures. 7233 . [2939] A Rajpoot, Lucknow. Luck- now Committee. Government of India. 7234 . [2940] A Mahratta, Do. Do. 7235 . [2941] A Cahul fruitseller, Do. Do. 7236 . [2942] A sweetmeat seller, Do. Do. 7237 . [2943] A Sikh, Do. Do. 7238 . [2944] A Mussulman fakeer, Do. Do. 7239 . [2945] A moulvie, or Mussulman priest, Do. Do. 7240 . [2946] A Brahmin, Do. Do. 7241 . [2947] A Bengalee baboo, Do. Do. 7242 . [2948] A Hindoo fakeer, Do Do. 7243 . [2949] A tailor, Do. Do. 7244 . [2950] A cloth merchant, Do. Do. 7245 . [5801] Model of a bazaar, made by a native artist at Kishnaghur. Government of India. 7246 . [5803] Do. of a plough, Do. Do. ( 275 ) Class XXXIX.— India, 7247. [5804] Model of hackery and two bullocks, made by a native artist at Kisli- naediur. Government of India. 7248. [5805] Do. carriage and two bul- locks, Do. Do. 7249. [5807] Do. palanquin and bearers, Do. Do. 7250. [5808] Various plastic figures, illus- trating the different native trades and pro- fessions, Do. Do. These include the following : — 7251. (1) Bheestie, or water carrier. 7252. (2) Up-country woman. 7253. (3) Brahmin praying. 7254. (4) Women collecting ghosee. 7255. (5) Boistom. 7256. (6) Songoter boistom. 7257. (7) Breadman. 7258. (8) Moyrah sweetmeat seller. 7259. (9) Santhal. 7260. (10) Mahomedan fakir. 7261. (11) Rowauee bearer. 7262. (12) Spearman. 7263. (13) Boonah. 7264. (14) Boistom with tomtom. 7265. (15) Toobriwalah. 7266. (16) Ploughman. 7267. (17) Carpenter. 7268. (18) Dhoonerie, cotton dresser. 7269. (19) Woman dressing cotton. 7270. (20) Spinning woman. 7271. (21) Dwijee (tailor). 7272. (22) Ooriah bearer. 7273. (23) Up-country shoemaker. 7274. (24) Shenkaree. 7275. (25) Hooka hurdar. 7276. (26) Up-country cloth seller. 7277. (27) Durwan. 7278. (28) Cook. 7279. (29) Sweeper. 7280. (30) Kejmutgar. 7281. (31) Chuprassee. 7282. (32) Native Shikaree. 7283. (33) Up-country sepoy. 7284. (34) Syee (groom). 7285. (35) Ayah (nurse). 7286. (36) Pundit. 7287. (37) Khansama. 7288. (38) Sheristadar. 7289. (39) Dhare. 7290. (40) Musalchee. 7291. (41) Goldsmith. 7292. (42) Bangy hurdar. 7293. (43) Washerman. 7294. (44) Plate maker. 7295. (45) Snake charmer. 7296. (46) Earthen pot maker. 7297. (47) Two women grinding oats. 7298. (48) Dhenkrewala rice grinding. 7299-7301. [2922-4] Kesah Kanie, Bur- mese figure, Assam. Government of India. 7302. [7874] Four figures, Poona. Go- vernment of Bombay. 7303. [8164] Plastic c Condapully, ’figures illustrating the various native classes, trades and professions, Kistna, Madras. Madras Government. These models include the following: — 7304. (49) Hermit, 7305. (50) Native drummers. 7306. (51) Singers. 7307. (52) Mussulman servant armed. 7308. (53) Servant of the zemindar. 7309. (54) Valama caste men. 7310. (55J Komali or Banian carrier. 7311. (56) Toddy drawer. 7312. (57) Shepherdess churning 7313. (58) Tappal runners or postmen. ( 27c ) Class XXXIX. — North-East Gallery. 7314. (59) Torchman. 7315. (60) Water carrier. 7316. (61) Mussulman peon. ' 7317. (62) Snake charmers. 7318. (63) Fowler. 7319. (64) Shepherd. 7320. (65) Woman of basket makers’ caste. 7321. (66) Washerwoman. 7322. (67) Tank digger woman. 7323. (68) Woman of fowlers’ caste. 7324. (69) Barber. 7325. (70) Woman of potters’ caste. 7326. (71) Toddy drawer. 7327. (72) Carpenter. 7328. (73) Butler. 7329. (74) Satani beggar. 7330. (75) Sangam beggar. 7331. (76) Roliilla. 7332. (77) Beggar. 7333. (78) Eaju. 7334. (79) Brahmin woman. 7335. (80) Meat seller. 7336. (81) Goldsmith at work. 7337. (82) Shroff. 7338. (83) Woman working at a mill. 7339. (84) Dasari beggar. 7340. (85) Horseman or groom. 7341. (86) Cooly man. 7342. (87) Zemindar’s slave. 7343. [589] Elephant and figures of Shola pith, Tanjore. Madras Government. W. M. Cadell, Esq. 7344. [5344] Sample of pith ( JEsckyno - mene aspera) from which the above-named model was manufactured, Calcutta. Go- vernment of India. ( 277 ) . INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1862. INDIA. MEDALS AND HONOURABLE MENTIONS AWARDED BY THE INTERNATIONAL JURIES. Presidency or Locality BENGAL Calcutta . . Assam . . . Bhaugulpore . Cuchar . . Chota Nagpore To whom awarded Central Committee . . Do. Oldham, Professor T. . . Surveyor General of India Ahmuty & Co Allen & Hayes .... Borradaile, John, & Co. George & Co. . . . Medal Guthrie, Col. Do. Kooney Lull Dey . Do. Lyall, Rennie, & Co. Martin, John . . Sainte, Brothers Shaik Golab . . . Simpson, Dr. . . . Steel, H Bivar, Major H. S. Dhatooram Jemadar Martin, I. N.* . . Morgan, C. H. . . Phaire, Lieut. W. . Do. Wagentrieber, W. G. Sandys, T. . . . Cachar Tea Company Tydd, Forbes, & Co. Blechynden, C. E. . Hon. Mention (Certificate) Class 3b 4c 1 1 4c 33 3b 3b 1 11c 2b 4d 20 11c 4a 24 14 4c 4c 3b 4c 3b 3b 11c 4c 10Af 3b 3b 4c Objects awarded and reasons for the award For illustrative series of sugars and spices produced in India For collection of useful vegetable products, including dye stuffs, &c. &c. For specimens with the analysis of a series of coals from many localities in India, and for the elaborate work of the Geological Survey conducted by him For the admirably executed maps of a part of the Himalayas, by the To- pographical Survey now in progress For fibre prepared from (Eschyno- mene cannabina For excellent workmanship and general merit of a silver vase, pre- sented by the Government of India to Rajah Deonarain Singh, of Benares For goodness of quality of tea For the excellent quality of their arrowroot For the exhibition of his very beau- tiful series of works of art in jade and rock crystal For his interesting collection of arms For a large collection of East India drugs For excellent quality of fragrant oils For raw silk from their mills at Calcutta and Berhampore For his interesting collection of arms For goodness of manufacture of stearic candles For embroidery on muslin and tus- ser silk, deserving credit For a valuable series of portraits of the native tribes For samples of indigo from Hooghly For madder from Assam For excellence of manufacture, strength and flavour of his tea Forcaoutchouc from the Cossia Hills For excellence of manufacture, strength and flavour of his teas For excellency of his peppers For his interesting collection of arms For specimens of 1 room ’ dye, an indigo made from a species of ruellia For mortar, cement, and concrete of good quality For excellence of manufacture, strength and flavour of their tea For goodness of quality of their tea For cleaned cotton from New Or- leans seed, @ 121,rf. per lb. * Initials erroneously given in the Jury List of awards as W. C. t Entered in Catalogue in Class I. ( 279 ) India.— Jury Awards. Presidency or Locality To whom awarded Medal ion. Mention (Certificate) Class Objects awarded and reasons for the award BENGAL — cont. Chota Nagpore . Blechynden, E. C. . . . i 4c For his Egyptian cleaned cotton, valued @ 13 o', per lb. Leibert, M. T i 3b For being the first producer of teas at Hazareebaugh Do. i 4c For Sea Island cotton, uncleaned. from Seetagurrah, value 9 \d., if cleaned 24 d. * Cuttack . . Local Committee . . . i 3c For leaf tobacco, sound and well- grown Juggernautb Doss . . . 1 33 For general merit and good work of double branch epergne and jewel casket Taylor, Rev. George . . 1 4c For liis cotton from Piplee, valued at lid Dacca .... Hurmoliun Roy .... i 24 For lace embroidered scarfs in black, silver, and gold Juggut Chunder Doss . . i 24 For a large collection of rich em- broidered gold and silver scarfs Do. i 24 For India muslin scarfs, embroi- dered in gold, also some rich gold embroidered Cashmere shawls, small Darjeeling . . Brine, F., for Hope Town i 3b For goodness of quality of tea Tea Association Campbell, Dr. A. . . . i 9 For his models of agricultural im- plements Do. i lie For his interesting collection of arms Do. i 29 For his collection of lichens and reeds Samler, Major .... 1 3b For excellence of manufacture, strength and flavour of tea Scanlan, P. H i 3b For goodness of quality of his tea Malda .... Thompson, Dr. R. F. . . 1 4c For specimens of a new green vege- table dye, with illustrations of its ap- plication Do. i 3c For a specimen of mango spirit Shaliabad . . . Mylne, Mr 1 4c For cleaned cotton from Shahabad, Arrah, and for New Orleans seed, va- lued at 13jtf. Government of India . i i For a complete and instructive series of specimens, illustrating the dressing and smelting of tin ores from a new locality f Do. 1 2a For a collection of chemicals, ma- nufactured in India Do. 1 3a For excellence of quality of paddy and rice, & c. Do. i 4d For collection of oils of excellent quality Do. i lie For an interesting collection of arms Do. 1 18 For superior manufactured cotton goods For straw mats of excellence of de- Do. 1 22 sign, colour, and manufacture Do. 1 23 For a good collection of plain dyed cotton fabrics Do. i 26b For saddles, trappings, &c. credit- able as native productions f Do. i 27n For well-made native shoes, clogs, &c. § Do. 1 30ab For a collection of sandalwood writ- ing desks, jewel boxes, &c. of great artistic excellence || * In Jury List awarded to the ‘ Collector Nagpore.’ t Chief contributor of these Jos6 D’ Almeida, Esq., of Singapore. I Chiefly manufactured at Cawnpore. 5 From Bareilly, Jhansi, Lahore, and Umritsur. || From Delhi, &c. ( 280 ) India. — Jury Awards. Presidency or Locality To whom awarded Medal Hon. Mention (Certificate) Class Objects awarded and reasons for the award BENGAL — cont. Government of India . . 1 33 For the general excellence of the gold and filigree work, brooches, bracelets and jewellery * NORTH WEST PROVINCES AND OUDE Agra .... Central Committee . . 1 1 For interesting collection of works executed in soapstone f Benares . . . Dabee Pershaud . . . 1 24 For violet and gold, and mazarine and silk damask, very rich and beau- tiful Kincaub, well executed Do. i 24' Embroidered table mats and bags Mohun Lall and Chittoo l 24 For two magnificent black and Lall gold Kincaub scarfs ; blue and gold Kincaub pieces, and other articles, well adapted for covering couches Do. i 24 Embroidered table mats and bags Silhut Chundrabhun . . 1 24 For Kincaub pieces, blue and gold, and white and gold, of great merit Do. i 24 Embroidered table mats and bags Dehra Boon . . Dehra Doon Tea Company i 3b For goodness of quality of teas Delhi .... Manak Chund . . . 1 24 b'or black and gold, and green and gold (Cashmere cloth) embroidered shawls ; scarlet cape, embroidered white, and a large assortment of simi- lar articles of great beauty Do. i 24 For a net shawl, embroidered with floss silk, cardinal scarf, in good taste Goruekpore . . Osborne George .... Warrand, T 1 4c For caoutchouc from Goruekpore Gurwhal . . . i 3b For goodness of quality of tea J ubbulpore . . Superintendent of the 1 22 For the excellence of design, colour, School of industry and manufacture of carpets Kurnaon . . . MTvor, K., of the Ivonsa- 1 3b Tea, excellence of manufacture, mire Plantation strength, and flavour Troup, C. R„ of the Me- i 3b For goodness of quality of teas gree Plantation Meerut . . . Superintendent of Jail. . 1 22 For the excellence of design, colour, and manufacture of carpets Kooer W uzeer Ali Khan, i 27d For good quality of shoes Deputy-Magistrate Skahjehanpore , Carew & Co 1 3b For excellence of manufacture of sugar Do. 1 3c For general excellence of their cane- juice rum Sutwarree Bun- Dashwood, W., Collector 1 4c For cleaned cotton from Sutwarree, delkhund of Banda unknown seed, 11 d. and 17 d. per lb. OUDE Khyrabad . . Lindsay, C., Deputy-Corn- i lie For his interesting collection of missioner of Hurdin arms Lucknow . . . Local Committee . . . 1 4c For a series of the vegetable fibres of Lucknow, and other vegetable pro- ducts PUNJAUB Hansi .... Jardine & Co 1 4c For samples of their indigo Lahore. . . . Central Committee . . . 1 4c For a collection of lacquered turnery Do. i 4c For cleaned cotton from the Leia district, value 8-j-rf. per lb. j Do., for manufacturers of 1 22 For excellence of design, colour, Bokhara carpets Harrison, Captain, 79 th i 11c and manufacture of carpets For a beautiful dagger Highlanders * From Delhi and Benares, t Awarded to Calcutta Committee, t Awarded in error to Captain Mitchell, Madras. ( 281 ) India. — Jury Awards. Presidency or Locality To whom awarded Medal Eon. Mention (Certificate) Class Objects awarded and reasons for the award PUNJAUB — cont. Lahore . . . Superintendent of Central i 22 For the excellence of design, colour, Jail and manufacture of carpets Pesliawur . . . Mahomed Zuma . . . i 11c For a collection of arms Shahpore . . . Superintendent of Jail i 4c For a new application of Madar floss to mat making : a very interest- ing experiment Sealkote . . . Imaum, Ad-deen. . . . i 33 For excellent workmanship of steel inlaid with gold Indian Flax Company (Bel- i 4c For various samples of flax grown fast) in the Punjaub Umritsur . . . Local Committee . . . i 4c For a collection of vases in black lacquered work, with ornamentation in chemical amalgam NATIVE DIGNITARIES Benares . . . Rajah Deonarain Sing. . i 4c For a model of a Hindoo temple in sandalwood Bhawulpore . . H. H. the Nawab . . . i 11c For his interesting collection of arms Jeypore . . . H. H. the Rajah. . . . i 4d For excellence of quality of fragrant Do. i lie For his interesting collection of arms Do. i 33 For beautiful workmanship of enamelled gold spice box and cup Oude, Lucknow . Nawab Shurf-ood-Dowlah i 27d For excellence of work Do. i 27d For gold embroidered dress, turban, and slippers Do., Moraon . . Rajah Goree Shunker . . i 27d For finely embroidered shoes and slippers Nepaul . . H. H. Sir Jung Bahadoor, i 4c For Nepaul madder K.C.B. Do. i lie For his interesting collection of arms Do. i 24 For a great variety of gold em- broidered articles of dress Pesliawur . . . H. H. the Nawab . . . i 11c For a collection of arms Puttiala . . . H. H. the Rajah . . . i 11c For his interesting collection of arms Ram pore . . . The Nawab i 11c For his interesting collection of arms Ulwar .... H. H. the Rajah . . . i 11c For his interesting collection of arms Do. i 24 For a great variety of gold em- broidered articles of dress Do. i 27d For well-made native shoes BOMBAY and SINDE Bombay . . . Birdwood, Dr i 4c For an extensive collection of In- dian vegetable products of economic value Do. Bhrimjee Byramjee. . . i 4d For a collection of oils and their goodness of quality i 30ab For good design and workmanship of carved furniture Jamsetjee Heerjee . . . i 4c For a large number of admirable carvings in sandalwood Sellon, Captain .... i 14 For a series of photographic views in India Smith, Fleming, & Co. i 4c For cotton from Bourbon seed. cleaned, valued at 1 ihl. per lb., and various others Alimedabad . . The Collector .... i 4c For Nurma native cotton from Ah- medabad, value 1(H riels de Chemins de Fer, Brussels. — Rail- way carriage ; trophy of wheels and iron fit- tings for railway waggons, &c. 200. Goffin, C. & J. Brussels. — Axles for locomotive engines. 201. Heindryckx, Ixelles, near Brussels. — Wrought iron railway chairs ; model of crossing, for preventing danger of every kind. 202. Soci^Tk des Hauts-Fourneaux, UsiNES, ET CHARBONNAGES; DE CHATELI- neau, Chdtelineau, llainault . — Rails. 203. SocifAfi Anonyme des Hauts- Fourneaux, UsiNES, ET CHARBONNAGES DE Marcinelle et Couillet, Couillet, llai- nault. — A six-wheeled locomotive ; rails. 204. SocifAf: Anonyme de la Fabrique de Fer D’OugrLe, Seraing, Liege. — Un- welded wheel tires for waggons and steam engines, axles and wheels for waggons. 204a. SocifAfi Anonyme des Hauts- Fourneaux et Laminoirs de Montigny sur Sambre, llainault. — Rails of puddled steel, &c. 205. SocifhL des Forges et Lami- noirs de L’Heure, Marchienne-au-Pont, llainault. — Axles. 206. SocikTk Anonyme des Forges de la Providence, Marchienne-au-Pont, llai- nault. — Waggon wheels forged in one piece, by a new process. 207. Tiiirion, Aisclie-en-Befail , Namur. — Model of a new kind of waggon ; the load is sustained on moveable spheres, that do not touch the axle. 208. SocifiTfi Anonyme de l’Usine Vandenbrande, Schaerbeelc, near Brussels. — Patent double-acting excentric ; railway crossings, as used in Belgium. 209. Van der Elst, L. & Co. Braine-le- Comte, llainault. — Weigh-bridge for rail- ways, having an isolating apparatus ; intended to bear a weight of 30,000 kilogrammes. CLASS VI. 210. De Ruytter, J. Bruges. — A cla- rence. 211. Jones Bros. Brussels. — Various carriages. Distinctions obtained at various Exhibitions 1825. Harlem — First bronze medal. 1840. Antwerp — Silver medal. 1841. Brussels — Silver-gilt medal. 1847. Brussels — Gold medal. 1851. London — -Prize medal. 1855. Baris — Medal of the first-class. And decorations of the Order of Leopold, by a royal decree, dated lGth December, 1855. Carriages exhibited in London in 1802 A coupe' d’Orsay, the pole of iron, fitted with a steel plate. An extremely light carriage. — Price 4,800 francs. A phaeton cabriolet, mounted on elliptic springs. — Price 2,750 francs. A calash for ordinary use, mounted on elliptic springs (the kind made for exportation). — Price 2,750 francs. 212. Van Aken Bros. Antwerp. — A calash with double suspension. 213. Van Aken, C. B. — Calash, double suspension. ( 13 ) Class YII . — Belgium 214. Cail, J. F. Halot, A. & Co. Brus- sels . — Various apparatus for the manufac- turers and refiners of beet-root and other sugar. 215. Compagnie G£n£rale de Ma- TfmiELS de Chemins de Fer, Brussels . — A mortising machine for wood. 216. Dautrebande, II. Huy. — Machine for manufacturing endless paper. 217. De Bruyne, E. Ilarnme, East Flan- ders . — Hair-cloth bags for oil presses. 218. De Bruyne & Son, Waesmunster, East Flanders. — Hair-cloth bags for the ex- traction of oil from seeds ; also, one to be used with an hydraulic press. 219. De Groote, C. Brussels. — Bottle corker with glass tube, with or without needle. 220. Dehaynin, F. Gosselies et Marcin- elle, Hainaidt . — Two drawings of a machine for agglomerating coal ; and coal-bricks made by it. 221. Dekeyser-Dumoktier, S. Eecloo, East Flanders , — Hair-cloth for pressing olea- ginous seeds. 224. Dumont, E. Liege. — Endless me- chanical sieve for preparing ores, coal, &c. Exhibitors’ Committee for the Dis- trict of Verviers — Machinery for the manufacture of wool : — 225. Bovy', J. D. & Vandermaesen, L. C. Verviers — Machine for making velvet. 22G. IIouget, J. D. & Teston, C. Ver- viers. — Various machines used in the manu- facture of woollen cloth. 229. Martin, C. Pepinster. — Machine for oil-pressing wool ; carding machine ; articu- lated pads. 230. Martin, T. Verviers. — Backs and ribbons for cards ; cards for wool in leather and felt, in artificial leather and felt, and in leather. 231. Neubarth & Longtatn, Verviers. — Longitudinal shearing implements, on a new principle. 232. Troupin, J. B. Verviers. — Blades, tables and rulers in cast steel for shearing cloths, shawls, and stuffs in wool, silk, and cotton. Manufacturer of blades, tables, and guides for shearing clotb, stull’s, and shawls, of wool, silk, and cotton. ( ; vii. He obtained the following distinctions : — In 1847, National Exhibition of Belgium — 1st Prize. 1851, Universal Exhibition of London — 6th „ 1855, Paris Exhibition — 2nd Class. 1861, Exhibition of the Arrondissement of Verviers — The Decoration of his Majesty Leopold I. 233. Wankenne et Debial, Verviers . — Shearing or smoothing implements with right and left-handed blades. 235. Fetu, A. & Deli£ge, Liege. — Spe- cimens of cards for spinning wool and cotton. 23G. Gennotte, L. Brussels . — Apparatus for making gaseous beverages instantane- ously. 237. Gerard, D. Charleroi. — Steam-en- gine for mines, without beam, &c., requiring oidy one cylinder, and a single rope instead of two and their accessories ; a mode of rais- ing waggons from mines with one rope, and without the use of two cages, the waggons attaching and liberating themselves ; a para- chute always acting instantly but gradually, at the pleasure of the miners who are being conveyed, or when the rope breaks, &c. 239. Laroche & Co. Brussels . — Machine for the manufacture of paper. 239a Llong, C. & Biscop, J. B. Wiers , Hainault. — Waggon for coal mine. 240. Leroy, A. Brussels . — Six sewing- machines, on different principles. 241. Libotte, N. Gilly, Hainault . — Two miners’ cages with parachutes and waggons. 242. Meerens, Brussels . — Flower bleach- ing apparatus, preserving the lace makers from the effects of the white lead ; the latter being placed in an hermetically sealed box. 243. Mertens, Glieel, Antwerp. — Flax and licmp scutching and peeling machines. 245. N yst, F. Liege . — F riction parachute for miners’ cages, Ac. 246. Perrin, N. Brussels . — Drill stock, on a new principle, with an Archimedean screw, worked with one hand only. 247. Prevot, C. Haine St. Pierre, Hai- nault . — Machine for making pegs ; applicable to boat-building. 248. Kycx, A. & Son, Ghent. — Patent cards for cotton. 249. SacrI:, A. Brussels. — Flax-drawing apparatus, with double spiral system ; in- tended to facilitate the manufacture of the ) Class YIII. — North-west Court and North-west Gallery. thread, and to render it more uniform and better in quality. 250. Vall£e, F. Molenbeeh-St.-J ean, near Brussels . — Small working model for spinning flax, wool, and cotton (the invention of the exhibitor). 251. Vander Elst, L. & Co. Braine-le- Comte, Hainault. — Drawing for a paper- manufacturing machine. 252. Vangindertaelen & Co. Brussels. — Distilling apparatus, constmcted on scien- tific principles, for the production and recti- fication of spirits ; and consisting of a still, an analyser which may be cleaned instanta- neously, and a refrigerator. Refrigerators for various uses. Pumps and taps for ordi- nary and hygienic purposes. 253. Van Goetliem, C. V Co. Brussels. — Centrifugal machines for purifying sugar. 254. Vermeulen, C. Roulers . — Shuttles with rollers for weaving various fabrics. 255. Vincent, J. Alost . — A Jacquard machine with 700 hooks. 25G. Wergifosse, Brussels . — Liege man- gle, washing and calendering machines. 257. Winnen, Brussels . — Mill for unra- velling rags. 258. Wissaert, J. Brussels . — Embossing and gilding plates for bookbinding purposes. 259. Wxnants & Mackintosh, Brussels. — Frames for locking up printing formes, without wedges or feather edges, or the use of hammers. CLASS VIII. 260. Arnould, G. Mons. — A water-level ; free-air manometer ; miner’s safety -lamp. 261. Bertieaux, H. Anhverp. — Steam- engine. 262. Cail, J. F. Halot, A. & Co. Brus- sels. — Gififard-injectors ; tubular steam-boiler, &c. Committee of the Exhibitors of Verviers : — 263. Houget, J. D. & Teston, C. Ver- viers. — Portable steam-engine. 264. Cungne, U. Langhemarcq , West Flanders. — Weighing scales, with pans above. 265. De Landtsheer, Brussels. — Hori- zontal steam-engine, on Woolfs principle. 268. Fondu, J. B. Lodelinsart, Hainault. — Economic fire-bars perforated horizontally, forming tubes under the ignited fuel. 270. Gouteaux, P. J. Gillj, Hainault . — Check chains and safety apparatus, appli- cable to mining engines. 271. Libotte, N. Gillij, Hainault. — A fire-grate and accessories. 272. Obach, N. Brussels. — Weighing- machine with double mechanism and square platform. 273. Perard, L. Liege. — Horizontal blowing machine with two cylinders (Fossey’s principle), 200-horse power. 275. Pirotte, L. & Sisters, Brussels — Balance, on Roberval’s principle. Bronze and marble stand. 276. ReguilA Jun. & Bedrive, Liege . — Exhibitors obtained the following medals : — F. Beguile, the Silver Prize Medal at the Brussels Exhi- bition of 1847. J. Bedrive, a Seeond-class Medal at the Paris Exhibition of 1855, and the Gold Medal of the National Academy of Paris in 1857. Articles exhibited by them in London in 18G2 — . A watering cart. — Price 3,000 francs. A double action (suction and forcing; fire-engine. — Price 3,200 francs. They manufacture all kinds of fire-engines, draining- pumps for mines, hydraulic pumps, &c. ; riveted leather tubing, hose, and buckets. Prospectuses sent on application. 277. Sacr£, C. Brussels. — Hydrometer for alcohol, giving the quantity and strength of the liquor manufactured. 278. Scribe, G. Ghent. — Patent horizon- tal engine (Woolfs principle), with connected cylinders, 30 horse power. 279. Thirion, A. L. Aische-en-Refail, Namur . — Model of a windmill, in which a helix transmits the motion from the sails to the stones, without shock, and without a necessity for lubrication : the sails regulate themselves, and close up in a storm. 280. Vanderhecht, E. Brussels. — Model of an apparatus for preventing shocks from sudden communication of motion ; as when an engine is first started, or a horse first begins to draw ; applicable to mines and traction. 274. Petit, H. J. & Co. Brussels. — Level, with one air bulb and check screw. ( 15 284. Winand, F. Goffontaine, Liege. Patent safety screw-jack. ) Classes IX. and X. — Belgium. CLASS IX. 283. Bortier, P. Ghistelles, West Flan- ders. — Plan, in relief, of Britannia farm, at Ghistelles. 284. Dams, Tilleur, Liege. — Unalterable enamelled labels for Botanic and Zoological gardens, inscriptions, sun-dials, &c. 285. D’Auxy, Marquis G. Frasnes, near Leuze, Uainault. — A granary. 286. De Greef, E. Hal, Brabant. — Agricultural implements. 287. Delstanche, Marbais, Brabant . — Improved plough. 288. De Soer, O. Ben-Aliin, Liege . — A skeleton roller. 291. Lecomte, Pont-d-Celles,Hainault . — Iron plough with double mould-board. 292. Marie, L. J. Marchienne-au-Pont, Hainault. — Apparatus for cleaning grain. 293. Odeurs, J. M. Marlinne, Limburgli. — Common plough. A plough, with sub- soil apparatus and balance. 294. Pas, P. A. Londerzeel, Brabant . — Churn, on a new principle. 295. Peers, Baron E. Oostcamp, West Flanders. — A plan for a farm. 297. Romedenne, A. J. Erpent, Namur. — Agricultural implements. 298. Tixhon, J. Fleron, Liege. — Agri- cultural implements. 300. Van Maele, E. Thielt. — Ploughs, straw chopper, bread cutter, sowing ma- chine. CLASS X. 301. Aden, L. Brussels. — Patent door, opening and closing on four sides. 302. Beernaert, A. Brussels. — Marble chimney-pieces, &c. 303. Boon Bros. La Louvi'ere, Ilainault. — Mosaic slabs for pavements. 304. Boucher, T. Saint- Gin-slain, Ilain- ault. — Refractory substances, bricks, cru- cible, retorts, stone for spreading melted glass. He obtained Medals at the Brussels and Mons Exhibi- tions of 1847 and 1851, and at the universal Exhibitions of London and Paris in 1851 and 1855 ; and a First-class Honorary Medal from the Paris Academy of Agriculture, Manufactures, and Commerce. His establishment is of the very highest order, and is the oldest on the Continent. It is singularly well-situated, being in the centre of his own works, for obtaining primary substances and fuel, and in immediate communication with railways and steam vessels. His processes are of a peculiar kind ; they have been brought to great perfection, and are patented. And his attention is specially devoted to products that do not shrink, and are of the best quality, equal, indeed, to what are commonly termed extra, and arc used for puddling furnaces and linings. His business is on a very large scale ; and he manufac- tures articles of great size. His customers are of the most respectable class, and he exports to all parts of the world. Th. Boucher- Brevete. Names of the objects exhibited, and their prices, when delivered at a railway, or placed on board a steam- vessel : — 1st Series. — Bricks, both rectangular and of other forms ; all, as nearly as possible, of the same length and size. — From 20 to 23 francs the 1,000 kilogrammes. 2nd Series. — Rectangular bricks, and articles of a shape not included among those to be described. — From 30 to 35 francs the 1,000 kilogrammes, models included. 3rd Series. — Large articles for the construction of all kinds of furnaces conformable to the plans which may he furnished. — From 40 to 50 francs the 1,000 kilogrammes, models included. 4th Series. — Crucibles and fittings for smelting furnaces. From 55 to 65 francs the 1,000 kilogrammes. Articles not comprised among the above — Pulverized cement, packing not included. — 18 francs. Retorts of all shapes and sizes. — From 50 to 70 francs, according to the dimensions. Slabs or plates for spreading glass. — The price in pro- portion to the size. He exhibits part of the crucible of a smelting furnace, weighing 700 kilogrammes ; ..ml a slab for spreading glass, 1'60 metres long and 110 metres wide. 305. Boucneau, L. Brussels. — A marble cliimney-piece, Renaissance style. 306. Bouwens, Meclilin, Antwerp. — Mu- sic-desk, door-lock. 307. Chaudron, J. Brussels. — Model of cast-iron lining, for the formation of shafts in humid soils, &c. 308. Defuisseaux, Mrs. Bandour, near Mons . — Articles in fire-clay. ( 16 ) Trade mark Class XI. — North-west Court and North-west Gallery. 310. Delpeiidange, V. Brussels. — New method of joining water-pipes, gas-pipes, &c. 311. Dewyndt, J. & Co. Antwerp. — Cedar wood veneer. 312. Godefroy, J. Brussels. — A room door of rich woods, in carefully-selected shades ; a room door of oak, with carvings. 313. Guibal, T. Mons. — Ventilator for mines, capable of displacing more than 100 cubical yards of air per second. 314. Jacobs, Mechlin. — A chimney-piece in portor marble, with interior and flooring. 315. Josson, N. & Delangle, Antwerp. — Hydraulic cements, mastic, terra cotta, bricks, tiles, and flags. 316. Keller, A. Ghent. — Gas-retorts in refractory clay. 317. Lambrette, J. Brussels. — Zinc roofing on a new principle. 318. Leclerq, A. J. Brussels. — Chim- ney-pieces of statuary marble, &c. in the Flemish style, suited to English fire-places. 319. Sieglitz, J. Brussels. — Chimney- piece, witli statuary work. 320. Vander Elst-Bourgois, Brussels. Black chimney-pieces. 321. Van Neuss, M. Brussels. — Inodor- ous water-closet. 322. Wynen, G. Schaerbeeh, near Brus- sels. — A specimen of flooring. CLASS XI. 323. Bayet Bros. Liege. — Ornamented fire-arms ; Lefaucheux guns, and guns with ramrods ; Swiss carbine and revolver. 324. Bernimolin Bros. Liege. — Lefau- cheux-Bernimolin guns, pistols, carbines on Flobert’s principle. 325. Cooppal & Co. (Director : C. Van Cromphaut), Wetteren, East Flanders . — Gunpowder of various kinds, refined salt- petre. 326. Dandoy, C. Liege. — Fire-arms of all kinds. 327. De Lezaack, A. Liege. — Fowling- pieces, &c. 328. Dits, A. J. Saint-Gilles, near Brus- sels. — Cartridges for Lefaucheux guns and revolvers : patent balls. 329. Duilent, L. Brussels. — Wheel- barrow convertible into a camp bed, ambu- lance, tent, boat, or bridge. 330. Dumoulin-Lambinon, G. Liege.— Guns, revolvers, pistols, carbines, &c. 331. Fafchamps, Brussels. — New kinds of fire-arms ; new system of defence, &c. 332. Fusnot, C. & Co. Brussels. — Car- tridges for Lefaucheux guns and revolvers : ball cartridges of gun-cotton and fulminating powder. • Class XL ( This establishment exhibits hushes for Lefaucheux fowling-pieces, copper bushes for six-barrelled revolver pistols, and ball charges for needle guns. The revolution which is taking place in the construction of breech-loading fire-arms has created a branch of trade that, from the perfection at which it has arrived, has con- tributed to the spread of new principles of construction. Sometimes metal only, sometimes a combination of mefpl and paper, are used iu the formation of a case which is capable of resisting a powerful charge. This case is intended to prevent the fire from issuing behind when the charge is ignited and goes oft'. As a consequence of this arrangement, the method of charging is simplified to an extraordinary degree, and the discharge is effected with great rapidity. The more perfect the bushing of the cartridges the more fully these results are attained. Tire exhibitors show their productions as possessing a superiority altogether excep- tional, which they attribute to the care with which they are executed. If the various details are examined and tested they will he found arranged in such a manner as to produce a combination that leaves nothing to be desired. They offer their copper bushes for revolvers as articles which have never been surpassed. Their bushes for fowl- ing-pieces possess a flexibility, and at the same time a strength which are inimitable. Notwithstanding those excellent qualities they have succeeded in producing them at a very moderate price, of which any one may satisfy himself by application to them. Mr. Charles Fusnot obtained a medal at the Belgium Exhibition of 1847 for the new contrivances which he invented. Among them was a ball-charge which lie, de- vised. This invention has been confirmed to him by judi- cial decisions, condemning those who pirated it. 333. Herman, J. Liege. — Designs for the manufacture of fancy fire-arms. 334. Hubar, Herstal, Liege. — Fancy guns, and the various pieces used in making them. 335. Jansen, A. Brussels. — Double- barrel guns, &c. 17 ) c Classes XII. — XIV. — Belgium. 33G. Jongen Bros. Liege. — Fire-arms, for military purposes, sporting, &c. 337. Ladry, F. Brussels . — A rest, for taking correct aim with portable fire-arms ; instrument for measuring the distance of the bullet-marks from the centre of a target. 338. Lardinois, N. C. Liege. — Breech- loading carbine. 339. Lemaire, J. B. Liege. — Fowling- pieces, revolver pistol, &c. 340. Levin, C. Ghent . — Cuirasses for in- fantry, cavalry, artillery, &c., in hammered steel, ball proof at twenty-live yards dis- tance. 341. Malherbe, P. J. & Co. Liege . — Guns, musketoons, pistols, gun-barrels. 342. Masu Bros. Liege. — Breech-load- ing fowling-pieces, each made in a different way. 343. Simonis, X. & Co. Val-Benoit, near Liege. — Gun-barrels. 344. Tinlot, J. M. Herstal, Liege . — A carbine on Flobert’s principle. CLASS XII. 345. Van Bellingen, A. J. Antwerp . — Proved chain cables, and rigging chains of Belgian iron. CLASS XIII. .346. Bultinck, E. Ostend. — Portable electro-galvanic apparatus with inodorous acid, giving any required current. 347. Dusmjchoit, E. Ghent. — Signal speaking-trumpets and whistles. 348. Gerard, A. Liege . — Electric clock, electric battery, and electro-magnet ; plans of instruments and machinery. 349. Gloesener, M. Liege . — Electric chronoscopes, registering multipliers, electric clock, and electric telegraph apparatus, &c. 350. Jaspar, Liege. — Chronoscope on Major Navez’s principle; Doctor Stacquez’s “electro-medical;” a regulator of electrical light, 351. Lippens, P. Brussels . — Telegraph apparatus, &c. 352. SacrIs, E. M. Brussels. — Philoso- phical balance, eclemeter-compass, circle- level. 353. Vandevelde, X. Ghent . — A sac- charometer. CLASS XIV. 355. Daveluv, Bruges. views of Bruges. Photographic 356. Dupont, Antwerp . — Photographs : portraits selected from the collection named “ The Antwerp School.” 357. Fierlants, Ed. Brussels. — Photo- monuments of Belgium ; executed by order of the Government. 358. Ghemar Bros. Brussels. — Photo- graphs, natural size, and others ; visiting- cards. 359. Mascre, J. Brussels . — Photographs graphs, representing the master-pieces and from pictures, •plaster casts, &c. C ) Classes XV. — XVIII. — North-west Court and North-west Gallery. 360. Michiels, J. J. Brussels. — Photo- graphs : copies of pictures. 361. Neyt, A. L. Ghent. — Photogra- phic micrography (obtained through the agency partly of solar and partly of electric light). 362. Neyt, Cn. Brussels. — Photographs : portraits, and copies after Vander Hecht. CLASS XV. 363. GLrard, A. J. Liege . — Clocks and watches. CLASS XVI. 364. Aerts, F. G. Antwerp. — Oblique- trichord seven-octave pianos. 365. Albert, E. Brussels. — Clarinets, flutes, hautboys, bassoons. 266. Bergen, F. & Co. Brussels. — Up- right pianos, with oblique and vertical strings. 368. Darciie, C. F. Brussels. — Tenor- violins, violins, violoncello, &c. 371. Jastrzebski, F. Brussels. — Grand pianoforte ; upright transpositional piano- forte. 372. Mahillon, C. Brussels.— A com- plete collection of musical instruments. 373. Sternberg, L. & Co. Brussels . — Four pianos of different kinds. 374. V uillaume, N. F. Brussels. — Vio- lins, violoncello, counter-bass. CLASS XVII. 375. Glitsciika, II. Ghent . — Surgical instruments; artificial limb. 376. Kayser, Brussels. — Case of instru- ments for the royal railway trains. 377. Odeurs, J. M. Marlinne, Limburgh. — Speculum uteri; a mouth-opener. 378. Waersegers, J. Antwerp. — Her- niary trusses ; ventral and hypogastric belts; orthopaedic apparatus ; artificial limbs. CLASS Belgian Government. — Cotton goods produced in the Flemish Apprentice Schools : — WEST FLANDERS. 379. Apprentice School of Bece- laere. — Cotton goods for summer. 380. of Moorseele. — Cotton checks. ( i XVIII. 381. Apprentice School of Moors- lede. — Summer goods: stuffs for furniture. 382. OF PoPERINGHE. — Cotton checks. 383. of Roulers. — Cotton checks. 384. of Ruddervoorde. — Cot- ton woven fabrics. 0 ) c 2 Class XYIII. — Belgium. 385. Apprentice School of YrRES. — Cotton checks. 386. Late Apprentice School of Bruges (owners : MM. he Rantere & Co. Bruges). — Dimity, and frame-embroidered muslins. 387. of Courtrai (owner : M. Sisenlust, Courtrai ). — Cotton velvet. EAST FLANDERS. 388. Apprentice School of Calcken. — Cotton stuffs for dresses and window blinds. 389. of Olsene. — Dimity ; cot- ton-satin. 390. OF OORDEGIIEM. — Cotton velvet, stuffs for window blinds. 391. of Sinay (owner: M. Ve- rellen-Rodrigo, Saint Nicolas). — Cotton stuffs for dresses ; cravats. 392. Late Apprentice School of Lede (owner: M. Y. Derche, Brussels).— Dimity and frame embroidered muslins ; muslins ; “ royaumont ” dimity. 393. of Nazareth (owner: M. Vanden Bossche-Yervier, Nazareth). — “ Leather-dimity.” 394. -of Nederbrakel (owner: M. De Proost, Opbrakel). — Beverteens and cotton-satins. 395. of Sleydinge (owners : MM. Ceuterick & De Cock, Ghent ). — White Jacquard cotton stuffs. 396. of Waesmunster (owner: M. Van Hoof, Loheren). — Cravats ; fine cotton checks. 397. De Backer, L. & N. Braine-le- Chdteau, Brabant. — Short staple Georgia cotton yarn. 398. De Bast, C. Ghent. — Woven goods from raw cotton. 399. De Block-Delsaux, Termonde, East Flanders . — Cotton bed-covers. 401. I)e Smet Bros. Ghent. — Cotton warp, dyed and dressed ; plain and printed fabrics. 402. De Smet, E. & Co. Ghent.— Dressed and dyed raw cotton warp for mixed fabrics. 403. Dierman-Seth, F. Ghent. — Woven fabrics of Surat cotton. 404. Duchamps, G. Brussels. — Cotton stuffs for trousers and other garments. 405. Dujardin, J. E. & L. Bruges. — Raw cotton spun, warp and weft. 406. Duprez & Co. Bottignies, near Courtrai. — Cotton stuffs for trousers and other garments. 407. Hooreman-Cambier & Son, Ghent. — Cotton fabrics for trousers and other gar- ments. 409. Lemaire-Dupret & Son, Tournay. — Cotton stuffs for trousers. 410. Mouscron, City of, District of Courtrai, West Flanders, Commit- tee : — Desprets Bros. J Labis-Delecoeillerie. Dujardin, L. — Cotton stuffs for trousers. 411. Philips-Glazer, J. Termonde. — Cotton bed-covers, calicoes, pilous, Belgian leather-cloth, dimity half linen. 412. Piron, J. Tournay. — Stuffs for trou- sers, all cotton. 413. Roelandts, F. Courtrai. — Cotton stuffs for trousers and other garments. 414. Roos & Van Belle, Termonde. — Cotton bed-covers. 415. Rycx, A. & VERsrEYEN, Ghent. — Cotton spools ; cotton fabrics. 316. Saeys Bros. Termonde . — Cotton bed-covers. 416a. Schmidt & Co. Courtrai. — Cotton stuffs for trousers. 417. Staelens, P. & Co. Ghent. — Surat cotton yarns. 418. Van Hee Bros. Mouscron, T Vest Flanders. — Cotton stuffs for trousers, Ac. 419. Van Heuverswyn, F. & Co. Ghent. — Counterpanes, petticoats, dimity, damasks (white and coloured), calicoes. 420. Yanneste, R & Co. Bolleghem, near Courtrai. — Cotton stuffs for trousers, dresses, and waistcoats. ( 20 ) Class XIX. — North-west Court and North-west Gallery. CLASS XIX. Belgian Government. — Linen goods produced in the Flemish Apprentice Schools : — WEST FLANDERS. 421. Apprentice School of Aerseele. — Half-bleached linens. 422. of Aertrycke. — Linen. 423. of Anseghem. — Linen. 424. of Ardoye. — Linens. 425. of Avelghem. — Linens. 426. of Becelaere. — Linens and handkerchiefs. 427. of Clercken. — Linens. 428. of Cortemarcq.— Linens. 429. of Courtrai. — Linens and damasks. 430. of Deerlyk. — Linens. 431. of Denterghem. — Linens. 432. of Desselghem. — Linens and cambric handkerchiefs. 433. of Ghistelles. — Linens. 434. of Heule. — Linens. 435. of Hooghlede. — Linens. 436. of Hulste. Linens. 437. of Ingoygiiem. — Linens. 438. ofLangiiemarcq. — Linens, bleached and unbleached ; linens for mat- tresses. 439. of Lendelede. — Linens. 440. of Liciitervelde. — Li- nens. 441. of Menin. — Linens and handkerchiefs. 442. of Meulebeiie. — Linen. 443. of Moorseele. — Linens. 444. of Moorslede. — Linens. 445. of Oostnieuwkerke. — Li- nens. 446. Apprentice School of Oost- roosebeke. — Linens. 447. of Ouckene. — Linen; cam- bric handkerchiefs. 448. of Oyghem. — Woven fa- brics, in flax and hemp. 449. of Passchendaele. — Li- nens. 450. of Pitthem. — Plain linen ; linens for napkins and towels. 451 . of Poperinghe. — Linen for mattresses, diaper, handkerchiefs. 452. of Roulers. — Linens and damasks. 453. of Ruddervoorde. — Linen fabrics. 454. of Ruysselede — Linen. 455. of Staden. — Linens. 456. of Sweveghem. — Linens. 457. of Swevezeele. — Linens. 458. of Tiiielt. — Linens. 459. of Thourout. — T icks and diapers. 460. of Waereghem. — Linens made of raw, bleached, and half-bleached yarn, linen for towels. 461. of Westroosebeke. — Bleached linens. 462. of Ypres. — Linens, plain and damasked, for mattresses. 463. Late Apprentice School of Blankenbeeghe (owner : M. L. de Le- SCLUZE, Bruges). — Ticks, of flax only; and of flax and cotton, English mode of manu- facture. 464. of Bruges (owner : 51. Marlier, Bruges). — Blue linens ; diaper linens, blue and white. 465. of Bruges (owner : M. C. Popp, Bruges). — Linens and cambrics. 466. - — of Bruges (owner : M. Ar- DRIGHETTI, Bruges). — Lore-parts of shirts, with moveable breasts made of flax-yarn. 21 ) Class XIX. — Belgium. 467. Late Apprentice School of Ise- | giiem (owner: M. Maes-yan-Campenhandt). — Linens, ticks, and handkerchiefs. EAST FLANDERS. 468. Apprentice School of Baelegem (M. Robyns, Baelegem). — Linens, handker- chiefs, and linen ticks. 469. of Calcken. — Flax yarn fabrics. 470. of Eyne (MM. L. & A. Van he Putte, Ghent). — Linens and handker- chiefs made of flax yarn, linens for mat- tresses. 471. of Nederbrakel (M. de Proost, Opbrahel). — Napkins. 472. of Olsene. — Linens. 473. — — — of Oordegem.— Damasked linens for mattresses, &c. 474. of Syngem. — Unbleached linens. 475. of Ursel. — Table linens, &c. 476. Late Apprentice School of Alost (owners : MM. J. & P. Noel, Bros.) — Damask and diaper table-linen, linen for mattresses. 477. of Bellem (owner : M. Moerman-val-Laere, Gancl). — Sail cloth, &c. 478. of Sleydinge (owner : M. Dobbelaere-Hulin, Ghent.) — Sail cloth, plain linens, diapers for mattresses. 480. Caesens, Y. & Son, Zele, East Flan- ders . — Bolting cloth, cloth for stopping up casks, and other purposes. 4S2. De Brandt, J. Alost, East Flanders. — Damask and diaper table-linen, &c. 483. De Brouckere Bros. Borders . — Tow-yarn. 483a Devos, F. A Co. Courtrai . — Plain unbleached hand-spun flax-yarn. 484. Franchojmme, L. Brussels. — Vari- ous sorts of ticks. 485. Jelie, J. B. Alost . — Flax sewing thread, hand and machine spun. ( 487. Lefebvre, F. F. Alost. — Plain linens, Ac. [ The Exhibitor received eleven First-class Medals, at the Exhibitions of 1859, and 1861, in France and Belgium .] Flax, hemp, Ac., prepared by machinery. Class A, from 1'oOf. to l - 75f. the kilogramme. „ B, „ 2'50f. „ 3 OOf. the do. The priee varies with the cost of the raw material hi the place where it grows. Nature of the process, its cost, and relation to health — 1st. The products are obtainable immediately after the gathering of the textile matters. 2nd. The work, which is easy and regular, may be done at all seasons without any chance of loss, or auy offensive or disagreeable operation. 3rd. The flax and hemp gathered off many hectares may be manipulated in one day, the operation being more regular in proportion to the greatness of the scale accord- ing to which it is carried on. 4th. The refuse, which constitutes 70 per cent, of the raw flax, is used for fuel ; and its ashes afford 20 per cent, potash. 5th. All the textile materials of the flax and hemp are obtained. 6th. The fibres are separated completely, regularly, and with certainty, without injury to their strength. 7th. The silvery or slightly golden shade natural to flax is preserved. 8th. A different tint may be given to the raw flax. 9th. A greater value is imparted to every kind of flax. 10th. All kinds of flax and hemp may be spun in any way with cold water. 11th. The thread is strong, regular, and clean, exhibit- ing the shades which are natural to it. 12th. As the fibres of the flax contain no resinous mat- ter, it is not necessary to prepare the thread for creaming. 13tli. Bleaching is effected with case and rapidity. 14th. The thread and stuff are dyed directly with water, the most delicate tiuts being given to the raw flax. 15th. The process is carried on with a great economy of labour, without any chance of loss. The operations are merely routine. The material is very simple when pure, and is not subject to deterioration. The machinery, which is inexpensive, has been improved by an experiment conti- nued during three years of practical working. A manufactory is in operation at Brussels. 488. Maes-van-Campenhoudt, Iseghem, West Flanders. — Linens, tickings, cambric handkerchiefs. 489. Saint Bernard House of Cor- rection, Hemixem, Antwerp. — Linens of various kinds. 491. Sirejacob, E. & Coucke, C. Brus- sels. — Diaper and damasked napkins, with crests, towels, Ac. 492. SocikTfi Liniere de Bruxelles, St. Gilles, near Brussels . — Machine-spun flax and tow yarns ; flax and hemp fabrics, woven by hand and power looms. 493. SocuhT: Liniere Gantoise, Ghent. — Bleached and unbleached flax and toiv yarns. 494. SociUrk Liniere de Saint Leo- nard, Liege. — Flax and tow yarns. 495. Tant-Yerlinde, Bottlers. — Flax, flax-yarns ai d linens, unbleached, Ac. 12 ) Classes XX. and XXf. — North-west Court and North-west Gallery. 490. Thienpont, L. & Sunaert, A, Ghent. — Damask and diaper table-linen, linen cloth for mattresses, towels. 498. Van Ackere, J. C. Wevelghem and Courtrai, West Flanders. — Unbleached and bleached linens ; linen and cambric hand- kerchiefs. 499. Van Damme Bros. Roulers. — Un- bleached linen. 500. Van de Wynckele Bros. & Als- berge, ,T. Ghent. — Flax-yams, in every stage of bleaching. 501. Van Meldert, Haeltert, near Alost. — Unbleached linen, table-linen, &c. 502. Van Oost, P. Hooghlede, West Flanders . — Linens made of machine and hand-spun yarn. 503. Van Robays, A. J. Waereghem, West Flanders. — Sail cloths, russias, sack- ings made of jute. 504. Van Tiegiiem & Co. Courtrai . — Linen made of machine and hand spun yarn. 505. Verriest, P. Courtrai. — Diaper and damask table-linen and cloths for mat- tresses. 500. Vertongen-Goens, C. S. Termonde. — A piece of manille-hemp Hat cable with eight strands. CLASS XX. Belgian Government. — Silk and velvet goods produced in Flemish Apprentice Schools : — WEST FLANDERS. 507. Late Apprentice School of Bruges (M. Avanzo), Brussels. — Ribbons for hats and caps, cravats, &c. EAST FLANDERS. 508. Late Apprentice School of Alost (owner : M. Levionnois-Dekens, Alost.) — Articles in plain black silk. 509. Late Apprentice School of Deynze (owners: MM. Lagrange Bros. Deynze.) — Various articles in silk. 510. Tiiys, C. Brussels. — Thrown, un- bleached, and dyed silks, for mercers’ and lace-makers’ goods. CLASS XXI. Belgian Government. — "Woollen and mixed fabrics produced in the Apprentice Schools of Flanders :■ — WEST FLANDERS. 511. Apprentice School of Becela- ere. — A rticles of wool and cotton. 512. of Bruges (MM. Ivauwerz & Co. Brussels.) — Bournous, half- wool, tar- tans, galaplaids, and goats’ hair cloth. 513. of Courtrai. — Stuffs for trousers. 514. of Deerlyk. — Roubaix cloths, for trousers ; materials for dresses ; fancy stuffs of silk mixed with wool and cotton. 515. Apprentice School of IIulste. — Woollen fabrics. 51G. of Langiiemarcq. — Black paramatta. 517. of Menin. — Stuff for trou- sers. 518. of Moorslede. — Siamese, an article of Roubaix. 519. of Mouscron. — Woven fa- brics, wool and cotton. 520. of Poperingiie. — Siamese, plain and twilled. 521. of Roulers. — Orleans. ( 23 ) Class XXI. — Belgium. 522. Apprentice School of Thielt (MM. Scheppers, Loth, near Brussels). — Tkibets, lastings, serges, &c. 523. of Ypres. — Molletons. EAST FLANDERS. 524. Apprentice School of Calcken. — Stuffs for dresses. 525. of Olsene. — Orleans, para- mattas. 52G. of Euyf.n. — Mixed fabrics for dresses and trousers ; fabrics manufac- tured on Jacquard’s principle. 527. of Sinay (M. Verellen- Rodrigo, St. Nicolas). — Materials for dresses, &c., in wool, cotton, and silk. 528. of Ursel. — Stuffs for trou- sers in wool and cotton. 529. of Wichelen (M. F. Van Brabander, Wichelen). — Stuffs for mat- tresses. 530. Late Apprentice School of Nazareth (owner: M. Van den Bossche- Vervier, Nazareth). — Tweed, corded stuff, satin, satin-reps (wool and cotton). 531. of Waesmunster (owner : M. Van Hooff, Lolceren). — Woven goods, in wool , and in wool and cotton. 532. Andries & Wauters, Mechlin, Antwerp. — Woollen blankets. 533. Begasse, Cii. Liege. — Woollen blankets ; felts for paper factories ; woollen stuffs. Committee for the Exhibition of the District of Yerviers. — Woollen yarns and fabrics : — 535. Baras-Navaux, Hodimont , near Verniers . — Light woollen stuffs for suits, and caps. 53G. Berck, Cii. A erne . — Spun goods for borders. 537. Biolley, F. & Son. Verniers. — Cloths, satins, cashmeres, fancy woollen cloths. 538. Bruls-Rigaux, Goffontaine, Cor- nesse. — Mixed wool and cotton thread. 539. Chandelle-Hannotte, Bison. — Beavers, and knitted articles. ( 2 540. Chaudoir & Houssat, Hodimont. — Fancy stuffs for winter and summer. 541. Commission YerviIstoise. — Corded stuffs, billiard cloths, tweeds, satins, &c. 542. Debefve-Blaise, Bison. — Hang- ings, fancy cloths, military cloths. 543. Deheselle, Thimister, near Ver- niers. — Flannels, domets, gauzes, and swan- skins. 543a. Deleval & Son, Bison, Verniers. — Fancy stuffs, &c. 544. Del Marmol, F. Francomont, near Verniers. — Domets, and flannels. 545. Doret, Y. (Leonard Doret), Ver- niers. — Woollen cloth, dyed and undyed. 546. Dubois, Gerard, & Co. Verniers. — Stuffs of wool, and of silk and wool ; wool- satin, and velvet cloths. 547. Flagontier, J. J. Verniers. — Stuffs of wool, and of wool and silk for trousers, Ac. 548. Garot, J. Hodimont, near Verniers. — Stuffs of wool, and of wool and silk ; fancy cloths for trousers, great-coats, cloaks, &c. 549. Grandjean, II. J. Verniers. — Stuffs of wool, and of wool and silk. 550. Gr^goire & Peltzer, Bison. — Woollen stuffs for great-coats and trousers. 551. Hauzeur, P. & Yigand, Bros. Ensinal, near Verniers. — Stuffs of wool, and of wool and silk. 552. Hazeur, G£r. & Son, Verniers. — Thread of carded wool, for weaving. 552a. Henrotty, Marechal, Ensinal, Verniers. — Woollen stuffs. 553. Henrion, J. J. Hodimont , Verniers. — Cloths, and woollen stuffs for trousers, &c. 554. Lahaye, M. & Co. Verniers. — Cloth and woollen stuffs for suits. 555. Laoureux, G. J. Verniers, Cloth plain and twilled ; woollen stuffs. 556. Leclercq, N. Bison. — Beavers, duffels, satins, moscows, &c. 557. Lejeune-Yincent, H. S. Bison. — Fancy stuffs, ladies’ cloaks, &c. 558. Lejeune-Yincent, J. C. Bison. — ■ Woollen stuffs, moscows, wool-satins. ) Class XXT. — North-west 559. Lieutenant & Peltzer, Verniers. — Thread, cashmeres, beavers, wool-satins, stuffs of fancy wool, and of wool and silk. 560. Linc£, Widow IT. & Son, Bison . — . Moscows, fancy stuffs, stuffs of wool and silk. 561. Marbaise & Son, Hodimont. — Military and other cloth, woollen stuffs. 562. Masson, L. Verviers. — Hangings, manufactured stuffs, black and coloured. 562a. Mathieu, J. F. Dison, Verviers. — Woollen stuffs. 563. Modion, A. & Bebtband M. Ver- viers. — Moscows, stuffs of wool and silk. 564. Mullendobff & Co. Verviers. — Thread made of carded wool for fancy cloths, stuffs, shawls, &c. 565. Navaux, R. & Son, Hodimont. — Reps and summer goods. 566. Olivieb, J. J. & Son, Verviers. — Drapery and woollen stuffs. 567. Pibenne & Duesbeiig, Verviers. — Wool-satins, fancy and other woollen stuffs, military cloth. 568. Tibon-Thimisteb, Francomont. — Stuffs of wool and silk, double-milled cloth used in garments for the Belgian army. 569. Raiilenbek & Co. Verviers. — Cloths, fancy stuffs, fabrics for gloves, cloth gloves. 570. Sagehomme-Lutasteb, S. Dison. — Moscows, cotelines, corded stuffs, &c. 571. Sauvage, A.. J. Francomont, near Verviers. — Woollen stuffs. 572. Sebet & Pibabd, Verviers. — Thread made of white and other wool, washed and unwashed. 572a. Simab, Dri5ze, Dison, Verviers. — Billiard cloths. 573. Simon, J. & Diet, Cliaineux, near Verviers. — Thread made of carded wool, un- bleached, and mixed in different shades. 574. Simonis, I. Verviers. — Hangings, stuffs of avooI, and of avooI and silk. 575. Sibtaine, F. Verviers. — Cloths and woollen stuffs, fancy goods. 577. Snoek, E. Cliarneux, near Verviers. ■ — Cloths, zephyrs, cashmeres, wool-satins, corded stuffs, moscows, and other Avoollen goods. ( Court and North-west Gallery. 578. Van deb Maesen, L. C. Verviers. — Fancy stuffs for great-coats, ladies’ cloaks, &c. ; stuffs in wool and silk. 578a. Suhs, J. A. — Wool-satin. 579. Yebvier & Gregoire, Verviers. — Fancy stuffs, velvets, stuffs in wool and silk. 580. Yoos, J. J. Verviers. — Fancy stuffs, cloths, hangings, double-milled cloth, &c. 580a. Winandy-Veustee, Dison. — Cote- line. 581. Xiiibitte, Cliarneux, near Verviers. — Carded avooI for fancy cloths, stuffs, Ac. 581a. Xiioffray, C. & Bruls, C. Dot- train. — Carded avooI. 582. Duchamps, G. Brussels. — Stuffs of cotton and wool mixed, for trousers, &c. 583. Duprez & Co. Dottignies, near Cour - trai. — Stuffs of avooI and cotton for trousers, &c. 584. Gauchez, L. Brussels. — Blankets, felted threads, fancy and mixed fabrics woven from felted threads. 585. Kauaverz, P. & Co. Brussels. — Tartan shawls. They exhibit these shawls, chiefly with the view of showing the superiority of their establishment, taken in its entirety; the finishing process, which is the most difficult portion of the manufacture, being executed by their own workmen, and not by finishers who devote themselves to nothing else. They are engaged also in the production of small shawls, stuffs for dresses and other purposes, comforters, chate- laines, &c. They offer for sale goods which have been made with great care, and whose merits have already been several times officially acknowledged by medals, which have been obtained at various Exhibitions, and arc repre- sented on their cards. 587. Lemaire-Dupret & Son, Tournay. — Stuffs for trousers, of silk and cotton. 588. Mouscron (City of), District of Court rai. — Stuffs in cotton and avooI, for trousers, &c. 589. Piron, J. Tournay. — Stuffs for trousers in avooI and cotton ; ticks in thread and cotton. 590. Roelandts, F. Courtrai. — Stuffs in avooI and cotton, for trousers, Ac. 591. Rolin, H. Son & Co. Saint-Ni colas, East Flanders. — Tartan shawls, fabrics all avooI, or avooI cotton and silk. 592. Schmidt & Co. Courtrai. Fabrics for trousers, in wool and cotton, and cotton and thread. 25 ) Classes XXII.— XXIV.— Belgium. 593. Van Hee Bros. Mouscron, West Flanders. — Stuff’s, in wool and cotton, for trousers, &c. 591. Van Neste & Vander Merscii, Bolleghem, West Flanders. — -Stuffs, in wool and cotton, for trousers, dresses, &c. 595. Wauters, A. & A. Tamise, East Flanders. — Wool-poplin, silk poplin, shawls. CLASS XXII. 596. BRAQUENiff Bros. & Co. Ingel- munster, West Flanders. — Carpeting, Flanders tapestry for furniture and hangings. 597. Moyersoen-Cammaerts, R. Brus- sels . — Pilous tapestry, carpetings, rugs, &c. 598. Schepens, L. Ghent. — Pattern, drawn for a high-warp carpeting, 599. SoCTETff PE LA MANUFACTURE Royale de Tapis de Tournay, Brussels — Carpets. 600. Timmermans, IWiss M. Icrelles, near Brussels . — Tapestry done with the needle, on canvas, in silk and wool ; two drawings on canvas for the same purpose. CLASS XXIII. 601. Dewolf & De Mey, Bouge- CloUer-under-Auderghem, near Brussels . — Turkey red, and other cotton yarns in fast colours. 603. Idiers, E. Auderghem, near Brussels. —Cotton yarns in Turkey red, and other fast colours. 601. Rave, N. Sen. Curreghem. near Brussels . — Dyed goods ; wool, silk, cotton spun and raw. CLASS Belgian Government.— Embroidered ar- ticles, manufactured in the Apprentice Schools of Flanders : — WEST FLANDERS. 605. Apprentice School of Sweve- ghem (Girls). — Embroidered articles, style of St. Gall. 606. Late Apprentice School of Bruges (owner : M. Avanzo, Brussels).— Laces; galloons. EAST FLANDERS. 607. Apprentice School of Calloo. — Embroidery on lace. 609. Boeteman, A. J. Bruges. — Hand- kerchief and collars in Valenciennes lace. ( 2 iH- XXIV. 610. Bonnod, P. Brussels.— — Designs for all kinds of lace. 611. Bruyneel, Sen. Grammont, East Flanders. — -Black silk lace. 612. Buchholtz & Co. Brussels and Valenciennes. — Point de Venise, and other laces, &c. — Application, gauze, Valenciennes, and Chantilly lace; embroideries, cambrics, and lawns. 613. Christiaensen, G. H. J. Antwerp. Embroidered lace. 614. Custodi-Besme, J. Brussels. — Hand- kerchief in gauze point, Chantilly veil. [His laces obtained the Medal at the Florence Exhibition. \ Established for the manufacture of jioint and applique' laces. Trousseaus, complete, from CO?, upwards. Specimens forwarded on application. 13 ) Class XXIV. — North-west Court and North-west Gallery. 015. Daimeries-Petitjean, Brussels. — White and black lace, antique style, &c. 610. De Clippele, Mrs. C. Brussels. — Point de Venise, and other laces. 017. Delaporte, Mrs. Brussels. — Gal- loons for carriages and livery lace. 618. De Rantere & Co. Bruges. — Em- broidered articles, in the style termed “ Plu- metis,” &c. 019. Everaert, J. & Sisters, Brussels. Black and white lace. 620. Geffrier-Delisle Bros. & Co. — Brussels lace, gauze point, &c. 021. Ghysels, V. & Co. Brussels. — Brussels application lace, gauze point, guipure. 622. Gregoir-Geloen, N. J. Brussels . — Brussels and Valenciennes lace. 623. Hanssens-Hap, B. Vilvorde, near Brussels. — Lace ; galloons for carriages. 624. Hoorickx, E. J. Brussels. — Articles in lace. 025, Houtmans, A. J. Brussels. — Designs for lace, &c. 626. Houtmans, C. C. Brussels. — Designs for lace, &c. 627. Hutellier, Brussels. — Application lace, in point, cushion work, and gauze. Lace articles exhibited — Volants, handkerchiefs, sets comprising collars and sleeves, in Brussels applique', point gauze, aud point laces, a l'aiguille and plat gauze. 628. Keymeulen, II. Brussels. — Flemish black lace, and lace articles. 629. Lepage-Ivina, J. G. Grammont . — Ladies’ apparel in black lace, and other lace gold articles. 030. Melotte, E. Brussels. — Banner of the Brussels Tennis Club, embroidered in gold on velvet. 631. Minne-Dansert, C. Brussels. — Various descriptions of lace, and lace articles. 632. Mullie-Trtjyffaut, P. Courtrai . — Valenciennes lace, and articles made of it. 633. Naeten, J. Brussels. — Designs for various articles in lace. 034. PiiiLirPE, L. Brussels. — An em- broidery in gold and silk, representing the royal arms of Belgium. 635. Reiniieimer, C. (Matson Sophie Defrenne), Brussels. — Brussels lace, in Brussels point, and point and plat. Patent Brussels point and plat lace volants and hand- kerchiefs. Articles in lace, both at a low price and of the richest and finest qualities. C. Reinheimer obtained First-class Medals for his goods at the following Exhibitions : — Brussels, 1847. London, 1851. New York, 1853. Paris, 1855. 630. Roosen, H. (Maison Seclet- Vancutsem), B}~ussels. — Articles in lace. 637. Saligo-Vanpenberghe, Gram- mont. — Articles enriched with lace. 638. Sasse, Mrs. P. F. Brussels cj • Lon- don . — Lace articles. 639. Schuermans & Thro, Brussels . — Brussels application lace, gauze point, Eng- lish point, embroidery, imitations. 640. Stocquart Bros. Grammont. — Black lace, and lace articles. 641. Strehler, J. Brussels. — Lace, ap- plied to gauze ; Valenciennes lace, and em- broidery. 642. Van CAULAERT-STikNON, E. Brus- sels. — Articles in Brussels lace ; head-dress in black lace. 643. Van Der Dussen, B. J. Brussels. — Designs for various articles in lace. 644. Vanderhaegen & Co. Brussels.— Brussels application lace. 645. Van Der Plancke, Sisters, Cour- trai . — Valenciennes lace. 646. VanderSmissen-VandenBossciie, Alost . — Specimens of Brussels and Valen- ciennes application lace, &c. 647. Vander Smissen, V. Brussels . — Brussels application lace, and embroidery on net ; various articles. 648. Van Rossum, J. B. Hal, Brabant. — Gauze point lace, handkerchiefs, collars, sleeves, and lappets. 649. Washer, V. Brussels. — Imitation lace, and articles in lace. 650. Wittockx, II. Saint- Josse-tcn- Noode, near Brussels. — Black silk lace, tunic, bounces, pelerine, &c. ( 27 ) Classes XXV. and XXVI. — Belgium. CLASS XXV. 651. Bertou Bros. J. J. & A. P. Liege. — Various tanned skins. 652. Bulter, Ch. Brussels . — A collec- tion of articles in furs of various kinds. 65.3. Delmotte, H. Ghent. — Belgian liog’s bristles. 654. Devacht, G. A. Brussels . — Articles in hair. 655. Hanssens-Hap, B. Vilvorde, near Brussels. — Haircloth; hog’s bristles ; paint- er’s brushes. 656. Hesnault, A. & Brother, Ghent. — Babbit and cat skins finished; hare and rabbit fur. 657. Jonniaux, E. & Co. Brussels. — Tawed skins. 658. Loncke-IIaese, Roulers. — Brushes, hog’s bristles. 659. Mottie, Brussels. — Wigs on a new principle. 660. Schmitz, F. A. Brussels. — Morocco dressed sheep-skins ; bands of cut leather for hat-making. 661. SoMzk, II. Jun. Liege. — Brushes, hog’s bristles. 662. Somz^-Mahy, II. Liege. — Brushes, hog’s bristles. 663. Verryck-Fleetwood, Brussels. — Perukes, and hair fronts. CLASS 664. Arretz-Wuyts, G. Aerschot, Bra- bant. — Leather, vamps, &c. 665. Boone, A. J. Alost. — Tanned, cur- ried, and japanned skins. 666. Boone, J. & Co. Cureghem, near Brussels. — Curried calf-skins. 667. Bouvy, A. Liege. — Calf-skins, and leather for various purposes. 668. Collet, L. ,T. Brussels. — Leather and hides, japanned and plain, for saddlery, &c. 669. D’Ancri5, P. Louvain, Brabant. — Buenos-Ayres hides tanned but not beaten. 670. David, P. Stavelot, Liege. — Strong sole leather. 671. Declerq-Vanhaverbeke, L. Ise- ghem, West Flanders. — Tanned and curried skins, calf-skins, vamps, leather for soles. 672. De Clippele, Cii. & Co. Brussels. — Engine-straps, joined on a new principle. Patent leather straps, with permanent joints and with lace-holes. The straps made by their method may he considered as free from all risk of lengthening — 1st. Because the leather employed receives only the quantity of oil or grease which is absolutely required to give it the necessary pliancy ; and therefore it is not spongy, like that which is ordinarily used for the purpose. ( 2 XXVI. 2nd. Because they are made only from the centre of the hide, the flanks, neck, and other parts which are inferior in strength being carefully excluded. 3rd. And especially because they are severely tested before being handed over to the finishers. 4th. And lastly, the method of junction used with the different stripes of leather of which these straps consist causes them to be of a perfectly uniform thickness through- out then - whole length, which prevents any jolt on the pullies. 673. Everaerts, C. Wavre, Brabant . — Leather: calf-skin boot-legs and fronts. 675. Fetu, J. G. J. & Co. Brussels . — Straps for machinery, leathern hose. 676. F onteyne, J. Bruges. — F oreign and native leather for soles, calf-skin, curried horse-hide, &c. 677. Hegii, F. & Dugniolle, A. Mech- lin. — Curried goods, morocco-leather, var- nished leather and articles for hat-making. 678. Houdin & Lambert, Brussels. — Sole-leather, calf-skins ; French and Bel- gian military accoutrements. 679. Jorez, L. & Son, Brussels. — Oil- cloths, American linen cloths, gummed taffetas, varnished leathers, American cloth panels. 680. Luyten, C. F. & ,T. Cureghem, near Brussels. — Leather, imitation leather, var- nished linens and cottons. 8 ) Classes XXYII. and XXVIII. — North-west Court and North-west Gallery. G81. Marshal, V. J. Brussels. — Har- ness. 682. Massange, A. Stavelot, Liege. — American leather for soles and engine- straps ; polished native cow-hides. 683. Mouthuy, A. Brussels. — Engine- straps. 684. Perleau-Taziaux, Mrs. Sai/nt-Hu- bert, Luxemburgh. — Brazil tanned hides for soles. CLASS G91. Canisius, G. Hug, Liege. — Silk hats, caps, &c. 692. CAsar, A. & Co. Brussels. — Shoes and hoots, ordinary and witli wooden soles. 693. Colin IIenson, H. Brussels. — Kid and leather gloves. 694. Deblock, Mrs. Antwerp. — Elastic hygienic corsets. 695. De Coster, H. Brussels. — Shoes and boots for various purposes. 697. Fagel-Vallaeys, B. Ypres, West Flanders. — Silk hats, invented by the ex- hibitor. 698. Frenay Bros. Boclenge, Limburgh. — Straw-plats, straw bonnets, and hats. 699. Hansen, F. G. Liege. — Boots of morocco and varnished leather. 700. Jonniaux, Ed. & Co. Bmssels. — Kid gloves. 701. Lainglet, J. Brussels. — Silk cor- sets. 702. Leclercq, N. Bruges. — Boots, shoes, half-boots, fishing-boots, &e. 685. Firet-Pauchet, E. Namur. — Sole- leather, &c. tanned with oak bark. 687. Roussel, E. Tournay. — Strong lea- ther for cylinder-packings, sole-leather. 689. Van Molle, L. L. Lenniclc Saint Quentin , Brabant. — Harness for a draught horse. 690. Van Schoonen, E. Ghent. — Straps for machinery on an improved principle. ©vA*' XXVII. 703. LiAvain, L. Mechlin. — Silk and felt hats. 704. Masson-Fouquet, Mrs. A. Brus- sels. — Horse-hair corsets. 705. Soitoux, Et. Saint Gilles, near Brussels. — Galoehes with wooden soles. 706. Somz£-Mahy, H. Liege. — Shoes and boots. 707. Troostenberghe, D. Bruges. — Leather half-boots, waterproof shoes without seams, leather gaiters in a single piece. 708. Valentyns & Vander Plaetsen, Saint- Josse-ten-Noode, near Brussels. — Kiel gloves, “ gants duchesse ” gloves. 709. Vanden Bos-Poelman, Ghent. — Waterproof sporting boots ; other boots, fancy and plain. 710. Vanderoost, M. Brussels. — Boot- trees and lasts ; half-boots, &c. 711. Vimenet & Son, Brussels. — Hats of various kinds, in felt. 712. Watrigant, late Allard, Brus- sels. — Boots and shoes of all sorts, hut par- ticularly the fancy kinds. CLASS XXVIII. 713. Asselbergiis-Lequime, Brussels -Letter-paper. 714. Barbier-IIanssens, L. E. Brussels. -Packing and wrapping-paper. 715. Brepols, Dierckx, & Son, Turn- hout, Antwerp. — Playing-cards, fancy-paper ; bound hooks. 716. Briard, J. H. Brussels. — Speci- mens of Bibliography. 717. Bruck, P. A. Arlon, Luxemburgh. ( 29 ) Class XXIX. — Belgium. — Scientific works on the manufacture of paper. 719. Callewaeiit Bros. Brussels. — Stationery. 720. Daveluy, Bruges. — Playing-cards, chromo-lithograplis. The exhibitor obtained the Bronze Medal at the Brussels Exhibition of 1847 ; the Silver Medal at the Flanders Ex- hibition of 1849 ; and Honourable Mention at the Paris Universal Exhibition. Patent playing-cards of all kinds, both plain and orna- mented, for exportation. Thirty-two different patterns and qualities. — Prices from 15 to 200 francs. 721. Demaegt, J. Saint- Josse-ten-Noode, near Brussels. — Paper and pulp, made with- out rags or straw. 722. Dessain, II. Mechlin. — Liturgical, theological, and devotional works. 723. Gl^nisson & Son, Turnhout. — Fancy paper, playing cards. 724. Gouweloos, A. Brussels. — Samples of account books, railway tickets, litho- graphy, &c. 725. Greuse, C. J. A. Schaerheeh , near Brussels. — Folio and quarto illustrated works, &c. 726. Hayez, M. J. F. Brussels. — Books. 727. Henry, P. Dinant, Namur.- — Press- ing boards, paste-board. 728. Jervis, G. Brussels. — -Diagram to illustrate a new method of printing chromo- lithographically with four impressions. 729. Belong, C. Brussels. — Typographi- cal specimens. 730. Morren, Ed. Liege. — An horticul- tural and botanical review, with chromo-litho- graphed illustrations of flowers. 731. Muquardt, C. Brussels. — Illus- trated works. 732. Olin & Demeurs, G. Brussels . — Printing and packing paper. 733. Parent, W. & Sons, Brussels . — Illustrated, and other works. 734. P oissonniez, J. B. Brussels. — Pasteboard and cards. 735. Schavye, J. C. E. Brussels. — An- cient and modern bookbindings, designs, &c. 736. Severeyns, G. M. C. Saint- Josse- ten-Noode, near Brussels. — Scientific and chromo-litliographic drawings, &c. 737. Society of Belgian Paper Manu- factures, Basse-Wavre, Brabant. — Writ- ing and printing paper, paste-board. 739. Tardif Bros. Brussels 65. Leyeau-Baudry, Villaine-la-Gonais ( Sarthe ). — Millstones. 66. Chauveau, Villaine -la - Gonais ( Sarthe ) — Millstones. 67. DelJcpine, C. & T., A. La-Ferte-sous- Jouarre ( Seine-and-Marne ) . — Millstones. 68. Roger, Son, & Co. La-Ferte-sous- Jouarre ( Seine-and-Marne ). — Millstones, and parts of millstones. 69. Bardeau, E. Fleury ( Yonne ). — Mill- stones. 70. Tiger & Jonquet, Cloyes ( Eure-and - Loire ). — Millstones. 71. Besnard, Epernon ( Eure-and-Loire ). — Millstones. 72. Mather & Son, Toulouse ( Haute - Garonne ). — Ingot, sheet, and cupola copper. 73. Viscount A. N. Desseres, Caylus ( Tarn-and-Garonne ) . — Lithographic stones. 74. Malbec, A. A. Paris. — Artificial stones, for mills and other purposes. 75. Mesnet, T. A. Cinq-Mar s-la-P He ( Indre-and-Loire ). — Millstones. 76. Despaquis, P. A. Harol (Vosges). — Lithographic stones. 77. Delesse, A. Paris. — Hydrological map of the Department of the Seine. 78. Dormoy, E. Valenciennes (Nord). — Subterranean map of the coal basin of V alen- ciennes, and of the coal field at Mons : in- tended to guide miners to the best points for sinking shafts. 79. Sens, E. Arras (Pas-de-Calais). — Typographical map of the coal basin of the Department of the Pas-de-Calais. 80. Pougnet, M. & Co. Landrof (Mo- selle). — Model of shaft-lining, for coal mines. 81. Cabany, A. Valenciennes (Nord). — Waggon, and plan of a mine. 82. Lecoq, II. Clermont-Ferrand (Puy-de- Dome). — Geological map of the Department of the Puy-de-Dome. 83. Deiiayin, F. Paris. — Agglomerates, and plan of the machine used for agglo- merating small coal. 84. Ciialain, E. Riaden ( llle-and-Vil - aine). — Slates for flooring, roofing, and bil- liard tables ; a slate thirteen feet long, and three feet four inches wide. 85. Bobde, Raymond, Palazzi, Corte (Corsica). — Streaked copper ore. 86. Baron O. De Bardies, Oust (Ariege). — Argentiferous galena ores. 87. Challeton, J. F. F. Montauger (Seine-and-Oise) . — Peat, purified, condensed, and carbonized; essential oils, ammoniacal compounds, manures. 88. ' BriIsre, A. Brassac-les-Mines (Puy- de-Dome). — Ore, and regulus of antimony ; arsenious acid (Scliweinfurth green). 89. Chaperon, Perrigault, & Co. Li- hourne (Gironde) . — Millstones. 90. ’ Lavall£e, E. Fontenay (Seine). — Moulding sand, for founders. 90a. Terquem, Metz (filoselle).- — Geologi- cal section of Mount St. Quentin, near Metz. 90b. BoNHOMk, Paris. — Designs having reference to mines and metallurgical esta- blishments. 90c. Chuart, M. Paris. — Safety-lamp, gazoscope for preventing explosions in mines. 90d. Pouyat Brothers. Limoges (Haute- Vienne). — Kaolin, felspath. 90e. Rosier Widow, & Baroche, Tain (Drome), — Kaolin. 90f. VerdiA F. F. & Co. Firming (Loire). — Iron, puddled and cast steel. 90g. Vieillard, J. &Co. Bordeaux (Gi- ronde). — Kaolin, and felspath. ( C3 ) Class II . — Ft •ance. CLASS II. 91. Callou, A. & Valine, Paris — Salts, &c. obtained from the waters of Vichy. 92. Cherbouquet-Badoit & Champag- non, St. Galmier {Loire). — -Mineral waters, from the springs of Badoit, and Andre de Saint-Galmier. 93. Bouloumie, L. Vittel {Vosges ). — Mineral waters and ferruginous products of the springs of Vittel; corks for preventing the decomposition of mineral waters. 94. The City of BagnLres-de-Luchon ( llaute-Garonne ). — Plans of a Thermal es- tablishment. 95. FiiAxgois, J. Paris. — Collection of rocks accompanying the mineral waters of Bagneres-de-Luchon, Cauterets, and La- malou-TAncien. 96. The Proprietors of the Mineral W aters of France. — Mineral waters, from forty-six localities. 97. Croc, L. Aubusson { Creuse ). — Tele- graphic and writing ink. The exhibitor lias received the Honorary Medal for his indestructible ink, which has been patented in France, England, Belgium, Austria, Prussia, Holland, &c. This ink has the lluidity, tone, and brilliancy of the best inks known. It is indestructible — an important quality which the most numerous and unceasing researches have never before been able to attain. It possesses those properties which have been so long sought after, for the purpose of placing public and private documents out of all danger of being tampered with by the cleverest forger, or injured by the action of time, which destroys every other kind of ink. The experiments made in the chemical laboratory of the Imperial Polytechnic School of Paris, that have demon- strated its resistance to the action of chemical re-agents, have been confirmed by the international jury, which has awarded an Honorary Medal to this inestimable discovery. 98. Charvin, F. Lyon {Rhone). — Green dye-stuff. 100. Gertoux, J. Bagneres-de-Bigorre {Ilautes Pyrenees). — Labassere water, con- taining sulphuret of sodium. 101. Burgade & Sisters, Garost {llautes-Pyrenees ). — Iodurated sulphurous water of Garost. 102. Maninat, -Jun. Ossan {Ilautes-Pyre- nees ). — Sulphurous mineral water from the springs of Nubias, La Ralliere, and Cesar. 103. Brun, M. Puteaux {Seine). — Mor- dants for dyeing. 104. Roseleur, A. Paris. — Chemical products. 1 05. Arrault, IT. Paris. — Chemical pro- ducts, and medicine chests for military pur- poses, &c. 106. Lalouel de Sourdeval & Mar- GUERITTE, Paris. — Alkaline cyanides ob- tained by means either of atmospheric ni- trogen, or ammonia ; ammoniacal salts for agricultural purposes. 107. PennIis, J. A. Paris. — Mineral salts for baths. 10S. Lefranc & Co. Paris. — Colours, varnishes, and typographical ink. 109. Le Perdriel & Marinier, Paris . — Pharmaceutical products. 110. Fumouze-Albespeyres, Paris . — Dressings for blisters, &c. 111. Duroziez, M. E. A. Paris. — Artists’ materials, photographic chemicals. 412. Garzend, A. Paris. — Prepared woods for dyeing. 113. UskBE, C. J. St. Ouen {Seine). — Carmine of saffron, as a liquid, paste, &c. 114. Rocques & Bourgeois, Ivry {Seine). — Chemical products derived from the carbonization of wood. 115. Poirrier A Chappat, Jun. Paris. — Chemical products for dyeing. 116. Petersen, F. & Sichler, Ville- neuve-la-Garenne, near St. Denis {Seine ). — Chemical products, dye-stuffs, and colours. 117. Mallet, A. A. R Paris. — Caustic ammonia, crude, and refined ; sulphate and hydrochlorate of ammonia ; pure sulphate of iron. 118. Parisian Gas-Lighting and Heat- ing Co. Paris. — Chemical products obtained during the destructive distillation of coal. 119. Camus, C. & Co. Paris. — Chemical products. 120. Tiver A Rondeau, A. Paris. — Colours, and varnishes. 121. Deroche, C. Paris. — Chemical pro- ducts. ( oi ) Class II. — South-west Court and South-west Gallery. 122. Kuhlmann & Co. Lille ( Nord ). — Chemical products, and specimens of new modes of applying them to industrial purposes. 123. Drion-queritiS Patoux, & Drion, ( A. Aniche (Nord). — Chemical products. 124. Desespringalle, A. Lille (Nord). — Chemical products obtained from alcohol, and tar ; salts of cadmium. 125. Picrus, J. & Co. Lille (Nord ). — White lead. 126. Richter, B. & F. Lille (Nord). — Ultramarine blue. 127. Dornemann, G. W. Lille (Nord ). — Ultramarine blue and green. 128. Chapus, A. Lille (Nord). — Ultra- marine blue. 129. Serret, Hamoir, Duquesne, & Co. Valenciennes (Nord). — Chemical products : alcohol, sugar. 130. Dehaynin, M. G. Valenciennes (Nord). — Chemical products and dye-stuffs derived from tar. 131. Serbat, L. St. Saulve (Nord). — Mastic, for steam joints ; oils and fats for industrial purposes. 132. Gautier-Bouchard, L. J. Paris. ■ — Chemical products, colours and varnish. 133. Bonzel Bros. Haubourdin (Nord). — White-lead, chicory. 134. Joint-Stock Mining Co. of Sam- bre-and-Meuse, Hautmont (Nord). — Che- mical products. 135. Mining Co. of Bouxwiller (Bas- Bliin). — Chemical products ; alum ; prus- siates of potash ; sulphate of copper ; gelatine. 136. Ivestner, C. Tliann (Haut-Bhin ). — Chemical products and dye-stuffs. 137. Schaaff & Lauth, Strasbourg (Bas-Bhin). — Madder, its extracts and lakes. 138. Riess, M. Dieuze (Meurthe). — Gela- tine, and phosphate of lime. 139. Merle, H. & Co. Alais (Gard). — Various salts derived from sea-water ; che- micals, and dye-stuffs. 140. Planchon, S. St. Uippolyte (Gard). — Glue and gelatine. 142. Cazalis, H. and Co. Montpellier Herault. — Sulphuric and other acids ; salts. 143. Le Beuf, F. Bayonne (Basses-Pyre- nees). — Pharmaceutical products, &c. 144. Tachon, Son, & Co. Roanne (Loire). — White lead, obtained directly with carbonic acid evolved from the mineral springs of Saint- Alban. 145. Berjot, F. Caen, (Calvados). — Phar- maceutical extracts prepared and dried in vacuo ; flowers and medicinal plants pre- served so as to retain their form and appear- ance. Hermetically sealed flasks. Appa- ratus for determining the amount of oil obtained from oleaginous seeds. Models of apparatus for producing gaseous waters. 146. Parquin, Legueux Zagorowskt, & Sonnet, Auxerre (Yonne). — Ochres, raw and manufactured. 147. Carof, A. & Co. Portsal-Ploudal- mezeau (Finist'erre). — Chemical products, ob- tained from sea-wrack. 148. Cournerie, Son, & Co. Cherbourg (Manche). — Chemical products, obtained from sea-wrack. 149. Maumen£ & Rogelet, Reims (Marne). — Potassa, and its salts, obtained from sheep-grease. 150. IT uillard & Grison, Deville-lez- Rouen (Seine-Inf.). — Products for dyeing. 151. Delacretaz & Clouet, Havre. — Chrome oxide ; chromate and bichromate of potash. 152a. Delacretaz, Parfs. — Chemical pro- ducts ; sulphuric acid, made with sulphur, and with pyrites ; stearic and oleic acid ; &c. 152. Muller, P. Rouen (Seine-Inf). — Gelatine. 153. Laurentz, P. C. Rouen (Seine-Inf.). — Chlorides. 154. Tissier & Son, Conquet (Finist'erre). — • Chemical products, obtained from sea-wrack. 155. Picard & Co. Granville (Manche). — Chemical products, obtained from sea- wrack. 156. Joint-Stock Glass and Chemical Co. of S. Cobain, Ciiauny, & Cirey, Paris. — Chemical products. 141. Chiraux, L. Canibrai (Nord ). — 158 Chevenement, L. Bordeaux (Gi- Blacking. ronde). — Blacking, black and coloured inks. Class II. ( G5 ) f Class II. — France. 159. Fournier-Laigny & Co. Courville (Eure-and-Loire).— Products obtained from pyroligneous acid. 160. Deschamps, Bros. Vieuz-Jean- d'heures (Meuse). — Ultramarine blue and green. 161. Barthe, Durrschmidt, Porlier, & Co. Pont-St. Ours (Ni'evre). — Acetic acid, alum, and sulphate of alumina. 162. Bazet, Happey, & Co. Paris. — Gazogene apparatus. 163. Lutton, A. Lolliot, & Co. Neuvy- sur-Loire (Ni'evre). — Pyroligneous acid, and its products. 164. Bruzon, J. & Co. PortiUon (Indre- and-Loire). — Chemical products, &e. 165. Bertrand & Co. (Dijon Cote-d’or). — Ultramarine blue. 166. Daniel, H. Paris. — Blacking and inks. 157. Guinon, Marnas, & Bonnet, Lyon (Rhone). — Chemical products, obtained during the destructive distillation of pit-coal. 168. Alesmonjeres, A. Lyon (Rhone). — Chemical products and dye-stuffs obtained from pit-coal. 169. Gillet & Tierron, Lyon (Rhone). • — Crystals of soda ; palm oil, and olive oil, soap, &c. 170. Monnet & Dijry, Lyon (Rhone). — Products for dyeing ; aniline and its de- rivatives. 171. Fayolle & Co. Lyon (Rhone). — Chemical products for dyeing and printing ; aniline colours. 172. Platel L. J. &. Bonnard, J. Lyon (Rhone). — Products for dyeing ; tannic acid, obtained from chestnut wood. 173. Brunier, Jen. & Co. Lyon (Rhone). — Prussiates of potash. 175. Renard, Bros. & Franc, Lyon (Rhone). — Chemical products and dye-stuffs. 176. Guimet, J. B. Lyon (Rhone). — Ultramarine blue. 177. Blum-gay & Co. Lyon (Rhone). — Chemical products, &c. 178. Coignet, Son & Co. and Coignet, Bros. & Co. Lyon (Rhone). — Chemical pro- ducts obtained from bone ; amorphous phosphorus matches. 179. Messier, Paris. — Lakes for paper- staining. 180. Lange-Desmoulin, J. B. C. Paris. — Colours. 181. Boyer & Co. Paris. — Chemical pro- ducts, &c. 1 82. CheviS, L. J. Jun. Paris. — Chemical products. 183. Fourcade, A. & Co. Paris. — Chemical products. 184. Javal, J. Paris. — Products for dye- ing ; aniline, and colours derived from it. 185. Mathieu-Plessy, E. Paris. — Che- mical products, for photography ; colours for printing, &c. 186. Jacques-Sauce, Paris. — Cochineal carmine, &c. 187. Roques E. & Co. Paris. — Chemical products. 188. Pommier & Co. Paris. — Chemical products for dyeing, and the manufacture of paper-hangings. 189. Dalemagne, L. Paris. — Silicate of potash, for preserving calcareous stone. 190. Du ret, Sen. & Bourgeois, Paris. — Non-poisonous colours. 191. Perra, B. Petit-Vanvres (Seine). — Pharmaceutical and dyeing products ; phenic acid, picric acid, and picrates. 1 92. Bobosuf, P. A. F. Paris. — Chemical products ; picric and phenic acids ; picrates, and alkaline plienates. 193. Deiss, E. Paris. — Fatty substances from refuse matter. 194. Advielle, L. B. Paris. — Liquid for silvering. 195. Accault, C. Paris. — Calcined mag- nesia. 196. Armet de Lisle, J. Nogent-sur- Marne (Seine). — Ultramarine blue, salts of quinine. 197. Larocque, A. Paris. — Benzine, nitro-benzine ; products obtained from apple peel. 198 GiAis, A. Paris. — Lactate of iron ; salts of gold ; pyrodextrine ; process for the preparation of prussiate of potash by means of sulphuret of carbon. C CG ) Class II. — South-west Court and South-west Gallery. 19D. Blancard, H. Paris .— Iodide of iron pills. 200. Burdel & Co. Paris . — Liquids for cleansing and reviving cloth. ' 201 Defay, J. B. & Co. Paris . — Dried hlood, for manure, Ac ; albumen, from blood, for printing textile fabrics. 202. Joret, E. M. F. & Homolle, E- Paris. — Apiol, the active principle in parsley seed. 202a. Homolle & Debreiul, Paris . — Digitaline. 203. Collas, C. & Co. Paris. — Ben- zine, &c. 204. Menier, E. J. Paris— Pharma- ceutical and chemical products. Organic substances, obtained artificially by chemical synthesis. 205. Coez E. & Co. St. Penis (Seine ). — Extracts from dyewoods, and lakes obtained from colouring matters. 206. Laurent, F. & Casttielaz, Paris. — Chemical and pharmaceutical products, &c. 207. Poulenc- Wittmann, E. J. Paris. — Chemical and pharmaceutical products, Ac. 208. Dubosc, F. & Co. Paris . — Chemical products, for pharmacy and photography ; quinine, and its salts. 209. Frezon, J. B. Neuilhj (Seine ). — Mordants. 210. Laurent, C. &Lab:6lonye, C. Paris. - — Pharmaceutical extracts, prepared in vacuo. 211. Schoen & Beuter, Paris. — Colour- ing substances, derived from archil, &e. 212. Bezancon Bros. Paris . — White lead. 213. Ferrand, M. Paris. — Artist’s co- lours. 214. Strauss- Javal & Co. Paris. -Dry extracts from dye-woods. 215. Hardy-Milori, G. Montreuil-sous- Bois (Seine ). — Colours in the dry and pasty state. 216. Latry, A. & Co. Paris. — Zinc- white. 217. Gell£, J. B. A. Sen. A Co. Paris. — Perfumes, and toilet soap. 218. Mollard, A. A. Paris . — Toilet soap. * ( 220. Sardou, L. Cannes (Al_pes-Mari- times ). — Perfumes, pomades. 221. Hugues, Sen. Grasse (Alpes-Mari- times ). — Perfumes ; alcoholic extracts. 222. M£ro, J. I). Grasse ( Alpes-Mari - times). — Essences, perfumed oils, Ac. 223. Isnard-Maubert, Grasse (A Ipes- Maritimes). — Essences, orange-flower water. 224. Ranc£, F. & Lautier, Jun. Grasse (Alpes-Maritimes) . — Essences, orange-flower water, &c. 225. Ardisson A Varaldi, Cannes (Alpes-Maritimes). — Essences, orange-flower water ; perfumed oils, and pomades. 226. Coudray, P. E. Paris. — Perfumes pomades, and toilet soap. 227. Claye, Y. L. Paris. — Perfumes, and toilet soap. 228. Tinaud, E. A Meyer, E. Paris. — - Perfumes, pomades, and toilet soap. 229. Sichel, J. Paris. — Perfumes and toilet soap. 230. Bleuze-ITadancourt, Paris. — Perfumes, pomades, and toilet soap. 231. Delabriere - Vincent, Paris. — Perfumes, and toilet soap. 232. Mouilleron, A. Paris. — Vinegar, toilet soap, &c. 233. Torte, F. X. L. Paris. — Eau de Cologne, tooth-powder, Ac. 234. Landon-Lemeecier, Paris. — Vin- aigre de Bully. 236. Guerlain. P. F. P. Paris. — Es- sences, cosmetics, &c. 237. Boutron - Faguer, Paris. — Es- sences, perfumes, &c. 238. Mailiy, F. Paris. — Perfumes and toilet soap. 239. riYER, A. Paris. — Perfumes and toilet soap. 240. Titard, J. L. Paris. — Vegetable rouge and blanc, for the toilet, &c. 241. Jassau-Baimond,. Paris. — Bouge for the toilet. 242. Giraud Bros. Paris. — Perfumed oils, extracts, &c. 1 ) F 2 Class III. — France. CLASS III. Sub-Class A. 251. Delafontaine & Dettwiller, Paris. — Cocoa, chocolate, &c. 252. MhNiER, E. J. Paris. — Chocolate. 253. Devincii, F. J. Paris. — Chocolate. 254. Gu£kin-Boutron, M. L. A. Paris. — Cocoa and chocolate. 255. Choquart, C. F. Paris. — Chocolate. 256. Ibled Bros. & Co. Paris. — Cho- colate. 257. Leguereier, C. L. M. Paris. — Cho- colate and roasted coffee. 258. Hermann, G. Paris. — Chocolate. 259. Allais, E. Paris. — Ordinary and ferruginous chocolate. 260. Fabric, P. E. Paris. — Cocoa and chocolate. 261. Pelletier, E. & Co. Paris. — Butter of cacao and chocolate. 262. Potin, L. E. Paris. — Chocolate. 263. Trebucien, Bros. Paris. — Coffee, chocolate, tapioca. 264. Fagalde, P. Bayonne ( Basses-Py - reuses) . — Chocol ate. 265. P£nin, C. & Co. Bayonne ( Basses Pyrenees ). — Chocolate. 266. Rubino, A. Nice ( Alpes-Maritimes ). — Cocoa and chocolate. 267. Louit Bros. & Co. Bordeaux (Gi- ronde). — Chocolate, alimentary pastes, &e. 268. Association of the Paste Manu- facturers, &c. of Auvergne, Clermont- Ferrand ( Puy-de Dome). — Alimentary pastes (13 Exhibitors) . 269. Boudier, F. Pans.— Alimentary pastes. 270. Geoult, Jun. Paris. — Pastes, flour, fecula ; food for infants and invalids ; &e. 271. Erelut & Co. Clermont-Ferrand (P uy-de-Dome) . — Preserved fruits. 272. Noel-Martin & Co. Paris. — Ali- mentary pastes ; gluten, gluten flour for dia- betic patients ; starch. ( 6 273. Collective Exhibition of the City of Epinal {Vosges). — Potato-fecula, and alimentary pastes (8 Exhibitors). 274. Combier-Destre, Saumur (Maine- and-Loire). — Elixir of “ Raspail.” 275. Lervilles, J. Lille (Nord). — Roasted chicory. 276. Bisriot, C. Lille (Nord). — Chicory, and varnishes. 277. Boyer, A. Paris. — Carmelite water of Melissa. 278. Giraud, Bros. Paris. — Olive and perfumed oils ; extracts, essences, and dis- tilled waters. 279. Roussin, Elias, Rennes (Rle-and- Vilaine). — Groats and pearled barley. 280. Arnaud, Sen. & Co. Voiron (Isere). — Liqueurs. 281. Olibet, Bordeaux (Gironde). — Sea- biscuits. 282. Causserouge Bros. Paris. — Li- queurs, syrups ; fruits preserved in brandy, &c. 283. David, J. & Co. Orleans ( Loiret ). “ French bitter.” 2S4. Gourry & Co. Cognac (Charente ). — • Liqueurs. 285. Robin, L. P. Jun. L'lTle d'Fs^agnac (Charente). — Coffee and chicory. 286. Rocher Bros. Cote St. Andre (Isere). — Liqueurs. 287. Legigan & Lef£vre, Paris. — Li- queurs. 288. Saintoin Bros. — Orleans (Loiret). Curaqoa, chocolate, &c. 289. Marie Brizard & Roger, Bor- deaux (Gironde). — Liqueurs. 290. Jourdan-Brive, G. Sen. Marseilles (Bouclies-du-Rli6ne). — Wines, liqueurs, Ac. 291. Collective Exhibition of the Department of the Cote d’Or (5 Exhibi- tors). — Liqueurs. ) ' Class III. — South-west Court and South-west Gallery. 292. Hoffmann-Forty, F. Phlasbourg ( Meurthe ). — Liqueurs. 293. Paulin-Fort, Despax, & Bacot, Toulouse ( Haute- Garonne ). — Wines, liqueurs, t aud syrups. 294. Rousseau & Laurens, Paris. — Li- queurs, preserved fruits, &c. 295. Tesson, A. Pantin-lez-Paris (Seine). — Wines and liqueurs ; preserved fruits. 296. Collective Exhibition of the City of Dunkerque (Nord). — Juniper- berry liqueurs. 297. Gallifet & Co. Grenoble ( Isere ). — Liqueurs. 298. Faivre, Doctor C. Paris. — “ Mont Carmel” liqueur. 299. Lassimonne, C. Paris. — Liqueurs, syrups, preserved fruits, &c. 300. MAGNi), A. Rouen (Seine-Inf.). — Jellies, and apple-preserve. 301. Pourchier, J. B. Avignon (Vau- cluse). — Chocolate, cocoa nuggets. 302. NfiGRE, J. Grasse (Alpes-Mar it imes). — Preserved fruits ; orange-flower water. 303. Baudot-Mabille, Verdun (Meuse). — Sugar -plums and liquorice. 304. Caizergues, A. Montpellier (Her- ault). — Preserved fruits, confectionery. 305. Malsallez, C. Paris. — Liqueurs, syrups, chocolate, sweetmeats. 306. Auvray, Jun. Orleans (Loiret). — Bon-bons. 307. Brunet, L. Paris. — Concentrated extracts, for the manufacture of liqueurs by mere mixture. 308. G eller, G. Marseilles (Bouches-du- Rhone). — Fruits preserved in sugar, and in brandy ; sweetmeats. 309. Musso, Nice (Alpes-Mar itimes). — Fruits, liqueurs, and syrups. 310. Bonfils Bros. & Co. Carpentras (Vancluse). — Conserve of truffles. 311. Jacquin, Widow, & Son, Paris.— Sugar-plums and crisped almonds. 312. Chollet&Co. Paris. — Vegetables preserved by drying and compression ; cho- colate, alimentary pastes. 313. Rey, F. A. Paris. — Preserved fruits. 314. Demeurat, Doctor L. Tournan (Seine-and-Marne). — Meats and vegetables preserved by drying and compression ; biscuits. 315. Cormier, E. Neuilly (Seine). — Preserved eggs and vegetables ; sardines in oil. 316. Carnet & Saussier, Paris. — Pre- served alimentary substances. 317. Galopin, P. Jun. Paris. — Pre- served truffles. 318. Ciievet, C. J. Paris. — Preserved alimentary substances. 319. Henry, L. Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin)- — Goose-liver pasty. 320. Guillout, E. Paris. — Gingerbread, biscuits, dry confectionery. 321. Sigaut, J. J. Paris. — Gingerbread biscuits, dried confectionery. 322. Drioton, St. Seine-l Abbaye (Cote d'Or). — Barberry preserve. 323. Blanc, Perigueux (Dordogne). — Preserved alimentary substances, containing truffles. 325. Sausot, J. Bordeaux (Gironde). — Preserved alimentary substances containing truffles ; preserved vegetables, fish, &c. 327. Rebours-Guizelin, Dione, & Co. Paris. — Preserved alimentary substances, &c. 328. Quillet, A. & Son, Paris. — Mus- tard, vinegar, pickles. 329. Bordin-Tassart, A. Paris. — Mus- tard, vinegar, and pickles. 330. Maille et Segond, Paris. — Mus- tard, vinegar, and pickles. 331. Dubosc, Paris. — Mustard. 332. Amand-Guenier, Avxerre (Yonne), — Mustard. 333. Collective Exhibition of the Department of the Cote d’Or.— Mustard. (7 Exhibitors). 334. Dietrich Bros. Strasbourg (Bas- Rhin). — Mustard. 335. Rouzfl, H. Paris. — Preserved fruits. ( co ) Class III. — France. 336. Perrier, J. P. F. Crest (Drome). — ■ Preserved truffles. 337. Battendier, A. F. Jun. Paris . — Preserved truffles. 33S. Gallois, H. Paris. — Ground pep- per. 339. Jourdain, E. Paris. — Preserved fruits and sweetmeats. 340. Philippe, C. & Canaud Widow, Nantes ( Loire-Inf .). — Preserved alimentary substances. 341. Pellier Bros. Mans ( Sarthe ). — Sardines in oil. 342. Rodel & Sons, Bordeaux (Gironde). — Preserved alimentary substances. 343. Saucerotte & Parmentier, Lune- ville (Meurthe). — Preserved fruits and vege- tables. 344. HOron, Paris. — Fish, 'preserved, without the bones ; essence of coffee. 345. BalestriA R. Cancarneau (Finis- terre). — Sardines in oil. 347. Lireux, S. Le Havre (Seine-Inf .). — Caramel. 348. Conni£ & Martin, La Boclielle (Charente-Inf.) . — Sardines. 349. Voisin, A. Paris. — Chestnut con- serve. 350. Salles, A. & Son, Paris. — Pre- served alimentary substances. 350a. Allard, Son, & Co. Sarlat (Dor- dogne). — Nut oil. Sub-Class B. Producing Wheat, but neither Wine for Exportation, nor Silk.] (Nord). 351. Agricultural Association of Lille. — Collection of cereals, forage, oils, alcohols, &c. (19 Exhibitors). 352. Agricultural Society of Bour- bourg. — Collection of cereals, forage, colza, flax, &c. (21 Exhibitors). 353. Agricultural Society of Haze- brouck. — Cereals, forage, flax, hops, tobacco, &c. (19 Exhibitors). 354. Commune of Rexpoede. — Wheat, oats, flax, beans, (11 Exhibitors). 355. Vandercolme, A. . Bexpoede. — Wheat, oats in the sheaf, forage, &e. 356. Hamoir, G. Saultain. — Soils, ce- reals, forage, sugar. 357. Gouvion-Deroy, Denain. — Ce- reals, sugar, alcohol : potash, obtained by calcination of the residue left after distilling beet-root juice. 358. Fievet, Masny. — Wheat, oats in the sheaf, flax, sugar, &c. 359. Cheval, B. — Agricultural products. 360. Vardaele, F. Warhem. — Corn, beet-root, flax, oil, oil-cake. 361. Torquet - Dourin, Bourbourg. Wheat, oats, flax, pease. 362. Ryckelynck. Beaudignies. — Agri- cultural products. 363. Spiers, J. A. Valenciennes. — Natu- ral and artificial guano, made of the refuse of fish. 364. Messerschmidt, St. Amand-les- Eaux. — Strong vinegar, obtained by a new process. (Pas de Calais .) 365. Decrombecque, G. Lens. — Cereals, loaf-sugar, alcohol. 366. Delaby, A. & Co. Courcelles-lez- Lens. — Wheat, tlax, beet-root sugar. 367. Delaune, A. Courri'eres-lez-Lens. — • Sugar from beet-root molasses ; alcohol from cane-sugar molasses ; barytic products be- longing to the manufacture. 368. Marquis d’Havrincourt. — Corbe- hem. — Fleece ; plan of a manure pit. 369. De Plancque, St. Andre-lez-Gouy. — Colza seed. 370. Phoyart, Hendecourt-lez-Gagni- court. — Cereals in sheaves, forage, flax. (Aisne.) 371. Collective Exhibition by the Department of the Aisne. — Agricultural products ; indigenous raw opium ; fleeces, ( 70 ) Class III. — South-ivest Court and South-west Gallery. honey, flax ; cocoons, wine, sugar, alcohol ; chemical and pharmaceutical products used in agriculture ; bricks, and refractory clays ; millstones, &c. (52 Exliibitors). (Oise.) 373. Normal Agricultural Institute of Beauvais. — Agricultural products in- cluding 276 varieties of wheat, 5 of rye, 16 of barley, 23 of oats, 30 of maize, 160 of potatoes, 12 of carrots, 22 of turnips, 33 of pease, 120 of kidney beans, 16 of onions, 20 of beet-roots, &c. Synoptical tables of the produce obtained from the chief varieties exhibited of wheat, carrots, &c. 374. Faults de Puyparlier, A. — Com- pressed bread, a substitute for military and naval biscuit. 375. Flamand-Sezille, Noyon. — Shell- ed and husked peas. 376. Collective Exhibition of the Wheat and Wine Districts. — Flour (14 Exhibitors). (Somme.) 377.i Collective Exhibition of the Departments of Somme. — Cereals, forage, oils, sugars, wood, leather, wool, ligneous fibres, clays, bricks, &c. (52 Exhibitors). ( Seine -and-Marne.) 378. Collective Exhibition of the Department of Seine-and-Marne. — Ce- reals, forage, alcohols, vegetables, honey, wax, cheese, &c. (55 Exhibitors). (Seine-and- Oise.) 379. Collective Exhibition of the Agricultural Association of the De- partment of Seine-and-Oise. — Fecula, oils, alcohol, cereals, &c. (23 Exhibitors). (Seine.) 380. Chodzko, Neuilly, near Paris. — Model of a drying apparatus for fecal matters. 382. Grivel, Chateau, & Bayle, Paris. — Manure from sewerage, &c. 383. Krafft, L. Paris. — Manure made from offal of an abattoir. 384. Bohart & Son, Paris. — Animal matters for manures. 385. Bouillier, E. Paris.— Beer, of various kinds. 386. Vollier, J. B. A. Paris. — Malt, hops, beer. 387. Labady, Paris. — Beer. 388. Bouciierot, Puteaux. — Table and Bavarian beer. 389. L’Homme-Lefort, Paris. — Mastic for grafting and for curing unhealthy trees and shrubs. 390. Descroix, Paris. — Wine-vinegar. 391. Voirin, Paris. — Liqueurs. 392. Fenaille & Ciiatillon, Paris.— Fatty matters, and resinous oils. 394. Thouret, E. Paris. — Model of pre- servative granary. 395. Vicat, Paris. — Insect-killing pow- der, and apparatus used with it. 396. Beaussier, Paris. — Indigenous tea. 397. Bignon, Paris. — Products obtained by improved cultivation, and notices of the method pursued. (Seine-Inf.) 398. Agricultural Society of the Arrondissement of HAvre (7 Exhibitors). — Cereals, flax, fleeces, cyder, &c. 399. Desmarest, Bully. — Cereals. 400. Moisson, Luzy. — Oats in the sheaf. 401. Mullot, St. Aubin-Cilloville. — Oats in the sheaf. 402. Basset, Winter oilier. — Wheat, oats, barley. 403. S£michon. Jun. Vieux-Rouen. — • Wheat in the sheaf and in grain. 404. Mambour Delagrave, Foucar- mont. — Hops. 405. Duvivier, St. Martin. — Cyder, cheese. 406. Joly, La Mohr aye. — Cyder. 407. Lesueur, Forges-les-Eaux. — Befrac- tory clays. (Manche.) 408. Society of the Polders of the West. — Specimens of the soil, and products of the Polders. 409. Mosselmann & Co. La Rocque- Genest. — Limestone, lime ; ridge tiles, hol- low bricks, draining pipes. ( 71 ) Class III. — France. 410. Lajoye, St. Lo. — Animal manure. 411. Lemoigne -Dulongpr£. — Cyder, kaolin. {Calvados.) 412. Delauney, A. St.-Pesir. — Liquid resin. 413. De Vilade, L. C. Surire. — Cyder- brandy. ( Allier .) 414. Agricultural Association of M oNTLuyoN. — Rye in the sheaf ; casket made of different kinds of wood, &c. 415. Agricultural Association of Ebreuil. — Wines of the country. 416. Baron de Yeauce, Chateau de Veauce . — W ines. 416. De Finance, Trevelles . — Wheat, oats, hemp, and wool. (Corr'eze.) 418. Agricultural Association of the Canton ofMeyssac. — Wines (8 Exhibitors). 419. Count J. De Cosnac, Chateau du Put. — Cereals, nuts, hemp, cyder, wine, &c. Samples of the soil. 420. Mavidal, Bronceilles. — Wine. {Puy de Pome.) 422. Marquis de la Salle, St. Germain- Lembrou . — Red wines. 423. Aubergier, Clermont. — Indigenous opium, &c. 424. Ciiesneau, Clermont. — Vinegar. 425. Delmas, Besse-en-Chand'ese. — Li- queurs. 426. Dumas-Giraud, Courjoiere. — Arti- ficial guano of Dumas. (Seine-and- Oise.) 427. Imperial Agricultural School and Agronomic Society of Grignon. — Collection of cereals, honey ; specimens of soils and manures, &c. (Sarthe.) 428. Society of Agriculture, Sci- ences, and Arts, of the Department of Sarthe. — Cereals, and other agricultural products. ( (Ille-and-Vilaine.) 429. Departmental Agricultural So- ciety and General Committee of the Associations of the Department of Ille- and-Vilaine. — Flax, hemp, Linen. 430. Ritter, Fouy'eres. — Kirschwasser. ( Cotes-du-No rd. ) 431. Collective Exhibition of the Department of the Cotes-du-Nord. — Wheat, oats, flax, hemp, &c. (10 Exhibitors). 432. Lecoq, Dinan. — Flax seed. (Finisterre.) 433. Commune of Rosnoen. — Cereals, roots, forage, types of animals. 434. Briot de la Mallerie, Kerlogotu. — Corn, buck-wheat, wines. 435. Comte du Couedic, Director of the Irrigation School of L£zardeau. — Plans in relief, &c. 436. Hertel, Kerboury. — Agricultural products. 437. Collective Exhibition of the Three Regions of France. — Sugars (8 Exhibitors). 438 Collective Exhibition of the AVheat Region. — Alcohol (6 Exhibitors). 439. Fecula, and starch (6 Ex- hibitors). 440. Chirade, P. P. Paris. — Eggs, butter. 441. Bourdois & Son, Paris. — Cat- taert’s mode of preserving cheese. 442. Collective Exhibition of the AVheat District. — Cheese (7 Exhibitors). 443. Collective Exhibition. — Oils, and oil-cake, from linseed, colza, &c. (4 Ex- hibitors). 444. Imperial and Central Horticul- tural Society of Paris. — Fruits grown in the wheat region and round Paris — done from nature by M. Bucketet. (Aisne.) 445. Vicomte de Courval, Pinon . — Specimens of wood cut by the new and old methods. 72 ) Class III. — South-west Court and South-wed Gallery. 446. Robert, Dr. E. Bellevue ( Seine-and - Oise). — Treatment and cure of diseased elms illustrated, &c. 447. Collective Exhibition of tiie Wheat District. — AVools (3 Exhibitors.) 448. -Flax (2 Exhibitors). 449. Boursier-Delaplace, Chevri'eres (Oise). — Hemp. 450. LiSoni & Coblenz, Vaugenlieu ( Oise). — Hemp, mechanically prepared by a new process. 451. Demolon & Cochery, Paris . — Phosphate of lime. 452. Durivau, St. Jean-de-la-Motte ( Sarthe ). — White and red Brouassin wine. 453. Pers, A. Paris. — Artificial manures. 454. Cailleaux, Melun ( Seine-and - Oise). — Plans for drainage. 455. Richard de Juvence, Versailles (Seine-and- Oise). — Plans, agricultural statis- tics, &c. 456. Heuze, G. Grignon (Seine- and- Oise). — Plain and coloured engravings of cereals, and of the plants required for manu- facturing processes, and for forage — after the drawings of M. Rouyer ; agricultural maps of France. 457. Aboilard, C. Paris. — Proposed methods of draining. 458. Duvillers, Paris. — Plans of parks and gardens. 459. Brunier, Rouen (Seine -Inf.). — Plan of a distillery. [Region II.— Producing Wheat and Wine for Exporta- tion, but no Silk.] (Ardennes.) 481. Chanal, Mezi'eres. — Hops. 482. Gossin, C. Latour-Audry. — Osiers. (Meuse.) 483. Jury of the Meuse. — Wines. 484. Maupas & Schlaisse, Bar-le-Bue. — Fossil phosphate of lime. 485. Marion, Bar-le-Buc. — Sparkling wines. (Moselle.) 486. Manguin, C. E. Metz. — Fecula. 487. St.- Jacques, Metz . — Starch. 488. Champigneul, Metz. — Soft corn. 489. Hirt, J. Sarreguemines. — Wines. 490. Machetay, Jun. Metz. — Wines. (Meurthe.) 491. Blocii & Son, Tomblaine. — Tapioca, sago, colourless glucose, fecula and starch. A table of the chief substances derived from the potato. 492. Dermier, Nancy. — I 'lants prepared for exportation. 493. Voirin, Jun. Nancy. — Liqueurs. ( Vosges.) 494. Collective Exhibition by the Agricultural Association of the Ar- rondissement of Epinal. — Cereals, oils, honey, tiles (10 Exhibitors). 495. Agricultural Association of Rambervillers. — Hops, farina, groats, &c. (20 Exhibitors). 496. Collective Exhibition by the Arrondissement of Remiremont. — Kirschwasser and gentian brandy. 497. Collective Exhibition by the Department of Vosges. — Fecula (15 Ex- hibitors). 498. Cuny, Gerard, St.-Bie. — Corn. 499. Fleuzot & Thierry, Val d'Ajol. — Kirschwasser. 500. Lemasson, Val d'Ajol. — Kirsch- wasser. 501. Paris, Remiremont. — Kirschwasser. (Bas-Rhin.) 502. Agricultural Colony of Ost- WALD. — Agricultural products ; tobacco. 503. Schattenmann, Rouxvillers. — Geo- logical specimens of the Eastern region ; cereals, leguminous, tuberous and oleaginous plants ; forage ; textile matters ; tobacco ; wines ; types of animals, &c. 504. Voclker, Strasbourg. — Grain, &c. 505. And^oud, Avolsheim. — Wines. 506. Dartein, Oltrott. — Red wine. 507. Pasquay Bros., Wasselonne . — Wine. 508. Prost, Strasbourg. — Wine. 509. Reisser, Oltrott. — Kirschwasser. 510. Reysz, Traenheim. — Wine. 73 ) Class III. — F> •ance. 511. Spielmann, Werthoffen. — Wine. 512. Stolz, Sen. Andlau. — Wines and Kirsckwasser. 513. Zeyssolff, Strasbourg. — Wines. 514. Zimmer, Wangen. — Wines. 515. Collective Exhibition by the Department of the Haut-Rhin, inclu- ding the Arrondissement of Colmar. — Wines, brandy, and liqueurs (IS Exhibitors). (Marne.) 516. Agricultural Society, and Cen- tral Association of the Department of M arn e . — Agricul tural products. 517. Roqueplan, N. Reims. — Sparkling wine of Champagne. 518. Ricbour Meunier, Avenay. — Se- nioule, farina of groats. 519. Chemery, Noirmont. — Agricultural products. (Haute-Marne.) 521. Passy, A. &Co. Arc-en-Barrois. — Wrought indigenous wood. 522. Delettre-Courtois, Arc-en-Bar- rois. — Preserved truffles and other eatables. (Haute- Saone.) 523. Local Committee of Grey. — Wines. 524. Jury of Lure. — Wines. 525. Marquis D’Andelarre, Lure. — Plans in relief, of a stable, with a granary, for forage. 526. Luzet, Luxeuil. — Wines. (J ura.) 527. Society of Agriculture, Science, and Arts, of Poligny. — Claret ; brandy made from the husks of the grape, gentian brandy (6 Exhibitors). 528. Bury, Lons-le-Saunier. — Wines. 529. Gaudard, Courbouzon. — Wines. 530. Genot Bros. Lons-le-Saunier. — Wines. 531 Mangin & Girod, Lons-le-Saunier. Wines. 532. Monard, Lons-le-Saunier. — Wines. ( 7 533. Moreau, Quintigny. — Wines. 534. Renaud, Lons-le-Saunier. — Wines. (Aube.) 535. Beau, Sen. Riceys. — Red and pink wine. 536. Grattepain, Loches-sur-Ource. — Wines. (Cote-d’Or.) 538. Strong Wines Co. of Burgundy. — Wines of the Romanee-conti, the Clcs de Yogeot, and Chambertin. 539. Bouton, E. Montigny-sur-Aube . — Preserved truffles, wines. 540. Couquaux-Joly & Co. Dijon. — Li- queurs. 541. Devillebichot Widow J. Dijon. — Liqueurs. 542. Marquis de Lagarde. — Wines of the Romanee-conti, the Clos de Yogeot, and Chambertin. 543. Huan & Fontagny, Dijon. — Vine- gar. 544. Saglier, Dijon. — Truffles. 545. Vieilhomme, H. Paris. — Wines of Musigny, and Petits-Vougeots. 546. Cholet-Lhuillier, Fixin. — Wines of Chambertin, Corton and Volnay. 547. C r f/r i n - C h o l e t, Fixin. — Wine of the Clos Napoleon. 548. Gray, M. Dijon. — Mustard. (Yonne.) 549. Agricultural Society of Joigny*. — Corn and various agricultural products. 550. Bardeau, E. Fleur y. — Wheat, and oats in the sheaf. 551. Roy, Tonnerre. — Alcohol. 552. Bonneville, A. A. Villeneuve-sur- Yonne. — Confection of grapes ; wines of Chablis, Cote, Moutonne, Saint-Julien, and Chaumont. 553. Le PkiiE, C. Auxerre. — Wines. (Saone- and-Loire.) 554. Collective Exhibition of the Maconnais. — Wines (44 Exhibitors). 4 ) Class III. — South-west Court and South-west Gallery. 555. The Commune of Boman^che. — Wines of Thorins, Romaneche, and Moulin- a-vent. 556. Desmarquest & Co. Macon. — , Wines of Moulin-a-vent, Moriers, and Fuisse- Pouilly. 557. Andelle, G. Epinac. — Wines. 558. Comte he B^thune, Macon. — Wines of Sommere. 559. Collective Exhibition of Ma- con. — Wines (8 Exhibitors.) 560. De Murard, Macon. — Wines of Juilliinas. 561. Ruffard, Macon. — Vinegar. 562. Beaup£re & Co. Chalons- sur-Saone. — Beet-root sugar. [Rhone.) 563. Association of Beaujen. — Wines (107 Exhibitors.) 564. Blain, Lyon. — Wine. 565. Trevoux, E. Lyon. — Artificial guano. (Loire.) 566. Agricultural Society of Per- reus. — Wines of the Roannais. 567. Marquis be Vougy, Roanne .— Wines. (. Haute-Loire .) 568. Collective Exhibition of the, Society of Agriculture, Science, Art, and Commerce of the Puy. — Cereals, le- guminous plants, forage, draining tiles (3 Exhibitors). (Ain.) 569. Gl. Bar. Girod de l’Ain, Gex . — Merino fleeces. 570. Jacquin, Seyssel. — White wine of Seyssel. (Savoie.) 571. Roux-Vollon, St.-Jean-de- Belle- ville. Gruyere cheese. 572. Tatout, J. St. Ron. — Gruyere cheese. 573. Ciiristin, St.-Pierre-de- Belleville. — Wine. (Eure-and-Lo ir.) 574. Agricultural and Horticul- tural Society of the Department of Eure-and-Loir. — Results of felling, and forest culture by a new method ; wool. 575. Ricour, Chartres. — Cereals in the sheaf and in the ear. (Loiret.) 576. Collective Exhibition by the Department of Loiret. — Wines (17 Exhi- bitors.) 577. Vinegar (6 Exhibitors). 578. Honey and Wax (5 Exhi- bitors). 579. Saffron (6 Exhibitors). 580. De BGiague, D ampler re. — Fecula. 581. Anselmier, Director of the Farm School of Mauberneaume. — Cereals and roots. 582. David, Orleans. — Bitters. 583. Hoarau, Orleans. — Prunes. (Loire-Inf.) 584. Imperial Agricultural School of Grand -Jouan. — -Cereals, plants for forage, angelica ; liqueurs. 585. Liazard, A. Treguel. — Collection of cereals, oleaginous plants, forage ; wine, cyder, brandy, vinegar ; oak bark, woods ; fleeces ; wax, honey, eggs ; &c. 586. Joubert, St. Eerhlon. — Wines. 587. Leroux & Co. Nantes. — Manures. 588. Derrien, E. Cliantenay-N antes. — - Manure. ( Maine-and-Loire .) 589. Industrial and Agricultural Society of Angers. — Wines. 590. Hennequin, D. Angers. — Grains for soups and forage. 591. Combier - Destre, Saumur. — Brandy. 592. Bourdon & Jagot, C., Saumur. — Wines. 593. BoLOGNksi, Saumur. — Elixir “ Raspail.” (Loir-and-Cher.) 594. Exhibition by the Department of Loir-and-Cher. — Wines, vinegars and alcohols (11 Exhibitors). ( 75 ) Class III. — France. 595. Soyer, Nouan. — Wooden poles. 596. Desvaux-Savour£, Beauchene — Cyder. 597. Bretheau-Aubry, Meusnes . — Flints. (Cher.) 598. Agricultural Society of the Department of the Cher. — W ines of Sancerre, Ricardes, La Pincette, Coteau, &c. (7 Exhibitors). 599. Agricultural Association of Aubigny. — Twenty-four kinds of grain ; prunes. 600. Lalouel he Soubdeval, Laver- dines. — Soils, cereals, sugar, alcohol. (Indre.) 601 . Cousin - Monoury, Issotidun. — Vinegar. 602. Godefroy, M. Beuilly. — Red wine. 603. Agricultural Society of Cha- teauroux. — Specimens of soils and their products; wines of Lamoustiere, Chateau- roux, Lagnys, Argenton, Veuil-la-Tourdu- breuil ; beet-root alcohol ; artificial fruits (13 Exhibitors). (Indre-and-Loire.) 604. Agricultural Association of the Arrondissement of Chinon. — Agri- cultural products, wines, liqueurs, fruits, &c. (17 Exhibitors). 605. Association of the Proprietors of Vouvray. — Wines. 606. Hubert, A. Athee, near Tours . — Starch, fecula, flour. 607. Delabrousse, Civray-sur-Cher . — Wine from the slopes of the Cher. 608. Hardy, Joue-Tes-Tours . — Wine. 609. Petit de Vauzelles Widow. — Wines. 610. RouilliS-Coueb£, Tours. — Red and white wine. 611. Yaugondy, Rochecorbon. — Wine. 612. Desbordes Vinegar. & Voisin, Chinon . — ( (Deux-S'evres.) 613. Horticultural Society of Niort. — Plants of fruit and forest trees (9 Exhibitors). 614. Aperc£, Gijfont. — Wheat, maize, barley, nuts, trefoil, colza seed, ceilette ; a fleece. 615. De Meschinet. — Specimens of soils, wheat, oats, barley. 616. Michcaud, La Charri'ere. — Trefoil seed. 617. Pinard, St. Eiienne. — Wines and brandy. 618. David, Niort. — Brandy 619. Fontaine, Greffier. — Brandy. 620. Descollard, Epannes. — Ray- grass. 621. Prieur, Epannes. — Hemp. 622. Griffif.r - Verrasson, Niort. — Osiers. (Vienne.) 623. Agricultural Association of the Arrondissement of Chatellerault. — Wheat in the sheaf and in the grain ; leguminous plants and forage ; textile and oleaginous plants ; feathers, down ; honey, wax ; wines of Vaux, and Saint-Romain, vinegar, oil, mustard ; truffles (26 Exhibitors). 624. Association of Ciyray. — Collec- tion of wheat in the grain and in sheaves, &c. 625. De Larclause, Director of the Farm School of Monts. — Agricultural products. (Haute Vienne.) 626. Bruchard, Director of the Farm School of Cavaignac. — Geological specimens. (Dordogne.) 627. De Lentillac, Director of the Farm School of Layallade. — Collection cereals, leguminous plants, tobacco, silk- worms, eggs, silk cocoons. 628. Lasalv£tat, H. Perigueux. — Ali- mentary preserves. 629. Hoarau, de la Source, Chateau de Ponthet. — Prunes. 639. Goursalle, Perigueux. — Yellow wax. 76 ) Class III. — South-west Court and South-west Gallery. 631. Bourson, E. Farcies. — Leaf to- bacco, prunes, and red wine. 632. Blanc, Perigueux. — Alimentary preserves. ' 633. Allard, Son, & Co. — Nut oil, nut- bread. 634. Collective Exhibition of the Department of the Dordogne. — Wines and liqueurs (34 Exhibitors). (Gironde.) 635. Agricultural Society of the Gironde. — Cones, seeds, &c. of the maritime pine ; resin, tar, oils, hops, &c. (10 Exhibi- tors). 636. Clamargeran, La Lambertie, near St. Fog. — Agricultural products. 637. Constantin, Bordeaux. — Rich wines of Bordeaux. 638. Rousse, J. Bordeaux. — Alchohol, Ac., obtained by a new method of distil- lation. ( Loz'ere .) 639. Society of Agriculture, Indus- try, Science, and Arts of the Depart- ment of the LozhRE. — Agricultural pro- ducts. (Vendee). 640. Jury of the Vendee. — Agricul- tural products. ( Charente-lnj .) 641. Chamber of Commerce of Roche- fort. — Wood, wheat, and other agricultural products ; building and moulding sand, sul- phuret of iron, refractory clay, &e. 642. Bouscasse, Director of the Farm School of Puilboreau. — Beet-root seed, brandy, red wine. 643. Guillon-Desamis, La Cote, near Nieul-sur-Mer. — Oysters. 644. Dr. Kemmeres, La Cote de Riva- doux, Re de Re. — Oysters, &c. 645. Lem, Widow, St. Martin, Re de Re. ■ — Honey. 646. Collective Exhibition by the Department of the Charente Inf. — • Wines and brandy (10 Exhibitors). 647. Dr. A. Menudier, Pleaud-Cher- mignac. — W ine. C 7 648. Conte & Co. St. Pierre d'Oleron. — • White wine vinegar. 649. Olivier, La Flotte, Lie de Re. — Vinegar. 650. Robineau, P. & Co. La Tremblade. — Strong and clarified vinegar. (Charente.) 651. Collective Exhibition by the Department of the Charente. — Brandy, and alcohol (9 Exhibitors). 652. E. Thiac, Puyreaux. — Specimens of the soil, potatoes, beet-root, plan of the farm, wine, &c. 653. Brumauld des Allies, St.Cloud . — Cement and hydraulic lime. 654. Galland, Ruffec. — Corn for poul- try. 660. Collective Exhibition. — Agri- cultural implements and produce (37 Exhibi- tors). 661. Collective Exhibition. — The wines of Champagne (19 Exhibitors). 662. Collective Exhibition. — The wools of the wine region (12 Exhibitors). 663. Collective Exhibition. — The wines of Burgundy (248 Exhibitors). 664. General Administration of French Tobaccos. — Indigenous tobacco, &c. 665. Collective Exhibitors. — Indige- nous tobacco (2 Exhibitors.) 666. Voeleker, Benfield (Bas-Rhin). — Products obtained from chicory root. 667. Sengenwald, Strasbourg (Bas- Rhin). — Madder and its products. 668. Collective Exhibition. — Hops of the wine region {4 Exhibitors). 669. Collective Exhibition. — The wines of Bordeaux (289 Exhibitors.) 670. Normal School of the Depart- ment of the ITaut-Rhin. — Cereals and fari- naceous grain (5 Exhibitors.) 671. Tollard. P. Paris. — Collection of grains and forage. 672. Tamiset, C. Plombieres-lez - Dijon (Cote d'Or). — Wheat and bean flour. 7 ) Class III. — France. G73. Perthuy - Martineau, Nantes ( Loire-Inf.). — Wines. G74. Rouchier, Sen. Ruffec ( Charente ). — Preserves, liqueurs, and biscuits. [Region III. — Producing Wheat, Wino for Exportation, and Silk.] (Lot.) 090. Boutarel - Membry, Luzech. — Wine. G91. Capmas, Prayssac. — Wine. G92. Izarn, C. Cahors. — Wine. G93. Labiche, C. Caliors. — Wines. 691. Vieuls, Jun. Gaillac. — Wines. 695. Cabanes & Malgouisard, Gourdon. — Liqueurs, and nut oil. (. Lot-and - Garonne.) G96. I) bp fez, C. G. A. Nerac. — Wheat, maize, red wine, brandy. G97. Ducos-Bernard, Beauziac. — Ears of corn. 698. Nadau, St. Livrade. — Prunes. 699. Cuzol, Son, & Co. Castelmoron- sur-Lot. — Prunes. 700. Truant, E. Bomaine de Bader. — Red and white wine. 701. Margues & Duvigneau, Nerac. — Annagnac brandy. 702. Dfinoc, Laroze, & Co. Mezin. — Brandy. 703. Sigaud, A. Nerac. — Liqueurs and fruits. ( Tarn-and- Garonne.) 704. Horticultural and Acclimatiz- ation Society of Montauban. — Cocoons and silk. 705. Agricultural Association of Montauban. — Wheat, millet, maize, giant rye (7 Exhibitors). 706. Society of Science and Agricul- ture of Montauban. — C ocoons, and silk. 707. Couderc, & Soucaret, Jun. Mon- tauban. — Raw silk. 708. Gascou, Nepii. A Albrespy, Mon- tauban. — Cocoons, and silk. 709. Agricultural Association of Negrepelisse. — M ontricoux marble. 710. Agricultural Association of Monclar. — Wheat, maize, large chestnuts, raw hemp. 711. Sol, Verdun. — Ears of corn, and maize. 712. Collective Exhibition of Mon- tauban. — Wine and brandy (13 Exhibitors). (Tarn.) 713. Association of the Wine Growers of Gaillac (5 Exhibitors). — Wine. 7 14. The Mayor of Gaillac. — W ine. 715. The Mayor of Graulhet. — Tre- foil seed. 716. Raynal & Son, Gaillac. — Trefoil seed, aniseed, prunes. 717. Maraval & Co. Lavaur. — Raw silk. (Landes.) 718. Collective Exhibition of St. Sever. — Red and white wines of Chalosse. 719. Collective Exhibition of Parle- BOSCQ, AND THE SURROUNDING COMMUNES. — Low Armagnac brandy (16 Exhibi- tors). 720. Duprat, Hontaux. — Wine and brandy. 721. Labadie, P. Arthez — Brandy. 722. Dupuy, Mont-de-Marsan. — Oil. 723. Dives, H. Mont-de-Marsan. — Re- sinous products. 724. Collective Exhibition of Ar- magnac. — Brandies (22 Exhibitors). 725. Darquier, Lectoure. — Red wine. 726. Laffitte, J. Castres. — White vin- egar. (Ilaute- Garonne.) 727. F ort Despax & Bacot, Toulouse. — Wine and liqueurs. 728. Delorme & Co. Toulouse. — Vege- table horse-hair, the produce of the dwari palm. (Basses-Pyrenees. ) 729. Pecaut, Suites. — • Wine, refined salt. ( 73 ) Class III. — South-west Court and South-west Gallery. (. Hautes-Py renees . ) 733. Fontan, Bernadets-Debat. — Wine. 734. Nabonne, Madiran. — Wine. 735. Maninat, Jun. Ossun. — Mineral 'waters. (P y renees- Orientates . ) 736. Bonet-Desmares, St. Laurent-de- la-Salanque. — W ines. 737. Sallens, P. — Liqueur wine. Ma- nure. (. Ard'eche .) 738. Mallet-Faure & Son, St. Peray. — Wines of St Peray, arid Chateaubourg. 739. Boy, Privas. — Model of a farm wag- gon. 740. Bicuard, II. Tournon-sur-Bhone . — Wine. 741. Pradier, J. Annonay. — Agricultu- ral products, raw and prepared silk. 742. Changea, Lamastre. ■ — Baw and prepared silk. 743. Nicod & Son, Annonay. — Silk- worms’ eggs, and cocoons. 744. Buisson, C. La Tronche. — Baw and prepared silk. (Is'ere.) 745. Agricultural and Horticultu- ral Society of the Arrondissement of Grenoble. — Wheat, beet-root, nuts, hemp, oil, brandy, kirschwasser cocoons, honey, wax, hides, resinous products, manures, marbles, anthracite, charcoal (12 Exhibitors). 746. Arnand, Sen. & Co. Voiron. — Li- queurs. 747. Heurard d’Armieu, Armieu St. Gervais. — Nuts, and nut-oil. (Drome.) 749. Combrier, Bros. Livron. — Baw silk. 750. Gauthier A. Chabeuil. — Baw and prepared silk. 751. Helme, A. Loriol. — Baw and pre- pared silk. 752. Lacroix, P. — Baw and prepared silk. 753. Lascour, Crest. — Baw and prepared silk. 754. Ley'dier Bros. Buis-Tes-Barronies. — Baw and prepared silk. 755. Noyer Bros. Dieulefit. — Baw and prepared silk. 756. Sauvageon, Valence. — Cocoons, ob- tained under the influence of electricity. 757. Collective Exhibition (26 Exhi- bitors. — Hermitage wines. 758. Collective Exhibition by the Department of the Drome. — Wines (12 Exhibitors.) 759. Charras & Son, Nyons. — Liqueurs. 760. Chevallier - Bobert, & Cuille- rier, Romans. — Cherry liqueurs and ratafias. 761. Markert, G. Tain. — Wine, creme de l’Hermitage. 762. Blanc-Montbrun, Chateau de l a Roli'ere. — White wine, raw silk. The Cure of Charvat, President of the Association of BAyuville. — Cereals, almonds, madder. 764. Agricultural Association of BLauville. — Cereals, wines. 765. Brun, Jun. Reauville. — Maize, oats, French beans, madder. 7 66. Boutarel - M aubry, Valence. — Nuts, prunes, wines. 767. Girard. — Y ellow wax. 768. Guerby, Y. — Agricultural products. Crozes wine. 769. Delhomme, Damage. — Wine, kao- lin. 770. Marron-Stoupani, Montelimart. — Nugget, &c. of Provence. 771. Premier, & Son, Romans. — Pre- served fruits, liqueurs. 772. Bobeux, Valence. — Liqueurs. 773. GALoriN. — Alimentary preserves. 774. Perrier, J. Crest. — Alimentary pre- serves. 775. Charbonnet & Son, Montelimart. — Preserved black truffles. ( 79 ) Class III. — France. ( Gard .) 776. Collective Exhibition by the Department of the Card. — Wines and liqueurs (15 Exhibitors). 777. Lacombe, I. Alais. — Raw silk, Ac. 778. Vernet Bros. Beaucaire. — Raw and prepared silk. 779. De Fournes, Remoulins. — Long- stapled upland cotton, grown in the domain of the Exliibitors, from Algerian seed. 780. Charenon, Bonifas, & Co. Moussac. — Liquorice juice. 781. David, P. — Liquorice wood and juice. ( 'Her atilt .) 783. Collective Exhibition by the Department of Herault. — Wines and brandy (11 Exhibitors). 784. Jury of the Arrondissement of Montpellier. — Wine, oil, wool. 785. Nourrgiat, Lunel. — Raw silk, vege- table and animal substances ; silkworms fed on the leaves of a sulphured mulberry tree. 786. Boyer & Heil, Gignac. — Preserved truffles, olives, aromatic essences. ( Pgrenees - Orient .) 787. Jury of Prades. — Honey. (Aude.) 788. Collective Exhibition by the Department of Aude. — Wines (5 Exhibi- tors). 789. Delcasse, G. Limoux. — Fleeces, woollen-yarn, and wines. 790. DkBOSQUE, Esperaza. — Ferruginous water. 791. Denille, Director of the Farm School of Besplas. — Teasels, wheat, maize, forage, &c. 792. De Martin, J. Narbonne. — Sea salt, wine. ( Vaucluse.) 794. ChaBxYUd, A. Avignon. — Raw and prepared silk. 795. Berton Bros. Avignon. — Wines of different growths. 796. Comte de Maleyssie, Chateau- neuf. — Wine of Lanerthe. 797. Sautet, A. Sorgues. — Alcohol and sulphuric ether. 798. Faure, P. Avignon. — Madder, and wine. 799. J ulian, J un. & Hoquer, Sorgues. — Alizarine, madder, and its derivatives. 800. Leplay, H. & Co. Avignon. — Alco- hol, derived from sorgo, beet-root, various kinds of grain, fruits of different kinds, in- digenous and foreign molasses, madder, and husks of the grape. 801. Reynaud, Pertuis. — Alimentary preserves. 802. Bonnet, Aps. — Bark of the green oak. ( Bouches du Rhone.) 803. Agricultural Society of the Bouches-du-Rhone. — Wheat, forage, mad- der ; oils, nuts, teasels ; wine, wool (12 Ex- hibitors). 804. Agricultural Association of the Arrondissement of Aix. — Wheat, beans, resinous products, tobacco, teasels, madder, &c. (3 Exhibitors). 805. Agricultural Association of Aubagne. — Corn, maize, farina, oils. 806. Brunet, Marseilles. — Wheat, flour, Semoule. 807. Be Bec, P. Director of the Farm-School of Montauronne — Collec- tion of almonds. 808. Aubert, F. Aix. — Wheat, teasels, farina. 809. Pomirol, Marseilles. — Wines. 810. Monier, Aubagne. — Wines. 811. Reinaud, Chappaz, & Co. Mar- seilles. — Liqueurs. 812. JoURDAN, G. & BrIVE, SEN. — Wines, liqueurs, preserved fruits, &c. 813. Olive, Nephew, & Michel, Mar- seilles. — Liquorice juice. (Far.) 814. Agricultural and Commercial Society of the Department of the Var. — Cereals, woods, cork, tobacco, wine. 815. Agricultural Association of the Arrondissement of Toulon. — Wines. ( so ) Class III. — South-west Court and South-vest Gallery. 816. Corneille & Fabre, Trans . — Cocoons, raw silk, &c. (Corsica.) 817. Jury of Ajaccio. — Specimens of rocks and minerals ; animal and vegetable products (14 Exhibitors). 818. Jury of'Calvi, — Wines, oils, to- bacco. 819. Collective Exhibition of Cor- sica. — Corsican wine (10 Exhibitors). 820. Battioni, Bastia. — Myrtle liqueurs, mulberry alcohol. 821. Gasparini, I. L'ille-Rousse. — Ali- mentary pastes. 822. LiNGkNiEUR. — Cedrates, preserves. 823. Garini A Mariotti, Campele . — Fried fruits, chestnuts, mulberry alcohol. 824. Caffarelli, J. Bastia, — Italian pastes. 825. Breganti, J. — Cigars. 826. Liccia, Monticello. — Leaf tobacco. 827. Jury of Bastia. — Marbles and ores. (Hautes-Alpes.) 828. Collective Exhibition by the Department of the Upper Alps. — Mad- der, teasels, honey, wines, wax, cocoons. (10 Exhibitors). (B asses- Alpes.) 829. Raybaud-l-Ange Director of the Farm School of Paillerols. — Col- lection of grains specially cultivated in the silk region ; flour, teasels, olives, honey, &c. EXHIBITION OF SILK, &c., FROM VARIOUS LOCALITIES. 830. De Baillet, St. Germain-et-Mons (Dordogne). — Silk. 831. BOrard & Brunet, Lyon (Rhone). — Silks, raw and prepared. 832. Chabod, Jun. Lyon (Rhone). — Co- coons. 833. Countess C. de Corneillan, Paris . — Cocoons, raw silk, Ac. Class HI. ( 834. Duseigneur, P. Lyon (Rhone ). — A collection of cocoons. 835. Fara, Jun. Bourg-Argental (Loire). — Silks, of Bourg-Argental, for Caen lace. 836. Frigard, Bourg-Argental (Loire). — Raw silk, white and yellow. 837. Guerin-Meneville," Doctor F. Paris. — Silkworms. 838. Collective Exhibition. — Pro- ducts of the olive tree (11 Exhibitors). 839. Blanchon, L. St. Julien-en-St. Alban (Ard'eche). — Yellow cocoons, raw and prepared silk. 840. BarrLs Bros. St. Julien-en-St. Alban (Ard'eche). — Raw and prepared silk. 841. SkRUSCLAT, L. Etoile (Drome). — Prepared silk. 842. Monestier, Sen. Avignon (Vau- cluse). — Raw and prepared silk. 843. Blanchon, Sen. Flaviac (Ard'eche). — Raw and prepared silk. 844. Palluat & Co. Lyon (Rhone). — Prepared silks. 845. Boisramey, Jun. Caen (Calvados). — Raw and prepared silk, for laces, Ac. 847. Teissier du Cros, Valleraugue (Card). — Cocoons ; raw and prepared silk, white and yellow. 848. Chambon Widow, St, Paul-Lacoste (Gard). — Raw silk, and organzine. 849. Bonnet A Bouniols, Vigan (Gard). — Cocoons, raw silk. 850. Brouilhet A Baumier, Vigan ( Gard). — Cocoons, white and yellow ; raw and prepared silk. 851. Martin, L. A Co. Lasalle (Gard). —Raw silk. 852. Boudet, F. Uz'es (Gard). — Raw silk. 853. Champanhet-Sargeas Bros. Vais (Ard'eche). — Cocoons, raw and prepared silk. 854. Fougeirol, A. Ollier es (Ard'eche). — Raw silk, organzine, cocoons. 855. Regard Bro. Privas (Ard'eche ). — Raw and prepared silk. 856. Biscarrat, P. Bouchet (Drome). — Raw and prepared silk. [ ) o Class IV.— Fi 'ance. 857. Chartron & Son, St. Vallier (Drome). — Silk. 858. Franquebalme & Son, Avignon (Vaucluse). — Wrought Chinese and Japanese silk. 859. Banneton, St. Vallier (Drome ). — Haw silk, orgauzine. 862. Mahistre, A. Jun. Vigan (Gavel). — Raw silk. 863. Collective Exhibition. — Rough and manufactured cork (8 Exhibitors). SPECIAL EXHIBITIONS. 880. Imperial Society of Acclimatiz- ation. — Results of its labours, with refer- ence to six species of mammifers, twenty-live of birds, eleven of silkworms, and ten of vegetables, acclimatized, or in process of being so; and to the industrial products derived from them. 881. Rouyer, L. Paris. — Paintings, en- gravings, and lithographs, of animals, and agricultural products. 882. Vilmorin-Andrieux & Co. Paris. — Agricultural products, and industrial and economic products derived from them. 883. Chambrelent, Bordeaux ( Gi- ronde ). — Forest products of the Landes Oi the Gironde. 884. Javal, Ares (Gironde). — Forest products of the Landes of Gascony, at Ares. 885. Florent-Phevost, F. Paris. — Part of a collection of preparations, to deter- mine the food of French birds : they consist of stomachs, with analyses of then- contents at the time they were examined, and the dates of such examinations. 886. Museum of Natural History, Paris. — The principal types of mammifers and birds of the three agricultural regions of France, both useful and mischievous. 887. A Collection of the principal kinds of game of the three regions of France ; made Avith the concurrence of the Museum of Natural History of Paris. 888. Eloffe & Co. Paris. — Geological and Botanical collection : soils and subsoils of the three agricultural regions of France. CLASS IV. 941. Cusinberche, Jun. Paris. — Stearic and oleic acids, Avax candles, soap. 942. Leroy, C. & Durand. — Gentilly (Seine). — Stearic and oleic acids, Avax and other candles, soap. 943. I)e Milly, L. A. Paris. — Stearic and oleic acids, glycerine, Avax candles, soda- soap. 944. Petit Bros. & Co. Paris. — Oleic acid, glycerine, and Avax candles. 945. Tremeau & Maleval, Vienne ( Is'ere ). — Stearic and oleic acids, AA’ax candles, and oleine soap. 946. Gaillard Bros. Paris. — Stearic and oleic acids, Avax candles, wax, and tapers. ( 947. Bureau, C. Bordeaux (Gironde ). — Wax ; wax, and other candles. 948. Autran, L. Paris. — Candles, some of them made of the talloAv recovered after the manufacture of stearic acid. 949. Amene, L. Clermont-Ferrand (Puy- de-Ddme ). — Animal oil ; olive oil, and sa- ponine for lubrication. 950. Blanchard, G. Lyon (Rhone). — Purified oils and soap. 951. Faulquier-Cadet & Co. Mont- pellier (Herault). — Stearic and oleic acids, tapers, wax and talloAv candles. 952. Le Tarouilly, A. & Co. Rennes (Ille-and- Vilaine). — Bleached Avax, tapers. 82 ) Class IY. — South-west Court and South-west Gallery. 953. Goiiin, Sen. Vire {Calvados). — Teazles. 954. Robert Galland & Co. Paris . — Bituminous schist and its products. 955. D’Ambly, C. & Co. Paris. — Buffalo- horn, imitating whalebone. 956. D’Enfert Bros. Paris. — Gelatine and glue. 957. Cogniet, C. Marshal, & Co. Paris . — Spermaceti, paraffine, and lubricat- ing oils. 958. Rousseau de Lafarge, L. & Co. Pcrsan-Beaumon t {Seine-an d- Oise). — Vulcan- ised india-rubber. 959. Aubert, A. & Gerard, Paris. — Articles in caoutchouc, both hard and flex- ible. 960. Arnavon, H. Marseilles {Bouches- du-Rhone). — White and marbled soaps. 961. Delattre & Co. Dieppe {Seine- Inf.). — Oil from the liver of the Squalus : manure from the refuse of fish. 962. Montaland, C. & Co. Lyon {Rhone). — Stearic and wax candles. 963. Fournier, F. Marseilles {Bouches- du-Rhone). — Stearic candles and soap. 964. Caussemille, Jun. & Co. Mar- seilles {Bouclies-du- Rhone). — Lucifer matches of wood and wax. 965. Milliau, Jun. Marseilles {Bouches- du-Rhone). — White soap. 966. Roux. C. Jun. Marseilles {Bouches- du-Rhone). — Marbled soap. 967. Rocca Bros. & Nephews, Mar- seilles {Bouches-du-Rhone). — Marbled soap, oil from seeds, oil-cake. 968. Greslanh, C. Paris. — Candle wicks. 969. Roulet, C. H. & ChaponniIcre, Marseilles {Bouclies-du-Rhone). — Marbled soap, oil from seeds, oil-cake. 970. Gounelle, C. Marseilles {Bouches- du-Rhone). — Marbled soap, and seed-oils. 971. Semiciion, J. Jun. Paris. — Lamp- black. 972. Jacquemart & Co. Paris. — Var- nishes for carriages, metals, lithography, photography, and pictures. 973. N oirot & Co. Paris. — India-rubber tubing without joint, and apparatus for making it. 974. Vansteenkiste Widow (Dorus), Valenciennes {Nord ). — Starch. 975. SochnjSe Bros. Paris. — Spirit varnish for metals, oil paintings, and photo- graphy. 976. Michaud, C. H. Paris. — Seed-oils, and purified animal oils. 977. Morisot, C. T. Vincennes {Seme). — Lubricating oils. 978. Sauvage & Co. Paris. — Illuminat- ing and lubricating oils, tar, paraffine, and lamp-black. 979 Cahouet & Morane, Paris. — Candle moulds and candles. 980. Teston, J. Nyons, {Drome). — Oil for clocks and telegraph apparatus. 981. Riot, L. M. T. Paris. — Soap made without heat. 982. Gontard, A. & Co. Paris. — Marbled soap. 983. Steinbacii, J. J. Petit- Quevilly, near Rouen {Seine Inf .). — Starch and gums, for printing and finishing woven fabrics. 984. Plich'art & Cuvelier, Valenciennes {Nord). — Bone, and animal blacks. 985. Lartigue, J. Bayonne {Basses-Pyre- nees). — Animal black and manure. 986. Briez, F. Jun. Arras {Pas-de- Calais). — Fabrics in horse-hair, for the manu- facture of oils, and of stearic acid, &c. 987. Fermier de la Provotais & Gau- mont, Paris. — Pulp, fibrous substances, and paper, from the common broom. 988. Cabanis, F. Paris. — Sprigs and bark of the mulberry, for making paper- pulp, and for the manufacture of thread or woven fabrics. 989. Detiian, A. Paris. — Lubricating oils. 990. Fenaille & Ciiatillon, Paris. — Fats, with resinous base for carriages; resin- | oils. 83 ) g 2 ( Class Y. — France. 991. Pasquier, de Ribaucourt, & Co. Paris. — Oils, and grease for lubrication, &c. 992. Barrier & Daubr^e, Clermont- Ferrand (Puy-de-Dome ). — Products resulting from the manufacture of caoutchouc. 993. Delacretaz, Paris . — Stearic and oleic acids, soap, and candles. 994. Muler, P. Rouen ( Seine Inf .). — Gelatine. 995. Plane hon t , S. St.Hippolite (Card). — Glue, gelatine. 996. Serbat, L. St. Saubie ( Nord ). — Putty for making the joints of steam-engines ; oils, and grease for manufacturing purposes. CLASS V 1011. Castor, A. Paris. — Collection of steam apparatus, used by exhibitor in the formation of canals and railways, and the construction of the bridges of Kehl and Argenteuil. 1012. Orleans Railway Co. Paris . — Smoke-consuming locomotive ; tender, and first-class carriage, &e. 1013. Sagnier, L. & Co. Paris. — Sex- tuple weigh-bridge for locomotives, and other apparatus for weighing. 1014. General Railway Plant Co. Paris. — Carriage, switches, &c. 1015. Baranowski, -T. J. Paris. — Auto- matic signals to prevent the collision of trains. 1016. Lyons Railway Co. La Croix Rousse, Paris. — Self-acting break, for stop- ping a waggon on an incline, steeper than about one in eight. 1017. Joint-Stock Iron-Masters’ Co. of Maubeuge (Nord). — Turn-table, cast- steel rails, hydraulic crane, &c. 1018. Mazilier, Paris. — Designs and models of an iron road, without cast-iron or wood. 1019. Evrard, Pouai (Nord). — Axle; specimen of a new r method of lubrication. 1020. Mathieu, Anzin (Nord). — Miner’s waggon. 1021. Oabany, A. Anzin (Nord). — Miner’s waggon of galvanized iron, with patent axle. 1022. Cail, J. F. iV Co. Paris, — Loco- motive. ( 1023. Achard, A. Paris. — Application of electrical apparatus to securing safety on railways, and a uniform water-level in steam- boilers. 1024. De Joannes, E. Valenciennes (Nord). — Design for an American sleeping- carriage. 1025. Meyer & Son, J. J. & A. Vienna (Austria). — Designs for an articulated loco- motive, cut off apparatus, &c. 1026. Delannoy, A. F. Paris. — Grease | box ; model of locomotive. 1027. Coquatrix, J. B. Paris. — Self- ; acting lubricating apparatus. 1028. Rastouin, A. Chateau - Renault (Indre-and-Loire). — Grease box, for waggon axles ; model of lever for facilitating opera- tions at railway stations ; articulated waggon axle, for turning sharp curves. 1029. Fontenay, T. Grenoble (Isere ). — Plan of a smoke-consuming furnace for a locomotive. 1030. Guerin, E. Paris. — Self-acting break for a railway waggon. 1031. Gargan & Co. Paris. — Cistern- waggon for transport of liquids and manure ; lever for working vehicles on railways, by hand ; feed apparatus for steam boilers ; designs for forgings, and parts of boilers, &c. 1032. Northern Railway Co. Paris. — Locomotive for steep inclines, &c. 1033. Catenot-Beranger & Co. Lyon (Rhone). — Decuple weigh-bridge for loco- motives ; and other apparatus for weighing. 84 ) Class VI. — South-west Court and South-west Gallery. 1034. Arbel, L., Deflassieux Bros. and Peillon, Itive-de-Gier {Loire). — Wheels for locomotives. 1035. Verdie, J. F. & Co. Firminy (L oire). — Wheels, mounted for waggons ; tires of combined iron and cast-steel ; springs, for railway and other carriages ; iron, puddled and cast-steel. 103G. Vignier, Paris. — Designs for a safety apparatus for railways. 1037. Alexandre - Leseigneur & Co. Paris. — Tires and switches. 1038. Deyeux, N. T. Liancourt ( Oise ). — Cast-steel tires. 1039. DjSzelu & Guillot, Paris. — Rail- way carriage lamp. 1040. Pomme de Mirimonde, L. Paris. — Railway grease boxes. 1040a. Polonceau Widow, Paris . — Model of locomotive with eight coupled wheels, for curves of small radius. 1040b. Didier, Paris. — Model of a break. CLASS VI. 1041. Desouches - Touchard & Son, Paris. — Chariot, coupe d’Orsay, model of a handle for a coach door. 1042. Paris General Omnibus Com- pany. — A n omnibus. 1043. Belvallette Bros. Paris. — A landau ; designs for carriages. 1044. Perret, C. Paris. — A Victoria vis- a-vis, designs for carriages. 1040. Becquet, J. F. Paris. — A calash. 1047. Benoist Bros. Nogent-sur-Seine (Aube). — Axle-tree ends, which may be greased without taking off the wheels. 1049. Poitrasson, P. Paris. — A chariot. 1050. Moingeard Bros. Paris. — Eiglit- springed Berline. 1051. Moussard & Co. Paris. — Coupe d’Orsay. 1052. Muhlbacher Bros. Paris . — Four-wheel carriage. 1053. Colas, Delongueil, & Commu- nay, Courbevoie (Seine). — Carriage wheels. 1054. Dufour Bros. Perigueux (Bor- dogne). — Carriage. 1055. Cliquennois Bros. Lille (Nord). — Calash. 1056. Alexandre -Leseigneur & Co. Paris. — Wheel tires of cast steel. 1057. Deyeux, N. T. Liancourt (Oise ). — Wheel tires of cast steel. 1058. Verdi A J. F. & Co. Firminy (Loire). — Tires formed of a combination of iron and cast steel ; carriage-springs. C 85 ) Class VII.— FV • ance , CLASS VII. 1061. Onfroy & Co. Paris. — Mechanism for printing woven fabrics. 1062. Brisset Widow, Paris. — Litho- graphic press. 1064. Calvet-Eogniat & Co. Louviers (Pure). — Bibbous and backs for cards. 1065. De Celles, Paris. — Sewing ma- chines, which fasten each stitch by a weaver’s knot. 1066. Callebaut, C. Paris. — Sewing machines. 1067. Journaux-Leblond, J. F. Paris. — Sewing machines. 1068. Tailbouis, E. St.Just-en-Ohaussee (Oise ). — Machine for making netting. 1069. Bruneaux, L. Jun. Bethel (Ar- dennes). — Power-loom for wool. 1070. Bacot, P. Sedan (Ardennes ). — Power-loom for wool. 1071. Triquet, Jun. Lyon (Rhone ). — Glazing machine. 1081. Pesier, E. Valenciennes ( Nord ). — Model of apparatus for refining beet-root juice, by the application of alcohol. 1082. Hermann-Lachapelle& Glover, Paris. — Apparatus for making gaseous drinks. Portable steam-engine, with fur- nace inside the boiler. 1084. Francois, E. S. Paris. — Appa- ratus for making seltzer water. 1085. Baril Bros. Amiens (Somme). — Machine for cutting velvet. 1086. Andr£ & Guillot, Paris. — Ap- paratus for making seltzer water. 1087. Mondollot Bros. Paris. — Ap- paratus for making seltzer water. 1088. Fevre, G. D. Paris. — Apparatus for making seltzer water. 1089. Cail, J. F. & Co. Paris. — Appa- ratus for distilling in vacuo, at a low tempe- rature ; sugar-cane mill and steam-engine ; animal charcoal filters ; centrifugal appa- ratus, for refining sugar, &c. 1072. Delcambre, Lille (Nord). — Com- posing machine. 1073. Laneuville, J. B. V. Paris . — Machine for making watch-guards and purses. 1074. Desiiays, A. Paris. — Machine for making various kinds of cords, &c. 1075. Lemaire, E. F. Paris. — Automatic machine for making silk lace. 1076. Scrive, H. Lille (Nord). — Bequi- sites for carding cotton, wool, &e. 1077. Harding-Cocker, Lille {Nord ). — Combs for spinning mills, and for the comb- ing of textile matters. 1078. Eonze, E. Lyon (Rhone). — Econo* mical Jacquard-loom. 1079. Gillet, F. Troyes (Aube). — Cir- cular looms for making nets. 1 080. Bethelot, N. Troyes (Aube). — Circular and rectilinear looms for hosiery. 1090. Chouillou & Jaeger, Paris . — Currying machine, acting by means of helical blades. 1091. De Coster Widow, Paris. — Punching machine; machine for making sugar by centrifugal force ; portable expan- sive engine. 1092. Bernier, Sen. & Arbev, Paris . — Machines for working wood. 1093. De Dietrich & Co. Reichshoffen (Bas-Rhin). — Machine for bending metals. 1094. Perin, J. L. Paris. — Endless saw, and fittings. 1095. Tougard, E. F. Jun. Bapaume-lez- Rouen (Seine Inf.). — Machine for preparing printing plates. 1096. Schmerber Bros. Mulhouse (Haut-Rhin). — Mechanical pestle. 1097. Frey, P. A. & Son, Paris. — Port- able saw, for forest work. ( 86 ) Class YIII. — South-west Court and South-west Gallery. 1098. Corsel, Paris. — Machine for reel- ing cocoons. 1099. Mareschal, J. Paris. — Machine for shaping wood, by means of helical blades. 1100. Meeciee, A. Louviers (Eure ). — Spinning and weaving apparatus for wool ; machine for opening the wool before it is carded ; cards of various kinds ; spinning machine with 210 spindles ; continuous ma- chine with 210 spindles, Vimaut’s principle ; winding machine with 20 bobbins ; machine with 20 bobbins, for making woof ; loom for glazed fabrics ; machine for making bobbins ; circular carding engine ; felting machine, &c. 1101. Feesne, C. Louviers (Eure). — Plates and ribbons for cards. 1102. Baudouin Bros. & Jouanin, Paris . — Machine for making fishing nets. 1104. Dueand, F. & Pradel, Paris . — Jacquard-loom, in which paper is substituted for pasteboard. 1105. Bernard, F. Bourges (Cher). — A jack. 1106. David Beos. & Co. St. Quentin (Aisne ). — Dynamometer, for measuring the tension of threads for warp. 1107. Villain, E. P. Montmartre, Paris. — Machine for making twisted fringes. 1108. Cbessiee, E. Gras (Doubs). — Ho- rological tools. 1109. Thoueot Beos. Vandancourt (Doubs). — Horological tools. 1110. Cambray, Valenciennes (Nord ). — Apparatus for the grouping of frames of different sizes. 1110a. Alauzet, P. Paris. — Mechanical press, with variable movement. 1110b. Bazet, Happey, & Co. Paris . — Apparatus for making gaseous waters. 1110c. Bee jot, F. Caen (Calvados ). — Model of an apparatus for gaseous waters. 1 1 1 0d. Bourgeois Botz, Eeims (Marne). — Plates and ribbons for cards. 1110e. Dutartee, P. Paris. — Typogra- phic press for two colours. 1110f. Legal, F. Nantes (Loire-Inf .). — Model of an apparatus for refining sugar in vacuo. 1110g. Mathieu Bros. Anzin (Nord ). — Sugar apparatus. 1110h. Silbermann, J. J. Paris. — Uni- versal presses. CLASS 1111. Ciifip.ET, M. J. Paris. — Model of a movement for a beam-engine. 1112. Bouillon, Muller & Co. & Mul- ler, E. Paris. — Washing and bath apparatus. 1113. Egeot, E. A. Paris. — Continuous distilling apparatus. 1114. Mouquet, H. Lille (Nord). — Model of an apparatus for concentrating syrups hi vacuo. C ! VIII. 1115. Deouot, E. Paris. — Steam bread- making machine, moved by the waste heat of the oven. 1116. Boland, O. J. Jun. Paris. — Steam kneading machine, with helicoidal blades, without internal arbour, and capable of being- reversed. 1117. Lesobre, C. Paris. — Rolland’s re- volving hot-air oven, and mechanical knead- ing machine. 87 ) Class VIII. — France. 1118. Malbec, A. A. Paris. — Apparatus for sharpening saws ; grinding-stones, Ac. 1119. Beziat, J. C. M. Paris. — A jack for racking wines. 1120. Gleuzer, J. L. Paris. — Cork-cut- ting machine. 1121. Lemercier, E. Paris. — Machine for screwing shoes, &c. 1122. Batel, Saulieu ( Cote d’ Or). — Ma- chine for beating out scythes. 1123. Tussaud, F. Paris. — Machine for hashing meat; machine for making bricks, and draining pipes ; new mode of mounting a screw-propeller, permitting the vessel to be tacked rapidly in a small space. 1124. Van§on, J. A. La Bresse ( Vosges). — Apparatus for the carriage of fish alive. 1125. Vandeville Bros. F'erin ( Nord ). — Hammers for dressing millstones. 1 126. Godin-Chambriand, Guise ( Aisne ). — Hammers for dressing millstones. 1127. Dufournet A Co. Clichy-la-Ga- renne (Seine ). — Pasteboard sugar moulds. 1128. Lecoq, E. F. Paris. — Machine for making and printing railway tickets. 1129. Gervais, A. Paris. — Apparatus for warming green-houses. 1130. Fauconnier, F. L. Paris. — Mill for pounding and sifting dry substances. 1131. IIediard, A. Paris. — Inexplosive instantaneous steam-boiler. 1132. Nillus, E. Havre (Seine- Inf .). — Screw propeller apparatus. 1133. Faivre Bros. Nantes (Loir e-Inf .). — Bemovable screw propeller, with variable speed. 1134. Suckfull, L. Deville-lez-Rouen ( Seine-Inf.). — Pistons. 1135. Lemielle, T. Valenciennes (Nord). — Ventilators for mines. 1136. Touaillon, Paris. — Model of a mill ; stove for drying flour ; model of a ma- chine for cleaning corn, and glazing rice ; machine for dressing mill-stones ; model of a ( machine for amalgamating auriferous mat- ters, &c. 1137. Zambeaux, St. Denis (Seine). — Portable vertical steam-boiler. 1138. Parent, Schaken, Caillet, & Co. Oullins (Rhone). — Crane. 1139. Desbordes, L. & Bondault, E. A. Paris. — Metallic dial barometers, metallic manometers and safety valves ; metallic va- cuum-indicators for low-pressure engines. 1140. Lethuillier-Pinel, Rouen (Seine- Inf.). — Magnetic indicators of the level of water in boilers, and automatic feeders. 1141. Benaud, P. Nantes (Loire-Inf.). — Whistle-float for steam-boiler. j 3 1142. Perreaux, L. G. Paris. — Caout- chouc valves for pumps. 1143. Pougault, A. Decize (Ni'evre .) — Steam cleansing machine. 1144. Cail, J. F. A Co. Paris. — Steam apparatus for washing pit-coal ; crane ; tubu- lar boiler, with fire-place of steel, and tabes of drawn iron with copper ends ; horizontal condensing engine, with variable expansion, &c. 1145. Hermann, G. Paris. — Chocolate grinding machine, &c. 1146. Berlioz, A. & Co. Paris. — Mag- neto-electric machine, for the production of light. 1147. Bauciiet-Verlinde, & Co. Lille (Nord). — Buling machines for account-books. 1148. Thiers, A. Paris. — Electric lamp, and light regulator. 1149. Devinck, F. J. Paris. — Machines for weighing, grinding, and wrapping cho- colate. 1150. Voruz, Sen. Nantes (Loire-Inf.). — Machines for moulding bricks and projec- tiles. 1151. Laurens & Thomas, Paris. — Tu- bular boiler with moveable furnace ; demi- fixed steam engine ; plans, and models. 1152. Farcot & Sons, Port St. Ouen (Seine). — Horizontal condensing steam-en- gine, exhausting pump, pestle, Ac. s ) Class VIII. — South-west Court and South-west Gallery. 1153. BriNal, Paris. — Portable steam- engines. 1154. Sagebien, A. Amiens (Somme). — Drawing of a water-wheel. 1155. Chenailler, P. C. Paris. — Eva- porating apparatus. 1156. Bourdon, E. Paris. — Steam-en- gine, &c. 1157. L£gal, F. Nantes ( Loire- Inf .). — Model of an apparatus for refining sugar in vacuo. 1158. Clerc, E. Lyon (Rhone). — Metallic manometers. 1159. Dedieu, C. Lyon (Rhone). — Me- tallic manometers. 1160. Desbordes, L. J. F. Paris. — Ma- nometers, safety valves. 1161. Fauconnier, C. Paris. — Cranes : hydraulic crane for feeding locomotives. 1162. SiLBERMANN, J. J. Paris. — Uni- versal presses acting by water pressure, and capable of printing any kind of surface, &c. 1163. Durenne, J. F. Courbevoie (Seine). — “ Hydratmopurificateur,” for purifying the water of steam boilers. 1164. Flaud, H. Paris. — Fire-engine, Giffard’s injectors. 1165. Bollee & Son, Mans ( Sarthe ). — Hydraulic ram. 1166. Lecointe, J. St. Quentin (Aisne). Apparatus for working a certain number of hydraulic presses under a continuous pressure. 1167. Letestu, M. A. Paris. — Various pumps. 1168. Desplas, H. Plbeuf (Seine Inf.). — Fulling machine. 1169. Barri5, Rougnon, & Co. Paris. — Machine for washing minerals. 1170. Gautron, B. J. Paris. — Hydro- extractor, for manufacturing fecula and starch. 1171. Moison, F. T. Mouy (Oise). — Re- gulator with differential movement for steam engines ; regulator for hydraulic engines ; dynamometer for testing motive machines, when power is let out to hire ; apparatus for removing the grease from wool. - . ( 1172. Barr£ & Besnard, Paris. — Tubu- lar boiler, on a new principle. 1173. Fontaine & Brault, Chartres (Pure-and-Loir). — Turbines, helical venti- lator. 1174. Gignoux, G. G. Lige, near An- denge (Gironde). — Drawing of a machine for the transport of spawn. 1175. Lecouteux, H. Paris. — Double cylinder beam-engine. 1176. Mignot, II. Paris. — Metallic ma- nometers. 1177. Alauzet, P. Paris. — Mechanical press, with variable movement. 1178. Dutartre, A. B. Paris. — Typo- graphic press for two colours. 1179. Norm and, F. Paris. — Photograph of a press ; model of universal joint, &c. 1180. Worms de Romilly, M. Paris. — Lifting machine. 1181. Armengand, Sen. Paris. — Draw- ings of steam-engines, &c. 1182. Vernay, L. Paris. — Machine for lifting and weighing heavy articles. 1183. Poirier de St. Charles, Gentilly (Seine). — Type-founding machine. 1184. Jutteau, A. Orleans T(Loiret). — Specimens in relief and drawings of a system ol stone veneering, for the restoration of buildings. 1185. De Chodsko, N. F. B. Paris. — Smoke-consuming apparatus, for steam- boilers. 1186. Palazot, Bordeaux (Gironde ). — * Smoke-consuming apparatus for steam-boilers. 1187. Dumery, C. J. Paris. — Plan of a smoke-consuming apparatus, and of an appa- ratus for preventing the incrustation of steam boilers. 1188. Lenoir & Co. Pam.— Expanded air-engine, acting by means of coal-gas in- flamed by electricity. 1189. Fortin-Hermann Bros. Paris.— Apparatus for the distribution of water for public use, &c. 1190. Dardonville, V. Paris. — Appa- ratus tor the purification of water ; charcoal filters, &c. 89 ) Class VIII.— Ft •ance. 1191. Cooling Apparatus Co. CarrA & Co. 149 Rue de Menilmontant {Paris). — Ma- chine for making ice by successive evapora- tions and liquefactions. M. Carre's apparatus is of two kinds — One, intermittent for household use, for the production of artificial ice and sherbets, and icing champagne, and other drinks. It requires no special preparation, it being sufficient to warm it for a short time, and then leave it to cool to produce the desired effect. The sole expense, there- fore, is the fuel ; and one pound of coal can produce three or four pounds of ice. The other, continuous, for the wholesale production of ice, and combined so as to insure the greatest economy of fuel. It is principally used for icing sherbets, decanters, but especially for freezing in general on a large scale. It may be used also — in breweries, for the precipitation of sulphate of soda from the waste water of salt reservoirs ; for distilling sea-w r ater by congelation ; for concentrating dilute solutions; in candle manufactories, for solidifying fatty or glutinous substances, &c. It will be found in- valuable in all trades generally which are obliged to stop I working during summer, or wliick require a stock of ice, | necessitating a considerable outlay of capital and ware- ! house room. One pound of coal can produce with this apparatus from ten to fifteen pounds of ice, according to size. Mu. Fi.oi:eatj, Agent, 9, Fulham Road, Brompton. 1192. Professional School of douai (Nord ). — Small horizontal steam-engine. 1193. Varral, Eiivell, & Poulot, Paris. — Steam-engine, saws, &c. 1194. Quillacq, L. A. Anzin {Nord ). — Horizontal double cylinder steam-engine for working coal mines. 1195. Soci^Th Nouvelle des Forges et Ciiantiers de la Mediterran£e, Park. — 400-horse-power marine engines for screw propeller. 1196. Prince de Poltgnac, Paris . — Curved-cylinder steam-engine. 1197. Mauzaize, J. N. Chartres (Eure- and-Loir ). — Apparatus for flour mills. ( 90 ) Class IX. — Soutli-west Court and South-west Gallery. 1198. Hoel-Renier, F. Lille (. Nord ). — Manometer. 1199. Marquis de Montagu, Paris . — Apparatus for preventing chimneys from smoking. 1200. Antony Masson, Paris. — Smoke- box. 1200a. Hubert, H. Paris. — Feed-pump for the fountains placed in the gardens of the Horticultural Society. 1200b. Feldtrappe Bros. Paris. — De- sign for a cylinder for printing stuffs and paper. 1200c. Comte de Epr^mesnil, Bernay (Bure ). — Design for a system of transmission to great distances. 1200d. De Coster Widow A. Paris.— Expansive portable engine. 1200e. Dehaynin, F. Paris . — Design for a machine to agglomerate small pit-coal. 1200f. Hermann - Lachapelle & Glover, Paris. — Portable engine, with furnace within the boiler. 1201. Mazier, Dr. L'Aigle ( Orne ). — Two-horse reaping and mowing machine. 1203. Bella, F. Grignon(Seine-and-Oise). — Agricultural instruments . 1201. Agricultural Association of Seine-and-Oise, Versailles. — Agricultural implements (10 Exhibitors). 1205. Barbier & Daubr^e, Clermmt- ferrand (Puy-de-Dome). — Portable four-horse engine, reaping machine, &c, 1206. Cumming J. Orleans ( Loiret ). — Portable engine, and thrashing machine. 1207. Albaret & Co. Liancourt (Oise). — Portable steam-engine, thrashing machine, &c. 1208. Ganneron, E. Paris. — Agricul- tural machines. 1209. Pinet, J. Jun. Abilly ( Indre-and - Loire). — Horse-gin, thrashing machine, win- nowing machines. 1210. Jacquet-Robillard, Arras (Pas- de- Calais). — Sowing machines. 1211. Agricultural Colony of Met- tray ( Indre-and-Loire ). — Ploughs. 1212. Perrigault, J. Rennes (Ille-and- Vilaine). — Apparatus for the graduated aera- tion of millstones while grinding, and the preservation of the mill dust. ( SS IX. 1213. Lanet & Son, Cette (Herault ). — Round and oval oak tuns. 1214. Doyere & Co. Paris. — Model of subterranean cellars. 1215. Pavy, E. Chemille-sur-Ueme ( Indre- and-Loire). — Model and drawings of a pre- servative granary. 1216. Robin, H. Nantes (Loire-Inf .). — Steam-reaping machine. 1217. Radidier & Simonel, Jun. Paris. — Root-cutters, &c. 1218. Grandvoinet, J. A. Paris. — Plough. 1219. Lecacheux, A. Pieux (Manche). — Plough, with instantaneous regulator. 1220. Parquin, L. V. Villeparisis ( Seine - and-Marne). — Ploughs. 1221. Cardeilhac & Son, Toulouse (Haute- Garonne) . — Agricultural instruments. 1222. IIuck, J. M. Paris. — Apparatus for the manufacture of potato-fecula. 1223. Denet, E. Paris. — Moulds, &c. for alimentary pastes. 1224. Creuze des Roches, R. Chateau- de-Grandmaison (Indre). — Model of a horse- gin, with a vertical movement. L ) Class X. — France. 1225. Clauzel & Co. Sauves ( G-ard ). — Pitchforks of wood, shovel and scythe handles, &c., obtained naturally by giving the lote- tree and the green oak a particular form. 1226. Dorl£ans, E. Paris. — Machine for making mats for vines. 1227. Redier, A. & Co. Paris. — Ma- chines for sowing seed and spreading manure at the same time. 1229. Herbeaumont, P. F. Paris . — Designs for iron greenhouses. 1230. Vandercolme, A. Rexpoede (. Nord ). — Plans of the commune of Rex- poede. 1231. Comte du Couedic, Quimperle ( Finist'erre) . — Plan of the domain of Lezar- deau, and the mode of irrigating it. 1232. Bourgerie, E. Remilly, Ardennes. — Plough mounted on a fore carriage. 1233. Dumont C. St. Ouen Railway- station (Seine). — Machine for decorticating colza. 1234. Guiguet, Paris. — Drawings of machines and agricultural operations. 1235. Barrier, C. Paris. — Plans of experiments made in the application of liquid manures ; drainage pipes made to overcome the obstructions offered by roots. 1236. Lavoisy, Paris. — Mechanical churn. 1237. O’Reilly & Dormois, Paris.— Plans of iron greenhouses. 1239. IIuart, H. Oambrai (Nord ). — Plan of a preservative granary. 1240. Lebceuf, Paris. — Venetian blinds for greenhouses. 1241. Hamoir, G. Saultain (Nord ). — • Horse rake ; metallic nave for the wheels of chariots and carriages. 1242. Devaux, A. C. L. London. — Model of a ventilating and preservative granary. 1243. Buisson, Tullins (Isere). — Flour- mill. 1244. Cail, J. F. & Co. Paris. — Straw and root cutters. 1245. Roy, Privas (Ard'eche ). — Model of an agricultural wheel-barrow. o 1246. Thouret, E. Paris . — Model of a preservative granary. \ I CLASS X. 1251. Tiie Minister of Agriculture, Commerce, and Public Works. — Collec- tion of models and drawings relating to the public works of the French empire: — Pascal, Andr£, & Dussaud. — Model of a portion of the pier of the Napoleon Basin, Port of Marseilles ; a plan of that port, with drawings of the means used in constructing it (!)• Bouniceau, Lemaitre, Escarraguel, J., Monet, Escarraguel, A., Roulet, Duf- fieu, & Perrin. — Sluice-gates of the citadel of Havre (2). Bouniceau, Bellot, Couche, E., Es- carraguel, A., Roulet, Duffieu, & Battaille. — Model of a graving-dock of the basin of the Eure, at Havre (3). ( ! Watter, Chatoney. — Sluice-gate, &c. of St. Nazaire (4). Reynaud, L., Forestier, & Marin. — Light-house of Barges, built on a rock, four miles from the the Port of Sables d’Olonne (5). Lepaute, H., Reynaud, L., & Allard. — Lenticular light -house apparatus ; white light varied alternately by red and green flashes, without obscuration (6). Sautter, Reynaud, & Allard. — Lenti- cular light-house apparatus ; red light with obscurations (7). Cadiat, Oudry, Matiiieu, Maitrot de Varennes, Aumaitre, & Rosseau. — A ) Class X. — South-west Court and South-ivest Gallery, turning-bridge of sheet-iron, constructed at Brest (8). Perrier, Gendarme, De Bavotte, & Conte. — Collection of drawings relating to .the irrigation Canal at Carpentras. (Vau- clusc) (9). Chanoine & De Lagreni5. — Model of a moveable dam, constructed on the Upper Seine (10). PoiriSe, Cambuzat & Marini. — Model of a moveable dam, constructed on the Yonne, near Auxerre (11). Louictie - Defontaines, Carro, and Holleaux. — Model of a moveable dam con- structed on the Marne (12). Rozat de Mandres. — Model of a portion of the dam of the reservoir of Settons, for supplying the navigation of the Yonne (13). Veron-Duverger & Sciama. — Model of a part of the dam of the reservoir of Mon- taubry, for feeding the Canal du Centre (14). Marx & Bruniquel. — Photographs of the Napoleon Bridge, at St. Savour, on the road from Paris to Spain (lb). Matiiieu, Joly, A., & VlGOUROUX. — Model of the Bridge of St. Just, on the Ardeche (lb). Tarbe Ruinet, Regnier, & Dourdet. — Chart of the Pools of the Doinbes (Ain), hi two colours (17). Bourdaloue. — Map of the levels taken throughout Prance (18). Francois, J., & Dubrieu. — The Baths of Ussat : subterranean works, searches for, and discovery of the sources of the mineral waters of that place (19). Francois, J., & Ciiambert. — Subter- ranean works, searches for, and discovery of the sources of the thermal waters of Eagneres- de-Luchon (20). Daubr£e & Jutier. — Plans and drawings of the search for, and conduction of, the waters of Ploinbieres (21). Gruner. — Geological and mineralogical map of the department of the Loire (22). Erie de Beaumont & De Ciiancourtois. — Geological map of the Department of the Haute Marne (23). ( s Levallois, M. — Geological map of the Department of the Meurthe (24). Dormoy, M. — Map of the coal-basins of Valenciennes and Mens (25). Jaquot, M. — Agricultural map of the Ar- rondissement of Toul (Meurthe) (2(5). Reibele, G., Virla, Mahyer, & Bonnin. — Cherbourg breakwater (27). Noel & Calman. — Models of the docks of Castigncau, Nos. 1, 2, and 3 (28). Chatoney, Laroche, Le Bouedec, & Kiezell. — Dam, with vertical shafts, used in laying the foundations of the new basins of the Port of Lorient (29). Deiiarne & Verrier, M. — Process of gradual removal of rock La Rose, at Brest (30). Garnier, A., Angiboust, & Charvin. — New dry-dock at the military port of Eoch- fort (31). Reynaud, L., & Allard, E. — Metallic lighthouse for New Caledonia (32). Vuignier, Fleur-St. -Denis, & Sapped. — Lattice railway bridge over the Rhine at Nehl ; caisson used in laying the foundation, fragment of a pile in process of driving, and of a pile in its place (83). Zeiller & Decomble. — Viaduct of Chaumont, on the Paris and Mulhouse Rail- way (34). V uigner, Collet-Meygret, & Pluyette. — Viaduct of Nogent on the Paris and Mul- house Railway (35). Bommart, A., Surele, De la Rociie- Tolay, Regnault, Pauwells, Nepveu, & Eiffel. — Sheet-iron railway bridge, over the Garonne, at Bordeaux (36). Magues & Simonneau. — The Canal du Midi, at the level of the torrent of Librons (37). Michal, Belgrand, Delaperche, Rous- selle, & ValtTe. — Map of the sewers of Paris ; section of the sewer of Sebastopol, with its adjuncts ; section of the great recep- tacle of the waters of Paris, with its adjuncts. Statistics of the water supply and sewerage of Paris, and of the works of the canal of St. Martin (38). Michal, Belgrand, & Rozat De Man- dres. — Map of the distribution of waters in ) Class X. — France. tlie City of Paris ; section of the reservoir of Passy, constructed for the supply of a part of Paris (39). Herdevin, Gitinier, & Forteir Her- mann. — Apparatus used in connection with the Parisian fountains (40). Michal, Alphand, Parcel, & Kind. — The artesian wells of Passy, near Paris ; geological section of the strata crossing them ; boring tools and apparatus used with them ; plan of the workshop (41). Laudet. — Machine for making the paving- stones used in Paris (42). Miciial, Alphand, Parcel, GrAgoire, & Foulard. — A collection of drawings of the works executed by the City of Paris in the Bois de Boulogne, the wood of Vin- cennes, and various squares of the capital (43) . S Lefebure de Fourgy. — Maps of the subterranean quarries of the city of Paris (44) . Belesse. — Subterranean geological map of the City of Paris (45). Lefebure de Fourgy. — Hydrological map of the City of Paris (46). Mathieu, Jacqmin, & Purbach. — Sheet- iron railway bridge constructed at Fribourg (47) . Chaubart. — Self-regulating sluice-gate (48) . Beaudemoulin ' & Bouziat. — Improved apparatus for striking the centres of bridges, by means of sand, on the principle of Baude- moulin, used for the Bridge of Austerlitz (49) . 1252 Garnaud, E. F. Jun. Paris . — Objects in terra cotta. 1253. Mignot, L. Paris . — Objects in vegeto-mineral mastic. 1254. Faconnet, Chevallier, & Co. Paris. — Tiles. 1255. Guicestre & Co. Paris. — Hon- bitumenized pasteboard for roofs ; coating and colours which resist moisture. 1256. Ferary, C. A. Grenoble ( Is'ere ). — Cement, and articles made of it. Co. Paris. — Artistic articles, in factitious marble and stone. 1258. Coignet, F. Bros. & Co. Paris. — Plain and decorated artificial stone, called agglomerated beton. 1259. Monduit, N. & Bechet, Paris. — Ornaments in lead and copper for building and decorative purposes. 1260. Crapoix, J. Paris. — Pecorative objects in stucco. 1261. GAruzet, L. Bagn'eres-de-Bigorre (Pautes Pyrenees). — Works in sculptured marble, for ornamentation and furniture. 1262. Be Tinseau, P. St. Ylie (Jura). — Articles in Jura marble. 1263. Soyer, A. Mareuil-lez-Meaux (Seine-and- Marne). — Objects in factitious stone. 1264. Arnaud, J. Vendre, & Carriers. La Porte de France (Is'ere). — Cements, and fountain-pipes made of it. 1265. Ling£e & Co. Paris. — Cement. 1266. Godin-Lemaire, J. B. A. Guise (Aisne). — Cast-iron heating apparatus, &c. 1267. Gastellier, C. A. Montauglaust (Seine - and - Marne). — Compressed bricks, tiles, drainage pipes, hollow bricks, and mosaic squares. 1268. Zeller & Co. Ollwiller (Haute- ' Khin). — Glazed earthenware pipes for con- veying water and gas. 1269. Bavid, L. Uzes (Gard). — Iiefrac- tory clay and bricks. 1270. AlgoudBros. Pepuy de Bobdes, & Co. Grenoble (Is'ere). — Cement, and cement tubes for fountains. 1271. Vicat, J. Grenoble (Is'ere). — Arti- ficial cements. 1272. Couissinier, A. Saint - Henry (Bouches-du-Bhone). — Tiles for flooring. 1273. Trouilliet, P. Sens (Yonne). — Refractory bricks. 1274. Pupont, P. II, Cherbourg (Manche). — Metallic varnish for preserving wood and metals. 1275. LAdiei:, A. Auffay (Seine-Inf.). — Bricks. 1257. Lipmann, Schneckenburger, & ( 94 ) Class XI. — South-west Court and South-west Gallery. 1276. Agombart, A. St. Quentin ( Aisne ). — Hydraulic lime, &c. 1277. Bigot-Duval, Widow, & Co. Manceliere (Eitre-and-Loir) . — Natural hy- .draulic lime. 1278. Desfeux, P. A. Paris, — Water- proof pasteboard for roofing. 1279. Dumont, E. H. Roanne (Loire). — Tiles of various kinds. 1280. Machab£e, L. Paris. — Hydraulic mastic. 1281. Baudon, F. & Son, Paris. — Economic cooking apparatus. 1282. Brebae, C. B. Lille (Nord ). — Siliceous paintings. 1283. Grados, L. Paris. — -Repousse ornaments in zinc and lead, for exterior decoration. 1281. Michelet, H. F. Paris. — Stamped articles in zinc and lead, for exterior decora- tion. 1285. Planier, E. & Co. Paris. — Elastic pads for stopping chinks in apartments. 1286. Candelot, L. F. Sen. Paris . — Various kinds of cement. 1287. Vieillard, G. (Lacroix), Com- peigne (Oise). — Waterproof coating for wood, plaster, and stone. 1288. Derenusson, C. Paris. — Safety apparatus for scaffolding. 1289. Le Blanc, C. Rennes ( Ille-and - Vilaine). — Drawings of the Viaduct of Cor- binieres, on the Kennes and Redon railway. 1290. Moulin, A. Bonsecours-lez-Rouen (Seine - Inf.). — Imitation of Florentine mosaics. 1291. Cail, J. F. & Co. Paris. — Model of a sheet-iron bridge, &c. 1292. Barth^lemy, H. Paris. — Designs for theatres. 1293. Fontenelle, C. C. Paris. — Cement for flagging. 1294. BouLANGk, Auneuil (Oise). — ■ Enamelled mosaic tiles. 1295. Jaloureau, A. Paris. — Pipes of bitumenized paper, for water or gas. 1296. Parisian Gas - lighting and Heating Co. Paris. — Refractory bricks. 1297. Duprat, M. C. V. Canejan (Gi- ronde). — Refractory bricks. 1298. Jutteau, A. Orleans (Loiret ). — Specimen and drawings of veneering in stone for the restoration of buildings. 1299. Rosier, Widow, & Baroche, Tain (Drome). — Refractory bricks. 1300. Vieiliard, J. & Co. Bordeaux ( Gironde). — Refractory bricks. CLASS XI. 1301. Boche-Tordeux, A. Paris. — Re- quisites for sporting. 1302. Caron, A. Paris. — Breech-loading cannon, carbines; apparatus for cleaning- arms. 1303. Brun, A. Paris. — Breech-loading and other guns, pistols, &c. 1304. Lespiaut, A. Paris . — Requisites for sporting. 1305. Thomas, J. M. Paris. — Guns, pis- tols, and carbines. 1306. Flobert, L. N. A. Paris. — Sport- ing guns, revolver pistols, cartridges, &c. 1307. GkvELOT, Paris. — Percussion caps, and cartridges. 1308. Javelle-Magaud & Son, St. Etienne (Loire). — Damasked double barrels, for fowling-pieces. ( 95 ) Class XI. — France. 1309. Ronchard-Siauve, St. Etienne {Loire). — Damasked double barrels, for fowl- ing-pieces; cast steel barrels for guns and carbines. 1310. Didier - Drevet, St. Etienne {Loire). — Double barrels for fowling-pieces. 1311. Blachon, J. St. Etienne {Loire). — Double barrels : cast steel barrels. 1312. Javelle - Michel, St. Etienne { Loire) . — Revolvers, cartridges. 1313. Murgues, St. Etienne {Loire ). — Fowling-pieces, pistols, Ac. 1314. Gabion - Fournel, St. Etienne {Loire). — Double-barrel fowling-pieces. 1315. Berger, F. St. Etienne {Loire). — Fowling-pieces. 131G. Verne y - Carron, St. Etienne {Loire). — Fowling-pieces. 1317. Escoffier, F. St. Etienne {Loire). — Military fire-arms. 1318. Pondevaux & .Tussy, St. Etienne {Loire). — Double-barrel fowling-pieces. 1319. Aury t , L. St. Etienne {Loire ). — Double-barrel fowling-pieces. 1320. Gerest, A. St. Etienne {Loire). — Fancy guns. 1321. Bourgaud & fCo. St. Etienne {Loire). — Fowling-pieces, &e. 1322. Girard, L. Chatellerav.lt {Vienne). — Seamless leather sword-slieaths. 1323. Blanc - Marty A Co. Paris . — Military accoutrements. 1324. Bernard, A . Paris. — Gun-barrels. 1325. GfERiNCKX, F. E. Paris. — Hunt- ing guns and knives, &c. 1326. Marquis, F. Pans. — Weapons for the chase. 1327. Perrin, L. Paris. — Fowling- pieces, guns, carabines, pistols, and re- volvers. 1328. Delvigne, Id. G. Paris. — Duck- guns ; rifled barrels ; pistols on a new prin- ciple. 1329. Tardy & Blanchet, Paris. — Percussion caps. 1330 Gaupillat, Son, & Illig, Paris. - — Percussion caps and metallic cartridges for revolvers, Ac. 1331. Sudre, F. Paris. — Telephonic system, for the transmission of sound to a distance, with the aid of the clarion, the drum, and the cannon : a system of tele- graphic correspondence between two armies, by means of three signs. 1332. Granger, E. Paris. — Copies of ancient arms and weapons. 1333. Delacour, L. F. Paris. — Bur- nished weapons. 1334. Houllier - Blanchard, C. H. Paris. — Sporting guns : pistols. 1335. Gastinne-Renette, L. J. Paris, — Guns, carbines, and pistols, Ac. 1336. Claudin, F. Paris. — Fowling- pieces and pistols. 1337. Bernard, L. Paris. — Barrels of fire-arms. 1338. Devisme, L. F. Pam. -Gun- barrels, fancy guns ; weapons for whaling and the chase. 1339. Lepage-Moutier, M. L. Paris . — Sporting-guns, carbines, revolvers, Ac. 1340. Cordier A Co. Paris. — Revolvers and carbines. 1341. Chaudun, A. Son, A Deriviere, N. Paris . — Cartridges. 1342. Geiger, Z. Paris . — Requisites for sporting. 1343. Walcker, W. Paris . — Requisites for sporting. Classes XII. and XIII. — South-west Court and South-ivest Gallery. CLASS XII. 13(31. L£fevre Bros. Sotteville - lez - llouen [Seine-Inf .). — Rigging. 13(32. Lafaye, G. & Co. Bordeaux ( Gi- ronde ). — Hemp and wire rigging. 1363. Delvigne, H. G. Paris. — Howit- zers for carrying a line to a shipwrecked vessel. 1364. Salette, J. Marseilles ( Bouches - du-Rhme). — Model of apparatus for weigh- ing anchors. 1365. PhcouL, A. Marseilles ( Bouches-du - Rhone). — Sounding log, for measuring the speed of vessels, and sounding without stop- ping, and for giving warning of approach to land or to reefs. 1366. CavayA F. Montpellier (lie rault). — Safety and swimming belt. 1367. Labat, T. Bordeaux (Gironde ). — Apparatus for hauling vessels on land. 1368. Tisserant, J. G. Orleans ( Loiret ). — Apparatus for saving from shipwreck. 1369. Cabirol, J. M. Paris. — Cork jacket ; submarine lamp. 1370. Gallois-Foucault, St. Martin (Char ante- Inf .). — Floating fog-bells, &c. 1371. BouquiA F. Paris. — Model of a system of towing by steam ; chains made without joining. 1373. Broquant, Hochard, & Co. Bun- kerque (Nord ). — Machine-made fishing nets. 1374. Delage-Montignac, Paris. — Im- plements for fishing. 1375. David & Co. Havre (Seine Inf.). — Chain-cables, anchors, &c. 1376. Ouarnier-Mathieu, Compicgne ( Oise). — Chain and hemp cables, for marine, or mining purposes. 1377. Besnard, F. Richou, & Genest, Angers (Maine-and-Loire ). — Hemp and wire- rope, for marine or mining purposes ; fishing requisites. CLASS XIII. i 1391. Naudet & Co. Paris. — Metallic barometer. 1392. FastrA J- T. Sen. Paris. — Philo- sophical instruments ; barometers ; ther- mometers ; hygrometers. 1393. Hardy, E. Paris. — Philosophical instruments ; chronographs, and inductive chronoscope, for measuring the speed of pro- jectiles ; polytrope, for examining electric currents ; apparatus for measuring the secular deviations of the needle. 1394. Kcenig, R. Paris. — Acoustic in- struments. 1395. Colombi, C. Jun. Paris. — Survey- ing, levelling, and geodesic instruments. Class XTII. 1396. Molteni, J. Paris . — Mathematical and other instruments. 1397. Silbermann, Jun. Paris. — Con- cave celestial and terrestrial hemispheres ; chromatic chronometer for astronomical instruments ; diagrams. 1398. Gavard, A. Paris. — Pantographs producing direct, or inverted copies ; com- pass for tracing ovals. 1399. Burdon, J. A. Paris . — Ruler for calculation. 1400. Bonis, P. F. Paris. — Insulated wire for electric and telegraphic apparatus. ( 97 ) Class XITI. — France. 1401. Biloret, A. Paris. — Insulated wire for electric apparatus, &c. 1402. Prud’homme, P. D. Paris. — Electric bells and signals, for private houses, for naval and railway purposes. 1403. Poullot, V. N. Paris. — Eye- glasses, spectacles, &c. 1404. Lemaire, Paris. — Opera-glasses, &c. 1405. Breton Bros. Paris. — Philoso- phical instruments. 1406. Mabru, Paris. — Apparatus for maintaining a vacuum. 1407. Thomas, C. X. Paris. — Calcu- lating machines. 1408. Bar dolt, P. G. Paris. — Opera- glasses, and glasses of various kinds. 1409. Lebrun, A. Paris. — Optical glasses, opera-glasses, microscopes, tele- scopes, &c. 1410. Dutrou, E. P. Paris. — Philoso- phical instruments ; levels, areometers ; ba- rometers, thermometers, and hygrometers ; metallic pyrometer. 1411. Santi, A. Marseille ( Bouches-du - Phone). — Mathematical and other instru- ments. 1412. Balbreck, M. Paris. — Geodesic and other instruments. 1413. Breguet, L. C. E. Paris. — Philo- sophical and horological instruments ; electric telegraph apparatus. 1414. Digney Bros. & Co. Paris. — T elegraphic apparatus. 1415. Brunner & Son, Paris. — Optical instruments, &c. 1416. Nachet & Son, Paris, — Micro- scopes. 1417. Hartnack, E. F. Paris. — Micro- scopes. 1418. Mirand, A. Sen. Paris— -Micro- scopes. 1419. Mouchet, A. Rochefort. — Appa- ratus for instantly finding again, in any pre- paration, a microscopic object already observed. 1420. Duboscq, L. J. Pam.— Optical apparatus. C 98 1421. Deleuil, J. A. Paris. — Delicate instruments for weighing, &c. 1422. Bourette, E. H. Paris. — Ther- mometers. 1423. Digeon, B. H. Paris. — Scientific diagrams. 1424. Tiffereau, T. Paris. — Nautical hour-glasses ; apparatus for receiving, mea- suring, and transferring gas. 1425. Sagey, Boulogne-sur-Mer ( Pas-de - Calais). — Gas-meter. 1426. Ricourt, C. La Machine ( Ni'evre ). — Calculating cylinder. 1427. Collot, M. & A. Bros. Paris. — Balances of aluminium, &c. 1428. Rattier & Co. Paris. — Sub- marine and subterranean telegraph cables. 1429. Perreaux, L. G. Paris. — Delicate instruments for measurements of various kinds. 1430. Taurines, J. M. H. A. Paris. — Balances ; dynamometers. 1431. Prudent, L. Paris. — Opera- glasses. 1432. Cam, J. C. Paris. — Opera-glasses, spectacles, &c. ; block of rock crystal. 1433. CoiFFIER, A. Paris. — Opera- glasses, &C. 1434. Lafleur, A. Paris. — Opera- glasses. 1435. Chuard, M. Paris. — Safety-lamp ; gazoscope, to give warning of the danger of explosion in mines ; apparatus to show the motion of the earth, &c. 1436. Warren Thomson, Paris. — Tele- graph printing instruments. 1437. Serrin, Y. Paris. — Self-acting regulator for electric light. 1438. Mouilleron & Vinay, Paris. — Electric telegraph apparatus. 1439. Dujardin, P. A. J. Lille ( Nord ). — Printing telegraph instrument. 1440. Hoffmann, J. G. Paris. — Optical instruments and articles. 1441. Lamotte-Lafleur, C. G. Paris. — Boxes of mathematical instruments. ) Class XI Y. — South-west Court and South-west Gallery. 1442. Bertaud, A. S. Paris. — Photo- graphic object lenses, astronomical and nautical glasses, &c. 1443. Moreau, A. Paris. — Electro- ' medical apparatus. 1444. Guyot, d’Arlincourt, L. C. Paris. — Alphabetical printing telegraph in- strument, by Breguet. 1445. Largefeuille, Chdlons-sxir-Saone (Saone-and-Loire). — Wire covered with an insulating enamel for submarine and subter- ranean telegraphy ; elastic submarine cables without joint. 1446. Robert, H. Paris. — Astronomical clock, &c. 1447. Sortais, T. Lisieux (Calvados). — Morse’s telegraph apparatus. 1448. Du Puy de Podio, Courbevoie (Seine). — Stadiometer. 1449. Berlioz, A. & Co. Paris. — Mag- neto-electric machine, for producing light. 1450. Collective Exhibition of the City of Cluses (Haute-Savoie ) . — Metallic thermometers. 1450a. Deshays, A. Paris. — Delicate compass. 1450b. Patry, E. L. Paris. — Spectacles, eye-glasses, &c., of silver, aluminium, Ac. CLASS XIV. 1451. Titus-Albit4s, Paris. — Photo- graphic apparatus and photographs. 1452. Silbermann, J. Jun. Paris . — Table of the photogenic effects of the prin- cipal colours, on different substances, &c. 1453. Robin, A. Paris. — Photographic copies of plans, &c. 1454. Du Mont, H. Paris, — Photogra- phic apparatus, representing the different phases of motion. 1455. Anthoni, G. Paris. — Portable photographic laboratory. 1456. Villette, E. Paris. — Large pho- tographs on collodion, obtained by amp] idea- tion, electric light, Duboscg’s apparatus being- used. 1457. Duboscg, L. J. Par is.— Photogra- phic apparatus. 1458. Bertaud, Paris. — Automatic camera and portable laboratory for obtaining small photographs which are intended to be enlarged; heliographic megascope, for the production of enlarged photographs ; au- tographic apparatus for changing the two negatives of the automatic camera into a single positive on glass, with moist collodion ; automatic microscopic camera ; large photo- graphs obtained by means of exhibitor’s apparatus. 1459. Bertsch, A. Paris. — Automatic ! camera, and portable laboratory, for obtain- ing photographs which are to be enlarged ; heliographic megascope for enlarging photo- graphs ; automatic apparatus for changing j the two negatives of the automatic camera J into a single positive on glass with moist collodion; automatic microscopic camera; enlarged photographs, obtained by exhibitor’s apparatus. 1460. Bilordeaux, A. Paris. — Photo- ! graphs, specimens of prepared paper, &c. 1461. Disd^ri, Paris. — Photographs, enlarged photographs of the natural size, &c. 1462. Alophe, M. Paris. — Photographs of the natural size, and obtained directly, &c. 1463. Bisson Bros. Paris. — Photo- graphs from nature, &c. 1464. Delbarre, P. J. & Lelarge, A. H 2 ( 99 ) Class XIV. — France. Paris . — Portraits of the natural size, obtained directly, &c. 1465. Cammas, Paris. — Photographs : views in Egypt. 1466. Yvon, Paris. — Specimens of pho- tography obtained rapidly. 1467. Delessert, E. Paris. — Large photographs obtained directly, &c. 1468. 1) elton, Paris. — Photographs taken quickly. 1469. B Aldus, E. Paris. — Large photo- graphs obtained directly. 1470. Potteau, Paris. — Application of photography to the sciences ; types of the different races of men ; anatomical, and na- tural history objects. 1471. Tournachon, A. Jun. Paris. — Photographs obtained rapidly. 1472. Jamin, Paris. — Photographs. 1473. Rolloy, Jun. Paris. — Photo- graphic chemicals, paper, and apparatus. 1474. Marrion, Paris. — Photographic paper, Ac. 1475. Puech, L. Paris. — Photographic chemicals and apparatus. 1476. Briois, C. A. Paris. — Photogra- phic chemicals and apparatus. 1477. Richardin, J. B. Paris. — Machine for polishing daguerreotype plates, and clean- ing glass plates. 1478. Poirier, Paris. — Press for glazing photographs. 1479. Lecu, F. N. Paris. — Photographic requisites. 1480. I)e Poilly, Sen. Boulogne ( Pas - de-Calais ). — Photographic apparatus for the country. 1481. Dumonteil, Paris. — Photographic apparatus, &c. 1482. Koch, Paris. — Large photographic apparatus. 1 483. Relandin, Paris. — Photographic apparatus. 1485. Deriveau, Paris . — Photographic alembic for travelling. 1486. Garin & Co. Paris . — Photographic chemicals and paper. 1487. Quinet, A. M. Paris . — Photo- graphic apparatus ; sensitive glass plates and paper, which may be kept without any special precautions. 1488. Derogy, Paris . — Photographic ap- paratus, &c. 1489. Millet, A. Paris . — Photographic apparatus. 1490. Hermagis, Paris . — Photographic apparatus, solar microscope, &c. 1491. Darlot, Paris . — Photographic ap- paratus, &c. 1492. Laverdet, Paris . — Collodion photographs ; photographs coloured by ex- hibitor’s process. 1493. Mathieu-Plessy, E. Paris . — Pho- tographic chemicals and paper. 1494. Xuma-Blanc & Co. Paris . — Pho- tographs, plain and coloured. 1495. D’Orzagh, Paris . — Transferred collodion and retouched photographs. 1496. Plaisant, Paris . — Oil-coloured photographic portraits. 1497. Mayer & Pierson, Paris . — Pho- tographs, some of them retouched or painted. 1498. ? Xadar, Paris . — Photographs, many of them taken by electric light, 1499. Pesme, Paris . — Photographs, plain and painted. 1500. Ken, A. Paris . — Photographs, some of large size, obtained directly. 1501. Lemercier, Paris . — Litho-photo- graphs, &c. 1502. Couvez, H. & Colombat, Paris . — Photographs on wood ; heliographic metallic plates. 1503. Xiepce, de St. Victor, Paris . — Photographs on glass and heliographic en- gravings on steel ; helioehromic photographs, fixed instantaneously by means of chloride of lead, &c. 1504. Negre, C. Paris. — Heliographs obtained on steel. &c. 1484. LefIAre, Paris . — Polishing re- quisites, and colours for photographers. ( loo ) Class XIY. — South-west Court and South-west Gallery. 1505. Dufresne, Paris. — Photographic engraving and damascening on steel. 1506. Lafond de Camarsac, Paris. — Unchangeable photographs on enamels and > porcelain, Ac. 1507. Joly-Grangedor, Paris. — Artis- tic photographs, &c. 1508. Poitevin, A. Paris. — Carbon photographs and photo-lithographs. 1509. Vidal, L. Marseilles ( Bouches-du - Rhone). — Carbon photographs, Ac. 1510. Petit, P. Paris. — Photographs. 1511. Corbin, II. Paris. — Photographs, Ac. 1512. Taupenot (dec.). — Photographs. 1513. Gaum£, Mans ( Sarthe ). — Photo- graphs, &c. 1514. Pargier, Lyon (Rhone).— Photo- graphs. 1515. Charavet, Paris. — Carbon pho- tographs. 1516. Garnier & Salmon, Paris. — Car- bon photographs, heliographic engraving, &c. 1517. Robert, Sevres (Seine). — Photo- graphs, taken from Sevres articles, Ac. 1518. Davanne,A. Paris. — Photographs. 1519. Girard, A. Paris. — Photography of the eclipse of 18th July, 1860, observed at Batna, Province of Constantine, by a Com- mission of the Polytechnic School. 1520. Davanne A Girard, Paris — Spe- cimens of photography. 1521. Magny, Paris. — Photographs. 1522. Breton, Madame, Rouen (Seine- Inf.). — Photographs. 1523. Marville, Paris. — Archaeological and other photographs. 1524. Bayard A Bertall, Paris. — Pho- tographic portraits and copies. 1525 Renard — Bourbonne - les -Bains ( Haute-Marne ). — Photographs from nature, Ac. 1526. Jeanrenaud, Paris. — Views ob- tained with dry collodion. 1527. Braunn, A. Dornach (Haut-Rhin). — Photographs. 1528. Jouet, E. Paris. — Photographs. 1529. Mailand, E. Paris. — Waxed paper photographs. 1530. 4)e Brebisson, Faiaise (Calvados). — Photographs ; specimens of different photo- graphic processes. 1531. Adam Salomon, Paris. — Photo- graphs from nature. 1532. Gaillard, P. Paris. — Moist col- lodion photographs. 1533. Bingham, R. Paris. — Moist collo- dion photographs, Ac. 1534. Michelez, C. Paris. — Moist col- lodion photographs. 1535. Carjat A Co. Paris. — Moist col- lodion photographs. 1536. Laffon, J. C. Paris. — Photo- graphs ; photographs on silk and glass. 1537. Maxwel-Lyte, Bagnieres-de - Bi- gorre (Sautes Pyrenees). — Views in the Py- renees. 1538. Aleo, Nice (Alpes-Maritimes). — Photographs by various processes. 1539. Muzet, Grenoble (Isere) . — Views of the Isere and Savoy, 1540. Bertiiier, P. Paris. — Photo- graphs. 1541. Comte O. Aguado, Paris. — En- larged photographs obtained by solar and by electric light. 1542. Vicomte O. Aguado, Paris. — En- larged photographs obtained by solar and by electric light. 1543. Silvy, Paris. — Views in Algeria, Ac. 1544. Braquehais, Paris. — Stereoscopic photographs, coloured, with specimens of the colours used. 1545. Uagron, E. Paris. — Microscopic photographs mounted on jewels. 1546. Ferrier A Son, Paris. — Large photographs on glass ; views taken instan- taneously in Paris while passing through the streets, the carriages and passengers repre- sented being in motion. — Moist collo- 1547. MarlJS, C. A. Paris. dion photographs. ( 101 ) Class XV. — France. 1548. Warnod, Havre { Seine Inf .). — Photographs. 1549. Masson, Seville {Spain) and Paris. — Photograph views in Spain ; Ac. 1550. Bousseton & Appert, Paris . — Portraits. 1551. Cremiere. Paris. — Instantaneous portraits, &c. 1552. Marquis de B£renger, Paris . — Photograph views of the Department of the Isere 1553. Delondre, P. Paris. — Photo- graphs obtained by means of dry waxed paper. 1554. De Clercq, L. Paris. — Photo- graphs obtained on dry iodized waxed paper. 1555. De Villecholle, F. Paris. — Pho- tographs. 1556. Antiiony-Thouret, Jun. Paris . — Photographs from nature, and copies. 1557. Charnay, D. Macon {Saone-and- Loire ) . — Photographs. 1558. Lackerbauer, Paris. — Natural history and anatomical photographs, of the natural size, &c. 1558. Roman, D. Arles {Bouches-du- Bhone). — Photographs. 1569. Tillard, F. Bayeux {Calvados ). — Photographs. 1561. Collard, Paris. — Photographic views, Ac. 1562. Richebourg, Paris. — Photo- graphs. 1563. De Lucy, L. G. Paris. — Por- traits and groups. 1564. De Chamrlouis, Paris. — Views in Syria. 1565. Duvette & Romanet, Amiens {Somme). — Photographs of the cathedral of Amiens. 1566. Moulin, F. Paris. — Photographs. 1567. Autin, Caen {Calvados). — Photo- graphs. 1568. GuesnA Paris. — Photographs. 1569. Bacot, Caen {Calvados). — Por- traits and studies from nature, with collodion. CLASS XV. 1581. Desfontaine, Leroy, & Son, Paris. — Watches, chronometers; time-pieces, one of them marking the hours, minutes, and seconds, the day of the week and month, the month, the phases of the moon, and sun’s place. 1582. Robert, H. Paris. — Time-pieces, chronometers, gravers’ tools, oils, &c. 1583. Colin, A. Paris. — Clocks, regula- tors, travellers’ time-pieces ; bronzes ; tools. 1584. Anquetin, M. 'Paris. — Watches ; universal time-pieces, giving the hour at the chief cities of the world. 1585. Detouche, C. L. Paris. — •Time- pieces, watches, regulators ; electric clocks ; astronomical regulators, marking seconds, and indicating the true time, the day of the week and month, the month and year, the phases and age of the moon, the sun’s rising, setting, and altitude, the signs of the zodia--, and the hour at different parts of the earth. 1586. Montandon Brothers, Paris. — Springs for clocks, watches, Ac. 1587. Farcot, H. A. E. Paris. — Time- pieces, alarms. 1588. Brocot, L. A. Paris. — Regulators, half-second time-pieces, and perpetual calen- dars. 1589. Redier, A. Paris. — Time-pieces, alarms ; applications of the conical pendu- lum, Ac. 1590. Charpentier, P. A. Paris. — Watches, time-pieces, chronometers, regula- tors, Ac. I ( 102 ) Class XY. — South-west Court and South-west Gallery. 1591. Guyard, F. Y. Dieppe (Siene- Inf.). — Electric clocks. 1592. Gontard, Besangon ( Doubs ). — Watches, &c. 1593. Fernier, N. Besangon (Doubs ). — Watches, &c. 1594. Berthelot, Besangon (Doubs ). — Watches, &c. 1595. Montandon, Besangon (Doubs ). — Watches, &c. 1596. Jeannot-Droz, Besangon (Doubs). — Watches, &c. 1597. Richardey, Besangon (Doubs ). — Watches, &c. 1599. Sayoye Bros. Besangon (Doubs). — Watches, &c. 1600. Cressier, E. Besangon (Doubs ). — Watches, &c. 1601. Gilet, E. Besangon (Doubs ). — Watches, &c. 1602. Bossy, Besangon ( Doubs ). — Watches, &c. 1603. Boutey & Son, Besangon (Doubs). — Watches, &c. 1604. Adler, X. Besangon (Doubs ). — Watches, &c. 1605. Favre - Heinrick, Besangon ( Doubs). — Watches, &e. 1606. Perrot, E. Besangon (Doubs ). — Watches, &c. 1607. Groz Bros. Besangon (Doubs ). — Watches, &c. 1608. Humbert, A. Besangon (Doubs). — Watches, &c. 1609. Chalons, V. Besangon (Doubs ). — Watches, &c. 1610. Lambert, H. Besangon (Doubs ). — Watches, &c. 1611. Sterky, A. Besangon (Doubs ). — Watches, &c. 1612. Bertiiet, Besangon (Doubs ). — Watches, &c. 1613. Piguet, Besangon, (Doubs ). — Watches, &c. 1614. Fumey, Besangon (Doubs). — Watches, &c. 1615. Gondelfinger & Bichet, Besan- gon (Doubs ). — Watches, &c. 1616. Amet, F. Besangon (Doubs). — Watches, &c. 1617. Ponsot & IIerize, Besangon (Doubs). Watches, &c. 1618. Bredin, Besangon (Doubs). — Watches, &c. 1619. Croutte, A. & Co. Bouen (Seine- Inf.). — Time-pieces ; alarms. 1620. LOger, P. J. Paris. — Watches. 1621. Gindraux, A. & Sons, Paris. — Rubies and diamonds for wire drawers, and diamond points for engravers on steel ; tiles. 1622. Vissiere, S. Havre (Seine-Inf .). — Chronometers, &c. 1623. Leroy, T. Paris. — Chronometers, &c. 1624. Jacot, II. L. Paris. — Traveller’s time-pieces. 1625. Fleciiet, P. Paris. — Sun-dials. 1626. Couet, L. C. Paris. — Watches, travellers’ time-pieces, regulators. 1627. Patay, P. Paris. — Traveller’s time-pieces. 1628. Drocourt, P. Paris. — Traveller’s time-piece 1629. Pierret, V. Paris. — Watches, portable time-pieces, &c. 1630. Collective Exhibition of the City of Cluses (Haute- Savoie ). — Parts of watches and clocks, tools, &c. 1631. Scharf, B. St. Nicolas d’Aliermont (Seine-Inf.). — Astronomical clock, chrono- meters, &e. 1632. Str^bet, L. Paris. — Steeple- clock. 1633. Perreaux, L. G. Paris. — Public clocks. 1634. Schirrmann, E. Paris. — Time- pieces, &c. in carved wood. 1635. Brequet, L. C. F. Paris. — Time- pieces, regulators, chronometers, repeaters, &c. ( 103 ) Class XYI. — France. CLASS XVI. 1641. Mustel, C. V. Paris. — Organ- harmonium. 1642. Labbaye, J. C. Paris. — Brass instruments. 1643. Rodolphe, A. Paris. — Organ- harmonium. 1644. Henry E. & Martin, J. Paris. — Military musical instruments, in brass, &c, 1645. Beaucourt, H. C. Lyon (Rhone). O rgan-harmonium . 1646 David, L. Paris. — Brass military instruments. 1647. Mayer-Marix, Paris. — Harmoni- flutes. 1648. Lecomte, A. & Co. Paris. — Wind instruments, of brass and wood. 1649. Kasriel, L. M. Paris. — Flute- harmonium, harmoni-flutes, &c. 1650. Alexandre & Son, Paris. — Organs. 1651. Remy & CIrobert, Mirecourt (Vosges). — Non-metallic wind instruments; an organ. 1 652. Busson, C. Paris. — Accordions ; harmoni-flutes. 1653. Derazey, J. J. H. Mirecourt ( Vos- ges). — Stringed instruments, &c. 1654. Mangeot Bros. & Co. Nancy (Meurthe). — Upright piano, with oblique strings. 1655. 1 CAUDhRES, J. J. Bordeaux (Gi- ronde). — Upright piano, with a triple clavier. 1656. Bo i rot, D. Mirecourt (Vosges). — Organ, and stringed instruments. 1657. Cavaille-Coll, A. Paris. — Plan of the great organ of the church of St. Sulpice ; chamber organ ; models of pneumatic movements with simple and double actions ; regulators of air and gas pressure ; bellows for different pressures, &c. 1659. Uarrenc, J. H. A. Paris. — Piano music, comprising choice pieces of the masters of all countries and periods from the sixteenth to the middle of the nineteenth century. 1660. Grand jon, J. Mirecourt (Vosges). — Stringed instruments. 1661. Gerard, E. & Co. Paris. — Select music. 1662. V incent, Paris. — Organ, having a double clavier with quarter tones. 1663. Debain, A. F. Paris. — Mechanical piano, harmonichords, &c. 1664. Martin, P. & Son, Toulouse (Ilaute-Gar onne). — Upright piano, withdemi- oblique strings. 1665. Kriegelstein, J. G. Paris — Up- right piano with oblique strings, and grand piano with repeating movement. 1666. Husson-Buthod, & Thibodville, Paris. — Wind and stringed instruments. 1667. Courtois, Antony, Paris. — Brass instruments. 1668. Elck£, F. Paris. — Piano. 1669. Lemoine, H. A. P. Paris. — M usie. 1670. Vuillaume, J. B. Paris. — Violins and bows, 1671. Savaresse, H. Paris. — Strings for instruments. 1672. Kleinjasper, Paris. — Upright piano. 1673. Boisselot A Son, Marseille (Bou- ches-du-Rhune ). — Pianos. 1674. WlART, F. S. Chdteauroux (Indre). — Fiano mechanism. 1675. Gehrling, C. Paris. — Mechanism for pianos. 1676. Gaudonnet, P. Paris. — Upright piano. 1677. Mirmont, C. A. Paris. — Stringed instruments. 1658. Kelsen, E. Paris. — Self-acting- organ, moved by a spring or weight. ( 10t ) Class XVI. — South-west Court and South-west Gallery. 1678. Montal, C. Paris . — Upright and grand pianos. 1679. De Rohden, F. Paris. — Mechan- ism for pianos. 1680. Bonnet, C. Marseilles ( Bouches-du - Rhone ). — Stringed instruments. 1681. Favre, J. Lyon {Rhone). — Harmo- nichords. 1682. Jaulin, L. J. Paris. — Harmoni- chord. 1683. Barbier, V. Paris . — Requisites for the manufacture of pianos. 1684. Bord, A. Paris. — Pianos. 1685. Aucher, L. & J. Bros. Paris . — Pianos. 1686. Pleyel, Woolf, & Co., pianoforte makers, 22 Rue Rochechouart, Paris. Warerooms, &c., 95 Rue Richelieu; Manufactory, Rue des Recollets; Timber Yard and Saw Works, Rue des Portes Blanches {Montmartre), a Paris. Sole agents for the United Kingdom — Metzi.er & Co., 35, 37, 38, and 16, Great Marlborough Street, London. [Prize Medal awarded 18G2.] “ For excellence in every kind of piano, power and equality of tone, precision of mechanism, and solidity.” Price lists will be forwarded on application to Metzler and Co., Great Marlborough Street, London. 1687. Jacquot, C. Nancy {Meurthe ). — Violins, violoncellos, &c. 1688. Pape, J. H. Paris. — Pianos. 1689. Herz, H. Paris. — Pianos. 1690. Blanchet, P. A. C. Paris . — Pianos. 1691. Wolfel, F. Paris. — Pianos. 1692. Cottiau, P. F. J. Paris. — Reeds, for organ-harmoniums and accordions. 1693. Lot, L. Paris. — Flutes with cylindric bore. 1694. Godefroy, C. Sen. Paris. — Flutes with cylindric and conical bore, &e. 1696. Tri£bert, F. Paris. — Wind in- struments ; mouth-pieces for clarinets ; reeds and tools for making them. 1697. Buffet-Crampon & Co. Paris. — Wind instruments. 1698. Breton, J. D. Paris. — Wind in- struments ; clarinets and flutes of wood, silver, aluminium, and crystal ; crystal mouth- pieces, &c., for clarinets. 1699. Thibouville, Sen. Paris. — Wind instruments. 1700. Barbu, J. P. Paris. — Reeds. 1701. Sax, A. J. Paris. — Wind instru- 1695. Buffet, L. A. rinets, hautboys, &c. Jun. Paris . — Cla- ments, &c. 1702. Gautrot, P. L. Sen. Paris.— ( 105 Class XYII. — France. Wind and percussion instruments, of brass and wood. 1703. De Tillancourt, E. Paris . — Silk acribelles-strings. 1701. Frelon, L. F. A. Paris. — Appa- ratus for teaching music. 1705. Fauijasse-Cazottes, Montpellier ( IL'rault). — Harmonic strings. 1706. GicHENk, L’Abb^, St. Medard ( Lan des ) . — Sy m phonista. 1707. Sax, A. Jun. Paris. — Wind in- struments. CLASS XVII. 1711. Mericant, E. Paris. — Instru- ments for veterinary surgeons. 1712. Charriere, J. J. Paris. — Sur- gical instruments. 1713. Lukr, G. G. A. Paris. — Surgical instruments. 1714. Mathieu, L. J. Paris. — Surgical apparatus, artificial limbs, &c. 1715. Sales-Girons, Dr. Paris. — Ap- paratus for medicating mineral waters. 1716. Charles, G. Paris. — Baths, with heating apparatus, &c. 1717. Fouquet, A. Paris. — Bathing ap- paratus. 1718. Martr1:s, Dr. A. St. Gyr ( Seine - and- Oise). — Tent answering for a litter. 1719. L^cuyer, F. J. Paris. — Bath, with interior warming apparatus. 1720. Paquet, Dr. F. Poubaix (Kurd). — Ferruginated gutta pcrcha, for surgical uses. 1721. Galante H. & Co. Paris. — Vul- canized india-rubber surgical apparatus. 1722. Rebold, E. Paris. — - Flectro- medical apparatus. 1723. glasses. Junod, V. T. Paris.— -Cupping- 1724. Grancollot, L. P. Paris. — Ortho- paxlic and herniary apparatus. 1725. Tollay, Martin, & Leblanc, Paris. — Shower-baths. 1726. Pichot, J. A. A Malapert, Poi- tiers ( Vienne). — Carboniferous disinfecting paper, for dressing wounds. 1727. Thiers, L. P. T. Paris.— Hygi- enic, &c., apparatus. 1728. Burg, Paris. — Metallo-therapeu- tic apparatus for the treatment of diseases of the nerves. 1729. Morin, F. J. Paris. — Electro- medical apparatus ; electric apparatus for the ignition of gunpowder. 1730. Nachet & Son, Paris. — Optical apparatus for anatomy. 1731. Leplanquais, P. F. Paris. — Trusses, &c. 1732. Le Perdiel, C. & Marinier, J. Paris. — Trusses, &c. 1733. Wickham Bros. Paris. — Trusses. 1734. Loriel, H. F. Paris. — Trusses. 1735. Le Belleguic, I 3 . J. Paris . — Orthopoedic apparatus, trusses, &c. 1736. BkCHARD, R. L. Paris. — Trusses, artificial limbs, orthopoedic apparatus. 1737. Vasseur, l 3 . N. Paris. — Osteo- logical, and comparative anatomical prepara- tions. 1738 BaillHre, J. B. & Son, Paris. — Works on natural history, anatomy, &c. 1739. Duchenne, Dr. G. Paris. — l 3 ho- tographs from nature, representing the differ- ent expressions of the countenance under the action of electricity. ( 106 ) Class XVII. — South-tvest Court and South-west Gallery. 1740. Lakerbaner, P. Paris. — Draw- ings, lithographs, engravings, and photo- graphs, for the natural and medical sciences. 1741. Gion, D. J. Paris. — Artificial teeth ; articles for the repair of injuries to the mouth. 1742. L£ger, Dr. E. V. Paris. — Anato- mical and pathological models in paper. 1743. Simon, P. Paris. — Dental instru- ments. 1744. Lavezzart, E. Montreuil-sur-Mer (Pas-de- Calais). — Plans of an hospital, and baths for warm sea-water in the winter. 1745. Talrich, J. V. J. Paris. — Ana- tomical wax models, &c. 1746. Guerin, J. J. B. Paris. — Compa- rative osteological preparations. 1747 Lefevre, A. A. Paris. — Taxider- mic preparations of animals’ heads. 1748. Auzoux, Dr. L. Paris. — Elastic anatomical preparations. 1749. Boissonneau, A. Sen. Paris . — Moveable artificial eyes. 1750. Coulomb, J. Paris. — Moveable artificial eyes. 1751. Lucas, L. P. Paris. — Preserved plants. 1752. Julienne, Madame M. J. E. Paris. — Bathing-belt for infants. 1753. Darbo, F. Paris. — Hygienic and other instruments. / 1754. Parzudaki, E. Paris. — Taxider- mic preparations. 1755. Bourgogne, J. Sen. Paris. — Mi- croscropic, anatomical, Ac. objects. 1756. PrIcterre, P. A. Paris.— Articles for the repair of injuries to the mouth. 1757. Bourgogne Bros. Paris. — Mi- croscopic preparations of animal and vege- table anatomy. 1758. Lami, A. Paris. — Anatomical model, representing the human muscular system. 1759. IAtiio, F. H. Paris. — Artificial eyes for taxidermic preparations. 1760. Desjardins de Morainville, Dr. J. B. L. Paris. — Artificial eyes ; speci- mens of diseases of the eye. 1761. Boissonneau, A. P. Jun. Paris . — Moveable artificial eyes ; specimens of dis- eases of the eye. 1762. Marey, Dr. J. Paris. — Sphygmo- graphic apparatus, for recording the beatings of the pulse ; the he mo-manometer, an instru- ment for measuring the pressure of the blood in the arteries; apparatus representing the physical phenomena of the circulation of the blood. 1763. Damoiseau, A. Alengon ( Ome ). — The zerabdella, an instrument intended as a substitute for leeches. 1764. Franqois, J. Conte-Grandciiamp, & Desbuissons, Paris. — Plans of a proposed thermal establishment at Amelie-les-Bains. 1765. Franqois, J. & Durrieu. — Plans of an establishment at the baths of Ussat. 1766. Billet, Francois, J., & Pelle- grini, B. — Plans and views of the thermal establishment of Marlioz. 1767. Franqois, J., & Normand. — Plans of the baths of Bareges. 1768. Caron, A. Paris. — Medical spoon, for administering disagreeable medicine. 1769. Mouillard, P. F. V. Paris. — Pro- cess for purifying tobacco smoke, or combin- ing it with matters intended to be inhaled. O X— 1 -JV ( 107 ) Class XYIII. — France. CLASS XVIII. 1771. Mallet Bros. Lille { Nord ). — Cotton thread, plain, twisted, &c. 1772. Loyer, H. Lille (. Nord ). — Twisted thread of American and Algerian cotton. 1773. Collective Exhibition of the City of Roanne {Loire). — Grain-dyed cot- ton fabrics (13 Exhibitors). 1774. Collin & Co. Bar le Due {Meuse). — Cotton, and wool and cotton fabrics. 1775. Humbert & Co. Gramaches {Somme). — Cotton thread, plain and twisted. 1776. Lejeune, L. & Voitrin, Paris . — Wadding, white and coloured. 1777. DuroNT-PouLET, Troyes {Aube). — Spun and dyed cotton. 1778. Duret, Brionne {Eure). — Spun and dyed American and Algerian cotton. 1779. Ritaud, C. Fleury, V. & Co. Paris. — Thread made of cotton dyed before being spun. 1780. Cartier-Bresson, Paris . — Twisted cotton thread. 1782. Fauquet-Lemaitre & Prevost, Pont-Audemer {Eure). — Cotton thread. 1783. Tabouel & L£mery, Darnetal {Seme-Inf.). — Dressed lustrings and fabrics. 1784. Pimont, P. Rouen {Seine-Inf.). — Fabrics made of bleached and prepared cotton. 1785. Fanquet & Lheureux, Rouen {Seine-Inf.). — Cotton handkerchiefs. 1786. Fanquet, 0. & Co. Oissel-sur- Seine {Stine-Inf.). — Spun cotton. 1788. Derly, A. & Chaboy, Bellemcombre {Seine- 1? if. ) . — Spun cotton. 1 789. _ Peynaud & Co. Remilly-sur-An- delle {Seine- Inf .). — Spun cotton and calico. 1792. ^ Rousselin, S. Darnetal {Seine Inf.). — Spun cotton. 1793. Vaussard, Notre- Dame-de-Boude- ville {Seine-Inf .). — Spun cotton, and cotton fabrics. 1794. Boucly-Maechand, St. Quentin ( Aisne ). — Plaited shirt-fronts, embroidered, &c., by machine. 1795. Hugues - Caunin, St. Quentin {Aisne). — Figured, bleached, and dyed mus- lins for furniture. 1796. Ledoux-Bedu, & Co. St. Quentin {Aisne). — Cotton fabrics, handkerchiefs of silk and cotton. 1797. Troche, P. L. Hervilly {Somme). — White and figured quilting. 1798. Leroy - Dauphin, St. Quentin {Aisne). — Plain cotton fabrics, &c. 1799. Huet-Jacquemin, A. St. Quentin {Aisne). — Worked muslins, &c. 1800. Derche-Girarde, St. Quentin {Aisne). — White worked muslins, &c. 1801. Roland, C. St. Quentin {Aisne). — White and coloured quilting for petti- coats. 1802. Delacourt, C. Epehy {Somme). — Quilting. 1803. Colombier Brothers, St. Quen- tin {Aisne). — Fine quilting, for various pur- poses. 1804. Carcenac and Roy, Paris. — Plain and other cotton fabrics, white and coloured. 1805. Oderieu, C. and Chardon, L. Rouen {Seinelnf.). — White and figured quilt- ing. 1807. Motte-Bossut, & Co. Roubaix {Nord ). — Various articles in cotton. 1808. Boigeol-Japy, Griromagny ( Haut - Rhin). — Spun and woven articles in Indian and American cotton. 1809. Gros, Odier, Roman, & Co. Wes- serling {Haut-Rliin). — White cotton fabrics. 1810. Dolfus, Mieg, & Co. Midhouse (Haut-Rhin). — Plain and twisted cotton- thread ; raw and bleached cotton fabrics. 1811. FknouELLE & Holland, St. Quen- ( 108 ) Class XIX. — South-west Court and South-west Gallery . tin ( Aisne ). — Figured window blinds and cur- tains. 1812. Mennet-Possoz, David, & Troul- lier, Paris. — Worked muslins and gauzes, for curtains. 1813. Dubois, Y. Puns.— Window cur- tains and blinds, &c. 1814. Chatelus - Dubost, Tar are (Phone). — Light cotton fabrics, tarlatans, &c. 1815. Thivel-Michon, Tar are (Phone). — Tarlatans. 1816. Collective Exhibition of the City of Tarare (Rhone) — Figured muslins, &c., made with a Jacquard machine (8 Exhi- bitors.) 1817. Huffier - Leutner, Tarare (Rhone). — Muslins, plain and figured. 1818. Mac-Cullocii Brothers, Tarare (Rhone) — Dyed cotton fabrics. 1819. Patureau, L. Paris. — Cases for sewing cotton. CLASS XIX. 1831. Casse, J. & Son, Lille (Nord ). — Damasked table-linen, mixed flax and cotton fabrics for toilet covers. 1832. Lauwick Brothers, Commines (Nord). — Flax and cotton tapes. 1833. Cornilleau, L. Sen. & Co. Mans (Sarthe). — Machine-made hempen cloth. 1834. Bary, Jun. & Co. Mans (Sarthe). — Hemp-yarn, unbleached and bleached cloth. 1835. PfivEiLLkRE, 31ans (Sarthe ). — Raw and manufactured hemp ; hemp-yarn for naval purposes ; packing cloths. 1836. JouRNk, P. Paris. — Ticking of flax, of flax and cotton, &c., for trousers. 1837. Dickson & Co. Dunkerque (Nord). — Duck. 1838. Fromage, L. Parnetal (Seine Inf.). — Ribbed sail-cloths. 1839. Leveau, A. Evreux (Eure ). — Ticking of cotton, and of flax and cotton. 1840. Dequoy, J. Lille (Nord). — Flax- yarn, tow-yarn, and cloth. 1841. Drummond, Bartes, & Co. Mou- lins-Lille ( Nord).— 3 ute-yarn. 1842. Vrau, P. Lille (Nord). — Sewing thread. 1843. Monchain, Z. Lille (Nord).— Flax-yarn. 1844. Pouciiain, V. Armentihres (Nord). — Raw, bleached and dyed flax fabrics ; wrought and damasked table linen. 1845. Grassot & Co. Lyon (Rhone ). — Damask table linen ; fabrics of wool and cotton, for furniture. 1847. Deneux 'Brothers, Hallencourt (Somme). — Table linen. 1848. Buchholtz & Co. Valenciennes (Nord). — Cambrics and lawns. 1849. Delame-Lelievre & Son, Valen- ciennes (Nord). — Cambrics, and lawns ; hand- kerchiefs. 1850. Guynet, L. H. Paris & Cambrai (Nord). — Linens of Cambrai, &c. 1851. Lussigny Brothers, Paris f Valenciennes (Nord). — Cambrics, of hand and machine-spun yarn, raw, bleached and printed ; white handkerchiefs. 1852. Godard, A. & Bontemps, Valen- ciennes (Nord). — Cambrics, of hand and machine-spun yarn, &c. 1853. Thoury Brothers, & Flair, Mans (Sarthe). — Carded hemp, thread, and packthread. 109 ) Class XX. — France. 1854. Verstracte & Co. Lille (Ford). — Flax-yarn, and undressed tow-yarn ; twisted sewing-tliread. 1855. Heuze, Eadiguet, Homon, CtouRY, & Leroux, Landerneau (F mister re). — Flax-yarn and tow-yarn ; duck, &c. 1856. Defrey, Houssier, & Lepretre, Alenoon ( Orne). — Waterproof ' fabrics, and cordage. 1857. Leon i & Coblenz, Vaugenlieu ( Oise ). — 1 lemp, peeled mechanically without steeping, by a new process. CLASS XX. 1861. Mathevon & Bouvard, Lyon (Rhone). — Silk fabrics, for furniture. 1862. Carquillat, M. M. Lyon (Rhone). — Silk fabrics. 1863. Heckel, Sen., Brosset, Lyon (Rhone). — Silk fabrics. 1861. Blache & Co. Lyon (Rhone). — Silk velvet. 1865. Brunet-Lecomte, Devillaine, & Co. Lyon (Rhone). — Silk fabrics, plain or printed. 1866. Poncet, L., Lenoir, V. & Co. Lyon (Rhone). — Silk fabrics. 1867. Teillard, C. M. Lyon (Rhone). — Plain silk fabrics. 1868. Brosset, Sen. & Boissieu, Lyon (Rhone). — Plain and figured silks. 1869. Girard, Nephew, Quinzon & Co. Lyon (Rhone). — Plain velvet. 1870. Bonnet, C. J. & Co. Lyon (Rhone). — Taffetas and satins. 1871. Schulz Brothers & Beraud, Lyon (Rhone). — Silk fabrics for dresses ; silk shawls. 1872. Martin, J. B. & P. Tarare (Rhone). — Dyed and milled silks ; plush for bats ; velvet. 1873. Gantillon, D. Lyon (Rhone). — Dressed silk handkerchiefs. 1874. Villard & Jackson, Lym (Rhone). — Black and coloured velvet. 1875. Rougier & Co. Lyon (Rhone). — Plain and worked silk fabrics. 1876. Riboud, J., Pravaz, II. & Co. Lyon (Rhone). — Silk crapes and stuffs. ( 1877. Gauthier, J. & Co. Lyon (Rhone). — Plain velvet. 1878. SkvkNE, Barral, & Co. Lyon (Rhone). — Silk fabrics, plain and figured. 1879. Donat, A. & Co. Lyon (Rhone). — Silk, velvet, and stuffs for waistcoats ; gre- nadines for dresses and shawls. 1880. Font, Chambeyron, & Benoit, Lyon (Rhone). — Plain velvet. 1881. Caquet-Yauzelle, & Cote, Lyon (Rhone). — Plain and figured silks for dresses. 1882. Bocoup, Villard, & Co. Lyon (Rhone). — Silk fabrics, plain and figured ; Cliambery gauze. 1883. Barbequot, Chenaud, & Co. Lyon (Rhone). — Silk shawls. 1884. Boybiven Bros. Lyon (Rhone ). — Carriage lace. 1885. Algoud Bros. Lyon (Rhone ). — Black taffetas. 1886. Araud Bros. Lyon (Rhone). — Silk fabrics for umbrellas. 1887. YkukNiz, Lyon (Rhone). — Silk fa- brics for furniture. 1888. Tapissier, Jun. & Hutet, P. Lyon (Rhone). — Plain and figured silk fa- brics ; velvet. 1889. SkvE & Co. Lyon (Rhone). — Plain, black, and coloured velvet. 1890. Vanel, L. & Co. Lym (Rhone). — Worked silk fabrics. 1891 . Million, J. P. & Co. Lyon (Rhone). — Plain silk fabrics ; velvet. no ) Class XX. — South-west Court and South-west Gallery. 1892. Tapissier, Jun. & Debry, Lyon (Rhone). — Black taffetas and stuffs of silk. 1893. Silo Cousins, Lyon (Rhone ). — Silk fabrics for fancy goods. 1894. Kigod, Lyon (Rhone). — Velvet. 1895. Rosset, Rendu, & Co. Lyon (Rhone). — Silk fabrics, shawls. 1896. Brisson Bros. Lyon (Rhone ). — Plain velvets ; plushes ; galoons. 1897. Bayard Bros. Lyon (Rhone). — Plain and figured silk fabrics ; galoons for hats. 1898. Bellon Bros. & Conty, Lyon (Rhone). — Plain silk fabrics. 1899. Cociiaud, Adam, & Co. Lyon (Rhone). — Plain and figured silks. 1900. Charbin & Troubat, Lyon (Rhone). — Plain velvet. 1901. Hamelin, A. Paris. — Twisted silk for sewing and embroidery, plain and dyed. 1902. Fabre, C. Paris. — Twisted silk, for sewing and embroidery, plain and dyed. 1903. Chilliat, E. Paris. — Silks, milled, undyed, and dyed. 1904. Plailly, N. P. Paris. — Sewing silk for glove making. 1905. Hock, A. Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin). — Cottons and silks, yellow, and in imitation of straw and wood. 1906. Bally, J. Paris. — Ribbons for orders of knighthood, French and foreign. 1907. De Bary-Merian, Guebxoiller (Haut-Rhin). — Plain and figured silk ribbons. 1908. William, S. Soultz (Haut-Rhin ). — Black silk ribbons, satined and figured taf- fetas. ^ 1910. Denis, A. St. Etienne (Loire).— Velvet, and articles in lace. 1911. Girinon, Jun. St. Etienne (Loire). — Articles in lace. 1912. _ Faure, E. St. Etienne (Loire).— Articles in lace. 1913. Larcher, Faure, & Co. St. Etienne (Loire). — Plain and figured silk rib- bons. ( 1914. Rebourg, C. St. Etienne (Loire). —Figured silk ribbons. 1915. Calemard, J. St. Etienne (Loire). — Plain and figured silk ribbons. 1916. Epitalon Brothers, St. Etienne (Loire). — Plain satin ribbons. 1917. Joucerand, C. St Etienne (Loire). — Plain and figured silk ribbons. 1918. Collective Exhibition of the City of St. Chamond (Loire). — Silk laces and braids (4 Exhibitors). 1919. Renard Bros. Sarreguemines (Mo- selle). — Silk plushes for hats. 1920. Massing Bros. & Co. Puttelange (Moselle). — Silk plushes for hats. 1921. Lacour & Walter, Sarreguemines (Moselle). — Silk and cotton plushes for hats. 1922 Massing, P. & Co. Sarreguemines (Moselle). — Silk plushes for hats. 1923. Barallon & Brossard, J. St. Etienne (Loire). — Ribbons made of raw silk. 1924. Balay, J. & Co. St. Etienne (Loire). — -Ribbons made of raw silk, and dyed in the piece. 1925. Neyret, J. St. Etienne (Loire). — Ribbons for belts and decorations. 1926. Dugnat-Gauthier, St. Etienne (Loire). — Silk and velvet ribbons. 1927. GkRENTET & Coignet, St. Etienne (Loire). — Plain and figured silk ribbons. 1928. Donzel, L. St. Etienne (Loire). — Silk and velvet ribbons. 1929. Descours, A. St. Etienne (Loire). — Silk and velvet ribbons. 1930. Avril, A. & Co. St. Etienne (Loire). — Plain and figured velvet ribbon. 1931. Giron Bros. St. Etienne (Loire). — Velvet fabrics and ribbons. 1932. David, J. B. St. Etienne (Loire). — Ribbons of silk and velvet. 1933. PiLLET-MEAuzk & Son, Tours (Lndre-and- Loire.) — Silk fabrics for furni- ture and carriages. 1934. Fey, Martin, Eude & ViEUGuk, Tours (Indre-and-Loire ). — Silk fabrics for furniture and carriages. Hi ) Class XX. — France. 1935. Lachard & Besson, Lyon (Rhone). — Silk for dresses ; shawls. 1936. Bernakd-Joly & Chappet, Lyon (Rhone). — Y elvet. 1937. Galland, F. Lyon (Rhone). — Figured silks. 1938. Badoil, G. and Co. Lyon (Rhone). — Plain and figured silks ; grenadine shawls. 1939. Berlie, A. Son, & Co. Lyon ( Rhone). — Plain and figured silks. 1940. Bardon & Pit ton, Lyon (Rhone). — Plain and figured silks. 1941. Servant De vienne & Co. Lyon. (Rhone). — Plain and figured silks for waist- coats and cravats. 1942. Poncet, Jun. A Co. Lyon (Rhone). — Silk fabrics for umbrellas. 1943. Nicolas, F. & Co. Lyon (Rhone). — Fabrics of silk, of silk and wool, of wool and cotton, and of silk and cotton. 1944. Gourd, Croizat, Son, & Dubost, Lyon (Rhone). — Plain and figured silks. 1945. Mauvernay & Dubost, Lyon (Rhone). — Black and coloured silks. 1946. Guise & Co. Lyon (Rhone).-- Plain silk and velvet fabrics. 1947. Mercier, Vuillemot, & Neyret, Lyon (Rhone). — Silk velvets and fabrics, for waistcoats. 1948. Charbonnet & Villatte, Lyon (Rhone). — Silk fabrics. 1949. Verpillat, J. Lyon (Rhone). — Plain silk fabrics. 1950. Brabant, Salomon, & Co. Lym (Rhone). — Silk fabrics. 1951. Belmont-Terret, & Co. Lyon (Rhone). — Plain silk fabrics. 1952. B£rard E. Poncet, & Co. Lym (Rhone). — Silks for dresses. 1953. Favrot Brothers, Lyon (Rhone). — Plain, printed, and figured silk handker- chiefs. 1954. Lyon, A. & Co. Lyon (Rhone). — Black silk fabrics ; silk handkerchiefs ; velvet. 1955. Kuppeniieim, Lyon (Rhone). — I hinted handkerchiefs. 1956. Emery, L. Lyon (Rhone). — Plain and figured silks. 1957. Tbapadoux, A. & Co. Lyon (Rhone). — Silks for handkerchiefs. 1958. RLrolle, G. & Co. Lyon (Rhone). — Printed handkerchiefs. 1959. Ronze & Vachon, Lyon (Rhone). — Silk fabrics. 1960. Menet, J. H. & Duringe, S. Lyon (Rhone). — Silk fabrics. 1961. Labors, Rodier, & Co. Lyon (Rhone). — Figured silks. 1962. Valansot, M. Lyon (Rhone). — Plain silk fabrics. 1963. Bouvard & Son, Lyon (Rhone ). — Silk fabrics for furniture, and church orna- ments. 1 964. Tabart, G. F. & Co. Lym (Rhone). — Plain, black, and coloured velvet. 1965. Savoye, Ravier & Chanu, Lym (Rhone). — Plain and figured silks. 1966. Roche & Dime, Lyon (Rhone). — Shawls ; figured silks. 1967. Ponson, C. Lyon (RhCme). — Silk fabrics ; velvets. 1968. Meynier, Ik Lym (Rhone). — Fi- gured silks. 0 1969. Jandin, C. & Duval, A. Lyon (Rhone). — Printed silk handkerchiefs. 1970. Gindre & Co. Lyon (Rhone). — Plain silk fabrics. 1971. Montessuy, A. & Chomer, A. Lyon (Rhone). — Silk fabrics ; crape ; mus- lin, &c. 1972. Lamy, A. Lyon (Rhone). — Figured silk for dresses. 1973. Gondre & Co. Lyon (Rhone). — Plain silk fabrics ; velvet. 1974. Franc, Son, & Martelin, Lyon (Rhone). — Fancy silk thread. 1975. Collet - Lefrancq, Amiens (Somme). — Raw silk waste, carded, and spun. 1976. Revil, C. & Co. Amilly (Loiret). — Spun floss silk. 1977. Bindschedler, Legranp, & Fal- ( 112 ) Class XX. — South-west Court and South-west Gallery. lot, Thann ( llaut - Rhin). — Spun floss silk. 1978. Blondeau-Billiet, Lille {. Nord ). Spun floss silk. 1979. Hennecart, J. F. Paris. — Silk fabrics for bolting flour, and fecula, gun- powder, pharmaceutical powders, and porce- lain earths. 1980. Gascou, Nephew, & Albrespy, A. Montauban {Tar n-and- Garonne ). — Silk fa- brics for bolting flour ; raw silk. 1981. Couderc, A. & Soucaret, Jun. Montauban {Tarn-and-Garonne'). — Silk fa- brics for bolting flour ; raw silk. 1982. Beybaud, J. Lyon {Rhone). — Por- traits on silk, executed by a Jacquard loom. The following appear also in Class III., as contributors of raw materials : — 830. De Batllet, St. Germains-es-Mons {Dordogne). — Silk. 859. Banneton, St. Vallier {Drome ). — Raw silk, organzine. 840. Barries Bros. St.-Julien-en-St.- Alban {Ardbche). — Raw and prepared silk. 832. Berard & Brunet {Rhone). — Raw and prepared silk. 856. Biscarrat, P. Bouchet {Drome ). — Raw and prepared silk. 839. Blanciion, L. St.-Julien-en-St.- Alban. — Raw and prepared silk. 843. Blanchon, Jun. Flaviac {Ardeche). — Raw and prepared silk. 762. Blanc - Montbrun, La Roliere {Drome). — Raw and prepared silk. 845. Boisramey, Jun. Caen {Calvados). — Raw and prepared silk, for blondes and net. Grenadines for lace. 849. Bonnet & Bouniols, Vigan {Gard). — Raw silk. 852. Bondet, F. Uz'es {Gard). — Raw silk. 850. Brouilhet & Baumier, Vigan {Gard). — Raw and prepared silk. 744. Buissou, C. Tranche {Isere). — Raw and prepared silk. Class XX. ( 794. Ciiabaud, A. Avignon ( Vaucluse ). — - Raw and prepared silk. 848. Chambon, Widow, St.-Paul-La- coste {Gard). — Raw silk, and organzine. 853. Champanohet - Sargeas Bros. Vais. {Ardeche). — Raw and prepared silk. 742. Changea, Lamastre {Ardeche).— Raw and prepared silk. 857. Ciiartron & Son, St. Vallier {Drome) — Silk. 749. Combier Bros. Livron {Drome ). — Raw silk. 833. COMTESSE C. DE CORNEILLAN, Paris. — Raw silk. 816. Corneille & Fabre, Trans {Var). — Raw silk, &c. 835. Fara, Jun. Bourg-Argental {Loire). — Silk for laces. 854. Fougeirol, A. Ollieres {Ardeche). — Raw silk, organzine. 858. Franquebalme & Son, Avignon {Vaucluse). — Worked Chinese and Japanese silk, for woof and nap. 836. Frigard, Bourg-Argental {Loire). — White and yellow raw silk. 750. Gautier, F. Chabeuil {Drome ). — Raw and prepared silk. 751. Helme, A. Loriol {Drome). — Raw and prepared silk. 777. Lacombe, J. Alais {Gard). — Raw silk. 752. Lacroix, P. {Drome). — Raw and prepared silk. 753. Lascour, Crest {Drome). — Raw and prepared silk. 754. Leydier Brothers, Buis-lcs-Ba- ronnies {Drome). — Raw and prepared silk. 862. Mahistre, A. Jun. Vigan {Gard). — Raw silk. 717. Maraval & Co. Lavaur {Tarn). — Raw silk. 851. Martin, L. & Co. Lasalle {Gard). — Raw silk. 842. Monestier, Sen. Avignon {Vau- cluse). — Raw and prepared silk. 13 ) I Class XXI. — France. 704. Agricultural Association of Mont aub an ( Tarn-and- Garonne ) . — Silk. 706. Society of Science and Agricul- ture of Montauban (Tarn-and- Garonne) . —Silk. 785. Nourrigat, Lund (Her ault). — Raw silk. 755. Noyer Bros. Dieulejit (Drome ). — Raw and prepared silk. 844. Palluat & Co. Lyon (Rhone . — Prepared silk. 2045. Pasquay Brothers, & Co. Was- selomie (Bas-Rhin ). — Spun floss silk. 741. Pradier, J. Annonay (Ardeche ). — • Raw and prepared silk. 829. Raibaud-L’Ange, Director of the Farm School of Paillerols. — 855. Regard Brothers, Privas (Ar- deche ). — Raw and prepared silk. 841. SkRUSLAT, L. Ftoile (Drome ). — Prepared silk. 847. Tessier du Cros, Valleraugue (Gard ). — Raw and prepared silk. 778. Yernet Bros. Beaucaire (Gard). — Raw and prepared silk. CLASS XXI. 1991. Lelarge, F., & Auger, A. Reims (Marne). — Plain and twilled flannels for hygienic purposes. ‘ 1992. Bouffard, Ferrier, & Co. Paris and Reims. — Plain and twilled flannels ; va- rious kinds of cloth. 1994. Pradine & Co. Reims (Marne ). — Merinos wove by power-loom. 1995. Lucas Brothers, Reims (Marne). — Yarn from carded wool ; merinos. 1996. Philippot, J. M. Reims (Marne). — Merinos, figured fabrics. 1998. Villeminot, Reims (Marne ). — Yarn of combed wool ; merinos made by power-loom. 1999. Rogelet, C., Gand Bros., Grand- jean, Ibry, & Co. Reims (Marne). — Yarn of combed wool, merinos. 2000. Gilbert & Co. Reims (Marne). — Yarns of combed wool ; merinos made by power-loom. 2001. Croutelle, Rogelet, Gand, & Grandjean, Reims (Marne). — Yarns of carded wool ; plain and twilled flannels. 2002. Sautret, A. T. Betheniville (Marne). — Merinos made by power-loom. 2004. Oudin Bros. Reims (Marne).— Merinos made by power-loom. 2005. Maugras, H. — Merinos made by power-loom. 2006. Chatelain-F^ron, Reims (Marne). — Cloth and flannel, plain and mixed. 2007. Desteuque, Bouchez, & Que- noble Bros. Reims (Marne). — Cloth, flan- nel, figured tissues. 2008. Joltrois, C. Reims (Marne ). — Cloth, flannel. 2009. Benoist- Malot, & Walbaum, Reims (Marne). — Cloth for fancy articles ; merinos made by power-loom. 2011. Benoist & Grevin, Reims (Marne). — Flannel, fabrics of cotton, and of wool, figured. 2012. Appert-Tartat, Reims (Marne). — Cloth. 2014. YuSville & Co. Reims (Marne ). — ■ Cloth. 2017. Harmel Bros. WarmeriviUe (Marne). — Yarn of combed, carded, and both combed and carded wool. 2003. Robert-Galland. (Marne). — Merinos. Pontfaverger ( 2018. (Marne).- m ) Fierrard - Parpaite, Reims -Combed wool. Class XXI. — South-west Court and South-west Gallery. 2019. Holden, Reims {Marne). — Combed wool. 2020. Legrand, T. & Sons, Fourmies ( Nord ). — Combed wool with woollen yarn, and woollen fabrics made of it. 2021. Collective Exhibition by the Department of the Somme. — Cotton, linen, and woollen yarn ; Utrecht velvet ; various fabrics (20 Exhibitors). 2022. Collet - Dubois & Co. Amiens (Somme). — Fabrics of wool, of wool and cot- ton, and of wool and silk. 2023. Crignon, Son, & Hue, Amiens (Somme). — Combed wool, yarn for hosiery, embroidery, and lace. 2024. Gauthier, E. Amiens (Somme ). — Shawls of wool, of wool and cotton, and of wool and silk ; fabrics of wool, and of wool and silk, for dresses ; stuffs for waistcoating. 2025. Vulfran-Mollet, d.mfens(S'omme), and Paris. — Plain and figured fabrics of wool and silk. 2026. Payen & Co. Amiens (Somme).— Utrecht velvet. 2027. Hord£, E. & Co. Amiens (Somme). — Plain and worked fabrics, for dresses and shawls ; satins, for boots and shoes ; fabrics of wool and silk, termed bar repours. 2028. Baril, Son, & Co. Amiens (Somme). — Utrecht velvet made with the power-loom, cotton velvet. 2029. Gamonnet-Deiiollande, Amiens (Somme). — Satins for shoes and boots. 2030. Boquet, J. & Co. Amiens (Somme). — Utrecht velvet, satins, figured fabrics. 2031. F£ry, J. Jun. Metz (Moselle). — Circular felts, for paper-making. 2032. CRkTIEN,DEBOUCIIAUD,MATTARD, Verit, & Co. Nersac (Charente). — Circular felts, for paper-making. 2033. Vouillon, F. Louviers (Eure ). — Felted thread, and cloth made of it. 2038. David-Labbez & Co. Saint-Rich- aumont (Aisne). — Twisted yarn of wool and cotton ; merinos made by power-loom. 2039. Audresset, Son, & Menuet, Paris. — Cachemire wool and down, combed, spun, and woven. 2040. Noiret, Choppin, & Co. Paris. — Combed wool; plain and twisted yarn ; double thread of wool and silk, for Cashmeres. ( 11 2041. Bellot, C. & CoLLikRE, O. Ange- court (Ardennes). — Yarn of carded wool. 204 3. Colbeck & Gre ven, Douai (Nord). — Unravelled wool. 2044. Vernet Bros. Nimes (Gard).— Carded wool. 2045. Pasquay Bros. & Co. Wasselonne (Bas-Rliin). — Spun wool, and floss silk ; plaits of waste silk for covering steam-pipes. 2046. Pallier, P. Nimes ( Gard). — Laces and cords of cotton, silk and caoutchouc ; plaits of silk, alpaca, &c. 2047. De Fourment & Son, Cercamp-lez- Frevent (Pas-de-Calais). — Yarn of combed wool. 2048. Arreckx - Colt jEtte, Widow, Tourcoing (Nord). — Woollen yarn for making poplin and laces. 2050. Buirette-Thiaffait, & Fara- guet, Dijon (Cote-d' Or). — Carded and spun wool. 2051. Bobin, A. Dijon (Cote d'Or). — Woollen yarns. 2052. Ivoeciilin - Dollfus, Mull louse (Haut-Rhin). — U nbleached wool. 2053. Masse, IT., & Cressin, Jun. Corbie (Somme). — Twisted yarns. 2054. Cressin, C., Dewailly, E. & Co. Fouilloy (Somme). — Twisted yarn of cotton, of wool, of silk, &c. 2055. Ouin, A. & Co. Paris. — Dyed un- ravelled wool. 2056. Hartmann, Schmalzer, & Co. Malmerspach (Kaut-Rliin). — Woollen yarn, unbleached, plain, twisted, and milled. 2057. Cheguillaume, P. & Co. Cugand ( Vendee). — Cloth, druggets, and fustians. 2058. Honnorat, E. Jun. St. Andre (Basses - Alpes). — Common cloth ; fleeces, washed and unwashed. 2059. Signoret, P. Vienne (Is'ere ). — Drapery, and fancy articles for trousers. 2061. Poix-Coste, Widow, Barbarin, & Co. Vienne (Is'ere). — Drapery. 2062. Gouet, Nephew, & Son, Vienne (Is'ere) . — D rapery . 2063. Lafont & Gay, Vienne (Is'ere). — Drapery, and fancy articles for trousers. 5 ) 1 2 Class XXI. — France. 2065. Pertus & Jullien, A. Vienne (Here). — Cloth and fancy articles for trou- sers. 2006. Bonon, & Alex. Bros. Vienne (Isere). — Drapery. 2067. Reymoxd & Bayard - Baron, Vienne (Is'ere). — Drapery. 2068. Savoye, Blanc, & Co. Vienne (Is'ere). — Double-milled cloth ; cloth and fancy articles for trousers. 2069. Poncho n, Sen. Vienne (Is'ere ). — Double-milled cloth ; castor. 2070. Gaudchaux-Picard Sons, Nancy (Meurtlie). — Plain and figured cloth for men’s clothes. 2071. Blin, Son, & Bloc, Bischiviller (Bas-Bhin). — Black and coloured cloth. 2072. Eoustic, Widow A. Carcasonne (Aude). — Plain and figured cloth. 2073. Collective Exhibition of the City of Castres (Tarn). — Fabrics of wool, of wool and cotton, of wool and silk ; fancy drapery. 2074. Collective Exhibition of the City of Mazamet (Tarn). — Flannel, figured woollen fabrics, &c. 2075. Vernazobres Bros. Bedarieux (Herault). — Plain and figured cloth. 2077. Dautresme, D. J un. Rouen (Seine- Inf.). — Figured cloth. 2078. Mauzieres. Sen. & Co. Castres (Tarn). — Flannel; figured cloth. 2079. Batut-Laval, P. & Co. Castres (Tarn). — Drapery. 2080 . Houles, Son, A Cormouls, Maza- met (Tarn). — Velvet, figured cloth for trou- sers and paletots. 2081. Olombel Bros. Mazamet (Tarn). —Woollen fabrics, wool velvets ; cloths and fancy articles for trousers. 20S2. Juhel-Desmares, J. Vive (Cal- vados). — Double-milled cloths ; satins; cloth for uniforms. 2083. Lenormand, A. Vire (Calvados). — Cloth, and wool velvet. 2084. Dewar, L. & Co. Elbeuf (Seine- Inf). — Fancy cloth for various purposes. ( i 2085. Tiiillard, J. & Co. Elbeuf (Seine- Inf). — Fancy articles for trousers. 2086. Legrix & jMaurel, Elbeuf (Seine- Inf). — Fancy stuffs for garments. 2087. Gerin-Ro.se, H. Elbeuf (Seine- Inf). — Figured fabrics. 2088. Chary, F. A Lafendel, J. El- beuf (Seine Inf.). — Black and coloured cloth. 2089. Vauquelin, F. Elbeuf (Seine-Inf.). — Fancy stuffs for trousers. 2090. Cosse, L. Elbeuf (Seine-Inf.).— Stuffs for paletots ; drapery. 2091. Bellest, E. Benoist, A Co. El- beuf (Seine-Inf.).— Cloth, satins. 2092. Mignart & Co. Elbeuf (Seine- Inf). — -Stuffs for garments. 2093. Duclos, L & Nephew, Elbeuf (Seine-Inf.).— Cloth for uniforms, Ac. 2094. Levieux, F. A. Elbeuf (Seine- Inf). — Fancy goods. 2095. Osmont, A. & Liiermuzeax, El- beuf, (Seine-Inf.). — Fancy goods. 2096. Poussin, A. & Son, Elbeuf (Seine- Inf). — Cloth, black satins. 2097. CHENNEVlkRE, WlDOW, & SON, Elbeuf (Seme-Inf). — Fancy goods. 2098. Desbois, P. & Co. Elbeuf (Seine- Inf). — Black and coloured cloth ; stuffs for paletots. 2099. Borderel, Jun. Sedan (Ardennes). — Black cloth, wool velvet. 2100. De Montagnac, E. A Son, Sedan (Ardennes). — Fabrics for garments, wool velvet. 2101. Lecomte Bros. Sedan (Ardennes). — Cloth, satins, velvet. 2102. Labrosse Bros. Sedan (Ardennes). — Black and coloured cloths ; plain and figured velvets. 2103. Cunin-Gridaine, Son, & Co. Se- dan (Ardennes). — Cloth, satin, velvet, fancy drapery. 2104. Bert^che, Boudoux - Ciiesnon & Co. Sedan (Ardennes). — Cloth, satins, and cashmeres, black, and in colours ; plain and figured stuffs for paletots ; wool velvet. 2105. IIenard, A. Sedan (Ardennes). — Cloth, satins, Ac. 1G ) Class XXI. — South-west Court and South-west Gallery. 2106. Hulin, E. G. & H. Paquin, Jun. Sedan [Ardennes). — Cloth, satin, &c. 2107. Pacot, P. & Son, Sedan ( Ar- dennes ). — Cloths, fancy goods, &c. 2108. Pacot, F. & Son, Sedan ( Ar- dennes ). — Cloth, satins, &c. 2109. Poitevin & Son, Louviers (Eure). — Cloth and fancy goods. 2110. Noufflard, C. & Co. Louviers (Eire). — Cloth, and fancy articles for pale- tots. 2111. PRUGUihRE, H. & Co. Louviers (Eure). — Cloth, stuffs, &c. 2112. Jeuffrain & Son, Louviers (Eure). — Plack cloths and satins ; bine cloths and satins for military uniforms ; stuffs for men’s use. 2113. Pellier & Trubert, Louviers ( Eure ). — Fancy goods. 2114. Ivemy, E. & Picard, P. Louviers (Eure ). — Stuffs ; fancy goods. 2115. Gastinne, H. Louviers (Eure ). — Fancy goods. 2116. Poitevin, C. Louviers (Eure ). — Cloth, and stuffs, for paletots. 2117. Dannet & Co. Louviers (Eure ). — Fancy goods, and fabrics of carded wool. 2118. Renault, R. & Co. Louviers (Eure ). — Plack cloth and satins ; blue cloth for uniforms. 2119. Preton, L. & Parbe, L. Louviers (Eure). — Cloth, and fancy goods. 2120. Pertin, J. & Pennelle, J. Lou- viers (Eure ). — Fancy goods. 2121. Hurstel Pros. Ilibernont ( Aisne ). — Combed and spun wool, white, and dyed. 2122. Lefebvre - Ducatteau Pros. Boubaix (Nord). — Combed, carded, and spun wool ; stuffs for waistcoats and shoes and boots ; plain and figured merinos. 2123. Catteau, P. Boubaix (Nord ). — Stuffs for dresses. 2124. Delattre, H. & Son. Boubaix (Nord ). — Combed and spun wool ; plain and mixed fabrics. 2125. Cordonnier, L. Boubaix (Nord). — Mixed fabric for dresses, made by power- loom. 2126. Harinkouck & Cuvillier, Bou- baix (Nord). — Fabrics for furniture. 2127. Lagache, J. Boubaix (Nord). — Fabrics for waistcoats. 2128. Pulteau Pros. Boubaix (Nord). — Fabrics for dresses, and shawls. 2129. ScRkPEL - Lefebvre, Boubaix (Nord).— Fabrics of wool, of wool and cotton, of wool and silk. 2130 ScRErEL, L. & Son, Boubaix (Nord). — Fabrics of wool, and of wool and silk. 2131. Screpel-Roussel, Boubaix (Nord). — Fabrics of wool, of wool and cotton, of wool and silk. 2132. Lillies Pros. Boubaix (Nord). — Plain and figured fabrics mixed with cotton and silk. 2133. Sadon & Co. Boubaix (Nord ). — Figured stuffs of wool and silk ; shawls, railway wrappers. 2134. Cazier, E. Boubaix (Nord). — Woollen yarn, for poplins and shawls. 2135. Prouvost A. & Co. Boubaix (Nord). — Combed wool. 2136. Ernoult-Payart & Son, Boubaix (Nord). — Yams of carded wool. 2137. Catteau-Leplat, Boubaix (Nord). — AVoollen stuffs for dresses ; satins for boots and shoes. 2138. Scr^pel, C. Boubaix (Nord). — Woollen fabrics for various purposes. 2139. Pin-Payart, Boubaix (Nord). — Fabrics of wool, of wool and cotton, and of wool and silk, for dresses. 2140. Van-Donghen, E. & V. Boubaix (Nord). — Fancy goods for dresses. 2141. Poullier-Delerue, Boubaix (Nord). — Woollen fabrics, fancy goods. 2142. IIeyndeickx-Dormeuil, Widow, Boubaix (Nord). — Fabrics for waistcoats. 2143. — Motjrceau, C. H. Paris. — Tapes- tries and reps for furniture. 2144. Pin, A. & Co. Lyon ( Blione ). — Worked shawls. 2145. Rivoiron, Perraud, & Guignard, Lyon (Bhone). — Worked shawls of wool and cashmere. ( 117 ) Class XXI. — France. 2146. Gellin, C. & Co. Lyon (Rhone.) — Worked shawls of wool and cashmere. 2147. Davin, F. Paris. — Combed and spun wool ; and products obtained with the soft wool termed indigenous cashmere of Graux de Mauchamps ; products obtained with the hair of the Angora goat acclima- tized in France, and with the hair of the Asiatic and African camel. 2148. Bouteille, Cousins, Paris. — Worked long, and square, woollen shawls. 2149. Chapusot, Prevost, & Boing, Paris . — Worked woollen shawls. 2150. Ribes, Roux, & Duband, Nimes (Gard.) — Worked woollen shawls. 2151. Bi^tey, L. Paris. — Cashmere fabrics for dresses ; and plain shawls ; French cashmere shawls. 2152. Seydoux, A.. Sieber, A Co. Le Gateau ( Nord ). — Merino wool combed and spun, pure and mixed fabrics. 2153. Laib, H. & Laie, H. Paris— Worked woollen shawls. 2154. Hess, G. Paris. — Fabrics of goose- down ; fancy goods. 2155. Duch£, A., DucHfi, Jun., BeHee, A Co. Paris . — Worked woollen and cashmere shawls. 2156. Fabart & Co. Paris. — Shawls, imitations of Indian cashmere. 2157. Champion, L. Paris. — Worked shawls of cashmere and wool. 2158. AubA Nouetiee, A Co. Paris. — Shawls of cashmere and wool ; shawls em- broidered with gold and silver. 2159. Boutard A Lassalle, Paris . — Figured shawls of wool and cashmere. 2160. Boas Beos. A Co. Paris.— Fi- gured shawls of wool and cashmere. 2161. Hubert, E. F. A Son, Paris. — Shawls of wool and cashmere, Ac. 2162. Gerard, C. A Cantigny, Paris. — Shawls of wool and cashmere. 2163. Catherine, Y. A Co. Paris. — Shawls of wool and cashmere. 2164. Dachas A Duverger, Paris. — Worked shawls of wool and cashmere. 2165. Bourgeois Bros. Paris. — Worked shawls of wool and cashmere. 2166. Robert A Gosselin, Jun, Paris. — Worked shawls of wool and cashmere. 2167. Hooper, G., Carroz, A Taboueier, Paris. — Pure and mixed woollen fabrics ; silk fabrics ; net, laces. 2168. Legrand, A. Paris. — Worked shawls. 2169. Dreyfous, F. Paris. — Mixed fa- brics. 2170. Vatin, F. Jun. A Co. Paris . — Fabrics of silk, and of wool and silk ; gauze, and bareges for dresses and shawls. 2171. Zadig, J. B. Paris, — Gauze, and bareges for dresses, shawls, Ac. 2173. Planche, L. A Co. Paris. — Fabrics of combed wool, muslins, Ac. ; plain, figured, and printed shawls; shawls and tissues of gauze and barege. 2174. Sabean, Y. A Jess£, G. Paris. — Woollen and mixed fabrics. 2175. Duncan A Charpentier, Paris. — Plain and figured fabrics for shawls and dresses. 2176. Weisgerber Bros. A Kiener, Paris. — Mixed fabrics. 2177. Cocheteux, Son, A Co. Templeuve (Nord). — Fabrics of wool and silk for furni- ture. 2178. Jourdain-IIerbert, Jun. Amiens (Somme). — Goats’ hair velvet for furniture. 2179. Mazure-Mazuee, Roiibaix (Nord). — Fabrics for dresses and furniture ; reps, and damask. 2180. Beeciioud, L. & Guerreau, Paris. — Stuffs for furniture ; Belleville tapestry. 2181. Dager, E., Menager, H., A Walmez, H. Paris. — Reps for furniture ; imitation Aubusson tapestry. 2182. Arnaud-Gaidan, J. A Co. Nimes (Gard). — Stuffs for furniture. 2183. Damiron A Co. Lyon (Rhone). — Shawls of wool, and cashmere. ( ns ) Classes XXII. and XXIII. — South-west Court and South-west Gallery. 2181. Chanel, J. Lyon(Rhone). — Worked woollen shawls. 2185. Mantelier, P. & Co. Lyon (Rhone). — Worked woollen shawls. 2186. DesprJlAUX, A. Versailles ( Seine - and- Oise). — Stuffs for furniture. 2187. Grassot & Co. Lyon (Rhone ). — ■ Fabrics of wool and cotton for furniture. CLASS 2191. Imperial Manufactories of the Gobelins, the Sayonnerie, & Beuavais. — Gobelins tapestry; the Assumption of the Virgin after Titian ; portrait of Louis XIV., after lligault. La Savonnerie tapestry : spe- cimens in the style of the Rennaissance, and of the time of Louis XVI. Beauvais tapes- try : characteristics of the chase ; still life after Desportes ; furniture in the style of Louis XV. and XVI., the composition of H. Chabal-Dessurgey, and intended for imperial palaces. 2192. Braqueni£ Bros. Aubusson (Creuse). — Aubusson tapestry ; tapestry for hangings, &c. 2193. Requillart, Roussel, & Choc- queel, Aubusson (Creuse). — Aubusson and Moquette tapestry, tapestry panels, and tapestry for furniture. i XXII. 2195. Arnaud-Gaidan, J. & Co. Nunes (Gard). — High-napped tufted carpet. 2196. Gravier, C. & Co. Nunes (Gard). Tufted carpet. 2197. Planchon, F. & Co. Neuilly (Seine). — Neuilly tapestry. 2198. Imbs, Brumath (Bas-Rhin). — Car- pets, 2199. G adr at, P. Meaux (Seine-and- Oise). — High-napped carpets; hearthrugs. 2200. Sallandrouze, J. J. & Son, Aubus- son (Creuse). — Tufted carpets, inoquettes. 2201. Polonceau, Paris. — Moquettes, with coating to make the nap adhere to the warp. CLASS XXIII. 2211. Gros, Odier, Roman, & Co. Wesserling (Haut-Rhin). — Cotton yarn ; fabrics of white and printed cotton ; fabrics of wool and silk ; mixed printed fabrics, 2212. Paraf-Javal Bros. & Co. Thann (Haut-Rhin). — Dyed and printed fabrics. 2213. Eck, D. Cernay (Haut-Rhin ). — Printed cotton and mixed fabrics. 2214. Steinbach, Koechlin, & Co. Mulhouse ( Haut-Rhin ). — Printed fabrics, 2215. Thierry, Mieg, & Co. Mulhouse ( Haut-Rhin ). — Printed fabrics of cotton and of wool, fqr furniture ; printed woollen shawl. 2216. Huguenin-Schwartz, & Conil- leau, Mulhouse (Haut-Rhin). — Printed cot- ton fabrics ; printed fabrics of cotton, and of wool for furniture, 2217. Ivoechlin Bros. Mulhouse (Haut- Rhin). — Printed fabrics, 2218. Dollfus, Mieg, & Co, Midhouse (Haut-Rhin). — Printed cotton fabrics. 2219. Lefebvre, C. Paris. — Printed cotton fabrics. 2220. Cantel & Co. Rouen (Seine-Inf.). — Leather-cloths, plain, printed, and re- poussed. ( ) Class XXIII. — France. 2221. Lamy-Godard Bros. Darnetal {Seine-Inf.). — Printed cotton fabrics, for cravats and furniture. 2222. Gruel, Rouen {Seine-Inf). — Printed cotton fabrics. 2223. Petel, Darnetal {Seine-Inf.). — Dyed cotton and chintzes. 2224. Bayle - Tabouret, Darnetal {Seine-Inf.). — Dyed cottons. 2225. Legras, F. Rouen {Seine-Inf). — Dyed cottons. 2226. Gueroult, N. Rouen {Seine-Inf). — Dyed yarns of wool, silk, and cotton. 2227. Drevon, E. Sen. Lyon {Rhone). — Black silk. 2228. Freppel, F. A. Saint - Mande {Seine). — Dressing materials, dressed fabrics. 2229. Lacuffer, Sen. Annecy {Haut- Savoie). — Cotton-yarn, fabrics, and prints. 2230. Henry & Son, Savonnieres-devant- Bar {Meuse). — Dyed cotton yarn. 2231. Messier, A. Paris. — Dyed wools in powder, for the manufacture of velvet paper. Dyed wool and cotton in powder, for printing on stuffs. 2232. Jacques-Sauce, Paris. — Dyed wools and cottons in powder, for making velvet paper, and printing on stuffs. 2233. Dessaint & Daliphar, Radejoont {Eure). — Printed cotton fabrics. 2234. Parent, Saint - Andre - lez - Lille {Nord). — Dyed flax and cotton yarns. 2235. Feau-B^ciiard, A. Paris. — Dyed yarns of wool and cashmere, for dresses and shawls. 2236. PouQuks, A. Clicliy-la-Garenne {Seine). — Fabrics of wool and cashmere, dyed and dressed. 2237. Pourchelle, F. Amiens {Somme). — Dyed cotton velvets. 2238. Guiliaumet, A. Puteaux {Seine). Dyed and dressed fabrics of wool, and of wool and silk. 2239. Boulogne & Houpin, Reims {Marne). — Dyed fabrics. 2240. Veissi4re, Puteaux {Seine). — Dyed woollen fabrics. 2241. Seib, Hoffman, & Co. Strasbourg {Bas-Rhin).— Plain and printed oil cloths. 2242. Baudouin Bros. Paris. — Plain and printed oil-cloths. 2243. Le Crosnier, M. L. Paris. — Fabrics of cotton, of flax, and of silk gummed or waxed, plain and printed. 2244. Descat Bros. Flers {Nord). — Dyed, printed, and dressed fabrics. 2245. Motte, A. & Co. Roubaix {Nord). — Dyed and dressed fabrics. 2246. Duparet, Madame A. Paris . — Printed fabrics. 2247. Petitdidier, Paris. — Dyed fa- brics of wool, of cashmere, and silk. 2248. Guinon, Marnas, & Bonnet, Lyon {Rhone). — Dyed silks and cottons. 2249. Steiner, C. Ribeauville {Uaut- Rhin). — Turkey-red dyed cotton fabrics, plain and printed, for furniture. 2250. Klotz, M. Paris. — Light fabrics for ball-dresses, ornamented by the applica- tion of cut and printed designs. 2251. Werner & Michniewicz, Paris. — Laces, printed fabrics imitatiug lace and fur. 2252. Hofer-Grosjean, E. Midhouse { Haut-Rhin ). — Printed fabrics for dresses. 2253. Onfroy & Co. Paris. — Fabrics of cotton, wool, and silk, printed by hand, by plates and rollers. 2254. Troester, B. & Co. Bourgoin {Is'ere). — Printed silk fabrics. 2255. Benard Bros. Lyon {Rhone). — Silks and dyed silken fabrics. 2256. Brunet-Lecomte, H. Bourgoin {Is'ere). — Printed silks. 2257. Chocqueei L. Puteaux {Seine). — Shawls, dresses, and printed fabrics for furniture. 2258. Guillaume & Son, Saint Denis {Seine). — Printed fabrics. 2259. Delamotte & Faille, Reims {Marne). — Fabrics of washed merino-wool, dyed and dressed. 2260. Francillon & Co. Puteaux {Seine ). — Fabrics of wool, of wool and cot- ton, and of wool and silk, dyed and dressed. ( 120 ) Class XXIY. — South-west Court and South-west Gallery. 2261. Palloteau-Guyotin & Mar- quant, F. Reims (Marne). — Dressing ma- terial, used by the manufacturers of Rheims in preparing the articles exhibited. 2262. Bernoville Bros. Larsonnier Bros. & Chenest, Paris. — Combed and spun wool, woollen fabrics raw and dyed, woollen and mixed printed fabrics. 2263. Kceciilin-Dolphus & Co. Mul- house (Haut-Rhin). — Wools, raw and dyed, for embroidery, hosiery, and fancy purposes. 2264. Japitis, Kastner, & Carteron, Claye (Seine-and-Marne) . — Printed fabrics for furniture. 2265. Dorter, A. Paris . — Stuffs printed by lithography. 2266. Weisgerber Bros. & Iviener, Paris . — Dyed wool, cotton, and silk yarn. CLASS 2271. Champailler, A. Lyon (Rhone). — Machine-made black lace. 2272. Burnier, A. Lyon (Rhone). — Fancy net. 2273. Bourry Bros. Paris. — Muslins, cambrics, worked velvet, and taffetas ; worked fabrics. 2274. Sajou, J. J. Paris. — Designs for tapestry and embroidery ; articles in tapes- try, crochet, and net. 2275. Dubus, T. Paris. — Embroidered church ornaments. 2276. Ferguson & Son, Paris. — Ma- chine-made lace ; black Cambrai lace ; lama lace. 2277. Keenan Bros. Paris. — Machine- made lace and net, for furniture. 2278. Monard, F. T. Paris. — Machine- made imitation Chantilly lace. 2279. Lefort, Widow L. P. — Grand- Couronne (Seine - Inf.). — Imitations of silk lace. 2280. Foulqui£, Miss A. & Co. — Paris. — Articles in net. 2281. Lecomte, C. & Co. Paris. — Woven net, of silk and cotton. 2282. Galoppe, H. & Co. Paris. — Silk net, embroidered by hand, an imitation of Chantilly lace. XXIV. 2283. Raymond, H. Paris. — Machine- made silk net and lace. 2284. Dognin & Co. Paris. — Black silk imitation Chantilly lace ; damasked Lyons lace ; lama, and pusher lace. 2285. Pannier, A. Ramibert, & Co. Paris. — Articles in lace. 2286. Girard-Thibault, Paris. — Plain and worked articles in net, &c. 2287. Helbronner, Madame S. Paris. — Tapestry worked with the needle, for fur- niture. 2288. Garapon, L. Paris. — Aluminium thread ; laces, &c. made of it. 2289. Truciiy & Vangeois, Paris. — Embroideries and laces in gold and silver, for fancy articles, furniture, and military accoutrements. 2290. Brouillet, A. Paris. — Laces, for fancy articles, and furniture. 2291. Chevalier, L. Paris. — Laces, for fancy articles, and furniture. 2292. Gl^nard, E. & Co. Paris. — Worked articles in net. 2293. Pariot - Laurent, Paris. — Silk buttons and lace articles. 2294. Collective Exhibition of the City of St. Pierre-l^z-Calais (Pas-de- Calais). — Machine-made lace and net (10 Exhibitors). I ) Class XXIV. — France. 2295. Brunot & LefLvre, Calais (Pas- de-Calais). — Machine-made net. 2296. L’Heureux Bros. St.-Pierre-l'ez- Calais . — Imitation Chantilly lace, silk net. 2297. Houette, L. St.-Pierre-l'ez-Calais. — Imitation of lace and guipure, in silk, thread, and cotton. 2298. Herbelot, Jun. & Genet-Dufay, Calais ( Pas-de-Calais ). — Silk net in imitation of Chantilly lace, and silk blondes imitating those of Caen. 2299. Dubout & Sons, Calais (. Pas-de- Calais ). — Black silk imitation Chantilly lace. 2300. Mallet Bros. Calais ( Pas-de- Calais ). — Machine-made silk blondes. 2301. Bebier, L. & Valois, F. St.- Pierre-l'ez-Calais. — Valenciennes net, and machine-made silk net. 2302. Tropham Bros. St. - Pierre - lez- Calais ( Pas-de-Calais ). — Machine-made lace and blondes. 2303. Geffrier, Delisle Bros. & Co. Paris . — Lace made with spindles, and with the needle. 2304. Lecornu, Caen (Calvados). — Spin- dle-made lace. 2305. Lachez-Bleuze, Paris. — White embroidery on muslin and cambric. 2306. Lallemant, Paris. — White em- broideries. 2307. Driou, Morest, & Co. Paris. — White embroideries. 2308. Moreau Bros. Paris. — Worked shirt-fronts. 2309. Chapron, L. Paris. — Worked handkerchiefs. 2310. Husson - Hemmerl^, Paris . — Worked muslins and cambrics. 2311. Blanche, L., Lafon, G., & Siyal, D. Paris. — Machine-made spindle lace. 2312. Bacouel - Troussel, A. Arras (Pas-de-Calais). — Spindle-made Arras lace. 2313. Berr, D. & Son, Nancij (. Meurthe ). — White embroidery ; plain and worked shirt fronts. 2314. Aubry-Febvrel, Mirecourt (Vos- ges ). — Spindle-made white and black gui- pures. 2315. Loiseau, J. B. Paris. — Spindle- made lace. 2316. Seguin, J. Paris. — Spindle-made lace. 2317. Eobert-Faure, Paris. — Spindle- made lace. 2318. Poiret Bros. & Nephew, Paris. — Needle-made tapestry; dyed wool and canvas for tapestry ; cottons for embroidery. 2319. Boguier, C. Paris. — Needle-made tapestry ; dyed wools for tapestry. The quadrilateur, an instrument for copying designs on canvas. 2320. Blazy Bros. Paris. — Wools for tapestry and net work ; cotton canvas ; nee- dle-made tapestry. 2322. Baffard, E. & Gonnard, Lyon (Phone) . — Figured net. 2323. Idril, Lyon (Phone). — Figured net, and machine-made lace. 2324. Dollfus-Moussy, Lyon (Phone). — Figured net, and machine-made lace. 2325. Tarpin & Son, Lyon (Phone ). — Embroidery in gold. 2326. Cliff Bros. St. Quentin (Aisne). — Machine-made blondes. 2327. Hinaut-Col. & Co. St. Quentin (Aisne). — White embroidery. 2328. Carpentier, A. Caudry (Nord). — Plain and fancy net. 2329. Maison de St. Marie, Cherbourg (Manche ). — Black spindle-made lace. 2330. Costallat-Laforque, Bagneres- de-Bigorre (Hautes-Pyrenees ). — Articles in woollen net. 2331. Poignat, G. Laris. — Borders for hats. 2332. Hooper, G., Carrez, & Tabou- rier, Paris. — Laces and nets. 2333. Pallier, P. Nimes (Gard). — Arti- cles in lace. 2334. Werner & Michniewieb, Paris. — Articles in lace. ( 122 ) Classes XXV. and XXVI. — South-west Court and South-west Callery. CLASS XXV. 2351. Benedick, Paris. — Buffalo -horn brushes. 2352. Dupont & Deschamps, Beauvais {Oise). — Brushes, buttons, bristles. 2353. Pitet, Sen. & Lidy, Paris. — Hair- pencils and brushes. 2354. HiSnoo, Paris. — Dusters. 2355. Bennes, A. J. M. Paris. — Brushes for various purposes. 2256. Romancey & Ricard, Paris . — Shaving and hair brushes. 2357. LAURENgoT, J. E. Paris. — Toilet brushes. 2358. Hasse, F. Lyon {Phone ). — Skins and furs. 2359. Beaufour-Lemonnier, Paris . — Jewelry, designs, and fancy articles in hair ; application of photography to works in hair. 2360. Lhuillier, Paris. — Skins and manufactured furs. 2361. Pasquier, V. Poitiers {Vienne ). — • Dressed goose-skins. 2362. Cavy, A. Nevers {Nievre). — Gar- ; ments made with indigenous furs. CLASS XXVI. 2371. Chaney, J. A. Nantes (Loire- Inf). — Black and white calf-skin, for boots and shoes. 2372. Courvoisier P. Paris. — Kid-skin, and kid-skin gloves. 2373. Bunel Bros. Pont - Andemer {Eure) . — Leather. 2374. Collective Exhibition of the City of Annonay {Ard'eche). — Tawed skins (6 Exhibitors). 2375. Roques, Montpellier {Herault). — Tanned sheep-skins. 2376. Amic, L. & Co. Toulon {Var ). — Tanned and polished leather for soles ; mo- rocco-dressed goat-skin; bark of the green oak, and indigenous sumac of the Department of the Var. 2377. Scellos, E. Paris. — Tanned and curried leather : straps for machinery. 2378. Fortier-Beaulieu, Jun. Eoanne {Loire). — Legs of military boots. 2379. Suser, H. Nantes {Loire-Inf ). — Leather of various kinds, for boots, shoes, &c. 2380. Camusat-Guyon, Auxerre { Yonne). — Bridles. 2381. Pinault-Brisou, E. Bennes {Ille- and- Vilaine) . — T anned leather. 2382. Robaut, A. Valenciennes {Nord). — Leather for cards, driving belts, and sad- dlery. 2383. Legal, Chateaiibriant {Loire-Inf). —Tanned and tawed leather. 2384. Prin, A. Nantes {Loire-Inf.) — Black calf-skin. 2385. Les Fils Coppin-Lejune, Bouai (Nord) . — Leather for cards, and spinning mills. 2387. Bouchon, V. Niort {Deux-S'evres). — Cow, horse, and calf-skins. 2388. Hochede, Montdidier {Somme ). — Strong leathers, for military shoes and boots. 2389. Sueur G. & Stofft, Amiens {Somme). — Tanned and curried leather. 2390. Les Fils d’Herrenschmidt, G. F. Strasbourg {Bas-Ilhin ). — Strong leathers, for various purposes. 123 ) Class XXYI. — France. 2391. Poullain-Beurrier, P. I.E.PaWs. — Leather for spinning mills, cards, &c. 2392. Chevillot Bros. Paris. — Cow- shin, for uppers. 2393. Masserant & Roulleau, Paris. — Harness traces. 2394. Jodot, J. Paris. — Calf-skin, and boot legs. 2385. Vincent, J. Nantes (Loire-Inf.). — Boot legs. 2396. Sueur, T. & Lutz, Paris. — Var- nished leather. 2397. Ogereau Bros. Paris. — Leather for boots and shoes : chamois dressed sheep- skins ; leather for saddlery. 2398. Marteau, A. & Co. Paris. — Black and white calf-skin ; boot-legs. 2399. Waltz, B. Bros. Paris. — Saddlery, military boots and shoes, driving belts. 2400. Glatard, L. Roanne (Loire'). — Harness for unyoking instantaneously. 2401. Lambin & Lefevre, Paris. — Sad- dles, bridles, and harness. 2402. Paturel & Boyer, Paris. — Whips, and sticks. 2403. Leroux, L. Paris. — Saddlery. 2404. Durand, A. & L. Bros. Paris. — Tanned, curried, and polished leather for various purposes. 2405. Peltereau, A. Chateau-Renault (Indre-and-Loire). — Polished leather for soles. 2406. Peltereau, I 5 . Chateau - Renault (. Indre-and-Loire ). — Polished leather for soles ; driving belts ; metal tubes with lea- ther joints, for conveying water. 2407. Paillart, G. Paris. — Leather for spinning mills, cards, &c. 2408. Leroux, E. & Le Bastard, A. Rennes ( II(e-and - Vilaine). — Strong, and pol- ished leather. 2409. Sendret, R. & Son, Metz (Moselle). — Leather for soles and uppers, for military accoutrements, &c. 2410. Gallien & Co. Longjumeau (Seine- and-Oise). — Strong leather, &c. 2411. Fortier-Beaulieu, C. A. Paris . — Tanned and curried leather for saddles and harness ; pig skin for saddles. 2412. Sterlingue, Rourges (Cher). — Strong leather. 2414. Tremre & Son, Paris. — Leather for shoes and boots. 241 5. Loignon & Casse, Amiens (Somme). — Muzzle for horses. 2416. Courtois, E. C. Paris. — Varnished calf-skin for boots and shoes. 2417. Leven, M. & Son, Paris. — Curried, varnished, and black calf-skin. 2418. Aldebert, L. Milliau (Aveyron). Black and white calf-skin. 2419. CARRiicRE, P. Bros. DuroNT, Mil- liau (Aveyron). — Black and white calf-skin. 2420. Corneillan Bros. Milhau (Avey- ron) Tanned calf-skin. 2421. Aldebert, A. Son & Bros. Mil- hau (Aveyron). — Black calf-skin ; chamois dressed sheep-skin ; tanned lamb-skin. 2422. Houette, A. & Co. Paris. — Var- nished calf-skin, for boots and shoes. 2423. Jumelle, F. C. Paris. — Coloured and varnished leathers, for boots and shoes ; calf and buffalo skins for military accoutre- ments ; grained calf, goat, and sheep-skins for boots and shoes, carriages and travelling requisites. 2424. Nys & Co. — Paris. — Varnished leather, for boots and shoes. 2425. Landron, Jun. Orleans (Loiret). — Strong leather. 2426. Latouche - Roger, Avranchcs (. Manche ). — Skins and leather. 2427. Bayyet Bros. Paris. — Morocco- dressed and coloured sheep-skin, and calf- skin for binding, &c. 2428. Ehmann, Hering, & Goerger, Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin). — Morocco-dressed and coloured sheep-skin, tawed kid-skin. ( 124 ) Class XXYII. — South-ivest Court and South-west Gallery. 2420. Cerf-Langenberg, Strasbourg (. Bas-Rhin ). — Morocco-dressed sheep- skin, &c. 2430. Verger, G. & C. Bros. Pont- Audemer ( Eure ). — Strong leather. 2430a. Roullier, Paris. — Driving belts. 2430b. Dorj6 & Co.— Bordeaux (Gironde). — Black calf-skin, boot-legs. 2430c. Fanien & Sons, Liliers ( Pas-de - Calais ). — Tanned leather and curried skins. CLASS XXVII. 2431. Bezon, J. Lyon (Rhone). — Gloves made by power-loom ; net termed China lace. 2432. Duvelleroy, P. Paris. — Fans and hand-screens ; a collection of Chinese fans and screens, with their prices in China. 2433. Vandevoorde, A. Paris. — Carved fan-mountings. 2434. Alexandre, P. F. V. Paris . — Fans. 2435. Motion, L. A. Paris. — Ready- made garments for men. 2436. Mallet Bros. Lille (Nord). — Ready-made garments for men. 2437. Leleux, A. Paris. — Ready-made garments for men. 2438. Gibory, Paris. — Court dresses, &c. 2439. Wuy, A. Paris. — Ready-made garments for men. 2440. Lemann, & Co. Paris. — Ready- made garments for men, &c. 2441. Massez, M. Paris. — Boots and shoes. 2442. Broe, Paris. — Boots and half- boots, &c. 2443. Rond, T. Paris. — Bottines and shoes. 2444. MkLifcs, L. S. Paris. — Boots and shoes. 2445. Bessard, E. J. B. Paris. — Bottines for ladies and children. 0 2446. Pradei.-Huet, Sen. Paris . — Boots and shoes, for city wear, hunting, &c. 2447. Proust, H. G. Paris. — Boots, half-boots, shoes, and slippers. 2448. Dupuis, S. & Co. Paris. — Screwed boots and shoes. 2449. Pelletier, L. Paris. — Boots and shoes. 2450. Derail, G. Paris. — Hunting boots. 2451. Picard Bros. Paris. — Children’s boots and shoes. 2452. Pinet, F. J. L. Paris. — Boots and shoes for ladies. 2453. Cabourg, T. Paris. — Screwed- boots and shoes. 2454. Touzet, J. C. Paris. — Boots and shoes, for men and women. 2455. Latour, P. Paris. — Riveted-boots and shoes. 2456. Walter, F. Paris. — Leather breeches, gloves, &c. 2457. Geiger, Z. Paris. — Articles for the chase, and travelling. 2458. Noel, E. Paris. — Requisites for boots and shoes. 2459. Chazelle, E. Tours (Indre-and- Loire). — Boots and shoes, screwed and clouted by machine. 2460. Monteux & Gilly, Paris. — Boots and shoes, for men and women. ( 125 ) Class XXYII. — France. 24G1. Kousset & Co. Blois ( Loir-and - Cher). — Boots and shoes, for men and women. 2462. Poirier, P. Clidteaubriant (Loire- Inf.). — Boots, half-boots, &c. 2463. Haulon, S. .Tun. Bayonne ( Basses Pyrenees). — Boots and shoes. 2464. Petit, J. A. Paris. — Boots and shoes, for various purposes. 2465. Etanchaud, F. Paris. — Fancy boots and shoes, for ladies. 2466. Pouf: & Co. Bordeaux (Gironde). — Riveted boots and shoes for men, boot-legs, &c. 2467. — Fanien & Sons, Litters (Pas-de- Galais). — Sewed, riveted, and screwed boots and shoes, for men, &c. 2468. Suser, H. Nantes ( Loire- Inf .). — Boots and shoes, &c. 2469. Clercx, A. M. Paris. — Fancy boots and shoes, &c. 2470. Mayer, Paris. — Fancy boots and shoes. 2471. Barric, Widow, Paris. — Fancy boots and shoes, for ladies. 2472. Bernard, A. L. Paris. — Flowers for head-dresses. 2473. Meurein, A. Paris. — Artificial foliage and fruit. 2474. Perrot, Petit, & Co. Paris. — Artificial flowers, and feathers. 2475. Bardin, J. Jj. F. Paris. — Flowers and fancy articles, made of materials obtained from quills. 2476. Ciiagot, P. A. Paris. — Artificial flowers, and feathers. 2477. IIerpin-Leroy, Paris. — Artificial flowers, and ornaments. 2478. Ivrafft, Madame E. Paris. — Artificial flowers. * 2479. Tournier, C. Paris. — Pistils, for artificial flowers. 2480. PEVRihs & Co. Paris. — Feathers. 2481. Marienval-Flamet, L. Paris. — Artificial flowers, and feathers. 2482. Javey & Co. Paris . — Stuffs, and coloured papers for artificial flowers, foliage, and fruit. 2483. Garold, L. A. Paris. — Artificial flowers. 2484. Chagot, A. Paris. — Feathers and artificial flowers. 2485. Vandereyken, H. Paris. — Fea- thers. 2486. Traversier, A. Paris. — Bonnets and head-dresses, for laches ; mechanical hat, fitting into a box about three inches high. 2487. Langevin-Coulon, Paris. — Bon- nets, caps, &c. 2488. Pufour, F. Paris. — Bonnets, head-dresses, &c. 2489. Brun, Madame M. Paris. — Head- dresses. 2490. Bouillet, J. B. Paris. — Mantles, mantillas, scarfs, shawls. 2491. Gossein-Jodon, Madame, Paris. — Linen drapery, children’s dresses. 2492. Bapterosses, Briare (Loiret). — Enamelled buttons, Ac. 2493. Laville, Petit & Crespin, Paris. — Silk and felt hats. 2494. Coupin, J. Aix (Bouches-du-Rhone). — Felt hats. 2495. Besson Bros. Bordeaux (Gironde). — Silk and felt Pats. 2497. Mocn, F. Paris. — Head-dresses, for children. 2500. Yiel, Widow, & Yallagnose, J. Marseilles (Bouches-du-Rhone). — Pliable ma- chine-made hats. 2501. Haas, Y. Paris. — Hats, caps. 2502. Monroy, A. Paris. — Elastic hats, umbrella hats. 2503. Hispa & Bouquet, Toulouse(Raute- Garomie). — Felt and woollen hats. 2504. Yincendon, E. J un. Bordeaux ( Gi- ronde). — Beauer, silk, and woollen hats ; fancy hats. 2505. Mossant, C. & Son, Bourg-du- Peage (Drome). — Hats, mantles, &c., of felt. 2506. Quenot & Lebargy, Paris. — Hats of felt, beaYer, and silk. ( 126 ) Class XXVII. — South-west Court and South-ivest Gallery. 2507. Durst-Wild& Co. Paris. — Straw hats. 2508. Bammes & Co. Paris. — Straw hats. 2509. Les Freres Agnellet, Paris.— Requisites for dresses, See. 2510. G allot, A. Sen. Paris. — Straw and horse-hair hats. 2511. Chaumont & Co. Paris. — Straw hats. 2512. Wild, J. U. Nancy ( Meurthe ). — Straw hats. 2513. Oppenheim, Weill, & David, Paris. — Collars, shirt fronts, plain and worked. 2514. Werly, R. Bar-le-Duc [Meuse ). — Seamless corsets. 2515. Cunv, Madame, S. J. Paris. — Hygienic corsets, &c. 2516. Gringoire, Madame V. Paris. — Elastic corsets, &c. 251 7. Bocquet, J. T. Paris. — Corsets and belts. 2518. Josselin, J. J. & Co. Paris. — Corsets. 2519. Costallat-Bouchard, Paris . — Articles in crochet-work. 2520. Hemardinguer, Paris. — Shirts. 2521. Daugard, A. Paris. — Moveable busts for hairdressers and milliners. 2522. Hayem, 'S. Sen. Paris. — Collars, cravats, shirts, &c. 2523. Allain-Moulard, L. A. F. Paris. — Articles in crochet-work, &c. 2524. Ravaut, Bockairy Bros. & Co. Paris ■ — Ready-made garments ; laces, &c. 2525. OpiGkz-GAGELiN & Co. Paris. — Court-dresses, &c. 2526. Mathieu, F. & Garnot, S. Paris. • — Garments for ladies ; worked shawls. 2527. Charageat, G. E. Paris. — Walk- ing-sticks, umbrellas. 2528. Cazal, R. M. Paris. — Walking- sticks, whips, umbrellas. 2529. Allamagny, P. Paris. — Brass tubing for umbrellas. ( 2530. Elluin, F. Paris. — Walking- sticks, whips, &c. 2531. Lips, C. Paris. — Carved handles, for umbrellas. 2532. Salles, Jun. & Co. Paris. — - Gloves of woollen webs, cotton, and silk. 2533. Tr^fousse, J. L. & D. Chaumont [Haute-Marne ). — Kid-skin gloves. 2534. Cal vat, F. Grenoble [I sere). — Kid and lamb-skin gloves. 2535. Vial, M. Grenoble [ Is'ere ). — Kid- skin gloves. 2536. Calvat, E. & Navizet, H. Gre- noble [ Isere ). — Kid-skin gloves. 2537. Bayou d, A. Grenoble [Isere). — Dyed skins for gloves. 2538. GuiGNif:, Grenoble [Isere). — Kid- skin gloves. 2539. Curtis, L. B. & Co. Grenoble [Isere ). — Kid-skin gloves. 2540. Bertiioin, Jun. Grenoble [Isere). — Kid-skin gloves. 2511. Plaud Bros. & Co. Grenoble [Isere). — Kid-skin gloves. 2542. Moriquand, Sen. Grenoble [ Ish-e). — Kid-skin gloves. 2543. Francoz, Grenoble [Isere). — Kid- skin gloves. 2544. Rouillon, F. Grenoble [Isere). — Kid-skin gloves. 2545. Cheilley, Jun. & Co. Paris. — Kid-skin gloves. 2546. Fontaine, A. & L. Paris . — Leather gloves. 2547. Deschamps, P. J. T. Paris. — • Kid-skin gloves. 2548. Mariotte, P. V. Paris. — Gloves, of tawed skins. 2549. Gu£rimeau-Aubry, Paris. — Leather gloves. 2550. Bonnevey, B. Paris. — Kid-skin gloves. 2551. Billion, A. Paris. — Leather gloves. 2552. Jouvin, Widow, X. & Co. Paris. — Leather gloves. 7 ) Class XXYII. — France. 2553. Alexandre, Paris. — Tawed and dyed skins ; gloves. 2551. Couryoisier P. Paris. — Kid- skin gloves, &c. 2555. Compare, E. & Dufort, Paris . — Kid-skin, and gloves. 2556. PiOUQUETTE, Meunier, & Co. Paris. — Kid, beaver, and lamb-skin gloves. 2557. PeiSville, A. L. Paris. — Kid- skin gloves. 2558. Boudier, Madame, M. A. Paris. ■ — Long Victoria gloves. 2559. Jouvin & Co. Paris. — Tawed skins ; gloves. 2560. Parent, A., & Hamet, T., & Co. Paris. — Silk and metal buttons. 2561. Bagriot, F. A. Paris. — Metal buttons. 2562. Marie, E., & Dumont, A. Paris. — Motlier-of-pearl buttons. 2563. Grellou, H. Paris. — Silk but- tons, &c. 2564. Lemesle, Paris. — Buttons. 2565 Bobineau, Jun. Paris. — Chaplets, medals. 2566. Gourdin & Co. Paris. — Fancy buttons. 2567. Ren£ e-Bernier, La Neuville-lcz- Corbie (Somme ). — Hosiery. 2568. Bouly-Lepage, Moreuil (Somme). — Cotton hosiery. 2569. Bail Bros. Villers-Bretonneux (Somme) . — Stockings. 2570. DoriS & Co. Troyes (Aube). — Stockings and under-stockings. 2571. Verjeot-Gomier, Chdtres (Aube). — Cotton hosiery. 2572. Meurice, A. Arcis-sur-Aube (Aube ). — Hosiery. 2573. Lafaist, V. Aix-en-Othe (Aube). — Wool and cotton hosiery. 2574. Quinquarlet, A. Aix-en-Othe (Aube). — Stockings, with sides respectively of wool and cotton. 2575. Quinquarlet, II. Aix-en-Othe (Aube). — Stockings, with sides respectively of wool and cotton. 2576. Marot, Sen. & Jolly, Troyes, (Aube ). — Cotton hosiery. 2577. Bazin Argentin, Troyes (Aube). — Cotton hosiery. 2578. Fr^rot, A. Troyes (Aube). — Cot- ton and wool under-stockings. 2579. Doufi & Rosenburger, Troyes (Aube). — Wool and cotton hosiery. 2580. Evrard, E. Troyes (Aube). — Cot- ton hosiery. 2581. Poron Bros. Troyes (Aube). — Cot- ton stockings, and under-stockings. 2582. Baraduc, J. Paris. — Steel buttons and buckles ; polished steel articles for fur- niture. 2583. Piiilippon-Degois, Romilly-sur- Seine (Aube ). — Stockings and under-stock- ings. 2584. Gornet & Bazin, Romilly-sur- Seine (Aube). — Cotton hosiery. 2585. Lacour, Romilly-sur- Seine (Aule). — Cotton hosiery. 2586. Cognon, Romilly-sur- Seine (Aube). — Children's stockings, and under-stockings of cotton. 2587. BELLEMkRE-VoiSEMBERT, Ro- milly-sur- Seine (Aube). — Cotton stockings, and under-stockings. 2588. Tailbouis, E. & Co. Paris. — Ho- siery of various materials. 2589. Meyrueis Bros. Paris. — Hosiery gloves. 2590. Contour, A. F. Paris. — Hosiery, &c. 2591. Milon, Sen. Paris. — Hosiery, Ac. 2592. Blanchet, J. B. Paris. — Hosiery of various materials. 2593. Pasquay, L. Wasselonne (Bas- Rhin). — Woollen socks and nets. 2596. Ducourtioux, Paris. — Elastic stockings for varicose legs. 2597. Leduc & Charmentier, Nantes (Loire Inf .). — Cotton and wool hosiery. 2598. Coanet, Nancy (Meurthe).- — Leather gloves. ( 128 ) Class XXVIII. — South-west Court and South-ivest Gallery. 2599 Brunet, Madame L. & Co. Paris. Artificial flowers. 2600. Gruyer, Paris. — Umbrellas. 2601. Guyot, C. V. Paris . — Braces and garters. 2602. Dupille, H. Paris. — Corsets. 2603. Huet & Co. Rouen ( Seine Inf .). — • Elastic caoutchouc fabrics for braces, belts, garters, &c. 2604. Chandelier, Meru (Oise). — But- tons. 2605. Courvoisier, r. Paris . — Gloves and kid skins. CLASS XXVIII. 2631. Imperial Printing Office of France, Paris. — Printed works of various kinds, maps, electrotype matrices, &c. 2632. Gruel - Engelmann, Paris. — Fancy and artistic bindings. 2633. Lortic, P. M. Paris. — Artistic bindings. 2634. Blanchet Brothers, & Kleiber, Paris . — Various kinds of paper. 2635. Engelmann & Graf, Paris. — Cliromo - lithographs ; chromo - lithographic imitations of stained-glass windows. 2636. Legrand, Paris. — Letter-paper en- velopes. 2637. Outhenin-Ciialandre, Paris . — Various kinds of paper. 2638. Boulard, G. Chamary ( Nievre ). — Paper for copper-plate engraving and litho- graphy. 2639. Appel, F. A. Paris. — Fancy tick- ets, &c. 2640. Olier, J. P. Paris. — Paper for bank notes and playing-cards. 2641. Boulard, G. Corvol-V Orgueilleux (Nievre). — Paper for copper-plate engraving, and lithography, 2642. Breton Brothers. & Co. Pont-de- ClaLv ( Islre ). — Various kinds of paper. 2643. Nissou, G. Paris. — Fancy cards; chromo-lithographs. OF THE Souche, near St. Die (Vosyes ). — Various kinds of paper. 2645. Romain & Paly art, Paris.— Fancy cards. 2646. Badoureau, M. P. L. Paris. — Li- thographs, chromo-lithographs, &c. 2647. Dupuy, T. Paris. — Lithographs. 2648. Latunc & Co. Blacons (Drome ). — Various kinds of paper. 2649. Vorster, J\fontfourat,near Angou- leme. — Various kinds of paper. 2650. Dambrtcourt Brothers, S. Omer (Pas-de- Calais). — Various kinds of paper. 2651. Ollion, E. A. Paris. — Tracing paper. 2652. Talle & Co. Paris. — Blacks, ink, varnishes, colours, paper. 2653. Joint-Stock Parer Mill Co. of Essonne (Seine-and-Oise). — Various kinds of paper. 2654. Bataille, H. Paris. — Fancy pa- per for boxes, and fancy cards. 2655. Becoulet, C. & Co. Angoulcme (Charente). — Paper for writing, lithography, and photography. 2656. Peulvey, A. Paris. — Ink, car- mine, &c. 2657. Herard. L. Paris. — Copper-plate engravings, done by machine. 2658. Landa, Chalons (Saone-and-Loire). 2644. Joint-Stock Parer Mills Co. Class XXVIII. ( 120 ) Class XXVIII. — France. — Diagrams and cards for the Arts and Sci- ences ; tradesmen’s cards. 2659. Newell, T. F. Paris. — Letter- paper, envelopes, copying-paper. 2660. Desrozier, Moulins ( Allier ). — Printed books. 2661. Barbat, Chalons ( Marne ) — Litho- graphs and chromo-lithographs. 2662. Bernard, J. & Co .Prouzel(Somme). — Various kinds of paper. 2663. Joint-Stock Paper Mill Co. of the Marais and St. Marie, Paris. — Va- rious kinds of paper. 2664. Dopter, J. A. V. Paris. — Litho- graphic impressions on stuff, &c. 2665. Collective Exhibition of the City of Annonay ( Ardeche ). — Writing-paper (2 Exhibitors). 2666. Collective Exhibition of the City of Angouleme, ( Charenle ). — Writing- paper (3 Exhibitors). 2667. Leblond, J. D . Paris. — Manne- quin photographs. 2668. Cosqcin, J. Paris. — Topographic cards. 2669. Tardie, M. J. A. Paris. — Stuffs and paper, crayons, and stamps for chalk drawing. 2670. Avril Brothers, Paris. — Plan of Paris ; cards and plans. 2671. Wiesener, P. F. Paris. — Speci- mens of typography, bank notes, &c. 2672. Jacomme, C. & Leloup, Paris. — Artistic lithographs, black and coloured. 2673. De Mourgues, C. Brothers, Pa- ris. — Albums and printed books. 2674. Tambon, A. Paris. — Engraved copper-plates. 2675. Coblence, S. V. Paris. — Electro- types in copper for the production of en- graved plates ; illustrated works. 2676. Boudin, L. A. E. Paris. — Black and coloured inks ; sealing-wax. 2677. Salle, E. Lcvallois (Seine). — En- gravings in relief, on copper. 2678. Desjardins, J. L. Paris. — Imita- ( tions of oil and water-colour paintings, by copper-plate engraving. 2679. Carles, Paris. — Lithographs. 2680. PETiTFukRE, T. P. Paris. — Com- posing sticks and moveable letters for gilders and bookbinders. 2681. Porthaux, Paris. — Engravings and vignettes, &c. 2682. Beiitauts, J. V. Paris. — Litho- graphs of paintings. 2683. Schmautz, C. Paris. — Boilers for lithographers and engravers. 2684. Knapp, Strasbourg (Bas-Phin). — Bronze powder for paper. 2685. Mathieu, C. Paris. — Chromo-li- thographs. 2686. Poussin, Paris. — Cards. 2687. Haro, E. F. Paris. — Kestored pic- tures ; the paint having been separated from the wood or cloth. Colours, varnish, &c. 2688. Vincent & Forest, Paris. — Seal- ing-wax and wafers ; office ink. 2689. Baulant, Sen. Paris. — Fancy papers. 2690. Foresti£, T. Jun. Montauban ( Tarn-and- Garonne). — Printed books. 2691. Beau, E. Paris. — Lithographs and chromo-lithographs. 2692. Lefranc & Co. Paris. — Black and coloured inks. 2693. Pi£quegnot, A. Paris. — Etchings. 2694. Cremnitz, M. Paris. — Fancy cards, &c. 2695. Dunand-Narat, P. B. Paris. — Paintings on cloth ; copies of water-colour drawings and engravings, by topography. 2696. Trouillet, A. Paris. — Mechani- cal counters. 2697. Bif.ster, M. Paris. — Steel en- gravimrs, for ornamentation. 2698. Poupart-Davyl. Paris. — Books and engravings. 2699. Lorilleux, C. & Son, Paris. — - Black and coloured inks. 2700. Lan£e, Paris. — Maps. 2701. Sagansan, L. Paris. — Maps. 130 ) Class XXVIII. — South-west Court and South-west Gallery. 2702. Silbermann, G. Strasbourg ( Bus - Hhin .) — Specimens of typography. 2703. Chatelain, A. Paris. — Cards of the modes of communication, by steam and telegraph, throughout the world. 2704. Dunod, P. C. Paris. — Architec- tural and other plates, &c. 2705. Armengaud, J. E. Sen. Paris. — Printed works and diagrams. 2706. Turgis, L. Jun. Paris. — Prints: sketches with lace borders. 2707. Tantenstein, J. C. Paris . — Printed music books and sheets. 270S. Cret£, L. & Son, Corbcil (Seine- and- Oise). — Printed books. 2709. Morel, A. & Co. Paris. — Treatises on the arts. 2710. Best, J. &Co. Paris. — Illustrated works, &c. 2711. Benouard, Widow, J. Paris . — Books and engravings. 2712. Berger-Levrault, Widow, Sttras- bourg ( Bas-Rhin ). — Printed books. 2713. Barre, A. Paris. — Coins, medals, &c. 2714. Dulos, C. Paris. — Eng ravings in intaglio and relief. 2715. I)aly, C. Paris. — Architectural engravings. © © 2716. Arnold, Widow, & Son, Lille (Nord). — Bookbinding. 2717. Basset, J. A. Pam.— Bordered prints, Ac. 2718. Boucher-Moreau, Amin (Nord). — Account books, printed and ruled. 2719. Court & Co. — Renage (Isere ). — Writing and drawing paper. 2720. G^rault, H. Paris. — Account books. 2121. Gonthier-Dreyfus, Paris.— Ac- count books. 2722. Curmer, H. L. Paris.— Illustrated works. 2723. Ducroquet, V. Paris. — Account books, &c. ( 1 2724. Darras, A. D. Paris. — Account books. 2725. Couttenier-Pringuet, Lille (Nord). — Specimens of bookbinding. 2726. Brisse, L. Paris. — Album of the French Exhibition of 1855. 2727. Bry, M. E. A. Paris. — Litho- graphs, black and coloured. 2728. Fossey, J. Paris.- — Pasteboards. 2729. Latry, A. Paris. — Cards and en- amelled paper. 2730. Charpentier, H. D. Nantes (Loire-Lnf.). — Illustrated works. 2731. Hulot, A. A. Paris. — Specimens of postage stamps, &c. 2732. Didron, V. Paris. — Archaeologi- cal and other works. 2733. Dupont, P. & Co. Paris.— Speci- mens of fancy printing, &c. 2731. Bance, B. Paris. — Treatises on Architecture, and the Arts. 2735. Claye, J. Paris.— Classical works, gift-books, &c. 2736. LENkGRE, Paris. — Albums for drawings and photographs, &c. 2737. Baron I. S. J. Taylor, Paris . — Books of travels. 2738. Mallet - Bachelier, A. L. J. Paris . — Scientific works. 2739. DkRRiEY, J. C. Paris. — Speci- mens of type, &c. 2740. Mame, A. & Co. Tours (Indre- and-Loire). — Printed books ; engravings. 2741. Andriveau-Gougon, E. Paris. — Maps. 2742. Almin, A. S. Paris. — Pasteboard boxes. 2743. Pagnerre, C. A. Paris. — Literary and popular publications, &c. 2744. Charpentier, G. H. Paris. — Literary works. 2745. Lemercier, B. J. Paris. — Litho- graphs. 2746. Guillemot, C. A. Paris. — - Stamps. . ) K 2 Class XXIX. — France. 2747. Repos, E. Paris. — Liturgical works. 2748. Plon, H. Paris. — Matrixes, elec- trotype plates, &c. 2749. Danel, L. Lille (Nord). — Speci- mens of typography. 2750. Perrin, L. Lyon [Rhone). — Printed books. 2751. Marion, A. & Co. Paris. — Letter- paper, &c. 2752. Moncourt, Amiens [Somme ). — Lithographs. 2753. Cabasson, Paris. — Letter-paper with envelopes attached. 2754. Eegnier & Dourdet, Paris . — Maps on stone. 2755. Humblot, Conte & Co. Paris. — Crayons. 2756. Bouton, N. Y. Paris. — Imitation of old manuscripts, &c. 2757. Lefevre, T. Paris. — Educational works. 2758. Maricot & Vaquerel, Paris . — Coloured and fancy paper ; pasteboard. 2759. Erhard Schieble, Paris. — Maps on stone. 2760. Fromont, Paris. — Wafers. 2761. Chardon, F. C. Sen. Paris . — Copper-plate engravings. 2762. Rapine, Paris. — Copper-plate re- lievo engravings. 2763. Cornillac, E. & Co. Chatillon-sur- Seine [Cdte-d’ Or). — Specimens of fancy bind- ing. 2764. Jundt, J. & Son, Strasbourg [Bas- Rhin). — Pasteboard and enamelled paper. 2765. Lemaire-Daim£, Andrecy [Seine- and- Oise). — Cigarette paper. 2766. Garnier, H. & Salmon, A. Paris. — Steeled copper-plates ; plates engraved by autographic and photographic processes. 2767. De Choiseul-Beaupr£, Chateau de Bury [Somme). — Frame with specimens of paper cutting. 2768. Willoughby, J. Paris. — Pencil case with perpetual almanack. 2769. Leprince, T. Paris. — Paper for the copying-press. 2770. Godcpiaux, A. Paris. — Specimens of writing done in copper-plate. Publications Exhibited by the Im- perial Commissioner : — 2771. Works on the art of teaching. 2772. Journals of education. 2773. Works on law, rules, and disci- pline. 2774. Works on statistics, and reports. 2775. Works on school buildings. 2776. Information regarding infant schools and nurseries. 2777. Works on Roman Catholic reli- gious instruction. XXIX. 2778. struction. Works on Protestant religious in- 2779. tion. Works on Jewish religious instruc- 2780. Works on the art of reading. 2731. Reading books. 2782. Works on writing. 2783. Works on the French language. 2784. Works on arithmetic. 2785. Elementary works on geometry and algebra. ( 132 ) Class XXX. — South-west Court and South-west Gallery. 2786. Historical works. 2787. Geographical works. 2788. Works on the physical and na- tural sciences. 2789. Works on agriculture. 2790. Industrial treatises. 2791. Treatises on commerce, and the keeping of accounts. 2792. Works on living languages. 2793. Works on drawing. 2794. Works on vocal and instrumental music. 2795. Works on amusements and re- wards. 2796. Works on school and communal libraries. 2797. Works on the special instruction of the blind. 2798. Works on the special instruction of deaf-mutes and idiots. 2799. Plans, &c. of school buildings and furniture. 2800. Apparatus for teaching reading and writing. 2801. Apparatus for teaching arithmetic and geometry. 2802. Apparatus for teacliing geography and cosmography. 2803. Apparatus for teaching the physical and natural sciences. 2804. Apparatus for teaching drawing. 2805. Apparatus for teaching vocal and instrumental music. 2806. Gymnastic apparatus. 2807. Apparatus for the special instruc- tion of the blind, and of deaf-mutes. 2808 — 60. Specimens of what has been done by the pupils of the primary schools, in various places. CLASS XXX. 2861. Aiirens, H. Paris. — Specimens of marquetry : table tops, panels. 2862. Gouatjlt, A. F. Paris. — Marble chimney-piece, style of Louis XIII. 2863. Delapiekre, P. & Co. Paris . — Frame with plate-glass, gilt and ornamented with carton-pierre, article in carved oak. 2864. Sauvrezy, A. H. Paris. — Carved furniture in various styles. 2865. Fournier, A. M. E. Paris. — Sculp- tured and gilt furniture in various styles ; hangings in the style of Louis XIY. ; Vene- tian glass. 2866. Charmois, C. Paris. — Ebony fur- niture, ornamented with bronze and mosaics. 2867. Knecht, E. Paris. — Furniture in carved wood, &c. 2868. Chain, P. A. Paris. — Ebony book- case. 2869. Huber Bros. Paris. — Carton- pierre decorations. 2870. Laurent, E. &Co. Paris. — Inlaid floors and mouldings, &c. 2871. Pallu A. & Co. Paris. — Article in Algerian onyx. 2872. Laroque, P. Paris. — Billiard table and requisites. 2873. Fourdinois, H. Paris. — Furniture of carved ebony, decorated with marquetry, gilt, &c. 2874. GrohiS, G. Paris . — Furniture of carved mahogany, ebony, &c., decorated with mosaics and gilt bronze. ( 133 ) Class XXX. — France. 2875. Duval Bros. Paris. — Transform- able couch ; fancy seats. 2876. GufiRET Bros. Paris. — Carved furniture, &c. 2877. Mazaroz Ribaillier, P. Paris. — Furniture of carved walnut and oak, &c. 2878. Gros, J. L. B. Paris. — Ebony fur- niture, inlaid, decorated with mosaics, gilt bronze, &c. 2879. Bivart, J. N. Paris. — Artistic furniture, decorated with marquetry and painted porcelains. 2880. Roux, F. Paris. — Inlaid furniture, decorated with gilt bronze. 2881. Cramer Bros. Paris. — Bedsteads of wood, conveniently resolvable into many pieces. 2882. Dexheimer, P. Paris. — Buhl fur- niture, decorated with bronzes and Floren- tine mosaics. 2883. Ramondene, D. Paris. — Tables, capable of extension. 2884. BadIn, Madame R. Paris. — Articles in basket-work, &c. 2885. Mutet, E. Paris. — Rush and cane furniture for gardens. 2886. Jeanselme, Son, & Godin, Paris. — Cabinet furniture. 2887. Melli, J. L. Paris. — Marbles and bronzes. 2888. Meyer, L. F. A. Paris. — Lac- quered furniture. 2889. Wirtii Bros. Paris. — Fancy carved furniture. 2890. Quignon, N. J. A. Paris. — Chairs, arm-chairs, book-case. 2891. DesprAaux, A. Versailles ( Seine - and- Oise).— Stuffs for furniture. 2892. ArmAMIidard, Lyon (Rhone.) — Carved wood articles. 2893. Zimmermann, P. Paris. — Gildings on wood, &c. 2894. Fontaine, H. Valenciennes (Nord). — Carved oak furniture. 2895. Ganser, L. G. Paris. — Imitation bamboo chairs, Ac. 2896. Zuber, J. A Co. Rixheim (Eaut- Rhin). — Paper hangings. ^ 2897. Leglas-Maurice, F. Nantes ( Loire - Inf.). — Common and fancy furniture. 2898. Dulud, J. M. Paris. — Leather for hangings, Ac. 2899. Gallais, C. A. Paris. — Panels; lacquered furniture. 2900. Beaufils, Bordeaux (Gironde ). — Fancy furniture. 2901. Pecquereau A Son, Paris.— Carved furniture. 2902. Balny, J. P. Paris. — Side-boards, gun cases, Ac. 2903. LkROUX, C. H. F. Paris. — Sofa bed. 2904. Leonard, C. Paris. — Iron bed- steads, Ac. 2905. De LaterriIsre, J. A Co. Paris. — Iron bed, Ac. 2906. Ribal, F. Paris. — Dining tables, capable of extension. 2907. Vanloo, P. Paris. — Bed, chest of drawers, work-table, Ac. 2908. Evette, H. A C. L. Yon, Paris. — Elastic hair quilts, mattresses, and pillows. 2909. Dubreuil, Sen. Paris. — Paper- hangings. o O 2910. Rebeyrotte, F. Paris. — Chairs, and armchairs, of lacquered wood, gilt. 2911. Fossey, Jun. Paris. — Carved and decorated furniture. 2912. Lemoine, H, Paris. — Carved and decorated rose-wood furniture. 2913. Cremer, J. Paris. — Furniture, en- riched with marquetry, mosaics, Ac. 2914. Loremy A Grisey, Paris. — Gilt frames and cabinets. 2915. Josse, C. L. Paris. — Paper-hang- ings, gilt to imitate embroidery. 2916. Grantil, Jun. A Didion, C. Mon- tiejn y-lez-Metz (Moselle). — Paper-hangings. 2917. Polge, C. A Bezault, Paris. — Paper-hangings. ( 134 ) Class XXXI. — South-west Court and South-west Gallery. 2918. Turquetil & Malzard, Paris . — Paper-hangings in panels. 2919. IlESFOSsh, J. Paris. — Paper-hang- ings. 2920. Barthelemy & Dubreuil, Paris. — Paper-hangings. 2921. Seegers, A. Paris. — Paper-hang- ings. 2922. Genoux & Co. Paris. — Paper- hangings. 2923. Binant, L. A. Paris. — Stuffs for the decoration of ceilings, &c. 2924. Leroy, J. Paris. — Paper-hangings made by machine. 2925. Riottot, J., J. Ciiardon & Pa- con, Paris. — Paper-hangings. 2926. Leroy, C. Y. Paris. — Painted win- dow blinds. 2927. BACH-PhRhs, A. Paris. — Painted window blinds. 2928. Gerfaux, J. Jun. Paris. — Picture frames. 2929. Thiault & Cornet, Paris. — Paper imitating oak. 2930. Waaser, C. A. Paris. — Kiosque, and specimens of trellis-work decoration. 2930a. Cornu, T. Jun. Paris. — Furni- ture of ebony, enriched with bronze. 2930b. Philou£, A. Paris. — Chairs and arm-chairs. 2930c. Mure, C. Paris. — Steel nails and ornaments for furniture, &c. 2930d. Barbedienne, F. Paris. — Artis- tic articles in wood, and sculptured marble. 2930e. Blumer, C. Strasbourg ( Bas - Rhin). — Inlaid doors, artistic furniture. 2930f. Delacour, L. F. Paris. — Screen- curtains. 2930g. Planier, E. & Co. Paris. — Elas- tic pads for keeping apartments warm. 2930il. Tronchon. N. J. Paris. — Iron seats and furniture. 2931. Bricard & Gauthier, Paris . — Locks and hardware. 2932. Herdevin, J. M. Paris. — Cocks, and steam apparatus, &c. 2933. Douciiain, C. Paris. — Apparatus for the distribution of water, &c. 2934. Lebouc, J. L. J. Paris. — Orna- mental, and other apparatus connected with artificial light. 2935. Cribier, E. Jun. Paris. — Steel springs for petticoats. 2936. Ducros, L. J. Paris. — Wrouglit- iron balustrade, &c. 2937. Rouy, P. A. Paris. — Fecula for the moulding of metals. 2938. Fraissinet, E. & Co. Alais ( Gard ). — Metallic articles and fabrics. Barbou & Son, Paris. — I ron bottle-cases. 2940. Lepan, T. Lille (Nord). — Foil and tubes of lead and tin. 2941. Passager, J. D. D. Paris. — Lamp for congealed fats. 2942. Aroux, Melun ( Se in e-a nd-Marn e ) . — Hardware. 2943. Leturc, A. M. Paris. — Venetian blinds, of moveable sheet-iron plates, &c. 2944. Baudrit, A. Paris. — Iron work. 2945. Chauvel, E. J. B. Evreux (Eure). — Buckles, thimbles, Ac. 2946. Jubert Bros. Charleville (Arden- nes). — Iron fittings for carriages. CLASS XXXI. 2939. ( 135 ) Class XXXI. — France. 2047. Miette Bros. Braux pres Charle- ville ( Ardennes ). — Ironwork for waggons, &c. 2948. Demans & Co. Chambon-Feuge- rolles (Loire). — Bolts and files. 2949. Demandre, C. Aillevillers ( Haute - Saone). — Iron wire for cards and combs. 2950. De Poilly, Jen. Boulogne-sur- Mer ( Pas-de - Calais). — Locks. 2951. DelaHaye de BarbezHres, S. N. Paris. — Iron sashes. 2952. Valery & Son, & Seroux, Beau- champs (Somme). — Keys, having the numbers, &c., of the apartments, to which they belong on the rings. 2953. Goldenberg, G. Zornhoff ( Bas - Rhin). — Iron-work, cutting instruments, &c. 2954. Bourgeois-Botz, Reims (Marne). — Plates and ribbons for cards. 2955. Truche, J. M. J. Lyon (Rhone). — Mirrors for catching larks. 2956. Gaillard, C. C. Paris. — Metallic cloths. 2957. Weber, Nancy (Meurthe). — Metal- lic cloths. 2958. Massiere, E. F. P. Paris. — Tin foil ; metallic paper for damp walls, &c. 2959. Cribier, Viroflay (Scine-and-Oise). —Hair pins. 2960. Laperche, A. Jun. Paris. — Mili- tary accoutrements. 2961. Boiiin, B. F. LAigle (Orne ). — Hardware, &c. 2962. Delage, J. P. Paris.— Articles in malleable cast-iron ; requisites for perambu- lators and copying-presses. 2963. AndbIc J. L. Paris. — Lever- buckles for driving belts, &c. 2964. Tronchon, X. J. Paris.— Garden locks, iron furniture, Ac. 2965. Fichet, A. Paris. — Iron safes. 2966. Sauve, L. & Magaud, Marseilles (Bouches-du-Rhone). — Iron safes, and locks for iron safes. 2967. Delacour, L. F. Paris.— Screens, Ac. 2968. Lhermitte, B. Paris. — Polished steel safe, Ac. 2969. Haffner Bros. Paris. — Iron safes. 2970. Lang, L. Schelestadt (Bas-Rhin). Metallic cloths. 2971. Franck & Co. Schelestadt ( Bas- Rhin). — Metallic cloths. 2972. Tronchon, A. Paris. — Models of portable iron buildings. 2973. Gandillot, Paris. — Iron tubing. 7 O 2974. Estivant Bros. Givet (Ardennes). — Unsoldered copper tubes. 2975. Bouttevillain, L. F. Paris. — Iron tubes, for boilers, Ac. 2976. Yicaire, L. F. Paris. — Copper tubing. 2977. Maquemneheu, E. A Imbert, Fscarbotin (Somme). — Common and fancy locksmiths’ work. 2978. Mage, Sen. Lyon (Rhone). — Me- tallic cloths. 2979. Roswag, Y. Schelestadt (Bas-Rhin). — Metallic thread and cloth. 2980. Tailfer, A. A Co. L’Aigle ( Orne). — Galvanized iron pins, Ac. 2981. SirotAYagret, Trith-St.-Leger (Nord). — Pegs for boots and shoes. 2982. Cantagrel, F. and Co. Paris. — Instrument for finding leaks in gas apparatus, Ac. 2983. Fournier, C. A. Paris. — Safety apparatus for finding leaks in gas pipes, Ac. 2984. Rebour, C. J. X. Paris. — Locks. 2985. Brodtn, C. J. Soissons (Aisne ). — Apparatus for cleaning lamps. 2986. Lambert, S. Paris. — Tin foil, Ac. 2987. Hubert-Regnault A Co. Charle- ville (Ardennes). — Machine-made nails. 2988. Gailly, Sen. Charleville (Arden- nes). — Machine-made nails for boots and shoes. 2989. Fergusson, E. Paris. — Regulators of gas pressure. 2990. Boubilla, J. R. Paris. — Appara- tus for securing bags for despatches. ( 136 ) Class XXXI. — South-west Court and South-west Gallery. 2991. Gausseran & Co. Paris. — Smoothing irons. 2992. Monier, H. & Co. Paris. — Crystal gas jets. 2993. Pradel, P. Paris. — Mode of fastening without a key. . 2994. Nos-d’Argence, Rouen Seine- Inf .). — Metallic teazles, and brush. 2995. Dupuch, G. Paris. — Copper and bronze articles. 2996. Boucher, E. Pumay (Ardennes). — Kitchen articles, copper-coated iron wire, &c. 2997. Pajot & Co. Randonnay(Orne). — Cast-iron household requisites. 2998. Sicard, J. A. Paris. — Copper kitchen requisites. 2999. Fondet, J. B. Paris. — Presmatic tubing for heating apparatus. 3000. Pottecher, B. Bussang (Vosges). ■ — Curry-combs, &c. 3001. Dalifol & Dalifol, A. Paris. — Articles in malleable cast-iron. 3002. Brun, P. Lyon (Rhone). — Portable forge. 3003. Masson, J. B. F. Paris. — Tin foil. 3004. Menand, F. R. Paris. — Lanterns of paper and stuff, for illuminations. 3005. Cfiene, J. & Son, Paris. — Heat- ing apparatus. 3006. Parod, E. Paris. — Cooking uten- sils. 3007. Aulon, C. L. E. Barney (Vosges). — Sheet-iron covers. 3008. Paret, X. E. A. Paris. — Portable kitchen furnaces. 3009. Piat, J. J. D. Paris. — Mechanism for numbering cotton threads. 3010. Javal, E. Paris. — Hardware. 3011. Colette, Paris. — Hardware. 3012. PkNANT, Paris. — Coffee pots. 3013. Morisot, N. J. Paris.— Bronze fittings for grates. ( l 3014. Grandry-Grandey & Son, Nou- zon (Ardennes ) . — Fittings for grates. 3015. Broquin & Lain£, Paris. — Orna- mental and other bronzes. 3016. Bion, V. Paris. — Bronze fittings for grates. 3017. Clavier, E. Paris. — Bronze and iron andirons. 3018. Besnard, H. Paris. — Ornamental articles in zinc and bronze. 3019. Blot & Drouard, Paris. — Orna- mental articles in zinc, imitating bronze. 3020. Robin Bros. Paris. — Candela- bras ; lustres and gas fittings. 3021. Lefevre, E. J. Paris. — Time- pieces, &c., of bronzed or gilt zinc. 3022. Gauteot & Latoub, Paris. — Or- namental zinc articles. 3023. Brunel, L. Paris. — Ornamental zinc articles. 3024. Lambin, Saguet, & Fouchet, Paris. — Ornamental zinc articles. 3025. Bigolet, R. M. Paris. — Imita- tion bronzes. 3026. Grillot, C. Paris. — Imitation- bronze groups, statuettes, &c. 3027. Foubert, Paris. — Time-pieces, groups in bronzed or gilt zinc. 3028. Hottot, L. Paris. — Time-pieces, &c„ in zinc. 3029. Leclercq, F. P. Paris. — Time- pieces, and ornamental articles in zinc, bronzed or gilt. 3030. Boy, J. Paris. — Ornamental articles in zinc and bronze. 3031. Mourcy, P. Paris. — Articles in gilt aluminium, and in gilt zinc. 3032. Mi roy Ferres, Paris. — Articles in zinc and bronze. 3033. Marchand, L. Paris. — Bronzes. 3034. Ducel, J. J. Paris. — Ornamental articles in cast-iron. 37 ) Class XXXI. — France. 3035. Duiienne, A., Iron-master, Sommevoire ( Haute-Marne ). Paris: 30 Hue de la Verrerie. The Exhibitor's works at Sommevvoire are specially devoted to ornamental castings for constructive purposes and for the decoration of churches, squares, and gardens. The collection he shows at the London Exhibition is both very complete and very diversified. It consists of six parts : — 1st. The great monumental fountain in the Gardens of the Horticultural Society, forty-five feet high, and fifty-two feet in diameter at the base of the basin. It comprises in the lower portion, four sea-horses ridden by Amazons, each group thirteen feet long and nine feet high. In the next portion, eight Syrens pouring water, in the form of cascades, from shells and basins, and supporting a large vase measuring twenty-three feet in diameter. In the third portion, four females in a sitting posture, representing Painting, Poetry, Science, and Industry. In the upper portion, Abundance crowning the whole. This fountain, which at present throws out two hundred cubic metres of water every hour, is capable of producing a much greater effect. 2nd. A great gate, intended for a square or a park, and made in imitation of hammered iron. Each compartment is a single casting, four feet wide and thirteen and a half feet high. The two pilasters, by a happy introduction of two panels placed in juxtaposition, and of the thickness of each pilaster, are rendered light, and the entire is finished above by a decoration eleven feet wide and five feet high. 3rd. A statue representing an undecided victory, bespoke by his Imperial Highness Prince Napoleon, and cast in a single jet, the arms not taken into account : it is seven feet and a half high, and as it came from the mould, with- out any mending. 4th. A collection of statues, vases, candelabra, busts, bas-reliefs, and groups, to be seen in the French Court. All these castings are as they came from the moulds, and without any dressing, to show the care expended in the moulding and execution. A few are bronzed, to afford a means of comparing articles in the rough state, and those which are finished, that it may be seen how little was re- quired to render them complete. The ornaments for religious purposes are — • A Christ, in one piece, six feet high, and weighing five hundred kilogrammes ; rough from the mould. The Virgin, six feet high, bronzed. Do. A medallion of the Virgin, two feet and a half, rough from the mould. Christ in the Sepidchre, six feet long and three feet wide, also rough from the mould. The same, three feet long and two feet wide. The ornaments for a garden porch are — Statues for lights, with cornucopias, in the Florentine style, four feet high ; rough from the mould. Statues for lights — Cornelia and Antiphona — Greek style, three feet high, rough from the mould. The Four Seasons, Kenaissance style, four feet high, rough from the mould. Two groups — Amazons on horseback, one of them as it was cast, the other bronzed — each four feet and a half long and three feet high. Three groups of animals — A Dog defending its Young, bronzed : six feet long, and three feet wide. A Wolf ready to devour a Dog, as cast ; six feet long and three feet wide. — These latter groups form a pair. A Boar Hunt, rough from the mould, six feet long and three feet wide ; which, with a Wolf Hunt, also rough from the mould, forms a pair. The following, which, likewise, are as they were cast, have not been exhibited, for want of space : — A Light-bearer, consisting of a child supporting giran- doles. Statuettes, comprising — Paris; a Female bathing; Jupi- ter and Leda. An Aurora vase, four feet and a half high. Busts of Madame Du Barry ; Mademoiselle De Ligny, an artiste of Louis XV.'s time; Diana De Gabie; Ceres; Germain Pilons Three Graces. And a plateau, consisting of a cup of Benvenuto Cellini. 5th. A series of castings for constructive purposes, rough from the moulds, such as window balconies, balustrades for large balconies, requisites for Venetian sunshades, friezes, flower-stands, crosses, requisites for gates, grates, &e. 6th. A collection of articles, consisting of vases, tazzas, statues, a fountain, and groups, placed in the Gardens of | the Horticultural Society. ( 133 ) DU RENNES FOUNTAIN Class XXXI.— .France. 3035. — Durenne, A.— continued. A BOAR HINT. ( no ) Class XXXI. — South-west Court and South-west Gallery. 3035. — Durenne, A. — continued. STATUETTES — THE SEASONS — AND GARDEN VASE IN CAST IRON. 141 Class XXXI. — France . 3036. Graux-Marley, L. J. B. Paris. — Bronzes. 3037. Barbezat & Co. Paris. — Orna- mental articles in cast-iron. 3038. ThiIcbaut, Y. Paris. — Orna- mental articles in bronze ; monumental foun- tain in the Horticultural Society’s Garden. 3039. Delafontaine, A. M. Paris . — Bronzes. 3010. Cain, A. Paris. — Bronzes. 3041. Duplan & Salles, Paris. — Bronzes. 3042. Moigniez, J. Jun., Paris. — Bronzes. 3043. Peyrol, H. Paris. — Bronzes. 3044. Mi3ne, P. J. Paris. — Bronzes. 3045. Galopin, A. Paris. — Bronze and porcelain lamps. 3046. Gonon, E. Nantes ( Loire- Inf .). — Bronzes. 3047. Poilleux, J. B. Paris. — Bronzes. 3048. Rollin, F. G. Paris. — Bronze time-pieces, &e. 3049. Mage, F. Paris. — Plaster groups for models of bronzes. 3050. F£tu, J. L. Paris. — Bronzes. 3051. Chaumont & Langereau, Paris. — Bronzes. 3052. Popon, N. Paris. — Bronzes. 3053. Marerchal & Bernand, Paris . — Porcelain lamps mounted in bronze. 3054. DaubriIe, A. Nancy (Meurthe ) . — Bi •onzes. 3055. Barbedienne,F. Paris. — Bronzes. 3056. Gagneau, E. Paris. — Bronzes. 3057. Schlossmacher, J. & Co. Paris — Bronze and other lamps. 3058. Hadrot, L. Jun. Bonnet, C. & Bordier, Paris. — Bronze lamps. 3059. LacarrHre, A. Son, & Co. Paris. — Gas-fittings, in cast-iron, zinc, and bronze. 3060. Carlhian & CoebHre, Paris. — Lamps. 3061. Hadrot, L. N. Paris. — Bronze lamps, &c. 3062. Lerolle, L. Paris. — Articles in bronze. 3063. Levy, J. F. Paris. — Artistic bronzes. 3064. Charpentier & Co. Paris. — Groups, statues, &c. in bronze. 3065. DenHre, G. Jun. Paris. — Bronzes. 3066. Gautier, F. Paris. — Bronzes. 3067. Raingo Bros. Paris. — Bronzes. 3068. Paillard. A. Y. Paris. — Bronzes. 3069. Houdebine, C. H. A. Paris. — Bronzes. 3070. Boyer, Y. & Son, Paris. — Bronzes. 3071. Lionnet Bros. Paris. — Objects of art, &c., obtained by the electrotype process. 3072. Vittoz, E. Jun. Pans. — Bronzes. 3073. Mercier, D. Paris. — Bronzes. 3074. Perrot,1I. Paris. — Fancy bronzes. 3075. Susse Bros. Paris. — Bronzes. 3076. Servant, Jun. & Devay, Paris . — Bronzes. 3077. Zier, A. J. Paris. — Bronzes. 3078. Lemaire, A. Paris. — Bronzes. 3079. Pickard, C. & Punant, A. Paris. — Bronze chimney ornaments, &c. 3080. Vanvray Bros. Paris. — Bronzes. 3081. Hermann, G. Paris. — Artistic ob- jects mounted in bronze. 3082. FENQUifeRES, J. Paris. — Bronzes, silver plate, gold jewelry, enamels. 3083. Levy Bros. Paris. — Bronze chim- ney ornaments, flower stands, and vases mounted in gilt bronze. 3084. Oudry, L. Paris. — Objects in cast- iron, coated with copper, Ac. by the electro- type. 3085. Matifat, C. S. Paris. — Bronzes. 3086. Nadault de Buffon, Paris. — Tubular filters. 3087. Burg, Hr. Y. Paris. — Apparatus for purifying and cooling water for drinking. 2 ) Class XXXII. — South-west Court and South-west Gallery. 3088. Descole, P. Paris. — Apparatus for giving light. 3089. Servau, J. J. Paris. — Articles in chiselled and repoused copper. 3090. Gonsse, C. L. Paris. — Fancy ar- ticles in bronze, crystal, and porcelain ; bas- kets for flowers, fruits, &c. 3091. Largaut, Widow, Paris. — Polish- ing powder. 3092. Farjat, Rouen {Sen. Inf .). — • Scrapers of iron, and leather. 3093. Cubain, R. & Co. Verneuil {Pure). — Laminated copper, &c. 3091. Brunt & Co. Paris. — Gas-meters. CLASS 3131. Vitry Brothers, Nogcnt {Raute- Marne). — Cutlery of all kinds ; surgical in- struments. 3132. Thuilli^r - Lefranc, Nogent {Haute-3Iarne ). — Tailors’ shears, pruning knives, &c. 3133. Perray, F. C. Nogent {Raute- Marne). — Cutlery. 3134. Girard, C. Nogent { Raute-Marne ). — Kitchen knives, choppers, garden instru- ments. 3135. Mareschal - Girard, Nogent {Raute-Marne). — Cutlery of all kinds. 3137. Plumerel-Daguin, Nogent {Raute- Marne). — Common cutlery. 3138. Guillemtn-Renaut & Co. Nogent {Raute-Marne). — Cutlery. 3140. L^collier, Y. Nogent {Haute- Marne). — Razors. 3 141. Girard, M. Nogent {Raute-Marne). — Knife-boxes, razor strops, emery. 3142. Roze, C. St. Dizier {Raute-Marne). — Cutlery. 3143. Collective Exhibition by the City of Thiers {Puy-de-Dome). — Cutlery (9 Exhibitors). 3144. Rommetin, C. M. Paris. — Den- tists’ instruments. 3145. Guerre, C. Jun. Langres {Raute- Marne). — Common and fancy cutlery. ( H XXXII. 314G. Piault, J. Nogent {Raute-3Iarne). — Cutlery. 3147. Touron-Parisot, E. Paris. — Fancy cutlery. 3148. Pag£ Bros. Chdtellerault {Vienne). — Table and kitchen cutlery, razors. 3149. Mermilliod Brothers, Prieure ( Vienna). — Cutlery. 3150. Cardeiliiac, A. E. Paris. — Fancy cutlery ; silver articles for the table. 3151. Picault, G. F. Paris. — Common and fancy cutlery ; razors made without heat, &c. 3152. Charriere, J. J. Paris. — Com- mon and fancy cutlery, garden instruments, toilet requisites. 3153. CREMikRE, Portillon {Indre-et- Loire). — Cast steel files. 3154. Proutat, Michot, & Thomeret, Arnay-le-Duc {Cote-d' Or). — Steel files and tools. 3158. Clicquot, R. M. Courbevoie {Seine). Gravers’ tools, &c. 3159. Petrement, F. Paris. — Gauges of cast steel, for measuring sheet iron and wire, the hundredth of a millimetre (0003937 in.) in thickness. 3100. Maillet, C. P. A. Compiegne {Oise). — Shoemakers’ tools. 3101. Delahaye, E. Paris. — Screws, broaches, &c. 3 ) Class XXX I II. — France. 3162. Perrin, A. Nogent (Haute- Marne). ■ — -Cutlery. 3163. Lepage, J. H. Paris. — Cast steel files. 3164. Mangin, Sen. & Co. Paris. — Files, rasps, and gravers’ tools. 3165. Languedocq, C. F. Paris. — Cut- lery. 3166. Blanzy & Co. Boulogne (Pas-de- Calais). — Steel pens and holders, &c. 3167. Mallat, J. B. Paris. — Steel pens, gold and platina pens, with iridium and ruby points. 3168. Libert & Co. Boulogne (Pas-de- Calais ). — Steel pens ; steel laminated with- out heat ; steel springs. 3169. Monchicourt, Y. Paris. — Steel pens and holders. 3170. Parys, A. Paris. — Plates for wire- drawers. 3171. Kenard, J. A. Paris. — Steel tools for artistic and industrial engraving ; en- graving machine. 3172. Limet, Lapareill£, & Co. Paris. — Steel files and cutlery ; magnets ; flatting machines of tempered cast steel ; azotized, cyanuretted, and carburetted steel. 3173. Huet, J. Paris. — Steel beads; clasps and ornaments for purses ; buckles, combs, and jewelry of steel. 3174. Essique, L. Paris. — Steel thim- bles, and steel jewelry. 3175. Jacquemin & Sordoillet, Paris. — Jewelry and ornaments of steel. 3176. Bourgain, J. B. Paris. — Caskets, jewels, and ornaments of steel. 3177. Goldenberg, G. & Co. Lornhoff (Bas-Bhin). — Steel tools, spring steel. 3178. Cribier, E. Jun. Paris. — Steel springs for petticoats. CLASS XXXIII. 3201 . Odiot, Paris. — Goldsmith’s work ; toilet requisites, table services, &c. 3202. Debain, A. Paris . — Silver caiulelabras, tea services, Ac. 3203. Chertier, A. Paris. — Church plate. 3204. Christofle, C. & Co. 56 Rue de Bondy, Paris, and Carlsrhue, G-rand Duchy of Baden. Their establishment comprises — 1st. Tiie manufacture of table ornaments in mailleehort and brass. 2nd. Of articles in silver. 3rd. Of articles in electrotype, both hollow and massive. 4th. The gilding and plating of goods, whether made by themselves or sent to them for the purpose. They employ 1,200 workpeople. The following are specimens of those d iff rent branches : — PLAIT’.!) ARTICLES. Two Ci ts, emblematic of the North and West of Franco. They form a portion of the large set of tabic ornaments which were made for his Majesty the Emperor, and were exhibited at Paris in 1855. The sculpture is by Messrs. Gilbert, Diobott, Daiunas, Caudron, Brian t Boros, Montaguy, Rouillard, and Demay. The Centre-piece of a set of table ornaments, made for fetes at the Hotel de Ville of Paris, after a design by ltaron Haussman, senator, and Prefect of the Seine. The sculpture of Uiis line composition has been executed ( U under the direction of Mr. V. Ballard, architect, director of the public works at Paris, and Inspector of Fine Arts, bv the sculptors, Diebott, Maillet, Thomas, Germcry, anil Mathurin-Moreau, who obtained the first prizes at Rome ; Rouillard, Capy; and Auguste Madroux, ornamental modeller. Tire Centre-piece consists of a large plateau of plate- glass, the framework of which is relieved by a rich frieze moulding, gilt in different shades : four great candelabra, worked into this moulding, form a connection between its principal portions. The centre is occupied by a vessel symbolical of the arms of the city of Paris. On its deck the statue of the city is raised upon a shield, supported by four Caryatides, representing the Sciences, the Arts, Industry, anil Com- merce — emblems of her glory and power. At the bow is an eagle drawing the vessel onward to her future destiny ; the genius of Progress lights the way ; Prudence is at the stern holding the helm. Round the vessel are groups of Tritons and Dolphins, sporting in the water. The two extremities of the composition are occupied by : ) Class XXXIII. — South-west Court and Soutli-wcst Gallery. 3204. Christofle, C., & Co. — continued. groups of sea-horses, whom Genii and Tritons are endea- vouring to tame. A drawing, placed along with the portion exhibited, shows the entire of the details : only the centre-piece could be finished iu time for the Exhibition. Plated and Gilt Table Ornaments, after the antique, from designs by Rossigueux, architect, and decorator for the Exhibition. A Dessert Service, executed after drawings by Mr. Diet- erle, formerly head of the art department at the manufac- tory of Sevres. A Pair of Candelabra, consisting of female Caryatides, in the style of the silver service of his Majesty the Empe- ror (to be noticed below). The sculpture by Capy. A Plated Centre-piece, used by the Duke of Magenta during the fetes given at the coronation of the King of Prussia at Ivonigsberg. Two Candelabra, formed by the figures of children, and other portions of a dinner service, in the style of Louis XIV. are exhibited as specimens of the entire service. A Large Set of Gilt Table Ornaments, in the style of Louis XIV. Two Candelabra, each supported on three Caryatides, and other articles belonging to a desert service, in the style of Louis XVI., are exhibited as specimens of the entire service. A Small Set of Table Ornaments, and a Gilt Dessert Service, decorated with children, from Nature. A Small Set of Table Ornaments and a Dessert Ser- vice, silvered, decorated with fruits from Nature, inlaid. A Small Set of Table Ornaments and a Dessert Ser- vice, guilloched and silvered, in the Greek style. Four Services in plate — consisting of warmers, dishes, stew-pans, covers, salt-cellars, &c., in four different styles : — • The first, in that of Louis XVI., is guilloched and chased. The second, in thd same, is chased. The third, in the style of Louis XIV., is engraved. And the fourth is in the style of Louis XV. A GREAT NUMBER OF ARTICLES IN PLATE, &C., SUcll as ice-pails, bread-baskets, soup tureens, oil cruets, menageres, salad-bowls, salt-cellars, mustard-pots, egg-cups, liqueur- flasks, tea-trays, branch candlesticks — articles for the Levant. Among these we direct attention to the follow- ing : — No. 1. A plate-warmer and cover, Greek style. No. 2. A plate-warmer and cover, decorated with ram’s- hcads, style of Louis XVI. No. 3. A bread-basket, style of Louis XIV. No. 4. A bread-basket, decorated with ears of corn. No. 5. A salt-cellar, Greek style. No. 6. A tootlipick-holder — decoration, a bird. No. 7. A tootlipick-holder, in the form of a vase, deco- rated with swallows. No. 8. A Chinese sugar-bowl. No. 9. A sugar-bowl, Arab style. No. 10. A candlestick with two branches, style of Louis XIII. No. 11. Another, in the Greek style. No. 12. Another, in the Pompeian style. No. 13. An ice pail, style of Louis XIV. No. 14. Another, in the style of Louis XVI., and en- riched with medallions. No. 15. A cake-plate, style of Louis XVI. SILVER PLATE. A Silver-Gilt Service, executed for his Majesty the Emperor, and consisting of warmers, dishes, stew-pans, covers, salt-cellars, fruit-dishes, etageres, compotiers, &e. A specimen of the twelve silver cups offered as prizes by the Minister of Agriculture, Commerce, and Public Works iu the district competitions throughout France. An Allegorical Piece, offered by the City of Carlsrhue to the Grand Duchess Mary of Baden, on the occasion of her marriage with the Russian Grand Duke Michael Nicolajevitch. A Coffee Service, Arab style, consisting of a large enamelled plateau, a coffee-pot, and ten enamelled cans. A Tea Service, style of Louis XV., with a plateau, having outline decorations. A Tea Service, enriched with bas-reliefs of birds, iu repoussee chasing. A Silver-gilt and Enamelled Tea Service. No. 10 is an engraved and guilloched tea service. Class XXXI 1 1. 145 ) L Class XXXIII.— France. ( Mfi ) Class XXXIII. — South-west Court and South-west Gallery. 3204. CmusTOFLE, C., & Co. — continued. Class XXXIII. — France. 3204. Ciiristofle, C., & Co. — continued. No. 17. A ewer and basin, Arab style. No. 18. An enamelled cup, with cover. No. 19. A silver perfume burner, enamelled. ALUMINIUM. Various Groups. A Centre-piece. Baskets in Aluminium, both solid and with a bronze foundation, gilt and silvered. A Helmet in aluminium bronze. ARTICLES IN ELECTROTYPE. HOLLOW WORK. Busts of the Emperor and Empress, horn models by De Meenwerkerke : the plaster casts are those of Mr. Susse. The Spring-time of Life, an electrotype silver-gilt copy of a statue by Maillet, the sculptor who obtained the first prize at Rome. The Faunus and Kid, a group by Fesquet, sculptor. Two Statuettes of gladiators, copies from studies by Gerorne the painter. The Venus of Allegrain, the copy of a model in bronze belonging to Mr. Susse. Cincinnati's, a copy on plaster, from a reduced copy, belonging to M. Sauvage. ELECTROTYPE MASSIVE WORK. Two Cases, in rosewood, enriched with electrotype ornaments. A specimen of Locksmiths' Work, belonging to the apartments of her Majesty the Empress, at the Tuilleries, after models by Dolessanv. Bath Cocks, for the Tuilleries, after models by M. Lepretre. Seven pictures, illustrating the different models which they have had made for cabinetmakers and other artisans. WORKS IN ELECTROTYPE NOT EXHIBITED. The Pope’s Railway Carriage. It has been made under the direction of Emile Trelat, architect, and Professor to the Conservatoire des Aits et Metiers. The exterior covering, as well of the main portions, as of the decorative, and the figures, are in electrotype. The photograph which is exhibited is an exact repre- sentation of the work. They have applied the electrotype process to monu- mental decorations, under the direction of Lefuel, archi- tect to the Louvre. The following are examples of this — The chimneypieces of the Tuilleries. The ramp of the staircase at the residence of the Minis- ter of State. The chandelier. The gates of the riding-school of the Louvre. The imperial stables. II ronseroso, the copy of a statue by Michael Angelo. 3205. M arret & Beaugrand, Paris . — Jewelry iu gold and silver. 3206. Petiteau, E. Paris. — Jewelry. 3207. Bouvenat, L. Paris. — Jewelry. 3208. Lhomme, L. Paris. — Bracelets. 3209. Belleau, F. A. Paris. — Work- requisites. 3210. Philippi, A. Paris. — Jewelry. 4S ) is Class XXXIII. — South-west Court and South-west Gallery. 3211. Pa yen & Son, Paris. — Jewelry j enriched with unpolished filagree work ; specimens of the filagree work of all coun- tries. 3212. Lemoine, Y. Paris. — Gold chains and bracelets. 3213. Ogez, Widow, & Cadet-Picard, Paris . — Gold jewelry ; enamelled fancy articles. 3214. Jarry, L. G. Sen. Paris. — Agate cup, mounted in silver ; gold jewelry ; fancy articles in gold and silver. 3215. Constant-ValEs, & Co. Paris . — Imitation pearls ; necklaces and bracelets. 3216. Jardin - Blancoud, Paris. — Metals, inlaid stones, &c. 3217. Purper, L. Paris. — Onyx cameos. 3218. Langevin, H. Paris. — Copper and silver jewelry ; imitations of niello jewelry. 3219. Topart Bros. Paris. — Imitation pearls and coral. 3220. Gueyton, A. Paris. — Gilt jewelry. 3221. .Bon, L. A. Paris. — Imitation lapis-lazuli, &c. 3222. Chevalier, A. E. Paris. — Seals, coins, &c. 3223. Stubler, A. Paris. — Diamonds, for graving tools, wire-drawing, and jewelry. 3224. Villemont, C. H. Paris. — Gilt jewelry. 3225. Faasse, Paris — Imitation jewelry. 3226. Bender, L. A. E. Paris. — Imita- tion jewelry. 3227. Truchy, C. E. Paris. — Imitation pearls. 3228. Granger, E. Paris. — Historic jewelry, for the theatre ; imitation jewelry. 3229. Bachelet, L. C. Paris. — Church plate and bronzes. 3230. Chanuel, Widow, Paris. — Orna- mental repousse articles in silver. 3231. Hubert, L. J. L. Paris. — Re- pousse and enamelled silver articles. 3232. Rudolphi, F. J. Paris. — Orna- mental plate. 3233. Balaine, C. Paris. — Plated articles. 3234. Gombault A. & Co. Paris. — Mail- lechort table service. 3235. Poussielgue-Rusaxd, Paris. — Church plate and bronzes. 3236. Dotin, A. C. Paris. — Enamelled articles, imitations of Limoge and Byzantine enamels. 3237. Florange, E. H. Paris. — Plated articles. 3238. Armand-Calliat, Lyon (Rhone). — Devotional articles in gold and silver. 3239. Trioullier, E. C. Paris. — Church plate and bronzes. 3240. Comte, II. C. C. De Ruolz & Fontenay, Paris. — Various articles made of a new alloy. 3241. Savard, A. F. Paris. — Double- gold jewelry. 3242. Dobbe, Y. & Hemon, Paris. — Double-gold jewelry. 3243. Murat, C. Paris. — Double-gold jewelry. 3241. Corbeels, S. Paris. — Inlaid tor- toiseshell jewelry. 3245. Say ary, A. Paris. — Imitation jewelry, trinkets mounted on gold and on silver, gems rough and cut. 3246. Casalta, L. & Isler, L. Paris. — Carved corals, cameos. 3247. Decaux, E. Paris. — Jewelry. 3248. Bonnet-Grollier, Bourg (Ain). — Enamelled silver jewelry. 3249. Cellier, L. Marseilles (Bouches du-Bhone ). — Gold and silver jewelry, &c. 3250. De Laurencel, Paris. — Auri- ferous agate of San Francisco. 2351. Jouanin, C. Y. Paris. — Cameos cut on stones and shells. 3252. Bouret & Ferre, Paris. — Jew- elry obtained by stamping. 3253. Barbary, E. Paris. — Ivory work- boxes, &c., furnished in gold or silver. 3254. Th£nard, F. Paris. — Plate, jew- elry. ( H9 ) Class XXXIV. — France. 2255. Fribourg, G. A. Paris. — Gold jewelry. 3256. Lobjois, A. Paris. — Jewelry. 3257. Bruneau & Co. Paris. — Jewelry, plate. 3258. Magniadas, Madame, Sen. Paris. — Fancy jewelry. 3259. Coffignon Bros. Paris. — Silver and plated jewelry. 3260. Gentilhomme, J. H. Paris. — Gold and silver jewelry. 3261. Caillot, Jun., Jeck&Co. Paris. — J ewelry ; ornaments enriched with dia- monds and precious stones ; imitations of antique jewelry. 3262. Jacta, E. & Co. Paris. — Jew- elry. 3263. Mellerio (Meller), Brothers, Paris . — Jewelry, &c. 3264. Wiese, J. Paris. — Jeweller’s and artistic goldsmith’s work. 3265. Duron, C. Paris. — Artistic jew- elry ; agate cups, mounted in gold for ena- mel. 3266. Desury, A. St. Briene ( Cotes-da - Ford). — Plate ; silver plateau. 3267. Carmant, T. A. Norm and, P. Paris. — Gilt jewelry. 3268. Brisson, T. A. Paris. — Designs for bronze and goldsmith’s work. 3269. Fanniere, Paris. — Silver plate. 3270. Gueyton, A. Paris. — Artistic goldsmith’s work. 3271. Duponciiel, H. Paris. — Cande- labra, plate. 3272. Roucou, Paris. — Articles damas- cened and inlaid with gold and silver. 3273. Aucoe, L. Sen. Paris. — Table or- naments. 3274. FEUQUikRES, J. Paris. — Gold, silver, and enamelled jewellery. CLASS XXXIV. 32S1. Joint-Stock Co. of the Manu- factures of Glass and Chemical Pro- ducts of Saint-Gobain, Chauny, and Cirey, Paris. — Flint glass. 3282. Rouget de Lisle, T. A. Paris . — Bottles, and alimentary cases of glass. 3283. Walter, Berger, & Co. Paris . — Watch glasses, &c. 3284. De Poilly, De Fitzjames, & La- barbe, Follembray ( Aisne ). — Bottles, glasses, decanters, garden bell-glasses. 3285. Pasques, A. & Co. Blanzy ( Saone and Loire). — Bottles, garden bell-glasses, &c. 3286. Van Leempoel, Quiquengronne (Aisne). — Champagne bottles. 3287. Gobbe, 0., Fogt, A. & Co. Aniche (Nord). — Window glass. 3288. Delhay, II. Aniche (Nord ). — Glass for windows and photography. 3289. Raabe, C. & Co. Bive-de-Gier (Loire). — Bottles, window glass, &c. 3290. Chappuy, L. Frais-Marais-lez- Bouai (Nord). — Bottles, of large and small sizes. 3291. Ciiartier, P. Bouai (Nord ). — Large bottles. 3292. Houtard, F. & Co. Lourchcs (Nord) . — Bottles. 3293. Renard & Son, Fresnes (Nord ). — Window glass, and glass for optical purposes. 3994. Deviolane Bros. Vauxrot (Aisne). — Champagne bottles. 3295. Joint-Stock Co. of the Glass Works of Epinac (Saone and Loire). — Bottles. 3296. Deroche, C. Paris. — Glass, porce- lain and chemical ware. ( 150 ) Class XXXV. — South-west Court and South-west Gallery. 3297. Maes, L. J. Clichy-la-Garenne (Seine). — Flint glass, white and coloured, cut, engraved, and enriched. 3298. Oudinot, E. Paris. — Glass win- dows, styles of the 12th and 14th centuries ; window glass. 3299. Lafaye, P. Paris. — Glass win- dows. 3300. Nicod, Paris. — Glass cases, church windows. 3301. Honer, Nancy (Meurthe ). — Stained glass, styles of the 13th and 15th centuries ; a window. 3302. Bourgeois, G. Reims (Marne ). — Glass cases, style of the 13th century : church windows. 3303. Drion-Qu£rit£, Patoux, & Drion, A. Aniche (Nord). — Glass windows, glass for roofs, &c. 3304. Marechal, C. L. Metz (Moselle). — Windows. 3305. Lusson, A. Paris. — Painted win- dows, in the styles of the 13th and 16th centuries. 3306. Didron, A. N. Sen. Paris . — Painted windows, styles of the 13th, 15th, and 16th centuries. 3307. Laurent & Gsell, Paris . — Church window. 3308. Monot, E. S. Pantin (Seine). — Flint-glass, moulded, cut, and engraved, mounted on gilt bronze, &c. 3309. Thomas, Kuhliger Bros. & Co. Paris . — Plated glass. 3310. Alexandre, Jun. Paris. — Flint- glass. 3311. Simeon & Son, Paris. — Glass or- namented by transference of a painting on cloth. 3312. Coffetier, X. Paris. — Stained glass, in the styles of the 12th and 13th cen- turies. 3313. Marechal, C. R. Jun. Metz (Mo- selle ). — W indows. 3314. Veillard. J. & Co. Bordeaux (Gi- ronde) . — Bot ties. 3315. Picard Brothers, Sarrebourg ( Meurthe). — Watch glasses. 3316. Cattaert, Paris. — Decanters closing hermetically. 3317. Dorsy, A. Paris. — Flasks and cases. 3318. Lahoche & Pannier, Paris . — - Cut flint glass for the table, &c. CLASS XXXV. 3321. Imperial Manufactory of Se- vres. — Articles in porcelain, crockery, and terra cotta. 3322. Rozier, Widow, & Baroche, Tain (JDrome.) — Kaolin, refractory bricks. 3323. Dumeril, C. & Leurs, H. St. Omer (Pas de Calais). — Earthenware pipes. 3324. Laudet (Beaufay), Souchart, & Co. Paris— Laboratory articles in refractory clay. 3325. Deyeux, X. T. Liancourt (Oise). — Refractory crucibles. 3326. Duprat, M. C. V. Canejan (Gi- ronde). — Refractory crucibles and bricks. 3327. Fiolet, L. St. Omer (Pas de Ca- lais). — Clay pipes. 3328. Gisclon, Lille (Nord). — Clay pipes. 3329. Gosse, F. A. Bayeaux (Calvados). — Hard porcelain articles, made to stand the fire, &c. 3330. Haviland, C. F. & Co. Limoges (Haute- Vienne). — Decorated porcelain. 3331. Pouyat Bros. Limoges (Hautc- Vienne). — Articles in hard porcelain. ( 151 ) Class XXXV. — France. 3332. Ardant, H. & Co. Limoges ( Haute - Vienne). — Fancy porcelain articles. 3333. Jullien, Saint - Leonard ( Haute - Vienne). — Porcelain vases and table services. 3334. Batier, H. Limoges ( Haute - Vienne) . — Ornamented porcelain. 3335. Vieillakd, J. ' & Co. Bordeaux (Gironde). — Crockery ware and porcelain, &c. 3336. MAnard, C. Paris. — Artistic por- celain articles, &c. 3337. PtOUSSEAU, E. Paris. — Porcelain crockery ware, and enamels. 3338. Lahoche & Pannier, Maison de l’Escalier de Cristal, 162, 163, and 164, Galerie de Valois (Cote de la Banque), Palais Royal ; and 13 Rue de Valois (for carriages), Paris. [Obtained Six Medals at London, New Yoke, and Paris.] Established for the manufacture of porcelain and cut- glass table services, gilt and plated bronze surtouts, time- pieces, lustres, candelabra, artistic and fancy articles. From the French Official Catalogue : — “ The Escalier de Cristal comes forward with an exhibi- tion which is of an unusual kind, and confers the greatest honour on French ceramic art. M. Lahoche has aimed at richness, elegance, and cheapness, and has reached them all. “ Let the millionaire, let the crowned-head pause before that masterly glass case : each of them will find abundant opportunities for selecting the most magnificent articles contributed by French industry. Let the wealthy mem- ber of the aristocracy, the visitor nice and hard to be pleased, one in search of productions classically conceived and skilfully contrived, they will discover exquisite gems, and works altogether above the ordinary standard. Or let him whose nobler aspirations dream of the beautiful — con- demned though he be to the practice of economy — long for one of those favourable purchases which are followed by no regrets, and which a moderate price shall place within his reach : he too may stop before that glass case, which is accessible to all. “ It is for table services that the Escalier de Cristal is particularly distinguished — complete services, that include surtouts, which vary through every degree of economy or splendour. In our opinion, the great triumph of the exhibition is the magnificent surtout, the bronzes of which are themselves little chefs-d’ceuvres of sculpture. From the lofty figures in the midst of it, constituting a charming ( 15 group, which supports a basket of flowers, to the graceful reclining figures on which rest the eompotiers and the cups, each detail differs from all the rest : there is no mere reproduction of the same idea, enlarged or diminished, according to the circumstances; but a purpose exactly suited to the form, the magnitude, and the importance of each particular object. “ Vases of great value, time-pieces of new patterns and arrangements — the former deserving a place in the palaces of Emperors, the latter fit to attract admiration on the chimney-piece of a Parisian boudoir. The vase, the flower- stand, the tazza, the bouquet-holder, all add to the deco- rations of this industrial trophy. In leaving this glass ease it is impossible to determine which claims our admi- ration most — the immense articles of cut glass — the porce- lain, decorated by the most celebrated pencils — or the mountings in bronze, enriched with fine gold or oxidised silver — classic and artistic forms, which M. Lahoche knows how to use so profusely for the general purposes of his manufacture, or to impart to it a perfection peculiar to itself. “ The Industry', at the head of which stands the Escalier de Cristal, is an art, and one that depends on taste, and perhaps also, in some degree, on fashion. Every grade, eveiy class possessing a capacity 7 to appreciate, comes to Paris, from every quarter of the globe, to seek the gratifi- cation of its ruling propensity. At the gathering of the human race, at the meeting place of the inhabitants of eveiy 7 country, M. Lahoche holds aloft, and firmly, the French standard of ceramic art.’’ ’2 ) Class XXXVI. — South-west Court and South-west Gallery. 3339. Laurin, F. Bourg-le-Peine {Seine). — Crockery ware. 3340. Deck,T. Paris. — Artistic crockery ware, panels, medallions, &c. 3341. Pinart, II. A. Paris. — Orna- mented plates and dishes. 3342. Avisseau, E. Tours ( Tndre-and - Loire). — Artistic articles in pottery. 3344. Chablin, N. L. Paris. — Porcelain, flint-glass, enamels encrusted with engraved gold and silver. 3346. Lyons, G. Nevers {Nievre). — Com- mon and artistic crockery, &c. 3347. Daniel, S. Paris. — Porcelain imi- tations of precious stones. 3348. De St. Albin, Madame, C. H. Paris. — Fruits and flowers painted on porce- lain. 3349. Barbizet, V. Paris. — Glazed pot- tery, style of Palissy. 3350. Mac A, L. A. C. Paris — Orna- mented porcelain. 3351. Lavalle, J. Premieres ( Cote dH Or). — Artistic pottery painted on coarse enamel, imitation of Etruscan. 3352. Devers, Paris. — Enamelled earth- enware. 3353. Jean, A. Paris. — Artistic decora- tions for apartments in porcelain.. 3354. Gillet & Brianchon, Paris . — Enamelled ceramic pastes, imitating motlier- of pearl, ivory, and emerald. 3355. Gille, Jun. Paris. — White and ornamented porcelain statues, groups, &c. 3356. L£;tu & Mauger, Isle Adam {Seine- and-Ouse ). — Statue of the Virgin in bis- cuit. 3357. Hache, A. & Pepin-Lehalleur, Paris. — White and ornamented porce- lains. 3359. Pillivuyt, C. & Co. Paris — White and ornamented porcelain. 3359. Prevost, J. B. Paris. — Orna- mented porcelain. 3360. De Bettignies, M. St. Amand-les- Eaux {Nord ). — Soft porcelain, imitating old Sevres. CLASS XXXVI. 3371. Poisson, P. L. M. Paris. — Fancy articles in ivory, &c. 3372. Hemery, J. J. L. Paris. — Porce- lain, &c. mounted in bronze ; malachite jewelry, &c. 3374. Giraudon, S. A. Paris. — Cases, &c. 3375. Collective Exhibition of the City of Dieppe {Seine-Inf.). — Articles in ivory (11 Exhibitors). 3376. J eantet-D avi n, St. Claude {Jura). — Snuff-boxes, pipes, combs, &c. 3377. Schottlander, H. Paris.— Pho- tograph albums. 3378. Lefort, V. M. Paris. — Articles of carved ivory, &e. ( 3379. Drouard Bros. Paris.— Photo- graph albums. 3380. Marx, W. Paris. — Albums, port- folios, &c. 3381. Latry, Sen. & Son, Paris. — Fancy articles made of the sawdust of exotic wood, hardened and compressed. 3382. Gerson & Weber, Paris. — Re- quisites and fancy articles in carved wood. 3383. Leruth, F. L. Paris. — Small ca- binet-work articles in morocco, &c. 3384. Mercier, C. V. Paris. — Snuff- boxes in exotic wood, &c. 3385. Trieffus & Ettlinger, Paris. — Morocco articles, tortoise-shell and ivory jewelry. 153 ) Class XXXYI. — France. 3386. Horcholle, A. Paris. — Articles in engraved ivory. 3387. Hochapfel Bros. Strasbourg ( Bas-Bhin ). — Pipes, enriched with meer- schaum, ivory, and amber. 3388. Ncetinger, C. Mutzeg (Bas-Bhin). — Stone balls. 3389. Chandelier, Meru (Oise). — But- tons. 3390. Beugnot, C. H. Paris. — Requi- sites in plain, carved, and encrusted ivory ; fancy articles. 3391. BonhomA Paris. — Designs for metallurgical establishments. 3392. Bondier-Donninger, & U lbrich, Paris. — Pipes, cigar-cases. 3393. Patry, E. L. Paris. — Spectacles, &c. of aluminium, tortoise-shell, gold, &c. 3394. Beaudoire-Leroux, & Co. Paris. — Albums, note books. 3395. Grumel, F. R. Paris. — Photo- graph-albums and frames. 3396. Blumer, C. Strasbourg (Bas- Bhin). — Inlaid floors ; artistic furniture. 3397. Walcker, Paris. ■ — Travellers’, sportsmen’s, and military requisites. 3398. Moreau, J. L. Paris. — Carved ivory casket; small Gothic monument in ivory, ornamented with statues. 3399. Bontems, B. Paris. — Mechanical toys and automata. 3400. Duclos & Rubalto, Paris. — A fume-cigarre. 3401. B£reux, Miss J. Paris. — Dolls, and dresses for them. 3402. Lemaire-Daim£, Andresy (Seine- and- Oise) . — Atmospheric playthings. 3903. TnkROUDE, A. N. Paris. — Auto- matic toys ; self-acting organ. 3404. Pezet, C. Paris. — Articles in mo- rocco, and toilet requisites. 3405. Midocq, N. E. & Gaillard, E. A. Paris. — Morocco articles ; requisites for tra- velling, &c. ( 3406. Sormani, P. Paris. — Travelling requisites ; small and fancy cabinet work. 3407. Gell^e Bros. Paris. — Sheaths, caskets, &e. 3408. Schloss, S. & Nephew, Paris. — Morocco articles, cigar-cases, &c. 3409. Aucoc, L. Sen. Paris. — Morocco articles requisite for the toilet ; tea and coffee services, &c. 3410. Ulmann, P. Paris. — Designs for fabrics, shawls, &c. 3411. Delaye, P. Y. Paris. — Designs for shawls, &e. 3412. Naze, Son, & Co. Paris. — Designs for shawls, dresses, &c. 3413. Berrus, A. Bros. Paris. — Designs for long shawls. 3414. Aubry, C. H. Paris. — Designs for lace, &c. 3415. Gonelle Bros. Paris. — Designs for long shawls. 3416. Henry, H. F. Paris.— Designs for paper-hangings, and stuffs for furniture. 3417. Captier, E. V. Fontainebleau (Seine-and- Marne). — Designs for silks, &e. 3418. Mathieu, E. Paris. — Designs for shawls. 3419. Yaillant Brothers, Paris . — Designs for shawls, &c. 3420. Faure, E. Paris. — Designs for lace. 4521. Madeleine Brothers, Paris. — Designs for lace. 3422. Gattiker, G. Paris. — Designs for dresses. 3423. Gourdet & xVdan, Paris. — De- signs for carpets, &c. 3424. Guiciiard, E. A. D. Paris. — Industrial designs. 3425. Boissier, Paris. — Designs for worked shawls. 3426. Eauvelle-Delebarre, Paris. — Combs. 3427. Desruelles, A. Paris. — Combs. 4 ) Class XXXVI. — South-west Court and South-west Gallery. 3428. 3429. 3430. 3431. 3432. 3433. 3434. Jeuniaux, D. Paris. — Combs. Massue, E. Paris. — Combs. Legavre, G. B. Paris. — Combs. Picard, F. A. Paris.-^— Combs. Casella, E. Paris. — Combs. Heude, Paris. — Combs. Pinson Brothers, Paris. — Panel imitating tortoise-shell, motber-of-pearl, and ivory. 3435. Rambert, C. D. Paris. — Resigns for the goldsmith and cabinet-maker. 3436. Lienard, Paris. — Industrial de- signs. 3437. Allain-Moulard, L. A. F. Paris. — Morocco articles. 3438. Dupont & Deschamps, Beauvais (Oise ). — Fancy articles. ( 153 ) SOUTH-WEST COURT AND SOUTH-WEST GALLERY. GUIANA. CLASS II. 3151. Heraud. — Citrate of lime. CLASS III. 3152. Flour and fecula (2 Exhibitors). 3453. Sugar (3 Exhibitors). 3454. Alcohol, liqueurs, syrups, and pre- serves (5 Exhibitors). 3455. Cocoa (1 Exhibitor). 3456. Spices (2 Exhibitors). 3457. Tobacco (2 Exhibitors). 3458. Wood (3 Exhibitors). 3459. Organic industrial products — cocoons, cotton, dye-stuffs (5 Exhibitors). 3460. Animal products — salt fish, fish- glue, tortoise-shell (3 Exhibitors). 3461. Collection of colonial products (1 Exhibitor). CLASS XVIII. 3462. Thread and woven fabrics made of Guiana cotton (5 Exhibitors). CLASS XXV. 3463. Articles made of feathers (2 Ex- hibitors). CLASS XXVII. 3464. Costumes, arms, and garments (1 Exhibitor). ST. PIERRE AND MIQUELON. CLASS III. 3465. Products of the Fisheries — salt cod, | 3466. Cereals, and medicinal plants salt herrings, cod-liver oil (7 Exhibitors). | (1 Exhibitor). ( 15*5 ) Smith-west Court. COCHIN-CHINA. 3467. Collection of colonial products (1 Exhibitor). NEW CALEDONIA. CLASS I. 3468. Pit-coal (1 Exhibitor). CLASS II. 3469. Medicinal substances (2 Exhibi- tors). CLASS III. 3470. Tuberous roots and alimentary grain (3 Exhibitors). 3471. Sugar and coffee (2 Exhibitors). 3472. Wool (2 Exhibitors). 3473. Products of the fisheries — tortoise- shell, tripang, pearl-oysters, &c. (4 Exhibi- tors). 3474. Specimens of wood (5 Exhibitors). 3475. Industrial organic products — cot- ton and textile fibres, gums, resins, ole- aginous plants and oils, dye-stuffs (9 Ex- hibitors). CLASS XXVII. 3476. Arms and garments (2 Exhibi- tors). TAHITI AND ITS DEPENDENCIES. CLASS III. | 3478. Organic industrial products — wood, cotton, textile fibres, oleaginous substances, 3477. Alimentary substances — fecula, tobacco, pearl-oysters, and pearls (7 Ex- sugar, alcohol, coffee, vanilla, &o. (7 Ex- hibitors). hibitors). ' MAYOTTE AND NOSSI-BE. CLASS III. 3479. Alimentary substances — rice, | 3480. Organic industrial products — wax, sugar, coffee, rum (4 Exhibitoi’s). | tortoise-shell (1 Exhibitor). ( 157 ) French Colonies. ST. MARY OF MADAGASCAR, CLASS III. 3181. Collection of colonial products (1 Exhibitor). 3R tors). EAST INDIES CLASS II. Medicinal substances (3 Exliibi- CLASS III. 3183. Alimentary substances — cereals, feeula, sugar, spices, models of fruit from nature, preserved fish (4 Exhibitors). 3484. Organic industrial products — silk, cotton, wood, oleaginous substances, indigo and other dye-stuff, tanning matters (9 Ex- hibitors). CLASS IV. 3485. Articles in straw and cane (3 Ex- hibitors). CLASS XX. 3486. Mixed cotton and silk fabrics (2 Exhibitors). 1481 CLASS XXVII. Boots, shoes, &e. (1 Exhibitor). it WEST COAST OF AFRICA. CLASS III. 3488. Alimentary substances — Rio Nunez coffee (1 Exhibitor). 3489. Organic industrial products — cot- ton and textile fibres, medicinal plants, ole- aginous substances, colouring matters, peltry 0 Exhibitors). 3490. Collection of the products of the country (1 Exhibitor). CLASS XXVII. 3491. Arms and costumes (1 Exhibitor). ( 138 ) South-west Court. GUADALOUPE. CLASS I. 3192. Mineral products (1 Exhibitor). CLASS II. 3493. Medicinal substances (1 Exhibi- tor). CLASS III. 3494. Alimentary substances— flour and fecula, sugar, coffee, alcohol, preserves and liqueurs, spices, sea salt (10 Exhibitors). 3495. Organic industrial products — silk, cotton, oleagmous substances, dye-stuffs, to- bacco (19 Exhibitors). 3496. Collection of colonial products (1 Exhibitor). 3197. Woven fabrics made with colonial cotton (4 Exhibitors). ISLE OF REUNION. CLASS I. 3498. Mineral products (1 Exhibitors). CLASS II. 3199. Medicinal substances (3 Exhibi- tors). CLASS III. 3500. Alimentary substances — alimen- tary grain, flour, and fecula, sugar, alcohol, preserves, coffee, cocoa, spices, wax, honey, &c. (59 Exhibitors). 3501. Organic industrial products — wood, cotton and textile fibres ; gums, bal- sams and resins ; oleaginous substances, dye- stuffs, and tanning matters ; tobacco (25 Exhibitors). CLASS XXX. 3502. Furniture and ornamental articles (13 Exhibitors). MARTINIQUE. CLASS I. 3503. Mineral products (3 Exhibitors). CLASS III. 3504. Alimentary substances — flour and fecula, sugar, alcohol, liqueurs, preserves, coffee, cocoa, salt meats (33 Exhibitors). ( 1 3505. Organic industrial products — wood, cotton, gums, oleaginous substances, manures (8 Exhibitors). 3506. Collection of colonial products (1 Exhibitor). 3507. Birds — group of Martinique birds (1 Exhibitor). 59 ) French Colonies. ALGERIA. 3601. Collective Exhibition. — Me- talliferous minerals. Province of Algiers : ores of iron, copper, and lead (3 Exhibitors). of Oran: ores of iron, copper, lead, zinc, and nickel (5 Exhibitors). of Constantine : ores of iron, copper, lead, zinc, antimony, manganese, and mercury (13 Exhibitors). 3602. Collective Exhibition. — Mineral non-metal liferous products. Province of Algiers : marbles, calcareous substances, onyx marbles, gypsum, phos- phyroidal diorite (7 Exhibitors). of Oran : marbles, calcareous sub- stances, lime and mortar, alabaster, plaster, saltpetre, sea salt (9 Exhibi- tors). of Constantine : marbles, calcareous substances, lime, plaster, alabaster, por- phyry, granite, grit stone, sal gemma (11 Exhibitors). 3603. Metallurgical products— Province of Constantine : cast iron from the ores of Allelick (1 Exhibitor). CLASS II. 3601. Collective Exhibition. — Mi- neral and thermal waters — Province of Constantine (2 Exhibitors). 3605. Collective Exhibition. — Me- dicinal substances. Province of Algiers : lichens, poppies, um- belliferous aromatic plants, mallows, borage, liquorice, mint, indigenous pepper and senna, oak-galls, opium (6 Exhibitors). of Oran : absynthe, hops, hachish, pimenta, liquorice, cumin, anise, pastes, syrups (10 Exhibitors). of Constantine : kef, a kind of hemp used instead of tobacco ; indigenous tea, fernugreek, pimenta, liquorice, coriander seed, poppies, opium, Ac. (12 Exhibi- tors). 3606. Collective Exhibition. — Es- sences and essential oils for perfumery. Province of Algiers : essential oil of gera- nium, peppermint water (2 Exhibitors). of Constantine : orange-flower water; the leaves and flowers of odoriferous plants (2 Exhibitors). CLASS III. 3607. Collective Exhibition. — Ce- reals. Province of Algiers : wheat, barley, rice, maize, oats, Ac. (9 Exhibitors). of Oran : wheat, barley, oats, maize, sergho (23 Exhibitors). of Constantine : wheat, barley, rice, maize, oats, millet, sergho (65 Ex- hibitors). 3608. Collective Exhibition. — Fari- naceous vegetables, and plants for forage. Province of Algiers: French beans, peas, lentils, beans, &c. (2 Exhibitors). of Oran: French beans, peas, chick- peas, lentils, beans (9 Exhibitors). of Constantine : French beans, peas, chick-peas, lentils, beans (12 Exhibitors). 3609. Collective Exhibition. — Tube- rous roots. Province of Algiers : Tubers, colocases, &e. (1 Exhibitor). of Oran : Tubers, beet-root, potatoes, &c. (5 Exhibitors). of Constantine: Bulbs of the taronda, potatoes, &c. (4 Exhibitors). 3610. Collective Exhibition. — Fruits. Province of Algiers: almonds (1 Exhi- bitor). of Oran : various fruits, raisins, ca- pers, &c. (10 Exhibitors). of Constantine : various fruits, ju- jubes, raisins, &c. (6 Exhibitors). 3611. Collective Exhibition. — Flour and alimentary pastes. ( i«o ) South-west Court, Province of Algiers: wheat-flour, semoule, macaroni, small pastes, biscuit for the army (4 Exhibitors). of Oran : wheat and maize flour, semoule (3 Exhibitors). % of Constantine : wheat-flours, fecula of the various tubers, semoules, and semouleka, pastes (15 Exhibitors). Metropolitan France : flour, alimentary pastes, and other articles, prepared with the wheat and maize of Algeria (3 Ex- hibitors). 3612. Collective Exhibition. — Honey and wax. Province of Algiers : honey, wax, bee-hive of a new construction (1 Exhibitor). of Oran : honey, candles made of in- digenous wax (4 Exhibitors). — - — of Constantine : honey, wax, candles made of indigenous wax (7 Exhibitors). 3613. Collective Exhibition. — White and red wine. Province of Algiers (24 Exhibitors). of Oran (37 Exhibitors). of Constantine (17 Exhibitors). 3614. Collective Exhibition. — Alco- hol, and alcoholic drinks, liqueurs, preserves, and confectionery. Province of Algiers (3 Exhibitors). of Oran (9 Exhibitors). of Constantine (2 Exhibitors). 3615. Collective Exhibition. — Leaf and manufactured tobacco. Province of Algiers (5 Exhibitors). of Oran (10 Exhibitors). of Constantine (21 Exhibitors). 3616. Collective Exhibition. — Plants and oleaginous substances. Province of Algiers : flax, &c. ; olives, oil of olives, &c. (7 Exhibitors). of Oran : olives, and oil of olives, flax, colza, &c. (21 Exhibitors). ■ of Constantine : olives, and oil of olives, flax, white mustard, oil of sweet almonds, &c. (15 Exhibitors). 3617. Collective Exhibition. — Wools. Province of Algiers : Sheep’s wool and camel’s hair (7 Exhibitors). Province of Oran : sheep’s wool (13 Ex- hibitors). of Constantine : sheep’s wool, camel’s hair (20 Exhibitors). 3618. Collective Exhibition. — - Raw silk and cocoons. Province of Algiers (10 Exhibitors). of Oran (12 Exhibitors). of Constantine (17 Exhibitors). 3619. Collective Exhibition. — Woods and forest products. Province of Algiers : 47 specimens of woods, &c. (4 Exhibitors). of Oran : 18 specimens of woods (6 Exhibitors). of Constantine: 104 specimens of woods (3 Exhibitors). 3620. Collective Exhibition. — Paw and prepared corks. Province of Algiers (1 Exhibitor). of Oran (2 Exhibitors). of Constantine (5 Exhibitors). 3621. Collective Exhibition. — Vege- table textile fibres. Province of Algiers : fibres of the Nain palm, termed vegetable horse-hair, hemp, flax, agave, &c. (12 Exhibitors). of Oran : fibres of the Nain palm, agave, flax, &c. (18 Exhibitors). of Constantine : flax, hemp, and various other textile fibres (8 Exhibi- tors). 3622. Collective Exhibition. — Cot- ton. Province of Algiers (24 Exhibitors). of Oran (19 Exhibitors). of Constantine (13 Exhibitors). 3623. Collective Exhibition. — Dye stuffs, and other industrial organic sub- stances. Province of Algiers : cochineal, indigo, kerines, madder, carthamum, glunes of sorgho, and teasels (5 Exhibitors). of Oran : hemp, carthamum, kermes, sumach, &e. (15 Exhibitors). of Constantine : madder, indigo, nut- galls, tanning bark, pine-resin, sugar (7 Exhibitors). ( 161 ) M French Colonies. CLASS IX. 3(124. Agricultural instruments (3 Ex- hibitors). CLASS XII. 3625. Instrument ascertaining the rate at sea (1 Exhibitor). CLASS XVIII. 3626. Yarns, and woven fabrics made with Algerian cotton (10 Exhibitors). CLASS XIX. 3627. Thread, and woven fabrics made of Algerian flax (1 Exhibitor). CLASS XX. 3628. Woven fabrics, made of Algerian silk (1 Exhibitor). CLASS XXL 3629. Collective Exhibition. — Woven fabrics, made of Algerian wool (3 Exhibi- tors). CLASS XXII. 3630. Collective Exhibition. — Indi- genous carpets. Province of Algeria (3 Exhibitors). of Oran (4 Exhibitors). of Constantine (2 Exhibitors). CLASS XXVI. 3631. Collective Exhibition. — Lea- ther, peltry, and other matters derived from animals. Province of Oran : goose down, coral (3 Exhibitors). of Constantine : calf, sheep, and goat- skins ; skins of the lion, jackall, hymna ; feathers and down of birds ; coral (3 Ex- hibitors). 3632. Collective Exhibition. — Sad- dlery and harness. Province of Constantine (5 Exhibitors), CLASS XXVII. 3633. Collective Exhibition. — Cos- tumes, arms, garments. Province of Algiers (8 Exhibitors). of Oran (15 Exhibitors). of Constantine (21 Exhibitors). 3634. Flowers and head-dresses made of Algerian products (1 Exhibitor). CLASS XXVIII. 3635. Collective Exhibition. — Books and manuscripts. Province of Algiers (3 Exhibitors). of Oran (3 Exhibitors). of Constantine (1 Exhibitor). CLASS XXX. 3636. Collective Exhibition. — Ar- ticles of furniture and decoration. Province of Algiers (3 Exhibitors). of Oran (3 Exhibitors). • of Constantine (4 Exhibitors). 3636. Collective Exhibition. — Fur- niture and articles made of indigenous wood (8 Exhibitors).