MERCANTILE LIBRARY Reference Lists L 1. MISSOURI and ILLINOIS NEWSPAPERS, 18084 897, chronologically arranged. 2. MANUSCRIPTS relating to LOUISIANA TERRITORY and MISSOURI. St. £ouis February 1898 I *f M*--/ 0 21 •S\*A -\K \ * * 2 — ■ L CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF MISSOURI AND ILLINOIS NEWSPAPERS, 1808-1897, IN THE St. Louis Mercantile Library. Every volume has been collated , and deficiencies are indicated below. W.= Weekly , S.- W.=Eemi-weekly, D.=Daily. 1808. St. Louis. Missouri Gazette, vol. I, no. 3. July 26. ( Fac simile reprint .) W. In vol. labeled Old Neiuspapers, C. The first number was issued July 12, 1808. Name changed Dec. 7, 1809, to Louisiana Gazette ; original name resumed July 11, 1812. 1812. St. Louis. Gazette Extraordinary. July 10. Broadside. Declaration of war between Great Britain and the United States. Old Neiuspapers , C. 1816. Kaskaskia, III. Western Intelligencer. May-Dec. W. Vol. I runs from May 15, 1816, to May 21, 1817. Lacks July 2, 16; Sept. 12, 19,26; Oct. 9, 16. 1817. Kaskaskia, 111. Western Intelligencer. Jan.-Dee. W. Lacks Feb. 26; May 28; June 4, 11, 18, 25; July 2 to Sep. 3. St. Louis. Missouri Gazette. Feb. 22. W. In Old Newspapers , C. 1818. Kaskaskia, 111. Western Intelligencer. Jan.-May 20. W. Lacks Feb. 18. Became Illinois Intelligencer with issue of May 27. “ Illinois Intelligencer. May 27-Dec. W. 1819 . Edwardsville, III. Spectator. May-Dec. W. Yol. I runs from May 29, 1819, to May 23, 1820. Peck Collection , 122. Kaskaskia, 111. Illinois Intelligencer. Jan.-May 12. W. Lacks March 31. St. Louis. Enquirer. Yol. 3. Oct. 13, 20, 23; Nov. 6, 10, 27; Dec. 1, 4, 11, 18, 22, 29. S.=W. In Old Newspapers, B. Previously called Western Journal , and Emigrant . 1820 . Edwardsville, 111. Spectator. Jan. -Dec. W. Feck , 122. St. Louis. Enquirer. Jan. 5, 8, 12; Feb. 12, 27; Mar. 4 18, 25, 29; April 12, 15; June 7; Oct. 7, 21. S.=W. In Old Newspapers, B. 1821 . Edwardsville, 111. Spectator. Jan. -Dec. W. Peck , 122. Lacks May 8. St. Louis. Missouri Gazette. Feb. 7 ; March 14. W. In Old Newspapers, C. Name changed March 20, 1822, to Missouri Republican. u Register. Dec. 8. W. In Old Newspapers , B. Vandalia, 111. Illinois Intelligencer. Feb. 20. W. Peck, 122. 1822 . Edwardsville, 111. Spectator. Jan.-Dee. W. Peck, 122. u Star of the West. Nov. 30. W. Peck, 122. Shawnee=Town, 111. Illinois Gazette. Aug. 3. W. Peck , 122. Vandalia, III. Illinois Intelligencer. Oct. 12; Dec. 7. W. Peck. 122. 1823 . Edwardsville, 111. Spectator. Jan.-Dee. W. Peck, 123. 1824 . Edwardsville, 111. Illinois Republican. July 21. W. Bound with Kaskaskia Western Intelligencer. 1816-1819. u Spectator. Jan.-Dee. W. Peck, 123. Lacks Dec. 2] . St. Charles, Mo. Advocate. Dec. 24, 31. W. Vol. I. runs from Dec. 24, 1824, to Dec. 17, 1825. See below. 2 1825 . Edwardsville, 111. Spectator. Jan.-Dee. W. Peck, 123. St. Charles, Mo. Advocate. Jan. -Feb. 19. W. Became St. Louis Missouri Advocate with issue of Feb. 28. St. Louis. Missouri Advocate. Feb. 28-Dec. W. 1826 . Edwardsville, 111. Spectator. Jan.-Oct. 20. W. Peck , 123. St. Louis. Missouri Advocate. Jan.-Dee. W. Name changed to St. Louis Enquirer with issue of Dec. 14. Shawnee=Town, 111. Illinois Gazette. Feb. 14. W. Bound with Kaskaskia Western Intelligencer , 1816-19. Vandalia, III. Illinois Intelligencer. March 30-Dec. W. Peck , 124. 1827 . St. Louis. Missouri Republican. Jan.-Dee. W. Lacks Feb. 15, 29; March 1, 8, 22,29; May 24, 31; Sept. 13; Oct. 4; Nov. 8, 29; Dec. 13, 20, 27. Vandalia, 111. Illinois Intelligencer. Jan.-Dee. W. Peck, 124. 1828 . St. Louis. Missouri Republican. Jan.-Dee. W. Lacks Feb. 12; March 18; Dec. 9. Vandalia, 111. Illinois Intelligencer. Jan. -Dec. W. Peck , 124. 1829 . Rock Springs, 111. Pioneer. April 24. W. Peck , 125. St. Louis. Missouri Republican. Jan.-Dee. W. Lacks Feb. 24; March 30; April 7; May 12; Sept. 1, 22; Dec. 15. Vandalia, III. Illinois Intelligencer. Jan. -Dec. W. Peck, 124-5. 1830 . St. Louis. Missouri Republican. Jan.-Oct. 5. W. Lacks Feb. 23; Apr. 27; May'4, 11; July 27; Aug. 10, 17; Sept. 14, 21. u Times (Miller and Lovejoy’s). July 10-Dec. W. Lacks Nov. 6. Vandalia, 111. Illinois Intelligencer. Jan.-Dee. W. Peck, 125. 3 1831 . Edwardsville, 111. Western Plowboy. July 27. W. Peck , 125. Galena, 111. Miner’s Journal. July 30. W. Peck , 125. Kaskaskia, 111. Democrat. July 26. W. Peck , 125. St. Louis. Beacon. Extra, July 21. W. Broadside. Appeal of Sp. Pettis. In Old Newspapers , C. a Missouri Republican. March 22. W. In Old Newspapers , O. Changed to semi-weekly April 9, 1833; and to daily Sept. 20, 1836. u Times. Jan. 1; July 9-Dec. W. Shawnee=Town, 111. Illinois Gazette. July 2. W. Peck , 125. Vandalia, 111. Illinois Intelligencer. Jan. -Dec. W. Lacks Sept. 2. Peck, 125. 1832 . Alton, 111. Spectator. June 1. W. Peck , 125. Edwardsville, 111. Illinois Advocate. June 5. W. Peck , 125. Galena, 111. Galenian. May 16. W. Peck, 125. Jacksonville, 111. Illinois Patriot. April 12. W. Peck , 125. Rock Springs, 111. Pioneer and West Baptist. May 25. W. Peck, 125. St. Louis. Times. Jan. -March. W. Springfield, 111. Herald. May 3. W. Peck , 125. u Sangamo Journal. June 7. W. Peck, 125. Vandalia, 111. Illinois Intelligencer. Jan.-March 3. W. Peck, 125. 1835 . St. Louis. Evening Herald. Vol. I. June 5; Nov. 9. D. Lacks July 24, 31; Aug. 28, 29; Sept. 28. The first daily issued in St. Louis. 4 1837 . St. Louis. Missouri Argus. May-Dec. W. & S.=W. Includes of the Weekly Argus (Yol. III.), May 26 to June 2; Nov. 25; Dec. 9; and of the Semi-weekly (Vol. I.), June 9 to Oct. 18; Oct. 25 to Nov. 15; Nov. 29 to Dec. 9; Dec. 13 to Dec. 30. 1838 . St. Louis. Missouri Argus. Jan. ; July-Dee. S.=W. & D. Includes Jan. 8 to 13, 23 to 29, of the Semi-weekly; Jan. 20 of the Weekly; and July 31 to Dec. of the Daily. Yol. I. of the Daily ran from July 31, 1838, to Jan. 31, 1839. 1839. St. Louis. Missouri Argus. Jan 1-31. D. 1840 . St. Louis. Commercial Bulletin. Jan. -Dec. D. Lacks Jan. 12; March 16, 27; July 28, 30; Aug. 5, 8, 9, 15, 17, 22; Oct. 24; Nov. 10, 11, 13. u Log Cabin Hero. May 7. Bound with St. Louis Mill Boy , 1844. 44 New Era. April 1; Sept. 29. D. Lacks part of April 1, and Aug. 20. 1841 . St. Louis. Missouri Argus. Daily . Jan. 1-Dec. 15. D. Lacks March 1,20; April 2, 23; May 24; June 17, 23; July 5, 6; Aug. 27; Sept. 20. 44 Missouri Argus. Weekly . Aug. 19; Dec. 2. W. 44 New Era. March 30-Dec. 31. D. 1842 . St. Louis. New Era. Jan. 1-March 29. D. 1843 . St. Louis. New Era. Jan. -Dec. D. Lacks Aug. 31. 1844 . *Booneville, Mo. Coon Hunter. June 14; Sept. 6. W. * Jefferson City, Mo. Sentinel. Dec. 14. W. * “ Spy. July 13. W. *Lexington Mo. Harry of the West. May 3-Oct. 18. W. Lacks June 28; July 5, 19; Sept. 20, 27; Oct. 4, 11. 5 St. Louis. Mill Boy. Feb. 10-Dec. W *NOTE. — With this volume are bound the papers which are starred above and below, and the following campaign papers of 1844: Baltimore, Md. American Whig. June 29. “ Patriot and Commercial Gazette. May 2. Batesville, Ark. The Forty- Acre Boy. Aug. 12. Canton, N. Y. Engineer and Tariff Advocate. Sept. 26. Cincinnati, O. Daily Clay Champion, Sept. 3. “ Daily Straightout. Aug. 6. Cleveland, O. Campaigner. May 22. Columbus, O. Ohio Coon Catcher. Aug. 31. Dayton, O. Coon Dissector. Aug. 30. “ Log Cabin. March 21, 1840. “ That Same Old Coon. July 13. Hagerstown, Md. Ashland Star. Aug. 16. Harrisburg, Pa. Clay Bugle. July 25; Sept. 12. “ Old Warrior. July 27; Aug. 17. Indianapolis, Ind. Whig Rifle. April 11. Lancaster, Pa. Mill Boy. Aug. 3, Sept. 28. Louisville, Ky. Glee Club Clay Trumpet. Sept. 25. “ Journal — Extra. July 25. Maysville, Ky. Henry Clay Bugle. Aug. 1. Mobile, Ala. Clay Banner. June 29. New Albany, Ind. Republican Banner. May 11. New York, N. Y. Clay Tribune. July 20. “ Sober Second Thought. Oct. 12. Norristown, Pa. Clay Flag-Staff. July 31 ; Oct. 30. Pittsburg, Pa. Harry of the West. June 26. Raleigh, N. C. Whig Clarion. July 24. Richmond, Ind. Spirit of Old Wayne. Aug. 12; Sept. 3. Springfield, 111. Olive Branch, May 1, 15. Taunton, Mass. Clay Whig. Aug. 28. Washington, D. C. National Intelligencer— Suppl. to Feb. 29. Washington, Pa. Champion of Whig Principles. July 31; Sept. 2; Oct. 23. Washington, Pa. That Same Old Coon. May 7. Woodstock, Vt. Coon Hunter. Sept. 14. Also the following: Census sheet of the counties in Missouri for 1844. Speech by Willis L. Williams. * u Missourian. Oct 21, 22, 23. D. u People’s Organ. Jan.-Oct. D Lacks Jan. 22 to March 22; April 18 to Oct. 19; Oct. 22. u * u Keveille. July-Dee, Slasher. April 27. W 1845. St. Louis. Mill Boy. Jan. 21. W. 44 New Era. Jan.-March. D. 44 Reveille. Jan.-Dee. W. Lacks July 14, 21 ; Aug. 11 ; Nov. 17 ; Dec. 1 , 8, 22. 1846. St. Louis. Missouri Reporter. Daily . July 27-Aug. 15. D. Lacks July 28; Aug. 8, Bound with St. Louis Union , 1846-7. 44 Missouri Reporter. Tri-Weekly . July 28- Aug. 21. Bound with St. Louis Union , 1846-7. Tri=W. New Era. Jan. -Dec. D. Lacks Dec. 4. Reveille. Jan. -Dec. W. Union. Daily . Aug. 17-Dec. D. Lacks Nov. 29; Dec. 26. Union. Weekly . Aug. 25-Dec. W. Western Watchman. Nov.-Dee. W. 1847. St. Louis. Missouri Republican. Jan. 8-Dec. D. Lacks Jan. 11, 27, 28, 30; Feb. 2, 16, 25; March 6, 30; April 12, 15,29; May 7, 20. 44 New Era. Jan. -Dec. D. Lacks Dec. 30. 44 Reveille. Jan. -July 5. W. 44 Union. Daily . Jan.-Dee. D. Lacks Jan. 2; July 3; Aug. 6; Sept. 4, 17. 21; Oct. 2; Nov. 11,23,30; Dec. 11, 13, 16, 30. i4 Union. Weekly. Jan.-Dee. W. Lacks March 16. 44 Western Watchman. Jan. -Dec. W. 1848. St. Louis. Missouri Republican. Jan. -Dec. D. Lacks Jan. 4, 15; March 6, 29; April 25; May 4, 13, 18; June 2, 3, 10, 24; July 4, 8; Aug. 5, 14, 21; Sept. 1; Oct. 12, 20, 21; Nov. 9; Dec. 8, 23. 44 New Era. Jan. -June. D* Lacks March 11 ; April 11; June 5. 44 Union. Jan.-Dee. D. Lacks Jan. 4, 17; Feb. 1, 19,29; March 2, 6, 27; April 6, 12, 13, 18; June 2, 3, 21; July 19, 26; Aug. 4. 22, 23; Sept. 7, 11, 28; Oct. 17, 21, 24, 31; Nov. 1, 2,4, 10, 16-18. 44 Western Watchman. Jan.-Dee. W.. 7 1849 . St. Louis. Missouri Republican. Jan. -Dec. Lacks July 3, 5, 9. None published May 18-20, June 9. 44 New Era. Jan. -Dec. 44 Union. Jan. -Dec. Lacks March 22; April 30; Aug. 3. u Western Watchman. Jan.-Dee. 1850 . St. Louis. Intelligencer. Morning. Jan.-Dee. k4 Intelligencer. Evening . Oct. 14-Dec. Bound with the St. Louis New Era , July-Dee., 1850. 44 Missouri Republican. Jan. -Dec. Lacks June 6, 7, 20, 24, 25; July 5; Dec. 13. 44 New Era. Feb. 5-Dec. Lacks April 1 ; Aug. 1 ; Sept. 2. 44 Times (Buckner’s). May 27-Dec. Contains census sheet of Missouri for 1848. 44 Union. Jan.-Dee. Lacks July 19. 1851 . St. Louis. Intelligencer. Morning. Jan.-Dee. Lacks Feb. 5 ; Aug. 30. 44 Intelligencer. Evening. Jan. -Dec. 44 Missouri Republican. Jan. -Dec. Lacks April 11, 29; May 5; Sept. 23; Nov. 28. 44 Union. Jan.-Dee. Lacks July 12; Aug. 1. 44 Western Watchman. Jan. -Dec. 1852 . St. Louis. Evening News. April 17-Dec. Lacks July 12. Volume I. begins April 17. 44 Intelligencer. Jan. -Dec. 44 Morning Signal. Jan. -July 8. 44 Western Watchman. Jan. -Dec. 1853 . St. Louis. Evening News. Jan.-Dee. 44 Intelligencer. Jan. -Dec. Lacks Dec. 27. 44 Missouri Republican. Jan.-Dee. Lacks Sept. 19. 44 Western Watchman. Jan.-Dee. D. D. D. W. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. W. D. D. D. W. D. D. D. W. 8 1854. St. Louis. Evening News. Jan.-Dee. D. 44 Intelligencer. Jan.-Dee. D. 44 Missouri Republican. Jan.-Dee. D. Lacks Feb. 25; May 30; pp. 3 and 4 of June 30. 44 Western Watchman. Jan. -Dec. W. 1855. St. Louis. Evening News. Jan.-Dee. u Intelligencer. Jan. -Dec. 44 Leader. March 10-Dec. Yol. I. 44 Missouri Republican. Jan.-Dee Lacks Feb. 23; June 1; Dec. 31. 44 Western Watchman. Jan.-Dee. 1856. St. Louis. Evening News. Jan.-Dee. D. 44 Intelligencer. July-Dee. D. Lacks Sept. 10, 12; Nov. 11. 44 Leader. Weekly. Jan.-March 1. W. 44 Leader. Daily (morning). Oct. 13-Dec. D. Lacks Dec. 6. Yol. 1. begins with Oct. 13. 44 Missouri Republican. Jan.-Dee. D. Lacks Feb. 12-15. 44 Western Watchman. Jan.-Dee. W. D. D. W. D. W. 1857. St. Louis. Evening News. Jan. -Dec. D. From Oct. 13 to Dec. 31, called Evening News and Intelligencer. 44 Intelligencer. Jan. -Oct. 12. D. For continuation see above. 44 Leader. Jan.-Dee. D. Lacks pp. 1-6 of May 31 ; Nov. 3. 44 Missouri Democrat. July-Dee. D. Vol. YI. runs from July 1, 1857, to Feb. 3, 1858. 44 Missouri Republican. Jan.-Dee. D. Lacks Aug. 14. 44 Western Watchman. Jan. -Dec. W. 9 1858. St. Louis. Evening News and Intelligencer. Jan.-Dee. D. 44 Leader. Jan. -Feb. 3. D. Lacks part of Feb. 3. 44 Missouri Democrat. Jan.-Dee. D. 44 Missouri Republican. Jan. -Dec. D. “ Western Watchman. Jan. -Dec. W. 1859. St. Louis. Evening Bulletin. Oct. 18-Dec. D. Vol. I. begins with Oct. 18. u Evening News. Jan. -Dec. D. Called Evening News and Intelligencer up to June 24, inclusive. 44 Missouri Republican. Jan.-Dee. D. Lacks May 10. 44 Western Watchman. Jan.-Dee. W. 1860. St. Louis. Evening Bulletin. Jan. -April 18. D. Lacks Feb. 15 ; March 16, 20. 44 Evening News. Jan.-Dee. D. 44 Express. March 20-Oct. 31. D. Vol. I. Lacks June 6, 15, 22; July 20; Sept. 1; Oct. 3. 44 Missouri Republican. Jan.-Dee. D. Lacks Sept. 22. 44 Missouri State Journal. March 11-July 12. D. Vol. I. 1861. St. Louis. Evening News. Jan. -Dec. D. Lacks Sept. 24. 44 Legal Record. March 11-Dec. D. 44 Missouri Democrat. Jan.-Dee. D. Lacks Jan. 10, 14, 24; March 2, 15. 44 Missouri Republican. Morning Edition. Jan.-Dee. D. 4 * Missouri Republican. Evening Edition. July 18- Dec. D. Lacks July 27; Aug. 9, 11; Sept. 26. 44 Missouri State Journal. March 11-July 12. D. Vol. I. 10 1862 St. Louis. Evening News. Jan. -Dec. D. Lacks Jan. 31. u Journal of Commerce. April 24-July 30. W. “ Legal Record. Jan.-Dee. D. u Missouri Democrat. Jan. -Dec. D. Not published Jan. 2. Lacks Nov. 18, 28, 29. “ Missouri Republican. Jan. -June. D. Lacks pp. 3-4 of June 30. “ Union. June 9-Dec. D. Lacks part of Sept. 10. 1863 . St. Louis. Evening News. Jan.-Dee. D. Consolidated in 1867 with the Dispatch. “ Legal Record. June 10-Sept. 8 . D. u Missouri Democrat. Jan. -Dec. D. Lacks Jan. 6; June 19; Sept. 24; Nov. 10, 14, 23, 24; Dec. 8, 12, 14, 15, 16, 19. “ Missouri Republican. D. July 11 partly missing. “ Union. Jan.-June 8. D. Lacks March 29. Consolidated with the Dispatch. 1864 . St. Louis. Dispatch. Nov. 21-Dec. D. Yol. I. begins Nov. 21. Lacks Nov. 25. “ Missouri Democrat. Jan.-June. D. Lacks Jan. 1. “ ' Missouri Republican. Jan.-Dee. D. Lacks pp. 1-2 of January 1. 1865 . St. Louis. Dispatch. Jan.-Dee. D. Lacks April 5. u Missouri Democrat. Jan.-June 30. D. “ Missouri Republican. Jan.-Dee. D. Lacks March 31 ; June 2. 11 1866. St. Louis. Dispatch. Jan.-June 30. D. “ Journal of Commerce. March 8-Dec. W. Lacks May 24. 44 Missouri Republican. Jan.-Dee. D. u Times. July 21-Dec. (Hutchins’.) D. Vol. I. begins with July 21. 1867. St. Louis. Dispatch. July 1-Dec. Lacks part of Oct. 30; Nov. 27. u Journal of Commerce. Jan.-Dee u Missouri Democrat. Jan. -Dec. Lacks Sept. 26. 44 Missouri Republican. Jan.-Dee. Jan. 1 and March 19 mutilated. u Times. Jan.-Dee. Lacks July 8, 11, 14, 16, 23: Aug. 20. 1868. St. Louis. Dispatch. Jan. -Dec. Lacks July 4, 26. 44 Journal of Commerce. Jan. -Dec. 44 Missouri Democrat. Jan. -Dec. Lacks July 4; Dec. 17, 18. a Missouri Republican. Jan.-Dee. Lacks Feb. 27; March 14; pp. 3-4 of March 18; May 27. 44 Times. Jan.-Dee. Lacks Jan. 7, 24, 31; March 19; April 28; Sept. 29; Nov. 28 1869. St. Louis. Dispatch. Jan. -Dec. D. Lacks April 9. 44 Journal of Commerce. Jan. -Dec. W. Lacks Sept. 24. u Missouri Democrat. Jan.-Dee. D. Lacks Nov. 19. 44 Missouri Republican. Jan.-June 30. D. Lacks Jan. 17; March 18; pp. 1-2 of April 27. 44 Times. Jan.-Dee. D. Lacks July 24, 26 ; Dec. 4. Not published July 5. 44 Tribune. Oct. 26-Dec. D. Vol. I. begins Oct. 26. D. W. D. D. D. D. W. D. D. D. 12 1870 . St. Louis. Dispatch. Jan. -Dec. D. Lacks Aug. 11. 44 Missouri Democrat. Jan.-Dee. D. Lacks July 5; Oct. 7. 44 Missouri Republican. May 26-Dec. D. 44 Times. Jan.-Dee. D. Lacks Jan-. 5, 31 ; Feb. 1, 9 ; July 3, 17, 18 ; Aug. 5; Oct. 24, 28, 29, 31 ; Dec. 12. 44 Tribune. Jan .-June 30. D. 1871 . St. Louis. Missouri Democrat. Jan.-Dee. D. Lacks Oct. 5, 10, 13, 24; Dec. 24; and all Sunday numbers. 44 Missouri Republican. Jan.-Dee. D. 44 Times. Jan. -Dec. D. Lacks Oct. 18. 1872 . St. Louis. Globe. July 18-Dec. D. Vol. I. begins with July 18. 44 Missouri Democrat. Jan.-Dee. D. Lacks Jan. 17; and all Sunday numbers. 44 Missouri Republican. Jan.-Dee. D. 44 Times. Jan. -Dec. D. Lacks March 5; May 15; July 2; Aug. 14, 21; Sept. 21; Oct. 6. 1873 . St. Louis. Globe. Jan.-Dee. D. 44 Dispatch. Jan.-Dee. D. Jan. 31 mutilated. 44 Missouri Democrat. D. Lacks Jan. 7, 18, 30; April 29; Aug. 19; Sept. 5; Nov. 24; Dec. 20, 22, 30; and all Sunday numbers. 44 Missouri Republican. Jan.-Dee. D. 44 Times. Jan. -Dec. D. Lacks Jan. 2; June 21; Sept. 10, 25. 13 1874. St. Louis. Globe. Jan.-Dee. D. u Missouri Democrat. Jan.-Dee. D. Lacks Aug. 19; and all Sunday numbers, excepting July 5 and Nov. 8. 44 Missouri Republican. Jan.-Dee. D. 44 Times. Jan. -Dec. D. Lacks Jan. 16, 27; Feb. 8; Oct. 11. 1875. St. Louis. Globe. Jan.-May 19. D. Merged with the Missouri Democrat June 1, as Globe- Democrat, Vol. I. 44 Globe-Democrat. June 1-Dec. D. Yol. I. runs from June 1, 1875, to May 19, 1876. Lacks June 20; Oct. 23. 44 Missouri Democrat. Jan.-May 31. D. Lacks Jan. 1; May 28; and all Sunday numbers, excepting May 16, 23, 30. For continuation see above. 44 Missouri Republican. Jan.-Dee. D. 44 Times. Jan.-Dee. D. Lacks April 28; June 30; July 12, 19; Aug. 2, 13, 21,22,27; Sept. 7, 12, 20, 29; and most of the papers from April to June are mutil- ated. 1876. St. Louis. Globe-Democrat. Jan.-Dee. D. Lacks Feb. 10; March 27; April 30; Sept. 7. 44 Missouri Republican. Jan. -Dec. D. 44 Times. Jan. -Dec. D. Lacks May 13; June 21. 1877. St. Louis. Globe-Democrat. Jan.-Dee. D. 44 Missouri Republican. Jan.-Dee. D. 44 Times. Daily. Jan.-Dee. D. 44 Times. Weekly. July 5-Dec. W. Lacks Sept. 6, 13. 14 1878 St. Louis. Evening Post. Jan. 10-Dec. D. Vol. I. runs from Jan. 10, 1878, to Jan. 9, 1879. Dec. 12-31 called Post and Dispatch. u Globe-Democrat. Jan. -Dec. D. Lacks Dec. 31. “ Missouri Republican. Jan. -Dec. D. “ Times. Daily . Jan.-Dee. D. “ Times. Weekly. Jan.-Dee. W. Lacks Oct. 3. 1879. St. Louis. Globe-Democrat. Jan.-Dee. D. Lacks Jan. 12; Feb. 3; June 6. “ Missouri Republican. Jan. -Dec. D. u Post and Dispatch. Jan.-Dee. D. Lacks pp. 1-4 of March 10; April 16; Nov. 1. u Times-Journal. Daily. Jan.-Dee. D. Oct. 23-Dec. 31 called Times. • 4 Times-Journal. Weekly. Jan.-Dee. W. Oct. 30-Dec. 25 called Times. 1880. St. Louis. Globe-Democrat. Jan. -Dec. D. Lacks May 14. “ Missouri Republican. Jan.-Dee. D. “ Post-Dispatch. Jan. -Dec. D. Lacks June 30; Sept. 6. “ Times. Daily. Jan.-June 30. D. “ Times. Weekly. Jan.-June 24. W. Jan., 1881, to Dec., 1888, inclusive. St. Louis. Globe-Democrat. D. Lacks, 1882, Jan. 15; Oct. 18; Dec. 4. 1883, May 31; July 11, 18; Aug. 12. 1886, Aug. 7, 15, 19, 22. 1888, Jan. 1 ; Dec. 20. Missouri Republican. D. Name changed to St. Louis Republic May 31, 1888. Lacks, 1881, Aug. 23. 1884, Aug. 31. 15 St. Louis. Post-Dispatch. D Lacks, 1881, May 31. 1882, April 29 ; May 22, 23, 24, 27. 1883, May 31. 1888, Dec. 31. Jan., 1889, to Dec., 1897, inclusive. St. Louis. Globe-Democrat. D Lacks, 1889, Aug. 31. 1892, Jan. 31. Post-Dispatch. D Lacks, 1890, Sept. 12. 1891, Dec. 17, 18, 19. 1892, July 1 to Dec. 31, inclusive. 1893, Jan. 1 to Sept. 30, inclusive. u Kepublic. D Lacks, 1892, July 17; Oct. 28; Nov. 2, 9, 20; Dec. 9, 16, 18. 1893, Jan. 15; Feb. 7. 1894, Dec. 23 mutilated. 16 II MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO MISSOURI AND LOUISIANA* Barbe=Marbois, Francis, marquis de. Histoire de la Louisiane et de la cession de cette colonie faite par la France aux Etats-Unis de l’Amerique septen- trionale; precedee d’nn discours sur la constitution et le gouvernement des Etats-Unis. . . 2v. 9£ in. Yol. I., pp. [2] -f- 337 -f 33 + [43]; Yol. II., ff. [145]. Many slips inserted. Lib. R. Author’s manuscript of the edition of 1829. Benton, Thomas Hart. Lecture on the progress of the age; delivered before the St. Louis Mercantile Library Association, Nov. 14, 1850. 12-J- in. 47ff. Lib. R. In Benton’s handwriting. Bissell, Gen. Daniel. [Letters and documents, 1800-1820, forming part of the correspondence and papers of Daniel Bissell, com- mandant of the U. S. military department of Missouri Territory.] Lib. R. Bound in vol. lettered Bissell MSS. The papers are as follows : — 1. Gen. James Wilkinson, Fort Adams, 17 May, 1800; to Capt. D. Bissell, New Orleans. 3pp. 2. Same , Pittsburg, 6 May, 1805; to Col. Thomas Hunt, 1st Inf’y. 3pp. 3. Copy of letter (to Sec’y of War?) dated Bellefon- taine, 22 Jan., 1806; unsigned. Ip. 17 4. Lieut. Zebuuon M. Pike, Garrison St. Louis, 13 May, 1806; to Capt. D. Bissell. 3pp. 5. Same , Bellefontaine, 11 June, 1806; to same . 3pp. 6. Same , St. Louis, 15 June, 1806; to same. 2pp. 7. Same , 28 June, 1806. Extract copied from letter to Gov. Wm. H. Harrison. Addressed to Capt. D. Bissell, Fort Massac. 2pp. 8. Gov. Wm. Henry Harrison, Grouseland, 8 Oct.* 1806; to Capt. D. Bissel, Fort Massac. 2pp. 9. Henry Dearborn, Sec’y of War, 13 Oct., 1806; to Col. Thomas Hunt. Ip. 10. Joseph Browne, St. Louis, 17 March, 1807; to same , Bellefontaine. 2pp. 11. Wm. Clark, U. S. Indian agent, St. Louis, 15 May, 1807; to same. 2pp. 12. Same , St. Louis, 15 May, 1807; to Sec’y of War. Ip. 13. Frederick Bates, St. Louis, 22 July, 1807; to Col. Thos. Hunt, Bellefontaine. 3pp. 14. Same , St. Louis, 1 Oct., 1807; to same. Ip. 15. Same , St. Louis, 22 Oct., 1807; to same. 2pp. 16. Col. Thos. Hunt, Bellefontaine, 23 Oct., 1807; to Frederick Bates, Act. Gov. 2pp. 17. Gov. Meriwether Lewis, St. Louis, 14 May, 1808; orders to Nicholas Boilvin. 3pp. 18. Same , St. Louis, 23 May, 1808; to Col. Thos. Hunt* Bellefontaine. 2pp. 19. Same , St. Louis, 26 May, 1808; to same. 2pp. 20. Same , St. Louis, 10 July, 1808; to same . 2pp. 21. Same , St. Louis, 8 Aug., 1808; to same. 4pp. 22. John Cleves Symmes, Act’g AdjT, Bellefontaine, 26 June, 1810; morning report to Lt. Col. D. Bis- sell, corn’d. 2pp. 23. Gov. Wm. Henry Harrison, Vincennes, 9 Aug., 1811; to Col. D. Bissell. 4pp. 24. Thos. T. Crittenden, Lexington, 9 Feb., 1812; to same . 2pp. 25. General orders to militia of Ty. of Missouri, dated St. Louis, 1 March, 1813. Printed broadside; signed in autograph by Frederick Bates, Act’g Commander-in-Chief, and Will C. Carr, Aid-de- Camp. 26. Frederick Bates, St. Louis, 11 March, 1813; to Col. D. Bissell, Bellefontaine. Ip. 18 27. Col. D. Bissell, Portage des Sioux, 21 April, 1813; to Maj. Jas. Morrison, commanding U. S. Militia on the island below Portage des Sioux. Ip. 28. Benjamin Howard, Florissant, 23 April, 1813; to same . 2pp. 29. E. P. Pinkney, Adj. Gen., 7 Dec., 1813; fragment of general orders; to Col. D. Bissell, Chateaugay. Ip. 30. Wm. Clark, Ninian Edwards, Auguste Chou- teau, U. S. Commissioners to treat with the Indians, dated Portage des Sioux, 11 July, 1815; to Gen. D. Bissell, Bellefontaine. 2pp. 31. Andrew J. Donelson, Aid-de-Camp, Nashville, 20 Dec., 1820; to Gen. D. Bissell. 2pp. Chouteau, Auguste. Journal [in French, describing the founding and set- tlement of St. Louis.] 13 in. [14pp.] Lib. R. Unsigned, but in Col. Chouteau’s handwriting. Fragment of a larger journal, though complete in itself. A translation of this document by J. Givin Brown and J. Wilmer Stith was pub- lished as an appendix to the 12th Annual Report of our Associa- tion (for 1857) ; also separately published with the following title : “ Fragment of Col. Auguste Chouteau’s Narrative of the Settlement of St. Louis: a literal translation from the original French MS. in possession of the St. Louis Mercantile Library Association. St. Louis, Geo . Knapp & Co. . . . 1858.” 8°. pp. 10. Chouteau, Auguste. [Papers and correspondence, 1787-1819.] Lib. R. Bound in volume lettered u Chouteau MSS.” They are as follows : 1. El Baron de Carondelet. Commission granting to Aug. Chouteau exclusive rights as trader among the Great and Little Osages; dated Nueva Orleans, 21 de Mayo de 1794. 2pp. (Spanish.) 2. Auguste Chouteau. Memorial to the Lt. Governor of the Illinois, relative to establishing a fort among the Great Osages; dated Nueva Orleans, 18 de Mayo de 1794. Authorization by the Baron of Carondelet, dated Nueva Orleans, 21 de Mayo de 1794. 4pp. (Spanish.) 19 3. Same. Plano de la casa fuerte que debe construirse sobre la pequena eminencia que domina la aldea de los Osages .... [dated] Nueva Orleans, 18 deMayo de 1794. 3pp. (No drawings.) 4. Regis Loiset, of New Orleans. Will, undated. 10pp. (Spanish.) 5. Manuel Perez, Nueva Orleans, 22 Agto ? 1795; to Auguste Chouteau. 4pp. (Spanish.) 6. Martin Navarro (*?), Nile Orleans, 23 Aout, 1787; to Auguste Chouteau. 2pp. (French.) 7. Gilberto Leonard, Treasurer of Louisiana. Re- ceipt for 4000 Rs. to Aug. Chouteau, Nueva Orleans, 7 de Mayo de 1796. Ip. (Spanish.) 8. Same. Certification of completion of contract for Indian presents by Aug. Chouteau, Nueva Orleans, 2 de Abril de 1798. Ip. (Spanish.) 9. Same. Receipt for 4800 Rs. to Aug. Chouteau, Nueva Orleans, 23 de Mayo, 1794. Ip. (Spanish) 10. Francisco Cruzat, Lt. Governor of the Illinois. Statement relative to goods for the Indian trade, dated S». Luis de Ilinues (szc), 24 Julio, 1787. 2pp. (Spanish.) 11. Manuel Gayoso de Lemos, N 1J e Madrid, 30 Dec., 1795; to u Mons. Chuteau.” 2pp. (French.) 12. Same , Natchez, 30 May, 1796; to same. Ip. (French.) 13. Name, Natchez, 12 de 8bre, 1796; to same. 2pp. (French.) 14. Ch. de Vilemont, 20 Dec., 1796. 2pp. (French.) 15. Manuel Gayoso de Lemos, Nouv. Orleans, 24 Aout, 1797; to M. Chouteau. Ip. (French.) 16. Name, Natchez, 4 Avril, 1797; to same. 2pp. (French.) 17. Name, Nouv. Orleans, 15 Aout, 1797; to same. Ip. (French.) 18. Name, Nouv. Orleans, 10 Aout, 1798; to same. 3pp. (French.) 19. Same , Governor of Natchez. Appointment of Aug. Chouteau to guardianship of Manuel Trudeau, Natchez, 3 de Abril, 1797. 2pp. (Spanish.) 20. C. de Vilemont, Aux Arkansas, 12 Janv., 1795. 2pp. (French.) 21. Name, Ft- Estevan des Arkanzas, 10 Mai, ’95. 3pp. (French.) 22. Name, Aux Arkansas, 9 7bre, 1795. 2pp. (French.) 20 23. Same , Ste. Etienne des Arkansas, 12 7^re ? 179G. 2pp. (French.) 24. Zenon Trudeau, Cote des Allemans, 7 Oct., 1804; to Aug. Chouteau. 5pp. (French.) Recorded, District of St. Louis, 12th April, 1810. 25. Jno. W. Eppes, Washington, Jan. 26, 1805; to Aug. Chouteau. 3pp. 26. J. Bruff, Maj. U. S. A., St. Louis, March 26, 1805; to same. 2pp. 27. Le comite des habitans DE LA BASSE Louisiane. Address to Aug. Chouteau concerning their peti- tion to Congress. N lle Orleans, 27 Mai, 1805. 2pp. (French.) 28. Lord G. Fitzgerald, Nouv. Orleans, Feb. 12 (no year); to Aug. Chouteau. Ip. (French.) 29. Gov. William Henry Harrison, Vincennes, 21 Dec., 1804; to Aug. Chouteau. 4pp. 30. Same, Vincennes, 19 March, 1805; to same. 2pp. 31. Same , Vincennes, 7 April, 1805; to same. Ip. 32. Same , Vincennes, 20 July, 1805; to same. Ip. 33. Same , Grouseland, 17 Nov., 1806; to same. Ip. 34. Same , North Bend, 14 Nov., 1817; to same. 2pp. 35. Gen. Jas. Wilkinson, July 26, 1806; to same. Ip. 36. Same , Cantonment Missouri, July 20, 1806; to same. ip. 37. James Monroe, Sec’y of War [Washington], March 11, 1815 ; to Aug. Chouteau, Wm. Clarke, and Ninian Edwards, relating to treaty of peace with Great Britain and suppression of Indian hostilities. 2pp. 38. Wm. Clark, St. Louis, Feb. 27, 1816; to Aug. Chou- teau. Ip. 39. Gen. A. Smith, Bellefontaine, 28 May, 1818; to same. 2pp. 40. J. C. Calhoun, Sec’y of War [Washington], 7 March, 1818; to same. Ip. 41. Lord Selkirk, London, Aug. 30, 1819; to same. 3 pp. Louisiana — Legislature. A journal of the proceedings of the legislature of the territory of Louisiana, commencing June 3, 1806, [and end- ing Oct. 9, 1811.] 12f in. [127] pp. Lib. R. Mostly in the handwriting of Edward Hempstead, Clerk. 21 Philipson, Joseph, merchant of St. Louis . [Account book, Dec. 13, 1807, to July 31, 1809.] 13 in. 181pp. Lib. R. St. Louis Lyceum. [Constitution, by-laws, and record of proceedings from June 27, 1838, to Jan. 29, 1849.] 14f in. [169] ff. Lib. R. u 3 0112 058377182 t s “T 7* > ;j «■ ’ * -'4 V-- 'ir - 7 /-» . 7