016.5534932 Un3s SELECTED REFERENCES - SANDSTONE-TYPE URANIUM DEPOSITS This list contains some of the more recent general ©r review papers. More specific information can be obtained by referring to references in individual papers or to RME-4110, Selected bibliography on radio¬ active occurrences in the United States? Supt. of Documents, $1,25, Washington, D»C» 20402° Armstrong, Frank Co, 1970? Geologic factors controlling uranium resources in the Gas Hills District, Wyoming? Wye, Geol. Assoc, Guidebook, Twenty- Second Annual Field Conf,, p. 31-44. Austin, So Ralph, 1970, Some patterns of sulfur isotope distribution in uranium deposits: Wye, Geol. Assoc, Earth Sci. Bull,, v.3> no, 2, Po 5-22° Cannon, Helen L», i960, The development of botanical methods of prospect¬ ing for uranium on the Colorado Plateau: U.S. Geol, Survey Bull, IO85-A. Damley, A.G. , 1970, Airborne gamma-ray spectrometry: Canadian Inst, Mining & Metall. Trans,, V, LXXIII, p» 20-29° Dodd, Philip H«, Broullard, Robert F«, and Lathan, Carl P. , 1967? Bore¬ hole logging methods for exploration and evaluation of uranium deposits, in Mining and Groundwater Geophysics/1967: Geol, Survey of Canada, Economic Geology Report No, 26, p. 401-415° Dyck, Willy, 1969? Development of uranium exploration methods using radon: Geol, Survey Canada, Paper 46-69° Finch, Warren I,, 1967? Geology of epigenetic uranium deposits in sandstone in the United States: U.S, Geol. Survey Prof, Paper 538° FI awn, Peter T° , 1967? Uranium in Texas: Texas Bur. of Econ. Geology, Geologic Circ. 67-1° Garrels, Robert M° , and Larsen, E.S, 3rd, 1959 Geochemistry and miner¬ alogy of the Colorado Plateau uranium ores: U.S. Geol, Survey Prof.. Paper 320. Gruner, J.W., 1956, Concentration of uranium in sediments by multiple migration-accretion: Econ. Geology, v. 51, no. 6, p. 475-520. I.A.E.A., Vienna, 1969? Nuclear techniques and mineral resources: National Agency for International Publications, Inc., 317 East 34th St., New York, N.Y. 10016. I.AcE.Ac, Vienna, 1970, Uranium Exploration Geology: UNIPUB, Inc., P0 Box 433, N.Y., N.Y. 10016. Contains papers on both U.S. and foreign deposits. UNIVERSITY OF ILUNOI9-URBANA 01 2 046093248 Klohn, M.L., and Pickens, W.R., 1970, Geology of the Felder uranium deposit. Live Oak County, Texas: Preprint 70-1-38, Soc. of Min. Engrs. cf AIME. New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, 1963, Geology and technology of the Grants uranium regions Memoir 15. Ore Deposits of the Western United States 1933/196?* John Ridge ed. AIMS N. Yo 1968, selected uranium chapters on Colorado Plateau, Grants, Lisbon Valley, Monument Valley and White Canyon, Uravan, Wyoming and South Dakota. Rackley, R.I., Shockley, P.N., and Dahill, M. F., 1968, Concepts and methods of uranium exploration: Wyo. Geol. Assoc. Earth Sci. Bull., v. 1, no. 3* P° 23~3 Ij -° Shawe, Daniel R., 1969* Possible exploration targets for uranium deposits, south end of the Uravan mineral belt, Colo.-Utah: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 65O-B, p. B73"B76. Waters, Aaron C., and Granger, Harry C., 1953* Volcanic debris in uraniferous sandstones, and its possible bearing on the origin and precipitation of uranium: U.S. Geol. Survey Circ. 224. Weeks, Alice D., and Eargle, D. Hoye, 1963, Relation of diagenetic alteration and soil-forming processes to uranium deposits of south¬ east Texas Coastal Plain: Natl. Conf. Clays & Clay Minerals. Proc., v. 10, p. 23-4lc Wyoming Uranium Issue, 1967, Contributions to Geology, v. 8, no. 2, pt. 1, Univ. of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. June 25, 1971 - 2 -