uxvkft eoiMoiasioo f\u*eo\WMoa& vcAmnairion I Form I0O8. June, 1909. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. UNITED STATES CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. Your communication of recent date is herewith returned, and your attention is invited to the paragraph or paragraphs below checked thus (V), containing information / relative jto the subject of your inquiry. V" i / / [■ / 1. Legal residence is a question of fact and is one which the Commission can not determine for an applicant. Legal residence does not require continuous bodily presence, but refers to the place at which the applicant, if a voter, is legally entitled to exercise the right of suffrage. Applications for examinations for positions in the departments at Washington, D. C., except for the nonapportioned positions, must show that the applicant has been a legal resident of the county in which he claims legal residence for not less than six months next preceding the date of his application. I A married woman can have no other legal residence than that of tier husband. A woman separated from her husband may, for the purpose of filing an application for examination, claim legal residence other than that of her husband, but she must furnish a sworn statement on Form 1643 of the facts on which her right to a separate legal resi¬ dence is based. Legal residence is a question of fact, and the Com¬ mission can not determine for any applicant what his or her legal residence is, but will decide in each case whether the evidence pre¬ sented establishes the claim. The legal residence of minors is the same as that of the parents or guardians. 2. The position concerning which inquiry is made is not fided as the result of examination held by this Commission. Address the * r] ^ Department in which employment is desired. ries relative to the duties of various positions, salaries, 1 be made of the head of the Department or office in wnicn employment is desired, unless such information is contained inted matter furnished by the Commission, examination is pending for the position concerning which is male, and applications are not received for such ex ami- iLtil it is announced. Full information as to any examina- iven in connection with its announcement. > 3—09 I 2 V V.'A *-* "Vv^ 5. No information concerning an examination other than that contained in the public announcement can be given. 6. Persons who are not in the classified service can not be given noncompetitive examinations to test their fitness for appointment to positions which may be filled as the result of competitive exami¬ nations. 7. The position to which reference is made is filled by the transfer or promotion of persons who are already in the classified service. 8. Examinations as a rule are not held for a particular Depart¬ ment but for positions in the general departmental service. 9. Unless applicants comply with the regulations as set forth in the announcements of examinations, they can not be examined. 10. The information requested will be furnished if the name of the examination is given. 11. Appointments to the positions of rural agent (formerly route inspector and special agent) in the Rural Free Delivery Service and post-office inspector (unless made by reinstatement) are made by the transfer or promotion of persons who are already in the classified service, serving in or under the Post-Office Department or in the office of the Auditor for the Post-Office Department, upon their passing noncompetitive examinations, which are held by the Commission upon the request of the Postmaster-General. For information relative to appointment to these positions application should be made to the Postmaster-General, Washington, D. C. 12. A person who passes an examination will not be allowed a reexamination for any position covered by the same examination until approximately one year after the date of the former exami¬ nation whether or not the competitor has been three times certified. A person who lias been notified of his failure to pass in an examina¬ tion may, upon filing a new application in due time, enter the next examination when held. 13. An application filed for one semiannual series of examina¬ tions, or for a specially announced examination, will not be good for any other examination, whether the applicant be examined or not. 14. No examinations are held and no appointments are made in the United States to fill ordinary clerical positions in the post-office, custom-house, and internal-revenue services and in trades positions in the Philippines. Thus far no difficulty has been experienced in filling such positions through the appointment of Filipinos and of Americans resident in the Philippine Islands. It is useless for persons in the United States to seek appointment to positions in the Philippine civil service unless they have professional, t&jh nical, or scientific qualifications, or special clerical ability, with special qualifications, such as those of a stenographer and type¬ writer, bookkeeper, etc. 3 15. Applicants for any position in connection with the schools of Porto Ixico or Hawaii should address the Commissioner of Education, San Juan, P. R., or the Superintendent of Public Instruction, Honolulu, Hawaii, respectively. 16. Whenever free delivery is to be established at a post-office a board of examiners, composed of employees of such office, is organ¬ ized, which board furnishes to applicants application blanks and information relative to the examination which is held preliminary to the establishment of free delivery. For information relative to appointment to positions in post-offices prior to the establish¬ ment of free delivery application should be made to the Postmaster- General, Washington, D. C. 17. Applicants. for examination for rural letter carrier should apply to the postmaster at the office on the route upon which free delivery is to be established or to the United States Civil Service Commission, Washington, D. C., for information as to when an examination will be held. 18. Persons who desire appointment to the positions of mail weigher and porter in the Railway Mail Service should apply and take the examination for railway mail clerk. Appointment to the position of sea postal clerk is usually made by transfer or promotion from the Railway Mail or Post-Office Service, and application should be made to the Postmaster-General, Washington, D. C. 19. Applicants will be duly notified of averages as soon as papers are rated, and letters of inquiry are useless and will not hasten the information sought. 20. The Commission does not furnish railway mail guides or . maps of the railway mail divisions. These may be obtained from publishing houses or booksellers. The Commission does not fur¬ nish reading address cards. 21. Applicants for appointment to the position of cadet in the Military Academy at West Point, N. Y., midshipman in the Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md., or cadet in the Revenue-Cutter Service should address the Secretary of War, the Secretary of the Navy, or the Secretary of the Treasury, Washington, D. C., respectively. 22. Applicants for appointment to positions in the Consular Service should address the Secretary of State, Washington, D. C. 23. Applicants for positions in the Ordnance Department at Large, War Department, for which no educational test is given, should address the secretary of the local board of examiners at the ordnance establishment at which employment is sought. 24. 4 • ■ its for positions in the Light-House Service, Depart- r: > uerce and Labor, for which no educational test is given, sho; hi itddress the inspector of the district in which employment is >ugiit. 4 25. Applicants for positions in the Life-Saving Service, Treasury Department, for which no educational test is given, should address the keeper of the station nearest their place of residence. 26. Applicants for positions in the Engineer Department at Large, War Department, for which no educational test is given, should address the secretary of the local board of examiners at the head¬ quarters of the engineer district in which employment is sought. 27. Applicants for appointment to mechanical trades and similar positions in the navy-yards should address the secretary of the board of labor employment at the navy-yard where employment is sought. 28. No application will be approved if on the date of the exami¬ nation the applicant is under the minimum or more than one year over the maximum age limitation. These limitations, however, do not apply to applicants allowed preference in appointment under section 1754, Revised Statutes. 22. All officers and employees in the service of the Isthmian Canal Commission upon the Isthmus of Panama, except those who are to perform the duties of clerk, bookkeeper, stenographer, typewriter, surgeon, physician, interne, trained nurse, or draftsman, are excepted from examination. For information in regard to other positions on the Isthmus address the Secretary of the Isthmian Canal Commission, Wash¬ ington, D. C. 30. Section 1754 of the Revised Statutes provides that persons honorably discharged from the military or naval service by reason of disability resulting from wounds received or sickness incurred in the line of duty shall be preferred for appointments to the civil offices, pro¬ vided they are found to possess the business capacity necessary for the proper discharge of the duties of such offices. A person who has been allowed preference by the Commission has the following ad¬ vantages: ( a ) He is released from all age limitations; ( b ) he has to attain an average percentage of only 65 to be eligible, while for all others the average percentage required is 70; (c) having attained an average percentage of 65, his name is placed upon the register above, and is certified before all others who have not been allowed prefer¬ ence; and {d) lie is released from the law and rules relating to ap¬ portionment of appointments. If on the same register the names o more than one preference claimant appear, the name of the claimant having the highest average percentage will, of course, head the list. Preference under this section does not apply to promotion examine tions, or to examinations for the Philippine service. The President on July 5, 1906, directed the Commission t< in their order of standing on the eligible register, next s iSSSfe* r-..'/ 1 . • 1 »fy ' 98 * 5 : -•V-C a?sf# ;. '4 fit 'Wr. > . '-’ r Ai l m •■''-• #k4- 'iskJv£lSu&# • s u-.-'‘' 'Sr. V. ''' ''■■'■ •>4H *#®8S i** - ir * j. ^33MsB^Vt2&v3? ;jS®’,:|.:'> •-S'-V fcfcvr- ,*3*3 .Vf^j '«Spi ■•' ■SKI ■ mk. ' '' i^v ■ ^22,.,: ' 86*“ •'•‘MKrV:?. as®*? -■ vSJliFWrr’C* ••r,. 4 °Sf^t ‘ 1 m -w V- >& V&riMtfk S* ■' : •* sSfe M mm: mm?- /X f&!M m \4'Xi ' ■ l \ .'. -.- ,-:■ ■ :A\ I K_ a Cladl •• ■• J SSI jpj&g* «ST •• • • V.- 4;-“ .' *••, , . >*.«$ -r: -•;'- ■• >-;,:/ • ‘ mm v i!f: **£ •:''' , > >■.«*' ,A~ v*X* “> .'-• • f ■, •'" r, -A : ;. MmZM *& ■ dim wm ■ $$&/£■ ■ >? -i,; • >ate- • 4 Mi •L'..' ' ".^■StSs • v> : • • *a ii ’’WtK. (gj-rggt-..»»’• .- •. , ■■•• vvr-'v -/,., ^., •'•;.,«< o %4 ■ . . - .l<":" «f . - ; *■ /: r,i.- •■', .■ v V '.w 4 •’i-' :>■’ w r,'" , . ■•'. &Mi SHB StH • V>^f ■j**' J 5^ %-4 i. -.^ Mr KSW J&i ■ ?stakes'' 4m J8&S& -*7" l > Kj -L a BR 1 3s? sSw?*) •'1 ' v; fS >id '•• 1 v' ' ' ••• * '-Hy.; ,s& >s