' u r — — - - — — V 1 — j L 1 D It A II I OF THE U N I VERS ITY Of ILLINOIS AclL v. 5 I ■ Wf* / r> if * I m -? - . . . > ■ /O A British Standard;. •American, Jack. bbuirat British Merchant American Customs Jbnerican Quarantine inion Jack AnieruxuiBroadBi Spanish Man of War. Holland;. Ibrtugal. Da n ishMan of War. Swedish Mm of War. num. Braxil. San. Salvador. Nicaragua. Casta Rircu Bguador. Columbia San Domingo. Jbgt nli neMan of War. Paraguay. Bolivia. Uruguay Venezuela. China. Japan Persia. Cochin-China-. Bavaria Birmah. Moorish. Sandwich Islands. ^mZeahmL Morocco. Batavia. CermanMan of War. Russia n Jack . Russian ManofWar Austro -AuM/curian. Switxei Russian Merchant. Italy. 7 uslria ^ ^ ^ ^ J v *v Av.V * * ^ ^ ^ - * * * * - *-* * * * * ****** £**•?** * * ^ * ^* ^^^* j ^ ^ Uniled Slates Spanish Merchant. Germany: Tertv. Tunis Prussia. Siam. Tripoli. Turkey. Greece. Wurtemberp. Mexico Cuba L ZELL’S POPULAR ENCYCLOPEDIA. COMPLETE DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. WITH A PRONOUNCING VOCABULARY AND A GAZETTEER OF THE WORLD. BY Tj. Oolange, LL. D. ILLUSTRATED WITH NEARLY THREE THOUSAND ENGRAVINGS AND BY Cljirtg-yitte ^arj* Calami ACCOMPANIED BY AN INDEX TO EACH MAP, FORMING A COMPLETE ATLAS OE THE WORLD. BY JOHN BARTHOLOMEW, F.R.G.S. IN FIVE VOLUMES. Vol. V. Atlas. PHILADELPHIA: T. ELLWOO:D ZELL 1882 . All Rtghts Reserved. & <$■ CENSUS OF 1880. [See also the United States, the several Stales, Territories, etc.] Population of the UNITED STATES. Total, 50,152,866. Divided thus: White, 43,404,876 ; Colored, 6,577,151; Native, 43,475,506 ; Foreign, 6,677,360; Males, 25,520. 582; Females, 24,632,284. Number of Females to 100,000 Males, 96,517. Total Asiatic Population, 105,717 ; of Indians, not taxed, 65,122, i.e., those in tribal relations, under the care of the Government, are not included. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 CITIES AND TOWNS OF THE UNITED STATES HAVING A POPULATION OF 10,000, AND UPWARDS. CENSUS OF 1880. New York, N. Y Philadelphia, Pa Brooklyn, N. Y Chicago, 111 Boston, Mass St. Louis, Mo Baltimore, Md Cincinnati, O San Francisco, Cal... New Orleans, La Cleveland, O. Pittsburg, Pa Buffalo, N. Y Washington, D. C.... Newark, N. J Louisville, Kv Jersey City, N. J Detroit, Mich Milwaukee, Wis Providence, R. I Albany, N. Y Rochester. N. Y Allegheny, Pa Indianapolis. Ind.... Richmond, Va New Haven, Conn ... Lowell, Mass Worcester, Mass Troy, N. Y Kansas City, Mo Cambridge,' Mass Syracuse, N. Y Columbus, O Paterson, N. J Toledo. O Charleston, S. C Fall River, Mass Minneapolis, Minn.. Scranton, Pa Nashville, Tenn Reading, Pa Hartford, Conn Wilmington, Del Camden, N. J St. Paul, Minn Lawrence, Mass Dayton, O Lynn, Mass Denver, Col Oakland, Cal Atlanta, Ga Utica, N. Y Portland, Me Memphis, Tenn Springfield, Mass Manchester, N. H... St. Joseph, Mo Grand Rapids, Mich Wheeling, W. Va Mobile, Ala Hoboken, N. J Harrisburgh, Pa 1,206,590 63 . 846,984 64 . 566,689 65 . 503,304 66 . 362,535 67 . 350,522 68 69 . 255,708 70 . 233,956 71 . 216.140 72 . 160,142 73 . 156,381 74 . 155,137 75 . 147,367 76 . 136,460 77 . 123,645 78 . 120,728 79 . 116,342 80 . 115,578 81 . 164,850 82 . 90,903 83 . 89,363 84 . 7 s , 681 85 . 75,074 86 . 63,803 87 . 62,882 88 89 . 58,295 90 . 56,747 91 . 55.813 92 93 . 51,791 94 . 51,665 95 . 50,887 96 . 56.143 97 . 49 999 98 . 49 006 99 . 46,887 100 . 45,850 101 . 43,461 102 . 43,280 103 . 42,553 104 . 42,499 105 . 41,658 106 . 41,498 107 . 39,178 108 . 38,677 109 110 111 .. 34,556 112 . 37,421 113 . 33,913 114 . 33,810 115 . 33,593 116 . 33,340 117 . 32,630 118 . 32,484 119 . 32,015 120 .. 31,266 121 . 31,205 122 . 30,989 123 . 30,762 Savannah, Ga Omaha, Neb Trenton, N. J Covington, Ky Peoria, 111 Evansville, Ind Bridgeport, Conn Elizabeth, N. J Erie, Pa Salem, Mass Quincy, 111 Fort Wayne, Ind New Bedford, Mass.... Terre Haute, Ind Lancaster, Pa Somerville, Mass Wilkesbarre, Pa Augusta, Ga Des Moines, Iowa Dubuque, Iowa, Galveston, Tex Watervliet, N. Y Norfolk, Va Auburn, N. Y Holyoke, Mass Davenport, Iowa Chelsea, Mass Petersburg, Va Sacramento, Cal Taunton, Mass Norwich, Conn Oswego, N. Y Salt Lake City, Utah Springfield, O Bay City, Mich San Antonio, Tex Elmira, N. Y Newport, Ky Watcrbury, Conn Poughkeepsie, N. Y... Springfield, 111 Altoona, Pa Burlington, Iowa Cohoes, N. Y Gloucester, Mass Lewiston, Me Pawtucket, R. I East Saginaw, Mich... Williamsport, Pa Yonkers, N. Y Houston, Texas Haverhill, Mass Lake Township, 111... Kingston, N. Y Meriden, Conn Hempstead, N. Y Zanesville, Ohio Allentown, Pa Council Bluffs, Iowa.. Newburgh, N. Y Wilmington, N. C 30,681 30,518 29,910 29,720 29,315 29,280 29,148 28,229 27,730 27,598 27,275 26,880 26,875 26,040 25,709 24,985 23.339 23,023 22,408 22,254 22,253 22,220 21,966 21,924 21,851 21,834 21,785 21,656 21,420 21,213 21,141 21,117 20,768 20,729 20,693 20.561 20,541 20,433 20,269 20,207 19,746 19,716 19,450 19,417 19,329 19,083 19,030 19,016 18,934 18,892 18,646 18,475 18,396 18,342 18.340 18,160 18,120 18 063 18,059 18,050 17,361 124 Binghamton, N. Y 125 Bloomington, 111 126 New Brunswick, N. J... 127 Long Island City, N. Y 128 Newton, Mass 129 Bangor, Me 130 Montgomery, Ala 131 Lexington, Ky 132 Johnston, N. Y 133 Leavenworth, Kan 134 Akron, O 135 New Albany, Ind 136 Joliet, 111 137 Jackson, Mich 138 Woonsocket, R. I 139 Racine, Wis 140 Lynchburg, Va 141 Flushing, N. Y 142 Sandusky, O 143 Oshkosh, Wis 144 Hyde Park, 111 145 Newport, R. I 146 Topeka, Kan 147 Youngstown, O 148 Atchison, Kan 149 Chester, Pa 150 Lafayette, Ind 151 Leadville, Col 152 La Crosse, Wis 153 New Britain, Conn 154 Norwalk, Conn 155 York. Pa 156 Concord, N. II 157 Lincoln, R. I 158 Virginia, City, Nev 159 New Lots N. Y 160 Schenectady, N. Y 161 Alexandria. Va 162 Brockton, Mass 163 Newburyport, Mass 164 Lockport. N. Y 165 Nashua, N. H 166 Pittsfield, Mass 167 South Bend, Ind 168 Pottsville, Pa 169 Orange, N. .T 170 Little Rock, Ark 171 Rockford, 111 172 Fond-du-Lac, Wis 173 Norristown, Pa 174 Lincoln, Neb 175 Chattanooga, Tenn 176 Macon, Ga 177 Richmond, Ind 178 Castleton, N. Y 179 Cortlandt, N. Y 180 Biddeford, Me 181 Georgetown, D. C 182 San Jose, Cal 183 Fitchburg, Mass 184 Canton, O Copyright, T. Ellwood Zell, 1881. 17,315 17.184 17,167 17,117 16.995 16,857 16,714 16,656 16,626 16,550 16,512 16,422 16,145 16.105 16,053 16,031 15,959 15.919 15.838 15,749 15,716 15,693 15,451 15,431 15.106 14.996 14,860 14,820 14,505 13,978 13,956 13,940 13.838 13,765 13,705 13,681 13,675 13,658 13.608 13,537 13,522 13,397 13,367 13,279 13,253 13,206 13.185 13,136 13.091 13,064 13,004 12,892 12,748 12,743 12,679 12,664 12,652 12,578 12,567 12,405 12,258 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 Northampton, Mass 12,172 Warwick, R. 1 12,163 Rutland, Vt 12,149 Hamilton, O 12,122 Keokuk, Iowa 12,117 Steubenville, 0 12,093 Rome, N. Y 12,045 Malden, Mass 12,017 Kalamazoo, Mich 11,937 Easton, Pa 11,924 Oyster Bay, N. Y 11,923 Aurora, 111 11,825 Vicksburg, Miss 11,814 Middletown, Conn 11,731 Amsterdam, N. Y 11,711 Waltham, Mass 11,711 Dover, N. H 11,687 Danbury, Conn 11,669 Rock Island, 111 11,660 Derby, Conn 11,649 Brookhaven, N. Y 11,544 Wallkill, N. Y 11,483 Galesburg, 111 11.446 Portsmouth, Va 11,388 Burlington. Vt 11,364 Chicopee, Mass 11,325 Portsmouth, 0 11,314 Los Angeles, Cal 11,311 Stamford, Conn 11,298 Muskegon, Mich 11,262 Logansport, Ind 11,198 Attleborough, Mass 11,111 Hannibal, Mo 11,074 Shreveport, La 11,017 Austin, Texas 10,960 Chillicothe, 0 10,938 Woburn, Mass 10,938 Jacksonville, 111 10,927 Saratoga Springs, N . Y 10,822 Fishkill, N.Y 10,732 Watertown, N. Y 10,697 Belleville, 111 10,682 Weymouth, Mass 10,571 Quincy, Mass 10,529 New London, Conn 10,529 Saginaw, Mich 10,025 Jeffersonville, In 1 10,422 Saugerties, N. Y 10,375 Dallas, Texas 10,358 Ogdensburgh, N. Y 10,340 Madison, Wis 10,325 Stockton, Cal 10,287 Lenox, N. Y 10,249 Winona, Minn 10,208 North Adams, Mass 10,192 Shenandoah, Pa 10,148 Marlborough, Mass 10,126 Eau Claire, Wis 10,118 Cedar Rapids, Iowa 10,104 Jamaica, N. Y 10,089 Columbia, S. C 10,040 Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1871, by T. ELLWOOD ZELL, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court, in and for the EasLern District of Pennsylvania. Ke-entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1878, and in 18S1, hy T. ELLWOOD ZELL, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. e*XTON PRESS OP SIIERUAN & CO. PREFACE Zell’s Descriptive Hand- Atlas consists of an entirely new series of Maps suitable to the require- ments of the present time. They combine the requisite essentials of clearness of execution And facility of reference, and are accompanied by an Index to each Map, and other statistical informa- tion. The Atlas presents the results of the most recent discoveries, and embodies all the latest political changes throughout the World. * A special feature of the Atlas is that the comparative populousness and importance of the various towns are indicated on the Maps by the character of the type employed. The Index accompanying each Map is classified under descriptive heads, and furnishes additional information, such as the extent and population of countries, provinces, and towns, the heights of mountains, lengths of rivers, &c. Besides the English names given on the Maps, the Indices supply the forms known to the inhabitants of the country in which the place is situated, as for example “Vienna, Wien; Antwerp, Anvers ; Cologne, KolnA The references to the Maps in these Indices are by letters on the top and side of the Map, which guide to the square containing the name required. Each reference further states the name of the country, province, or other division in which the place is found. * Omitted in the United States, because of the extraordinary rapid growth of its cities and towns. ' ■ : ■ Hi I ' . - ' V : x ' CONTENTS. FLAGS OF ALL NAATIOlsrS. NOTES ON PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, LAND AND WATER, . ELEVATION OF THE LAND, WINDS, CAUSES AFFECTING CLIMATE, THE DISTRIBUTION OF RAIN, THE SNOW LINE, INTRODUCTION. PAGE . VII ON THE PROGRESS OF GEOGRAPHICAL DISCOVERY, PAGE IX . VII HISTORY OF DISCOVERY IN ASIA, X • . VIII PROGRESS OF DISCOVERY IN AMERICA, X VIII EXPLORATION IN AFRICA, . . . XI • IX DO. IN AUSTRALASIA, 0 XI . IX DO. IN POLYNESIA, . . . . XII IX ANTARCTIC EXPEDITIONS, . r » • XII MAPS AND TIME TABLE, showing the Time at the same moment in the Principal Cities of the World. SEALS OF THE STATES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 1. THE WORLD ON SIR JOHN HERSCHEL’S PROJECTION; showing Ocean Currents, Steamer Routes, and Great Telegraphs. I. Diagram, illustrative of the Distribution of Mankind according to Races. II. Diagram, illustrative of the Distribution of Mankind according to Religions. III. Diagram, illustrative of Climate, as shown by Isotherms of Mean Annual Temperature. 2. NORTH AMERICA. 3. UNITED STATES. (General Map.) 4. NORTH-EASTERN UNITED STATES, and Dominion of CANADA. 5. NEW ENGLAND STATES AhTD LONG ISLAND, with Plan of the Environs of Boston. 6. NEW YORK, NEW JERSEY, PENNSYLVANIA, DELAWARE, AND MARYLAND, with Plans of the Environs of New York and of Philadelphia. 7. OHIO, INDIANA, ILLINOIS, AND KENTUCKY. '"k ' VIRGINIA, WEST VIRGINIA, NORTH CAROLINA, AND SOUTH CARO- LINA, with Part of FLORIDA, and Plans of the Environs of Richmond and of Charleston. 9. ARKANSAS, LOUISIANA, MISSISSIPPI, TENNESSEE, ALABAMA, GEORGIA, and Part of FLORIDA. 10. TEXAS, INDIAN TERRITORY, AND NEW MEXICO, with Plans of the Environs of Chicago and of New Orleans. 11. MICHIGAN, WISCONSIN, AND MINNESOTA. 12. MISSOURI, AND IOWA. INDICES. 13. DAKOTA, NEBRASKA, KANSAS, COLORADO, WYOMING, and Part of MONTANA. 14. CALIFORNIA, OREGON, WASHINGTON, NEVADA, IDAHO, UTAH, ARIZONA, and Part of MONTANA. 15. MEXICO, CENTRAL AMERICA, AND WEST INDIA ISLANDS. 16. SOUTH AMERICA. 17. EUROPE AND MEDITERRANEAN SEA. 18. ENGLAND AND WALES. 19. SCOTLAND. 20. IRELAND. 21. FRANCE AND SWITZERLAND. 22. GERMANY, HOLLAND, AND BELGIUM. 23. SWEDEN, NORWAY, DENMARK, AND THE BALTIC. 24. RUSSIA IN EUROPE. 25. AUSTRIA. 26. ITALY, TURKEY IN EUROPE, AND GREECE. 27. SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. 28. ASIA. 29. TURKEY IN ASIA, ARABIA, PERSIA, AND NILE REGION. 30. PALESTINE. 31. INDIA, AFGHANISTAN, BURMAII, &c. 32. CHINESE EMPIRE AND JAPAN. 33. AFRICA. 34. AUSTRALIA. 35. NEW ZEALAND AND TASMANIA. IN ALL, FIFTY-SEVEN MAPS, DIAGRAMS AND PLANS, AND NEARLY THREE HUNDRED PAGES OF DESCRIPTIVE LETTER-PRESS. GENERAL INDEX ■ . - * INTRODUCTION. NOTES ON PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY LAND AND WATER. TnE Surface of the Earth consists of Land and Water, which are very unequally distributed, the land occupying little more than one-fourth of the whole, and the water nearly three-fourths. The entire area of the world is estimated at about 197 millions square miles, 52 millions of which are land and 145 millions water. A glance at the Map of the World will show that by far the greater proportion of the land lies in the Northern Hemisphere, or part of the world north of the equator, there being about three-fourths of it in the Northern Hemisphere, and about one-fourth in the Southern. It will be seen further that the Eastern Hemisphere contains about double the amount of land in the Western; and, if we divide the world into North-Western find South-Eastern Hemi- spheres, with the British Islands as the centre of the former and | New Zealand as the centre of the latter, the North-Western Hemi- ! sphere will be found to consist mainly of land, and the South- Eastern mainly of water. The line across the ocean from New York to Liverpool, in that great highway of nations, the Atlantic, occupies nearly the centre of the terrestrial hemisphere. This fact may not be a little explanatory of the commercial eminence of the two great Anglo-Saxon nations. T-he Land is properly divided into two great continents, the j Eastern or Old World and the Western or New World. As has ' already been remarked, the area of the Old World is nearly double j that of the New. The Old World consists of a large mass in the east, called Asia, and of the peninsulas of Europe in the west, and | Africa in the south-west. The New World consists of North America, and the peninsula of South America attached to it. These divisions of the two great continents are generally themselves spoken of as continents, and to them has been added another, embracing the large island of Australia and numerous others in the Southern Ocean, under the name of Oceania. There are thus six continents or great divisions -of the earth — Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, and Oceania, the respective areas and populations of which will be found in the text accompanying ! the Map of the World. The Water on the earth’s surface, though forming one continuous ocean, has been divided into five great portions, themselves called oceans. These are the Atlantic Ocean, between Europe and Africa on the east, and North and South America on the west; the Pacific Ocean, between America on the east, and Asia and Australia on the west; the Indian Ocean, between Australia and Africa; the Arctic Ocean, lying round the North Pole ; and the Antarctic Ocean, lying round the South Pole. It is interesting to note that, if we include the Arctic and Antarctic Oceans in the others, we will have three great oceans corresponding very much in position and extent to three great land masses, viz., the Pacific to the Old World, the Atlantic to the New, and the Indian to Australia. The Atlantic Ocean is the best known division of the world of waters, for on its coasts all the civilised nations of the earth may be said to be seated. It received its name either from Mount Atlas, in Barbary, or from the fabulous island of Atlantis, supposed to have been situated in this portion of the ocean, off the Pillars of Hercules (Straits of Gibraltar). It extends from the Arctic to the Antarctic Circles, a distance of 9000 miles, and varies in breadth from 1000 to 4000 miles, covering an area of about 25 millions square miles. Its greatest depth yet ascertained is about 25.000 feet.* or nearly five miles. In its northern half the Atlantic is remarkable for the deep indentations of its coast, whicli account for its immense extent of shore. The principal of these are the Baltic, North, and Mediter- ranean Seas, on the east, and Hudson’s Bay, Gulf of St Lawrence, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean Sea, on the west. In its southern half the Atlantic coasts are comparatively free from indentation, but they are remarkable for their correspondence to each other; thus the Caribbean Sea corresponds to the opposite projection of Senegambia, and the projection of Brazil to the Gulf of Guinea. The projection at Newfoundland in the North Atlantic may also be said to correspond to the opening between Spain and In land. The principal islands in the Atlantic are Iceland, Faroe Isles, British Isles, Newfoundland, Islands of the Gulf of St Lawrence, Bermudas West India Islands, Canaries, and Cape Verd Islands, in the North Atlantic; and, in the South Atlantic, Ascension, St Helena, Falk- land Islands, and South Georgia. The Pacific Ocean, the largest of the great divisions of the water on the earth’s surface, separates America on the east from A-u and Australasia on the west. The greatest length from north to south is upwards of 9000 miles, and its greatest breadth upwards fit 10,000. Its area is estimated at from 50,000,000 to 65,000,000 square miles. It occupies about 'two-fifths of the surface of the earth ; it is considerably larger than the whole of the land ; and it contains half of all the water surface. The waters of this ocean were first seen by Yasco Nunez de Balboa, a Spaniard, who smuggled himself on board a ship in a cask, in order to join an expedition to Darien in 1510, commanded by Francisco de Enciso. He ultimately obtained supreme com- mand in the new colony, and having heard accounts of a great western ocean, in 1513 he started in search of it, and on the 25th September of the same year he first got a glimpse of it from the top of a mountain on the Isthmus of Panama. It was first crossed in 1520 by Fernando De Magellan or Magalhaens, a Portuguese, who sailed through the strait, which bears his name, between Pata- gonia and Tierra del Fuego, and reached the Philippine Islands. It was he who gave this ocean its present name, on account of the fine weather which he experienced, but subsequent voyagers have shown that the name is appropriate to only certain portions of it. The Pacific is connected with the Arctic Ocean by means of Behring Strait. Its coasts present a general similarity to those of the Atlantic. On the American side its coast is very little broken by inlets, the chief being the Gulf of California and the Bay of Panama, and it is remarkably destitute of islands ; but on the Asiatic side the coast is extremely irregular, being deeply indented by Behring Sea, the Sea of Okhotsk, Sea of Japan, Yellow Sea, China Sea, Java Sea, &c. The Pacific is studded with countless islands, many of which are of volcanic, and others of coral formation. Its archipelagoes or groups of islands form one of its distinctive features, though there are besides numerous solitary islands and reefs scattered over its immense surface. The principal island-groups will be readily dis- tinguished on the Map of the World. See also subdivisions of Oceania, on page 1 of Index to Map 1. ,The principal currents of the Pacific are described in the article “ Ocean-Currents,” in the text accompanying Map 1. The drainage received by the Pacific is insignificant, when com- pared with its immense extent. It consists on its American side of the short rivers draining the slope to the west of the Rocky * The actual measurement is 3,875 fathoms (23,250 feet). — Yoyayt of the Challenger (1877). INTRODUCTION viii Mountains and the Andes, and on its Asiatic side, of the rivers of the Chinese Empire and of Indo-Ghina. The Indian Ocean, so called from its washing the shores of the great Indian peninsula, extends from that territory to the Antarctic Ocean, and from Africa and Arabia, to the islands of Australasia, and is connected with the Pacific by the openings through the Indian Archipelago. Its greatest length and breadth^ aie each estimated at about 6000 miles, and its area at about 20,000,000 square miles. Its principal arms are the Pay of Bengal, the Aiabian Sea, Persian Gulf, and t he Red Sea. It receives the waters of many of the immense rivers of Asia, and is remarkable for its numerous islands, the largest ot which are Madagascar, east of the African continent, and Ceylon, south- east of Hindostan. The Arctic Ocean surrounds the North Pole, and is bounded towards the south by the northern shores of the two continents, and the northern limits of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. It is connected with the Atlantic by the opening between Greenland and the north-west of Europe, and by Davis Strait, and with the Pacific by Behring Strait. Its area is estimated at about four million square miles. Its branches are the White Sea and Kara Sea, in Europe; and the Gulfs of Obi and Yenisei, and other smaller inlets, in Siberia; and, in America, Baffin Bay, Davis Strait, and Hudson Bay are properly parts of this ocean, although they are generally assigned to the Atlantic. The chiet rivers it receives are the Obi, Yenisei, Lena, Indigirka, and Kolima in Asia, and the Mackenzie in America. Principal islands, New Siberia and Wrange[ in Asia, Novaia Zemlia, Spitzbergen, and the Lofoden Islands in Europe, and the Arctic Archipelago in America. The chief produc- tions of the Arctic Ocean are the whale, found chiefly near its con- fluences with the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and the bones of the mammoth, which are found in great abundance on the shores of Eastern Siberia. During winter, the region round the North Pole is covered in every direction with ice, embracing an extent ot from 3000 to 4000 miles; and even during the brief summer, which lasts only one-third of the year, the surface is always at freezing point. Immense bergs and floes of ice are continually drifting from this ocean into the Atlantic ; some of these icebergs 100 miles in le ngth, and 30 miles in diameter. Many attempts have been made to discover a passage to the Pacific along the N. shores of America. This ; Nortli-west Passage) was dis- covered by Captain McClure in 1850, who sailed out of the Pacific by Behring Strait, through Melville Sound, to Baffin's Bay, Davis Strait, and the Atlantic. Nordenskiold accomplished the Norih-east Passage around Norway and the coast of Siberia in 1878. The highest lat. reached in the Arctic Ocean is 83° 20' 26", 399j miles from the pole. 'Ilie Antarctic Ocean, or Southern Ocean, is that part of the great ocean lying around the South Pole, and, in general terms, it may be said to extend from the Antarctic Circle to the South Pole. It. has been explored, more or less satisfactorily, by various navigators, as far as 79° S. But little of if, however, is accurately known, owing to the difficulties and dangers of its navigation. Such lands within it as are accessible are valuable in connection with the whale and seal fisheries. The area within the Antarctic Circle is now known to be occupied by a continent considerably larger than Europe, covered with snow and ice. On the coast of Victoria Land, which lies beyond the parallel of 70°, two mountains have been discovered — • one, Mount Terror, 10,000 feet in height, and the other a volcano, called Mount Erebus, 12,400 feet high. The latter is believed to be the only phenomenon of the kind in either of the frigid zones. The characteristic features of this ocean have been stated to be constant fogs, baffling currents, innumerable icebergs, and magni- ficent manifestations of the aurora Australis.” ELEVATION OF THE LAND. The subject of the relief or elevation of the land of the earth has been the study of many eminent geographers. Our limits will permit only of a simple statement of the principal laws which they have discovered with regard to mountains and table-lands, or plateaus. (1.) All the continents rise gradually from the shores of the ocean towards the interior to a line of highest elevation. (2.) In all the continents this line of highest elevation is not in the centre, but towards one of the sides. As a result of this there are in each continent two slopes — a long slope and a short slope, the former of which is called the slope, and the latter the counter- slope. It necessarily follows that the slope produces long rivers, and the counter-slope short ones. This is strikingly observable ir the American continent, where the rivers flowing into the Pacific Ocean are short and rapid, while those flowing into the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans have a long and comparatively gentlt course. (3.) The greatest elevations of a continent are in the direction of its greatest length. The greatest length of the Old World is from v 7 est to east, so also is the line of its greatest elevation, beginning with the Atlas Mountains and mountains of Spain in the west, and continued by the Alps, Carpathians, and the Caucasus range to the Himalayas in the east. Again, in the New World, the greatest length of the continent is from north to south, and the line of greatest elevation begins with the Rocky Moun- tains in the north, and is extended by the Andes to Patagonia in the south. (4.) As a general rule, the elevations of the continents go on increasing from the poles to the tropical regions. Thus the highest elevation in the Old World is in the Himalayas, 27° north latitude, in the neighbourhood of the Tropic of Cancer; and the highest elevation of the New 7 World is in 32° south latitude, in the neigh- bourhood of the Tropic of Capricorn. In the words of Guyot (Earth and, Man), “ We may in this perceive one of the great compensations, one of the great harmonies of nature. The effect of this law 7 of arrangement is to temper the burning heats of the tropical regions, and to give them a variety of climate. If this order w r ere reversed, and 'the elevation of the lands went cn in- creasing towards the north, the most civilised half of the globe at the present dav would be a frozen and uninhabitable desert.” A list of the principal mountains of the world, with a diagram of heights, will be found in the descriptive text accompanying the Map of the World. WINDS. Winds vary in their rate of velocity from a few miles an hour tc 100 miles in an hour. The rate of what is called a breath of air is about 1 mile an hour, that of a strong gale 40 miles an hour, that of a storm 50 miles, and that of a hurricane 100 miles an hour. Winds are distinguished as trade-winds, periodical winds, and variable winds. The trade-winds are so-called from the service they render to navigation, since they preserve a steady course throughout the year, within 30° on each side of the equator. Their full force is felt only in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. They advance in a northerly direction from January to June, and in a southerly direction from July to December. In the Atlantic the north trade-winds prevail between latitude 9° and 30°, and the south trade-winds between latitude 4° north and 22° south. In the Pacific the north trade-winds prevail between latitude 9° and 26°, and the south trade-winds between latitude 4° north and 23|-° south. Of the periodical winds, the most important are the monsoons in the Indian Ocean, blowing from April to October from the south - west, north of the equator, and in the southern hemisphere from the south-east ; while from October to April they blow from the north-west, south of the equator, and in the northern hemisphere from the south-east. Of other periodical winds the most general are what are called land breezes and sea breezes, which prevail chiefly in tropical regions, the land breeze blowing during the night, and the sea breeze during the day. Of the variable winds, occasioned by local or temporary causes, the most important are the Simoom, a hot, poisonous wind prevail- ing in Egypt, Arabia, and other countries that border on sanay deserts; the Sirocco, another hot wind, blowing, from the Sahara or Great Desert in Africa over the south of Italy ; the Solano, a hot south-east wind in the Spanish peninsula; the Harmattan, a kind of simoom, on the west coast of Africa; the Puna Winds, dry and parching winds prevailing for four months in the year in a high barren table land in Peru, called the Puna ; the East Winds of the British Islands ; the Pise, a cold north-east wind blowing on the northern shores of the Mediterranean Sea ; the Etesian or annual winds, prevalent in summer over the Mediterranean Sea ; the Mistral, a violent north-west wind, felt especially in the south-east of France; and the Pampero, a violent dry west wind, blowing in summer from the Andes, across the pampas or plains of Buenos Ayres to the sea-coast. INTRODUCTION. ix CAUSES AFFECTING CLIMATE. The chief causes that affect the climate of a country are — (1.) Its latitude, the average heat throughout the year decreasing ! from the equator to the poles. Within the Tropics the tempera- | fcure is comparatively uniform throughout the year; in the Tem- i perate Zone the differences of temperature are very great; while in : the Frigid Zones the mean temperature is very low, the short Arctic summer being characterised by intense heat, and the long winter by excessive cold. (2.) Its elevation above the level of the sea, temperature de- creasing from the sea-level to the region of perpetual snow. (3.) Its proximity to the sea, the temperature of the sea being much more equable than that of the land. (4.) Its slope or aspect as regards the sun at noon. (5.) The character of the surrounding country, whether high or low, &c. (6.) The direction of mountain-chains. (7.) The character of the prevailing winds. (8.) The influence, of ocean-currents. - (9.) The amount of the annual rain-fall. THE DISTRIBUTION OF RAIN. The following are the principal facts in connection with the fall of rain, which varies very much in different parts of the globe : — (1.) More rain falls in the western than in the eastern hemi- sphere, the ocean being the great source from which rain is derived, and there being a greater collection of water in the western hemi- sphere than in the eastern. (2.) The amount of rain-fall annually is greatest within the tropics, and it decreases from the equator to the poles. This is owing to the fact that the process of evaporation, by which rain is produced, is much more rapid in warm countries than in those more temperate. The countries in which there is most rain are, in the Old World, ihe coasts of Guinea and Senegambia on the west of Africa, the eastern coast of Africa, India, and the islands of the Indian Archi- pelago ; and in the New World, the coasts of the Gulf of Mexico, Central America, the West India Islands, Guiana, and Brazil. (3.) Countries within ten degrees of the equator have two rainy seasons and two dry seasons, and intertropical countries beyond the tenth degree of latitude have only one rainy season and one dry season. This is accounted for by the fact that within the tropics the rain follows the sun. (4.) In India the course of the rain depends upon the monsoons, the Malabar coast having its rainy season during the northern summer, and the Coromandel coast during the northern winter (5.) Within the tropics the greatest rain-fall is in summer, and beyond the tropics in winter. (6.) Regions without rain : — In the Old World, a tract extending across Africa and Asia from 16° west to 118° east longitude, and varying in breadth from the 15th to the 47th parallel of latitude, comprising the Sahara of Africa and the deserts of Arabia, Persia, and Mongolia ; in the New World, the coast of Peru and Bolivia, lying between the Andes and the Pacific, and extending from the 4th to the 27th parallel of latitude. (7.) More rain falls on elevated regions than on plains. (8.) The side of a mountain-range, which is exposed to the sea- winds, receives more rain than the other side. (9.) The amount of rain decreases from the shore of a continent to its interior. ON THE PROGRESS OF G! From the earliest ages war between neighbouring nations and the pursuit of commerce have been the great causes which have led to geographical discovery. In modern times the love of science and a spirit of adventure have produced expeditions, both public and private, for the exploration of unknown regions. The first people who communicated to other nations a know- ledge of distant countries were the Phoenicians, whose territory skirted the eastern coasts of the Mediterranean Sea. Phoenicia consisted of several cities, each of which was an independent state. The annual amount of rain-fall in different parts of the world is shown in the following table : — Lat. Rain per Annua in Inches. Singapore, . . N. 1 16 97 Maranhao (Brazil), . . S. 2 30 280 Kandy (Ceylon), . . N. 7 20 52 Sierra Leone, 8 29 87 Attray Mullay (West Ghauts), 8 39 263 Granada, 12 7 112 Madras, 13 4 55 Mahabuleshwar (West Ghauts), 18 0 254 Bombay, 18 53 75 Calcutta, 22 35 81 Rio Janeiro, . . S. 22 54 59 Cherrapoonjee (Khasia Mts.), . N. 45 14 600 Lisbon, .... 38 42 27 Washington (U.S.), 38 54 41 Pekin, .... 39 54 27 Coimbra (Portugal), 40 12 118 Rome, .... 41 54 31 Paris, .... 48 50 22 Plymouth, 50 23 37 London, 51 31 24 Yuma and Gila Deserts, Cal. (U. S.), 33 4 Washington Territory (U. S.), 47 80 Gulf of Mexico (coast), Max. (U. S.), 30 64 Atlantic Coast (U. S.), . 48 Copenhagen, 55 40 18 Edinburgh, 55 57 24 Sitka (U. S.), 57 34 90 St. Petersburg, . 59 56 17 Bergen (Norway), 60 24 89 THE SNOW LINE. The snow-line is the elevation below which all the snow that falls in the year melts during summer. , The following are the heights of the snow-line in different parts : — N. Lat. Feet. Spitsbergen (Europe), 78 0 Mt. Sulitelma, Lapland, . 67 3,835 Kamtschatka (Asia), 59* 5,249 Unalaslika (N. America), 56b 3,510 Altai Mts. (Asia), 50 7,034 Alps (Europe), 46 8,885 Caucasus Mts. (Asia), 43 11,063 Pyrenees (Europe), 43 8,950 Pocky Mts. (N. America), 43 12,467 North side of Himalayas (Asia), . 29 19,560 South side of Himalayas, 28 15,500 Abyssinian Mts. (Africa), 13 14,065 Mt. Purace (Andes, S. America), 21 S Lat. 15,381 Nevados of Quito, 0 15,820 Arequipa (Bolivia), 16 17,717 Paachata (Bolivia), 18 20,079 Portillo (Chili), . 33 14,713 Cordilleras (Chili), 42£ 6,010 Magellan Strait, . 53* 3,707 ^GRAPHICAL DISCOVERY. Of these the more important were Sidon and Tyre, the lattei of which, in the reign of Hiram, its second king, acquired suprem icy over the others, and became the greatest commercial city in the ancient world. Hiram was an ally of the Jewish king, Solomon in whose navy ‘ he sent his servants, shipmen, that had knowledge of the sea, with the servants of Solomon. And they came to < )phir (supposed to have been the general name of the eastern coast of Africa and other countries round the western branches of tic In lion Ocean'), 'and fetched from thence gold.’ . . ‘great plenty of X INTEODUCTIO N. almug-trees, and precious stones ’ .... and ‘ the king ’ (Solomon), ‘ had at sea a navy of Tharshish. with the navy of Hiram : once in three years came the navy of Tharshish, bringing gold, and silver, ivory, and apes, and peacocks.’ — 1 Kings ix. and x. Previous to 800 B.C., or the age of the Greek poet Homer, the Phoenicians had formed commercial establishments along the coast of Asia Minor and the shores of the Black Sea. Sailing westwards, they had occupied the chief islands of the Mediterranean, and had founded colonies along the northern coast of Africa. Continuing their course of commercial enterprise, they planted colonies in the south-west of Spain (the ancient Tharshish), passed the Straits of Gibraltar (the ancient Pillars of Hercules, the national deity of the Tyrians), and penetrated to the British Islands and the coasts of the North Sea, carrying back with them to the great cities of Sidon and Tyre the tin of Cornwall, and amber from the coasts of Prussia. Of all their colonies the most important were those on the north coast of Africa, the city of Carthage, founded about 900 B.C., rivalling Tyre itself in wealth and prosperity. Carthaginian navi- gators are believed to have visited the island of Madeira and the Canary Islands, and to have sailed as far south along the western coast of Africa as Cape Blanco. During the seventh century B.C., they are said to have circumnavigated Africa, having entered the Indian Ocean by the Bed Sea, and returned to Egypt by the Straits of Gibraltar, after an absence of three years. Herodotus, the oldest Greek historian (born at Halicarnassus 484 B.C.), hence called ‘ The Father of History,’ may also be styled ‘ The Father of Geography,’ for in his history of the wars between the Greeks and Persians we find an account of the geographical knowledge of his time. Having himself travelled for about 1700 miles from east to west, and nearly as far from north to south, his statements are the more to be relied upon, and from them we gather that the world, as then known, was bounded on the south by the Indian Ocean, on the west by the Atlantic, on the north by the Baltic Sea, and on the east by the eastern limits of Persia. The ancient Persians, averse to the sea, turned their attention to conquest by land, carrying their arms to the north and east, and conquering portions of India, from which country so many precious articles had previously been brought as to excite the cupidity of western nations ; but it was left to Alexander the Great of Macedon (between 336 and 323 B.o.) to open up to Europeans the road to India, and give them the first glimpses of the magnificence and splendour which had dazzled their imagination for two thousand years. While Alexander was carrying his arms to the banks of the Indus and Oxus, Pytlreas, a Greek navigator, of the Grecian colony at Marseilles, sailed past Spain and Gaul, now France, through the English Channel, and round the east coast of England, into the Northern Ocean, where, after six days’ sailing, he reached Thule (supposed to be Iceland or the Shetland Isles), and, on his return, passed into the Baltic. The Persian Empire having been subverted by Alexander the Great, the dominions of the latter were in their turn overrun by the Romans, who were more remarkable for their conquests than for their maritime discovery or encouragement of trade. The Roman Empire may be said to have included all the countries be- tween the Euphrates and the Atlantic. In Europe it extended ' from Spain on the west to the rivers Rhine and Danube. It in- cluded part of Britain, which was for the first time circumnavigated by the Roman general, Agricola, in 84 A.D., and it was during this voyage that the Orkney Islands were discovered. Ireland was known to the Romans only by name. In the north-west of Europe, the countries on the Baltic Sea were little known to the Romans, who seem to have considered Norway, Sweden, and Finland as islands of the German Ocean. In Africa they occupied the territories formerly belonging to the Egyptians and Phoenicians, embracing the whole of the northern coast, and extending southwards to the desert. India became known to them after their conquest of Egy pt, but they were chiefly acquainted with only its western coast and with Ceylon, Malacca, and Sumatra. Great service was done to geographical knowledge by a survey of the Roman Empire, begun by Julius Caesar and completed by the Emperor Augustus. The Historia Naturalis of Pliny (23-79 A.D.), gives an admirable compendium of the geographical know- ledge of his time. He had travelled in Spain, Gaul, Germany, and Africa, and in the work he has left he notices the Arctic regions, Scandinavia, Mount Atlas, the course of the river Niger in Africa, and various settlements in the north of that continent. He also declares Ceylon to be an island, although it was previously supposed to be the commencement of a new continent. Geographical study in ancient times may be said to have terminated with Claudius Ptolemseus, a celebrated astronomer and geographer of Egypt dur- ing the second century. His great work on geography, in eight books, continued to be regarded as the most perfect system of the science down to the fifteenth century. During the ninth century two Arabian travellers penetrated A China, and Arabian geographers had their knowledge of Asia and Africa considerably extended. In the same century Alfred, King of England, sent a present to the shrine of St Thomas, near Madras, on the Coromandel coast of India. The Crusades of the eleventh and twelfth centuries served greatly to extend European geographical knowledge. The existence of the great empire of Cathay or China was further reported by two friars who had been despatched to the east by Pope Innocent IV. about the middle of the thirteenth century, but it was reserved for Marco Polo, a Venetian, before the end of the same century, to astonish Europeans by the discovery of about one half of Asia. He was the first to notice Japan, the great plain of W. Siberia, the Spice Islands, &c. The further history of discovery in Asia is contained in the following notes : — - 16th century. The coasts of the Malayan Peninsula, Siam and Cochin China explored by T the Portuguese, who also dis- covered the Philippine Islands, Celebes, New Guinea, and others. 1598. The river Yenisei discovered by the Russians. 1 640. The river Lena discovered by them. 1644. The Middle Amoor and Lower Amoor discovered by the Russians. 1648. The river and Gulf of Anadyr and Behring Strait discovered by the Russians. 1696. Kamtschatka annexed by Peter the Great of Russia. 1711. The islands of New Siberia discovered. 1741. Behring crosses to America. During the eighteenth century the greater part of the interior of China was explored by the Jesuits, and since then Russian influ- ence has been largely extended over the northern portions of that empire. Investigations into the interior of the other countries of Asia are still being conducted by officers of the British army and by other explorers. Progress of Discovery in America . — The first Europeans who visited America were the Scandinavians, v ho colonised Iceland in 875 a.d., Greenland in 983, and about the year 1000, had dis- covered North America, as far south as the present State of Massa- chusetts. But it was not known to Southern Europe until the lattei part of the fifteenth century, when it was discovered by accident during a voyage in quest of a westerly route to India and China In 1492 Columbus, a Genoese, set out on a voyage of discovery under the patronage of the crown of Spain. He made in all four voyages. His discoveries and those of subsequent explorers are given in chronological order in the following table : — 1492. One of the Bahama Islands, Cuba, and Hayti, discovered by Columbus. 1493-4. Dominica, Guadaloupe, and Jamaica, discovered by Co- lumbus. 1497. Newfoundland and portions of the adjacent continent dis- covered by John Cabot. 1498. Trinidad and the opposite mainland discovered by Columbus. 1499. The Bay of Paria, and hundreds of miles along the coast, explored by Amerigo Vespacci, a Florentine (from whom America was called), in an expedition under the Spanish admiral Hojeda. | 1500. The coast of Labrador, and the entrance to the Gulf of St Lawrence, explored by two Portuguese brothers called Cortereal. 1502. Central America, from Honduras southwards, and South America, from the mouths of the Orinoco to the island of Margarita, explored by Columbus. 1508. The river St Lawrence discovered by Aubert. 1512. Florida discovered by Ponce de Leon. 1513. The Pacific Ocean descried by Balbao. 1514 from 1500. The Eastern coast of South America, from the Orinoco to 40° S. lat., explored by Pinzon and Solis. INTRODUCTION. xi 1519. Magellan, a Portuguese, passed through the straits that bear his name, and was the first to circumnavigate the globe. 1521. Mexico conquered by the Spaniards. 1534. The river St Lawrence explored by Jacques Cartier as far as Montreal. 1535. Buenos Ayres founded by the Spaniards. 1539. Florida explored by Fernando de Soto. 1540. Peru conquered by the Spaniards. The river Amazon explored from its source to its mouth by Orellana. 1540-60. The continent explored by the Spaniards from the south of Chili to the Gulf of California. 1576-78. Frobisher discovered the strait that bears his name. 1578. Upper California discovered by Drake, an English navigator. 1585-88. John Davis sailed up the strait which bears his name as far as 72° north. 1610. Henry Hudson discovered what are called Hudson Strait and Hudson Bay. The passage round Cape Horn discovered by Schouten, a Dutch navigator. 1616. Lemaire, a Dutchman, passed through the strait bearing his name, between Staten Land and Tierra del Fuego. Bylot and Baffin sailed up Davis Strait. Beaching 78° north, and discovering no outlet, they called this part of the sea Baffin Bay. They also discovered on the west Lancaster Sound. 1631. Fox and James discovered Fox Channel, the northern outlet to Hudson Bay. 1682. The river Mississippi descended by the French. 1741-46. Various expeditions ; no outlet discovered from the north-west of Hudson Bay. 1771 Hearne proceeded from Hudson Bay to the mouth of the Coppermine Biver. 1789. Alexander Mackenzie reached the mouth of the river that bears his name. 1793. Mackenzie passed through the territory now called British Columbia to the Pacific Ocean. 1818. Boss and Parry ascended Lancaster Sound for thirty miles. Boss abandoned farther search. 1819. Parry entered Lancaster Sound and discovered a large inlet thirty miles broad, which he called Prince Begent Inlet. Having returned, and continuing west, he passed through a strait which he called Barrow Strait, after Sir John Barrow, the promoter of the expedition, and ultimately reached 110° West in Melville Sound. 1821-23. Parry unsuccessfully attempted to determine whether the Fox Channel was connected with the Arctic Sea of his previous voyage. Th.e coast traced from Behring Strait to Point Turnagain in long. 109° W. >*'- 1829. Boss sails up Prince Begent Inlet, and reaches a point only 200 miles from Point Turnagain, and discovers the mag- netic pole. 1838. Dease and Simpson extend the survey from Point Turnagain to within 90 miles of the magnetic pole. 1845. Expedition of Sir John Franklin, who is believed to have sailed up Baffin Bay, through Lancaster Sound, and south through the channel) separating Prince of Wales Island from North Somerset and Boothia Felix, where his ships became fast in the ice. The crews perished in their attempt to reach the mainland. 1850. Collinson and M'Clure, in search of Franklin, sail from Behring Strait, and become fixed in the ice in Melville Sound, 60 miles west of Barrow Strait. 1852 Belcher sent out to the assistance of the previous expedition, reaches Melville Sound by Lancaster Sound and Barrow Strait. Both expeditions return b;y Baffin Bay. M'Clure was thus the first to go from Behring Strait to Baffin’s Bay, and so discovered The North-West Passage. 1850-53. Kane’s Expedition. 1800-69 Hayes’s Expedition, to lat. 81° 35'. 1860-64—71. Hall’s Expedition. 1878-80. Schwat- ka’s Expedition. Returning with the relics of the Franklin 1860-82. party. 1879-82. Jeannette, under De Long. Vessel crushed in the ice June 13th, 1881, in about lat. 77° N. and Ion. about 155° E. E'juploration on the African coast is due chiefly to the Portuguese, who received information from the Moors. At the beginning of the 15th century, they had sailed no further than Cape Nun, but by its termination they had reached the Cape of Good Hope, havmg discovered in succession Cape Bojador in 141 5, the Canaries and Madeiras in 1418, Cape Blanco in 1441, the Senegal and Cape Verd in 1446, the Azores in 1448, Cape Verd Islands in 1449, Sierra Leone and the Guinea Coast in 1463, the Congo or Zaire Biver in 1484, and the Cape of Good Hope in 1486. By the end of the same century Vasco de Gama had explored (1497-99) the whole of the eastern coast from Natal to Magadoxo in 20° N. lat., the remainder having previously been explored by the Arabs. During the sixteenth century may be noticed the travels of Leo Africanus through Barbary and Sahara to Abyssinia, and the visit of the Portuguese to Monomotapa, then a powerful state nea. Mozambique. In the seventeenth century trade was established with Timbuctoo ; a French colony was established (1662) on the Senegal ; various unsuccessful attempts were made to reach the Niger, both from the Gambia and the Senegal ; and a colony, now abandoned, was founded in Upper Guinea in 1683. 18 th and 19 tli centuries. 1768-71. Bruce sailed up the Nile to Assouan, crossed the desert to Gondar, the capital of Abyssinia, and discovered the sources of what was then supposed to be the main stream of the Nile. 1795-1806. The Niger traced by Mungo Park from Bammakoo to Boussa. 1802-5. Lichtenstein travelled in the district north of the Cape of Good Hope, and was the first to give an account of the Betchuana Tribe. 1814. Burckhardt travelled through the Nubian Desert to the Bed Sea. ■ 1822. The upper course of the Niger explored by Major Laing. 1822-5. Denham and Clapperton travelled from Tripoli to Sokoto, and on their way discovered Lake Chad. 1826. Major Laing crossed the Sahara from Tripoli to Timbuctoo. 1830. The lower course of the Niger to the sea explored by Lander. 1848. Mt Kilinia Njaro discovered by Bebmann in East Central Africa. 1849. Lake Ngami discovered by Livingstone. 1849-55. Barth explores from Tripoli in the north to the kingdom of Fumbina, in Soudan, in the south, and from the neigh- bouring kingdom of Bagirmi in the east to Timbuctoo in the west, a district extending over 24° of latitude and 20° of longitude, upwards of 12,000 miles. 1853-6. Livingstone crosses South Africa from the Zambesi to the Congo, and thence to Loando, the capital of Angola, re- crossing it on his return by Linyanti (lat. 18° 17' S., and long. 23° 50' E.), the capital of the Makololos, and along the banks of the Zambesi to Quilimane on the Indian - Ocean. 1857. Lake Tanganyika discovered by Burton and Speke. 1858. The Victoria Nyanza discovered by Speke. 1859. Livingstone ascends the Biver Shire, a tributary of the Zam- besi, and discovers Lake Nyassa. 1863. Great Lake, west of Albert Nyanza, reported by Carlo Piaggia. 1864. The Albert Nyanza discovered by Baker. 1866-71. Livingstone ascends the Biver Bovuma, crosses the out- let of Lake Nyanza, discovers Lakes Liemba, Moero, and Bangweolo (11° S. lat ) , and explores that region. D. 1873. 1871-72 1 Stanley explores the Congo river and the Lualaba, establishes 1874-77 j their identity, and crosses Central Africa from the Iudian Ocean to the Atlantic coast. Exploration in Australasia. — It is considered probable that the island of Australia was known to the Chinese long before it had been visited by any European explorer. The following is a record of the principal incidents in connection with discovery and settle- ment in Australia and the neighbour ing islands : — o o 1511. Papua or New Guinea discovered by the Portuguese. 1567. The Solomon Isles discovered by Mendana, a Spaniard. 1595. The Santa Cruz Isles do. do. The New Hebrides visited by Quiros. 1606. The north coast of Australia descried by the Dutch., who called it New Holland, and also by a Spanish expedition, one of the commanders of which gave his name to Torres Straits. 1619. The west coast of Australia descried. 1622. The south-west coast of Australia seen. 1642. The island of Tasmania discovered by Tasman, a Dutchman. INTRODUCTION. x.ii 1643. The Feejee Islands seen by Tasman. 1697. Swan River discovered by Vlaining. 1699. New Britain discovered by Dampier. 1767. New Ireland discovered by Carteret. 1769. New Zealand circumnavigated by Captain Cook. 1770. The east coast of Australia explored by do. 1774. The New Hebrides so named by Cook. See 1595. New Caledonia discovered by Cook. 1788. New South Wales established. 1790. Norfolk Island made a settlement for the mutineers of ‘ The Bounty.’ 1791. Chatham Isles discovered by Lieutenant Broughton. 1798. Bass, a surgeon in the navy, sailed through the strait that bears his name, and ascertained the separation of Tasmania from Australia. 1800. The south-eastern coast of Australia surveyed by Grant. 1802. The south-western and north-eastern of Australia coasts sur- veyed by Flinders. 1806. The Auckland Isles discovered by Captain Bristow. 1825. Tasmania established as a colony. It was formerly called Van Diemen’s Land in honour of the then governor of Dutch India. 1827. The Feejee Islands explored. 1829. Swan River or Western Australia established. 1834. South Australia established. 1841. New Zealand established. 1845. Sturt penetrates to the centre of the island of Australia, and reports it a vast lifeless waste. 1847. Leichhardt, after having journeyed from New South Wales to Port Essington in North Australia, started to cross the continent from Queensland to Western Australia, and has not since been heard of. 1851. The colony of Victoria established. 1853. New Caledonia taken possession of by France. 1858. The north-western parts of South Australia explored by John M‘Douall Stuart. 1859. Queensland, formerly called Moreton Bay, established. 1861. Burke and Wills, having started from Melbourne, reached the Gulf of Carpentaria, being the first who crossed Australia from sea to sea. They never returned. 1862. After repeated failures Stuart succeeds in reaching the Indian Ocean at Van Diemen’s Gulf, having started from South Australia. Exploration in Polynesia , — 1521. The Ladrones or ‘ robber islands,’ by Magelhaens. They were afterwards called Mariana in honour of the Queen of Philip IV. of Spain. 1595. The Marquesas by Mendana, a Spaniard, named in honoui of the Marquis Mendoza, the Spanish governor of Peru. 1606. The Society Islands by Quiros, but named by Captain Cook in honour of the Royal Society. 1643. Tonga Isles by Tasman, after-wards called the Friendly Islands by Cook, who visited them in 1773 and 1777. 1686. The Carolines by Lazeano, a Spaniard, and named aftei Charles II. of Spain. 1696. The Pelew Isles. 1767. Pitcairn Island by Carteret. 1768. Navigator Isles by Bougainville, a Frenchman. 1778. Sandwich Islands by Captain Cook. 1788. Marshall and Gilbert Islands named after their respective explorers. Antarctic Expeditions. 1772-75. Captain Cook crossed the Antarctic Circle, and pene- trated to lat. 71° 10' south. 1821. Bellinghausen, a Russian navigator, discovered Alexander’s Land and Peter’s Land. 1823. Captain Weddell reached lat. 74° 15' South. 1831. Enderby Land discovered by Captain Biscoe. 1839. Sabrina Land discovered by Ballenv in the sealing-schooner “ Eliza Scott,” from New Zealand. 1840. An Antarctic Continent discovered by a United States expedi- tion under Captain Wilkes A line of coast on the Antarctic Circle discovered by a French expedition under D’Urville. 1841-43. Victoria Land discovered by Captain Ross, and the coast traced from lat. 71° to 78° 10' south, the highest southern latitude ever reached. SEALS OF THE STATES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RHODE ISLAND. DELAWARE. SOUTH CAROLINA. CONNECTICUT. NEW YORK. NEW JERSEY. PENNSVL VANIA. MARYLAND. VIRGINIA. SEALS OF THE STATES, (Continued.) OHIO. MICHIGAN. INDIANA. ILLINOIS. MISSOURI. IOWA. KANSAS CALIFORNIA. NEVADA. COLORADO. JELL’S DESCRIPTIVE SAND-ATLAS OP THE WORLD MAP OP THE WORLD ON SIR JOHN HERSCHEL’S PROJECTION. This Map of the World has been constructed on Sir John Herschel’s new projection, because it exhibits more clearly the relative proportions and positions of the various Continents, and more especially as it allows the Oceans to be seen in their unbroken extent, which is of great conse- quence in illustrating the courses of the currents, and the routes of the Ocean Steamers. The repetition of the Continents of Asia and America allows the Pacific Ocean to be seen entire, and the communication with China and the East may be traced from our ports either by the western route via Panama and San Francisco, or by the eastern via the Mediter- ranean Sea or the Cape of Good Hope, in either case the route being shown upon the Map without a break. The general features of the Globe are represented on this Map, both political and physical, and the,, accompanying letterpress is intended to give further information in the form of statistical tabulated lists of all the principal Countries throughout the World, their Capitals with distance from New York — -Sea Ports, Foreign Possessions, Ocean Steamer Pontes, Mountains, and Eivers, with descriptive articles on the Ocean Currents, Races of Man, Religions, Climate, and Lines of Telegraph. THE GREAT DIVISIONS OF THE EARTH. THE GREAT DIVISIONS OF THE WATERS. Statute Square Miles. Population. North America 8,215,000 70,151,654 South America 7,980,720 27,040,000 Europe 3,805,000 314,957,969 Asia 15,742,000 806,702,689 Africa 11,630,000 80,000,000 Oceania 4,500,000 27,850,000 Total 51,872,720 1,326,702,312 Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Indian Ocean Arctic Ocean Antarctic Ocean area about 25 million square miles. „ 50 do. „ 20 do. ,, 4 do. „ 8 do. PRINCIPAL COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD CLASSIFIED ALPHABETICALLY UNDER THEIR RESPECTIVE CONTINENTS, SHOWING THEIR POPULATION AND CAPITAL CITY WITH ITS AIR-LINE DISTANCE FROM NEW YORK IN STATUTE MILES. J NORTH AMERICA. Name of Country. Capital City. Air-line Distance from New York. 1 British America 1 Central America includes Ottawa 450 Guatemala Guatemala . 2070 San Salvador S. Salvador 2090 Honduras Comayagua . 1980 Nicaragua Managua 2100 Costa Rica San Jose 2210 1 Greenland Mexico Mexico 2100 United States Washington Ter. of Alaska Sitka 2900 West India Islands . SOUTH AMERICA. 1 Argentine Republic Buenos Ayres 5260 Brazil Rio Janeiro 4800 Bolivia Sucre 4150 Colombia or New Granada Bogota 2500 Chili Santiago 5100 Ecuador Quito 2880 Guiana . . 1 Georgetown, Paramaribo ) and Cayenne . J 2530 Paraguay Asuncion 4650 Peru . Lima 3650 Uruguay Monte Video . 5270 \ knezuela . Caraccas 2110 Andorra Austria and Hungary Belgium Bulgaria . Denmark . France Germany Great Britain and Ireland Greece Holland Italy Liechtenstein Monaco I Montenegro i Portugal . Rocmania . j Russia in Europe . . San Marino Servia Spain Sweden and Norway | Switzerland r Turkey in Europe . Less — Transcaucasian provinces of Russia Totals of Europe EUROPE IN 1882 Andorra Vienna Brussels Philippopolis Copenhagen Paris Berlin London Athens Amsterdam Rome Liechtenstein Monaco Cetigne Lisbon Bucharest . St. Petersburg San Marino Belgrade Madrid Stockholm and Christiana Berne Constantinople 4280 3640 3820 3600 3960 3450 4910 4260 3350 4280 3550 3900 & 3650 38SO 4980 Population of Country. 3,860,790 900.000 600.000 375.000 400.000 150.000 10,000 9,089,254 50,152.866 30.140 3,822,653 1.465.000 11,058,000 1,987,352 2,794,473 2,084,945 1.032.000 300,306 1.500.000 2.865.000 387,421 1.565.000 12,000 37,129.968 5.336,185 1.859.000 1.940.000 36.905,788 42,727.360 34,862,566 1,679,775 3,865,456 28,209,620 8,320 3.127 318.740 4,057,538 5.290.000 78,281.417 7,080 1.719,522 16,625.860 6,338,763 2.753.854 5.026.000 314,957,969 Name of Country Afghanistan . Anam . Arabia Beloochistan Bur.mah Chinese Empire India . Japan Persia Russia in Asia Siam Turkestan (Western) Turkestan (Eastern) Tu rkky in Asia Algeria Abyssinia Cape Colony Egypt Guinea Marocco Natal Nubia Sahara Soudan Senegambia . Tripoli & Tunis Madagascar . ASIA. Capital City. Cabool Hue Kdlat Mandalay Pekin Calcutta Yedo Teheran Tobolsk Bangkok Bokhara Yarkand AFRICA. Algiers Gondar Cape Town . Cairo Sierra Leone Marocco Pietermaritzburg Khartum Murzuk l'imbuctoo . Bathurst Tripoli, Tunis Antananarivo ! Air-line Distance | from New York. 6720 8570 6400 6950 8050 6850 7900 6750 6100 5230 8680 6300 6630 5030 4000 6650 7750 5580 4310 3640 8160 6340 4900 4450 3900 4620 Population of Country. 10,000,000 15,0011,00(1 12,000,000 600.000 4.000. 000 429,000,000 150.767, Sol 37.000. 000 10 . 000 . 00(1 8,070(000 6 . 000 . 000 4,000,000 2,500.00(1 16.403,00(1 2,999,184 3,00(1.000 506,155 7.465.000 10 , 000.000 8.500.000 193.103 500,000 1.500.000 25,000,000 9,000.000 2.150.000 4.700 000 4,000,000 New South Wales Victoria Queensland . South Australia West Australia Tasmania New Zealand OCEANIA, subdivided into 1. Melanesia or Australasia, comprises Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania. Paim i, New Caledonia, New Hebrides, &e., pop. 3,000,000. Australia contains Sydney . . j 10.000 475.574 Melbourne . . 10,330 1 710.274 Brisbane . . 9,700 107,427 Adelaide . . 10,620 [ 1 7(7298 ' Perth . . 11,600 I 21,713 Hobart Town . 10.300 100,706 j Wellington . . 8,900 , 226.618 2. Malaysia or the Indian Archipelago embraces the numerous Islands extending from Further India to Australia, the principal of which are Sumatra, Java, Timor, Borneo, Celebes, Philippines, &c., pop. 23,000,000. 3. Micronesia embraces various groups of small Islands lying to the north 0 !' the ! Equator, the principal of which are the Sandwich and Caroline Islands, pop. 500,000. , 4. Polynesia, also called the South Sea Islands, embraces the numeious Islands in 1 the South Pacific, the principal of which are the Feeiee, Society, and Low Island* I 310,957 : 9B9j^ pop. 600,000. j 2 MAP OF THE WORLD. PRINCIPAL SEA-PORTS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD, WITH THEIR AIR-LINE DISTANCE FROM NEW YORK, IN STATUTE MILES. Country Dist from Nance of Port. New York! situate. Acapulco Mexico 2,240 Adelaide South Australia 10,620 Akyab India 8,130 Alexandria Egypt 5,460 Algiers N. Africa 4,000 Alicant Spain 3,750 Amoy China 7,850 Amsterdam Netherlands 3,620 Ancona Italy 4,250 Antwerp Belgium 3,600 Archangel Russia 4,350 Arica Peru 4,100 Aspinwall (Colon) Cent. Ameriea 2,200 Astrakhan Russia 5,400 Athens Greece 4,910 Auckland New Zealand 8,800 Bahia Brazil 4,300 Baltimore United States 170 Bangkok Siam 8,680 Barcelona Spain 3,780 Batavia Ind. Archipelago 10,040 Bathurst W. Africa 3,900 Belfast Ireland 3,170 Belize Central America 1,830 Bergen Norway 3,490 Beyrout Turkey in Asia 5,600 Bombay India 7,780 Bordeaux France 3,580 Boston United States 192 Boulogne France 3,530 Bourbon I. Indian Ocean 9,130 Bremen Germany 3,670 Bridgetown, Bar- bauoes W. Indies 2,070 Brisbane Queensland 9,700 Bristol England 3,350 Buenos Ayres Argentine Rep. 5,260 Bushire Persia 6,460 Cadiz Spain 3,540 Calcutta India 7,900 Calicut India 8,300 Callao Peru 3,650 Canton China 8,000 Cape Coast Castle W. Africa 5,080 Cape Ifaytien W. Indies 1,450 Cape i’own S. Africa 7,750 Cartagena Cayenne Colombia 2,100 Guiana 2,820 Charleston United States 637 Christiania Norway 3,650 Cobija Bolivia 4,280 ColQmbo Ceylon 8.820 Colon (Aspinwall) Central America 2,200 Concepcion Chili 5,330 Constautiople Turkey 4,980 Copen hagen Denmark • 3,820 Coquimbo Chili 4,850 Cork Ireland 3,100 Curnana Venezuela 2,180 Dantzic Prussia 4,100 Name of Port. Country In which situate. Dist. from New York. Dieppe France. 8,530 Dord recht Netherlands 3,600 Dublin Ireland 3,170 Dundee Scotland 3,250 Dunkirk France 3,550 Elbing Prussia 4,120 Emden Prussia 3,660 Foo-chow China 7,700 Freemantle Freetown, Sierra W. Australia 11,770 Leone W. Africa 4,310 Funchal Madeira I. 3,100 Galatz (Danube) Galle, Point de Geelong Genoa Turkey Ceylon Australia Italy 4,750 8,850 10,400 4,000 Georgetown (De- ni erara) Guiana 2,530 Gibraltar Spain 3,600 Glasgow Gombroon, or Bun- der Abbas Scotland 3,230 Persia 6,780 Gottenburg Sweden 3,750 Greenock Scotland 3,210 Guayaquil Ecuador 2,980 Hakodadi Japan 6,320 Halifax Nova Scotia 570 Hamburg Germany 3,780 Havana West Indies 1,350 Havre France 3,490 Hobart Town Tasmania 10,300 Hong ICong China 8,030 Honolulu Sandwich Islands 4,920 Hue Anam 8,570 Hull England 3,400 Iquique Peru 4,180 James Town St. Helena 5,780 Jidda Arabia 6,370 Kanagawa (Yoko- hama) Japan 6,800 Kiel Prussia 3,750 Kingston Jamaica (W. Indies) 1,570 Konigsberg Prussia 4,140 Kurrachee India 7,200 Lagos W. Africa 5,230 La Guayra Venezuela 2,100 Leghorn Italy 4,090 Leith Scotland 3,270 Lisbon Portugal 3,340 Liverpool England 3,320 London England 3,450 Lii beck Germany 3,800 Lyttleton New Zealand 9,020 Madras India 8,350 Country Dist from Name of Port. in which New York, situate. Malaga Spain 3,610 Manila Philippine Is. 8,500 Maracaybo Venezuela 2,050 Marannao Brazil 3,510 Marsala Italy 4,390 Mauritius I. Indian Ocean 9,200 Marseilles France 3,880 Masulipatam India 8,170 Matamoras Mexico 1,700 Matanzas West Indies 1,320 Mazatlan Mexico 2,280 Melbourne Australia 10,330 Memel Prussia 4,130 Messina Italy 4,540 Mobile United States 1,048 Mocha Arabia 6,940 Mogadore N. Africa 3,500 Mohammerah Persia 6,250 Monrovia W. Africa 4,550 Monte Video La Plata 5,270 Montreal Canada 330 Moulmein India 8,430 Mozambique E. Africa 8,100 Muscat Arabia 7,000 Nagasaki Japan 7,100 Nantes France 3,480 Naples Italy 4,320 Nassau W. Indies 1,100 Newcastle England 3,330 New Orleans United States 1,167 New Y r ork United States — Ning-Po China 7,440 Odessa Russia 4,800 Omoa Central America 2,010 Oporto Portugal 3,300 Ostend Belgium 3,570 Otago New Zealand 9,280 Palermo Italy 4,400 Panama Central America 2,200 Para Brazil 3,310 Paramaribo Guiana 2,670 Patras Greece 4,810 Penang India 9,220 Pernambuco Brazil 4,130 Philadelphia United States 82 Port au Prince W. Indies 1,520 Port Elizabeth S. Africa 8,100 Portland United States 281 Port Natal S. Africa 8,200 Porto Grande C. Verde Is. 3,500 Quebec Canada 440 Quillimane E. Africa 8,050 Rangoon India 8,400 Realejo Central America 2,100 Revel Russia 4,100 Riga Russia 4,180 Rio Grande Brazil 5,200 Rio Janeiro Brazil 4,800 Name of Port. vTuvh Dist. from snLte Rostock Germany 3,830 Rotterdam Netherlands 3.600 St. Denis Bourbon 9,140 St. John New Brunswick 508 St. Johns Newfoundland 1,115 St. Louis Mauritius 9,210 St. Louis W. Africa 3,800 St. Nazaire France 3,460 St. Paul de Loando W. Africa 6,400 St. Petersburg St. Philip de Ben- Russia 4,280 guela W. Africa 6,580 St. Thomas W. Indies 1,640 Saloniki Turkey 4,740 San Francisco United States 2,568 S. Domingo W. Indies 1.550 San Juan San Juan, or Grey W. Indies 1,610 Town Central America 2,140 Santa Cruz Canary Is. 3.200 Santos Brazil 4,770 Savannah United States 713 Scanderoon Turkey in Asia 5,470 Setubal Portugal 3,370 Shanghae China 7.460 Sierra Leone W. Africa 4,31C Simoda Japan 6,800 Singapore IndianArehipelago 9,540 Sourabaya ■ Indian do. 10,320 Southampton England 3,400 Smyrna Turkey in Asia 5,020 Stettin Prussia 3,970 Stockholm Sweden 3,890 Stralsund Prussia 3,870 Suez Egypt 5,650 Swatow China 7,910 Sydney New South Wales 10,000 Syra Greece 4,970 Taganrog Russia 5,050 Tampico Mexico 1,900 Tranquebar India 8,480 Trebizond Turkey in Asia 5,400 Trieste Austria 4.190 Trincomalee Ceylon 8,670 Tripoli N. Africa 4,600 Truxillo Central America 1,850 Truxillo Peru 3,400 Tunis N. Africa 4,300 Valdivia Chili 5.510 Valetta Malta 4,520 Valparaiso Chili 5,070 Venice Italy 4,130 Vera Cruz Mexico 1,990 Victoria Vancouver’s Island 2,460 Wellington New Zealand 8,900 Wismar Germany 3,810 Yedo Japan 6,750 Yslay Peru 3,990 Zanzibar E. Africa 7,650 THE PRINCIPAL OCEAN-STEAMER ROUTES FROM UNITED STATES PORTS, WITH DISTANCES IN NAUTICAL OR GEOGRAPHICAL MILES. Nsw York to Boston . , Nautical Miles. 295 New York to Bombay via Suez . Nautical Miles. 8,154 San Francisco to Honolulu Nautical Miles. . 2.040 Philadelphia 240 Galle (Ceylon) ,, 8,724 9,179 Shanghae via Honolulu . . 6,260 I Charleston 638 Madras ,, Canton „ . 7,040 1 Havana . . . . 1,280 Calcutta , , 9,939 Singapore ,, . 7,960 1 Mobile . 1,570 Singapore 10,218 Melbourne „ . 6,970 1 1 New Orleans . . 1,680 Shanghae ,, 12,525 Sydnev „ . 6.460 New Orleans via Havana . 2,280 Pekin ,, 13,253 Auckland ,, . 5,820 Vera Cruz . 1,956 Nagasaki ,, 12,985 Calcutta ,, . 9,610 Aspinwall or Colon . . 2,060 Yokohama ,, 13.565 San Juan . 2,080 Mel bourne , , 13,294 New Orleans to Boston . 1,900 San Francisco via Panama . . 5,380 Sydney ,, 13,854 Philadelphia . 1.6S0 San Francisco via San Juan , 4,910 Auckland ,, 15,062 Charleston . 1,225 Sau Francisco via Cape Horn . 12,720 Otago ,, 14.402 Havana . 625 Honolulu via Panama . 6,630 Cape Good Hope 6,730 Galveston 400 Rio Janeiro . . 4,700 Mauritius via Cape of Good Hope 9,112 Vera Cruz 815 Buenos Ayres . 6,850 Melbourne ,, 12,670 Aspinwall . 1,350 Cape Horn . 6,990 Sydney , , 13,230 Liverpool . 4,530 Valparaiso . 7,540 Auckland 14,490 St. Petersburg . . 6,110 Liverpool . 3,046 Canton ,, 18,218 Constantinople . . 6.150 Havre . 3,088 Canton via Panama . 11,675 Calcutta via Suez . 11,110 ■St. Petersburg . 4,5S8 Canton via Cape Horn 16.530 Rio Janeiro . 5,100 Port Said (Suez Canal) Suez .... . 5,033 . 5,182 San Francisco to Yokohama 4,500 Valparaiso . . Quebec . . 9,930 . 4,700 MAP OF THE WORLD.’ 3 THE PRINCIPAL OCEAN-STEAMER ROUTES FROM BRITISH PORTS, WITH DISTANCES IN NAUTICAL OR GEOGRAPHICAL MILES, AND THE AVERAGE TIME IN DAYS— From England to the East— India, China, Japan, and Australia by Overland Route. o Gibraltar .... Miles fr. Eng. Days fr. Eng. 1,151 5 Malta .... 2,132 9 Alexandria .... 2,951 13 Suez .... 3,203 15 Aden .... 4,511 21 India, Bombay . 6,175 30 „ Galle, (Ceylon) . 6,645 32 ,, Madras 7,190 36 ,, Calcutta 7,960 7,858 40 ,, Penang 38 ,, Singapore . 8,239 40 China, Hong Kor.g 9,676 49 ,, Shanghae 10,546 54 ,, Pekin 11,273 59 Japan, Nagasaki . 11,016 60 „ Yokohama, (Yedo) . • 11,586 65 Australia. King George’s Sound . . 9,975 46 ,, Melbourne 11,315 51 „ Sydney 11,875 55 New Zealand, Auckland . 13,083 62 „ Otago 12,423 58 be shortened 4 days by the Continental route from London to Mar- seilles ( via Paris), and thence to Alexandria in 9 days instead of 13 as in the above via j Gibraltar. » ROUTES TO THE EAST BY THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. Southampton to Cape of Good Hope Natal Miles fr. Eng. Days fr. Eng. 5,780 38 6,610 44 Southampton to Mauritius . ,, India, Madras „ ,, Calcutta ,, Australia, Melbourne „ ,, Sydney „ New Zealand, Otago „ ,, Auckland Homeward Route, Melbourne to Liverpool by Cape Horn Miles fr. Eng. DayB fr. Eng. ROUTES TO THE WEST— Liverpool to New York ,, Quebec . Southampton to St. Thomas (W. Indies) „ Jamaica do. ,, Colon or Aspinwall (Central America) ,, Panama do. ,, Callao (S. America) ,, Valparaiso do. ,, Demerara do. Bahia (Brazil) ,, Rio Janeiro do. ,, Buenos Ayres (La Plata) ,, San Francisco (by Panama) Victoria, British Columbia (by Panama) ,, Wellington, New Zealand do. ,, Yokohama, Japan do. ,, Shanghae, China do. 8,162 53 13,000 66 13,770 69 11,720 60 12,280 64 13,040 70 13,540 72 13,200 67 America. s fr Eng Days fr. Eng. 3,046 10 2,634 10 3,630 14 4,340 17 4,890 19 4,937 20 6,330 29 7,730 39 4,460 20 4,408 22J 5,140 26 6,178 31 8,190 35 8,950 42 11,400 48 12,710 56 13,745 61 DIAGRAM OF THE PRINCIPAL MOUNTAINS OF THE WORLD. Feet Feet 5o,oeo-, -25000 -20000 15.000-1 REFERENCE. America. Burop.e. Height in feet above the Sea Level. 1 Aconcagua (Audes), . . . 23,910 2 Chimborazo (Volcano, Andes)* . 21,420 3 Antisani (Volcano, Audes), . - 19,132 4 Cotopaxi (Volcano, Andes), . . 18,875 5 Mount St. Elias (Rocky Mts.), . 17,900 6 Popocatepetl (Volcano, Mexico), . 17,720 7 Wbitney (U. S.)* . . . 15,068 8 Mount Washington (White Mts.), . 6,285 1 Mont Blanc (Alps), . . . 15,777 2 Monte Rosa (Alps), . . . 15,206 3 Pyrenees, . . . .11,168 4 Etna (Volcano), . . . 10,784 5 Apennines (Gran Sasso or Monte Corno), 9,521 6 Dovrefeld (Norway), . . . 7,620 7 Ben Nevis (Scotland), Height in feet above the Sea Level. . 4,406 8 Vesuvius (Italy) (Volcano), . . 3,948 9 Snowdon (Wales), 3,571 1 Mount Everest (Himalaya Range), . 29,002 2 Kunchinjinga (Ditto), . 28,178 3 Dhawalagiri (Ditto). . 28,080 4 Demavend (Persia), . 15,000 5 Bolor Tagh (Central Asia), . 19,000 6 Elburz (Caucasus Range), . 18,493 7 Kuen-Lun (Tibet), . 18,000 8 Ararat, .... . 17,230 9 Altai Mountains (Central Asia), . . 10,300 10 Lebanon, .... . 12,000 11 Sinai, . 8,160 * About 50 peaks exist in Colorado, United States, over 14,000 feet above sea level, Mt. Blanca, the Africa. 1 Kilimandiaro, 2 Abyssinian Mountains, 3 Camaroons, . 4 Atlas Mountains, 5 Table Mountain, Height in feet above the Sea Level. . 21,000 . 15,000 . 13,129 . 11,000 . 3,760 Oceania. 1 Mount Kassoumbo (Sumatra), . 15,000 2 Mount Kini Balu (Borneo). • 13,698 3 Mowna Keo (Volcano, Sandwich Is.), 13,950 4 Mount Cook (New Zealand), 13,200 5 Mount Erebus (Volcano. Victoria L.), 12,367 6 Mount Egmont( Volcano, New Zealand), 8.2.0 7 Mount Hotham (Australia), . 7,500 8 Mount Kosciusko (Ditto), . 7,285 highest, being 14,434 feet. PRINCIPAL RIVERS OF THE WORLD. Name of Length in River. miles. America. Mississippi and ) 4,300 Missouri ) Amazon 4,000 Mackenzie 2,300 La Plata and Parana 2,400 St. Lawrence 2,150 Rio Grande del Norte 1,800 Orinoco 1,200 Columbia 1,200 Colorado 1,100 Name of Length in River. miles. Ohio 975 Potomac 550 Susquehanna 500 Hudson 300 Europe. Vo'ga Danube 2,400 1,725 Dnieper 1,230 Don 9L5 Dwina 980 Name of Length in River. miles. Rhine 800 Loire 600 Vistula 590 Rhone 580 Elbe 550 Tagus 540 Seine - 470 Thames 215 Asia. Yang-tze-kiang 3,450 Name ot Length in River. miles. Yenesei 3,400 Obi 3,000 Hoang-Ho 2,700 Amoor 2,640 Lena 2.550 Mekong 1,900 Indus 1,800 Euphrates 1,800 Ganges 1,514 Ii rawadi 1,100 f As identified with the Lualaba (Livingstone). Length unknown. Name of Length fci River. mijca. Africa. Nile 2,500 Niger 3.500 Zambesi 2.400 Senegal 1,900 Congo 1.600 Orange 1,270 Gambia 560 Australia. Murray and Darling 1,500 Yarra Yarra 110 4 MAP OF THE WORLD. OCEAN CURRENTS. Thf. Ocean Currents, indicated on the map by blue shaded lines, result from the unequal temperature of the Ocean, and from its consequent con- stant tendency to equalization by the circulation of its waters, which is thus effected by three great fundamental streams — an Equatorial, an Arctic, and an Antarctic, the first of warm, and the last two of cold water, and the direction is shown on the map by plain arrows for the cold currents, and by winged arrows for the warm. The normal direction of both Po- lar Streams, in consequence of the revolution of our planet, is oblique, and towards the Equator. The Antarctic Current, encountering for many degrees little interruption from land, thus deflects gradually more and more to the eastward till about the 40th parallel, where it coincides with the warm currents of the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans flowing directly east. In the South Pacific it strikes the S. W. shores of South America, and there, in concentrated power, divides into two arms, the one following the coast northwards under the well-known name of Humboldt's or Peru- vian Current; the other preserving more its easterly direction, doubles Cape Horn (Cape Horn Current ), and crossing the S. Atlantic, forms on the S. W. shores of Africa a northward flowing current, analogous to the Peru- vian. Australia is not reached by any part of this stream. Polio wing the same laws, but constrained by the formation of the land into narrower chan- nels, the Arctic Ocean sends southward the immense volume of cold water known as the Greenland and Labrador Currents, coursing the coasts of these countries, and bearing a freight of icebergs as far south as the 40tli parallel, whence it flows under the Gulf Stream and along the coasts of the United States ; also the Behring Current, of much smaller volume, through the straits of the same name. The utmost boundaries of the ice- drifts are shown on the map by dotted lines. The Equatorial Stream is divided according to the distribution of land and water into three parts, the Atlantic, the Pacific, and the Indian Currents . — The Atlantic Equate rial Current divides into two branches. One flows southward (the Bra- zilian Current) as far as the Straits of Magellan; the other, sweeping across the Atlantic, flows through the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico at the rate of from 30 to 70 miles a-day, whence it issues as the Gulf Stream, whose heated waters (86° Fahr.) pass the Straits of Florida at the rate oi 80 miles per day. This celebrated current traverses the Atlantic, sending one offshoot (the N. African Current) southward, while the main volume, overlapping the southern part of the Labrador Current, traverses the N. Atlantic, sweeps along the shores of Europe, and enters the Arctic Ocean. — The Pacific Equatorial Current, corresponding in its principal features to that of the Atlantic, sends its main 'volume, the Kuro-Siwo or Japan Current, in a north-easterly and easterly direction along the shores of J apan, the Aleutian Islands, and makes a circuit of the N. Pacific, while a smaller branch (the East Australian Current) deflects southward as far as Macquarie Island and Lat. 55°. As with the Gulf Stream in the Atlantic, 30 is the Kuro-Siwo separated from the coasts of the continent of Asia by a southward-flowing current of cold water, the Okhotsk Current. — The Indian Equatorial Current, under the names of the Malabar and Mo- zambique Currents, flows west and south across the Indian Ocean and through Mozambique Channel, forms the Agulhas or Cape Current, then bending suddenly eastwards it retrogrades on the 40th parallel, forms the South Australian Current, and finally amalgamates with the East Austra- lian. — In the vast space of still water caused by the revolving of the waters on the FT. Atlantic, is the Sargasso Sea, an immense tract, thickly matted with sea-weed, and also a receptacle for drift wood. In the N. Pacific and South Seas a similar phenomenon is observed, though less markedly. RACES OF MAN. Diagram No. 1 illustrates the geographical distribution of the Human Family according to its principal varieties. There are five primary races, the Caucasian, the Mongolian, the Ethiopian or Negro, the Malay, and the American. The Caucasian, the most highly developed and most civilized of all the races of mankind, embraces — 1. The Indo-European, which occupies S. -Western Asia, the greater part of Europe, the United States of N. America, and ' the Britisli colonies, comprising Hindoos, Per- sians, Caucasians proper, Slavonians, Teutons, Celts, &c. 2. The Syro- Arabic, occupying Arabia and N. Africa, and comprises Syrians, Arabs, Nubians, Copts, Berbers, and Moors. 3. The Indo-European mixed races, comprising the Mexicans, Peruvians, and Brazilians. The estimated num- ber of the Caucasian race is 626i millions. — -The Mongolian occupies the whole of Asia except the S.-Western parts, extending also along the northern parts of Europe and America, and embraces, in Asia, the Chinese, Indo-Chinese, Tibetans, Japanese, Mongols, Turks, Tungusians, Koriaks, Kamtchatdales, Chukchees, Yukagiri, and Samoides ; in Europe the Finns or Ugrians, and Lapps, and the Esquimaux in America and Greenland. Their estimated number is 460^ millions. — The Malay or Brown Pace inhabits Malaysia or the East Indian Archipelago, Madagascar, and the Isles of the Pacific. They include the Malays proper, the Hawaians, Tahitians, and the Maoris. Estimated number, 36 millions.— The Ethiopian or Negro Pace inhabits the greater part of Africa, and comprises the Jollofs, Man- dingoes, Ashantees, Tibboos, Gallas, Congo Negroes, Makololos, Hottentots, Kaffirs, &c. 2. The Papuan Negroes inhabit Papua or New Guinea, and New Caledonia. 3. The Australians. Estimated munber of the whole Negro Race, 129 millions.— The American Aboriginal or Red Pace still occupy immense tracts of N. and S. America, embracing many families from the Chippeways of the North to the Patagonians and Fuegians of the extreme South. Estimated number, 14 or 15 millions. CLIMATE. Diagram No. 2 shows the climates of the Earth by Isothermals, or lines of equal temperature, which are respectively drawn through all places having the same mean annual temperature, as indicated at the sides in degrees of Fahrenheit. For convenience the divisions, the Torrid, the North and South Temperate, and the North and South Frigid Zones, are here adopted, and are distinguished by colour. RELIGIONS. Diagram No. 3 illustrates the distribution of the principal classes of mankind according to religious belief, and the accompanying Table shows the approximate numbers attributed to each : — 1. Christians, Protestant Sects, ..... 100,000,000 Roman Catholic, ..... 200,000,000 Greek and other Oriental Churches, . . . 80,000,000 2. Jews, ...... 3. Mohammedans, ..... 4. Heathens, comprising Buddhists, Brakminists, &c., Being the total population of the Globe, 8,333,000 160,000,000 660,000,000 1,208,333,000 There are probably upwards of 1,100 different creeds among man kind. i * * * * & TELEGRAPHS. i he great Telegraphs of the Earth are — 1. The Atlantic Telegraphs be- tween Ireland and Newfoundland, length, 1,987 statute miles. There were in 1882 five lines of cable connecting Europe with the U. S. — 2. 'The Cuban Line , from Havana, Cuba, to Key West, Florida, thence through connec- tions to all parts of the Union. — o. The Anglo-Indian, from Constantinople, in connection with the network of European telegraphs, by Diurbekir, Basra, the Persian Gulf, Muskat, Kurrachee, Bombay, Madras, and Cal- cutta, as far as Rangoon in Further India, from whence it is now extended to China and Australia The communication to the East is also open by the Mediterranean bine from Genoa, Cagliari, Malta, Tripoli, Ben- gasi, Alexandria, and Diarbekir. — 4. The Siberian or Russian-Asiatic Line, from Kazan in Russia, which is connected with the European system through Mascow and St. Petersburg, extends eastward by Omsk and Irkutsk as far as Kiachta on the Mongolian frontier, and thence by the Amoor Val- ley to Nikolaevsk. This line lias several projected branches — 1. From Ka- zan southward to Astrakhan, Teheran, and to Bushire ; 2. From Omsk south- ward to Bokhara, Balk, Cabool, and the Punjab j 3. From Kiachta to Pekin- and southward probably to Canton by another company, and reaching Aus- | tralia by the Philippine Islands and New Guinea ; 4. From the Amoor south- ward to Vladiovostok ; 5. From the mouth of the Amoor, through the Japan Isles, to Yedo. — G. The Collins Overland Line, partly completed, but now, however, abandoned, connecting the Siberian Line with North America by Behring Strait and British Columbia. Thence the communication through other connecting lines is complete to all the cities of the United States, thus girding the entire globe between the 46th and 65th parallel : if this line is ever completed, it will form an unbroken line of 19,000 miles in length. MAP OF NORTH AMERICA North America, one of the great land masses of the globe, only ex- ceeded in area by Asia and Africa, extends from the narrow isthmus of Panama, by which it is united to South America, northward toward the 1'ole The continental portion terminates by the Boothia Peninsula at latitude 71°50'iS T , and an extensive archipelago extends thence to an unknown distance nearer the Pole. The total length from Panama to Boothia Point is 5,200 miles. The continent extends from Cape Charles, in longitude 55° 30' W, to Alaska Peninsula, 163° W, a distance of about 4,350 miles. On the eastern side adjoin immense insular exten- sions — West Indies, Newfoundland, Greenland, Iceland, &c., the lattei reaching to the 13th meridian of W longitude. The area of tide immense continent can only he roughly estimated, probably about 8,000,000 square miles, or more than twice that of Europe, or more than «gr . r « s *te-^ 3 'oT V / J X **8 \r e' vTj r* // h§ i /o ] L s — rf ■ T.EUwoocL Zell, Fhiladel-pMa MAP OP THE UNITED STATES OE NORTH AMERICA The United States op North America, a Federal Republic, occupies the middle portions of the Continent between the parallels of 25° 50' N and 49° N, and between 66° 55' W to 124° 40' W longitude, thus ex- tending through 23° of latitude and 57° of longitude. It is on the same latitudes as Central Europe and the Northern States of Africa. Length from Coast of Maine to Cape Flattery in Washington, 2,820 miles ; from Cape Flattery to Cape Sable in Florida, 2,864 miles; breadth from the 49th parallel to BrownsvHle 'on the Rio Grande, 1,597 miles. The area exceeds three million square miles, or about one-fifth less than Europe, or 25 times that of the British Isles. The Republic stands at the head of the civilisation, wealth, and commerce of the Western World, and ranks with the first-class powers of Europe. It consists of 38 Stales, and the District of Columbia, in which is situated Washington, the capital City, and 10 territories, including Alaska. The total population exceeds that of the British Isles by about one-fourth, giving an average den- sity of 12'6 per square mile, and only in two States of the Union does it exceed that of Scotland, namely, Massachusetts, with 186'8 per square mile, and Rhode Island, with 1664 per square mile. Scale of Map 188 miles to an inch, one square inch representing 42 times the area of one square inch on Map of England. TABLE OF STATES AND TERRITORIES. Note. — The figures in parenthesis after the names indicate the date of admission as States, and for the Territories the date of organisation. The 13 original States of the Union are indicated by an * ; the former slaveholding states by a + ; and such as confederated in the rebellion of 1861 by two |f. States. 1. * Massachusetts (1788) 2. Maine (1820), 3. * Connecticut (1788), 4. * New Hampshire (1788), 5. Vermont (1791), 6. * Rhode Island (1790), I. Total of the New ) England States, j 7. * New York (1788), 8. * Pennsylvania (1787), 9. +* Maryland (1788), 10. * New Jersey (1787), 11. f* Delaware (1787), 12. f Dist. of Columbia (1790), II. Total of Middle \ States. j 13. ft* Virginia (1788), 14. f West Virginia (1863), 15. ft* Georgia (1788), 16. ft* North Carolina (1789), 17. tt* South Carolina (1788), 18. ft Florida (1845), III. Total of South- ) eastern States. J 19. f Kentucky (1792), 20. ft Tennessee (1796), 21. ft Alabama (1817), 22. if Mississippi (1817), 23. |t Louisiana (1812), 24. ft Texas (1845). 25. ft Arkansas (1836), IV. Total of South- ern States. Area, Pop. Pop. Pop. Capital. Refer- sq. m. 1870. sq. m. 1880. ence. 7,800 1,457.351 186.8 1,783,012 Boston, M b 26. 35,000 626,915 17.9 648,945 Augusta, N a 27. 4,750 537.454 113.2 622,685 Hartford, M b 28. 9,280 318,300 34.3 346,984 Concord, Montpelier, M b 29. 10,212 330,551 32.4 332.286 M b 30. 1,306 217,353 166.4 276,528 Providence, M b 31. 32. 68.348 3,487,924 51.0 4,010,438 33. 34. 35. 36. 47,000 4,382,759 93.2 5,083,810 4,282,786 Albany, L b 46,000 3,521,791 76.6 Harrisburg, L b 11,124 780,894 70.1 934,632 Annapolis, L c 8,320 906,096 108.9 1,130,983 146,654 Trenton, M b 2,120 125,015 59 Dover, L c 55 131,700 177,638 Washington, L c 37. 38. 39. 114,619 9,848,255 85.9 10,644,233 38,352 1,225,163 31.9 1,512,806 Richmond, L c 23,000 442,014 19.2 618,443 Wheeling, I< c 58,000 1.1S4,109 20.1 1,539,048 Atlanta, Raleigh, K d 40. 50,704 34,000 1,071,361 11.1 1.400,047 L c 41. 705,606 20.7 995,622 Columbia, It d 42. 59,268 187,748 3.2 267,351 Tallahassee, It e 43. 44. 263,324 4,816,001 18.2 6,333,317 45. 46. 47. 48. 37,680 1,321,011 37.7 1,648,708 Frankfort, I c 45,600 1,258,520 27.6 1,542,463 Nashville, I c 50,722 996,992 19.6 1,262,794 Montgomery, I d 47,156 827,922 17.5 1,131,592 Jackson, I cl 41,346 726,915 17.5 940,103 New Orleans, H d 274.356 818,579 3 1,592.574 Austin, G d 52,198 484,450 9.2 802,564 Little Rock, H d 549,058 6,434,389 10.8 8,920,798 States. Area, sq. m. Pop. 1870. Pop. sq. m. Pop. 1880. Ohio (1802), Illinois (1818), Indiana (1816), f Missouri (1812), Wisconsin (1848), Michigan (1837), Iowa (1846), Minnesota (1858), Kansas (1861), f Nebraska (1867), Colorado (1876), 39,964 55,410 33,809 65,350 53,924 56,451 55,045 83,531 81,318 75,995 104,500 2,665,260 2,539,891 1,680,637 1,721,295 1,054,670 1,184,059 1,191.792 439,706 364,399 122,993 39,864 66.7 46.2 48.8 26.2 19.6 21 21.6 5.3 4.5 1.2 0.3 3,198,239 3,078,769 1,978,362 2,168,804 1,315,480 1.636,331 1,624,620 780,806 995.966 452,433 194,649 V. Total of North- 1 Western States. J - 705,297 13,004,566 21.6 17,424,459 California (1850), Oregon (1859), Nevada (1864), 188,981 95,274 112,090 560,247 90,923 42,491 3 0.9 0.4 864.686 174,767 62,265 VI. Total of Pacific States. [■ 396,345 693,661 1.75 1,101,718 f New Mexico (1850), f Utah (1850), Washington (1853), Dakota (1863), Arizona (1863), Idaho (1863), Wyoming (1868), Montana (1863), Indian Territory, 121,201 84.476 69.994 150,932 113,916 86,294 97,883 143,776 68,991 91,874 86,786 23,955 14,181 9,658 14,999 9,118 20,595 118,430 143,906 75,120 135,180 40,441 32,611 20,788 39,157 Total of Territories, 937,463 271,166 0.4 605,633 Total of the United ) States, j - 3,044,454 38,555,983 12.6 50,152,866 § Territory of Alaska, 577,390 30,146 Total, 3,621,844 Capital. Refer- ence Columbus, K b Springfield, I 1> Indianapolis, I c Jefferson City, H c Madison, I b Lansing, K b Des Moines, II b St. Paul, II a Topeka, G c Lincoln, G b Denver, E c Sacramento, B • Salem, B b Carson City, C e Santa Fe, E d Salt Lake City, D « Olympia, B a Yankton, F a Prescott, G li Bois6 City, C b Cheyenne, G b Helena, D a Tahde-quah, G c Washington. Sitka. § Alaska ceded by Russia by treaty 20th June, 1867 (See Map of North Amei ica) -J TOWNS, ETC. Aberdeen, Mississippi I d Albany, Georgia K d Altoona, Pennsylvania L b Ashland, Wisconsin H % Abingdon, Virginia K c Albany, Cap. of Alvarez, Cuba K f Asilo del Rosario, Mexico E ! Abiqui, New Mexico E c State, New York M b Americus, Georgia K d Aspalaya, Florida I d Abtar, Mexico D d Albany, . Oregon B b Angelos, Los, California C d Aspen, Fort, Wyoming E b Acaponeta, Mexico E f Albuquerque, New Mexico E c Animas, Colorado E c Astoria, Oregon B a Adamsville, Florida K e Alexander, Fort, Montana E a Annapolis, Cap. of Atchison, Kansas G c Adrian, Michigan K b Alexandria, Louisiana H d State, Maryland L c Athens, Arkansas II c \ftOl., Iowa H b Alexandria, Virginia L 0 Ann Arbor, Michigan K b Athens, Texas G d Agency, Washington B a Algona, Iowa H b Appalaehicola, Florida I e Athens, Ohio K c Agua Caliente, California O d Allegheny City, Pennsylvania K b Arbuclde, Fort, Indian Territory G d Athens, Georgia K a Aguanueva, Mexico F e Alligator, Florida K d Arcadia, Louisiana H d Atkinson, Fort, Kansas F c Agnas C.ilientes, Mexico F f Alpena, Michigan K a Arispe, Mexico E d Atlanta, Cap of State, Georgia K d Aguayo, Mexico G f Altamira, Mexico G f Arivaca, Arizona D a Atlantic City, New Jersey M 0 A kron, Ohio K b Altar, Mexico D d Arizona City, Arizona D d Atotonilco, Mexico F e Alamos, Mexico E e Alton, Illinois H c Asheville, North Carolina K c Atseua Otie Florida K • 2 MAP OF UNITED STATES OF NORTH AMERICA. Aubiey Fort, Kansas F c 1 Canby, Fort, New Mexico E c Aubry, City, Arizona D d Canon City, Colorado E c Auburn, Oregon C b Canon City, Oregon C b Auburn, New York L b Canton, Mississippi I cl Augusta, Florida K e Canton, Ohio K b Augusta, Georgia K d Cape Vincent, New York L 1) Augusta, Cap. of State, Maine N b Cardenas, Cuba K f Augusta, Mississippi I d Carlyle. Illinois I c Aurora, California C c Camesville, Georgia K d Aurora, Illinois I b Carrizo, Texas G e Austin, Nevada C c Carrolton, Mississippi 1 d Austin, Cap. of State, Texas G d Carson City, Cap. Nevada C c Austin, Wisconsin H b Carthage, Missouri H c Bahia Honda, Cuba K f Castonuela, Mexico F e Bainbridge, Georgia K d Castroville, Texas G e Bajorca, Mexico D e Catherine, Nebraska G b Balmr City, Oregon C b Cathlamet, Washington B a Baltimore, Maryland L c Catorce, Mexico F f Bangor, Maine N b Catskiil, New York M b Bannock City , Montana D b Cavallo, Fort, Texas G e Bapispe, Mexico E d Cayote, Kansas F c Baracoa, Cuba M f Cedar, Utah D c Barnesville, Georgia K d Cedar Rapids, Iowa H b Bascom, Fort, New Mexico F c Centres ville, Nevada C b Bastrop, Louisiana H d Centreville, Idaho C b Batavano, Cuba K f Chadbourne, Fort, Texas G d Batesville, Arkansas H c Charcas, Mexico F f Bath, Maine N b Charles City, Maryland L c Baton Rouge, Louisiana H d Charles City, Virginia L c Bayan, Mexico F e Charleston, South Carolina L d Bayard, Fort, New Mexico E d Charleston, Cap. Bay City, Michigan K b of State, West Virginia K c Bayfield, Wisconsin FI a Charlotte, North Carolina K c Baymenal, Mexico E e Charlottsville, Virginia L c Beaufort, North Carolina L d Chattanooga, Tennessee K c Beaufort, South Carolina K d ( heraw, South Carolina K d Beaumont, Texas H d Cheyenne City, Cap. Beaver, Utah D c of Territory, Wyoming F b Beaver Bay, Minnesota H a Chicago, Illinois I b Belen, New Mexico E d Chihuahua, Mexico E e Belknap, Fort, Texas G d Chillicothe, Missouri H c Belleville, Illinois 1 c Ohillicothe, Ohio K c Bellingham, Washington B a- Chippewa, Wisconsin II a Belmont, Nevada C c Cianovi, Mexico E e Beloit, Wisconsin I b Cienego, New Mexico E d Belton, South Carolina K d Cienfuegos, Cuba K f Belton, Texas G d Cinaloa, Mexico E e Benicia, California B c Cincinnati, Ohio K c Benton, Fort, Montana D a Cineo Senores, Mexico F e Bents, Fort, Colorado F c City of Rocks, Idaho D b Berimejo, Nueva, Cuba IC f Clark, Fort, Dakota F a Bernailil, New Mexico E c Clarksburg, West Virginia IC c Berthold, Fort, Dakota F a Clarkesville, Texas G d Betton, South Carolina K d Clayton, Georgia IC d Binghampton, New York L b Clearfield, Pennsylvania L b Bismarck, Missouri H c Cleveland, Ohio K b Blakely, Alabama I d Cleveland, Tennessee K c Bloomington, Illinois I b Clinton, Louisiana H d Blossburg, Pennsylvania L b Clinton, Arkansas H c Blountsville, Alabama I d Cocuspera, Mexico D d Boisee City, Cap. of Coffeeville, Mississippi I d Territory, Idaho C b Colorado City, Colorado F c Boisee, Fort, Idaho C b Columbia, • Arkansas H d Bolanos, Mexico F f Columbia, Louisiana H d Bolivar, Mississippi H d Columbia, Cap. of Boonesboro, Iowa Id b State, South Carolina IC d Boor.ville, Arkansas H c Columbia, Tennessee 1 c Bosquezito, New Mexico E d Columbia, Texas G e Boston, Cap. Columbiana, Alabama I d of State, Massachusetts M b Columbus, Florida IC d Boston, Texas H d Colum bus, Georgia IC cl Bostrap, Texas G d Columbus, Kentucky 1 c Bowling Green, Kentucky 1 c Columbus, Mississippi 1 d Brackett, Texas F e Columbus, Cap. of State, Ohio K c Branchville, South Carolina K d Columbus, Texas G e Brashear, Louisiana H e Colville, Fort, Washington C a Brazito, New Mexico E d Conception, Mexico E e Brazoria, Texas G e Concord, Cap. of Breckinridge, Minnesota G a State, New Hampshire M b Brenham, Texas G d Condersport, Pennsylvania L b Bridger, Fort, Utah D b Copper Harbour, Michigan 1 a Brigham City, Utah D b Coosawhatchie, South Carolina 1C d Bristol, Virginia K c Corizal, Mexico E d Brooke, Fort, Florida IC e Corpus Christi, Texas G e Brooklyn, New York M b Corry, Pennsylvania L b Brownsville, Texas G e Corsicana, Texas G d Bruceport, Washington B a Corunna, Michigan 1C b Brunswick, Georgia K d Cosala, Mexico E f Brunswick, Missouri H c Cosihniriache, Mexico E e Bryan, Wyoming D b Council Bluffs, Iowa G b Buchanan, Fort, Arizona D d Covington, Kentucky IC c Buena Vista, Mexico F e Covington, Virginia IC c Bull'alo, New York L b Crawfords ville, Iudiana I b Burkeville, Virginia L c Crescent City, California B d Burkesville, Kentucky 1 c Crestline, Ohio IC b Burlington, Iowa II b Culiacan, Mexico E e Burlington, Vermont M b Cumberland, Maryland L c Burnet, Texas G d Cuthbert, Georgia 1C d Byona, Fort, Oregon C b Dallas, Oregon B a Cababi, Arizona D d Dallas, Texas G d Caborca, Mexico D d Dalton, Georgia K d Cahawba, Alabama I d Danville, Illinois I b Cairo, Illinois I c Danville, Virginia L c Calamiguel, Lower California L) e Darien, Georgia IC cl Calais, Maine N a Davenport, Iowa H b Calhoun, Arkansas 11 d Davis, California B b Call ville. Nevada D c Davis, Fort, Texas F d Camargo, Mexico G e Dayton, Colorado E c Cambridge, Massachusetts M b Dayton, Ohio K c Camden, NewJer8cy M c Decatur, Georgia IC d Camdon, South Carolina K d Decatur, Alabama I cl Camden, Arkansas 11 d Decatur, Illinois I c Cameron, Texas G d Decatur, Nebraska G b lamp Lancaster, Texas F d Decatur, Texas G d Delta Mississippi H d Gem City, Nevada C Demopolis, Alabama I d Geneva, Minnesota H £ Denver City, Cap. of Geneva, New York L b Territory, Colorado F c Georgetown, Dist. of Columbia L c De Saut, or Rio San Domingo, Arizona E d Georgetown, South Carolina L d Deseret City, Utah D c Gettysburg, Pennsylvania L c Des Moines, Cap. of Gibson, Fort, Indian Territory G c State, Iowa H b Gila, Arizona D d Detroit, Michigan K b Gilman, Illinois I b Detroit, Minnesota G a Gilroy, California B c Diamond, Montana D a Golden City, Colorado E c Dixon, Illinois I b Goldsboro, North Carolina L c Doaksville, Indian Terr. G d Grafton, West Virginia K c Dodge, Fort, Iowa H b Graham, Fort, Texas G d Dogtown, California B b Grand City, Colorado E b Dona Ana, New Mexico E d Grand Gulf, Mississippi H d Donahlsonville, Louisiana H d Grand Haven, Michigan I b Doniphan, Missouri H c Grand Portage, Minnesota I a Dover, Arkansas H c Grand Rapids, Michigan 1 b Dover, Maine N a Grange, California B c Dover, Tennessee I c Grants ville, Utah D b Dover, Cap. of State, Delaware L c Great Salt Lake City, Dresden, Tennessee I c Cap. of Territory, Utah D b Drummond, Virginia L c Green Bay. Wisconsin I b Dublin, Georgia K d Greensboro, North Carolina K c Dubuque, Iowa H h Greenville, Alabama 1 d Duluth, Minnesota H a Greenville, North Carolina L c Duncan, Michigan K a Greenville, Tennessee K c Duncan, Fort, Texas F e Greenville, Pennsylvania K b Dungeness, New, Washington B a Greka, California B b Dunkirk, New York' L b Grenada, Mississippi 1 d Durango, Mexico F f Guadalcazar, Mexico F f Duval, Texas G e Guadalupe, Mexico E e Eagle Pass, Mexico F e Guadalupe, California B d Eagle Rock, Idaho D b Guajuquilla, Mexico F e Eastport, Maine N b Guanajay, Cuba K f Easton, Pennsylvania L b Guanatamo, Puerto, Cuba L f East Saginaw, Michigan K b G uana vaco, Cuba K f Eatonton, Georgia K d Guarisamey, Mexico E f Edinburgh, Texas G e Guaymas, Mexico D e Egan, Nevada D c Guntersville, Alabama I d Elko, Nevada C b Hagerstown, Maryland L c Eldorado, Kansas G c Hall, Fort, Idaho D b Eldorado Nevada D c Hamilton, Nevada C c Elk City, Idaho D a Hamilton, Ohio K c Elk Falls, Kansas G c Hancock, Idaho D b Elkton, Oregon B b Hannibal, Missouri H 0 Ellensburg, Oregon B b Harper’s Ferry, Virginia L c Elmira, New York L b Harrisburg, Cap. of El Paso del Norte, Mexico E d State, Pennsylvania L l El Vado de Piedras, New Mexico F c Harrisburg, Texas G • Empire City, Oregon B b Harrisonburg, Virginia L e Emporia, Kansas G c Harrodsburg, Kentucky I c Erie, Pennsylvania K b Hartford, Cap. of Escadon, Mexico G f State, Connecticut M b Esconawba, Michigan I a Hastings, Minnesota H b Esmeralda, Idaho D b Havana, or Havamiah (Span. Espinosa, California B c Habana), Cap. of Cuba K i Estill ville. Virginia K c Havilah, California C c Euchee Anna, Florida 1 d Hays, Kansas G c Eufala, Alabama K d Helena, Texas G e Eugene City, Oregon B b Helena, Arkansas H d Eureka, Arizona D d Helena City, Montana D a Evansville, Indiana I c Henderson, Texas H d Ewell, Fort, Texas G e Hermosilla, Colorado F c Fall River City, Massachusetts M b Hermosillo (Pitic), Mexico D e Fargo, Dakota G a Hickmans Ferry, Louisiana H d Farmerville, Louisiana H d Iiicksford, Virginia L c Fayetteville, Arkansas II c Hiko, Nevada D c Fayetteville, North Carolina L c Hi 11s Wo, North Carolina L c Fayetteville, Tennessee 1 c Hillsboro, Texas G d Fernaudina, Florida K d Holguin, Cuba L f Fernando de Nuevitas, Cuba L f H olladay, Idaho D b Fillmore City, Utah D c Holly Springs, Mississippi I d Florence, Alabama I cl Holmes, Fort, Indian Territory G c Florence, Idaho D a Hopkinsville, Kentucky I c Florence, South Carolina L d Hornellsville, New York L b Fond du Lac, Wisconsin I b Houlton, Maine N a Fort Garry, Manitoba G a Houston, Texas G 0 Forsyth, Missouri H c Hoyas, Mexico G f Fort William, Dominion of Canada I a Hudson, New York M b Fountain City, Colorado F c Huerta, Mexico E e Fra Cristobal, New Mexico E d Humboldt, California B b Frankfort, Cap.’of Humboldt, Kansas G c State, Kentucky K c Huntingdon, Tennessee I c Franklin, Louisiana li e Huntsville, Texas G d Franklin, Missouri H e Huntsville, Alabama I d Franklin, North Carolina K c Ibex, Montana F a Franklin, Texas E d Idaho City, Idaho D b Franks Town, Colorado F c Independence, Missouri H c Franktown, Nevada C c Indianapolis, Cap. of F rederick, Maryland L c State, Indiana I c Fredericksburg, Virginia L c ludianola, Texas G e Frederickstown, Texas G d Inge Fort, Texas G e Frederick Town, Missouri II c lone, Nevada C c Freeport, Illinois ,1 b Iowa City, Iowa H b Fremont, California B c Iron City, Kentucky I c Fremont, Nebraska G b Ironton, Ohio K. c Fresnillo, Mexico F f Isletu, New Mexico E d Friars Point, Mississippi LI d Isletta, Texas E d Frouteras, Mexico E d Ithaca, New York E b Fulton, Arkansas H d Jaeksboro. Texas G d Fulton, Illinois I b Jackson, Michigan K b Gaines, Fort, Georgia I d Jackson, Cap. of State. Mississippi H d Gainesville, Alabama I d Jackson, Tennessee I c Gainesville, Georgia K d Jackson Port, Arkansas H c Galena City, Illinois H b Jacksonville, Oregon B b Galesburg, Illinois 11 b Jacksonville, Illinois II c Galistea, New Mexico E c Jacksonville, Alabama I d Gallatin, Tennessee I c J acksonville, Florida K Q Galveston, Texas II e Janesville, Wisconsin I b Garry, Fort, Manitoba G a J efferson, Texas H d Gaston, North Carolina L c Jefferson City, Cal', of Gatesville, Texas G b State, Missouri II c MAP OF UNITED STATES OF NORTH AMERICA. 3 J effersonton, Jemez, Jersey City, Johns Town, J oliet, Jonesboro, Jnlesburg, Junction City, Kalamazoo, Kansas City, Kearney City, Kenosha. Keokuk, Kerrsville, Key West, Kingston, Kit Carson, Knoxville, Kootanie, Fort, La Barge City, Labarge, Fort, 1 a Crosse, i iafavette, Lafayette, La Grande, Lane City, Lakeport, La Lomita, Lancaster, Lancaster, Lancaster, La Pointe, La Porte, Lansing, Cap. of La Paz, La Paz, La Porte, Laramie, Laramie, Fort, Laredo, Laroques Mines ( copper ) La Salle, Las Cruces, Laurensville, Lavacca, Lawrence, Lawrence, Lawrencebnrg, Lawton, Leaton, Fort, Leavenworth, Lebanon, Lecompton, Lemhi, Lewisburg, Lewiston, Lexington, Liberty, Lima, Limitar, Linares, Lincoln, Lincoln, Lincoln, Cap. of State, Linn City, Little Rock, Cap. of Livingston, Livingston, Lockhaven, Logansport, Lookout, Fort, Loreto, Los Angelos, Louisa, Louisville, Lorvell, Loyola, Lynchburg, Lynn, Lyon, Fort, MTntosh, Fort, MTxavett, Fort, Mackinaw, Macon, Macon, Macon, M'Rae, Fort, Madison, Madison, Madison, Madison, Madison, Madison, Cap. of Slate, Magdalena, "Magnolia, Maiden’s Rock, Manchester, Manatee, Manhattan, Mansfield, Manti, Manzanilla, Mapimi, Marongo, Marianna, Maricopa Wells, Marietta, Marion, Karion, M ariposa, Marquette, Marshall, M srshalls. Georgia K New Mexico E New Jersey M Pennsylvania L Illinois I Illinois I Colorado F Kansas G Michigan I Missouri FI Nebraska G Wisconsin I Iowa H Texas G Florida K New York M Colorado F Tennessee K Montana L> Montana D Montana D Wisconsin H Indiana I Oregon B Oregon C Utah D California B New Mexico F Ohio K Pennsylvania L Nevada C Wisconsin H Colorado E Michigan K Arizona D Lower California D Indiana I Wyoming E Wyoming F Texas F L. California D Illinois I New Mexico E South Carolina K Texas G Massachusetts M Kansas G Indiana K Georgia K Texas F Kansas G Kentucky I Kansas G Idaho D Arkansas H Idaho C Kentucky K Texas H Ohio K New Mexico E Mexico G Illinois I Michigan I Nebraska G Oregon B Arkansas H Alabama I Texas H Pennsylvania L Indiana I Dakota G Lower California D California C Kentucky K Kentucky I Massachusetts M Georgia K Virginia L Massachusetts M New Mexico E Texas F Texas F Michigan K Mississippi I Missouri H Georgia K New Mexico E Arkansas H Texas H Florida K Georgia K Indiana I Wisconsin I Mexico D Mississippi H Wisconsin FI New Hampshire M Florida K Kansas G Ohio K Utah D Cuba L Mexico F Iowa H Florida I Arizona D Ohio K Louisiana H Alabama I California C Michigan I Michigan I Oregon C Martinez, Arizona D d Martinez, California B c Marysville, California B c Marysville, Nebraska G b Maryville, Tennessee K c Mason City, Iowa H b Matagorda, Texas G e Matamoras, Mexico G e Matanzas, Cuba K f Mattoon, Illinois I c Mauraises Terres, - — Dakota F b Maysville, Kentucky K c Mazapil, Mexico F f Mazatlan, Mexico E f Meadville, Pennsylvania K b Meigsville, California B c Memphis, Tennessee I 0 Mendocino City, California B c Mendota, Illinois I b Meridian, Mississippi I d Mesilla, New Mexico E d Mexico, Missouri H c Michigan City, Indiana I b Mier, Mexico G e Milford, Delaware L c Milledgeville, Georgia K d Milieu, Georgia K d Millerton, California C c Milton, Florida I d Milwaukee, Wisconsin I b Mineral Point, Wisconsin H b Minneapolis, ( with St Anthony) Minnesota IF a Mississippi, Mississippi I d Missouri City, Missouri H c Mobile, Alabama I d Mohave City, Arizona D c Molege, Lower California D e Monclova, Mexico F e Monroe, Louisiana H d Monroe, Michigan K b Monroe, Nebraska G b Monterey, California B c Monterey, Mexico F e Montesano, Washington B a Montgomery, Gap. of State, Alabama I d Monticello, Minnesota FI a Monticello, Mississippi H d Monticello, _ Florida K d Monticello, Washington B a Montpelier, Cap. of State, Vermont M b Monument Station, Kansas F c Morehead City, North Carolina L d Moron, Cuba L f Mount Carmel, Illinois I c Mowry City, New Mexico E d Murfreesboro, Tennessee I c Murito, Mexico E e Muscatine, Iowa H b Nacogdoches, Texas IF d Nadadores, Mexico F e Napoleon, Arkansas H d Nashville, Gap. of State, Tennessee I c Natchez, Mississippi H d Natchitoches, Louisiana H d Nauvoo, Illinois H b Nebraska City, Nebraska G b Neosho, Missouri H c Neplii, Utah D c Nevada, California B 0 Newago, Michigan I b New Albany, Indiana I c Newark, Ohio K b Newbern, North Carolina L c New Braunfels, Texas G e Newburgh, New York M b Newhaven, New London, Connecticut M b Connecticut M b New Madrid, Missouri I c Newmansville, Florida K e New Orleans, Gap. of State, Louisiana H e Newport, Kentucky. K c Newport, Oregon B b Newport, Rhode I. M b Newton, Georgia K d Newton, New Jersey M b New Westminster, Brit. Columbia C a New York, New York M b Niles, Michigan I b Nipe, Cuba L f Nombre de Dios, Mexico F f Norfolk, Virginia L c Norristown, Arkansas H e North Fork Town, Indian Terr. G c North Platte Station, Nebraska F b Nueva Berimejo, Cuba K f Nue vitas, Fernando de Cuba L f Oakland, California B c Oakville, Texas G e Oeroni, Mexico E e Ogden City, Utah D b Ogdensburg, New York L b Oil City, Pennsylvania L b Okinakane, Fort, Washington C a Old Cedar Fort, Dacota G b Olympia, Cap. of Ter- ritory, Washington B a Omadi, Nebraska G b Omaha City, Nebraska G b Omali, Nebraska G b Onawa, Iowa G b Red Bluff, California B b Ontonagon, Michigan I a Redwing, Minnesota H b Opata, Mexico E d Refugio, Texas G e Opelika, Alabama I d Remedios, San Juan de, Cuba L f Opelousas, Louisiana H d Reno, Fort, Wyoming E b Oposura, Mexico E e Revilla, Mexico G e Orangeburgh, South Carolina K d Reynosa Mexico G e Oregon, Missouri G b Richmond, Idaho D b Oregon City, Oregon B a PFchmond, Indiana K c Oroville, Osceola, California B c Arkansas H c Richmond, Richmond, Gap. of Kentucky K 1 Osceola, Missouri H c State, Virginia L c Oskaloosa, Iowa H b Richville, Idaho D b Oshkosh, Wisconsin I b Ridgeway, North Carolina L c Oswego, New York L b Ridgeway, Pennsylvania L b Otamate, Mexico E e Riley, Fort, Kansas G e Ottumwa, Iowa IF b Rio Grande, Texas G e Ottawa, Illinois I b Rochester, New York L b Owatonna, Minnesota IF b Rockford, Illinois I b Owego, New York L b R,ock Island, Illinois H b Owen, Fort, Montana D a Rockport, Arkansas H d Owensville, California C c Rocks, City of, Rockville, Idaho D b Oxford, Mississippi I d Utah D c Ozaukee, Wisconsin I b Rogersville, Tennessee K c Pacific City, Washington B a Rolla, Roma, Missouri H c Paducah, Kentucky I c Texas G e Pagosa, Colorado E c Rome, Georgia I d Palestine, Texas G d Rome, New York L b Palopinto, Texas G d Rosario El, Lower California C e Panther, Papasquiaro, Arkansas H d Roseburg, Oregon B b Mexico E f Roseta, Mexico F e Paris, Kentucky K c Ruby City, Idaho C b Paris, Texas G d Rutherford, North Carolina K c Parisburg, Virginia K c Rutland, Vermont M b Parkersburg, West Virginia K c Saba, San, Texas G d Parovan, Utah D c Sabine City, Texas H e Parsons, Kansas G c Sacaton, Arizona D d Parral, Mexico E e Sacramento City, Gat). Parras, Mexico F e of State, California B c Patos, Mexico F e Sacramento, Wisconsin I b Paterson, New Jersey M b Saginaw, East, Michigan K b Pembina (to Manitoba), Dakota G a Sagua la Grande, Cuba K f Pensacola, Florida I d St. Anthony, Minnesota H a Peoria, Perdida, Illinois I b St. Augustine, Florida K e Mexico F f St. Charles, Missouri H 0 Perry ville, Indian Ter. G d St. Cloud, Minnesota H a Peru, Indiana I b St. Francis, Louisiana H d Peru, Illinois I b Ste. Genevieve, Missouri H c Petersburg, Virginia L c St. Helena, Nebraska G b Phantom Hill, Fort, Texas G d St. Helens, Oregon B a Philadelphia, Pennsylvania L b St. Ignatius Mission, Idaho C a Pierre, F'ort r _ Dakota F b St. Joseph, Michigan I b Pierce, City, Idaho C a St Joseph, Missouri H c Piketon, Kentucky K c St. Louis, Missouri H c Pine Bluff, Arkansas IF d St. Marks, Florida K d Pinkney City, Pinkneyville, Washington C a Washington C a St. Mary’s, St. Paul, Cap. of Georgia K d Pinos, Pitic (Hermosilla), Mexico F f State, Minnesota H b Mexico D e St. Peter’s, Minnesota H b Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania L b St. Vrains Fort, Colorado F b Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee I c St. Stephen’s Alabama I d Placerville, Plattsmouth, California B c Salem, Illinois I c Nebraska G b Salem, Massachusetts M b Plattsburgh, New York M b Salem, New Jersey L c Plover, Plymouth, Wisconsin I b Salem, Cap. of State, Oregon B b North Carolina L c Salem, Virginia K c Pocahontas, Arkansas H c Salina, Kansas G c Point Pleasant, West Virginia K c Salinas, California B c Portage City, Wisconsin I b Salisbury, Maryland L c Port Elizabeth, Michigan K b Salisbury, North Carolina K c Port Fludson, Louisiana IF d Saltillo (Leona Vicario), Mexico F e Port Huron, Michigan K b Salt Lake Utah D b Portland, Maine M b Saluria, Texas G e Portland, Oregon B a San Antonio, California B c Port Orford, Oregon B b San Antonio, Colorado E c Port Sanilac, Michigan K b San Antonia, Texas G e Port Townsend, Washington B a San Antonia de Colotlan, Mexico F f Portsmouth, New Hampshire M b San Antonia Tula, Mexico G f Portsmouth, Ohio K c San Augustino, Mexico E f Portsmouth, Virginia L c San Bartonico, Mexico E e Potosi, Missouri H c San Bernardino, California C d Potosi, Nevada C c San Bias, Mexico E f Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin H b San Diego, California C d Prescott, Arizona D d Sandusky, San Eleazario, Ohio K b Presidio Conchos, Mexico E e Texas E d Presidio del Norte, Mexico F e San Estivan, Texas F e Presidio del Rio Grande, Mexico F e San Fernando, Mexico F e Presidio de S. Vincente, Mexico F e San Fernando, Mexico G e Preston, Texas G d San Francisco, California B c Princess Anne, Maryland L c San Francisco del Oro, Mexico E e Princeton, Missouri IF b San Ignacio, Lower California D 6 Promontory City,. Utah D b San Ignocio, T-'xas G e Providence, Oregon B b San Jago, San Josd, Lower California E f Providence, Louisiana H d California B c Providence, Gap. of Rhode I. M b San Jose, Lower California D e Provo, Utah D b San Jose, Rio, New Mexico E c Pueblo, Colorado F c San Juan de los Remedios Cuba L f Pueblo, Oregon C b San Juan del Rio, Mexico F e Puebla Pintado, New Mexico E c San Juanico, Lower California D 6 Puerto Principe, Cuba L f San Luis, Lower California D f Pulaski, Tennessee I c Sail Luis, Colorado E c Purissima, Lower California D e San Luis Rey, California C d Quincy, California B c San Luis Obispo California B c Quincy, Illinois H b San Luis Potosi, Mexico F f Quincy, Florida K d San Miguel, California B c Quitman, Mississippi I d San Miguel, New Mexico E 0 Quitman, Fort, Texas F d San Patricio, Texas G 6 Racine, Wisconsin I b San Pedro, California C d Ragtown, Nevada C c San Pedro, Mexico E t Raleigh, Gap. of San Rocco, Mexico E e State, North Carolina L c San Saba, Texas G d Rawlings, Wyoming E b San Sabastiano, Mexico E / Reading, Pennsylvania L b San Simeon, California B ft Real de Ramos, Mexico F f San Thomaa, N*“ ad a 1> e 4 MAP OF UNITED STATES OF NORTH AMERICA. Santa Barbara, California C d Soto la Marina, Mexico G f 1 Trenton, Missouri H b Santa Catalina, California C d Sparta, Alabama I d | Trenton, Cap. of Santa Clara, or Villa Clara, Cuba IC f Sparta, Wisconsin H b State, New Jersey M b Santa Cruz, California B c Spartanburg, South Carolina K c Trinklad, California B b Santa Fe, Cap. of Springfield, Texas G d Trinidad Cuba K f Territory, New Mexico E c Springfield, Cap. of Troy, Alabama I d Santa Inez, California B d State, Illinois I e Troy, Missouri H c Santa Maria, Lower California D e Springfield, Missouri H c Troy, New York M b Santa Martha, Lower California D e Springfield, Ohio K c Tuape, Mexico D d Santana (Tampico de Ta- Stanford, Kentucky K c Tubac, Arizona D d maulipas), Mexico G f Stanislaus, California B c Tucson, Cap. of Terr. Arizona D d Santa Rica. Mexico F e Stanton, Fort, New Mexico E d Tuscaloosa, Alabama I d Santa Rosa, California B c Staunton, Virginia L c Tuscumbia, Alabama I d Santa Rosa, Mexico F e Steilacoom, Washington B a Tyler, Texas G d Santa Rosalia, Mexico E e Sterling City, Colorado E c Tyrone, Pennsylvania L b Santiago de Cuba, Cuba L (f Steubenville, Ohio K b Umatilla, Oregon C a Santiago de ios Caballeros, Mexico E e Stockton, California B c Umpqua, Oregon B b Santillana, Mexico G f Suffolk, Virginia L c Union, California B b Santo Espiritu, Cuba L f Sumner, Fort, New Mexico F d Union City, Ohio II b Saratoga, New York M b Sumpter, Texas G d Union City, Tennessee I c Sarpy, Fort, Montana E a S unbury, Pennsylvania L b Union, Fort, Dakota F a Saucillo, Mexico E e Superior City, Wisconsin H a Union, Fort, New Mexico F c Saulte Sainte Maria, Michigan K a Susanville, California B b Unionville, Nevada C b Savannah, Georgia K d Syracuse, New York L b Urachia, Mexico E e Savannah, Tennessee I c Talequah, Indian Territory H c Ures, Mexico D e Scott, Fort, Kansas H c Talladega, Alabama I d Utica, New York L b Scranton, Pennsylvania L u Tallahassee, Cap. of Valencia, New Mexico E d Seaford, Delaware L c State, Florida I< d Valverde, New Mexico E cl Seattle, Washington B a Tampa, Florida K e Van Buren, Arkansas H c Sedalia, Missouri H c Tampico de Tamaulipas Van Buren, Missouri H c Selma, Alabama I d (Santana), Mexico G f Vancouver, Fort, Washington B a Shawnee Town, Illinois I c Taos, New Mexico E c Vandalia, Illinois I c Sheboygan, Wisconsin I b Tarboro, North Carolina L c Vages de Santa Clara, Utah D c Shelby, Ohio K b Tavala, Mexico E f Vera Cruz, Missouri n c Shelbyville, Illinois I c Tawas, Michigan K b Vicksburg, Mississippi LI d Shieklsboro, Mississippi I d Taylor's Falls, Minnesota LI a Victoria, Mexico G f Shreveport, Louisiana H d Temk, Idaho D b Victoria, Texas G e Sheridan City, Kansas F c Temosacliie, Mexico E e Victoria, Vancouver I. C a Sherman, Texas G d Tepic, ■ ■ Mexico F f Villa Clara, or Santa Sherman, Wyoming E b Tepiehe, Mexico E e Clara, Cuba II f Shyenne, Dakota G a Terre Haute, Indiana I c Villa del Fuerte, Mexico E a Sidney, Nebraska F b Thomaston, Georgia K d Vincennes, Indiana I c Silver City, Idaho D b Thomas ville, Georgia K cl Vincent, Cape, New York L b Silver City, Nevada C c Thorn, Fort, New Mexico E il Vinita, Indian Territory G c Sitka, Cap. of Alaska Territory Tia Juana, Lower California C d Virginia, Cap. of Terr. Montana D b (see rV. A merica ) Tiffin, Ohio K b Virginia City, Nevada C c Siincoe, Fort, Washington B a Toeoi, Florida II e Visalia, California C c Sioux City, Iowa G b Todos Santos Lower Crflifornia D f Volusia, Florida K e Smith, Fort, Arkansas 11 c Toledo, Iowa II b Wabash, Indiana I b Smith, Fort, Montana E a Toledo, Ohio II b Wabasha, Minnesota H b Southland, Kentucky I c Topeka, Cap. of State, Kansas G c Walhalla, South Carolina 11 d Symrna, Florida K e Topila, Mexico E e Wallace, Fort, Kansas F c Socorro, New Mexico E d Torin, Mexico E e Walla Walla, Washington C a Solidad, Lower California D e Towson, Indian Territory G cl Wansaw, Wisconsin I a Sombrerete, Mexico F f Tracy, Tennessee I c Waresboro, Georgia K d Somerset, Kentucky K c Traverse, Michigan I b Warren, Arkansas H d RIVERS. Alabama R., 600 m., including Chonchos R., 350 ni. Mexico G e Indian R. Florida II e the Mobile, Alabama I d Cimarron R. , or Red Fork of Iowa R., 300 in. Iowa H b Allegheny R., 240 m. Pennsylvania L b Arkansas R., 520 m. Kansas F c Janies IL, 300 m. Virginia L c Altamaha R., 500 m. Georgia K d Cinaloa R. Mexico E e James IL, Rio Jaques, or American Falls or Lewis Fork, Idaho I) b Clark’s Fork, Montana D a Dakota R., 400 in. Dakota G b Angelina R. Texas II d Clear Fork, Texas G il Jefferson Fork, 180 m. Montana D a Antonia Pv. , 240 m. Texas G e Coal Creek, Utah D c John Day R., ISO m. Oregon C b Arkansas R, 2,170 in. area of basin Colcasieu R. Louisiana H e Jordan R. Oregon C b 178,000 sq. m. Colorado & Arkansas H c Colorado, Rio, 1,100 m. Arizona D d Jordan R. Utah D b Arkansas R., Little, Kansas G c Colorado, Rio, 600 m. Texas G d Joseph R. Idaho C a Arrow R. Minnesota I a Colorado Gliiquito, Rio, Kanawha R , Great, Androscoggan R. Maine M b 270 m. Arizona D c 300 in. West Virginia K c Assiniboine R. Manitoba G a Columbia, or Oregon R., Kankakee R., 145 m. Illinois I b Au Sable R. Michigan K b 1,200 m. Washington B a Kansas R., 900 in. Kansas G c Bear R., 320 m. Utah I) b Concho, Rio, Texas F d Kaskaskia R, 200 m. Illinois I c Bears, Kay-i-yon, or arias, Conchos, Rio, 300 m. Mexico E e Kay-i-yon, Bears, or Marias R., 240 m. Montana D a Connecticut R., R.. 240 in. Montana D a Big Black R. Missouri H c 410 m. New Hampshire M b Kennebec R. Maine N a Big Blue R., 200 Nebraska G h Coosa R., 2S0 m. Alabama 1 d Kentucky R., 200 m. Kentucky II c Big Canon, Arizona D c Cumberland IL, 600 m. Kentucky I c Kern R. California C c Big Horn R Montana E a Dakota, or Janies R., 400 m. Dakota G b Ileya Paha, Dakota F b Big Knife IL, 160 in. Dakota F a Delaware R., 320 m. Pennsylvania L b Klamath, R., 320 m. California B b Big Sandy Creek, Arizona D d Des Moines IL, 450 m. Iowa LI b Kuskusky R. Idaho C a Big Sandy R. West Virginia K c Duck IL, 180 m. Tennessee I c Ilutenay, or Flat Bow R , 440 m. Idaho C a Big Shyenne R., 270 m. Dakota F b Elkhorn R., 220 m. Nebraska G b Largo R. Mexico G f Big Sioux R., 230 m. Dakota G b Escambia R. , 180 m. Alabama I d Leon Creek, Texas G d Big Wichita R., 180 m Texas G d Fall IL, 230 m. Oregon B a Lewis Fork, or Snake R. , 850 m. Idaho C b Bill Williams It. Arizona D il Feather R. California B c Licking R., 160 m. Kentucky II c Bitter Creek, Wyoming E b Flat Bow, orKutenay R., 440 m. Idaho C a Llano R. Texas G cl Ritter Root R., 230 m. Montana D a Flat Head R., 200 ill. Montana D a Lodge Pole Creek, Nebraska F b Black R. Wisconsin H b Flax IL, or Colorado Chiquito, Arizona D c Loup Fork, 270 m. Nebraska G b Biack It., Big, Missouri H c Flint IL, 270 m. Georgia 11 d Madison Fork, 150 m. Montana D a Black Warrior R., 175 in. Alabama I d Fraser R. British Columbia C a Main Red R., 1,200 m. Texas F d Blanco R. Mexico G f Frio IL, ISO in. Texas G e Malheur R. Oregon C b Blue R., 240 m. Colorado E c Fuerte IL Mexico E e Manistee R. Michigan I b Blue R., Big, 200 m. Nebraska G b Gila, Rio, 520 m. Arizona D d Maria R. Mexico E e Blue it.. Little, 170 in. Nebraska G b Grand R., 300 in. Colorado E c Marias, Kay-i-yon, or Bears Bravo del Norte, or Rio Grande, Grand IL, 180 m. Dakota F a R., 240 m. Montana D a 1,800 in. Colorado and Texas F e Grande, or Bravo del Norte, Rio, , Marta R. Mexico E e Brazos, Rio, 900 m. Texas G d 1,800 m. Colorado and Texas F e Marthas IL, 145 m. Montana E a Broad It., 195 m. South Carolina K d Grand Saline Fork, 150 ni. Kansas G o Maumee IL, 100 in. Ohio K b Buekland’s Rapids, oi Great Falls, or Lewis Foi k, Idaho D b Menomonee R., 145 in. Wisconsin I a Columbia It. Washington C a Great Pedee R. 300 m. S. Carolina L d Merced R. (Yosemite Falls, California B e Calamus It., 100 m. Nebraska G b Green IL, 230 m. Kentucky I c Mermentau R. Louisiana H e Canadian R., 800 m. • New Mexico F c Green IL, or Rio Verdi, 660 m. Utah D c Merriniac R. N. Hampshire M b Cannon Ball R. Dakota F a Guadalupe R., 170 in. Texas G e Miama IL, 170 in. Ohio K b Cane Fear R., 240 m. North Carolina L d Guanaba R. Mexico F f Milk IL, 440 m. Montana E a Carmen R. Mexico E e Guyiunas R. California B il Minnesota, or St Peter’s R., Carson R. Nevada C c Heart R. Dakota F a 300 m. Minnesota G b Canto It. Cuba L i Llolstou R. Tennessee II c Mississippi, Mouth of the, Louisiana I e ( hattahoochee R. Georgia K d Hondu, Rio, New Mexico E il Mississippi IL, 1,330 m. to its Chariton R. Missouri II b Hudson R., 300 m. New York M b junction with Missouri, or Chelly R. Arizoua E c Humboldt It., 270 m. Nevada C b 2,640 m. to Gulf of Mexico, Chippewa R . 220 m. Wisconsin H a Illinois IL, 320 m. Illinois II b Minnesota and Louisiana H a Warrensburg, Warren’s Post, Warsaw, Warsaw, Warsaw, Washington, Washington, Washington, Me- tropolis of the United Missouri H c Indian Territory G a Indiana I b Missouri H c Illinois H b Arkansas H d Georgia K d states, Washington, Washington, Washita, Fort, Watab, Waterloo, Watertown, Watertown, Waterville, Waukegan, Wayne, Fort, Waynesboro, Waynesvjlle, Weaver, Webster, Fort, W ehlon, Wells, Wennian, Wentworth, West, Key, Wetunipka, Wharton, Wharton, Whatcom, Wheeling, William, Fort, Williamsport, Wilmington, Wilmington, Winipeg or Winnepeg, Winona, Winnemueea, Wood, Woodville, Worcester, Worth, Fort, Wyandott, Xenia, . Xeres, Yankton, Cap. of Territory', York, Yorktown, Yorkville, Yuma, Fort, Zacatecas, Zanesville, Zuni, Dist. of Columbia L Texas G Utah D Indian Territory G Minnesota H Iowa H New York L Wisconsin I Kansas G Illinois I Indiana K b Mississippi f d Missouri H c • California B b New Mexico E d North'Carolina L c Nevada D b Missouri H c North Carolina L c Florida K f Alabama I d Arizona D d Texas G e Washington B a West Virginia K b Dorn, of Canada I a Pennsylvania L b Delaware L c North Carolina L d Manitoba G a Minnesota H b Nevada C b California C c Mississippi H d Massachusetts M b Texas G d Kansas H c Ohio K c Mexico F 1 Dakota G b Pennsylvania L c Virginia L c South Carolina K c California D d Mexico F 1 Ohio IC c New Mexico E c Missouri K., 3,069 m., or 4,382 with the Lower Mississippi, forming the longest river in the world ; area of basin, 1,244,000 Montana and Missouri E Missouri R., Little, 300 in. Dakota F Mohave R. California C Mohawk R., 160 m. New York M Monongahela R., 300 m. Pennsylvania L Dakota F Dakota F Nevada D Montana E Michigan I Nebraska G Texas H Kansas G Kansas G Texas G L Moreau, or Owl R. Mouse, or Souris E., 560 m. Muddy R. Muscle Shell R., 190 m. Muskegon R., SO m. Nebraska, or Platte R., 9S0 m. Neelies R., 260 m. Neosho R., 300 m. Nepaholla R., or Solomon’s Fork, 300 m. Neuees R., 400 m. Neuse R. , 200 m. North Carolina New R. California C d Niagara R., 35 m., and Falls 163 It. New York L b Niobrarab, R., 390 m. Nebraska F b North Fork of Canadian R., or Rabbit Ear, 560 m. Indian Territory F o North Fork of Platte R., 555 m. Nebraska F b Ocmulgee R., 200 m. Georgia K d Oconee R., 200 m. Georgia Iv a Ogechee R., 250 m. Georgia IC d Ohio R., 975 m., area of basin 214,000 sq. m. Ohio and Illinois K c Okinakane R., ISO m. Washington C a Oregon, or Columbia R., 1,200 in. Washington B a Osage R., 340 m. Missouri H c Owens R. California C c Owl, or Moreau R., 170 m. Dakota F a Owyhee R., 250 m. Oregon C b Palouse R. Washington C a Pamlico R., 40 m. North Carolina L c Pawnee R., or Republican Fork, 400 m. Pearl E,, 300 m. Pease Creek, Pecos Rio, 550 in. Peiiee R., Great, 415 m. Penbina R. Penobscot R., 300 m. Piastla R. Nebraska G Mississippi I Florida IC Texas F South CaroWna L Manitoba G Maine N Mexico E MAP OF UNITED STATES OF NORTH AMERICA. Pipestone Greek, Brit. America Platte, or Nebraska R., 9S0 m. Potorhac R., 550 m. Powder R., 300 m. Puerco R. Puerco, R. of the West, Purgatory Creek, Qui Appelle R. Quins, R. Nevada Rabbit Ear, or North Fork of Canadian R., 560 m. Indian Ter. Rainy R., 250 m. Rapiilo P.., 350 m. Rappahannock R., 130 m. Red Cedar Creek, 255 m. Red Fork of Arkansas R., or Cimarron R., 250 m. Red Lake R., 80 m. Red R., 1,200 m. ; area of basin, 97,000 sq. m. Red R. of the North, 300 m. Republican Fork, or Pawnee R., 400 m. Nebraska Rio Jaques, 5 ames, or Dakota R., 440 m. Dakota Roanoke R., 300 m. North Carolina Rogue R. Roseau R. Russian R. Sabine R., 160 m. Sabine R., 160 rn. Nebraska Maryland Montana New Mexico Arizona Colorado Brit. America Minnesota Mexico Virginia Iowa Kansas Minnesota Texas Minnesota Oregon Minnesota California Arkansas Texas ft Sacramento R., 480 m. California B c Santa Cruz, Rio, Arizona D d St. Anthony’s Falls on Santee R., 280 m. South Carolina K d b Mississippi, Minnesota H a Saucedo, R. Mexico E e c St. Croix R., 80 m. Maine N a Savannah R. , 450 m. South Carolina I£ d a St. Croix R., 180 m. Wisconsin H a Sciota R., 170 m. Ohio K c c St. Francois R. Missouri H c Sevier R. Utah D c c St. John R,, 250 m. Florida K e Shyenne R., Big, 270 m. Dakota F b- c St. John R.,440 m. Maine N a Shyenne R., Little, Dakota G a a St. Lawrence, R., 750 m. from Sioux R., Big, 230 m. Dakota G b b L. Ontario ; entire length Sioux R., Little, Iowa G b 2,150 m. New York and Canada L b Smoky Hill Fork, 500 m. Kansas G c 0 St. Louis R., 110 m. Minnesota H a Snake R., or Lewis Fork, a Salinas, Rio, Arizona D d 850 m. Idaho C b f Salinas R. California B c Solomon’s Fork, or Nepaholla c Saline Fork, Grand, Kansas G c R., 300 m. Kansas G c b Salmon Falls on Lewis Fork, Idaho D b Souris, or Mouse R., 560 m. Dakota F a Salmon R., 270 m. Idaho C a South Fork of Platte R., c San Domingo, Rio, Arizona E d 400 m. Colorado F b a Sandy Creek, Big, Arizona D d Staunton R. Virginia L c Sandy Fork, Colorado F c Sulphur R. Texas H d d Sandy R., Big West Virginia K c Susquehanna, 500 m. Pennsylvania L b a San Fernando, R. Mexico G e Suwanee R., 280 m. Florida K e San Francisco, Rio, 280 m. Arizona D d' Sweet Water, Wyoming E b b San Ignacio, R. Mexico D d Tampico, R. Mexico G f San Joaquin R., 230 m. California B c Tennessee R., 1,100 m. Tennessee I c b San Jose, R. New Mexico E d Teton, R. Montana D a c San Juan, R. Mexico G e Tombigbee R., 450 m. Alabama I d b San Juan R. Utah D c Tongue R. Montana E a a San Pedro, R. Arizona D d Trinity R., 410 m. Texas G d c San Pedro, R. Mexico F f Two Butte Creek, Colorado F c d San Saba R. Texas G d Umpqua R., 170 m. Oregon B b d Santa Clara, R. California C d Unca R. Utah E c Verdigris R., 190 m. Vermillion R. Vermillion R. Virgin, ,R. Wabash R., 500 m. Walker R. Walnut Creek, Washita R., 380 m. Washita R., 300 m. Wateree R., 230 m. Wethloccockee R. White Earth R. White R., 370 m. White R. White R., 220 m. White R., West Fork of, 170 m. White R. Wichita R., Big., 200 m. Williamette R., 240 m. Wind R. Winepeg, R. Wisconsin R., 360 m. Wisdom R. Yadkin R. Yakima R. Yampah R., 160 m, Yaqui, R., 390 m. Yazoo R., 300 m. Kansas Dakota Louisiana Nevada Illinois Nevada Kansas Arkansas Indian Territory South Carolina Florida Dakota Arkansas Colorado Indiana H e D c I c C c G c H d G d K d K r F hr H c E b I c Indiana Utah Texas Oregon Wyoming Manitoba Wisconsin Montana North Carolina Washington Colorado Mexico Mississippi G a H b D a K c C a E o E e H d Yellow Stone R., 700 in. Montana Yosemite Falls (Merced R.) California Zuni, R. Arizona LAKES. Albert L. Oregon Big Stone L. Dakota Cadde L. Texas Carson L. Nevada Cass L. Minnesota Cayman, L. del. or Tlahualila, Mexico Cayuga I:. New York Champlain, L., area 60C sq. m. ; alt. 90 ft. Vermont Chesuncook L. Maine Clear L. California Devil’s L., or Mini Wakan, Dakota Dog L., Great, Dom. of Canada Dry L. California Elbow L. Minnesota Erie, L. , area 2,500 sq. m. ; alt 566 ft. Flat Bow L. Flat Head L. Franklin L. George, L. Gor -go, L. Ohio Brit. Columbia Montana Nevada Florida New York G a K b C a D a C b K e M b Goose L. California B b Okee-chobee, L. Florida K e Sturgeon, L. Dom. of Canada H a Goshoot L. Nevada C b Oneida L. New York L b Superior, L., area 32,000 sq Great Salt L., 75 m. long, by 15 Ontario, L., area 6,000 sq. m. ; alt. 627 ft. Michigan l a to 40 m. ; alt. 4,200 ft. Utah D b m. ; alt. 234 ft. New York L b Teanehcaha L. Dakota G a Huron L., area 25,000 sq. Otter Tail L. Minnesota G a Timpanogos, or Utah L. Utah D b m. ; alt. 578 ft. Michigan K b Owens L. California C c Tlahualila, or Laguna del Itasca L., alt. 1,575 ft. Minnesota G a Patos L. Mexico E d Cayman, Mexico l 1 ’ e Klamath, Upper L. Oregon B b Pende Oreille L. Idaho C a Traverse, L. Minnesota G a Leech L. Minnesota H a Pepin, L. Minnesota. PI b Tulare L. California C c Macintosh, L. Dakota G a Ponchartrain L. Louisiana H d Utah, or Timpanogos L., 35 Madre, Laguna, Mexico G f Preuss L. Nevada D c in. long ; alt. 450 ft. above Madre Laguna, Texas G e Pyramid L. Nevada C b Salt Lake, Utah D b Malheur L. Oregon C b Rainy L., alt. 1,035 ft. Minnesota H a Vermillion L. Minnesota H a Manitoba, L. Manitoba G a Red L. Minnesota H a Vieux Desert, L. Michigan I a Memphramagog, L. Dom. of Canada M a St. Clair, L., area 360 sq. Walker L. Nevada C c Michigan, L., area 22,400 m. ; alt. 570 ft. Michigan K b Waterton L. Brit. America D a sq. m. ; alt. 574 ft. Michigan I b St. Croix L. Minnesota H a Winibigoshisli L. Minnesota H a Mile Lac, Minnesota H a Salt L. , Great, Utah D b Winipeg, or Winnepeg, L. Manitoba G a Mini Wakan, or Devil’s L. Dakota G a Seneca L. New York L b Winnebago, L. Wisconsin I b Mono L. California C c Seul, L. Dom. of Canada H a Woods, L. of the, alt. 977 ft. Minnesota H a Mooseliead L. Maine N a Sevier L. Utah D c Yellowstone, L. Wyoming E b Mud Lakes, Nevada C b Soda L. California C c I0UNTAINS, ETC. Adams, Mt., 9,570 ft. Washington B a Adirondack Mts., 5,467 ft. New York M b Agassiz Mount, Arizona D c Alleghany Mts., or Appalachian Chain, 1,550 m. long, by 150 to 200 m. broad ; average height 2,000 ft. ; highest summit 6,428 ft. K c Aztek Mts. Arizona D c Baker, Mt.. 11,110 ft. Washington B a Big Horn Mts. Wyoming E b Bill William Mts. Arizona D c Black Dome Mt. North Carolina K c Black Hills, Dakota F b Black Hills, Wyoming E b Blue Mts. Oregon C b Blue Peaks, Arizona D c Blue Ridge, Alleghanies K c Boundary Pass, Rocky Mts. D a Bridgets Pass, Wyoming E b Cadotte’s Pass Montana D a Cascade Range, Oregon B b Castle Peak, 13,000 ft. California C c Catskill Mts., 4,000 ft. New York M b Cerbal Mts. Arizona D c Cerro Abajo, Arizona D c Cheyenne Pass, Wyoming E b. Chippewayan Chain, or Rocky Mts. D a to E d Clingman’s Dome, Alleghany Mts. K c Cloud Peak, Big Horn Mts. Wyoming E b Coast Range, CrBuj d’Alene Mts. California B Montana C Coteau des Prairie*, Minnesota G b Middle Park, Colorado E b Cumberland Mts. Kentucky K c Mt. Pleasant, Missouri H c Death Valley, California C c North Park, Colorado E b Diamond Peak, Oregon B b Olympus, Mt., 6,150 Washington B a Elk Mts. Colorado E c Organ Mts. New Mexico E d Estacado, Llano, Texas F d Ozark Range, Missouri H c Everglades, The (Swamps), Florida K e Pikes Peak, 14,216 Colorado E c P isher s Peak, New Mexico F c Pilot Butte, Wyoming E b Fremont, or Great Basin, Nevada C c Pilot Peak, California C c Fremont Peak, 13,570 Idaho D b Pilot Peak, Nevada D b Gallatin Mt. Wyoming D b Pilot Rock Oregon B b Girdle Mt. Montana D a Pinal Mts. Arizona E d Great, or Fremont Basin, Nevada C c Pitt, Mt. Oregon B b Green Mts., 4,188 ft. Vermont M b Plateau du Grand Coteau de Guadalupe Mts. New Mexico E d Missouri, Dakota F a Hastings Pass, Nevada C b Quarz Mts. Nevada C b Hell Gate Passes, Montana D a Railroad Pass, Arizona E d Hood, Mt., 11,934 Oregon B a Rainier, Mt., 12,360 Washington B a Humboldt Mts. Nevada C c Riverside Mt. California D d Humboldt Range, West, Nevada C b Rocky Mts., or Chippewayan Chain, Dato Ed Independence Rock, Wyoming E b Rocky Mts., Little, Montana E a Jefferson, Mt. Oregon B b Sacramento Mts. New Mexico E d Judith Mts. Montana E a St. Helen’s, Mt., 9,750ft. Washington B a Katahdin, Mt., 5,385 Maine N a San Bernardino Mts. - California C d Lassen Peak, California B b Shasta, Mt., highest summit Laramie Peak, Wyoming E b in United States, 15, 400 ft. California B d Laramie Plains, Wyoming E b Sierro Blanco, Colorado E c Linn, Mt. California B c Sierra de la Gigantea, Llano Estacado, Texas F d 3-4,000 ft. Lower California D e Lone Peak, Utah D b Sierra de la Lanterna, Arizona D c Long’s Peak, 14,050 Colorado E b Sierra de la Plata, Colorado E c Mammoth Cave, Kentucky I c Sierra del Carrizo, Arizona D c Sierra del Cobre, or Maestra, 6,890 ft. Cuba L i Sierra de los Organos, Cuba K f Sierra de San Lazaro, 6,000 ft. Lower California E f Sierra Diablo, Texas F d Sierra Imias, Cuba M f Sierro Madre, Mexico and New Mexico E d and F f Sierra Maestra, or Del Cobre, Cuba L f Arizona D d California C c Montana E a Colorado F c Colorado E c Wyoming E b New Mexico E c California C d Idaho D b Oregon B b Idaho D b Arizona D d Utah D b Utah D c Utah D c California C c Nevada C c New Hampshire M b Indian Territory G d Wyoming E b Montana E a 6,890 ft. Sierra Mogollon, Sierra Nevada, 13,000 ft. Snow Mts. Spanish Peaks, South Park, South Pass, Taylor, Mt. Tejon Pass, Three Buttes, Three Sisters, Three Tetons, Turnbull, Mt. Uintah Mts. Walisatch Mts. Wahsatch Pass, Walker’s Pass, Washoe Valley, White. Mts., 6,500 Wichita Mts. Wind River Mts. Wolf Mts. BAYS, ETC. Albemarle Sound, Altamaha Sound, Appalaehie B. Atchafalaya B. Ballenas B. Barataria B. Barra del Tordo, Barra de Smtander, Blanco B. Broa B. North Carolina L Georgia K Florida K Louisiana H Lower California D Louisiana I Mexico G Mexico G Lower California D Cuba K Bulls Bay, California, Gulf of, Cape Cod B. Cazimbas B. Cazones B. Cedar Key B. Charlotte Harbour, Chesapeake B. Colcasieu Pass, Cortes B. South Carolina L Mexico D Massachusetts M Florida K Cuba K Florida K Florida K Maryland L Louisiana H Cuba K Currituck Inlet, Old, North Carolina L Deadman’s Bay, Florida K Delaware B. Delaware & New Jersey M Espiritu Santo, or Tampa B. Florida K Florida B. Florida K Florida Channel, I Fond du Lac, L. Superior H Galveston B. Texas H Georgia, Gulf ol. Washington B Gray’s Harbour, Washington B Green B. Guadiana B. Gulf Stream, Indian R. Inlet, Isle au Breton Sound, Juan de Fuca Strait, Long Island Sound, Long B. Alagdalona B. Maria B. L. Michigan I Cuba K L Florida K Louisiana I Washington B New York nl South Carolina L Lower California D Lower California D 6 MAP OF UNITED STATES OF NORTH AMERICA. assaehusetts B. Mexico, Gulf of, Mobile B. Molege B. Monterey B. Muertos B. Narraganset B. New York B. Old Currituck Inlet, Onslow B. Ossabau Sound, Angel de la Guarda Anne, C. Apostle Is. Arena, Pt. Arenas, Pt. Baya, C. Blanco, C. Blanco, 0. Block I. Canaveral, C. Carmen I. Cayo Largo, Cayo Romano, Cays de las Leguas, Cedros I. Ceralbo I. Chandeleur .Is. Charles C Cod, C. OomentM, C. Massachusetts M b I f Alabama I d Lower California D e California B c Lower California E f Rhode I. M b New York M b North Carolina L c North Carolina L d Georgia K d Oyster B. Florida K e Raleigh B. North Carolina L d Santander. Barra de. Mexico Q 1 Oyster B. Texas G e Sabine Pass, Texas H e Santa Rosa Inlet, Florida I d Pamlico Sound, North Carolina L c Saginaw B. L. Huron K b Shoalwater B. Washington B d Paz B. Lower California I) f St Andrew’s Sound, Georgia K d Tampa, or Espiritu Santo B. Florida K e Pelican B.. California B b St Catherine Sound, Georgia K d Terrebonne B. Louisiana H e Penobscot B. Maine N b St Lucie Inlet, Florida K e Thunder B. L. Huron K a Pinacate B. Mexico U d San Luis, Port, Lower California D e Todos Santos B. Lower California C d Port Royal Entrance, South Carolina K d Sau Quentin, Port, Lower California C d Tordo, Barra del. Mexico G t Port San Luis, Lower California D e Sau Ramon B. Lower California C d White Water B. Florida K a Port San Quentin, Lower California C d San Sebastian Viseaino, Puget Sound, Washington B a B. of, Lower California D . e ISLANDS AND CAPES. . L. California Massachusetts Wisconsin California Lower California Lower California Lower California Oregon Rhode I. Florida Lower California Cuba Cuba Cuba Lower California Lower California Louisiana Virginia •1 assachusetta Cuba D e M b H a B c E f C e C e B b M b K e D e K f L f E f I e L c M b K f Cruz, C. de, Cuba L g Liana Pt. Cuba K f Royale, Isle, Wisconsin I a Cuba, K f Lookout, C. North Carolina L d Sable, C. Florida Jl e Dernier I. Louisiana H e Marquis, Pt. del, Lower California D f St. George I. Mexico D d Dry Tortugas Is. Florida K f Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts M b San Clemente, California C d Espiritu Santo I. Lower California E f May, C. New Jersey M c San Josef I. Lower California I) i M AS I £. /few d ^(Jiarrifc* 0 ^ 'P S **‘V 6 s?r* 4 zt: G <■'/&•»>,} #&?2 j 3 ideri&fcR-'. — _ S t SeU^'\^ OnuUi . ' 2 ^ 5 - Decatur • 'j '-, \ \_ "arrde to>v„J n *°n.Z. - < %£kah Z. v£££J!£ 5 Udnter> itadiCiti- ■-fino.,.. -Zaci^c-^ j> J ? «*/0 fijy. ‘t^Ciaamh >con 0 j iP'j&iirse-' ( \\ mart-}] Esti'ellc, •delJSTo is act ue. ’ncefttgin M <&O f y. i { $ Marcos/ JncUaja Zer'uqio Miadcidf. ^anios botonUco 'delft, disco DrvJ i - CJ JF 6 Z 7 feet ■JioraV‘ .S TVr«tt$'<»n L •. Tasruiffanivig 1 tVrn;b ipojJajh / A. 3 Svj m> Superiw-j °V -*s .Z.Vtrwa* 'Otu.m. *re£3? 'OentlejB I XLmti^ eiU ■ {WiijLnau. iaem ■ 1 JL 11 ■■ '". Stanley j}lof*l SCrtit £ QGGgg^ Ic^ '*s 7 i< 7 >;' (‘.vryjlui^--. KVl/ 7 ^ A'&ZP 'SstfijAi' W pay } 'ill. is I' Wnula"' pay iit,-i\.i-l Weevlllc ^^estou M Killin'* bH CaDu/VJi. f&i tUr AhJi w^jTTta^t^ IU %irun^'Yick . \ 0 ' \ l ■ \ zsom'iH 6 V, 7 «//<"■; sTAuf juftin# andelew '*& Oear£ & ™3$b &foutJiS of the \ W^jnssisstppi Gee at' f »Abaoo 3 aM 3JJ ^ ’ , 0 yid£TUXj\rjfr- £Veut ^ cVll 1 asoglj T^SP ^Tp , -n i'&fe-fr- c * 7 of 1 ' ’e. Sa>' 0 ^ r s^aiKags. LftuDuASr javarpsj DryTortuga*!' Jwneata’ k W Bahia.yr 0 HAVANA Tropic, of Cancer ‘ilguin. C.Sjircboi LroigititcLe IVe.st I of Greemviah- Cayolarg 0 c&°y* x \nbifT- 'mm J?h l- , -- rV L *-* \V : : !r! !l® ! !l|®iiii!|!'iiij|!iii|||i||mi| i::iiii Vienna, Ontario C « Walkerton, Ontario C d Wallace, Nova Scotia M d Westminster, Ontario C e Weymouth, Nova Scotia L d Whitby, town, Ontario D e Wicklow, New Brunswick IC e Widder, Ontario C « William, Fort, Ontario B b Windsor, Nova Scotia M d Windsor, town, Ontario B 0 Wine Harbor, Nova Scotia N d Winnipeg, Manitoba B b Wollestown, Quebec H d Woodstock, New Brunswick K c Woodstock, town, Ontario C 0 Whycocomagk, Cape Breton I. N c Yarmouth, Nova Scotia K 0 York, Ontario D e York, Fort, Rupert’s Land B a Yorkville, Ontario D 6 RIVERS AND LAKES. Abbitibbe L. Ainslie L. Assuapmoussion, or Sa; It., 225 m. Aux Outardes, R., 110 Aux Sables, K., 70 m. Aylmer L. Badger Bay Pond, Balsam L. Barrows L. Bathurst L. Batiscan, R., 120 m. Bauching !■. Boar Rive: L. Be^ancour, R., 78 m. Betsiamite, R., 145 m. Bonne Chere R., 83 m. Bras D’Or L. Cascapediac, Great, R. Castor R., 21 m. 'Ihaudihre, R. , 125 in. Rupert’s Land D Cape Breton I. N guenay, Quebec G m. Quebec I Ontario C Quebec H Newfoundland Q Ontario D Newfoundland Q Newfoundland P Quebec G Quebec D Quebec D Quebec H Quebec I Ontario E Capo Breton I. N , 70 m. Quebec K Newfoundland P Quebec H b Chaudihre Falls, on Ottawa R. F d Francis, R., 145 m. Quebec G d c Chomouchouan, R. Quebec F b French R., 60 m. Ontario C c Coal R. Newfoundland O b Gambo Ponds, Newfoundland Q b b Cod, Great, R., 55 m. Newfoundland O b Gander Bay Pond, Newfoundland Q b b God, Little, R., 19 m. Newfoundland O c Gatineau, L. Quebec F b e Commissioners L. Quebec G b Gatineau, R., 290 m. Quebec F c d Oowlooknoostook, R., 85 m. Quebec I b George IV. L. Newfoundland P b b Crockers L. Newfoundland P b Golden L. Ontario E d d Deer Pond, Newfoundland P b Golden L. Quebec E c b Detroit, R., 28 m. Ontario P> e Goodbout, R., 45 m. Quebec 1C b b Drag L. Ontario D d Grand Falls (falls 75 ft. in c Du Lifevre, R. .210 m, Quebec F e half-a-mile). New Brunswick K c c Du Moine R. Quebec E c Grand L. Quebec E c c Du Nord, R., 130 m. Quebec F c Grand I.. Quebec F c c East R. Nova Scotia M d Grand L. Quebec H b b Edward L. Quebec G c Grand L. New Brunswick K c d Erie, L., area 9,500 sq m. Grand Pond, Newfoundland P b d alt. 566 ft. Ontario C e Grand R., 120 m. Ontario C c b Espamisoateh, L. Quebec I a Humber R., 100 m. Newfoundland P b a Exploits, R., 80 m.. or 190 Huron, L., area 25,000 sq. in., c m. from source. Newfoundland Q b alt. 578 ft. Ontario R d Jameson L. Kajoualwang, L. Kedgewick, R., Kinoganii. L. Labyrinthe 1,. Lac Quaro, R., 115 m La have, R., 50 m. L’Assomption, L. Laval R. Les Quinzes, L. Lessumer, R., 80 m. Liscomb, R,, 45 m. Little. R., 25 m., or 95 m. from source, Newfoundland Liverpool. R., 55 ni Lobster, R., 25 m. Long L. Long L. Long L. Loup Marin, R., 45 m. Madswaska, R.. 130 m. Newfoundland P Quebec G New Brunswick 1C Quebec H Quebec D Quebec F Nova Scotia L Quebec G Quebec 1 Quebec D Quebec H Nova Scotia N Nova Scotia L Quebec K Quebec F Quel ec F Quebec I Quebec 1 Ontario F DOMINION OF CANADA AND NORTHERN UNITED STATES. Madswaska, R., 60 m. Magdelaine, R., 46 nu Maitland, R,, 70 in. Manicougar., R., 120 m. Marcoin, P. Majgueris R. Maslumongoosc B. Matano, R., 40 ni. Matapoiliac, L. Matapediac, R., 65 m. Matawin E. Megauat.nvan, R., 100 m. Megantic, L. Melville L. Jlempliramagog L. Quebec I Quebec L Ontario C Quebec T Quebec Iv Quebec II Quebec F c Quebec K b Quebec K b Quebec K b Quebec G c Ontario C il Quebec H d Newfoundland Q b Quebec G d Miramiehi, R., 160 m. New Brunswick L c Miskouaskaine ti. Quebec F b Mississaga, R. Ontario B c Mississippi L. Ontario E d Mississippi, R. , 00 m. Ontario E d Moisie, R., 260 in. Quebec K a Montmorency, R., 50 m. (Falls 250 ft.) Quebec H c Montreal, R., 100 m. Ontario D c Montreal R., Ontario A c Murray Bav, R., 63 m. Quebec FI c Muskoka, R. Ontario D d Muskoka, L. Ontario D d Muskrat B. Quebec E c Musquodoboit, R.,45m. Nova Scotia M d Naslnvack, R., 58 m. New Brnnsv«;k K c Natashquan, R. Quebec N a Nekoubish, R., 70 m. Quebec F h Niagara, R., 35 m. (Horse Shoe Fall is 1,800 ft. wide and 154 It. deep; American Falls, 600 ft. wide and 163 ft. deep) Ontario D Ni pissing, L., alt. 647 ft. Ontario D Nipisigmt, R., 80 m. New Brunswick K Oaichtagani, L. Quebec H Oketogigan, E. Quebec E Ontario, E., area 6000 sq. ra. alt. 234 ft. Ontario E Opeonga, B. Ontario D Oskelanaie L. Quebec F Ottawa, R., 460 m. Quebec F Ottawa, Sources of the, Quebec D Pauashe, B. Ontario C Papimonagaco, L. Quebec I Patapediac, R. Quebec K Penticost, It. Quebec K Petewawa, R., 60 m. Ontario E Petitcodiac, R., 80 m. New Brunswick B Picogome, B. Quebec H Portland Creek, Newfoundland P Portneuf, R., 125 m. Quebec I Ratting, Great, R., 70 m. Newfoundl. Q Red Indian B. Newfoundland P Ribbon R., 65 in. Quebec F Rice B. Ontario D Riclilieu, Sorel, St John, or Chanibly, R., 80 m. Quebec G Rideau Canal and R., 120 ni. Ontario F Riileau B. Ontario E Rimouski, R,, 40 m. Quebec I Ristigouche, R., 120 m. N. Brunswick K Rossignol, L. Nova Scotia L Scugog, L. Seven Beague, L. Saugeen, R., 90 m. Serpent R. Severn R., 37 m. Ontario Ontario Ontario Ontario Ontario Rouclie Coupea, R. Quebec G b Saguenay, or Assuapmous sion, R., 225 m. Saguenay, Sources of the, St. Ana, R., 40 m. St. Clair, R., 30 m. St. Ciair, B. , area 360 sq. m., alt. 570 ft. St. Francis, B. St. Francis, B. St. George, L. St. George, R., 45 m. St. John, B. St. John, R., 490 m. St. John, R. St. John’s R., 60 m. St. Rawrence, R., length from B. Ontario, 750 m. ; entire length, 2,150 m. ; area of basin, 297,000 sq. m., of which 95,200 are oc- cupied by the great lakes, Quebec St. Margaret, R. Quebec St. Mary’s, R., 90 m. Nova Scotia St. Maurice, li., 240 m. Quebec St. Peter, L. Quebec Salmon R. Anticosti d | Salmon R., 90 m. New Brunswick Salmon R., 70 m. Newfoundland Salt-au-Cochon, R., 100 m. Quebec Quebec Quebec Quebec Ontario Ontario Quebec Quebec Ontario Newfoundland Quebec New Brunswick Quebec Quebec G b E b K b B e B e H d F d B c O b G b K d M a B b Shawenega, R. Shawgois, B. Shelong B, Ship Harbour L. Shodiac L. Ontario Quebec Quebec Nova Scotia New Brunswick Simcoe, B., alt. 704 ft. Ontario Spanish R., 95 m. Ontario Stewart’s E. Newfoundland Sturgeon R., 70 m. Ontario Superior, B. , area 32,000 sq. m., alt. 627 ft. Ontario Sydenham, It., 75 m. On tarn Tamagamingue, L. Ontario Temiscaming, L. Quebec Temiscouata, B. Quebec Terra Nova Pond, Newfoundland Thames, R., 145 m. Ontario Thousand Isles, B. of the, Ontario C d F b F o M d K d D d C e Q h Tobique, B. Tobique, R., 80 m. Trent, It., 120 m. Vermillion, R. Victoria B. Wahnapitaeping B. Wallace B. New Brunswick New Brunswick Ontario Quebec Newfoundland Ontario Newfoundland Wasliademoak, R., 65 m. New Brunswick Washeecootai, R. Quebec Wayagamaclc, Great, B. Quebec Welland Canal, 35 ni. Ontario White B. Wilmots B. Wilson's B. York, R., 65 m. Ontario Newfoundland Newfoundland Quebec K o E d G o P b C s P b D d P b BAYS, GULFS, ETC. B. Arbnptic Harb. Aquafort B. Aspy B. Aylmer Sound, Basque Harb. Batcheewahauiv Bel'e B. Belle Isle, Strait of, Biscay B. Blackhead B. Bonavista B. Bonne B. Bras D'Or, Great, Broyle Harb. Burin Harb. Camacbie, or Ellis, tanado B. Cannaigrc B. Canso, Strait of, Cascumpec B. Catalina Harb. Cart Arm, Chaleur B. Chedabucto B. Cheticamp Harb. Chignecto B. Clode Sound, Colpoys B. Conception B. Coney Harb. Confusion B. Country Harb. Croc Harb. Deadman B. Deleau B. Despair B. Dighy Noel, Dog B. B. Nova Scotia Newfoundland Capo Breton I. Quebec Magdalen Is. B. Superior Newfoundland Newfoundland Newfoundland Newfoundland Newfoundland Cape Breton f. Newfoundland Newfoundland Anticosti Newfoundland Newfoundland Nova Scotia Prince Edward I. Newfoundland Newfoundland New Brunswick Nova Scotia Cape Breton 1. Nova Scotia Newfoundland B. Huron Newfoundland Newfoundland Newfoundland Nova Scotia Newfoundland Newfoundland Newfoundland Newfoundland Nova Seotia Newfoundland L e R c N c O a M c A c Q c P a R c R b R b O b N c R c Q L P P N M R P a L e N d Q a P b Egmont B. Prince Edward I. L Ellis, or Camachie, B. Anticosti B Exploits, Bay of, Forked Harb. Fortune B. Fortune Harb. Fourchette B. Freshwater B. Fundy, B. of, Gabavus B. Gander B. Graia B. Gaspe B. Georgian B. Grand B. Grange B. Green B. Grequet B. Gull Cove, Halifax Harb. Hall B. Hamilton Sound, Hare B. Hawke Harb. Heart’s Content, Herbert, Port, Hermitage B. Hillsborough B. Indian B. Ingreuechoix B. Islands, B. of, Jedilore Harb. Kegashga B. Kouchihougac Harb. Ba Pierre Harb. Ba Poile B. Laun B. Baval B. Newfoundland Q Cape Breton I. N Newfoundland Q Newfoundland Q Newfoundland P Newfoundland Q Nova Scotia B Cape Breton I. N Newfoundland Q Newfoundland O Quebec B B. Huron C Quebec H Newfoundland P a Newfoundland P b Newfoundland Q a Anticosti I. N b Nova Scotia M d Newfoundland Q b Newfoundland Q b Newfoundland Q Newfoundland P Newfoundland R Nova Scotia B Newfoundland P Prince Edward I. M Newfoundland R Newfoundland P Newfoundland O Nova Scotia M Quebec N New Brunswick B Newfoundland Q Newfoundland O Newfoundland Q Quebec I Lc Cou Harb. Lemaire B. I.cbster B. Long Harb. Mahone B. Mai B. Mai B. Margaret’s B. Michipieoten Harb. Mitchedash B. Mines Basin, Mines Channel, Mings B. Miramiehi B. Mire B. Moisie B. Mortier Harb. Murray B. Musquodoboit Harb. Natashquan, Little, Harb. Quebec N New Harb. Nova Seotia N Nipisiguit B. New Brunswick B North Channel, L. Huron B Northumberland Strait, M Newfoundland O Newfoundland Q Quebec K Newfoundland Q Nova Scotia L Newfoundland P Quebec L Nova Seotia M B. Superior A L. Huron C Nova Scotia M Nova Seotia L Newfoundland Q New Brunswick L Cape Breton 1. O Quebec K Newfoundland Q Quebec H Nova Scotia M Notre Dame B. Nottawasaga B. Observation B. Oldmans B. Outward B. Owen Sound, Owl’s Harb. Paradise Sound, Parry’s Sound, Passamaquoddy B. Petty Harb. Pictou Harb. Pistolet B. Placentia B. Newfoundland Q L. Huron C Anticosti M Newfoundland P Quebec I L. Huron C Nova Scotia M Newfoundland Q L. Huron C New Brunswick K Newfoundland R Nova Scotia M Newfoundland Q Newfoundland Q Port-au- Port B. Quinte, B. of, Ragged I. Harb. Ren owes B. Richmond B St. Ann B. St. Ann’s B. St. Ann’s Cove, St. Anthony’s Harb. St. George B. St. George’s B. St. Lawrence, Gulf of, St. Lawrence Harb. St. Margaret B. St. Mary B. St. Mary’s B. St. Nicholas Harb. St. Paul’s B. St. Peter’s B. Sandy B. Sandy Cove, Seven Is. B. Shodiae B. Smith Sound, Sops Arm, Spanish B. Three Rivers B. Tor B. Tracadie Gully, Trepassey Harb. Trinity B. Verte, B. Verte B. Watagheistic Sound, White B. White Bears Arm, Newfoundland O Ontario E Nova Seotia L Newfoundland R Prince Edward 1. M Quebec K Cape Breton I. N Anticosti M Newfoundland Q Newfoundland O Nova Seotia N N Newfoundland Q Quebec K Newfoundland R Nova Scotia R Quebec K Quebec H Cape Breton I. N Newfoundland P Anticosti M Quebec K New Brunswick L Newfoundland R Newfoundland P Cape Breton I. N Prince Edward 1. M Nova Scotia N New Brunswick L Newfoundland R Newfoundland R Newfoundland P Nova Seotia M Quebec O Newfoundland P Newfoundland P Bald Mt. Blue Hills, Cobequid Mts. New Brunswick K c Newfoundland Q b Nova Scotia M d Douglas Valley, Fox Harbour Hills, Logan Mt., 3,768 ft. MOUNTAINS, ETC. New Brunswick K d Newfoundland Q b Quebec K b Long Range, The, Murray, Mt. St. Anne Mts. Newfoundland O Quebec L^ Quebec K St. John, Mt. Serpentine Mt Quebec L a Newfoundland P b ISLANDS, PENINSULAS, AND CAPES. Alright I., Burin I. Newfoundland Q c Flower Is. Newfoundland R b Jude E Newfoundland Q c G. of St. Lawrence N c Byron B G. of St. Lawrence N c Fogo, C. Newfoundland R b Langley I., or Petit Miouelon Alumette I., Ottawa R. E d Cabot Head, L. Superior C d Fogo I. Newfoundland Q b (to France), Newfoundland P c Amherst I. G. of St Lawrence N c Canso, C. Nova Scotia N d Fogo Rocks, Newfoundland Q b Lepreau, Pt. New Brunswick K d Angnille, C. Newfound'and O c Cape Breton I., area 3,120 sq. Freels, C. Newfoundland R b Long I. Newfoundland Q b Anticosti T., Quebec M b m., Nova Scotia N c F reels, C. Newfoundland R c Long I. Nova Scotia K d Aux Morts, T. Newfoundland O c Cape Sable I., Nova Scotia L c Gaspe, C. Quebec B b Long Point B L. Erie C e Aux Pins, Pt. B. Erie C e Caribou, Pt. Quebec K b Goose I. R. St. Lawrence H e Long P. Newfoundland O b Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland R c Caivee, Great, I. , Quebec K b Grandby C. Cape Breton I. O c Lyal I. L. Huron C d Ballard, C. Newfoundland R c Chapeau Rouge, C. Newfoundland Q c Gregory C. Newfoundland O b Madame, Isle, Nova Scotia N d Barachais Pt Newfoundland P c Clark Pt. L. Huron C d Grindstone E, Magdalen Is., (to Bauld. C. Newfoundland Q a Cloudberry Pt. Quebec N a G. of St. Laivrence N c Uasvt Co.), G. of St Lawrence -N 0 Bear Head, Newfoundland O b Cockburn I. L. Huron B d Groais I. Newfoundland Q a Mamainse Pt. Ontario A c Bell I. Newfoundland Q a Coffin I. G. of St Lawrence N c Gros Cap, Ontario A c Manan, Grand, I., Belle Isle, Newfoundland Q, a Cormorant Pt. Anticosti I. N b Grosse T. Quebec N c New Brunswick K d Bic I. R. St. Lawrence I b Coudres I., R. St. Lawrence H c Gull I. Newfoundland Q a Manicougnn Peninsula, Boat Is. Quebec O a Headmans T. G. of St. Lawrence M c Hare 1. R. St. Lawrence I c Queliec I b Bonaventure, I. Quebec L b D’Espoir, C. Quebec L b Heath Pt. Anticosti N b Manitoulin, Grand, I. pop. Bonavista, C. Newfoundland R b Duck I. L. Ontario E e Hurd, Cape, L. Superior C d L. Huron B 0 Boulardarie I. Cape Breton I. N c Duck, Great, I. L. Huron B d Isle Verte, Quebec 1 b Martin Pt.. Newfoundland O b Breakheart Pt. Newfoundland R b East Pt. Prince Edward I. N c James, C. Anticosti I. M b May Pt. Newfoundland Q c Breton, C. Cape Breton I. 0 d Entry I. G. of St Lawrence N c Jareds Pt. Nova Scotia M d Mecatina B, Little, Quebec O a Brier I. Nova Scotia K d Escuminac Pt. New Binnswick L c Jeffreys Pt. Nova Scotia B e Merashecn I. Newfoundland Q c Brunet I. Newfoundland Q c Father Pt. Quebec I b Jesus, Isle (it forms the county Michipieoten I. B. Superior A c flunreo la. Newfoundland P c Fitrwilliaui T. E. Huron C d of Baval), R. St. Lawrence G d I Mingan Is. Quebec I. ■ 4 DOMINION OF CANADA AND NORTHERN UNITED STATES. Miquelon, Grand (to France) Newfoundland P Miquelon, Petit. Lit. Miquelon, or Langley, T. (to France ), Newfoundland P Miscou I. New Brunswick L Montreal I. L. Superior A Montreal, I. of (it forms the counties of Hochelaga and Jaques Cartier) R. St. Lawrence G Natashquan Pt. Quebec N Newfoundland (see Table), Q New World I. North, C. North C. )i leans, I of Newfoundland Q Cape Breton I. N I rince Edward I. L It. St. Lawrence II Parisien I. L. Superior A c Rozifere, C. Quebec L b Samhro, C. Nova Scotia M 0 Partridge Pt. Newfoundland P a Sable, C. Nova Scotia L e Scutari I. Nova Scotia O c Pelee Pt. L. Erie B f Sable 1. Nova Scotia O e Seven Is. Quebec K a Penguin Is. Newfoundland P c St. Barbe I. Newfoundland Q a Shippigau I. New Brunswick L c Pictou I. Nova Scotia M d St. Francis, C. Newfoundland R c Sop. I. Newfoundland P b Point Pelee T. L. Erie B f St. George, C. Newfoundland O b South Pt. Anticosti I. M- Y Prince Edward I. (see St. George, C. Nova Scotia N a South West Pt. Anticosti I. M b Table ) , G. of St. Lawrence M c St. John, C. Newfoundland Q a Table Head, Anticosti I. N b Race, C. Newfoundland R c St. John I. Newfoundland P a Tolinguet I. Newfoundland Q b Ramea Is. Newfoundland P c St. Joseph I. L. Huron B c Triton I. Newfoundland Q b Random I, Newfoundland R b St. Lawrence, C. Cape Breton I. N c Verte, Isle, R. St. Lawrence 1 b Ray, C. Newfoundland O c St. Margaret Pt. Quebec K b Wadham Is. Newfoundland R b tied I. Newfoundland 0 b St. Mary, C. Newfoundland Q c West Pt. Prince Edward Is. L c Red I. Newfoundland Q c St. M ary Is. Quebec O a Whittle C. Quebec N & Rich Pt. Newfoundland P a St. Paul I. Nova Scotia N c West End C. Anticosti M b Rousses Pt. Quebec G d St. Pierre I. (to France), Newfound. P c Wolfe I. R. St. Lawrence E d Area, square miles Columbia, District of, 55 Connecticut, 4,750 Delaware, 2,120 ♦Maine, 35,000 Maryland, 11,124 ♦Massachusetts, 7,800 Michigan, 56,451 ♦New Hampshire, 9,280 New Jersey, 8,320 INDEX TO NORTHERN UNITED STATES. TABLE OF THE STATES. Population, 1870. Population. 1880. Capital. Refer- ence. 131,700 177,638 Washington, E g 537,454 622,683 Hartford, G f 125,015 146,654 Dover, F g 626,915 648,945 Augusta, I d 780,894 934,632 Annapolis, E g 1,457,351 1,783.012 Boston, Lansing, H e 1,184,059 1,636,331 A e 318,300 346,984 Concord, H e 906,096 1,130,983 Trenton, F f States. Area, square miles. Popnlation, 1870. Popnlation, 1880. Capital. Refer ence New York, 47,000 4,382,759 5,083,810 Albany, F e Ohio, 39,964 2,665,260 3,198,239 Columbus, B f Pennsylvania, 46,000 3,521,791 4,282,786 Harrisburg, E f ♦Rhode Island, 1,306 217,353 276,528 Providence, Montpelier, H f ♦Vermont, 10,212 330,551 332,286 G e Virginia, 38,352 1,225.163 1,512.806 Richmond, Dg West Virginia, 23,000 442,014 618,443 Wheeling, E a * These are commonly named the New England States. TOWNS, ETC. Adrian. Michigan A f Bucksport, Maine I a Coshocton, Ohio B f Greensburg, Pennsylvania D I Akron, Ohio C f Bucyrus, Ohio B f Cowdersport, Pennsylvania 1) f Greenupsburg, Kentucky B g Albany, Cap. of State, N. York G e Buffalo, New York D 0 Crestline, Ohio B f Greenville, Maine I 3 Albion, New York D e Burlington. New Jersey F f Cumberland, Maryland D g Greenwich, Rhode 1. II f Alexandria. Virginia E g Burlington, Vermont G d Danbury, Connecticut G f Guildhall, Vermont II d Alfred, Maine H e Cadiz, Ohio C f Danville, Pennsylvania E f Hagerstown, Maryland E g Allegheny City, Pennsylvania C f Calais, city, Maine K d Dauphin, Pennsylvania E f Hamden, Ohio B g Allentown, Pennsylvaunia F f Caldwell, New York G e Dayton, Ohio Hamilton, New York F e Alliance, Ohio C f Caldwell, Ohio C g Dedham, Massachusetts H e Hanging Rock, Ohio B g Alpena, Michigan B d California, W. Virginia C g Delaware, Ohio B f Harper’s Ferry, Virginia E g Alton Bay, New Hampshire H e Cambridge, city, Massachusetts II e Delhi, New York F e Harrisburg, Cap. of A/nhferst, New Hampshire H e Camden, New Jersev F g Dennestown, Maine H d State, Pennsylvania E Andover, Massachusetts II e Canandaigua, New York E e Denton, Maryland F g Ilarrisville, Michigan B Lewistown, Pennsylvania E f Mount Vernon, Ohio B f Lexington, Michigan B e Napoleon, Ohio A f Lexington, Ohio B CP Nashua, city, New Hampshire II e Lima, Ohio A f Nevada, Ohio B f Lincolnville, Maine I d Newark, New Jersey F f Litchfield, Connecticut G f Newark, Ohio B f Littleton, Pennsylvania E g New Bedford, Massachusetts H f Littleton, W. Virginia C © New Brunswick, New Jersey F f Livermore, Maine H d Newburgh, New York F f Lockhaven, Pennsylvania E f Newbury, Vermont G d Lockport, New York D e Newburyport, city, Mass. H e Logan, Ohio B g New Castle, Delaware F g London, New, Ohio B f New Castle, Pennsylvania C f London, Ohio B g New City, New York F f Long Branch, New Jersey F f New Haven, Connecticut G f Lowell, city. Massachusetts H e New Lisbon, Ohio C f Lowman, W. Virginia C g New London, Ohio B f Lynn, Massachusetts II e Hew London, Connecticut G f Lyons, New York E e New Philadelphia, Ohio C f M'Connellsville, Ohio C g N ewport. Maine I d Mackias, Maine IC d Newport, New Hampshire G e Mackinaw. Michigan A d Newport, Rhode I. H f Magnolia, Maryland E g Newton, New Jersey F f Malone, New York F d New York, city, New York G f Manchester, Michigan B e Niagara Falls, New York D e Man Chester, New Hampshire H e Niagara City, New York D e Manchester, Vermont G e Nicaton, Maine I d Mannington, W. Virginia C g Norridgewock, Maine I d Mansfield, Ohio B f Norristown, Pennsylvania F f Marietta, Ohio C b Northampton, Massachusetts G e Marion. Ohio B f N orthumberland. New Hampshire H d Marion, Pennsylvania D f Norwalk, Ohio B f Mailborough, Upper, Maryland E g Norwalk, Connecticut G f Marshall, W. Virginia C g Norwich, Connecticut G f Martinsburg, New York F e Norwich, New York F e Martinsburg, Virginia D g Oakville, Ohio B g Marysville, Ohio B f Oberlin, Ohio B f Mason, New Hampshire H e Ogdensburg, city. New York F d Vlauch Chunk, Pennsylvania F f Ohio City, Ohio C f Maysville, New York D e Oil City, Pennsylvania D f Meadvllle, Pennsylvania C f Oneota, New York F e Medina. New York D e Orville, Ohio C f Medina, Ohio C f Oswego, city, New York E e Mercer, Pennsylvania C f Ottakee, Ohio A f Middleboro, Massachusetts IT f Ovid, New York E e Middleboume, \V. Virginia C g Owasso, Michigan A e M'ddlebury, Vermont G d Owego, New York E e Middletown, Connecticut G f Oxford, Maryland F g Middletown, New York F f Paincsville, Ohio C f Midland, Michigan A e Palmyra, Michigan B f Mifflin, Pennsylvania E f Paris, Maine H d Milford, Delaware F g Parkersburg, W. Virginia C g Milford, Maine I d Parkton, Maryland E g Milford, Ohio B f Paterson, New Jersey F f Milford, Pennsylvania F f Penobscot, Maine I d Millersburg, Ohio C f Pen Yan, New York E e Millerton, New York G e Perrysburg, Ohio B f Millville. New Jersey F g Philadelphia, Pennsylv. F g Millwood, Ohio C Phillippa, W. Virginia C Milton, Pennsylvania E f Phillipsburg, New Jersey F f Minot, Maine H d Piedmont, Maryland D g Monongahela City, Pennsylvania D f Pierrepont Manor, New York F e Monroe, Michigan B f Piketon, Ohio B g Monroe, Ohio B f Pine Grove, Pennsylvania E f Monticello, New York F f Pittsburg, Pennsylvania D f Montpelier, Cap. of State, Plattsburgh, New York G d Vermont G d Plymouth, Massachusetts H f Mooers, New York G d Plymouth, New Hampshire H e Moorfield, W. Virginia D g Point Pleasant, W. Virginia B g Morgantown, W. Virginia D Pomeroy, Ohio B g Morristown, New Jersey F f Pontiac, Michigan B e Moundsville, W. Virginia C g Port Clinton, Ohio B f RIVERS A Alacona L. Michigan B d Cranberry L. New York F d Allegash R., 65 m. Maine I c Crooked L. New York E e Allegheny R., 270 m. Pennsylvania D f Dead R. Maine H d Androscoggin R., 215 m. Maine H d Delaware R., 320 m. New York F e &, F g An Sable, R. Michigan A d Elk R., 95 m. W. Virginia C An Sable, R., 45 m. New York G d Genessee R., 120 m. New York D e Rlack R., 30 m. Maine J c George L., or Horicon, New York G e Black R., 48 m. Michigan A d Heron L. Maine 1 c Black R., 110 m. New York F e Hocking R., 75 ni. Ohio C g Bulls Run Virginia E g Housatonic R., 125 m. Connecticut G f Cass R., 75 m. Michigan B e Horicon, or L. George, New York G e Caucomgamoek L. Maine I c Hudson R., 300 m. New York G f Cayuga, L. New York E e Hughs R. W. Virginia C or Chamberlain L. Maine I c Juniata R., 130 m. Pennsylvania E f Champlain, L., area 600 Kennebec R., 230 m. Maine I d sq. m., alt. 90 ft. New York G d Long L. New York F d Clieaplawgan Lakes, Maine I c Maumee R., 100 m. Ohio B f Cheat R., 105 m. W. Virginia D g Merrimac R., 170 m. New Hampshire H e Chesucoook L. Maine I c Michigan, L., area 22,400 Conhoctor. R., New York E e sq. m., alt. 574 ft. Michigan A d Connecticut R., 410 m. G e Mohawk R., 160 m. New York F e Tort Clinton, Pennsylvania E f Taschereau, Maine H d Port Elizabeth, Michigan B e Taunton, Massachusetts H 1 Port Huron, Michigan B e Tawas, Michigan B d Port Jervis, New Jersey F f Thoroughfare Gap, Virginia E e Portland, Maine H e Tinconderogo, New York G e Port Leyden, New York F e Tiffin, Ohio B 4 Port Monmouth, New Jersey F f Tioga, Pennsylvania E i Port Sanilac, Michigan B e Titusville, Pennsylvania D f Portsmouth, city, N. Hampshire H e Tobyhanna, Pennsylvania F ( Portsmouth, Ohio B g Toledo, city, Ohio B f Pottstown, Pennsylvania F f Tolland, Connecticut G f Pottsville, Pennsylvania E f Toms River, New Jersey F g Poughkeepsie, New York G f Tonawanda, New York D e Presque Isle, Maine I c Topsfield, Maine K d Presque Isle, Michigan B d Towanda, Pennsylvania E f Providence, Cap. of Traverse, Michigan A d State, Rhode I. H f Trenton, Cap. of Pulaski, New York E e State, New Jersey F f Quakake, Pennsylvania E f Troy, New York G a Ravenna, Ohio O f Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania E f Reading, Pennsylvania F f Tyrone, Pennsylvania D f Ridgeway, Pennsylvania D f Union, W. Ohio B g Ripley, W. Virginia C g Uniontown, Pennsylvania D g Riverhead, New York G f Urbana, Ohio B i Rochester, New York E e Urichsville, Ohio C f Rochester, Pennsylvania C f Utica, New York F e Rockland, Maine I d Vassar. Michigan R e Rockville, Maryland E g Walkers, W. Virginia C g Rome, 11, New York F e Walpole, New Hampshire G e Romney, W. Virginia D g Warren, Ohio C f Rutland, Vermont G e Warren, Pennsylvania D f Sackets, New York E e Warrenton, Virginia E g Saco, Maine II e Warsaw, New York D e Sageville. New York F e Washington, Metropolis Saginaw, Michigan B e of United States, Dist. of Columbia E g Saginaw, East, Michigan B e Washington, Ohio B g St. Alban’s, Vermont G d Washington, Pennsylvania C i St. Clair, Michigan B e Waterbury, Connecticut G f St. Clairsviile, Ohio C f Waterloo, New York E e St. George, Maine I e Watertown, New York F e St. George, W. Virginia D g Waterville, Maine , d St Johnsbury, Vermont G d Watkins, New Y r ork E e Salamanca. New York D e Waynesburg, Pennsylvania C g Salem, Massachusetts H e Wellfleet Harbour, Massachusetts I f Salem, New Jersey F g Wellsboro, Pennsylvania E t Salem, W. Virginia C g Wellsburg, W. Virginia C f Saline, Ohio C f Westfield, Massachusetts G 6 Sandusky, Ohio B f Westfield, New York D e Sandusky, Upner, Ohio B f Westminster, Maryland E g Sandy Hill, New York G e Weston, W. Virginia C g Saratoga Springs, New York G e Wheeling, W. Virginia C f Saut Ste. Marie, Michigan A c Whitehall, New York G e Schoharie, New York F e White Plains, New York G f Scranton, Pennsylvania F f Whitney, Maine K d Seneca Falls, New York E e Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania F f Sheffield, Pennsylvania D f Williamsport, Maryland E g Shelby, Ohio B f Williamsport, Pennsylvania E t Schenectady, New York F e Wilmington, Delaware F g Sinnemahoning, Pennsylvania D f Wilton, New Hampshire H 0 Smithport, Pennsylvania D f Winchester, Virginia D g Somerset, Pennsylvania D f Winfield, W. Virginia C g Somerville, New Jersey F f Winsted, Connecticut G f Springfield, Massachusetts G e Wiscasset, Maine I d Springfield, Ohio B g Woodbury, New Jersey F g Standish, Michigan B e Woodsfield, Ohio C g Sterling, Massachusetts H e Woodstock, Vermont G e Stockbridge, Massachusetts G e Woodstock, Virginia D g Strasburg, Vermont D g W oonsocket, Rhode I. H e Strasburg, Virginia D g Wooster, Ohio C f Stratford, New Hampshire H d Woi jester. Massachusetts H a Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania F f Xenia, Ohio B g Sunbury, Pennsylvania E f Yarmouth, Maine H a Suttensville, W. Virginia C g York, Pennsylvania E g Sykesville, Maryland E g Youngstown, New York D a Syracuse, New York E e Zanesville, Ohio B 8 ID LAKES. Monongahela R., 300 m. Pennsylvania D f St. Francis R., 65 m. Maine I 0 Moose R. New York F e St. John, or Wool-as-took Moosehead L. Maine" I d R. , total length, 600 m. Maine I c Muskingum R. Ohio C g St. Mary R., or Strait, 55 m. Michigan A c Ohio R., 975 m., area of basin. Saranac It., 55 m. New York F d 214, 000 sq. m. Ohio C g Schuylkill R., 120 m. Pennsylvania F f Oneida L. New York F e Scioto R., 200 m. Ohio B g Oquosuck L Maine H d Seapan, L. Maine I c Oswego R. , New York E e Sebago Bond, Maine H « Papacton R. New York F e Seneca, L. New York E e Pemadamcook L. Maine I d Shenandoah R., 200 m. Virginia E g Penobscot R., 300 m. Maine I d Shiawassee R., 100 m. Michigan A 0 Piscataquis R., 65 m. Maine I d Sisladobis L. Maine I d Potomac R.. 550 m. Virginia E g Susquehanna R., 500 m. Pennsylvania E f Rackit L. New York F e Thunder Bay R., 65 m. Michigan B d Racket R., 140 in. New York F d Tuscarawas R. Ohio C * Regis R. New York F d White R. Vermont G e Rifle R. Michigan B d Winnepiseoge, L. New Hampshire H e Saco, R., 100 m. Maine H e Wool-as-took, or St. John Sacondaga R., 65 m. Now York G e R., 110 m. Maine I 0 St. Croix, R., 115 m. Maine K d Youghiogheny R., 105 m. Pennsylva. D g 6 DOMINION OF CANADA AND NORTHERN UNITED STATES. Ann, C. Au Sable, Pt. Bamegat B. Block I. Burnt Coal L Buzzards B. Cape Cod B. Casco B. Chesapeake B. Cod, 0. Delaware B. Drummond I. Egg, Great, Harb. BAYS, ISLANDS, AND CAPES. Massachusetts H e Michigan B d New Jersey F g Rhode I. H f Maine I d Massachusetts H f Massachusetts H f .Maine H e Maryland E g Massachusetts H c New Jersey F g L. Huron B d New Jersey F g Englishman’s B. Maine K d Mackinaw Strait, L. Huron A d Sackets Harb. L. Ontario E • Frenchman’s B. Maine I d Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts H f Saco B. Maine H « Gardiner I. New York G f Massachusetts B. Massachusetts H e Saginau B. L. Huron B 0 Gouldsborough B. Mainte K d May, C. New Jersey F g Sclioodie Pt. Maine I d Grand I. Niagara D e Montauk Pt. Long I. H f Staten I. New York F i Henlopen, C. Delaware F g Mount Desert I. Maine I d Sturgeon Pt. Michigan B d Isle Haute, Maine I d Nantucket I. Massachusetts H f Tequamenon B. L. Superior A c Isle Haute, B. Maine I d Naragnagus B. Maine K d Thunder B. L. Huron B d John’s B. Maine I e Narvaganset B. Rhode I. H f Townsbead Inlet, New Jersey F g Little Egg Harb. New Jersey F f New York B. New Jersey G f White Fish Pt. Michigan A Long I. New York G g Penobscot B. Maine I f Long. I. Sound, Connecticut G f Quhog B. Maine I d Machaias B. Maine K d Rhode I. Rhode I. H e MOUNTAINS. Adirondack Mts., 5,467 Massachusetts H e Alleghany, or Appalachian Chain, em- braces the whole mountain system Srcm Georgia to Maine. Alleghany Mts. Pennsylvania D f Blue Mt., 2,700 Maine H d Catskill Mts., 4,000 New Yofk F e Green Mts. (Camol’s Hump) 4,088 Ver. G d Katahdin, Mt., 5,385 Marcy, Mt., or Tehawus, 5,467 Shenandoah Mts. Maine I d Tuscarora Mts., Pennsylvania E f Washington Mt., 6,428 N. Hampshire H d New York F d White Mts., 4— 6,428 N. Hampshire H 4 Virginia D g I t EnirKved & Pinn tod m Colours T. EltoroocL Zti vis & c?.piiBS4pii MAP OF THE NEW ENGLAND Scale, 31 miles to an inch. The New England States comprise the six north-eastern States of the Union — viz., Maine, New Hamp- shire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island. Their united area is 68,348 square miles, with a population in 1880, of STATES AND LONG ISLAND. 4,010,438, in 1870 of 3,487,924. Increase since 1860, 11.25 per cent. They correspond in latitude in the Eastern Hemisphere to France, the north of Spain and Italy, and to the Isle of Yesso in Japan. State of Massachusetts. — Area, 7,800 square miles. Population (1880), 1,783,012; increase since 1870, 22.34 percent. (1870), 1,457,351; (1860), 1,231,066; (1850), 994,514. Increase since 1860, 18.4 per cent. Capital, Boston. It contains 14 Counties. State of Connecticut. — Area, 4,750 square miles. Population (1880), 622,683 ; increase since 1870, 15.85 percent. (1870), 537,454 ; (1860), 460,147 ; (1850), 370,- 792 ; increase since 1860, 16.8 per cent. Capital, Hart- ford. It contains 8 Counties. State of New Hampshire. — Area, 9,280 square miles. Population (1880), 346,984; increase since 1870, 9.01 per cent. (1870), 318,300; (1860), 326,073; (1850), 317,976 ; decrease since 1860, 2.4 per cent. Capital, Concord. It contains 10 Counties. Counties. Barnstable, Pop. 1870. 32,774 Pop. 1880. 31,945 D Berkshire, 64,827 69,049 A Bristol, 102,886 139,121 C Dukes, 3,787 4,305 D Essex, 200,843 244,640 C Franklin, Hampden, 32,635 36,000 B 78,409 104,117 B Hampshire, 44,388 47,235 B Middlesex, 274,353 317,951 C Nantucket, 4,123 3,726 D Norfolk, 89,443 96,462 C Plymouth, 65,365 74,024 D Suffolk, 270,802 387,626 F Worcester, 192,716 226,885 B State of Maine. — Area, 35,000 square miles. Popu- lation (1880) 648,945; increase since 1870, 3.51 percent. (1870) 626,915 ; (1860) 628,279; (1850) 583,169. De- crease since 1860, 0.2 per cent. Capital, Augusta. It contains 16 Counties. Counties. Androscoggin, Pop. 1870. 35,866 Pop. 1880. 45,044 D Aroostook, Cumberland, 29,609 41,700 F 82,021 86,360 D Franklin, 18,807 18.184 D Hancock, 36,495 38,131 F Kennebec, 53,203 53,061 E Knox, 30,823 32,862 E Lincoln, 25,597 24,809 E Oxford, 33,488 32,618 D Penobscot, 75,150 70,478 F Piscataquis, 14,403 14,873 E Sagadahoc, 18,803 19,276 E Somerset, 34,611 32,339 D Waldo, Washington, 34,522 32,468 E 43.343 44,477 G York, 60,174 62,265 D Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Fairfield, 95,276 112,044 A Hartford, 109,007 126,377 B Litchfield, 48,727 62,043 A Middlesex, 36,099 35,587 B New Haven, 121,257 156,626 B New London, 66,570 73,137 B Tolland, 22,000 24,112 B Windham, 38,518 43,867 B State of Vermont. — Area, 10,212 square miles. Pop- ulation (1880), 332,286 ; increase since 1870, .52 per cent. (1870), 330,551; (1860), 315,098; (1850), 314,120; in- crease since 1860, 4.9 per cent. Capital, Montpelier. It contains 14 Counties. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Addison, Bennington, 23,484 24,174 A d 21,325 21,945 A e Caledonia, 22,247 23,607 B d Chittenden, 36,480 32,798 A d Essex, 6,811 7,931 C d Frauklin, 30,291 30,225 B d Grand Isle, 4,082 4,124 A d Lamoille, 12,448 12,684 B d Orange, 23,090 23,529 B d Orleans, 21,035 22,082 B d Rutland, 40,651 41,830 A e Washington, 26,508 25,403 B d Windham, 26,036 26,762 B e Windsor, 36,063 35,192 B e Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Belknap, 17,681 17,948 C e Carroll, 17,332 18,222 C e Cheshire, 27,265 28,734 B f Coos, 14,932 18,580 C d Grafton, 39,103 38,790 C e Hillsborough, 64,238 75,633 C f Merrimack, 42,151 46,293 C e Rockingham 47,297 49,062 C f Strafford, 30,243 35,559 C e Sullivan, 18,058 18,161 B e State of Rhode Island. — Area, 1,306 square miles. Population (1880) 276,628 ; increase since 1870, 27.22 per cent. (1870), 217,353; (1860), 174,620 ; (1850), 147,645 ; increase since 1860, 24.5 per cent. Capital, Providence, It contains 5 Counties. Counties. Bristol, Kent, Newport. Providence, Washington, Pop. 1870. 9,421 Pop. 1880. 11,394 C g 18,595 20,587 C g 20,050 24,180 197,874 c g 149,190 c g 20,097 22,495 c g of the State of New York, which see). Length, 115 miles; breadth, 20 miles. Area, 1,500 square miles. Population (1880), 783,016; (1870), 540,- 648 ; (1860), 379,788; (1850), 312,637 ; increase since 1860, 45 per cent. It contains 4 Counties. Counties, Pop 1870. Pop. 1880. Kings, 419,921 699,549 A h Queens, 73,803 90,547 A h Richmond, ( See Map 6.) 38,994 G f Suffolk, 46,924 53,926 A h Abbreviations of Names of States. — Me., Maine; N. II., New Hampshire; Vt., Vermont; Conn., Connecticut; Mass., Massachusetts ; R. I., Rhode Island; L. I., Long Island. CITIES, TOWNS, ETC. Abbot, Me. E c Aurora, Me. F a Boscawen, N. H. C e Bucksport, Me. F d Abington, S., Mass. D f Babylon, L. I. A h Boston Mass. D f Bunker Hill Monk (Env. of Boston) F R Ackworth, N. H. B e Bakersfield, Vt. B d Boston, E. (Env. of Boston) F g Burlington, Vt. A a Acton, Me. D e Bangor, Me. F cl Boston, New, N. H. C f Burnham, Me. E d Acton, S., Mass. C f Baring, Me. G c Boston, S. (Env. of Boston) F g Buxton, Me. D e Aeushnet, Mass. D g Barnard, Vt. B e Bow, N. H. C e Byron, Me. D d Adams, N. Mass. A f Barnstable, Mass. D g Bowdoinham, ])Ie. E d Cabot, Vt. B d Addison, Me. G d Barnsteacl, N. N. H. C e Bozrah, Conn. B g Calais, Me. G c Addison, Vt. A d Barre, Mass. B f Bradford, Mass. C f Calais, Vt. B d Agawam, Mass. B f Barre, Vt. B d •Bradford, N. H. B Cambridge, Mass. C f Alburgh City, Vt. A d Barrington, Mass. A f Bradford, Vt. B e Cambridge, Vt. B d Alburgh Tt. Vt. A d Bartlett, N. H. C d Braintree, Mass. D f Cambridge, Vt. B e Alexander, Me. G c Barton, Vt. B d Braintree, New, Mass. B f Cambridge, E. (Env. of Boston) F g Alfred, Me. D e Bath, Me. E e Braintree, S. Mass. D f Cambridge Port, (Env. of Boston) E g Allyn’s Point, Conn. C g Bath, N. H. C d Brandon, Vt. A e Cambridge, W. (Env. of Boston) E g Aina, Me. E d Bayshore, L. I. A h Branford, Conn. B g Camden, Me. E a Alton Bay, N. II. C e Beddington, Me. F d Brattleboro’, Vt. B f Campton, N. H. C e Amesbury, Mass. D f Bedford, New, Mass. D or Brewer, Me. F cl Canaan, Conn. A f Amherst, Mass. B f Belchertown, Mass. B f Bridge Haven, L. I. A h Canaan, Me. E d Amherst, Me. F d Belfast, Me. E cl Bridgehampton, L. I. B h Canaan, N. H. C e Amherst, N. II. C f Belgrade, Me. E cl Bridgeport, Conn. A g Canaan, Vt. C d Andover, Conn. B or Bellows Falls, Vt. B e Bridgewater, Mass. D f Canaan, New, Conn. A g Andover, Mass. C f Bennington, N. Vt. A f Bridgewater, N. Mass.' D f Candia, N. H. C e Andover, Me. D d Bennington, Vt. A f Brighton, (Env. of Boston) E g Canton, Mass. C 1 Anson, Me. E d Benson, Vt. A e Brighton, Me. E c Canton, Me. D tl Ansonia, Conn. A g Benton, Me. E d Brimfield, Mass. B f Carmel, Me. E d Antrim, S. N. H. C e Berkshire, Vt. B d Bristol, Me. E e Carmel, Mt. Conn. B g Arlington, E. Vt. A e Berlin, Conn. B g Bristol, N. H. C e Carrituuk, Me. E c Ascutney, Vt. B e Berlin, Mass. C f Bristol, R. I. C g Caroll, Me. F c Ashbumham Tnn, Mass. C f Berlin, Vt. B cl Britain, New, Conn. B e Carver, Mass. 1) g Ashfield, Mass. B f Berlin Falls, N. H. C d Brookfield, Conn. A g Castine, Me. F a Ashford, Conn. B g Bernardston, Mass. B f Brookfield, Mass. B f Castleton, Vt. A e Ashland, Me. F b Berwick, N. Me. D e Brookline, (Env. of Boston) E g Centre Harbour, N. II. C e Assenet, Mass. C g Bethel, Me. D d Brooklyn, Conn. B g Charlemont, Mass. 15 ( Athens, Me. E cl Beverley, Mass. D f Brooklyn, L. I. A h Charleston, Me. E c Athol, Mass. B f Biddeford, Me. D e Broolcs, Me E d Charleston, N. H. B • Atlanticville, L. I. B h Bingham, Me. E c Brooksville, Vt. A d Charlestown, R. I. C g Attleboro’, Mass. C g Blackstone, Mass. C f Brownville, Me. F c Charlestown, (Env. ol Boston) F g Auburn, Me. D cl Blanchard, Me. E c Brunswick, Me. D e Charlton, Mass. C I Aubumdale, Mass. C f Blue Hill, Me. F d Bryants, Me. D d Chatham Harbour, Mass. E g Augusta, Me. E cl Bolton, Mass. C f Buckfield, Me. D d Chelmsford N Mass. O 1 MAP OF THE NEW ENGLAND STATES AND LONG ISLAND. Chelsea, Mass. D f Fletcher, Vt. B d Kent, Conn. A g Naples, Me. D « Chelsea, Vt. B e Flame, N. H. C d Kent, Fort, Me. F a Nashua, N. H. C f Cherryfield, Me. G d Flushing, It. I. A h Killington, Conn. B e Natick, Mass. C f Cheshire, Mass. A f Forks, The, Me. E c Killingworth, Conn. B g Neponset Village, (Env. of Boston) F h Chester, Me. F c Foster, R. I. C g Kingston, N. H. C f New Bedford, Mass. D g Chester, N. H. C f Foxborough, Mass. C f Kingston, R. I. C g Newbury, Vt. B d Chester, Vt. B e Framingham, Mass. C f Kittery, Me. D e Newburyport, Mass. D f Chester Factory, Mass. A f Franceston, N. H. C f Knox, Me. E d Newneld, Me. D e Chesterfield, Mass. B f Franconia, N. H. C d Laconia, N. H. C e New Haven, Conn. B g Chesterviile, Me. D d Frankfort, Me. F d La Grange, Me. F c Newington, Conn. B g Chicopee, Mass. B f Franklin, Mass. C f Lake Bridge, Vt. B d Newmarket, C. N. H. D e Chinaville, Me. E d Flanklin, Me. F d Lakeville, M ass. D g Newport, Me. E d Claremont, N. H. B e Franklin, N. H. C e Lancaster, Mass. C f Newport, N. H. B e Clarendon, Vt. A c Freeport, Me. D e Lancaster, N. H. C d Newport, R. I. C g Clinton, Conn. B g Frye burg, Me. D d Lanesborough, Mass. A f Newport, Vt. B d Clinton, Mass. C f Furnace Hollow, Conn. B g Langdon, N. H. B e Newtown, Conn. A g Cohasset, Mass. D f Gardiner, Me. E d Lawrence, Mass. C f Newton, Mass. C f Colchester, Conn. B g Gardner, Mass. B f Lebanon, Me. D e Newry, Me. D d Colchester Vt. A d Gelcbells, Me E d Lebanon, N. H. B e Norfolk, Conn. A g Colebrook, N. H. C d Georgetown, Mass. D f Lee, Mass. A f Norridgewock, » Me. E d Colinsville, Conn. B g Georgia, ' Vt. A d Lee, Me. F c Northampton, Mass. B t Columbia, Me. G d Gilford, N. H. C e Leeds, Me. D d North Chelsea (Env. of Boston) F g Columbia, N. H. C d Gilmanton, N. H. C e Lemington, Vt. C d North field. Mass. B f Concord, Mass. C f Gilsum, N. H. B e Lennox, Mass. A f Northfield, N. H. C e Concord, Me. E c Glastenbury, Conn. B g Leominster, Mass. C f Northfield, Vt. B d Concord, N. H. C e Gloucester, Mass. D f Leweys Me. G c Northport, L. I. A h Concord, W. Vt. C d Gloucester, Me. D e Lewiston, 1 Me. D d North umberland. N. H. C d Contoocook, N. H. C e Gorham, Me. D e Lexington, Me. D c Northwood, N. H. C e Conway, N. H. C d Gorham, N. H. C d Lexington Mass. C f Norton, Vt. C d Conway, N. N. H. C d Gouldsboro, Me. F d Lichfield, Me. E d Norwalk, Conn. A g Corinth, Me. E c Graftou, Mass. C f Limerick, Me. D e Norway, Me. D d Cornish Bridge, Me. D e Grafton, N. H. C e Lincoln, Me. F c Norwich, Conn. B g Cornwall, Vt. A e Grafton, Vt. B e Linneus, Me. G b Nottingham, N. H. C e Corrina, Me. E d Gray, Me. D e Litchfield, Conn. A g Oak Hill, Me. D e Craftsbury, Vt. B d Great Bay, Me. E d Littleton, Mass. C f Old Spain, (Env. of Boston) G h Crawford, Me. G c Great Falls, N. H. D e Littleton, N. H. C A Oldtown, Me. F d Croton Inn, Mass. C f Greenfield, Mass. B f Livermore, Me. D d Orange, Conn. A g Croydon, N. H. B e Greenport, L. I. B g Livermore Falls, Me. D d Orange, Vt. B d Cutler, Me. G d Greenville, Me. E c Locustdale, Mass. C f Orford, N. H. B e Dalton, Mass. A f Greenwich, Conn. A g London, New, Conn. B g Orland, Me. F d Dalton, N. H. C d Greenwich, R. I. C g London, New, N. H. C e Orleans, Mass. D g Danbury, Conn. A g Green Wood, Me. G c Longroeadow, Mass. B f Orono, Me. F d Danbury, N. H. C e Groton Hights, Conn. B g Lovell, Me. D d Orrington, Me. F d Dan by, Vt. A e Grouts Comer, Mass. B f Lowell, Me. F c Orwell, Vt. A e Danvers, Mass. C f Guildford, Me. E c Lowell, Mass. C f Ossipee, N. H. C e Danville, Me. D d Guildhall, Vt. C d Lowell, Vt. B d Otis, Mass. A f Danville, Vt. B d Guilford, Conn. B g Lubec, Me G d Oxford, Conn. A g Darien, Conn. A g Guilford, Vt. B f Lunenburg, Vt. C (1 Oxford, Mass. C f Dartmouth, Mass. C g Haddam, Conn. B g Lyman, N. H. C d Oyster Bay, L. I. A h Dedham, Mass. C f Haddarn, E. Conn. B g Lyme, Conn. B g Palermo, Me. E d Deerfield, Mass. B f Hallo well, Me. E d Lyme, N. H. B e Palmer, Mass. B f Deer Park, E. T. A h Hampden, Me. F d Lynn, ■ Mass. D f Panton, Vt. A d Dennysville, Me. G d Hancock, Me. F d Machias, Me. G d Paris, Me. D d Derby, Conn. A g Hanover, N. H. B e Maehiasport, Me. G d Paris, S. Me. D d Derby, Vt. B d Hardwick, Mass. B f MHndoes, Vt. B d Passadumkeag Me. F c Derry, N. H. C f Hardwick, Vt. B d M'Lerans, Vt. B d Patcliogue, L. I. B h Dexter, Me. E c Harmony, Me. E d Madison, Conn. B g Patten, Me. F b Dixmount, Me. E d Hartford, Conn. B g Madison Bridge, Me. E d Pawlet, Vt. A e Dodgeville, Mass. C g Hartland, Vt. B e Malden, (Env. of Boston) F g Pawtuxet, R. 1. C g Dorchester, (Env. of Boston) F g Hartwell, Vt. A f Manchester, N. H. C f Paxton, Mass. C f Dorset, Vt. A e Harvard, Mass. C f Manchester, Vt. A e Pembroke, Me. G d Douglas, Mass. C f Harwich, Mass. D g Manorville, L. I. B h Pembroke N. H. C e Dover, Mass. C f Hanvinton, Conn. A g Mansfield, Conn. B g Penobscot, Me. F d Dover, Me. E c Hatfield. Mass. B f Mansfield, Mass. C f Perkinsville, Vt. B e Dover, N. H. D e Haverhill, Mass. C f Marblehead, Mass. D f Perry, Me. G d Dublin, N. H. B f Haverhill, N. H. 0 d Mariaville, Me. F d Peru, Me. D d Dudley, Mass. B f Hawley, Mass. B f Marion, Me. G d Peru, Vt. B e Dummerston Vt. B f Healdsville, Vt. B e Marlborough, Mass. C f Peterboro, N. H. C f Dunstable, Mass. C f Hebron, Conn. B c Marlborough, New, Mass. A f Petersham, Mass. B f Du .tiam, hie. D e Hempstead, Ij. I. A h Marshfield, N. Mass. D f Phillips, Me. D d Durham, N. H. D e Herrington, Me. G d Masardis, Me. F b Piermont, N. H. B e Durham, New, N. H. C e Hicksville, L. I. A h Mason Village, N. H. C f Pittsfield, Mass. A f Duxbury, Mass. D f Highgate, Vt. A d Mattawamkeag, Me. F c Pittsfield, Me. E d Eastham, Mass. E g Hillsboro, N. H. C e Maysville, Me. F b Pittsfield, Vt. B e East Hampton, L. I. B h Hinesbury, Vt. A d Mechanic Falls, Me. D d Pittsford, Vt. A e East Haven, Conn. B g Hingham, Mass. D f Medford, (Env. of Boston) E g Plainfield, Mass. B f Eastport, Me. G d Hingham, (Env. of Boston) G h Medway Mass. C f Plainfield, N. H. B e Eden, Vt. B d Hiram Bridge, Me. D e Melrose, (Env. of Boston) F f Plainfield, Vt. B d Edgarton, Mass. D g Hodgdon, Me. G b Mercer, Me. E d Plains, Mass. D f Edgworth, (Env. of Boston) F g Holden, Me. F d Meredith Village, N. H. C e Plainville, Conn. B g Elliotsville, Me. E c Hollinsford, Me. D e Meriden, Conn. B g Plaistow, N. H. C f Ellsworth, Me. F d Hollis, N. H. C f Mexico, Me. D d Plymouth, Mass. D g Embden, Me. E d Holyoke, Mass. B f Middleborough, Mass. D g Plymouth, N. H. C e Enfield, Conn. B g Hook sett. N. H. C e Middlebury, Vt. A d Plymouth, Vt. B e Enfield, Me. F c Hope, Me. E d Middlefield, Mass. B f Pocasset, Mass. D g Bpping, Me. G d Hopkins, R. I. C g Middletown, Conn. B g Portland, Conn. B g Epping, N. H. C e Houlton, Me. G b Milan, N. H. C d Portland, Me. D e Epsom, N. H. C e Howland, Me. F c Milbuvy, Mash. C f Portsmouth, N. H. D o Essex, Conn.. B g Hubbardston, Mass. B f Mill Cove, Me. G c Port Washington, L. I. A h Essex Junction, Vt. A d Huntingdon, Mass. B f Milford, Mass. C f Poultney, Vt. A e Everett, (Env. of Boston) F g Huntington, L. I. A h Milford, ■ Me. F d Pownal, Vt. A f Exeter, N. H. D f Hyannis Harbor, Mass. D g Milford, New, Conn. A g Pratts, Mass. C f Exeter, E. Me. E c Hyde Park, Vt. B d Mils, Me. E c Presque Isle, Me. G b Fairfax, Vt. B d Independence, Fort, (Env. of Boston) F g Milton, Vt. A d Preston, Conn. C g Fairfield, Conn. A g Indian River, Me. G d Milton Mills, (Env. of Boston) F h Princeton, Mass. C f Fairfield, Me. E d Industry, Me. D d Molunkus, Me. F c Princeton, Me. G c Fairfield, Vt. B d Tpswich, Mass. D f Monkton, Vt. A d Prospect, Conn. B g Fairfield and Fort, Me. G b Ipswich, New, N. H. C f Monson, Mass. B f Prospect, Me. F u Fairfield, New, Conn. A g Trasburg, Vt. B d Monson, Me. E c Providence, R. I. C g Fairhaven, Mass. D g Island Falls, Me. F c Montauk, L. I. C g Providence, N. R. I. C g Fairlee, Vt. B e Island Pond, Vt. C d Monterey, Mt. (Env. of Boston) E h Provincetown, Mass. D f Fall River, Mass. C g Islip, N. L. I. A h Monticello, Me. G b Putnam, Conn C g Falls Village, Conn. A g Jackson, Me. E d Montpelier, Vt. B d Putnam, E. Conn. C g Falmouth, Mass. D g Jamaica, L. I. A h Montville, Me. E d Quincey, (Env. of Boston) F n Falmouth, Me. D e Jamaica Plains, (Env. of Boston) E g M oose River Ville, Me. D c Railway Village (Env. of Boston) F g Farmington, Me. D d Jamesport, L. I. B h Morris, Conn. A g Painham, Mass. C g Farmington, N. H. C e Jay, Me. D d Moscow, Me. E c Randolph, Vt. B e Farmington Junction Conn. B g Jefferson, Me. E d Mnsquito Harbor, Me. F d Reading, Mass. C f Fayetteville, Vt. B e Jefferson, N. H. C d Nab ant, Mass. D f Richford, Vt. B d Fitchburg, Mass. C f Jericho, Vt. B d Naugatuck, Conn. A g Richmond, Me. E d Fitz william, N. H. B f J onesboro, Me. G d Nangatuck Junction Conn. A g Richmond, Mass. A f Flagstaff, Me. D e Keene, N. H. B f Nansett Harbor, Mass. E g Ri ehmond. Vt. B d Flanders, L. I. B h Kendalls Mills, Me. E <1 Nantasket, (Env. of Boston) G g Ridgefield, Conn. A g -Hatbands. L. I. A h Kennebunk Port, Me. D e Nantucket, Mass. D s i Ri verb etui. L. I B h MAT’ OF THE NEW ENGLAND STATES AND LONG ISLAND. Robbinston, Me. G c Shelburne, N. H. C d Thompsonville, Conn. B g Wells, Me. D e Rochester, N. H. C e Shelburne, Vt. A d Thornton, N. H. C d Wells River, Vt. B d iockaway, L. I. A h Shelburne Falls, Mass. B f Tivei’ton, R. I. C g Wendell, Mass. B t Rockingham, Vt. B e Sherman, Conn. A g Tolland, Conn. B g Wenham, Mass. D f Rockland, Me. E d Shoreham, Vt. A e Tolland, Mass. B f Wentworth, N. H. C e Rockport, Mass. D f Shutesbury, Mass. B f Topsfield, Me. G c Westbrook, Me. D e Rockville, Conn. B g Siasconset, Mass. E g Topsham, Me. E e Westfield, Mass. B f Rockville, Me. E d Simsbury, Conn. B g Torrington, Conn. A g West Hampton, L. I. B h Roslyn, L. I. A h Skowhegan, Me. E d Townsend, Mass. C f West Haven, Conn. B g Rowe, Mass. B f Smithtown, L. I. A h Tremont, Mass. D g West Haven, Vt. A e Roxbury, Vt. B d Solon, Me. E d Troy, Me. E d Westminster, Mass. B t Roxbury (Suburb of Boston), Mass. C f Somerset Junction, Mass. C g Troy, N. II. B f Westminster, Vt. B e Roxbury, W. (Env. of Boston) E g Somerville, (Env. of Boston) E g Troy, Vt. B d Weston, Me. G c Uoyalstou, Mass. B f Somerville, Me. E d Trumbull, Conn. A g Weston, Vt. B e Royalton, Vt. B e Southampton, L. I. B h Tmro, Mass. D g Westport, Mass. C g Rumford, Me. D d Southbridgc, Mass. B f Tuftonboro, N. H. C e Westport Point, Mass. C g Rumney, W. N. 11. C e Soutlibury, Conn. A g Union, Vt. B e Weymouth, Mass. D f Rupert, W. Vt. A e Southwest Bend, Me. D e Union ville, N. H. C e Whately, Mass. B f Rutlani 1, Mass. B f Spencer, Mass. C f Unity, Me. E d Whiting, Me. G d Rutland, Vt. B e Speonk, L. I. B h Upper Corners, Me. F d Whitefield, N. H. C d Ryegate, Vt. B d Springfield, Me. F c Valley Falls, R. I. C g White River, Vt. B e Saccarappa, Me. D e Springfield, Mass. B f Vanceboro, Me. G c Whitneyville, Me. G d Saco, Me. D e Springfield, N. H. B e Van Densen, M.ass. A f Whittingham, Vt. B f Sag Harbor, L. I. B h Springfield, Vt. B e Vassalboro, Me. E d Wickford, R. I. C g It Albans, Me. E d Springvale, Me. D e Vergennes, Vt. A d Williainstown, Mass. A f ot Albans, Vt. A d Squantum, (Env. of Boston) F h Vernon, Conn. B g Williamsburg, L. I. A h St Croix, Me. G c Stafford, Conn. B g Vernon, S. Vt. B f Willimantic, Conn. B g St Georgo, Me. E e Stamford, Conn. A g Vienna, Me. E d Wilmington, Mass. C f St Johnsbury, Vt. B d Standish, Me. D e Voluntown, Conn. C g Wilmington. Vt. B f Salem, Conn. B g Stark, N. H. C d Wakefield, Mass. C f Wilton, Conn. A g Salem. Me. D d Starks, Me. E d Waldoboro, Me. E d Wilton, E. N. II. C f Salem, Mass. D f State Line, Mass. A f Wallingford, Conn. B g Winchester, (Env. of Boston) E f Salem, N. H. C f Steuben, Me. G d Walpole, N. H. B e Winchester, N. H. B f Salisbury, Conn. A f Sterling, Conn. C g Waltham, Mass. C f Windham, Conn. B g Salisbury, E. Mass. D f Stewartstown, N. II. C d Wareham, Mass. D e Windham, N. H. C f Salmon Brook, Conn. B g Stockbridge, Mass. A f Warner, N. H. C e Windsor, Conn. B g Sandgate, Vt. A e Stoddart, N. II. B e Warren, Conn. A g Windsor, Mass. A t Sandwich, Mass. D g Stoneham, (Env. of Boston) E f Warren, Me. E d Windsor, Vt. B e Sandwich, N. II. C e Stonington, Conn. C g Warren, Mass. B f Windsor Locks, Conn. B g Sangerville, Me. E c Stoughton, Mass. C f Warren, N. H. C e Winslow, Me. E d Saugus, (Env. of Boston) F f Stow, Me. D d Warren, R. I. C g Winsted, Conn. A g Savoy, Mass. A f Stowe, Vt. B d Warren, Fort, (Env. of Boston) G g Winthrop, Me. E a Saxonville, Mass. C f Strafford, Vt. B e Warwick, Mass. B t Winthrop, (Env. of Boston) Mass. F g Saybrook, Conn. B g Stratford, N. H. C d Warwick, R. I. C g Winthrop, Fort, (Env. of Boston) F g Sayville, ’ L. I. A h Strong, Me. D d Washington, Mass. A f Wiscasset, Me. E a Scarsmont, Me. E d Sudbury, Mass. C f Washington, N. H. B e Woburn, Mass. C f Scituate, Mass. D f Suffield, Conn. B f Washington, Vt. B d W olfsboro. N. H. C e Scarsport, Me. F d Sumner, Me. D d Washington Village, (Env. of Boston) F g W oodbury, Conn. A g Sebago, Me. D e Sunapee, N. H. B e Waterbury, Conn. A g Woods Hole, Mass. D g Sebec, Me. E c Surry, Me. F d Waterbury, Vt. B d W oodstock, Vt. B e Sedgwick, Me. F d Sutton, Mass. C f Waterford, Me. D d Woodstock, Conn. C g Setauket, L. I. A h Sutton, Vt. B d Waterford, Vt. C d Woodsville, N.H. C a Seymour, Conn. A g Swansey, Mass. C g Waterville, Me. E d W oonsocket, R. I. c g Seven Islands, Me. E b Swanzy, N. H. B f Wayne, Me. D d Worcester, Mass. c f Shaftsbury, Vt. A f Sweden, Me. D d Weare, E. N. H. C e Worcester, Vt. B d Shakers Village, N. H. B e Talmadge, Me. G c Weave, N. N. II. C e Wrentham, N. Mass. c f Sharon, Conn. A g Tamworth, N. H. C e Webster, Mass. c f Yarmouth, Me. D e Sharon, Me. E d Taunton, Mass. C g Weirs, N. H. c e York, Me. D e Sharon, Mass. C f Thetford, Vt. B e Weld, Me. D d Sheffield, Mass. A f Thomaston, Me. E d Well fleet, Mass. E g MOUNTA NS, RIVERS, ISLANDS, ETC. Abraham Mt. Me. D c Cape Cod Bay, Mass. D g Endless, L. Me. F c Housatonic R., 125 m. Conn. A g Adams Mt., 5,960 ft. N. H. C d Cape Cod Harbour, Mass. D g Englishman’s Bay, Me. G d Hoosic Hills, Mass. A f Allaguash L. Me. E b Caribou L. Me. E c Everett, Mt., 2,634 ft., Mass. A f Hoosic R. Vt. A f Allaguash R. Me. E b Casco Bay, Me. D e Farmington, R. Conn. B g Hoosic Tunnel, Mass. A f Allerton Pt. (Env. of Boston) G g Castle I. (Env. of Boston) F g Fire Island Beach, L. I. A h Hough’s Neck, (Env. of Boston) F h Ammonoosuc R. N.H. C d Chamberlain L. Me. E b Fire Island Inlet, L. I. A h Huntington Bay, L. I. A h Androscoggin Pond, Me. D d Champlain, Lake, Vt. A d Fish River, L. Me. F b Hyannis Harbor, Mass. D g Androscoggin R., 215 m. Me D d Chappaquiudick I. Mass. D g Fisher’s I. Conn. C g Indian Pond, Me. E 0 Ann, Cape, Mass. D f Charles River, (Env. of Boston) E g Fisher’s I. Sound Conn. B g Indian Stream, N. H. C 0 Annis-Squam, Harbour, Mass. D f Charles R., 50 m. R. I. C g Fletcher’s Neck, Me. D e Isle Haut, Me. F d Apple I. (Env. of Boston) F g Chatham Har. Mass. E g Folly Pt., Mass. D f Isle Haut Bay, Me. F d Aroostook Mts. Me. F b Chelsea River, (Env. of Boston) F f Fox Is. Me. F d Jamaica Bay, L. I. A h Aroostook R. Me. F b Chelsea Creek, (Env. of Boston) F g Franklin I. Me. E e Jay Peak, 4,077 ft. Vt. B d Ascutney Mt. Vt. B e Chemquasabountieook L. Me. E b Frenchman’s Bay, Me. F d Jefferson, Mt., 5,860 ft. N. H. C d Ashuelot R. N. H. C f Chesuncook L. Me. E b Gallop’s I. (Env. of Boston) G g John B. Me. E e Baker I. Mass. D f Chimmemticook L. Me. E a Gardener’s Bay, L. I. B g Jones Beach, L. I. A h Baker L. Me. E b Chimpassooctuc R. Me. E b Gardener’s I. L. I. B g Judith Pt. R. I. C g Baker’s R. N.H. C e China L. Me. E d Gay Hd. Mass. D Katahdin, Mt., the highest summit in Bald Head, Me. D e Chuquomyomag L. Me. E b George’s I. (Env. of Boston) G g Maine, 5,385 ft. Me. F 0 Bald Hd. Me. E e Clear Stream, N. H. C d Gilgo Inlet, L. I. A h Kearsage Mt., 2,430 ft. N H. D d Bald Mt. Me. D c Clyde R. Vt. B d Gloucester Harbor, Mass. D f Kenes Mt. Me. E e Baskahegan L. Me. G c Cod, Cape, Mass. D f Gosford Mt., 1,600 ft. Me. D c Kennebago R. Me. D a Baskahegan R. Me. G c Cold Pond, Me. F c Gouldsboro Bay, Me. G d Kennebec R., 230 m. Me. E e Bass Point, (Env. of Boston G g Cold Spring Harbour L. T. A h Governor’s I. (Env. of Boston) F g Keobscus Creek, Me. E b Batten Kill R. Vt. A e Connecticut, Head Waters of. N. H. C c Grand Isle, Vt. A d Killington Peak, 4,221 ft. Vt. B e Belfast Bay, Me. F d Connecticut L. N. H. C c Grand L. Me. G c Kowahskilscook R. Me. G d Belleport Bay, L. I. B h Connecticut R., 410 it). Conn. B g Grape I. (Env. of Boston) G h La Fayette Mt. N. H. C d Bellows Falls, Vt. B e Contoocook R. N. N. C e Graves, The Is. (Env. of Boston) G g Lainville R. Vt. A d Bigelow Mt. Me. D c Cow Bay, L. I. A h Great Bay, Me. E d La Motte, I. Vt. A d Big Lake, Me. G c Cranberry I., Grt. Me. F d Great Bay, N. H. C e Lamprey R. N. H. C e Bird I. (Env. of Boston) F g Cranberry I., Little, Me. F d Great Pond, L. I. C g Lebois R. Me. F b Black R. Vt. B d Cross I. Me. G d Great Pond, Me. E d Lewis Creek, Vt. A d Black R. Vt. B e Cross L. Me. F a Great South Bay, L. I. A h Lobster Pond, Me. E c Black R., Little, Me. E a Cupsuptic R. Me. D c Green I. (Env. of Boston) G g Long Beach, L. 1. A h Blackston, R., 65 m. R. I. C CP D Damariscotta B. and R. Me. E e Green Is. Me. F e Long I. Me. F d Block I. R. I. C g Damiscove I. Me. E c Green Mountains (Mt. Mansfield, Long Island, L. I. A h Block Island Sound, R. I. C ■ g Dead R. Me. D c 4,450 ft.), Vt. B d Long Island Sound, between Conn, and Blue Mts., 2,700 ft. Me. D d Deer I. Me. F d Grover’s Cliff, (Env. of Boston) G g L. I. A g Bois Bubert 1. Me. G d Deer Island, (Env. of Boston) G g Gull Is. L. I. B g Long L. Me. F a Bombazine L. Vt. A e Deerfield R. Mass. B f Gurnet Pt. Mass. D f Long Pond, Me. D d Boston Harbour, (Env. of Boston) F g Diamond R. N. H. C d Half-Moon I. (Env. of Boston) F h Loon L. Me. E b Born I. Light Ho. Me. D e Dickens Pt. R. I. C g Hall’s Stream, N. H. C c Lovell's I. (Env. of Boston) G g Boston Lighthouse, (Env. of Boston) G g Dog R. Vt. B d Hangman’s I. (Env. of Boston), F n Lubec Bay Me. G a Brassua L. Me. D c Dorchester Bay, (Env. of Boston) F g Haut, Isle, Me. F d Lynn Harbor, (Env. of Boston) G f Breed I. (Env. of Boston) F g Dorothy’s Cove, (Env. of Boston) G g Hempstead Bay, L. 1. A h Machagos Mt. Me. F b Brewster Is. (Env. of Boston) G g Dyer’s Bay, Me. G d Hempstead Harbour, L. I. A h Machias Bay, Me. G d Broad Sound, (Env. of Boston) G g Eagle, L. Me. F a Hero I., N. Vt. A d Machias, R., Big, Me. F b Bumkin I. (Env. of Boston) G h Eastern Point, Mass. D f Hero I., S. Vt. A d Machias Bay, Little, Me. G d Burnt Coal I. Me. F d Egg Rock, (Env. of Boston) G f Heron L. Me. E b Machias R. Me. G d Buzzaid's Bay, Mass. D g Ellis, R. N. H. C d Hingham Harbor, (Env. of Boston) G h Machias R.. E. Me. G d Calf I. (Env. of Boston) G Elizabeth, C'. Me. D ■e Hog Island Inlet, L. I. A h Machias Seal is. Me. U 1 4's.Wiel’-* Hump, 4,088 ft. Vt. B d Elizabeth Is. Mass. D K Holyoke Mt. Mass. B f Madanaska R., Little, Me. F b i 4 MAP OF THE NEW ENGLAND STATES AND LONG ISLAND. Madison Mt. N. H. Magalloway R. Me. Maidstone L. Vt. Manan I., Petit Me. Manhegan I. Me. Manomet Pt. Mass. Mansfield Mt., 4,450 ft. Vt. Mansungan L. Me. Marshall’s I. Me. Mar’s Hill, 2,000 ft. Me. Martha’s Vineyard I Mass. Masconia Pond, N. H. Massachusetts Bay, Mass. Matangamook Mt. Me. Matinicus Is. Me. Matinieus Rock, Me. Mattagamon L. Me. Mattawamkeag L. Me. Mattawamkeag R. Me. Mecox Bay, L. I. Meddybenips L. Me. Meduxnakeag R. Me. Memphremagog L. Vt. Merrimac R., 170 m. N. H. Merrymeeting Pond, N. H. Metinick I. Me. Milinockett L. Me. Miller’s R. Mass. Mink R. N. H. Missisquoi Bay, Vt. Missisquoi R. Vt. Mistake I. Me. Molecliunkemunk L. Me. Monadnock Mt., Great, 3,718 ft. N. H. Monomoy I. Mass. Montauk Pt. B. I. Mousam Pond, Me. Mousara R. Me. Moon I. (Env. of Boston) Moos R. Conn. Moose Hill, 1,500 ft. Me. Moose Hillock Mt. N. H. Moose Pond, Me. Moose R. Me. Moose R. Vt. Moosehead L. Me. Moosetocknaguntic L. Me. Moriah Mt. N. H. Moriches Bay, L. I. Mosquito I. Me. Mount Desert I. Me. Mount Desert Rock and Light Ho. Me. Mount Sinai Harbor, L. 1. Moxie Pond, Me. Mud R. Vt. Malletts Bay, Vt. Muscle Ledge Is. Me. Muscongus B. and R. Me. Musnuacook R. Me. C d C d C d G d E e D g B F F G D B D F F F F b F b F e B h G c G b B e C f C e E e F e G d D d B f E g C g D D F C D C E D C E D C B E F F B E B A F E E Musquash R. Me. G c President Roads, (Env. of Boston) F g Spencer Mt. Me. E a Mystic Pond, (Env. of Boston) E f Presque Isle R. Me. G b Spencer R. Me. D o Mystic River, (Env. of Boston) F g Presnmpscot R. Me. D e Spoon I. Me. F d Nahant Bay, (Euv. of Boston) G f Prudence Island, R. I. C g Square L. Me. F a Nahant Head, (Env. of Boston) G g Quineey Bay, (Env. of Boston) F h Squara L. N. H. C e Naugatuck R. Conn. A g Quinebaug R. Conn. C g Squaw Mt. Me. E c Nansett Harbor, Mass. E g Quohog Bay, Me. E e Squawpan L. Me. F b Nantucket I. Mass. D g Rainsford I. (Env. of Boston) G g Squawscot R. N. H. C f Napeague Beach L. I. C h Rangelev L. Me. D d Stratten I. Me. D e Narraganset Bay, R. I. C g Red R. ' Me. F b Sugar R. N. H. B e Narraguagus Bay, Me. G d Rhode Island, R. I. C g Sunapee L. N. H. B e Narraguagus R. Me. F d Richmond’s I. Me. D e Suncook R. N. H. C • NaiTows, The, L. I. A h Roach Ponds, Me. E c Swift R. N. H. C e Neddock C. Me. D e Roanoke Pt. L. I. B g Taconic Mountain*, Mass. A f Neponsett R. (Env. of Boston) F h Rockaway Beach, L. I. A h Taunton R. Mass. C g Newagen C. Me. E e Rocky L. Me. G d Telos L. Me. E b Newfound L. N. H, C e Rogue I. Me. G d Thames R. Conn. B g New Haven Harbor, Conn. B g Rugged L. Me. E c Thatcher I. Mass. D f New Haven R. Vt. A d Saco Bay, Me. D e Thompson’s I. (Env. of Boston) F g New Inlet, L. I. A h Saco R., 100 m. Me. D e Thompson’s Pond, Me. D a Newport Pond, Me. E d Saddle Hill, Me. D c Toby Mt. Mass. B r Nicaton’s L. Me. F c Saddle Mt., 3,505 ft. Mass. A f Tom. Mt., 1,214 ft. Mass. B r No Man’s Land, Mass. D g Saddle Back I. Me. F e Tomah R. Me. G e Notch, The, N. H. C d Saddleback Mt., 3,700 ft. Me. D d Tuckermuck Is. Mass. D g North-East Pond, Me. D e St Croix L. Me. F b Umbagog L. N. H. C d Nulhegan R. Vt. C d St Croix R., 115 m. Me. G c Umcoleus L. Me. F b Oak Island Beach, L. I. A h St Francis R. Me. E a Umsaskis L. Me. E b Olasagas Mt. Me. E b St Froid L. Me. F b Union R. Me. F d Ossipee R. , Great and Little, Me. D e St George R. Me. E d Valley Falls, R. I. C e Otter Creek, Vt. A d St George’s Is. Me. E e Vineyard Sound, Mass. D g Otter Pond, Me. F c St John R. , 600 Me. E b Waifs R. Vt. B d Owl’s Head, Me. F d Salmon Falls, Me. D e Walker Pond, N. H. D e Oyster I. Mass. D g Sandwich Mts. N. H. C e Warner R. N. H. C e Pamedemcook L. Me. E c Sandy Point, Mass. E g Washington Mt., 6,428 ft. N. H. C d Passumpsic R. Vt. C d Sandy Pt. R. I. C g Wass I. Me. G d Pataquongarais L. Me. E b Sandy R. Me. D d Wells Pond, Vt. A e Peconic Bay, L. I. B h Schoodic Lakes, Alt. 382 ft* Me. G c West I. Mass. D g Peddoch’s I. (Env. of Boston) G h Seal Rock, Me. F e West R. Vt. B e Pelliquaggamas L. Me. F a Sebago L. Me. D e Westfield R. Mass. B f Penmaquid Pt. Me. E e Sebasticook P. Me. E d Westport Point, Mass. C g Penobscot Bay, Me. F d Sebec L. Me. E c Weymouth Back R. (Env. of Boston) G h Penobscot L. Me. D c Seboois L. Me. F c Meymouth Fore R. (Env. of Boston) F h Penobscot R., 300 m. Me. F d Sebois L., Grand, Me. F b White I. Me. E » Penobscot R., East Branch, Me. F c Sequin I. Me. E e White Mts. (Mt. ’Washington, 6,428 ft) Perry Stream, N. H. C c Seven Islands, Me. E b N. H. C d Petteiquaggamac L. Me. F a Seven Mile R. Me. D c White River, Vt. B e Piscataqua R. Me. D e Sheepscott Bay, Me. E e White Cap Mt. Me. E c Piscataquis R. Me. E c Sheepscott R. Me. E d White Cape Mt., 600 ft. Me. D d Piseataquoi R. N. H. C e Shelter I. L. I. B g Whiteface Mt. N. H. C d Pleasant Bay, Mass. E g Shetuc.ket R. Conn. B g Wilson Creek, Me. E c Pleasant R. Me. E c Shinnec-ock Bay, L. I. B h Winnepiseoge L., Alt. 504 ft. N. H. O e Pleasant R. Me. G d Shirley Point, (Env. of Boston) G g Winooski R. Vt. A d Plum I. L. I. B g Shoals, Isles of. N. H. D f Winter Harbour, Me. G d Plum I. Mass. D f Sisladobsis L. Me. F c Williams R. Vt. B * Pohenagamook L. Me. E a Skuttook Pt. Me. F d Willimantic R. Conn. B g Porngokwaheni L. Me. E b Small, Cape, Me. E e Woodenball Rock, Me. F e Porpoise C. Me. D e Smith’s Pond, N. H. C e Woolastook R. Me. E b Portage L. Me. F b Smithtown Bay, L. I. A h Wytopillock L. Me F * Poultney R. Vt. A e Spectacle I. (Env. of Boston) F g v . • . . . T. EUvrool Zell, PMIadeljMa.. MAP OF THE MIDDLE STATES, MARYLAND, AND TERRITORY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. I Scale, 33A miles to an inch. The Middle States of the Union comprise NEW YORK, NEW JERSEY, PENNSYLVANIA and DELAWARE. Popu- lation (1880) 10,644,233. These, including Maryland and the Territory of the District of Columbia, comprise a united area of 114,619 square miles, with a population in 1870 of 9,848,255, of whom 394,981 were colored; increase since 1860, 18 per cent. Density per square mile, 85.9 persons. Total population, 1880, 11,756,503. State of New York. — The chief commercial and most populous State of the Union. Area, 47,000 square miles. Population (1880) 5,083,810, divided thus, White, 5,017,116, Colored, 64,969 ; Native, 3,872,372, Foreign, 1,211,438; Males, 2,506,283, Females, 2,577,527 ; increase since 1870, 15.99 per cent ; (1870) 4,382,769, of whom 58,061 were colored; (1860) 3,880,735; (1850) 3,097,374; increase since 1860, 12.7 per cent. Density per square mile 93.2 persons. Capital Albany. It contains 60 Counties. (For completion of Long Island on Map, see No. 5 .) Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Albany, 133,052 155,045 H d Oneida, 110,208 115,475 F c Allegany, 40,814 41,801 C d Onondaga, 104,183 117,887 E d Broome, 44,103 49,481 F d Ontario, 45,108 49,377 D d Cattaraugus, 43,909 55,808 C d Orange, 80,902 88,217 G e Cayuga, 59,550 65,084 E d Orleans, 27,689 30,128 c c Chautauqua, 69,327 65,340 B d Oswego, 77,941 77,915 E c Chemung, 35,281 43,065 E d Otsego, 48,967 51,398 F d Chenango, 40,564 39,890 F d Putnam, ' 15,420 15,181 H 0 Clinton, 47,947 50.901 H b Queens, L. I., 73,803 90,547 H f Columbia, 47,044 47,925 H d Rensselaer, 99,549 115,341 H d Cortland, 25,173 25,824 E d Richmond ( Staten 1) 33,029 38,944 G f Delaware, 42,972 42.719 F d Rockland, 25,213 27,690 G e Dutchess, 74,041 79,182 II 0 Saratoga, 51,529 55,155 H c Erie, 178,699 219,887 C d Schenectady, 21,347 23,558 G d Essex, 29,042 34,515 II b Schoharie, 33,340 32,939 G d Franklin, 30,271 32,389 G b Schuyler, 18,989 18,842 E d Fulton, 27,064 31,006 G 0 Seneca, 27,823 29,279 E d Genesee, 31,606 32,655 C 0 Steuben, 67,717 77,585 D d Greene, 31-832 32,695 G d St. Lawrence, 84,826 85,993 F b Hamilton, 2,960 3,934 G 0 Suffolk, L. I. ( Map 5) 46,924 53,926 Herkimer, 39,929 42,667 G c Sullivan, 34,550 32,490 G 0 Jefferson, 65,415 66,106 F b Tioga, 30,572 32,672 E d Kings, L. I. 419,921 599.549 II f Tompkins, 33,178 34,445 E d Lewis, 28,699 31,416 F c Ulster, 84,075 85,838 G e Livingston, 38,309 39,573 D d Warren, 22,592 25,180 H c Madison, 43,522 44,116 F d Washington, 49,568 47,874 H c Monroe, 117,868 144,905 D 0 Wayne, 47,710 51,701 D c Montgomery, 34,457 38.315 G d Westchester, 131,348 108,987 H e New York, 942,292 1,206,577 H f Wyoming, 29,164 30,907 C d Niagara, 50,437 54,174 C c Yates, 19,595 21,087 D d State of Pennsylvania. — Area, 46,000 square miles. Population (1880) 4,282,786, divided thus, White, 4,197,106, Colored, 85,342 ; Na- tive, 3,695,253, Foreign, 587,533 ; Male, 2,136,635, Female, 2,146,151 ; increase since 1870, 21.60 per cent. (1870) 3,521,791, of whom 64,673 were colored; (1860) 2,906,215; (1850) 2,311,786; increase since 1860, 21.1 per cent. Density per square mile 76.6 persons. Capital Harrisburg. It contains 67 Counties. Counties. Adams, Pop. 1870. 30,315 Pop. 1880. 32,454 D a- Counties. Forest, Pop. 1870. 4,010 Pop. 1880. 4,385 B e Allegheny, 262,204 355.759 A f Franklin, 45,365 49,855 D g Armstrong, 43,382 47,638 B f Fulton, 9,360 10,149 C g Beaver, 36,148 39,603 A f Greene, 25,887 28,290 A g Bedford, 29,635 34,932 C g Huntingdon, 31,251 33,956 40,558 C f Berks, 106,701 38,051 122,599 E f Indiana, 36,138 B f Blair, 52,751 C f Jefferson, 21,656 27,935 B e Bradford, 53,204 58,534 E e Juniata, Lackawanna, 17,390 18,227 L> f Bucks, 64,336 68,654 E f 89,286 F e Butler, 36,510 52,536 B f Lancaster, 121,340 139,444 E f Cambria, 36,569 46,824 C f Lawrence, 27,298 33,311 A e Cameron, 4,273 5,159 c e Lebanon, 34,096 38,476 E f Carbon, 28,144 31.922 F f Lehigh, 66,796 65.9G9 F f Centre, 34,418 37,921 D f Luzerne,* Lycoming, 160,755 133,066 E e Chester, 77,805 83,480 F g 47,626 57,482 D e Clarion, 26,537 40.326 B e McKean, 8,825 42.566 C e Clearfield, 25,741 43,407 C e Mercer, 49,977 56,162 A 0 Clinton, 23,211 26.278 D e Mifflin, 17,508 19,577 20,175 D f Columbia, 28,766 32,408 E e Monroe, 18,362 F e Crawford, 63,832 68,604 A e Montgomery, 81,612 96,494 F f Cumberland, 43,912 45,978 D f Montour, 15,344 15,466 E e Dauphin, 60,740 76,148 E f Northampton, 61,432 70,316 F f Delaware, 39,403 56,102 F g Northumberland, 41,444 53,123 E f Elk, 8,488 12,800 C e Perry, 25,447 27,522 D f Erie, 65,973 74.6S1 A e Philadelphia, 674,022 846,980 F g Fayette, 43,284 58,852 B g * Divided in 1878 to form Lackawanna County. Counties. Pike, Pop. 1870. 8,436 Pop. 1880. 9,661 F e Counties. Union, Venango, Pop. 1870. 15,565 Pop. 1880. 16,905 D f Potter. 11,265 13,798 D e 47,925 43.670 B e Schuylkill, 116,428 129,977 E f Warren, 23,897 27,981 B e Snyder, 15,606 17,797 D f Washington, 48,483 55,417 A f Somerset, 28,226 33,146 B g Wayne, 33,188 33,512 F e Sullivan, Susquehanna, 6,191 8,073 E e Westmoreland, 58,719 78,129 B f 37,523 40,351 F e Wyoming, 14,585 15,598 E e Tioga, 35,097 45,814 D e York, 76,134 87.839 E g State of Maryland. — Area, 11,124 square miles. Population (1880) 934,632, divided thus, White, 724,718, Colored, 209,897, Native, 851,894, Foreign, 82,648; Males, 462,004, Females, 472,628; increase since 1870, 19.68 per cent. (1870) 780,894, of whom 175,391 were colored; (1860) 687,049; (1850) 583,034; increase since 1860, 13.6 per cent. Density per square mile 70.1 persons. Capital, Annapolis. It contains 23 Counties. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Allegany, 38,536 38,012 B g Howard, 14:150 16,141 e g Anne Arundel, 24,458 28,526 E g Kent, 17,102 17.605 E g Baltimore, 330,741 415,524 10,538 E g Montgomery, Prince George’s, 20,563 24,759 D g Calvert, 9,865 E h 21.138 26,263 E b Caroline, 12,101 13,767 F h Queen Anne, 16,171 19,257 E g Carroll, 28,619 30,992 D g Saint Mary’s, 14,944 16,934 E h Cecil, 25,874 27,108 F g Somerset, 18,190 21,668 19,065 F b Charles, 15,738 18,548 D h Talbot, Washington, 16,137 E h Dorchester, 19,458 23.110 E h 34,712 38,561 D g Frederick, 47,572 50,482 D g Wicomico, 15,802 18,016 F b Garrett, (Made Nov. 1872) Harford, 22,605 12,175 28,042 B g E g Worcester, 16,419 19,539 F b State of New Jersey. — Area, 8,320 square miles. Population (1880) 1,130,983, divided thus, White, 1,091,947, Colored, 38,796 ; Native, 909,398, Foreign, 221,585; Males, 559,823, Females, 571,160 ; increase since 1870, 24.80 per cent. (1870) 906,096, of whom 30,658 were colored; (1860) 672,035; (1850) 489,555; increase since 1860, 34.8 per Trenton. cent. Density per square mile, 108.9 It contains 21 Counties. 1 persons. Capital Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Counties. Pop. 1870 Pop. 1880. Atlantic, 14,093 18,706 6 S 1 Middlesex, 45,029 52,286 G f Bergen, 30,122 36.790 G e Monmouth, 46,195 55.535 G f Burlington, 53,639 55,403 « g : Morris, Ocean, 43,137 50,867 O f Camden, 46,193 62,941 G g ! 13,628 14.455 0 g Cape May, 8,349 9,765 G g Passaic, 46,416 68.716 G e Cumberland, 34,665 37,694 F g Salem, 23,940 23,510 24,580 F e Essex, 143,839 189,819 G f Somerset, 27,161 G f Gloucester, 21,562 25,886 F g Sussex, 23,168 23,563 G e Hudson, 129,067 187,950 G f Union, 41,859 55,571 G f Hunterdon, Mercer, 36,963 46,385 38,568 53,058 G f G f Warren, 34,336 36,588 G f State of Delaware. — Area, 2,120 square miles. Population (1880) 146,654, divided thus, White, 120,198, Colored, 26,450; Native, 137,182, Foreign, 9,472; Males, 74,153, Females, 72,501 ; increase since 1870, 17.30 per cent. (1870) 125,015, of whom 22,792 were colored ; (1860) 112,216; (1850) 91,532; increase since 1860, 11.4 per cent. Density per square mile, 59 persons. Capital, Dover. It contains 3 Counties. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880 i Counties, Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880 Kent, 29,804 32,877 F g Sussex, 31,696 36.031 F h New Castle, 63,515 77,746 F g | The Territory of the District of Columbia. — Area, 55 square miles. Population (1880) 177,638, divided thus, White, 118,236, Colored, 59,378 ; Native, 160,523, Foreigu, 17,115; Males, 83,594, Fe- males, 94,044 ; increase since 1870, 34.88 per cent. (1870) 131,700; (1860) 75,080; (1850)51,687; increase' since 1860,75,4 per cent. It contains the Federal Capital, Washington. Abbreviations of Names of States. — N. Y., New York; L. I., Long Island; Pa., Pennsylvania; N. J., New Jersey; Md., Maryland; Del., Delaware; D. C., District of Columbia. CITIES, TOWNS, ETC. Aar>rnsburg, Pa. D f Aiden Lake, N. Y. H e Allens Fresh, Md. E h Andes, N. Y. G Abingdon, Md. E g Akron, jsr. y. C d Allentown, Pa. F f Andover, N. Y. D Abbotstown, Pa. D g Alabama, N. Y. C c Alexandria, N. Y. F b Angelica, N. Y. C Abbots, N. J. C d Albany, N. Y. H d Alma, N. Y. C d Angola, ft. Y. B Absecum, N. J. G g Albion, N. Y. C c Almond, N. Y. D d Angola, N. Y. C A ocident, Md. B g Albion, Pa. A e Altamont, Md. B g Annapolis, Md. E Adams, n. y. E c Alder Brook, N. Y. G b Altona, N. Y. H b Annapolis Junction, Md. E Addison, N. Y. I) d Allegany, N. Y. C d Altoona, Pa. C f AnnvUle, Pa. E Afton, N. Y. F d Allegheny City, Pa. B f Amity, Pa. A f Antrim, Pa. D Agricultural College ( Centre Co.) Pa. D f Allen, N. Y. C d Amsterdam, N. Y. G d Antwerp, N. Y. F d d d d d h F 1 e b I MAP OF THE MIDDLE STATES. Apollo Pa. B f Bridesburg, Env. of Philadelphia C h Cherubusoo, N. Y. H b Delhi, N. Y. G d Aquasco, Md. E h Bridgeport ( Fo/yelte Co. ), Pa. B f Chesapeake City, Md. F g Delmar, Del. F k Arcade, N. Y. C d Bridgeport ( Bedford Co.), Pa. C g Chester, N.J. G f Denmark, N. Y. F c Archibald, Pa. F e Bridgeport, N. Y. E c Chester, N. Y. G e Denning, N. Y. G e Arkport, N. Y. D d Bridgeport (Cumberland, Co.), Pa. E f Chester, Pa. F g Dentous, Md. F l Arkville, N. Y. G d Bridgeton, N. J. F g Chestertown, Md. E g De Peyster N. Y. F h Ash field, Pa. D e Bristol, Pa. G f Chestnut Hill, Pa. F f Deposit, N. Y. F d Ashford, N. Y. C d Broad-Top City, Pa. C f Chili, N. Y. D c De Ruyter, N. Y. F d Ashland, Pa. E f Brockawayville, Pa. C e Chippewa, N. Y. F b Diana, N. Y. F b Ashtola, Pa. C f Brockport, N. Y. D c Chittenango, N. Y. F c Dickinson (Delaware Co.), N. Y. F d Ashville, N. Y. B d Brocton, N. Y. B d Church Hill, Md. F g Dickinson ( Franklin Co.), N. Y. G b Astoria, Env. of N. Y. B b Brookfield, N. Y. F d Churchville, Pa. D f Dillsburg, Pa. D i A too, N. J. G f Brooklyn, L. I. H f Clinton, N. Y. F c Dimmock, Pa. F e. Atheniaville N. Y. H e Brookville, Pa. B e Cincinnatus, N. Y. F d Dingman’s Ferry, Pa. G e Athens, N. Y. H d Brownsville, Pa. B f Clarion, Pa. B e Dividing Creek, N. J. F or o Athens, Pa. E e Brownville, N. Y. F b Clarksburg, Md. D g Dobbs FeiTy, N. Y. H e Atlantic City, N. J. G g Buck, Pa. E g Clarkson, N. Y. D c Donaldson, Pa. E f Attica, N. Y. C d Buena Vista, N. J. G g Clark ville (Madison Co.), N. Y. F d Donegal, Pa. B i Attleboro, Pa. G f Buffalo, N. Y. C d Clarksville (Albany Co.), N. Y. H d Dorchester, N. J. G O o Auburn, N. Y. E d Bulls Ferry, N. J. H f Clarksville (Mercer Co.), Pa. A e Douglasville, Pa. F f Auburn, Pa. E f Burgetts, Pa. A f Clarksville (Greene Co.), Pa. A g Dover, Del. F g Aurora, N. Y. E d Burke Hollow, N. Y. G b Clayton, Del. F g Dover, Pa. E f Avoca, N. Y. D d Burlington, N. J. G f Clayton, N. Y. E b Downington, Pa. F f Avon, N. Y. D d Burlington, Pa. E e Clayville, N. Y. F d Doylestowu, Pa. F f Avondale, Pa. F g Bush Kill, Pa. F e Clearfield, Pa. C e Driftwood, Pa. C e Bacons, Del. F h Butler, Pa. B f Clearspring, Md. D g Dryden, N. Y. E d Baiubridge, N. Y. F d Byron, N. Y. C c Clermont, N. Y. H d Duane, N. Y. G b Bairdstown, Pa. B f Cadiz, N. Y. C d Cleveland, N. Y. F c Duanesburgh, N. Y. G d Bakertown, Pa. B f Cairo, N. Y. G d Clifford Corner, Pa. F e Dublin, Md. E g Baldwin, Pa. B e Caldwell, N. Y. H c Clifton, N. Y. G b Duncannon, Pa. D f Baldwinsville, N. Y. E c Caldwell’s Landing, N. Y. H e Clifton Park, N. Y. H d Dundaff Pa. F e Ballston Spa, N. Y. H c Caledonia, N. Y. D c Clifton Springs, N. Y. D d Dundee, N. Y. E d Baltimore, Md. E g Caledonia, Pa. C e Clinton, Pa. A f Dunkirk, N. Y. B d Baltimore, N. N. Y. H d California, Pa. B f Clintonville (Clinton Co.), Pa. D e Dunmore, Pa. E e Bangor, N. Y. G b Callensburg, Pa. B e Clintonville (Lycoming Co.), Pa. E e Dunnings, Pa. F e Banks ville, Pa. A f Callicoon, N. Y. G e Clyde, N. Y. E c Durham, N. Y. G d Barclay, Pa. E e Callicoon Centre, N. Y. G e Clymer, N. Y. B d Dushore, Pa. E e Baruegat, N. J, G g Cambridge, Md. E h Coatesville, Pa. F f Eagleton, Pa. D e Barnes ville. Pa. B e Cambridge, N. Y. II c Cobban® Pa. B e East Bloomfield, N. Y. D d Barre, N. Y. C c Cambridge, Pa. A e Cobleskill, N. Y. G d East Branch, N. Y. F e Barren Creek, Md. F b Camden, Del. F g Cochrantown, Pa. A e East Mauch Chunk, Pa. F f Batavia, N. Y. C d Camden, N. Jr F g Cockneysville, Md. E g East Newark, N. J. A b Bath, N. Y D d Camden, N. Y. F c Coeymans, N. Y. H d East New Market, Md. F h Bats to, N. J. G g Cameron, N. Y. D d Cogan Valley, Pa. D e East New York, Env. of N. Y. C 3 Bay City, N. J. F g Campbell, N. Y. D d Cohoes, N. Y. H d Easton, Md. E h Bayonne, N. J. B b Camptown, Pa. E e Cold Spring, N. J. G h Easton, N.Y. H c Beaver, Pa. A f Oanajoharie, ' N. Y. G d Cold Spring (Putnam. Co. ), N. Y. H e Easton, Pa. F f Beaver Cr. Pa. A e Canandaigua, N. Y. D d Cold Springs (Ontario Co.), N. Y. D d Eatontown, N. J. G f Beaver Falls, Pa. A f Canarsie, Enr. of N. Y. C b Coles, Pa. E e Ebensburg, Pa. C l Bedford, N. Y. H e Canaseraga, N. Y. D d Colesburg, Pa. D e Economy, Pa. A f Bedford, Env. of N. Y. B b Canastota, N. Y. F c Collierville, N. Y. F d Eden, N. Y. C d Bedford, Pa. C f Candor, N. Y. E d Colton, N. Y. C b Edinboro, Pa. A e Beekmantown, N. Y. H b Caneadea, N. Y. C d Columbia (Herkimer Co.), N. Y. F d Edwards, N. Y. F b Belair, Md. E g Canisteo, N. Y. D d Columbia (Columbia Co.), N. Y. Ii d Egg Harbor City, N. J . G g Belfort, N. Y. F c Cannonsburg, Pa. A f Columbia (Bradford Co.), Pa. E e Elbinsville, Pa. C S Bellefonte, Pa. D f Cannonsville, N. Y. F d Columbia (Lancaster Co.), Pa. E f Elderton, Pa. B f Belle Vernon, Pa. B f Canton, N. Y. F b Columbus, Pa. B e Eldredsville, Pa. E e Belleville, N. J. A b Canton, Pa. E e Communipaw, N. J. B b Elethorpe, Pa. C e Belleville, N. Y. E c Cape Island City, N. J. G h Concord, Pa. D f Elizabeth, N. J. G f Bellsville, Md. E g Cape May, N. J. G g Conemaugli, Pa. C f Elizabeth Port, N. J. G f Belmont, N. Y. C d Cape Vincent, N. Y. E b Conestoga, Pa. E g Elizabethtown, N. Y. H b Belvidere, N. 1 . F f Carbondale, Pa. F e Confluence, Pa. B cr Elkland, Pa. D e Bendersville, Pa. D g Carlisle, N. Y. G d Conneautville, Pa. A e Elkton, Md. F g Benedict, Md. E k Carlisle Pa. D f Connellsville, Pa. B f Ellenburgh, N. Y. H b Bennington, 1ST. Y. C d Carlton, N. Y. C c Conshobocken, Pa. F f Ellendale, Del. F b Benson, N. Y. G c Carmel, N. Y. H e Constable, N. Y G b Ellenville, N. Y. G e Benton, Pa. E e Carmichael’s, Pa. B g Coustableville, N. Y. F c Ellicott City, Md. E g Bergen, N. J. B b Caroline, N. Y. E d Oonstantia, N. Y. E c Ellicottville, N. Y. C d Berkshire, N. Y. E d Carroll, Pa. D e Cooks Run, Pa. D e Ellington, N. Y. B d Berlin, Md. F h Carrolton, N. Y. C d Coon Island, Pa. A f Elmer, N. J. P g Berlin, Pa. D g Carrollton, Pa. C f Coopertown, N. J. C h Elmira, N. Y. E d Berlin, N. Y. H d Carthage, N. Y. F c Cooperstown, N. Y. G d Elton, N. Y. C d Bernice Coal Mmt, Pa. E e Cashtown (Adams Co.), Pa. D g Coopersville, N. Y. H b El wood, Pa. E f Bern ville, Pa. E f Caslrtown (Franklin Co.), Pa. D Copenhagen, N. Y. F c Elysvilie, Md. E g Berry, Pa. D e Cassville, N. Y. F d Corning, N. Y. D d Emaus, Pa. F f Berwick, Pa. E e Cassville, Pa. C f Cornwall Furnace, Pa. E f Emlenton, Pa. B e Bethel, N. Y. G d Castile, N. Y. C d Cornwall Landing, N. Y. H e Emmitsburg, Md. D g Bethlehem, Md. F h Castleton, N. Y. H d Corry, Pa. B e Emporium, Pa. C e Bethlehem, Pa. F f Catasauqua, Pa. F f Corsica, Pa. B e Ephrata, Pa. E f Beverley, N. J. G f Catawissa, Pa. E e Cortland, N.Y. E d Equinuuk, Pa. F e Big Shanty, Pa. C e Cato, N. Y. E c Corydon, Pa. C e Erie, Pa. A _ Billings Port, N. J. B i Caton, N. Y. D d Coudersport, Pa. C e Erwin, N. Y. D d Binghamton, N. Y. F d Catskill, N. Y. G d Cove, Pa. D f Esperance, N. Y. G d Birdsall, N, Y. D d Cattaraugus, N. Y. C d Coventry, Pa. F f Sspy, Pa. E e Birdsboro, Pa. F f Cayuga, N. Y. E d Coverdale, Del. F h Espyville, Pa. A e Birmingham (A lleghtny Co.), Pa. B f Cayuta, N. Y. E d Covert, N. Y. E d Essex, N. Y. H b Birmingham (Huntingdon Co. ), Pa. C f Cazenovia, N. Y. F d Covington, Pa. D e Estelville, N. J. G CT O Black Brook, N. Y. H b Cecilton, Md. F g Covode, Pa. C f Etna, N. Y. E d Blackhorse, Pa. E f Cedar Bridge, N. J. G Coxsackie, N. Y. H d Etna, Pa. B f Bhndensburg, Md. E h Cedar Creek, Del. F £ Cresson, Pa. C f Evans, N. Y. B d Blairsville, Pa. B f Centreville, Md. E cr Crisfield, Md. F i Evansburg, Pa. A e Bloomfield, N. J. A b Ceutreville (Butler Co.), Pa. B e Croton, N. Y. H e Evans Mills, N. Y. F b Bloomfield, Pa. D f Centreville (Crawford Co.), Pa. B e Crown Point, N. Y. H c Ewansville, N. J. G s Bloomsburg, Pa. E e Centreville (Elk Co.), Pa. C e Cuba, N. Y. C d Fab u is, N. Y. E BloomviPe, N. Y. G d Chadds Ford, Pa. F g Cumberland, Md. C g Factorvville, N. Y. E e Blossburg, Pa. D e Chambersburg, Pa. D g Cunveusville, Pa. C e Fairfield, N. Y. G c Bolivar, N. Y. C d Champlain, N. Y. H b Cuyler, N. Y. F d Fairfield (Somerset Co.), Pa. B g Bonnaugbtowu, Pa. D g Chapel, Md. E h Dagsboroilgh, Del. F h Fairfield (Lancaster Co.), Pa. E g Bocnton, N. J. G f Chaptico, Md. E li Daleville, Pa. F e Fail-haven, N. Y. E c Boonville, N. Y. F c Charleston, N. Y. G d Damascus, Pa. F e Fail-port, N. Y. D c Bo rdentown N. J. G f Charlotte, N. Y. D c Danby, N. Y. E d Fail-view (Erie Co.), Pa. A d Boston, N. Y. C d Charlotte Hall, Md. E h Dansville, N. Y. D d Fail-view ( Cumberland Co.), Pa. D f Bound Brook, N. J. G f Charlton, N. Y. H d Danville, Pa. E f Fail-view (York Co.), Pa. E f Bovina, N. Y. G d Chateaugay, N. Y. G b Darby, Enr. of Philadelphia B h Fall Brook, Pa. D e Bowmans, Pa. E e Chateaugav Lake, N. Y. H b Darien, N. Y. C d Fallston, Md. E g Boylston, N. Y. F c Chatham, N. Y. H d Darlington. Pa. A f Falmouth, Pa. E f Bradford, Pa. C d Chatham, E. N. Y. H d Dauphin, Pa. E g Faimetts, Pa. D f Bradford, N. Y. D d Chaumont, N. Y. E b Daymans ville, N. Y. F e Farmers Valley, Pa. C e Branch port, N. Y. D d Cliazy, N. Y. II b Dayton, N. Y. B d Farmiiigdale, N. J. G f Brandt, N. Y. B d Chelsea, Env. of N. Y. A c Deal, N. J. II f Farmington, Pa. B g Brandywine, Del. F g Chenango, N. Y. F d De Kalb, N. Y. F b Farrandsville, Pa. D e Brasher, N. Y. G b Chenango ForkR, N. Y. F d Delano, Pa. E f Fayetteville, N. Y. E c Bricksboro N. J. G g Cherry Creek, N. Y. B d Delanti, N. Y. B d Federalsburg, Md. F h M J. G f Cherry Valley, N. Y. G d Delaware City, Del. F E Felton. Del. F c MAP OF THE MIDDLE STATES. 3 Fillmore, N. Y. C d Greenwich, Green Wood, N. Y. H c J ersey Shore, Pa. D e Macedon, N. Y. D c Fisnkill N. Y. H e Del. F h Johnsburgh, N. Y. H c Macomb, N. Y. F b Fishkill, East, N. Y. H e Greenwood, N. Y. D d Johnsonburg, Pa. C e Madrid, N. Y. F b Fish kill Landing, N. Y. G e Groton, N. Y. E d Johnstown, N. Y. G c Magnolia, Md. E g Flatbush, Env. of N. Y. B b Guttenburg, Hackensack, N. J. B b J ohnstown. Pa. C f Mahoning, Pa- A e Flatlands, Euv. of N. Y. B b N. J. G f Jordan, N. Y. E c Mahonov City, Pa. E 1 Flemington, N. J. G f Haddington, Env. of Philadelphia B h J ordan Town, N J. C h Maine, N. Y. E d Flints tone. Md. C g Haddonfield, N. J. C h Junction, N. Y. C c Malone, N. Y. G b Florence, N. Y. F c Hadley, N. Y. H c Junction, N. Y. E d M'auayunk, Ta. F f Florida, NT. Y. G e Hagerstown, Md. D O Juniata, Pa. D f M annahawkins ville, N. J. G g Flushing, L. I. H f Hague, N. Y. H C Kane, Pa. C e Manchester, Md. E g Fonda. N. Y. G d Hamburg, N. J. G e Karthau8, Pa. C e Manchester, N. J. G f Fordham, Env. of N. Y. C a Hamburgh, N. Y. C d Keating, Pa. D e Manheim, Pa. E f Forestburgh, N. Y. G e Hamburg, Pa. F f Keene, N. Y. H b Mansfield, Pa. D e Forest Port, N. Y. F c Hamden, N. Y. G d Keese ville. N. Y. H b Mapleton, Pa. D f Forestville, N. Y. B d Hamilton, N. Y. F d Kellyville, Env. of Philadelphia A h Mapletown, N. J. G f Fort Ann, N. Y. H c Hamilton, Pa. F e Kenderton, Philadelphia B h Mapletown, Pa. B g Fort Covington, N. Y. G b Hammondsport, N. Y. D d Kennet Square, Pa. F g Marathon. N. Y. E d Fort Delaware, Del. F CT O Hammonton, N. J. G g Kensington, Env. of Philadelphia B h Marcy, N. Y. F c Fort Edward, N. Y. H C Hancock, Md. C g Kesoag, N. Y. F c Marietta, Pa. E f Fort Hamilton, Env. of N. Y. B b Hancock, N. Y. F e Keyport, N. J. G f Marilla, N. Y. C d Fort Lafayette, Env. of N. Y. B c Hannibal, N. Y. E c Kinderhook, N. Y. H d Marion, N. Y. D c Fort Lee, N. J. B a Hanover, Pa. D g Kingston, N. Y. G e Marionville, Pa. B e Fort Littleton, Pa. D f Hanover Junction, Pa. E g Kingston, Pa. D f Marlborough, N. Y. H e Fort Mifflin, Env. of Philadelphia B i Harbor Creek, Pa. B d Kingston, Pa. F e Martinsburgh N. Y. F c Fort Morris, Env. of N. Y. C b Hardenbuigh, N. Y. G d Kinzua, Pa. C e Marysville, Pa. E f Fort Plain, N. Y. G c Harford, N. Y. E d Kittaning, Pa. B f Masonville, N. Y. F d Fort Richmond, Env. of N. Y. B c Hartford, N. Y. H c Knoxville, Md. D g Maspeth, Env. of N. Y. C b Fort Wadsworth, Env. of N. Y. B c Harlem, Env. of N. Y. B b Kort right, N. Y. G d Massena, N. Y. G b Fort Washington, Env. of N. Y. B a Harmony, Pa. A f Kutztown, Pa. F f Matteawan, N. Y. H e Fort Washington, Pa. F f Harmony, Pa. F e Lacka waxen, Pa. G e Maucli Chunk, Pa. F f Foxburg, Pa. B e Harpers iield, N. Y. G d Lake Pleasant, N. Y. G c Mauch Chunk, East, Pa. F f Frank ford, Env. of Philadelphia C h Harpersville, N. Y. F d Lakeport, ’ N. Y. F c Mays Landing, N. J. G g Frankfort. N. Y. F c Harrington, Del. F h Lakesville, Md. E h Mayville, N. Y. B d Frankfort Springs, Pa. A f Harrisburg, Pa. E f Lambertville, N. J. G f Meadville, Pa. A e Franklin, N. J. G e Harrison, N. J. A b Lancaster, * N. Y. C d Meckanicsburg, Pa. D f Franklin, N. Y. F d Harrisonville, Pa. C f Lancaster, Pa. E f Mechanics Grove, Pa. E g Franklin, Pa. B e Harrisville, N. Y. F b Landisville, Pa. E f Mechanics Town, Md. D g Franklin Falls, N. Y. H b Harrisville, Pa. B e Landsdale, Pa. F f Meckanicsville, N. Y. H d Franklintown, Pa. D f Hartstown, Pa. A e Lansingburgh, N. Y. H d Mechanics ville, Pa C f Fran kville. Md. B g Hartville, Pa. E e La porte, Pa. E e Medford, N. J. G g Frederica, Del. F g Hartwick, N. Y. F d Laurel, Del. F h Media, Pa. F g Frederick City, Md. D a Hastings, N. Y. E c Lawrence, N. Y. G b Medina, N. Y. C c Fredonia, N. Y. B Hastings, N. Y. H f Lawrence, North, N. Y. G b Melrose, Env. of N. Y. B b Freedom, Md. E g Hatfield, Pa. F f Lawrenceburg, Pa. B e Mercer, Pa. A e Freehold, N. J. G f Haukins, N. Y. F e Lawreneeville, Pa. D e Mercerburg, Pa. C g Freeland, Md. E g Havana, N. Y. E d Lebanon, N. J.. G f Meredith, N. Y. G a Freemansbiug, Pa. F f Haverstraw, N. Y. H e Lebanon, Pa. E f Meridian, N. Y. E c Freeport (Armstrong Co.), Pa. B f Havre de Grace, Md. E g Le Boeuf, Pa. B e Merion Square, Env. of Philadelphia A h Freeport (Greene Co.), Pa. A g Hawley, Pa. F e Lee, N. Y. F c Mernttstown, Pa. B g Fremont, N. Y. F e Hazleton, Pa. F f Leeds, N. Y. H d Meshoppen, Pa. F e Fremont, Pa. F g Helle.rtown, Pa. F f Lehigh Gap, Lehighton, * Pa. F f Mexico, N. Y. E c Frenchville, Pa. C e Hempstead, L. I. H f Pa. F f Middleburg ( Franklin Co.), Pa. D g Frewsburgh, N. Y. B d Henderson, N. Y. E c Leidy, Pa. D e Middleburg ( Snyder Co.), Pa. D f Friedensburg, Pa. B f Henrietta, N. Y. D c Lemon Place, Pa, E f Middleburgk, N. Y. G d Friendship, N. Y. C d Henryville, Pa. F e Leon, N. Y. B d Middle Port, N. Y. C c Frostburg, Md C g Herkimer, N. Y. G c Leonardtown, Md. E h Middlesex, Pa. A e Fruitbill, Pa. C f Herndon, Pa. E g Le Roy, N. Y. C d Middletown, Del. F g Fruitland, N. J. G g Hestonville, Env. of Philadelphia B h Le Roy, Pa. E e Middletown, Md. D g Fulton, N. Y. E c Hickory, Pa. B e Levant, N. Y. B d Middletown, N. Y. G e Fultonville, N. Y. G d High Market, N. Y. F c Lewes, Del. F h Middletown (Dauphin Co.), Pa. E f Funkstown, Md. D g Hightstown, N. J. G f Lewisburg, Pa. E f Middletown ( Monroe Co.), Pa. F e Gaines, N. Y. C c Hilltop, Md. D h Lewiston, N. Y. C c Middleville, N. Y. G c Galena, Md. F g d Hilltown, Pa. D g Lewistown, Pa. D f Mifflinburg, Pa. D f Gallatin, N. Y. H Hillsborough, Md. F h Lexington, N. Y. G d Miffliutown, Pa. D f Gallitzen, Pa. C f Hillsdale, N. Y. H d Leyden, N. Y. F c Mifflinville, Pa. E e Gansevoort, N. Y. H C Hills Point, Md. E h Leydenville, N. Y. F c Milan, N. Y. E d Garland, Pa. B e Hinsdale, N. Y. C d Libertyville, Env. of Philadelphia B h Milan, Pa. E e Garretfcrd, Env. of Philadelphia A h Hoboken, N. J. G f Licksville, Md. D g Milesburg, Pa. D f Geddes, N. Y. E c Hogansburg, N. Y. G b Ligonier, Pa. B f Milford, N. J. F ; Genoa, N. Y. E d Holland, N. Y. C d Lima, N. Y. D d Milford, N. Y. G d Geneseo, N. Y. D d Hollidaysburg, Pa. C f Limestone, N. Y. C d Milford, Pa. G e Geneva, N. Y. D d Holmesbmg, Env. of Philadelphia C g Linesville, Pa. A e Millersburg, Pa. E f Georgetown, Del. F h Horner, N. Y. E d Lisbon, N. Y. F b Millerton, N. Y. H c Georgetown, D. C. D h Homer, Pa. C e Lisbon, Pa. B e Millers town, Pa. D f Georgetown, Md. F g Homewood, Pa. A f Lisle, N. Y. E d Millington, Md. F e Georgetown, Pa. G f Honeoye, N. Y. D d Little Falls, N. Y. G c Millport, N. Y. E j Germanica, Pa. D e Honeoye Falls, N. Y. D d Little Ferry, Env. of N. Y. B a Millroy, Pa. D f Germansville, Pa. F f Honesdale, Pa. F e Little Orleans, Md. C g Millsborough, Del. F h German Town, N. Y. H d Hope, N. J. G f Littlestowu, Pa. D g Millstone, N. J. G f Germantown, Env. of Philadelphia B g Hopewell, N. Y. H e Littleton, Little Valley, Pa. C e Millstone Mills, Pa. B e Gettysbnig, Pa. D g Horicon, Hornellsville, N. Y H c N. Y. C d Millville, N. J. F g Gilesville, Pa. C e N. Y. D cl Liverpool, N. Y. E c Millville, Pa. B e Girard, Pa. A d Horntown, Horse Heads, Howard, Env. of Philadelphia A h Liverpool (Perry’s Co.), Pa. D f Milnesville, Pa. F f Glade Mills, Pa. B f N. Y. E d Liverpool (York Co.), Pa. E f Miltou, Del. F li Glassboro, N. J. F cr O N. Y. D d Lochliaven, Pa. D e Milton, Pa. E e Glen, The, N. Y H C Howland Hook, Env. of N. Y. A b Loekport, N. Y. C c Mina, N. Y. B d Glenkain, N. Y. H e Hudson, N. Y. H d Lock port, Pa. A e Mineral Point, Pa. B g Glen’s Falls, N. Y. H c Hughesville, Md. F h Lodi, N. Y. E d Miners ville, Pa. E f Glenrock, Pa. E g Hughesville, Pa. E e Long Branch, N. J. II f Mines, Pa. E f Gloucester City, N. J. F g Hulmeville, Pa. G f Longcoming, (Berlin,) N. J. G g Mitchells, Pa. A [ Glovers ville, N. Y. G c Hummels Town, Pa. E f Long Island City, Env. of N. Y. B b Mohawk, N. Y. G d Goldsborough, Pa. E f Hunter, N. Y. G d Lordsville, N. Y. F e Moira, N. Y. G b Goshen, ' N. J. G f Huntingdon, Pa. D f Loudon, Pa. D g Monkton Mills, Md. E g Goshen, N. Y. G e Huron, N. Y. E c Louisville, N. Y. F a Monocacy, Md. D g Gouldsborough, Pa. F e Hyde Park, N. Y. H e Louisville, N. Y. G b Monongakela City, Pa. B f Gouverneur, N. Y. F b Hyde Park Pa. F e Lowville, N. Y. F c Monroeton, Pa. E e Gowanda, N. Y. C d Ilion N. Y. F d Loyal Sock, Pa. E e Monroeville, Pa. B f Grant, Pa, C f Indiana, Pa. B f Ludlowviile, N. Y. E d Montclair, N. J. G f Gi mtsville, Md. B g Indian Lake, N. Y. G c Luesco, Pa. B f Monterey, Pa. B e Granville, N. Y. H c Industry, Pa. A f Lumber City, Pa. C f Montezuma, N. Y. E 0 Granville, Pa. E e Irvineton, Pa. B e Lumberville, Pa. F f Montgomery, N. Y. G « Gravesend, Env. of N. Y. B c Ithaca, N. Y. E d Luthersburg, Pa. C e Montgomery, Pa. C f Great Bend, Pa. F e Jackson, now Ateo, N. J. G g Lyndon Ville, N. Y. C c Monticello, N. Y. G 0 Greece, N. Y. D c Jamaica, L. I. H f Lynesville, Pa. F f M ontoursville, Pa. E e Greenborougb, N. Y. F c Jamesburg, N. J. G f Lymansville, Pa. D e Montrose, Pa. F e Greenbush, N. Y. H d Jamestown, N. Y. B d Lyons, N. Y. D c Mooers, Mooreville, N. Y. H b Greencastle, Pa. D g Jamestown, Pa. A e Lyons Falls, N. Y. F c Pa. C e Greene, N. Y. F d Jasper Corners, N. Y D d M'Connellsburg, Pa. C g Morehouse ville, N. Y. G c Greenfield, N. Y. H c J uvn, N. Y. C d M ‘Elhatten, Pa. D e Morgans ville, Md. P b Greensboro, Md. F h Jefferson, Md. D g M ‘Eweiis ville. Pa. E e Morgantown, Pa. F f Greensburg, Pa. B f Jefferson, Pa. C f M'Grawville, N. Y. E d Moriah, N. Y. H Greenville, N. J. B b •Tennerstown, Pa. B f M'Keesport, Pa. B f Morris, Pa. D e Greenville, Pa. A e Jersey City, N. J. G f M‘Veytown, Pa. D f Morrisania, Env. of N. Y. C n 4 MAP OF THE MIDDLE STATES. Morristown, N. J. G f Oleopolis, Pa. B e Port Jackson, N. Y. G d Salem, N. Y„ H c Morrisville, N. Y. F d Olive City, N. Y. G e Port Jervis, N. Y. G e Salem, Pa, B I Morrisville, Pa. G f Oneida, N. Y. F c Port Kendal, N. Y. H b Salisbury, Md. F b Moscow, N. Y. D d Oneonta, N. Y. F d Portland, N. Y. B d Salterville, N. J. B b Moscow, Pa. F e Ouoville, N. Y. C d Port Matilda, Pa. C f Salsburg or Saltsburg, Pa. B i Moshannon, Pa. C e Ontario, N. Y. D c Port Monmouth, N. J. G f Sandhills, N. J. G l Mott Haven, Env. of N. Y. B b Orange, N. J. G f Port Norris, N. J. F g Sandy Creek, N. Y. E c Mountain House (Catskitt Alts.), N. Y. G d Oresville, Pa. B f Port Richmond, N. Y. G f Sandy Hill, Md. F h Mount Holly, N. J. G g Orrstown, Pa. D f Port Royal, Pa. D f Sandy Hill, N. Y. H c Mount Joy, Pa. E f Orwell, N. Y. F c Port Tobacco, Md. E h Sandy Hook, Md. D g Mount Morris, N. Y. D d Orwigsburg, Pa. E f Port Treverton, Pa. E f Sandy Lake, Pa. A e Mount Morris, Pa. A g Oswego, N. Y. E c Port Washington, N. J. G f Sang Hollow, Pa. C i Mount Pleasant, N. J. G g Oswego Falls, N. Y. E c Portville, N. Y. C d Saugerties, N. Y. H d Mount Pleasant! Westmoreland), 717 Pa. B f Otego, N. Y. F d Potsdam, N. Y. G b Saranac (Clinton Co.), N. Y. H b Mount Pleasant, Pa. F e Otisco, N. Y. E d Potsdam Junction, N. Y. G b Saranac ( Franklin Co.), N. Y. G b Mount Pleasant, Pa. F f Otselic, N. Y. F d Potter, N. Y. D d Saratoga Springs, N. Y. H c Mount Union, Pa. D f Ovid, N. Y. E d Pottersville, N. Y. H c Sardinia, N. Y. C d Muncy, Pa. E e Owego, N. Y. E d Pottstown, Pa. F f Sassafras, Del. F g Munnsville, N. Y. F c Ox Bow, Pa. D e. Potts ville, Pa. E f Saxton, Pa. C f Myers town, Pa. E f Oxford, Md. E h Poughkeepsie, N. Y. JH e Schaghticoke, N. Y. H d Nanticoke, N. Y. E d Oxford, N. Y. F d Poynton, Pa. F e Schellsburg, Pa. C f Naples, N. Y. D d Oxford, Pa. D § Prallsville, N. J. F f Schenectady, N. Y. H d Nassau, N. Y. H d Oxford (Gliestvr Co.), Pa. F g Plattsburgh, N. Y. D d Selienevus, N. Y. G d Nauvoo, Pa. D e Oyster Bay, L. I. H f Prattsville, N. Y. G d Schoharie, N. Y. G d Nazareth, Pa. F f Painted Post, N. Y. D d Preble, N. Y. E d Schroon Lake, N. Y. H 0 Nescopeek, Pa. E e Palatine Bridge, N. Y. G d Preston Hollow, N. Y. G d Schroon River, N. Y. H c Neversink, N. Y. G e Palmyra, N. J. F g Prince Fredericktown, Md. E h Schuylerville, N. Y. H c New Amsterdam, Pa. B f Palmyra, N. Y. D c Princess Anne, Md. F h Schuylkill Haven, Pa. E f New Ark, Md. F h Palmyra, Pa. E f Princeton, N. J. G f Scio, N. Y. D d Newark, Del. F q Panama, N, Y. B d Progress, Pa. E f Sciota, N. Y. H b Newark, N. J. G f Paoli, Pa. F f Providence, Pa. F e Scottville, Pa. E e Newark, N. Y. D c Paradise, Pa. E f Providence (Lancaster Co.), Pa. E g Scranton, Pa. F e New Berlin, N. Y. F a Paradise, Pa. F e Pulaski, N. Y. E c Scriba, N. Y. E c New Berlin, Pa. D f Parishville, N. Y. G b Pulaski, Pa. A e Seaford, Del. F h Newbold, Pa. C e Parkton, Md. E g Pultneyville, N. Y. D c Selby sport. Md. B g New Brighton, N. Y. G f Paschal ville, Env. of Philadelphia B h Punxatawney. Pa. B e Selins Grove, Pa. E f New Brighton, Pa. A f Paterson, N. J. G f Putnam, N. Y. H c Sellers, Pa. E f New Brunswick, N. J. G f Paterson, Pa. D f Quaker Town, Pa. F f Sellers ville, Pa. F f Newburg, Pa. C f Patersons, N. Y. H e Quarry Fort, Md. D g Seneca Falls, N. Y. E d Newburgh, N. Y. G e Pattensville, Pa. C f Queen Anne, Md. E h Sewickleyville, Pa. A f Newcastle, Del. F g Pavia, Pa. C f Queensbury, N. Y. H c Shamokin, Pa. E f New Castle, Pa. A e Pawling, N. Y. H e Queenstown, Md. E h Shandaken, N. Y. G d New City, N. Y. G e Peach Bottom, Pa. E g Quincy, N. Y. B d Shanksville, Pa. C f New Hampton, N. J. G f Peekskill, N. Y. H e Rahway, N. J. G f Sharon (Mercer Co.), Pa. A e New Hanover, Pa. F f Pemberton, N. J. G g Ralston, Pa. E e Sharon (Allegheny Co.), Pa. A f New Haven, N. Y. E c Pendleton, N. Y. C c Ramage, Pa. C e Sharon Springs, N. Y. G d New Hope, Pa. G f Pen Horn City, N. J. B b Randalls ville, N. Y. F d Sharpsburg, Md. D g New Lancaster, Pa. E e Penn, Pa. B f Randolph, N. Y. B d Sharpsburg, Pa. B f New Market, Md. D g Pennfield, Pa. C e Raritan, N. J. G f Sharpsgrove, N. J. F g New Milford, Pa. F e Pennhaven, Pa. F f Ravenswood, Env. of N. Y. B b Shavertown, N. Y. G d New Ohio, N. Y. F d Pennington, Pa. F g Rawlings Station, Md. C g Shawmut, Pa. C e New Paltz, N. Y. G e Penusgrove, N. J. F g Reading, Pa. F f Sheffield, Pa. B e Newport, N. J. F g Penn Yan, N. Y. D d Reamstown, Pa. E f Sheldon, N. Y. C d Newport, N. Y. G c Peoria, N. Y. G d Red Bank, N. J. F g Shelltown, Md. F i Newport, Pa. A f Perry, N. Y. C d Red Bank ( Monmouth Co.), N. J. G f Shenango, Pa. A e Newport, Pa. D f Perrysville ( Westmoreland Co.), Pa. B f Redfield Centre, N. Y. F c Sherburne, N. Y. F d Newry, Pa. C f Perrysville (Jefferson Co.), Pa. B f Red Hook Landing, N. Y. H e Sherman, N. Y. B d New Scotland, N. Y. H d Perrysville ( Juniata Co.), Pa. D f Red Wood, N. Y. F b Shickshinny, Pa. E e Newton, Pa. D f Perryville, Md. E g Reidsburg, Pa. B e Shippen, Pa. G e Newtown, Md. F k Perth Amboy, N. J. G f Relay, Md. E § Shippensburg, Pa. D f Newton, N. J. G e Peru, N. Y. H b Remsen, N. Y. F c Shippensville, Pa. B e Newtown, N. J. G f Peterboio, N. Y. F c Reno, Pa. B e Shirleysburg, Pa. D f Newtown, Pa. A g Petersburg, Pa. C f Reno vo, Pa. D e Shrewsbury, Pa. E g New Utrecht, Env. of N. Y. B b Petersburg (Adams Co.), Pa. D f Rensselaer Falls, N. Y. F b Sidney Plains, N. Y. F d Newville, N. Y. D d Petersburgh, N. Y. H d Rensselaerville, N. Y. G d Silver Creek, . N. Y. B d Newville, Pa. D f Petroleum Centre, Pa. B e Reynoldsville, Pa. C e Silver Spring, Md. D g New Windsor, Md. D o Phelps, N. Y. D d Rhinebeck Landing, N. Y. H e Sing Sing, N. Y. H e New \ ork, N. Y. H f Philadelphia, N. Y. F b Richland, N. Y. E c Sinking Spring, Pa. F f Niagara City, N. Y. C c Philadelphia, Pa. F g Richmond, N. Y. G f Skaneateles, N. Y. E d Niagara Falls, N. Y. B c Phillipsburg, N. J. F f Richmond, Pa. F f Slatiugton, Pa. F f Nicetown, Env. of Philadelphia B b Phillipsburg, Pa. C f Richmond, Env. of Philadelphia B h Slaystown, Pa. C f N ichols, N. Y. E d Phillipsport, N. Y. G e Ridgeway Pa. C e Smethport or Smithport, Pa! C e Nicholson, Pa. F e Philmont, N. Y. H d Riga, N. Y. D c Smitliboro, N. Y. E d N ippenose. Pa. D e Philopolis, Md. E g Rising Sun, Md. E g Smithfield (Somerset Co.), Pa. B g Niscayuna, N. Y. H d Phoenix, N. Y. E c Rochester, N. Y. D c Smitlifield (Fayette Co.), Pa. B S Noblestown, Pa. A f Phcenixville, Pa. F f Rochester, Pa. A f Smithport, Pa. B e Norfolk, N. Y. G b Piermont, N. Y. H e Rockaway, L. I. H f Smith’s Mills, Pa. C N orristo wn, Pa. F f Pierrepont Manor, N. Y. E c Rock Hall, Md. E g Smyrna, Del. F S Northampton, N. Y. G c Pig Point, Md. E h Rockland, N. Y. G e Smyrna, N. Y. F J North Bangor, N. Y. G b Pike, N. Y. C d Rockport, Pa. F f Snow Hill, Md. F h North Bay, N. Y. F c Pine Grove (Schuylkill Co.), Pa. E f Rockville, Md. D g Snow Shoe, Pa. D e North Clarkson, N. Y. D c Pine Grove, Pa. D f Rockville, Pa. E f Snufftown, N. J. G f North Demnisville N. J. G g Pine Grove Hill, Pa. D f Rodman, N. Y. F c Sodus, N. Y. D c Northeast, Md. F g Pine Plains, N. Y. H e Rome, N. Y. F c Sodus Pt., N. Y. D c North East, Pa. B d Pine Valley, N. Y. E d Rome, Pa. E e Solon, N. Y. E d North Elba, N. Y. H b Piscataway, Md. D h Rondout, N. Y. H e Somerset, N. Y. G c North Granville, N. Y. H c Piseco, N. Y. G c Rosendale, N. Y. G e Somerset, Pa. B f North Hector, N. Y. E d Pitcairn, N. Y. F b Roseville, Pa. E e Somerville, N. J. G f North Liberty, Pa. A e Pitcher, N. Y. F d Roslyn, L. I. H f South Amboy, N. J. G f North Milford, Del. F h Pithole City, Pa. B e Rossie, N. Y. F b Southfield, N. Y. G 0 North New York, Env. of N. Y. B b Pittsburgh, Pa. B f Rossville, Md. E g South Glens Falls, N. Y. H c North Norwich, N. Y. F d Pittsford, N. Y. D c Rouses Point, N. Y. H b South Milford, Del. F h North River, N. Y. G c Pittston, Pa. F e Rowantown. N. J. C h South Schroorf, N. Y. H c Northumberland, N. Y. H c Pittstown, N. Y. H d Roxbury, N. Y. G d Spencer, N. Y. E i N orthumberland, Pa. E f Plainfield, N. J. G f Ruperts, Pa. E e Spencerport, N. Y. D c North Wales, Pa. F f Plattsburgh, N. Y. H b Rush ford, N. Y. C d Spinuerstown, Pa. F f Norwich, N. Y. F d Pleasant Hall, Pa. D f Russell, N. Y. F b Spring Corner, Pa. A Norwich, Pa. C f Pleasantville, Pa. B e Russia, N. Y. F c Springfield, ■' Pa. A e Nottingham, Md. E h Plymouth, N. Y. F d Sabinsville, Pa. D e Springtown, Pa. F f Nunda, N. Y. D d Plymouth,^- Pa. F e Sachets Harbor, N. Y. E c Springville, N. Y r . C d Nyack, N. Y. Ii e Pocono, Pa. F e Sadlersville, Md. F g Spuyten Duyvil, Env. of N. Y. C a Oak Hill, Pa. E g Point of Rocks, Md. D g Sageville, N. Y. G c Squan, N. J. G f Oakland, Md. B g Pomonkey, Md. D h St Clair, Pa. E f Standing, Pa. E e Oakley, Pa. F e Portage Ville, N. Y. C d St Clairsville, Pa. C f St ipleton, N. Y. G f Oakville, Md. E h Port Allegheny, Pa. C e St Inigoes, Md. E h State Line, N. Y. H d Oakville, Pa. D f Port Byron, N. Y. E c St Johnsville, N. Y. G d State Line Station, N. Y. B d Ocean View, Del. F h Port Carbon, Pa. E f St Martin’s, Md. F h Staytonville, Del. F h Ofl'uts, Md. D or Port Chester, N. Y. H e St Mary’s, Md. E h Stephentown, N. Y. H d Ogdensburgh, N. Y. F b Port Crane, N. Y. F d St Mary’s, Pa. C e Stewartstown, Pa. E s Ohio City N. Y. G c Port Clinton, Pa. E f St Michael’s, Md. E h Stillwater, N. Y. H s Oil City, Pa. B e Port Deposit, Md. E g St Thomas, Pa. D g Stockholm, N. Y. G I Olcott, N. Y. C c Portersville, Pa. A f Salamanca, N. Y. C 3 Stoddardsville, Pa. F • Old Town, Md. C g Porte rtown, Md. D g Salem, N. J. F g Stony Creek, N. Y. H OW'D*. N. Y. C d Port Frederick, Md. C g Salem, N. Y. B a StrasbiiTg, Pa. E MAP OF THE MIDDLE STATES. 5 Straustown, Pa. E f Truxton, N. Y. E d Warwick, N. Y. G e West tVarren, Pa. E e Strikers ville. N. Y. G d Tuckerton, N. J. G g Warwick, Pa. E f Wevcrton, Md. D g Stroudsburg, Pa. F f Tunkhannock, Pa. F e Washington, D. C. E h Weymouth, N. J. G g Snfferns, N. Y. G 6 Tunnels Store, Del. F li Washington, N. J. G g White Hall, N. Y. II c Summer Hill, Pa. A e Turin, N. Y. F c Washington ( Warren Co.), N. J. F f Whitehaven, Md. F h Summit, P*i. E f Turners, N. Y. G e Washington, N. Y. II c Whitehaven, Pa. F e Sunbury, Pa. E f Tyler, Pa. C e Washington, Pa. A f White Lake, N. Y. r; e Sunderlandville, Md. E h Tylersville, Pa. D e Washington Junction, Md. E g White Plains, N Y. II e Sumlown. N. Y. G e Tynskin, Md. F h Waterford, N. J. G cr Whitesboro, N. Y. F c Susquekannah, Pa. F e Tyrone, Pa. C f Waterford, N. Y. H d Whitesville, N. Y. D d Swanville, Pa. A d Ulysses, Pa. D e Waterford, Pa. B e Whiting, N. J. G f Swatara, Pa. E f Unadilla, N. Y. F d Waterloo, N. J. G e Wilkesbarre, • Pa. e Stvedesboro, N. J. F g Union, Pa. B e Waterloo, N. Y. E d Willet, N. Y. F Sykesville, Md. D CP o Union, N. J. A b Waterloo, Pa. D f Williams Bridge, N. Y. H f Syracuse. N. Y. E C Union Bridge, Md. D o Watertown, N. Y. F c Williamsburg, Env. cf N. Y. B b Taberg, N. Y. F c Union Falls, N. Y. II b Waterville, N. Y. F cl Williamsburg, Pa. C f Tahnwa, N. Y. IT c Union Springs, N. Y. E d Watkins, N. Y. E d Williamsport, Md. D g Tamaqua, Pa. F f Union Town, Md. D cr Watson’s Corner, N. J. F g Williamsport, Pa. D 0 Taney town, Md. D g Uniontown, Pa. B g Watsontown, Pa. E c Williamstown, N. Y. F c Tannersville, Pa. F e Uniontown, Pa. D e Wattsburg, Pa. B d Williamsville, N. Y. C d Tarentum, Pa. B f Unionville, N. Y. G e Waverly, N. Y. E cl Williamsville, Pa. C e Tarport. Pa. C e Union ville, Pa. D f Wa warsing, N. Y. G e Will ink, N. Y. C d Tarry town, N. Y. II e Upper Marlborough, Md. E li Wayland, N. Y. D d Willsborough, N. Y. H b Taylor’s Island, Md. E li Upper Trappe, Md. F h Waymart, Pa. F e Wilmington, Del. F g Temperanceville, Pa. A 1 Upton, Pa. D cr o Wayne, N. Y. D d Wilson, N. Y. C c Temple, Pa. F f Urbana, Md. D O Waynesburg ( Greene Co.), Pa. A g Wilton, N. Y. H 0 Terrytowu, Pa. E e Utica, N. Y. F C Waynesburg ( Chester Co.), Pa. F I Windsor, N. Y. F d Theresa, N. Y. F b Valley Forge, Pa. F f Webb Landing, Del. F g Winfield, Md. D cr Thompsontown, Pa. D f Vanderbilts Landing, Env. of N. Y. B b Weedsport, N. Y. E e Winfield, N. Y. F d TToopsville, N. Y. E d Van Ettenville, N. Y. E d Weehawken, N. J. B b Winslow, N. J. G g Tieonderoga, N. Y. H c Venango, Pa. A e Wegatchie, N. Y. F b Winslow, Pa. C e Tidioute, Pa. B e Venango City, Pa. B e Wells, N. Y. G c Wirt, N. Y. D d Tioga, Pa. D e Vernon, N. Y. F c Wells, Pa. E e Wisconisco, Pa. E f Tioga Centre, N. Y. E d Verplanks Pt., N. Y. H e Wellsborough, Pa. D e Wiscoy, N. Y. C d 1'ionesta, Pa. B e Victor, N. Y. D d Wellsburg, N. Y. E cl Wolcott, N. Y. E c ’I’itus ville, Pa. B e Victory, N. Y. E e Wellsville, N. Y. D d Womelsdoi'f, Pa. E t Toms River, N J. G g Vienna, Md. F li Werefordburg, Pa. C g Woodberry, Pa. 0 f Tompkins ville. Env. of N. Y. B b Vienna, N. Y. F c Wesley ville. Pa. B d Woodbury, N. J. F g Tonawanda, N. Y. C c Village Green, Pa. F g West Chester, Pa. F cr Woodland, N. Y. G a Tottenville, N. Y. G f Vincentown, N. J. G g West Elizabeth, Pa. B 1 Woodmansie, N. J. G g Tcwanda, Pa. E e Vineland, N. J. F g Western, N. Y. F C Woodstock, N. Y. G a Townsend, Del. F g VI y, The, N. Y. G cl Western Port, Md. B a Woodstown, N. J. F or Towson Town, Md. E g Waddington, N. Y. F b Westfield, N. Y. B d Worcester, N. Y. G a Trappe, Md. E h Waertown, N. J. G g Westfield, Pa. D e Wrightsville, Pa. E r Tremont, Env. of N. Y. C a Walden, N. Y. G e West Kendall, N. Y. C c Wurtemburg, Pa. A f Treinont, Pa. E f Walhalla, Pa. D e West Lebanon, Pa. B f Wyoming, N. Y. C d Trenton, N. J. G f Walker, Pa. D f West Milford, N. J. G e Wyoming, Pa. F e Trenton, N. Y. F c Walton, N. Y. F d Westminster, Md. E g Yardley ville. Pa. G f Trenton Falls, N. Y. F c Ward Ville, N. Y. D c West Nanticoke, Pa. E e Yates Centre, N. Y. C c Trevorton, Pa. E f W arnerville. N. Y. G d West Newton, Pa. B f Yonkers, N. Y. H f Tiexlertown, Pa. F f Warren, Md. E g West Philadelphia, Env.of Philadelphia B h York, Pa. E S Trout Run, Pa. D e Warren, N. J. G f West Pittstou, Pa. F e Yorkliaven, Pa. E f Trouton, Pa. F f Warren, N. Y. G e West Point, N. Y. H e Young Hickory, N. Y. D d Troy, N. Y. H d Warren, Pa. B e West Port, N. Y. H b Young’s Town, N. Y. B c Troy, Pa. E e Warrensbm gh, N. Y. II c Westport, Pa. D e Youngsville, Pa. B e Troy, West, N. Y. H d Warsaw, N. Y. C d West Troy, N. Y. H d Young Woman Town, Pa. D e Trumansburg, N. Y. E d Warwick, Md. F g 1 Westville, Env. of Philadelphia B i Zelianople, Pa. A f MOUNTAINS, RIVERS, ISLANDS, ETC. Abseeum Beach, N. J. G g Cayuta L. N. Y. E d East Bay, N. Y. E c Hopatcong L. N. J. 0 t Adirondack Mts., 5,467 ft. N. Y. G b Chain L. N. Y. G c Eastern Bay, Md. E h Horicon, or Lake George, N. Y. H 3 Alleghany Mts. Pa. C f Champlain L., area 600 sq. m.. Easton Neck I. Md. E o Hudson R. (Bay) Md. E h Allegheny R., 240 m. Pa. B e alt. 90 ft. N. Y. H b East Sandy Creek, Pa. B e Hudson R., 300 m. N. Y. G c & II 0 Ainomessie R. Md. F h Charlotte R. N. Y. G d East R. Env. of N. Y. B b Independence Creek, N. Y. F c Antietam Creek, Md. D g Chartiers Creek, Pa. A f Eckford L. N. Y. G c Indian L. N. Y. Cr c Arthurkill, or Staten I. Sound, Chateaugay Lakes, N. Y. H b Elk Mt. Pa. F e Indian R. X. Y. F b Env. of N. Y. A c Chaumont Bay, N. Y. E b Elk R. Md. F g Indian River Bay, Del. F h Assateague Sound, Md. F h Chautauqua, L., alt. 1,291 ft. N. Y. B d Ellis I. Env. of N. Y. B b Indian River Inlet, Del. F h An Sable R., 45 m. N. Y. H b Chazy L. N. Y. H b English Creek, N. J. B a Irondequoit Bay, N. Y. D c Backbone Mt. Md. B g Chenango R. N. Y. F d Erie, L. , alt. 566 ft. ; area Island Beach, N. J. G g Bald Eagle Creek, Pa. D e Chesapeake Bay, Md. E h 9,500 sq. m N. Y. and Pa. A cl Jacob's Creek, Pa. B f Bald Peak, N. Y. H b Chest Creek, Pa. C f Esopus Creek, N. Y. G e Jamaica Bay, N. Y. II f Barnegat Bay, N. J. G g Chester R. Md. F cr o Fish Creek, N. Y. F c Jansens Creek, N. Y. 11 d Baruegat Inlet, N. J. G g Chestnut Ridge Mts. Pa. B f Fishing Bay, Md. E li Jay Mt. N. Y. H b Beaver R. N. Y. F b Choptank R. Md. F h Fishkill Creek, N. Y. H e Jessups R. N. Y. Q c Beaver R. N. Y. F c Chub L. N. Y. F c Fish L. N. Y. H a Johnson Creek, N. Y. C e Bedloes I. Env. of N. Y. B b Clarion R. Pa. B e French Creek, Pa. A e Juniata R., 140 m. Pa. D f Rennet’s Branch of Sinnemahon Clearfield Creek, Pa. C f Fresh Kill (R.), Env. of N. Y. A c Kent I. Md. E h ing R. Pa. C e Clyde R. N. Y. E c Fulton Lakes, N. Y. G c Kettle Creek, Pa. D 6 Big Patuxent R. Md. D g Cokansey Creek, N. J. F g Gallop I. Lake Ontario, N. Y. E c Kill Van Kail (R.), Env. of X. A & Black L. N. Y. F b Conedoowinit Creek, Pa. D f Genesee R. N. Y. D d Kinzna Creek, Pa. B e Black Lick Creek, Pa. B f Concmaugh R. Pa. B f Gibsons I. Md. E cr Kittatinny, or Blue Mts., 800- Black. R.. 110 m. N. Y. F c Conestoga R. Pa. E g Governors I. Env. of N. Y. B b 1,500 ft. Pa. E f Blackwell’s I. Env. of N. Y. B b Conesus L. N. Y. D d Gowanus Bay, Env. of N. Y. B b Lackawannock Mts. Pa. F e Blue Ridge, Pa. E f Conewago Creek, Pa. D g Grand I. Niagara, N. Y. C c Lackawaxen Creek, Pa. F 0 Blue, or Kittatinny Mts., 800- Conewango R. N. Y. B d Grass R., 90 m. N. Y. F b Lake George, or Horicon, N. Y. H c 1,500 ft. Pa. E f Coney I. Env. of N. Y. B c Gravesend Bay, Env. of N. Y. B c Laurel Ridge Mts. Pa. B f Bracklocks Bay, N. Y. D c Conliocton R. N. Y. D cl Great Bay, N. J. G 5 League I. Env. of Philadelphia B h Brandretli L. N. Y. G c Conneaut L. Pa. A e Great Chazy R. N. Y. II b Learnings Beach, N. J. G g Brandywine R. Pa. F g Connoguenessing Creek, Pa. A f Great Egg Harbor, N. J. G g Lehigh R. Pa. F f Brant L. N. Y. H c Conococheague Creek, Pa. D b Great Egg Harbor R. N. J. G g Lewey L. N. Y. G c Brigantine Beach, N. J. G g Coopers Creek, N. J. C li Great Sodus Bay, Lake Ontario N. Y. D c Lime L. N. Y. C d Broad, or Tuscarora Mts. Pa. F e Copake L. N. Y. H d Green Pond, N. J. G e Little Egg Harbor, N J O g Bronx R. N. Y. II f Cove Point, Md. E li Greenwich I. Env. of Philadelphia B li Little Pine Creek, Pa. D e Buffalo Creek, Pa. B f Cranberry L. N. Y. G b Greenwood L. N. J. G e Little Sandy Pond, ST. Y. E c Buffalo Harbor, N. Y. C d Crooked Creek, Pa. B f Grindstone I. , 330 N. Y. E b Little Timber Creek, Bnhvagga Mt. N. Y. II c Crooked L., alt. 700 ft N. Y. D d Gunpowder R. Md. E g Env. of Philadelphia C h Canada Creek, N. Y. G c Cross L. N. Y. E c Hackensack R. N. J. B b Little Tinicum I. Delaware River A i Canada Creek, W. N. Y. G c Croton R. N. Y. II e Harlem R. Env. of N. Y. B a Long Beach, N. J. G g Canandaigua L. N. Y. D d Croton Aqueduct, Env. of N. Y. B a Hawke Cove, Md. E g Long L N. Y. II f Canisteo R. N. Y. D d Cushing Creek, Pa. D e Hell Gate, Env. of N. Y. B a Long Island Sound, N. Y. II f Cape May, N. J. G h Darby Creek, Env. of Philadelphia A h Hemlock L. N. Y. D d Long L. N. Y. Q c Castleman R. Pa. B g Deer Creek, Md. E g Henderson Bay, N. Y. E c Long L. Pa. F 0 Catawissa Creek, Pa. E f Delaware Bay, Del. F g Henlopen C. Del. F li Lower Bay, N. Y. G f Catlin L. N. Y. G b Delaware R., 320 m. Pa. F e Hereford Inlet, N. J. G g Loyalhannah R. Pa. B f C'atskill Mts., 3,804^,000 ft. N. Y. G d Diana, L. N. Y. F b Hog I. Env. of Philadelphia B i Ludlams Beach, N. J. G g Catskiil R. N. Y. G d Dix’s Peak, N. Y. H b Hollands I. Md. E li Lycoming Creek, Pa. 1> 0 Cattaraugus Creek, N. Y. C d Dunkard Creek, Pa. A g Honeoye L. N. Y. D d Lynn Mt. N. Y. H b Cayuga L. N. Y. E d Dunnings Mt. Pa. C f Hoopers I. Md. E h M 'Combs Mt. N. Y. B 9 0 MAP OF THE MIDDLE STATES. Mahanoy Creek, Pa. E f Oswego R. N. Y. E c St Regis L. N. Y. G b Mahoning Creek, Big, Pa. B f Otisco L. N. Y. E d St Regis R. N. Y. G b Mahoning Creek, Little, Pa. B f Otsego L. N. Y. G d Salmon R. N. Y. F c Manasquan Inlet, N. .1. H f Otselie R. N. Y. F d Salmon R. N. Y. G b Manhattan I. N. Y. City B b Owasco L. N. Y. E d Sandford L. N. Y. H b Manokin R. Md. F h Owl Head, Env. of N. Y. B b Sandy Creek, N. Y. D c Marcy Mt., 5,467 ft. N. Y. H b Pal 1 isades, Hudson R. H f Sandy Hook, N. J. H f Maryland Ft. Md. D h Parrs, or South hits. Md. and Pa. E g Saranac Lakes, N. Y. G b Mary R. Md. E h Passaic R. N. J. G f Saranac R. N. Y. H b Mata woman Creek, Md. D h Patapsco R. Md. E g Saratoga L. N. Y. H c Maurice R. N. J. F g Patuxent R. Md. E h Sassafras R. Md. F g May, Cape, N. J. G h Paul ins R. N. J. G e Savage Pi. Md. B g Mesham P. N. Y. G b Penns Creek, Pa. D f Schoharie Creek, N. Y. G d Monocacy It. Md. D g Pequanock R. N. J. G e Sehooleys Mt. N. J. G f Monongahela R., 300 m. Pa. B Petty I. Env. ot Philadelphia B h Schroon L. N. Y. H c Monte R. Md. F li Pharoah Mt. N. Y. H c Schroon R. N. Y. H c Moose R. N. Y. F c Pine Creek, Pa. D e Schuyler L. N. Y. F d Moshannon Creek, Pa. C f Pine L. N. Y. G c Schuylkill R„ 120 m. Pa. F f Mt. Seward, 5,100 ft. N Y. G b Piseco L. N. Y. G c Seneca L., alt. 370 ft. N. Y. £ d Muddy Creek, Pa. E g Placid L. N. Y. H b Seneca R. N. Y. E c Mui'derkill Creek, Del. F Point Lookout, Md. E i Severn R. Md. E g Musconeteong It. N. J. G f Pokomoke R. Md. F h Seward, Mt., 5,100 ft. N. Y. G b Muyothy R. Md. E g Pokomoke Sound, Md. F i Shade Creek, Pa. C f Nailors Creek, Env. of Philadelphia A h Pools I. Md. E g Shade Mt. Pa. D f Nanticoke R. Md. F h Poplar I. Md. E ii Shark R. N. J. H f Nedianock Creek, Pa. A e Port Bay, N. Y. E c Sharp I. Md. E h Newark Bay, N. J. A b Potato Creek, Pa. C e Shawangank Mts. N. Y. G e Newark Meadows, N. J. A b Potomac R., 550 m. Md. E h Shawney Ridge, Pa. E e Neversink, N. Y. G e Poultney R. N. Y. H c Shenango R. Pa. A e New York Bay, N. Y. G f Presque Isle, Pa. A d Shooter I. Env. of N. Y. A b Niagara Falls, 163 ft. N. Y. B c Racket L. N. Y. G c Sideling Mts. Pa. C g N iagara It., 35 m. N. Y. B c Racket R., 150 m. N. Y. G b Sinnemahoning R. Pa. C c Nittany Mts. Pa. D e Racoon Creek, Pa. A f Six Mile Pt. C. N. Y. E c North Point, C. Md. E g Handel’s I. Env. of N. Y. B b Skaneateles L. N. Y. E d Oak Orchard Creek, N. Y. C c Raritan Bay, N. Y. G f Slippery Creek, Pa. A e Ohio R., 975 m. Pa. A f Raritan R. N. J. G f Smith’s I. Md. E h Oil Creek L. r.i. B e Ravstown Branch, Juniata R. Pa. C f South Bay, N. Y. H c Oneida L. N. Y. F c Red Bank Creek, Pa. B e South Marsh I. Md. E h Oneida R. N. Y. E c Redstone Creek, Pa. B f South Mts'. Md. D g Onondaga L. N. Y. E c Rehoboth Bay, Del. F h South Parrs Mts. Md. and Pa. F f Ontario, L., area 6,000 sq. m., Rondout Creek, N. Y. G e Spesutie I. Md. E g alt. 231 ft- N. Y. D c Roquet R. N. Y. 11 b Squain Beach, N. J. G f Oswayo Creek, Pa. C e Round L. N. Y. G b Staten I. N. Y. G f Oswegatchie R. N. Y. F c Saco.vlaga R. N. Y. G c Staten Island or Arthurkill Oewsgatonie R. N. Y. F b St Jones Creek, Del. F g Sound, Env. of N. Y. A c Stone Mt. Stony I. , Lake Ontario, Stony Point, Susquehanna R. 500 m. Swan Bay, Swatara Creek, Talpehoeken Creek, Tangier I. Tangier Sound, Tappan Bay, Hudson River, Ten Mile Creek, The Narrows, Tinicura I. Tioga R. Tionesta Creek, Tioughnioga R. Tonawanda R. Transparent L. Trench Creek, Tuekahoe Creek, Tuckahoe R. Tapper’s L. Tuscarora or Broad Mts. Tuscarora R. Tussey’s Mt. Unadilla R. Waleour I. Wall Faced Mt. Wallkill R. Wards I. Water Gap, Wells I. West Mahantango Creek West R. Wheeling Creek, White Beer Creek, Whiteface Mt. Wiearaieo Creek, Wicomico R. Wight Bay, Isle of, Wills Mt. Wind Gap, Woodbury Creek, Youghiogkeny Ik Pa. D 1 N. Y. E c N. Y. E c Pa. E N. J. G Pa. E Pa. E Md. E i Md. F i N. Y. H e Pa. A g N. Y. H f Env. of Philadelphia A i N. Y. E d N. Y. F d N. Y. C N. Y. G c Pa. B d 2 ms. N. Y. F c Md. F g N. J. G g N. Y. G b Pa. D f Pa. D f Pa. D f N. Y. F d N. Y. H b N. Y. G b N. J. G 8 Env. of N. Y. B b N. J. F f N. Y. F b :, Pa. D f Md. E h Pa. A g Pa. D 8 N. Y. H b Md. E h Md. F h Md. F h Pa. O g Bine hits. Pa. F f N. J. B 1 Pa. B t bo 60 *»h v- 0 JVa rr°. T. E 31wood. Zell, FMLaxLelplaa,. MAP OF OHIO, INDIANA, ILLINOIS, AND KENTUCKY. » Scale 38 £ miles to an inch. State of Ohio. — Area, 39,964 square miles. Population (1880) 3,198,239, divided thus, White, 3,118,344, Colored, 79,665 ; Native, 3,198,239, Foreign, 394,743 ; Males, 1,614,165, Females, 1,584,074 ; increase since 1870, 19.99 per cent. (1870) 2,665,260, of whom 63,213 were colored; (1860) 2,339,511; (1850) 1,980,329; increase since 1860, 13.9 per cent. Capital, Columbus. It contains 88 Coun- ties. Counties, Pop. 1870, Pop. 1880. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Adams, 20,7 50 24,00 i I 6 Licking, 35,756 40 451 IC c Alien, 23,623 31.323 11 c Logan, 23,028 26,268 I c Ashland, 21,933 23,883 K c Lorain, 30,308 35,525 K b Ashtabula, 32,517 37.139 M b Lucas, 46,722 67.388 I b Athens, 23,7 68 28,413 K d Madison, 15,633 20,129 I d Auglaize, 20,041 25 443 II c Mahoning, 31,001 42,807 M b Belmont, 39,714 49,038 L c Marion, 16,184 20,564 1 e Brown, 30.802 32,720 I e Medina, 20,092 21,454 L b Butler, 39,912 42.580 H d Meigs, 31,465 32.325 K d Carroll, 14,491 16,410 L c Mercer, 17,254 21,808 u c Champaign, 24,188 27.817 I c Miami, 32,740 36,178 II c Clark, 32.070 41,947 I d Monroe, 25,779 26,497 L d Clermont, 34,268 36,713 H d Montgomery, 64,006 78,545 H d Clinton, 21,914 27,539 I d Morgan, 20,363 20,074 L d Columbiana 38,299 48,603 M c Morrow, 18,583 19,073 K c Coshocton, 23,600 20,641 L c Muskingum, 44,886 49,780 K d Crawford, 25,556 30.583’ K c Noble, 19,949 21,137 L d Cuyahoga, 32,010 96.943 L b Ottawa, 13,364 19,763 I b Darke, 32,278 40,498 H c Pauldingj 8,544 13,490 H b Defiance, 15,719 22,518 H b Perry, 18,453 28,218 K d Delaware, 25,175 27,380 I c Pickaway, 24,875 27,353 I d Erie, 28,188 32,640 K b Pike, 15,447 17,927 I d Fairfield, 31,138 34,283 K d Portage, 24,584 27,000 L b Fayette, 17,170 20.364 I d Preble, 21,809 24,534 II d Franklin, 63,019 86.816 I c Putnam, 17.0S1 23,718 II b Fulton, 17,789 21,062 H b Richland, 32,516 36,306 K c Gallia, 25,545 28,124 K e Ross, 37,097 40,307 I d Geauga, 14,190 14,255 L b Sandusky, 25,503 32,063 I b Greene, 28,038 31,349 I d Scioto, 29,302 33,511 I e Guernsey, 23,838 27,197 L c Seneca, 30,827 36,955 I b Hamilton, 260,370 313,368 H d Shelby, 20,748 24,136 II c Hancock, 23,847 27,788 I c Stark, 52,508 64,027 L c Hardin, 18,714 27,028 I c Summit, 34,674 43,788 L b Harrison, 18,682 20,455 L c Trumbull, 38,659 44,882 M b Henry, 14,028 20,587 H b Tuscarawas, 33,840 40,197 L c Highland, 29,133 30.280 I d Union. 18,730 22,374 I c Hocking, 17,925 21,126 K d Van Wert, 15,823 23,030 II c Holmes, 18.177 20,775 L c Vinton, 15,027 17,226 K d Huron, 28,532 31,609 K b Warren, 26,689 28,392 H d Jackson, 21.759 23,679 K d Washington, 40,609 43,244 L d Jefferson, 29,188 33,018 M c Wayne, 35,116 37,452 L c Knox, 26,333 27,450 K c Williams, 20,991 23.821 H b Lake, 15.935 16,326 L b Wood, 24,596 34,026 I b Lawrence, 31,380 39,068 K e Wyandot, 18,553 22.401 I c State of Indiana. — Area, 33,809 square miles. Population (1880) 1,978,362, divided thus, White, 1,939,094, Colored, 39,998; Native, 1,834,597, Foreign, 143,765; Males, 1,010,676, Females, 967,686; increase since 1870, 17.70 per cent. (1870) 1,680,637, of whom 24,560 were Colored. (1860) 1,350,428. (1850) 988,416 ; increase since 1860, 24.4 per cent. Capital, Indianapolis. It con- tains 92 Counties. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Counties, Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Adams, 11,382 15,385 H c Howard, 15,847 19.584 F c Allen, 43,494 54.766 H b Huntington, 19,036 21,805 G c Bartholomew 21,133 22,777 G d Jackson, 18,974 23,050 F e Benton, 5,615 11,108 E c Jasper, 6,354 9,465 E b Blackford, 6,272 8,021 G c Jay, 15,000 19,282 H c Boone, 22,593 25,922 F c Jefferson, 29,741 25,977 G e Brown, 8,681 10,264 F d Jennings, 16,218 16,453 G d Carroll, 16,152 18,347 F c Johnson, 18,366 19,537 F d Cass, 24,193 27,610 F c Knox, 21,562 26.323 E e Clarke, 24.770 28,638 G e Kosciusko, 23,531 26,493 G b Clay, 19,084 25.853 F d La Grange, 14,148 15.630 G b Clinton, 17.330 23,473 F c Lake, 12,339 15,091 E b Crawford, 9,851 12,356 F e La Porte, 27,062 30.976 F b Daviess, 16,747 21.552 E e Lawrence, 14,628 18,543 F o Dearborn, 24,116 26,656 H d Madison, 22,770 27,531 G i: Decatnr, 19,053 19.779 G d Marion, 71,939 102,780 F d De Kalb, 17,167 20,225 H b Marshall, 20,211 23,416 F b Delaware, 19,030 22.928 G c Martin, 11,103 13,475 F e Dubois, 12,597 15,991 F e Miami, 21,052 24,083 F o Elkhart, 26,026 33,454 G b Monroe, 14,168 15,375 F d Fayette, 10,476 11,394 G d Montgomery, 23,765 27,316 F c Floyd, 23,300 24,590 G e Morgan, 17,528 18,899 F d Fountain, 16,389 20,228 E c Newton, 5,829 8,167 E c Franklin, 20,223 20.092 H d Noble, 20,389 23.007 G b F niton, 12,726 14,301 F b Ohio, 5,837 5,563 H e Gibson, 17,371 22 742 E e Orange, 13,497 14363 F e Grant, 18,487 23.618 G c Owen, 16,137 15,901 F d Greene, 19,514 22.996 E d Parke, 18,166 19,4G0 E d Hamilton, 20,882 24,809 F c Perry, 14.801 16.997 F e Hancock, 15,123 17,123 G d Pike, 13,779 16,384 E e Harrison, 19,913 21,326 F e Porter, 13,942 17,229 E b Hendrick®, 20.277 22,975 F d Posey, 19,185 20,857 E e Henry, 22,986 24,016 G d Pulaski, 7,801 9,851 F b Counties. Putnam, Kandolph, Pop. 1870. 21,514 Pop, 1880. 22,502 F d Counties. Tipton, Pop. 1870. 11,953 Pop. 1880. 14.402 P « 22.802 26.437 H c Union. 6.341 7, 6" 3 11 d Ripley, 20,977 21,627 G d Vanderburgh, 33,145 42,193 E e Rush, 17,626 19,238 G d Vermilion, 10,840 12.025 E c Scott, Shelby, 7,873 8,343 G e Vigo, 33,549 45,650 E d 21,892 25.256 G d Wabash, 21,305 25.242 G e Spencer, 17,998 22,122 E e Warren, 10,204 1L497 E c Starke, Steuben, St. Joseph, 3,888 5,105 F b Warrick, 17.053 20,162 E e 12,854 14,644 H b Washington, 18,495 18,954 F e 25,322 18,453 33,176 F b Wayne, 34,048 38,614 11 d Sullivan, 20.336 E d Wells, 13,585 18,442 G c Switzerland, 12,134 13,336 H e White, 10,554 13,795 F c Tippecanoe, 83,515 35,966 F c Whitley, 14.399 16.911 G b State of Illinois. — Area, 55,410 square miles. Population (1880) 3,078,769, divided thus, White, 3,032,174, Colored, 46,248 ; Native, 2,495,177, Foreign, 583,592; Males, 1,587,433, Females, 1,491,336; increase since 1870, 21.21 per cent. (1870) 2,539,891, of whom 28,762 were colored; (1860) 1,711,951; (1850) 851,470; increase since 1860, 48.3 per cent. Capital, Snringfield. It contains 102 Counties. Counties, Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop, 1880. Adams, 56,362 59,148 A d Lee, 27,171 27.494 C b Alexander, 10,564 14,809 C f Livingston, 31,471 38,453 D c Bond, 13,152 14,873 C e Logan, 23,053 25,041 C c Boone, 12,942 11,527 D a Macon, 26,481 30,672 C d Biown, 12,205 13,044 B d Macoupin, 32,726 37,705 B d Bureau, 32,415 33.189 C b Madison, 44,131 50.141 C e Calhoun, 6,562 7,471 B d Marion, 20,622 23,691 D e Carroll, 16,705 16,985 B a Marshall, 16.956 1 5,036 C b Cass, 11,580 14,494 B d Mason, 16,184 16,244 C c Champaign, 32,737 40,870 D c Massac, 9.581 10,443 D f Christian, 20,363 28,232 C d McDonough, 26.509 27,985 B 8 Clark, 18,719 21,900 E d McIIenry, 23,762 24,914 D a Olay, 15,875 16,195 D e McLean, 53,988 60.115 D c Clinton, 16,285 18,718 C e Menard, 11,735 13.028 O e Coles, 25,235 27,055 D d Mercer, 18,769 19,505 B b Cook, 349,966 607,468 E b Monroe, 12,982 13,682 B e Crawford, 13,889 16.190 E 6 Montgomery, 25,314 28,086 C d Cumberland, 12,223 13,762 D d Morgan, 28,463 31.519 B d De Kalb, 23.265 26,774 D b Moultrie, 10,385 13,705 D d De Witt, 14,768 17.014 C c Ogle, 27,492 29,946 C a Douglas, 13,484 15,857 D d Peoria, 47,540 55,427 C c Du Page, 16,685 19,187 D b Perry, 13,723 16,008 C e Edgar, 21,450 25,504 E d Piatt, 10,953 15.583 D d Edwards, 7,565 8,600 D e Pike, 30,768 33,761 B d Effingham, 15,653 18,924 D d Pope, 11,437 13.250 D f Fayette, 19,638 23,243 C d Pulaski, 8,752 9,507 C f Ford, 9,103 15,105 D c Putnam, 6,280 5,555 V b Franklin, 12,652 16,129 C e Randolph, 20.859 25,691 c e Fulton, 38,291 41,249 B c Richland, 12.803 15.546 D e Gallatin, 11,134 12,862 D f Bock Island, 29.783 38,315 1! b Greene, 20,277 23,014 B d Saline, 12,714 15,940 D f Grundy, 14,938 10,738 D b Sangamon, 46,352 52,902 C d Hamilton, 13,014 16,712 D e Schuyler, 17,419 10,249 B c Hancock, 35,935 35,354 A 0 Scott, 10,530 40,745 B d Hardin, 5,113 6,024 D f Shelby, 25,476 30,282 D d Henderson, 12,582 10,755 B c Stark, 10,751 11,209 C b Henry, 35,506 36,610 B b St. Clair, 51,068 61,850 B e Iroquois, 25,782 35,457 E c Stephenson, 30,608 31,970 C a Jackson, 19,634 22,508 C f Tazewell, 27,903 29.G79 c c Jasper, 11,234 14,515 D d Union, 16,518 18,102 c f Jefferson, 17,864 20,686 C e Vermilion 30,388 41,601 E c J ersey, 15,054 15,546 B d Wabash, 8,841 9,945 E e Jo Daviess, 27,820 27,535 B a Warren, 23,170 22,940 B c Johnson, 11,248 13,079 1> f Washington, 17,599 21.117 C e Kane, 39,091 44,956 D b Wayne, 19,758 21.297 D e Kankakee, 24,352 25,050 E b White, 16,846 23,(89 D e Kendall, 12,399 13,084 D b Whitesides, . 27,503 30.868 B b Knox, 39,522 38,360 B c Will, 43,013 53,431 E b Lake, 21,014 21,299 D a Williamson, 17,329 19.326 D f La Salle, 60,792 70,420 D b Winnebago, 29,301 30,518 C a Lawrence, 12,533 13,663 E e Woodford, 18.956 21,630 C c State of Kentucky. — Area, 37,680 square miles. Population (1880) 1,648,708, divided thus, White, 1,377,187, Colored, 271,461 ; Native, 1,589,237, Foreign, 59,471 ; Males, 832,676, Females, 816,032; increase since 1870, 24.80 per cent; (1870) 1,321,011, of whom 222,- 210 were colored; (1860) 1,155,684; (1850) 982,405; increase since 1860, 14.3 per cent. Capital, Frankfort. It contains 116 Counties. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1830. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Adair, 1,065 13,078 G f Bracken, 11,409 13 £09 H e Allen, 10,296 12.0S9 F g Breathitt, 5,072 7.742 I f Anderson, 6,449 9,361 G e Breckenridge, 13,440 17.48b F f Ballard, 12,576 14,378 C f Bullitt, 7,781 8,521 G o Biirren, 17,780 22,321 G g Butler, 9,404 12.181 F f Bath, 10,145 11,982 I e Caldwell, 10,826 11,280 E f Bell, 6,055 1 g Callaway, 9,410 13.295 d e Boone, 10,696 11.995 H e Campbell, 27.406 37.440 H e Bourbon, 14,863 15.958 H e Carroll, 6.189 8.958 G e Boy^. 8,573 12,165 K e Carter, 7.509 12,345 I e Boyle, 'v 9,515 11,930 H f Casey, 8,884 10.983 H f 2 MAP OF OHIO, INDIANA, ILLINOIS AND KENTUCKY. Counties. Christian, Pop. 1870. 23,227 Pop. 1880. 31,681 E 8 Counties. Harlan, Pop 1870. 4,415 Pop. 1880. 5,278 I rr Counties. Lyon, Pop. 1870. 6,233 Pop. 1880. 6,768 D f Counties. Perry, Pop. 1870. 4,274 Pop. 1880. 5,607 I f Clark, 10,882 12,113 H f Harrison, 12,993 16,502 H e Madison, 19,543 22,051 6,943 H f Pike. 9,562 13,003 K f Clay, 8,297 10,222 I f Hart, 13,687 17.133 G f Magoffin, 4,684 I f Powell, 2,599 3,639 I f Clinton, 6,497 7,212 G g Henderson, 18,457 24,516 E f Marion, 12,838 9,455 14,691 G 1 Pulaski, 17,670 21,318 H f Crittenden, 9,381 11,688 8,891 D f Henry, 11,066 14,492 G e Marshall, 9,647 D g Robertson, 6,399 5,814 H e Cumberland, 7,690 G g Hickman, 8.453 10,662 C g Martin,* 3,057 K f Rock Caatle, 7,145 9,670 H f Daviess, 20,714 27,724 E f Hopkins, 13,827 19,123 E f Mason, 18,126 20,469 I e Rowan, 2,991 4.419 I e Edmondson, 4,459 7,222 F f Jackson, 4,547 6,678 H f McCracken, 13,988 16,260 D t Russell, 5,809 7,591 14,965 H f Elliott, 4,433 6,567 I e Jefferson, 118,953 145,902 G e McLean, 7,614 9,293 E f Scott, 11,607 H e Estill, 9,198 9,860 I f Jessamine, 8,638 10,864 H t Meade, 9,485 1,986 10,322 F e Shelby, 15,733 16,813 G e Fayette, 26,656 29,023 H e Josh Bell, 3,731 X g Menifee, Mercer, 5,410 I 1 Simpson, 9,573 10,641 F g Fleming, 13,398 15,221 I e Johnson, 7,494 9,155 K f 13,144 14,141 H f Spencer, Taylor, 5,956 7,040 G e Floyd, 7,877 10,176 18.698 K f Kenton, 36,096 43,983 H e Metcalfe, 7,934 9,423 G g 8,226 9.260 G f Franklin, 15,300 H e Knox, 8,294 8,235 10,587 1 g Monroe, 9,231 10,742 G g Todd, 12,612 15.998 E g Fulton, 6,161 7,979 C g La Rue, Laurel, 9,800 G f Montgomery, 7,557 10,567 I e Trigg, Trimble, 13,686 14,489 E g Gallatin, 5,074 4,832 H e 6,016 9,131 H f Morgan, 5,975 8,455 15,098 I f 5,577 7,171 G e Garrard, 10,372 11,703 11 f Lawrence, 8,497 13,262 K e Muhlenburg, 12,638 E f Union, 13,640 17,808 E f Grant, 9,529 13,083 II e Lee, 3,055 4,254 I f Nelson, Nicholas, 14,804 16.609 G f Warren, Washington, 21,742 27,528 F f Graves, 19,398 24,137 D g Leslie, 3,740 I g 9,129 15,561 11,869 H e 12,464 . 14.419 G f Grayson, 11,580 15,784 F f Letcher, 4,608 6,601 13.154 K f Ohio, 19,669 F f Wayne, 10,602 12,512 H g Green, 9,379 11,871 G f Lewis, Lincoln, Livingston, 9,115 10,947 I e Oldham, 9,027 7,685 G e W ebster, 10,937 14.246 E f Greenup, 11,463 13,371 K e 15,079 H f Owen, Owsley, 14,309 17,401 H e Whitley, 8,278 12,000 II g Hancock, 6,591 8,563 F f 8,200 20,429 9,165 D f 3,889 4,942 16,702 I f Wolfe, W oodford, 3,603 3.983 I f Hardin, 15,705 22,564 F f Logan, 24,358 F g Pendleton, 14,030 H e 8,240 11,800 H 6 * Martin from Lawrence , Johnson, and Floyd. Abbreviation of Names of States . — Ohio; Ind., Indiana; ILL, Illinois; Ky., Kentucky. TOWNS, CITIES, ETC. Aberdeen, Ohio I e Aurora, 111. D b Blue Island, 111. E b Burlington, Ind. F c Abingdon, 111. B c Aurora, Ind. H d Blue Mound, 111. C d Burlington, Ky. H d Abingdon, 111. E a Aurora, Ky. D g Bluff City, 111. B d Burlington, Ohio K e Adairsville, Ky. F g Austin, Ind. G e Bluffton, nd. G c Burnside, 111. A c Addison, Ohio I c Aviston, 111. C e Bluffton, Ohio I c Burton, Ohio L b Addison, Ohio K e Avoea, 111. D c Bolton, 111. E b Bushnell, 111. B c Aela, Ohio I c Avon, III. B c Bonharbor, Ky. E f Butler, 111. C d Ainsworth, 111. E b Baileytown, Ind. E b Bono, Ind. F e Butler, Ind. H b Akron, III. C c Bainbridge, 111. C f Booneville, Ind. E e Butler, Ky. C g Akron, Ind. F b Bainbridge, Ohio I d Booneville, Ky. I f Butler, Ky. H e Akron, Ohio L b Baltimore, Ohio K d Boonsboro, Ky. H f Buzzardsville, Ind. G c Albany, 111. B b Bainbridge, Ind. F d Boonsport, Ky. F e Byron, 111. C a Albany, Ind. G c Barboursville, Ind. G e Bootstown Ohio L b Cadiz, Ky. E g Albany, Ky. H g Barboursville, Ky. I g Boston, Ky. I g Cadiz, Ohio L c Albany, Ohio K d Bardstown, Ky. G f Boston, ICy. G f Cadiz Junction, Ohio M c Albion, 111. D e Barnesville, Ohio L d Botkinsville, Ohio H c Cahokia, 111. B e Albion, Ind. G b Barry, 111. A d Bourbon, Ind. F b Cairo, 111. C f Albright, 111. C b Bartonia, Ind. H e Bournville Ohio I d Caldwell, Ohio L d Aledo, 111. B b Batavia, 111. D b Bowers ville, Ohio L c Caledonia, EL D a Alexander, Ind. G c Batavia, Ohio H d Bowlesville, 111. D £ Caledonia, Ohio I c Alexandria, Ky. H e Batesvilie, Ind. G d Bowling Green, Ind. E d Calhoun, Ky. E f Alexandria, Ohio I e Bath, 111. B c Bowlinggreen, Ky. F g Camargo, 111. D d Alfordsvilie, Ind. F e Bayard, Ohio L c Bowling Green, Ohio I b Cambridge, 111. B b Alhambra, ' III. C e Bean Blossom, Ind. F d Boxley Ind. F c Cambridge, Ohio L c Allensville, Ky. E g Beard stown, 111. B c Bradford, 111. C b Cambridge City, Lid. G d Alliance, 4 Ohio L c Beaver Creek, 111. C e Bradford, Ohio H c Camden Mills, 111. B b Alma, 111. D e Beavcrtown, Ohio K d Bradfordsville, Ky. G f Camden, Ind. G C Alton, 111. B e Bedford, Ind. F e Bradley, 111. C f Camden Ohio H d Alton, Ind. F e Bedford Ky. G e Brandenburg, Ky. F e Camelton, Ind. F f Alton, Ohio I d Bedford, Ohio L b Brashears ville, Ky. I f Campbellsburg, Ind. F e Altona, 111. B b Belgrade, Ky. D f Braysville, Ind. H d Campbellsville, Ky. G f Amanda, Ky. K e Bell Air, 111. E d Brazil, Ind. E d Camp Creek, Ky. D f Amboy, 111 C b Bellaire, Ohio M d Breedings, Ky. G g Camp Point, 111. A c Amlierstville, Ohio K b Belle Centre, Ohio I c Bremen, 111. E b Campton, Ky. I f Andalusia, 111. B b Bellefontaine, Ohio I c Bremen, Ind. F b Canal Dover, Ohio L c Anderson, Ind. G c Belle Prairie City, 111. D e Bremen, Ohio IC d Canal -Fulton, Ohio L c Andersonville, Ind. G d Belieview, III. B d Bridgeport, 111. B c Caney ville, Kv. F f Andover, Ohio M b Belleville, 111. B e Bridgeport, 111. C e Canfield, 111. E a Andover, 111. B b Belleville, Ohio K c Bridgeport, Ind. G e Canfield, Ohio M b Angola, III. D a Bellevue, Ky. E g Bridgeport, Ind. F d Canterbury, Ky. K e Angola, Ind. H b Bellevue, Ohio K b Bridgeport, Ohio IC e Canton, 111. B c Anna, 1 111. C f Bellview, Ky. H e Bridgeport, Ohio M c Canton, Ky. E g Annapolis, Ohio K c Bellville, Ind. F d Bridgeville, Ohio L c Canton, Ohio L c Antioch, Ind. G c Belmont, Ky. H e Brighton, 111. B d Carbondale, 111. C f Antwerp, Ohio H b Belmore, Ohio I b Brim field. 111. C c Cardington, Ohio K c Appanoos, 111. A c Beloit, 1 111. C a Bristol, 111. D b Carey, Ohio I c Appleton, Ohio K c Belpre, Ohio L d Bristol, Ind. G b Carlinville, 111. C d Arcadia, 111. B d Belvidere, 111. D a Bristol, Ohio- L d Carlisle, Ind. E d Arcadia, Ohio I b Bement, 111. D d Bristow, Ky. F f Carlisle, Ky. H e Arclibold, Ohio H b Benton, 111. D e Brooklyn, 111. B c Carlow, Ky. E f Areola, 111. D d Benton, Ind. G b Brooklyn, 111. D f Carlyle, 111. C e Areola, Ind. G b Benton, Ky. D g Brookstown, Ind. F c Carmi, 111. D e Ardeny, Ind. G d Berea, Ohio L b Brooksville, Ky. H e Carpenters, Ind. E c Arenzville, 111. B d Berlin, Ohio K b Brookville, Ohio H d Carpentersville, Ind. F d Arlington, 111. C b Berry’s FeiTy, Ky. D f Brookvillo, Ind. H d Carroll, Ohio K d Armington, 111. C c Berry’s Lick, Ky. F f Brookville, 111. C a Carrollston, Ind. F c Aroma, 111. E b Berwick, Ohio I b Bro wnhelm, Ohio IC b Carrollton, 111. B d Ashkum, 111. E c Bethel, Ohio H e Browning, 111. B c Carrollton, Ky. G e Ashland, Kv. K e Bethlehem, Ind. G e Brownsburg, Ind. F d Carrollton, Ohio L c Ashland, 111. B d Bethlehem, Ohio L c Brownstown, Ind. F e Carthage, 111. A c Ashland, Ohio K c Beverly City, Ohio L d Brownsville, Ind. H d Carthage, Ind. G d Ashley, 111. C e Big Eagle, Ky. H e Brownsville, Ky. F f Carthage, Ohio H a Ashley, Ohio K c Biggsville, 111. A c Brownsville, Ohio IC d Caseyville, Ky. D f Ashtabula, Ohio M b Big Spring, 111. D d Bruceville, Ind. E e Cass, Ohio K c Assumption, 111. C d Big Spring, Ind. F e Brunswick, Ohio L b Cassals, Ohio L c Astoria, 111. B c Big Spring, Ky. F f Brush Hill, 111. E b Castalia, Ohio K b Athens, 111. C d Birmingham, Ky. D g Bryan, Ohio H b Castleton, Ind. F d Athens, ' 1 . Ky. H f Black Creek, Ind. F e Bryantsville, Ky. H f Catlettsburg, Ky. K e Athens, , { Ohio K d Bladensburg, Ohio IC e Buckley, 111. D c Catlin, 111. E c Atlanta, • 1 111. C c Blaine, ICy. IC e Bucyrus, Ohio IC 0 Cave City, Ky. G f Atlanta, i Ohio I d Blakesville, Ind. F e Buda, 111. C b Cave in Bock, or Cavin Rock 111. D f Attica, Ird. E c Blanch ester, Ohio I d Buena Vista, Ind. F c Cayuga, 111. D c Attica, Olio K b Blandinville, 111. B c Buena Vista, Ohio K d Cazenovia. 111. E b Atwater, . 1*. * Ohio L b B’.andville, Ky. C g Buford, Ky. E f Cedarville, Ind. G b Auburn, — : ! •#?:. 111. C d Bloomfield, 111. E d Buffalo, Ind. F d Cedarville, Ohio I d Auburn, Ind. G b Bloomfield, Ind. F d Bunker Hill, 111. C d Celina, Ohio H 0 Auburn, •v ‘ Ky. F g Bloomfield, Ky. G f Bunker Hill, Ind. F c Centralia, 111. C e Augusta) 111. A c Bloom Furnace, Ohio K e Burbank, Ohio IC b Centre Station, Ohio IC e Augusta, Ind. F d Bloomingburg, Ohio 1 d Bureau, 111. C b Centre ville, Ind. E d Augusta, ; AT Ky. I e Bloomington, 111. D c Burkesville, Ky. G e Centreville, Tnd. G a Augusta, - YJEi! Ohio L c Bloomington. Ind. F d Burlington, Ind. G d 1 Cerro Gordo, I1L D d MAP OF OHIO. INDIANA, ILLINOIS. AND KENTUCKY. Chainville, Ind. I) e 1 Damascus, Ohio H b Champaign, 111. D c Danville, 111. E c Champion City, 111. D c Danville, Ind. F d Chancy, •111. E e Danville, Ky. H f Chandlerville, 111. B c Darbyville, Ohio I d Chaplin, Ivy. G f Darwin, 111. E d Chardon, Ohio L b Dawson, 111. C d Charleston, 111. D d Dayton, 111. B b Charleston, Ind. G e Dayton, Ind. F c Charleston, Ky. E f Dayton, Ohio II d Charleston, Ky. 1 e Decatur, 111. D d Charleston, Ohio Ii b Decatur, Ind. H c Charlottesville, Ind. G d Defiance, Ohio H b Chatham, 111. C d De Graff, Ohio I c Chatsworth, 111. D c De Kalb, 111. D b Chebanse, 111. E c Delavan, 111. C c Cheneys Grove, 111. D c Delaware, Ohio I c Chenoa, 111. D c Delhi, 111. B d Cherokee, Ky. K e Delisle, Ohio H c Cheshire, Ohio K e Delphi, Ind. F c Chester, 111. C f Delphos, Ohio H c Chester, Ohio L d Delta, Ohio I b Chicago, 111. E b Dement, 111. D b Chickasaw, Ohio H c Dennison, Ohio L c Ckilicothe, 111. C c De Soto, 111. C f Chillicothe, Ohio K d Des Plaines, 111. E a Chillieothe, 111. E d Dixon, 111. C b Cincinnati, Ohio H d Dixon, Ky. E f Cincinnati Landing, 111. A d Dixon, Ohio H c Circleville, Ohio K d Doddsville, III B c Claremont, 111. D e Dodson, Ohio H d Cla'rington, Ohio M d Dodsonville, Ohio I d Clarke, Ind. E b Dogtooth, 111. C f Clarksville, Ohio I d Dongola, HI. C f Clay, ' Ky. G e Dorchester, 111. C d Clay City, 111. D e Douglasville, 111. A d Clay J unction. Ohio I b Dover, Ky. I e Claysville, Ind. F e Dover Hill, Ind. F e Claysville, Ky. H e Doylestown, Ohio L c Claysville, Ohio I d Dresden, Ohio K c Clayton, 111. B c Drury’s Landing, 111. A b Clear Fork, Ky. H g Drusilla, Ind. F e Clermont, Ind. E c Dublin, Ind. G d Cleveland, Ohio L b Dubois, 111. C e Clinton, 111. D c Dundee, 111. D b Clinton, Ind. E d D undas. 111. D e Clinton, Ky. C g Dunkirk, Ohio I c Clintonville, Ky. II e Dunleith, 111. B a Cloverdale, Ind. F d Dunton, 111. D a Cloverport, Ky. F f Du Page, 111. E b Clyde, 111. C d Duquoin, 111. C e Clyde, Ohio K b Durand, 111. C a Coalport, Ohio K d Dwight, 111. D b Coal Valley, 111. B b Dyre, Ind. E b Coatsburg, III. A c Earlville, 111. D b Coats vill. Ind. F d East Burlington, 111. A c Cobden, III. C f East Liverpool, Ohio M c Cochrans, 111. D d East Pawpaw, 111. D b Colemans ville, Ky. H e Eaton, Ind. G e Colfax, Ind. F c Eaton, Ohio H d Collamer, Ind. G b Eddyville, Ky. E f College Corner, Ohio H d Edgerton, Ohio H b Collinsville, 111. C e Edgewood, 111. D e Colmar, 111. B c Edinburg, Ind. G d Coloma, 111. C e Edinburg, Ohio L c Columbia, 111. B e Edmonton, Ky. G g Columbia, Ky. G f Effingham, 111. D d Columbia, Ohio H b Edwardport, Ind. E e Columbia City, Ind. G b Edwardsville, 111. C e Columbiana, Ohio M c Eldorado, 111. D f Columbus, Ind. G d Eldorado, Ohio H d Columbus, Ky. C g Elgin, 111. D b Columbus, Cap of State Ohio K d Elida, Ohio H c Columbus Grove, Ohio H c Elida, 111. C a Concord, Ky. I e Elizabeth, 111. B a Concordia, Ky. F e Elizabeth, Ohio L d Conneaut, Ohio M b Elizabethtown, 111. D f Conners ville, Ind. G d Elizabethtown, Ky. G f Conolton, Ohio L c Elizaville, Ky. I e Conover, Ohio H c Elkhart, 111. C e Consolation, Ky. G e Elkhart, Ind. F b Convoy, Ohio a c Elkhom, 111. C e Coolville, Ohio L d Elkton, Ky. E g Cordova, 111. B b Elkton, Ohio M c Corunna, Ind. G b Elk ville, 111. C f Corwin, Ohio I d Elliston, Ky. H f Corydon, Ind. F e Ellisville, Ind. F d Coshocton, Ohio L c Elmhurst, 111. E b Coulters ville. 111. C e Elmira, 111. C b Courtland, 111. D b Elmore, Ohio I b Covington, Ind. E c Elmwood, 111. C c Covington, Ky. II d El Paso, 111. C c Covington, Ohio H c Elsa, 111. B e Crab Orchard, Ky. II f Elvaston, 111. A c Crawford, Ky. I f El wood, 111. D b Crawfordsville, Ind.. F c Elyria, Ohio K b Creel.sborough, Ky. G g Enterprise, 111. D e Crestline, Ohio K c Equality, 111. D f Crittenden, Ky. H e Erie, 111. B b Cromwell, Ky. F f Euclid, Ohio L b Crooked Creek, Ind. G b Eureka, 111. C c Crown Point, Ind. E b Evansport, Ohio II b Crows- Pond, Ky. E f Evanston, 111. E a Crystal I iake. 111. D a Evansville, Ind. E e Cumberland, 111. D d Ewing, Ohio K d Cumberland, Ind. G d Ewington, 111. D d Cumberland Ford, Ky. I g Ewing'ton, Ohio K d Curran, 111. C d Exeter, 111. B d Custar,. Ohio I b Fairbury, ■ III. D c Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio L b Fairfax, •Ind. F d Cynthiana, Ind. E e Fairfield, 111. D e Cynthiana, Ky. II e Fairfield, Ind. G b Dallas, 111. E d Fairfield, Ky. G f Dallas City, 111. A c Fairland, Ind. G d Fairmonnt, 111. E c Grafton, Ohio K b Fairmount, Ind. G c Grand Detour, 111. C b Fairport, Ind. H b Grand Tower, 111. C f Fairport, Ohio L b Grand View, 111. E d Fairview, Ohio L c Grand View, Ind. E f Falmouth, Ky. H e Grand View, Ohio L d Farina, 111. D e Grandville, 111. D d Farmer City, 111. D c Granville, Ohio K c Farmington, 111. B c Graves Land, Ky. F f Farmland, Ind. G c Grayson, Graysville, Ky. IC e Farrington, 111. D e Ohio L d Farrowtown, 111. B d Graytown, Ohio I b Fayetteville, Ind. F e Gray ville, 111. D e Fayetteville, Ohio I d Great Falls, Ky. F f Feliciana, Ky. D g Greenbush, 111. B b Felicity, Ohio I e Greencastle, Ind. F d Ferdinand, Ind. F e Greenfield, 111. B d Ferris, 111. A c Greenfield, Ind. G d Fillmore, Ky. E f Greenfield, Ohio I d Findlay, Ohio I b Greensburg, Ind. G d Fish Lake, Ind. G b Greensburg, Ky. G f Fish Pt. Ky. H f Greenup, 111. D d Flemingsburg, Ky. I e Greenupsburg, Ky. K e Fletcher, Ohio H c Greenview, 111. C b Flint, 111. D a Greenville, 111. C e Flora, 111. D e Greenville, 111. D f Florence, Ky. H d Greenville, Ky. E f Florence, Ohio H d Greenville, Ohio H c Florence, Ohio I d Greenwich, Ohio K b Florence, Ohio K b Griggs ville. 111. B d Forest, Ohio I c Griswold, 111. D f Forest City, 111. C c Groveland, 111. C c Forestville, 111. D c Groveland, Ind. F d Forreston, 111. C a G roveport, Chio Ii d Forsyth, Fort Ancient, Fort Recovery, 111. D Ohio H Ohio H d d c Guthrie, Hagerstown, Haldane, Ky. E Ind. G 111. C § a Fortville, Ind. G d H amburg. 111. B d Fort Wayne, Ind. G b Hamden, Ohio K d Fostoria, Ohio I b Hamilton, 111. A c Fountain Bluff, 111. C f Hamilton, Ind. F c Francisville, Ind. F b Hamilton, Ind. H b Francisville, St 111. E e Hamilton, Ohio H d Franconia, Ohio H b Hamlet, Ind. F b Frankfort, 111. D f Hammondsville, Ohio M c Frankfort, Ind. F c Hampton, 111. B b Frankfort, Cap. of State Ky. H e Hanging Rock, Ohio K e Frankfort, Ohio I d Hanover, 111. B a Franklin, 111. B d Hanover Village, Ind. G e Franklin, Ind. G c Hanover, Ohio H d Franklin, Ky. F g ILarbine, Ohio H d Franklin, Ohio H d Hardin, 111. B d Franklin, Ohio M c Hai-d insburg, Kv. F f Franklin City, Ind. F d Hardinsville, Ky. G e Franklin Grove, 111. C b Harmens, Ind. G d Franklinton, Ohio I d Harmer, Ohio L d Frederick, 111. B c Harmony, Ind. E d Erfedericksburg, Ind. F e Harper, Ohio I c Fredericksburg, Ohio L c Harrisburg, 111. D f Fredericktown, Ohio K c Harrisburg, Ohio I d Fredonio, Ky. E f Harrison, Ind. H d Freeburg, 111. C e Harrison, Ohio H d Freedom, Ind. F d Harrison ville. 111. B e Freemanton, 111. D d Harrisonville, Ind. F c Freeport, 111. C a Harristown, Harrodsburg Ind. F e Freeport, Ind. F d Ky. H f Fremont, 111. C c Harroldsburg, Ind. F d Fremont, Ind. LI b Hartford, Iiy. F f Fremont, Ohio I b Hartford City, Ind. G c Frencliburg, Ky. I e Hartpond, Ohio L d Frostburg, Ky. E f Hartsville, Ind. G d Fry burg. Ohio H c Harvard, 111. D a Fulda, Ind. F e Harveysburgh, Ind. E d Fulton, 111. B b Havana, Til. B c Galatia, 111. D f llawksville, Ky. F f Galena, 111. B a Haw Patch, Ind. G b Galesburg, 111. B' c Haynesville, Ky. F f Gabon, Ohio K c Haysville, Ind. F e Gallipolis, Ohio K e Haysville, Ohio K c Galva, 111. B b Hazard, Ky. I f Gambier, Ohio K c Hazel Green, Ky. I f Gardner, 111. D b Hazleton, Ind. E e Garrettsville, Ohio L b Hebron, Ind. E b Geneseo, 111. B b Hebron, Ohio K d Geneva, 111. D b Hecker, 111. B e Geneva, Ohio M b Henderson, Ky. E f Genoa, 111. D a Hennepin, 111. C b Genoa, Ohio I b Henry, 111. C b Gentryville, Ind. E e Heyworth, 111. D c Georges Creek, Ky. K e Hickman, Ky. C g Georgetown, 111. E d Iligginsport, Ohio I e Georgetown, 111. C e High Grove, Ky. G f Georgetown, 111. C c Highland, 111. C e Georgetown, Ky. H e Hill lards, Ohio I c Georgetown, Ohio I e Hillsboro, 111. C .1 Germantown, Ky. I e Hillsboro, K V . I t Germantown, Ohio H d Hillsborough, Ohio I d Ghent, .Gilead, Ky. G e Hilltown, 111. C e III. B d Hitesville, 111. E d Gilead, Ind. F c Hockingsport, Ohio L d Gilead, Ohio I b Ilodgenville, Iiv. G f Gilman, 111. D c Homer, 111. E c Girard, 111. C d Homer, 111. C b Glasgow, Ky. G f Homer Ohio K c Glencoe, 111. E a Hope, Ind. G d Glendale, Ohio H d Hopedale, 111. C c Glen ville. Ohio L b Hopetown, Hopkinsville, Howards Point, Hubbard, Ohio Ii d Golconda, « Gordon, Gordonsville, 111. D Ohio H Ky. E f d Ky. E III. D Ohio M § b Goshen, Ind. G b Hudson, 111. C c Goshen, Ohio M c Hudson. Ohio L 1.' Gosport, Ind'. F d Hudson ville. Kv. F f Gralton, 111. B d Hudson ville. 111. F, d 4 MAP OF OHIO, INDIANA, ILLINOIS, AND KENTUCKY. Huntertown, Ind. G b Lawrenceburg, Ky. H e Marion, Ky. D f | Mooreshill, Ind. G d Huntington, Ind. G c Lawrence ville, 111. E e Marion, Ohio I c 1 Mooresville, Ind. F d Huntley, 111. D a Lawsonville, Ky. F f Marmot, Ind. F b Moreliead, Ky. I e Huntsville, 111. B c Leavittsburg, Ohio M b Maroa, 111. D c Morganfield, Ky. E f Huntsville, . Ind. G b Leavenworth, Ind. F e Marseilles, Ohio I c Morgantown, 111. D 1 Huntsville. Ohio I c Lebanon, 111. C e Marshall, 111. E d Morgantown, Ind. F d Huron, Ohio K b Lebanon, Ind. F c Marshfield, Ind. E c Morgantown, Ky. F f Hustonville, Ky. H f Lebanon, Ky. G f Marshfield, Ohio K d Morocco, Ind. E c Hyde Park, 111. E b Lebanon, Ohio II d Martinsburg, Ohio K c Morris, 111. D b I'oeria, Ohio K c Lebanon Junction, Ky. G f Martinsdale, Ky. IC f Morrison, 111. C b Independence, Ind. E c Lee Centre, 111. C b Martinsville, HI. E d Morristown, Ind. G c Independence, Ind. G c Leesburg, Ky. H e Martinsville, Ind. F d Morristown, Ind. G d Independence, Ky. H e Leesville, Ind. F e Martinsville, Ky. F g Morristown, Ohio L c Indianapolis, Cap. of State Ind. F d Leesville, Ky. G f Martinsville, Ohio I d Morrow, Ohio H d Indian Creek, 111. D f Leetonia, Ohio M c Marysville, Ohio I c Moscow, Ind. G d Industry, 111. B c Lena, 111. C a Mascoutah, 11 L C e Moscow, Ky. C g Industry, Ohio M d Leopold, Ind. F e Mason, m. D e Moscow, Ohio H o Illinois City, 111. B b Le Roy, 111. D c Mason City, 111. C c Mossville, 111. C c Illinoistown, 111. B e Letartsville, Ohio L e Massillon, Ohio L c Mound City, 111. C f Ipava, 111. B c Lewell, Ind. F b Matamoras, Ind. G c Mount Auburn, HI. C d Ironton, Ohio K e Lewisburg, Ky. I e Matteson, 111. E b Mount Carmel, in. E o Iroquois, 111. E c Lewisburg, Ohio I c Mattoon, HI. D d Mount Carmel, Ky. 1 e Irvine, Ky. I f Lewisport, Ky. F f Maukport, Ind. F e Mount Carmel, Ohio H d Irving, 111. C d Lewiston, III. B c Maumee City, Ohio I b Mount Carroll, 111. B a Irwin, Ohio K e Lewisville, Ohio I b Maxville, Ind. F e Mount Erie, 111. D e Jackson, Ind. E c Lexington, 111. D c Mayfield, Ky. D g Mount Gilead, Ky. H f Jackson, Ky. C g Lexington, Ind. G e Maysville, Ky. I e Mount Gilead, Ohio IC c Jackson, Ky. I f Lexington, Ky. H e Mechanicsburg, 111. C d Mount Henry, I1L D a Jackson, Ohio K d Liberty, 111. A d Mechanicsburg, Ohio I c Mount Leigh, Ohio I o Jacksonville, 111. B d Liberty, 111. D e Medaryville, ’ ' Ind. F d Mount Liberty Ohio K c Jamestown, Ind. F d Liberty, Ind. H d Medina, Ohio L b Mount Olivet, Ky. I e Jamestown, Ky. H g Liberty, Ky. H f Meigs ville, Ohio L d Mount Pleasant, HI. C f Jamestown, Ky. G g Liberty, Ohio H d Melrose, 111. E d Mount Pleasant, Ind. F o Jasper, Ind. F e Liberty, Ohio I b Memphis, Ind. G e Mount Pleasant, Ky. I g Jefferson, Ohio M b Liberty, Ohio L c Memphis Junction, Ky. F g Mount Pleasant, Ohio M o Jeffersonville, Ind. G e Libertyville, 111. E a Mendon, 111. A c Mount Prospect, Ind. F e Jeffersonville, Ohio I d Ligonier, Ind. G b Mendota, 111. C b Mount Pulaski, HI. C c Jeromeville, Ohio K c Lima, Ind. G b Mentor, Ohio L b Mount Sterling, III. B c Jersey City, Ky. D f Lima, Ohio H c Mercerville, Ohio K e Mount Sterling, Ind. G e Jerseyville, 111. B d Lima, Ohio L b Meredosia, 111. B d Mount Sterling, Ky. I e J oliet, 111. D b Lincoln, 111. C c Merom, Ind. E d Mount Sterling, Ohio I d Jonesboro, III. C f Linton, Ind. E d Metamora, 111. C 0 Mount Vernon, III. D e Jonesboro, Ind. G c Litchfield, 111. C d Metropolis, 111. D f Mount Vernon, Ind. E f Jonesville, Ind. G d Litchfield, Ky. F f Mexico, Ind. F c Mount Vernon, Ky. H f Joy, 111. B b Lithopalis, Ohio IC d Miami, Ind. F c Mount Vernon, Ohio K c Junction, 111. B e Livermore, Ky. E f Miamisburg, Ohio H d Mount Washington, Ky. G e Junction, 111. C e Liverpool, 111. B c Miamisville, Ohio H d Mount Welcome, Ky. I f Junction, 111. D b Liverpool, Ohio I c Michigan City, Ind. F b Mount Zion, 111. D d Junction, 111. E b Lockland, Ohio H d Michigantown, Ind. F c Mount Zion, Ky. D f Junction, Ind. F b Lockport, 111. D b Middleport, 111. E c Mowequa, 111. C d Junction, Ohio H b Loda, 111. D c Middleport, Ohio K e Mulberry Grove. 111. C e Kalida, Ohio II c Lodi, 111. D b Middleton, 111. D e Mumfords ville, Ky. G f Kane, 111. B d Logan, 111. E d Middleton, Ky. F g Muncie, Ind. G c Kankakee, 111. E b Logan, Ohio K d Middletown, 111. C b Murphysboro, 111. C f Kansas, 111. E d Logansport, Ind. F c Middletown, Ind. E d Murray, Ky. D g Kr.ppa, 111. C c London, 111. D d Middletown (Henry Co.), Ind. G c Murravville, 111. B d Kaskaskia, 111. C f London, Ky. H f Middletown, Ind. G d Nachusa, III. C b Kcr.ksville, Ind. F e London, Ohio I d Middletown, Ohio H d Naperville, 111. D b Keitlisburg, 111. B b Londonderry, Ohio K d Midway, Ky. H e Naples, 111. B d Kendall ville, Ind. G b Longlick, Ky. H e Mifflin, Ohio K c Naples, Ind. G b Kentl and, Ind. E c Loogootee, Ind. F e Mila, 111. C b Napoleon, Ohio K e Kenton, Ohio I c Loudonville, Ohio K c Milan, 111. B e Napoleon, Ohio H b Kewaunee and Wethersfield, 111. B b Louisa, Ky. K e Milan, Ohio K b Napoleonville, Ind. G d Keysport, 111. C e Louisville, 111. D e Milburn, Ky. D g Nashport, Ohio K c Keystone, Ind. G c Louisville, Ky. G e Milford, 111. C a Nashua, Ind. E e Killbuck, Ohio L c Loveland, Ohio H d Milford, 111. E c Nashville, 111. C e Kinderhook, 111. A d Lovetts, Ohio I d Milford, Ind. G d Nashville, Ind. F d Kingston, 111. C c Lovington, 111. D d Milford, Ind. G b Natrona, 111. C c Kingston, Ind. F c Lowell, 111. C b Milford, Ky. H e Nauvoo, 111. A o Kingston, Ky. H f Lowell, Ky. H f Milford, Ohio H d Neats ville, Ky. G t Kingston, Ohio K d Lowell, Ohio L d Milford, Ohio I c Nebo, Ky. E f Kinmundy, 111. D e Lower Blue Lick, Ky. I e Milledgeville, 111. C b Nebo, 111. B d Kinsman, Ohio M b Lucas, Ohio K c Millersburg, 111. C e Nelson, 111. C b Kirby, Ohio I e Lucasville, Ohio K e Millersburg, 111. B b Nelson, 111. D d Kirks Cross Roads (Kirklin), tnd. F c Ludlow. 111. D c Millersburg, Ind. H e Nelson, Ohio L b Knightstown, Ind. G d Ludlow, find. F e Millersburg, Ky. H e Nelsonville, Ohio IC d Knights ville, Ind. E d Luke Station, •Ind. E b Millersburg, Ohio L c Neoga, 111. D d Knox, Ind. F b Lynchburg, Ohio I d Millersport, Ohio K e Nevada, Ohio I c Knoxville, 111. B c Lyndon, 111. C b Millersport, Ohio K d New Albany, Ind. G e Knoxville, Ohio M c Lynn Camp, Ky. I f Millerstown, Ky. F f New Amsterdam, Ind. F a Kosciusko, Ind. G b Lynn Grovo, Ind. G c Mill Springs, Ky. H g Newark, Ohio IC c Kossuth, Ohio H c M 'Arthur, Ohio K d Milltown, Ind. F e New Athens, III. C e Lacon, 111. C b M'Connelsville, Ohio L d Millville, 111. A d New Bedford, 111. C b Laconia, Ind. F e Macedonia, Ohio L b Millville, Ohio K d Newberry, Ind. F e La Crosse, Ind. F b M‘Kee, Ky. I f Milton, 111. D d Newberry, Ky. H g Ijadoga, Ind. F d Mackinaw, 111. C c Milton, Ky. G e New Boston, 111. A b La Fayette, 111. C b M ‘Lean , 111. C c Miltonville, Ky. H f New Bremen, Ohio H c La Fayette, Ind. F c M ‘Leansboro, 111. D e Minersville Ohio L d New Brunswick, Ind. E d La Fayette, Ky. E g Macomb, 111. B c Minooka, 111. D b Newburg, Ind. E f La Fayette, Ohio I c Macon, 111. C d Minonk, 111. C c Newburgh, Ohio L b La Fayette, Ohio I d Macoupin, 111. C d Minster, Ohio II c New Caledonia, 111. C f La Grange Ind. G b Madison, Ind. G e Mishawaka, Ind. F b New Canton, 111. A d La Grange, Ky. G e Madison, Ohio L b Mission Point, 111. D b New Carlisle, Ind. F b La Gro, Ind. G c Madisonville, Ky. E f Mitchell, • Ind. F e New Castle, Ind. G d La Harpe, 111. B c Magnolia, 111. C b Mokena, III. E b New Castle, Ky. G e Lakeville, Ind. F b Mahomet, 111. D c Moline, 111. B b New Comerstown, i Ohio L a Lakeville, Ohio K c Majority Pt., or Prairie City, III. D d Momence, 111. E b New Franklin, 111. D e Lanark, 111. C a Makauda, 111. C f Monee, 111. E b New Harmony, Ind. E e Lancaster, Ind. G c Malta, 111. D b Monmouth, 111. B c New Haven, 111. D f Lancaster, Ky. FI f Malta, Ohio L d' Monroe, 111. C a New Haven, Ind. H b Lancaster, Ohio K d Manchester, 111. B d Monroeville, Ind. H b New Haven, Ky. G f Lanesville, 111. C d Manchester, Ind. G b Monroeville, Ohio K b New Haven, Ohio IC b Langdon, 111. C c Manchester, Ky. I f Monrovia, Ind. F d New Lancaster, 111. B c Langdons, Ind. G e Manchester, Ohio I e Monterey, Ind. F b New Lexington, Ohio K d La Porte, Ind. F b Manhattan, Ohio I b Montezuma, 111. B d New Liberty, Ky. H e La Prairie, 111. A c Manito, 111. C c Montezuma, Ind. E d New Lisbon, Ohio M o Laramie, Ohio H c Mansfield, Ohio K c Montezuma, Ohio H c New London, Ind. F c Larkinsburg, 111. D e Manteno, 111. E b Monticello, 111. D c New London, Ohio K b Larne, Ohio I c Maquon, * m. b c Monticello, 111. B e Newman, 111. E Q ja Salle, 111. C b Marengo, III. D a Monticello, Ind. F c New Marion, Ind. G d Laurel City, Ind. G d Marietta, Ohio L d Monticello, Ky. H g New Michigan, 111. D b Lawrence, Ind. F d Marian, 111. D c Montpelier, Ind. G c New Mount Pleasant, Ind. G o Lawrence, Ohio L c Marion I1J. D f Montpelier, Ohio H b New Paris, Ohio H d l-awrenceburg. Ind. H d Marion, Ind. G c Moorefield, Ohio L c , New Philadelphia, IU. B o MAP OF OHIO, INDIANA, ILLINOIS, AND KENTUCKY. 5 New Philadelphia, Ohio L c | rorrysburgh. Ind. F c Roads, Ind. F c Slielbyville, 111. D d New Point, Ind. G d Perrysville, Ohio K c Roan, Ind. G c Shelbyville, Ind. G d Newport, Ind. H d Perry vi lie, Ky. H f Roanoke, Ind. G c Slielbyville, Kv. G e Newport, Ind. B d Peru, 111. C b Roaring Spring, Kv, E g Sheldon, 111. E c Newport, Kv. II d Peru, Ind. F c Robertsdale, Ind. E b Shepherdsville, Ky. G e Newport, Ohio L d Pesotum, 111. D d Robinson, 111. E d Sherman, 111. C d New Richmond, Ohio H e Petersburg, 111. C o Robinson, Ohio K c Shiloh, Ohio K c New Ross, Ind. P c Petersburg, Ind. E e Rochelle, 111. C b Shirland, Ilk C a Newton, 111. D d Petersburg, Ky. H d Rochester, Ind. F b Shoals, Ind. F e Newtown, Ind. E c Peters Creek, Ky. G g Rochester, Ky. F f Shabonier, 111. C e New Vienna, Ohio I d Pliillipstown, 111. D e Rochester, Ohio K b Sidney, 111. D c New Washington, Ind. G e Pickensville, Ohio I b Rockcastle, Ky. E g Sidney, Ohio II c New Waterford, Ohio M c Piereeton, Ind. G b Rock City, 111. C a Silver Creek, 111. C a New Windsor, 111. B b Pierpont, Ohio M b Rock Falls, 111. C b Simpsonville, Ky. G e Niontic, 111. C d Pike, 111. A d Rockfield, * Ind. F c Sinking Spring, Ohio I d Nicholasville, Ky. H f Piketon, Ohio I d Rockford, 111. C a Slaughtersville, Ky E f Niles, Ohio M b Pikeville, Ky. K f Rockhaven, Ky. F f Smithfield, Ohio M c Noble, 111. E e Pilot, 111. D b Rockhold, Ky. H g Smithland, Ky. D f Noblesville, Ind. E c Pinckneyville, 111. C e Rock Island, 111. B b Smiths Landing. 111. B e Noblesville, Ind. G b Pine Bluff, Ky. D g Rockland, 111. E a Solon, Ohio L b Nokomis, 111. C d Pioneer, Ohio H b Rockpcrt, 111. B d Somerset, Ind. G c Nolin, Ky. G f Piper City, 111. D c Rockport, Ind. E f Somerset, Ky. H f Normal, 111. C c Piqua, (Env. of Columbus) Ohio K d Rockport, Ky. I e Somerset, Ohio K d North Bend, Ohio H d Piqua, Ohio H c Rockport, Ohio L b Somunauk, 111. D b North Bloomfield, Ohio M b Pittsfield, 111. B d Rockton, 111. C a Sonora, Ohio H d North Middletown, Ky. H e Pitts Point, Ky. G f Rockville, Ind. E d South Bend, Ind. F b Northport, I.,,,. U b Plainfield, - 111. D b Rockville, Ohio I e South Carrollton, Ky. E f North Salisoury, Ohio M c Plainfield, Ind. F d Rockwood, 111. C f South Charleston, Ohio I d North Straitsville. Ohio K d Plasa, 111. B d Rocomo, Ind. F c South Pass, 111. C f North Vernon, Ind. G d Plato, 111. E c Rome, 111. D e South Pert, lud. F d North Washington, Ohio I c Pleasant Hill, Ind. E c Rome, Ind. F f South Union, Ky. F g Northwood, 111. D c Pleasant Valley, 111. B a Rome, Ind. G b South Whitley, Ind. G b Norton, Ohio I c Plymouth, Ind. F b Rome, Ohio I e Spades, Ind. G d Norwalk, Ohio IC b Plymouth, Ohio K b Roodhouse, 111. B d Sparta, 111. C e Norwich, Ohio L c Pocahontas, 111. C e Rose Hill, Ohio H c Sparta, Ky. H e Oakland, Ky. E f Pogues, Ky. I g Rosamond, 111. C d Spencer, Ind. F d Oakland, Ohio H b Point Ferry, 111. B e Roscoe, 111. C a Spencers, 111. E b Oberlin, Ohio K b Point Pleasant, Ohio H e Rosedale, Ind. E d Spencers, Ohio L d Oconee, 111. C d Poland, Ohio M b Rosehill, 111. E b Spencerville, Ind. H b Ocoya, 111. D c Polk, Ohio K c Roseville, Ohio K d Spring Bay, 111. C c Odell, 111. D b Polo, 111. C b Ross, Ind. E b Springdale, Ohio II d Odin, 111. C e Pomeroy, Ohio K d Rosseau, Ohio L d Springfield, Cap. of State 111. C d O’Fallou, 111. C e Pond Creek, 111. C b Rossville, 111. E c Springfield, Ind. F b Ogden, 111. Ec Pontiac, 111. D c Rossville, Ind. F c Springfield, Ky. G f Okaw, 111. D d Poplar Plains, Ky. I e Rough and Ready, Ky. H e Springfield, Ohio I d Old Town, Ky. K e Portage, Ohio I b Rowena, Ky. H g Spring Garden, 111. I) e Olive Hill, Ky. I e Port Byron, 111. B b Royal Centre, Ind. F c Spring Valley, Ohio I d Olivers Landing, 111. B e Port Clinton, Ohio K b Higgles, Ohio K b Stanford, Ky. II f Olmstead, Ohio L b Portersville, Ind. F e Rumsey, Ky. E f Stanton, 111. C a Olney, 111. D e Port Jackson, 111. E e Rushsylvania, Ohio I c Stanton, Ky. I f Olympian Spring, Ky. I e Portland, 111. C b Rushville, 111. B c Star City, Ind. F b Onarga, 111. E c Portland, Ind. G c Rush ville. Ind. G d State Line, 111 E c Oneida, 111. B b Portland, Ohio K e Russellville, 111. E e State Line Station, 111. E a Oneida, Ohio L c Portland, Ohio L d Russellville, Ky. F g Staunton, 111. C d Ophir Centre, 111. C b Portsmouth, Ohio I e Rutland, 111. C c Steamport, Ky. E f Oquawka, 111. A c Port Union, Ohio H d Rutlandville, 111. D b Stephensport, Ky. F f Orange, Ohio I c Poston, Ind G d Sabina, Ohio I d Sterling, 111. C b Oregon, 111. C a Prairie City, 111. B c Sagetown, 111. B c Steuben, Ohio K b Orleans, Ind. F e Prairie City, or Majority Pt., 111. D d St Anne, 111. E b Steubenville, Ohio M c Orwell, Ohio M b Prairie, 111. A c St Charles, 111. I) b Stevensburg, Ky. F f Orrville, Ohio L c Prairie du Rocher, 111. B e St Clairsville, Ohio M c Stockwell, Ind. F c Osbom, Ohio I d Preston, 111. C f St Francisville, III. E e Stonington, 111. C d Ossian, Ind. G c Prestonsburg, Ky. K f St John’s, 111. C e Stonefort, 111. I) f Ostego, 111. E a Prestonville, Ky. G e St Louis, Ind. G d Stoutsville, Ohio K d Ostend, Ohio L d Princeton, 111. C b St Marie, 111. D e Strasburg, Ohio L c Oswego, 111. D b Princeton, 111. C b St Mary’s, Ky. G f Strawtown, Ind. F c Oswego, Ind. G b Princeton, Ind. E e St Mary’s, Ohio H c Streator, 111. D b Otsego, Ohio I b Princeton, Ky. E f St Omer, Ind. G d Strongsville, Ohio L b Ottawa, 111. D b Princeville, 111. C c St Paris, Ohio I c Stryker, Ohio H V Ottawa, Ohio H b Proctor, Ky. I f St Paul, Ind. G d Sublette, 111. C b Ottokee, Ohio H b Proetorsville, Ohio K e Salem, 111. D e Sugar-Tree Ridge, Ohio 1 d Owuneco, 111. C d Providence, 111. C b Salem, Ind. F e Sullivan, 111. I) d Owensboro, Ky. E f Providence, Ky. E f Salem, Ind. G b Sullivan, Ind. E d Owensville, Ind. E e Providence, Ohio I b Salem, Ky. I) f Sulphur Springs, 111. D 1 Owenton, Ky. II e Pulaski, Ind. F c Salem, Ohio M c Summerfield, Ohio L d Owingsville, Ky. I e Purcell, Ind. E e Salem, Ohio L c Summit, 111. E b Owl Prairie, Ind. E e Putnam, Ohio K d Salem, Ohio L d Sunbury, Ohio K c Oxford, Ind. E c Putnam ville, Ind. F d Salem, Ohio M c Sycamore, 111. 1) a Oxford, Ohio H d Quinceburg, t 111. D e Salina, Ky. G e Syracuse, Ohio L d Paces, Ky. G g Quincy, 111. A d Salineville, Ohio M c Tallula, HI. G 6 Padncah, Ky. D f Quincy . Ind. F d Saloma, Ky. G f Tamaroa, 111. C e Painesville, Ohio L b Racine, Ohio L e Saluda, 111. B c Tarlton, Ohio K d Paintsville, Ky. K f Racoon Spring, Ky. I f Sal visa, Ky. H f Taylorsport, Ky. H d Palatine, 111. D a Raleigh, 111. D f Salyersville, Ky. 1 f Taylorsville, lud. E e Palestine, 111. E d Raleigh, Ky. D f Sandoval, 111. C e Taylorsville, Ind. G d Palmyra, 111. B d •Ramsay, 111. C d Sandusky, Ohio K b Taylorsville, Ky. G e Pana, 111. C d Randolph, 111. C e Sandwich, 111. L) b Taylorsville, Ohio L d Paoli, Ind. F e Randolph, 111. B c Sandy Hook, Ky. I e Taylorsville, 111. C d Paradise, 111. U d Randolph, Ky. G f Sangamon, 111. C d Tell City, Ind. F e Paradise, Ky. F f Randolph, Ky. G e Sarahsville, Ohio L d Tennessee, 111. B c Paris, 111. E d Rantoul, 111. D c Sardis, Ky. I e Tentopolis, 111. D d Paris. Ky. H e Raritan, 111. B c Sardis, Ohio M d Terre Haute, Ind. E d Parish Grove, Ind. E c Ravenna, Ohio L b Savanna, 111. B a Thebes, 111. C l Parisville, Ind. F c Rawson, Ohio I c Say brook. Ohio M b Thomson, 111. B b Parkersburg, 111. D e Raysville, Ohio K d Sciotoville, Ohio K e Thorntown, Ind. F c Parkman, Ohio L b Raywick, Ky. G f Scipio, Ind. G d Tilfiu, Ohio I b Parksville, 111. B a Red Bird, Ky. I f Scottsville, Ky. F g Timberville, 111. E e Pataskala, Ohio K c Red Bud, 111. B e Scottville, 111. B d Tippecanoe City, Ohio II d Patoka, 111. C e Rensselaer, Ind. E c Scottville, Ind. F e Tippecanoe Town, Ind. F b Patoka, Ind. E e Republic, Ohio I b Selma, Ohio I d Tipton, Ind. F o Patriot, Ind. H e Reynolds, Ind. F c Seneca, 111. D b Tiskilwa, 111. C b Paulding, Ohio H b Reynoldsburg, 111. D f Senatchwine, 111. C b Tivoli, Ind. E c Paxton, 111. D c Reynoldsburg, Ohio K d Serena, 111. D b Toledo, 111. C t Pecatonica. 111. C a Richland, Ky. E f Seville, Ohio L b Toledo, Ohio I b Pekin, 111. C c Richmond, Ind. H d Seymour, Ind. G e Tolleston, Ind. E b Pekin, Ind. F e Richmond, Ky. H f Shalcapee, Ind. F b Tolono, 111. D d Pemberton, Ohio I c Richmond, Ohio K d Shannon, 111. C a Tompkiusville, Ky. G g Pembroke, Ky. E g Richmond Junction Ky. H f Sharpsburg, Ky. I e Tonica, 111. C b Pendleton, Ind. G c Rich view. 111. C e Sharpsville, Ind. F c Toulon, 111. C b Peoria, 111. C c Rich wood, Ohio I c Shawnee, Ohio K d Towanda, 111. D o Peotone, 111. E b Ridgeville, Ind. G c Shawneetown, 111. D f Tower HU1, 111. D d i Perry, 111. B d Hiliard, 111. L> e Sheffield, 111. C b Travis, Ilk B c Perry, Ohio L b Ripley, Ohio I e She] burn, Ind. E d Trenton, 111. C e rOTryilboTg^ Ohio I b Rising Sun, Ind. H e Shelby, Ohio K c Trenton, Ky. E g 6 MAP OF OHIO, INDIANA, ILLINOIS, AND KENTUCKY. Trenton, Ohio H a Wabash City, Ind. G c Wavnesville, Ohio H d Willow Creek, m. .0 0 Trimble, Ohio K a Wadesboro, Ky. D cr Q W eavers, Ohio H c Willshire, Ohio H c Trithena, Ohio H c Wadesville, Ind. E e W ebster, Ohio K e Winamac, Ind. F b Trivoli, 111. C c Wadsworth, Ohio L b Wellington, Ohio K b Winchester, HI. B d Troy, 111. C e Wakefield, 111. D e Wellsville, Ohio M c Winchester, Ind. H c Troy, Troy, Ind F e Walkersville, Ind. E b Wenona, HI. C b Winchester, Ky. H e Ohio Id c Wallachia, Ky. E g Wertenberg, 111. C e Winchester, Ohio H d Tuekatown, 111. A c Walnut, Walnut Hill, 111. C b West Alexandria, Ohio H d Winchester, Ohio I e Tuscola, 111. D a 111. C e West Bedford Ind. F c Winchester, Ohio K d Tyner City, Ind. F b Walshville, 111. C d West Charleston, Ohio H d Windfall, Ind. G c Uhriclisville, Ohio L c Walton, Ind. F c Westerville, Ohio K c Windsor, 111. D d Ullin 111. C f Wanatah, Ind. F b Westfield, Ind. F c Windsor, Ohio K c Union City, Ind. H c Wapakoneta, Ohio H c West Franklin, Ind. E f Winesburg, Ohio L c Union City, Ohio H c Wapella, Ward, Wareland, 111. D c West Jefferson, Ohio I d Winnetka, 111. E a UniontOwn, Ky. E f Ind. H c West Kingsville, Ohio M b Winters, Ohio I b Unionville, Ind. F a Ind. E d West Liberty, Ky. I f Wolf Lake, Ind. G b Unionville, Ohio L b Warfield, Ky. K f West Liberty, Ohio I c Woodbury, HI. D d Upper Sandusky, Ohio I c War Gap, Ky. I f Weston, 111. D f Woodbury, Ky. F f Urbana, Ohio I c Warren, 111. B a Weston, Ohio I b Woodhull, 111. B b Urbanna, 111. D c Warren, Ind. G c West Point, Ind. E c Woodsfield, Ohio L d Ursa, 111. A c Warren, Ohio M b West Point, Ky. G e Woodsonville, Ky. G f Utica, 111. C c Warrenton, Ohio M c Westport, 111. E e Woodstock, 111. D a Utica, Ind. G e Warrick, Ind. E e Westport, Ky. G e Woodstock, Ohio I c Utica, Ohio K c Warsaw, 111. A c West Salem, 111. E e Woodville, Til. A c Valene, Ind. F e Warsaw, Ind. F b West Salem, Ohio K c Woodville, Ind. F e Valparaiso, Ind. E b Warsaw, Ind. G b Wes t Union, Ohio I e Woodville, Ohio I b Vauatlasburg, Ohio K c Warsaw, Ky. H e West Unity, Ohio H b W ' , "‘t,er, Ohio L c Van Buren, 111. D b Washburn, 111. C c Westville City,' Ind. F b Woosung, 111. C b Vanceburg, Ky. I e Washington 111. C c Wheatland, Ind. F d Worthington, , Ind. E d Vandal ia, 111. C e Washington, 111. E b Wheaton, 111. C c Worthington, • Ky. E f Van Wert, Ohio H c Washington, Ind. E e Wheaton, 111 jj b Wyoming, 111. C b Verden, 111. C a Washington, Ky. I e Wheelersburg, Ohio K e Wyoming, Ky. I 0 Vermillion, Ohio IC b Washington, Ohio I d Whitehall, 111. B d Xenia, 111. D e Vermillionville, 111. D b Washington, Ohio L c Whitehouse, Ohio I b Xenia, Ind. G c Vermont, 111. B c Wataga, 111. B b White Oak, 111. C d Xenia, Ohio I d Vernon, Ind. G e Waterford, Ind. G b White Plains, Ky. E f Yates City, 111. B c Versailles, 111. B a Waterloo, 111. B e Whitesburg, Ky. K f Yellowhead Grove, 111. E b Versailles, Ind. G a W aterloo , Ind. G b Whites town. Ind. F c Yellow Springs, Ohio I d Versailles, Ky. H e Waterman, Ind. E d Wilkesville, Ohio K d Yelverton, Ohio I c Versailles, Ohio H c Watertown, Ohio L d Wilksboro, 111. C c York, 111. E d Vevay, Ind. G e Waterville, Ohio I b Wilmington, IU. D b York, Ohio K b Vienna, 111. D f Watseka, 111. E c Wilmington, Ohio I d Yorkville, 111. D b Vienna, Ind. G e* Waukegan, 111. E a Williams, Ky. E f Yorktown, 111. C b Villa Ridge, 111. C f Wauseon, Ohio H b Williamsburg, Ky. H g Young America, 111. B c Vincennes, Ind. E e Waverly, 111. C d Williamsburg, Ohio L d Youngstown, Ohio M b Vincents, Ohio L a Waverly, Ohio K d Williamsport, Ind. E c Zalesld, Ohio K d Vinton, r 'bio K e Waynesburg, Ky. H f Williamstown, Ky. H e Zanesville, IU. c d Viola, 111. B b Waynesburg, Ohio L c Williamsville, 111. C d Zanesville, Ohio L d Virginia, 111. B a Wayuesville, 111. C c W’Uoughby, Ohio L b Zionville, Ind. V 4 MOUNTAINS, RIVERS, CAPES, tio. .uersoiFs Creek, Ind. F e Cumberland Mts. Ky. I g, and K f Kiskapou It. 111. C c | Patoka R. Ind. E 0 Apple Creek, 111. B d Cumberland It., 600 m. Ky. I g, and D f La Main R. 111. B c Pekatonica Creek, III. C Q Auglaize It. Ohio H b Cuyahoga R. Ohio L b Laughery Creek, Ind. G d i Pennington Gap, Cumberland Avon Point, Ohio L b Cyprus L. 111. D f Laurel R. Ky. II •f Mts. Ky. K g Bass I., Middle, Lake Erie. Ohio K b Darby Creek, Ohio I d Lick Creek, Ind. F e Peoria L. 111. C c Bass I., N., Lake Erie, Ohio K b Deer Creek, Ivy. E f Licking R., 180 m. Ky. I e Pickamik or Iroquois R. Ind. & 111. E c Bass I., S., Lake Erie, Ohio K b Deer Creek, Ohio I d Lima L. 111. A c Pigeon Creek, Ind. E e Bayou de Chien R. Ky. C g Des Plaines, R. 111. D b Line L. Ky. C g Pigeon R. Ind. Q b Beaucoup Creek, 111. C e Dicks R. Ky. H f Little Beaver Creek, Ohio M c Pine Mts. Ky. I g Bear Creek, 111. A c Drakes Creek, Ivy. E f L'ttle Muskingum R. Ohio L d Pipe Creek, Ind. F c Bear Creek, Ky. F f Drakes Creek, Ky. F g Little Obion It. Ky. C g Pi.stakee L. 111. D a Beaver Lake, Ind. E b Driftwood or East Fork, Ind. G d Little Pigeon Creek, Ind. E f Pond R. Ky. E f Beech R. Ky. G f Eagle Creek, Ky. H c Little E. Ind. G c Pope Creek, 111. B b Big Auglaize R Ohio H c Eagle Creek, Ohio I e Little It. Ky. E g Portage R. Ohio I b Big Barren R. Ky. F f East Fork, 111. C e Little Wabash R., 140 m. 111. D e Racoon R. Ohio K d Big Bay Creek, 111. D f East Fork, Clark’s R. Ky. D g Livingstons Creek, Ky. D f Red R. Ky. I f Big Blue R. Ind. G d East Fork of Salt R. Ky. G f Long Creek, Ky. E f Richland Creek, Ky. I f Big Creek, Ind. G e East Fork of White R, Ind. E e Louisa Fork, Ky. K f Rockcastle R. Ky. H f Big Creek, Ind. E e Edwards R. 111. B b M'Kees R. 111. B d Rock R., ItiOm. 111. B b Big Fork of Cumberland R. Ky. H g Eel R. Ind. F c Mackinaw R. 111. C c Rock R. or Sugar Creek, Ind. E d Big L. 111. C f Eel R. Ind. E d Macoupin Creek, * 111. B d Rough Creek, Ify. F f Big Muddy Creek, 111. D e Elkhart R. Ind. G b Mad R. Ohio H d Rush Creek, 111. B a Big Muddy R. 111. C f Elkhorn Creek, 111. C b Mahoning R. Ohio M b Rush Coeek, Ohio I c Big Pine Creek, Ind. E c Elkborn Creek, Ohio M c Mammoth Cave, Ky. G f Russell’s Creek, Ky. G f Big Racoon R. Ind. E d- Elkliom Fork, Ky. K f Maumee B. Lake Erie, Ohio I b St Joseph’s It. Ohio & Ind. H b Big Shoal Creek, 111. C d Elm Creek, 111. D e Maumee R., 100 m. Ind. & Ohio H b St Mary’s R. Ohio H c Big Vermillion R. 111. E c Embarras R., 120 m. 111. D d Mayfield Creek, Ky. D g Salamonie R. Ind. G c Black R. Ohio K b English Lake, Ind. F b Mazon Creek, 111. D b Saline R. 111. D f Blaine Creek, Ky. K e Fail Creek, Ind. F d Miami R., Great, 170 m. Ohio H d Salt Creek, 111. C c Blue Creek, Ohio H b Floyds Creek, Ky. G e Miami R., East Little, Ohio H d Salt Creek, Ind. F d Bokes Creek, Ohio I c Fox R., 120 m. 111. D b Miami R., Little, Ohio II d Salt It. Ky. G f Brush Creek, Ohio I e Goose I. Mississippi R. C f Miami R., South-West Branch, Ohio H d Sand Creek, Ind. G d Buck Creek, Ind. F c Grahams Fork, Ind. G e Middle Creek, Ky. F g Sandusky Boy, Lake Erie, Oh 10 K b Buckhorn Creek, Ky. I f Grand R. Ohio L b Middle Fork of Big Vermillion It 111. E c Sandusky R., 95 m. Ohio I c Busseron Creek, Ind. E e Grass L. 111. D a Middle Fork Kentucky R. Ky. I f Sandy Creek, 111. C b Cache R, 111. C f Great Blue R. Ind. F e Middle Fork of Saline R. 111. D f Sandy R., 130 m. Ky. K e Cahokia Creek, 111. B e Great Falls, Ky. H g Mill Creek, Ind. F d Sangamon It. 111. B c Calumet R. 111. E b Green R. 111. B b Mississinewa R. Ind. G e Savannah Lake, Ohio K c Cane Fork, Kentucky R. Ky. I f Green R., 230 m. Ky. G f & F f Mississippi R. 111. A d Scioto Brush Creek, Ohio I 6 Caney Creek, Ky. K f Gull I. Lake Erie Ohio K b Muddy It. Ky. F f Scioto R., 170 m. Ohio I d & K d Capting Creek, Ohio L d Henderson R. 111. B b Muscatutuk, Ind. F e Shade R. Ohio L d Carrs Fork, Ky. K f Hocking Creek, Ohio K d Muskingum R., 180 m. Ohio L d Silver Creek, 111. C e Oat R. Ind. F c Horse Creek, 111. D 0 Musquito R. Ohio M b Skeggs Creek, Ky. G g Chagrine R. Ohio L b Huron Creek, Ohio K b Nolando Fork, Ind. G d Skillex Fork, 111. D e Chippewa Creek, Ohio L c Illinois R., 320 m. IU. E a & B d Nolin Creek, Ivy. F f South Fork, Kentucky R. Ky. I f Choleaus I. Mississippi R. B e Indian Cieek, Ind. F e North Fork of Big Vermillion R. 111. E c South Fork of Saline It. 111. D f Clark’s R. Ky. D g Iroquois or l’ickamik R. Ind. & 111. E c North Fork of Paint Creek, Ohio I d South Fork, Sangamon R. 111. C d Clear Fork, Cumberland R. Ky. H g Johns Creek, Kv. K f North Fork of Saline R. 111. D e South Ivishwaukco R. 111. D a Cliffs Creek, Ky. F f Kankakee E„ 130 m. Ind. & 111. E b North Folk, Sangamon R. 111. C d Spit I. Lake Erie, Ohio lv b Coal Creek, Ind. E c Kasliarot I. Mississippi R. B e Ohio R., 975 m. Ohio, Kv., M c & D f Spoon R. 111. B 0 Collirjs Creek, Ky. I f Kaskaskia R„ 210 m. 111. D d & C e Otter Creek, 111. B c Sugar Creek, 111. c c Confidant R. Ohio M b Kelleys 1. Lake Erie Ohio K b Otter Creek, 111. B d Sugar Creek, Ohio I d Crooked Creek, 111. C e Kentucky Ridge, Mts. Ky. I f Owl Creek, Ohio K c Sugar Creek, Ohio L c Crooked R. Ohio H b Kentucky R., 200 m. Ky. II f Owsley Mts. Ky. I f Sugar Creek or Rock R. Ind. E d C’umbeiiand Gap, Cumberland Kilibuck Creek, Ohio L c Paint Creek, Ohio I d Sunfish Creek, Ohio L, d Mts Kv. T rr Kisli wnf krr It. 111 C » ; Panther Creek, Ky. E f Stillwater f'vfek, Ohio L c MAP OF OHIO, INDIANA, ILLINOIS, AND KENTUCKY 7 Stonr.y Gap, Cumberland Mta Ky. K f Turke y L. Ind. G b Wabash R., 500 m. Ohio, Ind., & 111. E d White R., 220 a* Jr'. £ * Symmes Creek, Ohio K e P urtle I. f «ake Brie, I b Walhoning R. Ohio K c White Water, ' ind. H d Tennessee R. , 1100 m. Ky. D g Tuscarawas R. Ohio L c Walnut Fork, Ind. F d Wills Creek, Ohio L Tippecanoe R., 120 m. I nd. F c Tygerts Creek, Ky. I e West Fork, Sandy R. Ky. K e Wolf Creek, Ky. H / Tradewater R. Ky. E f Vermillion R. 111. D b West P ork of White R. Ind. E e Wolf I. fcUMkaiDpi R. C g Tripletts Creek, Ky. I e Vermillion R. Ohio K b West Sister I. Lake Erie Ohio I b Yellow Creek, Ky. I g Troublesome Creek, Ky. I f Vermillion Swamft Hi. 1) c Whetstone R. Ohio I c Yellow R. UL U • I’m Fork of Sandr R, Ky. K f Vernon Fork. Ind. G e White Oak Croek, Ohio 1 0 p ' . ■ . ■ \ 'by J. 'Bartholomew MAP OF VIRGINIA, WEST VIRGINIA, NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA, WITH PART OF FLORIDA. Scale 44 miles to an inch. The united area of the States represented on the accompanying lation in 1880 of 4,526,918, in 1870 of 3,444,144, of whom 1,338,285 Map, viz.: VIRGINIA, WEST VIRGINIA, NORTH CAROLINA were colored ; increase since 1860, 21 per cent, and SOUTH CAROLINA, is 146,056 square miles, with a popu- State of Virginia. — Area, 38,352 square miles. Population (1880) 1,512,806, divided thus, White, 880,981, Colored, 631,754; Native, 1,498,139, Foreign, 14,667 ; Males, 745,839, Females, 766,967 ; increase since 1870, 23.42 per cent; (1870) 1,225,163, of whom 512,- 841 were colored; (1860 previous to the establishment of West Vir- ginia), 1,596,318; (1850) 1,421,661. Capital, Richmond. It con- tains 112 Counties. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop 1880. Accomack, 20,409 24,409 K d Lancaster, 6,355 6,160 I d Albemarle, 27,544 32,615 G c Lee, 13,268 15,116 B e Alexandria, 16,755 17,545 H c Loudon, 20,929 23.634 H b Alleghany, 3,674 5,586 E d Louisa, 16,332 18,941 G d Amelia, 9,878 10,377 G d Lunenburg, 10,403 11,535 G e Amherst, 14,900 18,705 F d Madison, 8,670 10,562 G c Appomattox, 8,950 10,080 G d Matthews, 6,200 7,501 I d Augusta, 28,763 35,113 F c Mecklenburg, 21,318 24,611 G e Bath, 3,795 4,482 F c Middlesex, 4,981 6,262 I d Bedford, 25,327 31.205 F d Montgomery, 12,556 16,693 E d Bland, 4,000 5,004 D d Nansemond, 11,576 15,904 I e Botetourt, 11,329 14,809 F d Nelson, 13,898 16.535 G d Brunswick, 13,427 16,707 H e New Kent, 4,381 5,515 H d Buchanan, 3,777 5,694 C d Norfolk, 46,702 58,654 I e Buckingham, 13,371 15,540 G d Northampton, 8,046 9,152 K d Campbell, 28,384 36,250 F d Northumberland, 6,863 7,929 I d Caroline, 15,128 17,243 H c Nottoway, 9,291 11,156 G d Carroll, 9,147 13,323 E e Orange, 10,396 18,051 G c Charles City, 4,975 5,512 H d Page, 8,462 9.965 G c Charlotte, 14,513 16.653 G! d Patrick, 10,161 12,833 E e Chesterfield, 18,470 23,773 H d Pittsylvania, 31,343 52,589 F e Clarke, 6.670 7,682 G b Powhatan, 7,667 7,817 H d Craig, 2,942 3,794 E d Prince Edward, 12,004 14,668 G d Culpeper, 12,227 13,408 G c Prince George, 7,829 8,861 11 d Cumberland, 8,142 10,540 G d Princess Anne, 8,273 9,394 I e Diuwiddie, 30,702 35,375 H d Prince William, 7,504 9,180 H c Elizabeth City, 8,303 10,691 I d Pulaski, 6,538 8,750 E d Essex, 9,927 11,032 1 d Rappahannock, 8,261 9,291 G c Fairfax, 12,952 16,025 H c Richmond, 6,503 7,198 I d Fauquier, 19,690 22,993 H c Roanoke, 9,350 13,105 E d Floyd, 9.824 13,255 E e Rockbridge, 16,058 20,003 F d Fluvanna, 9,875 10,802 G d Rockingham, 23,668 29,567 G c Franklin, 18,264 25,084 F e Russell, 11,103 13.906 C e Frederick, 16,596 17,553 G b Scott, 13,036 17,233 C e Giles, 5,875 8,794 E d Shenandoah, 14,936 18,204 G c Gloucester, 10,211 11,876 I d Smyth, 8,898 12,159 D e Goochland, 10,313 10,292 H d Southampton, 12,285 18,012 H e Grayson, 9,587 13,068 D e Spot tsyl vania, 11,728 14,829 H c Greene, 4,634 5,829 G c Stafford, 6,420 7,210 H c Greenville, 6,362 8,407 H e Surry, 5,585 7,391 I d Halifax, 27,828 33,588 G e Sussex, 7,885 10.062 H e Hanover, 16,455 18,588 H d Tazewell, 10,791 12,861 D d Henrico, 66,179 82,956 H d Warren, 5,716 7,399 G e Henry, 12,303 16,009 F e Warwick, 1,672 2,257 I d Highland, 4,151 5,164 F c Washington, 16,816 25,203 C e Isle of Wight, 8,320 10,672 I e W estmoreland, 7,682 8,846 I c James City 4,425 5,422 1 d Wise, 4,785 7,772 c d King and Queen, 9,709 10,502 I d Wythe, 11,611 14,318 D e King George, 5,742 6,397 H c York, 7,198 7,348 I d King William, 7,515 8,748 H d State of West Virginia. — Area, 23,000 square miles. Popula- tion (1880) 618,443, divided thus, White, 592,606, Colored, 25,806; Native, 600,214, Foreign, 18,229; Males, 314,479, Females, 303,964; increase since 1870, 39.9Lper cent. (1870) 442,014, of whom 17,980 were colored. Capital, Wheeling. It contains 54 Counties. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. | Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 18E0. Roane, 7,232 12,184 D c | Wayne, 7,852 14,737 C c Summers,* 8,832 E d Webster, 1,730 3,207 E c Taylor, 9,367 11,454 E b Wetzel, 8,595 13,896 E' b Tucker, 1,907 3,151 F b Wirt, 4,804 7,104 D c Tyler, 7,832 11,072 E b Wood, 19,000 25,006 I) b Upshur, 8,023 10,249 E c Wyoming, 3,171 4,322 1) d * Summers from Mercer , Monroe, and Greenbrier. State of North Carolina. — Area, 50,704 square miles. Popu- lation (1880) 1,400,047, divided thus, White, 867,478, Colored, 531,351. Native, 1,396,368, Foreign, 3,679; Males, 688,203, Females, 711,844; increase since 1870, 30.67 per cent. (1870) 1,071,361, of whom 391,- 650 were colored ; (1860) 992,622 ; (1850) 869,039 ; increase since 1860, 7.9 per cent. Capital, Raleigh. It contains 96 Counties. Counties. Pop 1870 Pop. 1880. Counties. Pop, 1870 Pop. 1880. Alamance, 11,874 14,613 F e Johnston, 16,897 23,462 G f Alexander, 6,868 8,355 D f Jones, 5,002 7,493 II f Alleghany, 3,691 5,486 1) e Lenoir, 10,434 15,344 H f Anson, 12,428 18,000 E g Lincoln, 9,573 11,061 D f Ashe, 9,573 14,436 D e Macon, 6,615 8,064 B f Beaufort, 13,011 17,471 1 f Madison, 8,192 12,810 C f Bertie, 12,950 16,401 H e Martin, 9,647 13,140 H f Bladeu, 12,831 16,158 G g McDowell, 7,592 9,836 C f Brunswick, 7,754 9,390 G g Mecklenburg, 24,299 34,180 E f Buncombe, 15,412 21,910 C f Mitchell, 4,705 9,435 C e Burke, 9,777 12,811 14,964 D f Montgomery, 7,487 9,374 F f Cabarrus, 11,954 E f Moore, 12,040 16,821 F f Caldwell, 8,476 10,288 D f Nash, 11,077 17,731 H r Camden, 5,361 6,274 I e New Hanover, Northampton, 27,978 21,367 H g Carteret, 9,010 9,785 I g 14,749 20,032 H e Caswell, 16,081 17,825 F e Onslow, 7,569 9.828 H g Catawba, 10,984 14,946 D f Orange, 17,507 23,698 F e Chatham, 19,723 23,456 F f Pamlico, Pas-quotank, 6,324 I f Cherokee, 8,080 8,182 A f 8,131 10,386 I e Chowan, 6,450 7.900 I e Perquimans, 7,945 9.468 I e Clay, 2,461 3)316 B f Person, 11,170 13,719 F e Cleaveland, 12,696 16,571 D f Pitt, 17,276 21,790 II f Columbus, 8,474 14,439 G g Polk, 4,319 5,063 C f Craven, 20.516 19,729 H f Randolph 17,651 20,836 F f Cumberland, 17)035 23,836 G f Richmond, 12,882 18.245 F g Currituck, 5,131 6,476 IC e Robeson, 16.262 23.882 F g Dare, 2,778 3,245 20,333 K f Rockingham, 15)708 21,744 F e Davidson, 17,414 E f Rowan, Rutherford, 16,810 19,917 15,198 E f Davie, 9,620 11,097 E f 13,121 C f Duplin, 15-542 18,771 H g Sampson, 16,436 22,892 G t Edgecombe, 22,970 26,179 H f Stanley, 8,315 10,506 E f Forsyth, Frankiin, 13,050 18,070 E e Stokes, 11,208 15.353 E e 14,134 20,829 G e Surry, 11,252 15,301 K e Gaston, 12,602 14,254 D f Swain. f 3,785 B f Gates, 7,724 8,897 I e Transylvania, 3,536 5,340 C f Graham, 2,335 B f Tyrrell, 4,173 4.545 I f Granville, 24,831 31,285 G e Union, 12,217 18,056 E f Greene, 8,687 10,034 II f Wake, 35,617 48,209 G f Guilford, 21,736 23.584 F e Warren, 17,768 22,619 G e Halifax, 20,408 30,300 H e Washington, 6,516 8.928 I 1 Harnett, 8,895 10,862 G f Watauga, 5,287 8,160 D e Haywood, 7,921 10,271 C f Wayne, 18,144 24.943 G t Henderson, 7,706 10,280 C f Wilkes, 16,539 19.181 D e Hertford, 9,273 11,843 H e Wilson, 12,268 16,064 H f Hyde, 6,445 7,765 I f Yadkin, 10,697 12,421 E e Iredell, Jackson, 16,931 6,683 22,672 E f Yuucy, 7,343 B f 1 t Swain from Macon and Jacleson. 6,909 7,693 O f Counties. Pop 1870. Barbour, 10,312 Berkeley, Boone, 14,900 4,553 Braxton, 6,480 Brooke, 5,464 Cabell, 6,429 Calhoun, 2,939 Clay, 2,196 Doddridge, 7,076 Fayette, 6,647 Gilmer, 4,338 Grant, 4,467 Greenbrier, 11,417 Hampshire, 7.643 Hancock, 4,363 Hardy, 6,518 Harrison, 16,714 Jackson, 10,300 Jefferson, 13,219 Kanawha, 22,349 Lewis, 10,176 Pop 1880 11.870 E b | Counties. Lincoln, 17.380 G b 1 Logan, 5,824 D c Marion. 9,787 E c Marshall, 6,013 E a Mason, 13.746 0 c M’Dovvell, 6,074 D c Mercer, 3,460 D c Mineral, 10,552 E b Monongalia, 11.560 D c Monroe, 7.108 E c Morgan, 5.542 F b Nicholas, 15,060 E d Ohio, 10.366 G b Pendleton, 4,880 E a Pleasants, 6.794 Q c Pocahontas, 20,171 E b Preston, 16,312 D c Putnam, 15,005 H b Raleigh, 32,466 D c Randolph, 13,270 E b Ritchie, Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880 5,053 8,739 O c 5,124 7,329 C d 12,107 17.198 E b 14,941 18,840 E b 15,978 22,293 C c 1,952 3.074 D'd 7,064 7,467 D d 6,332 8,629 G b 13,547 14.985 E b 11,124 11,501 E d 4,315 5,777 G b 4.458 7,223 E c 28,831 37,457 E a 6,455 8,022 F| 0 3,012 6,255 D b 4,069 5,591 E c 14,555 19,040 F b 7,794 11,376 D c 3,673 7,367 D d 6,663 8,102 F c 9,056 13,474 D b State of South Carolina. — Area, 34,000 square miles. Popu- lation (1880) 995,622, divided thus, White, 391,224, Colored, 604,275; Native, 987,981, Foreign, 7,641 ; Males, 490,469, Females, 505,153; increase since 1870, 40.95 per cent. (1870) 705,606, of whom 415,814 were colored; (1860) 703,708; (1850) 668,507; increase since 1860, .2 per cent. Capital, Columbia. It contains 33 Counties. Counties. Pop. 1870 Abbeville, 31,129 Aiken.]: Anderson, 24,049 Barnwell, 35,724 Beaufort, 34,359 | Ailcen from Edgefield and Barnwell. Pop. 1880. 40,822 C ft 28.122 D h 33,613 C g 39,-858 D h 30,190 E i Counties. Charleston, Chester, Chesterfield, Clarendon, Colleton, pop. IB7U. pop. 1880. 88,863 102,825 18.805 24.153 10,584 14,038 16.345 19.190 E h D g K g E h i 2 MAP OF VIRGINIA, WEST VIRGINIA, N. AND S. CAROLINA, WITH PART OF FLORIDA. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop, 1880. Darlington, 26,213 34,485 F g Edgefield, 42,186 45,846 D h Fairfield, 19,888 27,766 D g Georgetown, 16,161 19,613 F h Greenville, 22,262 37,494 C g Hampton, 18,767 E i Horry, 10,721 15,574 F h Kershaw, 11,754 21,538 E g Lancaster, 12,087 16.903 E g Laurens, 22,536 29,444 C g Lexington, 12,988 18,590 D h Marion, 22,160 34,107 F g. Counties. Pop. 1870 Pop. 1880. Marlboro, 11,814 20,598 F g Newberry, 20,775 26,497 D g Oconee, 10,536 16,256 B g Orangeburg, 16,865 40,995 E h Pickens, 10,269 14.391 C g Richland. 23,025 28,585 E g Spartanburg, 25,784 40,408 C g Sumter, 25,268 37,037 E g Union, 19,248 24,081 D g Williamsburg, 15,489 24,110 F h York, 24,286 30,713 D g For State of Florida, see Map 9. The following Counties only are represented on Map 8. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Brevard, 1,216 1,478 M o Dade, 85 194 M q Hernando, Hillsborough 2,938 4,248 K n 3,216 5,814 K o Manatee, 1.931 3,655 K o Marion, 10,804 13,046 K m Counties. Pop. 1870 Pop. 1880 Monroe, 5,657 10.867 L P Orange, 2,195 6,618 L n Polk, 3,169 3,153 L 0 Sumter, 2,952 4,686 E n Volusia, 1,723 3,294 L m Abbreviations of Names of States. — Va., Virginia; W. Va., West Virginia; N. C., North Carolina; S. C., South Carolina; Fla., Florida. CITIES, TOWNS, ETC. Abbeville, S. C. C g Bristol, Va. C e Cotton Grove, N. C. E f . Fort Clinch, Fla. Km Abbyville, Va. G e Brittons Neek S. C. F h Cordesville, S. C. F h Fort Doane, Fla, L p Abingdon, Va. C e Brooksville, Fla. K n Cove' Creek, N. C. H f Fort Dulany, Fla. K p Acquia, Va. H c Brookville, N. C. G e Covington, Va. E d Fort Fisher, N. C. H b Adams Cross Roads, S. C. F g Brownsville, N. C. G e Cowpens, S. C. D f Fort French, N. C. H g Adamsville, Fla. K n Brownsville, S. C. F g Croatan, N. C. I g Fort Hatteras, N. C. K f Addison, W. Va. E c Brunswick, N. C. H g Cross Keys, Va. H e Fort Izard, Fla. K n Aiken, S. C. D h Brunswick Old Court House, N. C. G g Crowsville, S. C. D g Fort Jefferson, Fla. K r Albemarle, N. C. E f Bryants Swamp, N. C. G g Culpeper Court House, or Fort Johnson, Env. of Charleston C k Aldie, Va. H c Buchanan, Va. F d Fairfax, Va. G c Fort Johnson, N. C. G h Alexandria, N. C. E f Buckhannon, W. Va. E c Cumberland Court House, Va. G d Fort Kissimmee, Fla. L o Alexandria, Va. H c Buckland, N. C. 1 e Currituck Court House, N. C. I e Fort Lloyd, Fla. M o Alston, S. C. D g Buckland, Va. G e Dacusville, S. C. C g Fort Macon, N. C. I g Amelia Court House, Va. H d Bucksville, S. C. G h Dallas, N. C. D f Fort Meade, Fla. L o Amelia Old Court House, Va. G d Buffalo, W. Va. D c Danbury, N. C. E e Fort Motte, S. C. E h Amherst Court House, Va. F d Bull Swamp, S. C. D h Dandarnaok, N. C. F g Fort Moultrie, Env. of Charleston C k Amissville, Va. G e Bulltown, W. Va. E c Danielton, S. C. D i Fort Myers, Fla. L p Amsterdam, Va. F d Burlington, W. Va. G b Danville, Va. F e Fort Poinsett, Fla. L q Anderson, S. C. C g Burkesville, Va. G d Darlington, S. C. F g Fortress Monroe, Va. I e Andersonville, S. C. C g Burnsville, N. C. C f Deep Creek, Va. I e Fort St Philip, N. C. H g Angola, N. C. H g Butlersville, S. C. C g Deserett, N. C. G g Fort Shackleford, Fla. M p Annandale, Va. H c Cabin Pt. Va. I d Devil’s Court House, N. C. B f Fort Simon, Fla. L p Appomattox Court House, Va. G d Cainboy, S. C. F i Dinwiddie Court House, Va. H d Fort Sumter, Env. of Charleston C k Aracouia, W. Va. D d Ca Ira, Va. G d Dobson, N. C. E e Fort Swamp, N. C. I f Archville, W. Va. E b Caledonia, N. C. F f Dogwood Neek, S. C. G h Fort Swearingin, Fla. M o Arlarka, N. C. B f Cambridge, S. C. C g Donaldsville, S. C. C g B’ort Taylor, Fla. L r Ashboro, N. C. F f Camden, S. C. E g Dranesville, Va. H c Fort Wagner, Env. of Charleston C k Asheville, N. C. C f Cameron, W. Va. E b Drummond, Va. K d Fort Walker, S. C. E i Ashland, Va. 11 d Campbell Court House. Va. F d Dublin, Va. E d Frankfort, W. Va. E d Auburn, N. C. G f Camp Ground, S. C. C g Dudley, N. C. G f Franklin, N. C. B f Augusta. Fla. K n Cape Henry, Va. F e Due West, S. C. C g Franklin, Va. 1 e Augusta, S. C. D h Capeville, Va. K d Duguidsville, Va. G d Franklin, W. Va. F e Averysboro, N. C. G f Carmel Hill, S. C. D g Dumbarton, S. C. D h Franklinton, N. C. G e Bacon Castle, Va. I d Carrsville, Va. I e Dumfries, Va. H c Frank Town, Va. K d Bakersville, N. C. C f Cartersville, S. C. E g Dunkins, S. C. D g Fredericksburg, Va. H o Ballardsville, W. Va. D c Cartersville, Va. G d Duntansville, S. C. C h Frederickshall, Va. H d Barboursville, Va. G c Carthage, N. C. F f Durhams, N. C. G f French town. W. Va. E c Barboursville, W. Va. C c Caseys, Va. F d Durhams Creek, N. C. I f Frenchtown, W. Va. G b Bardaysville, N. C. G f Caslis, S. C. F g Earlesville, S. C. C f Friendtield, S. C. F h Barmore, S. C. C g Castle Pinkney, Env. of Charleston C k Eastville, Va. K d Front Royal, Va. G c Bamberg, S. C. D h Catherine Lake, N. C. H g Ebenezerville, S. C. D g Fulton, S. C. E b Barnwell Court House, S. C. D h Cedar Keys, Fla. Km Echaw, S. C. F h Gaddysville, N. C. F g Bath, N. C. I f Centre, N. C. E f Edenburg, Va. G c Gap Civil, N. C. D e Bath, S. C. D b Centreville, S. C. C a Edenton, N. C. I e Garysburg, N. C. H a Bath, W. Va. G b Centre ville, Va. H e Edgefield, S. 0. D li Garrysville, Va. H d Bay port, Fla. K n Ceredo, W. Va. C c Ed ray, W. Va. E c Gaston, N. C. H e Beaufort, N. C. I g Cerro Gordo, N. C. G g Effingham, S. C. F g Gatesville, N. C. I e Beaufort, S. C. E i Chapel Hill, N. C. F f Egypt, N. C. F f Gatewoods, Va. F c Belleview Cross Roads, N. C. H f Chappells, S. C. D g Elizabeth City, N. C. I e Gauley Bridge, W. Va. D c Belleville, W. Va. D b Chalk Level, Va. F e Elizabethtown, N. C. G g Georges Station, S. C. E h Belton, S. C. C g Chancellorsville, Va. H c Elizabethtown, since 1863 Georgetown, D. C. H c Belton, W. Va. E b Charles City Court House, Va. H d Moundsville, W. Va. E b Georgetown, S. C. F h Belvedere, N. C. I e Charleston, N. C. B f Elizabethtown, W. Va. D b Germanton, N. C. E e Bemans Cross Roads. N. C. G f Charleston. S. C. F 1 Elk Town, Va. H c Germantown, Va. F d Bennettsville, S. C. F g Charleston, Cap. of W. Va. D c Ellisville, N. C. G g Gillisonville, S. C. E i Bensboru, N. C. H f Charles Town, W. Va. H b Elton, S. C. D b Giiopolis, N. C. F g Bentleyville, Va. G e Charlotte, N. C. E f Enfield, N. C. H e Glade Spring, Va. D e Bentonsville, N. C. G f Charlottesville, Va. G c Enfield, Va. H d Gladeville, Va. C e Benwood, W. Va. E b Cheraw, S. C. F g Enterprise, Fla. L n Gladevilie, W. Va. D d Berkeley Springs, W. Va. G b Cherokee, S. C. B g Equality, S. C. C g Glenville, W. Va. E c Berryville, Va. H b Chester, S. C. D g Erwinton, S. C. D h Gloucester Court House, Va. I d gethania N. C. E e Chesterfield, S. C. E g Estillville, Va. C e Godwynsville, Va. H e Bethel, Va. F d Chesterfield Court House, Va. H d Evans Store, N. C. G g Gold Hill, N. C. E f Bethel, N. C. H f Chicken Town, Va. G d Evansville, W. Va. F b Goldsboro, N. C. H f Beverly, N. C. E f Chilesburgli, Va. H d Evergreen, Va. G d Goochland Court House, Va. H d Beverly, W. Va. F c Chinkapin, N. C. H g Fair Bluff, N. C. F g Gordonsville, Va. G c Big Lick, Va. F d Christiansburg, Va. E d Fairfax Court House, Va. II c Goshen, N. C. G e Big Swamp, N. C. G g Christiansville, Va. G e Fairfax, Va. G c Goshen Hill, S. C. D g Blacks and Whites, Va. H d City Point, Va. H d Fairfield, Va. F d Goshen Swamp, N. C. G f Blaoksburn, Va. E d Cl aremont, S. C. C g Fairmont, W. Va. E b Golden Grove, S. C. C g Black Oak, S. C. E h Clarksburg, W. Va. E b Fairview, W. Va. E a Gourdins, S. C. F h Black Rock, N. C. G g Clarksville, Va. G e Faison, N. C. G g Gowenville, S. C. C f Blaekstock, S. C. D g Clarksville, Va. H d Falling Spring, W. Va. E c Grafton, W. Va. F b Blackville, S. C. D li Clay, W. Va. F b Falls Church, Va. H c Graham, N. C. F e Blairsville, S. C. D g Claysville, W. Va. D b Falmouth, Va. H c Grahams, S. C. F h Blakely, N. C. E e Claytonville, N. C. C f Farmvilie, Va. G d Grabamville, S. C. D i Blue House, S. C. E i Clementsville, N. C. E e Fayette Court House, W. Va. D c Graniteville, 3. C. D h Blufl'ton, S. C. E i Clement Town, Va. G d Fayetteville, N. C. G f Gravelly Hill, N. C. G g Bowes Station, S. C. E li Clifton, W. Va. C c Ferebeerville, S. C. D i Graves, N. C. F e Boykins, S. C. E g Clinton, N. C. G g Fincastle, Va. F i 1 Grayson Court House, Va. D e . Boone, N. C. D e Clover Hill, Va. H d Fislidam, N. C. G e Graytonville, S. C. C g Boone Court House, W. Va. D d Cokesbury, S. C. C g Five Fords, Va. H d Great Peedee,- S. C. F g Boon Hill, N. C. G f Colchester, Va. H e. Flat Rock, N. C. C f Greenbank, W. Va. F c Bousacks Depot, Va. F d Coleraine, N. C. I e Florence, S. C. F g Green Bottom, W. Va. C e Bowlinggreen, Va. H c Colliertown, Va. F d Forestville, N. C. G f Greensboro, N. C. F e Boydton, Va. G e Columbia, N. C. I f Fords, Va. H d Green Swamp, N. C. G g Bradhams, S. C. D i Columbia, S. C. D h Fort Anderson, N. C. H g Greenville, N. C. H l Brauchville, S. C. E h Columbiana, Va. G d Fort Arbuckle, Fla. L o Greenville, S. C. C g Branchville, Va. H e Columbus, N. C. C f Fort Beauregard, S. C. E i Greenville, Va. F d Brandonville, W. Va. F b Competition, Va. F e Fort Capron, Fla. M o Greenwood, N. C. H o Brassfield, N. C. G f Concord, N. C. E f Fort Caswell, N. C. G li Greenwood, S. C. C g Brents villa. Va. H c Conwayborough, S. C. G h Fort Center, Fla. L o Grogansville, N. C. F e Brewerton, S. C. C g Cool Arbor, Va. H d Fort Christmas, Fla. M n Grove, N. C. G f Brinkleys, S. C. G g Coos-awhatchie S. C. E i Fort Clark, N. C. K f Grundy, Va. C d MAP OF VIRGINIA. W. VIRGINIA. N. AND S. CAROLINA, WITH PART OF FLORIDA. 3 Gum Neck Landing, N. C I f Lenads, S. C. F h Newport, N. C. I g Rockville, S. C. I) g f Gum Swamp, S. C. F g Lenoir, N. C. D f Newport, Va. E d Rocky Mount, N. C. H Guyandotte, W. Va. C c Level, Lewisburg, S. C. E g New Salem, N. C. F f Rocky Mount, Va. F e Hairstonville, Va. G e W. Va. E d New Smyrna, Fla. M n Rocky Point, N. C. H g Halifax, N. C. H e Lewiston, Va. G e Newsoms, Va. H e Rogers, N. C. G f Halifax Court House, Va. G e Lewisville, S. C. E h Newton, N. C. D f Romney, W. Va. G b Hallsville, N. C. H g Lexington, N. C. E f Newton, Va. G b Ross, S. C. E h Hamburg, Hamilton, S. C. D h Lexington, S. C. D h New Town, Va. H d Rowlesburg, W. Va. F b N. C. H f Lexington, Va. F d Nichols, S. C. F g Roxboro, N. C. G e Hamlin, W. Va. D c Liberty, 1, Va. F d Norfolk, Va. 1 e Roxobel, N. C. H e Hampstead, ya. H c Limestone Springs, S. C. D f Normal College, N. C. F f Rutherfordton, N. C. D f Hampton, Va. I d Lincolnton, N. C. D f North West Landing, Va. I e Rylands, Va. H e Hangiug Rock, S. C. E g Littleton, N. C. H e Notteley, N. C. A f St George, W. Va. F b Hanover Junction, Va. H d Lombardy, Va. G e N ottoway Court House Va. G d St Helena, S. C. E i Hansford, W. Va. D c Longmires, S. C. C h Oakland, N. C. F f St Johns, N. C. H e Hardeeville, S. C. D f Louisa Court House, Va. H d Oakville, N. C. E f St Lawrence, N. C. F f Harleesville, S. c. F g Louisburg, N. C. G e Ocala, Fla. K m St Lucie, Fla. M 0 Harmony, S. C. D i Lowman, W. Va. D c Occoquan, Va. H c St Mary, W. Va. D b Harper’s Ferry, W. Va. H b Lowrysville, S. C. D g Oceana, W. Va. D d St Stephens, S. C. F h Harrisburg, S. C. C g Lovetts ville. Va. Id b Old Fort, Env. of Charleston B 1 St Tammany, Va. G e Harrisonburg, Va. G c Lovingston, Va. G d Onslow, N. C. H a Salem, N. C. E e Harrisville, W. Va. D b Lumberton, N. C. F g Orangeburgh, S. C. E h Salem, Va. E d Hartford, W. Va. D c Luray, Va. G c Orange Court House, Va. G c Salem, Va. H c Havelock, N. C. I g Lynchburg, S. C. E g Ore Knob Aline, N. C. D e Salisbury, N. C. E f Haytield, Va. H c Lynchburg, Va. F d Orlando, Fla. L n Salkehutchie, S. C. E i Hay market, Va. H c Lynchwood, S. C. E g Oxford, N. C. G e Saltville, Va. D e Haywood, N. C. F f Madison N. C. E e Pactolus, N. C. H f Salt Works, W. Va. E d Healing Spring, N. C. E f Madison Court House, Va. G c Palatine, W. Va. E b Sawyers, S. C. D h Heatlisville, Va. I d Magaughey Town, Va. G c Palmyra, Va. G d Scottsville, (Powhatlan Co.) Va. H d Henderson, N. C. G e Maiden Spring, Va. D e Palona, S. C. C g Scottsville, Va. H d Hendersonville, N. C. C f Manassas Station, Va. H c Parisburg, 7a. E d ScutHetown, S. C. C a Hertford, N. C. I e Manatee, Fla. K 0 Parkersburg, W. Va. D b Scuffle Town, Va. I d H icksford. Va. H e M anchester, N. C. G f Patersons Store, N. C. F f Scuppernong, N. C. I f High Point, N. C. F f Manchester, Va. H d Paw Paw, W. Va. E b Secessionville, S. C. F i Hillsboro, N. C. F e Manning, S. C. E h Peerysville, W. Va. D d Sewell, W. Va. E d Hillsboro, W. Va. E c Mannington, W. Va. E b Pekin, N. C. F f Shady Grove, S. C. D g Hillsville, Va. E e Margarettsville, N. C. H e Pendleton, S. C. C g Shady Grove, Va. F e Hinton, W. Va. E d Maringsville, N. C. G f- Pennsboro, W. Va. E b Shallotte, N. C. G h Hintonsville, N. C. I e Marion, N. C. C f Penny Hill, N. C. H f Shanghai, W. Va. G b Holidays, W. Va. E a Marion, S. C. F g Pentland, N. C. C f Shannon Hill, Va. G d Holly Hill, S. C. E h Marion, Va. D e Petersburg, Va. H d Shattersburg, Va. G d Holly Springs, N. C. G f Marks Creek, N. C. F g Peytonsburg, Va. F e Shelby, N. C. D f Homosassa, Fla. K n Marsailles, Va. F e Philippi, W. Va. F b Shell Landing, N. C. H e Hookerton, N. C. H f Marshall, N. C. C f Phoenix, Piedmont, S. C. C g Shepherdstown, W. Va. H b Horuboro, S. C. E g Marshall, W. Va. D c W. Va. G b Shirley, Va. H d Horse Creek, S. C. D h Marthas Vineyard, N. C. G f Pickensville, S. C. C g Shulls, N. C. D e Horse Shoe, s. c. B g Martindale, N. C. E f Pikesville, N. C. Id f Silk Hope, N. C. F f Huntersville, W. Va. E c Martinsburg, W. Va. H b Pinckneyville, S. C. D g Silver Glade, S. C. C g Huntsville, N. C. E e Martinsville, Va. F e Pineville, S. C. E h Silver Street, S. C. D g Huntsville, s. c. D g Marysville, Va. F d Piuey Green, N. C. H g Silverton, 3. C. D h Huntington, W. Va. C c Marysville, Va. G ft Pink Hill, N. C. Id f Sisterville, W. Va. E b Independence, Va. D e Mason, W. Va. D c Pittsboro, N. C. F f Sladesville, N. C. I f Indian town, s. c. F h Masonboro, N. C. H g Plantersville, S. C. F h Smithiield, N. C. G f Isle of Wight Court House. Va. I e Matthews Court House, Va. I d Pleasant Grove, N. C. F e Smithiield, Va. I e Ivor, Va. I e Maysville, N. C. H f Pleasant Grove, S. C. C g Smithville, N. C. G h Ivy Island, s. c. D h Maysville, Va. G d Plunkett, S. C. D h Smithviile, S. C. C g Jackson, N. C. H e Meadsville, Va. F e Plymouth, N. C. I f Sneeds boro. N. C. F g Jacksonboro, S. C. E i Mechanicburg, Va. E d Pocahontas, Va. H d Sneeds Ferry, N. C. H g Jacksonville, Va. E e Meherrin, Va. G d Pocataligo, W. Va. D c Snow Hill, N. C. II 1 Jamison, S. C. E h Mellonville, Fla. L n Pocket, N. C. F f Society Hill, S. C. F g Jamestown, N. C F f Merrittsville, S. C. C f Pocotaligo, S. C. E i Solemn Grove, N. C. F f Jamesville, N. C. I f Miami, Fla. M q Point Pleasant, W. Va. C c Sommerton, Va. I e Jarrotts, Va. H e Middlebourne, W. Va. E b Pongoteague, Va. K d South Boston, Va. G e J efferson, N. C. D e Middle Brook, Va. F c Poplar Grove, N. C. D f South Creek, N. C. I f Jefferson, Va. H d Milbury, S. C. C f Port Republic, Va. G c South Lowell, N. C. G e Jeffersonton, Va. H c Millboro, Va. F d Port Royal, S. C. E i South Washington N. C. H g Jeffersonville, Va. D e Milton, N. C. F e Port Royal, Va. H c South West, N. C. H f Jericho, . C. H f Millwood, Va. H b Portsmouth, N. C. I g South Wheeling, W. Va. E a Jerusalem, Va. H e Millville, S. C. C g Portsmouth, Va. I e Spartanburg, S. C. D g Johnsons, S. C. D h M ocks ville. N. C. E f Powell’s Fort, Va. G c Spencer, W. Va. D c Johnsonville, S. C. F h Monk Corner, S. C. E h Powhatan, Va. H d Spottsylvania Court House, Va. H c Joiners Depot, N. C. H f Monroe, N. C. E g Prince Edward Court House, Va. G d Springfield Va. F d Jones, N. C. G f Monroe, Va. F e Prince George Court House, Va. H d Springfield, W. Va. G b J onesboro. N. C. F f Monterey, Va. F c Princess Anne, Va. I e Springfield Coal Pits, Va. H d J onesboro, Va. H e Montgomery, S. C. F h Princeton, W. Va. D d Spring Gaiden, N. C. H g Jones Springs, N. C. G e Montgomery, Va. E d Prosperity, S. C. D g Spring Garden, Va. F e Jonesviile, Va. B e Montpelier, N. C. F g Prunty Town, W. Va. E b Springhill, Fla. K n J unction, Va. F d Montrose, N. C. F f Pughtown, Va. G b Springville. S. C. F g J unction, Va. H e Moorefield, W. Va. G b Punta Bassa, Fla. K P Stacy ville. N. C. F e Jupiter, Fla. M P Morehead, N. C. F e Putnam Court House, W. Va. D c Stafford Court House, Va. H c Keezelton, Va. G c Morehead City, N. C. I g Quallatown, N. C. B f Stannardsville, Va. G c Kempsville, Va. I e Morganton, N. C. D f Quarantine Fort, N. C. H h Stautonsburg, N. C. H f Kenans ville. N. C. H g Morgantown, W. Va. F b Queensdale. N. C. F g Statesville, N. C E t Kennekeet, N. C. K f Moultrieville, Env of Charleston C k Rallies, Va. G d Staunton, Va. F c Key West, Fla. L r Mounds ville, W. Va. E b Rakinsville, S. C. F g Steubenville, W. Va. E a Keysville, Va. G d Mount Airy, N. C. E e Raleigh, N. C. G f Stevensburg, Va. H c King and Queen Court House, Va. I d Mount Clio, S. C. E g Raleigh Court House, W. Va. D d Stewartstown, N. C. F g King George Court House, Va. H c Mount Crawford, Va. G c Randalsville, • N. 0. F g Stony Creek, Va. H e King William Court House, 7a. H d Mount Jackson, Va. G c Randolph, Env. of Richmond F 1 Strasburg, Va. G c Kingwood, W. Va. F b Mount Mourne, N. C. E f Ransoms Bridge, N. C. G e Stump Sound, N. C. H g Kingsbury, N. C. G f Mount Olive, N. C. G f Ravenswood, W. Va. D c Suffolk, Va. I e Kingsbury, s. c. E g Mount Pleasant Valley, N. C. E f Reams, Va. H d Sulphur Springs, N. C. C f Kingstree, S. c. F h Mount Tirzah, N. C. G e Red Bank, S. C. E h Summerfield, N. C. F e KingsVille, s. c. E h Mount Willing, S. C. D h Reddicksville, N. C. I e Summerville, S. C. E h Kinston, N. C. H f Mouth of Pond, W. Va. C d Red House, Va. G d Summerville W. Va. E c Kyles Landing, N. C. G f Mull Grove, N. C. D f Red Mount, N. C. G e Sumterville, Fla. K n Lake Landine, N. C. I f Mullins, S. C. F S Reedy Bridge N. C. F f Sumterville, S. C. E h Lancaster, S. C. E g Murfreesboro, N. C. H e Reeves, S. C. E h SuiTy Court House, Va. I d Lancaster, Va. I d Murphy, N. C. B f Register, N. C. G g Sussex Court House, Va. H • Lanesboro, N. C. E f Nahunta, N. C. H f Rices, Va. G d Suttonville, W. Va. E c Laurel Hill N. C. F g Newbern, Va. E d Richfork, N. C. E f Swan Quarter, N. C. I t Laurens ville, S. C. C g New Berne, N. C. H f Richmond, Va. H d Swansboro, N. C. H e Laurinburg, N. C. F g Newberry, S. C. D g Ridge, S. C. D h Swift Creek, Swift Island, N. C. H t Laurencetown Va. F d New Castle, Va. E d Ridgeway, N. C. G e N. C. E t Laurenceville, Va. H e New Gilead, N. C. F f Ridgeway, S. C. E g Syndorsville, Tabernacle, Va. F e Leachville, N. C. I f New Glasgow Va. F d Ridgeville, S. C. E h S. C. F g Leasburg, N. C. F e New Kent Court House, Va. I d Riketsville, N. C. G h Tampa, Tappahannock, Fla. K 0 Lebanon, Va. C e New London, Va. F d Ringwood, N. C. H e Va. I d Leedsville, W. Va. F c New Market, S. C. F h Ripley, W. Va. D c Tarboro, N. C. H t Leesburg, Va. H b New Market, S. C. E g Robert ville. S. C. D i Taylorsville, Taylorsville, N. C. D ( Leesville, N. C. F g New Market, (Shenandoah Co.) V a. G c Rockcastle, Va. E e Va. E e Lees ville. S. C. D h New Market, Va. H d Rocketts, Env. of Richmond G 1 Teacheys, N. 0. H g Leeare, Env. of Charleston B 1 Newmarket, Va. H c Rockford, N. C. E e Teazes Valley, W. Va. D c Leg are villa. S. C. E i New Martinsville, W. Va. E b Rockingham, N. C. F f Terebinthe, N. C. 0 H 4 MAP OF VIRGINIA, W. VIRGINIA, N. AND S. CAROLINA, WITH PART OF FLORIDA. Thomasville, N. C. E f Wakefield ( Wake Co.) N. C. G f Webster, N. C. B f Wilmington, Thompsonville, N. C. F e Wakefield ( Johnson Co.) N. C. G f Weldon, N. C. H e Wilson, Threadaway, S. C. D h Wakefield, Va. I e Wellsburg, W. Va. E a Winchester, Timberville, Va. G c Walkersville, N. C. E g Wentworth, N. C. F e Windsor, Timmonsville, S. C. F g Wallhalla, S. C. B g i West Columbia, W. Va. C e Windsor, Toomer, N. C. G f Walterboro, s. c. E Westfield, W. Va. E b Windsor, Townsville, N. C. G e Wardcnsville, W. Va. G b West Liberty, W. Va. E a Winfield, Townsville, S. C. C g Wardsville, N. C. G g Westmoreland Court House, Va. I c Winnsborough, Travellers Rest, S. C. E g Warminster, Va. G d Weston, W. Va. E c Winston, Trent, N. C. K f Warm Springs, N. C. C f West Point, Va. I d Winton, Trenton, N. U. H f Warm Springs, Va. F c West Union, W. Va. E b Wolfs ville. Trout Hill, W. Va. C c Warrenton, N. C. G e Weylersburg, Va. G e Woodland, Troy, N. C. F f Warren ton, Va. H c Wheeling, W. Va. E a Woodstock, Tuckahoe, N. C. H g Warsaw, Va. I d White Oak, S. C. D a Woodville, Tysons Mills, N. C. F f Warwick Court House, Va. I d White Oak, Va. D d Woods worth, Union, Va. G d Washington, the Federal Capital, White Plains, Va. H c Wytherville, Union, W. Va. E d D. C. I c White Post, Va. G b Yadkinville, Union villo, S. C. D g Washington, N. C. II g White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. E d Yanceyville, Urbana, Va. I d Washington, N. C. I f White ville, N. C. G g Yonguesville, Vienna, S. C. C li Washington, Va. G c Wilkesboro, N. C. D e York, Valle Crucis, N. C, D e Wateree Junction, S. C. E h Williamsburg, Va. I d Yorktown, Valley Junction, N. C. G e Waterloo, S. C. C g Williamson, S. C. D h Yorkville, Valleytown, N. C. B f Waterford, Va. H b Williamston, N. C. H f Youngs, Vances Ferry, S. C. E b Waverly, Va. H d Williamsville, N. C. F e Zion, Volusia, Fla. L m Waynesboro, Va. G c Williamsville, Va. F c Wadesboro, N. C. E f Waynesville, N. C. C f Williston, S. C. D h N. C. fl a N. C. II { Va. G b N. C. I f S. C. D h Va. I e W. Va. D c S. C. D N. C. E N. C. I N. C. E N. C. D Va. G Va. G c N. C. G e Va. D e N. C. E a N. C. E e S. C. D g Va. G e Va. I d 8. C. D g N. C. H g N. C. E a Acqula Creek, Albemarle Sound, Alleghany Mts., Alligator Lake, Alligator R. Alligator Swamp, Anclote Keys, Angola Bay (Swamp) Anna Maria Key, Appomattox R. Ashepoo R. Ashley R. Assateague I. Back Bay, Back R. Bahia Honda, Bahia Ponce de Leon, Bald Mts., 5,550 ft. Bald Spot, Mt., 5,550 ft. Balsam Mts., Barnes Sound, Bay Point, Beaufort Harbor, Beaverdam Creek, Belle I. Env. Big Ae Mt. Big Falls, Big Laurel Creek, Big Prairie, Big Salkehatchie R. Big Swamp R. Birch R. Bird Key, Env. Biscayne Bay, Black Creek, Black Mts., 6,707 Black R. Black R. Black Water R. Blnckwater R. Bloomery Gap, Blue Ridge, N. C, Blue Stone R. Bogue Bank, Bogue Inlet, Bogue Sound, Braddocks Point, Branch Mt. Brant I. Broad R. Broad It. Broad Water, Brooks Gap, Brushy Mt. Buckleys Peak, 6,660 ft. Bufords Gap, Buffalo Creek, Bull Bay, Bull Run R. Bulls Bay, Bulls I. Butt Mt. Butterwood Creek, Cabin Creek, Cacapon R. Caesars Head Mt. J Calibogue Sound, Caloosaliachee R. Camp Creek, Camp Mt. Cape Charle* Cape Canaveral, Cape Fear, Cape Fear R., 260 m. Cape Florida, Cape Hatteras, Cape Henry, Cape 1. Cape Lookout, Cape Malabar, Cape Roman, Capers 1. Caj c Sable, MOUNTAINS, R IVER3, ISLANDS, ETC. Va. H c Captiva I. Fla. K P Gauley Mt. W. Va. E c N. C. I f Cards Sound, Fla. M q Gauley R. W. Va. E c Va. E d Catawba R. N. C. & S. C. D f Gilberts Bar and St Lucie Inlet, Fla. M 0 N. C. I f Caximbas Bay, Fla. L q Goose Creek, Va. H b N. C. I f Cayo Largo, Florida Reefs M q Goose R. Va. F d N. C. I f Cay Romano, Fla. L q Goshen Swamp R. N. C. G f Fla. K n Cedar Creek, Va. G b Grandfather Mt., 5,897 ft. N. C. D e N. C. H g Cedar I. N. C. I g Great C'ohera R. N. C. G f Fla. K 0 Cedar I. S. C. F h Great Kanawha R. (with New R., Va. H d Cedar I. Va. K d 360 m.) W. Va. D c S. C. E i Chaises Key, Fla. K 0 Great Machipongo Inlet, Va. K d S. C. E i Charleston Harbor, S. C. F i Great Noith Mt. Va. G c Va. K d Charlotte Harbor, Fla. K P Great North Shenandoah Mts. Va. F c Va. K e Chatuga R. S. C. B g Great Peedee R. (with Yadkin R., Va. I d Cheat R. W. Va. F b 415 m.) S. C. F g Florida Reefs L r Cherry Pond Mt. W. Va. D d Great Smoky Mts. N. C. B 1 Fla. L q Cherrystone Inlet, Va. I d Great Wicamico Bay, Va. I d N. C. C f Chesapeake Bay, Va. I d Greenbrier Mts. W. Va. E c N. C. C f Chickahoming R. Va. H d Greenbrier R. W. Va. E d N. C. B f Chincoteague I. Va. K d Green Swamp, N. C. G g Fla. M q Chowan R., 35 m. (with Meherrin Griffin L. Fla. L n S. C. E i R., 155 ni.) N. C, T e Guests R. Va. C e N. C. I g Clearwater I. Fla. k n Gull I. N. C. K f N. C. G g Clinch Mountains, Va. c e Gulf of Mexico, Fla. K p of Richmond F k Clingmans Dome, N. C. c f Guyandotte R. W. Va. C c Va. C d Clouters Creek, Env. of Charleston B i Hardware R. Va. G d W. Va. E b Coal R. W. Va. D c Hatteras Inlet, N. C. IC f N. C. C f Cold Mt. N. C. B f Haw R. N. C. F f Fla. L p Coles I. Env. of Charleston B 1 Hawk’s Nest Mt., or Marshall’s S. C. D h Colly R. N. C. G o Pillar, 1,800 W. Va. D c N. C. G g Com bailee R. S. C. E i Hickory Mt N. C. I f W. Va. E c CongareeR.lwith Broad R.,190 m. )S. C. D h Hillsboro R. Fla. IC n of Charleston B 1 Contentnea Creek, N. C. H f Hilton Head I. S. C. E i Fla. M q Cooper R. S. C. F h Hobcaw Point, Env. of Charleston C k S. C. E g Coosawhatchie R. S. C. D i Hog I. Va. IC d N. C. C f Copper Ridge and Creek, Va. C e Holly Shelter Swamp, N. C. H g N. C. G g Core Sound, N. C. I g Hughes R. W. Va. D b S. C. F h Cowee Moundiins, N. C. B f Hutchison I. Fla. M 0 Va. F d Cow Pasture R. Va. F c Hyco-o-tee R. Va. G e Va. H d Craigs Creek, Va. E d Indian Kev, Florida Reefs M r Va. G b Cripple Creek, Va. D e Indian R. Fla. M n . & va. C f & G c Croatan Sound, N. C. K f Indian R. Inlet, Fla. M 0 W. Va. D d Cumberland Mts. Va. B e Iron Mts, N. C. C e N. C. I g Cummings Point, Env. of Charleston C k Iron Mts. Va. D e N. C. H g Currituck Sound, N. C. K e Jacksons R. Va. F c N. C. I g Cypress Lake, Fla. L n Janies I. (pop. 1,808) Env. of Charleston B k S. C. E i Cypress Swamp, Fla. M 0 James I. Creek, Env. of Charleston B k W. Va. G c Daniels I. Env. of Charleston C i James R., 400 m. Va. I d N. C. I f Dan R., 150 m. N. C. & Va. G e James River and Kanawha Canal, S. C. D g S. C. E i Va. K d Va. G c N. C. D f N. C. B f Va. F d N. C. D f N. C. I f Deep Gap, Deep R. Dismal Swamp, Dividing Range, Dragon R. Droop Mt. Drum I. Drummond Lake, Dry Fork, N. C. D N. C. F f Va. & N. C. I e Va. C d Va. I d W. Va. E c Env. of Charleston C k Va. I e W. Va. F b Env. of Richmond E k Johns I. (pop. 2,016) S. C. E i Juniper Bay, N. C. I f Jupiter Inlet. Kanawha, Great, R. (with New Fla. M p R., 360 m.) Keowee R., Key West, Kiawa I. W. Va. D c S. C. C g Florida Reefs L r S. C. E i Long I. Long Key, Long Key, Long Point Mt., 2,000 Long Ridge, Long Shoal R. Louisa Creek, S. C. F i Fla. K o Florida Reefs M r W. Va. D c N, C. B f N. C. K f Va. C d Loves Bridge Falls, Lumber R. N. C. F Lower Kanawha R. Lower Little R. Va. H c Dry Run Gap, Va. D e Kings Mt. S. C. D f North Fork (Holston R.), Va. C e S. C. F i East. R. W. Va. D d Kissimmee Lake, Fla. L 0 North Fork Mts. W Va. F e S. C. F i Edisto I. (pop. 2,762) S. C. E i Kissimmee R. Fla. L 0 North Fork (Shenandoah R.), Va. G C N. C. C f Edisto R., 160 m. S. C. E h Lake Apopka, Fla. L n North Fork of South Branch . Va. H d Egmont Key, Fla. K 0 Lake Phelps, N. C. I f (Potomac R.) W. Va. F e W. Va. D c Elk R. W. Va. D c Lake Swamp R. S. C. F g North Island, S. C. F b W. Va. G b Elk R. W. Va. E c Lake Tohopekaliga, Fla. L n North Key, Fla. K n c. & s. c. C f Elliotts Key, Fla. M q Lake Worth, Fla. M P North R. N. C. K e s. c. E i Ennore R. s. c. D g Laurel Fork, Va. D e North R. (into S. Fork Shenan- Fla. L p Everglades, The Fla. M p Lighthouse Inlet, Env. of Charleston C 1 doali R . ) Va. F e W. Va. D d False Cape, Va. R e Little Catawba R. N. C. D f North R. (into James JL) Va. F d Va. E e Federal Point, N. C. H h Little Coal R. W. Va. D c North Sau tee R. S. C. F h Va. K d First liioad It. N. C. D f Little Kanawha R. W. Va. D b Nottoway R., 120 m. Va. H e Fla. M n Fishing Creek, N. C. H e Little Lynches Creek, S. C. E g Occoquan R. Va. H c N. C. H h Fishing Creek, W. Va. E b Little Peedee R., 150 m. S. C. F g Ockawaha R. Fla. IC m N. C. G g Flat R. N. C. G e Little R. N. C. G f Ocracoke Inlet, N. C. K t Fla. M q Florida Bay, Fla. L r Little R. N. C. I e Ohio R. , 975 m. Vf. Va. C c N. C. K f Florida Reefs, Fla. L r Little R. S. C. C g Okeechobee L. Fla. M p Va. K e Folly I. S. C. F i Little R. Va. E a Onslow Bay, N. C. 11 g S. C. F h Follv R. Env. of Charleston B 1 Little R. Va. H d Oregon Inlet, N. C. IC f N. C. I g Four Hole Swamp, S. C. E li Little River Inlet, S. C. G h Ostego Bay, Fla. L p Fla. M 0 Fox Gap, Va. D e Little Salkehatchie R. S. C. E h Otter Peaks, 5,307 ft. Va. F d S. C. F h French Broad R. N. C. C f Little Saluda R. S. C. D g Otter R. Va. F d s. c. F i Fripps Inlet, S. C. E i Little Tennessee R. N. C. B f Pamlico R., 40 m. (with Tar It., Fla. L q Gasparilla Key, Fla. K P Long Bay, S. C. G b 195 in.) N. C. f Lumber R. Lynches Creek, Lynhaven Bay, Main Cheat R. Manassas Gap, Manatee R. Manteo I. Marques-as Keys, Matacumba Key, Matompkin Inlet, Mattamuskeet Lake, Mattapony R. Mayo it. Meadow R. Meherrin R. , 120 m. Merritts I. Middle Fork (Holston R,), Middle R. Mid Island Creek, Mill Mt. Mob Jack Bay, Mocassin Ridge, Mockhorn I. Morris I. Mosquito Inlet, Mosquito Lagoon, Mount Pleasant, Mowbray Gap, Mullet Key, Namoziue Creek, Nansemond R. Nantahela Mts. Nantahela R. Neuse R. , 215 m. Newfound Mts. New Inlet, New R. New R. New River Inlet, New River Inlet, Newtown Cut, North Anna R. North East Cape Fear R. North East Fork (Coal R.), North Edisto R. North Fork, North Fork, North Fork, Edisto R. f W. Va. E c N. C. F f N. C. F t S. C, E g Va. I it W. Va. F u Va. G c Fla. K o N. C. K f Florida Reefs K t Florida Reefs M r Va. K d N. C. I f Va. H i Va. E e W. Va. E r Va. G e Fla. M c Va. D e Va. F c W. Va. D b Va. F >1 Va. I d Va. C e Va. K d Env. of Charleston C k Fla. M n Fla. Mm Env. of Charleston 0 k Va. E e Fla. K o> Va. H d Va. 1 e N. C. B t V C. B f n. : g i & i g N. C. C f N. C. H h N. C. H g W. Va. E d Fla. M p N. C. H g Env. of Charleston B k Va. H c N. C. H g W. Va. D d S. C. E i N. C. D e Va. H c S. C. D h q a> cp cjq MAP OF VIRGINIA, W. VIRGINIA, N. AND S. CAROLINA WITH PART OF FLORIDA 6 Pamlico Sound, N. C. I f Reedy R. S. C. C g South Fork, Edith R. S. C. D h Upper Little R. N. C. F Palm Point, Fla. L q Rivanna R. Va. G d South Fork (Ilolston R.J , Va. D e Valley River Mountains, N. C. B f Paramores I. ■ Va. K i Roan Mt., 6,306 ft. N. C. C e South Fork (Shenandoah R.), Va. G c Virginia Key, Fla. M q Pamunkey R. (with York R. , Roanoke I. N. C. K f South R N. C. G g Waccamaw Lake, N. C. G g 130 m.) Ya. H d Roanoke R., 160 m. (with South R. Va. G c Waccamaw R. S. C. G s Pasquotank R N. C. I e Staunton, 390 m.) N. C. H e South Santee R S. C. F h Wadmalon I. (pop. 3,826), S. C. E i Passage Key, Fla. K 0 Rockfish R. Va. G d South Yadkin R. N. C. E f Walkers Creek, Va. E d Peaks of Otter Mts., 5,307 ft. Va. F d Rocky. R. N. C. E f Staunton R., 190 m. Va. G 0 Walkers Mts. Va. D e Pease Creek, Fla. L 0 Rowanty Creek, Va. H d Stevens Creek, S. C. C h Walnut Mts. N. C. C f Peedee R. (with Yadkin R., Saddle Bluff, Florida Reefs L r Stone Mt. Va. C e Wando R. S. C. F i 415 m.) S. C. F h St Helena I. S. C. E i Stone Mts. N. C. U e Wapoo Creek, Env. of Charleston B k Perquimans R. N. C. I e St Helena Sound, S. C. E i Stoney Gap, Va. C d Warrior Creek, W. Va. E b Piankatank Ik Va. I d St John’s R. Fla. L m Stono Inlet, S. C. E i Warrior Mt. N. C. D f Pig R. Va. F e St J oseph’s Bay, Fla. K n Stono R. Env. of Charleston B k Washington L. Fla. M D Pigeon Creek, W. Va. C d St Joseph’s Key Fla. K n Stony Creek, Va. II e Wateree R. S. C. E g Pilot Mt. (Randolph Co.), N. C. F f Saluda, S. C. D g Stump Inlet, N. C. H g West Fork (Coal R.), W. Va D d Pilot Mt. (Surry Co.). N. C. E e Saluda Gap, s. c. C f Stumpy Point Bay, N. C. K f. West Fork (Monongahela R.), W. Va. E b ?ine Islands. Florida Reefs Sampit Creek, s. c. F h Sullivans I. Env. of Charleston C k White Bluff C. Fla. L q Pine Key, Fla. K 0 Sand Key, Fla. IC 0 Swift Creek, N. C. H e White Oak Mt. Va. F e Piss ah Mt. . 5.757 ft. N. C. C f Sand Shoal Inlet, Va. K d Swift Run Gap, Va. G c White Oak R. N. C. H g Plantation Key, Florida Reefs M r Sandy R. W. Va. C c Table Mt., 4,000 ft N. C. C f White Side Mt. N. C. B t Pooomoke Sound, Va. K d Sanibel I. Fla. K P Tampa Bay, Fla. K 0 White Top Mt., 5,530 ft. Va. D e Pocotaligo R. S. C. E h Santee Canal, S. C. E h Tar R., 155 m. N. C. H f White Water Bay, Fla. M q Pocataligo R. W. Va. D c Santee R. (from source of Tennessee R. N. C. B f Windmill Point, Va. I i Port Royal Entrance, S. C. E i Catawba R. 350 m.) S. C. E h Thousand Islands, The. Fla. L q Winyah Bay, S. C. F b Portsmoutn Bank. N. C. I g Sarasota Bay, Fla. K 0 Tiger R. S. C. D g Witlilacoochee R. Fla. K □ Potomac R. , 500 m., Ya. & Md. II b & I c Savannah R., 450 m. 3. C. D i Tortugas Is. Florida Reefs K r Wolf Fork, Va. E d Potomac R.. North Branch of, W. Va. G b Shem Creek, Env. of Charleston C k Trent R. N. C. II f Wyakka R. Fla. K 0 Potomac R., South Branch of, W. Va. G b Shenandoah R., 200 m. Va. G b Tuckaseegee R. N. C. B f Yacas Keys, Florida Reefs M r Potts Creek, W. Va. E d Slate Gap, N. C. D e Tugaloo R. S. C. B g Yadkin R. N. C. E f Powells Mta. Va. B e Slate R. Va. G d Tug Fork (Sandy R. ). W. Va. C d Yellow Mts. N. C. I) e Prices I. S. C. F i Smiths I. N. C. H h Twelve Pole Creek, W. Va. C c Yesoching Bay, N. C. I f Pungo Lake, N. C. I f Smiths I. Va. K d Tye R, Va. G d Yew Mt. W. Va. E 0 Pnngo R. N. C. I f Smiths R. Va. E e Tygarts Valley, W. Va. E b York R. (with Pamunkey R., Raleigh Bay, N. C. I g Sonth Anna R. Va. H d Tyrells Mt. N. C. F f 130 m.) Va. 1 d Rapidan R. Va. H c South Edisto R. S. C. E 1 Uharie R. N. C. F f Rappahannock R. , 130 m. Va. I d South Fork (Tug Fork), W. Va. D d Uiwa8sa R. N. C. A f •vj'.lv Fc-k. N. C. F e South Fork (Potomac R), W Va. F c Unaka Mts N. C. A f ' s ' . ' . ■ Ji'< i . ■ :: < ' . . .• X t 9 ii i ’•» ... - • ■ ! ' ' . • - it-L. •- • '■ 1 ' i . '■ i • ‘ s . ■ ■ - /* \ ■ J t \ I 1 I 1 ItiWak Cl£nJur«J £> MAP OF TENNESSEE, GEORGIA, MISSISSIPPI, LOUISIANA, ALABAMA. ARKANSAS, AND NORTHERN PART OF FLORIDA. Scale 50 miles to vn inch. State op Tennessee. — Area, 45,600 square miles. Population (1880) 1,542,463, divided thus, White, 1,139,224, Colored, 402,991 ; Native, 1,525,881, Foreign, 16,582; Males, 769,374, Females, 773,089 ; increase since 1870, 92.56 per cent; (1870) 1,258,520, of whom 322,- 331 were colored; (1860) 1,109,801 ; (1850) 1,00)2,717 ; increase since 1860, 13.4 per cent. Capital, Nashville. It contains 95 Counties. Counties Pop. 1870. Pop, 1880. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Anderson, 8,704 10,820 L a Lake, 2,428 3,968 F a Bedford, 24,333 20,027 I b Lauderdale, 10,838 14,918 F b Bell, (a) Teun. F b Lawrence, 7,601 10,383 H b Benton, 8,234 9,780 G a Lewis, 1,986 2,181 H b Bledsoe, 4,870 5,618 K b Lincoln, 28,050 26.960 I b Blount, 14,237 15,985 M b Loudon, 9j48 L b Bradley, 11,652 12,124 L b Macon, 6,633 9,274 I a Cam pbell, 7,445 10,005 L a Madison, 23,480 30,874 G b Cannon. 10,502 11,859 I b Marion, 6,841 10,911 K b Carroll, 19,447 22,104 G b Marshall, 16,207 19,260 I b Carter, 7,909 10,019 N a Maury, 86,289 39,945 H b Cheatham, 6,678 7,955 H a McMinn, 13,969 15,064 L b Claiborne, 9,321 13,375 M a McNairy, 12,726 17,271 G b Clay, 6,987 K a Meigs, 4,511 7,117 L b Cocke, 12,458 14,808 M b Monroe, 12,589 14,283 L b Coffee, 10,237 12,894 I b Montgom 24,747 28,461 H a Crockett, 14,108 F b Moore, 6,233 I b Cumberland, 3,461 4,538 K b Morgan, 2.969 5,156 L a Davidson, 62,897 79,137 1 a Obion, 15,584 22.923 F a Decatur, 7,772 8,498 G b Overton, 11,297 12,153 K a De Kalb, 11,425 14,814 K b Perry, 6,925 7,174 II b Dickson, 9,340 12,460 H a Polk, 7,369 7,269 L b Dyer, 13,706 15,118 F a Putnam, 8,698 11,501 K a Fayette, 26,145 31,871 F b Rhea, 5,538 7,073 L b Fentress, 4,717 5,941 K a Roane, 15,622 15,237 L b Franklin, 14,970 17,178 I b Robertson, 16,166 18,862 I a Gibson, 25,666 32,685 F a Rutherford, 33,289 36,741 I b Giles, 32,413 36,016 H b Scott, 4,054 6,021 L a Grainger, 12,421 12,384 M a Sequatchie, 2,335 2,565 K b Greene, 21,668 24,004 N a Sevier, 11,023 15,541 M b Grundy, 3,250 4,592 K b Shelby, 76,378 78,433 F b Hamblen, 10,188 M a Smith, 16,994 17,799 I a Hamilton, 17,241 23,642 K b Stewart, 12,019 12,690 H a Hancock, 7,148 9,098 M a Sullivan, 13,136 18,321 N a Hardeman, 18,074 22,921 G b Sumner, 23,711 23,625 I a Hardin, 11,768 14,794 G b Tipton, 14,884 21,033 F b Hawkins, 15,837 20,610 N a Trousdale, 6,646 I a Haywood, 25,094 26,054 F b Unicoi, 3,645 N a Henderson, 14,217 17,429 G b Union, 7,605 10,261 M a Henry, ■20,380 22,141 G a Van Buren, 2,725 2,933 K b Hickman, 9,856 12,093 H b Warren, 12,714 14,079 K b Houston, (6) 4,295 H a Washington, 16,317 16,181 N a Humphreys, 9,326 11,379 H a Wayne, 10,209 11,301 H b Jackson, 12,683 12,008 K a Weakley, 20,755 24,538 G a James, (c) 5,187 K b White, 9,375 11,176 K b Jefferson, 19,476 15,846 M a Williamson, 25,328 28,313 1 .b Johnson, 5,852 7,766 O a Wilson, 25,881 28,748 I a Knox, 28,990 39,121 M a (a) Bell from Fayette, Hardeman and McNairn. (c) James from Hamilton. ( b ) Houston from Stewart. State of Georgia. — Area, 58,000 square miles. Population (1880) 1,539,048, divided thus, White, 814,251, Colored, 724,685; Native, 1,528,733, Foreign, 10,315; Males, 761,184, Females, 777,864; increase since 1870, 29.97 per cent. (1870) 1,184,109, of whom 545,142 were colored; (1860) 1,057,286 ; (1850), 906,185 ; increase, siuce 1860, 12.0 per cent. Capital, Atlanta. It contains 136 Counties. Appling, 5,086 5,275 N f Clinch, 3,945 4,138 N g Clark, 7,505 15,022 G e Panola, Baker, 6,843 7,305 L f Cobb, 13,814 20,748 L d Clay. 17,367 13,563 G d Perry, Baldwin, 10,618 4,973 12,998 M d Coffee, 3,192 5,070 N f Coahoma, 7,144 E c Pike, Banks, 7,337 M o Colquitt, 1,654 2,527 M f Copiah, 20.608 27,544 E f Pontotoc, Barton, 16,566 18,094 L o Columbia, 13,529 10,465 N d Covington, 4,753 5,993 F f Prentiss, Berrien, 4,518 6,619 27,146 M f Coweta, 15,875 21,109 L d De Soto, 32,021 22,924 F c Quitman. Bibb, 21,255 M 6 Crawford, 7,557 8,650 M e Franklin, 7,498 9.729 E f Rankin, Brooks, 8,342 11,727 Mg Dade, 3,033 4,703 K c Greene, 2 038 3.194 G f Scott, Bryan, 5.252 4.929 O f Dawson, 4,369 5,837 L c Grenada, 10,571 12,071 F d Sharkey Bullock, 5^10 8,053 O 6 Decatur, 15,183 19,071 L g Hancock, 4,239 6,460 F g Simpson, Burke, 17,679 27,127 0 d De Kalb, 10,014 14,497 L d Harrison, 5,795 7.895 F g Smith, Butts, 6,941 8,311 M d Dodge, (a) 5.858 M e Hinds, 30,488 19,370 43,959 E e Sumner, Calhoun, 5,503 7,024 L f Dooly, 9,790 12,413 M 6 Holmes, 27,152 E d Sunflower,’ Camden, 4,615 6,183 O f Dougherty, 11,517 12,622 L f Issaquena, 6,887 10,001 E e Tallahatchie, Campbell, 9,176 9,979 16,903 L d Douglas, (6) 6,934 L d Itawamba, 7,812 10,665 G c Tate, Carroll, 11,782 K d Early, 6,998 1,978 4,214 7,605 L f Jackson, 4,363 7,607 G g Tipv ah, Cass, name changed to Barton. Catoosa, 4,409 4.739 K c Echols, Effingham, 2,553 5,979 N g O e Jasper, Jefferson, 10,884 13,848 12,124 17,314 F D 0 f Tishomingo, Tunica, Charlton, 1,897 2,161 N g Elbert, 9,249 12,957 N c Jones, 3,313 3,828 F f Union, Chatham, 41,279 44,995 0 e Emanuel, 6,134 9,759 N e Kemper,' 12,920 15,719 G e Warren, Chattahoochee, 6,059 5.670 L e Fannin, 6,429 7,245 L c Lafayette, 18,802 21,671 F c Washington, Chattooga, 6,902 10,021 K c Fayette, 8,221 8,605 L d Lauderdale, 13,462 21,501 G e Wayne, Cherokee, 10,399 14.325 L c Floyd, 17,230 24,418 K c Lawrence, 6,720 9,422 13,147 E f Wilkinson, Clarke, 12,941 11.702 M d Forsyth, / 7,983 10,559 L c Leake, 8,496 F e Winston, Clay, 5,493 6,650 K f Franklin, 7,893 11,453 M c Lee, Leflore, 15,955 20,461 G c Yalabusha, Clayton, • 5,477 8,028 L d Fulton, 33,446 46,126 L d 10,246 E d Yazoo, Counties. Gilmer, Pop. 1870. 6,644 Pop. 1880. 8,386 L c Counties. Oglethorpe, Pop. 1870. 11,782 Pop. 1880. 15,400 M d Glascock, 2,736 3,577 N d Paulding, 7,639 10,887 L d Glynn, Gordon, 5,376 6,497 O f Pickens, 5,317 6,790 L c 9,268 11,170 L c Pierce, 2,778 4,538 N f Greene, Gwinnett, 12,454 17,547 M d Pike, 10,905 15,849 L d 12,431 19,531 M c Polk, 7,822 11,954 K d Habersham, 6,322 8,718 M c Pulaski, 11,940 14,058 M e Hall, 9,607 15,299 M c Putnam, 10,461 14,539 M d Hancock, 11,317 16,989 N d Quitman, 4,150 4.392 K f Haralson, 4,004 5,973 K d Rabun, 3,256 4,634 M c Harris, 13,284 15,764 L e Randolph, 10,561 13,341 L f Hart, 6,783 9,094 N c Richmond, 25,724 34.569 N d Heard, 7,866 8,769 K d Rockdale, (d) 6,838 M d Henry, 10 102 14,193 L d Schley, 5,129 5,302 L e Houston, 20,406 23,251 M e Scriven, 9,175 12,786 O e Irwin, 1,837 2,696 M f Spalding, 10,205 12,585 L d Jackson, 11,181 16,298 M c Stewart, 14,204 13,998 L e Jasper, 10,439 11,8-19 M d Sumter, 16,559 18,239 L e Jefferson, 12,190 15,669 N d Talbot, 11,913 14,115 L e Johnson, 2,964 4,800 N] e Taliaferro, 4,796 7,034 N d Jones, 9,436 11,613 M d Tatnall, 4,860 6,985 N e Laurens, 7,834 10,051 N e Taylor, 7,143 8.595 L e Lee, 9,567 10,577 L f Telfair, 3,245 4,828 M f Liberty, 7,688 10,564 0 f Terrell, 9,053 10,451 L f Lincoln, 6,413 6,412 N d Thomas, 14,523 20.698 L g Lowndes, 8,321 11,049 M g Towns, 2,780 3,261 M c Lumpkin, 5,161 6,519 11,675 M c Troup, 17,632 20,566 K e Macon, 11,458 L e Twiggs, 8,545 8.918 M e Madison, 5,227 7,978 M c Union, Upson, 5,267 6,431 M c Marion, 8,000 8,598 L e 9,430 12,400 L e McDuffie, (c) 9,448 N d Walker, 9,925 11,056 K c McIntosh, 4,491 6,241 O f Walton, 11,038 15,622 M d Meriwether, 13,756 17,661 L d Ware, 2,286 4,159 N f Miller, 3,091 3,720 L f Warren, 10,545 10,885 N d Milton, 4,284 6,261 L c Washington, 15,842 21,964 N e Mitchell, 6,633 9,392 L f Wayne, 2,177 5,980 O t Monroe, 17.213 18,808 M e Webster, 4,677 5,237 L e Montgomery, 3,586 5,381 N 0 White, 4,606 6,341 11,901 M c Morgan, 10,696 14,034 M d Whitfield, 10,117 L c Murray, 6,500 8,269 L c Wilcox, 2,439 3,109 M f Muscogee, 16,663 19,322 L e Wilkes, 11,796 15,985 N d Newton, 14,615 13,619 M d Wilkinson, 9,383 12,061 M e Oconee, 6,349 M d Worth, 3,778 5,892 M f (a) Dodge from Pulaski. (b) Douglas from Campbell, Clayton and Fayette. (c) McDuffie from Columbia. ( d ) Rockdale from Newton. State of Mississippi. — Area, 47,156 square miles. Population (1880) 1,131,592 divided thus, White, 479,371 Colored, 650,337 ; Native, 1,122,424, Foreign, 9,168; Males, 567,137, Females, 564,455 ; increase since 1870, 36.67 per cent. (1870) 827,922, of whom 444,- 201 were colored ; (1860) 791,305 ; (1850) 606,526 ; increase since 1860, 4.6 per cent. Capital, Jackson. It contains 74 Counties. Counties. Adams, Alcorn, Amite, Attala, Benton, Bolivar, Calhoun, Carroll, Chicasaw, Pop. 1870 19,084 10,431 10,973 14,776 9,732 10,561 21,047 19,899 16,988 Pop. 1880 22,649 14,272 14,004 19,988 11,023 18,652 13,492 17,800 17,904 9.036 Counties. Lincoln, Lowndes, Madison, Marion, Marshall, Monroe, Montgomery, Neshoba, Newton, Noxubee, Pop. 1870. 10,184 30,502 20,948 4.211 29,416 22,631 7,439 10,067 20,905 14,891 20,754 2,694 11,303 12,525 9,348 12.977 7,847 6,718 7,126 5.015 7,852 20.727 7,350 5,358 26.769 14,569 4,206 12.705 8.984 13,254 17,279 Pop. 1880. 13,547 28,243 25,860 6,901 29,333 28,553 13,348 8,741 13,436 29,874 15,977 28,353 3,427 16.688 13,858 12,158 1.407 10;752 10,845 6,306 8,005 8,084 9,535 4,661 10,926 18,721 12,866 8,774 8,461 13,030 31,242 25,365 8,741 17,815 10,087 15,653 33,840 E f Q d F e F f F c G d F d F e F e G d G d F o F f E f F c G c E c E e F c E o F t F o F d E d E d F c F c G c E c G o E a E d G f D f F d F o E a 2 MAP OF TENNESSEE. GEORGIA, MISSISSIPPI, LOUISIANA, ALABAMA, ARKANSAS, &c. State of Louisiana. — Area, 41,346 square miles. Population (1880) 940,103, divided thus, White, 455,007, Colored, 483,794; Native, 885,964, Foreign, 54,139 ; Males, 468,833, Females, 471,270 ; increase since 1870, 29.32 per cent. (1870) 726,915, of whom 364,210 were colored. (1860) 708,002; (1850) 517,762; increase since 1860, 2.6 per cent. Capital, New Orleans. It contains 59 Parishes. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Ascension, 11,577 16,896 E g Orleans, 191,418 216,140 F g Assumption, 13,231 17,010 D h Ouachita (Washita), 11,582 14,723 C e Avoyelles, 12,926 16,747 D f Plaquemines, Point Coupee, 10,552 11,575 F h Bienville, 10,636 10,442 B e 12,981 17,799 D g Bossier, 12,675 16,045 B 6 Rapides, 18,015 23,597 8,573 C f Caddo, 21,714 26,305 B o Red River, B e Calcasieu, 6,733 12,488 B g Richland, 5,110 8,440 D e Caldwell, 4,820 5,770 C e Sabine, 6.456 7,344 B f Cameron, 1,591 2,415 B h St. Bernard, 3,553 4,405 F h Carroll, 10,110 D e St. Charles, St. Helena, 4,807 7,161 E h Catahoula, 3,475 10,287 C f 5,423 7,504 E g Claiborne, 20,240 9,977 18,858 B o St. James, 10,152 14,714 E g Concordia, 14,914 D f St. John the Baptist, 6,762 9,686 E g Be Soto, 14,962 15,605 B o St. Landry, 25,553 40,002 C g East Baton Rouge, 17,816 19,986 D g St. Martin, 9,370 12,662 D g East Carroll, from Carroll. 12,147 D e St. Mary, 13,860 5,586 19,891 6,887 D h East Feliciana, 13,499 15,132 6,495 » g St. Tammany, F g Franklin, 5,078 D o Tangipahoa, 7,928 9,638 E g Grant, 4,517 6,185 C f Tensas, 12,419 17,824 D 0 Iberia, 9,042 16,686 D h Terrebonne, 12,451 17,956 E h Iberville, 12,347 17,600 D g Union, 11,685 13,526 C 0 Jackson, 7,646 5,328 C o Vermilion, 4,528 8,735 C h Jefferson, 17,767 12,166 13,226 E h Vernon, (a) 5,160 B g Lafayette, 10,388 C g Washington, 3,330 5,190 E g Lafourche, 14,719 19,113 E h Washita (Ouachita), 11,582 14,723 C e Lincoln, Livingston, *4,026 11.075 5,258 C e E g Webster, West Baton Rouge, 5,114 10,005 7,667 B D e g Madison, 8,600 9,387 13,908 D o West Carroll, from Carroll. 2,776 D e Morehouse, 14,206 D o West Feliciana, 10,499 12,809 D g Natchitoches, 18,265 19,722 B f Winn, 4,954 5,846 C f (a) Vernon from Rapides, Sabine and Natchitoches. State of Alabama. — Area, 50,722 square miles. Population (1880) 1,262,794, divided thus, White, 662,328, Colored, 600,249; Native, 1,253,121, Foreign, 9,673 ; Males, 622,890, Females, 639,904 ; increase since 1870, 26.66 percent. (1870) 996,992, of whom 475,510 were colored ; (1860) 964,201; (1850) 771,623; increase since 1860, 3.4 per cent. Capital, Montgomery. It contains 68 Counties. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Counties, Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Autaga, 11,623 13,113 I e Hancock, name changed to Winston. Baker, 6,194 1 e Henry, 14,191 18.760 K f Baldwin, 6,004 8,446 H g Jackson, 19,410 25,114 I c Barbour, 29,309 34,026 K f J efferson, 12,345 23,272 I cl Benton, name changed to Calhoun. Lamar, 12,142 G d Bibb, 7,469 9,487 H d Lauderdale, 15,091 21,035 H c Blount, 9,945 15,526 I c Lawrence, 16,658 21,391 H c Bullock, 24,474 29,079 K e Lee, 21,750 27,373 K 0 Butler, 14,984 19,GS5 1 f Limestone, 15,017 21,600 II c Calhoun, 13,980 19,591 K d Lowndes, 25,719 31,178 I e Cataco, name changed to Morgan. Macon, 17,727 17,373 K e Chambers, 17,562 23,440 K e Madison, 31,267 37,625 I c Cherokee, 11,132 19,109 K c Marengo, 26,151 30,889 H e Chilton. 10,806 I e Marion, 6,059 9,364 H c Choctaw, 12,676 15,731 G e Marshall, 9,871 14,585 1 c Clarke, 14,663 17,806 H f Mobile, 49,311 48,602 G g Clay, 9,560 12.938 K d Monroe, 14,214 17,091 H f Cleburne, 8,017 10,976 IC cl Montgomery, 43,704 52,392 I 0 Coffee, 6,171 8,861 I f Morgan, 12,187 16,428 I c Colbert, 12,537 16,154 II c Perry, 24,975 30,736 H e Conecuh, 9,574 12,606 H f Pickens, 17,690 21.479 G d Coosa, 11,945 15,132 I e Pike, 17,423 20,640 K f Covington, 4,868 5,650 I f Randolph, 12,006 16,575 K cl Crenshaw, 11,156 11,765 I f Russell, 21,636 24,840 K e Cullman, 6,355 I c Sanford, 8,893 G d Dale, 11,325 12,677 K f Shelby, 12,218 17,236 I d Dallas, 40,705 48,437 H e St. Clair, 9,360 14,463 I d De Kalb, 7,126 12,675 K c Sumter, 24,109 28,728 G e Elmore, 14,477 17,674 1 e Talladega, 18,064 23,360 I d Escambia, 4,041 5,719 H f Tallapoosa, 16,963 23,400 K e Etowah, 10,109 15,398 I c Tuscaloosa, 20,081 24,059 H d Fayette, 7,136 10,135 H d Walker, 6,543 9,323 H d Franklin, 8,006 9,155 H c Washington, 3,912 4.538 G f Geneva, 2,959 4,342 K f Wilcox, 28,377 31,832 H f Greene, 18,399 21,931 H e Winston, 4,165 4,253 H c Hale, 21,792 26,553 H e State of ApvKANsas. — Area, 52,198 square miles. Population 11880) 802,564, divided thus, White, 591,611, Colored, 210,622; Native, 792,269, Foreign, 10,295; Males, 416,383, Females, 386,181 ; increase since 1870, 65.65 per cent. (1870) 484,471, of whom 122,- 169 were colored; (1860) 435,450; (1850), 209,897 ; increase, since 1860, 11.2 per cent. Capital, Little Rock. It contains 77 Counties. Counties. Fop. 1870 Pop, 1880. Counties, Pop. 1870, Pop, 1880. Arkansas, 8,268 8,03S D c Lincoln, 9,255 D d Ashley, 8,042 10,156 D d Little River, 3,236 6,404 A d Baxter, 6,004 C a Logan, 14,885 B b Benton, 13,831 25,419 A a Lonoke, 12,147 D c Boone, 7,032 7,046 B a Madison, 8,231 11,455 B b Bradley, 8,640 6,285 C d Marion, 3,979 7,907 C a Calhoun, 3,853 5,671 C d Miller, 9.919 B d Carroll, 5,780 13,337 B a Mississippi, 3,633 7,332 E b Chicot, 7,214 10,117 D d Monroe, 8,336 9,570 D c Clarke, 11,953 15,771 B d Montgomery, 2,984 5,729 B c Clay, 7.213 E a Nevada, (a) 12,959 B d Columbia, 11,397 x 14,087 B d Newton, 4.374 6,127 B b Conway, 8,112 12,754 C b Ouachita or Washita, 12,975 11,757 C d Craighead, 4,577 7,037 E b Perry, 2,685 3,910 c b Crawford, 8,957 14,740 A b Phillips, 15,372 21,262 E c Crittenden, 3,831 9,415 E b Pike, 3,788 6,345 B 0 Cross, 3,915 5,051 E b Poinsett, 1,720 2,192 E b Dallas, 5,707 6,507 C d Polk, 3,376 5.857 A c Desha, 6,125 8,973 D d Pope, 8,386 14,325 B b Dorsey, 8,370 C d Prairie, 5,604 8,435 D c Drew, 9,960 12,231 D d Pulaski, 32,066 32,663 C c Faulkner, 12,785 C b Randolph, 7,466 11,724 E a Franklin, 9,627 14,951 1! b Saline, 3,911 8,953 C c Fulton, 4,843 6,720 c a Sarber, (6) B b Garland, 9,023 B c Scott, 7,483 9,174 B c Grant, 3,943 6,185 C c Searcy, 5.614 7,278 C b Greene, 7,573 7,481 E a Sebastian, 12.940 19,560 A c Hempstead, 13.768 19,015 B d Sevier, 4,492 6,192 A d Hot Springs, 5,877 7,775 C c Sharpe, 5.400 9,047 D a Howard, 9,917 B c St. Francis, 6,714 8,389 D b Independence, 14,566 18,086 D b Stone, 5,089 C b Izard, 6,806 10,856 C b Union, 10,571 13,417 c d Jackson, 7,268 10,877 D b Van Buren, 5,107 9,565 c b Jefferson, 15,733 22,386 C c Washington, 17.266 23,844 A b Johnson, 9,152 11,565 B b Wasbita or Ouachita, 12,975 11,757 C d Lafayette, 9.139 5,729 B d White, 10,347 17,794 D b Lawrence, 5,981 8,782 D a Woodruff, 6,891 8.646 D b Lee, 13,288 E c Yell, 8,048 13,852 B c (а) Nevada from Hempstead, Ouachita and Columbia. (б) Sarber from Franklin and Johnson. State of Florida. — Area, 59,268 square miles. Population (1880) 267,351, divided thus, White, 141,832, Colored, 125,464; Native, 257,631, Foreign, 9,720; Males, 135,393, Females, 131,958; increase since 1870, 42.19 per cent. (1870) 187,748, of whom 91,689 were colored ; (1860) 140,424 ; (1850) 87,445 ; increase since 1860, 33.7 per cent. Capital, Tallahasse. It contains 39 Counties. ( For continuation on Map, see No. 8. ) Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop . 1880. Alachua, 17,328 16,462 N h Levy, 2,018 5,767 N h Baker, Bradford, Brevard,* 1,325 2,303 N g Liberty, 1,050 1,362 L g 3,671 1,216 6,112 1,478 N g Madison, Manatee,* 11,121 1,931 14,798 3,655 M | Calhoun, 998 1,579 K g Marion, 10,804 13,046 N h Clay, 2,098 2,838 9,589 O g Monroe,* 5,657 10.S67 Columbia, 7,335 N g Mosquito, name changed to Orange. Dade,* 85 194 Nassau, 4,247 6,635 O g Duval, 11.921 17,344 O g Orange,* 2,195 6,618 O i Escambia, 7,817 1,256 12,157 H g Polk* 3,169 3,153 Franklin, 1,791 L b Putnam, 3,821 5,476 O h Gadsden, 9,802 12,169 L g Santa Rosa, 3,312 6,645 H g Hamilton, 5,749 6,790 M g St. Johns, 2,613 4,535 O h Hernando,* 2,938 4,248 N i Sumter,* 2,952 4,686 N i Hillsborough,* 3,216 5,814 Suwannee, 3,556 7,162 M g Holmes, 1,572 2,170 K g Taylor, 1,453 2,279 M g Jackson, 9,528 14,372 K g Volusia,* 1,723 3,294 O li Jefferson, 13,398 16,065 L g Wakulla, 2,506 2,723 4,201 L g La Fayette, 1,783 2,440 19,660 M h Walton, Washington, lap 8. 3,041 I g Leon, 15,236 L g * See 2,302 4,0S9 K g Abbreviation of Names of States. — Tenn., Tennosseer; Ga., Georgia; Miss., Mississippi ; La., Louisiana; Ala., Alabama; Ark., Arkansas; Fla., Florida. CITIES, TOWNS, ETC. Abbeville, Ala. K f Almaranta, Fla. I g Arraral, Ala. G f Atlanta, Cap. of Stato Ga. L d Abbeville, La. C li Alpharetta, Ga. L c Artesia, Miss. G d Atsena Otie, Fla. M h Abbeville, Ga. M f Alpine, Ark. B c Ashbury, Ala. G d Attalla, Ala. I c Abbeville, Miss. F c Altamont, Tenn. IC b Ashland, Ala. IC d Attapulgus, Ga. L g Aberdeen, Miss. G d Americos, Miss. G g Ashland, Tenn. H b Auburn, Ala. IC 0 Aberfoil, Ala. IC e Americas, Ga. L e Ashland, Tenn. H a Augusta, Ark. D b Abes Spring, Fla. IC g Amite City, La. E g Ashley, Ark. B a Augusta, Ga. O d Adairsville, Ga. L c Andalusia, Ala. I f Ashley’s Mills, Ga. N f Augusta, La. B e Adamsville, Tenn. G b Anderson, Ga. N e Ashport, Tenn. F b Augusta, Miss. F f Air Mount, Ala. II f Anderson, Tenn. IC b Ashton, Ark. D d Aurora, Ua. I c Alabama City, Ala. II g Antiocli, Tenn. I a Ashville, Ala. I d Austin, Miss. E c Alabama Port, A A. G g Antoine, Aric. B c Aspalaya, Fla. L g Autauga villa. Ala. I e Alagua, tlA. i g Appalachicola, Fla. L h Assumption, La. D h Bainbridge, Ga. L g Albany, Ga. L f Appling, Ga. N cl Athens, Ala. I c Baldwin, Fla. O g Alexandria, Ala. IC d Arcadia, La. C e Athens, Ark. C a Baldwin, Miss. G c Alexandria, La. C f Archer, Fla. N li Athens, Ga. M d Ballplay, Ala. IC c Alexandria, Tenn. I a Areola, Ala. H e Athens, La. B e Balls Gap, Tenn. M a Allens, La. B e Arkadelphia, Ark. B c Athens, Miss. G d Bankston, Miss. F d Allenton, Ala. H f Arkansas Post, Ark. D c Athens, Tenn. L b Bannerville, La. C e A Hi gator, La. D h Armenia, Ga. O e Atlanta, Ark. B d Barksdale, Miss. G 4 MAP OP TENNESSEE, GEORGIA, MISSISSIPPI, LOUISIANA ALABAMA ARKANSAS, &c. 3 Bamesville, Ca. L (1 Calhoun, Ala. I e Columbus, La. C e Ellijay, Ga. L c Barneys, Ark. E c Calhoun, Ark. B d Columbus. M iss. (i d Ellistown, Miss. G Bartorvillo, Miss. G c Calhoun, Ga. L c Columbus, Tenn. I, b Ellisville, Miss. F / Bartholomew, Ark. D d Calhoun, Tenn. L b Comerly, Miss. E f Elm Grove, Ark. E n Barton*, Ala. H c Callahan, Fla. 0 Commerce, Miss. E c Elon, Ark. D d Bastrop, La. D e Carnak, Ga. N il Concord, Ga. L f Elyton, Ala. 1 d Batesville, Ark. D b Camargo, Miss. G c Concordia, M iss. E c Emery, Miss. F d Baton Rouge, La. D g Cambridge, Ala. H e Conway, Aik. B d Emmit, Ga. M n Baton Rouge, W. La. D o Camden, Ala. H f Conyers Ga. M d Enon, Miss. F f Batsons, Tenn. H a Camden, Ark. C d Conyersville, Tenn. G a Enterprise, Fla. 0 i Bayou Chicot, La. C Cb Camden, Tenn. G a Cookville, Tenn. K a Enterpiise, Miss. G e Bayou Chitto, Miss. E f Camilla, Ga. L f Cool Springs, Ga. M e Erie, Ala. 11 e Bayou Sara, La. D g Campbellsville, Tenn. H b Copeland, Ga. M f Erin, Tenn. H a BearfieMs, Ark. F b Canipbellton, Fla. K £ Copenhagen, La. G f Escatawpa, Ala. G f Beasleys, Fla. M g Campbellton, Ga. L d Corinth, Ga. L d Eufaula, Ala. K f Beauregard, Miss. E f Camp Spring, Ala. H c Corinth, Miss. G c Eunice, Ark. D d Beaver, Miss. F f Caney, Ark. B d Cotile, La. C f Eureka, Ala. K c Beckville, Miss. F d Canton, Ala. H e Cotton Hill, Ga. K f Eutaw, Ala. 11 e Beecli Bluff, Ark. C c Canton, Ark. D a Cottonville, Ala. I c Evening Shades, Ark. D a Beech Grove, Tenn. I b Canton, Ga. L c Courtland, Ala. H c Evansville, Ark. A b Beelersville, Fla. H g Canton, Miss. E e Cousliattee Chute, La. B e Evergreen, Ala. I f Belair, Ga. N d Careyville, Tenn. L a Cove, Ark. A c Fairbura, Ga. L d Belize, La. F h Carnesville, Ga. M c Covington, Ga. M d Fairfield, Ala. G d Bell Air, Fla. L g Carrollton, Ala. G d Covington, La. E g Fair Forest, Ark. D d Bellefoniaine, Miss. F d Carrollton, Ark. B a Covington, Tenn. F b Fair Play, Ark. C c Bellet'onte, Ala. K c Carrollton, Ga. K d Cowan, Tenn. K b Fair View, Ark. C d Belleview, La. B e Carrollton, La. E h Crawford, Ala. K e Falcon, Ark. B d Belleville, Ala. H f Carroilville, Tenn. H b Crawford ville. Ga. N d Farmers ville, La. C 0 Bells Lauding, Ala. H f Carrolton, Miss. F d Crockett’s Bluff, Ark. D c F ayette. Miss. D f Belmont, Tenn. F b Carters ville. Ga. L’ c Cross Keys, Ala. IC e Fayetteville, Ala. H d Bennett’s River, Ark. C a Carthage, Ala. FI e Crossville, Tenn. K b Fayetteville, Ala. I d Benton, Ala. I e Carthage, Miss. F e Crystal Springs, Miss. E f Fayetteville, Ark. A a Benton, Ark. C c Carthage, Tenn. K a Cumberland, Tenn. H a Fayetteville, Ga. L d Benton, Fla. N g Cass, Ark. B b Cummings, Ga. L c Fayetteville, Tenn. I b Benton, Tenn. L b Casseta, Ala. K e Cumming, Ga. N d Fernandina, Fla. 0 g Bentonville, Ark. A a Cassville, Ga. L c Curia, Ark. D b Feronia, Ga. N I Berlin, Ala. G e Cato, Miss. F e Cuskingville, Ga. 0 e Flat Shoals, Ga. L d Berlin, Tenn. I b Cave Spring, Tenn. H b Cusseta, Ga. L e Florence, Ala. H c Berrvville, Ark. B a Cayuga, Miss. E e Cuthbert, Ga. L f Florence, S. Ala. H c Berzelia, Ga. N d Cedar Creek, Ark. B c Dadeville, Ala. IC e Florida, Fla. H g Bethel, Ga. M f Cedartown, Ga. K c Dahlonega, Ga. M c Floyd, La. D e Bethel, Ga. 0 f Celina, Tenn. K a Daleville, Ala. K f Fordsville, Miss. F t Beulah, Miss. E d Center, Ala. K c Dallas, Ark. A c Forkland, Ala. H e Bexar, Ala. G c Centerville, Ala. FI e Dallas, Ga. L d Forksville, La. C e Big Cone, La. D g Centerville, Tenn. H b Dallas, Tenn. IC b Forrest, Miss. F e Big Shanty, Ga. L c Centre ville, Ark. B c Dalton, Ga. L c Forsyth, Ga. M d Biloxi, Miss. G g Centreville, Fla. L g Dandridge, Tenn. M a Foster, Ga. L d Black Fish, Ark. E b Centreville, Miss. E f Danielsville, Ga. M c Fort Adams, Miss. D f Blaclcshear,' Ga. N f Cerro Gordo, Fla. Iv g Danville, Ark. B b Fort Andrews, Fla. M g Blairs ville. Ga. M c Chalk Bluffs, Ark. E a Dardanelle, Ark. B b Fort Barker, Fla. M h Blakely, Ala. H g Champagnalle, Ark. C d Darien, Ga. 0 f Fort Barrington, Ga. 0 f Blakely, Ga. L f Chanahatchee, Ala. K e Darlington, Miss. F g Fort Clinch, Fla. N h Bloomfield, Ga. M f Charleston, Miss. E d Davisboro, Ga. N e Fort Crawford, Ala. H f Blooningdale, Ga. 0 e Charleston, Tenn. L b Dawson, Ga. L f Fort Donelson, Tenn. Id a Blounts Spring, Ala. I d Charlestown, Ark. A b Dawson, Ga. L f Fort Early, Ga. M f B 1 juntsville, Ala. I c Charlotte, Tenn. H a Dawsonville, Ga. L c Fort Fanning, Fla. N h Blomtsville, Tenn. N a Chattahoochee, Fla. L g Dayton, Ala. H e Fort Gadsden, Fla. L k Blue Springs, Ga. M d Chattanooga, Tenn. It b Deansboro, Ala. G e Fort Gaines, Ga. 1C f Bogue Chi to, La. D e Chcekville, Tenn. It b Dearbome, La. B g Fort Gates, Fla. 0 h Boiling Springs, Tenn. L a Cheneyville, La. C g Decatur, Ala. I c Fort Hampton, Ala. I c Bolivar, Miss. E d Cherry Ridge, La. C e Decatur, Ga. L d Fort Henry, Tenn. G a Bolivar, Tenn. G b Cherryville, Tenn. F b Decatur, Miss. F e Fort Izard, Fla. N i Bolton, Ga. L d Chestnut Creek, Ala. I e Decatur, Tenn. L b Fort Jackson, La. F h Bolton, Miss. E e Chestnut Grove, Tenn. H a Decaturville, Tenn. H b Fort M‘Rae, Fla. H g Bonner, La. C e Chickalah, Ark. B b Deeherd, Tenn. I b Fort Mins, Ala. 11 Bonnet Carr6, La. E g Chicot, Ark. D d Deer Creek, Miss. E d Fort Mitchell, Ala. K e Booneville, Ark. B b Chipola, Fla. It g Deerfield, La. D e Fort Moniac, Fla. N g Booneville, Miss. G c Chocoville, Ark. A b De Italb, Miss. G e Fort Montgomery, Ala. H f Boston, Ga. M g Chulahoma, Miss. F c Delta, Miss. E c Fort Morgan, Ala. H g Bostwick, Ga. N e Cliuueuuggee, Ala. K e Demopolis, Ala. H e Fort Oupre, La. F h Bowers ville, Ga. M c Chunky, Miss. G e Denmark, Tenn. G b Fort Pemberton, Miss. E d Boxville, Ga. N f Citronella, Ala. G f Dennis Mills, La. E g Fort Pickens, Fla. H g Boydsville, Tenn. G a Claiborne, Ala. FI f Des Arc, Ark. D b Fort Pike, La. F g Bradshaws, Tenn. I b Claiborne, Miss. F f De Soto, La. E e Fort Preston, Fla. L g Brandon, Miss. F e Claibornville, Miss. E e De Witt, Ark. D c Fort Pulaski, Ga. 0 f Brashear City, La. D h Clanton, Ala. I e Diana, Ala. I d Fort Pulaski, Ga. P e Bridgeport, Ala. IC c Clarendon, Ark. D c Dixburg, Ala. I e Fort St Phillip, Ala. H g Bridgeville, Ala. I f Clarkesville, Ga. M c Donaldsonville, La. E g Fort St Phillip, La. F h Bristol, Fla. L g Clarksville, Ala. H f Douglas, Ga. N f Fort Smith, Aik. A b Bionson, Fla. N h Clarksville, Ark. B b Douglasville, Ga. L d Fort Valley, Ga, M e Brookhaven, Miss. E f Clarksville, Tenn. H a Dover, Ark. B b Fort Wheeloclc, Fla. N h Brookline, La. C e Clay Landing, Fla. N h Dover, Tenn. H a Fountain Hill, Ark. D d Brooklyn, Ala. I f Claysville Ala. I c Drayton, Ga. M e Frances Ville, Ga. L e Brookville, Miss. G d Clayton, Ala. It f Dresden, Tenn. G a Frankfort, Ala. H c Brownsboro, Tenn. N a Clayton, Ga. M e Drivers Ferry, Ala. I d Franklin, Ala. 1C f Brownsville, Ark. D c Clifton, Ala. H e Dublin, Ala. H d Franklin, Ark. D a Brownsville, , Tenn. F b Clinton, Ala. H e Dublin, Ga. N e Franklin, Ga. K ri Bruensburg, Miss. D f Clinton, Ark. C b Duck Hill, Miss. F d Franklin, La. D h Brulee, La. C g Clinton, Ga. M e Dugdemona, La. C f Franklin, Tenn. 1 b Bruly Landing, La. D g Clinton, La. E g Duncanville, Ga. L g Frankliuton, La. E g Brunswick, Ga. 0 f Clinton, Miss. E e Dunlap, Tenn. 1C b Franksville, La. C e Buchanan, Ga. K d Clinton, Tenn. L a Durant, Miss. F d F reco, Ark. C d Bucksville, Ala. H d Cleveland, Ga. M e Durham, Fla. N g Frederica, Ga. 0 f Buena Vista, Ga. L e Cleveland, Tenn. L b Duyall’s Bluff, Ark. D c French Camp, Miss. F d Buffalo, Ark. C d Clover Bend, Ark. D b Dwight, Ark. B b Friars Point, Miss. E , Buffalo Springs, Ark. A a Cobbsville, Ark. B b Dyerslmrg, Tenn. F b Friendship. Ark. C i Buford, Ga. M c Cochran, Ga. M e Eagleville, Tenn. I b Fryers Pond, Ga. 0 d Burleson, Ala. G c Coffadelia, Miss. G e Eartmon, Ga. M e Fulton, Ark. B n Burnsville, Miss. G c Coffeeville, Ala. G I East Point, Ga. L d Fulton, Miss. G c Burnt Corn, Ala. H f Coffeeville, Miss. F d Eatonton, Ga. M d Gadsden, Ala. 1C c Burr’s Ferry, La. B f Colbert, Ala. It e Eden, Ga. 0 e Gages Point, Ark. D b curyton. Ala. G f Colfax, La. C f Eden, Ga. 0 f Gainesboro, Tenn. K a Butler, Ala. G e Oolliersville, Tenn. F b Ed onfield, Ga. M f Gaines Ferry, La. B t Butler, Ga. L e Collins, Fla. N h Edgefield Junction, Tenn. I a Gaines Landing, Ark. D d Butler King, Ga. N f Colquitt, Ga. N f Edwardsville, Ala. IC d Gainesville, Ala. G « Byhalia, Miss. F c Colquitt, Ga. L f Egypt; Ga. 0 e Gainesville, Ark. E a Byrain, Miss. E e Columbia, Ala. K f Elba, Ala. I f Gainesville, Ga. M 5 Caddo Creek, Ark. B c Columbia, Ark. D d Elberton, Ga. N c Gainesville, Fla. N a jCadron, Ark. C b Columbia, Miss. F f El Dorado, Ark. C d Gainesville Junction, Miss. G e Caliawba, Ala. 11 e Columbia, Tenn. H b Eldridge, Ala. H d Gallatin, Miss. E f Cainsviile, Tenn. I a Columbiana, Ala. I d Elizabeth, Ark. D b Gallatin, Tenn. I a Cairo, Ga. L g Columbus, Ark. B d Elizabethtown, Tenn. N a Garland, Ala. I f Caldwell, Ala. I d Columbus, Fla. M g Elkton, Tenn. I b Garlandsville, Miss. F e Oaldwelltown, Ark. 0 c Columbus, Ga. L e Ellaville, Ga. L e Garner, Miss. F tl 4 MAP OF TENNESSEE, GEORGIA, MISSISSIPPI, LOUISIANA, ALABAMA, ARKANSAS, &c. Gaston. Ala. G e Houma, La. E h Leesville, La. B f Micheaux, La. F g Gaylesville, Ala. K c Houston, Ala. H c Lehi, Ark. C c Mickosuhie, Fla. L g Geneva, Ala. K f Houston, Fla. N g Leighton, Ala. H c Middleburg, Fla. 0 g Geneva, Ga. L e Houston, Ga. K d Levere, Ga. N g Middleton, Ala. I 1 Georgetown, Ga. K f Houston, Miss. G d Levyville, Fla. N h Middleton, Ark. C b Georgetown, Tenn. L b Howard, Ga. L e Lewisburg, Ark. C b Middleton, Tenn. G b Georgiana, Ala. I f Howells, Miss. E e Lewisburg, Tenn. I b Midway, Ala. K e Germantown, Tenn. F b Huddleston, La. B f Lewisville, Ark. B d Milan, Tenn. G b Gholson, Miss. G e Humboldt, Tenn. G b Lewisville, Fla. 0 g Mill Creek, La. B f Gibson, Ga. N d Huntersville, Ark. C c Lexington, Ga. M d Milledge ville, Ga M d Gilliams, Tenn. I a Huntingdon, Tenn. G b Lexington, Miss. E d Milledgeville, Tenn. K a Gillis, Ga. N e Huntsville, Ala. I c Lexington, Tenn. G b Millen, Ga. 0 e Girard, Ala. K e Huntsville, Ark. B a Liberty, Ark. B o Millport, Ala. G d Gleason, Tenn. G a Huntsville, Tenn. L a Liberty, Miss. E f Millville, Ala. I f Glenalta, Ga. L e Hurricane, Miss. G e Liberty, Tenn. K a Millwood, Fla. K g Glenmore, Ga. N f Indigo Head, Ala. K f Lick Mount, Ark. C b Millwood, Ga. M e Goldville, Ala. K d Iola, Fla. K g Lima, La. F g Milton, Fla. H g Goodman, Miss. F e Irons Sulphur Springs, Ark. B c Lime Creek, Ala. K e Minden, La. B e Good Spring, Tenn. I a Irwin ton, Ga. M e Lincolnton, Ga. N d Minton, Ga. M f Goodwill, Ark. D c Irwinville, Ga. M f Linden, Ala. H e Mississippi City, Miss. F g Gordon, Ga. M e Isabella, Ga. M f Linden, Tenn. H b Mobile, Ala. G g Gorman’s Depot, Tenn. M b Jacinto, Miss. G c Little Prairie, La. D f Moline, Miss. G c Goshen, Ala. K d Jack Creek, Tenn. G b Little River, Fla. N g Molino, Fla. H g Goshen, Tenn. I b Jacksboro, Tenn. L a Little River, Tenn. M b Monroe, Ga. M d Gosport, Ala. H f Jackson, Ala. H f Little Rock, Cap. of State Ark. C c Monroe, La. C e Grand Cane, La. B f Jackson, Ark. D a Lisbon, Ga. N d Monroe, Miss. F f Grand Coteau, La. C g Jackson, Ga. M d Live Oak, Fla. M g Monroeville, Ala. H f Grand Ecore, La. B f Jackson, La. D g Livingston, Ala. G e Monterey, Alai I f Grand Gulf, . Miss. E e Jackson, Cap. of State Miss. E e Livingston, Tenn. K a Montevallo, Ala. I d Grand Junction, Tenn. F b Jackson, Tenn. G b Livonia, La. D g Montezuma, Tenn. G b Grand Lake, Ark. D d J acksonboro, Ga. 0 e Loachapoka, Ala. K e Montgomery, Cap. of State Ala. I e Grantville, Ga. L d Jacksonport, Ark. D b Lockhart, Miss. G e Montgomery, Miss. F d Greenesboro, Ga. M d J acksonville. Ala. K d Locust Bayou, Ark. C d Montgomery, Tenn. L a Green Grove, Ark. C b Jacksonville, Fla. 0 g Locust Shade, Tenn. K a Monticello, Ark. D d Greenhill, Ala. H c Jacksonville, Ga. N f Lodi, Ga. L d Monticello, Fla. M g Greenock, Ark. E b J amestown, Tenn. K a Log Town, La. C e Monticello, Ga. M d Greenport, Ala. I d J asper, Ala. H d Lombardy, Ga. N d Monticello, Miss. E f Greensboro, Ala. H e Jasper, Ark. B b Long Cane, Ga. K e Monticello, Tenn. K a Greensborough, Miss. F d Jasper, Fla. N g Long’s Bridge, Ga. N d Montvale Spring, Tenn. M b Greensburg, La. E g Jasper, Ga. L c Long Street, Ga. M e Mordisville, Ala. I d Greenville, Ala. I f Jasper, Tenn. K b Longville, Ark. E c Moores ville. Ala. I c Greenville, Ark. B c Jatt, La. C f Loohatan, Miss. G d Morgan, Ga. L f Greenville, Ga. L d Jaynes ville, Ala. K c Lorado, Ark. E b Morganton, Ga. L c Greenville, Miss. E d Jaynesville, Miss. F f Loudon, Tenn. L b Morning Sun, Tenn. F b Greenville, Tenn. N a Jefferson, Ala. H e Louisville, Ala. K f Morristown, Tenn. M a Greenwood, Ark. A b Jefferson, Ga. M c Louisville, Ga. N e Moro, Ark. C d Greenwood, Fla. K g J efferson, La. E h Louisville, Miss. F d Morton, Miss. F e Greenwood, La. B e Jefferson, La. B g Lower Peach Tree, Ala. H f Moscow, Ala. G d Greenwood, Miss. E d Jeffersonton, Ga. 0 g Lowryville, Tenn. G b Moscow, Tenn. F b Grenada, Miss. F d Jericho, Ala. H e Loy r ola, Ga. M f Moseley Hall, Fla. M g Gretna, La. E h Jessup, Ga. 0 f Lucksburg, Ark. A d Moulton, Ala. H c Griffins, Ga. L d Johnson, Ga. N e Luka, Miss. G c Moultrie, Ga. M f Grove Hill, Ala. H f Johnsons, Ark. C a Lumber City, Ga. N f Mount Alvis, Ala. I c Groverville Ga. M g Johnsons, Tenn. N a Lumpkin, Ga. L e Mount Elba, Ark. C d Guerrytown, Ala. K e Johnsonville, Tenn. H a Lynchburg, Tenn. I b Mount Ida, Ark. B c Gum town, Miss. G c Johnston, Ark. E b Lynn, Tenn. H b Mount Olive, Ark. C b Guntersville, Ala. I c Jonesboro, Ala. I d M'Bean, Ga. 0 d Mount Pinson, Ala. I d Halcyondale, Ga. 0 e Jonesboro, Ark. E b Macedonia, Tenn. G a Mount Pinson, Tenn. G b Hamburg, Ala. H e Jonesboro, Ga. L d McDonald, Ga. N f Mount Pleasant, Ala. H t Hamburg, Ark. D d Jonesborough, Tenn. N a M'Donough, Ga. L d Mount Pleasant, Ark. B a Hamburg, Ga. 0 d Judsonville, Miss. F c M'Intosh, Fla. N h Mount Pleasant, La. D e Hamburg, Tenn. G b Junction, Tenn. F b M'Kenzie, Tenn. G a Mount Pleasant, Tenn. H b Hamilton, Ga. L e Keche, La. B e M'Leansville, Tenn. K a Mount Vernon, Ala. G f Hamilton, Miss. G d Kenesaw, Ga. L d M'Minnville, Tenn. K b Mount Vernon, Ark. E b Hampton, Tenn. N a Kennedale, Ala. H d M'Nutt, Miss. E d Mount Vernon, Ga. N e Hampton, Ark. C d Kennerville, La. E h Macon, Ala. H e Mount Yonah, Ga. M c Handsboro, Miss. F g Kinderhook, Ark. C b Macon (Grove Hill), Ala. H f Mount Willing, Ala. I e Hanover, Ala. I d Kings Gap, Ga. L e Macon, Ga. M e Muldon, Miss. G d Harmony Grove, Ga. M c Kingsport, Tenn. N a Macon, Miss. G d Murfreesboro, Ark. B o Harpersville, Ala. I d Kingston, Ala. I e Madison, Ark. E b Murfreesboro, Tenn. I b Harrisburg, Ark. E b Kingston, Ga. L c Madison, Fla. M g Murphrees Valley, Ala. I e Harrison , Aia. H e Kingston, Tenn. L b Madison, Ga. M d Myatte, Ark. D a Harrison, Ark. C a Knox Hill, Fla. K g Madisonville, La. E g Myrick’s Ferry, La. B f Harrison, Tenn. K b Knoxville, Ga. M e Madisonville, Tenn. L b Nanafalid, Ala. H e Harrisonburg, La. D f Knoxville, Tenn. M b Magnolia, Ark. B d Napoleon, Ark. D d Hartford, Ga. M e Kosciusko, Miss. F d Magnolia, Fla. 0 h Narkeeta, Miss. G e Harts ville. Tenn. I a Lacey’s Springs, Ala. I c Magnolia, Ga. N g Nashville, Ga. M f Hartwell, Ga. N c La Fayette, Ala. K e Magnolia, Miss. E f Nashville, Cap. of State Tenn. I a Havana, Ala. H e Lafayette, Ga. K c Malcolm, Miss. E f Natchez, Miss. D f Hawkins Landing, Ark. D d La Fayette, La. E h Mallorysville, Ga. N d Natchitoches, La. B 1 Hawkinsville, Ga. M e Lafayette, Tenn. I a Manchac, La. E g Nathansville, Ala. H f Haynesville, Ala. I e Lafourche, La. D e Manchester, Ark. C c Natural Dam, Ark. A b Haynesville, Ga. M e Lafourche, La. E h Manchester, Tenn. I b .New Albany, Miss. F c Hazel Green, Ala. I c La Grange, Ala. H c Mandarin, Fla. 0 g New Albany, Miss. G c Hazlehurst, Miss. E f La Grange, Ga. K d Mandeville, La. F g Newbern, Ala. H e Helena, Ala. I d Lagrange, Tenn. F b Manny, La. B f Newburgh, Tenn. H b lelena Ark. E c Lake, Miss. F e Mansfield, La. B f New Carthage, La B e lenry, Ark. C c Lake Butler, Fla. N g Manvilla, Ala. G g New Castle, Terc. F b Hernando, Miss. F c Lake Charles Court Hoose, La. B g Maplesville, Ala. I e New Fosterville, Tenn. I b Hiawassee, Ga. M c Lake City, Fla. N g Marburville, La. E g New Gascony, Ark. D c Hickman’s Ferry, La. B g Lake Port, Ark. D d Marianna, Ark. E c New Hope, Ala. I c Hickory, Tenn. K b Lakeport, La. E g Marianna, Fla. K g New Iberia, La. D b Hickory Grove, Ala. I e Lake Providence, or Providence, La. D e Marietta, Ga. L d New Lexington, Ala. H d Hickory Hill, Fla. K g Lake Village, Ark. D d Marion, Ark. E b New London, Ala. H c Highland, Ala. I d Lamar, Ala. K d Marion, Ala. H e Newmansville, Fla. N h Hillabee, Ala. K d Lamar, Miss. F c Marion, Ga. M e New Market, Ala. I c Hillsboro, Ark. C d Lancaster, Tenn. K a Marion, La. B g New Market, Tenn. M a Hillsboro, Ga. M d Lanesport, Ark. A d Marion, La. C e Newnan, Ga. L d Hillsboro, Miss. F e Langsburg, Ga. 0 f Marion, Miss. G e New Orleans, Cap. of State La. E 1 Hineston, La. C f Langston, Ala. I c Marksville, La. D f Newport, Fla. 1 j Hinesville, Ga. 0 f Lanier, Ga. L e Marshall, Ark. C b Newport, Tenn. M b Hogans ville, Ga. L d Lannahassee, Ga. L e Marshallville, Ga. M e New Smyrna, Fla. P b Holmes Vailey, Fla. K g Larkinsville, Ala. I c Martin, Ala. H e Newton, Ala. K t Holmesville, Ga. N f Laurens Hill, Ga. M e Maryville, Tenn. M b Newton, Ga. L f Holmesville, La. C g Lawrence, Miss. G d Masonville, Ala. H c Newton, Miss. F e Holmesville, Miss. E f Lawrenceburg, Tenn. H b Maumelle, Ark. C c Niccottoo, Ark. 1) a Holly Pt., Ark. D d Lawrenceville, Ark. D c Maynardville, Tenn. M a Normandy, Tenn. I b Holly Springs, Miss. F c Lawrenceville, Ga. M d Mecklenburg, Tenn. M b Norristown, Ark. B b Holyoke, Tenn. G a Lawton, Ga. N f Medon, Tenn. G b North Fork Liberty, Ark. 0 a Homer, Ga. M c Leaksville, Miss. G f Memphis, Tenn. F b Northport, Ala. H d Homer, La. B e Lebanon, Ala. K c Meridian, Miss. G e North River, Ala. H d Homerville, Ga. N f Lebanon, Ark. C b Meridianville, Ala. I c Noxapater, Miss. F e Horn Lake, Miss. F c Lebanon, Ga. L c Mermenteau, La. C g Oak Bluff, Ark. E a Hot Springs, Ark. B c Lebanon, Tenn. I a Micauopy, Flu. N b Oakfuskea, Ala K d 5 MAP OF TENNESSEE, GEOKGIA, MISSISSIPPI, LOUISIANA, ALABAMA, ARKANSAS, &c Oak Grove, Ala. K. c Preston, Ga. L Shannonville, Tenn. H b Travellers Rest, Ga. M e Oakland, Ark. D c Prestons, Tenn. L li Sheffield, Ala. H d Travis, Tenn. G a Oakland Grove, Ark. D t Princeton, Ark. C d Shelby, Tenn. F b Trenton, Ga. K c Obion, Tenn. F a Princeton, Miss. D c Shelby Springs, Ala. I d Trenton, La. C e Obiouville, Tenn. F a Proctorsville, La. F h Shelbyville, Tenn. I b Trenton, Miss. F o Ocala, Fla. N h Providence, or Lake Providence La. D e Shell Mound, Tenn. K b Trenton, Tenn. G b Ocean Spring, Miss. G g Pulaski, Tenn. H b Shell Point, Fla. L Trezevant, Tenn. G b Oceola, Ala. K c Purdy, Tenn. G b Sheridan, Ark. C c Triana, Ala. I c Ocldoochuee, Ga. L g Quay, La. C e Sherman, Ark. C d Trickion, Ga. K d Ocklockony, Ga. M f Quincy, Fla. L g Shieldsboro, Miss. F g Trion, Ala. 11 d Oconee, Ga. N e Quitman, Ark. C b Shiloh, Ala. H e Troupville, Ga. M g Oglethorpe, Ga. L e Quitman, Ga. M g Shiloh, Tenn. G b Troy, Ala. K 1 O’Hara, Ark. A c Quitman, Miss. G Shreveport, La. B e Troy, Tenn. F a Ohoopee Ga. N e Quito, Ark. A c Shubata, Miss. G f Trussville, Ala. I d Okalona, Miss. G d Raleigh, Miss. F e Shukulah, Miss. G e Tugaloo, Miss. E e Oleander, Ala. I Raleigh, Tenn. F b Smeedsville, Tenn. H a Tulip, Ark. C c Old River Landing, Ark. D d Raymond, Aik. B c Smithville, Ark. D a Tullahoma, Tenn. J b Old Town, . Ark. E c Raymond, Miss. E e Smithville, Ga. L f Tunica, Miss. E t Oldtown, Miss. G c Rayville, La. D e Smithville, Tenn. K b Tupelo, Miss. G c Old Washington, Ala. G f Randolph, Ala. H o Sneedsville, Tenn. M a Turnbull, Ala. H f Olive Grove, Ga. L g Randolph, Tenn. F b Social Circle, Ga. M d Tuscahoma, Ala. G e Olustee, Fla. N g Red Clay, Tenn. L b Socopatay, Ala. I d Tuscaloosa, Ala. H d Opelousas, La. C g Red Fork, Ark. D d Somerville, Ala. I c Tuseumbia, Ala. H c Ophelika, Ala. K e Redland, La. B e Somerville, Tenn. F b Tuskegee, Ala. K e Oregon, Ark. B c Red Mound, Tenn. G b Sopchoppy, Fla. L g Uchee Anna, Fla. I g Oregonia, Ala. H d Red River Landing, La. D g South Carroll, Tenn. G b Ultima Thule, Ark. A c Orel, Ga. M f Reform, Ala. G d South Florence, Ala. H c Union, Tenn. N a Osage Springs, Ark. A a Reform, Fla. L g Spai'ta, Ala. I f Union, Miss. F e Osceola, Ark. F b Reidsville, Ga. N e Sparta, Ga. N d Union City, Tenn. F a Osyka, Miss. E f Rievilee, Ark. B b Sparta, La. B e Union Church, Miss. E t Overton, La. B e Reynolds, Tenn. If b Spcirta, Miss. G d Union Pt., Ga. M d Oxford, Ga. M d Reynolds, Ga. L e Sparta, Tenn. K b Union Springs, Ala. K. e Oxford, Miss. F c Rheatown, Tenn. N a Spencer, Tenn. IC b Uniontown, Ala. H e Ozark, Ark. B b Riceville, Miss. F g Spikes Ferry, La. B g Upatoi, Ga. L • Pacific, Ark. E b Richland, Ark. D c Spring Bluff, Miss. E d Utica, Miss. E e Palatka or Pilatka, Fla. 0 h Richland, Tenn. I a Springdale, Miss. F c Valdosta, Ga. M g Pall Mall, Tenn. K a Richmond, La. D e Springfield, Ark. C b Van Buren, Ark. A b Palmetto, Ga. L d Richmond Factory, Ga. 0 d Springfield, Ga. 0 e Van Buren, Ga. K o Palmetto, Fla. N h Richwoods, Ark. C b Springfield, Tenn. I a Van Buren, Miss. G c Panola, Miss. F c Ricos Bluff, Fla. L g Springfield, La. E g Van Buren, Tenn. F b Panther, Ark. A c Rienzi, Miss. G c Spring Grove, Ga. L e Van Wert, Ga. K d Palestine La. E g Ripley, Miss. G c Spring Hill, Ala. 11 e Vaughan, Miss. E e Paraclifta, Ark. A cl Ripley, Tenn. F b Spring Hill, Ark. B d Vermillionville, La. D g Paris, Tenn. G a Roanoke, Ala. K d Spring Place, Ga. L c Vernal, Miss. G f Parks, Ark. B c Rob in a, Miss. F c Springville, Ala. I d Vernon, Ala. G d Pascagoula, Miss. G g Rock Creek, Ark. B b Stanton, Tenn. F b Vernon, Fla. K g Pascagoula, W. Miss. G g Rockdale, Ala. K d Starke, Fla. N h Vernon, La. C e Pass Christian, Miss. F g Rockford, Ala. 1 e Starkville, Ga. L f Vernon, Tenn. H b Paulding, Miss. F f Rock Island, Tenn. K b Starkville, Miss. G d Vicksburg, Miss. E e Pecan Grove, La. D e Rockport, Ark. C c Star Place, Miss. E c Victoria, Miss. E d Pelham, Ga. L f Rocky Comfort, Ark. A d Statenville, Ga. N g Vidalia, La. D f Pendams, Ga. 0 f Rodney, Miss. D f Statesborough, Ga. 0 e Vienna, Ga. M e Penficld, Ga. M d Rogers ville, Ala. H c • Statesville, Tenn. I a Village Springs, Ala. I d Pensacola, Fla. H g Rogersville, Tenn. M a Stells Mills, Ark. C b Villa Rica, Ga. L d Pensacola, Miss. F e Rome, Ark. C d Sterling, Ark. E c Volusia, Fla. 0 h Ferdido, A fa. H f Rome, Ga. K c Stevenson, Ala. IC c Wacahotee, Fla. N h Perry, Ga. M e Rome, Tenn. I a Stewardsborg, Tenn. I b Wacassa, Fla N h Perry’s Mills, Ga. N f Rose Creek, Tenn. G b Stockton, Ala. H g Walcott, Ark. E a Perryville, Ark. C c Rosedale, La. D g Stone Mountain, Ga. L d Waldo, Fla. N h Perryville, Tenn. H b Roslin, Tenn. H a Stouts, Ala. I d Waldron, Ark. A c Petersburg!!, Ga. N d Rough and Ready, Ark. E c Stover, Ark. C d Walnut Camp, Ark. E b Philadelphia, Miss. F e Rowesville, Tenn. I b Strawberry Plains, Tenn. M a Walnut Lake, Miss. E c Philadelphia, Tenn L b Ruckersville, Miss. G c Sucarnoochee, Miss. G e Walthours ville. Ga. 0 t Pickensville, Ala. G d Russellville, Ala. H c Suggsville, Ala. H f Waresboro, Ga. N f Picolata, Fla. 0 h Russelville, Ga. M e Sulphur Rock, Ark. D b Warren, Ark. C d Pigeon Hill Landing, Ark. C d Rutledge, Ala. I f Sulphur Spring, La. C f W arrenton. Ala. I c Pigoletts, La. F g Rutledge, Ga. M d Sulphur Springs, Tenn. L b Warrenton, Ga. N d Pikeville, Ala. H c Rutledge, Tenn. M a Summerville, Ga. K c Warrenton, Miss. E e Pikeville, Tenn. K b St. Andrews, Fla. K g Summit, Ala. G g Warrior, Ala. G f Pilatka, Fla. 0 h St Augustine, Fla. 0 h Sumter, Ga. L f Warrior, Ga. M e Pilot Hill, Ark. D a St Charles Court House, La. E h Sumterville, Ala. G e Warrior Stand, Ala. K e Pilotsville, La. F i St Francisville, La. D g Sunbury, Ga. 0 f Wartrace, Tenn. I b Pindeitown, Ga. M f St James, La. E g Surrencys, Ga. N f Washington, Ark. B d Pine Bluff, Ark. C c St Joseph, Fla. K h Suwanee, Fla. M g Washington, Ga. N d Pine Hill, La. C e St Joseph, La. D f Smvanee, Ga. L d Washington, La. C g Pine Log, Ga. L c St Mark’s, Fla. L g Swainsboro, Ga. N e Washington, Tenn. L b Pine Mountain, Ga. L e St Martinsville, La. D g Sylacauga, Ala. I d Washita City, La. C e Pine Prairie, La. C g Saint Mary, Fla. 0 g Sylvania, Ga. 0 e Waterford, Miss. F c Pinetucky, Ala. H e St Mary’s, ,Ga. 0 g Talbotton, Ga. L e Waterloo, Ala. G c Pineville, La. B e St Patrick, Ga. M f Talking Rock, Ga. L c Waterloo, La. D g Pine Woods, Ark. B d St Paul, Ark. B b Talladega, Ala. I d Watkinsville, Ark. B b Pintlala, Ala. I e St Peter, Ark. B b Tallahassee, Cap. of State Fla. L g Watkinsville, Ga. M d Pittsboro, Miss. F d St Stephens, Ala. G f Tallassee, Ala. IC e Wauhatchie, Tenn. K b Pittsburg, Ark. B b Salem, Ark. D a Tallioferro, Miss. F c Waverley, Tenn. H a Pittsburg Landing, Tenn. G b Saltilla, Ga. N f Tallula, Miss. E e Waxahaichee, Ala. I d Plantersville, Ala. I e Saltillo, Miss. G c Tamola, Miss. G e Waynesboro, Ga. 0 d Plaquemines, La. D g Sanderson, Fla. N g Tampico, Miss. G d Waynesboro, Miss. G f Pleasant Hill, Ala. I e Sanders ville, Ga. N e Taney, Ark. A b Waynesboro, Tenn. H b Pleasant Hill, Ark. A b Sandusky, Tenn. L a Tangipahoa, La. E g Waynesville, Ga. 0 f Pleasant Hill, La. B f Sandy Bridge, Tenn. G a Tarversville, Ga. M e Ways, Ga. 0 f Pleasant I., Ark. D b Sandy Hill, Tenn. G a Taylors, Ala. I d Wedowwee, Ala. IC d Pleasant Ridge, Ark. C c Sandy Ridge, Ala. I e Taylorsville, Tenn. 0 a Weewokaville, Ala. I d Pleasant View, Ark. E a Sardis, Ga. 0 e Tazewell Tenn. M a Wekiwa, Fla. N h Pleasantville, Tenn. H b Sardis, Miss. F c Tellico Plain, Tenn. L b Welaka, Fla. 0 h Pocahontas, Ark. D a Sarepta, Miss. F c Temperance, Ga. M f Wessen, Miss. E f Pocahontas, Tenn. G b Satartia, Miss. E e Tennille, Ga. N e West Baton Rouge, La. D g Poeston, Tenn. K b | Saulsbury, T$m. F b Terry, Miss. E e West Pascagoula, Miss. G g Point a la Hache, La. F h Savannah, Ga. 0 e Thibodeaux, La. E h West Point, Ga. K e Point Coupee, La. D g Savannah, Tenn. G b Thomaston, Ga. L e West Point, Miss. G d Polkville, Miss. E c Scales Station, Ala. K e Thomasville, Ga. L g Westville, Miss. F f Pollard, Ala. H f Scarboro, Ga. 0 e Thompson, Ga. N d Wetumpka, Ala. I e Ponchatoula, La. E g Scarborough, Tenn. L b Thompson, Tenn. I b Whibleyville, Tenn. K a Pontotoc, Miss. F c Scooba, Miss. G e Thorn Hill, Ala. LI c White Oak, Tenn. H a Porters, Ga. M c Scotia, Ark. B b Tibbee, Miss. G d White Plains, Ga. M d Porte~’s Ferry, Ga. K f Scotland, Ark. C d Tigerville, La. E h White Plains, Tenn. K a Poit Gibson. Miss. E f Scottsboro, Ala. I c Tigoi, Fla. 0 h Whitesburg, Ala. I c Port Hudson, La. D g Scottsville, Ala. H d Tiro, Miss. F c White Spring, Fla. N g Portland, Ala. H e Scriven, Ga. N f Tobaccoport, Tenn. H a Whiteville, Tenn. F b Poweltou, Ga. N d Searcy, Ark. D b Tocapola, Miss. F c Whittington, Ark. C c Prairie Bluff, Ala. H e Sebastopol, Ga. N e Toll Gate, Ala. H c Wilderness, Ala. G f . Prattsburg, Ga. L e Selma, Ala. H e Tomlinson ville, Ark. A b Wilkesburg, Miss. F f Prattville, Ala. I e Senatobia, Miss. F c Toro, La. B f; Willacoochee, Ga. M f Prentiss, Miss. D d Sevierville, Tenn. M L Tracy City, Tenn. K b ! Williams, Al*. H Preston. Ark. C c Sewanee Mines, Tenn. K b Trailers Hill, Ga. N g I Williamsburg^ Al*. H g ® a. o* o 6 MAP OF TENNESSEE, GEORGIA, MISSISSIPPI, LOUISIANA, ALABAMA, ARKANSAS, &c, Williamsburg, Willi am ston, Willis, Wilmington, Wilsonville, Wilton, Winchester Winchester, Wiulield, Miss. F f Winfreys, Ark. C C Woodville, Ala. K f York, Ala. G e Ala. K f Winona, Miss. F d Woodville, Miss. D f York, Ala. H d Ga. N f Winnsborough, La. D e Worth, Ark. C a York, Ga. L d Ark. C d Winston, Tenn. G a Wrightsboro, Ga. N d Yorkville. Tenn. F a Ala. I d Winters Gap, Tenn. L a Wrightsville, Ga. N e Youngs, Ala. H c Ark. B d W ittsburg, Ark. E b Wrightville, Tenn. L b Youugsville, Ala. K. e Miss. G f Wolf Creek, Tenn. N b Yankeetown Ga. N f Zobulon, Ga. L d Tenn. I b Woodbury, Tenn. I b Yazoo City, Miss. E e Zion Hill, Miss. E f La. C e Woodstock, Ga. N d Yellville, Ark. C a RIVERS, MOUNTAINS, ETC. Alabama R., 600 m. to Mobile City Ala. II f Allapaha R. Ga. M f Allcmands, Lac des. La. E b Alligator Creek, Ga. N e Alligator Harbor, Fla. L b Altamaha R., 500 m. Ga. N f Altamaha Sound, Ga. O f Amelia I. Fla. O g Amite R., 110 m. La. E g Appalachee B. Fla. L h Appalachee R. Ga. M d Appalachicola B. Fla. L h A ppalachicola R. Fla. L g Arbonne, Bayou d’, La. C e Arkansas R., 2,170 m. Ark. C c Arthur L. La. C g Atchafalaya B. La. D li Atchafalaya R. Auchee Hackee, or Little La. D g Ocmulgee, R. Ga. N e Aux Fer, Pt. La. D h Bald Mts. Tenn. N a Bald Spot Mt., 5,550 ft. Bald Mts. N b Barataria B. Bartholomew, Bayou or R., La. F h 150 m. Aa-k. and La. D .d Basset’s Creek, Ala. 11 f Battledore I. La. F h Bayou, R. Miss. E e Bay Ronde, La. F h Bays Mt. Tenn. M a Beaver Creek, Ala. G g Beaverdam Creek, Ga. O e Big Bear Creek, Ala. G c Big Black R. Ark. E a Big Black R. , 200 m. Miss. F cl Big Creek, Ark. D c Big Creek, La. D c Big Fork, Cumberland R. Tenn. L a Big Hatckie R., 125 m. Tenn. F b Big Lotts Creek, Ga. O e Big Mulberry Creek, Ala. I e Big Pigeon R. Tenn. M b Big Piney Creek, Ark. B b Big Potato Creek, Ga. L e Big Ridge, Tenn. M a Big Sandy Creek, Ala. H d Big Uchee Creek, Ala. K e Biloxi R. Miss. F g Bird I. La. F li Bistineau L. La. B e Black B. La. F h Black Creek, Miss. F f Blackemore Creek, Tenn. G a Black L. La. C f Black R. Ark. D b Black Warrior R., 175 m. Ala. H e Blackwater Creek, Ala. H c Black water R. Fla. I g Blind B. La F h Blue Ridge Mts. Ga. M c Bcdeau, Bayou, La. B e Bodeau L. La. B e Boeuf Bayou, 140 m. La. D e Bogue Chitto R. La. B g Bogue Chitto R. La. E g Bogue Homo Creek, Miss. G f Bolivar L. Miss. E d Bon Secours B. Ala. H g Borgne, L. La. F Boston Mts. Ark. A b Bouie Creek, Miss. F f Bradfords I. Fla. M h Breton I. La. F b Brier Creek, Ga. O e Broad R. Ga. N d Brushy Fork, Ouachita R. Ark. B c Buekatuna Creek, Miss. G f Buckley’s Peak, 6.660 ft. Tenn. M b Bucks Creek, Ga. L e Buffalo Fork, White R. Ark. C b BuS'alo R. Tenn. H b Bunches Bend, Mississippi R. La. D e Burnt Corn Creek, Ala. H f Cache R., 150 m. Ark. D b Cadda L. La. A e Caddo, Fourche, Washita R. A rk. B c Cadron Creek, N. Ark. C b Cahawba R., 130 m. Ala. H d Caillou B. La. E h Cailiou I. La. E k 'Taillou L. La. E h Calcasieu L. La. B h Calcasieu Pass, La. B b Calcasieu R., 150 m. La. C g Calcasieu R., Little, La. B g Camonada B. La. E b Banes. Bayou, La. C g Cannouchee R. Ga. O e Cassalot, R. Ark. A c Castor R. La, C e Catahoula Creek, Miss. F g Catahoula L. La. C f Cat T. La. F g Cedar Creek, Ala. H e Cedar Keys, Fla. M h Chaluga R. Ga. M c Chandeleur Is. La. G ll Chandeleur I., Middle, La. G h Chandeleur I., N. La. Gr g Chandeleur I., S. La. G h Chandeleur Sound, La. F g Charleys Canal, La. F b Chattahoochee Ridge Mts. Ga. M c Chattahoochee R. Ga. and Ala. K e Chattooga R. Ga. K c Chene, Bayou, La. E h Chestimacliee or Grand L. La. D h C'heval Pass, Mouth of Miss. R. F h Chickasawha R., 145 iu. Miss. G f Cbipola L. Fla. K g Cliipola R. Fla. K g Choctawhatchee B. Fla. I g Choctawhatchee R., 130 m. Ala. K f Chokohoeko Creek, Ala. K d Clear L. La. B e Clear Packets Creek, Tenn. L a Clever Creek, Tenn. G b Clinch Mts. Tenn. M a Clinch R. Tenn. L b Cold Water R. Miss. E c Conasauga R. Ga. L c Conecuh R., 120 m. Ala. I f Coosa R., 280 m. Ala. I e Coosawattee R. Ga. L c Cote Blanche B. La. D li Cowikea Creek, Ala. K e Crocodile, Bayou, La. C g Crooked Creek. Ark. C a Cross L. La. B e Cruez R Ark. D c Cumberland I. Ga. O g Cumberland Mts. Tenn. L a Cumberland Mts., Plateau of. Tenn. K b Cumberland R., 600 m. Tenn. I a Cumberland R., Big Fork of, Tenn. L a Cumberland Sound, Ga. O g Current R. Ark. E a Cypress B. Ark. D b Dauphine I. Ala. G g Darliga or Jatt L. La. C f Deadmans B. Fla. M h Deer Creek, Miss. E e Dernier I. La. E i Des Arcs, Bayou, Ark. D b Deview, Bayou, 100 m. Ark. D b Devils Elbow, Tenn. E b Dexters L. Fla. O b Dog I. Fla. L h Dog I. Miss. G g Dorcheat R. La. B e Duck R., 180 m. Tenn. H b Dugdeinona R. La. C e Dug Down Mt. Ga. K d Dunn’s L. Fla. O h East B. La. F i Fast Pass, Fla. L h Echaconnee Creek, Ga. M e Econfenee, R. Fla. M g Edwards Point, Fla. M b Elk Ridge, Tenn. I b Elk R., 100 m. Tenn. I b Eleven Point R. Ark. D a Escambia R. , 180 m. Fla. H g Escatawpa R. Miss. G g Esconfenee Creek. Fla. K g Etowah R. Ga. L c Fave, Fourche la, Washita R. Ark. C c Fenholloway R. Fla. M g Flat Creek, Ala. H f Flint Creek, Ala. I c Flint R., 270 m. Ga. L f Forked Deer Creek, Tenn. F b French Broad R. Tenn. N b Fresh Water B. La. C h Frog Mt. Tenn. L b George L. Fla. O b Grand Bayou, Let F i Grande I. La. F b Grande Pass, Ii9. E i Grand Gozier L La. F h Grand I. Miss. F g Garden I. Bay, La. F h Grand L., or Chestimachee, La. D h Great Olioopee, R. Ga. N e Great Smoky Mts. Tenn. M b Griffin L. Fla. O i Gulf of Mexico, H h Hatchee Creek, Ala. I e Hollingers Creek, Ala. H g Holmes Creek, Fla. K g Holston R., 190 m. Tenn. L b Homocliitto R. Miss. D f Horn I. Miss. G g Horn L. Tenn. E c Hudsons Font, Broad R. Ga. M c Hurricane Creek, Ga. N f Hurricane Inlet, Fla. K g Hurricane I. Fla. K g Ickawaynochaway Creek, Ga. L f Iron Mts. Tenn. N a Isle au Breton S. La. F h Jackson L. Fla. L g Janies I. Fla. L h Jatt or Darliga L. La. C f Jekyl I. Ga. O f Kings R. Ark. B a La Fourche, Bayou, La. E b Lamonee L. Fla. L g Lanaeoco, Bayou, La. B g Languille R. Ark. E b Larto L. La. D f Leaf R., 120 m. Miss. F f Lery L. La. F b Lick Creek, Term. N a Limestone Creek, Ala. H f Line Creek, Ga. L d Line L. Tenn. F a Little Bayou, La. E b Little Calcasieu R. La. B g Little Hurricane Creek, Ga. N f Little Lagoon, Ala. H g Little Missouri R. Ark. B d Little Ocmulgee, or Auchee Hachee, R. Ga. M e Little Red R. Ark. D b Little R. Ala. H f Little R Ala. K c Little R. Ark. A d Little R. Ark. E b Little R. Ga. M d Little R. Ga. M f Little R. • Ga. N d Little St Simon’s 1. Ga. O f Little Saltilla R. Ga. N f Little Suwanee R. Ga. N g Little Tallapoosa R. Ala. K d Locust Fork, Black Warrior R. Ala. H d Long Creek, Ga. N d Lookout, Mt. Fla. L h Lookout Mts. Ala. K c Loosahatchie R. Tenn. F b Loosapatilla Creek, Ala. H d Lost Creek, Ala. H d M ‘Lam ore’s Cove, Ga. K c Macon R. La. D e Macons I. La. G b Mangrove Is. La. F h Marsh I. La. D h Martin’s Creek, La. B h Matanzas Inlet, Fla. O h Maurepas L. La. E g Mechant L. La. E h Mermentou L. La. C h Mermentou R. La. C h Metoe, Bayou, Ark. D c Mexico, Gulf of, C h Mickosuhie L. Fla. M g Middle Fork, Blackemore Cr. Tenn. G a Mississippi R., separates Tennessee and Mississippi from Arkansas and Louisiana, and tiows through Louisiana into the Gulf of Mexico; 1,330 m. from junction with Missouri R., or 2,640 from source F b Mississippi Sound, Miss. G g Mobile B. • Ala. H Mobile Pt. Ala. H g Mobile R. Ala. G g Moro R. Ark. C a Mosquito Inlet, La. P h Mosquito Lagoon, Fla. O ll Mount Lookout. Fla. L h Mud L. La. B h Mulberry Creek, Ga. L e Mulberry Fork, Black Warrior R. Ala. II d Mulberry R. Ark. B b Murder Creek, Ala. H f Nassau R. Fla. O g Nassau Sound, Fla. O g New R. Fla. N h Nezpique, Bayou, La. C g Noleckucky R. Tenn. M a North East Pass. La. F h North Fork, Broad R. Ga. M c North Fork, Oconee R. Ga. M c North Fork White R. Ark. C a North R. Ala. H d Notteley R. Ga. L c Obeys R. Tenn. K a Obion R. Tenn. F a Oeilla R. Fla. M g Ockaloclcany R., 110 m. Fla. L g Ocmulgee R., 200 m. Ga. N f Ocoee R. Ga. and Teuu. L b Ocola L. Fla. K g Oconee R., 200 m. Ga. M a Ocopilco R. Ga. M f Octawaha R. Fla. O h Ogeechee R., 250 m. Ga. O a Okahay Creek, Miss. F f Okanoxubee R. Miss. G a Oka Tibbyliah R. Miss. G d Okee-fino-kee Swamp, Ga. N g Old R. La. C f Ooseanaula R. Ga. K c Orange Creek, Fla. O h Orange L. Fla. N h Osage Creek, Ark. B a Ossabaw I. Ga. O f Ossabaw Sound, Ga. P f Ouachita or Washita R., 400 m. Ark. C d Outi'e, Pass a 1’, Mouth of Miss. R. F b Owen Mt. Tenn. M b Owl Fork, Little Red R. Ark. C b Oyster B. La. F b Oyster, Bayou, La. D h Palmitto Creek, Ga. M 8 Palourde, L. La. D h Parrot Creek, Fla. K cr Pascagoula R., 55 m., or with Chickasawha, 200 m. Miss. G g Patsaliga R. Ala. I f Pea Ridge, Ark. A a Pea R. Ala. K f Pearl R. , 300 m. Miss, and La. F e Pearl R., W. La. F g Pecan L. La. C b Pecan Pt. Ark. E b Pendleton’s Creek, Ga. N e Pensacola B. Fla. H g Perdido B. Ala. H g Perdido Inlet, Ala. H g Perdido R. Ala. and Fla. H g Petit Bois 1. Ala. G g Pierre, Bayou, La. B • Pigeon Creek, Ala. I f Pintlala Creek, Ala. I e Plum Pt. Tenn. F b Pontchartrain, L. La. E g Powells R. Tenn. M a Providence L. La. D e Queue de Tortue, Bayou, La. C g Quitman L. La. E h Rabun Gap, Ga. M c Raccoon Point, La. E i Rapide, Bayou, La. G i Red foot R. Tenn. F a Red R. Miss. F g Red R. Ark. and La. C 1 Red R., Little, Ark. D b ’ Roan J\It., 6,306 ft. Tenn. N a Ronde Bay, La. F h Rouge, Bayou, La. D g Sabine L. La. B h Sabine Pass, La. B b Sabine R., 340 m. La. B g Sable I. La. F b Saline R., 160 m. Ark. C c Saline, Bayou, 150 m. La. C f St Andrew’s B. Fla. K ff St Andrew’s I. Fla. K h St Andrew’s Point, Fla. K h St Andrew’s Sound, Ga. O g St Andrew s Sound, Fla. K g St Catherine I. Ga. O f St Catherine’s Sound, Ga. O f St Francis L. Ark. E b St Francis R., 200 m. Ark. E a St George’s I. Fla. L h St George’s Sound, Fla. L b St John’s R., 250 m. Fla. O g St Joseph B. Fla. K k St Joseph Point, Fla. K h St Louis B. Miss F f St Mark’s R. Fla L g St Mary’s R. Fla. 0 g St Simon’s I. Ga. O 1 St Simon’s Sound, Ga. O 1 St Vincent I. Fla. K h St Vincent Sound, Fla. K b Saline Bayou, Ark. A a MAP OF TENNESSEE, GEORGIA, MISSISSIPPI, LOUISIANA, ALABAMA, ARKANSAS, &c. 7 iSaline Bayou, La. C e South-East Pass, mouth of Miss. R. La. F h Tallulah R. Ga. M c Warrior Creek, Ga. M f Saline Bayou, La. C f South Fork, Broad R. Ga. M c Tangipahoa R. La. E g Warsaw Is. Ga. P f Saline L. La. C f South Fork, Forked Deer Creek Tenn. F b Tasse L. La. D g Warsaw Sound, Ga. p f Saline II. Ark. C c South Pass, Mouth of Miss. R. F i Teche, Bayou, 110 m. La. D g Waslia L. La, E b Saltilla R., 150 m. Ga. N f South, R. Ga. L d Tennessee R., 1,100 m. Tenn. and Ala. H c Washita or Ouachita R., 400 m. Ark. C d San Bias C. Fla. K h South-West Pass, Mouth of Miss. R. F i Tensas R., 230 m. La. D f Watansaw Bayou, Ark, D Sand I. Ala. G g South-West Pass, La. C h Tensaw R. Ala. II g Weeks B. Ala. H g Santa Fe R. Fla. N h Spanish L. La. B f Terrapin I. Ala. G g Wemaco L. Fla. K h Santa Rosa Inlet, Fla. I g Spring Creek, Ga. L f Terrapin R. Tenn. H a West B. La. F h Santa Rosa I. Fla. I g Spring R. Ark. D a Terre Bonne B. La. E b West Fork, Calcasieu R. La. B g Santa Rosa Sound, Fla. I g Stanbury Mts. Ga. L c Timbalier B. La. E i West Pearl R. La. F g Sapelo I. Ga. 0 £ Steinhatchee, R. Fla. M h Tiinbalier I. La. E i West Turkey Creek, La. D e Sapelo Sound, Ga. 0 f Stone Mts. Tenn. O a Tippah Creek, Miss. F c White R., 370 m. Aik. D c Savannah R., 450 m. Ga. 0 e Stones, R. Tenn. I a Tombigby R., 450 m. Ala. G f Withlacoochee B. Fla. N h Schoona Creek, Miss. F d Strawberry Creek, Ark. D a Toms Creek, Ga. N g Withlacoochee R. Fla. N Seareys R. Fla. K h Strong R. Miss. F e Toreau R. La. B f Withloohoochee R. Fla, M g Sepulgah, R. Ala. I f Sueornoehes Creek, Ala. G e Towaliga R. Ga. M d Wolf R. Miss. F g Sequatchie R. Tenn. IC b Sugar Creek, Ark. A a Trout Creek, Fla. O g Yallabusha R. Miss. F d Seventeen Mile Crc«ls Ga. N f Sulphur Fork, Red R. Ark. A d Turkey Creek, (E & W.), La. D e Yallayabba Creek, Ala. K f Shellbank I. La. F g Sun Flower R., 125 m. Miss. E d Tybee I. Ga. P f Yatobutch Creek, Miss. F e Shell Point, Fla. L g Suwanee R., 200 m. Fla. N h Uleofauhaehee R. Ga. M d Yazoo Pass, Miss. E r* Ship I. Miss. G g Suwanooehoe Creek, Ga. N g Unaka Mts. Tenn. L b Yazoo R., 300 m. Miss. E e 6hoal R. Fla. I g Swan B. La. F h Upatoi Creek, Ga. L e Yellow Creek, Miss. G d Shoal R. Tenn. II b Talbot I. Fla. 0 g Vermilion B. La. D h Yellow R. Ala. I f Sipsey Creelr Ala. II c Talladega Creek, Ala. I d Vermilion R. La. C g Yellow R. Fla. I g Sipsie Creek Miss. G d Tallahalla Creek, Miss. F f Waeeasassa B. Fla. N h Yellow R. Ga. M d Sipsey R. Ala. G d Tallahatchee R. Miss. E d Wallace L. La. B e Yockanockany oroek, Miss. F d ■Slue, The, Ga. L f Tallapoosa R., 160 m. Ala. I e Wallens Ridge Mts. Tenn. K b Y'ockeney R. Miss. F « Sods L- La. B 0 Tallapoosa R., Little, Ga. and Ala. K d War Eagle R. Ark. B a Young Warrior Creek, Miss. F IMI tong. "Vfest ‘ Si Ay- w 1 TBmSSIK»« 01 ffl 4 ;5li wsmmMmjmmmk Mm&MMjm$ma -\ ^W MiTIfm r MIT OF ELdlL BY J. BARTHOLOMEW. , S tcbbute- 3£zZe s Z jp p 10 20 3,0 40 J|0 gO 70 :.C RaJlrocLds^ ype X (cab . © la 3 . ® ^ 54- rp«r5viZ7e\ 1 * v/" Tine a >*- A #•) |taL5 AfeSftP GiUisoii JS V* 1/ f 0 jf l cpin-a^' B "3 STybeci^ ^ fSTH liP i Abruxvcn 1ENRY , l O/.a °fl«o/C WOTL EEEE j T I /3£ewton YBridgfvUh, ' W lknodvin&o (ontfidro, | 71 E V A &^42tazn ah al ^0/1 I E=E ? o A- ^ 4 = A SC 5om^ U L.Ocold ^ Ifi\rriixtiir, u&iZcil^Xfy Jivrricanelr^i- Sopchoj C.San Bias I. .A FAYETT 111 if 6 > A 1 J/ /s' X (9 Cedar KeysirL B ^-\ L ^inrfi lf ( occaS tl5 T $7l 1 1 u 1 : 1 ! 1 1 n I ! I j l ' N^-1 1 11 1 llllUitjlin 1 1 1:1:1 Ihnnl 1 1 ilrni 4 44311 ISA aisiisliiii , PimaojaLplia. I S - ■ MAP OP TEXAS, NEW MEXICO, AND INDIAN Scale 70 miles to an inch. TERRITORY. State of Texas. — Area, 274,356 square miles. Population (1880) 1,592,574, divided thus, White, 1,197,499, Colored, 394,001; Native, 1,478,058, Foreign, 114,516; Males, 838,719, Females, 753,855; increase since 1870, 94.55 per cent. (1870) 818,579, of whom 253,475 were colored; (1860) 604,215; (1850) 212,592; increase since 1860, 35 jier ceDt. Capital, Austin. It contains 231 Counties. Counties. Pop, 1870. Pop. 1880. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Anderson, 9,229 17,395 I a Galveston, 15,290 24,1 26 I e Angelina, 3,985 5,240 i a Gillespie, 3,566 5,228 G d Aransas, 996 H e Goliad, 3,628 5,832 II e Archer,* 596 G c Gonzales, 8,951 14,840 II c Atascosa, 2,915 4,217 G e Grayson, 14,387 38,108 II c Austin, 15,087 14,429 H e Greer, (a) G b Bandera, 649 2,158 G e Gregg, 8,530 I c Bastrop, 12,290 17,215 II a Grimes, 13,218 18,606 I d Bay lor,* 715 G c Guadalupe, 7,282 12,202 II e Bee, 1,082 2,298 H e Hamilton, 733 6,365 11 d Bell, 9,771 20,520 H a Hardeman,* G b Bexar, 16,043 30,481 G e Hardin, 1,460 1,870 I d Bexar District or Harris, 17,375 27,985 I e Territory, 1,077 f a Harrison, 13,241 25,175 I c Blanco, 1,187 3,583 G a Haskell ,* G c Bosque, 4,981 11,217 h a Hays, 4,088 7,556 H d Bo wie, 4,684 10,965 I c Henderson, 6,780 9,734 I c Brazoria, 7,527 9,780 I e Hidalgo, 2,387 4.347 G f Brazos, 9,205 13.580 h a Hill, 7,453 16,559 H d Brown, 544 8,415 G a Hood, 2,585 6,127 II c Buchanan, name changed in Stephens. G c Hopkins, 12,651 15.461 I c Burleson, 8,072 9,242 h a 1 louston, 8,147 16,709 I d Burnet, 3,688 6.855 h a Hunt, 10,291 17,229 H c Caldwell, 6,572 11,757 II e Jack, 694 6,627 H c Calhoun, 3,443 1,739 H e Jackson, 2,278 2,723 U e Callahan,* 3,453 G c Jasper, 4,218 5,778 K d Cameron, 10,999 14,959 H f Jefferson, 1,906 3,489 I e Ca nap, 5,931 I c Johnson, 4,923 17,912 H c Cass, name changed to Davis. 16,723 I c Jones,* 546 G c Chambers, 1,503 2,187 I e Karnes, 1,705 3,270 H e Cherokee, 11,079 16,724 i a Kaufman, 6,895 15,448 II c Clay,* 5,045 G c Kendall, 1,536 2,763 G d Coleman, 347 3,603 g a Kerr, 1,042 2,169 G d Collin, 14,013 25,985 H c Kimble, 72 1,343 G d Colorado, 8,326 16,673 II e Kinney, 1,204 4,483 F e Comal, 5,283 5,546 G e Knox,* G c Comanche, 1,001 8,608 G a Lamar, 15,790 27,191 I c Concho,* 800 G d Lampasas, 1,344 5,421 G d Cooke, 6,315 20.391 H c La Salle, 69 789 G e Coryell, 4,124 10,924 II a Lavaca, 9,168 13,642 H e Crockett, 127 f a Lee, 8,939 H d Dallas, 13,314 33,490 H c Leon, 6,523 12,818 I d Davis, 8,875 16,723 I c Liberty, 4,414 4.999 1 d Delta, 5,597 I c Limestone, 8,591 16.246 II d Denton, 7,251 18,145 H c Live Oak, 852 1,994 G e De Witt, 6,443 10,061 H e Llano, 1,379 4,962 G d Dimmit, 109 665 G e Madison, 4,061 5,395 I d Duval, 1,083 5,732 G f Marion, 8,562 10,985 I c Eastland, 88 4,855 G c Mason, 678 2,655 G d Edwards,* 266 G a Matagorda, 3,377 3,940 I e Ellis, 7,514 21,294 H c Maverick, 1,951 2,967 F c El Paso, 3,671 3,845 D d McCullock, 173 1,533 G d Encinal, 427 1,902 G f McLennan, 13,500 26,933 II d Erath, 1,801 11,790 G c McMullen, 230 701 G e Falls, 9,851 16,241 h a Medina, 2,078 4,492 G e Fannin, 13,207 25.501 II c Menard, 667 1,239 G d Fay ette, 16,863 28.004 H e Milam, 8,984 18,659 II d Fort Bend, 7,114 9,380 I e Montague. 890 11,257 H c Franklin, 5,280 I c Montgomery, 6,483 10,154 I d Freestone, 8,139 14,922 H a Morris, 5,032 I c Frio, 309 2,130 G e Nacogdoches, 9.614 11,592 I d INDIAN TRIBES Apaches, N. Mex B d and D c Arapahoes and Cheyenne] Apaches and Navajoes Reservation, Ind. T. H a Reservation, N. Mex. D b Canadian District, Ind. T. I b Apaches (Mezcalero and N. Mex. D Cheyenne and Arapahoes, Ind. T. H a Sacramento), c Cherokee Nation, Ind. T. G a Apaches Reservation (Gila), N. Mex. B c Chickasaw Nation, Ind. T. H b Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Counties Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Navarre, 8,879 21,705 H c Stephens, 330 4,726 G c Newton, 2,187 4,359 K d Tarrant, 5,788 24,678 H c Nolan, 640 F c Taylor,* 1,736 G c Nueces, 3,975 7.669 H 1 Throckmorton,* 711 G c Orange, 1,255 2,938 K d Titus, 11,339 5.959 I c Palo Pinto 0.885 G c Tom Green, 3.615 U d Panola, 10,119 12,218 I c Travis, 13,153 26,974 H d Parker, 4,186 15,871 H c Trinity, 4,141 4, 915 l d Pecos, 1,807 E d Tyler, 5,010 5,825 I d Polk, 8,707 7,191 I d Upshur, 12.039 10,260 I c Presidio, 1,636 2,873 D d Uvalde, 851 2.541 G e Rains, 3,035 I c Van Zandt, 6,494 12.619 I c Red River, 10,653 17,194 I c Victoria, 4,860 6.290 II e Refugio, 2,324 1,585 H e Walker, 9,776 12,840 I U Robertson, 9,990 22,385 H d Waller, 9.024 I d Rockwall, 2.984 H c Washington, 23,104 27,584 H d Runnels,* 980 G d Webb, 2,615 5,273 G f Rusk, 16,916 18,987 I c Wharton. 3,426 4,549 II e Sabine, 3,256 4,161 K d Wichita,* 433 G b San Augustine, 4,196 5.085 I d Wilbarger,* G b San Jacinto, 6,186 I d Williamson, 6,368 15,156 II d San Patricio, 602 1.010 II e Wilson, • 2,556 7,118 II e San Saba, 1,425 5,325 G d Wise, 1,450 16.605 H c Shackleford, 455 2,037 G c Wood, 6.894 11,212 I c Shelby, 5,732 9,524 I d Young, 135 4,727 G c Smith, 16,532 21,858 I e Young Territory, F b Somervell, 2,649 H c Zapata, 1,488 3,634 G f Starr, 4,154 8,304 G f Zavala, 133 410 G e * Id Census of 1870 no returns. The Census Bulletin gives a list of 54 Counties, having so small a population in 1880 as not necessary to enumerate in this list, in fact no separate assignment has been given them. (a) Indian Territory. Territory of New Mexico. — Area, 1 21 ,201 square miles. Popu- lation (1880) 118,430, divided thus, White, 108,127, Colored, 648; Native, 108,495, Foreign, 9,932; Males, 63,751, Females, 54,670; increase since 1870, 28.90 per cent. (1870) 91,874, of whom 172 were colored and 1,309 Indians ; (1860) 93,516; (1850) 61,547. Capital, Sail t a, Fe. It coutaius 14 Counties. Counties, Pop. 1870. Counties. Pop. 1870 Bernalillo, 7,591 C b San Miguel, 16,058 D b Colfax, 1,992 D a Santa Ana, 2,599 C b Dona-Ana, 5,864 D c Santa Fe, 9,699 D b Grant, 1.143 B c Socorro, 6,603 C c Lincoln, 1,803 D o Taos, 12,079 C a Mora, 8,056 D a Valencia, 9,093 C b Rio Arriba, 9,294 C a Indian Territory is a country set apart as a permanent abode for the Indian Tribes, of wdiich the chief are the Choctaws, Chicka- saws, Cherokees, Creeks, Seminoles, amounting to 60,000 or 70,000 souls. Capital, Talequah. Area, 69,991 square miles. AND COUNTRIES. Choctaw Nation, Ind. T. I b Navajoes, N. Mex. B a Comanches and Lipans, Tex. F d Qua paws, Ind. T. I a Creek Country, Ind. T. H b Seminole Country, Ind. T. G b Leased Indian Country, Ind. T. G b Senecas, Ind. T. I a Lipans and Comanches, r fex. F d Shawnees, Ind. T. I a Navajoes & Apaches Reserva., N. Mex. D b Abbreviation of Names of State and Territories. — Tex., Texas ; N. Mex., New Mexico; Ind. T., Indian Territory. CITIES, TOWNS, ETC. Aliqnl, N. Mex. C a Aurora, Tex. I e Belleville, Tex. H d Boggy Depot, Ind. T. H b Alabama, Tex. I d Austin, Cap. of State, Tex. H d Bellville, Tex. G f Bokepoke, Ind. T. H a Alameda, N. Mex. C b Bandera, Tex. G e Belton, Tex. H d Bonham, Tex. 11 c Albuquerque, N. Mex. C b Barillo Spring, Tex. E d Belzora, Tex. I c Boonville, Tex. H d Algodones, N. Mex. c b Barton, Tex. I c Bernard, Tex. H e Boston, Tex. I c Alleytown, Tex. II e Bastrop, Tex. II d Bethany, Tex. 1 c Bracketsvillo, Tex. F e Alton, Tex. H c Beaumont, Tex. I d Big Spring, Ind. T. I a Bracketts Spring, Tex. E e Anderson^ Tex. I d Beedais, Tex. I d Bismarck, Tex. F d Brazos de Santiago, Tex. H f Anton CLuca, N. Mex. D b Bcekville, Tex. I c Blackhill, Tex. H c Brazoria, Tex. I e Aransas, Tex. H e Beeville, Tex. II e Blanco, Tex. G d Breiuotid, Tex. li d Athens, Tex. I c Beien, N. Mex. C b Bloomsdale, Ind. T. I b Brenham, Tex. 11 d Atriscos, 14 Mex. C b Belknap, Tex. G c Boerne, Tex. G e Briartown. Ind. T. I b 2 MAP OF TEXAS, NEW MEXICO, AND INDIAN TERRITORY. Brownsville, Tex. H f Eort Davis, Ind. T. I b La Mesilla, N. Mex. C c Refugio, Tex. H e Brownwood, Tex. G d Fort Davis, Tex. E d Lampasas, Tex. G d Resaca de la Palma, Tex. n 1 Bryan City, Tex. H d Fort Duncan, Tex. F e Laredo, Tex. G f Richland, Tex. II d Buchanan, Tex. H C Fort Ewell, Tox. G e Las Canaditas, N. Mex. E b Richmond, Tex. I e Buena Vista, Tex. I d Fort Fillmore, N. Mex. C c Las Carrctas, N. Mex. D b Ringgold Barracks, Tex. G f Buffalo Spring, Tex. H c Fort Gibson, Ind, T. I a Las Cruces, N. Mex. C c Rio Grande City, Tex. G f Burkeville, Tex. K d Fort Graham, Tex. II d Las Portules, N. Mex. E b Riverside, Tex. I d Burnet, Tex. G d Fort Gridin, Tex. G c Las Vegas, N. Mex. D b Rockport, Tex. II e Cabezon, N. Mex. C b Fort Inge, Tex. G e Lavacca, Tex. H e Roma, Tex. G f Caldwell, Tex. H d Fort Leaton, Tex. D e Leesburg, Tex. 11 e Rusk, Tex. I d Cameron, Tex. H d Fort Lyon, N. Mex. B b Leona Parda, N. Mex. D b Sabino, N. Mex. C b Camp Bayard, N. Mex. B c Fort M'Cullough, Ind. T. H b Leon Spring, Tex. E d Sabine City, Tex. I e Camp Concho, Tex. F d Fort MTntosh, Tex. G f Lexington, Tex. H d St Martin Spring, Tex. D d Camp Cooper, Tex. G c Fort M'Kavett, Tex. G d Liberty, Tex. I d Salem, Tex. K d Camp Hudson, Tex. F d Fort M'Rae, N. Mex. C c Liberty Hill, Tex. H d Salina, Ind. T. I a Camp Lancaster, Tex. F d Fort Merrill, Tex. H e Limitor, N.' Mex. C b San Antonio, Tex. G e Camp Mimbres, N. Mex. B c Fort Ouachita, Ind. T. H b Linden, Tex. I c San Antonio, N. Mex. C b Camp Nichols, Ind. T. E a Fort Phantom Hill, Tex. G c Lin Flat, Tex. I d San Antonio Viejo, Tex. G f Camp Radiminsky, Ind. T. G b Fort Quitman, Tex. D d Linwood, Tex. I d San Augustine, Tex. I d Camp Stockton, Tex. E d Fort Sabine, Tex. I e Live Oak Cr. Tex. F d San Bartolo Carrizo, Tex. G f Camp Verde, Tex. G e Fort San Saba, Old, Tex. G d Livingston, Tex. I d San Cristoval, N. Mex. D a Canada, N. Mex. D b Fort Selden, N. Mex. C c Llano, Tex. G d San Diego, N. Mex. C c Canton, Tex. I c Fort Sherman, Tex. I c Lockhart, Tex. H e San Diego, Tex. G f Carthage, Tex. I c Fort Stanton, N. Mex. D c Lodz, Tex. G e San Domingo, N. Mex. C b Castroville, Tex. G e Fort Stockton, or Camp S., Tex. E d Longview, Tex. I c San Elizario, Tex. c d Centreville, Tex. I d Fort Sumner, N. Mex. D b Los Ojuelos, Tex. G f San Estavan, Tex. D d Chambers, Tex. H c Fort Terret, Tex. G d Los Pinos, N. Mex. C b San Felipe, N. Mex. C b Chambersia, Tex. I e Fort Thorn, N. Mex. C c Los Tulanes, Tex. E c San Felipe, Tex. H e Chaperito, N. Mex. D b Fort Towson, Ind. T. 1 b Lyons, Tex. H e San Felipe, Tex. F e Chapelhill, Tex. H d Fort Union, N. Mex. D a Madisonville, Tex. I d San Francisco, Tex. G f Cherokee Agency, Ind. T. I b Fort Webster, N. Mex. C c Magnolia, Tex. I d San Ildefonso, N. Mex. C b Chilton, Tex. I c Fort West, N. Mex. B c Mauzana, N. Mex. C b San J uan, N. Mex. C a Cimarron, N. Mex. D a Fort Wingate, N. Mex. C b Marion, Tex. I d San Juanita, Tex. G f Cincinnati, Tex. I d Fort Worth, Tex. H c Marlin, Tex. H d San Marcos, Tex. II e Clarksville, Tex. I c Fredericksburg, Tex. G d Marquez, Tex. I d San Miguel, N. Mex. D b Cleburne, Tex, II c Frio, Tex. G e Marshall, Tex. I c San Patricio, Tex. H f Clinton, Tex. II e Frontera, Tex. C d Martin’s Springs, Tex. F d San Saba, Tex. G d Coffeeville, Tex. I c Gainesville, Tex. H c Mason, Tex. G d Santa Ana, N. Mex. C b Colbert’s Ferry, Ind. T. II c Galisteo, N. Mex. D b Matagorda, Tex. I e Santa Fe, Cap. of Cold Springs, Tex. I d Galveston, Tex. I e M ‘Kinney, Tex. H c Territory, N. Mex. D b Columbia, Tex. I e Gatesville, Tex. H d M'Mullen, Tex. G e Sapello, N. Mex. D b Columbus, Tex. H e Georgetown, Tex. H d Menardville, Tex. G d Scottsville, Tex. I Comanche, Tex. G d Giddings, Tex. H d Meridian, Tex. H d Sculleyville, Ind. T. I b Congreve, Tex. I d Gilmer, Tex. I c Mesilla, N. Mex. C c Seguin, Tex. H e Conhanty, Ind. T. H a Goliad, Tex. H e Milano, Tex. K d Selma, Tex. G e Cooper, Tex. I c Gonzales, Tex. H e Mitlican, Tex. H d Seminole, Ind. T. H b Cora, Tex. G d Granbury, Tex. H c Montague, Tex. H c Seminole Agency, Ind. T. H b Coralitos, Tex. G f Greenville, Tex. H c Montgomery, Tex. I d Shelbyville, Tex. 1 d Corpus Christi, Tex. B f Groesbeck, Tex. II d Mooreville, Tex. I c Sherman, Tex. H c Corsicana, Tex. II c Hallettsville, Tex. H e Moro, N. Mex. D a Snake Pr. Tex. H e Council Ground, Ind. T. I b Hamilton, Tex. H d Mount Pleasant, Tex. I c Socorro, N. Mex. C 0 Courtney, Tex. I d Hardin, Tex. I d Mowry City, N. Mex. C c Socorro, Tex. C d Coveta Mission, Ind. T. I a Harrisburg, Tex. I e Nacogdoches, Tex. I d Spavina, Ind. T. I a Crockett, Tex. I d H earne, Tex. H d Navajo Crossing, N. Mex. D c Springfield, Tex. H d Cuero, Tex. H e Helena, Tex. H e Navasota, Tex. I d Steele’s Grove, Tex. I d Cypress, Tex. I d Hemphill, Tex. K d New Braunfels, Tex. G e Stepiiensville, Tex. G 0 Cypress Top, Tex. I e Hempstead, Tex. I d Newton, Tex. K d Sulphur Springs, Tex. I c Dallas, Tex. H c Henderson, Tex. I c North Danville, Tex. I c Sumpter, Tex. I d Danville, Tex. I d Henrietta, Tex. G c North Fork T. Ind. T. I b Tal'-le-quah, Cap. of Ter., Ind. T. I b Decatur, Tex. H c Highland, Tex. I e Oakville, Tex. G e Tarrant, Tex. I c Denton, Tex. H c Hildebrand’s Mission. Ind. T. I a Old Fort Arbuckle, Ind. T. H b Tebuacana, Tex. H d D’Hanis or Dhanis, Tex. G e Hillsboro, Tex. H c Orange, Tex. IC d Texana, Tex. H e Doaksville, Ind. T. I c Hinds, Tex. I e Ouachita Village, Ind. T. H b T exarcana, Tex. I c Dona Alia, N. Mex. C c Homer, Tex. I d Ovensville, Tex. H d Tlrompsonville, Tex. H e Dublin, Tex. G c Horseheail Tank, Tex. E e Pajaro, N. Mex. C c Tierra Blanca, N. Mex. E h Duval, Tex. G f Houston, Tex. I e Palafos, Tex. G f Tome, N. Mex. C b Eagle Pass, Tex. F e Huntsville, Tex. I d Palestine, Tex. I d Torreon, N. Mex. C b Edinburgh, Tex. G f Indianola, Tex. H e Palopinto, Tex. G c Trinity, Tex. I d Egypt, Tex. I d Isleta, N. Mex. C b Palo Alto, Tex. H f Tuscaloosa, Tex. I d El Coyote, N. Mex. E b Isleta, Tex. C d Paris, Tex. I c Tyler, Tex. I c Eliza, Tex. I d Jacksboro, Tex. G c Pecos, N. Mex. D b U valde, Tex. G e Elizabethtown, N. Mex. D a J aekson, Tex. H d Pelagos, Tex. D e Val verde, N. Mex. C c El Sabino, N. Mex. C b Jasper, Tex. I d Perdinal, N. Mex. D b Velasco, Tex. I e El Vado de Piedras, N. Mex. D a Jefi'ersou, Tex. I c Perryville, Ind. T. I b Victoria, Tex. H e El Torreon, N. Mex. C b Jemez, N. Mex. C b Petersburg, Tex. H e Vinita, Ind. T. I a Embuda, N. Mex. D a Jewett, Tex. I d Pijuate, N. Mex. C b Waco, Tex. H d Emory, Tex. I c Johnsons, Ind. T. I b Pilotgrove, Tex. II c Wallis ville, Tex. I e Encinal, Tex. F f Jolla, N. Mex. D a Pinos Altos, N. Mex. B c Warren, Tex. II c Encinal, Tex. H f Joyita, N. Mex. C b Pleasanton, Tex. G e Waxahatchie, Tex. H 0 Escomita, Tex. G f Kaufman, Tex. H c Point Isabel, Tex. H f Weatherford, Tex. H c Esom Hill, Tex. I d Kedron, Ind. T. I b Pojoaque, N. Mex. D b Webberville, Tex. H d Espia, N. Mex. D b Keechi, ■ Tex. I d Polvadera, N. Mex. C b Welborn, Tex. H d Fairfield, Tex. H d Kemp, Tex. H c Popes Wells, N. Mex. E c West Liberty, Tex. I d Fayette, Tex. H e Kerrsville, Tex. G d Port Caddo, Tex. I c Wharton, Tex. H e Fernandez de Taos, N. Mex. D a Kickapao T., Ind. T. H b Port Lavacca, Tex. H e Wheatville, Tex. I c Fort Arbuckle, Ind. T. II b Kimball, Tex. H c Prairie, Tex. H d Wheelock, Tex. II d Fort Bascom, N. Mex. E b Kimble, Tex. G d Prairie Plains, Tex. H e Woodville, Tex. I d Fort Bliss, Tex. C d Knoxville, Tex. I c Presidio del Norte, Tex. D e Worchister Station, Ind. T. I b Fort Butler, N. Mex. D b Koosc, Tex. H d Princeton, Tex. IC d Zandia, N. Mex. C b Fort Chadboume, Tex. F c La Cuesta, N. Mex. D b Pueblos (ruins), N. Mex. C a Zavala, Tex. G e Fort Clarke, Tex. F e La Grange, Tex. H e Pulaski, Tex. I c Zavala, Tex. I d Fort Conrad, N. Mex. C c La Hoy a. N. Mex. C b Queletes, N. Mex. C b Zuni, b Mex. B b Fort Craig, N. Mex. C c Lake, Tex. H d Quitman, Tex. I c Fort Cummings, N. Mex. c c La Lomita, N. Mex. E c Randoms, Tex. I e RIVERS, MOUNTAINS, ETC. Alamo Creek, N. Mex. E b Big Sandy R. Tex. I d Cadrlo Peaks, E. and W. Tex. G c Chambers Creek, Tex. H c Angelina R. Mex. I d Big Spring, Tex. F c Calinas Mts. N. Mex. C a Cibolo Creek, Tex. a e Antelope Hills, Ind T. G b Big Witchita R. Tex. Cr c Campbell’s Pass, N. Mex. B b Cimarron R., or Red Fork of Apache Mts. Tex. D d Black Bear R. Ind. T. H a Canada de Fmxillo, N. Mex. E b Arkansas R., 520 in. Ind. T. F a Aransas Pass, Tex. H f Blanco R. Tex. H e Canada Seca, . N. Mex. D b Clear Boggy R. Ind. T. H b Arkansas R., 2,170 m. Ind. T. H a Blue R. Ind. T. H b Canadian R., 800 m. Ind. T. H b Clear Creek, Tex. H c Arroyo de los Vacas, Tex. E d Blue R. N. Mex. D c Canon de Chaco, N. Mex. B a Clear Creek, x’ex. I e Atascosa Creek, Tex. G e Bosque Creek, Tex. H d Caflou de la Piedra Pintado, N. Mex. D b Clear Fork, Rio Brazos, Tex. G 0 Babbitts Falls, Tex. D e Brady’s Creek, Tex. G d Caiion Largo, N. Mex. C a Colorado R., 600 m. Tex. H e Bald Peak, N. Mex. D a Brazos, Rio, 900 m. Tex. H d Cariso Pass, Tex. D d Concbo R. Tex. F d Baluarte R. Tex. G f Brookes Falls, Tex. E e Castle Mts. Tex. E d Cooper, Mt. Tex. F c Beaver Creek, Tex. G c Brushy Creek, Tex. II d Cat Fish R. Tex. F c Corpus Christi B. Tex. H f Big Creek, Ind. T. I b Buffalo Creek, Ind. T. G a Cavallo, Pass, Tex. H e Corpus Christi Pass, Tex. H i Big Cv press Creek, Tex. I c Caddo I,. Tex. I c Cedar Bayou, Tex. H e Corviu’s Peak, Tex. F d MAP OF TEXAS, NEW MEXICO, AND INDIAN TERRITORY. Cowhouse Creek Tex. H Cross Timbers, Lnd. T. II b and II Deep Fork, lnd. T. I Delaware Creek, Tex. D Denton Fork, Tex. II Devil’s R., or Rio San Pedro, Tex. F Double Mountain Fork, Tex. F Double Mts. Tex. F Dry Creek, Tex. F Eagle Mts. Tex. D East B. Tex. I Elk Creek, lnd. T. I Elm Creek, lnd. T. G Elm or Salt Fork, Tex. G Emigrant Crossing, Tex. E Espautoso L. Tex. G Espiritu Santo B. Tex. II Fanin, Mt. Tex. F Flat Mounds, Tex. G Flint Cr. Ind. T. I Flores Creek, Tex. G Galveston B. Tex. I Galveston I. Tex. I Girauds Creek, Tex. F Grand Quivera, Valley o f N. Mex. C Guadalupe Mts. N. Mex. D Guadalupe Pass, Tex. D Guadalupe R., 200 m. Tex. H Gullinas Creek, N. Mex. D Gypsum Creek, Ind. T. G Hackberry, Mt. Tex. H Hanes B. Tex. H Horsehead Crossing, Tex. E Horseliead Hills, Tex. E Hubbards R. Tex. G Hueco Mts. N. Mex. C Independence Creek, Tex. F Jim Ned’s Creek, Tex. G Kianashi R. Ind. T. I Kioway Peak, Tex. F Laguna del Madre, Tex. H Lake Fork, Sabine R. Tex. I Lampasas Creek, Tex. H Lates Lengua Creek, Tex. E Lavaca R. Tex. H Leon R., 260 m. Tex. H Little Arkansas R. Ind. T. H Little R. Ind T. I Little Verdigris R. Ind. T. I Little Witchita R. Tex. G Live Oak Creek, Tex. F Llano Estacado, or Staked Plain, Tex. E Llano R. Tex. G Main Beaver Creek. Ind. T. G Main Cache Creek, Ind. T. G Major Long Creek, Tex. E Manzana Mts. N. Mex. C Matagorda B. Tex. H d Matagorda I. Tex. H e Rio Bonito or nonda, N. Mex. D c c Matagorda Peninsula, Tex. I e Rio Bravo del Norte, or Rio b Media R. Tex. H e Grande, Tex. F e a Medina R. Tex. G e Rio Brazos, 900 m. Tex. II d c Mesa de los Lopos, N. Mex. C b Rio Chaco, N. Mex. B a e Mesa Fachada, N. Mex. B b Rio Cliuma, N. Mex. C a c Middle Boggy R. lnd. T. H b Rio Cliusca, N. Mex. B b c Middle R. Tex. F a Rio Cibalo, Tex. D e b Mimbres Mts. N. Mex. C c Rio Conchos, N. Mex. D b cl Moro R. N. Mex. D b Rio del Navajo, N. Mex. C a e Mount Scott, Ind T. G b Rio de los Mancos, N. Mex. B a b Mount \\ ebster, Ind. T. G b Rio de los Pinos, N. Max. B a b Muddy Creek, lnd. T. H b Rio de Taos, N. Mex. D a c Mulberry Creek, Tex. F b Rio Escondido, Tex. E d d Mustang Creek, Tex. E b Rio Felix, N. Mex. D c e Mustang I. Tex. H f Rio Frio, Tex. G e e Navasoto R. Tex. H d Rio Gilo, N. Mex. B c c Navidad R. Tex. PI e Rio Grande, or Rio Bravo b Neelies R., 260 m. Tex. I d del Norte, 1,800 m. Tex. E e b Neosho R., 300 m. Ind. T. I a Rio Honda or Bonito, N. Mex. D c e North Fork, Canadian R., or Rio Hondo, Tex. G e e Rabbit Ear Cr. Ind. T. G a Rio Leono, Tex. G e e North Fork, Pease R. Tex. F b Rio Nueces, Tex. G e c North Fork', Red River, Ind. T. G b Rio Pecos, 550 m. N. Mex. D c c North Leon R. Tex. G c Rio Penasco, N. Mex. D c c Neuces B., 370 in. Tex. H f Rio Puerco, N. Mex. C b d Oak Creek, Tex. F c Rio Salado, N. Mex. D b e Ocale R. N. Mex. D a Rio San Jacinto, Tex. I d b Ojo del Pascado, N. Mex. B b Rio Sau Jose, N. Mex. C b b Olmos Creek, Tex. H f Rio San J uau, N. Mex. C a c Organ Mts. N. Mex. C c Rio San Pedro, or Devil's R. Tex. F e e Ouachita or Washita R. Ind. T. G b Rio Torrejon, N. Mex, C b d Oyster B. Tex. I e Sabinal Creek, Tex. G e e Padre I. Tex. H f Saline L. Tex. K e c Pahabe Creek, lnd. T. H a Sabine Pass, Tex. K e c Painted Rock Arroyo, Tex. F d Sabine R. Tex. K d d Pajarito Creek, N. Mex. D b Sabano Creek, Tex. G c d Paloblanco li. Tex. G f St Charles B. Tex. H e b Pass d’Arc Fork, Tex. H c St Joseph I. Tex. II e c Pease R. Tex. G c Salt Fork, Ind. T. G b f Peccan Bayou, Tex. G c Salt Fort, Colorado R. Tex. F c c Perdinales R. Tex. G d Salt Fork, Rio Brazos, Tex. F c d Plains of Sau Augusta, N. Mex. C c Salt Plain of Cimarron R. Ind. T. G a e Plains of the Rio Pecos, N. Mex. D c Salt Ponds, N. Mex. D b e Plateau of the Sierra Madre, N. Mex. B d San Antonio R., 150 m. Tex. H e d Poteau R. Ind. T. I b Sau Bernard R. Tex. I e a Pyramid Range, N. Mex. B c Sans Bois Creek, Ind. T. I b c Rabbit Ear Creek, or N. Fork Sans Bois Mts. lnd. T. I b a of Canadian R., 560 m. Ind. T F a San Fernando R. Tex. II f c Rayado Creek, N. Mex. D a San Francisco R. Tex. E e d Red Fork, Arkansas R., or San Luis L. Tex. I e c Cimarron R., 520 m. Ind. T. H b San Luis Pass, Tex. I e d Red Fork, Colorad R. Tex. G d San Marcos R. Tex. H e b Red R., 1,200 m. Tex. H c San Saba Peak, Tex. G d b Rock Creek, N. Mex. E a San Saba R. Tex. G d b Rocky Dell, Tex. E b Santa Anna Peak, Tex. G d b Rio Aranzas, Tex. II 0 Santa Gertrudis R. Tex. G f e Rio Ataacajo, N. Mex. D 0 Santa Petronella R. Tex. H f Sierra Blanca, N. Mex. D Sierra Blanca, Tex. D Sierra Capitana, N. Mex. D c Sierra Carizo, N. Mex. D c Sierra Cliarrate, Tex. E d Sierra de Abo, N. Mex. C b Sierra de Datili, N. Mex. B b Sierra de Clnisea, N. Mex. B b Sierra del Caballo, N. Mex. C c Sierra de los Jumanez, N. Mex. D h Sierra Diabolo, N. Mex. B c Sierra Florida, N. Mex. C c Sierra Madalena, N. Mex. C c Sierra Nacimieuto, N. Mex. C a Sierra Oscura, or del Oso, N. Mex. C c Sierra San Andrco, or Soledad, N. Mex. C c Sierra Sacramento, N. Mex. D c Sierra S. Mateo, N. Mex. C c Sierra Santiago, Tex. E d Sierra Soledad, or San Andreo, N. Mex. C c Sierra Tanicka, N. Mex. B a Skull Creek, Ind T. F a South Fork, Tex. F o South Fork, Red R. Tex. F b Spavina Creek, Ind. T. I a Spring Creek, Tex. I d Staked Plain, or Llano Estacado, Tex. E e Stansbury Rapids, Tex. F e Sulphur Fork, Tex. I c Sulphur Springs, Tex. E c Table Mt. Tex. G d Tanicha Creek, N. Mex. B a Tapie L. Tex. D d Tegolate Creek, N. Mex. D b Toyah Creek, Tex. E d Trinity R., 410 m. Tex. I d Trout Creek, Ind. T. F a Tucumcari Mts. N. Mex. D b Union Cr. Ind. T. F a Utah Creek, N. Mex. E b Union Creek, Tex. H d Upper Cross Timbers, Tex. H c Valle de los Playas, N. Mex. B c Valley Creek, Tex. F b Verdigris R. Ind. T. I a Walnut Creek, Ind. T. H b Washington Pass, N. Mex. B a Washita or Ouachita R. Ind. T. G b West B. Tex. I e West Fork, Trinity R. Tex. H c White Fish Creek, Tex. F b White Oak Creek, Tex. 1 e White Sand Hills, Tex. E d Wichita Mts. Ind. T. G b Wild Rose Pass. Tex. E d Yegua R. Tex. H d Zuni Mts. i N. Mex. B 0 ■ . T. ElkwoocL Zi llillllllll II il I in [&a mu 21 . .mu S [ mm T 19 1 TTTTTT i E t mu 17 lum W l [TT^Tyim 1181 si; ?Mla/lelplia,. MAP OF MICHIGAN, WISCONSIN, AND Scale, 48 miles to an inch. MINNESOTA. State of Michigan. — Area, 56,451 square miles. Population (1880) 1,636,331, divided thus, White, 1,614,078, Colored, 14,986 ; Na- tive, 1,247,985, Foreign, 388,346 ; Male, 862,276, Female, 774,055; increase since 1870, 38.19 per cent. (1870) 1,184,059, of whom 11,849 were colored, and 4,926 Indians; (1860) 749,113; (1850) 397,654; increase since 1860, 58 per cent. Capital, Lansing. It contains 79 Counties. Counties. Alcona, Pop. 1870- 696 Pop. 1880. 3,107 O e Counties. Leelenaw, Pop. 1870. 4,575 Pop. 1880. 6,253 M e Allegan, 32,105 37,806 L g Lenawee, 45,595 48,343 N h Alpena, 2,756 8,789 O e Livingston, 19,336 1,716 22,251 N g Antrim, 1,985 5,237 M e Mackinac, 2,902 M c Baraga, * 1,804 I c Macomb, 27,616 31,627 P g Barry, 22,199 25,319 M g Manistee, 6,074 12,533 L e Bay, 15,900 38,081 N f Manitou, 891 1,334 L d Benzie, 2,184 3,433 e e Marquette, 15,033 25,393 I c Berrien, 35,104 36,780 L h Mason, 3,263 10,063 L e Branch, 26,226 27,941 M h Mecosta. 5,642 13,973 H f Calhoun, 36,569 38,452 M g Menominee, 1,791 11,988 K d Cass, 21,094 22,008 L h Michilimackinac, name changed to Mackinac. Charlevoix, 1,724 5,114 M d Midland, 3,285 6,894 N f Cheboygan, 2,196 6.524 N d Missaukee, 130 1,553 M e Chippewa, 1,689 5,243 4,187 M c Monroe, Montcalm, 27,483 33,623 O h Clare, 366 N f 13,629 ' 33,148 M f Clinton, 22,845 27,534 N g Montmorenci, * N d Crawford, 1,159 N e Muskegon, 14,894 26,586 L f Delta, 2,542 25,171 6,812 K d N e way go, 7,294 14,68S M f Eaton, 31,223 N g Oakland, 40,867 41,537 0 g Emmet, Genesee, 1,211 6,640 M d Oceana, 7,222 11,699 I, f 33.900 39,219 1,127 O f Ogemaw, 12 1,914 N e Gladwin, * N f Ontonagon, 2,845 2,565 H c Grand Traverse, 4,443 8,422 M e Osceola, 2,093 10.777 M f Gratiot, 11,810 21,937 N f Oscoda, 70 467 N e Hillsdale, 31,684 32,726 N h Otsego. * 1,974 N d Houghton, 13,879 22,473 1 c Ottawa, 26,651 33.125 L g Huron, 9,049 20.089 O f Presque Isle, 355 3,113 N d Ingham, 25,268 33,677 N g Roscommon, $ 1.459 N e Ioniu, 27,681 33,872 M g Saginaw, 39,097 59,095 N f Iosco, 3,163 6,873 O e Sanilac, 14,562 26,341 P f Isabella, Isle Royale, 4,113 12,159 N f Schoolcraft, * 1,575 I c * 55 H b Shiawassee, 20,858 27,059 N g Jackson, 36,047 42,051 N g St. Clair, 36,661 46,197 P Kalamazoo, 32,054 34,342 M g St. Joseph, 26,275 26,626 JI li Kalkaska, 424 2,937 M e Tuscola, 13,714 25,739 O f Kent, 50,403 73,252 M f Van Buren, 28,829 30,807 L O' Keeweenaw, 4,205 4,270 I b Washtenaw, 41,434 41,848 O g Lake, 548 3,233 M f Wayne, 119,038 166,426 O g Lapeer, 21,345 30,138 O f Wexford, 650 6,815 M e * No returns. State of Wisconsin. — Area, 53,924 square miles. Population (1880) 1,315,480, divided thus, White, 1,309,622, Colored, 2,724; Native, 910,063, Foreign, 405,417 ; Males, 680,106, Females, 635,374; increase since 1870, 24.72 per cent. (1870) 1,054,670, of whom 2,113 were colored, and 1,206 Indians; (1860) 775,881; (1850) 305,391; increase since 1860, 35.9 per cent. Capital, Madison. It contains 63 Counties. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Adams, 6,601 6,741 H f Dane, 53,096 53,234 H f Ashland, 221 1,559 G c Dodge, 47,035 45,928 I f Bad Ax, changed, to Vernon. Door, 4,919 11,645 K e Barron, 538 7,023 E d Douglas, 1,122 655 E c Bayfield, 344 564 F c Dunn. 9,488 16,818 E e Brown, 25,168 34,090 1 e Eau Claire, 10,769 19,992 F e Buffalo, 11,123 15,528 F e Fond du Lac, 46,273 46,855 1 f Burnett, 706 3,140 E d Grant, 37,979 37,852 G g Calumet, 12.335 16,631 I e Green, 23,611 21,729 H g Chippewa, 8,311 15,492 F d Green Lake, 13,195 14,481 H f Clark, 3,450 10,715 G e Iowa, 24,544 23,028 G g Columbia, 28,802 28.065 H f Jackson, 7,687 13.285 G e Crawford, 13,075 15,644 F f J efiferson, 34,040 32,155 I f Dallas, changed to Barron. Juneau, 12,372 15,580 G f Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 188a Counties, Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Kenosha, 13,147 Kewaunee, 10,128 La Crosse, 20,297 La Fafayette, 22,659 Langlade, La Pointe, changed to BayfieA Lincoln, Manitowoc, 33,364 Marathon, 5,885 Marinette, Marquette, 8,056 Milwaukee, 89,930 Monroe, 16,550 Oconto, 8,321 Outagamie, 18,430 Ozaukee, 15,564 Pepin, 4,659 Pierce, 9,958 Polk, 3,422 13,550 I g Portage, 10,634 17,731 H e 15,806 K e Price, 785 G d 27,072 F f Racine, 26,740 30,921 I g 21,278 G g Richland, 15,731 18,174 G f 685 2,011 H d Rock, Sauk, Shawanaw, 39,030 23,860 3,166 38.823 28,729 10,371 H G H g f e 37,506 K e Sheboygan, 31,749 34,206 1 f 17,121 G d St. Croix, 11,035 18,956 E e 8,929 I d Taylor, Trempeleau, 2,311 G d 8,907 H f 10,732 17,189 F e 138,523 I f Vernon, 18,642 23,235 G f 21,606 G f Walworth, 25,972 26.249 1 g 9,848 1 d Washington, 23,919 23,442 1 f 28,716 I e Waukesha, 28,274 28.957 I g 15,462 I f Waupacca, 15,539 20,954 H e 6,226 E e Waushara, 11,279 12.C8S II e 17,744 E e Winnebago, 37,279 42.741 I e 10,018 E d Wood, 3.912 8,981 G e State of Minnesota. — Area, 83,531 square miles. Population (1880) 780,806, divided thus, White, 776,940, Colored, 1,558 ; Native, 513,107, Foreign, 267,699; Males, 419,262, Females, 361,544; in- crease since 1870, 77.57 per cent. (1870) 439,706, of whom 759 were colored, and 690 Indians ; (1860) 172,023; (1850)6,077 ; increase since 1860, 155.6 per cent. Capital, St. Paul. It contains 79 Counties. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Aitkin, 178 366 J) c Anoka, 3,940 7,108 D d Becker, 308 4,407 B c Beltrami, 80 10 B b Benton, 1,558 3,012 C d Big Stone, 24 3,689 22,889 A d Blue Earth, Breckenridge, (a) Brown, 17,302 C f 6,396 12,018 C e Buchanan, ( b ) Carlton, 286 1,230 E c Canby, Carver, * 11,586 14,140 D e Cass, 380 486 C c Chippewa, 1,467 5,408 B e Chisago, 4,358 7,982 E d Clay, 92 5,886 A c Cook, 65 G b Cottonwood, 534 5,533 B e Crow Wing, 200 2,318 C c Dakota, 16,312 17,391 D e Dodge, 8,598 11,344 E f Douglas, 4,239 9,130 13,015 B d Faribault, 9,940 C f Fillmore, 24,887 28,162 E f Freeborn, 10,578 16,069 D f Goodhue, 22,618 29,651 3,004 E e Grant, 340 A d Hennepin, 31,566 14,936 67,013 D d Houston, 16,332 F f Isanti, 2,035 5,063 D d Itasca, 96 124 D b Jackson, 1,825 4,806 B f Kanabec, 93 505 D d Kandiyohi, 1,760 10,159 B e Kittson, 905 A a Lac qui Parle, (c) 4,907 A e Lake, 135 106 F b Le Sueur, 11,607 16,104 D e Lincoln, (d) 2,945 6,257 C e Lyon, * A e Marshall, 992 A a Counties. Martin. Pop. 1870. 3,867 Pop. 1880. 5,249 C f McLeod. 5,643 12,343 C e McPhail, Meeker, 6,090 11,739 A C e d Mille Lac, Monongalia, 1,109 1,501 D d 3,161 B d Morrison, 1,681 5,875 C d Mower, 10,447 16,799 E f Murray, 209 3,604 B f Nicollet, 8,362 12,333 C e Nobles, 117 4,435 B f Olmsted. 19,793 21,542 E f Otter Tail, 1,968 18,675 B c Pembina, 64 A a Pine, 648 1,365 E c Pipestone, 2,092 11,247 A f Polk* A b Pope, 2,691 5,874 B d Ramsey, 23,085 45.915 D e Redwood, 1,829 5,375 B e Renville, 3.219 10,791 B e Rice, 16,083 22,480 D e Rock, 138 3,669 A f Scott, 11,042 13,516 D e Sherburne, 2,050 3.855 D d Sibley, 6,725 10,637 C e Stearns, 14,206 21,956 C d Steele, 8,271 12,460 D f Stevens, 174 3,911 A d St. Louis, 4,561 4,504 E b Swift, 7,473 B d Todd, 2,036 6,133 C c Traverse, 13 1,503 A d Wabasha, 15,859 18.206 E e Wadena, 9 2,080 B c Waseca, 7,854 11,809 12.385 D f Washington, 19.562 E e Watonwan, 2,426 5.104 C f Wilkin, 295 1.906 A c Winona, 22.319, 27.197 F f Wright, 9,457 18.104 C d Yellow Medicine, 5.884 B e * No returns. (а) Part joined to Clay in 1862, the rest to Wilkin, 1868. (б) Absorbed by Pine. (c) Absorbed by Swift. (4) From Renville. Abbreviations of Names of States.- Mich., Michigan; Wis., Wisconsin; Minn., Minnesota. CITIES, TOWNS, ETC. Ablemain Wis. fl f Alabaster, Mich. O e Algoma, Mich. M f Almond, wu. H c Aekervilla, Wis. I f Alba, Minn. E f Algonac, Mich. P g Alpena, Mich. O d Acton, Minn. C d Albert Lea, Minn. D f Allegan, Mich. M g Altona, Wis. F e A dams, Minn. E f Albion, Mich. N g Alma, Mich. N f Amboy, Mich. N b Adrian, Mich. N h Albion, Wis. G e Alma, Minn. D e Amherst, Wis. H • Aetna, Mich. M f Alcona, Mich. O e Alma, Wis. F e Amrick, Wis. F c Aft in, Wis. H g Alden, Minn. D f Almapu, Wis. K e Amsterdam, Mich. L g Aijon, Mich. O f Alexandria, Minn. B d Almira, Mich. M f Ann Arbor, Mich. O g 2 MAP OF MICHIGAN, WISCONSIN, AND MINNESOTA. Anoka, Minn. D d Burlington, Minn. A c Del a van, Wis. I or , Frontenac, Minn. E • Antrim City, Mich. M d Burlington, Minn. F c Depere, Wis. I e Gaines, Mich. 0 g Appleton, Wis. I e Burlington, Wis. I g De Soto, Wis. F f Galesville, Wis. F 6 Arcadia, Mich. L e Burnett Junction, Wis. I f Detroit, Mich. 0 g Garden City, Minn. C e Arcadia, Wis. F e Burr Oak, Mich. M h Detroit, Minn. B c Gena, Mich. K d Areola, Minn. E d Byron, Mich. M g De Witt, Mich. N g Genesee, Wis. I g Arena, Wis. G f Byron, Minn. E e Dexter, Mich. 0 g Geneva, Mich. L g Arenac, Mich. 0 f Cadiz, Wis. H g Dodgeville, Wis. G g Geneva, Minn. D f Argentine, Mich.' 0 g Calamine, Wis. G g Doran, Minn. A c Geneva, Wis. I g Arlington, Minn. c e Caledonia, Minn. F f Douglas, Minn. A d Genoa, Wis. I g Arlington, Wis. H f Caledonia, Wis. K g Douglas, Minn. A b Georgetown, Minn. A 3 Armada, Mich. P g Calumet, Mich. I b Dover, Wis. 1 g German Town, Wis. G t Armena, Wis. G e Calumet, Wis. I f Dowagiac, Mich. L g Germantown, Wis. I t Ashland, Wis. F c Calvary, Wis. I f Downsville, Wis. E e Gibraltar, Wis. K i Atwater, Minn. C d Cambria, Wis. H f Dresbach, Minn. F f Girard, Mich. N g Auburn, Minn. D e Cambridge, Minn. D d Dryden, Mich. 0 g Glasgow, Minn. E e Au Gres Mich. 0 e Camden, Mich. N h Du Luth or Duluth, Minn. E c Glen Arbor, Mich. L e Augusta, Mich. M g Camp, Minn. C e Duncan, Mich. N d Glenbeulah, Wis. I t Augusta, Wis. F e Campbell, Mich. K c Dundas, Minn. D e Glencoe, Minn. C a Aurora, Minn. D f Campbell, Minn. A d Dundee, Mich. 0 h Glendale, Minn. c e Au Sable, Mich. 0 e Canfield, Minn. E f Dunn ville. Wis. E e Glenwood, Minn. B d Austin, Minn. E f Cannon FalU, Minn. E e Durand, Wis. E e Gordon, Wis. E c Aux Bees Scie, Mich. L e Carlton, Minn. A b Eagle, Mich. N g Graham Lake, Minn. B f Avoca, Wis. G f Carlton, Wis. K e Eagle, Wis. I g Grand Bay Oity, Mich. L c Back Hoof, Minn. E c Caro, Mich. 0 f Eagle Harbor, Mich. I b Grand Crossing, Minn. F t Bad Axe, Mich. 0 f Carrolton, Mich. 0 f Eagle Harbor, Wis. K d Grand Haven, Mich. L f Bainbridge, Mich. L g Carver, Minn. D e Eagle River, Mich. 1 b Grand Marais, Minn. G b Baltimore, Mich. P g Cascade, Mich. M g East Henderson, Minn. D e Grand Meadow, Minn. E f Bangor, Mich. 0 f Cascade, Wis. H f East Saginaw, Mich. 0 f Grand Rapids, Mich. M g Bangor, Wis. F f Cascade, Wis. I f Eaton, Mich. N CT Grand Rapids, Wis. H e Bankers, Mich. N h Casco, Wis. K e Baton, Wis. G e Grand Portage, Minn. H b Baraboo, Wis. G f Casenovia, Mich. M f Eaton, Wis. I e Grand Traverse City, Mich. M e Barron, Wis. F d Caseville, Mich. 0 f Eaton Rapids, Mich. N g Grandville, Mich. M g Barton, Mich. M f Cass, Mich. 0 f Eau Claire, Wis. F e Granite City, Minn. C d Bath, Mich. N g Cassopolis, Mich. L h Echota, Minn. A c Grantsburg, Wis. E d Battle Creek, Mich. M g Cassville, Wis. F f Eden ville, Mich. NT f Granville, Wis. I f Battle Lake City, Minn. B c Castle Rock, Minn. D e Edgerton, Wis. H g Grapeland, Minn. D f Bay City, Mich. 0 f Cedarsburg, Wis. I f Edwards, Wis. K f Grass Lake, Mich. N. g Bay City, Wis. G c Cedar Spring, Mich. M f Edw ardsburg. Mich. L h Great Bend, Minn. B f Bayfield, Wis. F c Cedarville, Mich. K d Egg Harbor, Wis. K d Green Bay, Wis. I e Bay Siding Mich. K d Centre ville, Mich. K c Elba. Wis. H f Greenbush, Mich. 0 e Bear Creek, Mich. M d Centreville, Mich. M h Elklioru, Wis. I cr Greenfield, Wis. G e Beaver Bay, Minn. F b Centreville, Minn. D d Elkland, Mich. 0 f Greenland, Mich. H c Beaver Dam, Wis. I f Centreville, Wis. K f Elk Mound, Wis. F e Greenville, Mich. M f Beaver Falls, Minn. B e Champion, Mich. I c Elk Rapids, Mich. M f Greenwood, Mich. L f Beetown, Wis. F f Charlevoix, Mich. M d Elk River Minn. D d Greenwood, Minn. D d Belle Plaine, Minn. D e Charlotte, Mich. N g Elkton, Minn. E c Ground House, Minn. D d Belle Plaine, Wis. I e Charlotte, Minn. C d Elkton, Wis. F e Hadley, Mich. 0 g Belle Prairie, Minn. C c Chaska, Minn. D e Ellington, Mich. 0 f Hamlin, Mich. L e Belleview, Minn. E f Chatfield, Minn. E f Ellsworth, Wis. E e Hammond, Wis. .E e Belleville, Minn. E c Cheboygan, Mich. N d Elmore, Minn. C f Hancock, Mich. I b Bellevue, Mich. M cr Chelsea, Mich. N g Embarrass, Wis. 1 e Hancock, Minn. B d Bellville, Minn. F f Chengivatana, Minn. E d Emmet, Mich. P g Handy, Mich. M g Belmont, Minn. B f Ghesaning, Mich. N f Empire, Mich. L e Hanover, Minn. D c Belmont, Wis. G Wis. G c Redford, * Mich. 0 g Jackson. Mich. N g Manomin, Minn. D d Ogdensburgh, Wis. H e Redwing, i Minn. E e J aokson, Minn. B f Manston, Wis. G f Ojibway, Minn. D c Redwood Falls, Minn. B e Janesville, Minn. D e Mantorville, Minn. E e Olivet, Mich. N g Reno, Minn. 8( d Janesville, Wis. H g Maple Plain, Minn. D e Omro, Wis. I e Rice Lake, , Minn. D e Jefferson, Wis. I g Maple Ridge, Mich. K c Onalaska, Wis. F f Richfield, - ' Wis. I f Jenny, Wis. H d Mapleton, Minn. C f Onekama, Mich. L e Richland, Wis. G f Johanna, Minn. B d Marathon, Mich. 0 f Oneota, Minn. E c Richmond, Mich. P g Johnstown, Minn. D e Marcellus, Mich. M g Onota, , Mich. K c Richmond, Minn. F f Jot nsville. Mich. L g Marine, Minn. E d Ontario, Wis. G ,f Richmond, Minn. C d Jonesville, Mich. N g Marinette, Wis. K d Ontonagon, Mich. H c Richmondville, Mich. P f Jordan, Wis. H e Marion, Minn. E f Orange, Wis. G f Richiyood, Wis. I f Juda, Wis. H g Marmata, Minn. F b Oregon, Wis. H g Ridgeway, Mich. P g Juneau, Wis. I f Marquette, Mich. K c Orford, Wis. H g Ridgeway, Wis/ G g Kalamazoo, Mich. M g Marshall, Mich. M g Orient, . Mich. M f Rifle River, Mich. 0 e Kalmar, Minn. E e Marshall, Wis. H f Orono, Minn. D d Rio, Wis. H f Kandiyohi, Minn. B d Martin, Mich. M g Oilmans, Mich. N e Ripon, ✓ Wis. I f Kasota, Minn. D e Mason, Mich. N g Osakis, Minn. B d River Falls, Minn. C d Kasson, Minn. E e Mazeppa, Minn. E e Osceola, Mich. 0 g River Falls, Wis. E e Kaukauna, Wis. I e Mazomanie, Wis. H f Osceola Mills, Wis. E d River Junction, Mich. N g Keeler, Mich. L g Mecosta, Mich. M f Oshkosh, Wis. I f Riverside, Wis. G cr Kellogg, Minn. E e Medford, Minn. D e Oshtemo, Mich. M g Riverton, Mich. L f Kelso, Minn. C e Medina, Mich. N h Osseo, Wis. F e Rochester, Minn. E e Kennebec, Minn. C d Melrose, Minn. C d Ossineke, Mich. 0 e Rochester, J Wis. I g Kenosha, Wis. K g Melrose, Wis. F e Otisco, Mich. M f Rock Falls, Wis. F e Kenyon, Minn. D e Menasha, Wis. I e Ottawa, Minn. D e Rockford, Mich. M f Keshena, Wis. I e Menden, Minn. D e Otter Tail City, Minn. B c Rockland, Mich. H c Kettle River, Minn. E c Mendon, Mich. M g Otter Tail River, Minn. B c Rogers City, - Mich. 0 d Kewaunee, Wis. K e Mendota Junction, Minn. D e Otsega, Wis. II f Rogue, Mich. 0 g Kiel, Wis. I f Menominee, Mich. K d Otsego, Mich. M g Rolling Fork, Minn. B d Kilbourue, Wis. H f Menomonee, Wis. E e Otsego, Minn. D d Rootville, Mich. M e Kingston, Minn. C d Merrimac, Wis. H f Ovid, Mich. N f Roscoe, Minn. E e Kirkhoven, Minn. B d Miami, Minn. D e Owasso, Mich. N f Rosemount, Minn. D e Ivitsons, Mich. K d Middleton, Wis. H f Owatonna, Minn. D e Roseudale, Wis. I f Knapp, Wis. E e Middleville, Mich. M g Oxford, Mich. 0 g Ross, Mich. M g Knowlton, Wis. H e Midland, Mich. N f Pacific, Wis. H f Royal Oak, Mich. 0 g Koshkonong, Wis. H g Milford, Mich. 0 g Packwaukee, Wis. H f Royalton, Mich. L CT Kossuth, Wis. K e Miller, Minn. E c Palmers, Mich. M f Rubicon, Wis. I f La Crescent, Minn. F f Milton, Minn. B c Palmyra, Mich. 0 h Rudds Mills, Wis. G e La Croix, Mich. M d Milton, Wis. II g Palmyra, Wis. I g Rush City, Minn. D d La Crosse, Wis. F f Milwaukee, Wis. K f Paris, Mich. M f Rushford, , Minn. F f La Fayette, Minn. A c Mineral Point, Wis. G g Parkersville, Minn. H b Rush Lake, Wis. I f La Fayette, Minn. C e Minneapolis, now united Parma, Mich. N g Rusk, Wis. E e La Fayette, Wis. F e with St Anthony, Patch Grove, Wis. F g Rutland, Minn. C f Lafayette, Wis. G f Minn. D e Paw Paw, Mich. M g Saginaw. Mich. N f Lake Creek, Minn. E e Minneiska, Minn. F e Paynesville, Minn. C d St Anthony, now united to Lakeport, Mich. P f Minnesota City, Minn. F e Pensaukee, Wis. I e Minneapolis, Minn. I) e -ahe Traverse, Minn. A d Minnesota Mine, Mich. II c Pentwater, Mich. L f St Charles, Mich. N t Lancaster, Wis. G g Moline, Mich. M g Pepin, Wis. E e St Charles, Minn. E f Lanesboro, Minn. F f Mondovia, Wis. F e Pere Marquette, Mich. L f St Clair, Mich. P g Langola, Minn. C d Monroe, Mich. 0 h Peshtigo, Wis. K d St Cloud, Minn. C ■i L’Anse, Mich. I c Monroe, Wis. H g Petersburgh, Minn. B f St Cloud, Wis. I f Lansing, Cap of State, Mich. N © Montcalm, Mich. M f Pewabic, Mich. H c St Croix Falls, Wis. E d Lansing, Minn. D f Montezuma, Minn. F c Pewanto, Mich. N f St Francis, Wis. K f Lapeer, Mich. 0 f Monticello, Minn. D d Pierson, Mich. M f St Helen, Mich. N c La Pointe, Wis. G c Moores Landing, Minn. C d Pinckney, Mich. 0 g St James, Mich. M d Lavalle, Wis. G f Moorhead, Minn. A c Pine City, Minn. D d St James, Minn. C f Lawrence, Wis. H f Moose Lake, Minn. E c Pine Hill, Mich. P f St Johns, Minn. B d Lawton, Mich. M g Morener, Mich. N h Pine Island, Minn. E e St Johns, Mich. N f Leavenworth , Minn. C e Morgan, Mich. K c Pine River, Mich. M f St J oseph, Mich. L or o Leech Lake, Minn. C b Morley, Mich. M f Pittsford, Mich. N h St Louis, Mich. N f Leelanau, Mich. M d Morris, Mich. L h Plainfield, Mich. M f St Paul, Cap. of State, Minn. D e Lemonweir, Wis. G f Morris, Minn. B d Plainfield, Wis. H e St Peter, Minn. C e Lenora, Minn. F f Morrison, Wis. H f Plains, Mich. K c St Vincent, Minn. A a Lenox. Mich. P g Morristown, Minn. I) e Plainview, Minn. E e Salem, Minn. E f Leon, Wis. G f Moscow, Mich. N g Plainville, Wis. H f Salem, Wis. F f Leoni, Mich. N cr Mossinee, Wis. H e Plainwell, Mich. M g Salem, Wis. I g Leroy, Mich. M f Mound Prairie, Minn. F f Platte, Mich. L Saliue, Mich. 0 g Le Roy, Minn. E f Moundville, Wis. H f Platteville, Wis. G S Sand Beach, Mich. P 1 Le Roy, Wis. G f Mountain Lake, Minn. B f Pleasanton, Mich. L e Sanderson, Wis. H t Leslie, Mich. N Cf Mount Morris, Mich. 0 f Pleasant Prairie, Minn. C f Sandy River, Minn. D c Le Sueur, Minn. D e Mt. Pleasant, Mich. N f Pleasant Prairie, Wis. I g Sanford, Mich. N f uewiston, Minn. F f Munissing, Mich. L c Plover, Wis. H e Saranac, Mich. M g •jewiston. Wis. H f Muscoda, Wis. G f Plymouth, Mich. 0 g Saratoga, Minn. E f Lexington, Mich. P f Muskegon, Mich. L f Plymouth, Wis. I f Saratoga, Wis. E e Lima, Wis. I g Naples, Wis. F e Point Bluff, Wis. H f Saugatuck, Mich. L g Lima, Mich. 0 g Napoleon, Mich. N g Point Edwards, Wis. H e Sauk Centre, Minn. C d Lincoln, Mich. L f Nashville, Mich. M g Porarae de Terre, Minn. B c Sauk City, Wis. H f Lincoln Centre, Wis. E d Nashville, Minn. C f Pompei, Mich. N f Sauk Rapids, Minn. C d Linden, Mich. 0 g Necedah, Wis. G e Pontiac, Mich. 0 g Saukville, Wis. I f Litchfield, Minn. C d Neenah, Wis. l e Portage, Wis. H f Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. N c Little Lake, Mich. K c Negaunee, Mich. K c Port Austin, Mich. P e Saxeville, Wis. H e Little Sturgeon, Wis. K o Nelson, Wis. E e Porter, Mich. N f Saxton, Minu. F b Little Suaniico, Wis. I e Nelsonville, Mich. M d Port Hope, Mich. P f Scandinavia, Wis. H e Little Traverse, Mich. M d Nero, Mich. N f Port Huron, Mich. P g Schoolcraft, Mich. M g Lockport, Mich. M h Neskoro, Wis. H f Portland, Mich. N Schwartzburg, Wis. I f Lodi, Wis. H f Newago, Mich. M f Port Sanilac, Mich. P f Scio, Mich. 0 Or Lowell, Mich. M g New Auburn, Minn. C e Port Sheldon, Mich. L g Sebastopol, Mich. L f Lowell, Wis. H f New Buffalo, Mich. L h Portsmouth, Mich. 0 f Seneca, Wis. F f Lower Sioux Agency, Minn. C e New Cassel, Wis. I f Port Washington, Wis. K f Sextonville, Wis. G f Luddington, Mich. L f New Lisbon, Wis. G f Potter, Wis. I e Shakopee City, Minn. D • Lyle, Minn. E f New London, Minn. B d Poynette, Wis. H f Sharon, Mich. N g Lynd, Minn. B e New London, Mich. P f Prairie du Chien, Wis. F f Sharon, Wis. I g Lyndon, Wis. G f New London, Wis. I e Prairie du Sac, Wis. H f Shawanaw, Wis. I e Lynn, Mich. P f New Munich, Minn. C d Prescott, Wis. E e Sliayenne, Minn. A c Lyons, Mich. N f Newport, Minn. D e Presque Isle, Mich. 0 d Sheboygan, Wis. K t Lytles, Wis. F f New River, Mich. P e Preston, Minn. E f Sheboygan Falls, Wis. K t McAuleyville, Minn. A c New Ulm, Minn. C e Preston, Wis. F e Sheldon, Minn. F f McClemens, Mich. P g Niles, Mich. L h Princeton, Minn. D d Shell Rock, Minn. D f McFarland, Wis. H f North Branch, Mich. 0 f Princeton, Wis. H f Sherman City, Mich. M f McGregor, Minn. D c North Branch, Minn D d Quincy, Mich. N h Shiawassee, Mich. N g Mackinaw, Mich. N d Northfield, Minn. D e Quincy, Wis. G f Shiocton, Wis. I e Madelia, Minn. C e North port, Mich. M d Racine, Wis. K g Shopifere, (Tiffany P.O.) Wis. H g Madison, Cap. of State, Wis. H f North Prairie, Wis. I g Ramsey, Minn. D f Shullsburg, Wis. G g Madisons, Mich. M g North Unity, Mich. M e Randall, Minn. B d Sibawaing, Mich. 0 f Magnolia, Wis. H g Norwalk, Mich. L e Rapids, Wis. K e Sicotts, Minn. D c Maiden Rock, Wis. E e Nottawa, Mich. M g Ravenna, Mich. M f Siuoars, Minn. E f Mananuah, Minn. C d Novi, Mich. 0 g Ray, Mich. P g Somerset, WLs. E d Manchester, Mich. N g Nunica, Mich. L f Reading, Mich. N h South Bend, Minn. C e Manchester, Wis. H f Oak Creek, Wis. K g Read’s Landing; Minn. E e South Haven, Mich. L g Manedowish, Wis. F d Oakfield, Wis. I f Reed City, Mich. M f South Saginaw, Mich. N f Manistee, Mich. L e Oakland, Minn. D f Reedsburgh, Wis. G f Sparta, Midi. M 4 MAP OF MICHIGAN, WISCONSIN, AND MINNESOTA. Sparta, Wis. G f Thiensville, Wis. I f Wandyne, Wis. I f Wexford, Mich. M f Spencer Brook, Minn. D d Thomson, Minn. E c Wanomingo, Minn. E e Weyanwega, Wis. H e Spring Green, Wis. G f Three Oaks, Mich. L h Warner, Mich. H d Wheatland, Minn. D e Spring Lake, Mich. L f Three Ravers, Mich. M g Warren Mills, Wis. G e White Bear, Minn. B d Springvale, Wis. F f Tiffany, P.0. (Shopiire) Wk H g Warsaw, Minn. D e Whitehall, Mich. L i Spring Valley, Minn. E f Tintah, Minn. A d Waseca, Minn. D e White Pigeon, Mich M h Standish, Mich. N f Tomah, Wis. G f Washington, Mich. P g White River, Mich. L f Stanton, Mich. M f Tordenskiold, Minn. B c W asioga, Minn. E f White Rock, Mich. P State Line, Minn. D f Traverse City, Mich. M f W atab, Minn. C d Whitewater, Wis. I g State Line, Wis. K cr Traverse de Sioux, Minn. C e Waterford, Mich. 0 g Wilder, Minn. B f Stevens Point, Wis. H e Travis, Mich. M g Waterford, Wis. I g Willmar, Minn. B d Stevensville, Mich. L & Tray, Wis. I g Waterloo, Mich. N g Wilmington, Minn. F I Stiles, Wis. I e Trempeleau, Wis. F e Waterloo, Wis. H f Willow Creek Wis. H e Stillwater, Minn. E d Trenton, Mich. 0 g Watertown, Minn. D e Wilson, Wis. F e Stockbridge, Mich. N g Trenton, Minn. D f Watertown, Wis. I f Wilton, Minn. D e Stockbridge, Wis. I e Trenton, Minn. E c Waterville, Minn. F b Windom, Minn. B 1 Stockton, Minn. F e Troy, Mich. L h Waterville, Minn. D e Windsor, Wis. H 1 Stockton, Wis. E e Tustin, Mich. M e Watervliet, Mich. L g Windsor, Wis. I g Stoughton, Wis. H g Two Creeks, Wis. K e Watrousville, Mich. 0 f Winnebago City, Minn. C I Sturgeon Bay, Wis. K e Two Rivers, Minn. C d Waukesha, Wis. I f Winneconne, Wis. I e Sturgis, Mich. M h Two Rivers, Wis. K e Waumandee, Wis. F e Winona, Minn. F e Sumner, Mich. N f Turner, sport. Mich. L e Waunakee, Wis. H f Winona Junction, Wis. F f Sun Prairie, Wis. H f Tuscola, Mich. 0 f Waupaeca', Wis. H e Winthrop, Mich. K e Sunrise, Minn. E d Union, Mich. M g Waupun, Wis. I f Wolf River, Wis. I e Superior, Minn. E e Utica, Mich. P g Wausau, Wis. H e Wonewoc, Wis. G f Superior, Wis. E c Utica, Wis. F f Wautoma, Wis. H e Woodland, Wis. I f Suttons Bay, Mich. M f Vassal', Mich. 0 f Wauzeka, Wis. G f Woodstock, Wis. G f Su verne, Minn. A f Vermontville, Mich. M g Waverley, Minn. C d Worthington, Minn. B f Swains, Minn. E c Verona, Minn. C f Wayland, Mich. M g Wrightstown, Wis. I e Swan City, Minn. C e Victory, Wis. F f Wayne, Mich. 0 g Wrights ville. Wis. G e Swan River, Minn. C d Vienna, Mich. 0 f Weaver, Minn. E e Wyandotte, Mich. 0 g Swansea, Minn. C e Vienna, Mich. 0 h Wells, Minn. D f Wyocena, Wis. H f Syene, Wis. H f Viola, Wis. G f Wells, Mich. N e Wyoming, Minn. D d Tawas, Mich. 0 e Viroqua, Wis. G f Wenona, Mich. 0 f Yankee Springs, Mich. M g Taycheeda, Wis. I f Wabasha, Minn. E e West Bend, Wis. I f Yellow Medicine, Minn. B e Taylor’s Falls. Minn. E d Waconia, Minn. D e Westcott, Minn. D e Ypsilanti, Mich. 0 g Tecumseh, Mich. N h Wacouta, Minn. E e West Depere, Wis. I e Yuba, Wis. G Tenhassen, Minn. C f Wadena, Minn. C c Weston Rapids, Wis. G e Zeeland, Mich. M g Terrys, Mich. 0 f Wajamega, Mich. 0 f Westport Minn. B d Zilwaukee, Mich. 0 f RIVERS, MOUNTAINS, ETC. Abbaye Pc. Mich. I c Clam R. Wis. E d Horieon L. Wis. 1 f M iehegamini L. Mich. 1 C Agate Harbor, Mich. 1 b Clear Water R. Minn. A b Houghtons L. Mich. N e Michigan I. Wis. G c Aminecon R. Wis. E c Clinton R. Mich. O g Hubbard L. Mich O e Michigan L., area 22,400 sq. m. : Apostle Is. Wis. G b Cloquet R. Minn. E c Huron I’s. Mich. I c alt. 574 ft. Mich, and Wis. K f Apple R. Wis. E d Cormorant R. Minn. C b Huron L., area 25,000 sq. m.; Middle R. Minn. A a An Sable Pt. Mich. 0 f Court Oreilles L. Wis. F d alt. 578 ft. Mich, and Canada P e Mill Creek, Mich. P f Au Sable Pt. Mich. L c Crane L. Minn. E a Huron R. Mich. I c Mille Lacs, Minn. D c Au Sable R., 110 E. Mich. 0 e Crooked L. Minn. D c Huron R., 75 m. Mich. O g Milwaukee R. Wis. I f Aux Roseaux R. Minn. A a Cross, Minn. F b Ikwe L. Minn. C c Minnesota or St Peters R., 300 m. Minn. B e Bad R. Wis. G c Crow R., 90 m. Minn. C d Intpah or Lac Q.ui Parle R. Minn. A e Missabay Heights, Minn. D b Balsam L. Wis. E d Crow R., S. Fork, Minn. C e Iron L. Minn. F a Mississippi R., 2,640 m. Minn. Wis. F i Baptism R. Minn. F b Crow Wing R. Minn. C c Iron R Wis. F c Mountain L. Minn. C a Baraboo R. Wis. H f Days R. Mich. K c Iroquois Pt. Mich. N c Mulletts L. Mich. N d Bark B. Wis. F c Dead Fish L. Minn. E b Isle Royale (L. Superior), Mich. I a Muskegon R., 140 m. Mich. M e Barques, Pt. aux. Mich. P e Dead L. Minn. B c Itaska L., source of the Mississippi, Namekagon L. Wis. F c Baswood L. Minn. F a Des Moines R. Minn. B f 1,680 ft. Minn. B b Namekagon R. Wis. F d Baudet R. Minn. B a Detroit I. Wis. K d Jump R. Wis. G d Nameukan L. Minn. D a Bear I. Wis. G b Detroit R., 25 m. Mich. O g Kalamazoo R., 135 m. Mich. M g Nebish I. Mich. N c Beaver I. Mich. M d Detour Pt. Mich. L d Kate-tchoi I. Mich. O f Nemadjo R. Wis. E c Beaver L. Wis. H f Drummond I. Mich. 0 c Kettle R. Minn. E c Oak I. Wis. G c Beaver R. Minn. F b Eagle Rapids, Wis. F e Kewaunee B. Mich. I c Oeheeda L. Minn B f Belle R Mich. P g Eau Claire L. Wis. F c Keweenaw Pt. Mich-. K b Oconto R. Wis. I d Bend Creek, Minn. A a Eau Claire R. Wis. F e Kichikango L. Minn. B b Oronto B. Wis. G c Bete Gris B. Mich. K b Elbow L. Minn. B b Kickapoo R. Wis. G f Osakis L. Minn. B d Big Bay Pt. Mich. K c Elk Creek, Mich. P f Knife I. Minn. F c Ottawa Pt. Mich. 0 6 Big Bay de Hoque*. Mich. L d Elm R. Minn. C f Knife L. Minn. F a Otter Tail R. Minn. A C Big Cottonwood R. Minn. B e Embarrass R. Wis. I e Knife R. Minn. F c Outer I. \V is. G u Big Eau Plain R. Wis. G e Encampment L Minn. F b Koshkonong L. Wis. H g Packaway L. Wis. H f Big Falls Wis. I d Escanaba R. Mich. K c La Belle L. Miqh. I b Partridge R. Minn. B c Big Fork, Rainy Lake Tt. Minn. C a Fish R. Wis. F c Lac Qui Parle, Minn. A d Passage I. Mich. I a Bigstonc L. Minn. A d Flambeau L. Wis. G d La Crosse R. Wis. F f Patterson Pt. Mich. M d Big White Face R. Minn. E b Flambeau R Wis. G d La Croix L., alt. 547 feet, Minn. B a Pekan R. Minn. D a Black R. Mich. G c Flat Rock Pt. Mich. 0 e Leaf R. Minn. B c Pelican R. Minn. A c Black R Mich. P f Flint R. Mich. O f Leech L. Minn. 0 b Pelican R. Wis. H d Black R. Minn. A b Fond du Lac, Lake Superior F c Leech Lake R. Minn. C b Pemidgi L. Minn. C b Black R. Minn. C a Ford R. Mich. K c Lemonweir Creek, Wis. G f Pepin L. Minn. E e Black R., 155 m. Wis. F e Fowl L. Minn. G a Little Bay de Noquet, Mich. K d Pere Marquette, Mich. L f Black R. Wis. G e Fox I’s. Mich. M d Little Eau Plain R. Wis. G e Peshekemec R. Mich. I c Blake Point, Mich. I a Fox R. 35 m., with Wolt R 190 m. Wis. I e Little Fork, Rainy L. R. or Peshtigo, Wis. I d Blue Earth R. Minn. C f Fox R. Wis. G e Pekan R. Minn. D a Pictured Rocks (L. Superior), Mich. L c Bois Blanc, Mich. N d Garden I. Mich. M d Little Iron R. Mich. K c Pigeon Creek, Wis. F e Bois des Sioux R, Minn. A c Garden I. Minn. C a Little Traverse B. Mich. M d Pigeon R. Minn. G a Brule R. Wis. I d Gauss L. Minn. D c Little Wolf Creek, Wis. H e Pigeon R. Mich. O f Brunette Falls, Wis. F d Grandfather Bull Falls, Wis. H d Loan L. Minn. E a Pikatonoky R. Wis. H a o Brute R. Minn. G b Grand I. Mich. L c Long L. Minn. C c Pine L. Minn. B C Buffalo Creek, Minn. C e Grand Marais, Mich. M c Long Prairie, Minn. C d Pine R. Mich. isr C Buffalo R. Minn. A c Grand Portal, Mich. L c Long Prairie R. Minn. C c Pine R. Mich. N f Buffalo R. Wis. F e Grand Rapids, Wis. K d Mackinaw, Straits of Mich. N d Pine R. Minn. A a Burnt Wood R. Wis. F c Grand R., 170 m. Mich. L f Madeline I. Wis. G c Pine R. Minn. C c Burts L. Mich. N d Grand Sable R. Mich. L e Manedowish R. Wis. F d Pine R. Wis. G f Cannon R. Minn. D e Grand Traverse B. Mich. M d M anistee R., 110 m. Mich. L e Pine R. Wis. I d Carlton Peak, Minn. G b Granite I. Mich. K c Manistiqne L. Mich. M c Pine Valley, Wis. G e Carp R. Mich. G 0 Granite Pt. Mich. K c Manistique R. Mich. L c Platte R. Wis. G g Carp R. Mich. M c Grant R. Wis. G g Manito R Minn. F b Plover R. Wis. H e Cascade R. Minn. G b Green Bay (L. Michigan), Wis. K e Manitou I. Mich. K b Pokegoma Falls, Minn. D b Cass L. Minn. C b Green I. Wis. K d Manitou I. N. Mich. L d Pomme de Terre R. Minn. B d Cass R. Mich. 0 f Green L. Wis. H f Manitou I. S. Mich. L d Porcupine Mts. Mich. G c Cat I. Wis. G b Gull I. (L. Superior), Mich. I a Manitou L. Mich. N e Portage L. Mich. I b Cedar R. Mich. K d Gull I. (L. Michigan), Mich. M d Manitowoc R. Wis. K e Poygan L. Wis. I e Cedar R. Minn. D f Gull L. Minn. C c Marquette I. Mich. N d Prairie R. Wis. H d Cedar R. Wis. F d Hammonds B. Mich. N d Marsh R. Minn. A b Presque I. Mich. K c Chambers I. Wis. K d Haster Lake, Minn. D b Mendota L. Wis. H f Presque Isle R. Mich. H c Ohaquamiegon B. Wis. G c Hawk Creek, Minn. B e Menomonee R., 145 m. Wis. K d Presque or Stockton I. Wis. G c Charity I’s. Mich. 0 e Hay R. Wis. E d Mequacuinecum R. Mich. I c Rabbit R. Minn. A d Cheboygan R. Mich. N d Height of Land, Minn. B b Monistique L. Mich. M c Racoon R. Wis. F f Chippewa R., 120 m. Wis. F d Heron L. Minn. B f Montreal R. Mich. G c Rainy Falls, Minn. D a Chippewa R. Minn. B d Higgins L. Mich. N e Moose L. Minn. G a Rainy Lake, alt. 445 feet, Minn. D a Chippewa R. Wis. F d High I. Mich. M d Mountain L. Minn. G a Rainy Lake R., 270 m. Minn. C a Clam. R. Mich. M e Hog I. Mich. M d Micha L. Minn. B b Raisin R., So in. Mich. 0 MAP OF MICHIGAN, WISCONSIN, AND MINNESOTA. 5 Rapid R. Minn. C a St Croix R., 180 m. Wis. E d Sugar I. Mich. N c Two Rivers, Minn. A a Raspberry 1. Wis. G c St Croix L. Wis. and Minn. E o Sugar R. Wis. II g Upper St Croix L. Wis. E c Red Cedar L. Wis. F d St Helena I. M ich. N d Summer 1. Mich. L d Vermillion L. Minn. E b Red Eye R. Minn. B c St Ignace Pt. Mich. N d Superior L., area 82,000 sq. m.; Vermillion R. Minn. E a Red Grass R. Minn. A a St Joseph R., 180 m. Mich. M h alt. 627 feet, Mich, and Canada 1 b Vieux Desert L. Wis. H c Red L. Minn. B b St Louis R., 140 m. Minn. E c Swamp R. Minn. A a Washington I. Wis. K d Red Lake R., SO m. Minn. B b and A b St Martin’s I. Mich. L d Swan Creek, Mich. O g Watonwan R. Minn. c f Red R. of the North, St Peter’s or Minnesota R., Swan L. Minn. D b Waupacca R. Wis. II e 400 m. Minn. B c and A a 300 m. Minn. B e Swan R. Minn. C d West Channel, Mich. N d Redwood R. Minn. B e Sand Hill R. Minn. A b Swan R. Minn. D b White Bear L. Minn. B d Reno L. Minn. C c Sand I. Wis. F b Tamarac, Minn. A a White Earth L. Minn. B b Rib Falls. Wis. PI e Sand Pt. Mich. O e Temperance R. Minn. F b White Fish L. Minn. C c Rib R. Wis. PI e Sandy L. Minn. D c Tequamenon R. Mich. M c White Fish Pt. Mich. M c Rice L. Minn. E c Seuil Choix Pt. Mich. hi d Thief R. Minn. B a White Fish R. Mich. If ft Rice L. Minn. B b Seiganagali L. Minn. F a Thornapple R. Mich. M g White Rapids, Mich. K d Riile R. Mich. N e Seven Bearer L. Minn. E b Thunder B. Mich. O e White R. Mich. L f Robinson’s Creek, Wis. G e Sheboygan R. Wis. K f Thunder Bay I’s. Mich. O d White R. Wis. F c Roch a Gris Creek, Wis. H e Shell R. Minn. B c Thunder Bay R. Mich. 0 d Wild Rice It. Minn. A b Rock I. Wis. G b Shetek L. Minn. B e Tittibawasseo R, Mich. N f Willow R. Minn. D c Rock I. Wis. L d Shiawassee R., 105 m. Mich. N f Tobacco R. Mich. I b Winibigosliish, Minn. C b Root R., SO m. Minn. F f Shoal I. Wis. G b Tologatic R. Wis. E c Winnebago L. Wis. I o Rock R., 160 m. Wis. I g Siskowit B. Mich. PI b Tomahawk R. Wis. H d Winter Road R. Minn. B a Rock R. Minn. A f Sleeping Bear PL Mich. L e Torch L. Mich. M e Wisconsin R., 360 m Wis. H d k. G f Rum R., 100 m. Minn. D d Snake R. Minn. A a Trade It. Wis. E d Wolf It. Wis. I d Rush L. Minn. B c Snake R. Minn. D c Traverse I. Mich. 1 b Wood R. Wis. E d Sable Pt. Mich. L e South Branch, Buffalo R. Minn. A c Traverse L. Minn. A d Woods, Lake of the Minn. C a Sable Pt. Mich. O e Stanard’s Rock, Mich. K b Traverse Point, Mich. I b Yellow Medicine R. Minn. A e Saginaw R. Mich. O f Stony Creek, Mich. 0 g Trempeleau R. Wis. F e Yellow R. Wis. E d St Clair L., area 360 sq m.; alt. Sturgeon R. Mich. I c Turtle It. Minn. C b Yellow R. Wis. G • 570 feet, Mich. P g Sturgeon R. Mich. L c Twin Falb, Wis. I d Zumbro R. Minn. E e Bt Clair R., 38 m. Mich. P g Sucker R. Mich. L « Two Hearted R, Mich. M 0 x X-i MICHIGAN, "WISCONSIN & Minnesota. PV T PlPTOnTHMIfW BY J. BARTHOLOMEW Statute Miles ip zp 30 4.0 dp rijnn ^ 'liJ awpsr ■ i 'J *Ju ^.f^shur 1 ,&*f v if '...JLU .5 Are/vlO. r J Bartholomew ol Zell, PMLadeljln a . MAP OF KANSAS, NEBRASKA, ETC. Scale, 100 miles to an inch. State of Kansas. — Area, 81,318 square miles. Population (1880) 995,966, divided thus, White, 952,056, Colored, 43,096; Native, 886,261, Foreign, 109,705; Males, 536,725, Females, 459,241 ; increase since 1870, 173.14 per cent. (1870) 364,399, of whom 17,108 were colored, and 914 Indians ; (1860) 107,206 ; increase, 239.9 per cent. Capital, Topeka. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880 Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Allen, 7,022 11,307 I h Leavenworth, 32,444 32,360 i g Anderson, 5,220 9,059 I S Lincoln, 516 8,582 G g Arapahoe, 3 F h Linn, 12,174 15,299 I g Atchison, 15,507 26,674 I g Lyon, 8,014 17,327 H g Barbour, 2,661 G h Marion, 768 12,457 H g Barton, 2 10,319 G g Marshall, 6,901 16,135 H g Bourbon, 15,076 19,595 I h Meade, 296 F h Brown, 6,823 12,819 I g McPherson, 738 17,143 H g Buffalo, 191 F g Miami, 11,725 17,818 I g Butler, 3,035 18,587 H h Mitchell, 485 14,913 G g Chase, 1,975 6,081 II g Montgomery, 7,564 18,217 I h Chautauqua. 11 ,072 H h Morris, 2,225 9,266 H g Cherokee, 11.03S 21,907 1 h Nemaha, 7,339 12,463 H g Chevenne, 37 F g Neosho, 10,206 15,124 I h Clarke, 163 G h Ness, 2 3,722 G g Clay, 2,942 12,320 H g Norton, 7,002 G g Cloud, 2,323 15,346 H g Osage, 7,648 19,643 I g Coffey, 6,201 11.438 I g Osborne, 33 12,513 G g Comanche, 372 G h Ottawa, 2,127 10,308 II g Cowley, 1,175 21,539 H h Pawnee, 179 5,396 G g Crawford, 8,160 16,S54 I h Phillips, 12,017 G g Davis, 5,526 6,994 H g Pottawattamie, 7,848 16,347 II g Decatur, 4,180 F g Pratt, 1,890 G h Dickinson, 3,043 14,973 H g Rawlins, 1,623 F g Doniphan, 13,969 14,258 I g Reno, 12,824 G h Douglas, 20,592 21,706 I g Republic, : 1,281 14,913 II g Edwards, 2,409 G h Rice, 5 9,292 G g Elk, 10.625 H h Riley, 5,105 10,430 H g Ellis, 1,336 6, 179 G g Rooks, 8.113 G g Ellsworth, 1,185 8,494 G g Rush, 5,490 G g Foote, 411 F h Russell, 156 7,351 G g Ford, 427 3,122 G li Saline, 4,246 13,810 H g Franklin, 10,385 16,800 I g Sedgwick, 1,095 13,753 H h Gove, 1,196 F g Scott, 43 F g Graham, 4,258 G g Sequoyah, 568 F g Grant, 9 F li Seward, 5 F' h Greeley, 3 F g Shawnee, 13,121 29,092 I g Greenwood, 3,484 10,550 H h Sheridan, 1.567 * g Hamilton, 168 F h Sherman, 13 F. g Harper, 4,133 G h Smith, 66 13,885 G g Harvey, 11,454 G h Sumner, 22 20.812 H h Hodgeman, 1,704 G g Stafford, 4,755 G g Howard, 2,794 H h Stanton, 5 F h Jackson, 6,053 10,718 I g Stevens, 12 F li Jefferson, 12,526 15,564 I g Thomas, 161 F g Jewell, 207 17,477 G g Trego, 166 2,535 G g Johnson, 13,684 10,864 I g Wabaunsee, 3,362 8,757 H g Kansas, 9 F h Wallace, 538 686 F g Kearney, 159 F h Washington, 4,081 14,910 II g Kingman, 3,713 G h Wichita, 14 F g Kiowa, G h Wilson, 6,694 13,776 X h Labette, 9,973 22,736 I h Woodson, 3,827 6,535 1 h Lane, 632 F g Wyandotte, 10,015 19,151 I g State of Nebraska. — Area, 75,995 square miles Population 1880) 452,433, divided thus, White, 449,806, Colored, 2,376; Native, 355,043, Foreign, 97,390 ; Males 249,275, Females, 203,158; increase since 1870, 267.83 per cent. (1870) 122,993, of whom 789 were colored, and 87 Indians. (1S60) 28,841; increase, 326.4 per cent. Capital, Lincoln. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Adams, 19 10,235 G f Hitchcock, 1,012 G e Antelope, 3,953 G e Holt, 3,287 G e Blackbird, 31 H e Howard, 4,391 G f Boone, 4,170 G f Jackson, 9 F f Buffalo, 193 7,531 G f James, G f Burt, 2.847 6.937 H f Jefferson, 2,440 8,096 H f Butler, 1,291 9,194 H f Johnson, 7,597 H f Caldwell, G e Jones, merged in Jefferson. F f Cass, 8,151 16,684 H f Kearney, 58 4,072 G f Cedar, 1,032 2,899 H e Keith, 194 F f Chase, 70 G f Knox, 3,666 H e Cheyenne, 190 1,558 E f Kountze, G f Clay, 54 11,294 G f Lake, F e Colfax, 1,424 6,588 H f Lancaster, 7,074 28,090 H f Cuming, 2,964 5,677 H f L Eau qui Court, 261 H e Custer, 2,211 G f Lincoln, 17 3,632 G f Cunningham, G e Lyon, 78 E f Dakota, 2,040 3,213 H e Madison, 1,133 5,589 H f Dawson, 103 2.909 G f Mason. F f Dixon, 1,345 4,177 H e Merrick, 557 5,341 G f Dodge, 4,212 11.263 H f Millard, G e Douglas, 19,982 37,639 H f Monroe, 235 F f Dundy, 37 F f Nance, 1,212 G f Dunoy, F f Neligh, G f Fairfield, F e Nemaha, 7,593 10,451 I f Fillmore, 238 10,204 H f Nuckolls, 8 4,235 G f Franklin, 26 5,465 G f Otoe, 12,345 15,760 H f Frontier, 934 F f Pawnee, 4,171 6,920 II f Furnas, 6,407 G e Phelps, 2,447 G f Gage, 3,359 13,104 H f Pierce, 152 1,203 H e Gosper, 1,673 G f Platte, 1,899 9,511 H f Grant, 484 F f Polk. 136 6,846 H f Greeley, 1,461 G f Red Willow, 3,044 F f Hall, 1,057 8,573 G f Richardson, 9,780 15,028 I f Hamilton, 130 8,267 G f Saline, 3,106 14.491 H f Harlan, 6,085 G f Sarpy, 2.913 4,481 H f Harrison, 631 F f Saunders, 4,547 15.809 H f Hayes, 119 F f Seward, 2,953 11,147 H f Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Counties, Pop. 1870, Pop. 1880. Sherman, 2,061 G f Webster, 16 7,108 G f Sioux, 699 E e Wheeler, G44 G f Stanton, 636 1,813 II f Wiltze, G A Sumner, G e York, 604 11.170 U f Taffe, G f Unorganized North-west Territory, 52 Taylor, 97 E I Unorganized Territory west of Thayer, 6,113 H f Madison County, 183 Tipton, G f Winnebago Indian Reservation, 31 Valley, 2,324 G f Pawnee Indian Reservation, 44 Washington, 4,452 8,631 II f Unorganized Territory, 2,913 Wayne, 182 813 H e State of Colorado. — Area, 104,500 square miles. Population (1880) 194,649, divided thus, White, 191,452, Colored, 2,459; Native, 154,869, For- eign. 39,780; Males, 129,471, Females, 65,178. Increase since 1870, 388.28 per cent. (1870), 39,864, of whom 456 were colored and 180 Indians ; (1860), 34,277 ; increase, 15.9 per cent. Capital, Denver. Counties. Pop, 1870. Pop. 1880. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Arapahoe, 6,829 58,645 E g Hinsdale, 1,499 C h Bent, 592 1,654 E h Huerfano, 2,250 4,124 D h Boulder, 1,939 9,746 D f Jefferson, 2,390 6,810 D g Chaffee, 6,510 D g Lake, 522 23,814 C g Clear Creek, 1,596 7,846 D g La Plata, 1,110 B h Conejos, 2,504 5,005 0 h Larimer, 838 4,892 D f Costilla, 1,779 2,879 D h Las Animas, 4,276 8,901 E h Custer, 8,082 D g Ouray, 2.670 B h Dougla^ 1,388 - 2,486 D g Park, 447 3.970 D g Elbert, 1.709 E g Pueblo, 2,265 7,615 I> g El Paso, 987 7,952 D g Rio Grande, 1,944 C h Fremont, 1,064 4,735 D g Routt, 140 C f Gilpin, 5,490 6,489 D g Saguache, 304 1,973 C g Grand, 417 C f San Juan, 1,087 C h Greenwood, 510 E g Summit, 258 5,459 C f Gunnison, 8,237 C g Weld, 1,636 5,646 E f Territory of Dakota. — Area, 150,932 square miles. Population (1880), 135,180, divided thus, White 133,177, Colored, 381 ; Native, 83,387, Foreign 51,793; Males, 82,302, Females, 52,818. Increase since 1870,853.24 per cent. (1870), 14,181, of whom 94 were colored, and 1,200 Indians; (1860), 4,837. Capital, Yankton. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Armstrong, 2,607 H e Jayne, 5 H e Barnes, 1,585 H e Kingsbury, 1,102 H d Bonhomme, 608 5,469 H e Kitson, H b Brookings, 163 4,965 H d Lake, 2,657 11 d Brugier, G e Lawrence, 13,248 E d Buell, H d Lincoln, 712 5/97 H 8 Buffalo, 246 F e McCook, 1,283 11 e Burleigh, 1,997 F c Meyer, 115 F e Cass, 8,998 H c Miner, 363 11 d Charles Mix, 152 G e Minnehaha, 355 8,252 H d Chippewa, II c Moody, 3,915 H d Clark, 114 II d Pembina, 1,213 4,802 H b Clay, 2,621 5,001 11 e Pennington, 2,244 E d Codington, 2.156 H d Richland, 3,597 II c Custer, 995 E e Shyenne, II 0 Davison, 1,256 H 0 Stevens, 11 c Deuel, 37 2,302 H d Stutsman, 1,007 G c Grand Forks, 6,248 H b Todd, 337 (i e Grant, 3,010 H d Traill, 4,123 H c Gregory, G 0 Turner, 5,320 H e Hamlin, 693 II d Union, 3,507 6,813 H e Hanson, 1,301 H © Yankton, 2,097 8,391 H e Hutchinson, 37 2,966 H © Unorganised portion of Territory 2,091 E c Territory of Wyoming — Area, 97,883 square miles. Population (1880), 20,788, divided thus, White, 19,436,. Colored, 299; Native, 14,943, Foreign, 5,845 ; Males, 14,151, Females, 6,637. Increase since 1870, 127.98 percent. (1870), 9,118, of whom 183 were colored, 143 Chinese, and 66 Indians. Capital, Cheyenne City. Counties. Pop. 1870 Pop. 1880. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Albany, 2,021 4,625 D e Pease, 637 C d Carbon, 1,368 3,438 C 8 Sweetwater, 1,916 2,561 B e Crook, 239 D d Uintah, 856 2,879 A e Laramie, 2,957 6,409 D e Territory of Montana.-— For those marked with a * see Map 14, and ao~ companying text. The Counties without a * are represented on Map 13. Counties, Pop. 1870 Pop. 1880. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Beaver Head,* 2,712 G c Jefferson,* 2,464 H b Big Horn,* 38 C c Lewis and Clarke,* 0,521 G b Clioteau,* 517 3,05S A b Madison,* 3,916 li c Custer, 2,510 D d Meagher,* 1,387 2,744 A c Dawson, 177 ISO C c Missoula,* 2,533 F b Deer Lodge,* 8.876 G a Reserve for Crow Nation,* B d Gallatin,* 1,578 3,643 A d Indian Tribes, &c. Apas, Sihas, and Unkpapas, Dak. E d Minikanye Dakotas, Wyom. D e Assinniboin Indians, Mont. Dc&Dak. E b Ohcnonpa Dakotas, Dak. F d Crow Nation, Reserve i'or Mont. B d Ponka Res. , Dak. G e Dakotas or Sioux, Dak. G d Sichangu or Brule, Nebr. E e Grosventres, Mont. A c & D c Sihas, Apas, and Unkpapas, Dak. E d Mandans and Crees, Dak. F c Unkpapas, Sihas, and Apas, Dak. E d Military Res., Dale. G e Yankton Reservation, Dak. G e Minetares or Grosventres, Dak. E c (No official returns where population is not given.) Abbreviations of Names of States, 8>c. — Kans., Kansan: Nehr., Nebraska; Colo., Colorada; Dak., Dakota ; Wyom, Wyoming ; Mont., Montana. 2 MAP OF KANSAS, NEBRASKA, ETC. TOWNS, CITIES, ETC Abilene, Kans. H g Eagle Tail, Kans. F g Green River, Wvom. B f Ottawa. Kans. 1 g Alkali, Nebr. F f Eldorado, Kans. H k Greeley, Colo. D f Paola, Kans. I g Alma, Kans. H g Elk Falls, Kans. H h Grinned, Kans. F g Parker, Kans. I b Animas City, Colo. C h Elk Pt. Dak. II e Hanover, Kans. H g Parkers, Kans. II g Arago, Nebr. I f Ellis, Kans. G g Harvard, Nebr. G f Parks Fork, Kans. G g Arapaha, Kans. F g Ellsworth, Kans. G g Hazard, Wvom, D f Parsons, Kans. I h Aroya, Colo. E g Elm Creek, Nebr. G f Hebron, Nebr. H f Pawnee City, Nebr. II f Ashland, Nebr. H f El Paso, Colo. D S Henry, Nebr. H f Peabody, Kans. H g Aspen, Wyom. A f Emporia, Kans. H or Hiawatha, Kans. I g Pembina, Dak. H b Atchison, Kans. I g Erie, Kans. I h Hillsdale, Kans. I g Percy, Wyom. C f Badito, Colo. D h Eureka, Kans. H h Hillsdale, Wyom. D f Perry, Kans. I g Barnard, Kans. 1 g Evans, Colo. D f Holton, Kans. I g Piedmont, Wyom. A f Baxter Springs. Kans. I h Excelsior, Colo. D g Hugo, Colo. E g Pierce, Nebr. H e Beatrice, Nebr. H f Fairbury, Nebr. H f Humboldt, Kans. I h Pinos, Colo. C h Beaver City, Colo. D Cf Falls City, Nebr. I f Humboldt, Nebr. I f Plattsmouth, Nebr. I f Bents Fort, Colo. E g Farmer's Valley, Nebr. H f Independence, Kans. I h Pleasant H. Nebr. H f Beloit, Kans. G g Floi'ence, Nebr. H f Iola, Kans. I h Pogosa, Colo. C h Belleville, Kans. H Fort Abercrombie, Dak. H c Ionia, Nebr. H e Point of Rocks, alt. 6,464 ft. Wvom. B f Bellevue, Nebr. I f Fort Aspenhut, Wyom. B e Irving, Kans. H g Ponca, Nebr. H e Benton City, alt. 2,645 ft. Mont. A c Fort Atkinson, Old Kans. F h Jackson, Nebr. H f Potter, Nebr. E f Benton City, alt. 6,877 ft. Wyom. C f Fort Aubrey, Kans. F cr O Jewell, Kans. G g Princeton, Kans. I g Big Horn City, Mont. C c Fort Berthold, Dak. F C J ulesburg. Nebr. E f Pueblo, Colo. D g Big Sioux, Dak. H e Fort Bridger, Wyom. A f Junction City, Kans. H g Rawlins, Wyom. C f Bijou, Colo. D g Fort Buford, Dak. E b Juniata, Nebr. G f Rawnee, Nebr. G f Black Buttes, Wyom. B f Fort Casper, Wyom. C e Kansas City, Kans. I O Red Butte, Wyom. C e Bonhomme, Dak. H e Fort C. F. Smith, Mont. C d Kearney, Nebr. G f Red Desert, Wyom. B f Bonneville, Wyom. A e Fort Charles, Mont. C b Kearney City, Nebr. G f Ree Village, Old Dak. F d Boonville, Colo. D g Fort Charles, Dak. F c Kerch eval. Mont. B c Ring City, Kans. H g Boulder City, Colo. D f Fort Clarke, Dak. F c Kiowa, Colo. D g Rock Creek, Wyom. D t Box Elder, Colo. D g Fort Dakota, Dak. II e Kit Carson, Colo. E g Rock Springs, Wyom. B f Brady I. Nebr. F f Fort Fetterman, Wyom. D e Kirwin, Kans. G g Rocky Hill, Kans. G g Braseaus, Mont. D c Fort Garland, Colo. D li Lake, Colo. E g Rulo, Nebr. 1 f Breckenridge, Colo. C CT o Fort George, Old Dak. F d La Porte, Colo. D f Russell, Kans. G g Breckenridge, Dak. H C Fort Hall, Wyom. C f La Poudre, Colo. D f St James Nebr. H e Bridger, Wyom. A f Fort James, Dak. H e Laramie, Wyom. D f St Joseph, Dak. H b Bridgerstown, Wyom. D e Fort Laramie, Wyom. D e Lawrence, Kans. 1 g St Mary’s, Kans. I g Brookville, Kans. H a Fort Larned, Kans. G g Leavenworth, Kans. I g St Paul, Nebr. G f Brownville, Nebr. I f Fort Lookout, Dak. G d Leroy, Kans. I g St Vrain, Colo. D f Brule, Nebr. F f Fort Lupton, Colo. D f Lincoln, Dak. II e Salma, ■ Kans. H g Buffalo, Kans. F g Fort Lyon, Colo. E g Lincoln, Cap. of State Nebr. H f Saltillo, Nebr. H f Bunker Hill, Kans. G g Fort McPherson, Nebr. F f Lindsborg, Kans. H g Salt Wells, Wyom. B f Burlingame, Kans. I Fort Massachussetts, Colo. D h Lone Tree, Nebr. G f Sarah, Kans. G g Burlington, Kans. I g Fort Morgan, Colo. E f Louisville, Kans. H g Savannah, Nebr. H f Bushnell, Nebr. E f Fort Padge, Kans. G h McPherson, Nebr. F f Schuyler, Nebr. II f Camp Marshall, Wyom. D e Fort Philip Kearney, Wyom. C d Madison, Nebr. H f Seneca, Kans. 13 g Camp Walbach, Wyom. D f Fort Pierre, Dak. F d Manhattan, Kans. H g Separation, Wyom. C f Canon City, Colo. D g Fort Piney, Wvom. A e Marion Centre, Kans. H g Seward, Nebr. H f Carlyle, Kans. F g Fort Ransom, Dale. H c Marysville, Kans. H g Sheridan, Kans. F g Carr, Colo. D f Fort Reno, Wyom. C e Medicine Bow, Wyom. C f Sherman, Wyom. D f Carter, Wyom. H f Fort Reynolds, Colo. D g Meridian, . Nebr. H f Sibley, Kans. I g Cedar Pt. Colo. E g Fort Rice, Dak. F c Minneapolis, Kans. H g Sidney, Nebr. E f Cedron, Kans. G g Fort Rilly, Kans. II O Mirage, Colo. E g Silver Creek, Nebr. 11 f Centralia, Kans. H g Fort St Vrain, Colo. D f Monument, Kans. F g Spring Valley, Colo. D g Chappell, Nebr. E f Fort Sanders, Wyom. D f Mound City, Kans. I g Sterling, Nebr. H f Cherry Valley, Colo. D g Fort Sarpy, Mont. C c Mountain City, Colo. D g Sumner, Kans. H h Cketopali, Kans. I h Fort Scott, Kans. I k Nebraska City, Nebr. I f Sweetwater, Wyom. C e Cheyenne, Cap. of Ter. Wyom. D f Fort Sedgwick, Colo. E f Neosho Falls, Kans. I g Tecum seh, Nebr. H f Cheyenne Wells, Colo. E § Fort Steele, Wyom. C f Neosho Rapids, Kans. I g Tekamab, Nebr. H f Clarks, Nebr. II f Fort Stephenson, Dak. F c New Chicago, Kans. 1 h Topeka, " Cap. cf State Kans. I g Clay Centre, Kans. 11 g Fort Sully, Dak. F d Newton, Kans. H g Troy, Kans. I g Clyde, Kans. H g Fort Sully, Old Dak. F d Niobrara, Nebr. G e Ulysses, Nebr. H f Colorado City, Colo. D g Fort Thompson, Dak. G e Norfolk, Nebr. H e Valley Station, Colo. E f Colton, Dak. E f Fort Thompson, Wyom. B e North Platte, Nebr. F f Vermillion, Dak. H e Columbus, Kans. I h Fort Totten, Dak. G c O’Fallons, Nebr. F f Walker, Kans. G g Columbus, Nebr. Ii f Fort Union, Mont. D c Ogallab, Kans. G o Wallace, Kans. F g Concordia, Kans. H g Fountain, Colo. D g Olathe, Kans. I g Wasli-a-kie, Wyom. B f Como, Wyom. C f Franklin, Nebr. G f Omadi, Nebr. H e Washington, Kans. H g Coopers L. Wyom. D f Frank Town, Colo. D g Omaha (City), Nebr. I f Waterville, Kans. H g Cottonwood Falls, Kans. H g Fredonia, Kans. I h Ophir, Mont. A c West Point, Nebr. II f Council Grove, Kans. H g Fremont, Nebr. H f Oro, Colo. C g White Cloud, Kans. I g Coyote, Kans. F g Garnett, Kans. I g Orville, Nebr. H f Wichita, Ivans. H h Creston, Wyom. C f Gay ford, Kans. G g Osage, Kans. I Willow I. Nebr. F f Crete, Nebr. H f Gibbon, Nebr. G f Osage City, Kans. I g Wilson, Kans. G g Dakota, Nebr. H e Girard, Kans. I h Osage Mission, Kans. I h Winfield, Kans. II h Dakota City, Dak. H c Golden City, Colo. D g Osborne, Kans. G g Wisner, Nebr. H 6 Dawson, Nebr. G f Gopher, Kans. F g Osceola, Nebr. H f Wood Valley, Colo. D g Denver, Cap. of Ter. Colo. D g G rand City, Colo. C f Oskaloosa, Kans. I g W yandotte, Kans. I g Devil’s Gate, Wyom. C e Grand I. Nebr. G f Oswego, Kans. I h Wyoming, Wyom. D f Doniphan, Kans. I g Granger, Wyom. A f Otoe, Nebr. I f Yanktcn, Cap. of Ter. Dak. H e Dorchester, Nebr. H f Grasshopper Falls, Kans. I g Otoe Agency, Nebr. H f York Town, Nebr. H l RIVERS, MOUNTAINS, ETC. Albert L. Dak. H d Big Rosebud R. Mont. B d Colorado Desert, Wyom. A e Gilpin’s Pillars, Colo. O 9 Animas Park, Colo. C h Big Sandy Creek, Colo. E O Coochetopa Pass, Colo. C li Good R. Dak. F Q Antelope Pass, Colo. D f Big Sheyenne R. Dak. F d Courthouse Rock, Nebr. E f Goose R. Dak H C Apisha R. Colo. D h Big Sioux R., 200 m. Dak. H e Crazy Woman R. Wyotn. C d Goree Pass, 6,720 ft. Colo. C f Apple Creek, Dak. F c Bijou Creek, Colo. D g Crow Creek, Colo. D f Grand R., 140 m. Colo. C g Arikare Fork, Colo. E g Bishop Mt. Wyom. B f Dakota, or James R., 485 m. Dak. G d Grant Mt. Colo. C f Arkansas R., 2,170 m. Kansas G k Bitter Creek, Wyom. B f Dancer’s Hill, Nebr. E e Great Sand Hills, Nebr. F t Arrow R. Mont. A c Black Hills, Dak. E d Dry Creek, Wyom. C e Green R. Wyom. A e Bad Water Creek, Wyom. B e Black Hills, Wyom. D e Edmund Mt. Colo. C f Grey Bull R. Wyom. B d Bald Hillock Creek, Dak. G c Blue R. Colo. C g Egerie Pass, Colo. C g Gros Ventre Creek, Wyom. A e Bear's Creek, Dak. E d Bois Cache Creek, Dak. F d Elk Creek, Dak. E § Ham's Fork, Wvom. A f Bear's Paw, Mts. Mont. B b Bois des Sioux R. Dak. H c Elkhead Range, Colo. C f Hazen R. Mont. B 0 Beaver Creek, Nebr. G e Box Elder, Dak. E e Elkhorn R., 240 m. Nebr. G e Head of the Cotaux des Prairies. Beaver Creek, Nebr. F f Bridger’s Pass, Wyom. C f Elk Mts. Colo. C g 2,000 Dak. H d Beaver Creek, Colo. E g Bryan, Wyom. A f Elk R. Colo. C f Heart R., or Ta Ckanta Wakpa, Dak. E 0 Beaver R. Dak. F c Bunkara R., 200 m. Colo. C g Elm R. Dak. H c Henry Fork, Wyom. A f Beaver R. Mont. A d Calamas R. Nebr. G e Elm or Pey Creek, Dak. G d High Wood Mts. Mont. A 0 Belle Fourclie, j,ik. E d Chanka Cr. Dak. G e Emigrant Peak, 10,629 ft. Mont. A d Homan's Park, Colo. D 2 Big Blue R. Kans. H g Cherry Creek, Colo. D g Eya Paha R. Dak. G e Home Peak, Colo. B t Big Dry Creek, Mont. C c Cherry Creek, Dak. E d First Canon, Yellowstone R. Mont. A d Horse Creek, Wyom. D i Big Horn, Mts. Wyom. B c Chimney Rock, Nebr. E f Fisher Peak, 7,169 ft. Colo. D h Huerfano R. Colo. D b Big Horn R., 400 m. Mont. C d Cimarron R., 520 m. Kans. F h Fontaine qui Bout, Colo. D g Independence Rock, Wyom. C e Big Knife R. Dak. E c Clarke’s Fork, Mont. B d Fort Bridger, Wyom. A f James R., or Dakota, 485 m. Dak. G 0 Rig M uddy R. Mont. D b Clear Fork, Wyom. C d Fremont Peak, 13,570 feet, Wyom. A e Judith Mts. Mont B * ft : ar tv.T u nine Creek, Mont. a o Coal Basin, Wyom. A e Frenchman’s Fork Nebr. F f Judith R. Mont. It 0 MAP OF KANSAS, NEBRASKA, ETC. a Kansas R., ISO m. from junc. No Wood Creek, Wyom. C d Roaring Fork, Colo. C g Spanish Peaks, Colo. D h of Smoky Hill Fork, Rans. I g Old Cedar Fork, Dak. G e Rock Creek, Colo. C g Square Hills, Dak. F c Kiowa Cnek, Colo. D 8 Palanata Wakpa Rce or Grande R. Dak. F d Rock Fork, Nebr. F f Stinking R. Wyom. B d Laramie Peak, VVyont. D e Palm Creek, Nebr. G f Rocky Mts. Wvom., &c. B c Sweetwater Mts. Wyom. B e Laramie Plains, Wyom. C e Panther Hills, Mont. C b Rosebud Creek, Dak. F e Sweetwater R. Wyom. B e Laramie 11. , 100 m. Wyom. D f Park R. Dak. H b Rosebud R. Mont. C d Table Hills, Wyom. B e L'Kau qui Court, Rapid or Pawnee Creek, Colo. E f Rush Creek, Colo. E g Ta Chanta Wakpa or Heart R. Dak. E /» Niobrara R., 380 m. Nebr. F e Pembina R. Dak. G b Sage Creek, Wyom. B f Tchanchicahah L. Dak. G a Little Big Horn R. Mont. C il Pey or Elm Creek, Dak. G d St Peter’s Creek, Dak. II d Third Canon, Yellowstone R. Wvom. A d Little Missouri, 300 m. Dak. E c Pikes Peak, 14,216 ft. Colo. D g St Vi-nin Creek, Colo. D f Thompson L. Dak. H d Little Muddy R. Dak. E b Piney R. Colo. C g St Vrain’s Fork, Wyom. C f Thompson’s Pass, Wyom. A c L'ttle Powder R. Wyom. D d Plateau du Coteau du Missouri Dak. G d St V rain’s Pass, 8,000 ft. Wyom. C f Tide Creek, Dak. F b Little Rocky Mts. Mont. B b Plateau du Coteau des Prairies Dak. H d Saline Lakes, Nebr. E e Timpa R. Colo. E h Little Shyeime R. Dak. F d Platte R. or Nebraska, 280 nr. Nebr. F f Saline R. Kans. G g Tongue R. Mont. C d Long L. Dak. F c Plum Creek, Colo. D g Salt R. Dak. II b Traverse L. Dak. H d Long Lake Creek, Dak. F c Poison Spring Creek, Wyom. C e Salt R. Wyom. C 0 Tuilocks Creek, Mont. C d Long's Peak, 14,056 ft. Colo. D f Powder JR., 320 w. Mont. D d Sand Hills, Nebr. F f Turtle R. Dak. G d Loup Fork, 320 m. Nebr. F f Powder R. Mts. Mont. D d San Luis Valley, Colo. D h Turtle R. Dak. H l McIntosh L. Dak, G b Prairie Dog Creek, Kans. F g Sappa Creek, Kans. F g Turtle Mts. Dak. G b Madison L. Wvom. A d Preston L. Dak. IT d Scott’s Bluff, Wyom. D f Two Butte Creek, Kans. F h M aple R. Dale. 11 c Pryors R. Mont. B d Second Canon, Yellowstone R. Mont. A d Uncompahgre Mts. Colo. C V Marias R. Mont. A b Puiukin Butts, Wyom. D e Shawacospah R. Kans. G li Uncoinpahgre R. Colo. C g Mauvaises Terres, Dak. E e Puneho Pass, Colo. C g Shell Creek, Wyom. B d Union and Fremont Pass, Wyom. A e Medicine Bow Creek, Wyom. C e Purgatory R. Colo. E h Sheycnne Creek, Colo. E g Union Peak, Wyom. A e Medicine Bow Mts. Wyom. C f Quien Hornet Mt. Wyom. B f Shield R. Mont. A d Upper Geyser Basin, Wyom. A d Medicine Creek, Nebr. F f Rapid Creek, Dak. E e Shyenne Oju R. Dak. II 0 Upper Knife Creek, Dak. E Medicine R. Dak. G d Rapid, Niobrara R., or L’Eau qui Sierra de los Pinos, Colo. C h Upper Yellowstone R. Wyom. A d Milk R., 440 m. Mont. C b Court, 3S0 m. Nebr. F e Sierra Escalante, Colo. B f Vermillion R. Colo. B 1 Miniskaya or Salt L. Dak. G c Raton Pass, Colo. D h Sierra la Plata, Colo. B h Vermillion R. Dak. H • Mini Wakan L., alt 1,476 ft. Dak. G b Rattlesnake Hills, Wyom. C e Sierra San J nan, Colo. C h Wakpa Shicha or Bad R. Dak. F d Missouri R. Mont. C c Raw Hide Peak, Wyom. D e Sierra San Miguel, Colo. B g Walnut Creek, 190 m. Kans. F g Mizpali R. Mont. D d Red Deer’s Head Creek, Dak. F b Skunk L. Dak. H c Walnut R. Kans. H h Moreau R. Dak. F d Red River of the North, Dak. II b Smith’s Fork, Nebr. E f Wamdushka L. Dak. G c Morses Creek, Dak. H d Republican Fork, 460 m. Colo. E g Smoky Hill Fork, 400 m. Kans. F g Washburne Mt., 10,575 ft. Wyom. A d Muddy R. Dak. G d Republican Fork, Nebr. F f Snake R. Colo. B f Wet Mts. Colo. D g Mussel Shell R., 220 m. Mont. B c Rio Animas, Colo. C h Snake R. Nebr. F f White Earth Creek, Dak. E b Narrows, The Dak. E c Rio Conejos, Colo. C li Snake R. Wyom. A d White R., 280 m. Dak. F e Nebraska or Platte R., 980 m. Nebr. F f Rio de los Dolores, Colo. B g Solomon R., 270 Kans. G g Wild Rice Creek, Dak. II c Ne-ne-scak or Good R. Kans. G h Rio la Plata, Colo. B h Sopris Peak, Colo. C g Willow Creek, Colo. E h Neosho R. Kans. I h Rio Mancos, Colo. B h Souris L. Dak. F b Wind R. Wyom. B e Nescutunga R. Kans. G li Rio Pedro, Colo. C h Souris or Mouse R. Dak. F b Wind River Range, Wyom. B © New Fork, Wyom. A e Rio Pinos, Colo. C h South Fork, Cannon Ball R. Dak. F c Yam pah or Bear R. Colo. B f Niobrara, Rapid R., or L’Eau Rio San Juan, Colo. C h South Fork, Sheyenne R. Wyom. D e Yellow Jacket Pass, Colo. C { qui Court, 380 m. Nebr. F e Riviere a Jaqucs, James or South Fork, White R. Dak. F e Yellowstone L., 7,427 ft. Wyom. A d North Fork, Platte R. Wyom. C f Dakota R., 480 m. Dak. G d South Park, Colo. D g Yellowstone National Park, Wyom. A d North Fork, Sheycnne R. Wyom. D d Rivifere des Lacs, Dak. E b South Pass, Wyom. B e Yellowstone R., 570 m. Mont. D e North Park, Colo. C f Roan or Book Mts. Colo. B g i South Platte R., 400 m. Colo. D g Yellow Water Creek, Mont B • r . . ■ . r : - . ... ' ■ MAP OF IOWA AND MISSOURI. Scale, 55 miles to an inch. State of Iowa. — Area, 55,045 square miles. Population (1880) 1,624,620, divided thus, White, 1,614,666, Colored, 9,443; Native, 1,363,132, Foreign, 261,488; Males, 848,234, Females, 776,386; increase since 1870, 36.06 per cent. (1870) 1,194,020, of whom 5,762 were colored; (1860) 674,913; (1850) 192,214; increase since 1860, 76.6 per cent. Capital, Des Moines. It contains 99 Counties. Counties, Adair, Fop. 1870. 3,982 Pop. 1880. 11,199 11,888 M 1 Counties. Jasper, Fop. 1870. 22,116 Fop. 1880. 25.962 N 1 Adams, 4,614 M 1 Jefferson, 17,839 17,478 O 1 Allamakee, 17,868 19,791 P i Johnson, 24.898 25,429 P 1 Appanoose, 16.456 16,636 O m Jones, 19,731 21,052 P k Audubon, 1.212 7,448 M 1 Keokuk, 19,434 21,259 O 1 Benton, 22,454 24.888 O k Kossuth, 3,351 6,179 M i Black Hawk, 21,706 23,913 O k Lee, 37,210 34,859 P m Boone, 14,584 20,838 N 1 Linn, 28,852 37,235 P k Bremer, 12,528 14,081 O k Louisa, 12,877 13,146 P 1 Buchanan, 17,034 18,547 P k Lucas, 10,388 14,530 N 1 Buena Vista, 1,585 7,537 L k Lyon, 221 1,968 K i Buncombe, name changed to Lyon. Madison 13,884 17,225 M 1 Butler, 9,951 14,293 O k Mahaska, 22,508 25,201 O 1 Calhoun, 1,602 5,595 M k Marion, 24,436 25,111 N 1 Carroll, 2,451 12,351 M k Marshall, 17,576 23,752 N 1 Cass, 6,464 16,943 M 1 Mills, 8,718 14,L35 L 1 Cedar, 19,731 18.937 P 1 Mitchell, 9,582 14,361 O i Cerro Gordo, 4,722 11,461 N i Monona, 3,654 9,055 L 1 Cherokee, 1,967 8,240 L k Monroe, 12,724 13,719 6 1 Chickasaw, 10,180 14,534 O i Montgomery, 5,934 15,895 L 1 Clarke, 8,735 11,512 N m Muscatine, 21,688 23.168 P 1 Clay, 1,523 4,248 L i O’Brien, 715 4,155 1 i Clayton, 27,771 28,829 P k Osceola, (6) 2,219 L i Clinton, 35,357 36,764 Q 1 Page, 9,975 19,667 L m Crawford, 2,530 12,413 L k Palo Alto, 1,336 4.131 M i Crocker (a), 15,336 M i Plymouth, 2,199 8,567 K k Dallas, 12,019 18,746 M 1 Pocahontas, 1,446 3,713 M k Davis, 10,565 16,468 O m Polk, 27,857 42,395 N 1 Decatur, 12,018 15,336 N m Pottawattamie, 16,893 39,846 L 1 Delaware, 17,432 17.952 P k Poweshiek, 15,581 18,936 O 1 Des Moines, 27,256 33.099 P m Ringgold, 5,691 12,085 Mm Dickinson, 1,389 1,909 L i Sac, 1,411 8,774 L k Dubuque, 38,969 42,997 Q k Scott, 38,599 41,270 Q 1 Emmett, 1,392 1,550 M i Shelby, 2,540 12,696 L 1 Fayette, 16,973 22,258 P k Sioux, 576 5,426 K i Floyd, 10,768 14,677 O i Story, 11,651 16,906 N k Franklin, 4,738 10,248 N k Tama, Taylor, 16,131 21,585 O k Fremont, 11.174 17,653 L m 6,989 15,635 M m Greene, 4,627 12,725 M k Union, 5,986 14,980 Mm Grundy, 6,399 12,639 O k Van Buren, 17,672 17,042 O m Guthrie, 7,061 14,863 M 1 Wapello, 22,316 25,282 O 1 Hamilton, 6,055 11,252 N k Warren, 17,980 19,578 N 1 Hancock, 999 3,453 N i Washington, 18,952 20,375 P 1 Hardin, 13,684 17,808 N k Wayne, 11,287 16,127 N m Harrison, 8,931 16.649 L 1 Webster, 10,484 15,950 M k Henry, 21,463 20,826 P 1 Winnebago, 1,562, 4,917 N i Howard, 6,282 10.837 O i Winnesheik, 23,570 23,937 P i Humboldt, 2,596 5.341 M k Woodbury, 6,172 14.997 Ii k Ida, 226 4,382 L k Worth, 2,892 7,953 N i Iowa, 16,644 19.221 O 1 Wright, 2,392 5,062 N k Jackson, 22,619 23,771 Q k (а) Crocker, from Kossuth. (б) No returns for 1870. State of Missouri. — Area, 65,350 square miles. Population (1880) 2,168,804, divided thus, White, 2,023,568, Colored, 145,046; Native, 1,957,564, Foreign, 211,240; Males, 1,127,424, Females, 1,041,380 ; increase since 1870, 25.99 per cent; (1870) 1,721,295, of whom 118,071 were colored; (1860) 1,182,012; (1850) 682,044; increase since 1860, 45.6 per cent. Capital, Jefferson City. It con- tains 114 Counties. Counties. Fop. 1870. Fop. 1880. Counties. Fop. 1870. Fop. 1880. Adair, 11,448 15,190 O m Macon, 23,230 26,223 O n Andrew, 15,137 16,318 M m Madison, 5,849 8,860 Q P Atchison, 8.440 14,505, Lrn Maries, 5,916 7,304 P o Audrain, 12,307 19,739 P n Marion, 23,780 5,226 24,837 P n Barry, 10,373 14,424 10,332 N q McDonald, 7,816 N q Barton, 5,087 M p Mercer, 11,557 14,674 9,807 Nm Bates, 15,960 25,382 M o Miller, 6,616 O o Benton, 11.322 12,398 N o Mississippi, 4,932 9,270 R q Bellinger, 8,162 11.132 Q p Moniteau, 11,375 14,349 O o Boone, 20,765 25,424 0 n Monroe, 17,149 19,075 O n Buchanan, 35.109 49,824 M n Montgomery, 10,405 16,250 P o Butler, 4,298 6,011 Cr 9 Morgan, 8,434 10,134 O o Caldwell, 11,390 13,654 M n New Madrid, 6.357 7,694 R q Callaway, 19,202 23,670 7,267 P 0 Newton, 12,821 18,948 M q Camden, 6,108 0 p Nodaway, 14,751 29,560 M m Cape Girardeau, 17,558 20.998 R p Oregon, 3,287 5,791 P q Carroll, 17,446 2.3.300 N n Osage, 10,793 11.824 P O Carter, 1,455 2,168 Q 9 Ozark, 3,363 5,618 O, q Cass, 19,296 9,474 22.431 M o Pemiscot, 2,059 4,299 R q Cedar, 10,747 N p Perry, 9,877 11,895 R P Chariton, 19,136 25,224 N n Pettis, Phelps, 18,703 27,285 N o Christian, 6,707 9,632 N q 10.506 12,565 P p Clarke, 13,667 15,031 P m Pike, 23,076 26,716 I* n Clay, 15,564 15,579 M n Platte, 17,352 17,373 M n Clinton, 14,063 16,073 M n Polk, 12,445 15,745 N p Cole, 10,292 15,019 O o Pulaski, 4,714 7,250 O p Cooper, 20,692 21,622 0 o Putnam, 11,217 13.556 N m Crawford, 7,982 10,763 P p Ralls, 10,510 11,838 P n Dade, 8,683 12,557 N p Randolph, 15,908 22,751 O n Dallas, 8,383 9,272 O p Ray, 18,700 20.193 M n Daviess, 14,410 19,174 M n Reynolds, 3,756 5,722 Q P De Kalb, Dent, 9,858 6,357 13,343 10,647 M n P p Ripley, 8,175 Rives, name changed to Henry. 5,377 Q q Douglas, 3,915 7,753 O q Saline, 21,672 29,912 N n Dunklin, 5,982 30,098 9,604 Q 9 Schuyler, 8,820 10,470 O m Franklin, 26,536 P 0 Scotland, 10,670 12,507 O m Gasconade, 10,093 11,153 P 0 Scott, 7,317 8,587 R p Gentry, 11,607 17,188 M m Shannon, 2,339 3,441 14,024 P p Greene, 21,549 2S,817 N p Shelby, 10,119 O n Gru ndy, 10,567 15,201 N m St. Charles, 21,304 23,0G0 Q o Harrison, 14,635 20,318 M in St. Clair, 6,742 14,126 N o Henry, 17,401 23,914 N o Ste. Genevieve, 8,384 10,390 Q P Hickory, 6,452 7,388 N p St. Francois, 9,742 13,822 Q P Holt, 11,652 15.510 L m St. Louis, St. Louis city, 351,139 31,888 Q o Howard, 17,233 18,428 O m 350,522 Q o Howell, 4,218 8,814 P 9 Stoddard, 8,535 13,432 E q Iron, 6,278 ' 8,183 Q p Stone, 3,253 4,405 N q Jackson, 65,041 82,328 M o Sullivan, 11,907 16,5C9 N in Jasper, 14.928 23,021 M p Taney, 4,407 5,C05 N q Jefferson, Johnson, 15,380 24,648 18,736 28,177 13,047 Q o N o Texas, Van Buren, 9,618 Bates and Cass 12,207 O p Knox, 10,974 O m Vernon, 11,247 19,370 M p Laclede, 9,380 11,524 O p Warren, Washington, 9,673 10,806 P 0 Lafayette, 22,623 25,731 N D 11,719 12,895 Q P Lawrence, 13,067 17,585 N p Wayne, 6.068 9,097 Q P Lewis, 15,114 15,925 P m AV ebster. 10,434 12,175 O p Lincoln, 15,960 17,443 P n Worth, 6,004 8,208 M m Linn, Livingston, 15,900 16,730 20,016 20,205 N n N n Wright, 6,684 9,733 O p Abbreviations of Names of States . — Iowa; Mo., Missouri. Abernathy, Mo. R p Abington, Iowa O 1 Ackley, Iowa N k Adair, Iowa M 1 Ada!, Iowa M 1 Adelphi, Iowa N 1 Alton, Iowa M 1 Agency, Iowa O m Alba, Mo. M p Albany, Mo. M m Albia, 1, Iowa O 1 Albion, Iowa N k Aleck, Iowa L i Alexandria, Mo. P m AJgona, A ; l -mda le. Iowa M i Mo. M TO CITIES, TOWNS., ETC. Alma, Mo. O p Almeida, Mo. M q Almoral, Iowa P k Alpha, Mo. N m Alta, Iowa L k Altamont, Iowa L 1 Altenburg, Mo. R p Alton, Mo. P q Altoona, Iowa N 1 Amana, Iowa O 1 Amanda; Mo. P o Ames, Iowa N k Amity, 217 Iowa L m Amsterdam, Iowa N k Anamosq, Iowa P k Andrew City, Iowa Q k Annapolis, Mo. Q P Appleton City, Mo. N 0 Applings, Mo. O P Arcadia, Mo. Q p Arlington, Mo. P p Arno, Mo. O q Arrow Rock Mo. N n Ashley, Mo. P n Ashton, Iowa K k Astoria, Mo. O p Atlanta, Mo. O n Atlantic, Iowa Ti 1 Attica, Iowa N 1 Auburn, Mo. P n Audubon, Iowa M 1 Aurora, Mo. N 0 Austin, Avery, Avoca, Avoca, Baileys Creek. Bainbridga Banff, Barnesville, Batavia Beach, Bed l ord, Bedford, Bellair, Belle Plain, Bellevue City, Bellsville, Mo. M o Iowa O m 'Iowa h 1 Mo. Q o Mo. P o Mo. R p Mo. O q Mo. Q q Iowa O 1 Mo. Q q Iowa RI m Mo. N n Mo. O o Iowa O 1 Iowa Q k Mo. Nro 2 MAP OF IOWA AND MISSOURI, Belmond, Iowa N k Belmont, Mo. R q Beloit, Iowa K i Belvoir, Mo. M p Bensboru'.gh, Mo. 0 p Benton, Mo. R p Benton, Mo. P n Bentonsport, Iowa 0 m Bessville, Mo. Q p Bethany, Mo. N m Beverly, Mo. M n Bevier, Mo. 0 n Bigslow, Mo. L m Birds Point, Mo. R q Birmingham, Iowa 0 m Bismarck, Mo. Q p Blackwell, Mo. Q o Blairsburg, Iowa N k Blairstown, Iowa 0 1 Blakesburg, Iowa 0 m Blencoe, Iowa L 1 Bloomfield, Iowa 0 m Bloomfield, Mo. R q Bloomington, Mo. 0 n Blue Ridge, Mo. N m Bluff port. Mo. 0 n Blythesville, Mo. M p Bois Boule, Mo. R p Bolckow, Mo. M m Bolivar, Mo. N p Boonesboro, Iowa M k Boonville, Mo. 0 o Bowling Green, Mo. P n Bradford, Iowa 0 k Brandon, Iowa Q k Breckenridge, Mo. N n Bridgeport, Mo. P o Bridgeton, Mo. Q o Brighton, Iowa P 1 Brighton, Mo. N p Bristol, Iowa N i Brookfield, Mo. N n Brookline, Mo. N p Brooklyn, Iowa 0 1 Browning, Mo. N o Brownsville, Mo. N o Brunot, Mo. Q p Brunswick, Mo. N n Brush Creek, Mo. 0 p Buckingham, Iowa 0 k Buffalo, Iowa Q l Buffalo, Mo. N p Buffington, Mo. R q Burlington, Iowa P m Butler, Mo. M o Butler Center, Iowa 0 k Buttsville, Mo. N m Cadet, Mo. Q o Cainesville, Mo. N m Caledonia, Mo. Q p Calhoun, Mo. N o California, Mo. 0 o Callao, Mo. 0 n Calliope, Iowa K i Calmar, Iowa P i Calvey, Mo. Q o Cambridge, Iowa N 1 Cambridge, Mo. N n Camden, Mo. M n Cameron, Mo. M n Canaan, Mo. P o Canton, Mo. P in Capau Gris, Mo. Q n Cape Girardeau, Mo. R p Carlisle, Iowa N 1 Carondelet, Mo. Q o Carroll, Iowa M k Carrollton, Iowa M 1 Carrollton, Mo. N n Carthage, Mo. M p Caruthers villa, Mo. R q Cary, Iowa M i Cassville, Mo. N q Castle Rock, Mo. 0 o Castor, Mo. Q p Castorville, Mo. R q Cave Spring, Mo. 0 p Cedar, Mo. 0 o Cedar Creek, Iowa M k Cedar Falls, Iowa 0 k Cedar Rapids, [owa P 1 Cedarville, Iowa M k Center Point, Iowa P k Centerville, Iowa 0 m Centerville. Mo. P p Centralia, Mo. 0 n Chamois, Mo. P o Chapin, Iowa N k Chariton, Iowa N 1 Charles City, Iowa 0 i Charleston, Iowa P m Charleston, Mo. R q Charlestown, Mo. 0 m Chatham, Iowa Q k Chelsea, Iowa 0 1 Cherokee, Iowa L k Cherry Grove, Mo. 0 m Chickasaw, Iowa 0 i Chillicothe, Mo. N n Chiltonsville Mo. P p Cincinnati, Iowa 0 m Clareuce, Iowa P 1 Clarence, Mo. 0 n Olannda, Iowa L m Clarion Iowa N k Clarksville, Iowa 0 k Clarksville, Mo. Q n Clay Hill, Mo. N q Clayton, lowh P k Clear Lake, Iowa N i Clearmound, Mo. L m Clermont, Iowa P i Clifty Dale, Mo. 0 0 Clinton, Iowa Q 1 Clinton, Mo. N 0 Clio, Iowa N m Coates ville. Mo. 0 m Coburg, Iowa L m Cole Camp, Mo. N 0 Colo, Iowa N k Colony, Mo. 0 m Columbia, Mo. 0 0 Columbus, Mo. N 0 Columbus Junction, Iowa P 1 Comanche, Iowa Q 1 Commerce, Mo. R P Concord, Iowa N i Concord, Mo. 0 n Conway, Mo. 0 P Cook’s Store, Mo. N 0 Copper Spring, Mo. 0 P Correctionville, Iowa L k Corring, Mo. L m Corydon, Iowa N m Cottonwood Point, Mo. R q Council Bluffs, Iowa L I Cox Creek, Iowa P k Craig, Mo. L m Crawford, Iowa L 1 Crawfords ville, Iowa P 1 Crescent City, Iowa L 1 Crescent Hill, Mo. M 0 Cresco, Iowa M i Cresco, Iowa 0 i Creston, Iowa M 1 Crocker, Mo. 0 P Cromwell, Iowa M m Cross Plains, Mo. N P Cuba, Mo. P 0 Dadeville, Mo. N P Dakota City, Iowa M k Dallas, Mo. Q P Dallas Center, Iowa N 1 Danville, Iowa P m Danville, Mo. P 0 Davenport, Iowa Q 1 Dawn, Mo. N n Dayton, Iowa M k Decatur, Iowa N m Decatur, Mo. 0 P Decorah, Iowa P i Deepwater, Mo. N 0 Deerfield, Mo. M P De Kalb, Mo. M n De Lassus, Mo. Q P Delhi, Iowa P k Delmar Iowa Q k Deloit, Iowa L k Delphi, Mo. P 0 Denison, Iowa L k Des Arc, Mo. Q P Des Moines, Cap. of State Iowa N 1 Des Moines City, Mo. P m De Witt, Iowa Q 1 De Witt, Mo. N n Dillon, Mo P P Doniphan, Mo. Q q Doon, Iowa K i Dorchester, Mo. N P Dordenne, Mo. Q 0 Downey, Iowa P 1 Drakeville, Iowa 0 m Dry Creek, Mo. P P Dubuque, Iowa Q k Durant, Iowa P 1 Eagle, Mo. N m Eagle Grov“ Iowa M k Earlham, [owa M 1 East Fork, Mo. 0 n East Hampton, Iowa L k Easton, Mo. M n Eaton, Mo. N P Eddyville, Iowa 0 1 Eden, Iowa 0 i Edenville, Iowa N 1 Edge Hill, Mo. P P Edina, Mo. 0 m Edna, Iowa M 1 Elba, Iowa M 1 Eldora, Iowa N k Eldridge, Iowa Q 1 Elgin, Iowa P k El Kader, Iowa P k Elk Spring, Mo. N n Elk River, Iowa Q 1 Ellington, [owa N i Ellsworth, Mo. 0 P El Paso, Mo L m Ely, Mo. P n Emmett, owa M i Emmettsburg, Iowa M i Eminence Mo. P p English, Iowa 0 1 Enterpria •, Mo. M q Estherville, Iowa M i Eugene, Iowa M m Eureka, Mo. 0 0 Everett, Mo. M o Exira, Iowa M 1 Fairfax, Iowa P 1 Fairfield, Mo. N o Fairgrove, Mo. N p Fairport, Iowa Q 1 Fair View, [owa P k Fail-view, Mo. M p Farley, [owa P k Farmer’s Creek, Iowa Q k Farmington, Iowa P m Farmington, Mo. Q p Fayette, Iowa P k Fayette, Mo. 0 n Femme Osage, Mo. Q o Fertile, Iowa N i Fillmore, Iowa Q k Fillmore, Mo. M m Flat Creek Mo. N q Florence 1 owa 0 1 Floyd, Iowa 0 i Fontanelle, Iowa M I Forest City, Iowa N i Forest City, Mo. L n Forsyth, Mo. N q Fort Atkinson, Iowa 0 i Fort Dodge, Iowa M k Fort Madison, Iowa P m Four Milo, Mo. Q q Fowl’s Town, Iowa 0 k Fredericksburg, Iowa 0 k Fredericktown, Mo. Q p Fredonia, Iowa P 1 French Creek, Iowa P i Fulton, 1, Mo. P o Gad’s Hill Mo. Q p Gainesville Mo. 0 q Gallatin Mo. M n Garravilla Iowa P k Gasconade, Mo. P o Gates Mo. M q Gayoso, Mo. R q Genesco Iowa N k Geneva Iowa N k Genoa, Iowa N m Gentryville, Mo. M m Georgetown, Mo. N o Giard, Iowa P i Gilman, Iowa 0 1 Glasgow, Mo. 0 n Glaze City, Mo. 0 p Glen Roy, Iowa 0 i Glenwood, • Iowa L 1 Glidden, Iowa M k Goldfield, Iowa N k Go wide, Iowa M k Granby, Mo. M q Grand Junction, Iowa M k Grand River, Iowa N m Grand View, Iowa P 1 Grant City, Iowa L k Grant City, Mo. M m Granville, Mo. 0 n Green Bay, Iowa N m Greenbush, Iowa N 1 Greencastle, Mo. N m Greenfield, Mo. N p Green Ridge, Mo. N o Greenton, Mo. M o Green Top, Mo. 0 m Greenville, Mo. Q p Greenwood, Mo. M o Greenwood Centre, Iowa M i Grinnell, Iowa 0 1 Grove City, Iowa M 1 Groveland, Iowa M 1 Grundy Center, Iowa 0 k Guilford, Mo. M m Guthrie Centre. Iowa M 1 Guttenberg, Iowa P k Hainesville, Mo. M n Hamburg, Iowa L m Hamilton, Mo. N m Hampton, Iowa N k Hannibal, Mo. P n Hardin, Iowa N k Harlan, Iowa L 1 Harlem, Mo. M n Harmony, Mo. Q p Harper’s Ferry, Iowa P i Harrison, Iowa L 1 Harrisonville, Mo. M o Harrodsburg, Mo. N o Hartsville, Mo. 0 p Hawleyville, Iowa L m Hazelwood, Mo. 0 p Henpeck, Mo. Q p Hermann, Mo. P o Hermitage, Mo. N p Hesper, Iowa P i High Hill, Mo. P o High Lake, Iowa M i Hillsboro, Mo. Q o Hill’s Landing, Mo. N n Hogan Mount, Mo. Q p Holden, Mo. N o Holt, Iowa M m Homer, Iowa N k Honey Creek, Mo. M q Hopewell, Mo. Q p Hopkinton, Iowa P k Houston, Mo. P p Howard, Iowa 0 i Howard, Iowa 0 k Howard’s Mills, Mo. N p Humausville, Mo. N a H unnewell, Mo. P a Huntsville, Mo. 0 n Iberia, Mo. 0 o Ida, Iowa L k Independence, Iowa P k Independence, Mo. M n Indianola, Iowa N 1 Ingham, Iowa N k Iona, Mo. 0 o Ionia, Iowa 0 i Iowa Center, Iowa N 1 Iowa City, Iowa P 1 Iowa Falls, Iowa N k Irene, Iowa K i Irondale, Mo. Q p Iron Mount, Mo. Q p Ironton, Mo. Q p Iowa M i Irvington, Isabella, Mo. 0 q J ackson, Mo. R p Jackson, Mo. 0 n James Bayou, Mo. R q J amesport, Mo. N m Jamestown, Mo. 0 o Janesville, Iowa 0 k Jefferson, Iowa M k Jefferson, Mo. Q o Jefferson Bar, Mo. Q o Jefferson City, Cap. of State Mo. 0 o Jericho, Mo. 0 p Jobe, Mo. P q Jonesboro’, Mo. N n Kansas City, Mo. M n Kaolin, Mo. P p Kearney, Mo. M n Keetsville, Mo, N q Kellogg Iowa 0 1 Kennebec, Iowa K k Kennett, Mo. Q q Kent, Mo. M q Kenton, Mo. N p Keokuk, Iowa P m Keosaqua, Iowa 0 m Kesho, Iowa M k Keytes ville. Mo. 0 n Kidder, Mo. M n Kingston, Mo. N n Kingston Fork, Mo. Q o Kingsville, Mo. M o Kirksville, Mo. 0 m Knobnoster, Mo. N o Knobview, Mo. P o Knox, Mo. 0 « Knoxville, Iowa N 1 Knoxville, Mo. M n Kornersville, Kossuth, Mo. Q o Labadie, Mo. Q o Laclede, Mo. N n Lacon, Mo. 0 o Lacona, Iowa N 1 La Due, Mo. N o La Grange, Iowa N 1 La Grange, Mo. P m Lake City, Iowa M k Lake Spring, Mo. P p Lamar, Mo. M p Lamonte, Mo. N o Lamotte, Iowa Q k Lancaster, Towa 0 1 Lancaster, Mo. 0 m Lansing, Iowa P i La Plata, Mo. 0 m La Porte, Iowa 0 k Lathrop, Mo. M n Leasburgh, Mo. P o Lebanon, Mo. 0 p Lebanon, Mo. 0 n Le Claire, Iowa Q 1 Le Mars, owa K k Lenox, Iowa Mm Leon, Iowa N m Lester, Iowa 0 k Lesterville, Mo. Q p Lewis, Iowa L 1 Lexington, Mo. N n Liberty, 1, Mo. M n Lick Creek, Mo. P n Licking, Mo. P p Lima, Iowa L 1 Lincoln, Iowa 0 k Linden, Mo. L m Linn, Mo. P o Linn Creek, Mo. 0 o Linneus, Mo. N n Little Black, Mo. Q q Little Blue Mo. M o Little Osage, Mo. M p Little Prairie, Mo. R q Little Sioux, Iowa L 1 Livonia, Mo. 0 m Lizard, Iowa M k Logan, Mo. N « London, Iowa P 1 Longwood, Mo. N o Lott’s Creek, Iowa M k Louisiana, Mo. P D Louisville, Mo. M o Loville, Iowa 0 1 Lowndes, Mo. Q p Lucas, Iowa N a Lyons, Lytle, Iowa Q 1 Iowa n MAP OF IOWA AND MISSOURI. 3 Macedonia, Iowa L 1 New Hampton, Iowa 0 i Princeton, Mo. Nm Storm Lake, Iowa L k M’Gregor, Iowa P i New Hope, Iowa M 1 Providence, Iowa N k Stoutville, Mo. 0 p Macon, Mo. M p New Hope, Mo. Q n Providence, Mo. 0 o Strafford, Mo. N p Macon, Mo. 0 n New London, Mo. P n Putnam, Iowa P k Strawberry, Iowa P k Madison, Mo. 0 n New Madrid, Mo. R q Pymosa, Iowa M 1 Stuart, Iowa M I Magnolia, Iowa L 1 New Oregon, Iowa 0 i Quasqueton, Iowa P fc Sturgeon, Mo. 0 u Maingona, Iowa M 1 Newport, Mo. P o Queen City, Iowa M 1 Sublett, Mo. 0 m Makee, Iowa P i N ewton, Iowa N 1 Queen City, Mo. 0 m Sullivan, Mo. P o Malton, Iowa K k Newtonia, Mo. M q Quincy, Iowa M 1 Sulphur Spring, Mo. Q o Mammoth Spring, Mo. P q Newtown, Mo. N m Quincy, . Mo. N p Sylvan, Mo. P p Maucliester, Iowa P k New York, Iowa N m Quitman, Mo. L m Syracuse, Mo. 0 o Manson, Iowa M k Niangua, Mo. 0 p Randall, Iowa N k Tabor, Iowa L m Mantius, Mo. N n Nodaway, Iowa M m Rapids, Iowa N 1 Tama, Iowa 0 1 Mapleton, Iowa L k Nodaway City, Mo. M n Red Oak Junction, Iowa L 1 Taylorsville, Iowa P k Maquoketa, Iowa Q k Nora Spring, Iowa N i Red Rock, Iowa N 1 Thayer, 114 Iowa M 1 Marais, Mo. 0 o Norborne, Mo. N n Relfe, Mo. P p Thomasville, Mo. P q Marble Hill, Mo. Q p North Boston, Iowa P m Renick, Mo. 0 n Thompson, Mo. 0 n Marble Rock, Iowa 0 k North London, Iowa P m Rensselaer, Mo. P n Tipton, Iowa P 1 Marcus, Iowa L k North Salem, Mo. N m Republican Fork, Mo. P o Tipton, Mo. 0 o Marengo City, Iowa 0 l North wood. Iowa N i Richland, Iowa 0 1 Toledo, Iowa 0 k Mariesville, Mo. Q q Oakville, Iowa M 1 Richland, Mo. N p Trenton, Mo. N m Marietta, Iowa N k O’Brien, Iowa L k Richland, Mo. 0 p Troy, Mo. P o Marietta, Mo. M m Ohio, Mo. R q Richmond, Mo. N n Tuckerville, Mo. N o Marion, Iowa P k Okoboji, Iowa L i Richmond Hill, Mo. P p Turkey River Iowa P k Marion City, Mo. P n Onowa, Iowa K k Richwood, Mo. Q o Tuscumbia, Mo. 0 o Marshall, Mo, N n Oran, Iowa 0 k Ringgold, Iowa M m Union, Iowa 0 1 Marshalltown. Iowa N k Orange, Iowa K i Rippey, Iowa M 1 Union, Iowa N k Marshfield, Mo. 0 p Orange, Mo. N o Riverton, Iowa L m Union, Mo. P o Marthasville, Mo. Q o Oregon, Mo. L m Roanoke, Mo. 0 n Union City, Iowa M m Martinsburg, Mo. Q q Orleans, Mo. N p Roaring River, Mo. N q Union ville, Mo. N m Martinsburg, Mo. P n Osage, Iowa 0 i Rocheport, Mo. 0 o Urbana, Mo. N p Marvel, Mo. M o Osage, Mo. P o Rochester, Mo. M n Utica, Mo. N n Marysville, Iowa N 1 Osage, Mo. P p Rockbridge, Mo. 0 q Van Buren, Mo. Q p Marysville, Mo. M m Osborn, Mo. M n Rock Grove, Iowa N i Van Meter, Iowa M 1 Mason City, Iowa N Osceola, Iowa N 1 Rochport, Mo. L m Vera Cruz, Mo. 0 q Maysville, Mo. M n Osceola, Mo. N p Rock Rapids, Iowa K i Verona, Mo. N q Mechanics villa, Iowa P 1 Oskaloosa, Iowa 0 1 Rockwell, Iowa N k Versailles, Mo. 0 o Medoc, Mo. M p Ossian, Iowa P i Rolfe, Iowa M k Victoria, Mo. Q o Mel bourne, Iowa K k Otho, Iowa M k Rolla, Mo. P p Viele, Iowa P m Mellissa, Mo. 0 q Otley, Iowa N 1 Roscoe, Mo. N p Vienna, Iowa P k Melrose, Iowa N m Ottumwa, Iowa 0 1 Rose Hill, Mo. N o Vienna, Mo. 0 o Memphis, Mo. 0 m Owasco, Mo. N m Rushbottom, Mo. L m Villiska, Iowa L m Menoti, Iowa L k Oxford, Iowa P k Rush Lake, Iowa M k Vinton, Iowa 0 k Mexico, Mo. P n Oxford, Iowa P 1 Rush Tower, Mo. Q o Wacousta, Iowa M k Miami, Mo. N n Ozark, Mo. N q Russell. Iowa N m Walcott, Iowa Q 1 Middlebrook, Mo. Q p Pacific, Mo. Q o Sabula, Iowa Q k Walker, Mo. M p Milan, Mo. N m Pacific J unction, Iowa L 1 Sac City, Iowa L k Walnut Sha le, Mo. N q Milford, Iowa L i Painesville, Mo. Q n St Ansgar, Iowa 0 i Wapello, Iowa P I Milford, Mo. N o Palestine, Mo. 0 o St Catherine, Mo. N n Warm Fork, Mo. P q Mill Creek, Mo. Q q Palmyra, Iowa N 1 St Charles, Mo. Q o Warrensburg, Mo. N o Miller, Mo. O m Palmyra, Mo. P n St Francisville, Mo. P m Warrenton, Mo. P o Millersburg, Iowa 0 1 Paoli, Iowa M i St Janies, Mo. P o Warsaw, Mo. N o Mill Spring, Mo. Q p Papinville, Mo. M o St John, Iowa L 1 Washington, Iowa P 1 Millville, Iowa P k Paris, Mo. P n St Joseph, Mo. M n Washington, Mo. P o Millville, Mo. Q o Parkersburg, Iowa 0 k St Ledger, Mo. 0 q Washita, Iowa L k Mine la Motte, Mo. Q p Parkville, Mo. M n St Louis, Mo. Q o Waterloo, Iowa 0 k Mineral Point, Mo. Q p Paterson, Iowa L k St Mary, Mo. R p Waterloo, Mo. P m Mineral Ridge, Iowa N k Paton, Iowa M k St Paul, Mo. 0 p Waterman, Iowa L i Minerva, Mo. 0 o Paton, Mo. Q p Salem, Mo. N n Waubeck, Iowa P k Mining Port, Mo. 0 o Patterson, Mo. Q p Salem, Mo. P p Waukon, Iowa P i Mirabile, Mo. M n Pattonsburgh, Mo. N m Salisbury, Mo. 0 n Waverley, Mo. N o Missouri City, Mo. M n Pavdown, Mo. P o Saratoga, Iowa 0 i Waverly, Iowa 0 k Missouri Valley Junction, Iowa L 1 Pella, Iowa 0 1 Sargents Bluff, Iowa K k Waverly, Mo. N n Mitchell, Iowa 0 i Penora, Iowa M 1 Savannah, Mo. M n Wayne, ( owa P 1 Moberly, Mo. 0 n Peoria, Iowa 0 1 Saverton, Mo. P n Waynesville, Mo. 0 p Modena, Mo. N m Perry, Iowa M 1 Savois Spring, Mo. P p- Webster, Iowa 0 1 Montrose, Iowa P m Perryville, Mo. R p Schell City, Mo. M o Webster, Mo. P q Monagan, Mo. N o Peru, Iowa M 1 Scottsville, Mo. N m Webster City, Iowa N k Moniteau, Mo. 0 o Peru, Iowa Q k Searsboro, Iowa 0 1 Wellington, Mo. N n Monkena, Iowa L 1 Petersburg, Mo. 0 n Sedalia, Mo. N o Wellsville, Mo. P n Monona, Iowa P i Petra, Mo. N n Selden, Mo. 0 q Wesley, Iowa M i Monroe, Iowa N 1 Piedmont, Mo. Q p Seneca, Mo. M q West Grove, Iowa 0 m Monroe, Mo. Q o Pierce City, Mo. N q Sheffield, Mo. R p Westphalia, Mo. P o Monroe City, Mo. P n Piketon, Mo. R p Shelbina, Mo. 0 n West Plains, Mo. P q Montana, Iowa N k Pilot Knob, Mo. Q p Shelbyville, Mo. 0 n West Point, Iowa P m Montevallo, Mo. M p Pilot Rock, Iowa L k Shelby, Iowa L 1 West Point, Mo. M o Montgomery, Mo. P n Pine Creek, Mo. P q Sheldon, Iowa L i Westport, Mo. M o Montauk, Mo. P p Pineville, Mo. M q Shell Rock, Iowa 0 k Weston, Mo. M n Montezuma, Iowa 0 1 Pinkney, Mo. P o Shellsburg, Iowa 0 k West Quincy, Mo. P n Monticello, Iowa P k Pittsburgh, Mo. N p Shoalsburg, Mo. M q West Union, Iowa P k Monticello, Mo. P m Phelps, Mo. L m Short Bend, Mo. P p Wheatland, Iowa Q 1 Montrose, Mo. N o Phelps, Mo. N p Sibley, Iowa L i Wheatland, Mo. 0 o Moravia, Iowa 0 m Plainfield, Iowa 0 k Sidney, Iowa L m White Hare, Mo. N p Morley, Mo. R p Plato, Mo. 0 p Sigourney, Iowa 0 1 White Oak Grove, Mo. N d Morning Sun, Iowa P 1 Platte City, Mo. M n Silver Lake, Iowa N i White Rock Prairie, Mo. M q Morristown, Mo. M o Plattsburg, Mo. M n Sioux City, Iowa M k White Water, Mo. R p Moulton, Iowa 0 m Pleasant Hill, Mo. M o Sioux City, Iowa K k Wickliffe, Mo. 0 p Mount Auburn, Iowa 0 k Pleasant Plains, Mo. R q Sioux Rapid*, Iowa L k Williamsburg, Mo. P o Mount Ayr, Iowa M m Plymouth, Iowa N i Sleeper, Mo. 0 p Willow Dale, Iowa L k Mount Carmel, Mo. 0 o Plymouth, Iowa K k Sloan, Iowa K k Wilton Junction, Iowa P 1 Mount Pleasant, Iowa P m Plymouth, Mo. N p Solitude, Mo. R q Windsor, Mo. N o Mount Pleasant, Mo. 0 o Pocahontas, Iowa M k Solon, Iowa P 1 Winnesheik, Iowa P i Mount Sterling, Mo. P o Point Pleasant, Mo R q Sons Creek, Mo. N p Winterset, Iowa M 1 Mount Vernon, Iowa P 1 Polk City, Iowa N 1 Spencer, Iowa L i Wintbrop, Mo. L n Mount Vernon, Mo. N p Pomeroy, Iowa M k Sperry, Iowa P m Wittenburg, Mo. R p Muscatine, Iowa P 1 Ponona, Iowa K k Spirit Lake, Iowa L i Wolf Creek, Mo. Q p Nashna, Iowa 0 k Poplar Bluff, Mo. Q q Springfield, Mo. N p Wolf Creek, Mo. 0 p Nashville, Mo. 0 o Portage de Sioux, Mo. Q o Spring River. Mo. N p Woodbury, Iowa K k Nashville, Mo. M p Port Allen, Iowa P 1 Springvale, Iowa M k Woodbury, Mo. 0 p Nebo, Mo. 0 p Portland, . Mo. P o Stanford, Mo. 0 p Woodstock, Iowa N k Neola, Iowa L 1 Port Louisa, Iowa P 1 State Center, Iowa N k W rights, Mo. P o Neosho, Mo. M q Postville, Iowa P i Staunton, Mo. P o Wyaconda, Mo. 0 m Nevada, Iowa N k Potosi, Mo. Q p Steelville, Mo. P p Xenia, Mo. M m Nevada City, Mo. M p Prairieburg, Iowa P k Ste. Genevieve, Mo. Q p Yazoo, Iowa L 1 Newark, Mo. 0 m Prairie City, Iowa N 1 Stewarts ville. Mo. M n Yolo, Mo. M m New Bloomfield, Mo. 0 o Prairie du Chien, Iowa P i Stockton, Mo. N p York, Iowa P k New Buda, Iowa N m Prairie Mound, Mo. P n Stockton, Mo. 0 n Yorks, Mo. P p New Franklin, Mo. 0 n Princeton, Iowa Q 1 Stokes Mound, Mo. N n Young’* Creek, Mo. 0 u f’T'a pms 'tf'a a — ... o ►-pro’aia.o s>o o a o o Bui o B ... b a wxi ,— >c b o ... i*r ... B *• »v o o o oja — .o >o _ i>r i>r 3 o ifB o o»aaa »-*a a'xsBBosr — o?rooBi>ro MAP OF IOWA AND MISSOUKL RIVERS, MOUNTAINS, ETC. Apple Creek, Asher Creek, Beaver Creek, Big Creek, Big North Fork V Big Niangua R. Big Sioux R. Blade Fork, Lamine R. Black Mingo Swampy Black R., 200 m. Boone R. Bouibeuse R Boyer R., 95 m. - Brushy Fork, Bryant’s Fork, Calle Creek, Castor R. Cedar R., 260 in. Chariton R., 180 m. Clear L. Coon R., 140 m. Cuivro R. Current R., 140 m. Des Moines R., 400 m. East Fork Des Moines ! East Nishnabotany R. Eleven Point R English R. Mo. R P Fabius, Middle R. Mo. O m Mid Coon R. Iowa M 1 St Francis R., 200 m. Mo. Q q Mo. N P Fabius, North R. Mo. P m Middle Fabius R. Mo. O m Saline Creek, Mo. Q p Mo. O q Fabius, South R. Mo. P n Middle Nodaway R. Iowa M 1 Salt R. 5Io. P n Mo. N 0 Fish L. Mo. R q Mississippi R. Iowa and Mo. P i and Q 0 Shell Rock R. lowa O k R. Mo. O q Floyd’s R. Iowa K k Missouri R. Iowa and Mo. K k and M n Silver Creek, Iowa L 1 Mo. O p Gasconade R., 190 m. Mo. O P Muscle R. Mo. O n Sioux, Big R. Iowa K i Iowa K i Grand R. Mo. N 0 Negro R. Mo. Q 0 Sioux, Little R., 170 m. Iowa L k Mo. N 0 Grand R., 175 m. Mo. N n Niangua, Big R. Mo. O P Sioux R. Iowa K k Mo. O P Grand, South R. Mo. M 0 Niangua, Little R. Mo. O 0 Skunk, North R. Iowa O I Mo. Q q Horse Creek, Mo. M P Nishnabotanv, East R. Iowa L m Skunk R., 210 m. Iowa P m Iowa N k Huzza Creek, Mo. P P Nislmabotany R., 140 m. Iowa L m Soldier Creek, Iowa L k Mo. P 0 Iowa R., 260 m. Iowa O 1 Nodaway, Middle R. Iowa M 1 South Fabius R. 5Io. P n Iowa L 1 Jack’s Fork, Mo. P P Nodaway R., 130 m. Mo. L m South Grand R. Mo. M o Iowa M 1 James’ Fork, Mo. N q North Fabius R. Mo. P m Spirit L. Iowa L i Mo. O q King’s Mt. Mo. P q North R. Mo. O n Storm L. Iowa L k Mo. Q q Lamine R. Mo. O 0 North Skunk R. Iowa 0 1 Tarkeo R. Mo. L m Mo. Q p Little Niangua R. Mo. 0 0 One Hundred and Two R. 100 m. Mo. 51 m Thomson’s Fork (Gr&ndR.i lit ro. 5Io. N n Iowa P i Little Osage R. Mo. M P Osage, Little R. Mo. M p Turkey R., 100 m. Iowa P k Mo. O n Little R. Mo. R q Osage R., 340 m. 5Io. N 0 Twin Lakes, Iowa 51 k Iowa N i Little Sioux R., 170 m. Iowa Tj k Ozark Alts. Mo. P p Upper lowa R. , 100 m. Iowa P i Iowa M 1 Locust Creek, Mo. N n Piney Fork, 51o. O p Wapsipinecon R., 210 m. Iowa P k Mo. Q n Loutre R. Mo. P 0 Platte R., 165 m. Iowa and Mo. Weldon R. Mo. N m Mo. Q q Maple R. Iowa L k 51 ni and 51 n West Fork Asher Creek, 5Io. N p Iowa M i and P m Maquoketa R., 110 m. Iowa P k I’omrne de Terre R. 5Io. N P White R., 370 m. Mo. N q R. Iowa 51 i Marais R. Mo. P 0 Red Cedar R. *owa O i Whitewater Creek, Mo. R p Iowa L m Medicine R. Mo. N n Rock R. lowa K i Wyaconda R. Mo. P m Mo. P q Meramec R., 150 m. Mo. Q 0 Sac R. Mo. N p Yellow R. : twi P i Iowa P 1 I. PlriladelpliicL. MAP OP THE PACIFIC STATES, CALIFORNIA, NEVADA, Scale, 80 miles to an inch. State of California. — Area, 188,981 square miles. Population (1880) 864,686, divided thus, White, 767,266, Colored, 6,168, Chi- nese, 75,122; Native, 572,006, Foreign, 292,680; Males, 518,271, Females, 346,415; increase since 1870, 54.34 per cent. (1870) 560,247, of whom 4,272 were colored, 49,310 Chinese, and 7,241 Indians; (1860) 379,994; (1850) 92,597; increase since 1860, 47.4 per ceut. Capital, Sacramento City. It contains 53 Counties. Counties. Alameda, Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. 24,237 62,972 c g Counties, Plumas, Pop. 1870. 4,489 Pop. 1880. 6,180 c e Alpine, 685 539 D f Sacramento, 26,830 34,391 c f Amador, 9,582 11,386 c f San Benito, 5,584 7,786 c g Butte, 11,403 18,721 c f San Bernardino, 3,988 F h Calaveras, 8,895 9,094 c f San Diego, 4,951 8,618 E i Colusa, 6,165 13,118 B f San Francisco, 149,473 233,966 B g Contra Costa, 8,461 12,525 B g San Joaquin, 21,050 24,354 C Del Norte, El Dorado, 2,022 2,584 B e San Luis Obispo, 4,772 9,142 C h 10,309 10.685 c f San Mateo, 6,635 8,669 B g Fresno, 6,336 9,478 c g Santa Barbara, 7,784 9,522 D h Humboldt, 6,140 15.510 A e Santa Clara, 26,246 35,039 C g Inyo, 1,956 2,928 E g Santa Cruz, 8,743 4,173 12,801 C g Kern, 2,925 5,601 D h Shasta, 9,492 B e Klamath, 1,686 B e Sierra, 5,619 6,623 O f Lake, 2,969 6,596 B f Siskiyou, 6 848 8.610 B e Lassen, 1,327 15,309 3,340 C e Solano, Sonoma, 16,871 18,475 C f Los Angeles, 33,379 D li 19,819 25,926 B f Marin, Mariposa, 6,903 11,325 B f Stanislaus, 6,499 8,751 C g 4,572 4,339 D g Sutter, 5,030 3,587 5,159 C f Mendocino, 7,545 12,800 B f Tehama, 9,302 B e Merced, 2,807 5,656 C g Trinity, 3,213 4,998 B e Modoc, 4,399 C e Tulare, 4,533 11,281 D g Mono, 430 7,499 D g Tuolumne, 8,150 7,848 C f Monterey, 9,876 11,302 C g Ventura, 5,073 D h Napa, 7,163 13,235 B f Yolo, 9,899 11,772 B f Nevada, 19,134 20,827 C f Yuba, 10,851 11,270 C f Placer, State of 11,357 Nevada 14,220 C — Area, f i 112,090 square miles. Population (1880) 62,265, divided thus, White, 53,574, Colored, 465, Chinese, 5,423; Native, 36,623, Foreign, 25,642; Males, 42,013, Females, 20,252; increase since 1870, 46.53 per cent. (1870) 42,491, of whom 357 were colored, 3,152 Chinese, and 23 Indians ; (1860) 6,857 ; increase, 519.6 per cent. Capital, Carson City. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Quillemuyte, (a) A a Thurston, 2,246 3,270 B b San Juan, 948 B a Wahkiakum, 270 1,600 B b Skamania, 133 809 C c Walla-Walla, 5,300 8,716 D b Snohomish, 599 1,387 C a Whatcom, 534 3,137 C a Spokane, 4,262 Whitman, 7,014 D b Stevens, 734 1,245 D a Yakima, 432 2,811 C b The Disputed Is., ( b ) 554 B a (a) Quillemuyte, from Jefferson and Clallam. (b) In 1872 awarded to United States by arbitration of the Emperor of Germany. Territory of Idaho. — Area, 86,294 square miles. Population (1880) 32,611, divided thus, White, 29,011, Colored, 58, Chinese, 3,378; Native, 22,629, Foreign, 9,982; Males, 21,818, Females, 10,793; increase since 1870, 117.42 per cent. (1870) 14,999, of whom 4,274 were Chinese, and 47 Indians. Capital, Boise City. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Ada, 2,675 4,674 E c Lemhi. 988 2,230 F c Alturas, 689 1,693 G d Nez Perce, 1,607 3,965 F c Bear Lake, 3,235 H d Oneida, 1,922 6,965 G d Boise, 3,334 3,214 F c Owyhee, 1,713 1,426 F d Cassia, 1,312 G d Shoshone, 722 469 F b Idaho, 849 2,031 E C I Washington, 879 E c Kootenay, 518 E a Territory of Utah. — Area, 84,476 square miles. Population (1880) 143,906, divided thus, White, 142,380, Colored, 204, Chinese, 518; Native, 99,974, Foreign, 43,932; Males, 74,470, Females, 69,- 436 ; increase since 1870, 65.81 per ceut. (1870) 86,786, of whom 118 were colored, 445 Chinese, and 179 Indians; (I860; 40,273; (1850) 11,380; increase since 1860, 115.6 per ceut. Capital, Salt Lake City. Counties. Pop, 1870. Pop. 1880. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Beaver, 2,007 3,918 G f Rio Virgin, 450 G g Box Elder, 4,855 6,761 G e Salt Lake, 18,337 31,978 G e Cache, 8,229 12,561 H e San Juan, 204 Davis, 4,459 5,026 H e San Pete, 6,786 11,557 H f Emery, 556 Sevier, 19 5,138 H f Iron, 2,277 4,013 H g Summit, 2.512 4.240 II e Juab, 2,034 3,473 G f Tooele, 2,177 4,497 G e Kane, 1,513 3,085 H g Unitah, 799 Millard, 2,753 3,727 G f Utah, 12,203 17,918 11 e Morgan, 1,972 1,783 H e Wasatch, 1,244 2,927 H e Pi Ute, 82 1,651 H f Washington, 3,064 4,235 G g Rich, 1,955 1,263 H e Weber, 7,858 12.597 U e Counties. Churchill, Pop. 1870. 196 Pop. 1880. 479 D f Counties. Lyon, Pop. 1870. 1,837 Pop. 1880. 2,409 D f Douglas, 1,215 1,581 D f Nye, 1,087 1,875 5,410 E f Elko, 3,447 5,717 F e Ormsby, 3,668 D f Esmeralda, 1,553 3,220 D f Roop, 133 286 D 6 Eureka, Humboldt, 7,086 E f Storey, 11,359 16,115 D f 1,916 3,480 D e Washoe, 3,091 5,664 D f Lander, 2,816 3,624 E f White Pine, 7,189 2,682 F f Lincoln, 2,985 2,637 F g State of Oregon. — Area, 95,274 square miles. Population (1880) 174,767, divided thus, White, 163,087, Colored, 486, Chinese, 9,515; Native, 144,327, Foreign, 30,440; Males, 103,388, Females, 71,379; increase since 1870, 99.21 per cent. (1870) 90,923, of whom 346 were colored, 3,330 Chinese, and 318 Indians ; (1860) 52,465 ; (1850) 13,294; increase since 1860, 73.3 per cent. Capital, Salem. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Baker, 2,804 4,615 E d Lane, 6,426 9,411 B d Benton, 4,584 6,403 B c Linn, 8,717 12,675 B c Clackamas, 6,993 9,260 7,222 B c Marion, 9,965 14,576 B c Clatsop, 1,255 B c Multnomah, 11,510 25,204 B c Columbia, 863 2,042 B c Polk, 4,701 6,601 B c Coos, 1,644 4,834 A d Tillamook, 408 970 B c Curry, 504 1,208 A d Umatilla, 2,916 9,607 D c Douglas, 6,066 2,251 9,596 B d Union, 2,552 6,650 E c Grant, 4,303 D d Wasco, 2,609 11,120 C d Jackson, 4,778 8,154 B d Washington, 4,261 7,082 B c Josephine, Lake, 1,204 2,485 2,804 B d C d Yam Hill, 5,012 7,945 B c Territory of Washington. — Area, 69,994 square miles. Popu- lation (1880) 75,120, divided thus, White, 67,349, Colored, 357, Chinese, 3,227 ; Native, 59,259, Foreign, 15,861 ; Males, 45,977, Females, 29,143; increase since 1870,213.58 per cent. (1870) 23,955, of whom 207 were colored, 234 Chinese, and 1,319 Indians ; (1860) 11,594. Capital, Olympia. Counties. Chehalis, Clallam, Clarke, Columbia, Cowlitz, Island, Jefferson, p. 1870. Pop. 1880. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. 401 921 B b King, 2,120 6,910 C b 408 638 B a Kitsap, 866 1,738 B b 3,081 5,490 B b Klikitat, 329 4,057 C b 7,103 D b Lewis, 888 2,600 B b 730 2,062 B b Mason, 289 639 B b 626 1,087 B a Pacific, 738 1,645 B b 1,268 1,712 B b Pierce, 1,409 3,319 B b Territory of Arizona. — Area, 113,916 square miles. Population (1880) 40,441, divided thus, White, 35,178, Colored, 138, Chinese, 1,632; Native, 24,419, Foreign, 16,022 ; Male, 28,202, Female, 12,239; increase since 1870, 318.73 per cent. (1870) 9,658. Capital, Prescott. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. I Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Apache, 5,283 I g Pinal, Yavapai, 3,044 H i Maricopa, 5,689 179 1,190 5,716 17,007 C i 2,142 5,013 G h Mohave, Pima, F h H i Yuma, 1,621 3,215 F i Territory of Montana. — Area, 143,776 square miles. Popula- tion (1880) 39,157, divided thus, White, 35,446, Colored, 288, Chinese, 1,764 ; Native, 27,642, Foreign, 11,515 ; Male, 28,180, Female, 10,977; increase since 1870, 90.12 per cent. (1870) 20,595, of whom 183 were colored, 1,949 Chinese, and 157 Indians. Capital, Helena. (For completion of Montana on Map, see No. 13.) Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Counties. Pop. 1870. Pop, 1880. Beaver Head, 722 2,712 G c Jefferson, 1,531 2,464 11 b Big Horn, 38 I b Lewis and Clark, 6,040 6,521 G b Choteau, 517 3,058 H a Madison, 2,684 3,916 G c Custer, 2,510 D d Meagher, 1,387 2,744 H b Dawson, 177 180 I b Missoula, 2,554 2,533 T b Deer Lodge, 4,367 8,876 G b Reserve for Crow Nation, I e Gallatin, 1,578 3,643 H c Territory of Wyoming, see Map 13. Counties, Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Counties, Pop. 1870. Pop. 1880. Albany,* 2,021 4,625 D e Pease, 637 C d Carbon, 1,368 3,438 K d Sweetwater, 1,916 2.561 I d Crook, 239 D d Uintah, 856 2,879 H d Laramie,* 2,957 6,409 D e * See Map 13. Indian Tribes. Apache Indians, Ariz. H k Root Diggers, or Pah Utahs, Nev. E e Connines Indians, Ariz. H h Shoshones, or Snake Indians, Coyotero Apaches, Ariz. I i Oreg. & Idaho. D d & H d Grosventres, Mont. H b Skirry Dikas, Idaho G d fflamath Indians, Oreg. C d Snake or Shoshones, Oreg. D d & H d Pah Utahs, or Root Diggera, Nev. E e Tonto Apaches, Ariz. H h Palouses, Wash. D b Walla Wallas, Oreg. D c Papago Indians, Ariz. G i Yakimas, Wash. C c Pinal Apaches, Ariz. H i Yavapai Indians, Ariz. G h Pitt River Indians, Cal. C e (No official returns where population is not given.) Abbreviations of Names of States and Territories. — Cal., California; Nev., Nevada; Oreg., Oregon; Wash., Washington Ter.; Idaho Ter.; Utah Ter. ; Ariz., Arizona Ter. , Mont., Montana Ter.; Wyom., Wyoming Ter. 2 MAP OF THE PACIFIC STATES. CALIFORNIA. NEVADA, OREGON, ETC. Adventure, Utah G g Cedar Mountain, CITIES, Idaho G T d’ Albany, Oreg. B c Cedarvilie, Wash. B b Albion, Cal. B f Centreville, Cal.'' A e Alisal, Cal. C g Ceutreville, Cal. D g Allegany, Cal. C r Centreville, Cal. D i Althonse, Oreg. B d Centreville, Idaho F d Alvarado, Cal. B g Centreville, Mont. G c American Falla, Idaho G d Centreville, Utah H e Analiein, Cal. E i Chelan, Wash. C b Anderson, Cal. B f Chelemta Depot, Idaho E a Antioch, Cal. C f Chicken, Utah G f Argenta, Nev. E e Chico, Cal. C f Arivaca, Ariz. II k Chinook, Wash. B b Arizona City, Ariz. F i Chitico, Oreg. A d Arnolds, Cal. D g City of Rocks, Idaho G d Arrapeen, Utah H f Claquato, Wash. B b Aspen, Wyom. H e Clark’s, Nev. D f Asuncion, Cal. C h Cluro, Nev. E e Astoria, Oreg. B b Clover Creek,. Utah G f Ahuana, Cal. E i Coalville, Utah H e Aubrey City, Ariz. F h Cmur d'Alene, Idaho E b Auburn, Cal. C f Colusa, Cal. B f Auburn, Oreg. E c Coral Hill, Nev. F e Aurora, Nev. D f Corinne City, Utah G e Austin, Nev. E f Com Creek, Utah G f Bagtown, Nev. D f Cornwallis, Oreg. B c Baker City, Oreg. E c Cortez, Nev. E f Bakersfield, Cal. D h Cottonwood, ( Siskiyou Co.) Cal. B e Bamber, Nev. E f Cottonwood, (Tehama Co.) Cal. B e Bannack Creek, Idaho G d Cottonwood, Idaho G d Bannock City, Mont. G c Coulter, Cal. C g Battle Mountain, Nev. E e Coupeville, Wash. B a Bear River Junction, Utah G e Cove Creek, Utah G f Beaver Utah G f Cowlitz Landing, Wash. B b Beaver Town, Mont. G b Cranaras, Cal. E h Belmont, Nev. E f Crescent, Nev. F g Bend City, Cal. D g Crescent City, Cal. A e Benicia, Cal. B f Creston, Wyom. I e Benton City, Mont. H b Crittenden, Utah G e Beowawe, Nev. E e Crossman’s Springs, Nev. F f Bernard, Nev. E f Dallas, Oreg. B c Betterfield, Utah G e Dalles, Oreg. C c Big Bend, Idaho G d Davisville, Cal. C f Big Horn City, Mont. K b Dayton, Nev. D f Binghampton, Cal. C f Dayton, Oreg. B c Bitter Creek, Wyom. I e Death, Nev. F e Black Butte, Wyom. 1 e Deer Lodge City, Mont. G b Blackfoot Agency, Mont. H b Dennison, Mont. H b Bloomfield, Cal. B f Deseret, Utah G f Bogan, Utah G e Desert, Nev. D f Boiling Springs, Idaho F d Devil’s Gate, Utah H e Boise City, Cap. of Ter Idaho E d Dodge’s Summit, Wyom. I e Boise Fort, Idaho E cl Dos Pueblos, Cal. D h Booneville, Idaho E d Downieville, Cal. C f Boteler’s Bauch, Mont. H c Dungeness, Wash. B a Bovine, Bozeman, Utah G e Eagle Rook, Idaho G d Mont. H c Echo Utah H e Brandon, Mont. G 0 El Dorado, Cal. C f Bridgeport, Cal. C g Elk City Idaho F c Bridger, Wyom. H e Elko, ’ Nev. E e Brigham City Brown’s, Bruce Port, Utah G e Elkton, Oreg. B d Nev. D e Ellensburg, Oreg. A d Wash. B b El Rincon, Cal. E i Bryan, Wyom. H e Empire, Cal. C g Buenaventura, Cal. D h Empire City, Oreg. A d Bueuavista, Ariz. ±£ k Ephraim City, Utah H f Buena Vista, Cal. E i Esmeralda, Idaho F d Burk’s Station, Ariz. G i Estrelki, Eugeire City, Cal. C h Butte City, Mont. G c Oreg. B c Buttenfielcls, Nev. F f Eureka, Ariz. F i Cababi, Ariz. H i Eureka, Cal. A e Cable City, Mont. G b Evanston, Utah H e Calabasas, Ariz. H k Fairfield, Cal. B f Calistoga, Cal. B f Farmington, Utah H e Callville, Nev. F to Fillmore, Utah G f Camas Creek, Idaho G d Firebaugh’s Ferry, Cal. C g Camp, Nev. I) f Florence, Idaho F c ■ Camp Alford, Oreg. D d Forest City, Cal. C f Campbell, Cal. D S Fort Bellingham, Wash. B a Camp Brigg, Cal. B f Fort Bidwell, Cal. C e Camp Cady, Cal. E h Fort Buchanan, Ariz. H k Camp Darkee, Utah H e Fort Cape Disappointment, Wash. A b Camp Eldorado, Nev. F h Fort C. F. Smith, Mont. K c Camp Gaston, Cal. B e Fort Colville, Wash. D a Camp Grant, Cal. B e Fort Conna, Mont. F b Camp Lincoln, Cal. A e Fort Crook, Cal. C e Camp Lyon, Camp M‘Dermit, Nev. E e Fort Defiance, Ariz. I h Nev. E e Fort Ellis, Mont. H c Camp M ‘Garry, Nev. D e Fort Goodwin, Ariz. I i Camp M‘Kee, Nev. D e Fort Hall, Idaho G d Camp Rabbitt, Cal. D g Fort Henrietta, Oreg. D c Camp Riggs, Ariz. H i Fort Jones, Cal. B e Camp Verde, Ariz. H h Fort Klamath, Oreg. C d Camp Wallace, Idaho F d Fort Lapway, Idaho E b Camp Wallen, Ariz. H k Fort Lemhi, Idaho F c Camp Wright, Oreg. D d Fort Lyons, Oreg. E d Cannon Creek, Idaho F d Fort Miller, Cal. D g Canyon City, Oreg. D c Fort Mohave, Fort Okinakane, Ariz. F h Canyonville, Oreg. B d Wash. D a Carisso, Cal. D h Fort Owen, Mont. G b Carizzo, Cal. E i Fort Redding, Cal. a e Carlin, Nev. E e Fort Roubedou, Utah I e Carsou City, Cap. of State Nev. D f Fort Ruby, Nev. F e Cascade City, Wash. C c Fort Shaw, Mont. H b Castle Dome City, Ariz. F i Fort Simcoe, Wash. C b Castle Rock, Utah. H 6 Fort Stevens, Oreg. B b Cathlamet. Cecils P. 0. Wash. B b Fold Taylor, Wash. D b Oreg. D c Fort Union, Utah G f Cecilville, Cal. B e Fort Walla-walla, Wash. D b Cedar City, Utah G e Fort Whipple, Ariz. G h 1 Vdar City, Utah G g Fort Willopah, Wash. B b WNS, ETC. Fort Wright, Cal. B f Lovelocks, Nev. D e Fort Yama, Cal. F i Lower Lake, CaL B f Fort Yamhill, Oreg. B c Lucin, Utah G e Franklin, Oreg. B c Madison, Nev. D f Fremonts Cal. C g Malade, Idaho F d French Bar, Mont. II b Malade City, Idaho G d French Gulch, Cal. B e Manti, Utah H f French Ranch, Idaho E c Mariposa, Cal. D g Frenchtown, Mont. F b Marshall, Oreg. D c Fresno City, Cal. C g Martinez, Cal. B g Galena, Nev. E e Martins, Cal. E h Gallatin, Mont. H c Marysville, Cal. C f Gardiner, Oreg. A d Mattoie, Cal. A e Gem City, Nev. E e Meadow, Idaho F c Genoa, Nev. D f Meadow Creek, Utah G f Georgetown, Cal. C f Meek’s Ferry, Idaho G d Gettmgsville, Oreg. B c Mendocino City, Cal. B f Geyserville, Gila City, Cal. B Ariz. F f i Middle Fork, Middle Gate, Cal. C Nev. E Gilroy, Cal. C g Middleton, Idaho E d Goblin City, Utah. I f Milk Ranch, Mont. H c Golconda, Nev. E e Mill Creek, Nev. D e Gold Hill, Nev. D f Millersburg, Idaho F c Goshen, Utah G f Miller Station, Wyom. H e Grafton, Utah G g Millerton, Cal. D g Granger, Granite City, Wyom. H e Milton, Oreg. B c Oreg. D c Mineral City, Ariz. F i Grantsville, Utah G e Minersville, Utah G f Grape Vine Spring, Utah G g Missoula, Mont. G b Grass Valley, Cal. C f Modesto, Cal. C g Grave Creek, Idaho F d Mohave City, Ariz. F h Green River, Wyom. I e Mokelumne, Cal. C f Guadalupe, Cal. C h Moleen, Nev. E e Gunlock, Utah G g Monoville, Cal. D f Gunnison, Utah G f Monroeville, Cal. B f Halleck, Nev. F e Montana, Mont. G c Hamilton, Cal. C f Montello, Nev. F e Hamilton, Nev. F f Monterey, Cal. C g Hamilton, Utah G g Montesano, Wash. B b Hamline Rauch, Utah G g Montgomery, Cal. D g Happy Camp, Cal. A e Monticello, Wash. B b Hardyville, Ariz. F h Monument Point, Utah G e Havilah, Cal. D h Moroni, Mountain City, Utah H f Hay Fork, Cal, B e Cal. E g Healdsburg, Cal. D f Mulkilten, Wash. B b Heber City, Utah H c Murphys, Cal. C f Helena, Capital, Mont. G b Napa City, Cal. B f Hellgate, Mont. G b Nephi, Utah G f Hemington, Idaho H d Nevada, Cal. C f Higginson, Mont. F b Nevada, Idaho F c Hiko, Nev. F f Newport, Oreg. B c Hillsboro, Oreg. B c New York, Mont. H b Hogam, Idaho F d Nez Perce Village, Idaho E b Hot Springs, Nev. D f Nipona, ■ Cal. C h Humboldt, Cal. A e Nisqually, Wash. B b Humboldt, Nev. D e North Bend, Ariz. G i Hyko, Nev. F g Novarro, Cal. B f Idaho City, Idaho F. d Oakland, Cal. B g Independence, Cal. D g Oakland, Oreg. B d Independence, Nev. F e Oakland, Wash. B b Indian Creek, Idaho F d Ogden, Utah G e lone City, Nev. E f Old Fort Bois6, Idaho E d Iron Point, Nev. E e Old Fort Breckenridge, Ariz. H i Jackson, Jacksonville, Cal. C f Old Harmony, Utah G g Cal. C g Olive City, Ariz. F i Jacksonville, Oreg. B d Oliveras, Cal. C h Jacobsville, Nev. E f Olympia, Cap. of Ter Wash. B b Jacob’s Well, Nev. F f Ophir, Mont. H a Janesville, Cal. B e Orayby, Ariz. H h Jefferson City, Mont. H b Oreana, Nev. D e J ordan, Nev. E f Oregon City, Oreg. B (5 Jordan Valley, Oreg. E d Orleans, Cal. B e Junction City, Cal. B e Oro Fino, Idaho F b Jurupa, Cal. E h Oroville, Cal. C f Kanara, Utah G o Osino, Nev. F e Keltou, Utah G e Overton, Nev. F g Kercheval City, Keysville, Keysville, Mont. I Cal. D Utah H b k e Owensville, Oysterville, Pacific City, Cal. D Wash. B Wash. A g b Kingston, Cal. E h Palisade, Nev. E e Kingston, Nev. E f Parowan, Utah G or Kinyons, Kirbyville, Ariz. G i Payette, Idaho E s Oreg. B d Payson City, Utah H e Knight’s Ferry, Cal. C g Pekeville, Nev. F e Knoxville Mines, Cal. B f Pendleton, Oreg. D c Kootenay, Mont. F a Pend Oreille, Idaho E b La Barge City, Mont. G b Penogas, Nev. F f La Fayette, Oreg. B c Pequop, Nev. F e La Grande, Oreg. E c Pera, Cal. D h Lake City, Cal. C e Pe.scadero, Cal. B g Lake City, Utah H e Petaluma, Cal. B f Lake port, Cal. B f Picacho, 4riz. H i Lanes, Cal. E k Piedmont, Wyom. H e Laneville, Oreg. C c Pierce City, Idaho F b La Pansa, Cal. C k Pima Villages, Ariz. G i La Paz, Ariz. F i Pine Grove, Nev. D t La Purissima, Cal. C k Pinkney City, Wash. E a Las Encinelos, Cal. E i Pioneerville, Idaho F d Las Floras, Cal. E i Placerville, Cal. C f Lassens, Cal. C f Placerville, Idaho F d Las Vegas, Nev. F g Playas de los Pimaa, Ariz. I i Lehi, Utah G e Pleasant Grove, Utah H e Lewiston, Cal. B e Pleasant Valley, Idaho G c Lincoln, Cal. C f Point of Rocks, Wyom. I e Lincoln, Idaho E b Pool’s Fort, Cal. D g Logan, Utah H e Port Angelos, Wash. B a Logan, Nev. F to f Port Greenville, Wash. A b Long Valley, Cal. B Portland, Oreg. B c Loray, Nev. F e Port Ludlow, WasK B b Los Aisos, Cal. E i Port Madison, Wash. B b Los Angeles, Cal. D h Port Orfovd, Ore;'. A (i MA.P OF THE PACIFIC STATES, CALIFORNIA, NEVADA, OREGON, ETC. Fart i owusend, Wash. B a Sanchez, Cal. D h 1 Snohomish, Wasn. B b Ulciah, Cal. B < Preset tt, Capital, Ariz. G h San Diego, Cal. E i Sockville, Idaho F d Umatilla, Oreg. D c Prickly Pear, Mont. II b San Francisco, Cal B g Soda Springs, Idaho H d Umpqua City, Oreg. A d Princeton, Cal. B f San Joaquin, Cal. E i Soledad, Cal. C g Union, Utah G e Promontory, Utah G e San Jose, Cal. E i Sonoma, Cal. B f Union Town, CaL A e Provo, Utah H e San Jose, Cal. C g Sonora, Cal. C g Unionville, Nev. D e Pueblo City, Oreg. D d San Juan, Cal. C S Sopori, Ariz. II k Vallejo, Cal. B f Pueblo Grande, Ariz. I h San Juan Capistrano Cal. E i Soquel, Cal. c g Vancouver, Wash. B c Pueblo ville, Nev. D e San Leandro, Cal. B g South Boisd, Idaho F d Vannot, Oreg. B d Punta Arenas, Cal. B f San Lorenzo, Cal. C g South Boisd Mines, Idaho F d Vegas de Santa Clara, Utah G f Quincy', Cal. C e San Luis Obispo, Cal. C h South Pass City, Wyom. I d Virgin City, Utah G g Radersburg, Mont. H b San Luis Rey, Cal. E i Spanish Fork, " Utah H e Virginia, Nev. D f Rainier, Oreg. B b San Miguel, Cal. C h Spokane House, Wash. E b Virginia City, Mont. G e Ralston, Idaho F d San Pablo, Cal. B g Spring Creek, Idaho G c Visalia, Cal. D g Raspberry Creek, Nev. D e San Pedro, Ariz. H k Springville, Utah H e Volcano, Cal. C f Richmond, Idaho F d San Pedro, Cal. D i Star City, Nev. D e Wadsworth, Nev. D f Rio Vista, Cal. C f San Rafael, Cal. B g Star City, Nev. E e Wahsatch, Utah. H e Red Bluff, Cal. B e San Simeon, Cal. C h Steilacoom, Wash. B b Walla-walla, Wash. D b Red Desert, Wyom. I e Santa Barbara, Cal. D h Sterlins, Mont. H c Wanship, Utah H e Red Mountain, Mont. H c Santa Clara, Utah G g Stillwater, Nev. D f Warren, Idaho F d Redwood City, Cal. B cr Santa Cruz, Cal. B g Stockton, Cal. C g Washakie, Wyom. I e Reno, Nev. D f Santa Diga, Cal. E i Stonehouse, Nev. E e Washington, Cal. C D Robles, Cal. C h Santa Inez, Cal. C h .Suisun City, Cal. B f Washington, Idaho F d Rock Creek, Idaho F d Santa Isabel, Cal. E i Summit, Mont. G e Washington, Nev. E f Rockland, Nev. D f Santa Rosa, Cal. B f Summit, Utah G g Washington, Utah G g Rockland, Wash. C c Santa Margarita, Cal. C h Summit, Utah H f Washoe City, Nev. D f Rock Springs, Wyom. I e San Xavier del Bao, Ariz. H i Susanville, Cal. C e Watsonville, Cal. C g Rockville, Utah G g Saucelito, Cal. B g Sutter Creek, Cal. c f Weaverville, Ariz. G h Rodes Ranch, Ariz. F i Scottsburg, Oreg. B b Swamp Creek, Idaho G d Weaverville, Cal. B e Roseburg, Oreg B d Scott’s, P.O. Oreg. C c Swinomish, Wash. B a Weber, Utah H 0 Rose Creek, Nev. E e Seottville, Nev. E e Tabasac, Cal. F i Wellington, Nev. D f Round Valley, Utah G f Seattle, Wash. B b Taheeehepah, Cal. D h Wells, Nev. F 0 Ruby City, Idaho E d Separation, Wyom. K e Talasco, Nev. F e Wennenucka Idaho G d Rve Patch, Nev. D e Settlement. Mont. F a Tecoma, Utah G e West Point, - Nev. F cr 1 Sacramento, Cap. of State Cal. C f Shasta, Cal. B e Tehama, Cal. B e Westport, Oreg. B b St. George, Utah G g Shepherds ville. Idaho E c Temacula, Cal. E i Whatcom, Wash. B a 1 St. Helen’s, Oreg. B c Sheridan, Nev. D f Temk, Idaho G c White Bird, Idaho E c 1 St. Ignatius, Mont. F b Shingle Spring, Cal. C f Terrace, Utah G e White Pine, Nev. F f 1 St. Joseph, Nev. F g Shoshone, $Nev. E e Texas Hill Camp, Ariz. G i White Plains, Nev. D e St. Joseph Springs, Utah G g Silver Box City, Mont. G c Tillamook, Oreg. B c Wickenburg, Ariz. G i St. Mary’s St. Wyom. I d Silver City (Boisd Co.) Idaho F c Tomales, Cal. B f Willard City Utah G e I St. Stevens, Mont. G b Silver City (Owyhee Co.), Idaho E d Tooele, Utah G e Willow, Mont. H c | St. Thomas, Nev. F g Silver City, Mont. G b T owano, Nev. F e Wilmington, Cal. D i 1 Salem, Cap. of State Oreg. B c Silver Mountain City, Cal. D f Treasure, Nev. F f Winchester, Oreg. B d 1 Salinas City, Cal. C g Silver Peak, Nev. E g Trinidad, Cal. A e Winnemucca, Nev. E e 1 Salmon Fall, Idaho F d Silverton, Oreg. B c Trinity Centre, Cal. B e Wiser Ranch, Idaho E c 1 Salt Lake City, Cap. of Ter Utah G e Simiamoo, Wash. B a Triumfo. Cal. D h Woodland, Cal. C f Salt Wells, Wvom. I e Simmonds, Nev. F f Tubac, Ariz. H k Woodville, Cal. D cr O | San Andreas, 'Cal. C f Simpsonville, Cal. C g Tucson, Ariz. H i Wright, Mont. G b I San Antonio, Cal. C g Sinyakwater Depot, Idaho E a Tule, Nev. E e Yreka City, Cal. B e San Benito, Cal. C cr Slate Creek, Idaho F c Tuleville, Cal. D g Yuba, Idaho F d San Bernardino, Ariz. I k Smoke Creek Depot, Nev. D e Twin River. Nev. E f Yuba City, Cal. C f San Bernardino, Cal. E h Snell ing’s Ranch, Cal. C g Uintah Fort, Utah I e RIVERS, MOUNTAINS, ETC. Adams Mt., 9,570 feat, Wash. C b Bitter Root Mts. Idaho F b Clarke’s Fork, Mont. I c Dolphin I. Utah G 0 Adams Pt. Oreg. B b Bitter Root R. Idaho F b Clarke’s Pass, Mont. G c Drakes B. Cal. B g Admiralty Inlet, Wash. B a Black Butte, Cal. C e Clark Fork, or Pend d’Oreille R. Idaho E a Drew Valley, Oreg. c d Akanaquint Cr. Utah H f Black Butte, Oreg. C e Clear L. Cal. B f Dry L. Cal. E cr Albert L. Oreg. C d Blackfeet, Country of Idaho G a Cloud Peak, 7,300 ft. Mont. G b Dry L. Cal. E h Alkali Desert, Idaho F d Blackfoot Cr. Idaho G d Coal Basin, Wyom. H e Dry Lakes, Cal. F 1) Alkali L. Nev. D e Black Forest, Ariz. G h Coahuilla Valley, Cal. E i Dry L. Cal. F i Alkali L. Nev. E f Black Mts. Ariz. F h Coast Range, Cal., Oreg.,&Wash., Be & B b Duchesne R. Utah H e Alseya R. Oreg. A c Black Rock Desert, or Valley Cceur d’Alenes, Country of Idaho E b Duna Pt. Cal. D i Amargosa Mts. Cal. E g of Mud Lakes, Nev. D e Coeur d’Alene, L. Idaho E b Dwamish L. Wash. B b Amargosa R. Cal. E h Black Rock Ra. Nev. D e Coeur d'Alene R. Idaho E b Dwamish R. Wash. B o Ana Capa I. Cal. D i Blue Mts. Oreg. D 0 Colorado Great Valley, Ariz. F i Eagle L. Cal. C e Ano Nueva Pt. Cal. B CP o Blue Peaks, Ariz. H h Colorado Chiquito, or Litt Eagle Peak, 7,500 ft. Mont. F b Antelope Butte, Nev. F e Bodega B. Cal. B f Colorado Ariz. H h East Fork, Salmon R. Idaho F c | Antelope I. Utah G e Bonito R. Ariz. I i Colorado Desert, Wyom. H d East Fork, Sevier R. Utah G f Antelope Mts. Nev. D e Bonneto Range, Nev. F g Colorado Grande R., 830 m., or East Humboldt Mts. Nev. E e Antelope Valley, Nev. F f Brunneau Creek, Idaho F d with Grand R., 1,100 m. East Humboldt Mts. Nev. F e Apache Mts. Ariz. H i Brush Creek, Utah I e Utah and Ariz. H or. o Eel R. Cal. A e Aquarius Mts. Ariz. G h Buena Vista L. Cal. D h Colorado Pass, Cal. E i Egan Mts. Nev. F f 1 Arago C. Oreg. A d Burnt Mountain Creek, Idaho E d Colorado Plateau, Ariz. G h Elephant Back Wyom. H c Arguilla Point, Cal. C h Burnt R. Oreg. E c Columbia R. , or Oregon R., Elk Creek, Cal. D g | Arivaypa R. Ariz. H i Butte Creek, Cal. B e 1,200 m. Wash. C c Elk, or South R. Mont. G b 1 Amagosa R. Nev. E g Butte Creek, Cal. C f Columbia R., Great Plain of Wash. D b Elys L. Nev. F g I Arrington Mfc._; Oreg. B d Cache Creek, Cal. C f Conception Point, Cal. C h Emigrant Peak, 10,629 ft. Mont. H c 1 Arrow R. Mont. I b Cadotte Pass, Mont. G b Constance Mt. Wash. B b Engel’s Bluff, 6,300 ft. Idaho E b I Artemisia Barrens, Wyom. I e Calabasa Mts. Ariz. H g Conversion Pt. Cal. D h Estero, B. Cal. C h Ashley Fork, Utah I e Calapcoya Mts. Oreg. B c Cooper Mt. Cal. D g Ettas L. Wash. D b l Aztec Pass, Ariz. G h Calaveras Creek, Cal. C f Cooper’s Range, Nev. E c Falls R„ 200 m. Oreg. C c i Bad Water Creek, Wyom. I d Cumano T. Wash. B a Cooper’s Peak, Nev. E f Falls, Upper and Lower, Yellow- Baker Mt., 11,100 ft. Wash. C a Caiuas, or Smith R. Mont. H b Coos R. Oreg. A d .stone R. Wyom. II c Bank Cr. Mont. F a Camas Prairie, Idaho G d Coquille R. Oreg. A d Feather R. Cal C f Bear R. Idaho H d Camas Prairie, Idaho F d Cordillera de Rio Gila, Ariz. H i Fermiu Pt. Cal. D i Bear R., 320 m. Utah H e Cannon Creek, Idaho E d Coso Mts. Cal. E g Field of Salt, Nev F » f Bear River L. Utah H e Canon Chenallo, Ariz. I h Cottonwood Creek, Cal. C g Field R. Mont. H 0 Bear River Mts. Idaho H d Canon de Chelle, Ariz. I cr Cotton Wood Fork, Ariz. H h First Canon, Yellowstone R. Mont. H c Bear’s Paw Mts. Mont. I a Oantua Creek, Cal. C g Cowlitz R. Wash. B b Fish L. Nev. E f Beaver Creek, Idaho G c Carbon R. Nev. D f Cox Pass, Wvom. H e Fish L. Utah G g Beaver Head Valley, Mont. G c Carrington I. Utah G e Crater Mt. 'Cal. C e Fish Lake 7 alley, Nev. E f Beaver R. Mont. H c Carson L. Nev. D f Cricket Cr. Oreg. D d Flat Bow or Kootenay R., 440 Mont. F a Beaver R. Utah G f Castle Peak, 13,000 ft. Cal. D f Crooked Creek, Idaho F c Fiat Heads, Country of Mont. F a Begg’s Rock, Cal. D i Castle Rock, Oreg. E c Crooked, or Antelope R. Oreg. E a Flathead L., alt. 2,820 ft. Mont. F b Belt Mts. Mont. H b Cathedral Peak, Cal. D g Crooked R. Oreg. C c Flathead Pass, 7,600 ft. Mont. G a Bertram’s Peak, Utah G e Cathlapootle R. Wash. B c Cypress Pt. Cal. c g Flathead R. Mont. F a Big Blackfoot R. Mont. G b Cave Valley, Nev. F f Dana Mt. Cal. D Flat Mt. Wyom. H c Big Dry Fork, Ariz. H h Cedar Mts. Utah G e Daw Peak, 13,300 ft. Utah H e Flattery C. Wash A a Big Hole Fork, or Wisdom R. Mont. G c Cerbart Range, Ariz. F h Dearborn R. Mont. G b Flint Creek, Mont. G b Big Hole Mt. Mont. G c Chehalis R., 95 m. Wash. B b Death Valley, Cal. E g Fontenelle Creek, Wyom. H d Big Hole Prairie, Mont. G c Chelan L. Wash. C b Deer Creek, Cal. C e Foulweather C. Oreg. A c Big Horn R. Mont. K c Chelle R. Ariz. I g De Lacy L. Idaho H c Franklin L. Nev. F 0 Big Rosebud Creek, Mont. I c Cherana R. Wash. D b Delorme Fork, Utah H e Franklin Valley, Nev. F 0 Big Sandy Creek, Wyom I d Chief Mt. Mont. G a Desert Mts. Utah G e Fremont I. Utah G 0 Big Trees, The Cal. D g Chiricahui Mt. Ariz. I i Destruction I. Wash. A b Fremont Peak, 13,570 ft. Wyom. I d Big Vidley, Ariz. G i Chitico R. Oreg. A d Diablo Monte, Cal. C g Fresno R. Cal. C g Bill William’s Fork, Ariz. G h Chocolate Mts. Cal. F i Diamond L. Oreg. C d Furnace R. Cal. E g Bill William Mt. Ariz. G k Chowchilla R. Cal. C g Diamond Peak, Oreg. C d Gallatin R., 130 m. Mout. 11 c Birch R. Mont. G a Christmas L. Oreg. D d Disaster Peak, Nev. D e Garcia Creek, Cal. B f Bishop MU. Wyom. I e Church Butte. 6,021 ft. Wyom. H e Doane Mt., 10,118 ft. Wyom. H c Geyser Basin, Upper k Lower, Idaho 11 2 4 MAP OF THE PACIFIC STATES, CALIFORNIA, NEVADA, OEEGON, ETC. Gila R., 520 m. Ariz. H Gila Desert, Ariz. G Gilbert Peak, 13,182 ft. Wyom. H Godin’s Sink, Idaho G d Godin’s R., 90 m. Idaho G d Golden Gate, Cal. B Goose Cr. Idaho G Goose Creek Mts. Idaho G d Goose L. Oreg. C d Gorda Pt. Cal. C n Gorga Pt. Cal. A Goslioot Passage, Nev. F Gosumnes Creek, Cal. C f Grande Coulee, Wash. D b Grande Cr. Oreg. D c Grand R., 270 m. Utah H f Grand Round R. Oreg. E c Gravel Bottom Fork, Mont. G b Gray’s Harbor, Wash. A h Great Falls, Wash. E h Great Interior Basin, Nev. E f Great Quartz Mt. Nev. F g Great Salt L. Nev. F f Great Salt Lake, alt., 4,200 ft., Utah G e Great Salt Lake Desert, Utah G e Great Soda Lagoon, Nev. E f Green R. or Rio Verdi, 660 m., Wyom. and Utah H f Grey Bull R. Wyom. I c Grizzly Bear L. Mont. H b Grosventres, Country of Mont. G h Gros Ventre Creek, Wyom. H d Guayamas R. Cal. C h Guide Valley, «. Nev. E e Gunnison I. Utah G e Guyot Mts. Utah G e Half Moon B. Cal. B Halloway L. Nev. D Ham’s Fork, Wyom. LI Harney L. Oreg. D d Haro Strait, Wash. B a Hayden Peak, 13,500 ft. Utah H e Hassya R. Ariz. G h Hazen R. Mont. I b Heart L. Wyom. H Heart Mt. Wyom. I c Hell Gate R. Mont. G b Hell Roaring Mt. Wyom. H c Henness Pass, Cal. C f Henry L. Idaho H Henry’s Fork, Idaho H Hisks Mt. Nev. D f High Wood Mts. Mont. H b Honches Pool, Ariz. I li Honey L. Cal. C e Hood Mt., 11,934.?— 9,450 ? ft. Oreg. C c Hood’s Canal, Wash. B b Hope Mt., 8,321 ft. Ariz. G h Horse Prairie, Mont. G Hot Creek Range, Nev. E f Hot Creek Valley, Nev. E f Hotspring Cr. Mont. F b Huevis Valley, Ariz. F h Humboldt B. Cal. A e Humboldt Desert, Nev. D f Humboldt L. Nev. D e Humboldt Mts. Nev. D e Humboldt R. , 270 m. Nev. D e Hy-os-kwa-ha-loos R. Wash. D Indian Cr. Oreg. D d Jefferson Mt., 11,000 ft. Oreg. C Jefferson R., 280 m. Mont. G John Gray’s L. Idaho H d John Gray’s R. Wyom. H d Jordan R. Oreg. E d Jordan R. Utah G e Juan de Fuca Strait, Wash. A a Judith Mts. Mont. I b Judith R. Mont. I b Kachess L. Wash. C b Kalispelm L., or Pend d’Oreille L., alt. 2,093 ft. Idaho E a Kanisku-e-sah-kwut L., alt. 2,431 ft. Idaho £ Kendrick Mt. Ariz. G h Kern L. Cal. D b Kern R. Cal. D h Kettle Falls, Wash. D a King’s R. Cal. D g ~ a d d e c b a d e e b Kishnelma Mt., 8,574 Brit. Columbia F Klamath L., Upper and Lower, Oreg. C Klamath Marsh, Oreg. C Klamath R., 320 m. Cal. B Klikatat R. Wash. C Kooskoosky or Clearwater R. Idaho E Kootenay R. or Flat Bow, 440 m. Mont. F Labarge Creek, Wyom. H Lake Fork, Utah 11 Lake Range, Nev. D Lamtoo Creek, Idaho E Lewis Fork, Snake or Saptin R., 850 m. Wash. D Lassens Peak, Cal. C Lithodendron Cr. Ariz. I Little Big Horn R. Mont. K Little Blackfoot Creek, Mont. G Little Colorado or Flax R., or Colorado Chiquito, 270 m. Ariz. PI Little Green R. Mont. H Little Humboldt R. Nev. E Little Mts. Utah H Little Muddy R. Wyom. PI Little Prickly Pear R. Mont. G Little Rocky Mts. Mont. I Little Salmon R. Idaho E 0 1 Pinas Pt. Cal. C g Santa Cruz, Rio, Ariz. H J Little Salt L. Utah G g Pinos Mt., 9,500 ft. Cal. D h Santa Maria, Rio, Ariz. G h Loma Pt. Cal. E i Pisco Cr. Wash. C b ! Santa Rosa I. Cal. C i Lone Peak, 10,718 ft. Utah H e Pisquoise, Wash. C b Santa Rosa Mts. Nev. E « Lookout C. Oreg. A c Pistol Cr. Oreg. A d . Santiam R. Ores. B c Lookout Mts. Nev. E f Pitt Mt. Oreg. B d Saptin or Snake R., or Lewis Fork, Lopez I. Wash., B a Pitt R. Cal. C e 850 m. Idaho E Los Gatos Creek, Cal. C g Porter’s Valley, Utah G f Scott Mt. Cal. B t Lou Lou Creek, Mont. F b Posey Creek, Cal. D h Scott’s Peak, Oreg. B G I.uis Rey R. Cal. E i Preuss L. Utah G f Second Canon, Yellowstone R. Mont. H 0 Lyell Mt., 13,216 ft. Cal. D Jr Preto R. Ariz. I i Seven Peaks, Idaho F C M ‘Arthur R. Idaho G d Providence Mts. Cal. F h Sevier L. Utah G M'Dougal Pass, Idaho H d Pryor’s R. Mont. I c Sevier R., 220 m. Utah G 1 M'Kenzie’s Fork, Oreg. B c Pueblo Mts. Oreg. D d Shasta Mt., 14,440 ft. Cal. B e Madeline R. Cal. C e Pueblo Viejo Valley, Ariz. H i Shasta R. Cal. B e Madison L. Wyom. II c Puerco, Rio, of the W«at, Ariz. I h Sherton’s Fork, Ariz. H b Madison R., 145 Mont. H c Puget Sound, Wash. B b Shield R. Mont. H * Malade R. Idaho F d Putah Creek, Cal. C f Shoal Cr. Nev. F K Malade R. Idaho and Utah G d Pyramid L. Nev. D e Shoalwater B. Wash. A b Malheur L. Oreg. D d Pyramid Peak, Cal. C f Shoshones, Country of. Idaho H d Malheur R. Oreg. D d Quarrel Creek, Mont. K b Sierra Abajo, Utah I g Maple R. Mont. F a Quijotoa Mts. Ariz. G i Sierra Colorado, Ariz. H i Marengo Pass, Cal. E h Quinn Canon, Nev. E f Sierra de Gavilan, Cal. C g Margarita R. Cal. E i Quin’s R. Nev. E e Sierra de Guayama, Cal. D b Marias or Bear R. Mont. H a Quin’s R. Mts. Nev. D e Sierra de la Mopica, Cal. D h Marias Pass, Mont. G a Rabbit Hole Mts. Nev. D e Sierra de la Santa Catarina, Ariz. H i Marias R. Mont. G a Raft Cr. Idaho G d Sierra de la Santa Inez, Cal. C h Mariposa R. Cal. C g Rainier Mt., 12,380 ft. Wash. C b Sierra del Monte Diablo, Cal. C g Market L. Idaho G d Rawah Creek, Cal. D g Sierra de Natanes, Ariz. H i Mary’s Peak, Oreg. B c Red Butte, 10,000 ft. Mont. G c Sierra de Saliua, Cal. C g Masula Cr. Mont. F a Red L. Ariz. F h Sierra de San Rafael, Cal. C h Mayacinas Mts. Cal. B f Redwodd Cr. Cal. A e Sierra de Tunicha, Ariz. I g Meadow Creek, Utah G f Reese R. Nev. E e Sierra La Sal, Utah I I Meadow Valley, Nev. F g Revillee Mts. Nev. F f Sierra Nevada, 15,000 ft. Cal. D g Melhow R. Wash. C a Revillee Range, Nev. E g Sierra Santa Lucia, Cal. C g Mendocino C. Cal. A e Revillee Valley, Nev. F f Sierra Valley, Nev. F f Merced R. Cal. C g Reyes Pt. Cal. B g Silver L. Oreg. C d Milk K. Mont. K a Rliett L. Cal. C e Silver Mt. Cal. C I Miry Fork, Mont. G a Rio Ariva$>a, Ariz. H i Siuslau R. Oreg. B d Missouri R., 3,069 m. Mont. H b Rio Bonito, Ariz. I i Siskiyou Mts. Oreg. B d Mogollen Mts. Ariz. H h Rio Clielle, Ariz. I g Sitgreaves Mt. Ariz. G b Mohave Mts. Cal. and Ariz. F h Rio Colorado Grande, 830 m., or with Skalahum Mt., 7,400 ft. Wash. E a Mohave R. Cal. E h Grand R., 1,100 m. Utah & Ariz. H g Skirry Dikas, Country of, Idaho G d Mohave Valley, Ariz. F h Rio Gila, 520 m. Ariz. H i Skiotah Peak, 6,860 ft. Mont. F b Mokelumne R. Cal. C f Rio Hassya, Ariz. G h Skomekan Mt., 8,400 ft. Wash. C a Monitaur Range, Nev. E f Rio Pera, Cal. D h Smith R. Cal. A e Mono L. Cal. D f Rio Prieto, Ariz. I i Smith R. Nev. F e Monterey, Bay of Cal. C g Rio Puerco of the We*t, Ariz. I h Smith R. Oreg. B d Mont-tim Range, Nev. F f Rio Salado, Ariz. G i Snake, Saptin R., or Lewis Fork, Monument Mts. Cal. F li Rio San Domingo, Ariz. I i 850 m. Wash H c & D b Mooyie R. Idaho E a Rio San Francisco, Ariz. H h Snakes, Country of, Idaho F d Mormon R. Idaho G c Rio San Juan, Utah H g Snow Peak, Oreg. D c Mountain Snake Indians, Coun- Rio San Pedro, Ariz. H i Snow-water L. Nev. F e try of, Idaho F d Rio Santa Cruz, Ariz. H i Soho Pass, Mont. F b Mud L. Nev. F g Rio Santa Maria, Ariz. G h Sonoma Mts. Nev. B e Mud R. Cal. A e Rio Verdi, or Green R., 660 m. Utah. H f Sonora Pass, 10,000 ft. Cal. D 1 Muddy R. Nev. F g Rio Virgin, 180 m. Nev. F g South Pass, 7,490 ft. Wyom. I d Muddy R. Wyom. I e Ripley Mt., 7,500 ft. Cal. B f South Umpqua R. Oreg. B d Mussel Shell R. Mont. I b Rock Creek, Idaho F c Spanish Fork, Utah H e Nachess Pass, 4,890 ft. Wash. C b Rocky Fork, Mont. I c Spanish Peak, Cal. C 1 Nachess R. Wash. C b Rocky Mts. Mont. & Wyom. F a Spokane R., 230 m. Wash. D b Nacimento Creek, Cal. C h Rogue River, 145 m. Oreg. A d Sprague R. Oreg. C d Nah-wah Creek, Idaho E b Rogue River Mts. Oreg. B d Stanislas R., 120 m. Cal. C g Nebo Mt., 12,000 ft. Utah H f Rosario Strait, Wash. B a Stansbury I. Utah G e Needles, The Ariz. F h Russian R. Cal. B f Steptoe Valley, Nev. F f Nehalem R. Oreg. B c Sacramento R., 480 m., Cal. C e Steven’s Peak, 7,400 ft. Idaho E b Newberry Mt. Nev. F h Saddle Mt. Oreg. B c Stiligamish, Wash. C a New Fork, Wyom. H d Sage Desert, Oreg. C d Stinking R. Wyom. I e New R. Cal. F i Sage Plain, Idaho F d Stoney Creek, Cal. B f New R. Oreg. D d St. Helena Mt. Cal. B f Strawberry Valley, Utah H e Nez Perce Indians. Country of, Idaho E c St. Helen's Mt., 9,750 ft. Wash. B b Stuart Mt. Wash, C b Nez Perces Plain, Idaho E b St. John Mt., 8,000 ft. Cal. B f Sulphur Springs Creek, Wyom. I e Nisqually R. Wash. B b St. Joseph R. Idaho E b Summer L. Oreg. C d Nobles Pass, 6,074 ft. Cal. C e St. Mary’s Valley, Mont. F b Sun River, Mont G b Nooksahk Cr. Wash. B a St. Regis Creek, Mont. F b Sur Pt. Cal. C g North Fork, Cal. C f Salado, Rio, Ariz. C i Surprise Valley Lakes, Cal. C e North Umpqua R. Oreg. B d Salmon R., 290 m. Idaho F c Sweating House R. Mont. G b Novajo Valley, Ariz. I h Salmon River Mts. Idaho F d Sweet Water, Wyom. I d Nu-ah-hum Peak, Oreg. C c Salt Creek, Utah H f Sweet Water Creek, Cal. E i Nugeittis Pass, Ariz. H i Salt L. Cal. E g Sycamore Creek, Cal. B f Observation Mt. Cal. C e Salt L. Wash. D b Table Hill, Wyom. I d Ohalat R. Wash. A b Salt R. Ariz. H i Tahoe L. Nev. D f Okinakane R. Wash. D a San Bernardino Range, Cal. E h Tempiutes Mt. Nev. E g Olympus Mt., 8,150 ft. Wash. B b San Bernardo R. Cal. E i Teton R. Mont. G b Onion Valley, Cal. C f San Clemente, Cal. D i Teton, or Monekis R. Mont. H b Orford or Blanco C. Oreg. A d San Diego Harbor, Cal. E i Tetons, The Mts. Idaho H d Oraytayous, Wash. E b San Domingo, Rio, Ariz. I i Third Canon, Yellowstone R. Mont. H e Oregon or Columbia R., 1,200 m. Wash. C c San Felipe Creek, Cal. E i Thomas Fork, Idaho H d Oso Cr. Ariz. H i San Francisco Bay, Cal. B g Thomas Range, Utah G f Owen’s L. Cal. E g San Francisco Mt. Ariz. H h Thompson’s Pass, Wyom. H d Owen’s li. Cal. D g San Francisco Plateau, Ariz. H h Thousand Spring Valley, Nev. F e Owyhee R., 300 m. Oreg. E d San Francisco, Rio, Ariz. H h Three Buttes, Idaho G d Pah-hun-nupe Valley, Nev. E e San Gabriel R. Cal. E h Three Sisters, 11,000 ft. Oreg. C c Painted Desert, Ariz. H h San Gorgomo R. Cal. E i Tillamook Head, Oreg. A c Palouse R. Wash. D b San Jacinto Mts. Cal. E i Tinat-panu Creek, Idaho E b Panamint Mts. Cal. E g San Jacinto R. Cal. E i Tintic Valley, Utah G i Panrack Range, Nev. F Sau Joaquin R., 230 m. Cal. C g Tobacco Creek, Mont. F a Parke Creek. Ariz. G h San Juan I. Wash. B a Tonto Cr. Ariz. H i Pendd’OreilleR.,or Clark’sFork, Wash. E a San Juan, Rio, Utah FI g Too-muntz Range, Nev. F f Pashamaran R. Idaho G c San Luis B , or Esteros B. Cal. C h Tots-arr, or Goslioot Mts. Nev. F f Pend d'Oreille L., or Kalispelm, San Luis Pt. Cal. C h Touchet R. Wash. D b alt. 2,093 ft. Mont. E a San Miguel I. Cal. C h Toynbee Mts. Nev. E f Payette Creek, Idaho E c San Nicolas I. Cal. D i Trout Creek, Oreg. C c Pera R. Cal. D h San Pablo B. Cal. B f Truck ee Pass, 7,200 ft. Cal. C ! Perpetuh C. Oreg. A c San Pedro B. Cal. D i Tulare L. Cal. D g Pierres Cr. Idaho H d San Pedro, Rio, Ariz. H i Tulare R. Cal. D g Pilot Butte, Wyom. I d San Pete Creek, Utah H f Tullocks, Mont. K c Pilot Peak, Nev. F e San Rafael, Utah H f Tuolumne R. Cal. C g Pilot Peak, 7,500 ft. Cal. O f Santa Anna Mts. Cal. E i Turkey Creek, Ariz. G h Pilot Rock, Oreg. B d Santa Barbara I. Cal. D i Turnbull Mt. Ariz. H i Pimpahute Mts. Nev. F f Santa Barbara Channel, Cal. D h Twin Peaks, 11,910 Utah H e Pinal Mt. Ariz. H i Santa Catalina, Cal. D i Tygh Creek, Oreg. C c Pinal Mts. Ariz. H i Santa Clara R. Cal. D h Tyndall Mt., 14,386 ft. Cal. D g Pinaleno Mt Ariz. H i Santa Cruz 1. Cal. D I Uintah Mts., 13,500ft. Utah tl ► MAP OF THE PACIFIC STATES, CALIFORNIA, NEVADA, OEEGON, ETC (Jtntah R. Utah 11 e Wahsatch Pass, Utah H f White Mts. Nev. E g Umpqua Mts. Oreg. B d Walker Pass, Cal. D h White Mt. Hot Springs, Wyom. H c Umpqua R., 200m. Oreg. B d Walker R. Nev. D f White R. Cal. D h Ungoweah Mts. Nev. F f Walker’s L. Nev. I) f White R. Utah H f Union Fork, Wyom. H cl Warner, Oreg. D d White R. Utah I f Union Pass, Wyom. H d Warner Range, Cal. C e White R. Wash. B b Union Peak, Nev. F f Warner’s Valley, Oreg. D d White Valley, Utah G f Upper Palouse R. Idaho E b Washburne Mt., 10,575 ft Wyom. H c Whitney Mt., 15,000* ft Cal. D O U pper Yakima R. Wash. C b We-ah-bah Range, Nev. F e Willamette R., 240m. Oreg. B C Utah L., alt. 4,300 ft. Utah G e Weber R. Utah H e Williamson, Mt Cal. D g Valle d'j Sau, Ariz. I i Wenass R. Wash. C b Willis R. Nev. E e Verdi, Rio, or Green R. Utah H f White Mesa, Ariz. H g Wind R. Wyom. I d Virgin, Rii, Nev. F g White hits. Ariz. I h Wind River Range, 13,570 ft Wyom. 1 d Wairsatch Mt». Utah H f White M* Nev. D g Winnemucca L. Nev, D e Winter Ridge, Wiser R. Wright L. Yahk R. Yakima Pass, 3,468 ft. Yakima R. Yalloballey Mt., 8,000 ft. Yam pa Cr. Yellowstone L., alt. 7,427ft. Yellowstone National Park, Yellowstone R. Yellow Water Creek, Yosemite Valley, Zuni P. reg. f u .dalio £ t Cal. C t Mont. F a Wash. C i. Wash. D h Cal. B e Ariz. G h Wyom. H c Wyom. H o Mont. K b Mont. I b Cal. D f Axis. 1 1 — I i’* \ |j' 'ii> '''"ft pr//// M\\W0, W// %m P 0 $ 6 m -<5>on£j V *doi 3jup. - 5 05^57 I .s^^l ->-’5 rr v i riff lPIIS (»M <3 ■fc# /?***m* ' 1 : ' ’’ -t'nV-'/r.v*; l *^Sr •.'iflvi\7')iv»» ftAWSSfe j ;-^«T> to, ^v c Cuba I d David Bay, Columbia G f Navios, Bocca de. Venezuela L f California A b Dragon's Mouth, Antilles L e Neyva Bay, Dominica I d Venezuela L f Dulce, Gulf, Costa Rica G f Nicolas Channel, Bahamas G c Cuba G c Escncesa, Bay, Dominica K d Nicoya Bay, Costa Rica G f Bahamas I c Espiritu Santo Bay, Mexico F d Nipe Bay, Cuba H c Mexico A b Exuma Sound, Bahamas H c Old Bahama Channel Bahamas II c Mexico E d Florida Channel, H b Padre, Port, Cuba H c Venezuela L e Fonseca Bay, Honduras F e Panama Bay, Columbia H f I e Gonaives, Baie des, ’ Haiti I d Panguapi Bay, Ecuador H g Cuba H c Guantanamo, Porto, Cuba H d Paria, Gulf of. Venezuela L e Cuba G c Gulf Stream, H b Paz Bay, Lower California A c Mexico B c Honduras, Gulf of, Honduras F d Pinacate Bay, Mexico A a Brit. Honduras F d Lagartos, Porto, Yucatan F c Port Royal, Jamaica H d Columbia G f Magdalena Bay, Lower California A c Providence Channel, Bahamas H b Columbia H g Manati, Port, Cuba H c Salinas Bay, Nicaragua F e Samana Bay, San Bias, Gulf, Sandy Bay, San Luis, Port. Lower San Miguel Gulf, San Sebastiano Viscano, Bay, Lower Santander, Barra del, Santaren Channel, Serpents Mouth, Tehuantepec, Gulf of, Todos Santos Bay, Lower Tongue of the Ocean, Tordo, Barra del, Triste, Golfo, Uraba Gulf. Venezuela. Gulf of, Windward Passage, Xagua Bay, Yucatan Channel, Dominica K d Columbia H f Cuba G c California A b Columbia H f California A Mexico D Bahamas H Antilles L Mexico E California A Bahamas H Mexico D Venezuela K e Columbia H f Venezuela I e Antilles I d Cuba G c F e SLANDS, PENINSULAS, AND CAPES Abaco I. , Great, Abaco I., Little, Abingdon I. Aeklin I. Albemarle, Cape, Albemarle I. Albuquerque I. Ambergris, Cay, Andros I. Anegada I. (British), Bahamas H Bahamas H Galapagos Is. E Bahamas I Galapagos Is. E Galapagos Is. E Caribbean Sea G Mexico F Bahamas H Virgin Is. L Angel de la Guarda I.’ Lower California A Angeles, Punto do los, Mexico D Anguilla I. (British), Antilles L Anguilla Is. Bahamas H Antigua I. (British), Antilles L Antilles, Great, Antilles, Little, Arenas, Point, Aves or Bird I. Aves Is. Bahama Bank, Great, Bahama Bank, Little, Bahama I West Indies G c & K West Indies L d k. L Lower California B Antilles L Venezuela K Bahamas H Bahamas H Bahamas H Bahamas, or Lucayas (British), West Indies I Ballinas. Point, Lower California A Barbadoes I. (British), Antilles M Barbuda I. (British), Antilles L Barrington I. Galapagos Is. E Baya, Cape, Lower California A Bay Islands, Honduras F Beata Point, Dominica I Bernini Is. Bahamas H Bequia I. (British), Antilles L Berkeley, Cape, Galapagos Is. E g Bermudas, or Somers Is. (British), Atlantic Ocean L Berry Is. Bahamas H Bieque or Crab I. (British), Virgin Is. K Bindloe I. Galapagos Is. E Bird or Aves I. Antilles L Blanca or Blanquilla I. Venezuela L Blanco, Cape, Costa Rica F Blanco, Cape, Lower California A Brattle I. Galapagos Is. E Buen Ayre (Dutch), West Indies K Burica, Point, Panama G Caicos Is., North, Grand, and East, Bahamas I California (Lower), Peninsula. Mexico A Cameron, Cape, Honduras G Canaguan 1. (British), Antilles L Cariacou I. (British), Antilles L Caribbees, N. and S. West Indies L Carmen I. Lower California A Cat I. (supposed San Salva- dor) Bahamas H Catoche, Cape. Yucatan F Cayman Brae (British), Antilles H Cayman. Grand (British), Antilles G Cayman, Little (British), Antilles G Cayo Grande, Yucatan F Cayo Largo L Cuba G Cayo Romano, Cayos de las Leguas, Cebaco I. Cedros I. Cedros I. Ceralbo I. Charles I. Chatham I. Chiriqui Is. Cocos I. Codera. Cape, Coiba I. Colorados (.Los). Colorados Reefs, Conception I. Corrientes, Cape, Corrientes, Cape, Corrientes, Cape, Cozumel I. Cuba H Cuba H Panama G California A Lower California A Lower California B Galapagos Is. E Galapagos Is. F Panama G Pacific Ocean F Venezuela K Panama G Cuba F Cuba G Bahamas H Cuba G Columbia H Mexico B Yucatan F Crab or Bieque I. (British), Virgin Is. K Crooked I. Cruz, Cape. Cuba I. (Spanish), Culebra I. (British), Culebra Point, Culpepper I. Curasao I. (Dutch), Bahamas I Cuba H Antilles H Virgin Is. K Costa Rica F Galapagos Is. E West Indies K Darien or Panama, Isthmus, Columbia H Desirade I. (French), Antilles L Dominica I. (British), Antilles L Eleuthera I. Engano, Cape, Espiritu Santo, Espiritu Santo I. Estrella Point, Eustatius I. (Dutch), Exuma I., Grpat, Exuma I.. Little, Exuma Keys, Farallones, Point, Fortune Is. Galapagos Is. Galeota. Point, Galera, Point, Gallinas, Cape, Gonaive. I. Gorda, Point, Gorgon a I. Gracias a Dios, Cape, Grenada I. (British), Grenadines Is. (British), Guadeloupe I. (French), Guajira Peninsula, Guanaja. Haiti or San Domingo I. Hispaniola (Haiti), Hood I. Bahamas H Dominica K California A Lower California A Mexico A Antilles L Bahamas H Bahamas H Bahamas H Mexico B Bahamas I Pacific Ocean E Trinidad L Trinidad L Columbia I Haiti I Cuba G Columbia H Honduras G Antilles L Antilles L Antilles L Columbia I Honduras F Antilles I Antilles I Galapagos Is. F Inagna Is., Great & Little, Bahamas I Indefatigable I. Jamaica I. (British), Jamentos Cays, James I. Las Tres Marias Is, Galapagos Is. E Antilles II Bahamas H Galapagos Is. E Mexico B Leeward Is. (of the Spaniards), extend along shore of Venezuela Leeward Is., or North Carib- bees, West Indies L Les Saintes Is. (French), Antilles L Long I., or Yuma, Bahamas I Los Roques Is. Venezuela K Lucayas, or Bahamas (British), West Indies I Lucretia, Cape, Cuba H Mala, Point, Panama H Malpelo I. Pacific Ocean G Margarita I. Venezuela L Mariato. Point, Panama G Marie Galante I. (French), Antilles L Mariguana I. Bahamas I Marquis, Point, Lower California A K e d d c e c c f Martinique I. (French), Marzo, Point, Matapule, Point, Maysi. Cape, Mita, Point, Mona I. (Spanish), Montserrat I. (British), Mosquito Coast, Mouchoir-carrb Bank, Narborough I. Natividad Bank, Negril. Cape. Nevis I. (British), New Providence I. Old Providence I. Orchil la I. Oruba I. (Dutch), Palma, Cape, Palma, Cape, Antilles L Columbia II Costa Rica G Cuba I Mexico P> Antilles K Antilles L Nicaragua G Bahamas I Galapagos Is. E Bahamas K Jamaica H Antilles L Bahamas H Caribbean Sea G Venezuela K West Indies I Lower California B Yucatan E Panama or Darien, Isthmus, Columbia H Paraguana Peninsula, Columbia I Pearl Is. Panama H Pedro Bank, Caribbean Sea H Pena, Point. Petite-terre I. (French), Pinos, Isla de (Spanish), Plana I. Portland Point, Porto Rico, or Puerto Rico (Spanish), Providenciales I. Puerto Rico (Spanish), Punto de los Angeles, Quita Sueno Bank, Rayes, Point, Redondo Rock, Revilla Gigedo Is. Rivadinera, Roatan, Roja, Cape, Rojo, Cape, Roncador I. Roques Is. (Los), Rosalind Bank, Royal I. Rum Cay, Venezuela L Antilles L Antilles G Bahamas I Jamaica H Antilles K Bahamas I Antilles K Mexico D Caribbean Sea G Columbia H Galapagos Is. E Pacific Ocean A Pacific Ocean F Honduras F Mexico P> Mexico D Caribbean Sea G Venezuela K Caribbean Sea G Bahamas H Bahamas I Saba I. (Dutch), Antilles L St. Andrew I. Caribbean Sea G St. Bartholomew (Swedish), Antilles L St. Christopher’s or St. Kitt’s I. (British), Antilles L St. George I. California A St. John I. (Danish), Virgin Is. L St. Kitt’s or St. Christopher’s 1. (British), Antilles L St. Lucia I. (British), Antilles L St. Martin (Ab French and S. Dutch), Antilles L St. Thomas I. (Danish), Virgin Is. L St. Vincent I. (British), Antilles L Saintes (Les), Is. (French), Antilles L Sal Cay, Bahamas H Samana I. Bahamas I San Antonio, Cape, Cuba G San Benito I. Revilla Gigedo Is. B San Domingo, or Haiti I. Antilles I San Josef I. Lower California A San Lucas, Cape, Lower California A San Marcos I. Lower California A San Roman. Cape, Venezue'a I San Salvador (Watlings I.), Bahamas I San Thomas, or Socorro I. Revilla Gigedo Is. A Santa Cruz I. (Danish), Antilles L Santa Eugenia Point, Lower California A Santa Margarita I. Lower California A Saona I. Seranilla Bank, Serrana Cays, Silver Bank. Dominica K Caribbean Sea H Caribbean Sea G Bahamas K Socorro or San Thomas I. Revilla Gigedo Is. A Sombrero I. Tehuantepec, Isthmus, Testigos Is. Ti baron I. Tobago I. (British), Tortola I. (British), Tortuga I. Tortuga I. Tower I. Tres Marias Is. Trinidad I. (British), Turk Is. Turneffe I. Utila, Vaebe. I. Antilles L Mexico E Venezuela L Mexico A Antilles L Virgin Is. L Haiti I Venezuela K Galapagos Is. F Mexico B Antilles L Bahamas I Brit. Honduras F Honduras F Haiti I Virgin Gorda I. (British), Virgin Is. L Virgin Is. Antilles L Watlings I. (Guanahani or San Salvador). Columbus, 12 Oct. 1492. Bahamas I Wenman I. Galapagos Is. E West Indies, or W. India Islands, G c & L Windward Is., or South Carib- bees, Yucatan, Peninsula, Yuma or Long L West Indies L Mexico F Bahamas I MSMC©, CENTRAL AMERI CA, & COIUMBIA. BY J. BARTHOLOMEW, P. R. G. S , Statute- Miles 69 16 =2 Degree lqo 2£0 &qo T. EU-wc he 80 [75 S TH CARO L NA 70 IIMl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f|T 65 MmL i x - V'/ 01 'leston JA C. C< ruzverab O ; '** J.V y Baherna^ -iv--. .P 'Bank Cape Sable i O C E jsr AaftroA-^) % \\ I TJ-ATiA. ^^orS.Sabml 01 ')! • ' A | a m \N-sJL * I*** a « /[•*«*. «w - rr'o' A ,X ^ i, -*- »riu«n °*Jc v i Jameutoe.i^ _ Caserne* Tin __ -53 , ’\/ y 1 I.GonaiyaC^ (£9 Gr. Cayman , Iiiagua/T ' x / / ’ 's-JQb i , v?.x4 crrti *' g^ ■ ^ ”w yr~ -,s$-v erBaxJc {// Aii ^ C- 65 JAMAICA British. c.y«^ ^avannfl' 1 ^ JJajne L ^o«. y ""»V [ooreiT 1 Pedro 3K’ J 3/ ^vtB. j £.yj i.y^IAITI 0 _y ’S ' "V,/# ^f^'XSS*' 8 ' ' ^iS a SGO 4°* 2 m *\ MlSan Joan dfi Nit ar agna * (Grey luWilj V A N\ C.GoRin^ | ^ ' / £ A OR 1 ^j-jjpTfAR gt-Vincent- Br .. i s/ [ -, w - s ® cart b *^^U^^^ wW,, S © Caridfi° u '» \ ^n-t. 'SS' s aV ; s V.-© S K) / / roa' ' Ord^- T .. >V 4 •oug' L S*tba © ^ cS 76,000 155,026 • 2-4 Georgetown, or Demerara, 25,500 12. Dutch Guiana, or Surinam, Dutch Colony, 58,800 110,118 1-9 Paramaribo, 25,000 13. French Guiana, .... 14. Falkland Isles [British), Total, French Colony, Colony, . 35,080 7,600 7,042,548 24,432 592 27,085,713 0-7 3-9 Cayenne, . Stanley Harbour, 6,000 PROVI NCES, D EPARTMENTS, ETC. Aconcagua Prov. Chili C f Concepcion Prov. Chili C f Maule Prov. Chili C f S*in Luis Prov. Argentine Republic D f Alagoas Prov. Brazil G c Conuimho Prov. Chili C e Mendoza Prov. Argentine Republic D f Santa Catherina Pi ov. Brazil E e Amazonas Dep. Peru C c Cordova Prov. Argentine Republic D f Minas Geraes Prov. Brazil F d Santa Cruz Dep. Bolivia D d Amazonas Prov. Brazil D c Corrientes k Missiones Prov. Arg. Rep. E e Missiones & Corrientes Prov. Arg. Rep. E e Santa Fe Prov. Argentine Republic D f Ancachs Dep. Peru C c Cundinamarca State, Colombia C b Moquegua Dep. Peru D d Santander State, Colombia C b Arauco Prov. Chili C f Ecuador (Quito) Dep. Ecuador C c Nuble Prov. Chili C f Santiago Prov. Argentine Republic D c Assuay Dep. Ecuador C c Entrerios Prov. Argentine Republic E f Oruro Dep. Bolivia D d Santiago Prov. Chili C f Atacama Dep. Bolivia C e Espirito Santo, Brazil F e Panama State, Colombia B b Sao Paulo Prov. Brazil F e Atacama Prov. Chili C e Goyaz Prov. Brazil F d Para Prov. Brazil E c Sao Faulo do Sul, or S5o Pedro Bahia Prov. Brazil F d Guayaquil or Guyas Dep. Ecuador C c Parahiba Prov. Brazil G c do Rio Grande do Sul, Prov. Brazil E e Beni or Veni Dep. Bolivia D d Guyas or Guayaquil Dep. Ecuador C c Parana Prov. Brazil E e Sao Pedro do Rio Grande do Sul, Bojaca State, Colombia C b Jujuy Prov. Argentine Republic D e Pernambuco Prov. Brazil G c or Sao Paulo do Sul Prov. Brazil E e Bolivar State, Colombia C b Junin Dep. Peru C d Piauhy Prov. Brazil F c Sergipe Prov. Brazil G d Buenos Ayres Prov. Argentine Rep. E f La Paz Dep. Bolivia D d Potosi Dep. Bolivia D e Talca Prov. Chili C f Catamarca Prov. Argentine Rep. D e Libertad Dep. Peru C c Quito (Ecuador) Dep. Ecuador C c Tarija Dep. Bolivia D e Cauca State, Colombia C b Llanquihue Frov. Chili C g Rio de Janeiro Prov. Brazil F e Tolirna State, Colombia C b Ceara Prov. Brazil G c Magdalena State, Colombia C a Rio Grande do Norte Prov. Brazil G e Tucuman Prov. Argentine Republic D e Chiloe Prov. Chili C g Magellanes, Colony, Chili C g Rioja (La) Prov. Argentine Republic D e Valdivia Prov. Chili C g Chuquisaca Dep. Bolivia D e Maranhao Prov. Brazil F c Salta Prov. Argentine Republic D e Valparaiso Prov. Chili C f Cochabamba Dep. Bolivia D d Matto Grosso Prov. Brazil E d San Juan Prov. Argentine Republic D f Veni or Beni Dep. Bolivia D e Colchagua Prov. Chili C f TOWNS, ETC Abaite, Aboncay, Acare, Achaguas, Agoaquente, Alagoas, Albuquerque, Fort, Alcantara, 10,000 Alcobaza, Alegre, Monte, 1,500 Alegre, Porto, Alegre. Porto, Altneirira, Alta Gracia, 4,0G0 Altagracia, Amaroleite. Ambato. 12,000 Amsterdam, Fort, Amsterdam, New, Anadia. Anau, Ancuu, or San Carlos Brazil F d Angostura, or Bolivar, 8,000 Venezuela D b Asuncion, or Assumpcion, Peru C d Antioquia, Colombia C b 9,000, Cap. of Republic, Paraguay E P Brazil F d Antiquapa, Peru C d Atico, Peru C d Venezuela D b Antonina, Villa, Brazil F e Aveiro, Brazil E c Brazil F d Apolobamba, Bolivia D d Ayacucho. or Huamanga, 25,000 Peru C d Brazil G c Aracaju, Brazil G d Baependi , Brazil F e Brazil E d Aracati, 26,000 Brazil G c Bahia, Bahia de Todos os Santos, Brazil F c A raj os, Brazil F c or Sao Salvador. 190,000 Brazil G d Brazil F c Arauca, Colombia C b Ballenar. or Vallenar, Chili C e Brazil E c Arauco, Chili C f Balsamao, Brazil D c Brazil E f Araure, 10,000 Venezuela D b Barbacena, Brazil F e Brazil G c Arayates, Brazil E c Barcellos, Brazil D c Brazil E c Arcos, Brazil F c Barcelona, Nueva, Venezuela D a Argentine Rep. D f Arcos, Brazil F d Barinha. Brazil F d •Venezuela C a Arequipa, 30,000 Peru C d Barquisimeto, 12,000 ? Venezuela C a Brazil F d Arica, 25,000 ? Peru C d Barra, or Manaos, Brazil E c Ecuador C c Arm os, Brazil E d Batavia, Dutch Guiana E b Dutch Guiana E b Arrecifes, Argentine Republic D f Baturite, Brazil G c British Guiana E b Aspinwall, or Colon, Colombia B a Beira. Principo de (Fort), Brazil D d Brazil E d Assumpcion, Ecuador C c Belem, or Para, 25,000 Brazil F c Brazil D b Asuncion, Brazil E e Belen, Argentine Republic D e 4,851 Chili C g Asuncion, Margarita D a Belem, Uruguay E f Bella Vista, Argentine Republic E e Benevente, 3,000 Brazil F e Bento, Peru C c Blancamanca Argentine Republic l) £ Boaventura, Brazil G d Boa Vista, Brazil E d Boavista, Brazil F c Bogota (Santa Fe de), 40,000, Cap. of Republic, Colombia C b Bolivar, or Angostura, 8,000 Venezuela D b Bom Jardin, 1.200 Brazil F d Bom Successo (Minas Novas), Brazil F d Bonito, Borba, Botija, Bragan^a, 6,000 Bragan^a, 10,000 Brejo, 3,000 Brejo, Brejo d’Area, Buenaventura, 1,500 Brazil G Brazil E Chili C Brazil F Brazil F Brazil F Brazil G Brazil G Colombia C 2 MAP OF SOUTH AMERICA. Buenos Ayres, 177,787, Cap. of Republic, Argentine Rep. E f Burita, Brazil F d Cabello, Puerto, 7,500 Venezuela D a Cabixis, Brazil E d Cabrobo, Brazil F c Caceres, Colombia C b Cachapoyas, Peru C c Caguan, Colombia C b Caieara, Venezuela D b Caiza, Bolivia D e Calabozo, 4,000 Venezuela D b Calca, Peru C d Caldera, Port, 3,321 _ Chili C e Caledonia, British Guiana E b Callao, 20,000 Peru C d Calvo, Porto, Brazil G c Canjamu, Brazil G d Camana, 1,500 Peru C d Camarones, Peru C d Cameta, 20,000 Brazil F c Carnpanha, 6,000 Brazil F e Campo, Brazil F d Campo Largo, 3,000 Brazil F d Campo Major, Brazil G c Campos, Brazil F e Candelaria, Argentine Republic D e Candelaria, Paraguay E e Canelones, Uruguay E f Caneta, Peru C d Cangallo, 22,000 ? Peru C d Caninde, Brazil G c Cantalao, Brazil F d Caracas, 47,013, Cap. of Re- public, Venezuela D a Caraveli, Peru C d Caravellas, 5,000 Brazil G d Cariaco, 7,000 Venezuela D a Carolina, Brazil F c Caronie, Dutch Guiana E b Carora, 6,000 Venezuela C b Cartagena, 10,000 Colombia C a Cartago, Colombia C b Carunlianha, Brazil F d Casca Fort, Brazil F c Casma, Peru C c Castro. Chili C g Castro Virryna, Peru C d Catania, Bolivia D e Catamarca, 5,718 Argentine Rep. D e Cauquenes, 5.157 Chili O f Cavalcante, 4,000 Brazil F d Caxamarca (Place of Frost), 7,000 Peru C c Caxamarquilla, 8,000 Peru C c Caxatamho, 6,000 Peru C d Caxias, 6,000 _ Brazil F c Caxoeira, or Cachoeira, Villa, Brazil G d Caxoira, Brazil F c Cayari, Brazil D b Cayenne, 6,000 French Guiana E b Caylloma, Peru C d Ceara, or Fortaleza, 3,000 Brazil G c Chagres, Colombia B b Chaguaramas, Venezuela D b Chaguiramal, Venezuela D b Chanarcillo, 5,813 Chili C e Chancay, Peru C d Chaneral, Chili C e Chapada, 1,000 Brazil F c Chascomus, Argentine Republic E f Chasuta, Peru ® c Chaviraos, Bolivia D e Chico, Rio, Venezuela D a Chilca (Port), Pctu G ^ Chilian (Alto), 9,781 Chili C f Chota, Peru C c Chuquibamba, Peru C d Chuquisaca, or Sucre, 23,971, Cap. of Republic, Bolivia D d Cidade Real, Brazil E e Cinti, Bolivia D e Coary, or Alvellos, Brazil D c Ooaylo, - Peru G ^ Cobija (Puerto), 2,380 Bolivia C e Cochabamba, 40,678 Bolivia D d Coimbra, Nova, Brazil E d Collegio, Brazil F d Colon, or Aspinwall, Colombia B a Colonia, 2,500 Uruguay E f Colorados, Argentine Republic D f Columbiana, Brazil G d Combarbala, Chili C f Coueeicao, _ Brazil F d Concepcion, or Mocha, 13,958 _ Chili C f Concepcion de la China, Argentine Rep. B f Conde, Brazil G d Constitucion (La), 4,925 Chili C f Contas, Brazil G d Contas, Rio de, Brazil F d Copiapo, 13,381 Chili C e Coquimbo, 7,138 Chili C e Cordova, 28,523 Argentine Republic D f Coro, 4,000 Venezuela D a Corpus, Paraguay E e Col iue. _ Bolivia D d Corrientes, 10,546 Argentine Rep. E e Cratto, . Brazil D c Cratto, Brazil G c Cuenca, 25,000 Ecuador C c Cuiaba, or Cuyaba, 10,000 Brazil B d Cumana, 8,000 Venezuela D a Cumanacoa, 5,000 Venezuela D a Cunanea. Brazil F e Curico, 5,953 Chili C f Curinis, Curitiba, Curuguat.y, Curupaity, Curupano, Curvelo, Brazil E c Brazil F e Paraguay E e Paraguay E e Venezuela D a Brazil F d Cuyaba, or Cuiaba, 10,000 BVazil E d Cuzco, 40,000 Peru C d David, Colombia B b Demerara (Georgetown), 25,500 British Guiana E b Desterro, _ Brazil F e Diamantma (Tejuco), Brazil F d Diamantiaa, Guardio de, 4,500 Brazil E d Dolores, Argentine Republic E f Dores, Brazil F d Echarate, Peru C d Esmeraldas, Ecuador B b Espirito Santo de Gloria, Brazil F d Esquina Grande, Argentine Rep. D e Estancia, 3,000 Brazil G d Exaltacion, Bolivia D d Faro, Brazil E c Faz, Brazil E d Flores. Brazil G c Fortaleza, or Ceara, Brazil G c Freirina, Chili C e Fructuoso, Uruguay E f Fulda, Brazil P 1 d Fund, Brazil F c Funza, Colombia C b Furuana, Brazil E c Georgetown (Demerara), 25,500 British Guiana E b Goyanna, 13,000 Brazil G e Goyaz, formerly Villa Boa, 8,000 Brazil E d Granja, Brazil F c Guainachuco, Peru C c Guanare, 12,000 Venezuela D b Guaragua, Columbia C b Guardo Velha, Brazil E e Guarmey, Peru C d Guayaquil, 22,000 ? Ecuador B c Guayra (La), 6,000 Venezuela D a Guimaraen, 2,000 Brazil F’ c Guribas, Brazil F c Gurupa, Brazil E c Gurutuba, Brazil F d Hacha (La), Colombia C a Honda, 6,000 Colombia C b Huacho, Peru C d Huamanga, or Ayacucho, 25,000 Peru C d Huancavelica, Peru C d Huanchaeo, " Peru C c Huanta, Peru C d Huanuco, 4,500 Peru C c Huarachiri, Peru C d Huaras, Peru C c Huari, Peru C c Huasco, 7,000 Chili C e Huaylas, Peru C c Humaita, Paraguay E e Hycatu, or Icatu, Brazil F c Ibarra, 13,000 Ecuador C b Ihicui, Argentine Republic E f lea, 6,000 Peru C d Icatu, or Hycatu. Brazil F c Ico, Brazil G c Iguupe, Brazil F e Iguaza (Salto de), Paraguay E e Ilha, Brazil F d Illapel, 6,607 Chili C f Iquique, 1,000 Peru C e Irapiranga, Brazil G d Iscuande, Colombia C b Islay, Peru C d Itabira, 4,000 Brazil F d Itapicuru, Brazil F c Itapicuru, Brazil G d Itapua, or Ytapua, Paraguay E e Jachal, Argentine Republic D f Jacobina, Brazil F d Jaen, Peru C c Januaria, Brazil F d Jaragua, 2,500 Brazil F d Jardim, Bom, Brazil G c Jauja, or Atanjauja, Peru C d Jericoacoara, Brazil F c Jerumenha, Brazil F c Joazeiro. Brazil F c Juiuy, 3,072 Argentine Republic D e Jukeira, Brazil C b Juncal. Chili D e Jundiahy, 5,000 Brazil F e Laguna, 1,000 Brazil F e Lambayeque, 8,000 Peru B c Lamego, Brazil D d Lampa, Peru C d Lapa, Brazil E e La Paz de Ayacucho, 76,392 Bolivia D d Lavras, Brazil G c Ligua, Chili C f Lima, 121,362, Cap. of Republic, Peru C d Llata, Peru C c Loreto, Brazil E e Loreto, Ecuador C c Loxa, or Loja, 5,000 Ecuador C c Macapa, 6,000 Brazil E b Maeeio, or Ma^ayo, 5,000 Brazil G c Macha, Bolivia D d Macura, Colombia C b Mahaiconi, British Guiana E b Maldonado, Uruguay E f Mauaos, or Barra. Brazil E c Mancora, Manta, Mapiri, Mara, Marabitanas, Maracaybo, 25,000 Marangane, Peru B c Ecuador B c Bolivia D d Peru C d Brazil D b Venezuela C. a Peru C d Maranham (Sao Luiz de Maran- hao), 30,000 Brazil F c Marianna, 8,000 Brazil F e Marica. Brazil F e Marinha, Ecuador C c Maripi, Sao Antonio d , Brazil D c Maroa, Venezuela D b Matara, Argentine Republic D e Matto Grosso, formerly Villa Bella, 15,000 Brazil E d Matura, Brazil D c Matura, Porto de, Brazil D c Medellin, 14,000 Colombia C b Meia Ponte, 8,000 Brazil F d Melo, Villa de, Uruguay E f Mendoza, 8,124 Argentine, Rep. D f Mercedes, Argentine Rep. D f Merida, 6,000 Venezuela C b Minas Novas (Bom Successo), Brazil F d Mirador, Brazil F c Miraflores, Argentine Republic D e Misque, 3,786 Bolivia D d Missao, Brazil E c Missaonovo, Brazil E c Mocha, or Concepcion, 13,958 Chili C f Mocoa, Colombia C b ■ Molina, Chili C f Mompox, 10,000 Colombia C b Monte Alegre, 1,500 Brazil E c Monte Alegre, Brazil F d Monte Video, 45,765, Cap. of Republic, Uruguay E f Moquegua, 9,000 Peru C d Morope, Peru B c Moyobamba, 7,000 Peru C c Moz, Porto de. Brazil E c Muitaca, Venezuela D b Nachi, Argentine Republic D e Nassau, Dutch Guiana E b Natal, or Rio Grande do Norte, 10,000 Brazil G c Natividad, Brazil F d Nauta, Ecuador C c Nembucn, Paraguay E e New Amsterdam, British Guiana E b Nic.kery (New Rotter- dam), Dutch Guiana E b Nictheroy (Praya Grande), Brazil F e Norte. Brazil E f Nova Coimbra, Brazil E d Obidos, or Pauxis, 5,000 Brazil E c Ocana, 5,000 Colombia C b Oeona, Peru C d Oeiras, Brazil E c Oeiras, Brazil F c Olinda, 8,000 Brazil G c Olivenga, Brazil D c Olivemja, 1 ,500 Brazil G d Olympo, Fort, Bolivia E e Oran, Argentine Republic D e Oravia, Ecuador C c Oruro, 7,980 Bolivia D d Osorno, 1,536 Chili C g Ouro Preto (Villa Rica), Brazil F e Outeiro, Brazil E c Ovalle, Chili C f Pacone, ,< Brazil E d Pacuy, Brazil F d Palma, Villa da, Brazil F d Pampas, Peru C d Pamplona, 3,200 Colombia C b Panama, 12,000 Colombia C b Pao, Venezuela D b Papera Sao Jose, Brazil F c Paposo, Chili C e Para, or Belem, 25,000 Brazil F c Parabiti, Bolivia D d Paracatu, Brazil F d Parahiba, Brazil G c Paramaribo, 25,000 Dutch Guiana E b Parana, 6,050 Argentine Republic E f Paranagua, 7,000 Brazil F e Paranahiba, Brazil F c Parati, Brazil F e Parawari, Brazil D b Pasco, the most elevated city in the world. Altitude 13,720 ft. Pop., 10,000 Peru C d Pasto, 7,000 Colombia C b Pastos Rons, Brazil F c Paucartambo, Peru C d Pauxis, or Obidos, 6,000 Brazil E c Payta, 2,000 Peru B c Pedernales, Ecuador B b Pedreiro, Brazil D c Pelotas. Brazil E f Penedo, 9,000 Brazil G d Pernagua, 4,000 Brazil F c Pernambuco, or Recife, 70,000 Brazil G c Pernatingas, Brazil E d Peruate, Peru C c Pesquera, Brazil D c Petropolis, Brazil F e Pevas, Ecuador C c Philadelphia, Brazil F d Piliio Areado, 5,000 Brazil F d Pincnes, Ecuador C e Pindo, Pinhel, Piranga, Piratinim, 3,670 Pisco, Pitangui, Pitos, Piumhy, Piura. 10,000 Pomabaiuba, Pombal, Pombal, 4,000 Pombal, Popayan, 25,000 Port Caldera, 3,321 Porto Alegre, 12,000 Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, Porto Bello, 1 ,300 Porto Calvo, Porto da Uniao, Porto De Matura, Porto de Moz, Porto Feliz, Port of Spain, 11,693 Porto Imperial, Villa do, Porto Seguro. Villa de, Potosi, 22,850 Povos, Principe Imperial, Principo de Beira (Fort), Pueblo Nuevo, Puelco, Puerto Cabello, 7,500 Puerto Montt, 2,030 Puerto Viejo, 2,000 Puno, 9,000 Punta Arenas, Purificacion, Quauam, Quartel, Queenstown, Queimadas, Qucrana, Sao Joaquim de, Quibdo, Quillota, 10,149 Quito, 76,000, Cap. of Rep. Quixijana, llainha, Rancagua, 5,508 Rancho Novo, Ranchos, Argentine Republic E Recife, or Pernambuco, 70,000 Brazil G Remedios, 6,818 Colombia C Ecuador C Brazil E Brazil F Brazil E Peru C Brazil E Argentine Republic D Brazil F Peru B Bolivia D Brazil E Brazil G Brazil G Colombia C Chili C Brazil E Brazil G Brazil G Colombia B Brazil G Brazil E Brazil D Brazil E Brazil F Trinidad D Brazil F Brazil G Bolivia D Brazil E Brazil F Brazil D Colombia B Argentine Republic D Venezuela D Chili C Ecuador B Peru C Patagonia C Colombia C Brazil E Brazil F British Guiana E Brazil F Brazil D Colombia C Chili C Ecuador C Peru C Brazil F Chili C Brazil E Reyes, Riartes, Rinaco, Riobamba, Rio Chico, Rio de Contas, Bolivia D Argentine Republic D Argentine Republic D Ecuador C Venezuela D Brazil F Rio de Janeiro, Cap. of Empire, 420.000 Brazil F Rio Grande do Norte, or Natal, 10.000 Brazil G Rio Grande do Sul, or Sao Pedro do Sul, 3,590 Brazil E Rioja, 4,000 Argentine Republic D Rio Pardo, Villa do, Brazil E Rocada, Rocha, Rosario, Rosario, 30,000 Sabanilla, Sahara, 8,500 Saladillo, Salinas, Salinas, Salta, 1 1,716 Salto, Salto de Iguaza, Sam pay o, San Bernardo, San Bernardo, San Borja, San Carlos, San Carlos, San Carlos, Brazil F c Uruguay E f Argentine Republic D e Argentine Republic D f Colombia C a Brazil F d Argentine Republic D f Bolivia D e Brazil F c Argentine Republic D e Uruguay E f Paraguay E e Brazil E d Argentine Republic D e Chili C f Ecuador C c Argentine Republic D e Bolivia D d Venezuela D b San Carlos, or Ancud, 4,851 Chili C g San Felipe, Argentine Republic E e San Felipe, 8,696 Chili C San Fernando, Argentine Republic E San Fernando, 5,833 San Fernando, Sangradouro, San Ignacio, San Joaquim, San Jose, San Jose, San Jose, San Juan, 8,383 San Juan, San Juan, San Luis, Chili C Venezuela D Brazil E Peru C Bolivia D Bolivia D Uruguay E Venezuela D Argentine Rep. D Bolivia E Peru C Bolivia I) San Luis (de la Punta), 3,748 Arg. Rep. D San Miguel Ecuador C San Pedro, Argentine Republic D San Pedro, * Argentine Republic D San Pedro, Argentine Republic E San Pedro de Atacama, Santa, Santa Ana, Santa Anna, Santa Anna, Santa Barbara, Bolivia D Peru C Peru C Brazil D Brazil E Brazil D , MAP OF SOOTH AMERICA 3 Santa Barbara, Brazil F Santa Cruz, Bolivia D Sauta Cruz, Brazil E Santa Cruz, Brazil F Santa Cruz ile la Sierra, 9,7S0 Bolivia D Santa Fe, 10,324 Argentine Republic D Santa Fe de Bogota, 40, 000, Cap. of Republic, Santa Isabel, Santa Luzia, Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Santa Marta, 8,000 Santarem, or Tapajos, 4,077 Santa Rita, 5,800 Santa Rita, Santa Rosa, Santa Rosa, Santa Rosa, Santa Teresa, Santa Teresa tFort), Santiago, 7,775 Santiago, Santiago, 115,377, Cap. of Republic, Santiago, Santiago de Yeragua, 5,000 Santos, 8,000 Sao Antonio, Sao Antonio, Sao Antonio de Maripi, Sao Benito, Sao Bernardo, 6,000 Sao Borja, Sao Domingo, Sao Feliz, Sao Feliz, Sao Francisco, Sao Jeronymo, Colombia C Brazil D Brazil F Brazil E Brazil F Colombia C Brazil E Brazil F Peru C Brazil E Ecuador C Peru C Ecuador C Uruguay E Argentine Republic D Bolivia E Chili C Ecuador C Colombia B Brazil F Brazil E Brazil F Brazil D Brazil F Brazil G Brazil E Brazil F Brazil F Brazil F Brazil F Brazil D Sao Joao, Brazil D b Tacunga, 10,000 Ecuador C c Sao Joao das duas barras, Brazil F c Talca, 17,900 Chili C f Sao Joao del Rei, 5,000 Brazil F e Talcahuano, 2,062 Chili C f Sao Joao de Principe, Brazil D c Tainandua, 8,000 Brazil F e Sao Joao de Principe, Brazil F c Tapajos, or Santarem, 4,977 Brazil E c Sao Joaquim, Brazil D c Tapera, Brazil F J Sao Joaquim, Fort, Brazil D b Tarapaca, Peru D d Sao Joaquim de Querana, Brazil D c Tarija, 5,680 Bolivia D e Sao Jose, Brazil E. f Tarma, 7,000 Peru C d Sao Jose Tejuco, Brazil F d Tauary, Brazil F c Sao Lorenzo, . Brazil F c Tejuco (Diamantina), Brazil F d Sao Luiz de Maranhao (Maran- Tenerife, Colombia C b ham), 30,000 Brazil F c Tepiska, Peru C c S5o Matheus, Brazil G d Therezina, Brazil F c Sao Paulo, 30,000 Brazil F e Tilcara, Argentine Republic D e Sao Pedro, Brazil D c Tocuyo, Venezuela D b Sao Pedro do Sul, or Rio Grande Tongay, Chili C f do Sul, 3,590 Brazil E f Tono, Peru C d Sao Romao, Brazil F d Toscas, Las, Argentine Republic D e Sao Salvador, or Bahia, 190,000 Brazil G d Trahiras, 2,000 Brazil F d Sao Sebastiiio, Brazil F e Trancoso, 1,500 Brazil G d Sao Thomar, Brazil D c Tril, Argentine Republic D f Seberos, Peru C c Trinidad, 4,170 Bolivia D d Sechura, Peru B c Trinidad, Paraguay E e Sequarema, Brazil F e Truxillo, 6,000 Peru C c Serena (La), 13,550 Chili C e Truxillo, 4,000 Venezuela C b Sergipe del Rev, 9,000 Brazil G d Tueuman, 17,438 Argentine Rep. D e Sinnamary. French Gruiana E b Tulcan, Ecuador C b Sion, Peru C c Tumaco, Ecuador C b Sobral, Brazil F c Tumbez, Peru B c Socorro, 12,000 ? Colombia C b Tunja, 7,000 Colombia C b Sorocaba, 12,000 Brazil F e Tupiza, 5,000 Bolivia D e Souzel, Brazil E c Uberabu, Brazil F d Suata, Venezuela D b Ueviza, Peru C c Sucre, or Chuquisaca, 23,971 Uniao, Porto da, Brazil E 6 Cap. of Republic, Bolivia D d Urban a, Venezuela D b Supe, Peru C d Urua, Brazil D c Tabatinga, Ecuador C c Urubu, Brazil F d Tacna, 12,000 ? Peru C d Valdivia, 3,140 Chili C f R V E R S'. Valera, 3,000 Brazil F c Valemja, Brazil F e Valen<;a, Brazil G d Valencia, 25,000 Venezuela D a Valladolid, Ecuador C c Valle Grande, 3,608 Bolivia D d Vallenar, or Ballenar, Chili C e Valparaiso, 70,438 Chili C f Varinas, 4,000 Venezuela C b Veragua (Santiago de), 5,000 Colombia B b Verema, Castro, Peru C d Vermejo, Bolivia D e Vianna, Brazil F c Vieosa, Villa, Brazil F c Victoria, 5,800 Brazil G e Vieros, Brazil E c Vigia, Brazil F c Villa Bella (Matto Grosso), 15,000 Brazil E d Villa Boa (Goyaz), 8,000 Brazil E d Villa de Melo, Uruguay E f Villa do Rio Pardo, Brazil E f Villa Maria, 1,000 Brazil E d Villa Nova, Brazil F c Villa Real de la Concepcion, Paraguay E e Villa Rica, Brazil E e Villa Rica, Paraguay E e Villa Rica (Ouro Preto), Brazil F e Villa Vieosa, Brazil F c Viruba, Colombia C b Vivoras, Uruguay E f Xiririca, Brazil F e Yavisa, Colombia C b Ylo, Peru C a Yslay, Peru C d Ytapua, or Itapua, Paraguay E e Yumbel, Chili C f Zaypuru, Bolivia D d Abacaxis, R. , 300 m. Brazil E Achira, R., 140 m. Ecuador B Agoapehy, R. , 220 m. Brazil E Aguarico, R. , 340 m. Ecuador C Alvar, R., 120 m. Brazil E Amazon, Maranon, Orellana, or Solimoens, R., 4,000 m. Area of basin about 2,000,000 sq. in. Brazil E Anauirapucu, R. , 280 m. Brazil E Anavelhana, R., 240 m. Brazil E Anhanduy, R., Brazil E Auhemby, or Tiete, R., 500 m. Brazil E Annapu, R., 480 m. Brazil E Apoporis, R., 250 m. Brazil C Appody, R. Brazil G Apure, R., 480 m, Venezuela D Apurimac, R., 700 m. Peru C Aquidahouana, R. Brazil E Araguaya or Grande, It., 1,150 m. Brazil F Araguay-Guaza or Pileomayo, R. , »U0 m. Araras Rapids, Araringui, R. . Aratiacu, R. Arinos, R., 400 m. Arinos, It. dos, 220 in. Aruapiara, R. Atrato. R. . 250 m. Bacanris, R. Baouri, R. Barras, R. Barubo, R. Baures, It. Bolivia E Brazil D Brazil F Brazil G Brazil E Brazil E Brazil D Colombia C Brazil E Brazil E Argentine Republic D Brazil E • Bolivia D Beni, R., 600 m. Bolivia D Berbice, R., 280 m. Guiana E Bianco, R. Bolivia D Bio, R. . Chili C Blanco, R. Paraguay E Bocou, R. Colombia D Branco Quecueme Paraviana or Parima, R., 850 m. Brazil D Bueno, R. Chili C Camarare, R., 350 m. Brazil E Camispa, R. Peru C Camopi, R. Guiana E Canona, R. Brazil E Capin, R. Brazil F Caqueta or Japura, R., 1,100 m. Brazil C Cara j os, R. dos, Brazil B Cariay, R. Brazil E Caroni, R. Venezuela D ■ Casco, R. Brazil E Casiquiare, R., 190 m. Venezuela D Casu or Negro, R., 700 m. Patagonia D CaUea, R., 600 m. Colombia C Caura, R., 400 m. Venezuela D Cauten, R. Chili C Cayambo, R. Brazil D Cayapo, R. Brazil E Chacuruma, R. Brazil E Chadi Leubu, R., 300 m. Argentine Rep. B | Ohalia, R. Patagonia C CUiambira, R. Ecuador C I Chico, R. Patagonia C i Chililao orChupat, R., 500m. Patagonia D Cliiman, R. Peru D Ohuapa, R. Chili C Cinza. R. Brazil E c Coary It., 4,000 m. Brazil D c Jantiatuba, R. Brazil D c c Cobu Leuba or Colorado, Japura or Caqueta, R. , 1,100 m. Brazil C c e R. , 700 m. Argentine Rep. D f Jarupari Falls (Ucayari R), Colombia C b c Coca, R. Ecuador C c Jassy, R. Brazil D d c Codaya, R. Brazil D c Jauja, R. Peru C d Colorado or Cobu Leuba, Javary, R. , 550 m. Brazil C c R. .700 m. Argentine Rep. D f Juhina, It. Brazil E d c Comprida Cataract (R. Ara- Jurua, R. Brazil D c b guaya), Brazil F c Juruena, R. Brazil E d c Contas, R. . 300 m. Brazil G d Jutay. R. , 500 m. Brazil D c e Contuso, R. Bolivia E e King Fred. William’s Cataract e Coquimbo, R. Chili C e (Corentyn R.), Guiana E b e Corentyn, R. , 400 m. Guiana E b Liraari, It. Chili C f b Corrieutes, R. Paraguay E e Limay, R. Patagonia D f c Cotinga, It. Brazil D b Loa, R. Bolivia C e b Cuarein, R. Brazil E f Machado or Giparana, R. Brazil D c c Cucua-manema, R. Brazil E b Madeira or Cayari, R. , 2.000 m. Brazil E c d Curaray, R. Ecuador C c Madeira, Falls (R. Madeira), Brazil D c c Curiza, R. Brazil C c Magdalena, R. , 800 m. Colombia C a Curu, R. Brazil G c Mahissy, It. Brazil D c e Cuyuni, R. Guiana E b Mamia, R. Brazil D c c Cuxim, R. Brazil E d Mamore, R. , 900 m. Bolivia D d e Demerara, R., 300 m. Guiana E b Manoel Alves, R. Brazil F d e Desaguadero or Salado, Manoel Alves Grande, R. Brazil F c d R. , 450 m. Argentine Rep. D f Mapiri, R., 220 m. Bolivia D d c Desaguadero, R. , 170 m. Bolivia D d Maranon or Amazon, It, 4,000 m. Brazil E c c Desire, R. Patagonia D fT Marmellos, R. Brazil D c b Diamante, R. Argentine Republic D f Maroni, 11. Guiana E b d Doce, R., 360 m. Brazil F d Massary, It. Brazil E c d Dulce, R., 450 m. Argentine Rep. D c Matura. It. Brazil E c e Esmeraldas, R. Ecuador B b Maule, It. Chili C f d Essequibo, R., 450 m. Guiana E b Mazaruni It. Guiana E b d Fresco, R. Brazil E c Meta, It., 550 m. Colombia C b d Giparana or Machado, R. Brazil D c Moju, It. Brazil F c d Girau Falls (R. Madeira), Brazil D c Monioe or Ivenheyma, R. Paraguay E e b Grande or Araguaya, R., 1,150 m. Brazil F c Morona, R. Ecuador C c d Grande, Cataract (R. Araguaya), Brazil F c Mortes, It. Brazil E d f Grande or Guapay, It. Bolivia D d Mosetenes, R. Bolivia D d e Grande, R. Argentine Republic D e Napo, R. , 450 m. Ecuador C c b Grande, R. , 500 m. Brazil E d Neamuda, R. Brazil E c Grande do Belmonte, It., 460 m. Brazil G d Negro, R., 1,300 m. Brazil D c b Great Cataracts (Corentyn R.) Guiana E b Negro, R. Brazil E e g Guachipas, It. Argentine Republic D e Negro, R. , -320 m. Uruguay E f d Guapay or Grande, R. Bolivia D d Negro or Casu, R. , 700 m. Patagonia D f c Guapindas, R. Brazil E c Neuquen or Rapid R. Argentine Rep. D f b Guapore,.R., 500 m. Brazil D d Orinoco, R., 1.200 m. Area c Guarico, R. Venezuela D b of basin, 337,000 sq. m. Venezuela D b c Guaviare, R., 52$ m. Colombia C b Oyapok, R. Guiana E D c Guiriri, R. Brazil Ii c Pacax, R. Brazil E C c Gurupatuba, R. Brazil E c Pachitea, R. Peru C C c Gurupi, R. Brazil F c Padauiri, R. Brazil D b b Huallaga, R., 560 m. Peru C c Palacios, R. Bolivia D d d Huasco, R. Chili C e Paouini, R. Peru D d b Ica or Putumayo, R., 800 m. Ecuador C c Para, R. (“ Father of Waters f Iguape, It. Brazil F e 280 m. Brazil F c b Iguassu, R., 400 m. Brazil E e Paracatu, R., 2S0 m. Brazil F d b Ilheos, R. Brazil G d Paragau, It. Brazil D d f Inirda, R. Colombia D b Paragua, R. Venezuela D b c Ipaminare, R. Colombia C b Paraguay, R. , 1,400 m. Paraguay E e d Italagua, R. Brazil E c Parahiba R. (Prov. Parahiba), d Itapicuru, R., 380 m. Brazil G d 300 m. Brazil G c f Itata, R. Chili C f Parahyba. R. , 500 m. Brazil F e g Itenes, R. Brazil D d Parana, It., 2,300 in. Paraguay E e c Ivahy, R. Brazil E e Paranahaiba, It., 8S0 m. Brazil F c g Ivenheyma or Monice, R. Paraguay E e Paranahiba. It., 500 m. Brazil E d Jacare, R. Brazil D c Paranapanema, R., 350 m. Brazil E e d Jacuy, R. Brazil E e Paranazingua, Brazil E d f Jaguapiri, R. Brazil E c Pardo, It. , 320 m. Brazil F e g Jaguaribe, R., 350 m. Brazil G c Parima. Taraviana, Quecueme, e Jamary, It. Brazil D d or Branco, R. , 850 m. Brazil D b Pastasa, R. Ecuador Patia, It. Colombia Paulo Affonzo Falls (R. S. Fran- cisco), Brazil Paute R. Ecuador Pelotas, R. Brazil Perguicus, R. Brazil Pileomayo, It., 300 m. Bolivia Pileomayo or Araguay Guazu, R., 900 m. Bolivia Pipira, It. Brazil Piquery, It Brazil Plata, Rio dela, or Platte R. (estu- ary 200 m. long), Uruguay & Arg. Rep. Primero or First R. Argentine Rep. Purus, R. , 1,200 m. Brazil Putumayo or lea, R., 800 m. Ecuador Quarto or Fourth R. Argentine Rep. Quequen, R. Argentine Republic Quinto or Fifth R. Argentine Rep. ltoneador, It. Brazil liupununi R. Guiana Salado or Desaguadero, R. , 450 m. Argentine Rep. Salado, It., 700 m. Argentine Rep. Salta Grande (great fall on R. Parana), Paraguay San Antonio Cataract (R. Tocan- tins), Brazil San Juan, R. Bolivia San Juan, R. Colombia San Miguel, It., 500 m. Bolivia San Miguel, It. Ecuador Santa Anna, R. Brazil Santa Cruz, It. Patagonia Santa Maria Cataract (R. Ara- guaya), Sao Francisco, R., 1,400 m. Sao Lorenzo, R. Saramacca, R. Segundo or Second R. Siapa, R. Sogemoza, R. Somrao Grande, R. Soumidouro, R. Suapure, R. Surinam, R., 300 m. Tacuhy, It. Tapajos, It. , 950 m. C c C b G e C c E e F c D d E e F e E e E f D f D c C c D f E f D f E d E b D f E f E e Tapoa, It. Taquary, R. Taquary, 11. Tarawaca, R. Teffe, R. Tercero or Third R. Brazil Brazil Brazil Guiana Argentine Rep. Venezuela Colombia Brazil Brazil Venezuela Guiana Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Peru Brazil Argentine Rep. Ecuador Venezuela Brazil Venezuela Chili Colombia Tigre, It. Tigre, it. Tocantins, R., 1,200 m. Tocuyu, It. Tolten, R. Totno. R. Tres Pontas, Cataract (R. Ara- guaya), Brazil Trombetas, R. Brazil Tuiche, It. Bolivia Tupuro, It. Colombia Uapes, It. dos, Brazil Uatuna, R. Brazil ITcayale, R., 1,100 m. Peru F G E E D D C F E D E C E D E E D d D c D f Tiete or Anhemby, R., 500 m. Brazil E e rr, „ ~ ’ C C. D b F c D a C f D -b F c E b D d D b 4 MAP OF SOUTH AMERICA. Ucayari, R. Colombia C b Urubamba, R. , 500 m. Peru C c Urubupunga Falls (R. Parana), Brazil- E e Uruguay, R„ 900 m. Uruguay E f Aullagas or Poopo, L. Belvedero, Grande, L. Calchat, L. Capar or Viedma, L. Caracares or Ybera L. Chinchaicocha, L. Coluguape, L. Concepcion, L. Grande, L. Bolivia D Argentine Rep. D Argentine Rep. D Patagonia C Argentine Rep. E Peru C Patagonia C Bolivia D Brazil E Guanacache, L. Argentine Republic D Llancanelu, Laguna de, Argentine Rep. D Llanquihue, L. Mangueira L. Maracaybo, L. di, Merim, L. Monte, L. del, Naguelhapi, L. Chili C Brazil E Venezuela C Brazil E Argentine Rep. D Patagonia C Poopo or Aullagas, Porongas. L.' Rabeca, L. Ranco, L. Rogoaguado, L. Salina. Salinas, L. Santiago, L. Urupaiti, R. Brazil E c Ventuari, R. Venezuela D b Vacarapy, R. Brazil E b Verde, R. Brazil E d Valle, R. del, Argentine Republic D e Verde Grande, R. Brazil F d Vazaparris. li. Brazil G J Vermejo, R., 900 m. Bolivia E e LA K CO LLJ Gualletue L. Chili C f Patos, L. dos, Brazil E f Bolivia D d Argentine Republic D e Brazil D d Chili C f Bolivia D d Brazil D e Argentine Republic D f Bolivia D d Vichada, R. Xingu, R., 1,300 m. Colombia B Brazil S Saraca, L. Brazil E c Silvero, L. Argentine Rep. D f Titicaca, L. Area 2.225 geog. sq. Altitude 12,850 ft. Urre Laquen (Bitter L.), Viedma or Capar, L. Ybera or Caracares, L. Ypoa, L. Peru D Arg. Rep. D Patagonia C Arg. Rep. E Paraguay E OUNTAINS, ETC. Aconcagua 23,910, the loftiest M. of America, Andes of Chili D Alhia Peak, Brazil E Ancohuma or Sorata, 21,286 Andes of Bolivia D Andes (Spanish, Cordillera de los Andes), extend along the whole western region of the continent from N. toS. 4,500 m., breadth from 40 to 400 m. Mean height 11,800 ft. Antisana Vo!. 19,137 Andes of Ecuador C Antuco Vol. , 8,918 Andes of Chili C Arequipa Vol., 20,320 Andes of Peru C Atacama, Desert, Chili it Bolivia C Callaqui Vol. Andes of Chili C Cayambe or Cayambe Urcu, 19,535 Andes of Ecuador C Chimborazo Vol., 21,424 Andes of Ecua. C Chuquibamba, 21,000 Andes of Peru C Copiapo Vol. Andes of Chili D Corcobado Vol. Andes of Chili C Cordillera, a Spanish name ap- plied to a mountain chain. Cordillera Grande, Brazil F Adventure Bay, Adventure Bay, All Saints Bay (B. de Santos), Ancud, Gulf, Araueo Bay, Bahia Blanca, Beagle Channel, Blanca, Bahia, Bouchier Bay, Brightman, Puerto, Camerones Bay, Chilca, Port, Chimba Bay, Choco Bay, Choiseul Sound, Cockburn Channel, Conception Strait, Coqui Bay, Andres, Point, Asuncion, Point, Atalaia Point, Bananal or Santa Anna I Blanca I. Blanco, Cape, Blanco, Cape, Brunswick Peninsula, Buen Ayre (Dutch), Cambridge I. Campana I. Castillos Point & I. Chao Is. Chatham I. Chiloe, I. Chincha Is. Chonos Archipelago, Choros, Cape, Clarence I. Clerke Rocks, Cocales; Point, Coiba I. Coroa Vermelha (I.), Corrientes, Cape, Curacao I. (Dutch), Darien or Panama, Isthmus, Desolation I Argentine Con. Argentine Con. Brazil Brazjl Venezuela Patagonia Peru Chili W. Indies Chili Chili Uruguay Peru Chili Chili Peru Chili Peru Chili S. Georgia Guiana Colombia Brazil Argentine Con. W. Indies Colombia Chili Chili O Falkland Is. E Todos os Brazil G Chili C Chili C Argentine Con. D Patagonia D Argentine Con. D Patagonia D Argentine Con. D Patagonia D Peru C Bolivia C Colombia C Falkland Is. E Patagonia C Chili C Colombia C Dolphin, Cape. Falkland Is. Duke of York I. Chili Falkland, East, Falkland Is. Falkland Islands (British). Falkland. West, Falkland Is. Cotopaxi Vol., 18,775 Andes of Ecuador Cuehilla Grande, Uruguay Cuchilla Santa Lucia, Uruguay Cumbal Vol. , 15.629 Andes of Colombia Darwin, Mt., 6.800 Tierra del FTiego Descabezado, Despoblado, El, Duida, Mt., 7,149 Geraes, Mt. Gran Chaco, El, Gualatieri, 21,960 Icutu, Mt., 7,500 Illimani, 21,140 Illinizo, 17.3S0 Imataca Mountains, Itabira, Mt. , 5,250 Andes of Chili Bolivia Venezuela Brazil Bolivia & Arg. Con. Andes of Peru Venezuela Andes of Bolivia Andes of Ecuador Venezuela Brazil Itacolumi, Mt. , 5,750 (the “Giant”), Brazil Itambe, Mt., 5,960 Brazil Limari, Andes of Chili Lirima, Andes of Peru Llanos is a name applied to the immense plains of S. America occupied by the R. Orinoco. Area about 200,000 sq. m. F e F d D f D d Llullayacu, Vol. Andes of Chili Maypu Vol. Andes of Chili Mejillones, Morro de (Mt.), Bolivia Minehinmavida Vol. , 8,000 Andes of Oh. Moreno, Morro (Mt.), Bolivia Morro de Mejillones (Mt.), Bolivia Morro Moreno (Mt.), Bolivia Pampa del Sacramento Peru Pampas, a name given to the de- serts which extend from the straits of Magellan northward to the sources of the R. Para- guay. Pasco, Knot of, 11,800 Andes of Peru Pichincha Vol., 15,924 Andes of Ecua. Purace Vol., 17,034 Andes of Colombia Sacramento, Pampa del, Peru Sahama, 22,350 Andes of Peru Sangay, 16,138 Andes of Ecuador San Pedro, Vol. Andes of Bolivia San Valentyn, Vol. Patagonia Selvas, or Silvas, a name applied to the forest plains of the Ama- zon. Length, 1,500 m. Breadth from 350 to 800 m. D e D f C e C g C e C e C e C c C c c c D C D C g GULFS AND BAYS, ETC, S L E S AND CAPES. Serra Bitounas, Brazil E e Serra de Santa Martha, Brazil E d Serra do Mar, Brazil E e Serra do Paranapicabo. Brazil F e Serra dos Orgaos, 7,590 Brazil F e Serra Geral, Brazil E e Serra Govoados, Brazil F c Serra Verraetha, Brazil F c Sierra del Vulcan, Argentine Con. E f Sierra de Santa Marta, Colombia C a Sierra Nevada, 15,346 Venezuela C b Sierra Pariraa, Venezuela D b Sierra Ventana, Argentine Con. D f Sorata. or Ancohuma, 21,286 Andes of Bolivia D d Stokes, Mt., 6,400 Andes of Patagonia C b Tolima Vol., 18,020 Andes of Colombia C L Tripoutou, Mt. Guiana E b Tumueuraque Mounts. Guiana E b Tupuregato,22,016 Andes of Chili D f Uassari, Mt. Guiana E L Villa Rica Vol., 16,000 Andes of Chili C f Xarayes, Marshes of the, Brazil E d Yanteles, 8,030 Andes of Patagonia C g g Coquintbo Bay, Chili C e Morosquillo, Gulf, Colombia C b h Corcovado, Gulf, Chili C g Nassau Bay, Patagonia D h Coy Inlet, Patagonia D h Nelson Strait, Chili C h d Cupica Bay. Colombia C b Nuevo Gulf, Patagonia D g a Darien, Gulf, Colombia C b Otway Bay, Chili C h f David Bay, Colombia B b Panama, Bay, Colombia C b f Desire, Port, Patagonia D g Paranagua Bay, Brazil F e h Desolate Bay, Patagonia C h Paria, Gulf, Venezuela D a f Desvelos Bay, Patagonia D g Penas Gulf, Chili C g h Dragons Mouth, Venezuela D a Picton Opening, Chili C h Maraca I. Brazil F b San Lorenzo, Cape, Ecuador B c h Marajo or Joanues I. Brazil F c San Roque, Cape, Brazil G c Santa Anna or Bananal I. Santa Catherina, I. Santa Clara I. Santa Inez I. Santa Maria Point, Sao Thome, Cape. South Georgia I. (British), Staten I. Stewart I. Sur. Point, Taytao Archipelago, Taytao Peninsula, Testigos I. Three Points, Cape, Tierra del Fuego, Brazil E Brazil F Peru C Chili C Peru C Brazil F G Patagonia D Patagonia C Argentine Con. E Chili C Chili C Venezuela D Patagonia D Patagonia C Tierra del F'uego or King Charles South Land. Tobago I. (British), Tortuga I. Tova I. Tres Montes, Peninsula, Trinidad I. (British), Two Bays, Cape, Vermelha, Coroa (I.), Virgins, Cape, Wellington I. William IV. Land (I.), Wollaston I. Wood Is. Patagonia D W. Indies D Venezuela D Patagonia D Chili C W. Indies D Patagonia D Brazil G Patagonia D Chili C Chili O Patagonia D Patagonia C rrs tPPZI&Ql jajriba. 5 ’^-i»i'i| r * ? , T. Elhwool.Ze.il, De-vis &>. C?, Plidla3je3.plh.ia. MAP OP EUROPE AND THE MEDITERRANE AN SEA Europe, the smallest of the great divisions of the globe, forms the north- v estero portion of the Old World, and is properly only an extension of the continent of Asia, from which it is separated by the Ural Mountains and River, by the Caspian Sea, Caucasus Mountains, Black Sea, and Sea of Marmora. On the south, the Mediterranean Sea separates it from Africa. The continent extends through 35 degrees of latitude (36° to 71° 12' U), and through 75 degrees of longitude (9° 30' W, to 65° 50' E). Distance from Cape St. Vincent to the Ural Mountains, 3,490 miles ; from North Cape to Cape Matapan, 2,430 miles. The area is about rV of that of the entire land surface of the globe, and it has about A th of its population. Scale of Map, 265 miles to an inch, one square inch comprising 83 '5 times the area represented by one square inch of Map of England. TABLE OF THE STATES OF EUROPE, ARRANGED ACCORDING TO POPULATION. Russia in Europe Germany Austria and Hungary France Great Britain and Ireland... Italy Spain 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13. 14. 15. 16. 17 . 18 . 19. 20 . 21 . 22 . 23. Belgium Roumania Turkey in Europe. . Portugal Holland Switzerland Denmark Bulgaria Servia Greece Montenegro Andorra Liechtenstein San Marino Monaco Empire Empire. Empire Republic United Kingdom.. Kingdom Kingdom Kingdoms Kingdom Principality Empire Kingdom Kingdom Federal Republic- Kingdom Principality. Kingdom Principality .. Republic Principality . Republic Principality . Less — Transcaucasian provinces of Russia. Totals op Europe Area in Brit. Sq. Miles. Population. Year. 2,266,9S3 78,281,447 (1873) 212,091 45,194,172 (1880) 240,943 37,129,968 (1876) 204,177 36,905,788 (1876) 122,511 34,862,566 (1881) 114,296 28,209,620 (1878) 192,957 16,625,860 (1878) 293,918 6,338,763 (1879) 11,366 5,336,185 (1877) 48,307 5,290,000 (1877) 75,528 5,026,000 4,057,538 (estimated) 36,492 (1875) 20,527 4,060,580 (1881) 15,716 2,753,854 (1876) 14,553 1,940,000 (1878) 24,360 1,859,000 (1879) 20,850 1,719,522 (1879) 19,941 1,679,775 (1879) 3,550 318,740 (1879) 148 12,000 (estimated) 63 8,320 (1867) 26J 7,080 (1864) 6 3,127 (1865) 3,963,333 317,619,913 156,564 4,000,000 3,806,769 314,619,913 Density per Sq. Mile. 32 201 159 180 250.9 235 83 20 469 98.6 80.6 109.2 328 160 126 72 67 Capital* St. Petersburg Berlin Vienna Paris London Rome Madrid Stockholm and Christiania Brussels Bucharest Constantinople Lisbon Amsterdam Berne Copenhagen Philippopolis Belgrade Athens Cetigue Andorra ... Liechtenstein San Marino Monaco Population of Capitals. 667,026 966,872 1,020,770 1,988,806 3,814,571 303,383 384,636 f 165,677 ( 112,977 376,965 221,805 1,075,000 253,496 296,200 36,001 250,000 45.000 27,605 46.000 1,700 1,887 Aalborg, Aarhuus, Aberdeen, Abo, Acre, Adalia, Adrianople, Agen, A gram, Ajaccio. Akhaltsikh, Akhtyrka, Akerman, Albacete, Aleppo (ffaZep), Alessandria, Alexandria, Alexandrovsk, Algiers, Alicante, Almeria, Alstahoug, Altengaard, Altona, Amiens, Amsterdam, Anapa, Ancona, Andorra, Angers, Antwerp (Anvers), Archangel, Arendal, Arta, Astrakhan Athens, Augsburg, Austerlitz, Avignon, Denmark I Denmark K Scotland G Russia M Syria P Turkey in Asia O Turkey N France H Austria L Corsica I Transcaucasia Q Russia O Russia O Spain G Turk, in Asia P Italy I Egypt N Russia P Algeria H Spain G Spain G Norway K Norway M North Germany I France H Holland H Russia P Italy K Andorra H France G Belgium H Russia Q Norway I Turkey M Russia R Greece M South Germany K Austria L France H TOWNS. d Avion a, Turkey L g Borodino, Russia P d d Azov. Russia P f Bortheyri, Iceland C b d Badajos, Spain F h Bosna-serai, Turkey L g c Baku, Transcaucasia R g Botzen, Austria K f i Balaklava, Russia O g Bougie, or Bougiah, Algeria I h h Bamberg, South Germany K f Boulogne, France H e g Banialuka, Turkey L g Bourges, France H f g Barcelona, Spain H O Braga, Portugal F g f Bari, Italy L g Braganga, Portugal F g g Basle, Switzerland I f Bremen, North Germany I e g Bastia, Corsica I g Breslau, North Germany L e e Bayonne, France G g Brest, France G f f Beja, Portugal F h Briansk, Russia O e h Belfast, Ireland F e Brieg, North Germany L e h Belgrade, Servia M cr Brighton, England G e g Bengasi, Tripoli M i Brindisi, Italy L g i Berdiansk, Russia P f Bristol, England G e f Berditchev, Russia N f Brody, Austria N e h Bergen, Norway I c Bromberg, North Germany L e h Berlin, Cap. of Prussia, Bruck, Austria L f h North Germany K e Briinn, Austria L f b Berne, Switzerland I f Brussels ( Bruxelles ), Belgium H e b Besangon, France I g Buda, Austria L f e Beyrout, Syria P i Budweis, Austria K f f Biala, Russia M e Buguraslan, Russia S e e Bielev, Russia P e Bui, Russia Q d g Bieloi, Russia O d Bukharest, Roumania N g 'g Bielostock, Russia M e Burghas, Turkey N g g Bilbao, Spain G g Bingos, Spain G g f Biorneborg, Russia M c Byelosersk, Russia P d e Birmingham, England G e Cabes, Tunis K i c Bisert, Tunis I h Caceres, Spain F h d Bitoglia, Turkey M g Cadiz, Spain F h h Bodo, Norway K b Caen, France G f f Bolgrad, Roumania N f Cagliari, Sardinia I h h Bologna, Italy K § Cairo, Egypt O i f Bona, Algeria I h Calais, France H e f Bordeaux, France G g Cal mar, Sweden L d g Borisov, Russia N e Cambrai, France H e Cambridge, Candia, Canea, Cannes, Capua, Carcassonne, Carlscrona, Carlsruhe, Cap. of Baden, Carlstad, Cartagena, Cassel, Cattaro, Ceuta, Chalons, Chambery, Chaumont, Cherbourg, Cherchel, or Shershell, Chester, Chieti, Christiania, Cap. of State, Christiansand, Christianstadt, Christiansund, Christinestad, Ciudad Real, Civita Vecchia, Clermont. Coblenz, Cognac, Coimbra, Cologne (/Coin), Constantine, Constantinople, Copenhagen, Cap. of King- dom, Cordova, Corfu, England H Candia N Candia M France I Italy K France II Sweden L South Germany I f Sweden K d Spain G b North Germany I e Austria L g Morocco F h France H France I France I France G Algeria H England G Italy K Norway K Norway I Sweden K Norway I Russia M Spain G Italy K g France H f North Germany I e France G f Portugal F g North Germany I e Algeria I h Turkey N g Denmark K d Spain G h Greece L h 2 MAP OF EUROPE. Cork, Ireland F e Kaffa, Russia P g I Moscow, Russia P d Corunna, Spain F g Kai, Russia S d Mostageneni, or Mostaganem, Cosenza, Italy L h Kaiana, Russia N c Algeria H h CdsIin.orKoslin, North Germany L e Kairwan, Tunis I h Mostar, Turkey L g Cracow, Austria L e Kalisz, Russia L e Moulins, France H f Cronstadt, or Kronstadt, Russia N c Kaluga, Russia P e Mozdok, Russia Q g Cuenca, Spain G h Kaminietz, Russia N f Munich (. Munchen ), Cap. Czernowicz, Austria N f Kamishin, Russia R e of Bavaria, South Germany K f Dantzig, North Germany L e Karlsburg, Austria M f Munster, North Germany I e Darmstadv, South Germany I f Karotcha, Russia P e Murcia, bpain G h Debreczin, Austria M f Kasan, Russia R d Nantes, Fiance G f Dellys, Algeria H h Kasanskaia, Russia Q f Naples (Napoli), Italy K g Derbend, Russia R g Keczkemet, Austria L f Narva, Russia N d Dieppe, France H f Kem, Russia 0 b Nauplia, Greece M h DijoD, F'rance I f Kendal, England G e Navarino, Greece M h Dorpat, Russia N d Kertch, Russia P f Neiin, or Nieshin, Russia 0 e Dover, England H e Kharkov, Russia P e Nek or. Morocco G h Dram men, Norway K d Kherson, Russia 0 f Nevel, Russia N d Dresden, North Germany K e Kholm, Russia 0 d Newcastle, England G d Drogheda, Ireland F e Khopersk, Novo, Russia Q e Nice (Nizza), France I g Drohobvcz, Austria M f Kiev, Russia 0 e Nieshin, or Neiin, Russia 0 e Drontheim (Throndhjem), Kilia, Roumania N f Nijni Novgorod, Russia Q d Norway K c Killarney, Ireland F e Nikolaiev, Russia 0 f Dublin, • Cap. of Kiselovsk, Russia T d Nikolaievskoi, Russia R e Country, Ireland F e Kishenev, Russia N f Nikolaistad ( Vasa) Russia M c Du mf ries, Scotland G d Kizliar, Russia R g Nismes, or Nimes, France H g Diinaburg, \ Russia N d Klagenfurt, Austria K f Nissa, Turkey M g Dundee, Scotland G d Klausenburg, Austria M f * Norrk oping, Sweden L d Durazzo, Turkey L g Kola, Russia 0 b Norwich, England H e Diisseldorf, North Germany I e Ivoln (Cologne), N. Germany I e Novgorod, Russia 0 d Edinburgh, Cap. of Kologriv, Prussia Q d Novgorod, Nijni, Russia Q d Country, Scotland G d Konigsberg, North Germany M e Novokhopersk, Russia Q e Egersund, Norway I d Koshva, Russia T b Novo Tcherkask, Russia P f Ekaterinodar, Russia P f Koslin, or Coslin, N. Germany L e .Nuremberg (Nv/rriberg), Ekaterinoslav, Russia 0 f Koslov, Russia Q e South Germany K f Elbing, North Germany L e Kosmodemiansk Russia R d Nykoping, Sweden L d Elizabetopol, Transcaucasia R g Kostroma, Russia Q d Ochnda, Turkey M g Elsinore, Denmark K d Kovno, Russia M d Odessa, Russia 0 f Elvas, Portugal F h ICrajova, Roumania M g Oldenburg, North Germany I e Emden, North Germany I e Krementchug, Russia 0 f Olmiitz, Austria L f Erfurt, North Germany K e. Kronstadt, or Cronstadt, Russia N c Olonetz, Russia 0 c Erivan, Transcaucasia Q g Ktippio, Russia N C Onega, Russia P c Essek, Austria L f Kursk, Russia P e Oporto, Portugal F g Exeter, England G e Kustendji, Turkey N g« Oppeln, North Germany L e Falmouth, England P e Kutais, Transcaucasia Q g Oran , Algeria G h‘ Fiume, Austria K f Lanusei, Sardinia I h Oreansville, Algeria H h Flensburg, North Germany I e Larissa, Turkey M h Orebro, Sweden L d Florence (Firenze), Italy K g La Rochelle, France G f Orel, Russia P e Foggia, Italy L g Latakiah, Syria P h Orenburg, Russia S e Frankfort on the Main ‘Laurvig, Norway I d Oristano, Sardinia I h North Germany I e Laval, F’rance G f Orleans, France H f Frankfort on the Oder, Lay bach, Austria K f Orskaia, Russia T e North Germany K e Lebda, Tripoli K i Ostashkov, Russia 0 d Frederikshald, Norway K d Leeds, England G e Ostend, Belgium H e Frederikstad, Norway K d Leghorn (Livorno), Italy K g Ostrog, Russia N e Funchal, Madeira D i Leipzig, North Germany K e Ovrutch, Russia N e Le Mans, France H f Oxford, England G e Gaeta, Italy K g Lemberg {T^covol), Austria M f Palermo, Sicily K h Galat.z, Roumania N f Leon. Spain F 1 g Palma, Balearic Isles H h Gallipoli, Turkey N g Lerida, Spain H g Pamplona, Spain G g Galway, Ireland F e Livadia, Greece M h Paris, Cap. o: France H f Gefle, Sweden L c Lidge (Liittiche), Belgium I e Parma, Italy K g Gelma, Algeria I h Lille, France H e Patras, Greece M h Geneva, Switzerland I f Limerick, Ireland F e Pau, France G g Genoa (Genova), Italy I g Limoges, F'rance H f Pavlovsk, Russia Q e Gerona, Spain H g Linz, Austria K f Pembroke, England G e Ghent (Gand), Belgium H e Lisbon, Cap. of Kingdom, Penza Russia Q e Gibraltar (British), Spain F h Portugal F h Perekop, Russia 0 f Girgenti, Sicily K h Liverpool, Perigueux, France H f Glasgow, Scotland G d England G e Perm, Russia T d Glogau, North Germany L e Livorno (Leghorn) Italy K g Pernau, Russia M d GluchoV, Russia 0 e London, Cap. of Perpignan, France H g Gomel, Russia 0 e State, England G e Perth, Scotland G d Gorlitz, North Germany K e Londonderry, Ireland F e Perugia, Italy K g Gotha, North Germany K e L’Orient, France G f Pesth, Austria L f Gothenburg (Goteborg) Sweden K d Liibeck, North Germany K e Peterwardein, Austria L f Granada, Spain G h Lublin, Russia M e Petrozavodsk, Russia 0 c Gratz, Austria L f Lucca, Italy K g Philippeville, Algeria I h Grodno, Russia M e Lucerne, Switzerland I f Philippopoli, Turkey M g Guadalaxara, Spain G g Luganskaia, Russia P f Pinsk, Russia N e Gumri, Transcaucasia Q g Lulea, Sweden M b Pisa, Italy K g Guriev (Dorpat), Russia S f Luxemburg, Holland I f Pitea, Sweden M b Haarlem, Holland H e Lyons, France H f Plymouth, England G e Hague, The ( S'Gravenhage ), Madrid, Cap. of Spain, Spain G g Poitiers, France G f Holland H e Magdeburg, North Germany K e Policastro, Italy L g Hamburg, North Germany K e Mainz (Mayence), Polotsk, Russia N d Hammerfest, Norway M a South Germany I f Poltava, Russia 0 f Hanover, North Germany I e Malaga, Spain G h Port Said, Egypt 0 i Havre, F’rance H f Malmish, Russia R d Portsmouth, England G e Heidelberg, South Germany I f Mahno, Sweden K d Posen, North Germany L e Helder, Holland H e Manchester, England G e Potenza, Italy L g Helsingfors, Russia M c Mandal, Norway I d Prague (Prag), Austria K e Hermannstadt, Austria M f Mantua (Mantova), Italy K f Presburg, Austria L f Hermopolis, or Syra, Greece M h Marsala, Sicily K h Preston, England G e Heinbsand, Sweden L c Marseilles, France I g Pristina, Turkey M g Hull, England G e Mayence (Mainz), Pskov, Russia N d Innsbruck, Austria K f South Germany I f Quimper, France G f Inverness, Scotland G d Melilla, Morocco G h Radom, Russia M e Ishma, Russia S c Memel, Ncrth Germany M d Ragusa, Austria L g Iskanderoon , Scanderoon, Messina, Sicily L h Ratisbon (Regensburg), or Alexandretta, Turkey in Asia P h Metz, Germany I f South Germany K f Ismail, Roumania N f Mezen, Russia 0 b Reggio, Italy L h Jacobstad, Russia M c Milan (Milano), Italy I f Rennes, France G f Jaen, Spain G h Minsk, Russia N e Revel, Russia M d Jaffa, or Joppa, Syria 0 i Miskolcz, Austria M f Reykiavik, Iceland C c Janina, Turkey M h Misratah, Tripoli L i Rheims, F'rance H f Jaroslav, Austria M e Mittau, Russia M d Riazan, Russia Q e Jaroslav, or Yaroslav, Russia P d Modena, Italy K g Rieti, Italy K g Jassy, or Y«$sy, Roumania N f Mohilev, Prussia 0 e Riga Russia M a Jefremov, Russia P e Molde, Norway I c Rininik, Roumania M f Jeletz, Russia P e Mons, Belgium 11 e Rochefort, France G f Jijeli, or Djijelli, Algeria I h Montauhan, France II g Rochelle (La), France G f Jitomir, or Shitomir, Russia N e Montpellier, France 11 g Rodoma Russia R c Joppa, or Jaffa, Syria 0 i Morshansk, Russia Q e Rome (Roma), Cap. of Italy K g Rosetta (Rashid), Rostov, Rostov on the Don, Rotterdam, Rouen, Rustchuk, Sadowa, St. Brieuc, St.. Malo, St. Michel, St. Nazaire, Egypt O i Russia P d Russia P f Holland H e F ranee H f Turkey N g Austria L e France G f France G f Russia N e France G t St. Petersburg, Cap. of Empire, Russia U d Spain F g Italy K g Turkey M g Austria K f Russia S e Italy K g Spain G g Spain G g Portugal F h Salamanca, Salerno, Salonika, Salzburg, Samara, San Marino, San Sebastian, Santander, Santarem, Santiago, Saragossa (Zaragoza), Sarapul, Saratov, Sassari, Schleswig, Schwerin, Sciacca, Scutari, Segovia, Seres, Setubal, Sevastopol, Seville (Sevilla), Sfaks, or Sfakus, Sheffield, Shemakha, Shenkursk, Shershell, or Cherchell, Shitomir, or Jitowir, Shumla, Shusha, Sienna (Siena), Silistria, Simbirsk, Simferopol, Sistova, Skopia, Slatoust, Sligo, Slobodskoi, Slonim, Smolensk, Smyrna, Soderhamn, Soevig, Solvytchegodsk, Sophia, Southampton, Spalatro, Sparta, Spezzia, Staritza, Starodub, Staroi Oskol, Starokonstantinov, Staro Tcherkask, Stavanger, Stavropol, Stavropol, Stettin, Stirling, Stockholm, Cap. of Kingdom, Sweden L Stralsund, North Germany K Strasbourg, Germany I Stuttgart, Cap. of Wiirtem- berg. South Germany I Spain F g Spain G g Russia S d Russia R e Sardinia I North Germany I North Germany K e Sicily K h Turkey L g Spain G g Turkey M g Portugal F h Russia 0 g Spain F E Tunis K i England G e Transcaucasia R g Russia Q c Algeria H h Russia N e Turkey N g Transcaucasia R h Italy K g Turkey N g Russia R e Russia O f Turkey N g Turkey M g Russia T d Ireland F Russia S Russia N Russia 0 Turkey in Asia N Sweden L Norway K Russia R Turkey M g England G e Austria L g Greece M h ' Italy 1 g Russia P a Russia 0 Russia P Russia N Russia Q Norway I Russia Q Russia R North Germany K Scotland G Suez, Sumy, Sunderland, Suwalki, Swansea, Syra, or Hermopolia, Syracuse, Sysran, Szeged in, Tabiusk, Taganrog, Talavera, Tam bov, Tangier, Taranto, Tarbes, Tarifa, Tarki, Tarragona, Teherdyn, Tcherkask, Novo, Tcherkask, Staro, Tehernigov, Tehugujev, Temesva.. Tenez, or Tennis, Tersus, Tetuan, Tevastehuus, Theresienstadt, Thorn, Throndhjem, or Drontheim, Tiaret, Egypt 0 Russia 0 England G Russia M England G Greece M Sicily L Russia R Austria M Russia T Russia P Spain F Russia Q Morocco F Italy L France H Spain F Russia R Spain II Russia T Russia P Russia Q Russia 0 Russia P Austria M Algeria H Turkey in Asia 0 Morocco F Russia N Austria L North Germany L Norway K Algeria H fD (315 MAP OF EUROPE. TiBis, Tilsit. Tlemsen, Tokay, Toledo, Tornea, Torshok, Tortosa, Toulon, Toulouse, Tours, Trapani, Tr&vnik, Trent, Treves ( Trier), Trier (Treves), Trieste, Tripoli, Tripolis, or Tarabulus, Troinso, Troyes, Tsaritzin, l'udela. Transcaucasia Q g North Germany M d Algeria G h Austria M f Spain G h Russia M b Russia 0 d Spain H g France I g France H France II Sicily K Turkey L Austria K N. Germany I N. Germany I Austria K Tripoli K Syria P Norway L France H Russia Q Spain G Tula, Russia P e Verona, Italy K f Tunis, Tunis K h Versailles, France H f Turin (Torino), Italy I f Vesyegonsk, Russia P d Tver, Russia P d Vetluga, Russia R d Uchta, Ust, Russia S c Viatka, Russia R d Ufa, Russia T e Viborg, Russia N c Uglitch, Russia P d Vienna (Wien), Cap. of Empire, Uleaborg, Russia N b Austria L f Ulm, South Germany K f Vilna, or Wilna, Russia N e Umea, Sweden M e Vishni Volotchok, Russia P d Upsala, Sweden L d Vitebsk, Russia O d Uralsk, Russia S e Yittoria, Spain G g Usting Veliki, Russia R c Vladimir, Russia Q d Ust Uchta, Russia S c Volo, Turkey M h Utzen, Russia R e Vologda, Russia P d Valence, France H g Volotchok, Vishni, Russia P d Valencia, Spain G h Volsk, Russia R e Valladolid, Spain G g Voronetz, Russia P e Varna, Turkey N g Vosnesensk, Russia T e Vasa (Nikolaistad), Russia M c Vytegra, Russia P c Veliki, Usting, Russia R c Waluiki, Russia P e Velsk, Russia Q c Warsaw, Russia M e Venice (Venezia), Italy K f Waterford, Ireland F e Weimar, North Germany K e Wenersborg, Sweden K d Westervik, Sweden L d Wexio, Sweden K d Whitby, England G e Wick, Scotland G d Widdin, Turkey M g Wiesbaden, North Germany I e Wilna, or Vilna, Russia N e Wisby, Sweden L d Xeres, Spain F h Yarensk, Russia R c Yarmouth, Great, England H e Yaroslav, or Jaroslav, Russia P d Yassi, or Jassy, Roumania N f Yeni-Bazar, Turkey M g York, England G e Zara, Austria L g Zaragoza (Saragossa;, Spain G g Zurich, Switzerland I f RIVERS AND LAKES. Adour, R., 95 m. France G g Alten, R., 135 m. Norway M b Angerman. R. , 230 m. Sweden L c Aras, R., 515 m. Transcaucasia R h Arno, R., 155 m. Italy K g Balaton L. (Platten See), Austria L f Beresina, R., 250 m. Russia N e Bielaya, R., 500 m. Russia T e Bielo, L. Russia P c Boden See, or L. of Con- stance, South Germany I f Boltehai, or Great Liman L. Russia Q f Bug, R. , 434 m. Russia M Bug, R. , 415 m. Russia 0 Como, L. Italy I Constance, L. , or Boden See, S. Germany I Danube, R. , 1,725 m. Desna, R., 530 m. Dnieper, R., 1.230 m. Dniester, R. , 500 m. Don, R. , 995 m. Donetz, R., 450 m. Dordogne, R., 296 m. Douro, R. , 400 m. Drave, R. , 360 m. Austria L Russia O Russia O Russia N Russia Q Russia P France H g Portugal F g Austria L f Jucar, or Xucar, R. Kalix R., 260 m. Kama, R., 1,400 m. Kara, R. Kern R. , 250 m. Khoper, R., 500 m. Kitka L. Klar R., 280 m. Kliazma, R. Kovdo L. Kuban, R., 380 m. Kuiti L. Kuma, R., 300 m. Kura, 540 m. Spain G Sweden M Russia S Russia U Russia O Russia Q Russia N Sweden K Russia Q Russia O Russia y Russia N Russia R Transcaucasia R I)u ma, or Diina, R., 500 m. Russia N d Dwina, R. (Northern), 980 m. Russia Q c Ebro, R., 340 m. Spain G g Elbe, R., 550 m. North Germany K e Enara L. Russia N b Garonne, R., 300 m. France G g Geneva, L. , area 331 sq. m. Switzerld. I i Gironde, R. , 45 m. Glommen, R., 340 m. Gbte, R., 40 m. Guadalquiver, R., 2S0 m, Guadiana, R,, 380 m. Humber, R., 38 m. Ilmen, L. Ilytch, R. , 150 m. Imandra L. Indals R., 240 m. Inn, R., 320 m. Isere, R. . 190 in. Ishma, R. France G f Norway K c Sweden K d Spain F h Portugal F h England H e Russia O d Russia T c Russia O b Sweden L c South Germany K f France I f Russia S c Main, R., 310 m. Malar, L., area 472 sq. m, Manyteh, R., 380 m. Maritza, R., 270 m. Marne, R., 210 m. Maros, R., 400 m. Medvieditza, R., 330 m. Memel or Niemen, R., 450 m. Meuse or Maas, R., 450 m. Mezen R. , 400 m. Mincio, R., 38 m. Minho, R., 130 m. Miosen, L. Moldau, R., 270 m. Mologa, R. Mondego, R. Moselle, R., 300 in. Moskva, R., 200 m. Ladoga L., area 7,025 sq. m., the . largest lake in Europe, Russia O c Latcha L. Russia P c Liusne, R., 240 m. Sweden L c Loire, R., 600 m. France H f Lot, R., 250 m. France H g Lovat, R. Russia O d Lucerne, L., area 41 sq. m. Switzerland I f Lnga, R. Russia N d Lulea, R., 240 m. Sweden M b Luta R. Russia O b Lutza, R. Russia R c Maas or Meuse, R., 450 m. Holland I f South Germany K e Sweden L Russia Q f Turkey N g France H f Austria M Russia Q Russia M France I Russia Q Italy K Spain F Norway K Austria K Russia P Portugal F North Germany I Russia P Neva, R., 40 m. Niemen or Memel, R., 450 m. Njurnda, R. Ochrida L. Oder, R., 455 m. North Oise, R., 135 m. Oka, It. . 650 m. Onega L., area 3,400 sq. m. Onega, R., 250 m. Onsha, R. Orivesi L. Oufa or Ufa, R. , 400 m. Ounas, R. Peipus, L. Pesa R. £etc bora, R., 900 m. Pielis L. Pinega, R. Pitea, R., 200 m. Plitch, R. Po, R., 390 m. Pripet, R., 350 m. Pruth, R., 360 m. Rhine, R., 800 m. Rhone, R., 580 m. Rhys, L. Sairna L. Samara, R., 280 m. Samur, R. Saone, It., 225 m. Save, R., 550 m. Sego L. Seine, R. , 470 m. Sereth, 270 m. Severn, R. , 226 m. Shannon, R., 254 m. Shapinka, or Pilvor Jaha R. Siljan I. Silva, R. Sisola, R. Skelleftea R., 240 m. Slutch, R. Starr L. Stora Lulea L, Storsa L. Russia 0 c Russia M e Sweden L c Turkey M g Germany K e France H f Russia Q d Russia P c Russia P c Russia Q a Russia N c Russia T d Russia N Russia N Russia R Russia S Russia N Russia Q Sweden L Russia N Italy K Russia N Russia N Germany I France H Norway K Russia N Russia S Russia R France H Austria L Russia O France H Turkey N England G Ireland F Russia S Sweden L Russia T Russia S Sweden L Russia N Sweden L Sweden L Sweden K Suchona, R., 440 m, Sura, R. Svir, R. Szeksna, R. Tagus, R., 540 in. Tana, R., 200 m. Tarn, R. , 220 m. l'chusovaya, R. Terek, R., 300 m. Thames, R., 215 m. Theiss, R., 500 m. Thingvalla L. Tiber, R., 185 m. Topposero L. Tornea Elf, 290 m. Tornea L. Tsilma, R. Tsna, R., 260 m. Ufa or Oufa, R., 400 m. Ulea L. Umea, R., 280 m. Ural, R„ 1,040 m. Ussa, R. , 460 m. Utzen, R. Velikaia, R. Vetluga, R., 440 m. Viatka R., 680 m. Vienne, R., 220 m. Vindel R. Vistula, R., 590 m. Vitchegda, R., 640 m Russia Q c fiassia It e Russia O c Russia P d Portugal F h Norway N b France II g Russia T d Russia R g England H c Austria M f Iceland C c Italy K g Russia O b Russia M b Sweden L Russia S Russia Q Russia T Russia N Sweden L Russia S Russia T Russia It f Russia N d Russia It d Russia S d France H f Sweden L c Russia L e Russia S c Volga, R., 2,400 m., the largest river of Europe, Russia R e 1 olkov, R., 150 m. Russia O d Washka, R. Russia R a Wener, L., area 2,015 sq. m. Sweden K d Weser, R., 250 m. North Germany I e Wetter, L., area 716 sq. m. Sweden K d Wodlo L. Worona, R. Woshe, L. ™ yg L ' Wym, R. Xucar or Jucar, R. Yonne, R., 190 m. Russia P c Russia Q e Russia P o Russia O c Russia S o Spain G h France H f MOUNTAINS. .Etna, Mount (Volcano), 10,874 Sicily K h Alps, the, 15,744 France & Switzerld. I f Apennines, 10,206 Athos, Mount; 6.778 Auvergne Alounts., 6,188 Balkan Mts. (Haem us), 4,900 Bohmei Wald, 4,613 Cantabrian Mounts., 10,000 Uarnic Alps, 11,510 Carpathian Mounts., 8,779 Carpathians, Southern, or Transylvanian Alps, 9,528 Caucasus Mounts., 18,493 Oevennes Mounts., 5,794 Cote d’Or, 1,640 Dinaric Alps, 7,000 Dovrefield Mounts., 7,568 Elburz, Mount, 18,493 Italy K g Turkey M g France H f Turkey M g Austria K f Spain G g Italy K f Austria M f Turkey M f Russia Q g France H g France H f Austria L g Norway K c Caucasus Q g Erz Mounts., 4,124 North Germany K e Grampian Mounts., 4,406 Scotland G d Gran Sasso d’ Italia, or Monte Corno, 10,206 Apennines K g Gross Glockner, 12,956 Alps K f Hardangerfield Mts. , 8,546 Norway I c Hartz Mounts., 3,740 North Germany K e Hekla. Mt. (Volcano), 5,210 Ida, Mount, 7,674 Iremet, Mount, 5,030 Iron Gates of the Danube, Jura Mounts., 5,643 Kasbek, Mount, 16,550 Katehkanar, Mount, 2,941 Kiolen Mounts., 6,152 Konjakovski, Mount, 5,117 Langfield Mounts., Maritime Alps, 10,345 Iceland D Candia M h Urals T e Turkey M g France I f Caucasus Q g Urals T d Norway K c Urals T d Norway I c Italy I g Mont Blanc, the loftiest M. in Europe, 15,744 Mont Cenis (Pass 6,775), Monte Corno, or Gran Sasso d’ltalia, Monte Rosa, 15,174 Morena, Sierra, 5,500 Noric Alps, 12,956 Obdorsk Mounts., Olympus, Mount, 6,332 Perdu, Mont, 10,994 Pindus, Mount, 8,950 Plomb de Cantal, 6,093 Puy de Dome, 4,846 Pyrenees, 11,168 Sablia, Mt., 5,141 Serra de Estrella, 7,524 Sierra de Toleda, Alps I Alps I Apennines K g Alps I f Spain G h Austria K f Russia U b Turkey M g Pyrenees G g Turkey M g France H f France H f France & Spain H g Urals T c Portugal F h Spain G h Sierra Morena, 5,500 Sierra Nevada, 11,678 Skagstoltind, 8,068 Sneeliatten, 7,568 Snow’don, 3,570 Sulitelma, 6,152 Taganai Mount, 3,402 Toleda, Sierra de, Toll-pos, 5,434 Ural Mounts., 5.434 Valdai Hills, 1,151 Vatna Jokull, Vesuvius, Mt. (Volcano), Vosges Mounts., 4.688 Yalping Nor, 3,929 Spain G Spain G Norway I Dovrefield I Wales G Kiolen Mts. L Urals T Spain G Urals T Russia T Russia O Iceland D 4,070 Italy K Germany l Urais T GULFS, BAYS, ETC. Adriatic Sea, J2gean Sea, Axar Fiord, Azov, ea, Baltic Sea, Biscay, Bay, Black Sea, Bonifacio, Strait, Bosphorus, or Strait stantinople, Bothnia. Gulf of, Bt vidi Fiord, Brijto) Channel. Archipelago N Iceland D S. of Russia P E. of f weden L Italy I of Con- Turkey N Russia & Sweden M Iceland C England G e g Bukke Fiord, Norway I d Dwina, Gulf of. Russia P c h Cabes, Gulf, Tunis K i English Channel, England & France G e b Cagliari, G-ulf, Italy I h Eyja Fiord, Iceland D b f Cardigan Bay, Wales G e Faxa Fiord, Iceland C c d Caspian Sea, Russia R g Finland, Gulf of, Russia N d f Cattegat, E. of Denmark K d Forth, Firth of, Scotland G d g Chaipudyrskaia Bay, Russia U b Genoa, Gulf, ' Italy I g g Cheskaia Bay, Russia R b German Ocean, or North Clyde, Firth of. Scotland G d Sea. E. of Britain H d g Dardanelles, or Hellespont, Turkey N g Gibraltar. Strait, Spain k Africa F h c Dollart (Bay), North Germany I e Great Belt, Denmark K d b Donegal Bay, Ireland F e Hammamet, Gulf, Tunis K h e Dover, Strait, England & France H e Hardanger Fiord, Norway I c Horna Fiord, Huna Fiord, Ingolfshofde Bay, Ionian Sea, Irish Sea, Isa Fiord, Kandalaksha, Gulf Kola Bay. Kuma. Gulf, Lax a Fiord, Levant. Liim Fiord, Lions, Gulf, Iceland D V Iceland C c Iceland D c Italy & Greece L h British Isles G e Iceland C b of, Russia O b Russia O b Russia R g Norway N a Mediterranean Sea O i Denmark I d France H g 4 MAP OF EUROPE Little Belt, Malstrom, Marmora, Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Messina, Strait, Moray Firth, Motovski Gulf, Namsen Fiord, North Channel, Europe & Africa Norway K Scotland F d North Sea, or German Sidra, Gulf, Tripoli L i b Ocean, E. of Britain H d Skaga Fiord, Iceland D b g Onega, Gulf of. Russia P c Skager Rack, N, of Denmark I d Otranto, Strait, Italy & Turkey L g Sogne Fiord, Norway I c h Porsanger Fiord, Norway N a Solway Firth, Scotland G e d Riga, Gulf of, Russia M d Sound, The, Denmark K d b St. George’s Channel, Ireland & Wales F e Tana Fiord, Norway N a c d Salonika, Gulf, Turkey M h Taranto, Gulf, Italy & Greece L g Tbrondhjem Fiord, Tyrrhenian Sea, Varanger Fiord, Wash, The, West Fiord, White Sea, Yenikale, Strait, Zuider Zee, Ntrwny I e Italy K h Norway 0 b England H e Norway K h Russia P b Russia P f Holland I e ISLANDS, PENINS Achil I. Ireland E e Gata, C. Spain G h JEgades Is. Sicily K h Gomera I. Canary Is. D k Aland Is. Russia M c Gothland I. Sweden L d Anglesey I. England G e Gozo I. (British), Italy K h Archipelago, Greece N h Gran Canaria I. Canary Is. D k Asmara I. Sardinia I g Great Britain, embraces England and Balearic Islands, Spain H h Scotland, G e Belle I. France G f Guernsey I. England G f Bon, C. Tunis K h Hague, C. la, France G f Bornholm I. Denmark K d Hebrides, or Western Isles, Scotland F d British Isles, G e Horn, The (C.), Denmark I d Canary Islands (to Spain) Africa D k Hyeres Is. France I g Candia or Crete I. Turkey M h Iceland (to Denmark), Atlantic Ocean D c Capraja I. Italy I g Ionian Islands, Greece M h Cephalonia I. Greece M h Ireland, British Isles F e Cerigo I. Greece M h Islay I. Scotland F d Cerigotto I. Greece M h Iviza or Ivi$a I. Spain H h Channel Is. England G f Jerba Is. Tunis K i Clear, Cape, Ireland F e Jersey I. England G f Corfu I. Greece L h Jutland Peninsula, Denmark I d Corsica, France I g Kadisha, Ras (C.), Tunis K h Crete or Candia I. Turkey M h Kali Akra, C. Turkey N g Creux, C. Spain H g Kanin, C. Russia Q b Crimea, Peninsula, Russia 0 f Kanin or Kaninskaia Penin., Russia li b Cyclades Is. Greece M h Kerkenna Is. Tunis K i Cyprus I. Turkey in Asia 0 h Kbio I. Turkey in Asia N h Dago I. Russia M d Kinnaird Head Scotland G d Desertas Is. Madeira Is. D i Kola Peninsula, Russia P b Dieu, I., or d’Yeu, France G f Kolguev I. Russia R b Donnao I. Norway K b Krossanes (C.), Iceland E • c Elba I. Italy K g Laaland Denmark K e Erris Head, Ireland F e Lands End, England F e Fair I. Scotland G d Lanzarote L Canary Is. E k Faroe Is. (to Denmark ), Atlantic Ocean F c Lemno I. Turkey in Asia N h Ferro I. Canary Is. D k Leuca, C. Italy L h Finisterre, C. Spain F g Lipari Is. Italy K h Formentera I. Spain H h Lofoden Is. Norway K b Frisian Is. Holland I e Madeira I. Portugal D i Frisian Is., North, N. Germany I d Majorca L Spain H h Fuerteventura I. Canary Is. E k Malin Head, Ireland F d Funen L Denmark K d Malta I. (British), Italy K h Owgano Promontory, Italy L g Man, L England G e LAS, AND CAPES. Matapan, C. Greece M h i Sardinia, Italv I P Milo I. Greece M h Scandinavian Peninsula embraces Noi- O- Minorca I. Spain H g way and Sweden. Mitylene I. Turkey in Asia N h Scarpanto I. Turkey in Asia N h Morea or Peloponnesus (Penin.), Greece M h Scilly Is. England F f Mull If Scotland F d Sem, Ras (C. ), Tripoli M i Nau, C. Italy L h Senjen Oe (I.), Norway L b Naze, The (C.), Norway I d Shetland Is. Scotland G e Negropont, I. Greece M h Sicily, Italy K h Niearia I. Turkey in Asia N h Skaw, The (C.), Denmark K d Noirmoutier, I. France G f Skye I. Scotland F d iSord Kyn (C.), the most north- Snaefells (C.), Iceland C c- erly point of the Continent, Norway N a Sorb I. Norway M a North Cape, Norway N a Spartivento, C. Italy L h Oland I. Sweden L d Spartivento, C. Sardinia I h Oleron I. France G f Stadt Promontory, Norway I Orkney Is. Scotland G d Stromo I. Faroe Is. F , c Barking, town, 5,076, Essex G e Barmouth, dist.. Merioneth B d Barnard Castle, town. Durham E b Barnsley, town, 20,017, York E c Barnstaple, bor., 10,743, Devon B e Barrow-upon-Soar, tp., 1,800, Leicester E d Banw-in- Furness, Lancashire C b Barton-upon-Humber,t., 3,797, Lincoln F c Basingstoke, m. hor., Hants E e Bath, city, 54,240, Somerset D e Battle, par., 3,293, Sussex G f Bawdry, tp. . 1,011, York E c Beaeousfield, par. , 1,662, Bucks F e Beaminster, par.. 2.614, Dorset D f Beaumaris, bor., 2,558, Anglesey II c Beccles, m. bor., Suffolk H d Bedale, tp., 1,157, York E b Bedford, bor., Bedford F d Belford, tp., 1,067, Northumberland E a Bellingham, tp., 866, Northumberland D a Belper, town, Derby E c Bere Regis, par., 1,624, Dorset D f Berkeley, Old, bor., 1,011, Gloucester D e Berkhampstead, town. 3,631, Hertford F e York F c Worcester D A Nrthd. D a Oxford E e Devon B e Bedford F d Essex G e Stafford D d Nottingham F d York E c Cheshire C Beverley, p. hor., 10,868, Bewdley, m. bor.. 2.905, Berwiek-on-Tweed, bor., Bicester, town, 2,798, Bideford, m. bor., Biggleswade, town, Billerieay, ham., 1,390, Bilston, tp., Bingham, par., 1,918, Bingley, town, Birkenhead, p. bor., Bishop Auckland, town. Durham Bishop Stoke, par., 1,390, Hants Bishop Stortford, town, Hertford Bishops Castle, par., 2,083, Salop Bishops Waltham, par., 2,267, Hants Blackburn, bor., 1881, 104,012 Lane. Blackpool, town, 3.506, Blaen Afon, Blaina, Blandford, town, 3,857, Blisworth. par., 1,022, Blyth. tp. , 1 .953, Blyth. tp. , 698, Bodmin, p. bor., Bognor. town. 2.523, Bolingbroke, New, Bolton, bor., Bootle, par., 901, Boroughbridge, tp., 909, Boston, m. bor., Bosworth Market, tp., 997, Botesdale, ham., 580, Bourn, town. 3,066, Bournemouth, 1,940, Bourton Lancashire Monmouth Monmouth Dorset Northampton Northumberland Nottingham Cornwall Sussex Lincoln Lancashire Cumberland York Lincoln Leicester Suffolk Lincoln Hants Gloucester C f | Birmingham, bor., '81, 400,757 War. E d Bradford on-Avon, town, 4,291, Wilts Bradford, bor., York Brading, par., 3,709, I. of Wight Brafferton, tp., 199, York Braintree, town , Essex Bramber, par., 119, Sussex Brampton, town, 2,379, Cumberland Brandon, town, 2,203, Suffolk Braunton, par., 2,168, Devon Brecon, or Brecknock, p. bor., 5,639, Brecon Brentford, town, 9,521, Middlesex Brent, South, par., 905, Devon Brentwood, town, 2,811, Essex Brewood, par., 3,399, Stafford Brackley. town, 2,239, Northampton Bridgend, Glamorgan Bridgnorth, p. hor., Salop Bridgwater, bor., Somerset Bridlington, town, York Bridlington Quay, tp. , 5,775, York Bridport, bor., Dorset E b E f G e D d E f D c C c C e C c D f F d E a E B F F D O E F E G F E E D E E E G F D G B C e F e C f G e D d E d C e D d C e F b F b D f Brierley Hill. Stafford D Brigg, Glanford, town, 3,138, Lincoln F Brighouse, York E Brighton, p. bor. ,1881, 107,528, Sussex F Brighton, New, 2,4G4, Cheshire C Bristol, city, 1881, 206,503, Gloucester D Brixliam, town, Devon C Brixton, par., 630, I. of Wight F Bromley, par., 5,505, Kent G Bromsgrove. town. Worcester D Bromwich. West, par., 41,795, Stafford E Bromyard, tp., 1,385, Hereford D Broseley. par., Salop D Brough, tp., 840, Westmorland D Broughton, tp. , 9,885, Bruton, par., 2,232, Buckingham, m. bor., 3,849, Builth, par., 1,110, Buntingford, Bm-ford, tp., 1,435, Lancashire C Somerset D Bucks F Brecon C Hertford F Oxford E Burgh-on-Sands. tp.. 460, Cumberland C Burley, tp. , 2,136, Burnham, par.. 1.870, Burnham, par., 2,252, Burnham Thorpe, par. Burnley, m. hor., Burnsall, tp., 200, Burslem, tp. , Burton-in-Kendal, tp. . Burton-on-Trent, t. . Bury, p. bor., 37,563, Bury-St. Edmunds, bor., Buxton, tp. , 1,877, Caerleon. tp. , 1.26S, Caerphilly. Caerwys, p. bor.. 637, Caistor, par.. 1,203, Callington, par., 2,202, Caine, ni. bor., 2,494, Camborne, town, Cambridge, bor., Camelford, Cannock, tp. . 2,913. Canterbury, city, 25,456, Cardiff, bor., Cardigan, bor., 3,543, Carlisle, city. 32,358, York E Essex G Somerset D 427, Norfolk G Lancashire D York E Stafford D 751, Westmor. D Stafford E Lancashire D Suffolk G Derby E Monmouth D Glamorgan C Flint C Norfolk H Cornwall B Wilts E Cornwall A Cambridge G Cornwall B Stafford K Kent H Glamorgan C Cardigan B Cumberland D 2 MAP OF ENGLAND AND WALES. Carmarthen, bor. , £ 993 Carnarvon, bor., 8,512 Carnforth, tp., 393 Cartmeli, tp. , 308 Castle Cary, par., 2,060 Carmarthen Carnarvon Lancashire Lancashire Somerset Castle Donnington, t. , 2,291 Leicester Castleford, town., 3,876 York Castle Rising, par., 377 Norfolk Castleton, tp., 771 Derby Castletown, town, 2,373 I. of Man Castor, Lincoln Cafcerham, par., 815 Surrey Cave, South, tp., 894 York Cawood, par., 1,243 York Cawston, par., 1,019 Norfolk Caxton. par., 545 Cambridge Jhape. en le Frith, par., 4,264 Derby Chard, in. bor., 2,276 Somerset ffiaring, par., 1,285 Kent Chatham, p. bor., Kent Chatteris, par. , 4,731 Cambridge Chatton, par., 1,651 Northumberland Cheadle, town, 3,191 Stafford Cheddar, par., 2,032 Somerset Chelmsford, town, Essex Cheltenham, p. bor. , Gloucester Chepstow, town, 3,364 Monmouth Chertsey, town, 2,910 Surrey Chesham, town, 2,208 Bucks Cheshunt, _ Herts Chesilton. Dorset Chester, city, 34,220 Cheshire Chesterfield, in. bor., Derby Chester-le-Street, town, 2,550 Durham Chew Stoke, par.. 758 Somerset Chichester, city, Sussex Chippenham, p. bor, 7,075 Wilts Chipping Barnet, par., 2,989 Herts Chipping Campden, par., 1,975 Glo’ster Chipping Norton, m. bor. 3,137 Oxford Chipping Or. gar' par., 867 Essex Chipping Sodbury, p., 1,112 Gloucester Chollerton, tp., 151 Northumberland Chorley, town, 15,013 Lancashire Christ Church, p. bor., Hants Chulmleigh, par., 1,705 Devon Church Stretton, par., 1,695 Salop Cirencester, p. bor., 6,336 Gloucester Clapham, par., 1,708 York Clay Cross, town, 3,501 Derby Cleobury Mortimer, pair, 1,619 Salop Clevedon, par., 2,941 Somerset Clifton, par., 21.375 Gloucester Clitheroe, m. bor., Lancashire Cloughton, tp. , 441 York Clun, tp. , 1,105 Salop Cockermouth, p. b. , Cumberland Coggeshall, town, 3,116 Essex Colchester, bor., Essex Coldfield, Sutton, Warwick Coleford, 2,600 Gloucester Coleshill, par., 2,053 Warwick Colne, town, Lancashire Colyton, liar., 2,446 Devon Combmartin, par., 1,484 Devon Congleton, m. bor., 12,344 Cheshire Coniston, Lancashire Conway, p. bor., 2,523 Carnarvon Conwil-in-Elvet, p., 1,703 Carmarthen Corby, par., 818 Lincoln Corfe Castle, par., 1,900 Dorset Corwen, par., 2,042 Merioneth Coventry, p. city, 41,647 Warwick Cowbridge, p. bor., 1,094 Glamorgan Cowes, West, town, 5,482 I. of Wight Cranborne, par., 2,656 Dorset Cranbrook, par., Kent Crediton, town, 4,048 Devon Crewe, town, 8,154 Cheshire Crewkerne, town, 3,566 Somerset Crickhowell, par., 1,516 Brecon Cricklade, p. bor., 36,893 Wilts ■Cromer, par., 1,367 Norfolk Ciowland, town, 2,413 Lincoln Crowle, town, 2,304 Lincoln Croydon, town, 1881, 78,947, Surrey Clyde, Devon Cuckfield, par., 3,539 Sussex Cullompton, town, 2,205 Devon Dalby, I. of Man Daltou-in-Furness, Lancashire Darlington, town, 1881, 35, 102, Durham Dartford, town, Kent Dartmouth, bor., Devon Daventry, m. bor., 4,124 Northampton Dawley Magna, town, 6,365 Salop Dawlish, town, 3,505 Devon Deal, m. bor., Kent Debenham, par., 1,488 Suffolk Deddington, par., 2,024 Oxford Deeping, Market, par., 1,337 Lincoln Denbigh, bor., Denbigh Deptford, Kent Derby, bor., Derby Dereham, town, 3,070 Norfolk Devil’s Bridge Cardigan Devizes, bor., Wilts Devonport, in. bor., Devon Devynnock, par., 1,798 Brecon Dewsbury, m. bor., 18,148 York Dinas Mowddwy, Merioneth Diss. town, 3,164 Norfolk Dolgelly, town, 2,217 Merioneth Doncaster, m. bor., 16,406 York Donington, par., 1,690 Lincoln F Donnington, Cas., par., 2,445 Leicester E Dorchester, bor., Dorset D Dorking, town, Surrey F Douglas, town, 12,511 I. of Man B Dover, bor., Kent H Downham Market, town, 2,458 Norfolk G Downton, par., 3,566 Wilts E Drayton, Market Salop D Driffield, Great, town, 4,244 York F Droitwich, m. bor. ,3,124 Worcester D Dronfield, par., 6,013 Derby E Dudley, p. bor., Worcester D Dnlverton, par., 1,552 Somerset C Dunsford, par., 921 Devon C Dunstable, town, 4,470 Bedford F Dunster, par., 1,112 Somerset C Durham, city, Durham E Dursley, town, 2,477 Gloucester D Easingwold, tp., 2,147, York E East Bourne, town, 5,795 Sussex G East Dereham, par., 4,368 Norfolk G East Grinstead, par., 4,266 Sussex F East Hailing, par., 1,109 Norfolk G East Retford, m. b., 2,982 Nottingham F Eccleshal], town, 1,491 Egton, tp., 1,115 Elland, town, 3,643 Ellesmere, town, 2,114 Ely. city, 7,428 Enfield, par., 12,424 Epping. par., 2,105 Epsom, town, 5,478 Epworth, par.. 2.097 Eton town, 2,840 Evesham, bor., Exeter, par. city, 45,000 Exmouth, town. Eye, m. bor., 2,430 Fairford, par., 1,654 Fakenham, town, 2,182 Falmouth, m. bor. Fareham, town, Stafford D York F York E Salop D Cambridge G Middlesex F Essex G Surrey F Lincoln F Bucks F Worcester E Devon C Devon C Suffolk H Gloucester E Norfolk G Cornwall A Hants E Faringdon, Great, town, 2,943 Berks E Farnham, town, 3,926 Surrey F Faversham, m. bor., Kent G Fenny Stratford, tp. , 1,199 Bedford F Filey, tp. , 1,881 York F Fishguard, p. bor., 1,593 Pembroke A Fleetwood, town, 3,834 Lancashire C Flint, bor., 3,428 Flint C Flodden, Northumberland D Folkestone, m. bor., Kent H Fordingbridge, par., 2,925 Hants E Formby, tp. , 1,780 Lancashire C Foulsham, par., 1,G22 Norfolk H Fowey, par., 1,429 Cornwall B Framlingham, par., 2,252 Suffolk H Frodsham, tp. , 1,869 Cheshire D Frome, p. bor. , Somerset D Gainford, tp., 735 Durham E Gainsborough, town, Lincoln F Garstang, tp., 714 Lancashire D Gateshead, bor., Durham E Gerrans, par., 935 Cornwall B Gillingham, par., 3,036 Dorset D Glanford Brigg, town, 3,138 Lincoln F Glastonbury, m. bor., 3,496 Somerset D Glossop, town., 19,126 Derby E Gloucester, city, Gloucester D Gnosall, par., 2,400 Stafford D Godaiming, m. bor., 2,321 Surrey F Goole, town, 5,850 York F Gorleston, par., 2,758 Suffolk H Gosport, town, Hants E Grampound, tp. , 573 Cornwall B Grantham, m. bor., Lincoln F Gravesend, ra. bor., 18,782 Kent G Great Berkhampstead, p. , 3,585 Herts F Great Driffield, town, 4,234 York F Great Faringdon, par., 3,490 Berks E Great Malvern, town, 4,484 Worcester D Great Marlow, p. bor., 6,496 Bucks F Great Torrington, par., 3,298 Devon B Great Yarmouth, bor., ’81, 46,211 Nor. H Greenwich, p. bor., 139,436 Kent F Grimsby, G. , m. bor., 11,067 Lincoln F Grinstead, East, par., 4,266 Sussex F Grosmont, par., 743 Monmouth D Guildford, bor., 8,020 Surrey F Guisborough, town, 3,794 York E Hadleigh, town, 2,779 Suffolk G Hailsham, par., 2,098 Sussex G Halesowen, town, 2,911 Worcester D Halesworth, town, 2,382 Suffolk H Halifax, bor., York E Halstead, town, Essex G Haltwhistle, tp., 1,749 Northumberld. D Hambleton, par., 1,891 Hants E Hampstead, Moreton, p. , 1.468 Devon C Hanley, m. bor. . 1881, 48,354, Stafford D Ilarborough, Market, Leicester F Harlech, Merioneth B Ilarleston, Norfolk H Harling, East, par., 1,109 Norfolk G Harlow, par., 2,377 Essex G Harrogate, town, York E Harrold, par., 1,119 Bedford F Hartington, par., 2,410 Derby E Hartland. par., 1,916 Devon B Hartlepool, in. hor. , 12,245 Durham E Hartlepool, West, t., 12,603 Durham E Harwich, bor., 5,070 Essex H Haslemere, par. , 952 Surrey F Haslingden, town, 6,929 Lancashire D Hastings, m. bor., 1881, 42,256. Sussex G Hatfield, par., 3,871 Hertford F Hatfield, tp., 1,813 York F Hatherleigh, par., 1,645 Devon B Havant, par., 2,470 Hants F Haverfordwest, bor., Pembroke B Haverhill, par., 2,434 Suffolk G Hawes, tp., 1,727 York D Haworth, tp. , 5,896 York E Hay, town, 1,318 Hereford C Hebden Bridge York D Helmsley, tp. , 1,384 York E Ilelston. m. bor., 3,843 Cornwall A Hemel Hempstead, t. , 2.974 Hertford F Henley-in-Arden, tp. , 1,069 Warwick E Henley-on-Thames, town, 3,419 Oxford F Hereford, city, 15,585 Hereford D Herne Bay. Kent H Hertford, hor., Hertford F Hexhnni.t., Northumberland D Heyteshurv. par. 1,103 Wilts D Heyvood. town, 1881, 23,050Lancasliire D Highain Ferrers, p. 1, 152 North amp. F High worth, par., 3.629 Wilts E High Wycombe, par., 8,373 Bucks F Hinckley, town. Leicester E Hindley. town, 8.477 Lancashire D Hingham, par., 1,605 Norfolk G Ilitchin, town, Hertford F Hoddesdon, ham. . 1,898 Hertford G Holbeach, town, 2.083 Lincoln G Holland, New, Lincoln F Holme, York F Ilolmfirth, town, 2,466 York E Holsworthy, par., 1.724 Devon B Holt, p. bor., 1,008 Denbigh D Holt, par., 1,635 Norfolk H Holyhead, p. bor, Anglesey B Holy Island, par., 935 Northumberld. E Holywell, p. bor., Flint C Honiton, bor., 3,301 Devon C Horncastle, town, Lincoln F Hornsea, York F Horsham, p. hor., 6,747 Sussex F Hounslow, town, 5,760 Middlesex F Howden, town, 2,376 York F Huddersfield, p. bor., ’81, 81.825 York E Hull, bor. io8l, 154,250 York F Hungeriord, town, 2,031 Berks E Hunmanby, tp., 1,387 York F Hunstanton, par., 490 Norfolk G Huntingdon, m. h., 8,716 Huntingdon F Hursley, par., 1.540 Hants E Hyde, town, Cheshire D Hythe, m. bor., 3,001 Kent H Ilchester, par., 781 Somerset D Ilfracombe, town, 3,034 Devon B Ilkeston, town, 3,330 Derby E Ilkley, tp., 1,043 York E Ilminster, town, 2,194 Somerset D Ilsley, Berks E Inglestone, Essex G Ingleton, tp., 1,247 York D Ipswich, bor., 1881, 50,762 Suffolk H Ireby, par., 465 Ironbridge, town, 3,095 Ivybridge, St. John, lx worth, par., 1,074 Keighley, town, Kendal, bor., Kenilworth, town, 3,013 Keswick, town, 2,610 Kettering, town, Kettlewell, tp. , 485 Keynsham, par., 2,190 Kidwelly, par., 1,652 Kilham, par., 1,252 Kimbolton, par., 1,661 Kineton, tp. , 1,077 Kingsbridge, par., 1,585 King’s Caple, par., 320 Kingsclere, par., 2,774 Kingskerswell, par., 903 Kingston -on -Hull, bor., Kingston-on-Thames, m. b., Kings wear, par., 274 Kington, tp. , 284 Kirkby Lonsdale, tp. , 1,727 Kirkby Moorside, tp., 1,851 Kirkby Stephen, tp., 1,715 Kirkham, town, 3,3S0 Leek, town, Stafford D 4 Leicester, bor., Leicester E d Leigh, town, 29,700 Lancashire D 0 Leighton Buzzard, t. , 4,330 Bedford F e Leominster, bor.. Hereford D d Lewes, p. bor., Sussex G f Leybum, tp.. 886 York E b Lichfield, city. Stafford E d Lifton, par., 1,441 Devon B f Lincoln, city, 20,999 Lincoln F c Liskeard, in. bor., 4,689 Cornwall B £ Liteham, par., 913 Norfolk G d Littlehampton, town, 2,350 Sussex F f Littleport, par., 3 728 Cambridge G d Liverpool, bor., 1881, 552,425 Liversedge, tp., 8,176 Lizard, Llanberis, par., 1,364 Llandaff, par., 6,585 Llandilofawr, par., Lancashire D York E c Cornwall A g Carnarvon B c Glamorgan C e Carmarthen B e Llandovery, m. bor., 1,855 Carmarthen C d Llandudno, par., 2,316 Llanelly, p. bor., Llanerchymedd, par., 67 Carnarvon C Carmarthen B Anglesey B Cumberland C Salop D Devon C Suffolk G York E Westmorland D Warwick E Cumberland C Northampton F York D Somerset D Kidderminster, bor., ’81, 24,270 Wor. D Carmarthen B York F Huntingdon F Warwick £ Devon C Hereford D Hants E Devon C York F Sur. F Devon C Hereford C West m or. D York F Westmor. D Lancashire D Kirkoswald, tp. , 672 Cumberland D Kirton-in-Lindsey, par. ,2,058 Lincoln F Knaresborough, p, bor Knighton, p. bor., 1,655 Knottingley, Knutsford, town, 3,575 Lambourn, par., 2,529 Lampeter, p. bor., 989 Lancaster, in. bor., Lanchester, tp., S76 Langport, Laugharne, par., 1,868 Launceston, m. bor., 2,790 Lavenham, par., 1,823 Laxey, Leamington, town, 17,958 Lech lade, par., 1,328 Ledbury, town, 3,263 Leeds, bor., 1881, 309,176 York E Radnor C York E Cheshire D Berks E Cardigan B Lancashire D Durham E Somerset D Carmarthen B Cornwall B Suffolk G I. of Man B Warwick E Gloucester E Hereford D Llanfyllin, p. bor., 1,068 Montgomery C Llangadock, par., 2,789 Carmarthen C Llangefni, p. bor., 1,317 Anglesey B Llangollen, par., Denbigh C Llanidloes, bor., 3,127 Montgomery C Llanrhaidr-yn Mochnant, par., 2,304 Denbigh C Llanrhystyd, par., 1,533 Cardigan B Llanrwst, tp., 3,593 Denbigh C Llantrisaint, p. bor., 1,493 Glamorgan C Lloughor, p. bor., 876 Glamorgan B Loddon, par., 1,153 Norfolk H London, cap. of the British Em- pire, 1SS1, 3,832,441 __ Middlesex F Longframlington,tp. , 447 Northumber. E Suffolk G Stafford E York D Lancashire D Norfolk H Lincoln G Stafford D Cumberland D Cornwall B Cornwall B Leicester E Glamorgan B Lincoln F Suffolk H Wilts E Salop D Bedford F Leicester E Dorset D Hants E Norfolk G Lancashire D Cheshire D Long Melford, par., 2,870 _ Longnor, tp. , 514 c Long Preston, tp., 536 Longridge, Long Stratton, par., 743 Long Sutton, par., 6,124 Longton, tp., 16,690 Longtown, town, 2,717 Looe, E and W, tp., 1,924 Lostwithiel, par., 1,017 Loughborough, town, Loughor, p. bor., 876 Louth, m. bor., 1,600 Lowestoft, town, 1,729 Ludgershali. par., 595 Ludlow, m. bor., 6.000 Luton, town, 15,329 Lutterworth, town, 2,2S9 Lyme-Regis, in. bor., 2.318 Lymington, m. bor., 2,621 Lynn, or King's L. , l\, Lytham, town, 2,556 Macclesfield, bor., 36,101 Machynlleth, p. b.. 1,645 Montgomery C Madeley, par. ,9,469 Salop D Maentwrog, par., 883 Merioneth C Maidenhead, m. bor., 3,895 Berks F Maiden Newton, par., 844 Dorset D Maidstone, m. bor., Kent G Maldon, m. bor., 4,785 Essex G Malmsbury, p. bor., 6,881 Wilts D Malpas, tp. , 1,037 Cheshire D Malton, p. bor., York F Malvern, Great, town, Worcester D Manchester, city, 1881, 341,508 • Lancashire D Manningtree, par., 881 Essex H Mansfield, town, Nottingham E Marazion, Cornwall A March, town, 3,600 Cambridge G Margate, m. bor., Kent H Market Bosworth, tp., 997 Leicester E Market Deeping, par., 1,337 Lincoln F Market Drayton, town, 3,661 Salop D Market Harborough, t., 2,302 Leicester E Market Rasen. town, 2,46S Lincoln F Market Weigktou, town, 2,178 York F Marlborough, m. bor., 3,6$4 Wilts E Marlow, Great, p. bor., Bucks F Marshfield, par., 1,742 Gloucester D Martock, Somerset D Maryport, town, Cumberland C Masham, tp., 1,079 Y’ork E Matlock, par., 4.252 Derby E Medbourne, tp., 580 Leicester F Melbourne, town, 2,194 Derby E Melcombe Regis, par.. 6.49S Dorset D Melford, Long, par., 2.S70 Suffolk G Melksham. town, 2,452 Wilts D Melthain, tp., 4.046 Y’ork E Melton Mowbray, town, 4,047 Leicester F Mendlesham, par., 1,316 Suffolk H Mere, par., 2,929 Wilts D e ; Merthyr Tydvil,p. b., 83,875 Glamorgan C e | Mexborough, tp., 2,462 Y ork E f j Micheldean. Gloucester D d I Middlesborough, m. bor., York E b ! Middleton, town. Lancashire D Middleton-in Teesdale, tp., 2,266 York D Middlewich, town, 3.146 Cheshire D Midhurst, p. bor.. 6,405 Sussex F Mildenhall. par., 4,046 Suffolk G York E c Milford, p. hor., 3,007 Pembroke A MAP OF ENGLAND AND WALES. Milton, town, 2,731 [font G e Milverton, par., 1,S75 Somerset C e Minchinhampton, par., 4,147 Glo’ster D e Minehead, par., 1,5S2 Somerset C e Mold, p. bor.. 3,735 Flint C c Molton, South, m. bor., 3,830 Devon C e Monkleigh, par., 627 Devon B f Monmouth, m. bor., 5,783 Monmouth D e Montgomery, p. bor., 1,276 Montgom. C d Moreton Hampstead, p. , 1,468 Devon C f Morpeth, m. bor., 4,296 North umber. E a Mortimer, Cleobury, par., 1,619 Salop D d Mount Sorrel, Leicester E d Much Wenlock, par., 2,494 Salop D d Muker, tp., 1,005 York D b Nailsworth, Gloucester D e Nantwieh, town, Cheshire D c Narberth, p. bor., 1,209 Pembroke B e Naseby, par., 811 Northampton F d Nayland, par. , 1,061 Suffolk G e Neath, bor., 6.810 Glamorgan C e Nenthead, Cumberland D b Neston, par., 4,049 Cheshire C c Nevin, p. bor., 1,818 Carnarvon B d New Alresford, par., 1,546 Hants E e Newark-upon-Trent, bor., 11,515 Notts F c Newbiggin, Northumberland E a New Bolingbroke, Lincoln F c Newborough, par., 918 Anglesey B c New Brighton, town, 2.404 Cheshire C c New Buckingham, par., 656 Norfolk H d Newbury, m. bor., 6,161 Berks E e Newcastle Emlyn, Cardigan B d Newcastle-under-Lyme, b., 12 938 Staff. D c Neweastle-on-Tyne, bor., 1881, 45,228 N orth u in . E b Newent, par., 3,18° Gloucester D e Newhaven, par., 1,8S6 Sussex G f New Holland, Lincoln F c Newmarket, town, 4.069 Suffolk G d Newnham, par., 1 ,325 Gloucester D e Newport, bor., 7,934 I. of Wight E f Newport, bor., 18S1, 35,382 Monmouth D e Newport, par., 1,575 Pembroke B d Newport, town, 2,856 Salop D d Newport Pagnell, town, 3,676 Bucks F d New Quay, Cardigan B d New Quay, Cornwall A f New Radnor, p. bor., 2,262 Radnor C d New Romney, par., 1,062 Kent G f New Shoreham, p. bor., 32,622 Sussex F f Newton Abbot, town. 5,221 Devon C f Newton-in-Makerfield, t., 5,909 Lane. D e Newtown, p. bor., 5,416 Montgomery C d New Walsingham, Norfolk G d Norbury, tp., 1,305 Cheshire D c Norham, tp., 919 Northumberland D a Northallerton, p. bor., 4,755 York E b Northampton, bor., 32,813 Northamp. F d North leach, tp., 962 Gloucester E e North Walsham, town, 2.896 Norfolk H d North wich, tp., 1.190 Cheshire D c Norwich, city, 1881, 87,843 Norfolk H d Nottingham, bor., 1881, 1S6,650 Not. E d Nuneaton, town, 4,645 Warwick E d Oakham, town. 2,948 Rutland F d Okehampton, par., 1,929 Devon B f Oldbury, town, 15,615 Worcester E d Oldham, p. bor., ’81, 111,343 Lane. D c Ollerton, tp.. 932 Nottingham F c Olney. town, 2,258 Bucks F d Orford, par., 948 Suffolk H d Ormskirk, town, 6,426 Lancashire D c Orton, par. , 1,615 Westmorland D b Osborne House, marine residence of Her Majesty I. of Wight E f Oswestry, m. bor., 5,414 Salop O d Otley. town. 4,458 York E c Otterburn, Northumberland D a Otterton. par., 1,140 Devon C f Ottery-St. Mary, town, 2,429 Devon C f Onndle, town, 2,450 Northampton F d Over, tp., 3,774 Cheshire D c Overton, p. bor., 1,397 Hants E e Owthom, tp. , 424 York G c Oxford, city, 1881, 38,289 Oxford E e Oxwich, par., 328 Glamorgan B e Oystermouth, par., 2,460 Glamorgan B e Padstow, par., 2,489 Cornwall B f Pagnell, Newport, town, 3,676 Bucks F d Paignton, town, 2,628 Devon C f Painswick, par., 3,229 Gloucester D e Pateley Bridge, York E b Pater, or Pembroke Docks, Pembroke B c PatriDgton, par., 1,724 York F c Peel, town, 2,848 I. of Man B b Pembridge, par., 1,500 Hereford D d Pembroke, bor., Pembroke B e Pembroke Docks, or Pater, Pembroke B e Pen-cader, Carmarthen B d Penistone, tp., 860 York E c Penkridge, tp., 2,510 Stafford D d Penrith, town, Cumberland D b Penryn, m. bor., 3,547 Cornwall A f Penzance, m. bor., Cornwall A f Pershore, town, 2,905 Worcester D d Peterborough, city, 11 735 Northamp. F d Petersfield, p. bor., Hants F e Petherton, South, t. , 2,031 Somerset D f Petworth. town, 2,326 Sussex F e Pevensey, par., 385 Sussex G f Pewsey, par., 2,027 Wilts E e Pickering, town, 2,640 York F b Plymouth, bor., 1881, 75,096 Devon B f Pocklington, town, 2,671 York F c Pontefract, p. bor., 11.736 York E c Ponteland, tp. , 488 Northumberland E a Pontypool, town, 4,661 Monmouth C e Poole, bor. .9,759 Dorset E f Port Carlisle Cumberland C b Portreath, Cornwall A f Portsea, 19,967 Hants E f‘ Portsmouth, bor., 1881, 127,953 Hants E f Potteries, The, ' Stafford D c Poulton, tp. , 1,141 Lancashire 0 c Prescot, town, Lancashire D c Presteigne, p. bor., 1,743 Radnor D d Preston, bor., 1881, 96,532 Lancashire D c Preston, Long, tp. , 536 York D b Princes Risborough, par., 2,392 Bucks F e Puddletown, par., 1.241 Dorset D f Pwllheli, bor. , 2,818 Carnarvon B d Pyle, par., 1.192 Glamorgan C e Queenborough, par. , 973 Kent G e Quorndon. tp., 1,622 Leicester E d Radnor, New, p. bor., 2,262 Radnor C d Ramsey, town, 2,354 Huntingdon F d Ramsey, town, 2,891 I. of Man B b Ramsgate, town, Kent H e Rasen, Market, par., 2,563 Lincoln F c Ravenglass, Cumberland C b Ravenstone, par., 392 Leicester E d Ravenstonedale, par., 1,264 Westmor. D b Rayleigh, par., 1,433 Essex G e Reading, bor., 1881, 42,050, Berks F e Redcar, tp., 1,330 York E b Redditch, town, 5,571 Worcester E d Redruth, town, Cornwall A f Reepham. par., 346 Norfolk H d Reeth, tp. , 1,299 York Reigate, p. bor., 9,975 Surrey Retford, East. m. bor.. 2,982 Notts Rhayader Gwv. p. bor., 1,030 ' 1,406 Radnor Rhuddlan, p. bor., 1,406 Flint Rhyl. Flint Rhvmney, Glamorgan Richmond, town, Surrey Richmond, p. bor., 5,134 York Rickmansworth, par., Hertford Ringwood, par., 3,751 Hants Ripley, tp. , 330 York Ripon, city, 6.172 York Risborough, Princes, par., 2,392 Bucks Risca, par., 2.744 Monmouth Rising, Castle, par.. 377 Norfolk Rochdale, p. bor. ,’81, 68,865Laneashire Rochester, city, 16,862 Kent Rochford, par., 1,696 Essex Rockingham, par., 211 Northampton Romford, town, 4,361 Essex Romney, New, par., 1,062 Kent Romsey, m. bor., 2,116 Hants Ross, town, 3,715 Hereford Rossington, par., 400 York E c Rothbury, tp. , 798 Northumberland E F F C C C C F E F E E E F C e G d D c G e G e F d G e G f E f D e E a Rotherham, town, 7,598 York E c Rothwell, tp., 2,263 Northampton F d Royston, par., 1,882 Cambridge F d Rufford, par., 865 Lancashire D c Rugby, town, 7,818 Warwick E d Rugeley, town. 4,362 Stafford E d Ramney, or Rhymney, Glamorgan C e Runcorn, town, 10,434 Cheshire D c Ruthin, bor., 3,372 Denbigh C c Ryde, town, 9,269 I. of Wight E f Rye, m. bor., 3,738 Sussex G f Saffron Walden, m. bor., Essex G d St. Agnes, par., Cornwall A f j St. Albans, m. bor., 7,675 Hertford F e St. Andrew, par., 1,049 Guernsey D g St. Anne, Alderney D g St. Asaph, p. bor., 2,063 Flint C c St. Aubin. Jersey D g St. Austell, town, 3,825 Cornwall St. Bees, tp., 1,031 Cumberland St. Brides, par., 151 Pembroke St. Clears, par., 1,129 Carmarthen St. Davids, par., 2,199 Pembroke St. Dogmels, par., 2,438 Pembroke St. Donat's, par., 126 Glamorgan St. Edmunds, Bury, Suffolk St. Germans, par., 2,842 Cornwall St. Helens, towu, 18,396 Lancashire St. Helier, town & par., Jersey St. Ives, m. bor., 7,027 Cornwall St. Ives, town, Huntingdon St. John, par., 1,815 Jersey St. John Ivybridge, Devon C f St. John’s Chapel, Durham D b St. Just, Cornwall A f St. Keverne, par., 1,892 Cornwall A f St. Leonards-on-Sea, par., 1,693 Sussex G f St. Martin, par., 3,558 Jersey D g St. Mary, par. , 1 ,040 Jersey D g St. Mawes, Cornwall A f St. Neots, town, 3,090 Huntingdon F d St. Pierre, t. and p., 16,388 Guernsey D g Salford, bor., 1881, 176,233 Lancashire D c Salisbury, city, 12,278 Wilts E e Saltash. Cornwall B f Salthurn, York F b Saltfleet, Lincoln G c Sand bach . town, 3,252 Cheshire D c Sandringham, par., 56 Norfolk G d Sandwich, m. bor., 2,944 Kent H e Su.xelby, par., 1,174 Linc oln F c Saxmundham, par., 1,222 Suffolk H d B C b A e B e A e B d C e G d B f D c D g A f F d D g Scarborough, bor., 1881, 30,484 York P b Seaham Harbour, town, Durham E b Sedbergh, tp., 2,346 York D b Sedgefield, tp. , 1,808 Durham E b Selby, town, York E c Settie, tp. , 1,536 York D b Seven Oaks, par., 4,695 Kent G e Shaftesbury, p. bor., 8,983 Dorset D e Shalbourn, par., 1,012 Berks E c Shap, par., 991 Westmorland D b Sheerness, town, 12,015 Kent G e Sheffield, borough, 1881, 284,410 York E c Shefford, tp., 1,015 Bedford F d Shelford, par., 1,006 Cambridge G d Shepton Mallet, town, 4,868 Somerset D e Sherborne, town, Dorset D f Sherburn, tp., 1,465 York E c Shields, North, tp., 9,595 Northumber. E a Shields, South, bor., 35,239 Durham E b Shiffnal, town, 2,046 Salop D d Shipston-on-Stour, p., 1,760 Worcester E d Shipton, tp. , 655 Oxford E e Shoreham, New, p. bor., 32,622 Sussex F f Shrewsbury, bor., 22,163 Salop D d Sidmouth, town, 2,572 Devon C f Silloth. port, ’ Cumberland C b Sittingbourne, par. , 4,301 Kent G e Skipton, town, 4,533 York E c Sleaford, town, 3,745 Lincoln F d Snaith, par., 12,772 York E c Solmm, par., 4,278 Cambridge G d Solihull, Warwick E d Somerset, Somerset D e Southam. par., 1,674 Warwick E d Southampton, bor., 1881, 60,235 Hants E f South Brent, par., 1,205 Devon C f South Cave, tp., 894 York F c ! Southend, Essex G e ; South Molton, m. bor., 3,830 Devon C e ! Southport, town, Lancashire I) c Southwell, town, 3,095 Nottingham E c i Soutlnvold, m. bor., 2,032 Suffolk H d I Spalding, town, Lincoln F d Spilsby, par., 1,467 Lincoln G c Stafford, bor., Stafford D d Staindrrp, tp., 1,333 Durham E b Staines, town, 2,584 Middlesex F e Stalbridge, par., 1,929 Dorset D f Stalybridge, m. bor.,- Cheshire D c Stamford, bor., Lincoln F d Stanhope, par., 9,654 Durham E b Staveley, town, 2,400 Derby E c Stevenage, par., 2,352 Hertford F e Steyning, par., 1,620 Sussex F f Stilton, par., 724 Huntingdon F d Stockport, bor., Cheshire D c Stockton, m. bor., Durham E b Stoke, Bishop, par., 1,390 Hants E f Stokesley. York E b Stoke-on-Trent, p. b., 101,207 Stafford D c Stone, town, 4,509 Stafford D d Stonehenge, Wilts E e Stortford, Bishop, p., 5,390 Hertford G e Stourbridge, town, Worcester D d Stourport, Worcester D d Stow Market, town, 3,531 Suffolk G d Stow-on-the-Wold, tp. , 1,374 Glo'ster E e Stratford-on-Avon, ’81, 8,053 W’k. E d Stratford, Stony, town, 2,005 Bucks F d Stratton, par., 1,755 Cornwall B f Stratton, Long, par., 743 Norfolk H d Stretton, Church, par., 1,695 Salop D d Strood, par. , 4,057 Kent G e Stroud, p. bor., 35,517 Gloucester D e Sturminster Newton, par., 1,880 Dorset D f Sudbury, m. bor., 6,879 Suffolk G d Sunde.rland. p. bor, Durham E b Sutton Coldfield, par. , 4,662 Warwick E d Sutton, Long, par., 958 Lincoln G d Swaffham, town, 2,974 Norfolk G d Swanage, par., 2,004 Dorset E f Swansea, bor., Glamorgan C e Swindon, town, 4,167 ■ Wilts E e Swineshead, par., 1.9C3 Lincoln F d Tadcaster, town, 2,327 York E c Talgarth, par., 1,330 Brecon C e Tam worth, m. bor., 4,326 Stafford E d Tarporley, tp., 1,212 Cheshire D c Tattershall, tp., 547 Lincoln F c Taunton, p. bor., Somerset C e Tavistock, p. bor., 8,857 Devon B f Tebay, Westmorland D b Teignmouth, town. 6,022 Devon C f Tenbury, town, 1,171 Worcester D d Tenby, bor., 2,982 Pembroke B e Tewkesbury, bor., Gloucester D e Thame, town, 2,917 Oxford F e Thaxted, par., 2,302 Essex G e Theale, Berks E e The Potteries, Stafford D c Thetford, bor., 4,208 Norfolk G d Thirsk, p. bor., 5,350 York E b Thorne, town, 2,591 York F c Tiekhill, tp. , 1,915 York E c Tideswell, tp. , 2,057 Derby E c Tintagell Castle, Cornwall B f Tintern Abbey, Monmouth D e Tiverton, bor., Devon C f Todmorden, town, 11,797 Lane D c Topsham, town, 2,772 Devon C f Tormoham, par., 16,419 Devon C f Torquay, town, Devon C f Torrington, m. bor., 3,298 Devon B f Totness, bor., 4,001 Devon C f Tottenham, par. ’81, 46,441 Mid'lesex F e Towoester, town, 2,417 Northamp’n F d Towyn, par., 2,259 Merioneth B d Tregaron, Cardigan C d Tregony, par., 699 Cornwall B f Treinadoc, Carnarvon B d Tring, town, 3,130 Hertford F e Trinity, par., 2,273 Jersey D g Trowbridge, town, Wilts D e Truro, bor., Cornwall A f Tunbridge, town, 5,919 Kent G e Tunbridge Wells, town, ’81, 24,309Kent G e Tunstall, tp., 11,207 Stafford D e Tutbury, par., I,y82 Stafford E c 1 Tynemouth, bor., 1881, 43,863 North. E a Uckfield, par., 1,740 Sussex G / Ulverston, town, Lancashire C l Uppingham, town, 2,176 Rutland F 0 Upton-on-Severn, par., 2,676 Worcester D a Usk, p. bor., 1,545 Monmouth D e Uttoxeter, town, 3,645 Stafford E d Uxbridge, town, 3,815 Middlesex F a Ventnor, 'town, 3,208 I. of Wight E f Veryan, par., 1,399 Cornwall B f Wadebridge, Cornwall B f Wainfleet, par., 1,392 Lincoln G o Wakefield, m. bor., York E o Wallingford, p. bor., 7,794 Berks E e Walsall, bor., Stafford E d Walsham, North, town, 2,896 Norfolk H d Walsingham, New, Norfolk G d Waltham Abbey, town, 2,873 Essex G e Waltham, Bishops, par., 2,267 Hants E f Wantage, town, 3,064 Berks E e Ware, town, 5,002 Hertford F e Wareham, p. bor., 6,694 Dorset D f Wark, tp., 546 Northumberland D a Warkworth, tp., 730 Northumberland E a Warminster, town, 3,675 Wilts D e Warrington, p. bor., Cheshire D Warwick, bor., 10,570 Warwick E Watcbet, Somerset O Watford, town, 4,385 Hertford F Watlington, par., 1,938 Oxford E a Watton, par., 1,365 Norfolk G d Wednesbury, town, 15,298 Stafford E d Wellingborough, t. , 6,067 Northamp. F d Wellington, town, 5,576 Salop D d Wellington, town, 3,689 Somerset C f Wells, city, 4,648 Somerset D e Wells next the Sea, t. , 3,098 Norfolk G d W T elshpool, m. bor., 7,304 Montgomery C d Wem, par., 3,802 Salop D d Wendover, par., 1,932 Bucks F e Wenlock, p. bor., 2,590 Salop D d Weobly, par., 849 Hereford D d West Bromwich, town, '81, 56,299 Staff. E d Westbury, p. bor., 6,495 Wilts D e West Cowes, town, 5,4S2 I. of Wight E f Westerham, par., 2,196 Kent G e Weston-super-Mare, p., 8,038 Somerset D e Wetherby, tp. , 1,682 York E c Weymouth, bor., 11,383 Dorset D f Wheatley, ham., 1,031 Oxford E e Whitby, p. bor., 12,051 York F b Whitchurch, par., 1,962 Hants E e Whitchurch, town, 3,704 Salop D d Whitehaven, p. bor., 18,842 Cumber. C b Whitstable, town, 4,183 Kent H a Whittlesea, town, 4,496 Cambridge F d Wick war, par., 949 Gloucester D e Widnes, town, 4,803 Lancashire D c Wigan, bor., 37,658 Lancashire D e Wigton, town, 4,011 Cumberland C b Wilton, p. bor., 8,657 Wilts E e Wimborne Minster, t. , 2,271 Dorset D f Yfincanton, par., 2,450 Somerset D e Winchcomb, par., 2,937 Gloucester D e Winchelsea, par., 719 Sussex G f Winchester, city, 14,776 Hants E e Windsor, bor., 9,520 Berks F « Winslow, par. . 1,890 Bucks F a Winster, tp., 971 Derby E c Wirksworth, town, 2,592 Derby E c Wisbech, m. bor., 9,276 Cambridge G d Witham, par., 3,455 m Essex G a Witney, town, 3.458 Oxford E a Wiveiiseombe, par., 2,735 Somerset C a Wivenhoe, par., 1,843 Essex G a Wokingham, town, 2,404 Berks F a Wolsingham, par., 5,531 Durham E b Wolverhampton, m. b./81, 75.73S Staff. D d Woodbridge, town, 4,513 Suffolk H d Woodstock, p. bor., 7,827 Oxford E e Wooler, par., 1,697 Northumberland D a Woolwich, town, 41,695 Kent G e Wootton Bassett, par., 2,191 Wilts E e Worcester, city, 31,227 Worcester D d Workington, town, 6,467 Cumberland C b Worksop, town, 7,112 Nottingham E c Worthing, town, 5,805 Sussex F f Woiton-under-Edge, t., 2,734 Glo’ster D e. Wragby, par., 619 Lincoln F t Wrexham, bor., 7,562 Denbigh C c Writhlington, par., 367 Somerset D a Wycombe, High, p. bor., 8,373 Buck? F a Wye, par. , 1,594 Kent G e Wymondham, town, 2,152 Norfolk H d Yarm , par., 1,401 York E b Yarmouth, par., 726 I. of Wight E f Yarmouth, Great, bor., 34,810 Norfolk H d Yeovil, m, bor., 7,957 Somerset D f York, city, 1881, 54,198 York R < a> o> P- a MAP OF ENGLAND AND WALES. RIVERS. Aeron, 21 m. Aire, 84 m. Ain, 26 m. Aran, 49 m. Avon, 6 m. Avon, Lower, 80 m. Avon, Upper, 95 m Black water, 12 m. Blyth, 27 m. York Northumberland Sussex Wilts and Hants Somerset & Wilts Leices. & Worces. Essex Northumberland Brandon, or Little Ouse, 42 m., Norfolk G Brede, 32 m Brue, 37 m. Bure, 52 m. Cahler, 20 m. Calder, 50 m. Cam, or Granta, 42 m. Camel, 30 m. Chelmer. 37 m. Cherwell. 52 m. Clwyd, 31 m. Colne, 39 in. Colne, 40 m. Conway, 33 m. Coquet, 53 m. Cothi, 33 m. Culme, 26 m. Dane, 40 m. Dart, 38 m. Deben, 34 m. Dee, 100 m. Derwent, 36 m. Derwent, 63 m. Derwent, 31 m. Sussex Somerset Norfolk Lancashire York Cambridge Cornwall Essex Oxford Denbigh Essex Herts and Middlesex Wales Northumberland Carmarthen Devon Cheshire Devon Suffolk Wales Cumberland Derby Durham d Derwent. 72 rn. York F b Nidd, 54 m. York E b c Dou, 67 m. York E c North Tyne, 44 m. Northumberland D a a Dove, 50 m. Derby and Stafford E c Orwell, 9 m. Suffolk H e f Dovey, or Afon Dyfi, 32 m. Wales B d Ouse, 32 m. Sussex G f f Duddon, 24 m. Lancashire C b Ouse, 58 m. York F c e Eden, 79 in. Cumberland D b Ouse, Great, 155 m. Bucks and Norfolk G d d Erwash, 22 m. Nottingham E c Ouse, Little, 42 m. Norfolk and Suffolk G d e Esk, 16 m. Cumberland C b Parrot, 37 m. Somerset D e a Esk, 24 m. Cumberland D a Perry, 20 m. Salop D d d Esk, 26 m. York F b Petterill, 27 m. Cumberland D b f Exe, 55 in. Devon C f Rea, 25 m. Salop D d e Fowey, 29 m. Cornwall B f Rede, 28 m. Northumberland D a d Gipping, 25, or with Orwell, 34 m. Suff. H d Rheidol, 25 m. Cardigan C d c Granta, or Cam, 42 m. Cambridge G d Ribble, 73 in. York D c c Helford, 9 m. Cornwall A f Roden, 27 m. Salop D d d Hull, 34 m. York F c Rother, 20 m. Kent and Sussex G e f Humber, 38 m. York and Lincoln F c Rye, 35 m. York P b e Irwell, 44 m. Lancashire D c Saleombe, 15 m. (with Avon) Devon O f e Isis, or Thames, 215 m. Gloucester E e Severn, 226 m. Longest r. in England C d c Itchen, 24 m. Hants E e Soar, 43 m. Leicester E d e Itlion, 34 m. Radnor C d Southampton Water, 11 m. Hants E f e Kennet, 53 m. Wilts and Berks E e South Tyne, 38 m. Northumberland D b c Lark, 32 m. Suffolk G d Stoke, or Wissey, 34 hi. Norfolk G d a Lea, Herts F e Stour, 60 m. Dorset D f d Llwchwr, 17 m. Carmarthen B e Stour, 46 m. Kent H e f Lugg, or Llugw, 48 m. Hereford D d Stour, 62 m. Suffolk and Essex H e c Lune, 49 m. Lancashire D c Swale, 15 m. Kent II e f Medway, 62 m. Kent G e Swale, 71 m. York E b e Mersey, 77 m. Lancashire D c Taff', 40 m. Glamorgan C e c Mole, 36 m. Surrey F e Tamer, 57 m. Cornwall and Devon B f b Monnow, 34 m. Hereford & Monmouth D e Taw, 50 m. Devon C f c Nen, 104 m. Northampton and Lincoln F d Tawe, 28 m. Glamorgan C e b New, 30 m. Herts and Middlesex F e Tees, 90 m. Durham E b Teifi, 67 m. Teme, 70 m. Terne, 33 m. Test, 33 m. Thame, 38 m. Wales B & Salop and Worcester D d Salop D d Hants E <■ Bucks and Oxford F Thames, or Isis, 215 m. Gloucester E e Till, 46 m. Torridge, 48 m. Towy, 70 m. Trent, 168 m. " Tweed, Tyne, 80 m. Ure, 63 m. Usk, 73 m. Vyrnwy, 41 m. Wansbeck, 29 m. Waveney, 49 m. Wear, 51 m. Weaver, 47 m. Northumberland D Devon B Carmarthen B Stafford and Lincoln F Northumberland D Northumberland E York E Brecon and Monmouth C Montgomery C Northumberland E Norfolk and Suffolk H Durham E Cheshire D Welland, 66 m. Northamp. and Lincoln F •Wensum, 43 m. Wey, 27 m. Wharfe, 73 m. Windrush, 33 m. Wissey, or Stoke, 34 m. Witham. 86 m. Wreak, 27 m. Wye, or Gwv, 140 m Wyre, 31 m. Norfolk H Surrey F York E Oxford E Norfolk G Lincoln F Leicester F Radnor&Monmth. D Lancashire D Yare, 69 m. (with Wensum) Norfolk H Yealme. 14 m. Devon B Yrfon, 26 m. Brecon C Ystwytb, 25 m. Cardigan C LAKES. Bala Lake, 3assenth waite Water, Uoniston Water, Merioneth C Cumberland C Lancashire C Allonby Bay, Cumberland C Alnmouth Bay, Northumberland E Bai d’Icart, Guernsey D Bardsey Sound, Carnarvon B Barmouth Bay, Merioneth B Barnstaple or Bideford Bay, Devon B Beadnell Bay, Northumberland E Beaumaris Bay, Carnarvon C Bideford, or Barnstaple Bay, Devon B Bigbury Bay, Devon C Blakeney Harbour, Norfolk G Brancaster Bay, Norfolk G Bridgwater Bay, Somerset C Bridlington Bay, York F Bristol Channel, S. Wales and England C Bude Bay, Cornwall B Bude Haven, Cornwall B Burry Inlet, Carmarthen B Camboise Bay, Northumberland E Cardigan Bay, Wales B Carmarthen Bay, Carmarthen B Carnarvon Bay, Carnarvon B Aran Mowddwy, 2,970 feet, Merioneth Axe Edge, 1,751, Derby Black Combe. 1 ,974, Cumberland Black Forest, 2,630, Brecknock Black Mountains, 2,596, Brecknock Bow or Baugh Fell, 2,911, York Brecknock Beacons, 2,862, Brecknock Brown Glee Hill, 1,805, Salop Brown Gilly, 1 ,100, Cornwall Brown Willy, 1.364, Cornwall Cader Berwyn, 2,716, Denbigh Cader Idris, 2,959, Merioneth Cambrian Mountains, Wales Cam Fell, 1,925, York Carnedd Dafydd, 3,430, Carnarvon Cawsand Beacon, 1,792, Devon Cheviot, 2,688, . Northumberland d Crummock Water, Cumberland C b Hawes Water, Westmorland D b Ulleswater, Westmorland D 1 b Derwent Water, Cumberland C b Keswick Lake, or Derwent Wast Water, Cumberland C \ b Ennerdale Water, Cumberland C b Water, Cumberland C b Windermere, Lanca. and Westmorland D b BAYS, HARBOURS, ETC. b Deroute, La, Channel Islands D g Morecambe Bay, Lancashire C b Rye Bay, Sussex G f a Douglas Bay, I. of Man B b Morte Bay, Devon B e St. Aubin Bay, Jersey D g g Downs, The, Kent H e Mounts Bay, Cornwall A f St. Austell Bay, Cornwall B f d Druridge Bay, Northumberland E a Mouth of the Humber, York & Lincoln G c St. Bride’s Bay, Pembroke A e d English Channel (Fr. La Manche), E f Mouth of the Thames, Kent and Essex H e St. George’s Channel , Wales & Ireland A d e Falmouth Bay, Cornwall A f Newbiggin Bay, Northumberland E a St. Ives Bay, Cornwall A f a Filey Bay, York F b Newport Bay, Pembroke B d St. Ouen Bay, Jersey D g c Fishguard Bay, Pembroke B d Oxwich Bay, Glamorgan B e Solent, The, Hants E ! e Freshwater Bay, Pembroke A e Padstow Bay, Cornwall B f Solway Firth, Cumberld. and Scotland C b f Gerrans Bay, Cornwall B f Pevensey Bay, Sussex G f Spithead, Hants E f d Halkham Bay, Norfolk G d Piran Bay, Cornwall A f Start Bay, Devon C f d Hell’s Mouth, or Porth Nigel, Carnarvon B d Plymouth Sound, Cornwall B f Strait of Dover (Fr., Pas de Calais), H f e Holyhead Bay, Anglesey B c Poole Bay, Hants E f Swansea, Glamorgan C e b Humber, Mouth of, York and Lincoln G e Porloek Bay, Somerset C e Tees Bay, Durham ami Y’ork E b e Icart, Bai d', Guernsey D g Port Cardigan, Cardigan B d Tees Mouth, Durham ami York E b f Irish Sea, B c Porth Cawl, Glamorgan C c Thames, Mouth of the, Kent and Essex H e f La Deroute, Channel Islands D g Porth Dinlleyn, Carnarvon B d Tor Bay, Devon C f e Laxey Bay, I. of Man B b Porth Nigel, or Hell’sMouth, Carnarvon B d Tremadoc Bay, Carnarvon B d a Loe Pool, Cornwall A f Port Isaac Bay, Cornwall B f Very an Bay, Cornwall B f d Lyme Bay, Dorset and Devon D f Ramsey Bay, I. of Man B b Wash, The, Norfolk and Lincoln G d e Menai Strait, Anglesey and Carnar. B e Redwharf Bay, Anglesey B c Watergate Bay, Cornwall A f e Milford Haven, Pembroke A e Robin Hood’s Bay, York F b Whitesand Bay, Cornwall B f MOUNTAINS AND FORESTS. C E c c C D C D B B C C C 1 ) C c C f D a Chiltem Hills, 905, Clun Forest, Coniston Old Man, 2,653, Cradle Mountain, 2,660, Cotswold Hills, 1,134, Crossfell, 2,927, Cumbrian Mountains, Dartmoor Forest, 2,077, Dunkerry Beacon, 1,707, Edge Hill, Epynt, Mynyda, Exmoor Forest, 1,707 Gog-Magog Hills, Hedgehope, 2,348, Helvellyn, 3,055, Ingleborougli, 2,373, Mendip Hills, 1,100, Bucks Salop Lancashire Brecknock Gloucester Cumberland Cumberland Devon Somerset Warwick Brecknock Somerset Cambridge North urn berl an d Cumberland York Somerset D a C b D b D e Moel Siabod, 2,865, Moelwyn, 2,529, Mynydd Epynt, Naked Man, New Forest, Peak, The, 1,803, Peel Fell, Pendle Hill, 1,831, Carnarvon C Merioneth B Brecknock C Northumberland D Hants E Derby E Northumberland D Lancashire D Pennine Chain, Northumber. to Derby D Penyghent, 2,250, Plynlimmon, 2,469, Preseley Top, 1,754, Radnor Forest, 2,166, Rockingham Forest, Romney Marsh, Saddleback, 2,847, Salisbury Plain, York D Montgomery C Pembroke B Radnor C Northampton F Kent G Cumberland C Wilts E Scafell, or Scawfell, 3,229, highest mountain in England, Cumberland Sherwood Forest, Nottingham Sightv Crag, 1,702, Cumberland Skiddaw, 3,022, Cumberland Snaefell, 2,024, I, of Man Snowdon, 3,570, highest mountain in England and Wales, Carnarvon South Downs, Sussex Titterstone Clee Hill, 1,754. Salop D Undereliffe, I. of Wight E Whernside, 2,414, York D Wolds, The, 1,4S5, York F Wrekin, The, 1,320, Salop D Yes Tor, Dartmoor Forest, 2,077, Devon B C b E c D a C b B b B c F f ISLANDS AND CAPES. Alderney I. , Channel Islands D g Fame Islands, Northumberland E a Lavernock Point, Glamorgan C e St. Bees Head, Cumberland C l> Anglesey I., Wales P> e Flamborough Head, York F b Lindisfarne, or Holy I., Northumber. E d St. Catherine’s Point, I. of Wight E f Ayre Point, I. of Man B b Foreland, North, Kent H e Linney Head, Pembroke A e St. David's Head, Pembroke A e Bardsey I., Carnarvon B d Foreland, South, Kent H e Lizard Head, Cornwall A g St. Gowan’s Head, Pembroke B e Beachy Head, Sussex G f Foreiand, The, Devon C e Lundy I. , Devon B e St. Tudwells Is., Carnarvon B d Bill of Portland, Dorset D f Form by Point, Lancashire C c Man, Calf of, I., I. of Man B b Sark, or Sercq, Channel Islands D Bishops arfd Clerks Is. Pembroke A e Foulness, Norfolk H d Man, Isle of, Irish Sea B b Selsea Bill, Sussex F f Black Head, Cornwall A f Foulness I., Essex G e Mersea I., Essex G e Sliarpnose, Cornwall B f Bolt Head, Devon C f Grassholme I., Pembroke A e Nash Point, Glamorgan C e Sheppey I., Kent Gr e Bolt Tail, Devon C f Great Orrues Head, Carnarvon C c Naze, The, Essex II e Shoebury Ness, Essex Gr e Yraich-y-Pwll Pt., Carnarvon B d Grosnez,Cape, Jersey D g Needles, The, I. of Wight E f Skerries, Anglesey B c Caldy 1., Pembroke B e Guernsey I., Channel Islands D g North Foreland, Kent H e Skomer I., Pembroke A e Calf of Man I., I. of Man B b Hartland Point, Devon B e Orfordness, Suffolk H d South Foreland, Kent H e Casquets Is., Channel Islands D g Hayling I., Hants F f Ormes Head, Great, Carnarvon C c Spurn Head, York Gr c Channel Islands, English Channel D g Herm 1., Channel Islands D g Penclegyr Point, Pembroke A e Start Point, Devon C f Coquet 1, , Northumberland E a Holy I., Anglesey B c Pleinmont Point, Guernsey D g Stockham I., Pembroke A e Corhiere Point, Jersey 1) g Holy I., or Linuisfarue, Northumber. E a Portland, Bill of. Dorset D f Strumble Head, Pembroke A d Covehithe Ness, Suffolk H d Ingoldmells Point, Lincoln G c Portland Isle, Dorset D f Thanet, I. of, Kent H e Dodman Point, Cornwall B f Isle of Man, Irish Sea B b Prawle Point, Devon C f The Foreland, De^on C e Donna Nook, Lincoln G c Isle of Wight, Hants E f Purbeck, Isle of, Dorset D f Trevose Head, Cornwall A f Dunge Ness, Kent G f Jersey I., Channel Islands D § Rame Head, Cornwall B f Walney, Isle of, Lancashire C D Bunnose, I. of Wight E f La Coupe, Jersey D g Ramsey I. Pembroke A e Wight, Isle of, Hants E f Eddystone Lighthouse, English Chan. B f Land’s End, Cornwall A f St. Albans Head, Dorset D f Worms Head. Glamorgan B e &-0 O-ffi 1 -dnruajy 4 (f% % Jp |(l (fi' h 11 L 1 i-i d< 1 }lS -VM 8 il *, j % w S i h, i PrC ^j: lu ! ^ g* 'ft fFf \£ g_ [TT % A/ *J l/ 7 1 K.. /' '' ^ /' \ i | T .V A r g| $/§> w ■■ <0 i 1 "£11 n * 5 «J ill* [Ilil Eill iiira" is Mllili,!vii!ij!illliil!iii0!l!ll 5 SiMfj gv^ f ft '1 IrV <4A s 1 1 T. EUwood Zell, PMladelpliia. MAP OF SCOTLAND Scotland, the northern and. smaller division of the Island of Great Britain, is on a scale of 21 miles to an inch. One square inch comprises •52, or little more than half the area represented in one square inch of Eng- land and Wales. The distance from North to South on the mainland (Mull of Galloway to Dunnet Head) is 288 miles; and from East to West at the greatest breadth (Buchanness to coast of Ross) is 152 miles. The coast line is remarkably broken by estuaries and far-reaching sea-lochs, and ex- tends, exclusive of islands, to 2,500 miles; consequently no part of the country is at a greater distance than 45 miles from the sea. The estimated area of the mainland amounts to about 26,000 square miles, and the islands to 4,685, ma kin g the total area of 30,685 square miles, or more than one-half that of England. The islands are 787 in number, of wliich 186 are in- habited. It is divided into 33 counties, and had, in 1861, a population of 3,062,294, or less than one-sixth of that of England; in 1871. 3,360,018; in 1881, 3,734,441. The density of population varies from 746 per square mile in Edinburghshire and 710 04 in Lanarkshire, to 13 3 in Sutherlandshire, the most thinly peopled county. Average for Scotland, 99 7, or within a fraction of 100 persons per sq m. TABLE OF COUNTIES WITH THEIR AREA AND POPULATION (LAST CENSUSi 881 Aberdeen, Argyle, Ayr, Banff, Berwick, Bute. Caithness, Clackmannan, Dumbarton, m sq. m. Pop. Area in sq. m. Pop. Area in sq. m. Pop. # 1,970 267,963 F c Dumfries, 1,098 76,124 E e Kirkcudbright (Stew- 3,255 76,440 C d Edinburgh, 367 388,977 E e artry j, 954 42,126 F d 1,149 217,504 D e Elgin or Moray, 531 43,760 E c Lanark, 889 904,405 E e 6S6 62,731 E o Fife, 513 171,960 E d Linlithgow, 127 43,198 E e 473 35,383 F e Forfar or Angus 889 266,374 F d Nairn, 215 10,454 E c 171 17,666 C e Haddington, 280 38,472 F e Orkney, 400 32,037 F a 712 38,845 E b Inverness, 4,255 90,414 D c Peebles, 356 13,819 E e 46 25,677 E d Kincardine, 394 34,460 F d Perth, 2,834 128,985 E d 320 75,327 D d Kinross, 78 6,699 E d Renfrew, 247 262,981 D e OTHER DIVISIONS AND DISTR CTS. Area in sq. m. Ross and Cromarty, 3,151 Roxburgh, 670 Selkirk, 260 Shetland, 535 Stirling, 462 Sutherland. 1,886 Wigtown, 512 Po|. 78,539 I) c 53,445 F e 25,562 E e 29,709 A a 112,437 D d 23,366 D b 38,602 D f Totals, 30,685 3,734,441 Alford District, Aberdeen E c Angus or Forfarshire, F d Annandale, Dumfries E e Appin District, Argyle C d Applecross District, Ross C c Ardgower District, Argyle C d Ardnamurchan District, Argyle B d Argyle District and County, Argyle C d Arisaig District, Inverness C d Assynt District, Sutherland C b Athol District, Perth E d Badenoch District, Inverness D d 1'erwick. Liberties of, F e lllack Isle, Ross D c Breadalbane District, Perth D d Buchan District, Aberdeen F c Canty re District, Argyle C e Garrick District, Ayr D e Carse of Gowrie, Cowal District, Cunningham District Duirinish District, Eskdale, Formartin District, Gairloch District, Galloway District, j Garioeh District, Glenelg District, Glenkens District, Gowrie, Carse of, Gruinard District, Knapdale District, Knoidart District, Kyle District, Lauderdale, Perth E Argyle C , Ayr D Skye B Dumfries E Aberdeen F Ross C Wigtown and I Kirkcudbright I Aberdeen F Inverness C Kirkcudbright D Perth E Ross C Argyle C Inverness C Ayr D Berwick F Liddisdale, Roxburgh F Loehaber District, Inverness D Lochalsb District, Ross C Loeheil District, Argyle C Lorn District, Argyle C Lothian, East, or Haddingtonshire, F Lothian, Mid, or Edinburghshire, F Lothian, West, or Linlithgowshire, E Lothians, The (Linlithgow, Edinburgh, and Haddington), E Machers, The, District, Wigtown D Marr District, Aberdeen E Mearns, The, or Kincardineshire, F Merse, The, Berwick F Moidart District, Inverness C Moral- District, Inverness C Moray, or Elgin County, E Morvern, or Morven District, Argyle C Nithsdale. Dumfries Rinns, The, District, Wigtown Sleat District, Skye Stormont District, Perth Strathbogie District. Aberdeen Strath Dearn District, Inverne^ Strathearn, Perth Strathmore, Perth and Forfar Strathspey Dis. , Inverness and Elgin Sunart District, Argyle Teviotdale, Roxburgh Trossachs, The, Perth Trotternish District, Skye Tweeddale, Peebles Vatternish District, Skye Zetland, or Shetland County, K t C f C c E d F o D c K d E d E c F D B E B A a TOWNS, VILLAGES, ETC Abbotsford, Roxburgh F e Aberbrothock, or Arbroath, burgh. pop. 17,593, Forfar F d Aberchirder, vil., pop. 1,293, Banff F c Aberdeen, citv,l8Sl, 105,054Aberdeen F c Aberdeen, Old, Aberdeen F c Aberdour, New, vil., 543, Aberdeen F c Aberfeldy, village, psp. 1,145, Perth E d Aberfoyle, Perth D d Aberlady, E d Abemethy, Elgin E c Abernethy, village, 984, Perth E d Abington, Lanark E e Aboyne, Aberdeen F c Airdrie, burgh, pop. 19,922, Lanark E e Alexandria, town, 4,242, Dumbarton D e Alford, Aberdeen F c Allan, Bridge of, vil., 1,803, Stirling E d Alloa, town, pop. 6,425, Clackmannan E d Alness, Ross D c Alva, town, pop. 3,147, Stirling E d Alyth, town, pop. 2,106, Perth E d Amulrie, Perth E d Anerum, village, pop. 538, Roxburgh F e Annan, burgh, pop. 4,620 Dumfries E f Anstruther, Easter, burgh, 1,178, Fife F d Anstrutlier, Wester, burgh, 367, Fife F d Appin, Argyle C d Applecross, Ross C c Arbroath, or Aberbrothock, par. burgh, pop. 17,593, Forfar F d Ardentinny, Argyle D d Ardoch, Perth E d Ardrishaig, village, pop. 902, Argyle C d Ardrossan, town, pop. 2,896, Ayr D e Arisaig, Inverness C d Armadale, town, pop. 2,504, Linlithgow E e Arrochar, Dumbarton D d Askaig, Port, Islay B e Auchinleck, village, pop. 1,053, Ayr D e Auchterarder. town, pop. 2,844, Perth E d Auchterbouse, Forfar E d Aucbtermuchty, burgh, 1,215, Fife E d Avoch, village, pop. 1,597. Ross D c Ayr, burgh, pop. 22,500, Ayr D e Ayton, village, pop. S75, Berwick F e Balfron, village, pop. 1,179, Stirling D d Ballahulish, Argyle C d Ballantrae, village, pop. 557, Ayr D e Ballater, village, pop. 362, Aberdeen E c Balloch, Dumbarton D d Balmoral Castle, Queen’s High- land residence, Aberdeen E c Banchory, vil., pop. 681, Kincardine E c Banff, burgh, Banff F c Bannavie, Argyle C d Bannockburn, town, pop. 2,258, Stirling E d Barr, Argyle C e Barr, village, pop. 380, Ayr D e Barrhead, town, pop. 6,018, Renfrew D e Barrhill, Ayr D e Barvas, Lewis B b Bathgate, town, pop. 4,827, Linlithgow E e Beattock, Dumfries E e Beauly, village, pop. 917, Inverness D c Beith, town, pop. 3,420, Ayr D. e Bellshill, town, pop. 2,945, Lanark D e Berriedale, Caithness E b Bervie, burgh, pop. 952, Kincardine F d Berwick, N., burgh, 1,164, Haddington F d Berwick-upon-Tweed, burgh, 14,591, Berwick F e Bettyhill, Sutherland D b Biggar, village, pop. 1,448, Lanark E e Birsa, Orkney Islands E a Blackford, village, pop. 881, Perth E d Blair Athol, Perth E d Blairgowrie, town, pop. 3,344, Perth E d Blantyre, village, pop. 1,317, Lanark D e Bonar Bridge, Sutherland D c Bonaw, Argyle C d Boness, or Borrowstouness, town, pop. 3,814, Linlithgow E d Bonhill, town, pop. 2,765, Dumbarton D e Borrowstouness. or Boness, town, pop. 3,814, Linlithgow E d Borthwick, Edinburgh E e Bothwell Bridge, Lanark D e Bowmore, village, pop. 985, Islay B e Bracadale, Skye B Braemar, Castletown of, Aberdeen E Brechin, burgh, pop. 7,179, Forfar F Bridge of Allan, vil., 1,803, Stirling E Bridge of Duisie, Nairn E Bridge of Earn, vil., pop. 381, Perth E Broadford, Skye C Brodick, Arran C e Brora, village, pop. 482, Sutherland E b Broughton, Peebles E e Broughty Ferry, town, 3,513, Forfar F d Buckie, town, pop. 2,798, Banff F c Burghead, village, pop. 1,099, Elgin E c Burntisland, burgh, pop. 3,143. Fife E d Busby, village, pop. 1,778, Renfrew D e Byth, New, Aberdeen F c Cabrach, Aberdeen E c Calder, Mid, Edinburgh E e Calder, West_ Edinburgh E e Callander, village, pop. 884, Perth D d Callernish, Lewis B b Campbelltown, burgh, 6,033, Argyle C e Campsie, Stirling D e Canobie, Dumfries F e Cardbost, Skye B c Cargill, Perth E d Carluke, town, pop. 3,111, Lanark E e Carnoustie, village, pop. 1,488, Forfar F d Camwath, village, pop. 895, Lanark E e Carsphairn, Kirkcudbright D e Carstairs. village, pop. 450, Lanark E e Castle Douglas, t. , 2,261 , Kirkcudbright E f Castletown, vil., pop. 758, Caithness E b Castletown of Braemar, Aberdeen E d Catrine, town, pop. 2,484, Ayr D o Cawdor, Nairn E c Ceres, village, pop. 698, Fife F d Cnarlestown, village, pop. 701, Fife E d Clackmannan, v., 1,159, Clackmannan E d Clova, Forfar E d Clyne, Sutherland E b Coatbridge, town, pop. 10,501, Lanark D e Cockburnspatb, Berwick F e Coldingham, village, pop. 655, Berwick F e Coldstream, vil. , pop. 1,834, Berwick F e Collieston, village, pop. 41 0, Aberdeen G o Comrie, village, pop. <89, Connel Ferry, Corran Ferry, Craigellachie, Crail, burgh, pop. 1,211, Crathie. Perth E Argyle C Inverness C Banff E Fife F Aberdeen E Creetown, vil. , pop. 969, Kirkcudbright D 1 Crieff, town, pop. 3,903, Perth K i Cromarty, burgh, pop. 1.491, Cromarty D e Cullen, burgh, pop. 3,543, Banff F c Culross, burgh, pop. 517, Perth E d Cumnock, town, pop. 2,316, Ayr D e Cumnock, New, Ayr D e Cupar, burgh, Fife E d Cupar Angus, 1,943, Forfar and Perth E d Currie, village, pop. 345, Edinburgh E e Dalbeattie, vil., 1,736, Kirkcudbright £ e Dalkeith, town, 5,396, Edinburgh E e Dalmally, Argyle D d 2 MAP OF SCOTLAND Dalmellington, village, 1,299, Ayr D Dairy, town, 4,232, Ayr D Dalrymple, Ayr D Deer, New, Aberdeen F Deer, Old, Aberdeen F Denholm, village, 766, Roxburgh F Denny, town, 2,428, Stirling E Dervaig, Mull B Dhail. Lewis B Dingwall, burgh, 2,084, Ross D Dirleton, village, 354, Haddington F Dollar, village, 1,540, Clackmannan E Dores, Inverness D Dornoch, burgh, 647, Sutherland D Douglas, village, 1,426, Lanark E Doune, village, 1,256, Perth D Drumlithy, village, 332, Kincardine F Drummelzier, Peebles E Dryburgh Abbey, Berwick F Drymen, village, 411, Stirling D Dufftown, village, 1,249, Banff E Dulsie, Bridge of, Nairn E Dumbarton, burgh, 8,253, Dumbarton D Dumfries, burgh, 18,236, Dumfries E Dunbar, burgh, 3,796, Rcddington ^ Dunbeath, Caithness E Dunblane, village, 1,709, Perth E Dundee, burgh, (1881) 142,454 Forfar F Dunfermline, city, 13,506, Fife E Dunkeld, village, 329, Perth E Dunlop, village, 330, Ayr D Dunnet„ Caithness E Dunning, village, 1,105, Perth E Dunnottar Castle, Kincardine F Dunoon (including Kirn), 2,963, Argyle D Dunrobin Castle, Sutherland E Dunscore, Dumfries E Dunse, town, 2,556, Berwick F Dunstaff'nage Castle, Argyle C Duntoeher, town, 2,360, Dumbarton D Durinisli, Skye B Durness, Sutherland D Duthil, Elgin E Dysart, burgh, 8,066, Fife E Eaglesham, village, 1,769, Renfrew D Earlsferry, burgh, 395, Fife F Earlston, village, 980, Berwick F Earn, Bridge of, village, 381, Perth E Easdale, village, 449, Argyle C East Linton, village, 835, Haddington F Ecclefechan, village, 884, Dumfries E Eckford, Roxburgh F Eddlestone, Peebles E Eddrachilles, Sutherland C Edinburgh, city, capital of Scotland, 1881, 228,190, E Edinkiilie, Elgin E Edzell, village, 397, Forfar F Elgin, burgh, 7,543, Elgin E Elie, village, 706, Fife F Ellon, village, 823, Aberdeen F Erridale, Ross C Errol, village, 1,086, Perth E Evanton, village, 584, Ross D Eyemouth, village, 1,721, Berwick F Gourock, town, 2,076, Renfrew D Govan, town, 7.637, Lanark D Grangemouth, village, 1,759, Stirling E Granton, vil. & harbour, 465, Edinburgh E Grantown, village, 1,334, Inverness E Grants House, Berwick F Greenlaw, village, 800, Berwipk F Greenock, burgh, 1881, 68, 897, Renfrew D Gretna Green, Dumfries E Gullane, Haddington F Guthrie, Forfar F Haddington, burgh. 3,897, Haddiugton F Hallkirk, village, 398, Caithness E Hamilton, burgh, 10,688, Lanark D Hawick, burgh, 8,191, Roxburgh F Helensburgh, town, 4,613, Dumbarton D Helmsdale, village, 762, Sutherland E Houston, village, 858, Renfrew D Huntly, town, 3,448, Aberdeen F Inellan, Innerkip, village, 449, Innerleithen, village, 1,130, Insch, village, 411, Inverary, burgh, 1,075, Invergordon, village, 1,122, Inverkeithing, burgh, 1,817, Tnverkeithnie, Inverness, burgh, Inverury, burgh, 2,520, Irvine, burgh, Iveran, Argyle D Renfrew D Peebles E Aberdeen F Argyle C Ross D Fife E Banff F Inverness D Aberdeen F Ayr D Sutherland D Jeantown, village, 418, Jedl^jrgh, burgh, 3,428 e i John o' Groats House, Johnshaven, vil., 1,088, Johnstone, town, Fairlie, Falkirk, burgh, 9,030, Falkland, burgh, 1,184, Ferintosh, Ferry-Port-on-Craig, vil., 1,' Fettercairn, village, 339, Findhorn, village, 891, Findon, Fochabers, village, 1,145, Forfar, burgh, Forgue, Forres, burgh, 3,508, Fort Augustus, Fort George, Fortrose, burgh, 928, Fort William, village, 1,104 Fraserburgh, town, 3,101, Fyvie, Ayr D Stirling E Fife E Nairn D 773, Fife F Kincardine F Elgin E Kincardine F Elgin E Forfar F Aberdeen F Elgin E Inverness D Inverness D Ross D Inverness C Aberdeen G Aberdeen F Gairloch, Ross C Galloway, New, Kirkcudbright D Galston, town, 3,228, Ayr D Gardenstown, village 507, Banff F Gareloehhead, Dumbarton D Galashiels, town, Selkirk F Garliestown, village, 685, Wigtown D Garmouth, village, 802, Elgin E Gatehouse of Fleet, village, 1,635, Kirkcudbright D Gifford, village, 458, Haddington F Girvan, town, Ayr D Glammis, village, 382, Forfar F Glasgow, city, 1881, 511,532, LanarK and Renfrew D e Glenelg, Inverness C c Qlenluce, village, 1,013, Wigtown D f Golspie, village, 876, Sutherland E c ! Lochearnhead, Katterline, Keith, town, 2,648, Kelso, town, 4,309, Kenmore, Ivessock, Kettle, village, 567, Kilbarchan, town. 2,530, Kilbirnie, town, 3,245, Kilbryde, Kildrummy, Killearn, village, 420, Killin, Kilmarnock, burgh, 22,619, Kilmaurs, village, 1,174, Kilmun, Kilmorack, Kilninver, Kilrenuy, burgh, 2,145, Kilsyth, town, 4,692, Kilwinning, town, 3,921, Kincardine, town, 2,166, Kincardine O’Neil, Kinghorn, burgh, 1,426, Kingsbarns, village, 449, Kingussie, village, 646, Kin loss, Kinross, town, 2,083, Kintore, burgh, 568, Kirkcaldy, burgh, Kirkcudbright, 2,638, Kirkintilloch, town, 6,096, Dumbarton D Ross C Roxburgh F Caithness E Kincardine F Renfrew D Kincardine F Caithness E Banff F Roxburgh F Perth E Ross D Fife E Renfrew D Ayr D Lanark D Aberdeen F Stirling D Perth D Ayr D Ayr I) ■Argyle D Inverness D Argvle C Fife F Stirling D Ayr D Perth E Aberdeen F Fife E Fife F Inverness D Elgin E Kinross E Aberdeen F Fife E Kirkcudbright D Kirkmaiden, Kirkmichael, Kirk of Shotts, Kirkoswald, village, 325, Kirkwall, burgh, 3,519, Kirn, Kirriemuir, town, 3,275, Wigtown D Perth E Lanark E Ayr D Orkney I. F Argyle D F’orfar E Lairg, Lamlash, Lanark, burgh, Langholm, Larbert, village, 441, Largo, village, 428, Largs, town, 2,638, Lasswade, village, 713, Latheron, Lauder, burgh, 1,137, Lawrencekirk, vil., 1,519, Leadhills, village, 842, Leith, 1881, 61,168, Leitholm, village, 305, Lennoxtown, town, 3,209, Lerwick, town, 3,061, Leslie, town, 2,264, Lesmahagow, Lethnot, Leuchars, village, 671, Leven, town, 2,723, Limekilns, village, 828, Linlithgow, burgh, 3,843, Linton, village, 512, Linton, East, vil., 835, Sutherland D Arran C Lanark E Dumfries E Stirling E Fife F Ayr D Edinburgh E Caithness E Berwick F Kincardine F Lanark E Edinburgh E Berwick F Stirling D Shetland Isles A Fife E Lanark E Forfar F Fife F Fife F Fife E Liulithgow E Peebles E Haddington F Perth 1> Loohee, Forfar E Lochgelly, vil., 1,629, Pife E Lochgilphead, village, 1,674, Argyle C Lochgoilhead, Argyle D Loch Inver, Sutherland C Lochlee, Forfar F Loch Leven Castle, Kinross E Lochmaben, burgh, 1,544, Dumfries E Lochwinnoch, village, 1,910, Renfrew D Lockerby, village, 1,709, Dumfries E Logierait, Perth E Losset, Argyle C Lossiemouth, village, 1,333, Elgin E Lunan, Forfar F Luss, Dumbarton D Lybster, village, 745, Caithness E Macduff, Banff F Markinch, village, 1,230, Fife E Maryhill, town, 3,717, Lanark D Marykirk, Kincardine F Mauchline, village, 1,414, Ayr D Maxwelltown, _ Kirkcudbright E Maybcle, town, 4,115, Meams, Meigle, Meldrum, Old, vil., 1,553, Melness, Melrose, village, 1,141, Melvich, Methliek, Methven, village, 950, Mey, Mid Calder, village, 525, Millport, village, 1,104, Milnathort, village, 1,476, Milngavie, village, 1,895, Minihive, village, 817, Moffat, village, 1,462, Moniave, or Minihive, 817, Monikie, Montrose, burgh, 14,563, Monymusk, Monrie, Motherwell, town, 2,925, Mo;?, Muirkirk, town, 2,281, Musselburgh, burgh. Muthil, village 1,074, Ayr D Renfrew D Perth E Aberdeen F Sutherland D Roxburgh F Sutherland E Aberdeen F Perth E Caithness E Edinburgh E Cumbrae D Kinross E Stirling D Dumfries E Dumfries E Dumfries E Forfar F Forfar F Aberdeen F Perth E Lanark E Inverness D Ayr D Edinburgh E Perth E Nairn, burgh, 3,827, Nairn E Neilston, village, 1,982, Renfrew D Newburgh, village, 511, Aberdeen F Newburgh, burgh, 2,281, Fife E New Bytli, village, 454, Aberdeen F New Castleton, vil., 1,124, Roxburgh F New Cumnock, Ayr D New Deer, village, 475, Aberdeen F New Galloway, b., 462, Kirkcudbright D Newmilns, town, 2,313, Ayr D New Pitsiigo, village, 1,773, Aberdeen F Newport, village, 719, Fife F Newton Stewart, t., 2,535, Wigtown D Newtyle, village, 619, Forfar E Nigg, Ross E North Berwick, b., 1,164, Haddington F North Queensferry, vil., 396, Fife E Oban, burgh, 1,949, Argyle C Ochiltree, village, 709, Ayr D Old Aberdeen, Aberdeen F Old Deer, Aberdeen F Oldhamstocks, Haddington F Old Meldrum, village, 1,553, Aberdeen F Orpnir, Orkney Islands E Otterswick, Shetland A Oykel Bridge, Ross D Obb of Harris, Harris A Paisley, 1831, 55,642, Renfrew D Partick, town, 8,183, Lanark D Patna, village, 470, Ayr D Peebles, burgh, 2,045, Peebles E Penicuick, village, 1,570, Edinburgh E Penpont, village, 494, Dumfries E Perth, city, 1881, 29,755, Perth E Peterculter, Aberdeen F Peterhead, burgh, Aberdeen G Pitsiigo, New, vil., 1,773, Aberdeen F Pittenweem, burgh, 1,671, Fife P Pitlochrie, village, 334, Perth E Pollockshaws, town, Renfrew D Poole we, Ross C Port Askaig, Islay B Port Charlotte, village, 562, Islay B Port Ellen, village, 1,007, Islay B Port Glasgow, burgh, 7,214, Renfrew D Port Gordon, village, 630, Banff’ E Port Gower, Sutherland E Portmaholmaok, village, 4S9, Ross E Portmore, or St. Fillans, Perth D Portobello, burgh, 4,366, Edinburgh E Port Patrick, village, 1,206, Wigtown C Portree, village, 679, Skye B Portsoy, village, 1,903, Banff’ F Port William, village, 884, Wigtown D Prestonpans, vil., 1,577, Haddington F Prestwick, village, 851, Ayr D Pulteneytown, Caithness E Queensterrv, North, vil., 396, File E Queensferry, South, 1,230, Linlithgow E Reav, Renfrew, burgh, 3,412, Renton, town, 2,891, Reston, Rhioonich, Rhynie, Riccart m, Rosehrarty, village, 1,058, Roseneath, Roslyn, village, 467, Rothes, village, 1,465, Rothesay, burgh, Rothiemay, Rothiemurclius, Row, Rutherglen, burgh, 8,071, Caithness E Renfrew D Dumbarton D Berwick F Sutherland D Aberdeen F Roxburgh F Aberdeen F Dumbarton D Edinburgh E Elgin E Bute C Banff F Inverness E Dumbarton D Lanark D St. Andrews, burgh, 5,176, St. Boswells, St. Fergus, St. Fillans, or Portmore, St. Ninians, Salen, Saltcoats, town, 4,778, Salton, Sanquhar, burgh, 1,754, Sarclet, Scalloway, village, 44S, Schallasaig, Scone, village, 1,403, Scourie, Selkirk, burgh, 3,695, Shielda: Fife F Roxburgh F Banff G Perth D Stirling E Mull C Ayr D Haddington F Dumfries E Caithness E Shetland Isles A Colunsay B Perth E Sutherland C Selkirk F Ross C Shotts Iron Works, vil., 1,335, Lanark E Shotts, Kirk of, Skipness, Slamannan, village, 482, Sligachan, Southend, South Queensferry, 1,230, Spittal of Gleushee, Stanley, village, 1,274, Stennes, Lanark E Argyle C Stirling E Skye B Argyle C Linlithgow E Perth E Perth E Stevenston, town, 2,704, Stewarton, town, 3,145, Stirling, burgh, 13,707, Stonehaven, town, 3,009, Stonehouse, town, 2,585, Stoneykirk, Stornoway, town, 2,587, Stow, village, 397, Stranraer, burgh Strathavon, town, 4,085, Strathblane, Strathmiglo, village, S96, Strichen, village, 1,030, Orkney Islands E Ayr D Ayr D Stirling E Kincardine F Lanark D Wigtown D Lewis B Edinburgh F Wigtown C Lanark D Stirling D Fife E Aberdeen F Stromness, village, 1,795, Orkney Isles E Strowan, Perth E Swinton, village, 431, Berwick F Symington, Lanark E Strome Ferry, Ross C Tain, burgh, 2,319, Ross D Talisker, Skye B Tarbert, East, village, 1,254, Argyle C Tarbert, West, Argyle C Tarbet, Dumbarton D Taynabruich, Argyle C Thornhill, village, 1,450, Dumfries E Thurso, town, 3,426, Caithness E Tillicoultry, town, 3,6S4, Clackmannan E Mull B Banff E Sutherland D Haddington F Peebles E Ayr D Aberdeen F Perth D Aberdeen F Skye B Cromarty C Dumfries E Caithness E Fife E Renfrew D Edinburgh E Caithness E Berwick F Linlithgow E Wigtown D Caithness E Wigtown D Lanark E Lanark E Aberdeen F Tobermory, Toraantoul, village, 659, Tongue, Tranent, town, 2,257, Traquair, Troon, town, 2,427, Turriff, village, 1,843, Tyndrum, Tyrie, mg, Ullapool, village, 908, 43, Wanlookhead, village Watten, Wemyss, village, 1,128, Wemyss Bay, West Calder. village, 476, Wester, Westruther, Whitburn, village, 1,362, Whithorn, burgh, 1,623, Wick, burgh, 7,475, Wigtown, burgh, 2,101, Wilsontown, Wishaw, town, 6,112, Woodside, Wood wick. Yarrow, Yetholm, village, 544, Orkney Islands E a Selkirk E e Roxburgh F e RIVERS. Add R., 17 m., Ae Water, 20 m., Afton Water, 26 m., Argyle C d , | Ale Water, 27 m., Roxburgh F e 1 Almond R., 31 m. , Perth E d | | Aultgrood, 20 m., Ross D 0 Dumfries E e Allan R., 18m., Perth E d 1 1 Alness R. , 20 m., Ross D o 1 Avon R., 40 in., Banff E 0 Ayr D e 1 1 Almond R., 29 m., Edinburgh E e 1 Annan Water, 46 m., Dumfries E e 1 Avon R. , 28 m., Lanark D a MAP OF SCOTLAND, 3 & /»n, or Aven, R., 25 m., Linlithgow E e A we R. , 7 m. , or with the Orchy, 41 m., Argyle C d Ayr R., 39 m., Ayr D e Beauly R. , 17 in., or with the Glass and Affrick, 53 ra., Inverness Rlackadder R., 22 m., Berwick Wigtown Sutherland Roxburgh Perth Sutherland Perth Dumfries Bladenoch R. , 24 m. , Borgie R., 20 m., Borthwick Water, 14 m.. Bran R., 20 m., Brora R., 30 m., Bruar Water, 13m., Cairn Water, 2S m., Caledonian Canal, length, 601 m., including Lochs, Inverness Carrou R., 20 m., Stirling Carron R. , 28 m., Ross Cart R. (White), 21 m., Renfrew Clyde, Falls of, 230 ft. in 3 falls, Lanark Clyde R. , 104 m. , Lanark Conan R., 45 m. , or 65 m. to D c F e D f E e Cromarty, Ross Cowie R. , 10 m., Kincardine Cree R., 28 m., Kirkcudbright Crinan Canal, 8J m. , Argyle Dee, Linn of, Aberdeen Dee R., 96 w., Aberdeen Dee R. , 55 m., Kirkcudbright Deveron, or Doveran R., 60 ra., Banff Devon R., 30 m., Perth E d Doehart R., 24 m., Perth D d Don R., 78 m., Aberdeen DoonR., 36 m. , Ayr Douglas Water, 16 m. , Lanark Doveran, or Deveron R., 60m., Banff Dryfe Water, 16 m. , Dumfries Duneaton Water, 18 in., Lanark Eardle Water, 22 m., Perth Earn R., 42 m., or from source beyond the lake, 52 m., Perth Eden R. , 25 m. , Fife Ericht Water, 31 m., Perth Esk R. , 24 m. , Dumfries Esk R., 45 in., Edinburgh Esk R., North (w'ith the Mark), 40 in., Forfar Esk R., South, 50 m., Forfar Ettrick Water, 32 m., Selkirk Ewes Water, 13 m., Dumfries Eye Water, 20 m., Feugh Water, 19 m. , Aberdeen Findhorn R. , 65 m., Nairn Fleet R., 18 m., Sutherland Forss Water, 21 m., Caithness Forth R. , 76 in., Perth and Stirling Foyers, Falls of, Inverness Foyers, or Fyers Water, 17 m., Inverness F c D e E e F c E e E e E d Gala Water, 25 m., Garry R., 29 m., Garry R., 36 m., Gauer R., 16 m., Girvan Water, 25 m., Glomak, Falls of. Edinburgh Inverness Perth Perth Ayr Ross F F E F F F E D E D D D F D c D d D d D e C c Grey Mare’s Tail, Dumfries Gruinard, or Shallag R., 18 m. , Ross Helmsdale R., 20 m., Inver R., 20 in., Irvine R. , 30 m., Isla R., 42 m., Jed R., 15 m., Kale Water, 18 m., Kelvin R., 36 m., Ken, Water of, 60 m.. Sutherland Sutherland Ayr Forfar Roxburgh Roxburgh Lanark Kirkcudbright Langwall Water, 12 m., Caithness Leader, or Lauder R. , 18 m., Berwick Leith, Water of, 25 m., Edinburgh Leven R. , 15 m., or 27 withQueich, Fife Lidd, or Liddel R., 28 m., Roxburgh Lochy R. , 16 m., Perth Lochy R. , 10 m., or with R. Spean, 48 m. , Inverness Lossie R. , 33 in., Elgin Lugar, or Stinchar, 26 m. , Ayr Lunan R., 17 m., Forfar Luther Water, 12 m., Kincardine Lyne Water, 20 ra., Peebles Lyon R. , 37 m., Perth Moffat Water, 15 m., Dumfries Morriston R. , 30 m. , Inverness Nairn R., 43 m., Inverness Naver R., 38 m., Sutherland Ness R. , 8 m., or 65 with the Garry, Inverness Nith R., 68 in., Ayr and Dumfries Orchy R. , 29 m., Argyle D e E d F F D D E F E E F D D d E c D e F d F d E e D d E e D c D c D b D c D e D d Ore R., 24 m., Fife E d Oykel R., 36 m,, or to Dor noch, 51 m., Ross Rathen R. 11 m., Aberdeen Scar Water, 20 m., Dumfries Shallag, or Gruinard R., 18 m., Ross Perth Shee $ater, 21 m., Shiel Water, 9 m., Ross Shin R., 8 m., or 34 from source, Sutherland Slitrig Water, 11 m., Roxburgh Spean R. , 38 m., Inverness Spey R. , 120 in., Inverness Stinchar, or Lugar R., 26 m., Ayr Strathy R., 16 m., Sutherland Tay R. , 130 m., Perth Teith R., 35 m. from source, Perth Teviot R., 45 m. , Roxburgh Thurso Water, 34 m., Caithness Tilt Water, 21 m., Tummel, Falls of, Tummel R., 29 m., or from source Perth Perth in Glencoe, 62 m. Tweed R. , 105 m., Tyne R., 28 m., Urr It. , 29 in., Whiteadder R., 34 m.. Yarrow Water, 25 m , Ythan R., 31 m. Perth Peebles Haddington Kirkcudbright Berwick Selkirk Aberdeen D d D c D e D E b d D d F e LAKES. Loch Affrick, Loch Ailsh. Loch An-deerie, Loch Ard, Loch Arkaig, area Loch Arklet, Loch a-Ruair, Loch Assynt, Loch Avich, Loch Avon, Aven, Loch Awe. area 30 Loch Ba, Loch Beneveian, Loch Beoraik, Loch Black Water, Loch Brora, Loch Calder, Loch-a-Choire, Loch Chon, Loch Chruish, Loch Clunie, Loch Coruisk, Loch Damh, Loch Dee, Loch Doehart, Loch Doon, Inverness C c Sutherland D b Sutherland D b Perth D d 18 sq.m., Inverness C d Stirling D d Sutherland E b Sutherland C b Argyle C d or Avin, Banff E c sq. m., Argyle C d Mull C d Inverness D c Inverness C d Inverness D d Sutherland E b Caithness E b Sutherland D b Perth D d Cromarty C c Ross C c Skye B c Ross C c Kirkcudbright D e Perth D d Ayr D e Loch an Dorbh, Loch Doule, Loch Duntelchak, Inverness E Ross C Inverness D Loch Earn, alt. 300ft.,ar. 9s. m., Perth D Loch Eck, Loch Eilt-an-Mor, Loch Ericht, area 7 sq. m., Loch Erisa, Loch Fannich. area 10 sq. m Loch Freuchie, Loch Fuir, area 6 sq. m., Loch Garry, Loch Garry, Loch Gedd, Loch Glass, Loch Grennoch, Loch Hope, Argyle C Inverness D Inverness D Mull B , Ross D Perth E Ross C Inverness D Perth D Ross C Ross D Kirkcudbright D Sutherland D Loch Inch, Inverness E Loch Katrine, area 5 sq. m., Perth D Loch Ken, area 6sq. m., Kirkcudbright D Loch Laggan, area 12 sq. m., Inverness D Loch Langabhat, Lewis B Loch Leven, area 7 sq. m., Kinross E Loch Lochy, area 15 sq. m., Inverness D Loch Lomond, alt. 23 ft., area 45 sq. m., Dumbarton and Stirling D Loch Longart, Inverness D c Loch Loyal, area 6 sq. m., Sutherland D b Loch Lubnaig, Perth D d Loch Luichart, Ross D c Loch Luing, Inverness D c Loch Lydoch, or Laidon, alt. 924 ft., area 6 sq. m., Argyle D Loch Lyon, Perth D Loch Maree, area 24 sq. m., Ross C Loch Meadie, Sutherland D Loch of Menteith, Perth D Loch Merkland, Sutherland D Loch Moir, Ross D Loch Morlich, Inverness E Loch Monar, Ross D Loch Morar, area 12 sq. m., Inverness C Loch More, Caithness E Loch More, Sutherland D Loch Muick, Aberdeen E Loch Na Clar, Sutherland D Loch Na Cuien, Sutherland D Loch Na Shallag, Ptoss C Loch Naver, area 9 sq. m., Sutherland D Loch Ness, area 30 sq. m., Inverness D Loch Oich, Inverness D Loch Oisian, Inverness D Loch Quoich, Inverness C Loch Rannoch, area 8 sq. m., Inverness C Loch Rannoch, alt. 645 ft., Perth D Loch Roshk, Ross C Loch Ruthven, Inverness D Loch Sandwood, Sutherland C Loch St. Mary’s, area lj sq. m., Selkirk E Loch Scaven, Ross C Loch Shiel, area 16 sq. m., Inverness C Loch Shin, area 25 sq. m., Sutherland D Loch Skene, Dumfries E Loch Skinaskink, Cromarty C Loch Spey, alt. 1,280 ft., Inverness D Loch Stack, Sutherland D Loch Stemster, Caithness E Loch Stennes, area8sq. m., Orkney Is. E a Loch Strathbeg, Aberdeen G c Loch Tay. area 20 sq. m., Perth D d Loch Terlich, Inverness D d Loch Treig, Inverness D d Loch Tullich, Argyle D d Loch Tummel, Perth E d Loch Vennacher, Perth D i Loch Voil, Perth D d Loch Vrin, Ross C c Loch Watten, Caithness E b Applecross, or Inner Sound, C c Armadale Bay, Sutherland D b Auskerry Sound, Orkney Islands F a Ayr Bay, Ayr D e Barra, Sound of, Hebrides A c Beauly Basin, Inverness and Ross D c Bixitter Voe, Shetland Islands A b Blue Mull Sound Shetland Islands B a Bressa Sound, Shetland Islands A b Broad Bay, Lewis B b Burra Fiord, Shetland Islands B a Bute, Kyles of, C e Bute Sound, C e Calgary Bay, Mull B d Caol Dior, Skye C c Caol Soa, Skye B c Cliff Sound, Shetland Islands A b Clyde, Firth of, Coirebhreacain, or D Gulf of e Coryvreckan, Argyle C d Colgrave Sound, Shetland Islands B a Coll. Passage of. Hebrides B d Colonsay, Passage of, Argyle B Coryvreckan, Gulf of, or e Coirebhreacain, Argyle C d Cradle of Noss, Shetland Islands A b Cromarty Firth, Ross D c Cruden Bay, Aberdeen G c Deer Sound, Orkney Islands F b Dornoch Firth, Sutherland and Ross E c Dourye Voe, Shetland Islands A b Dunnet Bay, Caithness E b Durness, Kyle of, Sutherland D b Eda Sound, Orkney Islands F a Rldrachilles Bay, Sutherland C b Eoard Bay, Cromarty C b Enhallow Sound, Orkney Islands E a Firth of Clyde, D e Firth of Forth, F d Firth of Lorn, Argyle C d SEA LOCHS, BAYS AND ESTUARIES Firth of Tay, E d Loch Bhreatal, Skye B c Loch Ranza, Arran O 0 Fleet Bay, Kirkcudbright D f Loch Boisdale, S. Uist A c Loch Resort, Lewis A b Forth, Firth of, F d Loch Bracadale, Skye B c Loch Ridun, Argyle C e Fresh wick Bay, Caithness E b Loch Broom, Ross C c Loch Roag, Lewis B b Loch Broom, Little, Ross C c Loch Ryan, Wigtown C t Gairloch, Ross C c Loch Buy, Mull C d Loch Scavaig, Skye B c Gare Loch, Dumbarton D d Loch Carron, Ross C c Loch Scour, Skye B c Gigha Sound, Argyle C e Loch Clay, Lewis B c Loch Scridain, Mull B d Gruinard Bay, Ross C c Loch Craignish, Argyle C d Loch Seaforth, Lewis B c Gruting Voe, Shetland Islands A b Loch Creran, Argyle C d Loch Sealg, Lewis B b Gulf of the Hebrides, B d Loch Crinan, Argyle C d Loch Skiport, S. Uist A c Loch Duich, Ross C c Loch Slapin, Skye B c Hamna Voe, Shetland Islands A a Loch Dun vegan, Skye B c Loch Snizort, Skye B c Harris, Sound of, A c Loch Eil, Argyle C d Loch Staftin, Skye B c Hebrides, Gulf of, B d Loch Eishart, Skye C c Loch Strivan, Argyle C e Holm Sound, Orkney Islands F b Loch Eport, N. Uist A c Loch Sunart, Argyle C d Holy Loch, Argyle D e Loch Erisort, Lewis B b Loch Tarbert, Jura C e Hoy Sound, Orkney Islands E b Loch Erriboll, Sutherland D b Loch Tarbert, East, Argyle C e Loch Etive, Argyle C d Loch Tarbert, East, Harris B c Inner, or Applecross Sound, C c Loch Ewe, Ross C c Loch Tarbert, West, Argyje C c Inverness Firth, Inverness and Ross D c Loch Eynort, S. Uist A c Loch Tarbert, West, Harris B c Iona Sound, Mull B d Loch Feochan, Argyle C d Loch Torridon, Ross C c Islay, Sound of, Islay B e Loch Fleet, Sutherland D c Loch Tuadh( Mull B d Loch Fyne, Argyle C d Lorn, Firth of, Argyle C d Jura, Sound of, Argyle C c Loch Gair, Ross C c Lou dans Bay, Islay B e Loch Gare, Dumbarton D d Luce Bay, Wigtown D f Kilbrennan Sound, C e Loch Glen Coul, Sutherland D b Lunan Bay, Forfar F d Killoran Bay, Mull B d Loch Goil, Argyle I) d Kirkcudbright Bay, Kirkcudbright D f Loch Gh ruin ard, Islay B e Machri Bay, Islay B e Kyle Akin, Ross and Skye C c Loch Holy, Argyle D c Machrihanish Bay, Argyle C e Kyle of Durness, Sutherland D b Loch Hourn, Inverness C c Melvich Bay, Sutherland E b Kyle of Tongue, Sutherland D b Loch Inchard, Sutherland C b Minch, The, O c Kyles of Bute, C e Loch Inver, Sutherland C b Minch, Little, B c Loch Killisport, Argyle O e Moray Firth, E c Laggan Bay, Islay B e Loch Laxford, Sutherland C b Mull, Sound of, Argyle C d Laig Bay, Eigg B d Loch Leven, Inverness C d Largo Bay, F’ife F d Loch Linnhe, Argyle C d Nesting Bay. Shetland Islands A b Little Loch Broom, Ross C e Loch Long, Argyle and Dumbarton D d North Channel, C f Loch Aber, Argyle C d Loch Long, Ross C c North Ronaldsha Firth, Orkney Islands F a Loch Ainneart, Skye B c Loch Maddy, N. Uist A c North Sound, Orkney Islands F a Loch Aline, Argyle C d Loch Melfort, Argyle C d Loch Allort, Inverness C d Loch Moidart, Inverness C d Odin Bay, Orkney Islands F a Loch Alsh, Ross C c Loch na Keal, Mull B d Otters Wick, Orkney Islands F a Loeh-andail, Islay B e Loch na Nuag, Inverness C d Loch Bee, S. Uist A c Loch Nevis, Inverness C c Passage of Coll, Hebrides B d MAP OF SCOTLAND. Passage of Colonsay, Pentland Firth, Proaig Bay, Argyle B Orkney Islands E Islay B Raasay Sound, Rattray Bay, Skye B Banff G Ronaldsha, North, Firth, Orkney Isles F a Rooeness Voe, Rough Firth, Shetland Islands A Kirkcudbright E St. Andrews Bay, St. Magnus Bay, Sanda Sound, Fife F Shetland Islands A Argyle C Sandside Bay, Caithness E b Sound of Islay, Islay B e Uig Bay, Skye B « Sand Voe, Shetland Islands A a Sound of Jura, Argyle C e Sand wick, Shetland Islands A b Sound of Mull, Argyle C d Vatersay Sound, Hebrides A d Sandwood Bay, Sutherland C b Spurness Sound, Orkney Islands F a Scapa Flow, Orkney Islands E b Stornoway Harbour, Lewis B b Wadbister Voe, Shetland Islands A b Scarinish Bay, Tiree B d Strathbeg Bay, Aberdeen G c Westra Firth, Orkney Islands E a Scrabster Road, Caithness' E b Stronsa Firth, Orkney Islands F a Whalefirth Voe, Shetland Islands A a Sinclair Bay, Caithness E b Sulem Voe, Shetland Islands A b Wh iting Bay, Arran C € Skail Bay, Orkney Islands E a Swinuing Voe, Shetland Islands A b Wick Bay, Caithness E b Sleat Sound, Inverness C c Wigtown Bay, Wigtown and Kirkt. D f Solway Firth, E f Tay, Firth of, E d Sound of Barra, Hebrides A c Tongue, Kyle of. Sutherland D b Yell Sound, Shetland Islands A • Sound of Harris, Hebrides A c Trayay Bay, Tiree B d OUNTAINS, VALLEYS, AND FORESTS (HEIGHTS IN ENGLISH FEET). Athol Sow, 3,062 feet, Inverness D d Badenoch Boar, 3,197, Balnagown Forest, Balquhidder, Braes of, 2,123, . , , , r r . ir Perth I) Ross D Perth D Kincardine F Lewis B Inverness D Inverness I) Caithness E Ross C Perth D Sutherland D Battock, Mount, 2,551 Beinn Mhor, 1,730, Ben Alder, 3,757, Ben Alder Forest, Ben Alisky, Ben Alligin, 3,015, Ben An, 1,851, Ben Armine, 2,306, Ben Arthur, or The Cobbler, , 2,863, Argyle D Ben Attow, 4,000, Inverness C Ben Avon, 3,968, Banff E Ben Barvas, or Bharabhais, 900, Lewis B Ben Chlinaig, Inverness D Ben Chonzie, 3,048, Perth D Ben Clach, or Ben Cleugh 2,358 feet Ben Cruachan, 3,693, Ben Dearig, 3,551, Beneraird, 1,435, Ben Eval, 1,1 33, Ben Hee, 2,870, Ben Hope, 3,040, Ben Ima, 3,301, Ben Klibreck, 3,158, Ben Lair, or Lett, Ben Laoghall, or Loyal, 2,506, Ben Larig, Ben Lawers, 3,984, Ben Ledi, 2,875, Ben Leod, Ben Lett, or Lair, Ben Lomond, 3,192, Ben Loyal, 2,506, Ben Lui, or Laoigh, 3,708, Ben More, 3,185, Ben More, 3,843, Ben More, 2,310, Ben More, 2,035, Ben More Assynt, 3,243, Ben Muich Dhui, 4,295, Ben-na-buird, 4,000, Ben-na-ehie, 1,440, Clackmannan E Argyle C Ross D Ayr D N. Uist A Sutherland D Sutherland D Argyle D Sutherland D Ross C Sutherland D Ross C Perth D Perth D Sutherland D Ross C Stirling D Sutherland D Perth D Mull B Perth D Rum B S. Hist A Sutherland D Aberdeen E Aberdeen E Aberdeen F Ben Nevis, 4,406, highest moun- tain in British Isles, Ben Rinnes, 2,747, Ben Serial, 3,196, Ben Slioch, 4,000, Ben Spionnu, 2,536, Ben Stack, 2,367, Ben Tigh, 2,942, Ben Tore, Inverness D Banff E Inverness C Ross C Sutherland D Sutherland D Inverness D Argyle C Ben Uaish, or Wyvis, 3,422, Cromarty D Ben Uarie, 1,923, Ben Uaru, 3,424, Ben Ular, Ben Vacher, 3,000, Ben Venue, 2,393, Ben Vorlich, 3,224, Ben Vorlich, 3,092, Ben Vrackie, 2,757, Ben Wyvis, 3,422, Ben Yattan, Sutherland E Perth E d Argyle C d Inverness i> e Perth D d Perth D d Dumbarton D d Perth E d Cromarty D c Argyle C d Ben-y-Gloe, 3,671 (Cairn Gowar), Perth E d Binchinnan Mountains, Forfar E d Binn of Cullen, 1,048, Banff F c Birnam Hill, 1,324, Perth E d Ailsa Craig, I., height 1,097 ft., Aird Point, Aird Tholstaidh, (C.), Aird Vula, (C. ), Ardmore Point, Ardnamurchan Point, Armadale Point, Arran, I., Auskerry I., Ayr C Skye B Lewis B S. Uist A Islay C Argyle B Sutherland D Bute C Orkney Islands F Back Mor I., Baleshare I., Balta I., Barra I., Barra Head, Barra Islands, Barra, North, I., Argyle B Outer Hebrides A Shetland B Outer Hebrides A Barra Islands A Outer Hebrides A Ross B Blabhein, or Blaven, 3,019, Blacklarg, 2,231, Blair Mountains, 2,441, Blaven, or Blabhein, 3,019, Braeriach, 4,265, Braes of Angus, Broad Law, 2,761, Buchael Etive, 2,537, Buck of Cabrach, 2,377, Bulg Mountain, 1,976, Skye B Dumfries D Forfar E Skye C Inverness E Forfar E Peebles E Argyle D Aberdeen F Forfar F Caim Achinochen, 2,535, Cairn Balloch, Cairn Eelar, 3,276, Perth E Inverness D Perth E Cairn Gowar (Ben-y-Gloe), 3,671, Perth E Banff E Kirkcudbright D e Cairngorm, 4,095, Cairnsmuir of Deugh, 2,612, Cairnsmuir of Fleet, 2,331, Cairn Table, 1,942, Cairntoul, 4,245, Campsie Fells, 1,894, Canisp, 2,786, Carter Fell, 1,815, Cheviot Hills, 2,676 highest peak. Roxburgh & Northumberland F Clach Sgoilte, Inverness D Kirkcudbright D Lanark E Aberdeen E Stirling D Sutherland C Roxburgh F Cleisham, 2,623, Clydes Law, 1,789, Cobbler, The, or Ben Arthur, 2,863, Conic Hill, 1,175, Coniveall, 3,281, Corrigoe Mountains, Corryarrick, Corryhabbie, 2,569, Cracahhal, 1,500, Craig Dulloch, 3,268, Craig-riavach, 1,591, Creachbeinn, 2,344, Criffel, 1,867, Cromalt Hills, Cuchullin Hills, 3,261, Culloden Moor, Harris B Lanark E Argyle D Stirling D Sutherland D Inverness D Inverness D Banff E Lewis B Aberdeen E Sutherland D Mull C Kirkcudbright E Cromarty D Skye B Inverness D Dirrie Moor, Dog Hillock, 2,369, Dollar Law 7 , 2,680, Drumouchter, Pass of, Dulloch, Craig of, 3,268, Dumyatt, 1,375, Dunda-gu, 2,505, Dunsinuane Hill, 1,012, Ross D Forfar E Peebles E Perth D Aberdeen E Perth E Mull C Perth E Ettrick Pen, 2,269, Selkirk E e Fare, Hill of, 1,494, Findlay Seat, 1,116, Foinaven, 3,015, Aberdeen F c Elgin E c Sutherland D b Glasmeal, 3,502, Glasven, 2,545, Glen App, Glen Artney, Glen Avon, Glen Cannich, Glen Cassley, Glen Clunie, Glen Coe, Glen Cona, Glen Creran, Glen Croe, Forfar E Sutherland D Ayr D Perth D Banff E Inverness D Sutherland D Ross C Argyle D Argyle C Argyle C Argyle D Glen Daruel, Glen Dee, Glen Dochart, Glen Einig, Glen Eroehkie, Glen Esk, Glen Etive, Glen Feshie, Glen Fiack, Glen Fyne, Glen Gaim, Glen Garry, Glen Garry, Glen Isla. Glen Lednock, Glen Livet, Glen Lochy, Glen Logan, Glen Lyon, Glen More, Glen More-nan-Albin, Glen Moriston, Glen Muick, Glen Nevis, Glen Ogle, Glen Orchy, Glen Orrin, Glen Prosen, Glen Rannoch, Glen Roy, Glen Shee, Glen Shira, Glen Spean, Glen Strath Farrar, Glen Tanar, Glen Tarbert, Glen Tilt, Glen Tromie, Glen Turret, Glen Urquhart, Goat Fell, 2,875, Grampian Mountains, Argyle C Aberdeen E Perth D Cromarty D Perth D Forfar E Argyle D Inverness E Sutherland D Argyle D Aberdeen E Inverness D Perth D Forfar E Perth D Banff E Perth D Ross C Perth D Ross D Inverness D Inverness D Aberdeen E Inverness D Perth D Argyle D Ross D Forfar E Perth D Inverness D Perth E Argyle D Inverness D Inverness D Aberdeen F Inverness C Peiffh E Inverness D Perth E Inverness D Arran C D Monagli Lea, or Monadhliadh Mountains, Moorfoot Hills, 2,049, Moors, The, Morven, 2,880, Morven, 2,331, Mount Battock, 2,553, Mount Keen, 3,072, Inverness D Peebles E Wigtown D Aberdeen E Caithness E Kincardine F Aberdeen E Queensberry Hill, 2,279, Quinag, Quiraing, 1,774, Dumfries E Sutherland C Skye B Rannoch, Moor of, 1,Q68, Ronebhal, or Roneval, 1,502, Harris, Forest of, Hart Fell, 2,650, Heckla, Mount, 2,940, Hells Glen, Hill of Fare, 1,494, Harris A Dumfries E S. Uist A Argyle D Aberdeen F Jura, Paps of, 2,565, Jura B e Keen, Mount, 3,072, Kerloack, 1,890, Killiecrankie, Pass of, Knap Hill, Aberdeen E Kincardine F Perth E Argyle D Lammermuir Hills, 1,728, Haddington and Berwick F Laoarbein, 3,341, Lochar Moss, Loch Fell, 2,956, Lochnagar, 3,770, Lomond, East, 1,471, Lomond, West, 1,727, Louther Hills, 2,403, Inverness C Dumfries E Dumfries E Aberdeen E Fife E Fife E Lanark E Mam Soul, 3,862, Mealasbhal, 1,750, Mealfourvounie, 3,060, Meal Girdy, 3,407, Merrick, 2,764, Misty Law, 1,663, Monach, 800, Inverness C Lewis A Inverness D Perth D Kirkcudbright D Renfrew D Lewis B Saval-more, 2,547, Scarabhein, 2,054, Scarsach, 3.300, Scour-na-caich, 3,399, Scour-n a- Vertach , Scournhorer, 3,360, " Scour Vuillin, 2,500, Scuir Donald, 2,730, Scuir-na-lapich, 3,800, Scuir of Eigg, 1,346, Sheriff Moor, Shiehallion, 3,547, Sutherland D Caithness E Aberdeen E Inverness C Ross C Inverness C Ross D Argyle C Inverness C Eigg B Perth E Perth D Sidlaw Hills, 1,235 ft. h. peak, Perth E Solway Moss Sou fra Hill, 1,209, Stobinnain, 3,821, Storr Rock, 2,341, Strath Affrick, Strath Bran, Strath Brora, Strath Carnach, Strath Carron, Strath Conan, Strath Dearn, Strath Earn, Strath Garve, Strath Glass, Strath Halladale, Strath More, Strath More, Strath Nairn, Strath-na-Shealg, Strath Naver, Strath Peffer, Strath Shinary, Strath Skinsdale, Strath Spey, Strath Terry, Suilven, 2,403, Swainabhal, 1 ,250, Lewis B Tinto, or Tintock Hill, 2,335, Trossachs, Uam Var, 2,179, Wart Hill, H559, White Comb, 2,616, Yarrow Hills, ISLANDS, PENINSULAS, AND GAPES Harris A e Obb of Harris, Ochill Hills, 2,358 feet highest peak (Ben Cleugh), Perth E d Ord, Hill of, 1,298, Sutherland E b Paps of Jura, 2,565, Jura B e Peel Fell, 1,964, Roxburgh F e Pentland Hills, 1,898 feet highest peak, Edinburgh E e Perth D d Harris B e Dumfries E Berwick F Perth D Skye B Inverness D Ross D Sutherland D Sutherland D Ross D Ross D Inverness D Perth E Ross D Inverness D Sutherland E Caithness E Perth and Forfar E Inverness D Sutherland D Sutherland D Cromarty D Sutherland C Sutherland D Inverness and Elgin E Sutherland D Sutherland C Lanark E Perth D Perth D Orkney Islands E Peebles E Caithness E Bass Rock, I., Haddington F d Burrow Head, Wigtown D f Croolin, I., Ross C e Bell Rock, or Inchcape (Light- Bute, I., Bute C e Cumbrae, Great, I., Bute D e house!, Forfar F d Butt of Lewis, Lewis B b Cttmbrae, Little, I. Bute D e Benbecula, I., Outer Hebrides A c Bennan Head, Arran C e Cairnbulg Point, Aberdeen G c Davar Island, Argyle C e Bernera, I., Outer Hebrides A d Canna, I., Argyle B c Deer Ness, Orkney Islands F b Bernera, Great, S., Lewis B b Cantyre, Mull of, Argyle C e Duncanshy Head, Caithness E b Berneray, I., Outer Hebrides A c Cantyre Peninsula, Argyle C e Dunnet Head, Caithness E b Black Isle, Peninsula, Ross D c Cara, I,, Argyle C e Boreray, I., Outer Hebrides A 0 Cellar Head, Lewis B b Easdale, I., Argyle C d Bressa, I., Shetland A b Clytli Ness, Caithness E b Eda, I. , Orkney Islands F a Brims Ness, Caithness E b Coll, I., Argyle B d Egilsha, I., Orkney Islands F a Buchan Ness, Aberdeen G c Colonsay, I., Argyle B d Eigg Island, Inverness B d Buddon Ness, Forfar F d Colonsay, Little, I., Argyle B d Eilean Soa, I., Skye B c Burra, I., Orkney Islands F b Copinslia, I., Orkney Islands F b Eriskay, I., Outer Hebrides A 0 Burra, I., Shetland A b Corsewall Point. Wigtown C e Esha Ness, Shetland Islands A b Burrafiord Holms, Shetland A b Costa Head, Orkney Islands E a Eswick, Mull of. Shetland A b MAP OF SCOTLAND 5 Eye Pt ninsnla. Lewis B b Kinnaird Head, Aberdeen G c Par Out Head, Sutherland D b Lewis, Ross I b Farr Point, Sutherland D b Lismore I., Argyle C d Fethaland Point, Shetland Islands A a Long I., or Outer Hebrides, Fetlar I., Shetland B a Ross and Inverness A c Fife Ness, Fife F d Longa I., Ross C c Fitful Head, Shetland A b Luing I., Argyle C d Fladdachuan I., Skye B c Lunga I., Argyle 0 d Flannan Is., or Seven Hunters, Lewis A b Lunga I., Argyle B d Flota L, Orkney Islands E b Lunna Ness, Shetland A a Gairsa I., Orkney Islands F a Mainland, Shetland A b Gallon Head, Lewis A b Mainland, or Pomona, Orkney Islands E a Galloway, Mull of, Wigtown D f Maol-na-Ho, Islay B e Gigha I., Argyle C e Marnoch, Inch, Bute C e Girdle Ness, Aberdeen F c Marwick Head, Orkney Islands E a Glenardock Point, Argyle C e May, Isle of, Fife F d Green Holm, Orkney Islands F a Mingulay I., Outer Hebrides A d Greenstone Point, Ross C c Monach, Islands, Outer Hebrides A c Gremsay I., Outer Hebrides A c Mousa I., Shetland A b Gunna I., Argyle B d Muck I., Inverness B d Muckle Rove I., Shetland A b Haly Ness, Shetland A b Muldoanich I., Outer Hebrides A d Handa I., Sutherland C b Mull I., Argyle C d Harmetray Group, Outer Hebrides A c Mull of Cantyre, Argyle C e Harris, Inverness B c Mull of Galloway, Wigtown D f Haskeir I., Outer Hebrides A c Mull Head, Orkney Islands F a Hebrides, Outer, or Long I. , Ross and Inverness A c Neave I., Sutherland D b Hebrides, or Western Islands, Noamh I., Argyle B e Argyle and Inverness B d No Ness, Shetland A b Herd Point, Sutherland C b Noss I., Shetland A b Ho. The, Islay B e Noss Head, Caithness E b lloiy L, Arran 0 e Hougary Point, N. Uist A c Oldany L, Sutherland C b Hoy I., Orkney Islands E b Orcades, or Orkney Islands, F a Humela Rock, Argyle B c Ord of Caithness, Caithness E b Hysker Rock, Argyle B d Orkney Islands, or Orcades, F a Oronsay I., Argyle B d Inebcape, or Bell Rock, Forfar F d Out Skerries, Shetland B a Inchketth I., Fife E d Iona I., Argyle B d Paba I., Skye C c Islay I., Argyle B e Pabbay I., Outer Hebrides A 0 Isles of the Sea, Argyle 0 d Pabbay I., Outer Hebrides A d Papa Stour I., Shetland A b Jura I., Argyle 0 e Papa Westra I., Orkney Islands F a Pentland Skerries, Caithness F b Ken-na varah Point, Tiree A d Pladda I., Arran C e Kerrera L, Argyle 0 d 1 Pomona, or Mainland, Orkney Islands E a Priest I., Ross 3 c Raasay I., Inverness B c Rattray Point, Aberdeen G c Red Head, Forfar F d Rhuad Point, Argyle C e Rhu Stoir, Sutherland C b Rhynns Point, Islay B e Rhynns, The, Islay B e Roan I., Sutherland C b Roan I., Sutherland D, b Rona I., Outer Hebrides A c Rona, North, I., Ross C a Rona, South, I., Skye C c Ronaldsha, North, I., Ronaldsha, South, I., Rowsa I., Roray Head, Orkney Islands F Orkney Islands F Orkney Islands E Orkney Islands E Mull B Shuna I., Skerrinagal, Skerryvore Lighthouse, Skye, Isle of, Sleat Point, Small Islands, Stack I., Staffa I., Strathy Point, Argyle C Argyle C Argyle A Inverness B Skye B Jura 0 Sutherland D Argyle B Sutherland D Ru Arisaig, Inverness C d Ru Coygach, Cromarty C b Ru Driminish, Argyle C d Ru Rea, Ross C e Rum I., Argyle B d St. Abb’s Head, Berwick F e Sanaig Point, Islay B e Sanda I., Argyle C e Sanda I., Orkney Islands F a Sanday I., Argyle B c Saundray I., Outer Hebrides A d Scalpa I. , Skye C c Scalpa I., Harris B c Scarba I., Argyle C d Scarnose Point, Banff F c Scarpa I., Harris A b Seil I., Argyle C d Seven Hunters, or Flannan Is., Lewis A b Shapinsha I., Orkney Islands F a Shetland, or Zetland Islands, A a Shiant Islands, Lewis B c Stroma L, Caithness E h Stronsa I., Orkney Islands F a Sule I., Sutherland D a Sumburgh Head, Shetland A b Summer I., Cromarty 0 b Swona I., Orkney Islands E b Taransay I., Harris A c Tarbet Ness, Ross E c Texa I., Argyle B e Tiree I., Argyle B d Tiumpan Head, Lewis B b Toe Head, Harris A e Torraran Rocks. The, Argyle B d lreshnish Islands, Argyle B d Trotternish Point, Skye B o Troup Head, Banff F o Turn berry Point, Ayr D e Turn Ness, Orkney Islands E b Uist, North, I., Outer Hebrides A o Uist, South, I., Outer Hebrides A o Ulbster Head, Caithness E b Ulva I., Argyle B d Unst I., Shetland B b Uya I., Shetland B b Vaila I., Shetland A b Vallay I., Outer Hebrides A o Vaternish Point, Skye B o Vatersay I., Outer Hebrides A d Walls, South, Orkney Islands E b Western Islands, or Hebrides, Argyle and Inverness B d Westra I., Orkney Islands F a Whalsey I., Shetland B b Whiten Head, Sutherland D b Wia I., Skye B c Wia I., Outer Hebrides A c Wiay I., Hebrides A a Wrath, Cape, Sutherland C b Wyre I., Orkney Islands F a Tell I., Shetland A a Zetland, or Shetland Islands A L ock^ |!^nP® ■pirriog ' >sr 1> E Jew \ m) ll|ftk!(\ jf) ^IIV |l^ lll^s lyv? Si sak ^rllf ^ gt g c r 4 s^// / f w ■& S sA ' 1* % V^7? ¥ Y*. ^ <§ A \ o w V * 1 M.lt o 1 «S j ' w 2 y • j ;l ®Sr\ s? « Vi \ vJ ® J& \ , ; • . i. * - ■ • > ■ : '• ' ' ; . • . . • ■ ■ ' w . :■ ■ V . ■ Jl ov» JJr .. •■■='.«! J ! 1 • £ . . : . u : ' .-I > < & v t \ - • - , {A n x • , . \ ‘ ■ - ‘ ! ■ H ■ J . Ui I •■*--- * ■' *-> ' 1 ' ■ .■.v-i-’"-- , ■ : ■ . .tV.hi'i '.’. 'j .. . . ■ • A . . Engraved, & Printed, m Colours MAP OF FRANCE AND SWITZERLAND France, one of the largest and most important countries of Europe, extends through 8|° of latitude, and nearly 12° of longitude, or between 42° 20' and 5i p 6' 1ST., and between 4° 40' W. and 7° 10' E. longitude. It is on the same latitude westward as New Brunswick, and eastward as the Sea of Azof and Manchooria. Distance from west coast of Finistere to Mentone on the Mediterranean, 685 miles ; from Dunkirk to south of Pyrenees orientales, 603 miles; from Point St. Matthieu in Finistere to the Vosges Mountains, 560 miles. France ranks sixth in area and third in population among the States of Europe. The seaboard amounts to 1,500 miles, and its land frontiers to about 1,000 miles. The Map is on a scale of 59 miles to an inch, one square inch comprising 4T times the area of one square inch on the Map of England. France was formerly divided into 34 provinces, which were re-divided , in 1789 into 85 departments, or 86 including Corsica, to which, in 1859, were added Savoie, Haute Savoie, and Alpes Maritimes, acquired from Italy. They are invariably named after some river, mountain, or othei natural feature connected with them. By treaty of Brussels, June 1S71. there were ceded to Germany the departments of Bas Bhin or Lower Al- sace, Haut Bhin or Upper Alsace with the exception of Belfort and its vicinity ; the greater part of Moselle, and portions of Meurthe and Vosges, which now form the German province of Alsace-Lorraine, with an area of 5,014 square miles, and a population of 1,608,505. The most densely peopled departments are Seine, Fiord, and Phone, which have respectively 11,754, 635, and 630 persons per square mile. The most thinly peopled are Hautes Alpes, 57, and Basses Alpes, 53 per square mile. Average for France, 182 per square mile. The provinces are no longer officially recognised, but are still familiarly used, and retain their place in history. A table of these former divi- sions, with their corresponding departments, is therefore subjoined, and they are also indicated upon tire Map. TABLE OF DEPARTMENTS. Departments, Area m sq. m. Pop. Refer- ence. Departments. Area in sq. m. Pop. Refer- ence. Departments. Area in sq. m. Pop. Refer- ence. Ain, 2,239 371,643 G c Gers, 2,425 295,692 E e Puy de Dome, 3,069 571,690 F d Aisne, . 2,839 565,025 F b Gironde, 3,752 701.855 D d Pyrenees, Basses, 2,943 435,486 D Allier, . 2,822 376,164 F c Herault, 2.393 427,245 w e Pyrenees, Hautes, 1,749 240,252 E Alpes, Basses, . 2,685 143,000 H d Ille-et-Vilaine, 2,597 592,609 D b Pyrenees- orientales, . Rhone, Saone-et-Loire, 1,591 189,490 F Alpes, Hautes, . 2,158 122,117 H d Indre, . 2,624 277,860 E c 1,077 678*648 G Alpes-maritimes, 1,517 198,818 H e Indre-et-Loire, 2,361 325,193 E c 3,302 600,006 a Ardeche, 2,131 387,174 G d Isere, 3,200 581,386 G d Saone, Haute, (with Belfort), 2,287 31 2,974 H K e Ardennes, 2,020 326,864 G b Jura, 1,928 3,599 298,477 G c Sarthe, 2,396 463,619 b Ariege, 1,889 250,436 E e Landes, 306,693 D e Savoie, 2,283 271.663 II d Aube, 2,317 261,951- G b Loire, 1,838 537,108 G d Savoie, Haute, 1,319 273,768 H c Aude, 2,437 288,626 F e Loire, Haute, . 1,916 312,661 F d Seine, .... 183 2,150,916 K b Avevron, 3,376 400,070 F d Loire- inf ferieure, 2,654 598,500 D c Seine-et-Marne, 2,215 354,40c F b Bouches-du-Rhone. 1,971 2,132 547,903 G e Loiret, 2,614 357,110 F c Seine-et-Oise, . 2,163 533.727 F b Calvados, 474,909 D b Loir-et-Cher, 2,452 275,757 E c Seine-inferieure, 2,329 792,768 E b Cantal, 2,217 237,994 F d Lot, 2,012 288,919 E d Sevres, Deux, 2,316 333,155 D c Charente, 2,294 378,218 E d Lot-et- Garonne, 2,020 327,962 E d Somme, 2,379 572,640 F b Charente- infdrieure 2,635 479,559 D d Lozere, 1,996 137,263 F d Tarn, .... 2.217 355,513 F e Cher, 2,779 336,613 F c Maine-et-Loire, 2,750 532,432 D c Tarn-et-Garonne, 1,433 228,969 E d Correze, 2,265 310,843 E d Manche, 2,289 573,899 D b Var, .... 2,349 3081550 H e Corsica (Corse), 3,377 259,861 I e Marne, 3,159 390,809 G b Vaueluse, 1,369 266.091 G d Cdte-d'Or, 3,382 382,762 (t c Marne, Haute, 2,401 259,096 G b Vendee, 2,588 404.473 D c Cotes-du-Nord, 2,658 641,210 c b Mayenne, 1,996 367,855 D b Vienne, 2,691 324,527 E c Creuse, 2,150 274,057 E c Meurthe, . 1,512 295,848 H b Vienne, Haute, 2,130 326,037 E d Dordogne, 3,545 502.673 E d Meuse, 2,404 301,653 G b Vosges, 2,312 401,361 H b Doubs, Drome, Eure, Eure-et-Loir, Finistere, Gard, Garonne, Haute, 2,018 2,518 2,300 2,268 2,595 2,253 2,429 298,072 324,231 394,467 290,753 662,485 429,747 493,777 H G E E B G E c d b b b d e Morbihan, Moselle, Nievre, Nord, Oise, Orne, Pas-de-Calais, . 2,625 472 2,632 2,193 2,261 2,354 2,551 501,084 64,565 342,773 1,392,041 401,274 414,618 749,777 C H F F F E F c b e a b b a Yonne, . . ■Troops abroad, . Total of France, 2,868 372,589 125,000 203,738 36,583,559 F c TABLE OF OLD P R 0 V 1 N C E 8 OF FRANCE. Boundaries sliown by Red Lines upon the Map. Provinces. Alsace, Angoumois, Anjou, Artois, Aunis, Auvergne, Bearn, Berry, Bourbonnais, Brittany ( Bret - ) ague), C Burgundy (Bour- gogne), Champagne, Comtat, Comtd de Foix, Former Capital Strasbourg. Angouleme Angers, Arras, .Rochelle, Clermont, Pau, Bourges, Moulins, - Rennes, ■ Dijon, Troyes, Avignon, Foix, Corresponding Departments. , Haut-Rhin, Bas-Rhin. , Charente. Maine-et-Loire. (South-east part of Pas de ( Calais. ) Maritime part of Charente- I inferieure. Puy de Dome, Cantal. Basses Pyrenees, Cher, Indre. Allier. (C6tes-du-Nord, Finistere, •< Ille-et-Vilaine, Loire-in- ( fbrieure, Morbihan. j Ain, Cote-d’Or, Seine-et- | Loire, Yonne. V Ardennes, Aube, Marne, \ Haute-Marne, Western part of Vaueluse. Ariege, Repub. of Andorre. Provinces. Former Capital. Dauphine, Grenoble, Flanders (Flandre), Lille, Franehe Compte, Besamjon, Gascony (Gascogne) Guyenne, ■} Isle de France, Languedoc, Limousin, Lorraine, Lyonnais, Maine, Aueh, Bordeaux, Paris, Toulouse, Limoges, Nancy, Lyon, Le Mans, Corresponding Departments, Hautes-Alpes, Drome, Is£re Nord. Doubs, Jura, Haute-Saone. ( Aveyron, Dordogne, Gers, Gironde, Lot, Lot-et-Ga- ronne, Landes, Hautes- Pyrenees, Tarn -et- Ga- ronne. (Oise, Seine, Seine-et-Oise, V Seine-et-Marne, South ( part of Aisne. (Ardbche, Aude, Gard, He- J rault, Haute -Garonne, ) Haute - Loire, LozSre, V Tarn. Correze, Haute-Vienne. j Meurthe, Meuse, Moselle, | Vosges.- Loire, Rhone. Mayenne, Sarthe. Provinces. Marche, Nivernais, Normandy, ( Normandie ), Orleanais, Picardy, 1 (Picardie), j Poitou, Provence, Rousillon, Saintonge, Touraine, Former Capital Gueret, Nevers, j- Rouen, Orleans, Amiens, Poitiers, Aix, Perpignan, Saintes, Tours, Corresponding Departments. Creuse. Nievre. ( Calvados, Eure. Mancbe, < Orne, Seine-inferieure, L N. part of Eure-et-Loire. j Eure-et-Loire. Loiret, Loir- ( et-Cher. ( Somme, maritime part of ■s Pas-de-Calais, north of I, Aisne. I Deux Sevres, Vendee, Vi- 1 enne, (Basses Alpes, Bouches du < Rhone, Var, East part of ( Vaueluse. Pyrenees orientales. ( Eastern part of Charente- 1 inferieure. Indre-et-Loire. DEPENDENCIES AND COLONIES OF FRANCE Area. Population. In Africa,— Algeria, , 258,305 2,921,246 Senega mbia, 96,525 607,397 On Gold Coast, 133 Gaboon, 7,722 186,000 Reunion I., 970 207,886 Mayotte and Nossi-Be Is., . 200 20,717 Ste. Marie I., 351 6,110 Possessions in Africa, . 364,073 3,949,489 Asia, India,— Pondicherry, Karikal, Mahe, ( . 196 227,063 Yanaon, Chandernagore, J Cochin China, 21,716 979,116 Possessions in Asia, . 21,912 1,206,179 Oceania, — New Caledonia, Loyalty Is., Marquesas Is., . . Possessions in Oceania, America, — St. Pierre and Miquelon, Martinique, Guadaloupe and Dependencies, Guiana, Possessions in America, . Total of Colonies, fee., Area. Population. 6,718 829 480 29.000 15.000 10.000 8,027 54,000 80 181 635 35,080 3,799 139,109 151,594 24,432 36,176 318,934 430,198 5,528,603 Protected States, — Asia.— Kingdom of Cambodia, Africa, — Kudo Novo (Gold Coast), Oceania, — Tahiti, Moorea, Tetooaroa, and Maitea, J Toabooai, Vavitou, and Rapa, Tooamotoo Is., Gam bier Is., Total of Protectorates, Colonies and Protectorates, Grand Total of French Empi rb Area. Population. 32,379 1,000,000 20,000 453 13,847 41 675 2,548 8,000 11 1,500 35.432 1,044.022 465,630 6,572,625 670,082 43,156,184 2 MAP OF FRANCE AND SWITZERLAND, Switzerland (German, Die Sciiweitz; French, La Suisse; Italian, La Svizzera), a Confederate State of Central Europe, is one of its smallest. Length, 216 miles j breadth, 140 miles. Area, 15,716 square miles, equal to about half that of Scotland. Pop., 2,510,494, or 160 per square mile. The Swiss Confederation consists of 22 Cantons, and comprises 25 distinct Republics, united by a Federal Council, which meets at Berne. Two-thirds of the surface are occupied by lofty mountains, while the remainder consists of an elevated plateau, on which are many extensive lakes. Area in Eng. sq.m. Pop. . 2,615 467,141 659 266,265 . 1,226 213,157 538 194,208 781 180,411 480 130,504 . 1,082 116,343 632 105,523 . 2,016 90,792 Area in Eng. sq. m. Pop. Cantons of Switzerland. Area in Eng. sq. m. Pop. . 2,076 90,713 Schwytz, Schaffhausen, . 357 45,039 384 90,080 118 35,500 308 87,369 Glarus, 265 33,363 110 82,876 Zug, .... 90 19,608 292 69,263 Dri, .... 418 14,741 165 51,582 Unterwalden (Obwald), 185 13,376 14 102 40,683 48,431 Onterwalden (Nid-Wald), 112 11,526 61 12,000 Total, . 15,716 2,510,494 Cantons of Switzerland. Berne (Ger. Bern), Ziirich, . Vaud (Ger. Waadt), Argau (Fr. Argovie), St. Gall (St. flatten). Lucerne (Ger. Luzern), Ticino (Ger. Tessin), ' Fribourg (Ger. Freiburg), Valais (Ger. Wallis), Cantons of Switzerland. Grisons (Ger. Graubiinden), Thurgau (Fr. Thurgovie), Neufchatel (Ger. Neuenburg), Geneva (Fr. Geneve , Ger. Genf), Soleure (Ger. Solot.kurn), . Basle (Ger. Baselland), country, Basle (town), Appenzell (exter.), Appenzeil (inter.), TOWNS, ETC. Aaraa, 5,094 Switzerland Abbeville, 19,385 Somme Ablis, Seine-et-Oise Agde, 9,586 Herault Agen, 18,222 Lot-et-Garonne Agincourt, Pas de Calais Ahuu, 2,450 Creuse Aigueperse, 2,600 Puy de Dome Aigues Mortes, 3,932 Gard Aire, 4,885 Landes Aire, 8,803 Pas de Calais Aix, or Aix-en-Provence, 28,152 Bouches du Rhone I c E a E b F e E d F a E c F c G e D e F a Aix-les-Bains, 4,430 Ajaccio, 14,558 Alais, 19,964 Albertville, 4,430 Alby, 16,596 Alenqon, 16,115 A Use, Altorf, 2,426 Ambert, 7,519 Ambleteuse, Amboise, Amiens, 61,063 Ancenis, 4,148 Andelys (Les), 5,161 Angers, 54,791 Angerville, Angouleme, 25,116 Annecy, 11,554 Amronay, 18,445 Antibes, 6,064 Antony, Antrain, Appenzell, 3,277 Apt, 5,940 Arbois, 5,895 Arceuil, Archiac, 1,227 Arcis sur Aube. Ardres, 2,189 Argeles, 1,698 Argentan, 5,401 Argentat, 3,449 Argenteuil, 8,176 Argenton, 5,219 Arles, 26,367 Arles, 2,523 Arnouville, Arques, Arras, 25,749 Artenay, Asnieres, Aubagne, 7,408 Aubenas, 7,694 Auberche, Dordogne Aubervilliers, 9,240 Seine Aubervilliers, Fort de, Seine Aubeterre, 704 Charente Aubigny, 2,633 Cber Aubin, 8,863 Aveyron Aubusson, 6,625 Creuse Aucb, 12,500 Gers Audierne, Finistfere Aiunale, 2,229 Seine inferieure Auray, 4,542 Morbiban Aurillac, 10,998 Cantal Auteuil, Seine Autun, 12,389 Saone-et-Loire Auxerre, 15,497 Yonne Auxonne, 5,911 Cote d’Or Avallon, 6,070 Yonne Avesnes, 3,737 Nord Avignon, 36,407 Yaucluse Avranches, 8,642 Manche Ax, 1,632 Arfege Baden, 2,922 Switzerland Bagnferes de Bigorre, 9,433 Hautes Pyrenees Bagnferes de Luchon, 3,921 Savoie Corsica Gard Savoie Tarn Orne Cote d’Or Switzerland Puy de Dome Pas de Calais Indre-et-Loire Somme Loire-Inferieure Eure Maine-et-Loire Seine-et-Oise Charente Haute Savoie Ardeclie Alpes maritimes Seine Ille et Vilaine Switzerland Vaucluse Jura Seine Charente inferieure 2,784 Aube Pas de Calais Hautes Pyrenees Ome Corrfeze Seine-et-Oise Indre Bouches du Rhone Pyrenees orientales Seine-et-Oise Seine inferieure Pas de Calais Loiret Seine Bouches du Rhone Ardeche G e G d I f G d H d F e E b G c I c F d E a E c F b D c E b E d H d G d H e B e D b I c G e G c B e D d G b E a D e D 1. E d B e E c G e i F e B e E b F a E b B e G e G d E d B e B e E d F c F d F d E e B c E b Bagnolet, Bailleul, 12,896 Ballon, Bapauine, 3,174 Barbezieux, «3,818 Bareelonette, Bar le-Duc, 15,334 Barraiix, Fort, Barrfege, Bar sur Aube, 4,809 Haute Garonne Seine Nord Sartlie Pas de Calais Charente Basses Alpes Meuse Isfere Hautes Pyrenees Aube c c c a G e D b E e I c E e E e B e F a E b F a D d H d G b G d E e G b Bar sur Seine, 2,920 Aube G b Basle (Ger. Basel, Fr. Bale), 37,918 (1860), Switzerland Bastia, 21,535 Corsica Bastide (La), Gironde Baud, 5,599 Morbihan Baugfe, 3,562 Maine-et-Loire Baunie-les-Dames, 2,562 Doubs Bayeux, 9,138 Bayonne, 26,333 Bazas, 4,766 Beaucaire, 9,395 Beaugeney, 5,029 Beaujeu, 3,884 Beaumont, Beaune, 10,907 Beauprdau, 4,134 Beauvais, 15,307 Beauvoir, Bedarieux, 8,985 Belesme, Belfort, 8,400 Bellac, 3,674 Bellegarde, Belleville, 3,261 Belleville, Belley, 4,624 Bellinzona, Bergerac, 12,224 Bergues, 5,738 Bernay, 7,510 Calvados Basses Pyrenees Gironde Gard Loiret Rhone Dordogne Cote d’Or Maine-et-Loire Oise Vienne Herault Orne Haut Rhin Haute 'Vienne Pyrenees orientales Rhone Seine Ain Switzerland Dordogne Nord Eure Berne (Ger. Bern), 29,016 Switzerland Bernis, Bes.unjon, 46,961 Bessfeges, 8,671 Bethune, 8,178 Bdziers, 27,722 Bezons, Biarritz, 3,652 Bicetre, Fort de Seine Doubs Gard Pas de Calais Herault Seine-et-Oise Basses Pyrenees Seine Bienne (Ger. Biel), 5,973 Switzerland Billom, 4,166 Blanc (Le), 5,956 Blaye, 4,761 Blois, 20,068 Bolbec, 9,063 Bondy, Bonifacio, 3,594 Bonneuil, Bonneval, Bonneville, 2,284 Bordeaux, 194,241 Bouchain, Bouchard, Bonin, 2,901 Puy de Dome Indre Gironde Loir-et-Clier Seine inferieure Seine Corsica Seine Eure et Loir Haute Savoie Gironde Nord Seine-et-Oise Vendee Boulogne (sur infer), 40,251 Pas de Cal. Boulogne (sur Seine), 17,343 Seine Bourbon Lancy, 3,222 Sa6ne-et-Loire Bourbon-l’Archambault, 3,466 Allier Bourbonne les Bains, 4, 053 H auteMame Bourg, 13,733 Ain Bourg, Seine Bourganeuf, 3,501 Creuse Bourges, 30,119 Cher Bourget (Le), Seine Bourgneuf, 2,925 Loire inferieure Boussac, 1,062 Creuse Bouveret, Switzerland Bou vines, Nord Bray, Seine-et-Marne Bressuire, 2,820 Deux Sfevres Brest, 79,847 Finistfere Breteuil, Oise Briamjon, 3,579 Hautes Alpes Briare, 4,346 Loiret Brie, Seine Brieg, Switzerland Brienne le Chateau, Aube Brienz, 2,280 Switzerland Briey, 1,876 Moselle Brignais. 2,126 Rhone Brignoles, 5,945 Var Brionne, Eure Brioude, 4,932 Haute Loire Brissac, Maine-et-Loire Brive, 10,389 Corrfeze Brou, Bure-et-Loir Bruyeres, Vosges Bulgneville, Vosges Bulle (Ger. Boll), 2,086 Switzerland Burgdorf, Switzerland Buzan^ais, 5,145 Indre H I D C D H D D D G E G E G D F E F E H E F G B G I E F E H B H G F F B D B H F E D E E B I B E H D F B C E B F F G G B E F B D F H F a F b D c B b F b H d F c B e H c G b I c G b G d H e E b F d D c E d E b H b G b H c H c E c Caen, 41,564 Cahors, 14,115 Cajarc, 1,917 Calais, 12,727 Calvi, 1,884 Camarfes, 2,163 Cambrai, 22,207 Campan, 3,576 Cancale, 6,400 Cannes, 9,618 Carcassonne, 22,173 Carentan, 3,056 Carhaix, 2,365 Carpentras, 10,848 Cassel, Castellane, 1,842 Castelnaudary, 9,075 Castel Sarrazin, 6,825 Tarn-et-Garonne Castillon, Gironde Castres, 21,357 Tarn Caudebec-en-Caux, 2,181 Seine infer. Caussade, 4,208 Tarn-et-Garonne Cazaiibon, 2,798 Gers Ceret, 3,737 Pyrenees orientales Cervione, 1,373 Corsica Cette, 24,177 Herault Challonnes sur Loire, 6,505 Maine et Loire Chalons, Camp of Marne Chalons sur Marne, 17,692 Marne Chalons sur Saone, Calvados Lot Lot Pas de Calais Corsica Aveyron Nord Hautes Pyrenees Ille-et-Vilaine Alpes maritimes Aude Manche Finistfere Vaucluse Nord Basses Alpes Aude D b E d 19,982 Chains, 2,109 Chambery, 18,279 Chambord, Chamounix, 2,415 Champigny, Champlitte, Chapelle, Chappes, Charenton, Fort de, Charenton-le-Pont, 6,190 Charite (La), 4,870 Charlemont, Charleville, 11,244 Charolles, 3,295 Charon ne, Chartres, 19,4-12 Chartreuse, Grande Saone et Loire Haute Vienne Savoie Loir-et-Clier Haute Savoie Seine Haute Saone Seine Aube Seine Seine Nievre Ardennes Ardennes Saone-et-Loire Seine Eure-et-Loir I sere Chateaubriant. 4,834 Loire inferieure Chateau Chinon, 2,713 Nifevre Chateaudun, 6,781 Eure-et-Loir Chateau Gouthier, 7,364 Mayenne Chateaulin, 3,259 Finistfere Chateauroux, 17,161 Indre Chateau Thierry, 6,519 Aisne Chatellerault, 14,278 Vienne Chatenay, Seine Chatillon, Seine Chatillon sur Indre, Indre Chatillon sur Loing, 2,557 Loiret Chatillon sur Seine, 4,860 Cote d’Or Chatillon surSevre, 1,737 Deux Sfevres Chaton, Seine-et-Oise Cliatre (La), 5,167 Indre Chaiidesaigues, 1,948 Cantal Chaumout, 8,285 Haute Marne Chaiunont-en-Vezin, Oise Chaussin, 1,199 Jura Chelles, Seine-et-Marne Clienonceaux, Indre-et-Loire Cherbourg, 37,215 Manche Chinon, 6,895 Indre-et-Loire Cliize, Deux Sfevres Choisy-le-Roi, 5,172 Seine Chollet, 13,360 Maine-et-Loire Chur, 6,990 Switzerland Ciotat (La), 10,017 Bouches du Rhone Civray, 2,284 Vienne Clamecy, 5,616 Nifevre Clermont, 5,743 Oise Clermont Ferrand, 37,690 Puy deDome Clermont l’Herault, 6,050 Herault Clichy, 13,666 Cluny, 4,253 Cognac, 9,412 Cognat, Collieure, 3,651 Colmars, 1,002 Cnlombes, Commentry, 9,978 Onmniercy. 4,099 Seine Sa6ne-et-Loire Charente Allier Pyrenees orientales Basses Alpes Seine Allier E E I F F E D H F D C G F H F E E F E E D e F e I e F e D c G b G b G c E d G d E c H d B e G c B e G b B e B e F c G a G b E b G d D c F c E b D c B b E c F b E c B e B e E c F c G c D c B e E e F d G b E b G c C e E c D b E c D c B e D c I c G e E c F c F b d e F F B e G c D d F c. F e H d Meuse G b Compifegne, 12,150 Oise F b Concarneau, 3,555 Finistere C c Condfe, Nord F a Condieu, 2,575 Rhone G d Condom, 8,140 Gers E e Condy sur Noiveau, 6,643 Calvados D b Conflans, Seine-et-Oise A 3 Confolens, 2,717 Charente E O -Conlie, Sarthe D b Corbeil, 5,541 Seine-et-Oise F b Corte, 6,094 Corsica I 0 Cosne, 6,575 Nifevre F C Coulommiers, 4,445 Seine-et-Mame F b Courbevoie, 9,862 Seine B e Coutances, 8,159 Manche D b Creil, 4,539 Oise F b Cressy, or Crfecy, 1,748 Somme E a Creteil, Seine B e Creuzot (Le), 23,872 Saone-et-Loire G c Croisic, Loire inferieure C c Croix Rousse (La), a suburb of Lyons, Rhone G d Crozon, 8,946 Finistfere B b Culoz, Ain G d Dax, 9,469 Landes D e Decazeville, 7,106 Aveyron F d Die, 3,762 Drome G d Dienville, Aube G b Dieppe, 19,946 Seine inferieure E b Digue, 7,002 Basses Alpes H d Digoin, 3,426 Saone-et-Loire G c Dijon, 39,193 Cote d’Or G c Dinan, 8,510 Cotes du Nord C b Dole, 11,093 Jura G c Domfrout, 4,866 Orne D b Domremy la Pucelle, Vosges G b Douarnenez, 5,434 Finistfere B b Douay, or Douai, 24,105 Nord F a Poullens, 4,706 Somme F a Draguignan, 9,819 Var H 6 Dreux, 7,237 Eure-et-Loire E b Dugny, Seine B e Dunkirk (Fr. Dunkerque), 33,083 Nord F a Ecouen, Seine-et-Oise B e Elboeuf, 21,784 Seine inferieure E b Embrun, 4,183 Hautes Alpes H d Engliien (Montmorency), 3,126 Seine-et-Oisc B e Entraygues, 1,846 Aveyron F d Entrevanx, 1,461 Basses Alpes H e Epernay, 11,704 Marie F b Epinac, 4,623 Saone-et-Loire G c Epinai, Seine B e Epinal, 11,870 Vosges H b Erniont, Seine-et-Oise B e Ernee, Mayenne D b Espalion, 4,330 Aveyron F d Est, Fort de 1’, Seine B e Etampes, 8,228 Seine-et-Oise F b Etoges, Marne F b Eu, 4,168 Seine inferieure E a Evaux, 2,786 Creuse F e Evran, 4,402 C6tes du Nord C b Evreux, 12,320 Eure E b Falaise, 8,183 Calvados D b Fecamp, 12,832 Seine inferieure E t Fere (La), 4,984 Aisne F O Ffere Champenoise, 2,042 Marne F b Fernay, 1,2S8 Am H c Fertfe, La, Aisne F b Figeac, 7,610 Lot E d Firminy, 9,217 Loire G d Fismes, Marne F b Flfeche (La ), 9,292 Sarthe D c Flfers, 10,260 Orne 1) b Florae, 2,1S5 Lozfere F d Foix, 6,746 Allege E e Fontainebleau, 10,787 Seine-et-Marne F b Fontenai, Seinp B 0 Fontenai-le-Comte, 8,062 Vendee D c Fontenay, Yonne F ( Forcalquier, 2,841 Basses Alpes G e Formigny, Calvados D n i'ougferes, 9,580 Ille-et-Vilaine D b Franconville, Seine-et-Oise B e Franenfeld, 1,784 Switzerland 1 c Frejus, 3,050 Var H e Fribourg (Ger. Freiburg), 10,454 (1860), Switzerland H c Frontenay, 2,205 Deux Sfevres 1) c Frontignan, 3,000 Hferault F s Frouard, Meurthe H 1 MAP OF FRANCE AND SWITZERLAND. lindlao, 7,870 Tarn E e ■Jainiat, 5,528 AUier F c Gap, 8,185 Hautes Alpes H d Gavnrnie, Hautes Pyrenees D e Geneva (Ger. (tenf Fr. Geneve), 41,415 (1S60), Gennevilliers, Gentilly, 8,871 Gex, 2,842 Glen, 6,717 Gisors, Givet, 5,801 Givors, 9,957 Glams, 4,797 Gonesse, 2,831 Gourdon, 5,204 Grand Combe (La), 9,367 Grande Chartreuse, Switzerland H Seine B Seine B Ain H Loiret F Eure E Ardennes G Rhone G Switzerland 1 Seine-et-Oise B Lot E Card G Isere G Grand Fougeray, 6,264 Ille-et-Vilaine I) Grand Pre, 1,482 Granville, 15,622 Grasse, 12,241 Gravelines, 6,510 Graves, Pointe de, Gray, 6,767 Grenade, 4,204 Grenoble, 40,484 Grindelwald, Guerande, 6,749 Guerche, La, Gueret, 5,126 Guillotihre (La), Guinganip, 6,977 Guise, 5,239 Ardennes G Manche D Alpes Maritimes H Nord F Gironde D Haute Saone G Haute Garonne E Isbre G Switzerland H Loire inferieure C Ille-et-Vilaine D Creuse E Rhone G Cotes du Nord C Aisne F Gydisdorf (Grindelwald), Switzerland H Ham. 2,728 Hapsburg, Harlleur, Havre (Le), 74,900 Haye (La), 1,609 Hazebrouck, 9,017 Hennebont, 5,112 Herblay, Hericourt, Hesdin, Hirson, Hondschoote, 3,725 Hontleur, 9,946 Hyeres, 10,878 lie Rousse, Ingouville, Interlaken, 1,354 Isigny, 2,703 Issoire, 6,294 Issoudun, 14,261 Issy, Issy, Fort d’, Ivry, Ivry, 10,199 Ivry, Fort d’, Jaruac, 4,243 Joigny, 6,239 Joinville, 3,895 Jonzac, 3,147 Jussey, 2,910 Labrbde, 1,499 L’Aigle, 5,811 La Ferte, La Guerche, La Hougue, Lamballe, Lambesc, 3,340 Lamothe-Fenelon, Landerneau, 7,858 Landrecies, 4,021 Langeac, 3,864 Langnau, 5,860 Langon, 4,505 Langres, 8,320 Lannion, 6,882 Laon, 10,268 Lapalisse, 2,821 Largentiere, 3,144 La Roche Bernard, Latour du Pin, 2,809 La Trappe, Lausanne, 20,515 (1860) Laval, 27,189 Lavaur, 7,376 Lavoult, 3,160 Lectoure, 6,086 Lens, 5,738 Lesparre, 3,726 Libourne, 14,639 Liesthal, 3,368 Lille, 154,749 Limeuil, Limoges, 53,022 Limoux, 6,770 Livry, Lizieux, 12,617 Locarno, Loches, 5,154 Locle ( Le), Lodbve, 10,567 Lombez, 1,714 Longchamp, Longwy, 3,353 Lons-le-Saunier, 9,943 Loricnt, 37,655 Londeac, 6,072 Loudun, 4,403 Louhans, 3,871 Louppe (La), 1,357 Somme F Switzerland I Seiue inlerieure E Seine inferieure E Indre-et-Loire E Nord F Morbihan C Seine-et-Oise B Haute Saone H Pas de Calais F Aisne G Nord F Calvados E Var H Corsica I Seine infbrieure E Switzerland H Calvados D Puy de Dome F Indre E Seine B Seine B Eure E Seine B Seine B Charente D Yonne F Haute Marne G Charente inferieure D Haute Saone G Gironde D Orne E Aisne F Ille-et-Vilaine D Manche D Cotes du Nord C Bouches du Rh&ne G Lot E Finistere B Nord F Haute Loire F Switzeiland H Gironde D Haute Marne G Cotes du Nord C Aisne F Allier F Ardeche G Morbihan C Isere G Orne E Switzerland H Mayenne D Tarn E Ardbche G Gers E Pas de Calais F Gironde D Gironde D Switzerland H Nord F Dordogne E Haute Vienne E Aude F Seine-et-Oise C Calvados E Switzerland I Indre-et-Loire E Switzerland H Herault F Gers E Seine B Moselle G Jura G Morbihan C CStes du Nord C Vienne E Saone-et-Loire G Eure-et-Loir E Lourdes, 4,620 Hautes Pyrenees D Louviers, 11,707 Eure E Louvres, Seine-et-Oise B Lucerne (Ger. Luzern), 11,522 (1860) Lugon, 6,003 Lude (Le), 3,826 Lugano, Lunel, 6,989 Luneville, 15,184 Lure, 3,747 Luxeuil, 3,959 Luz, 1,671 Lyons (Fr. Lyon), 328,954 Switzerland I Vendee D Sarthe E Switzerland I Herault G Meurthe H Haute Saone H Haute Saone H Hautes Pyrenees D Rhone G d Macon, 18,382 Mailly, Maisons, Malestroit, Malmaison, Malplaquet, Mamers, 5,832 Manosque, 5,919 Mans (Le). 45,230 Mantes, 5,345 Marans, 4,534 Marcillac, Marennes, 4,426 Saone-et-Loire G c Y onne F c Seine B e Morbihan C c Seine-et-Oise B e Nord F a Sarthe E b Basses Alpes G e Sarthe E c Seine-et-Oise E b Charente inferieure D c Lot E d Charente inferieure D d c Marjevols, 5,046 Lozere F d Olten, 1,500 Switzerland H c St. Brice, Seine-et-Oise B e c Marie, Aisne F b Orange, 10,622 Vaucluse G d St. Brieuc, 15,812 Cotes du Nord C b c Marly-le-Roi, 1,302 Seine-et-Oise A e Orleans, 49,100 Loiret E c St. Calais, 3,642 Sarthe E c c Marmande, 8,564 Lot-et-Garonne E d Orsay, Seine-et-Oise B f St. Cere, 4,303 Lot E. d d Marseille, 300,131 Bouches du Rhone G e Orth'ez, 6,627 Basses Pyrenees D e St. Chaumond, 12,652 Loire G d b Mars la Tour, Lorraine G b Paimboeuf, 3,193 Loire inferieure D c St. Claude, 6,809 J ura G c b Martagne, V endee D c Paimpont, 3,357 Ille-et-Vilaine C c St. Cloud, 5,248 Seine-et-Oise B e c Martigny (Ger. Martinach), Palais (Le), 4,852 Belle Isle C c St. Denis, 26,117 Seine F b b 1,403 Switzerland H c Palisse (La), Allier F c St. Die, 10,472 Vosges H b c Martigues, 8,011 Bouches du Rhone G e Palniseau, Seine-et-Oise B e St. Dizier, 10,170 Haute Marne G b b Maubeuge, 10,877 Nord G a, Pamiers, 7,877 Allege E e St. Etienne, 96,620 Loire G d b Mauleon, 1,876 Basses Pyrenees D e Pantin, 8,563 Seine B e St. Fargeau, Yonne F c c Mauriac, 3,291 Cantal F d Paris, the Metropolis of St. Florent, 771 Corsica I e a Maurienne, Valley, Alps of Savov H d France, 1,825,274 Seine F b St. Florentin, Yonne F b c Mayenne, 10,894 Mayenne D b Parthenay, 4,844 Deux Sbvres D c St. Flour, 5,218 Cantal F d e Mazamet, 12,863 Tarn F e Passy, Seine B e St. Gall (Ger. Sand Gollen), c Meaux, 11,343 Seine-et-Marne F b Pau, 24,563 Basses Pyrenees D e 14,532 (1860), Switzerland I c a Medoc, Gironde D d Pauillac, 3,621 Gironde D d St. Gaudens, 5,166 Haute Garonne E e b Medoc, Fort, Gironde D d Pelee, Fort, Manche D b St. Genis, 1,244 Charente inferieure D d a Meliun, 6,176 Cher F c Penthievre, Fort, Morbihan C c St. Germain, Allier F c b Melle, 2,556 Deux Shvres D c Perigueux, 20,401 Dordogne E d St. Germain-en-Laye, e Melun, 11,408 Seine-et-Marne F b Peronne, 4,262 Somme F b 17,478 Seine-et-Oise F b e Menars, Loir-et-Cher E c Perpignan, 25,264 Pyrenees orientales F e St. Gilles, Vendee D c b Mende, 6,453 Lozhre F d Pezenas, 7,574 Herault F e St. Girons, ,745 Ariege E e c Mentone, Pfeifers Switzerland I c St. Gobain, 2,190 Aisne F b b 5,699 Alpes maritimes H e Pierreiitte, Seine B e St. Hippolyte, Doubs H c d Mery sur Seine, 1,445 Aube F b Pierrelaye, Seine-et-Oise B e St. Jeand’Angely, 7,023 Charente infer. D d c Meudon, 5,417 Seine-et-Oise B e Pithiviers, 4,928 Loiret F b St. Jean de Luz, 2,829 Basses Pyrenees D e e Meze, 6,549 Herault F e Plessis-les-Tours, Indre-et-Loire E c St. Jean de Maurienne 3,088 Savoie H d Milhau, or Millau, 13,663 Aveyron F Minden, Mirande, 4,010 Mirecourt, 5,735 Miremont, Moissac, 9,661 Monaco, Mons, Montaigu, Montargis, 8,103 Montauban, 25,991 Montbart, 2,808 Montbeliard, 6,479 Montbrison, 6,475 Mont Dauphin, Mont de Marsan, 8,455 Montdidier, 4,326 Loire infbrieure C Gers E Vosges H Dordogne E Tarn-et-Garonne E Alpes maritimes H Somme E Vendee D Loiret F Tam-et-Garonne E C6te d’Or G Doubs H Loire G Hautes Alpes H Landes D Somme F Drome G Montelimart, 11,100 Montereau-Faut- Yonne, 6,748 Seine-et-Marne F Montesquiou, 1,704 Gers E Montfort, 2,280 Ille-et-Vilaine D Montlieu, 975 Charente inferieure D Mont Louis, 470 Pyrenees orientales F Montlugon, 18,675 Allier F Montmartre, Seine B Montmedy, 2,135 Meuse G Montmerle, Ain G Montmirail, Marne F Montmorency (Eughien), 3,126 Montmorillon, 5,203 Montpellier, 55,606 Montreuil, 3,655 Montreuil, 9,235 Montreuil (Grand), Montrouge, Montmuge, Fort de, Seine-et-Oise B Vienne E Herault F Pas de Calais E Seine B Seine-et-Oise B Seine B Seine B Mont Valerien, Forteresse du, Seine B Morat (Ger. Murten), Switzerland H Morgarten, Switzerland I Morges (Ger. Morsee, 3,627 Switzerld. H Morlaix, 14,046 Mortagne, 4,830 Mortain, 2,443 Moulins, 19,890 Mourmelon-le-Grand, '6,636 Moutiers, 1,956 Murat, 2,666 Muret, 4,050 Nancy, 49,993 Nanterre, Nantes, 111,956 Nantua, 3,776 Napoleon Vendee, 8,710 Napoleonville, 8,146 Narbonne, 17,172 Finistfere C Orne E Manche D Allier F Marne G Savoie H Cantal F Haute Garonne E Meurthe H Seine B Loire inferieure D Ain G Vendee D Morbihan C Aude F Nerac, 7,717 Lot-et-Garonne Nemours, 3,902 Seine-et-Marne Neuchatel, or Neufchatel (Ger. Neuenburg), 10,382(1860) Switzerld. E d F b Neufchateau, 3,793 Neufchatel, 3,616 Neuilly, 17,545 Neuilly, Nevers, 20,700 Vosges Seine inferieure Seine Seine-et-Oise Nihvre Nice(It. Xizza), 50,100 Alpes maritimes Niort, 20,775 Deux Sfevres Nismes, or Nimes, 60,240 Gard Nogeut, 3,550 Haute Mai-ne Nogent, Seine Nogeut, Fort de, Seine Nogent le Rotrou, 7,006 Eure-et-Loire Nogent sur Seine, 3,641 Noirmoutier, 6,128 Noisy, Noisy, Fort de, Nomeny, Nontron, 3,622 Noyon, 6,498 Nuits, 3,656 Nyons, 3,611 Oleron, 9,085 Olmeto, 1,717 H c G b E b B e C e F c H e D c G e G b B e B e E b F b C c B e B e H b Aube Vendee Seine Seine Lorraine Dordogne E d Oise F b Cote d’Or G c Drome G d Basses Pyrenees D e Corsica I f Plombibres, Pointe de Graves Poissy, 4,973 Poitiers, 31,034 Poligny, 5,392 Pompadour, Pontacq, 3,018 Pont-a-Mousson, 7,963 Pontarlier, 4,945 Pont Audemer, 6.182 Pont de Vaux, 3,117 Pontivy (Napoleonville), Pont l’Abbe, 4,526 Pont l’Eveque, 2,880 Pontoise, 6,287 Pont St. Esprit, 4,694 Pont St. Vincent, Portaux Perches, Port de la Nouvelle, Port Louis, 3,188 Porto Vecchio, 2,203 Port St. Marie, 2,628 Vosges H Gironde Seine-et-Oise D d A e Vienne Jura Corrfeze Basses Pyrenees Meurthe Doubs Eure Ain Morbihan Finistfere Calvados Seine-et-Oise Gard Meurthe Aisne Aude Morbihan Corsica Lot-et-Garonne H b F b Port Vendres, 2,364 Pyrenees orientales Pradelles, Haute Loire Prades, 3,579 Pyrenees orientales Prats de Mol lo, 2, 784 Pyrenees orientales Precy, Cote d’Or Privas, 7,204 Ardfeche Provins, 7,596 Seine-et-Marne Puget Theniers, 1,289 Alpes maritimes Puteaux, Puy (Le), 19,532 Quesnoy (Le), 3,446 Queyras (Fort), Quiberon, 2,230 Quillebceuf, 1,444 . Quimper, 12,532 Quiinperle, 6,863 Rabastens, 1,325 Rambervillers, Rambouillet, 3,971 Redon, 6,064 Reims, or Rheims, 60,734 Reiniremont, 6,074 Remoulins, 1,425 Rennes, 49,231 P^eole (La), 4,244 Rethel, 7,400 Seine Haute Loire Nord Hautes Alpes Morbihan Eure Fmistere Finisthre Hautes Pyrenees V osges Seine-et-Oise Ille-et-Vilaine Marne Vosges Gard Ille-et-Vilaine Gironde Ardennes F a H d C c E b B c C c E e II b E b C c G b H b G e D b E d Rheims or Reims, 60,734 Marne Rheineck, 1,285 Switzerland Riberac, 3,837 Dordogne Richelieu, 2,641 Indre-et-Loire Riom, 10,614 Puy de Dome Rive de Gier, 14,381 Loire Roanne, 19,354 Loire Roche Bernard (La), Morbihan Rochechouart, 4,261 Haute Vienne Roche Deriens(La), 1,765 C£tesdu Nord Rochefort, 30,151 Charente inferieure Rochefoucauld (La), 2,775 Charente Rochelle (La), 18,720 Rocroy, 2,998 Rodez, 12,037 Roissy, Romainville, Roinainville, Fort de, Romans, 11,524 Roinilly sur Seine, 4,534 Romorantin, 7,867 Roquefort, Roscoff, 4,070 Rosny, Rosny, Fort de, Roubaix, 65,091 Rouen, 100,671 Charente infdr. Ardennes Aveyron Seine-et-Oise Seine Seine Drome Aube Loir-et-Cher Landes Finistere Seine Seine Nord Seine inferieure Rousses (Les), 2,472 Jura Royan, 4,170 Charente inferieure Roye, 3,993 Somme Ruffee, 3,175 Charente Sable, 5,644 Sarthe Sables d’Olonne (Les), 7,352 Vendee St. Affrique, 7,046 Aveyron St. Amand, 8,757 Cher St. Julien, 1,410 St. Leonhard, 6,320 St. Leu Le Plessis, St. Lo, 9,693 St. Malo, 10,693 St. Mantle, St. Marcellin, 3,173 St. Martin, 2,121 St. Maur, St. Maurice, 1,543 St. Menehould, 4,326 St. Nazaire, 18,896 St. Omer, 21,869 St. Ouen, St. Ouen l’Aumone, St. Pol, 3,567 St. Pol de Leon, St. Pouts, 6,214 St. Quentin, 32,690 St. Rambert, St. Remy, 6,315 St. Servan, 12,327 St. Sever, 4,980 Ste. Severe, 1,065 St. Tropez, 3,739 Ste. Ursane, Haute Savoie Haute Vienne Seine-et-Oise Manche Ille-et-Vilaine Seine Ishre Isle de R6 Seine Switzerland Marne Loire inferieure Pas de Calais Seiue Seine-et-Oise Pas de Calais Finistfere Herault Aisne Drome Bouches du Rhone llle-et-Vilaine Landes Indre Var Switzeiland St. Valery-sur-Somme, 3,674 Somme St. Vallery, St. Veran, St. Yrieix, 7,826 Saintes, 11,570 Salces, Salers, 1,090 Salies, 5,328 Salihs, Sallenche, Salon, 6,714 Saneerre, 3,707 Sarlat, 6,822 Sarnen, 3,301 Sarrazin, Castel, Sartene, 4,082 Sarzeau, 5,950 Saulieu, 3,715 Saumur, 13,663 Savenay, 2,879 Sceaux, 2,578 Scliaffhausen, 8,637 Seine inferieure Hautes Alpes Haute Vienne Charente inferieure Pyrenees orientales Cantal Basses Pyrenees Jura Haute Savoie Bouches du Rhone Cher Dordogne Switzerland Tarn-et-Garonne Comica Morbihan Cote d’Or Maine-et-Loire Loire inferieure Seine Switzerland Scliuls, or Schools, 1,143 Switzerland Schwytz, Switzerland Sedan, 15,057 Ardennes Seez, 5,005 Orne Segrc, 2,861 Maine-et-Loire Selles sur Cher, 4,776 Loir-et-Cher Sempacn, Switzerland Semur, 3,892 Cote d’Or Senlis, 5,879 Oise C b D d E d D 3 G b F d B e B e B e G d F b E c D d B b B e B e F a E b G c D d F b E c D e D c F c F o D b B e G d B e F a B b F e F b G d G e D b D e E c H e H c E a E b H d E d D d F e F d D e G c H d G e F c E d I c E d I f c c 4 MAP OF FRANCE AND SWITZERLAND Sens, 11,901 Yonne F Serres, 1,101 Hautes Alpes G Sevres, 6,754 Seine-et-Oise B Seyssel, 1/164 Ain G Sezanne, Marne F Siders (Fr. Sierre ), 875 Switzerland H Sion (Ger. Silten), 4,203 Switzerland H Sisteron, 4,210 Basses Alpes H Soissons, 11,099 Aisne F Soleure(Ger. Solothum), 5,916 Switzerl. H Sospello, Alpes maritimes H Sonbise, Charente inferieure D Souillac, 3,100 Lot E Souterraine (La), 4,029 Creuse E Stains, Seine B Stanz, or Stanzstadt, 2,028 Switzerland I Stenay, 2,888 Sucy, Surenes, Surgferes, Sursee, Taillebourg, Tarare, 15,092 Tarascon, 1,513 Taraseon, 12,454 Tarbes, 15,658 Tartas, 3,144 Tertry, Teste de Buch (La), 4,259 Tbian court, Thiers, 16,137 Meuse G Seine-et-Oise C Seine B Charente inferieure D Switzerland 1 Charente inferieure D Rhone G Ariege E Boucnes du Rhone G Hautes Pyrenees E Landes D Somme F Gironde L> Lorraine G Puy de Dome F Aare, R., 160 m. Switzerland Adour, R., 95 m. Landes Agout, R. Tarn Aigues, R. Drome Ain, R., 93 m. Ain Aisne, R., 120 m. Aisne Allier, R., 200 m. Allier Annecy, L., alt. 1,426 ft. Haute Savoie Ardeche, R. , 40 m. Ardhche Argens, R., 60 m. Yar Ariege, or Arriege, R., 93 m. Ariege Arinanqon, R., 112 m. Yonne Arnon, R. Cher Aron, R. Nievre Arroux, R., 65 m. Sa6ne-et-Loire Arve, R., 70 m. Haute Savoie Aube, R., 113 m. Aube Aude, R., 130 m. Aude Aulne, R., 70 m. Finistere Auron, R. Cher Aveyron, R., 130 m. Aveyron Baise, or Bayze, R., 99 m. Gers Berre, Etang de, L. Bouches du Rhone Beuvron, R. Loir et Cher Bidassoa, or Vidassoa, R., 45 m., Basses Pyrenees Bienne, L. (Ger. Bieler See), SwitZerld. Blavet, R. Morbihan Boden See, or L. of Constance, Switzer. Bourget, L. Savoie G Braye, R. Sarthe E Bresle, R. Somme E Brienz, L. of (Ger. Brienzer See), alt. 850 ft. Switzerland I Charente, R., 200 m. Charente E Cher, R., 195 m. Cher F Clain, R. Vienne E Constance, L. of (Ger. Boden See), area 200 sq. m. Switzerland I b Thonon, 5,530 Haut Savoie H c. Valognes, 5,406 Manche D b d Thouars, 2,569 Deux Shvres D c Vannes, 14,560 Morbihan C c e Thun, 3.699 Switzerland H c Vanvres, Fort de, Seine B e d Tinchebrai, 4,537 Orne D b Varenne (La), Seine B e b Tonneins, 8,007 Lot-et-Garonne E d Varennes, 1,503 Meuse G b c Tonnerre, 5,429 Yonne G c Vassy, 3,105 Haute Marne G b c Toul, 7,410 Meurthe G b Vaucluse, Vaucluse G e d Toulon, 77,126 Var G e Vaucouleurs, Meuse G b b Toulouse, 126,936 Haute Garonne E e Vaugirard, Seine B e c Toureoing, 38,262 Nord F a Vaux, Seine-et-Marne F b e Tournon, 5,509 Ardeche G d Vendome, 9,938 Loir-et-Cher E c d Tournus, 5,640 Sa6ne-et-Loire G c Verdun, 3,900 Tam-et-Garonne E e d Tours, 42,450 Indre-et-Loire E c Verdun-sur-le-Doubs Saone-et- Loire G c c Treport (Le), 3,711 Seine inferieure E a Verdun-sur-Meuse, 12,941 Meuse G b e Trevoux, 2,863 Ain G d Verneuil, 4,259 Eure E b c Trianon (de Versailles), Seine-et-Oise B e Vernon, 7,787 Eure E b b Trogen, Switzerland I c Verrieres, Seine-et-Oise B e e Trouville, 5,694 Calvados E b Versailles, 44,021 Seine-et-Oise F b e Troyes, 35,678 Aube G b Vervins, 2,732 Aisne F b c Tulle, 12,606 Correze E d Vesoul, 7,614 Haute Saone H c c Turenne, Correze E d Vevay (Ger. Vivis ), 6,494 Switzerland H c d Usscl, 4,029 Correze F d Vezelay, Yonne F c d Uzes, 5,895 Gard G d Vichy, 5,666 Allier F c e Vaison, 3,340 Vaucluse G d Vico, 2,091 Corsica I e e Valemjay, 3,653 Indre E c Vienne, 24,807 Isere G d e Valence, 20,142 Drome G d Vierzon, 8,224 Cher F c e Valenciennes, 24,344 Nord F a Vigan (Le), 5,104 Gard F e b Valensole, 3,021 Basses Alpes G e Villafranca, or Villefranche, d Valerien, Forteresse du Mont, Seine B e 3,344 Alpes maritimes H e b V allier, 3,372 Drome G d Villefort, 1,943 Lozere F d d Valmy, Marne G b Villefranche, 9,719 Aveyron E d RIVERS AND LAKES. c Correze, R., 50 m. Correze E d Loire, R. , 6C0 m. Haute Loire G d e Cosson, R. Loir-et-Cher E c Loiret, R., 7 m. Loiret E c e Creuse, R., 130 m. Creuse E c Lot, R., 250 m. Lot E d d Cure, R, Yonne F c Lucerne, L. of (Ger. Vierwaldstetler c Dordogne, R., 296 m. Dordogne E d See), area 41 sq. m. Switzerland I c b Doubs, R., 200 m. Doubs G c Lugano, L., area 19 sq m. Switzerland I d c Dove, R. Puy de Dome F d Maas R. (Fr. Meuse), 450 m. Belgium G a d Drac, R., 87 m. Isere G d Maggiore, Lago, or L. of Locarno, or d Drome, R., Dordogne E d Verbano, area 74 sq m. Switzerland I d e Drome, R., 68 m. Drome G d Marne, R., 210 m. Seine-et-Marne F b e Durance, R., 180 m. Vaucluse G e Mayenne, R., 100 m. Mayenne D c c Etang de Berre, L. Bouches du Rhone G e Meurthe, R. , 70 m. Meurthe H b c Etangde Valcares, L. Bouches duRhone G e Meuse, R. (Dutch Maas), 450 m. Meuse G b e Bure, R., 112 m. Eure-et-Loir E b Midouze, R., 65 m. Landes D e c Gard, or Gardon, R., 50 m. Gard G e Morat, L. (Ger. MurtenSee), Switzerld. H c c Garonne, R., 300 m. Haute Garonne E e Moselle, R. (Ger. Mosel), 300m. Moselle H b b Gartemp, R., Vienne E c Neuchatel, or Neufchatel, L. , • e Gave de Pau, R. , 85 m. Basses Pyrenees D e area 92 sq. m. Switzerland H c b Gaved’Ossau, R., 45m. Basses Pyrenees D e Nievre, R., 25 m. Nievre F c c Geneva, L. of, or Leman L., Nive, R., 45 m. Basses Pyrenees D e d area 331 sq. m. ' Switzerland H c Oignon, R. T, 80 m. Haute Saone G c e Gers, R., 75 m. Gers E e Oise, Pt. 135 m. Oise F b e Gironde, R., 45 m. Gironde D d Orb, R., 60 m. Herault F e c Golo, R. Corsica I e Orue, R. , 70 m. Calvados D b Herault, R., 90 m. Herault F e Ossau, Gave d’, R. Basses Pyrenees D e e Hinter Rhein, R. Switzerland I c Ource, R. Aube G b c Huisne, L’, R. Sarthe E b Ourcq Canal, 58J m. Seine B e c Ille, R. Ille-et-Vilaine D b Oust, R., 70 m. Morbihan C c c Indre, R., 140 m. Indre E c Pau, Gave de, R. Basses Pyrenees D e d Inn, R., 270 m. Switzerland K c Reuss, R., 30 m. Switzerland I c b Isere, R., 190 m. Isere H d Rhine Canal, Meuse G b b Isle, R., 160 m. Dordogne E d Rhine, Falls of the, Switzerland I c Iton, R. Eure E 1) Rhine, R., 800 m. Switzerland I c c Langlin, R. Indre E c Rhone Canal, Doubs II c d Lay, R., 50 m. Vendee I) c Rhone, R., 580 m. Gard G d c Ley re, R., 40 m. Gironde D (l Rhone, R., 580 m. Switzerland H c c L’Huisne, R. Sarthe E b Rhone, M ouths of the, Bouches du Rh One G e Limmau, or Limmat, R., 20 m. Switz. I c Romanche, R. Isere G d c Loir, R., 150 m. Loir-et-Cher E c Saane, or Sarine, R., 65 m. Switzerland H c Villefranche, 2,829 Haute Garonne \ dlefranche Pyrenees orientales Villefranche, 12,469 Rh6ne Villejuif, Seine Villemomble, Seine Villeneuve, Seine-et-Oise Villeneuve d’Agen, 13,114 Lot-et-Gar, Villeparisis, Villersexel, Villette (La), Villiers, Villiers le Bel, Vincennes, 14,573 Vincennes, Fort de, Vire, 6,863 Vitre, 8,937 Vitry, Vitry le Framjais, 7,852 Viviers. 2,806 Voiron,' 10,089 Voulte (La), 3,160 Vouziers, 3,073 Wadenschwyl. Wallenstadt, 1,800 Wattignies, Winterthur, 6,523 Yssengeaux, 8,393 Yverdon, Yvetot, 8,873 Zug, 3,854 Zurich, 19,758 (1860) Seine-et-Mame Haute Saone Seine Seine-et-Oise Seine-et-Oise Seine Seine Calvados Ille-et-Vilaine Seine Marne Ardeche Isere Ardeche Ardennes Switzerland Switzerland Nord Switzerland Haute Loire Switzerland Seine infdrieure Switzerland Switzerland E « F e G d B e B e B e E 6 C e H c B e C e-- B e B e B e D b Safine, R., 225 m. Sarthe, R., 145 m. Sauldre, R. Save, R., 65 m. Schelde, R., 210 m. Seine, R., 470 m. Selune, R. Serain, R., 75 m. Sevre-Nantaise, R. Sevre-Niortaise, R., 65 im Sioule, R. Somme, R., 115 m. Tarn, R., 220 m., Tavignano, R., Tech, R., 45 m. Tet, R., 75 m. Thouet, R., 80 m. Haute Saone Sarthe Loir-et-Cher Gers Nord Cote d’Or Manche Yonne Loire infer. Vendee Puy de Dome Somme Tarn Corsica Pyrenees orientales Pyrenees orientales Maine-et-Loire 70 m. Thun, L. of (Ger. Thuner See), area 18J sq. m. Switzerland Truyere, R. Avdyron Var, R. 75 in. Alpes maritimes Valcares, Etang de, L. Bouches du Rhone Verdon, R., 110 m. Var Vesle, R. Aisne Vezere, R., 120 m. Dordogne Vienne, R., 220 m. Vienne Yierwaldstetter See (L. of Lu- cerne), Switzerland Vilaine, R., 135 m. Ille-et-Vilaine Vire, R. Manche Voider Rhein, R. Switzerland Wallenstadt, L. (Ger. Wallen See), alt. 1,385 ft. Switzerland Yonne, R., 190 m. Yonne Zug, L. of) Ger. Zuger See), area 14^ squ. m. Switzerland Zurich, L. of (Ger. Ziiricher See), area 43 sq. m. Switzerland H c F d II e G e H e F b E d E c I c D c D b I c I c F b I c I c BAYS, T C. Ajaccio, G. de, Anse de Benodet, B. Antioche, Pertuis d’, Arcachon, Bassin d’, Audierne Bay, Benodet, Anse de, B. Bourgneuf, B. de, Breton, Pertuis, Corsica I Finistere B Charente infer. D Gironde D Finistere B Finistere B Vendee C Charente infer. D Douarnenez, B. de, Finistere B b Dover, Strait of (Fr. Pas de Calais), E a English Channel (Fr. (La Manche), E a Four, Pas du, Frejus, G. de, Galeria, Golfe de, Grimaud, G. de, Iroise, Pas de T, Finistere B b Var H e Corsica I e Var H e Finistere B b Jouan, G. de, Alpes maritimes H e Manche, La (English Channel), D a Maumusson, Pertuis de, Charente inferieure D d Morbihan, Morbihan C c Pas de Calais (Strait of Dover), E a Pertuis Breton, Vendee D c Pertuis d’Antioohe, Charente infer. D c Pertuis de Maumusson, Charente infer. D Porto, G. de, Corsica I Sagone, G. de, Corsica I St Brieuc, B., or Anse de, St Florent, Golfe de, S. Manza, G. de, Valinco, G. de, Cotes du Nord C Corsica I Corsica I Corsica I OUNTAINS, FORESTS, ETC. Aletchhorn, 13,803 Switzerland H c Alps, The, France and Switzerland II d Anie, Pic d’, Basses Pyrenees D e Arran, Vallee d’, Pyrenees E c Arree, Montagnes d’, Finistere C b Aubrac, Mont d’, Lozere F d Auvergne Mts., 6,188 Cantal F d Ballon d’Alsace, 4,688 Vosges II c Bernese Alps, Switzerland H c Bernina, Mt., 13.297 Switzerland I c Blanc (Mont), 15,744 Haute Savoie H c Cantal (Mont), or Plomb de C., 6,093 Cantal F d Caune, Mont de la, Tarn F e Cenis (Mont) Pass, 6,775 Savoie II d Cervin (Mont), or Matterhorn, 14,837, (Pass, 11,096) Switzerland H d Cervin Pass, 11,185 Switzerland H d Cevennes Mts., 5,794 Lozere F d Cc'zallier (Mts.), le, Puy de Dome F d Col della Maddalena, Basses Alpes H d Corbieres, Mont, Aude F e C6te d’Or, 1,640 C6te d’Or G c Cottian Alps, Hautes Alpes H d Dore (Mont), 6,188 Puy de Dome F d Esterel, Montagne d’, Var H e Finster-Aar-Horn, 14,106 Switzerland I c Forez, Monts, Puy de Dome F d Garrigues, Les Mon- tagnes, Aveyron and Gard F e Gemini Pass, 7,160 Switzerland H c Genevre (Mont), 11,715 Hautes Alpes H d Graian, or Grecian Alps, Savoie H d Grand Pelvoux de Vallouse, (Mont), 13,442 Isere H d Great St. Bernard, Pass of, 8,200 Switzerland H d Grecian or Graian Alps, Savoie H d Helvetian or Lepontine Alps, Switzer. I c Iseran (Mont), 13,272 Savoie H d Jargean (Mont), 3,116 Correze E d Jones (Mont), Ardeche G d Jungfrau {The Virgin), 13,718 Switzer. H c Jura Mountains. 5,643 Jura H c Lepontine or Helvetian Alps, Switzer. I c Landes, The Landes D d La Roche Bernard, Morbihan Little St Bernard, Savoie Lozere (Mont), 4,884 Lozere Maladetta (Mont), or Pic Nethou, 11,168 Margeride (Mont), 4,982 Maritime Alps, Alpes maritimes Matterhorn, or Mt. Cervin, 14,837 (Pass, 11,096) Switzerland Mauberme, Pic de, Pyrenees Maures, Montagne de, Var Mezin (Mont), 5,794 Montagne d’Esterel, Montagne de Maures, Montagnes (Les) Gar- Aveyron and Gard Pyrenees Lozere Haute Loire Var Var Mont Blanc, 15,744 Mont Corbieres, Mont d’Aubrac, Mont de la Caune, Moute Rosa, 15,174 Monto Forez, Montoncelle, Puy de. Haute Savoie Aude Lozere Tarn Switzerland Puy de Dome PuydeDSme C c H d F d E e F d H d H d E e H e G d H e H e F e II d e d e F F F H d Mont Tasselot, C6te d’Or G c Nethou, Pic, Mt. Maladetta, or Mont Maudit, Pyrenees E e Obiou (Mont), Hautes Alpes G d Odouze (Mont), 4,475 Correze F d Oldenliorn, 10,285 Switzerland H c Oro, Monte d’, Corsica I e Puy de Montoncelle, Puy de Dome F d Pelvoux, Grand, 14,10S Isere H d Pennine Alps (Ger. Walliser Alpen), Switzerland H d Perdu (Mont), 10,994 Pyrenees E e Pic d’Anie, Basses Pyrenees D e Pic de Mauberme, Pyrdnees E e Pic du Midi de Bagneres, Hautes Pyr. E e Pic du Midi d’ Ossau, Basses Pyrenees D e Pic Nethou, or Mt. Maladetta, 11,168 Spain E c Pic Possets, Pyrenees E e Pilat, (Mont.), 3,985 Loire G d Plomb, de, or Mont Cantal, Cantal F d Porsal, Roches de, Finistere B b Possets, Pic, Pyrenees E e MAP OF FRANCE AND SWITZERLAND, 5 my de Dome, 4,846 Puv de Dome F d St. Bernard (Hospice of Great), St. Gotthard Pass, 6, SOS Switzerland I c Ventoux, 6,263 Van cl use G d Puv de Sauvaguac, Haute Vienne E c 8,200 Switzerland H d Septimer Peak, Switzerland I c Vignemale, Mt., Pyrenees 1) e Pyrenees Hits., France and Spain E e St. Bernard (Hospice of Little), Simplon Pass, 6,592 Switzerland I c Viso (Monte), 12,692 Hautes Alpes H d Rhietinn, or Rhetian 7,192 Savoie H d Spliigen Pass, 6,939 Switzerland I c Vosges Mts. (Ger. Vorresen), Alps, Switzerland I c St. Bernard (Little), Savoie H d Tabor (Mont), Savoie H d 4,688 V osges H b Rigi, 6,700 Switzerland I c St. Bernard (Pass of the Great), Tarare (Mont), Loire G d Weissbom ( White Peak), Roches de Porsal, Finistere B b 8,200 Switzerland II d Tasselot (Mont), Cote d'Or G c 14,813 Switzerland H c Rosa (Monte), 15,474 Switzerland H d St. Bernardino, or St Bemhardin Todi Chain, Switzerland I c Wctterhorn (Storm Peak), Rotoudo (Monte), 9,054 Corsica 1 e Pass, 7,115 Switzerland I c Vallee d’ Arran, Pyrenees E e 12,842 Switzerland I c ISLANDS AND CAPES. Barfleur, Pt. de, Manehe D b Ffehel, C. Cotes du Nord C b L’Tsle sur Doubs, Doubs II c Roches de Porsal, Finistere n b Bas, 1. de, Finistere B b Glenan Is. Finistere B c Meloine, La, Finistere C b St Marcouf, I. Manclie b Belle Isle, Morbilian C c Graves, Pointe de, Gironde D d Noirnioutier, I. de, Vendee C c St. Mattbieu, Pointe, Finistere B b Brtkhat, Is. de, Cotes du Xord C b Gris Nez, C. Pas de Calais E a Oleron, 1. d’, Cbarente inferieure D d St. Michel, Mont, Manehe D b Brescou 1. Herault F e Groi.v, I. de, Morbilian C c Otraglia, I. Corsica I e Sein, I. de, Finistere B b Calvados, Rocks of, Calvados D b Haedic, I. Morbilian C c Ouessant, I. de, or Usbant, Finistere B b Sept Is., les (the 7 isles), Cotes du Nord C b Cavallo, I. Corsica I f Hague, C. de la, Manclie D b Pelee. I. Manclie D b Side, C. Var G e Oordouan, Tour de, Gironde D d Hieres, or Hyeres, Is. d , Var H e Penmarcb, Pointe de, Finistere B c Talbert, Pointe de. Cotes du Nord C b Corse, C. Corsica I e Houat, or Huat, I. Morbilian C c Porte, C. de, Var II e 'Pour de Cordounn, Gironde D d Corsica (Ft. Corse), Mediterranean I e 11 veres, or Hieres, Is. de, Var II e Rax, or Itaz, Pointe de, Finistere B b Ushant, or I. d'Ouessant, Finistere B b Deu, or 1. d'Veu, Vendee C e Isle L’ (sur Doubs), Doubs II c lie, or like, 1. de, Cbarente inferieure D c Yeu, I. d’, or Dieu, VenJe: C 0 Feao. Cap de, Orsica I t Lavezzo, I. Corsica I f ~Rngr fiyp.a & Inputted in. Colour I MAP OP THE GERMAN EMPIRE, HOLLAND, AND BELGIUM. Scale, 43 miles to ati inch, one square inch comprising 2'2 times the area represented by one square inch of Map of England. Germany (German, Deutschland; French, Allemcujne ; ancient Ger- mania) comprises twenty- six states or sovereignties and the imperial province of Alsace-Lorraine, acquired from France by conquest, 1871, which are now unified as the German Empire, having Eerlin as the imperial capital, and the King of Prussia, William TII., Emperor. It ranks next to Eussia in population among the nations of Europe, and is exceeded in area only by Russia, Austria, and Sweden and Norway. It extends through 8^° of north latitude, corresponding with that of Newfoundland and Labrador, and with the Amour River. Length from north to south (Konigsaii to S. Bavaria), 568 miles ; from east tn west, 735 miles. Area, 210,211 square miles. Population (1880). 45,194,172. TABLE OF STATES COMPREHENDED IN THE GERMAN EMPIRE. Area in Pop. Area in Pop. Area in Pop. sq. ni. sq. m. sq. m. Kingdom of Prussia ( Preussen), 135,778 24,043,902 Duchy of Anhalt, 1,026 197,041 G c Principality of Liechtenstein, 63 8,320 E e „ of Bavaria (Bayern), 29,441 4,824,421 F d * „ of Saxe-Meiningen, 914 180,335 F c Free City of Hamburg, 155 305,196 F b ,, of Wurtemberg, 7,530 1,778,479 E d * ,, of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, 764 168,735 F c ,, of Bremen, 74 109.572 E b of Saxony (Sachsen), 5,779 2,423,586 G c * ,, of Saxe-Altenburg, 510 141,426 G c ,, of Lubeck, 107 48,538 F b Grand Duchy of Baden, 5,910 1,434,970 E d Principality of Lippe-Detmold, 438 111,352 E c f Imperial Prov. of Alsace-Lorraine „ of Mecklenburg- ,, of Reuss (younger line), 320 88,067 F c ( Das ReichslandElsass- Schwerin, 5,189 560,618 F b ,, of Schwarzb.-Rudolstadt, 371 75,074 F c Lothringen), 5,583 1,597,765 D d „ of Hessen, 2,977 823,138 E a ,, of Schwarzb.-Sonders- — ,, of Oldenburg, 2,470 315,622 E b hausen; 3,28 67,454 F c Total of German Empire, 210,211 40,120,101 * ,, of Saxe-Weimar, 1,403 283,044 F c ,, of Waldeck, 432 56.809 E c , of Mecklenb.-Strelitz, 908 98,770 G b ,, of Reuss (elder line), 144 43,889 F c * Situated in Thuringia ( Thiir ingen ), an ancient margravzate of Duchy of Brunswick (Braun- „ of Schaumburg-Lippe, or vermany. schweig), _ .. . 1,425 302,792 F b Lippe Buckeburg, 172 31,186 E b Thb Kingdom of Prussia ( Konigreich von Preussen ) is one of the Great Powers of Europe, and takes the seventh rank according to area and population. Its area is 2‘31 times greater than that of England and Wales. The density of the population varies from 323 per square mile in the Rhine Provinces to 118 in Pomerania. Average density, 177 per square mile. — The following Table shows the area and population of the different Governments and Provinces. Governments, Provinces, &c. Area in sq. m. Pop. Konigsberg gov. 8,816 1,063,340 Gumbinnin gov. 6,309 744,778 Pantzig gov. .... 3,178 515,222 Marienwerder gov. 6,769 767,620 Prov. of Prussia, 25,072 3,090,960 Posen gov. . . . . 6,757 986,443 Bromberg gov. .... 4,419 550,895 Posen prov. . 11,176 1,537,338 Berlin gov. . 22 702,437 Potsdam gov. . . . . 7,969 997,221 Frankfurt gov. 7,408 1,020,157 Brandenburg prov. 15,399 2.719,815 Stettin gov. . 5,009 675,596 Coslin gov. . 5,420 554,464 Stralsund gov. . 1,791 215,575 Pomerania (Pommem) prov. 12,220 1,445,635 Breslau gov. . 5,20S 1,364,632 Oppeln gov. . 5,101 1,241,320 Liegnitz gov. . 5,251 979,800 Silesia (Schlesien) prov. 15,560 3,585,752 Kingdom of Bavaria ( Konigreich von Bayern; French, Baviere). The second State in Germany according to area and population, half that of England and Wales. Area is about Circles ( Kreise ). Area in sq. m. Pop. Palatinate of the Rhine (Pfalz), 2,293 626,066 Middle Franconia (Mittel Franken), 2,937 579,688 Upper Franconia (Ober Franken) Lower Franconia (Unter Franken), 2,640 535,060 and Aschaffenburg, 3,423 584,972 Swabia (Schwaben) and Neuburg, 3,694 585,160 .Lower Bavaria, .... 6,619 594,511 | Upper Palatinate and Regensburg, 3,706 491,295 Upper Bavaria, .... 6,619 827,669 | Total - . 29,441 4,824,421 Grand Duchy of Baden (German, Grossherzogthum Baden). Area nearly equal to that of Yorkshire. Circles. Area in Pop. sq. m. Mannheim, 178 94,185 Carlsruhe, 592 226,028 Heidelberg, .... 375 129,631 Baden. 405 123,915 Lorrach, 372 90,986 Offenburg, .... 617 148,093 Freiburg, 847 193,971 Mosbacb, .... 839 154,301 Waldshut, 479 81,021 Constance, 793 126,916 Villingen, .... 413 65,923 Total, .... 5,910 1,434,970 Protestants, 478,089; Roman Catholics, 931,007 ; Greeks, 254; Jews, 25,594. Governments, Provinces, &e. Area in sq. m. Pop. Magdeburg gov. . 4,438 832,141 Merseburg gov. . . 3,937 864,853 Erfurt gov. . 1,362 370,072 Saxony ( Sachsen ) prov. . 9,737 2,067,066 Munster gov. . 2,799 439,213 Minden gov. . 2,028 477,152 Arnsberg gov. . 2,972 791,361 Westphalia ( Westfalen) prov. . 7,799 1,707,726 Cologne (Koln) gov. . 1,534 . 2,110 596,493 Dusseldorf gov. . 1,243,902 Coblenz gov. . 2,391 555,882 Treves (Trier) gov. . 2,771 578,889 Aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen) gov. . . 1,603 480,192 Rhenish prov. (Rheinland), . 10,409 3,455,358 Hobenzollern territory, 440 64,632 Jade territory. 5 1,748 Duchy of Lauenburg, Total of Prussian territory previous 452 49,978 to the war of 1866, 108,269 19,726,008 Kingdom of Wurtemberg. A little greater than the area of Wales. Circles (Kreise). Area in sq m. Pop. Neckar, .... . 1,284 523,994 Black Forest (Schwarzivald), . 1,843 444,967 Danube (Donau), . 2,417 427,280 Ja.xt, .... . 1,986 382,238 Total, . 7,530 1 ,778,479 Protestants, 1,223,216; Roman Catholics, 543,601; Jews, 11,662. Kingdom of Belgium ( Poyaume de Belgique; German, Belgien). Area more than one-fifth, and the population more than one-fourth, that of Eng- land and Wales. Average density of pop., 4257 per square mile. Provinces. Area in sq. m. Top. i East Flanders, . 1,157 821,178. South Brabant, . . 1,2«7 849,858 Hainault, . 1,436 872,838 West Flanders, . 1,248 654,145 Liege, . 1,116 576,426 Antwerp (Anvers), . 1,093 478,810 Namur, . . 1,413 308,321 ; Limburg, 931 197,137 Luxembourg, . 1,705 203,031 Total (1876, 5,336,185 ; 1882, est. 5,536,654) 11,366 4,961,644 The mass of the population testauts are estimated at 10,000 is Roman Catholic. Pro- ; Jews, 2,000. Governments, Provinces, &c. Hanover (Carlenberg) gov. Hildesheim gov. Luneburg gov. . Stade (Bremen) gov. Aurich gov. . Osnabriick (Bentbeim) gov. Area in sq. m. 2,240 1,989 4,487 2,559 1,158 2,417 Pop. 385,957 410,210 381,712 301,407 193,876 264,475 Prov. of Hanover, lately kingdom, 14,850 1,937,637 Holstein, .... Schleswig, ... 3,274 3,365 577,491 404,227 Schleswig-Holstein, prov. 6,639 981,718 Oassel gov. (Late Kur Hessen), . Wiesbaden gov. (Late Duchy of Nassau), 3,915 2,105 770,569 609,742 Hessen- Nassau prov. 6,020 1,380,311 Total of the acquired States (1866), Military abroad, 27,509 4,299,666 18,228 Total of Prussia, 135,778 24,043,902 Protestants, 15,472,496; Roman Catholics, 7,803,346; Jews, 314,797. Holland, or Kingdom of the Netherlands. (Dutch, II et Koningrijk der Nederlanden; Ger. man, Niederlande; French, Pays Bus, or Neer- lands). Area more than one-fourth, and the popu- lation more than one-fifth, that of England and Wales. The average density of pop., 328 per square mile. Provinces. Area in Pop. sq. m. South Holland, . . 1,176 703,213, North Holland, . 966 590,454 Utrecht, 531 176,234 Limburg, 854 227,461 Zeeland, 642 179,435' Groningen, 907 232,273 Friesland, . 1,267 300,863 | Guelderland, . . 1,972 437.819; North Brabant, . . 1,985 436.798! Oberyssel, . 1,308 259,263 Drenthe, . 1,029 108,257 12,637 3,652,070 Grand Duchy of Luxemburg, (1867), . 990 199,958 Total (1881, 4,060,580) . 13,627 3,852,028 { COLONIES. East Indies, 614,965 22,247.000 West Indies, . 60.170 85,805 Coast of Guinea, . 10,631 120 000 685,766 22,452,805 According to religion the population of the Kingdom is thus divided — Protestants, 2,006,926: Roman Catholics, 1,234,480: Greeks, 32; Jews, 03,890; Religiou unknowu, 4 3,794. MAP OF GERMANY, HOLLAND, AND BELGIUM. DISTRICTS, ETC. Algau, •Bavaria F e Aitmavk, Saxony F 1) Arenbevg-Meppen (Auricli), Hanover I) b Bamim, Brandenburg G b Bentheim (Osnabriick), Hanover D b Bremen (Stade), Hanover E b Carlenberg (Hanover) Hanover E b Clansthal Mining District, Condroz,, Cnjavien, Fliiming, Der, Friesland, East, Gottingen, Havelland, Hanover F Belgium C Posen K Brandenburg G Hanover D Hanover E Brandenburg G Hoya, Lausitz, Niedor (lower), Lausitz, Ober (upper), Littaucn, Masuren, Mittelmavk, Pomerellen, Hanover E b Brandenburg II c K. of Saxony H c E. Prussia M a E. Prussia L b Brandenburg G b W. Prussia I b Samland, E. Prussia L Saxon Switzerland, Saxony G Swabia (Schwdben), Bav. k Wiirtemb. E Thuringia (.1/1 drlrgrafscha ft Thnringen), an ancient Margraviate F (Jckmnark Brandenburg G Vogtland, Thuringia F TOWNS, ETC. Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle), 63,178 Rhemsli Prov. D c A.alen, Wurtemberg F d Adelnau, Posen I c Adorf, Kingdom of Saxony G c Aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen), Rhen. Prov. D c Alkmaar, 11,308 Holland C b Alleudorf, Hessen-Nassau E c Allenstein, E. Prussia L b Almelo, Holland D b Alost (Ger. Aalst), 19,177 Belgium B c Alsfeld, Plessen E c Alt Breisach, Baden D d Altena, 6,154 Westphalia D c Altenburg, 18,482 Saxe Altenburg G c Altenhunden, Westphalia E c Altenkirchen, Rhine Prov. D c Althagen, Mecklenburg G a Altkirch, Alsace D e Altona, 67,350 Holstein E b Alzey, 5,271 Hessen E d Amberg, 12,312 Bavaria F d Amersfoort, 13,248 Holland C b Ammergau, Ober, Bavaria F e Amsterdam, 274,931 Holland C b Anclam, 11,504 Pomerania G b Andenne, Belgium C c Angerburg, E. Prussia L a Angermunde, 6,466 Brandenburg G b Annaberg, 11,272 Kingdom of Saxony G c Ansbach, 13,018 Bavaria F d Antwerp (Fr. Anvers, Ger. Ant- werpen), 123,571 Belgium C c Apenrade, 5,537 Schleswig E a Apolda, 8,731 Saxe Weimar F c Arlon, 5,647 Belgium C d Ameburg, Prov. Saxony F b Arnhem, 32,479 Holland C b Arnsberg, Westphalia E c Arnstadt, 7,259 Scliwar/.burg F c Arnswalde, 6,523 Brandenburg H b Arolsen, 1,978 Cap. of Waldeck E c Aschatfenburg, 10,288 Bavaria E d Aschersleben. 15.963 Prov. Saxony F c Assen, Holland D b Ath, Belgium B c Augsburg, 50,067 Bavaria F d Auricli, Hanover D b Axel, Holland B c Bad-Ems, Hessen-Nassau D c Baden, or Baden Baden, 8,856 Baden E d Balm, Pomerania H b Baldenburg, W. Prussia I b Bamberg, 25,972 Bavaria F d Barmen, 64,945 Rhenish Prov. D c Baronville Ger. Lorraine D d Barr, Alsace D d Bartenstein, 5,110 E. Prussia L a Bastogne, Belgium C d Bautzen, 12,591 Kingdom of Saxony H c Baireuth, 19,464 Bavaria F d Bebra, Hessen-Nassau E c Belgard, 5,628 Pomerania H b Benfelden, Alsace D d Bergen, Riigen I. G a Bergen op Zoom, Holland C c Bergzabern, Palatinate D d Berleburg, Westphalia E c Berlin, 702,437 Cap. of Prussia G b Bernau, 5,111 Brandenburg G b Bernau, Bavaria G e Bernburg, 12,898 Anhalt F c Benin, Silesia K c Betzdorf, Rhine Prov. D c Beuthen, 14,529 Silesia K c Bevensen, Hanover F b Beveren, Belgium C c Biberach, 6,500 Wiirtemberg E d Biedenkopf, Hessen-Nassau E c Bielefeld, 18,701 Westphalia E b Binche, Belgium C c Bingen, 5,644 Hessen D d Birkenfeld, Oldenburg D d Birnbaum, Posen 1-1 b Biscliweiler, Alsace D d Bismark, Prov. Saxony F b Bitburg, Rhenish Prov. D d Bitsch, Ger. Lorraine D d Bitterfeld, Prov. Saxony G c Blankenberghe, Belgium B c Blankensce, Holstein E b Blaubeuren, Wiirtemberg E d Blenheim, Bavaria F d Blokzyl, Holland C b Botiingen, Wiirtemberg E d Bochum, 15,000 Westphalia D c Bois-lc-Duc (S’ Hertoyeribosch, or S’ Bosch), 25,273 Holland C c Bommel, Holland C c Bomst, Posen II b Bonn, Rhenish Prov. D c Borculo, Holland D b Daber, Pomerania H b Bordesholm, Holstein F a Dachau, Bavaria F d Borken, Cassel E c Danun, Pomerania H b Borken, Westphalia 1) c Damme, Belgium B o» Borsdorf, Kim Mom of Saxony G c Danzig, 89,311 W. Prussia K a Borsum, Brunswick F b Darkehmen, E. Prussia M a Bouzonville, Ger. Lorraine D d Darmstadt, 31,389 Hessen E d Bowen, E. Prussia L b Deggendorf, Bavaria G d Boxberg, Baden E d Delden, Holland D b Brackenheim, Wiirtemberg E d Delft, 22,049 Holland C b Braetz, Posen H b Delf'zyl, Holland D b Braine le Comte, Belgium C c Delitzch, 7,643 Prov. Saxony G c Brandenburg, 25,516 Brandenburg G b Delle, Alsace D e Brandenburg, Neu, Mecklenburg G b Delmenhorst, Oldenberg E b Braubach, Llessen-Nassau D c Demmin, 9,217 Pomerania G b Braunsberg, 10,681 E. Prussia K a Dendermonde (Termonde), Belgium C c Breda, 15,210 Holland C c Dessau, 16,904 Anhalt G c Breisach, Alt, Baden D d Detmold, 6,293 Lippe E c Breisach, Neu, Alsace D d Deutsch Krone, 6,229 W. Prussia I b Bremen, Free City, 74,945 E b Deutz, 10,488 Rhenish Prov. D c Bremer Hafen, 7,435 Bremen E b Deventer, 17.846 Holland D b Bremervorde, Hanover E b Diedenhofen (Thionville), Ger. Lorraine D d Breslau, 171,926 Silesia I c Diekirch, Luxemburg D d Brieg, 14,273 Silesia I c Diepholz, Hanover E b Brielle, Holland C c Dienze, Ger. Lorraine D d Bromberg, 26,662 Posen K b Dievenow, Pomerania H a Brouwershaven, Holland B c Diez, Ilessen-Nassau E c Bruchsal, 8,980 Baden E d Dillenburg, Hessen-Nassau E c Bruges (Ger. Brugge), 47,205 Belgium B c Dinant, Belgium C c Br'iihl, Rhenish Prov. D c Dingolfing, Bavaria G d Brunsbiittel, Holstein E b Dinkelsbiihl, 5,157 Bavaria F d Brunshausen. Hanover E b Dinkelscherben, Bavaria F d Brunswick ( Braunschweig) Dirscliau, 6,386 W. Prussia K a 50,502 Brunswick F b Dixmuide, Belgium B e Brussels (Fr. Bruxelles Flemish, Dobeln, 8,654 Kingdom of Saxony G c Brussel), cap. of Belgium, 169,249 C c Doesborgh, Holland D b Brussow Brandenburg H b Dokkum, Holland D b Bublitz, Pomerania I b Domitz, Mecklenburg F b Buchan, Lauenburg F b Donaueschingen, Baden E e Biickeburg, 4,247 Schaumburg Lippe E b Donauworth, Bavaria F d Bucko w, 7,248 Brandenburg II b Dordrecht, or Dort, 25,181 Holland C c Buk, Posen I b Dorsten, Westphalia D c Bunzlau, 8,297 Silesia II c Dortmund, 33,458 Westphalia D c Burg, Holstein F a Dramlnirg, 5,100 Pomerania II b Burg, 15,251 Pi'ov. Saxony F b Drcnsteinfurt, Westphalia I) c Burghausen, Bavaria G d Dresden, 156,024, Cap. of K. of Saxony G c Burgsteinfu rt, Westphalia D b Drusenheim, Alsace D d Burtscheid, 8,133 Rhenish Prov. D c Duisburg, 25,757 Rhenish Prov. D c Biisum, Holstein E a Durbuy, Belgium C c Blitow, Pomerania I a Diiren, 11,256 Rhenish Prov. D c Buttstiidt, Saxe Weimar F c Durlach, 5,794 Baden E d Butzbach, Hessen E c Diisseldorf, 63,389 Rhenish Prov. D c Biitzow, Mecklenburg F b Dyherrnfurtli, Silesia I c Call, Rhenish Prov. D c Ebers walde, Neustadt, Brandenburg G b C'allies, Pomerania H b Ebingen, Wiirtemberg E d Calvorde, Brunswick F b Eckernfdrde, Schleswig E a Cammin, Pomerania II b Edam, Holland C b Cannstadt, 8,087 Wiirtemberg E d Ehrang, Rhenish Prov. D d Cappeln, Westphalia D b Eichstiidt, 7,549 Bavaria F d Carling, Ger. Lorraine D d Eilenburg, 10,286 Prov. Saxony G c Carlshafen, Hessen-Nassau E c Eindhoven, Holland C c Carlsruhe, 32,004 Cap. of Baden E d Eisfeld, Thuringia F c Carthaus, W. Prussia Iv a Eisenach, 12,949 Saxe Weimar F c Cassel, 41,587 Hessen-Nassau E c Eisleben, 12,539 Prov. Saxony F c Celle. 16,230 Hanover F b Elberfeld, 65,321 Rhenish Prov. D c Charleroi, 12,148 Belgium C c Elbing, 28,055 W. Prussia K a Charlottenburg, 14,999 Brandenburg G b EUwangen, Wiirtemberg F d Chateau Salins, Ger. Lorraine D d Elmshorn, Holstein E h Chemnitz, 58,573 Kingdom of Saxony G c ElsHeth, Oldenburg E b Chimay, Belgium C c Elsterwerda, Prov. Saxony G c Chodziesen, Posen I b Elzacli, Baden E d Ciney, Belgium C c Emden, 13,103 Hanover D b Clansthal, 9,021 Hanover F c Emmerich, 7,869 Rhenish Prov. D c Clove, 9,45-3 Rhenish Prov. D c Ems, or Bad-Ems, Hessen-Nassau D c Cloppenburg, Oldenburg D b Engen, Baden E e Coblenz, 27^112 Rhenish Prov. D c Enkhuizen, Holland C b Coburg, 10,724 Saxe Coburg F c Ensisheim, Alsace D e Cocliem, Rhenish Prov. D c Erfurt, 41,760 Prov. Saxony F c Ccervorden, Holland D b Erlangen, 11,546 Bavaria F d Colberg, or Kolberg, 12,850 Pomerania H a Eseli, Luxemburg C d Colmar, Alsace D d Eschwege, 7,129 Hessen-Nassau E c Cologne ( Kiiln), 125,172 Rhenish Prov. D c Eschweiller, 14,237 Rhenish Prov. D c Coilstadt, Silesia K c Essen, 40,695 Rhenish Prov. D c Constance [Constanz), 8,516 Baden E e Esslingen, 16,591 Wiirtemberg E d Conz, Rhenish Prov. D d Ettl ingen, Baden E d Copenick, Brandenburg G b Eupen, 14,211 Rhenish Prov. D c Corbach, Waldeck E c Euskirchen, Rhenish Prov. D c Corlin, Pomerania H a Eutin, Oldenberg F a Coslin, or Kbslin, 13,575 Pomerania I a Eydtkuhnen, E. Prussia M a Cottbus, 13,3/0 Brandenburg H c Eylau, Prussian, E. Prussia L a Courtray {/(ortrijk), 23,276 Belgium B c Falkenberg, Silesia I c Crailsheim, Wiirtemberg F d Filclme, Posen I b Crefcld, 53,821 Rhenish Prov. D c Finstenvalde, 6,998 Brandenburg G c Crempe, Holstein E b Fischhausen, E. Prussia L a Crnnnntzschau, 13,670 King, of Saxony G c Flatow, W. Prussia I b Crossen, 7,103 Brandenburg II b Flensburg. 21.999 Schleswig E a Cummersbach, Rhenish Prov. D c Flushing (Dutch, Vlissrngen), Holland B c Cusel, Palatinate I) d Fontenoy, Belgium B c Ciistrin, 10,013 Brandenburg H b Forbach, Ger. Lorraine D d Cuxhafen, Oldenburg E b Fordon, W. Prussia K b Czarnikau, Posen I b [ Fort Louis, AJsace E d Fraueker, Holland C Frankenberg, 8,475 King, of Saxony G Frankenhausen, Sclnvarzb. -Rudolstadt F Frankenstein, 6,985 Silesia I Frankfort on the Main (Frank- furt), 78,277 Prussia E Frankfurt on the Oder, 40,994 Fraustadt, 6,503 Freiberg, 20,566 Freiburg, 20,792 Freienwalde, Freising, 7,624 Freistadt, Freudenberg, Freudenstadt, Friedeberg, 5,895 Friedland, Friedriclishafen, Friedrichsort, Friedrichstadt, Friesoythe, Fritzlar, Fritzow, Fulda, 10,032 Furnes (Yeurne), Fiirstenwalde, 7,166 Fiirth, 22,496 Fiissen, Gardelegen, 6,055. Garz, 5,068 Gastrop, Gebweder, Gebweiler, or Guebwiller, Geertruidenberg, Geestemiinde, Geilenkirchen, Geiselhoring, Geislingen, Geldern, Gelnhausen, Gembloux, Gem linden, Genappe, Geutliin, Gera, 15,363 Gerau, Gross, Gerdauen, Germersheim, 10,181 Glieel, or Geel, Ghent (Fr. Gand), 119,848 Giessen, 10,241 Gifhorn, Givet, Glaadt, Gladbach, 22,149 Glatz, 11,821 Glauehau, 19,579 Gleiwitz, 12,213 Glogau, 17,960 Gliicksburg, Gliickstadt, 5,051 Giniind, 8,852 Gnesen, 8,940 Goch, Goiatz, Gohlapp, Goldberg, 6,856 Gollnow, 7,413 Giippingen, 7,225 Gdritz, Gorkum, Gorlitz, 36,689 Gortzke, Goslar, 8,203 Gotha, 19,071 Gottingen, 14,534 Gottorf, Gouda, 15,524 Grabow, Brandenburg II Posen I Kingdm. of Saxony G Baden D Pomerania II Bavaria F Silesia H Westphalia D Wiirtemberg E Brandenburg H E. Prussia L Wiirtemberg E Schleswig F Schleswig E Oldenburg D Hessen-Nassau E Pomerania H a Hessen-Nassau E c Belgium B Brandenburg H Bavaria F Bavaria F Prov. Saxony F Pomerania H Westphalia D Alsace. D Alsace D Holland C Hanover E Rhenish Prov. D Bavaria G Wiirtemberg E Rhenish Prov. D Hessen-Nassau E Belgium C Bavaria E Belgium C Prov. Saxony G Reuss G Hessen E E. Prussia L Palatinate E Belgium C Belgium B Hessen E Hanover F France C Rhine Prov. D Rhenish Prov. D Silesia I Kingdm. of Saxony G Silesia K Silesia 1 Schleswig E Holstein E Wiirtemberg E Posen I Rhenish Prov. D Brandenburg H E. Prussia M Silesia I Pomerania H Wiirtemberg E Brandenburg H Holland C Silesia H Prov. Saxony G Prov. Saxony F Gotha F Hanover E Schleswig E Holland C Mecklenburg F Gramniont (Ger. Geertshergen), Belgium B e Gramsbergen, Holland D b Grating, Bavaria F d Griitz, Posen I b Graudenz, 14,844 \V. Prussia K b Grave, Holland C c Gravel otte, Ger. Lorraine C .1 Greifenberg, 5,906 Pomerania II b Greifenliagen, 6,894 Pomerania H b Greifswald, 17,380 Pomerania G a Greiz, 10,644 Reuss G c Grevismiihlen, Mecklenburg F b Grimma, 5,933 Kingdom of Saxony G c Grimmen, Pomerania G a Groningen, 37,292 Holland D b Grossenhain, 9,122 Kingm. of Saxony G c Gross Gerau, Hessen E d Griinberg, 10,570 Silesia H n Griinberg, Hessen E e Gubcn, 18,970 Brandenburg H c Gutnbinncn, E. Prussia M a MAD OF GERMANY, HOLLAND, AND BELGIUM. Guu/uu.'g, Bavaria Gunzeuhausen, Bavaria F Gustrow, 10,490 Mecklenburg Giitersloh, Westphalia Haarlem, 30,755 Holland Haarlem Meer (now drained), Holland C Hadersleben, 8,293 Sollies 1 Hagen, 11,305 Westplr Hagenau, Als Hagenow, Mecklenburg F Hague, The, 92,021 Holland C Halberstadt, 25,336 Prov. Saxony F Hall, 7,245 Wiirtemberg E Halle, 48,946 Prov. Saxony G- Haltern, Westphalia D Hamburg, Free City, 222,231 F Hamm, 16,021 Westphalia D Hanau, 19,225 Hessen-Nassau E Hanover, 73,979 Cap. of Hanover E Hanover E Holland C Harburg, 14,168 Harderwyk, Hardt Gebirge (Mt,), Harlingen, 10,431 Hasselt, 10,448 Hasselt, Hayingen, Haynau, Haynichen, Heerenveen, Heidekrug, Heidelberg, 18,327 Heidenheim, Heilbronn, 16,730 Heiligenbeil, Heiligenhafen, Heiligenstadt, 5,028 Heilsberg, 5,827 Heinricliswalde, Hela, Helder, De, 18,332 Helmond, Helmstedt, 6,800 Herford, 10,829 Herrnhuth, Herrst, Hersfeld, 5,959 Uefstal, Holland G Belgium C Holland D Wurtemberg E Silesia 1 Kirgm. of Saxonv G Holland C E. Prussia L Baden E Wiirtemberg F Wurtemberg E E. Prussia K Holstein F Prov. Saxony F E. Prussia L E. Prussia L W. Prussia K Holland C Holland C Brunswick F Westphalia E Kingdom of Saxony H Oldenburg D Hessen-Nassau E Belgium C Hertogenbosch, S’, or Bois-le- Duc, 24,579 Herve, Herzeberg, Herzberg, Hildesheim, 19,547 Hirschberg, 10,464 Hitzacker, Hochstadt, Hochstadt, Hof, 14,397 Hohenlinden, Holland (Prussian), Holzkirchen, Homberg, Homburg, 7,366 Homburg, Hoogeveen, 10,518 Hoorn, Horde, 8,151 Houffalize, Hoyerswerda, Hulst, Humme, Huningue ( Huningen ), Husum, Huy, 11,054 Ilmenau, Immendingen, Ingoldstadt, 17,684 Inowraclaw, 7,245 Insterburg, 13,741 Iserlohu, 15,341 Itzehoe, Jauer, 8,464 Jemappes, Jena, 7,233 Jershoft, Jever, Johannisburg, Jiiterbogk, Kaiserslautern, 15,289 Kampen, 15,589 Kandrzin, Kastel, Kaufbeuern, Kehl, Kelheim, Kempen, 5,917 Kempten, 10,998 Kiel, 24,216 Killburg, Kirchheim, 5,548 Kissingen, Kitzingen, 5,998 Kleinen, Klutz, Kbben, Kohlfurth, Konigsberg, Konigsberg, 106,296 Konigsberg, Konigswinter, Konitz, Kosel, Kosten, Koswig, Holland C Belgium C Prov. Saxony G Hanover F Hanover E Silesia H Hanover F Bavaria F Bavaria F Bavaria F Bavaria F E. Prussia K Bavaria F Hessen E Hessen-Nassau E Palatinate D Holland D Holland C Westphalia D Belgium C Silesia H Holland C Hessen-Nassau E Alsace D Schleswig E Belgium C Thuringia F Baden E Bavaria F Posen K E. Prussia L Westphalia D Holstein E Silesia I Belgium B Saxe Weimar F Pomerania I Oldenburg D E. Prussia L Brandenburg G Palatinate D Holland C Silesia K Hessen-Nassau E Bavaria F Baden D i Bavaria F < Posen I Bavaria F Holstein E Rhenish Prov. D Wurtemberg E < Bavaria F Bavaria E i Mecklenburg F 1 Mecklenburg F 1 Silesia I Silesia H Brandenburg H 1 E. Prussia L : Saxe Coburg (detd.) F i Rhenish Prov. D i W. Prussia I 1 Silesia K i Posen I 1 Kingdom of Saxony G < Kothen, or Cothen, 12,894 Anhalt F Merzig, Rhenish Prov. D d c Kottbus, or Cottbus, Brandenburg H Metz, Ger. Lorraine D d l Kotzau, Ober, Bavaria F Metzingen, Wiirtemberg E d Krakow, Mecklenburg G b Middelburg, 16,180 Holland B c l Kreuz, Posen I b Miesbach, Bavaria F e l Kreuznach, 12,278 Rhenish Prov. D c Mieszkow, Posen I b a Kriewen, Posen I c Militsch, Silesia I c Kroben, Posen I c Minden, 16,826 Westphalia E b c Kropelin, Mecklenburg F a Mittweyda, 8,285 Kingm. of Saxony G c t Krotoschin, 7,917 Posen I c Mogilno, Posen I b l Kulm, W. Prussia K b Molenbeek ( StJaen ), 24,180 Belgium C c Labiau, E. Prussia L Mollen, Lauenburg F b d Lage, Mecklenburg G b Monsheim, Alsace D d c Lahnstein, Ober, Hessen-Nassau D c Mons, 23,121 Belgium B c c Lain-, 7,423 Baden D d Monsheim, Hessen E d b Landau, 10,081 Palatinate E d Moosburg, Bavaria F d c Landen, Belgium C c Mosbach, Baden E d c Landsberg, Bavaria F d Muggendorf, Bavaria F d b Landsberg on the Warthe, Brandenburg H b Muhlberg, Prov. Saxony G c b Landshut, 14,554 Bavaria G d Miihldorf, Bavaria G d b Landshut, 4,948 Silesia I c Miihlhausen, 17,696 Prov. Saxony F c d Landstuhl, Palatinate D d Miihlhausen (Mulhouse), Alsace D e b Langenburg, W Iirtemberg E d Miihlheim on the Ruhr, 13,827 Rh. Pr. D c c Langensalza, Prov. Saxony F c Miilheimonthe Rhine, 10,684 Rhen Pr. D c b Langenschwalbach, Hessen-Nassau E c Mulhouse (Muhlhausen), Alsace D e d Langwedel, Hanover E b Miinden, 4,910 Hanover E c c La Roche, Belgium C c Munich ( Miinchen ), 170,688 c Lauban, 7,432 Silesia H c Cap. of Bavaria F d b Lauda, Baden E d Miinster, 25,453 Westphalia D c a Lauenburg, Lauenburg F b Miinster, Alsace D d d Lauenburg, 5,797 Pomerania I a Murnau, Bavaria F e cl Lauterbach, Hessen E c Naarden, Holland C b d Lauterburg, Alsace E d Nakel, 5.134 Posen I b a Leba, Pomerania I a Namur, 22,579 Belgium C c a Leer, 8,825 Hanover D b Nauen, 5,705 Brandenburg G b c Leeuwarden, 25,113 Holland C b Naugardt, Pomerania H b a Lehrte, Hanover E b Nauheim, Hessen E c a Leipzig, 90,824 Kingdom of Saxony G c Naumburg, 14,708 Prov. Saxony F c a Leisning, 6,011 Kingdom of Saxony G c Naumburg, Silesia H c b Leitzkau, Prov. Saxony F b Nebra, Prov. Saxony F c c Leobschutz, 10,242 Silesia I c Neheim, Westphalia E c b Leutkirch, Wurtemberg F e Neidenburg, E. Prussia L b L Lenze, Belgium B c Neisse, 19,031 Silesia I c c Leyden, 40,027 Holland C b Neu Brandenburg, 6,912 Mecklenburg G b d Lichtenfels, B.Tvaria F c Neuberg, 8,369 Bavaria F d c Lichtervelde, Belgium B c Neuenhaus, Hanover D b c Liebenwalde, Brandenburg G b Neuenmarkt, Bavaria F c Liege (Ger. Luttich), 104,169 Belgium C c Neuerberg, Rhenish Prov. D c c Liegnitz, 20,069 Silesia I c Neufchateau, Belgium C d c Lier(Fr. Lierre), 15,074 Belgium C c Neumarkt, 5,223 Bavaria F d c Limburg, 15,916 Westphalia D c Neumiinster, 7,800 Holstein F a c Lindenfels, Hessen E d Neunkirchen, Rhine Prov. D d b Lingen, Hanover D b Neu Ruppin, 11,711 Brandenburg G b c Lippehne, Brandenburg H b Neuss, 12,603 Rhenish Prov. D c b Lippspriuge, Westphalia E c Neustadt, Baden E e d Lippstadt, Westphalia E c Neustadt, Bavaria F d 1 c Lissa, 10,008 Posen I c Neustadt, Brandenburg G b 1 c Lobau, 5,022 Kingdom of Saxony H c Neustadt, Hanover E b 1 d Lobau, W. Prussia K b Neustadt, Hessen-Nassau E c a Loburg, Prov. Saxony F b Neustadt, Holstein F a e Lbhne, Westphalia E b Neustadt, . Mecklenburg F b c Lohr, Bavaria F c Neustadt, 8,090 Palatinate E d c Lokereu, or Lockeren 16,900 Belgium B c Neustadt, Posen I b 1 d Loningen, Oldenburg D b Neustadt, Saxe Weimar F c b Lorrach, 5,162 Baden D e Neustadt, 9,122 Silesia I c J b Lotzen, E. Prussia L a Neustadt, W. Prussia K a 1 c Louis, Fort, Alsace E d Neustadt Eberswalde, 7,126 Brandenb. G b 1 c Louvain(Ger. Lowen), 32,976 Belgium C c Neuwarp, . Pomerania H b 1 c Lijwen burg, 5,146 Silesia H c Neuwied, 8,060 Rhenish Prov. D c 1 c Lubben, Brandenburg G c Neuzen, Holland B c 1 c Liibeck, Free City, 36,998 F b Nidda, Hessen E c 1 e Liiben, Silesia I c Niederbronn, Alsace D d 1 a Lublinitz, Silesia K c Nienburg, 5,331 Hanover E b I c Liichow, Hanover F b Nieuport, Belgium B c 1 c Luckau, 5,013 Brandenburg G c Nieuwdiep, Holland C b 1 e Luckenwalde, 12,741 Brandenburg G b Nieuwkerk, Holland C b I i Ludwigsburg, 12,423 Wiirtemberg E a Nieuwport, Holland C c F b Ludwigshafen, Baden E e Nikolaiken, E. Prussia I b F a Lugde, Westphalia E c Nimeguen ( Nijmegen } 22,712 Holland B c F c LUneburg, 15,691 Hanover F b Nimmersatt, E. Prussia L a T b Luttich (Liege), 101,699 Belgium C c Ninove, Belgium B c B c Luxemburg, 14,000 Luxemburg D d Nivelles, Belgium C c I D Lyck, 5,142 E. Prussia M b Norden, 6,119 Hanover D b F C Maestricht, 28,557 Holland C o Nordhausen, 20,183 Prov. Saxony F c 1 l Magdeburg, 78,552 Prov. Saxony F b Nordlingen, 6,628 Bavaria F d F 3 Malchin, Mecklenburg G b Nordstemmen, Hanover E b 1 3 Malines (Mechlin), 35,529 Belgium C c Norenberg, Pomerania H b I 3 Mannheim, 34,017 Baden E d Northeim, 5,587 Hanover F c B 1 Marburg, 7,718 Hessen-Nassau F c Nuremberg ( Xiirnberg) 77,895 Bavaria F d R Marche, Belgium C c Ober Ammergau, Bavaria F e B Marienbourg, Belgium C c Ober Kotzau, Bavaria F c R Marienburg, 8,057 W. Prussia K a Ob#r Lahnstein, Hessen-Nassau D c Fi Marienwer-der, 7,241 W. Prussia K b Oberst, Oldenburg D d F Markirch, Aisaee D d 3 her Wesel, Rhenish Prov. D c R Marlow, Mecklenburg G a Obornik, Posen I b F Marsal, Ger. Lorraine D d Ochsenfurt, Bavaria F d I Maven, 6,535 Rhenish Prov. D c Oels, Silesia I c R Mayence ( Mainz), 43, 108H. Darmstadt F, d Oelsnitz, 5,289 Kin gdom of Saxony G c R Mechlin (Flem. Mechelen : Fr. Offenbach, 20,308 Hessen E c R Malines), 35,529 Belgium C c Jffenburg, 5,196 Baden D d F Medemblik. Holland C b Offening, Bavaria F d F VIeerana, 16,904 Kingm. of Saxonv G c Olilau, 6,942 Silesia I c R VIeiningen, 8,219 Saxe Meiningen F c Oldenburg, Holstein F a R Meisenheim, Rhenish Prov. D d Dldenburg, 13,112 Oldenburg E b R Meissen, 11,262 Kingm. of Saxony G c Oldenzaal, Holland D b R Meldorf, Holstein E a Oldesloe, Holstein F b R Melle, Hanover E b Oletzko, E. Prussia M b R Memel', 19,003 E. Prussia L a Oliva, W. Prussia K a F Memmingen, 6,973 Bavaria F e Dppeln, 11,330 Silesia I c R Menin, 10,167 Belgium B c Oppenheim, Hessen E d F Meppel, Holland D b Oi-anienburg, Brandenburg G b I Meppen, Hanover H b Ortelsburg, E. Prussia L b I Meisch, Luxemburg D d Oschatz, 5,716 Km gdom of Saxony G c R Merseburg, 13,048 Prov. Saxony F c Oschersleben, Grosser, 7,065 Pr. Saxony F b I Osnabriick, 18,083 Ostende, 16,735 Osterburg, Osterholz, Osterode, Osterode, 6,225 Ostrowo, 6,644 Ottcrsberg, Ottingen, Ottweiler, Hanover E b Belgium B c Prov. Saxoiiy F b Hanover E b E. Prussia K b Hanover F c Posen I c Hanover E b Bavaria F d Rhenish Prov. D d Oudenarde (Ger. Avdenaarden), Belgm. B Ovelgonne, Paderborn, 12,867 Pallnow, Papenburg, 6,366 Parchim, 7,179 Pasewalk, 7,905 Passau, 13,883 Peer, Peissenberg, Pensberg, Pfalzburg, Pfarrkirchen, Pforzheim, 16,417 Pfreimt, Philippe ville, Piasnitz, Pillau, Pillkallen, Pirmasens, 7,971 Pirna, 8,186 Plau, Plauen, 20,508 Pleschen, 5,933 Pless, Plon, Politz, Polnische Krone, Polzin, Poperinghe, 10,865 Posen, 53,392 Potsdam, 42,863 Pottenstein, Preetz, Oldenburg E b Westphalia E c Pomerania I a Hanover D b Mecklenburg F b Pomerania G b Bavaria G d Belgium C c Bavaria F e Bavaria F e Ger. Lorraine D d Bavaria G d Baden E d Bavaria G d Belgium C r W. Prussia K a E. Prussia K a E. Prussia M Palatinate I) Kingdom of Saxony G Mecklenburg G Kingdom of Saxony G Posen I Silesia K Holstein F Pomerania H Posen I Pomerania I Belgium B Posen I Brandenburg G Bavaria F Holstein F Prenzlau,orPrenzlow,14,931 Brandenb. G ich, Prov. Saxony G c as, Silesia H c ralk, 5,936 Brandenburg G b Iten, Bavaria E d , Rhenish Prov. D c sipnd Holland C z, Brandenburg G W. Prussia K , Pomerania H ant, Waldeck E mbriick, Hanover D b e Bras, Belgium C c inburg, 16,856 Prov. Saxony F c fzell, Baden E e t, E. Prussia M a Bavaria F d tsweiler, Alsace D ;t, 10,726 Baden E lburg, 5,242 E. Prussia L now, 7,685 Brandenburg G ir, 14,571 Silesia K Pomerania I 7,223 Wurtemberg E :93 Posen I Bavaria G a, Pomerania H h, 11,713 Kingm. of Saxony G h, 10,966 Silesia I , Bavaria G i A 1 Tl 19,956 Rhenish Prov. I» m. Ronsse), 11,844 Belgium B Baden E 12,460 Schleswig E Hanover E 13,781 Wurtemberg E Ger. Lorraine C Rheydt, 12,194 Rhen. Prov. D Rhine Prov. D Westphalia D Brandenburg G Rhenish Prov. I) ;, Pomerania G Wurtemberg E Kingdom of Saxony G Saxe Altenburg F Ger. Lorraine D Kingdom of Saxony G Holland C Silesia K W. Prussia K Bavaria G Anhalt G E. Prussia L ■,561 Kingdom of Saxony G ,849 Mecklenburg G Hanover E Hessen-Nassan E , 5,074 Bavaria F , W iirtemberg E 121,027 Holland C Bavaria E Wurtemberg E ,786 Belgium B Holland C 6,953 Schwarzburg F 3, Pomerania I Silesia I o' so P* & o' o sr cr o" p p- o o cr’o P- p 4 MAP OF GERMANY, HOLLAND, AND BELGIUM. Rummelsburg, Ruppin, Alt, Ruppin, Nou, 11,974 Rybnik, Saarbriiek, 14,941 Saarburg, Saargemiind (Sarregue- mines), Saarlouis, 7,491 Saar Union, Sagan, 10,062 Sagard, St. Avoid, St. Hubert, St. Ingbert, St Nicolas, 23,366 St. Trond (Flem. St. Truijen), Pome.rania 1 Brandenburg G Biandenburg G Silesia K Rhenish Prov. D Pihenish Prov. D Ger. Lorraine D Rhenish Prov. D Alsace D Silesia H Riigen I. G Ger. Lorraine D Belgium C Palatinate D Belgium C 11,260 St. Vith, St. Wenel, Salzbergen, Salzwedel, 7,902 Samber, Sangerhausen, 8,484 Sarre Albe, Sarrebourg, Sarreguemines (Saarge mund), Sas van Gent, Saverne, or Zabern, Sehagen, Schandau, Scheer, Schiedam, 16,768 Schievelbein, Schildberg, Schlawe, Schleiden, Schliersee, Sehleiz, 5,000 Schleswig, 13,390 Schlichtingsheim, Sehloppe, Schluchtern, Schmalkalden, 5,464 Schinallenberg, Schmiedeberg, Belgium C c Rhenish Prov. D c Rhenish Prov. D d Hanover D b Prov. Saxony F b Posen I b Prov. Saxony F c Ger. Lorraine D d Ger. Lorraine D d Ger. Lorraine D d Holland B c Alsace D d Holland O b Kingdom of Saxony H c Wiirtemberg E d Holland C c Pomerania H b Posen I c Pomerania I a Rhine Prov. D c Bavaria F e Reuss F c Schleswig E a Posen 1 c W. Prussia I b Hessen-Nassau E c Hessen-Nassau F c Westphalia E c Silesia H c Schneeberg, 7,987 Kingdom of Saxony G Sehonebeck, 9,338 Prov. Saxony F c Sehopfheim, Baden - D e Schorndorn, Wiirtemberg E d Schrimm, 5,624 Posen I b Sehubin, Posen I b Schvvabach, 6,817 Bavaria F d Schwalbach (Langen), Hessen-Nassau E c Schwandorf, Bavaria G d Sehwarzenberg, Kin gdom of Saxony G c Schwedt, 8,362 Brandenburg FI b Schweich, Rhenish Prov. D d Schweidnitz, 15,768 Silesia I c Schweinfurt, 9,328 Bavaria F c Schweinitz, .Prov. Saxony G C Schwerin, 25,053 Mecklenburg F b Schwerin, Posen H b Schwetz, W. Prussia K b Schwiebus, 6,798 Brandenburg Id b Scroda, Posen I b Selz, Alsace E d Senftenberg, Silesia G c Sensburg, E. Prussia L b Aa, R. Holland C c Ahr, R. Rhenish Prov. D c Aisch, R. Bavaria F d Alle, R. E. Prussia L a Alter, R., 100 m. Hanover E b Altmiihl, R. Bavaria F d Alz, R. Bavaria G d Alzet, R. Luxemburg D d Ambleve, R. Belgium C c Ammer See, Bavaria F d Angerapp, R. E. Prussia L a Bartsch, R. Silesia I c Bleiske, R. Brandenburg H b Bober, R., 115 m. Silesia H c Boden See (Lake of Constance), Baden E e Brahe, or Brad, R. W. Prussia I b Chiem See, Bavaria G e Constance, Lake of (Boden See), Baden E Danube (Donau), 1,750 m. Germany E Demer, R., 47 m. Domrnel, R., 45 m. Drage, R, Drazig, Gr. See, Drewenz, R., 80 m. Diimmer See, Dyle, R., 50 m. Eder, R. Eider, R., 90 m. Elbe, R., 550 m. Ems, R., 160 m. Ferse, R. Finow Canal, Ful la, R., 90 m. Geserich See, Gilge, R. Goplo See, Giinz, R. Haase, R. Havel, R., 180 m. lima, R. HI, R. Belgium C Holland C c Brandenburg H b Pomerania I b W. Prussia K b Hanover E Belgium C Hessen-Nassau E Holstein E Prussia F Hanover W. Prussia Brandenburg Hessen-Nassau E. Prussia E. Prussia Posen Bavaria Hanover Brandenburg Pomerania Alsace D b K a G b E c K b I; a K b F d D b G b H b D d I Seraing, 21,853 I Shbngau, Siegburg, Siegen, 10,047 Sierck, Sigmaringen, Silberberg, Sinzig, Sloten, Sluis, Sneek, Soden, Soest, 11,970 Soldau, Soldin, 6,262 Solingen, 12,989 Soltau, Sommerfeld, 8,394 Sonderborg, Sondersliausen, 6,275 Sonneberg, Sorau, 11,264 Spa, Spandau, 17,306 Spires (Speyer), 14, 06 Spree, Spremberg, 8,565 Sprottau, 5,5181 Stade, 8,424 Stallupolmen, Stargard, 16,867 Stargardt, 5,442 Stavoren, Stendal, 8,604 Sternberg, Stettin, 73,714 Stettin (Neu), 6,219 Steyerberg, Stockheim, Stolberg, 8,702 Stolpe, 14,907 Stolpinunde, Stralsund, 27,031 Strasbourg, or Strassburg, Strassburg, 5,038 Straubing, 11,419 Strehlitz, Grosser, Strelitz, Alt, Strelitz (Neu), 8,301 Striegau, 8,012 Belgium C Bavaria F Rhenish Prov. D Westphalia E German Lorraine D Hohenzollem E Silesia I Rhine Prov. JD Holland C Holland B Holland C Hessen-Nassau E Westphalia E E. Prussia L Brandenburg H Rhenish Prov. D Hanover E Brandenburg H Schleswig E Schwarzburg F Saxe Meiningen F Brandenburg H Belgium C Brandenburg G Palatinate E Silesia H Brandenburg H Silesia H Hanover E E. Prussia M a Pomerania H b W. Prussia K Holland C Prov. Saxony F Mecklenburg F Pomerania H Pomerania I Hanover E Bavaria F c Prov. Saxony F c Pomerania I a Pomerania I a Pomerania G a Alsace D d W. Prussia K b Bavaria G d Silesia K c Mecklenburg G b Mecklenburg G b Silesia I c Stuttgart, 75,781 Cap. of Wiirtemberg E Suhl, Prov. Saxony (detached) F Sulau, Silesia I Sulz, Alsace D Sulz, Alsace D Siilze, Mecklenburg G Swinemiinde, 6,816 Pomerania H Tarnowitz, 5,928 Silesia K Tempelburg, Pomerania I Teterow, Mecklenburg G Thann, Alsace D Thedinghausen, Bremen E Thielt, 10,176 Belgium B ThionyiWe (Diedenhofen), Ger. Lorraine D Thorn, 15,505 W. Prussia K Thuin, Belgium C Tilburg, 21,313 Holland C Tilsit, 19,476 E. Prussia L Tirlemont(Flem. Tienen), 12,354 Belgm. C Tittmonig, Todtnau, Bavaria G Baden D Tblz, Toudem, Tongres, Tonning, Toigau, 10,762 Tournay, 31,525 Trachenberg, Traunstein, Travemiinde, Trebnitz, Treis, Treptow, Treptow, 7,084 Treuenbrietzen, 5,727 Treves (Trier), 21,840 Triebsees Tiibmgen, 8,734 Turnhbut, 13,723 Tuttlingen, 6,521 Tutztng, Uckermiinde, Ulm, 24,739 Unkel, Unna, 6,512 Uscz, Utrecht, 59,763 Vaduz, Varel, 5,192 Vechta, Vegesack, 3,981 Venlo, Yerden, 6,037 Yerviers, 33,212 Veurne, (Fumes) Viersen, 16,656 Villingen, Vilvorde, Virton, Vlaardingen, Vogesen (Vosges Mts.), Vollenhove, Vosges Mts. (Vogesen), Vreden, Wachtersbach, Wageningen* Wagrowiec, Waiblingen, Walchensee, Wal court, Waldenburg, 7,090 Waldsee, Walushut, Warburg, Waren, Warendorf, Warnemiinde, Wartenberg, Polish, Wasselonne, Wasserburg, Waterloo, Wavre (Flem. Wave^en). Weert, Wegeleben, Wehlau, 5,438 Weiden, Weilburg, Weilheim, Weimar, 14,794 Weinheim, 6,289 Weissemburg, Weissenfels, 13,652 Bavaria F Schleswig E Belgium C Schleswig E Prov. Saxony G Belgium B Silesia I Bavaria G Liibeck F Silesia I Rhenish Prov. D Pomerania G Pomerania H Brandenburg G Rhenish Prov. D Pomerania G Wiirtemberg E Belgium C Wurteinberg E Bavaria F Pomerania H Wiirtemberg E Rhenish Prov. D Westphalia D Posen I Holland C Liechtenstein E Oldenburg E Oldenburg E Bremen E Holland D Hanover E Belgium C Belgium B Rhenish Prov. D Baden E Belgium C Belgium C Holland C Alsace D Holland C Alsace D Westphalia D Hessen-Nassau E Holland C Posen I Wiirtemberg E Bavaria F Belgium C Sihsia I Wiirtemberg E Baden E Westphalia E c Mecklenburg G b Westphalia D c Mecklenburg G a Silesia I c Alsace D d Bavaria G d Belgium C c Belgium C c Holland C c Prov. Saxony F c E. Prussia L a Bavaria G d Nassau E c Bavaria F e Saxe Weimar F c Baden E d Alsace D d Prov. Saxony G o RIVERS AND LAKES. Iller, R., 85 m. Bavaria F e Neisse, R., 98 m. Silesia I e 11 m, R. Bavaria F d Neisse, R., 115 m. Silesia H c Urn, R., 55 m. Thuringia F c Nesse, R. Thuringia F c Umenau, R., 60 m. Planover F b Nethe, Gr. R. Belgium C c Inn, R., 320 m. Bavaria G d Netze, R. Posen 1 b Isar, R., 165 m. Bavaria G d Niemen, or Memel, R., 450 E. Prussia K a Ise, R. Hanover F b Nogat, R. W. Prussia K a Isen, R. ■ Bavaria G d North-Holland Canal, Holland C b Itz, R. Bavaria F c Obra Canal, Posen I b Jagst, or Jaxt, R., 80 m. Wiirtemberg E d Obra, R., 130 m. Posen H b Kinzig, R. , 45 m. Baden E d Ocker, R., 60 m. Hanover F b Kochel See, Bavaria F e. Oder, R., 455 m. Prussia H b Kocher, R. Wiirtemberg E d Oste, R. Hanover E b Kiinigsau, R. Schleswig E a Our, R. Rhenish Prov. D c Kiiddow, R. VV. Prussia I b Ourthe, R., 80 m. Belgium C c Kyll, R. Rhenish Prov. D c Ouse, R. Hanover F b Laber, Gr. R. Bavaria G d Paar, R. Bavaria F d Lahn, R., 100 m. Nassau D c Pegnitz, R., 60 m. Bavaria F d Leba See, Pomerania I a Persante, R. Pomerania I b Lecb, R., 140 m. Bavaria F d Plaue Canal, Saxony G b Leine, R., 130 m. Hanover E b Plone, R., 40 m. Pomerania FI b Lek, or Leek, R., 35 m. Holland C b Plbne See, Pomerania H b Lesse, R. Belgium C c Pregel, R., 120 m. E. Prussia L a Lippe, R., 110 m. Westphalia D c Prosna, R., 100 m. Silesia Iv c Lubbe, Gr. See, Pomerania H b Queis, R., 65 m. Silesia H c Lys, R., 100 m. Belgium B c Radiie,.R. Pomerania I a Maas, R. (Fr. Meuse), 450 m. Holland C c Recknitz, R. Pomerania G a Madu See, Pomerania H b Rednitz, R. Bavaria F d Main, or Mayn, R., 310 m. Bavaria F d Rega, R. Pomerania H a Main, Rother (Red Main R.) Bavaria F c Regen, R., 68 m. Bavaria G d Mauer See, E. Prussia L a Regnitz, R., 40 m. Bavaria F d Memel, or Niemen, R., 450 E. Prussia L a Rhine (Rhein), R. , 800 m. Germany D c Meuse, R. (Dutch, Maas), 450 Holland B c Rhyne, Old (Rhine), 35 m. Holland C b Mietzel, R. Brandenburg H b Roder, R. Saxony G c Molstow, R. Pomerania H b Roer, R. Rhenish Prov. D c Moselle (Mosel), 300 m. Rhenish Prov. D c Rother Main (Red Main), R. Bavaria F c Mulde, R., 130 m. Saxony G c Rott, R. Bavaria G d Muritz See, Mecklenburg G b Ruhr, R., 130 m. Westphalia D c Naab, or Nab, R. 90 m. Bavaria F d Russ, Memel. or Niemen, R., Neekar, R., 210 m. Baden E d 450 m. E. Prussia L a Wendenheim, Werben, 6,039 Werdau, 10,326 Wertheim, Werther, Wesel, 18,507 Wesel, Ober, Weststellingwerf, 12,657 Wetzlar, 5,678 Wiesbaden, 30,085 Wilhelmshaven, Wilsnaek, Wiltz, Wimpfen, Winden, Winschoten, Winterberg, W ipperfurth, Wirsitz, Wismar, 13,531 Wittelsbach. Witten, 12,213 Wittenberg, 11,934 Wittenberge, 6,403 Wittingen, Wittlicli, Wittstock, Woldenberg, Wolfenbiittel, 10,114 Wolgast, 6,641 Wollin, 5,201 Wolmirstadt, Workum, Worms, 11,988 Worth, Wreschen, Wrietzen, 7,877 Wrist, Wronke, Wiinnenberg, Wunstorft, Wurzburg, 42,185 Wurzen, 7,408 Wustrow, Wyk, Wyk, Ypres (Ger. Ypern), 16,165, Zaandam (Saardam), 12,320 Zabern (Saverne), Zachau, Zanow, Zeitz, 15,421 Zele, 12,058 Zell, Zellin, Zerbst, 11,441 Zernik, Zeigenhals, Alsace D Prov. Saxony F Kingdom of Saxony G Baden E Westphalia E Rhenish Prov. D Rhenish Prov. D Holland C Rhine Prov. E Hessen-Nassau E Prussia (detached) E Brandenburg G Luxemburg C Hessen (detached ) E Palatinate E Holland D Westphalia E Rhenish Prov. D Posen I Mecklenburg F Bavaria F Westphalia D Prov. Saxony G Brandenburg F Hanover F Rhenish Prov. D Brandenburg G Brandenburg H Brunswick F Pomerania G Pomerania H Prov. Saxony F Holland C Hessen E Alsace D Posen I Brandenburg H Holstein E Posen I Westphalia E Hanover E Bavaria E Kingdom of Saxony G Hanover F Holland C Schleswig E Belgium B Holland C Alsace D Pomerania H Pomerania I Prov. Saxony G Belgium B Rhenish Prov. D Brandenburg H Anhalt G Posen I Silesia K Ziegenruck, Prov. Saxony (detached) F c Zielenzig, 5,730 T ' 1 ’ ” ’ Zittau, 15,628 Zobten, Zsehopau, 7,858 Zuidberge, Zullichau, 7,145 Ziissow, Zutphen, 15,113 Brandenburg H Kingdom of Saxony H Silesia I Kingdom of Saxonv G Holland D Brandenburg H Pomerania G Holland D Zweibritcken, 9,155 Palatinate D Zwickau, 24,509 Kingdom of Saxony G Zwolle, 20,572 Holland I) Saale, R. Bavaria E Saale, R,, 212 nr. Saxony F Saar, or Sarre, R., 120 m. Rhenish Prov. D Salzach, R., 130 m. Bavaria G Sambre, R., 100 m. Belgium C Schelde, R.(Fr, Escaut), 210m.Belgium C Schelde, East, R. Schelde, West, R, Schlei, R. , 26 in. Schwarzwasser, R. Semois, R. Sieg, R., SOm. Spirding See, Spree, R. , 220 m. Staffel See, Steinhuder See, .Stolpe, R. Szeszuppe, R. Tauber, R., 70 m. Tjeuke See, Ucker, R. Unstrut, 110 m. Veehte, R., 90 m. Vilrn See, Vils, R. Vils, R., 50 m Holland B Holland B Schleswig E W. Prussia K Belgium C Rhenish Prov. D E. Prussia L Brandenburg G Bavaria F Hanover E Pomerania I E. Prussia M Baden E Holland C Pomerania H Prov. Saxony F Hanover D Pomerania I Bavaria G Bavaria F Vistula ( Weichsel), R., 590 W. Prussia K a Waal, or Wahl, R., 45 m. Holland C Waleheu Ses, Bavaria F Warnow, R. Mecklenburg G Warta, or Wartha. R, 450 m. Posen I Welna, R. Werra, R. , 150 m. Wertacli, R., 70 m. Weser, R. , 250 m. Wipper, R. Wiimme, R. Wiirm See, Yssel, R., 65 m. Zusam, R Pisen I Hessen-Nassau E Bavaria F Hanover E Pomerania I Hanover E Bavaria F Holland I) Bavaria F MAP OF GEKMANY, HOLLAND, AND BELGIUM. t Aisen 1 Schelswig E AmelanJ 1. Holland C Annum I. Schelswig E Arccna C. Riigen I. G Baltic Sea, H Baltrum I. Hanover D Beveland, North I. Holland B Beverland I. Holland C Borkuin I. Hanover D Bosch I. Holland D Briister Ort C. Pomerania G Danzig. G. of. Prussia K Darsster Ort C. Pomerania G Dollart, The, Holland and Hanover D Eehmern I. Holstein F Flakkee, Over, t. Holland C Fohr I. Schleswig E GULFS, BAYS, ISLANDS, CAPES, ETC. a Frische Nehrung, E. Prussia K a Langeoog I. Hanover D b b Frisches Haff, E. Prussia K a Little Belt, Schleswig E a a Frisian Is., East, Hanover D b Liibeek or Neustadt B. Mecklenburg F a a Frisian Is., North, Schleswig E a Neustadt or Liibeek B. Mecklenburg F a a Goerse I. Holland B c Neuwerk I. Oldenburg E b b Greifswalder Oie, Pomerania G a Norderney I. Hanover D b c Grosses Haff, Pomerania H b Nordstrand I. Schleswig E a c Helgoland B. Holstein E a Over Flakkee, Holland C c d Heligoland (Helgoland), 2,173, British 1) a Pellworm I. Schleswig E a d Hiddencee I. Pomerania (! a Poel I. Mecklenburg F a a Jade Basin, Oldenburg E b Pomeranian B. Pomerania H a a Juist I. Hanover D b Putzig Wiek, W. Prussia K a a Kiel B. Holstein F a Rixhoft, W. Prussia K a b Kleines Half, Pomerania H b Romo I. Schleswig E a a Kurische Nehrung, E. Prussia L a Rottum I. Holland D b c a Kurisches Haff, E. Prussia L a Riigen B. Pomerania G a Riigen I. Schiermonnikoog I. Schouwen I. Spiekeroog I. Sylt I. Ter Schelling I. Texel I. Tromper Wiek, Usedom 1. Vlieland I. Yoorne I. Walchereu I. Wangeroog I. Wieringen I. Wollin I. Zuyder Zee, Pomerania (■- a He Hand U f He Hand B Hanover B Schleswig E a Holland C b Holland C h Pomerania G a Pomeriana G a Holland C b Holland C c He Hand B c Oldenburg I) b Holland 0 b Pomerania H b Holland C b Arber, Bohmerwald, 4,613 ft. Bavaria G Ardennes, Forest, Belgium C Astenlierg /Rothhaar Geb.), 2,625 feet Westphalia E RayrischerWald(Bav Forest), Bavaria G Black Forest (Schwarzwald), 4,892 feet, Baden E Blauen, Schwarzwald, 3,822 Baden D BohmerWald(BohemianFor.), Bavaria G Brocken, 3,740 Harz Mountains F Donners Berg, Hardt Geb., or Vosges, 2,300 Bavaria D Ebbe Gebirge, Westphalia D Eifel, 1,590 Rhenish Prov. D Erz Gebirge ( Ore Mountains ) (Sonnenwirbel), 4,124 Saxony G Eule, Breslau I Feld Berg, Schwarzwald, 4,892 Baden D Fichtel Gebirge, 3,481 Bavaria F FrankenHohe,orFrankenJura, Bavaria F MOUNTAINS, FORESTS, ETC. d d c d d e d c d»| c c 0 c e c d FrankenWald(F.ofFranconia), Bavaria F Gollen Berg, Pomerania I Gleich Berge, Meiningen F GoldeneAue (Golden Meadow), Saxony F Grosser Arber, Bohmer Wald, 4,613 Bavaria G Grosser Schnee Berg, 4,913 Silesia I Harz Gebirge ( Rosin Mountains), (Brocken), 3,740 Brunswick F Hohen Berg, Schwabian Alps, Wiirtemb. E Hohe Wart, Spessart, 1,963 Bavaria E Hunsriick, 2,260 Rhenish Prov. D Kaiserstuhl, Schwarzwald, 1,900 Baden I) Kandel, Schwarzwald, 4,160 Baden E Katzenbuckel, Odenwald, 2,300 Baden E Keil Berg, Knull Gebirge, Kyfhauser, Leyer Berg, Saxony G Cassel E Prov. Saxony F Bavaria F Luneburger Heide, Hanover E Mangfall Gebirge, Bavaria F Meissner, Cassel E Melibocus, Odenwald, 1,630 Hessen E Muggendorfer Gebirge, Bavaria F Odenwald(Katzenbiickel),2,300 Hessen E Rachelberg, Bohmerwald, 4, 561 Bavaria G Rlion Geb., or Hohe Rhon (Kreuzberg), 3,000 Bavaria E Riesen GeBirge, 5,255 Silesia H Saxon Switzerland, Saxony H Schnee Berg. ( Snow Mountain) Fichtel Geb., 3,481 Bavaria F Schnee ICoppe, Riesen Geb., 5,255 Silesia H Schwabian Alps, or Jura, Wiirtemberg E Schwarzwald (Black For.), 4,892 Baden E Sieben Gebirge (7 Mts.), Rhenish Prov. D Solstein, Grosser, Alps, Tyrol F Spessart Forest, 1,963 Bavaria E b e c d c d d c c c c c d d c e d Spree Wald, Brandenburg H c Stafi'el Berg, Bonnier Wald, Bavaria G d Steiger Wald, Bavaria F d Sudeten Geb. (Sudetes), 4,913 Silesia I c Taufsteiu, Vogel Geb. Hessen E c Taunus, or Hoe, Gebirge, (Fehl- berg), 2,720 Nassau E c Teutoburger Wald, 1,900 Westphalia E b Thiiringer Wald (Thuringian Forest), 3,286 Thuringia F c Thurm Berg, W. Prussia K a Tillen Berg, Bohmer Wald, Bavaria G d VogelGebirge(ZhVd5/7s.),2,497 Hessen E c Vosges Mts. ( Vogesen ), Alsace D d Watzmann Alps, 8,732 Bavaria G e Westerwald, 2,851 Nassau D c Wetterstein(Zugspitz),Alps,10,150 Bav. F • Zobten Berg, Breslau I o Zugspitz, Wetterstein Geb., Alps, 10,150 Bav art* 1 a a* a JP eZLwoprrv 3 S'or*Lt>tr<£{ BY J. BARTHOLOMEW, ER.G-.S Ma/tfau^ r >Odtadvo 7 j At/z-vone/v^y ^ / VoUenhoV*' ZTmDER fT ^tyuolxnl iam^torr. ge s s el ilo\^ 7 diy)Zf ObLstey&& & 7 niefeJt r Voo* u oei fee^ff feye xLam fapieen. {^ar-endoi &^Ora\ WalcW r,T St&ejfc Tepriruje 'tsteto Ulan ],*’/, a ^Osteude - "jScictsfc "V MufJu-Q ^f 9 ^oJS'€e ' ~ JlTa Zijf—t )ll ‘uu n OlWcsel} jSRjnSEQflC^ Metier 6 *, Jietlicl y'l/’toiC', , iridhrrOi %Kfbar]r ' MorUt\ I'h-icm'v* purlouh ombuiy f 2Teiu Zbri&Kcrv ((„. \ 1 3K- ft«con‘ |1 •V. MildeZ, Pont a -M oils * 0 AwvVdte, IheiusA ? '%on rMM ItitUienSe^ ft f i- 4 ' a/ iui( i Hbdsbiu rSBUiyy' l .Dao/iati ^ v - _y/ fy'y \yaltLt*, ^ A' c/104 j»nm< ^♦7/iAvi iaiLgon. t) UJirisbraclc Alii dele. 'Ini T. Eltwood. ; >*** Sp - J.B arULoloin.ev.-. MAP OF SWEDEN, NORWAY, DENMARK, AND THE BALTIC. The Kingdom of Korway (Norwegian, Norge; Swedish, Norrige or Norrike) and the Kingdom of Sweden (Swedish, Sverige or Swea-rikcc), now united under one sovereign, occupy the entire great peninsula of north- ern Europe, called by the ancients Scandinavia, and comprise together an area second only to Eussia in Europe, and equal to 2§ times that of the British Isles, hut with only Jth of the population. The average density per square mile is for Sweden 2D6, and for Norway 13 8 persons. In Sweden 16,488 square miles are occupied hy lakes. The monarchy ex- tends through nearly 16 degrees of latitude, namely, from 55° 20' to 71° 1 5' N, of which about 4£ are within the Arctic Circle. Length from Nordkyn to SandhamnAr Point, 1,163 miles; from the Naze to the | Domen, 1,153 miles. Greatest breadth, 510 miles. The country is on the same latitudes as Greenland and Alaska westward, and of Siberia eastward. The Kingdom of Denmark (Danish, Danmark), one of the smallest states of Europe, is nearly equally divided into a mainland portion, or the peninsula of Jutland, and an extensive group of islands. Its area is less than half, and its population rather more than half of that of Scotland. Density per square mile is 126 persons. The scale of the Map is 79 miles to an inch ; one square inch compris- ing about 7 1 times the area represented by one square inch on the Map of England. TABLE OF THE MONARCHIES AND THEIR DEPENDENCIES. SWEDEN. Lien, or County. Area in Pop. Refer- Eng. sq.m. 1807. ence. 1. Maimohus, 1,812 312,862 G i 2. Gbteborg and Bohus, . 1,937 235,843 F s 3. Blekinge or Carlscrona, 1,149 127,708 H h 4. Christianstad, . 2.487 225,419 G h 5. Skaraborg, 3,303 243,074 G cr 6. Halland, 1,893 127,992 G h 7. Oster Gothland, 4,148 25S,001 H g 8. Elfsborg, 4,926 282,258 G g 9. Calniar, 4,397 237,453 I h 10. Kronoberg, 3,635 164,949 H h 11. Gothland, 1.213 54,023 K h 12. Jonkoping, 4,293 186,848 H h Lake Wener, 2,015 G g Lake Wetter, . 716 H g Gothland, 37,924 2,456,430 i Stockholm, . • 2,862 271,222 K g 9. hodermanland, or Nykoping, . 2,572 135,000 I 3. Orebro, 3,415 166,792 H g 4. Upsala, 1.973 9S,651 I g 5. Westmanland, or Westeras, 2,511 112.585 I g 6. Wermland, 6,524 264,393 G g 7. Ivopparberg, 12,137 177,195 H f Lake Malar, 472 I g Lake Hjelmar, 1S7 H g Svealand, or Sweden) Proper, ) ' 32,658 1,225,838 Gefleborg, 7,587 146,256 I f Wester Nonland, 9.074 130,885 I e Westerbotten, . 22,841 90,815 I d Jemtland, 19,276 69,667 H e Norrbotten, 41,261 75,790 K c Norrland and Lapland, 100,039 513,413 Total of Sweden, 170,621 4,195,681 Stifts. (Dioceses.) Christiania, Christians and, Bergen, Hamar, Throndhjem, NORWAY. Amts, or Bailliewieks. ( Christiania, Agershuus, I Smaaleuene, | Buskerud, | Jarlsberg and | Laurvig, - Bratsberg, 'j j Nedenas and Robygdelaget, Lister & Mandal, (Stavanger, J (Bergen (town), 1 . N. Bergenhuus, s (S. Bergenkuus, j Area in Eng. sq.m. Pop. Refer- 1865. ence. 10,347 15,628 F F 448,475 ^ E 328,583 E D C ■ffissr- ! *>.«• Trohso, Total of Norway, Romsdal, 7 N. Throndhjem, y 22,032 S. Throndhjem, j ( Nordland, s Finmark, ( Tromso, 41,932 123,297 1,701,478 Total of Sweden and Norway, 293,918 5,897,159 COLONY. St. Bartholomew Island (W. Indies), 16 2,800 C f 12,552 227,853 D f D- f 245,354 | £ D e 295,877 F d F e H c 155,336 N b Kb The State Church is Lutheran; Roman Catholics, 900; Jews, 950. DENMARK. Zealand ( Sjalland ), Moen, and > Sam so, ( Funen (Fyen), Langeland, and Arro, Laaland, Falster, itc., Bornholm, . Jutland, Total, Colonies. Faroe Islands (17 inhabited), Iceland, Greenland, Santa Cruz (in W. Indies), Total, Total of Denmark, &c.. Area in Pop. Refer- Eng. sq.m. 1865. ence. 2,849 608,090 F i 1,286 230,455 F i 648 91,645 F i 223 31,616 H i 9,791 755,996 E h 14,797 1 717,802 (1860). 510 8,922 39,696 66,987 3,954 9,880 74 23,194 44,234 108,983 59,031 1,826,785 The State Religion is Lutheran. There were (1860) be- sides, 4,214 Jews, 1,240 Roman Catholics, and 2,657 Mor- mons. TOWNS, ETC. Aaby, Denmark E h Arjeplog, Norrland K c Bjorneborg, Finland L f Bygland, Christiansand D g Aafjord, Throndhjem F e Arnas, Norrland K e Bjornor, Throndhjem F d Bykle, Christiansand D Aalborg, 10,069 Denmark E h Arvidsjaur, Norrland K d Bodo, I. of Oland I h Byske, Norrland L (J Aalesund, 3,658 Throndhjem D e Arvika, Sweden G g Bodo, 277 Tromso H c Calniar, 9,200 Gothland I h Aamot, Hamar F f Askersund, 1,389 Sweden H g Bcerum, Christiania F g Cammin, or Kammin, Germany H k Aarhuus, 11,009 Denmark F h Assens, Denmark E i Bolniis, Norrland I f Carlsborg, Gothland H cr Aasnes, Hamar G f Atvidaberg, Gothland II fr Bomassund, Aland Isles L f Carlshamn, 5,492 Gothland H k Abo, 18,188 Finland M f Atvik, Norrland L a Bomstad, Tromso K b Carlskrona, 17,171 Gothland H Jl A by, Norrland L d Aure, Throndhjem E e Boras, 3,218 Gothland G h Carlstad, Sweden G cr Adolfstrom, Norrland I c Avce, Tromso M b Borga, Finland N f Christiania, the Cap. of Nor- Ahre, N orrland G e Avesta, Sweden I t Borgfors, Norrland L d way, 65,513 Christiania F g Ahus, Gothland H i Avik, Norrland I e Borgholm, 781 I. of Oland I h Christiansand, 10,876 Christiansand E g Akre, Christiansand C g Bagaskar, Finland L f Borgsjo, Norrland H e Christianso Light, Bornholm PI i Alingsiis, 1,801 Gothland G h Balstad, Tromso G c Brahestad, Finland N d Christianstad, 6.599 Gothland H k Alstahoug, Tromso G d Baltic, Port. Baltic Provinces N g Brandvold, Hamar, G f Christiansund, 5,709 Throndhjem D e Altengaard, Tromso M b Bergen, 30,402 Bergen C f Brattfors, Norrland K d Cbristinehamn, 3,073 Sweden H g Ainal, 1,666 Gothland G g Bergvattnet, Norrland I d Braunsberg, 10,681 Germany K i Christinestad, Finland L e Ammeberg, Sweden H g Berlevang, Tromso P a Brevig, 2,u00 Christiansand E g Cimbrisham. 1,513 Gothland H i Amsele, Norrland K d Bersbo, Gothland I g Brono, Tromso G d Colberg, or Kolberg, 12.S50 Germany H i Ankenes, Tromso I b Bjerno, Finland M f Briieke, Norrland H e Copenhagen ( Kjobenliavn ). Appelbo, Sweden G f Bjbrkb, Finland P f Bukues, Tromso G b Cap. of Kingdom, 155,143 Denmark G i Arboga, 3,160 Sweden H g Bjbrkb Light, Sweden K g Bure, Norrland L d Cfislin. or Kbslin, 13,535 Germany I i* Areudal, 5,800 Christiansand E Biorna, Norrland IC e Burgs, I. of Gothland IC h Cronstadt, or Kronstadt, Arensberg, Baltic Provinces M g Bjornabben Light House, I. of Gland I h Bygdea, Norrland 1. d 4S.416 Baltic Provs. P MAP OF SWEDEN, NORWAY, DENMARK, AND TEE BALTIC. Dal by, Sweden G f Hammer, Bergen C f Dannemora, Sweden I f Hammeren Ligkt, Bornholm H i Danzig, 89,311 Deger Fjard, Degerfors, Germany K Norrland K Norrland K i e d Hammerfest, 1,546. The most northerly town of the World. Tromso M a Delsbo, Norrland I f Hamrange, Norrland I f Dirsohau, 6,385 Germany K i Hanstholm Light, Denmark E h Dolstad, Tromso G d Haparanda, 901 Norrland N d Doraesness, Baltic Provinces M h Hapsal, Baltic Provinces M g Donnaes, Tromso G c Hasenpot, Baltic Provinces L h Dorpat, Baltic Provinces O g Hassela, Norrland I e Dovre, Hamar E e Hassjo, Norrland I e Draramen, 13,870 Christiania F g Haugesund, 3,221 Christiansand C g Drobak, Christiania F g Haukipudas, Finland N d Drontheim, or Throndhjem F e Hede, Norrland G e Dularo Sweden K g Iledemora, 1,165 Sweden H f Dunanuinde, Baltic Provinces M h Hedesundo, Norrland I f Diippel, Germany E i Helseggen, Tromso G e Dylta, Sweden H g Helsingborg, 7,134 Gothland G h Ebeltoft, Denmark F h Helsingfors, 25,285 Finland N f Edfors, Norrland L c Hemnes, Tromso G c Edvindvik, Bergen C f Heraldsby, Norrland L c Egersund, 2.141 Christiansand C g Herlj unga, •Gothland G g Eggrund Light House Norrland I f Hernosand, 3,312 Norrland K e Eid, Bergen C f Hesselb Light, Denmark F h Eidskogen, Hamar G to Himango, Finland M d Eidsvold, Christiania F f Hirtsholm Light, Denmark F h Ekesjo, 1,954 Gothland H h Hitterdal, Christiansand E O Ekholm Light, Baltic Provinces N g Hjelmen Light, Denmark F h Eknas, Finland M Hjo, 1.204 Gothland 11 g Eksharad, Sweden G f Hjorring, Denmark E h Elbing, 28,055 Germany K i Hnhro. Denmark E h Elfkarleby, Sweden I f Huhurg Light House, I. of Gothland K h Elfros, Norrland II e Hochland Light, Finland O f Elfsborg, Gothland F h Hofvo, Gothland II g Elsinore (Hdsingor), Denmark G h Hiigsbole, Norrland L d Elvegaard, Tromso I b Holhsek, Denmark F i Elverum, Hamar F f Holmedal, Bergen C f Engelholm, 1,672 Gothland G h Holmestrand, 2,084 Christiania F g Enkoping, 1,638 Sweden I g Holstebro, Denmark E h Enomtekis, Norrland M b Honefossen, Christiania F f Enskar Light, Finland L f Hoperstad, Bergen D f Esbo, Finland N f Hoppen, Throndhjem D e Eskilstuna, 5,201 Sweden I g Horne, Norrland K e Esliif, Gothland G i Horningdal, Bergen D f Evanger, Bergen D f Horsens, Denmark E i Evenes, Tromso I b Horten, 6,192 Christiania F g Evikne, Hamar F e Ilotagen, Norrland H e Evje, Christiansand D g i Hove, Bergen C e Faaborg, Denmark F Ilovin, Hudiksvall, 3,020 Christiansand E g Faalberg, Hamar F f Norrland I f Fahlun, 5,677 Sweden H t Hus by, Sweden I f Faikenbei'g, 1,245 Gothland Q h Huse, Bergen C f Falkoping, 1,442 Gothland G g Husavarna, Gothland H h Falsterbo, 301 Gothland G i Hustad, Throndhjem I) e Farila, Norrland II f Hveen, Denmark G i Farsund, Christiansand D to Hvittisbofjiird, Finland L f Flekkefjord, Christiansand D g Idre, Sweden G f Flensburg, 21,999. Germany E i Ijo, Finland N d Floda, Sweden H f Insterburg, 13,741 Germany L i Foldal, Hamar F e Jacobstad Finland M e Foldereid, Throndhjem G d Jerna, Sweden II f Folinge, Norrland H e Joekmock, Norrland L c Forde, Bergen C f Jonkoping, 10,371 Gothland Hi, h Forss, Norrland I e Jostedal, Bergen D f Forssa, Norrland I f .Tosund, Throndhjem E e Forvik, Tromso G d Juckasjarvi, Norrland L c Frederieia, Denmark E i Jiinosuvando, Norrland M c Frederikshald, 9,219 Christiania F g Kaafjord, Tromso M b Frederikshamn, Finland O f Kalajoki, Finland M d Erederikshavn, Denmark F h Kalix, Norrland M d Frederikstad, 4,828 Christiania F g Kalix, Ofver, Norrland M c Frederiksten, Christiania F g Kali, Norrland G e Frederiksvarn, Christiania F Kalmar, or Calmar, 9,200 Gothland I h Frosten, Throndhjem F e Kalo, Denmark F h Fryksiinde, Sweden G f Kamela, Finland L f Furset, Tromso K b Kanniiin, or Cammin, Karasjok, Karis, Germany H k Gallared, Gothland G h Tromso N b Gamla (Old) Karleby, Finland M e Finland M f Gamleby, Gothland I h Karlebotn, Tromso P a Gamvik, Tromso P a Karleby (Gamla, or Old), Finland M e Gefle, 12,908 Norrland I f Karleby (Ny, or New) Finland M e Gela, Gildeskaal, Aland Isles K f Kasko, Finland L e Tromso H c Kathrineholm, Sweden I CT Gikanas, Norrland H d Kautokeino, Tromso M b Gillesnble, Norrland I rl Kelvia, Finland M e Gladstad, Tromso F d Kemi, Finland N d Gloppen, Bergen D f Kiherg Tromso Q a Gliickstadt, 5,051 Germany E k Kiel, 24,216 Germany F i Gondalen, Norrland G d Kihl, Sweden G g Gothenburg((?cke6ora),60,02S Gothland G h Killingen, Norrland L c Granbyn, Norrland K d Kimito, Finland M f Grangiirde, Sweden II f Kirkemoen, Tromso K b Gransele, Norrland K d Kirkslatt, Finland N f Gravlev, Denmark E h Kirrefer, Baltic Provinces M g Greenaa, Denmark F h Kielvik, Tromso O a Greifswald, 17,380 Germany G i Kjollefjord, Tromso O a Grenna, 1,338 Gothland H g Klep, Christiansand C g Grimstad, Christiansand E g Klinte, I. of Gothland K h llrona, Throndhjem G d Klofsjo. Norrland H e Sronskar Light, Sweden K g Kolding, Denmark E i Grythytte, Sweden II g Kolvereid, Throndhjem F d Hadersleben, 8,293 Germany E i Komagver, Troinsb Q a Ilafvero, Haifjoelddal, Norrland II e Kongelf, 921 Gothland G h Tromsii II d Kongshacka, 499 Gothland G k Hallsberg, Halmstad, 4,4S8 Sweden H g Kongsherg, 4,800 Christiania E g Gothland G h Kongslid, Tromso K b Hals, Denmark F h Kongsvinger, Hamar G f Halvero, Norrland II e Konigsberg, 106,296 Germany L i Hamar, Hamar F f Kdping, 1,862 Sweden H g Hamburg, 222,231 Germany E k Kors, Throndhjem D e Hamero, Tromso H b Korsnas, Finland L e Hammar, Hauunardal, Sweden H Norrland II g e Korso Light, ICorsdr, Sweden K Denmark F 1 Koslin, or Cdslin, Germany I i Nvborg, Tromso P a Kragero, 4.250 Christiansand E g Nyby, Norrland K e Kronstadt, 48,413 Baltic Provinces P g Ny (New) Karleby, Finland M e Kuivanienii, Finland N a Nykjobing, Denmark F i Kulla, Sweden K g Nykoping, 5,016 Sweden I g Kullen Light, Gothland G h Ny Lodalen, Sweden G f Kunda, Baltic Provinces O g Nysatra, Norrland L d Kvatsund, Tromso N a Nystad, Finland L f Kymmenegard, Finland O f Odensee, 14,255 Denmark F i Labiau, Germany L i Odensholm Light, Baltic Provinces M g Laekta, Norrland K c Odeshog, Gothland H g Lagskiir Light, Aland Isles K g Ofvansjo, Ofver Kalix, Norrland I f Laholm, 1,277 Gothland G h Norrland M c Landskrona, 7,135 Gothland G i Ofver Lulea, Norrland L d Landsort Light, Sweden I g Ofver Tornea, Norrland M c Langenes, Tromso H b Ogne, Omgong, Christiansand C g Langesuud, Christiansand E g Tromso P a Lannas, Norrland I e Oosbakke, Tromso H c Lappfjard, Finland L e Opdal, Throndhjem E e Laurvig, 6,317 Christiania F g Oranienbaum, Baltic Provinces P g Laxetven, Tromso N a Orehro, 9.007 Sweden H g Leba, Germany I i Oregrund, 727 Sweden K f Lebeshy, Tromso O a Orlandet, Throndhjem E e Leksand, Sweden H f Orsa, Sweden H f Lenhofda, Gothland H h Osen, Hamar F f Lenving, Denmark E h Osen, Throndhjem F d Lesjo, Hamar E e Ostergam, I. of Gothland K k Levanger, Lexvigen, Throndhjem F Throndhjem F e e Osterrisbr. or Oster llisoer. 2,335 Christiansand E g Li ban, 10,000 Baltic Provinces L h Ostersund, 1,742 Norrland H e Liden, Norrland I e Osthammar, 612 Sweden K f Lidkoping, 3,503 Gothland G g Oxhamniar Light, Bergen C f Lillehammer, 1,676 Hamar F f Pajala, Norrland M c Lillesand, Christiansand E g Paskallavik, Gothland I k Lillherdal, Norrland H f Pernau, Baltic Provinces N a Lima, Sweden G f Pernigel, Baltic Provinces N k Lindaas, Bergen C f Petalox, Finland L e Linde, 1,243 Sweden II g Peterhof, Baltic Provinces P cr Lindsall, Norrland II e Philipstad, 1,984 Sweden II g i Linkbping, 6,719 Gothland H g Pillau, Germany K Lisekil, Gothland F g Pitea, 1,657 Norrland L d Lith, Norrland H e Polangen, Baltic Provinces L i Ljungly, Gothland H h Polmak, Tromso P h Ljusdale, Norrland I f Porkala, Finland N f Lodalen, Ny, Sweden G f Porla, Sweden II g Lbfiinger, Loft ah am mar, Norrland L d Porsgrund, 2,773 Christiansand E Gothland I h Port Baltic, Baltic Provinces N S Lofmock, Norrland I c Pottis, Finland O f Logstor, Denmark E h Praesto. Denmark G i Lohtea, Finland M d Pyhajoki, Finland N d Loksa, Baltic Provinces N g Pyhiimaa, Finland L f Lorn, Hamar E f Rafsbotn, Tromso M a Loos, Norrland II f Ragunda, Norrland I e Lovisa, Finland O f Rainmen, Sweden H f Liibeck, 36,998 Germany F k Rarnsele, Norrland I e Lulea, 1,737 Norrland M d Randers, Denmark F k Lulea, Ofver, Norrland L d Ranea, Norrland M d Lund, Christiansand D g Ratan, Norrland L d Lund, 10.26S Gothland G i Rattvik, Sweden H f Luserort Light, Baltic Provinces L h Raumo, Finland L f Luvia. Finland L f Raunula, Norrland L b Lycksele, Norrland K d Rendsburg, 12,460 Germany E i Makur, Tromso Q a Revel, 29,434 Baltic Provinces N g i Malmkoping, Malnio, 22,711 Sweden I g Ribe, Denmark E Gothland G i Riga, 102,043 Baltic Provinces N k Malnes, Tromso H h Ringebu, Hamar F f Maloren Light, Norrland JVf d Ringkiobiug, Denmark E k Mailing, Man dal, 3,838 Sweden G f Risoer (Oster), or Oster- Christiansand D g risor, 2,335 Rixhoft Light, Christiansand E g i Margraven, Baltic Provinces M k Germany K Moriho, Denmark F i Roda, Sweden G f Mariefred, 665 Sweden I g Rodaby, Norrland L d Mariestad, 2,382 Gothland G g Rodo, Tromso, G c Marstrand, 1,262 Gothland F h lloeskilde. Denmark G i Masi Tromso M b Rojen, Ronne, Baltic Provinces M h Mem el, 19,003 Germany L i Bornholm H l Middelfart, Denmark E i Roraas, Throndhjem F e Mitau, Baltic Provinces M h Rostock, 28,S49 Germany G i Mo, Tromso H c Riigenwalde, Germany I i Mo, Norrland I e Runo, Baltic Provinces M k Molde, Throndhjem D e Ruotsinsalmi, Finland O f Molilja, Gothland H k Sackenhausen, Baltic Provinces L k Mbnsteras, Gothland I k St. Johannis, Finland P f Mora, Sweden H f St. Petersburg, Metropolis Morbylanga, I. of Gland I k of the Russian Empire, Moskenes, Tromso G c 539.122 Baltic Provs. Q g Moss, 4,307 Christiania F g Sala, 3,619 Sweden I g Motala, Gothland H Siilbo, or Selbo, Throndhjem F e Nakskov, Denmark F i Salis, Baltic Provinces N k Namsos, Throndhjem F d Sammaro Light, Finland O i Narva, Baltic Provinces P g Samsele, Norrland L d Nassjo, Gothland H k Sande, Christiansand D g Nerpes, Finland L e Sande, 1,797 Christiania F Nervb Light, Finland O f Sandeid, Christiansand C g Nes, Hamar F f Sarna, Sweden G f Nesne, Tromso G c Sarpsborg, 2,989 Christiania F g Nestved, Denmark F i Sastmola, Finland L f Neustadt, Germany F i Sitter, 523 Sweden II f Nexo, Bornholm II i Savik, Throndhjem F d Niaufors, Norrland I f Selbo, or Siilbo, Throndhjem F e Nikolaistadt, or Vasa, Finland L e Schleswig, 13,390 Germany E i Nissedal, Christiansand E g Sideby, Finland L e Noerim, Christiansand C g Sigtuna, 502 Sweden I to Nora, Norrland K e Silbojock, Norrland I 0 Nora, Nora, 1,258 Sweden I f Silkeborg, Denmark E h Sweden H g Sirno, Finland N d Nordland, Tromso G c Singsaas, Throndhjem F e. Nore, Norrkoping, 23,709 Christiania E f Sisterbiick, Finland P f Gothland II g Sjanjeli, Norrland K b Norrskars Light, Norrland L e Skagen, Denmark F b Norrtelge, 1,329 Sweden K g Skauderborg, Denmark F h Nostvik, Tromso G d Skanor, S61 Gothland G i Nucko, Baltic Provinces M g Skara, 2,366 Gothland G f Nyhorg, Deumark F i Skelleftea, 42S Norrland L MAP OF SWEDEN, NORWAY, DENMARK, AND THE BALTIC. 3 Skenninge, 1,520 Gothland FI g Stode, Norrland I e Skien, 4,774 Christiansand B g Stolpe, 14,997 Germany I i Skive, Denmark E h Stordalen, Throndhjem F e Skjerne, Denmark E i Store n, Throndhjem F e Skofde, 1,677 Gothland G g Storsjo, Norrland G e Skog, Norrland I f Storvolden, Tromso H c Skouevik, Bergen D g Stralsund, 27,031 Germany G i Skudesnas, 1,209 Christiansand C g Strand, Christiansand D g Slagelse, Denmark F, i Strand, Throndhjem D e Sleswick ( Schleswig ), Germany E i Strengnas, 1,579 Sweden I g Slite, I. of Gothland K h Strom, Norrland FI e Smedje-baeken, Sweden H f Stromsnes, Tromso I b Snaasen, Throndhjem G d Stromstad, 1,856 Gothland F g Soby, Denmark F h Struer, Denmark E h Soderhatnn, 3,417 Norrland I f Siikajoki, Finland N d Sdderkoping, 1,651 Gothland I g Sunda, Throndhjem E e Sodertelgo, 1,957 Sweden I g Sundsvall, 5,280 Norrland I e Sodorp, Hamar E f Surendal, Throndhjem E e Sogndal, Bergen D f Svabenswerk, Norrland H f Sogndal, Christiansand D g Sveahorg, Finland N f Solleftea, Norrland I e Svenljunga, Gothland G h Solvitsborg, or Solvesborg, Svostrup, Denmark E h 1,562 Gothland H i Swendborg, Denmark F i Sorsele, Norrland I d Swinemunde, Germany H k Stagun, Norrland H e Taarbcek, Denmark G i Stiikke, Throndhjem F d Tabornes, Tromso N a Stangvik, Throndhjem E e Tacksmark, Sweden F g Stavanger, 16,647 Christiansand C g Talsen, Baltic Provinces M h Stege, Denmark G i Tannas, Norrland G e Stegen, Tromso H e Tarna, Norrland II d Stenbrohull, Gothland G h Testama, Baltic Provinces N g Stensele, Norrland I d l'hingvold, Throndhjem E e Stettin, 73,714 Germany H k Thorshalla, 874 Sweden I g Stockholm, Cap. of Kingdom, Thorsken, Tromso I b 140,251 Sweden K g Thorup, Gothland G h Throndhjem, 19,287 Throndhjem F e Yarde, Denmark E i Tilsit, 19,476 Germany L i Vardbhuus, 828 Tromso Q a Tinn, Christiansand E f Vasa, or Nikolaistadt Finland L e Tondern, Germany E i Vatsnas, Tromso G d Tonning, Tonsberg, 4,541 Germany E i Veile, Denmark E i Christiania F g Vemb, Denmark E h Tonset, Hamar F e Viborg, Denmark E h Tonstad, Christiansand D g Viborg (Somelindey ) , 7,275 Finland P f Torefors, Norrland M d Vik, Tromso G d Torekov, Gothland G h Yinje, Throndhjem E e Tornea, Tornea, Ofver, Finland N d Viska, Norrland K d Norrland M c Volden, Throndhjem D e Transtrand, Sweden G f Vuollerim, Norrland L c Tromso, 4,000 Tromso K b Wadstena, 2,490 Gothland H g Trosa, 454 Sweden I g Waldemarsvik, Gothland I g Trysil, Hamar G f Warberg, 2,321 Gothland G h Tuna, Sweden H f Waxholm, 992 Sweden K g i Tvareda, Norrland M c Weichselmiinde, Germany X Uddevalla, 5,086 Gothland F g Wenersborg, 4,415 Gothland G Ufsby, Finland L f Westanfors, Sweden H g Uggerby, Denmark F h Westerns, 5,007 Sweden I g Uleaborg, Finland N d Westervik, 5,142 Gothland I h Ulliinger, Norrland K e Wexio, 3,574 Gothland H h Ullensvang, Bergen D f Wilbelmina, Norrland I d Ulricehamn, 1,252 Gothland G h Wimmerby, 1,850 Gothland H h Umea, 2,130 Norrland L e Windau, Baltic Provinces L h Understen Light, Sweden K f Windostern, Gothland G h Upsala, 11,030 Sweden I g Winterlaks, Finland O f Uskela, Finland M f Wisby, 6,043 Wismar, 13,531 Wolderiis, I. of Gothland K h Utklipporna Light, Gothland H i Germany F k Uto Light, Aland Isles L g Sweden G f Vaage, Hamar E f Woxna, Norrland H f Yaagen, Tromso H b Ystad, 6,203 Gothland G i Vadso, 1,314 Vangen, Tromso P Bergen D a f Zerel, Baltic Provinces M h RIVERS. Adals Elf, 180 m. Afra.ii, 100 m. Alten Elf, 135 m. Anarjok, Angerman Elf, 230 m. Angesa An, or Enges An, Atua, Baegna or Beina Elf, 120 m. Bardo, Byske An, 120 m. Dal Elf, 250 m. Dal Elf, Wester, 175 m. Drammen, 40 m. Eider R., 90 m. Elbe, R., 550 m. Em An, Enges An. or Angesa An, F’lemund Elf, Fallfors, Falls on the R. Umea Elf, F’olda Elf, 60 m. Gidea Elf, 120 m. Glommen, 340 m. Norrland I e Gothland G h Tromso M h Tromso N b Norrland I e Norrland M c Hamar F f Hamar E f Tromso K b Norrland K d Sweden I f Sweden G f Christiania F g Germany E i Germany E k Gothland I h Norrland M c Hamar F f Norrland K d Hamar F e Norrland IC e Hamar F e GotaElf, 40 m., or with Klar, 405 m. Guden Aa, Guta Elf, 80 m. Hallingdals Elf, 120 m. Helge An, Indals Elf, 240 m. Jetsjak, Kaitom Elf, Kalix Elf, 260 m. Karasjok Elf, 95 m. Kit Eif, Klar Elf, 2S0 m. Laagen or Lauven Elf, 175 m. Laga, R. Lainio Elf, 125 m. Lais Elf, Lauven or Laagen Elf, 175 m. Laxan, Liungan, 200 m. Ljusne Elf, 240 m. the Gothland G g Denmark E i Throndhjem F e Christiania E f Gothland G h Norrland I e Tromso N b Norrland L c Norrland L c Tromso N Tromso L b Sweden G f Christiania E g Gothland G h Norrland M b Norrland I d Christiania E g Norrland K e Norrland G e Norrland H e Logde An, Norrland K e Schlei, R., 26 m. Germany E i Lougan,orVormenElf, 180 m. Hamar F f Setersdalen, Christiansand D g Lulea Elf, 240 m. Norrland L d Skelleftea Elf, 240 m. Norrland K d Lyckehy, Gothland H h Skien Nid, 110 m. Christiansand E g Maals Elf, 95 m. Tromso IC b Skjern Aa, Denmark E i Mitta Elf, Norrland G e Store Herje, Norrland G f Motala, 55 m. Gothland H« g Storforsen, F’alls on the R. Morrum, R. Gothland H h Pitea Elf, Norrland L d Muonio Elf. 180 m. Norrland M b Stredals Elf, 70 m. Christiansand D g Namsen Elf, 100 m. Throndhjem G d Tana Elf, 200 m. Tromso O b Nissa, 100 m. Gothland G h Tobors Elf, Tromso IC D Ore Elf, Norrland 1C d Tornea Elf, 290 m. Norrland M C Ore Elf, Sweden H f Torresdal, 140 m. Christiansand D Orka Elf, 90 m. Throndhjem E e Trollhatta Falls on the R. Otta, Elf, Hamar E f Gota Elf, Gothland G g Pitea Elf, 200 m. Norrland K c Umea Elf, 280 m, Norrland K a Riinea Elf, Norrland L c Vefsen Elf, 60 m. Tromso G d Reisen, Tromso L b Vorings Fos (Fall) , 920 feet Bergen D f Rena Elf, 95 m. Hamar F f Vormen, or Lougen Elf, 180 m. Hamar F f Rikle An, Norrland L d Wan Elf, Sweden G t Rors Elf, Tromso N a Windel Elf, 260 m. Norrland K d Rouma Elf, 30 m. Throndhjem E e Riukan Fall, 513 feet Christiansand E g LAKES. Alimoju Javre, Norrlaud I c Hotagen, L. Norrland H e Randajaur, Norrland L c Aite land, Tromso K b Ister. L. Hamar F’ e Rands Fiord, Hamar F f Amungen, L. Sweden H f Juk Trask, Norrland I d Reinehaur, Norrland I c Arvidsjaur, Norrland IC d Kalasjarvi, Norrland K c Rhys, or Ros Vand, Tromso H d Asnen, L. Gothland H h Kail, L. Norrland G e Ror Fiord, Christiansand E g Aursund, L. Throndhjem F e ICaratsjaur, Norrland IC c Ros, or Rhys Yand, Tromso H d Ave Wattnet, Norrland H d Krodren Fiord, Christiania E f Roxen, L. Gothland H g Bolmen, L. Gothland G h ICutsjon, Norrland H d Runn, L. Sweden H f Brackjaur, Norrland H d Kvernberg, L. Norrland H d Sadva, L. Norrland I c Bygdin, L. Hamar E f Lando, L. Norrland H e Saggat Trask, Norrland IC c Dalbo Sjon, Sweden G g Lang Trask, Norrland K d Siilbo, or Selbo L. Throndhjem F e Dellen, L. Norrland I f Lulea Jaur, or Stora Lulea L. Norrland IC c Sarna, L. Sweden G f Enger, L. Hamar G f Miiler, L. Sweden I g Satis Javre, Norrland IC c Faemund, L. Hamar F e Miosen, L. Hamar F f Selbo, or Salbo L. Throndhjem F e Flasjon, Norrland I d Mios Vand, Christiansand E g Siljan, L. Sweden H f Fryken, L. Sweden G g Nackten, L. Norrland H e Skagern, L. Gothland H g Fyris, L. Christiansand E g Nams Yand, Throndhjem G d Skalka, Norrland K c Gian, Gothland H Nisser Vand, Christiansand E g Skarfva, Norrland K c Helga, L. Gothland H h Osen, L. Hamar G f Snaasen Vand, Throndhjem F d Hjelmar, L. Sweden H g Oyern, L. Christiansand F & Sommen, L. Gothland H g Holm. S. Norrland H e Paitas Jaur, Norrland IC c Spirilen, L. Chl’istiania F f Horn Afvan, Norrland I c Pjeskajaur, Norrland I c Stor, L. Hamar F f Stor Afvan, Norrland Stora LuleaL., orLulea Jaur, Norrland Stor Juckten, Storsa L. , or Storsjon, Stor Uman, Stroms Vattudal, Tinn Sjo, Tjaggelvas, L. Tornea Trask, Torren. L. Tyri F'jord, Uddjaur, Umea Wattnet, Unden, L. Vasti, L. Volgsjon, Vuolojaur, Waikijaur, Wener, L. Norrland Norrland Norrland Norrland Christiansand Norrland Norrland Norrland Christiania Norrland Norrland Gothland Norrland Norrland Norrland Norrland Sweden Gothland K d K c I d H 6 E g I c K G e F f I c H c H g I e I d IC c L c G g H S Agger Mmde, Alands Haf, Alten Fiord, And Fiord, Baas F’iord, Bals Fiord, Baltic Sea (German, Oster Sjo/i ; Russ., Bindal Fiord, Rommel Fiord, Bothnia, Gulf of, Braviken Bay, Bred Fiord, Bukke Fiord, Calmar Sound, Cattegat, Christiania Fiord, Dais Fiord, Deger Fjard, Denmark E h Sweden K f Tromso M a Tromso I b Tromso Q a Tromso IC b Ost See; Swed., Baltiskoje More), K h Tromsii F d Bergen C g K f Gothland I g Throndhjem D e Christiansand C g Gothland I h F h Christiania F g Bergen C f Norrland K e BAYS AND ARMS OF TH E SEA. Eids Fiord, Tromso H b Hardanger Fiord, Bergen C g Lister Fiord, Christiansand l) a Faa Fiord, Bergen C f Hassel F'iord, Tromso H b Little Belt, Denmark K i Faxo B. Denmark G i Hudiksvall Fiord, Norrland I f Little Sound, Baltic Provinces M g Fehmarn Belt, Denmark F i Ise Fiord, BergPn C f Lofsta Bay, Sweden I i Fens Fiord, Bergen C f Ise Fiord, Denmark F i Liibeck Bay, Germany F i Finland. Gulf of, Russia N g Jammer Bay, Denmark E h Luga Bay, Baltic Provinces P g Folden Fiord, Throndhjem F d Kiige Fjard, Norrland L d Liim Fiord. Denmark F h F’olden Fiord, Tromso H c Kiel Bay, Germany F i Lyngen Fiord. Tromso L b Forde Fiord, Bergen C f Kjoge B. Denmark G i Lyngvar Fiord, Throndhjem I) e Frische Haff, Germany IC i lColko Bay, Baltic Provinces N g Malangen Fiord, Tromso K b Fro Havet, Throndhjem E e Kongsbacka Fiord, Gothland F h Mai Strom, Tromso G c Froi Fiord, Bergen C f Kongso Fiord, Tromso P a Manager Fiord, Denmark F h Gavi Fiord, Tromso H b ICoporia Bay, Baltic Provinces P g Matre Fiord, Bergen l> g Glom Fiord, Tromso G c Kurisches Half, Germany L i Mogo Sound, Baltic Provinces M g Great Belt, Denmark F i ICvenang, or QuevenaDgen Fiord. Tromso L a Molde Fiorde, Throndhjem D e Great Sound, Baltic Provinces M g Laesb Rinne, Denmark F h Namsen Fiord, Throndhjem F d Grotsund. Tromso K b Laholm Bay. Gothland G h Narva Bay, Baltic Provinces O g Hammer Fiord, Tromso K a L&ngelands Belt, Denmark F i North Sea, or German Ocean ( West Sea Hango Bay, Finland M S Laxe Fiord, Tromso O a of the Danes), D i MAP OF SWEDEN, NORWAY, DENMARK, AND THE BALTIC. Ofoten Fiord, Ore Fiord, Oregrund Bay, Papon Bay, Peers Fiord, Porsanger Fiord, Putzeger Wiek, Qiiarken, East, Quarken, West, Tromsii I b Norrland K e Sweden K f Baltic Provinces N g Tromso Q a Tromso N a Germany IC i Norrland L e Norrland L e Quevenangen,orKvenang Fiord, Tromso L a Ramsd Fiord, Banders Fiord, ltanea Fiord, Itanen Fiord, Riga. Gulf of, Ringkjohing Fiord, Saltens Fiord, Samsd Belt, Sandd Fiord, Skager Rack, Throndhjem E e Denmark F h Norrland M d Tromso G c Baltic Provinces M h Denmark E i Tromso H c Denmark F i Tromso M a E h Skelder Yiken. Skjerstad Fiord, Sogne Fiord, Sola Sound, Sorb Sound, Sound, The, Stjernd Sound, Strande Fiord, Svenoy Fj'ard, Sylte Fiord, Gothland G h ; Tromso H c ' Bergen C f i Baltic Provinces M g Tromso M a G i Tromso M a Bergen C f Norrland L d Tromso Q a Tana Fiord. Thosen Fioul, Throndhjem Fiord, Tore Fiord, Tys Fiord, Ursvik Fiord, Yaags Fiord, Yaranger Fiord, Vest Fiord, Tromso P a Tromso G d Throndhjem F e Norrland M d Tromso I b Norrland L d Tromso I b Tromso Q a Tromso G c OUNTAINS AND VALLEYS. Dovre Field, 7,568 Throndhjem E Folge Fonden, 5,403 Bergen D Galdhoppigen, 8,785 Hamar D Gausta, 6,174 Christiansand E Gudorandsdalen (Valley), Hamar E Hallingskarven, 6,0113 Christiania D Hardanger Field (Ymes), 8,546 Bergen D Hartoug, 5,552 _ _ Bergen D Himmelsberg, 565, highest hill, Denmark E Hornelen, 2,705 Bergen C Hundane, 6,680 Hamar E e Jievsohatten, 4,325 Throndhjem G d Nasja, Tromsii M b f Jbkel Field. 3,111 Tromso L a Oltnajalojaikna. 5,543 Norrland I c f Jdklen. 6,535 Bergen D f Osterdal, Hamar F f g Jokuleggen. 6,285 Hamar E f Oxtinderne, Tromso H c f Jostedals Brae, 6,394 Bergen D f Reks Field, 4,874 Christiansand D f f Kiolen Mountains Ilidi Field, Tromso I b f (Sulitelma, 6,152), Swed. & Norway G d Romsdalen (Valley), Thronuhjem D e f Kirkivari, Tromso I c Sakkok, 2,920 Norrland K c Kjolhaugen, 4,187 Throndhjem F e SelsnuteD, 4,549 Christiansand D g h Kvitingskjolen, 6,426 Hamar E f Siggevara, Norrland K c f Lang Field, Throndhjem D e Skagstolstinderne, 8,068 Bergen D f e Lodalskaupe, 6,394 Bergen D f Skardstind, 6,174 Hamar E e Skogshorn, 5,661 Skurfdals Asen, 3,362 Snehaetten, 7,568 Son Fjell, 3,546 Store Borge Field, Store Yigel 4,620 Stor Fond, 5,727 Sulitelma, 6,152 Svartisen, 3,602 Syltopperne, 5,865 Yosseskavlen, 6,746 Ymes Field, 8,546 Christiania E f Norrland G e Hamar E e Norrland G e Tromso G d Norrland G e Christiansand D g Tromso I c Tromso H c Norrland G e Bergen D f Hamar E f 8LAND3, PENINSULAS, AND CAPES Baltic Provinces M Finland L Germany E Denmark G Tromso II Norrland L Denmark F h Tromso L a Denmark F i Bergen C f Throndhjem D e Finland N d Finland L f Finland P f Finland L e Finland P f Sweden K g ;ht, Gothland I h Norrland L d Denmark E i Bergen C g Denmark II i Norrland 1 e Bergen C f Germany K i Denmark H i Abrb I. Aland Islands, Alsen I. Amager I. And O (I.), Angeso I. Anholt I. Arno I. Arrd I. Asko I. Avert) I. Ayos I. Bagaskiir I. Biskops I. Bjorlco I. Bjdrkd I. Bjorlco I. and Light, Bjurd Cape, Biaavands Huk (Point), Bommelo I. Bornholm I. Brain 6 I. Bremangerland I. Briister Ort (Cape), Christianso Light, Croustadt, or Kronstadt I. Baltic Provs. P Dagerort (Cape), Baltic Provinces M Dago I. Baltic Provinces M Domesness k Light, Baltic Provinces M Domen (Cape), Tromso Q Donnses I. Tromsii G Eggrund Rock & Light. Norrland I ■ N F F L H G E K F C F K E E E L L L F II C D Ekholm Light, Elfsborg I. Endelave I. Enskiir Light, Ertholins, I’alster I. Fano 1. Hurd I. Fehmarn 1. Floeroe, Formes (Cape), Frische Nehrung, Frisian Is., North, Fro Is. Froyen I. F uglen Cape, Fnglen (Point), Fugle I. Funen I. (I'yen), Gitnso I. Goddd I. G orsd I. Baltic Provinces Gothland Denmark Finland Bornholm Denmark Denmark Gothland Germany Bergen Denmark Germany Denmark Throndhjem Throndhjem Tromso Tromso Tromso Denmark Tromso Bet gen Throndhjem Gothland I. (Gottland), Gothland K h Ltiserort and Light, Baltic Provs. L h Gottska Sando I. Gothland K g Magero I. Tromso N a Griiso I. Sweden K f Maliiren I. and Light, Norrland M d Gronskar Light, Sweden K & Mano I. Denmark E i Grotd I. Tromso K a Marstrand I. Gothland F h Grytskiir I. Finland L e Mickelso I. Finland L e Gursko I. Throndhjem C e Miien I. Denmark G i Hall Ness (Cape), Sweden K f Molda Is. Tromso H b Hango Head, Finland hi g (Violin I. Baltic Provinces M g Hanstholin Point & Light, Denmark E h Mosken, Tromso G c IlemsS I. Norrland K e Moskenesii I. Tromso G b Hesseld Light, Denmark F h Nagu I. Finland L f Hilled I. Christiansand D h Nargdn I. Baltic Provinces N g Hind O (I.) Tromso H b Naze, The (Cape), Christiansand D h Hirtshals (Cape), Denmark E b Nervo Light, Finland O f Hirtsholm Light, Denmark F h Nordkyn (Cape), Tromsii O a Ilitteren I. Throndhjem E e Norrskiirs Rocks and Light, Norrland L e Hjelmen Light, Denmark F h North Cape, the most northerly Hj el m so I. Tromso N a point of Europe, Tromsii N a Hoburg Point and light. Gothland K h Odensholm Light. Baltic Provinces M g Hochland I. and Light, Finland O f Oeland or Oland I. Gothland I h Holmii I. Norrland L e Oesel or Osel I. Baltic Provinces M g Holsend I. Bergen C f Oland or Oeland I. Gothland I h Hornsland (Promontory), Norrland I f Oland Pt. Gothland I h Hutis I. Finland M g Orno I. Sweden K g Jiirnas Cape, Norrland K e Oroust I. Gothland F g Jungfrun I. Norrland I f Osel or Oesel I. Baltic Provinces M g Kamela I. Finland L f Ost Vaag O (I.), Tromso H b Karl 6 I. Finland N d Oxhammar I. Bergen C f Karmo I. Christiansand C g Radii I. Bergen C f Kimito I. Finland M f Rago Is. Baltic Provinces M g Kokar Is. Finland L g Ringvatso I. Tromso K b Korpd I. Finland L f Ripneso Tromso K a Knrsholm Cape, Norrland I f Rixhoft Light, Germany K i Korsd Light, Sweden K g Rodd I.. Tromso G c Kronstadt, or Cronstadt I. Baltic Provs. P g Rolfs O (I.), Tromso M a Kiihno I. Baltic Provinces M Romo I. Germany E i Kullen Point, Gothland Q h Romsdal Is. Throndhjem C e Kumhnge I. Finland L f Rondo I. Throndhjem C e Kurische Nehrung, Germany L i Rondo I. and Light, Throndhjem C e Kvalii I. Tromso M a Rost I. Tromso G c Kvald I., North, Tromso K a Huger. I. Germany G i Kvalo I., South, Tromso K b Rund I. and Light, Baltic Provinces M li Laaland I. Denmark F i Sammaro Light, Finland O f Lasso I. Denmark F h Sam so I. Denmark F i Lagskiir Rocks and Light, Finland K g Sandhammar (Cape), Gothland H i Landegode I. Tromso H c Sandhorn I. Tromsii H c Landsort I. and Light, Sweden I g Sartoro I. Bergen C f Langeland Island, Denmark F i Seierii I. Denmark F i Lang O (Is.), Tromso H b Seiland I. Tromsii M a Laven-sari I. Finland O g Senjen I. Tromso I b Leko I. Throndhjem F d Seskiir Light, Finland P f Lister Land (Peninsula), Christiansand D g Silden I. Tromso L a Lofoden Islands, Tromso II b Skaw, The (Cape), Denmark F li Lurd I. Tromso G c Skogero I. Tromso P b Skogso I. Smiilen I. Soderarm I. Sor 0 (I.), Spink, Cape, Tromso Throndhjem Sweden Tromso Baltic Provinces Spirte Njarg (Peninsula), Tromso Splint, Cape, Baltic Provinces Stadt Promontory k Peninsula, Bergen Stjern O (I.), Christiansand Stjernd I. Tromso StorOe(I.), Bergen Sulen I., Indre, Bergen Sulen I., Ytre, Bergen Surrop. C. Baltic Provinces Svcerholtklubben (Cape), Tromso Svorbe Peninsula, Baltic Provinces Sylt I. Germany Taasin I. Denmark Tarhalsen (Point), Tromso Thren Is. Tromso Thuno I. Denmark Tjadd I. Tromso Tjdrn I. Gothland Tombo I. Tromso Trom (3 (I.), Christiansand Tromso I. Tromso Tiitters, Great, I. Finland Tiitters, Little, I. Finland Udsird I. Christiansand Ulfo I. Norrland Ulf O (I.), Tromso Understen Rock and Light, Sweden Usedom I. Germany Dtklipporna and Light, Gothland Uto I. Sweden Uto Light, Finland Vaagen.I. Tromso Vaag 0 (1. ), Ost, Tromso Vaag O (I.), Vest, Tromso Yaero I.. Tromso Vand O (I.), Tromso Varjag Njarg (Peninsula), Tromso Vargo I. Finland \edo I. Tromso Vegen I. .. Tromso Vest Vaag O (I.), Tromso Vigten, Is. Throndhjem Villa O (I.), and light, Throndhjem Vorms 1. Baltic Provinces Waddo I. Sweden Walgrund I. Finland Wollin I. Germany Wrangel I. Baltic Provinces W ulff I. Baltic Provinces Zealand I. ( Sjdllcind ) Denmark H b D e K g M a M g O a M g C e D h M a c g N g 0 a M g E i F i M a F c F 1 F G E K O O C K H K H l H i K g h g H b H b G b G c lv a P a L e G c F d H b F d F d M g K 1 L e H i N g N g F 1 i. PE (T 1 (t Cfq ON CTq CTCfq o Cfq O" MAP OF RUSSIA IN EUROPE, Ac 1 ub Russian Empire ranks next to the British in extent of surface, being the second largest in the World, while in population it is sur- passcd only by those of the Chinese and British. It has five grand divisions, viz. : — Russia Proper, the Lieutenancy of Caucasia, Siberia, the Kingdom of Poland, or Vistula Province, and the Grand Duchy of Ein- j'lnd, which are subdivided into 78 governments, 10 provinces, and 5 • erritories (of which Siberia has 4 governments and 10 provinces). The divisions into Great and Little Russia, &c., although in common use, as well as the limits of European and Asiatic territory, are not officially recognised. Two of the governments, Perm and Orenburg, and the lieutenancy of Caucasia, are even situated partly in both continents, being respectr'ely intersected by the Ural and Caucasus mountains. Russia in Europe, with Caucasia, &c., is by far the largest and most populous country west of the Urals. Greatest length from XW to S L. through 33° of latitude, 2,360 miles. Greatest breadth, 1,950 miles. Area, 2,266,000 square miles — about 18‘5 times that of the British Isl Population (1864), 72,644,000, or 2‘4 times that of the British Isles. The table of Governments is arranged according to the density o 1 population. Ex. — Moscow, the most densely peopled, 122; Archangel, the most thinly peopled, 0 ‘96 ; Podolia, 113 - 9 ; Kiev, 102 ; Bessarabia, 76; St. Petersburg, 48; Cossacks of the Ural, 4; Poland, 123; Fin- land, 12-5 : Total of Russia, &c., 32 ; Russian Empire, 10 -3 per square mile. The Map is on a scale of 158 miles to an inch, one square inch representing 29 "7 times the area of one square inch of the Map of England. TABLE OF GOVERNMENTS. Governments. Area in Eng. sq.m. Pop. 18(34. Refer ence. Moscow, 12.793 1,564.240 H d Kursk, 17.433 1 .827/168 H e Tula 11.846 1,152.470 H e 1 Jiiazan, 16.216 1.418,293 H t 1 Orel 18,266 1,533.619 H e Kaluga, 11,^22 964.796 H e j Tambor, 25,559 1.974.584 I e ! Voronesh, 25 681 1,938,113 H e Yaroslav, 13.233 969,612 H c Vladimir. 18,297 1.216,619 I c Nishegorod, or Nijni JNovgorod, 19.632 1.285.196 I d Tver, . . . . 24,730 1,518.077 H r Smolensk, 21,647 1,137,212 G c Pskov, 17,353 718,907 F c Kostroma, 30.853 1,073,971 I c Novgorod, 45.479 1,006,293 G c Vologda, 153,106 974.723 K c Olonetz, 57.774 296 593 H c Archangel, 296,067 284,244 K b I. Muscovy, or Great Rus- 1 sia, 19 governments, ] 837,887 22,854,660 Kiev, . 19,656 2,012,095 G i Poltava, 19,196 1,911,442 G 1 Kharkov, 21,021 1,590,926 H Tehernigov, 20,232 1,487,372 Gr e II. The Ukraine, or Little 1 Russia, 4 governments, j 80,105 7,001,835 Penza, 14,647 1,179,080 I e Kasan, 23,729 1,607,122 K f Simbirsk, 18,781 1,183,312 K e Yiatka, 55.392 2,220,601 L t Perm, 128.640 2,138,548 M d III. Czarate of Kasan, 5) governments, ( 241,189 8,328,663 Governments. Area in Eng. sq. m. Pop. 1864. Refer- ence. Saratov, . 31,603 1,688,561 i e Samara, . 61,349 1.690.779 L e Ufa, . . 45.796 1,265,000 M e Orenburg, . 38,676 578,371 M e Cossacks of Orenburg, . 35,774 180.000 N e Cossacks of the Ural, . 23,061 94,396 L e Astrakhan. • | 85,086 377 239 K f Kirghis Horde, 134,000 K f IV. Czarate of Astra- khan, 5 governments, • 321,345 6,008,346 Bessarabia, 13,447 1,026,346 F f Kherson, 27,’ 13 1,330,138 G f Ekaterinoslav, 26,056 1,204,751 11 f Taurida, 24,688 615,001 G f Country of the Don Cossacks, 63.778 949,682 I f V. South or New Russia, | 5 governments, j > 155,682 5,125,918 Podolia, 16,388 1,868,857 F f Kovno, 15.715 1,052,164 E d Grodno, 14.697 894,194 E e Yolhynia, 27,538 1,602,715 F e Vilna, 16,323 899 993 F e Mohilev, 18,451 924,080 G e Vitebsk, 17,449 776,739 F d Minsk, 34,477 1,001,325 F e VI. West Russia, 8 govs., 161,038 9,020,077 F e St. Petersburg, 24,305 1,174,174 G d Courland, 10.532 573,855 E d Livonia, or Livland, . 18,775 925.275 F d Esthonia, or Estland, 7,625 313,119 F d VII. Baltic Provinces, 4 govs. 61,231 2,986,423 F d Governments Area in Pop. Eng. sq. m. 1864. Refer- ence. Territory of Daghestan, Transcaucasia. including'; 12,265 470,847 K g govs. of*Titlis, Baku. Eri- ( van, Kutais. and ters. of 7 70,348 2,424,546 K g Mingrelia and Abkasia, ) Territory of Terek, or Ter, . 19,371 393,020 I g ,, of Kuban, . 38,227 512.833 H g Gov. of Stavropol, . 25,887 356.671 I & VIII. Lieutenancy of Cau- casia, 6 govs, and 5 ters. | 166,098 4,157,917 I g IX. Kingdom of Poland, or Vistula Province, re- cently dividedinto 10 govs. V 43,240 5,319,363 E e Nyland, 4,527 173 581 F c Abo-Bjorneborg, 10.011 330,173 E c Tavastehus, 7,080 172,371 E c Vasa, 15,903 314.153 E c St. Michael, 4,062 161,614 F c Viborg, 17,049 278.550 F c Kuopio, 16,971 224.824 F c Uleaborg, 66,812 185,691 F b Grand Duchy of Finland, 8 governments, | 147,415 1,840,957 F c Nova Zembla {Novaia Zemlia ) , 44,722 uninhabited L a Lake Ladoga, . 7,025 Total of Russia, &c., 74) govs, and 5 territories, ( 2,266,983 72,644,259 + Siberia, 5,205,072 4,625,699 t Total of Rus. Empire, 7,472,055 77,269,858 According to religious belief the pop. of the Empire is thus divided: Orthodox Greeks. 57,161,000 ; Armenians. 535, 000 ; Roman Catholics, 6,780,000 ; Protestants, 4,132,000; Jews, 2,298,000; Mahometans, 5,662,000; Idolaters, 481,000. “ Formerly Kingdom of Georgia , or Grusia. t Exclusive of Russian Turkestan. TOWNS. Abo, 18,188 Finland E c Ardatov, Nishegorod 1 d Bar, Podolia F f Bielovodsk, Kharkov H f Akakmet, Erivan I h Ardatov, Simbirsk K e Basi, Astrakhan K f Bielsk, Grodno E e Akalkalaki, Kutais I g Arensherg, Oesel I. E d Batalpashinskaia, Stavropol I g Bieltsy, Pessarabia F f Akaltsik, 14,722 Kutais I g Arsamas, 12,285 Nishegorod I d Batkalinskaia, Astrakhan K f Bilgoray, Poland E e Akhtyrka. 14,987 Kharkov G e Artinsk. Perm M d Belehei, Ufa L e Bilimbaievsk, Perm M d Akkerman. 29,343 Bessarabia G f Astrakhan, 42,832 Astrakhan K f Bendery, 22,448 Bessarabia F f Biriutch, Voronesh H e Alabugskaia, Astrakhan K f Atkarsk, Saratov K e Bendzin, Poland D e Birsk, Ufa M d Alapaievsk, Perm N d Atuki, Bessarabia F f Berdiansk, 12,101 Taurida H f Bjorneborg. 7,423 Finland E c Alatyr. Simbirsk K e Augustovo, Poland E e Berditchev, 53,169 Kiev G f Bobrinets, 10,003 Kherson G f Aleshki. Taurida G f A vsian opetro vsk i, Ufa M e Berdskaia, Orenburg M e Bobruisk, 18,938 Minsk F e Alexandrapol ( Giimry ), 14,935 Erivan I g Azof, 10,945 Ekaterinoslav ( detached ) H f Bereslavl, Kherson G f Bogodukhov, Kharkov H e Alexandria, Kherson G f Bachmut. 10,000 Ekaterinoslav H f Berezovskoi, Perm N d Bogolovskoi, Perm N d Alexandrov, Vladimir H d Badarinskaia, Ural Cossacks L e Biela, Kiev G f Bogorodisk, Tula H e Alexandrovsk, Ekaterinoslav H f Baisugskaia, Kuban Dist. H f Bielev, Tula H e Bogustav, Kiev G f Alexandrovsk, Novo, Kovno F d Baktchisarai, 11,136 Taurida G g Bielgorod, 14,680 Kursk H e Bolkhov, Orel H e Alexin, Tula H e Baku, 13,392 Baku K g Bieloi. Smolensk G d Bomersund, Aland Is. E c Alupta, Taurida G g Balachna, Nishegorod 1 a Bielomechetskaia, Stavropol I g Borga, Finland F c Anaklia, Kutais I g Balaclava, Taurida G g Bielopolie. li,5S7 Kharkov G e Borisogliebsk, 10,000 Tambor I e Ananyev, Kherson G f Balashov, Saratov [ e Bielorietsk., Ufa M e Borisov, Minsk F e Anapa, Kuban Dist. H g Balta. 14.629 Podolia F f Bielostock, 16.668 Grodno E e Borodino. Moscow H d Archangel, 20.178 Archangel I e Baltic Pert, Esthonia E d Bielotzerkovka, Poltava G f Borovitchi, Novgorod G 1 2 MAP OF RUSSIA IN EUROPE, &c. Borsna, Tchernigov G e Jaroslav, or Yaroslav, 2 ",741 Yaroslav H d Laukkas, Finland F c Odessa, 118,970 Kherson G { Boryetebie, Smolensk G d Java, Tiflis I g Lebedin, 14,236 Kharkov G e Okansk, Perm M d Bovrov, Voronesh H e Jedlovo, Tula H e Lebejau, Tambov H e Olonetz, Olonetz G c Brahestad, Finland E c Jefremov. Tula H e Leczyca, Poland D e Olviopol, Podolia^ G f Bratslav, Podolia F f Jegoryevsk, or Yegoryevsk, Riazan H d Lenkoran, Baku K h Onega, Archangel H 0 Brest Litovskii, 20,655 Grodno E e Jeletz. Eletz, or Yelets, 26,505 Orel H c Lepel, Vitebsk F e Opatchka, Pskov F ' ^ -X fp K\ 3 a. rd li\’ y. R.'irthnlnrarw A ~ d ^ ^ *-“!/> — , w A — 2 5p-r S j* "o a S .■£*!. S°2- c , 0 -a 3 a <« 1 — s ^ Ou tr ~ tsP4>^5i vm m x: « Cs ■— , -£ *§ (« O r® 1> l» ^ jC 2 • •£ <" h -e r® -3 o o — a> u a.S ^ b© ooj- J2 C ~ V « O -a c -a o <*> z. ’S'** e 60^“ U *3 -r c * c jr* cs tc-S 6 C W «- •J3 .0 W S -* H s 4/ ~ 60 g O -C cu ■5 "O ^ o s « O £ A s • ° s’S £ * s r. o 2 “ s ' o 2 s v .a 5 - c O ^ w n -} ^ „ o \B be 5 ox“*2.SSJ « - b a Q ffSatll .S - *5 « »-« u S jj |||-a J c (j« c,j; MAP OF AUSTRIA The Empire of Austria (German, Das Oesterreichische Kaise.rtlx.um ), a State of Central Europe, holds the fifth rank among the five great powers, ; and takes the third place in point of area and the fourth in population. It has nearly double the area of the British Isles, and the population is about one-sixth greater. The Empire extends between 8° 35' E and 26° I. 3-3' E, or through 18° of longitude, and between 45° and 51° N, but extend- ing in Dalmatia to latitude 42° 9' or through about 9° of latitude. It is on the same latitudes as France and New Brunswick westward, and as South llussia and Manchooria eastward. Distance from the Bliine on the east to II. Suczawa in B-ikowina, 78.3 miles ; from north to south or; the 20th meridian, 378 miles ; and from N of Bohemia to the southern extremity of Dalmatia, 655 miles. Only a comparatively small part of its extensive frontier consists of sea coast. By Imperial decree, 14th November 1868, the name Monarchy ol Austro Hungary was adopted. The scale of the Map is 59 miles to an inch, one square inch comprising 4^- times the area represented by one square inch on Map of England. TABLE OF THE DIVISIONS. f I. Cisletjthanian Countries. Grand Duchy of Lower Austria ( Oesterreieh unter drr Enns), Grand Duchy of Upper Austria I $ ( Oesterreich ober d.er Enns), j Duchy of Styria ( Steiermarh ), Prov. of Carniola ( Krnin ), Prov. of Carinthia ( Karnthen ), Prov. of Tyroi, ( Tirol), with ] VORARI.BERG, j Duchy of Salzburg, Kingdom of Bohemia ( Bolxmen ), Prov. of Silesia ( Schlesien ), Prov. of Moravia ( Miiliren ), Prov. of Galicia (Galizien), Prov. of Bukowina, Goritz (Goertz), 1 f If P (i * Gradiscn, P P ( Kiistenland ) y Istria (Is'rien), j Trieste ( Triest ), J Kingdom of Dalmatia ( Dalmatien ), Total I., Area in T a. , Eng. sq. in. Po P- Pop. per sq. in. Capital. 7,654 2,143,928 255-2 Vienna. 4,631 746,097 157-8 Linz. 8,670 1,178,067 130-4 Gratz. 3.S56 467.996 120-1 Laibach. 4,007 338,705 S3 9 Ivlagenfurt. 11,324 895,658 77-6 Innsbruck. 2.768 154, 1S1 54-7 Salzburg. 20,060 5,361,506 245-9 Prague. 1.9S7 55S.196 257 3 Troppau. 8,583 2,079,826 234-4 Bi unn. 30,307 6,000,326 178 6 Lemberg. 4,035 548,578 124-3 Czernowitz. Goertz. | 3,0S4 622, S99 188-7 Gradisca. Kovigno. Trieste. , 4,940 467,534 93-4 Zara. . 115,906 21,564,500 17.3-6 ■f - II. Transleythanian Countries. A rea i n Eng. sq. m Pop. Kingdom of Hungary ( Unyarn, j Hungarian, Magyar- Orszag), j S7,043 1 1 ,532,S10 134- Buda-Pesth. Prov. of Croatia (Kroaten), and Sla- ] VONIA, or Sclavonia ( Slavonien ), j 16,773 1,821,913 136-2 Agram. Prov. of Transylvania (Siebenburgen), 21,215 2,191,632 99-4 Klausenburg. Town of Fiurne, 8 18,171 Tremesva r. Total II., 125,039 15,564,526 123-9 Turkish Provinces ( under Berlin Treaty). Bosnia, 16,417 862,202 Bosna-Serai. Herzegovina, 4.308 207,970 Morta r. Novi-Bazar, 3,572 142,000 Novi-Bazar. Total . . . . . 24,297 1,212,172 Grand Total., 265,242 38,341,198 Vienna. f From (lie Fiver Leylhct , which separates Hungary from Lower Austria. These formed part of the Germanic Confederation of 1 8 In until its dissolution in 1866. * These, formed the. ‘ Kingdom of Illyria’ previous to 1849. Polish Provinces. Of the population, 66 per cent, are Roman Catholics; Greek Church, 20; Pro- testants, 10; Jews, 3 per cent. TOWNS, ETC, Abonv, Abrud Banya, Abtenau, Abtsdorf, Ada, Hungary Transylvania Salzburg Lower Austria Hungary Ada Kalesi ( Orsova ), Military Frontier Adelsberg, Carniola Admont, Styria Agram (ZagraV), 20,637, Croatia Allibunar, Military Frontier Almas, Hungary Almissa. Dalmatia Also Kubin, Hungary Alt Beese, II .222 Hungary Altenburg, Neu, Hungary Apatin. Hungary Aquileja. Goritz Arad, 31.796 Hungary Aranyos Maroth, Hungary Arbe, Dalmatia Aspern. Lower Austria Auschwitz, Galicia Auspitz, Moravia Aussee, Styria Aussig. 6.596 Bohemia Austerlitz, Moravia Baboscsa, Hungary Bacs, Hungary Baden, 6.503 Lower Austria Bad Gastein, Salzburg Baja, 18,621 Hungary Bajmak. Hungary Baiom, Nagy, Hungary Balassa Gyarmat, Hungary Balaton Bereny, Hungary Banffi-Hunyad, Transylvania Banya, Nagy and Felso, Hungary Bars, Hungary Bartfeld, H ungary Bataszek, Hungary Batonya, Hungary Bazias. Military Frontier Beckskerek, Gross, 17,510 Hungary Beese, Alt, 11,222 Hungary Beese, Nagy, Hungary ' Bekes, 20,125 Hungary \Beklez, Slavonia F c H e C c D b G <1 H d D d D c E d G d F c e I. d c d a Belenyes, Hungary H c Bruck. Styria D c llelovar, Military Frontier E d Brunecken. Tyrol B c Benkovaz, 10,152 Dalmatia D d Brim n. 73,464 Moravia E b Beraun, Bohemia C b Briix. 5 000 Bohemia C a Berdnvec, Croatia D d Brzezan, Galicia I b Beregh. Hungary H h Brzozow, Galicia 11 b Ber, Ivis, Hungary F c Buceari, Croatia D d Bereny, Jasz, 17,534 Hungary F c Buczacz, Galicia I b Ilerzencze, Hungary E c Buda, or Ofen (P.udin). Cap. of Besenova, Hungary G c Kingdom, (see Pesth) Hungary F c Bezdan, Hungary F d Budtia. Datinatia F e Biala, Galicia F b Budweis, 14.811 Bohemia D b llicske. Hungary F c Budwitz, Mahrisch, Moravia I) b Bidseliow, or Bidczow, Neu, Bunzlau, Jung, Bohemia D a 5,123 Bohemia D a Cukaturn, Hungary E c Biecz, Galicia G h Canale, Goritz C c Bielitz, Silesia F b Capo d'lstria, 9,186 Istria C d Bihar, Hungary G c Carlopago, Military Frontier D d Biscliof Teinitz, Bohemia C •J Carlowitz. or Kavlowitz. Military Fron. Cr d Bistrica, Croatia E C Castelnunvo, 6,360 Istria D d Bistritz, Transylvania I C Castelnuovo, Dalmatia F e Blatta, Dalmatia E e Castua. 12,315 Istria D d Bleiberg, Carinthia C c Cattaro, Dalmatia F e Bobota, Slavonia F d Cherso. 7,367 Istria D d Kobrka, Galicia I b Cbodorow, Galicia I b Boehnia. Galicia G b Clmrostkow, Galicia I b Bnden berg, Bohemia D a Chrudiin, 7,704 Bohemia D b Bokschan, Hungary G d Cilli, Styria D c I’oleske, Hungary F c Cles, Tyrol B c Bolechow, Galicia H b Clissa, Dalmatia E e Bonyhad, Hungary F c Cracow (Krakau), 49,834 Galicia E a Borns Sebes, Hungary II c Cravicza. Hungary G d Dosing, Hungary E b Csaha. 27,856 Hungary G c Boskowitz, Moravia El b Csakowa, Hungary G d Bii.szbrmeny. 17,367 Hungary G c Csak var, Hungary F c Bntzen, 8,103 Tyrol B c Csanad, Hungary G c Braunau, Bohemia E a Csath, Hungary G c Braunau, Upper Austria C b Csongrad, 15,479 Hungary G c Bregenz, Vorarlberg A c Csorna, Hungary E c Brezova, Hungary E b Cubar. Croatia D d Briesen, Hungary F b Curznla, Dalmatia E e Brixen, Tyrol B c Czaslau. 5.396 Bohemia D b Brod, Military E’rontier F d Czegled. 19,008 Hungary F c Puod. Hungarian, Moravia E b Czernowitz, 34,000 Bukowina I b Brody, 18,743 Galicia I a Czortkow, Galicia. I b Broos, Transylvania H d Czsicso Keresztur, Transylvania I c P>ruck, Lower Austria E b Dalja, Slavouia E 1 d Darn var, Debreczin, 43,517 Dees, Delatvn, Del nice, Demhica, Derecske, Dernis, 18.099 Detva, Deutseh Brod, Dignano, Dinszeg, Djakovar, Dobra, Dnhschau, Dolina, Doinoradz, Dornbirn, 8,444 Dorngh , Doro.sma, Drobobycz, 11,324 Dugoselo, Dukla. Duna Fold var, Dun a Pata j. Duna Pentele, Diirrenstein, Ebensee, Eger, 11,012, Kgerszeg. Zala, Einenscbitz, Eisenburg. Eisenerz. Kisenstadt, Elisa betbstadt, Engelszell, Enns, Enyed, Nagy, Enveng, Eperies, Ercsi, Erdoszada. Erlau, 17.688 Essek. 13,S83 Essing, Elite, Feistritz. IVindisch, Slavonia Hungary Transylvania Galicia Croatia Galicia Hungary Dalmatia Hungary Bohemia Istria Hungary Slavonia Transylvania Hungary Galicia Galicia Vorarlberg H ungary Hungary Galicia Croatia Galicia Hungary Hungary Hungary Lower Austria Upper Austria Bohemia Hungary Moravia Hungary Styria Hungary Transylvania Upper Austria Upper Austria Transylvania H angary H ungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Slavoni i Lower Austria Bohemia Stvria E d G c H c I b D d G b G c E e F b D b C d H d G b H b G b c c c A (4 F H h E d D t II <• F c G b F c H c G c F d E t D 1 D e MAP OF AUSTRIA. Fejertn. Hungary G c •Tosefstadt, Bohemia F, a Limanova, Galicia G b Feldkiivh. Vorarlbeig A c .1 mien burg. Styria D c Linz. 30,519 Cap. of Upper Austria D b Keldkirchen, 5,147 Carinthia C c Jung Bunziau, 7,779 Bohemia D a Lippa, Hungary G c Felegyluiza, 19,390 Hungary F c Kakonya, Croatia K c Lissa, Bohemia D a I’clvim z, Transylvania 11 c Kallo. Nagy, Hungary G c Loitsch, Carniola D d Fiume. 15,319 Croatia D d Kalocsa, 12,868 Hungaiy F c Losoticz. Hungary F b Fogaias. Transylvania I d Kalusz. Galicia 1 b Lovasz Patona, Hungary E c Fold va r. Duna, 12,720 Hungary F c Kamenitz, Bohemia D \, Luhica. Galicia H a Frankstadt, 5,909 Moravia F b Kamionka Strumilowa, Galicia I a Ludberg, Croatia E c [-'rain ova, Hungary G d Knnizsa, 11.722 Hungary E c Lugos, Hungary G d Freistadtl, Hungary E b Kanizsa, Alt, 11,010 Hungary F c Lundenburg. Moravia E b I rcudenthal, 5,519 Silesia E a Kapns. Nagy, Hungary H b Lussin, 7,055 Istria D d I'reysiadt, Upper Austria D b Kaposvar, Hungary E c Macarsca, Dalmatia K e Pried berg, Styria E c Kapuvar, Hungary E c Ma laras. Hungary G c I'riedeck, Silesia F b Kara use lies. Military Frontier 11 cl Mahrenberg, Styria D c I'riesarh. Carinthia D c Kardszag. 12.6S9 Hungary G c Ma.jsa, Hungary F c I’iinfkii'chen, 24,014 Hungary F c Karlowitz, orCarlowitz, Military Finn. F cl Mako. 25.595 Hungary G c Fiired, Hungary E c Karlsbad, Bohemia C a Malacszko, Hungary E b Fiired Tisza, Hungary G c Karlshurg, Transylvania II c Mats, Tyrol B c Fiirstenfeid, Styria D c Karlstndt, Croatia D d Marburg. 6,294 Styria D c Gaia. Moravia E b Karolinentlial, 12.048 Bohemia D a Mariam pol. Galicia 1 1) Galantha, Hungary E b Karoly. Nagy, 10,670 Hungary H c Maria Tafel. Lower Austria L> b Galgo. Transylvania H c Karpfen, Hungary F b Mariatlieresienstadt. or Theresien- Ganserndorf, Lower Austria E b Kascliau. 21,742 Hungary G b stadt. 53,269 11 ungary F c Georgswalde, 7,717 Bohemia 1) a Kata. Nagy, Hungary F c Maria Zell. Styria D c Gfohl, Lower Austria D b Kecskemet, 42,089 Hungary F c Marienbaa. Bohemia C b Gitschin, Bohemia D a Kesmark, Hungary G b Marieiiburg, Transylvania I d Hina, Military Frontier E d Keszthely, Hungary E c Maros Vasarlieiy, 1 1.217 Transylvania I c Gloggnitz, Lower Austria E c Kezdi Yasarhely, Transylvania I cl Maydan, Galicia G a Gmiind, Carinthia C c Kikinda Gross. 17,462 Hungary G (1 Me'dak, Military Frontier D cl Graiind, Lower Austria D b Kirchbeiin, 5,403 Carniola D c Mediascb, Transylvania I c Grmmden, 5,623 Upper Austria C c Kis lier. Hungary F c Mebadia, Military Frontier II d Gbffritz, Lower Austria D b Kiskoros, Hungary F c Meissau, Lower Austria D 1) Gblinitz, Hungary G b Kistanje, Dal matia D e Melnik, Bohemia l) a Goncz, Hungary G b Kis Ujszallas. Hungary G c Melonta, Dalmatia F e Goritz (Ger. Gorz, Ital. Kitzbiichel, Tyrol C c Melykut, Hungary F c Gorizia), 13,297 Goritz C d Kladno, 5,499 Bohemia D a Merun, Tyrol B c Gornica, Gross, Croatia E d Klagenfurt, 13,479 Cap. of Carinthia D c Meseritscb, 5,000 Moravia E b Gospich, Military Frontier D d Klattau, 7,382 Bohemia C b Mean Kovesd, Hungary G c Gottscbee, Carniola D d Klausenburg, 25,080 Cap. Mezotnr, 18,040 Hungary G c Gradisea, Goritz C d of Prov. Transylvania H c Mialec, Galicia G a Gradiska. Alt&Neu, Military Frontier E d Klenncz, H unga ry F b Miava, Hungaiy E b Gramet Neusiedl, Lower Austria E b Knin, 22,508 Dalmatia E d Mies. Bohemia C b .nail, 11,215 Hungary F c Knittelfeld, Styria D c Miholjac, Slavonia F d Graslitz, 5.786 Bohemia C a Kiiflach, Styria D c Miklos. Szent, Hungary F b Gratz. 80,732, Cap. of Duchy, Styria D c Kokelburg, Transylvania I c Mikolajow, Galicia I b Gratzen, Bohemia D b Kolin, 7,727 Bohemia D a Milna, Dalmatia E e Grein, Upper Austria D b Koloinea. 14,839 Galicia I b Mindszent, Hungary G c Grodek, Galicia H b Komarno, Galicia II b Miskolcz, 17,472 Hungary G b Gross Beckskerek, 17,510 Gross Kikinda, 1 7,462 Gross wardein, 29,240 Giins, Gurkfeld, 5,065 Gvala, Gyarmat, Balassa, Gyergyo Szent Miklos, Gyoina, Gyongvos, 15.450 Gyula, 16,626 Haag, 5,001 Hadliaz, Hainburg, Haiszeg, Halas, 13,330 Halicz, Hall, Hallein, Hallstadfc, Hart berg, Hatsfeld, Hatvati, Heririannstadt, 18,583 Hof. 1 1 ligyesz, llobeninant, Holdinezo-Vasarhely, 42,501 Hoinonna, H on t,b. Horatzdiowitz, Horn, Horodenka, Hoszufatu, Hotzenplotz, Hradisch, Hungarian, Humpoletz, Husaityn, Huszt, Idria, Ober, Iglau, 19,427 Iglo, 1 1 lye, Imoschi, 22,608 [mst, Hungary G Hungary G Hungary G Hungary K Carniola D Transylvania H Hungary F Transylvania I Hungary G Hungary F Hungary G Lower Austria D Hungary G Lower Austria E Transylvania H Hungary F Galicia 1 Tyrol 15 Salzburg C Upper Austria C Styria D Hungary G Hungary F Transylvania I Salzburg C Hungary F Bohemia E Hungary G Hungary G Hungary F Bohemia C Lower Austria D Galicia I Transylvania I Silesia E Moravia E Bohemia I) Galicia K Hungary H Carniola D Moravia D Hungary G Transylvania Dalmatia 'J’vrol Innsbruck, 14,224, Gap. of Prow Tyrol I poly Sagh, Isold, 6.215 [stria. Capo d’, I vanich, .lablunkau, Jagerndorf, 6,618 Jankovaes, 10,076 Jaroslau, Jaska, Jaslo, Jasz Apathi, Jasz Arokszallas, •lasz liereny, 17,534 Jauernig, .lawarow, .leznpol, Joaehimsthal, £,641 Jolsva, iordanow, Hungary Upper Austria I stria Military Frontier Silesia Silesia Hungary Galicia Croatia Galicia Hungary H ungary Hungary Silesia Galicia Galicia Bohemia Hungary Galicia d c c b c b b b b b d a b b b b c b b H d E e B c B e F b C c C d E d F b E a F c II a Komlos, Banat, Kondos, Tot, Komorn, 1 1 .951 Komotau, 5,933 Koniggriitz. 5,061 Kbniginhof, 5,370 Kbnigsaal. Kbnigsberg. Konigswart, 7,494 Konostetb, Kopreinitz, Hungary G d Hungary G c Hungary F c Bohemia C a Bohemia D a Bohemia D a Bohemia I) b Hungary F b Bohemia C a Transylvania I c Croatia E c Galicia I b Oroszhaza, 12,663 Orsova, Old and New ( A da Hungary G Kalesi), Military Frontier H d Ottochatz, Military Frontier D d Otynia, Galicia I b Ozora, Hungary F c Pago, Dalmatia D d Pakracz, Slavonia E d Paks, Hungaiy F c Palanka, Hungary F a Palota, PI ungary F a I’ancsova, Military Frontier G d Papa. 12,910 Hungaiy E c Pardubitz, 6,714 Bohemia D a Parenzo, Istria C d Pecska, 14,026 Hungary G c Pelsocz, Hungary G b Pentele, Duna, Hungary F c Pesth, 347,536.. } ..Hungary F c Petervasnr. Hungary G b Military Frontier G d Military Frontier E d Hungary F d Styria D o Bohemia D Hungary F Military Frontier E Bohemia C Mitrovitz, Mittersill, Modern, Mod os, Moliacs, 10,699 Mohol, Mokrin, Moldauthein, Mold Kimpolung Molk, Montona, 5,338 Moor, Military Frontier F Salzburg C R Hung Hunt ary ary G d Hungary F Hungary Hungary Bohemia D b Bukowina I Lower Austria Istria Hungaiy F G d G d D 1. C d Kdnnend, Hungaiy E c Mottling, Carniola D d Ragusa Yecchia, or Old Korneuburg, Lower Austria E b Miihlbach, Transylvania II d Ragusa, Dalmatia F e Kerbs Banya, Hungary II c Munkacs, Hungary II Styria D b Rakonitz, Bohemia C a Korbsmezo, Hungary I b Miirau, c Rann, St-vria D d Koriis, Nagy, 19,954 Hungary F c M urzzu sch lag, Styria D c Rattenberg, Tyrol B c Kostainicza. Mi 1 i l a ry Frontier E d Mvslenice, Galicia F b Rawa, Galicia H a Koste'etz, Bohemia E a Nabresifia, Goritz C d ltechnitz. Hungary E c Kottori, Hungary E c Nadudvar, Hungary G c Reichenberg, IS, 864 Bohemia D a Kovesd, Meso, Hungary G c Nadworna, Galicia I b ltesehen. Tyrol B c Krainburg. Carniola D c Nagy Bajora, Hungary E c Resell itza, Hungary G d Krapina, 12.8SS Croatia D c Nagy Becse, Hungaiy G d Restnar, Transylvania I d Kremnitz, Hungary F b Nagy Enyed, Transylvania H c Reutte, Tyrol B c Krems, 6.837 Lower Austria D b Nagy Kapos, Hungary H b Ried, Upper Austria C b Kremsier. 9.1 10 Moravia E b Nagy Karoly, 10,670 Hungary H c Rima Szombat, Hungarv G b Kremsiniinster, Upper Austria D b Nagy Kata, Hungary F c Riva, 4,997 Tyrol B d Kreuz, Kronstadt, 28,014 Croatia E c Nagy Kiiros, 19,054 Hungary F c Roclilitz, 7,918 Bohemia D a Transylvania I d Nagy Saros, Hungaiy G b Rohatyn, Galicia I b Krumau, 6,093 Bohemia D b Nagy Szollbs, Hungary H b Rosegg, 5,298 Roseuau, Carinthia D Kubin, Also, Hungary F b Nameny, Hungary II b Hungary G b Knczurmare, Bukowina I b Nanas, 11,337 Hungary G c Rosenau, Transylvania I a Knfstein. Tyrol C c Nasice, 10,261 Slavonia F d Rosenberg, Hungary F b Kula, Hungary F d Nauders, Tyrol B c Rossi tz, Moravia E b Kunnegyes. Hungary G c Neograd, Hungary F c Rottenmann. Styria D c Kun Szent Marton, Hungary G c Neu liidschow, Bohemia D a Roveredo, 8,108 Tyrol B d Knn Szent Miklos, Hungary F c Neuhaus, 7,304 Bohemia I) b Rovigno, 9,442 Istria C d Kurticz, Hungary G c Neuhiiusel, Hungary F c Runia, Slavonia F d Kntina, Croatia E d Neumarkt, Galicia G b Rumburg, 8,175 Bohemia D a Kuttenberg. 12,727 Bohemia D b Neumarkt, Salzburg C c Rust, Hungary E c Knty, Galicia I b Neumarkt, Styria D c Ruszpoljana, Hungary I c Ladany, Piispok, Hungary G c Neumarkt, Upper Austria C b Rzeszov, Galicia II h Lahna, Bohemia C a Neunkirchen, 5.246 Lower Austria E c Saaz, 7,674 Bohemia O a Laibach, 23,032. Cap. of Prov. Carniola D c Neusatz, 15.S22 Hungary F d Sachsenberg, Carinthia C c Lak, Nagy, Hungary G c Neusolil. Hungary F b Sadowa, Bohemia D a Lambach, tipper Austria C l) Neustadt, 14,547 Lower Austria E c St. Ivan, St. Johann, Croatia E «l Landeck, Tyrol li c Neustadt, Moravia E b Hungary E b Landstrass, Carniola D d Neustadtl, Carniola D d St. Michael. Salzburg C c Lai m, Bohemia C a Neustadt, Miihrisch, Moravia E b St. Tolten, 7,299 Lower Austria L) b Leibnitz, Styria D c N°utra, Hungary F b St. Yeit, Carinthia D c Leipa, Bbhmisch, 8,442 Bohemia D a Niepolomice, Galicia G a Salzburg, 17,253, Cap. of Leipnik, Moravia E b Nikolsburg. 8,732 Moravia E b Duchy, Salzburg O c Leitmeritz, 7,488 Bohemia D a Nona, Dalmatia D d Samhor. 10,507 Galicia II b Leitomischl, 7,087 Bohemia E b Novi, Croatia D d Sandec, Alt and Neu, Galicia G h Le He, Hungary E c Novigrad, Dalmatia D ol San Marco, Fort, Dalmatia D d Lemberg, or Leoprd (Pol. I avow), 87,109, Cap. ol Prov. Galicia I b Nyiregyhaza, 17, 4S7 Ohrovazzo, Hungary G Dalmatia D c d San ok. Sark ad. Galicia H Hungary G b e Leoben, Styria D c Oderberg, Silesia F b Saros. Nagy, Hungary G D Lesina. Dalmatia E e Oedenburg, 18,898 Hungary E c Srardona, Dalmatia D e Leutschach, 5,464 Styria D c Ofen, or Buda {/Judin). Cap. Sehiirding, Upper Austria C Transylvania I b Leutschau, Hungary G b of Kingdom, Hungary F c Schassburg. c Leva, Hungary F b Ogulin, (Military Frontier I> d Seliemnitz, 13,614 Hungary F b Levico, 5,674 Tyrol B c Oleszyce, Galicia 11 a Schenk. Gr. Transylvania I (1 Liebenau, Bohemia D a Olniiitz, 13,997 Moravia F, b Sclila lining. Styria C r Lienz, Tyro) O c Orabovica, Slavonia E d Sehonberg, 6.651 Moravia K b Peterwardein, Petrinja, I etrovacz, l’ettau, Pilgrarn, Pilis, Pilomatza, Pilsen, 14,269 Pirano, 8.749 Istria C I’isek, 8,178 Bohemia D 1 isino, Istria C Podebrad, Bohemia D Pola, Istria C Polna, Bohemia D Poprad. 5,143 Hungaiy G Portopus, Dalmatia E Pozega, Slavonia E Prague (Pran). Cap. of king- dom, 1S9,949 Prerau, 5,4 ly Pressburg (Hung. Posony). 46,544 Hungary E Pribram, 7,665 Bohemia C Privitea, Hungary F Frossnitz, Moravia E Prutz, Tyrol B Przernysl, Galicia H l’ucbo, Hungary F Piispok Ladany, Hungary G Putilla, Bukowina I Pystyn, Galicia I Raab {Nagy Gy'or ), 20,252 Hungary E Raczkeve, Hungary F Radautz, Bukowina I Radkersburg, . Styria E Radmannsdorf, Carniola D Radnitz, Bohemia C Radomysl, Galicia G Radomysl, Galicia H Iladstadt, Salzburg C Ragusa, Dalmatia F Bohemia D a Moravia E b MAP OF AUSTRIA. Schuttenhofen, Sehwadowitz, Schwaz, Sebenico, 14,238 Seelowitz, Gross, Semlin, Sereth, Sign, 26,433 Siklos, Sillein, Sillian, Sissek, Skalitz, Skerisora, Skole, Slano, Sluin, Smichow, 9,147 Siiiatvn, 10,663 Soborsin, Sohlan, Sokal Solt, Snroksar, Sovar, Spalato, 15,784 Spittal Stagno. Stanislawow, 13,047 Bohemia C Bohemia D Tyrol l’« Dalmatia D Moravia E Military Frontier G Bukowina K Dalmatia E Hungary F Hungary F Tyrol C Croatia E Hungary E Transylvania H Galicia H b Dalmatia E e Military Frontier D il Bohemia D a Galicia I b Hungary H c Bohemia D a Galicia I a Hungary F c Hungary F c Hungary G b Dalmatia E e Carinthia C c Dalmatia E e Galicia I b Steinach, Steinamanger, Steinbriicken. Sternberg, 12,665 Sterzing, Stockerau, Strass, Strello, Stry. Stuhlweissenburg, 22,628 Suczawa, Sugutag, Sumeg, Suttori na, Szabad Szallas, Szakcs, Szalonta. Szamos Ujvar, Szanto, Szarvas. 18,917 Szasz Regen, Szathmar, 14.2SS Szegedin, 69,041 SzHghalom, 'zekszard, 10,013 Szektso, Steier, or Steyr, 10,752 Upper Austria D b Tyrol B Hungary E Styria D Moravia E Tyrol B Lower Austria E Styria D Dalmatia D Galicia II b Hungary F Bukowina K Hungary H Hungary E Dalmatia F Hungary F Hungary F Hungary G Transylvania H Hungary G Hungary G Transylvania I Hungary H c Hungary G c Hungary G c Hungary F’ c Hungary F c Szeliste. Transylvania H d Tiirzbiirg, Transylvania I d Szent Andras, Hungary G c Totis. Hungary F c Szent Anna, Hungary G c Tot Kmnlos, Hungary G c Szent Endre, Hungary F c 1 Tot Varad, Hungary H d Szentes, 26,093 Hungary G c Trakostjan, Croatia E c Szent Gyorgy, Also, Hungary G c Trau, Dalmatia E e Szent Marlon, Hungary F b Trebitsch, Moravia D b Szent Miklos, Hungary F b Tremhowla, Galicia I b Szent Miklos, Gr. Hungary G c Trencsin, Hungary F b Szent Miklos, Gvergyo, Transylvania I c Trent (Ger. Trient, Ital. Szent Miklos, Tordk, 10,437 Hungary G c Trento), 14,347 Tyrol P. c Szent Tamas, Hungary F d Triebitz. Bohemia E b Szent Udvarhely, Transylvania I c Trient (Trent, Ital. Trento ), I Szt-red, Hungary E b 14,347 Tyrol B c Sziget, Hungary H c Trieste, ( Triest ), (1880) 126,636 Triest C d Szigetvar, Hungary E c Troppau, 13,861 Silesia E 1) Szilagy-Somlyo, Hungary II c Triibau, Bohemia E b Szoboszlo, 11,081 Hungary G c Trzebina, Galicia F a Szohrancz, Hungary H b Tschaprina, Hungary E c Szollos Gyorok, Hungary E c TufFer, Styria D c Szolnnk, 13,936 Hungary G c Tulin, Lower Austria E b Sztanisics, Hungary F d Tura, Hungary E b Szwidnik, Hungary G b Turany, Hungary F b Tabolcza, Hungary E c Turk a, Galicia H b Tabor, 5,255 Bohemia D b Turkevi, Hungary G c Talya, Hungary G b Turnau, Bohemia D a Tamasi, Hungary F c Tyrnau, Hungary E b Tarnopol, 17,210 Galicia I b Tysmieuice, Galicia I b Tarnow, Galicia G a Ujhely, Hungary G b Tarvis. Carinthia C c Ujszailas, Kis, Hungary G c Tans, 6,382 Bohemia C b Uj Szany, Hungary F c Tecso, Hungary H b Unghvar, Hungary H b Temerin, Hungary F d Urfahr, 5,254 Upper Austria D b Temesvar, 32,754 Hungary G d Vaida Hunyad, Transylvania H d Tepl, Bohemia C b Yalpo, Slavonia F d Teplitz, or Toplitz, 6,854 Bohemia C a Vanya Deva, Hungary G c Teplitz, Styria D c Yasarhely, Holdmezo, 42,501 Hungary G c Teschen, 8,142 Silesia F l> Yasarhely, Kezdi, Transylvania I d Tensing, Bohemia C a Yeglia, Istria D d Theisholz, Hungary G b Yellach, Carinthia C c Theresienstadt, Bohemia D a Yerbii, Hungary E b Theresienstadt, or Mariather- Y ergoraz, Dalmatia E e esienstadt. Hungary F c Yerlika, Dalmatia E e Thurzovka, Hungary F b Yeszprim, 10,789 Hungary E e Tisza Fiired, Hungary G c Yeszto, Hungary G c Titel. Military Frontier G d Vienna (Wien), metropolis Titschein, Neu, Moravia F b of the Austrian Empire Tokay, Hungary G b (1869), 825,165 Lower Austria E b Tolcsva, Hungary G b Vilagos, Hungary G c Tolmein, 5,541 Goritz C c Yillaeh, Carinthia C c Tolna, Hungary F c Yinga, Hungary G c Topi ice, Croatia E c Yinkovcze, Military Frontier F d Toplitz, or Teplitz, 6,854 Bohemia C a Virovitica, Slavonia E d Tnpolya, Hungary F d Yisk, Hungary IP b Torda, Transylvania II c Yocin, Slavonia E d Torna, Hungary G b Yocklabruek, Upper Austria C l) Volkerrnarkt, Vulkovar. Wadow ice, Wagram, Wagrein, Waidhofen, Waitzen, 12,799 Warasdin, Warnsdorf, 11,977 Weisskirchen, 5,970 Weisskirchen, Weitra, Web, 6,026 Werfen, Werschetz, 21,096 Wessely, Wieliczka, Wind Gratz, Windisch Feistriiz, Winterberg, Wiscliau, Wischnitz, Wisowitz, Witkow, Wittingau, Wlasehin, Wolfsberg, Wolfsegg, W otitz, Wsetin, Wiilfersdorf, Wurzen, Xupanje, Zala Egerszeg, Zalathna, Zaleszczyk, Zalosce, Zam, Zara, 18,526 Zator, Zharaz, Zeil, Zemplin, Zeng, Zenta, 16,808 Zilali. Zirknitz, Zlatar, 12,766 Zloczow, Znaim, 8,676 Zolkiew, Zombor, 25,304 Zuckmantl, Zwettel, Zwittau, 5,095 Carinthia D Slavonia F Galicia F Lower Austria E Salzburg C Lower Austria D Hungary F Croatia E Bohemia D Moravia E Military Frontier G Lower Austria D Upper Austria C Salzburg C Hungary G Bohemia D Galicia G Styria D Styria D Bohemia C Moravia E Bukowina I Moravia E Galicia I Bohemia D Bohemia D Carinthia D Upper Austria C Bohemia D Moravia E Lower Austria E Carniola C Military Frontier F Hungary E Transylvania H Galicia I Galicia I Transylvania H Dalmatia D Galicia F Galicia I Tyrol B Hungary G Military Frontier D Hungary G Hungary H Carniola D Croatia E Galicia I Moravia E Galicia II Hungary F Silesia E Lower Austria D Moravia E RIVERS. Adige, R. ( Ktsch ), 220 m. Tyrol B Adler, R. Bohemia E Ag, R. Nagy, Hungary H Almas, R. Transylvania H Alt, or Aluta, R., 340 in. Transylvania I 110 m. 50 m. Aranyos, R. Arva. R. Ifeczwa, R. liega. R. Beraun. or Mies, R. lierettyo. It. lustra. R. Bistritz. R. Bistritz. R. Roil ■ a it. Bor.',, a R. Bug .1.. 434 m. Bystrica. R. Cerna. It. Cettina. R. Czeremosz. R. Danube (Ger. Donau, Hung. Ihina), 1,725 m., area of basin, b c c c b Moravia E b Transylvania H Hungary F 250,01)0 sq. m. Dniester, R., 500 m. Donajec, R. Drave, R. ( Drau), Eger. R. , 125 m. Kisaeh. R. Elbe, R. , 550 m. Knns. or Ens R., 112 Hungary G d Bohemia D b Hungary II c Military Frontier H d Bukowina I c Transylvania I c Hungary G b Hungary H b Galicia I b Galicia I Military Frontier H d Dalmatia E Galicia I Austria & Turkey D Galicia I Galicia G Tyrol & Hungary D Bohemia C Tyrol 15 Bohemia D Styria C Ktsch , R. (Ital. Adiye), 220 m. Tyrol 15 Kypel, or Ipoly, 90 m. Hungary F Feistritz, R. Styria D Felceteiigy R. Transylvania K d Mohra, R. Moravia E b Skawa, R. Galicia F b Gail. R. Carinthia C c Moldau, R. , 270 m. Bohemia D b Solokija, It. Galicia H a Glina, R. Military Frontier D d Morava, or March, R., 180 m. Moravia E b Strel, R. Transylvania H d Gran. R. , 130 m. Hungary F b Mur. or Muhr, It., 230 in. Styria D c Strypa, R. Galicia I h Giins (Hung. Kiiszer/h), R. Hungary E c Mnrz R. Styria D c Styr, It., 200 m. Galicia I a Herna.l It. . 120 m. Hungary G b Nagy Ag, R. Hungary H b Suczawa, R. Bukowina K c Iglawa, or Igla, R. , 70 m. Moravia E b Narenta, It. Dalmatia E e Swica, It. Galicia I b Inn. R.. 320 m. Tyrol B c Nera. It. Military Frontier H d Szamos, R. , 200 m. Transyl. & Hungary I c Iuoly, or Eypel, R., 90 m. Hungary F b Neutra, R. . 110 in. Hungary F b Szamos It., Little, Transylvania II c Ips, R. Lower Austria D b Oder, R. , 455 m. Silesia F b Talabor, R. Hungary H b Iser, R. Bohemia D a Ondawa, R. Hungary G b Tanew, R. Galicia H a Kamp, R. Lower Austria D b Oppa, It. Silesia F b Taracz, R. Hungary H b Kerka, It. Dalmatia E d Podhorce, R. Galicia K b Tarna, R. Hungary G c Kockel It., Great, Transylvania H c Poltew, or l'eltew R. Galicia I b Temes, R., 180 m. Hungary G d Koekel It., Little, Transylvania I 0 Pop rad, It. Galicia G b Thaya, R. Lower Austria D b Korana. R. Military Frontier D d Pruth, It., 360 m. Galicia I b Theiss, R., 500 m. Hungary G c Kbros R., Black, 95 m. Hungary H c Ranh, It., 180 in. Hungary E c Topla, It. Hungary G b Kords It., Rapid, 1 40 m. Hungary H c ltaha. R. Galicia G b Torissa, R. Hungary G b Kinds R. , White, 200 m. Hungary G c Itabnitz, R. Hungary E c Traisen, It. Lower Austria D b Kraszna, R. Hungary H c Rhine. It. (Rhein), 800 in. Vorarlberg A c Traun, R., 100 m. Upper Austria D b Kulpa, R., 120 m. Military Frontier D (1 Rima. It. Hungary G b Ungb, It. Hungary H b Lahorec, It. Hungary G b Saalach, It. Salzburg C c Unna, It., 160 m. Military Frontier E d Lafnitz, R. Hungary FI c Saio, It. Hungary G b Yisso, It. Hungary I c Latorcza, R. Hungary 11 b Sajo, R. Transylvania I c Vistula ( Weichsel), R. Lech. It., 140 m. Tyrol 15 c Salza. R. Styria D c 590 m. Silesia and Galicia F b Leytha, R., 90 m. Hungary E c Salzaeh, or Salza R., 130 m. Salzburg C c Waag, R., 200 m. Hungary E b Lika, It. Military Frontier D d San, It. Galicia H a Watawa, R. Bohemia C b Lipa. It. Galicia I b Sann, R. Styria D c Wislok, R. Galicia 11 a Loumica, R. Galicia I b Save, It. ( Sau ), 550 Wisloka, R. Galicia G a ' Lonja. R. Croatia E d in. Carniola and Military Frontier D c Zagyva, R. Hungary F 0 Lotru. It. Transylvania I d Sazawa, It. Bohemia D b Zlota Lipa, R. Galicia I b Luschnitz, R. Bohemia D b Schwarzawa. R. Moravia E b Zwittawa, R. Moravia E is March, or Morava, R. , 180 m. Moravia E b Sereth, It., 270 m. Bukowina I b Maros, R. , 400 m. Transyl. kt Hungary G c Sereth, It. Galicia I k Mies, or Beraun, R. Bohemia C b Sio, It. Hungary F c Atter See, Upper Austria C c Balaton L. (Flatten See), 48 m. long by 3 to 10 m. Hungary E c Constance L. ( Roden See). 40 m. long by 9m. ; alt. 1,250 ft. Vorarlberg A c LAKES. Gmiinden, or Traun See, Up. Austria C c Garda. Lago di, 35 m. long by 2 to 10 m. broad ; ait. 320 ft. Tyrol B d Neusiedler See. or L. of Neu- siedl, 23 in. long by 7 m. Hungary E Platten See, or L. of Balaton, , Traun, or Gmiinden See, c | 8 m. by 2 m. Upper Austria C Weissen See, Hungary E c 1 Zirknitz L. Carinthia C c Carniola D d Adamello. Monte, 11,692 Adler Gebirge, Altvater, 4,913 Habia Gura. Mt. Tyrol B c | Bacber Gebirge, Bohemia E a | Bakonyer Wald (Forest of Ba- Silesia E a i konyh 2.000 mean height Hungary F Carpathians F b ' Beskiden Mts. Carpathians II MOUNTAINS, ETC. Styria D c j Beskiden. or Bieskid Mts. Silesia F b Biharia Gebirge, Hungary II c c I Biihmer Wald (Bohemian b I Forest), 4,613 Bohemia C b Borgo Pass, Carpathians I e Botschetje, Mt., 9,528, the highest summit of the Carpathians. Transylvanian Alps I a 4 MAP OF AUSTRIA. Brenner Pass, 4,650 Tyrol B Biidos Alt. Carpathians K Burgas, Hohe, Upper Austria D C&pella Mts. Military Frontier D Carnic Alps. Tyrol C Carpathian Mts., or Kra- paJ;s( Karpathen), 9, 52S Carpathians IT Carpathian Mts., Little, Hungary E Czibler, Mt. Transylvania I Czukas. Mt., 6,379 Transylvanian Alps I Dachst Berg, Dinara, Mt. , 6,040 Dinaric Alps, 7,000 Dodici, Monte, Dreilierrn Spitz, 10,122 Dsumalen, Mt. Eisenhut, 7,656 Enns Thai, Erz Gebirge, 4,124 Etscli Thai, Fatra, Fatra, Kleiner, Fleims Thai, Gimes Tass Falzburg C Dalmatia E Dalmatia E Tyrol B Tyrol C Carpathians I Carinthia D Styria D Bohemia C Tyrol B Hungary F Hungary F Tyrol P> Carpathians K Giudiearca. or Judicarien Valley, Tyrol B Glockner, Gross, 12.956, the highest of the Noric Alps, Salzburg C Golling, Hohe or Gross, 9,380 Styria C Hargitta, Mt. Carpathians I Hegyallya, Hungary G Hetyczat, Mt. Transylvanian Alps H Hochschwab Berg, 7,600 Styria D I Hrebla Berg, Carpathian* Inn Thai. Tyrol Iron Gate Pass, Military Frontier Iron Gates of the Danube, Military Frontier .Taun Thai, Styria Jawornik, Hungary •ludicarien, or Giudicaria Valley, Tyrol G b B c H d H d D c Julian Alps, 10,863 Kalicz Berg, Karwendel Gebirge, Klak Berg, Klek, Mt., 6,926 Kor Alp, Kri imnler Tauem, K a bin, Kukurbeta, Kiirszia, Mt. Lakocz, Mt. Lausitzer Gebirge, Lech Thai, Liptau Mts. Lomnitzer Spitz, 8,779 Maggiore, Monte, Magura Berg, Margitta Mt. Marmolade, or Marmolatta, Monte, 1 1,510 ft. Tyrol Matra Berg, Hungary Mhzo Havas, Alt. Carpathians Mittel Gebirge, Bohemia Alollthal, Carinthia Carniola Carpathians Tyrol Hungary Militaiy Frontier Styria Tyrol Hungary Transylvania Transylvanian Alps Transylvanian Alps Bohemia Tyrol Hungary Carpathians Istria Carpathians Carpathians F B I) H B F D D C F b II e H d K d D a P, F G D G K B c F c I c C a C c AToravian Mts. ( ifiihrischi Gebirr/e), Afur Thai, Aliirz Thai, Negot Alt., 8.338 Neutraer Gebirge, Niedzwiec Berg Norie Alps, Oetz Thai, AToravia E Styria D Styria D Transylvanian Alps I Hungary F Carpathians G Salzburg and Styria C Tyrol B Orles, or Ortler Spitz, 12.852 Tyrol B Otscher Berg, Lower Austria D Tyrol B Transylvanian Alps K Carpathians I Pasubio, Monte, Pentilau Alt. Pietroszul. Mt. Pinzgau Thai, Salzburg C l’ojana Ruska, Hungary H Popadj Mt. Carpathians H Puster Thai, Tyrol C Rhatian Alps, Tyrol B Rhatikon Gebirge, Vorarlberg A Riesen Gebirge, 5,255 Bohemia D Rosen Thai, Styria D RotheThnrmPass, Transylvanian Alps I Sandor, Alt. Carpathians K Sarko, Mt. Alilitary Frontier H Schlern Alt. Tyrol B Sehnee Berg, Carniola D Schneekoppe, 5,255 Bohemia D Schockl, Styria D Semenik, Aft. Military Frontier H Seraring Pass, Styria D Simonka, Hungary G Sitnya Berg, Hungary F Speik Koppe, Styria D Stelvio Pass, or Stilfser Joch, 9.100 Tyrol B Stracicz Berg. Bohemia D Stretinye Gebirge, Alilitary Frontier H Sudeten Gebirge, 4,913 Aloravia E Surian. Alt. Transylvanian Alps H Surul, Alt., 7,328 Transylvanian Alps I Tatra Alts. (Lomnitzer Spi'.z). 8.779 Carpathians F Tauern Chain, Salzburg C Tauern, Hohe or High, Tyrol C Terglou, 10,863 Carniola C Tolgyes, Alt. Carpathians I Tonale, Alonte and Pass, Tyrol B Torojakap, Carpathians I Transylvanian Alps, or East. Carpathians I Tremschin Berg Velka Aiinezyol, A T ellehich Alts. Vereczke, Alt. A'intschgau, Vrdnik Gebirge, A’ulcan Pass, 7,194 AVarasdiner Gebirge, Wechsell Berg, Wiener Wald, AVild Spitz, Zeidner Berg, Ziller Thai, Bohemia C Carpathians G Alilitary Frontier D d Carpathians H b Tyrol B c Slavonia F d Carpathians H d Croatia E c Lower Austria E c Lower Austria E b Tyrol B c Transylvanian Alps I d Tyrol B c Arbe v. Brazza L Busi I. Cazza I. Cherso I, Osepel I. Curzola I. Grossa, or Lunga L Giupana I. Incoronata L Adriatic Sea, Cattaro, Bocche di, Quarnero, Canale del, Dalmatia D d Dalmatia E e Dalmatia E e Dalmatia E e Istria D d Hungary F c Dalmatia E e Dalmatia D d Dalmatia E e Dalmatia D e Kajola I. I.agosta I. Losina I. Lissa I. Lunga, or Grossa I. Lussin I. Atelada I. Aleleda I. Alur L Fago I, GULFS, ETC. D e Dalmatia F e Istria D d Ouarnerolo. Canale del, Triest, Gulf of, A’enice, Gulf of. Istria D d C d C d ISLES, CAPES, ETC. Dalmatia E Dalmatia E Dalmatia E Dalmatia E Dalmatia D Istria D Dalmatia D Dalmatia E Hungary E Dalmatia D e i e * e e d d d e c d Pelagosa I. Planca. Punta della, Porno I. Premnda, Tromontore, Punta di, Sabbioncollo, San Andrea I. San Clemente I. Sansego I. Schiitt I., Great, Dalmatia E e Dalmatia D e Dalmatia D e Dalmatia D d Istria C d Dalmatia E e Dalmatia D e Dalmatia E e Istria D d Hungary E e Schiitt I., Little, Solta I. Torcota I. Unie I. A T eg!ia I. Zirona I. Zlarin L Zurt L Hungary E o Dalmatia E e Dalmatia E e Istria D d Istria D d Dalmatia E e Dalmatia D e Dalmatia D c — !•* :rtzL(} ■ ‘Jtfint/'u [Colour- , ?2feln*/c • icLscbcn Craco fchonber^ fnmecfu f’itsc/uin. Olmiitz/ .gkowitz Pposj Tahor\ Jleez& '" J uittc/Jurtl 'Winierberd /yrjtxg.llt^uLi \Lrhg.7]roi'ica 'diotfs ^jjbotai ?ortou :za'\. ^r- ( nnorttor% Beliria %}0JiuA X Tv . Vy/y Si«na V :h, ■vrti' tV -j/ Lagosta. MO^TlE^E<v :Ractu* c IrwnitL If = 0 C' y \ \ ( —'iT vtm ) Jr^ \\C -2-tAv- —l \ U Y H V) &i Y /L J & A f A ■Eli 1111 i .111111 LIE 1 Ill tilil ii MJI.LBJL.il 1 III! I II I! Ill ill lilt Hill IIIBIII! MAP OF ITALY, TURKEY IN EUROPE, AND GREECE. INDEX TO ITALY. Scale 80 miles to an inch. One square inch comprises 7 '6 times the area represented by one square inch on Map of England. Italy (Italian, Itcdia ; French, Italie ; German, Italien) embraces the central peninsula of Southern Europe, part of the continent south of- the Alps, and many islands, some of which are of considerable size. It ex- tends, in a north-westerly and -south-easterly direction, through nearly 9 degrees of latitude and 11A degrees of longitude The coast line extends to about 3,350 miles, one-third of which is insular. Length from Mont Blanc to Gape Santa Maria di Leuca 725 miles, or 780 miles to Cape Portio di Palo in Sicily. Length of continental portion, 360 miles. Average breadth of peninsula about 100 miles. The Kingdom of Italy' now comprises the whole country. The occu- pation of the Pontifical States by the national troops in September 1870 has deprived the Pope of temporal dominion; and in June 1871 the city of Rome was restored to her precedence as capital of Italy. The Republic of San Marino, one of the smallest and most ancient States of Europe, is enclosed on all sides by the kingdom. Eat. , 43° 55 K. Long. 12° 30' E. The isle of Corsica, geographically connected witl Italy, forms one of the departments of France, and the Maltese Grouj. forms an important dependency of Great Britain. The Kingdom of Italy ; is divided into 73 provinces, which mostly bear the name of their respec- I tive chief towns (underlined upon the Map), and are referable to fifteen principal but non-official districts {compart imenti territorial!), of which the names are familiar and of long standing. The total population of the kingdom is about one-eighth greater than that of England. The area is about one-eighth less than that of the British Isles. The most densely peopled districts are Lombardy, Piedmont, Emilia, and Yenetia, which have respectively 346, 266, 249, and 249 per square mile. Sardinia, 61. Average for Italy, 229 persons per square mile. In the following table the former names of provinces are given within brackets. Those in Italics express the ItaliaD names when they differ from the usual English forms. Provinces. Area in Pop. fcq. m. 1. Alessandria, 1,951 645,607 2. Cuneo, 2,754 597,279 3. Genoa (Genova), 1,538 650.143 4. Novara, 2,525 579,385 5. Porto Maurizio, 407 121,330 6. Turin (Torino), 3,964 941,992 I. Piedmont (Piemonte) and Liguria, 13,249 3,535,736 7. Cagliari, 5,222 372,097 8. Sassari, 4,137 215,967 II. Sardinia, I. of (Sardegna), 9,359 588,064 9. Bergamo, 1,026 347,235 10. Brescia, 1,999 434,219 11. Como, 1,094 457,434 12. Cremona. 828 285,148 13. Milan (Milano), 1,155 94S.320 14. Pavia. 1.285 419,785 15. Sondrio, 1,257 106,040 III. Lombardy (Lombardo), 8,644 2,998,181 16. Bologna, 1,401 407.452 17. Ferrara, 999 199,158 18. Forli, .... 716 224,463 1 9. Massa e Carrare, 685 140,733 20. Modena, 966 260,591 21. Parma, 1,251 256,029 22. Piacenza, 965 218,569 23. Ravenna, 742 209,518 24. Reggio, 883 230,054 IV. Emilia, . 8,608 2,146,567 TABLE OF PROVINCES. Provinces. Area in sq. m. Pop. 25. Ancona, 739 254.849 26. Ascoli Piceno, 809 196.030 27. Macerata, 1,056 229.626 23. Pesaro e Urbino, 1,144 202,568 V. The Marches, 2,949 883,073 29. Perugia, — VI. Umbria, 3,685 513,019 30. Arezzo, 1,230 219,559 31. Florence (Firenze), 2.178 696.214 32. Grosseto, 1,659 100,626 33. Leghorn (Livorno), 122 116,811 34. Lucca, 568 256,161 35. Pisa, 1,131 243.028 36. Sienna (Siena), 1,416 193,935 VII. Tuscany (Toscana), 8,374 1,826,334 37. Aquila (Abruzzo Ulteriore II.), 2,509 309,451 38. Avellino (Principato Ulteriore), 1,288 355,621 39. Bari (Terra di Bari). . 2,292 554,402 40. Benevento, 669 220,506 41. Campobas^ (Mol ise) , Caserta (T™ra di Lavoro), 1,804 346.007 42. 2,294 653,464 43. Catanzaro (Calabria Ulteriore II. , 2.306 384.159 44. Chieti (Abruzzo Citeriore), 1.104 327,316 45. Cosenza (Calabria Citeriore), . 2.840 431,691 46. Foggia (Capitanata), 3,064 212,835 47. Lecce (Terra d’Otranto), 3,292 447,982 48. Naples (Napoli), 428 867,983 49. Potenza (Basilicata), . 4,121 492,959 50. Reggio (Calabria Ulteriore), . 1,514 324.546 51. Salerno (Principato Citeriore), 2.115 528,256 52. fferamo (Abruzzo Ulteriore I.), 1,283 230,061 VIII. Neapolitan Provinces, 32,923 6,787,289 Provinces. Area in sq. m. Pop. 53. Caltanisetta, . . 1,499 223,178 54. Catania, . 1.824 450.460 55. Girgenti, . 1.269 263,880 56. Messina, . 1,699 395,139 57. Palermo, . 1,640 585,163 58. Siracusa (Noto), . 1,436 259,613 59. -Trapani, . 1,058 214,981 IX. Sicily (Sicilia), . . 10,425 2,392,414 60. Belluno, . 1,263 167.229 61. Mantua ( Montana ), . 857 262.819 62. Padua (Padova), 806 304.762 63. Rovigo, 652 180.647 64. Treviso, 938 308,483 65. Udine, . 2,487 440.542 66. Venice (Venezia), 849 294,450 67. Verona, . 1,102 316.493 68. Vicenza, . 1,041 327,674 X. Venetia, . . 9,995 2,603,099 69. Civita Veccliia, 70. Frosinone, 71. Velletri, 72. Viterbo. 73. Rome (Roma), and the Comarca, XI. Previous to Sep. 1870, Pontifical States, or States of the Church, 4,555 723,161 San Marino Republic, . 26J 7.080 Total of Italy, . 112,722125,914,017 Malta and Gozzo (British), 115 145,363 TOWNS. Acireale, 24,151 Acqui, Aderno. 12.877 Adria. 12,803 Aggira, 11,204 Agnone, 10,000 Agosta, Alatri. 11,370 Alba. Albano, Albenga, Alcamo. 19,518 Alessandria, 27,027 Alghero, Altamura, 17,198 Amalfi, Amantea, Ancona, 31,238 Afldria, 30,067 Sicily F f Piedmont C b Sicily F f Venetia E b Sicily F f Naples F d Sicily F f Pontifical States E d Piedmont C b Pontifical States E d Piedmont C b Sicily E f Piedmont C b Sardinia C d Naples G d Naples F d Naples F e Marches E c Naples G d Aosta, Piedmont B Aquapendente, Pontifical States D Aquila degli Ahruzzi, 16,582 Naples E Arezzo, 11,081 Tuscany D Ariano, 14,500 Naples F Arona, Piedmont C Arpino, Naples E Ascoli, or Ascoli Piceno, 14,223 Marches E Ascoli, Asiago, Assisi, Asti, 20,239 Atri, Auronzo, Avellino, 13,446 Aversa, 15,902 Avezzana, Avola, 10,778 Nap'es F Venetia D Umbria E Piedmont C Naples E Venetia E Naples F Naples F Naples E Sicily F Barcellona Pozzodi Gotto, 13,257 Sicily F e Bari delle Puglie, 33,177 Barletta. 26,474 Basacquino, Bassano, 14,411 Belluno, 13,552 Belvedere, Benevento, 16.484 Bergamo, 21,566 Bianco, Biella, Bisceglie, 21,686 Bitonto, 26,643 Bobbio, Boiano, Bologna, 89,850 Bonorva, Borgo Sandonnino, Borgotaro, Bormio ( Worms), Naples G Naples G Sicily E Venetia D Venetia E Naples F Naples F Lombardy G Naples G Piedmont C Naples G Naples G Lombardy C Naples F Emilia D Sardinia C Emilia D Emilia C Lombardy D d Bosa, d Bra, f Brescia. 40,499 b Brindisi, a Bronte, 11.760 e Busto Arsizio. 10,000 d Cagliari, 23,244 b Caltagirone, 26,039 e Caltanisetta, 20,411 b Camerino, d Campagna, d Campobasso, 13,354 b Campo Formio. d Canosa di Puglia, 12,769 b Canossa, d I Capo Rizzuto, b j Capua, 12,548 b I Carini, a i Carloforte, Sardinia C d Piedmont B t Lombardy D fc Naples II d Sicily P f Lombardy C b Sardinia C e Sicily F f Sicily F f Marches E c Naples F f Naples F d Venetia E 3 Naples G 1 Emilia D b Naples G e Naples F d Sicily E • Sardinia C • 2 MAP OF ITALY, TURKEY IN EUROPE, AND GREECE. Carmagnole, I Caronia, Carrara, Casale. or Casale Monferrato, 17,061 I Casalmaggiore. L Casalnuovo, Caserta, 13,342 Cassano, Castellamare, Castellamare di Stabia, 18,427 ‘Jastelfranca, Castellana, Civita, Pontific Castelvetere, Castelvetrano, 18,156 Castiglione, L Castiglione, Castrogiovanni, 14,084 Catania, 64,921 Catanzaro, 17,130 Cattolica, _ Cava, Cavarzere, 4,000 Cecina, Cefalu, 10,855 Cerignola, 20,368 Cesena, Cetraro, Cherasco, P Chiaramonte, Chiavari, I Chiavenna, "L Chieri, 12,877 P Chieti, 14,408 Chioggia, 26,732 Chivasso, P Citta Vecch ia, Civita Castellana, Pontific Civita Santo Angelo, Civitavecchia, 10,000 Pontific Clusone, L Comacchio. Como, 20,826 L Corato, 24.576 Corese, Corigliano, Calabria, 10,624 Corleone, 14,600 Corneto, Pontific Cortona, Cosenza, 11,649 Cot.rone, Creina, L Cremona, 31,001 L Cuneo, 21,142 P Cuorgne, P Custozza, Diano, Dolo, Domo d’Ossola, I Eboli, Empoli, Este, Fabriano, Faenza, 22,641 Fano, Fasano, 11,022 Favara, 12,818 Feltre, Fermo, Ferrara, 27,688 Finale Borgo, I Firenze {Florence), Florence (It. Firenze), 11 4,363 Foggia, 32,493 Foligno, Folonica, Forli, 17,723 Fossano, P Francavilla, 15,156 Frascati, Pontific; Frosinone, Pontific; Fuscaldo, Gaeta, Gallarate, L Gallipoli, Gargnano, L Genoa, (It. Genova), 127,986 I Geraee, Giarre, Gioia, Malta F b Gioja, Naples F e Oristano, JSardinia C e e Girgenti, 15,925 Sicily E f Orosei, Sardinia C d b Gito, Lombardy D b Ortona, 10,000 Naples F c Giulianova, Naples E c Orvieto, Umbria E c b Gonzaga, 15,847 Lombardy D b Oschiri, Sardinia C d b Gravina in Puglia, 13,816 Naples G d Osimo, Marches E c e Grosseto, Tuscany D c Ostia, Pontifical States E d d Guastalla, Emilia D b Ostuni, 6,000 Naples G d e Gubbio, Umbria E c Otranto, Naples H d e Gugliano, Naples F d Oxieri, Sardinia C d d Iglesias, Sardinia C e Padua, 51,737 Venetia D b b Imola, 10,916 Emilia D b Palazzolo, Lombardy C b c Isili, Sardinia C e Palermo, 162,625 Sicily E e e Isio, Lombardy D b Palma di Monte Chiaro, 11,188 Sicily E f f Ivrea, Piedmont B b Palmanova, Venetia E b b Jesi, 15,240 Marches E c Palmi, 7,000 Naples F e c Laconi, Sardinia C e Paola, Naples F e f Lagonegro, Naples F d Parma. 47,067 Emilia D b f Lanciano, 16,500 Naples F c Partinico, or Parfcenico, 18,758 Sicily E e e Lanusei, Sardinia C e Pastum {ruins), Naples F d f Larino, Naples F d Paterno, 13,961 Sicily F f d Lecce, 17,836 Naples H d Patti, Sicily F e b Lecco, Lombardy C b Pavia, 28,670 Piedmont C b c Leghorn (It. Livorno), 83,543 Tuscany D c Penne, Naples E c e Legnago, 5,318 venetia D b Perugia, 14,885 Umbria E c d Lentini, Sicily F f Pesaro, 10,740 Marches E c b Licata, 14,338 Sicily E f Pescara, Naples F c e Livorno (Leqhom), 83,543 Tuscany D c Peschici, Naples G d b Lodi, 18,150 Lombardy C b Peschiera, Venetia D b f Loreto, Marches E c Pescia, Tuscany D c b Lucca, 21,966 Tuscany D c Piacenza, or Plaisance, 39,318 Emilia C b a Lu9era, 14,187 Naples F d Piazza, or Piazza Armerina, b Lugo, Emilia D b 2u,310 Sicily F f c Macerata, 20,065 Marches E c Pietra Perzia, 7,296 Sicily F f b Maddaloni, 17,798 Naples F d Pieve di Cadore, Venetia E a b Magenta, Lombardy C b Pinerolo, 15,464 Piedmont B b & Maglie, Naples H d Piombino. Tuscany D c c Manduria, Naples G d Pisa, 33,676 Tuscany D c c Manfredonia, Naples G d Pistoja, 12,274 Tuscany D c c Mantua (It Mantova), 28, 197 Lombardy D b Pizzighettone, Lombardy C b b Marengo, Piedmont C b Pizzo, Naples G e b Marsala, 17,732 Sicily E f Plaisance. or Piacenza, 39,318 Emilia C b 1. Massa, Emilia C c Policastro. Naples F d d Matera, 14,225 Naples G d Polignano, Naples G d c Mazzara, 10,239 Sicily E f Polizzi, icily E f e Mazzarino, 10,782 Sicily F f Polla, Naples F d f Mel. Venetia E a Pontecorvo, Naples E d c Melfi, 10,000 Naples F d Pontedera, Tuscany D c c Messina, 62,024 Sicily F e Pontremoli, Emilia C b e Milan (It. Milano, Ger. Mailand), Porto d’Anzio, Pontifical States E d e 196,109 Lombardy C b Porto Ferrajo, Elba D c b Milazzo, Sicily F e Portogruaro, Venetia E b b Mirandola, Emilia D b Porto Maurizio, Piedmont C c b Mistretta, 7,396 Sicily F f Porto San Stefano, Tuscany T> c b Modena, 32.248 Emilia D b Porto Torres, Sardinia C d b Modica, 27,449 Sicily F f Posada, Sardinia O d d Mola, 12,531 Naples G d Potenza, 15,450 Naples F d b Molfetta, 24,658 Naples G d Pozzuoli, 10,000 Naples F d a Moncalieri, Piedmont B b Pracchia, Emilia D b d Mondovi, 20,754 Piedmont B b Prato in Toscana, 11,933 Tuscany D c c Monopoli, Naples G d Pula, Sardinia C e b Monreale, 12,078 Sicily E e Racconigi, Piedmont B b c Montalcino, Tuscany I) c Ragusa. 21,705 Sicily F f b Montenotte, Piedmont C b Randazzo, > Sicily F f c Montepulciano, Tuscany D c Rapallo, Piedmont C b d Monterotondo, Pontifical States E c Ravenna, 19,118 Emilia E b f Monte San Angelo, 14,759 Naples F d Recanati, Marches E c a Monte San Giuliano, Sicily E e Reggio, 15,692 Naples F e c Monza, 22,106 Lombardy C b Reggio nell’ Emilia, 21,174 Emilia D b b Muravera, Sardinia C e Riesi, 8,000 Sicily F f b Naples (It. Fapoli, Ger. Neapel), Rieti. 10,000 Umbria E c c 418,968) Naples F d Rimini, 16,850 Emilia E b c Nardo, Naples H d Rionero in Voloure, 12,051 Naples F d d Narni, Umbria E c Rivoli, Piedmont B b c Naso, Sicily F e Rogliano, Naples G e c Nicastro, Naples G e Rome (It. Roma), 220,532 b Nicosia, 14,251 Sicily F f (1869), Pontifical States E d b Nicotera, Naples F e Roseto. Naples G e d Niscemi, 8,000 Sicily F f Rossano, 11,441 Naples G e d Nocera, Naples F d Rovigo'. 10,000 Venetia D b d Nola, Naples F d Ruvo di Publia, 12,164 Naples G d e Noli, Piedmont C b Sal a. Naples F d d Norcia, Umbria E c Salemi, 11,340 Sicily E f b Noto, 12,534 Sicily F f Salerno, 20,977 Naples F d d Novara, 14,395 Piedmont G b Saluzzo, 17,548 Piedmont B b b Novi, 'fiedmont C b San Cataldo, 12,706 Sicily E f b Nuoro, Sardinia 0 d San Germano, Naples E d e Oneglia, Ifi'-dmont C c San Giovanni in Fiore, 8,00C Naples G e f Orbetello, Tuscany D c Sanluri, Sardinia C e d Oria, Naples G d San Marco, 15,284 Naples F d 1 San Piet n, San Remo, San Severino, Sansevero, 17,226 Santa Caterina, Santa Eufemia, Santa Teresa, Sarno, 16,376 Sassari, 22,945 Savigliano, Scarpenia, Schio, Sciacca, 13,690 Scicli, 9,029 Seilla, Sessa, Siena, or Sienna, 21,902 Sinigaglia, 10,501 Siniscola, Siracusa, 17,371 Solferino, Solmona, 12,594 Sondrio, Sora, Sorrento, Spaccaforno, Spezia, Spoleto, Squillace, Subiaco, Susa, Sybaris (ruins), Taormina, Taranto, 19,105 Teano, Tempio, Teramo, 10,000 Termini, 25,780 Termoli, Terni. 15,217 Terracina, Terranova, Terranova di Sicilia, 13,539 Teulada, Tivoli, Pontifical States E Todi, Umbria E Tolmezzo, Venetia E Torino (Turin), 180,520 Piedmont B Torre del Greco, Naples F Tortoli, Sardinia C Tortona, Piedmont C Toscolano, Lombardy D Trani, 22,382 Naples G Trapani, 26,334 Sicily E Treviglio, Lombardy C Treviso, 22,165 Venetia E Tropea, Naples F Turin (It. Torino), 180,520 Piedmont B Udine, 24,124 Venetia E Uras, Sardinia C Valletta, or La Valeta, Cap. City, 53,000 Malta F Vallo, Naples F Varallo, Piedmont C Varese, Lombardy C Vasto, 10.000 Naples F Velletri, 13,000 Pontifical States E Venice (It. Venezia, Ger. Venedifi), 113,525 Ventimiglia, Verbicaro, Vercelli, 30,345 Vergato, Verona, 56,418 Viadana, Viareggio, Vicenza, 34,538 Vigevano, 13,831 Villacidro, Villafranca, Viterbo, 14,000 Vizzini, 13.249 Voghera, 10,173 Vol terra, Voltri, Venetia E Piedmont B Naples F Piedmont C Emilia D Venetia D Lombardy D Tuscany D Venetia D Naples G Lombardy C Sardinia C Venetia D Pontifical States E Sicily F Lombardy C Tuscany D Piedmont C Naples H d Piedmont B o Marches E c Naples F d Sicily F f Naples G e Sardinia C d Naples F Sardinia C Piedmont B Piedmont C Tuscany D Venetia D Sicily E Sicily F Naples F Naples E Tuscany D Marches E Sardinia C Sicily F Lombardy D Naples E Lombardy C Naples E Naples F Sicily F Piedmont C Umbria E Naples G Pontifical States E Piedmont B Naples G Sicily F Naples G Naples F Sardinia C Naples E Sicily E Naples F Umbria E Pontifical States E Sardinia C Sicily F Sardinia C RIVERS AND LAKES. Adda, R. , 180 m. Adige (Ger. Etsch), Agri, R. Anio, or Teverone, 55 m. Arno, R. , 155 m. Aterno, or Pescara, Baaente, R. Bolsena (L. di), Bracciano (L. di), Bradano. R. , 60 rn. Brenta, It., 90 m. Cal ore, R. Cecina, R. Coghinas, R. Como (L. di), (Ger. length 35 m., alt. Lombardy C R.,220 m. Venetia D Naples G R., Pontifical States E Tuscany I) R., 50 m. Naples F Naples G Pontifical States D Pontifical States E Naples G Venetia D Naples F Tuscany I) Sardinia C Comer see), 700 ft. Lombardy O a Crato, R. Naples G e Ombrone, R. , 75 m. Tuscany D c b Dora Baltea, R. , 90 no. Piedmont B b Pescara, or Aterno, R. , 50 m. Naples F c d Farino (L. di), (site). Naples E d Piave, R. , 125 m. Venetia E b Flumendosa, R. Sardinia C e Platani, R. , 60 m. Sicily E f d Garda (L. di), the largest lake Po, R. , the largest river of c of Italy, 35 m. by 2 to 10 m., Italy, 390 m. Piedmont C b c alt. 320 ft. Lombardy D b Po. Mouths of the, Venetia E b d Giaretta, R. Sicily F f Reno, R. , 75 m. Emilia D b c Iseo, L. Lombardy D b Roja, R. Piedmont B 0 c Lesina, L. di, Naples F d Salso, R., 70 m., the largest r. of Sicily F f d Livenza, R. , 70 m. Venetia E b Samassi, R. Sardinia C e b Maggiore, L., or L. of Locarno, Sarso, R. Sardinia C d d 40 m. by 2 m. Lombardy C b Secchia, R., 70 m. Emilia D b c Mincio, R., 38 m. Venetia D b Sele, R., 60 m. Naples F’ d d Neto, R. Naples G e Serio, R. Lombardy C b Ofanto, 75 m. Naples F d Sesia, R., 86 m. Piedmont C b b Oglio, R., 130 m. Lombardy D b Sinno, R., 60 m. Naples G d Tagliamento. R. , 100 m. Venetia E a Tanaro, R. . 125 m. Piedmont C b Taro, R. , 55 m. Emilia D b Terni. Cascade of. or Caduta- delle-Marmore, 800 ft. Umbria E o Tessin, or Ticino, R. , 125 m. Lombardy C b Tevere. R. (Tiber), 185 m. LTmbvia E o Teverone, or Anio, R., 55 m. Pontifical States E Tiber. R. (It. Tevere), 185 m. Umbria E Ticino, or Tessin, R. , 125 m. Lombardy C Ti.rso, R. Sardinia C Trasimeno, L. Umbria E Tronto, R., 54 m. Marches E Varano (L. di), Naples F Volturno, R., 90 m. Naples E MAP OF ITALY, TURKEY IN EUROPE, AND GREECE. Adriatic Sea, Asinara, G. of, Bonifacio, Strait of, Cagliari, G. of, Castellamare, G. of, Gaeta, G. of. F c Genoa, G. of. BAYS, Piedmont C b ETC. Orosei, G. of, Sardinia C d Squillace, G. of. Naples G e Sardinia C d Ligurian Sea, C c Palmas, G. of, Sardinia C e Taranto, G. of, Naples G e C d Manfredonia, G. of. Naples G d Policastro, G. of, Naples F e Terranova, G. of, Sardinia C d Sardinia C e Messina, Strait of, Sicily and Naples F e Porto di Palinuro, Naples F e Tyrrhenian Sea, E e Sioily E e Naples, B. of, Naples F d Salerno, G. of, Naples F d Venice, G. of, Venetia E b Naples E d Oristano, G. of, Sardinia C e Santa Euphemia, G. of. Naples G e . MOUNTAINS. Adamello, Monte, Alps, 11,692 feet, Lombardy D Alpe di Succiso, Apennines, 6,615 Emilia D Alps, C Alto, Mt., Apennines, 6,482 Alvo, Mt. Amara, Mte. (summit of the Majella), Apennines, 9,150 Amiata, Mte. , 5,794 Apennines (It. Apenino), Apennines, Calabrian, Apennines, Etruscan, Apennines, Ligurian, Apennines, Neapolitan, Apennines, Roman, Argentario, Mte., 2,085 Bernina, Piz, Alps, 13,297 Blanc, Mont, 15,744 Cammarata, Mt., 5,181 Carnic Alps, Catria. Mte. , Apennines, 5,477 Marches E Cenis, Mont, Alps (Pass, 6,775) Naples F Sardinia C Naples F Tuscany D E Naples G Tuscany D Piedmont C Naples F Umbria E Tuscany D Alps C Alps B Sicily E Venetia E Piedmont B b Central Alps, C a Cervin, Mt., or Matterhorn, Alps, 14,837 (Pass, 11,096) Piedmont B b Cimone, Mte., Apennines, 6,975 Emilia D b Circello, Mte., 1,722 Pontifical States E d Cocuzza Mte., 1,891 Naples G e Col di Tenda, Alps, 5,890 Piedmont B b Corno, Mte., or Gran Sasso d’ltalia, highest summit of the Apennines, 10,206 Apennines E c Cottian Alps, Piedmont B b Etna, Mt. (It. Monte Gibello), Volcano, the highest summit in Italy, 10,874 Sicily F f Falterona, Mte., Apennines, 5,408 Tuscany D c Ferru Mt., 3,443 Sardinia C d Genevre, Mt., Alps, 11,715 Piedmont B b Gennargentu, Monti del, 7,000 Sardinia C d Gioji, Monte, Apennines, 8, 626 Piedmont B b Gran Sasso d’ltalia, or Monte Corno, Apennines, highest of the Apen nines, 10,206 Naples E c La Levanna, Monte, Alps, 12,366 Piedmont B b Lepontine Alps, C a Limbara, Mt. di, 4,324 Sardinia C d Linas, Mt., 4,070 Sardinia C e Madonia, Mt., 6,266 Sicily F f Maritime Alps, Piedmont B b Marmolade (La), Alps, 11,510 E a Matterhorn, or Monte Cervin, Alps, 14,837 (Pass 11,096), Piedmont B b Meta, Mt. , Apennines, 7,249 Naples F d Milletta, Mt., Apennines, 6,951 Naples F d Mont Blanc, Alps, the highest m. in Europe, 15,744 Piedmont B b Monte Rosa, Alps, 15,174 Piedmont B b Ortles, or Ortler Spitz, Alps, 12,852 C a Paradis, Grand, Alps, 13,277 Piedmont B b Penna, Mte., Apennines, 5, 713 Piedmont C b Pennine Alps (Ger. Walliser Alpen), B b Petrella, Mte., 2,098 Naples E d Piz Bernina, Alps, 13,297 Lombardy C a Polino, Mte., 7,925 Naples G e Raccamonfina, 3,289 Naples F d Rhaetian Alps, D Rosa, Monte, Alps, 15,174 Piedmont B St. Bernard, Gt., Alps (Pass 8,200), Piedmont B St. Bernard, Lit., Alps, Piedmont B Sibilla, Mte. (Monti Sibillini), Marches E Sila Mts., Naples G Simplon Pass, Alps, 6,592 Switzerland C Spliigen Pass, Alps, 6,939 Lombardy C Stelvio Pass, or Stilfser Joch, the loftiest carriage route in Eu- rope, 9,100, Alps Stilfser Joch, or Stelvio Pass, Alps, Stromboli, volcano, 2,500 Lipari Is, Tonale Pass, Alps, Lombardy D Velino, Mte.. 7,966 Naples E Vesuvius, Mt. (It. Vesuvio), volcano, 4,070 Naples F Vettore, Mte., Apennines, 8,133 Umbria E Viso, Monte, Alps, 12,692 Piedmont B Vultur, Mt. , Apennines, 4,366 Naples F Western Alps, B D a D a F e ISLANDS AND CAPES. TEgades Is. Alicudi I. All ice, P. dell' Argentiera C. Asinara. I. Campanella, P. della, Capraia I. Caprara, P. Capreia I. Capri I. Carbonara, C. Colonna, or C. di Nao, Coinino, C. Elba I. Favignana L Ferrato, C. Sicily D Lipari Is. F Naples G Sardinia C Sardinia C Naples F Piedmont C Sardinia C Sardinia C Naples F Sardinia C Naples G Sardinia C Tuscany D Sicily E Sardinia C e Filicudi I. Lipari Is. F e Malta I. (British), Mediterranean F a e Folfa I. Malta F g Marargiu, C. Sardinia C d e Formica I. Tuscany D 0 Maritimo I. Sicily E f d Giannutri I. Tuscany D 0 Melle, G. delie, Piedmont C c d Giglio I. Tuscany D c Monte Cristo I. Tuscany D c d Gorgana I. Tuscany 0 c Nao, C. di, or Colonna, Naples G e c Gozzo I. (British) Malta F f Palmaria I. Piedmont C b d Granitola, C. Sicily E f Panaria I. Lipari Is. F e d Ischia I. Naples E d Pantellaria I. Sicily E f d Levanzo I. Sicily E e Passero I. Sicily F f e Licosa, P. della Naples F d Pianosa I. Tuscany D c e Linosa I. Sicily E g Pontine Is. Naples E d i d Lipari I. Lipari Is. F e Ponza I. Pontine Is. E d c Lipari Is. Sicily F e Portio di Palo, C. Sicily F e ! f Magdalena I. Sardinia C d Salina I. Lipari Is. F f e Maldiventri I. Sardinia C e San Antioco, I. Sardinia C e I San Pietro, I. Santa Maria di Leuca, C. San Vito, C. Sardinia I. Sicily I. Spartivento, C. Spartivento, C. Stilo, P. di, Stromboli I., and volcano, Testa del Gargano, Teulada, C. Tremiti Is. Ustica I. Vaticano, C. . Ventotene I. Vulcano I. Sardinia C Naples H Sicily E C F Naples G Sardinia C Naples G Lipari Is. F Naples G Sardinia C Naples F Sicily E Naples F Pontine Is. E Lipari Is. F INDEX TO TURKEY IN EUROPE AND GREECE. Turkey in Europe (Turkish, Islam), the chief great division of the Ottoman or Turkish Empire, consisted of the greater part of its south- eastern peninsula, and an adjoining portion of the main mass of the continent, between latitude 39° and 48° 20' north, longitude 15° 40' and 30° 15' east, with the island of Crete, or Candia, and several others. Distance from the Pruth in North Moldavia to Previsa, 725 miles ; from Constantinople to the frontier of Croatia, 750 miles; from the Gates of the Danube to Salonika, 288 miles. The area is about 209,000 square mil es, or about 1’7 that of the British Isles. The population is very- uncertain, official estimates varying between 15,000,000 and 21,000,000. The country is very thinly peopled, even the latter figure only showing 100 per square mile. The Mahometan religion is professed by about 6,000,000; Greek Christians, &c., 12,000,000; Jews, 70,000. The for- mer geographical division of Turkey, Albania, Bulgaria, Rumili, &c., although familiar to western nations, are not officially recognised. Governments . Constantinople. * f Vilayet of Edirne (Adrianople, I ' Vilayet of the Danube (Bulgaria), Vilayet of Bosna, or Bosnia, Mutessariflik of Perzerim, Eyalet of Roumelia, ,, of Trikhala (Thessaly), ,, of Janina. ,, of Selanik (Salonika), * ,, Djizairi Baliri Sefid (Isles') of the Mediterranean), V Kaimakamlik of Sissan (Samo), J Eyalet of Ghirit (Crete or Candia), I. Immediate Possessions, Area in sq. m. Pop. Capitals. 19,562 2,900,000 ] [ Constantinople. | Adrianople. 39,096 3,000, 00C Rustchuk. 22,188 1,100,000 Bosna Serai. 18,942 Prisrend. Bitolia. Trikhala. 1,200,000 16,756 1 12,208 ( 2,700,000 Janina. Salonika. 11,926 500,000 Rhodes. 3,326 210,000 Candia. 144,004 11,610,000 * For administrative purposes the province of the Isles of the Mediterranean is included In Turkey in Europo. It comprises the isle of Cyprus. Governments. Eyalet of Eflak (Danubian Principalities, or Roumania), „ Sirp (Servia), Principality of Montenegro, Area in sq. m. 46,700 16,820 1,700 Pop. 4,605,510 1,222,000 100,000 Capitals. Bukharest. Belgrade. Cetigne. . II. Protectorates, 65,220 5,927,510 Total of Turkey in Europe, 209,224 17,537,510 Constantinople. III. Possessions in Asia, IV. Protectorates in Africa, 672,490 1,047,064 16,463,000 9,165.000 Total of the Turkish Empire, 1,928,778 43,165,510 The Kingdom op Greece (Greek, Hellas ; French, Grece ; Arabic, Bourn), one of the smallest and least important countries of Europe, em- braces the southern extremity of the great peninsula, occupied principally by Turkey, and comprises also a multitude of islands. The total area is equal to about two-thirds, and the population two-fifths, that of Scotland. The density per square mile is 67. Nomarchies. Area in sq. m. Pop. in 1861. Capitals. Livadia, Roumelia, or N. Greece. Morea, Peloponnesus, or S. Greece. 'Attica and Boeotia, Phthiotis and Phoeis, Aearnania and iEtolia, . k Euboea, or Negropont, Argolis and Corinth, Arcadia, Laconia, Messenia, .Elis and Achaia, Cyclades. Ionian Isles, 2,475 2,374 2.939 1,699 1.940 1,692 1,632 1,329 2,005 1,060 1,007 116,024 109,392 102,291 77.36S 112,910 113,719 96,546 117,181 138,249 118,130 251,712 Athens. Zeitunia. Missolonghi. Egripos. Naupiia. Tripolitza. Sparta. Calamata. Patras. Syra. Corfu. Total of Greece, 20,152 1,348,522 Athens. Of the total population, 318,535 are in the mainland, 552,414 in the Morea, and 225.861 in the islands. Population (1879), 699,775. MAP OF ITALY, TURKEY IN EUROPE, AND GREECE. TOWNS. Ada Kalesi (New Orsova), 3,200 Servia K b Adjud, Moldavia M a Adrianople {Edime), Cap., 140.000 Edirne M d JEgina, or Egina, Greece K f Agriapidia, Janina I e Ahiolu, Edirne M c Aidos, Edirne M c Ainedjik, ' Edirne M d Airobol, Edirne M d Alessio, Roumelia H d Alexsinatz, Servia I c Alossona, Trikhala K e Amaxichi, Greece I e Ambelakia, Trikhala K e Andro, Greece L f Antivari, Roumelia H c Araba, or Luleh Burgas, Edirne M d Arcadia (Kyparissia), Greece I f Argiro Kastro ( Eregri ), Janina I d Argos, 10,000 Greece K f Argostoli, Greece I e Armyro, Trikhala K e Arta, Janina I e Arzer Palanka, Danube K c Athens, 41,298 Greece K f Avlona, Janina H d Ayret Hissar, Selanik K d Babadagh, Danube N b Baja de Rama, Walachia K b Bakeu, Moldavia M a Baltschiki, Danube N c Banialuka, 15,000 Bosnia G b Bardujani, Walachia M b Batak, Edirne L d Bazardjik, Danube M c bazarjik, Tartar, Edirne L c Belgrade, Cap. of Princi- pality, 18,860 Belina, Beret, 12,000 Bergovdja, Berlat, i3,165 Bigot, Bihacs, Bitolia (Monastw) , 14,000 Bojuk Derbend, Bojukdere, Constantinople N Bolgrad ( Tabok ), 10,000 Moldavia N Bosna Serai (Seraiero), 70 000 Bosnia H Botushany, 27,147 Moldavia M a Brahilov, Ibraila, or Braila, 15,767 Walachia M b Brsa Palanka, Servia K b Bukharest, or Bucharest (Bukurescht), Cap. of Roumania, 121,730 Walachia M b Burghas, 4,000 Edirne M c Burud, Bosnia H b Buzeo. 10,000 Walachia M b Calamata, 6,292 Greece K f Candia. (Megalokastron), 11,000 Candia L g Canea (Chania), Candia L g Cassandra, Selanik K d Cetigne, Montenegro H c Chalcis (Egripo, or Negropont), Greece K e Chania (Oanea), Candia L g Chupria, Servia I c Constantinople (Istambid), Metro- polis of the Ottoman Empire, 1.075.000 Constantinople N Servia I b Bosnia H b Janina H d Danube K c Moldavia M a Moldavia M a Bosnia F b Roumelia I d Edirne M d d b c Corfu ( Korphus ), 25,000 Corinth, 2,000 Coron, Crajcrva, or Craiova, 21,521 Delvinaki, Delvino, 10,000 Demir Hissar, Demirkapa, Demotika, Derkos, Dhomoko, Dibre, Djumia, Dogatcli, Doiran, Donia Grachanitza, Donia Tusla, Drama, Dratsh (Durazzo), Drinovatz, E .ibitza, Dubnitza, Duicigno, Durazzo (Dratsh), 10,000 Edirne ( Adrianople ), Egina, or iEgina, Greece H Greece K Greece I Waiachia K Janina I Janina I Selanik K d Selanik K d Edirne M d Constantinople N d Trikhala K e Roumelia I Danube K Edirne L Selanik K Bosnia H Bosnia H Selanik K Roumelia H Danube K Bosnia G Danube K Roumelia II Roumelia H Edirne M Greece K Egripo, or Negropont (Chalcis), Greece K e Eibassan, Roumelia H d Enos, Edirne M d Eregri (Argiro Kastro), Janina I d Erekli, Edirne N d Eski Djuma, Danube M Eski Sagra, 19,000 Edirne L Etropol, Danube K c Faltsi, Moldavia N a Feredjiko, Edirne M Filibi (Philoppolis), 40,000 Edirne L Filurina, Roumelia I d Fokshany, 10,000 Moldavia M b Foltitoheni, 10,000 Moldavia M Fotcha, Bosnia H c Korphus (Corfu), Greece H e P’undul, Moldavia M a Kostendil, Danube K c Gaba, Bosnia G c Koumi, Greece L e Gabrova, Danube L c Kragoyevatz, Servia I c Galadsbio, Edirne N c Kramidi, Greece K f Galatista, Selanik K d Kratova, Danube I c Galatz, 26,050 Moldavia N b Kroya, Roumelia H d Gallipoli, 50,000 Edirne M d Kruchevatz, Servia I c Gardiki, Janina I d Krupa, Bosnia G b Gasto, Bosnia H c Kuprili, or Koprili (Velese), Gastuni, Greece I f ^ 22,000 Roumelia I d Gavanesti, Walachia M b Kupris. Bosnia G c Gayo, Greece I e Kurd Bahr, or Kilid Bahr, Edirne M d Ghilan, Perzerim I c Kusgun, Danube M b Giurgevo (Shursha, or Kustendji, Danube N b Shiurshevo), 10,557 Walachia L c Kyparissia (Arcadia), Greece I f Gladovo, Servia K b Lamia (Zeitounia), Greece K e Golo, Trikhala K e Larissa ( Yenislielir), 25,000 Trikhala K e Goresda, Bosnia H c Leda. Candia L g Goritza, Roumelia I d Lenidhi, Greece K f Goteshti, Moldavia N a Leondari, Greece K f -Gradachatz, Bosnia H b Leova, Moldavia N a Gradiska, Selanik K d Lepanto, 2,600 Greece I e Grevena, Janina I d Lepsina. Greece K e Guka, Moldavia M a Leseovatz, Danube I c Gumurajini, Selanik L d Leuctra, Greece K e Gurgusovatz, Servia K c Leuctra, Greece K f Hadshi Ibrahim, Moldavia N b Levadia, or Livadise, 5,000 Greece K e Hagia, Trikhala K e Liaskovik, Janina I d Hassan Pasha Palanka, Servia I b Liboehovo, Janina I d Hermanli, Edirne L d Limni (Kastro), Djizairi L c Hermopolis, or Syra, 18,511 Greece L f Lindo, Djizairi N f Hierapetra, Candia L g Liuhuchka, Bosnia G c Hierisso, Selanik K d Livno, Bosnia G c Hirsova, Danube N b Lixuri, Greece I e Holdo, Moldavia L a Lodina, Roumelia H d Husch, 12,764 Moldavia N a Loin, Danube K c Hydra, 12,600 Greece K f Losnitza, Servia H b Ibraila, Braila, or Brahilov, Lovatz, Danube L c 15,767 Walachia M b Luleh Burgas, or Araba, Edirne M d Ichtiman, Danube K c Maglai. Bosnia H b Indchigis, Edirne N d Maglidj, Servia I c Iniada. Edirne N d Malgaro, Edirne M d Ipek, Perzerim I c Malik, Roumelia I d Ipsala, Edirne M d Mangalia, Dan u he N c Isakaaje, Danube N b Manili, Moldavia M a Isladi, or Sladia, Danube K c Marathon, Greece K e Islamdji, Selimnia, or Slivno, Marathonisi (Gythion). Greece K f 20,000 Edirne M c Margaretes, Candia L g Islatz, Walachia L c Margariti, Janina I e Ismail, 20,869 Moldavia N b Margaritza, Edirne M d Ismilan, Selanik L d Maronia, Selanik L d Isnebol, Danube K c Mastanle, Edirne L d Istambul (Constantinople), N d Matchin, Danube N b Istib, 20,000 Perzerim K d Mavromati, Greece I f Isvor, Danube L c Megalokastron (Candia), Candia L g Jablonitza, or Yablonitza, Walachia K b Megara, Greece K e Jacova, or Djakowa, Perzerim I c Mekri, Edirne L d Jagodina, or Yagodina, Servia I b Metzovo, Janina I e Jamboli, Edirne M c Midia, Edirne N d Janina, or Yanina (Jania), Milato, Candia L g Cap., 24,000 Janina I e Minda, Walachia L b Jassy, or Yassy, 65,745 Moldavia M a Misivri, Edirne M c Jenidjeh, Selanik K d Missolonghi, 6,059 Greece I e Kadikoi, Edirne M d Mistra, Greece K f Kagul, Moldavia N b Mitylene (Kastro), Djizairi M e Kalafat, Walachia K c Mladesi, Walachia M b Kalarash, Walachia M b Modon, Greece I f Kalarites, Janina I e Moenesti, Moldavia M a Kalkalden, Perzerim I d Monastir ( Bitolia), 14,000 Roumelia I d Kalkali, Danube K c Monemvasia, Greece K f Kaloni, Djizairi M e Mostar, 10,000 Bosnia H b Kamenopol, Danube K c Motra, Walachia K b Kapsali, Greece K f Mussabei, Danube N c Karabair, Danube N b Nauplia, or Napoli di Romania, Karakal, Walachia L b 6,024 Greece K f Karanovatz, Servia I c Navarino, Greece I f Karatova, Perzerim K d Nax : a, Greece L f Karitena, Greece K f Negotin, Servia K b Karnabad, Edirne M c Negropont, or Egripo (Chalcis), Greece K e Karysto, Greece L e Nevesini, Bosnia H c Kasan, Danube M c Nevrokup, Selanik K d Kasanlik, Edirne L c Niagusta, Selanik K d Kastoria, Roumelia I d Niamzu, Moldavia M a Kastri, Djizairi L d Nicopoli, Danube L c Kastro, or Limni, Djizairi L e Niksliitte, Bosnia H c Kavaia, Roumelia H d Nisch (Nissa), 16,000 Danube K c Kavala, Selanik L d Nisi, Greece I f Kempurile, Moldavia M a Nissa (Nisch), 16,000 Danube K c Kervasara, Greece I e Nizvoro, Selanik K d Keshan, Edirne M d Novi, Bosnia G b Khaskoi, Edirne L d Novibazar (Ycnibazar), 15,000 Bosnia I c Khio (Kastro), Djizairi M e Novoberdo, Perzerim I c Kilia, Moldavia N b Ochrida, Roumelia I d Kiliari, Roumelia I d Okna, Moldavia M a Kilid Bahr, or Kurd Bahr, Edirne M d Olympia, Greece I f Kimpina, Walachia L b Oropo, Greece K e Kimpolung, Walachia L b Orphano. Selanik K d Kirkkilissia, or Kyrkkilisse, Orsova, New (Ada Kalesi), ^ 16,000 Edirne M d 3,200 Servia K b Kisamo, Candia K g Osman Bazar, Danube M c Kliutch, Rosnia G b Ostroveni, Walachia K e Kojani, Roumelia I d Ostrovitza, Bosnia G b Ivokino, Djizairi L e Ostrovo, Roumelia I d Komanova, Perzerim K 0 Palesh, Servia I b Konitza, Bosnia H c Parachin, Servia I c Konitza, Janina I d Paramythia, Janina I e Kopri Keui, Danube M c Parga, Janina I e Koprivina, Bosnia H b Patras. 18,342 Greece I e ! Korbukomar, Walachia L It Pharsala, Trikhala K e Philates, Philoppolis \Filibi), 40,000 Piatra, 11,805 Piraeus, 6.-125 Pirot. orSharkoi, Pirsnik, Pitesti, Plevna, Ployesti (Ploiesht), 26,468 Podgoritza, Poligyro, Polina. Polydendri, Posarevatz, 5,309 Pravadi, Pravista, Preboi, Prekoplie, Premidi, Prevesa, Priedor, Priepolie, Prilip, Prisrend (Prizren), Pristina, 12,000 Privani, Prizren (Prisrend), Pyrgos,_ Radomir, Radowan, Rahova, Rasgrad, Rassova, Rendina, Reni, Resna, Rethymnon (Retimo), Retimo (Rethymnon), Rhodes, Rhodovaia. Rimnik, Janina I e Edirne L c Moldavia M a Greece K Danube K Danube K Walachia L Danube L Walachia M Roumelia H Selanik K Janina H Trikhala K Servia I Danube M Janina I Bosnia H Danube I Janina I Janina I Bosnia G Bosnia H Roumelia I Perzerim I Perzerim I Moldavia M Perzerim I Greece I Danube K Walachia K Danube K Danube M Danube M Trikhala I Moldavia N Roumelia I Candia L Candia L Djizairi N f Candia K g Walachia L b Rodosto ( Tekfur Dagi), 18,000 Edirne M d Roman, 10,818 Moldavia M a Roman Wall, Moldavia N a Ruraeli, Constantinople N d Rustchuk. Danube M c Rusvede, Walachia L b Ryninik. Walachia M b Saitchar, Servia E c Salona, Greece K e Salonika (Selanik), 70,000 Selanik K d Samakovo, Danube K c Samo, Greece I e Schabatz, Servia H b Scutari (Skodra, or Ushkodra), 60,000 10,557 Sienitza, Silistria, 23,000 Silivri, Simnitza, Sinano, Sirako. Sirichnik, Sistova (Shistova), Sitia, Sizebolu, Skender Wakup, Skodra, or Ushkodra (Scutari), 60.000 Roumelia H Skopia (Usku/p), 11,000 Perzerim I Sladia, or Islaai, Danube K Slatina, Walachia L Slivuo, Islamdji, or Selimnia, 20.000 *• Slobodzie, Sokol, Sophia, or Sofia, 30,000 Sparta, 6,700 Spezzia, 10,000 Sphakia, Spight, Srebernik, Stagas, Stari Maidan, Stolatz, Struga, Strumitza, Sturlitz, Svornik, 11,000 Sykia. Ryra. or Hermopolis, 18,511 Taehlideha, Roumelia H c Selanik K d Selanik (Salonika), 70,000 Selimnia, Islamdji, or Slivno, 20,000 Edirne M c Selino, Candia K g Selvi, Danube L c Selvidje, or Servia, Roumelia I d Semendria (Smedrovo), 12,000 Servia I b Serai, Edirne M d Seraievo (Bosna Serai), 70,000 Bosnia H b Seres, Selanik K d Sereth, Moldavia M a Servia, or Selvidje, Roumelia I d Sharkoi, or Pirot, Danube K c Shebsche, or Zebsche, Bosnia H b Shiurshevo, or Shursha (Giur- gevo), Walachia L e Shursha, or Shiurshevo (Giurgtvo), Walachia L Bosnia I Danube M Edirne N Walachia L Greece K Janina I Danube K Danube L c Candia M g Edirne M c Bosnia G b MAP OF ITALY, TURKEY IN EUROPE, AND GREECE. 5 Ta lanta, Tartar Bazaijik, Tchainitza, Tcharitcheaa, Tchatalja, Tohatchak, Tchatista, Tchernavoda, Tchemetz, Tehiprovatz, Tchirmen, Tchorlu, Techani, Tekutch, Tergovisk, Teteven, Thebes, Tirana, Tirgoebil, Tirgsora, Greece K e Edirne L c Bosnia H c Trikhala K e Constantinople N d Servia I Roumelia I Danube N Walachia K Danube K Edirne M Edirne M d Bosnia G b Moldavia M Walachia L Danube L Greece K Roumelia H Walachia K Walachia L Tirnova, 12,000 Tirnovo, Trajan’s Wall, Travnik, Trebinie, 10,000 Danube L Edirne M Danube N Bosnia G Bosnia H Trikhala, or Tirkhala, 10,000 Trikhala I Tripolitza, 7,441 Tsimova, Tultcha, Turnova, Turtukai, Tutchkov, Umur Fakih, Unnatz, Lower, Unnatz, Upper, Urshitzeni, Ushitza, Greece K Greece K Danube N Trikhala K Danube M Moldavia N Edirne M Bosnia G Bosnia G Walachia M Servia H Ushkodra, or Skodra (Scutari), 60,000 Roumelia H Uskup (Skopia), 11,000 Perzerim I Usunkopri, Uzunjova, Valeni, Valievo, Varna, 16,000 Vasil iko Velese ( Kuprili ), 22,000 Veria, Vichina, Visa, Vishedrina, Vishegrad, Vlacholivado, Vodena, Voinitza, Volo, Vonitza, Vostissa, Vrakhori, Vratza, Edirne M d Edirne L d Walachia M b Servia I b Danube M c Edirne M c Roumelia I d Selanik K d Walachia L b Edirne M d Danube K c Bosnia H c Trikhala K Selanik K Bosnia G Trikhala K Greece I Greece I Greece 1 Danube K Vutzindro, Janina I e Waslui, Moldavia M a Widdin, 24,000 Danube K o Yablonitza, or Jablonitza, Walachia K b Yagodina, or Jagodina, Servia I b Yanina, or Janina ( Jania ), cap., 24,000 Janina I e Yassy, or Jassy, 65,745 Moldavia M a Yenibazar, Danube M c Yenibazar ( Novibazar ), 15,000 Bosnia I c Yenidje, Selanik K d Yenidjeli, m Edirne M c Yeni Saghra, Edirne M c Yenishehr (Larissa), 25,000 Trikhala K e Zante (Zakyntho), 20,000 Greece I f Zaverda, Greece I e Zebsche, or Shebsche, Bosnia H b Zeitounia (Lamia), Greece K e Zibru, Danube K c Zurtza, Greece I f LAKES AND RIVERS. Akali Karntchik, R., 105 m Ak Lon, R. Alpheius, R. , 65 m. Aluta, R. (Oltul), 340 m. Arda. R. . 120 m. Arjish, R. , 185 m. Aspro Potamo, 125 m. Bachlui, R. . 75 m. Berlat, R., 150 m. Betchik L. Bistritza, R., 160 m. Bokludsha Dere, R., 70 m. Bosna. R. , 145 m. Boyana, R. Bugarska, R. , 40 m._ Buzeo, R., 135 m. Copais, or Topolias, L. Danube, Mouths of the, Danube, R. (Ger. Donau, garian, buna), 1,725 m. of basin, 250,000 sq. m. Derkos L. Dimbowitza. R., 180 m. Drin, R. , 190 m. Danube Danube Greece Walachia Edirne Walachia Greece Moldavia Moldavia Selanik Moldavia Edirne Bosnia Roumelia Servia Walachia Greece Danube Hun- , area Danube M b Edirne N d Walachia L b Roumelia I c M M T L M M I e M a M a K d M a M c H b H d I c M b K e N b Drin, R., Black, 80 m. Perzerim I d Drin, R., White, 90 m. Perzerim I c Drina, R., 210 m. Servia and Bosnia H b Ergent, R., 135 m. Janina H d Erkene, R., 115 m. Edirne M d Fidaris, R., 55 m. Greece I e Gastuni, R., 45 m. Greece I f Hellada, R. , 43 m. Greece K e Ibar, It., 130 m. Servia I c Inji Kara, R., 125 m. Selanik K d Iris, or Vasilo, R., 45 m. Greece K f Isker, R., 150 m. Danube L c Jalomitza, or Yalomitza, R., 190 m. Walachia M b Jalpuk L. Moldavia N b Jantra, R., 90 m. Danube L c Jaus Dere, R., 80 m. Edirne L c Kalmasu, R. Walachia M b Karasu, or Mesta, R., 125 m. Selanik L d Karasu, or Struma, R., 210 m. Selanik K d Karavasta L. Janina H d Kedrille Boghasi, or St. George’s Mouth (Danube), Danube N b Kilia Mouth (Danube), Moldavia N b Kolubara, R. Servia I b Scumbi, R. Roumelia H d Ivrivaia, R. Bosnia H b Scutari L. Roumelia H c Maritza, R., 270 m. Edirne L c Sereth, R., 270 m. Moldavia M a Matia, R. Roumelia H d Shagani L. Moldavia N b Mesta, or Karasu, R. , 125 m. Selanik L d Shisha, R. Moldavia N a Milkov, R., 55 m. Moldavia M b Struma, or Karasu, R., 20 m. Selanik K d Moldava, R., 120 m. Moldavia M a Sukova, R. Danube K c Moracha, R., 110 m. Montenegro H c Sulina Mouth (Danube), Danube N b Morava, R., 250 m. Servia I c Taban, R. Danube M c Narenta, R., 140 m. Bosnia G c Tara, R. Bosnia H c Nissava, R. Danube K c Teljorman, R. Walachia L b Ochrida L. Roumelia I d Tondja, or Tunja, R., 175 m. Edirne M d Oletza, R., 105 m. Walachia L b Topolias, or Copais, L. Greece K e Oltul, or Aluta, R., 340 m. Walachia L b Trotush, R. , 100 m. Moldavia M a Osma, R., 105 m. Danube L c Tunja, or Tondja, R., 175 m. Edirne M d Pruth, R., 360 m. Moldavia M a Unna, R. , 160 m. Bosnia G b Rassein L. Danube N b Vajutza, R., 155 m. Janina H d Rouphia, R., 66 m. Greece K f Vardar, R. . 210 m. Selanik K d St. George’s Mouth (Danube), Vede, R. , 120 m. Walachia L b or Kedrille Boghasi, JST b Verbas, R. , 115 m. Bosnia G b Salambria, R., 110 m. Trikhala K e Vid, R. , 140 m. Danube L c Sasyk, L. Moldavia N b Vrakhori L. Greece I e Save, R., 550 m. Bosnia G b Yalomitza, or Jalomitza, R., Schyl, R., 220 m. Walachia K b 190 m. Walachia M b MOUNTAINS. Athos, Mt., or Monte Santo, 6,778 Selanik L Attayaro, Mt. Djizairi M Balkan, Little, or Istrandja Mts. Edirne M Balkan Mts. (Htemus), 4,900 L Bolutza Mts. Trikhala I Bos Dagh, Selanik L Bosna Pass, Carpathians L Bougikaki Mt. Trikhala I Butschetje Mt., 9,528, the highest summit of the Carpathians L Carpathians, Eastern, or Tran- sylvanian Alps, L Czukas Mt., 6,379 Carpathians L Demirkapu Mt., 8,208 Balkan Mts. K Despoto Dagh, or Rhodope Mts., 7,800 Dinara, Mt. Dinarie Alps, 7,000 Dormitor Mt. Elatea, Mt. Emini Balkan, Golubime Mt. Gramnios Mts. ■iuiona. Mt. (Axios), 8,620 Selanik L d Dinarie Alps G b Herzegovina G c Montenegro H c Greece K e Danube M c Servia I b Roumelia I d Greece K e Adriatic Sea, F c .Egean Sea, L e .Egina, or Athens, Gulf of, Greece K f Arcadia, or Kyparissia, Gulf, I f Argos, or Nauplia, Gulf, Greece K f Armyro B. Candia L g Arta, Gulf of, Greece I e Black Sea (Turk. Kara Denis), N d Boghasi, Portitza, Danube N b Bosphorus, or Str. of Constantinople, N d Burghas G. .Egina, or Egina, I. Amorgo I. Anaphi I. Andro I. Antiparo I. Archipelago, Grecian, Astropalia I. Athos Peninsula, Belo Paulo I. Blanco, C. Busa, C. Cabrera I. Candia, or Crete (Turk. Oirid, Gr. Knti\ L Edirne M c Gymeo Pass, Carpathians M a Margitta, Carpathians M a Helicon. Mt., or Zagara, 4,963 Greece K e Mokra Mt. Perzerim I c Hymettus, Mt. (Trelo Vouni), Monte Santo, or Mt. Athos 2,680 Greece K f 6,778 Selanik L d Ibalea Mt. Roumelia I d Mukate Jaile, Edirne L d Ida, Mt. (Psiloriti), 7,674, Musdatch Mt. Roumelia I d the loftiest mt. of Candia L R Nag Sandor Mt. Carpathians M a Iron Gates of the Danube, K b Nidji, Mt., 8,198 Roumelia I d Istrandja Mts., or Little Balkan Edirne M c Oeta, Mt., 7,061 Greece K e Jacova Mt. Roumelia I c Ojitos Pass, Carpathians M a Jel Tepe, Selanik K d Olonos, Mt. Greece I f Kalavothra, Mt. Greece Iv e Olympus, Mt. , 6,332 Selanik K d Karlik, Mt.. 6,385 Selanik L d OrluLni Mt. , 8,128 Carpathians L b Khimera, Mt. Janina H d Ossa, Mt. (Kissovo), Trikhala K e Kom Mt., 7,995 Montenegro H c Othrys Mts., 4,500 to 5,70C Greece K e Komtchi Mt. Servia I b Parnassus, Mt. (Liakoura), Kopaonik Mt. I c 8.068 Greece K e Kosovo Polie, Perzerim I c Pelion, Mt. (Plessidi), 5,311 Trikhala K e Kurbetska Planina, Perzerim K c Pentilau, Mt. Carpathians M b Kiirszia Mt. Carpathian- K b Perin Dagh, Selanik K d Kutch Mt. Montenegro H c Persenk Dagh, Edirne L d Kutchuk Balkan Mts. Danube M c Pindus, Mt. (Mt. Mezzovo, Lakocz Mt. Carpathians M b 8,950), Trikhala I e Liakoura, Mt.(Paraassas),8,068 Greece K e Platchkawitza Tlanina, Perzerim K d Malevo, Mt. Greece K f Psiloriti (Mt. Ida), 7,674 Candia L g BAYS, ETC. Selanik L b Danube K Carpathians L Greece K f Rhodope Mts., or Despoto Dagh, 7,800 Rilo Dagh, 9,835 Rothe Thurm Pass, St. Elias, Mt. (ancient Taygetus), 7,829 Santo. Monte, or Mt. Athos, 6,778 Schar Dagh, 8,560 Shelin Planina, Stara Planina, Stol, Mt., 4.264 Sultanitza Planina, Thermopylae, Pass of, Tolutz Mt. Torsburg, or Tursburg, Pass, Transylvanian Alps, or Eastern Carpathians, L Trelo Vouni Mt. (Uymettus), Greece K Turianska Planina, Roumelia I Vulcan Pass, Carpathians K Welitza Planina, Selanik K Zagara, Mt., or Helicon, 4,963 Greece K Zyria, Mt. Greece Tf Selanik L Perzerim I Servia I Balkan Mts. K Servia K Selanik K Greece K Servia I Carpathians L b Candia, Sea of. L g Kos, G. of, Djizairi M f Canea, B. Candia K g Kyparissia, or Arcadia, Gulf, Greece I f Cassandra, Gulf, Selanik K d Lakoma, or Marathonisi, Gulf, Greece K f Contessa, Gulf, Selanik K d Lepanto, or Corinth, Gulf, Greece K e Corinth, or Lepanto, Gulf, Greece K e Lutro, Porto, Candia L g Coron, or Messenia, Gulf, Greece K f Marathonisi, Kolokythia, or Dardanelles, or Hellespont, Edirne M d Lakoma, Gulf, Greece K f Drino, G. of, Roumelia II d Marmora, Sea of, N d Egripos, Channel, Greece K e Messara B. Candia L g Hellespont, or Dardanelles, Edirne M d Messenia, or Coron, Gulf, Greece K f Ionian Sea, H e Mirabella B. Candia L g Monte Santo, Gulf, Nauplia, or Argos, Gulf, Patras, Gulf of, Portitza Boghasi, Salonika, Gulf, Saros, G. Suda B. Talanta, Channel, Volo, G. of. Selanik K d Greece K f Greece I e Danube N b Selanik K d Edirne M d Candia L g Greece K e Greece K e l 8 L A N D 3 AND CAPES. Greece K f Cephalonia, or Kephalonia, I. Greece I e Egina, or fEgina, I. Greece K f Giura, or Gyaros, L Greece L f Greece L f Cerigo (Cythera) I. Greece K f Elaphonisi, or Servi, Is. Greece K f Giura I. Greece L e Greece L f Cerigotta I. Greece K g Emineh, C. Edirne N c Gyaros, or Giura, I. Greece L f Greece L f Christiana Is. (Kupho Nisia), Candia M g Euboea, or Negropont, I. Greece K e Hydra I. Greece K t Greece L f Colonna, C. Greece L f Falconera I. Greece K f Imbro I. Djizairi L d L e Corfu ( Kerkyra ) I. Greece H e Fano I. Greece H e. Ionian Islands, Greece I f Djizairi M f Crete, or Candia (Girid), I. Turkey L g Furni I. Djizairi M f Istankoi (Kos) I. Djizairi M f Selanik L d Cyclades I. Greece L f Gaiduronisia I. Candia L g Ithaca, or Thiaki, I. Greece I e Greece K f Cythera (Cerigo) I. Greece K f Gallo, C. Greece I f Kaliakra, C. Dunube N c Greece I e Delos I. Greece L f Gaudo, or Gozzo, I. Turkey L g Kalogria, C. Greece I e Candia K g Dia I. Candia L g Gaudopulo, or Anti Gozzo, I. Turkey K g Kamila I. Djizairi M g Greece I Doro, C. Greece L 0 Giorgi I. Greece K f Karavi I. Greece K f D repan o, C. Selanik K e Glossa, C. Janina H d Karavi Is. Djizairi M t Turkey L g Dukato, C. Greece I 6 Gozzo, or Gaudo, I. Candia 1, R Karki I. Djizairi M 1 a" o - 6 MAP OF ITALY, TURKEY IN EUROPE, AND GREECE. Rarpatho I. Djizairi M g Milo (Melos) I. Greece L f Katakolo, Greece I f Mitvlene, or Midilli (Lesbos), I. Djizairi L e Kaxo I. Djizairi M g Mykoni I. Greece L f Kephalonia, or Cephalonia, I. Greece I e Naxo I. Greece L f Kerkyra (Corfu) I. Greece H e Negropont, or Euboea, I. Greece K e Khio, or Scio (Sakys), I. Djizairi L e Nicaria I. Djizairi M f Kili, C. Greece L e Nio (Los) I. Greece L f Kimolo I. Greece L f Nisyro I. Djizairi M f Kolymno I. Djizairi M f Pali. 0. Roumelia H d Kos (istankoi) I. Djizairi M i Paliuri, C. Selanik K e Krio, C. Candia K g Faro I. Greece L f Kuluri (Salamis) I. Greece K f Patinos I. Djizairi M f hem no, or Limni, I. Djizairi L e Paxo I. Greece I e Lero I. Djizairi M f Pelagonisi I. Greece K e Lesbos (Mitylene, or Muiuli),!. Djizairi L e Peristeri I. Greece L e Levitha I. Djizairi M f Petali Is. Greece L f Levkadha, or Santa Maura, I. Greece I c Polino I. Greece L f Limni, or Lemno, I. Djizairi L e l'olykandrio I, Greece L f Lipso I. Djizairi M f Poros I. Greece K f Makro Nisi I. Greece L f Prodano I. Greece I f Malia, C. Greece K f Psara I. Djizairi L e Matala, C. Candia L g Punta, C. Jinina I e Matapan, C. Greece K f Rhodes I. Diizairi N f Melos (Mile) L Greece L f Rodoni, C. Roumelia H d Merlera I. Greece 11 e St. George, C. Solanik L d Sakys (Scio. or Khio), I. Salatnis ( Kuluri ) J- Salamone, fi Samo (Syssam) 1 . Samothraki I. Santa Maura, or Levkadha. Santorin, or Thira, I. Sapienza I. Saseno I. Satniastraki I. Scio, or Khio (Sakys), ] Scrophia, C. Scyros (Skyro) I. Serpho I. Servi, or Elaphonisi Is. Sidera, C. Sikino I. Sipkanto I. Sirena Is. Skala, C. Skiatho I. Skopelo I. Skopelos Is. Skyro ( Scyros ) I. Spada. C. Djizairi Greece Candia Syssam Djizairi I. Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Djizairi Greece Greece Greece Greece Candia Greece Greece Dj izairi Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Candia L e K f Mg M f L d H d H e L e I e D e L f K f M g L f L f M f I e K e K e K e L e K g I Spezzia I. Sporades, Northern (Is.) Sporades, Southern or Eastern (Is.) Sporades, Western (Is.) Stamphane, Strivali, or Stro- fadhia, Is. Strati I. Strivali, Stamphane, or Stro- fadhia. Is. Strofadhia, Stamphania, or Strivali, Is. Symi I. Syra I. Tenedos I. Thaso I. Thermiu I. Thiaki, or Ithaca, I. Thira, or Santorin, L Tino I. Tilo I. Tornese. C. Zacynthus ( Zante ) L Zante (Zacynthus) L Zea I. Greece R 1 Greece K e Djizairi M f Greece K f Greece I f Djizairi L 9 Greece I f Greece I Djizairi M Greece L Djizairi L Djizairi L Greece L Greece I Greece L Greece L Djizairi M Greece i Greece I Greece I Greece I> .1 a l i TTTTT 6 inn. La 1 mm E f pun 1! [ I TTTTTT] 12 TTTTTT III I 0 "MT By£ rrm la I Tniii 16 Limn.... ns 11 ; ,i Etigraxe3- & Prrnxed- m Colours T. EILwood. . , PldlaiUxpM a . — MAP OF SPAIN AND PORTUGAL The south-western extremity of the Continent of Europe forms an exten- sive peninsula, commonly known as the Spanish, Iberian, or Pyrenean, ami is occupied by the independent States of Spain and Portugal, though consisting naturally of but one region. It is connected with the main mass of the Continent on the north-east by a broad isthmus traversed by the Pyrenees. The Peninsula extends through nearly 8 degrees of north latitude, and nearly 13 degrees of longitude, or between 36° and 43° 50' K., and between 3° 22' E. and 5° 28' AY. longitude. It is on the same latitudes westward as Virginia and New York, and eastward as Asia Minor and North China. The distance from Tarifa Point to Cape de Penas, is 530 miles; from Cape Creux to Cape de Tourinan in Galicia, 648 miles. Area, 227,220 square miles. The Map is on a scale of 51 miles to an inch; one square inch com- prising about 3 times the area represented by one square inch on A lap of England. Spain (Spanish, Espcma; Ancient, Iberia, Hi span in) occupies more than |-ths of the peninsula, and forms, with the Balearic Isles, a State of second-rate power in Europe. It takes the sixth rank in respect to size, and the seventh in respect to population. It is more than a half larger than the British Isles, while it has little more than half of its population. Average density per square mile is 84 persons. Spain was formerly divided into 14 great districts or provinces, which are still familiarly used; but has been since 1833 divided into 48 provinces, each named after its chief town. Madrid is the capital of the Country. TABLE OF THE PROVINCES OF SPAIN. Old Provinces. New J Castile. | La Mancha. New Provinces. 1. Madrid, 2. Toledo, 3. Guadalajara, 4. Cuenca, 5. Ciudad-Real, Sq. m. 2,993 5,581 4,865 6,721 7,833 i Pop. Refer- 1868. ence. 493,234 G d 336,249 F e 209,973 11 d 236,088 H e 256,905 G f 27,993 1,532,449 Old Castile. 6. Burgos, 7. Logroiio, 8. Santander, . 9. Soria, . 10. Segovia, 11. Avila, . 12. Palencia, ^13. Valladolid, . 5,645 1,943 2,111 3.S34 2,710 2,981 3,123 3,040 349,714 G 180,677 H 230,396 G 154,278 H 150,740 F 172,701 F 190,574 F 252,217 F b b a c d d b c 25,387 1,681,297 Leon. (14. Leon, . <15. Zamora, (16. Salamanca, . 6,162 4,131 4,937 348,437 E 256,336 E 273,421 E b c d 15,230 878,194 Asturias. 17. Oviedo, 4,088 571,335 E a Galicia. 718. Coruna, 1 19. Lugo, . I 20. Orense, g 21. Pontevedra, 3,077 3,7S5 2.736 1.737 589,418 B 451,522 C 383,340 C 456,212 B a a b b 11,335 1,880,522 Estrema- DURA. I 22. Badajos, { 23. Caceres, 8,681 8,007 416,905 D 298,994 D f e 16,688 715,899 Olil Provinces. Andalusia. • New Provinces. '24. Sevilla. 25. Cadix,* 26. Huelva, 27. Cordova, 28. Jaen, . 29. Granada, + . 30. Almeria, 31. Malaga, Sq. m. 5,292 2,806 4,118 5,186 5,179 4,935 3,300 2,821 Pop. Refer- 1868. ence. 490,368 E g 411.301 E h 184,043 D g 371,327 F g 379,418 G g 468,123 G g 338.649 H g 473,026 F h 33,637 3,116,255 Murcia. 32. Murcia, 33. Albacete, 4,474 5,966 407,500 I g 214,228 I f 10,440 621,728 Valencia. ''34. Valencia, 1 35. Alicante, | 36. Castellon de 1 < la Plana, ) 4.348 2,096 2,445 647,286 IC e 412,514 K f 282,715 L d 8,889 1,342,515 Aragon. (37. Zaragoza, < 38. Huesca, (39. Teruel, 6,602 5,873 5,490 403,015 I c 272,692 K b 245,598 K d 17,695 921,305 Catalonia. ( 40. Barcelona, . ; 41. Tarragona, . 1 42. Lerida, 1,43. Gerona, 2,983 2,449 4.771 2,271 746,453 N c 336,746 M c 329,122 L c 319,477 N b 12.474 1,731,798 Basques Provinces. (44. Navarra, J 45. Biscaya, 1 46. Gnipuscoa, . V47. Alava, . 4,042 848 727 1,203 310,944 I b 177,355 H a 170,125 H a 100,886 H b 6,820 759,310 Total, . 15,752,607 Old New Sq. m. Pop. Refer Provinces. Provinces. 1808. ence. Islands. j 48. Balearic Isles, 1,758 278,660 N e ( 49. Canary Isles, J 3,223 256,408 4,981 535.068 Spanish Population of Telman, § 14,950 Total of Spain. . . 195,717 16,302,625 * Including Ceuta, on coast of Africa (10,395 inhabitants), f Including the Presidios of Africa (3,119 inhabitants), t See Map of Africa. § Or. coast of Africa. COLONIES OF SPAIN. In America — Cuba, * Puerto Rica, Sq. m. 49,094 4,013 Pop. 1,396.530 583,308 53,107 1,979,833 In Asia and Oceania — Philippine Is. Caroline and Palaos Is, Marianne or Ladrone Is. 65.637 916 416 4,319.269 23,580 5,610 66,969 4,348,459 In Africa — Islands in the Gulf of Guinea, 489 5,590 Total of Colonies, 120,565 6,333,887 Total of Spanish Dominion, . 316,282 22,636,512 The Kingdom of Portugal (ancient Lusitania) occupies the south- western portion of the Iberian Peninsula, and forms the extremity of the continent of Europe to the westward. Distance from north to south, 358 miles ; greatest breadth, 1 34 miles. The area little exceeds that of Ireland. The average density of population is 109 persons per square mile. Portu- gal is divided into 8 provinces, including the islands, and are in common use; hut since 1835 the kingdom has been divided into 20 districts, each named after its chief town. Lisbon is the capital of the kingdom. TABLE OF THE PROVINCES OF PORTUGAL. Provinces. Sq. m. Pop. Refer- 1803. ence. Minho, 3,133 949,240 B c Tras os Montes, 4,030 385,901 C c Beira, 8,675 1,287,172 C d Estremadura, 8,281 836,555 B e Alemtejo, . 10,021 348,173 C f Algarve, 2,344 179,517 B S Continent, Total, 36,484 3,986,558 Azores,* 1.147 251.894 Madeira, + . 334 111,764 Islands, 1,481 363,658 Total of Portugal, 37,965 4,350,216 * 8ec Map of the World. t See Map of Africa, DEPENDENCIES AND COLONIES OF PORTUGAL. In Asia— Sq. m. Pop. In India (Goa, k c. ), . 1,458 474,185 Daman. Diu, . 95 52,882 In the Malay Archipelago, 5,527 850,300 In China (Macao), 11 100,000 Total, . 7,091 1,477,-367 In Africa — Cape Verd Is. 1,650 84,191 In Senegambia (Bissao, &c.). 35,879 1,095 St. Thomas and Princes Is. . 545 18,369 Angola with Ambriz, Ben- ) guela, Mossainedes, j 203,110 9,000,000 Mozambique, Sofala, &c. 287,037 300,000 Total, 528,221 9,403,655 Total of Foreign Possessions, 535,312 10,881,022 Total of Portuguese Dominion, 573,277 15,231,238 2 MAP OF SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. Alearia (La), Beira alta, Beira baixa, Beira Mar, Jara (La), Cuenca H Beira C Beira C Beira B Toledo E La Alcarria, La Jara, La Lora, La Mancha, DISTRICTS Cuenya H Toledo E Burgos F Ciudad Ileal G La Serena Lora (La), Los Monegros, Los Pedroches, Badajos E f Burgos F b Huesca K c Cordova F f Mancha (La), Monegros (Los), Fedroches (Los), Serena (La), Ciudad Real G Huesca K a Cordova F f Badajos E £ TOWNS. Abrantes, 5,Q(h Accuchal, Ademuz, Adra, 8,000 Agreda, Aguilar, 11,000 Aguilar, Aguilas, Alaejos. Alagon, A lay or, Albacete, 14,000 Alba de Tonnes, Albalate del Arzobispo, Albarracin, Albergueria, Albiada, Albuera (La), Albufiera, Albunol, Albuquerque, Alcacer do Sal, Alcala, Estremadura B Badajos D Valencia I Almeria H Soria I Cordova F Santander F Murcia I Valladolid E Zaragoza I Minorca P Albacete I Salamanca E Teruel K Teruel I Salamanca D Alicante K Badajos D Algarve B Granada G Badajos D Estremadura B Sevilla E Alcala deChisvert, Castellonde la Plana L Alcala de Henares, 5,100 Alcala de la Selva, Alcala de los Gazules, Alcala La Ileal, 6,738 Alcaniz, Alcanizes, Alcantara, Aicantarilla, Alcaraz, Alcaudete, Alcazar de San Juan, Alcira, 9,250 Alcolea del Pinar, Alconcliel, Alcora, Alcotim , Alcoy, 23,118 Alcudia, Aldeadavila, Alfaro, Algaida, Algarrobo, Algeciras, 12,640 Algemesi, Albania, Alhama, Albania, Alhandra, Alhaurin, 6,100 Aliaga, Alicante, 33,086 Alienza, AljuLarrota, Almaden, Almagro, Almanza, 9,000 Almanzora, Almaraz, Almazan, Almazarron, Almazora, Almeida, Almeixial, Almenar, Almendralejo, Almeria, 30,745 Almodovar del Campo, Almouacud, Almudevar, Almuguera, Corral de, Almunecar, Almunia (La), Aloiz, Alora, 7,000 Alpera, Alsasua, Altea, Alter, Ainposta, Andorra, Andujar, 9,500 Angra, 12,611 Antequera, 30,922, Aracena, Aranda de Duero, 4,500 Aranjuez, Arapiles (Los), Arbo, Archidona, 7,000 Arcos, 13,006 Arcos de Val de Vez, Arenas, Arenys de Mar, Arevalo, Arganda, Arieliena, Arjona, Arneilo. Madrid G Teruel K Cadiz E Jaen G Teruel K Zamora D Caceres D Murcia I Albacete H Jaen F Ciudad Real G Valencia K Guadalajara H Badajos C Castellon de la Plana, K Algarve C Alicante K Majorca O Salamanca D Logrono I Majorca N Malaga F Cadiz E Valencia K Granada G Murcia I Zaragoza I Estremadura A Malaga F Teruel K Alicante K Guadalajara H Estremadura B Ciudad Real F Ciudad Real G Albacete I Almeria H Caceres E Soria H Murcia I Castellon de la Plana K Beira D Alemtejo C Soria II Badajos D Almeria H Ciudad Real F Toledo G Huesca K Toledo G Granada G Zaragoza I „ Navarra I Malaga F Albacete I Navarra H Alicante K Alemtejo C Tarragona L Andorra M Jaen F Azores Malaga F g Huelva D g Burgos G c Toledo G d Salamanca E d Palencia F Malaga F Cadiz E Minho B Avila E Barcelona N Avila F c Madrid G d Murcia I f Jaen F g Logroflo H b Arronches, Alemtejo C e Campillos, Malaga F g Arroyo del Puei'co, 7,500 Caceres D e Campo del Criptana, Ciudad Real G e Arzobispo (Puente del), Toledo E e Campo Maior, Alemtejo C e Arzobispo, Villa Del, Valencia K e Canete, Cuenya I d Aspe, Alicante K f Canete le Real, Malaga E h Aspeitia, Guipuscoa H a Caniza (La), Pontevedra B b Astorga, Leon D b Cangas de Onis, Oviedo E a Astudillo, 4,500 Palencia F b Cangas de Tineo, Oviedo D a Ateca, Zaragoza I c Canjayar, Almeria H h Aveiro, 7,000 Beira B (1 Cantillana, Sevilla E g Avila, 5,000 Avila F d Cantuvieja, Teruel K d Aviles, 8,354 Oviedo E a Caracca, Cadiz D h Aviz, Alemtejo C e Caravaca, 13,000 Albacete I f Ayamonte, Huelva C g Carballino, 5,940 Orense B b Ayerbe, Huesca K b Carballo, 9,200 Coruna B a Ayora, Valencia I e Carbonera, Almeria I h Azuqueca, Guadalajara G rt Carbonero, Segovia F c Badajos, 25,129 Badajos D f Carcajente, 7,300 Valencia K e Badalona, Barcelona N c Cardona, Barcelona M c Baena, Cordova F g Carinena. Zaragoza I c Baeza, 11,000 Jaen G f Carlota (La), Cordova F g Bailen, Jaen G f Carmona, 1 7,233 Sevilla E g Balaguer, 5,000 Lerida L c Carolina (La), Jaen G f Baltanas, Palencia F c Carranza, Biscaya G a Bande, 4,676 Orense C c Carrib, Pontevedra B b Baneza (La), Leon E b Carrion de los Condes, Palencia F b Banolas, Gerona N b Cartagena, 30,100 Murcia K g Banos, Venta de. Palencia F c Carreiro, Beira B c 1 Barba, Salamanca D d Casar, Caceres D e Barbastro, 6,000 Huesca L b Casares, Malaga E h Bareellos, Minho B c Cascaes, Estremadura A f Barcelona, 202,169 Barcelona N c Caspe, 8.000 Zaragoza L c Barcena, Santander F a Castanheiro do Norte, Tras os Montes C c Barco de Avila, Avila E d Castellejo, Toledo G e Barrameda, San Lucar de Cadiz D h Castello Branco, 5,700 Beira C e Baza, 8,002 Granada II g Castel lo Rodrigo, Beira D d Becerrea, 3,264 Lugo O b Castello de Vide, Alemtejo C e Beja, 6.000 Alemtejo C f Castellon de la Bejar, 5,000 Salamanca E d Plana, Castellon de la Plana L e Bel alcazar, Cordova E f Castellote, Teruel K d Belchite, Zaragoza K c Castro Oaldelas, Orense C b Belem, Estremadura A f Castro del Rio, 9,000 Cordova F g Belmez, Cordova E f Castrogeriz, Burgos F b Belorado, Burgos G b Castro Marin, Algarve C g Benabarre, Huesca L b Castropol . Oviedo D a Benaguacil, Valencia K e Castrourdiales, Santander G a Benameji, Cordova F g Castro Vicente, Tras os Montes D c Benavente, Zamora E c Castuera, Badajos E f Benicarlo, 7,000 Caslellon de la Plana L d Caudete, Albacete K f Benidorm, Alicante IC f Cazalla de la Sierra, Sevilla E g Berga, 7,000 Barcelona M b Cazorla, 8,000 Jaen H Berja, 9,200 Almeria H h Ceclavin, Caceres D e Berlanga, Badajos E f Cehegin, Murcia I f Betanzos, 5,840 Coruna B a Cela-nova, Orense C b Bigaraloz, Zaragoza K c Celorico, Beira C d Bilbao, 19,886 Biscaya II a Cervera, Barcelona M c Bisbal (La), Gerona O c Cervera de Rio Alhama, Logrono H b Blanes, 4,500 Gerona N c Ceuta, Morocco Bollullos, Huelva D g Cezimbra, Estremadura A f Boltana, Huesca L b Ohamusca, Estremadura 15 e Bonillo (El), Albacete H f Chaves, 5,000 Tras os Montes C c Borba, Alemtejo C f Chelva, Valencia I e Borja, Zaragoza I c Chiclana, 8,000 Cadiz D h Born os, Cadiz E h Chinchilla, 7,500 Albacete I f Bosos, Huesca L b Cliinchon, Madrid G d Braga, 18,867 Minho B c Cieza, Murcia I f Braganya, 5,000 Tras os Montes D c Cifuentes, Guadalajara H d Brihuega, Guadalajara H d Cintra, Estremadura A f | Briviesea, Burgos G b Ciudadela, Minorca O e ' Brozas, 7,200 Caceres D e Ciudad Real, 9,000 Ciudad Real F f Bueda, Valladolid F c Ciudad Rodrigo, 5,000 Salamanca D d Bujalance, 8,500 Cordova F g Cogolludo, Guadalajara G d 1 Bullas, Murcia I f Coimbra, 17,768 Beira B d Burgo de Osma, Soria H c Coin, Malaga F h Burgos. 28,694 Burgos G b Colares, Estremadura A f Bursuillos, Badajos D f Colmenar, Malaga F h Burriana, 6,000 Castellon de la Plana K e Colmenar Viejo, Madrid G d Busaco, Beira B d Conrillas, Santander F a Busot. Alicante K f Comporta, Estremadura 15 f Cabeza del Buoy, Badajos E f Conae, Villa de, Minho 15 c Cabezas (Las), Sevilla E g Consentayna, Alicante Iv f Cabra, 12,183 Cordova F g Constant-ina, Sevilla E g Cabreros, Avila F d Consuegra, 6,000 Toledo G e Caceres, 12,100 Caceres D e Corcubion, Coruna A b Cadaques, Gerona O b Cordova or Cordoba, Cadiz. 72,187 Cadiz D h 44.627 Cordova F g Calahorra. 6,000 Logrono II b Coria, Caceres D d Calamocba, Teruel I d Corral de Almuguera, Toledo G e Calasparra, Murcia I f Corunna (Coruna), Calatanazar, Soria II c 31 216 Coruna B a Calatayud, 7,000 Zaragoza I c Covilhao, 6,300 Beira C d Calatrava, Calzado de, Ciudad Real G f Crato, Alemtejo C e Caldas da Ilainha, Estremadura A e Crevillente, Alicante K f Callosa, Alicante K f Cuba, Alemtejo C f Callosa de la Segura, Alicante K f Cudillero, Oviedo D a Calzado de Calatrava, Ciudad Real G f Cuellar, Segovia F c Camarillas, Coruna A a Cueuya, 6,700 Cuenya H d Cambrils, Tarragona M c Cuevas de Vera, Almeria I g Catnora, Estremadura B f Cullera, 8,0U0 Valencia Iv e Campana, Sevilla E g Daimiel, Ciudad Real G c Campanario, Badajos E f Delias, 9,000 Almeria 11 h Camparroso, Navarra I b Daroca, Zaragoza I c 1 Denia, Deva, Dolores, Dona Mercia, Don Benito, 15,000 Durango, Echalar Ecija, 30,000 Ejea de los Caballeros, El Bonillo, Elche. 20,000 El Espinar, El Grao, Elizando, El Pardo, El Ronquillo, El Toboso, Elvas, 10,809 Encina (La), Enguera, Erieeira, Erra, Escalona, Escorial or Escurial, Escurial, or El Escorial, Espeja, Espinar (El), Estella, Estepa, 8,000 Estepona, 10,000 Estremoz, 6,000 Evora, 11,837 Ezcaray, Falset, Faro, Ferial, Fermoselle, Fernan Nunez, Ferreira, Ferrol (El), 19,144 Figueras, 11,383 Fonta, F vaga, Fragoas, Frugenal de la Sierra, Fregeneda (La), Frias, Fuenterrabia, 2,000 Fuente Cantos, Fuente Ovejuna, Fuentes, Fuentesauco, Fuentes de Onoro, Funchal, 20,000 Fundao, Gandesa, Gandia. 5.S00 Alicante L Guipuscoa H Alicante K Cordova F Badajos E Biscaya H Navarra I Sevilla E Zaragoza I Albacete H Alicante K Segovia F Valencia K Navarra I Madrid G Sevilla D Toledo H Alemtejo C Albacete K Valencia K Estremadura A Estremadura B Toledo F Madrid F Madrid F Cordova F Segovia F Naval ra H Sevilla F Malaga E Alemtejo C Alemtejo C Logroflo G Tarragona L Algarve C Badajos D Zamora D Cordova F Alemtejo B Coruna B Gerona N Coruna B Huesca L Beira C Badajos D Salamanca D Burgos G Guipuscoa I Badajos D Cordova E Sevilla E Zamora E Salamanca D Madeira I. Beira C Tarragona L Alicante K Garrucha (La), Gaucin, Gergal, Gerona, 8,500 Getafe, Gibraltar (British), 17,757 Gijon, 16,058 Gimena, or Ximena, Gineta (La), Ginzo de Limia, Gollegao, Goyon, Gracia, Graena, Granada, 68,S14 Granadilla, Grandola, Oranja (La), Granollers, Grao (El), Grazalema, Guadalajara, 5,200 Guadix, 10,200 Guarda, Guardamar, Guardia (La), Guardia Guardias Castel, Guarena, Guetaria, Guimaraes, 6,000 Haro, 6,1100 Hellin, 10,200 Henarejos, Hendaya, Herinida, Herrera, Herrera del Duque, Hiendalaenemo, Higuera la Ileal, Hi jar, Hinojosa del Duque, 8,000 Horta, 8,549 Hoyos, Garrovillas de Alconelar, 7,000 Caceres D e Almeria I Malaga E Almeria H Gerona N Madrid G Cadiz E Oviedo E Cadiz E Albacete II Orense C Estremadura B Pontevedra 15 Barcelona N Granada G Granada G Caceres D Estremadura B Segovia F Barcelona N Valencia K Cadiz E Guadalajara G Granada G Beira C Alicante K Alava H Pcntevedia 1! Almeria H Badajos D Guipuscoa II a Minho 1! Logrono H Albacete 1 Cuenya I France I Santander F Palencia F Badajos E Guadalajara 11 Badajos D Teruel K Cordova E Azores Caceres D MAP OF SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. Huelroa, Jaen G g Meecadal, Jlinorca P d Huelva. 8,000 Huelva C Medellin, Badajos E f Huercal Overea, 9,100 Alraeria I g Medinaceli, Soria H c Huesca, 11,000 Huesca K b Medina del Campo, Valladolid F c Huescar, Granada H g Medina de Pomar, Burgos G b Huete, Cuenga H d Medina de Rio Seco, Valladolid F c Idanha Nova, Beira C e Medina Sidonia, 11,000 Cadiz E h Igualada, 12,000 Barcelona M c Melgaco, Minho B b llleseas, Toledo G d Melgar de Fernamental, Burgos F b Inca, Majorca N e Melides, Alemtejo B f Infiesto, Oviedo E a Mellid, 3.496 Corufia B b Irun, 2,500 Guipuscoa I a Mendigoria, Navarra I b Isaba, Navarra IC b Mequineza, Zaragoza L c Isabella (La), Guadalajara H d Merida, Badajos D f Iviza. 6,000 Iviza M f Mertola, Alemtejo C g Iznalloz, Granada G g Mieres, Oviedo E a Jaca, Huesca K Milfontes, Villa Nova de Alemtejo B g Jadraque. Guadalajara H A Minas de Rio Tinto (La), Huelva D s Jaen, 25,731 jaen G g Minglanilla, Cuenga I e Jarandilia. Caceres E d Mira, 6,000 Beira B A Jativa, or San Felipe de Jativa, Valencia K f Miranda, Oviedo D a Jerez or Xeres de los Cabal- Miranda, Logrono H b leros. Badajos D f Miranda do Douro, Tras os Montes D c Jeres or Xeres de la Frontera, Mirandella. Tras os Montes C c 40,162 Cadiz D h Moguer, 5,600 Huelva D ■ g Jeromenha, Alemtejo C f Moita, Estremadura B f Jumilla, Murcia I f Mojacar, or Moxacar, Almeria I g Junquera (La), Gerona N b ATolina, Guadalajara I d La Albuera, Badajos D f Mom blanch, 4,200 Tarragona Al c La Almunia, Zaragoza I c Alombuey, Zamora D b La Baneza, Leon E b Moneado, Valencia K e La Bisbal, Gerona O c Mongao, Minho B b La Caniza, Ponte vedra B b Monchique, Algarve B g La Carl ota, Cordova F g Monda, Malaga F h La Carolina, Jaen G f Mondonedo, Lugo C a La Encina, Albacete JK. f Monesterio, Badajos D f La Fregeneda, Salamanca D d Monforte de Lemus, Lugo C b La Garrucha, Almeria I g Alonovar, Alicante K f La Gineta, Albacete II e M.onreal, Teruel I d Lagos, Algarve B g Monsaras, Alemtejo C f La Granja, Segovia F d Montalban, Teruel K d La Guardia, Alava H b Montalbin, Puebla de. Toledo F e La Gultrdia, Pontevedra B c Montalvao, Alemtejo C e La Isabella, Guadalajara H d Montanehez, Caceres D e La Junquera, Gerona N b Montargil, Estremadura P> e Lalin, Pontevedra B b Montblanch, Tarragona Al c Lainego, 8.800 Beira C c Montefrio, Granada G g La Minas de Rio Tinto, Huelva D g Alontellano, Sevilla E h . Lanjaron, Granada G h Alontemolin, Badajos D f La Palma, Huelva D g Montemor Nova, Alemtejo B f La Puebla, Majorca O e Alontereal, Estremadura B e Laredo, 3,156 Santander G a Montijo, Badajos D f La Iloda, Albacete H e Montilla, 13,500 Cordova F g Las Cabezas, Sevilla E g Alontoro, 11,000 Cordova F g La Solano, Ciudad Real G f Montuiri, Majorca N e Lavadouro, Beira B c Monzon, Huesca L c Lebrija, Sevilla D h Mora, 5,600 Toledo G e Ledesma, Salamanca D c Mora de Rubielos, Teruel K d Leiria. Estremadura B e Aloraleja, Caceres D d Leon, 10,06S Leon E b Alorales, Zamora E c Lequertio. Biscaya H a Aloratalla, Albacete I f Lerida, 21,500 Lerida L c Morelia, Castellon de la Plana K d Lerma, Burgos G b Aloron. 11,000 Sevilla E g Lillo, Toledo G e Alota del Atarques, Valladolid E c Linares. 6.800 Jaen G f Alotilla del Paiancar, Cuenga I e Liria, 8,600 Valencia K e Motrico, Guipuscoa H a Lisbon (Lisboa), Metropolis of Motril, Granada G h Portugal, 224,068 with sub- Aloura, Alemtejo O f urbs (Belem, Olivaez), Estremadura A f Mourao, Alemtejo C f Llanes, Oviedo F a Aloxacar, or Mojacar, Almeria I g Llerena. Badajos E f Moya, Barcelona N c Lloret de Mar, Gerona N c Mula, Alurcia I f Lluchmayor, Majorca N e Murcia, 90,144 Murcia I f Lodosa. Navarra H b Alurias de Paredes, Leon D b Logrouo, 7,000 Logrono H b Muros, 8,223 Corufia A b Logrosan, Caceres E e Murviedro, Valencia K e Loja, 25,900 Granada F g Nagera, Logrono H b Lora del Rio, Sevilla E g Navalcarnero, Madrid F d Lorca, 40.000 Murcia I Navahermosa Toledo F e Los Arapiles, Salamanca E d Navalmoral de la Mata, Caceres E e Los Santos, Badajos D f Nerja, Malaga G h Louie, Algarve B g Niebla, Huelva D g Louza, Beira B d Nijar, Almeria H h Luanco v Valdes, or Valdes, Niza, Alemtejo C e 2,510 Oviedo E a Novelda, Alicante K f Luarca, Oviedo D a Nova, S,058 Coruiia B b Lucena. Castellon de la Plana K d Nules, Castellon de la Plana K e Lucena. 15,500 Cordova F g Obidas, Estremadura A e Lugo. 12.S57 Lugo C a Ocaha, 5,2C0 Toledo G e Madrid. Metropolis of Spain, Odemira, Alemtejo B g 309,649 Madrid G d Odeseixe, Algarve B g Madridejos, 6,000 Toledo G e Oeiras, Estremadura A f Madrigal, Avila F c Olite, Navarra I b Mafra, Estremadura A f Oliva, Alicante Iv f Mahon, Minorca P e Oliva de Jerez, Badajos D f Malaga. 96,815 Malaga F h Olivenza, Badajos C f Malgrat, Gerona N c Olmedo, Valladolid F c Malpico, 4,4S0 Coruna B a Olot, 12,000 Gerona N b Mombuey, Zamora D b Olvera, Cadiz E h Manacor. 11,000 Majorca O e Onate, 4,250 Guipuscoa H a Mancha Real, Jaen G ( r Onoro, Fuentes de. Salamanca D d Mangoalde, Beira C A Ontaneda, Santander G a Manora. Albacete I e Onteniente, 10,000 Alicante K f Manresa, 16,670 Barcelona M c Oporto, or Porto, 91,760 Minho B c Mansanto, Beira C d Orden, Quintanar de la, Toledo H e Mansilla, Leon E b Ordenes, Coruna B a Manzanares, Ciudad Real Q e Orduna, Burgos G b Marhella, Malaga F h Orellana la Vieja, Badajos E e Marehena, 14,000 Sevilla E g Orense, 5,635 Orense C b Martorell. Barcelona M c Orgaz, Toledo G e Martos, 8.700 Jaen G g Orgiva, Granada G h Mataro. 17,500 Barcelona N c Oria, Almeria H g Mavorga, Valladolid E b Orihuela, 17,000 Alurcia K f Mazarreu (Al), Murcia I g > Oropesa, Castellon de la Plana L d Oropesa, Toledo E e Sau Lucar, Sevilla D g Ortigueira, 5,230 Coruna C a San Lucar de Barrameda, 18,000 Cadiz D b Osuna, 16,130 Sevilla E g San Lucar de Guadiana, Huelva C g Ourique, Alemtejo B g San Martin, Aladrid. F a Ovar, Beira B d San Alateo, Castellon de la Plana L d Overea, Huercal, Almeria I g San Roque, 8,800 Cadiz E h Oviedo, 28,225 Oviedo E a San Sebastian, 9,500 Guipuscoa H a Padron, 8,827 Coruna B b Santa Colon na de Fames Gerona N c Paimogo, , Huelva C g Santa Cruz del Ratemar, Toledo F d Paiencia, 13,921 Paiencia F b Santa Cruz de la Zarza, Toledo G e Palma, 55,143 Alajorca N e Santa Eulalia, Iviza M f Palma del Rio, Cordova E g Santa Fe, Granada G g Palma (La), Huelva D g Santa Alaria de Nieva, Segovia F c Palos, Huelva D g Santander, 32,518 Santander G a Pamplona, 22,896 Navarra I b Santa Ola, Sevilla D g Pancorbo, Logrono G b Santarem, 9,000 Estremadura B e Pardo (El), Madrid G d Santiago de Compostella, Paredes, Estremadura B e 15,0011 Coruna B b Paredes, Paiencia F b Santillana, Santander F a Pastrana, Guadalajara H u Santona, Santander G a Pederneira, Estremadura A e Santos (Los), Badajos D f Pedrogao Grande, Estremadura B e Sao Joao de Foz, Alinho B c Pedrosa, Sevilla E g Sao Joao de Pesqueira, Beira C c Pego, Alicante Iv f Sao Martinho do Porto, Estremadura A e Pegoes, Estremadura B f Sao Vincente de Beira, Beira C d Penafiel, Minho B c Saragossa (Zaragoza) , Penafiel, Valladolid F c 70,334 Zaragoza K s Penaranda, Salamanca E d Sard ho, Alemtejo B g Penas de San Pedro, Albacete I f Sargadelos, Lugo C a Peniscola, Castellon de la Plana L d Sarinena, Huesca K c Piedrahita, Avila E d Sarria, 5,488 Lugo C b Piedrahuena, Ciudad Real F e Sastago, Zaragoza K c Pina, Zaragoza Iv c Sedano, Burgos G b Pinheiro, Estremadura B f Segorbe, 6,500 Castellon de la Plana K e Pinhel, Beira D d Segovia, 7,000 Segovia F d P.dgcerda, Lerida Al h Segura, Teruel I d l’lasencia, Caceres D d Segura de la Sierra, Jaen H f Plencio, Biscaya II a Selva de Mar, Gerona O b Ponferrado, Leon D b Seo de ITrgel, Lerida M b Ponta Delgada, Azores Sepulveda, Segovia G c Pontevedra, 7,671 Pontevedra B b Seron, Almeria II g Porman. Puerto, Alurcia K & Serpa, Alemtejo C g Portalegre, 6,500 Alemtejo C e Setubal. or St. Ubes, Porto, or Oporto, 91.760 Minho B c 15,000 Estremadura B f Posados, Cordova E g Seville (Sevilla), 124,768 Sevilla E g Povoa de Varzim, Minho B c Siguenza, Guadalajara H c Poza de la Sal, Burgos G b Silves, Algarve B g Pozoblaneo, Cordova F f Sines, Alemtejo B g Pravia, 9,590 Oviedo D a Sineu, Alajorca O e Priego, Cuenga H d Siruela, Badajos E f Priego, 8,500 Cordova F g Socuellamos, Ciudad Real H e Puebla (La), Majorca O e Solana (La), Ciudad Real G f Puebla de Alcocer, Badajos E e Soller, Majorca N Q Puebla de Don Fabrique, Granada II g Solsona, Lerida Al b Puebla de Alontalbin, Toledo F e Sousera, Toledo F e Puebla de Sanabria, Zamora D b Sorbas, Almeria II g Puebla de Tribes, Orense C b Soria, 6,000 Soria H c Puente de Eume, 5,508 Corufia B a Sort, Lerida M b Puente del Arzobispo, Toledo E e Sortes, Tras os Alontes D c Puente Genii, Cordova F g Sos, Zaragoza I b Puerto de Santa Cruz, Caceres E e Soure, Estremadura B d Puerto de Santa Maria, 18,000 Cadiz D h Sueca, 9,000 Valencia K e Puerto Real, Cadiz D h- Tafalla, Navarra I b Punhete, Estremadura B e Talavera de la Reina, 7,000 Toledo F e Quintanar de la Orden, Toledo H e Tamames, Salamanca D d Ramales, Santander G a Tamarite di Litera, Huesca L c Rambla, Cordova F g Tangier, Alorocco E h Itapita. Majorca N e Tarancon, Cuenca H d Real, Villa, Tras os Alontes C c Tarazona, Albacete I e Redonde, Alemtejo C f Tarazona, 6,600 Zaragoza I c Redondela, Pontevedra B b Tarifa, 9,000 Cadiz E k Ileinosa, Santander F a Tarragona, 15,500 Tarragona A[ c Requena, 11,000 Valencia I e Tarrasa, Barcelona N c Reus, 30,240 Tarragona M c Tarrega, Barcelona M £ Riano, Leon F a Tauste, Zaragoza I c Riaza, Segovia G c Tavira, 10,903 Algarve C cr Ripoll, Gerona N b Teba, Alalaga F h Rivadabia, Orense B b Tebosa, Alinho B c Rivadeo, 9,581 Lugo C a Tembleque, Toledo G e Rivadesella, 4,600 Oviedo E a Terrelaguna, Aladrid G d Roa, Burgos G c Teruel, 8,000 Teruel I d Roda (La), Albacete H e Thomar, Estremadura B 8 Roliga, Estremadura A e Tiermas, Zaragoza I b Roncesvalles, Navarra I b Tineo, Cangas de, Oviedo D a Ronda, 19,336 Alalaga E h Tobarra, Albacete I f Ronquillo (El), Sevilla D g Toboso (El), Toledo H e Rosas, Gerona O b Toledo, 28.342 Toledo F e Rota, Cadiz D h Tolosa, 4,800 Guipuscoa II a Rueda, Leon E b Tomelloso, Ciudad Real II 0 Rute, Cordova F g Tonaella, Beira B d Sabadell, Barcelona N c Tordesillas, Valladolid F c Sabugal, Beira C d Toro, 7,500 Zamora E c Sagres, Algarve B g Torquemada, Paiencia F b Sahagun, Leon E b Torrecilla de Camecos, Logrono H b St. Ubes, or Setubal, Torre Don Giineno, Jaen G g 15,000 Estremadura B f Torrejoncillo, Caceres D e Salamanca, 15,500 Salamanca E c Torre lavega. Santander F a Salas de Navas, Burgos G b Torrente, 6,200 Valencia Iv e Saldanha, Paiencia F b Tories Novas, Estremadura B e Salena, Huesca Iv b Torres Vedras, Estremadura A e Salou, Tarragona Al c Torrevieja, Alicante K g Salvaterra, Estremadura B e Torrijos, Toledo F e San Carlos de la Rapita, Tarragona L d Torrox, Alalaga G h San Ciprian. Lugo C a Tortosa, 24,977 Tarragona L d San Clemente, Cuenca H e Tossa, Gerona N c San Domingo, Logrono II b Totana, Alurcia 1 g San Estevan, Navarra I a, Tremp, Lerida L b San Felier, Barcelona Al c Triana, Sevilla D g San Felipe de Jativa, 13,200 Valencia K f Trigue.ro, Huelva i> g San Feliu, Barcelona N c Trillo, Guadalajara H d San Feliu de Guixols, Gerona O c Trujillo, Caceres E e San Fernando, 16,000 Cadiz D h Tudela, Navarra I b Sanguesa, Navarra I b Tudela de Duero Valladolid F 0 San Juan de los Terreros Almeria I g 1 Tuns, Valencia K « 4 MAP OF SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. Tuy, 6,330 Ponte vedra B b Valverde del Camino, 6,000 Huelvo D S Villafranca, Sevilla E g Villavieiosa, Oviedo E v [Theda, 14,000 Jaen G f Varzim, Povoa de, Minho B c Villafranca del Panades, Barcelona M c Villa Vicosa, Alemtejo C f Ubrique, Cadiz E h Vejer de la Frontera, 8,500 Cadiz D h Villafranca del Vierzo, Leon D b Villena, Alicante K f Ueles, Cuenqa H e Velez Blanco, 5.300 Alraeria I g Villagareia, Pontevedra B b Viiniera, Estremadura A e Ugijar, Granada G h Velez Malaga, 17,600 Malaga F h Villajoyosa, Alicante K f Vinaroza, 10,000 Castellon de la Plana L d (Jldecona, 5,000 Tarragona L d Velez Rubio, 9,500 Alraeria I g Filial ba, 8,065 Lugo C a Vinhaes, Tras os Montes C e Urgel, Seo de, Lerida M b Venasque, Huesca L b Villalon, Valladolid E b Vitigudino. Salamanca D d Utiel, 7,000 Valencia I e Vendas Vovas, Alemtejo B f Villalpando, Zamora E c Vitoria, 10,000 Alava H b Utrera, 13,000 Sevilla E g Vendrell, Tarragona M c Vi llalva. Madrid G d Vivero, Lugo C a Valdepenas, Ciudad Real G f Vera, 9,500 Alraeria I g Villafieas, Toledo G e Vizeu, 6,500 Beira C d Valderas, Leon E b Vergara, Guipuscoa H a Villa Nova de Gaya, Beira B c Xeres de la Frontera. Cadiz D h Vm Mprrnhrps Teruel L d Verin, Orense C c Villa Nova de Milfontes Alemtejo B g Xeres ov Jeres de la Frontera, Vnldps. nr liiianr.o v Valdes. Veste, Alhacete H f Villanueva, Barcelona M c 40,162 Cadiz b h 2.510 Oviedo E a Vianna de Alemtejo, 9,000 Alemtejo B f Villanueva de Cordova, Cordova F f Xeres or Jerez de los Cabal- Val de TTio. Castellon de la Plana K e Vianna de Castello, Minho B c Vilianueva de la Serena, 8,000 Badajos E f leros, Badajos D t Val de Vez, Arcos de. Minho B c Vich, 11,000 Gerona N c Villanueva de los In- Ximena, or Gimena, Cadiz E it Valeria, Minho B c Vicosa, Villa, Alemtejo C f fantes, Ciudad Real H f Yecla, Alhacete I f Valencia, 110,804 Valencia K e Vigo, Pontevedra It b Villar, Alhacete I f Zaira, Badajos D 1 Valencia de Alcantara, Caceres C e Vilel, Castellon de la Plana K e Villareal, Castellon de la Plana K e Zalamea, Badajos E f Valencia de Don Juan, Leon E b Villacarillo, Jaen G f Villa Real, 5,000 Iras os Montes C c Zatuora, 11,000 Zamora E C Valladolid, 44,376 Valladolid F c Villa de Banos, Palencia F c Villa Real de Silo Antonio, Algarve C g Zarauz, Guipuscoa H a Valle. Estremadura B e Villa de Conae, Minho B c Villares, Salamauca E c Zarza la Mayor, Caceres D e Vails, 16,100 Tarragona M c Villa del Arzobispo, Valencia K e Villarrobledo, Ciudad Real II e Zuera, Zaragoza K c Valmaseda, Biscaya G a Villadiego, Burgos G b Vilarubia de los Ojos, Ciudad Real G e Zujar, Granada H g Vaherde, Cuenca H e Villafranca, Badajos D f Villassecas, Tarragona M c Zuraaya, Guipuscoa H a RIVERS. Adaja, R., 110 m. Aguas, R. Agueda, R., 70 m. Alagon, R., 120 ra. Alberehe, R., 110 ra. Alcanadre, R., 80 m. Almeria, R., 50 m. Ara, R. Aragon, R., 100 m. Arba, R., 550 m. Ardila, R., 90 m. Arga, R., 85 in. Arlanza, R. , 70 m. Arlanzon, R., 80 in. Arnoya, R. Ave, R. Azuer, R. , 80 m. Barbata, It. Bembezar, R. , 65 m. Bemesga, R. Bidassoa, Itio, 35 m. Buedo, R. Bullague, R. , 55 m. Cabriol, R. Caio, R. Cala, R., 60 m. Canha, R. Carbones, R. , 70 m. Cares, R. Cavado, R. , 60 ra. Cega, R. , SO ra. Chanza, R., 65 m. Cinea. R., 115 in. Coa, R. , 65 ra. Combos, R. Cubillas, R. Degebe, R. Uereza, It. de, Donro ( Ducro ), R., 510 ra. Ebro, R., 430 m. Ega, R. Eo, It. Eresma, R., 80 ra. Eria, it. Avila F d Ervedal, R. Alemtejo C 0 Jiloca, R. . 80 m. Zaragoza I c I Zaragoza K c Esera, R. Huesca L b* Jucar or Xuear, R., 25C m. Valencia IC e Salamanca I) d Esgueva, R. , 75 m. Valladolid F c Lima, R, , 70 in. Minho B c Caceres I) e Esla, R., 160 m. Leon E b Liz, R. Estremadura B e Toledo F d Estena, R. Ciudad Real F e Llobregat, R., 90 m. Barcelona M c Huesca K b Ksteras, R. Ciudad Real F f Luna, R. Leon E b Alraeria H h Fardes, R. Granada G g Magro, It., 80 m. Valencia K e Huesca K b Gallego, R., 120 m. Huesca K b Manzanares. R., 50 m. Madrid G d Navarra I b Gallo, R. Guadalajara I d Manzanas, R. Tras os Montes D c Zaragoza I b Genii or Xenil, R. , 160 m Granada G g Matachel, It., 60 m. Badajos E f Alemtejo C f Giguela, R. , 100 m. Cuenca H e Matarrana, R. Teruel L c Navarra I b Guadaira, R., 60 m. Sevilla E g Millares or Mijares, R., 70 m. Castellon K d Burgos G b Guadajoz, R. , 70 in. Cordova F g Minho, R., 180 m. Orense C a Burgos G b Guadalaviar or Turia, R., Moncul, R. Beira C d Orense C b 150 m. Valencia K e Mondego, R. , 130 m. Beira B d Minho B c Guadalen, R. , 60 m. Jaen G f Monte, It. del, Caceres D e Ciudad Real G f Guadalete, R., 90 m. Cadiz D h Mundo, R. , 65 m. Alhacete II f Granada H g Guadalfeo, R., 50 m. Granada G k Nalon It., 70 m. Oviedo E a Cordova E f Guadalhoree, R., 75 m. Malaga F g Navia, R. , 75 m. Oviedo D a Leon E b Guadalimar, R. . 90 m. Jaen G f Noguera Pallaresa, R. Lerida M b Navarra I a Guadalmez, R. , 45 m. Ciudad Real F f Noguera Itibagorzana, It., 90 m. Lerida L b Palencia F It Guadalope, It., 95 in. Teruel 1C d Noya, It. Barcelona M c Ciudad Real F e Guadalquiver, It. , 360 m. Sevilla E g Odemira, R. Alemtejo B g Ouenya I e Guadarrama, R. , 80 m. Toledo F d Odese, It. Algarve B g Alemtejo C e Guadiana Alto, 60 m. Ciudad Real G e Odiel, R. , 75 m. Huelva D g Sevilla D g Guadiana Menor, R. , 90 m. Jaen G g Odivor, R. Alemtejo B f Estremadura B f Guadiana, It. , 570 m. Spain &Port. G e X C g Oeiras, R. Alemtejo O g Sevilla E g Guadiaro, R. Malaga E h Ojos de la Guadiana, (Los) Ciudad Real G e Oviedo F a Guadiato, R. , 80 m. Cordova E f Ovbigo, R., 110 m. Leon E b Minho B c Guadiela, R. Cuenca H d Paiva, R. Beira B d Segovia F c Guadilmena, It. Jaen H f Palancia, R. , 40 m. Castellon K e Alemtejo C g Guarrizas, R. Jaen G f Piron, It., 45 m. Segovia F c Huesca L c Heuares, R. , 130 m. Madrid G d Pisuerga, R., 145 m. Valladolid F c Beira D d Iluebra, R., 60 m. Salamanca D d Ponsul, It. Beira C e Alemtejo 0 g Huelva, R. Sevilla D g Porina, R. Leon E b Granada G g Huerva, R., 60 m. Zaragoza I c Pusa, R. Toledo F e Alemtejo C f Huesca, R. Sevilla E g Rambla Sangonera, R., 95 m. Murcia I g Beira C e Ibar, R. Caceres E e Rianscarez, It. Toledo G e Isuela, R. Huesca K c Riaza, It. Burgos G c Soria k Minho II c Jallas, It. Coruna A b Rituerto, R. Soria H c Zaragoza K c Jalnn, R. , 95 m. Zaragoza I c Ruecas, R. Badajos E e Navarra H b Jaudula, R. , 80 m. jaen F f Sabor, It., 70 m. Tras os Montes D c Oviedo C a Jarama, It., 70 m. Guadalajara G d Sadio or Sado, R., 90 m. Estremadura B f Segovia F c Javalon, R., 95 m. Ciudad Real G f Sado or Sadao, It. Estremadura B f Zamora E b Jerte, R. Caceres E d Snlor, R., 70 m. Caceres D e San Martin, R. , 70 m. Segre, R., 130 m. Segura, R. , 160 m. Sequillo, R., 75 in. Seve. R. Sil, R., 100 m. Sor, R. Teruel K Lerida L Alicante K Valladolid E Alemtejo C Lugo C • Estremadura B Tagus (Span. Taju; Port. Tejo), 580 m. Spain k Port. I d & B Tajuna, R. , 130 ra. Tarabre, R., 60 ni. Tamega, R., 100 m. Tarafa, R. Tavora, R. Ter, It. , 100 m. Tera, R. , 80 m. Tietar, R. , 110 m. Tinto, R. , 65 m. Tormes. It., 150 ra. Torto. R. Trabancos. R., 70 m. Tua, R., 85 m. Tuela, R. , 50 m. Tuerto. It. Turia or Guadalaviar, R., 150 m. Ucero, It. Ulia, It. Urbel, R. Urumea, R. Valdavia, R. Valderaduey, R. . 120 m. Vasoao, It. do, 40 m. Viar, R. . 70 m. Vauga, R. , 75 ra. Xaraina, R. Xenil or Genii. R., 160 m. Xuear or Jucar R., 250 ra. Yeguas, R. Zadora, R. Zancara, R. Zapardiel, R., 70 ra. Zatas, R. Zezere, R., 120 m. Zujar, R. Madrid G Coruna B Minho B Alicante K Beira O Gerona X Zamora D Caceres E Huelva D Salamanca D Leon E Salamanca E Tras os Montes C Tras os Montes C Leon E Valencia K Soria G Coruiia B Burgos G Navarra I Palencia F Zamora E Algarve C 'Sevilla E Beira B Alemtejo B Granada G Valencia K Cordova F Alava H Cuenca H Avila F Alemtejo B Beira C Badajos E LAKES. Albufera de Valencia, L. Gallocanta, L. de, Janda, Laguna de la, Valencia K e Zaragoza I c Cadiz E h Lagunas de la Guadiana (Las), Mar Menor, Alhacete H f Murcia K g Ojos de la Guadiana (Los). (“The Eyes of the Gua- diana.”) Ciudad Real G e MOUNTAINS, PLAINS, AND VALLEYS. A iron, Pozo, Cuenca H e Cerro Mulahacen, Sierra Nevada. Junto. Mt. Estremadura B e Nethou, Pic, 11,171 Pyrenees L h Alcudia. Valle de la. Ciudad Real F f 11,664 Granada G oint masses of North and South America. It is inhabited by more than ane-balf of the entire population of the world, but very unequally distri- buted over its surface, — about one-half being confined to China and India, which have together a density of 151 persons per square mile, while the average density of the rest of the continent is only 14. The continent lit* entirely in the Northern Hemisphere. The distance from Cape liaba to East Cape is 7,000 miles; the distance along the 30th parallel is 5.390 miles ; from Singapore north to the Arctic Ocean 5,500 miles. The scale of the Map is 520 miles to an inch, one square inch comprising 310 times the area represented by one square inch on Map of England TABLE OF THE STATES OF ASIA. Designation. Area in sq. m. Pop. Capitals, or Principal Cities. Pop. of Capitals. Russian Empire — Siberia and Central Asia, Governments & Provinces, 5,791,000 5,500,000 Tobolsk, .... 16.000 Transcaucasia, Governments & Districts. 70,348 2,424,546 Tiflis 30,000 Chinese Empire, . Empire, 3,663,000 469,608,000 Pekin, .... 2,000,000 Eastern Turkestan, or ) Thian-siian-nan-loo, 1 Kingdom, . 490,000 5,500,000 Yaikand, 120,000 Japan, Independent Turkestan — Empire, X 169,000 37,000,000 Yedo, or Yeddo, 1,700,000 . Khiva, Khanate, . . . ( 493,000 15,000,000 Khiva, .... 12.000 Bokhara, Khanate, . . . f Bokhara, 160,000 Kundnz, Anam, or An-nam, . 1 Khanate, . . . J • Kunduz. jCochin China, . . > Ton quin. . . j Empire, 174,000 16,000,000 Hue, .... 100,000 French Cochin China, . French Colony, 21,716 979,116 Saigon 180,000 Cambodia (Khmer), French Protected State, 32,379 1.000,000 Udong, .... 12,000 Siam, .... Kingdom, 261,800 6,000,000 Bang-kok, 300,000 Malaya, States, 35,000 200,000 Perak. &c., Burmah, Empire, 184,000 8,000,000 Moutchobo, 4,000 India, j British Possession, Pro- 1 tected States, &c. . ( 1,553,272 193,100,000 Calcutta, 413,000 Ceylon, British Colony, . 24,700 2,088,027 Colombo, 55,000 Nepaul, Kingdom, . Kingdom, 54,500 1,940,000 Khatmandoo, . 50,000 Bhotan, 19,800 1,000.000 Tassisudon, ? Afghanistan, Khanates, . 210,000 10,000,000 Cabool, Herat, & Candahar, 60,000, 20,000, & 70,000 Beloochistan, Khanates, . 192,000 600,000 Kelat, .... . 12,000 Persia, or Iran, Kingdom, Turkish Governments, 648,000 10,000,000 Teheran, 60,000 Turkey in Asia, . Arabia— 478,767 15,563,000 Smyrna, .... 150,000 Hedfaz and Yemen, Turkish Governments, 193,719 900,000 Mecca, Sana, . 60,000, 40,000 Nedjd, &c., Wahhabee Empire, 880,000 1,800,000 Riadth, .... Oman, Sultanate (of Zanzibar), 102,000 2,500,000 Muscat, .... 60,000 Total, 15,742,000 806,702,689 * TOWNS Aba, Japan Abakansk, 1,000 Siberia Abou Thubbi, Arabia Aeheen, Sumatra Acre, Akka, or St. Jean d’Acre,. 5.000 Turkey in Asia Alalia, Turkey in Asia Adana, 20,000 Turkey in Asia Aden (British), 40,000 Arabia Agra, 125,262 Aiimedabad, 130,000 Ahmednuggur, 20,000 Aian, Port, Aidin, Ajrneer, 23,000 Akabah, Akita, Akmolinsk, Aksu. 100,000 Aldansk, India India India Siberia Turkey in Asia India Arabia Japan Siberia Thian-shan-nan-loo Siberia Q d I L c a f L h E e E e E e F g I f I f I g e e P D I f Aleppo [Haleb), 100,000 Turkey in Asia Allahabad, 72,093 India Airiarapura, Burmah Ainool, Persia Amoy (open port), 250,000 China Amritsir, 85,000 India Anadirsk, Siheria Aneizeh, Arabia Angcor or Siemrab, Siam Angora, 12,000 Turkey in Asia Antakia, Turkey in Asia Aparri, Philippine Islands Aracan, 9,000 India Aralsk. Siberia Arcot, or Arkat, 53,474 India Argunsk. Ft. Russian Empire Asterabad, 4,000 Persia Atbasarsk, Siberia Attock, 2,000 India Aurungabad, 60,000 India Ara. Burmah Ayuthia, or Yutbia, 25,000 Siam G e F f M g E d E e 0 g L f H d 1 g 0 c G e H c 1 e I g L f M g Bagdad, 90,000 Turkey in Asia F e Bruni, 22,000 Borneo N h Balagansk, Siberia M c Brusa, 70,000 Turkey in Asia D d Balfrush, 5,000 Persia G e Bulongan, Borneo N h Balkh, 2,000 Turkestan H e Bulun, Siheria O a Baino, Burmah L f Bunder Abbas, or Gombroom, Bam poor. Beloochistan II f 5,000 Persia G f Bangalore. 60.000 India I g Bushire. Persia G f Bang-Kok, 350,000, Cap. of Cabool, 60,000 Afghanistan H e Kingdom, Bang-pa-sai, Banjerniassin, Bareilly, 111,300 Barguzinsk, Barnaul, 9,927 Baroda, 140,000 Bassak, Basra, or Bassorah, 60.000 Bassein, Bathan, Bay an Aulsk, Baypore, Beekaneer, 60,000 Beer j an. Beit-el-Fakih, Ilelah, Bellary, 30.400 Benares, 185,900 Bencoolen, 13,000 Berezov, Beyrout, 70,000 Bhawulpoor, 20,000 Bhooj, 20,000 Bhopal, Siam M g Siam M Borneo N India I Russian Empire M Russian Empire K India I Siam M Turkey in Asia F e India L g Tibet L f Siberia I c India I g India I f Persia G e Arabia F g Beloochistan H f India I g India K f Sumatra M i Siberia H b Turkey in Asia E e India I f India H f India I f French Cochin China M g c Bien-ho, Biisk, Siberia K Blagovestchensk, Amoor, Russ. Empire O Boguchansk, Bokhara, 160,000 Bolsheretsk. Bombay, 644,405 Boni, Siberia L Turkestan H Siberia R India I Celebes O Cagayan, Philippine Islands O Calcutta, 614,249 India K Calicut, 25,000 India 1 Calopan, Philippine Islands O Carnerag, Philippine Islands O Canton, 1,200,000 China N Capis, 11,145 Philippine Islands O Cashmere, 40-80,000 India I Castries, Maritime Pro v. , Russ.Empire Q Cateel, Philippine Islands O Cattack, Cavvnpore, 108,800 Chang-cha, Chang-ehow-foo, 800,000 Chang-te, Chan-taboon, Chao-choo, Chao-king, Chicacole, 50,000 Ching-ting, Ching-too, Chin-kiaug, Chita, Chitral, Chittagong, or 1st Cochin, Colombo, 55,000 Constantinovsk, Maritime India K India K China N China N China N Siam M China N China N India K China N China M China N Siberia N Afghanistan I abad, India L India I Cevlon I Prov. Coomfidah, Coti, Daba, Dacca, 67,000 Damar, Russia in Asia Q Arabia F Borneo N Tibet I India L Arabia F Damascus, 180,000 Turkey in Asia E e Dardzung, Tibet B e Deir, Turkey in Asia F e Delhi, 152,406 India I f Dereyyeeyah (ruins), Arabia F f Dhaluin, Arabia F f Dhofar, Arabia G g Diarhekir, 50,000 Turkey in Asia E e Dizful, 15,000 Persia F e Dohisak, Turkestan H d Dolonner, Mongolia N d Dunkot, Arabia G g Ekaterinburg, 21,777 Siberia II c Erzerum, 25,000 Turkey in Asia F e Faifoh, Cochin China M g Fiogo, or Hiogo (open port), Japan P e Foo-chow, 600-1,000,000 China Fouf, Arabia Fu-chow, China Fukoki, Japan Futtehgurh, India Gaih, Beloochistan Galle, or Pointe de Galle, 3,000 Ceylon K Gar, Tibet I e Gaza, 16,000 Turkey in Asia E e Gezan, Arabia F g Gbijinsk, Siberia S b Gilolo, Moluccas O h Gombroom, or Bundei Abbas, 5,000 Persia G f Grane, 10,000 Arabia F f Guchen, Chinese Empire 1. d Gundawa, Beloochistan II f Guriev, Siberia G d Gwalior, India I f Hai-chow, China X e Hai-tsiu. Corea O e Hakodadi (open port), 45,000 Japan Q d Halli, Arabia F g Haniadan, 30,000 Persia F e Hamah, Turkey in Asia E e Hang-chow-foo, 700,000 China O • X T f F f 0 e P e 1 f H f { h MAP OF ASIA. Haunt. Arabia P g I Kotton, Hayel, 25,000 Arabia F t' j Kou-kou-kota, Hedjar. Arabia E f Kouznitz, Hems, or Homs, 30,000 Turkey in Asia E e Krasnoiarsk, 8,000 Herat, 20,000 Afghanistan H e | Kraw, Hillah. 10,000 Turkey in Asia F e Kuei-ehow, Hing-chow, China N e Hiogo, or Fiogo (open port), Japan P e Hit. 1,500 Turkey in Asia F e Iiodeida, Arabia F g Hoi-ngan, China N e Homs, or Hems, 30,000 Turkey in Asia E e Hong-kong (Victoria) {British), China N f Hota, Houra, el, Hue. 100,000, Cap. of Empire, Hurd war, Huten, Hyderabad, 24.000 Hyderabad, 200,000 Ili, or Kuldclia, 40,000 Iloilo, Indore. 15,000 Indrapoor, Irkutsk, 23,856 Ishim. 2,000 Iskardo-, Islamabad, Ispahan, 180,000 Jamda, Jamsk, Jelajel, Jerusalem, 25,000 Tiddah, 22,000? Jigansk, Joodpoor, 150,000 Jowf, Jubbulpore, Juggernaut, 29,700 Kabarovski, » Kagosima, Kai-fong. Kainsk, 3,400 Kale-myo, Kalivan, Kamenogorsk, Ust, Kampot, Kamtchatsk, Nijni, Kamtchatsk, V. Kanagawa, Kan-chow, Kandahar, or Candahar, 70.000 Kandy, or Candy, Karachar, Karakorum, Karaman. 7,000 Karkalinsk, Arabia F Arabia E Anam M India I Laos M India H India I Chinese Emp. K Philippine Is. O g India I f Sumatra M Siberia M Siberia H Tibet I India I Persia G Tibet L Siberia R Arabia F Turkey in Asia E Arabia E Siberia O India I Arabia K India I India K Siberia P Japan P China N Siberia I Burrnah L Siberia K Siberia K Cambodia M Siberia S Siberia R Japan P China M Afghanistan H Ceylon K Chinese Empire K Mongolia M Turkey in Asia E Siberia I Mongolia N Chinese Empire N Siberia K Siberia L Siam L China M Kuldeha, or Ili, 40,000 Chinese Empire K Kunduz, 5,000 Turkestan H Kurgan, Siberia H Kurnool, 20,000 India I Kurrachee, 22,200 India H Kutcha, Thian-shaiwn*.n-loo K Lagong, Siam M Lahore, 95,000 India I Lai-chow, China N Lan-chow, China M Lanlontur, Borneo N Lar, 12,000 Persia G Lassa, or Lha-ssa, 24,000, Cap. of Tibet L Leet, Leinah, Ling-tao, Lithang, Loheia, Loodiana, 47,200 Luang Plirabang, Lucknow, 300,000 Ma’an, Macao (Portuguese), 35,000 Macassar, 12,000 Madras, 720,000 Madura, Mahe (French), 2,616 Mai man a, Maimatehin, Makallah, 4,500 Makri. 3,000 Arabia F Arabia F China M Tibet L u Arabia F g India I e Siam M g India K f Arabia B e China N f Celebes N i India K g India I h India I g Afghanistan H e Mongolia M c Arabia F g Turkey in Asia D Malacca (British). 80,792 Malava M Mangalore, 11,550 India I Manila. 15.000, and with suburbs 100.000 Philippine Islands O Mariinsk. Maritime Prov., Russ, in Asia P Marimsk, Martaban, Masulipatam, 27,884 Matarah, Matsmai, 50,000 Mecca, 60,000 Medina. 18,000 Meerut, 29,000 Meliau, Mendavi, Mergen-khotau, , Merutchak, Meshed. 80,000 Miako, 500,000 to 1,000,000 Minna, Siberia K India L India K Arabia G Japan Q Arabia F Arabia E India I Borneo N Borneo N Manchuria O Afghanistan H Persia G Japan P Arabia G Arabia F Kars, 12,000 Turkey in Asia F d Mogoung, Burrnah L f Samarkand. 25,000 Turkestan H e Kashgar. Tbian-shan-nan-loo I e Moilah, or Mowilaw, Arabia E f Sambas. 9,100 Borneo M h Kastamuni, 12,000 Turkey in Asia E d Mooltan, 80,966 India I e Sana. 40,000 Arabia F Katif, el, Arabia F f Moorshedabad, 146,963 India K f San-sin-tchin, Manchuria O d Katmandoo, 50,000 Nepal K f Morbat, Arabia G g Sarawak, Borneo N h Kazbin, Persia F e Mosul, 20-40,000 Turkey in Asia F e Sari, or Saree, 35,000 Persia G e Kedje. Beloochistan H f Motuye, Japan P e Saschiveisk, Siheria Q b Kelat, 12,000 Beloochistan H f Moukden, China O d Sattarah , India I g Keresoon, Turkey in Asia E d Moulmein, 17.042 India L g Selangan. 10,000? Philippine Islands 0 h Kerman, or Serjan, 30,000 Persia G f Muneepoor, Burrnah L f Selenginsk, 2,600 Siberia M c Kermanshah, 30,000 Persia F e Muscat, 50,000 Arabia G f Semipolatinsk, 7,600 Siberia I c Keshin, Arabia G g Mush, Turkey in Asia F e Se-nan, China M f Kesho, ? China M f Mutshobo, 4,000 Burrnah L f Sergiopol, Siberia K d Khaibar, Arabia F f Nagasaki (open port), 70-100,000 Japan O e Seringapatam, 12,750 India I g Khamil, or Harnil, Tliian-shan-nan-loo L d Nagpoor, 111, 230 India I f Shanghae (open port), 370,000 China O e Khiva, 12,000 Turkestan H d Nan-chang, China N f Shayar, Chinese Empire K d Khodjend, 25,000 Russian Turkestan H d Nan-choo, Corea O e Shigatze, Tibet K f Khoi, 30,000 Persia F e Nanking, 500,000 China N e Shiraz, 20-40,000 Persia G f Khokand, 30-50,000 Turkestan I d Narym, Siberia K c Shunning, China M f Khoremabad, Persia F e Natal, Sumatra L h Shuster, 8,000 Persia F e Khotan, Thian-shan-nan-loo I e Nee-e-gata, Japan P e Siak, Siam M h Khubbes, Persia G e Nellore, 20,000 India K g Siang-yang, China N e Khulum, or Tash-kurgan, Nertchinsk, 5,000 Siberia N c Sieu-chow, China M f 10,000 Turkestan H e Ngan-king, China N e Sihut, Arabia G g Ifiakhta. 5,000 Siberia M c Ngan-si, Chinese Empire L d Siktach, Siberia O b Kiang-Hung, China M f Nha-trang, French Cochin China M g Silhet, India L f Kien-chow, China N f Nikolaevsk, Asiatic Russia Q c Simla, India I e King-chow, China O d Nimber, Tibet L e Simoda, Japan P e Ki-ngnan, China N f Ning-po (open port), 250,000 China O f Simpang, Sumatra M i Km^r-te-ching, 1,000,000 China N f Ning-sia, China M e Sin-chow, China M f King-yang, China M e Ninguta-khotan, Manchuria O d Si-ngan, China M e Kirensk, 1,500 Siberia M c Nissah, Arabia F g Singapore (British), 80 ,792 Siam M h Kirin-oola, Chinese Empire O d Niu-clnvang (open port), China O d Sinkel, Sumatra L h Kiung. or King-ki-tao, Cap. of Corea O e Nizzuwah, Arabia G f Sinope (Sinub), 12,000 Turkey in Asia E d Kobdo. 10,000 Chinese Empire K d Novgorod, Russia in Asia P d Smyrna, 150,000 Turkey in Asia D e Koktechavsk, Russian Empire H c Obdorsk, Siberia H b Sofiisk, Maritime Prov. Russian Empire P c Kolapore, India I g Okhotsk, 1,000 Siberia Q c Soliar, Arabia G f Kolimsk, Nijni, Siberia S b Okhut, Siberia R c Sok-dzung, Tibet L e Kolimsk, Strednoi, Siberia R b Olekminsk, Siberia O b Sonmeeanee, Beloochistan H f Kolimsk, Verknoi, Siberia R b Omsk, 17,000 Siberia I c Soo-chow-foo, China O e Konjyeh, or Koriiah, Oodeypoor, India I f Sooi-chow, China M f 50,000 Turkey in Asia E e Oojein, India I f Soor, Arabia G f opal, Russian Empire I d Uriah, 30,000 Turkey in Asia E e Soya, Japan Q d Korgo, Mongolia N d Orsk. Osaka, Padang, Paklaye, Pak-nam, Pal em bang, 25,000 Palmyra (Tadmor), ruins, Panjim (Portuguese), Panompeng, Pao-king, Passir, Patanagoh, Patna, 284,132 Pau-king, Pegu, Peking, or Pekin, Metropolis of the Empire, 2,000,000 Pembuan, Penjinskoe, Perak. Perovsky, Peshawur, 53,300 Petra (ruins). Petropaulovski, 6,000 Petropavlouski, Petun Khotan, Phitsalok, Phuyen, Pinghai, Siberia G c Japan P e Sumatra M i Siam M g Siam M g Sumatra M i Turkey in Asia E e India I g Cambodia M g China M e Borneo N i Burrnah L g India K f China N e India L g China N e Borneo N i Siberia S b Malaya M h Siberia H d India I e Arabia E e Kamtchatka R c Siberia H c Manchuria O d Siam M g Cochin China M g Corea O e Pishpek, Russian Turkestan I d Plothistche Stroenia, Pontianak, 19,100 Poo-chow, Poonah, 75,000 Posolskoi, Po-yang, Quedah. Quei-ling, Quilon, 20,000 (^nin-hon. Rajahraundry, 17,000 Raj poor, Rangoon, 15,000 Resht, 50,000 Rewa. 7,000 Riadth, Cap. of Nedjd, Ringat, Riseh. Rostak, Rutnagherry. Saga, Saghalin-oola, Siberia Q b Borneo M i China N e India I g Siberia M c China N f Siam M h China N f India I h Cochin China M g India K g India K f British Burrnah L g Arabia F f Persia F e India K f Arabia F f Sumatra M i Turkey in Asia F d Arabia G f India I g Japan P e Manchuria O c Sairam, Salangore, Samagarn. Saigon, 180,000 French Cochin China M g Chinese Empire K d Malaya M h Siberia P c Strelka, Ust, Su-chow, Sukadana, Surat, 95,000 Surgut, Surmang, Taas, Tabeniau, Siberia O a Chinese Empire L a Borneo N i India I f Siberia I o Tibet L e Arabia F g Borneo N i Tabreez, or Tauris, 80,000 Peisia F e Taen Arynsk, Siberia O b Taif, Arabia F f Taiping, China M f Tai-wan, Cap. of I of Formosa O f Taiwan, Japan O £ Tai-yuen, China 17 e Tak, Tibet K e Tangalle, Ceylon K h Tara, Siberia I c Taroom, 3,000 Persia G f Tashkend, 40,000? Russian Turkestan II d Tassisudon, Cap. of Bhotan K f Tchemkend, Russian Turkestan H d Tchol, Manchuria O d Tchung-king, China M f Tebbes, Persia G e Tebouk, Arabia E t Teheran, 60,000, Cap. of Kingd. Persia G e Teng-chow, China O e Terim, Arabia F g Tersheez, Persia G Tien-tsin. China N Tiflis, 60,766 Transcaucasia F d Tigel, Siberia R c Tima, Arabia E f Tiumen, Siberia H a Tobolsk, 16.000 Siberia H c Tomsk. 21,010 Russian Empire K c Tong-ting, China N f Tor, Arabia E f Toto, Mongolia N d Touron, Cochin China M Tranquehar. 25,000 India I Trebizond, 25,000 Turkey in Asia E d Trincomalee, Ceylon K h Tringanu, • Siam M h Trivandrum, India I h Troitsk, Siberia H Tsiamdo, Tibet L e Tsiang-hai, Mongolia L e Tsi-nan, China N e Tsitsihar, Manchuria O d Tsun-y, China M f Tuguegabao, Philippine Islands 0 Turinsk, 2,000 Siberia H c Turkestan, Russian Turkestan H d Turukhansk, Siberia K b Ubon, Siam M g Udinsk, N. Siberia L Udinsk, V., 3,000 Siberia M c Udong. 12,000, Cap. of King- dom, Cambodia M g Udskoi, Siberia P c Uliasutai, Mongolia L d Urga, Mongolia M d Urumtsi, Chinese Empire K d Ury, Borneo N h Van, 15,000 Turkey in Asia F e Verkhoiansk, Siberia P b Vieng-tchang, Siam M g Vigan, Philippine Islands O g Viliuisk, Siberia O b Viliuisk, Oust, Siberia O b Vin-long, French Cochin China M Vitimsk, Siberia N c Vizagapatam, India K g Vladivostok, Maritime Prov. Russian Empire P d Wedge, Arabia E f Wei-yuen, Corea O d Wellesley Province (British), 65,000 Malaya M h Wen-choo-foo, China O f Wiernoie, Russian Turkestan I d Wo-chang, China N Wu-ting, China N Ya-chow, China M e Yakutsk, 4,500 Siberia O b Yaluturovsk, Siberia H c Yambo, Arabia E f Yarkand, 120,000, Cap of Kingdom, Tliian-shan-nan-loo I e Yedo, 1.700,000, Cap. of Empire, Japan P e Yeniseisk, 6,000 Siberia L c Yezd, 50,000 Persia G e Yuen-yang, China N a Yu-lin, China M e Yung-ning, China M f Yun-nan, China M f Zebid, 7,000 Arabia F g Zeylah, Arabia F Zmeinogorsk, 4,000 Siberia K RIVERS. Alazeisk, R. Siberia R b Aldan, R., 300 m. Siberia P c Amga, R. Siberia P b Amoo Daria or Jihoon (Oxus) R., 1,300 in. Turkestan II d Amoor, Amur, or Saghalien, R. , 2,700 m. Manchuria P c Anadyr, R. , 45 Lebu, Philippine Is. 0 g Negros I. Philippine Is. 0 g Leyte I. Philippine Is. 0 g Nias, Pulo, I. Sumatra L ii Liakov I. Siberia Q a Nicobar Is. Indian Ocean L h Liakov or New Siberia Is. Siberia Q a Niphon I. Japan P e Lindsay I. Pacific Ocean Q g North, C. Siberia U b Linga I. Malaysia M i North East Cape, Siberia M a Linshoten Is. Loo-choo 0 f Olgontorsky, 0. Siberia T c Loo-choo Is. (to Japan), Pacific Ocean 0 f Onne kotan, Kurile Islands R d Loo-choo I. , Great, Pacific Ocean 0 f Ozerni, C. Siberia S c Lopatka, C. Siberia R c Paddipholo Atoll, Indian Ocean I h Mackenzie or Ulutbi Is. Pacific Ocean P h Pagon I. Pacific Ocean Q S Malaysia, East Indian or Malay Palawan I. Philippine Is. N S Archipelago. Panay I. Philippine Is. 0 g Maidive Is. Indian Ocean I h Papua, or New Guinea ( Dutch Male Atoll, Indian Ocean I h and independent). Area Maloe, Palo Si I. Sumatra L h 275,000 sq. m. Malaysia P i Mamori, C. Malaysia P i Paracel Is. China Sea N g Paramushir I. Kurile Is. R c Serwatty Is. Malaysia O i Patience, C. Saghalien I. Q d Sevpan I. Pacific Ocean g Pelew Is. Pacific Ocean P h Shantarski Is. Russian Empire P c Peling I. Malaysia O i Shouten Is. Malaysia P i Penang. Pulo (I.), (British,) Malaysia M h Siberia, New, I. Siberia O, a Perim I. (British), Arabia F g Siberia, New, or Liakov Is. Siberia Q a Peru Is. Pacific Ocean (J f Sievero Yostoehnii, or N. E. Philippine Is. Area under Cape, Siberia M a Spanish Dominion 65,637 Sikok I. Japan P e sq. m. Pop. 4,319,269. Simusir I. Kurile Is. R d Total Area 110,000 sq. m. Malaysia O g Sinkep I. Malaysia M i Plover I. Siberia U a Sooloo Archipelago, Philippine Is. O h Poggy, N. and S., Is. Sumatra M i Sooloo I. Philippine Is. O h Polillo I. Philippine Is. O g South I. Japan Is. P e Prince Fred. Henry I. Malaysia P i Sumatra (Dutch and indepen- Quelpart I. Corea O e dent). Area 177,000 sq. m. Ramree Is. British Burmah L g Pop. 2-3,000,000. Malaysia M i Rasa I. Pacific Ocean P f Surigas Is. Philippine Is. O g Ras al Had, Arabia H f Swede Is. Pacific Ocean Q b Rhodes I. Turkey in Asia D e Talautse Is. Malaysia O h Romania, C. Malaysia M h Tantalam, Pulo, I. Siam M b Rosario I. Pacific Ocean Q f Tawee I. Philippine Is. O b Rota or Sarpan I. Pacific Ocean Q g Timor Laut I. .Malaysia P i Sado I. Sea of Japan P e Tulour Is. Malaysia O h Saghalien I. Russian Empire Q c Uap I. Pacific Ocean P b St. Andrew I. Pacific Ocean P h Uluthi or Mackenzie Is. Pacific Ocean P b St. John I. Sea of Okhotsk O c Urup I. Kurile Is. Q d St. Lawrence I. To United States U b Volcano Is. Pacific Ocean Q f Samar I. Philippine Is. O g Waigeoe I. Malaysia P i Sanguir I. Malaysia O h Wetter I. Malaysia O i Sarpan or Rota I. Pacific Ocean Q g Wrangel Land, Siberia T a Sebeeroo I. Sumatra L i Xulla Is. Malaysia O i Segueiras I. Pacific Ocean P h Yakan, C. Siberia T L Sepora I. Sumatra L i i ■:A p. B m e ^ jD ^ s jw F 5QG eoHlol llj M III 011111!! MS Mi Miiirai I HE hliiuh hi .A VVigr n-rp'l Pririrpri in Culi T. EUwood. Zell, D: LJM ■ ; UUJ I ’ uinnj] r7um>'fc. (arrrpe/, %«vLLLe^ ^ tom'*. -chag an < Gucheni ' JZhctnaH ' k loChafr l,,i<> r l l " - „>s*" n l t 1iao-feiao SUJi&fr' ?/? JlLver' [inwiiuwn iw (accti- O? Basse) 3 §spss(^ P^c nx»«' HWB/ 5 <3 sn W"*® S a Svvgj&BZt- Penaru ^JbonfJb. 121,032 1,906,000 Diarbekr, . 13,000 ,. of Kharput, . . J Kharput, 5,000 Vilayet of Aleppo {Haleb), S * Aleppo, 100,000 ,, of Syria, Mutessariflik of Lebanon, > 146,118 2,750,000 Damascus, . 120,000 Eyalet of Bagdad, . . J Bagdad, 40,000 .. of Hejaz, ,, of Yemen, 193,719 900,000 Mecca, Sana, . 30.000 40.000 Total in Asia, 672,488 16,463,000 Egypt (Pashalik), 651,110 7,465,000 Cairo, Khartoom, . 313,383 Nubia and Kordofan, 2,000,000 30,000 9,465,000 Provinces of Nejed, Beduin Tribes, Provinces of Jebel Shomer, Beduin Tribes, Total of Nejdean Empire, . Omanee Sultanate, in Arabia, ,, On Persian coast. Total op Oman, 1,219,000 76,500 1,295,500 274.000 166.000 440,000 1,735,500 1.980.000 300,000 2.250.000 Abyssinia, Abessinia. or Habesh, a mountainous country of Eastern Africa comprising several independent states, of which the principal are Tigre, Amhara, and Shoa. Area, 97,000 square miles. Population, 4,500,000. The scale of the Map is 198 miles to an inch. One square inch comprises 4 6 - 6 times the area represented by one square inch on Map of England. DIVISIONS, PROVINCES, ETC. Aared province, Nejed F e Dar Sheygya, Nubia C f Adail, or Danakil, Eastern Africa E g Dar Sukkot, Nubia C e Aflaj province, Nejed F e Debeni, Eastern Africa E g Agamie, Abyssinia D g Dembea, Abyssinia D g Ahsa, (el) or Hasa province, Nejed F d Denka tribe, Upper Nile B h & C g Ajan, Somali F h Dhofar, Hadramaut G f A] man,. Nejed F d Doko, Eastern Africa D h Amara, Upper Nile C i Dor tribe, Upper Nile B h Amhara. Abyssinia D g Enarea, Eastern Africa D h Anatolia. Asia Minor B b Enderta, Abyssinia D g Angora province. Asia Minor C b Erzeroom province, Turkey E b Arabia Petrma, Arahia C d Farsistan province, Persia G d Armenia, Turkey k Caucasia E a Fuoarah. Nubia C e Asia Minor, Turkey O b Gadobursi, Somali E g Ateeyah, Beni, Arabia D d Gallas tribes, Eastern Africa D i Atot, Upper Nile C h Gani, Upper Nile C i Azerbijan province, Persia F b Ghafari, Oman G e Bagdad government. Turkey E c Gharah, Hadramaut H f Baggara, Nubia C g Ghilan. province, Persia F b Bahari, or Lower Egypt Egypt C 0 Go jam, Abyssinia D g Bahrein (Katar), Oman G d Habab, Nubia D f Barabra (Berber), Nubia C e Habr Auel or Awal, Somali F g Barca, Nubia D f Habr Tuljaleh, Somali F g Bari. Upper Nile C i Haddenda, Nubia D f Batinah province, Oman H e Hadramaut Country, Arabia F f Batn Hajar, Nubia C e Hahirah province, Oman PI e Bazen, or Kunama, Abyssinia D g Hajar, Beni, Nejed F d Belad Aden, Yemen E g Hajar, (el) Hadramaut F g Belad Hajeman, Arabia F e 1 Haleb or Aleppo province, Turkey D b Berber, Nubia C f Hamasa. Abyssinia D f Chopi, Upper Nile C i Hamoon, (el) Hadramaut F f Damot, Abyssinia D g Harar. Somali E h Danakil, or Adail, Eastern Africa E g Hareek province, Nejed F e Dar Dongola, Nubia C f Hasa or el Ahsa province, Nejed F d Dar Fert.it, Upper Nile B h Hasanieh, Nubia C g Dar Halfai, Nubia O f Hejaz, (el) government, Arabia E e Dar Jal, Nuhia C f Howeytat Arabs, Arabia D d Dar Mahass, Nubia C e Idumea, Arabia D c Dar Metemmeh, Nubia C f Irak Ajemi province, Persia F b Dar Monasir, Nubia C f Irak Arabi, Bagdad F c Dar Nub£ Upper Nile B g Isa, Beni, Hadralnaut F f Dar Robatah. Nubia C f Isa Somali, Somali E g Dar Senuar, Nubia C g Jailan province. Oman H e Jauz, (el) Hadramaut G f Makkarika, Upper Nile B i Jebel Akhdar province, Oman H e Mallega, Upper Nile B i Jebel Shomer, kingdom, Arabia E d Mandari, Upper Nile C h Jenabi, Oman H f Mazanderan province. Persia G b Jengah, Upper Nile B cr Mesopotamia, or El Jezireh, Turkey E b Jezireh, (el) or Mesopotamia. Turkey E b Mijerten Somali, Eastern Africa G g Jour or Jur tribe. Upper Nile B h Mogistan, Persia H a Jowf province. Jebel Shomer D d Mpororo, Upper Nile O k ICababish Arabs, Nubia B f Mukdeesha, Eastern Africa E i Kaffa, Eastern Africa D h Murra, Beni, Hadramaut F f Kara, Nubia C e Muscat province. Oman H e Karadagh, Persia F b Neam Neam tribe, Upper Nile B i Karaman or Konieh province. Nejed, (el) empire, Arabia F e Asia Minor C b Nkole, Upper Nile C k Kaseem, Lower, province, Nejed E d Nogal Land, Somali F g ICaseem, Upper, province, Jebel Shomer E d Nuer tribe, Upper Nile C h Kastamuni province Asia Minor C a Oman sultanate, Arabia H e Katar, Oman G d Palestine, Syria D •• Kataref, Nubia D g Said, or Upper Egypt, Egypt C d Kauatii, Nubia O e Salowa, Abyssinia D g Kerman province, Persia H d Samara, Nubia D f Kharput province, Turkey D b Sedeyr province, Nejed F d Khodavendikiar province, Asia Minor B b Sennar, Dar, Nubia C g Khorasan province, Persia H c Seraeh , Abyssinia D Khuweiled, Beni, Hadramaut G f Sharjah province, Oman H f Khuzistan province. Persia F c Shebleh province, Oman H e Kidi. Upper Nile C i Shehir, (esh) Hadramaut G f Kojaili, Asia Minor C a Sherarat Beduins, Jebel Shomer D d Konieh or Karaman province. Shilluk tribe. Nubia C g Asia Minor C b Shoa kingdom. Abyssinia D h Kordofan, Nubia C g Shomer Beduins, Jebel Shomer E d Koshi, Upper Nile C i Sivas province, Asia Minor D b Koweit, Nejed F d Smyrna province, Asia Alin or B b Kunama, or Bazen, Abyssiuia D f Somali, Eastern Africa F h Kurdistan, Turkey k Persia E b Soor province. Oman H e Kurdistan province, Turkey E b Suakin province. Nubia D f Laristan province, Persia G d Syria, Turkey D c Lasta, Abyssinia D g Taka, Nubia D f Levant, the eastern coasts of the Takaie, Nubia C g Mediterranean, O c Tigre, Abyssinia D g Luristan province. Persia F c Trebizond province, Asia Minor D a Madi, Upper Nile C i Ugaden, Somali F h Malrrah, Hadramaut G f Uganda, Upper Nile C k MAP OF TURKEY IN ASIA, PERSIA, ARABIA, EGYPT, &c. Ukba, Beni, Ukori, Unyoro, Uttumbi. Arabia D Upper Nile G Upper Nile C Upper Nile C Upper Nile B Uvuma, Upper Nile C i Wady Dauasir province. Nejed E e Yemamab province, Nejed F 6 Vestani, Vostani, or .Middle Wady Yabrin, Arabia F e Yemen (el) gp'ernment. Arabia E i Egypt, Egypt C d Wojerat, • Abyssinia D g Yezd, Persia H c Waag, Abyssinia D S Woshem province, Nejed E d Zohur, Hadramaut F f Wabar, Arabia F e Yafa (el). Hadramaut F g TOWN Abbasabad, Persia H b Bam, or Bumm, Persia H d Alidoom, Nubia C f Banias, Syria D b Abeidieh, Nubia G f Baquba, Bagdad E c Abivard, Persia H b Bara, Kordofan G g Abiyad, Abyssinia D g Barava, Mukdeesha E i Abogal, Mukdeesha F i Barderah , Mukdeesha E i Aboo Arish, Yemen E f Barka, or Burka, 20,000 Oman H e Aboo Girjeh or Jirjeh, Egypt C d Bartan, Asia Minor G a Aboo Hammed, Nubia G f Batoum, Asia Minor E a Aboo Harras, Kordofan B g Baslen, Nubia C f Aboo Harrish, Nubia G g Basra, or Bassorah, 60,000 Bagdad F c Aboo Shaar, Egypt C d Bayas, Syria D b Abooshehr, or Bushire, 18,000 Persia G d Bayazid, Turkish Armenia E b Abou Ali, Oman H e Beda’a, 6,000 Oman G d Abou Tliubbi, Oman G e Bedr Honem, Hejaz D e Achmim, Egypt C d Beerjan, Persia I c Acre, or Akka, or St. Jean Behesni, 10,000 Kurdistan D b d’Acre, 5,000 Syria C c Behnesa, Egypt C d Adael, Upper Nile B h Beibasar, Asia Minor G b Adalia, or Sataliah, 10,000 Asia Minor G b Beidah, Hadramaut F g Adana, 20,000 Syria I) b Beishehr, Asia Minor C b Adar (Harar), 8,000 Somali E h Beitan, Syria D b Aden (British), 40,000 Yemen F g Beit el Fakih, Yemen E g Adowa, 8,000 Abyssinia D g Bel Asmar, Plejaz E f Af Abed, Nubia D f Belul, Abyssinia E g Afioom Kara Hissar, 50,000 Asia Minor G b Bender Ghor, Somali F g Agdah, Persia G c Bender Gau, Somali F g Alior, Persia F b Bender Gori, Somali F g Aliwaz, Persia F c Bender Miraieh, Somali G g Aidin, or Aidin Guzel Hissar, Beni Mohammed, Egypt C d 20,000 Asia Minor B b Benisooef, Egypt C d Ain Amoor, Egypt C d Berber (Mekheref), Nubia G f Ain Hawarab, Sinai Peninsula C d Berbera, Somali E g Ain Moosa, Sinai Peninsula C d Berenice (ruins), Nubia D e Aintab, 20,000 Syria D b Bereydah, Nejed E d Aivalik, 10,000 Asia Minor B b Berghama (Pcrgamos), 13,000 Ajla, Arabia G e Asia Minor B b Akaba, Hejaz D d Berys, Egypt G e Akbar (el). Hejaz I) d Bessam, Nejed E d Akhissar, Asia Minor B b Beyrout, 100,000 Syria D c Akblat, Turkish Armenia E b Bireimah, Oman H e Akka, or Acre, Syria C c Birejik, Syria D b Akra. Hejaz D d Birke, Kordofan C g Akserai, Asia Minor C b Bir Rema, Nejed F d Akshehr, Asia Minor C b Bisha, Nubia D f Akwak, Upper Nile C h Bishara, Nubia C f Alatcham, Asia Minor D a Bistan, Persia H c Alaya, Asia Minor C b Bitlis, 13,000 Kurdistan E b Aleppo (Haleb), 100,000 Syria D b Biyar Nasif, Hejaz D d Alexandria (Iskanderia), 238,888 Boly, Asia Minor G a Egypt B c Bonga, Eastern Africa D h Aliab Dok, Upper Nile C h Boodroom, Asia Minor B b Allah Sbehr, 15,000 Asia Minor B b Boolak, Egypt C c Amasia, 25,600 Asia Minor I) a lloonjnurd, Persia H b Ambukol, Nubia C f Bosra, Syria D c Amd. Hadramaut F f Bostana, Oman in Persia G d Amiroon, Oman in Persia H d Brusa, or Brussa, 100,000 Asia Minor B a Ammara, Nubia G e Bulawadin, Asia Minor C b Amol, 35,000 Persia G b Bubdar, 20,000 Asia Minor C b Amran, Yemen E f Buihar, Somali E g Amru, Nejed E e Bumm, or Bam, Persia H d Am Varagat, Upper Nile B g Bunarbashi, Asia Minor B b Anah, Bagdad E c Bunder Abbas, or Gombroon, Anderoon, Persia Id c 5,000 Mogistan in Persia H d Andrene, Syria D b Burka, or Barka, 20,000 Oman H e Aneizeh, or Oneizeh, Nejed E d Buroojird, Persia F c Angatta, Abyssinia 1) g Buseir, Oman H e Angora (Engirich), 15,200 Asia Minor G a Bushire, or Aboushehr, 18,000 Persia G d Ankobar, 15,600 Shoa D h Bushreygah, Persia H c Ansa, Abyssinia E g Cagoon, Persia G d Antakia (Antioch), Syria D b Cairo (Masr-el-Kah irah), 313,383 Antalo, 5,000 Abvssinia D g Cap. of Egypt C c Antioch (Antakia), " Syria D b Cassala, or Kassala, 15,000? Nubia D f Arabat e| Matfoon, Egypt C d Clielga, Abyssinia D Arabkir, 20,000 Kurdistan D b Cheshmehi Ali, Persia G b Ardabil, Persia F b Ooomfidah, or Ghunfooda. Pleiaz E f Ardekan, Persia G c Coos, Egypt C d Ardistan, Persia G c Cosseir, or Kosseir, 15-20,000 Egypt C d Arish (el). Syria C e Damaghan, Persia G b Arjesh, Turkish Armenia E b Damar, Yemen E g Arrusie, Eastern Africa E h Damascus (Dimeshk esh Sham). Artvin, Asia Minor E a 120,000 Syria D c Asek, Persia G b Damer, Nubia G f Asfoon, Egypt C d Ilamietta ( Damiat ), 57,000 Egypt O c Assouan. Egypt C e Darabjerd, Persia G d Asterabad, 4,000 Persia G b Darak. * Persia H c Atbara, Nubia D f Davkein, Hejaz D d Atfeeh, Egypt C d Dasa, Bagdad E c Ava, Persia F b Dawadimah, Nejed E d Axum, Abyssinia D g Debaba, Hejaz E f Baalbek (Heliopolis), Syria D c Debai, Oman H d Babahan, Persia G c Debote, Nubia C e Babylon (ruins), Bagdad E c Debra Tabor, Abyssinia D Baffa (Paphos), Gyprus C c Defineh (ed), Nejed E e Bafira, Asia Minor D a Deir, Syria D b Bafk, Persia H c Deir el Kamr, Syria D c Bagara, Nubia C f Delgi, Abyssinia D g Bagaad, or Baghdad, 40,000 Bagdad E c Delligo, Nubia C e Baha, Nubia G g Demavend, Persia G b Baiburt, Turkish Armenia E a Dembecha, Abyssinia D g Baku, Persia H d Demeko, Abyssinia D g Balat, Egypt B d Denab, Nubia G Bnlfrush, 5,000 Persia G b Dendera, Egypt G f Balikesri, 10,000 Asia Minor B b Dendoor, ~~oj r v Nubia C e , ETC. Denisli, 13,000 Asia Minor B b Ghunfooda, or Coomfidah, Hejaz E f Denka, Nubia C g Ghurab, Hejaz E e Dera. Abyssinia D g Giesim, Abyssinia C g Derb Solman, Yemen _E f Girgeh, or Jirjeh, 7,000 Egypt C d Dereyeeyah, Nejed F e Gizeh, or Ghizeh, Egypt C d Derita, Abyssinia D g Gombola, Eastern Africa D h Derr, Nubia C e Gombroon, or Bunder Abbas, Dezat Irk, Nejed E e 5,000 Oman in Persia H d Dhalum, Nejed F e Gonan, Shoa D h Dhofar, Oman G f Gondar, Abyssinia D g Dhool Hatifa, Hejaz E e Gondokoro, Upper Nile C i Diarbekr, 13,000 Kurdistan D b Goorgote, Nubia C e Oilman, Persia E b Gos Rajeb, Nubia D f Diluk.. Upper Nile B h Gowel Kebeer, Egypt C d Diwanieh, Bagdad F c Granee, or Koweit, 10,000 Ahsa F d Dixan, Abyssinia D f Grein, Hadramaut F f Dizful, 15,000 Persia F c Gudera, Abyssinia D g Djebreen, Nejed F d Guinsa, Abyssinia D g Djeladjel, Nejed F d Gukin, Upper Nile C g Djoon, Ahsa F d Gundet, Abyssinia D g Djowf, or Jowf, Jebel Shomer D d Gunieh, Asia Minor E a Djumalee, Persia H d Gurun, Asia Minor D b Doga, Hejaz E f Gvgin, or Kiui, Upper Nile C h Doghama, Oman H e Haashaba, Kordofan C g Doilo. Somali F h Habla, Persia G b Dongola, New, or Ordeh, 6,000 Nubia C f Hadhr, (el) Bagdad E b Dongola, Old, Nubia C f Hadjin, Syria D b Doongoon. Nubia C e Hagara, Nubia C f Doosh el Khala, Egypt G e Hais, Yemen E g Dorak, 6,000 Persia F c Hajar, Abyssinia D g Doran, Yemen E g Hajar, Arabia G e Dungas, Nubia D f Hajar, Hadramaut F g Dunkot, Hadramaut G f Hajir, Nubia C f Ebinat, Abyssinia D g Haleb (Aleppo), Syria D h Edd (French), Abyssinia E g Haifa, Nubia C € Ed Defineh, Nejed E e Halfaya, Nubia C f Ed el Kab, Nubia B f Halli, Hejaz E f Edfoo, 15-20,000 Egypt C e Hamadan, 30,000 Persia F C Edremid, Asia Minor B b Hamah (Epiphania, Hamath), Efun, Nubia C f 30,000 Syria D b Egerdir, Asia Minor C b Handak, Nubia C f Egin, 10,000 Kurdistan D b llannak, Nubia C f Elali. Hejaz D d Hannik, Nubia C f El Akbar, Hejaz D d Harar (Adar), Somali E h El Arish, Syria G c Hararah, Nejed F e El Etwid, Hejaz E f Harran, Syria D b El Had hr, Bagdad E b Harrara, Oman H e El Haura, Hejaz D d Hasaya, Nubia C e El .Temanieh, Nejed E e Hasuh, Kurdistan E b El Katif. Ahsa G d Haura, Hadramaut F g El Khalil (Hebron) Syria D c Haweeza, Persia F c F,1 Maaz, Jebel Shomer E d Hayel, 25.000 Jebel Shomer E d El Maliir, Hejaz D d Hayz, Wah el, Egypt B d El Wadan, Hejaz D e Hediah, Jebel Shomer D d Enderes, Asia Minor D a Heiligenkreuz, Upper Nile C h Engala, Hejaz E e Hejasi, Nubia C g Engreyah, Nubia C f Heliopolis (Baalhek), Syria D c En^Nasirah (Nazai eth), Syri st D c Hellet Babita, Upper Nile C h Enzeli, Persia F b Hellet Idris, Nubia C g Erbil. Bagdad E b Hems, or Homs (Emcsa), 30,000 Syria D c Eresli, or Bender Erekli Hijer, Hejaz D d ( Her aclea ), Asia Minor C a Hilleh, 10,000 Bagdad E c Eregli, Asia Minor C b Hindyan, Persia F c Ermenek, As^i Minor C b Hit, 4.500 Bagdad E c Erment, Egypt C d Hodeida, Y’emen E g Erzeroom, 100,000 Turkish Armenia E b Hofhoof, or el Fouf, 24,000 Ahsa F d Erzingan, 10,000 Turkish Armenia I) b Homs, or Hems (Emcsa), 30,000 Syria D c Esfardian, Persia G c Hoolah, Nejed F d Eskihissar, Asia Minor B b Hootah, Nejed F e Esneh, Egypt C d Hormuz, Persia H d Es Suedira, Hejaz E d Hotah, (el) Hadramaut F g Etwid, (el) Hejaz E f How, Egypt C d Eyanah, Nejed F e Ibl, Hejaz E f Eyoon, Nejed E d Ibrah, Oman H e Ez Zelfeh, Nejed F d Ibrim, Nubia C e Faloro, Upper Nile C i Iffar, Nejed E e Famagousta, Cyprus C b Ilgun, Asia Minor C b Farafreh. Wah el. Egypt B d Illahabad, Persia H c Farah, (el) Nejed E e Ineboli, Asia Minor C a Farsara, Abyssinia D g Ipsambool. Nubia C e Farshoot, Egypt C d Isbarta, 10,000 Asia Minor C b Fasa, Persia G d Iskelib, Asia Minor G a Fatiko (Koko), Upper Nile C i Iskenderoon, Syria D b Fatil, Upper Nile B h Ismailia, Egypt O c Fazoklo, Abyssinia C g Ismid, or Isnikima (Fioneaia), Ferket, ■ Nubia C e 10,000 Asia Minor B a Fcshn, Egypt C d Isnik, Asia Minor B a Feyd, Jebel Shomer E d Ispahan, 60,000 Persia G c Fivozabad, Persia G d Istakhur, Persia G c Fore. Persia G d Jadara, Eastern Africa D h Fouf (el), or Hofhoof, 24,000 Alisa F d Jaffa, or Yaffa (Joppa), 25,000 Syria C c Gaba Shambil, Upper Nile C h Jahjerm, Persia 11 b Gadoon, Hadramaut F f Jaizer, (el) Hadramaut G 1 Galwen, Mukdeesha E i Jaroon, Persia G d Gananeh, Mukdeesha E i Jask, Oman in Persia II d Garah, Egypt B d Jau, Oman H e Gaza, 16,000 Syria C c Jau, Upper Nile B h Genater, Abyssinia E g Jebeil, Syria D c Gezan, Yemen E f Jeinanieh, (el) Nejed E e Gebu, Somali F g Jemia, Upper Nile C h Ghat, Nejed F d Jerusalem (el Kuds), 25,000 Syria D 0 Ghayan, Persia I c Jidda, 22,000 l^jaz D e Ghizeh. or Gizeh, Egypt C d Jija, Abyssinia D :i q Ghomeis, Nejed E e Jilledy, Mur leesha E 1 MAP OF TURKEY IN ASIA, PERSIA, ARABIA, EGYPT, &c. 3 irieh, or Girgeh, 7,000 Egypt C d Koweit, or Granee, 10,000 Arabia F d Jobbab, Jebel Shomer E d Kowey, Nejed F e Jobla, Y r emen E g Krook, or Kuruk, Persia H d Joppa (Jaffa), Syria C c Kubessa, Bagdad E c Jowf. or Djowf, Jebel Shomer D d Kuboor, Hejaz D e Juheileh, Bagdad F c Kul, Mukdeesha E i Julamerk, Kurdistan E b Kuleiah, Hejaz D e Jumbo, Mukdeesha E k Kumar, Nubia C g Jumin, Persia H c Kurmi, Abyssinia D & Kab, tel) Egypt C d Kursi, Kordofan C g K a bend. Oman in Persia G d Kuruk, or Krook, Persia II d Kabooslian, Persia H b Kutayah, 30,000 Asia Minor C b Kailub, Nubia C f Kutreki, Oman H e Kaina, Hejaz E e Ivyrkagatch, 15,000 Asia Minor B b Kaisarieh, 30,000 Asia Minor D b Ladam, (el) Nejed F e Kaisariyeb (Ccesarea) Syria C c Radik, Asia Minor C b Kaiwan, Yemen E f Lahijan Persia G b Kaka, Nubia C g Lamloom, Bagdad F c Knkh, Persia H c Lar, 12,000 Persia G d Kalaat Esrak, Jebel Shomer D c Larnaka, Cyprus C c Kalaa Zumrood, Hejaz D d Latakia (Laodicea), 10,000 Syria D b Kalabsbee, Nubia C e Lazafah, Nejed F d Kalah Bishen, Hejaz E e Lefkosia, 16,000 Cyprus C b Kalai Bikai, Persia G d Leileh, Nejed E e Kalat, Syria D b Letan, Arabia F f Kalat en Nakel, Sinai Peninsula C d Leymah, 2,000 Oman H d Kalat en Nejm, Kalat llamadi, Syria D b Leynah, Jebel Shomer E d Bagdad E c Limasol, Cyprus C c Kalessi, or Tolianak-Kalessi, Asia Minor B Kamlin, Nubia C a g Lin ja, 16,0CQ Oman in Persia G Loheia, Yemen E Lok, Mukdeesha E d f i Kanara, Nubia D g Loquia, Lungo, Upper Nile C i Kan gall, Asia Minor D b Upper Nile B i Kankari, 18,000 - Asia Minor C a Luxor, Egypt C d Kara Magara, Asia Minor D b Ma'an, Hejaz D c lvaraman, 7,000 Asia Minor C b Maaz, (el„ Jebel Shomer E d Karfah, Nejed F e Mabil, Abyssinia D g Kari, Upper Nile C i Madunga, Upper Nile B h Karnak, Egypt C d Magadoxa, 5,000 Mukdeesha F i Kars, 12,000 Turkish Armenia E a Magdala, Abyssigia D g Kashan, Persia G c Maghris, Ahsa F d Kashkizerd, Persia G c Magoua Wells, Jebel Shomer D d lvasr, Egypt B d Mahamet Abad, Persia F b Kasr Dakbleh, Egypt B d Mahir, (el) Hejaz D d lvassaba Muali, Abyssinia D g Mahran, Persia F b Kassabi, Asia Minor B b Makallah, Hadramaut F g Kassala, or Cassala, 15,000 ? Nubia D f Makri. 3.000 Asia Minor B b Kastamuni, 12,000 Asia Minor C a Malatiyeh, 10,000 Kurdistan D b Katan, Arabia G e Manama, or Menamah, Ahsa G d Katif, (el) Ahsa G d Mandera, Nubia C g Kazbin, 25,000 Persia F b Manfaloot, Egypt C d Kazeroon, Persia G d Manfoonah, Nejed F e Kefar, Jebel Shomer E d Manissa, 25,000 Asia Minor B b Kefd, Jebel Shomer E d Mansourah, Egypt C c Kelbub Felleh, Hadramaut F g Maragak, Persia F b Kelendeii, Asia Minor C b Marash, 11,000 Syria D b Keli, Nubia C f Marcha. Hadramaut F f Kenah, Jebel Shomer E d Mardin. 10,000 Kurdistan E b Keneh, Egypt C d Marergur, Somali F h K erab , Nejed E e Marmara, Asia Minor B b ICerasoon, Asia Minor D a Marsiwan, Asia Minor D a Kerbela, Bagdad E c Martolo, Abyssinia D g Keren, Abyssinia D f Masaka, Upper Nile C k Keren, Persia G d Maskalo, Abyssinia D g Kerinia, Cyprus C b Massowa, 8,000 Mastura, Nubia D f Kerkesiyeh, Syria E b Hejaz D e Kerkouk, Bagdad E b Alatar, Egypt B c Kerman, or Serjan, 30.000 Persia II d Matarah, or Muttra, 25,000 Oman H e Kermansbah, 30,000 Persia F c Mebarraz, 20,000 Ahsa F d Keshin, Hadramaut G f Mecca, 30,000 Hejaz E e Khaf, Persia I c Medina, 15,000 Hejaz D e Ivhaibar, Jebel Shomer E d Medinet el Fayoom, 5,560 Egypt C d Khalil, el (Hebron), Syria D c Meid, Somali F g Khamir, Yemen E f Meis, Asia Minor B b Kbanabudi, Persia H b Mejma’a. Nejed F d Khanakieb, Nejed E d Mekheref (Berber), Nubia C f Khanekin, Bagdad F c Mekhra, Hejaz E e Khar, Kharjeh, (el) Persia H c Melbes, Kordofan C g Egypt C d Mellawee, Egypt C d Kharput, Kurdistan D b Melmil, Somali E h Khartum, 30,000- Nubia C f Memphis (ruins), Egypt C d Khoi, 30,000 Persia F b Menamah, or Manama, Ahsa G d Kholeis, Hejaz D e Menjera, Nubia C g Khonsar, Persia G c Menoof, Egypt C c Khoremabad) Persia F c Merbat, Oman G f Khorfakan, Oman H d Merkab, Nejed E e Khuhbes, Persia H c Meroe, Nubia C f Kibidi. Upper Nile C i Meroe, Pyramids, Nubia C f Kilai Gehr, Persia II d Mersivan, 10,0u0 Asia Minor D a Kisoona, Upper Nile C i Meshed, 70,000 Persia II b Kisuere, Upper Nile C k Meshed Alee, Bagdad E c Kitangule, Upper Nile C k Aleskeh. Nejed E d Kituntu, Upper Nile C k Messalamieh, Nubia C g Kiui, or Gygin, Upper Nile C h Metemmeh. Nubia C f Koachanga, Upper Nile B h Metileh, (el) Nejed E e Kobbe, Bar Fur B g Miana, Persia F b Kobbo, Eastern Africa D h Miha. Upper Nile B h Kobo, Nejed E e Mihrjan, Mijanabad, Persia H c Kobt. Egypt C d Persia H b Kodokol, Nubia C f Milasa, Asia Minor B b Kofon, Upper Nile C h Mina, Abyssinia D g Koke, Nubia C e Minab, Persia H d Koko (Fatiko), Upper Nile C i Minieh, Egypt C d Koldaje, Takale C g Mi Ana, Oman II e Konieh ( Iconium ), 50,000 Asia Minor C b Mirza Dongola, Nubia D e Koobanieh, Egypt C e Misenat, Hadramaut F g Koom, Persia G e Mitkenab, Nubia D f Koorkoor, Egypt C e Mocha, or Mokha, 7,000 Yemen E g Kora, Yemen F f Mohammerah. Bagdad F c \ornah, Bagdad F c Moilah, or Muweileh, Hejaz D d Corosko, Nubia C e Moosh. Turkish Armenia E b Korti. Nubia C f Morussu, Mukdeesha F i Kosseir, or Cosseir, 2,000 Egypt C d Moshi, Nubia C f Kowarah, Jebel Shomer E d Mosul. 20-40,000 Bagdad E b Mota, Mruli, Mtesa, Mualitch, Mudahi, Mudug, Mugi, Mugla, Mukna, Mundo, Mura, • Murghab, Abyssinia D g Upper Nile C i Upper Nile C i Asia Minor B a Persia I c 1 Somali F b j Upper Nile C i Asia Minor B b Hejaz D d Upper Nile B i j Upper Nile B h Persia G c Muscat, or Maskat, Cap. of Sul- tanate, 60,000 Oman PI e Muttra, or Matarah, 25,000 Oman II e Muweileh, or Moilah, Hejaz D d Myra, . Asia Minor B b Naam, Nejed F e Nabulus ( Shechem ), 10,000 Syria D e Nabud, Hejaz E f Nain, Persia G c Nasireh, (en) Nazareth, Syria D c Naswarabad, Persia I c Nathenz, Persia G c Nazaretb (en Nasireh), Syria I) c Neangara, Upper Nile B h Nearbe, Upper Nile B h Nehavend, Persia F c Nehbendan, Persia H c Nehimabad, Persia H d Nevshehr, 15,000 Asia Minor C b Nikegu, Upper Nile B h Nikbiloo, Oman in Persia G d Nineveh (ruins), Bagdad B b Nishapoor, or Nushapoor, Persia H b Nisibin, Kurdistan E b Nissab, Hadramaut F f Nizzawah, ’ Oman H e Nushapoor, or Nishapoor, Persia H b Nyama Goma, Upper Nile C i Obbo, Upper Nile C i Obeid, (el), 30,000 . Kordofan C g Obri, Oman H e Okair, » Alisa G d Oneizeh, or Aneizeh, Nejed E d Ordeh or New Dongola, Nubia C f Orfab, or Urfah (lidessa), 30,000 Syria 1) b Osmanjik, Asia Minor U a Owsit Wells, Jebel Shomer D c Ozal, Nejed E e Persepolis (ruins), Persia G d Petra (ruins), Hejaz D c Philse (ruins), Egypt C e Port Rek, Upper Nile B h Port Said, 10,000 Egypt C c Qucllita, Abyssinia D g Ilakka, Syria D b Earn Hormus, Persia F c Ranieb, Hejaz E e Rashid, Nubia D g Rass, Nejed E d Redesia, Egypt C e Redgmah, Hejaz D e Regan, Persia H d Reha, Yemen F g Reida, Hadramaut G f Rema, Bir, Nejed F d Resht, 50,000 ? Persia F b Rhodes, 15,000 Rhodes I. B b Rhut, Somali F g Riad, Nejed F e Rivandere, Persia F b Riyat, Arabia F f Rizeh, Asia Minor E a Roddaa, Yemen F g Roheita, Hejaz E f Romian, Persia H b Roohi, Persia I c Rosetta (Rashid), 21,130 Egypt C c Rostak, Oman PI e Roweydah, Nejed E d Ruheibeh, Syria C c Rumanika, Upper Nile C k Saadeh, Yemen E f Saadi eb, Hejaz D e Sabooa, Nubia C e Sabookah, Ahsa F d Sadik, Nejed F d Sagasig, or Zaknzeek, Egypt C e Saida (Sidon), Syria U c Sakhne, Syria D c Sakka, Eastern Africa D b Salem. Persia H c Samalood, Egypt C d Samara. Bagdad E c Samneh, Nubia C e Samoon, Hadramaut G f Samsat, Kurdistan D b Samsun. Asia Minor l) a Sana. 40,000 Yemen E f Sancaho, Abyssinia D g Sangad, Persia H c Sanian. Yemen E f San tari eb, Fgypt B d Saree, 35,000 Persia G b Sarifah, Bagdad E c Sarsa. Nejed E e Sataliab, or Adalia, 10,000 Asia Minor C b Sava, Persia G b Sawa; Hadramaut F f Scala Nova, 20,000 Asia Minor B b Seara, Somali F g Sedinga, or Selini, Nubia C e Sedoos, Nejed F d Seikotban, Sekeya, Sekiz, Selalkulla, Selayal, (es) Selefke, Selemeeyah, Selima, Selini, or Sedinga, Semmed, Semnan, Senanah, Senn, Senna,. Sennar, Serakhs, Seribah Ali Amuri, Serik, Serkeh, Serra Gharby, Setra, Shaaba, Shaarka, Sbabin Karahissar, Shabrood, Shaktah, Shalishat, Sharjah, 20-30,000 Shell r, Shehri Babek, Sbehri Nau. Sheikh Hurba, Shekh Abadeh, ' Shekh Said, Sliendy, 10,000 Sherm Magatim, Shibam, Shiraz, 25,000 Shitli, Sbiwelli, Sbooa, Shugshut, Shurame, Sburm, Shuster, 25,000 Sibb, Sidon (Saida), Sihut, Eastern Africa E b Yemen E g Persia F b Abyssinia D g Hejaz E f Asia Minor C b Nejed F e N ubia B e Nubia C e Oman H e Persia G b Oman H e Bagdad E b Persia F t Nubia C g Persia I b Upper Nile B h On an in Persia H d Abyssinia D g Nubia C e Egypt B d Ahsa F d Nejed E e Asia Minor D a Persia H b Nejed E d Nejed E d Oman H d Hadramaut F g Persia G d Persia I b Hadramaut F g Egypt C d Egypt C d Nubia C f Hadramaut F g Hadramaut F f Persia G d Mukdeesha E i Mukdeesha E i Upper Nile C i Asia Minor C a Yemen E g Sinai Peninsula C d Persia F c Oman H e Syria D c Hadramaut G f Sinope, or Sinob, 12,000 Asia Minor D Sioot, 30,000 Egypt C d Sireh, Abyssinia D g Sirt, Kurdistan E b Sis, Syria D b Sivas, or Sivas Sebastea, 25.000 Asia Minor D b Sivrihissar, Asia Minor C b Siwah, 9,000 Egypt B d Skutari, or Iskudar, 30,000 Asia Minor B a Smyrna (ismir), 150,000 Asia Minor B b Soft, Nubia D g Soham, Oman H e Sohar, 24,000 Oman H e Sokota, Abyssinia D g Solimanieh, Nubia C f Soor, Oman H e Soor (Tyre), Syria D e Sortot, Nubia C f Souadi, Egypt C d Soukbulak, Persia F b Souk-esb Shuyukh, Bagdad F c Suakin, 8,000 Nubia D f Subzawar, Persia H b Suda, Somali F g Suedira. (es), Hejaz E d Suez, 15,000 Egypt C d Sughra, Hadramaut F g Suleimaniyeh, Bagdad F b Sultanabad, Persia G c Sultanieh, Persia F b Surajeh, Yemen E g Susa, Persia F c Suwayrkiyah, Hejaz D e Suweik, Oman H e Tabab, Hejaz E f Tabreez, Tauris, or Tebreez, 110.000 Persia F b Tadmor (Palmyra), Syria D n Taeiz, Yemen E g Taessin, ' Takale C g Tafieh, Yemen E g Tafileh, Hejaz I) c Taft, Persia G r Tahia, Egypt C H Taif, Hejaz E e Tamareed, Socotra I. G g Tanta; 55,000 Egypt C c Tarabab. Hejaz E e Tarabulus ( Tripoli), 20,000 Syria I) e Tarif, Hejaz E d Taroom. 3.000 Persia H d Tarrangolle, Upper Nile C i Tartus (Tortosa), Syria D c Tash Kopri. Asia Minor C a Taurie, Oman in Persia G d Tauris, Tabreez, or Tebreez, 110,000 Persia F t Tayibeh, Syria D l Tchanak Kalessi, Asia Minor B a Tcbarak, Oman in Persia G d Tcborum, Asia Minor D a Tehbes, or Tubbus, _ Persia H c Tehouk, * Hejaz J) d Tefini. Asia Minor C b Teheran, Cap. of Kingdom, S5,o00 Persia 4 MAP OF TURKEY IN ASIA, PERSIA, ARABIA, EGYPT, &c. Teima, Jebel Shomer D d Toon, Persia H c Tejura, Abyssinia E g Toor, or Tor, Sinai Peninsula C d Tekrit, Bagdad E c Toorbet Haideree, or Zaweh, Persia H b Tendat, Kordofan C g Toos, Persia H b Tendelti, Dar Fur B g Tor, or Toor, Sinai Peninsula C d Tenuma, Hejaz E f Tosia, Asia Minor C a Terekli, Asia Minor C a Tosk, Nubia C e Terim, Hadramaut F f Toweym, Nejed F d Terish, Hadramaut F f Trebizond, 45,000 Asia Minor D a Tersheez, or Tursheez, Persia H b Tripoli ( Tarabulus), 20,000 Syria D c Tersoos (Tarsus), Syria C b Tubbus, or Tebbes, Persia II c Thebes (ruins), Egypt 0 d Turra, Nubia C g Tboran, Yemen E f Tursheez, or Tersheez, Persia H b Thug, Somali E h Tutteli, Somali E g Tinareh, Nubia C e Tyre (Soor), Syria D c Tira Mandi, Upper Nile C g Tyria, or Tireh, Asia Minor B b Tireboli, Asia Minor D a Ukara, Upper Nile C k Tireh, or Tyria, 10,000 Asia Minor B b Urfah, or Orfah ( Edessci), 30,000 Syria D b Tokat, Asia Minor D a Urodogani, Upper Nile G i Tokat, 30,000 Nubia D f Urub, Nubia G f Tonaul, Upper Nile B h Urumiyab, 30,000 Persia F b Wogiddi, Shoa D h Urundi, Upper Nile C k Yenibo, Hejaz D e Van, 15.000 Turkish Armenia E b Yembo el Naktrl, Hejaz D e Varcovia, Upper Nile C i Yerim, Yemen E g Verdi, or Werdi, Bagdad E c Yezd, 40.000 Persia G c Vollet Medine, Nubia C g Yezdekhast, Persia G c Wab, Alisa F d Yuzgat, Asia Minor C b Wad an, (el) „ Hejaz D e Zafaranboli, 15,000 Asia Minor C a Wady Haifa, Nubia C e Zaimeh, Hejaz E e Wafrah, Nejed F d Zakhu, Bagdad E b Wah el Farafreh, Egypt B d Zakuzeek, or Sagasig. Egypt C c Wah el Hayz, Egypt B d Zaweh, or Toorbet Haideree, Persia H b Waidit, Upper Nile B h Zebid, 7,000 Yemen E g Wakasha, Yemen E f Zeila, Somali E g Walaga, Upper Nile C h Zelfeh, (ez) Nejed F d Wasit, Nejed E d Zileh, Asia Minor D a Wau, Upper Nile B h Zinjan, Persia F b Wayo, Upper Nile C i Zobeit, Bagdad F c Wedge, or el Wej, Hejaz D d Zubbo, Egypt B d Werdi, or Verdi, Bagdad E c Zulfah, Nejed E d RIVERS AND WADIES. Abai or Blue Nile R., 900 m. Abyssinia D Achua or Asua, R. Upper Nile C Arnbigolo Cataract (Nile), Nubia C Anseba, R. Nubia D Aras, R., 500 m. Persia F Asua or Achua R. Upper Nile C Atabbi, R. Upper Nile C Atbara or Tacazze R., 7S0 in. Nubia C Atrek. R. Persia H Aye, R. Upper Nile C Bahr Bela raa, Egypt B Bahr Dembo, Upper Nile B Bahr el Abiad, or White Nile, Nubia C Bahr el Arab, Upper Nile B Bahr el Azrek, or Blue Nile, Nubia C Upper Nile B Abyssinia D Upper Nile B Eastern Africa F Nubia D Upper Nile G Abyssinia D Abyssinia D Upper Nile D Cataracts of the Nile (1st & 2d), Nubia C Cataracts of the Nile (3d, 4th, 900 m. Bahr el Horar, Bahr el Honran, Bahr el .Jur or Gazelle, 900 m. Band el d’Agoa, Barca. R. Baro R. Bashilo, R. Bassatam, R. Borora, R. 5th, and 6th), Choi R. Choruk Su, Dedhesa, R. Bender, R. Djuba or Juba, R. Doara, R. Nubia C Upper Nile C Turkey in Asia E Upper Nile I) Nubia C Eastern Africa E Eastern Africa F Euphrates, R. ( Furat or Murad- su ), 1,800 m. Turkey in Asia F g Fa fan, R. Eastern Africa E h Kizil Uzen, 300 tn. Persia F h i Filias R. Turkey in Asia C a Kor Doleb, Nubia C g e Gandova, R. Abyssinia D g Kuren, R. Persia F c f Gash, Mareb or Sona, R. Abyssinia D g Leontes, R. Turkey in Asia D c b Gedis Tchai. or Sarabat, Turkey in Asia B b Luajerri R. Upper Nile C i i Gcrmechaneh Rud, Persia LI b Mareb, Sona, or Gash, R, A bvssinia D g i Giraffe or Nuer R. Upper Nile C h Menderes, It. (Meander), f Gojeb, Upper Nile C h Turkey in Asia B b b Gurgan, R. Persia H b Murad-Su, or E. Euphrates, h Haines, It. Eastern Africa E i Turkey in Asia E b d Hawash, R. Abyssinia E g Murchison Creek, Upper Nile C i h Hindiah, R. Turkey in Asia E c Murchison, Falls (Nile), Upper Nile C i g Jahla, R. Turkey in Asia F c Nam Itolil, or Kado R. Upper Nile B h h Jaiban, R. Turkey in Asia D b Nid el Nil. R. Nubia C g Jarnma. R. Shoa D h Nile. R., 3,500 m. from Victoria g Jerrahi, Persia F c Nyanza, or, possibly, 4,500 m. h Jordan, R., 200"Vn. Turkey in Asia D c from supposed source at lat. g Juba or Djuba, It. Eastern Africa E i 12" S. Africa C d Jur, or Gazelle It. Upper Nile B h Nile, Blue, or Bahr el Azrek, h Ivado or Nam Rohl R. Upper Nile B h 900 m. Nubia C g h Kafoor R. Upper Nile C i Nile, Mouths, Egypt C c £ Kaibar Cataract (Nile), Nubia C f Nile, White, or Bahr el Abiad, Nubia C g h Kanieti, Upper Nile C h Nuer or Giraffe R. Upper Nile C h g Kara-su, orW. Euphrates, Orontes. R. Turkey in Asia D b (T Turkey in Asia D b Polvar R. Persia G c h Karuma Falls (Nile), Upper Nile C i Presktaf R. Persia G d e Katonga R. Upper Nile C k Queeny, It. Upper Nile C h Kaugiri R. and Fall, Upper Nile C i Rahad, R. Abyssinia D § f Kelkit or Germilee (Lycus), Reb, It. Abyssinia D g h Turkey in Asia D a Ripon Falls (Nile), 12 ft. Upper Nile C i a Kerkhah, It. Persia F c SakariaR. (Sangarius) Turkey in Asia C a h Khabour, R. Turkey in Asia E b Sefid Rud, Persia G b g Kidi R. Upper Nile B g Shatt el Arab, Turkey in Asia F c i Kitangule R. Upper Nile C k Sihoon, R. Turkey in Asia D b i Kiveh, R. Persia G b Sobat, R. Upper Nile C h Kizil Irmak [Hal us), 520 m. Somerset R. (Nile), Upper Nile C i c Turkey in Asia C a Sona, Mareb, or Gash, R. Abyssinia D & Tab, R, Tacazze, R Tejend, R. Teiquana R. Persia G c Abyssinia D g Persia H b Upper Nile B h Tigris, R. (Didjleh or Shaft), 1,150 m. Turkey in Asia F Tis Esat Cataraet-on Abai, Abyssinia D Tito, R. Torich, R. Turnat. R. Umo, R. Vabbi R. Taiga, R. Wady Bisheb, Wady Dana, Wady Dauasir, Wady Dhoorn or Rebok, Wady el Aftan, Wady el Aul, Wady Meifab, Wady Mesileh, Wady Moyazet, Wady Nejran, Wady Nogul Wady Rebok or Dhoorn, Wady Saumar, Wady Serhan, Wady Sethan, Webbi gi Weyna, R. Webbi Ganiana, R. Weyna or Webbi, R. Yeshil Irmak (Iris), Zab Asphal, Zab, R. , Great, Zafende Juffa, Eastern Africa E Eastern Africa D Upper Nile C Eastern Africa E Upper Nile D Upper Nile D Nejed E Yemen F Nejed F Arabia G Nejed F Nejed E Arabia F Arabia G Nejed E Yemen E Eastern Africa F Arabia G Arabia F Arabia D Yemen E Eastern Africa E Eastern Africa E Eastern Africa E Turkey in Asia D Turkey in Asia E Turkey in Asia E Persia G LAKES Abbala, L. Akshehr Gol, Albert Nyanza (Mwutan, Luta Nziye), Alelbad, L. ' Ashangi L. Assal, L. Bakhtegan or Neyriz, L. Balli L. Bardowal, L. Eastern Africa D h Asia Minor C b Upper Nile B i Abyssinia E g Abyssinia D g Abyssinia E g Persia G d Eastern Africa E i Egyut C c Beishehr Gol, Asia Minor C b Korn. Birket el, Egypt C d Tiberias, L. Syria D c Birket el Korn, Egypt C d Mahluja. L. Persia G d Touz Gol, Asia Minor C b Boorlos L. Egypt C c Maiet el Jur, Upper Nile B b Tzana or Dembea, L. Abyssinia D g Caspian Sea, Persia G b Mareotis, L. Egypt B c Urumiyah, L. Persia F b Dead Sea, Syria D c Menzaleh L. Egypt C c Van, L. Armenia E b Dembea or Tzana, L. Abyssinia D g Neyriz or Bakhtegan, L. Persia G d Victoria Nyanza ( Ukereice), Upper Nile C k Egerdir Gol, Asia Minor C b Ngo. L. Upper Nile D i Warada L. Arabia E e Haik, L. Abyssinia D g No, L. Upper Nile C h Zamburu, L. Eastern Africa D i Kella L. Eastern Africa E h Saloom eh, I. Arabia E e Zasvai, L. Eastern Africa D h Abba Jared or Yared, 15,000 Abyssinia D Ahl or Singed Mts., 6,500 Somali F Ak Dagh (N.), 8.000 Asia Minor B Ale Dagh (S.), 9,836 Asia Minor B Akhaf Desert (Bahr-es-Safi), Arabia F Ala Dagh, , Asia Minor C Anti Lebanon, Syria D Anti Taurus Mounts. Asia Minor D Arabian Desert Egypt C Ararat, Mt. (Ac/ri Dagh), 17,112 Armenia E Ariish Dagb, 12,590 Asia Minor D Bahr-es-Safi, ‘ Sea of Sand,’ Arabia F Bayuda Desert, Nubia C Bei Dagh, 10,491 Asia Minor C Bingol Dagh, 11,800 Armenia E Blue Mounts., 8-10,000 Butgher Dagh (Metdesis), Upper Nile B 11,400 Asia Minor C Carmel, Mt. , 1,750 Syria C Dahna, or Nefood, Arabia F Daman-i-Kuh, Persia H Deana Kuh, Persia G Debra Tabor, Abyssinia D Demavend, Mt., 21,000 Persia G Elburz Mounts.. 21,000 Persia G Elwend, Mt., 10,400 Persia F Gana, Mt. Abyssinia D Geik Dagh. 9,830 Asia Minor C Great Salt Desert, Persia H Hassan Dagh, 7,985 Asia Minor C MOUNTAINS g Hermon, Mt. (Jebel esh Sheikh), g 9,381 Syria D c b Horeb (dinai), Mt., 8,593 Arabia C d b IdaMt., 5.744 Asia Minor B b f Jaghatai, Kubi, Persia H b a Jebel Aarad, or Imarieh, Arabia E e c Jebel Abad, Persia H d b Jebel Aja, Arabia E d d Jebel Akhdar, 6,010 Arabia LI e Jebel Antar, Arabia D d b Jebel Atalah, Arabia F d b Jebel Athal, Arabia G e f Jebel Attaka, Egypt C d f Jehel Badab, 5,000 Nubia D f b Jebel Dara, Egypt C d b Jebel Elba, 6,900 Nubia D ■e k Jebel et Till, Arabia C d Jebel Ferajed, 4,440 Nubia D e b Jebel Ghazuan, Arabia E e e Jebel Hamada, 5,600 Egypt D e <1 Jebel Hanek, Nubia D f b Jebel Imarieh or Aarad, Arabia E e c Jebel Koorkoor, Egypt C e g Jebel Kora, Arabia E e b Jebel Kur Seiban, Arabia F cr b Jebel Masmar, Nubia D f c Jebel Medob. Dar Fur B f g Jebel Menakib, Arabia F e b Jebel Mukhtab, Arabia D d c Jebel Okdat, Arabia H e PLAINS, ETC. Jebel Ras. Jebel Rudduah, Jebel Saber. Jebel Shamah, Jebel Shejir, Jebel Silsileh, Jebel Solina, Jebel Sotirba, 4,000 Jebel Tauran, Jebel Toweyk, Jebel Turfa, Jelo Dagh, Judi Dagh, Kalernaran Mts. Kara Dagh, 7,865 Kartell Khal. 11,240 Kenia, Mt. , 18,000 Kennes Dagh, 10,488 Kuber Kuh. Ifufai, .Taghatai, Kuku Mounts. Lebanon, Mt. (Dhor el 10,052 Libyan Desert, Libyan Plateau, Madi Mounts., 8.000 Magdala, Merkhmeh Mounts. Mfumbiro, Mt. , 10,000 Nubian Desert, Arabia H Arabia D Arabia E Arabia F Arabia G Egypt C Arabia E Nubia D Arabia D Arabia F Arabia C Kurdistan E Kurdistan E Persia H Asia Minor C Armenia E Eastern Africa D Syria D Persia H Persia H Upper Nile C Khodib), Syria D Egypt B Egypt B Upper Nile C Abyssinia D Persia G Upper Nile B Nubia C Nefood. ' Sand Pass,' Arabia Nefood, or Dahna, Arabia Oasis, Great, or Wah el Karjeh, Egypt Oasis of Garah. Egypt Oasis of Koorkoor, Egypt Oasis of Santarieh, or Fared Ghah, Egypt Oasis of Siu'ah, Egypt Olympus, Mt., 6,227 Asia Minor Olympus. Mt. ( Troodos ), 6,593 Cyprus Oman. Desert, Arabia Pushti Kuh, Persia Robaa-el-Khali Desert, Arabia Sahund, Mt. Persia Sashken Mounts. Persia Savalan. Mt. Persia Sefid Kuh, Persia Sinai. Mt., 7,498 Arabia Singeli, Sangeli, or Ahl Mts., 6.500 Somali Syrian Desert, Syria & Arabia Takhi Kuh, Persia Takti Belkisse, Persia Tallia Waha Mounts. Abyssinia Taurus Mts. (Metdesis), 11.400 Asia Minor C b & Persia Arabia Nubia Persia B a C e H e Teresh Kuh, Till (et) Desert, Wady el Ivab, Zarang Desert, H d F b F c C d F g D e F c F b D g D b H o C d B f G o MAP OF TURKEY IN ASIA, PERSIA, ARABIA, EGYPT, &c. 5 BAYS, ETC. Aboukir Bay, Egypt C e Bushaifa Bay, Egypt B c Hafun Bay, South, Eastern Africa G g Morphou Bay, Cyprus C b Adalia, Gulf, Asia Minor C b Constantinople Strait, or Bosphorus, C a Hamfila Bay, Nubia E g Oman, Gulf of, Persia H d Aden Gulf, F g Core Amearah, Arabia E g Hauakil Bay, Nubia E f Ormuz Strait, Persia H d Akabah, Gulf, Red Sea C d Dardanelles, or Hellespont, B a Hellespont, or Dardanelles, E b Persian Gulf, G d Akik Bay, Nubia D f Debid, Bight of, Egypt C c Iskenderoon, Gulf, Turkey D b Phineka Bay, Asia Minor C b Ansley Bay, Nubia D f Gatta Bay, Egypt B c Jubal, Strait, Red Sea 0 d Port Mornington, Nubia D f Arab Bav, Egypt B c Ghubbet Ain, Arabia F g Kooria Mooria Bay, Oman H f Rauai Gulf, E?vnt D e Arabian Gulf, or Red Sea, D e Ghuhbet Beneh, Eastern Africa G g Kos, Gulf of. Asia Minor B b Red Sea, or Arabian Gulf. D e Astern bad Bay, Persia G b Ghubbet el Karaar, Arabia G f Marmora or Marmara, Sea, B a Saukira Bay, Oman H f Bah-el-Mandeb Strait, E g Ghubbet Sedan, Arabia F g Milhr Gulf, Egypt B c Suez, Gulf, Red Sea C d Black Sea, C a Ghubbet Ungor, Eastern Africa F g Mirsa Derur, Nubia D f Tejura, Gulf, Eastern Africa E g Bosphorus, or Strait of Constantinople, B a Hafun Bay, North, Eastern Africa G g Mirsa Mubarik, Egypt C d ISLES, CAPES, ETC. Abd el Kuri I. (to Oman), Africa G g Hanish Is. Red Sea E g Mograt I. R. Nile C f Ras Sharwain, Arabia G f Abou Adi I. Persian Gulf F d Hannara I. Oman H f Moseirah I. Oman II e Ras Shejer, Arabia G f Andrea. C. Cyprus C b Harat I. Red Sea D f Mosha I. (British), Gulf of Aden E g Ras Sheribedat, Oman H f Anemour, C. Asia Minor C b Harzeit, Ras el, Egypt B c Mushabeah I. Red Sea D d Ras Tannoorah, Arabia G d Archipelago (Grecian!, Haski I. Oman H f Nikaria I. Archipelago B b Rhodes I. Archipelago B b Mediterranean Sea B b Hassanee I. Red Sea D e Ormuz I. Persian Gulf II d Romosa I. Persian Gulf II d Asia Minor Peninsula, Turkey C b Ieros, C. Asia Minor D a Perim I. (British), Red Sea E g Sada I. Oman H f Astropalia I. Archipelago B b Imbro I. Archipelago B a Philne I. R. Nile C e Safaj I. Red Sea C d Baba, Cape, Asia Minor B b Injeh, C. Asia Minor C a Ras Ahumud, Arabia D e Safieh I. Persian Gulf G d Bahrein I. Persian Gulf G d Jatfatine Is. Red Sea C d Ras Ali. Eastern Africa G g St. John I. Red Sea D e Bareedv, Cape, Arabia D e Jebel Tur I. Eastern Africa F g Ras Asooad, Eastern Africa F i Salaley I. Persian Gulf G e Bidulph Is. Persian Gulf F d Kalimno I. Archipelago B b Ras Awath, Eastern Africa F h Samo I. Archipelago B b Biliyard I. Persian Gulf G e Kanais, Ras el, Egypt B c Ras Benass, Nubia D e Samothraki I. Archipelago B a Bubiyan I. Persian Gulf F d Karak I. Persian Gulf G d Ras Bir. Eastern Africa E g Serrane I. Red Sea E f Buri Peninsula, Nubia E f Karpathos I. Archipelago B b Ras Dahlmar, Arabia D e Shadwan I. Red Sea C d Burka Is. Oman H e Kaxo I. Archipelago B b Ras el Hadd. Arabia I e Sheikh Abou Shaab I. Persian Gulf G d Camaran I. Red Sea E f Kenn I. Persian Gulf G d Ras el Jezirah, Oman H f Sheikh Sura I. Persian Gulf G d Cyprus I. Mediterranean Sea C c Kerempeh,. C. Asia Minor C a Ras el Khyle, Eastern Africa F h Sier Abou Neid I. Persian Gulf G d Dahlak Archipelago, Red Sea E f Kerewe I. Victoria Nyanza C k Ras Eartak, Arabia G f Sinai Peninsula, Arabia C d Dahlak I. Red Sea E f Khios I. Archipelago B b Ras Furtuk, Arabia G d Socotra I. (to Oman), Africa G Dessi I. Red Sea D f Khubba I. Persian Gulf F d Ras Hafun. Eastern Africa G g Tanajib, Ras, Arabia F East India Company Is. Persian Gulf G e Kishm I. Persian Gulf H d Ras Haikharant, Oman H e Thaso, I. Archipelago A a Farsan Gegeer, Red Sea E f Kooria Mooria Is. Oman H f Ras ICansireh, Eastern Africa F g Tiran I. Red Sea G d Farsan Kebeer, Red Sea E f Kos I. Archipelago B b Ras Mejarmla, Arabia E g Tol Faraun I. Eastern Africa G g Feleje I. Persian Gulf F d Krio. Cape, Archipelago B b Ras Mohammed, Arabia C d Tomb Is. Persian Gulf H d Feyea, (el) I. Persian Gulf G e Lemnos I. Archipelago B b Ras Mussendum, Arabia H d (Jmurumah I. Red Sea D d Garrow I. Persian Gulf F d Mazita I. Victoria Nyanza C k Ras Noos. Oman II f Wadee Jumaul I. Red Sea D e Guardafui. C. Eastern Africa G g Milhr, Ras el Egypt B c Ras Reccan, Arabia G d Wardens Is. Persian Gulf G d Hallani I. (British), Oman H f Mityleni I. Archipelago B b Ras Saukira, Oman H f Yason, G. Asia Minor D a Halys, C. Asia Minor D a uno ™&'& ~'gJo '■«»»" vMT'iifDff joJ rXxir iQ~jt' m. IttlDJOf IIIIIH L III i! m i 0 ^ lof .......JHL................ 0 Li 1 B! i m r w B 0 T. ElLwood. Z e ll, Plrilaleljliia MAP OF PALESTINE, ANCIENT AND MODERN, WITH PART OF NORTHERN STRIA. Palestine, Canaan, or the Holy Land, a country of Asiatic Turkey, at present forms part of the Pashalik of Syria and Lebanon, extending between latitudes 30° 40', and 33° 32' N., and from 34° to 36° 45' E. longitude. On the North it is hounded by the mountains of Lebanon and the Yale of Litany or Leontes. On the East it merges into the Syrian Desert; and on the South into the Desert of Sinai. Length, North to South, about 185 miles; breadth from 80 to 90 miles; area about 12,500 square miles, nearly equal in extent to the six northern counties of England. The governor of the Pashalik resides alternately at Damascus and Beirut. The ancient Boman provinces, — Galilee, Samaria, Judea, and Perea — are indicated on the Map, and the more ancient divisions of the country into tribes, which are very uncer- tain, on the supplementary Sketch Map. Scale of Map, 16 J miles to 1 inch. Explanation of Colours . — The parts tinted green are the coasts, plains, and valleys, from the sea-level to 500 feet of elevation ; also the great depression of the Jordan Valley (El Ghor), which from above the Sea of Galilee down to lat. 31° is below the level of the Mediterranean. The buff tint indicates the hills and plateaus from 500 to 3000 feet high. The grey tint shows the mountains and regions above 3000 feet. EXPLANATION OF ARABIC WORDS OF FREQUENT OCCURRENCE ON THE MAP. Ain Fountain Beni Tribe {SSE&t Jisr Bridge Kurzeh Town An! Plain Beit House Kefr Village Nahr (N.) River Bahr Belad Sea, Lake Country Bir Well el, en, er, ez, esh — article the Jebel Mountain Khan Inn Has Cape TeU Wady (W.) Hill ( Valley, ( Watercourse DISTRICTS, TRIBES, ETC. SCRIPTURE AND CLASSICAL NAMES ARE PRINTED IN ITALICS. Ajam, el, D d Code Syria, or Celo Syria, C c Akka, B e Akkar, D b Dunniyeh, ed. D b Aklim el Bellan, C d Ammon, C g Edom, B i Ard es Seikal, E c Ard et Tahta, E c Fetuh, el. C b Argob (district in Bashan), D d Arkub, el. C c Galilee, B e Arkub, el, B g Gaulanitis (Jaulan), C e Anion, C f Gele el, F d Gennesaret, Land of. C e Baalbek, Belad, D c Gerar, A h Bashan District, D e Ghurbiyeh, el A f Batanea, E e Ghutah, el D d Batruu, C b Ghuzzeh, A h Beitany, el. B f Gilead (Jebel Ajlun), C f Belad, Baalbeck, D c Belad Besharah, B d Haifa, B e Belad esh Shukif, C d Hamad, E f Belka, C g Haritheh-esli-Shemaliyeh, B e Beni Harith, B g Hasbeiya, C d Beni Hassan, B g Hauran, D e Beni Malik, B g Hermiyeh, el, E d Beni Mussah, B f Hessy, el, A h Beni Obeid, C f Beni Salem, B g Iturea (Jedur), D d Beni Zeid, B f Bsherreh, C b Jebal, C i Bukaa el. C c Jebeil, C b Butein, C e Jebel Ailun ( Gilead ), C f Bnttauf, el. B e Jebel, el. B d TOWN Abd-beth-maacah (Abil), C d Aithy, c c Abd Meholah, C f Ajalon (Yalo), B g Abdon, B d Ailun, C f Abduleh Tula, C b Akir ( Ekron ), A g Abeih, C c Akka, or Acre, 5000, B e Abila, C e Akkar, D b Abila, D c Akrabbim, B i Abilene D c Akrabeh, B f Abilin, B e Akuran, C b Abu Dis, F h Alma, B d Abu Obeideh, C f Almit, F g Accho (Akka), B e Almon, or Alemeih, B g Acddama, F h Amathus, C f Achzib (es Zib), B d Ammon, C g Acrabi (Akrabeh), B f Am shit, C b Acre or Akka, 5000, B e Am was (Emmaus), B g Adara (Shuhba), E e Anab, B h Adora (Dura), B g Anata, F g Adoraim (Dura), B g Anathoth (Anata), B g Adullam, B g An jar, C c Aerc Salamen (Sunamen), D a Antipatris (Kefr Saba), A f Afka, C b Antubeh, F h Ahirek, D e Aphek (Fik), C e Ai (Tell ei Hajar), * B g Arab Salim, B d Ain el Asy, D b Araba, B e Ain-Jiddy (Engedi), B h Arad, B h Jebel esh Sheikh, C d Nabulun, B f Jebel esh Shurky, D b Nasirah, B e Jebel Safed C d Jedur (Iturea), D d Perea, C g Jehamine, el, C e Phenice, or Phoenicia, B c Jenin, B f Philistines, Country of. A g Jezzin, C c Jubbet Asal, D c Safeh, es, F d Judea, B g Sahel, es, C c Jurat Merda, B f Samaria, Roman province, B f Jurd, el. C c Seru, es. C e Shagur, esh, B e Kefarat, el, c e Sharawiyeh. esh. B i Kerak, c h Shemaliyeh, Haritheh-esh, . B e Kesr A wan, c b Shoman, esh, B d Kharnub, el, B c Shuf-el-Biyad, esh. C d Khulil, el. B h Shuf, esh, C c Khuneifis, el, D d Shurkiyeh, esh, B f Kuneitirah, C d Kura, el, C b Trachonitis (el Lejah), D d Kurah, el. C f Tuffah, et, B 0 Lejah, el. D d Wadiyeh, el, B g Wastiyeh, C 1 Manasif, el, C c Marad, el. C f Yafa, A f Merj Ayun, C d Merj, el, D d Zahleh, C c Metn, el. C c Zawiyeh, ez. C b Moab, c h Zebedany, ez. D c Muneitirah c b Zuweit, ez, D f ETC. Arair ( Aroer ), c h Azotus, or Ashdod, A g Arak el Emir, c g Azzah (Ghuzzeh), A E Arar, D e Area (Erek), D a Archelais, B f Baalath, A h Ardy, c b Baalath, B £ Areopolis (Rabba), c h Baalbek (Heliopolis), D c Argob Ragaba, c f Baal Meon (Main), C g A rimathea (Rimah), B f Babliyeh, B d Arnun, c d Baneas (Cesarea Philippi ), C d Aroer (Arair), c h Baruk, C c Aroer (Ararah), B h Batneh, C f Arrabeh, B f Batanis, E e Ary, E e •Bedias, B d Asal el Werd, D c Beeroth (el Bireh), B g Ascalon, or Ashkdon, A g Beer-sheba (Bir es Seba), A h Ashdod (Esdud), A g Beirut or Beyrout, 100,000 B c Asher (Yasir), B f Beisan (Beth-shean) , C f Ashkelon (Askulan), A g Beit Ainun (Beth-anoth), B g Ashtaroth (Tell Ashtere), c e Beit Hanina, E g Askulan (Ashkelon), A g Beitin (Bethel), B g Ataroth, B g Beit Iska, E g Athlit, A e Beit Jala, E h Attarus, C g Beit Jibrin, A g Ayun ed Dura, D c Beitlahm (Bethlehem), 3000, B g Azekah (Tell Zakariya), A g Beit Netif, B g 2 MAP OF PALESTINE, ETC, Beit Saliur, F h Beit Tirza, E h Belateh, D g Belfort, C d Bel voir, C e Berachak (Bereikut), B g Bered (el Khulasah), A h Bereitun, D c Berkha, D b Berytus (Beirut), B e Bethabara, or Bethbarah, C g Bethanatk , B d Beth-anoth (Beit Ainun), B g Bethany (el Azariyeh), B g Bethar, A f Beth-aram, or Beth-Haram, C g Beth Ariel (Irbid), C e Beth-bara, C f Beth Dagon, A f Bethel (Beitin), B g Beth -gamut (Ura el Jemal), D f Beth-haran, or Beth-aram., C g Beth Hogla (Ain Hajla), C g Bcth-horon (Beit-ur), B g Beth-Jesimoth, C g Bethlehem, (Beit-lahm) in Judea, birth- place of Christ, 3000, B g Bethlehem (in Zebulun), B e Beth-Maachah, or Abel Beth- Maachah, 0 d Beth-Nimrah (Nimriu), C g Beth-Rehob, or Rehob, C d Bethsaida (Tabighah), C Bethsaida Julias (eo-Tell), C e Jieth-Shedn, or Beth -Shan (Beisan), C f Beth-Shemesh (Ain Shems), B g Beth-Ta/rpuah (Teffuh), B g Beth-zur (Beit-sur), B g Betonim (Batneh), C f Bezcr. C h Bint Jebeil, B d Biskinta, C c Botrys (el Batrun), C b Bozrah (Busrah), Brak, Brummana, Bsherreh, Bturmeih, Budeih, Burbarah, Bureif, Burzeh ( Ilobah ), Busan, Busrah ( Bozrah), Bukhjeh, Bybias (Jebeil), Cabul (Kabul), B e Caesarea (Kaisariyeh), A f Caesarea Philippi (Banias), C d Callirkoe, C g Cana of Galilee (Kefr Kenna, or Kana), B e C C B C C D D C c c D A E D E 1) e B e C b Capercotia, Capernaum (Tell Hum), Capctolias, Carmel (Kurmul), CamaAm, or Ashteroth-Karnaim, Castellum Peregrinorwm (Athlit), Chalcis, Chephirah (Kefir), Chesalon (Kesla), Chesulloth (Iksal), Chorazin (Kerazeh), Comochara (Kara), Conna (Ras Baalbek), Coreathe, Daberath (Deburieh), Dalmanutlia, Damascus (Dimeshk esh Sham), Damet el Alya, Dan, or Laish (Tell el Kady), Dan aba, Dareiya, Daumeh, Daumeh (Damah), Dawaimeh, Deir el Kamr, 8000, Deir en Nnsrany, Deir Mar Maron, Dekir, Derat, Dhikkrin, Dibbin, Dibon, or Dibon-Gad, Dimeshk (Damascus), Dimona K, Dora (Tantura), Doina, Dothan (Dotan), Dukah, Dulbeh, Duma, Duma, Dtimah (Daumeh), Ecdippa (Zib), Edhraa, Edumia (Daumeh), Eglon (Ajlan), Ehdeib, Ehden, Ekron (Akir), El Afuleh ( Haphraim ), El Azariyeh {Bethany), B e C e 120,000, D D C D D B B A C F D E D A C C D A A D B C D D E B B D B A B O A B B g El Batrun ( Botrys ), C b Jabneh (Yebna), A g M’araba, D 0 El Bresye, F d Jacob’s Well, B f Marabnn, D c Elealeh (el A’al), C S Jaffa or Yafa (Joppa or Japho), 25,000, A f Mardochn, E e Eleutheropolis (Beit Jibrin), A g Jambruda (Yabrud), E b Mar Eliyas, B g El Ghazir, C b Jamnia (Yebna), A g Mareshah (Marash), A g El Ghuzlaniyeh, D d Janohah (Yanun), B f Mar Saba, B g El Hamrah, B d Japhia (Yafa), B e M edaba (Made ba). C g El Ilureiineh, C e Japho (Yafa), A f Megiddo (el Lejun) B e El Hurmul, D b Jarmuth (Yarmftk), A g Meifuk, C b El Husn, C e Jattir (Attir), B h Mejdel, A f El Kefr, E e Jeba, B f Mejdel ( Magdala ), C e El Khulil (Hebron), 3,000, B g Jeba (Gibeah), B g Mejdel, el (Migdal-gad), A g El Kuseib, E e Jebeil (Gebal), C b Mejdel Kerum, B e El Lejun (Megiddo), B e Jebus (Jerusalem), B g Meneb, D f El Mekseh, C c Jedeideh, C c Menin, D c El Mesar, C f Jedna, A g Menjah, C g El Metn. ' C c Jehud, A f Merjany, D fi El Moghar, B e Jenin (Engannim), B f Mezra’ah, D c El Mokhrah, D b Jerash (Gerasa), C f Mezraat esh Shuf, C c El Muktarah. C c Jericho (er Riha), B g Michmash (Mukhmas), B g El Mushenef, E e Jerusalem (el Kuds), 25,000, B g Migdal-gad (el Mejdel), A g El Mushmeisiyeh, E d Jezreel (Zerin), B e Miskeh, A f Emek, B e Jezzin, C c Mizpali (Neby Samwil), B g Emmaus (Kulonieh), B g Jiljilieh (Gilgal), B f Mizpeh (Tell es-Safieh), A g Endor (Endur), B e Jimzu (Gimzo), A g Mukhalid, A f Engannim (Jenin), B f Jisr Benat Yakub, C d Mukhmas (Michmash), B g Engedi (Ain-Jidy), B h Jisr el Ghujar, c d Murtabeh, B d En Rogel, F h Jisr el Kurun, c c En Nasirah (Nazareth) 5,000, B e Jisr Mejamia, c e Nablus or Nabulus ( Shechem ), 10,000, B f Ephraim (Taiyibeh), B g Jobar, D c Naby Ismail, B e Er Remtheb, D e Jokneam (Tell Kaimftn), B e Naby Shit, D c Er Riha, C g Joppa (Yafa), A f Nain (Nein), B e Esdud (Ashdod), A g Joseph’s Grave, B f Nasirah, en- [Nazareth), 5,000, B e Esek, A g Jotapatq (Jefat), B e Natur, C b Esbmiskin, D e Jubata, C d Nawa, D e Eshtemoa (Semua), B h Jubb Jenin, C c Nazareth (en Nasirah), B e Es Safieh, C h Juiud (Geratte), E c Neballat, B g Es Sunamen, D d Juttah (Yutt*, B h Nebk, E B Elam (IJrtas), B g Neby Samwil ( Mizpah ), B g Et Taiyibeh, C e Kadeisa, C d Nejha, D d Et Tireh, A e Kaisariyeh (Ccesarea), A f Nejran, D s Kakun, A f Nein (Nain), B e Farun, B f Kalansaweb, A f Nemeireh, C h Ferata (Pindhon), B f Kaldun, E c Nephtoah (Lifta), E g Fik (Aphek), C e Kara, E b Netapha (Beit Netif), B g KataDa, D d Neve (Nawa), D e Gabara, B e Kaukab, B e Nezib, B g Gabata, B e Kauzah, el, B f Nimrim (Nemeireh), C h Gadara (Um-Keis), C e Kedes (Kedesh), C d Nimrin (Beth Nimrah), c g Gailda (Kulat Zerka), D f Kedesh in Galilee (Kedes), C d Nob, F g Gath, A g Keferenjy, C f Nobah (Kenawat), E e Gaza (Ghuzzeh) 15,000, A h Kefr Jeih, C c Noleh, D d Geba or Gaba (Jeba), B g Kefr Kuk. C c Nubathiyeh, B d Gebal (Jebeil), C b Kenath (Kenawat) E e Gederah (Kutrah), A g Kenawat (Kenath), E e Orman, E e Gedor or Geder, B g Kerak, C e Orthosia (Nahr el Barid), C a Gennesaret, Land of, C e Kerak, D e Gerada (Jurud), E c Kerak (Kir-Moab), C h Palae Tyrus, B d Gerar, A h Kerazeh (Chorazin,) C e Pella (Tubaket Fahel), C f Gerasa (Jerash), C f Kerioth Hezron, B h Philadelphia (Amman), C g Gergasa (Kersa), 0 e Keriotli (Kereltein), B h Philippopolis (Orman), E e Gezer, A f Kersa, C e Pirathon (Ferata), B f Ghuzzeh (Gaza), 15,000, A h Kesha, C b Ptolemais (Akka or Acre), B e Gibeah of Saul, F g Kesrveh, D d Rabba C h Gibeah (Jeba), B g Ketherabba, C h Rabbath Ammon (Amman), c g Gibeon (el Jib), B g Khan Arns, E c Rabbath Moab (Rabba), c h Gilgal, B g Khan el Khulda, B e Rachel’s Grave, E h Gilgal (Jiljilieh), B f Khanzireh, C h Ramah, B e Gimzo (Jimzu), A g Khirbet Luka, F h Ramah, B g Gishala, B d Khurbeh, C d Rameh, B a Golan (Jaulan or Gaulan), C e Kinah (Kurnub), B h Rameh, B f Kir-haraseth (Kerak), C h Ramleh, 3,000, A g Hadad Rimmon (Rummanehh B e Kirjathaim (Kureiyat), C g Ramathaim Zophim, E g Haifa, A e Iiiriath Aria (Hebron), B g Ramoth Gilead (es Salt), C 1 Halhul (Hulhul), B g Kirjath-baal. or Kirjath-jearim, B g Ras Baalbek D b Hamon, B d Kirjath-jearim (Kuriet el Enab), B g Ras el Metn, C c Hammath, C e Kir of Moab (Kerak), C h Rasheiya, C 0 Haphraim (el Afuleh), B e Kitron (Sefuriek), B e Rehob, 0 d Harran, E c Kulat Zerka, D f Rehoboth (Ruheiba), A h Hasbeiya, 5,000, C d Kulonieh (Emmaus), B g Rentieh, A f Hasya E b Kumiyeh, B e Rimah (Arimathea), B f Ilazar-gaddah, A h Kuneitirah, C d Riblah (Ril.leh), E b Ilazar Shual, A li Kureiyeli, E e Rimmon (Rummaneh), B e Hazor, B e Kuriyet es Suk, D g Rimmon (Um-er-Rumammin), A b Hazor (Tell Asftr), B g Kurint, B f Rimmon, the Rock ( Rummon ), B g Hazor (Tell Khuraibeh), C d Kum Hobab (Kurnub), B h Ruheiba, A h Hazor Ilhnan, B i Kurnub, B h Rujum Selameh, B h Hebras, C e Kuryetein, F b Rumash, B d Hebron (el Khulil), B g Kuteibeh, D e Rummaneh (Hadad Rimmon), B e Helbon (Helbun), D c Kuteifeh, E c Rummaneh (Rimmon), B e Heldua (Khan el Khulda), B c Rummon (Rimmon), B g Heliopolis (Baalbek), D c Lachish (Uni Lakis), A g Rushmeiyah, C c Hepha (Haifa), A e Lahtit, „ C b Sab ura, D c Hesban ( Heshbon ), C g Laish or Dan (Tell el Kadi), C d Saccaia (Shukkah), E e Heshbon (Hesban), C g Laodicea, E a Safafah, E b Hibariyeh, C d Lebonah (el Lubban), B f Safed, 5,000, C e Hippos, C e Lebweh (Lybo), D b Safiriyeh, A g Ilobah (Burzeh), D c Lejum, D g Sahr, D a Hormah, A h Libnah, A g Sab wet, el Khudr, £ e Hukkok (Yakuk), B e Lifta, E g Saida ( Sidon ), 5,000, B c Hulhul (Halhul), B g Livias (Beth Raram), C g Saidnaya, D 0 Huttin, B e Ludd (Lydda), A g Saidon, A g Lybo (Lebweh), D b Sala, E e Ijon (Tell Dibbin), C d Lydda (Ludd), A g Salahiyeh, D c Iksitn, A e Salcah (Sulkhad), E e Iinlan, E f Macatha, C e Salim (SUeikh Salim), C f Irbid (Arbela), C e Machcerus, C g Salima, C c Iron (Yarun), B d Magdala (Mejdel), C e Saimaa (Rujum Selameh), B h Isawiyeh, F cr Mahanaim, C f Salt, es, C f Iskanderuna, B a Majuma, A g Samaria (Sebustiyeh), B f Maksura, E c Samunieh, B e Jaazer (Seir), C g M ahitha, B h Sansannah, A h Jabesh Gilead, C ? Malihah, E h Saphir (es-Sawafir), A 8 Jabneel (Yebna), A g Maun (Main), B h Sarepta (Surafend), B 3 MAP OF PALESTINE, ETC. 3 Sasa, Sawel el Karoh, Scythopolis (Beisan), Sebbeli, Sebustiyeh (Samaria), Set'nrieh (Sephoris Dioccesarea), Seiluu (Shiloh), Seir (Jnazer), Seis, Semakh, Semnieh, Semua (Eshtemoa), Sephoris Dioccesarea (Sefurieh, Shaarah, Shafut (Kob), Shechem (Nablus) Shefa Ainar, Shehini, Shekh Ahrik, Shekh Hassan Shcma (Rujum Selameh), Sherafat, Shihon, Shiloh (Seilun), Shuhba, Shukkah, Shunem (Solam), Shuweifat, Shuweikeh, Shuweikeh ( Socho ), Sichern (Nablus), Sidon (Saida), Siloam, D d Sir, D b D e Socho, B g G f Socoh or Shocho (esh-Shuweikeh), B k B h Sogane, B e B f Subhiyeh, E f B e Succoth, C f B f Sudad, E b C g Sulkhad (Salcah), E e F c Surafend (Sarepta), B d C e Sur Bahil F h D e Surghaya, D c B h Sur (Tyre), 4,000, B d B e Suwaret el Kebr, D d D d Suweideh, E e F g B f Taanach (Ta’annuk), B e B e Talusa (Tirzah), B f B c Tantura (Dora), A e B e Tanurin, C b B f Tarabulus (Tripolis), 20,000, C b B h Tarichea (Kerak), C e E h Teima, E e C h Tekoa (Tekua), B g B f Tell Almaniyeh, C d E e Tell Ashtere (Ashteroth), C e E e Tell el Ful, F g B e Tell el Loz, E e C e Tell es-Safieh (Mizpeh), A g B f Tell Habeish, B d B h Tell Hum (Capernaum), C e B f Tell Kaimfin ( Jokneam ), B e B c Tell Sad, E d F h Tell Ziff, B h Telseae (Maksura), Terbul, Terkumia, Tershiba, Thebez (Tubas) Thella, Tiberias (Tubarieh), Tibneh, Tibneh (Timnath), Tibnin, Timnath (Tibneh), Timnath-serah (Tibneh), Tirzah (Talusa), Tombs of the Judges, Tombs of the Kings, Tombs of the Prophets, Tor on, Tripolis (Tarabulus), Tseil, Tubaket Pahel, Tubarieh (Tiberius), Tubas (Thebez), Turra, Tyre (Sur), 4,000, Tyrus (Arak el Emir), Urn el Fahiu, Um-el-Jemal (Bcth-gamul), ITm el Jemal es Sgheir, Um el Rusas, Um er Rumammin, Um-Keis, Umm el Kuten, B e D f D e D g A h C e K f Umm es Surah, Urtas (Etam), Yabrud, Yafa or Jaffa (Joppa or Japho), 25,000, Yamuneh, Yanun, Yasir, Yukin, Zahleh, Zarcphath (Surafend), Zebcd, Zebedany, Zcdad (Sudad), Zekhiyeh, Zekhzekiyeh, Zerariyeh, Zerin (Jezreel), Zerraa, Zib es, ( Achzib ), Zidon (Saida), Zifteh, Ziklag, Ziph (Zif), Ziza, Zoar, Zora or Zor^a (Edhraa), Zorah (Surah), Zugharta, Zuk Zuk Mikayil, D t B g E b A f D b B f B f B h B e D e E B B B B E B B B A i B h D g C h D e B g C b C c C c RIVERS, WADIES, AND LAKES. Abana R. (Barada), D c Damur, Nahr ed, B e Abiad, Wady el. B g Dawaimeh, Wady, A g Abilin, Wady, B e Dead Sea, Salt Sea, or Lake Asphal- Abu el Aswad, Nahr, B d tites (Bahr Lut), 1312 feet below the Abu Hamaka, Wady, E e level of the Mediterranean, P> h Abu Zabura, Nahr, A f Derejeh. Wady, B g Adonis R (N. Ibrahim), C b Dheib, Wady ed. B h Ahmed, Wady, E h Ajam, Wady el, D d Elah, Valley of (Wady es Sumt), A g Akib, Wady el, E f Eleutherus R. (Nahr el Kebir), C a Akkar, Nahr, D a Enkeileh, Wady, C h Allan, Wady, C e Esneid, Wady, A g Amlud el lvnese. F d Amlud et Tes, F d Fakarith, Wady, C f Antubeh, Wady F h Fariah, Wady el. B f Arab, Wady el, C e Fasail, Wady, B f Araji, Wady, E e Fedhul, Wady, B h Ard el Huleh, C d Fikreh, Wady, B h Arka, Nahr, D a Arnon Brook (Wady Mojeb), C h Garz, Wady el, F e Arny, Nahr, C d Gennesaret, or Galilee, Sea of (Bahr Asfur, Nahr, C b Tubariyeh), 653 feet below the level Asiyeh, Wady, B d of the sea, C e Asy, Nahr el (Orontes), I) b Ghar, Wady el. B h Atalali, Wady, A g Aujeh, Nahr el, A f Hajeir, Wady, B d Auwaly, Nahr el, B c Hamara, Wady, C g Awaj, Nahr el (Pliarpar), D d Hamul, Wady, B d Ayun, Wady, B d Hasbany, Nahr, C d Hellaweh, Wady, C b Baghek, Wady Um, B h Hemar, Wady el, C f Bahr el Huleh (Waters of Merom), C d Herdawil, Nahr, B d Bahret Bala, E d Heshbon, Wady, C g Bahret el Ateibeh, E d Hinnom, Valley of. F h Bahret el Hijaneh. E d Hod, Wady el. F h Bahr Lut (Dead Sea), B h Hummana, Wady, C c Bahr Tubariyeh (Sea of Galilee), C e Hums, L., E a Barada R. (Abana), D c Beit Hanina, Wady, E g Ibrahim, Nahr, C b Belat, Wady, B f Iry, Wady, E e Belus R. (Nahr Naman), B e Ismail, Wady, B g Beni Hamed, Wady, C h Birket er Ram, C d Jabbolc Brook (Wady Zerka), C f Rostrenus (Nahr el Auwaly), B c Jalud, Nahr, B e Budrus, Wady, B g Jehar, Wady, B g Buheiret Hums (Lake), E a Jehosaphat, Val. of. F h Bulm, Wady el, E f Jennany, Nahr el, C d Jordan R. 200 m. Altitude of, source Cedron, or Kedron Brook, B g 1700 above the sea, C f Dabor, Wady, B g Kasimiyeh, Nahr el, B d Daheb, Wady ed. E e Kebir, Nahr el (R. Eleuthenis), D d Kedron, Brook, B g Sabirany, Nahr es, D d Keferein, Wady, C g Safieh, Wady es, C h Keis, Wady el, A h Safiyeh, Wady, A g Kelb, Nahr el. C c Salt Sea (Dead Sea), B E Kerkera, Wady, B d Seba, Wady es. A h Ketherabba, Wady, C h Seir, Wady, C g Khuberah, Wady A h Seiyal, Wady, B h Khuberah, Wady, B h Seklab, Wady es C f Khulil, Wady el, B h Selam, Wady es, F g Khusneh, Wady, B f Shaab, Wady, B e Kishon R. (Nahr Mukutta), B e Shagghir, Wady, B a Kurn, Wady, £ d Shahrur, Wady, B e Kurn, Wady el. C c Shair, Wady esh, B f Sham, Wady esh. F e Leontes R. (Litany), C d Shekh Aly, Wady, B f Leontes R. (Nahr el Kasimiyen), B d Shelaleh, Wady, C e Litany, Nahr, 100 m. (Leontes), C c Shera, Wady, C e Luvva, Wady, E d Sheriah, Wady, C g Lycus R. (Nahr el Kelb), C c Sheriah, Wady, A h Sheriat-el-Keldr (R. Jordan), 200 m. G f Mahauwat, Wady el, B h Sighan, Wady, F f Mai eh, Wady, C f Simsim, Wady, A g Malek, Wady el. B e Soleiman, Wady, B g Matkh Brak, D d Sorek, Brook (W. Simsim) A g Menshallah, Wady, C g Sufah, Wady, C 0 Merom, Lake (Bahr el Huleh), 120 feet Sufey, Wady es. B h above the sea-level, C d Sufsar, Wady, C h Mezraah, Wady el, B d Suleim, Wady es, F g Mojeb, Wady (Brook Arnon), C h Sumt, Wady es ( Valley of Elah), A g Muieidah, Wady, C f Sunniyeh, Wady, A h Mukutta, Nahr (Kishon, R.), B e Surganiyeh, Nahr, A f Mushenef, Wady, E e Mussin, Wady, B f Taamirah, Wady, B g Musraba, Nahr, D a Taiyibeh, Wady el. C e Mutyah, Wady el. B g Talid, Wady, E e Muzejrah, Wady, A g Tamyras (Nahr ed Damur), B e Themed, Wady, G g Nahr el Kebir (R. Eleutherus), D a Nahr Mukutta (Kishon R.), B e Waleh, Wady, C g Nimreh, Wady, E e Warran, Wady, D f Werd, Wady el, E h Orontes R. (Nahr el Asy), D b Osheh, Wady, C e Yabis, Wady, C f Yarmuk, Nahr, C e Pliarpar, River (Nahr Awaj) D d Yemen, Wady, B h Phiala L. (Bifket er Ram), C d Zakur, Wady, B f Ragil, Wady, E e Zedy, Wady, E e Rahib, Wady (Brook Kedron), B g Zerka Main, Wady, C g Rajib, Wady, C f Zerka, Wady, A f Ras el Bedr, Wady, E e Zerka, Wady (Br. Jabbok), C f Rubin, Nahr, A g MOUNTAINS, PLAI NS, VALLEYS, ETC. Abarim, Mts., C h Esdraelon, Plain of, B .e Jebel Attarus,. C g Jebel Nebbah (Mt. Nebo), C £ Akka, Plain of, B e Evil Council, Hill of, F h Jebel Baruk, 5512-7232, c c Jebel Osha, C 1 Akrabbim Ascent, B i Jebel Duhy (Lit. Hermon), B e Jebel Rihan, 5,620, c C Alsadamus, Mt., E e Frank, Mt. (Jebel Fureidis;, B g Jebel el Keneiseh, 6,666, C c Jebel Shukif, B Anti Lebanon (Jebel esh Shurky), D b Jebel esh Sheikh (Mt. Hermon), 9,651, c d Jebel Sleiman, B f Ard es Seikal, E c Gerizim, Mt. , 2,980, B f Jebel esh Shurky, D b Jebel Sunin, 8,162, C c Ard et Tahta, E c Ghor, el (Valley of Jordan), C g Jebel ez Zuweit, D c Jebel Tiniyeh, D 0 Arrabeh, Plain of, B f Gilboa, Mt. (Jebel Fukuah), 1,600, B e Jebel Fukuah (Gilboa), 1,600 B e Jebel Turbul, C b Gilead, Mt. (Jebel Jilad), C f Jebel Fureidis (Mt. Frank), B g Jebel Tur (Mt. Tabor), 1,865, B e Beersheba, Desert of. A h Jebel Haskin, 2,330, B f Jebel Zabud, B e Hamad (Steppe;, E f Jebel Hauran, 6,034, E e Jebel Zerka, D f Carmel, Mt. (Jebel Mar Elyas), 1,740, B e Hebron, Mts. of, B h Jebel Heish, C d Jeinat, el, 6,034, E e Cedars of Lebanon, The, 6,700, D b Herman, Little (Jebel Duhy), B e Jebel Jedua, B f Judea, Desert or Wilderness of. B h Herman, Mt. (Jebel esh Sheikh), 9,650 ,c d Jebel Jilad (Mt. Gilead), G f Judea or Judah, Mts. of, B g Dhorel Khodib, 10,061, (Lebanon, Mts.), D b Jebel Jurmuk, 3,750, B d Diret et Tulul, F d Jebel Abayeh, D d Jebel Maarak, D c Kleib, Mt., 5,638, E e Jebel Akkar, 6,980, D b Jebel Makmel, (Fum el Misab), 10,061 C b Kra, Desert el. F d Ebal, Mt., 3,160, B f Jebel Arneto, D b Jebel Mania, D d Ephraim, Mt., B f Jebel Aswad, P d Jebel Mar Elyas (Mt, Carmel), 1,740, B e Lebanon, Mt. (Jebel Libnan), •G b Lejah, el, Nebo, Mt. (Jebel Nebbai), Offence, Mt. of. MAP OF PALESTINE, ETC. D d Olives, Ml. of, B g Refaijat, Telul er. B f Rephaim, Plain of. E 1 C g Pisgah, Mt, G g Scopus, Mt., V g F h Quarantania, Mt, B g Sharon, Plain of, A f CAPES, BAYS, ETC. Tell el Harah, Zebulon , Plain of, Acre, Bay of, B e Ladder of Tyre ( Ras-en-lVakura ), B d Ras Jedrah, B c Ras Natur, C b Blanco, Cape (Ras el-Abiad), B d Porphyreon (C.), B c Ras el-Abad, B d Ras-en-Nakura ( Ladder of Tyre), B d Carmel, Cape, A e Ras Beirut (C.), B c Ras esb-Shukah, C b C b Ras Damur, B 0 Ras Rumeileh, B c Jftneb, Bay of, B e D d B e Ras Surafend, B d St George’s Bay, C 0 Theuprcsopon (C.), 0 b g. sm/ncfrijg of - / f £W •AhuA IK %P ■f'^y 2 O 2 v& a Ms m, /I £® «1K if 5s XI . «|tij JLv j||p I j?l$. 'B \ y j Bs Hfe 'jKfllf 14 | ^ k / • ; 3y NT * KlcZ- <0 ShP ' :: If PM f g 6 j *’e |K 1 | T. .Ellwood Zell, PMLadelplri. a MAP OF INDIA, AFGHANISTAN, BELOOCHISTAN, ETC., India, in the widest acceptation of the name, embraces the two great peninsulas of south-eastern Asia, separated from each other by the Bay of Bengal. The most easterly of these is generally known as Further India, India beyond the Ganges, or the Indo-Chinese Peninsula. The western portion is known as India proper, or Hindostan ; and is the larger, more populous, and richer of the two. They are often distinguished as the East Indies,” from the West Indies of America. The term Hindostan, “ tiro country of the Hindoos,” is applied by the natives only to that por- tion lying north of the 11. Herbudda (lat. 22° 1ST.). India, the “ Pearl of the British Crown,” consists of an extensive section of the mam mass of the continent of Asia south of the Himalayas, as well as' the extensive peninsula or Deccan (“ South ”) which has the Isle of Ceylon near its southern extremity. It consists of four main sections : British India, Protected Native States, which are very numerous, Independent States, and Foreign Possessions (see table). It extends in the direction of the meridian for 2,030 miles from Bulti to Cape Comorin, and 1,885 miles from east to west on the 27th degree of N. latitude. Its area is equal to about -fths of Europe, or more than 13’- times greater than the British Isles. Population equal to §ds of that of Europe, or about 6-’- times that of the British Isles. The combined population of the entire Western Hemi- sphere with that of Australia does not equal half of the population of India, which is only second to China in density, having an average of 120 persons, and in tire North-West Provinces, of 328, per square mile. Scale of Map, 194 miles to an inch. One square inch comprises 44^ times the area represented by one square inch on Map of England. TABLE OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS OF INDIA. Under British Administration. Native States. Area. Pop. Area. Pop. Presidency of Bengal. Bengal, or Lower Provinces, South-West Frontier Agency, or Chota Nagpore, North-East Frontier Agency, 246,785 42,505,222 117,151 4,152,923 or Assam, North-West Provinces, . 84,972 28,223,889 8,458 2,294,400 Punjab, . 100,441 14,585,804 103,442 7,154,538 Oude, 22,456 6,502,884 Central Provinces, 79,600 7,181,321 *185,610 *14,622,587 British Burmah, 90,070 2,196,180 Total of Bengal, 624,324 101,195,300 414,661 28,224,448 Presidency of Bombay. Bombay, . . Soinde, . 87,639 54,403 11,093,512 ) 1,795,594 ( 66,004 6,804,523 142,042 12,889,106 66,004 6,804,523 3. Presidency of Madras.! Madras, . . § Coorg, . § Hyderabad, § Mysore, . Total under British Ad- 1 MINISTRATION, I Total of Native or Tribu- ) tart States, ) ft Under French Government, §§ Under Portuguese do., Kingdom of Nepal, State of Bhotan, Grand Total of India, 4. British Colony of Ceylon, Under British Administration. Native States. Area. 141,746 2,116 18,000 27,000 596,790 188 1,066 54,500 19,800 Pop. 24,926,509 119,118 1,530,981 4,013,601 116,125 Pop. 12,880,228 188,862 30,590,209 116,125 12,880,223 955,228 144,674,615 47,909,199 203,887 313,262 1,940,000 1,000,000 1,627,572 196,040,963 24,700 2,088,027 1,652,272 198,128,990 596,790 47,909,199 * These sums include the Central Indian States, Raj- pootana, Indore, Rewa, &c. t Embraces the Nizam’s Dominions. § Under the administra- tion of the Governor Gen- eral of India in Council it Chandernagore, Ynna- on, Pondicherry, Carrical, and Mahe. §§ Panjim, Da maun, and Diu. Afghanistan, a country west of the Punjab, formerly a monarchy, hut now divided into three independent principalities, Herat, Candahar, and Cahool, with capitals of the same name. Seistan is tributary to Herat, and Sewestan to Candahar. The Khanates of Balkh and Kunduz are geographically connected with the region of Turkestan (see Map of Asia). The area of Afghanistan pro- per is estimated at 210,500 square miles. Population, 5,120,000. Density per square mile, 24’4. It is equal to about lf-ths of the British Isles, with a population of little more than jtth. Beloochistan, a country south of Afghanistan, comprises the following divisions or provinces, which are governed by chiefs who acknowledge the supremacy of the Khan of Kelat : — Cutch Gundava, Sarawan, Kelat, Jhalawan, Lus, Mekran, and Kuhistan. Area estimated at 192,000 square miles, or 1|- of the British Isles. Population very uncertain, variously estimated from 500,000 to 2,000,000. Burmaii, the Birman or Burman Empire, or Kingdom of Ava (Burmese Byam-rna or Bram-ma), a country east of Bengal, and in the Indo-Chinese Peninsula. Capital, Mandalay, and formerly Ava. Area about 184,000 square miles. Population estimated from 3-8,000,000. Siam (Siamese Thai, Burmese Yudra), a kingdom south of Burinah. Capital, Bang-kok. Area, including the tributary Laos tribes, 261.S00 square miles, or more than double the British Isles. Population, 6,000,0001 Agra, old prov. N. W. Provs. E b Ali Moorads Territory (native state), Bombay C b Allahabad, old prov. N. W. Provs. F b Aracan or Arracan prov. Brit. Burmah H o Assam, Brit. prov. Bengal H b Aurungahad (old prov.), Bombay E d Balkh, Khanate, Turkestan C a Baroda (native state), Bombay D c Beder, prov. Nizam’s DomiD. E d Behar, old prov. . Bengal G b Bejapore (old prov.), Bombay E d Bengal, Brit. prov. Bengal G e Berar (dist. ), Central Provs. E c Bhawulpoor (native state), Punjab D b Bhopal (native state), Cent. India E e Bhotan, independent state, Bengal G b Bicanere (native state), Rajpootana D b British Burinah (Pegu, &c.), India I d Bulti, or Bultistan (Little Tibet). Cashmere E a Bundelcund, or Bandalkhand, territory, Cent. India E b Bushkurd, prov. Beloochistan A b Bnstar, Brit. dist. Madras & Bengal F d STATES, PROVINCES, ETC. Cabool, principality, Afghanistan C a Canara, old prov. Madras D e Candeish, Brit, collectorate, Bombay D c Carnatic, or Karnatak (divn.), Madras E e Cashmere (native state), Punjab E a Central Provinces, India F c Circars (Brit, districts), Madras F d Cochin (Kacki). native state, Madras E e Concan, Brit, districts, Bombay D d Coorg. subsid. state, Madras E e Coosh Behar (native state), Bengal G b Cossya States (native), Bengal H b Cutch, or Kacb'h (native state), Bombay C o Cutch Gundava, prov. Beloochistan C b Damaun, or the Border, a tract of British India, Punjab D a Delhi, old prov. N. W. Provs. E b Derajat, Punjab D a Eimaks (tribe), Afghanistan C a Garrows, native state, Bengal H b Gujerat, or Guzerat, prov. Bombay D c Gundava, Cutch, prov. Beloochistan C b Gundwana, Central Provs. F c Hazarehs (tribe), Afghanistan B a Herat, principality, Afghanistan B a Hyderabad, prov. Nyzam’s Dominions E Indore (native state), Cent. India B Jessulmere (native state), Rajpootana D Jeypoor (native state), Rajpootana E Jhalawan, prov. Beloochistan C Joudpoor, or Marwar (native state), Rajpootana D Kandahar, principality, Afghanistan C Kareens, tribe, Siam I Kelat, prov. Beloochistan C Kuhistan, prov. Beloochistan A Kunduz, Khanate, Turkestan C Ladakh, or Middle Tibet, prov. Cashmere K Laos tribes, Siam K Lus, prov. Beloochistan C Malabar, Brit. dist. Madras E Malwah, or Central India, a for- mer kingdom, comprises many native states, E Marwar, or Joudpoor (native state), ’ Rajpootana D Mekran, prov. Beloochistan B Mergui, district, Brit. Burmah I Muneepoor, native state, Bengal H Myhee Caunta, division, Gujerat D d Mysore, subsid. state, Madras E e c Naga tribes, Assam H b b Nepal, or Nepaul, kingdom, Bengal F b b North-West Provinces (British), India E b b Odeypoor (native state), Rajpootana D b Orissa (tract), Madras & Bengal F d b Oude, Brit. dist. " F b a Pegu, prov. Brit. Burmah I d d Punjab(“ five rivers”), Brit. prov. India D a b Rajpootana, a tract of Bl it. Ind., b embraces 16 native states, D b a Rampoor (native state), N. W. Provs. K b a Rewa, native state, Cent. India F c d Rewa Caunta, division, Gujerat D c b Sarawan, prov. Beloochistan C b e Scinde, or Sinde, Brit. prov. Bombay C b Scindia (native state), Central India E b Seik States (native), Punjab E a c Seistan, prov. Afghanistan P> a Sewestan, prov. Afghanistan C a b Shan States, Burmah & Siam I d b Sikkim, native state, Bengal G b e Tennasseram, prov. Brit. Burmah I e c Tipperab, native state, Bengal II o c Travancore, native state. Madras E f MAP OF INDIA, AFGHANISTAN, BELOOCHISTAN, ETC. TOWNS Adony, . Madras Pres. E Agoree Khas, N. W. Provs. F Agra, 125,262 N. W. Provs. E Ahmedabad, 130,000 Gujerat D Ahmed Khan, Scinde C Ahmedmiggur ( Ahmadnagar ), 20.000 Bombay Pres. D Ajmere, 23,000 Rajpootana D Akmuk, Afghanistan B Akolah, Central Provs. E Akraunee, Bombay Pres. D Akyab, 5,000 Brit. Burmah H Alapalli (Aleppy), Travancore E Aleppv (Alapalli), Travancore E Aliwa'l, Punjab E Allahabad, 72,093 N. W. Provs. F Allygurh, N. W. Provs. E Almora, N. W. Provs. F Alvvur, Rajpootana E Amarapura, Burmah I Ambala, or Umballah, Punjab E Amherst, 5,000 Brit. Burmah I Amrawati (Oomrawutty), Cent. Provs. E Amritsir, or Umritsir, 85,000 Punjab D Angaran, Belooehistan A Angcor, or Siemrab, Siam K Anjar, Cutch C Anjengo ( Anjutenga ), Travancore E Anurajapoora, Ceylon F Araean, 9,000 Brit. Burmah H Arcot, or Arkat, 53,474 Madras Pres. E Aiipo, Ceylon F Armegon, or Durgarazapa- tanam, Madras Pres. F Assaye, Central Provs. E Asseerghur, Indore Agency E Attaran, Brit. Burmah I Attock, 2,000 Punjab D Auggur, Indore Agency E Aurungabad, 60,000 Nizam’s Domin. E Ava, Cap. of Burmah previous to 1839, Burmah I Avenashy, Madras Pres. E Awadh, or Oude, 8,000 Oude F Ayuthia, Yuthia, or Siam, 25,000 Siam K Azimgurh, N. W. Provs. F Babur Ka Killa, Afghanistan C Backergunje, Bengal H Baddoola, Ceylon F Baght, Belooehistan C Bagulpore, Bengal G Baikul, Madras Pres. D Bairowal, Punjab E Baitool, Central Provs. E Balamin, or Bulamein, Punjab D Balasinore, Gujerat O Balasore, Bengal G Balkh, 2,000 Afghanistan C Balmer, Rajpootana D Balsar, Bombay Pres. D Bam bra, Bengal G Barnian, or Baumeean, Afghanistan C Bamo Myo, Burmah I Bamunhatee, Bengal G Banares (Benares), 185,900 N. W. Provs. F Bancoora, Bengal G Bandah, 33,464 N. W. Provs. F Bangalore (Bengaloor), 60,000 Mysore E Bangkok (Tanaboori), 350,000 Cap. of Kingdom, Siam K Bangla, or Fyzabad, 100,000 (Jude F Bang Mook, Siam K Bang-pa-soi, Siam K Bangri, Lower Siam I Bap, Rajpootana B Barakait, Afghanistan C Barasut, Bengal G Barberry, Ceylon F Bareilly, 111,300 N. W. Provs. E Bargar, Central Provs. F Baroda, 140,000 Gujerat D Barrakpoor, Bengal G Barwah, Madras Pres. F Bassein, or Persaim, 3,000 Brit. Burmah H Bassein ( Wasai), Bombay Pres. D Bassim, Central Provs. E Battambong, Siam K Batticaloa, Ceylon F Baunsda, or Bansda, Bombay Pres. D Baythuhvaddy, Nizam’s Domin. E Beder, or Bidar, Nizam’s Domin. E Bedenore, or Nuggur, Mysore E Reeling, Brit. Burmah I Behar, 30,000 Bengal G Behar (Coosh Behar), Bengal G Bejapoor, or Bijapoor, Bombay Pres. E Bela, Belooehistan C Belgaunj (Belganw), Bombay Pres. D Bellarie, Central Provs. F Bellary, or Ballari, 30,400 Madras Pr. E Belligam, Ceylon F Bellood, Central Provs. F Belloor, Mysore E Benares (Banaras), 185, 900 N.W. Provs. F Bengaloor (Bangalore), 60,000 Mysore E Berhampore, Madras Pres. G Betaul, Nepal F Beypoor, or Bepoor, Madras Pres. E Bharuch (Broach), Bombay Pres. D Bhawulpoor, 20,000 Rajpootana D Bhilsa, 30,000 Indore Agency E Bhind, Bhooj, 20,000 Bhopal, Bhurtpoor, 100,000 Bicanere, 60,000 Bidar, or Beder, Bijapoor, or Bejapoor, Bijawur, Bijnoor, 11,700 Indore Agency E Cutch C Indore Agency E Rajpootana E Raj p'oo tana D Nizam’s Domin. E Bombay Pres. E Indore Agency E N. W. Provs. E Bir, Nizam’s Dominions E Birsah, or Birseeah, Indore Agency E Bishenath, Assam H Bograh, Bengal G Bombay, 566,000 Bombay Pres. D Boodaeon (Budaon), 21,370 N. W. Provs. E Boolundshuhur, or Burrun, 15,000 N. W. Provs. E Boondee ( Bundi ) Rajpootana E Boorhaunpoor, Indoi'e Agency E Boree, Afghanistan C Boribun, Cambodia K Bottiah, Bengal F Broach ( Bharuch ) 31,300 Bombay Pres. D 10,000 Cashmere (Srinagar). 55,000 Cawnpoor (Kanhpoor), 108,800 N. W.. Provinces F Chaibassa, S. W. Frontier G Chaiya, Lower Siam I Chandah, Central Provs. B Chandernagore ( French ) 28,352 Bengal G Chantaboon, Siam K Charikar, Afghanistan C Chati, Cashmere E Chendaree, Indore Agency E Chengalpatt (Chingleput) Madras Pres. F Chiarbagh, Afghanistan D Chicacole, 50,000 Madras Pres. F Chiganuh, Afghanistan C Chilaw, Ceylon E Chillianwallah, Punjab D Chingleput ( Chengalpat ), Madras Pres. F Chinnoor, Nizam’s Dominions E Chitradurg (Chittledroog), Mysore E Chittagong, or Islamabad, Bengal II Chittledroog (Chitradurg) Mysore E Bua Xum, Siam K b Bukwa, Afghanistan B e Bulamein, or Bulamin, Punjab D a c Bulloah, Bengal H c f Bululgurh, Punjab E b f Bundarra, Central Provs. E c Bundi, or Boondee, Rajpootana E b Bunpoor, Belooehistan B b Buraech, Oude F b Burdwan, 53,000 Bengal G c e Burhampore, Bengal G c c Burik, Afghanistan C a Burraboom, S. W. Frontier G c d Burrun, or Boolundshuhur, 15,000 N. W. Provs. E b Burwa, S. W. Frontier F c Burwaunee, Indore Agency E c Buswuntbnuggur, Nizam’s Domin. E d c Bijnee, Assam H b e Cabool, or Kabool, 60,000, b Cap. Afghanistan C a e Calcutta, 413,000 Bengal G c b Calicut ( Kolikod ), 25,000 Madras Pres. E e Calingapatam, or Kalinga- patam, Madras Pres. F d f Callianee (Kalyari), Bombay Pres. D d b Calpee, or Kalpi, 21,800 N. W. Provs. E b b Calpentyn, Ceylon E f e Caltura, Ceylon E f a | Cambay (Khambayat), 10,000 Gujerat D c c j Cancoopa, or Kankupa, Mysore E e a ; Candahar, or Kandahar, c 1 50,000 Afghanistan C a c | Cannanore (Kananoor), Madras Pres. D e a j Caroor (Karoor), Madras Pres. E e b j Carrieal, or Karikal (French) Madras Pres. F e Cashmere D a Chittoor, Chittoor, Chore, Chota Nagpore, Choubar, Chowsa, Chunargur, Chundore, Chupra, Cocan, Cochin (Kachhi), Coel, 36,000 Madras Pres. E Rajpootana D Scinde D S. W. Frontier F Belooehistan B Bengal F N. W. Provs. F Bombay Pres. D Bengal F Siam K Cochin E N. W. Provs. E Coimbatore, or Koimbatoor, Mad. Pres. E Colombo, 55,000, Cap. Conada, or Konada, Coosh Behar, Coringa, Cossim bazar, 3,538 Covelong ( Kovilam ), Cowlas or Kowlass, Cuddalore (Gudaloor), Cuddapah (Kadapa), Culna, 60,000 Ceylon E Madras Pres. F Bengal G Madras Pres. F Bengal G Madras Pres. F Nizam's Domin. E Mad Pas Pres. E Madras Pres. E Bengal G Cummumett (Kambampet) Nizam’s Ds. F Cundapoor, orlvundapoor, Madras Pres. D Cuttack (Katak), 40,000 Bengal G Daba, Tibet E Dacca, 67,000 Bengal H Dadi, Belooehistan B b Dadur, Belooehistan C b Daiwurconda ( Dewakunda ) Nizam’s Ds. E d Dalhousie, Brit. Burmah H d Damaun, or Daman (Portu- guese), Bombay Pres. D c Dangkhar, Punjab E a Darampoory (Durmahpoor) Mad. Pres. E e Darapooram, Madras Pres. E e Dardzung, Tibet I a Darjeeling, Bengal G b Darwar (Dharwad), Bombay Pres. E d Deembra, Scinde C b Deesa, or Disa, Gujerat D e Delhi, 152,406 Punjab E b Deogur, Central Provs. E c Dera Ghazee Khan, Punjab D a Dera Ismail Khan, Punjab D a Desnok, Rajpootana D b Dewakunda (Daiwurconda), Nizam’sDs. E d Dewas, 25,000 Indore Agency E c Dhar, 100,000 Indore Agency E c Dharoor, Nizam’s Dominions E d Dharwad (Darwar), Bombay Pres. E d Dheemapoor, Assam H b Dholpoor, Rajpootana E b Dhoolia (Dhulm),' Bombay Pres. D c Dhulen (Dhoolia), Bombay Pres. D c Diamond Harbour, Bengal G c Dinajepore, or Dauajepur, 28,000 Bengal G b Dindigul, Madras Pres. E e Disa, or Deesa, Gujerat D c Djuk-ba, Tibet G b Donabew, Brit. Burmah I d Dong Ifadat, Siam K d Dooshak, or Jelalabad, Afghanistan B a Dost Mohamed's Fort, Belooehistan B b Dowlatabad, Nizam’s Dominions E d Dowlutdyar, Afghanistan C a Dumja, Nepal G b Dumoh, Central Provs. E c Dinapoor, 16,100 Bengal F b Durbunga, Bengal G b Durmahpoor (Darampoory), Mad. Pres. E e Durrung, Assam H b Durwas, Cashmere E a Dutteah, 45,000 Indore Agency E b Dwarka, Gujerat C c Dzela, Tibet H b Dziang-numring, Tibet G b Eilgundel, or Elgundel, Nizam’s Domin. E d Elgundel, or Eilgundel, Nizam’s Domin. E d Ellichapoor, Central Provs. E c Ellora, Nizam’s Dominions E c Ellore, Madras Pies. F d Erinpoora, Rajpootana D b Etawah, 23,300 N. W. Provs. E b Ferozpoor, 6,000 Punjab D a Fulton, or Phulton, Bombay Pres. D d Fureedpore, Bengal G c Furrah, Afghanistan B a Furruckabad, 56,300 N. W. Provs. E b Futoolah Fort, Afghanistan C a Futtehpoor, N. W. Provs. F b Fyzabad, Afghanistan D a Fyzabad, or Bangla, 100,000 Oude F b Gaih, . Belooehistan B b Gal, Belooehistan B b Galle, or Point de Galle, 3,000 Ceylon F f Gangpoor, Central Provs. F c Ganjam, Madras Pres. G d Gartokh, Tibet E a Gaulna, Bombay Pres. D c Gawulghur, or Gawilgarh, Cent. Provs. E c Gaya, 32,000 Bengal F c Gazden, Belooehistan B h Georgetown, Penang K f Ghazeepoor, 38,600 N. W. Provs. F b Ghoogroo, Belooehistan C b Ghospore, Rajpootana D b Ghunapoor, Nizam's Dominions E d Ghuznee, Afghanistan C a Giraub, Rajpootana D b Girishk, Belooehistan A b Giriskh, Afghanistan B a Goa (Portuguese), Bombay Pres. D d Goa, or Gwa, Brit. Burmah H d Goal para, Assam II b Gogo, Gujerat D c . Golkonda, Nizam’s Dominions E d Googaira, Punjab D a Googirat, Punjab D a Goona, Indore Agency E c Gooty, or Gutti, Madras Pres. E d Gor, Tibet E a Gorkha, Nepal F b Goruckpoor, 54,500 N. W. Provs. F b Gotro, Indore Agency E b Gowhatty, Assam PI b Gudaloor (Cuddalore), Madras Pres. E e Gulburgah, or Kulbur- ga, Nizam’s Dominions E d Gundamuek, Afghanistan C a Gundawa, Belooehistan C b Gunga-Kair, Nizam’s Dominions E d Guntoor, 20,000 Madras Pres. F d Gutti, or Gooty, Madras Pres. E d Gwa, or Goa, Brit. Burmah H d Gwadel, Belooehistan B b Gwalior, Indore Agency E b Gwuttur, Belooehistan B b Haiderabad (Hyderabad), ' 200,000 Nizam’s Domin. E D Haiderabad, or Hyderabad (Ni- rankot), 24,000 Scinde C b Hala or Halla, New, 10,000 Scinde C b Hallial, or Hulliaul, Bombay Pres. D d Hambangtote, Ceylon F f Harihar (Hurryhur), Mysore E e Hariki, Punjab D a Hariur (Herioor), Mysore E e Hazareebagh, S. W. Frontier G c Hazrat Imam, Afghanistan O a Heibuk, Afghanistan C a Henzada, Brit. Burmah I i Herat, 2,000 Afghanistan B a Herioor (Hariur), Mysore E e Hindia, Central Provs. E c Hissar, Punjab E b Honawar (Honore), Bombay Pres. D e Honore (Honawar), Bombay Pres. D e Hoogly, or Hugli, 12,000 Bengal G c Hoshungabad, Central Provs. E c Hossoor (Ossoor), Madras Pres. E e Hugli, or Hoogly, 12,000 Bengal G c Hullea, Indore Agency F c Hulliaul, or Hallial, Bombay Pres. D d Humeerpoor, N. W. Provs. E b Hundy Anantapoor, Madras Pres. E e Hurdah, Central Provs. E c Hurdanhully, Mysore E e Hurdwar, N. W. Provs. E b Hurreehurpore, S. W. Frontier F e Hurryhur (Harihar), Mysore E e Huten, Siam K d Huttah, Central Provs. E c Hyderabad (Haiderabad), 200,000 Nizam’s Dominions E d Hyderabad, or Haiderabad (JYi- rankot), 24,000 Scinde C b Incole (Inkoola), Madras Pres. E d Inderaub, Afghanistan C a Indoor, Nizam’s Dominions E d Indore, 15,000 Indore Agency E c Innaeondah, Madras Pres. E d Iskardo, or Skardo, Cashmere E a Islamabad, Cashmere D a Islamabad, or Chittagong, Bengal H c Istalif, Afghanistan C a Itehentive, Ceylon F f Jabalpoor, or Jubbulpoor, Cent. Provs. E c Jabboah, Indore Agency D c Jafferabad, Gujerat D c Jafnapatam, 8,000 Ceylon F f Jagannath (Juggernaut), 29,700 Bengal G d dagger, Assam H b Jajepoor, Bengal G c Jalk, Belooehistan B b Jallandar (Julinder), Punjab E a Jailor, Rajpootana D b Jam da, Tibet H a Jamote Haja, Belooehistan C b Janglatchee, Tibet G b Jat (Jutt), Bombay Pres. E d Jaulnah, 17,000 Nizam’s Dominions E d Jaypoor (Jeypoor), Madras Pres. F d Jaypoor (Jeypoor), Rajpootana E b Jaysalmir (Jessulmere), 35,000 Rajpoot. D b Jelalabad, Afghanistan D a Jelalabad, or Dooshak, Afghanistan B a Jessore, Bengal Q c Jessulmere (Jaysalmir), 35,000 Rajpoot. D b Jeypoor (Jaypoor), Madras Pres. F d Jeypoor (Jaypoor), Rajpootana E b Jhansee, Indore Agency E b Jhelum, Punjab D a Jheend ( Jhind ) Punjab E b Jhoonjhnoo, Rajpootana E b Jhow, Belooehistan C b Jhung, Punjab D a Jiga Gungar, Tibet H b Jinjeera, Bombay Pres. D d Joonaghur. 20,000 Gujerat C c Joonagudda, Central Provs. F d Joorg, Afghanistan B a Joudpoor (Jodhpoor), 150,000 Riypoot. D b Jounpoor, 27,160 N. W. Provs. F b Jubbulpoor, or Jabalpoor, Cent. Provs. E c Juckoo, Cutch C c Jugdulpoor, Central Provs. F d Juggernaut (Jagannath), or Pooree, 29,700 Bengal G d Julinder (Jallandar), 40,000 Punjab E a Jull, Belooehistan C b Jumalpore, Bengal H b Jushpoor, ' . Bengal G c Jushpoor, Central Provs. F c Jutt (Jat), Bombay Pres. E d Jygurh, Bombay Pres. D d Jynteahpore, Assam H b Kabool, or Cabool, 60,000 Afghanistan C a Kachhi (Cochin), Cochin E f Kadapa (Cuddapah) Madras Pres. E e Kahsehs, Nepal F b Kahum, Afghanistan C b Kair, or Gunga Kair, Nizam’s Domin. E d Kairah (ICheda), Gujerat D c Kakhirh (Koukair), Central Provs. F c Kalabagh. Punjab D a Kaladgi (Kulladghee), Bombay Pres. E d Kalantan, Lower Siam K f Kalat, Belooc’i istau B h MAP OF INDIA, AFGHANISTAN, BELOOCHISTAN, ETC. 3 Rule Mo, Burmah H Kalingapatam, or Calinga- patam, Madras Pres. F Kallinger. N. W. Provs. F Kalyan (Callianee), Bombay Pres. D Kambah (Kampta), Central Provs. F Kambampet (Cummumett), Nizam’s Ds. F Kampong Serai, Cambodia K Karnpot, Cambodia 1C Kamptee, Central Provs. E Kananoor (Cannanore), Madras Pres. D Kandahar, or Candahar, Afghanistan C Kandy, Ceylon F Kanhpoor (Cawnpoor), 108.S00 N. W. Provs. F Kankupa. or Cancoopa, Mysore E Karikal, or Carrical (French), 10,000 Madras Pres. F Karinjah, Central Provs. E Karnul, or Ivurnool, Madras Pres. E Karoor (Caroor). Madras Pres. E Kashtwar, or Kishtawar, Cashmere E Katak (Cuttack), 40,000 Bengal G ICayan Kulam (Quilon), Travancore E Keilje. Beloochistan B Keiragurh, or Khyragurh, Cent. Provs. F Kelat, 12.000, Cap. Beloochistan C Kerowby, Rajpootana E Keunjur, Bengal G Khaciii, Nepal F Khash. Afghanistan B Khatang, Nepal G IChatmandoo, 50,000, Cap. Nepal G Kheda (Kairah), Gujerat D Kiiemrat, Siam K Khoordah, Bengal G Ivlioro, Cashmere E Khozdur. Beloochistan C Khyrabad, Oude F Khyragurh, or Keiragurh, Cent. Provs. F Khyreegurh, Oude F Kiang, Siam K Kiang Hung, Burmah IC Kiang Kheng, Siam K Kiang Ma, Burmah I Kiang Tsen, Burmah K Kiang Tung, Burmah K Kidah, or Q.uedah, Lower Siam IC Kilan, Beloochistan A Kilati-i Ghiljie, Afghanistan C Kinikote, Cutch D Kisengurh, Rajpootana E Kishnugur, Bengal G Kishtawar, or Kashtawar, Cashmere E Kohak. Beloochistan B Kohat, Punjab D Koilkonda, Nizam's Dominions E ICoimbatoor, or Coimbatore, Mad. Pres. E Kolapoor, Bombay Pres. D Kolar, Bombay Pres. E Kolikod (Calicut), 25,000 Madras Pres. E Konada or Conada, Madras Pres. F Konkair ( Kakherh ), Central Provs. F Kon-khene, Siam K Koochen, Beloochistan B Koondooz, or Kunduz, Afghanistan C Kooshk, Afghanistan B Korat, Siam K Kotah, Rajpootana E Kotapilly, Central Provs. F Kotium, Travancore E Kotree, . Beloochistan C Kotree, Scinde C Kovilam (Covelong), Madras Pres. F Kowlass, or Cowlas, Nizam’s Domin. E Krah . Siam I Kulaj, Beloochistan B Kulburga, or Gulburgah, Nizam’s Ds. E Kulladghee (Kaladgi), Bombay Pres. E Kundapoor, or Cundapoor. Mad. Pres. D Kunduz. or Koondooz, Afghanistan C Kungoon, Beloochistan A Kurandib, Beloochistan A Kurnal, Punjab E Kurnool, or Karnul, 20,00(1 Mad. Pres. E Kurrachee (Karachi), 22,200 Scinde C Kussurd, Beloochistan B Kussnrkund, Beloochistan B Kyouk Phyoo, Brit. Burmah H Kyundoung, Burmah I Labong, Siam I Lagong, Siam K Lahaing, Siam I Lahore, 95,000 Punjab D Lakhnau (Lucknow), Oude F Lalita Patun, Nepal F Lalpoor, Afghanistan D Langthabal. Muneepoor H Larkhanna, Scinde C Lassa. or 1 ha-sa, 24,000 Cap. Tibet H Laush, Afghanistan B Le. or Leh, 4,000 ? Cashmere E Leiah, Punjab D Lha-sa, or Lassa. 24,000 Cap. Tibet H Liaree, Beloochistan C Ligor, Lower Siam I Loneewara (Lvnawada), Gujerat D Lcodhianah (Ludiana), 47,200 Punjab E Luang Phrabang, Siam IC Luckimpoor, 30,000 Assam H Luckipoor, Bhotan G Lacknow ( Lakhnau ), 300,000 Oude F Luckput, Cutch C Ludiana (Loodhianah), 47,200 Punjab E Ludooaree, Bengal G Lunawada (Loneewara), Gujerat D Lyne, Brit. Burmah I Machlipatnam (Masulipa- tam) Madras, 725,000 Madura, Mahe (French), 2,616 Mahim, Mahoor, Maiker, Maimana, Maing, Mainkhwon, Maisoor (Mysore), 54,729 Maid ah, Malh a, Mallia, Malliaum, Madras Pres. F Madras Pres. F Madras Pres. E Madras Pres. E Bombay Pres. D Nizam’s Dominions E Central Provs. E Afghanistan B Burmah I Burmah I Mysore E Bengal G Gujerat D Gujerat D Bombay Pres. D Malwan, Bombay Pres. D Mamla. Burmah I Mandalay, Burmah I Mangalore, 11,550 Madras Pres. D Manick Droog, Nizam’s Dominions E Maroof, Afghanistan C Martaban, Brit. Burmah I Mastang, Nepal F Masulipatam (Machlipat- nam\, 27,884 Madras Pres. F Mattore, Bengal G Matura, Ceylon F Matzein, Burmah H Maubee, Brit. Burmah I Maulmain, or Moulmein, 17,042 Meeadaye, Meer Ali, Meerpore, 10,000 Meeruj, Meerut, 29,000 Mehidpoor, Meklong, Melloon, Mercara, Mergui, 8,000 Brit. Burmah I Brit. Burmah I Afghanistan B Scinde C Bombay Pres. D N. W. Provs. E Indore Agency E Siam I Burmah H Madras Pres. E Brit. Burmah I Merutchak, or Mervrood, Afghanistan B Mervrood, or Merutchak. Afghanistan B 526 Mhow, Midnapoor, Mirta, 25,950 Mirzapoor, 79 Mithun Kote, Mobee, Modibeni, Moeletivoe, Mogoung, Mojgurh, Mokmay, Mokr, Molicalimooroo, Momeit, Monay, Mongheer, 30,000 Monyeen, Moodgul, Moodhul Moodkee, or Mudkee, Mooltan, or Multan, 80,966 Moondra, Moonuk, Moorshedabad, 146,963 Moostung, Moral, Morvi, Moulmein, or Maulmain, 17,042 Moutshobo, Mozufernugur, Mozufferpoor, Muang Lein. Mudkee. or Moodkee, Mujahun, Muktul, Mullangur, Indore Agency E Bengal G Rajpootana D N. W. Provs. F Punjab D Burmah I Nepal F Ceylon F Burmah I Rajpootana D Burmah 1 Afghanistan C Mysore E Burmah I Burmah I Bengal G Burmah I Nizam’s Dominions E Bombay Pres. E Punjab D Punjab D Cutch C Punjab E Bengal G Beloochistan C Cashmere E Gujerat D Brit. Burmah I Burmah I N. W. Provs. E Bengal G Burmah I Punjab D Rajpootana D Nizam's Dominions E Nizam’s Dominions E Multan, or Mooltan, Munahpaud, Mundavee, Mundlaisir, Muneepoor, Muthra, 65,750 j Myang, Myang Nan, Myhee, Mynpooree, 21,000 Mysore (Maisoor), 54,729 Punjab D Madras Pres. E Cutch C Indore Agency E Muneepoor H N._ W. Provs. E Brit. Burmah I Siam K Brit. Burmali H N. W. Provs. E Mysore E Nagapatnam (Negapatam), Mad. Pres. F Nagatbanah (Nagotana), Bombay Pres. D Naggery (Nagari) Madras Pres. E Nagor, Cashmere D Nagore, Bengal G Nagore, or Nagoor, Madras Pres. E Nagotana (Nagathanah), Bombay Bres. D Nagpoor. 111,230 Central Provs. E Naguldinny, Madras Pres. E Nakansavan, Siam 1C Nal, Beloochistan C Namculdroog ( Namkal - Lurg), Madras Pres. E Nandair, Nizam’s Dominions E Naputa, Brit. Burmah H Narsinhpoor(Nursingpoor), Cent.Provs. E Narwar, Indore Agency E Nassick (Nashik), Bombay Pres. D Nathpore, Bengal G Naundoorbar (Nundwr- bar). Bombay Pres. D c Nawagarh (Nowagudda), Cent. Provs. F c Neaungshoway, Burmah I c Neelgurh, Bengal G c Neemuch, Indore Agency D c Negapatam ( Nagapatnam ), 10.000 Madras Pres. F e Negomho, Ceylon E f Nelgundab (Ncllicondah), Nizam’s Ds. E d Neilieondah (Nelgundah), Nizam's Ds. E d Nellore, 20,000 Madras Pres. F e Nimher, Tibet I a Nirnul, or Nirmal, Nizam’s Domin. E d Nollye, Indore Agency E c Noo.shki, Beloochistan C b Nowagudda (Nawagarh) , Cent. Provs. F c Nowanuggur, Gujerat C c Nowgong, Assam H b Nuddya. Bengal G c Nuggur. or Bedenore, Mysore E e Nundydroog, Mysore E e Nursingpoor, Bengal G c Nursingpoor(iVarsiw7ipoor)Cent.Provs. E c Nursipatam, Madras Pres. F d Nusserabad, Bengal H c Nusserabad, Bombay Pres. E c Odeipoor, S. W. Frontier F c Odeypoor ( Chota- fjdepoor ), 6.000 Gujerat D c Odeypoor (Udaipoor), 15,000 Rajpoota. D c Ongole, Madras Pres. E d Oodagherry ( Udayagiri ) Madras Pres. E d Oojein, or (Jjein, Indore Agency E c Oomerkote, Scinde D b Oomrawutty (Amrawati), Central Provs. E c Oornach, Beloochistan C b Ootacamnnd (Utakamand), Mad. Pres. E e Ootch, Rajpootana D b Opho, Brit. Burmah I d Ossoor (Hossoor), Madras Pres. E e Oude, or Awadh. 8,000 Oude F b Pachete, S. W. Frontier G c Pachin, . Siam K e Paghan, Burmah I c Pagodas, Three, Brit. Burmah I d Paitan, or Pyton, Nizam’s Dominions E d Paklaye, Siam K d Paknam, Siam K e Palamow, S. W. Frontier F c Palatupane, Ceylon F f Palghatcheri, or Paulgaut- cherry. Madras Pres. E e Palikat, Pulicat, or Palvela- katu, Madras Pres. F e Pandharpoor (Punderpoor), Bom. Pres. E d Paneeput, 22,600 Punjab E b Panjgoor, Beloochistan B b Panjim, Panguam, or New Goa (Portuguese), Bombay Pres. D d Pantana, Brit. Burmah I d Panwell, Bombay Pres. D d Passeenoe Beloochistan B b Patanagoh, Burmah I d Patani, Lower Siam K f Patialah (Puttiala), Punjab E a Patna, 284,132 Bengal G b Patna (Puttanah), Central Provs. F c Patree, Nizam's Dominions E d Pattan (Puttun), 30,000 Gujerat D c Pattee, Scinde C c Paugurh, Mysore E e Paulgautcherry, or Palghat- cheri, Madras Pres. E e Paungui, Nizam’s Dominions E d Pegu, Brit. Burmah I d Peint, Bombay Pres. D c Pena- Jong, Tibet G b I’entacotah, Madras Pres. F d Persaim, or Bassein, Brit. Burmah H d Pertaubghur, Indore Agency D c Peshawur, 53,300 Punjab D a Phankaee. Burmah I b Phetchaboon, Siam IC d Phitsalok, Siam IC d Phi Xaye, Siam K d Photisat, Cambodia K e Phrabat, Siam K e Phultun, or Fulton, Bombay Pres. D d Phunga, Lower Siam I f Phun Phin, Lower Siam I f Pilleebheet, 26,760 N. W. Provs. E b Pisang, Beloochistan B b Plassey, Bengal G c Pnom, Siam IC d Point de Galle, 3,000 Ceylon F f Ponany, Madras Pres. E e Pondicherry ( Puducheri ), (French), 43,341 Madras Pres. F e Poodoocottah (Puducot- tah), Madras Pres. E e Poonah, or Punah, 75,000 Bombay Pres. D d Poonganoor, Madras Pres. E e Poonotch, Beloochistan A b Poorbunder, Gujerat C c Pooree, or Juggernaut (Jagan- nath), 29,700 Bengal G d Port Blair, Andaman Is. H e Porto Novo (Mahmud Ban- dar), Madras Pres. F e Prathong, Siam K e Prom, Siam I e Prome, Brit. Burmah I d Pubna, Bengal G c Puducheri (Pondicherry), (French), 42,341 Madras Pies. F e Puducottah (Poodoocottah), Mad. Pres. E e Pulaluk, Beloochistan B a Pulicat. Palikat, or Palvela- katu, Madras Pres. F e Punah, or Poonah, 75,000 Bombay Pres. D d Punderpoor (Pandharpoor) Bom. Pres. E d Pundrum, Beloochistan C b Punganoor (Poonganoor), Madras Pres. E e Punnah, Indore Agency F c Punnailah, Punjab D a Purneah, 50,000 Bengal G Purrainda, Nizam’s Dominions E Putlam, Ceylon F Puttanah (Patna) Central Provs. F Puttiala (Patialah) Punjab E Puttun (Pattan), 30,000 Gujerat D Pyre, Prov. Wellesley K Pyton, or Paitan, Nizam's Domin. E Quedah, or Kidah, Lower Siam K Quettah, or Shawl, 2,000 Beloochistan C Quilon (Kayan Kulam), 20.000 Travancore E f Rabaht Fort, Afghanistan B Rabdan, Tibet H Racboor, or Raechoor, Nizam’s Domin. E Rachotee, Madras Pres. E Raipoor, Central Provs. F Rajahrum. Madras Pres. F Rajahmundry (Rajamahendri), 17.000 Madras Pres. F Rajghur, 12,300 Rajpootana E Rajkote, Gujerat D Rajmahal, 30,000 Bengal G Rajong, Siam K Rajpoor, Indore Agency D Ramgheree, or Ramgarhi, Nizam’s Ds. E Ramgurh, Central Provs. F Ramgurh, S. W. Frontier G Ramnad, 5,000 Madras Pres. E Ramnuggur, 9,500 Punjab D Ramoo, Bengal H Rampoor, N. W. Provs. E Ram pore, Bengal G Ramree, Brit. Bunnah H Raneegunge, Bengal G Rangoon, 15,000 Brit. Burmah I Rastam, Fort, Afghanistan B Itatnagiri (Rutnagherry), Bombay Pres. D Rawalpindee, Punjab D a Regan, Beloochistan B b Rewa, 7,000 Indore Agency F c Rhotasgurh, Bengal F c Rogonatpoor, S. W. Frontier G c Rohtuk, 13,240 Punjab E b Rooee, Afghanistan C a Roree. 8.000 Scinde C b Rflngpore, Bengal G b Russellcoonda, Madras Pres. F d Rutloum, Indore Agency D c Rutnagherry (Ratnagiri), Bombay Pr. D d Ruttunpoor, Central Provs. F Rutungurh, 5,000 Rajpootana D Ryaguddy, Madras Pres. F Sagain, Burmah I Sagar, or Saugor, 50,000 Cent. Provs. E Sagar, or Suggur, Nizam’s Domin. E Sakhir, Afghanistan B Salem, Burmah H Salem, 19,000 Madras Pres. E Sandoway, Brit. Burmah H Sangri, Tibet H a Sanka, Siam K e Sarawan, Beloochistan B Sarhat, Bengal G Sarkoon, Beloochistan B Sarungur, Central Provs. F Sasoor, or Saswad, Bombay Pres. D Sasseram, 18,000 Bengal F Saswad, or Sasoor, Bombay Pres. Satara, or Sattarah, Bombay Pres. Satoor, Madras Pres. Sattarah, or Satara, Bombay Pres. Saugor, or Sagar, 50,000 Cent. Provs. Sauntee (Soanth), Gujerat Savanoor, Bombay Pres. Sawunt-warrie (Sawant Wadi), Bombay Pres. Sealkote, 19,250 Punjab Secunderabad (Sikandarabad) , 34,360 Nizam's Domin. E Seerooe (Sirohi), Rajpootana D Seharanpoor, N. W. Provs. E Sehore, Indore Agency E Sehwan, Scinde C Seonee (Shewani), Central Provs. E Serampore, Bengal G Seringapatam, 12,750 Mysore E Seronge, or Sirunj, Indore Agency E Seroor, or Serur, Bombay Pres. D Sewee, Afghanistan C Shahabad, 10,850 Rajpootana E Shahpoor, Beloochistan C Shahpoor, Punjab D Shajehanpoor, 62,790 N. W. Provs. E Sharuk, Afghanistan B Shawl, or Quettah, 2,000 Beloochistan C Sbeemoga, Mysore E Shergotty, 5,100 Bengal F Shewani (Seonee), Central Provs. E Shibarkhan, Afghanistan C Shigatze, Tibet G Shikarpoor, 30.000 Scinde C D d D d E f D d E c D o D e D d D a P-P Q- o pL o CT'O O M-O a> CTO o P- P-O P-P P MAP OF INDIA, AFGHANISTAN, BELOOCHISTAN, ETG Shi rani, Sbirkhowi, Sholapoor, Shwaygeen, Siam, or Yuthia, 25,000 Sibb, Sibpore, Sidhpoor, Siemrab, or Angcor, Afghanistan Afghanistan Bombay Pres. Brit. Burrnah Siam Beloochistan Assam Gujerat Siam bad), Nizam’s Dominions E (1 Silchar, Bengal II c Silhet, Bengal H c Simla, Punjab E a Sindwarra, Central Provs. E c Singapore, Madras Pres. F d Singboom, S. W. Frontier G c Singora, or Sungora, Lower Siam K f Sira Killa, Afghanistan C a Sirdhuna, 12,4S0 N. W. Provs. E b Sireenuggur, N. AV. Provs. E a Sirgoojannugger, S. W. Frontier F c Siri Pool, Afghanistan C a Sirohi (Seerooe) Rajpootana D c Sironcha, Central Provs. F d Sirunj, or Seronge, Indore Agency E c Si Saket, . Siam K e Sisuphon, Siam K e Sittang, Brit. Burmah I d Skardo, or Iskardo, Cashmere E a Soanth (Sauntee), Gujerat D c Sobraou, Punjab D a Sohagpoor, Indore Agency F c Sohrab, Beloochistan C b Sok-dzung, Tibet H a Sonail, Rajpootana E c Sone hut, S. W. Frontier F c Sonepoor, Central Provs. F c Sonmeeanee, Beloochistan C b l’chortak, Afghanistan B a Sooeegaum, or Suigaum, Gujerat D c Teemboornee (Teimbumei). Bom. Pres. E d Soonda, or Sunda, Bombay Pres. D e Teeree, Beloochistan C b Soorhud, Beloochistan B b Teeree, N. AV. Provs. E a Soorutgurh, Rajpootana D b Teez, Beloochistan B b Srinagur (Cashmere), 40- -80,000 Cashm. D a Teimburnei (Teemboornee), Bom. Pres. E d Subzawur, Afghanistan B a Tenasserim, Brit. Burmah I e Subzulcote, Scinde D b Teshoo Loraboo, Tibet G b Sudiya, Assam I b Thadua, Siam K d Suggur [Sac/ar), Nizam’s Domin. E d Thamein, ’ Burmah I c Suigaum, or Sooeegaum, Gujerat D c Tharet, Brit. Burmah I d Suiobury, Siam K d Thee-bo, Burmah I c Sujuabad, Punjab D b Thinee, Burmah I c Sukhet, Punjab E a Thoungthwat, Burmah H c Sukkur, Scinde C b Tihree, Indore Agency E c Sulliana, Nepal F b Tikaree, Bengal F c Sumbulpoor, Central Provs. SF c Tinnavelly, 20,000 Madras Pres. E f Sunda, or Soonda, Bombay Pres. D e Tipperah, Bengal H c Sundella, Oude F b Tongo, Brit. Burmah H d Sungora, or Singora, Lower Siam K f Toomcoor, Mysore E e Sungum, Madras Pres. E e Toongho, Brit. Burmah I d Surak, Beloochistan A b Trang, Lower Siam I f Surat, 95,000 Bombay Pres. D c Tranquebar ( Tallangambadi ). Syndabad, Afghanistan C a 25,000 Madras Pres. F e Tagoung, Burmah I c Tritehindoor, Madras Pres. E f Takau, Burmah I c Trichinopolly ( Trichinapalli) , Talchee, Bengal G c 30,000 Madras Pres. E e Tallangambadi (Tranque- Trichoor, Cochin E e bar), Madras Pres. F e Trincomalee, Ceylon F f Talo, Burmah I b Tripassoor, Madras Pres. E e Talung, Lower Siam I f Tripatoor, Madras Pres. E e Tangalle, Ceylon F f Trivandrum, or Trivan- Tan j ore, or Tan joor, 80,000 Mad. Pres. E e deram, Travancore E f Tannah, 9,000 Bombay Pres. D d Trivatoor, Madras Pres. E e Tasgong, Bhotan H b Tsa-gyen, Burmah I c Tassisudon, Cap. Bhotan G b Tshenba, Burmah I c Tatta (Thattha), 30,000 Scinde C c Tsiamdo, Tibet I a Tavoy, 10,000 Brit. Burmah I e Tull, Afghanistan C b Tumlook, Bengal G Tuticorin ( Tuttukudi ), Madras Pres. E Tutwas, Rajpoot ana D Ubon, Siam K Udaipoor (Odevpoor), 15,000 P.ajpoota. D Udavagiri (Oodaghcrry), Madras Pres. E Udong, Cambodia K Ujeiri. or Oojein, Indore Agency E Umritsir, or Amritsir, 85.000 Punjab I) Utakamand (Ootacamund), Mad. Pres. E Vashak, Beloochistan B Vellore, 51,500 Madras Pres. E Vieng Chan, Siam K Vingorla, or Vingurla, 5,U00 Bombav Pres. D Vishakpatanam (Vizagapa- tam), Madras Pres. F Vishnooprag, N. IV. Provs. E Vizagapatam ( Vishakpata- nam). Madras Pres. F Vizianagrum Vijayanaga- ram), Madras Pres. F Vizianagur, Madras Pres. F Wanga Bazaar, Scinde C AVasai (Bassein), Bombay Pres. D Weiragarb (Wyraghur), Central Provs. F Worangal, Nizam’s Dominions E Wundipoor, Bhotan H AVusravee, Bombay Pres. D Wyraghur ( Weiragarh), Central Provs. F Yanaon {French), 6,4.59 Madras Pres. F Yandaboo, Burrnah I Yeh, Brit. Burmah I Yuthia, or Siam, 25,000 Zaloon, Zehree, Zimme, Siam K e Brit. Burmah I Beloochistan C Siam I RIVERS. Aghor, R. Amoo Daria, R. {Oscus), 1,300 m. Aracan or Kuladyne R., 200 m. Argesan, R. Banas, R. , 350 m. Bangsdarra R. Bassein or Negrais R., 330 m. Beas, R. , 220 m. Beemah R. , 370 m. Behut or Jhelum R. Betvva, R., 360 m. Bo, R. Bogmutty, R. Brahmapootra, R., 1,850 Bramuni R., 350 m. Bubbaie, R. Byolurnee R. Cabool R. , 350 m. Beloochistan C Afghanistan C Brit. Burmah H Afghanistan C Rajpootana E Madras Pres. F Brit. Burmah IP Punjab E Nizam’s Domin. E 450 m. Punjab D N. W. Provs. E Tibet H Bengal G Bengal H Bengal G Nepal F Bengal G Afghanistan C Camboja or Mekong It., 1,350 m. Siam K Cane, R., 250 m. N. W. Provs. F Cauvery or IvaveriR. ,450 m. Madras Pr. E Cbambal or Chumbul, R., 500 m. Rajpootana E Changeheumo, R. Cashmere E Chenab, R. , 765 m. Punjab I) Chumbul or Chambal, R., 500 m. Rajpootana E Coleroon, R. , 80 m. Madras Pres. E Coosy, R., 350 m. Nepal G Dargo-zan-bo-tsu, Tibet G Dasti or Mooleanee, It., 400 m. Beloochistan B Dewa or Gogra R., 570 m. Oude F Dhos-tschu, R. Bhumra R. Dibong, R. Diking, R. Disaun, R., 180 m. Doree, R. Durya i, R. Faluka, R. Ganges, R., 1,514 Tibet G Bengal G Tibet I Assam I Indore Agency E Afghanistan C Afghanistan C Tibet I N. W. Provs. F b Ghara or Sutlej, R. , 850 m. Punjab D a Mahavelle R. Ceylon P’ f Godavery, Mouths of, Madras Pres. F d Mahi or Mhye R. Gujerat D c a Godavery R. , 750 m. Nizam’s Domin. E d Mahunuddy R., 500 m. Central Provs. F c Gogra or Dewa It. . 570 m. N. W. Provs. F b Manjeera li. , 320 m. Nizam’s Domin. E d d Goomtee R. . 360 m. Oude F b Mekong or Camboja R. Siam K d a Gunduck, R. , 400 m. Bengal F b Me Ma R. Burmah I c b Gunduck, Little R. , 240 in. Bengal G b Menam Leuye R. Siam K d d Helmund, R., 800 m. Afghanistan B a Menam R. , 600 m. Siam K e Heri Rud, R., 550 m. Afghanistan B a Me Num R. Siam I d d Hoogly or Hugh, R,, 250 m. Bengal G c Meping R. Siam I d a Hubb R. Beloochistan C c Mhye or Mahi R. Gujerat D c d Indrawutty R. Central Provs. F d Mon, R., 340 m. Bhotan H b a Indus, Mouths of, 230 in Scinde C c Mooleanee or Dasti R., b Indus. R., 1,800 m. Tibet F a 400 m. Beloochistan B b a Irawady, Mouths of, Brit. Burmah I d Moorghab, R., Afghanistan B a b Irawady R. ( Erivati , “ the great Muneepoor It. 300 m. Burmah H c c river ”). 1,100 m. Burmah I b Mussy R. Nizam’s Dominions E d e Jamna or Jumna R., 860m. N. AV. Provs. E b Myit-tha It. Burmah H c b Jhelum or Behut R. , 540 m. Punjab D a Nagavully R. Madras Pres. F d c Jumna or Jamna, R., 860 m. N. W. Provs. E b Nagor, It. Beloochistan B b a Kalli R. , 230 m. Rajpootana E c Nai, It. Tibet H b d Karakash, R. Cashmere E a Nan Ting R. Burmah I c b Kaskin, R. Beloochistan B b Naroo, It. Scinde C b e Kavery or Cauvery R., Negrais or Bassein R. , 450 m. Madras Pres. E e 330 in. Brit. Burmah H d b Khara-ussu, R. Tibet H a Nellaur R. Madras Pres. E e a Khash Rud, R. , 260 m. Afghanistan B a Nerbudda It., 600 m. Central Provs. F c a Khyendwen R. Burmah I b Niwig R. Rajpootana E c Kistna or Krishna, 800 in Nizam’s Ds. E d Pain Gunga R. , 440 m. Nizam’s Domin. E d b Kistna, Mouths of, Madras Pres. F d Palar R. , 230 m. Madras Pres. F e e Koladyn, R. Brit. Burmah H c Pannair or Pennar R., b Kooseera, R. Bengal H c 350 m. Madras Pres. E e a Kooshk, R. Afghanistan B a Parbutti It., 250 m. Rajpootana E c Koree Mouth, Scinde C c Paunglaung or Sittang R„ b Krishna or Kistna, 800 400 m. Brit. Burmah I d b m. Nizam’s Dominions E d Peng It. Burmah I c b Kunhur R. Bengal F c Pennair or Ponear R., c Kuri Rakshan, R. Beloochistan B b 250 in. Madras Pres. E e b Lang-jing or Sutlej R., 850 m. Tibet E a Pennar or Pannair R., b Lan-san-Kiang or Mekong R. Siam K c 350 m. Madras Pres. E e c Ling, R. Punjab D a Phan-tsuk, R. Tibet G b a Loonee, R., 280 m. Rajpootana D b Piniar, It. Scinde C c a Lora, R., 350 m. Afghanistan C a Ponear or Pennair R., b Lou Kiang or Salwen R., 250 m. Madras Pres. E e b 1,000 m. Burmah I c Pranheta R. Central Provs. E d Raptee R., 340 m., Ravee, R., 450 m. Sabarmuti R. Sa Bay R. Saee Nuddee (R.), 240 m. Salwen R., or Lou Kiang, 1,000 m. San Coosy R. Sanpoo or Brahmapootra, R. 1,850 in. Seena R. Se Moon R. Sepra R. Sevree R. Sew R. Shayok, R., 350 m. Shuie-li R. Sind, R., 240 m N. W. Provs. F Punjab D Gujerat D Siam K Oude F Burmah I Nepal G Tibet G Bombay Pres. E Siam K Indore Agency E Central Provs. F Central Provs. F Cashmere E Burmah I Indore Agency E Sittang or Patinglaung R., 400 m. Brit. Burmah I Sone R. , 350 m. Indore Agency F Sutlej, Ghara, or Lang-jing, R., 850 m. Tail R. Tanka, R. Taping R. Taptee R., 400 m. Tavoy R. Tenasseram R. , 240 m. Thoung Kala R. Tons R. Toongabudra R., 410 m. Punjab E Central Provs. F Afghanistan A Burmah I Bombay Pres. D Brit. Burmah I Brit. Burmah I Siam I Indore Agency F Nizam's Ds. E Tsanpo, Yerov, or Brahmapootra, It., 1,850 m. Tibet G b Tyuzap, R. Cashmere E a Ung R. Central Provs. F c Urgundab, R., 220 m. Afghanistan B a Vasan, R. Cashmere D a Vygah R. Madras Pres. E f Wurda R., 200 m. Cent. Provs. F c Wyne Gunga R., 300 m. Central Provs. E c Yerov, Tsanpo, or Brahmapootra, 1,850 m. Tibet G b Zanskar, R. Cashmere E a LAKES Abistada, L. Afghanistan C a Eldzighen Nor, Tibet G a Paltee L. , or Jang-brock, Tibet H b Bien Ho, Tale Sab, or Great Gunkiud Tso, Tibet F a Pangong, Tso (L.), Cashmere E a Lake, Cambodia K e Hamoon or Seistan L. Afghanistan B a Seistan or Hamoon L. Afghanistan B a Bocha Namur Nor, Tibet F a Khara Nor, Tibet H a Sindri L. Scinde C c Ohilka L. Bengal G d Lang Tso, Tibet F a Tale Sab, Bien Ho, or Great Colaire, L. Madras Pres. F d M anasarowar L. Tibet F a Lake, Cambodia K e Dsida Nor, Tibet H a Namtso, Tibet G b Tarogh-yu-mtso, Tibet F a OUNTAINS, PLAINS, ETC. Aboo, Mt., 5,000 Adams Peak, 7,420 Aneuta or Kuenlun Mts. summit, 22,000 Aravulli Mts., 5,000 Baree Doab, Beloochistan, Desert of. Blue Mt. , 5,600 Bolan Pass, 5,793 Rajpootana D Ceylon F highest Tibet F Rajpootana D Punjab D Beloochistan B Bengal H Beloochistan C Chumalari, 23,946 Himalayas G Cossya Hills, Assam H Darran Mts., Beloochistan B Dayabung, 23,762 Himalaya Mts. G Deccan, name given to the Plateau of India, south of the Nerbudda R. Dhawalagiri, 26,826 Himalaya Mts. F Diptau Kuh, Beloochistan B Doab, The, N. W. Provs. E Everest. Mt. , or Gauriskaner, 29,002, the loftiest summit in the world, Himalaya Mts. G Gangri or Kailas Range, Himalayas E Ghauts, Eastern, mean height 1.500 ft. Madras Pres. E Chauts, AYestern, highest point, 7,000 ft. D Tengri Nor, Thang L. , or Tsothang Tibet G Cashmere E above the sea. The most ele- vated lake in the world. Cashmere E Ussun Nor, a i Wulur L. Tibet G Cashmere D Gkorat Mts. Gipmochee, Girnar, Mt. , 3,000 Goolan Sigor. Range, Gotnul Pass. Great Desert. Gundava or Moola Pass, Hala Mts. Himalaya Mts. i" the dwelling of Afghanistan B Himalayas G Gujerat D Burmah I Afghanistan C Rajpootana D Beloochistan C Beloochistan C 5 MAP OF INDIA, AFGHANISTAN, BELOOCHISTAN, ETC. Snow"), form the northern boundary of India. 1,500 m. long, 100 to 100 m. broad. Mean height 17,000 ft. Hindoo Koosh Mts., or Indian Caucasus, 20,000 ft. Afghanistan C Hingal Mts. Beloochistan C Jeteh Doab, Punjab D Kailas or Gangri Range, Himalayas E Kanchinjinga, 28,156 Himalayas G Karakoram Mountains, 28,278 Cashmere E Karakoram Pass, 18,317 Cashmere E Kharan Mts. Beloochistan C Khyber Pass, Afghanistan D Kinchinjinga, or Kanchinjinga, 28,156 Himalaya Mts. G Koh-i-Baba, 16,000 Afghanistan C Kojuck Pass, Afghanistan C ICuen-lun, or Aneuta Mts., 22,000 Tibet E Little Desert, or Thur, Match or Washatee Mts. Namoonacooly Kandy, Neilgherry Hills, 8,760 Noushadir. Mt. Palnai Hills, Pashti Knh, or Pnshti Kuh, Patkoi Mts. Pedrotallagalla, S.2S0 Scinde C Beloochistan B Ceylon F Madras Pres. E Beloochistan B Madras Pres. E Beloochistan B Burmah I Ceylon F Pisheen Valley, Porally Pass, Pushti Kuh, or Pashti Kuh, Reechna Doab, Sarsil Pass, Sautpoora Mts. Scinde Sagur Doab, Sefid Kuh, Seistan, Desert of, Siue Shan, Sufeid Kuh (White Mt 16,000 Suliman Mts., 6,260 Sunderbunds, Afghanistan C a Beloochistan C b Beloochistan B b Punjab D a Cashmere E a E c Punjab D a Beloochistan B b Afghanistan B a Burmah I b ), Afghanistan D a Afghanistan C a Bengal G c Takht-i-Sulimam (“ Throne of Solomon"), 6,260 Talaiho Mts. Thur, or Little Desert, Tisi Gangri Mts. Tookatoo, Mt. Tuli Gassarman Mts. Vindhya Mts., 2,600 Washatee or Match Mts. Yangi-diwan Pass, Yoma Dong Mts. Zamiran Mts. Zsang Mts. Afghanistan C Beloochistan B Scinde C Tibet F Afghanistan C Afghanistan B Tndoro E Beloochistan B Kuen-lun Mts. E Burmah H Beloochistan B Tibet G Andaman Strait, Arabian Sea, Bengal, Bay of, Cambay, Gulf of, Oombermere Bay, BAYS, GULFS, ETC. Andaman Is. H c W. of India C d E. of India G e Gujerat D c Brit. Burmah II d Cuteh, Gulf of. Cuteh, Runn of, Eight Degrees Channel, Hunter Bay, Koree Mouth, Scinde C c Gujerat D e Maldives D f Brit. Burmah II d Scinde C c Manaar, Gulf of, Martaban, Gulf of, Nine Degrees Channel, Oman, Gulf, S. Palk Strait, W. of Ceylon E Brit. Burmah I Laccadives D of Beloochistan A N. of Ceylon E f Port Blair, d Port Cornwallis, f Siam, Gulf of, c Sonmeeanee Bay, f Western Runn, G Andaman Is. H e Andaman Is. II e Siam K e Beloochistan C b Scindo D o ISLANDS, PENINSULAS, AND CAPES. Adams Bridge, G. of Manaar E f Cora Deeve (Bank), Laccadive Is. D e Koh Tron I. Cambodia K e Prince of Wales I.. or Pulo Ameni, Laccadive Is. D e Coromandel ( Karimanai) Krah, Isthmus of, Lower Siam I e Penang (British), Lower Siam K f Ancutta I. Laccadive Is. D e Coast, E. of Madras Pres. F e Laccadive Is. Madras Pres. D e Pulicat ( Palikat ) I. Madras Pres. F 0 Andaman I., Little, Andaman Is. H e Cuteh or Kach (I.), Bombay Pres. C c Lancava I. Lower Siam I f Rameseram I. Madras Pres. E f Andaman I., Middle, Andaman Is. H e Cypress Point, Brit. Burmah H c Lantar I. Lower Siam I f Ramree I. Brit. Burmah H d \ndaman, North I. Andaman Is. II e Diu I. ( Portuguese ), Bombay Pres. D c Liant, Cape, Siam K e Ras Araba, Beloochistan B b Andaman I., South, Andaman Is. H e Dondra Head, Ceylon T f Malabar Coast, W. of Madras Pres. E e Ras Maleddan, Beloochistan B b Andaman Is. to Bengal H e Elephanta I. Bombay Pres. D d Malay Peninsula, Lower Siam K f Ras Passenoe, Beloochistan B b Ashtola I. Beloochistan B b Elphinstone I. Brit. Burmah I e Maidive Is. tributary to Ceylon D f Ras Rooni, Beloochistan B b Barren I. Andaman Is. H e False Point, Bengal G c Manaar I. Ceylon E f Ras Sheid, Beloochistan B b Bassas de Pedro, or Pedro Flat I. Brit. Burmah H d Mergui Archipelago, Brit. Burmah I e Rutland Is. Andaman Is. H 0 Bank, Laccadive Is. D e Foul I. Brit. Burmah H d Minicoy, Laccadive Is. D f St. Matthiew I. Brit.. Burmah T f Batty Malve I. Nicobar Is. H f Heawandoo Pholo Atoll Maidive Is. D f Moscos Is. Brit. Burmah 1 e Salanga or Sunkesevlon I. Lower Siam T f Bingarro I. Laccadive Is. D e Interview I. Andaman Is. H e Narcondam I. Andaman Is. H e Salsette I. Bombay Pres. D d Byramgore Reef, Laccadive Is. D e Kallimetu (Calimere) Negrais, Cape, Brit. Burmah H d Sesostris Bank, Laccadive Is. D 0 Cabrutee I. Laccadive Is. D e Point, Madras Pres. E e Nicobar, Great, Nicobar 13. H f Seuhelipar Is. Laccadive Is. D 0 Calimere (Kallimetu) Kalpeni Is. Laccadive Is. D e Nicobar I. Nicobar Is. H f Seyer Is. Lower Siam I f Point, Madras Pres. E e Karimanal (Coromandel) Nicobar Is. H f Sullivan I. Brit. Burmah T 0 Camorta I. Nicobar Is. H f Coast, E. of Madras Pres. F e Palmyras, Point, Bengal G c Sunkesevlon or Salanza I. Lower Siam I f Cardamum I. Laccadive Is. D e Kattiwar ( Kathiawad ) Fedro or Bassas de Pedro Tantalum, Pulo (I.), Lower Siam K f Car Nicobar I. Nicobar Is. H f Peninsula, Bombay Pres. D c Bank, Laccadive Is. D e Tavoy I. Brit. Bunn ah I 0 Ceylon, E f Kiltan I. Laccadive Is. D e Pedro, Point, Ceylon F f Tavoy Point, Brit. Burmah I 0 Chance I. Lower Siam I f King I. Bnt. Burmah I e Penang, Pulo, or Pr. of Wales Teressa I. Nicobar Is. H f Cheduba I. _ Brit. Burmah H d Koh Chang I. Siam K e I. (British), Lower Siam K f Tilla-dow-Matte Atoll, Maidive Is. D f Cherbaniani Reef, Laccadive Is. D e Koh Chow, Cambodia K f Pere Mulpar Reef, Laccadive Is. D e Tillangehong I. Nicobar Is. H f Chitlac I. Laccadive Is. D e Koh Kong L Cambodia K e Petrapur I. Laccadive Is. D e Trotto I. Lower Siam I f Chowra I. Nicobar Is. H f Koh Kut I. Cambodia K e Pittie Rock, iiaccadive Is. D e Underoo I. Laccadive Is. D 0 •oco, Great & Little, I. Andaman Is. H e Koh Rong L Cambodia K e Preparis I. Andaman Is. H e Comorin (Kumarin), C. Madras Pres. E f Koh Tang L Cambodia K e Price, Cape, Andaman Is. H e .. ' l^aSalau I MAP OF THE CHINESE EMPIRE All) JAPAN Thb Chinese Empire, usitaUy considered to embrace the vast section of central and eastern Asia south of Siberia and north of the Indian Penin- sulas, and washed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean, is in extent equal to more than one-fourth of the whole of Asia, while about one-tenth greater than Europe, comprising densely inhabited regions of the greatest fertility, as well as immense tracts of desert and thinly peopled plains. China proper contains nearly one-third of the human race, and is the most densely populated region of the globe. The province of Kiang-su has double the density of the kingdom of Belgium, although about four times its extent. Several of the divisions exhibited in the accompanying table are but loosely attached to the empire. Thian-shan-nan-loo, or Eastern Turkestan, had recently thrown off the Chinese yoke, and established an independent Mahomedan government, under the rule of the Ataligh Ghazee, with Yarkand as the capital. In like manner, the Mahomedan inhabitants of the greater part of the province of Yun-nan had established an indepen- dency, under a certain Sultan Suleiman, with their capital at the city of Ta-li-foo. The insurrection, since put down, had spread over the prov- inces of Kan-su, Shan-se and Se-chuen. Corea is nominally tributary to China. The Map is on a scale of 238 miles to an inch, one square inch repre- senting 67 times the area represented by one square inch of the Map of England. TABLE OF THE DIVISIONS OF THE CHINESE EMPIRE. Pe, north; Nan, south; Tung, east; Si, west. Pop. Density Capital City. sq. m. per sq. m. China Proper. Northern Provinces — 1. Pe-chi-li, 58,949 30,000,000 475 Pekin. 2. Shan-tung, 65,104 28,000,000 445 Tsi-nan. 3. Shan-se, 55,268 15,000,000 252 Tai-yuen. 4. Shen-se, 67,400 15,000,000 148 Si-ngan. 5. Kan-su, 86,608 16,000,000 173 Lan-chow. Central Provinces— 6. Kiang-su, . 14,500 41,000,000 854 Nan-king. 7. Ho-nan, . 65,104 31.000,000 353 Kai-fong, 8. Ngan-whi, 48,461 37,000,000 702 Ngan-king. 9. Hoo-pe, . . 70,450 40,000,000 383 Wo-chang. 10. Se-chuen, . 166,880 28,000,000 125 Ching-too. 11. Hoo-nan, . 74,320 21,000,000 242 Chang-sha. 12. Quei-ehow, . 65,554 7,000,000 76 Quei-yang. 13. Che-kiang, 39,150 30,000,000 64 Hang-chow. 14. Fo-kien, 53,480 19,000,000 280 Foo-chow. 15. Kiang-si, . 72,176 34,000,000 319 Nan-chang. Southern Provinces — 16. Quang-tung, . . 79,456 23,000,000 239 Canton. 17. Quang-se, 78,250 8,000,000 89 Quei-ling. 18. Yun-nan, . 107,969 6,000,000 46 Y un-nan & Ta-li. Transmural Provinces — 19. Shing-king, orLeao-tong, 62,000 943,000 15 Moukden. 20. Ching-te, or Chi-li, 58,900 500,000 8 Total op China Proper, 1,419,978 430,443,000 242 Pekin or Peking. II. Corea (Teio-sien, Chinese,' Kao-li, tributary to China), Area in sq. m. 80,000 Pop. 10,000,000 Density per Capital City, sq. m. 125 { Ki ki n fao° r KiDg ’ III. Manchuria. Kirin-oula, . Helung-tsian, . 292,000 1,665,000 5 Kirin-oula. Tsitsikhar. IV. Mongolia. Urianghai, . Kobdo, Country of the Kalkas, Mongols of the Koko Nor, - *1,286,000 15,000,000 11 Kobdo. Urga. V. ThIAN - SHAN - NAN - LOO, “ Country South of the Mounts.,” Eastern Tur- kestan, or Little Bukh- aria, - 490,000 2,500,000 5 Yarkand. VI. Thian-shan-pe-loo, “ Coiin-l try North of the Mounts.,’’ Dzungaria, or Soongaria, J 242,000 4,000,000 16 Ili, or Guldeha. VII. Tibet, or Thibet, . 591,000 6,000,000 12 Lassa, or Lha-ssa. Total op Chinese Empire, 4,153,000 469,608,000 95 * Includes the transmural portion of Kan-su. Japan is an island empire of the Pacific Ocean outlying and eastward from that of the Chinese, and consists of a numerous archipelago of about 3,850 islands and islets, of which the principal are Kip-hon, Sikok, Kiu- siu, and Yesso. The latter, with some of the Kurile Islands, forms a northern dependency of Japan; and in the south are the tributary islands of Loo-choo and the Majico Sima. The entire chain extends from 22° 30' to 48° north — a distance of 2,450 miles. The population, according to Census taken in 1880, is 34,338,401. Area, 148,452 square miles. The city of Tokio is the capital of the Empire. TOWNS. Note . — In China Proper, towns of the first rank are distinguished by the affix “ foo,” of the second rank, by “ chow,” and by “ hien ” for those of the third rank. Aigun, or Saghalin-ula, Manchuria N a Aitan, Manchuria N b Akita, Japan Q c Aksu, Aksou, or Oksu, 20,000 Thian-shan-nan-loo C b Alt Shuku, Manchuria N a Amoy, or Hiamen (open port), 250,000 ? Fo-kien L f An-choo, or Nan-choo, Corea N c Ari-dzong, Tibet E e Assabu, Japan Q c Atkesi, Japan Q b Bai, Thian-shan-nan-loo D b Bain-belki, Mongolia I a Bain-hashn, Mongolia I a Balkhutu, Thian-shan-nan-loo E c Barkul, Kan-su F b Barskotun, Mongolia K a Bashkukhai, Mongolia I c Bathang Tibet G e Bekiri. Mongolia M b Bogue Forts, Quang-tung K f Bor him, Mongolia Gr a Borbo, Mongolia I b Bulan, Mongolia I b Bulan Bulak, Thian-shan-pe-loo E a Burotu-khotan, Mongolia M b Chik-tum, Thian-shan-nan-loo F b Chow-king-foo, Quang-tung K f Busein Chelu, Mongolia K a Chin-ehoo, Corea N c Chow-toong-foo, Se-chuen H e Canton, or Quang-chow-foo, Cap. Chin-chow-foo, or Siuen-ehow- Chugan-si, Kan-su G c of-Prov. ( Sang-ching , “City of foo, Fo-kien L f Chun-ning-foo, Yun-nan G f perfection”), 1,200,000 (open Ching-pou-hien, Hoo-nan K e Daba, Tibet C d port), Quang-tung K f Ching-ting, Pe-chi-li K c Dalai-hai, Mongolia M b Cashgar, or Kashgar, 16,000 Ching-too-foo, Cap. of Prov. Se-chuen H d Dan -cheng, Kan-su F c Thian-shan-nan-loo B e Chin-kiang-foo (open port), Dardzung, Tibet F d Chagan-suol, Mongolia Gr a 400.000 Kiang-su L d Da-tsium, Kan-su E b Cha-ling-chow, Hoo-nan IC e Chin-kiang-foo, Yun-nan H f Debteri, Mongolia F 0 Charn-guttu, Mongolia M b Chin-ngan-chow, Quei-chow I e Dolon. Mongolia I a Chang-chow-foo, 800,000 Fo-kien L f Chin-ngan-foo, Quang-se I f Dolonnor, Tolon-noor, or Cbao- Chang-sha-foo, Cap. of Prov. Hoo-nan K e Chin-yuen, Quei-chow I e naiman-soume, Mongolia L b Chang-tai-foo, Ho-nan K c Chira, Thian-shan-nan-loo C c Dsigang, Tibet E e Chang-te-foo, Hoo-nan K e Cho-chow, Pe-chi-li L c Duguin, Tb ian-shan-nan-loo C b Chang-ting, Corea N c Choi, Mongolia M a Dzarnyin-usu, Mongolia K b Chang-yuen, Corea N c Choo-chow, Che-kiang L e Dzela, Tibet F e Cha-oo, or Shao-u-foo, Fo-kien L e Choong-king-foo, Se-chuen I e Dzindzilik, Mongolia G a Chapa, Tibet IP a Choo-yoong-foo, Yun-nan H e Eduden-kolko, Mongolia K a Chaprang, Tibet 0 4 Chou-in, Corea N c Erdeni, Mongolia L a Chatir, Thian-shan-nan-loo D b Chmv-choo-foo, or Shao-choo, Erdenjao. Mongolia H a Chee-chow-foo, Ngan-whi L d 50,000 Quang-tung K f Feoo, or Pei-chow, Se-chuen I e Chen-ehoo, Ho-nan K d- Chow-chow, Ngan-wlu L d Finokiyama, Japan O b Cbi-chow, Shan-se K c Chow-foo, Yun nan H e Firomai, Japan O. b Cliiego, Tibet D d Cbow-hing-foo, or Shao- Firo-sima, Japan O d Chi-foo Harbour (open port), Shan-tung M hing, Che-kiang M d Fong-whang-ching, Shing-king M b 2 MAP OF THE CHINESE EMPIRE AND JAPAN. Foug-yaug-foo, Ngan-whi L d F'oo-chow, Shing-king M c Foo-chow-foo (open port), 600,000, or, with suburbs, 1,000,000, Cap. of Province, Fo-kien L e Foo-chow-foo, Kiang-si L e Foo-foo, Shen-se I c Foo-ning-foo, Fo-kien M e Fou-an, Corea N c Fuen-chow-foo, Shan-se K c Fukoki, Japan P c Funai, Japan O d Fung-siang-foo, Shen-se I d Fuoring, Mongolia K a Galai, Tibet H d Gartokh, Tibet D d Geget, Mongolia H b Giantchi, Tibet E e Godoli, Mongolia I b Guchen, Kan-su F b Guldcha, Kulja, or Ili, 40.000 Cap. of Thian-shan-pe-loo D b Guma, Tibet G e Gurum Nor, Mongolia K a Hai-choo, Corea N c Hakodadi (open port), 45,000 Japan Q b Han-chong-foo, Shen-se I d Han -chow, Se-chuen H d Hang-chow-foo, Cap. of Prov., 700.000 Che-kiang M d Hankow-foo (open port), 400.000 Hoo-pe K d Han-yang-foo, or Hannan, Hoo-pe K d Haragal, Mongolia I a Hen-chow, Quang-se I f Heng-chow-foo, Hoo-nan K e Hersou, Manchuria M b Hianien, or Amoy (open port), 250,000? Fo-kien L f Hin-chow, Shan-se L d Hing-chow- or Ing-chow-foo, Ngan-whi L d Hing-hien, Shan-se K d Hing-i-foo, Quei-chow I f Hing-ngan-foo, or Sin, Shen-se I d Pling-wha-foo, Fo-kien L e Hiogo, an open port, Japan O d Hoa-chow, Quang-tung K f Hoa-chow, Shen-se I d Hoai-king-foo, Ho-nan K c Hoan-hien, Kan-su I c Ho-chow, Se-chuen I d Ho-chow, Quang-se K f Ho'-chow, Ngan-whi L d Hoei-choo-foo, Quang-tung K f Hoei-chow, Se-chuen H d Hoen-yuen-chow, Shen-se K c Hoi-ngan-foo, Kiang-su L d Ho-keu-hien, Kiang-si L e Ho-kien-foo, Pe-chi-li L c Ho-nan-foo, Ho-nan K d Hong-choo, Corea N c Hong-kong. See Victoria. Hononisika, Hoo-chow-foo, Hoo-kow-hien, Hoong-mo, Hosho, Hui-chow-foo, or Thsing-i- hoo, Kiang-su L d Hung-ching-chow, Kan-su H c Hwang-chow-foo, Hoo-pe Iv d I-chow-foo, Shan-tung L c Ilchi, or Khotan, Thian-shan-nan-loo C c Ili, or Guldcha, 40,000, Cap. of Thian-shan-pe-loo D b Imom-mulla, Thian-shan-nan-loo D c Indertu, Thian-shan-nan-loo E c Ing-chow- or Hing-chow-foo, Ngan-whi L d Ingir Khailastai, Mongolia K b Isikaributo, Japan Q b Jagatu, Mongolia M b Jakliko, Tibet E e Jamda, Tibet F d Jantu, Mongolia K a Jeddo, or Yedo, Cap. of Empire, Japan Q Che-kian^ M Kiang-ai L Yun-nan G Mongolia M b [ 1.700.000 Jiga Gungar, Jorji-nobur, Jurkhudju, Kab-tag, Kabuki, Kadabsi, Kagosima, Kai-chow, Kai-chow, Kai-fong-foo, Cap. of Prov. Kai-hoa-foo, Kailar. Kai-yuan-hien, Karnarsk, Kanagawa (open port), Kan-chow-foo, Kan-chow-foo, Kang, Kan-gen-hien, Kano, Kao-jeu-chow, Kao-thang-chow, Karaehar. Kara-kersu-tai, Kara-kersu-tai, Kara-kboton, Karakorum, Kara-manghai, Japan P Tibet F Mongolia L Mongolia G Mongolia F Japan P Mongolia H Japan O Se-chuen I Shing-king M Ho-nan K Yun-nan H Manchuria L a Shing-king M b Manchuria N a Japan P c Kiang-si K e Kan-su’ H Corea N Hainan I Japan O Kiang-su L Shan-tung L Thian-shan-nan-loo E Mongolia I Mmigolia M Kan-su F Mongolia H Mongolia K Kara-su, Thian-shan-nan-loo D b Karin-gol, Mongolia H b 1 Kartshu, Thian-shan-nan-loo B c Kashgar, or Cashgar. 16,000, Cap. of Kingdom, Thian-shan-nan-loo B c Ke-chow, Hoo-pe L d Kedu, Mongolia L a Ke-long, Formosa M e Ketack, Fo-kien L e Kew-kiang-foo (open port), Kiang-si L e Khai-chow, Pe-chi-li M c Khamil, Thian-shan-nan-loo F b Khara, Mongolia K b Khemi, Manchuria M a Khonigi, Mongolia I b Khotan, or Ilchi, Thian-shan-nan-loo C c Khutuk-bai, Kan-su E b Kia-chow, Shen-Se K c Kiai-chow, Kan-su I d Kiai-chow, Shan-se K c Kia-ing-chow, Quang-tung L f Kia-king-chow, Che-kiang M d Kian-chang-foo, Kiang-si L e Kiang-chow, Shan-se K c Kiang-yen-tien, Kiang-su M d Kiao-chow, Shan-tung M c Kia-ting-foo, Se-chuen H e Ki-chow, Pe-chi-li L c Kien-chow-foo, or Kiong-chow, 100,000 Hainan K f Kien-ning, Fo-kien L e Ki-kiang-hien, Se-chuen I e Kilimanko, Mongolia M b Kin-chow, Kan-su I c Kin-chow, Quang-tung I f Kin-chow, Shing-king M b Ki-ngan-foo, Kiang-si K e King-chow-foo, 600,000 Hoo-pe K d King-chow-foo, Shing-king M b King-ki-tao. or Kiung, Cap. of Corea N c King-men-chow, Hoo-pe K d King-te-ching-cliow, 1,000,000 Kiang-si L e King-tong-foo, Yun-nan H f King-tong-foo, Yun-nan I f Kin-hoa-foo, Che-kiang L e Kin-yang-foo, Kan-su I c Kin-yuen-foo, Quang-se I f Kioo-chow, Che-kiang L e Kioong-chow, Se-chuen H d Kiria. Thian-sban-nan-loo D c Kirin-oola, Manchuria N b Kirong, Tibet E e Kir-tsiu, Corea N b Kitai, Kan-su F b Kiun-chow, Hoo-pe K d Kiung, or King-ki-tao, Cap. of Corea N c Koang, Corea N c Kobdo, 10.000 Mongolia E a Ko-ching-hien, Kan-su H c Ko-hien. Shan-se K d Ko-hoa, Quang-se I f Kokura, Japan O d Kolan-chow, Shan-se K c Komats, Japan O d Kong-chang-foo, Kan-su H d Kongo, Mongolia H b Koo-chow, Hoo-nan K e Korgo, Mongolia K b Korimtu, Mongolia I a Kotsi, Japan O d Kotton, Mongolia L b Kow-chow-foo, Quang-tung K f Kowloon (British since 1861), Quang-tung K f Kuang, or Quang-chow, Ho-nan L d Kuang-ping, or Quang-ping-foo, Pe-chi-li K c Kuang-sin, or Quang-sin-foo, Kiang-si L e Kuang-tay-chow, Ngan-whi L d Kuankia, Tibet G d Kua-uli-sutai, Kan-su F b Ku-chui, . Thian-shan-nan-loo F b Kuduk-ussu, Thian-shan-nan-loo F b Kuissu, Mongolia M b Kui-sutu, Mongolia K c Kuku-khoton, Mongolia K c Kulan, Thian-shan-nan-loo C c Kulosutoi, Mongolia L b Ku-pi-kiu, Chi-li L b Kur. Thian-shan-pe-loo E b Kurbibodo, Mongolia L b Kur-kara-usu, Thfan-shan-pe-loo E b Kurungle, Thian-shan-nan-loo E b Ku-sing-foo, Yun-nan H e Kutche, Thian-shan-nan-loo D b Kwa-chow, Kiang-su L d Kwei-tai-foo, Ho-nan L d Labsolt, Tibet F e La-choo, Corea N d Lai-chow-foo, Shan-tung L c Lan-chow-foo, Cap. of Prov. Kan-su H c Lassa, or Lha-ssa, Cap. of Tibet. 24,000. Altitude, 11,700 ft. Tibet F d Lha-ssa, or Lassa, Tibet F d Lian-chow, Quang-tung K f Liang-chow-foo, Kan-su H c Liao-chow, Shan-se K o Li-chow, Hoo-nan K e Lien-chow-foo, Quang-tung I f Lien-ping-chow, Quang-tung K f Li-kiang-foo, Y un-nan H e Ling-chow, Kan-su I c Ling-tao-foo, or Tao-choo, Kan-su H c Lin-kiang-foo, Kiang-si L e Lin-ngan-foo, Linziu, Lioo-chow-foo, Li-ping-foo, Lithang, Long-gan-foo, Loo-an-hien, Loo-chow, Yun-nan I f Japan Q c Quang-se I f Quei-chow I e Tibet G d Se-chuen H d Ngan-whi L d Se-chuen I Loo-chow, or Lui-chow-foo, Ngan-whi L d Loo-ngan-foo, Shan-se K d Loong-chow, Shen-se I d Luan-chow, Pe-ehi-li L c Lui-chow, or Loo-chow-foo, Ngan-whi L d Lui-chow-foo, Quang-tung K f Macao (Portuguese), 35,000 Quang-tung K f Ma-ching-chow, Hoo-pe K d Ma-hoo-hien, Se-chuen H e Maimachin. Altitude 2,220 ft. Mongolia I a Manitu, Mongolia I b Matfaer, Formosa M f Matiantsin, Kan-su G b Matsmai, Cap. of Yesso, 50,000 Japan P b Mendukei, Manchuria M a Mergen-khoton, Manchuria N a Mia, Japan P c Miako, Meaco or properly Kioto, until 1868 Eccle. Cap. of Emp Japan P c Mien-chow, Se-chuen H d Mien-hien, Shen-se I d Min-chow, Kan-su H d Mingan, Mongolia K b Mito, Japan Q c Moa-sin, Manchuria M a Mochang, Corea N d Modun, Chi-li M b Moihow, Formosa M e Mongu, Manchuria N b Moshan, Corea N b Motozo, Japan P d Moukden, Shin-yang-foo, or Fungtien, Cap. of Prov. Shing-king M b Mubulun, Mongolia K a Mugen, Kan-su F b Mukotu, Mongolia I a Murakami, Japan P c Nagasaki (open port), 70-100,000 Japan N d Nalaicha, Mongolia I a Namoa, Quang-tung L f Nam-quan, Fo-Kien M e Nan-ehang-foo, Cap. of Prov. Kiang-si L e Nan-choo, or An-choo, Corea N c Nan-cou-chin, Kan-su H c Nan-kang-foo. Kiang-si L e Nan-king, or Nankin, “Court of the South " [ Kiangnaing ), 500,000, Cap. of Prov. Kiang-su L d Nan-ngan-foo, Kiang-si K e Nan-ngan-foo, Quang-se I f Nan-yang-foo, Ho-nan K d Nan-yong-foo, Quang-tung K e Napa- or Nava-kiang, Loo Clioo Is. N e Nara, Japan P c Naran, Mongolia I a Naran, Mongolia I b Nati-foo, Quang-se I f Nava- or Napa-kiang, Japan N e Nee-e-gata (open port). Japan P c Ngan-king-foo, Cap. of Prov. Ngan-whi L d Ngan-loo-foo. Hoo-pe K d Ngan-ping-hien, Quang-tung K f Ngan-shan-wei, Shan-tung M c Ngan-shun-foo, Quei-chow I e Ngan-si, Kan-su G b Ngan-tung-wei, Shan-tung L c Nimber, Tibet G d Ning-chow, Kiang-si K e Ning-chow, Yun-nan H f Ning-hai-hien, Pe-chi-li L b Ning-hai-hien, Shan-tung M c Ning-hia-foo, Kan-su I d Ning-pan-wei-hien, Se-chuen H e Ning-po (open port), 250,000 Che-kiang M e Ning-que-foo, Ngan-whi L d Ning-too-chow, Kiang-si L e Ninguta Khobon, Manchuria N b Ning-woo-foo, Shan-se K d Ning-yuan-foo, Se-chuen H e Ning-yuen-ehow, Shing-king M b Niu-chwang-foo (open port), Shing-king M b Nul-ughet-kuduk, Thian-shan-nan-loo E b Numdo, Tibet F d Odawara, Japan P c Ohosaka, or Osaka, Japan P d Oksu, or Aksu, 20,000 Thian-shan-nan-loo C b Okuts, Japan O d Olgeitu, Mongolia G a Oo-chow-foo, Quang-se K f Oo-long-hien, Se-chuen I e Oo-piug-hien, Fo-kien L e Oo-poo, or Sui-tai-chow, Shen-se K c Orta, Mongolia L b Osaka, Oho-saka, or Sakae, Japan P d Ou-cha-poo, Kan-su I c Ouliasutai, or Uliasutai, Mongolia F b Ourga, Urga, or Kuran, 7,000 Mongolia I b Owick, Fo kien L f Pa-choo, Corea N c Pa-chow, Pe-chi-li L e Pa-chow, Se-chuen I d Pan-chow, Se-chuen I d Pang-tse-hien, Kiang-si L e Pao-king-foo, Hoo-nan K e Pao-ngan-chow, Pe-chi-li L Pao-te-chow, Shan-se K Parin, Chi-li L Pei. or Feoo-chow, Se-chuen I Pe-king. “Northern Court,’ Metropolis of the Chinese Empire, 2,000,000 Pe-chi-li L b Pe-sha, Hoo-pe K d Petun-khoton, Manchuria M a Plan, Corea N c Pijan, Thian-shan-nan-loo F b Pin -chow, Shen-se I c Pinghai, Corea N c Ping-leang-foo, Kan-su I o Ping-lo-foo, Quang-se K f Ping-yoo-foo, Quei-chow I e Pin-yang, Shan-se K c Po-chow, Ngan-whi L d Po-chow, Shan-tung L c Poo-chow-foo, Shan-se K d Poo-eul-foo, Yun-nan H f Poo-kiang-foo, Se-chuen H d Poo-ki-hien, Hoo-pe K e Poo-ngan-chow, Quei-chow H e Pow-ning-foo, Se-chuen I d Pow-ting-foo, Pe-chi-li L c Pro, Mongolia I a Quang-chow-foo, or Canton, 1,200,000 Quang-tung K f Quang-hai-chow, Quang-tung K f Quang- or Kuang-chow, Ho-nan L d Quang-nan-foo, Yun-nan I f Quang-ping- or Kuang-ping-foo, Pe-chi-li K c Quang-si-foo, Yun-nan H f Quang-sin- or Kuang-sin-foo, Kiang-si L e Quano, Japan P d Quei-chow-foo, Se-chuen I d Quei-ehun-ehow, Quang-se 1 f Quei-ling-fno. Cap. of Prov. Quang-se K e Quei-yang-foo, Cap. of Prov. Qui-yang-chow, Balaian. Kuduk, Saga. Saghalin-ula, or Aigun, Saidagh, Sairam, Sakai, Sakava, San-chui, Sangri, San-ha, Sanju, San-shui-hien, San-sin-chen, Santa-foo, San-tai, Sara, Sawaki, Se-chin-foo, Se-chow, Se-cou-so, See-ehow-foo, Seing-choo, Se-lin-foo, Se-min-foo, Semoe, Se-nan-foo, Senday, Se-ngen-fee, Sengsen, Quei-chow I e Hoo-nan K e Tibet F d Tibet C d Japan O d Manchuria N a Thian-shan-nan-loo D c Thian-shan-nan-loo D b Japan P d Japan O d Corea N b Tibet F d Corea N o Thian-shan-nan-loo C o Quang-tung K f Manchuria N a Yun-nan G f Kan-su E b Japan Q b Japan Q b Quang-se I f Quei-chow I e Kan-su H d Ngan-whi L d Corea N c Quang-se I f Quang-se I f Yun-nan H f Quei-chow I e Japan Q c Quang-se I f Mongolia K a Shanghai (open port), 370,000 Kiang-su M d Shang-shui-hieu, Ho-nan K d Sha-nu, Manchuria N b Shao-choo-foo, or Chow- ehoo, Quang-tung K f Shao-tow-foo (Swatow), open port, Quang-tung L f Shayar, Thian-shan-nan-loo D b Shehol, Chi-li L b Shigatze, or Jikadaze, 100,000 Tibet E e Shi-nan-foo, Hoo-pe I d Shin-chow, Pe-chi-li L c Shin-chow-foo, Hoo-nan K e Shin-yang-foo, or Moukden, Shing-king M b Slii-sien-foo, Quei-chow I e Sho-dzung, Tibet G e Sholga-dzung, Tibet F d Shoo-chow, Ngan-whi L d Shosku, Tibet H d Shu-ning, or Yu-ning-foo, Ho-nan K d Shun-king-foo, Se-chuen I d Shun-ti, or Shun-tai-foo, Pe-chi-li K c Siang-chow, Q,uang-se I f Siang-in-hien, Hoo-nan K e Siang-tan-hien, Hoo-nan K e Siang-yang-foo, Hoo-pe K d Si-hien, Ho-nan K d Sika, Japan O d Silling, or Sin-ning-foo, Kan-su H c Si-long-chow, Quang-se I f Simoda (open port), Japan P d Simono-saki, Japan O d Sin-chow-fop, Quang-se K f Sin-foo, or Hing-ngan, Shen-se I d Sr ngan-foo, Cap. of Prov. Shen-se I d Sing-chow, Hoo-nan I e Sin-hoa-chow, Hoo-nan K e Si-ning-hien, Quang-se K f Sin-ki-hien, Hoo-nan I e Sin-nrng or Silling-foo, Kan-su H o Sin-uing-foo. Kan-su I d MAP OF THE CHINESE EMPIRE AND JAPAN 3 Sin-tai-tien. Sin-ye-hien. Sio-yuen-hien, Sico-ohoo-foo, Sioo-chow-foo, Sioo-en-chow, Siuen-chow-foo, Siu-li. Siye-tai, So-chow, Sok-dzung. Soo-chow, Shantung Ho-nan Quang-tung Kiang-su Se-chuen Quang-se Fo-kien Japan Tibet Shan-se Tibet Ngan-whi K f d e L H K e L f N e G d K c Soo-chow-foo. formerly 1,000,000 Kiang-su Sooi-ting-foo, Se-chuen So-ping-foo, Shan-se So-tsiu. Corea Soya. Japan Su-ehow-foo, Kan-su Sudjii, Mongolia Suen-wha-foo. Pe-ehi-li Sui-cbow-foo, Kiang-si Sui-dsu, Japan Sui-tai. or Oo-poo-chow, Shen-se Sui-yan-ching, Shing-king Sung-kiang-foo, Kiang-su Sun-y-foo. Quei-chow Surmang, Tibet Swatow (Sha-tow-foo), open M d I d K c M b Q a G c K b L b L e P c K c M b M d I e G d port. Tago, Tai-an-foo. Tai-chow, Tai-chow-foo, Tai-raing-foo. Tai-ping-foo, Tai-ping-foo, Tai-ting-foo. Tai-tsing-foo, Taiwan, Tai-vuen, Cap. of Prov. Quang-tung Japan Shantung Shan-tung Che-kiang Pe-chi-li Ngan-whi Quang-se Shan-se Quei-chow Formosa Shan-se Tak. Thian-shan-nan-loo Takanahe, Japan Takasaki. Japan Taku Forts. Pe-chi-li Ta-li-foo, Cap. of the Mahomedan Sultanate of Yun-nan Tama, Japan Tanaby, Japan Tan-chow, or Ho-po-so, Hainan M e M f K c H e P d P c I * Tang-tai-hien, Pe-chi-li L Tan-huang, Kan-su F Tao-choo, or Ling-tao-foo, Kan-su H Tarim. Tarkira, Tashikang, Ta-tu-che, Ta.yra, Tchabtsial, Tchatung Sabe, Tehugutchak, Tekes Karaul, Te-king-chow, Te-ngan-foo, Teng-chow-foo, Teshoo Lomboo, 20,000 Tesiwo. Thok-djalung, Thsiang-hai, Thian-shan-nan-loo D Mongolia K Tibet C Formosa M Japan Q Mongolia I Mongolia H Thian-shan-pe-loo D Thian-shan-pe-loo D Quang-tung K Hoo-pe K Shan-tung M Tibet E Japan Q Tibet D Mongolia G Thsing-i-hoo, or Hui-chow-foo, Kiang-su L Tien-choo, Tien-pak-hien, Tien-tsin-foo, Ting-choo, Ting-chow-foo, Ting-fan-chow, Tiling- tsiu, Tobut, Todok. Toghing, Toirim, Tokio, Capital, Tolon-noor, or Dolonnor, Tong-chang-foo, Tong chow-foo, Tong-chuen, Tong-cliuen-foo, Tong-gin-foo, Tong-lan-chow, Tonrak Tonduk, Too-yun-foo, Toroi, Totling, Toto, Totsian-foo, Tow-chow, Toyama, Tsaganlugurik, Tsai-osu, Tsang-chow, Mongolia H Quang-tung K Pe-chi-ii L Corea N Fo-kien L Quei-chow I Corea M Japan Q Thian-shan-pe-loo D Thian-shan-nan-loo E Mongolia I Japan P Mongolia L Shan-tung L Shen-se I Corea N Se-chuen H Quei-chow I Quang-se I Thian-shan-nan-loo B Quei-chow I Mongolia F Tibet C Mongolia K Se-chuen IT Hoo-nan K Japan P Mongolia K Mongolia I Pe-chi-li L Tsao-chow-foo, Tsa-torgan-dzung, Tse-tsiu, Tsiamdo, Tsi-chow, Tsi-nan-foo, Cap. of Prov. Tsin-ehow, Tsin-chow, Tsin-chow-foo, Tsin-dun-si, Tsing-hai-wei, Tsing-ki-hien, Tsin-tien, Tsitsihar, orTsitsikhar, Tsun-hwa-chow, Tugurik, Tugurik, Tung-ku-hien, Tung-lew-hien, Turf an, Tu-shi-kiu-hien, Tuwano, Tyung-tsiu, Tzagan-Khuduk, Tzin-ho, Ugaki, Uger-bulak, Ui-tsiu, | Uliasutai, Dnitu, Uraga, Urangkash, Urga, or Ourga, 7,000 Uriankansk, Urtu, Urumtsi; Ushi Turfan, Valai Victoria, 10,000 Voo-ting-foo, Wakamats, Wan-chow, Wan-chow-foo, Wei-chow, Wei-hoe-foo, or We-kyun, Wei-ning, Wei-yueh, We-kyun-foo, or Wei-hoe, Wen, Wen-kai-chow, Shan-tung L c Tibet G e Quelpart I. N d Tibet G d Shan-se K e Shan-tung L c Corea N c Shan-se K e Shan-tung L c Kan-su F b Shan-tung M c Se-chuen H e Che-kiang M e Manchuria M a Pe-chi-li L b Mongolia F Mongolia I Pe-chi-li L Ngan-whi L Thian-shan-nan-loo E Pe-chi-li L Japan O Corea N Mongolia K Thian-shan-pe-loo D Japan P Thian-shan-pe-loo E Corea M Mongolia G Mongolia 1 Japan P Thian-shan-nan-loo C Mongolia I Manchuria M a Kan-su F Ran-su E Thian-shan-nan-loo C Manchuria O Hong-kong K Yun-nan H Japan P Hainan K Che-kiang M Kan-su I Ho-nan K Quei-chow H Corea N Ho-nan K Corea N Quei-chow I Whei-chow-foo, Whei-li-chow, Wo-chang-foo, Cap. of Prov., 400,000 Woo-kang-ehow, Woo-sung-chow, Woo-ting-chow, Wu-whei-chow, Yai-chow, Yan-chow-foo, Yang-chan - hien, Yang-chen, Yang-chow-foo, Yanghissar, Ngan-whi L e Se-chuen H e Hoo-pe K Hoo-nan K Kiang-su A! Shan-tung L Ngan-whi L Hainan I Shan-tung L Quang-tung K Corea N Kiang-su L Thian-shan-nan-loo C Yarkand, Cap. of Kingdom 120,000 Thian-shan-nan-loo C Yatsudo, Japan Q Yatsusiro, Japan O Y-chang, or Y-lin-foo, Hoo-pe K Y-chow, Pe-chi-li L Yecto, or Jeddo, now Tokio, Cap. of the Japanese Empire, P Yen-chow Yen-king-chow, Yen-ngan-foo, Yen-ping-foo. Y-lin, or Y-chang-foo, Yo-chow-foo, Yokohama (open port), Yooen-chow-foo, Y oong-ch ang-foo, Yoong-chow-foo, Yoong-ning-chow, Yoong-pe-ting-chow, Yoong-shun-foo, Yo-pir.g, Yow-chow-foo, Yow-ngan-foo, Yubets, Yu-chow, Yuen-chow-foo, Yuen-kiang-foo, Yugur, Yu-lin-foo, Y ung-ping-foo, Yu-ning, or Shu-ning-foo, Yun-long-chow. Yun-nan-foo, Cap. of Prov. Yun-si-chow, Yun-yang-foo, Che-kiang L Pe-chi-li L Shen-se I Fo-kien L Hoo-pe K Hoo-nan K Japan P Kiang-si K Yun-nan G Hoo-nan K Yun-nan H Yun-nan H Hoo-nan I Corea N Kiang-si L Yun-nan H Japan Q Ho-nan K Hoo-nan I Yun-nan H Thian-shan-nan-loo D Shen-se I Pe-chi-li L Ho-nan K Yun-nan G Yun-nan H Hoo-pe K Hoo-pe K RIVERS. Chinese, Ho and Kiang, River. Aksu, R. Thian-shan-nan-loo D b Albasica, R. Manchuria M a A moor or Saghalien, R., 2,700 m. Manchuria O a Angara. R. , 550 m. Siberia H a Argun or Kerulen, R., 1,150 m. Manchuria K a Arik, R. Mongolia H a Baguru Bar, R. Corea N b Baitalik, R. Mongolia H a Bei-kem, R. Mongolia G a Bo R. Tibet F d Boratula, R. Thian-shan-pe-loo 1) a Brahmapootra, Yaroo, or Tsanpo, 1.850 m. Tibet F e changed its course during the years 1851-52-53, now taking the channel of the Ta-tsing R. and falling into the Gulf of Pe-ehi-li. China G d & M d Hong-chui Kiang, China, I f Hou-to Ho, China L c Horo-chagal, R. Mongolia I a Ho-ti Kiang, China H f Hun, R. Manchuria N b Idama, R. Mongolia K a Ili. R., 600 m. Thian-shan-pe-loo D b Indus, or Senge-khabap, 1,800 m. Tibet D d Irkut, R. Siberia H a Me-kong, Camboia. or Lar-tsan Kiang 1,350 m. China H f Minachoo R. Tibet H d Min Ho, China H d Min Kiang. China L e Mokor, R. Mongolia Moo-qua, or Foa HnrS l i “Hv '■■•-'"■ i fenjjS 3i r / "VV 'i/tt'Giou \oZv7ni t , QQ%% Vganrahifn °Iua/iif JPJi? Lon^itiid.e East | of Gr e eirwiab. Engnavsi & itmlelm Colours T. EHwoocL Zell, Da? irr ~ ;vrv.. . Phil a^ojpliia. MAP OF AFRICA Africa, the second in point of magnitude, the least civilized, and the most unimportant in political influence of the great divisions of the globe, is an immense peninsula connected with Asia by the Isthmus of Suez, and is the only continental portion of the Old World which passes into the Southern Hemisphere. It is separated from Europe by the Strait of Gib- raltar and the Mediterranean Sea. • The continent extends from Has el Kerun in Tunis, lat. 37° 40' JST., to Cape Agulhas, in lat. 34° 49' S., a dis- tance of 5,050 miles, — its great mass thus lying within the tropics. In breadth it extends from Cape Yerd to Cape Guardafui, 4,600 miles. The area is estimated at 11,300,000 square miles, — about three times that of Europe, and more than ^th of the entire land-surface of tho globe. The population is conjectured to be about 185,000,000, about £ of that of Europe, and less than that of India. This gives a supposed density of 16 persons per square mile. The area and population of the various regions stated in the following table are, for the most part, extremely uncertain. The information is rather more reliable in the cases of the British Colonies and in the states of Northern and North-eastern Africa. The scale of the Map is 460 miles to an inch, one square inch eompris ing 25 1 times the area represented by one square inch of Map of Englai d TABLE OF AFRICAN STATES AND DIVISIONS. Designation, &c. Area. Population. Capital or Chief Towns. Pop. of Chief Towns. i Northern Africa, or Barbart States (el Maghrib, “ the West”)— 1 Marocco (Maghrib el Aksa , “ the Far West,”) and Tuat, Empire or Sultanate, 303,100 8,500,000 Marocco, 60,000 Algeria (Maghrib el Ansat, “ The Middle West ”), (Province or Colony of 1 ( France, 1 258,305 2,921,246 Algiers, . 58,315 Tunis (Tonoos). (Occupied by the French, 1881.)) (Eyalets (Beyliks or Re-j < gencies) of the Otto- > ( man Empire, j 43,204 950,000 Tunis, . 150,000 Tripoli ( Tarbulousi Gharb), Fezzan, and Barca, f 344,401 750,000 Tripoli and Mourzuk, . 15,500 & 3,500 ' North-Eastern Africa— Egypt (cl Misr), ..... Nubia and Kordofan, ..... (Vilayet (Pashalik of the) ) Ottoman Empire), k Dependencies of Egypt, J 659,073 ( 4,306,691 ) 3,059,000 Cairo, Khartum, 282,343 30,000 Abyssinia, or Habesh and Skoa, Kingdoms, 97,000 4,500,000 Gondar, &c., Agades, Wadan, &c., 9 Sahara, or the Great DeseiW, .... Nomadic Tribes, 2,000,000 1,500,000 8,000 Senegambia — Negro Kingdoms, 200,000 12,000,000 Timbo, Sierra Leone, Gambia, &c., . . . . British Colonies, 489 48,745 Bathurst, &c. , . 3,000 French Possessions, ..... Colonies, . 96,525 607,397 St. Louis, 11,000 Soudan, or Nigretia, ..... Negro Kingdoms, 1,600,000 60,000,000 Timbuctoo, Sokoto, &c., 20,000 & 80,000 Upper or North Guinea — T o Egypt — Negro Kingdoms, 360,000 15,000,000 Coomassie, Abomey, &c., 18,000 & 30,000 Liberia, ....... Negro Republic, 20,000 718,000 Monrovia, 9,000 Gold Coast, &c., ..... British Colonies, 6,000 151,346 Cape Coast Castle, 10,000 French Possessions, ..... Colonies, . ? 133 Assinee, Dutch Do. ...... Colonies. . 10,631 120,000 Elmina, Lower or South Guinea — Negro Kingdoms, 160,000 5,000,000 Loango, . . Sangatanga, 20,000 Gaboon Country, ..... French Colony, . 7,722 186,000 Angola, &c., Portuguese Possessions, 203,110 9,000,000 Benguela, . . 3,000 Southern Africa — 'Cape Colony, ...... British Colony, 196,236 566.158 Cape Town, . . 25,000 Natal. ....... British Colony, 19,347 193,103 Pietermaritzburg, Basuto Land, ...... British Colony, 7,654 60,000 Orange River Free State, Republic, . 42,000 200. 000 Bloemfontein, Transvaal Annexed to Cape Col. by Brit. Pari., Aug. 1877. Former Republic, 84,000 300,000 Pretoria, . . 300 Caffraria, ...... Tribes, 18,000 300.000 Country of the Hottentots (South of Guinea), . Tribes, 240,000 300,000 Barmen, &c.. South Central Africa — Sekeletu’s, Matiamvo’s, Cazembe’s Dominions, &c., Negro Kingdoms, 1,500,000 16,000,000 Linyanti, &c., . • 7,000 Eastern Africa — Negro Kingdoms, 800,000 15,000,000 Mozambique, Zambesia, &e. , .... Portuguese Possessions, 2S7.037 300,000 Mozambique, 8,500 Zanzibar Coast, or Zanguebar, .... Sultanate, 20.000 1,000,000 Zanzibar, or Shanganny, 60,000 Unexplored Equatorial Africa, .... 1,800.000 15,000,000? Madagascar, . . . . . Kingdom, . 240,000 4,000.000 Antananarivo, . 25,000 Isles in the adjoining Oceans, .... Brit., Spanish, French, &c., 10,000 1,700,000 Port Louis, &c.. 74,525 Total of Africa, ..... ’ 11,633,870 185,337,819 Various Estimates of the Population of Africa — Weimar Almanack, 101,500,000; Prof. Dieterici of Berlin, 200,000,000; Dr Bekrn of Gotha, 188,000,000. STATES, ETC. Ahu Sharib District, Soudan G Abyssinia, Country, Nile Basin H Adamawa, or Fumbina, Kingdom, Aderar District, Aderer, Kingdom, Afelele District, Aftot Tribe, Air or Asben Kingdom, Ajan, Akela, Algeria, French Colony, Algiers Province, Amhara Province, Andoma Kingdom, Angola, Portuguese Presidency, South Guinea F Asauad Kingdom. Asben or Air Kingdom, Ashantee Kingdom, Assvanek Tribe, Awelimmiden Kingdom, Bagirmi, Kingdom, Balunda Tribes, Bambarra Kingdom, Banda, Dar, Kingdom, Bang Bai District, Soudan F Sahara E Sahara C Sahara D Senegambia C Sahara E Somali I Sahara D N. Africa E Algeria E Abyssinia H Soudan F Sahara D Sahara E Guinea D Soudan D Sahara D Soudan F South Africa G Soudan D Soudan G Soudan F Barbary States include Marocco, Algeria, Tunis, and Tripoli, E a Barca Province, Tripoli G a Bari Kingdom, Nile Basin H d Barotse Tribe, South Africa G f Basuto Land, British prov. South Africa G g Basutos, or East Betchuanas, Race, South Africa G g Benguela, Portuguese Presi- dency, South Guinea F f Benin Kingdom, Guinea E d Betchuanas, or Basutos, Race, Biafra District, Bimberi, Borgu, or Burku, Bornu, Kingdom, Burku, or Borgu, Bushmen Race, Caffirs, Coast. South Africa G Soudan F Soudan G Sahara F Soudan F Sahara F South Africa F South Africa H g n Caffraria, or Caffir Land, South Africa G Cape Colony (British), South Africa G Cazembe’s Dominions ( tributary to Mati.amvo), South Africa G Congo or Kongo Country, South Guinea F Constantin.® Province, Algeria E Dahomey Kingdom, Guinea E | Damara Land. Dar Abadima District, Dar Banda Kingdom, Dar el Birket District, Dar Fertit Tribe, Dar Fur Country, Dar Sennaar Country, Denka Tribe, Doma District, Draa District. Egypt, Pashalik, El Hodh, Kingdom, Fan Tribe, Fellatah Country, Fertit, Dar, Fezzan, Pashalik, Fumbina, or Adamawa, Kin, Fur, Dar, Country, Futa Jalon Kingdom, Gando, Kingdom, Gorilla Country, Griquas Tribe, Guinea, South or Lower, Guinea, or Upper G. Gurara District, Gurma District, South Africa F Soudan G Soudan G Soudan G Nile Basin G Soudan G Nubia H Nile Basin H c & G Soudan E Marocco D Nile Basin LI Soudan D Guinea F Soudan E Nile Basin G Tripoli F d., Soudan F Soudan G Senegambia C Soudan E Guinea F South Africa G F Guinea D Marocco E Soudan E Hausa or Houssa, former Kingd. , Soudan E Hodh, Kingdom, Soudan D c Hottentots, Race, South Africa F g Houssa or Hausa, former Kingd., Soudan E c Iloigob Country, H e Inhambane, South Africa H g Jaloff Tribe, Senegambia C c Jengali, Nile Basin G Jur or Jour Tribe, Nile Basin G Kanem, Kingdom, Soudan F Kongo or Congo, Country, South Guinea F Kordofan, Country, Liberia, Republic, Loango, Country, Lufuin, or Rifom, Makololo, Race, Mandingoes, Race, Manga, Nile Basin H Guinea D South Guinea F Soudan F South Africa G Guinea D Soudan F Marocco. or Morocco ( Maghrib cl Aksa), Empire, N. Africa D a Marunga, South Africa i e Masina, Kingdom, Soudan D c Matiamvo's Dominions, South Africa G e Moors of the Sahara. Sahara I) b Morocco, or Marocco (Maghrib el Aksa). N. Africa D a Mosi or Mori, Kingdom, Soudan D e Mosilikatse's Dominions, South Africa U f 2 MAP OF AFRICA. Mossamedes, Portuguese Prov. South Guinea F f Mozambique, Country, South Africa H f M ukdeesha Country, Somali I d Namaqua Land, Great, South Africa F g Namaqua Land, Little, South Africa F g Nigritia, or Soudan, Kingdoms, E c Nogal Land, Somali I c Nubia, Country, Nile Basin H b Nuer, Tribe, Nile Basin H d Oran, Province, Algeria E a Orange River Free State, South Africa G g Ovampo, South Africa F f Quillimane, South Africa H f Ragg, Sahara C b Rifom, or Lufum, Soudan F d Runga, Soudan G c Sahara, or Great Desert, extends from tne Atlantic to the Red Sea. E b Samara, N. E. Africa H c Sekeletu's Dominion, South Africa G f Senegambia, Country, W. Africa C c Sennaar, Dar, Nubia H c Shill uk, Tribe, Nile Basin H c Shoa Kingdom, Abyssinia H d Sierra Leone, Brit. Colony, Senegambia C d Sofala Country, South Africa II g Sokoto, of Sackatoo, Soudan E c Somali, Country, E. Africa I d Songhay, Kingdom, Soudan, or Nigritia, Kingi Suakin. Province, Sulu Land, Tafilet District, Taganet, Takale, Tazili, Tedas or Tiboos Tribes, Tibesti Tribe, Tiboos or Tedas Tribe, Tidikelt District, Tigre Province, Tiris, Tombo, Kingdom, Soudan E doms, E Nubia K South Africa H Marocco D Sahara D Nile Basin H Sahara E Sahara F Sahara F Sahara F Tuat E Abyssinia H Sahara C Soudan D Transvaal Republic, South Africa G g Tripoli, Vilayet, P b Tuat, or Twat, Area 43,000 sq. m. Marocco E b Tunis. Eyalet, E a Uganda, Kingdom, Nile Basin H e Unyamuezi. Kingdom, Nile Basin H e Urundi, Kingdom, Nile Basin H e Uzinza, Kingdom, Nile Basin H e Waday, Kingdom, Soudan F c Yariba, Kingdom, Guinea E d Zambesia, South Africa H f Zanguebar, Country, H e Zanzibar Coast, Sultanate, I e (OWNS, Ml Abbeokuta, 75,000? Guinea E Abiab Dok, Nile Basin H Aboh, Guinea E Aborney, Cap. of Dahomey, 30,000 Gu^pea E Abuam, Marocco D Abu Hashim, Sahara F Accra (British), Guinea D Ada (British), Guinea E Adama Jikera, Soudan F Adar (Harar), Somali H Adowa, 8,000 Abyssinia H Agably, Tuat E Agades, 8,000 Sahara E Agadir, or Santa Cruz, Marocco C Aguat (el), Algeria E Ain Majua, Soudan G Akwak, Nile Basin H Albreda (British), Senegambia C Alexandria, Cape Colony G Alexandria (Iskanderia), 180,796 Egypt G Algiers, Cap. of Colony, 58,315 Algeria E Aliwal (North), Cape Colony G Ambassi (San Salvador), Kongo F Ambatumena, Madagascar I Ambriz, Angola F Anamaboe (British), 4,500 Guinea D Andevorandro, Madagascar I Ankobar, 15,600 Shoa H Ansa. Abyssinia II Antalo, 5,000 Abyssinia H Antananarivo, or Tananarivo, 25,000, Cap. of Kingdom, Madagascar I Antombuk (French), Madagascar I Appolonia (British), Guinea D Arawan, Sahara D Arguin, Sahara C Arish (el), Marocco D Arre, Soudan D Assin6e (French), Guinea D Assouan, Assowan, or Es-Souan, Egypt H A tar, Atfeeh, Auuns, Awdjila, Axim (Dutch), Axum, 4,000 Azamor, Baab (el), Bailundo, Bakel (French), Bakuma, Bali (French), Bammaku, Bang Bai, Bango, Bangue, Bara. Baraka, Barka (Kasr el), Barmen, Basambanza, Basikunnu, Bassa. Grand, Bassam, Grand (French), Batele, Sahara C Egypt H South Central Africa F Tripoli G Guinea D Abyssinia H Marocco D Sahara F Benguela F Senegambia C South Central Africa F Madagascar I Soudan D Soudan F South Central Africa G Sofala H Kordofan H Gaboon Country E Sahara C Damara Land F Kongo F Soudan D Liberia C Guinea D Sahara F Bathurst (British), 3,000 Senegambia C Batuana, South Central Africa G Soudan F Cape Colony G Cape Colony G Tunis E Sahara D Algeria E Abyssinia I South Central Africa H Kongo F Tripoli G Benguela F Soudan D Baya, Beaufort, Beaufort, Fort, 4,970 Beja, Bel Abbas, Belida, or Blidah, 11,563 Belul, Bemba, Bembe, Benghazi, 2,500 Benguela, 3,000 Benown, Cap. of Ludamar, Berber, Nubia H Berbers, Somali I Berenice (ruins), Nubia H Berresof, Algeria E Bersaba, Namagua Land F Bethany, Namagua Land F Bihe, Benguela F Bilma, Sahara F Birket Fatima, Soudan F Birni, Soudan F Biscara, Algeria E Biserta, or Benzerta, 8,000 Tunis E Bissao (Portuguese), 8.000 Senegambia C Rlidab. or Belida, 11,563 Algeria E Bloemfontein, Orange R v. Free State G g Et Tow, Sahara F b Boana, South Central Africa G f Europina (British), Senegambia C c Boina, Madagascar I f Eyeo. or Katunga, 15,000 Soudan E d Bondar, Zambesia H f Falaba. Senegambia C d Bona, 15,272 Algeria E a Farafreh, Egypt G b Bonga, Nile Basin H d Fatawel, Soudan F c Bonjem, 120 Fezzan F a Fatima, Birket, Soudan F c Boosa, 10-18,000 Soudan E c Faz, or Fez, 40-80,000 Marocco D a Boroma, Zambesia H f Fenerife. Madagascar I f Bougie, or Bougiah, 2,610 Algeria E a Fez. or Faz, 40-80,000 Marocco D a Boukhas, Soudan G c Folia. Madagascar I g Bulola (Portuguese), Senegambia C c Fort Beaufort, 4,970 Cape Colony G h Bunder Ghasira, Somali I c Free Town, or St. George Bunder Khore, Somali K c (British), Sierra Leone C d Burghersdorp, Cape Colony G h F uga, Zanzibar Coast H e Buri, Soudan D e Funchal, 29,775 Madeira Is. C a Busso, Soudan F c Fundah, 30,000 Soudan E d Butterworth, Caffraria G h Garula, Zanzibar Coast H c Cabango Central Africa G e Gandiolo, Senegambia C c Cabara, Soudan D c Gando, Soudan E c Cabes, Tunis F a Gao, Soudan E c Cabinda, Kongo F e Gardaia, Algeria E a Cachao (French), Senegambia C c Gatron, Fezzan F b Caconda, Benguela F f Gebabo, Tripoli G b Cairo (Masr-el-Kahirali), Cap. Gelma, Algeria E a of Pashalik, 282,343 Egypt 11 a Georgetown, Cape Colony G h Caledon, Cape Colony F h Gerara (el), Algeria E a Calle (la), 1,241 Algeria E a Ghadames, Tripoli E a Calvinia, Cape Colony G h Ghat, Sahara F b Caningo, South Central Africa G f Ghauze, South Central Africa G g Cape Coast Castle (British), Girgeh, or Jirgeh, 7,000 Egypt H b 10,000 Guinea D d Gizeh, or Jizeh, Egypt H a Cape Town, Cap. of Colony, Glala, Benguela F f 25,000 Cape Colony F h Gofe, Guinea D d Cassala, or Kassala, 15,000 Nubia H c Golea (el), Algeria E a Cassangi, Angola F e Gombola, Nile Basin H d Cassegni, Madagascar I f Gonda, Central Africa H e Cassunde, Benguela F f Gondar, Abyssinia H c Ceuta, or Sebta(«Spanis7i),8,200 Marocco D a Gondokoro, Nile Basin H d Chama, South Central Africa II f Gonja, Zanzibar Coast H e Cherchel, or Shershel, 5,886 Algeria E a Goree, Fort (French), Senegambia C c Clan william, Cape Colony 1 h Graaf Reynet, Cape Colony G 1. Clarkbury, Caffraria G h Grahamstown, 4,000 Cape Colony G h Colesberg, 500 Cape Colony G h Grand Bassa, Liberia C d Colongo, South Central Africa F f Grennah, Tripoli G a Concobella, Kongo F e Griqua Town, South Central Africa G g Condi, Kongo F e Gudera. Abyssinia H c Congo, Angola F e Gumbi, Gaboon Country E e Constantine, 35,417 Algeria E a Gundam, Soudan I) c, Coomassie, Cap. of Ashantee, Gure. Soudan F c 18,000 \ Guinea D d Gwari, Soudan E c Cosseir, or Kosseir, 15-“2000 Egypt H b Hamda-Allah, Soudan D c Cradock, \ Cape Colony G h Hamfila, Samara I c Cuio, y Benguela F f Handa, South Central Africa F f Dai, \ Soudan F d Harar (Adar), 8,000 Somali I d Darner (El), \ Nubia H c H arena. Samara I c Damietta (Damiat), 57,000 \ Egypt H a Heiligenkreuz, Nile Basin H d Dande, \Angola F e Hoggene, Soudan G c Darroro, Soudan E d Hopedale, Cape Colony G h Debra Tabor, Abyssinia H c Hope Town, Cape Colony G g Dellys, 10,484 Algeria E a Huilla, Mossamedes F f Demba, Angpla F e Ibo. Mozambique I f Derj, Tripoli F a Iddah, Guinea B d Dernah, Tripoli G a Ideles, Sahara E b Derr, 3,000 Nubia H b Ikrikok, Guinea E d Dixcove (British), 1,200 Guinea D d Inanja, Madagascar I f Dongola, New, or Maraka, 6,000 Nubia H c Inbambane, Inham bane H g Dora, Soudan F c Insalah, Tuat E b Dore, Soudan E N c Insisa, Sahara E h Duirat, Tunis F a Invati, South Central Africa G f Duke Town, Guinea E d Ipsamboul, or Abu-Simbel, Nubia H b Dukku, Soudan F c Issakeriyen, Sahara E c Dumta, Soudan G c Jafange, Soudan E c D' Urban, Natal H g Jalo, Tripoli G b Dus, Tunis E a James, Fort (British), Senegambia C c East London, Cape Colony G h Jaol, Senegambia C c Edd (French), Abyssinia I c .Jeba, or Qeba. (Portuguese), Senegambia C c Edfoo, 15-2000 Egypt H b Jenna, or Jenneh, 10,000 Soudan D c Ege, Sahara F c Jibo, Soudan D c Egypto, Benguela F f Jitamanah, Soudan D c El Aguat, Algeria E a Juba, Zanzibar Coast I e El Arish, Marocco D a Kabamba, Central Africa G e El Baab, Sahara F b Kabehe, Central Africa G e El Damer, Nubia H* c Kabkalneh, Soudan G c El Gerara, Algeria E a Kaborapo, or Shinte, S. Central Africa G f El Golea, Algeria E a Kairwan, 50,000 (?) Tunis F a Elinde, Gaboon Country E e Kaka, Nile Basin H c - El Kasr, Egypt G b Kakunda, Senegambia C c El Kharjeh, Egypt G b , Kakungu, Central Africa H e Elmina (Dutch), 10,000 Guinea I) d Kala, Soudan D c El Obeid, 30,000 Kordofan 11 c Kalagam, Soudan E c Encoge, Angola F e Kaloina, South Central Africa G f 1 Esneh. Egypt 11 h Kamakama, South Central Africa G f 1 Essnk, Sahara, E 1, K anacsi. Madagascar I t\ Kankan, Soudan D c Kano, 30—40,000 Soudan E c Kanyenye, 30-40,000 Central Africa H e Kaole, Zanzibar Coast H e Kasambaro, Soudan D o Kasr Dakel, Egypt G b Kasr el Barka, Sahara C c Kassala, or Cassala. 15,000 Nubia H c Katema, South Central Africa G f Katende, South Central Africa G f Katongo, South Central Africa G f Katsena, 8,000 Soudan E c Katunga, or Eyeo, 15,000 Soudan E d Kazeh, or Taboro, Central Africa H e Kef, Tunis E a Kelmedi, Soudan G c Kena Bitcha, Soudan G c Keneb, or Ghenneh, Egypt H b Kenga Mataia, Soudan F c Keniebo (French), Senegambia C c Khartum, 30,000 Nubia H c Khokoro, Central Africa H e Khurmah, Sahara G c Kiama, 20,000 Soudan E d Kifa, Central Africa G d Kilongo, Loango F e Kilwa, Keelwa, or Quiloa, Zanzibar Coast H e King George Town, Guinea D d Kionga, Mozambique I f Kisonga, Central Africa H e Kobbe, 6,000 Soudan G c Kofou, Nile Basin H d Kolobeng (deserted), S. Central Africa G g Kong, Guinea D d Korio, Soudan G c Kosseir, or Cosseir, 15-2000 Egypt H b Kota Kota, South Central Africa H f Kraal (Mosilikatse’s), S. Cent. Africa G f Ktaua, Marocco 1) b Kube, South Central Africa G g Kukawa, Soudan F c Kuleela, Soudan D c Kuruman, South Central Africa G g Kusuri, Soudan F c Laby, Senegambia C e La Calle, 1.241 Algeria E a Lagos (British), 10,000 Guinea E d Lai, Soudan F d Lame, _ Soudan F d Landami, South Central Africa G f Laquia, Nile Basin H d Laraba, Soudan E c Lattaku, Old, South Central Africa G g Lere, Soudan D c Libonta, South Central Africa G f Lilyfontein, Cape Colony F h Lindy, Zanzibar Coast H e Linyanti (Sekeletu’s Capital). 7.000 South Central Africa G f Loan da, or St. Paul de Loanda, 12.000 Angola F e Loango. 20,000 Loango F e London, East, Cape Colony G h Lucenda, or Lunda, Central Africa G e Lunda, or Lucenda, Central Africa G e Mabruk, Sahara D b Macazane, Sofala H f Magadoxo, 5,000 Mukdeesha I d Magdala, Abyssinia H c Majumba, . Loango F e Malangi, Angola F e Maleniba, Loango F e Mam bone, Inham bane II g Mambum, Soudan F 5 Mananhar, Madagascar I f Mananzari, Madagascar I g Mangara, Soudan G c Mao, Soudan F c Maraka, or New Dongola, 6,000 Nubia H c Marocco, or Morocco (Marrakesh), 60.000 Marocco D a Maroro, Central Africa H e Masaka, Central Africa H e Mashunga, Madagascar I f Masiko, South Central Africa G f Masimba, Mozambique I f Massangano, Angola F e Massena, Soudan F c Massowah, 8,000 Samara II c Mataka, South Central Africa H f Matam (French), Senegambia C < Matatane, Madagascar | < Mazavamba, South Central Afri :a H . MAP OF AFRICA. Mboamaji, Mboro {Frcncti), Mdaghra, Medahar, Medina (French), Zanzibar Coast H Senegambia C Marocco D Maroeco D Senegambia C Medinet el Fayoom, 5,500 Egypt. H Mehidia, Maroeco D Meid, Somali I Mekinez, or Mequinez ( Miknasa ), Marocco D a Soudan D e Marocco D a Egypt H b Madagascar I g Mossamedes F f Soudan D c Nubia H c Senegambia C c Nubia H c Soudan F c Soudan F c Egypt H b Nubia H b Tripoli F a Tripoli F a Marocco D a Marocco I> a Kongo F e Zanzibar Coast H e Tunis F a Monongabo, Madagascar I g Monrovia, Cap. of Rep., 9,000 Liberia C d Monumbagh, Madagascar I f Morocco, or Marocco ( Marrakesh ), Cap. of Empire, 00,000 Marocco D a Mosape, South Central Africa H f Mosauka, South Central Africa H f Mossamedes, Mossamedes F f Mostaganem, 11,959 Algeria E a Mourzouk, 3,500 Fezzan F b Mozambique, Cap. of Portuguese Colonies, 8,500 Mozambique I 70.000 Mekoye, Melilla, or Mlila (Spanish), 3.000 Memphis (ruins), Menabe, Menas, Mengera, Meraweh, Merinagin (French), Meroe, Middogo, Miltu. Minieh, Mirsa Dongola, Misda, Misratah, Mlila, or Melilla (Spanish), 3,000 Mogador, or Suira, 20,000 Molemba, Mombas, Monastir, 12,000 Mpingo, South Central Africa H Mruli, Nile Basin H Msene, Central Africa H Mtesa, Nile Basin H Muanza, Central Africa H Muau Kombo, Central Africa F Muendi, Loango F Mufga, Sahara C Muire, South Central Africa G Mundo, Nile Basin G Muninga, Mozambique H Mura, Nile Basin G Murumbo, South Central Africa H Murundava, Madagascar I Murunsanga, Madagascar I Mushinga, Zambesia H Naiuma, South Central Africa F Nariele, South Central Africa G Nchokotsa, South Central Africa G g Ndaje, Central Africa H e Nefia, Tunis E a Nekor, Marocco D a New Dongola, or Maraka, Nubia H c Ngegimi, Soudan F c Ngolo, Gaboon Country F e Ngornu, or Angornu, 30,000 Soudan F c Ngucy, Madagascar K f Nieuw Gelderland, Natal H g Nikki, Soudan E d Nirni, Novo Redondo, Nungh, Obeid (el), 30,000 Obok, Ochikoto, Ofran, Glenda, Oljimbingue, Okatumba, Omdraai, Ondonga, Oran, 30.529 Orleansville, 1,157 Paarl, Pangani, Soudan E Bengupla F Soudan E Kordofan H Somali I Damara Land F Marocco C Loango F Damara Land F Damara Land F g South Central Africa G g South Central Africa F f Algeria D a Algeria E a Cape Colony F h Zanzibar Coast H e Pefion de Velez de la Gomera (Spanish), Philippeville. 12,191 Pietermaritzburg, Pisania (British), Podor (French), Pongo (French), Portadal, Port Elizabeth, 4,500 Portendic (French), Marocco D a Algeria E a Natal H g Senegambia C Senegambia C Senegambia C Senegambia C Cape Colony G Sahara C Port Louis (British), 74,525 Mauritius K g Port Louis (French), Port Luke (British), Porto Alexandre, Port Said, 10,000 Potchefstrom, Pretoria, 300 Quangar, Quicema, Quicombo, Quihita, Quillengues, Quillimanb, Quiloa, or Kilwa, Madagascar I Madagascar I Mossamedes F Egypt H Transvaal G Transvaal G g South Central Africa F South Central Africa H Benguela F Mossamedes F Mossamedes F Zambesia H Zanzibar Coast H Quitta (British), 5,000 (?) Guinea E Rabat, 21,000 Marocco D Rabba, 40,000 Soudan E Rahidranu, Madagascar I llanufutsi, Madagascar I g Redondo, Novo, Benguela F f Riet Fontein, South Central Africa G g Rosetta (Rashid), 21,130 Egypt H a Rumanika, Central Africa H e Rumuma, Central Africa H e Rustenburg, Transvaal G g Ryl, Soudan G c Sackatoo, or Sokoto, 80,000 Soudan E c Saffee, Azaffi, or Asfi, 12,000 Marocco D a Saila, Fezzan F b St. Denis (French), 20,184 (with district), Bourbon I. K g St. Louis (French), 11,000 Senegambia C c St. Paul de Loanda, 12,000 Angola F e Sakiet el Hamra, Marocco C b Sakka, Nile Basin H d Salde (French), Senegambia C c Said, Sela. or Sla, 12,000 Marocco D a Salem, Namaqua Land F g Salinga, Madagascar I f Sarnbakole (French), Senegambia C c Samuene Hai, Central Africa G e Sangatanga, Gaboon Country E e San Salvador, or Banza (Ambassi), 20,000 Kongo F e Santa Cruz, or Agadir, Marocco C a Santa Cruz de Teneriffe 11,000 C b Santarieh, Egypt G b Sanza, Angola F e Say, Soudan E c Sebha, Fezzan F b Sebta, or Ceuta (Spanish), 8,200 Marocco D a Seemera, Senegambia C d Seenaun, Tripoli F a Sego, 30.000 Soudan D c Sela, Sale, or Sla, 12,000 Marocco D a Selga, Guinea D d Selima, Nubia G b Sella, Fezzan F b Selole, South Central Africa G f Sernur, Sahara C b Sena, or Senna, Zambesia H f Senna, or Sena, Zambesia H f Sennaar, Nubia H c Seskeke, South Central Africa G f Setif, 3,813 Algeria E a Sfakus, or Sfax, 6,000 Tunis F a Shanganny, or Zanzibar, 60,000 Zanzibar Coast H e Shapunga, Zambesia H f Shendy, 10,000 Nubia H c Shenini, Soudan G c Sheppmannsdorp, Namaqua Land F g Shershel, or Cherchel, 8,200 Algeria E a Shinghit, Sahara C b Shinte, or Kabompo, S. Central Africa G f Shoshong, South Central Africa G g Showy, Soudan F c Sibo, Soudan D c Sidi Heoham, Marocco C b Silla, Soudan D c Simucamba, South Central Africa H f Sinamani, South Central Africa G f Siout, 30,000 Egypt H b Si wah, 9,000 Egypt G b Sla, Sela, or Sale, 12,000 Marocco D a Smithfield, Orange River Free State G h Sneisa, Sahara D b Sofala, Sofala H g Sokambunji, Central Africa G e Sokna, Fezzan F b Sokota, Abyssinia H c Sokoto, or Sackatoo, 80,000 Soudan E c Soli, Nubia H c Sonho,- ' Kongo F e Stein kopf, Cape Colony F g Stellenbosch, 2,400 Cape Colony F h Suakin, 8,000 Nubia H e Suez, 15,000 Egypt H a Suira, or Mogador, 20,000 Marocco C a Sungomero, Central Africa IT e Susa, 10,000 Tunis F a Suwarora, Central Africa H e Swellendam, Cape Colony G h Taboro, or Kazeh, Central Africa H e Tacrift, Fezzan F b Tagelel, Soudan E c Takagnawi, Soudan G c Takar, Nubia H c Tamatave, 2,000 Madagascar I f Tamki, Soudan F c Tananarivo, or Antananarivo, Cap. of Madagascar I f Tanera, Soudan D d Tangier, 4-10,000 Marocco D a Tanio, Madagascar I f Tanta, 55,000 Egypt H a -Tarrangolle, Nile Basin H d Tauarga, Tripoli F a Tayserbo, Tripoli G b ■Pp hpqqn Tefsa, or Tefza, 10,500 Tej ura, Temassanin, Temissa, Tendelti, Tetb, or Tett6, Tetuan, or Tetavin, 16,000 Thebes (ruins), Thesa, Tibesti, Timbo, 9,000 Timbuctoo, 20,000 (?) Tintellust, Tishit, Tiuret, Tlemsen, or Tlemecen, 21,728 Tom bo, Toto, Tow (et), Towdeni, Trade Town, Traghen, Algeria E Marocco D Somali I Sahara E Fezzan F Soudan G Zambesia H Marocco D Egypt H Marocco D Sahara F Senegambia C Soudan D Sahara E Soudan D Algeria E Algeria D Nile Basin G Soudan E Sahara F Sahara D Liberia D Fezzan F Tripoli, Cap. of Beylik, 15,500 Tripoli F Tubeldieh, Soudan G Tunis. Cap. of Beylik, 150,000 Tunis F Twass, Ufipa, Ujiji, Ukungwe, Unkor, Urondogani, Urundi, U vita, Vacovia, Valata, Vangandra, Vintang (British), ' Vohemar, Vunda, Wa, Wad, Wadan, Wad Nun (Glemim), Wady Haifa, Wajunga, Wara, 50,000 W argla, Warmbad, Warree, Wau, Wau, Wawa, 18,000 Wayo, Whydah, 15,000 Wiunebah, Wogodogho, Worcester, Wukari, Yakoba Yao, Yauri, Yefren, Yen, Yolo, Yowaru, South Central Africa F Central Africa H e Central Africa II e Central Africa H e Somali I Nile Basin H Central Africa H Central Africa G Nile Basin H Soudan D Madagascar I Senegambia C Madagascar K Kongo F Soudan D Algeria E Sahara C Marocco C Nubia H Sahara G Soudan G Algeria E Namaqua Land F Guinea E Nile Basin G Fezzan F Soudan E Nile Basin H Guinea E Guinea D Soudan E Cape Colony F Soudan E Soudan E Soudan F Soudan E Tripoli F Sahara F Soudan F Soudan D Zariya, Zeila, or Zeylah, Zeylah, or Zeila, Zoutpansberg, Zumbo, d Zanzibar, or Shanganny, Cap. of Sultanate, 60,000 Zanzibar Coast 11 Soudan E Somali I Somali I Transvaal G Zambesia H RIVERS. Anseba, R. Nubia H c Atbara or Tacazze, R. , 780 m. Abyssinia & Nubia H c Babura, R. Centra! Africa G d Bahr el Abiad, or White Nile, Nubia H c Bahr el Azrek, or Blue Nile, 900 m. Abyssinia & Nubia H c Bahr el Gazal, 900 m. (?) Nile Basin G d Bahr el Ghazal, Soudan F c Bahr Jur, Nile Basin G d Bahr Tonj, Nile Basin G d Bambaye R. Central Africa F e Benin R. Guinea E d Benue or Tchadda R., 900 m. Guinea E d Bonny R. Guinea E d Calabar R. , Old, Guinea E d Camaranca R. Sierra Leone C d Cassabi, Kassabi, or Loke R. Central Africa F e Chobe or Tchobe R. South Africa G f Coanza or Quanza, R., 680 m. S. Guinea F f Congo or Zaire, R. South Guinea F e Cross R. Guinea E d Cubango, R. South Africa F f Cuuene, R., 1,200 na. South Guinea F f Cuvo, R. South Guinea F f Dedhesa, R. Nile Basin H d Eojo, R. Soudan G c Eugenie Falls, Ogowai R. F e Fish R. , Great, South Africa F g Fish, Great R. Cape Colony G h Gaboon It. Equator E d Gambia, R., 550m. Senegambia C c Ganitoos, R. Cape Colony G h Garieb or Orange, R., 1.100 m. South Africa G g | Gauritz, R. Cape Colony G h Gavina or Jub, R. East Africa i d j Gazal, Bahr el, 900 m. (?) Ni'e Basin G d Ghazal, Bahr el, ooudan F c. Godjeb, R. wile Basin II d Gonye Falls, on R. Zambesi G f Grande, R. Senegambia C c Groene R. Cape Colony F h Haines, R. East Africa I d Hartebeest R. Cape Colony G g Hawash, R. Abyssinia I c Ikupa R, Madagascar I f Joliba, or Niger, 2,600 m. Soudan D c Jub or Gavina, R. East Africa I d. Jur, Bahr, Nile Basin G d Kabompo or Leeambye R. (Zambesi ?) South Africa G f Kafue, It. South Africa G f Kan Falls, on R. Zambesi G f Kassabi, Cassabi, or Loke R. Central Africa F e Kei R. Cape Colony G h Kitangule, R. Nile Basin H e Leeambye or Kabompo R. (Zambesi?) South Africa G f Leeba, R. , 350 m. South Africa G f Lilundo, R. South Guinea F e Limpopo or Ori R., 850 m. (?) South Africa H g Loangwa or Madjila, R. South Africa G f Loangwa or Zumbo R. South Africa H f Loke or Cassabi R. Central Africa G e Luapula, R. Central Africa G e Lunge-bungo, R. South Africa G f Luigo, R. Central Africa H e Manangare R. Madagascar I g Manguru R. Mareb, R. Mihikani Ford, Molopa, Madagascar I Nubia H Zanguebar H South Africa G Mosioatunia (i.e. Smoke-soundiny), or Victoria Falls, on R. Zambesi G Murchison Falls, on the Nile H Niger or Quorra, R. , 260 m. Soudan and Guinea E Nile, R. , 3,500 m. from Victoria Nyanza, or possibly 4,500 m. from supposed source at lat. 12° S. Equator to Egypt H Nile (Blue), or Bahr el Azrek, 900 m. Abyssinia & Nubia H Nile (White), or Bahr el Abiad, Nubia H Nogal, Wady, Somali I Nosob, R. South Africa F Nourse, R. Guinea F Nun, R. Guinea E Nunez, R. (British), Senegambia C Ogowai R. Central Africa F Olifant R. Cape Colony F Olifaut R. South Africa H Orange or Garieb, R., l, 100 m. Ori or Limpopo R., 850 m. (?) Ovambo R., Parcellas R. Pissou R. Quanza or Coanza, R., 680 m. Quorra or Niger, R., 2,600 m. Soudan St Guinea E Ripon Falls, 12 feet, on the Nile H South Africa F g South Africa H g South Guinea F f Madagascar I f Liberia C d South Guinea F f Rokelie or Sierra Leone R. (British), Sierra Leone C d Rovuma R. South Africa H f Ruaha Nullah R. Zanzibar H e Rufiji R. Zanguebar H e Ruhuhu R. Zanguebar I e Sabaki R. Zanguebar H e Sabia, R. Sofala H g St. Paul’s R. Liberia C a Salo, R. Central Africa G e Searcies R. (French), Sierra Leone C d Senegal R., 700 m. Senegambia C c Sliamba R. East Africa I e Shari, R., 800 m. (?) Soudan F c Shellif, R. Algeria E a Shire, R. , 250 m. South Africa H f Sierra Leone or Rokelie R. (British), Sierra Leone C d Sobat, R. Nile Basin H d Sokoto, R, Soudan E c Suga R. South Africa G g Swakop R. South Africa F g Tacazze or Atbara, R. , 780 m. Abyssinia & Nubia H c Tchadda or Benue R., 900 m. Guinea E d Tchobe or Chobe R. South Africa G f Tensift, R. Marocco D a Tioge, R. South Africa G f Tonj, Bahr, Nile Basin G d Untamtuna R. Natal H h Unzimkulu R. Natal H h Victoria Falls, or Mosioatunia (i.e. Smoke-soundiny), on R. Zambesi G f Volta R. Guinea E d Wady Draa, Marocco C b Wady Igharghar, Sahara P b 4 MAP OF AFRICA. Wady Ighegharen, Wady Mia, Wady Nogal, Sahara E b Algeria E a Somali I d Wady Sebu, Wady Tirhejirt, Wady Uiiirn, Marocco D a j Yeou, li. Sahara E b Zaire or Congo, R. Marocco D a Zambesi R. Soudan F c South Guinea F e South Africa H f Zambesi, Mouths of, 1,800 m. (?) South Africa H 1 LAKES. Abbala, L. Nik Albert Nyanza (L.), Mwutan or Luta iVzigc. Altitude 2,720 ft. Amadgor, Sebka, Andoma L. Aquilonda L. Arusha L. Avon Water, Bahari L. I Boorlos, L. Chad or Tchad, L. Altitude 830 ft. Debu or Debo, L. Nile Basin G Sahara E Soudan F Central Africa F Central Africa H Guinea E Soudan F Soudan D d Dembea or Tsana, L. Altitude Manas, L. Central Africa G e 6,120 ft. Abyssinia H c Mareotis, L. Egypt G a Denham Water, Guinea E d Melgig, L. Algeria E a e Dilolo, L. Alt. 4,7 40 ft. Central Africa G f Menzaleh, L. Egypt H a b Etosa Salt Pan, Central Africa F f Ngami, L. Altitude c Fittri. L. Soudan F c 2,930 ft. South Africa G g e Gharbi, Shott el, Marocco D a Nyassa, L. Alt. 1,522 ft. Central Africa H f e Great Lake (reported by Rukwa, L. Central Africa H e d Piaggia), Central Africa G e St. Lucia, L. Sulu Land H g d Gurara Sebka, Tuat E b Samba, L. Central Africa G e a Kayor, L. Senegambia C c Sebka Amadgor, Sahara E b Kebir, Shott el, Tunis E a Shergie. Shott esh, Algeria E a c Kumudau, L. South Africa G g Shirwa, L. Altitude 2,000 ft. c Leeba, L. Central Africa F d Central Africa H f Shott el Gbarbi Shott el Kebir, Shott esh Shergie, Tandi, L. Tanganyika, L. Marocco D a Tunis E a Algeria E a Central Africa G e Central Africa G Tchad or Chad, L. Altitude 830 ft. Soudan F o Tighi L. Marocco D a Tsana or Dembea, L. Altitude 6,120 ft. Abyssinia H c Victoria Nyanza (L. ), Ukerewe. Altitude 3,308 ft. Nile Basin H c Zamburu L. Nile Basin H d 0UNTAINS, PLAINS, ETC. Abba Jared, or Abba Yared, 15,000 Abyssinia H c Algerian Sahara, Algeria E a Ankaratra, Mount, 11,000 Madagascar I f Arabian Desert, Egypt H b Atlantika, Mount. 10,000 Soudan F d Atlas Mountains, 8,000 mean height; highest summit 11,400 Marocco D a Bahiada Desert, Nubia H c Barotse Valley, Central Africa G f Cameroon Mountains, 13,760 Guinea E d Clarendon, Mount, 6,000 Central Africa PI f Compass Berg (Schnee Berge), 8,500 Cape Colony G h Drakenberge, or Quathlamba Mts., 10,357 South Africa G g Geesh, Mount, Abyssinia H c Hammada (el) Plateau, Tripoli F b Jebel Miltsin, 11,400 Marocco D a Kalahari Desert, South Africa G g Karoo Desert, Cape Colony G h Kenia, Mount, 18,000 Central Africa H e Kilima Njaro, 20,065 Central Africa H e Kong, Mountains of, 3,000 Soudan D d Labul, Mount, Soudan F d Libyan Desert, Sahara G b Lupata Mountains, E. Africa PI f Madi, Mount, 8,000 Central Africa H d Mfumbiro (Mountain, 10,000 Central Africa G Milanje Mountain, 8.000 Central Africa H Miltsin, Jebel, 11,400 Marocco D Mossamba Mts., 6,000 Central Africa F Mushinga Mountains, Central Africa H Nubian Desert. Nubia H Omatako Mount., 8,800 Damara Land F Quathlamba or Drakenberge, 10,357 South Africa G Sahara ( Sahcira-bela-ma , ‘ Desert without water’), extends from the Atlantic Ocean to Red Sea, and from Atlas Mts. to R. Niger. Area estimated at 3,250,000 sq. miles. Sahara, Algerian (desert), Algeria E Sahara of Marocco (desert), Marocco D Sangeli Mountains, 6,500 Somali K Schnee Berge, 8,500 Cape Colony G Sierra Complida, Central Africa F Sierra do Cristal, Gaboon Country F Storm Berg, 6,800 Cape Colony G Teneriffe, Peak (Pico de Teyde), 12,182 Canary Is. C b Winterhoek, Mt., 6,849 Cape Colony F h Zwarte Berge, 6,000 Cape Colony G h BAYS, ETC Aden, Gulf of, I e Akaba, Gulf of, Red Sea H b Algoa Bay, Cape Colony G h Andrahum Bay, Madagascar I g Angra dos Cavalos, Sahara C b Angra Pequena (Brit.), NamaquaLand F g Annesley Bay, Red Sea H e Antora huk Bay (French), Madagascar K f Antongil Bay, Madagascar K f Bab-el-Mandeb, Strait, Zanzibar Coast I c Bali Bay (French), Madagascar I f Bembatuka Bay, Madagascar I f Benin, Bight of, Guinea E d Biafra, Bight of, Guinea E d Cabes, Gulf of, Tunis F a Mediterranean Sea, St. Augustin Bay, Madagascar i e Oorsico Bay, Guinea E «l separates Africa & Europe G a St. Cyprian's Bay, Sahara C b Delagoa Bay, Inhambane H g Memba Bay. Mozambique I f St. Helena Bay, Cape Colony F h Durnford, Port, Zanzibar Coast I e Milhr, Gulf of, Egypt G a St. Lucia Bay ( British ) Sulu Land H g False Bay, Cape Colony F h Mozambique Channel, Saldanha Bay. Cape Colony F h Formosa or Ungama Bay, ZanzibarCoast I e West or Madagascar I f San Sebastian Bay, Cape Colony G h Garnet Bay, Sahara C b Narrmda Bay, Madagascar I f Sidra, Gulf of, Tripoli F a Gibraltar, Strait, Nazareth Bay, Guinea B e Suez, Gulf of, Red Sea H b separates Marocco & Spain D a Ouro, Ria do, Sahara C b Table Bay, Cape Colony F h Great Fish Bay, Guinea F f Plettenberg Bay, Cape Colony G h Tunis, Gulf of, Tunis F a Guinea, Gulf of, Guinea E d Pomba Bay, Mozambique I f Ungama (Formosa Bay), Zanzibar Coast I e Hammamet, Gulf of, Tunis F a Port Durnford, Zanzibar Coast I e Walfisch Bay, Namaqua Land F g Kasenge Bay, L. Tanganyika G e Port Luke (British), Madagascar K f Whale Bay, Namaqua Land F Mazamba Bay, Madagascar I f Red Sea, separates Africa & Arabia H b Yary Bay, Sierra Leone C f. 8 L E 8 , CAPES, ETC Abd el Kuri, Agulhas, Cape, Aldabra I. Alphonse I. Amber, Cape, Somali K c Namaqua Land F h Indian Ocean I e Indian Ocean K e Madagascar I f Amirante Is. (British), Indian Ocean K e Annobon (Spanish), Guinea E e Argo I. R. Nile II c Arguin I. (French), Sahara C b Ascension I. (British), Atlantic Ocean C e Assomption I. Indian Ocean I e Astove I. Madagascar I f Azores (Is.), Portuguese, Atlantic Oc. B a Banana Is. (British), Sien-a Leone C d Bazarute I. Inhambane H g Bidama Is. (British), Senegambia C c Bird I. Seehelle Is. K e Bissagos Is. (Portuguese), Senegambia C c Blanco. Cape, Sahara C b Boavista I. Cape Verd Is. B c Bojador, Cape, Sahara C b Bon. Cape, Tunis F a Bourbon or Reunion I. (French), Indian Ocean K g Brava I. Cape Verd Is. B c Canaria, Gran I. Canary Is. C b Canary Is. (Spanish), Atlantic Ocean C b Cantin, Cape, ■ Marocco D a Cape of Good Hope, Cape Colony F h Cape Verd Is. (Portu- guese), Atlantic Ocean B c Chagos Archipelago (British), Indian Ocean M e Coetivy I. Seychelle Is. K e Comoro Is. Mozambique Chan. I f Corrientes Cape Inhambane H g Corveiro, Cape, Sahara C b Corvo I. Azores B a Cosmo Ledo Is. Indian Ocean I e Cross, Cape, Damara Land F g Delgado, Cape, Mozambique I f Desertas Is. Madeira Is. C a Diego Garcia, Chagos Is. M e Eagle Is. Chagos Is. M e Madagascar I. I g Egmont Is. Chagos Is. M e Madeira I. Madeira Is. C a Farquhar Is. Indian Ocean K f Madeira Is. (Portuguese), Atlantic Oc. C a Fayal I. Azores B a Mafia or Monfia 1. Zanzibar Coast I e Fernando Po (Fernao do Po), Mahe I. Seychelle Is. K e Spanish, Guinea E d Mahe or Seychelle Archipelago Ferro I. Canary Is. C b (British), Indian Ocean K e Flores I. Azores B a Mascarene Is. Indian Ocean K f Fogo I. Cape Verd Is. B c Mauritius, or Isle of France Formigas I. Azores B a ( British), Indian Ocean K g Formosa, Cape, Guinea E d Mayo I. Cape Verd Is. B c Foule Point, Madagascar I f Mavotta I. (French), Mozambique Chan. I f Frio, Cape, Guinea F f Mercury I. (British), Namaqua Land F g Fuerteventura I. Canary Is. C b Mirik, Cape, Sahara C c Galegas I. Indian Ocean K f Mograt I. R. Nile H c George I. Indian Ocean L e Mohilla I. Mozambique Chan. I f Shir. Cape, Marocco D a Monfia or Mafia I. Zanzibar Coast H e Gloriosa Is. Madagascar I f Mosha I. (British), Somali I c Gold Coast, Guinea D d Mount, Cape, Liberia C d Gomera I. Canary Is. C b Negro, Cape, Guinea F f Good Hope, Cape of, Cape Colony F h Ninje (Cape St. John), Guinea E d Goree, I. (French), Senegambia C c Nossi-Be I. (French), Madagascar I f Graciosa I. Azores B a Nossi Fali I. (French), Madagascar I f Grain Coast, Liberia C d Nossi Mitsui I. (French), Madagascar I f Guardfui, Cape, Somali K c Nun, Cape, Guinea E d Ibo I. Mozambique I f Palma I. Canary Is. C b Ibwari I. L. Tanganyika G e Palmas, Cape, Guinea D d Ichabo I. (British), Namaqua Land F g Patta I. Zanzibar Coast I e Invack I. (British), Namaqua Land H g Pemba I. Zanzibar Coast H e Isle of France, or Mauritius Perim I. Red Sea I c (British), Indian Ocean K g Peros Banhos, Chagos Is. M e Ivory Coast, Guinea D d- Pico I. Azores B a Jerba I. Tunis F a Platte I. Seychelle Is. K e Johanna I. Mozambique Chan. I f Porto Santo I. Madeira Is. C a Juan de Nova I. Madagascar I f Praslin, Seychelle Is. K Juby, Cape, Sahara C b Princes I. (/. do Principe), Karkenah Is. Tunis F a Portuguese, Guinea E d Kerwe I. Victoria Nyanza H e Providence I. Indian .Ocean K e Lady Grey, Cape, Inhambane H g Ras Ali, Somali K c Lanzarote I. Canary Is. C b Ras Ascoad, Somali I d Lopez, Cape, Guinea E e Ras Awath, Somali I d Loss Is. (British), Senegambia C d Ras el Kanais, Egypt G a Rasel-Kerun, Tunis E a Ras el Tyn, Tripoli G a Ras Hafun, Somali K c Reunion or Bourbon I. (French), Indian Ocean K g Rodriguez I. (British), Indian Ocean L f Roxo, Cape, Senegambia C c St. Andre, Cape, Madagascar I f St. Denis I. Seychelle Is. K e St. Helena (British), Atlantic Ocean D f St. John,_ Cape (Ninje), Guinea E d Ste. Marie, Cape, Madagascar I g Ste. Marie, I. (French), Madagascar Iv r St. Paul, Cape, Guinea E d St. Thomas (A Sao Thome), Portuguese, Guinea E d St. Vincent, Cape, Madagascar I g St. Vincent I. Cape Verd Is. B c Sal I. Cape Verd Is. B c Salomon Is. Chagos Is. M e San Jorge I. Azores B a San Miguel I. Azores B a Santa Lucia I. Cape Verd Is. B c Santa Maria I. Azores B a Santiago I. Cape Verd Is. B c Sao Antonio, Cape Verd Is. B c Sao NicolS.o. Cape Verd Is. B c Saya de Malha Bank, Indian Ocean L e Seychelle or MalnS Archipelago (British), Indian Ocean K e Sherboro I. (British), Sierra Leone C d Sierra Leone Coast, Senegambia C d Slave Coast, Guinea E d Socotra I. Somali K c Spartel, Cape, Marocco D a Swift Bank, Indian Ocean L e Teneriffe I. Canary Is. C b Tereeira I. Azores B a Three Points, Cape, Guinea D d Verd, Cape. Senegambia C c Wad Nun, Cape, Marocco C b Zanzibar I. Zanzibar Coast H e trcua) IJ'o T. EHwoocL Ze ;?} -r l&delplia.. MAP OF AUSTRALIA Australia, the largest island in the world, is only about a fifth less than Europe, its area being nearly 3 million square miles. The distance from east to west (Cape Byron to Steep Point) is 2,600 miles; from north to south (Cape York to Wilson Promontory) is nearly 2,000 miles. The coastline, which has few important indentations, is estimated at 10,000 miles. It lies in the Southern Hemisphere, to the south-east of Asia, be- tween the parallels of latitude 10° and 39°, and between 113° and 153° of E. longitude. It was first discovered by the Dutch in 1606, who gave it the name of New Holland, but it was not till 1788, after its eastern coast was dis- covered and explored by Dampior, Wallis, and Cook, that the first British settlement was established at Port Jackson, in Hew South Wales, and was named Sydney in honour of Viscount Sydney, the colonial secretary of state. The whole island-continent now belongs to Britain, and is divide 1 into the following colonies: — - Names of Colonies. Area sq. miles. Population. Year when Established. New South Wales. 323,437 (1871) 501,580 1788 West Australia, .... 978, 0U0 (1870) 24.7S5 1829 South Australia, including North I Australia, Alexandra, and L 906,784 (1871) 185,626 1834 Stuart Land, . . . ) Victoria, formerly Australia Felix, 88,408 (1871) 729,654 1S37 Queensland, . . ... 678,000 (1868) 107,427 1859 Total, 2,974,629 1,549,072 DISTRICTS. Albert District, Alexandra Land, Arnhem Land, Biigh District, Burke District, Cook District, Danipier Land, Darling District, Darling Downs District, New S. Wales G f N. Australia E c N. Australia E b New S. Wales H f Queensland G c N. of Queensland G c W. Australia C c New S. Wales G f Queensland I e Eyria Peninsula, Gregoiy District, Gwydir District, Kennedy District, Kolaina Plain, Lachlan District, Leichhardt District, Liverpool Plains, Dis., Loddon District, S. Australia F f Queensland F d New S. Wales H e Queensland H d W. Australia A d New S. Wales H f Queensland H d New S. Wales H f Victoria G g Maranoa, East, District, Queensland II e Maranoa, West, District, Queensland II e Mitchell District, Queensland G d Mumnnbidgee District. New S. Wales H g Nonda Country, N. of Queensland G c North Australia to S. Australia E b Ovens District, Victoria H g Plains of Promise, N. of Queensland F c Prineeland District, S. Aus. k Victoria G f Riverina District, Stuart Land, in Tasman Land, Victoria District, Warrego District, Wellington District, Wimmera District, York Peninsula, Y'orke Peninsula, New S. Wales H f centre of Australia E 1 W. Australia D c W. Australia B e Queensland G e New S. Wales H f Victoria G g N. of Queensland G b S. Australia F f TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND PLACES. Adelaide, pop. 27,208, Albany, Alberton, Albury, Altolka, Andamoka, Angepena, Appin, Armidale, Augusta, Augusta, Port, Australind, Avoca, Ballarat, 74,260 Balmoral, Balranald, Banana, Bananka, Bangaru, Baranbab, Barandowan, Bathurst, pop. 4,042, Beechworth, pop. 3,167, Bega, Belfast, pop, 2,484, Benalla, Betts, Beverley, BiJlaburgan, Binalong, Bingarra, Blanche Town Bodangora, Bombalo, Booligal, Border Town, Borthwick, Bourke, Fort, Bowen, Brighton, Brisbane, p. 15,032, Ca; Broulee, Buckley, Bunbury, Bungendore, Bunyan, Burketown, Busselton, Cadduldury, Callandun, Casino, Cassilis, Castlemain, pop. 7,308, Cap. of S. Aus. F f W. Australia B f Victoria H g New S. Wales H g New S. Wales G e S. Australia F f S. Australia F f New S. Wales I f New S. Wales I f W. Australia B f S. Australia F f W. Australia B f Victoria G g Victoria G g Victoria G g New S. Wales G f Queensland H d New S. Wales II e New S. Wales II f Queensland I e Queensland I e New S. Wales H f Victoria H g New S. Wales I g Victoria G g Victoria H K New S. Wales I f W. Australia B f New S. Wales H f New S. Wales H f New S. Wales I f S. Australia F f New S. Wales H f New S. Wales H g New S. Wales H f S. Australia G g Queensland I e New S. Wales H f Queensland H d Victoria H g . of Queensland I e New S. Wales I g New S. Wales H g W. Australia B f New S. Wales H g New S. Wales H g N Queensland F c W. Australia B f New S. Wales H f Queensland I e New S. Wales I e NewS. Wales I f Victoria G g Charlton, Cobbora, Cockatu, Colinton, Colinton, Collymangoul, Comining, Conabarabran, Cons Station, Cooeyana, Cooma, Cooper, Fort, Crawford, Cumnamella, Cunumully, Curumbun, Dalby, pop. 447, Degilbo, Deniliquin, pop. 632, Denison, Digagunny, Drayton, pop. 380, Dungoy, Dunkeld, Duran dar, Dutton, Dynes, Ebenezer, Echuca, Eden, Elliot, Port, Eringa, Euh bobo, Euston, Favora Freeman tie, Gambier Town, Gatton Gawler Gayndah, pop. 409, Geelong, pop. 22,618, Geraldine Lead Mine, Geraldton , Germeiu, Port, Gigoomgan, Giro Gladstone, pop. 360, Glen Innes, Glenorchy, Golichers Station, Goulburn, Grafton, Victoria G g New S. Wales H f Queensland I e New S. Wales H g Queensland I e Now S. Wales H e W. Australia B f New S. Wales H f Queensland H e S. Australia E f New S. Wales H g Queensland II d Victoria G f Queensland H e New S. Wales I e New S. Wales G g Queensland I e Queensland I e New S. Wales H g New S. Wales H g New S. Wales H f Queensland I e New S. Wales I f Victoria G g Queensland I e New S. Wales H g New S. Wales II e Victoria G g Victoria II g New S. Wales H g S. Australia F g New S. Wales II e Queensland I d New S. Wales G f New S. Wales G f W. Australia B f S. Australia G g Queensland I e S. Australia F f Queensland I e Victoria G g W. Australia A e W. Australia A e S. Australia F f Queensland I e New S. Wales I f Queensland I d New S. Wales I e Victoria G g Queensland H e New S. Wales H f New S. Wales I e Gregoiy, Grey, Fort, Grey Town, Guildford, Gulligal, Gundaru, Gundogai, Gumul, Guniawang, Hay, Hindmarsh, Hookina, Horsham, Hursts Station, Inverah, Ipswich, pop. 5,026, Jacob’s Station, Jamieson’s Station, _ Jerry's Town, ’ Jirnba, Jugiong, Lee Lexton, Leyburn, pop. 100, Lincoln, Port, Liparoo, Queensland H e New S. Wales G e S. Australia G g W. Australia B f New S. Wales H f New S. Wales H g New S. Wales H f New S. Wales H e New S. Wales H f New S. Wales G f New S. Wales I e S. Australia F f Victoria G g New S. Wales G. f Queensland I d Queensland I e S. Australia F e New S. Wales G f New S. Wales I f Queensland I e New South Wales H I New S. Wales H f Victoria G g Queensland I e S. Australia F f Victoria G f Menindie, Meroo, Mitchell’s Town, Molong, Mondellemin, Mondure Moulamein, Mudgee, Murringo, Murundi, Musquito, Muswellbrook, Narrandera, Nelson, Newcastle, pop. 4,000, Noaidungo, North am, Noumbie, Nowra, Oratunga, Owiandina, Oxley, St. Hilda, pop. 9,076 Sale. pop. 2,105, New S. Wales G f New S. Wales I g Victoria H g New S. Wales II I Victoria G f Queensland I e New S. Wales G g New S. Wales H f New S. Wales II f S. Australia F f S. Australia G g New S. Wales I f New S. Wales n f Victoria G g New S. Wales I f S. Australia F g W. Australia B f New S. Wales I f New S. Wales I f S. Australia F f S. Australia F f New S. Wales G f Victoria II g Victoria H g Kapunda, 2273 Relmscott, Kempsey, Kiama. Kileobil, Kilmore, pop, 1,574, Kingscote, Kingston, Kinnoul, Knebworth, Ivojonup, Kooringa, near which is the Burra Burra Copper Mines, Kyneton, Macquarie, Port, Maitland, pop. 7,800, Marlborough, S. Australia F f W. Australia B f New S. Wales I f New S. Wales I f New S. Wales I f Victoria H g S. Australia F g South Australia F g Queensland II e Queensland II d W. Australia B f S. Australia F f Victoria G g New S. Wales I f New S. Wales I f Queensland II d Maryborough, pop. 2,900, Queensland I e Maude, New S. Wales G f Melbourne, pop. 193,695, Cap. of Victoria H g Melrose, S. Australia F f Mendoran, New S. Wales II f I Cap. rarameiiowa, Paterson, Peel, Penrith, Perth, Picton, Pinjana, Pockataroo, Portland, pop. 2,364, Pulladjuro, W. Australia A e New S. Wales I g New S. Wales I f New S. Wales I e New S. Wales I f W. Australia B f New S. Wales 1 f of W. Australia B f New S. Wales I f W. Australia B f New S. Wales H e Victoria G g New S. Wales G g Ramsay’s Station, Rannes, Rawbell, Richards, Riddell, Rio, Roach , Robe Town, Rochedale, Rockhampton, pop. Rockingham, Ross Station, Russell, Rvlstone, New S. Wales H f Queensland I d Queensland I e New S. Wales I f New S. Wales I f Queensland I d Queensland H e S. Australia G g Queensland I e 5,228, Queensland I d W. Australia B f New S. Wales it f New S. Wales I e New S. Wales II f MAP OF AUSTRALIA. Sandhurst, pop. 3(5,688, Victoria Scone. New S. Wales Singleton, New S. Wales Smith, W. Australia S °at e C Yolk 1 *' 61116116 } Q ueensland Stanley, ’ S. Australia Stockyard, New S. Wales Stradbroke, Victoria Surat, Queensland Suttor's Station, New S. Wales S U871 )! 34755 } ofNew S - Wale8 New S. Wales G 3 , 1 f I f 15 f G b F f I f H g I£ e G f I f Tabulam, Tacnall, Tarn bo, Taniworth, Taroom, pop. 63, New S. Wales Victoria New S. Wales Queensland Taylor. Tenterfield, Terribu, Texas, Tilpal, Toalkay, Toodyay, Tooloomba, Toowoomba, pop. 1,183, Towndry, Tuma, Tumut, Victoria, abandoned set. Waggawagga, Wakefield, Port, Walgett, Wal jeers. New S. Wales I f New S. Wales I e Queensland I e New S. Wales I e Queensland I d Queensland H e W. Australia 15 f Queensland H d Queensland I e New S. Wales H e New S. Wales II g New S. Wales H g , N. Australia E b New S. Wales H f S. Australia F f New S. Wales H f New S. Wales G f Walla, Wallaroo Copper Mines, Warn bo, Warina, Warnambool, pop. 4,010, Warm, Warruruka, Warwick, pop. 1,180, Waverley, Wee Waa, Wei bin g, Wellingrove, Wellington, Weranna, Whitfield, Williamsburg William's Station, Williamstown, pop. 7,134, Queensland I e Will s Fort, Queensland 8. Australia G e S. Australia F f Wilpina, F f Queensland I e Wincham, efew S. Wades I f Victoria G f Windsor, New S. Wales I f Victoria G g Wingeilo, New S. Wales I f Queensland I d Wollongong, New S. Wales I f Queensland H e Wonnerno, W. Australia B f Queensland I e Woonbah, Queensland I a Queensland H d Wright’s Station, Queensland G e New t>. M ales H f Wurrenup, W. Australia B f ■ V. Australia B f i\ew S. Wales I e Yaamba, pop. 81, Queensland I d S. Australia F o Yandilla, Queensland I e New S. Wales II e Yass, New S. Wales H f W. Australia B f York, W. Australia B f W. Australia B f Youjg, New S. Wales H f Queensland II e Y unganup. W. Australia B f , Victoria G g Y urakine, W. Australia B f RIVERS AND LAKES. Adelaide R. , Albacutya Lake, Albert Lake, Albert R. , Alexandrina Lake, Alligator R. , Arrowsmith R., Arthur R., Ashburton R., Austin Lake, 1,400 ft., Avoca R., Avon R., N. Australia E b Victoria G g S. Australia F g N. Queensland F c S. Australia F g N. Australia E b W. Australia A e W. Australia 11 f W. Australia 15 d W. Australia 15 e Victoria G g W. Australia B t' Bollandul R., Balonne R. , Bamhu Marshes, Barwan or Darling Murray R., Batavia R. , Belyando R., Billabong Creek, Bindons Creek, Blackwood R., Blanche Lake, Bloomfield R., Blyth Lake, Bogan R., Bonney Creek, Brisbane R. , Brown Creek, Browne Creek, Brown Lake, Bungaa Lake, Burdekin R., Burke Creek, Burke R. , Burnett R. , Burra Creek, Byuoe R., New S. Wales H e Queensland II e S. Australia F .f It., branch of the j. jj e North Queensland G b Queensland II d New S. Wales H f Queensland G d W. Australia B f S. Australia G e Queensland H c S. Australia F f New S. Wales H f Central Australia E d Queensland I e Queensland G d Queensland G e W. Australia B f Victoria H g Queensland II c . Queensland F d Queensland F d Queensland T d S. Australia F f N. Queensland G c Calewatta or Darling R. , the longest 1 br. of the Murray R., 1,120 m., Oamfield Creek, Campaspe R., Cape R., Carbine Creek, Carmichael Creek, Castlereagh R., Cawndilla Lake, Clarence R., Clayton Creek, Cloncnrry R., Coen R., Oolare R. See Lachlan. Comet R., Condamine R., Cooper R. or Creek, | Cowal Lake, Cowan Lake, Cow Cowing Lake, Culgoa R. , Curlew It , N. Australia Victoria Queensland Queensland Queensland* New S. Wales New S. Wales New S. Wales S. Australia Queensland North Queensland G f E c H ci G d H d H f Gr f I e F e G d Queensland Queensland S. Australia and Queensland, New S. Wales W. Australia W. Australia Queensland W. Australia G b II f II d I e G e Id f C f Daly R., Daly Water, Queensland G d N. Australia E c Darling R. See Calewatta. G f Kangaroo R., Queensland H e Davis Creek, Queensland G c Keera Creek, New S. Wales G e Dawson R. , Queensland I d Kennedy R., North Queensland G b Do Grey R. , W. Australia B d King Creek, Queensland F d Douglas R., S. Australia F e King Marsh. N. Australia E c Duck Creek, New S. Wales H f Kooweerup Swamp, Victoria II g Dutton Lake, S. Australia F f Korangamite Lake, Victoria G g Dutton R., » Queensland G d Lachlan or Colare R. . br. oftheMurrum- Eel Creek, W. Australia C d bidgee R. , length, 540m., New S. Wales H f Elsey Creek, N. Australia E c Large Creek, N. Australia F c Emu R. , N. Australia F c Lefroy Lake, W. Australia C f Endeavour R., Queensland H c Leichhardt R. , N. Queensland G c Eyre Creek, Queensland F e Lim men Bight R., N. Australia F c Eyre Lake, S. Australia F e Lipson Lake, R. Australia G e Liverpool 11., N. Australia E b Fine Creek, N. Australia F c Loddon R. , Victoria G g Finke Creek, Central Australia E e Ludwig Lake, New S. Wales G f Fisher Creek, Central Australia E d Lynd R. , branch of n i l n Fitzmaurice R., N. Australia E b Mitchell, j v^ussnslanct u c Fitz Roy R. N. W. Australia C c Lyons R., W. Australia B d Fitzroy R. , Queensland I d Flinders R. , N. Queensland G c Fortescue R., W. Australia B d M'Arthur R., N. Australia F c Forth R., W. Australia B f Mackenzie R., Queensland H d Fosters Creek, Queensland F d M’Kinlav Creek, Queensland G d Frorne Lake, S. Australia F f M‘Leay R. , New S. 'Wales I f Macquarrie R. , New S. Wales H f Gairdner Lake, 366 ft. S. Australia F f Maequarrie Swamp, New S. Wales H f Garban R. , W. Australia B f Maranoa R., Queensland H e Gascoyne R., W. Australia A d Marchant Creek, Queensland G d George Lake, New S. Wales II g Marra Creek, New S. Wales H f Gilbert R. , N. Queensland G c Middleton Creek, Queensland G d Gilles Lake, S. Australia F f Mirrool Creek, New S. Wales II f Gienelg R., N. W. Australia C c Mitchell R., N. Queensland G c Glenelg R. , Victoria G g Moore Lake, 1,100 ft. W. Australia B e Goolwa R. See Murray. NewS. Wales H g Moore R. , W. Australia B f Goulburn R. , Victoria H g Mulga Creek, S. Australia E e Grateful Creek, Queensland G c Muller Creek, Queensland G d Grays Creek, S. Australia F e Munarina K., S. Australia F e Gregory R. , Queensland F c Munberry L. , W. Australia C f Gregory Lake, S. Australia F e Mungulla Creek, Queensland H e Muni R., Queensland H e Hamilton R. , S. Australia F e Murchison R. , W. Australia B e Hanson Creek, Central Australia E d Murray R., IV. Australia B f Hardey R., W. Australia B d Murray or Goolwa R. , the largest r. in t Hart Lake, S. Australia F f Australia, runs through New S. Hawkesbury R, , New S. Wales I f Walesand S. Australia; length, 1,030 -G f Hayward Creek, Central Australia E c m., or with the Darling, 1,500 m.; Herbert Creek, Queensland F d navigable about 800 miles, / Hindmarsh Lake, Victoria G g Murrumbidgee 1!., hi . of the Murray ( tt £ Hodgkin.son Lake, S. Australia F e R. , New S. Wales ; length, 650 m., ! I Hodgson R. , N. Australia E c Namoi or Peel It., New S. Wales, H f Hooker Creek, N. Australia E c Hope Lake, S. Australia F e Narran R. , New S. Wales H e Hopkins R., Victoria G g Narran Swamp, . New S. Wales H e Hotham R., W. Australia B f Nassau R., N. Queensland G c Hugh Creek, Central Australia E d Neale It., S. Australia E e Hunter Creek, N. Australia E c * Nicholson R., N. Queensland F c Hunters R. , N. W. Australia D b Nive R. , Queensland II e Fluttons Creek, Queensland II e Nogoa It., Queensland H d Norman R., N. Queensland G c Isaacs R., Queensland H d Island Lagoon, S. Australia F f Oakover Creek, AV. Australia C d Jessie Creek, Queensland G d Parru It., Queensland & New S. Wales G e Patten Creek, Queensland G d Peel or Namoi R., Perry R., Prince Regent's R. , Richmond R., Robinson Creek, Roes R., Rolleston R., Roper R., Salt Lakes, Salt R. , Salvator Lake, Separation R., Shaw R. , Sherlock R., Sboalhaven R., Short Lake, Snowy It., Staaten R., Stawell R. , Sterculia Creek, Stevenson Creek, Sturt Creek, Strangways Creek, Strelley It., Strzelezki or Cooper Suttor It., Swan R. Taylor Creek, Teryaweynyn Lake, Thomson It., Tomkinson Creek, Torwoto Marsh, Torrens Lake, Turner Creek, Turner Creek, Tyrrell Lake, Van Alphen R., Van Diemen R., Victoria Lake, Victoria R., Victoria R., New S. Wales H f Queensland H e N. W. Australia D c New S. Wales I e N. Australia F c N. W. Australia D c Queensland H d N. Australia F b N. W. Australia D W. Australia B Queensland II Queensland 1 1 W. Australia . . W. Australia 15 New S. Wales I S. Australia F Victoria II N. Queensland G Queensland G N. Australia F S. Australia F N. W. Australia D N. Australia E W. Australia B Creek, S. Australia G Queensland H W. Australia B d f -I 0 15 <1 Walker’s Creek, Wallum Creek, WarregoR. , NewS. Warriner Creek, Water Plaets, Waungerri Lake, Weir It., Wentworth R,, Wickham R., Wickham R., Wickham R. , William Creek, Wills Creek, Woolgar Creek, S. Australia F e New S. Wales G f Queensland G 1 N. Australia E 3 New S. Wales G f S. Australia F f Queensland F d N, Queensland F c Victoria G g N. Australia F c N. Queensland G c New S. Wales G f N. Australia E c Queensland H d Queensland G d Queensland H e Walesk Queensland H e S. Australia F e N. Queensland G c S. Australia F f Queensland I e N. Australia F c N. Australia F c N. Australia E c Queensland H Queensland G S. Australia F e Queensland G d Yanko Yanko Creek, New S. Wales II g Yarra Yarra R., 110 miles, Victoria H g Yekah R., Queensland H d Yeltra Lake, New S. Wales G f Younghusband Lake, S. Australia F f Yule R., W. Australia B d MOUNTAINS, HILLS, AND PLAINS. Abbott Mt., Acland Mt. , Arbuthnot Range, Arden Mt. , 3,000 feet, Arthur Mt. , Arthur’s Hill, Arundel Plain, Ashburton Range, Queensland II d Victoria G g New S. Wales H f S. Australia F f S. Australia F e Central Australia E d S. Australia E e N. Australia E c Augustus Mt. , 3,580 feet, AV. Australia B Australian Alps, highest range in Australia, )> Victoria H g 7,000 feet, Bagot Rat.ge, Baines Mt. , Ballyran Plain, Barkley Tableland, Bark- 3 Range, S. Australia E N. Australia E New S. Wales II N. Australia F W. Australia R Barrier, or Stanley Range, NewS. Wales G-f Bauer Mt., New S. Wales Baw Baw Mts. , 5,062 ft., Victoria Bawley Plain, S. Australia Beddome Mt. , Central Australia Bellenden 'Ker Hills, ) AT r\ , , 5.438 feet, _ S' N ' Queensland Ben Lomond, 5,000 feet, New S. Wales Bennett Range, W. Australia Blue Mts., 4,100 feet, New S. Wales Bluff Mi., 2,408 feet, S. Australia Blyth Mt., Central Australia IB f II g G e E e H c Bourke Mt. , Bowen Downs, Bremer Range, Brockman Mt. , Brown Mt. , 3,000 feet, Browne Mt. . Bruce Mt. , 3,800 feet, Brunei Range, New S. Wales Queensland W. Australia W. Australia S. Australia S. Australia W. Australia Queensland I B II F E G G C B .1 F f Bryan Mt. , 3,012 feet, Buckland Mt. , Buckland Tableland, Bugarring Mt., Bullan Plain, S. Australia F Queensland I Queensland H W. Australia 15 New S. Wales II Cadell Range, New S. Wales Caernarvon Hills, W. Australia Calver Peak, Queensland Canobolas Mt. , 4,460 ft., New S. Wales Capoompeta Mt. ,4,730ft., NewS. Wales Capricorn Range, W. Australia Casuarina Mt. , N. W. Australia Central Mt. .Stuart, Central Australia Chamber's Pillar, Chambers Range, Chant, rey Mt. , Churchman Mt. , Clarke Range, 4.265 ft.. Central Australia N. Australia Queensland W. Australia Queensland Crawford Range, Crichton Vale, Cock burn Mt. , Cook Mt., 1,476 feet, Cooper Mt., Daly Range, Daniel Mt. . Darling Range, Davenport Range Dawes Range, Denham Range, Denison Mt. . Denison Plain. Denison Range, Desmond.Mt. , Downs of Plenty. Dromedary Mt. . 2.i 00 Drummond's Range, Central Australia E d W. Australia 1! f N. W. Australia D e N. Queensland II e S. Australia F f N. Australia Central Australia W. Australia Central Australia. Queensland Queensland Central Australia N. W. Australia S. Australia W. Australia Queensland ft., New S. Wales Queensland O MAP OF AUSTRALIA. o Drvander Mt., Queensland II d Hopeless Alt.., New S. Wales II f Magnet- Mt. , East& West, AV. Australia D e Russell Range, W. Australia C i Dundas Hills, AV. Australia C f Hopeless Mt. , S. Australia G e Alanes Range, New S. Wales H g Duulop llange, New S. AVales H f Horner Alt., W. Australia B e Mann Mt. , Central Australia E d Saddle Hill, JN. VV. Austro -ia C c Horrible Mt., Queensland H e Manning Plain, Queensland F c St. Anne Mt., W. Australia 15 f Kba Mt., S. Australia E f Hotham .Vit. , highest sum -A Alantuan Downs, Queensland H d Sampson Range, Queensland e Egerton Mt. . W. Australia B d mit in Australia, T ,500 > A’ictoria H g Margaret Alt., 1,000 ft. , R. Australia F e Samuel Alt., AV. Australia B d Elephant Mt. , Queensland G d feet, f Marshall Mount, 1,600ft., W. Australia B f Sandiman Alt., AV'. Australia 15 d Elizabeth Mt., AV. Australia B f Howick Hill. W. Australia C i Mayne Alt., Oueensland G d Sanford Alt., N. Australia E c Eliery Alt. , Queensland G d Hugh Al'William Alt., Queensland K e Melville Mount, N. Queensland G 0 Scrope Range, New S. Wales G f Ellesmere Range, N. Australia E b FI u 11 Range, Queensland F c Atari vale Alt.. AV. Australia C f Sea View Alt., 6,000 ft., New S. Wales I f Elliot Mt., t 122 feet, N. Queensland H c Humphries Alt. , Central Australia E e Middleback Alt., R. Australia F f Separation Alt. , S. Australia F f Kmu Downs, Queensland G d Hunter Alt., S. Australia F e Mitchell Mt. , W. Australia B f Serle Alt., 3,(io0 ft.. S. Australia F t Euro Mt., Queensland G d Mitchell Alt., 4.120 feet , Queensland I e Short Range, N. Australia E Eyre Range, W. Australia B f Illusion Plain, S. Australia F e Moltt.hony Hill, AV. Australia B f Snowy Mts., New S. Wales I f Exmouth Alt., 3.000 ft., New S. Wales 11 f Motane Range, New S. Wales G f Standish Alt., Queensland F d Jackson Alt., 1,000 feet W. Australia I! f kludge Mt., 2,247 feet, Queensland PI d Steere Mt., AV. Australia B ( l Farmer Alt., 2.2S0 feet, W. Australia B e .Tames Range, Central Australia E d Muller Mt. , N. AV. Australia D c Stirling Range, 3,000 ft., AV. Australia B f Fatigue Alt., 2.110 feet, Victoria H g Jasper Range, N. Australia E c Muller Alt., N. Australia E c Stokes Range, Queensland (j e Finke Alt., 3,000 feet S. Australia E f Johnstone Range, Queensland G d A'urchison Alt.. 1,600 ft AV. Australia B e Strangwavs Range. Central Australia E d Finn is Alt., Central Australia E d Murchison Range, C entral Australia E c Stuart Range, S. Australia E e Fisher Alt.. Central Australia E d Kennedy Mt., VV. Australia B f Murchison Range, N. Australia D c Sturt Alt , S. Australia F f Fitzgerald Peaks W. Australia C f Kennedy Range, W. Australia B d Sturt Plain. N. Australia K c Fitzroy Downs. Queensland II e Kenneth Alt., 1,530 feet, W. Australia 1! e Sugar Loaf Range, N. Australia D b Fletcher Range. Queensland H d King Alt., 2.7S3 feet, Queensland II e Nairn Mt. , AW Australia B e Flinders Range, 3,000 ft., S. Australia F f Kirby Range, Queensland G d Narrien Alt., 1,075 ft., Queensland PI d Termination Hill, R. Australia F f Flint Alt., S. Australia F e Kirchner Alt., N. Queensland G c Narryer Mt. , 1,683 ft., W. Australia B e Thomson Ait., 1,200 ft , AV. Australia B ,i Forbes Alt., Queensland G d Kosciusko Alt., 7, SOS ft. New S. Wales PI g Newcastle Range, JN. Australia E c Tomboritha Alt., 5. 33 ft., Victoria H Forsters Range, Central Australia E d Nicholson Alt., Queensland F d Toolbruuup Mt., 3,000 l't., W. Australia B f Freeling Alt. , Central Australia E d Labnuchere Mt. , AV. Australia B d Nicholson Mt. , Queensland H d Tower Hill. Queensland G d Laidluy Alt., 2,022 feet. New S. Wales 11 f Norman Mt. , Queensland G d Turnbull Ait., Central Australia ±J d Gascoyne Alt., VV. Australia B d Lang Alt. , N. Queensland G c Nullarbor Plain, S. Australia D f Gawler Range, S. Australia E f Leach Alt., N. Queensland II c Nundawar Range, New S. AVales I f Victoria Downs, Queensland H e Gilbee Mt., Queensland G d Leichhardt Alt., Central Australia E d Victoria Range, W. Australia B e Glen -Herring, W. Australia B d Leichhardt Range, Queensland H c Olinthus Mt., 2,000 ft., S. Australia F f Vigors Ait. , AV. Australia. B d Gordon Alt., AV. Australia C f Lindesay or Apsley Mt. , - Vinden Mt., VV. Australia B e Gould Alt., VV. Australia B e 3, SOU feet, New S. Wales I f Paisley Alt., S. Australia F e Gowen Range, Queensland G d Lindsay Mt.. 5,700 ft., New S. Wales I e Palgrave Ait., AV. Australia B d Wall Alt., VV. Australia B d Grampian Alts., 5,000 feet, Victoria G g Liverpool Range, 4,000 Peak Range, Queensland 11 d Wanderer Range, 3,71 2 ft., Victoria II g Greenough Group, New S. Wales Gr f to 5,000 feet, New S. Wales I f Peel Plain, W. Australia B f Warburton Alt., N. Australia E c Gregory Range, N. Queensland G c Lockyer Range, AV. Australia B d Pei on Alt. , W. Australia A f Warburton Range, S. Australia E f Grey Range New S. Wales G e Long Ilill, 2,332 ft., Queensland H d Peter Botte Mt. , 3,311 ft. N. Queensland 11 c Waterhouse Range, Central Australia E d Luke Art., 1,830 ft., W. Australia B e Pluto Alt., 2,500 feet, Queensland H e Watts Alt., N. Australia E b Hale Alt., W. Australia P> e Lyell Alt., 2,0u0 ft.. New S. Wales G f Prosser Mt. , Queensland II d Welcome Mt. , W. Australia B e Hamersley Range, 2,500 ft., W. Australia B d Puckford Alt., AV. Australia 1! e Wellington Alts., N. Australia E b Hampton Plain, W. Australia C f Macadam Mt. , Queensland F c Pyrenees Mts., Victoria G K Whinstone Hills, AV. Australia B f Hamilton Range, Queensland G d M’ Adam Plain, AV. Australia B e Whittington Range, N. Australia E c Hanson Range, S. Austra’ia F e M'Adarn Range, N. Australia E b Race Course Plain, N. VV. Australia C c Wickham Hills, N. Australia E c Haverheld Alt., Queensland H d Macadam Range, Queensland G d Ragged Alt., W. Australia 0 f Wildasli Alt., N. Queensland G c Hawes Alt., W. Australia C f Macalister Hill, Queensland G d Ravensthorne Hills, W. Australia C f Wiilek Willek Alt., Queensland G d Hawker Alt., N. Australia E c M'Connell Alt., Queensland H d Recruit Plain, AV. Australia B e William Mt. , 3,600 ft. , W. Australia B f Hav Alt., Central Australia E d M‘ Donald Peak, Queensland G e Red Kangaroo Ilill. W. Australia B e AVilliam Ait., 5,500 ft.. A'ictoria G g Heales Alt., Queensland F c AI'Douall Range, Central Australia E c Remarkable Alt., 3,170 ft., R. Australia F f Wilson Mt. , N. VV. Australia D d Helpman Alt., N. Australia E b Al'Donnell Range, Central Australia E d Rennie Mt. , Central Australia E d Wittenonm Alt., N. W. Australia D c Hempstead Hills. AV. Australia B f Mackenzie Mt., Queensland G d Reynolds Range, Central Australia E d Wollaston Alt., Central Australia E c Herbert Alt., Queensland G d M'Kinlay Mt., 8. Australia F f Ridley Alt. , VV. Australia C f Wollon Ait,., 3,000 ft., New S. Whales I f Hermit Hill, S. Australia F e M‘K inlay Range, Queensland G d Ripon Hills, N. VV. Australia O d AVongan Hills, W. Australia B f Herscbel Range, AV. Australia B e AI'Leay Plains, Queensland G e Roans Plains, Queensland G e Woodcock Mt., N. Australia E c H jrvev Downs, Queensland G d M'Pherson Mt., New S. Wales G f Robinson Alt., VV’. Australia C e Ilervey Range, New S. Wales H f Macpberson Mt. , N. W. Australia C d Robinson Alt., R. Australia F e Yates Alt., W. Australia B f Hill Alt., 1,500 ft., S. Australia F f Maeeulloch Range, New S. Wales G f Rodney Alt., Queensland G d Hope Plains, S. Australia F e Madden Mt., VV. Australia B f Roe Range, AV. Australia B f Abbott Bay, Adieu Cape, Admiralty Gulf, Apderson Inlet, Anson Bay, Anxious Bay, Apslev Strait, Arafura Sea, Arid Cape, Arnhem Bay,- Arnhem Cape, Backstairs Passage, Baskerville Cape, Bass Strait, Bateman Bay, Bathurst Bay, Bauer Cape, Bedford Cape, Bell Point, Bernouilli Cape, Blanche Cape, Blaze Cape, Blue Mud Bay, Boileau, Cape, Borda Cape, Bossut Cape, Botany Bay, Bougainville Cape, Bnuvard Cape, Bowen, Port, Bowling Green Bay, Broad Sound, Breton Bay, Broken Bay. Brown Point, Brown Strait. Brunswick Bay, Buckle Head, Bustard Bay, Bynoe Harbour, Byron Cape, Caledon Bay, Cambridge Gulf, Camden Haven, Qaroentaria, Gulf of, CAPES , BAYS, GULFS, PORTS, AND PENINSULAS. N. Queensland H c Castlereagli Bay, N. Australia F b Esperance Bay, W. Australia* C f King George Sound, AV. Australia B g S. Australia K f Catastrophe Cape, S. Australia F g Essington, Port, N. Australia E b King Sound, N. AV. Australia C c N. AV. Australia D b Chambers Bay, N. Australia E b Exmouth Gulf, W. Australia A d Knob Cape W. Australia B f Victoria H g Chapman Bay, W. Australia A e Eyria Peninsula, S. Australia F f N. Australia D b Chatham Cape, AV. Australia B g Lacepede Bay, S. Australia F g S. Australia E f Clairault- Cape, W. Australia A f Farquhar Cape, AV. Australia A d Lagrange Bay, N. AA 7 . Australia C c N. Australia E b Claremont Pt. , N. Queensland G b Finke Bay, N. Australia E b Laguna Bay, Queensland I e N. of Australia F b Clarence Rtrait, i N. Australia E b Flattery Cape, N. Queensland II c LatoucbeTreville Cape, N. W. Australia C c W. Australia C f Cleveland Cape, N. Queensland II c Fleeming Cape, N. Australia E b Leeuwiii Cape, W. Australia A. f N. Australia F b Cloates Point, VV. Australia A d Flinders Bay, AV. Australia B f Lethbridge Bay, N. Australia E b N. Australia F b Coburg Peninsula, N. Australia E b Floyd Bay, N. Queensland G b Leveque Cape, N. AV. Australia C c Collin Bay, S. Australia F f Fourcroy Cape, N. Australia I) b Limrnen Bight, N. Australia F b Collier Bay, N. W. Australia C c Fowler Bay, S. Australia E f Lincoln, Port, S. Australia F f S. Australia F g Cone Bay, N. W. Australia C c Frpyeinet Harbour. W. Australia A e N. AV. Australia C c Couedie Cape, S. Australia F g Macquarie Lake, New S. AVales I f S. of Australia H g. Coorong, The, S. Australia F Gantheaume Bay, AV. Australia A e Macquarie, Port, New S. AVales I f New S. Wales I Coral Sea, N. E. of Australia H b Gantheaume Point, N. AV. Australia C c Manifold Cape, Queensland I d N. Queensland G b Corner Inlet and Basin, Victoria II g Geelvink Channel, AV. Australia A e Melville Bay, N. Australia F b S. Australia E f Corny Point, S. Australia F f Geographe Bay, AT. Australia B f Melville Cape, N. Queensland G b N. Queensland H c Culliam Inlet, W. Australia C f Geographe Channel, W. Australia A d Mentelle Cape, AV. Australia A f S. Australia E f Culver Point, S. W. Australia C f Germein. Port, S. Australia F f Montagu Sound, N. W. Australia D b S. Australia F g C u l-die Inlet, Victoria G g . Gordon Bay, N. Australia D b Moretop Bay, Queensland I e R. Australia E f Curtis, Port. Queensland I d Grafton Cape, N. Queensland H c Mount Norris Bay, N. Australia E b N. Australia E b Cutbbert Point, N. Australia E b Great Australian Bight , S. Australia D f Aturdoch Point, N. Queensland G b N. Australia F b Cuvier Cape, AV. Australia A d Green Cape, New S "Wales I g N. W. Australia C e Naturaliste Cape, AA 7 . Australia A f R. Australia F g Dale Point, N. Australia F b Halifax Bay, N. Queensland H e Naturaliste Channel, AV. Australia A e N. W. Australia C e Danger Point, N. point of NewS. Wales I e Hamelin Cape, AA 7 . Australia A f Nelson Cape, A’ictoria G g New S. Wales I f Darwin, Port, N. Australia E b Hamelin Harbour, AV. Australia A e Newcastle Bay, N. Queensland G b N. W 7 . Australia D b Denial Bay, R. Australia E f Harrington Inlet, New S. AVales I f Nickol Bay, W. Australia 15 d W. Australia B f Denison, Port, N. Queensland H c Hay Cape, N. Australia D b Northumberland Cape, R. Australia G g Queensland I d D Entrecasteaux Point, W. Australia B f Hervey Bay. Queensland I d North West Cape, AV 7 . Australia A 3 N. Queensland H c Direction Cape, N. Queensland G b Hillsborough Cape, Queensland H d Queensland PI d Discovery Bay, Victoria G g Hood Point, W. Australia B f Olinda Entrance, N. Queensland G b AV. Australia 15 f Dombey Cape, N. Australia D b Howe Cape, S. point of New S. Wales I g Orford Ness, N. Queensland G b New S. Wales I f Double Island Point, Queensland I e Hunter, Port, New S. Wales I f Otway Cape, V’ietoria a 6 S. Australia E f Double Point, N. Queensland II c N. Australia F b Doubtful Island Bay, W. Australia B f Inscription Cape, AV. Australia A e Palmerston Cape, Queensland H a N. AV. Australia C c Dover Point, S. W. Australia 1) f Investigator Strait, R. Australia F g Pandora Entrance, N, Queensland G b N. W. Australia D b Drummond Point, S. Australia E f Irwin Inlet, AV. Australia B g Pasley Cape, R. AA". Australia C f Queensland I d Dufyben Point, N. Queensland G b Pera Head. N. Queensland G b N. Australia E b Dundas Strait, N. Australia E b Jackson Port, New R. Wales I f Peron Peninsula, * W. Australia A e New S. Wales I e Dussejour Cape. N. W. Australia D b Jaubert Cape, N. W. Australia C c "Port PhiHi;., Victoria G g Jervis Bay, New S. Wales I g Portland Bay, Victoria G B N. Australia F b Elliot Port. R. Australia F g Preston Cape, W. Australia B 3 N. W. Australia D b Emeriau Point, N. AV. Australia C c Keats, Port, N. Australia D b princess Charlotte Bay N. Queensland G b New S. Wales I f Encounter Buy. S. Australia F g Kcer-weer Capo, N. Queensland G h N. Australia F b Endeavour Sr-rait, N. Queensland G b Keppel Bay, Queensland I d Queen's Channel N. Australia D b 4 MAP OF AUSTRALIA. Rabelais. Caps S. Australia F g Shoal Water Bay, Queensland I d Radstock Cape, S. Australia E f Sidmouth Cape, N. Queensland G b Raffles Bay, N. Australia E b Slade Point, Queensland H d Riehe Cape, W. Australia B f Sleaford Bay, S. Australia F g Rivoli Bay, S. Australia F g Spencer Cape, S. Australia F g Rockingham Bay, N. Queensland H c Spencer Gulf, S. Australia F f Roebuck Bay, N. W. Australia C c Steep Point, W. Australia A e Rous Channel, Queensland 1 e Stephens, Port, New S. Wales I f St. Vincent, Gulf of, S. Australia F g Stewart Cape, Stokes Bay, N. Australia E b N. W. Australia C e Sandy Cape, Queensland I d Streaky Bay, S. Australia E f Sandy Head, N. Australia F c Sugar Loaf Point, New S. Wales I f Schank Cape, Victoria G g Sydenham Inlet, Victoria H g Shark Bay, Shelburne Bay, W. Australia- A N. Queensland G e b Temple Bay, N. Queensland G b Shoal Bay, N. Australia E b Thouin Cape, Timo. Sea, W. Australia B d Shoal Bay, New S. Wales 1 e N. W. of Australia C b Tor Bay, Torres Str., between Townshend Cape, Treachery Bay, Trial Bay, Tribulation Cape, Trinity Bay, Tuggarah Lake, Twofold Bay, Van Diemen Cape, Van Diemen Gulf, Victoria, Port, Vivoune Bay, Voltaire Cape, I Wakefield, Port, W. Australia B g Aus. & New Guinea G b Queensland I d N. Australia D b New S. Wales I f N. Queensland II c N. Queensland H c New S. Wales I f New S. Wales I g N. Australia E b N. Australia E b S. Australia F f S. Australia F g N. W. Australia D b S. Australia F f | Wallis Lake, | Wessel Cape, Western Port, Weymouth Bay, Whidbey Point, Whitsunday Passage, Wide Bay. Wilberforce Cape, Wiles Cape, William P>ay, Wilson Promontory, S. Wreck Bay, New S. Wales I f N. Australia F b Victoria H g N. Queensland G b S. Australia F, f N. Queensland H c Queensland I e N. Australia F b S. Australia F g W. Australia B g pointof Australia H g New S. Wales I .g York Cape, N. E. point Queensland G b Yorke Peninsula, S. Australia F f York Peninsula, N. of Queensland G b York Sound, N. W. Australia D b ISLANDS AND REEFS. Abrolhos or Houtman Adele I., Adolphus I., Albany I., Augustus I., Baleine Bank, Banks I., Barker I., Barrow I., Bathurst I., Beagle I., Cedout I., Bentinck I., Bernier I., Beverley Group, Bickerton I., Bigges I., Booby I., Browse I., Buccaneer Archipelagc Rocks, W. Aust. A e N. W. Australia C c N. W. Australia D c Torres Strait G b N. W. Australia C c N. W. Australia C c Torres Strait G b N. W. Australia C b W. Australia 1! d N. Australia E b W. Australia A e W. Australia B c G. of Carpentaria F c W. Australia A d Queensland II d G. of Carpentaria F b N. W. Australia D b Torres Strait G b N. W. Australia C b , N. W. Australia C c Cervantes I., Champagny I., Cockells I., Coringa Is., Coronation I., Crocodile I., Croker I., Cumberland Is., W. Australia A f N. W. Australia C c N. W. Australia C c Coral Sea I c. N. W. Australia C b N. Australia E b N. Australia E b N. Queensland II d Curtis I., Dampier Archipelago, Deal I., Delambre I., Direction I., South, Dirk Hartog I., Dorre I., Dunk I., Queensland I d W. Australia B d Bass Strait H g W. Australia B d N. Queensland FI b W. Australia A e W. Australia A e N. Queensland H c English Company’s Is., N. Australia F b Facing I. , Flinders I., Flinders Reef, Queensland I d Bass Strait FI g Coral Sea II c Goulburn I., , N. Australia E b Graham Moore’s I., N. W. Australia D b Great Barrier Reef, im- I n . e mense reef Coral, l Queensland H c 1,200 m. lon_ Great Sandy I., Groote Eylandt, Queensland I e G. of Carpentaria F b Hinchinbrook I., N. Queensland H c Hogan I., Bass Strait H g Holmes Reef, Coral Sea H c Hook I., N. Queensland H d Houtman Rocks or Abrolhos, W. Aust. A e Howiok I., N. Queensland H b Investigator Is., S. Australia E f Kangaroo Is., 1,970 sq. no. S. Australia F g Keppel Is., Queensland I 3 King I., Bass Strait G g Lacepede I., Lihou Reef and Cays, Lizard I., Magnetic I., Mary I., Melville I., Montague I., Monte Bello Is., Moreton I., Mornington I., Mt. Adolphus I., Muiron I., Mulgrave I., Murray Is., Neptune I., Night I., Northumberland Is., Nuyts Archipelago, Osprey Reef, Palm I., Peron I., N. W. Australia C c Coral Sea I c N. Queensland H b N. Queensland H c N. W. Australia C c N. Australia F. b New S. Wales I g W. Australia B d Queensland I e G. of Carpentaria F c Torres Strait G b W. Australia A d Torres Strait- G b Torres Strait G a S. Australia F g N. Queensland G b Queensland I d S. Australia E f Coral Sea II b N. Queensland IT c N. Australia D b Prince of Wales Is., Eaine I., Recherche Archipelago, Rosily I., Rottnest I., Torres Strait G b N. Queensland G b W. Australia C f W. Australia A d W. Australia B f Sir C. Hardy I., N. Queensland G Sir Edward Pellew Is., G. of Carpentaria F Solitary I., Solitary Is., Stradbroke I., Swain Reefs, Thevenard I., Thistle I., Tregrosse Is., Turtle I., Vanderlin I., Wards I., Wedge I., Wellesley Is., Wessel I., Whidbey Is., Whitsunday I., Willis Group, Woodah I., W. Australia B c New S. Wales I f Queensland I e Coast of Queensland I d W. Australia A d S. Australia F’ g Coral Sea I c W. Australia B c G. of Carpentaria F c S. Australia E f W. Australia B f G. of Carpentaria F c N. Australia F b S. Australia F f N. Queensland H d Coral Sea I a G. of Carpentaria F b MAP OF NEW ZEALAND AND OF TASMANIA. The British Colony of New Zealand is situated in the South Pacific Ocean, about. 1,200 miles south-east of Australia, and is nearly antipodal to the British Isles. It is the most isolated, and, with the exception of Patagonia, the most southerly habitable land of the globe. Its northerly extremity was sighted and named by Tasman, in 1G42. In 1770, Cap- tain Cook circumnavigated the islands, and passed through the strait that bears its name, taking possession for Great Britain. It was declared a British Colony in 1841. It consists of two extensive islands, called respectively North and South Island, besides numerous smaller isles, of which Stewart Island is the most southerly and the most considerable. Chatham Isles, lying 550 miles east of Banks Peninsula ( see Map of World), forms part of the Colony. Length from N. to S., 1,050 miles. The united area, computed at 106,259 square miles, is about £th larger than Great Britain. The seat of government has been recently removed from Auckland to the more centrally situated Wellington. Scale of .Map 80 miles to an inch ; one square inch comprising about times the area represented by one square inch of Map of England. TABLE OF THE DIVISIONS OF NEW ZEALAND ( * CENSUS OF 1871). Population. Capitals. Population. Population. Capitals. Population. Province of Auckland, „ Taranaki, „ Wellington, ,, Hawke’s Bay, . 62,335 4,480 24,001 6,059 Auckland, New Plymouth, Wellington, Napier, 12,937 1,837 7,908 2,179 Province of Nelson, ,, Marlborough, . ,, Canterbury, . County of Westland, . Province of Otago, 22.501 5,235 46. 501 15,357 69,491 Nelson, Blenheim, Christchurch, Hokitika, Dunedin, 5,534 396 7,931+ 3,572 14,S57 North Island, 96,875 South Island, 159, 3S5 Chatham Islands, 133 Total, 256,393 Wellington. * Excludes the aboriginal natives. t With suburbs, 12,46t>. The Britisli Colony of Tasmania is an island lying off the southern extremity of Australia, separated from the colony of Victoria by Bass Strait, in which are several smaller isles attached to the Colony. It is on the same latitude as the Province of Canterbury, New Zealand. Prom North to South it extends for 235 miles, and from east to west 197 miles. Area 26,215 square miles, or about ^th less than Scotland, with a population in 1870 of 99,328. The aboriginal population is now extinct. It is divided into 18 .counties. Capital, Hobart Tow.«.. Tasmania was named Van Diemen’s Land by its discoverer, Tasman (1642), whose own name it now bears, in honour of Anthony Vac Diemen, the Governor of Batavia. Convicts with their guards formed the first white population (1803). It was established an independent colony in 1825. Scale of Map same as New Zealand. MAP OF NEW ZEALAND AND OF TASMANIA. 5 COUNTIES, ETC. Amur! Dist. Nelson D e Dorset Co. Tasmania S 11 Monmouth Co. Tasmania S V Somerset Co. Tasmania S V Arthur Co. Tasmania S V East Cape Co. Auckland G b Montague Co. Tasmania R u Southland Prov. (now to Auckland Prov. New Zealand E b Eden Co. Auckland E b Montgomery Co. Tasmania R V Otago) New Zealand B { Bedford Co. Auckland E a Franklin Co. Tasmania R V Opitiki Co. Auckland F c Waikako Co. Auckland E c uckingliam Co. Tasmania S V Glamorgan Co. Tasmania S u Otago Prov. New Zealand B f Wellington Co. Tasmania R ? Canterbury Prov. New Zealand C e Greys Co. Auckland E c Pembroke Cc. Tasmania S V Westland Co. New Zealand E Q Cooks Co. Auckland E b Kent Co. Tasmania S V Queens Co. Auckland E b Westmoreland Co. Tasmania S n Cornwall Co. Tasmania S u Lincoln Co. Tasmania S u Rotoroa Co. Auckland F c Whakatane Co. Auckland F c Cumberland Co. Tasmania S V Marsden Co. Auckland E b Russell Co. Tasmania R ll Winyard Co. Auckland D a Devon Co. Tasmania S u Monganui Co. Auckland D a Rutland Co. Auckland E b TOWNS, ETC. Abbotsbury, Tasmania T u Hamilton, Tasmania S V Newcastle, Otago B f Addison’s Flats, 1,500 Nelson D d Hampden, Hawke Bay F c Newhaven, Otago B g Abaipara, Auckland D a Hauraki, Auckland E b New Norfolk, Tasmania S V Ahuriri, Hawke Bay F c Havelock, Auckland E b New Plymouth, 1,837 Taranaki E c Aliwitu, Auckland E b Havelock, Marlborough I) d Newton, 3,957 Auckland E b Akaroa, Canterbury D e Havelock, Otago B f Ngaruawahia, Auckland E b Albert Town, Auckland E b Hawkswood, Nelson D e Norfolk, New, Tasmania S V Alexandra, Auckland E b Havvkesbury, Otago C f Oamaru, 1,657 Otago C f Alexandra, Otago B f Hekitiho, Wellington F d Oatlands, Tasmania S V Arowenua, Canterbury C f H erbert, Otago C f Ohorangi, Wellington F cl Arrowtown, Otago B f Heretaunga, Hawke’s Bay F c Ohura, Taranaki E c Auckland, 12,937 Auckland E b Hobart Town, 19,519, Cap. of Tasmania S V Okarito, Westland C e Balclutha, Otago B g Hokitika, 3,572 Cap. of Westland C e Okura, Taranaki D c Bangitukia, Auckland G b Horokiwi, Wellington E d Omaha, Auckland D b Bathurst, Tasmania S V Howick, 640 Auckland E b Omamakio, Auckland G c Beechford, Tasmania S u Hua, Taranaki E c Omata, Taranaki E c Bellerive, Tasmania S V Hull, Otago C g Oneliunga, 1,913 Auckland E b Bicheno, Tasmania T u Invercargill, 1,960 Otago B Opepe, Auckland F c Blenheim, 741 Marlborough E d Iringatahi, Auckland F c Opotiki, Auckland F b Blueskins, Otago C f Kaiapoi, 868 Canterbury D e Orewa, Auckland E b Bothwell, Tasmania S V Kaikora, Marlborough D e Oruanui, Auckland E c Bridport, Tasmania' S u Kailoia, Auckland D a Osterly, Tasmania S XL Brighton, Nelson' C e Kaitangata, Otago C g Otahuhu, 552 Auckland E b •Brighton, Tasmania S V Kaiivara, Auckland E b Otaki, Wellington E d Brighton, 1,000 Nelson D d Kararoa, Nelson C e Otawliao, Auckland E b Burgess, Tasmania S u Kawa Kawa, Auckland G b Outram, Otago C f Cambridge, Auckland E b Kerikeri, Auckland D a Oxford, Canterbury D e Cameron, Auckland E b Kingstown, Otago B f Pahietua, Wellington E d Campelltown, Otago B g Kopuanui, Wellington E d Paihia, Auckland E a Campbell Town, Tasmania S u Latrobe, Tasmania S XL Pakawa, Auckland E c Chalmers, Port, Otago C f Launceston, 10,359 Tasmania S XL Palmerston, Otago C f Chapman, Canterbury C e Lawrence, Otago B i Papakura, Auckland E b Charleston, 1,354 Nelson C d Leithfield, Canterbury D e Paparoa, Auckland E b Christchurch, 7,931 Canterbury D e Longford, Tasmania S u Parnell, 3,563 Auckland E b Chudleigh, Tasmania S u Lyttelton, 2,551 Canterbury D e Patana, Auckland D a Cleveland, Tasmania S u Maioro, Auckland E b Patea, Taranaki E c Clifton, Nelson D d Maketu, Auckland F b Pembroke, Otago B f Clinton, Otago B & Manawarakau, Hawke’s Bay F c Perth, Tasmania S u Clyde, Hawke Bay F c Mangarera, Auckland G c Picton, 636 Marlborough E d Cobden, 717 Nelson C e Mangatawhiri, Auckland E b Pipiriki, Wellington E c Cookville, Tasmania S V Mangawai, Auckland E b Plymouth, New, Taranaki D c Cromwell, Otago B f Maniwapo, Taranaki E c Pokarue, Auckland G c Dacre, Otago B g Margate, Tasmania S V Poole, Tasmania T u Dalhousie, Otago B g Marlborough, Tasmania S V Port Chalmers, 1,406 Otago C f Deloraine, Tasmania S u Marsden, Auckland E a Pukearuhfe, Taranaki E c Dorchester, Tasmania B u Masterton, Wellington E d Pukerau, Auckland E c Drury, Auckland E b Matabu, Auckland G c Punakaiko, Nelson 0 e Duuedin, 14,857 Otago C f Matakana, Auckland E b Queenstown, Otago B f Falmouth, Tasmania T u Matata, Auckland F b Raglan, Auckland E b Fingal, Tasmania T u Meremere, Auckland E b Ramsgate, Tasmania S V Foxton, Wellington E d Milton, 523 Otago C or Rangiora, 763 Canterbury D c Franklin, Tasmania S V Moeraki, Otago C f Rangiriri, Auckland E b George Town, Tasmania S XL Mokonui, Marlborough D e Rangi wh ia, Auckland E c Geraldine, Canterbury C f Molyneux, Otago B g Renwick, Marlborough D d Gladstone, Otago B f Monganui, Auckland D a Rewa, Wellington E cl Grahamstown, 2,254 Auckland E b Mongawliare, Auckland D a Riccarton, Canterbury D e Graycroft, Tasmania S V Montgomery, Tasmania R V Richmond, Tasmania S V Greymouth, 2,181 Westland C e Motueka, Nelson D d Ringaroma, Tasmania S u Greytown, Otago C f Napier, 2,179 Hawke’s Bay F c. Riverton, Otago B g Greytown, Wellington E d Nelson, 5,534 Nelson D d Riwaka, Nelson D d Ross, Roxburgh, Russel, Russell, Seaf'ord, Sefton, Selwyn, Seymour, Shortland, 3,538 Smith ton, Somerset, Sorell, Stafford town, Stanley, Swansea, Takepu, Takuka, Tarleton, Tawiriho, Temu, Te Papa, Thurnbridge, Timam, 1,418 Tipoka, Torquay, Totoes, Triabunna, Tuainarina, Turakina, Turanga-nui, Urenui, Ulverstone, Waikeke, Waikenai, Waimate, Waimate, Waipa wa, Wairakaraka, Wairewa, W airoa, Waiuku, Wakari, Wakefield, Wallingford, Wanganui (or Petre). Wanahiu, Warea, Wellington, Cap. of Zealand, 7,903 Werata, Werowero, Westbury, Westport, 878 Weymouth, Winton, W ynyard, York, Westland C e Otago B f Auckland E a Auckland E a Nelson D d Canterbury D e Canterbury I) e Tasmania T u Auckland E b Tasmania R u Tasmania R u Tasmania S v Westland C e Otago B g Tasmania T v Wellington E d Nelson D d Tasmania S u Wellington E d Auckland F c Auckland F b Tasmania S v Canterbury C f Taranaki D c Tasmania S u Otago B g Tasmania T v Marlborough D d Wellington E d Auckland F c Taranaki E c Tasmania S u Taranaki E c Wellington E d Au.kland D a Taranaki E c Hawke’s Bay F c Wellington E d Canterbury D e Auckland D a Auckland E b Hawke’s Bay F c Nelson D d Hawke’s Bay F d , 2,390 Wellington E c Auckland D b Taranaki D e New Wellington E d Wellington E d Auckland F c Tasmania S u Nelson C d Tasmania S u Otago B Tasmania R Tasmania S u RIVERS, Aorere R., 35 m. Nelson D Arthur R. 68 m. Tasmania R Ashburton ( Eakatere ) R., 55 m. Canterbury C Ashley ( Rakdhauri ) R., 35 m. Canterbury D Awarua R. Otago A Awateri R , 50 m. Marlborough E Buller (Kawatir) R., 70 m. Nelson C Cavew Pi., 55 m. Canterbury C Cholmondely (Rakaia) R., 90 m. Clarence R., 100 m. Clutha or Molyneux, R. Conway R. Courtenay R., 75 m. Derwent R., 115 m. Dillon R.,95m. Esk R., 80 m. Eyre, R., 65 m. False Hakiangi R. Forth R. , 60 m. Gordon R., 95 m. Grey R., 65 m. ■least it., 30 m. Canterbury C Marlborough E ,190 m. Otago B Marlborough D Canterbury D Tasmania S Nelson D Tasmania S Canterbury D Auckland D Tasmania S Tasmania R Nelson C Westland B d Hakatere (Ashburton R.), Canterbury C f Opotiki R. Auckland F b XL Heaphy R. Nelson D d Oreti R., 110 m. Otago B g Hireware, R. Canterbury D e Oroua R. Wellington E d f Hokianga R., False, Auckland D a Otaio R. Canterbury C f Hunter R. Canterbury B f Oweka R. Nelson D e e Huon, R. , 70 m. Tasmania S V Pelorus, R. Marlborough D d f Huronui R., 70 m. Nelson D e Piako R., 65 m. Auckland E b d Hutt R. Wellington E d Piemans R. , 55 m. Tasmania R u d Jacobs R., 60 m. Otago B g Pomahaka R., 60 m. Otago B f f Jordan, R. Tasmania S V Porangaha, R. Hawke Bay F d Kaipara R. Auckland E b Puturea R. Nelson D d e Karamea R. Nelson D d Rakahauri (Ashley R. ), Canterbury D e e King R. Tasmania R V Rakaia (Cholmondely R ) Canterbury C e f Leven, R. Tasmania S XL Raleigh or Waitara R. Taranaki E c e Macquarie R., 90 m. Tasmania S 11 Rangitata R. Canterbury C f e Manawatu R., 90 m. Wellington E d Rangitiki R. Wellington E c V Mataura R., 115 in. Otago B g Ruamalianga R. Wellington E d e Miana R. Hawke Bay F c Taieri R. 140 m. Otago C f u Mohaka R., 60 m. Hawke Bay F c Tamar R., 30 m. Tasmania S u e Mokau, 58 m. Taranaki E c Taramakau R. Westland C e a Mold Elbow, Canterbury C f Tekapo R. Canterbury C f n M olvneux or Clutha, R., 190 m. Otago B f Tepnru R. Nelson C d V New R. Otago B g Tukituki R. Hawke Bay F c e Ngaruroro R. Hawke Bay F c Turakini R. Wellington E d e Ohiwa R. Auckland F b Waiapu R, Auckland G b Waiau, R. Waiau, R. Waihao R. Wailio R., 65 m. Auckland Otago Canterbury Auckland Waihora, or L. Ellesmere, Canterbury Waikare R. Waikato R.. 220 m. Wainnakariri, Waipa R., 60 m. Waipara R. Wairau, R., 65 m. Wairoa, R. Wairoa, R. Wairorongo R. Waitahuna R. Auckland Auckland Canterbury Auckland Canterbury Marlborough Auckland Hawke’s Bay Wellington Otago Waitaka E. Otago and Canterbury Waitara or Raleigh ft. Taranaki Wakapoai (Heaphy R.l, Nelson Wangahu R. Wellington Wanganui R., 20 m. Westland Wanganui R., 150 in. Taranaki Whakatane R. Auckland Whaugamata U, Auckland C CfQ 0 MAP OF NEW ZEALAND AND OF TASMANIA, Arthur, L. Nelson I) (1 Howloko, L. L A K Otago A'g ES. Roto rua, L. Auckland F c Waihola, L. Otago C g Brunner L. Westland C b Kakapn, L. Otago B S St. ( lair, E. Tasmania S V Waihora or E. Ellesmere, Canterbury D e Coleridge, L Canterbury C Tasmania S e Manipori E. Otago A r Sorrell, L. Tasmania S V WaikaraL. Auckland E b Echo, L. V Mavora, L. Otago B t Sumner, L. Canterbury D e Waikari L. Auckland F c Ellesmere, L . ( Waihora), Canterbury D e Mouowai L. Otago A f Taieri, E. Otago C f Wairarapa, L. Wellington E d Great E. Tasmania S u Ohau, L. Canterbury B f Taupo, L. Alt. 1,250 ft. Auckland E c Wairarapa, L., Lower, Wellington E d Hawea, L. Altitude 1,089 It. Otago B f Pender. L. Tasmania S V Te Anau E. Otago A f Wakatipu L. Otago B f Heron, L. Canterbury C e Pukaki, E. Canteroury C f Tekapo, L. Canterl . a ry C e Wauaka, L. Altitude 971 ft. Otago B f Ho wick, L. Nelson U d Roto-iti, L. Auckland F c Terawera L. Auckland F c MOUNTAINS, ETC. Ahead Lump, Westland C e Franklin, Mt., 10,000 Nelson D d Mary Peak, Otago A f Somers, Mt. Canterbury C e Alexander Mt., 3,850 Otago A f Frenchman’s Cap, 4,756 Tasmania R V Maungaraki Range, Wellington E <1 Southern Alps, Canterbury C e Angelin, Mt. Stewart I. A g Garvie Mts. Otago B f Maungiitaimva, Mt.. 2,150 Auckland D a Stokes, Mt. South. Alps B e Aorangi, Mt., 2,850 Wellington E d Great Western Mts. . Tasmania S u Miromiro, Mt. Nelson D e Surrey Hdls, Tasmania R u Arthur, Mt. Nelson D d Grey, Mt., 3,000 Canterbury D e Obelisk, Otago B f Takitimo Mts., 1,998 Otago B f Arthur Range, 3,088 Tasmania S V Haast Range, Westland B f Oreti Plain, Otago B g Tararua Mts. Wellington E d Aspiring, Mt., 9,913 Westland B f Hardv. M.‘ 3,700 Auckland F b Otanewainuku Mt. Auckland F b Taupiri, 1,863 Wellington E c Bare Hill. Otago B f Haze Hill, Westland C e Oteuku, Mt. Canterbury 0 f Tawhiti Hill, Auckland G c Bearing Hill, 2,500 Otago B g Helvellyn, Nelson D -e Paparoa Range, Nelson c e Te Aroha Mt Auckland E b Ben Lomond, 5,010 Tasmania S u Hokanui Hills, Otago B g Paritea Range, Canterbury D e Telford Peak, Otago A f Ben More, 4,360 Marlborough E d Humboldt, Mt., 5.520 Tasmania R V Peel, Mt., 5,4110 Canterbury C e Te Whaiti Range, Auckland F c Ben Nevis, Nelson D d Hunter Mts. Otago A X Pembroke Peak, 6,710 Otago A f Toka-toka Mt. Auckland E t) Ben Ohan Mts. Canterbury C f Hunters Hills, 3,500 Canterbury C f Perouse, La (Mt.), 3,800 Tasmania S v Tongariro, Mt. (active volcano). Black Peak, Otago B f Hutt, Mt., 6,800 Canterbury C e Petermann, Mt. Canterbury C e 6,500 Wellington E c Buckland, Alt. , 6,800 Nelson C d Ida, Mt. Otago C f Picton, Mt., 4,340 Tasmania S V Torlesse, Mt., 6,136 Canterbury C e Camel, Mt. Auckland D a Ikurangi, Mt., 3,535 Auckland F b Pinetheugh Mt. Otago B f Two Thumb Range, Canterbury C e Canterbury Plains, Canterbury C e Kaikora Range, Marlborough D e Pirongia, Mt., 2.800 Auckland E c Tuna, Mt., 8,000 Nelson D e Cook, Mt. , 13,200—12,460 South Alps C e Kaimatau Mt. Canterbury C e Pollux, Mt., 8,633 Canterbury B f Tutamoi Mt. Auckland D a Cradle Mountain, 3,069 Tasmania R u Kaimauawa Range, 3.50C Wellington F c Princess Mts. Otago A f Tyndall, Mt. South. Alps C e Home, Mt., 2,110 Stewart 1. A g Kaimouhu Mt. Auckland G b Puketui Range, Wellington F d Umbrella Range, Otago B f Domett, Mt. Nelson D d Karamea Plains, Nelson D Rangitoto, Mt., 2,600 Auckland E c Umbrella, White, Otago B f Domett, Mt., 5,400 Otago C f Karioi, Mt., 2,370 Auckland E b Ridge Peak, Otago C f Wairarapa Valley, Wellington E d Dunstan Mts. Otago B f Kauri Forest, Auckland D a Rua-aniwha Plains, Hawke’s Bay F c Weld, Mt. Marlborough D d Earnslaw (Mt.), 10,000— -9,165 Otago B f Kaweka, Mt., 2,600 Wellington F c Ruahine Range, Wellington F c Western Mts., Great, Tasmania S u Edgcumbe, Mt. ( Putauaki ), Keith Johnston, Mt. Canterbury C e Ruapehu, Mt. , 9,195 Wellington E c Whanga Range, Auckland E b 2,575 Auckland F c Lammerlaw, 3,820 Otago B f Seven Hummocks, Wellington E c Whangari Mt. Auckland G c Egmont, Mt., 8,270 Taranaki E c La Perouse (Mt. ), 3,800 Tasmania S V Sinclair, Mt. Canterbury D e Whare-orino Mt., 2,074 Auckland E c Eldon Range, 4,739 Tasmania R a Looker on Range, 8,700 Marlborough D e Silver Peak Hills, Otago C f White Stone Peak, Ne son C e Eyre Mts. Otago B f Evell Range, Nelson D d Skiddaw, 5,740 Nelson D e White Umbrella, Otago B f Field West, Tasmania S V Manuherikia Valley, Otago B f Slopedown Hill, Otago B g Wylds Crag, 4,399 Tasmania R V BAYS, GULFS, ETC. Admiralty Bay, Nelson E d D’Entrecasteaux Channel Tasmania S V Manukau Harbour, Auckland E b Queen Charlotte Sound, Marlborough E d Adventure, Port, Stewart I. B g Doubtful Inlei, Otago A I Marion Bay, Tasmania T V Rangaounou Bay, Auckland D a Ahaipara Bay, Auckland D a Doubtless Bay, Auckland D a Martin Bay, Otago A f Sorell, Port, Tasmania S u Akaroa Harbour, Canterbury D e Dusky Bay, Otago A f Nasons Bay, Stewart I. A g Spirits Bay, Auckland D a Anderson Bay, Tasmania S u Eliot Cove, Tasmania R V Massacre or Golden Bay, Nelson D d Storm Bay, Tasmania S V Aotea Harbour, Auckland E b Emu Bay, Tasmania R u Mercury Bay, Auckland E b Taranaki Bight, North, New Zealand E c Arthur, Port, Tasmania g V Fenton, Port, Tasmania S u Milton Sound, Otago A f Taranaki Bighl, South, New Zealand E d Banks Strait, Tasmania T u Fires, Bay of, Tasmania T u Nicholson, Port, clliugton E d Tasman or Blind Bay, Nelson D d Barn Bay, Westland B f Foveaux Strait, New Zealand A g Noland Bay, Tasmania S u Tauronga Harbour, A uckland F b Bass Strait, between Tasmania k Austr. R t Frederick, Port, Tasmania S u Ohebnnge (Harbour), Wellington F d Tautuku Bay, Otago B g Bay of Islands, Auckland E a Firth of Thames, Auckland E b Oken Bay, Canterbury D e Tewywys Bay, Otago A Bligli Sound, Otago A f George Sound, Otago A f Open Bay, Auckland G b Thames, Firth of, Auckland E b Blind or Tasman Bay Nelson D d Golden or Massacre Bay, Nelson D d Oputo Bay, Hawke’s Bay F d Thompson Sound, Otago A f Bluff Harbour, Southland B g Gore Bay, Nelson D e Otago, Port, Otago C f Tokomorua Bay, Auckland G c Bone Bay, Canterbury D e Gore, Port, Marlborough E d Oyster Bay, Tasmania T V Tolago Bay, Auckland G c Breaksea Sound, Otago A f Half-moon Bay, Marlborough D e Palliser Bay, Wellington E d Tom Bowline Bay, Auckland D a Bruce Bay, Westland B e Harriet Bay, Taranaki D c Parenga-renga Harbour, Auckland D a Toitoes Bay, Otago B g Canterbury Bight, Canterbury D f Hauraki Gulf, Auckland E b Paterson Inlet, Stewart I. B g Tutukaka Harbour, Auckland E a Caswell Sound, Otago A f Hawke Bay, Hawke’s Bay F c Pegasus Bay, Canterbury D e Waimate Bay, Taranaki E c Chalky Inlet, Otago A g Hawlcesbury Bay, Otago O f Pegasus, Port, Stewart I. A K Waipari Bay, Auckland G c Charles Sound, Otago A f Hicks Bay, Auckland G b Pelorus Sound, Marlborough E d Wang inui Inlet, Nelson D d Cloudy Bay, Marlborough E d Ilokianga Bay, Auckland D a Peraki Cove, Canterbury D e Wangari Bay, Auckland E a Cook Strait, between N. k S. Island, Howell Bay, Otago B g Pigeon Bay, Canterbury D e Wangari Harbour, Auckland E a New Zealand E d Islands, Bay of, Auckland E a Plenty, Bay of, Auckland F b Wangaroa Harbour, Auckland D a Cooper, Port, Canterbury D e Jackson Bay, Westland B e Poison Bay, Otago A f Wangaruru Harbour, Auckland R a Coromandel Harbour, Auckland E b Kaipara Harbour, Auckland E b Port Frederick, Tasmania S u Whaingaroa Harbour, Auckland E b Croisilles Elarbour, Nelson D d Karamea Bight, Nelson D d Port Gore, Marlborough E d Wicklitfe Bay, Otago G f Daggs Sound, Otago A f Kawliia Harbour, Auckland E c Poverty Bay, Auckland G c Dalrymple, Port, Tasmania S n Levy Bay, Canterb nry D e Preservation Inlet, Otago A g Davey, Port, Tasmania R V Macquarie Harbour, Tasmania R V Pukinui Bay, i Hawke’s Bay G c ISLANDS, PENINSULAS, AND CAPES. Abut Head, Westla e C'ape Barren I. Tasmania T 11 Fanal I. Auckland E a Hogan I. Bass Strait S t Ahou I. Auckland E b Cascade Point, Westland B e Farewell, C'ape, Nelson D d Hummock I. Tasmania S 11 Aiguilles Point, Auckland E b Castle Point, Wellington F d Farewell Spit, Nelson D d Hunter I. Tasmania R 11 Alapawa I. Marlborough E d Cavalli 1. Auckland E a First Rocky Head, Otago C f Kalian, Wellington E d A 1 batross I . Tasmania R ll Centre I. Otago A g Flat Point, Wellington F d Kaikora Peninsula, Marlborough D e Albatross Point, Auckland E c Chalky I. Otago A g Flinders I. Tasmania T t Kangaroo I. Tasmania S u Alderman Is. Auckland F b Chappell Is. Tasmania S u Foulwiud, Cape, Nelson C d Kaohaihi Point, Westland B e Amuri Bluff, Marlborough D e Chaslands Mistake, Otago B g Franklin, Cape, Bass Strait s t Kapiti 1. Wellington E d Arid I. Auckland E b Chatham Is. ( Warekaun) Pop. 133. Frederick, Cape, Tasmania T V Karakara, Cape, Auckland D a Arnott Point, Westland B e Alt. 900 ft. Frecinet Peninsula, Tasmania T V Karewha I. Auckland F b Babel I. Tasmania T t Circular Head, Tasmania R u Furneaux Group. Tasmania T u Kaurangi Point, Nelson D d Banks Peninsula, Canterbury D e Cliffy Head, Westland C e Gable-end Foreland (Pori-nui- Kawau I. Auckland E b Bare I. Hawke Bay F c Codfish I. Stewart I. A g te-ra), Auckland G c Kent Is. Bass Strait S t Barren, Cape, Tasmania T u Colville, Cape, Auckland E b Gannet I. Auckland E b Kidnappers Point ( Matau a- Barrier, Cape, Auckland E b Crocodile Rock, Bass Strait S t Glennie I. Bass Strait S t maui), Hawke Bay F c Barrier I., Great ( Otea ), Auckland E b Curtis I. Bass Strait S t Goose I. Tasmania S u King 1. Tasmania R t. Barrier E, Little, Auckland E b Cuvier I. Auckland E b Great Barrier I. Auckland E b Lodi, Cape, Tasmania T u Black Pyramid, Tasmania R u Deal I. Bass Strait S t Green I. Otago A O’ Long I. Stewart I. A o Bold Head, Westland C e Devil Tower, Bass Strait S t Green Point, Nelson D d Long Point. Otago B tr Breaksea Point, Stewart I. A g Double Rock, Tasmania S u Grim, Cape, Tasmania R u Lookout Bluff, Otago C 1 Bream Head, Auckland E a D’Urville I. Marlborough D d Harbinger Rocks, Tasmania R t Low Head, Tasmania S U Brett, C. Auckland E a East Cape ( Otiki ), Auckland G b ' Hnussiez Group, or Mercury Maliia Peninsula (Tern Brothers Point, Otago B g Eddystone Point, Tasmania T n Is. Auckland F b Kako), Hawke Bay G P- uny I. Tasmania S V Egmont, Cape ( Whakatara- Hen and Chickens, Auckland E a Makawiho Point, Westland B c Bush End Point, Nelson D d reki ), Taranaka D c Hi libs. Point, Tasmania R V Maria I. Tasmania T V Campbell, Cape, Marlborough E d Erith I. Bass Strait S t High Rocks, Tasmania R V Maria Van Diemen, Cape, Auckland D i MAP OF NEW ZEALAND AND OF TASMANIA 7 Mattsuvke"s Is. Tasmania S v j I’ateti Point, Canterbury C Mayor 1. ( Tuhua), Auckland F b Pepin I. Nelson D Mercury Is., or Haussiez Perpendicular Point, Nelson C Group, Auckland F b Phoques, I. des. Tasmania T Mewstone (I.), Tasmania S V Pillar, Cape, Tasmania T Moggy I. Stewart I. A g Plate I. Auckland F Moko-hinou I. Auckland E a Pompey’s Pillar, Canterbury D Moncceur I. Bass Strait S t Poniu I. Auckland E Monganui Bluff, Auckland D a Poor Knights Is. (Tawiti Motakawa Point, Auckland G b Pahi), Auckland E Motiti I. Auckland F b Portland, Cape (Te Ilaura , Tasmania S Mot a Hora I. Auckland- F b Portland I. Hawke Bay G Motutapu I. Auckland E b Providence, Cape, Otago A Needle Rock, Tasmania S V Pyramid, Bass Strait S N ew Leinster, former name of South Quoin Point, Otago C Island. Rangitoto, Auckland E New Ulster, former name of North Island. Reef Point (Tau-roa), Auckland D Ninety Miles Beech, Canterbury C f Reid Rocks, Tasmania R North Cape, Auckland D a Reinga, Cape, Auckland D North I., formerly New Ulster Resolution I. Otago A {Te Ibt a Maui, ie., The Robbins I. Tasmania R Fish of Maui). Pop. 96,875 Rocks Point ( Taura-te-woka) , Nelson D Europeans. New Zealand I) b Rocky Head, Tasmania R North Rocks, Stewart I. A g Rocky Point, Tasmania R Nugget Point, Otago B Rodney Point, Auckland E Oaia I. Auckland E b Rodondo I. Bass Strait S Open Bay Is. Westland B e Ruapuke i. Otago B Ordnance Point, Tasmania R u Ruapuke I. Southland B f Ramatua Point, Taranaki D c Runaway, Cape, Auckland F Palliser, Cape, Wellington E d Ru RLma Rocks, Auckland F Sail Rock, St. Helen’s Point, St. Patrick’s Head, Sandhill Point, Sandy Cape, Sandy I. Saunders, Cape, Schouten I. Secretary I. Sisters Is. Slipper I. Solander I. Sorell, Cape, South Cape, South Cape, Canterbury D Tasmania T Tasmania T Otago A Tasmania R Nelson D Otago C Tasmania E Otago A Bass Strait T Auckland F Otago A Tasmania R Stewart I. A Tasmania S South I., formerly New Leinster (Te Walii Punamu, i.e., The Place 'of Greenstone). Pop. 159.385 Europeans. South Rocks, South West Cape, Stewart I. ( Uakiura ), Sugarloaf I. Swan I. Table Cape ( Teaurua), Tasman Head, Tasman Peninsula, Taura-te-weka (Rocks Pt. ), Te Rua Point, Three Hummocks I. New Zealand B Stewart I. A Tasmania Po New Zealand A Taranaki D Tasmania T Hawke s Bay G Tasmania S Tasmania T Nelson C Auckland E Tasmania R e u u O U f V f t b g v g e v o c ll c V V 4 c u Three Kings, Auckland D a Titirira Head, Westland B e Tourville Cape, Tasmania T v Traps, The, Stewart I. A g TuahinaHead, Auckland G c Turnagain, Cape (Te-Poro- Poro ), Wellington F d Ulster, New, former name of North Island. Waiheki I. Waikana Point, Waipapapa Point, Waitotara Point, Wakanui Point, Walker I. Warekauri or Chatham Is Pop. 133. Alt. 900 ft. Waterhouse I. Tasmania S Watikau Point, Taranaki E Weather Point, Stewart I. A West Cape, Otago A West Point, Tasmania R Whalers Home Point, Otago C White Bluff, Taranaki E White I. ( Whcilcari), active volcano, Auckland F White I. Otago C Windsor Point, Otago A Wiwiki, C. Auckland E Wright Rocks, Bass Strait S Auckland E b Auckland F It Otago B g Wellington E c Wellington E d Tasmania R u £ t-^crq ' - ■ v ' * . ■ I Engr aved. & Printed, in. Colours T. Elhvooi Zell, Eavi ill Tim i»iilil !ll!l ■*- IV A R A F U R A \ oj T\\ 'i\i %. fa** 5 E A &. Of Wales x Endeavour B. 1 Sa^Tio;.. i d-JVeos^- Otinda in ranct £ -PmdmaI:,ir ma ,-■■'/ lr y Earner. jr \yriout/t Jj. L 'y& dB '^‘iPirection r 1 It^* 0 r ic .-Jr. Si^nouth. vr A kat^ri CisaSotteB & <' v«s Hon 4 -,. irsfcB. imffirrtg&y Rand fDtUyW: ) King Marsh /V. y* i>tuart 1861 rehison l C ° R A cforaflfl, '& F *niAen a Jt ee/ > I !Ble S^»se J^ihau Rf& Gy* o Lyth ‘ Bonney Or, A. . L. yF 7 -~M t Fisher enport Ka.A- R \ y^iKorsters ~J&&attrol AKSti art $U . f "'^ Key no Ids Joanne % . : L i 1 . • '■ S trarifway s J a \ ondsboroiigli Fosters C r ‘ MF StandishAb I N D L H a^r house Rcc l^jJarries Range T WSUam. y . £>'• JTtfrvej^ , (J? JifSi ^~XT„ L _ ■.ir.lKf 11 $ 6 ' AS7 ''Marchant O. Tfaifc* 1 " 1 y 6h ■^wrfce ,q-4tj k#e ’"■•/ vll Jfc\ •; / MfMuro ^ivX& Tower. -5o»^e/i) *A3 \ Gredt.y Stone \ Desert '/// Q°’ /'Ay^feirilton Range Camuchdet — : i cJ *nzU MD$arife, Xu v M/i j, y, 4 .n-t ^ mvV7i IR^fg' ZrM. r nAnrutbld Carbine Cr. Rea, mp&R O Anwdcl ^St e , j*s |f /JFeZF'b'*™*'* -V aZ Ij. ::7; ■ ’^oirin-y JO f&lor- y'lai _a. Whidb'j, Boclyl.. Li;, -yw. Menbidxe ®- r i 1 1 B_ I jjd / ’ StutzorJ — JTui'Sts StCL.°A RacnaJlo . ^ot/eers 0 , ^Sgai^r o Corn* T*t !j r i<™r Js^3 G-P WrF^ffarahZ y? r °tenB&n , ort .r^_ -U^Cesbiuy B (*•%/ ^els 0 ^. j ^ isocn'^ uv. 'V •Gnma bo^J&f-'^S^rrJt - r Env. of New Orleans I) e 10 Arguin I. (French), W. Africa C b 33 Arowenua, Canterbury C f 35 Asheville N. C. C f 8 Arceuil, Seine B e 21 Argun, or Kerulen, R. Manchuria N e 28 Aroya, Colo. E O 13 Ashiield, Mass. B -1 5 Archangel, Archangel I e 24 Argunsk, Ft Russian Empire O c 28 Arpik, Greenland P b 2 Ashtield, Pa. D e 6 Archangel, gov. Russia K b 24 Argyll dist. Argyle C d 19 Arpino, Naples E d 26 Ashford, Conn. B g 5 Archangel, Gulf ot White Sea H b 24 Argyll, or Argyleshire, co. Scotland C d 19 Arport, N. Y. L d 6 Ashford, N. Y. C d 6 Archangel, New, or Sitka, Alaska G d 2 Arhanduy, Rio, Brazil E e 16 Arques, Seine interieure E b 21 Ashford, Wicklow E c 20 Archangelsk, Malo, Orel. H e 24 Ariano, Naples F d 26 Arra Mountains, Tipperary C d 20 Ashford, town, Kent G e 18 Archbold, Ohio H b 7 Ari Atoll (1.) Indian Ocean I h 28 Arrabeli, Plain of, Palestine B f 30 Aslikelon (Askulan), Palestine A g 30 Archelais, Palestine B f 30 Arica, Peru C d 16 Arran, I. Bute C e 19 Aslikum, 111. E e 7 Archer, Fla. N h 9 Arichena, Murcia I f 27 Arran, Vallee d’, Spain E e 21 Aslilknd, Ala. K d 9 Archer, co. Tex. G c 10 Arid Cape, W. Australia C f 34 Arrapeen, Utali H f 14 Ashland, 111. B d 7 Archiac, Charente inl'erieure D .1 21 Arid I. Auckland E b 35 Arraral, Ala. G f 9 Ashland, Ky. K e 7 Archibald, Pa. F c 6 Ari-dzong, Tibet E e 32 Arras, Pas de Calais F a 21 Ashland, Me. F b 5 Arehidona, Malaga F g 27 Aridge, or Arriege, R. Ariege E e 21 Arre, Soudan D c 33 Ashland, Nebr. H f 13 Archipelago, Grecian, L e 26 Ariege, Dep. France L e 21 Arreeifes, Argentine Rep. D f 16 Ashland, Ohio K e 7 Archville, W. Va. E b 8 Arik, R. Mongolia H a 32 Arree, Montagues d’, Finistere C b 21 Ashland, Pa. E f 6 Arcis sur Aube, Aube G b 21 Arikare Fork, Colo. E g 13 Arrenig Mt. Merioneth C d 18 Ashland, Tenn. H a 9 Areola, Ala. H e 9 Arimathea (Rimah), Palestine B f 30 Arrington Mt. Oreg. B d 14 Ashland, Teuu. H b 9 Areola, 111. D d 7 Arinos, R. Brazil E d 16 Arro I. Denmark F i 23 Ashland, Va. II d 8 Areola, Ind. G b 7 Arinos, R. dos, Brazil E c 16 Arrochar, Dumbarton D d 19 Ashland, Wis. F c 11 Areola, Minn. E d 11 Aripo, Ceylon F f 31 Arronches, Alemtejo C e 27 Ashland, co. Ohio K e 7 Arcona C. Rligen I. G a 22 Arisaig, Inverness C d 19 Arroo Is. Malaysia P i 28 Ashland, co. Wis. G c 11 Arcos, Brazil F c 16 Arisaig dist. Inverness C d 19 Arroux, R. Sa&ne-et-Luire G c 21 Ashley, Ark. B a 9 Arcos. Brazil F d 16 Arish (el), Morocco D d 33 Arrow L. Dom. of Canada G a 11 Ashley, III. C e 7 Arcos. Cadiz E h 27 Arish (el). Syria C c 29 Arrow R. Dom. of Canada F a 13 Ashley, Mo. P n 12 Arcos de Val de Vez, Minho B c 27 Arispe, ■ Mexico B a 15 Arrow R. Dom. of Canada G a 11 Ashley, Ohio Iv c 7 Art ot, or Arkat, Madras i’res. E e 31 Arivaca, Ariz. H k 14 Arrow R. Mont. A c 13 Ashley, Canterbury D e 35 Arctic Archipelago, N. America H a 1 Arivaypa R. Ariz. H i 14 Arrow R. Mont. I b 14 Ashley, co. Ark. D d 9 Arctic Ocean, 1 Arizona City, Ariz. F i 14 Arrow Rock, Mo. N n 12 Ashley Fork, Utah I c 14 Aida, R. Edime M d 26 Arizona, Ter. United States 14 Arrowsmith, R. W. Australia A e 34 Ashley’s Mills, Ga. N f 9 Ardabil, Persia F b 29 Arjeplog, Norrland K c 23 Arrowtown, Otago B f 35 Ashley R. S. C. E i 8 Ardagh, Limerick B d 20 Arjesli, Armenia E b 29 Arroyo del Puerco, Caceres L e 27 Ashley R. Canterbury D e 35 Ardagh, Longford D e 20 Arjisli, R. Wallachia M b 26 Arroyo de los Vacas, ■ Tex. E d 10 Asliourada, Persia G b 29 Anlara, Donegal C b 20 Arjisli Dagh, Mt. Asia Minor D b 29 Arrusie, E. Africa E li 29 Ashport, Tenn. F b 9 Ardatov, Nishegorod I d 24 Arjona, Jaen F g 27 Avsamas, Nishegorod 1 d 24 Ashtabula, Ohio M b 7 Ardatov, Simbirsk K e 24 Arka, Nalir (R.) Syria D a 30 Arsuk, Greenland Q c 2 Ashtabula co. Ohio M b 7 Ar'eath, Meath E c 20 Arkadejpbia, Ark. B e 9 Arta, • Janina 1 e 26 Aslitaroth (Tell Ashtere), Palestine C e 30 Ardeche, R. Ardeche G d 21 Arkansas, co Ark. D c 9 Arta, Gulf of, Greece I e 26 Aslitola, Pa. G f 6 Ardeche, dep. France G d 21 Arkansas Post, Ark. D c 9 Arta B. Majorca O e 27 Aslitola I. Beloochistan B b 31 '-idee, Louth E c 20 Arkansas R. Ark. C c 9 Artemisia Barrens, Wyom. I e 14 Ashton, Ark. D d 9 Ardekan Persia G c 29 Arkansas R. Ind. T. H a 10 Artenay, Loiret E b 21 Ashton, Iowa lv k 12 Aid el Huleb, Palestine C d 30 Arkansas R. Kansas G li 13 Artesia, Miss. G d 9 Ashton-under-liiK, m bor. Lane. D c 18 Arvskois More), S. Russia H d 26 e 19 e 19 d 30 c 30 e 31 d 15 a 33 g 30 b 29 b 31 f 2i a 33 g 30 f 24 f 24 h 14 f 27 (1 27 li 30 b 33 li 30 f 30 c 30 o 30 g 30 a 23 i 28 b 29 b 26 c 29 b 32 e 10 t 35 g 29 b 25 d 30 c 25 d 18 d 33 a 31 li 5 c 29 d 15 d 16 c 25 a 26 f 24 e 8 c 11 d 8 d 19 c 2 g 6 c 31 g 34 c 2 d 8 h 6 d 25 d 25 1' 15 c 18 f 27 f 27 C 27 e 24 f 11 f 11 c 4 f 31 c 22 c 21 b 25 d 22 d 22 d 22 d 19 d 19 c 25 b 4 h 13 d 32 c 11 d 14 f 23 g 27 e 16 1 27 c 29 b 2 b 2 a 29 c 29 e 33 f 29 f 23 f 23 e 29 c 29 d 20 g 29 li 30 b 31 d 20 c 33 e 21 e 21 e 21 b 4 d 4 e 34 f 14 b 31 c 27 b 32 g 29' b 15 r, 15 b 15 o 15 c 15 d 33 GENERAL INDEX. 7 Bahari, ov Lower Egypt, Egypt C c. 29 Bald Peak, N. Mex. D a 10 BallyduS Waterluid C d 20 Bahia, Bahia de Todosos Santos, Bald Peak, N. Y. H b 6 Ballyetragh, Tyrone D b 20 or Sao Salvador, Brazil G d 16 Bald Spot Mt. N C. C f 8 Ballyleris Point, Down F b 20 Bahia Blanca, Argentine Rep. D f 16 Bald Spot Mt. Bald Mts. N b 9 Ballygar, Galway C c 20 Bahiada Desert, Nubia H c 33 Baldenbufg, W. Prussia I b 22 Ballygally Head Antrim F b 20 Bahia Honda, Cuba G c 15 Baldock, Hertford F e 18 Baffiygarrett, Wexford E d 20 Bahia Honda, Florida Reefs L r 8 Baldoyle, Dublin E c 20 Ballygawley, Tyrone D b 20 Baida Ponce de Leon, Fla. L q 8 Baldwin, Fla. O g 9 Baliyglass, Mayo B c 20 Bahia, prov. Brazil F d 16 Baldwin, Miss. G c 9 Bally hack, Wexford E d 20 Bahn, Pomerania H b 22 Baldwin, Pa. B e 6 B dlyhaise. Cavan D b 20 Balir Bela ma, R. Egypt B d 29 Baldwin, co. Ala. H g 9 Bally hale, Kilkenny D b 20 Bahr Dembo, R. Upper Nile B h 29 Baldwin, co. Ga. M cl 9 Ballyhauhis, Mayo C c 20 Bahrein I. Persian Gulf G d 29 Baldwinsville, N. Y. E c 6 Ballyhean, Mayo B c 20 Bahr-el Abiad, or White Nile, Nubia C g 29 Balearic Is. & Prov. Spain N e 27 Ballyheige, Kerry B d 20 Bahr-el Arab, R. Upper Nile B h 29 Baleine Bank, N. W. Australia. C c 34 Ballyheige Bay, Kerry B d 20 Bahr-el Azrek, or Blue Nile, Nubia C S 29 Baleshare I. Outer Hebrides A c 19 Ballyhohiil, Limericic B d 20 Bahr-el Gazal, Nile Basin G d 33 Balfron, village, Stirling D d 19 Ballyhooly, Cork C d 20 Bahr-el Honir, R. Upper Nile B li. 29 Balfrush, Persia G b 29 Ballyhornan, Down F b 20 Bahr-el Honran R. Abyssinia I) g 29 Balgher Dagh (Metdesis), Mt. Ballyhourac Hills Cork & Limerick C d 20 Bahr-el Huleli (Waters of Merom), Asia Minor C b 29 Ballyjamesdutf, Cavan D c 20 Palestine C d 30 Balgun, E. Turkestan C b 32 Bally kelly, Londonderry D a 20 Bahr-el Jur or Gazelle, R. Bali (French), Madagascar I f 33 Ballylanders, Limerick C d 20 Upper Nile B h 29 Bali Bay (French), Madagascar I t* 33 Baliylilfin, Donegal D a 20 Bahr-es-Sali (Sea of Sand), Arabia F f 29 Bali I. Malaysia E i 1 lJallylinan, Queen’s County D d 20 Bahret Bala, Syria E d 30 Balikesri, Asia Minor B 1) 29 Ballylongford, Kerry B d 20 Bahret el Ateibeh, Syria E d 30 Balintang Channel, Philippine Is. O g 28 Ballylough, Antrim E a 20 Bahret el Ilijaneh, Syria E d 30 Balize or Belize, Brit. Honduras F cl 15 Ballymaearret, Down F b 20 Balir Jur, Nile Basin G d 33 Balize or Belize, Rio, Brit. Honduras F d 15 Ballymacooly, Cork O d 20 Bahr Lut (Dead, Sea) Palestine B h 30 Balize, Belize, or Brit. Honduras, col. F d 15 Ballymackney, Monaghan E c 20 Bahr Toni, Nile Basin G d 33 Balkan, Little, or Ballymagauran, Cavan D b 20 Bahr Tubariyeh (-Sea of Galilee), Istrandia Mts. Edirne M c 26 Ballymagorry, Tyrone D b 20 Palestine C e 30 Balkan Mts. (Ifcemus), Turkey L c 26 Ballymahon, Longford D c 20 Bai. E. Turldstan D b 32 Baikash,orTengiz,L.Rus. Turkestan I d 28 Ballymakeery, Cork B e 20 Baiburt, Armenia E c 29 Balkh, Turkestan H e 28 Ballymena. Antrim E b 20 Bai d’Icart, Guernsey D g 18 Balkh, khanate. Turkestan C a 31 Ballymoe, Galway C c 20 Baie St Paul, or Balkhutu, E. Turkestan E e 32 B illymouey. Antrim E a 20 St Paul’s Bay, Quebec H c 4 Balia, Mayo B c 20 Ballymouey Fishery, Wexford E d 20 Baikal L., or Holy Sea, Siberia M c 28 Ballacorick Bridge, Mayo B b 20 Bailymore, Westmeath D c 20 Baikal Mts. Siberia I a 32 Ballaghadereen, Mayo C c 20 Ballymore Eustace, Kildare E c 20 Baikal, Madras Pres. D e 31 Ballaghkeen, Wexford E d 20 Ballymote, Sligo C b 20 Bailen, Jaen G f 27 Ballahulish, Argyle C d 19 Ballymurphy, Carlow E d 20 Bailey’s Creek Mo. P o 12 Ballandul R. New S. Wales II e 34 Ballynabola, Wexford E d 20 Baileytown. Ind. E b 7 Ballantrae, village. Ayr D e 19 Ballynacally, Clare B d 20 Bailleul, Nord. F a 21 Ballarat, Gold District, Victoria G g 34 Ballynaearrow, Sligo C b 20 Baillieborough, Cavan E c 20 Ballard, Cape, Newfoundland R c 4 Ballynahinch, Down F b 20 Bailundo, Benguela F f 33 Ballard, co. Ky. C f i Ballynahinch Lough, Galway C c 20 Bain-belki, Mongolia I a 32 Ballardsville, W. Va. D c 8 Ballynakill Harbour, Galway A c 20 Bainbridge, Ga. L g 9 Bailater, village. Aberdeen E c 19 Ballynameen, Londonderry E b 20 Bainbridge, 111. C f 7 Ballbriggan, Dublin E c 20 Ballyneen, Cork C e 20 Bainbridge, Mich. L g 11 Ballenar, or Vallenar, Chili C e 16 Ballyness Bay, Donegal C a 20 Bainbridge, Mo. R p 12 Balli L. E. Africa E i 29 Ballyuoe. Cork C d 20 Bainbridge, N. Y. F d 6 Ballickmoyler, Queen’s County D cl 20 Ballynure, Antrim F b 20 Bainbridge, Ohio I d 7 Ballina, Tipperary C d 20 Ballyporeeii, Tipperary C d 20 Bain-hashn, Mongolia I a 32 Ballina, Sligo B b 20 Ballyragget, Kilkenny D d 20 Bains Mt. N. Australia E c 34 Ballinacarrigy, Westmeath D c 20 Ballyrau Plain, New S. Wales H e 34 Bairdstow, Pa. B f 6 Ballinacostello, Mayo C c 20 Ballyroan, Queen’s County I) d 20 Baircnval, Punjab E a 31 Ballinadee, Cork C e 20 Ballyronan, Londonderry E b 20 Baise, or Bayze R. Gers E e 21 Ballinafad, Sligo C b 20 Ballysadare, Sligo C b 20 Baisugskaia, Kuban Dist. H f 24 Balliuakill, Queen’s County D d 20 Ballysadare Bay, • Sligo C b 20 Baitalik, R. Mongolia H a 32 Ballinalema Bay, Galway A c 20 Ballyshannon, Donegal C b 20 Baitool, Central Provs. E c 31 Ballinamore, Leitrim D b 20 Rallyteige Bay, Wexford E d 20 Baja, Hungary F c 25 Ballinas Point, Lower California A b 15 Ballyvaghan, Clare B c 20 Baja de Rama, Walachia K b 26 Ballinas Bay, Lower California A b 15 Bally vourney. Cork B e 20 Bajmak, Hungary F d 25 Ballinasloe, Galway C c 20 Ballywalter, Down F b 20 Bajoli, Cape, Minorca O d 27 Ballincollig, Cork C e 20 Ballywilliam, Wexford E d 20 Bajom, Nagy, Hungary E c'25 Ballinderry, R. Londonderry E b 20 B diner, Rajpootana D b 31 Bajorea, Mexico A b 15 Ballindine, Mayo C c 20 Balmbral, Victoria (Jr g 34 Bakel (French), Senegambia C c 33 Ballindrait, Donegal D b 20 Balmoral Castle, Aberdeen E c 19 Baker City, Oreg. E c 14 Ballingarry, Tipperary C c 20 Balnagown Forest, Ross D c 19 Baker, co. Ala. I o 9 Ballingarry, Tipperary D d 20 Balonne or Baker, co. Fla. N g 9 Ballingarry, Limerick C d 20 Condamine R, Queensland H e 34 Baker, co. Ga. L f 9 Ballinlough, Roscommon C c 20 Balquhidder, Braes of, Perth D d 19 Baker, co. Oreg. E d 14 Ballinphuil, Galway C c 20 Balranald, New S. Wales G f 34 Baker I. Mass. D f 5 Ballinrobe, Mayo B c 20 Balrothery, Dublin E c 20 Baker L. Me. E b 5 Ballinskelligs Bay, Kerry A e 20 Bals Fiord, Tromso K b 23 Baker Mt. Wash. C a 14 Ballinspittle, Cork C e 20 Balsam L. Ontario D d 4 Bakersfield, Cal. D h 14 Ballintober, Roscommon C c 20 Balsam L. Wis. E d 11 Bakersfield, Vt. B d 5 Ballintogher, Sligo C b 20 Balsam Mts., N. C. B f 8 Baker’s R. N. H. C e 5 Balliutpy, Antrim E a 20 Balsamao, Brazil D c 16 Bakersville, N. C. C f 8 Ballintra, Donegal C b 20 Balsar, Bombay Pres. D c 31 Bakertown, Pa. B f 6 Ballinure, Tipperary D d 20 Balson de Mapimi, Desert, Mexico C d 15 Bakeu, Moldavia M a 26 Ballitore, Kildare E c 20 Balstad, Tromso G c 23 Bakewell, town, Derby E c 18 Ballivor, Meath E c 20 Balta, Podoiia F f 24 Bakhta, R. Siberia L b 28 Balloch, Dumbarton D d 19 Balta I. Shetland B b 19 Bakhtegan. or Neyriz, Persia G d 29 Ballon, Carlow E d 20 Baltanas, Palencia F c 27 Bakonyer Wald, Mts. Hungary F c 25 Ballon, Sarthe E b 21 Baltic Port, Esthonia E d 24 Baktchisarai, Taurida G g 24 Ballon d’ Alsace, Mt. Vosges H c 21 Baltic Provinces, div Russia F d 24 Baku, Persia H d 29 Ballplay, Ala. K c 9 Baltic Sea, N. Europe K h 23 Baku, Baku K g 24 Balls Gap, Tenn. M a 9 Baltimore, Cork B e 20 Bakurna, S. Cent. Africa F f 33 Ballston Spa N. Y. II c 6 Baltimore Md. E g 6 Bala, Merioneth C d 18 Ballybay, Monaghan E b 20 Baltimore, Mich. P g 11 Bala Lake, Merioneth O d 18 Ballybofey, Donegal D b 20 Baltimore, Ohio K d 7 Balabae I. Philippine Is. N h 28 Ballvboggan Abbey, Meath D c 2n Baltimore Bay, Cork B e 20 Balachna, Nishegorod I d 24 Ballyboy, King’s County D c 20 Baltimore co. Md. E S 1 Balaclava, Taurida G g 24 Ballybrittas, Queen’s County IJ c 20 Baltinglass, Wicklow E d 20 Bahigansk, Sibei'ia M c 28 Ballybrood, Limerick C d 20 Baltrum I. Hanover D b 22 Balaguer, Lerida L c 27 Ballycanew, Wexford E d 20 Baltschiki, Danube N c 26 Balamin, or Bulamein, Punjab D a 31 Ballycarthy, Wexford E d 20 Baluarte R. Tex. G f 10 Balangiri Nor, L. Mongolia G c 32 Ballycarry Longh, Antrim F b 20 Balunda Tribes, South Africa G f 33 Balashov, Saratov I e 24 Ballycastle, Antrim E a 20 Balyldei, Saratov K f 24 Balasinore, Gujerat D c 31 Ballycastle, Mayo B b 20 Balzas, Rio de las, Mexico C d 15 Balasore, Bengal G c 31 Babyclare, Antrim F b 20 Bam, or Bumm, Persia H d 29 Balassa Gyarmat, Hungary F b 25 Ballyclerahan, Tipperary D d 20 Bamharra Kingdom, Soudan D c 33 Balat Egypt B d 29 Ballycolla, Queen’s County D d 20 Bambarre Cent. Africa G e 33 Balaton L. (Flatten See), Hungary E c 25 Ballyconeely Bay, Galway A c 20 Bambaye R. Central Africa F e 33 Balaton Bereny, Hungary E_ c 25 Ballyconnell, Cavan D b 20 Bamber, Nev. E f 14 Balclutha, Otago B g 35 Ballycottin, Cork C e 20 Bamberg, Bavaria F d 22 Bald Eagle Creek, Pa. D e 6 Ballycottin Bay, Cork D e 20 Bambou Marshes, S. Australia F f 34 Bald Head, Me. D e 5 Ballycnmber, King’s County D c 20 Bambra, Bengal G c 31 Bald Head, Me. F- e 5 Ballydavid Head, Kerry A d 20 Bainbridge, Ind. F d 7 Bald Hillock Creek Dak. G c 13 Ballydehob, Cork D e 20 Bamian, or Baumeean, Afghanistan C a 31 Bald Mt. Me. D c 5 Ballydonegan, Kerry A e 20 Bammaku, Soudan D c 33 Bald Mt. New Brunswick K c 4 Ballydonegan Bay, Cork A e 20 Bamo Mayo, Burma’u I c 31 Bald Mts. N. C. C f 8 Ballyduff, Kerry B cl 20 Bampton, Oxford E e IS 8 GENERAL INDEX. B.impton, Devon C f IS Barhata, R. Granada H £ 27 Barra de Santander, Mexico G f 3 Jbnssas de Pedro, oi Eamunhateo, Bengal G c 31 Barberry, Ceylon F f 41 Barra del Tordo, Mexico G f 3 Pedro Bank, Laccadive Is. D e 31 Banada, Sligo C b 20 Barbezieux, Cliarente D d 21 Barra Head, Barra Islands A d 19 Bassatem, K. Abyssinia D g 2? Banaglier, King’s County D c 20 Barbosa, Columbia ,H f 15 Barra 1. Outer Hebrides A d 19 Bassein ( It'asai), Bombay Pres. D d 31 Banana, Queensland H d 34 Barbour, co. Ala. K f 9 Barra Islands, Outer Hebrides A d 19 Bassem, or Persaim , Brit. Burniah H d 31 Banana Is. (British) Sierra Leone C d 33 Barbour, co. Kans. G li 13 Barra, North, I. Ross B a 19 Bassein, or Negrais R. Brit. Bnrmali H d 31 Banan 1; a, New S. Wales H e 34 Barbour, co. W. Va -E b 8 Barra, or Mauaos, Brazil E c 16 Basseuthwaite Water, Cumberland C b 18 Bananal or Santa Anna I. Brazil E d 16 Barboursville, Ind. G e 7 Barra, Sound of. Hebrides A c 19 Basses Alpes. den. France H d 21 Banares (Benares), N. W. Provs. F b 31 Barboursville, Ky. I g 7 Barragan, Nevado de (Mt.), Andes H g 15 Basses Pyrenees, dep. France D e 21 Banas, R. Rajpootana E b 31 Barboursville, Va. G c 8 Barrakpoor, Bengal G c 31 Basseterre, St. Kitt’s I. L d 15 Banbridge, Down E b 20 Barboursville, W. Va. C c 8 Barrameda, San Lucar de, Cadiz D li 27 . Basseterre, Guadaloupe I. L d 15 Banbury, m. bor. Oxford- E d IS Barboursville, W. Virginia B g 4 Barranquilla, Columbia I e 15 Basset’s Creek, Ala. H f 9 Banca I. Malaysia M i 28 Barbuda I. (British), Antilles L d 15 Barras, R. Argentine Rep. D e 16 Bassim, Central Provs. E c 31 Bancliorvy, vil. Kincardine E c 19 Barca, cou. Nubia D f 29 Barraux, Fort, I sere G d 21 Bassorah, or Basra, Bagdad F c 29 Bancoora, Bengal G c 31 Barca province. Tripoli G a 33 Barre, Mass. B f 5 Bass Point, Env. -if boston G g 5 Banda Is. . Malaysia 0 i 2S Barca, R. Abyssinia D f 29 Barre, N. Y. C c 6 Bas tan Nor, E. Turkestan E b 32 Banda, Dar, Kingdom, Soudan G d 33 Barcell os, Brazil D c 16 Barre, Vt. B d 5 Bast i a. Corsica I e 31 Banda Sea, Malaysia 0 i 28 Barcellos, Minlio B c 27 Barreiro, Estremadura A f 27 Bastide (La), Giioude D d 31 Bandali, N. W. Provs. F b 31 Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto, Sicily F e 26 Barrege, Hautes Pyrenees E e 21 Bastogne, Belgium l ' (1 22 Bande, Orense C c 27 Barcelona, Venezuela L e 27 Barren, Tasmania T u 35 Bastrop, La. D e 9 Band el d’Agoa, R. E. Africa F k 29 Barcelona, Barcelona N c 27 Barren, co. Ky. G g 7 Bastrop, Tex. H d 10 Bandera, Tex. G e 10 Barcelona, prov. Spain N c 27 Barren Creek, Md. F li 6 Bastrop, co. Tex. H d 10 Bandera, co. Tex. G e 10 Bareelonet.te, Basses Alpes H d 21 Barren 1. Andaman Is. H e 31 Basuto Land, Brit. prov. S. Africa G g 33 Bando, Rio, Columbia H f 15 Barcena, Santander F a 27 Barren, R. Carlow E d 20 Basutos, or Bandon, Cork C e 20 Barclay Pa. E e 6 Barrhead, town, Renfrew D e 19 E. Betcbuanas, Race, S. Africa G g 33 Bandon, R. Cork C e 20 Barco de Avila, Avila E d 27 Barrhill, Ayr D e 19 Baswood L. Minn. F a 11 Banrza (La), Leon E b 27 Barcoo or Victoria R Queensland G e 34 Barrie, town, Ontario D d 4 Batabano, Cuba G c lc Banff, Mo. 0 q 12 Barcoo R., or Barrier nr Stanley Ra. N. S. Wales G f 34 Batak, Edirne L d 26 Banff, bor. Banff F c 19 Cooper Creek, S. Australia F e 34 Barrier. Cape, Auckland E b 35 BataipasliinsRaia, Stavropol I g 24 Banffshire, co. Scotland E c 19 Bardaysville, N. C. G f 8 Barrier I Great; (Otea), Auckland E b 35 Batan Is. Pacific Ocean O f 28 Bantfi-Huuyad, Transylvania H c 25 Bnrderah, Mukdeesha E i 29 Barrier I., Lit. Auckland E b 35 Baiu/iea, Palestine E e 30 Bangalore ( Benqaloor ), Mysore E e 31 Bardo Elf, Tromso K b 23 Barrier Reefs, Great, Australia H c 34 Batanis, Palestine E e 30 Bangaru, New S. Wales H f 34 Bardowal, L. Egypt C c 29 Barrington, Mass. A f 5 Bataszek, Hungary F c 25 Bang Bai, Soudan F c 33 Bardsey I. Carnarvon B d 18 Barrington, Nova Scotia L e 4 Batavia, Dutch Guiana E b 16 Bang Bai District, Soudan F a 33 Bardsey Sound. Carnarvon B cl 18 Barrington I. Galapagos Is. E li 15 Batavia, 111. D b 7 Bangitukia, Auckland G b 35 Bardstown, Ky. G f 7 Barron, Wis. F d 11 Batavia, Iowa O 1 12 Bangkok, Cap. of Kingdom, Siam K e 31 Bardujaui, Walachia M b 26 Barron, co. Wis. E d 11 Batavia, N. Y. C d 6 Bangla, or Fyzabad, Oude F b 31 Bare Hill, Otago B f 35 Barrow, R. - Batavia, Ohio H d 7 Bang Mook, Siam K d 31 Bare I. Hawke Bay F c 35 Queen’s Co. to Wexford D c & E d 20 Batavia, Cap. of Java, Malavsia D i 1 Bang-pa-soi, Siam K e 31 Baree Doab. plain, Punjab D a 31 Barrow Point, Alaska E b 2 Batavia R. Queensland G b 34 Bango, South Central Africa G f 31 Bareedy, Cape, Arabia D e 29 Barrow I. W. Australia B d 34 Batclia waving B. Dom. of Canada N c 11 Bangor, Down F b 20 Bareilly, N. W. Provs. E b 31 Barrow Strait, Arctic Regions L b 2 Batohawauug R. Dom. of Canada N c 11 Bangor, Mayo B b 20 Barfleur, Pt. de, Manche D b 21 Barrows L. Newfoundland Q b 4 Batcheewahaiing B L. Superior A c 4 Bangor, Me. F d 5 Bnrgar, Central Provs. F e 31 Barrow - i n-F urness Lancashire C b 18 Batcliian 1. Moluccas O i 28 Bangor, Mich. 0 f 11 Bargnzilisk, Russian Empire M c 28 Barrow-upon-Soar, Leicester E d 18 Batele, Sahara F c 33 Bangor, N. Y. G b 6 Bari ( Terra de Bari ) Prov. S. Italy G d 26 Barry, 111. A d 7 Bateman Bay, N. S. Wales i g 34 Bangor, Wis. F f 11 Bari, cou. Upper Nile C i 29 Barry, Lcnglord D c 20 Bates, Mo. M o 12 Bangor, p. bor. Carnarvon B c IS Bari delle Puglia, Naples G d 26 Barry, co. Mich. M g 11 Bate.sville, Ark. D b 9 Baugri, Lower Siam 1 f 31 Baril L. Dom. o- Canada G a 11 Barry, co. Mo. N q 12 Batesville, Ind. G d 7 Bangsdarra U. Madras Pres. F d 31 Barillo Spring, Tex. E d 10 Barry carra. Mayo B c 20 Bath, Ontario E d 4 Bangue, Sol'ala H f 33 Baring, Me. G c 5 Barrysway, Newfoundland Q c 4 Bath, 111. B e 7 Bangvveolo, L. Africa G f 33 Baring, Cape, Wollaston Land I b 2 Bars, Hungary F b 25 Bath, Me. E e 5 Baniak Is. Sumatra L h 23 Baringo L. Cent. Africa H d 33 Barskotun, Mongolia Iv a 32 Bath, Mich. N g 11 Ban ial uka. Bosnia G b 26 Barinha, Brazil F d 16 Bar sur Aube, A ube G b 21 Bath, N. C. I f 8 Banias, Syria D d 29 Bark B. Wis. F c 11 Bar sur Seine, Aube G b 21 Bath, N. H. C d 5 Banias (Cesarea Philippi) Palestine C il 30 Barka (Kasr el) Sahara C c 33 Bartan, Asia Minor C a 29 Bath, N. Y. D d 6 Banjer, R. Borneo N i 28 Barka, or Burka, Oman H e 29 Bartenstein, E. Prussia L a 22 Bath, S. C. D h 8 Banjermassin, Borneo N i 28 Barker I. N. W. Australia C b 34 Barterville, Miss. G c 9 Bath, W. Va. G b 8 Bank Cr. Mont. F a 14 Barking, town, Essex G e 18 Bartfeld, Hungary G b 25 Bath, city, Somerset D o 1? Bankers, Mich. N h 11 Barkley Tableland, N. Australia F c 34 Bartholomew, Ark. D d 9 Batli, co. Ky. 1 e 7 Banks B. Galapagos Is. E h 15 Barksdale, Miss. G d 9 Bartholomew, Bayou, Ark. and La. D d 9 Bath, co. Va. F o 8 Banks co. Ga. M c 9 Barkul, Kan-su F b 32 Bartholomew, co. Ind. G d 7 Batliang, Tibet G e 32 Banks I. Queensland G b 34 Bark id L. Kan-su F b 32 Bartlett, N. FI. C d 5 Bathgate, town. Linlithgow E e J9 Banks Is. Torres Strait G b 34 Bar-le-Duc Meuse G b 21 Bai ton. Mich. M f 11 Bathurst, New Brunswick L c 4 Banks Land, Banks Land II b 2 Bai lee, Lake, W. Australia B e 34 Barton, Tex. I c. 10 Bathurst, New S. Wales H f 34 Banks Peninsula, Canterbury D e 35 Bailee Range, W. Australia B d 34 Barton, Vt. B d 5 Bat liu rst (British), Senegambia C c 33 Banks Strait, Arctic Regions I b 2 Barletta, Naples G d 26 Barton, CO. Ga. L c 9 Bathurst, Tasmania S v 35 Banks Strait, Tasmania T u 35 Barley Cove, Cork B e 20 Barton, co. Kans. G g 13 Bathurst Bay, N. Queensland G b'34 Bankston, Miss. F d 9 Barmen, Pdienish Prov. D c 22 Barton, co. Mo. M p 12 Bathurst Bay, Queensland G b 34 Bauksville, Pa. A J 6 Barmen, Damara Land F g 33 Barton ia, Ind. H c 7 Bathurst, C. Brit. America H b 2 Bann, R. Down to Antrim E b 20 Barm ore, S. C. C g s Bartons, Ala. H c 9 Bathurst Inlet, Brit. America K c 2 Bann, R. Wexford E d id Barmouth. Merioneth B d 18 Barton-upon-Humber, Lincrln F c 18 Bathurst 1. Arctic Regions K b 2 Bannack Creek, Idaho G d 14 Barmouth Bay, Merioneth B d 18 Bartragli I. Mayo B b 20 Bathurst 1. N. Australia E b 34 Banna vie, A rgyle C d 19 Barn, Canterbury B f 35 Bartscli, R. Silesia I c 22 Bathurst L. Newfoundland P b 4 Bannerville, La. C e 9 Barnard, Kalis. I g 13 Barubo, li. Brazil E d 16 Batniah province. Oman li e 29 Bannock City, Mont. G c 14 Barnard, Vt. B e 5 Barak, Syria C c 30 Batisian, Quebec G c 4 Bannockburn, town. Stirling E d 19 Barnard Castle, town Durham E b 18 Barvas, Lewis B b 19 Batiscan, R. Qu bee G c 4 Bannow Bay, Wexford E <1 20 Barnaul, Siberia IC c 28 Barwah, Madras Pres. F d 31 Batkalinskaia, Astrakhan K t 24 Banolas, Gerona N b 27 Barnberg, S. C. D li 8 Barwan or Darling R. Australia H e 34 Batley, York E c 18 Banos, Villa de. Palencia F c 27 Barnegat, N. J. G g 6 Basacquino, Sicily E f 2 > Batn Jtiajar, dist. Nubia C e 29 Banslia, Tipperary C d 20 Barnegat Bay, N. J. G g 6 Basam banza. Kongo E e 33 Batneh, Palestine C f 30 Banteer, Cork C d 20 Barnegat Inlet, N. J. G g Basente, li. Naples G il 26 Batoe 1. Sumatra L i 28 Bantry, Cork B e 20 Barnesmore, Donegal C b 20 Bash an, dist. Palestine D e 30 Baton Rouge, La. D g 9 Bantry Bay, Cork B e 20 Barnesmore Gap, pass, Donegal D b 20 Baslie - Channel, China Sea M f 32 Baton Rouge, W. La. D g 9 Banya, Nagy and Felso, Hungary II c 25 Barnesmore Mount. Donegal D b 20 Basliee Is. Pacitie M f 32 B.it.sous, Teun. H a 9 Baouri, R. Brazil E d 16 Barnes Sound, Fla. M q 8 Basiieiya, Syria C e 30 Batonya, Hungary G c 25 Bap, Rajpootana D b 31 Barnesville, Ga L d 9 Bashilo, R. Abyssinia D g 29 Batoum, Asia Minor E a 29 Bapaume, Pas lie Calais F a 21 Barnesville, Mo. Q q 12 Baslikukliai, Mongolia I b 32 Batrun, Syria O b 30 Bapispe, Mexico B a 15 Barnesville, Ohio L d 7 Basi, Astrakau K f 24 Bats to, N. J. G g 8 Baptism R. Minn. F b 1 1 Barnesi die, Pa. B e 6 Bas, I. de. Finis tere B b 21 Battambong, Siam K e 31 Baquba, Bagdad E c 29 Barneys, Ark. E c 9 Basikuunu, Soudan J) c 33 Batten Kill R. Vt. A e- 5 Bar, Podolia F f 24 Barnim, dist. Brandenburg G b 22 Basilan I. Philippine Is. O li 28 Batticaloa, Ceylon F f 31 Barn, Kordofan C g 29 Barno,. Galway B c 20 Basilicata, prov. Italy P d 26 Battle, Sussex G f IS’ Bamboo, Wis. G f 11 Barnsley, town, York E c 18 Basingstoke, m. bor. Hants E e 18 Battle Creek, MicK M g 11 Baraboo R. Wis. H f 11 Barnstable, Mass. D g 5 Baskaliegan L. Me. G c 5 Battle R. Brit. America 1 d 2 Barabra (Berber), clist. Nubia C e 29 Barnstaple, co. Mass. D g 5 Baskahegau R. Me. G c 5 Battledore I. La. F h 9 Baracliais Pt. Newfoundland P 0 3 Barnwell, co. S. C. D li 8 Baskerviile, Cape, N. W. Australia C c 34 Battle Lake. City, Mil in. B c 11 Baracoa, Cuba I c 15 Barnwell Court House, S. C. I) li 8 Basket 1., Great, Kerry A d 20 Battle Mountain, Nev. E e 14 Barada R. (Abano), Syria 1) c 30 Barnstaple or Bidetord Bay. Devon B e 18 Basle, Switzerland H c 21 Battopk, Mount, Kincardine F d 19 Baraclme, co. New South Wales 0 s 34 Barnstaple, bor. Devon B e IS Basle, cant. (Ger. Baselland), Switz. 11 c 21 Batty Malve I. . Nicobar Js. H f 31 Baraka, G abcon Country E d 33 Baro R. Upper Nile C h 28 Basien, Nubia C f 29 Bat uana, S. Ceut. Africa G g 33 Barakait, Afghanistan 0 a 31 Baro la, Gujerat D c 31 Basque Hub. Magdalen Is. M c 4 Batunte, Brazil G o 16 . Baranbah, Queensland 1 e 34 Baroda (native state), Bombay D c 31 Basque Provinces, Spain H b 27 Bunching L. Quebec D c 4 Baraudowan, Queensland 1 e 34 Baronov. or Sitka 1. Alaska G d 2 Basra, or Bassorah, Bagdad F c 29 Baud, Morbihun C c 21 Barasut, Bengal G c 31 Baronville, Ger. Lorraine D d 22 Bass I., Middle, Lake Erie, Ohio lv b 7 Baiulet R. Minn. B a 11 Barataria B. La. F b 9 Barotse Tribe, South Africa G f 33 Bass I., N. Lake Erie, Ohio K b 7 Bauer Cape, S. Australia E f 34 Barava, Mukdee.slia E i 29 Barotse Valley, Central Africa G f 33 Bass L, S. Lake Erie, Ohio K b 7 Bauer Mt. N. S. Wales H 1 34 Barba, Salamanca D d 27 Barques, 1‘t. aux, Mich. P e 11 Bass Is. S. Pacific Oo. D 1 .1 Bunge, Maine-et-Loire 1) e 21 Burba ce.na, Brazil F e 16 Barquisimeto, Venezuela K f 15 Bass Rock, I. Haddington F d 19 Ban Id, Cape, Newfoundland Q a 4 i'ai bacons, Columbia 11 g 15 Barr, Alsace D d 22 Bass Strait, S. of Australia 11 g 34 Baume-les-Dames, Doubs H o 21 Bnrbadoes I. (British), Antilles M e 15 Barr, A rgyle C o 19 Bassa, Grand, Liberia C d 33 Bauudsda, or Bansda, Barbary States include Maroeco, Barr, Tyrone D li 20 Bassak, Siam M g 28 Bombay Pres. D c 31 Algeria, Tunis, and Tripoli, E a 33 Barr, village, Ayr D e 19 Bassam, Grand (French) Guinea D d 33 Baures, R. Bolivia D d 16 Barbaslro, tiiie.sca L b 27 Barra del Terron (B.) Huelva C g 27 Bassauo, Venctia D b 26 Baurroe, Clare C d 20 (1 2 -. [ e 2: (l 25 cl 25 e 25 : g 3, e 3- ' b 2( ! c 11 h If d 31 : c it e 3 c 2S e 7 b 29 b 29 f 11 g 6 c 11 f 11 d 15 a 35 b 4 b 21 c 11 c 11 c 10 e 3 e 21 b 0 g 9 f 9 e 9 g 7 e 9 g 9 i 8 n 8 d 22 d 22 h 9 h 5 d 11 a 9 c 31 f 29 g 27 c 26 e 26 g 21 g 33 d 21 g 29 d 25 q 12 f 18 e 18 a 18 h 16 e 31 f 18 d 7 a 21 c 7 f 7 d 11 c 7 b 9 e 20 b 1 g 35 a 1 c 20 b 11 a 28 c 2 c 21 d 14 e 14 e 14 c 4 e 14 d 14 d 13 b 13 g 9 a 31 d 15 f 13 e 19 e 21 d 4 e 7 h 33 d 20 g 8 i 8 f 8 i 8 h 33 g 8 c 21 d 4 d 4 c 21 c 19 o 19 c 19 c 18 c 18 d 10 d 21 GENERAL INDEX. Beaune, Beanport, Beaupreau, Beauregard, Beauvais, Beauvoir, Beaver, Bearer, Beaver, Beaver Bay, Beaver City, Beaver, co. Beaver, co. Beaver Creek, Beaver Creek, Beaver Creek, Beaver Creek, Beaver Creek, Beaver Creek, Beaver Creek, Beaver Creek, Beaver Creek, Beaver Dam, Beaverdam Creek, Beaverdam Creek, Beaver Falls, Beaver Falls, Beaver Head, eo. Beaver Head Valley, Beaver I. Beaver Lake, Beaver L. Beaver Mts. Beaver R. Beaver R. Beaver R. Beaver R. Beaver R. Beaver R. Beaver R. Beaver R. Beaverton, Beaver Town, Beavertown, Bebra, Beoaneour, R. Beceles, m. bor. Becerrea, Becker, co. Beckskerek, Gross Beckville, Becse, Alt. Becse, Nagy. Bective Abbey, Beczwa, R. Bedala, Bedale, Bedarieux, Beddington, Beidome Mt. Cote d’Or G c 21 Quebec H c 4 Maine-et-I/oire D c 21 Miss E f 9 Oise F b 21 Vienne E c 21 Miss. F f 9 Pa. A f 6 Utah G f 14 Minn. F b 11 Colo. D g 13 Pa. A f 0 Utah Ter. G f 14 Ala. G g 9 Colo. E g 13 Idaho G c 14 111. G e 7 Mo. O q 12 Nebr. F f 13 Nebr. G e 13 Pa. A e 6 Tex. G c 10 Wis. I f 11 Ga. O e 9 N. C. G g 8 Minn. B e 11 Pa. A f 6 Mont. G c 14 Mont. G c 14 Mich. M d 11 Ind. E b 7 Wis. H Alaska F Brit, America I Dak. F Minn. F Mont. A Mont. H N. Y. F N.Y. F Utah G Ontario D Mont. G Ohio K Hessen Nassau E Quebec H Suffolk H Lugo C Minn. B Hungary G Miss F Hungary G Hungary G Meath E Moravia E Oman G York E Herault F Me. F Central Australia E Bedenore, or Nuggur, Mysore E Bedeque, Cape Breton I. N f 11 c 2 d 2 c 13 b 11 d 13 c 14 b 6 c 6 f 14 d 4 b 14 d 7 c 22 c 4 d 18 27 11 25 9 25 25 20 25 29 18 21 5 34 31 4 31 7 Nizam’s Domin. E Ind. F Iowa M m 12 Ky. G e 7 Mo. N n 12 Beder, or Bidar, Bedford, . Bedford, Bedford, Bedford, Bedford, Bedford, Bedford, Bedford, Bedford, Bedford, bor. Bedford Cape, Bedford, co. Bedford, co. Bedford, co. Bedford, co. Bedfordshire, co. Bedias, Bedloes I. Bedr Honem, Bee, co. Beech Bluff, Beech Grove, Beech R. Beech lord, Beechwortb, Beedais, Beelunantown, Beekville, Beelersville, Beeling, Bc-emah R. Beerjan. Beer Lebook, Beeroth (el Bireh) Palestine E g 30 Beer-slieba (Bir es Seba), Palestine A li 30 Beersheba, Desert of, Palestine A h 30 Beetle Head, Mayo A Beetown, Wis. F Beeville, Tex. H Bega, New S. Wales I Env. of N. Y. B Nova Scotia M N.Y. H Ohio L Pn p Bedford F N. Queensland H Auckland E Pa. C Tenn. I Va. F England F Palestine B Env. of N.Y. B Hejaz- D Tex. H Ark. C Tenn. I Ky. G Tasmania S u 35 Victoria H g 34 Tex. I d N. Y. H b Tex. I c Fla. H g Brit. Burmah I d Nizam’s Domin. E d Persia I c Egypt B d Bega, R. Begg’s Rock, Behar, Behar (Coosh Behar), Behar, old prov. Behesni, Behnesa, Behring Bay, Behring Sea, Behut or Jhelum R. Beibasar, c 20 f 11 e 10 g 34 Hungary G Cal. D Bengal G Bengal G Bengal G Kurdistan D Egypt C d 29 Alaska F d 2 A c 1 Punjab D a 31 Asia Minor C b 29 Bei Dagh, Mt. Asia Minor C Beidali, Hadramaut F Bei-kcm, R. Mongolia G Beinii Mhor, Lewis B Beira Alta, dist. Beira C Beira Baixa, dist. Beira C Beira Mar, dist. Beira B Beira, Principo de (Fort), Brazil D Beira, prov. Portugal C Beirut or Beyrout, Syria B Beisan ( Beth-shean ), Palestine C Beishehr, Asia Minor C Beishehr Gol, L. Asia Minor C Beisukski L Kuban H Beitan, Syria D Beitany, el, Palestine B Beit Aiunn (Belli- anotli), Palestine B Beit el Fakili, Beit Hanina, Beit Hanina, Wady, Beit Iska, Beit Jala, Beit Jibrin, Beit Netif, Beit Sahur, Beit Tirza, Beith, town, Beitin {Bethel), Be ; tiqueri, Porto, Beitlahm (Bethlehem), Beja, Beja, Bejapoor, or Bijapoor, Bejapore (old prov.) Bejar, Bejucal, Bekes, Bekiri Beklez, Bel Abbas, Bel Asmar, Bela, Belad Aden, dist. Belad Besharah, dist. Belad Baalbeck, dist. Belad esh Shukif, dist. Belad Hajeman, dist. Belair, Belair, Belalcazar, Belat, Wady, Belateh, Belbeis, Belcliertown, Belchite, Belderg Harbour, Belebei, Belem, or Para, Belem, b 29 g 29 a 32 c 19 d 27 e. 27 d 27 d 16 d 27 f 24 b 29 f 30 Egypt B Mass. B Zaragoza K Mayo B Ufa L Brazil F Estremadura A Belen, Argentine Rep. D Belen, N. Mex. C Belen, Uruguay E Belenyes, Hungary H Belesme, Orue E Belfast, Antrim F Belfast, Me. E Belfast, Prince Edward I. M Belfast, Victoria G Belfast Bay, Me. F Belfast Lough, Antrim & Down F Belford, Northumberland E Belfort, Alsace H Belfort, N. Y. F Belfort, Palestine G Belgard, Pomerania H Belgaum ( Belganw), Bombay Pres. D Belgrade, Ky. D Belgrade, Me. E Belgrade, Cap. of Pty. Servia I Belida, or Blidah, Algeria E Belina, Bosnia H Belize, or Balize, Brit. Honduras F Belize or Balize. R. Brit. Honduras F Belize, or Yemen E g 29 Belle Vernon, Pa. B f 6 Palestine E g 30 Belleview, 111. B d 7 Palestine E g 30 Belleview, La. B e 9 Palestine E g 30 Belleview, Minn. E f 11 Palestine E h 30 Belleview Cross Roads, N. C. H f 8 Palestine A g 30 Bellevil. e, Ala. H f 9 Palestine B g 30 Belleville, 111. B e 7 Palestine F h 30 Belleville, Ind. F d 7 Palestine E h 30 Belleville, Kans. H g 13 Ayr D e 19 Belleville, Minn. E c 11 Palestine B g 30 Belleville, N. J. A b 6 Cuba I d 15 Belleville, Belleville, N. Y. E c 6 Palestine B g 30 Ohio K e 7 Tunis E a 33 Belleville, Ontario E d 4 Alemtejo C f 27 Belleville, Rhone G c 21 Bombay E d 31 Belleville, Seine B e 21 Bombay E d 31 Belleville, Tex. H d 10 Salamanca E d 27 Belleville, W. Va. D b 8 Cuba G c 15 Bellevue, Ky. E g 7 Hungary G c 25 Bellevue, Mich. M g 11 Mongolia M b 32 Bellevue, Nebr. I f 13 Slavonia E d 25 Bellevue, Ohio K b 7 Sahara D b 33 Bellevue City, Iowa Q k 12 Hejaz E f 29 Belley. Ain G d 21 Belooehistan C b 31 Bell I. Newfoundland Q a 4 Yemen E g 29 Belligam, Ceylon F f 31 Palestine B d 30 Bellingham, Northumberland D a 18 Syria D c 30 Bellinzona, Switzerland I c 21 Palestine C d 30 Bel loud. Central Provs. F c 31 Arabia F e 29 Belloor, Mysore E e 31 Ga. N d 9 Bellot Strait, Arctic Regions L ,b 2 Md. E g 6 Bellows Falls, Vt. B e 5 Cordova E f 27 Bell Point, S. Australia E f 34 Palestine B Palestine D f 30 g 30 Bell Rock, or Incheape (Light House) F d 19 33 f 5 c 27 b 20 e 24 e 16 f 27 e 16 b 10 f 16 25 21 20 5 4 34 5 20 a 18 c 21 c 6 30 22 31 7 5 26 33 26 d 15 d 15 Brit. Honduras, Cent. Amer. F d 15 Belize, La. F h 9 Belka, et. Palestine C g 30 Belknap, Tex. G c 10 Belknap co. N. H. C e 5 Bellac, Haute Vienne E c 21 Bellaghy, Londonderry' E b 20 Bellagon Point. Louth E c 19 Bellahy, Mayo C c 20 Bell Air, Fia. L g 9 Bell Air, 111. E d 7 Bellair, Mo. O o 12 Bellaire, Ohio M d 7 Bellanngan, Roscommon C c 20 Bellanamallard, Fermanagh D b 20 Beilananagh, Cavan D c 20 Bellarie, Central Provs. F c 31 Bellary, or Ballari, Madras Pr. E d 31 Bellatram, Monaghan E b 20 Bellavary, Mayo B c 20 Bella Vista, Argentine Rep. E e 16 Bell co. Tenn. F b 9 Bell co. Tex. H d 10 Belle B. Newfoundland Q c 4 Belle Centre, Ohio I c 7 Belleehasse, co. Quebec H c 4 Belleek, Armagh E b 20 Belleek, Fermanagh C b 20 Bellefontaine, Miss. F d 9 Bellefontaine, Ohio I c 7 Bellefonte, Ala. K Bellefonte, Pa. D Belle Fourche, Dak. E Bellegarde, Pyrenees orientales F Belle I. Env. of Richmond F Belle Isle. Morbihan C Belle Isle, Newfoundland Q Belle Isle, Strait of, Canada P Bellenden Ker Hi'ls, Queensland G Belle Plain, Iowa O Belle Plaine, Minn. D Belle Plaine, Wis. I Belleport Bay, L. I. B Belle Prairie, Minn. C l-.elle Prairie City, 111. D Belle R. Mich. P Bellerive, -Tasmauia S c 9 f 8 d 13 e 21 k 8 c 21 a 4 a 4 c 34 1 12 e 11 e 11 h 5 c 11 e 7 g 11 v 35 Bellshill, town, Lanark I) Bells Landing, Ala. H Bellsville, Md. E Bellsville Mo. N Belluno, Venetia E Belluno, prov. Venetia F Bellview, Ky. H Bellville, Minn. F Bellville, Tex. G Belmez, Cordova E Behnond, Iowa N Belmont, Ky. H Belmont, Mmn. B Belmont, Mo. R Belmont, Nev. E Belmont, N.Y. C Belmont, Tenn. F Belmont, Wis. G Belmont, co. Ohio L Belmonte, Rio, Grande do, Brazil G Belmore, Ohio I Belmullet, Mayo B Beloit, 111. C Beloit, Iowa K Beloit, Kans. G Beloit, Wis. H Belo Paulo I. Greece K Beloorhistan, eou. Asia B Belooehistan- Desert, Beloochistau B Belorado, Burgos G Belovar, Military Frontier E Belper, town, Derby E Belpre, Ohio L Belt Mts. Mont. H Belton, S. C. C Belton, Tex. H Belton, W. Va. E Belturbet, Cavan D Beltrami, co. Minn. B Belul, Abyssinia E Belus li. (Nahr Naman), Palestine B Belvando R. Queensland H Belvedere, Naples F Belvedere, N. C. I Belvidere, 111. D Belvidere, N. J. F Belvedero, Grd., L. Argentine Rep. D Belvoir, Mo. M Belvoir, Palestine C Belvue, Nova Scotia M Belyando R. Queensland H Belzora, Tex. I Bemans Cross Roads, N. C. G Bemba, S. Cent. Africa H Bern ba or Bangweolo L. Cent. Africa G Bembatuka Bay, Madagascar I Bembezar, R. Cordova E Bemcnt, 111. D Bernini Is. Bahamas H Bemlee, Kongo- F Beuabane, Huesea L e 19 f 9 g <> n 12 a 26 d 26 e 7 f 11 f 10 ■f 27 k 12 e 7 f 11 q 12 f 14 d 6 b 9 g 11 e 7 d 16 b 7 b 20 a 7 i 12 g 10 g 11 f 26 b 31 31 27 25 18 7 13 8 10 8 20 11 g 29 e 30 d 34 e 26 e 8 a 7 f 6 f 16 p 12 e 30 d 4 d 34 c 10 f 8 f 33 f 33 f 33 f 27 d 7 b 15 e 33 b 27 O 10 general index. Bemiguaeil, Beu Alder, Beu Alder forest, Beu Ali.sky, Beu Alligiu, BeuaUa, Benameji, Ben An, Benares ( Ba.naras ), Ben Armine, Beu Arthur, or Cobbler, Ben Attuw, Benavente, Ben Avon, Valencia K Inverness D Inverness D Caithness E Ross C Victoria II Cordova F Perth D N. W. Provs. F Sutherland O Argyle D Inverness C Zamora E Banff E Ben Barvas, or Bharabhais, Lewis B Benbecula, 1. Benbraek Mt. Beubulben Mt. Beubnrb, Ben Chlinaig, Ben Chonzie, Ben Ciach, or Ben Cleugh, Bencoolen, Beneroy, Ben Cruachan, Bend City, Bend Creek, Ben Dearig, Bender Chor, Bender Gau, Bender Gori, Bender Miraieh, Bendersville, Bendery, Bendigo, Bendzin, Benedict, Beneraird, Ben Eval, Benevenagh, Benevente, Beuevento, Benevento, prov. Bent'elden, Bengal, Bay of, Bengal, Brit. prov. Bengal Presidency, Bengaloor (Bangalore), Benghazi, Beugore Head, Bengorm, Beuguela, Benguela, Portug. Pres. Benha-el-asl Beu head, C. Ben idee, Outer Hebrides A Fermanagh D Sligo C Tyrone E Inverness D Perth I) e 27 d 19 d 19 b 19 c 19 g 31 g 27 d 19 b 31 b 19 d 19 c 19 c 27 c 19 1) 19 c 19 b 20 b 20 Ben Hope, Beni, R. Benicarlo, Benicia, Benidorm, Beni or Veni Dep. Beni Flamed, Wady Beni Iiarith, Beni Hassan, Beni llhelb, Beni Lani Beu Ima, Beui Malik, Beui Mohammed, Beni Mussali, Benin R. Benin, Bight of, Benin Kgm. Beni Obeid, Beui Salem, Benisooef, Beui Zeid, Ben Klibreck, Benkovaz, Ben Lair, or Lett, Clackmannan E Sumatra M Leitrim D Argyle C Cal. D Minn. A Ross D Somali F Somali F Somali F Somali G Pa. D Bessarabia F Victoria G Poland D Md. E Ayr I) N. Uist A Londonderry E Brazil F Naples F S. Italy F Alsace D Indian Ocean K Bengal G India G Mysore E Tripoli G Antrim E Mayo B Benguela F Guinea F Egypt B Meath E Sutherland D Sutherland D Bolivia I) Castellon de la Plana L Cal. B Alicante K Bolivia L) Palestine C Palestine B Palestine B Arabia F Nejed E Argyle D Palestine B Egypt C Palestine B Guinea E Guinea E Guinea E Palestine C Palestine B Egypt C Palestine B Sutherland D Dalmatia D Ross C Ben Laoghall, or Loyal, Sutherland D Ben Lang, Ben Lavvers, Ben Ledi, Ben Leod, Ben Lett, or Lair, Beu Lomond, Ben Lomond, Ben Lomond, Beu Loval, Beu Lui, or Laoig Ben More, Ben More, Ben More, Ben More, Ben More, Assynt, Ben More, Bemnore, or Fair Head, Ben Muich Dui, Ben-na-buird, Ben ua cliie, Bemian Head, Ross C Perth D Perth D Sutherland D Ross 0 New S. Wales I Stirling D Tasmania S Sutherland I) Perth D Marlborough E Perth D Rum B Mull B Sutherland D S. Uist A Antrim E Aberdeen E Aberdeen E Aberdeen F Arran C Bennett's Branch o! Sinneimihon- b 20 d 19 d 19 d 19 i 28 b 20 d 19 g 14 a 11 c 19 g 29 g 29 g 29 g 29 g 6 f 24 g 34 e 24 ii 6 e 19 c 19 a 20 e 16 d 26 d 26 d 22 g 28 e 31 c 31 e 31 a 33 a 20 c 20 f 33 f 33 g 33 c 20 b 19 b 19 d 16 d 27 f 14 f 27 d 16 h 30 g 30 g 30 f 29 e 29 d 19 g 30 d 29 f 30 d 33 d 33 d 33 f 30 g 30 d 29 f 30 b 19 d 25 c 19 b 19 c 19 d 19 d 19 b 19 c 19 f 34 d 19 u 35 b 19 d 19 d 35 d 19 d 19 b 19 b 19 e 19 a 20 c 19 c 19 e 19 e 19 mg R. Bennettsbridge, Bennetts Range, Bennett’s River, Beunettsville, Ben, Nevis, Ben Nevis, Bennington, Bennington, Pa C Kilkenny D W. Australia B Ark. . C S. C. F Inverness D Nelson D N. Y. O Vt. A e 6 d 21 f 34 a 9. S 8 il 19 d 35 d 6 f 5 Bennington, co. Benodet, Ause de, Ben Olian, Mts. Benona, Vt. A Fimsterre B Canterbury C Mich. L Benown, Cap, of Ludamar, Soudan D Ben Rhydding, Ben Riuues, Bensboi'o, Bensborough, Ben Serial, Ben Sliocli, Benson, Benson, Benson, Ben Spionu, Ben Stack, Bent, Bent, co. Bentha el Asl, Bentheim (Osuabruck), York. E Banff E N. C. H Mo. O Inverness C Ross C Minn. B N. Y. G Vt. A Sutherland D Sutherland D Peru C Colo. E Egypt B Hanover D e 5 c 21 f 35 f 11 c 33 c 18 c 19 f 8 p 12 c 19 c 19 11 6 5 19 19 16 13 Bentick I. Ben Tigh, Bentleville, Benton, Benton, Benton, Benton, Benton, Benton, Benton, Benton, Benton, Benton, Benton, Benton City, Benton City, Benton City, Benton, co. Benton, co. Benton, co. Benton, co. Benton, co. Benton, co. B. uton , co. Benton Harb, Bentonsport, Bentonsville, Beutonville, Ben Tore, Bents Fort, Ben Uaish, or Wyvis, Ben Uarie, Ben Uaru, G. of Carpentaria F Inverness D Va. G Ala. I Ark. C Fla. N 111. D Ind. G Ky. D Me. E Mo. P Mo. R Pa. E Tenu. L Mont. A Mont. IT Wyom. C Ark. A Ind. E Minn. C Mo. N Iowa O Oreg. B Teim. G Mich. L Iowa O N. C. G Ark. A Argyle C Colo. E Cromarty D Sutherland E Perth E g 33 b 22 c 34 c 19 e 8 g d n 12 p 12 Benue, or Tchadda U. Guinea E Ben Ular, Argyle C Ben Vaeher, Inverness D Ben Vaddu, Sutherland D Ben Venue, Perth D Ben Vorlich, Dumbarton I) Ben Vorlich, Perth D Ben Vrackie, Perth E Beuwee, or Kilcuuimin Head, Mayo B Beuwood, W. Va. E Ben Wyvis, Cromarty D 6 b 9 c 13 b 14 f 13 a 9 c 7 d 11 o 12 k 12 e 14 a 9 g 11 m 12 f 8 a 9 e 19 g 13 c 19 b 19 d 19 d 33 d 19 c 19 b 19 d 19 d 19 d 19 19 20 Ben Yattan, Benzie, co. Benzonia, Beowawe, Ben-y-Gloe (Cairn Gower), Bequia I. (British), C L L E E L Hungary F Argyle Mich. Mich. Nev. Perth Antilles Ber, Kis, Berachah (Bereikut), Palestine B Berar, dist. Central Provs. E i eraun, Beraun, or Mies, R. Berber (Mekheref), Berber, dist. Berbera, Berbice, R. Berdiansk, Berditchev, Berdovec, Berdskaia, Berea, Be re Regis, par. Bered (el llhulassah), Beregh, Bereitun, Berenice (ruins), Berens Fort, Berens Point, Bereny, Jasz, Beresford, Beresiua, It. Bereslavl, Beret, Berettyo, R. Bereydah, Berezov, Berezovskoi, Berga, Bergamo Bergamo, prov. Bergen, Bergen, Bergen, Bergen, co. Bergen, stilt, Bergen op Zoom, Bergenhuus, N., stift, Bergcuhuus, S., stift, Bergerac, Berger-kul (L. ), Berghama ( Perganws), Bohemia C Bohemia D Nubia C Nubia C Somali E Guiana E Taurida H Kiev G Croatia D Orenburg M Ohio L Dorset D Palestine A Hungary H Syria D Nubia D Brit. America L Alaska F Hungary F New Brunswick L W. Russ. a F Kherson G Jan ina H Hungary tl Nejed E Siberia H Perm N Barcelona M Lombardy C Lombardy C Riigen 1. G Bergen C N. J. B N. J. G Norway D Holland C Norway D Norway D Dordogne E Ivan-su G Asia Minor B 19 19 11 e 11 e 14 d 19 e 15 c 25 g 30 c 31 b 25 b 25 f 29 f 29 g 29 b 16 f 24 f 24 d 25 e 24 b 7 f 18 h 30 b 25 c 30. 29 2 2 25 4 24 f 2 4 d 26 c 25 d 29 b 28 d 24 b 27 b 26 l> 26 a 22 f 23 b 6 e 6 f 23 c 22 f 23 f 23 d 21 b 32 b 29 Bergovdja, Bergues, B.rgvattnet, Bergzabern, Berhampore, Berien Springs, Berimejo, Nueva, Berja, Berkeley, Cape, Berkeley, co. Berkeley, Old, bor. Berkeley Springs, Berkka, Berkhampstead, town, Berks, co. Berkshire, Berkshire, Berkshire, co. Berkshire, co. Berlanga, Berlat, Berlat, R. Berleburg, Belin, Cap. Berlin, Berlin, Berlin, Berlin, Berlin, Berlin, Berlin, Berlin, Berlin, Berlin, Berlin, Berlin Falls, Berlin, gov. Berlin, vil. Bernteja I. Bermudas, or Somers Is. Danube K Nord F Non-land 1 Palatinate D Madras Pres. G Mich. L Cuba K Almeria H Galapagos Is. E W. Va. G Gloucester D W. Va. G Syria D Hertford l 1 Pa. E N. Y. E Vt. B England E Mass. A Badnjos E Moldavia M Moldavia M Westphalia E Tromsd P of Prussia G Ala. G Conn. B Mass. C Md. F Mich. M N. Y. H Ohio K Pa. D Tenn. I Vt. B Wis. H N. H. C Prussia G Ontario C Mexico L c 26 a 21 d 23 d 22 31 11 3 27 15 8 18 8 30 18 6 6 5 c 18 f 5 f 27 a 26 a 26 c 22 a 23 b 22 e 9 g 5 f 5 h 6 f 11 d 6 Bern), ( British), Bernalillo, co. Bernard, Bernard, Bernardston, Beruau, Bernau, Bernay, Bernbufg, Herne caut. Berne (Ger, Bernera I. Bern ra, Great S. Berneray 1. Bernese Alps, Mts. Bernesga, R. Bernice Coal Mine, Bernier I. Bernina, Piz, Alps, Bernis, Bernoulli, Cape, B.rnville, Berogh, Boi mi Inlet, Atlantic Ocean L N. Mex. C Nev. E Tex. II Mass. B Bavaria G Brandenburg G Eure E Anhalt F Switzerland II Switzerland H Outer Hebrides A Lewis B Outer Hebrides A Switzerland II Leon E Pa. E W. Australia A C Seine B S. Australia F Pa. E Tyrone D Papua P Berre, Etaug de Benches du Rhone G d 15 b 10 f 14 e 10 5 22 22 21 22 c 21 e 21 d 19 b 19 c 19 c 21 b 21 e 6 d 34 a 26 21 34 6 20 28 21 Berresof, Berriedale, Berrien, co. Berrien, co. Berry, Berry Is. Berry, prov. Berry’s Ferry, Berry’s Lick, Berryville, Berryvillo, Bersaba, Bersbo, Berth ier, co. Berthier, vil. Bertie, co. Bertraghboy Bay, Bertram’s Peak, Benin, Bervie, Bor. Berwick, N. ( Bor. Berwick, Berwick, Berwick, Berwick -on-Tweed, Algeria E Caithness E Ga. M Mich. L Pa. D Bahamas II France F Ky. D Ky. F Ark. B Va. H Namaqna Land F Gothland I Quebec G Quebec G N. C. H Galway B Utah G Silesia K Kincardine F Haddington F Nova Scotia L Ohio I Pa. E bor. a 33 b 19 f 9 h 11 e 6 b 15 c 21 7 7 9 e o c 20 e 14 c 22 Northumberland. D Benvick-on-Tweed, Liberties, of, Northumberland D Berwickshire, or The Merse, co. Scotland F Berwyn Mt. Denbigh (I Berys, Egypt C Berytus (Beirut), Syria B Berzelia, Ga. N Berzencze, Hungary E B. Simeon, Doubs H Besenova, Hungary G Beskiden, or Bieskid Mts. Silesia F Beskiden Mts. Bessam, Bessarabia, gov. Brssfeges, BessviUc, Betanci, L. Betanzos, Bctnuzos, Ria de, (B.) Betaul, Betchik L. Carpathians H Nejed E Russia F Gard G Mo. Q Columbia H Coruna B Covuiia B Nepal F Sell n ik K a 18 a 18 e 19 d 18 e 29 e 30 d 9 c 25 c 21 c 25 b 25 b 25 d 29 f 24 d 21 P 12 f 15 a 27 a 27 b 31 <1 26 Betchuauas, or Basil tos, Race, Betc Gris B. S. Africa Mich. BethoJjara, or Bethbnrah, PaleAiue Bethanath, Palestine Betliauia, N. C. Beth-anoth (Beit Ainnn), Palestine Bethany, Mo. Bethany, Tex. Bethany, Namaqua Laud Bethany (el Azariyeh), Palestine Bethar, Beth-aram, or Beth-Unram, Beth Ariel (Irbid), Beth-bwm, Beth Dagon, Bethel, Bethel, Bethel, Bethel, Bethel, Bethel, Bethel, Bethel (Beitin), Beth-gamul ( U in el Jemal), Palestine Beth-haran, or Beth-aram, Beth Hogla (Ain Hajla), Beth-horon (Beit-ur), Beth-J esimoth, Bethlehem (Beit-lahm) in J udea, Bethlehem (in Zebulun), Bethlehem, Bethlehem, Bethlehem, Bethlehem, Beth-Maachah, or Abel Belh-Mcmchah, Beth- N imrah ( N imrin), Belli Rqhob, or Rehob, Palestine Palestine Palestine Pan-shine Palestine Ga. Ga. Me. N. G. N. Y. Ohio Va. Palestine Palestine Palestine Palestine Palestine Palestine Palestine Ind. Md. Ohio Pa. Palestine Palestine Palestine Bet hsaida J ulias (et Tell), Palestine jjethsuida ( Tabigha), Beth-Shean, or Beth -Shan (Beisan), Beth-Bhemesh (Ain Sliems), Palestine g 33 b 11 g 30 it 30 e 8 g 30 m 12 c 10 g 33 g 30 f 30 g 30 e 30 f 30 f 30 f 9 9 5 8 6 7 8 g 30 f 30 g 30 g 30 g 39 g 30 g 30 e 30 e 7 h 6 c 7 f 6 d 30 g 30 d 30 e 30 e 30 Palestine C f 30 Palestine Beth-Tappuuh (Tetfuh), Palestine Beth line, Beth-zur (Beit-sur), Betonim (Batneh), Betsiamite, I. Betterfield, Betts, Bettyhill, Bettws -y-coed, Betwa, R. Betzdorf, Beulah, Beuthen, Beuvron, R. Bevelaud, North, 1. Bevensen, Beveren, Beverley, Beverley, Beverley, Beverley Group, Beverley, p. bor. Beverly, Beverly, Beverly, Beverly City, Bevier, Bewdley, m. bor. Bexar, Bexar, co. Pas de Calais Palestine Palestine Quebec Utah New S. Wales Sutherland Carnarvon N. W. Provs. Rhine Prov. Miss. Silesia Loir et Cher Holland Hanover Belgium Mass. N. J. W. Australia Queensland Y ork Mo. N. C. W. Va. Ohio Mo. Worcester Ala. Tex. Bexar District or Territory, co. Tex. Beyerland 1. Holland Beypoor, Madras Pres. Beyroot, Syria Bezdan, Hungary Bezer, Palestine Beziers, Herault Bezons, Seine-et-Oise Bharuch (Broach), Bombay Pres. Bhawulpoor, Rajpootana Bhawnlpoor (native state), Rajp. Bhilsa, Indore Agency Bliind, Indore Agency Bhooj, Cutch Bhopal, Indore Agency Bhopal (native state), Cent. India Bhotan, iudep. stato India Blmrtpoor, Biafra, Bight of, Biafra, district. Biala, Bianco, Bianco, R. Biarritz, Bias B. Bibb, co. Bibb, co. Biberach, Bic, Bic I. " Bicanere, Bicanere (native Bicester, town, Rajpootana Guinea Guinea Galicia Naples Bolivia Basses Pyrenees China Ala. Ga. Wurtemberg Quebec R. St. Lawrence Rajpootana tatc), Rajpootana Oxford Bicetre, Fort de, Seine Bielip.no, Tasmania Hick i-ton I. O. of Carpcnt.u ia g 36 g 30 a 21 g 3U f 36 b 4 e 14 f 34 b 19 c 18 b 31 c 22 d 9 22 21 22 22 22 5 6 f 34 d 34 c 18 n 12 f 8 c 8 d n 12 d 18 c 9 e 10 d 10 c 22 e 31 c 29 d 25 h 30 e 21 e 21 31 31 31 c b b c 31 b b d d 36 b 25 e 26 d Hi e 21 f 32 cl 9 e 9 23 4 4 31 31 e 18 e 21 u 35 b 34 GENERAL INDEX. Ll B'oske, Hungary F o 25 Big Sandy R. Tex. I d 10 Birmingham (Huntingdon co.) Pa. C f 6 Bidama Is. (British) Senegambia C c 33 Big Shanty, Ga. L c 9 Birmingham, New, Tipperary D d 20 Bidar. or Bedar, Nizam’s Domin. E d 31 Big Shanty, Pa. C e 6 Birnam Hill, Perth E d 19 Bidassoa, Rio, Navarra 1 a 27 Big Sheyennfi R. Dak. F d 13 Birnbaum, Posen H b 22 Bidassoa. or Vidassoa, R. Basses P. D e 21 Big Shoal Creek, 111. C d 7 Birni, Soudan F c 33 Biddefovd, Me. D e 5 Big Sioux, Dak. PI e 13 Birr JRema, Nejed F d 29 Bideford, m. bor. Devon B e 18 Big Sioux R. Dak. H e 13 Birr, or Barsonstowu, King’s Co. D c 20 Bideford, or Barnstaple Bay, Devon B e 18 Big Sioux R. Iowa K i 12 Birsa, Orkney Islands E a 19 Bidsehow, or Bigslow, Mo. L m 12 Birsah, Indore Agency E e 31 Bidczow Neu, Bohemia D a 25 Big Spring, 111. D d 7 Birsk, Ufa M d 24 Bidulph Is. Persian G ulf F d 29 Big Spring, Ind. F e 7 Birtiu, L. Manchuria N b 32 Biedenkopf, Nassau E c 22 Big Spring, Ind. T. I a 10 Bisbal (La) Gerona O c 27 Bieez, Galicia G b 25 Big Spring, Ky. F f 7 Biscara, Algeria E a 33 Biel (Bienne), Switzerland H c 21 Big Spring, Tex. F c 10 Biscay B. Newfoundland R c 4 Biela, Kiev G f 21 Big Stone, co. Minn. A d 11 Biscaya, prov. Spain H a 27 Bielaya, Ufa L d 21 Bigstone L. Minn. A d 11 Biscayne Bay, Fla. M q 8 Bielefeld, Westphalia E b 22 Big Suam, co. Wis. I e 11 Bisceglie, Naples G d 26 Bielev, Tula H e 21 Rigs ville. 111. A c 7 Bischof Teinitz, Bohemia C b 25 Bielgorod, Kursk H e 21 Big Swamp, N. C. G g 8 Bischweiler, Alsace D d 22 Bieli Kliutcb, Mt. Simbirsk K e 21 Big Swanqi R. N. C. G g 8 Biscoe (s. Antarctic Ocean M P 1 Bielitz, Silesia F b 25 Big Trees, Tho, Cal. D g 11 Biserta, or Benzerta, Tunis E a 33 Biella, Piedmont C b 26 Big Uchee Creek, Ala. K e 9 Bisba, Nubia D ,f 29 Bieloi, Smolensk G d 21 Big Valley, Ariz. G i 14 Bisliara, Nubia C f 29 Bielomeebetskaia, Stavropol I g 21 Big Vermillion R. 11). E e 7 Bishenath, Assam H li 31 Bielopolie, Kharkov G- e 21 Big White Face R. Minn. E b 11 Bishop Auckland, town, Durham E b 18 Bielorietsk, Ufa M e 21 Big Witchita R. Tex. G c 10 Bishops Castle, pai Salop D d 18 Bielostoek, Grodno E e 21 Bigbury Bay, Devon O f 18 Bishops and Clerks Is. Pembroke A e 18 Bielotzerkovka, Poltava G f 21 Biggar, Lanark E e 21 Bishop Mt. Wyom. B f 13 Bielovodsk, Kharkov H f 21 Bigges 1. N. W. Australia D b 34 Bishop Mts. Wyom. I e 13 Bieloweiza Forest, Grodno E e 21 Biggleswade, town, Bedford F d 18 Bishop Stoke, par. Hants E f 18 Bielsk, Grodno E e 21 Bigot, Moldavia M a 26 Bishop Stortford, town, Hertford G e 18 Bieltsy, Bessarabia F f 21 Biguraloz, Zaragoza K c. 27 Bishops Waltham, par. Hants E f 18 Bielukha, Bilouka, or Binacs, Bosnia F b 26 Biskiuta, Syria C c 30 Katunsk, Mts. Altai E a 32 Bihar, Hungary G c 25 Biskops I. Finland P f 23 Bielukha, Mt. Altai Mts. E a 32 Biharia Gebirge, Mts. Hungary H c 25 Bismarck, Prov. Saxony F b 22 Bien Ho, Tale Sab, or Bihe, Benguela F f 33 Bismarck, Mo. Q p 12 Great L. Cambodia IC e 31 Bii.sk, Siberia K c 2.8 Bismarck, Tex. F <1 10 Bieu-lioa, French Cochin China M g 28 Bijapoor, Bombay Pres. E d 31 Bismarck, C. Greenland T b 2 Bienne (Biel), Switz. H c 21 Bijawur Indore Agency E c 31 Bissao (Portugal), Senegambia C c 33 Bienne L. (Ger. Bieler See), Switz. H e 21 Bijnee, Assam H b 31 Bissagos Is. (Poo'tuqal), Senegambia C c 33 Bienville, par. La. B e 9 Bijnoor, N. W. Provs. E b 31 Bistun, Persia H c 29 Bieque or Crab I. (Brit.) Virgin Is. K d 15 Bijou, Colo. D g 13 Bistineau L. La. B e 9 Big Ae Mt. Ya. C cl 8 Bijou Creek, Colo. D g 13 Bistra, R. Military Frontier H d 25 Big Auglaize R. Ohio H V 7 Bilbao, Biscaya H a 27 Bistrica Croatia E c 25 Big Barren R. Ky. F f 7 Bilbao, Ria de (B.) Biscaya II a 27 Bistritz, Transylvania I c 25 Big Bay Creek, dll. D f 7 Bilboa Colliery, Queen's Co. D d 20 Bistritz, R. Bukowina I c 25 Big Bay de Noquet, Mich. L d 11 Bilboa, R. Limerick C d 20 Bistritz, R. Transylvania I e 25 Big Bay 1't. Mich. K c 11 Bilgoray, Poland E e 21 Bistritza, R. Moldavia, M a 26 Big Bear Creek, Ala. G c 9 Bilimbaievsk, Perm M d 24 Bitburg, Rhenish Prov. D d 22 Big Bend, Idaho G d 11 Biliyard I. Persian Gulf G e 29 Biting, R. Voronesh I e 24 Big or Great Black I. Bill of Portland, Dorset D f 18 Bitlis, Kurdistan E b 29 L. Winnipeg, Dom. of Canada II a 13 Billabong Creek, New S. Wales H f 34 Bitolia (Monastir), Roumelia 1 d 26 Big Blackfoot R. Mont. G b 11 Billaburgau, New S. Wales H f 34 Bitonto, Naples G d 26 Big Black R. Ark. E a 9 Billericay, Essex G e 18 Bitsch, Ger. Lorraine D d 22 Big Black R. Miss. F cl 9 Billing’s Port, N. J. B i 6 Bitter Creel), Wyom. I e 14 Big Blue R. Ind. G d 7 Billiton I. Malaysia M i 28 Bitterfield, Prov. Saxony G o 22 Big Blue R. Kans. H g 13 Billom, Puy de Dome F d 21 Bitter Lakes, Suez Canal C g 33 Big Cone, La. D g 9 Billtnwn, Kilkenny D d 20 Bitter Root Mts. Idaho F b 14 Big Cottonwood R. Minn. B e 11 Bill William Mt. Ariz. G h 14 Bitter Root R. Idaho F b 14 Big Creek, Ark. D c 9 Bill William's Fork Ariz. G b 14 Bivvano, L. Japan P c 32 Big Creek, Ind: E e 7 Billy, Antrim E a 20 Bixitter Voe, Shetland Islands A b 19 Big Creek, Ind. G e 7 Bdma, Sahara F c 3o Biyar Nasif, Hejaz D d 29 Big Creek, Ind. T. I b 10 Biloxi, Mis3. G g 9 Bjerno, Finland M f 23 Big Creek, La. D c 9 Biloxi R. Miss. F g 9 Bjorkd, Finland P f 23 Big Creek, Mo. N o 12 Bilston, tp. Stafford D d 18 Bjorko I. Finland P f 23 Big Cypress Creek, Tex. I c 10 Bimberi, Soudan G d 33 Bjorkd I. Finland L e 23 Big Dry Creek, Mont. C c 13 Binalong, New S. Wales H f 34 Biorko I. and Light, Sweden K g 23 Big Dry Fork, Ariz. H h 11 Binche, Belgium C c 22 Biorna, Norrland K e 23 Big Eagle, Ky. 11 e 7 Binchinnan Mts. Forfar E d 19 Bjornabben Light Ho. I. of Oland I h 23 Big Eau Plain R. Wis. G e 11 Bindal Fiord, Troinso F d 23 Bjorneborg, Finland L l 23 Bigelow, Minn. B f 11 Bindloe I. Galapagos Is. E g 15 Bjorneborg, Finland E e 24 Bigelow Mt. Me. D c 5 Bindons Creek, Queensland G d 34 Bjdrnnabben C.and Light, Gothland 1 h 23 Big Falls, Wis I d 11 Bingarra, New S. Wales I f 34 Bjornor, Throndhjem F d 23 Big Falls, W. Va. E b 8 Bingarro I. Laccadive Is. D e 31 Bjuro Cape, Norrland L d 23 Big Fork, Cumberland R. Tenn. L a 9 Bingen, Hessen D d 22 Blaavauds Huk (Point), Denmark E i 23 and Ky. H g 7 Bingham, Me. E c 5 Blabhein, or Blaven (Mt.) Skve B c 19 Big Fork. Rainy Lake R. Minn. C a 11 Bingham, Minn. B f 11 Blaekadder, R. Berwick F e 19 Big Hatchie R. Tenn. F b 9 Bingham, par. Nottingham F d 18 Black Ball Head, Cork A e 30 Big Hole Fork, or Wisdom R. Binghampton, Cal. C f 14 Black Bay, Dom. of Canada I a 11 Mont. G c 13 Binghamstown, Mayo A b 20 Black Bay, La. F h 9 Big Hole Mt. Mont. G c 13 Binghamton, N. Y. F d 6 Black Bear R. Ind. T. H a 10 Big Hole Prairie, Mont. G c 13 Bingley, town, York E c 18 Blackbird, co. Nebr. H e 13 Big Horn City, Mont. C c 13 Bingol Dagh, Mt. Armenia E b 29 Black Brook, N. Y. H b 6 Big Horn, eo. Mont. C c 13 Binn of Cullen (Mt.) Banff F c 19 Blackburn, bor. Lancashire D c 18 Big Honi, Mts. Wyom. B c 13 Bintang I. Malaysia M h 28 Black Butte, Cal. C e 14 Big Horn R. Mont. K c 14 Bint Jebei), Palestine B d 30 Black Butte, Oreg. C! c 14 Big I. Lake Manitoba G a 13 Bio, R. Chili C f 16 Black Butte, Wyom. I e 14 Big Knife R. Dak. E c 13 Bir, Nizam’s Dominions E d 31 Black Buttes, Wyom. B f 13 Big L. 111. C f 7 Birch R. Mont. G a 14 Black Combe, Mt. Cumberland C b 18 Big Lake, Me. G c 5 Birch R. W. Va. E c 8 Black Creek, Ind. F e 7 Big Lake, Minn. D d 11 Birch Run, Mich. O f 11 Black Creek, Miss. F f 9 Big Laurel Creek, N. C. C f 8 Birclitown, Nova Scotia L e 4 Black Creek, S. C. E g 8 Big Lick, Va. F d 8 Bird I. Seychelle Is. K e 33 Blaekemore Creek, Tenn. G a 9 Big Lotts Creek, Ga. O e 9 Bird I. Env. of Boston F g 5 Black Earth, Wis. II f 11 Big Muddy Creek, 111. D e 7 Bird I. La. F h 9 Blackfoot Agency, Mont. H b 14 Big Muddy R. 111. C f 7 Bird Key Env. of Charleston B 1 8 Blackfoot Country, Idaho G a 14 Big Mulberry Creek, Ala. I e 9 Bird or Aves I. Antilles L d 15 Black mt Cr. Idaho G d 14 Big Niangua R. Mo. O p 12 Birdsall, N. V. D d 6 Blau; lord, Perth E d 19 Big North Fork White R. Mo. O q 12 Birdsboro’ Pa. F f 6 Blackford, CO. Ind. G c 7 Big Patuxent R. Md. D g 6 Birds Point, Mo. R q 12 Black Fish, Ark. E b 9 Big Pigeon R. Tenn. M b 9 Bird’s Tail R. Dom. of Canada F a 13 Black Forest, Ariz. G h 14 Big Pine Creek, Ind. E c 7 Bireiinah, Oman H e 29 Black Forest, Mt. Brecknock C e 18 Big Piney Creek, Ark. B b 9 Birejek, Syria D b 29 Black Forest, circ. Wurtenihurg E d 22 Big Porcupine Creek, Mont. C c 13 Biriuteh, Voronesh H e 21 "Lick Forest (Schwarzivald) Baden E d 22 Big Potato Creek, Ga. L e 9 Birlce, Kordofan C g 29 Black Fork, Lamine R. Mo. N o 12 Big Prairie, Fla. L P 8 Birkenfeld, Oldenburg D d 22 Black Hawk, co. Iowa O k 12 Big Racoon R. Ind. E d 7 Birkenhead, p. bor. Cheshire C c 18 Black Head, Antrim F b 20 Big Rapids, Mich. M f 11 Birket Fatima, Soudan F c 33 Black Head, Chu'e B e 20 Big Ridge, Tenn. N a 9 Birket el Korn, L. Egypt C d 29 Black Head, Cornwall A f 18 Big Rosebud Creek, Mont. I c 14 Birket er Ram, Palestine C d 30 Blackhead B. Newfoundland R b 4 Big Salkehatchie B, 8. C. D h 8 Birmingham, bor. Warwick E d 18 Biackhill, Tex. H e 10 Big Saudy Creek, Ala. H d 9 Birmingham, Iowa O m 12 Black Hills, Wyom. D e 13 Big Sandy Creek, Colo. E g 13 Birmingham, Ky. D g 7 Black Hills, Dak. E d 13 Big Sandy Creek, Wyom. T d 13 Birmingham (Allegheny co.) Pa. B f 6 Blacldiorse, Pa. E f 6 Black Isle, Peninsula and dist. Ross L> Black L. Black L. Blaeklarg, Mt. Black Lick Creek, Blaeklion, Black Ikon, Black Mingo Swamp, Black Mts. Black Mts. Black Mts. Black Oak, Black Peak, Blackpool, town. Black Pyramid, Black R. La. C N. Y. F Dumfries D Pa. B Carlow E Fermanagh D Mo. 0 Am. F N. C. C Brecknock C S. C. E Otago B Lancashire C Tasmania R u Ark. D b Leitrim D c Jamaica H d Dom. of Canada K a Dom. of Canada L a Mich. G c Mich. O e Mich. P f Minn. A b Minn. 0 a Mo. Q q N. C. G g N. Y. F c Ohio K S. C. F Vt. B Vt. B Wis. F Wis. G Wis. G Me. E • N. C. G Black R. Black R. Black R. Black R. Black R. Black R. Black R. Black R. Black R. Black R. Black R. Black R. Black R. Black R. Black R. Black R. Black R. Black R. Black R. Falls Black R . Little, Black Rock, Black Rock Desert, or Valley of Mud Lakes, Nev. D e Black Rock. Mayo A b Black Rock. Dublin E c Black Rock Range, Nev. D e Blacks ani Whites, Va. H d Black Sea (Russ. Tchernoie More), G g Caucasia 1 Va. E d Ga. N f Mayo A b S. 0. D g Mass. C 1 R, I. C g New Brunswick K c S. C. D h Ala. H e Va. F d Wexford E d Ala. H c Fla. I g Va. H d Black Sea, Dist. Blacksburn. Blacksliear, Blacksod Bay, Blackstock, Blackstone, Blackstou, R. Black ville, Blackville. Black Warrior, Black Water R. Black water, Black water Creek, Blackwater R. Blackwatcr R. Blackwater R. Cork to Waterford B d & D d Blackwater, R. Blackwater, R. Blackwater, R. Blackwater, R. Blackwell, Blackwell’s I. Blackwood, R. Bladen, co. Bladenock R. Biadensburg, Bladensburg, Blaen Afon, Blaina, Blaine, Blaine Creek, Blair Athol, Blair, co. Blair Mts. Blairgowrie, town, Blairsburg, Blairstown, Blairsville, Blairsville, Blairsville, Blakeley, Blakely, Blakely, Blakely, Blakeney Harbour, Blake Point Blakesburg, Blakes ville, Blanc (Le). Blanc (Mont), Blai.ca, Bahia, Essex G Kerry B e Meath E c Tyrone E b Mo. Q o Env. of N. Y. B b W. Australia B f N. C. G g Wigtown D f Md. E h Ohio K e Monmouth C e Monmouth C e Ky. K e Ky. K e Perth E d Pa. C f Forfar F Perth E Iowa N Iowa 0 Ga. M Pa. B S. C. D g Minn. D e Ala. H g Ga. L f N. C. E e Norfolk G d Mich. I a Iowa 0 m Ind. F e ludre E c Haute Savoie H d Argentine Rep. D f Blanca, or Blanquilla I. Venezuela L e Blancamauca, Blanchard, Blanchard, Blanche R. Blanche Cape, Blanche, L. Blanche Town, Blanchester, Blanco, Blanco B. Blanco B. Blanco, C. Blanco, C. Blanco, C. Blanco, C. Blanco, C. Blanco, C. Argentine Rep. D f Me. E c Wis. G g Dc m. of Canada I b S. Australia E f S. Australia G e S. Australia F 1 Ohio I d Tex. G d Lower California D e California A b Costa Rica F f Greece I e Japan Q c Lower California C e Majorca N e Murocco D a lb 0 6 19 C 20 -0 12 14 8 18 3 35 13 35 9 20 15 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 8 6 7 8 5 5 11 11 11 5 8 14 20 20 14 3 24 24 8 9 20 3 5 5 4 8 9 8 2(» 0 9 8 2t 15 20 20 20 12 6 34 8 19 6 7 18 18 7 7 19 6 19 19 12 12 9 6 8 11 9 9 8 18 11 12 7 21 21 16 15 16 5 11 13 34 34 31 10 3 15 15 26 32 3 27 33 12 GENERAL INDEX. Blanco, C. Patagonia D g 16 Bluestack, Mt Donegal C b 20 Bolcske, Hungary F c 25 Blanco, C. Peru B c 16 Blue Stone R. W Va. D d 8 Bold Head, Canterbury C e 35 Blanco, C. (Ras el-Abiad), Palestine B d 30 Bluff City, 111. B d 7 Bolechow, Galicia H b 25 Blanco, C. Sahara C b 33 Bluff Harb. Otago B g 35 Bolgrad ( Tabok), Moldavia N b 20 Blanco, co. 'Lex. G d 10 Bluff Mt. 8. Australia F f 34 Bolingbroke, New, Lincoln F c 18 Blanco, Pico (Mt.) Costa Rica G f -15 Bluffport, Mo. O n 12 Bolivar Miss. E d 9 Blanco, R. Paraguay E e 16 Bluffton, Ind. G c 7 Bolivar Mo. N p 12 Blanco, R. Mexico D d 15 Bluffcon, Ohio I c 7 Bolivar, N. Y. C d 6 Blanco, R. Tex. H e 10 Bluffton, S. C. E i 8 Bolivar, Tenn. G b 9 Biaml, co. Va D d 8 Blyth, Nottingham E c 18 Bolivar, co. Miss. E d 9 Blandford, town, Dorset D f 18 Blythesville, Mo. M p 12 Bolivar, L. Miss. E d 9 Blandinville, 111. B c 7 Blyth Lake, S. Australia F f 34 Bolivar (Angostura), Venezuela L f 15 Blandville, Ky 0 g 7 Blyth Mt. Central Australia E d 34 Bolivia, rep. S. America D d 16 Blanes, 1 lerona N c 27 Blyth, R. Northumberland E a 18 Bolkliov, Orel H e 24 Blankenbergke, Belgium B c 22 Blyth, tp. Northumberland E a 18 Bollandul R. New S. Wales H e 34 Blankensee, Holstein E b 22 Bo, R. Tibet F d 32 Bol linger, co. Mo. Q p 12 Blantyre, vil. Lanark D c 19 Bo, R. Tibet H a 31 Bollullos, Huelva D g 27 Blarney, Cork C e 20 Boa I, L. Erne D b 20 Bolmen, L. Gothland G b 23 Blatta, Dalmatia E e 25 Boana, S. Cent. Africa G f 33 Bolnas, Norriand I f 23 Blaubeuren, Wiirtemburg E d 22 Boat Is. Quebec O a 4 Bologna, Emilia D b 26 Blauen Berg, Baden D o 22 Boaventura, Brazil G d 16 Bologna, prov. Emilia D b 26 Blavcn, or Blahliein (Mt. ) Skye B c 19 Boa Vista, Brazil E d 16 Bolonchen Ticul, Yucatan E d 15 Blavet,, R. Morbihan C c 21 Boavista, Brazil F c 16 Bolor Tagb (Mts.) E. Turkestan B c 32 Blaye, Gironde D d 21 Boavista I. Cape Verd Is. B c 33 Bolsena (L. di), Italy D c 26 Blaze C. N. Australia E b 34 Bobbio, Lombardy C b 26 Bol-serteng, L. E. Turkestan F c 32 Bledas Is. Balearic Is. M f 27 Bober, R. Silesia H c 22 Bolsberetsk, Siberia R o 28 Bledsoe, co. Temi. K b 9 Bobota, Slavonia F d 25 Boltana, Huesea L b 27 Bleiberg, Carinthia C c 25 Bobrinets, Kherson G f 24 Bolton, Ga. L d 9 Bleiske, R. Brandenburg H b 22 Bobrka, Galicia I b 25 Bol ton. 111. E b 7 Blekinge or Carlscrona, lmen, Bobruisk, Minsk F e 24 Bolton, Mass. C f 5 Sweden II h 23 Bocca de Navios, Venezuela L f 15 Bolton, Miss. E e 9 Blene.oe, Iowa L 1 12 Boelia-namur Nor (L.) Tibet D d 32 Bolt Head, Devon C f 18 Blenheim, Bavaria F d 22 Bochjiia, Galicia G b 25 Bolt Tail, Devon C f 18 Blenheim, Marlborough E d 35 Boohragh Mts. Cork C d 20 Bolton, bor. Lancashire D c 18 Blennerville, Kerry B d 20 Bochum, Westphalia D c 22 Bolus Head, Kerry A e 20 Blessington, Wicklow E c 20 Bocon, R. Colombia D b 16 Bolutza Mts. Trikhala I e 26 Blidali, or Belida, Algeria E a 33 Bodangory, New S. Wales H f 34 Boly, Asia Minor C a 29 Bligh, dist. New S. Wales H f 34 Bodeau Bayou, La. B e 9 Bomavsuud, Aland Isles L f 23 Bligh Souud, Otago A f 35 Bodeau L. La. B e 9 Bombalo, New S. Wales H g 35 Blind B. La. E h 9 Bodega B. Cal. B f 14 Bombay, Bombay Pres. D d 31 Blind or Tasman B. Nelson D d 35 Boden See (E. of Constance), Baden E e 22 Bombay Presidency India D c 31 Blisslield, Mich. O h 11 Bodenberg, Bohemia D a 25 Bombazine L. Vt. A e 5 Btissfield, New Brunswick K c 4 Bodmin, p. bor. Cornwall B f 18 Bom Jardin, Brazil G c 16 Blissville, New Brunswick K d 4 Bodo, I. of Oland 2 h 23 Bom Jardin, Brazil F d 16 Blisworth, par. North .mpton F d 18 Bodb, Tromso H c 23 Bomniel, Holland C c 22 Block I. R. I. C g 5 Bodva, R. Hungary G b 25 Bommel Fiord Bergen C g 23 Block Island Sound, R. I. C g 5 Boerne, Tex. G e 10 Bommelo I. Bergen C g 23 Bloemfontein, Orange R. Boeuf Bayou, La. D e 9 Bomst, Posen H b 22 Free State G g 33 Boeuf L. Env. of New Orleans D f 9 Bomstad, Tromso K b 23 Blokzyl, Holland C b 22 Bceotia and Attica, nom. Greece K e 26 Bom Successo (Mina -Novas), Blois, Loir-et-Ober E c 21 BOfLngcn, Wurtemberg E d 22 Brazil F d 16 Blond I. China M c 32 Bogan, Utah G e 14 Bon, C. Tunis K li 17 Bloody Ford, ud, Donegal C a 20 Bogan R. New S. Wales H f 34 Bona, Algeria I h 17 Bloom Held R. Queensland H e 34 Bogaoula, or Holy Mt. Thian-shan E b 32 Bouar Bridge, Sutherland D c 19 Bloom Held, Cal. B f 14 Boggy Depot, Ind. T. H b 10 Bona venture, Quebec L b 4 Bloomfield, Ga. M f 9 Bogimsi Portitza, Danube N b 26 Bonaventure, Newloun Hand R h 4 Bloomfield, 111. E d 7 Bogmutty, R. Bengal G b 31 Bonaventure, co. Quebec K b 4 Bloomfield, Ind. F d 7 Bognor, town. Sussex F f 18 Bonaventure I. Quebec L b 4 Bloomfield, Iowa O m 12 Bogodukhov, Kharkov II e 24 Bonavista, Newfoundland R b 4 Bloomfield, Ky. G f 7 Bogolovskoi, Perm N d 24 Bonavista B. Newfoundland R b 4 Bloomfield, Mo. R q 12 Bogorodisk, Tula II e 24 Bonavista, C. Newfoundland R b 4 Bloomfield, N. J. A b 6 Bogota (Sauta Fe), Colombia I g 15 Bonavista, District, Newfoundland Q b 4 Bloomfield, Pa. D f 6 Bograli, Bengal G c 31 Bonaw, Argyle C d 19 Bloom Furnace, Ohio K e 7 Boguchansk, Siberia L c 28 Bond, co. ill. C e 7 Bloom ingburg, Ohio I d 7 Bogue Bank, N. C. I g 8 Bondar, Zambesia H f 33 Bloomingdale, Ga. O e 9 Bogue Chito, La. D e 9 Bondy, Seine B e 21 Bloomingdale, Wis. G f 11 Bogue Chitto R. La. B g 9 Bone B. Canterbury D e 35 Blooming Prairie, Minn. D f 11 Bogue Chitto R. La. E g 9 Boness, or Borrowstounness, Bloomington, 111. D c 7 Bogue Forts, Quang-tung K f 32 Linlithgow E d 19 Bloomington, Ind. F d 7 Bogue Homo Creek , Miss. G f 9 Bonga, E. Africa D h 29 Bloomington, Mo. O n 12 Bogue Inlet, N. C. H g 8 Bonham, Tex. H c 10 Bloomington, Wis. F f 11 Bogue Sound, N. C. I g 8 Bonharbor, Ky. E f 7 Bloomer. Wis. F d 11 Boguslav, Kiev G f 24 Bonhill, town. Dumbarton D e 19 Bloomcry < lap. Va. G b 8 Bogustav, Kiev G f 24 Bonhomme, Dak. H e 13 Bloomsburg, Pa. E e 6 Bogutsliar, Voronesh I f 24 Bonhomme, co. Dak. II e 13 Bloomsdule, Ind. T. I b 10 Bohea Mts. China L e 32 Boni, Celebes O i 28 Bloomville, N. Y. G d 6 Bohemia, kingdom Austria D a 25 Boni, B. of. Celebes O i 28 Blore, Sta llord E c 18 Boherboy, Cork B d 20 Bonifacio, Corsica I f 21 Blossburg, Pa. D c 6 Bohermeen, Meath E e 20 Bonifacio, Strait of, C d 26 Blount, co. Ala. I c 9 Bohmer Wald (Bohemian For.) Bonillo (El), Albacete 11 f 27 Blount, co. Tenn. M b 9 Bavaria G d 22 Bonin or Arzobispo I Pacific Ocean Q f 28 Blounts Spring, Ala. I d 9 Bolins and Goteboi g, teen, Sweden F g 23 Bonito, Brazil G c 16 Blounts ville, Ala. I c 9 Boiano, Naples F d 26 Bonito R. Ariz. I i 14 Blountsville, Tenn. N a 9 Boiestown, New Brunswick K c 4 Bonjem, Fezzan F a 33 Blue Creek, Ohio H b 7 Boileau, C. N. W. Australia C c 34 Bonn, Rhenish Prov. D c 22 Blue Earth City, Minn. C f 11 Boiling Springs, Idaho F d 14 Bunnaughtown, Pa. D g 6 Blue Earth, co. Minn. C f 11 Boiling Springs, Tenn. L a 9 Bonne B. Newfoundland O b 4 Blue Earth It. Minn. c f 11 Boina, Madagascar I f 33 Bonne Cliere R. Ontario E d 4 Bluefields, Nicaragua G e 15 Bois Blanc, Mich. N d 11 Bonner, La. O e 9 Blue Hill, Me. F d 5 Bois Boule, Mo. R p 12 Bonnet Carre, La. E g 9 Blue Hills, Newfoundland Q b 4 Bois Bubert 1. Me. G d 5 Bonnet Carre Pt., Blue House, S. C. E i 8 Bois Cache Creek, Dak. F d 13 Env. of New Orleans D f 9 Blue Island, 111. E b 7 Bois des Sioux R. Dak. H c 13 Bonnet L. Manitoba I a 13 Blue Mound, 111. C d 7 Bois des Sioux R. Minn. A c 11 Bonneto Range, Nev. F g 14 Blue Mt. Bengal H c 31 Boise City, Cap. of Ter. Idaho E d 14 Bonneuil, Seine B e 21 Blue Mounts. Jamaica H d 15 Boise, co. Idaho ter. F c 14 Bonneval, Eure et Loire E b 21 Blue Mts. Me. D d 5 Boise Fort, Idaho E d 14 Bonneville, Wyom. A e 13 Blue Mts. Now S. Wales H f 34 Bois-le-Duc (S’Hertogenbosoh, Bonneville, Haute Savoie H c 21 Blue Mts. Oreg. ¥> c 14 or S'Boscli), Holland C c 22 Bonnev Creek, Central Australia E d 34 Blue Mts. Upper Nile B k 29 Bojador, C. Sahara C b 33 Bonny R. Guinea E d 33 Blue Mud Bay, N. Australia F b 34 Bqjol, Philippine Is. O g 28 Bono, Ind. F e 7 Blue Mull Sound, Shetland Islands B a 19 Bojuk Derbend, Edirne M d 26 Bonorva, Sardinia C d 26 Blue, or Kitta tinny Mts. Pa. E f 6 Bojukdere, Constantinople N d 26 Bon Secours B. Ala. H S 9 Blue Peaks, Ariz. 11 h 14 Bokepoko, Ind. T. II a 10 Bonta, Minn. B c 11 Blue Ridge, vil. Mo. N m 12 Bokes Creek, Ohio I c 7 Bonybad, Hungary F c 25 Blue B.idge, N C. & Va. C f & G c 8 Bokhara, W. Turkestan H e 28 Booby I. Queensland G b 34 and its continuation in Pa. E f 6 Bokhara, Khanate, W. Turkestan H e 28 Boodaeon (Budaon), N. W. Provs. E b 31 and its continuation in Ga. M c 9 Bokludslia Dere, E Edirno M c 26 Boodioom, Asia Minor B b 29 Blue R. Colo. C g 13 Boksclian, Hungary G d 25 Boolak, Egypt C c 29 Blue R, Ind. T. II b 10 Bolar.os, Mexico C c 15 Booligal, New S. YVales H f 34 Blue K. N. Mex. D c 10 Bolan Pass, Beloochistau G b 31 Boohindshuhur, or Blue River, Wis. G f 11 Bolata, Alicante L f 27 Burran, N. W. Provs. E b 31 BluCskins, Otago C f 3„ Bolbeo, Seine inferieure E b 21 Booudee (Bundi), Rajpootana E b 31 Blue Springs, Ga. M d 9 Bolckow, Mo. M m 12 Boone, Mo. O n 12 Boone, Boone, co. Boone, co. Boone, co. Boone, co. Boone, co. Boone, co. Boone, co. Boone Court House, Boone R. Boouesboro, Liooncv.i.e, Bonneville, Bonneville, Boone vi lie, Bo'oncville, Boon Hill, Booujnurd, Boonsboro, Boons port, Boonton, Boonville, Boonville, Boonville, Boonville, Booibaunpoor, Boorlos B. Boosa, Boothia, Gulf of, Boothia Isthmus, Boothia Peninsula, Bootle, par. Bootstown, Boras, Poratula, R. Burba, Borba, Borbim, Borbo, Borculo, Borda C. Bordeaux, Bordentown, Border Town, Bordesholm, Boree, Boreray, I. Borga, Borgfors, Borgholm, Boifrie R. N. C. O e 8 Ark. B a 9 111. P a 7 Ind. F c 7 Iowa N I 12 Ky. H e 7 Nebr. G f 13 W Va. D c 8 W. Va. D d S Iowa N I; 12 Iowa M I; 12 Ark. B b S* Idaho E d 14 Ind. E e 7 Ky. I f 7 Miss. G c 9 N. C. G f 8 Persia H o 29 Ky. H f 7 Ky. F e 7 N. J. G f 6 Polo. I) g 13 N. Y. F c 6 Tex. H d 10 Mo. O o 12 rndore Agency E c 31 Egypt C c 29 Soudan E c 33 Arctic Regions M c 2 Arctic Regions L c 2 Brit. America L b 2 Cumberland C b 13 Ohio L b 7 Gothland G h 23 Soongaria D a 32 Alemtejo C f 27 Brazil E c 16 Mongolia G a 32 Mongolia I b 32 Holland D b 22 S. Australia F g 34 Gironde I) d 21 N. J. G f 6 S. Australia G g 34 Holstein F a 22 Afghanistan C a 31 Outer Hebrides A c 21 Finland F c 24 Norriand L d 23 I. of Oland I h 23 Sutherland D b 21 Borgne, L. Borgo Pass, Borgo Sandonnino, Borgotaro, Borgsjo, Borgu, or Burku, Boribun, Boris ogliebsli, Borisov, Borja, Borken, Borken, Borkum I. Bormio, Born I. Light Ho. Borneo, Bornholm I. Bornos, Bornu, Kgm. Boro, R. Borodino, Borodino Is. Boroma, Borora, R. Boros Sebcs, Boroughbridge, tp. Borovitchi, Borowsk, Borris, Borris in Ossory, Borrisokano, Borrisoleigh, La. F Carpathians I Emilia D Emilia C Non-land H Sahara F Cambodia K Tambor I Minsk F Zaragoza I Cassel E Westphalia D Hanover D Lombardy D Me. D Malaysia N Denmark H Cadiz E Soudan F Wexford E Moscow H Pe,o.tic Ocean P Zambesia H Upper Nile D Hungary H York E Novgorod G Kaluga H Carlow E Queen's County D Tipperary C Tipperary D g 9 c 25 b 26 b 26 e 23 e 33 e 31 e 24 e 24 c 27 c 22 c 22 b 22 a 26 5 d 24 f 28 f 33 h 29 25 18 24 24 20 20 d 20 d 20 BorrowstounnesSjOT Boness, Linlithgow E Borsdorf, Borsna. Borsova, R. Borsum, Borthcyri, Borthwick, Borthwick, Borthwick Water, Bo rum, Boryetohie, Bosa, Boscawen, Bosch I. Boscobel, Bos Dagh Mt. Bosing, Boskowitz, Bosna or Bosnia, gov. Bosna Pass, Bosna, R. Bosna Serai ( Seraiero ). Bosos, Bosphorus (Bosporus), or Sir. of Constantinople, Bosque, co. Bosque Creek, Bosia, Bossier, par. Bossnt C. Kgm. of Saxony G Tchernigov G Hungary H Brunswick F Iceland C Edinburgh E Queensland I Roxburgh F Christiana F Smolensk G Sardinia C N. H. O Holland D Wis. G Selnuik L Hungary E Moravia E Turkey G Carpathians L Bosnia H Bosnia H Huesea L 19 22 24 25 22 17 e 21 e 34 e 21 c? 24 d 26 e 5 b 22 f 11 d 26 25 25 N Tex. H Tex. H Syria D La. B N. W. Australia C d 26 g 10 d 10 c 29 e 9 c 34 GENERAL INDEX. 13 Oman in Persia G Ga. M Ky. G Ky. I D C I P Bostania, Boston, Boston, Boston, Boston, Mass. Boston, N. Y. Boston, Tex. Boston Harbour, Env. of Boston Boston Lighthouse, Env. of Boston G Boston, m. bor. Lincoln F Boston Mts. Ark. A Bostrenus (Nahr el Amvaly), (R. ) Syria B Bostwick, Ga. N Boswortli Market, tp. Leicester E Bbszormeny, Hungary G Botany B. New S. Wales I Botel Tobago Sima, (I.) Formosa M Boteler’s Ranch, Botcsdale, ham. Botetourt, co. Bothnia, G. of, Bothwell, Bothwell, Bothwell Bridge, Bothwell, co. Botija, Botkinsville, Botryss (el Batrun), Mont. H Suffolk G Va. F Baltic Sea Iv Ontario C Tasmania S Lanark D Ontario B Chili C Ohio H Syria C Botschetje, Mt. Transylvanian Alps I Bottiah, Bengal F Bottlehill, Cork C Botushany, Moldavia M Botzen, Tyrol B Bouchain, Nord F Bouchard, Seine-et-Oise B Bouches.du-RhSne, dep. France G Bouchier B. Patagonia D Bougiinville C. N. W. Australia D Bougie, or Bougiah, Algeria I c 30 e 9 d 18 c 25 f 34 f 32 c 14 d 18 d 8 f 23 e 4 v 35 e 19 e 4 e 16 c 7 b 30 d 25 b 31 d a c a Bougikaki Mt. Bouie Creek, Bonin, Boukhas, Boulardarie I. Boulder City, Boulder, co. Trikhala I Miss. F Vendee C Soudan G Cape Breton I. N Colo 1) Colo D Boulogne (sur Seine), Seine B Boulogne (sur mere). Pas de Calais E Bound Brook, N. J. G Bounty I. S. Pacific Oc. L Bourbeuse R. Bourbon, Bourbon, co. Bourbon, co. Bourbon rArchambauIt, Bourbon Lancy, Bourbounais prov. Mo. P Ind. F ICans. I Ky. H Allier F Saone-et-Loire F France F Bourbonne les Bains, Haute Marne G Bourbon or Reunion I. Indian Oc. K Bourg, Ain G Bourg, Seine B Bourganeuf, Creuse E Bourges, Cher F Bourget, L. Savoie G Bourget (Le), Seine B Bourgneuf, Loire inferieure D Bonrgneuf, B. de, Vendee C Bourgogne (Burgundy), prov. 20 26 25 21 e 21 e 21 h 16 b 34 h 17 e 26 f 9 c 21 c 33 c 4 f 13 f 13 e 21 a 21 f 6 n 1 o 12 b 7 h 13 e 7 c 21 c 21 c 21 c 21 S 33 c 21 e 21 d 21 Bourke, Fort, New S. Wales H f 34 Bourke Mt. New S. Wales G f 34 Bourlos L. Egypt B f 33 Bourloss, Egypt B f 33 Bourn, town. Lincoln F d 18 Bournemouth, Hants E f 18 Bournville, Ohio I d 7 Bouro T. Malaysia O i 28 Bourton, Gloucester E e 18 Bousacks Depot, Va. F d 8 Boussac, Creuse F c 21 Bouton I. Malaysia O i 28 Boutte, Env. of New. Orleans D f 9 Bouvard C. W. Australia B f 34 Bouveret, Switzerland H c 21 Bouvet Is. S. Atlantic Ocean T o 1 Bouvines, Nord F a 21 Bouzcnville, Ger. Lorraine D d 22 Bovevagh, Londonderry E b 20 Bovina, N. y. G d 6 Bovins, Utah G e 14 Bovrov, Voronesh H e 24 Bow, N. H. C e 5 Bow or Baugh Fell, York D b 18 Bowdoinham, Me. E d 5 Bowen, E. Prussia L b 22 Bowen, (Queensland H d 34 Bowen Downs, Queensland G d 34 Bowen Port, Arctrt Regions M b 2 Bowersville, Ga. M c 8 Bowersville, Ohio L c 7 Bowes Station, S. C. 2 h 8 Bow'e, co. Tex. I c 10 Bovlesville, 111. D f 7 Bowling Green, Ind. E d 7 -lowlinggreen, Ky. F g 7 BowVng Green, Mo. P u 12 Bowling Green, Ohio I b 7 Bowlinggreen, Va. H c 8 Bowling Green Bay, Queensland H c 34 Bowmans, Pa. E e 6 Bowinanville, i Env. of Chicago C e 10 Bowmanville, Ontario D o 4 Bowmore, vil. Islay B e 19 Brandreth L. N. Y. G c 6 Boxberg, Baden E d 22 Brandt, N. Y. B d 6 Box Elder, Colo. D g 13 Brandsfield Str. Antarctic Ocean N P 1 Box Elder, Dak. E e 13 Brand void, Hamar G f 23 Box Elder, co. Utah ter. G e 14 Brandywine, Del. F g 6 Boxley, Ind. F c 7 Brandywine R. Pa. F g 6 Boxville, ' Ga. N f 9 Branford, Conn. B g 5 Boyana, R. Roumeiia H d 26 Brant, co. Ontario C e 4 Boyd, co. Ky. K e 7 Brantford, Minn. C d 11 Boydsville, Tenn. G a 9 Brantford, town, Ontario C e 4 Boydton, Va. G e 8 Brant I. N. C. I f 8 Boyer R., Iowa L 1 12 Brant L. N. Y. 11 c 6 Boykins, S. C. E g 8 Bras D’Or, Great, Cape Breton I. N c 4 Boyle, Roscommon C c 20 Bras D’Or, Little, Cape Breton I, N d 4 Boyle, co. Ky. FI f 7 Braseaus, Mont. D c 13 Boyle, R. Roscommon C c 20 Brashear, city. La. D h 9 Boylston, N. Y. F c 6 Brashearsville, Kv. I f 7 Boyne, R. Meath E c 20 Brasher, N. Y. G b 6 Bozeman, Mont. H e 14 Brassfield, N. C. G f 8 liozrali (Busrah), Palestine D e 30 Brass ua L. Me. D c 5 Bozrah, Conn. B g 5 Bratsberg, stift. Norway E g 23 Bra, Piedmont B b 26 Bratslav, Podolia F f 24 Brabant N., prov. Hollaud C c 22 Brattfors, NorrlancTK d 23 Brabant, S. prov. Belgium C c 22 Brattleboro’, Vt. B f 5 Bracadale, Skye B c 19 Brattle I. Galapagos Is. E li 15 Braccianri (L. di), Roman Ter. E c 26 Braubach, Nassau D c 22 Bracken, co. Ky. H e 7 Braunau, Bohemia E a 25 Brackenheim, Wurtemberg E d 22 Braunau, Upper Austria C b 25 Bracketsville, Tex. F e 10 Brauusberg, E. Prussia K a 22 Bracketts Spring, Tex. E e 10 Braunton, par. Devon B e 18 Brack jaur, (L.) Norland H d 23 Brava I. Cape Verd Is. B c 33 Bracklcy, town, Northampton E d 18 Braviken B. Gothland I g 23 Bradano, R. Naples G d 26 Braxton, co. W. Va. E c 8 Braddocks Bay, N. Y. D c 6 Bray, Seine-et- Marne F b 21 Brarldocks Point, S. C. E i 8 Bray, Wicklow E c 2d Bradford, 111. C b 7 Bray Head, Kerry A e 20 Bradford, Iowa O k 12 Bray Head, Wicklow E c 20 Bradford, Mass. C f 5 Braye, R. Sarthe E b 21 Bradford, N. H. B e 5 Brays ville. Ind. FI d 7 Bradford, N. Y. D d 6 Brazil, Ind. E d 7 Bradford, Ohio H c 7 Brazil, empire. S. America 16 Bradford, Pa. C d 6 Brazoria, Tex. I e 10 Bradford, Vt. B e 5 Brazoria, co. Tex. I e 10 Bradford, co. Fla. N g 9 Brazos, co. Tex. H d 10 Bradford, co. Pa. E e 6 Brazos de Santiago, Tex. H f 10 Bradford, bor. York E c 18 Brazos, Rio, Tex. H d 10 Bradford -on- Avon, town, Wilts D e 18 Brazza I. Dalmatia E e 25 Bradfords I. Fla. M h 9 Breaches, The, Wicklow E c 20 Bradfordsville, Ky. G f 7 Breadalbane Dist. Perth D d 19 Bradford, vil. Ontario D d 4 Breadv, Tyrone D b 20 Bradhams, S. C. D i 8 Breaker Pt. China L f 32 Bradley, 111. C f 7 Breakheart Pt. Newfoundland R b 4 Bradley, co. Ark. C d 9 Breaksea Pt. Stewart I. A g 35 Bradley, co. Tenn. L b 9 Breaksea Sound, Otago A f 35 Bradshaws, Tenn. I b 9 Breaksea Spit, Queensland I d 34 Brady, Mich. M g 11 Bream Hd. Auckland E a 35 Brady I. Nebr. F f 13 Breathitt, co. Ky- I f 7 Brady’s Creek, Tex. G d 10 Brechat, Is. de. C6tes du Nord C b 21 Blading, par. I. of Wight -E f 18 Brechin, bor. Forfar F d 19 Bradley’s Gov. Sta. Anticosta M b 4 Breckenridge, Colo. C g 13 Braemar Castle, town of, Aberdeen E d 19 Breckenridge, Dak. H c 13 Braeriaoh, (Mt.) Inverness E c 19 Breckenridge, Minn. A e 11 Braes of Angus, Forfar E d 19 Breckenridge, Mo. N n 12 Braetz, Brafferton, tp. Posen H b 22 Breckenridge, co. Ky. F i 7 York E b 18 Breckenridge, co. Minn. 11 Braga, Minho B o 27 Brecknock Beacons Brecknock C e 18 Bragan9a, Brazil F c 16 Brecknock, or Brecon, co. Wales C d 18 Braganga, Brazil F e 16 Brecon, or Brecknock, bor. Brecon C e 18 Bragaufa, Tras os Montes D c 27 Bred Fiord, Throndhjem D e 23 Brahe, or Brad, R. W. Prussia I b 22 Breda, Holland C c 22 Brahestad, Finland E c 24 Brede, R. Sussex G f 18 Brahilov or Ibraila, Walachia M b 26 Bree, Wexford E cl 20 Brahmapootra, Yaroo, or Tsanpo, R. Tibet F e 32 Breedings, Breed I. Ky. G Env. of Boston F g 7 g 5 Braich-y-Pwll Pt. Carnarvon B d 18 Breedoge, Roscommon C c 20 Braiue le Comte, Belgium C c 22 Breedsville, Mich. L g 11 Braiuerd, Minn. C c 11 Bvegenz, Vorarlberg A c 25 Braintree, Braintree, town. Mass. D f 5 Breidi Fiord, Iceland C b 17 Essex G e 18 Breisach, Alt, Baden D d 22 Brak, Palestine D d 30 Breisach, Ncu, Alsace D d 21 Bralieve Mts. Sligo C b 20 Brejo, Brazil F c 16 Bramber, par. Sussex F f 18 Brejo d’Area, Brazil G c 16 Bramo I. Norrland I e 23 Breo, Brazil G c 16 Brampton, Ontario D e 4 Bremangerland I. Bergen C f 23 Brampton, town, Cumberland D b 18 Bremen, 111. E b 7 Bramuni R. • Bengal G c 31 Bremen, Ind. F b 7 Bran R. Perth E d 19 Bremen, Ohio K d 7 Brancaster Bay, Norfolk G d 18 Bremen, Free City, Germany E b 22 Branch, co, Mich. M li 11 Bremen (Stade), gov. Hanover E b 22 Branch Mt. W. Va. G c 8 Bremer, co. Iowa O k 12 Bran cli port. N. Y. D d 6 Bremer Hafen, Bremen E b 22 Brauehville, S. C. E h 8 Biemer Range, W. Australia C f 34 Branehville, Va. H e 8 Bremervorde, Hanover E b 22 Branco, C. Brazil G c 16 Bremond, Tex. H d 10 Branco, Quecueme, Parima, R. Paraviana, or Brazil D b 16 Brenham, Brenner Pass, Tex. H Tyrol B d 10 c 25 Brandenburg, Brand mburg G b 22 Brent South, par. Devon C f 18 Brandenburg, Ky. F e 7 Brenta, R. Venetia D b 26 Brandenburg, N“", Mo ei lenburg G b 22 Brentford, town. Middlesex F e 18 Brandenburg, pro” Prussia G b 22 Brentsville, Va. H c 8 Brandon, Iowa Q k 12 Brentwood, Minn. D e 11 Brandon, Minn. B d 11 Brentwood, town, Essex G e 18 Brandon, Miss. F e 9 Brescia, Lombardy D b 26 Brandon, Mont. G c 14 Bresciano, prov. Lombardy D ‘b 26 Brandon, Vt. A e 5 Brescou I. Heiault F e 21 Brandon, Wis. I f 11 Breslau, Silesia I C’21 Brandon Bay, Kerry A d 20 Breslau, gov. Prussia I c 22 Brandon Head, Kerry A d 20 Bresle, R. Somme E b 21 Brandon Hill, Kerry A d 20 Bressa, I. Shetland A b 19 Brandon, or Little Ouso, R. Norfolk G d 18 Bressa Sound, Shetland Islands A b 19 Brandon Point, Kerry A d 20 Bressuire, Deux Sevres D c 21 Brandon R, Norfolk G d 18 Brest, Finistere B b 21 Brandon, town. Suffolk G d 18 Brest Litovskii, Grodno E b 24 Brandonville, W, Va. F b 8 Bretagne (Brittany), prov. France C b 21 Briartown, Brickton, Oise F W. Australia B Cape Breton I. 0 La. F Charente D Auckland E Fla. M Christiansand E Me. F S. C. C Stafford D Ontario C Env. of Boston G Hungary E Hautes Alpes H Orel G Loiret F Ind. T. I N. J. G N. J. G Env. of Chicago B Env. of Philadelphia C Cork C Roscommon C L. I. B L. T. A Glamorgan C Stirling E b 21 f 34 Bride, R. Brideswell, Bridyeliampton, Bridge Haven, Bridgend, Bridge of Allan, Bridge of Dulse, Nairn E Bridge of Earn, Perth E Bridgeport, Ala. K Bridgeport, Cal. C Bridgeport, Conn. A Bridgeport, 111. B Bridgeport, 111. C Bridgeport, Ind. F Bridgeport, Ind. G Bridgeport, Mich. 0 Bridgeport, Mo. P Bridge] ort, N. Y. E Bridgeport, Ohio K Bridgeport, Ohio M Bridgeport, Wis. F Bridgeport (Bedford co.) Pa. C Bridgeport (Cumberland co.) Pa. E Bridgeport (Fayette co.) . Pa. B Bridgeport Sta. " Bridget', Bridger's Pass, Bridgerstown, Bridgeton, Bridgeton, Bridgeton, Bridgetown, Bridgetown, Bridgetown, Bridgetown, Bridgeville, Bridgev die, Bridgeville, Bridgewater, Bridgewater, Bridgnorth, p. bor. Bridgwater, hoi - . Bridgwater Buy, Bridlington Bay, Bridlington Quay, tp. Bridiington, town, Bridport, Uridport, bor. Brie, Brieg, Brieg, Brielle, Brienne le Chateau, Brienz, Brienz, L. of, Brier Creek, Brier I. Brierley Hill, Briesen, Briey, Brigantine Beach, Brigg, Glanford, town, Brigham City, Brighouse, Env. of Chicago C Wyom. H Wyom. C W yom. D Mich. L Mo. Q N. J. E Nova Scotia L Barbadoes M Clare C Wexford E Ala. 1 Mich. N Ohio. L Mass. D Nova Scotia L Salop D Somerset C Somerset C York F York F York F Tasmania S Dorset D Seine B Silesia I Switzerland H Holland C Aube G Switzerland I Switzerland I Ga. 0 Nova Scotia K Stafford D Hungary F Moselle G N. J . G Lincoln F Utah G York E d 4 h 9 e 21 a 35 o 8 g 23 d 5 g 8 d 13 e 4 g 5 b 25 d 21 e 24 c 21 b 10 g 6 f 6 e 10 b 6 d 20 e 20 li 5 h 5 e 18 d 19 c 19 d 19 c 9 g li c 7 e 7 d 7 e 7 f 11 o 12 e 6 e 7 e 7 f 11 S 6 f 6 f 6 f 10 e 14 f 13 c 13 f 11 o 12 g 6 d 4 e 15 d 20 d 20 f 9 f 11 J Brightman, Puerto, Argentine Hep. D f Brighton, Brighton, Brighton, Brighton, Brighton, Brighton, Brighton, Brighton, Brighton, Brighton, Brighton, Brighton, Brighton, New, Brighton, p. 1 or. Brighton, vil. Brignais, Brigno.es, Brihuega, Brimfield, Brimlield, Brims Ness, Brindisi, Brinkleys, Brionne, Brioude, Env. of Boston E Env. of Chicago C 111. B Iowa P Me. E Mich. O Mo. N Nelson C New Brunswick K Tasmania S Victoria II Nelson D Cheshire C Sussex E' Ontario E Rhone G Var Id Guadalajara H 111. C Mass. B Caithness E Apulia II S. C. G Eure E Haute Loire F 5 4 18 18 18 18 18 18 u 35 f 13 e 21 c 22 c 21 e 22 21 21 21 9 4 18 25 21 6 18 14 13 16 g 5 f 10 d 7 1 12 c 5 Brisbane, Cap. of Queensland, I Brisbane, R. Queensland I D g n p 1*2 e 35 c 4 v 35 g 34 d 35 c IS f 13 i 4 d 21 e 21 d 27 c 7 f 5 b 19 d 20 g 8 l) 21 d 21 e 34 e 84 14 GENERAL INDEX. Brissac, Maine-et-Loirc D c 21 Brookville, Ind. II d 7 Brunswick (Braunschiceig), Buena Vista, Cal. E i 14 Bristol, Fla. L rt 9 Brookville, Rails. H a 13 Brunswick F b 22 Buena V ista. Ca. L e 9 Bristol, III. D b 7 Brookville, Miss. G d 9 Brunswick B. N W. Australia C c 34 Buena Vista, Ind. F c 7 Bristol, Ind. G b 7 Brookville, N. C. G c 8 Brunswick, co. N. C. G g 8 Buena VisLa, N. J. G g <3 Bristol, Iowa N i 12 Brookville, Ohio H d 7 Brunswick, co. Va. H e 8 Buena Vista, Ohio K d 7 Bristol, Me. E e 5 Brookville, Pa. B e 6 Brunswick, ddchy, Germany F b 22 Buena Vista, Tex. I d 10 Bristol, N. H. C e 5 Brookville, Wis. E e 11 Brunswick iro. Brit. America M d 2 Buena Vista, Mexico C b 15 Bristol, Nova Scotia L d 4 Broome, co. N. Y. F d 6 Brunswick Old Court House, N. C. G g 8 Buena Vista, co. Iowa L k 12 Bristol, Ohio L d 7 Broos, Transylvania K d 25 Brunswick Benin. Chili C h 16 Buena Vista, L. Cal. D h 14 Bristol, Pa. G f 6 Brora R. Sutherland E b 19 Bruny I. Tasmania S v 35 Been Ayre (Dutch), I. W. Indies K e 15 Bristol, R. 1. C g 5 Brora, vil. Sutherland E b 19 Bruree, Limerick C d 20 Bueno, R. Chili C g 16 Bristol, Va. C e 8 Broseley, par. Salop D d 18 Brush Creek, Mo. O p 12 Buenos Ayres, Argentine Rep. E f 16 Bristol, Wis. I g 11 Brosna, Kerry B d 20 Brush Creek, Ohio I e 7 Buenos Ayres Prov. Argentine Rep. E f 16 Bristol B. Alaska E d 20 Brosna, R., Little, King’s Co. D c 20 Brush Creek, Utah I e 14 Buffalo, Ark. C d 9 Bristol Channel, England C e 18 Brosna, R. Westmeath D c 20 Brush Hill, 111. E b 7 Buffalo, Ind. F d 7 Bristol, city. Gloucester D e 18 Brothers Pt. Otago B g 35 Brushy Creek, Tex. H d 10 Buffalo, Iowa Q 1 12 Bristol, co. Mass. C g 5 Brou, Eure et Loir E b 21 Brushy Fork, Iowa M 1 12 Buffalo, Kans. F g 13 Bristol, co. R. I. C g 5 Brough, tp. Westmorland D b 18 Brushy Fork, Ouachita R. Ark. B c 9 Buffalo, Minn. D d 11 Bristow, Ky. F f 7 Broughshane, Antrim E b 20 Brushy Mt. N. C. D f 8 Buffalo, Mo. N p 12 Britain, Great, I. Europe G e 17 Broughton, Peebles E e 19 Brass, or Brussa, Asia Minor B a 29 Buffalo, N. Y. C d G Britain I., New, S. Pacific Oc. I i 1 Broughton. C. Japan R b 32 Brussels (Fr., Bruxelles ; Flemish, Buffalo, W. Va. D e 8 British, Antrim E b 20 Broughton, tp. Lancashire C b 18 Brussel), cap. of Belgium C c 22 Buffalo City, Wis. F e 11 British America, Brought y Ferrv, town. Forfar F d 19 Brussow, Brandenburg H b 22 Buffalo, co. Dak. 13 Dom. of Canada, &c. K d 2 Brouwershaven, Holland B c 22 Briister Ort C. E. Prussia K a 22 Buffalo, co. Nebr. G f 13 British Colombia, prov. Canada H d 2 Brow Head, Cork B e 20 Brute R. Minn G b 11 Buffalo, co. Wis. F e 11 British Isles, Europe G e 17 Brown Bay, Sligo C b 20 Bruton, par. Somerset D e 18 Buffalo Creek, Ind. T. G a 10 Britshany, Bessarabia F f 24 Brown Clee Hill, Salop D d 18 Briix, Bohemia C a 25 Buffalo Creek, Minn. O e 11 Brittany (Bretagne) prov. France C b 21 Brown, co. 111. B d 7 Bruyeres Vosges H b 21 Buffalo Creek, N. C. D f 8 Brittas Bay, Wicklow E d 20 Brown, co. Ind. F d 7 Bryan, Ohio H b 7 Buffalo Creek, Pa. B f 6 Brittons Neck, S. C. F h 8 Brown, co. Kan s. I g 13 Bryan, Wyom. H e 14 Buffalo fork, White R. Ark. C b 9 Britwin, C. Novaia Zemlia L a 24 Brown, co. Minn. C e 11 Bryan City, Tex. H d 10 Buffalo Harbor, N. Y. C d 6 Brive, Correze E d 21 Brown, co. Ohio I e 7 Bryan, co. Ga. O f 9 Buffalo L. Brit. America K d 2 Briviesea, Burgos G b 27 Brown, co. Tex. G d 10 Bryan Mt. 8. Australia F f 34 Buffalo R. Minn. A c 11 Brixen, Tyrol B c 25 Brown, co. Wis. I e 11 Bryants, Me. D d 5 Buffalo R. Tenn. H b 9 Brixhain, town, Devon C f 18 Browne Creek, Queensland G e 34 Bryant’s Fork, Mo. O q 12 Buffalo It. Wis. F e 11 Brixton, par. I. of Wight E f IS Browne, Mt. S. Australia F e 34 Bryants Swamp, N. 0. G g 8 Buffalo Spring, Tex. H e 10 Broa Bay, Cuba G c 15 Browne, Mt. Rocky Mts. I d 2 Bryantsville, Ky. 11 1 7 Buffalo Springs, Ark. A a 9 Broach (Bharach), Bombay Pres. D c 31 Brown Gilly, Mt. Cornwall B f 18 Brzezan, Galicia 1 b 25 Buffington, Mo. R q 12 Broad B. Lewis B b 19 Brownhelm, Ohio K b 7 Brzozow, Galicia H b 25 Bulord, Ga. M e 9 Broad ford, Clare C d 20 Browning, 111. B c 7 Bsherreb, Syria C b 30 Buford, Ky. E f 7 Broadi'ord, Limerick C d 20 Browning, Mo. N o 12 Bturmeih, Syria C b 30 Bufords Gap, Va. F d 8 BSpadford, Skye C c 19 Brown Lake, W. Australia B f 34 Bua Xum, Siam K d 31 Buga, Columbia H g 15 Broad Haven, Mayo B b 20 Brown Mt. S. Australia F f 34 Bubbaie, R. Nepal F li 31 Bugarring Mt. W. Australia B f 31 Bro id Law, Mt. Peebles E e 19 Brown, Pt. S. Australia E f 34 Bubiyau I. Persian Gulf F d 29 Bugarska, R. Servia 1 c 26 Broad Meadow Water, Dublin E c 20 Brown St.r. N. Australia F b 34 Bublitz, Pomerania I b 22 Bug, R. Galicia I b 25 Broad, or Tuscarora Mts. Pa. F e 6 Brown’s Nev. D e 14 Buccaneer Arch. N. W. Australia C e 34 Bog, or Bog. R. S. Russia G f 24 Broad R. Ga. N d 9 Browns boro, Tenn. N a 9 Buccari, Croatia D d 25 Bug, R. Poland E e 24 Broad R. S. C. I) g 8 Brownsburg, Ind. F d 7 Buchael Etive, ML Argyle D b 19 Bugulma, Samara L e 24 Broad R. S. C. E i 8 Bmwnsdale, Minn. E f 11 Buchanan, Ga. K d 9 Buguraslan, Samara L e 24 Broad Sound,. Env. of Boston G g 5 Bruwustown, ind. F e 7 Buchanan, Tex. H c 10 Buheiret Hums (Lake), Syria E a 30 Broad Sound. Queensland H d 34 Browustown Head Waterford D d 20 Buchanan, Mich. L h 11 Bugaiev I. R Petchora L b 24 Broadstairs, Kent H e 18 Brownsville, Ark. D c 9 Buchanan, Minn. F c 11 Bui, Kostroma I d 24 Broad-Top City, Pa. C f 6 Brownsville, Ind. II d 7 Buchanan, Va. F d 8 Bui, R. Ufa L d 24 Broad Water, Va. K d 8 Brow nsville. Ky. F f 7 Buchanan, co. Iowa P k 12 Builth, par. Brecon C d 18 Broadway, Wexford E d 20 Brownsville, Minn. F f 11 Buchanan, co. Mo. M n 12 Buinsk, Simbirsk K e 24 Brockaway, Minn. C d 11 Bro w nsville. Mo. N o 12 Buchanan, co. Va. C d 8 Buir Nor (L.), Mongolia L a 32 Brockawavvillc Pa. C e 6 Brownsville, N. C. G e 8 Buchan dist. Aberdeen F c 19 Bujalance, Cordova F g 27 Brocken, Mt. Harz Mts. F c 22 Brownsville, Ohio K d 7 Buchan Ness, Aberdeen G c 19 Buk, Posen I b 22 Brockman Mt. W. Australia B d 34 Brownsville, Pa. B f t Buchen, Lauenburg F b 22 Bukaa el. Syria C c 30 Brockport, N. Y. D c 6 Brownsville, S. C. F g i Buck, Pa. E g 6 Buka Nor (L.), Tibet F d 32 Brockville, Town ol Ontario F d 4 Brownsville, Tenn. F b 9 Buckatuna Creek, Miss. G f 9 Bukharest, or Bucharest (Bukurescht), Brockway, New Brunswick K d 4 Brownsville, Tex. H f 10 Buck Creek, Ind. F c 7 Cap. of Roumania, Walachia M b 26 Brocton, N. Y. B d 6 Brownville, Me. F c l Biickeburg, Schaumburg Lippe E b 22 Bukharia. Little, E. Turkestan, or Brod, Military Frontier F d 25 Brownville, Nebr. I f 13 Buckfield, Me. D d 5 Thian-shan-uan-loo Kgdm. Asia D c 32 Brod, Moravia E b 25 Brownville, N. Y. F b (, Buckhannon, W. Va. E c 8 Bukhjeh, Palestine B e 30 Brodhead, Wis. H g 11 Brown Willy, ML Cornwall B f 18 Buckhorn Creek, Ky. I f 7 Bukke, Fiord, Cliristiansand C g 23 Brodick, Arran C e 19 Brown wood. Tex. G b 1C Buckie, town. Banff’ F c 19 Bukowina, prov. Austria I e 25 Brody, Galicia I a 25 Browse I. N. W. Australia C b 34 Buckingham, Iowa O k 12 Buknes, Tromso G b 23 Broken Bay, New S. Wales I f 34 Broyle Harb. Newfoundland R c 4 Buckingham, Quebec F' d 4 Buk, R. Bessarabia F f 24 Broken Head R. Manitoba H a 13 Brozas, Caceres D e 27 Buckingham, co. Va. G d 8 Bukwa, Afghanistan B a 31 Bromberg, Posen K b 22 Brsa Palanka, Servia K b 26 Buckingham, co. Tasmania S v 35 Bulak, Egypt B g 33 Bromberg, gov. Prussia 1 b 22 Bruar Water, Perth E d 19 Buckingham, m. bor. Bucks F d 18 Bulamein, or Bulamin, Punjab D a 31 Brome, Quehec G d 4 Bruat, C. Corea N b 32 Buckinghamshire, or Bulan, Mongolia Ii b 32 Brome, co. Quebec G d 4 Bruce, Ontario C d 4 Bucks, co. England F c 18 Bulan Buiak, Soongaria E a 32 Bromley, par. Kent G e 18 Bruce B. Westland B e 35 Buckland, N. C. I e 8 Bulawadin, Asia Minor C b 29 Bromsgrove, town, Worcester D d 18 Bruce, co. Ontario C d 4 Buckland, Va. G e 8 Buldar Asia Minor C b 29 Bromwich, West, par. Stafford E d 18 Bruce Mines, Ontario B c 4 Buckland Mt. Queensland I d 34 Bulg, Mt. Forfar F d 19 Bromyard, tp. Hereford D d 18 Bruce, Mt. W. Australia B d 34 Buckland, Mt. Nelson C d 35 Bulgneville, Vosges G b 21 Bronlee, New S. Wales I £ 34 Bruce Port, Wash. B b 14 Buckland Tableland, Queensland H d 34 Bulbar, Somali E g 29 Brdiio, Tromso G d 23 Bruces Mines, Dom. of Canada O c 11 Buckle Hd. N. W. Australia D b 34 Bullague, R. Ciudad Real F e 27 Bronson, Fla. N h 9 Brueeville, Ind. E e 7 Buckley, 111. D c 7 Bullan Plain, New S. Wales H f 34 Bronson, Mich. M h 11 Bruchsal, Baden E d 22 Buckley, New S. Wales H g 34 Balias, Murcia I f 27 Bronte, Sicily F f 26 Brack, Lower Austria E b 25 Buckleys Peak, N. C. B f 8 Bull Bay, N. C. I f 8 Bronx R. N. Y. H f 6 Brack, Styria D c 25 Buck of Cabrash, Mt. Aberdeen F c 19 Bulle (Ger. Boll), Switzerland H c 21 Brookeborough, Fermanagh D b 20 Briicke, Norrland H e 23 Buckow, Brandenburg H b 22 Buller R. Nelson C d 35 Brooke, co. W. Va. E a 8 Brncnsburg, Miss. D f 9 Bucks, co. Pa. F f 6 Bullitt, co. Ky. G e 7 Brookes Falls, Tex. E e 10 Brae, R. Somerset D e 18 Bucks Creek, Ga. L e 9 Bulloah, Bengal H c 31 Brookfield, Conn. A g 5 Bruff, Limerick C d 20 Bucksport, Me. F d 5 Bullock, co. Ala. K o 9 Brookfield, Mass. B f 5 Bruges ( Brugge), Belgium B c 22 Bucksville, Ala. H d 9 Bullock, co. Ga. O e 9 Brookfield, Mich. N g 11 Brugier, co. Dak. G e 13 Bucksville, S. C. G h 8 Bulloo Creek, Queensland G e 34 Brookfield, Mo. N n 12 Briihl, Rhenish Prov. D c 22 Buctouche, New Brunswick L c 4 Bull Run R. Va. H c 8 Brookfield, N. Y. F d 6 Brule, Nebr. F f 13 Bucyrus, Ohio K c 7 Bulls Bay, S. C. F i 8 Brookfield, Wis. I f ii Brulee, La. C g 9 Buczacz, Galicia I b 25 Bulls Ferry, N. J. H f 6 Brookhaven, Miss. E f 9 Brule, R. Wis. I d 11 Buda, 111. C b 7 Bulls Head, Kerry A d 20 Brookings, co. Dak. H d 13 Bruly Landing, La. D g 7 Buda, or Ofeu ( Budin ), Cap. Bulls I. S. O. F i 8 Brookline, Env. of Boston E g 5 Brunnnana, Syria C c 30 of Kingdom, Hungary F e 25 Bull Swamp, S. C. D h 8 Brookline, La. C e 9 Bruneoken, Tyrol B c 25 Buda I. Tarrugona L d 27 Bulltown, W. Va. E c 3 Brookline, Mo. N P 12 Brunei Range, Queensland H e 34 Budd Land, Antarctic Ocean E P 1 Bulm, Wady el, Palestine E f 30 Brooklyn, Ala. I f 9 Brunet I. Newfoundland Q c 4 Buddou Ness, Forfar F d 19 Bulola (Portuguese), Senegambia O c 33 Brooklyn, Conn. B g 5 Brunette Falls, Wis. F d 11 Bude Bay, Cornwall B f 18 Bulongan, Borneo N b 23 Brooklyn, 111. B c 7 Bruni, Borneo N h 28 Bude Haven, Cornwall B f 18 Bulti, or Bultistan (Lit. Tibet), Brooklyn, 111. D f 7 Briinn, Moravia E b 25 Budeib, Syria D b 30 Cashmere E a 31 Brooklyn, Iowa 0 1 12 Brunneau Creek, Idaho F d 14 Budjo Nor (L.), Mongolia G a 32 Bululgurk, Punjab E b 31 Brooklyn, L. I. A h 5 Brunner, L. Canterbury C c 35 Budleigh Salterton, Devon C f 18 Bulun, Siberia O a 28 Brooklyn, Mich. N & 11 Brunner, R. Canterbury C e 35 Biidos Mt. Carpathians K c 25 Bulwagga Mt. N. Y. H c 6 Brooklyn, Wis. II g 11 Brunot, Mo. Q p 12 Budrus, Wady, Palestine B g 30 Bumkiud, Env. of Boston G li 5 Brooks, Me E d 5 Brunsbiittel, Holstein E b 22 Budua, Dalmatia F e 25 Biinim, or Bam, Pei's i a H d 29 Brooks, co. Ga. M g 9 Brunshausen, Hanover E b 22 Budweis, Bohemia D b 25 Buuaninver, Donegal C a 20 Brooks Gap, Va. G c 8 Brunswick, Ga. O f 9 Budwitz, Makrisch, Moravia D b 25 Bunarbashi, Asia Minor B b 29 Brookstou n. Ind. F c 7 Brunswick, Me. D e 5 Bueda, Valladolid F c 27 Bunatrahir Bay, Mayo B b 20 Brooksville, Fla. R n 8 Brunswick, Minn. D d 11 Buedo, R. Palencia F b 27 Buubeg, Donegal C a 20 Brooksvillo, Ky. H e 7 Brunswick, Mo. N n 12 Buenaventura, Columbia H g 15 Buubury, W. Australia B f 34 Brooksville, Vt. A d 5 Brunswick, Ohio L b 7 Buenaventura, Cal. D h 14 Bunches Bend, Mississippi R. La. D e 9 Brookville, III C a 7 Brunswick, N.C. H g 8 Buenavista. Ariz. H k 14 Buncombe, co. N.C. C f 8 GENERAL INDEX. 15 Bnncrnna, Donegal D a 20 Humlabarra, New S. Wales H 1' 3-1 IJumlavra, Central Provs. E c 31 Bundelcund, or Bamlnlklmml, states, Cent. India E b 31 Bunder Abbas, or Gombroon, Oman in Persia II d 29 Bunder Ghasim, Somali I c 33 Bunder Khore, Somali K c 33 Bnndi, or Boondeo, Bajpootana E b 31 Bundoran, Donegal G b 20 Bunga Lake, Victoria H g 34 Bungay, Suffolk II d 18 Bnngendore, New S. Wales H g 34 Bun 40 Chan, Japan 0 d 32 Bunkara R. Colo. C g 13 Bunker Hill, 111. C d 7 Bunker Hill, Ind. F c 7 Bunker Hill, Kans. G g 13 Bunker Hill Mont. Env. of Boston F g 5 Bunpoor, Beloochistan B b 31 Bunratty, Clare C d 20 Buntingford, Hertford F e 18 Bunyan, New S. Wales H g 34 Bunzlau, Silesia H e 22 Bunzlau, Jung, Bohemia D a 25 Buracoa, Cuba I c 15 Buraech, Oude F b 31 Burbank, Ohio K b 7 Burbarah, Palestine A g 30 Burchville, Mich. P fll Burdekiu R. Queensland H c 34 Burdwan, Bengal G c 31 Bure, Norrland L d 23 Bure, R. Norfolk H d 18 Bureau, 111. C b 7 Bureau, co. 111. C b 7 Bureif, Syria E b .30 Bureva, or Lit. KhinganMts. Amoor O a 32 Burford. tp. Oxford E e IS Burg, Holstein F a 22 Burg, Prov. Saxony F b 22 Burgas, Hohe, Mt. Upper Austria D c 25 Burgdorf, Switzerland H c 21 Burgeo and La Poile, dist. Newfoundland P o 4 Burgeo Is. Newfoundland P c 4 Burgess, Tasmania S u 35 Burgetts, Pa. A f 6 Burghas, Edirne M c 26 Burglias G. Edirne M c 26 Burghausen, Bavaria G d 22 Burghead, vil. Elgin E c 19 Burghersdorp, Cape Colony G h 33 Burgh-on-Sauds, tp. Cumberland C b 18 Bnrgo de Osma, Soria A c 27 Burgos, Burgos G b 27 Burgos, Prov. Spain G b 27 Buigs, I. of Gothland K h 23 Burgsteinfurt, Westphalia D b 22 Burguillos, Badajos D f 27 Burgundy ( Bourgogne ) Prov. France G c 21 Burkampore, Bengal G c 31 Buri, Soudan D c 33 Burica, Pt. Panama G f 15 Burik, Afghanistan C a 31 Burin, district, Newfoundland Q c 4 Burin Harb. Newfoundland Q c 4 Burin I. Newfoundland Q c 4 Buri Peninsula, Nubia E f 29 Burita, Brazil F d 16 Burka, or Barka, Oman H e 29 Burka Is. Oman H e 29 Burke, co. Ga. O d 9 Burke, co. N. C. D f 8 Burke Creek, Queensland F d 34 Burke Dist. Queensland G c 34 Burke Hollow, N. Y. G b 6 Burke R. Queensland F e 34 Burkesville, Ky. G g 7 Burkesville, Va. G d 8 Burkevillc, Tex. K d 10 Burk’s Station, Ariz. G i 14 Burketown, Queensland F c 34 Burku, or Borgu, Sahara F c 33 Burleson, Ala. G c 9 Burleson, co. Tex. H d 10 Burley, tp. York E c 18 Burliughame, Kans. I g 13 Burlington, Ind. F c 7 Burlington, Ind. G d 7 Burlington, Iowa P m 12 Burlington, Kans. I g 13 Burlington, Ky. H d 7 Burlington, Mich. M g 11 B-uliugton, Minn. A c 11 Burlington, Minn. F c 11 Burlington, N. J. G f 6 Burlington, Ohio IC e 7 Burlington, Pa. E e 6 Burlington, Vt. A d 5 Burlington, Wis. I g 11 Burlington, W. Va. G b 8 Burlington, co. N. J. G g 6 Bumiah, British, div. India I d 31 Burmah, kingdom, Asia I c 31 Bum Dennett, Tyrone D b 20 Bumchurck, Kilkenny D d 20 Burnet, Tex. G d 10 Burnet, co. Tex. H d 10 Burnett, co. Wis. E d 11 Burnett dist. Queensland I e 34 Burnett Junction, Wis. I f 11 Burnett R. Queensland I d 34 Bumfoot, Burnham, Burnham, par. Burnham, par. Burnham Thorpe, par. Burnley, m. bor. Burnsall, tp. Burnside, Burnsville, Burnsville, Burnt Coal I. Burnt Corn, Burnt Corn Creek, Burntisland, bor. Burnt Mountain Creek Burnt R. Burnt Wood R. Buroojird, Burotu-khota, Donegal D a 20 Me. E d 5 Essex G e 18 Somerset D e 18 Norfolk G d 18 Lancashire D c 18 York E b 18 III. A c 7 Miss. G c 9 N. C. C f 8 lie. F d 5 Ala. II f 9 Ala. H f 9 Fife E d 19 rdaho E d 14 Oreg. E c 14 Wis. F c 11 Persia F c 29 Mongolia M b 32 Burra Creek, Burra Fiord, Burra, I. Burra, I. Burraboom, S. Australia F f 34 Shetland Islands B a 19 Orkney Islands F b 19 Shetland A b 19 S. W. Frontier G c 31 Burrafiord Holms, Shetland A b 19 Burriana, Castellon de la Plana K e 27 Burr Oak, Mich. M h 11 Burrough, or Kara Str. Kara. Sea M a 24 Burrow Head, Wigtown D f 19 Burr’s Ferry, La. B f 9 Burrun, or Boolundshuhur, N. W. Provs. E b 31 Burry Inlet, Carmarthen B e 18 Burslem, tp. Stafford D c 18 Burt, co. Nebr. H f 13 Burton, Ohio L b 7 Burtou-in-Kendal, tp. Westmor. D b 18 Burtou-on-Trent, t. Stafford E d 18 Burts L. Mich. N d 11 Burtseheid Rhenish Prov. D c 22 Burud, Bosnia H b 26 Burung R. Tibet G d 32 Burwa, S. W. Frontier F c 31 Burwaunee, Indore Agency E c 31 Bury, Quebec H d 4 Bury, p. bor. Lancashire D c 18 Bury-St Edmunds, bor. Suffolk G d 18 Buryton, Ala. G f 9 Burzeh (Ilobah), Syria D c 30 Busa, C. Candia K g 26 Busaeo, Beira B d 27 Busaco, Pico, Mt. Beira B d 27 Busan, Palestine E e 30 Busby, vil. Renfrew D e 19 Buseiu Chelu, Mongolia K a 32 Buseir, Oman H e 29 Bush End Point, Nelson D d 35 Bush Hill, Pa. F e 6 Bush, R. Antrim E a 30 Bushaifa B. Egypt B c 29 Bushire, or Aboushehr, Persia G d 29 Buslikurd, prov. Beloochistan A b 31 Bushmen, Race, S. Africa F f 33 Bushmills, Antrim E a 20 Bushnell, III. B c 7 Busknell, Nebr. E f 13 Bushrevgak, Persia II c 29 Busi I. Dalmatia E e 25 Buskerud stift, Norway E f 23 Busot, Alicante K f 27 Busrah ( Bozrah), Palestine D e 30 Busselton, W. Australia B f 34 Busseron Creek Ind. E e 7 Busso, Soudan F c 33 Bussorah or Basra, Turk, in Asia F c 29 Bustar, Brit. dist. Madras & Bengal F d 31 Bustard B. Queensland I d 34 Busto Arsizio, Lombardy C h 26 Busuluk, Samara L e 24 Busuluk, R. Don Cossacks I e 24 Busum, Holstein E a 22 Buswunthnuggur, Nizam’s Domin. E d 3L Bute, I. Bute C e 19 Bute Inlet, Brit. Columbia H d 2 Butein, Palestine C e 30 Buteshire, co. Scotland C e 19 Bute Sound, Scotland C e 19 Butler, Ala. G e 9 Butler, Ga. L o 9 Butler, 111. C d 7 Butler Ind. H b 7 Butler, Ky. C g 7 Butler, Ky. H e 7 Butler, Mo. M o 12 Butler, Pa. B f 6 Butler Center, Iowa O k 12 Butler, co. Ala. I f 9 Butler, co. Iowa O k 12 Butler, co. Kans. H li 13 Butler, co. Ky. F i 7 Butler, co. Mo. Q q 12 Butler, co. Nebr. H f 13 Butler, co. Ohio H d 7 Butler, co. Pa. B f 6 Butler King Ga. N f 9 Butlers Bridge, .Cavan D b 20 Butlersville, S. C. C g 8 Biitow, Pomerania I a 22 Butschetji, Mt., Transylvanian Alps I d 25 Butt of Lewis, Lewis B b 19 Buttauf, el, Palestine B e 30 Butte City, Mont. G c 14 Butte, co. Cal. O f 14 Butte Creek, Cal. B o 14 Butte Creek, Cal. Butten fields, Nev. Butterwood Creek, Va. Butterworth, Caffraria Buttevant, Cork Butt, Mt. N. C. Buttons B. Brit. America Butts, co. Ga. Buttstiidt, Saxe Weimar Buttsville, Mo. Butzbacli, Hessen Biitzcw, Mecklcnburgh Buxton, Me. Buxton, tp. Derby Buzancais, Indrc Buzeo, Walachia Buzeo, R. Walachia Buzzard’s Bay, Mass. Buzzardsville, Ind. Bwlch Mawr, Carnarvon Bivlch Mawr (Mt.) Carnarvon Byam Martin Chan. Arctic Archipel. Byam Martin I. Arctic Archipelago liyblus (Jebeii), Syria Byelo-osero L. (White 1..), Novgorod C f 14 F f 14 H d 8 G h 33 d 20 f 8 d 2 d 9 c 22 Nm 12 Byelosersk, Byelurnee R. Byeshetsk, Bygdea, Bygdiu, L. Bygland, Byhalia, Byldiov, Bykle, Byuoe, Harb. Bynoe R. Byram, Byramgore Reef Byron, Byron, Byron, Byron, Byron, Byron, C. Byron I. Byske, Byske An, Bystrica, R. Bysuluk, R. Byth, New, Novgorod Bengal Tver Norrland Hamar (ihristiansand Miss. Mobile v Christiausand N. Australia Queensland Miss. Laccadive Is. 111 . Me. Mich. Minn. N. Y. New S. Wales G. of St Lawrence Norrland Norrland Galicia Samara Aberdeen c 18 d 18 2 2 30 24 24 c 31 d 24 d 23 f 23 g 23 c 9 e 24 g 23 b 34 c 34 e 9 e 31 a 7 d 5 M g 11 11 e 6 e 34 c 4 d 23 d 23 b 25 e 24 c 19 Cababi, Caballo, Puerto, Caballos, Puerto, Cabanas, Puerto, Cabango, Cabara, Cabarca, Cabarrus, co. Cabell, co. Cabes, Cabes, G. of, Cabeza del Bucy, Cabezas (Las), Cabezon, Cabin Creek, Cabin Pt. Cabinda, Cabixis, Cable riity, Cabonico, Ariz. II i 14 Venezuela K e 15 Honduras F d 15 Cuba G c 15 Cent. Africa G e 33 Soudan D c 33 Mexico A a 15 N. C. E f 8 W. Va. C c 8 Tunis F a 33 Tunis F a 33 Badajo3 E f 27 Sevilla E g 27 N. Mexico C b 10 W. Va. D c 8 Va. I d 8 Kongo F e 33 Brazil E d 16 Mont. G b 14 Cuba H c 15 Cabool, or Kabool, Cap. Afghanistan C a 31 Cabool, Principality, Afghanistan C a 31 Cabool R. Afghanistan C a 31 Cabot, Quebec K b 4 Cabot, Vt. B d 5 Cabot Head, L. Superior C d 4 Cabra, Cordova F g 27 Cabrach, Aberdeen E c 19 Oabrejas, Altos de, Mts. Cuenpa H b 27 Cabrera I. Balearic Is. N e 27 Cabrera I. Greece I f 26 Cabrero3, Avila F d 27 Cabriel, R. Cuenca I e 27 Cabrobo, Brazil F c 16 Cabrutce I. Laccadive Is. D e 31 Cabal (Kabul), Palestine B o 30 Caeapou R. W. Va. G b 8 Cacarica, XL Colombia H f 15 Caceres, Columbia H g 15 Caceres, Columbia I f 15 Caceres, Caceres D e 27 Caceres, prov. Spain D e 27 Cacliao ( Preiich ), Senegambia C c 33 Cachapoyas, Peru C c 16 Cache, co. Utah ter. H e 4 Cache Creek, Cal. C f 14 Cache R. Ark. D b 9 Cache R. 111. C f 7 Cacouda, Benguela F f 33 Cacouna, Quebec I b Cadaques, Gerona O b 27 Cadi la L. La. A c 9 Caddo Creek, Ark. B c 9 Caddo, Fourckc, Washita R. Ark. B c 9 Caddo L. Tex. I c 10 Caddo, par. La. B e 9 Caddo Peaks, E. and W. Tex. G o 10 Cadduldury, New S. Wales H f 31 Cadell Range, New S. Wales G f 34 Cader Berwyn, Mt. Denbigh C d 18 Cadereyta, Mexico D c 15 Cader Idris. Mt Merioneth C d 18 Cadet, Cadiz, Cadiz, Cadiz, Cadiz, Cadiz, Cadiz, Bay of, Cadiz Junction, Cadiz, prov. Cadotte Pass, Cadron, Cadi on Creek, N. Caen, Caerleon, tp. Caernarvon Hills, Caerphilly, Caenvys, p. bor. Mo. Q o 12 Cadiz D h 27 Ky. E g 7 N. Y. C d 0 Ohio L c 7 Wis. H g 11 Cadiz D h 27 Ohio M c 7 Spain E h 27 Mont. G b 14 Ark. C b 9 Ark. C b 9 Calvados D b 21 Monmouth D e 18 W. Australia B f 34 Glamorgan C e 18 Flint C c 18 Caesarea ( Raisariyeli), Palestine A f 30 Coes area Philippi (Banias), Palestme C d 30 Ciesars Head, Mt. N. C. & S. C. C f 8 Caffa, Kaffa, or Theodosia, Taurida H g 24 Caffirs, Coast, Africa H g 33 Caffraria, or Caffir Land, S. Africa G h 33 Cagayan, Philippine Islands O h 23 Cagliari, Sardinia C e 26 Cagliari, G. of, Sardinia O e 26 Cagliari, prov. Sardinia C e 26 Cagoon, Persia G d 29 Caha Mts. Kerry B o 20 Cahawba, Ala. H e 9 Cahawba R., Ala. H d 9 Caber, Tipperary D d 20 Caher I, Mayo A c 20 Caherconlish, Limerick C d 20 Calierdaniel, Kerry A e 20 Cahersiveen, Kerry A e 20 Cahokia, 111. B e 7 Cahokia Creek, 111. B e 7 Caliore Point, Wexford E d 20 Cahors, Lot E d 2] Oaicara, Venezuela K f 15 Caicos Is., N. Grand, and E. Bahamas I c 15 Caicos Passage, Bahamas I c 15 Caillou B. La. E h 9 Oaillou I. La. E h 9 Caillou L. La. E k 9 Cainboy, S. C. F i 8 Cainesvillc, Mo. N m 12 Caiusville, Tenn. I a 9 Caio, R. Alemtejo C e 27 Ca Ira, Va. G d 8 Cairn Achinocheli, Mt. Perth E d 19 Cairn Balloch, Mt. Inverness D c 19 Cairnbulg Point, Aberdeen G c 19 Cairn Eelar, Mt. Perth E d 19 Cairngorm, mt. Banff E c 19 Cairn Gowar (Ben-y-Gloe), Perth E d 19 Cairnsmuir of Dough, mt. Kirkcud. D e 19 Cairnsmuir of Fleet, Mt. Kirkcud. D f 19 Cairn Table, Mt. Lanark E c 19 Cairntoul, mt. Aberdeen E c 19 Cairn Water, Dumfries E e 19 Cairo ( Masr-el-Kahirah), Egypt C c 29 Cairo, Ga. L g 9 Cairo, 111. C t' 7 Cairo, N. Y. G d 0 Caistor, par. Norfolk H d 18 Oaitkness-skire, co. Scotland E b 19 Caiza, Bolivia D e 16 Cajarc, Lot E d 21 Cakaturn, Hungary E c 25 Calabasa Mts. Ariz. II g 14 Calabasas, Ariz. H k 14 Calabar, R., Old, Guinea E d 33 Calabozo, Venezuela K f 15 Calabria Citeriore, prov. S. Italy G e 26 Calabria Ulteriore 1. prov. S. Italy F e 26 Calabria Ulteriore 11. prov. S. Italy G e 26 Cala Figucra, Cape, Majorca N e 27 Oalahorra, Logrono II b 27 Calais, Me. G c 5 Calais, Pas de Calais E a 21 Calais, Vt. B d 5 Calamus R. Nebr. G c 13 Cal a mat, Columbia II f 15 Calamata, Greece K f 26 Ca'.aniiaues Is. Philippine Is. O g 23 Calamiguel, Lower California D e 3 Calamine, Wis. G g 11 Calamocha, Teruel I d 27 Cala Morral Point, Malaga F h 27 Cal i Muiada, B. Majorca O c 27 Calapooya, Mts. Greg. B c 14 Cala, R. Sevilla D g 27 Calasparra, Murcia I f 27 Calatanazar, Soria II c 27 Calatrava, Calzado de, Ciudad Real G f 27 Calatrava, Carnpo de, Ciudad Real G f 27 Calatayud, Zaragoza I c 27 Calaveras, co. Cal. C f 14 Calaveras Creek, Cal. C f 14 Calca, Peru C d 1 6 Calcasieu L. La. B h 9 Calcasieu, par. La. B g 9 Calcasieu Pass, La. B h 9 Calcasieu R. La. C g 9 Calcasieu, It., Little La. B g 9 Calchat, L. Argentine Rep. D c 16 Calcutta. Bengal G c 31 Cables ill Rainha, Estremailura A o 27 16 GENERAL INDEX. Caldera, Port, Chili C e 16 Calumet L. Env. of Chicago C f Calderina (La), Toledo G e 27 Calumet R. 111. E b Calderina (La). Mts. Toledo G c 27 Calvados dep. France D b Calder, Mid, Edinburgh E e 19 Calvados, Rocks of, Calvados D b Calder, R. Lancashire D c 18 Calvarv, Env. of Chicago C e Calder, R. York E c 18 Calvary, Wis. I f Calder, West, Edinburgh E e 19 Calver Peak, Queensland H cl Caldwell, Ala. I d 9 Calverstown, Kildare E c Caldwell, N. Y. H c 6 Calvert, eo. Md. E h Caldwell, Ohio L d 7 Calvey, Mo. Q 0 Caldwell, Tex. H d 10 Cal vi, Corsica I e Caldwell, co. Ky. E f 7 Calvinia, Cape Colony G h Caldwell, co. Mo. M n 12 Cal vn Porto, Brazil G c Caldwell, co. Nebr. G e 13 Calvorde, Brunswick F b Caldwell, co. N. C. D f 8 Calzado de Calatrava, Ciudad Real G f Caldwell, co. Tex. H e 10 Cam Fell, York D b Caldwell, par. La C e 9 Cam, or Granta, R. Cambridge G d Caldwell’s Landing N. Y. H e 6 Camachie, or Ellis. B. Anticosti L b Caldwelltown, Ark. C c 9 Camaderry Mt. Wicklow E c Caldy 1.. Pembroke B e 18 Camak, Ga. .N d Caledon. Cape Colony F h 33 Oamamu, Brazil G d Caledon, Tyrone E b 20 Cain an a, Pern C d Caledon B. N. Australia F b 34 Caniaran I. Red Sea E f Caledonia, British Guiana E b 16 Camaranca R. Sierra Leone C d Caledonia. 111. I) a 7 Caniarare, R. Brazil E d Caledonia. Minn. F f 11 Camares, Aveyron F e Caledonia, Mo. Q P 12 Camargo, 111. D d Caledonia, N. Y. D c 6 Carnargo, Mexico D b Caledonia, N. C. F f 8 Camargo, Mexico G e Caledonia, Ohio I c 7 Camargo, Miss. G c Caledonia, Pa. C e 6 Camarinas, Coruna A a Caledonia, Wis. K g 11 Caniarones, Peru C d Caledonia, co. Vt. B d 5 Camas Creek, Idaho G d Caledonian Canal, Inverness D c 19 Camas Prairie, Idaho F d Calewatta or Darli rig R. Camas Prairie, Idaho G d New S. Wales G f 34 Camas, or Smith R. Mont H b Calf of Man I. Irish Sea B b 18 Cambay ( Khambayat ) Gujerat D c Calf I. Env. of Boston G £■> 5 Cambay, G. of, Gujerat D c Calgary B. Mull B d .19 i ambodia, state. E. Peninsula M g Calhoun, Ala. i e 9 Camboise Bay, Northumberland E a Calhoun, Ark. B d 9 Camboja or Mekong R Siam K d Calhoun, Ga. L c 9 Camboja Point, Siam M h Calhoun, Ky. E f 7 Camborne, town, Cornwall A f Calhoun, Mo. N 0 12 Cambrai, Nord F a Calhoun, Tenn. L b 9 Cambria, Wis. H f Calhoun, co. Ala. K d 9 Cambria, co. Pa C f Calhoun, co. Ark. C d 9 Cambrian Mts. Wales G d Calhoun, co. Fla. K g 9 Cambridge, Auckland E b Calhoun, co. Ga. L f 9 Cambridge, Ala. H e Calhoun, co. 111. B d 7 Cambridge, 111. B b Calhoun, co. Iowa M k 12 Cambridge, Iowa N 1 Calhoun, co. Mich. M g 11 Cambridge, Mass. C f Calhoun, co. Miss. F d y Cambridge, Md. E li Calhoun, co. Tex. H e 10 : Cambridge, Minn. D d Calhoun, co. W. Va. D c 8 Cambridge, Mo. N n Cali, Colombia H g 15 Cambridge, N. Y. H c Calibogue Sound, S. O. E i 8 Cambridge, Ohio L c Calicut ( Kolikod ) Madras Pres. E e 31 Cambridge, Pa. A e California, state. United States 14 Cambridge, S. C. C a California, Mo. O 0 12 Cambridge, Yt. B d Ca'ifornia, Pa. B f 6 Cambridge, Vt. B e California, G. of, Mexico D e 3 Cambridge, bor. Cambridge G d California (Lowe)’), Benin. Mexico A b 15 Cambridge City, Ind. G d Ca\'m\ere(Kalimetu)Pt. MadrasPres. E e 31 Cambridge, G. N. W. Australia D b Galinas Mts. N. Mex. C a 10 Cambridge i. Chili C h Calingapatam, Madras Pres. F d 31 Cambridge Port, Env. of Boston E g (Jalistoga, Cal. B f 14 Cambridgeshire co. England G d Call, Rhenish Prov. D c. 22 Cambrils, Terragona M c Callahan, Fla. O e> 9 Camden. Ala. H f Callahan, co. Tex. G C 10 Camden, Ark. C d Callan, Kilkenny 1) d 20’ Camden, Del F g Callander, village. Perth D d 19 Camden, Ind. G c Callandun, Queensland I e 34 Camden, Me. E cl Gallandun, Queensland 1 c 34 Camden, Midi. N h Callao, Mo. O n 12 Camden, Mo. M n Callao, Mo. O n 12 Camden, N. J. F g Callao, Peru C d 16 Camden, N. Y. F e Callaqui Vol. Andes of Chili C f 16 Camden, Ohio H cl Callaway, co. Ky. D £ 7 Camden, S. C. E g Callaway, co. Mo. P 0 12 Camden, Tenn. G a Calle (la), Algeria E a 33 Camden, co. Ga. O f G'alle Creek, Mo. Q q 12 Camden, co. Mo. O p Callensburg, Pa. B e 6 Camden, eo. N. C. I e Callernish, Lewis B b 19 Camden, co. N. J. G g Callian'ee (Kalyan), Bombay Pres. D d 31 Camden Haven. New S. Wales I 1' Callicoon, N. Y. G e 6 Camden Mills, III. B b Callicoon Centre, N. Y. G e 6 Camel, Mt. Auckland D a Callies, Pomerania H b 22 Camel, R. Cornwall B f Calling, or Camelford, Cornwall B f Qui Appelle R. Dom. of Canada K d 2 Camel's Hump, Vt. B d Callingtou, par Cornwall B f 18 Cameltou. Ind. F f Calliope, Iowa K i 12 Camerag, Philippine Islands O Cullirh'oe, Palestine C g 30 Camerino, Marches E c Callosa, Alicante K 1 27 Cameron, Auckland E b Callosa de la Segura, Alicante K f 27 Cameron, Mo. M n Callville, Nev. F g 14 Cameron, N. Y. D d Calniar, Gothland 1 h 23 Cameron, Tex. H <1 Caln.ar, Iowa P i 12 Cameron, W. Va. E b Calniar, laen, Sweden I h 23 Cameron, C. Honduras G d Calniar Sound, Gothland 1 li 23 Cameron, co. Pa. O e Cable, in. bor. Wilts E e 18 Cameron, co. Tex. H f Cubosahachee R. Fla. L P 8 Cameron, par. La. B li Calopan, Philippine Islands O g 28 Carnerones B. Patagonia D Calore, R. Naples F (1 26 Cameroon Mts. Guinea E d Calpee, or Kalpi, N. W. Provs. E b 31 Cameta, Brazil F’ c Calpentyn, Ceylon E f 31 Camlield Creek, N. Australia E c Caltagivone, Sicily F f 26 Camilla, Ga. L f Caltanisetta, Sicily F f 26 Camisea, R. Peru C c Caltanisetta, prov. Sicily F f 26' Cammarata, Mt. Sicily E f Cal Lira, Ceylon E f 31 Cammin, Pomerania H b Calumet, Env. of Chicago C f 10 Camoge, R. Limerick G d Calumet, Mich. 1 b 11 Camolin, Wexford E d Calumet, Wis. 1 f 11 Camonada B. La. E h Calumet, co. Wis. 1 e 11 Cumopi, R. Guiana E b Camora, Estremailura B f 27 Canale, Goiitz C c 25 Camorta L Nicobar is. H i 31 Canal Fulton. Ohio L c 7 Camp, Ken y B d 20 Canandaigua N. Y. D a e Camp, Minn. C e 11 Can niciaigua L. N. Y. D d 6 Camp, Nev. D f 14 Cana ot Ualilee (Kefr Kenna, Campagna, Campania F d 26 or Kuna), Palestine B e 30 v-amp Alford, Greg. D d 14 Canara, olcl prov. Madras D e 31 Campan, Ilautes Pyrenees E e 21 Canaria, Gran I. Canary Is. C b 33 Campana, Sevilla E g 27 Canary Islands (to Spain), Africa D k 17 Canipana 1. Chili C g 16 Canarsie, Env. of N. Y. C b 6 Cam panaris, Badajos E f 27 Canascraga, N Y. D d 6 Canipanella, P. della, Campania F d 26 Canastota N. Y. F e 6 Cainpanha, Brazil F e 16 Cancale, Ille-et-Villaine D b 21 Campania, div. Italy F d 26 Cancoopa, or Kankupa, Mysore. E e 31 Canipauick, Cape, Iviza M e 27 Candahar,or Kandahar, Afghanistan C a 31 Camparroso, Navarra I b 27 Candeish, Brit, collect. Bombay D e 31 Campaspe R. Victoria G g 34 Candelaria, Paraguay E e 16 Cam]) Bayard, N. Mex. B c 10 Candelaria, Argentine Peep. D e 16 Campbell, Cal. D g 14 Candia, N. H. C e 5 Campbell, Mich. K c 11 Candia (Merw.lobj.strm), Candia L g 26 Campbell, Minn. A d 11 Canclia, or Crete I Turkey L g 26 Campbell, N. Y. D d 6 Candia, Sea of, Mediterranean L g 26 Campbell, C. Marlborough E d 35 Candor, N. Y. E d 6 Campbell, co. Ga. L d 9 Cane, R. N. W. Provs. F b 31 Campbell, eo. Ky. H e 7 Caneadea, N. Y. C d 6 Campbell, co. Tenn. L a 9 Canea, B. Candia K g 26 Campbell, co. Va. F d 8 Canea (Chania), Candia L g 26 Campbell Court House, Va. F d 8 Cane Fork, Kentucky R. Ky. I f 7 Campbell I. S. Pacific Oc. K 0 1 Canelones, Uruguay E f 16 Campbellsburg, Ind. F e 7 Canes, Bayou, La. C g 9 Campbell’s Pass, N. Mex. B b 10 Caneta, Peru C d 16 Campbellsville, Ky. G f 7 Canets, Cuenca I d 27 Cainpbellsville, Tenn. H b 9 Canete le Real, Malaga E h 27 Campbellton, Fla. K g 9 Caney, Ark. B d 9 Campbellton, Ga. L cl 9 Caney Creek, Ky. K f 7 Campbellton, New Brunswick K c 4 Caneyville, Ky. F f 7 Campbelltown, Otago B g 35 Canfield, 111. E a 7 Campbelltown, Prince Edward 1. M c 4 Canfield, Minn. E f 11 Campbell Town, Tasmania S u 35 Canfield, Ohio M b 7 Campbelltown, burgh, Argyle C e 19 Cangas de Onis, Oviedo E a 27 Camp Brigg, Gal. B t 14 Cangas de Tineo, Oviedo D a 27 Camp Cady, Cal. E h 14 Cangallo, Peru C d 16 Camp Concho, Tex. F d 10 Oanglass Point, Kerry A d 20 Camp Cooper, Tex. G c 10 Canha, R. Estremadura B f 27 Camp Creek, Ky. D f 7 Oaniapuscaw L. Labrador Penin. O d 2 Camp Creek, W. Va. D d 8 Caniapuscaw, or Camp Darkee, Utah H e 14 Koksoak R. Labrador O d 2 Cam peachy, Yucatan E d 15 Canigou, Mount, Pyrenees N b 27 Campeaehy, Bay, Mexico E d 15 Caninde, Brazil G c 16 Canipeachy, State, Mexico F d 15 Caningo, S. Gent. Africa G f 33 Camp Eldorado, Nev. F h 14 Canisp, (Mt.) Sutherland C b 19 Canipellos, Malaga F g 27 Caniza (La), Pontevedra B b 27 Camp Gaston, Cal. B e 14 Canjayar, Almeria H li 27 Camp Grant, Cal. B e 14 Camsteo, N. Y. D d 6 Camp Ground, S. C. C g 8 Cauisteo R. N Y. D d 6 Camp Hudson, Tex. F a 10 Canna, I. Argyle B c 19 Camp Lancaster, Tex. F d 10 Canuaigre B. Newfoundland P c 4 Camp Lincoln, Cal. A e 14 Caunanore (Kananoor), Camp Lyon, Nev. E e 14 Madras Pres. D e 31 Camp Marshall, Wyom. D e 13 Cannes, Alpes maritimes H e 21 Camp M ‘Garry Nev. D e 14 Canning, Nova Scotia L d 4 Camp M ‘Hermit, Nev. E e 14 Cannock, tp. Stafford E d 18 Camp M‘Kee, Nev. D e 14 Cannon, co. Tenn. I b 9 Camp Mimbres, N. Mex. B c 10 Cannon Creek, Idaho E d 14 Camp Mt. Va. E e 8 Cannon Creek, Idaho 1' d 14 Camp Nichols, Ind. T. E a 10 Cannon Falls, Minn. E e 11 Campo, Brazil F d 16 Cannon K. Minn. D e 11 C’ampo basso. Molise F d 26 Cannonsburg, Pa. A f 6 Campo de Calatrava, Ciudad Real G f 27 Canuonsville, N. Y. F d 6 Campo del Criptana, Ciudad Real G e 27 Cannouchee R. Ga. O e 9 Campo rle Ourique, plain, Alemtejo B g 27 Cannstadt, Wurtemberg E d 22 Campo Formio, Venetia E b 26 Canobie, Dumfries F e 19 Campo Largo, Brazil F d 16 Oanobolas, Mt. New S. Wales H f 34 Campo Major, Alemtejo C e 27 Canon Cheuallo, Ariz. I h 14 Campo Major, Brazil G c 16 Canon City. Colo. D g 13 Campos, Brazil P e 16 Canon de Chaco, N. Mex. B a 10 Campos, Tierra de, Palencia F' b 27 Canon de Chelle, Ariz. I g 14 Camp Point, III. A c 7 Canon de la Piedra Pintado, Camp Babbitt, Cal. D g 14 N. Mex. D b 1U Camp Radiminsky, Ind. T. G b 10 Canon Largo, N. Mex. C a 10 Camp Riggs, Ariz. H i 14 Canona, R. Brazil E c 16 Campsie, Stirling D e 19 Canosa di Puglia, Apulia G d 26 Cunipsie Fells, Stirling D d 19 Cunossa, Emilia D b 26 Camp Spring, Ala. 11 c 9 Canowen, R. Tyrone D b 20 Camp Stockton, Tex. E d 10 Ganpile, Wexford E d 20 Campton, Ky. I f 7 Canso, C. Nova Scotia O e 4 Campton, N. H. G e 5 Canso, Strait of. Nova Scotia N d 4 Campton, Pa. E e 6 Cantabrian Mts. form a continuation Camp Verde, Ariz. H h 14 of tile Pyrenees, and extend to C. Camp Verde, Tex. G e 10 Finistere, Spain 27 Camp Walbach, Wyom. D f 13 Cantalao, Brazil F d 16 Camp Wallace, Idaho F d 14 C.mtal, dep. France F d 21 Camp Wallen, Ariz. H k 14 Cautal Mi. or Plomb de C., Cantal F d 21 Camp Wright, Oreg. D d 14 Cantal, Point. Almeria I g 27 Canaan, Conn. A f 5 Canterbury, Ky. K e 7 Canaan, Me. E d 5 Canterbury, New Brunswick K d 4 Canaan, Mo. P 0 12 Canterbury Bight, Canterbury D f 35 Canaan, N. H. 0 e 5 Canterbury, city. Kent U e 18 Canaan, Vt. C d 5 Cantermiry Plains, Canterbury C e 35 Canada, N. Mex. D b 10 Canterbury, prov. New Zealand C e 35 (Jauada B. Newfoundland P a 4 Cantillana, Sevilla E g 27 Canada Creek, N. Y. G c 6 Cantin, C. Marocco D a 33 Canada Creek, W. N. Y. G e 6 Canton, Ala. H e 9 Canada de Fruxillo, N. Mex. E b 10 Canton, Ark. D a 9 Canada, Dominion, N. America 4 Canton, Ga. L c 9 Canada East or Quebec prov. G c 4 Canton, 111. B c 7 Canada Seca, N. Mex. D b 10 Canton, Ky. E g 1 Canada West, cr Ontario prov. D d 4 Canton, Mass. C f 5 Canadian District, Bid. T. I b 10 Canton, Me. D d 5 Canadian R. Ind. T. H b 10 Canton, Miss. E e 9 Canadian R. New Mexico F’ c 4 Canton, Mo. P m 12 Canaguan I. (British), Antilles L e 15 Canton, N. Y. F b 6 Cauajoharie, N. Y. G d 6 Canton, Ohio L c 7 Canal Dover, Ohio L e 7 Canton, l*a. E a 6 10 7 21 21 10 11 31 20 fi 12 21 33 16 22 27 18 18 4 20 9 16 16 29 33 16 21 7 15 3 9 27 16 14 14 14 14 31 31 28 18 31 28 18 21 11 6 18 35 9 7 12 5 6 11 12 6 7 6 8 5 5 18 7 34 16 5 18 27 9 9 6 7 5 11 12 6' 6 7 8 9 9 12 8 6 34 7 35 18 18 5 7 28 26 35 12 6 10 8 15 6 10 9 16 33 16 34 9 16 26 22 20 20 9 16 GEJSEKAL INDEX. 17 Canton, Tex. I c 10 Carcajente, Valencia K e Canton R., or Chu Kiang, China K f 32 Carcassonne, Aude F e Canton, or Quang-chow-foo, Cardamum I. Laccadive Is. D e Quang-tung K f 32 Cardenas, Cuba G c Cartua Creek, ' Cal. C g 14 Cardiff, bor. Glamorgan C e Cauluvieja, Teruel K d 27 Cardigan, New Brunswick K c Canute, ‘list. Argyle C e 19 Cm digan Bay, Wales B d Caiityre, Mull of Argyle C e 19 Cardigan, bor. Cardigan B d Cantyre Peninsula, Argyle C e 19 Cardiganshire, co. Wales B d Canvey, 1. Essex G e 18 Cardington, Ohio K c Canyon City, Oreg. D c 14 Cardona, Barcelona M c Canyouville, Oreg. B d 14 Cardonagh, Donegal D a Gaol Soa, Skye B c 19 Cards Sound, Fla. M q Caoi M or, Skye C c 19 Cardwell, Queensland H c Capar, or Viedma, L. Patagonia C g Iff Cardwell, co. Ontario D e Caparro, Rio, Venezuela 1 f 15 Carentan, Manclre D b Capau Gris, Mo. Q n 12 Cares, R. Oviedo F a Cap Chat, Quebec K b 4 Carew R. Canterbury C f Cape Barren I, Tasmania T u 35 Carey, Ohio I c Cape Breton, co. Nova. Scotia hi c 4 Carey Is. Greenland N b Cape Breton I. Nova Scotia N c 4 Careyville, Tenn. L a Cape Canaveral, Fla. M n 8 Cargill, Perth E d Cape Canso, tn. Nova Scotia N d 4 Carhaix, Finistere C b Cape Charles, Va. K d 8 Cariaco, Venezuela L e Cape Clear I. Cork B e 20 Cariaco Bay, Venezuela L e Cape Coast Castle (British), Guinea D d 33 Cariacou I. (British), Antilles L e Cape Cod Bay, Mass. D g 5 Cariay, R. Brazil E c Cape Cod Harbour, Mass. D g 5 Caribbean Sea, I e Cape Colony (British) S, Africa G h 33 Caribbees, N. and S. Is. W. Indies L d Cape Cove, tn. Quebec L b 4 C’aribe, Rio, Venezuela L e Cape des Rosiers, Quebec L b 4 Caribou L. Me. E c Cape Fear, N. C. H h 8 Cariboo Diggings, Brit. Columbia H d Cape Fear R. N. C. G g 8 Caribou, Lake Superior, Cape Florida, Fla. M q 8 Dom. of Canada M b Cape Girardeau, Mo R p 12 Caribou, Pt. Quebec K b Cape Girardeau, co. Mo. R p 12 Carillon, Quebec F d Cape Hatteras, N. C. K f 8 Carimata Channel, Malaysia M i Cape Haytien, Haiti I d 15 Carimata I. Malaysia M i Cape Henry, Va. F e 8 Carinena, Zaragoza I c Cape Henry, Va. K e 8 Carini, Sicily E e Cape I. S. C. F h 8 Carinthia, prov. Austria C c Cape Island City, N. J. G h 6 Cariso Pass, Tex. D d Capella Mts. Military Frontier 1) d 25 Carisso, Cal. D h Cape Lookout, N. C. I g 8 Carizzo, Cal. E i Capeloso, Monte, Lugo C b 27 Carlanstown, Meath E c Cape Malabar, Fla. M o 8 Carlenberg (Hanover), gov. Hanover E b Cape May, N. J. G h 6 Carleton, New Brunswick K d Cape May, N. J. G g 6 Carleton, Quebec K b Cape May, co. N. J. G g 6 Carleton, co. New Brunswick K c Cape of Good Hope, Cape Col. F h 33 Carleton, co. Ontario F d Cape R. Queensland H d 34 Carlew Mts. Sligo C b Capercotia, Palestine B f 30 Carlin, Nev. E e Capernaum (Tell Hum), Palestine C e 30 Carling, Ger. Lorraine D d Cape Roman, S. C. F h 8 Carlingford, Louth E b Capeis I. S. C. F i 8 Carlingford Lough, Down & Louth E b Cape Sable, Fla. L q 8 Carlinville, 111. C d Cape Sable I. Nova Scotia L c 4 Carlisle, Ind. E d Cape Town, Cap. of Cape Colony F h 33 Carlisle, Iowa N 1 Cape Verd Is. (Portuguese), Carlisle, Ky. H e Atlantic Ocean B c 33 Carlisle, N. Y. G d Capeville, Va. K d 8 Carlisle, Pa. D f Cape Vincent, N. Y. E b 6 Carlisle, city. Cumberland D b Cape York Benin. Queensland G b 34 Carloforte, Sardinia C e Capm, R. Brazil F c 16 Carlopago, Military Frontier D d Capis, Philippine Islands O g 28 Carlota (La), Cordova F g Capitanata, prov. S. Italy F d 25 Carlow, Ky. E f Capitulls, Palestine C e 30 Carlow, co. Leinster E d Capo d’lstria, Istria C d 25 Carlow, county town, Carlow E d Capoompeta M. New S. Wales I e 34 Carlowitz, or Capo Rizzuto, Naples G e 26 Karlowitz, Military Fron. G d Cappagh, Limerick C d 20 Carlsborg, Gothland H g Cappugh- White, Tipperary C d 20 Carlscrona, or Cappamore, Limerick C d 20 Blekinge, keen, Sweden H h Cappelu, Westphalia D b 22 Carlshafen, Cassel E c Cappoquin, Waterford A d 20 Carl.shamu, Gothland H h Capraja I. Ligurian Sea C c 26 Carlskrona, Gothland H h Caprera, I. Sardinia C d 26 Carlsruhe, Cap. of Baden E d Caprera P. Sardinia C d 26 Carlsruhe, circ, Baden E d Capri I. Naples F d 26 Carlstad, Sweden G g Capricorn Range, N. Australia B d 34 Carlton, Minn. A b Cap Saute, Quebec H c 4 Carlton, N. Y. C c Captiug Creek, Ohio L d 7 Carlton, Wis. K e Captiva I. Fla. K P 8 Carlton, co. Minn. E c Capua, Naples F d 26 Carlton House, Brit. America K d Caqueta, or Japura, R. Brazil O c 16 Carlton Peak, Minn. G b Caqueta, Rio, Columbia I g 15 Carluke, town, Lanark E e Cara, I. Argyle C e 19 Carlyle, 111. C e Caracares, or Ybera L. Arg. Rep. E e 16 Carlyle, Kans. F g Caracas, Cap. of Rep. Venezuela K e 15 Carmagnola, Piedmont B b Caracca, Cadiz D h 27 Carmarthen Bay, Carmarthen B e Caragh, R. Kerry B e 20 Carmarthen, bor. Carmarthen B e Carajos, Rio dos, Brazil E c 16 Carmarthenshire, co. Wales B c Caramulo, Pico, Mt. Beira B d 27 Carmel, Me. E d Caraquette, New Brunswick L c 4 Carmel, N. Y. H e Caratasca Lagoon, Honduras G d 15 Carmel Hill, S. C. D a Caravaca, Albacete I f 27 Ca.rmel (Kurmul), Palestine B h Caraveli, Peru C d 16 Carmel, Cape, Palestine A e Caravellas, Brazil G d 16 Carmel, Mt. Conn. B g Caravolas, Cuba H c 15 Carmel, Mt. (Jebel Mar Elyas), Carballino, Orense B b 27 Palestine B e Carballo, Coruna B a 27 Carmen (el), Mexico E d Carbine Creek, Queensland G d 34 Carmen I. Lower California D e Carbon, co. Wyom. C e 13 Carmen, R. Mexico E e Carbon, co. Pa. F f 6 Carmi, 111. D e Carhonara C. Sardinia C e 26 Carmichael’s, Pa. B g Carbondale, 111. C f 7 Carmichael Creek, Queensland H d C'arbondale, Pa. F e 6 Carmona, Sevilla E g Carbonera, Almeria I h 27 Carn, Donegal D b Carbonera Bay, Almeria I h 27 Carn, Londonderry E b Carbonero, Segovia F c 27 Carnaim , or Carbones, R. Sevilla E g 27 Ashteroth Karnaim, Palestine C e Carbomere, Newfoundland R c 4 Carnarvon Bay, Carnarvon B c Carbon R. Nev. D f 14 Carnarvon, bor. Carnarvon B c Ctrbos, Skye T c 19 Carnarvonshire, co Wales B c Carnatic, or Kamatak, The, Madras E e 31 Carro wilkin. Sligo C b 20 Carncastle, Antrim F b 20 Carrowkeel, Donegal D a 20 Carnedd Dafydd Mt Carnarvon C c 18 Carro wkeel, Galway C c 20 Carnesville, Ga. M c 9 Carrowmore Point, Clare B d 20 Carnew, Wicklow E d 20 Carrs Fork, Ky. K f 7 Carnforth, tp. Lancashire D b 18 Carrsville, Va. I e 8 Oarnic Alps, Venetia E a 26 Carse of Gowrie, dist. Perth E d 19 Car Nicobar I. Nicobar Is. H f 31 Carson City, Cap of State Nev. D f 14 Carniola, prov. Austria D d 25 Carson L. Nev. D f 14 Carnlough, Antrim F b 20 Carsphairn, Kirkcudbright D e 19 Carnlough Bay, Antrim F b 20 Carstairs, vil. Lanark E e 19 Carnmoney, Antrim F b 20 Cartagena, Murcia K g 27 Carnmore Hill, Fermanagh D b 20 Cartagena de las lndius. Columbia H e 15 Carnoustie, vil. Forfar F d 19 Cartago, Columbia H g 15 Carnsore Point, Wexford E d 20 Cartago, Costo Rico G f 15 Carnteel, Tyrone E b 20 Carter, Wyom. A f 13 Carntogher Mt. Londonderry E a 20 Carter, co. Ky. I e 7 Carnwath, Lanark E e 19 Caiter, co. Mo. Q q 12 Caro, Mich. O' f 11 Carter, co. Tenn. N a 9 Carolina, Brazil F c 16 Carteret, co. N. C. I g 8 Carolina (La), Jaen G f 27 Carter Fell, Roxburgh F e 19 Carolina, S., state, United States 8 Cartersville, Ga. L c 9 Carolina, N., state, United States 8 Gartersville, S. C. E g 8 Caroline, N. Y. E d 6 Cartersville, Va. G d 8 Caroline, co. Md. F h 6 Cartilage, Ala. H e 9 Caroline, co. Va. II c 8 Carthage, 111. A c 7 Caroline Islands, Pacific Ocean P h 28 Carthage, Ind. G d 7 Carol], Me. F c 5 Cartilage, Miss. F e 9 C'arondelet, Mo. Q o 12 Carthage, Mo. M p 12 Caroni, Rio, Venezuela L f 15 Carthage, N. C. F f 8 Caronia, Sicily F e 26 Carthage, N. Y. F c 6 Caronie, Dutch Guiana E b 16 Carthage, Ohio H d 7 Caroor (Karoor), Madras Pres. E e 31 Carthage, Tenn. K a 9 Carora, Venezuela K f 15 Carthage, Tex. 1 c 10 Carow Junction, Kildare E c 20 Carthaus, W. Prussia K a 22 Carp R. Mich. G c 11 Cartmell. tp. Lancashire D b 18 Carp R. Mich. M c 11 Cart K. i \V bite). Renfrew D e 19 Carpathian Mts., or ECrapacks Caruthersville, Mo. R q 12 ( Karpathen), Carpathians H b 25 Carver, Mass. D g 5 Carpathian Mts., Little, Hungary E b 25 Carver, Minn. D e 11 Carpathians, Eastern, or Carver, co. Minn. D e 11 Transylvanian Alps, I d 25 Carvoeira, Cape, Algarve B g 27 Carpentaria, G. of Australia F b 34 Carvoeira, Cape, Estremadura A e 27 Carpenters, Ind. E c 7 Carvoeiro, Beira B c 27 Carpentersville, Ind. F d 7 Cary, Iowa M i 12 Carpeutras, Vaucluse G d 21 Casale, or Carr, Colo. D f 13 Casale Monl'errato, Pi, dmont C b 26 Carrantual ( Macgillicuddys Casalmaggiore, Lombardy D- b 26 Reeks), Mt. Kerry B e 20 Casalnuovo, Naples G e 26 Carranza, Biscaya G a 27 Casanave, Rio, Columbia I f 15 Carrara, Emilia D b 26 Casar, Caceres D e 27 Carrara &. Massa. prov. Emilia C c 26 Casares, Malaga E h 27 Carraun Peninsula, Mayo B c 20 Cascade, Mich. M g 11 Carrib, Pontevedra B b 27 Cascade, Wiss. I f 11 Carrical, or Cascade, Wis. H f 11 Karikal (French), Madras Pres. F e 31 Cascade City, Wash. C c 14 Carrickadda Point, Sligo C b 20 Cascade R. Minn. G b 11 Carrickarto, Donegal D a 20 Cascade Pt. Westland B e 35 Carrickbeg, Waterford D d 20 Cascaes, Estremadura A f 27 Carrick, dist. Ayr D e 20 Casca Fort, Brazil F c 16 Carrickfergus, co. twn. Antrim F b 20 Cascapediac, Great, R. Quebec K b 4 Carrickmaeross, Monaghan E c 20 Casco, Wis. K e 11 Carrickminss, Dublin E c 20 Casco Bay, Me. D e 5 Carrickmore, Tyrone D b 20 Casco, R. Brazil E d 16 Carrick-on-Shannon, Leitrim C c 20 Cascumpec B. Carrick-on-Suir, Tipperary D d 20 Prince Edward Island M c 4 Carrig, Cork B e 20 Casenovia, Mich. M f 11 Carrigadda Bay, Cork C e 20 Caserta, Naples F d 26 Carrigaholt, Clare B d 20 Caseville, Mich. O f 11 Carrigaline, Cork C e 20 Casey, co. Ky. H f 7 Carrigallen, Leitrim D c 20 Caseys, Va. F d 8 Carrigan Head, Donegal C b 20 Caseyville, Ky. D f 7 Carrigboy, Cork B e 20 Cashcamcarragh Mount Mayo B c 20 Carrig I. Kerry B d 20 Cashel, Tipperary D d 20 Carrington I. Utah G e 14 Cashen, R. Kerry B d 20 Carrion de los Condes, Palencia F b 27 Cashgar, E. Turkestan B c 32 Carritunk, Me. E c 5 Cashla Bay, Galway B c 20 Carrizal, Chili C e 16 Cashmere, state, India E a 31 Cairofin, Clare B d 20 Cashmere ( Brinagur ), Cashmere D a 31 Carroll, Iowa M k 12 Cashtown (Adams co.) Pa. D g 8 Carroll, Ohio K d 7 Cashtown (Franklin co.). Pa. D g 8 Carroll, Pa. D e 6 Casilda, Porto, Cuba H c 15 Carroll, co. Ark. B a 9 Casino, New S. Wales I e 34 Carroll, co. Ky. G e 7 Casiquiare, Rio. Venezuela K g 15 Carroll, co. Iowa M k 12 Caslis, S. C. F g 8 Carroll, co. 111. B a 7 Casma, Peru C c 16 Carroll, co. Ind. F c 7 Caspe, Zaragoza L c 27 Carroll, co. Miss. F d 9 Caspian Sea (Russ. Kaspiiskoie Carroll, co. Md. D g 8 More), L g 24 Carroll, co. Mo. N n 12 Casquets Is. Channel Islands D g l 8 Carroll, co. Ga. K d 9 Cass, Ark. B b 9 Carroll, co. N. H. C e 5 Cass, Ohio K c 7 Carroll, co. Ohio L c 7 Cass, Mich. O f 11 Carroll, co. Tenn. G b 9 Cass, co. 111. B d 7 Carroll, co. Va. E e 8 Cass, co. (Barton), Ga. L c 9 Carroll, par. La. D e 9 Cass, co. Ind. F c 7 Carrollston, Ind. F c 7 Cass, co. Iowa M 1 12 Carrollton, Ala. G d 9 Cass, co. Minn. C c 11 Carrollton, Ark. B a 9 Cass, co. Mo. M o 12 Carrollton, Ga. K d 9 Cass, co. Nebr. H f 13 Carrollton, 111. B d 7 Cass, co. Mich. L h 11 Carrollton, Iowa M 1 12 Cassabi, Kassabi, or Loke R. Carrollton, Ky. G e 7 C. Africa F e 33 Carrollton, La. E h 9 Cassala, or Kassala, Nubia D f 29 Carrollton, Mo. N n 12 Cassalot R. Ark. A c 9 Carrollton, Ohio L c 7 Cassals, Ohio L c 7 Carrollton, N. Y. C d 6 Cassandra, Selanik K d 26 Carrollton, Pa. C f 6 Cassandra, Gulf, Selanik K d 26 Carrollville, Tenn. H b 9 Cassangi, Angola F e 33 Carrol ton, Mich. O f 11 Cassano, Naples G e 26 Carrolton, Miss. F d 9 Cassegni, Madagascar I f 33 Carron R. Ross D c 19 Cassel, Cassel E c 22 Carron R. Stirling E d 19 Cassel, Nord F a 21 Carrowdore, Down F b 20 Cassel, gov. E Prussia E c 22 27 21 31 15 18 4 18 18 18 7 27 20 8 34 4 21 27 35 7 2 9 19 21 15 15 15 16 15 15 15 5 2 11 4 4 28 28 27 26 25 10 14 14 20 22 4 4 4 4 20 14 29 20 20 7 7 12 7 6 6 18 26 25 27 7 20 20 25 23 23 22 23 23 22 22 23 11 6 11 11 2 11 19 7 13 26 18 18 18 5 6 8 30 30 5 30 15 3 3 7 6 34 27 20 20 30 18 18 18 GENERAL INDEX 18 Casseta, Ala. K e 9 Castres, Tam F e Cassilis, New S. Wales I f 34 Castries, Maritime Prov. Cass L Minn. C b 11 Russ. Empire Q c Cassopolis, Mich. L h 11 Castries, Port, St Lucia I. L e Cass Pt. Antarctic Ocean Ii P 1 Castro, Chili C g Cass R. Mich. O f 11 Castro Caldelas, Orense C b Cassunde, Benguela F f 33 Castro del Rio, Cordova F g Cassville, Ga. L c 9 Castrogeriz, Burgos 'F b Cassville, Mo. N q 12 Castrogiovanni, Sicily F f Cassville, N. Y. F d 6 Castro Marine, Algarve C g Cassville, Pa. C f 6 Castropol, Oviedo D a Cassville, Wis. F f 11 Castro urdiales, Santander G a Castalia, Ohio K b 7 Castro Vicente, Tras os Montes D c Castanheiro do Norte, C c 27 Castro Virryna, Peru C d Castejon, Navarra I b 27 Castua, Istria D d Castelfranca, Venetia D b 26 Castuera, Badajos E f Castell, Point, Gerona A c 27 Casu or Negro, R. Patagonia D ■C Castellamare, Sicily E e 26 Casuarina Mt. N. W. Australia D b Castellamare, G. of, Sicily E e 26 Caswell, co. N. C. F e Castellamare di Stabia, Naples F d 26 Caswell Sound, Otago A f Castellana, Civita, Roman provs. E c 26 Cat Ann, Newfoundland P a Caste) lane, Basses Alpes H e 21 Cat. House, Brit. America L d Castellar (El), Mt. Zaragoza I e 27 Cat I. ( supposed San Salvador) Castellejo, Toledo G e 27 Bahamas H c Castello de Vide, Alemtejo C e 27 Cat L. Brit. America L d Castello Branco, Beira C e 27 Catacamas, Honduras F d Castello Rodrigo, Beira D d 27 Cataco, now Morqan, Ala. I e Castellon de la Plana, Castellon L e 27 Catahoula Creek, Miss. F g Castellon de la Plana, prov. Spain L d 27 Catahoula L. La. C f Castsllote, Teruel K d 27 Catahoula, par. La. C f Castellum Peregrinorum (Athlit), Catalina Harb. Newfoundland R b Palestine A e 30 Catalonia, prov. Spain M c Castelnaudary, Aude F e 21 Catama, Bolivia D e Castelnuovo, Dalmatia F e 25 Catamarca, Argentine Rep. I) e Castelnuovo, Istria D d 25 Catamarca Prov. Argentine Rep. D e Castel Sarrazin, Tam-et-Garonne E d 21 Catanduanes I. Philippine Is. O g Castelvetere, Naples G e 26 Catania, Sicily F f Casteivetrano, Sicily E f 26 Catania, prov. Sicily F f Castiglione, Lombardy D b 26 Catanzaro, Naples G e Castiglione, Tuscany D c 26 Cataohatche L. Env. of New Orleans D f Castile, N. Y. C d 6 ' Cataracts of the Nile ( 1st & 2nd) Castile, New, prov. Spain G e 27 Nubia C e Castile, Old, prov. Spain F c 27 Cataracts of the Nile (3d, 4th, 5th, Castillo Chico, Mt. Panama G f 15 and 6th), Nubia C f Castillon, Gironde E d 21 Catasanqua, Pa. F f Castillos, Pt. & I. Uruguay E f 16 Catastrophe C. S. Australia F g Castine, Me. F d 5 Catatumbo, Rio. Venezuela I f Castlebar, co. town Mayo B c 20 Catawba, co. N. C. D f Castlebeliingham, Louth E c 20 Catawba R. N. C. & S. C. D f Castleblakenoy, Galway C c 20 Catawissa, Pa. E e Castleblaney, Monaghan E b 20 Catawissa Creek, Pa. E f Castlebridge, Wexford E d 20 Cateel, Philippine Islands O li Castle Cary, par. Somerset D e 18 Caterham, par. Surrey F e Gastlecaultield, Tyrone E b 20 Cathedral Peak, Cal. D g Castlecomer, Kilkenny D d 20 Catherine Lake, N. C. H g Castleconnell, Limerick C d 20 Cathlamet, Wash. B b Castle Dawson, Londonderry E b 20 Cathlapootle R. Wash. B c Castled erg, Tyrone D b 20 Cat Fish R. Tex. F c Castledermot, Kildare E d 20 Catlettsburg, Ky. K e Castle Dome City, Ariz. F i 14 Cat I. La. F g Castle Donnington, tn. Leicester E d 18 Cat I. Wis. G b Castle Douglas, tn. Kirkcudbright E f 19 Catlin, 111. E c Castlefinn, Donegal D b 20 Catlin L. N. Y. G b Castleford, town, York E c 18 Cato, Miss. F e Castlegregory, Kerry A d 20 Cato, N. Y. E c Castle Hacket, Galwav C c 20 Catoclie, Cape, Yucatan F 0 Castle Haven, Cork B e 20 Catorce, Mexico F f Castle I. Env. of Boston F g 5 Catoosa, co. Ga. K c Castleisland, Kerry B d 20 Catow, N. Y. D d Castlejordan, Meath D c 20 Cat R. Ind. F c Castlelyons, Cork C d 20 Catria, Mte., Apennines, Marches E c Castlemaine, Kerry B d 20 Catrine, twn. Ayr D e Castlenlaine, Victoria G g 34 Catskill, N. Y. G d Castlemaine Harbour, Kerry B d 20 Catskill Mts. N. Y. G d Castloman R. Pa. B g 6 Catskill R. N. Y. G d Castlemartyr, Cork C e 20 Cattaraugus, N. Y. C d Castle Mts. Tex. E d 10 Cattaraugus, eo. N. Y. C d Castle Peak, Cal. D f 14 Cattaraugus Creek N. Y. C d Castle Pinkney, Env. of Charleston C k 8 Cattaro, Dalmatia F e Castleplunket, Roscommon C c 20 Cattaro, Bocche di Dalmatia F e Castle Pt. Wellington F d 35 Cattegat Sea, F h Castlepollard, Westmeath D c 20 Cattolica, Sicily E f Castlereagh, Roscommon C c 20 Cauca, Rio, Columbia H f Castlereagh B. N. Australia F b 34 Caucasus Mts. Caucasia I g Castlereagh R. New S. Wales H f 34 Caud ebec-en- Caux, Seine infer. E b Castle Rising, par. Norfolk G d 18 Caudete, Albacete K f Castle Rock, Minn. D e 11 Cau ne, Mont de la Tarn F e Castle Rock, Mo. O o 12 Cauquenes, Chili C f Castle Rock, Utah H e 14 Caura, R. Venezuela L cr Castle Rock, Oreg. E c 14 Causeway, Kerry B d Castleton, Ind. F d 7 Caussade, Tarn-et-Garonne E d Castleton, N. Y. H d 6 Cauten, R. Chili C f Castleton, Vt. A e 5 Cauto, R. Cuba L f Cistleton, tp. Derby E c 18 Cauvery or Kaveri R. Madras Pr. E e Castletown, Cork B e 20 Cava, Naples F d Castletown, Cork C e 20 Cavado, R. Minho B c Castletown, Limerick C d 20 Cavalcante, Brazil F d Castletown, Queen’s County D d 20 Cavalleria, Cape, Minorca P d Castletown, Westmeath D c 20 Cavalli I. Auckland E a Castletown (of Braemar), Aberdeen E d 19 Cavallo I. Corsica I f Castletown, it. Louth E b 20 Cavallo Pass, Tex. II e Castletownroche, Cork C d 20 Cavanalee, Tyrone D b Castletownsend, Cork B e 20 Cavan, co. Ulster D c Castletown, town, I. of Man B b 18 Cavan, co. twn. Cavan D c Castletown, vil. Caithness E b 18 Cavarzere, Venetia E b Castlewellan, Down F b 20 Cave City, Ky. G f Castonucla, Mexico F e 3 Cave in Rock, or Cavin Rock, 111. D f Castor, Lincoln F c 18 Cave, South, tp. York F e Castor, Mo. Q p 12 Cave Spring, Mo. O P Castor R. La. C e 9 Cave Spring, Tenn. II b Castor R. Mo. Q p 12 Cave Valley, Nev. F f Castorville, Mo. R q 12 Cavos de las Leguas Is. Cuba PI c Castroville, Tex. G e 10 Cawdor, Nairn E e Castor R. Newfoundland P a 4 Cawee, Great, I. Quebec K b Cawndilla, Lake, New S. Wales G f 34 Celorico, Beira C d 27 Cawnpoor, N. W. Provinces F b 31 Cempoaltepec, Mt. Mexico D d 15 Cawood, par. York E c 18 Cenis, Mont. Savoie H d 21 Cawsand Beacon, Mt. Devon C f 18 Center, Ala. 7 c 9 Cawston, par. Norfolk H d 18 Center Point, Iowa P k 12 Caxamarca, Peru C c 16 Centerville, Ala. H e 9 Caxamarquilla, Peru C c 16 Centerville, Icwa O in 12 Caxatambo, Peru C d 16 Centerville, Mo. P p 12 Caxias, Brazil F c 16 Central Alps, C a 26 Caximbas Bay, Fla. L q 8 Central America, N. America 15 Caxoeira, or Cackoeira, villa, Brazil G d 16 Centralia, Kans. H g 13 Caxoira, Brazil F c 16 Ceutralia, Mo. O n 12 Caxton, par. Cambridge F d 18 Centralia, 11L C e 7 Cayambe or Cayambe Urcu, Mt. Central Mt., Stuart Cent. Australia E d 34 Andes of Ecuador C c 16 Centra Park, Env. of Chicago B e 10 Cayambo, R. Brazil D c 16 Central Provs. India F c 31 Cayapo, R. Brazil E d 16 Centre, N. C. E f 8 Cayari, Brazil D b 16 Centre, co. ?a. D f 6 Cayenne, French Guiana, E b 16 Centre Harbour, N. H. C e 5 Cayes, Haiti I d 15 Centre I. Southland A g 35 Caylloma, Peru C d 16 Centre Station, Ohio K e 7 Cayman Brae, Antilles H d 15 Centreville, Ark. B c 9 Cayman, Grand, Antilles G d 15 Centre ville, Cal. A e 14 Cayman, Little, Antilles G d 15 Centreville, Cal. D g 14 Cayman, L. del. or Tlahualila, Centreville, Cal. D i 14 Mexico F e 3 Centreville, Fla. L g 9 Cayo Grande I. Yucatan F d 15 Centreville, Idaho F d 14 Cayo Largo, Florida Reefs M q 8 Centreville, Ind. E d 7 Cayo Largo, I. Cuba K f 3 Centreville, Ind. G -d 7 Cayo Romano, Cuba L f 3 Centreville, Md. E g 6 Cay Romano, Fla. L q 8 Centreville, Mich. K c 11 Cays de las Leguas, Cuba L f 3 Centreville, Mich. M h 11 Cayuga, 111. D e 7 Centreville, Minn. D d 11 Cayuga, Miss. E e 9 Centreville, Miss. E f 9 Cayuga, N. Y. E d 6 Centreville, Mont. G c 14 Cayuga, Ontario D e 4 Centreville, S. C. C a 8 Cayuga, co. N. Y. E d 6 Centreville, Tenn. H b 9 Cayuga L. N. Y. E d 6 Centreville, Tex. I d 10 Cayuta, N. Y. E d 6 Centreville, Utah H e 14 Cayuta L. N. Y. E d 6 Centreville, Ya. H c 8 Cazalla de la Sierra, Sevilla E g 27 Centreville, Wis. K f 11 Cazaubon, Gers D e 21 Centreville (Butler, co.), Pa. B e 6 Cazembe’s Dominions (tribu- Centreville (Crawford, co.). Pa. B e 6 tary to Matiamvo), S. Africa G e 33 Centreville (Elk, co.), Pa. C e 6 Cazenovia, 111. E b 7 Cephalonia, or Cazenovia, N. Y. F d 6 Kephalonia, I. Greece I e 26 Cazones B. Cuba K f 3 Ceralbo I. Lower California E f 3 Cazorla, Jaen H g 27 Ceram I. Malaysia O i 28 Cazza I. Dalmatia E e 25 Cerbart Range, Ariz. F h 14 Ceara,Prov. Brazil G c 16 Ceredo, W. Va. C c 8 Ceara, or Fortaleza, Brazil G c 16 Ceres, vil. Fife F d 19 Cebaco I. Panama G f 15 Ceret, Pyrenees orientals F e 21 Cecil, co. Md. F g 6 Cerignola, Naples F d 26 Cecils P. O. Oreg. D c 14 Cerigo (C'ythera) I. Greece K f 26 Cecilton Md. F g 6 Cerigotta 1. Greece K g 26 Cecilstown, Cork C d 20 Cerna, R. Military Frontier H d 25 Cecilville, Cal. B e 14 Cerro — Spanish — a hoy-baclced hill Ceciua, Tuscany D c 26 Cerro del Hornillo, Cuenca H e 27 Cecina, R. Tuscany D c 26 Cerro de San Felipe, Cuenca I d 27 Ceclavin, Caceres D e 27 Cerro Gordo, Fla. K g 9 Cedar, Mo. O o 12 Cerro Gordo, 111 D d 7 Cedar Bayou, Tex. H e 10 Cerro Gordo, Iowa N i 12 Cedar Bridge, N. J. G g 6 Cerro Gordo, N. C. G g 8 Cedar City, Utah G e 14 Cerro Mulaliacen, Sierra Nevada. Cedar City, Utah G g li Granada G g 27 Cedar, co. Iowa P 1 12 Cervantes I. W. Australia A f 34 Cedar, co. Mo. N p 12 Cervera, Barcelona M c 27 Cedar, co. Nebr. H e 13 Cervera, Cape, Gerona O o 27 Cedar Creek, Ala. H e 9 Cervero de Kio Albania, Logrono H b 27 Cedar Creek, Ark. B c 9 Cervin (Mont), or Cedar Creek, Del. F h 6 Matterhorn, Switzerland H d 21 Cedar Creek Iowa M k 12 Cervin Pass, Switzerland H d 21 Cedar Creek, Va. G b 8 Cervione, Corsica I e 21 Cedar F alls. Iowa O k 12 Cesena, Emelia E b 26 Cedar I. N. C. I g § Cetigue, Montenegro H c 26 Cedar I. S. C. F h 8 Cetraro, Naples F e 26 Cedar I. Va. K d 8 Cette, Herault F e 21 Cedar Keys, Fla. K m 8 Cettina, R. Dalmatia E e 25 Cedar Keys, Fla. M h 9 Ceuta, or Sebta (Spanish), Maroeco D a o3 Cedar Mountain, Idaho G d 14 Cevennes Mts. Lozere F d 21 Cedar Mts. Utah G e 14 Ceylon I. S. of India F f 31 Cedar Pt. Colo. E g 13 Cezallier (Mt.), le, Puy de Dome F d 21 Cedar Rapids, Iowa P 1 12 Cezimbra, Estremadura A f 27 Cedar R. Mich. K d 11 Chaeola Bay, Mexico B c 15 Cedar R. Iowa P 1 12 Chacuruma, R. Brazil E d 16 Cedar R. Minn. D f 11 Chad or Tchad, L. Soudan F c 33 Cedar R. Wis. F d 11 Chadd’s Ford, Pa. F g 6 Cedarsburg, Wis. I f 11 Cliadi Leubu R. Argentine Rep. D f 16 Cedars of Lebanon, Tho, Syria D b 30 Chagan-suol, Mongolia G a 32 Cedar Spring, Mich. M f 11 Chagaramal, Venezuela K f 15 Cedartown, Ga. K c 9 Cliagos Arclii. (Brit.), Indian Ocean M e 33 Cedarville, Ind. G b 7 Cliagres, Columbia G f 15 Cedarville, Iowa M k 12 Chagrine R. Ohio L b 7 Cedarville, Mich. K d 11 Chaguaramas, Venezuela D b 16 Cedarville, Ohio I d 7 Ciiaguiramgl, Venezuela Iv f 15 Cedarville, Wash. B b 14 Chaibassa, S. W. Frontier G c 31 Cedeira, Rio de, B. Coruna B a 27 Chain L. N. Y. G c b Cedron, Kans. G g 13 Chainville, Ind. 1) e l Cedron, or Kedron Brook, Palestine B g 30 Chaises Key, Fla. K o 8 Cedros I. Lower California C e 3 Chaipudyrskaia B. Archangel N b 24 C'efalu, Sicily F e 26 Cliaiya, Lower Siam I f 31 Cega, R. Segovia F c 27 Cliakoran (Mt.), Manchuria O a 32 Cehegin, Murcia I f 27 Chalk Bluffs, Ark. E a 9 Cela-nova, Orense C b 27 Chalk Level, Va. F e 8 Celaya, Mexico C c 15 Chalcis, Syria C e 30 Celbridge, Kildare E o 20 Clialcis (Egripo, or Celebes I. (Dutch), Malaysia O i 28 Negropont), Greece Iv e 2(> Celebes Sea, Malaysia O h 28 Clialeur B. New Brunswick L e 4 Celestial Mts., or Thian-slian, Chalia, R. Patagonia C s Vi E. Turkestan E b 32 Cha-ling-chow, Hoo-nan K e 32 Celina, Ohio Ii c 7 Chalky 1. Otago A g 35 Celina, Tenn. IC a 9 Chalky Inlet, Otago A g 35 Cellar Head, Lewis B b 19 Challonnes sur Loire, Maine & Loire D c 21 Celle, Hanover F b 22 Chalmers, Port. Otago C f 35 21 28 15 16 27 27 27 26 27 27 27 27 16 25 27 16 34 8 35 4 2 15 2 15 9 9 9 9 4 27 16 16 16 28 26 26 26 9 29 29 6 34 15 8 8 6 6 28 18 14 8 14 14 10 7 9 11 7 6 9 6 15 3 9 6 7 26 19 6 6 6 6 6 6 25 25 23 26 15 24 21 27 21 16 15 20 21 16 3 31 26 27 16 27 35 21 10 20 20 20 26 7 7 18 12 9 14 15 19 4 GENERAL INDEX. 19 Chalons, Camp of. Marne G b 21 Charenton, Fort de Seine B e Clillons sur Marne Marne G b 21 < harenton-le-Pont, Seine B e Cli'Uon snr Saone, Saone & Loire G c 21 Charikar, Afghanistan C a Chalorf, Egypt B g 33 Charing, par. Kent G e Chalouf, Suez Canal C h 33 Charite (La), Nievre P c Chahiga R. Ga. M c if Chariton, Iowa N 1 Chains, Haute Vienne E d 21 Chariton, co. Mo. N n Chama, S. Cent. Africa H f 33 Chariton R. Mo. O n Chambal or Charity Is. Mich. O e Chumbul, R. Rajpootana E b 31 Charlemont, Ardennes G a Chamberlain L. Me. E b 5 Charlemont, Mass. B f Chambers, Tex. H c 10 Charlemont, Armagh E b Chambers B. N. Australia E b 34 Charleroi, Belgium C c Chambersburg, Pa. D g 6. Charles, C. Labrador P d Chambers, co. Ala. K e 9 Charles City, Iowa O i Chambers, co. Tex. I e 10 Charles City, co. Va. H d Chambers Creek, Tex. H c 10 Charles City Court House, Va. H d Cham tiers I. Wis. K d 11 Charles, co. Md. D h Chambersia, Tex. I e 10 Charles J. Arctic Regions N c Chamber’s Pillar, Central Australia E d 34 Charles I. Galapagos Is. E h Chambers Range, N. Australia E b 34 Charles Mix., co. Dak. G e Chambery, Savoie G d 21 Charles R. Env. of Boston E g Chambeze, R. Cent. Africa H f 33 Charles R. R. I. C g Chambira, R. Ecuador C c 16 Charles Sound, Otago A f Chambly, co. Quebec G d 4 Charleston, Cap of W. Va. D c Chambly, viL Quebec G d 4 Charleston, Ky. E f Cliambord, Loir-et-Cher E c 21 Charleston, 111. D d Cliam-guttu, Mongolia M b 32 Charleston, Ind. G e Chamo, Columbia PI f 15 Charleston, Iowa P m Chamois, Mo. P o 12 Charleston, Ky. I e Chamounix, Haute Savoie H d 21 Charleston, Me. E c Champagnalle, Ark. C d 9 Charleston, Miss. E d Champagne, prov. France G b 21 Charleston, Mo. R q Champagny I. N. W. Australia C c 34 Charleston, Nelson C d Champaign, 111. D c 7 Charleston, N. C. B f Champaign, co. 111. D c 7 Charleston, N. H. B e Champaign, co. Ohio I c 7 Charleston, N. Y. G d Champigny, Seine B e 21 Charleston, Ohio K b Champion, Mich. I c 11 Charleston, S. C. F i Champ on City, 111. D c 7 Charleston, Tenn. L b Champlain, N. Y. H b 6 Charleston, W. Virginia C g Champlain, co. Quebec G c 4 Charleston, co. S. C. E h Champlain, Lake, N. Y. H b 6 Charleston Harbor, S. C. F i and Vt. A d 5 Charlestown, Armagh E b Champlitte, Haute Saone G c 21 Charlestown, Nevis I. L d Chainpoton, Yucatan E d 15 Charlestown, Ark. A b Chamula, Mexico E d 15 Charlestown, Env. of Boston F g Chamusca, Estremadura B e 27 Charlestown, Mo. O m Chanahatchee, Ala. K e 9 Charlestown, R. I. C Chanarcillo, Chili C e 16 Charles Town, W. Va. II b Chanaro, Mt. Venezuela L f 15 Charlestown, vil. Fife E d Chancay, Peru C d 16 Charleville, Cork C d Chance I. Lower Siam I f 31 Charleville, Ardennes G b Cliancellorsville, Va. H c 8 Charleville, Queensland H e Chancy, 111. E e 7 Charlevoix, co. Quebec H c Chandah, Central Provs. E c 31 Charlevoix, co. Mich. M d Chandeleur I., Middle, La. G h 9 Charlevoix, Mich. M d Chandeleur I., N. La. G g y Charleys Canal, La. F h Chandeleur I., S. La. G b S Charlotte, Mich. N g Chandeleur Is. La. G h 9 Charlotte, Minn. C d Chandeleur Sound La. F g 9 Charlotte, N. C. E f Chandernagore ( French ) Bengal G c 31 Charlotte, N. Y. D c Chandlerville, 111. B c 7 Charlotte, Tenn. H a Chafieral Chili C e 16 Charlotte co. New Brunswick K d Chang-choo, or St John I. China IC f 32 Charlotte, co. Va. G d Cbang-chow-foo, Fo-kien L f 32 Charlotte Hall, Md. E b Changeheumo, R. Cashmere E a 31 Charlotte Harbor, Fla. K p Chang-sha-foo, Cap. of Prov. Charlottenburg, Brandenburg G Hoo-nan K e 32 Charlotte R. N. Y. G d Cbang-tai-foo, Ho-nan K c 32 Charlottesville, Ind. G d Chang-te-foo, Hoo-nan K e 32 Charlottesville, Va. G c Chang-ting, Corea N c 32 Charlottetown, Prince Edward I. M c Chang-yuen, Corea N c 3'z Charlton. Mass. C f Chania ( Canea ), Candia L g 26 Charlton, N. Y. H d Chanka Cr. Dak. G e 13 Charlton, Victoria G g Channel Islands, English Channel D g 18 Charlton, co. Ga. N g Chan-ning, Nor. (L.) Mongolia H b 32 Charolles, Sa&ne-et-Loire G c Chantaboon, Siam IC e 31 Charonne, Seine B e Chan-tou R. China L b 32 Chartiers Creek, Pa. A f Chantry, Mt. Queensland H d 31 Chartres, Eure-et-Loire E b Chanza, R. Alemtejo C g 27 Chartreuse, Grande , Isere G d Chao Is. Peru C c 16 Chascomus, Argentine Rep. E f Cha-oo, or Shao-u-foo, Fo-kien L e 32 Chase, co. Kans. H g Chapa, Tibet H d 32 Chase, co. Nebr. G f Chapada, Brazil F c 16 Chaska, Minn. D e Chapala, Lag. Mexico C c 15 Chaslands Mistake, Otago B g Chapeau Rouge, C. Newfoundland Q c 4 Chasuta, Peru C c Chapel, Md. E h 6 Cliateaubriant, Loire inferieure D c Chapel Hill, N. C. F f b Chateau Chinon, Nihvre F c Chapel Hill, Tex. H d 10 Chateaudun, Eure-et-Loire E b Chapel en le Frith, par. Derby E c 18 Chateaugay, N. Y. G b Chapelizod, Dublin E c 20 Chateaugny Lake, N. Y. H b Chapelle, Seine B e 21 Chateaugay Lakes, N. Y. H b Chapeltown, Kerry B d 20 Ohateaugnay, co. Quebec G d Chaperito, N. Mex. D b 10 Chateau Gontaier, Mayenne D c Chapin, Iowa N lc 12 Chateaulin, Finistbre B b Chaplin, Ky. G f 7 Chateau Richer, Quebec H c Chapman, Canterbury D e 35 Chateauroux, Indre E c Chapman B. "W. Australia A e 34 Chateau Salins, Ger. Lorraine D d Chapman, C. Brit. America M c 2 Chateau Thierry, Aisne F b Ckappaquiddick I. Mass. D g 5 Ghatellerault, Vienne E c Chappell, Nebr. E f r.< Chatenay, Seine B e Cliappell Is. Tasmania S u 35 Chatfield, Minn. E f Chappells, S. C. D g 8 Chatham, 111. C d Chappes, Aube G b 21 Chatham, Iowa Q k Chaprang, Tibet C d 32 Chatham, New Brunswick L c Chaptico, Md. E h 6 Chatham, N. Y. H d Chaquamiegon B. V/is. G c 11 Chatham, co. Ga. O e Charcas, Mexico C c 15 Chatham, co. N. C. F f Chard, m. bor. Somerset D f 18 Chatham Har. Mass. E g Chard on, Ohio L b 7 Chatham I. Galapagos Is. F 1 Charente, dep. France E d 21 Chatham I. Chili C h Charente- inferienr, dep. France D d 21 Chatham Is. ( Warelcauri), Pacific A n Charente, R. Charente E d 21 Chatham, p. bor. Kent G e Chatham, town, Ontario B e 4 Cherokee, co. N. C. A f 8 Chati, Cashmere E a 31 Cherokee, co. Tex. I d 10 Chatillon, Seine B e 21 Cherokee Nation, Ind. T. G a 10 Chatillon sur Indre, Indre E c 21 Cherry Creek, Colo. D g 13 Chatillon sur Loing, Loiret F c 21 Cherry Creek, Dak. E d 13 Chatillon sur Seine, Cote d’Or G c 21 Cherry Creek, N. Y. B d 6 Chatillon sur Sevre, Deux Sevres D c 21 Cherryfii-id, Me. G d 5 Cliatir, E. Turkestan D b 32 Cherry Grove, Mo. O m 12 Ghaton, Seine-et-Oise B e 21 Cherry Pond Mt. W. Va. D d 8 Chatre (La,, Indre E c 21 Cherry Ridg. , La. C e 9 Chatsworth, 111. D c 7 Cherrystone Inlet, Va. I d 3 Chattahoochee, Fla. L g 9 Cherry Valley, Colo. D g 13 Chattahoochee, co. Ga. L e 9 Cherry Valley, N. Y. G d 0 Chattahoochee Ridge Mts. Ga. M e 9 Cherryville, Tenn. F b 9 Chattahoochee R. Ga. and Ala. K e 9 Cherso, Istria D d 25 Chattanooga, Tenn. K b 9 Cherso I. Istria D d 25 Chatteris, par. Cambridge G d 18 Cherson, or Kherson, Kherson G f 24 Chatton, par. Northumberland E a 18 Chertsey, town, Surrey F e 18 Chattooga, co. Ga. K e 9 Cherubusco, N. Y. H b 6 Chattooga R. Ga. K c 9 Ohervlennaia, Stavropol K g 24 Chatuga R. S. C. B g 8 Cherwell, R. Oxford E e 18 Chaudesaigues, Cantal F d 21 Chesalun (Kesla), Palestine B g 30 Chaudibre Falls, on the Ottawa R. F d 4 Chesaning, Mich. N f 11 Chaudiere, R. Quebec H c 4 Chesapeake Bay, Md. E h 6 Chaumont, N. Y. E b 6 Chesapeake Bay, Va. I d 8 Chaumont, Haute Marne G b 21 Chesapeake City, Md. F g 6 Chaumont Bay, N. Y. E b 6 Chesham, town. Bucks F e 18 Chaumont-en-vezin, Oise E b 21 Cheshire, Ohio K e 7 Chaumont en Vezin Seine & Oise E b 21 Cheshire, Mass. A f 5 Chaussin, Jura G o 21 Cheshire, co. England D c 18 Chautauqua, co. N. Y. B d 6 Cheshire, co. N. H. B f 5 Chautauqua, L. N. Y. B d 6 Cheshmehi Ali, Persia G b 29 Chaves, Iras os Montes C c 27 Cheshunt, Herts F e 18 Chaviraos, Bolivia D e 16 Chesilton, Dorset D f 18 Chazy, N. Y. H b 6 Ckeskaia B. Archangel K b 24 Chazy L. N. Y. H b 6 Chest Creek, Pa. C f 6 Cheadle, town. Stafford E. d 18 Chester, 111. C f 7 Cheatham, co. Tenn. H a 9 Chester, Me. F c 5 Cheat R. W. Va. F b 8 Chester, Mich. N g 11 Chebanse, 111. E c 7 Chester, Minn. E e 11 Chebogue, Nova Scotia K e 4 Chester, N. H. C f 5 Cheboygan, Mich. N d 11 Chester N. Y. G e 6 Cheboygan, co. Mich. N d 11 Chester N. J. G f 6 Cheboygan R. Mich. N d 11 Chester, Nova Scotia L d 4 Ckebungo, or L. Lincoln, Chester, Ohio L d 7 Cent. Africa G e 33 Chester, Pa. F g 6 Chedabucto B. Nova Scotia N d 4 Chester, S. C. D g 8 Cheddar, par. Somerset D e 18 Chester, Vt. B e 5 Chedubali I. Brit. Burniah H d 31 Chester, city Cheshire D c 18 Cliee-ehow-foo, Ngan-whi L d 32 Chester, co. Pa. F g 6 Cheekville, Tenn. K b 9 Chester, co. S. C. D g 8 Chef Monteur, Env. of New Orleans E f 10 Chester Factory, Mass. A f 5 Chehalis, co. Wash. B b 14 Chesterfield, Mass. B f 5 C'hehalis R. Wash. B b 14 Chesterlieid, S. C. E g 8 Che-kiang, China M e 32 Chesterfield, co. S. O. E g 8 Chelan, Wash. C b 14 Chesterfield, co. Va. H d 8 Chelan L. Wash. C b 14 Chesterfield Court House, Va. H d 8 (Jhelang Pt. China L f 32 Chesterfield Inlet, Brit. America L e 2 CheleghofF L. Alaska E d 2 Chesterfield, m. bor. Derby E c 18 Ohelemta Depot, Idaho E a 14 Chester-le-Street, town, Durham E b IS Chelga, Abyssinia D g 29 Chester R. Md. F g 6 Chelle R. Ariz. I g 14 Chestertown, Md. E g 6 Chelles, Seine-et- Marne C e 21 Cliesterville, Me. D d 5 Chelmer, R. Essex G e 18 Chestimaehee or Grand L. La. D h 9 Chelmsford, town. Essex G e 18 Chestnut Creek, Ala. 1 e 9 Chelsea, Iowa O 1 12 Chestnut Grove, Tenn. H a 9 Chelsea, Mass. D f 5 Chestnut Hill, Pa. F f 6 Chelsea, Mich. N g 11 Chestnut Ridge Mts. Pa. B f 6 Chelsea, Env. of N. V. A c 6 Chesvlloth (Iksal) Palestine B e 30 Chelsea, Vt. B e 5 Chesuncook L. Me. E b 5 Chelsea Creek, Env. of Boston F g 5 Cheticamp Harb. Cape Breton I. N c 4 Chelsea River, Env. of Boston F f 5 Chetopah, Kans. I h 13 Cheltenham, p. bor. Gloucester D e 18 Cheval Pass, Mouth of Miss R. F h 9 Chelumal B. Yucatan F d 15 Cheviot, Mt. Northumberland D a 18 Chelva, Valencia I e 27 Chew Stoke, par. Somerset D e 18 Chemnitz, Kingdom of Saxony G c 22 Che-yang-pau I. China M e 32 Chemquasabounticook L. Me. E b 5 Cheyenne and Arapahoes tribes Chemung, co. N. Y. E d 6 Ind. T. Ii a 10 Chenab, R. Punjab D a 31 Cheyenne, Cap. of Ter. Wyom. D f 13 Chenango, N. Y. F d 6 Cheyenne Wells, Colo. E g 13 Chenango, co. N. Y. F d 6 Cliezettcook, Nova Scotia M d 4 Chenango Forks, N. Y. F d 6 Chiapas, Mexico E d 15 Chenango R. N. Y. F d 6 Chiapas, state. Mexico E d 15 Clien-choo, Ho-nan K d 32 Chiaramonte, Sicily F f 26 Chendaree, Indore Agency E c 31 Chiarbagh, Afghanistan D a 31 Chene, Bayou, La. E h 9 Chiavari, Piedmont C b 26 Cheneys Grove, 111. D c 7 Chiavenna, Lombardy C a 26 Cheneyville, La. C g 9 Chicaeole, Madras Pres. F d 31 Chengelpatt (Chingleput), Chicago, 111. E b 7 Madras Pres. F e 31 Chicago R. Env. of Chicago C e 10 Chengivatana, Minn. E d 11 Chicagos 1. Alaska G d 2 Cheng Kiang, R. China L b 32 Chichakoff, C. Japan O d 32 Chenoa, 111. D c 7 Chichester, city. Sussex F f 18 Chenonceaux, Indre-et-Loire E c 21 Chi-chow, Shau-se K c 32 Chephirah (Kefir), Palestine B g 30 Chi-chui Kiang (R.) China 1 e 32 Chepigana, Colombia H f 15 Chickahoming R. Va. H d 8 Chepo, Rio, Columbia H f 15 Chickalah, Ark. B h 9 Chepstow, town. Monmouth D e 18 Chickasaw, Iowa O i 12 Cherana R. Wash D b 14 Chickasaw, Ohio H c 7 Cherasco, Piedmont B b 26 Chickasaw, co. Iowa O i 6 Cheraiv, S. C. F g 8 Chickasaw, co. Miss. G d 9 Cherbaniani Reef, Laccadive Is. D e 31 Chickasaw Nation, Ind. T. H b 10 Cherbourg, Manche D b 21 Chickasawha R. Miss. G f 9 Cherchel, or Shershell, Algeria H h 17 Chicken, Utah G f 14 Cher, dep. France F c 21 Chicken Town, Va. G d 8 Cher R. Cher F c 21 Chiclana, Cadiz D b 27 Cherokee, Ky. K e 7 Chico, Cal. C f 14 Cherokee, Iowa L k 12 Chicopee, Mass. B f 5 Cherokee, S. C. B g 8 Chico, R. Patagonia C g 16 Cherokee Agency, Ind. T. I b 10 Chico, Rio, Venezuela D a 16 Cherokee, co. Ala. K c 9 Chicot, Ark. D d 9 Cherokee, co. Ga. L c 9 Chicot, co. Ark. D d 9 Cherokee, co. Iowa L k 12 Chicoutimi, Quebec H b 4 Cherokee, co. Kans. I li 13 Chice timi, co. Quebec F b 4 21 21 31 18 21 12 12 12 11 21 5 20 22 2 12 8 8 6 2 15 13 5 5 35 8 7 7 7 12 7 5 9 12 35 8 5 6 7 8 9 4 8 8 20 15 9 5 12 5 8 19 20 21 34 4 11 11 9 11 11 8 6 9 4 8 5 8 22 6 7 8 4 5 6 34 9 21 21 6 21 21 16 13 13 11 35 16 21 21 21 6 6 6 4 21 21 4 21 22 21 21 21 11 7 12 4 6 9 8 5 15 16 1 18 20 GENERAL INDEX. Chiel Mt. Mont. G a 14 Chitico, Oreg. A d 14 Chiego, Tibet D d 32 Chitico R. Oreg. A d 14 Chiem See, Bavaria G e 22 Chitlac I. Laccadive Is. D e 31 Chieri, Piedmont B b 26 Chitmahan, Env. of New Orleans D f 9 Chieti, S. Italy F c 26 Chittagong, or Islamabad, Bengal H c 31 Chi-foo Harb. (open port), Shan-tung M c 32 Chittenango, N. Y. F c 6 Chiganuh, Afghanistan C a 31 Chittenden, co. Vt. A d 5 Chigmit Mts. Alaska E c 2 Chittledroog (Chitradurg), Mysore E e 31 Chignecto B. Nova Scotia L d 4 Chittoor, Madras Pres. E e 31 Chigue, R. Ordas I b 32 Chittoor, Rajpootana D c 31 Chili uahua, Mexico B b 15 Chivasso, Piedmont B b 26 Chihuahua, state, Mexico B b 15 Chize, Deux Sevres D c 21 Chik-tam, E. Turkestan F b 32 C'liobe or Tchobe R. S. Africa G f 33 Chiiapa, Mexico D d 15 Cho-chow, Pe-chi-li L c 32 Chilaw, Ceylon E f 31 Choco B. Columbia H g 15 Chilca, pore, Chilesburgh, Peru C d 16 Chocolate Mts. Cal. F i 14 Va. PI d 8 Choeoville, Ark. A b 9 Chili, N. Y. D c 6 Choctaw, co. Ala. G e 9 Chili or Chile, rep. S. America C f 16 Choctaw, co. Miss. F d 9 Chi-li or Ching-te, prov. China L b 32 Choetawhatehee B. Fla. I g 9 Chiheothe, 111. C c 7 Choctawhatehee R. Ala. K f 9 Chililao or Chupat, R. Patagonia D g 16 Choctaw Nation, Ind. T. I b 10 Chilka L. Bengal G d 31 Chodi Leuba, R. Argentine Rep. D f 16 Cliilkoi, R. Siberia I a 32 Chodorow, Galicia I b 25 Chilian (Alto), Chili C f 16 Chodziesen, Posen I b 22 Chilian wallah, Punjab D a 31 Choiseul Sound, Falkland Is. E h 16 Chillicothe, 111. E d 7 Choisey-le-Roi, Seine B e 21 Chillicothe, Mo. N n 12 Chokohocko Creek, Ala. K d 9 Chillicothe, Ohio K d 7 Choi, Mongolia M a 32 Chiloe, I. Chili C g 16 Choi R. Upper Nile C Mississippi R. B h 29 Chiloe Prov, Chili C g 16 Choleaus I. e 7 Chilok, R. Siberia I a 32 Chollerton, tp. Northumberland D a 18 Chilpanzingo, Mexico D d 15 Cliollet, Maine-et-Loire D c 21 Chiltem Hills, Bucks F e 18 Cholm, Pskov G d 24 Chilton, Tex. I c 10 Cholmogory, Archangel I c 24 Chilton, Wis. I f 11 Cholmondely R. Canterbury C e 35 Chiltonsville, Mo. P P l’ 2 Cholula, Mexico D d 15 Chimay, Belgium C c 22 Choluteea, Nicaragua F e 15 Chimba B. Bolivia C e 16 Choluteca, R. Nicaragua F e 15 Chimborazo Vol. Andes of Ecuador C c 16 Chomko, R. Manchuria N a 32 Chimmemticook L. Quebec E a 5 Chomonchouan, R. Quebec F b 4 Chimney Rock, Nebr. E f 13 Chonchos, R. Mexico G e 3 Chimpassooctue R. Ale. E b 5 Choo-chow, Che-kiang L e 32 China, empire, Asia 32 Choong Ho, R. China H d 32 China L. Me. E d 5 Chocng-kink-foo, Se-chuen I e 32 Chinandega, Nicaragua F e 15 Choo-yoong-foo, Yun-nan H e 32 China Sea, E., or Tung Hai, E. of China N e 32 Chopi, cou. Choptank R. Upper Nile C Md. F i 29 h 6 China Sea, S., or Nan Hai, S. of China L g 32 Chorazin (Kerazen), Chore, Palestine C Scinde D e 30 b 31 Chinaville, Me. E d 5 Chorley, town. Lancashire D c 18 Chincha Is. Peru C d 16 Chorostkow, Galicia I b 25 Chinchaicocha, L. Peru C d 16 Choruk Su, R. Turkey in Asia E a 29 Chinchilla, Albacete I f 27 Chorus, C. Peru C e 16 Chinchon, Madrid G d 27 Cho-sima I. Loo-choo O f 28 Chin-choo, Corea N c 32 Chota, Peru C c 16 Chin-chow-foo, or Siuen-chow-ioo, Fo-kien L f 32 Chota Nagpore, Choteau, co. S. W. Frontier F Mont. A c 31 b 13 Chincoteague I. Va. K d 8 Choteau, co. Mont. H a 14 Chingleput, Madras Pres. F e 31 Choubar, Beloochistan B b 31 Ching-pou-hien, Hoonau IC e 32 Chouia, or Shuia, Vladimir I d 24 Ching-te or Chi-li, China L b 32 Chou-in, Corea N c 32 Ching-ting, Ching-too-foo, Cap. Pe-chi-li K c 32 Chowan, co. N. C. I e 8 of Se-chuen H d 32 Chowan R. N. C. I e 8 Chin-ngan-chow, Chin-ngan-foo, Chinnoor, Chinou, Chinook, Chinos Archipelago, Chin-yuen, Chioggia, Chipola, Chipola I Chipola R. Chippenham, p. bor. Chippewa, Chippewa, Chippewa, Chippewa city, Chippewa city, Chippewa, co. Chippewa, co. Chippewa, co. Chippewa, co. Chippewa Creek, Chippewa Falls, Chippewa Mine, Chippewa R. Chippewa R. Chippewa R. Chippewaville, Quei-chow I e 32 Quang-se I f 32 Nizam’s Dominions E d 31 Indre-et-Loire E c 21 Wash. B b 14 Chili C g 16 Quei-chow I Venetia E e b Fla. K g Fla. K g Fla. K g Wilts D Minn. B N. Y. F Wis. E Minn. B Wis. F Dak. H Mich. M Minn. B Wis. F Ohio L Wis. F Mich. I Dom. of Canada N Minn. B Wis. F Minn. B Chippewayan Chain, or Rocky Mts. N. America H d and K Chippewayan, Fort, Brit. America I Chipping Barnet, par. Herts F Chipping Campden, par. Glo’ster E Chipping Ougar, par. Essex G Chipping Norton, m. bor. Oxford E Chipping Sodbury, p. Gloucester D Chiquimula, Guatemala F Chira, E. Turkestan C Chiricahui Mt. Ariz. I Chirin, R. Mongolia L Chiriqui, G. Columbia G Chiriqui Is. Panama G Chiriqui, Pico (Mt.) Panama G Chirunn, R. Peru D Chisago, Minn. E Chisago, co. Minn. E Chita, Siberia N Chow-choo-foo, or Shao-choo, Quang-tung K Chow-foo, Yun nan H Chow-hing-foo, or Shao-hing, Che kiang M Chow-king-foo, Quang-tung K Chovvra I. Nicobar Is. H Chowsa, Bengal F Chow-toong-foo, Se-chuen H Christ Church, p. bor. Hants E Christchurch, Canterbury D Christiana Is. (Kupho Nisice), Candia M Christian , co. Christian, co. Christian, co. Christiania, Cap. of, Christiania Fiord, Christiania, stift, Christiansand, Christiansand, stift, Christiansburg, Christianso Light, Christians, stift, Christianstad, Christianstad, laeen, Christianstad, Christiansund, Christiansville, Christinehamn, Christinestad, Christmas I. Christmas I. Christmas L. Chrudim, Chuapa, R. Chub L. Chudleigh, Chudleigh, C. Chugan-si, Chui, R. Chu Kiang, or Canton R. Chulahoma, Chulmleigh, par. Chulun, R. Chumagin Is. Ky. E 111. C Mo. N Norway F Norway F Norway F Christiansand E Norway D Ya. E Bornholm H Norway E Santa Cruz I. L Sweden G Gothland FI Throudhiem D Va. G Sweden H Finland E Indian Ocean D N. Pacific Oc. C Oreg. D Bohemia D Chili C N. Y. F Tasmania S Labrador 0 Kan-su G Siberia I China K Miss. F Devon C Manchuria N Alaska E f 32 e 32 d 32 f 32 f 31 b 31 e 32 f 18 e 35 g 26 g 7 d 7 q 12 g 23 g 23 g 23 g 23 g 23 d 8 i 23 g 23 d 15 h 23 h 23 e 23 Chumalari, Mt. Himalayas G Chumbul (Chambal), R. Rajpootana E g 23 c 24 k 1 h 1 d 14 b 25 f 16 c 6 u 35 c 2 c 32 d 28 f 32 c 9 f 18 a 32 d 2 b 31 b 31 Chunargur, N. W. Provs. Chundore, Bombay Pres. Chunenuggee, Ala. Chunky, Miss. Chun-ning-foo, Yun-nan Chupat or Chililao, R. Patagonia Chupra, Bengal Chupria, Servia Chuquibamba, Peru Chuquibamba, Mt., Andes of Peru Chuquisaca, or Sucre, Bolivia Chuquisaca Dep. Chuquomyomag L. Chur Church Butte, Churchill, Church Hill, Church Hill Churchill, C. Churchill, co. Churchill, Fort, Bolivia Me. Switzerland Wyom. Donegal Fermanagh Md. Brit. America Nev. Brit. America Churchill, Missinnippi, or English R. Brit. America Churchman Mt. W. Australia Church Stretton, par. Salop Churchtown, Churchville, Chusan Arch. Chusan I. Chusovaia, R. Cianori, Cibolo Creek, Cicero, Cidade Real, Cienfuegos, Cieza, Cifuentes, Cilli, Cimarron, Wexford Pa. China China Perm Mexico Tex. Env. of Chicago Brazil Cuba Murcia Guadalajara St.yria N. Mex. Cimarron R, or Red Fork of Arkansas R. Ind. T. Cimarron R. Kans. Cimbrisham, Gothland Cimone, Mte., Apennines, Cinaloa, or Sinaloa, Cinaloa, or Sinaloa, state, Cinaloa, R. Cinca, R. Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Cincinnati Landing, Cincinnatus, Cineo Senores, Ciney, Cinti, Cintra, Cinza, R. Ciotat (La), Circars (Brit, dist.) Circello, Mte. Circleville, Circular Hd. Cirencester, p. bor. Citlaltepetl (Orizaba VoL) Citronella, Citta Vecchia, City of Rocks, City Point, Ciudadela, Ciudad Real, Ciudad- Real, prov. Ciudad Rodrigo, Ciudad Victoria, Civita Castellana, Civita Santo Angelo, Civitavecchia, Civitavecchia, prov. Civray, Ciabby, Clach Sgoilte, (Mt.) Clackamas, co. Clackmannan, vil. Clackmannanshire, co. Claddagh, Cladiagh, R. Clady, Clady, Claghane, Claiborne, Claiborne, Claiborne, co. Claiborne, co. Claiborne, par. Claibornville, Gain, R. Clairault, C. Clallam, co. Clam Lake City, Clam, R. Clam, R. Clamecy, Clane, Clanton, Clan william, Clapham, par. Claquato, Clara, Clare, Clare, Clare, Clare, Clare, Clare, Emilia Mexico Mexico Mexico Huesca Iowa Ohio Tex. 111 . N. Y. Mexico Belgium Bolivia Estremadura Brazil Bouches du Rhone Madras Roman Ter. Ohio Tasmania Gloucester Mexico Ala. Malta Idaho Va. Minorca Ciudad Real Spain Salamanca Mexico Italy Abruzzo Italy Italy Vienne Fermanagh Inverness Oreg Clackmannan Scotland Galway King’s County Antrim Tyrone Kerry Ala. Miss. Miss. Tenn. La. Miss. Vienne W. Australia Wash. Mich. Mich. Wis. Nievre Kildare Ala. Cape Colony York Wash. Kin g’s County Armagh Clare Mayo Mich. Nova Scotia Tyrone F D K G G D F I C C D D E. I H D D F L D L K B D E D M M M E H B E G I H D D F F H D E E E L 0 : H I A F C C D A E G F E K R E D G F G H 0 F G D D E F D D E D D B E E B D E D A PI f F f E f M a B e E e E c A B M M E F E I F D B D E 0 C N K D d 20 9 9 9 c 21 f 34 a 14 f 11 e 11 d 11 c 21 c 20 e 9 h 33 b 18 f 11 d 4 b 20 b 31 Gare, Cape, Antarctic Ocean G P 1 c 31 Clare, co. Mich. N f 11 e 9 Clare, co. Munster B d 20 e 9 Claregahvay, Galway C c 20 f 32 Claregalway, R. Galway C c 20 g 16 Clare I. Mayo A c 20 b 31 Clar.-mont, 111. D e 7 c 26 Claremont, Minn. E f 11 d 16 Claremont, N. H. B e 5 d 16 Claremont, s. C. C g 8 d 16 Claremont Pt. and I. Queensland G b 34 e 16 Clarence, Iowa P 1 12 b 5 Garence, Mo. O n 12 c 21 Clarence I. Antarctic Ocean N P 1 e 14 Clarence I. Chili C h 16 b 20 Clarence, Port, Alaska D c 2 b 20 Clarence R. Marlborough E e 35 g 6 Clarence K. New S. Wales 1 e 34 d 2 Clarence Str. N. Australia E b 34 f 14 Clarendon, Ark. D c 9 d 2 Clarendon, Vt. A e 5 Clarendon, co. S. C. E h 8 d 2 Clarendon Mt. Cent. Africa H f 33 e 34 Clare, R. Galway C c 20 d 18 Clarie Land, Antarctic Ocean G P 1 d 20 Clarina, Limerick C d 20 f 6 Clarinda, Iowa L m 12 d 32 Clarington, Ohio M d 7 d 32 Clarion, Iowa N k 12' d 24 Clarion, Pa. B e 6 e 3 Clarion, co. Pa. B e 6 e 10 Clarion R. Pa. B e 6 f 10 Clark, Minn. B c 11 e 16 Clark bury, Caffraria G h 33 c 15 Clark, co. 111. E d 7 f 27 Clark, co. Ky. H f 7 d 27 Clark, co. Miss. G e 9 c 25 Clark, co. Wis. G e 11 a 10 Clark, co. Ohio I d 7 Clarke, Ind. E b 7 a 10 Clarke, co. Ala. H f 9 h 13 Clarke, co. Ark. B d 9 i 23 Clarke, co. Ga. M d 9 b 26 Clarke, co. Ind. G e 7 e 3 Clarke, co. Iowa N m 12 e 3 Clarke, co. Kans. G h 13 e 3 Clarke, co. Mo. P m 12 c 27 Clarke, co. Va. G b 8 m 12 Clarke, co. Wash B b 14 d 7 Clarke Range, Queensland H d 34 d 10 Clarke’s Fork Mont. B d 13 d 7 Clarke’s Fork, Mont. I c 14 d 6 Clarke’s Pass, Mont. G c 14 b 15 Clarkesville, Ga. M c 9 c 22 Clark Fork, or Pend d’ Oreille R. e 16 Idaho E a 14 f 27 Clark Pt. Ontario C d 4 e 16 Clarks, Nebr. H f 13 e 21 Clark’s, Nev. D f 14 d 31 Clarksburg, Md. D g 8 d 26 Clarksburg, W. Va. E b 8 d 7 Clarkson, N. Y. D c 6 u 35 Clark’s R. Ky. D g 7 e 18 Clarkston, Mich. O g 11 d 15 Clarksville, Ala. H f 9 f 9 Clarksville, Ark. B b 9 g 26 Clarksville, Iowa O k 12 d 14 Clarksville, Mo. Q n 12 d 8 Clarksville (Albany co.) N. Y. H d 6 e 27 Clarksville, Ohio I d 7 f 27 Clarksville, Tenn. H a 9 f 27 Clarksville, Tex. I c 10 d 27 Clarksville (Mercer co.) Pa. A e 6 c 15 Clarksville (Greene co.) Pa. A g 8 c 26 Clarksville, Va. G e 8 e 26 Clarksville, Va. H d 8 c 26 Clarksville, (Madison co.) N. Y. F d 6 c 26 Clashmore, Waterford D d 20 Clatsop, co. Claudy, Claureen, R. Clausthal, Clausthal Mining Dist. Clavering I. Clay, Clay, Clay Bank, Gay Centre, Clay City, Clay, co. Clay, co. Gay, co. Gay, co. Clay, co. Clay, co. Clay, co. Clay, co. Clay, co. Clay, co. Clay, co. Clay, co. Clay, co. Clay, co. Clay, co. Clay Cross, Town, Clay Hill, Ciay Junction, Clay Landing, Claysville, Claysville, Claysville, Claysville, Claysville, Clayton, Oreg. B Londonderry D b 20 Clare B d 20 Hanover F . Hanover F Greenland T Ky. G W. Va. F Mich. L f 11 Kans. H g 13 111. D Ala. K Dak. H Fla. O g 9 Ga. K f 9 111. D e 7 Ind. E d 7 Iowa L i 12 Kans. H g 13 Ky. I f 7 Minn. A c 11 Mo. M n 12 N. C. B f 8 Nebr. G f 13 Tex. G c 10 W. Va. D c 8 Derby E c 18 Mo. N q 12 Ohio I b 7 Fla. N li 9 Ala. I c 9 Ind. F e 7 Ky. H e 7 Ohio I d 7 W. Va. D b 8 Ala. K f g 6 : c 9 c 7 k 12 f 11 b 6 f 11 d 9 k 12 e 34 f 8 d 6 b 10 e 20 o 10 e 10 g 13 e 6 e 6 f 6 g 7 d 13 g 7 c 10 e 20 f 14 i 12 e 9 d 11 m 12 a 9 g 6 d 5 d 11 n 8 d 2 a 11 b 11 f 8 c 10 d 9 o 18 c 19 e 8 d 8 d 18 h 10 b 21 c 7 i 12 d 6 d 7 d 21 e 21 c 25 c 22 e 18 u 35 c 9 c 6 b 7 b 9 c 34 b 18 b 9 c 20 e 21 c 20 b 20 e 6 o 32 f 7 b 19 e 35 e 9 d 35 b 6 c 8 e 18 d 6 d 6 o 12 g 9 a 9 e 8 b 9 f 8 e 9 b 9 g o e 9 c 7 d 7 1 12 g 7 g 9 f 5 c 11 e 9 o 12 g 8 c 6 f 6 a 9 g 35 : e 10 g n e 7 c 7 1 12 g 7 g 11 : u 12 b 6 GENERAL INDEX. 21 Clinton, co. Clinton, co. Clinton Golden L, Clinton R. Clinton, vil. Clintonville, Cliutonville (Clinton co.) Clintonville (Lycoming co.) Clio, Ohio Pa. Brit. America Mich. Ontario Ky. Pa. Pa. Iowa Clissa, Clitheroe, m. bor. Cloachan, Cloates, Pt. Cloche I. Clode Sound, Clogh, Clogh, Cloghan, Cloghaneely, dist. Clogheen, Clogher, Clogher Head, Clogher Head, Cloghjordan, Clogh Mills, Cloghmore Point, Cloghy, Cloghy Bay, Clomontagh, Clonakilty, Clonakilty Bay, Clonard, C. Clonaslee, Clonaulty, Clonbulloge, Cloncurry, Cloucurry R. Clonderalaw Bay, Clcnea, Clonegall, Clones, Clonfort Palace, Clonmel, co. town, Clonmellon, Clonmore, Clonony, Clontarf, Clontibret, Clonygowan, Cloon, Cloonaghmore, R. Cloondara, Cloone, Clooneenbeg, Cloont'ad, Cloontuskert, Cloppenburg, Cloquet, R. Cloudberry Pt. Cloud, co. Cloud Peak, Cloudy B. Clough, Cloughton, tp. Dalmatia Lancashire Donegal W. Australia Dom. of Canada Newfoundland Antrim Kilkenny King’s County Donegal Tipperary Tyrone Kerry Louth Tipperary Antrim Galway Down Down Kilkenny Cork Cork Corea Queen’s County Tipperary King’s County Kildare Queensland Clare Waterford Carlow Monaghan Galway Tipperary Westmeath Carlow King’s County Dublin Monaghan King's County Kerry Mayo Longford Leitrim Roscommon Roscommon Roscommon Oldenburg Minn. Quebec Kans. Mont. Marlborough Down York e e e N m 12 E e 25 c 18 b 20 d 34 a 20 d 20 b 20 d 20 c 20 d 20 a 20 c 20 b 20 b 20 d 20 e 20 e 20 c 32 c 20 d 20 c 20 c 20 d 34 d 20 d 20 Clouters Creek, Env. of Charleston Clova, Clover Bend, Clover Creek, Cloverdale, Clover Hill, Cloverport, Cloyne, Clunes, Clun Forest, Clun, tp. Cluny, Cluro, Clusone, Clutha, or Molyneux, R, Clwyd, R. Clydagh, R. Clydagh, R. Clyde, Clyde, Clyde, Clyde, Clyde, Clyde, Clyde, Falls of, Clyde, Firth of, Clyde R. Clyde, R. Clyde, R. (Bay), Clyde, R. Clyde R. Clydes Law, Clyman, Clymer, Clyne, Clyth Ness, Coa, R. Coachford, Coahoma, co. Coahuilla, state, Coahuilla Valley, Coal Basin, Coaleoman, Coal Creek, Coal Island, Coalport, Coal R. Coal R. Coal Valley, Coalville, Forfar Ark. Utah Ind. Va. Ky. Cork Victoria Salop Salop Sa6ne-et-Loire Nev. Lombardy Otago Denbigh Kerry Mayo Hawke’s Bay 111 . Kans. Mich. N. Y. Ohio Lanark Scotland Lanark Baffin Land Baffin Land N. Y. Vt. Lanark Wis. N. Y. Sutherland Caithness Beira d c c b e e b c c 20 c 20 c 20 c 20 b 22 c 11 N a 4 H g 13 G b 14 d b b i d b f 14 d 7 d 8 f 7 e 20 G g 34 C d 18 d 18 c 21 e 14 b 26 f 35 c 18 d c c d Cork Miss. Mexico Cal. Wyom. Mexico Ind. Tyrone Ohio Newfoundland W. Va. 111 . Utah 20 20 35 7 g 13 f 11 c 6 b 7 e 19 e 19 e 19 b 2 b 2 c 6 d 5 e 19 f 11 d 6 b 19 b 19 d 27 e 20 c 9 [ Coanza, or Quanza, R. S. Guinea Coary, or Alvellos, Brazil Coary R. Brazil Coast Range, Cal., Oreg., andWash. Belt Coatbridge, town, Lanark Coatesville, Mo. Coatesville, Pa. Coaticook, Quebec Coatsburg, 111. Coatsville, Ind. Coaylo, Peru Coazacoalco, Rio, Mexico Coban (Vera Paz), Guatemala Cobb, co. Ga. Cobbara, New S. Wales Cobbler, The, or Ben Arthur, Argyle Cobbsville, Ark. Cobden, 111. Cobden, Nelson Cobequid Mts. Nova Scotia Cobham, Pa. Cobija (Puerto), Bolivia Coblenz, Rhenish Prov. Coblenz, gov. Prussia Cobleskill, N. Y. Cobre (el), Cuba Cobu Leuba, or Colorado, R. Argentine Rep. Coburg, Iowa Coburg, Saxe Coburg Coburg I. Arctic Regions Coburg Peninsula, N. Australia Coburg, town, Ontario Coca, R. Ecuador Cocales, Pt. Guiana Cocan, Siam Cochabamba, Bolivia Cochabamba Dep. Bolivia Cochem, Rhenish Prov. Cochin ( Kaclihi ), Cochin Cochin ( Kaxhi ), native st. Madras Cochin China, Annam Cochin China, French Colony, E. Penin. Cochinos B. Cuba Cochran, Ga. Cochrans, 111. Cochrantown, Pa. Cockatu, Queensland Cockatu, Queensland Cockburn Chan. Patagonia Cockburn I. Lake Huron, Dom. of Canada Cockburn I. L. Huron Cockburn I. Brit. America Cockburn Mt. N. W. Australia Cockburnspath, Berwick Cocke, co. Tenn. Cockells I. N. W. Australia Cockermouth, p. b. Cumberland Cockneysville, Md. Cockscomb Mt. Brit. Honduras Coco, Great & Little I. Andaman Is. Cocos I. Pacific Ocean Cocos or Keeling Is. Indian Ocean Mexico IS aples Mass. Newfoundland Newfoundland Brazil Venezuela Stewart I. Formentera Cork N. W. Provs. F f 33 D c 16 D c 16 B b 14 D e 19 O m 12 F d 7 C d 16 E d 15 E d 15 L d 9 H f 34 f 16 m 12 c 22 2 34 4 16 16 31 16 16 22 f 31 e 31 M g 28 Cocuspera, Cocuzza Mte. Cod, Cape, Cod, Great, R. Cod, Little, R. Codaya, R, Codera, C. Codfish I. Codolor, Point, Cods Head, Coel, Coele-Syria, or Celo Syria, Syria Coen R. Queensland Coervorden, Holland Coetivy I. Seychelle Is. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho Coeur d’Alene, L. Cceur d’Alene R. Coeur d’Alenes, Country of Coeymans, Coffadelia, Coffee, co. Coffee, co. Coffee, co. Coffeeville, Coffeeville, Coffeeville, Coffey, co. Coffin B. Coffin I. Cogan Valley, Coggeshall, town, Cogliinas, R. Cognac, C'ognat, Cogolludo, Cohansey Creek, Cohasset, Cohoes, Coiba I. Coimbatore, Coimbra, Coimbra, Nova, Coin, Coirebhreacain, or Gulf of Coryvreckan, Idaho Idaho Idaho N. Y. Miss. Ala. Ga. Tenn. Ala. Miss. Tex. Kans. S. Australia G. of St Lawrence Pa. Essex Sardinia Charente Allier Guadalajara N. J. Mass. N. Y. Panama Mad. Pres. Beira O) d B d M b D c F e M C C E F H F C A G D O O D K A M A E C G D K E E f 15 1 15 26 5 4 4 16 15 g 35 f 27 E b 14 b 14 d 6 e Cojutepecque, Brazil Malaga Argyle f 9 f 9 b 9 f 9 d 9 c 10 g 13 f 34 c 4 e 6 e 18 d 26 D d 21 F c 21 d 27 g 6 f 5 d 6 f 15 e 31 d 27 d 16 h 27 Cokane Point, Cork B Cokato, Minn. C Cokesbury, S. C. C Colaire, L. Madras Pres. F Colare or Lachlan, R. New S. Wales H Colares, Colberg, or Kolberg, Colbert, Colbert, co. Colbert’s Ferry, Colchagua, Prov. Colchester, Colchester, Colchester, Colchester, bor. Colchester co. Estremadura A Pomerania H Ala. K Ala. H Ind. T. H Chili C Conn. B Va. H Vt. A Essex G Nova Scotia M Col della Maddalena, Basses Alpes H Coldfield, Sutton, Coldingham, vil. Col di Tenda, Alps, Cold Mt. Cold Pond, Cold Spring, Cold Spring (Putnam co.), Cold Spring City, Cold Spring Harbour, Cold Springs (Ontario co.), Cold Springs, Coldstream, Coldstream, vil. Coldwater, Cold Water R. Colebrook, Cole Camp, Cole, co. Coleford, Coleman, co. Colemans, Colemansville, Coleraine, Coleraine, Coleridge, L. Coleroon, R. Coles, Colesberg, Colesburg, Coles, co. Coles I. Coleshill, par. Colfax, Colfax, Colfax, co. Colfax, co. Colgrave Sound, Colima, Colima, state, Colima, Vol. Colinsville, Col inton, Col inton, Coll, I. Coll, Passage of, Collamer, College Corner, Collegio, Colleton, co. Collier B. Colliersville, Colliertown, Collierville, Colheure, Collighan, R. Collin, co. Collingwood, town, Collins, Collins Creek, Collinson Inlet, Collinston, vil. Collinstown, Collinsville, Collomandoo Atoll, Collon, Collooney, Colly mangoul, Colly R. Colmar, Colmar, Colmars, Colmenar, Colmeuar Viejo, Colne, R. Warwick E Berwick F Piedmont B N. C. B Me. F N. J. G N. Y. H Minn. C L. I. A N. Y. D Tex. I Ontario C Berwick F Mich. M Miss. E N. H. C Mo. N Mo. O Gloucester D Tex. G Mich. N Ky. H Londonderry E N. C. I Canterbury C Madras Pres. E Pa. E Cape Colony G Pa. D 111. D Env. of Charleston B Warwick E Ind. F La. C N. Mex. D Nebr. H Shetland Islands B Mexico C Mexico C Mexico C Conn. B New. S. Wales H Queensland I Argyle B Hebrides B Ind. G Ohio H Brazil F S. C. E N. W. Australia C Tenn. F Va. F N. Y. F Pyrenees orientales F Waterford D Tex. H Ontario C Fla. N Ky. I Pr. Albert Land I Aberdeen G Westmeath D III. C Indian Ocean I Louth E Sligo C New S. Wales H N. C. G Alsace D 111. B Basses Alpes H Malaga F Madrid G Essex G e 20 d 11 g 8 d 31 f 34 f 27 a 22 e 9 c 9 c 10 f 16 g 5 c 8 5 18 4 21 18 19 26 8 5 6 6 11 5 6 10 4 19 11 9 5 12 i2 e 18 d 10 f 11 e 7 a 20 8 35 31 6 33 6 7 8 18 7 9 a 10 f 13 a 19 d 15 d 15 d 15 g 5 g 34 e 34 19 19 7 7 16 8 34 9 8 6 e 21 d 20 10 4 9 7 2 19 20 7 h 28 c 20 b 20 e 34 g 8 San Salvador d 19 e 15 Colne, R. Herts and Middlesex F Colne, town, Lancashire D Colo, Iowa N Cologne (Koln), Rhenish Prov. D Cologne (Koln), gov. Prussia D Colom, Port, Majorca O Coloma, 111. C Colombes, Seine B Colombia, United States of, or New' Granada, S. America I Colombo, Cap. Ceylon E Colon (Aspinwall), Columbia H Colongo, S. Cent. Africa F Oolonia, Uruguay E Colonna, O. Greece L Colonua, or C. di Nao, Calabria G Colonsay, I. Argyle B Colonsay, Little, I. Argyle B Colonsay, Passage of, Argyle B Colony, Mo. O Colorado Chiquito, or Little Colorado, Ariz H Colorado City, Colo. D 22 7 21 27 27 18 18 18 k 12 c 22 c 22 e 27 e 7 e 21 g 15 f 31 f 15 f 33 f 16 f 26 e 26 b 19 d 19 e 19 m 12 h 14 g 13 * 22 GENERAL INDEX. Colorado, co. Tex. H Colorado Desert, Wyom. H Colorado Grande R., or with Grand R., Utah and Ariz H Colorado Great Valley, Ariz. F Colorado or Gobu Leuba, Argentine Rep. D Colorado Pass, Cal. E Colorado Plateau, Ariz. G Colorado R., Tex. H Colorados,' Argentine Rep. D Colorados (Los), Is. Cuba F Colorados Reefs, Cuba G Colorado, ter. United States Colotlan, San Antonio de, Mexico C e 10 d 14 g 14 i 14 f 16 i 14 h 14 e 10 f 16 c 15 Colpoys B. Colquiiii, Colquitt, Colquitt, Colquitt, co. Colton, Colton, Coluguape, L. Columbia, Columbia, Columbia, Columbia, Columbia, Columbia, Columbia, Columbia, Columbia, Columbia, Columbia, Columbia, Columbia, Columbia, Columbia City, Columbia, co. Columbia, co. Columbia, co. Columbia, co. Columbia, co. Columbia, co. Columbia, co. L. Huron C Yucatan E Ga. L Ga. N Ga. M Dak. E N. Y. G Patagonia C Ala. K Ark. D 111. B Ky. G Me. G Midi. L Miss. F Mo. O N. C. I N. H. C Ohio H S. C. D Tenn. H Tex. I Ind. G Ark. B Fla. N Ga. N N. Y. H Oreg. B Pa. E Wis. H f 13 b 6 Columbia (Columbia co.) N. Y. H Columbia, British Dom. of Canada H Columbia, district of, U. States E 9 9 9 6 14 e 6 f 11 d 6 Columbia (Herkimer co.) Columbia (Lancaster co.) Columbia (Bradford co.) Columbiana, Columbiana, Columbiana, Columbiana, Columbiana, co. Columbia R., Great Plain cf Wash. D Columbia R., or Oregon R., Wash. C N. Y. F Pa. E Pa. E Ala. 1 Brazil G Ohio M Va. G Ohio M Columbretes (Is.) Columbus, Columbus, Columbus. Columbus, Columbus, Columbus, Columbus, Columbus, Columbus, Columbus, Columbus, Columbus, Columbus, Columbus, Columbus, Columbus, Cap. of State Columbus, co. Columbus Grove, Columbus .1 unction, Colusa, Colusa, co. Colville, C. Colville R. Colyton, par. Comacchio, Comal, co. Comanche, Comanche, Comanche, co. Comanche, co. Castellon Ark. B Fla. M Ga. L Ind. G Kans. I Ky. C La. C Miss. G Mo. N N. C. C Nebr. H Pa. B Tenn. L Tex. H Wis. H Ohio K N. C. G Ohio H Iowa P Cal. B Cal. B Auckland E Alaska E Devon C Emilia E Tex. G Iowa Q Tex. G Kans. G Tex. G c i d 3 c 7 b 14 c 14 e 27 d 9 Comauches and Lipans tribes Tex. F Comarca, prov. Italy E Comayagua, Cap. of Rep. Honduras F Combahee R. Combarbala, Comber, Combermere B. Combmartin, par. Comeragh Mts. Comerly, Comet R. Comillas, Comining, (Jomino, C. Comitan, Oommentry, Commerce, Commerce, Commerce, ( 'oinmercy, Commissioners, L. Committee B. Commuiiipaw, Como, Como, e 9 d 7 h 13 g 7 e 9 d 9 0 12 f 8 f 13 e 6 b 9 e 10 f 11 d 7 g 8 c 7 1 12 f 14 f 14 b 35 c 2 f 18 b 26 e 10 1 12 d 10 h 13 d 10 d 10 d 26 e 15 S. C. E Chili C Down F Brit. Burmah H Devon B Waterford D Miss. E Queensland H Santander F W. Australia B Sardinia C Mexico E Allier F Mich. O Mo. R Miss. E Meuse G Quebec G Arctic Regions M N. J. B Lombardy C Wyom. C f 16 20 31 18 20 9 34 a 27 f 34 d 26 d 15 c 21 Como (L. di), . Lombardy C b 26 1 Connoguenessing Creek, Pa. A f 6 | Como, prov. Lombardy C b 26 Connor, Antrim E b 20 Comochara (Kara), Syria E b 30 Conococheague Creek, Pa. D g 6 Comola, Mexico C d 15 Conolton, Ohio L c 7 Comorin ( Kumarin), C. Madras E f 31 Conover, Ohio H c 7 Comoro Is. Mozambique Chan. 1 f 33 Consentanya, Alicante K f 27 Compass Berg (Schnee Berge), Mt. Conshohocken, Pa. F f 6 Cape Colony G li 33 Consolation, Ky. G e 7 Competition, Va. F e 8 Constable, N. Y. G b 6 Compiegne, Oise F b 21 Constableville, N. Y. F c 6 Com porta. Estremadura B f 27 Constadt, Silesia K c 22 Comprida Cataract (R. Araguaya) Constance (Constanz), Baden E e 22 Brazil F c 16 Constance, circ. Baden E e 22 Compton, Quebec H d 4 Constance, L. oi(BodenSee), Switld. I c 21 Compton, co. Quebec H d 4 Constance Mt. Wash. B b 14 Comrie, vil. Perth E d 19 Constantia, N. Y. E c 6 Cointat, prov. France G d 21 Constantina, Sevilla E g 27 Comte tie Foix, prov . France E e 21 Constantine, Algeria E a 33 Conabarrabran, New South Wales H f 34 Constantine, Mich. M h 11 Conada, or Konada, Madras Pres. F d 31 Constantine Province, Algeria- E a 33 Conae, Villa de, Minho B c 27 Constantinople llstambul), Turkey N d 26 Conan R. Ross D c 19 Constantinople, gov. Turkey N d 26 Conasauga R. Ga. L c 9 Constantinople Str., or Bosphorus, C a 29 Concabello, Kongo F e 33 Constantinovsk, Maritime Concan, Brit, dists. Bombay D d 31 Prov. Russia in Asia Q d 28 Concarneau, Finistere C c 21 Cons Station, Queensland H e 34 Conceieao, Brazil F d 16 Constitucion (La), Chili C f 16 Concepcion de la China, Arg. Rep. E f 16 Consuegra, Toledo G e 27 Concepcion, or Mocha, Chili C f 16 Contas, Brazil G d 16 Concepcion prov. Chili C f 16 Contas, Rio de, Brazil F d 16 Conception I. Bahamas H c 15 Contas, R. Brazil G d 16 Conception B. Newfoundland R c 4 Contentnea Creek, N. C. H f 8 Conception, dist. Newfoundland R c 4 Contessa, Gulf, Selanik K d 26 Conception, L. Bolivia D d 16 Contoocook, N. H. C e 5 Conception Point, Cal. C h 14 Contoocook R. N. H. C e 5 Conception Str. Chili C h 16 Contra Costa, co. Cal. B g 14 Conchas, Rio, Mexico D b 15 Contuso, R. Bolivia E e 16 Concho, co. Tex. F d 10 Conversion Pt. Cal. D h 14 Concho, R. Tex. G d 10 Conversville, Tenn. G a 9 Concord, Ga. L f 9 Convey I. Essex G e 18 Concord, Iowa N i 12 Convoy, Ohio H c 7 Concord, Ky. I e 7 Convoy, Donegal D b 20 Concord, Mass. C f 5 Conway, Ark. B d 9 Concord, Me. E c 5 Conway, Mo. O p 12 Concord, Mich. N g 11 Conway, N. H. C d 5 Concord, Mo. O n 12 Conwayborough, S. C. G h 8 Concord, N. C. E f 8 Conway, co. Ark. C b 9 Concord, N. H. C e 5 Conway, C. China M d 32 Concord, Pa. D f 6 Conway, p. bor. Carnarvon C c 18 Concordia, Kans. H g 13 Conway R. Marlborough D e 35 Concordia, Ky. F e 7 Conway, R. Wales C c 18 Concordia, Miss. E c 9 Conwil-in-Elvet, p. Carmarthen B e 18 Concordia, par. La. D f 9 Conyers, Ga. M d 9 Condamine or Balonne R. Queensld. I e 34 Conz, Rhenish Prov. D d 22 Conde, Brazil G d 16 Coochetopa Pass, Colo. C h 13 Conde, Nord F a 21 Cooeyana, S. Australia E f 34 Condi, Kongo F e 33 Cook, co. 111. E b 7 Condieu, Rhone G d 21 Cook dist. Queensland G c 34 Condom, Gers E e 21 Cooke, co. Tex. H c 10 Condor, Pulo, I. Cochin China M h 28 Cook Inlet, Alaska E d 2 Condroz, dist. Belgium C c 22 Cook, Mt. Canterbury C e 35 Coudy snr Noireau, Calvados D b 21 Cook, Mt. Queensland H c 34 Cone B. N. W. Australia C c 34 Cook’s, co. Auckland E b 35 Conecuh, co. Ala. H f 9 Cooks Is. S. Pacific Oc. C k 1 Conecuh R., Ala. I f 9 Cook’s Run, Pa. D e 6 Condersport, Pa. C e 6 Cook’s Store, Mo. N o 12 Conedoowimt Creek, Pa. D f 6 Cookstown, Tyrone E b 20 Coneios, co. Colo. C h 13 Cook Strait, Alaska D c 2 Conemaugh, Pa. C f 6 Cook Strait, New Zealand E d 35 Conemaush R. Pa. B f 6 Cookville, Tasmania S v 35 Cones, The ; Slieve Bloom, Cookville, Tenn. K a 9 Queen’s County D c 20 Coolaney, Sligo C b 20 Conestoga, Pa. E g 6 Cool Arbor, Va. H d 8 Conestoga R. Pa. E g 6 Coole, Westmeath D c 20 Conesus L. N. Y. D d 6 Cooley Promontory, Louth E c 20 Coney I. Rnv. of N. Y. B c 6 Coolgreany, Wexford E d 20 Coney, I. Sligo C b 20 Coolkenna, Kildare E d 20 Conewago Creek, Pa. D g 6 Cool Springs, Ga. M e 9 Conewango R. N. Y. B d 6 Coolville, Ohio L d 7 Conllans, Seine-et-Oise A e 21 Cooma, New S. Wales H g 35 Confluence, Pa. B g 6 Coomassia, Ashantee Guinea D d 33 Confolens, Charente E c 21 Coomfidah, or Ghunfooda, 'Hejaz E f 29 Confusion R. Newfoundland Q a 4 Coonamore Point, Sligo C b 20 Cong, Mayo B c 20 Coon Island, Pa. A f 6 Congaree R. S. C. D h 8 Goon R. Iowa M 1 12 Congleton, m. bor. Cheshire D c 18 Cooper, Tex. I c 10 Congo, Angola F e 33 Cooper, co. Mo. O o 12 Congo or Kongo Country, S. Guinea F e 33 Cooper Creek, or Congo or Zaire, R. S. Guinea F e 33 Barcoo R. Queensland G e 34 Congreve, Tex. I d 10 Cooper Fort, Queensland H d 34 Conhanty, Ind. T. H a 10 Cooper I. N. Pacific Oc. G g 2 Conhocton R. N. Y. D d 6 Cooper Is., Lake Superior, Conic Hill, Stirling D d 19 Dom. of Canada K a 11 Conie Harb. Newfoundland P b 4 Cooper Mt. Cal. D g 14 Coniston, Lancashire C b 18 Cooper, Mt. Tex. F c 10 Coniston Old Man, Mt. Lancashire C b 18 Cooper Mt. S. Australia F f 34 Coniston Water, (L.) Lancashire C b 18 Cooper, Port, Canterbury D e 35 Coniveall (Mt.) Sutherland D b 19 Cooper R. S. C. F h 8 Conlie, Sarthe D b 21 Cooper’s Creek, N. J. C h 6 Conna (Ras Baalbek) Syria D b 30 Cooper’s L. Wyom. D f 13 Connaught, prov. Ireland C c 20 Cooper's Peak, Nev. E f 14 Conneuut, Ohio M b 7 Cooper’s Range, Nev. E c 14 Conneaut L. Pa. A e 6 Cooperstown, N. Y. O d 6 Conneaut R. Ohio Mb 7 Coopersville, N. Y. FI b 6 Conncautville, Pa. A e 6 Coopertown, N. J. C h 6 Connecticut, Head Waters of, N. H. C c 5 Cooraclave, Clare B d 20 Connecticut L. N. H. C c 5 Coorg, div. Madras E e 31 Connecticut R. Conn. B g 5 Coorong, The, S. Australia F g 34 Connecticut, state, U. States 5 Coos, Egypt C d 29 Connel Ferry, Argyle C d 19 Coosa, co. Ala. I e 9 Connellsville, Pa. B f 6 Coosa R. Ala. I e 9 Connemara, dist. Galway B c 20 Coosawattee R. Ga. L c 9 Connersville, Ind. G d 7 Coos-awhatchie, S. C. E i 8 Connines Indians, Ariz. H h 14 Coosawhatcliie R. S. C, D i 8 Coos, co. N. H. C Coos, co. Oreg. A Coos R. x Oreg. A Coosh Behar, Bengal G Cocsh Behar (native state), Bengal G Coosy, R. Nepal G Cootehall, Roscommon C Cootehill, Copais, or Tropolias, L. Copake L. Copeland, Copeland I. Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Copenhagen (Kjobenhavn), Cavan D Greece K N. Y. H Ga. M Down F La. C N. Y. F d b d 14 d 14 b 31 b 31 b 31 c 20 b 20 e 26 d 6 f 9 b 20 f 9 c 6 Cap. of Kingdom. Cbpenick, Copiah, co. Copiapo, Copiapo Yol. Copinshav I. Copper, or Atna R. Copper Harbor, Coppermine R. Copper Ridge and Creek, Copper Spring, Coquet I. Coquet, R. Coqui Bay, Coquille R. Coquimho, Coquirnbo B. Coquimbo Prov. Coquirnbo R. Cora, Denmark G Brandenburg G Miss. E Chili C Andes of Chili D Orkney Islands F Alaska F Micb. K Brit. America I Va. C Mo. O Northumberland E Northumberland E Columbia H Oreg. A Chili C Chili C Chili Chili Tex. i 23 b 22 f 9 e 16 e 16 b 19 c 2 b 11 c 2 e 8 p 12 a 18 a 18 f 15 d 14 C C G Cora Deeve (Bank), Laccadive Is. D Corade, Pena, Mt. Palencia F Coral, Coral Hill, Coral itos. Coral Sea, Corato, Corbach, Corbally, Corbeil, Corbiere Point, Corbieres, Mont, Corbos, R. Corby, par. Corcobado, G. Corcobado Yol. Corcubion, Coreubion, Rio de (B.) Cordesville, Cordillera de Rio Gila, Cordillera Grande, Mts. Cordoba, Cordouan, Tour de, Cordova, Cordova, Cordova, e 16 e 16 e 16 e 16 d 10 e 31 b 27 Wis. F Nev. F Tex. G N. E. of Australia H Naples G Waldeck E Sligo B Seine-et-Oise F Jersey D .Oude F Alemtejo C Lincoln F Chili C Andes of Chili C Coruna A e 11 e 14 Coruna A S. C. F Ariz. H Brazil F Mexico D Gironde D Argentine Rep. D III. B Minn. D Cordova or Cordoba, Cordova F Cordova, prov. Argentine Rep. D Cordova, prov. Corea B. Corea, G. or Broughton B. Corea, Kingdom and Penin. Core Amearali, B. Corean Archipelago, Corea Str. Corea the, Corentyn, R. Corese, Core Sound, Corfe Castle, par. Corfu ( Korphus ), Corfu ( Kerkyra ) I. Coria, Corigliano, Calabria, Coringa, Coringa Is. Corinne City, Corinth, Corinth, Corinth, Corinth, Corinth & Argolis, nom. Corinth, or Lepanto, Gulf, Corizal, Cork, City & County Town, Spain F China M Corea N China N Arabia E Corea N Corea & Japan N Palestine D Guinea E Umbria E N. C. I Dorset D Greece H Greece H Caceres D Naples G Madras Pres. F Coral Sea I Utah G Ga. L Greece K Me. E Miss. G Greece IC Greece K Mexico B Cork C f 10 b 34 d 26 c 22 b 20 b 21 g 18 e 21 g 27 d IS g 16 g 16 b 27 b 27 h 8 i 14 d 15 d 15 d 21 f 16 b 7 e 11 g 27 f 16 g 27 c 32 c 32 c 32 g 28 c 32 d 32 e 30 b 16 c 26 g 8 i IS c 26 e 26 d 27 e 26 d 31 Cork, co. Cork Harbour, Corleone, purlin, Cormorant Pt. Cormorant R. Corn Creek, Corner Inlet and Basin, Corneto, Corning, Cornish Bridge, Munster C Cork C Sicily E Pomerania H Anticosta I. N Minn. C Utah G Victoria H Latia D N. Y. D Me. D c 34 e 14 d 9 f 28 c 5 c 9 f 26 e 26 a 15 e 20 e 20 e 20 f 26 a 22 b 4 b 11 f 14 g 34 c 26 d 6 e 5 Corno, Mte., or Gran Sasso d’ Italia, Cornwall, Cornwall, co. Cornwall Furnace, Cornwall, North, Cornwall, town, Cornwallis, Cornwall Landing. Cornwallis, Cornwallis I. Corny Pt. Coro, Apennines E Vt. A Tasmania S Pa. E Brit. America L Ontario F Oreg. B N. Y. H Nova Scotia L Brit. America L S. Australia F Venezuela K c 26 e 5 n 35 f 6 I c 14 f 34 e 15 d 16 e 31 b 35 f 26 f 26 c 2 b 31 P 1 f 16 e 16 f 10 h 10 f 10 d 16 e 27 d 19 k 12 d 21 d 21 e 16 e 16 f 16 f 15 f 3 g 33 c 15 e 16 c 19 d 5 m 12 b 27 e 6 c 19 c 19 e 21 e 21 e 19 e 6- e 21 c 10 d 33 e 21 f 3 f 14 d 6 d 6 d 11 c 26 b 7 f 11 a 27 a 27 a 18 d 18 b 33 d 10 a 33 d 18 d 7 e 7 ra 12 e 6 d 10 d 19 c 15 e 26 c 7 c 7 e 3 a 22 a 22 e 33 c 21 g 14 d 29 c 31 c 21 b 31 b 31 a 19 f 15 li 13 d 4 h 9 e 21 c 21 b 21 d 18 i 28 h 28 f 9 b 16 c 16 e 26 e 18 e 10 c 22 d 21 f 8 f 9 c 9 e 14 e 14 d 14 e 11 g 11 g 13 h 14 q 12 c 4 g 34 GENERAL INDEX. 23 Coulngh Bay, Cork B e 20 Crapo, Mich. M f 11 Coulommiers, Seine-et-Marne F b 21 Crater Mt. Cal. C e 14 Coulter, Cal. C g 14 Crathie, Aberdeen E c 15 Coultersville, 111. C e 7 Cratloe Wood, Clare C d 20 Council Bluffs, Iowa L 1 12 Crato, Alemtejo C e 27 Council Ground, Ind. T. I b 10 Crato, R. Calabria G e 26 Council Grove, Kans. H g 13 Cratto, Brazil G c 16 Country Harb. Nova Scotia N d 4 Cratto, Brazil D c 16 County Line, Wis. K g 11 Craughwell, Galway C c 20 Coupeville, Wash. B a 14 Craven, co. N. C. H f 8 Courbevoie, Seine B e 21 Cravicza, Hungary G d 25 Coure, R. Brazil D c 16 Crawford, Ala. K e 9 Courland. gov. Russia L d 24 Crawford, Iowa L 1 12 Courtenay R. Canterbury D e 35 Crawford, Ky. I f 7 Courthouse Rock, Nebr. E f 13 Crawford, Me. G c 5 Courtland, Ala. H c 9 Crawford, Victoria G f 34 Courtland, III. D b 7 Crawford, co. Ark. A b 9 Courtmacsherry, Cork C e 20 Crawford, co. Ga. M e 9 Courtmacsherry Bay, Cork C e 20 Crawford, co. III. E e 7 Courtney, Tex. I d 10 Crawford, co. Ind. F e 7 Court Oreilles L. Wis. F d 11 Crawford, co. Wis. F f 11 Courtown, Wexford E d 20 Crawford, co. Kans. I h 13 Courtray (Kortrijk), Belgium B c 22 Crawford, co. Iowa L k 12 Coushattee Chute, La. B e 9 Crawford, co. Mich. N e 11 Coutanees, Manche D b 21 Crawford, co. Mo. P p 12 Cove, Ark. A c 9 Crawford, co. Ohio K c 7 Cove, Pa. D f 6 Crawford, co. Pa. A e 6 Cove Creek, N. C. H f 8 Crawford Range, Central Australia E d 34 Cove Creek, Utah G f 14 Crawfordsville, Ind. F c 7 Covelnthe Ness, Suffolk H d 18 Crawfordsville, Iowa P 1 12 Cove I., L. Huron, Crawford ville, Ga. N d 9 Dominion of Canada Q d 11 Covelong (Kovilam), Madras Pres. F e 31 Coventry, Coventry, p. city. Cove Point, Coverdale, Covert, Coveta Mission, Covilhao, Covington, Covington, Covington, Covington, Covington, Covington, Covington, Covington, Covington, co. Covington, co. Covode, Cow and Calf, Cow Cowing Lake, Cowal dist. Cowal Lake, Cowan, Cowan Lake, Cow Bay, Cowbridge, p. bor. Cowee Mountains, Cowes, West, town, Coweta, co. Cowhouse Creek, Cowie R. Cowiekee Creek, Pa. F f 6 Warwick E d 18 Md. E h 6 Del. F h 6 N. Y. E d 6 Ind. T. I a 10 Beira C d 27 Ga. M d 9 Ind. E c 7 Ky. H d 7 La. E g 9 Ohio H c 7 Pa. D e 6 Tenn. F b 9 Va. E d 8 Ala. I f 9 Miss. F f 9 Pa. C f 6 Down F b 20 W. Australia B f 34 Argyle C d 19 New S. Wales H f 34 Tenn. K b 9 W. Australia C f 34 L. I. A h 5 Glamorgan C e 18 N. C. B f 8 I. of Wight E f 18 Ga. L a 9 Tex. H a 10 Kincardine F d 19 Ala. K e 9 Cowlas, or Kowlass, Nizam’s Domin. E d 31 Cowley, co. Cowlitz, co. Cowlitz Landing, Cowlitz R. Cowlooknoostook, R. Cow Pasture R. Cowpens, Cox Creek, Cox Pass, Coxsakie, Coy Inlet, Coyote, Coyotero Apaches, Cozumel I. Kans. H h 13 Wash. B b 14 Wash. B b 14 Wash. B b 14 Quebec I b 4 Va. F c 8 S. C. D f 8 Iowa P k 12 Wyom. H e 14 N. Y. H d 6 Patagonia D h 16 Kans. F g 13 Ariz. I i 14 Yucatan F c 15 Crab or Bieque I. {Brit.) Virgin Is. K d 15 Crab Orchard, Ky. H f 7 Cracabhal (Mt.), Lewis B b 19 Cracow (Krakau), Galicia F a 25 Cradle Mt. Brecknock C d 18 Cradle Mt. - Tasmania R u 35 Cradle of Noss, Shetland Islands A b 19 Cradock, Craftsbury, Craig, Craigavad, Craig, co. Craig Dullocli (Mt.), Craigellachie, Craighead, co. Craig-riavach (Mt.), Craigs Creek, Craiguenamanagh, Crail, burgh, Crailsheim, Crajova, or Craiova, Crana, R. Cranagh, Cranaras, Cranberry I., Great, Cranberry I., Little, Cranberry L. Cranborne, par. Cranbrooke, par. Crane L. Crane L. Cranfield Point, Cranford, Cape Colony G h 33 Vt. B d 5 Mo. L m 12 Down F b 20 Va. E d 8 Aberdeen E d 19 Banff E c 19 Ark. E b 9 Sutherland D b 19 Va. E d 8 Kilkenny E d 20 Fife F d 19 Wurtemberg F d 22 Walachia K b 26 Donegal D a 20 Tyrone D b 20 Cal. E h 14 Me. F d 5 Me. F d 5 N. Y. G b 6 Dorset E f 18 Kent G e 18 Dom. of Canada E a 11 Minn. E a 11 Down E b 20 Donegal D a 20 Crazy Woman R. Creachbeinn (Mt.), Crediton, town, Cree R. Creegh, R. Creek Country, Creelsborough, Creelslough, Creetown, vil. Creevagh Head, Crefeld, Creggs, Creil, Crema, Cremona, Cremona, prov. Crempe, Crenshaw, co. Crescent, Crescent City, Crescent City, Crescent Hill, Cresco, Cresco, Cresson, Cressy, or Criicy, Crestline, Creston, Creston, Crete, Wyom. C d 13 Mull C d 19 Devon C f 18 Kirkcudbright D e 19 Clare B d 20 Ind. T. H b 10 Ky. G g ’ 7 Donegal D a 20 Kirkcudbright D f 19 Mayo B b 20 Rhenish Prov. D c 22 Galway C c 20 Oise F b 21 Lombardy C b 26 Lombardy D b 26 Lombardy D b 26 Holstein E b 22 Ala. 1 f 9 Nev. F g 14 Cal. A e 14 Iowa L 1 12 Mo. M o 12 Iowa M i 12 Iowa O i 12 Pa. C f 6 Somme E a 21 Ohio K c 7 Iowa M 1 12 Wyom. I e 14 Nebr. H f 13 Crete, or Candia ( Girid ), I. Turkey L g 26 Creteil, Creuse, Cape, Creuse, dep. Creuse, E. Creuzot (Le), Crevillente, Crewe, town, Crewkerne, town, Criecieth, Cricket Cr. Crickhowell, par. Cricklade, p. bor. Crieff', town, Criffel (Mt.), Crighton Vale, Crillou, Mt. Crimea, Crimmitzschau, Crinan Canal, Cripple Creek, Crisfield, Crittenden, Crittenden, Crittenden, co. Crittenden, co. Croaghaun, Mt. Croaghnakeela I. Croagh Patrick, Mt. Croatan, Seine B e 21 Gerona O b 27 France E c 21 Creuse E c 21 Saone-et- Loire G c 21 Alicante K f 27 Cheshire D c 18 Somerset D f IS Carnarvon B d 18 Oreg. D d 14 Brecon C e 18 Wilts E e 18 Perth E d 19 Kirkcudbright E f 19 W. Australia B f 34 Alaska G d 2 S. Russia G f 24 King, of Saxony G c 22 Argyle C d 19 Va. D e 8 Md. F i 6 Ky. H e 7 Utah G e 14 Ark. E b 9 Ky. D f 7 Ackill I.A c 20 Galway B c 20 Mayo B c 20 N. C. I g 8 Croatia and Slavonia, prov. Austria E d 25 Croatan Sound, N. C. K f 8 Croatia, Turkish, prov. Turkey G b 21 Croc Harb. Newfoundland Q a 4 Crocker, Crocker, from Kossuth, co. Crockett, Crockett’s Bluff, Crocodile, Bayou, Crocodile I. Crocodile Rock, Croghan, Croghan Kinshela, Mt. Mo. O p 12 Iowa M i 12 Tex. I Ark. D c La. C g N. Australia E b 34 Bass Strait S t 35 Roscommon C c 20 Wicklow E d 20 d 10 9 9 Croisie, Loire inferieure C c 21 Croisilles Harb. Nelson D d 35 Croix Rousse (La), a suburb of Lyons, Croker I. Cromalt Hills, Cromartyshire, co. Cromarty, bor. Cromarty Firth, Cromer, par. Rhone G d 21 N. Australia E b 34 Cromarty D c 19 Scotland D c 19 Cromarty D c 19 Ross D e 19 Norfolk r l 1 IS Cromwell, Ky. F r 7 Cromwell, Iowa M m 12 Cromwell, Otago B f 35 Cronstadt, or Kronstadt, Baltic Provs. P g 23 Cronstadt, or Kronstadt 1. Baltic Provs. P g 23 Crooked Creek, Ark. C a 9 Crooked Creek, Idaho F c 14 Crooked Creek, III. C e 7 Crooked Creek, Ind. G o 7 Crooked Creek, Pa. B f 6 Crooked I. Bahamas I c 15 Crooked L. Minn. D c 11 Crooked L. N. Y. D d 6 Crooked Passage, Bahamas I c 15 Crooked, or Antelope R. Oreg. E d 14 Crooked R. Ohio H b 7 Crooked R. Oreg. C c 14 Crookers L. Newfoundland P b 4 Crookhaven, Cork B e 20 Croolin, I. Ross C c 19 Groom, Limerick C d 20 Cropredy Bridge, Oxford E d 18 Cross, Minn. F b 11 Crossakeel, Meath D c 20 Cross B. Nova Zembla L a 24 Cross, C. Damara Land F g 33 Cross, co. Ark. E b 9 Crossdoney, Cavan D c 20 Cross I. Me. G d 5 Cross R. Guinea E d 33 Crossen, Brandenburg H b 22 Crossfamoge Point, Wexford E d 20 Crossfell, Cumberland D b 18 Crossgar, Down F b 20 Crosshaven, Cork C e 20 Cross Keys, Ala. K e 9 Cross Keys, Va. H e 8 Cross L. La. B e 9 Cross L. Me. F a 5 Cross L. N. Y. E c 6 Crossmaglen, Armagh E b 20 Crossman’s Springs, Nev. F f 14 Crossmolina, Mayo B b 20 Cross Plains, Mo. N p 12 Cross Plains, Wis. H f 11 Crossroads, Donegal C a 20 Cross Timbers, Ind. T. H b and II c 10 Crossville, Tenn. K b 9 Croton, Mich. M f 11 Croton, N. Y. H e 6 Croton Aqueduct, Env. of N. Y. B a 6 Croton Inn, Mass. C f 5 Croton R. N. Y. H e 6 Crouch R. Essex G e 18 Crow Creek, Colo. D f 13 Crow Head, Cork A e 20 Crowland, town, Lincoln F d 18 Crowle, town, Lincoln F c 18 Crow Nation, Reserve for, Mont. B d 13 Crown Point, Ind. E b 7 Crown Point, N. Y. H c 6 Crow R. Minn. C d 11 Crow R.,-S. Fork, Minn. C e 11 Crows Pond, Ky. E f 7 Crowsville, S. C. D g 8 Crow Wing, Minn. C c 11 Crow Wing, co. Minn. C c 11 Crow Wing R. Minn. C c 11 Croydon, N. H. B e 5 Croydon, town, Surrey F e 18 Crozet Is. Indian Ocean X n 1 Crozon, Finistere B b 21 Cruagh I. Galway A c 20 Cruden B. Aberdeen G c 19 Cruez R. Ark. D c 9 Cruit I. Donegal C a 20 Crumlin, Antrim E b 20 Crummock Water (L.) Cumberland C b 18 Crump I. Galway A c 20 Crusheen, Clare C d 20 Cruz, C. de, Cuba L g 3 Cryde, Devon B e 18 Crystal Lake, 111. D a 7 Crystal Lake, Minn. C. e 11 Crystal Springs, Miss. E f 9 Csaba, Hungary G c 25 Csakowa, Hungary G d 25 Csakvar, Hungary F c 25 Csanad, Hungary G c 25 Csath, Hungary G c 25 Csepel I. Hungary F c 25 Csongrad, Hungary G c 25 Csorna, Hungary E c 25 Cuaiern, R. Brazil E f 16 Cuba, Alemtejo C f 27 Cuba, Mo. P o 12 Cuba, N. Y. C d 6 Cuba I. (Spanish), Antilles U c 15 Cuba, or Santiago de Cuba, Cuba H d 15 Cubagua Coche (chan.) Venezuela L e 15 Cubango, R. S. Africa F f 33 Cubar, Croatia D d 25 Cubillas, R. Granada G g 27 Cuchilla Grande Mts. Uruguay E f 16 Cucliilla Santa Lucia, Mts. Uruguay E f 16 Cuchullin Hills, Skye B c 19 Cuckfield, par. Sussex F e 18 Cuco, or Wauke, Rio, Honduras G e 15 Cucua-manema, R. Brazil E b 16 Cnouta, San Jose de, Columbia I f 15 Cuddalore( Gudaloor), Madras Pres. E e 31 0‘uldapah (Ko.dapn), Madras Pres. E e 31 24 GENERAL INDEX. Cudillero, Oviedo D a 27 Curopano, Venezuela L e 15 Daiwurconda (Dewakunda), Cuellar, Segovia F c 27 Curragh, The (Campj Kildare E c 20 Nizam’s Dominions E d 31 Cuenga, Ecuador C c 10 Curraghmore House, Waterford D d 20 Dakota, Nebr. H e 13 Cuenga, Cuenga H d 27 Curran, Londonderry E b 20 Dakota City, Dak. H c 13 Cuenga, prov. Spain H e 27 Curran, 111. C d 7 Dakota City, Iowa M k 12 Cuernavaca, Mexico D cl 15 Currans, Kerry B d 20 Dakota, co. Minn. D e 11 Cuero, Tex. H e 10 Current R. Ark. E a 9 Dakota, co. Nebr. H e 13 Cueto Albb, Mt. Asturias D a 27 Current R. Dom. of Canada H a 11 Dakota, or James R. Dak. G d 13 Cuevas de Vera, Almeria I g 27 Current R. Mo. Q q 12 Dakotas or Sioux, Dak. G d 13 Cuiaba, or Cuyaba, Brazil E cl 16 Currie, Edinburgh E e 19 Dakota, ter. United States 13 Cuilragh Mt. . Cavan D b 20 Currituck, co. N. C. K e 8 Dalai-hai, Mongolia M b 32 Cuic, Benguela F f 33 Currituck Court House, N. C. I e 8 Dalai Nor (Kalon), L. Mongolia L a 32 Cuivre R. Mo. Q n 12 Currituck Sound, N. C. K e 8 Dalbeattie, vil. Kirkcudbright E e 19 Cujavien, dist. Posen K b 22 Curry, Sligo C c 20 Dalbo Sjon, L. Sweden G g 23 Culdaff, Donegal D a 20 Curry, co. Oreg. A d 14 Dalby, I. of Man B b 18 Culdaff Bay, Donegal D a 20 Curtis I. Queensland I d 34 Dalby, Queensland I e 34 Culebra I. ( British ) Virgin Is. K cl 15 Curtis I. Bass Strait S t 35 Dalby, Sweden G f 23 Culebra Pt. Costa Rica F e 15 Guru, R. Brazil G c 16 Dale, co. Ala. K f 9 Culgoa R. Queensland H e 34 Curuguaty, Paraguay E e 16 Dal Elf, R. Sweden I f 23 Culliam Inlet, W. Australia C f 34 Curumbun, New S. Wales G g 34 Dal Elf, Wester, R. Sweden G f 23 Culiacan, Mexico B b 15 Curunhanha, Brazil F d 16 Dale Pt. N. Australia F b 34 Cullahill, Queen’s County D cl 20 Curnpaity, Paraguay E e 16 Dale, R. Westmeath D c 20 Cullen, Tipperary C d 20 Curvelo, Brazil F d 16 Daleville, Ala. K f 9 Cullen, bor. Banff F c 19 Curwensville, Pa. C e 6 Daleville, Pa. F e 6 Cullenagh, R. Clare B d 20 Curzola, Dalmatia E e 25 Dalhousie, Brit. Burmah H d 31 Cullera, Valencia K e 27 Curzola I. Dalmatia E e 25 Dalhousie, Otago B g 35 Cullera, Cape, Valencia K e 27 Cusel, Palatinate D d 22 Dalhousie, New Brunswick K e 4 Culldden Moor, Inverness lJ c 19 Cushendall, Antrim E a 20 Dalias, Almeria H h 27 Cullompton, town. Devon C f 18 Cushendun, Antrim F a 20 Dalja, Slavonia F d 25 Cullybackey, Antrim E b 20 Cushendun Bay, Antrim E a 20 Dalkeith, town. Edinburgh E e 19 Cullyhanna, Armagh E b 20 Cushing Creek, Pa. D e 6 Dalkey, Dublin E c 20 Culme, R. Devon C f 18 Oushingville, Ga. O e 9 Dal key I. Dublin E c 20 Culmullin House, Meath E c 20 Cusihuiriache, Mexico B b 15 Dallas, Ark. A c 9 Culna, Bengal G c 31 Cusseta, Ga. L e 9 Dallas, Ga. L d 9 Culoz, Ain G d 21 Cnstar, Ohio I b 7 Dallas, 111. E d 7 Culpeper, co. Va. G c 8 Custozza, Venetia D b 26 Dallas, Mo. Q p 12 Culpeper Court House, or Ciistrin, Brandenburg H b 22 Dallas, N. C. D f 8 Fairfax, Va. G c 8 Cuteh Gundava, prov. Beloochistan C b 31 Dallas, Oreg. B c 14 Culpepper I. Galapagos Is. E g 15 Cutch, G. of Scinde C c 31 Dallas, Tenn. K b 9 Culross, bor. Perth E d 19 Cutch, or Katch (state) Bombay C c 31 Dallas, Tex. H c 10 Culver Pt. S. W. Australia C f 34 Cutch, Runn of. Gujerat D c 31 Dallas Center, Iowa N 1 12 Cuma, Pico de Monte, Leon D b 27 Cuthbert, Ga. L f 9 Dallas City, 111. A c 7 Cumana, Venezuela L e 15 Cuthbert Pt. N. Australia E b 34 Dallas, co. Ala. H e 9 Cumanacoa, Venezuela L e 15 Cutler, Me. G d 5 Dallas, co. Ark. C d 9 Cumania, co. Hungary G c 25 Cuttack ( Katak ), Bengal G c 31 Dallas, co. Iowa M 1 12 Cumano I. Wash. B a 14 Cuvier C. W. Australia A d 34 Dallas, co. Mo. O p 12 Cumarebo, Venezuela K e 15 Cuvier I. Auckland E b 35 Dallas, co. Tex. H c 10 Cumbal (Mt.) Andes H g 15 Ouvo R. S. Guinea F f 33 Dallas, co., now Barron, Wis. E d 11 Cumbal Volcano, Colombia C b 10 Cuxhafen, Oldenburg E b 22 Dalles, Oreg. C c 14 Cumberland, co. England C b 18 Cuxim, R. Brazil E d 16 Dalmally, Argyle D d 19 Cumberland, co. 111. D d 7 Cuyaba, or Cuiaba, Brazil E d 16 Dalmanutha, Palestine C e 30 Cumberland, co. Ky. G g 7 Cuyahoga, co. Ohio L b 7 Dalmatia, kingdom. Austria E e 25 Cumberland, co. Me. D e 5 Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio L b 7 Dalmatov, Perm N d 24 Cumberland, co. N. C. G f 8 Cuyahoga R. Ohio L b 7 Dalmellington, Ayr D e 19 Cumberland, co. N. J. F g 6 Cuyler, N. Y. F d 6 Dalrym pie, Ayr D e 19 Cumberland, co. N ova Scotia M d 4 Cuyuni, R. Guiana E b 16 Dairy, town. Ayr D e 19 Cumberland, co. Pa. D f 0 Cuyuwini, Rio, Venezuela L f 15 Dais Fiord, Bergen C f 23 Cumberland, co. Tasmania S v 35 Cuzco, Peru C d 16 Dalton, Ga. L c 9 Cumberland, co. Tenn. K b 9 Cyclades, Is. & nomarchie, Greece L f 26 Dalton, Mass. A f 5 Cumberland, co. Va. G d 8 Cy nth; ana, Ky. H e 7 Dalton, N. H. C d 5 Cumberland Court House, Va. G d 8 Cynthiana, Ind. E e 7 Dalton-in-Furness, Lancashire C b 18 Cumberland Ford, Ky. I g 7 Cypress, Tex. I d 10 Dalua, R. Cork B d 20 Cumberland House, Brit. America K d 2 Cypress B. Ark. D b 9 Daly R. Queensland G d 34 Cumberland I. Ga. 0 g 9 Cypress Lake, Fla. L n 8 Daly Range, N. Australia E b 34 Cumberland Is. Queensland H d 34 Cypress Pt. Cal. C g 14 Daly Water, N. Australia E c 34 Cumberland Mts. Ky. I g, and K f 7 Cypress Pt. Brit. Burmah H c 31 Damaghan, Persia G b 29 and Tenn. L a 9 Cypress Swamp, Fla. M o 8 Damanhoor, Egypt A g 33 Cumberland Mts., Plateau of, Tenn. K b 9 Cypress Top, Tex. I e 10 Daman-i-Kuh, Mts. Persia H b 29 Cumberland Penin. Arctic Regions 0 c 2 Cyprus I. . Medit. Sea C c 29 Damar, Yemen E g 29 Cumberland R., Big Fork of, Tenn. L a 9 Cyprus L. 111. D f 7 Damara Land, S. Africa F g 33 Cumberland R. Ky. I g, and D f 7 Cythera (Cerigo) I. Greece K f 26 Damariscotta B. and R. Me. E e 5 and Tenn. I a 9 Czarnikau, Posen I b 22 Damascus, Ohio H b 7 Cumberland Sound, Brit. America 0 c 2 Czaslau, Bohemia D b 25 Damascus, Pa. F e 6 Cumberland Sound, Ga. 0 g 9 Czegled, Hungary F c 25 Damascus, Syria D c 30 Cumbrae, Great, I. Bute D e 19 Czenstochova, Poland D e 24 Damaun, or Daman, Bombay Pres. D c 31 Cumbrae, Little, I. Bute D e 19 Czeremose, R. Galicia I b 25 Damaun, or Cum bre Ministra, Mt. Soria H c 27 Czernowitz, Bukowina I b 25 the Border, dist. Punjab D a 31 Cumbrian Mts. Cumberland C b 18 Czibles, Mt. Transylvania I c 25 Dame Marie, Haiti I d 15 Cuming, co. Nebr. H f 13 Czortkow, Galicia I b 25 Darner, Nubia C f 29 Cummeragh R. Kerry A e 20 Czsicso Keresztur, Transylvania I c 25 Damet el Alva, Palestine D e 30 Cuinmersbach, Rhenish Prov. D c 22 Czukas, Mt. Transylvanian Alps I d 25 Damietta ( Damiat ), Egypt C c 29 Cummings, Ga. L c 9 Damiscove I. Me. E c 5 Cummings, Ga. N d 9 Daba, Tibet C d 32 Damm, Pomerania H b 22 Cummiugs Pt. Env. of Charleston C k 8 Daber, Pomerania H b 22 Damme, Belgium B c 22 Cumruumett ( Kambampet ) Daberath (Deburieh), Palestine B e 30 Damot, prov. Abyssinia D g 29 Nizam s Ds. F d 31 Dabor, Wady, Palestine B g 30 Dampier Archipelago, W. Australia B d 34 Cumnamella, Queensland H e 34 Dabsan Nor (L.) Mongolia F c 32 Dampier Land, W. Australia C c 34 Cumnock, New, Ayr D e 19 Dacca, Bengal H c 31 Damur, Nahr ed, R. Syria B c 30 Cumnock, town, Ayr D e 19 Dachau, Bavaria F d 22 Dan, or Laish (Tell el Kady), Cunanea, Brazil F e 16 I lachst Berg, Mt, Salzburg C c 25 Palestine C d 30 Cundapoor, or Kundapoor, Dacre, Otago B g 35 Danaba, Syria D c 30 Madras Pres. D e 31 Dacusville, S. C. C g 3 Dana, Mt. Cal. D g 14 Cunene, R. S. Guinea F f 33 Dade, co. Fla. M q 8 Danakil, or Adail, dist. E. Africa E g 29 Cuneo, Piedmont B b 26 Dade, co. Ga. K c 9 Dan, C. Greenland R c 2 Cuneo, prov. Piedmont B b 26 Dade, co. Mo. N p 12 Danbury, Conn. A g 5 Cunningham, co. Nebr. G e 13 Dadeville, Ala. K e 9 Danbury, N. H. C e 5 ( unningham, dist. Ayr D e 19 Dadeville, Mo. N p 12 Danbury, N. C. E e 8 ( unningham Fiord Greenland P c 2 Dadi, Beloochistan B b 31 Dauby, N. Y. E d 6 t unumully, N. S. Wales I e 34 Dados Is. Balearic Is. M f 27 Danby, Vt. A e . 5 Cuorgne, Piedmont B b 26 Dadur, Beloochistan C b 31 Dancer’s Hill, Nebr. E e 13 ( ’upar, bor. Fife E d 19 Dagelet I. (Matsu Sima), Sea of Japan O c 32 Dan-cheng, Kan-su F c 32 Cupar Angus, Forfar and Perth E cl 19 Dagerot (Cape), Baltic Provinces M g 123 Dandarnack, N. C. F g 8 Cuptca B. Columbia H f 15 Daggs Sound, Otago A f 35 Dande, Angola F e 33 Cupsuptic R. Me. D c 5 Daghestan, div. Russia F d 24 Dandndge, Tenn. M a 9 Curasao I 4 (Dutch), W. Indies K e 15 Dago I. Baltic Provinces M g 23 Dane, co. Wis. H f 11 Curaray, R. Ecuador C c 16 Dagsborough, Del F h 6 Dane. R. Cheshire D c 18 Curdie Inlet, Victoria G g 34 Daheb, Wady ed, Palestine E e 30 Danger Pt. (Demarcation of Queens- Cure, R. Yorme F c 21 Dahlak Archipelago, Red Sea E f 29 land and New South Wales), I e 34 Curia, Ark. D b 9 Dahlak I. Red Sea E f 29 Dangkhar, Punjab E a 31 Curico, Chili C f 16 Dahlonega, Ga. M c 9 Danibov, Yaroslav I d 24 Curinis, Brazil E c 16 Dalma, or Nefood, desert, Arabia F d 29 Daniel I. Corea N c 32 Curitiba, Brazil F e 16 Dahomey Kingdom, Guinea E u 33 Daniel Mt. Central Australia E e 34 Ouriza, R. Brazil 0 c 16 Dai, Soudau F d 33 Daniels I. Env. of Charleston C i 8 Curlew R. W. Australia A d 34 Daimiel, Ciudad Real G e 27 Dauielsville, Ga. M c 9 Danielton, S. C. 1) i Danish America (Greenland), Q c Dankov, Riazan H e Dan R. N. C. & Va. G e Dannemora, Sweden I f Dansviile, N. Y. D d Dantzig, gov. Prussia K a Danube ( 1 una) or Bulgaria gov. Turkey L c Danube, circ. Wurtemberg E d Danube, Mouths of the, Danube N b Danube ( Dcmau ), R. Germany E d Danubian Principalities (Roumania and Servia), Turkey I b Danvers, Mass. C f Danville, Ark. B b Danville, 111. E c Danville, Ind. F d Danville, Iowa P m Danville, Ky. H f Danville, Me. D d Danville, Mo. P o Danville, Pa. E f Danville, Tex. I d Danville, Va. F e Danville, Vt. B d D’Anville, Manchuria 0 b Danzig, W. Prussia K a Danzig, G. of, Prussia K a Dapsang, Mt. Cashmere E a Par Abadima District, Soudan G c Darabjerd, Persia G d Darak, Persia H c Darampoory (Durmahpoor), Madras Pres. E e Darapooram, Madras Pres. E e Dar Banda Kingdom, Soudan G d Darby, Env. of Philadelphia B h Darby Creek, Env. of Philadelphia A h Darby Creek, Ohio I d Darbyville, Ohio I d Dardanelle, Ark. B b Dardanelles, or Hellespont, Edirne Dar Dongola, dist. Dardzung, Dare, co. Dareiya, Dar el Birket District, Dar Fertit, dist. Dar Fur Country, Dargle, R. Dargo-zan-bo-tsu, Dargu-dzangba R. Dar Halfai, dist. Darien, Darien, Darien, Darien, Darien, G. Nubia Tibet N. C. . Palestine Soudan ' Upper Nile Soudan Wicklow ' Tibet i Tibet Nubia * Conn. Ga. 1 N. Y. ( Wis. : Columbia Darien or Panama, Isthm. Columbia Dar Jal, dist. Darjeeling, Darke, co. Darkehmen, Darkein, Darliga or Jatt L. Darling dist., Darling Downs, Darling Range, Nubia Bengal Ohio E. Prussia . Hejaz ' La. New S. Wales Queensland W. Australia Darling, Ca.lewatta, or Barwan R. New S. Wales < Darlington, Miss, i Darlington, Pa. Darlington, S. C. 1 Darlington, Wis. I Darlington, co. S. C. 1 Darlington, town, Durham 1 Darmabah I. Red Sea . Dar Mahass, dist. Nubia Dar Metemmeh, dist. Nubia < Dar Monasir, dist. Nubia < Darmstadt, Hessen Darmstadt . Dar Nuba, dist. Upper Nile Daroca, Darran Mts. Dar Robatat, dist. Darroro, Dar Sennar, dist. Dar Sheygya, dist Darsser Ort C. Dar Sukkot, dist. Dartford, Dartford, town, Dartmoor Forest, Dartmouth, Dartmouth, Dartmouth, bor. Dart R. Daruvar, Zaragoza Beloochistan . Nubia 1 Soudan Nubia Nubia Pomerania Nubia Wis. Kent Devon Mass. Nova Scotia Devon Devon Slavonia Dar war ( Dharwad ), Bombay Pres. Darwin, 111. Darwin, Minn. 1 Darwin, Mt. Tierra del Fuego Dasa, Bagdad Dasti or Mooleanee, R. Beloochistan Da-tium, Daumek ( Dumah ), Daumeh, Dauphin, Dauphin, co. Dauphine I. Dauphine, prov. Dauphin, Fort, Dauphin L. Kan-su Palestine ' Palestine Pa. Pa. . Ala. 1 France Haiti Dom. of Canada d 21 d 15 a 13 GENERAL INDEX. 23 Dauphin Mts. Dom. of Canada F a 13 Decazeville, Aveyron F d 21 Delligo, Nubia C e 29 Danriau Mts. Mongolia I a 32 Decea, Wis. I f 11 Dellys, Algeria E a 33 Davao B. Philippine Is. O h 23 Deccan, name given to the Plateau Deimar, Del. F li C Davar Island, Argyle C e 19 of India, south of the Nerbudda R. E d 31 Lelmar, Iowa Q k 12 Davenport, Iowa Q 1 12 Declierd, Tenn. 1 b 9 Deimenhorst, Oldenburg E b 22 Davenport Range, Central Australia E d 34 Decorah, Iowa P i 12 Delniee, Croatia D d 25 Davcuuy, in. bor. Northampton E d 18 De.ldington, par. Oxford E e 18 Eel Norte, co. Cal. B e 14 Dav y, Port, Tasmania R v 35 Dedham, Mass; yy f 5 1 Jeloit, Iowa L k 12 David, Columbia G ;• 15 Dedliesa, R. Upper N de D h 29 Delorame, Tasmania S u 35 David B. Columbia G f 15 Dediuchm, Perm M d 24 Delorme Fork, Utah H e 14 Davidson, Mich. O f 11 Deele, It. Donegal D b 20 Delos I. Greece L f 26 Davidson, co. N. C. E f 8 Dee, L: mi of. Aberbeen E d 19 Delphi, Ind. F c 7 Davidson, co. Tenn. I a 9 Deel, It. Mayo B b 20 Delphi, Mo. P o 12 Davie, eo. N. C. E f 8 Deel. R. Limerick C d 20 Delphos, Ohio H c 7 Daviess, co. I nd. E c 7 Deembra, Scmde G b 31 Delsbo, Norrland I f 23 Daviess, co. Ky. E f 7 Deenish I. Kerry A e 20 Delta, Miss. E c 9 Daviess, co. Mo. M n 12 Deep Creek, Va. I e 8 Delta, Ohio I b 7 Davisboro, Ga. N e 9 Dee)) Fork, Ind. T. I d 10 Delta, co. Mi eli. K d 11 Davis, co. Iowa O 11 12 Deep Gap, N. C. D e 8 Delta, co. Tex. 1 c 10 Davis, co. Kans. H g 13 Deeping-Market, Lincoln F d IS Delta of Cooper Cr. S. Australia F e 34 Davis, co. Tex. 1 e 10 Deep R. N C. F f 8 Delvin, Westmeath D c 20 Davis, co. Utah Ter. H e 14 Deepwater, Mo. N o 12 Delvinaki, Janina I d 26 Davis Creek, Queensland G c 34 Dee, R. Wales C c IS Delvino, Janina I e 26 Davis Strait, Arctic Regions N c 2 Dee R. Aberdeen F c 19 Dema, It. Ufa. L e 24 Davisville, Cal. C f 14 Dee R. Kirkcudbright D f 19 Demarcation Point Alaska F 1) 2 Davy's Sound, Greenland S b 2 Deer Creek, Cal. C e 14 Demavend, Persia G b 29 Dawadimak, N'ejed E d 29 Deer Creek, Ky. E f 7 Demavend, Mt. Persia G b 29 Dawaimeh, Palestine A g 3U Deer Creek, Mil. E g 6 Deniha, Angola F e 33 Dawaimeh, Wady, Palestine A g 3J Deer Creek, Miss. E d 9 Demhea, prov. Abyssinia D g 29 Dawes Range, Queensland 1 d 34 Deer Creek, Miss. E e 9 Dembea or Tzana, L. Abyssinia D g 29 Dawlev Magna, town, Salop D d 18 Deer Creek, Ohio i d 7 Denihecha, Abyssinia D g 29 5awli.sk, town, Devon C f IS Deerlield, La. D e 9 Dembica, Galicia G b 25 Dawn, Mo. N 11 12 Deeriield, Mass. B f 5 Demeko, Abyssinia D g 29 Daw Peak, Utah H e 14 Deerlield, Mo. M p 12 Dement, 111. D b 7 Dawros Head, Donegal C b 20 Deerlield, R. Mass. B f 5 Demerara (Georgetown), Dawros, It. Galway B c 20 Deer I. Me. F d 5 Brit. Guiana E b 16 Dawson, Ga. L f 9 Deer I. Env. of Boston G g ■> Demerara, R. Guiana E b 16 Dawson, 111. O d 7 Deer L. Brit. America K d 2 Denier, R. Belgium C c 22 Dawson, Ga. L f 9 Deer Lodge City, Mont. G b 14 Demir Hissar, Selanik K d 26 Dawson, Nelir. G f 13 D er Lodge, eo. Mont. G b 14 Demirkapa, Selanik K d 26 Dawson, Castle, Londonderry E b 20 Deer Ness, Orkney Islands F b 19 Demirkapu Mt. Balkan Mts. K c 26 Dawsou, co. Ga. L c 9 Deer, New, Aberdeen F C 19 Deinmin, Pomerania G b 22 Dawson, co. Mont. C c 13 Deer, Old, Aberdeen F c 19 Demopolis, Ala. 11 e 9 Dawson, co. Mont. I b 14 Deer Park, E. I. A h 5 Demotika, Edirne M d 26 Dawsou, co. Nebr. G f 13 Deer Pond, Newfoundland P b 4 Denali, Nubia C g 29 Dawsou R. Queensland 1 d-3i Deer Sound, Orkney Islands F b 19 Denbigh, bor. Denbigh C c 18 Dawsouville, Ga. L c 9 Dees, Transylvania H c 25 Denbighshire, co. Wales C c 18 Dax, Landes D e 21 Deesa, or Disa, Gujerat D c 31 Dender, R. Nubia C g 29 Dayabung, Mt. Himalaya Mts. G b 31 Defiance, « Ohio 14 b 7 Den.lera, Egypt C d 29 Day mansville. N. Y. F e 6 Defiance, co. Ohio H b 7 Dendermonde ( Termonde ), Belgium C c 22 Days R. Mich. K e 11 Degebe, R. Alemtejo 3 31 Debote, Nubia C e 29 Delaware Creek, Tex. D d 10 Derat, Palestine D e 30 Debra Tabor, Abyssinia D g 29 Delaware R. Pa. F e 6 Derbend, Daghestan K g 24 Debreczin, Hungary G c 25 Delaware, state, U. States 8 Derb Solmon, Yemen E f 29 Debteri, Mongolia F c 32 Deiden, Holland D b 22 Derby, bor. Derby E d 18 Debu or Debo, L. Soudan D c 33 Deleuu B. Newfoundland Q c 4 Derby, Conn. A g 5 Decatur, Ala. I c 9 Delft, Holland C 1) 22 Derby, Vt. B d 5 Decatur, Ga. L cl 9 Delfzyl, Holland D b 22 Derbyshire, co. England E c 18 Decatur, 111. D A 7 Delgado, Mozambique I f 33 Derecske, Hungary G c 25 Decatur, Ind. H c 7 Delgany, Wicklow E c 20 Dereham, town. Norioik G d 18 Decatur, Iowa N m 12 Delgi, Abyssinia D g 29 Derejeh, Wady, Palestine B g 30 Decatur, Mich. M g 11 Delhi, 111. B d 7 Dere) eeyah, Nejed F ‘e 29 Decatur, Miss. F e 9 Delhi, N. Y. G d 6 Dereza, Rio de, Beira G e 27 Decatur, Mo. O p 12 Delhi, Punjab E b 31 Derg, R. Tyrone D b 20 Decatur, Tenn. L b 9 Delhi, old prov. N. W. Provs. E b 31 Derita, Abyssinia D g i9 Decatur, Tex. H c 10 Delidge, Irmak, R Asia Minor C b 29 Derj, Tripoli !’ a 33 Decatui, co. Ga. L g 9 Delisle, I. Indian Ocean Y m 1 Derkos L. Ed. me N d 26 Decatur, co. Ind. G d 7 Delisle, Ohio H c 7 Derkus, Constantinople N d 26 Decatur, co. Iowa N m 12 Delitzch, Prov. Saxony G c 22 Dernah, Tripoli G a 33 Decatur, co. Tenn. G b 9 Delle, Alsace 1) e 22 Dernier I. Ea. E i 9 Decaturville, Tenn. ' 14 b 9 [ Dellen, L. Norrland I f 23 Dernis, Dalmatia E e 25 Dei onto. La, Dl IT, l)i ny. Deny add, Deny bog, Dei >ycoo«h, Derrygounelly, Denylin, Denynane, Derryiusaggart Mts. Deny, K. Derry veagh Mts. De luiyter, Dervaig, Dervoek, Derwent R. Derwent R. Derwent, R. Derwent, R. Derwent, R. Derwent Water, or Keswick L. Desaguadero or Salado, Desaguadero, R. Des Are, Des Are, Des Arcs, Bayou, Dvscabezado, Mt. Deseret, Deserett, Desert, Desertas Is. Desert Mts. Desha, co. Desirade I. (French). Desire, Port, Desire, R. Channel Islands D Nubia ( ' N. H. C Armagh E Down P Mayo B Fermanagh D Fernmuagli D Kerry A Keiry B Wicklow E Donjg.d 0 n. y. F Mull B Antrim E Cumberland 0 York F Derby E Durham E Tasmania S g 13 e 2'J f 5 b 20 i. 2C c 'Ml 20 20 20 20 20 20 6 19 20 13 18 18 18 35 Cumberland C b 18 Argentine Rep. D f 16 Bolivia D d 16 Ark. D b 9 Mo. Q p 12 Ark. D li 9 Andes of Chili O f 16 Utali G f 14 N. C. G g 8 Nev. D f 14 Madeira Is. D i 17 Utah G e 14 Ark. D d 9 Antilles L d 15 Patagonia D g 16 Patagonia D g 16 Des Moines, Cap. of State Iowa N 1 12 Des Moines City. Des Moines, co. Des Moines R. and Minn. B Desmond Mt. W. Australia B Desna, R. Little Russ. a G Desnok, Rajpootana 1) Desolate B. Patagonia C Desolation, C. Greenland Q Desolation I. Chili C De Soto, HI. C De Soto, La. E De Soto, Wis. F De Soto, co. Miss. F Ue Soto, par. La. B Despair B. Newfoundland Q Des Plaines, Env. of Chicago B Des Plaines, R. 111. D Despoblado, El, desert, Bolivia D Despoblados, Los, desert, Y ucatan F Quebec u Mo. P m 12 Iowa P m 12 Iowa M i and P m 12 f 11 f 34 e 24 b 31 h 16 e. 2 h 16 7 D’Espoir, C. Despoto Dagh, or Rhodope Mts. Sekruik L Dessau, Anhalt G Dessi I. Red Sea D Desterro, Biazil F Destruction I. Wash. A Desvelos B. Patagonia D Detmold, Lippe E Detour Pt. Midi. L Detroit, Mich. U Detroit, Winn. B Detroit I. Wis. K Detroit R. Mich. U Detva, Hungary F Deuel, co. Dak. il Deutscli Brod, Bohein.a D Deutsch Krone, W. Prussia 1 Deutz, Rhenish Prov. D Deux Sevres, dep. France D Deva, Guipuscoa II Devenish I. L. Erne D Deventer, Holland D Deveron, or Doveran R. Ban.i r' Deview, Bayou, Ark. D Devilsbit, Mt. Tipperary D Devil’s Bridge, Cardigan C Devil’s Court House, N. O. B Devils Elbow, Tenn. E Devil’s Gate, Utah II Devil’s Gate, Wyom. C Devil’s K., or Rio San Pedro, Tex. F Devil Tower, Bass Strait S f e 9 f 11 c 9 e 9 c 4 e 10 b 7 e 16 d 15 b 4 Devizes, bor. Devon, co. Devon, North, Devon R. Devonport, m. bor. Devonshire, co. Devynock, par. Dewa, or Gogra, R. Wilts E Tasmania S Arctic Region.- M Perth E Devon B England G Brecon G Oude F Dewakunda (Daiwurconda), Nizam’s Doms. E Dewas, De Witt, De Witt, De Witt, De Witt, De Witt, co. De Witt, co. Dewsbury, in. bor. Dexter, Dexter, Dexter L. Dezat Irk, Iudor. Agency E Ark. D Iowa Q Mich. N Mo. hi 1.1. C Tex. It York E Me. E Mich. O Fla. O Nqjed E d 26 c 22 f 29 e 16 b 14 g 16 c 22 d 11 g H c 11 d 11 g 11 25 13 25 22 22 21 27 20 22 c 19 b 9 d 20 d 18 f 8 b 9 e 14 e 13 e 10 t 35 e 18 u 35 b 2 d 19 f 18 f 18 e 13 b 31 d 31 c 31 c 9 1 12 g 11 n 12 c 7 26 GENERAL INDEX. Dhnil, Le"d s B h Ip Dirscbnu, W. Prussia K a Dh.dum, Neieil F e 29 Di;.a, or Deesa, Guierat D c D’l lams, or DhanU, Tux. G e 10 Disaster Peak, Nev. D e Dli.ir, Indore Agency E c 31 Disaun. R. Indore Agency E c Dharnor. Nizam’s Dominions E d 31 Discovery B. Victoria G cr Dharwad (Darwar), Bombay Pres. E d 31 Disko B. Greenland P c Dhawalagiri, Mt. Himalaya Mts. F b 31 Disko 1. Greenland R c Dhee.mapoor, Assam H 1. 31 Dismal Swamp, Ya. & N. C. I e Dheib, Wady ed, Palestine B h 30 Disna, Vilna F d Oh i k k rin. Palestine A g 30 Diana, R. Vilna F d Dlio'ar, Oman G f 29 Diss, town, Norfolk H d Dlio'ar, dist. ITadramaut G f 29 Din 1. ( Portuguese ), Bombay Pres. D c Dholpoor, Rajpootana E b 31 Dividing Creek, N. J. F Dliomoko, Trildiala K e 26 Dividing Range, Va. C d Dlmol Hatifa, Hejaz E e 29 Divis Mountain, Antrim E b Dhoolia l/Jhulen), Bombav Pres. D c 31 Diwanieli, Bagdad F c Dlior el Kliodib (Lebanon Mts.), Dixau, Abyssinia D f Syria D b 30 Dixburg, Ala. I e Dhos-tsolni, R. Tibet G b 31 Dixcove (British), Guinea D d Dim Heartaeli I. and Light Ho. Dixniount, Me. E d Hebrides B d 19 Dixmuide, Belgium B c Dlmlen (Dhoolia), Bombay Pres. D c 31 Dixon, III. C h Dhiinira R. Bengal G c 31 Dixon, Ky. E f Diablo Monte, Cal. C g 14 Dixon, Ohio 11 c Dia 1. Candia L g 26 Dixon, co. Nehr. H e Diamante, R. Argentine Hep. D f 16 Dixon Entrance, Alaska D d Diani intina. Gnardio de, Brazil E d 16 Dix's Peak, N. Y. H b Diam mtina (Tejnco) Brazil F d 16 Dizlul, Persia F c Diamond Harbour, Bengal G c 31 Djakovar, Slavonia F d Diamond L. Oreg. C d 14 Djanng Nor (L.), Mongolia G c Diamond Peak, Oreg. C d 11 Djelnetn, Nejed F d Diamond R. N. H. C d 5 Djeladjel, Nejed F d Diana, Ala. I d 9 Djeli Nor (L.), Kan-su E a Diana, N. Y. F b 6 Djesirah el Hoje Senna, r C O Diana, L. N. Y. F b 6 Djibdjibia, Mt. Himalayas 7 Dry L. Cal. E g 11 Duncan I. N. Pacific Oc. H h 1 Durazzo {Dratsh), Roumcba 11 d 20 Early, co. Ga. L f g Dry L. Cal. E k 11 Duncan non. Pa. D f 6 D’ Urban, N atal H g 33 Earn, bridge of, i iL Pert li E d IS Dry L. Cal. F i 11 Duncausby Head, Caithness E b 19 Durbunga, Bengal G b 31 Earn, R. Perth E d 19 Dry Lakes, Cal. F h 11 Duncanville, Ga. L g 9 Durbuy, Belgium O c 22 Earnslaw (Mt. ), Otago li r 35 Drymen, vil. Stirling D d 19 Dunck 1. Queensland H c 31 Uurcocs Landing, Earlmoii, Ga. ill e 9 Dry Run Gap, Va. D e 8 Duncorniiclc, Wexford E d 20 Euv. of New Orleans E f 10 Easdale, vil. Argyle C d 19 Dsida Nor, (b.) Tibet F d 32 Duudaff, Pa. F e 0 Diiren, Rhenish Prov. D c 22 Easdale I. Argyle C d 19 Dsigang, Tibet E e 32 Dunda-gu, (Mt.) Mull C d 19 Durham, Fla. N o- 9 Easingwold, tp. hoik E h 18 Dsumalen, Mt. Carpathians I c 25 Dundalk, Louth E b 20 Du I'll Mil, Me. D e 5 Eusk, R. Donegal c h 20 Duane, N. Y. G b 0 Dundalk Bay, Louth E c 20 Durham, N. H. D e 5 Easky, Si. go G h *20 Puanesbnrgh, N. Y. G d 6 Dundalk Harbour, Louth E b 20 Durham, N. Y. G d 6 Easky, R. Sligc G b 20 Dubaunt L. Brit. America K c 2 Dundas, 111. D e 7 Durham, Quebec G d 4 East Arlington. Vt. A e 5 Dubielika, Poland E e 21 Dundas, Minn. D e 11 Durham, city. Durham E b 18 East B. La. F i 9 Dubitza, Bosnia G b 20 Dundas, co. Ontario F d 4 Durham, co. England E b 18 East B. Tex. I c 10 Dublin. Ala. H d 9 Dundas Hills, W. Austialia C f 34 Durham, co. Ontario D d 4 East Baton Rouge, par. La. D v 9 28 GENERAL INDEX. East Bay, Cape Breton I. N (I 4 Ediota, Minn. A c ii Ega. K. Navarra n ,b 27 1 El Darner, Nubia 11 c 33 East ii..y, N. Y. E c 6 Ecliuca, Victoria 11 o 31 Ege, Sail ira F c 33 Eblci'ton, Pa. B f 6 East B oomfield, N. Y. 1) d 6 Ecija. Sevilla E 27 Egedes Land, Greenland R c 2 Eldon Range, Tasmania R u 35 East boston, Env. of Boston F r* 5 Eckernforde, Schleswig E a 22 Eger, Bohemia C a 25 Eiilora, Iowa N k 12 East Bourn, town, Sussex G f 20 Eekford L. N. Y. G c 6 Egerdir, Asia Minor C b 29 Ei Dorado, Ark. e d 9 East Branch, N. Y. F e 0 Eclipse Sound, Arctic Regions M b 2 Egenlir Gol, L. Asia Minor C b 29 El Dorado, Cal. c f 14 East Burlington, 111. A c 7 Eeonfenee, 11. Fla. M g 9 Eg - rie Pass, Colo. C g 13 Eiilora lo. 111. D t 7 East Cape, Siberia V b 28 Economy, Pa. A f 6 Eger, R. Bohemia C a •2, Eldorado, Kans. H h 13 East Cape ( Otiki ), Auckland G b 35 Ecouen, Seine-et-Oise B e 21 Egersund, Christiansand C g 23 E.dor u lo, Ohio H •1 7 East Cambridge, Env. of Boston F o 5 Ecuador (Quito), dep. Ecuador C c Id Egerszeg, Zala, Hungary E c 25 El Duiado, co. Cal.' C f 14 East Cape co. Auckland G b 35 Ecuador, Rep. South America C c 10 Egerton Mt. W. Australia B d 31 Eldivilsvilie, Pa. E e 6 East Chatham, N. Y. H d 6 Eda, I. Orkney Islands F a 19 Egg Harbor, Wis. K cl 11 Elilridge, Ala. H :l 9 East Deroliam, par. Norfolk G d 18 Edam, Holland C b 22 Egg Harbor City, N. J. G cr (5 E. m-iUge, Iowa Q 1 12 Easter 1. S. Pacific Oc. H 1 1 Ed i Sound, Orkney Islands F a 19 Egg Rock, Env. of Boston G 4 5 Eldzigoen Nor (L.), Tibet F d 32 Eastern Bay, Md. E h d Edd (French), Abyssinia E g 29 Eggrund Rock & Li jht, Norrland 1 f 23 lU alth (el A’al), Palestine C g 30 Eastern Point, Mass. D f 5 Ed Defined, Nejed E e 29 Egilsha, 1. Orkney Islands F a 19 Elena, Roint, Almeria H il 27 Eist Exeter, Me. E c 5 Eddies tone. Peebles E e 19 Egin, Kurdistan D b 2j E.ep.iaut Buck, Wyoiu. H C 14 East re.ic.ana, par. La. D o 9 Eddrachilles, Sutherland C li 19 Egina, or jEgina, Greece K f 2d Elcpnant 1. Antarctic Ocean N P 1 East Fishkill, N. Y. PI e 0 Eddrachilles Bay, Sutherland C b 19 Egina, or kEgiua, I. Greece K f 2d Elepuauti [. Bombay Pres. D d 31 Eist Pork, 111. C e 7 Eddy stone, Tasmania T u 3> Eg, inton 1. Arctic Regions H b V E.epaant Mt. Queensland G d 34 East Fork, Mo. 0 n 12 E M y stone Liglitho. Eng. Ch in. B f 18 F /Ion (Allan), Palestine A g 30 Ei Espinar, Segovia F d 27 Eust fork, Clark’s R. Ky D S 7 Eddystone Pt. Tasmania T u 3 > Egmont B. Prince Edward 1. L c 4 Eletliorpe, Pa. C e 6 East Fork Des Moines R. Iowa M i 12 Eddy vil le. Ky- E f 7 Egmout, C. ( Wakaturareki), El Etivnl, Hejaz E t 29 East r ork of Salt R. •ivy. G f 7 Eddyville, Iowa O 1 12 Taranaki D c 35 Eletz, ieletz, or Yelets, Orel H e 24 Ejjst Fork of White R. lint. E e 7 Ed el Kab, Nubia B f 29 Egmont Is. Cliagos Is. M e 33 Eleutnera 1. Bahamas H b 15 East Fork, Salmon R. Idaho F c 11 Eden, Antrim F b 20 Egmont Key, Fla. K 0 8 Btetil/ie/vpolis (Beit Jibriu), East Fork, Sevier R Utah G f it Eden, Ga. O e y Egmout, Mt. Taranaki E c 35 Palestine A g 30 East Gr.nstead, par. Sussex F e 18 Eilen, Ga. O 4 9 Egremont, Ontario C d 4 Fluelherus R. (Nahr elKeber), Syria C a 30 East Haddam, Conn. B o 5 Eden, Iowa O i 12 Egripo. or E.eveu Point R. Mo. P q 12 Easthani, Mass. E o 5 Eden, New S. Wales H g 31 Negnpont (Chalcis), Greece K e 26 El Eardane, Suez Canal C 33 East Hampton, L. 1. B h 5 Eden, N. Y. C d 0 Egripos, Channel, Greece K e 2d El Earn, Mts. Pontevedra C b 27 East Hampton, Iowa L k 12 Eden, Vt. B d 5 Egton, tp. York F b 18 E.t'xarieby, Sweden I f z3 East Hurling, par. Norfolk G d 18 Edenburg, Va. G c 8 Egypt, Ga. O e 9 Eli ros. Norrland H e 23 East liaven, Conn. B o 5 Eden, co. Auckland E b 35 Egypt, N. C. F f 8 Elfsburgj.laen, Sweden G g 2-3 East Henderson, Minn. D e 11 Edcnderry, King's County D c 2o Egypt, Tex. 1 d lo Edsboig, Gothland F ii 23 East Humboldt Mts Nev. E e J4 Edeufield, Ga. M f 9 Egypt, pashalik. Africa 29 E.isborg 1. Gothland F li 23 East Humboldt Mts Nev. F e 14 Eden, R. Cumberland D b 13 ugypto, Benguela F f-33 Ei Uerara, Algeria E a 33 East India Cum. Is. Persian Gulf G e 29 Eden, R, Fife E d J9 Fhdeib, Palestine B ll 3(J El Ghazir, Svria C b 39 Eastland, eo. Tex. G c iu Edenton, N. C. 1 e S Ehden, Syria C b 30 El Gliuzlaniyeb, Palestine D d 30 East Linton, vil. Haddington F e 19 lCdenville, Mich. N f 11 c. lining, Rhenish Prov. D d 22 Elgin, 111. D b 7 East Liveipool, Ohio M c 7 Edenville, Iowa N 1 12 Eibenschitz, Moravia E b 2u .aglll. Iowa P k 12 East Lou Ion, Cape Colony G li 33 Ederny, Fermanagh D 1) 20 Eid, Bergen C f 23 Elgin, New Brunswick D d 4 East Main, Brit. America N d 2 Eder, R. Hessen-Nassau E c 22 Eider, R. Holstein E a 22 Elgin, bor. Elgin E c 19 East Ma n, (or Ed l oo. Egypt C e 29 Eids, Fiord, Tromso H b 2.3 Elgin, eo. Ontario C e 4 Slude) R. Brit. America N d 2 Ed fors. Norrland L c 23 Eidskogen, Hamar G g 23 E.gin or Morayshire, co. Scotland E c 19 East Main Factory, E. Main N d 2 Edgar, co. 111. E d 7 Eidsvold, Christiania F f 23 Ei Do lea, Algeria F. a 33 East Mutch Chunk, Pa. F f 0 Eilgard, Env. of New Orleans D f 9 Eil'el. Mts. Rhenish Prov. D c 2- Ei Grao, Valenc.a K e 27 East Neck I. Md. E g 0 Edgarton, Mass. D g 5 Eigg Island, Inverness B d ly Elgumiel, or East Newark, N. J. A 1) 0 Eilgeiunbe, Mt. ( Puluaki ), Eigli.stadt, Bavaria F d 22 E.iguude), Nizam’s Domin. E d 31 East Flew Market, Md. F h 0 Auckland F c 35 Eight Degrees Chan Maldives D f 3l El lladlir, Bagdai l E b 29 East New York, Env. of N. Y. 0 b 0 Edgecombe, co. N. C. H f 8 Eilean Soa, 1. Skye B c 19 El Hamrah, Palestine B d 3d East Nisliuabutany R. Iowa L m 12 Edgefield, co. S. C. D h S Eileuburg, Prov. Saxony G c 2- El riaura, Hejaz D d 29 Easton, Md. E h 0 Edgefield, S. C. D li 8 Eiigumlel, or El Hodh, Kingdom, Solid ill D c 33 Easton, Mo. M n 12 Edgefield Junction, Ten n. 1 a 9 Elgundel, Nizam’s Domin. E d 31 El Hureimeh, Palestine C e 30 Easton, N. Y. H c 0 Edge Hill, Mo. P P 12 Eimacks (tribe). Afghanistan C a 31 El Hurmul, Syria D b 39 Easton, Pa. F f 6 Edge Hill, Warwick E a 18 Eindhoven, Holland C c 2g ^.1 Husu, Palestine C e 30 East Pass, Ela. E h 9 Edgerton, Ohio 11 i) 7 Eis.icli, It. Tyrol B c 2 o clida, 111. c a 7 East Pawpaw, 111. D b 7 Edgerton, Wis. H g 11 Lisieben, Prov. Saxony F c 22 ^lida, Ohio H c 7 East rt. Prince Edward I. N c 4 Edgewood, 111. D e 7 Eisenach, Saxe Weimar F c 2_ Elie, vil. Fife F d 19 Eist Point, Ga. L d 9 Edg woitlistown. Longford D c 20 Eisenburg, Hungary E c z5 islinde, Gaboon Country E e 33 Eastport, Me. G d 5 E Igworth, Env. of Boston F g 5 Eisenerz, Styria D c 25 Eliot Cove, Tasmania R V 35 East Putman, Conn. G o 5 E Ihra, Palestine D e 30 Eisenhut, Mt. Carinthia D c 2i> Elis A Achaia, nomarchie, Greece I e 2d East R. Env. of N. Y. B b 6 Edina, Mo. O m 12 Eisenstadt, Hungary E c 2o Rlivi 1. Pacific Ocean P li 28 Eust R. W. Va. D d 8 Ediiiboro’, Pa. A e d Eisfelcl, Thuringia F c 22 Eliza, Tex. 1 cl 10 East R. Nova Scotia M d 4 Edinburg, Ind. G a 7 E.ea de los Caballeros. Zaragoza I b 2i Riizabetgrad, Kherson G f 24 East Retford, m. bor. Nottingham F c lb Edinburg, Ohio L c 7 Ejutla, Mexico D d 15 E.izabetlipol, gov. Caucasia K O 24 Eist Riding, York F c lo Edinburgh, city, cap. of Scotland E e 19 Ekaterinburg, Perm N d 2-* Elizabetlistadt, Transylvania 1 e 25 East Saginaw, Micli. 0 f 11 Edinburgh, Tex. G f 10 Ekaterinenstadt, Samara K e 21 Elizabeth, Ark. D b 9 East Salisbury, Mass. D 1* 5 Edinburghshire or Ekaterinoilar, Kuban Dist. H or 24 Rilizabeth, 111. B a 7 East Sandy Creek, Pa. B e 0 Mid-Lothian, co. Scotland E e 19 Ekaterinogradsk, Stavropol 1 O' 24 Elizabeth, N. J. G f 6 East Sister I. Lake Erie, Ontario P h It Edinkille, Elgin E c 19 Ekaterinoslav, Ekaterinoslav G 4 24 Elizabeth, Ohio D d 7 Eastville, Va. K d 8 Edirne (Adrianuple), Edirne M a 25 Ekaterinoslavl, gov. Russia H f 24 Elizabeth Bay, Galapagos Is. E h 15 East Wears, N. H. C e 5 Edirne. gov. Turkey M a 2b Ekerininskoie, Viatka L cl 24 Elizabeth, C. Alaska E d 2 East Wilton, N. H. G 4 5 Edisto I. S. C. E i 8 Ekes jo, Gothland H ll 2-3 Elizabeth, C. Me. D e 5 Eaton, Ind. G e 7 Edisto R. S. C. E h 8 Ek holm Light, Baltic Provinces N g 24 Elizabeth City, N. C. 1 c 8 Eaton, Mich. N § 11 Edmondson, co. Ky. F f 7 Jbkn.is, Finland E c Z4 E.izabeth City, co. Va. 1 d 8 Eaton, Mo. N P lk Edmondion, Ky. G g 7 Mcron (Akir), Palestine A g 3b Elizabeth Is. Mass. D s 5 Eaton, Ohio PI d 7 Edmondton, New Brunswick 1 c 4 Eksharad, Sweden G 4 23 Elizabeth Mt. W. Australia B I 34 Eaton, Quebec H d 4 Edmund Mt, Colo. C f 13 Elabuga, or Yelabuga, Viatka L d 24 Elizabetli Port, N. J. G f 0 Eaton, W is. G e 11 Edna, Iowa M 1 12 El Altuleh (liaphraia), Palestine B e 3b Elizabethtown, 111. D f 7 Eaton, IV is. I e li ICdom, Palestine B i 30 El Aguat, Algeria E a 33 Elizabethtown, Ky- G f 7 Eaton, co. Mich. N o 11 Eil ray, W. Va. E c 8 Elah, Hejaz D cl Z9 Elizabethtown, N. C. G g 8 Eaton Rapids, Midi. N a U Edremid, Asia Minor B b 2.i Mali, Valley of (Wady es Sumt), Elizabethtown, New Mex. D a 10 Eatontou, Ga. M d 9 Eduden-kolko, Mongolia K a 32 Palestine A a 30 Elizabethtown, N. Y. H b d Eatuntuwn, N. J. G 4 () lidumia (Daumeh), Palestine B i 3a El Akbar, Hejaz D d 29 Elizabethtown, . Tenn. N a 9 Eau Claire, Wis. F e 11 Edvindvik, Bergen C i 23 Elaplionisi, or Servi, Is. Greece K f 2d Elizabethtown, W. Va. D b 3 Eau Claire, co. Wis. F e ll Edward I., Lake Superior, El Arisli, Maroeco D a 38 Elizabethtown, since 1S63 Eau Claire E. Wis, F c 11 Dom. of Canada I a 11 El Arisli, Syria C c 2j Mouudsville, W. Va. E b S Eau Claire R. Wis. F e 11 Edward L. Quebec G c 4 Elatea, Mt. Greece K e 2d Elizabetpol, gov. Caucasia K o 24 hbal, Alt. Palestine B 4 3U Edwardport, Ind. E e 7 Elatma, or Yelatma, Tambov 1 e 24 Elizabetpol ( Uunsha ) Titiis K o 24 Elia, Mt. S. Australia E 4 34 Edwards, N. Y. F b 6 El Azariyeh (Bethany), Palestine B cr 30 Elizando, Navarre 1 a 27 Eboe Gebirge (Mts.) Westphalia D c 22 Edwards, Wis. K f ii Elba, Ala. 1 1' 9 Eiizaville, Ky- I e 7 Ebeltoft, Denmark F h 20 Edwardsbtmg, Ontario F d 4 Elba, Iowa M 1 12 El Jemauieh, Nejed E e 29 Ebenezer, Victoria G g 34 Edwardsburg, Mich. L h 11 Elba, Wis. H f ll El Kader, Iowa P k 12 Ebenezerville, S. G. D o b Edwards, co. 111. D e 7 El Baab, Sahara F b 33 El Kasr, Egypt G b 33 Ebensburg Pa. G 4 6 Edwards, co. Tex. G d 10 Elba 1. Tuscany D c 2d El Katit, As mi G d 29 Eiiensee, Upper Austria C C 25 Edwards Point, Fla. M li 9 Elbassan, Roumelia H d 2d Elk City, Idaho F e 14 Li)er6Wcilde,Neustadt, .brandeuburg G b 22 Edwards R. 111. B b 7 El Batruu (Botrys) Syria C b 30 Elk, co. Pa. 0 e d E bill at, Abyssinia D g Z9 Edwardsville, Ala. K cl 9 Elbe, R. Prussia F b 22 Elk Creek, Cal. D g 14 Ebingni, Wiirtemburg E u 2k Eilwardsville, 111. C e 7 Elberfeld, Rhenish Prov. D c 22 Elk Creek, Dak. E a 13 Ebin tchesoor Nor (L.), l\an-su E b 3k Edwinton, Dak F c 13 Elbert, co. Ga. N c 9 Elk Creek, Ind. T. 1 b 10 Eboli, Campania F d •20 Edzell, vil. IForfar F d 19 Elberton, Ga. N c 9 Elk Creek, Mich. P 4 11 Ebro, R. Zaragoza K e 2 t Eel Creek, W. Australia C cl 34 Elbing, W. Prussia K a 22 El Kel'r, Palestine E e 30 Ecoieft chan, vil. Dumfries E e 19 Eel R. Cal. A e 14 Elbinsville, Pa. C Fail port, Ohio L b 7 Farmington Junction Conn. B g 5 Esterel. Montagne d’, Var H e 2i 1 wes Water, Dumfries F e 19 Fair View, Ark. C d 9 Farmington, R. Conn. B g 5 Estern B. Cal. C b 14 Ewing, Ohio K d 7 Fail- View, Iowa P k 12 Farmland, Ind. G c 7 Est. Fort de 1’, Seine B e 21 Ewington, 111. D d 7 Fail-view, Mo. M p 12 Farmville, Va. G d 8 Estliei ville, Iowa M i 12 Ewington, Ohio K d 7 Fail-view, Ohio L c 7 Fame Islands, Northumberland E a 18 Esthonia or Estland gov. Russia F d 24 Ewst, R. Livonia F d 24 rjiirview (Cumberland, co.) Pa. D f 6 Famlimn, town. Surrey F e 18 Estill, co. Kv. I f 7 Exaltacion Bolivia D d 1 t ail-view (Erie, co.) Pa. A d 6 Earnham, vil. Quebec G d 4 Estil 1 ville. Ya. C e S Excelsior, Colo. D g 13 Fairview (York, co.) Pa. E f 6 Faro, Brazil E c 16 Estrella, Cal. C h 14 Excelsior, Minn. D e 11 Fairview, W. Va. E a 8 Faro, Algarve C g 27 Estrella Pt. Mexico D d 3 Exe R. Devon C f 18 Fainveal her Mt., Alaska G d 2 Faro I. Gothland I{ h 23 Eslremadura, prov. Portugal B e 27 Exeter, III. B d 7 Fairy Water, Tvroin- D b 20 Farii Is. (to Denmark), Atlantic Oe. F e 17 Estreniadura, prov. Spain B e 27 Exeter, N. H. D f 5 F; ison. N. C. G g 8 Faro (El). Mts. Pontevedra C b 27 Estremoz, Alemtejo C f 27 Exeter, citv, Devon C f 18 Fajirali, Oman H e 29 Far Out Head, Sutherland D b 19 Eswick. Mull of, Shetland A l> 19 Exira, Iowa M 1 12 Faknr'th, Wady, Palestine C f 30 Farquliar C. W. Australia A d 34 Etam (Urtas), Palestine B 30 Fxmoor Forest, Somerset C e 18 Fakeiilimn. town, Norfolk G d 18 Farquhar Is. Indian Ocean K f 33 Etampes, Seine-et-Oise F b 21 Exmouth G. W. Australia A d 34 Fakn-ura B. Nip-lion P c 32 Farrandsville, Pa. D e 6 Etang de Berre, Bouclies du Rhone G e 21 Exmouth, Mt. New S. Wales H f 34 Fal aba, Senegambia C d 33 Farranfore, Kerry B d 20 EtaugdeVulcares, BoueliesduRliuiie G e 21 Exmouth, town, Devon C f 18 Falaise, Calvados D b 21 Farrington, III. D e 7 Etawah, N. W. Provs. E 1) 31 Exploits, Bay of, Newfoundland Q b 4 Falcon, Ark. B <1 9 Farroilep, Pacific Ocean Q h 28 Etko L. Egypt A o 33 Exploits, R. Newfoundland Q 1. 4 Falconera T. Greece K f 26 Farrowtown, III. B d 7 Etla, Mexico L> d 15 Exnma I., Great, Bahamas H c 15 Falkenherg, Silesia 1 c 22 Farr Point, Sutherland D b 19 Etna, N. Y. E d 0 Exunia I., Little, Bahamas H c 15 Falkenberg, Gothland G ll 23 Fa rsan Gegeer, I. Red Sea E f 29 Etna, Pa. B f (3 Exnma Keys, Bahamas II e 15 Falkirk, f or. Stirling E e 19 Fni-san Kebeer, I. Red Si a E f 29 Etii', Mt. (Monte Gibetto). Sicily F f 2(3 Exnma Sound, Bahamas H c 15 Falkland, bor. Fife 17 d 19 Far.-ara, Abyssinia D g 29 Etoges, Marne F b 21 Eya Paha R. Dak. G e 13 Falkland, E.» Falkland Is. E li 16 Farslioot, Egvpt C d 29 Eton, town, Bucks F e IS Eyanali, Nejed F e 2:' Falkland Is. Atlantic Oc. E li 16 Farsistan prov. Persia G d 29 Etosa Salt Pan, Cent. Africa F f 33 Eydtknhnen, E. Prussia M a 22 Falkland Sound, Falkland Is. D h 16 Farsuud, Christiansand D g 23 Etowah, co. Ala. I c 9 Eye, bor. Sufi oik H d 18 Falkland, W. Falkland Is. D li 16 Fartak, Has, Arabia G g 28 Etowah R. Ga. L c 9 Eyemouth, vil. Berwick F e 19 Falk oping, Gothland G g 23 Fanin, Palestine B f 30 Etropol, Danube K c 2(3 Eyeo, or Katanga, Soudan E d 33 Fall brook. Pa. D e 6 Farwell, Mich. N f 11 Etsrh, R. (Itnl. Adige), Tyrol B c 25 Eye Peninsula, Lewis B b 19 Fall Cieek, Ind. F d 7 Fasa, Persia G d 29 Etseli Thai, Val. Tyrol B c 25 Eye Water, Berwick F e 19 Fall Creek. Wis. F e 11 ’ assail, Wady, Wilestine B f 30 Et Taiyibeh, Palestine C e 30 Eylan, Prussian, E. Prussia L a 22 Fallfors, Falls on the R. Fassano, Apulia G d 26 Ettas L. Wash. D b 14 Iiyoon, Nejed E d 29 Umea Elf, Non-land K d 23 Fatawel, Soudan F c 33 Etter, Minn. E e 11 Eyota, Minn. E f 11 Falling Spring, W. Va. E C 6 Patesli, Kursk II e 24 Et Tireh, Palestine A e 30 Fypal, or Ij cly, Hungary F b 25 1 ail River, Mass. C g 5 Father Pt. Quebec I d 4 Ettlingen r Baden E d 22 Ey recourt. Galway C c 20 Fall River, Mich. I c 11 Fatigue Mt. Victoria 11 g 34 Et Tow, Sahara F b 33 Eyre Creek, Queensland F e 34 Fall River, Wis. II f 11 f’at'ko iKoko), Upper Nile C i 29 Ettrick, Wis. F e 11 Eyre, L. South Australia F e 34 Falls ( 1 lurch. Va. H c S Fatil. Upper Nile B li 29 Ettrick Forest, Selkirk E e 19 Eyre Mts. Otago B f 35 Falls City, Neln-. 1 f 13 Fatima, Birket, Soudan F e 33 Ettrick Pen, Mt. Selkirk E e 19 Eyre, R. Canterbury D e 35 Falls, co. Tex. II d 10 Pntra, Kleiner, mt. Hungary F b 25 Ettrick Water, Selkirk E e 19 Eyre Range, W. Australia B f 34 Falls R. Oreg. C C 14 Petra, Mt. Hungary E b 25 Etwid, El, Hejaz E f 29 Evria Peninsula, S. Australia F f 34 Fallston, Md. E g 8 Fatziziu I. Japan P d 32 Eu, Seine inferieuve E a 21 Ezcaray, Logroho G b 27 Falls, Upper and Lower, Yellow- Fanglian, R. Londonderry D b 20 Euboea, or Negropout, I. Greece K e 20 E?ja Fiord, Iceland D b 17 stone. Wyom. II c 14 Fauglianville, Londonderry D a 20 Euclid, Ohio L b 7 Ez Zclfeh, Nejed F d 29 Falls Village, Conn. A (r r, Fauquier, co. Va. H c 8 Eufaula, Ala. lx t* 9 Falmouth, Ky. II e 7 'avara, Sicily E f 26 Eugene, Iowa M ni 12 Fanliorg, Denmark F i 23 Falmouth, Mass. D g 5 Favariste. P. Minorca P d 27 Eugene City, Oreg. B c 14 Faa Fiord, Bergen C f 23 Falmouth, Me. D e 5 Fave. Fouvche la, Wasliita R. Ark. C c 9 Eugenie Falls, Ogowai R. F e 33 Fabirs, N. Y. E d 6 Famouth, Pa. E f 6 Faversliam, m. bor. Kent G e 18 Euhbobo, Queensland I (1 34 Fab ius, Middle R. Mo. O II i 2 Falmoul li. Va. H c 8 Fnvignaua I. Sicilv E f 26 Eule, Bohemia D b 25 Fabius, North R. Mo. P m 12 Falmouth, Jamaica H d 15 Favora, New S. Wales G f 34 Enle, Mt. Breslau I c 22 Fabius, South R. Mo. P n 12 Falmouth, Tasmania T u 35 Faxa Fiord, Iceland C c 17 Eul, L. Yun-nan H e 32 Fabriano, Marches E c 26 Falmouth Bay, Cornwall A f Is- Faxo B. Denmark G i 23 Eunice, Ark. D d 9 Fachiu Sima (I.) Japan N d 32 Falmouth bor. Cornwall A f 18 Faxon, Minn. D e 11 Eupatoria, Taurida G f 24 Facing 1. Queensland I d 34 Faloro, Upper Nile C i 29 I-ayal I. Azores B a 33 Eupen, Rhenish Prov. D c 22 Factoryville, N. Y. E e 6 False B. Cape Colony F li 33 Fayette, Iowa P k 12 Euphrates, R. (Fur at or Murads a), Faelberg, Hamar F f 23 False Cape, Va. R e 8 Payette, Miss. D f 9 Turkey in Asia F c 29 Fiemund Elf, Hamar F f 23 False l lokianga R. Auckland D a 35 Fayette, Mo. O li 12 Eure, dep. France E b 21 Fiemund, L. Hamar F e 23 False Pt. Bengal G c 31 Fayette, Tex. PI e 10 Emeka, Ala. K c 9 1 aenza, Emilia D b 26 False Pt. Peru B c 16 Fayette, Wis. I g Eureka, Ariz. F i 14 Fafan, R. E. Africa E h 29 Fal set, Tarragona L c 27 Payette, co. Ala. H d 9 Eureka, Cal. A e 14 Fahlun, Sweden H f 23 Fnlsterbo, Gothland G i 23 Fayette, co. Ga. L d 9 Eureka, 111. C c 7 Faifoh, Cochin China M g 23 Falster I. Denmark G i 23 Fayette, co. 111. C d 7 Eureka, Knns. H li 13 Fair Bluff, N. C. F g 8 Falterona, Mte, Apennines, D e 26 Fayette, co. Ind. G d 7 Eureka, Mo 0 0 12 Fajrburn, Ga. L d 9 Faltsi, Moldavia N a 26 Fayette, co. Iowa P k 12 Eure, R. Eure E b 21 : airliury, 111. D c 7 Fal uka, R. Tibet I b 31 Fay. tte, co. Kv. H e 7 Eure et Loire, dep. Fran-e E b 21 Fairlmry, Nebr. H f 13 Famagoustar Cyprus C h 29 Fayette, co. Ohio l d 7 Europa, Picos de, Mts. Asturias F a 27 Fairchild, Wis. F e 11 Fanal I. Auckland E a 35 Fayette, co. Pa. B g 6 Europe, Point, Cadiz E h 27 Fairfax, Ind. F d 7 Fane, R. Monaghan E b 20 Fayette, co. Tenn. F b 9 Europe, continent of, 17 Fairfax, Iowa P 1 12 Fangel, Port, Tarragona L d 27 Fayette, co. Tex. H e 10 Europina ( Dritish), Senegambia C c 33 Fairfax, Va. G c 8 Fanin, Mt. Tex. F c 10 Fayette, co. W. Va. D c 8 Euskirehen, Rhenish Prov. 1) c 22 Fairfax, Vt. B d 5 Fannetts, Pa. D f 6 Fayette Court House, W. Va. D c 8 Eustatius I. (Dutch), Antilles L (1 15 Fairfax, co. Va. II c 8 Fannin, co. Ga L c 9 Fayetteville, Ala. I d 9 Euxton, New S. Wales G f 34 Fairfax Court House, Ya. II c S Fannin, co. Tex. H e 10 Fayetteville, Ala. II d 9 Eutaw, Ala. H e 9 Fairfield, Ala. G d 9 Fa no, Marches E c 26 Fayetteville, Ark. A a 9 Eutin, Oldenburg F a 22 Fairfield, Cal. B f 14 Fanod Head, Donegal D a 20 Fayetteville, Ga. L d 9 Evauger, Bergen D f 23 Fairfield, Conn. A g 5 Fauo I. Denmark E i 23 Fayetteville, N. Y. E c 6 Evauovo, Vladimir I (1 24 Fairfield, 111. D e 7 Fano I. Greece He 26 Fayetteville, Ind. F e 7 Evans, Colo. D f 13 Fairfield, Ind. G b 7 Fan Tribe, Guinea F d 33 Fayetteville, N. O. G f 8 Evans, N. Y. B (1 6 Fairfield, Kv. G f 7 Faraf reli, Wah el. Egypt B d 29 Fayetteville, Ohio I d 7 Evansburg, Pa. A e 6 Fairfield, M e. E d 5 Farah (el). Nejed E e 29 Fayetteville, Tenn. I b t GENERAL INDEX. 31 Fayetteville. Vt. B e 5 Figeac, Lot F, d 21 Fitzmaurice R. N. Australia E b 34 Flovd, B. N. Queensland G b 31 F«z, Brazil E d 10 Figile, R. King’s County D e 20 ’’iUruy, Ontario E d 4 Floyd, co. Ga. K c 9 Faz, or Fez, Marocco D a .33 Figo. Mt. Algarve C g 27 • Fitzroy Downs, Queensland H e 34 Floyd, co. Ind. G e 7 Fazoklo, Abyssinia C g 29 Figueras, Gerona N b 27 Fitz lioy R. N. W. Australia C c 34 Floyd, co. Iowa O i 12 Fcakle, Clare C d 20 F,k (Aphek), Palestine C e 30 Fitzroy R. Queensland [ d 34 Floyd, co. Ky. K r 7 Feale, R. Kerry B d 20 Fikreli, Wady, Palestine B h 30 Fitzwilliam, N. H. B f 5 Floyd, co. Ya. E e 8 Feather R. Cal. C f 11 Filehne, Posen 1 b 22 FitzwiLiam I. L. Huron C d 4 Flovils Creek, Ky. G e 7 Fecamp, Seine inferieure E b 21 Filey Bay, York F 1. 18 Finnic, Croatia D d 25 F.oyd’s R. Iowa If k 12 Fedamore, Limerick C d 20 Filey, tp. York F b IS Fi veal ley, King’s County D c 20 Klumeiidosa, R. Sardinia C e 26 Federal Point, N. C. H h 8 Filias R. Turkey in Asia C a 29 Five Fords, Va. 11 d 8 Fluor 1., L. Sup. Bom. of Canada 1 i 11 Federalsburg, Md. F li 0 Fiiibi (Philoppolis), Edirne L c 20 Five Mile Town, Tyrone D b 20 Flushing ( Vlissinaen), Holland C c 22 Fedhul, Wady, Palestine B h 30 Filieudi 1. Li pari Is. F e 20 Flagstaff, Me. D c 5 Flushing, L. I. A h 5 Feejee, or Viti la. S. Pacific Or. L k l Filinovskaia, Don Cossacks I e 24 FI i k kee. Over, I. Holland C c 22 Fluvanna, co. Va. G d 8 Fehmern Belt, Denmark F i 23 Fillmore, Ky. E f 7 Flambeau L. Wis. G d n l’oa or Moo-qua Ho R. Cb.m I d 32 Felnnern I. Holstein F a 2o Fillmore, Iowa Q k 12 Flambeau It. Wis. (Jr d li Fochabers, Elgin E e 19 Feistritz, R. Styria D e 25 Fillmore, Mich. L g I' Fi am borough Head York F b is Fogaras, Transylvania I d 25 Feistritz, W'ndisch, Styria D c 25 Fillmore, Minn. E f 11 Flame, N. H. C d 5 Fogg. a, Apulia F d 26 Fe.jerto. Hungary G c 25 Fillmore, Mo. M m 12 Flaming, Der, dist. Brandenburg G c 22 Foggia (Capitanata), prov. S. Italy F d 26 Felcate'ugy R. Transylvania Iv d 25 Fillmore, N. Y. C d 6 Flanders, L. 1. B h 5 Fogo, C. Newfoundland It b 4 Feld Bern, Selnvarzwald, Baden D e 2o Fillmore, Utah C f 14 Flanders, E. , prov. Belgium B e 22 Eogo, District, Newfoundland Q b 4 Feldkirch, Vorarlberg A c 25 Fillmore, co. Minn. E f 11 1 landers ( Flandre ), prov. France F a ■i\ Fogo I. Cape Verd Is. li c 33 Feldkirehen, Carinthia C C 2a Fillmore, co. Nebr. H f 13 L land rs, W., prov Belgium B e 22 Fogo I. Newfoundland Q b 4 Felegyhaza, Hungary F c 25 Filo 1. Diizairi M f 20 Flanklin, ‘ Me. F d 5 Fogo Rocks, Newfoundland Q b 4 Feleje I. Persian Gulf F d 29 Filurina, Roumelia I d 20 F annan Is., or Seven Hunters, Fi.hr I. Schleswig E a 22 Feliciana, Ky. D g 7 Fin ige, Kerry B d 20 Lewis A h 19 Foiuaven, Mt. Sutherland D b 19 Felicity, Ohio I e 7 Finale Borgo, Piedmont C li 20 Flasjon, L. Norrland I d 23 Foix, Ariege E e 21 Fellatah Country, Soudan E c 33 Fmeastle, Ya. F d 8 Flat Bow L. Brit. Columbia C a 3 Foix, or Cointd de Foix. prov. France E e 21 Felton, Del. E g G Fiiidhoni, Elgin E c 19 Flat Bow L. Brit. Columbia I d 2 Fo-kien, China L e 32 Feltre, Yenetia D a 20 Findhorn R. Nairn E c 19 Flat Bow (cr Kootenay) R. Mont. F a 14 Foksliany, Moldavia M b 26 Felvincz, Transylvania H c 25 Findlay, ' Ohio 1 b 7 Flat! .usli Env. of N. Y. B b 0 Folealqmer, Basses Alpes G e 21 Femme Osage, Mo. Q o 12 Eindlay Seat (mt.), Elgin E c 19 Flat Cieek, Ala. 11 f 9 Fuhla Elf, Hamar F e 23 Fenagh, Leitrim D b 20 Findnn, Kincardine F c 19 Flat Creek, Mo. N n 12 Foldal, Hamar F e 23 Fenerife, Madagascar I f 33 Fine Creek, N. Australia F c 34 Flat 1. Brit. Burmah H d 31 Folden Fiord, Tromso H o 23 Fenholloway R. Fla. M g 9 Finevarra, Clare B c 21 Flathead, L. Mont F b 14 Fohlen Fiord, Throiidhjem F d 23 Fenny Stratford, tp. Bedford F e IS Fingal, Tasmania T ii 35 Flathead I’ass, Mont. G a 14 Fohlereid, Throndhjem G d 23 Feno, Capo de. Corsica I f 21 Finish, R. Waterford D d 20 Flathead It. Mont. F a 14 Foldvar, Dima, Hungary F c 25 Fens Fiord, Bergen C f 23 Fiuistere, dep. France B b 21 Flat Hoads, Country of, Mont. F a 14 Folia I. Malta F g 26 Fenton, Mich. 0 g 11 Finke B.' N. Australia E b 34 Fiatlands, Env. of N. Y. B 1) 0 Folge Fonden, Mt. Bergen D f 23 Fenton, Port, Tasmania S u 3-) Finke Creek, Central Australia E e 34 Flat Mounds, Tex. G b 10 Fol a, Madagascar I g 33 Fentress, co. Tenn. K a 9 Finite Mt. S. Australia E f 34 Flat Mt. Wyom. H c 14 Foligno, Umbria E e 26 Femvick, Dom. of Canada N c 11 Finland, Gulf of. Russia N g 23 Flatow, W. Prussia I b 22 Folinge, Norrland H e 23 Feoo, or Pei-cliow, Se-chuen I e 32 Finland, grand duchy, Russia F c 21 Flat Ft. Wellington F d 35 Folk. stone, m. bor. Kent 11 e 18 Ferata (Pimthon), Palestine B f 30 Finlay, R. Brit. America H d 2 Flat it. N. C. G e 8 Folly I. S. C. E i 8 Terbane, King's County D c 20 Finlayson R. Brit. America G c 2 Flat Rock, N. C. C f 8 Folly Pt. Mass. D f 5 Ferdinand, I lid. F e 7 Fhi mark, stift, Norway N d 23 Flat Rock Pt. M ich. O e 11 Pol 1 y R. Env. of Charleston B 1 8 Fere (La), Aisne F b 21 Finnea, Cavan D c 20 Flat Shoals, Ga. L cl 9 Folonica, Tuscany D c 26 Ferebeerville, S. C. D i 8 Finnesterre, Cape, Coruna A b 27 Flattery C. Wash. A a 14 Foltiteheni, Moldavia M a 26 Fere Cliainpenois, Marne F b 21 iMiinis Mt. Central Australia E d 34 Flattery, ,C. Queensland H c 34 Fonda, N. Y. G d 6 Feredjiko, Edirne M d 20 Him, R. Donegal D b 2(1 Flfeche, La, Sarthe 1) c 21 Foirl du Lac, Brit. America K d 2 Fergus. Ontario C e 4 Fimitown, Donegal C 1. 20 Fleeming O. N. Australia E b 34 Fond du Lac, Lake Superior F c 11 Fergus Falls, Minn. B c 11 Finokiyama, Japan Q b 32 Fleet G. Kirkcudbright D f 19 Pond du Lac, Minn. E e 11 Fergus, It. Clare C d 20 Finow Canal, Brandenburg C b 22 Fleet It. Sutherland D c 19 Fond du Lae, Wis. I f 11 Ferial, Badajos D f 27 Finster-Aar-Horo, Mt. Switzerland I c 21 Fleetwood, town, Lancashire C c 15 Fond du Lac, co. Wis. I f 11 Ferintosh, Nairn D e 19 Finsterwalde, * Brandenburg G c 22 Fleims Thai, val. Tyrol B c 25 Fong- wlning-ching, Leao-tong M d 32 Ferket, Nubia U e 29 Fintona, Tyrone D b 20 Flekketjonl, Christiansand D O' 23 Fo-ig yang-loo, Ngnn-ivhi L d 32 Fermanagh, eo. Ulster D b 20 Fintrugh Bay, Donegal C b 20 Flemiiu, co. Ky. I e 7 Fonseca B. Honduras F e 15 Fermin Pt. Cal. D i 14 Finvoy, Antrim E a 20 Flemingsbiirg, Ky. I e 7 Fonta, Coruna B a 27 Fermo, Marches E c 20 Firato Sima (I.), Japan N d 32 FlemingLon, N. J. G f 6 Fontainebleau, Seine-et-Marue F b 21 Fermoselle, Zamora D c 27 Firebaugh’s Ferry, Cal. C g li Flensburg, Germany E i 23 Font-line qui bout, Colo. D g 13 Fennoy, Cork C d 20 Fire Island Beach, L. I. A h 5 Flensburg, Schleswig E a 22 Fontaiielle, Iowa M 1 12 Fernandez de Taos, N. Mex. D a lo Fire Island Inlet, L. 1. A h 5 Flers Orne D b 21 Fontenai, Seine B e 21 Fernandina, Fla. 0 g 9 Firenze ( Florence), Tuscany D c 20 Fle.sk, R. Kerry B d 20 Fonteuai le-Comte, Vendee D c 21 F ernan do Po, I. Guinea E d 33 Firenz • (Florence), prov. Tuscany D c 20 Fletcher, Ohio H c 7 Foiitenay, Yonne F c 21 Jernanuo de Nue vitas Cuba L f 3 Fires, B. of. Tasmania T u 35 Fletcher, Vt. B d 5 Foutenelle Creek, Wyom. H d 14 rernan I.uflez, Cordova F g 27 Fire Steel R. Dom. of Canada G a 11 Fletcher Range, Queensland H d 34 Fonteiioy, Belgium B c 22 Fernay, Ain H c 21 Firminy, Loire G d 21 Fletcher’s Neck, Me. D e 5 Foo-eliow, Leao-tong M c 32 Ferns, Wexford E d 20 Fir Mountain, Tyrone E b 20 Flinders B. W. Australia B f 34 Foo chow-foo. Fo-kien D e 32 Feronia, Ga. N f 9 Firomai, Japan Q b 32 Flinders I. Tasmania T t 35 Foo eliow-foo. Iviang-si L e 32 Ferozabad, Persia G d 29 Firosima, Japan O d 32 I? linders Range, South Australia F f 34 Foo loo. Slien-se I c 32 Ferozpoor, Punjab D a 31 First Broad R. N. C. D f 8 Flinders Reef, Coral Sea Id c 34 Foo-ning-foo, Fo-kien M e 32 Ferrara, Emilia D b 26 First Canon, Yellowstone It. Mont. 1-1 c 14 Flinders R. Q.ueeuslanl G c 34 Footville, Wis. li S ii Ferrara prov. Emilia D b 20 First Rocky Hd. Otago C f 35 Flint, 111. D a 7 Forbaeh, Ger. Lorraine D d 22 Ferrato, C. Sardinia C e 20 Firth of Clyde, Scotland D e 19 Flint, Mich. O f ii Forbes Mt. Queensland G d 34 Ferreira, Alemtejo B f 27 Firth of Forth, Scotland F d 19 Flint, bor. Flint C c 18 Ford, Wexford E d 20 Ferns, 111. A c 7 Firth of Lorn, Scotland C cl 19 Flint Cr. Ind. T. I b 10 Ford, CO. 111. D c 7 Ferriters Cove, Kerry A d 20 Firth of Tay, Scotland E d 19 Flint Creek, Ala. I c 9 Ford, co. Kails. G h 13 Ferro I. Canary Is. D k 17 Fischliausen, E. Prussia L a 22 Flint Creek, Mont. G b 14 Forde, Bergen C f 23 Ferrol (El), Coruna B a 27 Fish Creek, N. Y. F c 6 Flint Mt. S. Australia F e 34 Forde Fiord, Bergen C f 23 Ferru Mt. Sardinia C d 20 Fish Dagh, Mt. Caucasus Mts. H g 24 Flint R. Ga L f 9 Fordham, Env. of N. Y. C a 6 Ferryland, District, Newfoundland R c 4 Fislidam, N. C. G e 8 Flint R. Mich. O f n Fol ding-bridge, par. Hants E f 18 Ferry Port-on-Craig, orTayport.Fife F d 19 Fisher Creek, Central Australia E d 34 Flintshire, co. Wales C c 18 Fordou, W. Prussia K b 22 Ferrysburg, Mich. L f 11 Fisher Creelc, Colo. D h 13 Flints tone. Md. C g 0 Ford K. Mich. If c 11 Ferrystde, Carmarthen B e IS Fisher Mt. Central Australia E d 34 Floda, Sweden LI f 23 Fords, Va. II d 8 Ferse, R. W. Prussia If a 22 Fisherstreet, Clare B c 2J Flodden. Northumberland D a 18 Fordsville, Miss F f 9 Ferta, R. Kerry A e 20 Fish, Great, or Floeroe, Bergen C f 23 Fore, Westmeath D c 20 Ferte, La, Aisne F b 21 Back R. Brit. America L c 2 Flora, 111. D e 7 Foreland (The), Devon G e 18 Fei-tile, Iowa N i 12 Fish, Great R. Cape Colony G h 33 Florae, Lozere F d 21 . Foreland, North, C. Kent H e IS Feslm, Egypt C d 29 Fishguard Bay, Pembroke B d 18 Florence, Ala. H c 9 Foreland, South, C. Kent H e 18 Festiniog, Merioneth C d 18 Fishguard, p. bor. Pembroke A d IS Florence, Idaho F c 14 F orest, ‘Mich. O f 11 t ethaland Point-, Shetland Islands A a 19 Fisher’s I. Conn. C g 5 Florence, Iowa O 1 12 Forest, Ohio I c 7 rethanl, Wexford E d 20 Fisher’s I Sound, Conn. B g 5 Florence, Ky. H (l 7 Forestburgh, N. Y. G e 6 Fethard, Tipperary D d 20 Fishing Bay, Md. E li 0 Florence, Nebr. H f 13 Forest City, Cal C f 14 Fetlar I. Shetland B a 19 Fishing Creek, N. C. H e 8 Florence, N. Y. F c 0 Forest City, 111. C c 7 Fettercaim, Kincardine F d 19 Fishing Creek, W. Va. E b 8 Florence, Ohio H d 7 Forest City, Iowa N i 12 Fetuli, el, Syria C b 30 Fishkill, N. Y. H e 6 Florence, Ohio I cl 7 Forest City, Minn. C d 11 Feugh Water, Aberdeen F c 19 Fishkill Creek, N. Y. H e 6 Florence, Ohio If b 7 Forest City, Mo. L n 12 Fews, Waterford D d 20 Fishkill Lauding, N. Y. G e 6 Florence, S. O. F g 8 Forest, co. Pa. B e 6 Feyd, Jehel Sliomer E d 29 Fish L. Mo. R q 12 Florence (Firenze), Tnscanv D c 20 Forester, Mich. P f 11 Fey?a (el) I. Persian Gulf G e 29 Fish L. Nev. E t 14 Florence (Firenze), prov. Tuscany D c 20 Forest Lake, Minn. D d 11 Fez, or Faz, Marocco D a 33 Fisli L. N. Y. H d 6 Flores, Brazil G c 10 Forest Port, N. Y. F c 6 Fezzan, Pashalik, N. Africa F b 33 Fish L. Utah G g 11 Flores, Guatemala E d 15 Forestville, 111. D e 7 i'/chtel Gebirge, Bavaria F c 22 Fish L. 1 nil. G 1) 7 Flores Creek, Tex. G e 10 Forestville, Mich. P f 11 Fidaris, R. Greece I e 26 Fish-Lake Valley, Nev. E f 14 Flores I. Azores B a 33 Forestville, N. C. G f 8 Fiddachuan I., Skye B c 19 Fishmansville, Env. of New Orleans E f 10 Florida, Fla. H g 9 Forestville, N. Y. B d 6 Fiddown, Kilkenny D d 20 Fish Pt. Ify. H f 7 Florida, N. Y. G e 6 Forez, Monts Puy de Dome F d 21 Field of Salt, Nev. F e 14 Fish R. Wis. F c 11 Florida Bay, Fla. L r 8 Forfar, bor. Forlar F d 19 Field R. Mont. H b 14 Fish It. , Great, Namaqna F g 33 Florida Channel, 1 e 3 Forfarshire or Angus, co. Scotland F d 19 r leias L. JEnv. of New Orleans B f 10 Fish River, L. Me. F b 5 Florida Reefs. Fla. L r 8 Forg, Persia G d 29 new west, »• Tasmania S v 35 Fiskernaes, Greenland P c 2 Florida, state & penin. U. States 8 & 9 Forgue, Aberdeen F c 19 r lenes, Kerry B d 20 Fismes, Marne F b 21 Floris I. Malavsia F i 1 Forked Deer Creek, Tenn. F b 9 Fife Ness, Fife F d 19 Fitchburg, Mass. C f 5 Flota I. Orknev Islands E b 19 Forked Harb. Cape Breton I. N d 4 Fifeshire, co. Scotland E d 19 Fitful Head, Shetland A b 19 Flower Is. Newfoundland R b 4 Forkill, Armagh E b 20 Figami-gawa, R. Japan Q c 32 Fittri, L. Soudan F c 33 Floyd, Iowa O i 12 Forkland, Ala. 11 e 9 Figami I. Japan Q c 32 Fitzgerald Peak, W. Australia C f 34 Floyd, La. D e 9 Forks, The, Me. E c 5 32 GENERAL INDEX. Forksvillo, La. C e 9 Fort. Gates, Fla. O h 9 Fort Shaw, Mont. II b 14 Foyle, Lough, Forli, Emilia E b 26 Fort George, Inverness D C 19 Fort Sherman, Tex. I c 10 Londonderry and Donegal D a 2 For’i. pros'. Emilia E 1. 2 i Fort George, Old, Dak. F <1 13- Fort Siincoe, Wash. C b 14 Foyle, R. Londonderry D c 2C Foviinrtiri dirt. Aberdeen F c 19 Fort Gibson, Ind. T. I a 10 Fort Simon, Fla. L P 8 Foynes, Limerick B d ■')<■ Formin' Point, Lancashire C c 18 Fort Goodwin Ariz. I i 14 Fort Smith, Ark. A b 9 Foz, Ria de, B. Lugo C a 27 Form v, tp. Lancashire C c 13 Fort Griffin, Tex. G c 10 Fort Stanton, N. Mex. D c 10 Fraga, Huesea L c 27 Formcntera I. Balearic Is. M f 27 Fort Hall, Idaho G d 1 ! Fort Steele, Wvom. C f 13 Fragoas, Beira C d 27 For m'litor, C. Majorca 0 e 27 Fort Ha!!, W vom. c f 13 Fort, Stephenson, Dak. F c 13 Framingham, Mass. C f 5 Foniva [. Tuscany D c 20 Fort Hamilton, Env. of N. Y. B b 0 Fort Stevens, Oreg. B b 14 Framlingham, par. Suffolk H d 18 For ii gas I. Azores B a 33 Fort Hampton, Ala. I c 9 Fort Stockton, or Camp S., Tex. E cl 10 Frampton, Quebec H c 4 Form my, Calvados B d 21 Fort Hatteras, N. C. K f 8 Fort St Phillip, Ala. H g 9 Francavilla, Apulia G d 26 Formosa, C. Guinea E d 33 Fort Henrietta, Oreg. D c 14 Fort St Phillip, La. F ii 9 France, cou. Europe 21 Formosa or Taiwan ]. China M f 32 Fort Henry, Tenn. G a 9 Fort St Phillip, N. C. H g 8 Frances. L. Stakeen H c 2 Formosa or Forth, Firth of, Scotland F (1 19 Fort St. Vrain, Colo. D f 13 Frances, or Stakeen R. Stakeen H d 2 Ung tma B. Zanzibar Coast I e 33 Forth Mountain, Wexford E d 20 Fort Sully, Dak. F d 13 Franceston, N. H. C f 5 Formosa Str. Formosa & China L f 32 Fort Howard, Wis. I e 11 Fort Sully, Old Dak. F d 13 Franeesville, Ga. L e P Foniitis. C. Denmark F li 23 Forth R. Perth and Stirling D cl 19 Fort Sumner, N. Mex. D b 10 Francha Conipte, prov. France G c 21 Forrm, bor. Elgin E c 19 Forth R. Tasmania S u 35 Fort Sumter, Env. of Charleston C k 8 Francisco de Paulo C. Patagonia D o 16 Fori " t, Miss. F e 9 Forth R. W. Australia B f 34 Fort Swamp, N. C. I f 8 Francis, R, Quebec G d 4 Forreston, 111. C a 7 Fort Independence, Env. of Boston F g f, Fort Swearingin, Fla. M 0 8 Franeisville, Ind. F b 7 Fores, Norrlan 1 I e 23 Fort Inge, Tex. G e 10 Fort Taylor, Fla. L r 8 Francisville, St 111. E e 7 Forss Water, Caithness E b 19 Fort Izard, Fla. N i 9 Fort Taylor, Wash. D b 14 Franconia, N. H. C cl 5 Forsn. Norrland I f 23 Fort Jackson, La. F li 9 Fort Terre t, Tex. G d 10 Franconia, Ohio H b 7 Forsters Range, Central Australia E d 34 Fort James, Dak. 11 e 13 Foit Thompson, Dak. G e 13 Franconia, Lower, and Forsvtli, Ga. M d 9 Fort Jefferson, Fla. K r 8 Foi t Thompson, Wvom. B e 13 Asehaffenlmrg, circ. Bavaria F c 22 Forsyth, III. D d 7 Fort Johnson, Env. of Charleston C k 8 Fort Thorn, N. Mex. C c 10 Franconia, Middle, circ. B; varia F d 22 Forsyth, Mo. N q 12 Fort Johnson, N. C. G li 8 Fort Totten, Dak. G c 13 nincoiiia. Upr. circ. Bavaria F c 22 For.syt.li, eo. Ga. L c 9 Fort Jones, Cal. B e 14 Fort Towson, Ind. T. I b Id r'rauconville. Seine-et-Oise B e 21 Forsvtli, co. N. 0. E e S Fort Kent, Me. F a 5 Fort Trinite, Martinique I. L e 15 Franeker, Holland C b 22 Fortaleza, or Ceara, Brazil G c lfi Fort Kissimnee, Fla. L 0 b Fortune, Newfoundland Q c 4 Frank, Mt. (JebelFureidis) Palest. B © 30 Fort Abercrombie , D ik. 11 c 13 Fort Klamath, Oreg. C d 14 Fortune B. Newfoundland Q c 4 Frankenberg, Kingdom of Saxony G C 22 Fort Adams, Miss. D f 9 Fort Lafayette, Env. of N. Y. B c 0 F.u tune B., dist. Newfoundland Q b 4 Fraukenhausen, Fort Alexander, Dom. of Canada H a Id Fort Lapway, Idaho E b 14 Fortune Harb. Newfoundland Q b 4 Scliwarzb.-Rudolstadt F c 22 Fort Ancient, Ohio H .1 7 Fort Laramie, Wyom. D e 13 Fortune Is. Bahamas I c 15 Franken Holie, or Foit Anderson, N. C. H o\-ii'i(QpA\Oijrz,lt.Gorizia), Gor.tz C il 25 Gleno?, Antrim E b 20 Golden L. Quebec E c 4 Goritz, prov. Austria O d 25 Glen Ogle, Perth D d 19 Golden L. Ontario E d 4 Goritza, Roumelia I d 26 Glen Orchy, Argyle D d 19 Golden, or Goldenbridge, Tipperary D d 20 Gorkaia, R. Samara K t 24 Glenorchy, Victoria G g 34 Golden or Massacre B. Nelson D d 35 Gorkha, Nepal F b 31 Glen On in, Ross D c 19 Goldfield, Iowa N k 12 Gork i. Mohilev G e 24 Glen Prosen, Forfar E d 19 Gold Hill, N. C. E f 8 Gorki, Oloiietz G c 24 Glen, R. Cork C d 20 Gold Hill, Nev. D f 14 Gork urn, Holland C c 22 Glen, R. Donegal C b 20 Goldin gen. Courland E d 24 Uorleston, par. Suttblk H d IS Glen Rannoch, Perth D d 19 Goldsboro, N. C. li f 8 Gorlitz, Sites. a H c 22 Glenrock, Pa. E g 6 Goldsborough, Pa. E f 6 Gorman’s Depot, Tenu. M b 9 Glen Roy, Iowa O i 12 Goldville, Ala. K d 9 Goniica, Gross, Croatia E d 25 Glen Roy, Inverness D d 19 Golea (el), Algeria E a 33 Gorodishtche, Penza K e 24 Glen’s Falls, N. Y. H c 6 Goletn, Cork B e 20 Goroduia, Tchernigov G e 24 Glen Slice, Perth E d 19 Goliad, Tex. II e 10 Gorodok, Vitebsk G d 24 Glen Shim, Argyle D d 19 Goliad, co. Tex. H e 10 Gorontalo or Termini, B. of, Celebes O i 28 Glen Spean, Inverness D d 19 Golichers Station, Queensland Id e 34 Go rso I. Tliroiidhjem D e 23 Glen Strath Farra Inverness D c 19 Golkonda, Nizam’s Dominions E d 31 Gort, Galway O c 20 Glen Tanar, Aberdeen F c 19 Gollegao, Estremadura B e 27 Gorteen, Sligo O e 20 Glen Talbert, Inverness C d 19 Gollen Berg, Pomerania I a 22 Gortin, Tyrone D b 20 Glen, The, N. Y. H c 6 Golling, Hohe or Gross, mt. Styria G c 25 Gortzke, Prov. Saxony G b 22 Glenties, Donegal C b 20 Gollnitz Hungary G b 25 Goruckpoor, N. W. Provs. F b 31 Glen Tilt, Perth E d 19 Go 11 now, Pomerania H b 22 Goriuma 1. Galway B c 20 Glen Tromie, Inverness D c 19 Golo, Trikhala K e 26 Goryalaya, Mt., Alaska E c 2 Glen Turret, Perth E d 19 Golo, R. Corsica I e 21 Gory n it. W. Russia F e 21 Glen Urquhart, Inverness D c 19 Golova, Little, Archangel L b 24 Gosi'ord Mt. Me. D c 5 Glenville, Ohio L b 7 Golovinsk, Kuban Dist. H g 24 Goshen, Ala. K d 9 Glenville, W. Va. E c 8 Golspie, Sutherland E c 19 Goshen, Ind. G b 7 Glenville, Cork C d 20 Golubime, Mt. Servia I b 26 Goshen, N. C. G b 8 Glenwood, Iowa L 1 12 Gombola, E. Africa D h 29 Goshen, N. c. G e 8 Glen wood, Minn. B d 11 Gombroon, or Bunder Abbas, Goshen, N. J. G f 6 Glidden, Iowa M k 12 Persia II d 29 Goshen, N. Y. G e 6 Glin, Limerick B d 20 Gomel, or Homel, Mohilev G e 24 Goshen, Ohio M c 7 Glina, Military Frontier E d 25 Gomera I. Canary Is. D k 17 Goshen, Ten n. 1 b 9 Glina, R. Military Frontier D d 25 Gomul Pass, Afghanistan C a 31 Goshen, Utah G f 14 Glinsk, Donegal D a 20 Gonaive, I. Haiti I d 15 Goshen Hill, s. c. D g 8 Glockner, Gross, Mt. Salzburg C c 25 Gonaives, Haiti I d 15 Goshen Swamp, N. C. G t 8 Glogau, Silesia I c 22 Gonaives, Baie des. Haiti I d 15 Gosh -n Swamp R. N. O. G f 8 Gloggnitz, Lower Austria E c 25 Gonan, . Shoa D h 29 Goshoot Passage, Nev. F e 14 Glomak, Falls of. Ross C c 19 Goncz, Hungary G b 25 Goslar, Prov. Saxon v F e 22 Glom Fiord, Tromso G c 23 Gonda, Cent. Africa H e 33 Gospich, Military Frontier D d 25 Glommen Elf, Hamar F e 23 Goudnlen, Norrland G d 23 Gosport, Ala. 11 f 9 Gioppen, Bergen D f 23 Gondar, Abyssinia D g 29 Gosport, Ind. F d 7 Glonosa Is. Madagascar I f 33 Gondokoro, Upper Nile C 1 29 Gosport, town, Hants E f 18 Glossa, C. Janina H d 26 Gonesse, Seine-et-Oise B e 21 Gos Rajeb, Nubia D 1 29 Glossop, town. Derby E c 18 Gonja, Zanzibar Coast H e 33 Gosn. -les Creek, Oal. U f 14 Gloucester, Mass. D f 5 Gouye Falls, on R. Zambesi G f 33 Gota E,., Gothland G g 23 Gloucester, Me. D e 5 Gonzaga, Venetia D b 26 Goteborg and Bolins, Iceen, Sweden F g Gloucester, Ontario F d 4 Gonzales, Tex. H e 10 Goteshti, Moldavia 1- a 26 Gloucester City, N. J. F g 6 Gonzales, co. Tex. H e 10 Gotha, Gotha F c 22 Gloucester, city Gloucester D e 18 Goochland, co. Va. H d 8 Gothenburg ( Goteborg ), Gothland G li 23 Gloucester, co. New Brunswick L e 4 Goochland Court house, Va. H d 8 Gothland I. ( tfottlaiut ), Gothland K h 23 Gloucester, co. N. J. F g 6 Goodbout, R. Quebec K d 4 Gothland, lseen, Sweden iv li 23 Gloucester, eo. Va. I d 8 Good Hope, C. of, South Africa F k 33 Gothland, Osier, laien , Sweden li g 23 Gloucester Court House, Ya. I d 8 Good Hope, Old Fort, Brit America G c 2 Gothland, prov. Sweden 11 li 23 Gloucester Harbor Mass. D f 5 Goodhue, co. Minn. E e 11 Goto Is. •Japan a4 u 32 Gloucester House, Brit. America M d 2 Goodman, Miss. F e 9 Gotro, Indore Agency L b 31 36 GENEPAL INDEX. GottengeT), Hanover E C 22 Grand Cotean, La. C g 9 Gottingen, dist. Hanover E c 22 Grand Crossing, Minn. F f 11 Gottorf, Schleswig E a 22 Grand Deteur, III. C b 7 Gottsc.hee, Carniola D d 25 Grande, Nicaragua G e 15 Gottska Sando I. Gothland K or 23 Grande, Mexico D d 15 Gouda, Holland G b 22 Grande, Cataract, R. Araguaya, Gough f. S. Atlantic Oc. S 11 ~1 Brazil F c 16 Gou.eha, Goukeka, or Grande Chartreuse, Isere G d 21 Sev n (L. of 1 , Caucasia K g 24 Grand Ecore, La. B f 9 Goulais B. Dorn, of Canada N C 11 Grande C mbe, La, Gard G d 21 Goulais R. Dom. of Canada N c 11 Grande Coulee, Wash. D b 14 Goulburn, N. South Wales H f 34 Grande Or. Oreg. D c 14 Gonlburn I. N. Australia E b 34 Grande del Norte, R. Mexico C b 15 Goulburn R. Victoria H g 34 Grande de Santiago R. Mexico C c 15 Gould Mt. W. Australia B e 31 Grande do Belmonte, R. Brazil G d lb Gouldsboro, Me. F d 5 Grande 1. Brazil E c 16 Gouhlsboro Bay, Me. G d 5 Grande I. La. F h 9 Gouhl.sborough, Pa. F e 6 Grande L. Brazil E d 16 Gourd, ns. S. C. F h 8 Grande or Araguay, R. Brazil F c 16 Gounlon, Lot E d 21 Grande, or Bravo del Norte, R. Gourock, town. Renfrew D e 19 Texas F e 22 Gouverneur, N. Y. F b 6 Grande or Guapay, R. Bolivia D d 16 Govan, town, Lanark D e 19 Grande Pass, La. E i 9 Gove, co. Ivans. F g 13 Grande, R. Senegambia C c 33 Governor’s I. Env. of Boston F g 5 Grande, R. Argentine Rep. D e 16 Governor’s I. Env. of N. Y. B b 6 Grande. R. Brazil E d 16 Gov.-’iida, N. Y. C d 6 Grand Falls, New Brunswick K c 4 Gowac-’s Bay, Env. of N. Y. B b b Grandfather Bull Falls, Wis. H d 11 Gowel Kebeer, . Egypt C d 29 Grandfather Mt. -N. C. D e 8 Gowen Range, Queensland G d 34 Grand Fongeray, Ule-et-Vilaine D c 21 Gowenville, S. C. C f 8 Grand Gozier I. La. F h 9 Gower, dist. Glamorgan B e IS Grand Gulf, Miss. E e 9 Gowhatty, Assam H b 31 Grand Haven, Mich. L f 11 Gowran, Kilkenny D d 20 Grand I. Mich. L c 11 Gowrie, Iowa M k 12 Grand I. Miss. F g 9 Gowrie, Carse of, dist. Perth E d 19 Grand I. Nebr. G f 13 Goyanna, Brazil G c lb Grand I. Niagara, N. Y. C c 6 Goyaz (Villa Boa), Brazil E d lb Grand I. Niagara D e 4 Goyaz, prov. Brazil F d lb Grand Isle, Vt. A d 5 Goyon, Pontevedra B e 27 Grand Isle, co. Vt. A d 5 Gozzo I. (British), Malta F f 2b Grand Junction, Iowa M k 12 Gozzo, or Gaudo, I. Candia L g 2b Grand Junction, Tenn. F b 9 Graaf Reynet, Cape Colony G h 33 Grand L. Me. G c 5 Grabow, Meeklenburgh F b 22 Grand L. Quebec E c 4 Gracia, Barcelona N c 27 Grand L. Quebec F c 4 Gracias a Dios, Cape, Honduras G e 15 Grand L. New Brunswick K e 4 Graciosa I. Azores B a 33 Grand L. Quebec H b 4 Gradachatz, Bosnia H b 2b Grand L., or Chestimachee, La. D h 9 Gradisca, Goritz C d 25 Grand Lake, Ark. D d 9 G rad i sea, prov. Austria C d 25 Grand Marais, Mich. M c 11 Glraclishsk, Poltava G f 24 Grand Marais, Minn. G b 11 Gradiska, Selanik K d 25 Grand Meadow, Minn. E If 11 Gradiska, Alt & Neu, Mil. Frontier E d 25 Grandola, Estremadura B i 27 Graena, Granada G g 27 Grand Pelvoux de Vallouse, M. Grating, Bavaria F d 22 Isere H d 21 <1 ration. 111. B d 7 Grand Pond, Newfoundland P b 4 Grafton, Mass. C f 5 Grand Portage, Minn. H b 11 G rat'ton. N. H. C e 5 Grand Portal, Mich. L c 11 Grafton, Ohio IC b 7 Grand Prb, Ardennes G b 21 Grafton, New S. Wales I e 34 Grand Quivera, Valley of, N. Mex. C c 10 Grafton, Ontario E e 4 Grand R. Colo. C g 13 Grafton, Utah G or 14 Grand R. Mich. L f 11 Grafton, Vt. B e 5 Grand R. Mo. N n 12 Grafton, W. Va. F b 8 Grand R. Mo. N o 12 Grafton, C. Queensland H c 34 Grand R. Ohio L b 7 Grafton, co. N. H. C e 5 Grand R. Utah H f 14 Graham, N. C. F e 8 Grand R. Ontario C c 4 Graham, co. Kalis. G g 13 Grand Rapids, Mich. M g 11 Graham I. Brit. Columbia G d 2 Grand Rapids, Wis. H e 11 Graham Lake, Minn. B f 11 Grand Rapids, Wis. Iv d 11 Graham Land, Antarctic Ocean M P 1 Grand River, Iowa N m 12 Graham Moor’s I. N. W. Australia D b 19 Grand River, tn. Quebec L b 4 Grahams, S. C. F h 8 Grand Round R. Oreg. E c 14 Grahams Fork, Ind. G e 7 Grand Sable R. Mich. L e 11 Grahamstown, Cape Colony G h 33 Grand South R. Mo. M o 12 Grahamville, S. C. D i 8 Grand Tower, 111. C f 7 Graian Alps, Mts. Savoie H d 21 Grand Traverse B. Mich. M d 11 Graigue, Queen’s County E d 20 Grand Traverse City, Mich. M e 11 Grain Coast, Liberia C d 33 Grand Traverse, co. Mich. M e 11 Grainger, co. Tenn. M a 9 Grand View, 111. E d 7 Graivoron, Kursk II e 24 Grand View, Ind. E f 7 Gramet Neaisiedl, Lower Austria E b 25 Grand View, Iowa P 1 12 Grammont (Geertsbergen), Belgium B c 20 Grand View, Ohio L d 7 Gramnios Mts. Eoumelia I d 2b Grandville, 111. D d 7 Grampian Mts. Scotland D d 19 Grandville, Mich. M g 11 Grampian Mts. Victoria G g 34 Granee, or Koweit, Ahsa F d 29 Grampound, tp. Cornwall B f 18 Graney, R. Clare C d 20 Gramsbergen, Holland D b 22 Grangarde, Sweden FI f 23 Gran, Hungary F c 25 G range, Sligo C b 20 Gran, R. Hungary F b 25 Grange B. Newfoundland P a 4 Granada, Granada G g 27 Grangemouth, Stirling E d 19 Granada, Nicaragua F e 15 Grange, R. Galway C c 20 Granada, Mts. of, Granada G g 27 Granger, Wvom. H e 14 Granada, prov. Spain G g 27 Granite City, Minn. C d 11 Granadian Confederation, or Granite City, Oreg. D c 14 United States of Columbia, I g 15 Granite I. Mich. K c 11 Granadilla, Caceres D d 27 Granite Pt. Mich. K c 11 Granard, Long! ord D c 20 Graniteville, S. C. D h 8 Granbury, Tex. H c 10 Grnnitola, C. Sicily E f 26 Granby, Mo. M q 12 Granja, Brazil F c lb Gran by n, Nor rl and K d 23 Gran ja (La), Segovia F d 27 Gran Canaria I. Canary Is. D k 17 Granollers, Barcelona N c 27 Gran Chaco, El, p ain, Gran Sasso d’ltalia, or Bolivia & La Plat. D e lb Monte Corno, Apennines E c 26 Grand B. Quebec II b 4 Gransele, Norrland K d 23 Grand Baie, Quebec H b 4 Grant, Pa. C f 6 Grand Bassa Liberia C d 33 Granta, or Cam, R Cambridge G d 18 Grand Bay City, Mich. L c 11 Grant City, Iowa L k 12 Grand Bayou, La. F i 9 Grant City, Mo. M m 12 Grandby 0. Cape Breton I. 0 c 4 Grant, co. Ind. G c 7 Grand Cana', China L c 32 Grant, co. Ky. H e 7 Grand Canal, R. Shannon to Dublin D c 20 Grant, co. N. Mex. B c 10 Grand Cane, La. B f 9 Grant, co. Minn. A d 11 Grand City, Colo. C f 13 Grant, co. Nebr. F f 13 Grant, co. Grant, co. Grant, co. Grant, co. Grantham, bor. Grant Mt. Granton, vil. & barb, Grantown, Grant, par. Grant It. Gmntsburg, Giants House, Grantsville, Grantsville, Grantville, Granville, Granville, Granville, Granville, Granville, Granville, co. Granville, Grao (El), Grape I. Grapeland, Grape Vine Spring, Graslitz, Griiso I. Ark. C Oreg. D W. Va. Wis. Lincoln Colo. Edinburgh Inverness E La. C Wis. G Wis. E Berwick F Md. B Utah G Ga. L Mo. 0 N. Y. H Ohio K Pa. E Wis. I' N. C. G Manche D Valencia K Env. of Boston G Minn. D Utah G Bohemia C Sweden K c 9 d II b 8 g II cl IS f 13 e 19 c 19 f 9 8 ii cl 11 e 19 g 6 e 11 d 9 n 12 c 6 c 7 e 6 f 11 e 8 b 21 e 27 h 5 f 11 g 14 a 2a f 23 Great Desert, Rajpootana D Great Dog L. Canada I Great Driffield, town, York F Great Egg Harbor, N. J. G Great Egg Harbor R. N. J. G Great Falls, Ivy. F Great Falls, Ivy. H Great Falls, N. H. D Great Falls, Wash. E Great Faringdon, par. Berks E Great Fish B. Guinea F Great Fish, or Back R. Brit. America L Great Interior Basin, Nev. E Great Kanawha R. W. Va. D Great Lake Tasmania S Great Machipongo Inlet, Va. K Great Malvern, town, Worcester D Great Marlow, bor. Bucks F b 31 a 3 b IS g 6 f 7 g 7 e 5 b 14 e 18 f 33 c 2 f 14 c 8 u 35 d S d 18 e 18 Great North Jit. Va. Great North Shenandoah Mts. Va. 8 Great Ohoopee, R. Great Ormes Head, Great Peedee, Great Peedee R. beat- Pond, Great Pond, Great Quartz Mt. Great Salt Desert, Great Salt L. Great Salt Lake, Great Salt Lake Desert Great Sand Hills, Great Sandy I. Great Slave L. Great Smoky Mts. Great Smoky Mts. Great Soda Lagoon Great Sodus Bay, Ga. Carnarvon S. C. S. C. L. I. Me. Nev. Persia Nev. Utah Utah Nebr. Queensland Brit. America N. C. Tenn. Nev. Ontario N. Y. G F g 8 F g 8 e 9 c J8 C E d 5 5 g 14 Great Sound, Baltic Provinces Great South Bay, L. I. Great St Bernard, Pass of, Switzld. Great Tokmok, Taurida Great Torrington, par. Devon Great Western Mts. Tasmania Great Wicamico Bay, Va. Great Yarmouth, bor. Norfolk F H c 29 F f 14 G e 14 G e 14 F f 13 I c 34 t c 2 B f 3 M b 9 E f 14 D c 6 M g 23 A h 5 H cl 21 H f 24 B f 13 S u 35 I cl 8 H cl 18 Grasse, Alpes Maritimes H e 21 Grecian or Graian Alps, Mts. Savoie H d 21 Grassholme I. Pembroke A e 18 Greece, N. Y. D c 6 Grasshopper Falls, Kans. I g 13 Greece, kingdom. Europe K e 26 Grass L. 111. D a 7 Greeley, Colo. D i 13 Grass Lake, Mich. N cr & 11 Greeley, co. Nebr. G f 13 Grass R., N. Y. F b b Greenaa, Denmark F h 23 Grass Valley, Cal. C f 14 Greenbank, W. Va. F c 8 Grateful Creek, Queensland G c 34 Green Bay, Iowa N m 12 Gratiot, co. Mich. N f 11 Green Bay, Newfoundland P b 4 Gratz, Posen I b 22 Green Bay, Wis. I e 11 Gratz, cap. of Duchy, Styria D c 2.i Gi\en Bay (L. Michigan), Wis. K e 11 Gratzen, Bohemia D b 25 Greenborough, N. Y. F c 6 Graudenz, W. Prussia K b 22 Green Bottom, W. Va. C c 8 Grave, Holland C c 22 Greenbrier, co. W. Va. E d 8 Grave Creek, Idaho F d 14 Greenbrier Mts. W. Va. E c 8 Gravel Bottom Fork, Mont. G b 14 Greenbrier R, W. Va. E d 8 Gravelev, Denmark E h 23 Greeubush, 111. B h 7 Gravelines, Nord F a 21 Greenbush, Iowa N 1 12 Gravelly Hill, N. C. G g 8 Greenbush, Mich. O e 11 Gravelotte, Ger. Lorraine C d 22 Greenbush, N. Y. H d 6 Gravel It. Dom. Canada M b 11 Green Cape, New S. Wales I g 34 G raves, N. C. F e & Greencastle, Donegal E a 20 Graves, co. Ky- D g 7 Greencastle, Down E b 20 Gravesend, Env. of N. Y. B c 6 Greencastle, Ind. F d 7 Gravesend Bay, Env. of N. Y. B c 6 Greencastle, Mo. N m 12 Gravesend, bor. Kent G e 18 Greencastle, Pa. D g 6 Graves Land, Ky. F f 7 Gi’een, co. Wis. H g 11 Graves, Point de, Gironde D d 21 Green, co. Ky. G f 7 Graves, The Is. Env. of Boston G g 5 Greene, N. Y. F d 6 Gravina in Puglia, S. Italy G d 2b Greene, co. Ala. H e 9 Gray, Me. D e 5 Greene, co. Ark. E a 9 Gray, Haute Saone G c 21 Greene, co. Ga. M d 9 Gray croft, Tasmania S V 35 Greene, co. 111. B d 7 Grays Greek, S. Australia F e 34 Greene, co. Iowa M k 12 Gray’s Harbor, Wash. A b 14 Greene, co. Ind. E d 7 Grayson, Ky. K e 7 Greene, co. Miss. G f 9 Grayson, co. Ky. F f 7 Greene, co. Mo. N P 12 Grayson, co. Tex. H c 10 Greene, co. N. C. H f 8 Grayson, co. Va. D e 8 Greene, co. N. Y. G d 6 Grayson Court House, Va. D e 8 Greene, co. Ohio I d 7 Graysville, Ohio L d 7 Greene, co. Pa. A or o 6 Graytonville, S. C. C earn, N. H. C c Hadersleben,. Schleswig E a 22 Hallsville, N. C. H g Hadlwz, Hungary G c 25 Halmaheira, or Gilolo I. Malaysia O h Hadlir (el), Bagdad E b 29 Halmstad, Gothland G h Had, jin. Syria D b 29 Hals, Denmark F h Hadieigh, town. Suffolk G d 18 Halstead, town, Essex G e Hadley, Mich. O g 11 Haltern, Westphalia D c Hadley, N. Y. H c 6 Halton, co. Ontario D e Hadramaut, cou. Arabia F f 29 Haltwhistle, tp. Northumberland D 1. Hadshi Ibrahim, Moldavia N b 26 Halvero, Norriand H e Haedic I. Morbihan C c 21 Haly Ness, Shetland A b Haen Ho, China L c 32 rlalys, C. Asia Minor D a Hafun B., N. E. Africa G g 29 Ham, Somme F 1. Hafun B., S. E. Africa G g 29 Hamad, Palestine E f Hafvero, Norriand H e 23 Hamadan, Persia F c Hagara, Nubia C f 29 Hamad, Steppe, Palestine E f Hagen, Westphalia D c 22 Hamah (EjiijokaniajHaviath), Syria D b Hagenan, Alsace D d 22 Hamar, Hamar F f Hagenow, Mecklenburg F b 22 Harnar, stiff. Norway F f Hagerstown, Ind. G d 7 Hamara, Wady, Palestine C g Hagerstown, Md. D g 6 Hamasa, dist. Abyssinia D f Hagia, Trikhala Iv e 26 Hauibaugtote^ Ceylon F f Hags Head, Clare B d 20 Hamblen, co. Tenn. M a Hague, N. Y. PI c 6 Hamlileton, Hants E f Hague, C. de la, Manelie D b 21 Hamburg, Ala. H e Hague, The, Holland C b 22 Hamburg, Ark. D d Hah i rah, prov. Oman H e 29 Hamburg, Ga. O d Hai -choo, Corea N c 32 Hamburg, III. B d Haiderabad (Hyderabad), Hamburg, Iowa L m Nizam’s Domin. E d 31 Hamburg, N. J. G e Haiderabad, or Hamburg, Pa. F f Hyderabad (Nirankot), Scinde C b 31 Hamburg, S. C. ,D h Haifa, Palestine A e 30 Hamburg, Tenn. G b Haifa, Palestine B e 30 Hamburg, Free City, Germany F b Haitjoelddal, Tromso H d 23 Hamburgh, N. Y. C d Hr.ik, L. Abyssinia D g 29 Hamda- Allah, Soudan D c Hai ling I. China K f 32 Hamden, N. Y. G d Hailsham, Sussex G f 18 Hamden, Ohio K d Haiman I. China I g 32 Hamelin C. W. Australia A f Hainan Str. Hainan & China K f 32 Hamelin Harb. W. Australia A e Hainault, prov. Belgium B e 22 tlamero, Tromso PI b Hai n burg, Lower Austria E b 25 Hamersley Range, W. Australia B d Haines, R. E. Africa E i 29 Hamfila, Samara I c Hainesville, Mo. M n 12 Hamfila B. Nubia E g Hairstonville, Ya. G e 8 Hamilton, Cal. C f Hais, Yemen E g 29 Hamilton, Ga. L e Haisin, Podolia G f 24 Hamilton, 111. A c Haiszeg, Transylvania H d 25 Hamilton, Ind. P c Hai-tan I. China L e 32 Hamilton, Ind. PI b Haiti or San Domingo I. Antilles I d 15 Hamilton, Leitrim C b Hajar, Abyssinia D g 29 Hamilton, Miss. G d Hajar, Arabia G e 29 Hamilton, Mo. N m Hajar, Hadramaut F g 29 Hamilton, N. C. H f Hajar, Beni, tribe, Nejed F d 29 Hamilton, Nev. F f Hajar (ei), prov. Hadramaut F g 29 Hamilton, N. Y. F d Hajeir, Wady, Palestine B d 30 Hamilton, Ohio H d Hajir, Nubia C f 29 Hamilton, Pa. F e Hakatere ( Asliburton R. ), Hamilton, Tasmania S V Canterbury C f 35 Hamilton, Tex. H d Halduyt Hd. Spitzbergen U a 1 Hamilton, Utah G g Hakodadi (open port), Japan Q b 32 Hamilton, bor. Lanark D e Hala or Halla, New, Scinde C b 31 Hamilton, co. Fla. M g Hala Mts. Bel ooclii stall C b 31 Hamilton, co. 111. D e Halas, Hungary F c 25 Hamilton, co. Ind. F c Halberstadt, Prov. Saxony F c 22 Hamilton, co. Iowa N k Halcyondale, Ga. O e 9 Hamilton, co. Nebr. G f Haldane, 111. C a 7 Hamilton, co. N. Y. G c Haldimand, co. Ontario C e 4 Hamilton, co. Ohio H d Hale, co. Ala. H e 7 Hamilton, co. Tenn. Iv b nale, Mt. W. Australia B e 34 Hamilton, co. Tex. H d Haleb (Aleppo), Syria D b 29 Hamilton, city, Ontario D e Haleb or Aleppo prov. Turkey D b 29 Hamilton Range, Queensland G d Halesowen, town, Worcester D d 18 Hamilton River, S. Australia F e Halesworth, town. Suffolk H d 18 Hamilton Souud, Newfoundland Q b Haifa, Nubia C e 29 Hamiltons Bawn, Armagh E b Hall'uya, Nubia C f 29 Ilamlet, Ind. F b Halfbreed L. Dom. of Canada H a 13 Hamlin, Mich. L e Half-Moon B. Cal. B g 14 Hamlin, W. Ya. D c Half-moon B. Marlborough D e 35 Hamline Ranch, Utah G g Half-Moon ' Env. of Boston F h 5 Hamm, Westphalia D c tfalliul (Hirlhul), Palestine B g 30 Hamnuida (el) Plateau, Tripoli F b Haliez, Galicia I b 25 Hammamet, G. of, Tunis F a Halifax, N. C. H e 8 Hamniar, Sweden H g Halifax B. Queensland H c 34 Ham mardal, Norriand H e Hammer, Bergen Bornholm C f 23 Harbnrg, Hanover E b 22 Hammeren Light, H i 23 HnrdangerField(Ymes),Mt. Bergen D f 23 Uammerfest, Tromso M a 23 Hardanger Fiord, Beigen C g 23 Hammer Fiord, Tromso K a 23 Hard eeville, S. C. D f 8 Hammond, Wist E e 11 Hardeman, co. Tenn. G b 9 Hammonds B. Mich. N cl 11 Hardeman, co. Tex. G b 10 Haiimioinlsport, N. Y. D d 6 Hardenburgh, N. Y. G d 6 Har.imondsville, Ohio M c 7 Harderwyk, Holland C b 22 Hammonton, N. -J G g 6 Hartley R. W. Australia B d 34 Hanina Voe, Shetland Islands A a 19 Hardin, 111. B d 7 Hainan, Palestine B d 30 H ardin. Iowa N k 12 llamonath, Palestine C e 3o Hardin, Tex. I d 10 Hanioon (el), prov Hadramaut F f 29 Hardin, co. 111. D f 7 H.mioon or Seistan L. Persia B a 31 Hardin, co. Iowa N k 12 Hampden, Hawke Bay P’ c 35 Hardin, co. Ky. F f 7 Hampden, Me. F d 5 Hardin, co. Ohio I c 7 Hampden, co. Mass. B f 5 Hardin, co. Tenn. G b 9 Hampshire, co. Mass. B f 5 Hardin, co. Tex. I d 10 Hampshire, co. W. Va. G b 8 Hardinsburg, Ky. F f 7 Hampshire, or Hants, co. England E e lb Hardinsville, Ky. G e 7 Han ip stead, New Brunswick K d 4 Hardt Geliirge, Mts. Palatinate D d 22 Hampstead, Va. H c 8 Hardware, R. Va. G d 8 Hampstead, Moretown, p. Devon C f IS Hardwick, Mass. B f 5 Hampton, Aik. C d 9 Hardwick, ' Vt. B d 5 Hampton, III. B b 7 Hardy, co. W. Va. G c 8 Hampton, Iowa N k lx Hardy Is. Queensland G b 34 Haui[iton, Tenn. N a 9 Hardy, Mt. Auckland F b 35 Hampton, Va. I d 8 Hardyville, Ariz. F li 14 Hampton Plain, W. Australia G f 31 Hare li. Newfoundland Q a 4 Ham range, Norriand I f 23 Hareek prov. Nejed F e 29 Ham’s Fork, Wyom. H e 14 Hare I. Cork B e 20 Hainul, Wady, Palestine B d 30 Hare I. R. St Lawrence I c 4 Hancock, Md. C g 6 H arena, Samara I c 33 Hancock, Me. F d 5 Harfieiir, Seine inferieure E 1) 21 Hancock, Mich. 1 b 11 Harford, N. Y. E d 6 Hancock, Minn. B d li Harford, co. Md. E g 6 Hancock, N. Y. F e 6 Hargitta, Mt. Harihar (Liurryhui Carpathians I c 25 Hancock, co. Ga. N d 9 ), Mysore E e 31 Hancock, co. 111. A c 7 Hariki, Punjab D a 31 Hancock, co. Ind. G d 7 Haritheh esb Shemaliyeh dist. Pianau, Hessen-Nassau E c 2- Palestine B e 30 Han-cliong-foo, Shell se I d 3^ Harlur, Herioor, Mysore E e 31 Haii-ehow, Se-chuen H d 3- Harlan, Iowa L 1 12 Hancock, co. Iowa N i lx Harlan, co. Ky. I g 7 Hancock, co. Ky. F f 7 Harlan, co. Harlech, Nebr. G f 13 Hancock, co. Me: F d Merioneth B d 18 Hancock, co. Miss. F g t Harleesville, S. C. F g 8 Hancock, co. Oh io I c 7 Harlem, Env. cf Chicago B e 10 Hancock, co. Tenn. M a 9 Harlem, Env. of N. V. B b 6 Plancock, co. W. Va. E a 8 Harlem, Mo. M n 12 11 and a, S. Cent. Africa F f 33 Harlem R. Env. of N. Y. B a 6 Handa I. Sutherland C b 19 Harleston, Norfolk H d 18 Prandak, Nubia C f 29 Harling, East, Norfolk G d 18 Hands boro. Miss. F g 9 Harlingen, Holland G b 22 Plainly, Mich. N g li Harlow, par. Essex G e 18 Hanes B. Tex. H e 10 Barmens, Ind. G d J Hang-chow B. China M d 3X Banner, Ohio L d 7 Hang-chow-foo, Cap. of Che-lciang M d 3- Hariuetray Group, Outer Hebrides A. c 19 Hanging Rock, Ohio K e 7 Harmony, Ind. E d 7 Hanging Rock, S. C. E g b Harmony, Me. E d 5 Hangman’s I. Env. of Boston F h 5 Harmony, Mo. Q P 12 Hango Bay, Finland M g 26 Harmony, Pa. A f 6 Hungo Plead, Finland E d 24 Harmony, Pa. F e 6 Planish Is. Red Sea E g 29 Harmony, S. C. D i 8 Han Kiang, R. China L ? 3x Harmony, Wis. F f 11 Han Kiang, R. China K d 39 Harmony Grove, Ga. M c 9 iiankow-foo, Hanley, bor. Hoo-pe K d 3x Harnett, co. N. C. G f 8 Stafford D c li Harney L. Oreg. D d 14 Hannah Bay House, E. Main N d 2 Haro, Logrono H b 27 Hannah, Nubia C f 29 Haro Strait, Wash. B a 14 Honiara I. Oman H f 29 Harper, Ohio 1 c 7 Hannibal, Mo. P 11 111 Harper’s Ferry, Iowa P i 12 Hannibal, N. Y. E c t> Harper’s Ferry. W. Ya. H b 8 Hannik, Nubia O f 29 Harpersiield, N. Y. G d 6 Hanover, Ala. I d 9 Harpers ville, Ala. I d 9 Hanover, Cap. of Hanover E b 22 Harpersville, N. Y. F d 6 Hanover, 111. B a 7 Harran, Syria D’ b 29 Hanover, Kans. H g 13 Harran, Syria E c 30 Hanover, Minn. D e 11 Hurra ra, Oman H e 29 Hanover, N. H. B e 5 Harriet B. Taranaki D c 35 Hanover, Ohio PI d 7 Harrington, Del. F li 6 Hanover, Pa. D g g 6 Harrington Inlet, New S. Wales I f 34 Hanover, Wi's. H 11 Harris, Inverness B c 19 Hanover, co. Va. PI d 8 Harris, Wis. H f 11 Hanover, gov. Hanover I. Prussia E b 22 Harrisburg, Ark. E b 9 Chili O li 16 Harrisburg, 111. D f 7 Hanover Junction, Pa. E g 6 Harrisburg, Minn. D d 11 Hanover Junction, Va. H d 8 Harrisburg, Harrisburg, Ohio I d 7 Hanover, prov. Prussia E b 22 Pa. E f t Hanover Village, Ind. G e 7 Harrisburg, S. C. C g 8 Hansford, W. Va. D c 8 Harrisburg, Tex. I e It Hanson Creek, Central Australia E d 34 Harris, co. Ga. L e Hanson Range, S. Australia F e 34 Harris, co. Tex. I e It HanstholmPoint&Light, Denmark E li 23 Harris, Forest of, Harris A b 19 Hants, or Hampshire, co. England E e 18 Harrison, Ala. H e 9 Hants, co. Nova Scotia M d 4 Harrison, Ark. O a 9 Plantsport, Nova Scotia L d 4 Harrison, Ind. H d 7 Han-yang-foo, or I Haparanda, lannan, Hoo-pe K d 32 Harrison, Iowa L 1 12 Norriand N cl 23 Harrison, N. J. A b 6 Haphraim (el Afuleh), Palestine B e 30 Harrison, Ohio H d 7 Happy Camp, Cal. A e 14 Harrison, Tenn. K b 9 Hapsalj Estlionia E a 24 Harrison B. Alaska E b 2 Hapsburg, Switzerland I c 21 Harrisonburg, La. D f 9 Plaragal, Haralson, co. Mongolia Ga. I K a cl 32 9 Harrisonburg, Harrison, co. Va. Ind. G F 0 e 8 i Harar (Adar) Hararah, Harar, dist. Somali E li 29 Harrison, co. Iowa L 1 12 Nejed F e 29 Harrison, co. Ky. PI e 7 Somali E h 29 Harrison, co. Miss. F g 9 Harat I. Red Sea D f 29 H rrison, co. Mo. M m 12 Harbine, Ohio H d 7 Harrison, co. Nebr. F f 13 Harbinger Rocks, Tasmania R t 35 Harrison, co. Ohio L c 7 Harbor Creek, llarlnrough, Mark Pa. B d 6 Harrison, co. Tex. I c 10 et, Leicester F d 18 Harrison, co. W. Va. E b 8 Harbour Grace, Newfoundland R c 4 Harris, Sound of, Hebrides A c 19 18 4 8 8 4 8 4 2 18 25 22 23 x9 4 9 13 22 14 25 10 29 31 23 23 19 23 14 5 23 25 5 8 28 23 23 IS 22 4 IS 23 19 29 21 8U 29 30 29 23 23 30 29 31 9 IS 9 9 9 7 12 6 0 b 9 22 6 33 0 7 34 34 23 34 33 29 14 9 7 7 7 20 9 12 8 14 6 7 6 35 10 14 19 9 7 7 12 13 6 7 9 10 4 34 34 4 20 7 11 8 14 22 33 33 23 23 GENERAL INDEX. 39 Harrisonville, Til. B e 7 Haute Saone, dep. France H o 21 Head ford, Galway B o rN c Harrison ville, Ind. F c 7 Haute Savoie, dep. France H c 21 Head of the Cotaux des Prairies, Harrisonville, Mo. M o 12 Hautes Pyrenees, dep. France E e 21 Dak. II d 13 Harrisonville, Pa. C f 6 Haute Vienne, dep France E d 21 Healdsburg, Cal. B f 14 Harristowu, Ind. F e 7 Haut, Isle, Me. F d 5 Healdsville, Vt. B e 5 Harrisville, Mich. O e 11 Haut-Rhin, dep. Alsace H c 21 Heales, Mt. Queensland F c 34 Harris ville. N. Y. F b 6 Havana, Ala. H e 9 Healing Spring, N. C. E f 8 Harrisville, Pa. B e 6 Havana, 111. B c 7 Heaphy R. Nelson D d 35 Harrisville, W. Va. D b 8 Havana, Minn. D f 11 Heard, co. Ga. K d 9 Harrodsburg, Ky. H f 7 Havana, N. Y. E d 6 Ilearne, Tex. H d 10 Harrodsburg, Mo. N o 12 Havana, or the Havannah, Cuba IC f 3 Heart L. Wyom. H e 14 Harrogate, town. York E c 18 Havant, Hants F f 18 Heart Mt. Wyom. I c 14 Harrold. Bedford V 1 d 18 Havelland, dist. Brandenburgh G b 22 Heart R., or Ta Chanta Wakpa, Harroldsburg, Ind. F d 7 Havelock, Auckland E b 35 Dak. E c 13 Hart, Kv. G f ' Havelock, Marlborough D d 35 Heart’s Content, Newfoundland R c 4 Hart, Mich. L f 11 Havelock, N. O. I g 8 Heath Pt. Anticosti N b 4 Hail berg, Styria f) c 25 Havelock, Otago B f 35 Heathsville, Va. I d 8 Hart. co. Ga N c 8 Havel, R. Brandenburg G b 22 Heawandoo Pholo Atoll, Maidive Is. D f 31 Hnrtebeest R. Cape Colony G g 33 liaveriield, Mt. Queensland H d 34 Hebden Bridge, York D c 18 Hart Fell, Dumfries E e 19 Haverfordwest, bor. Pembioke B e 18 Heber City, Utah H c 14 Hartford, Conn. B g 5 Haverhill, Mass. C f 5 Hebras, Palestine C e 30 Hartford, Ga. M e 9 Haverhill, N. H. C d 5 Hebrides, Gulf of, Scotland B d 19 Hartford, Kv. F f 7 Haverhill, Suffolk G d 18 Hebrides, Outer, or Hartford, Mich. L g 11 Havefstraw, N. Y. Id e 6 Long I. Ross and Inverness A c 19 Hartford, N. Y. H c 6 Havilah, Cal. D h 14 Hebrides, Is., new. S. Pacific Oc. K k 1 Hartford, Wis. I f 11 Havre (Le), Seine mferieure E b 21 Hebrides, or Hartford, W. Va. D c 8 Havre de Grace, Md. E g 6 Western Is. Arg yle & Inverness B d 19 Hartford City, Ind. G c 7 Hawaii, C. Siberia U a 28 Hebron, Conn. B g 5 Hartford, co. Conn. B g 5 Hawaii, C. Wrangel Land C b 2 Hebron, Ind. E b 7 Hartington, Derby E c 18 Hawaii, kingdom, or Hebron, Labrador O d 2 Hart Lake, S. Australia F f 34 Sandwich Is. N. Pacific Oc. C f 1 Hebron, Nebv. II f 13 Hartland, Devon B f IS Hawaii, or Owyliee I. Sandwich Is. C f 1 Hebron, Ohio K d 7 Hartland, Vt. B e 5 Hawash, R. Abyssinia E g 29 Hebron (el Khulil) Palestine B g 30 Hartland, Wis. I f 11 Hawea, L. Otago B f 35 Hebron, Mts. olj Palestine B h 30 Hartland Point, Devon B e IS Haweeza, Persia F c 29 Hecker, 111. B e 7 Hartlepool, bor. Durham E b 18 Hawes Mt. W. Australia C f 31 Heckla Cove, Spitzbergen V a 1 Hartlepool. West, Durham E b IS Hawes, tp. York D b 18 Heckla or Hekla, Vol. Iceland D c 17 Hartoug, Mt. Bergen D f 23 Hawes Water (L.), Westmorland D b 18 Heckla, Mt. S. Uist A c 19 Hart pond, Ohio L d 7 Hawick, bor. Roxburgh F e 19 lie ile. Norrland I f 23 Hartstown, Pa. E e 6 Hawk, Nelson D e 35 Heilemarken, stift, Norway F f 23 Hartsville, Ind. G ft 7 nawk Creek, Minn. B e 11 Hedeniora, Sweden H f 23 Hartsville, Mo. O p 12 Hawke Bay, Hawke’s Bay F c 35 liedesundo, Norrland G e 23 Hartsville, Tenn. I a 9 Hawke Cove, Md. E g 6 Hedgelmpe, Mt. Northumberland D a 18 Hartville, Pa. E e 6 Hawke Harb. Newfoundland P a 4 Hedgeley Moor, Northumberland E d 18 H n twell, Ga. N c 9 Hawker Mt. N. Australia E c 34 Hediah, Jebel Shomer D d 29 Hartwell, Vt. A f 5 Hawke’s Bay, prov New Zealand F c 35 Heerenveen, Holland C b 22 Hartwiek, N. Y. F d C Hawkesburv, Otago C f 35 Hegyallya, Mt. Hungary G b 25 Harvard, 111. D a 7 Hawkesbury Bay, Otago C f 35 Heibuk, Afghanistan C a 31 Harvard, Mass. C f 5 Hawkesbury R. New S. Wales I f 34 Heidekrug, E. Prussia L a 22 Harvard, Nebr. G f 13 Hawkiils, co. Tenn. N a 9 Heidelberg, Baden E d 22 Harvey, Mich. K c 11 Hawkins Landing, Ark. D d 9 Heidelberg, circ. Baden E d 22 Harvey, New Brunswick L d 4 Hawkinsville, Ga. M e 9 Heidenheim, WUrtemberg F d 22 Harvey Junction, Mich. K c 11 Hawkshead, Lancashire D b 18 Height of Land, Minn. B b 11 Harveysburg, Ind. E d 7 Hawk's Nest Mt., or Marshall’s Heilbroun, WUrtemberg E d 22 Harwich, Mass. D g 5 Pillar, W. Va. D c 8 Heiligenbeil, E. Prussia K a 22 Harwich, bor. Essex H e 18 Hawksville, Ky. E f 7 Heiligenhafen, Holstein F a 22 Ilarwinton, Conn. A g 5 Hawley, Mass. B f 5 Heiligenkreuz, Upper Nile C h 29 Harzeit, Ras el, C. Egypt B c 29 Hawley, Pa. P e 6 Heiligenstadt, Prov. Saxony F c 22 Hai •. Gebirge, Brunswick F c 22 Hawleyville, Iowa L m 12 Heilsiierg. E. Prussia L a 22 Hasa or el Alisa prov. Nejed F d 29 Haworth, tp. York E c 18 Heinola, Finland F c 24 Hasanieh, dist. Nubia C g 29 Haw Patch, Ind. G b 7 Heinriehswalde, E. Prussia L a 22 Hasaya, Nubia C e 29 Haw R. N. C. F f 8 Hejasi, Nubia C g 29 Hasbany, Nahr, (R.) Palestine C d 30 Hawthorne, Env. of Chicago B f 10 Hejaz (el) gov. Arabia E e 29 HaSheiya, Palestine C d 30 Hay, New S. Wales G f 34 Hekitiho, Wellington E d 35 Hasenpot, Baltic Provinces L h 23 Hay C. N. Australia D b 34 Hekla, Mt. (Volcano), Iceland D c 17 Haskeir I. Outer Hebrides A c 19 Hayden Peak, Utah H e 14 Hela W. Prussia K a 22 Haskell, Tex. G c 10 Have (La), Indre-et-Loire E c 21 Ilelbon (Helbiin), Syria D c 30 Haski I. Oman H f 29 Hayel, Jebel Shomer E d 29 Helder, De, Plolland C b 22 Haslemere, Surrey F e 18 Hayes Peninsula, Greenland O b 2 Heldua (Khan el Khulda), Syria B e 30 Haslingden, town, Lancashire D c 18 Hayheld, ^ Va. H c 8 Helena, Ala. I d 9 Ilassan Dagh, Mt. Asia Mihor C b 29 Hay Fork, Cal. B e 14 Helena, Ark. E e 9 Hassanee I. Red Sea D e 29 Hayingen, WUrtemberg E d 22 Helena, Mich. K c 11 Hassan Pasha Palanka, Servia I b 2d Hayling I. Hants F f 18 Helena, Minn. D e 11 Hassela. Norrland I e 23 Havmarket, Va. H e 8 Helena, Mont. G b 14 Hassel Fiord, Tromso H b 23 Hay Mt. Central Australia E d 34 Helena, Tex. H e 10 Hasselt, Holland D b 22 Haynau, Silesia I c 22 Helensburgh, town, Dumbarton D d 19 Hasselt, Eoigium C c 22 Haynesville, Ala. I e 9 Helford, R. Cornwall A f 18 lliissjo, Norrland I e 23 Haynesville, Ga. M e 9 Helga, L. Gothland H h 23 Hassva R. Ariz. G h 14 Haynesville, Ky. F f 7 Helge An, Gothland G h 23 Haster Lake, Minn. D b 11 Havnichen, Kgm. of Saxony G o 22 Helicon, Mt., or Zagara, Greece K e 26 Hastings, Mich. M g 11 Hay R. Brit. America I d 2 Heligoland (Helgoland) North Sea D a 22 Hastings, Minn. E e 11 Hays, co. Tex. H d 10 Heligoland B. Holstein E a 22 Hastings, N. Y. E c 6 Hay, town. Hereford C d 18 Heliopolis (Baalbek) Syria D c 30 Hastings, N. Y. H f 6 Haysville, Ind. F e 7 Hellada, R. Greece K e 26 Hastings, bor. Sussex G f IS Haysville, Ohio K c 7 Hellaweh, Wady, Syria C b 30 Hastings, co. Ontario E d 4 Haytieu, Cape, Haiti I d 15 Hellertown, Pa. F f 6 Hasuh, Kurdistan E b 29 Hayward, Minn. D f 11 Hellespont, or Hasya, Syria E b 30 Hayward, Creek, Central Australia E c 34 Dardanelles, Str. Edirne M d 26 Hata, Leao tong M b 32 Haywood, N. C. F f 8 Hellet Bahita, Upper Nile C h 29 Hatchee Creek, Ala. I e 9 Haywood, co. N. C. C f 8 Hellet Idris, Nubia C g 29 Hatfield, Hertford F f 18 Haywood, co. Tenn. F b 9 Hell Gate, Env. of N. Y. B a 6 Hatfield, Mas c B f 5 Hayz, Wall el, Egypt B d 29 Hellgate, Mont. G b 14 Hatfield, Pa. F f 6 Hazard, Ky. I f 7 Hell Gate R. Mont. G b 14 Hatfield, York F c 18 Hazard, Wyom. D f 13 Hellin, Albacete I f 27 Hatherleigh, Devon B f 18 Hazareebagh, S. W. Frontier G c 31 Hell Roaring Mt. Wyom. H c 14 Hatsoeld," Hungary G d 25 Hazarehs (tribe). Afghanistan B a 31 Hells Glen, Argyle D d 19 Hatteras Inlet, N. C. K f 8 Hazar-gaddah, Palestine A h 30 Helmond, Holland C c 22 Hat van, Hungary F c 25 Ilazar Shual, Palestine A h 30 Helmsdale R. Sutherland E b 19 Hauakil Bay, Nubia E f 29 Hazebrouck, Nord F a 21 Helmsdale, vil. Sutherland E b 19 Haugesund, Christiansand C g 23 Haze Hill, Westland C e 35 Helmsley, tp. York E b 18 ll-.vd-ms, N. Y. F e 6 Hazel Green, Ala. I c 9 Helmstedt, Brunswick F b 22 Haukipudas, Finland N d 23 Hazel Green, Ky. I f 7 Helmund, R. Afghanistan B a 31 Haura, Hadramaut F g 29 Hazel Green, Wis. G g 11 Helpman Mt. N. Australia E b 34 Hauraki, Auckland E b 35 Hazelwood, Mo. O p 12 Helseggen, Tromso G c 23 Hauraki Gulf, Auckland E b 35 Hazen R. Mont. B c 13 Helsingborg, Gothland G h 23 Hauran, Palestine D e 30 Hazen R. Mont. I b 14 Helsingfors, Finland F c 24 Hausa, or Hazlehurst, Miss. E f 9 Helston, bor. Cornwall A f 18 Houssa, former King d. Soudan E c 33 Hazleton, Ind. E e 7 Helung tsian, prov. Manchuria M a 32 Haussiez Groupe, or Hazleton, Pa. F f 6 Helvellyn, Mt. Cumberland C b 18 Mercury Is. Auckland F b 35 Hazor, Palestine B e 30 Helvellyn, Mt. Nelson D e 35 Haute Garonne, dep. France E e 21 Razor Ithnan, Palestine B i 30 Helvetian or Haute Loire, dep. France F d 21 Hazor (Tell Asur), Palestine B g 30 Lepontine Alps, Mts. Switzer. I c 21 Haute Marne, dep. France G b 21 Razor (Tell Khuraibeli), Palestine C d 30 Helvick Head, Waterford D d 20 llautea Alpes, dep. France H d 21 Hazrat Imam, Afghanistan C a 31 Hemar, Wady el, Palestine C f 30 TTeine’ Hempstead, Remington, Hemlock L. Llemnes, Hemphill, Hempstead, Hempstead, Hempstead, Hempstead Bay, Hempstead, co. - Hempstead Harbour, Hempstead Hills, Hertford Idaho N. Y. Tromso Tex. L. I. L. I. Tex. L. I. Ark. L. I. W. Australia Hems, or Homs (J'Jmesa), Syria Hemsb I. Hen and Chickens, Henat'ejos, Henares, Id. Hen-chow, Hendaya, Henderson, Henderson, Henderson, Henderson, Henderson, Henderson Bay, Henderson, co. Henderson, eo. Henderson, co. Henderson, co. Henderson, co Henderson 1. Henderson R. Hendersonville, Hendricks, co. Heng-chow-foo, Heng or Siang Kiang (R.), Hen Kiang (R. ), Norrhuid Auckland Cuei^a Madrid Quang-se France Ky. Minn. N. C. N. Y. Tex. N. Y III. Ky. N. C. Tenn. Tex. N. Pacific Oc. 111 . N. C. Ind. Hoo-nan China China Henley-in-Arden, tp., Warwick Henley-on-Thames, town, Oxford Henlopen C. Hennebont, Hennepin, Hennepin, co. Henness Pass, Henpeck, Henrico, co. Henrietta, Henrietta, Del. Morbilian 111 . Minn. Cal. Mo. Va. N. Y. Tex. Henrietta Maria, C. Brit. America Henriquilla, L. Henry, Henry, Henry, Henry, co. Henry, co. Henry, co. Henry, co. Henry, co. Henry, co. Henry, co. Henry, co. Henry, co. Henry, co. Henry Fork, Henry L. Henry’s Fork, Henry ville, Henzada, llepha (Haifa), Herald I. Heraldsby, Herat, Herat, Pty. Herault, dep. Herault, R. Herbert, Herbert Creek, Herbert Creek, Herbert, Mt. Herbert, Port, Herbertstown, Herb lay, Hei'dawil, Nahr, (R.), Herd Pt. Heredia, Hereford, city, Hereford Inlet, Herefordshire, co. Herencia, Heretaunga, Herf'ord, Hericourt, Herioor (Hariur), Heri Rud, R. Herkimer, Herkimer, co. Herljnnga, Herman, Hermanli, Hermann, Hermamistadt, Herm I. Hermida, Hermitage, Hermitage B. Hermit Hill, Hermiyeh, el, Mexico Ark. 111 . Nebr. Ala. Ga. 111 . Ind. Iowa Ky. Mo. Ohio Tenn. Va. Wyom. Idaho Idaho Pa. Brit. Burmah Palestine Arctic Ocean Norrland Afghanistan Afghanistan France Herault Otago Queensland Queensland Queensland Nova Scotia Limerick Seine-et-Oise Palestine Sutherland Costa Rica Hereford N. J. England Ciudad Real Hawke Bay Westphalia Haute Saone Mysore Afghanistan N. Y. N. Y. Gothland Minn. Edirne Mo. Transylvania Channel Islands Santander Mo. Newfoundland S. Australia Syria c 18 d 14 d 6 c 23 d 10 h 5 f 6 d 10 h 5 d 9 h 5 f 34 o 29 e 23 a 35 e 27 d 27 f 32 a 27 f 7 e 11 e 8 e 6 c 10 c 6 7 7 8 9 10 2 7 8 7 32 32 32 18 18 6 21 7 11 f 14 p 12 d 8 c 6 c 10 d 2 d 15 c 9 b 7 f IS f 6 b 9 b 7 d 7 1 12 e 7 o 12 b 7 a 9 e 8 f 13 c 14 c 14 e 6 d 31 e 30 a 28 c 23 a 31 a 31 e 21 e 21 f 35 c 34 34 34 4 20 21 30 19 15 18 6 18 27 35 22 21 31 31 6 6 G g 23 Herman, Little ( J ebel Duhy) Palest. Hermon, Mt. (Jebel esh Sheikh), Palestine Hermopolis, or Syra, Greece Hermosillo (Pitic), Mexico Hernad, R. Hungary Hernando, Miss. d 11 d 26 o 12 d 25 g 18 a 27 p 12 c 4 e 34 d 30 e 30 d 30 f 26 b 15 b 25 c 9 40 GENERAL INDEX. Hernando, co. Fla. K n 8 Hildebrand’s Mission, Ind. T. I a 10 Hoang Ho, Whang Ho or Holm, L. Norrland H e 23 Hernando, co. Fla. N i 9 Ilildesheim, Hanover E b 22 Yellow R. China G d k M d 32 Holmb I. N airland L e 23 Herndon, Pa. E g 6 Hildesheim, gov. Prussia E b 22 Hoan hien, Kan-su I 0 32 Holm Sound, Orkney Islands F b 19 Herne Bay, Kent H e 18 Hillabee, Ala. K d *9 Hoa-pin-sin I. Majico Sima M e 32 Holseno I. Bergen C f 23 Herndsand, Norrland K e 2d Hill, co. Tex. H d 10 Iloba/i (Burzeh), Syria D c 30 liolstebro, Denmark E h 23 Hero I., N. Vt. A d 5 Hiileh, Bagdad E c 29 Hobart town, Cap. of Col. Tasmania S V 35 Holstein, Env. of Chicago B e 10 Hero L, S. Vt. A d 5 Hilled I. Christiansand D h 23 Hobeaw Point. Env. of Charleston C k 8 Holsteinborg Greenland P c 2 Heron, Minn. B f 11 Hilliards, Mich. M g 11 Hohokcn, N. J. G f 6 Holstein, div. Prussia E a 22 Heron, L. Canterbury C e 35 Milliards, . Ohio I c 7 Hubro, Denmark E h 23 Holston R. Tenn. L b 9 Heron L. Me. E b 5 Hill Mt. S. Australia F f 34 Hobson Co. New Zealand D a 3a Holsworthy, par. Devon B f 18 Heron Lake, Minn. B f 11 Hill of Fare, Aberdeen F c 19 Hulnirg Point, Gothland K h 23 Holt, Iowa M m 12 Herr.ira, Palencia F b 27 Hillsboro, Ark. C d q Hucliau, Vol. Thian-shau F b 32 Holt, Norfolk H d 18 Herrera del Duque, Badajos E e 27 Hillsboro, Ga. M il 9 Hochelaga, co., on Montreal I. Holt, bor. Denbigh D c 18 Herrington, Me. G d 5 Hillsboro, Ky. I e 7 Quebec G d 4 Holt, co. Mo. L m 12 Herrnlmth, Kin gdom of Saxony H c 22 Hillsboro, Iil. C d 7 Hoehland I. and Light Finland O f 23 Holton, Kans. I g 13 Herrst, Oldenburg D d 22 Hillsboro, Miss. F e 9 Ho-chow, Ngan-whi L d 32 Holy Cross, Minn. A c 11 Hersehel I. Brit. America G c 2 Hillsboro, Mo. Q 0 12 Ho-chow, Quang-se K f 32 Holycross, Tipperary D d 20 Hersehel Range, W. Australia B e 31 Hillsboro, N. C. F e 8 Ho-chow, Se-chueu I d 32 Holyhead, bor. Anglesey B c 18 Hersey, Mich. M f 11 Hillsboro, N. H. C e 5 Hochschwab Berg, Mt. Styria D c 25 Holyhead Bay, Anglesey B c 18 Hersey, Minn. B f 11 Hillsboro, Oreg. B c 14 Hbeustadt, Bavaria F d 22 Holy I. Arran C e 19 Ilersl'eld, Hessen- Nassau E c 22 Hillsboro, Tex. H c 10 Hocking, co. Ohio K d - 7 Holy I. Anglesey B c 18 Hersou, Manchuria M b 32 Hillsboro, W. Va. E c 8 Hocking Creek, Ohio K d 7 Holy I., or Lindisfarne, Northumb. E a 18 Hersou, R. Manchuria M b 32 Hillsboro R. Fla. K n 8 Hockingsport, Ohio L d 7 Holy Loch, Argyle D e 19 Herstal, Belgium C c 22 Hillsborough, Down E b 20 Hoddesdon, ham. Hertford G e IS Holyoke, Mass B f 5 Hertford, N. C. I e 8 Hillsborough, Md. F h 6 Hodeida, Yemen E a- 29 Holyoke, Tenn. G a 9 Hertford, bor. Hertford F e 18 Hillsborough, Ohio I d 7 Hudgdon, Me. G b 5 Holyoke Mt. Mass. B f 5 Hertford, co. N. C. H e 8 Hillsborough, Wis. G f n Hodgeman, co. Kans. G g 13 Holywell, Fermanagh D b 20 Hertfordshire, co. England F e 18 Hillsborough B. Prince Edward I. M c 4 Hodg nville. Ky G f 7 Holywell, bor. Flint C c 18 Hertogenboseli, S’, Holland C c 22 Hillsborough C. Queensland H d 31 Hodgkinson, L. S. Australia F e 34 Holywood, Down F b 20 Herve, Belgium C c 22 Hillsborough, co. Fla. K 0 8 Hodgson R. SI. Australia E c 34 Holzkirclien, Bavaria F e 22 Hervey B. Queensland I d 31 Hillsborough, co. N. FI. C f 5 Hodii, Kingdom, Soudan D c 33 Human’s Park, Cole, D g 13 Hervey Downs, Queensland G d 31 Hillsdale, Kans. I g 13 Hod, Wady el. Palestine E h 3u Horn berg. Hessen E c 22 Hervey Range, New S. Wales FI f 31 Hillsdale, Mich. N ii 11 Hoei-choo-foo, Qnang-tung K f 32 Horn burg. Hessen-Nass.au E c 22 Herzberg, Hanover F c 22 Hillsdale, N. Y. H d ti Hoei-chow, Se-chuen H d 32 ilornburg, Palatinate D d 22 Herzeberg, Prov. Saxony G c 22 Hillsdale, Wyom. D f 13 Hoen-yuen-chow, Shell se K c 32 Home B. Baffin Land O c 2 Herzegovina, prov. Turkey H c 2(j Hillsdale, co. Mich. N h 11 Hot, Salzburg C c 2o Home Peak, Colo. B f 13 Herzhorn, Minn. B e 11 Hill’s Landing, Mo. N n 12 Hof, Bavaria F c 2z Homel, or Gomel, Mohiiev G e 24 Hesban (Heshbon), Palestine C g 30 Hill’s Point, Md. E h 6 Hothoof, or el Fouf, Ahsa F d 29 Homer, Ga. M c 9 Hesdin, Pas de Calais 1’ a 21 Hill Street, Roscommon C c 20 Hof vo. Gothland H g 23 Homer, 111. C b 7 Heshbon (Hesban), Palestine C g 30 Hillsville, Va. E e 8 Hogam, Idaho F d 14 Flo in er. 111. E c 7 Heshbon, Wady, Palestine C g 30 Hilltop, Md. D h 6. Hogan I. Bass Strait S 1 35 Homer, Iowa N k 12 He-slmi Ho (R.), China I d 32 Hilltown, Down E b 20 Hogan Mount, Mo. Q p 12 Homer, La. B e 9 Hesket Newmarket Cumberland C b 18 Hilltown, 111. C e 7 Hogansburg, N. Y. G b 6 Homer, Mich. N g 11 Hesper, Iowa P i 12 Hilltown, Pa. D g 6 Hogansville, Ga. L d 9 Homer, N. Y. E d 6 Hesselo Light. Denmark F h 23 Hilton Head I. S. C. E i 8 Hoggene, Soudan G c 33 Homer, Ohio K c 7 Hessen, Upper, prov. of Gr. Duchy, Himalaya Mts., form the northern Hog I. Env. of Philadelphia B i 6 Homer, Pa. C e 6 Germany E c 22 boundary of India, 31 Hog I. Mich. M d 11 Homer, Tex. I d 10 Hessen (S. provs.), Gr. Duchy Himango, Finland M d 23 Hog I. Va. K d 8 Homerville, Ga. N f 9 Germany E d 22 Himmelsberg, hill, Denmark E h 23 Hog Island Inlet, L. I. A h 5 Homewood, Pa. A f 6 H'essen-Nassau, prov. Prussia E c 22 Hinchinbrook I. Queensland J1 c 34 Hiigsbdle, Norrland L d 23 Flomockitto R. Miss. D f 9 Hessy, el, Palestine A h 30 Hin chow, Shau-se K c 32 Hogyesz, Hungary F c 2a Homonna, Hungary G b 25 Hestonville, Env. of Philadelphia B h 6 Hinckley, Minn. D c 11 Fiohen Berg, Schwabian Alps, Homosassa, Fli. K n 8 Hetyczat, Mt., Transylvanian Alps H d 25 Hinckley, town, Leicester E d 18 Wurtemb. E d 22 Homs, or Hems (Emesa), Syria D c 29 Hexham, Northumberland I) b 18 Hindia, Central Provs. E c 31 Holienlinden, Bavaria E d 22 Ho-nan, prov. China K d 32 Heytesbury, Wilts D e 18 Hindiah, R. Turkey in Asia E c 29 Hohenmaut, Bohemia E b 25 Ho-nan-foo, Ho-nan K d 32 Hey wood, town, Lancashire D c 18 Hindley, town, Lancashire D c 18 Hohenzollern, ter. Prussia E d 22 Houawar (JHonore), Bombay Pres. D e 31 Heyworth, 111. D c 7 Hindinarsh, New S. Wales I e 34 Holie Wart, Spessart, Bavaria E d 22 Honches Pool, Ariz. I h 14 Hiamen, or Hindmarsh Lake, Victoria G cr 34 Hoi-ngan-foo, Kiang-su L d 32 Honda, Columbia I f 15 Amoy (open port), Fo-Kien L f 32 Hind Oe (I.) Tromso H b 23 Ho kali, Mum. F f 11 Hondo, Rio, Brit. Honduras E d 15 Hiawass.ee, Ga. M c 9 Hindoo Koosh Mts. or Hokanui FI ills, Otago B g 35 Homlschoote, Nord P a 21 H iawatha. Ivans. I g 13 Indian Caucasus, Afghanistan C a 31 Ho-keu-hien, Kiang-si L e 32 Honduras, Brit., or Hiiiariyeh, Palestine C d 30 Hinds, Tex. I e 10 Hokianga B. Auckland D a 35 Belize, Cent. America E d 15 Hildas, Pt. Tasmania R v 35 Hinds, co. Miss. E e 9 Hokianga co. New Zealand D a 35 Honduras, G. Honduras F d 15 Hickman, Ky. C g 7 H indy an. Persia F c 29 Hokianga R., False, Auckland D a 35 Honduras, state. Cent. America F d 15 Hickman, co. Ky. C g 7 Hinesbury, Vt. A d 5 Ho-kien-too, Pe-ehi-li L c 32 Honelossen, Christiania F f 23 Hickman, co. Tenn. H b 9 Hines tone, La. C f 9 Hokitika, Westland C c 35 Houeoye, N. Y. D d 6 Hickman’s Ferry, La. B g 9 Hinesville, Ga. O f 9 Hokuri, C. J apan P b 32 Houeoye Falls, N. Y. D d 6 Hickory, Pa. B e 6 Hiugal Mts. Beloocbistan C b 31 Holan-slian, or Ala-slian, Mts. Hnneoye L. N. Y. D d 6 Hickory, Tenn. lv b 9 Hing-chow, or Mongolia H c 32 Flonesdale, Pa. F e 6 Hickory, co. Mo. N p 12 Ing -chow-foo, Ngan-whi L d 32 Holbaek, Denmark F i 23 Honey Creek, Mo. M q 12 Hickory Grove, Ala. I e 9 Hingham, Env. of Boston G h 5 Holbeach, town, Lincoln G d IS Honey L. Cal. C e 14 Hickory Hill, Fla. K g 9 Hingham, Mass. D f 5 Holden, Me. F d 5 Floufleur, Calvados E b 21 Hickory Mt. N. C. I f 8 Hingham, Norfolk G d 18 Holden, Mo. N 0 12 Hong-choo, Corea N c 32 Hicks B. Auckland G b 35 Hingham Harbor, Env. of Boston G h 5 Hold with Hope, cape, Greenland T b 2 Hong chui Kiang R., China I f 32 Hieksford, Va. Ii e 8 Hing-hien, Shan-se K c 32 Holdo, Moldavia L a 26 Hong Kong I. (British), China K f 32 Hicks Mt. Nev. D f 14 Hing-i-foo, Quei-chow I f 32 Holguin, Cuba L f 3 Hong-tsi-hoo, R. Ngan-whi L d 32 Hicksville, L. I. A h 5 Hing-king (Yenden) Leao-tong M b 32 Holidays, W. Va. E a 8 Honiton, bor. Devon C f 18 Hidalgo, co. Tex. G f 10 Hing-ngan-foo, or Sin, Shen-se I d 32 Holland, Mich. L cr 11 Honolulu. Cap. of Sandwich Is. C f 1 Hiddencee I. Pomerania G a 22 Hing-wha-foo, Fo-kien L e 32 Holland, N. Y. C d 6 Hononisik a, Japan Q b 32 Hie-che-chin B. China L f 32 Hinka, or Khanka, Lake, Manchuria O b 32 Holland, dist. Lincoln F d 18 Honore ( Honawar), Bombay Pres. D e 31 Hiendalaenemo, Guadalajara H c 27 Hinnorn, Valley of, Palestine F h 30 Holland, E. , dist. Lincoln G c 18 Honth, Hungary F b 25 Hiera petra, Candia L g 23 Hmoiosa del Duque Cordova E f 27 Holland, kgdm. of the Netherlands C b 22 Hoo-cbow-foo, Che-kiang M d 32 Hieres, or Hyeres, Is. d’, Var. H e 21 Hinsdale, Env. of Chicago B f 10 Holland, New, Lincoln F c IS Hood, co. Tex. H c 10 Hierisso, Selanik K d 26 Hinsdale, N. Y. C d 6 Holland, N., prov. Holland C b 22 Hood I. Galapagos Is. F li 15 Higgins L. Mich. N e 11 Hiuter Rhein, R. Switzerland 1 c 21 Holland (Prussian), E. Prussia K a 22 Hood Mt. Oreg. O c 14 Higginson, Mont. F b 14 Hinton, W. Va. E d 8 Holland, S. , prov. Holland C b 22 Hood Pt. W. Australia B f 34 Higginsport, Ohio I e 7 Hintonsville, N. C. I e 8 Hollands I. Md. E h 6 Hood’s Canal, Wash. B b 14 Highain Ferrers, Northampton F d 18 Hiogo, an open port Japan O d 32 Hollidaysburg, Pa. C f 6 Hoogeveen, Holland D b 22 Higli Forest, Minn. E f 11 II ifjpos, Palestine C c 30 Hollingers Creek, Ala. H g 9 Hoogly, or Hugli, Bengal G c 31 Highgate, Vt. A d 5 Hiram Bridge, Me. D e 5 Hollinslord, Me. D e 5 Hoogly, or Hugh, R. Bengal G c 31 High Grove, Ky. G f 7 Hiieware, R. Canterbury D e 35 Hollis, N. H. C f 5 Hooker Creek, N. Australia E c 34 High Hill, Mo. P o 12 Hirschberg, Silesia H c 22 Holly, Mich. O g 11 Hooker Mt. Rocky Mts. I d 2 High I. Mich. M d 11 Hirson, Aisne G b 21 Holly Hill, S. C. E h 8 Hookerton, N. C. H f 8 High I. Galway A c 20 Hirsova, Danube N b 26 Hollymount, Mayo B c 20 Hook Head, Wexford E d 20 High Lake, Iowa M i 12 Hirtshals (Cape), Denmark E h 23 Holly Pt. Ark. V d 9 Hook I. Queensland H d 34 Highland, Ala. I d 9 Hirtsholm Light, Denmark F h 23 Holly Shelter Swamp, N. C. H g 8 Hookiua, S. Australia F f 34 Highland, 111. C e 7 Hispaniola (Haiti), Antilles 1 d 15 Holly Springs, Miss. E c 9 Hoo-kow-hien, Kiang-si L e 32 Highland, Tex. I e 10 FI s ar. Punjab E b 31 Holly Springs, N. C. G f S Hooksett, N. H. C e 5 Highland, Wis. G f 11 Hit, Bagdad E c 29 Holme, York E c 18 Hoolah, Nejed F d 29 Highland, co. Ohio I d 7 Hitchcock, co. Nebr. G e 13 Hohnedal, Bergen C f 23 Hoong-mo, Yuu-nan G f 32 Highland, co. Va. F c 8 Hitchin, town, Hertford F e 18 Holmesburg, Env. of Philadelphia C g ii Hoo-pe, China K d 32 High Market, N. Y. F c 6 Iiitesville, 111. E d 7 Holmes City, Minn. B d 11 Hoopers I. Md. E h 6 High Point, N. C. F f 8 Hitterdal, Christiansand E g 23 Holmes, co. Fla. K g 9 Flooru, Holland C b 22 High Rocks, Tasmania R v 35 Hitteren I. Throndhjem E e 23 Holmes, co. Miss. E d 9 Iioosic Hills, Mass. A f 5 Hightstown, N. J. G f 6 Hitzacker, Hanover P b 22 Holmes, co. Ohio L c 7 lioosic R. Vt. A f 5 High Wood Mts. Mont. A c 13 Rjelman Light, Denmark F h 23 Holmes Creek, Fla. K g 9 Hoosic Tunnel, Mass A f 5 High Wood Mts. Mont. H b 14 Hjelmar, L. Sweden FI g 23 Holmes Ifeefs Coral Sea H c 34 Hootah, Nejed F e 29 Highworth, Wilts E e 18 Hjelmso I. Tromso N a 23 Holmestrand, Christiania F g 23 Hopatcong L. N.' J. G f 6 High Wycombe, Bucks F e 18 Hjo, Gothland H 2 23 Holmes Valley, Fla. K g 9 Hope, Ind. G d 7 Iiiguera la Real, Badajos D f 27 Hjorring, Denmark E h 23 Holmesville, Ga. N f 9 FI ope, Me. E d 5 Higuey, Dominica lv d 15 Ho (The), Islay B e 19 Holmesville, La. C g 9 Hope, N. J . G f 6 Bijar, Teruel K o 27 Hoa-chow, Quang-tung K f 32 Holmesville, Miss. E f 9 Hope Crossing, Env. of Chicago C f 10 Hi.jer, Hejaz D d 29 Hoa-chow, Shen-se I d 32 Holmezo-Vasarhely, Hungary G c 25 Ho pedal e, Cape Colony G h 33 Hiko, Nev. F f 14 Hoai-king-foo, Ho-nan K c 32 Holmfirth, town, York E c 18 Hopedale, 111. C c 7 GENERAL INDEX, 4 L Hoped lie. Labrador P d 2 Hope, L. South Australia F e 34 Hopeless, Mt. New S. Wales H f 34 Hopeless, Mt. Hope Mt. South Australia G e 34 Ariz. G li 14 Hope Plains, South Australia G e 34 Hope Point, Alaska D c 2 Hoperstad. Bergen D f 23 Hope's Advance B. Labrador N d 2 Hope Town, Cape Colony G g 33 Hopetown, Ohio K d 7 Hopewell, Mo. Q p 12 Hopewell, New Brunswick L d 4 Hopewell, Nova Scotia M d 4 Hopewell, N. Y. H e 6 Hopkins, R. I. C g 5 Hopkins, co. Ky. E f 7 Hopkins, co. Tex. I c 10 Hopkins R. Victoria G g 34 Hopkinsville, Ky. E g Hopkinton, Iowa P k 12 Hoppen, Throndhjem D e 23 Horatzdiowitz, Bohemia C b 25 Horde, Westphalia D c 22 Horeb (Sinai,) Mt. Arabia C d 29 Horicon, N. Y. H c 6 Horicon, Wis. I f 11 Horicon L. Win. I f 11 Horicon, or L. George, N. Y, H c 6 Horitz, Bohemia H c 22 H ormah, Palestine A h 30 Hormuz, Persia H d 29 Horn, Lower Austria D b 25 Horn Afvar. (L.), Norrland I c 23 Horna Fiord, Iceland 1) c 17 Horuboro, S. C. E g 8 Horn, C. Horncastle, town, Patagonia D h 16 Lincoln F c 18 Horne, Norrland K e 23 Hornelen. Mt. Bergen C f 23 Hornellsville, N. Y. D d 6 Horner Mt. W. Australia B e 34 Hornet B. Manchuria 0 b 32 Horn Head, Donegal C a 20 Horn I. Miss. G g. 9 Hornillo, Gerro del, Mt. Cuenga H e 27 Horningdul, Bergen D f 23 Horn L. Tenu. E c 9 Horn Lake, Horn, N. Cape, Hornsea, Miss. F c 9 Iceland C b 17 York F c 18 Hornsland, C. Norrland I f 23 Horntown, Env. of Philadelphia A h 6 Horo-ciiagal, R. Mongolia I a 32 Horodenka, Galicia I b 25 Horokiwi, Horrible Mt. Wellington E d 35 Queensland H e 3-1 Horry, co. S. C. F h 8 Horsburgh, Cape, N. Devon N b 2 Horse Creek, 111. D e 7 Horse Creek, Mo. M p 12 Horse Creek, S. C. D h 8 Horse Creek, Wyom. D f 13 Horsehead Crossing, Tex. E d lu Horsehead Hills, Tex. E e 10 Horse Heads, N. Y. E d 6 Horsehead Tank, Tex. E e 10 Horsens, Denmark E i 23 Horse Prairie, Mont. G c 14 Horse Shoe, S. C. B fc 8 Horsham, Victoria G 1? 34 Horsham, bot. Sussex F e 18 Hoita, Horten, Azores B i 33 Christiania F g 23 Hortland, Kildare E c 20 Hosho, Mongolia M b 32 Hoshungabad, Central Provs. 15 c 31 Hospital, Limerick 0 d 20 Hossoor (Oesooi 0 Madras Pres. E e 31 Hostalrich, Gerona N c 27 Hoste I. Patagonia D h 16 Hoszufatu, Transylvania I d 25 Hotagen, Norrland H e 23 Hotagen L. Norrland H e 23 Ilotah (el), Hadramaut F g 29 Hot Creek Rnngn, Nev. E f 14 Hot Creek Valh-j Nev. E f 14 Hotbam Mt. Victoria H g 34 Hotham R. W. Australia B f 32 Ho-ti Kiang, R. China H f 32 Hotspring Cr. Mont. F b 14 Hot Springs, Ark. B c 9 Hot Springs, Nev. D f 14 Hot Springs, co. Ark. C c 9 Hottentots, Race, Hotzenplotz, S. Africa F g 33 Silesia E a 25 3ouat, or Huat, I. Morbihau C c 21 Houffalize, Belgium C c 22 Hougary Point, N. Uist. A c 19 Hough’s Neck, Env. of Boston F h 5 Houghton, Houghton, co. Mich. I b 11 Mich. I c 11 Houghtons L. Mich. N e 11 Uoulton, Me. G b 5 Houma, La. E h 9 Hounslow, town, Middlesex F e 18 Housatonic R. Conn. A g 5 IIoussj, or Hansa, former Kingdom. Soudan E c 33 Houston, Ala. H c 9 Houston, Fla. N g 9 Houston, Ga. K d 9 Houston, Minn. F f 11 Houston, Miss. G d 9 Houston, Mo. P P 12 Huetamo, Mexico C d 15 Houston, Tex. I e 10 Hue to. Cuenga H d 27 Houston, co. Ga. M e 9 H utvis Valley, Ariz. F h 14 Houston, co. Minn. F f 11 Huevo de Faro, Mt. Asturias E a 27 Houston, co. Tenn. II a 9 Hugh Creek, Central Australia E d 34 Houston, co. Houston, vil . Tex. I d 10 Hughes, Colo. D g 13 Renfrew D e 19 Hughes B. Autarctic Ocean M P 1 Houtinan Rocks, or Hughes R. W. Va. D b 8 Abrolhos, W. Australia A e 34 Hughesville, Md. F h 6 Hou-to Ho, R. China L c 32 tliighesville. Pa. E e 6 H ove, Hovin, Bergen C e 23 Hugh M’ William Mt. Queensland F e 31 Christiansand E g 23 Hughs I. Sligo C b 20 How, Egypt C d. 29 Hugli, or Hoogly, Bengal G c 31 Howard, Ga. L c 9 H ugo, Colo. E g 18 Howard, Howard, Iowa O Iowa O i 12 k 12 Hiilmerwasser, Hui-chow-foo, or Bohemia H c 22 Howard, Mich. M f 11 Thsing-i-hoo, Kiang-su L d 32 Howard, N. Y. I) d 6 Huiduk, Astrakhan K g 2 1 Howard, co. Ind. F c 7 Huila, Mt. Andes H g 15 Howard, co. Iowa O i 12 Huilla, Mossamedes F f 33 Howard, co. Kails. H h 13 Huisne, li, R. Sarthe E b 21 Howard, co. Md. E g 15 llukkok (Yakuk), Palestine B. e 30 Howard, co. Mo. O n 12 Hu lliul (Ualhul), Palestine B g 30 Howard, co. Nebr. G f 13 Hull, Otago C g 3o Howard Lake, Minn. C e 11 Hull, Quebec F d 4 Howard’s Mills, Mo. N P 12 Hull, bor. York F c 18 Howard’s Point, 111. D d 7 Hullea, Indore Agency F c 31 Howden, town, York F c 18 Hulliaul, or Hallial Bombay Pres. D d 31 Howe O. New S. Wales I g 34 Hull, R. York F c 18 Howell, Mich. O g 11 Hull Range, Queensland F c 34 Howell B. Otago B g 35 Hulmeville, Pa. G f 6 Howell, co. Mo. P q 12 Hulst, Holland C c 22 Howells, Miss. E e 9 H umaita, Paraguay E e 16 Howeytat Arabs, Arabia D d 2.) Humansville, Mo. N P 12 Howick, Auckland E b 35 Humarida Mts. Venezuela L g 15 Howick Hill, W. Australia C f 34 Humber, Mouth of, York & Lincoln G c 18 Howick 1. Queensland H b 34 Humber, R. Newfoundland P b 4 Howick L. Nelson D d 35 llu in her, R. York and Lincoln F c 18 Howland, Me. F c 5 H unibird, Wis. G e 11 Howland Hook, Env. of N. Y. A b 6 Humboldt, Cal. A e 14 Howloko, L. Otago A g 35 Humboldt, Kans. 1 li 13 Howth, Dublin E c 20 Humboldt, Nebr. I f 13 Howth, Hill of, Dublin E c 20 Humboldt, Nev. D e 14 Hoya, dist. Hanover E b 22 Humboldt, Tenn. G b 9 Hovas, Mexico D c 15 Humboldt B. Cal. A e 14 Hoy I. Orkney Islands E b 19 Humboldt, co. Cal. A e 14 Hoy Sound, Orkney Islands E b 19 Humboldt, co. Iowa M k 12 Hoyerswercla, Silesia H c 22 Humboldt, co. Nev. D e 14 Hoyos. Caceres D d 27 Humboldt Desert, Nev. D f 14 Hradisch, Hungarian, Moravia E b 25 Humboldt Glacier, Greenland O b 2 Hrebla Berg, Mt. Carpathians G b 25 Humboldt L. Nev. D e 14 Hua, Taranaki E c 35 Humboldt, Mt. Tasmania It v 35 Huacho, Peru C d 16 Humboldt Mts. Nev. D e 14 Huafo I. Chili C g 16 Humboldt R. Nev. D e 14 Huajuapan, Mexico D d 15 Hurneerpoor, N. W. Provs. E b 31 Hnallaga, R. Peru C c 16 Humela Rock, Argyle B c 19 Huamanga, or Ayacucho, Peru C d 16 Humniaua, Wady, Syria C c 30 Huamblin I. Chili C g m Hum me, Hessen Nassau E c 22 Huancavelica, Peru C d 16 Hummels Town, Pa. E f 6 Huanehaco, Peru C c 16 Hummock I. Tasmania R u 35 Huanta, Peru C d 16 Humphreys, co. Tenn. H a 9 Huanuco, Peru C c 16 Humphries Mt. Central Australia E e 34 H uarachiri. Peru C d 16 Humpoletz, Bohemia D b 25 Huaras, Peru C c 16 Hums, L. Syria E a 30 Huari, Peru C c 16 Huinuya, R. Honduras F e 15 H uasco, Chili C e 16 Huua Fiord, Iceland C b 17 Huasco, R. Huatusco, Chili C e 16 Huudaue, Mt. Hamar E e 23 Mexico D d 15 Hundy Anantapoor Madras Pres. E e 31 H nay las, Hubbard, Peru C c 16 Hungary, kingdom, Austria G c 25 Ohio M b 7 Hung-ching-chow, Kan su H c 32 Hubbard L. Mich. O ell Hungerford, town, Berks E e 18 Hubbards R. Tex. G c 10 Hungry Hill, Cork B e 20 Hubhardston, Mass. B f 5 Huningue (Iiuningen), Alsace D e 22 Hnbbardston, Mich. N f 11 Hrinmanby, York F b 18 liubb R. Beloochistan C c 31 Hunnewell, Mo. P n 12 I-Iuburg Light House, I. of Gothland K h 23 Hun, R. Manchuria N b 32 Huddersfield, bor York E c 18 Kunsriick Rhenish Prov. D d 22 Huddleston, La. B f 9 Hunstanton, Norfolk G <1 18 Hudiksvall, Norrland I f 23 Hunt, co. Tex. H c 10 Hudiksvall Fiord, Norrland I f 23 limiter. N. Y. G <1 6 Hudson, 111. C c 7 Hunter B. Brit. Burmali II d 31 H udson, Mich. N h 11 Hunter Creek, N. Australia E c 34 Hudson, N. Y. H d 6 Hunterdon, co. N. J. G f 6 Hudson, Ohio L b 7 Hunter I. Tasmania R u 35 Hudson, Wis. E e 11 Hunter, Port, New S. Wales I f 34 Hudson Bay, Hudson Bay Co. Dom. of Canada M d 2 Hunter Mt. Hunter Mts. S. Australia F Otago A e 34 f 35 Post, Hudson Bay Ter., Dom. of Canada L a 11 Hunter R. Canterbury B f 35 or Hunters Hills, Canterbury C f 35 Rupert’s Land, Dom. of Canada K d 2 Hunters Islaud, Dom. of Canada F a 11 Hudson, co. N. J. G f 6 Hunters R. N. W. Australia D b 34 Hudson R. N. Y. G c & H e 6 Hunterstown, Quebec G c 4 Hudson R. (Bay) Md. E h 6 Huntersville, Ark. O c 9 Hudson’s Fork, Broad R. Ga. M c 9 Huntersville, W. Va. E c 8 Hudson Strait, Arctic Regions N c 2 Huutertown, Ind. G b 7 Hudsonville, 111. E d 7 Huntingdon, Mass. B f 5 Hudsonville, Ky. F f 7 Huntingdon, Pa. D f 6 Huebre, R. Salamanca D d 27 Huntingdon, Tenn. G b 9 Hue, Cap. of Anam M g 28 Huntingdon, bor. Huntingdon F d 18 Hueeo Mts. N. Mex. C c 10 Huntingdon, co. ' Pa. C f 6 Hu elm a, Jaen G g 27 Huntingdon, co. Quebec F d 4 Huelva, Huelva C g 27 Huntingdonshire, co. England F d 18 Huelva, prov. Spain D g 27 Huntingdon, Quebec F d 4 Huelva, R. Sevilla D g 27 Huntington, Ind. G c 7 Huereal Overa, Almeria I g 27 Huntington, L. I. A h 5 Huerfano, co. Colo. D h 13 Huntington, Huntington Bay, W. Va. C c 8 Huerfano R. Colo. D h 13 L. I. A h 5 Huerta, Mexico B b 15 Huntington, co. Ind. G c 7 Huertas, Cape, Alicante K f 27 Huntley, 111. D a 7 H itrva, R. Zaragoza I c 27 Huntly, town, Aberdeen F c 19 P.uesca, Huesca K b 27 Huntsville, Ala. I c 9 Huesca, prov. Spain K b 27 Huntsville, Ark. B a 9 Huescar, Granada H g 27 Huntsville, III. B c 7 Huesca, R. Sevilla E g 27 Huntsville, Ind. G b 7 Huntsville, Mo. O n 12 Huntsville, N. C. E e 8 Huntsville, Ohio I c 7 Huntsville, S. C. D g 8 Huntsville, Tenn. L a 9 Huntsville, Tex. I d 10 Huon, R. Tasmania S v 35 Hurd all, Central Provs. E a 31 1 lurdaiiiiully, Mysore E e 31 Hurd, C. Dom. of Canada Q :1 11 H urdwar, N. W. Provs. E b 31 Hurka, or Kulkh i, R. (Mootwan Ho), Manchuria N a 32 Hurley, R. Meath E c 20 Huron, Mich. O g 11 Huron, N. Y. E c 6 Huron, Ohio K b 7 Huron City, Mich. P f 11 Huion, co. Mich. O f 11 Huron, co. Ohio K b 7 Huron, co. Ontario C e 4 H uron Creek, Ohio K b 7 Huron l’s. Mich. I c 11 Huron L. Mich, and Canada P e 11 Huron, L. Ontario B d 4 Huron R. M ich. I c 11 Huron R. Mich. O g 11 Hurreehurpore, S. VV. Frontier F c 31 Hurricane, Miss. G e 9 Hurricane Creek, Ga. N f 9 Hurricane I. Fla. K g 9 I luiricane Inlet, Fla. K g 9 Hurryhur ( Hariliar ), Mysore E e 31 Hursley, Hants E e 18 Hursts Station, New S. Wales G f 34 Hurunui R. Nelson D e 35 Huoaityn, Galicia K b 25 Husky, Sweden 1 f 23 Husch, Moldavia N a 26 Huse, Bergen C e 23 Husenpoth, Courlaml E d 24 Husgvarua, Gothland H h 23 Hustad, Tkrondhjem D e 23 Huslouville, Ky. tl f 7 Husuin, Schleswig E a 22 H uszt, Hungary H b 25 Hutchinson, Minn. C e 11 Hutchinson, co. Dak. H e 13 Hutchison I. Fla. M o 8 Huten. Siam K d 31 H litis I. Finland M g 23 Huttah, Central Provs. 111 c 31 Huttiu, Palestine B e 30 Hutt, Mt. Canterbury C e 35 Huttons Creek, Queens laud H e 34 Hutt R. Wellington E d 35 Huy, Belgium C c 22 Huzza Creek, Mo. P p 12 Hveen, Denmark G i 23 Hvittisboijard, Finland L f 23 Hwang-criow-loo, Hoo-pe L .1 32 Hyanuis, Mass. D g 5 Hycatu, or Icatu, Brazil F c 16 Hyco-o-tee R. Va. G e 8 Hyde, co. N. C. I f 8 Hyde Park, III. E b 7 Hyde Park, N. Y. 11 e 6 Hyde Park, Pa. F e 6 Hyde Park, Vt. B d 5 Hyde Park, tp. Euv. of Chicago G f 10 Hyderabad Assigi aed Districts, or Berar, India E c 31 Hyderabad (Haiderabad), Nizam’s Dominions E d 31 Hyderabad, or Haiderabad, Soiude C b 31 Hyderabad, prov. Nizam’s Doniin. E d 31 Hyde town. Cheshire D c 18 Hydra, Greece K f 26 Hydra I. Greece K f 26 Hyeres, Var Id e 21 Hyeres, or Hieres, Is. de, Var U e 21 Hygeritas, Uruguay E f 16 Hyko, Nev. F g 14 Hyniettus, Mt. ( Trelo Voicni ), Greece 1C f 26 Hy-osd;wa-ha-loos R. Wash. D a 14 Hvsker Rock, Argyle B d 19 Hythe, bor. Kent H e 18 Iajuarao, Brazil E f 16 Iaransk, Viatka 1C <1 24 Iaroslavetz, Mala, Kaluga H d 24 lauja, Rio, Peru C ■1 16 1 balea Mt. Roumelia 1 d 26 Ibague, Columbia U g 15 Ibar, R. Caceres E e 27 lbar, R. Servia 1 c 26 Ibarra, Ecuador C b 16 Iberia, Mo. O o 12 Iberia, Ohio 1C e 7 Iberia, par. La. 1> li 9 Iberville, co. Quebec G •1 4 Iberville, par. La. D g 9 Ibicui, Argentine Rep. E f 16 Ibl, Hej^z E f 29 I bo, Mozambique 1 f 33 I bo I. Mozambique 1 f 33 I brah, Oman H e 29 Ibrahim, Nahr (R.), Syria C b 30 Ibraila, Braila, or Brahilov, W’allacbia M b 26 Ibrira, Nuh. a G e 29 Ibwari I. L. Tanganyika G e 33 lea, Peru C d 16 L 42 (GENERAL INDEX. lea or Putumayo, R. Ecuador C c 16 Imperatorskoie, Orenburg M e 24 Inishsirrer (I.) Donegal C a 20 I cart, Baid, Guernsey D g 18 Bust, Tyrol B o 25 Inishtooskert, Kerry A d 20 Icatu. or Hycatn, Brazil F c 16 lnagua Is., Great and Lit He, Inishtrahull (I.) Donegal D a 20 Iceland (to Denmark), Atlantic Oc. D c 17 Bahamas I c 15 Inishturk, Mayo A c 20 Ichabo I. Nnmaqua Land F g 33 Inanja, Madagascar I f 33 Inishvickillane (I.) Kerry A d 20 Iclriu aynochaway Creek, Ga. L f 9 Inca, Majorca N e 27 Iniskea I., North, Mayo A b 20 Ichmul, Yucatan F d 15 Inch, Kerry B d 20 Inistioge, Kilkenny D d 20 I-chow-foo, Shan tung L c 32 Inchcape, or Bell Rock, Forfar F d 19 Injeli, C. Asia Minor C a 29 Ichtiman, Danube K c 26 Inch I. (in L. Swilly), Donegal D a 20 Inji Kara, R. Selanik K d 26 Ico, Brazil G c 16 Inchigeelan, Cork B e 20 Inkermann, Crimea G g 24 lentil, Mt. Venezuela K f 15 Tnchkeith, I. Fife E d 19 Inland Sea, or Suwo Nada. Japan O d 32 lev, C. Alaska D b 2 Inch, R. Wexford E d 20 Innacondah, Madras Pres. E d 31 Ida, Iowa L k 12 Incole (Inkoola), Madras Pres. E d 31 Inner, or Applecross Sound, Ida, Mich. O h 11 Incoronata I. Dalmatia D e 25 Scotland C c 19 Ida. co. Iowa L k 12 In d ais Elf, Norrland I e 23 Innerkip, Renfrew D e 19 Idaho City, Idaho F d 14 Indchigis, Edirne N d 26 Innerleithen, Peebles E e 19 Idaho, co. Idaho Ter. E c 14 In lefatigable I. Galapagos Is. E h 15 Inner Lough, Monaghan D b 20 Idaho, ter. United States 14 Independence, Cal. D g 14 Innfield, Meath E c 20 Idama, R. Ida, Mt. ( Psiloriti ), Mongolia K a 32 Independence, Ind. E c 7 Inn, R. Tyrol B c 25 Candia L g 26 Independence, Ind. G e 7 Innsbruck, Cap. of Prov. Tyrol B c 25 Ida Mt. Asia Minor B b 29 Independence, Iowa P k 12 Inn, Thai, val. Tyrol B c 25 Ida, Mt. Otago C f 35 Independence, Kans. I h 13 Inny, R. Kerry A e 20 Idanha, Nova, Beira C e 27 Independence, Ky. H e 7 Inuy, R. Westmeath D c 20 Iddah, Guinea E d 33 Independence, Mo. M n 12 Inowraclaw, Posen K b 22 Ideles, Sahara E b 33 Independence, Nev. F e 14 Insalah, Tuat E b 33 Idensalme, Finland F c 24 Independence, Va. D e 8 Insar, Penza I e 24 Idre, Sweden G f 23 Independence, co. Ark. D b 9 Insch, Aberdeen F c 19 Idria, Ober, Carniola D c 25 Independence Creek N. Y. F c 6 Inscription C. W. Australia A e 34 Idumea , anc. prov. Arabia D c 2.1 Independence Creek Tex. F d 10 In-shan Garjan Mts. Mongolia I b 32 leros Cape, Asia Minor D a 29 Independence Rock, Wyom. C e 13 Insisa, Sahara E b 33 Ieruslan, R. Samara 1C e 24 Inderanb, Afghanistan C a 31 Insterburg, E. Prussia L a 22 Ifac, Point, Alicante L f 27 Iudertu, Eastern Turkestan E c 32 Interlaken, Switzerland H c 21 Iffar, Nejed E e 29 India, (Country), Asia 31 Interview I. Andaman Is. H e 31 Iglau. Moravia D Vi 25 India L. Brit. America L d 2 Intpali or Lac Qui Parle R. Minn A e 11 Iglawa, or Iglau, R. Moravia E b 25 Indiana, Pa. B f 6 Jnvack I. (British), N amaqua Land H g 33 Igiesias, Sardinia C e 26 Indiana, co. Pa. B f 6 Inva, R. Perm L d 21 Iglo, Hungary G b 25 Indianapolis, Cap of State Ind. F d 7 lnvati. S. Cent. Africa G f 33 Igualada, Barcelona M c 27 Indiana, state, United States 7 Inver, Mayo B b 20 Iguana Cove, Galajagos Is. E h 15 Indian B. Newfoundland R b 4 Inverah, Queensland I d 34 Iguape, Brazil F e 16 Indian Creek, Idaho F d 14 Inveran, Galway B c 20 Ignape, R. Brazil F e 16 Indian Creek, 111. D f 7 Iuverary, bor. Argyle C d 19 Ighassu, R. Brazil E e 16 Indian Creek, Ind. F e 7 Inveravon, Banff E c 19 Iguaza (Salto de), Paraguay E e 16 Indian Creek, Oreg. D d 14 Inver Bay, Donegal C b 20 Ihna, R. Pomerania H b 22 Indian Key, Florida Reefs M r 8 Invercargill, Otago B g 35 Ijo, Finland F b 24 Indian Lake, N. Y. G c 6 Invergordon, Ross D c 19 Ijojoki, R. Finland E b 24 Indian Ocean, 1 Inverkeithing, bor. Fife E d 19 ijon (Tell Dibbin), Palestine C d 30 Indianola, Iowa N 1 12 Inverkeithnie, Banff F c 19 Ike-aral Nor, I. Mongolia F a 32 Indianola, Tex. H e 10 Inverness, Quebec H c 4 Ike-namur Nor (L.), Tibet D d 32 Indian Pond, Me. E c 5 Inverness, bor. Inverness D c 19 Ik R. Ufa L d 24 Indian River, Fla. M n 8 Inverness, co. Nova Scotia N c 4 Ikrikok, Guinea E d 32 Indian River, N. Y. F b 6 Inverness Firth, Inverness & Ross D c 19 Iksim, Palestine A e 30 Indian River, Indian River Inlet, Me. G d 5 Inverness-shire, co. Scotland D c 19 Ikurangi, Mt. Auckland F b 35 Fla. M o 8 Inver R. Sutherland C b 19 Ikwe L. Minn. C c 11 Indian River Bay, Del. F h 6 Inverurv, bor. Aberdeen F c 19 I lata. Peru C c 16 Indian River Inlet, Del. F h 6 Investigator Is. S. Australia E f 34 Ilchester, Somerset D e 18 Indian Stream, N. H. C c 5 Investigator Str. S. Australia F g 34 Belli, or Khotan, E. Turkestan C c 32 Indian Territory, United States 10 Invuctoke Inlet, Labrador P d 2 llek, R. Orenburg M e 24 Indian town, S. C. F h 8 Inyo, co. Cal. .E g 14 lien, R. Cork B e 20 Indigirka, R. Siberia Q b 28 Iola, Fla. K g 9 lie Rousse, Corsica I e 21 indigo Head, Ala. K f 9 Iola, Kans. I h 13 Iletskaia Sashtchita, Orenburg L e 24 Indique, Cape Breton I. N d 4 Iona, Mo. O o 12 Iletskoi, Ural Cossacks L e 24 Indoor, Nizam's Dominions E d 31 Iona I. Argyle B d 19 Ilfracombe, town, Devon B e 18 Indore, Indore Agency E c 31 Iona Sound, Mull B d 19 Hgun, Asia Minor C b 29 Indore (native state) Cent. India E c 31 lone City, Nev. E f 14 Ilha, Brazil F d 16 Indrawutty R. Central Provs. F d SI Ionia, Iowa O i 12 llheos, R. Brazil G d 16 Indre-et-Loire dep. France E c 21 Ionia, Mich. M f 11 Ilinka, Don Cossacks I f 24 Imlre dep. France E c 21 Ionia, Nebr. H e 13 Ilinskaia, Orenburg M e 24 Indre, R. Indre E c 21 Ionia, co. Mich. M g 11 Ilion, N. Y. F d 6 Indus, R. Tibet F a 31 Ionian Islands, Greece I f 26 Hi, or Guldcha, Russian Soongaria D b 32 Industry, 111. B c 7 Ionian Sea, Mediterranean H e 26 Iii, R. Soongaria D b 32 Industry, Me. D d 5 Iosco, Mich. N g 11 Ilkeston, town, Derby E d 18 Industry, Ohio M d 7 Iosco, co. Mich. O e 11 Ilkley, Illahabad, York E c 18 Industry, Pa. A f 6 Iowa Center, Iowa N 1 12 Persia H c 29 Industry, Quebec G c 4 Iowa City, Iowa P 1 12 Illapel, Chili C f 16 lneboli, Indian, Asia Minor C a 29 Iowa, co. Iowa O 1 12 llle-et-Vilaine, dep. France D b 21 Argyle D e 19 Iowa, co. Wis. G g 11 llle, R. Ille-et-Vilaine D b 21 Infiesto, Oviedo E a 27 Iowa Falls, Iowa N k 12 Iller, R. Bavaria F e 22 Iugatestone, Essex G e 18 Iowa R. Iowa O 1 12 Illescas, Toledo G d 27 lug-cliow or Hing-chow-foo, Iowa, state, United States 12 Illimani, Mt. Andes of Bolivia D d 16 Ngan-whi L d 32" Ipaminare, R. Columbia C b 16 [llinizo, Mt. Andes of Ecuador C c 16 Ingersoll, Ontario C e 4 Ipava, 111. B c 7 Illinois City, 111. B b 7 Ingham, Iowa N k 12 Ipek, Perzerim I c 26 Illinois R. 111. E a & B d 7 Ingham, co. Mich N g H Ipike I. Cork C e 20 Illinois, state, United States 7 Ingir Khailastai, Mongolia K b 32 I poly Sagh, Hungary F b 25 lllinoistown, III. B e 7 Jugleborough, Mt. Inglefield Gulf, York D b 18 1 poly, or Eypel, R. Hungary F b 25 111 R. Alsace D d 22 Greenland N b 2 Ipsala, Edirne M d 26 Illusion Plain, South Australia F e 34 Inglestone, Essex G e 18 Ipsambool, Nubia C e 29 11 iye. Transylvania H d 25 Ingleton, tp. York D b 18 Ips, R. Lower Austria D b 25 Ilmenau, Thuringia F c 22 Ingodo, R. Siberia K a 32 Ipswich, Mass. D f 5 Umenau, R. Hanover- F b 22 Ingoldmells Point, Lincoln G c 18 Ipswich, Queensland I e 34 Ilmen L. Novgorod G d 24 Ingolfshofde Bay, Iceland D c 2 Ipswich, bor. Suffolk H d 18 Ilmen Mts., Urals, Orenburg N e 24 Ingolstadt, Bavaria F d 22 Iquique, Peru C e 16 Ilminster, town, Somerset D f 18 Ingonish, Tipe Breton I. N c 4 Irak Ajemi prov. Persia F b 29 Ilm, R. Bavaria F d 22 Ingouville, Seme inferieure E b 21 Irak Arabi, dist. Bagdad F c 29 11 m, R. Iloigob Country, Thuringia F Africa H c 22 e 33 Ingreuechoix B. Ingulets, R. Newfoundland P S. Russia G a 4 f 24 Iran Kabirgan Mts. Thian-shau-pe-loo D b 32 Iloilo, Philippine Is. O g 28 Ingul, R. Kherson G f 24 Iran or Persia, kingdom, Asia 29 Ilori, Kutais I g 24 Inhambane, Inhambane H g 33 Irapiranga, Brazil G d 16 Ilovla, R. Saratov IC f 24 Iniada, Edirne N d 26 Irapuato, Mexico C c 15 Hovlinskaia, Don Cossacks I f 24 Inirada, Rio, Venezuela K g 15 Irasburg, Vt. B d 5 tlribante, Rio, Venezuela I f 15 Inishannon, Cork C e 20 Irawady, R. Burmah I b 31 Ilsley, Berks E e 18 Inishbofin, Mayo A c 20 Irbid ( Arbela ), Palestine C e 30 llyaminsk, Mt. Alaska E c 2 Inishbofin (I.) Donegal C a 20 Irbit, Perm N d 24 Ilytch, R, Vologda M c 24 Inishcrone, Sligo B b 20 Ireby, Cumberland C b 18 Imandra L. Venezuela L f 15 Inisheer, Galway B c 20 Iredell, co. N. C. E f 8 Imataca, Mts. Archangel G b 24 Inishfree, Donegal C b 20 Ireland, cou. Europe 20 Imbro I. Archipelago L d 26 Inishfree Bay, Donegal C a 20 Ireland I., New, S. Pacific Oc. I i 1 Imlan, , Palestine E f 30 Inishgallon, Achill I. A c 20 Ireland's Eye, Dublin E c 20 Imlay, Mich. O f 11 Inishkea I., South, Mayo A b 20 Iremel Mt., Urals, Ufa M e 24 Immendingen, Baden E e 22 luishmaan, Galway B c 20 Irendy Range, Urals , Orenburg M e 24 Immenstadt, Bavaria F e 22 Inishmore, Galway B c 20 Irene, Iowa K i 12 Imoachi, Dalmatia E e 25 Inishmurray (T.) Sligo C b 20 Irginskoi, Perm M d 24 Imola, Emilia D b 26 fnishnwen Head, Donegal E a 20 Irgis, Groat, R. Samara K e 24 Imom-mulla, E. Turkestan D c 32 Inishshark I. Mayo A c 20 Iringatahi, Auckland F c 35 Iris, or Vasilo, R. Irish Sea, Irk ut, R. Irkutsk, Irkutsk, gov. Iroise, Pas de P, Ironbridge, town. Iron, co. Iron, co. Irondale, Irondequoit Bay, Iron Gate Pass, Greece K B Siberia H Siberia M Siberia M Finistere B Salop D Mo. Q Utah Ter. H Mo. Q N. Y. II Military Frontier H Iron Gates of the Danube, Austria H Iron L. Dom. of Canaria F Iron L. Iron Mount, Iron Mts. Iron Mts. Iron Mts. Iron Point, Iron R. Irons Sulphur Springs, I ronton, I ronton, I ronton. Iron ton, Iron (Yarun), Iroquois, Iroquois, co. Minn. F Mo. Q N. C. C Tenn. N Ya. D Nev. E Wis. F Ark. B Mo. Q Ohio K Wis. G Wis. G Palestine B 111. E 111. E f 26 c 18 a 32 c 28 c 28 b 21 d 18 p 12 g 14 p 12 c 6 d 25 d 25 a 11 a 11 p 12 e 8 a 9 e 8 e 14 c 11 c 9 p 12 e 7 c 11 f 11 30 7 7 7 11 18 28 a 32 a 27 f 7 e 19 e 19 b 20 e 6 d 7 g 13 d 11 e 10 i 12 c 18 e 7 f 9 g 34 e 9 f e d b f q d f i» 30 31 27 9 12 27 11 f 11 Iroquois or Pickamik R. Ind. & 111. E Iroquois Pt. Mich. N Irtlnng, R. Cumberland D Irtish, R. Siberia H Irtish, Tcherny, R. E. Turkestan E Iran, Guipuscoa I Irvine, Ky. I Irvine, burgh, Ayr D Irvine R. Ayr D Irvinestown, or Lowtherstown, Tyrone D Irvineton, Pa. B Irving, HI. C Irving, Kans. H Irving, Minn. C Irving Park, Env. of Chicago B Irvington, Iowa M Irweli, R. Lancashire D Irwin, Ohio K Irwin, co. Ga. M Irwin Inlet, W. Australia B Invinton, Ga. M Irwinville, Ga. M Iry, Wady, Palestine E Isaacs, R. Queensland H Isaba, Navarra K Isabella, Ga. M Isabella, Mo. 0 Isabella (La), Guadalajara II Isabella City, Mich. N Isabella, co. Mich. N Isa, Beni, prov. Hadraniaut F Isa Fiord, Iceland C Isakadje, Danube N Isante, co. Minn. D l sar, R. Bavaria G l sas, Pena, Mt. Logrono H Isawiyeh, Palestine F Isbafta, Asia Minor C Ischia I. Campania E Ischl, Upper Austria C Iscuande, Colombia C Ise Fiord, Denmark F Ise Fiord, Bergen C l sen, R. Bavaria G l seo, L. Lombardy D Ise, R. Hanover F Iseran (Mont), Savoie H Isfere, dep. France G Isere, R. Isere H Iserlohn, Westphalia D Iser, R. Bohemia D lshevsk, Viatka L d 24 Ishim, Siberia H c 28 Ishim, R. Siberia H Ishma R. Archangel L Ishpeming, Mich. K Isigny, Calvados D Isikaributo, Japan Q Isikari R. Japan Q Isili, Sardinia C Isio, Lombardy D Isi Somali, dist. Somali E Isis, Thames, R. Gloucester E Iskanderuna, Palestine B Iskardo, or Skardo, Cashmere E Iskelib, Asia Minor C Iskenderoon, Syria D Iskenderoon, G. Turkey D Isker, R. Danube L Isladi, or Sladia, Danube K Islamabad, Cashmere D Islamabad, or Chittagong, Bengal H Islamdji, Slimenia, orSlivno, Edirne M Island Beach, N. J. G Island, co. Wash. B Island Falls, Me. F Island Lake, Minn. E Island Pond, Vt. C Island Lagoon, S. Australia F Islands, B. of, Auckland E Islands of Spain, prov. (Canary & Balearic Is.) Spain 27 Islands, B. of, Newfoundland O b 4 Isla R. Forfar E d 19 29 17 26 11 22 27 g 30 b 29 d 27 c 25 b 16 i 23 I 23 28 24 11 21 32 32 26 26 g 29 e 18 d 30 a 31 a 29 b 29 b 29 c 26 c 26 a 31 c 31 c 26 g 8 a 14 c 5 c 11 d 5 f 34 a 35 GENERAL INDEX 43 Islatz, Walachia L c 26 Jabbok Brook (Wady Zerlca), Islay, Peru C d 16 Palestine C f 30 Islay I. Argvle B e 19 Jabesh Gilead, Palestine C x 30 Islay, Sound of. Islay B e 19 Jablonitza, or Yablonitza, Isle an Breton S. La. F h 9 Walachia K b 26 Isle de France, prov France F b 21 Jablunkau, Silesia F b 25 Isle Haut, Me. F d 5 Jabneel (Yebna), Palestine A g 30 Isle Haut Bay, Me. F d 5 Jabne.h (Yebna), Palestine A g 30 Isle, L' (sur Doubs), Doubs H c 21 Jabyk Karagai Mt., Urals, Isle of Ely, dist. Cambridge G d IS Orenburg N e 24 Isle of France, or Mauritius Jaca, Huesca K b 27 (British), Indian Ocean K g 33 Jacare, R. Brazil D c 16 Isle ot Man, Irish Sea B b IS Jaehal, Argentine Rep. D f 16 Isle of Wight, Hants E f 18 Jacinto, Miss. G c 9 Isle of Wight, co. Va. I e 8 Jack, co. Tex. H c 10 Isle ol Wight Court House, Va. I e 8 Jack Creek, Tenn. G b 9 Isle, R. Dordogne E d 21 Jaokmel, Haiti I d 15 Isle Royale (L. Superior), Mich. I a 11 Jacksboro, Tenn. L a 9 Isles of the Sea, par. Argvle C d 19 Jacksboro, Tex. G c 10 Isleta, N. Mex. C b 10 Jack’s Fork, Mo. P p 12 Isleta, Tex. C d 10 Jackson, Ala. H f 9 Isle Verte, Quebec I b 4 Jackson, Ark. D a 9 Islington, Dom. of Canada I a 13 Jackson, Cal. C f 14 Ismail, Moldavia N b 26 Jackson, Ga. M d 9 Ismailia, Egypt C c 29 Jackson, lnd. E c 7 Ismail, Wady, Palestine B g 30 Jackson, Ky. C g 7 Ismid or Ismkmid (Nicomedia), Jackson, Ky. I f 7 Asia Minor B a 29 Jackson, La. D g 9 Ismilan, Selauik L d 26 Jackson, Me. E il 5 Isnebol, Danube K c 26 Jackson, Mich. N g 11 Isnik, Asia Minor B a 29 Jackson, Minn. B f 11 Ispahan, Persia G c 29 Jackson, Mo. O n 12 Issakeriyen, Sahara E c 33 Jackson, Mo. It p 12 Issaquena, co. Miss. E e 9 Jackson, N. C. H e 8 Isset, R. Perm N d 24 Jackson, Nebr. 11 f 13 Issoire, Puy de Dome F d 21 Jackson, Ohio K d 7 Issoudun, Indre E c 21 Jackson, Tenn. G b 9 Issy, Fort d’. Seine B e 21 Jackson, Tex. H d 10 Issyk-kul, L.- Siberia C b 32 Jackson (now Atco) N. J. G g 6 Istakhur, Persia G c 29 Jackson Bay, Westland B e 35 Istalif, Afghanistan C a 31 Jackson, cap. of state, Miss. E e 9 Istambul (Constantinople), N d 26 Jacksonboro, Ga. O e 9 Istaukoi (Iios) I. Archipelago M f 26 Jacksonboro, S. C. E i 8 Istapa, Guatemala E e 15 Jacksonborough, Istepec, L. Mexico D d 15 Env. of New Orleans E f 10 Ister, L. Hamar F e 23 Jackson, co. Ala. I c 9 Istib, Perzerim K d 26 Jackson, co. Ark. D b 9 Istrandja Mts., or Jackson, co. Fla. K g 9 Little Balkan, Edirne M c 26 Jackson, co. Ga. M c 9 Tstria, Capo d’. Istria C d 25 Jackson, co. IU. C f 7 Istria. prov. Austria C d 25 Jackson, co. lnd. F e 7 Isuela, R. Huesca K c 27 Jackson, co. Iowa Q k 12 Isvor, Danube L c 26 Jackson, co. Kails. I g 13 Isykyei., R. Manchuria M a 32 Jackson, co. Ky. H f 7 Isyuni, Kharkov H f 24 Jackson, co. Mich. N g 11 Itabira, Brazil F d 16 Jackson, co. Minn. B f 11 Itabira, Mt. Brazil F e 16 Jackson, co. Miss. G g 9 Itacloumi, Mt. Brazil F e 16 Jackson, co. Mo. M o 12 Italavua, R. Brazil E c 16 Jackson, co. N. C. B f 8 Italy kingdom. Europe 26 Jackson, co. Nebr. F f 13 Itambe, Mt. Brazil F d 16 Jackson, co. Ohio K d 7 Itapicuru, Brazil G d 16 Jackson, co. Oreg. B d 14 Itapicuru, Brazil F c 16 Jaekscn, co. Tenn. K a 9 Itapicuru, R. Brazil G d 16 Jackson, co. Tex. H e 10 I tap u a, or Ytapua, Paraguay E e 16 Jackson, co. Wis. G e 11 Itasca, co. Minn. D b 11 Jackson, co. W. Va. D c 8 Itaska L., source of the Mississippi, Jackson, L. Fla. L g 9 Minn. B b 11 Jackson Mt. W. Australia B f 34 Itata, R. Chili C f 16 Jackson, par. La. C e 9 Itawamba, co. Miss. G c 9 Jacksonpoit, Ark. D b 9 Itchen, R. Hants E e 18 Jacksons R. Va. F c 8 Itchentive, Ceylon F f 31 Jacksonville, Ala. IC d 9 Itenes, R. Brazil D d 16 Jacksonville, Cal. C g 11 Iteplik, Greenland O b 2 Jacksonville, Fla. O g 9 Ithaca, Mich. N f 11 Jacksonville, Ga. N f 9 Ithaca, N. Y. E d 6 Jacksonville, 111. B d 7 Ithaca, or Thiaki, I. Greece I e 26 Jacksonville, Oreg. B d 14 Ithon, R. Radnor C d IS Jacksonville, Va. E e 8 Ithuri Alin, Mts. Manchuria N a 32 Jacobini, Brazil F d 16 Iton, R. Eure E b 21 Jacob’s Creek, Pa. B f 6 Itsoumo, C. Japan O c 32 Jacobs R. Otago B g 35 Iturea (Jedur), Palestine D d 30 Jacob’s Station, S. Australia F e 34 Itzlioe, Holstein E b 22 Jacobstad, Finland M e 23 Itz, R. Bavaria F c 22 Jacobsville, Nev. E f 14 Iukhnov, Kaluga H e 24 Jacob’s Well, Nev. F f 14 Iurievetz, Kostroma I d 21 Jacob's Well, Palestine B f 30 Ivahy. R. Brazil E e 16 Jacova, or Djakowa, Perzerim I c 26 Ivanich, Military Frontier E d 25 Jacova Mt. Roumelia I c 26 Ivanovka, Ekaterinoslav H f 24 Jacques Cartier, co., on Mont- Ivenheyma or Monice, R. Paraguay E e 16 real I. Quebec G d 4 lveran. Sutherland D c 19 Jacuy, R. Brazil E e 16 Iviza, Iviza M f 27 Jadara, E. Africa D h 29 Iviza or Ivi^a, Balearic Is. M e 27 Jade Basin, Oldenburg E b 22 Ivor, Va. I e 8 Jadir Kill (Lake) E. Turkestan C b 32 Ivory Coast, Guinea D d 33 Jadraque, Guadalajara H d 27 Ivrea, Piedmont B b 26 Jaen, Jaen G g 27 i y ry, Eure F b 21 Jaen, Peru C c 16 l vry ’ „ „ Seine B e 21 Jaen, prov. Spain G g 27 Ivry, Fort d , Seine B e 21 Joevsohatten, Mt. Throndhjem G d 23 Ivy Island, S. C. D h 8 Jahmge, Soudan E c 33 I’. ’bridge, St. John, Devon C f 18 Jaffa, or Iwiuia Mt. Auckland D a 3o Yafa (Joppa or Japho), Palestine A f 30 Ixmiqailpan, Mexico D c 15 Jaffatine Is. Red Sea C d 29 Ixonia, Wis. I f 11 Jalferabad, Gujerat D c 31 ] xworth, Suffolk G d 18 Jafnapatam, Ceylon F f 31 Izamal, Yucatan F c 15 Jaganuatk (Juggernaut), Bengal G d 31 Izard, co. Ark. C b 9 Jagatu, Mongolia M c 32 Iznalloz, Granada G g 27 Jagerndorf, Silesia E a 25 Iztaccihuatl, (Mt.) Mexico D d 15 dagger, Assam H b 31 Jaghatai, Kulii, mt. Persia H b 29 Jaazer (Seir), Palestine C g 30 Jagi 'dina, or Yagodina, Servia I b 26 Jabalpoor, or Jagst, or Jaxt R. Wiirtemberg E d 22 Juhbulpoor, Cent. Provs. E c 31 Jaguapiri, R. Brazil E c 16 Jab booh, Indore Agency D c 31 Jaguaribe, R. Brazil G c 16 Jahde, ter. .Talijenu, Jahla, R. Jaihan, R. Jailan, prov. Jaizer (el), Jajepoor, Jakliko, Jakobstad, Jakobstadt, Jalapa, Jalisco, state, Jalk, Jallandar (Julinder), Jallas, R. Jailor, Jalo, Jaloif Tribe, Jaloniitza, or Yalomitza, R. Jalpuk, L. Jalud, Nalir, (R.) Jalun, R. Jamaica, Jamaica Bay, Jamaica I. (British), Jamaica Plains, Jamaltepec, Jamary, R. Jamboli, Prussia E Persia H Turkey in Asia F Turkey in Asia 1* Oman II Hadramaut G Bengal G Tibet E Finland E Courland F Mexico D Mexico C. Beloochistan B Punjab E Coruna A Rajpootana D Tripoli G Senegambia C Walacbia M Moldavia N Palestine B Zaragoza I L. I. H L. I. H Antilles H Env. of Boston E Mexico D Brazil D Edirne M Jambruda (Yabrud), Syria E Jam burg, St Petersburg F Jamda, Tibet F Jameulos Cays, Is. Bahamas H James, B. Dom. of Canada M James, Bayou, Mo. R Jamesburg, N. J. G James, C. Anticosti I. M James City, co. Va. I James, co. Nebr. G James, co. Tenn. K James’ Fork, Mo. N James Fort (British), Senegambia C James I. Fla. L James I. Env. of Char leston B James I. Creek, Env. of Charleston B James I. Galapagos Is. E Jamesport, L. I. B Jamesport,. Mo. N James Range, Central Australia E James River, Va. I James River and Kanawha Canal, Env. of Richmond E Jameson L. Newfoundland P James R., or Dakota, Dak. G b 22 b 29 Jarvis I., Lake Superior Dom. of Canada n a 1? c 29 J ask, Oman in Persia H d 29 b 29 Jaska, Croatia D d 29 e 29 Jaslo, Galicia G b 25 f 29 J ason Is. Falkland Is. D h 16 c 31 Jasper, Ala. H d 9 e 32 Jasper, Ark. B b 9 c 24 Jasper, Fla. N ko Nor(“ Blue Lake”), Mongolia H c •32 Kopreinitz, Croatia E c 25 Moscow II d 24 Kok, R. Alaska E c 2 Kopri Kelli, Danube M c 24 I. of Gothland K li 23 KoKshenga, R. Vologda I c 21 Koprivina, Bosnia H l) 26 Bosnia G b 26 Koksoak, or Kopuamir, Wellington E (1 35 Norrlatid H e 23 Cmiiapiiscaw R. Labrador O d 2 Kopyczynce, Galicia I l) 25 Mecklenburg F b 22 Kokteclnivsk, Russian Empire H c 28 Kopys, Mobilev G e 24 Argyle C e 19 Kokura, Japan O d 32 Kora, Yemen F f 29 Argyle D d 19 Kola, Archangel G b 21 Kor Alp, Mt. Styria D c 25 Wis. E e 11 Kola B. Lapland G b 21 Koran a, R. Military Frontier D (i 25 Brit. America L c 2 Koladyn, R. Brit. Burma h II c 31 Korangamite Lake, Victoria G g 34 or. York E b 18 Kolaina Plain, W. Australia A d 31 Koi'at, Siam K e 31 Minn. F c 11 Kolan clio’v, Shan-se K d 32 Korbukomar, Walachia L b 26 Dom. of Canada F a 11 Kola Peninsula, Archangel H b 24 Korcbin, dist. Mongolia M a 32 Minn. F a 11 Kolapoor, Bombay Pres. D il 31 Kordoliin, co. Nubia C g 29 Minn. F c 11 Kola, R. Archangel G b 24 Kor Doleb, R. Nubia C g 29 Radnor C d 18 Kolar, Bombay Pres. E d 31 Koiee Mouth, Scinde C c 31 Cal. C g Koldaje, Takale C cr 29 Korgo, Mongolia K c 32 Ind. G d 7 Koldevvcy Is. Greenland T b 2 Korgtsha, Kursk H e 24 Ind. E d 7 Kolding, Denmark E i 24 Korimtn, Mongolia I b 32 Dalmatia E d 25 Kolguev T. Archangel K b 21 Korio, Dar Fur B g 29 Styria D c 25 Koiikod (Calicut), Madras Pres. E e 3l Korio, Soudan G c 33 W. Australia B f 34 Kolima Mts. Siberia R h 28 Komi end, Hungary E c 25 Ivlo. N o 12 Kolima. or Kolvma, R. Siberia R b 28 Kdhiali, Bagdad F c 29 Mo. P o 12 Kolinuk, Nijni, Siberia S b 21 Koin, Birket el, L, Egypt C fl 29 Mavo C c 2b Kolimsk, Strednoi Siberia R b 28 Komersville, Mo. Q q 12 Limerick B d 20 Kolimsk, Verknoi, Siberia R b 23 Komeuburg, Lower Austria E b 25 , Cork D e 20 Kolin. Bohemia D a 2.5 Korop, Tchernigov It e 2i Sligo C b 20 Kolko Bay, Baltic Provinces N g 23 Koriis Banya, Hungary H c 25 . Waterfoid D d 20 Kolo, Poland D e 2l Korosko, Nubia C e 29 Lonth E Londonderry E Roscommon C Galway C Sligo C Antrim E Limerick C Waterford D Tipperary D Mayo B Inverness C York E H F E Wis. Ind. Me. Mo. 111 . Ind. Ky. Me. Mo. Ohio Tenn. Tex. Fla. Antarctic Ocean Ga, 111 . Iowa Md. Mo. Ohio Tenn. Tex. Cal. Cassel Cheshire Upper Nile Corea Dar Fur E. Africa Orenburg Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia Poltava Silesia Nejed Grodno Egypt Siam Bavaria Wiirtemberg Kan-su Transylvania Transylvania Alaska Nubia Styria Upper Nile Beloochistan Punjab Cambodia Afghanistan Shan se Cambodia Cambodia Silesia Quang se Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Urals, Perm c 20 b 20 c 20 d 20 li 20 n 20 d 20 d 20 d 20 b 20 c 10 c IS 11 7 5 e b d 0 m 12 B c 7 E e 7 1 g 7 E d 5 O m 12 c t a 9 c 10 S 9 P 1 e 9 c 7 1 12 g 6 M n 12 c 7 b 9 c 10 f 14 c 22 c IS h 29 c 32 29 29 24 32 32 a 32 f 21 c 22 e 29 e 24 d 29 e 3! e 22 d 22 c 32 c 25 c 25 d 2 f 29 e 25 h 29 B b 31 a 31 f 31 a 31 K d 32 Koilkonda, Nizam’s Dominions Koinibatoor, or Coimbatore, Madras Pres. Kojaili, dist. Asia Minor e 31 e 31 c 22 f 32 e 31 e 31 e 31 c 24 d 31 E e 31 C a 29 Koloben^ Kologriv, Kolomea, Kolomna, Kolubara, R. Kolva, R. Kolva, R. Kolvereid, Kolymno L Komagver, Komanova, Komarno, Komats, Komlos, Banat, Komlos, Tot, Korn, hit. Komorn, Komotau, K om rat, Komtelii Mt. Kona, C. Ivonada, or Conada, Konda, R. Kong, Kong'-ehang-foo, Kong, Mts. Ivongelf, Kongo, Kongo, or Congo, Cou, Kongsbaeka, Kongsbaeka Fiord, Kongsberg, Kongslid, Koiigsd Fiord, Kongsviuger, Konliosero L. Konieh ( Iconium ), Konieh, or Karaman, prov. Koniggriitz, Kdniginhof, Konigsaal, Kdnigsau, R. Konigsberg, Konigsberg, Konigsberg, Konigsberg, Konigsberg, gov. Konigswart, Konigswinter, Ivon in, Konitz, Konitza, Konitza, Cent. Africa G Kostroma I Galicia I Moscow II Servia I Archangel M Perm M Throndlijem F Archipelago M Triimso Q Perzerim K Galicia H Japan O Hungary G Hungary G Montenegro H Hungary F Bohemia C Bessarabia F Servia I Japan Q Madras Pres. F Siberia N Guinea D Ivan-su H Soudan D Gothland G Mongolia H S. Guinea F Gothland G Gothland F Christiania E Trdmsd K Trdmso P Hamar G Archangel G Asia Minor C Asia Minor C Bohemia D Bohemia D Boliemi i D Schleswig E Brandenburg II E. Prussia L Hungary F Saxe Coburg F Prussia L Bohemia C Rhenish Prov. D Poland K W. Prussia I Bosnia H Janina I Konkair (ICakherk), Central Provs. F Kon khene, Konosteto, Konntop, Konst ntinograd, Konstantinovskoie, Kontchakov, Mts. Koobunieh, Kooch n, Ivoo ehow, Kooni, Siam K Transylvania I Tchernigov G Poltava H Orenburg N Urals, Perm M Egypt C Beloochistan B Hoo-nan K Persia G Koondooz, or Klinduz, Afghanistan C Kooria Mooria Bay, Arabia II Kooria Mooria Is. Oman H Konringa (Burra Burra Copper Mines), Koorkoor, Koose, Koosera, R. Kooshk, Kooslik, R. S. Australia F Egypt C Tex. PI Bengal II Afghanistan B Afghanistan B Ivooskoosky, or Clearwaterll. Idaho E Kootenay, Mont. F g 31 d 24 b 25 d 21 b 2d b 21 c 24 d 21 f 2d a 23 c 2d b 25 d 32 d 25 c '15 c 20 c 25 a 25 f 24 li 20 c 32 d 31 e 21 d 33 d 32 d 31 h 23 c 32 e 33 h 23 li 23 g 23 b 23 a 23 f 23 b 21 b 29 b 29 a 25 a 25 b 25 a 22 b 22 a 22 b 25 e 22 a 22 a 25 c 22 b 22 b 22 c 20 d 20 c 31 d 31 c 25 e 21 f 24 e 24 d 24 e 29 a 31 e 32 c 29 a 31 f 29 f 29 f 34 e 29 d 10 c 31 a 31 a 31 b 14 a 14 Kordsmezo, lvdrbs, Nagy, Kdrds R., Black, Kurds Ik, Rapid, Kdrds R., White, Korotoiak, lvorphiis (Corfu), Korpo I. Kors, Korsholm Cape, Korsniis, Korsd Light, Korsdr, Korsun, Kortcheva, Korti, Kortright, Kosa, R. Kosa Utch Peninsula, Kos, G. of, Kos (Istaii/coi) I. Koschva, R. Kosciusko, Kosciusko, Kosciusko, co. Kosciusko, Mt. Kosel, Koselets, Koselsk, Koslii, dist. Koshkonong, Koshkonong Lake, Kosiki Is. Kosli, Kdslin, gov. Koslov, Kosmodemiansk, Kosovo Polie, Kosseir, or Cosseir, Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Voronesh Greece Finland Throndlijem Norrhiinl Finland Sweden Denmark Simbirsk Tver Nubia N. Y. Perm Caucasia Djizaiii Djizairi Archangel Lid. Miss. Ind. New S. Wales Silesia Tchernigov Kalaguu Upper Nile Wis. Wis. Japan Archangel Prussia Tombov Kasan Perzerim Ugypt I b F c II c II c G c 11 e H e r L D e I f r, e K g F i K e II c C f G d L d K g M f M f M b G b F d G b II g K c G e II e C i H g H g N <1 I b I a I e K d I c C d Kosso gol(Baigal-dalai),L. Mongo; ia Kossuth Kossuth, Kossuth, Kossuth, co. Koss-ya, R. Kostainieza, Kosteletz, Ivosten , Kost'-ndil, Kostin, Sliar, Kostroma, Kostroma, gov. Kosva, R. Koswig, Kotah , Kota Kota, Kotupilly, Kotc.iiitsb, Kdtlien, or Cothen, ivotium, lvotree, Kotree, ICotsi, Iowa Ohio Wis. Iowa Archangel Military Frontier Bohemia Posen Danube Nova Zembla Kostroma Russia Perm Kgm. of Saxony Rajpootana S. Cent. Africa Central Piovs. Viatka Anhalt Travancore Belochistan Scinde Japan 1-1 a M i H e K M M E E I K L i a I d Md G c E b C b O d Kottbus, or Cottbus, Bradenburgh Kotton, Kottori , Ivotzau, Ober, Kotzebue Sound, Kouehlbougae Harb. Kou-kien I. ICouloukak B. Kouini, Koumi I. Kountze, co. Kour.sk, or Kursk, Koursk or Kursk, gov. Kouskokvim B. Mongolia Hungary Bavaria Alaska N. Brunswick Majico Sima Alaska G reeee Majico Sima Nebr. Kursk Russia Alaska 11 c L b E c F e D c L c M f D d L e M f G f H e H e D d Kouskokvim R. Alaska Kouzn tsk, or Kusnetsk, Saratov Kouznitz, Siberia Kovel, Volhynia Kdvesd, Meso, Hungary Kovilam (Covelong), Madras Pres. Kovno, Kovno Kovuo, gov. Russia Kowahskilscook R. Me. Kowai R. Canterbury Ivo-wak, R. Alaska Kowarah. Jebel Simmer Kow-chow-foo, Quang-tung Kowdosero L. Archangel Koweit, or Granee, Arabia Koweit, prov. Nejed Kowey, Nejed KowIass,orCowlas, Nizam’s Domin.* Kowloon, Quang-tung Kozakof, C. Corea Kraal (Mosilikatse’s), S. Cent. Africa Kra, Desert el, Kragero, Kragoyevatz, Krai i, Krali, Isthmus of Krainburg. Krakow, Kramidi, Krapina, Krasnoborsk, Kr.isnogorskia, Krasnoiarsk, Krnsnoiynr, Kr.isiioslobodsk, Krasno Ufimsk, Krasnystav, Kraszna, li. Kratova, Krenienchug, K remenets, Kremnitz, Krems, Kreinseir, Kremsmlinster, Krestzy, Kreuz, Kreuz, Kreuznach, Kriewen, Krimmler Tanern, Mt. Krio, C. Syria Christiansand Servia Si im Lower Siam Carniola Mecklenburg Greece Croatia Vologda Orenburg Siberia Astrakhan Penza Perm Poland H angary Danube Poltava Volhynia Hungary Lower Austria Moravia Upper Austria No /gorod Croatia Posen PJienish Prov. Posen Tyrol Caudia Krishna or Kistna, R. Nizam’s Ds. Kriukov, Krivaia, R. Kroheu, Krodren Fiord, L. Krolevetz, Kronoberg, teen, Kronstadt, Kronstadt, Kronstadt, I. Krook, or Kuruk, Krope-lin, Krossaues, C. Krotoscliin, Kroya, Krumau, Krupa, Krutcbevatz, Krymskaia, Ktaua, Kua-kem, R. Killing, or Quang chow, Kuaiig-plng, or Quang p.ng-foo, Kuang sin, or Quiing-sing-foo, Kuang tay-ehow, Kuiing yang Hoo, L. Kuankia, Kuan-tcliungtsze, Kua uli-sutai, Kuba, Killian, R. Knbe, Kuber Kuli, Mt. Kubessa, Kubin, Also, Kubiu, Mt. Kubinskoye L-. Kuboor, Kuching, Ku-ehui, Kuczurmare, K tid do w, LI. Kuiluk-ussu, Kuei-chow, Kueu-lun, or Aneuta Mts. Kufstein, Kherson Bosnia Posen Christiania Tchernigov Sweden St Petersburg Transylvania St Petersburg Persia Mecklenburg Iceland Posen Roumelia Bohemia Bosnia Servia Kuban Dist. Marocco Mongolia Honan 2 24 28 24 25 31 24 24 5 35 2 911 f 32 b 2 1 d 29 d 29 e 29 il 3! f 32 b .v f S3 d 34 g 23 c 2ti e 31 e 31 c 2i b 22 f 24 c 25 c 24 e 21 c 28 f 24 e 21 d 21 e 24 c 25 c 26 f 24 e 24 b b b b 25 25 25 25 d 24 c 25 b 22 d 22 c 22 c 25 g 26 il 31 f 24 b 26 c 22 f 23 e 24 23 24 25 24 29 22 17 c 22 d 26 b 25 b 26 c 26 f 24 b 33 a 32 d 32 Pe-chi-li K c 32 Kubi, Jaghatai, Mt. Kuhistau, prov. Kuhn I. Ktil) no I. Kuissu, Kiii-sutu, Kuivanienu, Knkav \ Kuk - iioton, Kuku Mts. Kukurbeta, Mt. Kukusaigol, R. Kukusar Nor, JL. Kul, Kiang-si Ngau-wlii Kiang-su Tibet Manchuria Kan su Baku Caucasia S. Cent. Africa Persia Bagdad Hungary Hungary Vologda Hejuz Borneo E. Turkestan Bukowiua W. Prussia E. Turkestan China Tibet I Tyrol Persia I Beloochistan . Greenland Baltic Provinces Mongolia Mongolia Finland 1 Soudan Mongolia I Upper Nile Transylvania Mongolia Mongolia Mukdeesha a 25 1 b 31 i g 21 c 32 f 30 cl 31 c 33 e 29 g 29 g 23 cl 31 li 23 b 23 1 ) 22 b 24 g 30 b 32 d 25 f 26 c 2 g 24 g 21 g 29 a 32 a 32 e 30 f 23 g 33 f 29 b 32 g 23 d 21 e 31 a 31 a 31 cl 30 b 31 d 21 c 25 c 31 c 25 c 25 c 24 c 21 f 24 b 32 cl 26 c 26 li 32 b 30 f 30 b 31 g 24 c 26 b 32 d 26 b 29 b 2.) e 30 c 29 e 23 c 23 f 30 b 31 a 22 a 22 g 30 b 32 5 29 b 31 li 30 d 31 h 30 cl 30 c 30 b 32 c 31 g 29 e 24 e 24 1. 26 cl 25 c 25 d 29 g 33 b 32 b 3.) b 26 cl 24 e 32 d 24 e 24 b 24 b 31 b 31 b 26 d 25 c 33 g 24 b 29 b 32 c 26 c 26 e 30 c 30 d 24 e 24 e 29 1 e 32 d 23 GENERAL INDEX. 49 Kuttenbersr, Kuty, Kutztown, Kuusamo, Kvalo I. Kvalo I., North, Kvalo I., South, Kvaly nsh, K vats mid, Kvenang, or Quevenangen Fiord, Kvernberg, L. Kvitingskjolen, Mt. Kiva-chow, Kwailg ning, Kwei-tai-t'oo, Kwiclipak, Yueon, or Pellv R. Kyambil, Mt. Kyt'haiiser, Mt. Ky e Akin, Kyle, dist. Kyle of Durness, Kyle of Tongue, Kyles Landing, Kyles of Bute, Kyi I, R. Kymnienegard, Kymmene, R. Kvneton, Kyoulc l’liyoo, Kyparissia (Arcadia), Kyparissia, or Arcadia, Gulf, Kyrkagatch, Kyshtymskoi, Kyundoung, Kyzul-bashi, L. Bohemia D Galicia I Pa. F Finland F Tromso M Tromso K Tromso K Saratov K Tromso N Troniso L Norrland H Hamar E Kiang-su L Leao-tong M Ho-nan L Alaska E Baku K Prov. Saxony F Ross and Skye C Ayr D Sutherland D Sutherland D N. C. G Scotland C Rhenish Prov. D Finland O Finland F Victoria G Brit. Burmali H Greece I Greece I Asia Minor B Perm N Burmali I E. Turkestan E b 25 b 25 f 6 b 24 a 23 a 23 b 23 e 24 a 23 a 23 d 23 f 23 d 32 b 32 d 32 c 2 g 24 Laagen. or Lauren Elf, Laaland 1. La Albnera, La Alcariia, dist. La Almunia, La Antigua, Labadie, La Barge City, Labarge Creek, La Barrifere R. Labasheeda, La Belle L. La Beneza, Laber. Grossen, R. Labette, co. Lahiau, Labinskaia, Labi ns k, Ust, La Bisbul* Labong, Laborer., R. Labonchere Mt. Labrador, co. Labrador Coast, Christiania E Denmark F Badajos D Cuenga H Zaragoza I Guatemala E Mo. Q Mont. G Wyom. H Dom. of Camcla I Clare B Mich. 1 Leon E Bavaria G Kans. I E. Prussia L Kuban Dist I Kuban Dist. IT Gerona O Siam 1 Hungary G W. Australia B Quebec L Brit. America O c c e b b f 8 e 19 c 22 f 23 c 24 g 34 d 31 f 26 f 26 b 29 d 24 c 31 a 32 g 23 l 23 f 27 d 27 c 27 e 15 o 12 b 14 d 14 b 13 d 20 b 11 b 27 cl 22 h 13 a 22 g 24 f 24 c 27 d ’31 b d Labrador Peninsula, Brit. America N Labrede, Gironde D Labsolt, Tibet F Lalml, Mt. Soudan F Laby, Senegambia C Labyrinthe L. Quebec D La ( alderina, Mt. Toledo G La Calle, Algeria E La Caniza, Pontevedra B La Carlota, Cordova F La Carolina, Jaen G Laccadive Is. Madras Pres. D Lacepede B. S. Australia F Lacepede I. N. W. Australia C Lacey’s Springs, Ala. I Lochish (Urn Lakis), Palestine A Lachlan, or Colare, R. N. S. Wales H Lachlan Dist. New S. Wales H La-choo, Lachute, Lack, Lackawannock Mts. Lackawaxen, Lackawaxen Creek, Lacken Bay, Lackta, Laclede, Laclede, co., Lacon, Lacon, Lacon n, Lacon i, Laconia, Laconia, Laconia, noniarchic, La Coupe, Lac Quaro, Lac Qui Parle, Lac Qui Parle, co. La Crescent, La Croix, La Croix L. La Croix L. La Crosse, La Crosse, La Crosse, co. La Crosse L. La Crosse R. La C'uesta, Corea N Quebec F Fermanagh D Pa. F Pa. G Pa. F Mayo B Norrland K Mo. N Mo. O 111. C Mo. O Iowa N Sardinia C Ind. F N. H. C Greece K Jersey D Quebec F Minn. A Minn. A Minn. F Mich. M Dom. of Canada E Minn. E Ind. F Wis. F Wis. F Dom. of Canada K Wis. F N. Mex. D Ladakh, or Middle Tibet, Cashmere E Ladam, el, Nejed F 25 34 4 2 2 21 32 33 33 4 27 a 33 b 27 g 27 f 27 e 31 g 34 c 34 c 9 g 30 f 34 f 34 d 32 d 4 b 20 e 6 e 6 e 6 b 20 c 23 li 12 p 12 b 7 0 12 1 12 e 26 e 7 e 5 f 29 g 18 c 4 d 11 d 11 f 11 d 11 a 11 a 11 b 7 f 11 f 11 d 2 f 11 b 10 a 31 e 29 Ladanv, Plispok, Hungary G c 25 Ladder of Tyre (Ras-en-Nakura), Palestine B d 30 La Deroute, Channel Islands D g 18 Ladik, Asia Minor C b 29 Ladoga, Ind. F d 7 Ladoga, L. Finland G c 24 Ladoga, New, St Petersburg G c 21 Ladovskaia, Kuban Dist. H f 24 La Due, Mo. N o 12 Lady Franklin Bay, Arctic Regions IT a 2 Lady Grey, C. Inhambane H g 33 La Encina, Albacete K f 27 Lieen, Swedish word — county. Lieso I. Denmark F h 23 Liesii Rhine, Denmark F h 23 La Fayette, Ala. K e 9 La l ayette, Ga. K c La Fayette, 111. C b La Fayette, Ind. F c La Fayette, Ky. E g La Fayette, La. E li La Fayette, Minn. A c La Fayette, Minn. C e La Fayette, Ohio I c La Fayette, Ohio I d La Fayette, Oreg. B c Lafayette, Telia. I a La Fayette, Wis. F e Lafayette, Wis. G f 11 Lafayette, co. Ark. B d 9 La Fayette, co, Fla. M h 9 Lafayette, co. Miss. F c 9 Lafayette, co. Mo. N n 12 La Fayette, co. Wis. G g 11 La Fayette Mt. N. 11. C d 5 Lafayette, par. La. C g 9 La Ferte Aisne F b 21 Lafnitz, R. Hungary E c 25 Lafourche, La. D e 9 Lafourche, La. E h 9 La Fourehe, Bayou, La. E h 9 Lafourche, par. La. E h 9 La Fregeneda, Salamanca D d 27 La Frontera del Tabasco, Mexico E d 15 Laga An, Gothland G li 23 Lagan, R. Down and Antrim F b 20 La Garrueha, Almeria I g 27 Lagartos, Porto, Yucatan F c 15 Lag Bridge, Env. of Chicago B f 10 Mecklenburg G b 22 Lage, Lage, Ria de, B. Coruna A a 2,- Laggan B. Islay B e 19 Lagliy, Donegal C b 20 La Gineta, Albacete H e 27 Lagonegro, Basilicata F d 26 Lagung, Siam K d 31 Lagos, Algarve B g 27 Lagos, Mexico C e 15 Lagos {British), Guinea E d 33 Lagosta I. Dalmatia E e 25 La Grande, Oreg. E c 14 La Grange, Ala. H c 9 La Grange, Ga. K d 9 La Grange, Ind. G b 7 La Grange, Iowa N 1 12 La Grange, Ky. G e 7 La Grange, Me. M c 5 La Grange, Mo. P m 12 Lagrange, Ttnn. F b 9 La Grange, Tex. H e 10 Lagrange, B. N. W, Australia C c 34 La Grange, co. Ind. G b 7 La G anja, Segovia F d 2r La Gro, Ind. G c 7 Lagskar Rocks & Light, Aland Is. K g 23 La Gum •dia, Pontevedra B c 27 La*Guardia, Alava H b 27 La Guayra, Venezuela K La Guerche, Ille et Vilaiue D Laguna, Brazil F Laguna Bay, Queensland I Laguna del Madre, Tex. H e 15 c 21 e 16 e 34 f 10 Lagunas de la Guadiana, Albacete H f 2 1 La Haclia, Lahaing, La Harpe, Columbia I Siam I 111. B Nova Scotia L e 15 d 31 c 7 d 4 Lake, Like, Lake, Lake Apopka, Lake Bridge, Lake Butler, Lake Charles Couit House, Lake City, Lake City, Lake City, Lake City, Lake, co. Luke, co. Lake, co. Lake, co. Lake, co. Lake, co. Lake, co. Lake, co. Lake, co. Lake Creek, Lake District, Lake Fork, Lake Fork, Sabine R. Lake George, or Horicon, Lake L Hiding, Lake Park, Lake Phelps, Lake Pleasant, Lake Port, Lakeport, Lakeport. Lakeport, Lakeport, Colo. E g 13 Miss. F e 9 Tex. H d 10 Fla. L n 5 Vt. B d 5 Fla. N g J La. B g 9 Cal. C e 14 Fla. N g ? Iowa M k 12 Utah H e 14 Cal. B f 14 Colo. C g 13 111. D Ind. E Mich. M Minn. F Nebr. F Ohio L Teun. F Minn. E South Australia F Utah H Tex. I N. Y. H N. C. 1 Env. of Chicago C N. C. I N. Y. G Ark. D Cal. B La. E Mich. P N. Y. F a « b 7 f 11 b 11 e 13 b 7 a 9 e 11 f 34 e 14 C 19 Lake Providence, or Providence, La. D Lake Range, Nev. D Lake Spring, Mo. P Lakesville, Md. E Lake Swamp River, S. C. F Lake Tohopekaliga, Fla. L 5 lb 3 6 9 14 9 f 11 c 6 e 9 e 14 p 12 li 6 g 8 u 8 Env. of Chicago C Minn. A Env. of Chicago C Ark. D Ind. F Mass. D Ohio K Fla. M Oude F Hungary G Carpathians M La lie, t.p. Lake Traverse, Lake V iew, tp. Lake Village, Lakeville, Lakeville, Lakeville, Lake Worth, Lukhnau (Lucknow), Lak, Nagy, Lakocz, Mt. Lakoma, or Marathonisi, Gulf, La Levanna, Monte, Alps, Piedmont B Ladiu, Manchuria N Lalin, Pontevedra B Lalita Patun, Nepal F La Lomita, N. Mex. E La Lora, dist. Burgos F Lalpoor, Afghanistan D f 10 d 11 e 10 Greece K f 26 Lalsk, La Main, R. La Mancha, old prov. Lamar, Lamar, Lamar, Lamar, co. Lamartine, Lam bach, Lamballe, Lambayeque, Lambay 1. Lambay 1. Lambertville, Lambesc, Lamb Head, Lam bourn, Lambton, co. Lame, Lamego, Lamego, Lai ivieuera, Mt. La Mesilla, Lauda (Zeitounia), La Minas de Rio Tinto, Lamine R. Lainlash, Lam-loom, 26 32 27 31 10 b 27 a 31 c 24 c 7 c 9 p 12 c 10 d 9 b 25 b 21 c 16 f 32 Vologda K ill. B Spain G f 27 Ala. K d 9 Miss. F Mo. M Tex. I Ark. B Upper Austria C Cotes du Nord C Peru B Formosa M Dublin E N. J. G Bouches du Rhone G Kerry A Berks E Ontario B Soudan F Brazil D Beira C Teruel I N. Mex. C Greece K Huelva D Mo. O o 12 Arrau C e 19 Bagdad F 29 Lahfit, Syria C b 30 Lammerlaw, Mt. Otago B f 35 Lahijan, Persia G b 29 Laiiimernniir Hills, La Hoya, N. Mex. C b 19 Haddington and Berwick F e 19 Laima, Bohemia C a 25 Lamoille, co. Vt B d 5 Lalin, R. Nassau D c 22 Lamonee L. Fla. L g 9 Lahnstein, Ober, Hessen-Nassau E c 22 Lanionte, Mo. N o 12 Laliolm, Gothland G h 23 Lamotlie-1 eiMlon, Lot E d 21 Laliolm Bay, Gothland G li 23 Lamotte, Iowa Q k 12 Lahore, Punjab D a 31 ui Motte, I. Vt. A d 5 La Hougue, Manche D b 21 Lam pa. Peru e d 16 Lalir, Baden D d 22 Lampasas, Tex. G d 10 La llune, Newfoundland P c 4 Lampasas, co. Tex. G d 10 Lai, Somlan F d 33 Lampasas Creek, Tex. H d 10 Lai back, Cap. of Prov. Carniola D c 25 Lampeter, bor. Cardigan B d 18 Lai-chow-foo, Shan-tung L c 32 Lamprey R. N.'il. C e 5 Laig B. Eigg B d 19 Lamtoo Creek, Idaho E b 14 L’Aigle, Orue E b 21 Lanaeoco, Bayou, La. B g 9 Lainio Elf, Norrland M b 23 Lanark, 111. G a 7 Lainville, R. Vt. A d 5 Lanark, bor. Lanark E e 19 Lairg, Sutherland D b 19 Lanark, co. Ontario E d 4 La Isabella, Guadalajara H d 27 Lanarkshire, co. Scotland E e 19 Lais Elf, Norrland 1 d 23 Lanark, vil. Ontario E d 4 Laishew, Kasan K d 24 Lancashire, co. England D c 18 Laisli or Dan (Tel el Kadi), Palest. O d 30 Lancaster, Ind. G c 7 La Jara, dist. Toledo E e 27 Lancaster, Iowa O 1 12 La Junquera, Gerona N b 27 Lancaster, Ky. H f 7 N GENERAL INDEX. 50 I .ancnster, Mass. C f 5 Laos tribes. Siam R d Lancaster, Mo. 0 m 12 La pa, Brazil E c Lancaster, N. H. C d 5 Lapalisse, Allier F c Lancaster, N. Y. C d 6 La Palma, Huelva D g Lancaster, Ohio K d 7 La Pansa, Cal. C li Lancaster, Ontario F d 4 La Paz, Ariz. F i Lancaster, Pa. E f 6 La Paz, Lower California D f Lancast-r, S. C. E g 8 La Paz de Avacuclio, Bolivia D d Lane ister, Tenn. K a 9 La I’az, Dep. Bolivia D d Lancaster, Va. I d 8 Lapeer, Mich. O f Lancaster, Wis. G g 11 Lapeer, co. Mich. O f Lane ister, Lor. Lancashire D b IS La l’eroure, Mt. Tasmania S v Lancaster, co. Nebr. II f 13 La Reroute Strait. Japan Q a Lancaster, co. Pa. E f 6 Lapiche, Puerte (Pass), Toledo G e Lanca-ter, co. S. O. E g 8 La Pierre Harbor, Newfoundland Q c i Lancaster, co. Va. I d 8 LaplandandNorrland, prov. Sweden L b Lane ister Sound, Arctic Regions M b 2 La Plata, Mo. O m Laneiva I. Lower Siam I f 31 La Plata, or Lancliester, Durham E b 18 Argentine Republic, S. America D f Lan chow-foo, Cap. of Prov. Kan-su H c 32 La Poile B. Newfoundland O c Lanciano, Abruzzo F c 26 La Pointe, Wis. G c Landami S. Cent. Africa G f 33 La Porte, Ind. F b Land m, Palatinate E d 22 La Porte, Iowa O k Landeck, Tyrol B c 25 Lapor.e, Pa. E e Landegode I. Tromso H c 23 La Porte, co. Colo. D f Lan len. Belgium C c 22 La Porte, co. Ind. F b Lander, co. Nev. E f 14 La Porti lias, Pass, Orense C b Landerneau, Finistere B b 21 La Poudre, Colo. D f Lan Irs, dep. France D e 21 Lappfjiird, Finland L e Jtn tides, The, dist. Landes D d 21 La J'rairie, 111. A c Landisville, Pa. E f 6 La Prairie, co. Quebec G d Lando, Lake, Norrland H e 23 La Prairie, vil. Quebec G d Landreeies, No rd F a 2i La Puebla, Majorca O e Landsberg, Bavaria F d 22 La Puebla, Mexico D d Landsberg on the Warthe, La Purissima, Cal. C li Brandenburg H b 22 Laquia, Nile Basin II d Landsdale, Pa. F f 6 Lar, Persia G d Land’s End, Cornwall A f 13 Laraba, Soudan E c Lands End, Prince Patrick L H b 2 Laragh, Wicklow E c Landshut, Bavaria G d 22 Laramie, Ohio H 0 Landshut, Silesia I c 22 Laramie, Wyom. D f Landskrona, Gothland G i 23 Laramie, co. Wyoni. D e Landsort I. and Light, Sweden I g 23 Laramie Peak, Wyom. D e Landstrass, Carniola D d 25 Laramie Plains, Wyom. C e Landstnhl, Palatinate D d 22 Laramie R. Wyom. D f Lane, co. Oreg. B d 14 La Raya Seca, Mt. Miuho B c Lanes, Cal. E h 14 Larbert, Stirling E d Lanesboro, N. C. E f 8 L’Avdoise, Cape Breton J . N d Lanesborough, Longford D c 20 Laredo, Santander G a Lanesborough, Mass. A f 5 Laredo, Tex. G f Lanesbro, Minn. F f 11 Large Creek, N. Australia F c Lanesport, Ark. A d 9 Largentiere, Arueche G d Lanesville, 111. C d 7 Largo, Fife F d Laneville, Oreg. C c 14 Largo Bay, Fife F d Laney, R. Cork C e 20 Largo, R. Mexico G f t .anganoes, C. Iceland E b 17 Largs, town, Ayr D e bang-bou, L. Tibet D d 32 Larino, Molise F d Langdenburg, Wiirtemberg E d 22 Larissa ( Yemsliehr), Trikhaia K e Langdou, 111. C c 7 Laristan, prov. Persia G d Langdon, N. H. B e 5 Larkhanna, Scinde C b Langdons, Ind. G e 7 Larkinsburg, 111. D e Langetic, Haute Loire F d 21 Larkinsville, Ala. I c L’Ange Gardien, Quebec H c 4 Lark, R. Suffolk G d Langeland Island, Denmark F i 23 Larnaka, Cyprus C c Langehnids Belt, Denmark F i 23 Larne, Antrim F b Langema, L. Finland E c 24 Larne, Ohio I c Langenes, Tromso 11 b 23 Larne Lougli (sea-arm), Antrim F b Langensalza, Prov. Saxony F c 22 La Roche, Belgium C c Laiigensch walbach Hessen- Nassau E c 22 La Roche Bernard, Morbihan C c Langeoog I. Hanover D b 22 La Roda, Albacete 11 e Langesu nd, Christiansnnd E g 23 Laroques Mines ( copp-r ) Lang Field, Mt. Throndhjem D e 23 Lr California D e Langholm, Dumfries E e 19 Larouco, Pico de, Tras os Montes C c Lang iir.g or Sutlej R. Tibet E a 31 Lartine, L. Honduras G d Langley, Brit Columbia H e 2 Larto L. La. D f Langley I., or Petit Miquelon La Rue, co. Ky. G f (to France), Newfoundland P c 4 La Sagra, Mt. Granada H g Langlin, R. Indre E c 21 La Salle, 111. C b Lang, Mt. Queensland G c 34 La Salle, co. 111. D b Langnau, Switzerland H c 21 La Salle, co. Tex. G e Lang Oe, Is. Tromso H b 23 Las Animas, co. Colo. E h Langola, Minn. C d 11 Las Cabezas, Sevilla E g Langon, Gironde D d 21 Las Canaditas, N. Mex. E b Langport, Somerset D e 18 Las Can-etas, N. Mex. D b Langres, Haute Marne G c 21 Las Cruces N. Mex. C c Langsburg, Ga. O f 9 Las Encinelos, Cal. E i Langston, Ala. I c 9 La Seine, R. Dorn, of Canada E a Langthabal, Muneepoor H c 31 La Serena, dist. Badajos E f Lang Traesk, L. Norrland K d 23 La Serrota, Mt. Avila E d Lang Tso, L. Tibet F a 31 Las Floras, Cal. E i Languedoc, prov. France F e 21 La Solana, Ciudad Real G f Langueille R. Ark. E b 9 Las Piedras, Uruguay E f Langivall Water, Caithness E b 19 Las Portules, N. Mex. E b Langwedel, Hanover E b 22 Lassa, or Lanier, Ga. L e 9 Lha-ssa, Cap. of Tibet, Tibet F d Lanjaron, Granada G h 27 Lassen, co. Cal. C e Lanlontur, Borneo N i 28 Lassens, Cal. C f Lannaliassee, Ga. L e 9 Lassens Feak, Cal. C e Lannas, Norrland I e 23 L’Assoinption, co. Quebec G d Lannion, Cotes du Nord C b 21 L’Assomption, L. Quebec G c u’Anse, Mich. I c 11 L’Assomption, vil. Quebec G d Lansing, Iowa P i 12 Lasswade, Edinburgh E e Lansing, Minn. D f 11 Liista, prov. Abyssinia D g Lansingburgh, N. Y. H d 6 Last Hope Inlet, Patigonia C h Lansing, Cap. of State, Mich. N g 11 Lustres, Cape de, Oviedo E a Lantao I. China K f 32 Las Ties Marias Is. Mexico B c Lantar I. Lower Siam I f 31 Las Vegas, Nev, F g Lan-tsan Kiang, Mekong, or Las Vegas, N. Mex. D b Camboja R. China H f 32 Las Viluervas, Mt. Caceres E e Lanusei, Sardinia C e 26 Latakia (Laodicea), Syria D b Lanzarote I. Canary Is. E k 17 Latcha, L. Olonetz H c Laoarbein, Mt. Inverness C c 19 Lates Lengua Creek, Tex. E e Laodicea, Syria E a 30 Latheron, Caithness E b Laon, Aisne F b 21 Lathrop, Mo. M n Latia. div. Italy E d 26 Leach, Mt. Queensland H c 34 Latorcza, R. Hungary H b 25 Leachville, N. C. I f 8 L .touche Treville, C. Leader, or Lauder, R. Berwick F c 19 N. W. Australia C c 34 Leadhills, Lanark E e 19 Latour du Pin, I sere G cl 21 Leaf, L. Labrador Peninsula N d 2 La Trappe, Orne E b 21 Leaf, R. Minn. B c 11 Latrobe, Tasmania S u 35 Leaf, R. Miss. F f 9 Lattaku, Old, S. Cent. Africa G g 33 League I. Env. of Philadelphia B h 6 Lauban, Silesia H c 22 Leake, co. Aliss. F e 9 Lau-cliang Ho, R. China L e 32 Leaksville, Aliss. G f 9 Lauda, Baden E d 22 Learnings Beach, N. J. G g 6 Lauder, bor. Berwick F e 19 Leamington, town, Warwick E d 18 Lauderdale, co. Ala. H c 9 Leao Ho, R. China M b 32 Lauderdale, co. Miss. G e 9 Leao-tong, G. China M b 32 Lauderdale, co. Tenn. F b 9 Leao-tong, or Lauderdale, dist. Berwick F e 19 Shing-king, prov China M 1) 32 Laueuburg, Lunenburg F b 22 Leao -yang. Leao-tong M b 32 Lunenburg,' Pomerania I a 22 Leap, Cork R e 20 Laueuburg, duchy. Prussia F b 22 Lea, R. Essex F e IS Langhan, Londonderry E a 20 Lea, R. Herts F e 18 Laugharne, Carmarthen B e 18 Lt asl uirg, N. C. F e 8 Laughery Creek, Ind. G d 7 Leasbtirgh, Mo. P 0 12 Laukkas, Finland F c 24 Leased Indian Country, Ind. T. G b 10 Laun, Bohemia C a 25 Leather or Yellow Head Pass, Laun Bay, Newfoundland Q c 4 Rocky Alts. I d 2 Launceston, Tasmania S u 35 L’Eau qui Court, co. Nebr. H e 13 Launceston, bor. Cornwall B f 18 L’Eau qui Court, Rapid or Laune, R. Kerry B d 20 Niobrara R. Nebr. F e 1-3 Laurel, Del. F li 6 Leavenworth, Ind. F e 7 Laurel City, Ind. G d 7 Leavenworth, Kans. I g 13 Laurel, co. Ky. H f 7 Leavenworth, Minn. C e II Laurel Fork, Va. D e 8 Leavenworth, co. Kans. I g 13 Laurel Hill, N. C. F g 8 Leavittsburg, Ohio AI b 7 Laurel Ridge Mts. Pa. B f 6 Leba, Pomerania I a 22 Laurel River, Ky. H f 7 Lebanon, Ala. Iv c 9 Laurencetown, Galway C c 20 Lebanon, Ark. C b 9 Laurencetown, Va. F d 8 Lebanon, Ga L c 9 Laurenceville, Va. H e 8 Lebanon, 111. C e 7 Laurens, co. Ga. N e 9 Lebanon, Ind. F c 7 Laurens, co. S. C. C g 8 Lebanon, Kv. G f 7 Laurens Hill, Ga. M e 9 Lebanon, Ale. D e 5 Laurensville, S. C. C g 8 Lebanon, AIo. O n 12 Laurinburg, N. C. F g 8 Lebanon, AIo. O p 12 Laurvig, Christiania F g 23 Lebanon, N. H. B e 5 Laurvig and Jarlsberg, stift. Lebanon, N. J. G f 6 Norway F g 23 Lebanon, Ohio H d 7 Lausanne, Switzerland H c 21 Lebanon, Pa. E f 6 Laush, Afghanistan B a 31 Lei 'anon, Tenn. I a 9 Lausitzer Gebirge, Mt. Bohemia D a 25 Lebanon, Va. C e 8 Lausitz, Nieder, dist. Brandenburg H c 22 Lebanon, co. Pa. E f 6 Lausitz, Ober, (list. K. of Saxony H c 22 Lebanon Junction, Ky. G f 7 Lauterbach, Hessen E c 22 Lebanon, Mt. ( Jebel Libnan), Syria C b 30 Lauterburg, Alsace E d 22 Leba See, Pomerania I a 22 Lauterburg, Alsace I b 2l Lebria, Tripoli K i 17 Lauven or Lebedin, Kharkov G e 24 Laagen Elf, R. Christiania E g 23 Lebejan, Tambov H e 24 Lavaca, co. Tex. H e 10 Lebesby, Tromso O a 23 Lavaca R. Tex. H e 10 Le Buenf, Pa. B e 6 Lavacca, Tex. ft e 10 Lebois R. Ale. F h 5 Lavadouro, Beira B c 27 Lebonah (el LuLban), Palestine B f 50 Laval, Mayenne D b 21 Lebrija, Sevilla D li 27 Laval Bay, Quebec I b 4 Lebvveh ( Lybo ), Syria D b 30 Laval (on Isle Jesus), CO. Quebec G d 4 Lecce, Apulia H d 26 Laval le, Wis. G f ii Lecco, Lombardy C b 26 Laval, R. Quebec I b 4 Lechlade, Gloucester E e 13 Lavaur, Tarn E e 21 Lech, R. Bavaria F d 22 La Vega, Dominica I d 15 Lech Thai, val. Tyrol B c 25 Lavenliam, Suffolk G d 18 Le Claire, Iowa Q 1 12 Laven-sari I. Finland O g 23 Le Cou Harbor, Newfoundland O c 4 Lavernock Point, Glamorgan C e 18 Leetoure, Gers E e 21 Lavezzo I. Corsica I 1 21 Leozyca, Poland D e 24 Lavoult, Ardeche G d 21 Leda, Candia L g 26 Lavras, Brazil G c 16 Ledbury, town, Hereford D d 18 Lawrence, ind. F d 7 Ledesma, Salamanca D c 27 Lawrence, Kans. I g 13 Lee, 111. C b 7 Lawrence, Mass. C f 5 Lee, Alass. A f . 5 Lawrence, Miss. G d 9 Lee, Ale. F c 5 Lawrence, N. Y. G b 6 Lee, N. Y. F c 6 Lawrence, Ohio L c 7 Lee, New S. Wales H f 34 Lawrence, Otago B f 35 Leeambye or Upper Zambesi It. Lawrence, Wis. H f 11 Cent. Africa G f 33 Lawrenceburg, Ind. H d 7 Leeba, L. Cent. Africa F d 33 Lawreneeburg, Ky. H e 7 Leeba, R. S. Africa G f 33 Lawrenceburg, Pa. B e 6 Lee Centre, 111. O b 7 Lawrenc burg, Tenn. II b 9 Leech L. Alinn. C b 11 Lawrence, co. Ala. H c 9 Leech Lake R Minn. C b 11 Lawrence, co. Ark. D a 9 Lee, co. Ala. K e 9 Lawrence, co. 111. E e 7 Lee, co. Ga. L f 9 Lawrence, co. Ind. F' e 7 Lee, co. Iowa P m 12 Lawrence, co. Ivy. K e 7 Lee, co. Ky. I f 7 Lawrence, co. Miss. E f 9 Lee, co. Aliss. G c 9 Lawrence, co. Mo. N P 12 Lee, co. Va. B e 8 Lawrence, co. Ohio Iv e 7. Leeds, Ale. D d 5 Lawrence, co. Pa. A e 6 Leeds, N. Y. H d 6 Lawrence, co. Tenn. H b 9 Leeds, bor. York E c 18 Lawrencekirk, Kincardine F d 19 Leeds, co. Ontario E d 4 Lawrenceville, Ark. D c 9 Leedsville, A V. Va. F c 8 Lawrenceville, Ga. M d 9 Leek, town, Stafford D c 18 Lawrenceville, 111. E e 7 Leelanau, Alich. AI d 11 Lawrenceville, Pa. D e 6 Leelanaw, co. Mich. AI e 11 Lawsonville, Ivy. F f 7 Leenane, Galway B c 20 Lawton, Ga. N f 9 Lee, R. Cork C e 2ft Lawton, Mich. M g 11 Leer, Hanover D b 22 Laxan, Norrland K e 23 Lees, Env of New Orleans E f 10 Laxe Fiord, Tromsii O a 23 Leesburg, Tex. H e 10 Laxetven, Tromso N a 23 Leesburg, Va. H b 8 Laxey, I. of Man B b IS Leestone Point, Down F b 20 Laxey Bay, I. of Man B b 18 Leesville, Ind. F e 7 Lay, R. Vendee D c 21 Leesville, Ky. G f 7 Laytown, Meath E c 20 Leesville, La. B f 9 Lazafah, Nejed F d 29 Leesville, N. C. F g 8 Le, or Leh, Cashmere E a 31 Leesville, S. C. D h 3 Leach I., Lake Superior Leet, Hejaz E e 29 Dom. of Canada M b 11 Leetonia, Ohio AI c 7 31 16 21 27 14 14 3 16 16 11 11 35 32 27 4 23 12 16 4 11 7 12 6 13 7 27 13 23 7 4 4 27 15 14 33 29 33 20 7 13 13 13 13 13 27 19 4 21 ]0 34 21 19 19 3 19 26 26 29 31 7 9 18 29 20 7 20 22 21 27 3 27 15 9 7 27 7 * 7 10 13 27 10 10 10 14 11 27 27 14 27 16 10 32 14 14 14 4 4 4 19 29 16 27 15 14 10 27 29 24 10 19 12 b 22 f 34 e 15 d 15 b 29 f 31 1 8 i 8 c 26 c 26 b 26 f 10 b 20 c 9 e 14 f 6 f 6 f 6 f 6 b 22 a 31 c 25 d 18 d 18 d 34 d 34 d 34 c 34 e 6 d 20 c 9 c 18 e 18 e 29 b 22 35 d 20 c 20 a 25 b 25 c 22 e 27 c 22 c 25 e 19 e 35 e 19 e 19 a 25 b 25 c 20 b 20 b 22 c 20 d 30 ft 30 b 22 d 23 f 23 c 21 c 25 a 4 h 16 k 12 b 25 c 11 d 5 e 26 f 6 f 10 f 11 f 11 b 24 a 7 b 20 h 8 a 28 b 28 h 11 h 23 f 26 h 21 f 5 d 4 e 19 f 8 f 8 f 11 m 12 g 11 a 21 f 26 c 24 h 23 c 25 c 22 f 5 d 18 m 12 b 27 d 6 e 15 f 11 b 10 h 27 k 6 b 15 g 9 d 10 f 26 GENERAL INDEX. 51 Leoni, ■ Mich. N g 11 Lewisport, Ky. F f 7 Lien-chow Peninsula China K f 32 Leon, Isla de, Cadiz D h 27 Lewis R. Brit. America G c 2 Lieu-ping-chow, Quang-tung K f 32 Leon, -New, prov. Spain E b 27 Lewiston, Cal. B e 14 Lienz, Tyrol C c 2 i Leon. Old, prov. Spain E c 27 Lewiston, 111. B c 7 Lier ( Fr. Lierre ), Belgium C c 22 Leon R. Tex. H d 10 Lewiston, Me. D d 5 Liesthal, Switzerland H c 21 Leon Spring, Tex. E d 10 Lewiston, Minn. F f ii Litt'ey, R. Wicklow to Dublin E c 20 Leopold, Ind. F e 7 Lewiston, N. Y. C c 6 Lifford, County Town, Donegal I> b 20 Leonies, or Litany It. (Nalir el Lewiston, Va. G e 8 Lifta, Palestine E g 30 Kasimiyeh), Palestine B d 30 Lewiston, Wis. H f ii Litton, Devon B f 18 Leo Purgial, Mt. Himalayas C d 32 Lewistown, Pa D f 6 Lighthouse Inlet, Leova, Moldavia N a 26 Lewisville, Ark. B d 9 Euv. of Charlestown C 1 8 Le panto, Greece I e 26 Lewisville, Fla. O g 9 Ligoni r, Ind. G b 7 Lepanto, or Corinth, Gulf, Greece K e 26 Lewisville, Ohio I b 7 Ligonier, Pa. B f 6 Lepel, Vitebsk F e 24 Lewisville, S. C. E h 8 Ligor, Lower Siam I r 3i Lepontine, or Lexington, Ga. M d 9 Ligua, Chili C f 16 Helvetian Alps, Mts. Switzerld. I c 21 L xington. 111. D c 7 Liguria and Piedmont (Piemonte), Lepreau, Pt. New Brunswick K d 4 Lexington, Ind. G e 7 div. Italy B b 2i Lepsina, Greece K e 26 Lexington, Ky. H e 7 Ligurian Sea, Mediterranean C c 26 Lequertio, Biscaya II a 27 Lexington, Mass. C f 5 Lihou Reef and Cays Coral Sea I c '■ Leranilla Bank, Caribbean Sea H d 15 Lexington, Me. D c 5 l.iim Fiord, or Lym Fiord, Denmark F 1.25 Lere, Soudan D c 33 Lexington, Mich. P f 11 Lika. R. Military Frontier D <1 . 5 Lerida, Lerida L c 27 Lexington, Miss. E d 9 Li-kiang-foo, Yunnan II 6 o — Lerida, prov. Spain L c 27 Lexington, Mo. N n 12 Lille, No nl F a 21 Lerma, Burgos G b 27 Lexington, N. C. E f 8 Lillehammer, Hamar F f 23 Le' o I. Archipelago M f 26 Lexington, N. Y. G d 6 Lillesan 1, Christiausaiid E 6 -3 Le Roy, 111. D c 7 Lexington, S. C. D h 8 Lillherdal, Non-Ian l II f 23 Leroy, Kans. I g 13 Lexington, Tenn. G b 9 Lillo, Toledo C e 27 Leroy, Mich. M f 11 Lexington, Tex. H d 10 Liluudo, R„ S. Guinea F e 33 Le Roy, Minn. E f 11 Lexington, Va. F d 8 Lilyfontein, Cape Colony F h 33 Le Roy, N. Y. C d 6 Lexington, co. S. C. D h 8 Lima, Ind. G b 7 Le Roy, Pa. E e 6 Lexton, Victoria G cr o 34 Lima, Iowa L 1 12 Le Roy, Wis. G f 11 Lex vigen. Throndhjem F ts 23 Lima, La. F g 9 Lerwick, town, Shetland Isles A b 19 Ley burn. Queensland I e 34 Lima, Mich. O 8 H Lery L. La. F h 9 Leybnrn, York E b is Lima, N. Y. D d 6 Lesbos < Mitylem , or Leyden, Env. of Chicago B e 16 Lima, Ohio H c 7 Midilli), I. Archipelago L e 26 Leyden, Holland C b 22 Lima, Ohio L b 7 Lescovntz, Danube I c 26 Leyden, N. Y. F c 6 Lima, Swi deu G f 23 Lesina, Dalmatia E e 25 Leyden, tp. Env. of Chicago B e 10 Lima, Wis. I g 11 Lesina I. Dalmatia E e 25 Leydenvilie, N. Y. F c 6 Lima, Cap. of Peru C d 16 Lesina, Lago di. Apulia F d 26 Leymah, Oman II cl 29 Lima L. 111. A c 7 Lesjo, Hainar E e 23 Leynah, Jebel Shomer E cl 29 Lima, R. Mexico D c 15 Leslie, Mich. N g 11 Ley re, R. Gironde D cl 21 Lima, li. Miidio 13 c 27 Leslie, town, Fife E d 19 Leytha, R. Hungary E c 25 Liman, Great L. S. Russia I f 24 Lesmaliagow, Lanark E e 19 Lgov, Kursk H e 24 Lim mova, Galicia G I. 25 Lesparre, Gironde D d 21 Lha-ssa, or Lassa, Tibet F cl 32 Liman, Mt. Andes of Chili D f 16 Les Quinzes, L. Quebec D c 4 L Huisne, R. Sarthe E b 21 Limari, ii. Chili O f 16 Les Saintes Is. {French), Antilles L d 15 Liakoura, Mt. ( Parnassus ), Greece K e 26 Limasol, Cyprus C c 29 Lesse, R. Belgium C c 22 Lialinskoi, Perm N d 24 Limay, R. Patagonia D f 16 Lesser Slave Lake, Brit. America I d 2 Liau chow. Quang-tung K f 32 Limbura, Monte di, Sardinia C d 26 Lessutner, R. Quebec H b 4 Liiuig-chow-foo, Kan-su H c 32 Limburg, Westphalia D c 22 Lester, Iowa O k 12 Limit, C. Siam K e 3i Limburg, prov Illnd. and Belgium C c 22 Lesterville, Mo. Q p 12 Liao chow, Shan-se K d 32 Lime Creek, Ala. K e 9 Le Sueur, Minn. D e 11 Liard, Fort, Brit. America H cl 2 Limekilns, Fife E d 19 Le Sueur, co. Minn. D e 11 Liards, R. au, Stakeen II c 2 Lime L. N. Y. C d 6 Letan, Arabia F f 29 Liaree, Belooehistan C b 31 Limerick, Me. D e 5 Letai tsville, Ohio L e 7 Liaskovik, Janina I d 26 Limerick, co. Munster C d 2J Let' her, co. Ky. K f 7 Libau, Courland E d 24 Limerick, county town, Limerick C d 20 Letlilnidge, B. N. Australia E b 34 Liberia, Republic, Guinea D d O-i Limerick Junction, Tipperary C d 2i Lethnot, Forfar F d 19 Libertad, Dep. Peru C c 16 Limestone, N. Y. O d 6 Letitcliev, Podolia F f 24 Liberty, Ark. B 0 9 Limestone, co. Ala. H c 9 Letteikenny, Donegal D b 20 Liberty, 111. D e 7 Lim stone, co. Tex. H d 10 Lettermore 1. Galway B c 20 Liberty, 111. A d 7 Limestone Creek, Ala. H f 9 Leuchars, File F d 19 Liberty, Ind. H d 7 Limestone Springs, S. C. D f 8 Leuctra, Greece K e 26 Liberty, Ky. li f 7 Linieuil, Dordogne E d 21 Leuctra, Greece K f 26 Liberty, Miss. E f 9 Limitor, N. Mex. C b 10 Leutkirch, Wtirtemberg F e 22 Liberty, Mo. M n 12 Lim man, or Limmat, R. Switzer. I c 21 Leutschach, Styria D c 25 Liberty, Ohio H d 7 Liminen Bight, N. Australia F b 31 Leutschau, Hungary G b 25 Liberty, Ohio I b 7 Limnien Bight, R. N. Australia F c 34 Leuze, Belgium B c 22 Liberty, Ohio L c 7 Limni, (Kastro), Archipelago L c 26 Leva, Hungary F b 25 Liberty, Tenn. K a 9 Liniui, or Lemuo, I. Archipelago L e 26 Levadia, or Levadi®, Greece K e 26 Liberty, Tex. I d 10 Limoges, Haute Vienne E d 21 Levanger, Tlirondhiem F e 23 Liberty, Va. F d 8 Li-moo, R. Hainan I g 32 Levant, N."Y. b d 6 Liberty, co. Fla. L g 9 Limousin, prov. France E d 21 Levant (the eastern coasts of the Liberty, co. Ga. O f 9 Limoux, Aude F e 21 Mediterranean), O i 17 Liberty, co. Tex. I d 10 Limpopo or Ori R. S. Atrica H g 33 Levanzo I. Sicily E e 26 Liberty Hill, Tex. II d 10 Linares, Jaeu G f 27 Level, S. O. E g 8 Libertyville, Env. of Philadelphia B h 6 Linares, Mexico D b 15 Leven, R. Fife E d 19 Libertyville, 111. E a 7 Linas, Mt. Sardinia C e 26 Level), R. Tasmania S u 35 Libuali, Palestine A g 39 Lincoln, Cal. C f 14 Leven, town. Fife F d 19 Libuchovo, Janina I d 26 Lincoln, Dak. II e 13 Leveque C. N. W. Australia C c 34 Libouta, S. Cent. Africa G f 33 Lincoln, Idaho E b 14 Lever Berg, Bavaria F d 22 Li bourne, Gironde D d 21 Lincoln, III. C c 7 I.evere, Ga. N g 9 Libyan Desert, Egypt B d 29 Lincoln, Iowa O k 12 Levico, Tyrol B c 25 Libyan Plateau, Egypt B c 29 Lincoln, Me. F c 5 Levis, co. Quebec H c 4 Licata, Sicily E f 26 Lincoln. Mich. L r ii Levis, or Pt. Levis, Quebec H c 4 Lichtield, Me. E (1 5 Lincoln cap. of state Nebr. 11 f 13 Levitha, I. Archipelago M f 26 Lichfield, city. Stafford E cl 18 Lincoln Centre, Wis. E d 11 Levkadha, or SantaMaura I , Greece I e 26 Li-chow, Hoo-nau K e 32 Lincoln, co. Ark. D d 9 Levy Bay, Canterbury D e 35 Lichtenfels, Bavaria F c 22 Lincoln, co. Dak. 11 e 13 Levy, co. Fla. N h 9 Lichtervelde, Belgium B c 22 Lincoln, co. Ga. N il 9 Levy ville, Fla. N h 9 Liohvin, Kaluga H e 24 Lincoln, co. Kans. G g 13 Lewell, Ind. F b 7 Lick Creek, Ind. F e 7 Lincoln co. Ky. 11 f 7 Lewes, Del. F h 6 Lick Creek, Mo. P n 12 Lincoln, co. Me. E d 5 Lewes, bor. Sussex G f 18 Lick Creek, Tenn. N a y Lincoln, co. Minu. C e 11 Lewey Lake, N. Y. G c 6 Licking, Mo. P P 12 Lincoln, co. Miss. E f 9 Leweys, Me. G c 5 Licking, co. Ohio K c 7 Lincoln, co. Mo. i J n 12 Lewis, Iowa L 1 12 Licking River, Ky. I e 7 Lincoln, co. N. C. D f 8 Lewis, Ross B b 19 Lick Mount, Ark. C b 9 Lincoln, co. N. Mex. D c 10 Lewis and Clark, co. Mont. G b 14 Licksville, Md. D cr 6 Lincoln, co. Nev. F g 14 Lewisburg, Ark. C b 9 Licosa, P, della. Campania F d 26 Lincoln, co. Nebr. G f 13 Lewisburg, Ky. I e 7 Lida, Vilna F e 25 Lincoln, co. Ontario L> e 4 Lewislmrg, Ohio I c 7 Liild, or Liddel R. Roxburgh F e 19 Lincoln, co. Tasmania S ii 35 Lewisburg, Pa. E f 6 Liddisdale, dist. Roxburgh F e 19 Lincoln, co. Tenn. 1 b 9 Lewisburg, Tenn. 1 b 9 Liden, Norrland I e 23 Lincoln, co. W. Va. 1 1 o 8 Lewisburg, W. Va. E d 8 Lidkoping, Gothland G g 23 Lincoln, city, Lincoln F c 18 Lewis, co. Ky. I e 7 Liebeuau, Bohemia D a 25 Lincoln, North, Arctic Regions .d b 2 Lewis, co. Mo. P m 12 Liebenwalde, Brandenburg G b 22 Lincoln, or Chebungo L. Lewis, co. N. Y. F c 6 Liechtenstein, Pty. Germany E e 22 Cent. Africa G e 33 Lewis, co. Tenn. II b 9 Liege (Ger. Luttich), Belgium C c 22 Lincoln Park, Env. of Chicago U e 10 Lewis, co. Wash. B b 14 Liege, prov. Belgium O c 22 Lincoln, Port, S. Australia F f 34 Lewis, co. W. Va. E b 8 Li gnitz, gov. Prussia I e 22 Lincolnshire, co. England F c 18 Lewis Creek, Vt. A d 5 Lieguitz, Silesia I c 22 Lincolntou, Ga. N d 9 Lewis Fork, Snake or Saptin R. Liemba, L. Africa H e 33 Lincolntou, N. C. D f 8 Wash. D b 14 Lieil-chow-foo, Quang-tung I f 32 Lmdaas, Bergen C f 23 52 GENERAL INDEX. Linde, Sweden PI O 23 Lissa I, Dalmatia E e 25 Little Tallapoosa R. Ala. K d 9 Lloyd B. Queensland G b 34 Lim Ion, Ala. IP e 9 Lister and Mandel, stift, Norway D g 23 Little Tennessee R. N. C. B f 8 Llucliinayor, Majorca N e 27 Lin l n. Mich. 0 g 11 Lister Fiord, Christiansaiul D 23 Little Timber Creek, Llulla' aeu. Vol. Andes of Chili D e 16 Linden, Mo. L m 12 Lister Laud, Penin. Christiansand D or 23 Env. of Philadelphia C h 6 Llwclnvr, R. Carmarthen B e 18 Lin len. Tenn. H b 9 Listowel, Kerry B d 20 Little Tinicum I. Delaware River A i 6 Loaehapoka, Ala. K e 9 Linden, Tex. I c 10 Litany, Nalir ( Leontes ), R. Syria C c 30 Littleton, Mass. C f 5 Loanda, or Lindeiifels, Hessen E d 22 Litehani, Norfolk 0 d IS Littleton, N. H. C d 5 St Patti de Loanda, Angola F e 33 Liii< li It. Cent. Africa G e 33 Litchfield, Conn. A g 5 Littleton, N. C. H e 8 Loango, Loango F e 33 Liudisfarne, or Holy I. Litchfield, 111. C d 7 Littleton, Pa. C e 6 Loango, Country, S. Guinea F e 33 Northumberland E cl 18 Litchfield, Ky. F f 7 Littleton, Tipperary D d 20 Loangwa or Madjila, R. S. Africa G f 33 Lindo, Rhodes I. N f 26 Litchfield, Minn. C d 11 Little Traverse, Mich. M d 11 Loangwa or Zumbo R. S. Africa H f 33 Limlorskoie Lake, Vologda L c 24 Litchfield, co. Conn. A g 5 Little Traverse B. Mich. M d 11 Loan L. Minn. E a 11 Lindsall, Norrland H e 23 Litli, Norrland II e 23 Little Valley, N. Y. C d 6 Loa, R. Bolivia C e 16 Lin Lav, Ontario D d 4 Lithang, Tibet G d 32 Little Verdigris R. IndT. I a 10 Ltibau, Kingdom of Saxony H c 22 Lindsay or Apsley, Mt. N. S. Wales I f 34 Lithodeiidron Cr. Ariz. I h 14 Little Wabash R., 111. D e 7 Lo ban. W. Prussia K b 22 Lindsay I, Corea N c 32 Lithopolis, Ohio K d 7 Little Wichita R. Tex. G c 10 Lob Nor (L.) E. Turkestan E b 32 Lindsay, Mt. Litiii, Podolia F f 24 Little Wolf Creek, Wis. H e 11 Lobster B. Quebec K b 4 Queensland & N. S. Wales I e 31 Li-tsin R. Tibet H e 32 Littorale, The, prov ( Kustenland ) Lobster Pond, Me. E c 5 Lindsliorg, Ivans. H S 13 Litt men, dist. E. Prussia M a 22 Austria C d 25 Lobster R. Quebec K b 4 Lindsey, dist. Lincoln F c 18 Little Arkansas R. Ind. T. H a 10 Liubuchka, Bosnia G c 26 Loburg, Prov. Saxony F b 22 Linuy, Zanzibar Coast H e 33 Little Bay de Noquet, Midi. K d 11 Livadia, Roumelia, N. Greece K e 26 Locarno, Switzerland I c 21 Line Creek, Ga. L d 9 Little Bayou, La. E h 9 Livenza, R. Vcnetia E b 26 Loch Aber (sea-arm), Argyle C d 19 Lined L., North, Brit. America L c 2 Little Beaver Creek, Ohio M c 7 Live Oak, Fla. M g 9 Locliaber, Quebec F d 4 Line L. Ivy. C g 7 Little Belt, Denmark E i 23 Live Oak, co. Tex. G e 10 Locbaber, dist. Inverness D d 19 Line L. Tenn. F a 9 Little Big Horn R. Mont. lv c 14 Live Oak Cr. Tex. F d 10 Loch-a-Choire, Sutherland D b 19 Liuesville, Pa. A e 6 Little Black, Mo. Q q 12 Livermore, . Kv. E f 7 Loch Affrick, Inverness C c 19 Lin Flat, Tex. I cl 10 Little Blackfoot Creek, Mont. G b 14 Livermore, Me. D d 5 Loch Ailsh, Sutherland D b 19 Lingan, Cape Breton I. 0 c 4 Little Blue, Mo. M 0 12 Livermore Falls, Me. D d 5 Loch Ainneart (sea-arm), Skye B c 19 Lingayen, G. of, Philippine Is. 0 g 28 Little Calcasieu R. La. B g 9 Liverpool, 111. B c 7 Loeli Aline (sea-arm), Argyle C d 19 Ling-chow, Kan-sn I d 82 Little Catawba R. N. C. D f 8 Liverpool, N. Y. E c 6 Loch Abort (sea-arm). Inverness C d 19 Lingen, Hanover D b 22 Little Coal R. \V. Va. D c 8 Liverpool, Nova Scotia L d 4 Loch Alsli (sea-arm), Ross C c 19 Ling, H, Punjab D a 34 Little Colorado or Flax R., or Liverpool, Ohio I c 7 Loehalsh, dist. Ross O c 19 Ling-tao foo, or Tao-choo, Kan-su M c 32 Colorado Chiquito, Ariz. H h 14 Liverpool, Pa. D f 6 Loeh-amiail (sea arm), Islay B e 19 Liuja, Oman in Persia G d 29 Little Desert, or Tliur, Seinde C c 39 Liverpool, Pa. E f 6 Loch An-deerie, Sutherland D b 19 Lin-kiang-foo, Kiang-si K e 32 Little Eau Plain R. Wis. G e 11 Liverpool, bor. Lancashire D c IS Loch an Dorbh, Inverness B e 19 Linkuping, Gothland H g 23 Little Egg Harbor, N. J. G g 6 Liverpool, C. Arctic Regions N b Loch Ard, Perth D d 19 Linlithgow, bor. Linlithgow E e 19 Little Falls, N. Y. G c 6 Liverpool Coast I. Greenland S b 2 Loch Arkaig, Inverness C d 19 Linlithgowshire, or Little Ferry, Env. of N. Y. B a 6 Liverpool Plains, New S. Wales 11 f 34 Loch Arklet, Stirling D d 19 W. Lothian, co. Scotland E e 19 Little Fork, Rainy Lake R. , or Liverpool R. N. Australia E b 34 Lochar Moss, Dumfries E e 19 Linn, Mo. P 0 12 Pekan R. Minn. D a 11 Liverpool, li. Nova Scotia L e 4 Loch a-Ruair, Sutherland E b 19 Linnasleigh or Little Green It. Mont. II b 14 Liverpool Range, New S. Wales I f 31 Lo -h Assynt, Sutherland C b 19 Van Diemen R. Queensland I b 34 Littleliumpton, town, Sussex F f 18 Liversedge, Y'ork E c 18 Loch Avieli, Argyle C d 19 Linn, co. Iowa P k 12 Little Humboldt R. Nev. E e 14 Livias (Beth Haram), Palestine C g 30 -Loch Avon or Aven, Banff E c 19 Linn, co. Kans. I g 13 Little Hurricane Creek, Ga. N f 9 Livingston, Ala. G e 9 Loch Awe, Argyle C d 19 Linn. co. Mo. N n 12 Little Iron R. Mich. IC c 11 Livingston, 111. D c 7 Loch Ba, Mull C d 19 Linn, co. Oreg. 1» c 14 Little Kanawha R. W. Va. D b 8 Livingston, Tenn. K a 9 Loch Bee (sea-arm), S. Uist A c 19 Linn Creak, Mo. 0 0 12 Little Lagoon, Ala. II g 9 Livingston, Tex. I d 10 Loch Beneveian, Inverness D c 19 Linneus, Me. G b 5 Little Lake, Mich. K c 11 Livingston, co. Ky. D f 7 Loch Beoraik, Inverness C d 19 Linneus, Mo. N n 12 Little Lynches Creek, S. C. E g 8 Livingston, co. Mich. N g 11 Loch Bhreatal (sea-arm), Skye B c 19 Linuey Head, Pembroke A e 18 Little Missouri, Dak. E c 13 Livingston, co. Mo. N n 12 Loch Black Water, Inverness I) d 19 Lin ngan-foo, Yun-nan I f tj'l Little Missouri R. Ark. B (1 9 Livingston, co. N. Y. D d 6 Loch Boisdale (sea-arm), S. Uist A c 19 Linosa I. Sicily E g 20 Little Mts. Utah 11 f 14 Livingston 1. Antarctic Ocean M P 1 Loch Bracadale (sea-arm), Skye B c 19 Liu Shotau Is. Japan N e 32 Little Muddy R. Dak. E b 13 Livingston, par. La. E cr 9 Loch Lroom (sea-arm), Ross O c 19 Linton, hid. E d 7 Little Muddy R. Wvom. H e 14 Livingstons Creek, Ky. D f 7 Loch Broom, Little (sea-arm.), Ross C c 19 Linton, Peebles E e 19 Little Muskingum R, Ohio L d 7 Livuo, Bosnia G C 26 Loch Brora, Sutherland E b 19 Linton, East, Haddington F e 19 Little Niangua R. Mo. O 0 12 Livny, Orel H e 24 Loch Buy (sea-arm), Mull C d 19 Limvood, Tex. I d 10 Little Obion R. Ky. c g 7 Livonia, La. D g 9 Loch Calder, Caithness E b 19 Linyanti (Sekeletu’s Capital), Little Ocmulgee, or Aucliee Livonia, Mo. O in 12 Loch Carron (sea-arm), Ross C c 19 S. Cent. Africa G f 33 llacbee, R. Ga. M e 9 Livonia or Livland, gov. Russia F d 21 Loch Chon, Perth D d 19 Linz. Cap. of Upper Austria D b 25 Little Orleans, Md. C g 6 Livorno (Leghorn), prov. Tuscany D c 26 Loch Chruish, Cromarty C c 19 Linzm, Japan Q c J2 Littie Osage, Mo. M p 12 Livorno (Leyhorn), Tuscany D c 26 Loch Clay (sea-arm), Lewis B c 19 Lioo-chow-foo, Quang-se I f 32 Little Osage R. Mo. M P 12 Livry, Seine-etOise C e 21 Loch Clunie, Ross C c 19 Li pans aud Coman clies, tribes. Little Pecdee R. S. C. l' g 8 Lixnaw, Kerry B d 2U Loch Cornisk, Skye B c 19 Tex. F d 10 LiLtle Pic R. Dom. of Canada L a 11 Lixuri, Greece I e 26 Loch Craignish (sea arm), Argyle C d 19 Li pa, R. Galicia I b 25 Little Pigeon Creek, Ind. E f 7 Lizard, Cornwall A g 18 Loch Creran (sea-arm), Argyle C d 19 Lipari I. Lipari Is I 1 ’ e 26 Little Pine Creek, Pa. D e 6 Lizard, Iowa hi k 12 Loch Crinan (sea-arm), Argyle C d 19 Li pari Is. Sicily F e 26 Littleport, Cambridge G d 18 Lizard Head, Cornwall A g 18 Loch Daniil, Ross C c 19 Liparoo, Victoria G f 31 Little Powder R. Wyom. D d 13 Lizard I. Queensland G b 34 Lioeh Dee, Kirkcudbright D e 19 Lipetsk, Tambov H e 21 Little Prairie, La. D f 9 Lizard Is., Lake Superior Loch Dochart, Perth D d 19 Li-ping-foo, Quei-ehow I e 32 Little Prairie, Mo. R q 12 Dom. of Canada M b 11 Loch Doon, Ayr D e 19 Lipno, Poland D e 21 Little Prickly Pear R. Mont. G b 14 Lizieux, Calvados E b 21 Loch Doule, Loss C c 19 Lipovets, Kiev F f 24 Little R. Ala. H f 9 Liz, R. Estremadura B e 27 Loch Duieh ( sea-ann ) Ross C c 19 Lippa, Plungary G c 25 Little It. Ala. K c 9 Ljnngan, Norrland G e 23 Loch Duntelchak, Inverness D c 19 Lippe-Biickeberg or Lippe- Little R. Ark. A d 9 Ejmigly, Gothland H h 23 Loch Dnnvegan (sea-arm), Skye B c 19 Schaumburg, Ptv Germany E b 22 Little R. Ark. E b 9 Ljusdale, Norrland I f 23 Loch Earn, Perth D d 19 Lippe-Detniold, Pty. Germany E c 22 Little R. Fla. N g 9 Ljusne Elf, R. Norrland H e 23 Loehearnhead, Perth D d 19 Lippelme, Brandenburg H b 22 Little R. Ga. M d 9 Liana Pt. Cuba K f 3 Loch Eck, Argyle C d 19 Lipp ', R. Westphalia I) c 22 Little R. Ga. M f 9 Llanberis, Carnarvon B c IS Locliee, Forfar E d 19 Lippspringe, Westphalia E c 22 Little R. Ga. N d 9 Llancanelu, Lag. de, Argentine Rep. D f 16 Loch Eil (sea-arm), Argyle C d 19 Lippstadt, Westphalia E c 22 Little it. Ind. G c 7 Llaudaif, Glamorgan C e 18 Liocheil, dist. Argyle O d 19 Lipso I. Archipelago M f 26 Little R. Ind. T. I c 10 Llandilofawr, Carmarthen B e 18 Loch Eilt-au-Mor, Inverness D d 19 Lipson L. S. Australia G e 34 Little R. Ry. E g 7 Llandovery, bor. Carmarthen C d 18 Loch Eishart (sea-arm), Skye C c 19 Liptau Mts. Hungary F b 25 Little R. Mo. li q 12 Llandudno, Carnarvon C c 18 Loch Eport (sea-ann), N. Uist A c 19 Liria, Valencia lv e 27 Little R. Newfoundland 1 J c 4 Llanelly, bor. Carmarthen B e 18 Loch Ericlit, Inveinesss D d 19 Lirima, Mt. Andes of Peru D d 16 Little Lt. N C. G f 8 Llanerchymodd, Anglesey 1) c 18 Loch El isa, Mull B d 19 Lisbellaw, Fermanagh D b 20 Little R. N. C. 1 e 8 Llanes, Oviedo F a 27 Loch Erisort (sea-arm). Lewis B b 19 Lisboa, Rio de, B. Estremadura A f 27 Little li. S. C. C cr 8 Llanfyllan, bor. Montgomery C d IS Loch Erriboll (sea-arm), Sutherland D b 19 Lisbon [Lisboa), Estremadura A f 27 Little R. Tenn. M b 9 Llangadock, Carmarthen C e 18 Loclies, lndre-et-Loire E c 21 Lisbon, Ga. N d 9 Little R. Va. E d 8 Llangefni, bor. Anglesey B c 18 Lioeh Etive (sea-arm), Argyle C d 19 Lisbon, N. Y. F b 6 Little li. Va. II d 8 Llangeinor, Mynydd Glamorgan C e 18 Loch Ewe (sea-arm), Ross C c 19 Lisbon, Pa. B e 6 Little Red River, Ark. D b 9 Llangollen, Denbigh C d IS Lock Eynort (sea-arm), S. Uist A c 19 Lisburn, Antrim E b 20 Little River, co. Ark. A d 9 Llanidloes, bor. Montgomery C d 18 Loch Fanuich, Ross D c 19 Lisburne, C. Alaska D e 2 Little River Inlet, S. C. G h 8 Llano, Tex. G d 10 Loch Fell, Dumfries E e 19 Liscannor Bay, Clare B d 20 Little Rock, Cap. of State, Ark. C c 9 Llano, co. Tex. G d 10 Loch Feochan (sea-arm , . Argyle C d 19 Liscinnor New Pier Clare B d 20 Little Rocky Mts. Mont. B b 13 Llauo Estacado, or Staked Plain, Loch Fleet (sea arm), Sutherland D c 19 Liscarrol, Cork C d 20 Little Rocky Mts. Mont. I a 14 Tex. E c 10 Loeli Fruechie, Perth E d 19 Liscomb, R. Nova Scotia N d 4 Little Salkehatchie R. S. O. E h 8 Llano R. Tex. G d 10 Loch Fuir, Ross C c 19 Lisekil, Gothland F g 23 Littie Salmon R. Idaho E c 14 Llanos,. a name applied to the ini- Loch Fyne (sea-ann), Argyle C d 19 Lisgoold, Cork C e 20 Little Saltilla R. Gil. N f 9 mense plains <> f S. America Loch Gair (sea^arm), Ross C c 19 Lisbeen, Clare B d 20 Little Salt L. Utah G g 14 drained by the R. Orinoco, 16 Loch, Gare (sea-arm), Dumbarton D d 19 Liskeard, bor. Cornwall B f 18 Little Saluda R. S. C. D g 8 Llanos de Urgel, Lerida L c 27 Loch Garry, Inverness D c 19 Lislap, Tvrone D b 20 Little Sandy Pond, N. Y. E c 6 Llanquihue, L. Chili C & 16 Loch Garry, Perth D d 19 Lisle, N. Y. E d 6 Little Saskatchewan, or Llauriuihue, prov. Chili C g 16 Loch Gedd, Ross C c 19 L’Isle sur Doubs, Don 1 is H c 21 O ak li. Dom. of Canada G a 13 Llaurhaidr-\u Mochnaut, Denbigh C d .8 Lodigelly, Fife E d 19 LTslet, Quebec IP c 4 Little Sliyenne R. Dak. E d 13 Llanrhystyd, Cardigan B d 18 Loch Gliruinard (sea-arm), Islay B e 19 L’Js'.et, co. Quebec H c 4 Little Sioux, Iowa L 1 12 Llaimvst, Denbigh C c 18 Lochgilphead, Argyle C d 19 Lismore, Wat.-rford D d 20 Little Sioux R. Iowa L k 12 Llansteplieii, Carmarthen B e 18 Loeli Glass, Ross D c 19 Lismore I. Argyle C d 19 Little Sound, Baltic Provinces M g 23 Llantrisaint, bor. Glamorgan C e 18 Roeh Glen (Joul (sea-arm), Sutherld. D b 19 Lisnaeree, Down E b 20 Little St Lernard, Mt. Savoie H d 21 Llata, Peru C c 16 Loch Goil (sea-arm), Argyle D d 19 Lianarrick, Fermanagh D b 20 Littlestown, Pa. D g 6 Llerena, Badajos E f 27 Lochgoilhead, Argyle D d 19 Lisnaskea, Fermanagh D b 20 Little St Simon’s I. Ga. O f 9 Llobregat, R. Barcelona M c 27 Loch Urennoch, Kirkcudbright D e 19 Lispatrick, Cork C e 20 Little Sturgeon, Wis. K e 11 Lloret de Mar, Gerona N c 27 Loch, Holy (sea-arm), .vrgyle D c 19 Llssa, Bohemia D a 25 Little Suamieo, Wis. I e 11 Lloro, Columbia H f 15 Loch Hope, Sutherland D b 19 Lissa, Posen 1 c 22 Little Suwanee R. Ga. N g 9 Lloughor, bor. Glamorgan B e 18 Loch Hourn (sea-arm). iuveruess C c J9 GENERAL INDEX. 53 Loch Tnch, Inverness E c 19 | Lockyer Range, W. Australia B d 34 Longford, co. town, Longford D c 20 L’Original, Ontario F d 4 Loch Inc-hard (sea-ann), Sutherland C b 19 Louie ( Le), Switzerland H c 21 Longframlington, Northumberland E a 18 Lorimer, co. Colo. D f 13 Loch Inver, Sutherland C b 19 Locust Bayou, Ark. C d 9 Long-gan-foo, Se-eliuen H d 32 Lorn, dist. Argyle C d 19 Loch Inver (sea-arm). Sutherland C b 19 Locust Creek, Mo. N n 12 Long Harbor, Newfoundland Q c 4 Lorn, Firth of, Argyle C d 19 Loch Katrine, Perth D d 19 Loeustdaie, Mass. C f 5 Long Hill, Queensland H d 34 Lorois, Finland F c 24 Loch Ken, Kirkcudbright D e 19 Locust Fork, Black Warrior R. Long I. Cork B e 20 Lorraeh, Baden D e 22 Loch Ki Disport ( sea-arm 1, Argvle C e 19 Ala. PI d 9 Long I. Me. F (1 5 Lorracli, eire. Baden D e 22 Loch Laggnn, Inverness D d 19 Locust Shade, Tcnn. K a 9 Long I. Newfoundland Q b 4 Lorraine (German Lothrihgeu), Locli Iiungubhat, Lewis B b 19 Loila, 111. D c 7 Long I. New York II f 6 prov. France II b 21 Loch Laxford (sea-arm), Sutherland 0 l> 19 Lodalen, Ny, Sweden G f 23 Long I. Nova Scotia K cl 4 Lorrlia, Tipperary C c 20 Loehlee, Forfar F d 19 Lodalskaupe, Mt. Bergen D f 23 Long I. Quebec F cl 4 Los Aisos, Cal. E i 14 Loch Leven (sea-arm), Inverness C d 19 Loddon, Norfolk H d 18 Long I. R. Shannon D c 20 Los Angeles, Cal. D h 14 Locli Leven, Kinross E d 19 Loddon, dist. Victoria G g 34 Long I. S. C. F i 8 Los Angeles, co. Cal. D li 14 Loch Leven Castle, Kinross E d 19 Loddon R. Victoria G g 34 Long I. Stewart I. A g 35 Los Arapiles Salamanca E d 27 Loch Linnhe (sea-arm), Argyle C d 19 Lodeve, Herault F e 21 Long I., or Outer Hebrides, Los Gatos Creek, Cal. C g 14 Loch Locli v. Inverness D d 19 Lodi, Ga. L d 9 Ross and Inverness A c 19 Los Mouegros, dist. Huesca K c 27 Loch Lomond. Dumbarton & Stirling D d 19 Lodi, 111. D b 7 Long I. or Yuma, Bahamas I c 15 Losnitza, Servia H b 26 Loch Long (sea arm), Rcss C c 19 Lodi, Lombardy C c 26 Long Island, N. Y. A h 5 Los Ojuelos, Tex. G f 10 Loch Long (sea-ann). Lodi, N. Y. E d 6 Long Island City, Env. of N. Y. B b 6 Losoncz, Hungary F b 25 Argvle & Dumbarton D cl 19 Lodi, Wis. IP f 11 Long Island Sound, L. I. A g 5 Los Pedroches, dist. Cordova F f 27 Loch Longart, Inverness D c 19 Lodi, 0. Tasmania T u 35 Long Key, Fla. K 0 8 Los Piedras, Honduras F e 15 Loch Loyal, Sutherland D b 19 Lodina, Roumelia H d 26 Long Key, Florida Reefs M r 8 Los Pinos, N. Mex. C b 10 Loch Lubnaig, Perth D d 19 Lodosa, Navarra H b 27 Long L. Dak. F c 13 Los Roques Is. Venezuela K e 15 Loch Luiclurt, Ross D c 19 Lodz, Poland D e 24 Long L. Env. of New Orleans D f 10 Los Santos, Badajos D f 27 Loch Luing, Inverness D c 19 Lodz, Tex. G e 10 Long L. Me. F a 5 Losset, Argyle C e 19 Loch Lydoch, or Laidon , Argyle D d 19 Loe Pool, Cornwall A f 18 Long L. Minn. C c 11 Lossie R. Elgin E c 19 Loch Lyon, Perth D d 19 Lofiinger, Norrlancl L d 23 Long L. N. Y. G c 6 Lossiemouth, Elgin E c 19 Lochmaben, bor. Dumfries E e 19 Lofmoek, Nurrland I c 23 Long L. Pa. F e 6 Loss Is. (British), Senegamliia C d 33 Loch Maddy (sea-arm), N. Uist A c 19 Lofoden Islands, Trbin so H b 23 Long L. Quebec F c 4 Lost Creek, Ala. H d 9 Loch Maree, Ross C c 19 Liifsta Bay, Sweden I f 23 Long L. Quebec I c 4 Los Tulanes Tex. E c 10 Loch Meadie, Sutherland D b 19 Loltahammar, Gothland I h 23 Long Lake Creek, Dak. F c 13 Lostwithiel, Cornwall B f 18 Loch Melfort (sea-arm), Argyle 0 d 19 Logan, 111. C e 7 Longlick, Ky. H e 7 Losva, R. Perm. N c 24 Loch Menteitli, Perth D d 19 Logan, 111. E d 7 Longmeadow, Mass. B f 5 Lotbinihre, Quebec It c 4 Loch Merkland, Sutherland D b 19 Lagan, Mo. N q 12 Long Mel ford. Suffolk G d 18 Lotbinibre, co. Quebec H e 4 Loch Moidart (sea-arm), Inverness C d 19 Logan, Nev. P’ g u Longmires, S. C. C h 8 Lot, dep. France E d 21 Loch Moir, Ross D c 19 Logan, Ohio K d 7 Longnor, Stafford E c 18 Lot et Garonne, dep. France E d 21 Loch Mouar, Ross D c 19 Logan, Utah H e 14 Long Point, Newfoundland O b 4 Lothian, E., or Loch Morar, Inverness C d 19 Logan, co. Ky. F g 7 Long Point I. L. Erie C e 4 Haddingtonshire, co. Scotland F e 19 Loch More, Sutherland 1) b 19 Logan, co. Ohio I c 7 Long Point Mt. W. Va. D c 8 Lothian, Mid, or Loch More, Caithness E b 19 Logan, co. W. Va. C d 8 Long Pond, Me. D d 5 Edinburghshire, co. Scotland E e 19 Loch Morlich, Inverness E c 19 Logan, Mt. Quebec K b 4 Long Prarie, Minn. C c 11 Lothian, W., or Loch Muick, Aberdeen E d 19 Logansport, Ind. F c 7 Long- Prarie R. Minn. C c 11 Linlithgowshire, co. Scotland E e 19 Loch Na Clar, Sutherland D b 19 Lbgde An, Norrland K e 23 Long Preston, York D b IS Loth ringen( Lorraine), prov. France H b 21 Loch Na Cuien, Sutherland D b 19 Logi rait. Perth E d 19 Long Pt. Otago B g 35 Lot, R. Lot E d 21 Loclmagar, Mt. Aberdeen E d 19 Logroho, Logrono H b 27 Long Range, The, Newfoundland O c 4 Lotru, R. Transyl vania 1 d 25 Loch na Keal (sea-arm), Mull B d 19 Logroiio, prov. Spain 11 b 27 Longridge, Lancashire D c 18 Lott’s Creek, Iowa M k 12 Loch na Nuag (sea-arm) Inverness C d 19 Logrosan, Caceres E e 27 Long Ridge, N. C. B f 8 Liitzen, E. Prussia L a 22 Loch Na Shaliag, Ross C c 19 Logs tor, Denmark E h 23 Long’s Bridge, Ga. N d g Loudans B. Islay B e 19 Loch Naver, Sutherland D b 19 Log Town La. C e 9 Long Shoal R. N. C. K f 8 Loudeac, Cotes du Nord C b 21 Loch Ness, Inverness D c 19 Loiiau, R. China M b 32 Long’s Peak, Colo. D f 13 Loudon, Pa. D g 6 Loch Nevis (sea-arm), Inverness C c 19 Lobeia, Yemen E f 29 Long Strait, Arctic Ocean B b 2 Loudon, Ten. L b 9 Loch Oich, Inverness D c 19 Lbhne, Westphalia E b 22 Long Strait, Siberia T a 2S Loudon, co. Tenn. L b 9 Loch Oisian, Inverness D d 19 Lo Ho, R. China 1 c 32 Long Street, Ga. M e 9 Loudon, co. Va. H b 8 Loch Quoich, Inverness C c 19 Lohr, Bavaria F c 22 Long Sutton, Lincoln G d 18 Loudonville, Ohio. K c 7 Loch Ranuoch, Inverness C d 19 Lolitea, Finland M d 23 Long Sutton, Norfolk H d IS London, Vienne E c 21 Loch Ranuoch, Perth D d 19 Loire, R. Haute Loire G d 21 Longton, Stafford D d 18 Lougen, or Vormen Elf, R. Hamar F f 23 Loch Rauza (sea-arm), Arran 0 e 19 Loire, dep. France G d 21 Longtown, Cumberland D a 18 Lough Allen, Leitrim C b 20 Loch Resort (sea-arm), Lewis A b 19 Loire, Haute, dep. France F d 21 Longueuil, Quebec G d 4 Lough Alloa, Cork B e 20 Loch Ridun (sea-arm), Argyle C e 19 Loire-inferieure, dep. France D c 21 Long Valley, Cal. B f 14 Lough Anure, Donegal C b 20 Loch Roag (sea-arm;, Lewis B b 19 Loir et Cher, dep. PT-ance E c 21 Longview, Tex. I c 10 • Lough Arddery, Galway B e 20 Loch Roshk, Ross C c 19 Loiret, dep. P’rauce F c 21 Lomrville, Ark. E c 9 Lough Arrow, Sligo C b 20 Loch ltuthven, Inverness D c 19 Loiret, R. Loiret E c 21 Loncrvilie, Env. of New Orleans D f 10 Lough Atorick, . Clare C c 20 Loch Ryan (sea-arm), Wigtown C f 19 Loir, R. Loir-et-Cher E c 21 Longwood, Meath E c 20 Lough Ballycarry, Antrim F b 20 Loch Sandwood, Sutherland C b 19 Loitsch, Carniola D d 25 Long wood, Mo. N 0 12 Lough Ballynaliinch, Galway B c 20 Loch Scavaig \sea-arm), Skye B c 19 Loja, Granada F g 27 Longwy, Moselle G b 21 Lough Beagli, Donegal D a 20 Loch Scaven, Ross C c 19 Lok, Mukdeeslui E i 29 Loningen, Oldenburg D b 22 Lough Beg, Antrim E b 20 Loch Scour (sea-arm). Skye B c 19 Loke, or Cassabi R. Cent. Africa G e 33 Lonja, R. Croatia E d 25 Lough Belhavel, Leitrim C b 20 Loch Scridaiu (sex-rum) Mull B d 19 Lokeren, or Lockeren, Belgium B c 22 Lons-le-Saulnier, Jura G c 21 Lough Bettra, Mayo B c 20 Loch Seaforth (sea-arm) Lewis B c 19 Lokhvitsa, Poltava G e 21 Lontar I. Lower Siam I f 31 Lough Botin, Galway B e 20 Loch Sealg (sea-arm), Lewis B b 19 Lo Kiang, R. China- K e 32 Loo-an-hien, Ngan-whi L (1 32 Lough borough, town, Leicester E d 18 Loch Shiel, Inverness C d 19 Loksa, Baltic Provinces N k 23 Loobagh, R. . Limerick C (1 20 Loughbriokland, Down E b 20 Loch Shin, Sutherland D b 19 Loin, Danube K c 26 Loo Clioo Is. Japan N e 32 Lough Bunny, Clare C c 20 Loch Skene, Dumfries E e 19 Loin, Hamar E f 23 Loo-chow, Se-chucn I e 32 Lough Carra, Mayo B c 20 Loch Skinaskinlt, Cromarty C b 19 Lo-ma Hoo, L. Ngau.whi L d 32 Loo-chow, or Lough Carragh, Kerry B d 20 Loch Skiport (sea-arm), S. Uist A c 19 Lomane R. Cenc. Africa G e 33 Lui-chow-foo, Ngan-whi L cl 32 Lough Carrowmore, Mayo B b 20 Loch Slapin (sea-arm), Skye B c 19 Loma Pt. Cal. E i 14 Loodhianah (Ludiana), Punjab E a 31 Lough Castlebar, Mayo B c 20 Loch Snizort (sea-arm), Skye B c 19 Lombardy, Ga. N d 9 Looe, E. and W. Cornwall B f IS Lough Cloon, Mayo B c 20 Loch Spey, Inverness D c 19 Lombardy, Va. G e 8 Loo-fee-oo, R. China I f 32 Lough Cloonee, Kerry B e 20 Loch Stack, Sutherland D b 19 Lombardy ( Lombardo ), div. Italy C b 26 Loogootee, hid. F e 7 Lough Con, Mayo B b 20 Loch Statfin (sea-arm), Skye B c 19 Lombez, Gers E e 21 Looliatan, Miss. G d 9 Lough Cooter, Galway C e 20 Loch Stemster, Caithness E b 19 Lombok I. Malaysia E i 1 Looker-on-Range, Marlborough D e 35 Lough Corrib, Gahvay B c 20 Locli Stennes, Orkney Is. E a 19 Lomnica, R. Galicia I b 25 Lookout Bluff, Otago C f 35 Lough Currane, Kerry A e 20 Loch St Mary’s, Selkirk E e 19 Lomnitzer Spitz, Mt. Carpathians G b 25 Lookout Cape, Oreg. A c 14 Lough Dan, Wicklow E c 20 Loch Strathbeg, Aberdeen G c 19 Lomond, E., Mt. Fife E d 19 Lookout, Mt. Fla. L h 9 Lough Derg, Donegal D b 20 Loch Strivan (sea-arm), Argyle C e 19 Lomond, W., Mt. Fife E d 19 Lookout Mts. Ala. K c 9 Lough Derg, Galway & Tipperary C d 20 Loch Sunart (sea arm). Argyle C d 19 Lomov (Nishni), Penza I e 24 Lookout Mts. Nev. E f 14 Lough Derravaragh, Westmeath D c 20 Loch Tarbert (sea-arm), Jura C e 19 Lomza, Poland E e 24 Lookout Pt. .Queensland M k 34 Lough Derryclare, Galway B c 20 Loch Tarbert, E. (sea arm), Argyle C e 19 Louda, Country, Cent. Africa G e 33 Loonee. R. Rajpootana D b 31 Lough Dirriana, Kerry B e 20 Loch Tarbert, E. (sea-arm), Harris B c 19 London, 111. D d 7 Loo-ngan-foo, Shan se K d 32 Lough Doo, Clare B d 20 Loch Tavbert, W. (sea-arm), Argvle C c 19 London, Iowa P I 12 Loongchow, Shen se I d 32 Lough Doo, Mayo B c 20 Loch Tarbert, W. (sea-arm), Harris B c 19 London, Ky. H f 7 Loon L. Me. E b 5 Lough Dromore, Clare C .1 20 Loch Tay, Perth D d 19 London, Middlesex F e IS Loop Head, Clare B cl 20 Lough Eask, Donegal C b 20 Loch Terlich, Inverness D d 19 London, Ohio I d 7 Loos, Norrland II f 23 Lough Easley, Sligo C b 20 Loch Torridon (sea-o,rm), Ross C e 19 London, city, Ontario C e 4 Loosahatchie R. Tenn. F b 9 Lough Kgish, Monaghan E h 20 Loch Treig, Inverness D d 19 London, East, Cape Colony G b 33 Loosapatilla Creek, Ala. IP d 9 Lough Eunell, Westmeath D c 20 Loch Tuadh (sea-arm), Mull B d 19 Londonderry, Ohio K d 7 Looshai, tribe. India H c 31 Lough Erne, Fermanagh D b 20 Loch Tullieh, Argyle D d 19 Londonderry, co. Ulster E b 20 Lopez C. ■ Guinea E e 33 Lough Erne, Upper, Fermanagh D b 20 Loch Tummel, Perth E d 19 Londonderry, co. twn. L»n londerry D b 20 Lopez I. Wash. B a 14 Lough Fea, Tyrone E b 20 Loch Veimacher, Perth D d 19 Londonderry I. Patagonia C h 16 Loquia, Upper Nile C i 29 Lough Fee, Ga wav B c 20 Loch Voil, Perth D d 19 Loneewara (LunawaJu), oujerat D c 31 Lora (La), dist. Burgos F b 27 Lough Feeagh, Mayo B c 20 Loch Vrin, Ross C c 19 Lone Peak, Utah H e 14 Lora del Rio, Sevilla E g 27 Lough Fern, Donegal D a 20 Loch Watten, Caithness E b 19 Lone Tree, Nebr. G f 13 Lorado, Ark. E b 9 Lough Forbes, Longford 1) c 20 Lo~hwinnoch, Renfrew D e 19 Longa I. Ross C c 19 Lorain, co. Ohio K b 7 Lough F unshinagh, Roscommon C c 20 Lochy R. Inverness D d 19 Long Bay, S. C. G h 8 Lora, R. Afghanistan C a 31 Loughgall, Armagh E b 21 Lachy R. Perth D d 19 Long Beach, L. 1. A h 5 Loray, Nev. F e 14 Lough Cara, Sligo C c 20 Lockerby, Dumfries E e 19 Long Beach, N. J. G g o Lorca, Murcia I cr 27 Lough Garadice, Leitrim 1) b 20 Lockhart, Miss. G e 9 Long Branch, N. J H f 6 Lord Howes I. S. Pacific Ocean K m 1 Lough Garten, Donegal D b 20 Lockhart, Tex. H e 10 Long Cane, Ga. K e 9 Lordsville, N. Y. F e 6 hough Gill, Kerry A d 20 Lockhaven, Pa. D € 6 Longchamp, Seine B e 2t Loreto, Brazil E e 16 Lough Gill, Sligo C b 20 Lockland, Ohio H d 7 Longcoming (Bellin'), N. J. G g <> Loreto, Ecuador C c 16 Lough Glen, Donegal D a 20 Lock port, 111. D b 7 Long Creek, Ga. N d 9 Loreto, Lower California D e 3 Lough Glenade, Leitrim C b 20 Lock port, Mich. M h 11 Long Creek, Ky. E f 7 Loreto, Marches E c 26 Lough Glencar, Leitrim C b 20 Lockport, N. Y. C c 6 Longford, Tasmania S u 35 Loria, prov. Spain H c 27 Loughglinn, Roscommon C c 20 Lickport, Pa. A e 6 Longtord, co. Leinster D c 20 L’ Orient, Morbihan C c 21 Lough Gouganclarra, O Cork B e 20 54 GENERAL INDEX. Lough Gown a, Longford I) c 20 Lower Kanawha R. W. Va. E c 8 Luing I. Argyle C d 19 Lvncbwood, S. C E g 8 Lough Graney, Clare C d 20 Lower Lake, Cal. B f 14 Luis Key R. Cal. E i 14 E.V ml, Minn. B e 11 Lough Cuitaue, Kerry B d 20 Lower Little R. N. C. F f 8 Luka, Miss. G c 9 Lyndon, 111. C b 7 Lough Inagh, Galway B c 20 Lower Peach Tree, Ala. II r o Luke Mt. W. Australia B e 34 Lyndon, Wis. G f 11 Lough Inner, Monaghan D b 2) Lower Sioux Agency, Minn. C e 11 Luke Station, Did. E b 7 Lyndon Ville N. Y. C c 6 Lough lslaudeady, Mayo B c 20 Lowestoft, town, Sullblk U d 18 Lukoianov, Nishegorod I d 24 Li ml, R. Queensland G c 34 Lough Key, Roscommon C b 20 Low Head, Tasmania S u 35 Lu.ea, Norrland M d 23 Lyne, Brit. Burundi I d 31 Long!) Kylemore, Galway B c 20 Lownian, W. Va. D c S Luiea Elf, Norrland L d 23 Lynesville, Pa. F f 6 Longa Leslie, Kerry B d 20 Lowndes, Mo. Q p 12 Lulea Jaur, or Lyne Water, Peebles E e 19 Lough Lene, Westmeath D c 20 Lowndes, co. Ala. 1 e 9 Stora Lulea L. Norrlnnd K c 23 Lyngen Fiord, Tromso L b 23 Lough Levally, Mayo B c 20 Lowndes, eo. Ga. M g y Luka, Ofver, Norrland L d 28 Lyugvar Fiord, Thromdhjem D e 23 Lough Macnean, Upper, Leitrim D b 20 Lowndes, eo. Miss. G d 9 Luieli Burgas, or Araba, Edirne AI d 20 Lynhaven Bay, Va. I e 8 Lough Marinin, Mavo 0 c 20 Lowrysville, S 0. D tr g Lulua, or Young's Lualaba, R. Lynn, Mass. D f 5 Lough Mask. Mayo and Galway B c 20 Lowry ville, Tenn. U C 9 Cent. Africa G e 33 Lynn, Alich. P f 11 Lough Melvin, Leitrim C b 20 Lowtherstown, or Lumber City, Ga. N f 9 Lynn, Tenn. H b 9 Lougli Mourne, Donegal D b 20 Irvinestowu, Tvrone D b 20 Lumber City, Pa. C f 6 Lynn Camp, Ky. I f 7 Lough Muckno, Monaghan E b 20 Lowville, N. Y. F c (5 Lumber R. N. C. F f 8 Lynn Grove, llld. G c 7 Lougli Nacung, Donegal C a 20 I.oxa, or Loja, Ecuador C 0 It) Lnmberton, N. C. F S b Lynn Harbor, Env. of Boston G f 5 Lough Nal'ooey, Galway B c 20 Loyalhanuah R. Pa. B f 0 Lumbervilie, Pa.. F f ti Lynn Alt. N. Y. 11 b 6 Lougli Neagh, Antrim E b 20 Loyal Sock, Pa. E e ti Liimbovski Bay, Archangel I b 24 Lynn, or King’s Lj nn, Norfolk G d 18 Lough Nilly, Fermanagh D b 20 Loyalty Is. S. Pacific Oc. K 1 1 Lmnbovski I. Archangel I li 24 Lynn Channel, Alaska G d 2 Lough O’Flyn, Roscommon C c 20 Loyola, Ga. M f 9 Lumkang Pass, Himalayas C il 32 L\ mrsville, Env. of Chicago B f 10 Lough O’Grady, Clare C d 20 Lozere, dep. France F d 21 Lump!; n. Ga. L e 9 Lyon, co. Iowa K i 12 Loughor, bor. Glamorgan B e IS Lozere. Mont, Lozeie F d 21 Lumpkin, co. Gil. Al c 9 Lyon, co. Kalis. 11 g 13 Lougli Oughter, Cavan D b 20 Luajerri R. Upper Nile C i 29 Luna, R. Leon E b 27 Lyon, co. Ky. D f 7 Lough Owel, Westmeath D c 20 Lualabii, U. Cent. Africa G e 33 Lunan, Forlar F d j 9 Lyon, co. Minn. A e 11 Lough Portniore, Antrim E b . Y, Kin 10 R. Cent. Africa G e 83 Lunan B. Foifii r F d 19 Lyon, co. Nev. D f 14 Lough llamor, Cavan r» c '26 Lu men y Valdes, or Valdes, Oviedo E a 27 Lunan R. Forfar F d 1.) Lyon, co. Nebr. E f 13 Lough tea, Galway c c 20 Luan-chow, Pe-chi-li L e 32 Lund, Cliristian.ian 1 D g 23 Lyonnais, prov. France G d 21 Lou:' 1 ; Lee, Roscommon & Longford 0 c 20 Luang Phrabang, Siam K d Si Lun.l, Gothland G i 23 Lyon R. Perth D d 19 Lough Rinn, Leitrim D c 20 Luapula R. Cent. Alriea G e 88 Lunda, or Lucenda, Cent. Airiea G e o5 Lyons (Fr. Lyon , RliOue G d 21 Lough Roderg, Roscommon D c 20 Luarca, Oviedo D a 27 Lunda, R. Cent. Africa G e 3c Lyons, Iowa 0 1 12 Lough ros Beg Bay, Donegal C b 20 Lubhe, Grossen, See, Pomerania 11 b 22 Lnndeiiburg, Moravia E b 2n Lyons, Mich. N f 11 Loughros More Bay, Donegal c b 20 Liihb.n, Brandenburg G C 22 Lundy 1. Devon B e lo Lyons, N. Y. D C t) Lough Ross, Fermanagh D b 20 Lubee, Me. G il 5 Lune, R. Lancashire D c Is Lyons, Tex. 11 e 10 Lough Sheelin, Cavan D c 20 Lubee Bay, Me. G d o Luueourg, Hanover F b 22 Lyons Falls, N. Y. F c 6 Lough Shindilla, Galway B c 20 Liibeck Bay, Germany F i 22 Lnuelnirg, gov. Pi ussia F b 2_ Lyons R. W. Australia B d 34 Loughshinny, Dublin E c 20 Lubeek, Free City, Germany F b 2_ Luneburger Heide, Hanover E b 22 Lyons, tp. Env. of Chicago B f 10 Lougli Sillan, Cavan E b 20 Liibeck, or Beustadt B. Lunel, Herim.t G e 2i Lysa Gora Alts. Poland E e 24 Lougli Skeagh, Cavan D c 20 Mecklenbg. F a 22 Lunenburg, Nova Scotia L d 4 Lys, R. Belgium B e 22 Lough Talt, Sligo C b 20 Liiben, Siles.a I c 22 Lunenburg, Vt. C d 6 Lytliam, town. Lancashire D c 18 Lough Tay, Wicklow E e 20 Lubic.i, Galicia 11 a 25 Lunenburg, co. Va. G e 8 Lytle, Iowa O 1 12 Lough Templehouse, Sligo C b 20 Lul.lin, Poland E e 24 Lunenburg, co. Nova Scotia L d 4 Lytles, Wis. F f 11 Lougli Tullyiiavvood, Armagh E b 20 Lublinitz, Silesia K c 22 Lunerne, co. Pa. E e 0 Lyttelton, Canterbury D e 35 Louhans, Saune-et- Loire G c 21 Lubny, Poltava G e 21 Lundville, Muerthe 11 ii 2i Lytton, Brit. Columbia 11 d 2 Louisa, Ky. K e. 7 Lucan, Dublin E C 20 Lunga 1. Argyle B d 1.) Louisa, co. Iowa P 1 12 Lucan, Ontario C e 4 Lunga I. Argyle C d 19 Mauls Elf, Tromso K b 23 Louisa, eo. Va. G d 8 Lucas, Iowa N 111 12 Lunga, or Grossa I. Dalmatia D d 2 Ala’an, Arabia D c 29 Louisa Court House, Va. 11 d S Lucas, Ohio K c 7 Lung Kiang, R. China i f 82 Maas, Donegal G b 20 Louisa Creek, Va. C d S Lucas, co. Iowa N 1 12 Lungo, Upper N ile B i 29 .Maas, R. (Fr. Meuse), Holland 0 c 22 Louisa Fork, Ky. K f 7 Liicas, co. Ohio I b 7 Lung, R. Mayo C C 2U llaaz, el, Jebel Simmer E d 29 Louisburg, N. C. G e 8 Lucasville., Ohio K e 7 Luuna Ness, Shetland A a 13 Mabil, Abyssinia D g 29 Louisburg, Cape Breton I. 0 d 4 Lucnya, or Bahama Is. W. Indies I c 15 Lupnta Aits. E. Airiea II f 33 Mabou, Cape Breton I. N c 4 Louisbuigh, Mayo B c 20 Lucca, Jamaica 11 d 15 Luray, Va. G c 8 Mabruk, Saltan D b 33 Louis Fort, Alsace E d 22 Lucca, Tuscany D c 26 Lure, Haute Saone 11 c 2i Alacadam, Mt. Queenslai d F c 34 Louisiana, Mo. P n 12 Lucca, prov. Tuscany D c 2d Lurgan, Armagh E I. 2U Alacadum Range, Queensland G d 34 Louisiana, state, United States 9 Luce, Bay, Wigtown D f 19 Lurganboy, Leitrim C b 20 Alaealist v Hill, Queensland G d 34 Louis Philippe Land, Antarctic Oc. N P 1 Lueena, Cordova F g 27 Lurgangreen, Louth £ c 2u Macao ( Lortuyuese ) Quang-tung K f 32 Louisville, Ala. K f 9 Bucena, Oastellon de la Plana K d 27 Lurio, R. E. Africa 1 f 33 Alacapa, Brazil E b 10 Louisville, Ga. N e 9 Lucemia, or Lunda, Cent. Africa G e 33 Luristan, prov. Persia F c 29 Alacarsea, Dalmatia E e 25 Louisville, 111. D e 7 Lucera, Apulia F d 26 Luro I. Tib m so G c 28 Macassar, Celebes N i 28 Louisville, Kails H g 13 Lucerne, Switzerland I c 21 Lusa, R. Vologda K c 24 Macassar Strait, Malaysia N i 28 Louisville, ♦ Ky. G e 7 Lucerne (Ger. Luzern), cant. Luschnitz, It. Bohemia D b 2o Macatha, Palestine c e 30 Louisville, Miss. F d 9 Switzerland I c 21 Luserort and Light, Baltic Pro vs. L li 23 Alacazane, Sofa'a H f 33 Louisville, Mo. M o 12 Lucerne, L. of (Ger. Vierwaldstetter Lusk, Dublin E c 20 Macclesfield, bor. Cheshire D e 18 Louisville, N. Y. F d 6 Nee), Switzerland I c 21 Lus, prov. Belooehist.au C li 81 AlacClintoek, C. rrince Patrick I. I b 2 Louisville, N. Y. G b 6 Liichow, Hanover F b 22 Luss, Dumbarton D d 19 AlaeCiintock Channel. Arc. Regions K b 2 Lou Kiang or Sahven R. Burundi I c 31 Lucin, Utah U e 14 Lussin, Istria D d 2., iMacculloch Range, New S. Wales G f 34 Loukoianov, or Luckau, Brandenburg G c 22 Lussin 1. Istria D d 25 AlacDougal, L. Blit. America L c 2 Lukoianov, Nishegorod I d 24 Luckeuwalde, Brandenburg G b 22 Luthersburg, Pa. C e 0 Alacdutf, Ban If F c 19 Louie, Algarve B g ‘27 Luckiinpore, Assam H b 31 Luther Water, Kincardine F d 19 Aiaceiion, N. Y. D c 0 Lou Lou Creek, Mont. F b 14 Luckipoor, Bhutan G b 31 Lutke B. Nova Zemiila Al a 24 Macedonia, Iowa L 1 12 Loung Mts. China I c 32 1 nick no w ( Lakh nau ) Oude F b 31 Luton, town, Bedford F e 18 Macedonia, Ohio L b 7 Loup Fork, N ebr. F f 13 Luck put, Cutch C c 31 Lutro, Porto, Candia L g 20 Macedonia, Tenn. G a 9 Loup Marin, R. Quebec I b 4 Lucksburg, Ark. A d 9 Lu-tsiu, R. Tibet G d 32 Macedonia (anc. div.), Turkey K d 26 Louppe, La, Eure-et- Loire E b 21 L119011, Vendee D c 21 Lutsk, Volhynia F e 21 j’vlaeeio, or Macayo, Brazil G e 16 Lonnies, Hautes Pyrenees D e 21 Lucretia, Cape, Cuba 11 c 15 Lutsyn, Vitebsk V d 21 Alacerata, Marches E c 20 Louth, Louth E c 20 Ludherg, Croatia E C 20 Lutterworth, town, Leicester E d 18 Macerata, prov. Marches E c 26 Louth, co. Leinster E c 20 Ludd ( Lydda ), Palestine A g 39 L'dtt.eh (Liege), Belgium C e 22 Macgilliciuldys P.eeks, Kerry B d 20 Louth, bm - . Lincoln F c 18 Luddiiigton, Mich. L f 11 Luvia, Finland L f 28 Alaciia, Bolivia 1) d 16 Louther Hi.. . Lanark E e 19 Lude, Le, Sartlie E c 21 Luwa, Wady, Syria E d 30 Alachado or Giparana, R. Brazil D c 16 Loutre R. Mo. P o 12 Liidgerslnll, Wilts E e 15 Luxembourg, prov. Belgium C d 22 Machagos Ait. Me. F b 5 Louvain (Ger. Liiwen), Belgium C c 22 Ludian i ( Loo Ihianah), Punjab E a 31 Liuxeniburg, Luxemburg D d 22 Macherx, The, dist. Wigtown D f 19 Louviers, Eure E b 21 Ludhiuis Beach, N. J. G g 0 Luxemburg, Grand-Duchy, Holland D d 22 Alaeliias, Ale. G d 5 Louvres, Seine-et-Oise B e 21 Ludlow, 111. D c 7 Luxeuii, Haute Saone H c 21 Alaeliias 3ay, Me. G d 5 Louza, Beira B <1 27 Ludlow, Ind. F e 7 Luxor, Egypt C d 29 Alaeliias Bay, Little , Me. G d 5 Lovasz Patona, Hungary E c 25 Ludlow, bor. Salop D d 18 Luz. Hautes Pyrenees D e 21 Alachiasport, Ale. G d 5 Lovat, R. Novgorod G d 24 Ludlowville, N. Y. E d 6 Lyal I. L. Huron C d 4 Alaeliias R. Ale. G d 5 Lovatz, Danube L c 20 Ludooaree, Bengal G b 31 Lybo (Lebweh), Syria D b 39 Machias, R., Big, Ale. F li 5 Loveland, Oliio II cl 7 Ludwig Lake New S. Wales G f 34 Ly lister, Caithness E b 19 Alaeliias R., E. Ale. G d 5 Lovell, Me. D d 5 Ludwigshurg, Wiirtemburg E a 22 Lyek, E. Prussia M b 22 Machias Seal Is. Ale. G d 5 Lovell’s I. Env. of Boston G g 5 Ludwigsliafen, Baden E e 22 Lyckeby An, Gothland H li 23 Machichaco, Cape Biscaya II a 27 Lovelocks, Nev. D e 14 Lueseo, Pa. B f (5 Lycksele, Norrland K d 23 Ma-cliing-chow, Hoo-pe L d 32 Loves Bridge Falls, Lumbar R. N. C. F f 8 Lufira R. Africa G e 33 Lycoming, co. Pa I) e 0 Maclihpatnani (Masulipatam), Lovetts, Ohio I d 7 Lufira, or Bartle Erere's Lualaba, R. Lycoming Creek, Pa. D e 6 Madras Pres. F d 31 Lovettsville, Va. H b 8 Cent. Africa G e 33 Li/cus It. (Nalir el Kelb), Syria C c 30 J lachcerus. Palestine C g 30 Loville, Iowa 0 1 12 Lufum, or Rifom, Soudan l* 1 d 33 Lydda (Ludd), Palestine A a 2b Macliri B. Islay B e 19 Lovingston, Va. G d 8 Luga, St Petersburg F d 24 Lyell Mt. Cal. D St 14 Machrihanish B. Argyle C e 19 Lovington, 111. D d 7 Luga Bay, Baltic Provinces P g 28 Lyell, Mt. New S. Wales G f 34 Machynlleth, bor. ATontgoniery G d 18 Lovissa, Finland F c 24 Lugano, Switzerland I c 21 Lyell Range, Nelson D d 35 Mackenzie B. Arctic Regions G c 2 Low Archipelago, or Lugano, L. Switzerland I d 21 Lyle, Minn. E f 11 Mackenzie, Alt. Queensland G d 34 Paiuuota Is, S. Pacific Oc. D k 1 Lugansk, Ekaterinoslav H f 21 Lyman, N. H. C d 5 Mackenzie R. Brit. America PI c 2 Lowell, 111. C b 7 Lugar Water, Ayr D e 19 Lymansville, Pa. D e 6 Mackenzie II. Queensland 11 d 34 Lowell, Ky. II f 7 Lugde, Westphalia E c 22 Lyme, Conn. B S 5 Mackinac, co. Midi. AI c 11 Lowell, Mass. C f 5 Lugg, or Llugw, R. Hereford D d IS Lyme, N. H. B e 5 Mackinaw, 111. C c 7 Lowell, Me. E c 5 Lugnaquilla, Alt. Wicklow E d 20 I. vine Bay, Dorset and Devon D f IS Mackinaw, Mich. N d 11 Lowell, Mich. M g 11 Lugo, Emilia D b 20 Lyme-Regis, bor. Dorset D f 18 Mackinaw, R. 111. C c 7 Lowell, Ohio L d 7 Lugo, Lugo C a 27 Lym Fiord (or Liimfiord), Denmark F li 23 Mackinaw, Strait, Alich. N d 11 Lowell, Vt. B d 5 Lugo, prov. Spain C a 27 Lymington, bor. Hants E f IS Macmillan's R. Dom. of Canada G c 2 Lowell, Wis. PI f 11 Lugos, Hungary G d 25 Lynchburg, Ohio I d 7 Macomb, III. B c 7 Loweuberg, Silesia H c 22 Lui-chow, or Lynchburg, S. C. E g § Alacomb, Alich. P g 11 Lower Bay, N. Y. G f e Loo-chow-foo, Ngan-whi L d 32 Lynchburg, Tenn. I b 9 Alacomb, N. Y. F b 6 Lower Blue Lick, Ky. I e 7 Lui -chow-foo, Quang-tung K f 32 Lynchburg, Va. F d 8 Alaeon, Ala. H e 9 Lower Fort Garry, Manitoba II a 13 Luigo, R. Cent. Africa 11 e 33 Lynches Creek, S. C. E g 8 Alacon, Ga. M o 9 GENERAL INDEX, 55 Macon, HI. c a 7 Magdalci (Mejdel), Palestine C 0 Macon, Miss. G d 9 Magdalena, Mexico A a Macon, Mo. M p 12 Magdalena B. Lower California D f Macon, Mo. O n 12 Magdalena T. Sardinia C d Macon, Saune-et-Loire G c 21 Magdalena, Columbia 11 g Macon, co. Ala. K e 7 Magdalen Is. G. of St Lawrence N c Macon, co. Ga. L e 9 Magdeburg, Prov. Saxony F b Macon, co. Mo. O n 12 Magdeburg, gov. Prussia F b Macon, co. N. C. B f 8 Magdelaine, R. Quebec L d Macon, co. Tenn. I a 9 Mage; Brazil F e Macon, Grove Hill, Ala. H f 9 Magee Island, Antrim F b Macon R. La. D e 9 Magellanes, Colony, Chili C g Macons I. La. G h 9 Magellan, Strait, Chili C h k D h Macosquin, Londonderry E a 20 Magenta, Lombardy C b Macoupin, III. B d 7 MagerO I. T l'o m so N a Macoupin, III. C d 7 Magerville, New Brunswick K d Macoupin Creelr, 111. B d 7 Maggiore, or L. of Locarno, Macplierson Fort, Brit. America G c 2 Lombardy C b Macplierson Mt. N. \V. Australia C d 31 Maggiore, Monte, Istria D d Macquarie Harbor, Tasmania R v 35 Maghera, Down F b Macquarie I. 3. Pacific Ocean I o 1 Maghera, Londonderry E b Macquarie, L. New S. Wales I f 34 Magherafelt, Londonderry E b Macquarie, Port, New S. Wales I f 34 Maghery, Armagh E b Macquarie R. New S. Wales IT f 34 Maghris, Ahsa I 1 ’ d Macquarie R. Tasmania S u 35 Magilligan, Londonderry E a Macquarrie Swamp, New S. Wales H f 34 Magilligau Point, Londonderry F a Macroom, Cork C e 20 Maglia, Bosnia H b Mac Swynes Bay, Donegal C b 20 Maglidj, Servia I c Macuco, Columbia I f 15 Maglie, Apulia H d Madagascar I. Indian Ocean I g 33 Magnet, Mt., E k W. W. Australia B e M'Adam Plain, W. Australia B e 34 Magnetic I. Queensland H c M'Adam Range, N. Australia E b 34 Magnetic Pole, Boothia L b Madame, Isle, Nova Scotia N d 4 Magnet Point, Dorn, of Canada I a Madanasca R., Little, Me. F b 5 Magnitaia, Orenburg M e Madaras, Hungary G c 25 Magnolia, Ark. B d Madawaska, R. Ontario E d 4 Magnolia, Fla. O h Madawaska, R. Quebec I c 4 Magnolia, Ga. N g Maddaloni. Campania F d 26 Magnolia, 111. C b Madden Mt. W. Australia B f 34 Magnolia, Iowa L 1 Madeira, Falls (R. Madeira), Brazil D c 16 Magnolia, Md. E g Madeira I. Madeira Is. C a 33 Magnolia, Miss. E f Madeira Is. (Portuguese), Atlantic C a 33 Magnolia, Tex. I d Madeira or Cayari, R. Brazil E c 16 Magnolia, Wis. H g Madeley, Salop D d 18 Magoffin, co. Ky. I f Madelia, Minn. C e 11 Magog, Quebec G d Madeline I. Wis. G c 11 Magoua Wells, Jebel Simmer D d Madeline R. Cal. C e 14 Magpie R. Dorn, of Canada M a Madeya, Burmoli I c 31 Magro, It. Valencia Iv e Madi, dist. Upper Nile C i 29 Maguire’s Bridge, Fermanagh D b Madi Mts. Upper Nile C i 29 Magma Berg, Mt. Carpathians G b Madison, Ark. E b 9 Mahaieoni, British Guiana E b Madison, Conn. B g 5 Mahamet Abad, Persia F b Madison, Fla. M g 9 Alahanahn, Palestine C f Madison, Ga. M d 9 Mahaska, co. Iowa O 1 Madison, III. C e 7 Mahauwat, Wady el, Palestine B h Madison, Ind. G e 7 Mahavelle R. Ceylon F f Madison, Mo. O n 12 Male Archipelago, or Madison, Nev. D f 14 Seychelle Is. Indian Ocean K e Madison, Nebr. H f 13 Make (French), Madras Pres. E e Madison, N. C. E e 8 Mulid I. Seychelle Is. K e Madison, Ohio L b 7 Mahia Peninsula (Tera Kciko), Madison Bridge, Me. E d 5 Hawke’s Bay G c Madison, Cap. of State, Wis. IT f 11 Mahim, Bombay Pres. D d Madison, co. Ala. I c 9 Mahi or Mhye R. Gujerat D c Madison, co. Ark. B b 9 Mahir, el, Bejaz D d Madison, co. Fla. M g 9 Mahissy, R. Brazil L) c Madison, co. Ga. M c 9 Mahluja, L. Persia G d Madison, co. Ind. G c 7 Mahmudieh Canal, Egypt A g Madison, co. Iowa M 1 12 Mahomet, 111. D c Madison, co. Ky. H f 7 Mahon, Minorca P e Madison, co. Miss. F e 9 Mahone B. Nova Scotia L d Madison, co. Mont. G c 14 Ma-hon-hien, Se-chuen H e Madison, co. Mo. Q p 12 Mahoning, Pa. A e Madison, co. Nebr. H f 13 Mahoning, co. Ohio M b Madison, co. N. C. C f 8 Mahoning Creek, Big, Pa. B f Madison, co. N. Y. F d 6 Mahoning Creek, Little. Pa. B f Madison, co. Ohio I d 7 Mahoning R. Ohio M b Madison, co. Tenn. G b 9 Malionoy City, Pa. E f Madison, co. Tex. I d 10 Mahonoy Creek, Pa. E f Madison, co. Ya. G c 8 Mahon, Port, Minorca. P e Madison Court House, Ya. G c 8 Mahoor, Nizam’s Dominions E d Madison L. Wvoin. H c 14 Malirah, prov. Hadramaut G f Madison Mt. N. II. C d 5 Mahran, Persia F b Madison, par. La. D e 9 Mahrenberg, St.yria D c Madison R. Mont. H c 14 Mahunuddy R. Central Provs. F c Madisons, Mich. M g 11 Main, R. Siberia P c Madisonville, By. E f 7 Maidaki, Kherson G f Madisonville, La. E g 9 Maidenhead, bor. Berks F e Madisonville, Tenn. L b 9 Maiden Newton, par. Dorset D f Madisonville, Tex. I d 10 Maiden Rock Wis. E e Madoc, Ontario E d 4 Maiden Spring, Va. D e Madonia, Mt. Sicily F f 26 Maidstone, bor. Kent G e Madras, Madras Pres. F e 31 Maidstone L. Vt. C d Madras Presidemy, India E e 31 Maiet el Jur, L. Upper Nile B h Madre cle Dios Archipelago, Chili C h 16 Maigue, R. Limerick C Ct Madre I. Chili C h 16 Maiker, Central Provs. E c Madre, Laguna, Mexico G f 3 Mailly, Yonne F c Madrid, Madrid G d 27 Maimana, Afghanistan B a Madrid, N. Y. F b 6 Maimatehin, Mongolia I a Madridejos, Toledo G e 27 Maiuadean, Cape Breton I. O d Madrid, prov. Spain G d 27 M ain Beaver Creek , Ind. T. G b Madrigal, Avila F c 27 Main Cache Creek Ind. T. G b Mad R. Ohio H d 7 Main Cheat R. W. Va. F c Madunga, Upper Nile B h 29 Maine, Env. of Chicago B e Madura, Madras Pres. E f 31 Maine, N. Y. E d Madu Se°, Pomerania H b 22 Maine, East. Brit. America N d Maentwrog, Merioneth C d 18 Maine et Loire, dep. France D c Maestricht, Holland C c 22 Maine prov. France D b Mafia or Monfia I. Zanzibar Coast I e 33 Maine, R. Kerry B d Mafra, Estremadura A f 27 Maine state U. States Magadoxa, Mukdeesha F i 29 Maine, tp. Env. of Chicago B e Magalloway R. Me. C d 5 Maing, Burmah I c Magaughey Town, Ya. G c 8 Maingona, Iowa M 1 Magdala, Abyssinia D g 29 Mainkhwon, Burmah I b Mainland, Shetland A b 19 Mai Stro’m, Tromso G e 23 Mainland, or Pomona, Orkney Is. E a 19 Malta, 111. D b 7 Maiulsung, Blirriiah I c 31 Malta, Ohio L d 7 Main, or Mayn, R. Bavaria F d 22 Malta I. (British), Mediterranean I-’ g 26 Main R. Antrim E b 20 Malton, low-a K k 12 Mam, Bother (Red Main R.) Bavaria F c 22 Malton, bor. York F b 18 Maioro, Auckland E b 35 Mailing, Sweden G f 23 M aisons, Seine B e 21 Malvern, Great, town, Worcester D d 13 Maisoor (Mysore) Mysore E e 31 M al wall. Central India E c 31 Maitland, New S. Wales I f 34 Mai wan. Bombay Pres. D d 31 Maitland, Nova Scotia M d 4 Mamadysli, Kasaii L d 24 Maitland, R. Ontario C e 4 Mamainse Point Dom of Can ala N b 11 Majico Sima Is. to Japan M f 32 Mamainse Point, Ontario A c 4 Majorca I. Balearic Is. N e 27 Mama, Mt. Mongolia II d 32 Ma.ority Pt., or Prairie City, 111. D d 7 Mam bone. Inhainbane H g S3 Major Long Creek, Tex. E b 10 M arnbuey. Zamora D b 27 Ma'jsa, Hungary F c 25 Mambum, Soudan F d 33 Alujuma, Palestine, A g 30 Mainers, Sartlie E b 21 Majumba, Loango F e 33 Mamia, R. Brazil D c 16 Makallah, Hadramaut F g 29 Manila, Burmah I b 31 Makaryev, Kostroma I d 24 Mammoth Cave, Ky. G f 7 Makauda, 111. C f 7 Mammoth Spring, Mo. P q 12 Makawiko Pt. Westland B e 35 Maraore, R. Bolivia D d 16 Makee, Iowa P i 12 Mam Soul, Mt. Inverness C c 19 Maketu, Auckland F b 35 Mamturk Mountain °, Galway B c 20 Makhmovka, Kiev F f 24 Manaar, G. of W. of Ceylon E f 31 Makkarika, tribe. Upper Nile B i 29 Manaar I. Ceylon E f 31 Mako, Hungary G c 25 Manacor, Majorca O e 27 Makololo, Race, S. Africa G f 33 Managua, Nicaragua F e 15 Maltri, Asia Minor B b 29 Managua, Lake, Nicaragua F e 15 Makro Nisi I. Greece L f 26 Manama, or Menamah, Ahsa G d 29 M aksura, Syria E c 30 Manangare R. Madagascar I g 33 Makur, Tromso Q a 23 Manan, Grand I. New Brunswick K d 4 Malabar, Brit. dist. Madras E e 31 M.iiiaiiliar, Madagascar I f 33 Malabar Coast, W. of Madras Pres. E. e 31 Manan I., Petit, Me. G d 5 Malacca (British), Malaya M h 28 Manannah, Minn. C d 11 Malacca Strait, Sumatra k Malaya M h 28 Mananzari, Madagascar I g 33 Malacszko, Hungary E b 25 Manaos, or Barra, Brazil E c 16 M abide, Idaho F d 14 Mnnasarowar L. Tibet F a 31 Malade, City, Idaho G d 14 Manasif, el. Syria C c 30 Malade, R. Idaho F d 14 Manas, L. Cent. Africa G e 33 Malade, R. Idaho and Utah G d 14 Manasquan Inlet, N. J. H f 6 Maladetta (Mont), or Manassas Gap, Va. G c 8 Pic Nethou, Pyrenees Mts. E c 21 Manassas Station, Va. H c 8 Malaga, Malaga F h 27 Manatee, Fla. K o 8 Malaga Bay, Malaga F h 27 Manatee, co. Fla. K o 8 Malaga, prov. Spain F h 27 Manatee R. Fla. K o 8 Malahide, Dublin E c 20 Manati, Port, Cuba H c 15 Mala Jaroslavetz, Kaluga IT d 24 Manawarakau, Hawke’s Bay F c 35 Malangen Fiord, Tromso K b 23 Manawatu R. Wellington E d 35 Malungi, Angola F e 33 Manayunk, Pa. F f 6 Mala, Pt. Panama H f 15 Man, Calf of, I. I. of Man B b 18 Mulatha, Palestine B h 30 Manby I. Greenland S c 2 Malatiyeh, Kurdistan D b 29 Manehac, La. E g 9 Malayan states, E. Penina. 28 Mancha, La, dist. Ciudad Real G f 27 Malay Peninsula, Lower Siam K f 31 Mancha Real, Jaen G g 27 Malaysia or E. Indian Arch. Oceania 1 k 28 Manche, dep. France D b 21 Malbaie, Quebec H c 4 Manche, La (English Channel), D a 21 Malbaie (Gaspe), Quebec L b 4 Manchester, Ark. C c 9 Mai Bay, Newfoundland P a 4 Manchester, 111. B d 7 Mai Bay, Quebec L b 4 Manchester, Ind. G b 7 Mai Lay, Clare B d 20 Manchester, Iowa P k 12 Malchin, Mecklenburg G b 22 Manchester, Ky. I f 7 Malcolm, Miss. E f 9 Manchester, Md. E g 6 Maldah, Bengal G b 31 Manchester, Mich. N g n Malden, Env. of Boston F g 5 Manchester, N. C. G f 8 Maidive Is. Indian Ocean D f 31 Manchester, N. H. C f 5 Maldiventri I. Sardinia C e 26 Manchester, N. J. G f 6 Maldonado, Uruguay E f 16 Manchester, Ohio I e 7 Mai don, bor. Essex G e 18 Manchester, Tenn. I b 9 Maleh, Wady, Palestine C f 30 Manchester, Va. H d 8 Malek, Wady el, Palestine B e 30 Manchester, Vt. A e 5 Malemba, Loango F e 33 Manchester, Wis. H f 11 Maler, L. Sweden I g 23 Manchester, city, Lancashire D c 18 Malestroit, Morbihan C c 21 Manchuria, cou. Chinese Emp. N a 32 Malevo, Mt. Greece K f 26 Mancora, Peru B c 16 Malgaro, Edirne M d 26 Mandal, Christiansand D g 23 Malgrat, Gerona N c 27 Mandal and Lister, stilt, Norway D g 23 Mallia, Gujerat D c 31 Mandalay, Cap. of Burmah I c 31 Malheur L, Oreg. D d 14 Mandans and Crees, tribe, Dak. F c 13 Malheur R, Oreg. D d 14 Mandari, cou. U pper Nile C h 29 Malia, C. Greece K f 26 Mandarin, Fla. O g 9 Mai ih ah, Palestine E h 30 Mnndera, Nubia C g 29 Malik, Koumelia I d 26 Maudeville, La. F g 9 Malin, Donegal D a 20 Mam lingoes, Race, Soudan D c 33 Malm Bay, Donegal C b 20 Manduria, Apulia G d 26 Malin Beg Head, Donegal C b 20 Manedowish, Wis. F d 11 Malines (Mechlin), Belgium C c 22 Manedowish R. Wis. F d 11 Malin Head, Donegal D a 20 Manes Range, New S. Wales II g 34 Malinmore Donegal C b 20 Manfaloot, Egypt C d 29 Malinmore Head, Donegal C b 20 Manfoonah, N eject F e 29 Mallega, tribe Upper Nile B i 29 Manfredonia, Apulia G d 26 Malletts Bay, Yt. A d 5 Manfredonia, G. of. Apulia G d 26 Mallia, Gujerat D c 31 Manga, Soudan F c 33 Malliaum Bombay Pres. D c 31 Mangalia, Danube N c 26 Maliorysville, Ga. N d 9 Mangalore, Madras Pres. D e 31. Mallow, Cork C d 20 Mangara, Soudan G c S3 Malmaison Seine-et-Oise B e 21 Mangarera, Auckland G c 35 Malmkoping, Sweden I g 23 Mangatawhiri, Auckland E b 35 Malmo, Gothland G i 23 M angawai, Auckland E b 35 Malmbhuus, laeen. Sweden G i 23 Mangerton, Mt. Kerry B e 20 Malmsbury, Tasmania S v 35 Mail gf all Gebirge, Bavaria F e 22 Malmsbury, bor. Wilts D e 18 Mangles Pt. Ecuador C b 16 Malmysh, Viatka L d 24 Mangoalde, Beira C d 27 Malnes, Tromso IT b 23 Mangouui, co. Auckland D a 35 Malo Archangelsk, Orel H e 24 Mangrove Is. La. F k 9 Maloma R. Viatka K d 24 Mangueira L. Brazil E f 16 Malone, N. Y. G b 6 Manguema Country, Cent. Africa G e 33 Maloren I and Light, Non-land M d 23 Manguru R. Madagascar I g 33 Mai pas, Cheshire D c 18 Manhattan, Kans. H g 13 Malpelo I. Pacific Ocean G g 15 Manhattan, Ohio I b 7 Malpico, Coruna B a 27 Manhattan I. N. Y. City B b 6 Malplaquet, Nord F a 21 Manhegan I. Me. E e 5 Male, Tyrol B c 25 Manheim, Pa. E f 6 30 15 3 20 15 4 22 22 4 16 20 16 16 26 23 4 26 25 20 20 20 20 29 20 20 26 26 26 34 34 2 11 21 9 9 9 7 12 6 9 10 11 7 4 29 11 27 20 25 16 29 30 12 3u 31 33 31 33 35 31 31 29 16 29 33 7 27 4 32 6 7 6 6 7 6 6 27 31 29 29 25 31 28 24 18 18 11 8 18 5 29 26 31 21 31 32 4 10 10 8 10 6 2 21 21 20 5 10 31 12 31 56 • GENERAL INDEX. Manick Droog (Afanich Dura), Mapleton, Pa. D f 6 Marienbourg, Belgium C c 22 Maruoch, Inch I. Bute C e 19 N izam’s Dominions E d 31 Mapletown, N. J. G f G Marienbourg, Transylvania I d 25 Maroa, 111. D c 7 Manicnugan Peninsula, Quebec I b 4 Mapietown, Pa. B g «. Marienbourg, W. Prussia K a 22 Maroa, Venezuela K g 15 Mamcougun, It. Quebec I h 4 Maquoketa, Iowa Q k 12 Marienwerder, W. Prussia lv b 22 Maroeco, or Morocco (Maghrib el Main old, C. Queensland I d 34 Maquoketa, R. Iowa P k 12 Marienwerder, gov. Prussia K b 22 Aksa), Empiie, N. Africa D a 33 Manila, Philippine Is. 0 g 23 Maquuii, 111. B, c 7 Maries, co. Mo. P 0 12 Maruceo, or Manna Bay, Philippine Is. 0 8 28 Mara, Peru O (l 16 Mariestad, Gothland G g 23 Morocco ( Marrakesh ), Marocco D a 33 Alan.li, Moldavia M a 26 M’aruba, Svria D c 30 Mariesville, Mo. Q <1 12 Maronia, Selanik L d 26 Manipuii L. Ot igo A f 35 Marabitanas, Brazil D b 16 Marietta, Ga. L il 9 M.ironi, R, Guiana E b 16 Man, sle of, Irish Sea B 1) 18 Mara bun. Syria D c 30 Marietta, Iowa N k 12 Maroof, Afghanistan G a 31 Ma i ssa, Asia M inor B b 29 Marti ca I. Brazil F b 16 M arietta, Mo. M 111 12 Maroro, Cent. Africa H e 33 Man >tee, Mich. L e 11 Maracaibo, Venezuela I e 15 Marietta, Ohio L d 7 Maros, R. Transyl. & Hungary G c 25 Mani.st e, co. Midi. L e 11 Maracaibo, Lago de, Venezuela 1 f 15 Marietta, Pa. E 1* 6 Maros Vasarhelv, Transylvania I c 25 Man stee R. Midi. L e 11 Muracay, Venezuela IC e 15 Mariguana I, Bahamas I c 15 Marques is Is. S. Pacific Ocean D i 1 Mamstique L. Midi. M c 11 Marad, el, Palestine C f 30 Mariinisk, Siberia K c 28 Marquesas Keys, Florida Reefs K r 8 Manistlijue It. Midi. L c 11 Maragak, Persia F b 29 Manila, N. Y. C d 6 Marquette, Alich. K c 11 Man, to. 111. C c 7 Marais, Mo. O 0 12 Marin, Martinique I. L e 15 Marquette, co. Mich. I c 11 Manitoba House, Dom. of Canada G a 13 Marais R. Mo. P 0 12 Marin, co. Cal. B f 14 Marquette, co. Wis. H f 11 Manitoba, L. Dom. of Canada G a 13 Marajo, or Joannes I. Brazil F c 16 Marine, Minn. E d 11 Marquette I. Alich. N d 11 Man toba, prov. Dom. of Canada II b 13 Maraka. or New Dongola, Nubia H c 33 Marinette, Wis. K d 11 Marquez, Tex. I d 10 Man to it. Minn. F b 11 Marangane, Peru C il 16 Maringsville, N. C. G 8 Marquis, Pt. del, Lower California D f 3 Manilou, co. Midi. L il 11 Mr.rauh .0 Prov. Brazil F c 16 Mariuha, Ecuador C c 16 Maria Crick, New S. Wales H f 34 Mamtou I. Midi. 1C b 11 Maraiili.ini (Sao Luiz de Maranhao), Marion, Ala. H e 9 Marr. dist. Aberdeen E e 19 Manitou I., N. Midi. L d 11 Brazil F c 16 Marion, Ark. E b 9 Marriuda B. Aladagascar I f 33 Maui tou I., S. Midi. L cl 11 Maranoa, E., dist, Queensland H e 34 Marion, Ga. M e 9 Marroqui or Tarifa Point Cadiz E b 27 Man tou L. Midi. N e 11 Margin a A. Queensland H e 34 Marion, 111. D c 7 .Mar Saba, Palestine B g 30 Man toulin. Grand, I. L. Huron B d 4 Maranoa, W., dist. Queensland H e 34 Marion, 111. D f 7 Marsailles, Va. F e 8 Man.Ionlin Gulf, Maranon or amazon R. Brazil E c 16 Marion, 111. D e 7 Marsal, German Lorraine D d 22 Lake Huron , Dom of Canada P d 11 Marans, Cliarente inferieure D c 21 Marion, Ind. G c 7 Marsala, Sicily F" f 26 Manitowoc, Wis. IC e 11 Mararg.u, C. Sardinia G d 26 Marion, Iowa P k 12 Marsden, Auckland E a 35 Manitowoc, co. Wis. 1C e 11 Maras, i, Syria D b 29 Marion, Ky. D f 7 Alarsden, co. Auckland E b 35 Manitowoc R. Wis. 1C e 11 Marathon, Greece 1C e Zt> Marion, La. B g 9 .Marseille, Bouches du Rhone G e 21 Manitu, Mongolia I c 32 Marathon, Mich. O f ii Marion, La. C e 9 Marse.lles, Ohio I e 7 Maniwapo, Taranaki E c 35 Marathon, N. Y. E d 6 Marion, Me. G d 5 Alarshall, Ark. C b 9 Mankato, Minn. C e 11 Marat lion, co. Wis. G d 11 Marion, Minn. E f 11 Alarshall, 111. C b 7 Manjeera R. Nizam’s Dom in. E d 31 Marathouisi {Gythion), Greece 1C f 20 Marion, Miss. G e 9 Marshall, 111. E d 7 Mamins, Mich. L g 11 MaratJioni.si, ixo.okythia, or Marion, N. C. O f 8 Alarshall, Alich. AI g H Mamiahawldnsville, N. J. G g 6 Lakoma, Gulf, Greece IC f 20 Marion, N. Y. D c 6 Marshall, AIo. N n 12 Mannheim, Baden E d 22 Marazion, Cornwall A f 18 Marion, Ohio 1 c 7 Marshall, N. C. C f 8 Mannheim, circ. Baden B d 22 Marbella, Malaga F h 27 Marion, S. C. F g 8 Alarshall, Oreg. D c 14 Manuin Bay, Galway A c 20 Marblehead, Mass. D f 5 Marion, Tex. I cl 10 Marshall, Tex. I c 10 Manning, S. C. E h 8 Marble mil. Mo. Q p 12 Mar, on, Va. D e 8 Marshall, W. Va. D c 8 Manning Plain, Queensland F c 34 Marble I. Brit. America L c 2 Marion B. Tasmania T V 35 Marshall, Wis. H f 11 Manning Point, Alaska F b 2 Marble Rock, Iowa Q k 12 Marion Centre, Kans. H g 13 Marshall, co. Ala. I c 9 Mannington, W. Va. F b 8 Marburg, . Cassel E c 22 Marion City, Mo. P n 12 Marshall, co. Ind. F b 7 Manningtree, Essi'X H e 18 Marburg, Styria D c 25 Marion, co. Ala. H c 9 Marahall, co. Iowa N 1 12 Mann, Mt. Central Australia E d 34 Marburville, La. E g 9 Marion, co. Ark. C a 9 Alarshall, co. Kans. H g 13 Manny, La. B f 9 Marcellus, Midi. M g 14 Marion, co. Fla. Km 8 Marshall, co. Ky. D g 7 Manuel Alves, R, Brazil F d 16 March, Ontario E d 4 Marion, co. Fla. N )i 9 Alarshall, co. Aliss. F c 9 Manad Alves Grande, R. Brazil F c 16 Marclia, Hadramaut F f 29 Marion, co. Ga. L e 9 Marshall, co. Team I b 9 Maud, I. Denmark E i 28 Marcbant Creek, Queensland G d 34 Marion, co. Ind. F d 7 Marshall, co. W. Va. E b 8 Manokin R. Mil. F h 6 Marche, Belgium C c 22 Marion, co. Iowa N 1 12 Alarshall Is. N. Pacific Oc. L b 1 Manomet Pt. Mass. D g 5 Mareliena, Sevilla E g 27 Marion, co. Kans. H g 13 Alarshall Alount, W. Australia B f 31 Mauomin, Minn. D d 11 Marche, prov. France E c Marion, co. Ky. G i 7 Marshall’s I. Ale. i" d f Manora, Albaeeti I e 27 Marches, The, div. Italy E c 20 Illarion, co. Miss. F f 9 Marshalltown, Iowa N k 12 Manor Cunningham, Donegal D b 20 March, or Morava, R. Moravia E b 25 Marion, co. Mo. P n 12 Alarshallville, Ga. AI e 9 Manor Hamilton, Leitrim C b 20 March, town. Cambridge G d 18 Marion, co. Ohio I c 7 Aiarsli Meld, Gloucester D e 18 Manorville, L. I. B li 5 Marcillae, Lot E d 21 Marion, co. Oreg. B c 14 Marshfield, Ind. E c 7 Mane.ique, Basses Alpes G e 21 Marcoiu, R. Quebec 1C b 4 Marion, co. S. G. F o 8 Alarshlield, Alo. O p 12 Manresa, Barcelona M e 27 Marcus, Iowa L k 12 Marion, co. Tenn. K b 9 Marshfield, Ohio K d 7 Monsanto, Beira C d 27 ilarcy, N. Y. F c 6 Marion, co. Tex. 1 C 10 Alarsli I. La. D b 9 Alans, Le, Sartiie E c 21 HVIarcy Mt. N. Y. H b 6 Marion, co. W. Va: E b 8 Alar’s Hill, Ale. G b 5 Manselk Mts. Finland F b 24 Marilm, Kurdistan FI b 29 Marion 1. Indian Ocean W n 1 Marsh Lake, La. C h 9 Mansell I. Brit. America M c 2 iUardoclio, Palestine E e 30 Mariouville, Pa. B e 6 Marsh R. Alinn. A b 11 Mansfield, Conn. B g 5 Mareb, Sona, orGasl , R. Abyssinia D g 29 Marini, Sao Andonio de, Brazil D c 16 iVlarsivvan, Asia Minor D a 29 Alaudield, La. B f 9 Mar E.iyas, Palestine B 30 Mariposa, Cal. D o 14 Mars la Tour, Lorraine G b 21 Mansfield, Mass. C f 5 Marengo, 111. D a 7 Mariposa, co. Cal. D g 14 Aiarstrand, Gothland F h 23 Mansfield, Ohio IC c 7 Marengo, Piedmont C b 26 Mariposa R. Cal. O 14 Alarstraud I. Gothland F h 23 Mansfield, Pa. D e 6 Marengo City, Iowa O 1 12 Mariqueta, Columbia H f 15 Alartaban, Brit. Burmah I d 31 .Mansfield Mt. Vt. B <1 5 Marengo, co. Ala. H e 9 Maritime Alps, Mt. Martaban, G. of, Brit. Burmah I d 31 Mansfield, town, Nottingham E e IS Marengo Pass, Cal. E li 14 Alpes Maritimes H d 21 Martagne, Vendee D e 21 Mansi 11a, Leon E b 27 Mareuiicx, Cliarente inferieure D d 21 Maritime Prov. or Primorsk, Siberia 1 J d 28 Marta, R. Mexico E e 3 .Malison, Iowa M k 12 Mareotis, L. Egypt B c 29 Mari, i mo I. Sicily E f 26 Marthas vi lie, Aio. Q o 12 Man >oo. ah. Egypt B g 33 Maiergur, Somali E h 20 Maritza, R. Edirne L c 26 Alartha’s Vineyard N. C. G f 8 .Mimston, Wis. G f li Mureshah (Marach), Palestine A g 30 Mariupol, Ekaterinoslav H 1 24 Alartha’s Vineyard I. Alass. D g 5 Mansungan L. Me. F b 5 Margaretes, Candia L 26 Market Bosworth, Leicester E il IS AI ‘Arthu r, Ohio K d 7 Manta, Ecuador B c 16 Margaret’s B. Nova Scotia M d 4 Market Deeping, Lincoln F d 18 AP Arthur R. Idado G d 14 Manteno, 11L E b 7 Margaret Mt. S. Australia F e 34 Market Drayton, town, Salop D d 18 M 'Arthur R. N. Australia F c 34 Manteo I. n. u 1C f 8 MargaretUville, N. C. FI e 8 Market Harborough, Lecester E d 18 Martigny (Ger. Martinach), Mantes, Seine-et-Oise E b 21 Margaride, Mont, Lozere F d 21 Market L. Idaho G d 14 Switzerland H c 21 Manti, Utah H f 14 Margarita, I. Venezuela, L e 15 Marketliill, Armagh E b 20 Martigues. Bouclies du Khune G- e 21 Mantius, Mo. N n 12 Margar.ta, R. Cal. E i 14 Market Rasen, town Lincoln F’ c 18 Aiartiu, Ala. li e 9 Mantorville, Minn. E e 11 Margariti, Janiua I c 26 Market Weigbton, town, York F c IS Martin, Alich. AI g Mantua, Cuba G c 15 Margaritza, Edirne M d 26 Markinch, Fife E d 19 Martin Bay, Otago A f 35 Mantua (It. Manlova), Lombardy D li 26 Margate, Tasmania S V 35 Markiroh, Alsace D d 22 Martin, co. Ind. F e 7 Mailt mi, prov. Lombardy D b 26 Margate, bor. Kent H e 18 Markireh (Fr. Sainte Mane Martin, co. Ky. K f 7 Mantuan Downs, Queensland H d 84 Margitta, ML Carpathians 1C c 25 aux M ines), Alsace H b 21 Aiartiu, co. Alinn. C f 11 .Manuherikia Valley, Otasjo B f 35 Margraveu, Baltic Provinces M li 23 Marks Creek, N. O. F g 8 Aiartiu, co. N. C. H f 8 Manukau Harbor, Auckland E b 35 Margrie, Cape Breton I. N c 4 Marksville, La. D f 9 .Martindale, N. C. E f 8 Manulla, Mavo B c 20 Marguerite, R. Quebec FI b 4 Marlboro, co. S. C. F g S Alartinez, Cal. B g 11 Manvilla, Ala. G g 9 Maria, Quebec L b 4 Marlborough, Mass. C f 5 Aiartiu L. Brit. America 1 c 2 Manytcli, R. S. Russia I f 24 Maria B. Lower California D f 3 Marlborough, N. Y. H e 6 Martinique I. (French), Antilles L e 15 Manzana, N. Mex. C b 10 Mariager Fiord, Denmark F li 23 Marlborough, Queensland H d 34 Alartin Pt. Newfoundland O b 4 Manzana Mts. N. Mex. C b 10 Maria L Tasmania T V 35 Marlborough, Tasmania S V 35 Martins, Cal. E b 14 Manzaimres, Ciudad Real G e 27 Mariam, Suez Canal C g 33 Marlborough, bor. Wilts E e 18 Martinsburg, Aio. P u 12 Manzanares, R. Madrid G d 27 Mariam pol. Galicia I b 25 Marlborough, prov. New Zealand D d 35 Martins urg. Aio. Q q 12 Manzanas, R. Tras os Montes D c 27 Marianna, Ark. E c 9 Marie, Aisne E b 21 Alartinsburg, Ohio lv c 7 Manzanillo, Cuba H c 15 Marianna, Brazil F € 16 Marlin, Tex. H d 10 Martinsburg, W. Va. 11 b 8 Mao, Soudan F c 33 Marianna, Fla. IC g 9 Marlow, Mecklenburg G a 22 Martins .urgli, N. Y. F c 6 Maol-nal !o, Islay B e 19 Maria, R. Mexico E e 3 Marlow, Great, bor. Bucks F' e IS Martin's Creek, La. B h 9 Maon (Mam), Palestine B h 30 Marias or Bear R. Mont. H a 14 Marly-le Roi, Seine-et-Oise A e 21 Alartinsdale, Ky. K f 7 Mapimi, Mexico C h 15 Marias Pass, Mont. G a 14 Marmande, Liot-et-Garonne E d 21 Martin's Springs, Tex. F d 10 Mapiri, Bolivia D d 16 Maria Tafel, Lower Austria D b 25 Marmara, Asia Minor J> b 29 Martinsville, 111. E d 7 .Mapiri, R. Bolivia D d 16 Mariatlieresienstadt, or Marmata, Minn. F b 11 Martinsville, Ind. E d 7 Maple I., Theresienstadt, Hungary F c 25 M irmelios, R. Brazil D c 10 Martinsville, Ky. F f 7 Lake Superior, Dom. of Canada N c 11 Mariafo. Point, Panama G f 15 Mar Me n or, L. Murcia K g 27 Alartiusville, Oliio I d 7 Maple Plain, Minn. D e 11 Maria Van L.e.nen, C. 'Auckland D a 35 Marmolade, or Martinsville, Va. F e 8 Maple Id. Dak. 11 c 13 Mariaville, Me. F d 5 Marmolatta, Monte, Tyrol B c 25 Alartock, Somerset D f 18 Maple it. Iowa L k 12 Maria Zell, Styria D c 25 Marmora, Ontario E d 4 Alartolo, Abyssinia D g 29 Maple R. Mont. F a 14 Mari bo, Denmark F i 23 Marmora, Sea of, Turkey N d 26 Martorell, Barcelona AI c 27 Maple l5dge, Mich. JC c 11 Marion, Brazil F e 16 Marmot, Ind. F b 7 Alartos, Jaen G g 27 Maplesville, Ala. 1 c y Mariefried, Sweden I cr 23 Marne, Dep. France G b 21 Marungn, S. Africa G e 33 Mapleton, Iowa L k 12 Marie Galante I. (French), Antilles L d 15 Marne, Haute, Dep. France G b 21 Marvejols, Lozere F d 21 Maple ton. Minn. C f u Mai'ieubad, Bohemia C b 25 Marne, R. Seine-et-Marne F b 21 Marvel, Alo. AI o 12 b 31 a 19 e 34 c 20 e 19 c 34 cl 19 h 6 8 f 35 b 18 h 6 c 14 f 14 1 12 g 13 m 12 c 7 f 6 d 8 d 8 b 9 f 15 f 16 k 29 b 5 e 15 d 4 f 33 e 5 e 7 b 18 c 4 f 33 b 23 f 33 f 33 c 33 3 29 c 4 c 4 c 7 e 7 g 11 d 10 c 8 g 8 c 7 i 12 e 7 e 11 f 13 d 10 c 8 b 14 g 35 f 5 c 9 d 6 b 6 c 26 c 26 f 7 f 5 5 d 35 e 33 c 16 b 20 c 16 b 6 c 33 c 7 f 29 b 31 d 26 d 35 e 29 a 14 d 31 b 22 c 35 f 27 r 8 e 15 e 10 e 10 e 10 e 10 e 10 f 33 b 35 g 26 c 33 c 7 e 3 b 4 b 4 b 5 f 3 h 9 f 26 b 4 b 4 f 15 c 29 e 16 e 29 c 27 c 27 b 35 g 33 GENERAL INDEX. Mataura, K. Otago B g 35 Maypu, Vol. Andes of Chili D f 16 Medicine Bow Creek , Wyom. o e 13 Matawin L. Quebec G c 4 Maysi, C. Cuba M f 3 Medicine Bow Mts. Wyom. c f 13 Matawin, R. Dom. of Canada H a 11 Mays Landing, N. J. G g 6 Medicine Creek, Nebr. F f 13 Matacvoman Creek, Md. D h 6 Maysville, Kv. I e 7 Medicine R. Dak. G d 13 Matohin, Danube N b 26 Maysville, Me. F b 5 Medicine R. Mo. N u 12 Match or Maysville, Mo. M n 12 Medina, Hejaz D e 29 Washatee Mts. Beloochistan B b 31 Maysville, N. C. H f 8 Medina, Mich. N h 11 Matera, Basilicata G d 26 Maysville, Va. G d 8 Medina, N. Y. C c 6 Matfaer, Formosa M f 32 Mayville, N. Y. B d 6 Medina, Ohio L h 7 Mathews Strait, Nova Zembla M a 24 Maywood, Env. of Chicago B e 10 Medinaoelli, Soria H c 27 Matiamvo's Dominions S. Africa G e 83 Mazaniba B. Madagascar I f 33 Medina, co. Ohio L b 7 Matiantsin, Kan-su G b 32 Mazamet, Tarn F e 21 Medina, co. Tex. G e 10 Matia, R. Rounielia H d 26 Mazanderan, prov. Persia G b 29 Medina del Campo, Valladolid F c 27 Matilda, Ontario F d 4 Mazapil, Mexico C c 15 Medina de Poniar Burgos G b 27 Matinicus Is. Me. F e 5 Mazarron, Al, Murcia l g 27 Medina de. Rio Seco, Valladolid F c 27 Matinieus Rock Me. F e 5 Mazaruni R. Guiana E b 16 Medina R. Tex. G e 10 Matkh Brak, . Palestine D d 30 Mazatlan, Mexico B c 15 Medina Sidonia, Cadiz E h 27 Matlock, Derby E c 18 Mazavamba, S. Cent. Africa H f 33 Medine (French), Senegambia C e 33 Matompkin Inlet, Va. K d 8 Mazeppa, Minn. E e 11 Medinet el Fayoom, Egypt C d 29 Matra IJerg, Mt. Hangar y F c 25 Mazieovize, Poland E e 24 Mediterranean Sea, 17 Matre Fiord, Bergen D g 23 Mazita I. Victoria Nyanza C k 29 Medob, Dar Fin- B f 29 Matsmai, Cap, ofYesso, Japan P b 32 Mazomanie, Wis. H f 11 Medoc, Giro nde D d 21 Matsu-sima (Dagelet L), Japan sea O c 32 Mazon Creek, 111. D b 7 Medoc, Mo. M p 12 Mattagamon L. Me. F b 5 Mazzara, Sicily E f 20 Medoc, Fort, Gironde D d 21 Mattamnskeet Lake N. C. I f 8 Mazzarino, Sicily F f 26 Medon, Tenu. G b 9 M attaponv R. Va. H d 8 M ‘Bean, " Ga. O d 9 Meduxnakeag R. Me. G b 5 Mattawamkeag, Me. F c 5 Mboamaji, Zanzibar Coast H e 33 Medvieditsa, R. S. Russia I e 24 Mattawamkeag L. Me. F b 5 Mboro (French), Senegambia C c 33 Medvieditsa, Ust, Don Cossacks I f 24 Mattawamkeag R. Me. F c 5 McAuleyville, Minn. A c 11 Medviesje, Stavropol I f 24 Matteawau, N.Y. H e 6 McClemens, Mich. P g n Medway, Mass. C f 5 Matterhorn, or Mont Cervin, Alps B b 26 McDonald, co. Mo. M q 12 Medway, Port, Nova Scotia L d 4 Matteson, 111. E b 7 M ‘Combs, Mt. N. Y. H c 6 Med way, R. Kent G e 18 Matthews, co. Va. I d 8 M ‘Connell. Mt; Queensland H d 34 Medyn, Kaluga 11 e 24 Matthews Court House, Va. I d S M‘Connellsburg, Pa. C g 6 Meeadaye, Brit. Burmah I d 31 Matto Grosso, Prov. Brazil E d 16 M’Connelsville, Ohio L d 7 Meeker, co. Minn. C d 11 Matto Grosso (Villa Bella), Brazil E d 16 McPherson, Nebr. F f 13 Meelin, Cork B d 20 Mattoie, Cal. A e 14 McPherson, co. Kans. H a 13 Meenkyan, Burmah 1 c 31 Mattoon, 111. D d 7 M'Crachen, co. Ky. D f 7 Meer Ali, Afghanistan B a 31 Mattoi e, Bengal G c 31 M'Cullock, Tex. G d 10 Meerana, King loin of Saxony G c 22 Mattsnykers Is. Tasmania S v 35 Mdaghra, Marocco D a 33 Meerpore, Scinde C b 31 Matina, Brazil D c 16 M'Donald, Ga. N f 9 Meentj, Bombay Pres. D d 31 Matura, Ceylon F f 31 M ‘Donald Is. Indian Ocean A o 1 Meerut, N. W. Provs. E b 31 Matura, Port de, Brazil D c 16 M ‘Donalds Peak, Queensland G e 34 Meeting of the Waters, Wicklow E d 20 Matura, R. Brazil E c 16 M ‘Donnell Range, Cent. Australia E d 34 Megalokastron, Candia L g 26 Maturiu, Venezuela L f 15 M ‘Donough, Ga. L d 9 Maganatawan, R. Ontario C d 4 Matzein, Burmah H c 31 M'Donougli, 111. B c 7 Megantic, co. Quebec H c 4 Maubee, Brit. Burmah I d 31 M'Douall Range, Cent. Australia E c 84 Megantic, L. Quebec 14 d 4 Mauberme, Pic de, Mt. Pyrenees E e 21 M'Dougal Pass, Idaho H cl 14 Mcgara, Greece K e 26 Maubeuge, Nord G a 21 M ‘Dowell, co. N. C. C f 8 Megiddo (cl Lejun), Palestine B e 30 Mauch Chunk, Pa. F f 6 M ‘Dowell, co. W. Va. D d 8 Meglino Lake, Novgorod H d 24 Man ch line. Ayr D e 19 M'Duffie, Ga. N d 9 Megra, Archangel I b 24 Maude, N. S. Wales G f 34 Meae Sima, I., Japan P d 32 Mehadia, Military Front er 11 d 25 Maudit, Mont, or Meade, co. Ky. F e 7 Meherrin, Va. G d 8 La Maladetta, Pyrenees L b 27 Meadow, Idaho F c 14 Meherriu R. Va. G e 8 Mauer See, E. Prussia L a 22 Meadow Creek, Utah G f 14 Mehidia, Marocco D a 33 Maui or Mowee I. Sandwich Is. C g 1 Meadow R. W. Va. E c 8 Mehidpoor, Indore Agency E e 31 Maukport, Ind. F c 7 Meadow Valley, Nev. F g 11 Mehun, Cher F c 21 Mauleon, Basses Pyrenees D e 21 Meadsville, Va. F e 8 Meia Ponte, Brazil F d 16 Maule, prov. Chili C f 16 Meadville, Pa. A e 6 Meid, Somali F g 29 Maule, R. Chili C f 16 Meagher, co. Mont. H b 14 Meifuk, Syria C b 30 Maulmain, or Mealagh, R. Cork B e 20 Meigle, Perth E d 19 Moulmein, Brit. Burmah I d 31 Mealasbhal, Mt., Lewis A b 19 Meigs, co. Ohio K d 7 Mauniee B, Lake Erie, Ohio I b 7 Mealfourvounie, Mt., Inverness D c 19 Meigs, co. Tenn. L b 9 Mauniee City, Ohio I b 7 Meal Girdy, Mt., Perth D d 19 Meigsville, Ohio L d 7 Maumee R. Ind. & Ohio FI b 7 lli earns, Renfrew D e 19 Meiningeu, Saxe Meiniugen F e 22 Maunielle, Ark. C c 9 Mearns, The, or Meis, Asia Minor B b 29 Mauniusson, Pertuis de, Kincardineshire, co. Scotland F d 19 Meisenheim, Rhenish prov. D d 22 C'harente inf. D d 21 Meath, co. Leinster E c 20 Meissau, Lower Austria D b 25 Manna Roa, Vol. Hawaii I. C g 1 Meaux, Seine-et-Marne F b 21 Meissen, King, of Saxony G c 22 Maungarnki Range, Wellington E d 35 Mebarraz, Alisa F d 29 Meissner, Mt., Cassel E c 22 Mauugataniwa, Mt. Auckland D a 35 Mecatina, Little, I Quebec O a 4 Mejdel, Palestine A f 30 Maurepas L. La. E g 9 Mecca, Hejuz E e 29 Mejdel (Magdala), Palestine C e 30 Mail res, Montague de, Var. H e 21 Meccadal, Minoi-ca P d 27 Mejdel, el ( Migdal-qad ), Palestine A g 30 Mauriac, Cantal F d 21 Mechanicburg, Va. E d 8 Mejdel Keruni, Palestine B e 30 Maurice R. N. J. F g 6 Mechanic Falls, Me. D d 5 Mejillones B. Bolivia C e 16 Maurice, St, co. Quebec G c 4 Mechanicsburg, 111. C d 7 Mejillon.es, Morro de Mt., Bolivia C e 16 Maurienne, Valley, Alps of Savoy H d 21 Mechanicsburg, Ohio I c 7 Mejma'a, Nejed F <1 29 Mauritius (Isle of France), Ind. Oc. K g 33 Mechanicsburg, Pa. D f 6 Mekheref (Borber), Nubia C f 29 Maury, co. Tenn. H b 9 Mechanics Grove Pa. E g 6 Meklira, Hejaz E e 29 Mau raises Terres, Dak. E e 13 Mechanics Town, Md. D g 8 Mekinez, or Maverick, Tex. F e 10 Mechanicsville, Iowa P 1 12 Mequinez ( Miknasa ), Marocco D a 33 Mavora, L. Otago B f 35 Meclianicsville, N. Y. II d 6 Meklong, Siam I e 31 Mavroninti, Greece I f 27 Mechanicsville, Pa. C f 6 Me-kong, Camboja, or Maxcauu, Yucatan E c 15 Mediant L. La. E li 9 Lan-tsan Kiang, R , China H f 32 Maxville, Ind. F e 7 Mechlin (Flem. Mechelen, Fr. Mekoye, Soudan D c 33 Maxwelltown, Kirkcudbright E e 19 Malines), Belgium C c 22 Mekr.m.prov. Beloochistan & Persia B b 31 Mayacinas Mts. Cal. B f 14 Mecklenburg, Tenn. M b 9 Mekri, Edirne L d 26 Mayagucs, Puerto Rico K d 15 Mecklenburg, co. N. C. E f 8 Mel, Veneti.i E a 26 Mayboie, Galicia G a 25 Mecklenburg, co. Va. G e 8 Melada I. Dalmatia D d 25 May, Caps, N. J. G h 6 Mecklenburg-Schwerin, grd. duchy, Melanesia, Oceania 1 Maydan, town, Ayr D e 19 Germany F b 22 Melbes, Kordofan C g £9 Mayen, Rhenish Prov. I) c. 22 Meckleuburg-Strelitz, grd. duchy, Melbourne, Cap. of Victoria H g 34 Mayence (Mainz), Hessen E d 22 Germany G b 22 JMelbourne, Iowa K k 12 Mayen ue. Mayenne D b 21 Meek’s Ferry, Idaho G d 14 Melbourne, town, Derby E d IS Mayenne, dep. France D b 21 Mecosta, Mich. M f 11 Meleombe l.egis, Dorset D f 18 Mayenne, R. Mayenne D c 21 Mecosta, co. Mich. M f 11 Meldorf, Holstein E a 22 Ma-yen R. Manchuria N a 32 Mecox Bay, L. I. B h 5 Meldrum, Old, Aberdeen F c 19 Maytield, Ky. D g 7 Mtdahar, Marocco D a 33 Meleros, R. Mexico C b 15 Mayfield Creek, Ky. D g 7 Medak, Military Frontier D d 25 Melti, Basilieat i F d 26 May, Isle of, Fife F d 19 Medaryville, Ind. F d 7 Mel lord, Long, Sulfolk G d IS Maynardville, Tenn. M a 9 Medas Is. Gerona O b 27 Melgaco, Minho B b 27 Mayne, Mt. Queensland G d 34 Medbourne, Leicester F d 18 Melgar de Fernamental, Burgos F b 27 Maynooth, Kildare E c 20 Meddybemps L. Me. G c 5 Melgig, L. Algeria E a 33 Mayo, Mayo B c 20 Medebn (Madeba), Palestine C g 30 M'Elhatten, Pa. D e 6 Mayo, co. Connaught B c 20 Medellin, Badajos E f 27 Melhow R. Wash. O a 14 Mayo I. Cape Verd Is. B c 33 Medellin, Columbia H f 15 Meliau, Borneo N i 28 Mayo, R. Mexico B b 15 Medemblik, Holland C b 25 Melibocus, Odenwalc , Hessen E d 22 Mayo R. Va. E e 8 Medford, Env. of Boston E g 2 Meliiles, Alemtejo B f 27 Mayorga, Valladolid E b 27 Medford, Minn. D e 11 Melillu, Marocco G h 17 Mayor, I. Sevilla D g 27 Medford, N. J. G g 6 Me-ling Mts. China K e 32 Mayor, I. (Tvhua), Auckland F b 35 Media, Pa. F g 6 Melitapol, Taurida 11 f 24 Mavotta I. (French), Media R. Tex. H e 10 Melksham, town. Wilts 9 e 18 Mozambique Chan. I f 33 Mediasch, Transylvania I o 25 Mellawee, Egvpi C d 29 May Pt. Newfoundland Q c 4 Medicine Bcw, Wyom. C f 13 Melle, Deux- Sevres P D c 21 GENERAL INDEX, S8 Welle, Hanover E b 22 Meraweh, Nubia II c 33 Metamora, 111. C C 7 Middleburg, Fla. O g 9 Welle, C. delle. Piedmont C c 26 Merbat, Oman G i 29 Meta, Mt., Apennines, F d 26 Middleburg (Snyder co.), Pa. D f 6 Well id. Cornua B b 27 Mercira, Madras Pres. E e 31 Meta R. Columbia I 1‘ 15 Middleburg [Franklin co.) Pa. D g 6 Welli so, Mo. 0 q 12 Mercedes, Uruguay E f 16 Metcalfe, co. By. G cr 7 Middleburgh, N. Y. G d 6 Mellonvtile, Fla. L n 8 Mercedes, Argentine Rip. D f 16 Metemmeh, Nubia C f 29 Middlebury, Vt. A d 5 Wellcmll, Burmah H d 31 Merced, co. Cal. C cr 14 Methlick, Aberdeen F c 19 Middle Channel, Lake Hun n Melmil, Somali E h 2d Merced R. Cal. O' Monovar, Alicante K f 27 Montereau, Seine-et-Marne F b 21 Montreuil, Pas de Calais E a 21 Moline, Miss. G c 9 Monoville, Cal. D f 14 Monterey, Ala. I f 9 Montreuil, Seine B e 21 Molino, Fla. H g 9 Monowai, L. Otago A f 35 Monterey, Cal. C g W Montreuil, Grande Seine-et Oise B e 21 Molise, prov. S. Italy F d 26 Mon, R. Bhutan, H b 31 Monterey, Ind. F b 7 Montrose, Iowa P m 12 Mdlk Lower Austria D b 25. Mon real, Tern el I d 27 Monterey, Mexico C b 15 Aiontrose, Mo. N o 12 Mollen, Lauenberg F b 22 Monreale, Sicily E e 26 Monterey, Pa. B e 6 Montrose, N. C. F f 8 M oiler B. Alaska D d 2 Monroe, Ark. D o 9 Monterey, Va. F c 8 Montrose, Pa. F e 6 Mollers B. Nova Zembla L a 24 Monroe, Ga. M d 9 Monterey, Bay of. Cal. C g 11 Montrose, bor. Forfar F d 19 Mollthall, Mt. Carinthia 0 c 25 Monroe, 111. C a 7 Monterey, co. Cal. C g 11 Montrouge, Seine B c 21 Molin, I. Baltic Provinces M g 23 Monroe, 111. B e 7 Monterey, Mt. Env. of Boston E h 5 Montrouge, Fort de, Seine B e 21 Mologa, Yaroslav H d 24 Monroe, Iowa N 1 12 Monte Rosa, Switzerland H d 21 Montserrat, I. ( British), Antibes L d 15 Molung, New S. Wales H f 34 Monroe, La. C e 7 Monterotondo, Latia E c 26 Montserrat, A- 1. Barcelona M c 27 Molopa, S. Africa G g 33 Monroe, Mich. O h 11 Monte San Angelo, Apulia F d 26 Monts Forez, Puy de Dome F d 21 Molrenny, Mayo B c 20 Monroe, Miss. F f 9 Monte San Giuliano, Sicily E e 26 Mont Tasselot, Cote d’Or G C -1 Molsheim, Alsace D d 22 Monroe, Mo. Q o 12 Montesano, Wash. B b 14 Mont-tim, Range, Nev. F f 14 Molstow, R. Pomerania H b 22 Monroe, N. C. E g 3 Monte Santo, Gulf, Selanik K d 26 Moiit.uiri, Majorca N e 27 Molton, South, bor. Devon C e 18 Monroe, Va. F e 8 Monte Santo, or Mt. Athos, Selanik L d 26 Mont Valerien, Forteresse du Seine B e 21 Moltthony Hill, West Australia B f 34 Monroe, Wis. H g 11 Montesquieu, Gers E e 21 Montvale Spr.ng, Tenn. M b 9 Molucca Passage, Malaysia 0 h 2.8 Monroe, City, Mo. P li 12 Montevallo, Ala. I d 9 Montvilie, Me. E d 5 Molunkus, Me. F o. 5 Monroe, co. Ala. H f 9 Montevallo, Mo. M p 12 Monumbagh, Madagascar I f 33 Molyneux, Otago B g 35 Monroe, co. Fla. L P 8 Monte Video, Cap. of Uruguay E f 16 Monument, Kans. F g 13 Molyneux, or Clutha, R. Otago B f 35 Monroe, co. Ga. M e 9 Montezuma, 111. B d 7 Monument Mts. Cal F h 14 Monibas, Zanzibar Coast H e 33 Monroe, co. Ind. F d 7 Montezuma, Ind. E d 7 Monument Point, Utah G e 14 Momblanch, Tarragona M c 27 Monroe, eo. Iowa O 1 12 Montezuma, Iowa O 1 12 Monyeen, Burmah I o 31 Moinhuey, Zamora D b 27 Monroe, co. Ky. G g 1 Montezuma, Minn. F c 11 Monymusk, Aberdeen F c 19 Momeit, Burn:ah I c 31 Monroe, co. Mich. 0 h 11 Montezuma, N. Y. E c 6 Monza, Lombardy C 1. 26 Momence, 111. E b 7 Monroe, co. Miss. G d 9 Montezuma, Ohio H c 7 Monzie, Perth E d 19 Mompox, Columbia I f 15 Monroe, co. Mo. O n 12 Montezuma, Tenn. G b 9 Monzon Huesca L c 27 Monach (Hill), Lewis B b 19 Monroe, co. Nebr. F f 13 Montfort, Hle-et-Vilaine D b 21 Moodgul, Nizam's Dominions E d 31 Mouach Is. Outer Hebrides A c 19 Monroe, co. N. Y. D c 6 Montgomery, Cal. D g 11 Moodlmi, Lombay Pres. E d 31 Monaco, Alpes maritimes H e 21 Monroe, co. Ohio L d 7 Montgomery, ill. C d 7 Moodkee, or Mudke , Punjab D a 31 Monaco, pty. S. of France H e 21 Monroe, co. Fa. F e 6 Montgomery, Miss. F d 9 Mooers, N. Y. H b 6 Monadnock Mt., Great, N. H. B f 5 Monruc, co. Tenn. L b 9 Montgomery, Mo. P u 1- Mooleance nrDasti R., Beloochistan B b 31 Monngan, Mo. N o 12 Monroe, co. Wis. G f 11 Montgomery, N. Y. G e 6 Mooitan, orMulmn Punjab D a 31 Monaghan, co. Ulster E b 20 Monroe, co. W. Va. E d 8 Montgomery, Pa. C f 6 Moone, Kildare E d 20 Monaghan, co. town, Monaghan E b 20 Monroeton, Pa. E e 6 Montgomery, s. c. F li 8 Moondra, Cutcli C c 31 Mouagh Lea, or Monadhli idh Monroeville, Ala. 11 f 9 Montgomery, Tenn. L a 9 Moon, t Env. of Boston F g 5 Mts. Inverness D c 19 Monroeville, Cal. B f 14 Montgomery, Tex. I d 10 Mooui or Muni, R Queensland H e 34 Mona I. ( Spanish , Antilles K d 15 Monroeville, Ind. H b 7 Montgomery, Va. E d 8 Moonuk, Punjab E b 31 Mona Passage, Antilles K d 15 Monroeville, Ohio K b 7 Montgomery, Tasmania R v 35 Moo-oua, or Foa Ho, R. China I d 32 Monasterevin, Kildare D c 20 Monroeville, Pa. B f 6 Montgomery, bor. Montgom. C d lb Moor, Hungary F c 25 Monastir, Tunis F a 33 Monrovia, Ind. F d 7 Montgomery, Cap. of State, Ala. 1 e 9 Moore Bay, Clare B d 20 Monastir ( liitolia ) Roumelia I d 26 Monrovia, Cap. of Liberia C d 33 Montgomery, co. Ala. I e 9 Moore, co. N. C F f 8 Monay, Bunn ah I c 31 Mons, Belgium B e 22 Montgomery, co. Ark. B c 9 Mooretield, • Ohio L c 7 Moneado, Valencia K e 27 Mons, Somme E a 21 Montgomery, co. Ga. N e 9 Moorefield, W. Va. G b 8 Moivalieri, Piedmont B b 26 Monsaras, Alemtejo C 1 27 Montgomery, co. Ind. F c 7 Moore Lake, W. Australia B e 34 Mon^ao, Minlio B b 27 Monsech, El, Mt. Lerida L b 27 Montgomery, co. Iowa L 1 12 Moore R. W. Australia B f 34 Monchique, Algarve B b 27 Monsheim, Hessen E d 22 Montgomery, co. Kans. I h 13 M ooresboro, N. C. D f 8 Monek, eo. Ontario D c 4 Monson, Mass. B f 5 Montgomery, co. Ky. I e 7 Mooreshill, Ind. G d 7 Monelova, Mexico C b 15 Monson, Me. E c 5 Montgomery, co. Md. D g 6 Moores Landing, Minn. C d 11 Moneoeur I. Bass Strait S t 35 Mbnsterjis, Gothland I h 23 Montgomery, co. Miss. F d 9 Mooresville, Ala 1 c 9 Moncton, New Brunswick L c 4 Montague de Maures Var H e 21 Montgomery, eo. Mo. P o 12 Muoresville, Ind. F d 7 Moncul, R. Beira C d 27 Montague d’Estercd, Yar H e 21 Montgomery, co. N. C. F f 8 Moore Town, Jamaie 11 d 15 Monda, Malaga F h 27 Montagues, Les, Montgomery, co. N. Y. G d 6 Mooreville, Pa. C e 6 Mundcgo, Cape, Beira B d 27 Garrigues, Aveyron-et-Gard F e 21 Montgomery, co. Ohio H d 7 Mooreville, Tex. I c 10 Mondego, R. Beira B d 27 Montague, Tex. H c 10 Montgomery, co. Pa. E f 6 Moorfoot Hills, Peebles E e 19 Mondeflirnin, Victoria G f 34 Montague, C. Chili C g 16 Montgomery, co. Tasmania R v 35 Moorghab, R. Afghanistan B a 31 Mondonedo, Lugo C a 27 Montague, eo. Tex. II e 10 Montgomery, co. Tenn. H a 9 Moorhead, Minn. A c 11 Mondova, Mexico F e 3 Montague, co. Tasmania R u 35 Montgomery, co. Tex. I d lu Moorshedabad, Bengal G c 31 Mondovi, Piedmont B b 26 Montague I. New S. Wales I g 34 Montgomery, co. Va. E d 8 Moors of the S..lir.ra, Sahara D b 33 Mondovia, Wis. F E 11 Montagu Sound, N W. Australia D b 34 Montgomeryshire, co. Wales C d lb Moors, The, Wigtown D f 19 Mondure, Queensland I e 34 Montagut, Mt. Tarragona M c 2 1 Monticello, Ark. D d 9 Moosburg, Bavaria F d 22 M nnea, Fermanagh D 1) 20 Mon tai<;u, Vendee D c 21 Monticello, Fla. M g 9 Moosehead L. Me. F, c 5 VI nnee, 111. E b 7 Monlalban, Teruel K d 27 Monticello, Ga. M d 9 .Moose Hill Me. I) c 6 a 5 a 11 a 11 c 11 b 13 a 5 a 2 c 5 c 6 a 5 c 5 a 5 b 29 g 5 b 31 a 32 a 14 a 16 cl 1G f 23 e 27 a 10 c 26 d 27 a 31 a 27 c 27 a 15 a 19 b 24 c 21 f 27 c 21 c 26 b 25 m 12 b 25 b 25 c 19 f 27 c 19 c 21 c 21 li 23 d 9 d 13 b 18 b 18 e 7 e 8 g 8 e 9 c 6 d 15 d 27 c 27 li 11 e 16 d 2 e 34 f 18 e 34 f 9 d 7 e 11 c 9 d 9 d 7 f 7 o 12 d 7 a 9 e 14 b 8 f 7 h 6 c 9 f 8 f 7 d 7 f 7 f 6 b 8 c 21 c 21 b 6 d 5 h 5 b 21 : f 11 p 12 o 14 1 12 b 9 c 20 c 34 d 9 a 10 c 7 ' a 33 ' a 33 d 20 * c 31 f 3 g 27 c 16 [ f 14 : c 16 d 9 b 10 GENERAL INDEX. G1 Blorosquillo, G. Columbia H f 15 Motala Elf, (R.) Gothland H g *23 Blount Prospect, ln.1. F e 7 Morpeth, Northumberland E a 18 Motane Range, New S. Wales G f 34 Moul t Pulaski, 111. C c 7 Morphou B. Cyprus C b 29 Motavski B. Lapland G c 24 Mountrath, Queen s County D c 20 Morris, Conn. A g 5 Motcha, R. Samara K e 24 Blounts Bay, Cornwall A f 18 Morris, 111. D b 7 Motherwell, town Lanark E e 19 Mount Scott, Ind. T. G b 10 Morris, Minn. B d 11 Motilla del Palancar, Cuenca I e 27 Blount Sinai Harbor, L. 1. B g 5 Morris, Mich. L h 11 Motiti, I. Auckland F b 35 Mount Sorrell, Leicester E d 13 Morris, Nova Scotia M d 4 Motovilikinskoi, Perm M d 24 Mount Sterling, Hi. B c 7 Morris, Pa. D e 6 Motozo, Japan P d 32 Mount Sterling, Ind. G e 7 Morrisania, Env. of N. Y. C b 6 Motra, Walachia K b 26 Mount Sterling, Ky. I e 7 Morrisburg, Ontario F d 4 Motrico, Guipuscoa H a 27 Blount Sterling, Bio. P o 12 Morris, co. Kans. H g 13 Motril, Granada G h 27 Blount Sterling, ‘Ohio I d 7 Morris, co. N. J. G f 6 Mott HaveD, Env. of N. Y. B b 6 Mount Talbot, Roscommon C c 20 Morris I. Env. of Charleston C k 8 Mottling, Carniola D d 25 Blount Tirzah, N. C. G e 8 Morrison, 111. C b 7 Motueka, Nelson D d 35 Mount Union, Pa. D f 6 Morrison, Wis. H f 11 Motu Hora, I. Auckland F b 35 Blount Vernon, Ala. G f 9 Morrison, co. Minn. C a u Motutapu I. Auckland E b 35 Mount Vernon, Ark. E b 9 Morrison, Mt. Formosa M f 32 Motu ye, Japan P e 28 Blount Vernon, Ga. N e 9 Morriston R. Inverness D c 19 Mouchoir-carrd Bank, Bahamas I c 15 Mount Vernon, 111. D e 7 Morristown, Ind. G c 7 Moukden, or Shin -yang-foo, Blount Vernon, Ind. E f 7 Morristown, Ind. G d 7 Cap. of Prov. Leao-tong M b 32 Mount Vernon, Iowa P 1 12 Morristown, Minn. D e 11 Moulameiu, New Si Wales G g 34 Blount Vernon, Ky. H f 7 Morristown, Mo. M o 12 Moulins, Allier F c 21 Blount Vernon, Bio. N p 12 Morristown, N. J. G f 6 Moulmein, or Blount Vernon, Ohio K c 7 Morristown, Ohio L c 7 Maul main. Brit. Burmah I d 31 Blount Washington, Ky. G e 7 Morristown, Tenn. M a 9 Moulton, Ala. 11 c 9 Mount Webster, Ind. t. G b 10 Morrisville, N. Y. F d 6 Moulton, Iowa O n 12 Blount Welcome, Ky. I f 7 Morrisville, Pa. G f 6 Moultrie, Ga. M f 9 Blount WMiusr. Ala. I e 9 Morro de Mejillones , Mt. Bolivia C e 16 Moultrie, 111. D d 7 Me _ j Willing, S. C. D h 8 Morro Moreno, Mt. Bolivia C e 16 Moultrieville, Env. of Charleston C k : Mount Yonah, Ga. Bl c 9 Morrow, Ohio H d 7 Mound City, HI.' C f 7 Blount Zion, 111. D d 7 Morrow, co. Ohio K c 7 Mound City, K.ans. I g 13 Mount Zion, Ky. D f 7 Morrum An, Gothland H h 23 Mound Prairie. Minn. F f 11 Moura, Alemt jo C f 27 Morses Creek, Dak. H d 13 Moundsville, W. Va. E b 8 Mourao, Alemtejo C f 27 Morshansk, Tambov I e 24 Moundvilie, Wis. H f 11 Mourmelon-le-Grand, Marne G b 21 Morshovetz I. Archangel I b 24 Mount Adolphus I. Torres Strait G b 34 Mourne Mountains, Down E b 20 Mortague, Orne E b 21 Mountain City, Cal. E g ^ Mourne, It. Tyrone D b 20 Mortain, Manclie D b 21 Mountain City, Colo. D g 13 Mourom, or Blurorc, Vladimir I d 24 Morte Bay, Devon B e 18 Mountain House, (Catshill Mts.) Mourzouk, Fezzan F b 33 Mortes, It. Brazil E d 16 N. Y. G d 6 Blousa I. Shetland A b 19 Mortier Harbor, Newfoundland Q c 4 Mountain L. Dom. of Canada L a 11 Mousam Pond, Me. D e 5 Mortimer, Cleobury, Salop l3 d 18 Mountain L. Blinn. C a 11 Mousam R. Ble. D e 5 Mortimers Cross, Hereford D d 18 Mountain L. Minn. G a 11 Blouse or Souris R. Dom. of Canada F b 13 Morton, » Miss. F e 9 Mountain Lake, Minn. B f 11 Blouth of Pond, W. Va. C d 8 Morussu, Mukdeesha F i 29 Mountain Men R. Alaska E c 2 Blunders, Savoie H d 21 Morven, Mt. Aberdeen E c 19 Mountain Snake Indians, Moutshobo, Burmah I c 31 Morven, Mt. Caithness E b 19 Country of. Idaho F d 14 iVloville, Donegal D a 20 Morvern, or Morven dist. Arsjyle C d 19 Mount Airy, N. C. E e 8 Blowbray Gap, Va. E e 8 Morvi, Gnjerat D c 31 Mount Alvis, Ala. I c 9 Blowee, or Biaui I. Sandwich Is. C g 1 Mosal.sk, Kaluga G e 24 Mount Auburn, 111. C d 7 Mowequa, 111. 0 d 7 Mosape, S. Cent. Africa H f 33 Mount Auburn, Iowa O k 12 Mower, co. Minn. E f 11 Mosauka, S. Cent. Africa H f 33 Mount Ayr, Iowa BI m 12 Blowry City, N. ilex. C c 10 Mosbach, Baden E d 22 Mount Battock, Kincardine F d 19 Moxacar, or Mojacar, Alineria I g 27 Mosbach, circ. Baden E d 22 Mount Bellew, Galway C c 20 Moxea, Peloponnesus, or S. Greece K f 26 Moscos Is. Brit. Burmali I e 31 Mountbolis, King’s County D c 20 Bloxie Pornl, Me. E c 5 Moscow, Ala. G d 9 Mount, Cape, Liberia C d 33 Bloy, Inverness D c 19 Moscow, Ind. G d 7 Mount Carmel, 111. E e 7 Moy, Tyrone E b 20 Moscow, Ky. C g 7 Mount Carmel, Ky. I e 7 Moya, Barcelona N c 27 Moscow, Me. E c 5 Mount Carmel, Bio. O o 12 Moycullen, Galway B c 20 Moscow, Mich. N g 11 Mount Carmel, Ohio H d 7 Moynalty, Bleatli E c 20 Moscow, Moscow H d 24 Mount Carroll, 111. B a 7 Moyne Castle, Mayo B c 20 Moscow, N. Y. D d 6 Mounteliarles, Donegal C b 20 Bloyobamba, Pern C c 16 Moscow, Ohio H e 7 Mount Clio, S. C. E g 8. Moy, R. Sligo C b 20 Moscow, Pa. F e 6 Mount Crawford, Va. G c 8 Moyvally, Kildare E e 20 Moscow, Tenn. F b 9 Mount Desert I. Ble. F d 5 Moyvore, Westmeath D c 20 Moscow, gov. Russia H d 24 Mount Desert Rock and Light Ho. Mozambique, Blozambique I f 33 Mosdok, Stavropol I g 24 Ble. F e 5 Blozambique Chan. Indian Oc. I f 33 Moseirah I. Oman H e 29 Mount Elba, Ark. C d 9 Mozambique Country S. Africa H f 33 Moseley Hall, Fla. M g 9 Mount Erie, 111. D e 7 Moz, Porto de, Brazil E c 16 Moselle, dep. France H b 21 Mountfield, Tyrone D b 2o Mozufernugur, N. W. Provs. E b 31 Moselle, R. (Ger. Mosel), Moselle H b 21 Mount Gabriel, Cork B e 20 Mozufferpoor, Bengal G b 31 Mosetenes, R. Bolivia D d 16 Mount Gilead, Ky. H f 7 BPPhail, co. Minn. A e 11 Mosha I. (British), Gulf of Aden E g 29 Mount Gilead, Ohio K c 7 Blpingo, S Cent. Africa H f 33 Moshaisk, Moscow II d 2r Mount Henry, 111. D a 7 Blpororo, dist. Upper Kile C k 2J Moshan, Corea N b 32 Mount Holly, N. J. G g 6 Mruli, Upper Nile. C 1 29 Moshannon, Pa. C e 6 Mount Ida, Ark. B c 9 Msene, Cent. Africa II e 33 Moshannon Creek, Pa. C f 6 Mount Jackson, Va. G c . 8 Blsta, R. Novgorod G d 21 Mosha, R. Olonetz I c 24 Mount Joy, Pa. E f 6 Blstislavl, Mohilev G e 24 Moshi, Nubia C f 29 Mountjoy', Tyrone D b 20 Mtesa, Upper Nile C i 29 Mosilikatse’s Dominions, S. Africa G f 33 Mount Keen, Aberdeen E d 19 Bit. Pleasant, Blich. N f 11 Mosioatuma (i.e. Smoke-soundin'/), Mount Leigh, Ohio I e 7 Bit. Seward, N. Y. G b 9 or Victoria Falls, on R. Zambesi G f 33 Mount Liberty, Ohio K c 7 Mtsenslc, Orel H e 24 Mnsi or Mori, King lorn, Soudan D c 33 Mount Lookout, Fla. L h 9 Mualitch, Asia Minor B a 29 Mosken, Tromso G c 23 Mountmellick, Queen’s County D c 20 Muang Lein, Burmah I c 31 Moskenes, Tromso G c 23 Mount Moriah, Ark. B d 9 Muanza, Cent. Africa 11 e 33 Moskeneso, I. Tromso G b 23 Mount Morris, Blieh. O f li Muanza, Victoria Nyanza C k z9 Moskva, R. Moscow H d 24 Mount Morris, N. Y. D d 6 Bl turn lvombo. Cent. Africa F e 33 Mosquito B. Labrador N c 2 Blount Morris, Pa. A g 6 Mubulun, Blongolia K b 32 Mosquito Const, Nicaragua G e 15 Mount Mourne, N. C. E f 8 Bluch Wenlock, Salop D d 18 Mosquito I. Me. E e 5 Mount Norris, Armagh E b 20 Muck 1. Inverness B d 19 Mosquito Inlet, Fla. M n 8 Mount Norris B. N. Australia E b 34 Muck, I. of, Antrim F b 20 Mosquito Inlet, . La. P h 9 Mount Nugent, Cavan D e 20 Bluckisli, Bit. Donegal C a 20 Mosquito Lagoon, Fla. M m 8 Mount Olive, Ark. C b 9 Muekie Rove I. Shetland A b 19 Mosquito Lagoon, Fla. O h 9 Mount Olive, N. C. G f 8 Muckross Abbey, Kerry B d 20 Mosquito, Orange co. Fla. O i 9 Blount Olivet, Ky. I e 7 Mucuru, Columbia 1 g 15 Moss, Christiania F g 24 Mount Pinson, Ala. I d 9 Mudalii, Persia I o 29 Mossamba Mts. Cent. Africa F f 33 Mount Pinson, Tenn. G b 9 Mud Creek, Dom. of Canada F a 13 Mossamedes, Mossamedes F f 33 Mount Pleasant, Ala. H f 9 Muddy Creek, Ind. T. H b 10 Mossamedes, JPortu ^uese . rov. Blount Pleasant, Ark. B a 9 Muddy Creek, Pa. E g 6 S. Guinea F f 33 Blount Pleasant, 111. C f 7 Bluddy R. Dak. G d 13 Mosside, Antrim E a 20 Mount Pleasant, Ind. F e 7 Muddy R. Ky. F f 7 Mossinee, Wis. H e 11 Blount Pleasant, Iowa P m 12 Muddy R. Nev. F g H Mossville, 111. C c 7 Mount Pleasant, Ky. I g ? Bluddy R. Wyom. I e 14 Mostaganem, Algeria E a 33 Mount Pleasant, La. D e 9 Bliuteee, New S. Wales H f 34 Mostageneni, or Blount Pleasant, Bio. O o 12 Kludge, Bit. Queensland H d 34 Mostaganem, Algeria H h 17 Mount Pleasant, N. J. G g 6 Bludkee, or Bloodkee Punjab D a 31 Mostar, Bosnia H b 26 Mount Pleasant, Ohio Bl c 7 Mud L. La. B h 9 Mosul, Bagdad E b 29 Blount Pleasant, Pa. F e 6 Bind L. Nev. F g 11 Mosyr, Minsk F e 24 Blount Pleasant, Pa. F f 6 Bind R. Cal. A e 14 Mota, Abyssinia D g 29 Blount Pleasant, Tenn. H b 9 Mud R. Vt. B d 5 Mota del Marques, Valladolid E c 27 Blount Pleasant, Tex. I c 10 Bl mlug. Somali F b 29 Motagua, R. Uuatemala F d 15 Mount Pleasant, Env. of Charleston C k 8 Bluendi, Loaugo F e 33 Motakawa Ft. Auckland G b 35 Blount Pleasant Valley, N. C. E f 8 Bluertos B. Lower California E f 3 Jvlotala, Gothland H g 23 Blount Pleasant ( Westmorland), l’a. B f 6 Muff, Cavan E c 20 Q 62 GENERAL INDEX, Muff, Donegal D a 20 Mifravera, Sardinia C e 26 Muthil, Perth E d lv Naniekagon L. Wis. F c 11 Muff, Londonderry D a 20 Murchison Creek, Upper Nile C i 29 Mutlira, N. W. Provs. E b 31 Naniekagon R. Wis. F d 11 Mu fga, Sahara C b 33 Murchison Falls (Nile), Upper Nile C i 29 Mutton I. Clare B d 20 Nameny, Hungary H 1. 25 Mugen, Kan-su F b 32 Murchison Mt. W. Australia B e 31 Muttra, or Matarah, Oman H e 29 Name.ukan L. Minn. D a 11 M uggendorf, Bavaria F d 22 Murchison, Mt. Rocky Mts. I d 2 Mutyali. Wady el, Palestine B g 30 Namoa, Quang-tnng L f 32 Mnggendirfer Gebirge, Bavaria F c 22 Murchison R. W. Australia B thine Prov. D c 22 Murray vJle, 111. B d 7 Nacogdoches, Tex. I d 1( Nan Ting R. Burmah I c 31 Mulhouse (Miihlhausen). Alsace D e 22 M nrr.ngo, New S. Wales 14 f 34 Nacogdoches, co. Tex. 1 d lb Nantua, Ain G c 21 Mulkear, R. Limerick C d 20 Murr l gton, Wexford E d 20 Nadadores, Mexico C b 15 Lintucket, Mass. D g 5 Mulkilteu, Wash. B b 14 Mumunlmlgee Dist. New S. Wales 14 g 34 Nadudvar, Hungary G c 2. Nantucket, co. Mass. D g 5 Mullacrew, Louth E e 2 i Murrumliidgee R. Australia H f 34 Nadvvorna, Galicia 1 b 25 Nantucket I. Mass. D g 5 Mullagh, Cavan E c 20 Murtalieh. Palestine B d 3.0 Nagapatnam (Negapatam), Nantwich. town, Cheshire D c 18 Mullaghereirk Mountains, Limerick B d 2b M ur Thai. val. Styria D c 25 Mad. Pres. F e 31 Nan yang-fuo, Ho-nan R d 32 Mullaghmore Head, Sligo C b 20 Murui-ussu, or Nagasaki (open port), Japan N d 32 Nan-yong-foo, Quann tung K e 32 Mullangur, Nizam's Dominions E d 31 , Yang-tse Riang, R. Tibet F c 32 Nagathanah (Nagotaiia), Bombay D d 31 Nao, Cape, Alicante L f 27 Midler Ct«ek, Queensland G d 31 Murumbo, S. Cent. Africa H f 33 Naga tribes, Assam H b 3 j Nao, C. cli, or Colonna, Calalnia G e 26 Mailer Mt. N. Australia E e 34 Murundava, Madagascar 1 g 33 Nagavuily R. Madras Pres. F d 3i Napa- (orNava-kiang), Loo Choo Is. N e 32 Muller Mt. N. W. Australia D c 34 Mui undi, S. Australia F f 34 Nagera, Logrono H b 2, Napa City, Cal. B f 14 Mullet Key, Fla. K o 8 Muruusanga, Madagascar I f 33 Nagg ry (Nagari), Madras Pres. E e 31 -Napa, c Cal. B f 14 Mulletts L. 31 i ch. N d 11 M n rviedro, Valencia K e 27 Nagor, Cashmere D a 3i Napanee, Ontario E d 4 Mull Grove, N. C. D f 8 Miirz R. Styria D c 25 Nagore, Bengal G c 31 Napeague Beach, L. I. C li 5 Mull Head, Orkney Islands F a 19 Miirz Thai, val. Styria D c 25 Nagore or Nagoor, Madras Pres. E e, 3i Naperville, III. D b 7 Mull I. Argyle C d 19 Mlirzzuschlag, Styria D c 25 Nagor, R. Beloodiistan B b 3.1 Napier. Hawke’s Bay F c 35 Mullinahone, Tipperary D d 20 Muscat or Maskat, Oman H e 29 Nagotaiia ( Nagathanah ), Bombay D cl 31 Napiervil c, co. Quebec G d 4 Mullinavat, Kilkenny D d 20 Muscat, prov. Oman H e 29 Nagpoor, Central Provs. E c 31 Napipi, R. Colombia H f 15 Mullingar, co. town, Westmeath D c 20 Muscatine, Iowa P 1 12 Nag Saudor Mt. Carpathians M a 2. Naples, 111. B d 7 Mull. ns, S. C. F g » Muscatine, co. Iowa P 1 12 Naguelliapi, L. Patagonia O g lb Naples, Ind. G b 7 Mull of Cantyre, Argyle C e 19 Muscatutuk, Ind. F e 7 Nagu I. Finland L f 2; Naples, Me. D e 5 Mull of Gailoway, Wigtown D f 19 Muscle Ledge Is. Me. F e 5 Naguldinny, Madras Pres. E d 31 Naples, N. Y. D d 6 Mull, Sound of, Argyle C d 19 Muscle R. Mo. O 11 12 Nagy Ag, R. Hungary H b 2u Naples, Wis. F e 11 Mulrea Mountain, Mayo B c 20 M uscoda, Wis. G f 11 Nagy Bajom, Hungary E c 2.. Naples (Napoli), Campania F d 26 Mulroy Bay, Donegal D a 20 Muscogee, co. Ga. L e 9 Nagy Becse, Hungary G d 25 Naples, prov. S. Italy F d 26 Multan, or Mooltan, Punjab D a 31 Musconeteong, R. N. J. G f 6 Nagy Enyed, Transylvania H c 2o Naples, B. of, Campania F d 26 Mul teen, R. Tipperary C d 20 Muscongus B. and R. Me. E e 5 Nagy Kapos, Hungary H b 25 Napoleon, Ark. D d 9 Multnomah, oo. Oreg. B c 14 Muscovy, or Nagy Karoly, Hungary H c 25 Napoleon, Mich. N g 31 Multyfarnham, Westmeath D c 20 Great Russia, cou. Russia H d 24 Nagy Kata, Hungary F e 25 Napoleon, Ohio H b 7 Mulvin, Tyrone 1) b 20 Musdatch Mt. Roumelia I d 26 Nagy Kbros, Hungary F c 25 Napoleon, Ohio K c 7 Mumbles, Glamorgan C e 18 Mushabeah I. Red Sea D d 29 Nagy Saros, Hungary G b 25 Napoleon Chan., Victoria Nyan/a C i 29 Mumf'ordsville, Ky. G f 7 Alushenef, Wady, Palestine E c 30 Nagy Szollos, Hungary H b 25 Napoleon, G. Manchuria O b 32 Munapaud, Madras Pres. E r 3i Mush nga, E. Africa H f 33 Naliant, Mass. D f 5 Napoleon Vendee, Vendee D c 21 Munarina R. S. Australia F e 34 Mushinga Mts. Cent. Africa H f 33 Nahant Bay, Env. of Boston G f 5 Napoieunville, Morbihan C b 21 Mnnberry L. W. Australia C f 34 Muskaig L. Dom. of Canada G a 11 Naliant Head, Env. of Boston G y 5 Napoltouville, Ind. G d 7 Munehengratz, Bohemia LI c 22 Muskegon, Mich. L f 11 NahrelKebir(i2. Elmtheru.s), Syria D a 30 Napoli (Naples), prov. S. Italy F d 26 Muncie, Ind. G c 7 Muskegon, co. Mich. L f 11 Nahr Makutta {Kishon li.), Palest. B e 3u Napo, 11. Ecuador C c 16 Muncy, Pa. E e 6 Muskegon, xi. Mich. M e 11 Naliud, Hejaz E f 29 Nappasok, Greenland P c 2 Mni.davee, Cuteh C c 31 Muskingum, co. Ohio K d 7 Naliiuita, N. C. H f 8 Naputa, Brit. Burmah PI d 31 Miinden, Hanover E c 22 Muskingum li. Ohio L d 7 Nah-wah Creek, Idaho E b 14 N ara, Japan P c 32 Mundlaisir, Indore Agency E c 31 Muskoka, dist. Canada D d 4 Nailors Creek, Env. of Philadelphia A li 6 Naran, Donegal C b 20 Mundo, Upper Nile B i 29 Muskoka, L. Ontario D d 4 Nailsworth, Gloucester D e 18 Naran, Mongolia 1 a 32 31 undo, R. Albac-te H f 27 Muskoka R. Ontario D d 4 Nain, Labrador O d 2 Naran, Mongolia I b 32 Muneepoor (native state), Bengal H c 31 Muskrat L. Quebec E c 4 Nain, Persia G c 29 Narbertli, hor. l’eni broke B e 18 Muneepoor, 31uneepoor H c 31 Musquacnok ti. Me. E b 5 Nain (Nein), Palestine B e 30 Narhonue, Aude F e 21 Muner])oor R. Burmah IL c 31 Musquash li. Me. G c 5 Nai, R. Tibet 14 b 31 Narhorougli I. Galapagos Is. E h 15 M uneitirah, Syria C b 30 Musquito, S. Australia G g 34 Nairn, bor. Nairn E c 19 Nareomlani I. Andaman Is. H e 31 Mungallala Creek, Queensland H e 31 Musquito Harbor, Me. F d 5 Nairn Mt. W. Australia B e 24 Nardo, Apulia II d 26 Munich {Munchen), Cap. of Bavaria F d 22 Musquito R. Ohio M b 7 Nairn R. Inverness D c 19 Nure, Columbia l f 15 Munniga, Mozambique H f 33 Musquudonoit Harb. Nova Scotia M d 4 Nairnshire, co. Scotland E c 19 Narenta, R. Bosnia G c 26 Muni R. Queensland H e 31 Musquodoboit, li. Nova Scotia M d 4 Naiuma, S. Cent. Africa F f 33 Narew, R. Boland E e 24 Munissing, 3!ich. L o 11 Musquodoboit, Upr Nova Scotia M d 4 Nakansavan, Siam K d 31 N argon I. Baltic Provinces N g 23 Munkacs, Hungary H b 25 Musraba. Nahr, li. Syria D a 30 Naked Man, Mt. Northumberland D a 18 Nariele, S Cent. Africa G f 33 Munnsville, N. Y. F e 0 MiTssabei, Danube N c 26 Nakel, Posen I b 22 Narkeeta, M iss. G e 9 .Munster, Alsace D d 22 Musselburgh, Edinburgh E e 19 Nakichevan, Erivan K h 24 Narni, Umbria E c 26 Munster, Westphalia D e 22 Mussel Shell li. Mont. I b 14 Nakitchevan, Ekaterinosiav H f 21 Naroo, R. Seinde U b 31 Munster, gov. Prussia I) c 22 Mussin. Wady, Palestine B f 30 Nakskov, Denmark F i 23 Narovo, R. Baltic Provinces F d 24 Munster, prov. Ireland 0 d 20 Mussy R. Nizam’s Dominions E d 31 Nal, Beloocbistau C b 31 Narowtcliat, Penza I e 24 Munster, R. Kilkenny D d 20 Mustagh Mts. Siberia C b 32 Nalaieha, Mongolia I 1) 32 Narraganset Bay, R. I. C g 5 Mmmio Eif, Norrland M b 23 Mustagh, or Karakoram Mts. Nalchik, Ter Dist. 1 g 24 Narraguagus Bay, Me. G 3 5 Mura, Upper Nile B h 29 Cashmere E a 31 Nalon R. Oviedo E a 27 Narraguagus R. Me. F d 5 Muutd-Su, or E. Euphrates, K. E b 29 Mustakli Pass, Karakoram C c 32 Naniaqua Land, Great, S. Africa F g 33 Narraudera, New S. Wales II f 34 Murakami, Japan P c 32 Mustang Creek, Tex. E b 10 Namaqua Land, Little, S. Africa F g 33 Narran R. New S. Wales H e 34 31 u rat, Cautal • F d 21 Mustang I. Tex. H f 10 Nai liculdroog ( Namkal- Dura), Narran Swamp, New S. Wales 11 e 34 M urau, Styria D c 25 Muswell brook, New S. Wales I f 34 Madras Pres. E e 31 Narrieu Mt. Queensland H 1 34 f 33 c 13 h 5 b 20 e 34 c 31 d 24 g 23 b 31 . c 28 b 32 d 18 d 18 f 8 k 12 e 18 c 7 e 7 i 5 f 9 e 7 d 7 g 11 f 11 o 12 p 12 a 9 c 4 d 25 c 24 e 30 e 30 b 23 e 24 e 20 b 10 b 15 d 6 b 19 I » c 34 g 9 c 22 d 31 h 23 f 33 c 29 f 15 li 2S li 33 c 2 c 16 a 4 a 4 a 4 a 4 f 9 f 9 f 9 f 9 c 29 b 31 f 5 f 32 d 10 c 15 c 7 g 33 b 30 b 9 f 34 e 34 c 25 b 22 b 22 g 5 c 22 c 20 c 22 c 22 c 31 f 26 f 26 c 16 c 7 e 6 c 10 a 10 b 10 d 27 e 27 e 27 c 20 e 32 h 16 f 26 b 27 c 10 d 10 d 10 c 27 b 19 a 27 e 10 k 1 f 15 d 15 e 30 GENERAL INDEX. 63 Nawagarh (Nowagudda), Nelson, Mt. Rocky Mts. L d 2 Neustadt Eberswalde, Brandenburg G b 22 Cent. Provs. F c 31 Nelson Port, Brit. America L d 2 Neustadtl, Carniola D 1 25 Naxia, Greece L f 26 Nelson, prov. New Zealand D d 35 Neustadt, Mahrisch, Moravia E b 25 Naxo 1. Greece L f 26 Nelson R. Brit. America L d 2 Neustadt, or Liibeck, B. Nayland Suffolk G e 18 Nelson Str. Chili C h 16 Mecklenburg F a 22 Nazareth (en Nasirah), Palestine B e 30 Nelsonville, Mich. M d 11 Neutra, Hungary F b 25 Nazareth, Pa. F f 6 Nelsonville, Ohio K d 7 Neutraer Gebirge Mts. Hungary F b 25 Nazareth Bay Guinea E e 33 Nemadjo R. Wis. E c 11 Neutra, R. Hungary F b 25 Naze, The, Essex H e 18 Nemaha, co Kans. H g 13 Neuwap, Pomerania H b 22 Naze, The, Cape, Christiansand D h 23 Nemaha, co Nebr. I f 13 Neuwerk I. Oldenburg E b 22 Nchokotsa, Cent. Africa G g 33 Nembucu, Paraguay E e 16 | Neuwied Rhenish Provs. D c 22 Ndaje, Cent. Africa H e 33 Nemeireh, Palestine C h 30 Neuzen, Holland B c 22 Neale, Mayo B c 24 Nemours, Seine-et- Marne F b 21 Neva, R. Baltic Provinces G d 24 Neale, R. S. Australia E e 34 Nenagh, Tipperary C d 20 Nevada, Cal. C f 14 Neaiti Neam, tribe , Upper Nile B i 29 Nenagli, R. Tipperary C d 20 Nevada, Idaho F c 14 Neainuda, R. Brazil E c 16 Ne-ne-scah or Good R. Kans. G h 13 Nevada, Iowa N k 12 Neangara, Upper Nile B h 29 Nen. R. Northampton & Lincoln F d 18 Nevada, Ohio I c 7 Nearhe, * Upper Nile B h 29 Nenthead, Cumberland D b 18 Nevada City, Mo. M p 12 Neath, bor. Glamorgan C e 18 Neoga, 111. D d 7 Nevada, co. Ark. B d 9 Neatsville, Ky. G f 7 Neigrad, Hungary F c 25 Nevada, co. Cal. C 1 14 Neaungshoway, Burinah I c 31 Neola, Iowa K 1 12 Nevada, state. United States 14 Neave I. Sutherland D b 19 Neosho, Mo. M q 12 Nevado de Barragan Mt., Andes H g 15 Neballat, Palestine B g -30 Neosho, co. Kans. I h 13 Nevado de Tolima Mt., Amies II g 15 Nebish I. Mich. N c 11 Neosho falls, Kans. I g 13 Nevel, Vitebsk F d 24 Nebk, Syria E b 30 Neosho rapids, Kans. I g 13 Neve (Nawa), Palestine D e 30 Nebo, 111. B d 7 Neosho R. Kans. I h 13 Nevers, Nievre F c 21 Neho, Ky. E f 7 Neosho R. Ind. T. I a 10 Never.sink, N. Y. G e 6 Nebo, Mo. O p 12 Nepal, or Nepaul, kingdom, Bemral F b 31 Nevesini, Bosnia H c 26 Neho, Mt, Utah H f 14 Nepiii, Utah G f 14 Nevin, bor. Carnarvon B d 18 Nebo, Mt. (Jebel Nebbah), Palest. C g 30 Nephin Beg Mountain, Mayo B b 20 Nevis I. (British), Antilles L d 15 Nebra, prov. Saxony F c 22 Nephin Mountain, Mayo B b 20 Nevrokup, Selanik K d 26 Nebraska City, Nebr. I f 13 Sephtoah ( Lifta), Palestine E g 30 Nevshehr, Asia Minor C b 29 Nebraska or Platte R. Nebr. F f 13 Neponsett R. Env. of Boston F h 5 Newageu C. Me. E e 5 Nebraska, state, United States 13 Neponsett Village, Env. of Boston F h 5 Newago, Mich. M f 11 Nebv Samwil ( Mizpali ), Palestine B g 30 Neptune I. S. Australia E g 34 Newago, co. Mich. M f 11 Necedah. Wis. G e 11 Nerac, Lot-et-Garonne E d 21 New Albany, Ind. G c 7 Neches, R. Tex. I d 10 Nera, R. Military Frontier H d 25 New Albany, Miss. F c 9 Neckar, circ. Wiirtemberg E d 22 Nerbudda R. Central Provs. F c 31 New Albany, Miss. G c 9 Neckar, R. Baden E d 22 Norekta, Kostroma I d 24 New Alresford, Hants E e 18 Neddock C. Me. D e 5 Nerja, Malaga G h 27 New Amsterdam, British Guiana E b 10 Nedeniis and Robygdelaget Nero, Mich. N f 11 New Amsterdam, Ind. F e 7 Amt, Norway E g 23 Nerpes, Finland L e 23 New Amsterdam, Pa. B f 6 Nedrigailov, Kharkov G e 24 Nertehinsk, Siberia N c 28 New Amsterdam I. Indian Ocean A m 1 Needle Rock, Tasmania S v 35 Nervg Light, Finland O f 23 New Archangel, Alaska G d 2 Needles, The, Ariz. F li 14 Nes, Hamar F f 23 Newark, Del. F q 6 Needles, The, I. of Wight E f 18 Nescopeek, Pa. E e 6 New Ark, Md. F h 6 Nee-e-gata (open port), Japan P c 32 Neseutunga R. Kans. G h 13 Newark, Mo. O m 12 Neelgurh, Bengal G c 31 Neshanock Creek, Pa. A e 6 Newark, N. Y. D c 6 Neemnch, Indore Agency D c 31 Neshoba, co. Miss. F e 9 Newark, N. J. G f 6 Neenah, Wis. I e 11 Neskoro Wis. H f 11 Newark, Ohio K c 7 Neepigon Bay, Dom. of Canada I a 11 Nesne, Troniso G c 23 Newark Bay, N. J. A > 6 Nefia, Tunis E a 33 Ness, Archangel K b 24 Newark Meadows, N. J. A 3 8 Nefood,(‘-S«ncI Pass,’) desert, Arabia E d 29 Ness, co. Kans. G g 13 Newark-upon-Trent, Notts F e IS Nefood, or Dahlia, desert, Arabia F d 29 Nesse, R. Thuringia F c 22 New Athens, 111. C e 7 Neganish B. Cape Breton I. N c 4 Ness it Inverness D c 19 New Auburn, Minn. C e 11 Negapatam ( Nagcpatnam ), Nesting Bay, Shetland Islands A b 19 New Baltimore, N. Y. H d 0 Madras Pres. F e 31 Nes ton, Cheshire C a 18 New Bandon, New Brunswick L c 4 Negannee, Mich. K c 11 Nestved Denmark F i 23 New Bedford, 111. C b 7 Negombo, Ceylon E f 31 Nesvish, or Nesvij, Minsk F e 24 New Bedford, Mass. D g 5 Nego Mt. Transylvanian Alps I d 25 Netapha (Beit Netif), Palestine B g 30 New Berlin, N. Y. F d 6 Negotin, Servia K b 20 Nethe, Gros., R. Belgium C c 22 New Berlin, Pa. D f 6 Negowae, New Brunswick L c 4 Netherlands, or Holland, kingdom, C c 22 Newbern, Ala. H e 9 Negrais, C. Brit. Burinah H d 31 Netliou, Pic., Mt. Pyrenees L b 27 Newbern, Va. E d 8 Negrais or Bassein P. Brit. Burinah H d 31 Nethou, Pic., Mt. Maladetta or New Berne, N. C. H f s Negrete, Cape, Murcia K cr 27 Mont Maudit, Pyrenees E e 21 Newberry, Ind. F e 7 Negril, Cape, Jamaica H d 15 Neto, R. Calabria G c 26 Newberry, Ky. H g 7 Negro, Cape, Guinea F f 33 Neu Bidschow, Bohemia D a 25 Neu berry, S. C. D I 8 Negro, R. Brazil D c 16 Neu Brandenburg, Mecklenburg G b 22 Newberry, co. S. C. D g 8 Negro, R. Brazil E e 16 Neuburg, Bavaria F d 22 Newberry Mt. Nev. F h 14 Negro R. Mo. Q o 12 Neuces B.. Tex. H f 10 Newbiggin, Northumberland E a 18 Negro, R. Uruguay E f 16 Neuchatel, or Neufchatel, Switzerld. Ii c 21 Newbiggin Bay, Northumberland E a 18 Negro or Casu, R. Patagonia D f 16 Neuchatel, L. Switzerland H c 21 New Birmingham, Tipperary D d 20 Negro or Guainia, R. Venezuela K g 15 Neuenhaus, Hanover D b 22 Newlvliss, Monaghan D b 20 Negro pont, or Neuenmarkt, Bavaria F c 22 New Bloomfield, Mo. O o 12 Egripo (Chalcis), Greece K e 26 Neuerberg, Rhenish Prov. D c 22 Newbold, Pa. C e 6 Negropont, or Neufchateau, Vosges G b 21 New Bolingbroke, Lincoln F e 18 Euliuia, I and noniarchie, Greece K e 26 Neuf chateau, Belgium C d 22 New borough, Anglesey B c 18 Negro, Rio, Columbia H f 15 Neufchatel, Seine inferieure E b 21 New Boston, 111. A b 7 Nehalem R. Oreg. B c 14 Neufchatel (Neuenbura) cant. New Boston, N. H. C f 5 Neliavend, Persia F c 29 Switz. H c 21 New Braintree, Mass. B f 5 Nehbeudan, Persia H c 29 Nenhaus, Bohemia D b 25 New Braunfels, Tex. G e 10 Neheim, Westphalia E c 22 Neuhausel, Hungary F c 25 New Bremen, Ohio H c 7 Nehiniabad, Persia H d 29 Neuilly, Seine B e 21 Newbridge, Kildare E c 20' Neidenbnrg, E. Prussia L b 22 Neuilly, Seine-et-Oise C e 21 New Brighton, N. Y. G f 6 Neilglierry Hills, Madras Pres. E e 31 Neumarkt, Bavaria F d 22 New Brighton, Pa. A f 6. Neilston, Renfrew D e 19 Neumarkt, Galicia G b 25 New Brighton, town, Cheshire C c 18 Nein ( Nain ), Palestine B e 30 Neumarkt, Salzburg C c 25 New Britain, Conn. B e 5. Neisse, Silesia I c 22 Neumarkt, Styria D c 25 New Britain, I. S. Pacific Oc. I i I, Neisse, R. Silesia H c 22 Neumarkt, Upper Austria C b 25 New Brunswick, Ind. E d 7 Neisse, R. Silesia I c 22 Ne u m ii nster, Holstein F a 22 New Bi nnswick. N. J. G f 6 Nejed, el, empire Arabia F c 29 Neuiikircheu, Lower Austria E c 25 New Brunswick, prov. Canada K c 4 Neiha, Palestine D d 30 Neunkirchen, Rhine Prov. D d 22 New Buckingham, Norfolk H d 18 Nejran, Palestine D e 30 Neuquen or Rapid R. Argen. Rep. D f 16 New Buda, Iowa N n 12 Nekor, Marocco G h 17 Neu Ruppin, Brandenburg G b 22 New Buffalo, Mich. L h 11 Nekoubish, Quebec F b 4 Neusatz, Hungary F d 25 Newburg and Swabia, circ. Bavaria F e 22: Nelgunda (Nellicondah), Neuse R. N. C. G 1 & I g 8 Newburg, Ind. E f 7 Nizam’s Dominions E d 31 Neusiedler See, or Newburg, l a. C f 6 Neligh, co. Nebr. G f 13 L. of Neusiedl, Hungary E c 25 Newburgh, Aberdeen F c 19 Nellaur R. Madras Pres. E e 31 Neusolil, Hungary F b 25 Newburgh, Fife E d 19 N ellicondah, (Nd./undah ) Neuss, Rhenish Prov. D c 22 Newburgh, N. Y. G e 0 Nizam’s Dominions E d 31 Neustadt, Baden E e 22 Newburgh. Ohio L b 7 Nellore, Madras Pres. F e 31 Neustadt, Bavaria F d 22 Newburgh, Tenn. H b 9 Nelson, 111. C b 7 Neustadt, Brandenburg G b 22 Newbury, Vt. B d 5 Nelson, III. D d 7 Neustadt, Cassel E c 22 Newbury, bor. Berks E e IS- Nelson, Nelson D d 35 Neustadt, Hanover E b 22 Newburyport, Mass. D f 5 Nelson, Ohio L b 7 Neustadt, Holstein F a 22 New Bytli, Aberdeen F c 19 Nelson, Victoria G g 34 Neustadt, Lower Austria E c 25 New Caledonia, 111. C f 7 Nelson, Wis. E e 11 Neustadt, Mecklenburg F b 22 New Caledonia, Nova Scotia L d 4 Nelson Cape, Victoria G g 34 Neustadt, Moravia E b 25 New Caledonia 1. S. Pacific Oc. K i 1 Nelson, co. Ky. G f 7 Neustadt, Palatinate E d 22 New Canaan, Conn A g 5 Nelson, co. Va. G d 8 Neustadt, Posen I b 22 New Canton, 111. A d 7 Nelson Fort, Trit. America L d 2 Neustadt, Saxe Weimar F c 22 New Carlisle, Ind. F b 7 elson Head, Banks Land II b 2 Neustadt, Silesia I c 22 New Carlisle, Quebec L b 4 Nelson L. Brit. America L d 2 Neustadt, W. Prussia K a 22 New Carthage, La. D e 9 64 GENERAL INDEX. New Cassel. Wis. T f 11 Newmarket, Kilkenny D d 20 Newtonia, Mo. AI q 12 Nicolas Channel, Bahamas G c 15 New Castile, old prov. Spain G e 27 New Market, Aid. D g 6 Newton-in-Makerficld, town, Lane. D c 18 Nienlet, Quebec G c 4 Newcastle, Del. F o 6 Newmarket, Ontario D d 4 Newton Stewart, town, Wigtown D f 19 Nicolet, co. Quebec G c 4 Newcastle, Down F b 20 New Market, S. C. E g 8 Newtown, Cork G d 20 Nicollet, co. Minn. C e 11 Newcastle, Dublin E c 20 New Market, S. C. F h 8 Newtown, Conn. A g » Nicopoli, Danube L c 26 New Castle, Irnl. G d 7 New Market, Tenn. AI a 9 Newtown, Ind. E c t Nicosia, Sicily F f 26 New Castle, Ky. G e 7 Newmarket, Va. H c 8 Newtown, King’s County C c 20 Nicotera, Calabria F e 26 Newcastle. Limerick B d 20 New Market, Va. H d 8 Newtown, Ivld. F li 0 Nicoya, Costa Rica F e 15 Newcastle. New Brunswick L c 4 New Market ( Shenandoah Co.) Va. G c 8 Newtown, Mo. N m 12 Nicoya Bay, Costa Rica G f 15 Newcastle, New S. Wales T f 34 Newmarket, town, Suffolk G cl 18 Newtown, N. J. G f 6 ^ ictheroy (Pjaya Grande), Brazil F e 16 Newcastle, Ontario D e 4 New Marlborough, Alass. A f 5 Newtown, N. Y. G c C Nidi la. Hessen E c 22 Newcastle, Otago B f 35 New Martinsville, W. Va. E b 8 Newtown, Pa. A g 6 Nidd, R. York E b 18 New Castle, Pa. A e 6 New Mexico, tei 1 . United States 10 New Town, Va. H d 8 Nid el Nil, R. Nnbia C g 29 New Castle, Tenn. F b 9 New Michigan, 111. D b 7 Newtownards, ’Down I’ b 20 N id j i, Mt. Eoumelia I d 26 New Castle, Va. E d 8 New Milford, Conn. A g 5 Newtownbarry, Wexford E d 20 NiePla, Huelva D g 27 Newcastle Bay, U. Queensland G b 34 New Milford, l J a. F e 0 Newtown Bellew, Galway C c 20 Niederbronn, Alsace D d 22 New Castle, co. Del. F Cf 0 Newmilns, town Avr D e 19 Newtown, bor. Alontgumery C d 18 Niedzwiec Berg, Alt. Carpathians G b 25 Newcastle Emlvn. Cardigan B d 18 New Mount Pleasant, Ind. G e 7 Newtownbreda, Antrim F b 20 Niemen, or Alcuiel, P». W. Russia E d 24 Newcastle-on-Tvne. bor. Northum. E b 13 New Munich. Minn. C d 11 Newtown Butler, Fermanagh D b 20 Nienburg, Hanover E b 22 New Castleton. Roxburgh F e 19 Newnan. Ga. L d ■ Newtown Cunningham, Donegal D a 29 Niepolomice, Galicia G a 25 Newcastle-under-Lyme. bor. Staff. D c 13 New:: 1 , .am. Gloucester D e V Newtown Cut, Env. of Charleston B k 8 Nieshin, Tcliernigov G e 24 Newceston, Cork C e 20 New Norfolk, Tasmania S v 35 Newtown Forbes, Longford D c 20 Nieuport, Belgium D c 22 New Chicago, Ivans. I h 13 New Ohio, N. Y. F d C Newtown Hamilton, Armagh E b 20 Nieuwdiep, Holland C li 22 New City, N. Y. G e 6 New Oregon, Iowa O i 12 Newtown Limavady, Londonderry E a 20 Nieuw Gelderlar.d, Natal H g 33 New Comerstown, Ohio L c 7 New i i leans, cap. of state. La. E h 9 Newtown Alount Kennedy, Nieuwkerk, Holland C b 22 New Cumnock, Ayr D e 19 New Paltz, N. Y. G e 6 Wicklow E c 20 Nieuwport, Holland C c 22 New Deer, Aberdeen F c 19 New Paris, Ohio PI cl 7 Newtown Sandes, Kerry B d 20 Nievre, dep. France F c 21 New Dongola, or Maraka, Nubia H c 33 New Passage. Gloucester D e IS Newtown Stewart, Tyrone D b 20 Nievre, R. Nievre F c 21 New Dublin, Nuva Scotia L d 4 New Philadelphia, 111. B c 7 Newtyle, Forfar E d 19 Niger or Quorra, R. Soudan E d 33 New Durham, N. H. C e 5 New Philadelphia, Ohio L c 7 New Ulm, Minn. C e 11 Nigg, Ross E c 18 New England states, United States 5 New PitsligO; Aberdeen F c 19 New Utrecht, Env. of N. Y. B b 0 Night Island Queensland G b 34 Newenham, C. Alaska D d 2 New Plymouth, Taranaki E c 35 New Vienna, Ohio I d 7 Nigritia, or Soudan, Africa E c 33 Newen t, Gloucester D e IS New Point, Ind. G cl 7 Newville, N. Y. D g o Ni.jar, Almeria II h 27 New Fairfield, Conn. A g 5 Newport, Fife F cl 19 Newville, Pa. D f G Nuni Novgorod, Nisliegorod I d 24 Newfield, Me. D e 5 Newport, Fla. L g 9 New Walsingham, Norfolk G d 13 X jni Novgorod or Nisliegorod, New Forest, Hants E f IS Newport, Ind. E d 7 New Washington, 1ml. G e 7 gov. Russia I d 24 New Fork, Wyom. H d 14 Newport, Ind. H d 7 New Waterford, Ohio IVI c 7 Nikaria I. Archipelago B b 29 New Fosterville, Tenn. 1 b 9 Newport, Ky. H d 7 New Westminster, Brit. Columbia H e 2 Nikegu, Upper Nile B h 29 Newt'ound Lake, N. H. C e 5 Newport, Mayo B c 2) New Windsor, 111. B b 7 Nikliiloo, Oman in Persia G d 29 Newfoundland llav. Cork C e 20 Newport, Ale. E cl 5 New Windsor, Aid. D g o Nikki, Soudan E d 33 Newfoundland 1. and Col. Canada P b 4 Newport, Minn. D e 11 New World I. Newfoundland Q b 4 Nikolaevsk, Asiatic Russia Q c 23 Newfound Alts. N. C. C f 8 Newport, Mo. P o 12 New York, Iowa N lu 12 Nikolaia, Kutais I g 24 New Franklin, 111. D e 7 Newport, N. C. I g 8 New York, Mont. II b 14 N ikolaievskoie, Astrakhan K e 24 New Franklin, Mo. 0 n 12 Newport, N. H. B e 5 New York, N. Y. H f (> Nikolaievskoie, Orenburg N e 24 New Galloway, Kirkcudbright D e 19 Newport, N. J. F g 6 New York Bay, N. Y. G f 0 Nikolaiken, E. Prussia L b 22 New Gascony, Ark. D c 9 Newport, N. Y. G c 6 New York, co. N. Y. II f G \ ikolaistad, or Vasa, Finland E c 24 New Gilead, N. C. F f 8 Newport, Ohio L d 7 New York State, U. States G Nikolayev, Kherson G f 24 New Glasgow, Nova Scotia M d 4 Newport, Oreg. B c 14 New Zealand, Brit. Col. S. Pacific 35 Nikolayevsk, Samara lv e 24 New Glasgow, Ontario C e 4 Newpo: t, Pa. A f 6 NeXO, Bornholm H i 23 Nikolsburg, Moravia E b 25 New Glasgow, Va. F d 8 Newport, Pa. D f (T Neyhe, Dominica I A 15 Nikolsk, Vologda lv d 24 New Granada, or Un ited States of Newport, Pembroke B cl 13 Neyriz, or B akktegan, L. Persia G d 29 Nikolskoie, Inner Kirghiz Horde K f 24 Columbia, Federal Rep. S. Amer. 15 Newport, R. I. C g 5 Neyva, Columbia H g 15 Nikolskoie, Kostroma I d 24 New Hampshire, state, U. States 5 Newport, Tenn. AI b 9 Neyva Bay, Domiuica I d 15 Nikolskoie, Vologda K d 24 New Hampton, Iowa 0 i 12 Newport, Tipperary C d 20 Nezib, Palestine B g 30 Nikopol, Ekaterinoslav G f 24 New Hampton, N. J. G f 6 Newport, Va. E d s Nez Percd, co. Idaho ter. F c 14 Niksliitte, Bosuia H c 26 New Hanover, Pa. F f 6 Newport, Vt. B cl 5 Nez Perce Indians, country of, Nile, Blue, or Bahrel Azrek. Nubia C g 29 New Hanover, co. N. C. H g 8 Newport Bay, Alayo B c 20 Idaho E c 1 i N ile, Alouths of the. Egypt C c 29 New Harbor, Nova Scotia N d .4 Newport Bay, Pembroke B d 18 Nez Perces Plain, Idaho E b 14 Nile, R. Africa C d 29 New Harmony, Ind. E e 7 Newport, bor. I. of Wight E f 18 Nez Perce Village, Idaho E b 14 Niles, Env. of Chicago B e 10 New Haven, Conn. B g 5 Newport, bor. Monmouth D e 18 Nezpique, Bayou, La. C g 9 Niles, Mich. L h 11 New Haven, 111. D f 7 Newport, co. R. I. 0 g 5 Ngami, L. S. Africa G g 33 Niles, Ohio AI b 7 New Haven, Ind. H b 7 Newport Pagnell, town, Bucks F d 18 Ngan king-foo, Cap of, Ngau-wlu L d 32 Niles, tp. - Env. of Chicago B e 10 New Haven, Ky. G f 7 Newport Pond, Ale. E cl 5 Ngan-Ioo-foo, Hoo-iie K d or Nile, White, or Balir el Abiad, New Haven, N. Y. E c 6 Newport, R. Alayo B c 20 Ngan-ping-hien, Quang-turg lv f 32 Nubia C g 29 New Haven, Ohio K b 7 Newport, town, Salop D d 18 Ngan-shan-wei, Shan-tung AI c 32 Nimber, Tibet G d 32 Newhaven, Otago B g 35 New Providence I. Bahamas H b 15 Ngan-shun-foo, Quei-chow I C 32 Nimeguen ( Nijmegen ), Holland B c 22 Newhaven, Sussex G f 18 New Quay, Cardigan B cl 18 Ngan-si, Kan-su G b 32 Nimmersatt, E. Prussia L a 22 New Haven, co. Conn. B O 5 New Quay, Cornwall A f 18 Ngan-tung-wei, Shan-tung L c 32 Nimreli, Wady, Palestine E e 30 New Haven Harbor, Coun. B g 5 New Radnor, bor. Radnor C d 18 Ngan-whi, China L d 32 Nimrim (Nemeireh), Palestine C h 30 New Haven R. Vt. A d 5 New Richmond, Ohio, 11 e 7 Ngaruawahia, Auckland E b 34 Nimrin (Beth Niinrah). Palestine C g 30 New Hebrides, Is. S. Pacific Oc. K k 1 New Richmond, Quebec L b 4 Ngavuvoro 11. Hawke’s Bay F c 34 Nine Degrees Chau. Laccadives D f 31 New Holland, Lincoln F c 18 New R. Cal. F i 14 Ngegiin, Soudan F e 33 Nineniilchouse, Tipperary D b 20 New Hope, Ala. I c 9 New R. Fla. N h 9 Ngo, L. Upper Nile D i 29 Ninety Aides Beech, Canterbury C f 35 New Hope, Iowa M 1 12 New R., Herts and Middlesex F e 18 N.golo, Gaboon Country F c 33 Nineveh (ruins). Bagdad E b 29 New Hope, Mo. Q n 12 New R. JNIich. P e 11 Ngoruu, or Angomu, Soudan F c 33 Ning-ehow, Kiang-si lv e 32 New^Hope, Pa. G f 0 New It. N. C. H g 8 Ngucy, Madagascar Iv f 33 Ning-chow, Yutt-um 11 f 32 New Iberia, La. D lx 9 New R. Oreg. D d 14 Nha-trang, French. Cochin China AI g 28 Niug-hai-f'oo, Kan-su I d 32 Ne-.vington, Conn. B S 5 New R. Otago B g 35 N iagara City, N. Y. C c 0 Ning-hai-hien, Pe-ehi-li L b 32 New Inlet, L. I. A h 5 New R. W. Va. E cl 8 Niagara, co. N. Y. C c 6 Ning-hai-hien, Shan tung AI c 32 New Inlet, N. C. II h 8 New River Inlet, Fla. M p 8 Niagara Falls, N. Y. B c 6 King- pan- wei hien, Se-chueu H e 32 .Newinn, Tipperary D d 20 New River Inlet, N. C. li g 3 Niagara R. N. Y. B c G Ning-po (open port). Che kiang AI e 32 Nswinuskoie, Upper Perm N d 24 New Romney, Kent G f IS Niagara, R. Ontario D e 4 Ning-que-foo, Ngan-wlli L d 32 New Ipswich, N. H. C f 5 New Ross, Ind. F c 7 Niagara, town. Ontario D e 4 Ning-too-cliow, Kiang-si L e 32 New Ireland I. S. Pacific Oc. I b 1 New Ross, Wexford E d 20 Niagusta, Selanik iv d 2G Ninguta Khoton, Manchuria N b 32 New Jersey, state, U. States 6 Newry, Down E b 20 Niamzu, Moldavia AI a 20 Ning-woo-foo, Shan -so K d 32 New Kent, co. Va. H d 8 Newry, Me. D d 5 Nianfofs, Norrlaml I f 23 Niug-yuen-ehow, Shing-king AI b 32 New Kent Court House, Ya. I d 8 Newry, Pa. C f 0 Niangua, Alo. 0 p 12 Ning-ynen-foo, Se-chuen H e 32 New Ladoga, St Petersburg G c 24 Newry, R. Down E b 20 Niangua, Big R. Alo. O p 12 Ninje (Cape St John), Guinea E d 33 New Lancaster, Ilk B c 7 New Salem, N. C. F f 8 Niangua, Little R. Alo. O o 12 Ninove, Belgium B c 22 New Lancaster, Pa. E e 6 New Scotland, N. Y. II cl (j Niantic, 111. C d 7 Niobrara, Nebr. G e 13 New Lexington, Ala. H d 9 New Shorehain, bor. Sussex F f 18 Nicaragua, L, Nicaragua F e 15 Niobrara, Rapid R., or L’Eau New Lexington, Ohio lv A 7 New Smyrna, Fla. M n 8 Nicaragua, state, Cent. America F e 15 qui Court, Nebr. F e 13 New Liberty, Ky. H e 7 New Smyrna, Fla. P li 9 Nicaria I. Archipelago AI f 2G Nio (Los) I. Greece L f 26 New Lisbon, Ohio AI c 7 Newsoms, Va. H e 8 Nicnstl'O, Calabria G e 2G Niort, Deux Sevres 1) e 21 New Lisbon, Wis. G f 11 New South Wales, Col. Australia 11 f 34 Nicatou’s L. Ale. F c 5 Nipe, Cuba L’ f 3 New London, Ala. II c 9 Newton, Ala. K f 9 N iceot.too, Ark. D a 9 Nipe Bay, Cuba 11 c 15 New London, Conn. B g 5 Newton, Auckland E b 35 Nice (Nizza), Alpes maritimes H e 21 Nip-lion I. Japan P c 32 New London, Ind. F c 7 Newton, Ga. L f 9 Nicetown, Env of Philadelphia B h G Nipigon House, Canada M d 2 New London, Mich. P f 11 Newton, 111. D cl 7 Nicholas, co. Ky. H e 7 Nipigon, L. Canada AI d 2 New London, Minn. B d 11 Newton, Iowa N 1 12 Nicholas, co. W. Va. E c 8 Nipisiguit, B. New Brunswick L c 4 New London, Mo. P li 12 Newton, Ivans. H g 13 Nicholas ville, Ky. H f 7 Nipisiguit, R. New Brunswick K c 4 .New London, N. H. C e 5 Newton, Alass. C f 5 Nieol Bay, W. Australia B d 34 Nipissing, District of. Ontario C c 4 New London, Ohio K b 7 Newton, Aliss. F e 9 Nichols, N. Y. E d G Nipissilig, L. Ontario D c 4 New London, Va. F d 8 Newton, N. C. D f 8 Nichols, S. C. F g § Nipona, Cal. C h 14 .New London, Wis. I e 11 Newton, Pa. D t 6 Nicholson, Pa. F e 6 Nippeuose, Pa. D e 6 New Loudon, co. Conn. B g 5 Newton, Tex. Iv <1 10 Nicholson, Alt. Queensland F d 34 Nirui. Soudan E o 33 New Madrid, Alo. R q 12 Newton, Va. G 1. S Nicholson, Alt. Queensland H d 34 Nirmil, or Nirmal, Nizam’s Domin. E d 31 New Madrid, co, Mo. R q 12 Newton Abbot, town, Devon C f 18 Nicholson, Port, Wellington E d 35 Niscayuna, N. Y. H d 6 .lNewmau, III. E d 7 Newton, co. Ark. B b 9 Nicholson R. Queensland F c 34 Niscemi, 1 Sicily F f 26 'Newmansvillo, Fla. N h 9 Newton, co. Ga. At cl 9 Nickery (New Rotterdam), Niseli (Nissa), Danube K c 26 'New Marion, Ind. G d 7 Newton, co. Ind. E e 7 Dutch Guiana E b 16 Nishapoor, or Nusliapoor, Persia H b 29 New Market, Ala. I c 9 Newton, co. Aliss. F e 9 Nicobar, Great, I. Nicobar Is. H f 31 Nisliegorod, or N i ini Novgorod. New Market, Clare C d 20 Newton, co. Alo. AI ci 12 Nicobar, I. Nicobar Is. H f 31 gov. Russia I d 24 Newmarket, Cork B d 20 Newton, co. Tex. lv d 10 Nicobar, Is. E. Indian Arch. 11 f 31 Nislmabotany, East R. Iowa 1, n 12 GENERAL INDEX, 6 J NBh nr botany, R. Iowa Nisbni Lomov, Penza Ni-diiii Novgorod iNijni N.), Nishegorod Nisbni Tagiliskoi, Nishni Tshirskaia, Nisi, Nisibin. Nismes, or Nimes, Nisqvially, Nisqually, R. Nissa (Nisch), Nissa An, Nissab, Nissava, R. Nissedal, Nisser Vand, L. N'syro I. Nitchequon L. Kith. R. Nithsdale, dist. Nitsa, R. Nittanv Alts. Nitze. R. Niu-cliwan Perm Don Cossacks Greece Kurdistan Gard Wash. Wash. Danube Gothland. Hadramaut Danube Christians, and Christiansand Archip lago Labrador Benin. Ayr and Dumfries Dumfries Perm Pa. Posen foo (open port), Leao-tong Siberia Basses Pyrenees Queensland Belgium France Rajpootana Alemtejo Selanik Oman Upper Nile Argyle S. Australia Palestine Niuya, R. Nive, R. Nivelle, R. Nivelles, Nivernais, prov. Niwig, R Niza, Nizvoro, Nizzawah, Nkole, dist. Noamli I. Noailiingo Nob, Nobah (Kenawat), Nobber, Noble, Noble, co. Noble, co. Nobles, cj. Nobles Pass, Noblestown, Noblesviile, Noblesville, Nocera, Nodar, -ay, Nodaway City, Nodaway, co. Nodaway, Middle R. Nodaway, R. Noerint, Nogal Land, Nogat, R. Nogent, Nogent, Nogent, Forde de Nogent le Rotrou, Nogent sur .So.us, Nogoa, R. Noguera Pallaresn, R. Noguera Ribagorzana, R. Noliaval, Noirmouticr, Noirmoutier, Isle de. Noisy, Noisy, Fort de, Nokomis, No, L. Nola, Noland P. Nolando Fork, Nolechucky, R. Noleh, Noli, Nolin, Nolin Creek, Nolinsk, Nollye, No Alan’s Lund, Nomljre de Lio>, Nomeny, Notneny, Fort de Nom-tso,. L. Nona, No Ness, Noun or Non, R. Non tron, Nooksakh Cr. Nooshki, Nootka Sound, Nora, Nora, Nora, Nora Spring, Noraye, Norborne, Noibury, Norcia, Nord, dep. Norden, Norderney I. Nordhausen, prov. Nordkyn, Cape, Nordland, Nordland. stilt, Niiidliugeji, Nordstenimen, Nordstrand, l. Nore. Palestine Ale.ath 111 . Ind. Ohio Minn. Cal. Pa. Ind. Ind. Campania Iowa Mo. Mo. Iowa, Mo. Christiansand Somali W. Prussia ITaute Marne Seine ■Seine Eure-et-Loir Aube Queensland Lerida Lerrda Cork Vendee Vendee Seine Seine 111 . Upper Nile Campania Tasmania Ind. Tenn. Palestine Piedmont Ky. Ky. Viatka Indore Agency, Mass. Mexico Meurthe Lorraine Tibet Dalmatia Shetland Manchuria Dordogne Wash. Beloocliistan Vancouver I. Norrland Sweden Sweden Iowa Quebec Mo. Cli esliire Umbria France Hanover Hanover Saxony Tromso Tromso Norway Bavaria Hanover Schleswig Christiania L m I e I cl M cl I f I f E b G e B b B b K c G h F f K c E g E g M f 0 d D e E e M d D e 1 b M b N b D e H e C c F c E c C e K d H e C lc B e F g F g E e E c E e G b L cl B f C e A f F c G b F d Aim AI n M in AI 1 L in C g F g K a G b B e B .e E b F b H d M b L b C e C c C c B e B e C d C h F d S u G d AI a D d C b G f F f K d E c D g C c H b II b E e D cl A b AI a E d B a C b H e K e H g I 1 N i G a N n D c E c F a D b D b F c 0 a G c II c F d E b E a E f 12 24 24 24 21 26 29 21 14 14 26 23 29 26 23 23 26 2 19 19 24 6 22 32 28 21 34 22 21 31 27 26 29 29 19 34 30 SO 20 7 7 7 11 14 6 7 7 26 12 12 12 12 12 23 Niirenberg, Pomerania ri b 22 North Fork of South Branch, Nore, R. Tipperary to Kilkenny D d 20 Potomac R., W. Va. F c 8 Nore, The, R. Thames G e 18 North Fork, Pease R. Tex. F ll 10 Norfeo, Cape, Gerona 0 b 27 North Fork, Platte R. Wvnm. C f 13 Norfolk, Conn. A g 5 North Fork, Red River, Ind. T. G b 10 Norfolk, Ncbr. H e 13 North Fork, Sangamon R. 111. C d ? Norfolk, N. Y. G b . 6 North Fork, Shenandoah R. Va. G c 8 Norfolk, Va. I e 8 North Fork, Shevenne R. Wvom. D d 13 Norfolk, co. England G d IS North Fork Ter. Ind. T. I 1) 10 Norfolk, co. Mass. C f 5 North Fork, White It. Ark. C a 9 Norfolk, co. Ontario C e 4 North Galloway, Arctic Regions N b 2 Norfolk, co. . Va. I e 8 North Granville, N. Y. H c 6 Norfolk I. S. Pacific Oc. K i 1 North Hector, N. Y. E d 6 Norfolk, New, Tasmania S V 35 North Holland Canal, Holland C b 22 Norham, Northumberland D a 18 North L, formerly New Ulster, None Alps, Salzburg and Styria C c 25 New Zealand D b 35 Norka, Saratov K e 24 North Island, S. C. F h 8 Normal, 111. C c 7 North I.slip, L. I. A h 5 Normal College, N. C. F f 3 North Key, Fla. K n 8 Normandv, Tenn. 1 b 9 North Land, Antarctic Ocean F p 1 Normandy (Normandie), prov. North Lawrence, N. Y. G b 6 France E b 21 Northleach, Gloucester E e 18 Norman, Fort, Brit. America PI e 2 North Leon R. Tex. G c 10 Norman, Alt. Queensland G d 34 North Liberty, Pa. A e 6 Norman, R. Queensland G c 34 North Lincoln, Arctic Regions AI i) 2 Norm mton, Queensland G c 34 North Lined L. Brit. America L o 2 Noro, It. Alanchu ria 0 a 32 North London, Iowa P in 12 Norrbotten, aeen, Sweden K c 23 North Marshfield Alass. D f 5 Norridgewock, Ale. E d 5 North Middleton, Ky- 11 e 7 Norristown, Ark. B b 9 North Milford, Del. F h 6 Norristown, Pa. F f 6 North New York Env. of N. Y. B h G Norrkopiug, Gothland H 23 North Norwich, N. Y. F d 6 Norrland, Wester. Itcen, Sweden I e 23 North Park, Colo. C f 13 Norrland & Lapland, prov. Sweden I d 23 North Platte, Nebr. F f 13 Norr.sk. irs Rocks & L ght, Norrland L e 23 North Point, C. Aid. E cr 6 Noitelge, Sweden K g 23 North port, Ala. PI d 9 Norte, Brazil E f 10 North port, Ind. G h 7 Norte, Cape. Brazil F b 16 North port. L. I. A ll 5 North Adams, Alass. A f 5 Northpnvt, Alich. AI d ii Northallerton, bor. Y oik E b IS North Prairie, Wis. I cr ii Northam, W. Australia B f 34 North Providence B, 1. C or 5 Northampton, Alass. B f 5 North Queensfcrry. P'ife E d 19 Northampton, N. Y. G c 6 North R. Ala. H d 9 Northampton, bor. Northampton F d 18 North R. Alo. O 11 12 Northampton, co. N. C. I-I e S North R. N. C. IC e 8 Northampton, co. Pa. F f 0 North R. N. Y. G c 6 Northampton, co. Va. K d 8 North R. (into James R.) Va. F d 8 Northamptonshire, co. England F d 18 North R. (into S. Fork Bhenan- North Anna R. Va. H 0 8 doah It.) Va. F c 8 North Australia to South Australia E b 34 North Rilling, York E b 18 North Ayr, Arctic Regions 0 c 2 North Rocks, Stewart I. A g 35 North Bangor, N. Y. G b 6 North Roualdsha Firth, North Barn dead. N. 11. C e 5 Orkney Islands F a 19 North Bav, N. Y. X 1 c 6 North Salem, Alo. N m 12 North Bend, Ariz. G i 14 North Salisbury, Ohio AI c 7 North Bend. Ohio H d 7 North Santee R. S. C. F h 8 North Bennington, Vfc. A f 5 North Sea or German Ocean, North Berwick, Ale. D e 5 E. of Britain H d 17 North Berwick, bor. Haddington F d 19 North Skunk, R. Iowa O 1 12 North Bioomlield, Ohio AI b 7 North Somerset, Brit. America L b 2 North Boston, Iowa P 111 12 North Sound, Orkney Islands F a 19 North Bralifh, Mich. 0 f 11 North Sound, Galway B c 20 North Branch, Minn. D A 11 North Stvaitsville Ohio K d 7 North Bridgwater, M ass. D f 5 North True, R. Northumberland D a 18 North Cape, Auckland D a 85 Northumberland, N. H. C d 5 North Or pa, Cape Breton I. N c 4 ■ Northumberland, N. Y. II c (*> North Cape, Formosa M e 32 Northumberland, Pa. E f 6 North Cape, Prince. Edward t. L c 4 Northumberland, C. S. Australia G g 34 North Capo, S. Georgia G h 16 Northumberland. co. England E a 18 North Cape, Tromso N a 23 North umber', and, co. NcwBrmiswk. L c 4 North C'aro.ina, state U. States 8 Northumberland, co. Ontario E d 4 North Channel, Irish Sea C f 19 Northumberland. co, Pa. E f 6 North Channel, L. Huron B c 4 Northumberland, co. Va. I d 8 North Channel, Lake Northumberland, Is. Queensland P 11 34 Huron, Dom. of Canada 0 c 11 Northumberland Strait, North Chelmsford, Alass. C f 0 G. of St Lawrence AI c 4 North Cite:?.! a, Env. of Boston F 5 North Umpqua R Oreg. B d 14 North Clarkson, N. Y. D c 6 North Unity, Alich. AI e 11 North Conway, N. H. C d 5 North Vernon, Ind. G d 7 North Coruw ,11, Brit. America L b 2 North Wales, Pa. F f 0 North Duuvdle, Tex. I c 10 North Wa sham, town^ Norfolk II d 18 North Dennisville, N. J. G or 6 North Washington, Ohio I c 7 North Devon, Arctic Regions M b 2 North Weave. N. H. C e 5 North Downs, Survey F e 18 North-West Cape W. Australia A d o4 Northeast, Aid. F cr 6 North-West Landing, Va. I e . s North Fast, Pa. B cl 6 North-West Provinces (Brit.) India E b 31 North East Cape Fea -, R. N. C. H 8 Northwich, Cheshire D c 18 North East fork (Co, 1 R.), W. Va. D cl 8 N orthwood, 111. D 0 7 North East I. Spitsbergen V a 1 North wood. Iowa N i 12 North East Pass, La. F h 9 Northwood, N. H. C e 5 North East Pond, Ale. D e 5 North Wrentkam, Alass. c f 5 North Edisio R. S. C. E i 8 Norton, Ohio I c 7 Northehn, Hanover F c 22 Norton, Vt. c cl 5 North Edia, N. Y. II b 6 Norton, co, Kans. G cr 13 North Fa bins R. Alo. P in 12 Norton Sound, Alaska D C 2 Northfield, Alass. B f 5 Norwalk, Corn. A cr F Northfield, Minn. D e 11 Norwalk, Alich. L e ii Northfield, N. 1-1. C e 5 Norwalk, Ohio K b 7 Northfield, Vt. B a 5 Norway, Ale. D d 5 North Foreland, C. Kent H e 18 Norway, cou. Scandinavia 23 North Fork, Cal. C f 14 Norway House, Brit. America L d 2 North Foil:, N. C. D e 8 Norwich, Conn. B 22 Onoville, N. Y. C d 6 Orebro, * Sweden H g 23 Oiiington, Me. F d 5 Osterly, Tasmania 3 a 35 Onowa, Iowa K k 12 Orebro, teen. Sweden H g 23 OiTstown, Pa. D f IS Osternde, Hanover F c 22 Onslow, N. C. H a S Ore Elf, Norrlancl K d 23 Orrville, Ohio L c 7 Osterode, E. Prussia K b 22 Onslow Bay, N. C. Ii g 8 Ore Elf, Sweden H i 23 Orsa, Sweden H f 23 Osterii, 1. Faroe Isles F s 17 Onslow, c.o* N. C. H g 8 Ore 1 iord. Norrlancl K e 23 Orsay, Seine-et-Oise B f 21 OsteiTisdr, or Onslow, Upper, Nova Scotia M d 4 Oregon, Aik. B c 9 Orsha, Mohilev G e 24 O.ster tlisoer. Christine sand E g 23 Ontaneda, Santander G a 27 Oregon, HI. C a 7 Orsk, Siberia G c 28 Ostersuinl, Nonia ml H e 23 Ontario, N. Y. D c 6 Oregon, Mo. L m 12 Orskaia, Orenburg M e 24 Osthammar, Sweden K f 23 Ontario, Wis. G f 11 Oregon, Wis. H s ii Orsova, New (Ada Kalesi), Servia K b 2d Ostia, Italy E d 2ti Ontario, co. N. Y. D d (5 Oregon City, Oreg. B c 14 Orsova, Old and New, Ostrewiec, Poland E e 24 Ontario.co. Ontario D cl 4 Oregon, co. Mo. P q 12 ( Ada Kcdesi), Military Frontier H d 25 O.strog, Volhyuia F e 24 Ontario, or Canada West. prov. B c 4 Oregonia, Ala. H d 9 Orta, Mongolia L b 32 Ostrogoshsk, Vorouesh H e 24 Ontario, L. N. Y. D c 6 Oregon Inlet, N. C. K f 8 Ortegal, Cape, Coruna C a 27 Ostrolenka, Poland E e 24 Onteniente, Alicante K f 27 Oregon or Columbia R. Wash. C c 14 Ortelsburg, E. Prussia L b 22 Ostrov, Pskov F d 24 Ontonagon, Mich. H c 11 Oregon, state. United States 14 Orthez, Basses Pyrenees D e 21 Ostroveni, Walaclaj, K c 26 Ontonagon, co. Mich. H c 11 Oregriunl, Sweden K f 23 Od/iosia (Nahr el Barid), Syria C a 30 Ostrovitza, Bosnia G b 26 Oo-cliow-ioo. Quang-se K f 32 Oregrund Bay, Sweden K f 23 Ortigueira, Coruna C a 27 O.strovo, Roumelia I d 26 Oodagherry ( Ddavagiri ), Oreiiana la Vieja, Badajos E e 27 Ortles, or Ortier Spitz, Alps C a 2b Ostrowo, Posen 1 c 22 Madras Pres. E d 31 Ore Knob Mine, N. O. I) e 8 Ortmans, Mich. N e 11 Ostuni, Apulia G d 26 Oojein, or Ujein, Indore Agency E c 31 Orel, Ga. M f 9 Orton, Westmorland B b 18 Ost Vaag Oe, I., Troniso H b 23 Oo-ling Kiang, R. China I 1' 32 Orel, gov. Russia H e 24 Ortona, Abruzzo F c 2b Osuna, Sevilla E g 27 Oo-long-hien, Se-chuen I e 32 Orel, or Orlov. Orel H e 24 Oruanui, Auckland E c 35 Osurgeti, Kutais 1 g ^ Oomerkote. Scinde D b 31 Orenburg, Orenburg M e 24 Oruba 1. (Dutch), West Indies I e 15 Os way o Creek, Pa. C e 6 Oomrawnttv (Amrawati), Behar E c 31 Orenburg Cossacks, gov. Russia N c 24 Oruro, Bolivia D d lb Oswegatchie ii. N. Y. F c 6 Oo, or Woo-kiaug, R. China I e 32 Orenburg, gov. Russia M e 24 Oruro, dep. Bolivia 14 d 10 Oswegatouie R. N. Y. F h 6 Oo-oura B. Nip-lion 0 c 32 O reuse, Orense C b 27 Orvieto, Umbria E c 2b Oswego, 111. D b 7 Oo-piug-hien, Fo-kien L e 32 Orense, prov. Spain G b 27 Orville, Nebr. H f 13 Oswego, Ind. G b 7 Oo-poo, or Sui-tai-chow, Shen-se K c 32 Ore K. Fife E cl 19 Orwell, N. Y. F c 0 Oswego, Kans. 1 h 13 Ooruacii, Beloochistan C b 31 Oresville, Pa. B f 6 Orwell, Ohio M b 7 Oswego, N. Y. E c 6 OosbaUke, Trbmsb II c 23 Oreti Plain, Otago B g 35 Orwell, Vt. A e 5 Oswego, co. N. Y. E c 6 Ooseanaula R. Ga. K c 9 Oreti R. Otago B g 35 Orwell, R. Suffolk H e IS Oswego Falls, N. Y. E c 6 Oo Sima, I., Japan P d 32 Orewa, Auckland E b 35 Onvigsburg, Pa. E f 0 Oswego R. N. Y. E c 6 Ootacanuuui (Utakamund), Orfali, or Urfak ( Edessa ), Syria 1) b 29 Oryekhav, Ekaterinoslav H f 24 Oswestry, bor. Salop C d 18 Madras Pres. E e 31 Orford, N. H. B e 5 Osage, Iowa O i 12 Osyku, Miss. E f 9 Ootch, Rajpootana D b 31 Or.ord, Suffolk H d 18 Osage, Kaiis. I g 13 Ot.igo, Port, Otago C f 35 Oou, R. Manchuria N a 32 Orford, Wis. H g l 1 Osage, Mo. P o 12 Otago, prov. New Zealand B f 35 Opata, Mexico E d 3 Orford (or Blanco) C . Oreg. A d 14 Osage, Mo. P p 12 Otaheite, S. Paeiffo Oc. D k 1 Opatclika, Pskov F d 24 Orfordness, Queensland G b 34 Osage City, Kans. I g 13 Ot almlm, Auckland E b 35 Opdal, Tkrondhjem E e 23 Orforclness, Suffolk H d 18 Osage, co. Kans. I g 13 Otaio it. Canterbury G f 35 Opelousas, La. C g 9 Organ Mts. N. Mex. C c 10 Osage, co. Mo. P O 12 Ota Id, Wellington E d 35 Open B. Auckland G b 35 Orgaz, Toledo G e 27 Osage Creek, Ark. B a 9 Otamate, Mexico B b 15 Open Bay Is, Westland B e 35 Orgiva, Granada G li 27 Osage, Little R. Mo. M p 12 Otamatu i Pt. Taranaki D c 35 Opeonga, L, Ontario D d 4 Orgyev, Bessarabia F f 24 Osage Mission, Kans. 1 h 13 Otanewiiinuku Mt. Auckland F b 35 Opepe, Auckland F c 35 Ona, Almeria II g 27 Osage R Mo. N o 12 Otawiiao, Auckland E b 35 Oplielika, Ala. K e 9 Oria, Apulia G d 1.6 Osage Springs, Ark. A a 9 Otohakov, Kherson G f 24 Ophir, Mont. H a 14 Orient, Mich. M f 11 Osaka, Oho-saka, or Sakae, Japan P d 32 Otego, N. Y. F d 6 Ophir Centre, 111. C b 7 Or. line la, Murcia K f 27 Osaki C. Japan Q c 32 Oteuku, Mt. Canterbury C f 35 Opko, Brit. Burmah I d 31 Orillia, Ontario D d 4 Osakis, Minn. B d 11 Otlio, Iowa M k 12 Oporto, or Porto, Minho B c 27 Oring Nor, L., Mongolia G d 32 Osakis L, Minn. B d 11 Otlirys Mts. Greece K e 26 Oposhne, Poltava G f 24 Orinoco, Venezuela L 1 lo Osborn, Mo. M n 12 Otis, Mass. A £ 5 Oposura, Mexico E e 3 Ori, or Limpopo, R. S. Africa H g 33 Osborn, Ohio I d 7 Otisco, Mich. M f 11 Opotiki, Auckland F b 35 Orissa (tract), Madras & Bengal F d 31 Osborne, Kans. G g 13 Otisco, N. Y. E d 0 Opotiki, co. Auckland F c 35 Or.stauo, Sardinia O e 2b Osborne, co. Kans. G g 13 Otisco L. N. Y. E d 6 Opotiki R. Auckland F b 35 Oi’istano, G. of. Sardinia G e 2b Osborne House, I. of Wight E f 18 Otley, Iowa N 1 12 Oppa, R. Silesia F b 25 Orituco, Venezuela K f 15 Osceola, Ark. F b 9 Otley, town York E c 18 Oppeln, Silesia I c 22 Orituco, Rio, Venezuela K f 15 Osceola, Iowa N 1 12 Otoe, Nebr. 1 f 13 Oppeln, gov. Prussia K c 22 Or.zaba, Mexico 1) d 15 Osceola, Mich. O g 11 Otoe Agency, Ne'ur. H f 13 Oppenlieim, Kessen E d 22 Orizabo, Vol. (Citlaltepetl), Mexico I) d 15 Osceola, Mo. N p 12 Otoe, co. Nebr. H f 13 Oputo B. Hawke’s Bay F d 35 Orku Nil, Throndhjem E e 23 Osceola, Nebr. H f 13 Otraglia, I. Corsica 1 e 21 Oquawka, 111. A e 7 Orklion, R. Mongolia H a 32 Osceola, co. Iowa L i 12 Otranto, Apulia H d 26 Oraliovica, Slavonia E d 25 Orkney Islands, or Orcades, Scot. F a 19 Osceola, co. Mich. M f 11 Otranto Strait, Adriatic Sea H d 26 Oran, Algeria G h 17 Orkney & Shetland, co. Scotland F a 19 Osceola Mills, Wis. E d 11 Otranto. 'Tel ia d’, prov. S. Italy H d 20 Oran, Argentine Rep. D e lb Orkneys, South, Antarctic Ocean O P 1 Oseliatz, Kingdom of Saxony G c 22 Otscher Berg, Mt Oran, Iowa 0 k 12 Uriand, Me. F d 5 Osehersleben, Grosser, prov. Saxony F b 22 Lower Austria D c 25 Orange, Conn. A g 5 Orlamlet, Throndhjem E e 23 Osckiri, Sardinia O d 2b Otsega, Vv is. ii I 11 Orange, Iowa K i 12 Orlando, Fia. L n 6 Oscoda, co. Mich. N e 11 Otsego, Mich. M g 11 Orange, Mo. N o 12 Orleanais, prov. France E b 21 Osel or Oesel I. Baltic Provinces M g 23 Otsego, Minu. D d 11 Orange, N. J. G f 6 Orleans, Cal. B e 14 Osen Hamar E f 23 Otsego, Ohio l b 7 Orange, Ohio I c 7 Orleans, Ind. F e 7 Osen, Throndhjem F d 23 Otsego, co. Mich. N d 11 Orange, Tex. K d 10 Orleans, Loiret E c 21 Osen, L. Hamar G f 23 Otsego, co. N. Y. F d 6 Orange, Vauduse G d 21 Orleans, Mass. I) g 5 Oshawa, Ontario 1) e 4 Otsego L. N. Y. G d 6 Orange, Vt. B d 5 Orleans, Mo. N p 12 C shell, Wady, Palestine G e 30 Otselic, N. Y. F d 6 Orange, Wis. G f 11 Orleans, I. of, R. St Lawrence H c 4 Oshkosh, Wis. I f 11 Otselic, R. N. Y. F d 6 Orangeburgl), S. C. E h 8 Orleans, par. La. F g 9 Oshmiaua, Vilna F e 24 Ottawa, 111. D b 7 Orangeburgli, co. S. C. E k 8 Orleans, co. N. Y. C c 6 Oshtemo, Mich. M g 11 Ottawa, Kans. 1 g 13 Orange, co. Fla. I, n 8 Orleans, co. Vt. B cl 5 Osimo, Marches E e 2b Ottawa, Minn. D e 11 Orange, co. Fia. 0 i 9 Orleansviile, Algeria E a 33 Osiuo, Nev. F e 14 Ottawa, Ohio H b 7 Orange, co. Ind. F e 7 Orles, or Ortler Spitz, Mt. Tyrol B c 2o Oskaloosa, Iowa O 1 12 Ottawa, Citv, Cap. of the Dominion Orange, eo. N. C. F e 8 Orlov, Viatka K d 24 Oskaloosa, Kans. I g 13 of Camilla, Ontario F d 4 Orange, co. N. Y. G e 6 Orlov, C. Archangel 1 b 24 Oskelanaio, L. Quebec F b 4 Ottawa, co. Kaus. H g 13 Orange, co. Tex. K cl 10 Orlov, or Orel, Orel H e 2 a Oskol, R. Kharkov H f 24 Ottawa, co. Mich. L g 11 Orange, co. Va. G c 8 Oriulni, Mt. Carpathians L b 2b Osman Bazaar, Danube M c 2d Ottawa, co. Ohio 1 o 7 Orange, co. Vt. B d 5 Orman, Palestine E e 30 Osmanjik, Asia Minor D a 29 Ottawa, co. Quebec F c 4 Orange Court House, Ya. G c 8 Oimes Head, Great, Carnarvon G c lb Osma, R. Danube L c 20 Ottawa, Pt. Mich. O e 11 Orange Creek, Fla. 0 h 9 Ormsby, co. Nev. D f 14 Osnabr'iick, Hanover E b 22 Ottawa, R. Quebec t d 4 Orange L. Fla. N h 9 Ormskirk, Lancashire D c 18 Osnabriick, gov. Prussia E b 22 Ottawa, Sources of the, Quebec D b 4 Orange, or Gnrieb, R. S. Africa F g 33 Ormuz I. Persian Gulf H d 29 Osuaburg House, Brit. America L d 2 Otterburn, Northumberland i> a 18 Orange Liver free State, S. Africa G g 33 Ormuz Strait, Persia H d 29 Oso Cr. Ariz. H i 14 Otter Creek, HI. B c 7 Oran.enbauin, Baltic Provinces P g 23 Orne, R. Calvados D b 21 Osorki, Saratov K e 24 Otter Creek, 111. B d 7 Orauienburg, Brandenburg G b 22 Orub, I. Sweden K g j-3 Osorno, Chili O g 19 Otter Creek, Vt. A d 5 Oramnore, Galway C e 20 Oro, Colo. C g 13 Osprey Reef, Coral Sea H b 34 Otter Head, Dom. of Canada L a 11 Oran, prov. Algeria E a 33 Oro Fino, Idaho F 1) 14 Ossa, Perm M d 24 Otter I., Lake Superior, Orany, Vilna E e 24 Oromocto, New Brunswick K d 4 Ossabaw I. Ga. O f 9 Dom. of Canada L a 11 Oratunga, S. Australia F f 34 Oro, Monte d’. Corsica I e 21 Ossabaw Sound, Ga. P f 9 Otter L. Dorn, of Canada G a 13 Ora via. Ecuador C c 10 Orono, Me. F d 5 Ossa, Mt. ( Kisovo ), Trikliaia K e 2b Otter Peaks, Va. F d 8 Orayby, Ariz. H h 14 Orouo, Minn. D d 11 Ossau, Gave d’, R , Basses Pyrenees D e 21 Otter Pond, Me F c 5 Oraytayous, Wash. E b 14 Oronsay I. Argyle B d 19 Osseo, Wis. F e 11 Otter R. Va. F d 8 Orbetciio, Tuscany I) c 20 Orontes, R. Turkey in Asia 1) b 29 Ossian, Ind. G c 7 Ottersberg, Hanover £j b 22 Orbigo, R. Leon E b 27 Oroutety li. (Nahr el Asy), Syria I) b 30 ’ Ossian, Iowa P i 12 Otters Wick, Orkney Islands F a 19 Orb R. Herault F e 21 Orouto B. Wis. G c 11 Ossineke, Mich. O e 11 Otterswick, Shetland A a 19 Orcades, or Orkney Islands, Scot. F a 19 Oropesa, Castelion de la Plana L d 27 Ossipee, N. H. C e 5 Otter Tail City, Minn. li c 1J Orcliilla I. Venezuela K e 15 Oropesa, Toledo E e 2 7 Ossipee R. Great and Little, Me. 1) e 5 Otter Tail, co. Minu. G c n Oreliy R. Argyle D d 19 -Oropesa, Cape, Castelion L d 2 1 Ossoor ( Hussoor ), Madras Pres. E e 31 Otter Tail R. Minn. A c 11 Ordeh, or New Dongola, Nubia C f 29 Oropo, Greece K e 2b Ostashkuv, Tver G d 24 Otter Tail R. Minu. ii c 11 Ordeues, Coruna B a 27 Orosei, Sardinia G d 2b Ostego, 111. E a 7 Otterton, Devon G f 13 Ordcn, Cu^danar de la, Toledo H e 27 Orosei, G. of. Sardinia C d 2b Ostego Bay, Ela. L P 8 Ottery-St-Mary, Devon G f It Ord, Hill of, Sutherland E b 19 Oroszhaza, Hungary G c 25 Osteud, Ohio L d 7 Ottingen, Bavaria F d 22 Ordnance Ft. Tasmania R u 35 Oroua R. Wellington E d 35 Ostende, Belgium B c 22 Ottoclmtz, Military Frontier i) d 25 Ord of Caithness, Caithness E b 19 Oroust I. Gothland F g 23 Oste, R. Hanover E b 22 Otto Elf, Harnai E f 23 Oidos Country, Mongolia I c 32 Oroviile, Cal. C 1 14 Osterburg, Prov. Saxony F b 22 Ottokce, Ohio li b 7 (58 GENERAL INDEX. Ottoman, or Turkish Empire, Euroje & A -in 26 Ottnkee, Ohio II Ottumwa, Iowa 0 O'ttwt iL-r, Rlienisli Prov. D Otway Bay, Chili C Otway Cape, Victoria ft Otynia, Galicia I Ouachita or Washita, co. Ark. B Ouachita or Washita It. Ark. C and Inch T. G Ouachita or Washita, par. La. C Ouachita Village, Ind. T. H Ou-cha poo, Kan-su I Qude, (list. India F Omlenarde (Ger. Audenaarden), Belgium B Ourte, or Awadh, Ouile F Ouessant. I. de, or Usliant, Finistere B Oil fa or Ufa, Oil fa, or Ufa, gov. Oughterard, Ouglitch, orUglitch Oula, 0 ill art, Ouliasutai, or Uliasutai, Ouliasutai, It. Ounal, Mt. O.unas, R. Qnndle, town Ounimak I. Ufa M Russia M Galway B Yaroslav H Limerick 0 Wexford E Mongolia G Mongolia G Minho B Finland F Northampton F Alaska D Onralsk, or Uralsk, Ural Cossacks L Ource, R. Aube G Ourcq Canal, Seine B Ourgn. Urga, orKuran, Mongolia I Onrique, Alemtejo B Ourique,Campode, plain, Alemtejo B Onro Pitta (Villa Rica), Brazil F Ouro. Ria do, Sahra C Our, R. Rhenish Prov. D Ourthe, R. Belgium C Ouse, Great, R. Bucks & Norfolk ft Owl Prairie, Ind. F. e 7 I Page, co. Va. G c 8 Palm Calabria P e 26 & 20 Owl’s Harbor, Nova Scotia M d 4 [ Pagltan-myo, Burundi I d 31 Palm Is. Queensland H c 34 ll 7 Owl's Head, Me. F d 5 Pagnell, Newport, town, Bucks F d IS Palmitto Creek, Ga. M e 9 1 12 Ow, R. Wicklow E d 20 Pago, Dalmatia D .1 25 Palm Point, Fla. L q 8 d 22 Owrane, R. Cork B e 20 Pago L Dalmatia D d 25 Palmyra, 111. B d 7 h Hi Owsit Wells, Jebel Sliomer D c 2.t Pagodas, Three, Brit. Burundi I d 31 Palmyra, Iowa N 1 12 cr 34 Owsley, co. Ky I f 7 l’ahabe Creek, Ind. T. II a 10 Palmyra, Midi. O h 11 b 23 Owsley Mts. Ky. I f 7 Pali-hmi-nupe Valley, Nev. E e 14 Palmyra, Mo. P n 12 d 0 Owthorn, York. O e IS Paiiictua, Wellington E d 35 Palmyra, N. J. F g 6 d < mu a (Sydenham), Ontario C d 4 Padre, Port, Cuba II C 1? Faunas, G. of, Sardinia C e 26 Paparoa Range, Nelson C e 35 Uwensville, Cal. D g 14. Pad roll, Corufia B b 27 Palma, Villa da, Brazil F d 16 Papasquiaro, Mexico B c 15 Owensville, Ind. E e 1 Padstow, Cornwall B f 18 Palm Creek, Nebr. G f 13 Papa Stour I. Shetland A b 19 Owenton, Ky. H e 7 Pad 'tow Bay, Cornwall B f 18 Palmer, Mass. B f 5 Papa Westra I. Orkney Is. P a 19 Owey 1. Donegal C a 20 Padua ( Padova), Venetia D b 26 Palmers, Mich. M f 11 Papeuburg, Hanover D b 22 Owiaudina. S. Australia F f 34 Padua, prov. Venetia D b 26 Palmerston, Dublin E c 20 Papera Sao Jose, Brazil F c 16 Owick, Fo-kien L f 32 Paducah, Ky. D f 7 Palmerston, Otago C f 35 Papimonagaco, L. Quebec I a 4 Owingsville, Ky. I e 7 l’ae Choi Mts. Archangel N b 24 Palmerston, Cape, Queensland H d 34 Papinville, Mo. M o 12 Ow] Creek, Ohio K c 7 1’ae Daia Mt. Archangel N b 21 Palmers town, Mavo B b 20 Papon Bay, Baltic Provinces N g 23 Owl Fork, Little Red 1. Arli. C b 9 Pae-yer Mt. Urals N b 24 Palmetto, Fla. N h 9 Paposo, Chili C e 16 owl Head, Env. of N. Y. B b 6 Page, co. Iowa L m 12 Palmetto, Ga. L d 9 Paps of Jura, Jura B e 19 Pampa del Sacramento, Peru C Pampas, Peru C Pampas, a name given to the plains which extend from the Straits of Mage! an northward GENERAL INDEX. 139 Paps. The, Jit. Kerry B d 20 Parsons, Kans. I h 13 Paugurh, Alysore E e 31 Pegu, prov. Brit Burmah i d 31 Painbiti, Bolivia D d lb Parsons town, or Birr, Paiuilac, Gironde D d 21 Pei, or Feoo-ehow, Se-chuen i e 32 Paraeatu, . Brazil F d 16 King's County D c 20 Paulding, Aliss. F f 9 Pei Ho, R. China L e 32 Paraeatu, R. Brazil F d 1 G Parthenav Deux Sevres D c 21 Paulding, Ohio H b 7 Peint, Bombay Pres. D c 31 Paraeliin, Servia 1 c 26 Particle, town, Lanark D e 19 Paulding, co. Ga. J-j d 9 Peipus, L. Baltic Provinces E d 24 Paraclifta, Ark. A d 9 Part in ico, Sicily E e 26 Paulding, co. Ohio H b 7 Peisern, Poland 1 b 22 Paradis, Grand, Alps, Piedmont B b 26 Partridge Pt. Newfoundland P a 4 Paulgaiiteherry, or Peissenberg, Bavaria F e 22 Paradise, 111. D d 7 Partridge R. Minn. B c 11 Palghutcheri, Aladras Pres. E e 31 Pekan R. Alinu. D a 11 Paradise, x Ky. F f 7 Partly Mountains, Mayo & Galway B c 20 Paulins R. N. J. G e 6 Rekatoniea Creek, 111. C a 7 Paradise, Pa. E f 6 Pary's Mt. Anglesey B c 18 Paulo Affonzo Falls (R. San Pekeville, Nev. F e 11 Paradise, Pa. F e 6 Pascagoula, Aliss. Gr g 9 Francisco), Brazil G c 16 Pe Kiang, R. China K f 32 Paradise Round, Newfoundland Q c 4 Pascagoula R. Miss. G g 9 Paumota or Low Archipel. Pekin, 111. C c 7 Paragan, 11. Brazil D d 16 Pascagoula, W. Aliss. G g 9 S. Pacific Oc. D k 1 Pekin, Ind. F e 7 Paraguana Peninsula, Columbia I e 15 Paschalville, Env. of Philadelphia B h 6 Paunglaung, or Pekin, N. C. F f 8 Paragua, Rio, Venezuela L g 15 Pasco, Peru C d 16 Sittang it. Brit. Burmah I d 31 Pe-king, Pe-chi-li L b 32 Paraguay, rep. South America E c 16 Pasco, Knot of, Alt. Amies of Peril C d 16 Paungul, Nizam’s Dominions E cl 31 Pelagonisi I. Greece K e 26 Paraguay, R. Paraguay E e 16 Pas de Calais (Strait of Dover), E a 21 Paute R. Ecuador C c 16 Pelagosj Tex. D e 10 l’araguaza Alts. Venezuela K f 15 Pasewalk, Pomerania G b 22 Panxis, or Obidos, Brazil E c 16 Pelagosa I. Dalma.ia E e 25 Parahiba, Brazil G c 16 Pashamaran R. Idaho G c 14 Pavia, Pa. C f 6 Pelee, Fort, Aiaiiehe D b 21 Parahiba. prov. Brazil G c 16 Pasliti Kuh, or Pushti Kuh, Pavia, Piedmont C b 26 Pelee, I. Alanche JJ b 21 .Parahiba R. (Prov. Parahiba), Brazil G c 16 Alt. Beloochistan B b 31 Pavia, prov. Lombardy C b 26 Pelee, Mt. Martinique L e 15 Parahyba, Brazil F e 16 Pasion, Rio dela, Guatemala E d 15 Pavlograd, Ekaterinoslav Ii f 24 Pele ■, Pt. L. Erie B f 4 Parahyba, R. Brazil F e 16 Paskallavik, Gothland 1 li 23 Pavlovo, Nishegorod l d 24 Pemberton, N. J. G 8 Paramaribo, Dutch Guiana E li 16 Pasley C. S. W. Australia C f 34 Pavlovsk, Voronesh I e 24 Pelham, Ga. L f 9 Paramatta, New S. Wales I f 31 Paso del Norte, el, Alexico B a 15 Puviovskoi, Aioseow 11 d 24 Pelican R. Minn. A e 11 Paramellowa, New S. Wales I e 31 Pas-quotauk, co. N. C. I e 8 Pavosero L. Archangel G b 24 Pelican R. Wis. 11 1 1 11 Paramores I. Va. K d 8 Pasquotank R. N. C. I e 8 Pavoserskoi, Archangel G b 24 Pelim R. Siberia N c 24 Paramvthia, Janina I e 26 Passadumkeag, Ale. F c 5 Pawlet, Vt A e 5 Pelimsk, Siberia N d 24 Paran, Argentine Rep. E f 16 Passage, Waterford E d 20 Pawling, N. Y. 11 e 6 Pe ling Mts. China I d 32 Parana Prov. Brazil E e 16 Passage I. Mich. I a 11 Pawnee City, Nebr. 14 f 13 Peling-tao I. Corea AI e 32 I’aranagua, Brazil F e 16 Passage Key, Fla. K o 8 Pawnee, co. Kans. G g 13 Pclion, J It. (Plessidi), Trikhala lv e 26 Parauagua Bay, Brazil F e 16 Passage of Coll, Hebrides B d 19 Pawnee, co. Nebr. li f 13 Pelissier, Cape, Corea N c 32 Paranahaiba, R. Brazil F c 16 Passage of Colonsay, Argyle B e 19 Pawnee Creek, Colo. E f 13 Pella, Iowa O 1 12 Paranahiba Brazil E d 16 Passage West, Cork C e 20 Paw Paw, Mich. AI s ii Pella (Tubaket Faliel), Palestine C f 30 Paranahiba, Brazil F c 16 Passaic, co. N. J. G e 6 Paw Paw, W. Va. E b 8 Pelliquaggamas L. Ale. F a 5 Paranahiba, R. Brazil E d 16 Passamaquoddy B.,New Brunswick lv d 4 Pawtuxet, R. I. C g 5 Pello, Finland E b 24 Parauapanema, R. Brazil E e 16 Passau, Bavaria G d 22 Paxo I. Greece I e 26 Pell worm I. Schleswig E a 22 Parana, R. Paraguay E e 16 Pass Christian, Aliss. F g y Paxton, 111. D c 7 Pelly B. Arctic Regi- us L c 2 Paranazingua, Brazil E d 16 Pass d’Arc Fork, Tex. H c 10 Paxton, Alass. C f 5 Pelly Banks, Fort, Brit America G c 2 Parangoni, Upper Niie C i 29 Passeenoe, Beloochistan B b 31 Paydown, Mo. P o 12 Pelly, Fort, Brit. America K d 2 Para or Belem, Brazil F c 16 Passero I. Sicily F f 26 Payer Peak, Greenland S b 2 Pelly, Kwitchpak, or Para, prov. Brazil E c 16 Passir, Borneo N i 28 Payette, Idaho E d 14 Y ueon R. Alaska G c 2 Para, K. (“ Father of TI aters ”), Passumpsic R. Vt. C cl 5 Payette Creek, Idaho E c 14 Pelly, L. Brit. America lv c 2 Brazil F c 16 Passy, Seine B e 21 Paynesville, Minn. C d 11 Pelly Mts. Alaska E b 2 Parati, Brazil F e 16 Pastasa, R. Ecuador C c 16 Paysandu, Uruguay E f 16 Peloponnesus, Alorea or S. Greece K f 26 Parawari, Brazil D b 16 Pas to. Columbia H g 15 Rayson City, Utah H e 14 Pelorus, R. Alarlborough D d 35 Parbutti R. Rajpontana E c 31 Pastes Boils Brazil F c 16 Pays Plat, it. Dom. of Canada lv a 11 Pelorus Sound, Alarlborough E d 35 Parcellas R. Madagascar I f 33 Pastes, Los, Mts. Andes H g 15 Rayta, Peru B c 16 Pelotas, R. Brazil E e 16 Parchim, Mecklenburg F b 22 Pastrana, Guadalajara H d 27 Raz B. Lower California D f 3 Pelsocz, Hungary G b 25 Pardo, El, Madrid G d 27 Past nm (ruins), Campania F d 26 Pazcuaro, Alexico C d 15 Pelusiuni (ruins). Egypt C g 33 Pardo, R. Brazil F e 16 Pasubio, Monte, Tyrol B d 25 Peabody, Kans. li g lo Peivoux, Grand, Alt. iseie II d 21 Pardnbitz, Bohemia D a 25 Patagonia (Magellanes), col. Peabody B. Greenland O b 2 Pemba I. Zanzibar Coast 11 e 33 Paredes, Estremadura B e 2 1 Chili D g 16 Peace it. Brit. America I d 2 Pemberton, N. Y. G 3 0 Paredes, Paleueia F b 27 Patana, Auckland D Reach Bottom, Pa. E g 0 Pemberton, Ohio I c 7 Pareuga-renga Harbor, Auckland D a 35 Patana, Brit. Burundi I d 31 Peak Alts. Brit. Columbia li d 2 Pembina, Dak. H b 13 Parenzo, Istria C d 25 Patanagoh, Burundi I d 31 Peak Range, Queensland H d 31 Pembina, co. Dak. H b 13 Parga, Janina I e 26 Patani, Lower Siam K f 31 Peaks of Otter Alts. Va. F cl 8 Pembina, co. Alinu. A a 11 Paria, Gulf of, Venezuela L e 15 Patapediac, R. Quebec K b 4 Peak, The, lVlt. Derby E c 18 Pembina Alts. Alanitoba G b 13 Parima, Paraviana, Queotieme, Patapsco R. Aid. E g 6 Pea R. Ala. K f 9 Pembina, R. Dak. G b 13 or Branco, R. Brazil D b 16 Pataquongamis L. Ale. E b 5 Pea Ridge, Ark. A a 9 Pembridge, Hereford D d 18 Parin, Clii-li L b 32 Pataskala, Ohio K c 7 Pearl Is. Panama 11 f 15 Pembroke, Ky. E g 7 Paris, 111. E d 7 Patch Grove, Wis. F g 11 Pearl R. Aliss. and La. F e 9 Pembroke, Ale. G d 5 Paris, Ky. H e 7 Patchogue, L. I. B li 5 Pearl R., AV. La. F g 9 Pembroke, N. 11. C e 5 Paris, Me. D cl 5 Patea, Taranaki E c 33 Pease Creek, Fla. L o 8 Pembroke, Ontario E d 4 Paris, Mo. P u 12 Pateley Bridge, York E b 18 Pease R. Tex. G c 10 Pembroke, Ota^o B f 35 Paris, Mich. M f 11 Pater, or Pecan Grove, La. D e 9 Pembroke, bor. Pembroke B e 18 Paris, Ontario C e 4 Pembroke Docks Pembroke B c 18 Pecan L. La. C h 9 Pembroke, co. Tasmania S v 35 Paris, Tenu. G a 9 Pateruo, Sicily, Sicily F f 26 Pecan Pt. Ark. E b 9 Pembroke Docks, or Paris, Tex. I c 10 Paterson, Iowa L k 12 Pecatonica, 111. C a 7 Pater, Pembroke B e IS Pans, Cap. of France, Seme F b 21 Paterson, New S. Wales I f 34 Peccau Bayou, Tex. G c 10 Pembroke Peak, Otago A f 35 Paris burg, Va. E d 8 Paterson, N. J. G f 6 Pe-chi-li, Gulf of, China L c 32 Pembrokeshire, co. Wales B e 18 Parish Grove, Iud. E c 7 Paterson, Pa. D f 6 Pe-chi-li, prov. China L c 32 Pembuan, Borneo N i 23 Parishville, N. Y. G b 6 Paterson Inlet, Stewart I. B g 35 Re-chi-1 i Strait, China AI c 32 Pemidgi L. Aliim. C b 11 P.msien I., L. superior, Patersons, N. Y. H e 6 Pecksville, Dom. of Canada O c 11 Pemiscot, co. Mo. R q 12 Dum. of Canada N c 11 Patersons Store, N. 0. F f 8 Peeonic Bay, L. I. B h 5 Pena Corada, Alt. Paleneia F b 27 Parisville, lad. F c 7 Pateti Pt. Canterbury C f 35 Pecos, N. Alex. D b 10 Pena de Amaya, Mt. Burgos F b 27 Paritea Range, Canterbury D e 33 Patialah ( Pultialo ), Punjab E a 31 Pecos, co. Tex. E cl 10 Pena de Francia, Mt. Salamanca D d 27 Park, co. Colo. D g 13 Patia, R. Columbia H g 15 Pecska, Hungary G c 25 Penafiel, Alinho B e 27 Park, co. Iinl. E d 7 Patience B. Saghalien I. Q d 28 Pedder, L. Tasmania S v 35 Penafiel, Valladolid F c 27 Parke Creek, Ariz. G h 11 Patkoi Mts, Blirmah I b 31 Peddoch’s I. Env. of Boston G h 5 Penngolosa, Alt. Oastellon lv d 2/ Parker, Ivans. I h 13 Patinos I. Archipelago M f 26 Pedernales, Ecuador B b 16 Pena Gudina, Alt. Salamanca E d 2/ Parker, co. Tex. H c 10 Patna, Bengal G b 31 Pederneira, Estremadura A e 27 Pena Isas, Alt. Logiono li b 27 Parkers, Ivans. H g 13 Patna, Ayr 1) e 19 Pedreiro, Brazil D c 16 Pena-Joug, Tibet G b 31 Parkersburg, 111. D e 7 Patna (Puttanah), Central Provs. F c 31 Pedro Bank. Caribbean Sea H cl 15 Penalara, Pico de, Alt. Aladrid G d 27 Parkersburg, Iowa 0 k 12 Patoka, 111. C e 7 Pedroches. Los. dist. Cordova F f 27 Pena Alira, Alt. Zamora D c 27 Parkersburg, W. Va. D b 8 Patoka, Ind. E e 7 Pedro'^ao Grande. Estremadura B e 2/ Pena Negra, Mt. Leon D b 27 Parkersville, Minn. H b 11 Patoka R. Ind. E e 7 Pedro or Basses de Pedro Penang, or Pr. of Wales I. Lr. Si nil K f 31 Parkman, Ohio L b 7 Paton, AIo. Q p 12 Bank, Laccadive Is. D e 31 Pena Palomera, Alt. Teruel i d 27 Park R. Dak. H b 13 Paton, Iowa AI k 12 Pedro, Point, Ceylon F f 31 Pena, Pt. Venezuela L e 15 Parks. Ark. B c 9 Ratos, Alexico C b 15 Pedro, Port, Almeria I h 27 Penaranda, S.ilainauua E d 27 Parks fork, Kans. G g 13 Patos, L. Alexico E d 3 Pedrosa. Sevilla E g 27 Pefiiranda, Alt. Leon D 0 27 Parksville, 111. B a 7 Patos, Lago dos. Brazil E f 16 Pedrotallagalla, Alt. Ceylon F f 31 Penas, C. de, Oviedo E a 27 Parkton, Md. E g 3 Patras, Greece I e 26 Peebles, bor. Peebles E e 19 Penas de San Pedro, Albacete 1 i 27 Parkville, Mo. A1 n 12 Patras, Gulf of, Greece I e 26 Peeblesshire, co. Scotland E e 19 Peilas Gulf, Chili G g 16 Parma, Emilia D b 26 Patree, Ni. tain’s Dominions E d 31 Peedee R. S. C. F b 8 Pena Trivinos, Alt. O reuse D b 2/ Parma, Alich. N g 11 Patrick, co. Va. E e 8 Peekskill, N. Y. II e 6 Pena Ulbino, Mt. Asturias E a 27 Parma, prov. Emilia D Li 21 Patrington, York F c 18 Peel, W. Australia B f 34 Pen-cader, Carmarthen B d 18 Jr a niassus, Mt. (LLakoura), Givece K e 23 Patriot, Ind. H e 7 Peel, co. Ontario D e 4 Penclegyr Point, Pembroke A e IS raro 1. Greece L f 26 Patsaliga R. Ala. I f 9 Peel Fell, Roxburgh F e 19 Penilarvis, Ga. O f 9 Paroo R. Queensland AI q 27 Patta f. Zanzibar Coast I e 33 Peel, Alt. Canterbury C e 35 Pend d’Oreille L. or Kalispelm, Parowan, Utah G g U Pattan (Puttun), Gujerat D c 31 Peel or Namoi R. New S. Wales H f 34 Alont. E a 14 Panv.t, Mexico B b 15 Pattee, Scinde C c 31 Peel Plain, \V. Australia B f 34 Pend d’Oreille li., or Clark’s Fork, Parras, Mexico C b 15 Patten, Ale. F b 5 Peel R. Brit. America G c 2 Wash. E a 14 Parrot Creek, Fla. K g 9 Patten Creek, Queensland G d 34 Peel Sound, Arctic Regions L b 2 Pendle Hill, Lancashire D c IS Parrot, R. Somerset D e IS Pattens vi lie, Pa. C f 6 Peel, town, I. of Man B b 18 Pendleton, Ind. G c 7 Parrsborough, Nova Scotia L d 4 Patterson, Mo. Q n 12 Peer, Belgium C c 22 Pendleton, N. Y. C c 6 Farrs, or boutli Mts. ivld. and Fa. E g 6 Patterson Pt. Alich. Ai ii ii Peers Fiord, Tromso Q a 23 Pendleton, Oreg. D c 14 Farry, Cape, Ent. America H b 2 Patti, Sicily F e 26 Peerysville, AV. Va. D d 8 Pendleton, S. C. C g » Parry, Cape, Greenland S b 2 Pattonsburgh, Alo. N m 12 Pegasus Bay, Canterbury D e 35 Pendleton, co. Ky. H e 7 Parry Is. Arctic Regions K b 2 Patuca (Guavape), R. Honduras F e 15 Pegasus, Port, Stewart I. A g 35 Pendleton, co. W. Va. F c 8 Parry, Alt. Grinned Land N a 2 Patuxent R. A’d. E li (3 Peguitz, it. Bavaria F d 22 Pendleton's Creek, Ga. N e 9 Parry Sound, dist. Canada. C d 4 Pan, Basses Pyrenees D e 21 Pego, Alicante K f 27 Pend Oreille, Idaho E b 14 Parry’s Sound, L. Huron C d 4 Paucartambo, Peru C d 16 Pegoes, Estremadura B f 27 Penedo, Bra-’il G d 16 Parsons, Kansas G c 13 Pan, Gave de, R. Basses Pyrenees D e 21 Pegu, Brit. Burmah I d 31 Penfield, Ga. M d 9 70 GENERAL INDEX. Peng R. Burmah I c 31 Penguin Is. Newfoundland P c 4 Pen Horn City, N. J. B b 6 Penicuick, Edinburgh E e 19 Peniscola, Castellon de la Plana L d 27 Penistone, York E c 18 Penjinsk, G. of, Siberia S b 23 Penjiuskoe, Siberia S b 23 Pen.cridge, Stafford D d 18 Penmaeumawr, Carnarvon C c 18 Penmaquid Pt. Me. E e 5 Penn.arch, Pointe de, Finistere B c 21 Penn, Pa. B f 6 Pennair oi Ponear R. Madras Pres. E e 31 Pemu, Monte., Appenines, Piedmont C b 28 Pennar or Pennair R. Madras Pres. E e 31 Penne, Abruzzo E c 28 Pennfield, Pa. C e 8 Pennhaven, Pa. F f 6 Pennine Alps (Ger. Walliser Alpen), Mts. Switzerland H d 21 Pennine Oliain, Nortliumberland to Derby D b 18 Pennington, Pa. F g 6 Pennington Gap, Cumberland Mts. Ky. K g 7 Pennsboro, W. Va. E b 8 Penns Creek, Pa. D f 6 Pennsgrove, N. J. F g 6 Pennsylvania, state, U. States 8 Penn Yan, N. Y. D d 6 Penny Hill N. C. H f 8 Penny Strait, Parry Islands L b 2 Penobscot, Me. F d 5 Penobscot Bay, Me. F d 5 Penobscot, l onka Reservation, Dak. G e 13 Portage L. Mich. I b u Port Lavacca, Tex. H e 10 Point of Rocks, Md. I) S Ponoi, Archangel I b 24 Portage R. Ohio I h 7 Portlaw, Waterford D d- 20 Point of Rocks, Wyom. I e It Ponoi, R. Archangel H b 24 Portage Viile, N. Y. C d 6 Port Louis, 5iorbihan C c 21 Point Price I. L. Erie B f 4 Ponona, Iowa K k 12 Port ilegre. Alemteio C e 27 Port Louis (British), Mauritius K g 33 Point. Pleasant, Mo. R q 12 Ponsul, R. Beira C e 27 Port Allegheny Pa. C e 6 Port Louis (French), Madagascar I f 33 Point Pleasant, Ohio H e 7 Pontacq, Basses Pyrenees D e 21 Port Allen. Iowa P 1 12 Port Louisa, Iowa P 1 12 Point Pleas nit, W. Va. C c 8 Ponta Delgada, Azores B a 33 Port Angelos, Wash. B a 14 Port Ludlow, Wash B b 14 Poinzpass, Armagh E b 20 Pont-a- Mousson, Meurthe G b 21 Portaiiington, King’s Conntv D c 20 Port Luke ( British ), Madagascar K f 33 Poison, Bav, Otago A f 3d Pontarliei . Doubs H c 21 Port Askaig, Islay B e 19 Port Macquarie, New S. Wales I f 34 Poison Spring Creek, Wyom. C e 13 Pont Audemer, Eure E b 21 Port Augusta, S. Australia V f 34 Port 51 dison. Wash B b 14 Poissy, Seine-et-Oise A e 21 Pontcliartrain. L. La. E 1 >e. FLuistere 1! c 21 Por Carlisle, Cumberland C b 18 Porto Alegre, Brazil E f 16 Polignano, Auplia G d 2d Pont l'Eveque, Calvados E b 21 Port Castries, St Lucia L e 15 Poi-to Alegre, Brazil G c 16 Poliguy Jura G c 21 Poiitoise, Seine-et-Oise F b 21 Port Chalmers, Otago C f 3 - Porto Alegre, Brazil G d 16 Poligyro, Selanik IC d 2d Pontotoc, Miss. F c 9 Port Charlotte, 'Islay B e 19 Poi'to Alexandre, Mossamedcs F f 33 Polina, Janina H d 2d Pontotoc, co. Miss. F c 9 1 ’ort Chester, N. Y. H e 6 Portobello (Puerto Bello), Columbia H f 15 Polino I. Greece L f 2d Pontremoli, Emilia C b 26 Port Clarence, Alaska D c 2 Portobello, bor. Edinburgh E e 19 Polino, Monte, Calabria G e 2d Pont St E-sprit, Gard G d 21 Port Clarence, Durham E b IS Porto Cabanas, Cuba G c 15 Polist, II. Novgorod G d. 24 Pont St Vincent Meurthe H b 21 Port Clinton, Ohio K b 7 Poi'to Cairo, Brazil G c lb Politz, Pomerania H b 23 Pontypool, Monmouth C e 18 Port Clinton, Pa. E f 6 Porto d’Anzio, Latia E d 26 Polizzi, Scilly E f 2d Ponui L Auckland E b 35 Port Colborne Ontario D e 4 Porto da Uniao, Brazil E e 16 Po’k, Ohio K c 7 Ponza T. Pontine Is. E d 26 Port Cornwallis, Andaman Is. H e 31 Porto De Matura, Brazil D c 16 Polk C : ty, Iowa N 1 12 Poo-chow-foo, Shan-se K d 32 Port Crane, N. Y. F d 0 Porto de Moz, Brazil E c 16 Polk. . Ark. A c 9 Pooiioocottah ( PuducottalP, Port Credit, Ontario D e 4 Porto di Palinuro, Campania F e 26 Polk, co. Fla. L o 8 Madras Pres. E e 31 Port Curtis, Queensland 1 d 34 Porto Felix, Brazil F e 16 Polk. co. Ga. K d 9 Poo-eul-foo, Yun-nan I f 32 ' Port Dalhonsie, Ontario D e 4 Porto Ferrajo, Elba D c 26 Polk, co. Iowa N 1 12 Poo-kiang-foo, Se-chueu H d 32 Port Dalrymple, Tasmania S u 35 Porto, G. de, Corsica I e 21 Polk. co. Minn. A b 11 Poo-ki-hien, Hoo pe K e 32 Port Daniel, Quebec L b 4 Pcrtogniaro, Venetia E b 26 Polk, co. Mo. N P 12 Poole, Tasmania T u 35 Port Darwin, N. Australia E b 34 Porto Imperial, Villa do, Brazil F d 16 Polk, co. N. C. C f S Poole Bay, Hants E f 18 Port de la Nouvelle Aude F e 21 Porto Isabeliea, Dominica I d 15 Polk, co. Nebr. H f 13 Poole, bor. Dorset E f 18 Port Denison, Queensland H c 31 Porto Maurizio, Liguria C c 26 Polk. co. Oreg. B c 14 Poolewe, Ross C c 19 Port Repos t, Md. E Cf 6 Porto Maurizio, nrov Liguria C c 26 Polk, co. Tenn. L b 9 Pool’s Fort, Cal. D g I 4 Port Dover, Ontario C e 4 Porto Novo ( Mahmiul Pindar), Polk, co. Tex. I d 10 Pools I. Md. E g 6 Port du Chene, New Brunswick L c 4 Madras Pres. F e 31 Polk, co. Wis. E cl 11 Poonah, or Punab, Bombay Pres. D d 31 Port Du: nf rd, Zanzibar Coast I e 33 Port of Spain, Trinidad D a 16 Polkvillc, Miss. E c 9 Pno-ngnncliow, Quei-cbow H f 35 Porte. Cap de, Var II e 21 Port Orl'ord, Oi eg. A d 14 Polla, Campania F d 26 Poo nganoor, Madras Pres. E e 31 Port Elizabeth, Cape Colony G h 33 Porto, or Oporto, Minho B c 27 Polfasrli, R. Mayo B c 2 » Poonotch, Beloochistan A b 31 Port E lrn, Islay B e 19 Porto Plata, Dominica 1 d 15 Pollan Bay, Donegal D a 20 Poopo or Aullagas L. Bolivia D d 16 Porten lie .French), Sahara C c 33 Porto pus, Dalmatia E e 25 Pollard, Ala. H f 9 Poorl milder, Gujerat C c 31 Porter, Mich. N f 11 Porto Rico, or Puerto Rico, I. Pollensa Bay, Majorca 0 e 27 Pooiee, or Juggurnaut ( Jar/an - Porter co.. Ind. E b 7 (Spanish), Antilles K d 15 Pollockshaws, town. Renfrew D e 19 with ). Bengal G cl 31 Porters. Ga. M c 9 Porto S111 Stepliano, Tuscany D c 26 P'ollshone Harbor, Wexford E d 20 Poor Knights I. ( Tawiti Ralii). Porter’s Ferrv, Ga. Iv f 9 Pori 0 Santo 1. 5Iaderia Is. C a 33 Pollux, Mt. Canterbury B f 35 Auckland E a 35 Porter’s Valley, Utah G f 14 Porto Segiiro, Villa de, Brazil G d 16 Polmak, Tromsd P b 23 Popadj Mt. Carpathian H b 25 Portersville, Ind. F e 7 Port Otago, New Z.-alaud C f 35 Polna, Bohemia D b 25 Popayan, Columbia II g 15 Porte rsville. Pa. A f 6 poito Terms, Sardinia C d 26 .Polnisclie Krone, Posen I b 22 Pope, ill. 1) f 7 Porter! 0 vn, Md. D cr 6 Porto Vecchio, Corsica I f 21 Polo, 111. C b 7 Pope, co. Ark. B b 9 Port Essington, N. Australia E b 34 Port Patrick,- IVigtown C f 19 Polomet, R. Novgorod G d 24 Pope, co. Minn. B d 11 Port Frederick, Md. C cr 6 Port Phillip, 'Victoria G g 34 Polotsk, Vitebsk F d 24 Pope Creek, 111. B b 7 Port Frederick, Tasmania S U 35 Portreath, Cornwall A f IS Poltava, Poltava G f 24 Poperinglie, Belgium B c 22 Port Gibson, Miss. E f 9 Portree. Skye B c 19 Poltava, gov. Russia G f 24 Pope’s Harbor, Nova Scotia M d 4 Port Glasgow, bor. Renfrew D e 19 Port Kek, Upper Nile B h 29 Pol tew, or Peltew R Galicia I b 25 Popes Wells, N. Mex. E c 10 Portglenone, Antrim E b 2d Port Republic, Va. G c 8 Polui, R. Siberia 0 b 24 Poplar Bluff, Mo. Q q 12 Port Gordon, Banff E c 19 Port Richmond, N. Y. G f 6 Polutorno, or Tanar, St Petersburg G c 24 Poplar Creek, Dom. of Canada E a 13 Port Gore. Marlborough E d 35 Port r. Hard, Limerick B d 20 Polvadera, N. Me.x. C b 10 Poplar Grove, N. C. D f 8 Port Gower, Sutherland E b 19 Port roe. Tipperary C d 20 Polvar It. Persia G c 29 Poplar I Md. E h 6 Port Gi c.euville. Wash. A b 14 Port Rowan, Ontario C e 4 Polydpndri, Trikhala K e 26 Poplar Plains, Ky. I e 7 Porth C.iwl, Glamorgan C c 18 Port Uov il, Jamaica 11 d 15 Polykaudrio I. Greece L f 2d Poplar Ridge, Dom. of Canada E b 13 Portb Dinllevn. Carnarvon B d 18 Port Royal, Pa. D f 6 Polynesia, Div. of Oceania 1 Popocatepetl, Vol. Mexico D d 15 Portli Nigel, or Hell’s Port Royal, S. O. E i 8 Polynia Is. Arctic Regions I b 2 Popowa Gora Mt. Mouth, Carnarvon B d IS Port Royal. Va. H c 8 Jrolzm, Pomerania I b 22 Valdai Hills, Novgorod G d 24 Port Hood, Cape Breton I. N c 4 Port Royal Entrance, S. C. E i 8 Poraabamba, Bolivia D d 16 Poprad, Hungary G b 25 Port Hope, Mich. F f 11 Portrusb, Antrim E a 20 Pomahaka R. Otago B f 35 Pop rad, R. Galicia G b 25 Port Hope, Ontario D e 4 Port Said, Egypt O c 29 < Poniba Bay, Mozambique I f 33 Po, R. Piedmont 0 b 26 Port 1 1 udson. La. D cr 9 Port Said, Egvpt O i 17 Pombal, Brazil E c 16 Pornngaha, R. Hawke’s Bay F d 35 Port Hunter. N. South Wales I r 34 Port Said, Suez Canal C g 33 Pombal, Brazil G d 16 Porally Pass, Beloochistan C b 31 Port Huron, Midi. P cr 11 Port Sanilac, 5Iich. K b 11 Pombal, Brazil G c 16 Poi'imna, Jaen F g 27 Portlll.is, las, Pass, Orense C b 27 Port Sanilac, Midi. P f 11 Pomeranian B. Pomerania II a 22 Porcupine Mts. Mich. G c 11 Portinat. < 'ape, Minorca P d 27 Port San Luis, Lower California D e 3 Pomerania, prov. Prussia 11 b 22 Porcupine, or Rat R. Portio di Palo, C. Sicily F e 26 Port San Quentin, Lower California O d 0 Poilie.rellen, dist. W. Prussia I b 22 Dom. of Canada G c 2 Port Isaac Bay, Cornwall B f 18 Port Sarnia, or Sarnia, Ontario B e 4 Pomeri I. Indian Ocean Y m 1 Pore, Columbia I f 15 Portishend, Somerset D e 18 Portsea, Hants E f IS Pomeroy, Iowa M k 12 Pori na, R. Leon E b 27 Portitza Boghasi, Danube N b 26 Port Selkirk, Prince Edward 1. 51 c 4 Pomeroy, Ohio K d 7 Porkala, Finland N f 23 Port Jackson, 111. E e 7 Port Sheldon, Mich. L g n Pomeroy, Tyrone E b 20 Pork-ov, Pskov F d 24 Port Jackson, New. S. Wales I f 34 Portsmouth, Hants E f 18 Pomgokwalicm L. Me. E b 5 Pori a, Sweden II g 23 Port Jackson, N. Y. G d (i Portsmouth, Midi. O f 11 Pommc de Terre, Minn. B c 11 Porlock Bay, Somerset C e 18 Port Jackson, Bay, New S. Wales I r 34 Portsmouth, N. O. I g s Pomme de I’erre R. Minn. B d 11 Porinan, Murcia K g 27 Port Jervis, N. Y. G e 6 Portsmouth, N. H. D e 5 Pommc do Terre R. Mo. N p 12 Porman, Puerto Murcia K g 27 Port Kendal, N. Y. H b 6 Portsmouth, Ohio I e 7 Porno 1. Dalmatia D e 25 Poromes, Archangel L c 24 Portland, Ala.. H e 9 Portsmouth, Va. I e 8 Pomona, or Mainland, T. Orkney Is. E a 19 Porongas, L. Argentine Rep. I) e 16 Portland, Conn. B 5 Portsmouth Bank, N. C. I g 8 •romonlt ey, Md. D h 6 Poronokori. Mt. Yesso Q b 32 Portland, III. G b Portsoy, Band E c 19 Po, MoUblis of the, Venetia E b 26 Poros 1. Greece Jv f 26 Poi Hand, Ind. G c Port Stanley, Ontario C e 4 Pompadour, Corrdze E d 21 Pur/iliijreon, C. Svria B c 30 Portland, Me D e Port Stephens, N. S. Wales I f 31 Pompei, Mich. N f li Porphyry Point, Dom. of Canada I a 11 Portland, Mich. N g 11 Port Stewart, Londonderry E a 2d GENERAL INDEX. 73 Port St Marie, Lot-et-Garonne E d 21 Prairie du Rocher, 111. B e 7 Prince George’s co. Md. E h 6 Port Tobacco, Md. E h 6 Prairie du Sac, Wis. H f 11 Princeland, (list. S. Aus. & Victoria G f 34 Port Townsend, Wash. B a 14 Prairie Mound, Mo. P n 12 Prince Jerome Gulf, Corea N e 32 Port Treverton, Pa. E f 6 Prairie Plains, Tex. II e and I d 10 Prince of Wales, Cape, Alaska D c 2 Portugal, kingdom. Europe 27 Prairie Portage, Manitoba G b 13 Prince of Wales I. Alaska G d 2 Portugueza, Rio de la, Venezuela K f 15 Prairie R. Wis. H d 11 Prince of Wales I. Queensland G b 34 Portumna, Galway C c 20 Pralisville, N. J. F f 6 Prince of Wales I., or Port Union, Ohio Id d 7 Pranheta R. Central Provs. E d 31 Pulo Penang (Brit.), Lower Siam K f 31 Port Vend res. Pyrenees orientates F e 21 Praslin, Seychelle Is. K e 33 Prince of Wales Land, Port Victoria, S. Australia F f 34 Prathong, Siam K e 31 Arctic Regions L b 2 Portville. N. Y. C d 6 Prato in Tuscnna, Tuscany D c 26 Prince of Wales Str Arctic Regions I b 2 Port Washington, L. I. A h 5 Prats de Mollo, Pyrenees orientales F e 21 Prince Patrick I. Parry Is. H b 2 Port Washington, N. J. G f 6 Pratt, co. Kans. G h 13 Prince Regent Inlet Arctic Regions L b 2 Port Washington, Wis. K f 11 Pratts, Mass. C f 5 Prince Regent’s R. N. W. Australia D c 34 Port William, Wigtown D f 19 Prattsburg, Ga. L e 9 Princes 1. (I. de Principe), Guinea E d 33 Posada, Sardinia C d 26 PrattSburgh, N. Y. D d 6 Princes Risborough Bucks F e 18 Posados, Cordova E g 27 Prattsville, N. Y. G d 6 Princess Anne, Md. F h 6 Posarevatz, Servia I b 26 Prattville, Ala. I e 9 Princess Anne, Va. I e 8 Posen, Posen I b 22 Pravia, Oviedo D a 27 Princess Anne, co. Va. I e 8 Posen, gov. Prussia I b 22 Pru vista, Janina I d 26 Princess Charlotte Bay, Queensland G b 34 Posen, prov. Prussia I b 22 Prawle Point, Devon C f 18 Princess Mts. Otago A f 35 Posey, co. Ind. E e 7 Preble, N. Y. E d 6 Princeton, Ark. C d 9 Posey Creek, . Cal. D h 14 Preble, co. Ohio H d 7 Princeton, Cal. B f 14 Poshekonie, Yaroslav H d 24 Preboi, Bosnia H c 26 Princeton, 111. C b 7 Posolskoi, Trans Baikal I a 32 Preey, Cote d’or G c 21 Princeton, Ind. E e 7 Possession Bay, Patagonia D h 16 Preetz, Holstein F a 22 Princeton, Iowa Q 1 12 Possession Bay, S. Georgia G h 16 Pregel, R. E. Prussia L a 22 Princeton, Kans. I g 13 Possets, Pie monte Pyrenees E e 21 Preknplie, Danube I c 26 Princeton, Ky. E f 7 Poston, Ind. G d 7 Premidi, Janina I d 26 Princeton, Mass. C f 5 Postville. Iowa. P i 12 Premuda, Dalmatia D d 25 Princeton, Me. G c 5 Potato Creek, Pa. C e 6 Prentiss, Miss. D d 9 Princeton, Minn. D d 11 Potche "strom, Transvaal G g 33 Prentiss, co. Miss. G c 9 Princeton, Miss. D d 9 Potcherye, Vologda M c 24 Prenzlau, or Prenzlow, Brandenb. G b 22 Princeton, Mo. N m 12 Potchinki, Nishegorod I e 24 Pre parks I. Andaman Ts. II e 31 Princeton, N. J. G f 6 Poteau, R. Ind. T. I b 10 Prerau, Moravia E b 25 Princeton, Tex. K d 10 Potenza, Basilicata F d 26 Prescot, town Lancashire D c 18 Princeton, Wis. 11 f 11 Potenza (Basilicata), prov. S. Italy F d 26 Prescott, Ariz. G h 14 Princeton, W. Va. D d 8 Potes, Mt. Santander F a 27 Prescott, Wis. E « 11 Prineetown, Prince Edward I. M c 4 Poti, Kutais I g 24 Prescott, co. Ontario F d 4 Princeviile, 111. C c 7 Potomac R. Va. & Md. H b A I c 8 Prescott, town, Ontario F d 4 Prince William, co. Va. H c 8 Potomac R., Nortli Preseley Top, Mt. Pembroke B e 18 Prince William Ld. Arctic Regions N b 2 Branch of, W. Va. G b 8 Preservation Inlet, Otago A g 35 Prince William’s Sound, Alaska F d 2 Potomac R., South President Roads, Env. of Boston F g 5 Principato Citeriore (Salerno), Branch of, W. Va. G b 8 Presidio, co. Tex. D d 10 prov. * S. Italy F d 26 Potosi, Bolivia D d 16 Presidio Conelios, Mexico E e 3 Principato Ulteriore (Avellino), Potosi, Mo. Q p 12 Presidio del Norte, Mexico F e 3 prov. S. Italy F d 26 Potosi, dep. Bolivia D e 16 Presidio del Norte, Tex. D e 10 Principe Imperial, Brazil F c 16 Potsdam, Brandenburg G b 22 Presidio del Rio Grande, Mexico F e 3 Principo de Beira, Fort, Brazil D d 16 Potsdam, N. Y. G b 6 Presktaf, R. Persia G d 29 Prior, Cape, Coruna B a 27 Potsdam, gov. Prussia G b 22 Presque Isle, Mich. IC c 11 Pri pet, R. W. Russia F e 24 Potsdam Junction, N. Y. G b 6 Presque Isle, Me. G b 5 Prisrend (Prizren), Perzerim I c 26 Pottawattar.de, co. Iowa L 1 12 Presque Isle, Mich. O d 11 Pristina, Perzerim I c 26 Pottawattamie, co. Kans. H g 13 Presque Isle, Pa. A d 6 Piitzwalk, Brandenburg G b 22 Pottensteiu, Bavaria F d 22 Presque Isle, co. Mich. N d 11 Privani, Moldavia M b 26 Potter, Nebr. E f 13 Presque Isle, R. Me. G b 5 Privas, Ardeche G d 21 Potter, N. Y. D d 6 Presque Isle, R. Mich. H c 11 Privitea, Hungary F b 25 Potter, Wis. I e 11 Presque or Stockton I. Wis. G c 11 Prizren (Prisrend), Perzerim I c 26 Potter, cc Pa. ,D e 6 Pressburg (Hung. Posony), Pro, Mongolia, I b 32 Potteries, The, Station! D c 18 Hungary E b 25 Proaig Bay, Islay B e 19 Pottersville, N. Y. H c 6 Presteigne, bor. Radnor D d IS Prochnokopsk, Stavropol I f 24 Pottis, Finland O f 23 Preston, Ark. C c 9 Proctor, Ky. I f 7 Potts Creek, W. Va. E d 8 Preston, Conn. C g 5 Proctorsville, La. F li 9 Pottstown, Pa. F f 6 Preston, Ga. L e 9 Proctors ville, Ohio K e 7 Pottsvilie, Pa. E f 6 Preston, 111. C f 7 Prodano I. Greece I f 26 Poughkeepsie N. Y. II e 6 Preston, Minn. E f 11 Progress, Pa. E f 6 Ponltney, Vt. A e 5 Preston, Ontario C e 4 Prom, Siam I c 31 Poultuey R. n. y. h c 6 Preston, Tex. G d 10 Prome, Brit. Burundi I d 31 Ponltney R. Vt. A e 5 Preston, Tex. H c 10 Promise, Plains of, Queensland F c 34 Poulton, Lancashire C 18 Preston, Wis. F e 11 Promontore, Punta di, Istria C d 25 Poverty B. Auckland G c 35 Preston, bor. Lancashire D c 18 Promontory, Utah G e 14 Poverty Pt. Env. jf New Orleans E f 10 Preston Cape, W. Australia B d 34 Proskurov, Podo'ia F f 24 Povoa de Varzim, Minho B c 27 Preston, co. W. Va. F b 8 Prosna, R. Silesia K c 22 Povos, Brazil E f 16 Preston Hollow, N. Y. G d 6 Prospect, Conn. B £ 5 Povyenetz, Olonetz G c 24 Preston L. Dak. H d 13 Prospect., Me. F d 5 Powder R. Mont. D d 13 Preston, Long, York D b 18 Prosperity, S. C. D g 8 Powder R. Mts. Mont. D d 13 Preston pans, Haddington F e 19 Prosperous, Kildare E c 20 Powell, co. Ky. I f 7 Prestons. Tenn. L b 9 Prosser, Mt. Queensland H d 34 Powell’s Fort, Va. G c 8 Prestonshurg, Ky. K f 7 Prossnitz, Moravia E b 25 Powell’s Mts. Va. B e 8 Preston ville. Kv. G e 7 Proton, Ontario C e 4 Powell’s R. Tenn. M a 9 Prestwick, Avr D e 19 Provence, prov. France G e 21 Power Head, Cork C e 20 Presumpscot R. Me. D e 5 Providence, III. C b 7 Poweshiek, co. Iowa. O 1 12 Preto R. Ariz. I i 14 Providence, Iowa N k 12 Powhatan, Va. H d 8 Pretoria, Transvaal G g 33 Providence, Ky. E f 7 Powhatan, qo. Va. H d 8 Pretzsch, prov. Saxony G c 22 Providence, Mo. O o 12 Pownal, Vt. A f 5 Preuss L. Utah G f 14 Providence, Pa. F e 6 Pow-ning-foo, Se-chuen I d 32 Prevesa, Janina I e 26 Providence, Ohio I b 7 Pow-ting foo. Pe-chi-li L c 32 Pribram, Bohemia C b 25 Providence, R. I. C g 5 Po-yang Hoo, L. Kiang-si L e 32 Price, Cape, Andaman Is. H e 31 Providence (Lancaster co . ), Pa. E g 6 Poygan, L. Wis. I e 11 Prices I. S. C. F i 8 Providence Channel Bahamas H b 15 Poynette, Wis. H f 11 Prickly Pear, Mont. H b 14 Providence Cape, Otago A g 35 Poynton, Pa. F e 6 Priebus, Silesia H c 22 Providence, co. R. I. C g 5 Poza de la Sal, Burgos G b 27 Priedor, Bosnia G b 26 Providence, Fort, Brit. America I c 2 Pozega, Slavonia E d 25 Priego, Cuenqa I d 27 Providence I. Indian Ocean K e 33 Pozo Airon, Mt. Cuenqa H e 27 Priego, Cordova F g 27 Providence L. La. D e 9 Pozoblanco, Cordova F f 27 Priepolie, Bosnia II c 26 Providence Mts. Cal. F h 14 Pozzuoli, Campania F d 26 Pri esn ogorkovskaia, Orenburg N e 24 Providence, or Lake Providence, La. D e 9 Pracadie, Nova Scotia N d 4 Priest I. Ross C c 19 Provideneiales I. Bahamas I c 15 Pracchia, Emilia D b 26 Pri lip, Roumelia I d 26 Provincetown, Jlass. D f 5 Pradelles, Haute Loire F d 21 Priluki, Poltava G e 24 Provins, Seine-et-Marne F b 21 Prartes, Pyrenees orientales F e 21 Primero or Fir st R. Argentine Rep. D f 16 Proviso, Env. of Chicago B f 10 Prassto, Denmark G i 23 Priumrsk or Proviso, tp. Env. of Chicago B f 10 Prago Novaia, Kherson G f 24 Maritime Provs. Siberia P d 28 Provo, Utah H e 14 Prague (Proa), Cap. of Bohemia D a 25 Princi Albert Land, Arctic Regions I b 2 Prozelten, Bavaria E d 22 Praire, 111. A c 7 Prince Albert Sound, Arctic Regions I b 2 Prudence Island, R. I. C g 5 Praire, Tex. H d 10 Prince Alfred C. Banks Land H b 2 Prudhoe Land, Greenland O b 2 Prairie Bluff, Ala. H e 8 Prince Charles I. Spitzbergen U a 1 Pri! m, Rhenish. Prov, D c 22 Prairienurg, Iowa P k 12 Prince, co. Prince Edward Island M e 4 Prunty Town, W. Va. E b 8 Prairie City, •111. B c 7 Prince Edward, co. Ontario E d 4 Prushauv, Grodno E e 24 Prairie City, Iowa N 1 12 Prince Edward, co. Va. G d 8 Prussia, kingdom, Germany 22 Prairie City, or Majority Pt. 111. D d 7 Prince Edward Court House, Va. G d 8 Prussia, W. & E. prov. Prussia Kb A L a 22 Prairie co. Ark. D c. 9 Prince Edward I. & prov. Canada M c 4 Prutli, R. Moldavia M a 26 Prairie Dog Creek, Kans. F g 13 Prince Frederiektown. Md. E h 6 Prutz, Tyrol B c 25 Prairie du Cliien Iowa P i 12 Prince George, co. Va. IL d 8 Pryor’s R. Mont. I c 14 Prairie du Cliien, Wis. F f 11 Prince George Court House, Va. H d 8 Przemysl, Galicia H b 25 Psara I. Psiloriti (Mt. Ida), Psiol, K. Pskov, Pskov, gov. Pskov L. Ptitsli, R. Ptolemais (Akka or Acre), Pubna, Pubnico, Pu-ching Mts. Puclio, Puckasquaw R. Puckami, Puckfonl Mt. Puddle, R. Puddletown, Pudosh, Archipelago L Candia L Lit. Russia G Pskov F Russia F Pskov F Minsk F Palestine B Bengal G Nova Scotia L China L Hungary F Ilom. of Canada M Tipperary C W. Australia B Dorset D Dorset D Olonetz Id Puduelieri (Pondicherry), India F Pudueottah (Poodoocottah), Madras Pres. E e 26 g 26 e 21 .1 24 <1 24 d 24 e 24 e 30 c 31 e 4 e 32 b 25 a 11 d 20 e 34 f 18 f 18 c 24 e 31 Puebla de Alcoeer, Puebla de Don Fubrique, Puebla de Montalbin, Puebla de Sanabria, Puebla de Tribes, Puebla. La, Puebla, La, Puebla, state, Pueblo, Pueblo City, Pueblo, co. Pueblo Grande, Pueblo Jits. Pueblo Nuevo, Pueblos (ruins), Pueblo Viejo Valley, Puebloville, Puelco, Puente de Eunie, Badajos E Grenada 11 Toledo F Zamora D Orense C Majorca O Mexico D Mexico D Colo. D Oleg. D Colo. D Ariz. I Oreg. D Columbia G N. Mex. C Ariz. H Nev. D Argentine Rep. D Coruna B Puente del Ar/.obispo, Tol do E Puente Genii, Cordova F Puerte Lapiche (Pass), Toledo G Puerte Lapiche, Ciudad Real G Puerto Bello, Columbia H Puerto Brightman, Argentine Rep. D Puerto Caballo, Venezuela K Puerto Caballos, Honduras F Puerto Cruz, Curasao 1. lv Puerto de Espana (Spanish Port), Trinidad L Puerto del Norte (Margarita 1.), Venezuela L Puerto de Pajares (Pass), Asturias E Pueito de Santa Cruz, Caceres E Puerto de Santa Maria, Cadiz D Puertode Somosierra(Pass), Madrid G Puerto Liberdad, Puerto Msrayal, Puerto Muntt, Puerto Pescado, Puerto Principe, Puerto Real, Puerto Rico ( Spanish ) I. Puerto. Rio, ot the west, Puerto Viejo, Puffin I. Puget Sound, Puget Theniers, Pughtown, Pugvvash, Puigcerda, Pu gmal (Mont), Pukaki, L. Pukearuhe, Pukerau, Puketui Range Pukiuui B. Pula, Pulaiuk, Pulaski, Pulaski, Pulaski, Pulaski, Pulaski, Pulaski, Pulaski, co. Pulaski, co. Pulaski, co. Pulaski, co. Pulaski, co. Pulaski, co. Pulicat ( Palikat ) I. Pulikat. Palikat, or Palvelakatu, Pulladjuro, Pulonga, Pultueytown, Pultney ville, Pultusk, Pumkiu Butts, Punali, or Poonah, Puna I. Punclio Pass, San Salvador F Columbia I Chili C Columbia H Cuba L Cadiz D Antilles K Ariz. I Ecuador B Kerry A Wash. B Alpes maritimes H Va. G Nova Scotia M Lerida M Pyrenees N - Canterbury C Taranaki E Auckland E Wellington F Hawke’s bay G Sardinia C Beloochistau B 111. C Ind. F N. Y. E Tcnn. H b b e d d g d g 13 h 14 d 14 f 15 a 10 i 14 e 14 f 16 a 27 e 27 g 27 e 27 e 27 f 15 f 16 e 15 d 15 e 15 e 15 e 15 b 27 e 27 h 27 d 27 e 15 g 15 g 16 g 15 f h d li 3 27 15 14 c 16 e 20 b 14 e 21 b 8 d 4 b 27 b 27 f 35 c 35 c 35 d 35 c 35 e 26 a 31 7 Tex. Pa. Ark. Ga. Ind. Kv. Mo. O Va. E Madras Tres. F Madras Pres. F New S. Wales G Archangel H Caithness! E N. Y. I) Poland E Wyont. D Bombay Pres. D Ecuador B Colo. C 7 G 9 10 6 9 9 7 7 12 8 31 31 34 21 19 6 24 13 31 16 13 P unde r poo r ( Pa ndlia rpoor ) . Bombay Pres. E Punakaiko, Nelson C Pundrum, Beloochistau C Punganoor (Poonganoor), Madras Pies. E Pnngo Lake, N. C. I Pungo, R. N. C. I Punhete, Sstremadura B d 31 e 35 b 31 e 31 f 8 f 8 e 17 74 GENERAL INDEX. Punjab (“five waters”), Brit. Quarantine Fort, N. C. II h 8 Quin’s R. Nev. E e 14 Rainlia, Brazil F d 16 prov. India D a 31 Quarken, East, Norrland L e 23 Quin’s R. Mts. Nev. D e 14 Raiuliam, Mass. C g 5 Purni ih, Indore Agency F c 31 Uuarken, West, Norrland L e 23 Quintanar de la Orden, Toledo II e 27 Rainier, Oreg. B b 14 Punnailuh, Punjab D a 31 Quarnero. Canale del, Istria D d 25 Quints, B. of, Ontario E d 4 Rainier Mt., Wash. C b 14 PllllO, Peru C d 16 Quarnerolo, Canale del, Istria D d 25 Quinto or Fifth R. Argentine Rep. D f 16 Rains co., . Tex. I e 10 Punta Arenas, Cal. B f 14 Quarrel Creek, Mont. K b 14 Quiraing Mt. Skye B c 19 Rainsford I. Env. of Boston G g 5 Punta Alenas, Costa Rica G f 15 Quarry Fort, Md. 1) g 6 Quita Sueno Bank, Carribbean Sea G e 15 Rainy Falls, Minn. D a 11 Punta Arenas, Patagonia C h 16 Quartel, Brazil F d 16 Quitman, Ark. C b 9 Rainy Lake, Dom. of Canada D a 11 Punta Bassa, Fla. K P 8 Quarto or Fourth R. Argentine Rep. D f 16 Quitman, Ga. M cr S Rainy Lake R. Dom. of Canada CT a 11 Punta, C. Janina I e 26 Quas'iueton, Iowa. P k 12 Quitman, Miss. G f 9 liaipoor, Central Pro vs. F c 31 Pun tchngan Nor, L. Mongolia G b 82 Quathlamba, or Quitman, Mo. L m 12 Raisin R. Mich. O h 11 Pnntn 7 Sadlers ville. Md. F g « Salamanca, prov. Spain E d 27 Rnkwa, L, Cent. Africa H e 33 Rutledge, Ala. I f 9 Sadik, Ne.jed F d ’29 Salanibria, li. Tri khaki If e 26 Riilo, Nebr. I f 13 Rutledge, Ga. M d 9 Sadjum, Mt. Himalayas C d 32 Salamis ( Kuluri ) I. Greece If f 26 Runia, Slavonia F (1 25 Rutledge, Tenn. M a 9 Sado I. Ja]ian P c 32 Sulamone, C. Candia M g 26 Runiauika, Upper Nile C k ■>J lliitloum, Indore Agency D 6 31 Sadonsk, Vorouesli H e 24 Salamouie, li. Ind. G e 7 Ruumsh, Palestine B a 30 Rutnaglierry (Ratnaniri), Sado or Sadao, R. Estremadura B f 27 Sala nga, or Rumburg, Bohemia D a 25 Bombay Pres. D <1 31 Sadowah, Bohemia D a 25 Sunkeseylou I. Lower Siam I f 31 Rumeli, Constantinople N a 26 Rnt-tiinpoor, Central Provs. F c 31 Sadva, L. Norrlan l I c 23 Salangore, Malaya M li 28 Rum l ord, Me. D a 5 Rutungurli, Iiajpootaiia D h 31 Saee Nuddee, R. Oude F b 31 Salas de Navas, Biirgus G b 27 Rum 1. Argyle B a 19 Ruvo 4 Salem, co. N. J. F g 6 Rush Lake, Minn. B c 11 Sahia, R. Sofalo H o- 33 Sahagun, Leon E I. 27 Sale mi, Sicily E f 26 Rush Hike, Wis. I f 11 Sabina, Ohio I d 7 Bahama, Mt. Andes of Peru D d lb Salen, Mull C d 19 Ruslnneiyah, Syria C c 30 Sabinal Creek, Tex. G e 10 Sahara, or Great Desert, extends Salena, Huesca If b 27 Rttshsylvania, Ohio I c 7 Sahiual, Point, Almeira H li 27 from the Atlaut e to the Red Sea 33 Salerno (Principato Citerioiv), Rush Tower, Mo. Q 0 12 Sabine City, Tex. I e 10 Sahara, Algerian, desert, Algeria E a 3o prov. S. Italy F d 26 Rushville, 111. B c 7 Sabine, co. Tex. K d 10 Sahara of Marocco desert, Marocco D b 33 Salerno, Campania F d 26 Rushville, Ind. G a 7 Sabine L. La. B h 9 S iliel, es. Syi ia G c 3b Salerno, G. of, Campania F i 26 Rusizi R. Cent. Africa G e 33 Sabine L. Tex. If e 10 Salir, Palestine D d 31/ Salers, Cantal F I 21 Ruck, Tex. I a 10 Sabine, par. La. B f 9 Sab u ml, Mt. Persia F b 29 Salford, bor. Lancashire D c 18 Rusk, Wis. E e 11 Sabine Pass, La. B li 9 Sail wet. el Khudr, Palestine E e 30 Salgir, R. Taurida G f 24 Rusk, co. Tex. 1 (! 10 Sabine Pass, Tex. If e 10 Saian.sk Mts. Mongolia F a 32 Sal 1. Cape Verd Is. B c 33 Russell, Auckland E a 35 Sabine, R. La. B g 9 Saiil, or Upper Egypt, Egypt C d %, Saliany, Baku If h 24 Russell, Iowa X m 12 Sabine, R. Tex. If d 10 Saida (Sidou), Syria B c 30 Salies, Basses Pyrenees D e 31 Russell, Kail?. G S 13 Sabino, N. Mex. C b 10 Saidagh, E. Turkestan D c 32 S diliieh, Egypt B g 33 Russell, N. Y. F b 6 Sabinsville, Pa. D e 6 Saiduaya, Syria D e 30 Salima, Syria C c 30 Russell, New S. Wales I e 31 Sabirany, Nalir, es, R. Palestine D d 30 Saidon, Palestine A g 30 Satin i (Sheikh Salim), Palestine C f 30 Russell, Ontario F (1 4 Sable, Sarthe D c 21 Saigon, French Cochin China M 1 Sairam-kul, L. E. Turkestan 1) b 32 Salinas, L. Argentine Rep. D f 16 Russel ville, Ala. H c 9 Sabugal, Beira C d 27 Saitcliar, Servia If c 26 Salinas, Rio, Mexico C b 15 Russelville, Ga. M e 9 Sabula, Iowa Q k 12 Saivnose, R. Cork B e 20 Salinas, The, Argentine Rep. D e 16 Russel ville, III. E e 7 Sabina, Syria D c 30 Sajan Mts. Mongolia H a 32 Saline, 111. D f 7 Russia, N. Y. F c 6 Sacatecoluca, * San Salvador F e 15 Sajo, R. Hungary G b 25 Saline, Mich. O g 11 Russia in Asia, Siberia, &c. 28 Saca tepee. Guatemala E e 15 Sajo, R. Transylvania I c 25 Saline Bayou, Ark. A c 9 Russia in Europe, 24 Saccaia (Shukkah) Palestine E e 30 Sakada-gawa, R. Japan P c 32 Saline Bayou, La. 0 e 9 Russia, Great, or Saecarappa, Me. D e 5 Sakai, Japan P d 32 Saline Bayou, La. C f 9 Muscovy, Russia H d 24 Sac City, Iowa L k 12 Sakai, R. Mongolia II c 32 Saline, co. Ark. C c 9 Russia, Little, or Ukraine, Russia G e 24 Sac, co. Iowa L k 12 Sakaria, R. ( Sanqarins ), Saline, co. Kans. H g 13 Russian R. Cal. B f 14 Sacliertelontin, Alaska E c 2 Turkey in Asia C a 29 Saline, co. Mo. N li 12 Russia, South, or New, Russia G h 24 Saclisenberg, Carinthia C c 25 Sakarnaia, Ural Cossacks L f 24 Sal. lie, co. Nebr. 11 f 13 Russia, West, Russia F e 21 Sackatoo, or Sokoto, Soudan E c 33 Sakataly, Caucasia If g 24 Saline Creek, Mo. Q p 12 Russki, Savarat, C. Archangel L b 24 Sackenhausen, Baltic Provinces L ll 26 Sakava, Japan O d 32 Saline Lake, La. G f 9 Russ, Memel, or Sackets Harbor, N. Y. E c 6 Sakliir, Afghanistan B a 31 Saline Lakes,. Nebr. E e 13 Niemcn, R. E. Prussia L a 22 Saekville, New Brunswick L d 4 Sakhne, Syria D c 29 Saline R. Ark. G c. 9 Rust, Hungary E c 25 Saco, Me. D e 5 Sakiet el Hamra, Marocco C b 33 Saline R. 111. D f 7 Rustchuk, Danube M c 26 Saco Bay, Me. D e 5 Sakka, Nile Basin H d 33 Saline R. Kans. G g 13 Rustenluirg, Transvaal G g 33 Sacondaga, R. N. Y. G c 6 Sakmara, R. Astrakhan li d 24 Salineville, Ohio M c 7 Rusvede, Walachia L l) 26 Saco, R. Me. D e 5 Sakinarskol Gorodok, Orenburg M e 24 Sulinga, Madagascar I f 33 Ruszpoljana, Hungary I c 25 Sac. R. Mo. N 12 Sakkok, Mt. Norrland If c 23 Salins, Jura G c 21 Rute, Cordova F o 27 Sacramento, Cap. of State, Cal. C f 14 Sakys (Scio, or Khio), I. Sal ins, Meurtlie il b 21 Rutherford, co. N. C. C f 8 Sacramento, co. Cal. C f 14 Archipelago L e 26 Salis, Livonia E d 24 Rutherford, co. Tenn. I b 9 Sacramento, Pampa del, Pern C c 16 Sala, Palestine E e 30 Salisbury, Conn. A f 5 Rutherford ton, N. C. D f 8 Sacramento, R. Cal. C f 14 Sala, Campania F d 26 Salisbury, Md. F h 6 Rut.herglen, bor. Lanark D e 19 Sada I. Oman II f 29 Sala, Sweden I g 23 Salisbury, Mo. O n 12 Ruthin, bor. Denbigh C c 18 Sadao or Sado, R. Estremadura B f 27 Saladillo, Argentine Rep. D f 16 Salisbury, N. C. E f 8 Rutland, 111. C c 7 Saddle Back I. Me. F e 5 Salado or Salisbury, New Brunswick L c 4 Rutland, Mass. B f 5 Saddleback, Mt. Cumberland C b 18 Desaguadero, R. Argentine Rep. E f 16 Salisbury, city, Wilts E e 18 Rutland, Minn. C f H Saddleback, Mt. Me. D d 5 Salado. Rio, Ariz. C i 14 Salisbury Plain, Wilts E e 18 Rutland, ' Vt. B e 5 Saddle Bluff, Florida Reefs L r 8 Salahiyeli, Syria D c 30 Salkehntehie, S. 0, i-l i 8 Rutland, co Auckland E b 35 Saddle Head, Mayo A b 29 Salairskaia, Orenburg M e 24 Sal, Lake, Brit. America L d 2 Rutland, co. Vt. A e 5 Saddle Hill, Me. D c 5 Salaley I. Persian Gulf G e 29 Sallenche, Haute P.ivoie H d 21 Rutland I. Donegal C b 20 Saddle Hill, N. W. Australia C c 34 Salamanca, Mexico C c 15 Sallybrook, Cork C e 20 h 30 g 5 d 14 e 5 c 14 c 6 b 0 c 4 c 4 b 4 d 14 f 7 e 33 i 1 e 21 e 26 d 26 d 26 d 26 e 25 d 18 e 33 e 27 c 27 g 29 f 24 f 6 d 31 f 26 e 16 f 16 c 15 e 16 e 16 f 18 b 4 b 18 e 19 f 10 c 7 d 7 f 14 d 20 c 23 b 6 f 30 c 18 b 10 c 10 c 10 o 20 f 9 f 9 e 3 c 9 f 13 b 15 g 14 b 14 e 14 e 14 d 31 d 20 e 16 e 19 a 10 b 10 i 14 b 13 f 7 n 12 e 13 f 34 h 30 e 8 e 14 d 8 c 7 S ® f 8 b 26 i 17 e 27 d 34 f 7 c 31 f 7 d 22 c 25 c 25 b 22 c 25 c 25 b 22 c 2S c 26 d 29 d 15 d 15 c 15 g 33 c 24 c 29 e 24 f 29 e 24 e 24 f 24 f 30 f 30 e 28 e 26 c 33 GENERAL INDEX. 79 Samba, L. Cent. Africa G e 33 Sandhill Point, Otago A g 35 San Francisco, Tex. G f 10 Sambas, Borneo M h 28 Sand Hill R. Minn. A b 11 San Francisco Bay, Cal. B g 14 Sandier, Posen I b 22 Sand Mills, Nebr. F f 13 San Francisco, Cape, Ecuador B b 16 Sambor, Galicia II b 25 Sandhills, N. J. G f 6 San Francisco, co. Cal. B g 14 Samborombon Bay, Argentine Rep. E f 16 Sandhcrn I. Tromso H c 23 San Francisco del Oro, Mexico E c 3 Snmbre, R. Belgium C c 22 Sandhurst, * Victoria G g 34 San Francisco hit. Ariz. H h 14 Sambro, C. Nova Scotia M d 4 Sand I. Ala. G g 9 San Francisco Plateau, Ariz. 14 h 14 Samlmrn, L. E. Africa H d 33 Sand I. Wis. F b 11 San Francisco R. Tex. E e 10 Samland, dist. E. Prussia L a 22 San Diego, Cal. E i 14 San Francisco, Rio, Ariz. H h 14 Sammaro Light, Finland O f 23 San Diego, N. Mex. C c 10 San Gabriel R. Cal. E h 14 Samneli, Nubia C e 29 San Diego, Tex. G f 10 Sangad, Persia H c 29 Sanio, Greece I e 26 San Diego, Venezuela K f 15 Sangamon, co. 111. C d 7 Samoa or Navigator Is. S. Pacific Oc. A k 1 San Diego, Cape, Patagonia D h 16 Sangamon R. 111. B c 7 Samo ( Syssam ) I. Syssam hi f 26 San Diego, co. Cal. E i 14 Sangar or Tsugar Strait, Japan Q b 32 Samoon, Hadramaut G f 29 San Diego Harbor, Cal. E. i 14 Sangatanga, Gaboon Country E e 33 Samosera L. Olonetz G c 24 Sandiman Mt. W. Australia B d 34 Sangay, Mt. Andes of Ecuador C c 16 Samothraki I. Archipelago L d 26 Sand Key, Fla. K o 8 Sangeli, Mts. Somali K c 33 Sampayo, Brazil E d 16 Saudii Fiord, Tromso M a 23 Sangerhausen, prov. Saxony F c 22 Sampit Creek, S C. F h 8 Sandii I. Faroe Is. F c 17 Sangerville, Me. E c 5 Sampson, co. N. C. G f 8 Sandomierz, Poland E e 24 San German, Puerto Rico K d 15 Sampson Range, Queensland F e 34 San Domingo, Dominica K d 15 San Germano, Campania E d 26 Sanisar, Mt. Tillis I g 24 San Domingo, Logrofio II b 27 Sang Hollow, Pa. C f 6 Samsat, Kurdistan D b 29 San Domingo, N. Mex. C b 10 San Giovanni in Fiore, Calabria E e 26 Samsele, Non-land L d 23 San Domingo, or Haiti I. Antilles I d 15 San Gorgomo R. Cal. E i 14 Samso Belt, Denmark F i 23 San Domingo, Rio Ariz. I i 14 Sang, R. Manchuria N a 32 Samso I. Denmark F i 23 Smdor, Mt. Carpathians K c 25 Sangradouro, Brazil E d 16 Sanisun, Asia Minor D a 29 Sandoval, 111. C e 7 Sangri, Tibet F d 32 Samuel Mt. W. Australia B d 34 Sandoway, Brit. Burrnah H d 31 Sanguesa, Navarra I b 27 Samuene Hai, Central Africa G e 33 Sundown, I. of Wight E f 18 San-iia, Corea N c 32 Samunieh, Palestine B e 30 Sand l’t. Mich. O e 11 Sanian, Yemen E f 29 Samur, R. Ci uca ia K g 24 Sandringham, Norfolk G d 18 Sanibel I. Fla. K p 8 Sana, Yemen E f 29 Sand Shoal Inlet, Va. K cl 8 San Ignacio, Lower California D e 3 San Adrian, Cape, Coruna B a 27 Sandside Bay, Caithness E b 19 San Ignacio, Peru C c 16 Sanaig Point, Islay B e 19 Sandusky, Ohio K b 7 San Ignacio, R. Mexico D d 3 San Ambrose I. Peru C e 16 Sandusky, Tenn. L a 9 Sanilac, co. Mich. P f 11 San Andrea I. Dalmatia D e 25 Sandusky Bay, Lake Erie, Ohio K b 7 San Ildefonso, N. Mex. C b 10 San Andreas, Cal. C f 14 Sandusky, co. Ohio I b 7 San Jacinto, co. Tex. 1 d 10 San Antioco, I. Sardinia C e 26 Sandusky R. Ohio I c 7 San Jacinto Mts. Cal. E i 14 San Antonia de Colotlan, Mexico F f 3 Sand Voe, Shetland Islands A a 19 '■km Jacinto R. Cal. E i 14 San Antonia Tula, Mexico G f 3 Sandwich, 111. D b 7 San Jago, Lower California E f 3 San Antonio, Cal. C g 14 Sandwich, Mass. D g 5 San Joaquim, Bolivia D d 16 San Antonio, N. Mex. C b 10 Sandwich, N. H. C e 5 San Joaquin, Cal. E i 14 San Antonio, Tex. G e 10 Sandwich B. Labrador P d 2 San Joaquin, co. Cal. C g 14 San Antonio Bay, Iviza M e 27 Sandwich, B. Shetland Islands A b 19 San Joaquin R. Cal. C g 14 San Antonio, Cape, Alicante L f 27 Sandwich, bor. Kent H e 18 San Jorge I. Azores B a 33 San Antonio, Cape, Argentine Rep. E f 16 Sandwich Group, S. Atlantic Ocean Q o 1 San Jorge, Gulf of, Tarragona M d 27 San Antonio, Cape, Cuba G c 15 Sandwich Is. or King- San Jose, Bolivia D d 16 San Antonio Cataract dom of Hawaii, N. Pacific Oc. C f 1 San 'Jose, Cal. C g 14 (R. Tocantins), Brazil F c 16 Sandwich Mts. N. H. C e 5 San Jose, Cal. E i 14 San Antonio, Port, Patagonia D g 16 Sandwich, town, Ontario B e 4 San Jose, Lower California D e 3 San Am ton io R. Tex. H e 10 Sandwood Bay, Sutherland C b 19 San Jose, Uruguay E f 16 San Antonio Viejo, Tex. G f 10 Sandy Bay, Cuba G c 15 San Jose, Venezuela D b 16 San Augustine, Tex. I d 10 Sandy Bay, Newfoundland P a 4 San Jose, Cap. of, Costa Rica G f 15 San Augustine, co. Tex. I d 10 Sandy Bridge, Tenn. G a 9 San Jose de Cucuta, Columbia I f 15 San Augustino, Mexico E f 3 Sandy Cape, Queensland I d 34 San Josef I. Lower California D e 3 San Bartolo Carrizo Tex. G f 10 Sandy Cape, Tasmania R u 35 San Josef, Peninsula, Patagonia D g 16 San Bartolome, Columbia I f 15 Sandy Cove, Anticosti M b 4 Sanju, E. Turkestan C c 32 San Bartonico, Mexico E e 3 Sandy Creek, III. C b 7 San Juan, Argentine Rep. D f 16 San Benito, Cal. C g 14 Sandy Creek, N. Y. D c 6 San Juan, Bolivia E d 16 San Benito I. Revilla Gigedo Is. B d 15 Sandy Creek, N. Y. E c 6 San Juan, C'al. C g 14 San Bernardino, Ariz. I k 14 Sandy Head, N. Australia F c 34 San Juan, N. Mex. C a 10 San Bernardino, Cal. E h 14 Sandy Hill, Md. F h 6 San Juan, Peru C d 16 San Bernardino, co. Cal. E h 14 Sandy Hill, N. Y. H c 6 San Juan, Puerto Rico K d 15 San Bernardino Range, Cal. E h 14 Sandy Hill, Tenn. G a 9 San Juan Bautista, Mexico E d 15 San Bernardo, Argentine Rep. D e 16 Sandy Hook, Ky. I e 7 San Juan Capistrano, Cal. E i 14 San Bernardo, Chili C f 16 Sandy Hook, Md. D g 6 San Juan de los Lagos, Mexico C c 15 San Bernardo R. Cal. E i 14 Sandy Hook, N. J. H f 6 San Juan de los Llanos, Columbia I g 15 San Bernardo R. Tex. I e 10 Sandy I. Nelson D d 35 San Juan de los Remedios, Cuba L f 3 San Bias, Mexico E f 3 Sandy I., Great, Queensland I e 34 San Juan de los Terreros , Almeria I g 27 San Bias C. Fla. K h 9 Sandy Is., Lake Superior, San Juan del Rio, Mexico F e 3 San Bias Gulf, Columbia H f 15 Dom. of Canada N c 11 San Juan de Nicaragua San Borja, Ecuador C c 16 Sandy L. Minn. D c 11 (Greytown), Nicaragua G e 15 San Buenaventura, Columbia H g 15 Sandy L. Pa. A e 6 San Juan I. Wash. B a 14 Saneaho, Abyssinia D g 29 Sandymount, Dublin E c 20 SanJuanico, Lower California D e 3 San Carlos, Argentine Rep. D e 16 Sandy Point, Mass. E g 5 San Juanita, Tex. G f 10 San Carlos, Bolivia D d 16 Sandy Pt. R. I. C g 5 San Juan, prov. Argentine Rep. D f 16 San Carlos, Nicaragua G e 15 Sandy R, Ky. K e 7 San Juan, R. Bolivia D e 16 San Carlos, Venezuela I f 15 Sandy R. Me. D d 5 San Juan, R. Columbia H g 15 San Carlos, Venezuela K f 15 Sandy R. W. Va. C c 8 San Juan, R. Costa Rica G e 15 San Carlos de la Rapita, Tarragona L d 27 Sandy Ridge, Ala. I e 9 San Juan, R. Mexico D d 15 San Carlos de la Union, San Salvador F e 15 Sandy River, Minn. D c 11 San Juan, R. Mexico G e 3 San Carlos, or Ancud, Chili C g 16 San Elizario, Tex. C d 10 San Juan, R. Utah 11 g 14 San Cataldo, Sicily E f 26 San Espiritu, Cuba H c 15 San Julian, Port, Patagonia D g 16 Sancerre, Cher F c 21 San Estevan, Navarra I a 27 Sanka, Siam K e 31 Sanchez, Cal. D h 14 San Estavan, Tex. D d 10 San lean Ho, R. China K b 32 San-chui, Corea N b 32 San Felier, Barcelona M c 27 San Leandro, Cal. B g 14 Sanclllo, Mexico E e 3 San Felipe, Argentine Rep. E e 16 San Lorenzo, Cal. C g 14 San Cipriano, Lugo C a 27 San Felipe, Chili O f 16 San Lorenzo, Cape, Ecuador B c 16 San Clemente Cal. D i 14 San Felipe, Mexico C c 15 Sanluri, Sardinia C e 26 San Clemente, Cuenca H e 27 San Felipe, N. Mex. C b 10 San Lucar, Sevilla D g 27 San Clemente I. Dalmatia E e 25 San Felipe, Tex. F e 10 San Lucar de Bnrrnmeda , Cadiz D h 27 San Coosy R. Nepal G b 31 San Felipe, Tex. II e 10 San Lucar de Guadiana, Huelva C g 27 San Christobnl, Mexico E d 15 San Felipe, Venezuela K e 15 San Lucas, C. Lower California D f 3 San Christoval, N. Mex. D a 10 San Felipe Creek, Cal. E i 14 San Luis, Bolivia D e 16 Samla I. Argyle C e 19 San Felipe de Jativa, Valencia K f 27 San Luis, Lower California D f 3 Sanda I. Orkney Islands F a 19 San Feliu, Barcelona N c 27 San Luis, Mexico C c 15 Sandalwood or Sumba I. Malaysia E i 1 San Feliu de Guixols, Geroua O c 27 San Luis B., or Esteios B. Cal. C h 14 Sanda Sound, Argyle C e 19 San Felix 1. Peru C e 16 San Luis de la Punta, Arg. Rep. D f 1C Sanday I. Argyle B c 19 San Fernando, Argentine Rep. E f 16 San Luis L. Tex. I e 10 Sandbach, town. Cheshire D c 18 San Fernando, Cadiz D h 27 San Luis Obispo, co. Cal. C h 14 Sand Beach, Mich. P f 11 San Fernando, Chili C f 16 San Luis Pass, Tex. I e 10 Sand Creek, Ind. G d 7 San Fernando, Mexico G e 3 San Luis Point Cal. C h 14 Saude, Christiansand D g 23 San Fernando, Mexico F e 3 San Luis, Port, Lower California D e 3 Sande, Christiania F g 23 San Fernando, Trinidad L e 15, San Luis Potosi, Mexico C c 15 Sandec, Alt and Neu, Galicia G b 25 San Fernando, Venezuela K f 15 San Luis Potosi, state, Mexico D c 15 Sandeid, Christiansand C g 23 San Fernando deAtabapo, Venezuela K g 15 San Luis, prov. Argentine Rep. D f 16 Sanderson, Fla. N g 9 San Fernando de Nuevitas, Cuba H c 15 San Luis Key, Cal. E i 14 Sanderson, Wis. H f 11 San Fernando R. Mexico G e 3 San Luis Valley, Colo. D h 13 Sanderson’s Hope, Greenland P b 2 San Fernando R. Tex. H f 10 San Marco, ApuliasF d 26 Sandersville, Ga. N e 9 Sanford, Mich. N f 11 San Marco, Fort, Dalmatia D d 25 Sandt'ord L. N. Y. II b 6 Sanford, co. Ala. G d 9 San Marcos, Haiti I d 15 Sand gate, Kent II e 18 Sanford Mt. N. Australia E c 34 San Marcos, Tex. H e 10 Snndgate, Vt. A e 5 San Francisco, Cal. B g 1-1 San Marcos I. Lower California D e 3 Sandhanimar (Cape), Gothland H i 23 San Francisco, Mexico D d 15 San Marcos R. Tex. 11 e 1C 80 GENE RAL INDEX. San Marino Republic. div. T tnly E c 26 Santa Cruz, Cuba H c 15 San Tomas, Guatemala F d 15 S.'.rgents Bluff, Iowa K k San Martin, Madrid F (1 27 Santa Cruz, co. Cal. C g l 4 Santo. Monte, or Mt. Atlios, Selamk L d 26 Sarhat, Bengal G c San M artin, Cape, Alicante L f 27 Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia D d 16 Sautona, Santander G a 27 Sar-hou, Lea o- tong M b San Martin, It. Teruel K c 27 Santa Cruz de la Zn-zn, Toledo G e 27 Santorin, or Tliira, I Greece L f 26 Sari tali, Bagdad E c San Mateo. Castellon do la Pinna L (1 27 Santa Cruz de! ltatemar, Toledo F d 27 Santos, Brazil F e 16 Sarifiena, Hnesca K c San M teo, co. Cal. B cr 14 Santa Cruz. dep. Bolivia D d 16 S ntns, Los, Badajoz D f 27 Sarkad, Hungary G c San Matins, Gulf, Patagonia D cr 16 Santa Cruz de Tenerifle, Canarv Is. C h 33 San Valentyn, Vol. Patagonia C £ 16 Sarko, Mt. Military Frontier H d San Miguel, Cal. C h 14 Santa Cruz I. Antilles L d 15 San Ahcente, San Salvador F e 15 Sarkoon, Beionclrstan B b San Mi -ruel, Rcuador C c 16 Santa Cruz I. Cab D i 14 San Vito, C. Sicily E e 26 Sark, or Sercq, I. Channel Isl inds D g San Mi’Mi'l, N. Mex. D b in Santa Cruz Is. S. Pacific Oc. K k 1 San Xavier del Bac, Ariz. H i 14 Sai-lat, Dordogne E d San Miguel, San Salvador F e 15 Santa Cruz, nr Agadir, Marocco C a 33 Sauza, Angola F e 33 Sima, Sweden G f San Miguel, eo. N. Mex. D b 10 Santa Cruz, Port, Patagonia D h 16 Sao Antonin, Brazil E (1 16 Samn, L. Sweden G f San Miguel, Gulf, Columbia Id f 15 Santa Cruz, R. Patagonia C h 16 Sao Antonio, Brazil F d 16 Sarnen, Switzerland I c San Miguel I. Azores B «a 33 Santa Cruz, Rio, Ariz. H i 14 Sao Antonio, Cape Verd Is. B c 33 Sarnia, or Port Sarnia, Ontario B e San M iguel I. Cal. C li 14 Santa Diga, Cal. E i 1 1 Sao Antonio de Maripi, Brazil D c 16 Sn run, Campania F d San Miguel, R. Bolivia D (1 10 Santa Elena, port, Patagonia I) g 16 Sao Benito, Brazil F c 16 Saros, G. Edirne M d San Miguel, li. Ecuador C 1) 16 Santa Eufemia, Calabria G e 26 Sao Bernardo, Brazil G c 16 Saros. Nagy, Hungary Selayal. es, Hejaz E f 29 Sehwarzivasser, R. W. Prussia K b 22 Searcy, Ark. D b 9 Sell o, or Salbo, Throndh.eiii F e 23 Sehwaz, Tyrol B e 25 Searcy, co. Ark. C b 9 Seil io, or S.ilbo, L. Thiondliieui F e 23 Scliwedt, Brandenburg H b 22 Searcys, R. Fia. K h 9 Selby. sport, illd. B g 6 Schweich, Rhenish Prov. D d 22 Scars boro. Iowa O 1 12 Selby, town. York E e 18 Schweidnitz, Silesia I c 22 Searsport, Me. F d 5 Seidell, Mo. O <1 12 Schweiuturt, Bavaria F c 22 faeattle. Wash. B b li Sele. R. Campania F d 26 Scliveinitz, prov. Saxony G c 22 Sea View-, Mt. New S. AVaies I t 3i Seieike, Asia Minor C b 29 Schwerin, Mecklenburg F b 22 Se li;igo. Me. D e 5 Se.emeeyah, N ejed F e 29 Schwerin, Po.cn H b 22 fetbago L. Me. D e 5 Selenga, R. Mongolia 11 a 32 Schwetz, W. Prussia K b 22 Sebastian Bay, Patagonia D h lo Selenginsk, Sioeria M c 23 Schwiebus, Brandenburg H b 22 Sebastian, co. Ark. A c 9 Se.ga, Guinea D d 33 Selnvytz, Switzerland I c 21 Sebastiano, Mexico B c 15 Seiigher, or Selguer, L. Tver G d 24 Schwytz, cant. Switzerland I c 21 Sebasticook R. Me. E d 5 Seiuna, Nub. a B e -_y Sehyl, R. Walachia K b 26 Sebastopol, G a. l\ r e 9 Sehninia, Islamdji, or Slivno, Sciaeca, Sicily E f 26 Sebastopol, Mich. L f 11 Edirne M c 26 Seicli, Sicily F f 26 Sebastopol, or Sevastopol. Taurida G g 544 Selina, or Sedinga Nubia G e 29 Soil la. Calabria F e 26 Seba, Wady es, Palestine, A li 80 Se-lin-foo, Quang-se 1 f 32 Scilly Isles, Cornwall A g 18 Sebbeh, Palestine B li 3u Seiino, Caudia K g 26 Seinde, or Sinde, British prov. Sebec, Me. E c 5 Seims Grove, Pa. E f 6 Bombay C b 31 Sc bee L. Me. E c 5 Selkirk, burgh. Selkirk F e 19 Seinde Sagur Doab, plain Punjab D a 31 Sebenico, Dalmatia D e 25 Selkirkshire, co. Scotland E e 19 Sciudia (native state), Cent. India E b 31 Seberos, Peru C c 16 Sella, Fezzan F b 33 Seio, Mich. O g 11 Sebesh, Vitebsk F d 24 Sellers, 1 a. E f 6 Scio, N. Y. D d 6 Seblia, Fezzan F b 33 Sellersville, Pa. F f 6 Scio, or Kliio (Sakys) I. Archipelago L e 26 Sebka Amadgor, Sahara E b 33 Selles sur Cher, Loir-et-C'her E c 21 Sciota, N. Y. H b 6 Sebois L., Grand, Me. F b 5 Selma, Ala. H e 9 Scioto Brush Creek, Ohio I e 7 teboois L. Me. F c 5 Selma, Ohio 1 d 7 Scioto, co. Ohio 1 e 7 Sebta, or Ceuta (Spanish), Marocco D a 33 Selma, Tex. G e 111 Scioto R. Ohio I d & K d 7 Sebustiyeh (Samaria , Palestine B f 30 Selole, S. Cent. Afiica G 1 33 Sciotoville, Ohio iv e 7 Seech ia, Emilia D b 26 Selsea Bill, Sussex F 1 18 Scipio, Ind. G d 7 Secessionville, S. G. F i 8 Selsnuteii, Mt. Christiausaud D g 63 Seituate, Mass. D f 5 Se-chinl'oo, Quang-se I f 32 Selune, R. MancLe D b 21 Selavonia k Croatia, prov. Austria E cl 25 Se-chow, Quei-chow I e 32 Selva de Mar, Uerona O b 27 Scone, JS r ew S. Wales I I 34 Se-clnien, China 11 e 32 Selvas, or Silvas, a name applied to Scone, Perth E d 19 Sechura, Peru B c 16 the forest plains of the Amazon 16 Scooba, . Miss. G e 9 Second Canon, Yellowstone R. , Mont. H c 14 Selvi, Danube L c 26 Scopus, Mt. Palestine F g 30 Se-cou-so, Kan-su H d 32 Selvidje, or Servia, Roulm lia I d 26 Scoresby Land, Greenland S b 2 Secretary I. Otago A f 35 Selwyu, Cantei bury D e 35 Seoresby Sound, Greenland S b 2 Secunderabad (Sikandarabad), Selz, Alsace E d 22 Scotch Village, Nova Scotia M d 4 Nizam’s Domin. E d 31 Semakli, Palestine G c Scotia, Ark. B b 9 Sedalia Mo. N o 12 Seniendria (Smedrovo), Serna I b 26 Scotland, Ark. C d 9 Sedan, Ardennes G b 21 Semenik, Mt. Military Frontier H <1 25 Scotland, co. Mo. O m 12 Sedano, Burgos G b 27 Semenov, N ishegorod 1 a 24 Scotland, cou. Europe 19 Sedbergh, York D b IS Semia, or Shemsha, Archangel I b 24 Scotshouse, Monaghan D b 20 Sedeyr, prov. Nejed F d 29 Semiatitche, Grodno E e 24 Scotstowu, Monaghan D b 20 Sedgetield, Durham E b 18 Se-min-foo, Quang-se 1 1 32 Scutt, 111. B d 7 Sedgwick, Me. F d 5 Seminole, inii. T. 11 b 10 Scott, co. Ark. B c 9 Sedgwick, co. Kails. H h 13 Seminole Agency, Ind. T. D b 10 Scott, co. Ind. G e 7 Sedinga, or Selini, Nubia G e 29 Seminole Country, Ind. T. G li 10 Scott, co. Iowa Q 1 12 Sedoos, Nejed F d 29 Semipolatinsk, Siberia 1 e 28 Scott, co. Ky. H e 7 See-chow-foo, Ngan-whi L d 32 Seniipolatinsk, prov. Siberia 1 c 28 Scott, co. Minn. D e 11 Seelowitz, Gross, Moravia E b 25 Semiretcheusk, prov. Siberia I d 28 Scott, co. Miss. F e 9 Seemera, Senegnmbia G d 33 Semliansk, A’oionesii H e 21 Scott, co. Mo. R p 12 See n a, R. Bombay Pres. E d 31 Semliu, Military Frontier G d 25 Scott, co. Tenn. L a 9 Seenaun, Tripoli F £L bo Semmed, • oiiia;; 11 e 27 Scott, co. Vs. 0 o 8 Scerooe ( Sirohi ), Rajpoota.ua D c 31 iSemmeli, Palestine V D « 30 82 GENERAL INDEX. Seinnan, Semoe, Semois, R. Se Moon, R, Sempach, Seni, Ras, C. Bern l ing Fuss, Beni mi ( lishte.noa ), Bemur, Bemur, B ;na, or Senna, Senanali, Se-nan-loo, Senatchwine, Belial, o', ia Senday, Sunday Bay, Seneca, Seneca, Seneca, Seneca, Seneca, co. Seneca, co. Seneca Falls, Seneca L., Seneca R. Seneca, tribe, Senegal R. Seneganibia, Countr Senl'tenberg, Senge-kliabap, or In Se-ngen-fee, Sengsen, Senjen I. Senkov, Senlis, Senn, Senna, Senna, or Sena, Senuar, Sennar, Dar, dist. Sens, Sensburg, Seo de Urgel, Seonee (Shewani), Separation, Separation Creek, Separation Mt. Sephuris Diocccsarea (Sefurieh), Palestine B Sepra R. Indore Agency E Sept Isles, les (“ the seven isles ”), Cotes du Nord C Persia G b 29 Serra do Aire, Estremadura B e 27 Yun nan I f 32 Serra do Mar, Brazil £ e 16 Belgium C d 22 Serra do Paranapicabo, Brazil F' e 16 Siam K d 31 Serra do i.oberedo, Tras os Montes D c 27 Switzerland 1 c 21 Serra dos Orgaos, Brazil F e 16 Tripoli M i 17 Serra Geral, Brazil E. c 16 Styria D c 25 Serra Gharby, Nubia C e 29 Palestine B h 30 Serra Govoados, Brazil F c 16 Cut i d Or G c 21 Serra Graiulola, Estremadura B f 27 Sahara C b 33 Serra Guardunha, Beira C d 27 Zainbesia H f 33 Serrana Cays, Is. Caribbean Sea G e 15 Oman H e 29 Serrane I. Red Sea E i 29 Quei-chow I e 32 Serra Pedrella, Tras os Montes C c 27 III. C b 7 Serra Vermetha, Brazil F e 16 Miss. F 1 c 9 Serres, Hautes Alpes G d 21 Japan Q c 32 Serro de Gerez, Mt. Minlio B c 27 Nip-lion Q c 32 Serrota, La., Mts. Avila E d 27 111. D b 7 Seru, es, Palestine C e 30 Kans. H g 13 Servia ( Sergo ) Principality of the Mo. M q 12 Danube, Turkey I b 26 Wis. F 1 11 Servi, or Elaplionisi Is. Greece K f 26 N. Y. E cl 6 Servi, or Selvidje, Roumelia I d 26 Ohio I b 7 Sesia, R. Piedmont C b 26 N. Y. E d 6 Seskiir Light, Finland P f 23 N. Y. E d 6 Seskeke, S. Cent. Africa G f 33 N. Y. E c 6 Seskinore, Tyrone D b 20 Ind. T. I a 10 Sesostris Bank, Laccadive Is. D e 31 Seneganibia C c 33 Sessa, Campania E d 26 r, \\ . Africa C c 33 Setauket, L. 1. A h 5 Silesia G c 22 Setersdalen Elf, Christiansand D g 23 ius, Tibet D d 32 Setif, Algeria E a 33 Qnang-se I f 32 Setra, Egypt B d 29 Mongolia K b 32 Settle, York D b 18 TrOniso 1 b 23 Settlement, Mont. F a 14 Poltava G e 24 Setubal, or St Ubes Estremadura B f 27 Oise F h 21 Setubal, orStUbesB. Estremadura B f 27 Bagdad E b 29 Seuhelipar Is. Laccadive Is. D e 31 Persia F b 29 . Seu!l Choix Pt. Mich. M d 11 E. Africa H f 33 Sevan, or Goukeha, L. Caucasia K g 24 Nubia C g 29 Sevastopol, or Sebastopol, Taurida G g 24 Nubia C g 29 Seven Bearer L. Minn. E b 11 Yon lie F’ b 21 Seven Churches, Kings County D c 20 E. Prussia L b 22 Seven Churches, Wicklow E c 20 Lerida M b 27 Seven Heads, Cork C e 2b Central Provs. E c 31 Seven Hogs, Is. Kerry A ci 20 Wyom. K e 14 Seven Hummocks, Wellington E c 35 Queensland H c 34 Seven Hunters, or Flannen Is. S. Australia F f 34 Lewis A b 19 Septimer Peak, Bepiiigali, R. Sepulveda, Sequatchie, co. Sequatchie R. Sequereina, Sequilio, R. Sequin I. Seraeh, dist. Serai, Seraievo ( Bosna Serai), Serai ng, Serai n, R. Seraklis, Seram pore, Serapeum, Serapeum, Serdubol, Serdobsk, Seredina Buda, Serena, Serena, La, Serena, La, dist. Seres, Seretli, Seretli, R. Seretli, R. Sergatch, Sergiopol, Sergipe del Rev, Sergipe, prov. Sergiyevsk, Sergiyevski, Seri bah Ali Aniuri, Serilc, Seringa patam, Serin, K. Serkeh, Serle, Mt. Seron, Seronge, or Sirunj, Seror, or Serur, Berpa, Bernentine Mt. Switzerland I Ala. I Segovia G Tenn. lv Tenn. K Brazil F Valladolid E Me. E Abyssinia D Edirne M Bosnia H Belgium C Vonne F Persia I Bengal G Egypt B Suez Canal C Finland G Saratov I Tchernigov G 111 D Chili C B.idajos E Selamk K Bukowina K Galicia I Moldavia M Nishegorod lv Siberia I Brazil G Brazil G Samara L Moscow H Upper Nile B Oman m t ersia H Mysore E Lombardy C Abyssinia D South Australia F' Almeria H Indore Agency E Bombay Pres. D Alemtejo C Newfoundland P Serpent R. Ontario B Serpent R. Dom. of Canada P Serpents Mouth, Strait, Antilles L Serpho I. Greece L Serpukov, Moscow Ii Berra, in Portuguese, a peaked mountain ridge, Spanish sierra. e 30 c 31 b 21 c 21 f 9 c 27 b 9 b 9 e 10 c 27 e 5 g 29 d 2.1 b 26 c 22 c 21 b 29 c 31 g 33 g 33 c 24 e 24 e 24 b 7 e 16 f 27 d 26 b 25 b 25 a 20 d 24 d 28 d 16 d 16 e 24 d 21 h 29 d 29 e 31 b 26 g 29 f 34 g 27 c 31 d 31 g 27 b 4 c 4 c 11 e 15 f 26 e 24 Seven Is. Seven Is. Seven is. B. Seven League L. Seven Mile R. Seven Oaks, Seven Peaks, Seventeen Mile Creek. Seve, R. Severn Fort, Severn R. Severn, R. Severn R. Severn R. Sevier, co. Sev er, co. Sevier, co. Sevier, L. Sevier R. Seviervill ', Sevilla, prov. Seville or Sevilla, Seville, Sevree R. Sevre-Nantuise, Pi. Sevre Niortaise, R. Sevres, Sevres, Deux, dip. Sewance Mines, Seward, Sew rd, co. Sew rd, Mt., Sewce, Sewell, Sewestan, prov. Sewickley vil.e. Sew R. Sextonville, 5 4 4 4 c 5 e 18 a 14 Me. E b Quebec K a Quebec K a Ontario D c Me. D c Kent G Idaho F Ga. N Alemtejo C Brit. America M Brit. America L England C Md. E Ontario D Ark. A Tenn. M Utah Ter. H Utah G Utah G Tenn. M Spain E Sevilla E Ohio L Central Pm vs. F’ Loire infer. D Vendde D Seine-et-Oise B France D Tenn. K Nebr. H Nebr. H N. Y. G Afghanistan C W. Va. E Afghanistan C Pa. A Cent. Provs. F • Wis. G Seychelle or Malie Archi. Indian Oc. K Serra Bitounas, Sen a Caldeirao, Serra Caldeirao, Serra da Lapn, Serra de Cabreira, Serra de Estrella, Serra de Mon hique, Serra de Ossa, Serra de Santa Martini Brazil E Alemtejo B Algarve C Beira C Minlio C Beira C Alemtejo B Alemtejo C Brazil E Sci'ia lie Viluicilio, I ras os Montes e 16 g 27 g 27 d 27 c 27 d 27 g 27 f 27 d 16 c 27 Seyer Is. Seymour, Seymour, Seymour, Seyssel, Sezanne, Slakus, or Sfax, Sliaaba, Shaab, Wady, Slia’am, Shaarali, Shaarka, Shabin Karahissar, Shaboudawan L. Shabonier, Shackleford, co. Shade Creek, Shade Mt. Shade R. Shadrnsk, Shadwan I. Shady Grove, Shady i 1 rove, Shaltes. ury, bor. Shafts bury, Sliativ* U\ob), Lower Siam 1 Conn. A Ind. G Tasmania T Ain G Marne F Tunis F Alisa F Palestine B Oman H Palestine D Nejed E Asia Minor D Dom. of Canada G 111. C Tex. G Pa. C Pa. D Ohio L Perm N Red Sea C S. C. D Va. F Dorset D Vt. A Palestine F d 4 d 9 b 9 f 14 f 14 f 14 b 9 g 27 g 27 b 7 d 31 c 21 c 21 e 21 c 21 b 9 f 13 f 13 b 6 b 31 d 8 a 31 f 6 c 31 f 11 e 33 f 31 g 5 e 7 u 35 d 21 b 21 a 33 d 29 e 30 d 29 d 30 e 29 a 29 11 7 lo 6 6 7 24 29 8 8 e 18 f 5 g 30 Shagani L, Sliagghir, Wady, Shag Harbor, Shagur, esk, Shahabad, Slia Ho, R., Shahpoor, Shall rood, Shahrur, Wady, Shair, Wady esh, Slinjelianpoor, Shakers Village, Shakopee City, Shak tali, Slialbourn, Slialcapee, Shalishat, Binding, or Gruinrad R. Sbalotte, Sliamba R. Moldavia N Palestine B Nova Scotia, L Palestine B Rajpootana E China L Punjab D Persia H Syria B Palestine B N. W Provs. F N. H. B Minn. D Nejed E Berks E Ind. F Nejed E Ross C N. C. G E. Africa I b 26 e 30 e 4 e 30 b 31 d 32 a 31 b 29 c 30 f 30 b 31 e 5 e 11 d 24 Shamo (Sea of Sand), or Gobi (desert), Shamokin, Sham, Wady esh, Slmnugoldeii, Shnn-ali, Mts. Sliaiiballymore, Sliaudaken, Shanes Castle, Sliangauny, or Zanzibar, Shanghai, Shanghai (open port), Sliang-skui-liien, Shan. ilia Nor, L., Slianklin, Shanksville, Shannon, Shaunonbridge, Shannon, co. Shannon Harbor, Shannon Hill, Shannon I. Shannon Mouth, Mongolia H Pa. E Syria F' Limerick B Manchuria N Cork C N. Y. G Antrim E Zanzibar Coast H W. Va. G Kiang-su M Ho nan K Mongolia H I. of Wight E Pa. C 111. C King’s County C Mo. P King’s County D Va. G Greenland T Clare and Kerry B e 33 b 6 d 32 d 32 b 32 f 15 f 6 a 7 c 2b p Pz c 2b Shannon, R. Cavan to Kerry D bit B Shamioiiville, Tenn. H Shan-see, prov. China K Shan States, Burmah & Siam I Shan-tuiig, prov. China L Shan tung Promontory, China M Sha-nu, Manchuria N Sliao choo-foo, or Cliow-clico, Quang-tung K Shao-tow-l'oo (Swatow), open port, Sliap, bor. Sliapinsha I. Shapoor, Sliapunga, Shara Nor, L., Sharawiyeh, esh, Shari, R. Sharjah, Skaijuh, prov. Shark Bay, Sharkoi, or Pirot, Shark R. Sharon, Sharon, Sharon, Sharon, Sharon (.4 llegheny co.), Sharon ( Mercer co.), Sharon, Sharon, Plain of, Sharon Springs, Sharpe, co. Sharp 1. Sliarpnose, C., Sliarpsburg, Sharpsburg, Sliarpsburg, Sliarpsgrove, Sharpsville, Sharuk, Sba Saud Banks, Shasta, Shasta, co. Shasta, Mt. Shasta R. Shatsk, Shaft el Arab R. Shattersburg, Sliatzao Nor, L. Skavertown, Shavli, Shawacospah R. Shawanaw, Shawanaw, co. Sliawangank Mts. Shawenega, R. Sliawgois, L. Shawl, or Quettah, Shawmut, Shawnee, Shawnee, co. Sliawnees, tribe, Shawneetown. Sliawney Ridge, Shaw R. Sliayar, Shiyenne, Shayok, R. Shebieh prior. Quiing-tung K Westmorland D Orkney Islands F Beloochistan O Zainbesia II E. Turkestan F Palestine B Soudan F 1 Oman H Oman H W. Australia A Danube K N.J. H Conn. A Mass. C Me. E Mich N Pa. A Pa. A Wis. I Palestine A N. Y. G Ark. D Md. E Cornwall B Ky. I Md. D Pa. B N. J. F Ind. F Afghanistan B China M Cal. B Cal. B Cal. B Cal. B Tamboy I Turkey in Asia F Va. G Mongolia H N. Y. G Kovno E Kans. G Wis. I Wis. H N. Y. G Ontario C Quebec F Beloochistan C Pa. C Ohio K Kans. I Ind. T. I 111. D Pa. E W. Australia B E. Turkestan D Minn. A Cashmere E Oman II d 3i c 32 c 32 b 32 f 32 e 32 b lc a 19 b 31 f 33 a 32 f 3b C 33 d 29 d 29 e 3i c 2o f b g ^ f 5 d 5 g 11 f 6 e 6 g 11 f 3b d b a 9 ll 6 f 18 c 7 g 3 t 6 g <1 c 7 a 31 d 32 e 14 14 14 14 24 2. 8 32 6 2i 13 11 e e e e c d b d d h e e 11 e 6 d 4 b 4 a 31 e 6 d 7 g 13 a lb f 7 e 6 d 34 b 32 c 11 a 31 e 29 Sheboygan, Sheboygan, co. Sheboygan Falls, Sheboygan R. Shebsche, or Zebsche Shechem (Nablus), Hoo, L. Shediac, Sliee-hianj olieemoga. sheen, R. Sheep Haven, oheepscott Bay, Slicepscott R. sheeps Head, Wis. K Wis. I Wis. K Wis. K Bosnia H Palestine B New Brunswick L Kiang-su L Mysore E Kerry B Donegal D Me. E Me. E Cork B Kent G f 11 f 11 f 11 f 11 b 26 f 30 e 4 b 32 e 31 e 20 a 20 e 5 Sheet Harbor, Nova Scotia M d 4 Shee Water, Perth E d 19 Sliefa Amar, Palestine B e 30 Sheffield, Ala. H d 9 Sheffield, 111. C b 7 Sheffield, Mass. A f 5 Sheffield, Mo. R p 12 Sheffield, Pa. B e 6 Sheffield, bor. York E e 18 0 lie fiord, Bedford F d 18 Shetford, Quebec G d 4 ohelford, co. Quebec G d 4 Sheliim, Syria B c 30 Sliehir, esh, prov. Hadramaut G f 29 Sliehol, Chi-li L b 32 Sliehr, Hadramaut F’ g 29 Shehri Babek, Persia G d 29 sliehri Nan, Persia I b 29 Sheikh Abou Shaab I. Persian Gulf G d 29 Sheikh Hurba, Hadramaut F g 29 Sheikh Sura I. Persian Gulf G d 29 sheirat-el-Kebir (River Jordan), Palestine C f 30 Sliekh Abadeh, Egypt C d 29 Shekh Ahrik, Palestine B e 30 Shekli Aly, Wady, Palestine B f 30 Shekh Hassan, Palestine B f 30 oliekh Said, Egypt C d 29 Sheksna, R. Novgorod H d 24 Shelaleh, Wady, Palestine C e 30 olielbina, Mo. O n 12 ohelburn. Ind. E d 7 ohelburne, N. H. C d 5 ohelburne. Nova Scotia L e 4 ohelburne. Y T t. A d 5 oheburne Bay, Queensland G b 34 Shelburne, co. Nova Scotia L e 4 Shelburne F’alls, Mass. B f 5 Shelby, 111. D d 7 olielby Iowa L 1 12 Shelby, N. C. D f 8 Shelby, Ohio K c 7 olielby, Tenn. F b 9 Slielby, co. Ala. I d 9 olielby, co. Ind. G d 7 dielby, co. Iowa L 1 12 Shelby, co. Shelby, co. olielby, co. Shelby, co. Shelby, co. Shelby Springs, Slielby ville, Shelby ville, Shelbyville, Shelbyville, Shelbyville, Shelbyville, Sheldon, Sheldon, Sheldon, jheldon, Ikelford, Slielin Planina, Shelkosavodsk, Shellbauk I. Shell Creek, Shellif, R. Shell Landing, Shell Mound, Shell Point, Shell R. •Shell R. Shell Rock, Shell Rock, Shell Rock R. Skellsburg, Shelltown, Shelong, L. Shelter I. Shelvock I. Sliem Creek, Shenandoah, co. Shenandoah R. Shenango, Shenango R. Sliendy, Slienieks I. Shenini, Shenkursk, Shen-se, Sheok R. Shepherdstown, Shepherdsville, Shepherdsviile, Ky. G Mo. O Ohio H Tenn. F Tex. I Ala. I 111. D Ind. G Ky. G Mo. O Tenn. I Tex. I 111. E Iowa L Minn. F N. Y. C Cambridge G Servia I Stavropol K La. F Wyom. B Algeria E N. C. H Tenn. K Fla. L Dom. of Canada 1’ Minn. B Iowa O Minn. D Iowa O Iowa O Md. F Quebec F L. I. B Mexico I Shema (Rujum Selameh), Palestine B Shemakha, Baku K Shemaliyeh, Haritheh-esh, dist. Palestine B Env. of Charleston C Va. G Va. G Pa. A Pa. A Nubia C Dublin E Soudan G Archangel I China I Tibet C W. Va. H Idaho E Ky. G e 7 n 12 c 7 b 9 d 10 d 9 d 7 d 7 e 7 u 12 9 10 7 12 11 6 18 c 26 V! d 13 a 33 e 8 b 9 g 9 a 13 c 11 k 12 f 11 k 12 k 12 i 6 c 4 g o h 30 g 24 e 30 k 8 8 8 6 6 29 20 33 24 c 32 d 32 b 8 c 14 e 1 GENERAL INDEX 83 Sheppey I. Kent G e 18 Shoal Bay, N. Australia E b 34 Sicily, I, Italy E f 26 Slieppniaimsdorr>, Namanua Land F g 33 Shoal Bay, New S. Wales I e 34 Sicotts, Minn. D c 11 Sheldon Mallet, town Somerset D e 18 Shoal CT. Nev. F g 14 Siddan, Meath E c 20 Sherafat, Palestine E h 30 Shoalhaven R. New S. Wales I f 34 Sideby, Finland L e 23 Slierarat Bednins, Jebcl Shomer D d 29 Shoal i. Wis. G b 11 Sideling Mts. Pa. C g 6 Sliera, Wady, Palestine C e 30 Shoal L. Dom. of Canada F a 13 Sidera G. Candia M g 26 Sherborne, town. Dorset D f 18 Shoal L. Manitoba II a 13 Siders (Span. Sierra), Switzerland H c 21 Sherboro I. (British), Sierra Leone C d 33 Shoal or Platte L. Dom. of Canada I b 13 S id h poor, Gujerat D c 31 Sherbrooke, Nova Scotia N d 4 Shoal R. Fla. M g 9 Sidi Heohnm, Marocco C b 33 Sherbrooke, town, Quebec H d 4 Shoal R. Tenn. H b 9 Sidlaw Hills, Perth E d 19 Sherbrooke, Town of. Quebec G d 4 Shoals, Ind. F e 7 Sidniouth, Cape, Queensland G b 34 Sherburn, York E c 18 Shoalsburg, Mo. M q 12 Sidmouth, town, Devon C f 18 Sherburne, N. Y. F d 6 Shoals, Isles of, N. H. D f 5 Sidney, 111. D c 7 Sherburne, co. Minn. D d 11 Shoal water Bay, Queensland I d 34 Sidney, Iowa L m 12 Shercock. Cavan E c 20 Shoal water B. Wash. A b 14 Sidney, Nebr. E f 13 Shergie, Shottresh Algeria E a 33 Shodiae B. New Brunswick L c 4 Sidney, Ohio H c 7 Shergotty, Bengal F c 31 Shodiac L. New Brunswick K d 4 Sidney Plains, N.Y. F d 6 Sheriah, Wady, Palestine A h 30 Sho-dzung, Tibet G d 32 Sii Ion (Saida), Syria B c 30 Sheriah, Wady, Palestine C g 30 Shoebnry Ness, Essex G e 18 Sidra, G. of, Tripoli F a 33 Sheridan, Ark. C c 9 Sholapoor, Bombay Pres. E d 31 Sieben Gebirge,“ Seven Mountains," Sheridan, Ivans. F g 13 Sholga-dzung, Tibet F d 32 Rhenish Prov. D c 22 Sheri tail, Nev. D f 14 Slmmar, esh, Syria B d 30 Siegburg, Rhenish Prov. D c 22 Sheriff Moor, Perth E d 19 Shomer Beduins, Jebel Shomer E d 29 Siegen, Westphalia E c 22 Slierkin I. Cork B e 20 Shor.gau, Bavaria F e 22 Sieg, It. Rhenish Prov. D c 22 Sherlock R. W. Australia B d 34 Shooa, Upper Nile C i 29 Siem-lat, Burmah K c 31 Sherman, Ark. O d 9 Shoo-chow, Ngan-whi L d 32 Siemrab, or Angcor, Siam K e 31 Sherman, Conn. A g 5 Shoo Shan Mts. China I e 32 Siena, or Sienna, Tuscany D c 26 Sherman, 111. C d 7 Shooter 1. Env. of N. Y. A b 6 Sienitza, Bosnia I c 26 Sherman, N. Y. B d 6 Shopiere (Tiffany P.O.), Wis. H g 11 Sienna, prov. Tuscany D c 26 Sherman, Tex. H c 10 Shorehani, Yt. A e 5 Sier Abou Neid, I. Persian Gulf G d 29 Sherman, Wyom. D f 13 Shorehani, New, bor. Sussex F f IS Sierck, German Lorraine, D d 22 Sherman City, Mich. M f 11 Short L’end, Mo. P p 12 Sierra, Spanish of “saw;” applied Sherman, co. Nebr. G f 13 Short Lake, S. Australia F e 34 to mountain ranges consisting of Slierm Maeatim, Hadraniaut F ct 29 Sliortland, Auckland E b 35 a line of peaks resembling the Shersheli, or Cherchel , Algeria H h 33 Short Range, N. Australia E c 34 teeth of a saw. Shertou’s Fork, Ariz. H h 14 Shoshone, Nev. E e 14 Sierra Abajo, Utah I g 74 Sherwood Forest, Nottingham F. c 18 Shoshone, co. Idaho Ter. F b 14 Sierra Albanilla, Almeria H h 27 Slietek L. Minn. B e 11 Shoshones, Country of the, Idaho H d 14 Sierra Bermeja, Malaga E h 27 Shetland and Orknev, co. Shoshones, or Snake Indians, Sierra Blanca, N. Mex. D c 10 Scotland A a & F a 19 Oreg. & Idaho D d & H d 14 Sierra Blanca, Tex. D d 10 Shetlands, S., Is. Antarctic Oc. M p 1 Sbo.shong, S. Cent. Africa G g 33 Sierra Capitana, N. Mex. D c 10 Shetucket R. Conn. B g •*> Shoshu, Tibet H d 32 Sierra Carizo, N. Mex. D c 10 Shewani (Seonee), Central Pro vs. E c 31 Sliott el Gharbi, Morocco D a 33 Sierra Cebollera, Logrono H b 27 Sheyenne Creek, Colo. E g 13 Shott el Kebir, Tunis E a 33 Sierra Charrate, Tex. E d 10 Shiant Islands, Lewis B c 19 Sliott esh Shergie, Algeria E a 33 Sierra, co. Cal. C f 14 Shiawassee, Mich. N g 11 Sliotts Iron Works, Lanark E e 19 Sierra Colorado, Ariz. H i 14 Shiawassee, co. Mich. N g 11 Sliotts, Kirk of, Lanark E e 19 Sierra Complida, Cent. Africa F e 33 Shiawassee R. Mich. N f 11 Shournagh, R. Cork C e 20 Sierra de A ho, N. Mex. C b 10 Shibam, Hadramaut F f 29 Showy, Soudan 'F c 33 Sierra de Abodi, Pyrenees I b 27 Shibarkhan, Afghanistan C a 31 Shreveport, La. B e 9 Sierra de Aguaderas, Almeira I g 27 Shickshinny, Pa. E e 6 Shrewsbury, Pa. E g 6 Sierra de Albaracin, Teruel I d 2/ Shiehalliou, Mt. Perth D d 19 Shrewsbury, oor. Salop D d 18 Sierra de Alcaraz, Albacete H f 27 Shieldag, Ross C c 19 Shiopshire, or Salop, co. England D d IS Sierra de Alcubierre, Lerida K c 27 Shield R. Mont. H c 14 Sliruie, Mayo B c 20 Sieira de Almenara, Murcia I g 27 Shieldsboro, Miss. F g 9 Shtchigri, Kursk H e 24 Sierra de Altamira, Caceres E e 27 Shields, North, Northumberland E a 18 Sh.clmtehya, R. Siberia O b 24 Sierra de Andia, Navarra H b 27 Shields, South, Durham E b 18 Shubata, Miss. G f 9 S.erra de Aracena, Huelva D g 27 Shiel Water, Ross C c 19 Shubert B. Nova Zembla M a 24 Sierra de Aralar, Navarra H a 27 Shiffnal, town, Salop D d 18 Shul-el-Biyad, esh. Palestine C d 29 Sierra de Baza, Granada H g 27 ShigaOe ovJikadaze, Tibet E e 32 Shut', esh, Syria C c 30 Sierra de Cadi, Lerida M b 27 Shi fun:. Palestine C h 3o Shugshut, Asia Minor C a 29 Sierra de Cantabria, Navarra H b 27 Skikarpaor, Soinde C b 31 Shuli ba, Palestine E e 30 Sierra de Chusca, N. Mex. B b 10 Shilka, R Siberia L a 32 Sliuia, ar Cliouia, Vladimir I d 24 Sierra de Cordova, Cordova F f 27 Shillelagh, .Kildare E d 20 Shuie li R. Burmah I c 31 Sierra de Covarrubias, Burgos G b 27 Shilluk, tribe, Nubia C g 29 Shukkah, Palestine E e 30 Sierra de Cucalon, Zaragoza I c 2/ Shiloh (Seilun), Palestine. B f 30 Shukulah, Miss. G e 9 Sierra de Datili, N Mex. B b 10 Shiloh, Ala. H e 9 Shulls, N. C. D e 8 Sierra de Espadan, Castellon K e 27 Shiloh, Ohio K c 7 Shullsburg, Wis. G g 11 Sierra de Gador, Almeria H li 27 Shiloh, Tenn. G b 9 Slmna 1. Argyle C d 19 Sierra de Gato, Caceros D d 27 Shi-nan-foo, Hoo pe I d 32 Shunem (Solam), Palestine B e 3b Sierra de Gavilan, Cal. D h 14 Shin-chow, Pe-clii-li L e 32 Shu ning, or Yu-ning-foo, Ho-nan K d 32 Sierra de Gibalbin, Cadiz E lx 27 Shin chow-foo, Hoo-nan I e 32 Shung-kiiig-foo, Se-chuen I d 32 Sierra de Credos, Avila E d 27 Shinghit, Sahara C b 33 Shunnor Fell, York D b 18 Sieira de Guadalupe, Caceres E e 27 Shing-king, or Leao-tong, prov. Shun-ti, or Shun-tai-foo, Pe-clii-li K c 32 Sierra de Guadarrama, Segovia G c 27 China M b 32 Shuralinskoi, Perm M d 24 Sierra de Guara, Huesca K b 27 Shingle Spring, Cal. C f 14 Sliuram, Yemen E g 29 Sierra de Guayama, Cal. D h 14 Shinnagh, Kerry B d 20 Sh-urkiyeh, esh, Palestine B f 30 Sierra de Gudar, Teruel K d 27 Shinnecock Bay, L. I. B h 5 Shurm, Sinai C d 29 Sierra de 1 j Culebra, Zamora D c 27 Shin R. Sutherland D c 19 Shursha. or Sierra de la Demanda, Burgos G b 27 Shinrane, Kings County D d 20 Shiurshevo (Giurgevo), Walachia L c 26 Sierra de laGigantea, Lr. California D e 3 Shinte, or Kabompo.S. Cent. Africa G f 33 Sh usha, Baku K h 24 sierra del Almuerzo, Soria H c 27 Shin-vang-foo, or Shuster, Persia F c 29 Sierra de la Mopica, Cal D h 14 Moukden, Shing-king M b 32 Shutesbury, Mass. B f 5 Sieira de la Pena, Zaragoza K b 27 Shiocton, Wis. I e 11 Shuweifat, Syria C c SO Sierra de la Pila, Murcia 1 f 27 Ship Harbor L. Nova Scotia M d 4 Si.uweikeh, Palestine B f 30 Sierra de la Santa Catarina, Ariz. H i 14 Ship I. Miss. G g 9 Shuweikeh ( Socho ), Palestine B h 30 Sierra de la Santa Inez, Cal. C- h 14 Shippen, Pa. C e 6 Shwaygeen, Brit. Burmah 1 d 31 Sierra de las Estancias, Granada LI g 27 Shippenshurg, Pa. D f 6 Shyenne, co. Dak. H c 13 Sierra de la Virgen, Zaragoza 1 c 27 Shippensville, Pa. B e 6 Sh venue Oju R. Dak. H c 13 Sierra del Caballo, N. Mex. C c 10 Shippigan I. New Brunswick L c 4 Sink, Sumatra M h 28 Sierra del Cibao, Dominica I d 15 Sh i pston-on-Stour, Worcester E d 18 Siam, kingdom, Asia K d 31 Sierra del Cobre, or Maestra, Cuba L f 3 Shipton, Oxford E e IS Siam, orYuthia, Siam K e 31 Sierra del Monte Diabolo, Cal. C g 14 Shi rani, Afghanistan C a 31 Siam, Gulf of, Siam K e 31 Sierra de los Filabres, Almeria H g 27 Shiraz, Persia G d 29 Siang-chow, Quang-se I f 32 Sieira de los Jumanez, N. Mex. D b 10 Shire, R. S. Africa H f 33 Siang-in-hien, Hoo-nan K e 32 Sierra de los Mochales, Caceres C e 27 Shirkhowi, Afghanistan B a 31 Siang, or Heng-Kiang, R. China K c 32 Sierra de los Organos, Cuba K f 3 Shirland, 111. C a 7 Siang-tan-hien, Hoo-nan K e 32 Sierra de los Pardaos, Andes I g 15 Shirley, Va. H d 8 Siang-yan-foo, Hoo-pe K d 32 Sierra de los Pedroches Cordova F f 27 Shirley Point, Env. of Boston. G g 5 Siapa, R. Venezuela K g 15 Sierra de los Pinos, Colo. O h 13 Shirleysburg, Pa. D f 6 Siascouset, Mass. E g 5 Sierra del Vulcan, Argentine Rep. E f 16 Shirwa, L. Cent. Africa H f 33 Sibawaing, Mich. O i 11 Sierra de Maria, Almeria H g 27 Shisdra, Kaluga G e 24 Sibb, Beloochistan B b 31 Sierra de Meira, Lugo C a 27 Shisha, R. Moldavia N a 26 Sibb, Oman H e 29 Sierra de Mijas, Malaga F h 27 Slii-sien-foo, Quei-chow I e 32 Siberia, Asia 28 Sierra de Molina, Guadalajara 1 d 27 Shitli, Mukdeesha E i 29 Sibilla, Mte. (Monti Sibilline), Sierra de Moncayo, Zaragoza I c 27 Shitomir, Jitomir, or Marches E c 26 Sierra de Natanes, Ariz. H i 14 Zytomir, Voihynia F e 24 Sibley, Iowa L i 12 Sierra de Penamavella, Asturias D b 27 Shiurshevo, or Sibley, Kans. I g 13 Sierra de Perija Venezuela I f 15 Shursha ( Giurgevo ), Walachia L c 26 Sibley, co. Minn. C e 11 Sierra de Quena Orense C b 27 Shiven. R. Galway C c 20 Sibo, Soudan D c 33 Sierra de Salina, Cal. C g 14 Shiwelli, Mukdeesha E i 29 Sibpore, Assam H b 31 Sierra de San J ust. Teruel Iv d 27 Shklov, Mohilev G e 24 Sichangue or Brule tribe, Nebr. E e 13 Sierra de San Lazarro, Lr. California E f 3 Slilock, Livonia E d 24 Sichem (Nablus), Palestine B f 30 Sierra de San Pedro, Caceres D e 27 Shoa kingdom. Abyssinia D h 29 Side, C. Var G e 21 Sierra de Sun Raiael, Cai. C h 14 Sierra tie Segura, Sierra Sitka (or Baronov) I. Alaska G d 2 e 3o Sitkai, or Iowa Iowa Iowa Venezuela Greece Ala. Ala.- Miss. Syria Mongolia Sicily Afghanistan J amna Tibet N. Queensland Sir Daria, it. Russian Turkestan Sirdhuna, N. W. Provs. Sir Edward Pellew Is. G. of Carpentaria Sireenuggur, Sireli, Sirena Is. Sirgonjaiinugger, F N. W. Provs. E Abyssinia D Archipelago M S. W. Frontier F Danube K k 12 i 12 k 12 f 15 f 2b c 9 d 9 d 9 b 30 d 32 f 2b a 31 e 2b d 32 b 34 d 28 b 31 c 34 a 31 g 29 i 2b c 31 c 2b New Archangel, Cap. of Alaska Hungary Brit. Burinab Brit. Sitnya Berg, Mt. Sittang, Sittang, or Paunglaung R. Sittingbourne, Siuen-chow-foo, Sine Shan, Mt. Sine Shan, or Snowy Mt. Siu-li, Siuii Ho R. Siuslau R. Sivasli G., or Putrid Sea, Sivas, or Sivas Sebastea, Sivas, prov. Sivriliissar, Siwah, Sixinilebridge, Six Mile Cross, Six Mile Point C. Six Mile Water, Six Towns, Siye-tai, Sizebolu, Sjanjeli, Skaga Fiord, Skagen, Skagern, L. Skager Rack, s a, Skagstiilstimjerne, Mts. Skail Buy, Burmah Kent Fo-kien Burmah Burmali Japan China Oreg. d 2 h 25 d 3l d 14 Sea of Azof G f 21 Asia Minor Asia Minor Asia Minor Egypt Clare Tyrone N. Y. Antrim Londonderry Tibet Edirne Norrland Ieehuid Denmark Gothland D D C B C D E E E G M K D F H E Bergen D Orkney Islands E Greece I b b b d d b c b b d c b b li 23 g 23 h 23 f 23 a 19 e 2b Skiatho I. Greece K e 23 Slieve Tooey, Donegal C b 20 Skilibeiven, Cork, B e 20 Sligachan, Skye B c 19 Skiildaw, Nelson D e 35 Sligo Bay, Sligo C b 20 Skiddaw, Mt. Cumberland C b 18 Sligo, co. Connaught C b 20 Skien, Christiansand E g 23 Sligo, co. town. Sligo C b 20 Skien Nid Elf, Ckristiaiisaiul E g 23 Slipper I. Auckland F b 35 Skiernievice, Poland E e 21 S.ippery Creek, Pa. A e 6 Skillex Fork, 111. D e 7 Slite, I. of Gothland K h 23 Skioldungen I. Greenland Q c 2 Slitiig Water, Roxburgh F e 19 Skiotali Beak, Mont. F b 14 Sliviiu i.Muin Jji, or Skipuess, Argvle C e 17 Selimnia, Edirne M c 26 Skipton town. York E c 18 Sloan, Iowa K k 12 Skirrv Dikas, Country of, Idaho G d 14 Sloane Creek, Queensland L n 34 Skirry Dikas, tribe, Idaho G d 14 Slobodzie, Walachia M b 26 Skive, Denmark E h 23 Slouim, Gioduo F e 24 Skjern Aa, Denmark E i 23 Slopedown Hill, Otago B g 35 Skierne, Denmark E i 23 Sloten, Holland C b 22 Skjerstad Fiord, Ti oi n So li e 23 Slude, or Skodra, or East Maine R. Brit. America N d 2 Uslikodra ( Scutari Roumelia H c 26 Slue, The, Ga. L f 9 Skofde, Gothland G g 23 Slum, Military Frontier D d 25 Skog, Norrland I f 23 Sluis, Holland B c 22 Skogeio, I. Trbmsb P b 23 Sliitsch, R. Minsk F e 24 Skogslioru Mt. Christiania E f 23 Slutsk, Minsk F e 24 Skogsb, I. Trbmsb H b 23 Sly ne Head, Galway A c 20 Skokliam, I. Pembroke A e 18 Smaaler.ene, Stift, Norway F g 23 Skole, Galicia H b 25 Small Cape, Me. E e 5 Skomekan Mt. Wash C a 14 Small Islands, Jura C e 19 Skomer I. Pembroke A e 18 Smedje-backen, Sweden H f 23 Skonevik, Bergen D g 23 Smeedsville, Tenn. H a 9 Skopelo I. Greece K e 2b Smerwiek Harbour, Kerry A d 20 Skopelos Is. Greeee K e 2b Sniethport or Smitbport, Pa. C e 6 Skopia ( Usku.p), Perzerim I c 2J Smichow, Bohemia D a 25 Skopin, Riazan H e 21’ Smith, W. Australia B f 34 Skowliegan, Me. E d 5 Smith B. Alaska E b 2 Slcreen, Meath E c 20 Smithboro, N. Y. E d 6 Skudesniishavn, Christiansand C g 23 Sniithborough, Monaghan D b 20 Skull, Cork B e -_0 Smith, co. Kans. G g 13 Skull Creek, Ind. T. F a 10 Smith, co. Miss. F e 9 Skulyany, Bessarabia F f 24 Smith, eo. -Tenn. I a 9 Skunk L. Dak. H e 13 Smith, eo. Tex. I e 10 Skunk, North R. Iowa 0 1 12 Smithfield, N. C. G f 8 Shunk R. Iowa P 111 12 Smithfield, Ohio M c 7 Skurfdals Asen, Mt. Norrland G e 23 Smithfield, Va. I e 8 Skurislienskaia, Don Cossacks I f 2! Smithfield (Fayette co. ), Pa. B g 6 Skutari, or Iskudar, Asia Minor B a 2n Smithfield (Somerset co.). Pa. B g 6 Sknttook Pt. Me. F d 5 Smithfield, Orauge River Free State G h 33 Skwira, Kiev F f 21 Smithland, Ky. D f 7 Skye, Isle of, Inverness B e 19 Smith port. Pa. B c 6 Skyro ( Scyros ) I. Greece L e 2b Smith R. Cal. A e 14 Sla, Sela, or Sale, Morocco D a 3,5 Smith R. Nev. F e 14 Siabodskoi, Viatka L <1 21 Smith R. Oreg. B d 14 Slade Pt. Queensland H d 34 Smith’s Falls, Ontario E d 4 Sladesville, • N. C. I f 8 Smith’s Fork, Nebr. E f 13 Sladia, or Isladi, Danube K e 2o Smith Sound, Arctic Regions N b 2 Slagelse, Denmark F i 23 Smith Sound, Newfoundland R b 4 Slanumuan, Stirling E e lii Smiths I. Md. E h 6 Slane, Meath E e 20 Smiths I. N. C. H h 8 Slaney, R. Wicklow & Wexford E d 20 Smiths I. Va. K d 8 Slano, Dalmatia E e 25 Smiths Landing, 111. B e 7 Slate Creek, Idaho F ■o 14 Smiths Mills Pa. C f 8 Slate Gap, N.C. D e 8 Smiths Pond, N. H. C e 5 Slate Is., Lake Superior, Smiths R. Va. E e 8 Dom. of Canada K a 11 Smithton, Tasmania R u 35 Slate R. Va. G d 8 Sinithtown, L. I. A li 5 Slatina, Walachia L b 2b Smithtown Bay, L. I. A li 5 Slatington, Pa. F f 6 Smithville, Ark. D a 9 Slatoust, Ufa M d 2 1 Smithville, Ga. L f 9 Slaughtersville, Slave Coast, Slave L., Lesser, Slave L., Great, Slave R. Siavianoserbsk, Slaviansk, Ky. E f 7 Guinea E d 33 Brit. America I d 2 Brit. America I c 2 Brit. America I c 2 Ekaterinoslav H f 24 Kharkov IP f 2i Slavonia, or Sclavonia, prov. Austria P Slaystown, Sleaford B. Sleaford, town, Slea Head, Sleat District, Sleat Point, Sleat Sound, Sleeper, Sleeping Bear Pt. Sleeper Is. Slemish, Mt. Pa. C Australia F Lincoln F Kerry A Skye C Skye Inverness Mo. Midi. d 25 f b g 34 d 13 d 21 c 19 e 19 c 19 0 p 12 Hudson’s Bay M Antrim E e 11 d 2 b 2U c ti Skalalium Mt. Wash. E 11 14 Sleswick (Schleswig), Germany E i 2 6 Snake or Shoshones ter. cl 32 Skalitz, Hungary E b 25 Slieve, i.e.," Fig's back.” applied m Oreg. D d & H d 14 c 32 Skalka, L. Norrland K c 23 Ireland to mountains similarly Snake Pr. Tex. H e 10 d 25 Skamania, co. Wash. C c 14 shaped, 20 Snake R. Colo. B f 13 f 11 Skauderborg, Denmark F ll 23 Slieve Anierin, Leitrim D b 2(1 Snake R. Minn. A a 11 a 29 Skaueateles, N. Y. E cl 6 Slieve Baun, Roscommon C c 20 Snake R. Minn. D c 11 0 32 Skaneateles L. N. Y. E d 6 Slieve Bernagh, Clare C d 20 Snake R. Nebr. F f 13 f 15 Skanbr, Gothland G i 23 Slieve Bloom, King’s & Queen’s Co. D c 20 Snake R. or Pipestone Creek - a 14 Skara, Gothland G S 23 Slieve Boughty, Galway C c 20 Dom. of Canada E a 13 d 32 Skaraborg, lreen, Sweden G rt 23 Slieve Boy, or SI. Buoy, Wexford E d 20 Snake, Saptin R., or Lewis Fork f 32 Skardo, or Iskardo, Cashmere E a 31 Slieve Car, Mayo B b 20 Wash. H c to D b 14 t 24 Skardstind, Mt. Hamar E e 23 Slieve Carran, Clare C c 20 Snakes, Country of, Idaho F d 14 c 22 Skiirfva, L. Norrland K c 23 Slieve Croob, Down F b 20 Sneedsboro, N. G. F g 8 c 16 Skawa, R. Galicia F b 25 Slieve Donard, Down F b 20 Sneeds Ferry, N. C. H 8 b 20 Skaw, The, C. Denmark F h 23 Slieve Dort, Roscommon C c 20 Sneeds ville, Tenn. M a 9 c 21 Skeggs Creek, Ky. G g 7 Slieve Elva, Clare B c 20 Sneehseteu, Mt. Ilamar E e 23 d 32 Skelder Viken, B. Gothland G li 23 Slieve Fyach, Mayo B b 20 Sueek, Holland C b 22 e 32 Skeleftea, Norrland L d 23 Slieve Gallion, Londonderry E b 20 Sneem, Kerry B e 20 e 32 Skelleftea Elf, Norrland K d 23 Slieve Gamph, Mayo B b 20 Sneisa, Sahara D b 33 cl 29 Skellig Rocks, Kerry A e 20 Slieve Gullion, Armagh E b 20 Snellings Ranch, Cal. C g 14 c 25 Skenler Wakap, Bosnia G b 26 Slieve League, Donegal C b 20 Sniatyn, Galicia I b 25 c 21 Skenninge, Gothland H g 23 Slieve Mish, Kerry B d 20 Snohomish, Wash. B b 14 b 33 Skerisora, 1 ransylvania H c 25 Slieve Miskish, Cork B e 20 Snohomish, co., Wash. C a 14 i 12 Skerries, Dublin E c 20 Slieve More, Acliill I. A b 20 Snowdon, Carnarvon B c IS k 12 Skerries (rocks), Anglesey B c IS Slieve-na-Killa, Cavan D b 20 Snow Hill, Md. F h 6 k 12 Skerrinagal, Argyle C e 19 Slievenaman, Tipperary D d 20 Snow Hill, N. C. H f 8 i 12 Skerryvore Lighthouse, Argyle A d 19 Slieve Snaght, orStrauglit, Donegal D a 20 Snow Peak, Oreg. D c 14 Smithville, Smithville, Smithville, Smiyev, Smoke Creek Depot, Smoky Hill Fork, Smoleii I. Smolensk, Smolensk, gov. Smyrna, Smyrna, Smyrna ( Ismir ), Smyrna, prov. Smyth co. Snaasen, Snaaseii Valid, L. Snaefell, Mt. Snaefells, C. N. C. G S. C. C Tenn. K Kharkov H Nev. D Kans. F Throndlijem D Smolensk G Russia G Del. F N. Y. F Asia Minor B Asia Minor B Va. D Throndlijem G Throndlijem F I. of Man B Iceland C York E 8 g 8 h 9 f 24 e 14 g 13 c 23 e 24 d 21 g 6 d 6 b 29 b 29 e 8 rl 23 d 23 b 18 c 17 c 18 GENERAL INDEX. S5 Snow Shoo, Pa. D e 6 Solon, Ohio L b 7 Sor Oe, I. Tromso M a 23 South Molton, bor. Devon C e IS Snow-Water L. Nev. F e 14 Solones, dist. Manchuria M a 32 Soroki, Bessarabia F f 24 South hits. Md D g 6 Snowy Mts. - New S. Wales I f 34 Solotehev, Kharkov H e 24 Soroksar, Hungary F c 25 South Newmarket, N. H. D e 5 Snowy II. Victoria H g 34 Solotonosha, Poltava G f 24 Sorb Sound, Trbmsb M a 23 South Paris, Me. D a 5 Snufftown, N. J. G f 6 Solovetski, Archangel H b 24 Sorot, R. Pskov F d 24 South Park, Colo. D g 13 Snyder, eo. Pa. 1) f 6 Solovetski Is. Archangel H b 24 Sor, R. Estremadura B e 27 South Parrs hits. Md. and Pa. F f 6 Soantli (Sauntee) Guierat D c 31 Soloytehegodsk, , Vologda K c 24 Sorrento, Campania F d 26 South Pass, 111. C f 7 Soar, R. Leicester E d 18 So'.sona, Lerida M b 27 Sorsele, Norrland F d 23 boutli Pass, Mouth of the Miss. R. F i 9 Sobat, R. Upper Nile C h 29 Stdstein, Grosser, Alps of, Tyrol F e 22 Sort, Lerida M 1) 27 South Pass, Wyom. I d 14 Sobers in, Hungary H c 25 Solt, Hungary F c 25 Suites, Tras os Montes D c 27 South Pass City, Wyom. I d 14 Sobral, Brazil F c It) Solta I. Dalmatia E e 25 Sortot, Nubia C .f 29 South Platte K. Colo. D g 13 Sobraou, Punjab D a 31 Solt in, Hanover E b 22 Sos, Zaragoza I b 27 South Port, Ind. F d 7 Soby, Denmark F li 23 So.tsa, Pskov G d 24 Sosh, R. W. Russia G e 24 Southport, town. Lancashire D c 18 Socho, Palestine B g 30 Solviisbdrg, or Solvesborg, Sosna, R. Orel H e 24 South Pt. Anticosti I. M b 4 Socho or Shocho (esli-SlmweiUeli) Gothland H i 23 Sosniza, Tchernigov G e 24 Soulh Queensferry, Linlithgow E e 19 Palestine B h 30 Solway Firth, Cumberid. & Scotld. C b 19 Sospello, Alpe s maritimes H e 21 South R. Ga. L d 9 So chow, Shau-se K d 32 Solway Moss, Dumfries E e 19 Sosva, R. Perm M d 24 South R. N. C. G g 8 Social Circle, Ga. 51 d 9 Somali, con. E. Africa F h 29 Sosva, R. Siberia N c 24 South R. Va. G c 8 Society Hill, S. C. F g 8 Sombre rete, Mexico F f 3 Soto la Marina, Mexico G f 3 South Rocks, Stewart I. A 35 Society Is. S. Pacific Oc. D k 1 Sombrero I. Antilles L d 15 So-tsiu, Corea M b 32 South Saginaw, Mich. N f 11 Sockville, Idaho F d 14 Somers, or Bermuda Is. (to Britain) O f 2 Sotuta, Yucatan F c 15 South Sautee R. S. C. j- h 8 Soconusco, Yol. Mexico E d 15 Somers, Mt. Canterbury C e 35 Souadi, Egypt C d 29 South Schroon, N. Y. H c 6 Socopatay, Ala. I d 9 Somerset, Ind. G c 7 Soubise, Charente inferieure D d 21 South Sound, Galway B c 20 Socorro, Columbia I f 15 Somerset, Ky. H f 7 Soudan, or Nigritia, Africa E c 33 South Tyne, R. Northumberland D 1) 18 Socorro, N. Mex. 0 c 10 Somerset, N. Y. C c 6 Souillac, Lot E d 21 South Umpqua R. Oreg. B d 14 Socorro, Tex. C d 10 Somerset, Ohio K d 7 Soukbulak, Persia F b 29 South Union, Ky. F g 7 Socorro co. N. Mex. C c 10 Somerset, Pa. B f 6 Souk-esh Shuyukh, Bagdad F c 29 South Vernon, Vt. B f 5 Socorro or San Thomas I. Somerset, Queensland G b 34 Soukoum Kaleh, or South Washington, N. C. H g 3 Revilla Gigedo Is. A d 15 Somerset, Somerset D e 18 Sukham Kale, Kutais I g 24 Southwell, town, Nottingham E c 18 Socotra I. (to Oman), Africa G g 29 Somerset, Tasmania R u 35 Soulanges, co. Quebec F d 3 South West, N. G. H f 8 Socuellamos, Ciurlad Real II e 27 Somerset, Wis. E d 11 Soumidouro, R. Brazil E d 16 South-west Bend, Me. D e 5 Sodankyla, Finland F b 24 Somerset co. Md. F li 6 Soumy, or Sumy, Kharkov G e 24 South West Cape, Tasmania R V 35 Soda Springs, Idaho H d 14 Somerset, co. Me. D c 5 Soumy, or Sumy, hit, Kharkov G e 24 South West Pass, La. C li 9 Soden, Hessen Nassau E c 22 Somerset co. N. J. G f 6 Sound. The, Denmark G i 23 South West Pass, Soderarm I. Sweden K g 23 Somerset co. Pa. B g 6 Some, Estremadura B d 27 Mouth of the Miss. R. F i 9 Sdderhaimn, Norrlaud I f 23 Somerset co. Tasmania S V 35 Sour.s L. Dak. F b 13 South West Pt. Anticosti I. M b 4 Sdderkoping, Gothland I g 23 Somerset Junction, M ass. C g 5 Souris or Mouse R. Dom. of Canada F b 13 South Wheeling, W. Va. E a 3 Sodermanlaud or Nykoping, Somerset, North, Brit. Amer. L b 2 Souterraine, La, Creuse E c 21 South Whitley, Ind. G b 7 lmen, Sweden I g 23 Somerset R. Upper Nile C i 29 South Abington, Mass. D f 5 South wold, bor. Suffolk H d 18 Sodertelge, Sweden I g 23 Somersetshire, co. England D e 18 South Acton, Mass. C f 5 South Yadkan R. N. C. E f 8 Sodo L. La. B e 9 Somerville, Ala. I c 9 Southern, Warwick E d IS Soutra Hill, Berwick F e 19 Sodorp, Hamnr E f 23 Somerville, Env. of Boston E g 5 South Amboy, N. J. G f 6 Souvar, Hungary G b 25 Sod us, N. Y. D c 6 Somerville, Me. E d 5 Southampton, L. I. B h 5 Souzel, Brazil E c 16 Sodus Pt., N. Y. D c 6 Somerville, N. J. G f 6 Southampton, Ontario C d 3 Soya, Japan Q a 32 Soest, Westphalia E c 22 Somerville, Tenu. F b 9 Southampton, bor. Hants E f 18 Soya, Cape, Japan Q a 32 Sof'ala, Soi'ala H g 33 Somme, dep. Fiance F b 21 Southampton C. Southampton I. M c 2 Spa, Belgium C c 22 Sofala Country, S. Africa II g 33 Summon, L. Gothland PI g 23 Southampton, co. Va. H e 8 Spaccaforuo, Sicily F f 26 Sofi, Nubia D g 29 Somme, R. Somme F b 21 Southampton J. Brit. America hi c 2 Spada, C. Caudia K IT O 26 Solisk, Maritime prov. Sommerfeld, Brandenburg H c 22 Southampton Water, R. Hants E f 18 Spades, Ind. G d 7 Russian Empire P c 28 Sommerton, Va. I e S South Anna R. Va. H d 8 Spain, kingdom. Europe 27 Sogane, Palestine B e 30 Sommo Grande, R. Brazil F c 16 South Antrim, N. H. C e 5 Spalato, Dalmatia E e 25 Sogemoza, R. Colombia C b 10 Somonauk, 111. D b 7 South Australia, Col. Australia F f 34 Spalding, co. Ga. L d 9 Sogndal, Bergen D f 23 Somosierra (Puerto de), pass, South Bay, N. Y. H c 6 Spalding, town, Lincoln F d J8 Sogudal, Christiansand D g 23 Madrid G d 27 South Bend, Ind. F b 7 Spandau, Brandenburg G b 22 Sogne Fiord, Bergen C f 23 Sonail, Baipootana E c 31 South Bend, Minn. C e 11 Spanish B. Cape Breton 1. N c 4 Sohagpoor, Indore-Agency F c 31 Sona, Mareb, or Gash, R. Abyssinia D g 29 South Boise, Idaho F d 14 Spanish Fork, Utah H e 14 Soham, Oman H e' 29 Sondeiborg, Schleswig E a 22 South Boise Mines, Idaho F d 14 Spanish Fork, R. Utah H 3 14 Sohani, Cambridge G d 18 Sondershausen, Schwarzburg F c 22 South Boston, Env. of Boston F g 5 Spanish L. La. B f 19 Sohar, Oman BI e 29 Soudrio, Lombardy C a 26 South Boston, Va. G e 8 Spanish Peak, CaL C f 14 Sohlan, Bohemia D a 25 Sondrio, prov. Lombardy C a 26 South Braintree, Mass. D f 5 Spanish Peaks, Colo. D h 13 Soho Pass, Mont. F b 14 Soneliut, S. W. Frontier F e 31 South Branch, Buffalo R. Minn. A c 11 Spanish Port, Trinidad L e 15 Soli rah, Beloochistan C b 31 Souepoor, Central Prov. F e 31 South Brent, Devon C f 18 Spanish R. Dom. of Canada P c 11 Soiana, R. Archangel I b 24 Sone, R. Indore Agency F c 31 Southbridge, M ass. B f 5 Spanish R. Ontario C e 4 Soissous, Aisne F b 21 Son Fjell, Mt. Norrland G c 23 Southbury, Conn. A g 5 Spanish Town, Jamaica H cl 15 Sokal, Galicia I a 25 Songhay, Kingdom Soudan E c 33 South Cape, Formosa M f 32 Spar 1. Lake Superior, Sokdzung, Tibet F d 32 Sonho, Congo F e 33 South Cape, Stewart I. A g 35 Dom. of Canada H a 11 Sokro, Fezzan F b 33 Sonmeeanee, Beloochistan C b 31 South Cape, Tasmania S v 35 Sparta, Ala. I f 9 Sokol, Servia H b 26 Sonmeeanee Bay, Beloochistan C b 31 South Carolina, state. United States 8 Sparta, Ga. N d 9 Sokolka, Grodno E e 24 Sonneberg, Saxe Meiningen F c 22 South Carrol, Tenn. G b 9 Sparta, Greece K f 26 Sokota, Abyssinia D g 29 Sonoma, Cal. B f 14 South Carrollton, Ky. E f 7 Sparta, 111. C e 7 Sokoto, or Saekatoo, Soudan E c 33 Sonoma, co. Cal. B f 14 South Cave. York F c 18 Sparta, Ky- H e 7 Sokoto, or Saekatoo, kngm. Soudan E c 33 Sonoma Hits. Nev. E e 14 South Charleston, Ohio I d 7 Sparta, La. B e 9 Sokoto, R. Soudan E c 33 Sonora, Cal. C g 14 South Creek, N. C. I f 8 Sparta, Mich. M f ii Sok, R. Samara L e 24 Sonora, Ohio BI d 7 South Downs, hills, Sussex F f 18 Sparta, Miss. G d 9 Sok-uir R. Tibet F d 32 Sonora Pass, Cal. D f 14 South-East Pass, mouth of the Sparta, Tenn. K b 9 Sekunibunji, Cent. Africa G e 33 .. onora, state. Mexico D e 3 Mississippi, R. La. F ll 9 Sparta, Wis. G f 11 Soiana, La, Ciudad Real G f 27 Sons Creek, Mo. N P 12 South Edisto, R S. C. E i 8 Spartanburg, S. C. D g 8 Solander I. Otago A g 35 Sonsera, Toledo F e 27 Southend, Argyle C e 19 Spartanburg, co. S. C. C 8 Solano, co. Cal. C f 14 Soo-chow, Ngan-whi L d 32 Southend, Essex G e 18 Spartel, Cape, Morocco D a 33 Sola SounQ Baltic Provinces M g 23 Soo-chow-foo, Kiang-su M d 32 Southern Alps, Canterbury C e 35 Spartiveuto, C. Sardinia C e 26 Soldau, E. Prussia L b 22 Sooeegaum, or Suigaum, Guierat D c 3i South Fabius R. Mo. P n 12 Spartiveuto, C. S. Italy G f 26 Soldier Creek, Iowa L k 17 Sooi-tnig-foo, Se-chuen I d 32 Southfield, N. Y. G e 6 Spask, Tambov I e 24 Soldi n, Brandenburg H b 22 Sooloo or Mindoro Sea, Phillipine Is. N li 28 South Florence, Ala. H c 9 Spaskii, Vologda K d 24 Soledad, Cal. C g 14 Soonda nr Sunda, Bombay Pres. D e 31 South Foreland, Kent H e IS Spavina, Ind. T. I a 10 Soledad, Venezuela L f 15 Soongaria, Ilzoungaria, or Thian- South Fork, Tex. F c 10 Spavina Creek, Ind. T. I a 10 Soleiman, Wady, Palestine B g 30 slntn-pe-loo, cou. Chinese Em. D a 32 South Fork, Broad R. Ga. hi c 9 Spean R. Inverness D d 19 Solemn Grove, N. C. F f 8 Soor, Oman H e 29 South Fork, Camion Ball R. Dak. F c 13 Spectacle I. Env. of Boston E g 5 Solent, The Hants E f 18 Soor ( Tyre), Syria D c 29 South Fork, Edith R, S. C. D li 8 Speiglitstown, Barbadoes M e 15 Soleure, cant. Switzerland H c 21 Soorhud, Beloochistan B b 31 South Fork, Forked Deer Speik Koppe, Mt. Styria D c 25 Soleure (Ger. Solothwrn) Switzld. H c 21 Soor, prov. Oman H e 29 Creek, Tenn. F b 9 Spencer, Jnd. E d 7 Solferino, Lombardy D b 26 Soorutgurh, Rajpootana D b 31 South Fork, Holston R. Va. D e 8 Silencer, Iowa L i 12 Soli, Nubia H c 33 Sopchoppy, Fla. L g 9 South Fork, Kentucky R. Ky. I f 7 Silencer, Mass. C f 5 Solidad, Lower California D e 3 Sophia, or Sofia, Danube K c 26 South Fork, Potomac R. W. Va. F c 8 Spencer, N. Y. E d 6 SoligaliRh, Kostroma I d 24 Sop I. Newfoundland P b 4 South Fork, Red R. Tex. F b 10 Spencer, Tenn. K b 9 Solihull, Warwick E d 18 So-ping-foo, Shan-se K c 32 South Fork, Saline R. . 111. D f 7 Spencer, W. Va. D c 8 SolikamsK, Perm M d 24 Sopori, Ariz. U k 14 South Fork, Sangammon R. 111. C d 7 Spencer Brook, Minn. D d 11 Solinianieli, Nubia C f 29 Sopris Peak, Colo. C g 13 South Fork, Shenandoah R. Va. G c 8 Spencer Cape, 8. Australia F g 34 Solingen, Rhenish Prov. D c 22 Sops Arm Newfoundland P b 4 ‘South Fork, Sheyenr.e R. Wyom. D e 13 spencer, co. Ind. E e 7 Solitary I. W, Australia B c 34 Soquel, Cal. C g 14 South Font, Tug Fork, W. Va. D d 8 Spencer, co. Ky. G e 7 Solitary Is. New S. Wales I f 34 Sora, Campania E d 26 South Fork, White R. Dak. F e 13 Spencer Gulf, S. Australia F f 34 Solitude, No. R q 12 Sorata, or Ancohuma, South Gaston, N. C. H e 8 Spencer Mt. Me. E c 5 Solleltea, Norrland I e 23 Andes of Bolivia D d 16 South Glens Falls, N. Y. H c 6 Spencerport, N. Y. D c 6 Soller, Majorca N e 27 Sorau, Brandenburg H c 22 South Georgia I. S. Atlantic Oc. G li 16 Spencer R. Me. D c 5 Sol moil a, Abruzzo E c 26 Sorbas, Almeria H g 27 South Grand R. Mo. hi 0 12 Spencers, 111. E b 7 Solo, Archangel I b 24 Sorek, Brook (Wady Simsim), South Haven, Mich. L g 11 Spencers, Ohio L d 7 Solokija, R. Galicia H a 25 Pales. A g 30 South Island, formerly New Spencevville, Ind. H b 7 Solola, Guatemala E d 15 Sorell, Tasmania S V 35 Leinster, New Zealand B e 35 Speonk, L. I. B k 5 Solombola, Archangel I c 24 Sorell, Cape, Tasmania R V 35 South Kishwaukee R. 111. D a 7 Sperrin Mountains, Londonderry D b 20 Solomon or Salomon Is. Sorell, L. Tasmania S V 35 Southland, prov. (now incorporated Sperry, Iowa P m 12 S. Pacific Oc. I i 1 Sorell, Port, Tasmania S u 35 with Otago), New Zealand B f 35 Spessai t Forest, Bavaria E d 22 Solomon R. Kans. G g 13 Sorel, town. Quebec G c 4 South Lou ell. N. C. G e 8 Spesutie I. Md. E g 6 Solon, Iowa P 1 12 Soria, Soria H c 27 South Lynne, Env. of Chicago C f 10 Spey R. Inverness D c 19 Solon, Me. E d 5 Soriano, Uruguay E f 16 South Marsh I. hid. E h 6 Spezia, Piedmont c b 26 Solon, N. Y. E d 6 Soroeaba, Brazil F e 16 South Milford, Del. F h 6 Spezzia, Greece K f 26 Y 86 GENERAL INDEX. Spezzia L. Greece K f 26 Stade, Hanover E b Sphakia, C'andia L g 26 Slade, gov. Prussia E b Spidd.e, Galway B c 20 Stadt Promontory & Penin. Bergen C e Spiekeroog I. Hanover B b 22 Stati'a I. Argyle B d Spigiit, Selanik K d 26 Staffel Berg, Bbhiner Wald, Bavaria G d Strikes Ferry, La. B g 9 Start'd See, Bavaria F e Spilsl.y, Lincoln G c 18 Stafford, Conn. B g Spinnorstown, Pa. F f 6 Stafford; Ontario E d Spin:; Cape, Baltic Provinces M g 23 I tafforri, bor Sta fiord D d Spiraling Sea, E. Prussia L b 22 Stafford, co. Kalis. G g Spin s [Speyer), Palatinate E d 22 Stafford, co. Va. II c Spirilen, I. Christi inia F f 23 Stafford Court House, Va. H c Spirit Lake, Iowa L i 12 Staffordshire, co. England D d Spirits Bay, Auckland D a 35 Sta fib rd town, Westland C c Spiite Niarg (Peninsula), Tromso 0 a, 23 St Atfrique, Aveyron F e Spitliead, Hants E f 18 Stagas, Trikhala I e Spit 1. Lake Erie, Ohio K b 7 St Agnes, Cornwall A f Spittal, Cariuthia C C 25 Stagno, Dalmatia G e Spittal of Glenslice, Perth E d 19 Stags of Broad Haven, Mayo B b Spitzoergen, Is. Arctic Ocean U a 1 Stagun, Norrland II e Spit/.liergen, Mt. Spitzbergen U a 1 Sta lidrop, Durham E b Splugen P.ass, Switzerland I c 21 Staines, town, Middlesex F e Spokane House, Wash. E b 14 Stains, Seine B e Spokane, merued in Stevens co. Staked Plain, or Llano Estacado, Wash. D a 14 Tex. E c Spokane R. Wash. D 1) 14 Stakeen Colony, Dom. of Canada G d Spoleto, U m bria E c 26 Sta keen, R. Dom. of Canada G d Spoon i. Me. F d 5 Stak k e, Throndhjem F d Spoon 11. 111. B c 7 St Albans, Me. E d Sporades, Northern Is. Greece K e 26 St Albans, Vt. A d Sporades, Southern or St Albans, bor. Hertford F e Eastern Is., Greece M f 26 St Albans Head, Dorset D f Sporades, Western Is., Greece K f 2J Stall nidge, Dorset D f Spotisylvania, co. Va. H c 8 atallupohnen, E. Prussia M a Spottsylvania Court House, Va. H c 8 Stale vi tch i, Minsk F e Sprague R. Oreg. C d 14 St Alton, Quebec G c Spree, Silesia H e 22 Stalybridge, bor. Cheshire D c Spree, R. Brandenburg G b 22 St Antand, Cher F c Spree Wald, Brandenburg H c 22 Stamford, Conn. A g Spremberg, Brandenburg II c 22 Stamford, bor. Lincoln F d Spring Bay, 111. C c 7 Stam plume, Strivali.’or Spring Bay. Patagonia D g 16 Strot'adhia, Is, Greece I f Spring Bluff, Miss. E <1 9 Stanard’s Rock, Mich. K b Spring Corner, Pa. A e 6 Stanbury Mts. Ga. L c Spring Creek, Ga. L f 9 Standing, Pa. E e Spring Creek, Idaho G e 14 Standish, Me. I) e Spring Creek, Tex. I d 10 Standish, Mich. N f Springdale, Miss F c 9 Standish, Mt. Queensland F d Springdale, Ohio H d 7 St Andre, Quebec I c Springfield, Ark. C b" 9 St Andre Cape. Madagascar I f Springfield, Ga. 0 e 9 St Andrew, Guernsey D ir Springfield, Ind. F b 7 St Andrew I. Caribbean Sea G e Springfield, Ky. G f 7 St Andrews, FI. K g Springfield, La. E g 9 St Andrews, New Brunswick IC d Springfield, Mass. B f 5 St Andrew’s Bay, Fla. K g Springfield, Me. F e ft St Andrews Lay, Fife F d Springfield, Mo. N 1> 12 St Andrews burgh, Fife F d Springfield, New Brunswick L d 4 St Andrew’s I. Fla. K h Springfield, N. H. B e ft St Andrew’s Point, Fla. K h Springfield, Ohio I d 7 St Andrew’s Sount , Fla. K g Springfield, Pa. A e 6 St Andrew’s Sound, Ga. O g Springfield, Tenn. I a 9 Stanford, Ky. H f Springfield, Tex. II d 10 Stanford, Mo. O p Springfield, Va. F d 8 Stangrik, Throndhjem E e Springfield, Vt. B e 5 Stanhope, Durham E li .Springfield, W. Va. G b 8 Stanhope, Prince Edward 1. M c Springfield, Cap. of State, 111. C d 7 Stanislas, co. Cal. C g Springfield Coal Pits, Va. H d 8 Stanislas R. Cal. C g Spring Garden, 111. D e 7 Stainislawow, Galicia I b Spring Garden, N. C. II g 8 Stanley, New Brunswick K c Spring Garden, Va. F e 8 Stanley, Otago B <>■ Spring Green, Wis. G f 11 Stanley, Perth E d Spring Grove, 1 Ga. L e 9 Stanley, S. Australia F f Spring Hill, Ala. II e 9 Stanley, co. N. C. E f Spring Hill, Ark, B d 9 Stanley Harbor, Falkland Is. E h Springhill, Fla. K n 8 Stanley or Spring Lake, Mich. L f ii Barrier Range, New S. Wales O f Spring Place, Ga. L c 9 Stannardsville, Va. G c Spring River, Ark. D a 9 St Ann Bay, Quebec K b Spring River, Mo. N P 12 St Anne, 111. E b Springtown, Pa. F c 6 St Anne, Alderney D g Springvale, Iowa M k 12 St Anne, Quebec G c Springvale, Me. D e 5 St Anne, Quebec G d Springvale, Wis. F f ii St Anne, Quebec I c Spring Valley, Colo. D g 13 St Anne Mt. W. Australia B f Spring Valley, Minn. E f ii St Anne Mts. Quebec K b Spring Valley, Ohio I d 7 St Ann, R. Quebec K b Springville, Ala. I d 9 St Ann’s, Tamaica II d Springville, N. Y. C d 6 St Ann’s B. Cape Breton I. N c Springville, S. C. F D 8 St Ann’s Cove, Anticosti M b Springville, Utah H e 14 Stanovoi Range, Siberia Q b Sprottau, Silesia H c 22 Stansbury 1. Utah G e Spruce, R. Dom. of Canada F a 13 Stansbury Rapids, Tex. F e Spurness Sound, Orkney Islands F a 19 St Anselme, Quebec II c Spurn Head, York G c 18 Stans Foreland or Spuvten Duyvil, Env. of N. Y. C a 6 Witches I. Spitzbergen V a Squara Beach, N. J. G f 6 St Ansgar, Iowa O i Squam L. N. H. C e 5 Stanstead, Quebec H d Squan, N. J. G f 6 Stanstead, co. Quebec G d Squantum, Env. of Boston F h ft St Anthony, now united to Square Hills, Dak. F c 13 Minneapolis, Minn. D e Square L. Me. F a 5 St Anthony's Harb. Newfoundland Q a Squaw Mt. Me. E c 5 Stanton, 111. C a Squawpan, L. Me. F b 5 Stanton, Ky. I f Squawscot, R. N. H. C f 5 Stanton, Mich M f Squillace, Calabria G e 26 Stanton, Tenn. NF b Squillaee, G. of. Calabria G e 26 Stanton, co. Nebr. II f Srebernik, Bosnia II d 26 Stantonsburg, N. C. H f Srinagar (Cashmere), Cashmere D a 31 Stanz, or Stanzstadt, Switzerland I c Staaten, R. Queensland G c 34 Stapleton, N. Y. G f St Abb’s Head, Berwick F e 19 Staraia Russa, Novgorod G d Stack I. butlierland D a 19 Stara Planina, Balkan Mts. K c Stack Mountains, Kerry B d 20 Star City, Ind. F b Stacyville, N. C. F e 8 Star City, Nev. D e Star City, Nev. E e 14 St Clair, R. Mich. P g 11 Stardi, Cape, Gerona O b 27 St Clairs; ille, Ohio ft! c 7 Stargard, Pomerania H b 22 St Clairsville, Pa. C f 6 Stargardt, W. Prussia K b 22 St Claude, J lira G c 21 Stari Maidan, Bosnia G b 26 St Clears, Carmarthen B e 18 Staritza, Tver G d 24 St Cloud, Miuu. C d 11 Stark, 111. C b 7 St Cloud, Seine-et Oise B e 21 Stark, N. H. C d 5 St Cloud, Wis. I f 11 Stark, co. Ohio L c 7 St Croix, Me. G c 5 Starke, Fla. N h 9 St Croix, cc. Wis. £ e 11 Starke, co. Ind. F b 7 St C roix Falls, Wis. E d 11 Starks, Me. E d 5 St Croix L. Me. F b ft Stark ville. Ga. L f 9 8t Croix L. Wis. and Minn. E e 11 Starkville, Miss. G d 9 St Croix R. Me. G c ft Stal'd lielsk. Karkov H f 24 St Croix R. Wis. E d 11 Starodub, Tchemigov G e 24 St Cyprian’s Bay, Sahara C b 33 Starokonstnntinev, Volhynia F f 24 St Davids, Pembroke A e 18 Staro Tcherkask, Don Cossacks I f 24 St David’s Head, Pembroke A e 18 Star Place, Miss. E c 9 St Denis, Bourbon 1. K g 33 Starr, co. Tex. G f 10 St Denis, Seine F b 21 Start Bay, Devon C f 18 St Denis I. Seychelle Is. K e 33 Start Point, Devon C f 18 St Die, Vosges H b 21 St.aryi Oskal, Kursk H e 24 St Dizier, Haute Marne G b 21 St Asaph, bor. Flint C c 18 St Dogniels, Pembroke B d 18 State Center, Iowa N k 12 St Donat’s, Glamorgan C e 18 State Line, 111. E c 7 St Doolagbs, Dublin E c 20 State Line, Mass. A f 5 Steaniport, Ky. E f 7 State Line, Minn. D f 11 Ste Aline des Monts, Quebec K b 4 State Line, N. Y. H d 6 Stearns, co. Minn. C d 11 State Line, Wis. K g If Ste Claire, Quebec H c 4 State Line Station 111. E a 7 Ste. Croix, Quebec H e 4 State Line Station, N. Y. B d 6 St Edmunds, Bury, Suffolk G d is Staten I. N. Y. G f 6 Steele, co. Minn. D f 11 Staten I. Patagonia D h 16 steele's Grove, Tex. I d 10 Staten I. Tierra del Fuego D h 16 Steelville, Mo. P p 12 Staten Island, or Arthurkill Steep Point, W. Australia A e 34 Sound, Env. of N. Y. A c 6 Steep Rock L. Dom. of Canada F a 11 Statenville, Ga. N g 9 Steere Mt. W. Australia B d 34 Statesboro ugh, Ga. O e 9 Ste Flavie, Quebec I b 4 Stat sville. N. C. E f 8 Stege, Denmark G i 23 Statesville, Tenn. 1 a 9 Stegen, Tromso H c 23 St Aubin, Jersey D g 18 Ste Genevieve, Mo. Q p 12 St Aubin Bav, Jersey D g 16 Ste Genevieve, co. Mo. Q p 12 St Aubin du Cormier, Steier, or Steyr, Upper Austria D b 25 Ille-et-Vilaine D b 21 Steiger Wald, Bavaria F d 22 Sta u fen, Bavaria E e 22 Steilacoom, Wash. B b 14 St Augustin B. Madagascar I g 3b Steinaeh, Tyrol B e 25 St Augustine, Fla. O h 9 Stein am anger, Hungary E c 25 Staunton, 111. C d 7 Steinbrueken, Styria D c 25 Staunton, Mo. P o lx Steinliatcliee, R. Fla. M h 9 Staunton, Va. F c t Steinliuder See, Hanover E b 22 Staunton R. Va. G e 8 Steiukopf, Cape Colony F g 33 St Austell Bay, Cornwall B f 18 Steins, Seine B e 21 St Austell, town. Cornwall B f 18 Ste Irene, Quebec H c 4 Stavanger, Christiansand C g 2b Stekin, or Frances R. Stekin G d 2 Stavanger, stift, Norway C g 2b Stekin, or Staveley, town, Derby E c 18 Steckeen District Brit. America H d 2 St Avoid, Ger. Lorraine D d 22 St Elias, Mt. [Taygctus), - Greece K f 26 Stavoren, Holland C b 2- St Elias Mt., volcano, Stekin F c 2 Stavropol, Samara K e 24 Stellenbosch, Cape Colony F v 33 Stavropol, Stavropol I f 24 Stells Mills, Ark. C « Staytmiville, Del. F h 6 Stelvio Pass, or Stillser Soeh, Alps, D a 26 St Barbe I. Newfoundland Q a 4 St Elzlar, Quebec H c 4 St Barnabe, Quebec G c 4 Ste Marie, Dom. of Canada N c 11 St Bartholomew (Sived.) I. Antilles L d 15 Ste Marie aux Mines (Ger. St Basil, New Brunswick I c ■J Markirch ), Alsace H b 21 St Bees, Cumberland C- b 18 Ste Marie, Cape, Madagascar I g 33 St Bees Head, Cumberland O b 18 Ste Marie de la Beance, Quebec H c 4 St Bernard, par, La. F li c, Ste Marie, I. [French), Madagascar K f 33 St Bernard, Hospice of Great, Ste Marti lie, Quebec G d 4 Switzerland II d 21 Stenay, Meuse G b 21 St Bernard, Hospice of Little, Stenlien, co. N. Y. D d 6 Savoie H d 21 Stenbroliull, Gothland G li 23 St Bernard, Little, Mt. Savoie H d 2i Stendal, prov. Saxony F b 22 St Bernard, Pass of the Great, Stennes, Orkney Islands E b 19 Switzerland H d 21 Stensele, Norrland I d 23 St Bernardino, or Stephens, co. Tex. G c 10 St Bernhardin Pass, Switzerland I c 21 St phenson. III. C a 7 St Boniface, Manitoba II b 13 Stephensport, Ky. F f 7 St Boswells, Roxburgh F e 19 Stephens, Port, New S. Wales I f 34 St Brice, Seine-et-Oise B e 21 Stephensville, Tex. G c 10 St Brides, Pembroke A e 18 Stephentown, N. Y. H d 6 St Bride’s Bay, Pembroke A e 18 Steptoe Valley, Nev. F f 14 St Brieuc, Cotes du Nord C b 21 Stereulia Creek, N. Australia F c 34 St Brieuc, B., or Sterling, Ark. E c 9 Anse de, Cotes du Nord C b 21 Sterling, Conn. C g 5 St Calais, Saitlie E c 21 Sterling, 111. C b 7 St Catherine, Mo. N n 12 Sterling, Nebr. H f 13 St Catherine I. Ga. O f 9 Sterlins, Mont. H c 14 St Catherine’s Sound, Ga. O f 9 Sterlitf.niak, Ufa M e 24 St Catherines, town, Ontario D e 4 Sternberg, Mecklenburg F b 22 St Cecile de Bie, Quebec I b 4 Sternberg, Moravia E b 25 St Cere, Lot E d 21 Sterzing, Tyrol B c 25 St Cezaire, Quebec G d 4 Ste Seholastique, Quebec F d 4 St Charles, Env. of New Orleans D f 10 Ste Severe, Indre E c 21 St Charles, 111. D b 7 St Etienne, Loire G d 21 St Charles, Mich. N f 11 St Etienne (Murray Bay), Quebec H c 4 St Charles, Minn. E f 11 Stettin, Pomerania H b 22 St Charles, Mo. Q 0 12 Stettin, gov. Prussia H b 22 St Charles B. Tex. Ii e 10 Stettin, Neu, Pomerania I b 22 St Charles, co. Mo. Q 0 lx Steuben, Me. G d 5 St Charles Court House, La. E h 9 Steuben, Ohio K b 7 St Charles, par. La. E h 9 Steuben, co. Ind. H b 7 St Chanmond, Loire G d 21 Steubenville, Ohio M c 7 St Christopher’s or Steubenville, W. Va. E a 8 St Kitt s I. (British), Antilles L d 15 Ste Ursane, Switzerland H c 21 St Clair, 111. B e 7 Stevenage, Hertford F e 18 St Clair, Mich. P g 11 Stevensburg, Ky. F f 7 St Clair, Pa. E f 6 Stevensburg, Va. H c 8 St Clair, co. Ala. 1 d 9 Stevens, co. Dak. H c 13 St Clair, co. Mich. P g 11 Stevens, co. Minn. A d 11 St Clair, co. Mo. N 0 12 Stevens, co. Wash. D a 14 St Clair, L. Mich. P g 11 Stevens Creek, S. C. C b 8 St Clair, L. Tasmania S V 3ft Stevenson, Ala. K c 9 22 22 23 19 22 22 5 4 18 13 8 8 18 35 21 20 18 25 20 23 18 18 21 10 2 2 23 5 5 18 18 18 22 24 4 18 21 5 18 26 11 9 6 5 11 34 4 33 18 15 9 4 9 19 19 9 9 9 9 7 12 23 18 4 14 14 25 4 35 19 34 8 16 34 8 4 7 18 4 4 4 34 4 4 15 4 4 28 14 10 4 1 12 4 4 11 4 7 7 11 9 13 8 21 6 24 26 7 14 GENERAL INDEX. 87 Stevenson Creek, S. Australia F e 34 Stillwater Creek, Ohio L c Stevens Peak, Idaho E b 14 Stilo, Punto di, Calabria G e Stevens Point, Wis. H e 11 Stilton, Huntingdon F cl Stevenston, Ayr D e 19 Stinchar, or Lugar R. Ayr D e Stevensville, Mich, L g 11 St Ingbert, St Inigoes, Stinking R. Palatinate D cl Stewardsborg, Tenn. I b 9 Md. E h Stewart, Cape, N. Australia E b 34 Manitoba H b Stewart, co. Ga. L e 9 Stinking R. Wyom. I c Stewart, co. Tenn. H a 9 Stirling, burgh, Stirling Range, Stirling E d Stewart I. (Rakiura), New Zealand A q 35 W. Australia B f Stewart 1. Patagonia C h 16 Stirlingshire, co. Scotland D d Stewarton, Ayr D e 19 St Ivan, Croatia E d Stewart’s L. Newfoundland Q b 4 St Ives Bay, Cornwall A f Stewnrtstown, N. C. F g 8 St Ives, bor. Cornwall A f Stewartstown, N. H. C d 5 St Ives, town, Huntingdon F d Stewartstown, Pa. E g 6 St James, La. E ft Stewartstown, Tyrone E b 20 St Janies, Mich. M d Stewartsville, Stewiack, Mo. M n 12 St Janies, Minn. C f Nova Scotia M d 4 St James, Mo. P 0 Steyerberg, Hanover E b 22 St James, St Janies, par. Nebr. H e Steyning, Sussex F f 18 La. E g St Fargeau, Yonne F c 21 St Jean tl’Angely, Charente infer. D d St Fergus, Banff G c 19 St Jean de Luz, Basses Pyrenees D e St Fillans, or Portmore, Perth D d 19 St Jean de Maurienne, Savoie H d St Finan’s Bay, Kerry A e 20 St Jean Pied de Port, B. Pyrenees D e St Flavien, Quebec H c 4 St Jean Port goli, Quebec H c St Florent, Corsica I e 21 Stjerno I. Trbmso M a St Florent, Golfo de Corsica I e 21 Stjerno Sound, Tromso M a St Florentin, Yonne F b 21 Stjern Oe, I., Cliristiansand D h St Flour, Cautal F d 21 St Jerome, St Joachim, Quebec Iv b St Francis, Wis. K f 11 Quebec H o St Francis, C. Newfoundland R c 4 St Johann, Hungary E b St Francis, co. Ark. D b 9 St Johannis, Finland P f St Francis L. Ark. E b 9 St John, Iowa I. 1 St Francis, L. Quebec H d 4 St John, Jersey D g St Francis, L. Quebec F d 4 St John, New Brunswick L d St Francis R. Ark. E a 9 St John, or St Jean, Quebec H b St Francis R. Me. E a 5 St John, Cape, Newfoundland Q a St Francis R. Mo. Q q 12 St John Cape, Patagonia D h St Francisville, 111. E e 7 St John, Cape (Ninie), Guinea E d St Francisville, La. D g 9 St John, co. New Brunswick L d St Francisville, Mo. P in 12 St John, district, Newfoundland R c St Francois, Quebec H c 4 St John Harbour, Patagonia D h St Francois, co. Mo. Q p 12 St John I. Newfoundland P a St Franyois du Lac, Quebec G c 4 St John I. Red Sea D e St Froid L. Me. F b 5 St John I. Virgin Is. L d St Gall, cant. Switzld. I c 21 St John, or Chanq-choo I. China K f St Gall (Ger. Sand Gallen ). St John Ivybridge, Devon C f Switzerland I c 21 St John, L. Quebec G b St Gaudens, Haute Garonne E e 21 St John, Mt. Cal. B f St Genis, Charente inferieure D d 21 St John, Mt. Quebec L a St George, Me. E e 5 St John R. Me. E b St George, Quebec H c 4 St John, R. New Brunswick K d St George, Utah G g 14 St John, R. Quebec M a St George, W. Va. F b 8 St John’s, Antigua I. L d St George, B. Newfoundland O b 4 St John’s, III. C e St George, C. Newfoundland O b 4 St Johns, Mich. N f St George, C. Nova Scotia N d 4 St Johns, Minn. B d St George, C. St George, G. Selanik L d 26 St Johns, N. C. H e Patagonia D g 16 St Johnsbury, Vt. 3 d St George I. California A a 15 St John’s, Cap. of Newfoundland R c St George I. Mexico D d 3 St John’s Chapel, Durham D b St George, R. Me. E d 5 St John’s, co. Fla. O h St George, R. Newfoundland O b 4 St John’s, eo. Quebec G d St George’s Bay, Nova Scotia N d 4 St John’s Point, Donegal C b St George’s Bay, Syria C c 30 St John's Point, Down F b St George’s Channel Irish Sea O o 18 St John’s R. Fla. L m St George’s I. Fla. L h 9 St John’s R. Fla. O g St George’s Is. Me. E e 5 St John’s R. Quebec L b St George L. Ontario B c 4 St J ohnstown, Donegal D b St George’s Mouth (Danube), or St John’s town. Quebec G d Kedriile Boghasi, N b 26 St Johnsville, N. Y. G d St George’s Sound, Fla. L h 9 St John the Baptist, par. La. E g St Germain, Allier F c 21 St Jones Creek, Del. F St Germain-en-Laye, Seine-et-Oise F b 21 St Joseph, Dak. II b St Germans, Cornwall B f 18 St Joseph, Fla. K h St Gilles, Vendee D c 21 St Joseph, La. D f St Girons, Ariege E e 21 St Joseph, Mich. L g St Gobian, Aisne F b 21 St J oseph, Mo. M n St Gotthard Pass, Switzerland I c 21 St Joseph, Nev. F g St Gowau’s Head, Pembroke B e 18 St Joseph, Quebec II c St Gregoire, Quebec G c 4 St Joseph B. Fla. K h St Helen, Mich. N c 11 St Joseph, co. Ilia. F b St Helena, S. C. E i 8 St Joseph, co. Mich. M h St Helena (Bi itish), St Helena Bay, I. Atlantic Oc. D f 33 Cape Colony F h 33 St Joseph de la Point Levis, Quebec H St Joseph I. c St Helena I. Mich. N d 11 Lake Huron, Dom. of Canada N c St Helena I. S. C. E i 8 St Joseph I. L. Huron B c St Helena Mt. Cal. B f 14 St Joseph I. Tex. H e St Helena, par. La. E g 9 St Joseph, L. Brit. America L cl St Helena Ft. Ecuador B c 16 St Joseph Point, Fla. K h St Helena Sound, S. C. E "i 8 St Joseph R. Idaho E b St Helen’s, St Helen's Mt. Oreg. B c 14 St Joseph R, St Joseph’s Bay, Mich. M k Wash. B b 14 Fla. K n St Helen’s Point, Tasmania T u 35 St Joseph’s Key, Fla. K n St Helens, town. Lancashire D e 18 St Joseph Springs, Utah G g St Helier, town. Jersey D g 18 St Joseph’s R. Ohio & Ind. II b St Hilaire, Quebec G d 4 St Juan I. Brit. America H c St Hippolyte, Doubs H c 21 St Julien, Haute Savoie H c St Hubert. Belgium C c 22 St Just, Cornwall A 1 St Hyacinthe, co. Quebec G d 4 St Keverne, Cornwall A f St Hyacinthe, town, Qnebec G d 4 St Kilda, Victoria H g St Ignace, I. Lake Superior Dom. of Canada I all St Kilda I. St Kitt's, or Scotland O 0 St Ignace Pt. Mich. N d 11 St Christopher’s I. Antilles L d St Ignacio R. Mexico A a 15 St Landry, par. La. C g St Ignatius, Mont. F b 14 St Lawrence, co. N. Y. F b Stiles, Wis. I e 11 St Laurens B. Nova Zembla L a Stilfser Joch, or Steh io Pass, Alps D a 26 St Lawrence, N. C. F f Stiligamish, Wash. C a 14 St Lawrence Bay, Cape Breton I. N c Stillwater, Minn. E d 11 St Lawrence, C. Cape Breton I. N c Stillwater, Nev. D f 14 St Lawrence, Gulf of Canada N b Stillwater, N. Y. H g 6 St Lawrence Barb. Newfoundland Q c St Lau’rence I. Alaska D c 2 Stode, Norrland I e 23 St Lawrence, R. Canada I b 4 Stoke, Bishop, Hants E f 13 St Ledger, Mo. O q 12 Stoke-on-Trent, bor. Stafford D c 18 St Leonard's, New Brunswick K c 4 Stoke, or Wissey, R. Norfolk G d 18 St Leona rds-on-Sea, Sussex G f 18 Stokes Bay, Chili C b 16 St Leonhard, Haute Vienne E d 21 Stokes Bay, N. W. Australia C c 34 St Leu le Plessis, Seine-et-Oise B e 21 Stokes, co. Stokesley, Stokes Mound, N. C. E e 8 St Lo, Man che D b 21 York E b 18 St Louis, Haiti I d 15 Mo. N n 12 St Louis, Ind. G d 7 Stokes, Mt. Andes of Patagonia C h 16 St Louis, Mich. N f 11 Stokes, Mt. Canterbury B e 35 St Louis, Mo. Q o 12 Stokes Ranges, Queensland G e 34 St Louis, (French) Senegambia C c 33 Stolatz, Bosnia G c 26 St Louis B. Miss. F g 9 Stolberg, prov. Saxony F c 22 St Louis, co. Minn. E b 11 Stol, Mt. Servia K b 26 St Louis, co. Mo. Q o 12 Stolpe, Pomerania I a 22 St Louis R. Minn. E c 11 Stolpe, R. Pomerania I a 22 St Luce, Quebec I b 4 Stolpmunde, Pomerania 1 a 22 St Lucia Bay ( British), Sulu Land H g 33 St Oilier, Ind. G d 7 St Lucia I. (British), Antilles L e 15 St Oilier, Pas de Calais F a 21 St Lucia, L. Sulu Land H g 33 Stone, co. Mo. N q 12 St Lucie, Fla. M o 8 Stonefort, 111. D f 7 St Magnus Bay, Shetland Islands A b 19 Stonehall, Limerick C d 20 St Malo, llle-et-Vilaiue C b 21 Stoneham, Env. of Boston E f 5 St Maude, Seine B e 21 Stonehaven, town, Kincardine F d 19 St Manza, G. de, Corsica I f 21 Stonehenge, Wilts E e 13 St Marcellin, Isere G d 21 Stonehouse, Nev. E e 14 St Marcouf, I. Manche D b 21 Stoneliouse, town. Lanark D e 19 St Margaret B. Quebec K a 4 Stone Mountain, Ga. L d 9 St Margaret Pt. Quebec K b 4 Stone Mt. Pa. D f 6 St Margaret R. Quebec K a 4 Stone Mt. Va. C e 8 St Marie, 111. D e 7 Stone Mts. N. C. D e 8 St Mark’s, Fla. L g 9 Stone Mts. Tenn. O a 9 St Mark’s R. Fla. L g 9 Stones, R. Tenn. I a 9 St Martin, Isle de Re D c 21 Stone, town, Stafford D d 18 St Martin, Jersey D g 18 Stoney Creek, Cal. B f 14 St Martin ( N . French and S. Stone y Desert, S. Australia F e 34 Dutch), Antilles L d 15 Stoney Gap, Cumberland Mts. Ky. K f 7 St Martin, par. La. D g 9 Stoney Gap, Va. C d 8 St Martin’s, Mil. F h 6 Stoney kirk, Wigtown D f 19 St Martin’s I. Mich. L d 11 Stonington, Conn. C g » St Martin’s L. Dom. of Canada G a 13 Stonington, 111. C d 7 St Martin Spring, Tex. D d 10 Stono Inlet, S. C. E i 8 St Martinsville, La. D g 9 Stono River, Env. of Charleston B k 8 St Mary, Jersey D g 18 Stony Creek, Mich. O g 11 St Mary, Newfoundland R c 4 Stony Creek, N. Y. H c 6 St Mary, Mo. R p 12 Stony Creek, Va. H e 8 St Mary, W. Va. D b 8 Stonyford, R. Meath E c 20 St Mary B. Newfoundland R c 4 Stony I. (Lake Ontario), N. Y. E c 6 St Mary, C. Newfoundland Q c 4 Stony Point, N. Y. E c 6 St Mary Is. Quebec O a 4 Stor Afvan, L. Norrland K d 23 St Mary, par. St Mary’s, La. D Ga. O h 9 g 9 Stor, L. Stora Lulea L., or Hamar F f 23 St Mary’s, St Mary’s, St, Mary's, Kans. I g 13 Lulea Jaur, Norrland K c 23 Ky. G f 7 Stordalen, Throndhjem F ;. Tromso G e 23 Md. E h 6 Store Bbrge Field, M d 23 St Mary’s, Ohio H c 7 Store Herje An, Norrland G f 23 St Mary’s, Ontario C e 4 Storen, Throndhjem F e 23 St Mary’s, Pa. C e 6 Store Vigel Field, Mt Norrland G e 23 St Mary’s, Wyom. C f 13 Storey, co. Nev. D f 14 St Mary’s B. Nova Scotia K d 4 Stor Fond, Mt. Cliristiansand D g 23 St Mary’s co. St Mary’s District, Md. E h 6 Storforsen, Falls on the R. Newfoundland R c 4 Pitea-Elf, Norrland L d 23 St Mary’s R. Dom. of Canada N c 11 Stor J uekten, L. Norrland I d 23 St Mary’s R. Fla. O g 9 Storm Bay, Tasmania S v 35 St Mary's, R. St Mary’s R. Nova Scotia N d 4 Storm Berg, Mt, Cape Colony G h 33 Ohio H c 7 Storm Lake, Iowa L k 12 St Mary’s Station, Wyom. I d 14 Stormont, Nova Scotia N d 4 St Mary’s Valley, Mont. F b 14 Stormont, co. Ontario F d 4 St Matthieu, Pomte, Finistere B b 21 Stormont dist. Perth E d 19 St Matthiew I. Brit, Burmah I f 31 Stornoway Harb. Lewis B b 19 St Maur, Seine B e 21 Stornoway, town, Lewis B b 19 St Maurice (Champlain Co.) Quebec G e 4 Stor Oe, I , Bergen C g 23 St Maurice, Quebec G c 4 Storr Pock, Skye B c 19 St Maurice, Switzerland H c 21 Storsa L., or Storsjon Norrland H e 23 St Maurice, co. Quebec G c 4 Store j 6, Norrland G e 23 St Maurice, R. Quebec G b 4 Stortford, Bishop, Hertford G e 13 St Mawes, Cornwall A f 18 Stor Uman, L., Norrland I d 23 St Menehould, Marne G b 21 Storvolden, Tromso H c 23 St Michael, Salzburg C c 25 Story, co. Iowa N k 12 St Michael, gov. Finland F c 24 St Ouen, Seine B e 21 St Michael’s, Md. E h 6 St Ouen Bay, Jersey D g 18 St Michel, Finland F c 24 St Ouen i’Aumoue, Seine-et-Oise B e 21 St Michel, Quebec H c 4 Stoughton, Mass. C f 5 St Michel, Quebec L b 4 Stoughton, Wis. II g 11 St Michel, Mont, Manche D b 21 Stourbridge, town, Worcester D d 18 St Mullins, Carlow E d 20 Stourport, Worcester D d 18 St Nazaire, Loire inferieure C c 21 Stour, R. Dorset D f 18 St Neots, town, Huntingdon F d 18 Stour, R, Kent H e 18 St Nicholas Harb. Quebec K b 4 Stour, R. Suffolk and Essex H e 18 St Nicolas, Belgium C c 22 Stouts, Ala. I d 9 St Ninians, Stirling E d 19 Stoutsville, Ohio K d 7 Stobinnain, Mt. Perth D d 19 Stoutville, Mo. O P 12 Stocklnidge, Mass. A f 5 Stover, Ark. C .1 9 Stockbridge, Mich. N g 11 Stow, Edinburgh F e 19 Stockbridge, Wis. I e 11 Stow, Me. D d 5 Stoekerau, Lower Austria E b 25 Stowe, Vt. B d 5 Stockheim, Bavaria F c 22 Stow Market, town, Suffolk G d 18 Stockholm, N. Y. G b 6 Stow-on- the- Wold, Glo'ster E e 18 Stockholm, Cap. of Sweden K g 23 St Paris, Ohio I c 7 Stockholm, teen, Sweden K g 23 St Patrick, Ga. M f 9 Stockport, bor. Cheshire D c 18 St Patrick’s Head, Tasmania T u 35 Stockton, Ala. H g 9 St Paul, Ark. B b 9 Stockton, Cal. C g 14 St Paul, Ind. G d 7 Stockton, Minn. F e 11 St Paul, Mo. O P 12 Stockton, Mo. N p 12 St Paul, Nebr. G f 13 Stockton, Mo. O n 12 St Paul, Cape, Guinea R d 33 Stockton, Wis. E e 11 St Paul, Cap. of State , Minn. D e 11 Stockton, bor. Durham E b 18 St Paul de Loauda, Ango a F e 33 Stockwell, Ind. F c 7 St Paul I. Indian Ocean A m 1 Stockyard, New S. Wales I f 34 St Paul. I. Nova Scotia N c 4 Stoddard, co. Stoddardsville, Mo. R Pa. F q 12 e 6 St Paul's B. St Paul’s Bay, or Quebec H c 4 Stoddart, N. H. B e 5 Baie St Paul, Quebec H c 4 7 26 18 19 22 6 13 14 19 34 19 25 ' 18 • 18 18 9 11 ' 11 12 13 9 21 21 21 21 4 23 23 23 4 4 25 23 12 18 4 4 4 16 33 4 4 If 4 29 15 32 18 4 14 4 5 4 4 15 7 11 11 8 5 4 18 9 4 20 20 8 9 4 20 4 6 9 6 13 9 9 11 12 14 4 9 7 11 4 11 4 10 2 9 14 11 8 8 14 7 2 21 18 18 34 17 15 9 6 24 8 4 4 4 4 8S GENERAL INDEX St Paul’s R. Liberia C d 33 St relit a, Alt, Mecklenburg G b 22 St Vrain, Colo. b f 13 Sullivan, IIL D .1 / St Peter, Ark. B b 9 Strelitz, Neu, Mecklenburg G b 22 St Vrain Creek, Colo. D f 1-3 Sullivan, Ind. E •1 7 St Peter, Minn. C e 11 St iv Ik a. Ust, Siberia O c z8 St V rain's Fork, Wyom. C f 13 Sullivan, 51 1 P o 12 St Peter, L. Quell c G c 4 Streliey R. W. Australia B d 34 St Yrain’.s Pass, Wyom. C f 13 Sullivan, co. Ind. E d 7 St Peters, Cape Breton 1. N d 4 Streilo, Dalmatia D e 25 St Welibel, Rhenish Prov. D d 2z Sullivan, co. Mo. N m 12 St Peter's B. Cape Breton 1. N d 4 Strel, R. Transylvania H d, 25 Styria, Duchy, Austria D c 'z5 Sullivan, co. N. II. B e 5 St Petersburg, Baltic Provinces G d 24 St lteniy, Bouclies du Rhone G e 21 St Yrieix, Haute Vienne E <1 21 Sullivan, co. N. Y. G e 6 St Petersburg, gov. Russia G d 24 Strengu.is, Sweden I g 23 Styr R. W. Russia F e 24 Sullivan, co. Pa. E e 6 St Peter’s. Creek, Dak. H d 13 Stretiuye Gebirge Suakin, Nubia D f u9 Sullivan, co. Tenn. N a 9 St Peter’s or Minnesota R. Minn. B e 11 Military Frontier H d 25 Suakiu prov. Nubia D f 2j Sullivan I. Brit. Bumiah I e 31 St P.err'i, Guernsey D g 18 Stretton, Church, Salop I) d 18 Suapure, Rio, Venezuela K f 15 Sullivans I. Env. of Charleston C k 8 St P>u;e, Martinique 1. L e 15 Striehen, Aberdeen F c 19 Simta, Venezuela K 1 15 Sulphur Fork, Tex. I c 10 St Pierre I. (to France), Striegau, Silesia 1 c 22 Subiiiyeh, Palestine E f 30 Sulphur Fork, Red R. Ark. A d 9 Newfoundland P c 4 Strikersville, N. Y. G d 6 Subiaco, Roman Ter. E (l 26 Sulphur Rock, Ark. D b 9 St Pol, Pas de Calais F a 21 Strivali, Stamphane, or Sublett, Mo. O Ml 12 Sulphur Spring, La. C i 9 St Pol tie Leon, Finistere B b 21 Strofadhia, Is. Greece I f 26 Sublette, 111. C b 7 Sulphur Spring, 5Io. Q o 12 St Pol ten, Lower Austria D b 25 St Bocli, Quebee H c 4 Suhstov, Tver G (1 24 Sulphur Springs, 111. D f 7 St Poiits, llerault F e 21 Strofadhia, Stamphauia, or Subzawar, Persia H b 2.4 Sulphur Springs, N. C. C f 8 St Quentin, Aisne F b 21 Strivali, Is. Greece I f 26 Subzawur, ( Afghanistan B a 31 Sulphur Springs, Tenn. L b 9 St Quentin, Cape, Lower California A a 15 Strogonof Bay, Yesso Q b 32 Subzulcote, Scinde D 1) 31 Sulphur Springs, Tex. E c 10 St Quentin, Port, Lower California A a 15 Strokes town, Roscommon C c 2.) Sucaruoocliee, Miss G e 9 Sulphur Springs Tex I c 10 Strabane, Tyrone D b 20 Strom, Norrland H e z3 Succulh, Palestine G 1 3o Sulphur Springs Creek, Wyom. I e 14 Straeiez Berg, Mt. Bohemia D b 25 Stroma I. Caithness E b 19 Siichil, Yucatan F d 15 Sultanahad, Persia G e 29 Strait bally, Galway 0 c 20 St Roman Bay, Lower California A a 15 Suolinna, R Vologda 1 c 2r Sultanieh, Persia F b 29 Stral bally, Queen’s County D c 20 Stromboli I., andVol. Lipari Is. F e 26 Su chow-loo, Kan-su G c 32 Sultanitza Planina, Selanik K d 26 Strad bully, Waterford D d 20 Strome Ferry, Ross C c 19 Suck, R. Mayo & Roscommon C c 20 Sulu Land, South Alrica H g 33 Strailbroke. Victoria 11 g 34 Stromness, Orkney Isles E b 19 Sucker, R. Mich. L c li Sulz, Alsace D e 22 Stradbroke I. Queensland I e 34 Stioino I. Faroe Isles F c 17 Sueornoches Creel , Ala. G e 9 Siilze, Mecklenburg G a 22 Stradone, Cavan D c 20 Stroms Fiord, South, Greenland P c 2 Sucre, or Cliuquisaca,Cap. of Bolivia D d 16 Sumbawa, or Sandah T ood Is., Strafford, Mo. N p 12 Stromsness, Tromso I b 23 Sucy, Seino-et-Oise C e 2l Malaysia E i 1 Strafford, Vt. B e 5 Strbmstndt. Gothland F g 28 Suczuwa, Bukowinu K c 2 o Sunibulpoor, Central Provs. F c 31 Stratford, co. N. II. C e 5 Stroms Vattudal, L. Norrland II (1 23 Suc.zawa, R. Bukowina K c 2.) Sumburgli Head, Shetland A b 19 Strait of Dover, (Fr. Pas de Calais), II f 18 Strong, Me. D d 5 Smla, Somaii F c i9 Sum eg, Hungary E r 25 Stralsund, Pomerania G a 22 Strong Ri ver. Miss. F e 9 Suda B. Camlia L c* 26 Summerfiekl, N. C. F e 8 Stralsund,' gov. Prussia G a 22 Strongsville, Ohio L b 7 Sudail, Syria E b 80 Siimmerfiehl, Ohio L d 7 St Rambert, Drome G d 21 Stronsa Firth, Orkney Islands F a 19 Srnlak, Taurida G s 24 Summer Hill, Pa. A e 6 Strand, Christiansand D g 23 Stronsa I. Orkney Islands F a 19 Smibut-y, Mass. O r 5 Summerhill, Meath E c 20 Strand, Throndlijem D e 23 St rood, Kent G e 18 Sudbury, bor. Suffolk G (i 18 Summer I. Cromarty C b 29 Strande Fiord, Bergen 0 f 23 Stroud, bor. Gloucester D e 18 Sudeten Gebirge, Silesia I c 2z Slimmer I. Mich. L d 11 Strangford, Down F b 20 Stroudsburg, Pa. F f 6 Slid. sluv. Kostrom I (l 24 Summer L. Oreg. C d 14 Strangford Lough (sea-arm), Down F b 20 Strowan* Perth E d 19 Sudiya, Assam I b 31 Summers, co. Va E d 8 Strangways Creek, N. Australia E c 31 Struern, Denmark E h 23 Sudjii, Mongolia K c 32 Summerville, Ga. K c 9 Straugways Range, Cent. Australia E d 31 Struga, Koumelia I d 26 Sudsah, Kursk H e 24 Summerville, S. C. E h 8 Stranocum, Antrim E a 20 Struma, or Kavasu, R. Seiauik K d 26 Sueca, Valencia K e -7 Summerville, W. Va. E c 8 Stranoodan, Monaghan E b 20 Strumble Head, Pembroke A d 18 Suedira, es, Hejaz E (1 29 Summit, Ala. G g 9 Stranorlar, Donegal D b 20 Strumitza, Selanik Iv d 26 Sueh, It. Upper Ni e b h 29 Summit, 111. E b 7 Stranraer, burgh. Wigtown C f 19 Stry, Galicia H b 25 Suen-wha-foo, Pe-chi-li L 1) 32 Summit, 5Iont. G c 14 Strasbourg, or Strassburg, Alsace D d 22 Stryker, Ohio H b 7 Suez, Suez Canal U h 83 Summit, Pa. E f 6 Straslmrg, Ohio L c 7 Strypa, R. Galicia 1 b 25 Suez Canal, Alrica C g 83 Summit, Utah G g 14 Strasburg, Pa. E g 6 Stry R. Galicia H a 25 Suez Gulf, Red Sea C d 29 Summit, Utah H f 14 Strasburg, Va. G c 8 Strzelecki or Coop er Cr. Sufah, Wady, Syria C c 30 Summit, co. Colo. C f 13 Strass, Styria D c 25 S. Australia G e 34 Sul'eid Kuh( WhiteMt .), Afghanistan D a 3i Summit, co. Ohio L b 7 Strassburg, W. Prussia K b 22 St Servan, Ille et-Vilaine D b 21 Sufey, Wady es, Palestine B 1. 30 Summit, co. Utah ter. 11 e 14 Strut ford, N. H. 0 d 5 St Sever, Landes D e 21 Sufferns, N. Y. G e 6 Sumner, Kaus. II li 13 Stratford, Wicklow E c 20 St Simon’s I. Ga. O f 9 Suttield, Con. i. B i' 5 Sumner, 51 e. D d 5 Stratford-on-Avon, bor. Warwick E d 18 St Simon’s Sound, Ga. O f 9 Suffolk, Va. 1 e 8 Sunnier, Mich. N f 11 Stratford, Stony, town, Burks F d 18 St Stephen, New Brunswick K d 4 Suffolk, co. England H (1 lo Sumner, co. Ivans. H li 13 Stratford, town, Ontario C e 4 St Stephens, Ala. G f 9 Suffolk, co. M ass. F n 5 Sumner, co. Nebr. G e 13 Strath, a prefix of numerous names St Stephens, S. C. F h 8 Sul'rera, Point, Gtrona O C 27 Sumner, co. Tenn. I a 9 in Scotland, — generally applied St Stevens, Mont. G b 14 Sul'sar, Wady, Palestine G h 30 Sumner, L. Canterbury D e 35 to long and wide valleys. St Sylvestre, Quebec H e 4 Sugamoza, ltio, Columbia I f 15 Sumpter, Tex. I d 10 Strath Atfrick, Inverness D c 19 St Tammany, Va. G e 8 Suga R. S. Africa G g 33 Sumter, Ga. L f 9 Strathavon, town, Lanark D e 19 St, Tammany, par. La. E g 9 Sugar Creek, Ark. A a 9 Sumter, co. Ala. G e 9 .Strathbeg Bay, Aberdeen G c 19 St Thomas, Nev. F g 14 Sugar Creek, 111. G e 7 Sumter, co. Fla. K n 8 Strathblane, Stirling D e 19 St Thomas, Ontario C e 4 Sugar Creek, Ohio 1 d 7 Sumter, co. Fla. N i 9 iStr.ithbogie District , Aberdeen F c 19 St Thomas, Pa. D g 6 Sugar Creek, Ohio L c 7 Sumter, co. Ga. L e 9 .Strath Bran, Riss D c 19 St Thomas (/. Sao Thome), Guinea E d 33 Sugar Creek or Rock R. hid. E d 7 Sumter, co. S. C. E g 8 Strath Brora, Sutherland D b 19 St Thomas 1. Virgin Is. L d 15 Sugar 1. Mich. N c 11 Sumterville, Ala. G e 9 Strath Carnach, Sutherland D c 19 St Thomas Town, Quebec H c 4 Sugarloaf Is. Taranaki D c 35 Suniterville, Fla. K n 8 Strath Carron, Ross D c 19 St Troud, Belgium C c 22 Sugar Loaf, Mt. Cork B 20 Sumt.rviile, S. C. E h 8 .Strath Conan, Ross D c 19 St Tropez, Var H e 21 Sugar Loaf, Mt. Wicklow E C 20 Smut, Wady es (Valley of Flak), ■Strath Dearn, Inverness D c 19 St Tudwells Is. Carnarvon B d IS Sugar Loaf Point, New S. Wales I f 34 Palestine A g 30 Strath Dearn District, Inverness D c 19 Stuake, Cork C e 20 Sugar Loaf Range, N. Australia D b 34 Sumy, or Soumy, Kharkov G e 24 Strath Earn, Perth E d 19 Stuart, Iowa M 1 12 Sugar R. N. H. B e i, Sunn pee, N. II. B e 5 Strat.hearn, dist. Perth E d 19 Stuart Land, in central Australia E u 31 Sugar R. Wis. 1J g 11 Sunapee L. N. H. B e 5 Strath Garve, Ross D c 19 Stuart Mt. Wash. C b 14 Sugar-Tree Ridge. Ohio 1 3 7 Sunart District, Argyle C d 19 ■Strath Glass, Inverness D c 19 Stuart R. Brit. Columbia II d 2 Sugatag, Hungary H c 2J> Snnbiivy, Ga. O f 8 Strath Halladale, Sutherland E b 19 Stuart Range, S. Australia E e 34 Suggs ville, Ala. H f 9 Sunbury, Ohio K c 9 ■Strathmiglo, Fife E d 19 St Ubes, or Setubal, Estremadura B f 27 Suggur (S agar), Nizam’s Domin. E d 31 Suiibiirv, Pa. E f 6 .Strath More, Caithness E b 19 St Ub s, or Setubal B. Estremadura B f 27 Suglira, Hadramaut E O' 29 Sunbury. co. New Brunswick K d 4 Straili More, Perth and Forfar E d 19 Stuhlweissenburg, Hungary F c 25 Sulil. Prov. Saxony F C 22 Sun cook, R. N. 11. C e 5 Strath Nairn, Inverness D c. 19 Stump Inlet, N. C. H g 8 Sui-chow-foo, Kiang-si Iv e 32 Sumla, Throndlijem E e 23 Strath-na-Shealg, Sutherland D b 19 Stump Sound, N. C. II g s Suidsu, Japan P c 32 Sumhi, or Soonda, Bombay Pres. D e Cl Strath Naver, Sutherland D b 19 Stumpy Point Bay, N. C. K f 8 Suigaum, or Sooeegaum, Guierat D c 31 Sunda Is. comprise the principal Strath Peffer, Cromarty D c 19 Sturgeon, Mo. O n 12 Suilveu Mt. Sutherland G b 19 isles of Malaysia, viz., Borneo, Strath Shinary, Sutherland C b 19 Sturgeon Bay, Wis. IC e 11 Suiobury, Siam K d 31 Celebes, Sumatra, Java, Timor, Strath Skinsdale, Sutherland D b 19 Sturgeon L. Canada H a 4 Suira, or Mogador, Marocco C a 33 Ac. Strath Spey, Inverness and Elgin E c 19 Sturgeon L. Dom. of Canada F a 11 Suir. R. Tipperary to Waterford D a 20 Sundella, Glide F b 31 Strath Terry, Sutherland D b 19 Sturgeon L. Ontario D d 4 Suisnn City, Cal. B f 14 Sumlerbunds, dist. Bengal G c 31 Stralhy Point, Sutherland D b 19 Sturgeon R. Mich. I c 11 Sui-tui, or Qo-poo-cliow, Shen-se K c 32 Sunderland, bor. Durham E b IS itrathy R. Sutherland D b 19 Sturgeon R. Mich. L c 11 Sui-yau-chiug, Shing-king M b 32 Sunderland ville. Mil. E h 6 itrati I. Archipelago L e 26 Sturgeon R. Ontario C c 4 Sujuabad, Punjab D b 31 Sundown, N. Y. G e 6 Stratten I. Me. D e 5 Sturgis, Mich. M h 11 Sukadana, Borneo N i 28 Sundsvall, Norrland I e 23 Stratton, Cornwall B f 18 Sturlitz, Bosnia F b 26 Siikajoki, Finland N d 23 Siuifish Creek, Ohio L d 7 Stratton, Long, Norfolk H d 18 Sturminster-Newton, Dorset D f 18 Sukhet, Punjab E a 31 Suuffower, co. bliss. E d 9 Struubing, Bavaria G d 22 Sturt Creek, N. W. Australia D c 34 Sukhinitch, Kaluga H e 24 Sunflower, R. bliss. E d 9 Straustown, . Pa. E f 6 Sturt Plain, N. Australia E c 34 Sukhum Kale, Ivutais I g 24 Sungari, R. Manchuria N a 32 Strawberry, Iowa P k 12 Sturt Mt. S. Australia F f 34 Sukkur, Scinde C b 31 Sung kiang-foo. Kiang-su M d 32 Straw berry Creek, Ark. D a 9 Stuttgart, Cap. of Wurtemberg E d 22 Sukova, R. Danube K c 26 Sungomero, Cent. Africa H e 33 •strawberry Plains, Tenil. M a 9 St Vallery, Seine inferieure E b 21 Sula, Archangel L b 24 Sungova, or Singora, Lower Siam K f 31 Strawberry Valley, Utah H e 14 St Valery-sur-Somme, Somme E a 21 Sulak, R. Caucasia IC g 24 S un gum, Madras Pres. E e 31 Strawton, I nd. F c 7 St Veit, Cariuthia D c 25 Sulau, Silesia I c 22 Sunkeseylon. orSalanga 1. Lr. Siam I f 31 St Raymond, Quebec II c 4 St Veran, Hautes Alps II d 21 Sule I. Sutherland D a 19 Sunniyeh, Wady, Palestine A h 30 Streaky Bay, S. Australia E f 34 St Vincent, Minu. A a 11 Suleimeniyeh, Bagdad F b 29 Sun Prairie, Wis. H f 11 Streanistown, Galway A c 20 St Vincent, Ontario C d 4 Suleiin, Wady es, Palestine F cr : 0 Sunrise, Minn. E d 11 Streamstown, Westmeath D c 20 St Vincent, R. Ontario C d 4 Salem Voe, Shetland Islands A b 19 Sun River, Mont. G b 14 ■ Streanistown Bay, Galway A c 20 St Vincent, Cape, Algarve A g 27 Sulen I., Indre, Bergen C f 23 Sun-y-foo, Quei-chow I e 32 ■ Streator, 111. D b 7 St Vincent, Cape, Madagascar I g 33 Sulen I., Ytre, Bergen C f 23 Suomassalmi, Finland F b 24 Stredals Elf, Christiansand D g 23 St Vincent, Gulf of, S. Australia F g 34 Suliman Mts. Afghanistan C a 31 Supe, Peril C d 16 Streedagh Point, Sligo C b 20 St Vincent I. (British), Antilles L e 15 Sulina Mouth (Danubel, Danube N b 26 Superior, Minn. E c 11 St Regis Creek, Mont. F b 14 St Vincent I. Cape Verd Is. B c 33 Sulitelnm, Mt. Tromso I c 23 Superior, Wis. E c 11 St Regis L. N. Y. G b 6 St Vincent I. Fla. K h 9 Sulkhad ( Salcuh ), Palestine E e 30 Superior, L. Mich, and Canada I b 11 St Regis It. N. Y. G b 6 St Vinceut Sound, Fla. K h 9 Snllane, R. Cork B e 20 Sur ( Tyre), Palestine B d 30 Strehlitz, Grosser Silesia K c 22 St Vitli, Rhenish Prov. D c 22 Sulliaua, Nepal F b 31 Sur, Pt. Argentine Rep. E f 16 GENERAL INDEX. 69 Snrufend (Sarepta) Sura, jell, Surak, Surash, Surat, Surat, Sur Bahil, Surendal, Surenes, Sui-ganiyeh Nahr, R. Surgeres, Surghaya, Surgut, Sudan, Mt. Surinam, R. Palestine B d Yemen E g Beloocliistan A b Tchernigov G e Bombay Pres. D e Queensland IT e Palestine F h Throndhjein E e Seine B e Palestine A f Charente inter. D c Syria D c Siberia I b Transylvanian Alps. H d Guiana E b Surinam, or Guiana, Dutch Colony, S. America E b 16 Surmang, Tibet G d 32 Surprise Valley Lakes, Cal. C e 14 Sur Point, Cal. C g 14 Surrencys, Ga. N f 9 Surrey, co. England F e 18 Surrey Hills, Tasmania R u 35 Sun-op, C. Baltic Provinces N g 23 Surry, Me. F d 5 Surry, co. N. C. E e 8 Surry, co. Va. I d 8 Surry Court House, Va. I d 8 Sursee, Switzerland I c 21 Sural, Mt. Transyl vanian Alps I d 25 Susa, Persia F c 29 Susa, Piedmont B b 26 Susa, Tunis F a 33 Susanville, Cal. C e 14 Susdal, Vladimir I d 24 Sushina, R, Alaska F c 2 Suspiron, El, Mt. Leon D b 27 Susquehannah, Pa. F. e 6 Susquehanuah, co. Pa. F e 6 Susquehannah R. Pa. E g 6 Sussex, New Brunswick L d 4 Sussex, co. England F f 18 Sussex, co. Del. F h 6 Sussex, co. N. J. G e 6 Sussex, co. Va. H e 8 Sussex Court House, Va. H e 8 Sutherlaiidshire, co. Scotland D b 19 Stlej, Ohara, or Lang-jiug, It. Punjab E a 31 Sutter, co. Cal. C f 14 Sutter Creek, Cal. C f 14 Sutton, Mass. C f 5 Sutton, Ontario D d 4 Sutton, Vt. B d 5 Sutton Coldfield, W rwick E d 18 Sutton, Long, Lincoln G d 18 Suttons Bay, Micb. M f 11 Suttouville, W. Va. E c 8 Sutton na. Dalmatia F e 25 Suttor's Station, New S. Wales G f 34 Suvalki, Poland E e 24 Suverne, Minn. A f 11 Suwannee, Fla. M g 9 Suwannee, Ga. L d 9 Suwannee, eo. Fla. M g 9 Suwannee R. Fla. N h 9 Suwanoochee Creek, Ga. N g 9 Suwaret el Iveber, Palestine D d 30 Suwarora, Cent. Africa H e 33 Suwayrkiyah, Hejaz D e 29 Suweideh, Palestine E e 30 Suweik, Oman H e 29 Suwo Nada, or Inland Sea, Japan 0 d 32 Svabenswerk, Norrland H f 23 Svai-tisen, Mt. Tromsb H c 23 Sveaborg, Finland N f 23 Svealand, or Sweden Proper, prov. Sweden H f 23 Svenigoroilka, Kiev. G f 24 Svenljunga, Gothland G h 23 Svenoy Fiord, Norrland L d 23 Sventsyaiiy, Viina F d 24 Sviaga,' R. Simbirsk K e 24 Svir, R. Olonetz G c 24 Svislotch, R. Minsk F e 24 Svceilioitklubben, Cape. Trbinsb 0 a 23 Svorbe Peninsula, Baltic Provinces M g 23 Svornik, Bosnia H b 26 Svostrup, Denmark E h 23 Swabia {Schicaben), Bav.&Wtirtem. E a 22 Swabia and Neubursr, eirc. Bavaria F d 22 Swaffiiam, town, Norfolk G d 18 Swainabhal, Mt. Lewis B b 19 Swain, co. N. C. B f 8 Swain Reefs, Coast of Queensland I d 34 Swains, Minn. E c 11 Swaiusboro, Ga. N e 9 Swakop R, S. Africa F g 33 Swale, R. Kent H e 18 Swale, R. York E b 18 Swamp Creek, Swamp R. Swanuge, Swar. Pay, Swan Bay, Swan City, Swan Creek, Swan I. Swan L. Swanlinhar, Swan Quarter, Swan It. Swan R. Swan R. Idaho G Minn. A Dorset E La. F N. J. G g 6 Minn. C e 11 Mich. O g 11 Tasmania T u 35 Minn. D b 11 Cavan D b 20 N. C. I f 8 Brit. America K d 2 Minn. C d 11 Minn. D b 11 Swan R. W. Australia B f 34 Szent Miklos, Gyeryo, Transylv. I c 25 Tai-ting-foo, Shan-se K b 32 Swansboro, N. C. H g 8 Szent Miklos, TOrok Hungary G c 25 Tai-tsing-foo, Quei-chow I e 32 Swansea, Glamorgan C e 18 Szent .miias, Hungary F d 25 Taiwan, Formosa M f 32 Swansea, Minn. 0 e 11 Szent Udvarhely, Transylvania I c 25 Taiwan or Formosa I China M f 62 Swansea, Tasmania T v 35 Szen d. Hungary E b 25 Taiyeliali, Wady cl, Palestine C e 30 Swansea, bor. Glamorgan C e 18 Szeszup le, R. E. Prussia M a 22 lai-yuen, Cap. of prov. Sban-se K c 32 Swansey, Mass. C g 5 Sziget, Hungary H c zb lajuna, LI. Mad lid G d 27 Swanville, l’a. A d 6 Szigelvar, Hungary E c 25 Tak, E. Turkestan D e 32 Swanzy, N. H. B f 5 Szuagy-Somlyo, Hungary H c 25 Taka, dist. Nubia D f 29 Swartenhuks Peninsula, Greenland P b 2 Szoboszlo, Hungary G c 25 Takagnawi, Soudan G c 33 Swatara, Pa. E f 6 Szohrancz, Hungary H b 25 Takale, d.st. Nubia C g ^ 9 Swatara Creek, Pa. E f 6 Szoilos Gyorok, Hungary E c 25 Takanahe. Japan O d 32 Swatow (Shah-tow-foo), open port. Szoinok, Hungary G c 25 Taker, ' Nubia H c 33 Quaiig-tiing L r 32 Sztanisios, Hungary F d 25 Takasaki, Japan P c 32 Swatragh, Londonderry E b 20 Szwilnik, Hungary G b 25 Takau, Burma li 1 c 31 Sweaborg, Finland F c 24 Takepu, Wellington E d 35 Sweating House R. Mont. G b 14 Taamirah, Wady, Palestine B g 30 Takht-i Sulimnn (“ Throne of Sweden, Me. D d 5 1 aannch (Ta’annuk) Palestine B e 30 Solomon”), Mt. Afghanistan C a 31 Sweden, coil. Europe 23 Taarbcek, Denmark G i 23 Ta Kiang ( Great R.), or Sweden Proper, or Taasiu I. Denmark F i Si Yang-tse, China H e 32 Svealand, prov. Sweden H f 23 Tabab, Hejaz E f z9 Taki huh, Mt. Persia F c 29 Swedesboro, N. J. F g 6 Taban, R. Danube M c 26 Takitimo Mts. Otago B f 35 Sweet Water, Wyom. I d 14 Tabasac, Cal. F i 14 Takti Beikisse, Mt. Persia F b 29 Sweetwater, co. Wyom. B e 13 Tabasco (R. Grijalva), Mexico E d 15 Tak u Forts, Pe-chi-li L c 32 Sweet Water Creek, Cal. E i 14 Tabasco, La Frontera del, Mexico F. d 15 Takuka, Nelson D d 35 Sweetwater Mts. Wyom. B e 13 Tabasco, state. Mexico E d 15 Talahor, R. Hungary 11 b zb Sweetwater R. Wyom. B e 13 Tabntinga, Ecuador C c 16 Tala i ho Mts. Beloocliistan B b 31 Swellendam, Cape Colony G li 33 Tabeniau, Borneo N i 28 Talaneingo, Mexico D d 15 Swendborg, Denmark F i 23 Tal >erg, N. Y. F c 6 Talanta, Greece K e 26 Swica, R. Galicia I b 25 Taberistan, Persia G b 29 Talantu Channel, Greece K e 26 Swift Bank, Indian Ocean L e 33 Tabernacle, S. C. F g » Talasco, Nev. F e 14 Swift, co. Minn. B d 11 Table Lay, Cape Colony F 1. 33 Talavera de la Reina, Toledo F e 27 Swot Creek, N. C. H e 8 Table Cape ( Teaurua), Hawke’s Bay G c 3.. Talbert, Point de. Cotes du Nord C b 21 Swilt Creek, N. C. H f 8 Table Head, Anticosti 1. N b 4 Talbot, co. Ga. L e 9 Swift Island, N. C. E f 8 Table Hill, Wyom. I d 14 Talbot, co. Md. E h 6 Swilt River, N. H. C e 5 '1 able Mt. N. C. C f 8 Talbot I. Fla. O g 9 Swift linn Gap, Va. G c 8 Table Mt. Tex. G d 10 Taibotton, Ga. L e 9 Swilly, Lough, Donegal D a 20 Tabolcza, Hungary E c 25 Talca, Chili C f 16 Swilly, 11. Donegal D b 24 Tabor, Bohemia D b 25 Tales, prov. Chili C f 16 Swindon, town. Wilts E e 18 Tabor, Iowa L m 12 Talcahuano, Chili C f 16 Swine ford,' Mayo C c 20 'labor, Mont, Savoie H d 21 Talchee, Bengal G c 31 Swinemiinde, Pomerania H b 22 Tabor, Mt. (.Jebel Tur), Palestine B e 30 Ta.equah, Cap. of Territory, Swineshead, Lincoln F d 18 Ta homes, Tromso N a 23 Indian Ter. I b 10 Swinning Voe, Shetland Islands A b 19 Tal >oro, or Kazeh, Cent. Africa H e 33 Tale Sab, Bien Ho, or Swinomish, Wash. B a 14 Tab, R. Persia G c 29 Great L. Cambodia K e 31 Sw inton, Berwick F e 19 Tabreez, or Tauris, Persia F b 29 Talgarth, Brecon C e 18 Switzer and, cou. Europe 21 Tabulum, New S. Wales 1 e 34 Tal ha Waha Mts. Abyssinia D g - 9 Switzerland, co. Ind. H e 7 Taeatulpa, Mexico E d 15 Tal aferro, co. 4 a. N d 9 Swoua I. Orkney Islands E b 19 Tacazze or Atbara R. Abyssinia D g 29 Talid, Wady, Palestine E e 30 Swords, Dublin F c 20 Ta Chanta Wakpa or Heart R., Dak. E c 13 Ta-li-foo, Y un-nan H e 32 Sybaris (rains), Calabria G e 26 Tachlideha, Bosnia 11 c 26 Tali Mts. Caucasia lv h 24 Syi-il Head, Kerry A d 20 Tacksmark, Sweden F g ^3 Talisker, Skye li c 19 Sycamore, 111. D a 7 Taona, Peru C d 16 Talking Rock, Ga. L c 9 Sycamore Creek, Cal. B f 14 Tacnall, New S. Wales G f 34 Talladega, Ala. L d 9 Sydenham (Owen Sound), Ontario C d 21 Taconlc Mountains, Mass. A f 5 Talladega, co. Ala. I d 9 Sydenham inlet. Victoria H g 84 Tacr.lt, Fezzan F b 33 Talladega Creek, Ala. I d 9 Sydenham, R. Ontario B e 4 Taeuby, R. Braz.l C c 16 Tallahalla Cre.k, M iss F f 9 Sydero 1. Faroe Is. F c 17 Tacumslin Lough, Wexford E d 20 Tallahassee, Cap. of State, Fla. L g 9 Sydney, Cape Breton I. N c 4 Tacunga, Ecuador C c 16 Tal la aicliee, co. Miss. E d 9 Sydney, Cap. of N. S. Wales I f 34 Tadcaster, town. York E c 18 Tallahatchee R. Miss. E d 9 Sydney, North, Cape Breton 1. N c 4 Tadmor (Palmyra), Syria D c 2a Tailangambadi (Tranquebar), Syene, Wis. H f 11 Tadousac, Quebec I b 4 Madras Pres. F e 31 Sykesville, Md. G d 6 Taeiz, Yemen E g 2a Tallanstown, Louth E c 20 Sykia, Selanik K d 26 Taen Arynsk, Siberia O 6 2b Tallapoosa, co. Ala. K e 9 Sylacanga, Ala. I d 9 J aessin, Takale C g 29 Tallapoosa R. Ala. I e 9 Sylte Fiord, Tromso Q a 23 Tafalla, Navarre I b 27 Tallapossa R., Little, Ga. and Ala. K d 9 Sylt I. Germany E i 23 Tatfe, co. Nebr. G f 13 Tallassee, Ala. li e 9 Sylt I. Schleswig E a 22 Tall, R. Glamcrgan C e 18 Tallioferro, Miss. F c 9 Syltopperne, Mt. Norrland G e 23 '1 afieh, Yemen E g 29 Tallow, Waterford C d 20 Sylvan, Mo. P p 12 Tafileh, Hejaz D c 29 Tallula, 111. C d 7 Sylvauia, Ga. 0 e 9 Tafilet, district, Marucco D a 33 Tal) u la. Miss. E e 9 Sylva, R. Perm. M d 24 Taft, Persia G c 2a Tallulah R. Ga. iM c 9 Synii I. Archipelago M f 26 Taganai Mts, Urals, Perm M d 24 Talmadge, Me. G c 5 Symington, Lanark E e 19 Taganak Kara Kul, Russian Empire I d 28 Talo, Burniah I b 31 Sym m es Creek, Ohio K e 7 Taganet, Sahara D c 33 Ta-lo-tse, or Syndabad, Afghanistan C a 31 Taganrog, Ekaterinoslav H f 24 Pai Hoo (L.), Pe-chi-li K c 32 Svndorsville, Va. F e 8 Taganrog, Gulf, Sea of Azof II f 24 Ta’pehoekeu Creek, Pa. E f 6 Syracusa (Noto) prov. Sicily F f 26 Tagelel, Soudan E c 33 Talsen, Baltic Provinces M h 23 Syracuse, Mo. 0 o 12 Taghmaconnel], Roscommon C c 20 Talsen, ComTand E d 24 Syracuse, N. Y. E c 6 Tagli moil. Wexford E d 20 Tailing, Lower Siam I f 31 Syracuse, Ohio L d 7 Tagil, R. Perm M d 24 Talusa ( Tirrah), Palestine B f 30 Syra I. Greece L f 26 Tagilskoi, Nishni, Perm M d 24 Talyali Hungary G b 25 Syra, or Hermopolis, Greece L f 26 Tagliamento, R. Venetia E a 26 Tama, Iowa O 1 12 Syrian Desert, Syria k Arabia D c 29 Tago, Japan O d 32 Tama, Japan P d 32 Syria, prov." Turkey D c 29 Tagoat, Wexford E d 20 Tama, co. Iowa O k 12 Syrmia, div. Slavonia F d 25 Tagomago I. Balearic Is. M e 27 Tamagamingne, L. Ontario C c 4 Syskoi, Archangel I c 24 Tagouug, Burundi I c 31 Tamalameque, Columbia I f 15 Sysola, R. Vologda L c 24 Tagus (Span. Tajo ; Port. Tejo), Tainames, Salamanca D d 27 Sysolsk, Ust, Vologda L c 24 R. Spain & Portugal I d k B f 27 Tamandua, Brazil F e 16 Sysran, Simbirsk K e 24 Ta-hang Mis. China K c 32 Tamaqua, l'a. F f 6 Sytchevka, Smolensk G d 24 Tahawa, N. Y. II c 6 Tamarac, Minn. A a 11 Szabad Szallas, Hungary F c 25 Taheechepah, Cal. D h 14 Tamareed, Socotra 1. G g 29 Sziikes, Hungary F c 25 Taliia, Egypt C d 2a Tamarite di Litera, Huesca L c 27 Szulonta, Hungary G c 25 Tah 11a, Kerry B e 20 Tamaroa, III. C e 7 Szamos, R. Transyl. k Hungary I c 25 Taliite I. or Otaheite, S. Pacific Oc. D k 1 Tamar R. Tasmania S u 35 Szamos, R., Little, Transylvania IT c 25 Tahoe L. Nev. D f 14 Tamasi, Hungary F c 25 Szamos Ujvar, Transylvania H c 25 Ta Ho, R. China H c 32 Tamatave, Madagascar I f 33 Szanto, Hungary G b 25 Tai-an-foo, Shan-tung L c 32 Tainainipas, state. Mexico D c 15 Szarvas, Hungary G c 25 Tai chow, Shan tung L c 32 Tamljo, Victoria H g 35 Szasz Regen, Transylvania I c 25 Tai-chow Bay, China M e 32 Tambor, gov. Russia I e 24 Szatlimar, Hungary H c 25 Tai-chow-foo, Che-kiang M e 32 Tambov, Tambov I e 24 Szeged in, Hungary G c 25 Taieri, L. Otago C f 35 Tambre, R. Corufia B b 27 Szeghalom, Hungary G c 25 Taieri R. Otago C f 35 Tamega, R. Minim B c 27 Szekszard, Hungary F c 25 Taif, Hejaz E e 29 Tame, R. Stallord E d 18 Szektso, Hungary F c 25 Tai Hoo, L. Kiang-su M d 32 Tamer, R. Cornwall and Devon B f 18 Szeliste, Transylvania H d 25 Taillebourg, Charente inferieure D d 21 Tamesi, R. Mexico D c 15 Szent Andras, Hungary G c 25 Tail R. Central Provs. F c 31 Tamiague, L. Mexico D c 15 Szent Anna, Hungary G c 25 Tai-ming-foo, Pe-chi-li L c 32 Tamil-, R. Mongolia H a 32 Szent Endre, Hungary F c 25 Taimur B. Siberia M a 28 Tamki, Soudan F c 33 Szentes, Hungary G c 25 Tain, burgh, Ross D c 19 Tammerfors, Finland E c 24 Szent Gyorgy, Also Hungary G c 25 Tai-ping-foo, Ngan-whi L d 32 Jamoia, Miss. G e 9 Szent Marton, Hungary F b Z5 Tai ping-loo, Quang-se I f 32 Tampa, I la. K o 8 Szent Miklos, Hungary F b 25 Tai, R. Mongolia H b 32 Tampa Bay, Fla. K o 8 Szeut Miklos, govt. Hungary G c 25 Tai Shan Mts. Chiua L c 32 Tampico, Miss. G d 9 z 90 GENERAL INDEX. Tampico de Tamaulipas (Santana), Tnrkeo R. Mo. L m 12 Taylor, co. Fla. M g 9 Teemboornee (Teimbnmei), Mexico G f 3 Tarkira, Mongolia K c 32 Taylor, co. Ga. L e 9 Bombay Pres. E d 31 Tampico, R. Mexico G f 3 Tarleton, Tasmania S u 35 Taylor, co. Iowa M m 12 Teeree, Beloocliistan C b 31 Tam worth, N. H. C e 5 Tarlton, Ohio K d 7 Taylor, co. Ky. G f 7 Teeree, N. W. Provs. E a 31 Tamworth, New S. Wales P f 34 Tarnia, Peru C d 16 Taylor, co. Nebr. E f 13 Tees Bay, Durham and York E b 18 Tamworth, Ontario E d 4 Tama, Novrland I d 23 Taylor, co. Tex. G c 10 Teesmouth, Durham ami York E b 18 Tamwoitli. lior. Stafford E d 18 Tania, R. Hungary G e 25 Taylor, co. W. Va. E b 8 Tees, R. Durham E b 18 Tamil ms (Nalir el Damur) R. Tarn, dep. France F e 21 Taylor Creek, 8. Australia F e 34 Teez, Beloocliistan B b 31 Syria B e 30 Tarn et Garonne, dep. France E d 21 Taylors, Ala. I d 9 Teffe, R. Brazil D c 16 Tanaliv, Japan 0 c 32 Tarnopol, Galicia I b 25 TayloPs Falls, Minn. E d 11 Tetini, Asia Minor C b 29 Tana Elf, Trbnisb 0 b 23 Tarnow, Galicia G a 25 Taylor’s Island, Mil. E h 6 Tefsa, or Tefza, Marocco D a 33 Tan a Fiord, Trbniso P a 23 Tarnowitz, Silesia K c 22 Taylors port. Ky. H d 7 Tegolate Creek, N. Mex. D b 10 Tana j ili, Uas, Arabia F d 29 Tarn, R. Tarn E e 21 Taylorsville, 111. C d 7 Tegucigalpa, Honduras F e 15 Tanaiitsk. Orenburg M e 24 T.irogli-yu-mtso, L Tibet D d 32 Taylorsville, Ind. E e 7 Tehama, Cal. B e 14 Tananarivo. or Antananarivo, Taroom, Persia H d 29 Taylorsville, Ind. G d 7 Tehama, co. Cal. B c 14 Cap. of Madagascar I f 33 Taroom, Queensland I e 34 Taylorsville, Iowa P k 12 Teheran, (Cap. of Persia G b 29 Tana, R. Finland F b 24 Taro, R. Emilia D b 26 Taylorsville, Ky. G e 7 Tehuacan, Mexico D d 15 Tanar, or Polntorno, St Petersburg G c 24 Tarporley, Cheshire D c 18 Taylorsville, N. C. D f 8 Tehuacana, Tex. H d 10 Tanaro, R. Pie Iniont C b 2> Tarport, Pa. C e 6 Taylorsville, Ohio L d 7 Tehuantepec, Mexico D d 15 Tan-chow, or Ho-po- so, Hainan I g 31 Tar R. N. C. H f 8 Taylorsville, Tenu. O a 9 Tehuantepec, G. Mexico E d 15 Talicitaro. Pico de, Mt. Mexico C d 15 Tar, R. Tipperary D d 20 Taylorsville, Va. E e 8 Tehuantepec, Isthmus, Mexico E d 15 Taiideragee, Armagh E b 20 Tarragona, Tarragona M c 27 Taynabruieh, Argyle C e 19 Teifi, R. Wales B d 18 Tandi, L. Cent. Africa G e 33 Tarragona, prov. Spain M e 27 Tay, R. Perth E d 19 Teignmouth, town, Devon C f 18 Tanega Sima, I. Japan 0 d 32 Tarrangolle, Upper Nile C i 29 Tayra, Japan Q c 32 Teima, Jehel Shorn er D d 29 Tanera, Soudan D d 3-3 Tarrant, Tex. I c 10 Tayserbo, Tripoli G b 33 Teima, Palestine E e 30 Tanew, R. Galicia H a 25 Tarrant, co. Tex. H c 10 Taytao Archipelago Chili C g 16 Teimburner (Teemboornee), Taney, Ark. A b 9 Tarrasa, Barcelona N c 27 Taytao Penin. Chili C g 16 Bombay Pres. E d 31 Tansy, co. Mo. N q 12 Tarrega, Barcelona M c 27 Ta-yu-ling Mts. China L e 32 Teimen Nor, L. Mongolia G a 32 Taneytown, Md. D 6 Tarrytoivn, N. Y. H e 6 Tazewell, 111 C c 7 Teirihariu Hill, Finland F c 24 Tangalle, Ceylon F f 31 Tar.sk, Viatka K <1 24 Tazewell, Tenn. M a 9 Teith, R. Perth D d 19 Tanganyika, L. Cent. Africa G e 33 Tartar Bazarjik, Edirne L c 26 Tazewell, co. Va. D d 8 Teieud, R. Persia H b 29 Tangatur, E. Turkestan B c 32 Tartary, or Turkestan, E & W., Tuzili, Sahara E b 33 Tejuco (Diamantina), Brazil F d 16 Tangier, Maroeco D a 33 eou. Asia 28 Tchabeknn, R. Mongolia F a 32 Tejura, Abyssinia E g 29 Tangier I. Md. E i b Tartar}', Gulf o' Russian Empire Q d 28 Tchabtsial, Mongolia I b 32 Tejura, Gulf, E. Africa E g 29 Tangier Sound, Md. F i 6 Tartas, Landes D e 21 Teliaddu or Benue R. Guinea E d 33 Tekamah, Nebr. H f 13 Tangipahoa, La. E o 9 Tartus (Tortosa), Syria D c 2J Tchad or Chad, L. Soiulan F c 33 Tekapo, L. Canterbury C f 35 Tangipahoa, par. La. E 9 Tarversville, Ga. M e 9 Tchagan Nor. L. Mongolia F a 32 Tekapo, R. Canterbury C f 35 Tangipahoa R. La. E ft 9 Tarvis, Carintliia C c 25 Tchagan-talak-hai Mts. Ordos I c 32 Tekes Kavaul, Soongaria D b 32 Tangnn Oula Mts. Mongolia F a 32 Tasco, Mexico D d 15 Tchainitza, Bosnia H c 26 Te-king-ehow, Quang-tung K f 32 Tang tai-hien. Pe-clii-li L c 32 Tasgong, Bhutan H b 31 Tchakar Mts. Mongolia K 1) 32 Tekoa (Tekua), Palestine B g 30 Tang-t to I. China M c 32 Tashan Mts. Mongolia G (1 32 Tchakshina, Vologda I d 24 Tekrit, Bagdad E c 29 Tan huang, Kan-su F c 32 Tashikang, Tibet C d 32 Tchalkar L. Siberia L e 24 Tekutch, Moldavia M b 26 Tanicha Creek, N. Mex. B a 10 Tasbkend, Russian Turkestan H d 28 Tchanak Kalessi, Asia Minor B a 29 Telay, Tiflis K g 24 Tanio, Madagascar I f 33 Tasli Kopri, Asia Minor C a 29 Tchanchicahah L. Dak. G d 13 Telek, L. Siberia K c 28 Tanjore, or Tanjoor, Madras Pres. E e 31 Tasmania, Colony, Australasia 35 Tehaoun Bay, Siberia T b 28 Teleno, El, Mt. Leon D b 27 Tanka, R. Afghanistan A b 31 Tasman Head, Tasmania S v 35 Tcharak, Oman in Persia G d 29 Telfair, co. Ga. M f 9 Tanuali, Bombay Pres. D p 31 Tasman Land, W. Australia D c 34 Tcharitchena, Trikhala K e 2- : Telford Peak, Otago A f 35 Tan nas, Norrland G e 23 Tasman or Blind Bay, Nelson D d 35 Tchatalja, Constantinople N d 26 Teljorman, R. Walachia L b 26 Tannersville, Pa. F e ti Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania T v 35 Tcliatchak, Scrvia I c 26 Tell Almaniyeh, Palestine C d 30 Tan-sia Shan, Mts. China K d 32 Tasmans Bay, Kiusiu O d 32 Tcliatista, Roumelia I d 26 Tell Asbtere (Askteroth), Palestine C e 30 Tanta, Egypt B or » 33 Tasse L. ' La. D g y Tchatung Sabe, Mongolia H d 32 Tell City, Ind. F e 7 Tantalum, Pnlo, I. Lower Siam K t 31 Tasselot, Mont, CCte d’Or G c 21 Tchatyr Dagh, Mt. Crimea G g 24 'Fell el Ful, Palestine F g 30 Tantura (Dora), Palestine A e 30 Tassisurton, Cap. Bliotan G b 31 Tchausy, Mohilev G e 24 Tell el Ilarah, Palestine D d 30 Tan u rin, Syria 0 b 30 Tatamagoueke, Nova Scotia M d 4 Tclieboksary, Kasan K d 24 Tell el Loz, Palestine E e 30 Tanyin, R. Uffa M d 24 Tatuall, co. Ga. N e 9 Tehelyabinsk, Orenburg N d 24 Tell es-Safieh ( Mizpeh ), Palestine A g 30 Tao-choo, or Ling-tao-foo, Kan-su H c 32 Ta-toong, R. Mongolia II c 32 Tehembar, Penza I e 24 Tell Habeish, Palestine B d 30 Tab Ho, R. China H c 32 Tatra Mts. Carpathians F b 25 Tchemkend, Russian Turkestan H d 2b Tell Hum ( Capernaum ), Palestine C e 30 Taormina, Sicily F f 2b Ta-tsing Ho, R., since 1853 occu- Tche-oola Mts. Mongolia G d 32 Tellico Plain, Tenn. L b 9 Tabs, co. N. Mex. C a 10 pied by the wati rs of the Hoang Tchepsta, R. Viatka L d 24 Tell Kairnun ( Jobieam ), Palestine B e 30 Taou I. China M e 32 Ho, China L c 32 Tcherdyn, Perm M c 24 Tell Sad, Syria E d 30 Tapaclmla, Mexico E d 15 Ta-tsing L. Pe-chi-li L c 32 Tcheremshan, R. Samaria K e 24 Tell Ziff, Palestine B b 30 Tapajos, or Santarem, Brazil E c 16 Tatta (Thatlha), Seinde C c 31 Tcherepovetz, Novgorod H d 24 Telos, L. Me. E b 5 Tapajos, R. Brazil E c 16 Tattershall, Lincoln F c 18 Tcherigov, Mohilev G e ■-i Telquana R. Upper Nile B h 29 Tapera, Brazil F d 16 Ta-tu-che, Formosa M f 32 Tclierkask, Novo, Don Cossacks I f 24 Telsea (Maksura), Syria E c 30 Tapie L. Tex. D d 10 Taunrga, Tripoli F a 33 Tcherkask, Staro, Don Cossacks I i' 24 Telslii, Kovuo E d 24 Taping R. Burniah I c 31 Tuuary, Brazil F c 16 Tclierkazy, Kiev G i 24 Temacula, Cal. E i 14 Tapoa, It. Brazil D c 16 Tauber, R. Baden E d 22 Tcheru, Tula H e 24 Temassanin, Sahara E h 33 Tappahannock, Ya. I d 8 Tauern Chain, Salzburg C c 25 Tcliernetz, Walachia K b 26 Tembleque, Toledo G e 27 Tapp in Bay, Hudson River, N. Y. H e 6 Tauern, Holie or High, Mts. Tyrol C c 25 Tchernigov, Tchernigov G e 24 Teme, R. Salop and Worcester D d 18 Tapr.ee R. Bombay Pres. D c 31 Taufstein, Vogel Gebirge, Hessen E c 22 Tchernigov, gov. Russia G e 24 Tenierin, Hungary F d 25 Taquary, R. Brazil E e 16 Taunton, Mass. C g 5 Tcliernovoda, Danube N b 26 Temesvar, Hungary G d 25 Taquary, R. Brazil E d 16 Taunton, bor. Somerset C e 18 Tcherny Irtish, R. E. Turkestan E a 32 Temirkanskura, Daghestan K g 24 Tara, Meath E c 20 Taunton R. Mass. C g 5 Tcliernyiyar, Astrakhan K f 24 Temiscaining, L. Quebec D c 4 Tara, Siberia I c 28 Taunus, or Hoe, Gebirge, Tchigirin, Kiev G f 24 Temiscouata, co. Quebec I c 4 Tarabah, Hejaz E e 29 Wiesbaden E c 22 Tchilkoa, R. Siberia I a 32 Temiscouata, L. Quebec I c 4 Tarabulus ( Tripolis ), Syria C b 30 Taupiri, Wellington E c 35 Tchilok. R. Siberia I a 32 Temishbekskaia, Stavropol I f 24 Taracz, R. Hungary H b 25 Taupo, L. Auckland E c 35 Tching-te, or Chi-li, China L b 32 Temissa, Fezzan F b 33 Tarafa, R. Alicante K f 27 Taura-te-weka (Rocks Pt.), Nelson C d 35 Tcliiprovatz, Danube K e 26 Temk, Idaho G c 14 Taramakau R. Canterbury C e 3,3 Taur da, gov. Russia G f 24 Tchirmen, Edirne M d 26 Temnikov, Tambov I e 24 Taranaki, N. Bight, New Zealand E c 35 Tau lie, Oman in Persia G d 29 Tchistopol, Kassan L d 24 Temosachie, Mexico B b 15 and E e 3 Taranaki, prov. New Zealand E d 35 Tauris, Tabreez, or Tebreez, Persia F b 29 Tcliobe or Chobe R. S. Africa G f 33 Tempelburg, Pomerania I b 22 Taranaki, S. Bight, New Zealand E d 35 Taur, Mt. Cork B d 20 Tchoua, R. Siberia M b 2b Temperance, Ga. M f 9 Tarancon, Cuenya H d 27 Tauronga Harbor, Auckland F b 35 Tchorin, Edirne M d 2b Temperance R. Minn. F b 11 Taransay I. Harris A c 19 Taurus Mts. (Metdesis), Tchortak, Afghanistan B a 31 Temperanceville, Pa. A f 6 Taranto, Apulia G d 26 Asia Minor C b & D b 29 Tchorum, Asia Minor D a 29 Tenipieutes Mt. Nev. E g 14 Taranto, Gulf of, S. Italy G e 26 Taus, Bohemia C b 25 Tchor-usu, R. Manchuria M a 32 Tempio, Sardinia C J 26 Tarapaca, Peru G d 16 Tausk B. Siberia Q c 28 Tchugutcliak, E. Turkestan D a 32 Temple, Pa. F f 6 Tara, R, Bosnia H c 26 Tauste, Zaragoza I c 27 Tchuktcliees, tribe, Siberia T b 28 Temple Bay, Queensland G b 34 Tarare, It hone G d 21 Tautuku Bay, Otago B g 35 Teliulki, Vologda L c 24 Templehouse, Sligo C b 20 Tarare, Mont, Loire G d 21 Tavala, Mexico E f 3 Teacheys, NT. H cr tr S Templehouse Long h, Sligo C b 20 Tararua Mts. Wellington E d 35 Tavastehus, Finland E c 24 Te Anau L. Otago A f 35 Templemore, Tipperary D d 20 Tarascon, Ariege E e 21 Tavastehus, gov. Finland E c 24 Teanelicalia L. Dakota G a 3 Teniplepatrick, Antrim E b 20 Tara scon, Bouches du Khone G e 21 Tavda, R. Siberia H c 28 Teano, Campania F d 26 Templeton, Qu, bee F d 4 larawaca, R. Peru D d 16 Tavignano, R. Corsica I e 21 Teapa, Mexico E d 15 Templetouhy, Tipperary D d 20 Tarazona, Albacete I e 27 Tavira, Algarve C g 27 Tearaght I. Kerry A d 20 Tempo, Fermanagh D b 20 Tar izona, Zaragoza I c 27 Tavistock, bor. Devon B f 18 Te Arolia Mt. Auckland E b 35 Temriuk, Kuban Dist. H f 24 Tarhagatui Mts. Soongaria E a 32 Tavora, R. Beira C c 27 Teazes Valley, W. Va. D c 8 Temu, Auckland F c 35 Tarhert, Kerry B d 20 Tavoy, Brit. Burmali I e 31 Teba, Malaga F h 27 Tenasserim, Brit. Bnrmah I e 31 Tarbert, East, Argyle C e 19 Tavoy I. Brit. Burniah I e 31 Tebay, Westmorland D b 18 Ten bury, town, Worcester D d 13 Tarhert, West, Argyle C e 19 Tavoy Point, Brit. Burmah I e 31 Tebbes, or Tubbus, Persia H c 29 Tenby, bor. Pembroke B e 18 Tarnes, Hautes Pyrenees E e 21 Tavoy R. Brit. Burniah I e 31 Tebessa, Algeria B a 33 Tendat, Kordofan C g 29 Tarbet, Dumbarton D d 19 Tawas, Mich. O e 11 Tebosa, Minlio B e 27 Tendelti, Dar Fur B g 29 Tarbet Ness, Ross E c 19 Tawe, R. Glamorgan C e 18 Tebouk, Hejaz D d 29 Tender I. Taurida G f 24 Tarboro, N. C. H f 6 Tawliiti Hill, Auckland G c 35 Tecax, Yucatan F c 15 Tenedos I. Archipelago L e 26 Tarentum, Pa. B f 6 Tawinho, Wellington E d 35 Teclie, Bayou, La. D g 9 Teneriffe, Columbia I f 15 Tarhalsen (Point), Trbniso M a 23 Taw, R. Devon C f 18 Techani, Bosnia G b 26 Tenevifle I. Canary Is. D k 17 Tarichea (Kerak), Palestine C e 30 Tax, R. Siberia K b 28 Tech, R. Pyrfndes orientales F e 21 Teneriffe Peak (Pico de Teyde), Tarif, Hejas E d 29 Taxtla, Mexico D d 15 Tecoi, Yucatan F c 15 Canary Is. D k 17 Tati fa, Cadiz E h 27 Tayama Bay, Nip-lion P c 32 Tecoma, Utah G e 14 Tenez, or Tennis, Algeria H h 17 Tanta Point, or Marroqui C. Cadiz E h 27 Tayclieeda, Wis. I f 11 Tccso, Hungary H b 25 Te-ngan-foo, Hoo pe K d 32 Tari.ja, Bolivia D e 16 Tay, Firth of, Scotland E d 19 Tecumseh, Mich. N h 11 Teng-chow-foo, Shar.-tung M e 32 Tarija, Dep. Bolivia D e 16 Tayibeh, Syria D b 29 Tecuniseh, Nebr. 11 f 13 Tenginsk, Kuban Dist. H g 24 Tarim, E. Turkestan D b 32 Taylor, Env. of New Orleans D f 10 Tedas or Tiboos Tribes, Sahara F c 33 Tengiz, or Tarim R. E. Turkestan D b 32 Taylor, New S. Wales I f 34 Teel in Bay, Donegal C b 20 Balkasli, L. Russian Empire I d 28 GENERAL INDEX 91 Tengri Kliafi, Mt. Tliiau-shan D h 32 Tot. R. Pyrenees orien tales F e 21 Thompson I., Lake Superior, Tieul, Yucatan F c 15 Tengri Nor, L. Tibet F d 32 Tetuan, or Tetavin, Marocco F h 17 Dom. of Canada II a 11 Tide Greek Dak. F b 13 Tenhassen, Minn. C f 11 Teulada, Sardinia C e 26 Thompson L. Dak. H d 13 Tide-swell, Derhv E c 18 Ten Mile Creek, Pa. A g 6 Teulada, C. Sardinia C e 26 Thompson R. Brit. Columbia II d 2 Tidikelt District, Tuat E l> 33 Tennasserim, prov. Brit. Burmali I e 31 Tensing, Bohemia C a 25 Thompson's I. Euv. of Boston F or O 5 Tidioute, Pa. B e 6 Tennessee, 111. B c 7 Teutoburger Wald, Westphalia E b 22 Thompson Sound, Otago A f 35 Tie ling, Leao-tong M 1. 32 Tennessee R. Ky. D g 7 Tevere ( Tiber), R. Umbria E c 26 Thompson’s Pass, Wyom. H d 14 Tien chi, L. Y mi-nan H f 32 Tennessee R. N. C. B f 8 Teverone, or Anio, R. Italy E d 26 Thompson’s Pond, Me. D d 5 Tien elioo. Mongolia H .1 32 Tennessee R. Tenn. and Ala. H c 9 Teviotdale, Ontario C e 4 Thompsontown, Pa. D f 6 Tien-pak-hien, Quang-tung K f 32 Tennessee, state, United States 9 Teviotdale, dist. Roxburgh F e 19 Thonipsonville, Conn. B C 5 Tien-tsin-loo, Pe-clii-li L c 32 Tennille, Ga. N e 9 Tevint R. Roxburgh F e 19 Thonipsonville, N. C. F e 8 Tiermas, Zaragoza I li 27 Tensas, par. La. D e 9 Te Wliaiti Range, Auckland F c 35 Thonipsonville, Tex. H e 10 Tierra Blanca, N. Mex. E b 10 Tt lisas R. La. D f 9 Tewkesbury, bor. Gloucester D c 18 Thomson, 111. B b 7 Tierra de Campos, Palencia F b 27 Tensaw R. Ala. H g 9 Tewywys Bay, Otago A g 35 Thomson, Minn. E c 11 Tierra del Fnego, Patagonia C h 16 Tensift, R. Marocco D a 33 Texa I. Argyle B e 19 Thomson Mt. W. Australia B d 34 lierra del Fuego, or King Tentertield, New S. Wales I e 34 Texana, Tex. H e 10 Thomson R. Queensland G d 34 Charles South Land, Patagonia D h 16 Tentopolis, 111. D d 7 Texarcana, Tex. I c 10 Thomson’s Fork (Grand R.), Mo. N 11 12 Tietar, R. Cacervs E e 27 Tenuma, Hejaz E f 29 Texas, New S. Wales I e 34 Tlionon, Haute Savoie H c 21 Tiete or Anliemby, R, Brazil E c 16 Te Papa, Auckland F b 35 Texas, co. Mo. O p 12 I'horan, Yemen E f 29 Tiffany, P.O. (Shopiere), Wis. H g 11 Tepic, Mexico C c 15 Texas Hill Camp, Ai iz. G i 14 Thorn, W. Prussia K b 22 T.Hiu, Ohio I b 7 Tepiche, Mexico E e 3 Texas, state, United States 10 Thornapple R. Mich. M g 11 Ti His, Tib is I g 21 Tepiska, Peru C c 16 Texel I. Holland C b 22 Thorne, town. York F c 18 Tigcl, Siberia R c 28 Tepl, Bohemia C b 25 Tezcuco, Mexico D d 15 Thorn Hill, Ala. H c 9 Tiger R. S. C. D g 8 Teplitz, Styria D c 25 Tliadua, Siam K d 31 Thornhill, Dumfries E e 19 Tigerville, La. E h 9 Teplitz, or Toplitz, Bohemia C a 25 Thamein, Burmah I c 31 Thornton, N. H. C d 5 Tigl.i L. Marocco D a 33 Teposcocula, Mexico D d 15 Thame, R. Bucks and Oxford F e 18 Thorntown, Ind. F c 7 Tigoi, Fla. O h 9 Tepuru R. Nelson C d 35 Thames, Frith of. Auckland E b 35 Thorshalla, Sweden 1 g 23 Tigre, prov. Abyssinia D g 29 Tequamenon B. L. Superior A c 4 Thames, Mouth of, Kent & Essex H e IS Thorsken, Tromso I b 23 Tigre, R. Ecuador C c 16 Tequameuou R. Mich. M c 11 Thames, or Isis, R. Gloucester E e 18 Thorup, Gothland G h 23 Tigre, R. Venezuela L -f 15 Teramo, Abruzzo Ulteriore I. E c 24 Thames, R. Ontario C e 4 Thoseu Fiord, Tromso G d 23 Tigris, R. (Didjleh or Shatt), Tera, R. Zamora D b 27 Thames R. Conn. B g 5 Thouars, Deux Sevres D c 21 Turkey in Asia F c 29 Terawera L. Auckland F c 35 Thame, town, Oxford F e 18 Thouet, R. Maine-et-Loire D c 21 Tih, et, (Desert), Arabia C d 29 Terbul, Syria C c 3 i Tlianet, I. of, Kent H e 18 T'houin Cape, W. Australia B d 34 Tiliree, Indore Agency E c 31 Terceira I. Azores B a 33 Tilling L., or Tsothang, Cashmere E a 31 Thoung Kala R. Siam I e 31 Tikaree, Bengal F c 31 Tercero, or Third R. Thnnn, Alsace D e 22 Thoungthwat, Burmah H c 31 Ti levin, Novgorod G d 24 Argentine Rep. D f 16 Tliann, Alsace H c 21 Thousand Islands, The, Fla. L q 8 Tilapa, Mexico D d 15 Terebinthe, N. C. G g 8 Tliaret, Brit. Burmah I d 31 Thousand Isles, L. of the, Ontario E d 4 Tilburg, Holland C c 22 Terekli, Asia Minor C a 29 Thaso I. Archipelago L d 26 Thousand Isles, Lake of the. Til 1 m ry, Essex G e 18 Terelc, R. Caucasia K g 24 TlnitchSr I. Mass. D f 5 Dorr., of Canada G a 11 Tilcara, Argentine Rep. D e 16 Teresh Kuh, Mt. Persia H c 29 Tliaxted, Essex G e 18 Thousand Spring Valley, Nev. F e 14 Tildarg, Antrim E b 20 Terespol, Poland E e 24 Tiny a, R. Lower Austria D b 25 Thrace, anc. div. Turkey M d 21 Tiligul, R. Kherson G f 24 Teressa I. Nicobar Is. H f 31 Thayer, Iowa M 1 12 Thrapster, Northampton E d 18 Tilla do w- Matte Atoll, Maidive Is. D f 31 Terglou, Mt. Carniola C c 25 Thayr, co. Nebr. H f 13 Thrapston, Northampton F d 18 Tillamook, Oreg. B c 14 Tergovisk, Walachia L b 26 Theale, Berks E e 18 Threadaway, S. C. D h 8 Tillamook, co. Oreg. B c 14 Terim, Hadramaut F f 29 Thebes, 111. C f 7 Three Buttes, Idaho G d 14 Tillamook Head, Oreg. A c 14 Terish, Hadramaut F f 29 Thebes (ruins), Egypt C d 29 Three Castles Head, Cork B e 20 Tillangehong. I. Nicobar Is. 11 f 31 Terkumia, Palestine B g 30 Thebez (Tubas), Palestine B f 30 Three Hammocks I. Tasmania R u 35 Tillen Berg, BbhmevWald, Bavaria G d 22 Termination Hill, S. Australia F f 34 Thediughausen, Bremen E b 22 Three Kings, Is. Auckland D a 35 Tillicoultry, town, Clackmannan E d 19 Termination Lund, Antarctic Oc. C P 1 Thee-bo, Burmah I c 31 Three Oaks, Mich. L h 11 Till, R. Northumberland D a 18 Termini, Sicilly E 1 26 The Foreland, Devon C e 18 Three Points, Cape, Guinea D d 33 Til pal, Queensland I d 34 Terminus, L. Yucatan E d 15 The Glen, N. Y. H c 6 Three Points, Cape, Patagonia D g 16 Tilsit, E. Prussia L a 22 Termoli, Molise F c 26 Theisholz, Hungary G b 25 Three Rivers, Mich. M g 11 Tilt Water. Perth E d 19 Term on, Mayo A b 20 Theiss, R. Hungary G c 25 Three Rivers, or Timahoe, Queen’s County D d 20 Ternate 1. Moluccas O i 32 T hello. , Palestine B f 30 Trois Rivieres, city, Quebec G c 4 Tinian, or Little Tundra, Archangel L b 24 Terne, R. Salop D d IS Themed, Wady, Palestine C g 30 Three Rivers Bay, Prince Edward I. M c 4 Timaru, Canterbury C f 35 Terni, Umbria E c 26 The Narrows, N. Y. H f 6 Three Sisters, Oreg. C c 14 Tiinbalier, B. La. R i 9 Tenii, Cascade of, or Theodosia, or Kalla, Taurida H f 24 Thren Is. Tromso F O 23 Timbalier I. La. E i 9 Caduta-delle-Marmore, Umbria E c 26 The Potteries, Stafford D c 18 Throckmorton, co. Tex. G c lu Tiinberville, 111. E e 7 Tern, R. Shropshire D d IS Theresa, N. Y. F b 6 Tlirondhjem, Throndhjem F e 23 Timberville, Va. G c 3 Ter, R. Gerona N b 27 Theresienstadt, Bohemia D a 25 Throndhiem Fiord, Throndhiem F e 23 Timbo, Senegamba C c 33 Terrace, Utah G e 14 Theresienstadt, or Tlirondhjem or Drondhjem, stilt. Tinibuctoo, Soudan D c 33 Terra di Bari, prov. Terra di Lavora, prov Terra d’Otranto, prov. Terranova, Terranova di Sicilia, Terranova, G. of, Ttrra Nova Poud Terrapin I. Terrapin R. Terrelionne, Terre Bonne B. Terrebonne, co. Terrebonne, par. Terre Haute, Terrelaguna, Terrell, co. Terribu, Terrou, Barra del, B. Terry, Terrys, Terry to. vn, T'ersa, R. Ter Schelling I. Terslieez, or Tursheez Tershiba, Tersoos (Tarsus), Tertry, Te Rua Point, Teruel, Teruel, prov. S. Italy G S. Italy F S. Italy H Sardinia C Sicily F Sardinia C Newfoundland Q Ala. G Tenn. H Quebec G La. E Quebec F La. E Ind. E Madrid G Ga. L Queensland I Huelva C Miss. E Mich. 0 Pa. E Saratov I Holland C Persia H Palestine B Syria C Somme F Auckland E Teruel I Spain K f 2o d 2(3 b g a d h d k d d f e g 27 e 9 f 11 e tj Teryaweyuyn Lake, New S. Wales G Tescheu, Tksha, R. Teshoo Lomboo, Tesiwo, Tes, R. Tessin (Ticino), cant. Tessin, or Ticino, R. Testa del Gargano, C. Testania, Teste de Buck, La, Testigos Is. Test, R. Tetas de Viana, Mt, Tetbury, Tetcha, R. Tete, or Tette, T'eterev, R. Teterow, Teteven, Teton, or Monekis R. Tetons, The, Mts. Silesia F Nishegorod I Tibet E Japan Q Mongolia F Switzerland I Lombardy C Apulia G Baltic Provinces N Gironde D Venezuela L Hants E Guadalajara H Gloucester D Perm M Zambesia H Kiev F Mecklenburg G Danube L Mont. H Idaho H Mariatheresien l adt, Therezina, Tliermia I. Thermopylae Pass of, Thesa, Thessalon R. Dom. Hungary F Brazil F Greece L Greece K Marocco D of Canada 0 Thessaly (Trikhala), gov. Turkey K Thetfon Thetford, bor. Tlieuprosnpou , C. Thevenard I. Thiaki, Ithaca, I. Thiancourt, Thian shall, or Celestial Mts. Thian -slian -nan-loo, Vt. B Norfolk G Syria C W. Australia A Greece I Lorraine G E. Turkestan E E. Turkestan, c 25 c 16 f 26 e 26 a 33 c 11 e 26 e 5 or Little Bukharia, kgdm. Asia D Thian-shan-pe-loo, or Soongaria, cou. Chinese Emp. D b 32 c 32 Thiancourt, Thibet, or Tibet, cou. Thibodeaux, Thief R. Thielt, Tliiensville, Thinee, Thingvalla L. Thiugvold, Tliiouville, Meuse G Asia E La. E Minn. B Belgium B Wis. I Burin ah I Iceland C Tlirondhjem E Lorraine H Tliiouville (Diedenhofen), Ger. Lorraine D Thira, or Santorin, I. Greece L Third Canon, Yellowstone R. Mont. II Thir.eaiere, L. Thirl Mere, Thirsk, bor. Thistle I. Thistle I. Thokdialung, Tliola, R. Thomar, Thomas, co. Thomas Fork, Thomas Range, Thomuston, Thomaston, Thoniastown, Tkomasville, Thomasville, Thomasville, Thompson, . Thompson, Thompson, Cumberland C Cumberland C York E Corea N S. Australia F Tibet D China G Estremadura B Ga. L Idaho H Utah G Ga. L Me. E Kilkenny D Ga. L Mo. P N. C. E Ga. N Mo. 0 Tenn. I f 11 c 31 c 17 e 23 b 21 d 22 f 26 c 14 b 18 b 18 b 18 d 32 g 34 d 32 c 32 e 27 g 9 d 14 f 14 e 9 d 5 d 20 g 9 q 12 f 8 d 9 n 12 b 9 Norway F Tlirondhjem, N. amt, Norway F Tlirondhjem, S. amt, Norway F Thsiang-hai, Mongolia G Tbsiug-i-hoo, or Hui-ckow-foo, Kiang-su I Thug, Somali E Thmn, Belgmm C Thun, Switzerland H Thun, L. of, (Ger. Thuner dee), Swit. H Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay Is. Thunder Bay R. Thunder C. Tliuno I. Tkurgau (Fr. Thurgovib), cant. Swit. I Tlniringer Wald (Thuringian Forest), Germany F Thuringia ( Thuringen , an anc Dom. of Canada H L. Huron B Mich. 0 Mich. O Mich. O Dom. of Canada H Denmark F Germany F Tipperary D W. Prussia K Tasmania S Scinde C Caithness E Caithness E Wash. B Hungary F Denmark E Lower California C Algeria H Majico Sima M Mexico D Miss. G Syria D Palestine C Italy E Sahara F Sahara F Asia E Palestine C Palestine A Palestine B Sahara F Haiti I Margraviate), Thurles, Thurm Berg, Thurnbridge, Thur, or Little Desert, Thurso, town, Thurso Water, Thurston, co. Thurzovka, Thy land, div. Tia Juana, Tiaret, Tia-yu-su I. Tibaron I. Tibbee, Tiberias, L. Tiberias (Tubariyeh), Tiber, R. (It. Tivere), Tibesti, Tibesti Tribe, Tibet, or Thibet, cou. Tibneh, Tilmeh (Timnath), Til >nin, Tiboos or Tedas Tribe, Tiburon, Ticino (Ger. Tessin), cant. Swit. I Ticino, or Tessin, R. Lombardy C Tickhill, York E Ticonderoga, N. Y II Timnionsville, Timnath (Tibneh), Timnath-semh (Tibneh), Timoleague, Timolin, Timor I. Timor Sea, Til a pa R. Timsah, L. Tinahely, Tinareh, Tinat-panu Creek, Tinchebrai, Tineo, Cangas de, Ting-choo, Ting-cliow-foo, Ting- fan-chow, Ting-tsi Harbor, Tinicum I. Tin n, Tinualiinch, Tinnavelly, Tiim Sjo, L. Tino, L. Tinosa, Cape, Tintagell Castle, Tintah, Tiutellust, Tinteru Abbey, Tintern Abbey, Tintic Valley, Tinto, or Tintock Hill, Tinto, K. Tioga, Tioga Centre, Tioga, co. Tioga, co. Tioga R. Tioge R. Tionesta, Tionesta Creek, Tioughnioga R. Tipoka, Tippah, co. Tippah Creek, Tippecanoe City, Tippecanoe, co. Tippecanoe R. Tippecanoe Town, Tipperah, Tipperah, native state, Tipperary, Tipperary, co. S. C. F Palestine A 8 g 30 Palestine B g 30 Cork C Kildare E Malaysia F Malaysia F Colo. E Suez Canal C Wicklow E 20 d 20 i k h Nubia Idaho Orue Oviedo Corea Fo-kien Quei-cliow China Env. of Philadelphia Christiansand Carlow Madras Pres. Christiansand G recce Murcia Cornwall Minn. Sahara Monmouth Wexford Utah Lanark Huelva Pa. N. Y. N. Y. Pa. N. Y. S. Africa Pa. Pa. N. Y. Taranaki Miss. Miss. Ohio Ind. Iud. Ind. Beng.d Bengal Tipperary Munster 1 1 13 g 33 d 20 e 29 b 14 b 21 a 27 c 32 e 32 f 32 c 32 i 6 f 23 d 20 f 31 g 23 f 26 g 27 f 18 d 11 c 33 e 18 d 20 f 14 e 19 f 33 e 6 e 6 1 6 c 35 c 9 c 9 7 7 7 7 31 31 d c c b c c d 20 d 26 92 GENERAL INDEX. Tipperkcvin, Tipton, Kildare F. c 23 Toledo, Ohio I b 7 1 1 id. F c 7 To le< lo, Toledo F e 27 Tipt n. Iowa P 1 12 Toledo, Mts. of, Toledo F e 27 Tip: on. Mo. 0 o 12 Toledo, prov. Spain F e 27 Tipt n. co, 1ml. F c 7 Tol Faratm L E. Africa G g 29 T.pt m. co. Nebr. G f 13 Tolgyes, Mt. Tolima, Nevado de, I Carpathians I c 25 Tipton, co. Tenn. F b 9 At. Andes H g 15 Tim Manli, Upper Nile C g 29 Tolima, state, Columbia C b 16 Tir.in I. Red Sea 0 d 29 Tolima, Vol. Andes of Columbia C b 16 Tireboli, Asia Minor D a 29 Tolingnet, I. Newfoundland Q b 4 Tiree I. Argyle B d 19 Tolka, R. Dublin E c 20 Tireli, or Tyria, Asia Minor B b 29 Tolland, Conn. B g r Tiris, Sahara C b 33 Tolland, Mass. B f 5 5 ft , 1 et- •n- ST 3 Tienen), Belgium C c 22 Tolland, co. Conn. B g 5 Tirnova, Dan u he L c 26 Tollestou, Ind. E b 7 Tirnovo, Edirne M d 26 Toll Gate, Ala. H c 9 Tiro, Miss. F c 9 Toll-pos Mt. Urals M e 24 Tiroq.nl, Kherson F f 24 Tolmedi, Goritz C c 25 Tirsu, It. Sardinia C d 26 Tolmezzo, Venetia E a 26 Tirz'th (Talusa), Palestine B f 30 Tolna, Hungary F c 25 Tise Gangri Mts. Himalayas D d 32 Tolo, B. of, Celebes O i 28 Tis Esut Cataract, on the Abui, Aliys. D g 29 Tologatic, R. Wis. E c 11 Tisheiningo, co. Miss. G c 9 Tolon-noor, or Dolonner, Mongolia L c 32 Tisliit, Soudan D c 33 Tolono, 111. D d 7 Tiskilwa, 111. C b 7 Tolosa, Guipuscoa H a 27 Tisz i Fared, Hungary G c 25 Tolten, R. Chili C f 16 Titel, Military Frontier G d 25 Toluca, Mexico D d 15 Titicaca, L. P. ru D d 16 Tolutz Mt. Servia I c 26 Titinra Head, Westland B e 35 Tolz, Bavaria F e 22 Tito, R. E. Africa E h 29 Tomah. Wis. G f 11 Titschein, Neu, Moravia F b 25 Tomahawk R. Wis. H d 11 Tittebawassee R. Mich. N f 11 Toniali R. Me. G c 5 Titterstone Clee Hill, Salop D d 18 Tomales, Tombigby R. Cal. n f 14 Tittmonig, Bavaria G d 22 Ala. G f 9 Titus, co. Tex. I c 10 Tnmbo, Nile Basin G d 33 Titusville, Pa. B e 6 Tombo I. Troiiiso G c 23 Tiumen, Siberia H c 28 J'om bo, Kingdom, Soudan D c 33 Tiuiiipui Head, Lewis B b 19 lomboritlia Mt. Victoria H g 34 Tiung-tsiu, Coiea M c 32 Tomboro, Vol. Sumbawa I. E i 1 Tiuret, Algeria E a 33 Tom Bowline Ray, Auckland D a 35 Tiverton, R. I. C g 5 Tombrack, Wexford E d 20 Tiverton, bor. Devon C f 18 Tombs of tlie Judges Palestine F g 30 Tivoli, Ind. E c 7 Tombs of the Kings, Palestine F g 30 Tivoli, Italy E d 26 Tombs of the Piouhets, Palestine F h 30 Tixtl in, Mexico D d 15 Tome. N. Mex. C b 10 Tizimin, Yucatan F c 15 Tomelloso, Ciudad Real H e 27 Tjteld I. Triimso I b 23 Tomgraney, Tomini or Gorontolo, Clare C d 20 Tjaggelvas, L. Norrland I c 23 B. of, Celebes O i 28 Tieuke See, Holland C b 22 Tomiiitoiil, Banff E c 19 Tjorn I. Gothland F g 23 Tom Is. Persian Gulf H d 29 Tlacotal pan, Mexico D d 15 Toinkinson Creek, N. Australia E c 31 Tlahualila, or Laguna del Cay man Mexico F e 3 Tomlinsonville, Tom Mt. Aik. A Mass. B b 9 f 5 Tlaj r.i, Mexico D d 15 Tomo, R. Colombia D b 16 Tlaxcala, Mexico D d 15 Tompkins co. Tonipkinsville, N. Y. E d 6 Tlaxcala, state, Mexico D d 15 Ivy. G g 7 Tlemsen, Toalkay, Algeria G h 17 Tompkiusville, Env. of N. Y. B b 6 Queensland H e 31 Toni, R. Toms Creek, Siberia K c 28 Tobacco Creek, Mont. F a 14 Ga. N g y Tobacco port, Tenn. H a 9 Tomsk, Russian Empire K c 28 Tobacco R. Mich. I b 11 Tomsk, gov. Siberia K c 28 Tobago I. (British), Antilles L e 15 Toms River, N. J. G g 3 Tobarra, Tobercurry, Albaeete I f 27 Tonaella, Beira B d 27 Sligo C b 20 Tonala, Mexico E d 15 Tobermore, Londonderry E b 20 Tonale, Monte and Pass, Tyrol B c 25 Tobermory, Mull B d 19 Tonaul, Upper Nile B h 29 Tobique, L. Tobique, R. New Brunswick K c 4 Tonawanda, N.Y. G c 6 New Brunswick K c 4 fon.iwamla R. N.Y. C c 6 Tobol, R. Orenburg N e 24 Tondern, Schleswig E a 22 Tobolsk, Siberia H c 28 Tondja. or Tunja, R. Edirne M d 26 Tobolsk, gov. Siberia H c 28 Tiiiduff, Donegal D a 20 Tob.jrs Elf, Tiomso N b 23 Tone, R. Somerset D e 18 Toboso, El, Tolnit, Toledo H Japan Q e 27 b 32 Tongariro, Mt. ( active vol . ) Wellington E c 35 Toby, Mt. Mass. B f 5 Tongatabu I. Friendly Is. A 1 1 Tocantins R. Brazil F c 16 Tongay, Chili C t 16 Tocapola, Miss. F c 9 Tong-chang-foo, Sban-tung L C 32 Tocuyo, Venezuela K e 15 Tong chow-loo, Shen-se I d 32 Tocuyo, Venezuela I f 15 Tong-chuen, Corea N e 32 Tocuyo, Rio, Vene-mela K e L. Tong-chuen-foo, Se-clnien II e 32 Tod, co. Bak. G e 13 Tong-gin -foo, Quei-chow I e 32 Tod, co. Tod, co. Ky. E g 7 Tong Kiang, R. Tong-laii-chow, Tongo, Tongres, China K f 32 Minn. C o 11 Quang-se 1 f 32 Todi, Umbria E c 26 Brit. Bin-mail H d 31 Todi Chain, Mts. Switzerlar 1 I c 21 Belgium C c 22 Todmorden, town Lancashire D c 18 Tongue, Sutherland D b 19 Todok, E. Turkestan D b 32 Tongue, Kyle of, Tongue of the Ocean Sutherland D b 19 Tijdos Santos, Todos Santos B. Lower California D f 3 Bahamas H c 15 Lo ver California C d 3 Tongue R. Tunica, Toni, Bahr, Mont. C d 13 Todos Santos, Bahia de (B. of 111. C b 7 All Saints), Brazil G d 16 Nile Basin G d 33 Todtnau, Bader- D e 22 Tonneins, Lot-et-Garonne E d 21 Toe Head, Coi'c B e 20 Tonnerre, Yonne G c 21 Toe Head, Toer. or Twer, go Harris A c 19 Tonning, Schleswig E a 22 V. Russia II d 24 Tono Peru C d 16 Iff E. Turkestan E c 32 Tonquin, Gulf, S. of China I f 32 Orenburg N e 24 Tonquin, Gulf of. China Sea M g 28 Siberia I c 21 Tonrak Touduk, E. Turkestan B e 31 Tomm, Mongolia 1 b 32 Tonslierg, Christiania F g 23 Tokara Sima, I. Japan N e 32 Tonset, Hamar F e 23 Tokat, Tokat, Asia Minor D a 29 Tons R. i-dore Agency F c 31 Nubia D f 29 Tonstadt, Tonto Apaclies, ter. Cliristiansand D g 23 Toka-toka Mt. Auckland E b 35 Ariz. H h 14 Tokay, Hungary G b 25 Tonto Creek, Ariz. H i 14 Tokmok, Great, Taurida H f 24 Toodyay, W. Australia B l 34 Tokomairiro, Tokomarua B. Otago C g 35 Tooele, Utah G e 14 Auckland C c 35 Tooele, co. Utah ter. G e 14 Toksima, I. Japan O d 32 Tookatoo, Mt. Afghanistan C a 31 Tok Sima, I. Loo-ehoo N e 32 Toolbrunup Mt. W. Australia B f 34 Tolago Bay, Auckland O c 35 Tooloomba, Queensland II d 34 Tolbatcha Volcano, Kamtchatka S c 28 Toomcoor, Mysore E e 31 Tolcsva, Hungary G b 25 Toome, Antrim E b 20 Toledo, 111. C f 7 Toomer, N. C. G f 8 Toledo, Iowa 0 k 12 Too-muntz Range, Nev. F f 14 Toomyvara, Toon, Toongabudra R. Toongho, Toong Ho, R. Toong-ting Hoo, L. Tipperary C Persia H Nizam’s Doms. E Brit. Bunnah I C'liina I Hoo-naii K Toorbet Haideree, or Za well, Persia H Toorniore Bay, Cork B Toor, or Tor, Sinai Peninsula C Toos, Too-shan Hoo, L. Toowoomba, Too-yun-foo, Topeka, Cap. of state, Topi la, Topla, R. Top. ice, Toplitz, or Teplitz, Topolias, orCopais, L. Topolya, Toposero, L. Topsfield, Topsliam, Topsham, town, Toquendama, Tor Bay, Tor Bay, Tor Bay, Torch L. Tore Mountain, Torcota I. Ton la, Tordenskjold, Tordesillas, Tonlo, Barra del, Toreau R. Tore Fiord, Torefoas, Torei N or, L. l’orekov, Torgau, prov. Torgun, R. Toricli, R. Torin, Torino, prov. Torino (Turin), Torissa, R. Torlesse, Mt. Tonnes, R. Tormoham, Torna, Tornea, Persia H Shan tung L Queensland I Quei-chow I Kans. I Mexico E Hungary G Croatia E Bohemia C Greece K Hungary F Archangel G Me. G Me. E Devon C Columbia I Nova Scotia N Devon C W. Australia B Mich. M Kerry R Dalmatia E Transylvania H Minn. B Valladolid F Mexico G La. b Norrlainl M Norrland N Siberia L Gothland G Saxony G Astrakhan K E. Africa D Mexico E Piedmont B Piedmont B Hungary G Canterbury C Salamanca D Devon C Hungary G Finland N d 20 c 29 d 31 d 31 d 32 e 32 b 29 e 20 d 29 b 29 e 32 e 34 e 32 g 13 1 3 b 25 c 25 a 25 e 2b d 25 b 24 c 5 e 5 f 18 g 15 d 4 f 18 g 34 e 11 20 25 25 11 27 3 9 23 23 a 32 h 23 c 22 e 24 i 29 e 3 b 20 b 2u b 25 e 3 o c 27 f 18 b 25 d 23 Tornea Elf, Finland E b 24 Towevni, Nejeil F Tornea, Ol'ver, Norrland M c 23 Towudry, New S. Wales H Tornea Traesk, L. Norrland K b 23 Towns, co. Ga. M Tornese, C. Greece I f 26 Townsend, Del. F Toro, La. B f 9 Townsend, Mass. C Toro, Zamora E c 27 Townsend, C. Queensland I Toroi, Mongolia F c 32 Townsville, N. C. G Torojakap, Mt. Carpathians I c 25 Townsville, S. C. C Toron, Palestine B d 30 Towsou Town, Md. E Toronto, city, cap. of prov. Ontario D e 4 Towyn, Merioneth B Toro pets, Pskov G d 24 fowy, R. Carmarthen B Tor, or Toor, Sinai Peninsula C d 2 j Toyabee Mts. Nev. E Toro-usu, R. Mongolia M a 32 T y ill C'r elf. Tex. E Torowoto Swamp, New S. Wales G f 34 i oyama, Japan L Torquay, Tasmania S u 35 Trabancos, R. Salamanca E Torquay, Town, Devon C f 18 Tracadie Gully, New Brunswick L Torquomada, Paleneia F b 27 Traclienberg, Silesia I Torraran Rocks, The, Argyle B d 19 Trachonitis (el Lejah), Palestine D Torrecilla de Cainecos, Logroiio H b 27 fracton, Cork C Torre del Greco, B. of Naples F d 26 Tracy City, Tenn. K Torre Don Gimeno Jaen G g 27 Trade, R. Wis. E Torrejoncillo, Caeeras D e 27 Traders Hill, Ga. N Torrelavega, Santander F a 27 Trade Town, Liberia D Tonellas, Mt. Majorca N e 27 Tradewater R. Ky. E Torren, L. Norrland G e 23 Trafalgar, Cape, Cadiz D Torrens, L. South Australia F f 34 Traghen, Fezzan F Torreute, Valencia K e 27 Trail iras. Brazil F Torreon, N. Mex. C b 10 Traison, R. Lower Austria D Torresdal Elf, Cliristiansand D g 23 Trajan’s Wall, Danube N Torres Novas, Estremadura B e 27 Trakostjan, Croatia E Torres Strait, Tralee Bay, Kerry B separates Papua & Australia Q k 28 Tralee, County Town, Kerry B Torres Strait, Tramandahy, Laguna, Brazil F between Aus. & New Guinea G b 34 Trainore, Waterford D Torres Vedras, Estremadura A e 27 Tramore Bay, Waterford D Torrevieja, Alicante K g 27 Trampal, El, Mt. Caceres E Ton Head, Antrim E a 20 Traucoso, Brazil G Torridge, R. Devon B f 18 Tranent, town. Haddington F Torrington, Coun. A g 5 Trang, Lower fciam I Torrington, bor. Devon B f 18 Trani, Apulia G Torrox, Torsburg, or Tursburg, Pass, Torshok, Torto, R. Tortola I. (British), Tortoli, Tortona, Tortosa, Tortuga I. Tortuga I. Tortugas Is. Torwoto Marsh, Tory 1. Tory Sound, Torzburg, Tosa, C. Malaga G h 27 Carpathians L Tver H Leon E Virgin Is. L Sardinia C Piedmont C Tarragona L Haiti I Venezuela K Florida Reefs K New S. Wales G Donegal C Donegal C Transylvania I Japan O 26 24 27 15 27 20 27 c 15 e 15 r 8 f 34 Toscana (Tuscany), div. Italy D Toscas, Las, Argentine Rep. D Toseolano, Lombardy D Tosia, Asia Minor C Tosk, Nubia C e 29 Tossa, Tosto, Cape, Totana, Totis, Tot Komlos, Totling, Totma, Totuess, bor. Toto, Toto, Totoes, Totoes Bay, Totouicapan, Gerona N Coruna A Murcia I Hungary F Hungary G Tibet C Vologda I Devon C Mongolia K Soudan E Otago B Otarp B Guatemala E Tots-arr, or Goshoot Mts. Nev. F Totsian-foo, Tottenham, Totten Land, Tottenville, Totu, Tot Varad, Touehet R. Toul, Toula or Tula, Toula or Tula, gov. Toulon, Toulon, Tou.ouse, Toumet Country, Touraine, prov. Toureoing, Tour de Cordouan, Tourgai, prov. Tourinan, Cabo de, Tournay, Tournon, Tournus, Touron, Tours, Tourvill Cape, Touz Gol, L. Tova 1. Towaliga, R. Towanda, Towanda, Towano, Towcester, town, Tow-chow, Towdeni, Tower I. Tower Hill, Tower Hill, Sec-linen H Middlesex F Antartic Ocean E N. Y. G Columbia H c 27 a 27 fl c 25 d 32 d 24 f 18 c 32 d 33 g 35 g 35 d 15 f 14 d 32 e 18 P 1 f 6 f 15 Hungary H d 25 Wash D Meurlhe G Tula H Russia H Var G 111. C Haute Garonne E Mongolia K France E Nord F Gironde D Siberia H Coruna A Belgium B Ardeclie G d 2] Saone-et-Loire G c 21 Cochin China M g 28 14 21 24 24 21 7 e 21 b 32 c 21 a 21 d 21 d 28 a 27 c 22 ludre-et-Loire E Tasmania T Asia Minor C Patagonia D Ga. M 111. D Pa. E Nev. F Northampton F Hoo-uan K Sahara D Galapagos Is. F Queensland G III. G Sahara F 21 v 35 b 29 g 16 d 9 c 7 e 6 e 14 d 18 e 32 b 33 g 15 d 34 f 14 d 10 c 32 27 4 22 30 20 9 11 9 33 7 27 33 16 25 26 25 20 20 e 16 d 20 d 20 d 27 d 16 e 19 f 31 Tranquebar ( Tallangainbadi), Madras Pres. F e 31 Transand, Sweden G f 23 Trans Baikal, prov. Siberia N c 28 Transparent L. N. Y. G c 6 Transvaal Republic, N. Africa C g 33 Transylvania, co. N. C. C f 8 Transylvanian Alps, or East Carpathians I d 25 Transylvania, prov. Austria I c 25 Trapani, Sicily E e 26 Trapani, prov. Sicily E e 26 Trappe, Md. E h 6 Traps, The, Is. S. of New Zealand A g 35 Traquair, Peebles E e 19 Trasimeno, L. Umbria E c 26 Tras la Sierra, Mt. Caceres E d 27 Tras-os-montes, prov. Portugal C c~27 Trau, Dalmatia E e 25 Trail, Channel and Bay, Dalmatia E o 25 Traun, or Guninde.n See, Upper Austria C c 2fi i GENERAL INDEX 93 Traun, R. Upper Austria D b 25 Trikhala, or Tirkhala, Trikhala I e 26 Truro, bor. Cornwall A f 18 Traunstcin, Bavaria G e 22 Trikhala (Thessaly), gov. Turkey K e 26 Trussville, Ala. I d 9 Travancore, native state Madras E f 31 Tril, Argentine Rep. D f 16 Truxillo, Honduras F d 15 Travel lers Rest, Ga. M f 9 Triliick, Tyrone D b 29 Truxillo, Peru C c 16 Travellers Rest, S. C. E g 8 Trillo, Guadalajara H d 27 Truxillo, Venezuela I f 15 Travemunde, Liibeck F b 22 Trimble, Ohio K d 7 Trtixton, N. Y. E d 6 Traverse City, Mich. M f 11 Trimble, co. Ky. G e 7 Truyere, R. Aveyron F d 21 Traverse, co. Minn. A d 11 Trim, co. town, Meath E c 20 Trysil, Hamar G f 23 Traverse de Sioux, Minn. C e 11 Trincoinalee, Cevlon F 1 31 Trzebina, Galicia F a 25 Traverse 1. Mich. I b 11 Tringanu, Siam M h 28 Tsnganlugurik, Mongolia K c 32 Traverse L. Minn. A d 11 Tring, town. Hertford F e 18 Tsa-gyen, Burmah I c 31 Traverse Point, Mich. I b 11 Trinidad, Bolivia D d 16 Tsai-osu, Mongolia I c 32 Travis, 111. B c 7 Trinidad, Cal. A e 14 Tsang-chow, Pe-chi-li L c 32 Travis, Mich. M g H Trinidad, Cuba K f 3 Tsauo or Dembea, L. Abyssinia H c 33 Travis, Tenn. G a 9 Trinidad, Paraguay E e 16 Tsanpo, Yaroo, or Travis, co. Tex. H d 10 Trinidad, Venezuela K f 15 Brahmapootra, R. Tibet E e 32 Travnik, Bosnia G b 26 Trinidad, Gulf, Chili C g 16 Tsao-chow-foo, Shan-tung L c 32 Trawbreaga Bay, Donegal D a 20 Trinidad I. (liritish , Antilles L e 15 Tsao Hoo, L. Kiang-si L d 32 Trawenagh Bay, Donegal C b 20 Trinidad I. S. Atlantic Oc. Q 1 1 Tsaritsyn, Astraklian I f 24 Trawmore Bay, Mayo B b 20 Trinite, Fort, Martinique I. L e 15 Tsaritsyn, Saratov I f 24 Tray, Wis. I g 11 Trinity, Jersey D g 18 Tsarskoie Selo, St Petersburg F d 24 Trayay Bay, Tiree B d 19 Trinity, Newfoundland R b 4 Tsa-torgan-dzung, Tibet G e 32 Treachery Bay, N. Australia D b 34 Trinity, Tex. I d 10 Tschaprina, Hungary E c 25 Treantagh, Donegal D a 20 Trinity Bay, Newfoundland R c 4 Tseil, Palestine C e 30 Treasure, Nev. F f 14 Trinity Bay, Queensland H c 34 Tse tsiu. Quelpart I. N d 32 Trebinje, Bosnia H c 26 Trimty Centre, Cal. B e 14 Tshenba, Burmah I c 31 Trebitsch, Moravia D b 25 Trinity, co. Cal. B e 14 Tshirskaia, Nishni, Don Cossacks I f 24 Trebizond, Asia Minor D a 29 Tr.nity, co. Tex. I d 10 Tsiamdo, Tibet G d 32 Trebizond, prov. Asia Minor D a 29 Trimty District, Newfoundland R b 4 Tsi-chow, Shan se K d 32 Trebnitz, Silesia I c 22 Trinity R. Tex. I d 10 Tsimova, Greece K f 26 Tregaron, Cardigan C d 18 Trion, Ala. H d 9 Tsi-nan-foo, Cap. of Prov. Trego, co. Kans. G g 13 Tripassoor, Madras Pres. E e 31 Shan-tung L c 32 Tregony, Cornwall B f 18 Tripatoor, Madras Pres. E e 31 Tsin-chow, Corea N c 32 Tregosse Is. and Reefs, Coral Sea I c 34 Tripletts Creek, Ky. I e 7 Tsin-ehow, Shan-se K d 32 Treis, Rhpnish Prov. D c 22 Tripoli (Tarabulus), Syria D c 29 Tsin-chow-foo, Shan-tung L c 32 Trelo Vouni Mt. (Ih/metUisi, Greece K f 26 Tripoli, Cap. of, Tripod F a 33 Tsin-dun-si, Kan-su F b 32 Tremadoc, Carnarvon B d 18 Tripo)i, Vilayet, N. Africa F b 33 Tsing hai-wei, Shan-tung M c 32 Tremadoc Bay, Carnarvon B d 18 Trifiolis (Tarabulus) Syria C b 30 Tsing Kiang, R. China I d 32 Trembowla, Galicia I b 25 Tripolitza, Greece K f 26 Tsing ki-hien, Se-chuen H e 32 Tremiti Is. Adriatic Sea F c 26 Tripoutou, Mt. Guiana E b 16 Tsin-tien, Che-kiang M e 32 Tremone Bay, Donegal D a 20 Triste, Golfe, Venezuela K e 15 Tsin-tong I. Corea N c 32 Tremont, Env. of N. Y. C a 6 Trithena, Ohio H c 7 Tsin-ton-hu Nor, L. Kan su G b 32 Tremont, Mass. D g 5 Triton 1. Newfoundland Q b 4 Tsitsihar, or Tsitsikhar, Manchuria M b 32 Tremont, Pa. E f 6 Triumfo, Cal. D h 14 Tsna, R. Tambov I e 24 Tremp, Lerida L b 27 Trivandrum, or Tso-hangak, L. Tibet D d 32 Trempeleau, Wis. F e 11 Trivanderum, Travancore E f 31 Tso-nangong, L. Tibet C d 32 Trempeleau, co. Wis. F e 11 Trivatoor, Madias Pres. E e 31 Tsothang, or Thang L. Cashmere E a 31 Trempeleau R. Wis. F e 11 Trivoli, 111. C c 7 Tsudakhar, Daghestan K g 24 Tremschin Berg, Mt ' Bohemia C b 25 Trogen, Switzerland I c 21 Tsugar or Sangar Str. Japan Q b 32 Trench Creek, Pa. B d 6 Trois Pistoles, Quebec I b 4 Tsung Ling, or Trencsin, Hungary F b 25 Troitsk, Orenburg N e 24 Karakoram Mts. E. Turkestan C c 32 Trent, N. C. K f 8 Troitsk, Penza 1 e 24 Tsung-ming I. China M d 32 Trent (Gen Triente, Ital. T rento), Troitsk, Siberia H c 23 Tsun-hwa-chow, Pe-chi-li L b 32 Tyrol B c 25 Troitzkaye, Vologda M c 24 Tsu Sima, I. Japan N d 32 Trent Junction, Derby E d 18 Troll hatta Falls, on the R. Tsylma, R. Archangel L b 24 Trenton, Ga. IC c 9 Gota Elf, Gothland G g 23 Tsylma, Ust, Archangel L b 24 Trenton, 111. C e 7 Trombetas, R. Brazil E b 16 Tuahina Head, Auckland G c 35 Trenton, Ky. E g 7 'from Oe, I. Christiansand E g 23 Tuam, Galway C c 20 Trenton, La. C e 9 Tromper Wiek, Pomerania G a 22 Tim marina, Marlborough D d 35 Trenton, Mich. O g 11 Tromso, Trbmsb K b 23 Tuape, Mexico D d 3 Trenton, Minn. D f 11 Trbmsb I. Trbmsb K b 23 Tua, R. Tras os Montes C c 27 Trenton, Minn. E c 11 Tromso, amt, Norway K b 23 Tuat, or Twat, Marocco E b 33 Trenton, Miss. F e 9 Trbmsb, stilt. Norway I b 23 Tubac, Ariz. H k 14 Trenton, Mo. N m 12 Tronto, R. Marches E c 26 Tubaket Fahel, Palestine C f 30 Trenton, N. C. H f 8 Troon, town, Ayr D e 19 Tubariyeh ( Tiberias), Palestine C e 30 Trenton, N. J. G f 6 Troopsville, ^N. Y. E d 6 Tubas ( Thebez), Palestine B f 30 Trenton, N. Y. F c 6 Tropea, Calabria F e 26 Tubbrid, Fermanagh D b 20 Trenton, Ohio H d 7 Troppau, Silesia E b 25 Tubbus, or Tebbes, Persia H c 29 Trenton, Tenn. G b 9 Trosa, Sweden I g 23 Tubeldiyeh, Dar Fur B g 29 Trenton Falls, N. Y. F c 6 Trossnchs, The, dist Perth D d 19 Tubehhyeh, Soudan G c 33 Trent R. N. C. H f 8 Trostan, Mt. Antrim E a 20 Tubingen, Wiirtemberg E d 22 Trent, R. Ontario E d 4 Trotternish, dist. Skye B c 19 Tuckahoe, N. C. H g 8 Trent, R. Stafford and Lincoln F c 18 Trotternish Point, Skye B c 19 Tuekahoe Creek, Md. F g 6 Trepassey Harb. Newfoundland R c 4 Trotto I. Lower Siam I f 31 Tuckahoe R. N. J. G c 6 Treport, Le, Seine in ferieure E a 91 Trotush, R. Moldavia M a 26 Tuckasee^ee R. N. C. B f 8 Treptow, Pomerania G b 22 Troublesome Creek, Ky. I f 7 Tuokatown, 111. A c 7 Treptow, Pomerania H a 1 2 Troup, co. Ga. K e 9 Tucker, co. W. Va. F b 8 Treshnish Islands, Argyle B d 19 Troup Head, Banff F c 19 Tuekermuck Is. . Mass. D g 5 Tres Marias lslas, Mexico B c 15 Troupville, Ga. M g 9 Tuckertou, N. J. G g 8 Tres Montes, Penin. Chili C g 16 Trousdale, co. Tenn. I a 9 Tuekcrville, Mo. N o 12 Tres Pontas, Cataract (R. Trout Creek, 41a. O g 9 Tucson, Cap. of Ter. Ariz. H i 14 Araguaya), Brazil F c 16 Trout Creek, lnd. T. F a 10 Tucuman, Argentine Rep. D e 16 Treuenbrietzen, Brandenburg G b 22 Trout Creek, Oreg. G c 14 Tucuman Prov. Argentine Ken. D e 16 Treves (Trier), Rhenish Prov. D d 22 Trout Hill, W. Va. C c 8 Tucumcari Mts. N. Mex. D b 10 Treves ( Trier), gov. Prussia D d 22 Trout L. Brit. America L d 2 Tudela, Navarra I b 27 Treviglio, Lombardy C b 27 Trou Ion, Pa. F f 6 Tudela de Duero, Valladolid F c 27 Trevinca, Pena, Mt. Oreuse D b 27 Trout Run, Pa. D e 6 Tuela, R. Tras os Montes C c 27 Treviso, Venetia E b 26 Trouville, Calvados E b 21 Tuerto, R. Leon E b 27 Treviso, prov. Venetia E b 26 Trowbridge, town, Wilts D e 18 Tuffah, et. Syria B c 30 Trevorton, Pa. E f 6 Troy, • Ala. K f 9 Tulfer, Stj ria D c 25 Trevose Head, Cornwall A f 18 Troy, 111. C e 7 Tuftonboro, N. H. C e 5 Trevoux, Ain G d 21 Troy, lnd. F e 7 Tugaloo, Miss. E e 9 Trexleitown, Pa. F f 6 Troy, Kans. I g 13 Tugaloo R. S. C. B g 8 Trezevant, Tenn. G b 9 Troy, Me. E d 5 Tug Fork (Sandy R.), Ky. K f 7 Triabunna, Tasmania T v 35 Troy, Mich. L h 11 Tug Fork (Sandy R.), W. Va. C d 8 Trial Bay, New S. Wales I f 34 Troy, Mo. P o 12 Tuggarah Lake, New S. Wales I f 34 Triana, Ala. I c 9 Troy, N. C. F f 8 Tuguegabao, Philippine Islands O g 28 Triana, Sevilla D g 27 Troy, N. H. B f 5 Tugurik, Mongolia 4’ b 32 Trwm. (de Versailles), Troy, N. Y. H d 6 Tugurik, Mongolia I c 32 Seine-et-Oise B e 21 Troy, Ohio H c 7 Tu.che, R. Bolivia D d 16 Tribulation, Cape, Queensland H c 34 Troy, Pa. E e 6 Tui locks Creek, Mont. C d 13 Trichindoor, Madras Pres. E f 31 Troy, Tenn. F a 9 Tukituki R. Hawke’s Bay F c 35 Trichinopolly ( Trichinapcilli), Troy, Vt. B d 5 Tukkum, Courland E d 24 Madras Pres. E e 31 Troyes, Aube G b 21 Tula, Mexico D d 15 Triehoor, Cochin E e 31 Troy, West, N. Y. H d 6 Tula, or Tnula, Tula FI e 24 Trickion, Ga. K d 9 Trubau, Bohemia E b 25 Tula, or Toula, gov. Russia H e 24 Triebitz, Bohemia E b 25 Trubtehevsk, Orel G e 24 Tula, R. Mongolia I a 32 Triebsees, Pomerania G a 22 Truckee Pass, Cal. C f 14 Tulare, co. Cal. D g 14 Trient (Trent, Ital. Trento), Tyrol B c 25 Trujillo, Caceres E e 27 Tulare L. Cal. D 1 14 Trieste (Triest), Triest C d 25 Trumansburg, N. Y. E d 6 Tulare R. Cal. D g 14 Trieste, prov. Austria C d 25 Trumbull, Conn. A g 5 Tulcan, Ecuador C b 16 Triest, Gulf of, Adriatic Sea C d 25 Trumbull, co. Ohio M b 7 Tule, Nev. E e 14 Trigg, co. Ky. E g 7 Truro, Mass. D g 5 Tulema, R. Archangel G b 24 Trigucro, Huelva D g 27 Truro, Nova Scotia M df 4 Tuleville, Cal. D g 14 Ttili Gassarman Mts. Til ling Ho, li. Tulip, Tull, Tulla, Tullaglian Bay, Tullaght, Tullalioma, Tulls more, Co. Town, Tullanstown, Tullaroan, Tulle, Tullig Point, Tulin, Tullocks, Tullow, Tullycanna, Tullyvin, Afghanistan China Ark Afghanistan Clare Mayo Dublin Tenn. King’s Co. Louth Kilkenny Correze Clare Lowei Austria Mont. Carlow Wexford Cavan Olonetz Roscommon Danube New S. Wales Columbia Ecuador Upper Nile Peru Corea Bengal Perth Perth Guiana New S. Wales Sweden Tulos, L. Tulsk, Tultcha, Tuma, Tumaco, Tumaco, Tumat, R. Tumbez, Tumen R. Turn look, Tummel, Falls of, Tuinmel R. Tumucuraque Mts. Tumut, Tuna, Tuna, or Danube (Bulgaria), gov. Turkey Tuna, Mt. Nelson Tunbridge town, Kent Tunbridge Wells, town, Kent Tundra, Gieat, plain. Archangel Tundra, Little, or Timan, Archangel Tung Hai, or Eastern China Sea, China Tung-ku-hien, Pe-chi-li Tung-lew-hien, Ngan-whi Tunguska, Lower, R. Siberia Tunguska, Stony, R. Siberia Tunica, Miss. Tunica, co. Miss. Tunis, Cap. of Beylik, Tunis Tunis, Eyalet, N. Airiea Tunis, Gull of, Tunis Tunja, Columbia Tunja, or Tondja, R. Edirne Tunka, Siberia Tunka Mts. Siberia Tunkhannock, Pa. Tunnels Store, Del. Tunstall, Stafford Tuolumne, co. Cal. Tuolumne R. Cal. Tupelo, Miss. Tupinambarana, T. de, R, Amazon Tupiza, 'l'upper’s L. Tupuregato, mt. Tupuro, R. Tula, Turagua, Mt. Turakma, Turakini R. Turan. or W. Turkestan, Turanga-nui, Turany, Tura, R. Turbo, Turbon, El, Mt. Turenue, Turfan, Turlan (Uslii), Bolivia N. Y. Andes of Chili Columbia Hungary Venezuela Wellington Wellington Asia Auckland Hungary Perm Columbia Huesca Correze E. Turkestan E. Turkestan Turia, or Guadalaviar, R. Valencia Turianska Planina, Roumelia Turin (it. Torino), Piedmont Turin, N. Y. Turinsk, Perm Turiusk, Siberia Tuns, Valencia Turka, Galicia Turkestan, Russian Turkestan Turkestan, E., Thiaii-shan-nau-loo, or Lit. Bukharin, kgdm. Asia Turkestan, \V., or Turan, Asia Turkevi, Hungary Turkey Cre k, Ariz. Turkey Creek (E. & W.), La. Turkey in Asia, div. Asia Turkey inEurope, sultanate, Europe Turkey L. lnd. Turkey R. Iowa Turk is. Bahamas Turlak, Bessarabia 'furlough, Clare Turloughmore, Galway Turuagaiu, Cape ( Te-Poro-l'oro ) Wellington Turnau, Bohemia Tnrnberry Point, Ayr a 31 b 32 9 31 20 20 20 9 20 20 20 1 20 25 14 20 20 20 24 20 28 g 34 g 15 b 16 g 29 c 10 b 32 c 31 d 19 d 19 b 16 g 34 t 23 c 26 e 35 e 18 e 18 b 24 b 24 e 32 c 32 d 32 b 28 b 28 c 9 c 9 a 33 a 33 a 33 f 15 d 26 a 32 a 32 e 6 h 6 c 18 f 14 5 u4 c 9 c 16 e 16 b 6 f 16 b 16 b 25 f 15 d 35 d 35 23 c 35 b 25 d 24 f 15 b 27 21 32 32 27 26 26. 6 24 24 27 25 28 D c Turnbull, 1 urnbull Mt. Turnbull Mt. Turnelfe I. Turner Creek, Turners, Turnersport, Ala. Ariz. Central Austialia Brit. Honduras Queensland N. Y. Mich. 32 28 c 25 h 14 e 9 29 26 b 7 k 12 c 15 f 24 c 20 c 20 d 35 a 25 e 19 f 9 i 14 d 34 d 15 c 34 e <3 e 11 2 \ 94 GENERAL INDEX, Tumhout, Belgium C c 22 Tyrrhenian Sea. Mediterranean E e 26 Ulleswater (L.), Westmorland D b 18 Union, San Carles de la, Turn Ness, Orkney Islands E b 19 Tyrits ( Arak el Emir), Palestine C S 30 Ullin, ill. C f 7 San Salvador I e 15 Tuniova, Trikhala K e 26 Tys Fiord, Trbmsb I b o , Ulm, Wiirtemburg E d 22 Union Springs, Ala. K e 9 Turra, N u lua C g 2y Tysmienice, Galicia I b 25 Ulrieehman, Gothland G fi 23 Union Springs, N. Y. L d 6 Tuna, Palestine D e 30 Tyscns Mills, N. C. F r 8 Ulster Calial, Monaghan E b 20 Uuiontowii, ~ Ala. H e 9 Turriff, Aberdeen F c 19 Tyung-Tsiu, Corea N c 32 Ulster Co. A. V. G e 6 Umon Town, Cal. A e 14 Turslieez, 01 Tersheez, Persia H b 29 Tyuzsp, R. Cashmere E a 31 Ulster, xveiv, former name of North Unioiitown, Ky. E f 7 Turt.e I. Lake Erie I b 7 Tzagan-Klmduk, Mongolia lv c 32 Island, New Zealand 35 Union Town, Md. D g 6 Turtle I. W. Australia B c 31 Tzana or Dembe.r, L. Abyssinia D g 29 Ulster prov. Ireland D b 20 Uniontown, Pa. B g « Turtle Mts. Dak. G b 13 Tzin-choui Ho, R. China K c 32 Ultima Thule, Ark. A c 9 Uuiontown, Pa. D e 6 Turtle it. Dak. G d 13 Tzin-ho, E. Turkestan D b 32 Ulna, It. Honduras F d lo Unionville, Iml. F d 7 Turtle R. Dak. H b 13 Tziui-yan, L. Kau-su G b 32 Ulu-kem or Zeuesei R. Mongolia F a 32 Uuiouville, Mo. N m 12 Turtle R. Minn. C b 11 Ulva 1. Argyle B a is) Unionvil] e. Nev. D e 14 Turtukai, Danube M b 26 Uacaiari, or Rio dos Uapes, Brazil Iv h 15 Ul vers tone, Tasmania S u So Unionvil le, N. H. C e 5 Turukliansk, Siberia K b 28 Uam Var, Mt. Perth D (1 19 Ulverston, town, Lancashire C b 18 Uniouvil e. N. Y. G e 6 Tuscalioma, Ala. G e 9 Uaudo's Residence, Upper Nile B i 29 Ulysses, Nebr. 11 i 13 Unionvil e, Ohio L b 7 Tuscaloosa, Ala. H d 9 Uapes, It. dos, or Jacaian, Brazil K h 15 Ulysses, Pa. D ■e 6 Unionvil e, Pa. D f 6 Tuscaloosa, Tex. 1 d 10 Uassari, Mt. Guiana E b 16 U man, Kiev G t 24 Uuiouville, S. C. D g 8 Tucaloossa, co. Ala. H d 9 Uatuna, R. Brazil E c 16 Umatilla, Oreg. D c 14 United States, N. America 3 Tuscany ( Toscana), div. Italy D c 26 Ubeda, Jaen G f 27 Umatilla, co. Oreg. D c ii United Stat s of Columbia or New Tuscarawas, co. Ohio L c 7 Uberabu, Brazil F a 16 Umbagog L. N. H. G d 0 Grana la, S. America C b 16 Tuscarawas It. Ohio L c 7 U bon, Siam K a 31 Umbrella Range, Otago B f 35 United States Sound, Arctic ilegions N b 2 Tusrarora or Broad Mts. Pa. D f 6 Ubort, R. W. Russia F e 24 Umorella, iv mle, Otago B f do Uuitu, Mongolia I c 32 Tuscarora R. Pa. D f 6 Ubrique, Cadiz E li 2 7 Umbria, div. Italy E c z.0 Unity, Me. E d 5. Tuscola, 111. D d 7 Ubsa Nor, L. Mongolia F a 32 Umcoleus L. Me. F b o Unkapas, Silias, and Tuscola, Mich. 0 f 11 Ubu Tengis, L. Russian Empire H a 2o Umea, Norrland L e 16 Apas, tribes, Dak. E d 13 Tuscola, co. Mich. 0 f 11 Ucayale, R. Peru C c 16 Unieu Elf, Norrland K d 16 U ukcl, Rhenish Prov. D c 22 Tuscumbia, Ala. II c 9 Ucayari, R. Columbia C 1) 16 Umea Wattnet, L. Norrland li c 16 Uukofsky Bay, Corea N c 32 Tuscumbia, Mo. 0 0 12 Ucero, R. Soria G c 27 Um el Falun, Palestine B e 66 U ukor. Somali I c 33 Tn-shi-kiu-hien, Pe-cbi-li L 1) 32 Uehee Anna, Fla. I g 9 U m-el-J emel ( Uetk-yamul), Uuna, Westphalia D c 22 Tuskegee, Ala. K e 9 Uchur, R. Siberia P c 28 Palestine D f 30 Uiina, R. Bosnia G b 26 Tusket, Nova Scotia L e 4 Ucki r, R. Pomerania H b _2 Um el Jenul es Sgl air, Palestine D e 66 Unuatz, Lower, Bosnia G b 26 Tuspa, Mexico D d 15 Uekermark, dist. Brandenburg G l) 22 Um el Kiuen, Palestine E f 66 Uuuatz, Upper, Bosnia G b 26 Tuspan, Mexico C d 15 Uekermunde, Pomerania 11 b 22 Um el fiusas, Palestine D K 66 Unsbin, R. Sligo C b 20 Tussey’s Mt. Pa. D f 6 Uckfiehl, Sussex G i to Um er ftiunammim. Palestine .v li 66 Uusha, R. Kostroma 1 d 24 Tossouin, Egypt B a 33 U«ia poor (Odevpoor), Rajpootana D c 31 Um es Surub, Palestine D f 06 Uu.it, I. Shetland B b 19 Tussoum, Suez Canal C o 33 Uda, R. Siberia 1 a 32 Um-Keis, Palestine G e ‘66 Unstrut, R. Prov. Saxony F c 22 Tustin, Mich. M e 11 Udavagiri lOodagherry), Umo, R. E. Africa E h 16 Untamtuna R. Natal H h 33 Tutainoi Mt. Auckland D a 35 Madras Pres. E a 31 Umpqua, Oreg. B b 1ft Unterwalden, cant. Switzerland I c 21 Tutlmry, Stafford E d 18 Uddevalla, Gothland F g 23 Umpqua City, Oreg. A d id Unyamuezi, kingdom, Nile Basin H e 33 Tutekkov, Moldavia N b 26 Uddjaur, L. Norrland I c 2-j Umpqua Mts. Oreg. B a li Uuyanyembe, Cent. Africa H e 33 Tuticorin (Tuttulcudi), Mad. Pres. E f ai Udine, Venetia E a 26 Umpqua R. Oreg. B d ii U uyoro, Upper Nile C i 29 Tutoini Gulf, Nip-lion P d 32 Udine, prov. Venetia E a 26 Umntsir, or Amritsir, Punjab D a 6 i Uuzimkulu R. Natal H h 33 Tutteli, Somali E o 2y Udinsk, Siberia G a 32 Umsaskis L. Me. E 0 o Upatoi, Ga. L e 9 Tiitters, Great, I. Finland O & 23 Udmsk Bay, Siberia S c 28 Umur Fakih, Edirue ai 0 lo U patoi Creek, Ga. L e 9 Tiitters, Little, I. Finland 0 g 23 Udinsk, Nijni, Siberia L c 28 Umurumah I. Red idea D d U pernavik, Greenland P b 2 Tuttlingen, Wiirteinberg E e 22 Udinsk, Verkhnie, Siberia M c 28 U naiiilla, N.Y. F d 0 upper Comers, Me. F d 5 Tutukaka Harb. Auckland E a 35 Udong, Cambodia lv e 31 Unadilla, R. N. Y. F d b U pper Cross Timbers, Tex. H c 10 Tut was. Rajpootana D b 31 Udoiig, Cap. of, Cambodia M g 28 U n aka Mts. N. C. A f b U pper Geyser Basin, Wyom. A d 13 Tutzing, Bavaria F e 22 Udsiro 1. Christiansand C 23 Unaka Mts. Team l, b 6 Upper Iowa R. Iowa P i 12 Tuvak, Labrador N c 2 Udskoi, Siberia P c 28 Unalahl et. Alaska E c 1 Upper Knife Creek, Dak. E b 13 Tuwano, Japan 0 d 32 Ueles, Cuenca H e 27 Unare, it. Venezuela iv f io upper Lake of Kiflarney, Kerry B e 20 Tuxpan, Mexico D c 15 Uella, R. Upper Nile B i 29 Unca R. Utah E c itt upper Little R. N. G. E f 3 Tuxtla, Mexico E d 15 Uelle, R. Ceut. Africa G il 33 Uneompahgre Mts. Colo. O ll lo upper Marlborough, Md. E b 6 Tuxtla, VoL Mexico E d 15 Ueviza, Peru G c 16 Uucompahgre It. Colo. G g lo Upper Neivinskoi, Perm N d 24 Tuy, Ponte vedra B b 27 Ula, or Oufa, Ufa M e 24 Unden, L. Gothland li g lo Upper Palouse R. Idaho E b 14 Tuyra, R. Columbia H f lo Ufa, or Oufa, gov. Russia M e 24 Undercliffe, L of Wight E i J.O U pper Sandusky, Ohio I c 7 Tvareila, Non! and M c 23 Ufa, or Oul a, it. Astrakhan M a 24 Underoo I. Laccadive is. L> e oJ Upper St Croix L. Wis. E' c 11 Tver, or Twer, Tver H d 21 Ufalievskoi, Perm. M a 24 Understen Rock and Light, U pper Trappe, Md. F h 6 Twass, S. Cent. Africa F g 33 Utimsk, Krasno, Perm. M d 24 Sweden K f 23 U pper Yakima R. Wash. C d 14 TweeJdale, dist. Peebles E e 19 Ufsby, Finland L t' 23 Ungama (Formosa Bay), Upper Yellowstone R. Wyom. A d 13 Tweed R. Peebles E e 19 Ugaden, dist. Somali F h 29 Zanzibar Coast I e 33 Uppingham, town, Rutland F d 18 Twelve Pins of Bunabola, Galway B c 20 Ugaki, Japan P c 32 Ungava B. Labrador O d 2 U psala, Sweden I g 23 Twelve Pole Creek, W. Va. C c 8 Uganda, kingdom, Upper N ile C k 29 U ugh, R. Hungary H 0 2o Upsala. la:en, Sweden I g 23 Twer, or Tver, gov. Russia H d 21 Uger-bulak, E. Turkestan E a 32 Uugnvar, Hungary 11 b 2 o Upshur, co. Tex. I c 10 Twiggs, co. Ga. M e 9 Uggerby, Uenmark E h 23 Ungoweah Mts. Nev. F f 14' Upshur, co. W. Va. E c 8 Twin Ralls, Wis. I d 11 Ugijar, Granada G h 2/ Ung R. Cent. Provs. F e Oi Upson, co. Ga. L e 9 Tiviu Lakes, Iowa M k 12 U giitch, Yaroslav H a _4 Umdo, Porto da, Brazil E e lO U pstart C. Queensland H c 34 Twin Peaks, Utah H e 11 Ugra, R. Kaluga H e 24 Unie 1. Istria D d 2o Upton, Pa. D g 6 Twin River, Nev. E f ii U iiarie R. N. G. F f 8 Union, California B 0 14 Uptou-on-Severn, Worcester D d 18 Two Bays, Cape, Patagonia D g 16 Uhricesville, Ohio L c 7 Union, 111. C f 7 U ralia Gulf, Columbia H f 15 Two Butte Creek, Ivans. F li 13 Uig, Skye B e 19 Union, Iowa N k 12 Ur.ickia, Mexico E e 3 Two Creeks, Wis. K e 11 Uig Bay, Skye B e ly Union, Iowa U 1 Iz Uraga, Japan P c 32 Twofold Bay, New S. Wales I g 34 Uintah, co. Wyom. A e 13 Union, Mich. M g ll Ural Cossacks, gov. Russia L e 24 Two Hearted R. Mich. M c 11 Uintah Fort, Utah I e 14 Union, Miss. E e 9 Ural, or Oural, aits. Russia M d 24 Two Mountains, co. Quebec F d 4 Uintah Mts. Utah H e 14 Union, Mo. P o 12 Ural, prov. Siberia H d 28 Two Rivers, Minn. A a 11 Uintah R. Utah 11 e 14 Union, N. J. A b 0 Ural, R. Astrakhan L f 24 Two Rivers, Minn. C d 11 Ui, It. Astrakhan N e 24 Umou, Pa. B e 0 Uralsk, or Ouralsk, Ural Cossacks L e 24 Two Rivers, Wis. lv e 11 U ist, North I. Outer Hebrides A c iy Umon, Tenn. N a 9 Uralsk, Verkuei, Orenburg M e 24 Two Sima, I. Loo Clioo N e 32 Uist, South, I. Outer Hebrides A c 19 Union, Utah G e 14 U raugkash, E. Turkestan C c 32 Two Thumb Range, Canterbury C e 35 Ui-tsiu, Corea M c 32 Union, Va. G d 0 Uras, Sardinia C e 26 Tybee I. Ga. P i 9 Uiwassa R. N. C. A f 8 Union, Vt. B e 0 U rasmysk, Orenburg M e 24 Tydansky B. Siberia K a 28 Ujein, or Oojein, Indore Agency E c 31 Union, W. Va. E d b U rba.ua, Md. D g 0 Tye it. Va. G d 8 Ujhely, Hungary G b 25 U uion and Fremont Pass, Wyom. A e lo U rbana. Mo. N p 12 Tygarts Valley, W. Va. E b 8 Ujiji, Cent. Africa H e 33 Union Bridge, Md. D g 0 Urlana, Ohio I c 7 Tygerts Creek, Ky. t e 7 Ujszalles Kis, Hungary G c 25 Union Cape, Arctic Regions O a 2 U rbana. Va. I d 8 Tygh Creek, Oreg. C e 14 U,j Szany, Hungary F c 25 Union Church, Miss. E f; 9 U rbana, Venezuela IC f 15 Tyler, Pa. C e 6 Ukamok I. Alaska E a 2 Union City, Ind. H c 7 Urbanna, ill. D c 7 Tyler, Tex. I c 10 Ukara, Upper Nile C k 29 Union City, Iowa M m 12 Urbel, R. Burgos G b 27 Tyler, co. Tex. I d 10 Ukba, Beni, tribe, Arabia D d 2y Union City, Ohio H c 7 Urbino h Pesaro, prov. Marclies E c 26 Tyler, co. W. Va . E b 8 Ukiah, Cal. B f 14 Union City, Tenn. E a 9 Uremii, Taranaki E c 35 Tylersville, Pa. D e 6 Ukiat, R. E. Turkestan D b 32 Union, co. Ark. O d 9 Ure, R. York E b 18 Tynagh, Galway C c 20 Ukori, com Upper Nile C i 29 Union, co. Ga. M c 9 Ures, Mexico D e 3 Tyndall, Mt. Cal. D g 14 Ukraine or Little Russia, G e 24 Union, co. Ind. H d 7 Uriah, or Orfali ( Edessa ), Syria D b 29 Tyndall, Mt. Canterbury C e 35 Ukungwe, Ceut. Africa II e 33 Union, co. Iowa M m 12 U rfalir, Upper Austria D b 25 Tyndrum, Perth D d iy Ula, R. Corea N b 32 Union, co. Ky. E f 7 U rga, or Ourga, Mongolia I b 32 Tynemouth, bor. Northumber. E a 18 Ulbino, Pena, Mt. Asturias E a 27 Union, co. N. G. E f 8 Urgel, Seo de, Lerida M b 27 Tyne it. Haddington F d 19 Ulbster Head, Caithness E b 19 Umon, co. N. J. G i 6 Urgundab, R. Afghanistan B a 31 lyne, R. Northumberland E a 18 Ulcofauhachee R. Ga. M d 9 Union, co. Ohio 1 c 7 Unanghai, prov. Mongolia G a 32 iyner City, Ind. F b 7 Uldeeoua, Tarragona L d 27 Union, co. Oreg. E c 14 Uriankansk, Manchuria M a 32 Tyuskin, Md. F b 6 Uldza R. Mongolia K a 32 Union, co. Pa. D f 6 Uri, cant. Switzerland I c 21 Ty Ping 1. Majico Sima N f 32 Uleaborg, Finland F c 24 Union, co. S. G. D g 8 Urlingt'ord, Kilkenny D d 20 Tyre (Sur), Palestine B d 30 Uleaborg, gov. Finland F b 24 Union, co. Tenn. M a 9 Urodogani, Upper N ile C i 29 Tyrells Mt. N. G. F f 8 Ulea, L. Finland F c 24 U uion Creek, Iud. T. F a 10 Urre Laquen (Bitter L. ), Arg. Rep. D f 16 Tym, or Tireh, Asia Minor B b 29 Ulea, R. Finland F c 24 Union Creek, Tex. 11 d 10 Urr R. Kirkcudbright E f 19 Tyrie, Aberdeen F c 19 Ulenge L. Africa G e 33 Union Falls, N. Y. 11 b 6 Ursa, 111. A c 7 Tyn Rjord, L. Christiania F f 23 Ulf Oe, I. Tromso H b 23 Union Fork, Wyom. H d 11 Urskitzeni, Walachia M b 26 Tyrnau, Hungary E b 25 U 1 to I. Norrland K e 23 Union Is. S. Pacific Oc. A i 1 Ursvik Fiord, Norrland L d 23 Tyrol, prov. Austria B c 25 Uliasutai, Mongolia G b 32 Union, par. Ea. C e 9 Urtas (Jitam), Palestine B g 30 Tyrone, Pa. 0 i 6 Ulaisutai, R. Mongolia G a 32 Union Pass, Wyom. H d 14 U rtii, Kan-su F D 32 Tyrone, co. Ulster D b 20 Ulla, it. Goruila B b 27 Union Peak, Nev. F f 14 Urua, Brazil D c 16 Tyrrell, co. N. C. I f 8 U Hanger, Norrland lv e 23 Union Peak, Wyom. A e 13 Urub, Nubia C f 29 Tyrrell Lake, Victoria G g 34 Ullansvang, Bergen D 1 23 Union Point, Ga. M d 9 Urubamba, Rio, Peru C c 16 'Tyrieilspass, Westmeath D c 20 Ullapool, Cromarty C c 19 Union R. Me. F d 5 Urubu, Brazil F d 16 GENERAL INDEX. 95 Urubnpunga Falls (R. Parana), Brazil E Uruguay, Rep. Uruguay, River, Urumea, R. Uruiniyali, Urumiyah, L. Urumtsi, Urundi, Uruugu, R. Urupaiti, R, Ury, Usa, R. Us„L, R. Uscz, Usedom T. Useless Bay, Usen, Great, R. Useu, Little, R. South America E Uruguay E Navarra 1 Persia F Persia F Kan-su E Upper Nile C E. Turkestan F Brazil E Borneo N Saratov K Kiev F Posen I Germany H Patagonia D Astrakhan K Astrakhan K Ushant, or I. d’Ouessant, Finistere B Uslii Turfan, E. Turkestan C Ush.itza, Servia H Ushkoclra, or Skodra (Scutari), Roumelia H Monmouth D Finland M Brecon and Monmouth C Monmouth D Usk, bor. Uskela, Usk, R. Usk, R. Uskup (Skcpia), Usman, Usoga, cou. Usopamo Mts. Ussa, R. Ussa, Ust, Ussel, Ussan Nor, L. Usta, R. Ustia, R. Ustica I. Ust Ilia, Ust Labinsk, Ust Medvieditsa, Ust Sysolsk, Ust Tsylma, Perzerim I Tambov H Upper Nile C Venezuela L Archangel N Archangel M Correze F Tibet G Kostroma K Vologda I Sicily E Siberia K Kuban Dist. H Don Cossacks I Vologda L Archangel L Ust, Urt Plateau, Russian Empire G Ust Ussa, Archangel M Ustyushna, Novgorod LI Usunkopri, Edirne M Usuri, R. Manchuria 0 Utah, co. Utah ter. H Utah Creek, N. Mex. E Utah L. Utah G Utah, ter. United States Utakamand (Ootacamund), Madras Pres. E Utica, Utica, Utica, Utica, Utica, Utica, U tica, Utica, Utiel, Utila, Utklippoma and Light, Uto I. Uto Light, Utrecht, Utrecht, prov. Utrera, Utsumacinta, R. Uttoxeter, town, Uttumbi, cou. Uvalde, Uvalde, co. Uvalli Plateau, Uvelka, R. UVira, Uvuma, Uxbridge, Uxbridge, town, Uxmal, Uya I. Uzes, Uzinza, Kingdom, Uzunjova, 111. C Ind. G Mich. P Miss. E Mo. N N. Y. F Ohio K Wis. F Cuei^a I Honduras F Gothland H Sweden K Finland L Holland C Holland C Sevilla E Mexico E Stafford E Upper Nile B Tex. G Tex. G Vologda L Astrakhan N Cent. Africa G Upper Nile C Ontario D Middlesex F Yucatan F Shetland B Gart G Nile. Basin H Edirne L Vaage, Hamar E Vaagen, Tromso H Vaageu I. Tromso H Vaag Oe, T., Ost, Tromso H Vaag Oe, I., Vest, Tromso G Vangs Fiord, Tromso I Vabbi R. Upper Nile D Vacarapy, R. Brazil E Vixhe, I. Haiti I ' acovia, Nile Basin H Vadso, Tromso P Vaduz, Liechtenstein E Vairo I. Tromso G Vaga, R. Archangel I Vaida Hunyad, Transylvania H Vaila I. Shetland A Vaison, Vaucluse G Vajutza, R. Janina H Valai, Manchuria 0 Valais (Ger. Wallis), cant. Switd. H Vala, R. Viatka L Valata, Soudan D Valcares, Etang de. L. Bouehes du Rhone G Valdai, Novgorod G Valdai Hills, Novgorod G Valdavia, R. Palencia F b 27 e 16 Valdepeiias, Ciudad Real G 1' 27 f 16 Valderaduey, R. Zamora E c 27 f 16 Valderus, Leon E b 27 a 27 Valderrobres, Tevuel L d 27 b 29 Valdes, or Luancoy Valdes, Oviedo E a 27 b 29 Val de Ujo, Castellon de la Plana K e 27 b 32 Va ! d: Vez, Arcos de. Minho B c 27 k 29 Va .di . ia. Chili C f 16 a 32 \ aid. via, prov. Chili O g 16 c 16 Valdosta, Ga. M g 9 h 28 Valeinyi, Brazil F c 16 e 24 Valenya, Brazil F e 16 e 24 Valenya, Brazil G cl 16 b 22 Valeu^a, Minho B c 27 i 23 Valencay, Indre E c 21 h 16 Vaiem e, Drome G d 21 f 24 Valencia, Valencia K e 27 f 24 Valencia, Venezuela K e 15 b 21 Valencia, co. N. Mex. C b 10 b 32 Valencia de Alcantara Caceres C e 27 b 26 Valencia de Don Juan Leon E b 27 Valencia Harbour, Kerry A ft 2U c 26 Valencia I. Kerry A e 2U e 18 Valencia, L. Venezuela K e 15 f 23 Valencia, old prov. Spain K e 27 e 18 Valencia, prov. Spain K e 27 e 18 Valenciennes, Nord F a 21 c 26 Valene, Ind. F e 7 e 24 Valeni, Walachia M b 26 i 29 Valensole, Basses Alpes G e 21 f 15 Valerien, Iforteresse du Mont, Seme B e 21 b 24 Valga, R. Vaiievo, Valineo, G. de, Upper Nile D h 29 b 24 Servia I b 26 d 21 Corsica I f _1 a 31 Valid, Kharkov H f 21 d 24 Valladolid,* Ecuador C c 16 c 24 Valladolid, Valladolid F c 27 e 26 Valladolid, Yucatan F c 15 a 32 Valladolid, prov. Spain F c 27 f 24 Vallay, I. Outer Hebrides A c 19 f 24 Valle, Estremadura B e 27 c. 24 Valle Crucis, N. C. D e 8 b 24 Valle de la Alcudia, Ciudad Real F f 27 d 28 Valle de los PlUyas, N. Mex. B c lb b 24 Vaiie de Sail, Ariz. I i 14 d 24 Val lee d’ Arran, Pyrenees E e 21 d 26 V alle Grande, Bolivia D d 16 a 32 Vallejo, Cal. B f 14 e 14 Vallenar, or Ballenar, Chili C e 16 b 10 Valle, nio del, Argentine Rep. D e 16 e 14 Valletta, or La Valeta , Malta F g 26 14 Vadey, co. Nebr. G t 13 Valley Creek, Tex. F b 1U e 31 Valley Falls, R. I. C g 5 e 7 Valley Forge, Pa. F x 6 e 7 Valley -Junction, N. C. G e 8 g 11 Valley River Mountains, N. C. B f 8 e 9 Valley Station, Colo. E f 13 n 12 Val ley town. N. C. B f 8 c 6 Valiier, Drome G d 21 c 7 Vallo, Campania F d 26 f 11 Vails, Tarragona M c 27 e 27 Valmaseda, Biscaya G a 27 d 15 Valtnv, Marne G b 21 i 23 Valnera, Mt. Santander G a z7 g 23 Valognes, Manche D b 21 g 23 Valparaiso, Chili C f 16 b 22 Valparaiso, Ind. E b 7 b 22 Valparaiso, prov. Clnli C f 16 g 27 Valpo, Slavonia F d 25 d 15 Val verde, Cuenga H e 27 d 18 Val Verde, N. Mex. C c 1U k 29 Valverde del Camino, Huelvo D g 27 e 10 Van, Armenia E b 29 e 10 Van, Carmarthen C e 18 c 24 Van Alphen R. N. Australia F c 34 e 24 Vanatlasburg, Ohio K c 7 e 33 Van Buren, Ark. A b 9 i 29 Van Buren, Ark. H c 9 d 4 Van Buren, Ga. K c 9 e 18 Van Buren, 111. D b 7 c 15 Van Buren, Miss. H c 9 b 19 Van Buren, M iss. G c 9 d 21 Van Buren, Mo. Q p 12 e 33 Van Buren, Tenn. F b 9 d 26 Van Buren, co. Ark. C b 9 Van Buren, co. Iowa O m 12 f 23 Van Buren, co. Mich. L g 11 b 23 Van Buren, co. Tenn. K b 9 b 23 Van Buren, now Bales and Cass, co. b 23 Missouri M 0 12 b 23 V anceboro, Me. G c 5 b 23 Vanceburg, Ky. I e 7 h 29 Vances Ferry, S. C. E li 8 b 16 Vancouver, Wash. B c 14 d 15 Vancouver, C. Alaska D c o d 33 Vancouver I. Brit. Columbia H e 2 a 23 Vaudalia, 111. C e 5 e 22 Van Dcnsen, Mass. A £ 5 c 23 Vanderbilts Landing, Env. ofN. Y. B b 6 c 24 Vanderburgh, co. Ind. E e 7 d 25 Vanderlin I. G. of Carpentaria F c 34 b 19 Van Hiemen Cape, N. Australia E b 34 d 21 Van Diemen Gulf, N. Australia E b 34 d 26 Van Diemen or a 32 Linnasleigh R. Queensland G c 34 c 21 Van Diemen Str. Kiusiu O d 32 d 24 Vand Oe, 1. Tromso K a 23 c 33 Van Etteuvdle, N. Y. E d 6 Vangandra, Madagascar I g 33 e 21 Vangtn, Bergen, D f 23 d 24 Van, L. Armenia E b 29 d 24 Van Meter, Iowa M 1 12 Vannes, Vannot, Vanva Deva, Vanville, Vanvres, Fort de, Van Wert, Van Wert, Van Wert, co. Van Zandt, co. Var, dep. Varallo, Varandei B. Varanger Fiord, Varano, L. di, Varcovia, Vardar, R. Varde, Vardolmus, Varel, Var line, La, Varennes, Varese, Vargb I. Varinas, Morbihan Oreg. Hungary Quebec Seine Ga. Ohio Ohio Tex. France Piedmont Archangel Tromso Apulia Upper Nile Selanik Denmark Tromso Oldenburg Seine Meuse Lombardy Finland Venezuela Varjorg Njarg (Peninsula), Tromso Varna, Danube Var, R. Alpes Maritinies Varsukha R. Varzim, Povoa de, Vasa, gov. Vasan, R. Vasa, or Nikolaistad, Vasarhely, Holdmezo, Vasarliely, Kezdi, Vascao, R. de, Archangel Minho Finland Cashmere Finland Hungary Transylvania Algarve Vaseongadas, old prov. Spam Vashak, Beloochistan Vaslika, R. Vologda Vasiliko, Edirne Vasilkov, Kiev Vassalboro, Me. Vassar, Mich. Vassy, ' Haute Marne Vasti, L. Norrlaud Vasto, Molise Vaternish Point, ^kye Vateisay I. Outer Hebrides Vaiersay Sound, Hebrides Vaticauo, C. Calabria Vatua Jokull. Iceland Vatsnas, Tromso Vatternish Dist. Skye Vaucluse, Vaucluse Vaucluse, dep. France Vaucouleurs, Meuse Vaud (Ger. Waadt), cant. Switzld. Vaudreuil, Quebec Vaudreuil, co. Quebec Vaughan, Miss. Vaugirard, Seine Vaux, Seine-et-Marue Vazzaparis, R. Brazil Veclita, Oldenburg Veclite, R. Hanover Vede, R. "Walachia Vedo, I. Tromso Vedra, I. del, Balearic Is. Vet'sen, Elf, Tibnisb Vega, La, Dominica Vegas de Santa Clara, Utah Vegen I. Tromso Vegesack, Bremen Veglia, Istria Veglia I. Istria Veiie, Denmark Vein Is., Lake Superior, Doiu. of Canada Veirabu Sima, I. Loo Clioo Vejer de la Frontera, Cadiz Velasco, Tex. Velese (Kuprili), Roumelia Vcleta, Pico de, Sierra Nevada, Granada Velez, Coluni. ia Velez Blanco, Almeria Velez Malaga, Malaga Velez Rubio, Almeria Veliaminovskaia, Kuban Dist. Velikaia, R. Pskov Velikent, Daghesten Veliki Ustyuk, Vologda Velikiye-Luki, Pskov Velino, Monte, Abruzzo Velish, Vitebsk Velka Minezyol, Mt. Carpathians Vellaeh, Carinthia Vellebich Mts. Military Frontier Velletri, Italy Velletri, prov. Italy Vellore, Madras Pres. Velsk, Vologda Vemb, Denmark Venado, . Mexico Venango, Pa. Venango City, Pa. Venango, co. Pa. Venasque, Huesca Vendas Novaa, Alemtejo Vendee, dep. France Vendome, Loir-et-Cher V€ndrell, Tarragona Vendsyssell, peninsula, Denmark Venetia, div. Italy Venezuela, Gulf of, Venezuela c 21 d 14 c 25 c 4 e 21 d 9 c 7 c 7 c 10 e 21 b 26 b 24 a 23 d 26 i 29 d 26 i 23 a 23 b 22 e 21 b 21 26 23 15 23 26 e 21 b 24 c 27 c 24 a 31 24 25 25 27 27 31 24 26 24 c e d 5 i 11 b 21 c 23 c 26 c 19 d 19 d 19 e 26 c 2 d 23 c 19 d 16 b 22 b 22 b 26 c 23 f 27 <1 23 d 15 f 14 d 23 b 22 d 25 d 25 i 23 a 11 e 32 h 27 e 10 d 26 f 15 g ‘27 h 27 g 27 g 24 cl 24 g 24 c 24 d 24 c 26 d 24 b 25 c 25 d 25 d 26 d 26 e 31 c 24 h 23 c 15 e 6 e 6 e 6 b 27 f 27 c 12 Venezuela, Rep. S. America Veni or Beni; dep. Bolivia Venice (It. Venezia, Ger. Venedig), v Venetia Venice, G. of, Venetia Venice ( Venizia), prov. Venetia Vetilo, Holland Ventimiglia, Piedmont Ventnor, town, I. of Wight Ventotene I. Pontine Is. Ventoux, Mt. Vaucluse Ventry, Kerry Ventry Harbour, Ken-y Ventuari, Rio, Venezuela Vera, Almeria Vera Bay, Patagonia Vera Cruz, Mexico Vera Cruz, Mo. Vera Cruz, state, Mexico Veraguas, Santiago de, Columbia Vera Paz (Coban), Guatemala Verbas, R. Bosnia Verbicaro, Calabria Verbo, Hungary Verbovetz, Podolia Vercelli, Piedmont Vereheres, Quebec Vercheres, co. Quebec Verd, Cape, Senegambia Verde Grande, R. Brazil Verden, Hanover Verden, 111. Verde, R. Brazil Verdigris R. Ind. T. Verdi, or Werdi, Bagdad Verdi, Rio, or Green R. Utah Verdon R. Var Verdun, Tarn-et-Garonne Verdun-sur-le-Doubs, Verdun-sur-Meuse, Vereezke, Mt. Vereia, Verema, Castro, Vergara, Vergnto, Vergennes, Vergoraz, Veria, Verin, Verkhoiansk, Verkhoiansk Mts. Verknei Uralsk, Verkneozernia, Verkoturie, Verlika, Vermejo, Vormejo, R. Verm,el ha, Coroa, I. Vermilion, Vermilion B. Vermilion R. Vermillion, Vermillion, Vermillion, co. Vermillion L. Vermillion, par. Vermillion it. Vermillion R. Vermillion R. Vermillion R. Vermillion U. Vermillion R. Vermillion Swamp, Vermillionville, Vermillion ville, Vermont, Vermont, state, Vermontville, Vernal, Verners Bridge, Veruenil, Vernon, V ernon, Vernon, Vernon, Vernon, Vernon, Vernon, V ernon, Vernon, co. Vernon, co. Vernon Fork, Vernon, par. Verona, Verona, V erona, Verona, prov. Verplanks Lfc Verrieres, Versailles, Versailles, Versailles, Versailles, Versailles, Versailles, Versailles, Verte B. Verte, B. Verte Isle, Venders, Vervins, Very an, Very an Bay, Saone-et-Loire Meuse Carpathians Moscow Peru Guipuscya Emilia Vt. Dalmatia Selanik Orense Siberia Siberia Orenburg Orenburg Perm Dalmatia Bolivia Bolivia Biazil 111 . La. La. Dak. Ohio Ind. Minn. La. Colo. Dak. 111 . Minn. Ohio Quebec 111 . 111 . La. 111 . U. States Midi. Miss. Armagh Eure Ala. Conn. Eure Fla. Ind. La. N. Y. Tenn. Mo. Wis. Ind. La. Minn. Mo. Venetia Venetia N. Y. Seine-et-Oise Euv. of New Orleans 111 . Ind. Ky. Mo. Ohio Seine-et-Oise Newfoundland Nova Scotia R. St Lawrence Belgium Aisne Cornwall Cornwall 15 e 16 b 26 b 23 b 26 c 22 c 26 f 18 d 26 d 21 d 20 d 20 g 15 g 27 g R> d 15 q 12 d 15 f 15 d 15 b 26 e 26 b 25 f 24 b 26 d 4 d 4 c £3 d 16 b 22 d 7 d 16 a 10 c 29 f 14 e 21 e 21 f 13 e 13 b 7 a 11 b 7 c 4 7 7 9 7 5 11 9 20 21 9 a 21 9 7 9 6 9 p 12 f 11 e 7 g 9 f 11 q 12 b 26 b 26 e 6 e 21 f 10 d 7 d 7 e 7 o 12 c 7 b 21 b 4 c 4 b 4 c 22 b 21 f 13 f 13 96 GENERAL INDEX, Vesoifl, Haute Sa6ne H c Vests ni, Vostani, or Middle Egypt, prov. Egypt C d Veste, Albacete H f Vest.eras, or Westmanland, laeen, Sweden I g Vest Fiord, Tromso G c Vest Vaag Oe, I. Tromso H b Vesuvius, Mt. (Ital. Vesuvio), Vol. Campania F d Vesyegnnsk, Tver H c Veszpriin, Hungary E c Veszto, Hungary G c Vetlnga, Kostroma K d Vetlnga, R. Nishegorod K d Vettore, Mte, Apennines, Umbria E c Veurne, Belgium B c Vevay (Ger. Vivis), Switzerland H c Vevay, Vezelay, Vezere, R. Viadana, Vianna, Vianna de Alemtejo, Vianna de Castello, Viareggio, Viar, R. Viasma, Viasnigi, Viatka, Viatka, gov. Viatka, R. Viborg, Viborg, Viborg, gov. Vicenza, Vicenza, prov. Vi ch, Vicliada, R. Vicliina, Vicny, Vicksburg, Vico, Vicosa Villa, Vicosa Villa, Victor, Victoria, Victoria, Victoria, Victoria, Victoria, Victoria, Victoi'ia, Victoria, Victoiia B. Victoria Ciudad, Victoria co. Victoria, co. Victoria, co. Victoi-ia, co. Victoria, Col. Victoria county, Victoria dist. Victoria Downs, Victoria Falls, or Mosioatunia, Ind. G e Yonne F c Dordogne E d Lombardy D b Brazil F c Alemtejo B f Miniio B c Tuscany D c Sevilla E g Smolensk G d Vladimir I d Viatka K d Russia L d Viatka K d Denmark E li Fin'and F c Finland F c Venetia D b Venetia D b Gerona N c Venezuela Iv g Walachia L b Allier F c Miss. E e Corsica I e Alemtejo C f Brazil F c N. Y. D d Brazil G e Hong-Kong K f Mexico G f Miss. E d Mo. Q o N. Australia E b Tex. H e Vancouver H e Sea of Japan P d Mexico D c New Brunswick K c Nova Scotia N c Ontario D d Tex. H c Australia G g Norfolk G d W. Australia B e Queensland H e on R. Zambesi G f 33 Victoria I., Lake Superior, Dom. of Canada H a Victoria Lake, Newfoundland P b Victoria Lake, New S. Wales G f Victoria Land, Arct'c Regions K c Victoria Nyanza L. Upper Nile C k Victoi ia, or Barcoo R. Queensland M p Victoria, or Peter the Great Bay, Manchuria 0 b Victoria Port, S. Australia F b Victoria R. N. Australia E c Victoria Range, W. Australia B e Victoria Strait, Arctic Regions K c Victory, N. Y. E c Victory, Wis. F f Vidalia, La. D f Vidio, Cape, Oviedo D a Vid, R. Danube L c Vidsy, Kovno F d Viedmar or Capar, L. Patagonia C g Viele, Iowa P m Vieng Chan, Siam K d Vienna, Ga. M e Vienna, 111. D f Vienna, Ind. G e Vienna, Iowa P k Vienna, Md. F h Vienna, Me. E d Vienna, Mich. O f Vienna, Mich. 0 h Vienna, Mo. 0 o Vienna, N. Y. F c Vienna, Ontario C e Vienna, S. C. C li 8 Vienna ( Wien), cap. Lower Austria E b 25 Isere G d 21 France E c 21 France E d 21 Vienne E c 21 Andes H f 15 Siberia C b 32 Brazil E c 13 Rhenish Prov. D c 22 Vienne, Vienne, dep. Vienne, Haute, dep. Vienne, R. Viento, Alto del. Mt. Viernoie, or Almaty, Vieros, Viersen, VierwaldstetterSee(L. of Lucerne), Switzerland I c 21 Vierzon, Cher F c 21 Vieste, Apulia G d 26 Vieux Desert Lake, Wis. H c 11 Vigan, Philippine Islands 0 g 28 Vincentown, N. J. G £ 3 Vigan, Le, Gard F e 21 Vincents, Ohio L d 7 Vigevano. Piedmont C b 26 Vindeii Mt. W. Australia B e 34 Vigia, Brazil F c 16 Vindhya Mts. Indore Agency E c 31 Vignemale, Mont, Pyrenees K b 27 Vinegar Hill, Wexford E d 2<> Vignemale, Mt. Pyrenees D e 21 Vineland, N. J. F S 6 Vigo, Pontevedra B b 27 Vineyard Sound, Mass. D g 5 Vigo, Ria de, B. Pontevedra B b 27 Vinga, Hungary G c 25 Vigo, co. Ind. E d 7 Vingorla, or Vingurla, Vigors Mt. W. Australia B d 34 Bombay Pres. D d 31 Vigten Is. Throndhjem F d 23 Vinhaes, Tras os Montes C c 27 Vik, Tronisd G d 23 Vinita, Ind. T. I a 10 Vilagos, Hungary G c 25 Vinita Creek, Ind. T. I a 10 Vilaine, R. Hle-et-Vilaiiie D c 21 Vin je, Throndhjem E e 23 Vileika, Vilna F e 24 Vinkovcze, Military Frontier F d 25 Vilel, Castellon de la Plana K e 27 Vin-long, French Cochin China M g 26 Vilia, R. Vilna F e 24 Vinnitsa, Podolia F f 24 Vilioui, R. Siberia N b 28 Vintang (British), Senegal n bia C c 33 Viliuisk, Siberia 0 b 28 Vinton, Iowa 0 k 12 Viliuisk, Oust, Siberia 0 b 28 Vinton, Ohio K e 7 Vilkomir, Kovno E d 24 Vinton, co. Ohio K d 7 Vilkovistski, Poland E e 24 Vintschgau, vaL Tyrol B c 25 Villa Alta, Mexico D d 15 Viola, 111. B b 7 Villa Bella, (Matto Grosso), Brazil E <1 16 Viola, Wis. G 1 11 Villa Boa (Goyaz), Brazil E d 16 Vi re. Calvados D b 21 Villacarillo, Jaen G 1 27 Vire, R. Maiiche D b 21 Villach, Carintlna C e 25 Virgin City, Utah G g 14 Villacidro, Sardinia C c 26 Virgin Gorda I. (British), Virgin is. L d 15 Villa Clara, or Santa Clara, Cuba K f 3 Virginia, Cavan D e 26 Villa de Banos, Palencia F c 27 Virginia, 111. B d 7 Villa ile Conae, Minho B c 27 Virginia, Nev. D f 14 Villa del Arzobispo, Valencia K e 27 Virginia City, Cap. of Ter. Mont. O c 14 Villa del Fuerte, Mexico E e 3 Virginia Key, Fla. M q 8 Villa de Melo, Uruguay E f 16 Virginia, State, United States 8 Villadiego, Burgos G b 27 Virgin Is. Antilles L d 15 Villa do Rio Pardo, Brazil E f 16 Virgin, Rio, Nev. F g 14 Villafranca, Badajos D 1 27 Virgins, Cape, Patagonia D li 16 Villatranca, Sevilla E g 27 Viroqua, Wis. G f 11 Villafranca, Venetia D b 26 Virovitica, Slavonia E d 25 Villafranca, or Virton, Belgium C d 22 Villefranche, Alpes maritimes H e 21 Viruba, Colum ua I g lu Villafranca del Panades, Barcelona M c 27 Visa, Ediruj M d 26 Villafranca del Viei zo, Leon I) b 27 Visalia, Cal. D .g 14 Villagarcia, Pontevedra B b 27 Vishaki atanam (Vizaga- Village Green, Pa. F g 3 patam). Madras Pres. F d 31 Village Springs, Ala. I d 9 Visliednna, Danube K c 26 Villa joy osa, Alicante K f 27 Vishegrad, Bosnia H C 26 Villalba, Lugo C a 27 Vishera, It. Perm M e 24 Villalon, Valladolid E b 27 Vishera, R. Vologda L c 24 Villalpando, Zamora E c 27 Vishni Volotchok, Tver G d 24 Villalva, Madrid G d 27 Vishnooprag, N. W. Provs. E a 3i Villa Maria, Brazil E d 16 Visk, Hungary H b 2,i Villancas, Toledo G e 27 Viska, Nomaml K d 23 Villa Nova, Brazil F c 16 Vi so, Monte, Hautes Alpes fi .1 21 Villa Nova de Gaya, Beira B c 27 Viso, Monte, Alpes, Piedmont B b 26 Villa Nova de Aliifoiites, Alemtejo B g 27 Visso,. R. Hunga ry 1 c 2 o Villanueva, Barcelona M c 27 Vistula ( Weichsel), R. W. Prussia K a 22 Villanueva, Mexico C c 15 Vitebsk, Vitebsk G d 24 Villanueva de Cordova, Cordova F f 27 Vitebsk, gov. Russ, a F d 24 Villanueva de la Serena, Badajos E f 27 Viterbo, Italy E c 26 Villanueva de los Infantes, Viterbo, prov. Italy E c 2u Ciudad Real H f 27 Viti or Feejee Is. S. Pacific Oc. L k 1 Villa Oe, I. Throndhjem F d 23 Vitigudino, Salamanca u d 27 Villar, Albacete I f 27 Vitim, R. Siberia N e 28 Villareal, Castellon de la Plana K e 27 Vitimsk, Siberia N c 2o Villa Real, Tras os Montes C c 27 Vitoria, A lava H b 27 Villa Realdela Concepcion, Paraguay E e 16 Vitro, Ille-et-Vilaine D b 21 Villa Real de Sao Antonio, Algarve C g 27 Vitry, Seine B e 2 1 Villares, Salamanca E C 27 Vitry le Frangais, Marne G b 21 Villa Pdea, Brazil E e 16 Vivero, Lugo 0 a 27 Villa Rica, Ga. L d 9 Vivero, Ria de, B. Lugo C a 27 Villa Iliea, Paraguay E e 16 Viviers, Ardeche G d 21 Villa llica (Ouro Preto), Brazil F e 16 Vivoras, Uruguay E f 16 Villa Rica, Vol. Andes of Chili C f 16 Vivouue Bay, S. Australia F g 34 Villaricos Point, Alnieria 1 g 27 Vizagapatam ( Vishakpata- Villa Ridge, 111. C f 7 nam), Madras Pres. F d 31 Villarrobledo, Ciudad Real H e 27 Vizeu, Beira C d 27 Villarubia de los Ojos, Ciudad Real G e 27 Vizianagrum (V'iayanaga- Villasseeas, Tarragona M c 27 rani), Madras Pres. F d 31 Villaviciosa, Oiiedo E a 27 Vizianagur, Madras Pres. F d 31 Villa Vicosa, Alemtejo C f 27 Vizzini, Sicily F f 26 Villa Vicosa, Brazil F c 16 Vlaardingen, Holland C c 22 Villefort, Lozere F d 21 Vlacholivado, Trikhala K d 26 Villefranche, Aveyron E d 21 Vladava, Poland E e 24 Villefranche, Haute Garonne E e 21 VlaiVkavkas, Ter. Dist. I g 24 Villefranche, Pyrenees orientales F e 21 Vladimir, Vladimir 1 d 24 Villefranche, 111 ibne G d 21 Vladimir, gov. Russia I d 24 Villejuif, Seine B e 21 Vladimirovka, Astrakhan Iv f 24 Villeinomble, Seine B e 21 Vladimirovka, Stavropol I g 34 Villena, Alicante Iv f 27 Vladimir Volynskii Volhynia E e 24 Villeueuve, Seine-et Oise B e 21 Vladislavov, Poland E e 24 Villeneuve d’Agen, Lot-et-Gar E d 21 Vladivostok, Maritime Ville Nueva, Argentine Rep. D f 16 Prov. Russian Empire P d 28 Villeparisis, Seiue-et-Marne C e 21 Vlakke Bay, Yesso Q b 32 Ville Platte, La. C g 9 Vlieland I., Holland C b 22 Villersexel, Haute Saone II c 21 Vloclavez, Poland D e 24 Villette, La, Seine B e 21 Vly, The, N. Y. G d 6 Villiers, Seine et-Oise C e 21 Vocin, Slavonia E d 25 Villiers le Bel, Seine-et-Oise B e 21 Vocklabruck, Upper Austria G A). 25 Villingen, Baden E d 22 Vodeua, Sedan. k lv d 26 Villitigen, circ. Baden E d 22 Vodlo, L. Olonetz 11 c 2t Villiska, Iowa L in 12 Vodlo, R. Olonetz H c 24 Vilm See, Pomerania I b 22 Vogel Gebirge, Hessen E c 22 Vilna, Vilna F e 24 Vogesen (Vosges Mts.), Alsace D d 22 Vilna, gov. Russia F e 24 Vogliera, Piedmont C b 26 Vi Is, R. Bavaria F d 22 Vogtland, dist. Thuringia F c 22 Vils, R. Bavaria G d 22 Vohemar, Madagascar K f 33 Viluervas, Las, Mts Caceres E e 27 Voinitzia, Bosnia G c 26 Vilvorde, Belgium C c 22 Voiron, Isere G d 21 Vimiera, Estremadura A e 27 Volcano, Cal. C f 11 Vinarzoa, Castellon de la Plana L d 27 Volcano Bay, Yesso Q b 32 Vincennes, Ind. E e 7 Volden, Throndhjem D e 23 Vincennes, Seine B e 21 Volga Hill Bank, Saratov K e 24 Vincennes, Fort de, Seine B e 21 Volga Mouths, Astrakliau lv f 24 Volga, R. Volgsjbn, L. Volhynia, gov. Volkermarkt, Volkovisk, Volkov, K. Vollenliove, Vollet Medine, Volo, Vologda, Vol igda, gov. Volo, G. of, Volotchok, Vishni, Vol.sk, Voltaire Cape, Volta R. Voltchansk, Volterra, Voltri, Volturno, R. Voluntown, Volusia, Volusia, Volusia, co. Volusia, co. Vonitza, Voorne I. Voo-ting-foo, Vorarlberg, prov. Vorder Rhein, R. Vorings Fos (Fall), Vormen. or Lougen Elf, Russia Norrland Russia Cariuthia Grodno Novgorod Holland Nu bia Trikhala Vologda Russia Greece Tver Saratov N. W. Australia Guinea Kharkov Tuscany Piedmont Campania Conn. Fla. Fla. Fla. Fla. Greece Holland Yuu nan Austria Switzerland Bergen Hamar e 24 d 23 e 24 c 25 e 24 d 24 b 22 g 29 e 26 d 24 lv c 24 K e 26 d 24 e 24 b d Vorms 1. Baltic Provinces Vorona, R. Tambov Voronesh, or Vorrnej, Voronesh Voronesh or Vorouej, gov. Russia Voronesh, R. Voronesh Vosges, dep. France Vosges Mts. (Ger. Vogesen), Alsace 34 33 e 24 c 26 b 26 d 26 g 5 8 9 8 9 26 8 32 25 21 f 23 f 23 g 23 e 24 e 24 e 24 e 24 b 21 H b 21 Voshe L. Vosnesensk, Vosseskavlen, Mt. Vostissa, Vouga, R. Voulte, La, Vouziers, Vrakliori, Vrakhori L. Vratza, Vrdnik Gebirge, Mts. Vreden, Vries I. Vulcan Pass, Vulcano L Vulkovar, Novgorod Kherson Bergen Greece Beira Ardeche Ardennes Greece Greece Dan ube Slavonia Westphalia J apan Carpathians Lipari Is. Slavonia Vultur, Mt. , Apennines, Basilicata Vunda, Vuollerim, Vuolojaur, L. Vuoxen, L. Vutzindro, Vygah R. V ygoserskoi, Vym, R. Vyrnwy, R. Vytchegda, R. Vytegra, Wa, VVaag, prov. Wang, R. Waal, or Wahl, R. Wab, Wabar, dist. Wabash, Wabasha, Wabasha, co. Wabash City, Wabash, co. Wabash R. Wabaunsee, co. Wacahotee, Wacassa, Waccamaw L. Waccamaw R. Waccasassa B. Wiichtersbaek, Waco, Waeonia, Wacousta, Wacouta, Wad, Wadan, Wadan, el, Waday, Kingdom, Congo Norrland Norrland Finland Jandio Madias Pres. Olonetz Vologda Montgomery Vologda Olonetz Soudan Abyssinia Hungary Holland Alisa Aral ua 111 . Minn. Minn. Ind. Ind. Ohio, Ind., & 111. Kalis. Fla. Fla. N. C. S. C. Fla. Hessen-Nassau Tex. Minn. Iowa Minn. Algeria S uira Hejaz Soudan Wad bister Voe, Waddington, Wad do I. Wade Bridge, Wadee Jumaul I. Wadena, Wadena, co. Wadenscnwyl, Wadesboro, Wadesboro, Wades ville, Wadliam Is. Wadiyeh, el, Wadmalon I. Wad Nun (Glemim), Wad Nun, Cape, Wadowice, Wadstena, Wadsworth, Shetland islands N. Y. Sweden Cornwall lied Sea Minn. Minn. Switzerland Ky. N. C. Ind. Newfoundland Palestine S. C. Marocco Marocco Galicia Gothland Nev. c 24 f 24 f 23 e 26 d 27 d 21 b 21 e 26 e 26 c 26 d 25 b 22 d 32 d 25 e 26 d 25 d 26 e 33 c 23 c 23 c 24 e 26 f 31 c 24 c 24 d 18 c 24 c 24 d 33 g 29 b 25 e 22 d 29 e 29 e 7 e 11 11 7 7 7 13 9 9 8 8 9 22 10 11 12 11 33 33 29 33 19 6 f 23 f 18 e 29 c 11 c 11 c 21 g l f 8 e 7 b 4 g 30 i 8 b 33 b 33 b 25 g 23 f 14 GENERAL INDEX, 97 Wadsworth, Ohio L b 7 Wady Sliagghir, Palestine B e Wady, or Wadi, Arabic, valley or watercourse. e 30 Wady Shaiirur, Wady Shekb Aly, Syria B Palestine B c f Wady Abu Hamaka, Palestine E Wady Shelalah, Palestine C e Wady A limed. Palestine E h 30 Wady Sliera. Palestine C e Wady Aibliu, Palestine B e 30 Wady Sheriah, Palestine A lx Wady Allar, Palestine C e 30 Wady Sheriah, Palestine C g Wady Araji, Palestine E e 30 Wady Siglian, Palestine F f Wady Asiyeh, Palestine B d 3u Wady Simsim, Palestine A g Wady Atalah, Palestine A g 30 Wady Soleiman, Palestine B g Wady Autubeh, Palestine F h 30 Wady Sufali, Syria C c Wady Ayun, Wady licit Hanina, Palestine B d 30 Wady Sufsar, Palestine C lx Palestine E g 30 Wady Sumriyeh, Palestine A lx Wady Belat, Palestine B f 30 Wady Taamirak, Palestine B g Wady Beni Hamed, Palestine G h. 30 Wady Talid, Palestine E e Wady Bisheh, Nejed E c 29 Wady Themed, Palestine C g iVady Budrus, Palestine B g 30 Wady Tirhejirs, Sahara E b Wady Dabor, Palestine B g 30 Wady Uni, Baglxek, Palestine B lx Wady Dana, Yemen F f 29 Wady Umm, Marocco D a Wady Dauasir, Nejed E f 29 Wady Waly, Palestine C g Wady Dawaimeh, Palestine A g 30 Wady Warran, Palestine D f Wady Derejah, Palestine B g 30 Wady Yabis, Palestine C f Wady Dliourn or Rebok, Arabia G f 29 Wady Yabrin, Arabia F e Wady Draa, Marocco C b 33 Wady Yemen, Palestine B h Wady ed Daheb, Palestine E e 30 Wady Zakur, Palestine B f Wady ed Dlieib, Palestine B h 30 Wady Zedy, Palestine D e Wady el Abiad, Palestine B g 30 Wady Zerka, Palestine A f Wady el Aftan, Nejed F e 29 Wady Zerka (7>r. Jdbbok), Palestine C f Wady el A jam. Palestine D d 30 Wady Zerka Main, Palestine C g Wady el Auib, Palestine E 1 30 Waertown, N. J. G g Wady el Arab, Palestine C e 30 Wafrah, Nejed F d Wady el Arabah, Arabia D c 29 Wageningen, Holland C c Wady el Aul, Nejed E e 29 Wager River, Brit. America M c Wady el Bulum, Palestine E f 30 Wrfggavvagga, New S. Wales H f Wady el Pariah, Palestine E f 30 Wagram, Lower Austria E b Wady el Gary, Syria E e 30 Wagrein, Salzburg C c Wady el (jiliar. Palestine B h 30 Wagrovvieo, Posen I b Wady el Hemar, Palestine C f 30 Wall el Farafreh, Egypt B d Wady el Hod, Palestine F h 30 Wall el Hayz, Egypt B d Wady el Kab, Nubia B f 29 Wahkiakum, co. , Wash. B b Wady el Keis, Palestine A h 30 Wahnajiitaeping L. Ontario C e Wady el Kliuiil, Palestine B h 30 Wahsatch, Utah H e Wady el Kura, Syria C c 30 Wahsatch Mts. U tali H f Wady el Mahan wat. Palestine B h 30 Wahsatch Pass, Utah H f Wady el Malek, Palestine B e 30 Waiapu, R. Auckland G b Wady el Mezraab, Palestine B d 30 Waiau, R. Auckland F c Wady el Hut) ah. Palestine B g 30 Waiau, R. Otago A f Wady el Taiyibeh, Palestine C e 30 Waiblingen, Wurtemberg E d Wady el Weed, Palestine E lx 30 Waidhofeu, Lower Austria D b Wady Enkeilah, Palestine C h 30 Waidit, Upper Nile B h Wady esli Slxair, Palestine B i 30 Waifs R. Vt. B d Wady esh bhan. Syria F e 30 Waigat Strait, Greenland P b Wady Esueid, Palestine A g 30 Waigatz I. Archangel M a Wady es Satieh, Palestine C h 30 Waigatz Str. Kara Sea N b Wady es Seba, Palestine A h 30 Waihao, R. Canterbury C f Wady es Seklab, Palestine C f 30 Waiheiki I. Auckland C b Wady es Selaiu, Palestine F g 30 Wailio R. Auckland E b Wady es Sufey, Palestine B h 30 Waihola, L. Otago C g Wady es Sulenn, Palestine F Wady es Sumt (Valley of Elah), g 30 Waihora, or L. Ellesmere, Canterbury D e Palestine A g 30 Waikako, co. Auckland E c Wady Fakarith, Palestine G f 30 Waikana Point, Auckland F b Wady Fas ail, Palestine B f 30 Waikara R. Auckland F c Wady Fedbal, Palestine B h 30 Waikari L. Auckland C b Wady Fikrek, Palestine B h 30 Waikari L. Auckland F c Wady Hajeir, Palestine B d 30 Waikato R, A ickland E b Wady Haifa, Nubia C e 29 Waikeke, Taranaki E c Wady Hamara, Palestine C g 30 Waikeuai, Wellington E d Wady Haniniaua, Syria C c 30 Waikijaur L. Norrland L c Wady Hamul, Palestine B d 30 Waimakariri, R. Canterbury D e Wady Hellaweh, Syria C b 30 Waimate, Auckland D a Wady Heshbon, Palestine C g 30 Wnimate, Taranaki E c Wady leliar, Palestine B g 30 Waimate Bay, Taranaki E c Wady Igharghar, Sahara E b 33 Waiutieet, Lincoln G c Wady Ighegliaren, Saharah E b 33 Waipapapa Point, Otago P g Wady lry, Palestine E e 30 Waipa, R. Auckland E b Wady Ismail, Palestine B g 30 Waipara R. Canterbury D e Wady Jowf, Arabia D d 29 Waipari Bay, Auckland G c Wady Keferein, Palestine C g 30 Waipawa, Hawke’s Bay F c Wady Kerkera, Palestine B d 30 Wairakaraka, Wellington E d Wady Ketherabba, Palestine C lx 30 Wairarapa, L. Wellington E d Wady Klxuber.-ih, Palestine A h 30 Wairarapa L , Lower, Wellington E d Wady Kliusueh, Palestine B f 30 Wairarapa Valley, Wellington E d Wady Kurn, Palestine B d 30 Waiiau, R. Marlborough D d Wady Luwa, Syria E d 30 Wairewa, Canterbury D e Wady Malek, Palestine C f 30 Wairoa, Auckland E a Wady Meifah, Arabia F g 29 Wairoa, R. Auckland E a Wady Menshallah, Palestine C g 30 Wairoa, R. Hawke’s Bay F e Wady Mesilen, Arabia G f 29 Wairorongo R. Wellington F d Wady Mia, Algeria E a 33 Waitahuna R. Otago B f WadyM o)vA)(BrookArwm), Palestine C h 30 Waitaka R. Canterbury C f Wady Moyazet, Nejed E e 29 Waitera R. Taranaki E c Wady Mujeidab, Palestine C f 30 W aitotara Point, Wellington E c Wady Mushenetj Palestine E e 30 Waitzen, Hungary F c Wady Mussin, Palestine B f 30 Waiuku, Aucklaud E b Wady Muzejrah, Palestine A g 30 Wajamega, Mich. O f Wady Nejran, Yemen E f 29 Wajunga, Sahara G b Wady Nimreh, Palestine E e 30 Wakamats, Japan P c Wady Nogul, Eastern Africa F h 29 Wakauui, C. Wellington E d Wady Oslieli, Palestine C e 30 Wakapoai (Heaptx-y R.l, Nelson C d Wady Ragil, Palestine E f 30 Wakari, Hawke’s Bay F c Wady Kahib ( Brook Kedron), Wakasa Bay, Nip-hon P c Palestine B g 30 Wakasha, Yemen E f Wady Rajib, Palestine C t 30 Wakatipu, L. Otago B f Wady Ras el Bedr, Palestine E e 30 Wake, co. N. C. G f Wady Rebok or Dlioorn, Arabia G f 29 Wakefield, 111. D e Wady Safiych, Palestine A g 30 Wakefield, Mass. C f Wady Sauniar, Arabia F g 29 Wakefield {Johnson co.), N.C. G f Wady Sebu, Marocco D a 33 Wakefield i i i'ake co ), N. C. G Nelson D f Wady Seir, Palestine C g 30 Wakef eid. d Wady Seiyal, Palestine B h 30 Wakeneld, Va. 1 e Wady Serlian, Arabia D c 29 Wakefield, bor. York E c Wady Setban, Yemen E g 29 Wakefield, Port, S. Australia F f Wady Shaab, Palestine B e 30 Wakpa Shielia, or Bad R. Dak. F d Wakulla, co. Fla. L g 9 Wanderer Range, Victoria 11 g 34 Wa aga, Upper Nile C h 29 Wando R. S. C. F i 8 Walclxensee, Bavaria F e 22 Wandyne, Wis. I f 11 Walchen See, L. Bavaria F e 22 Wan Elf, Sweden G f 23 Walcheren I. Holland B c 22 Wauga Bazaar, Scinde C e 31 Walcott, Ark. E a 9 Wangahu R. Wellington E c 35 Walcott, Iowa Q 1 12 Wanganui, Wellington E c 35 Walcour I. N. Y. H b 6 Wanganui Inlet, Nelson D d 35 Wal court, Belgium C c 22 Wanganui R. Taranaki E c 35 Waldai, or Valdai, llills, Novgorod G d 24 Wanganui R. Westland C e 35 Waldeck, Pty. Germany E c 22 Wangari Bay, Auckland E a 35 Waldemarsvik, Gothland I g 23 Waugari Harb. Auckland E a 35 Walden, N. Y. G e 6 Wangaroa Harb. Auckland D a 35 Waldenburg, Silesia I c 22 Wangaruru Harb. Auckland E a 35 Waldo, Fla. N h 9 Waugeroog 1. Oidenbuig D b 22 Waldoboro, Me. E d 5 Wanks or Cuco, Rio, Honduras G e 15 Waldo, co. Me. E d 5 Wanlockhead, Dumfries E e 19 Waldion, Ark A c 9 Wannomingo, Minn. E e 11 Waldsee, Wurtemberg E e 22 Wanolmi, Auckland D b 35 Waldshut, Baden E e 22 Wausbeck, R. Northumberland E a 18 Waldshut, circ. Baden C e 29 Wauship, Utah H e 14 W ales, England C d IS Wantage, town. Berks E e 18 Walnsch B. Namaqua Land F g 33 Wapakoneta, Ohio H c 7 Walgett, New S. Wales H f 34 Wapella, III. D c 7 Walgrund I. Finland L e 23 Wapello, Iowa P 1 12 Wainalla, Pa D e 6 Wapello, co. Iowa O 1 12 Walliomug R. Ohio K c 7 Wapoo Creek, Env. of Charleston B k 8 Waljeers, New S. Wales G f 34 W’apsipinecon R. Iowa P k 12 Waluer, Kans. G o 13 Wara, Soudan (4 c 33 Walker, Mo. M p 12 Warada L. Arabia E e 29 Walker, Pa. D f 6 Warasdin, Croatia E c 25 Walker, C. Arctic Regions L b 2 Warasdiner Gebirge, Croatia E c 25 Walker, co. Ala. H d 9 Warberg, Gothland G h 23 Walker, co. Ga. K c 9 Warburg, Westphalia E c 22 Walker, co. Tex. I d 10 Warburton Mt. N. Australia E c 34 Walker I. N. Pacific Oc. D lx 1 Warburton Range, S. Australia E f 34 Walker I. Tasmania R u 35 Ward, Ind. H c 7 Walker Pass, Cal. D h 14 Wardens Is. Persian Gulf G d 29 Walker Pond, N. H. D e 5 W arxlensville. W. Va. G b 8 Walker R. Nev. D f 14 Wards I. Env. of N. Y. B b 6 Walker’s Creek, Queensland G d 34 Wards I. S. Australia E f 34 Walkers Creek, Va. E d 8 Wardsville, N. C. G g 8 Walker’s L. Nev. D f 14 Ward Ville, N. Y. D c ti Walkers Mts. Va. D e 8 Warea, Taranaki D e 35 Walkersville, Ind. E b 7 War Eagle R. Ark. B a 9 Waikersville, N. C. E g 8 Ware, co. Warehain, Ga. N f 9 Walkerton, Ontario C d 4 Mass. D e 5 Walla Queensland I e 34 Wareham, bor. Dorset D f 18 Wallace, Ivans. F g 13 Warekauri or Chatham Is. Pacific A n 1 Wallace, Nova Scotia M d 4 W arelaud, Ind. E d 7 Wallace, co. Kans. F g 13 W aren, Mecklenburg G b 22 Wallace L. La. B e 9 Warendorf, Westphalia D c 22 Wallace L. Newfoundland P b 4 Waresboro, Ga. N f 9 Wallachia, Ky. E g 7 Ware, town, Hertford F e 18 Wallachia, prov. Roumauia L b 26 Warfield, Ky. K f 7 WaJlam Creek, Queensland H e 34 War Cap, Ky. I f 7 VV allaroo Copper Mines, S. Australia F f 34 Wargla, Algeria E a 33 Walla- walla, Wash. D b 14 Wanna, Victoria G f 34 Walla-walla, co. Wash. D b 14 Wark, Northumberland D a 18 Walla Wallas, tribe Oreg. D c 14 Warkworth, Northumberland E a 18 Wallens Ridge xVIts. Tenn. K b 9 Warm bad, Namaqua Laud F g 33 Walleustadt, Switzerland I Wailenstadt, L. (Ger. Wallen e 21 Warm Folk, Warminster, Mo. P Va. G q 12 d 8 See), Switzerland I c 21 Wanniuster, town Wilts. D e 18 Wall Faced Mt. N. Y. G b 6 Warm Springs, N. C. C f 8 Walihalla, S. C. B g 8 Warm Springs, Va. F c 8 Wallingford, Conn. B g 5 Warnambooi, Victoria G e 34 Wallingford, Hawke Bay F d 35 Wariiemiinde, Mecklenburg G a 22 Waliingford, bor. Berks E e lb Warner, Mich. N d 11 Wallis L. . New S. Wales 1 f 34 Warner, N. H. C e 5 Wallisville, Tex. I e 10 W arner. Oreg. D d 14 Wallkill R. N. J. G e 6 Warner R. N. H. C e 5 Wall Mt. W. Australia B d 34 Warner Range, CaL C e 14 Walls, South, Orkney Islands E b 19 Warner’s Valley, Oreg. D d 14 Wallum Creek, Queensland H e 34 Waruerville, N. Y. G d 6 Waluey, Isle of. Lancashire C b 18 Warnow R. Mecklenburg G b 22 Walnut, 111. C b 7 Warnsdorf, Bohemia D a 25 Walnut Camp, Ark. E b 9 Warran, Wady, Palestine D f 3U Walnut Creek, Ind. T. H b 10 Warree, Guinea E d 33 Walnut Creek, Kas. F g 13 Warrego dist. New S. Wales H c 34 Walnut Fork, Ind. F d 7 Warrego dist. Queensland G e 34 Wainut Hill, 111. C e 7 Warrego R. Queensland H e 34 .Walnut Lake, Miss. E c 9 Warren, ,Ark. C d 9 Walnut Mts. N. C. C f 8 WaiTen, Conn. A g 5 Walnut R. Kans. H lx 13 Warren, Donegal E a 20 Walnut Shade, Mo. N q 12 Warren, Idaho F d 14 Waipa siksa, Rio, Nicaragua G e 15 Warren, 111. B a 7 Walpole, N. H. B e 5 Warren, 111. B c 7 Walsall, bor. Stafford E d 18 W arren. Ind. G c 7 Walshnm, North, town Norfolk H d 18 W arren. Mass. B f 5 Walshville, 111. C d 7 Waixeu, Md. E g Walsinglxam, C. Arctic Regions 0 c 2 W alien. Me. E d 5 Walsiugham, New, Norxolk G d 18 W arren. N. H. C e 5 Walterboro, S. C. E i 8 W arren, N. J. G f 0 Waltham, Mass. C f 5 W arren. N. Y. G e o Waltham Abbey, town, Essex G e 18 Warren, Ohio M b , Waltham, Bishops, Hants E f 18 Warren, Pa. B c 6 -Walthoursviile, Ga. O f 9 W arren. R. I. C g 5 Walton, Ind. F c 7 Warren, Tex. H c lu Walton, N Y. F d 6 Warren, co. Ga. N d 9 Walton, co. Fla. 1 g 9 Warren, co. Ind. E c 7 Walton, co. Ga. M d 9 Warren, co. Iowa N 1 12 W alton-on-the-Naze , Essex H e 18 Warren, co. Ky. F f i Waluiki, Voronesh H c 24 Warren, co. Miss. E e 9 Wal, Wady, Palestine C g 30 Warren, co. Mo. P o 12 Walworth, co. Wis. I g 11 Warren, co. N. C. G e 8 Warn bo, Queensland I e 34 Wairen, co. N. J. G f 6 Wamdushka L. Dak. G c 13 Warren, co. N. Y. H c 6 Wanahiu, Auckland D b 35 Warren, co. Ohio H d 7 Wanaka, L. Otago B f 35 Warren, co. Pa. B e 0 Wauatah, Ind. F b 7 Warren, co. Tenu. K b 9 Wan-chow, Hainan Iv g 32 Warren, co. \ a. G c 8 Wan- chow Bay, China M e 32 Warren, Fort, Env. of Boston G g 5 Wan-cliow-foo, Che-kiaug M e 32 Warreu, Mills, Wis. G 2 B e 11 30 30 ' 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 33 30 33 30 30 30 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 6 29 22 2 34 25 25 22 29 29 14 4 14 14 14 35 35 35 22 25 29 5 2 24 24 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 23 35 35 35 35 18 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 25 35 11 33 32 35 35 35 32 29 35 8 7 5 8 8 35 8 18 34 13 98 GENERAL INDEX. Warrensbnrgh, Mo. N 0 12 Washington, co. R. I. C g 5 Warrensbnrgh, N. Y. H c 6 Washington, co. Tenn. N a 9 Warrenspoint, Down E b 20 Washington, co. Tex. H d 10 Warrenton, Ala. I c 9 Washington, co. Utah G g 14 Warrenton, Ga. N d 9 Washington, co. Va. C e 8 Warrenton. Miss. E e 9 Washington, co. Vt. B d 5 Warrenton, Mo. P 0 12 Washington, co. Wis. I f 11 Warrenton, N. C. G e 8 Washington Heights, Warrenton, Ohio M c 7 Env. of Chicago C f 10 Warrenton, Ya. H c 8 Washington I. Wis. K d 11 Warrick, Ind. E e 7 Washington Junction, Md. E g 6 Warrick, co. Tnd. E e 7 Washington L. Fla. M n 8 Warriner Creek, S. Australia F e 34 Washington Land, Greenland 0 a 2 Warrington, bor. Cheshire D c 18 Washington Mt. N. H. C d 5 Warrior, Ala. G f 9 Washington, par. La. E g 9 Warrior, Ga. M e 9 Washington Pass, N. Mex. B a 10 Warrior Creek, Ga. M f 9 Washington, ter. United States 14 Warrior Creek, W. Ya. E b 8 Washing Village, Env. of Boston F g 5 Warrior Mt. N. C. D f 8 Washita, Iowa L k 12 Warrior Stand, Ala. K e 9 Washita City, La. C e 9 Warm, Queensland I d 34 Washita or Ouachita, co. Ark. C d 9 Warr.’.ruka, Queensland H e 34 Washita or Ouachita R. Ark. C d 9 Warsaw (Polish Warzawa, Ger. Washita or Ouachita R. Ind. T. G h 10 Wnrschau), Poland E e 24 Washita, Ouachita, par. La. C e 9 Warsaw, 111. A c 7 Washoe City, Nev. D f 14 Warsaw, Ind. F b 7 Washoe, co. Nev. D f 14 Warsaw, Ind. G b 7 Washtenaw, co. Mich. 0 g 11 Warsaw, Ky. H e 7 Wasioga, Minn. E f 11 Warsaw, Minn. D e 11 Wasit, Nejed E d 29 Warsaw, Mo. N 0 12 Waslui, Moldavia M a 20 Warsaw, N. Y. C d 6 Wasselonne, Alsace D <1 22 Warsaw, Va. I d 8 Wasserburg, Bavaria G d 22 Warsaw Is. Ga. P f 9 Wass I. Me. G d 5 Warsaw Sound, Ga. P f 9 Wastiyeh, Palestine C f 30 Warta, or Warthc, R. Posen I b 22 Wast Water, L. Cumberland C h 18 Wartenberg, Polish Silesia I c 22 Watab, Minn. C d 11 Warte, R. Poland D e 24 Wataga, 111. B b 7 Wart Hill, Orkney Islands E b 19 Wataglieistic Sound, Quebec 0 a 4 Wart race. Tenn. I b 9 Watansaw, Bayou, Ark. D c 9 Warwick, Mass. B f 5 Watauga, co. N. C. D e 8 Warwick, Md. F. g 6 Watawa, R. Bohemia C li 25 Warwick N. Y. G e 6 Watchet, Somerset C e 18 Warwick, Pa. E f 6 Waterbary, Conn. A g 5 Warwick, R. I. C g 5 Waterbary, Vt. B d 5 Warn ick, Queensland I e 34 Wateree Junction, S. C. E h 8 Warwick, bor Warwick E d 18 Wateree. R. S. C. E g 8 Warwick, co. Va. I d 8 Waterford, Ind. G b 7 Warwick Court House, Va. I d 8 Waterford, Me. D d 5 Warwickshire, co. England E d 18 Waterford, Mich. 0 g 11 Wasai (Bassein), Bombay Pres. D d 31 Waterford, Miss. F c 9 Wasatch, co. Utah ter. H e 14 Waterford, N. J. G g 6 Wasco, co. Oreg. C d 14 Waterford, N. Y. H <1 6 Waseca, Minn. D e 11 Waterford, Pa. B e 6 Waseca, co. Minn. D f 11 Waterford, Va. H b 8 Wash, The, R. Norfolk and Lincoln G d 18 Waterford, Vt. C d 5 Washademoak, R. N. Brunswick L d 4 Waterford, Wis. I g 11 Washakie, Wyom. I e 14 Waterford, co. Munster D d 20 Washa Lake, La. E li 9 Waterford, co. town, Waterford D d 20 Washatee or Waterford Haven. Match Mts. Beloockistan B b 31 Waterford and Wexford E d 20 Washburn, 111. C c 7 Water Gap, N. J. F f 6 Washburne Mt. Wvom. H c 14 Watergate Bay, Cornwall A f 18 Washeecootai, R. Quebec N a 4 Watergrasshill, Cork C d 20 Washing Bay, Tyrone E b 20 Waterhouse I. Tasmania S u 35 Washington, the Federal Waterhouse Range, Cent. Australia E d 34 Capital, District of Columbia E li 6 Waterloo, Ala. G c 9 Washington, Ala. G f 9 Waterloo, Belgium C c 22 Washington, Ark. B d 9 Waterloo, 111. B e 7 Washington, Cal. C g 14 Waterloo, Ind. G b 7 Washington, Ga. N d 9 W aterloo, Iowa 0 k 12 Washington, Idaho F d 14 Waterloo, La. D d 9 Washington, 111. E b 7 Waterloo, Mich. N g 11 Washington, 111. C c 7 Waterloo, Mo. P m 12 Washington, 111. C e 7 Waterloo, N. J. G f 6 Washington, Ind. E e 7 Waterloo, N. Y. E d 6 Washington, Iowa P 1 12 Waterloo, Pa. D f 6 Washington, Ivans. H g 13 Waterloo, s. c. c g 8 Washington, Ky. I e 7 Waterloo, Wis. H f 11 Washington, La. C g 9 Waterloo, co. Ontario C e 4 Washington, Mass. A f 5 Waterman, Ind. E Me. E d 5 Washington, Ohio' I d 7 Waterville, Minn. D e 11 Washington, Ohio L c 7 Waterville, Minn. E b 11 Washington, Pa. A f 6 Waterville, N. Y. F d 0 Washington, Tenn. L b 9 Waterville, Ohio I b 7 Washington, Utah G g 14 Waterville, Kerry A e 20 Washhigton, Va. G 0 8 Watervliet, Mich. L g 11 Washington, Vt. B d 5 Watford, Hertford F e 18 Washington, co. Ark. A b p Watikau Pt. Taranaki E c 35 Washington, co. Fla. K s 9 Watkins, N. Y. E d 6 Washington, co. Ga. N e 9 Watkinsville, Ark. B h 9 Washington, co. Ind. F e 7 Watkinsville, Ga. M d 9 Washington, co. Iowa P i 12 Watlings I. ( Guanahani or San Washington, co. Ivans. H g 13 Salvador ), Bahamas I c 15 Washington, co. Ky. G f 7 Watlington, Oxford E e 18 Washington, co. Md. D g 6 Watonwan, co. Minn. C f 11 ‘Washington, co. Me. G d 5 Watonwan R. Minn. C f 11 Washington, co. Minn. E e 11 Watrousville, Mich. 0 f 11 Washington, co. Miss. E d 9 Watseka, 111. E c 7 Washington, co. Mo. Q P 12 Watson’s Corner, N. J. F g 6 Washington, co. Nebr. H f 13 Watsontown, Pa. E fc> v c 6 Washington, co. N. C. I f 8 Watsonville, Cal. C g 14 Washington, co. N. Y. II c <3 Watten, Caithness E b 19 ‘Washington, co. Ohio L d 7 Wattignies, Nord G a 21 Washington, co. Oreg. B c 14 Watton, Norfolk G d 18 Washington, co. Pa. A f 6 Wattsbnrg, Pa. B d 6 Watts Mt. N. Australia E b 34 Weedsport, N. Y. E c 6 AVatzman Mt. Alps of Bavaria G e £2 Weeliawken, N. J. B b o Wan, Fezzan F b 33 Weeks B. Ala H g 9 Wan, Upper Nile B h l9 Wee-uisk, R. Brit. America M d 2 Waubeck, Ioiva P k 12 Weert, Holland V c 22 Wnuhatchie, Tenn. K b 9 Wee Waa, New S. Wales H f 34 Waukegan, ill. E a 7 Weewokaville, Ala. I d 9 Waukegan, III. I b 3 Wegatchie, N. Y. F b 6 Waukesha, Wis. I f 11 Wegelebeb, prov. Saxony F c 22 Waukesha, co. Wis. I g 11 Welilau, E. Prussia L a 22 Waukon, Iowa P i 12 Wei-clian Hoo, L. Nagan-whi L d 32 Waumandee, Wis. F e 11 Wei-eliow, Kail su I d 32 Waunakee, Wis. H f 11 Weichsel ( Vistula), R. Poland E e 24 Waungerri Lake, S. Australia F f 34 Weiehselmiiude, Germany K i 23 Waupacca, Wis. II e 11 Weide Jaus Water, Spitzhergen U a 1 Waupacca, co. Wis. H e 11 Weideu, Bavaria G d 22 Waupacca R. Wis. H e 11 Wei-lioe-foo, or We-kyim, Ho-nan K c 32 Waupun, Wis. I f 11 Wei Ho, R. China K c 32 Wausau, Wis. H e 11 Wei Ho, R. China I d 32 Wauseon, Ohio H b 7 Weilburg, Nassau E c 22 Waushara, co. Wis. H e 11 Weil die Stadt, Wlirtemherg E d 22 Wautoma, Wis. H e 11 Weilkeim, Bavaria F e 22 Wauzeka, Wis. G f 11 Weimar, Snxe Weimar F c 22 Waveney, R. Norfolk & Suffolk 11 d 18 Weinlieim, Baden E d 22 Waverley, Minn. C d 11 Wei-niug, Quei-chow H e 32 Waverley, Mo. N o 12 Weiragarh (Wyragbur), Waverley, Queensland H d 34 Central Provs. F c 31 Waverley, Tenn. 14 a 9 Weir R. Queensland I e 34 Waverly, 111. C d 7 Weirs, N. Jtt. C e 5 Waverly, Iowa U k 12 Weissemburg, Alsace D d 22 Waverly, Mo. N ill 13 Weisseufels, prov. Saxony G c 22 Waverly, N. Y. E d 6 Weissen See, Carinti ia C e 25 Waverly, Ohio K d 7 Weisshorn, Switzerland II c 21 Waverly, Va. H d 8 Weisskirchen, Morav.a E b 25 Wavre (Flem. Waver an), Belgium C c 22 Weisskirchen, Military Frontier G d 25 Wawa, Soudan E d 3o Weitra, Lower Austria D b 25 VVawarsing, N. Y. G e 8 Wei-yueli, Corea N b 32 Waxahatchee, Ala. I d 9 Wekiwa, Fla. N b 9 Waxahatchie, Tex. H c 10 We-kyuu-foo, or Wei-hoe. Ho-nan K c 32 Waxliom, Sweden K g 23 Welaka, Fla. O h 9 Wayagamack, Great, L. Quebec G c 4 Welbiug, W. Austnliu B f 34 Wayland, Mich. 51 g H Welborn, Tex. H d 10 Wayland, N. Y. D d 0 Welcome Mt. V7. Australia B e 34 Waymart, Pa. F e 0 Weld, Me. D d 5 Wayne, 111 D e 7 Weld, co. Colo. E f 13 Wayne, Iowa P 1 12 Weld, Mt. Marlborough D d 35 Wayne, Me. D d 5 Weldon, N. C. H e 8 Wayne, Mich. O g 11 Weldon R. Mo. N m 12 Wayne, N. Y. D d 0 Welitz Planina, Selauik It d 26 Wayne, co. Ga. O f 9 Welland Canal, Ontario D e 4 Wayne, co. Ind. H d 7 Welland, Co. Ontario D e 4 Wayne, co. Iowa N m 12 Welland, R. Nortliamp.and Lincoln F d 18 Wayne, co. Ky. H g 1 Wellesley Is. G. of Carpentaria F c 34 Wayne, co. Mich. 0 g 11 Wellesley Provinces (British), Wayne, co. Miss. G f 9 Malay Penin. M h- 28 Wayne, co. Mo. Q p 12 Wellfleet, Mass. E g 5 Wayne, co. Nebr. H e 13 Wellingborough, Northamp. F d 18 Wayne, co. N. C. G f 8 Wellingrove, New S. Wales I e 34 Wayne, co. N. Y. D e 0 Wellington, Mo. N m 12 Wayne, co. Ohio L c 7 Wellington, Nev. D f 14 Wayne, co. Pa. F e 6 Wellington, Ohio It b 7 Wayne, co. Tenn. II b 9 Wellington, S. Australia F g 34 Wayne, co, W. Va. C c 8 Wellington, Wellington E d 35 Waynesboro, Ga. O d 9 Wellington, co. Ontario C e 4 Waynesboro, Miss. G f 9 Wellington, co. Tasmania R u 35 Waynesboro, Tenn, H b 9 Wellington dist. New S. Wales H f 34 Waynesboro, Va. G c 8 Wellington I. Chili C g 16 Wayuesburg, Ky. H f 7 Wellington Mts. N. Australia E b 34 Wavnesbui'g, Ohio L c 7 Wellington, town, Salop D d 18 Wayuesburg (Chester co.), Pa. F f 6 Wellington, town, Somers, t C f 18 Wayuesburg (Greene co.), Pa. A g o Wells, Me. D c 5 Waynesville, Ga. O f 9 Wells, Mich. N e 11 Waynesville, III. O c 7 Wells, Minn. D f 11 Waynesville, Mo. O p 12 Wells, Nev. F e 14 Waynesville, N. C. C f 8 Wells, N. Y. G c 6 Waynesville, Ohio H d 7 Wells, Pa. E e 6 Wavo, Upper Nile C i 29 Wells, Upper Austria C b 25 Ways, Ga. O f 9 Wells borough, Pa. D e 6 We-ah-bah Range, Nev. F e 14 Wellsburg, N. Y. E d 6 Weakly, co. Tenn. G a 9 Wellsburg, W. Va. E a 8 Wear, R. Durham E l. IS Wells, city, Somerset D e 18 Weatherford, Tex. II c 10 Wells, co. Ind. G c 7 Weather Point, Stewart I. A g 35 Wells I. N. Y. F b 6 Weaver, Minn. E e li Wells next the Sea, Norfolk G d 18 Weaver, R. Cheshire D c IS Wells Pond, Vt. A e 5 Weavers, Ohio H e 7 Wells River, Vt. B d 5 Weavervill , Ariz. G h 14 Wellsville, Mo. P n 12 Weaverville, Cal. B e 14 Wellsville, N. Y. D d 6 Webb, co. Tex. G f 10 Wellsville, Ohio. 51 c 7 Webberville, Tex. H d 10 Welna, R. Posen I b 22 Webbi Ganiana, R. E. Africa E h 29 Welshpool, bor. 5Iontgomery C d 18 Webbi gi Weyua, R. E. Africa E h 29 Wem, Salop D d 1x8 Webb Landing, Del. F g 8 Wemaco L. Fla. K h 9 Weber, Utah H e 14 Weinyss, Fife E d 19 Weber, co. Utah Ter. H e 14 Wemyss Bay, Renfrew D e 19 Weber R. Utah H e 14 Wen, Corea N c 32 Webster, Iowa 0 1 1? Wenass R. Wash. C b 14 Webster, Mass. C f 5 Wendell, 5Iass. B f 5 Webster, Mo. P <] 12 Wemlen, Livonia F d 24 Webster, N. C. B f 8 Wendenheim, Alsace D d 22 Webster, Ohio K e 7 Wendover, Bucks F e 18 Webster City, Iowa N k 12 Wener, L. Sweden G g 23 Webster, co. Ga. L e 9 Wenersborg, Gothland G g 23 Webster, co. Iowa M k 12 Wenham, Mass. D f 5 Webster, co. Ky. E f 7 Wen Ho, R. China H e 32 Webster, co Mo. O P 12 Wen-kai chow. Quei-chow I f 32 Webster, co. Nebr. G f 13 Wenlock, boi. Salop D d 18 Webster, co. W. Va. E c S Weuinan I. Galapagos Is. E g 15 Webster, par. La. B e 9 Wennenucka, Idaho G d 14 Weohsell Berg.Mt. Lower Austria E c 25 Wenona, 111. C b 7 Wedge, or el Wei, Hejaz D d 29 Wenona, Mich. O f 11 Wedge I. W. Australia B f 34 Wensum, R. Norfolk H d 18 Wediiesbury, town. Stafford E d 18 Wentworth, N. C. F e 8 Wedowwee, Ala K d 9 Wentworth, N. II. C e 6 GENERAL INDEX. 99 Wentworth, co. Ontario C e 4 Westminster, Md. E g 6 Whale R. Labrador O d 2 White Oak R. N C. If g » Wentworth R. N. Australia F c 34 Westminster, Ontario C e 4 Whale R., Little, Brit. America N d 2 White Pigeon, Mich. M h 11 Weoblv, Hereford D d 18 Westminster, Vt. B e 5 Whale R., Great, Brit. America N cl 2 White Pine, Nev. F f 14 Weranna, New S. Wales H e 34 Westmoreland, co. Pa. B f 0 Whalers Home Point, Otago C f 35 White Pine, co. Nev. F f 14 Werata, Wellington E d 35 Westmoivland. co. Tasmania S u 35 Whalscy 1. Shetland B b 19 White Plains, Ga. M cl 9 Werben, pvov. Saxony F b 22 Westmoreland, co. Va. I c 8 Whangumata, R. Auckland E b 35 White Plains, Ky. E f 7 Werdau, Kingdom of Saxony G c 22 Westmoreland Court House, Va. 1 c 8 Whauga Lange, Auckland E b 35 White Plains, Nev. D f 11 Werdi, or Verdi, Bagdad E c 29 Westmorland, co. England D b 18 Whanguii, Ml. Auckland G c 35 White Plains, N. Y. H e 6 Werd, Wady el, Palestine E h 30 Westmorland, co. New Brunswick L c 4 Whang Dai, or Yellow Sea, White Plains, Tenn. li a S We re ford burg, Pa. C o- 6 West Nantieoke, Pa. E e 6 W. of Corea M c 32 White Plains, Va. H c 8 Werfen, Salzburg C C 25 West Newton, Pa, B r 6 Whang Ilo, Hoang Ho, or White Post, Va. G b S Werndand, Ireen, Sweden G g 23 Weston, 111. D f 7 Yeliow it. China G d & L c 32 White R. Ark. D c 9 Werowero, Auckland F e 35 Weston, Me. G c 5 Whare-orino Mt. Auckland E c 35 White R. Cal. D h 14 Werra R. Hessen-Nassau E c 22 Weston, Mo. M n 12 Wharl'e, R. York E c 18 White R. Dak. E e 13 Werro, Livonia F d 21 Weston, Ohio I b 7 Wharton, Tex. H e 10 White R. Dom. of Canada L a 11 Werschetz, Hungary G d 25 Weston, Vt. B e 5 Wharton, co. Tex. H e 10 White R. Ind. E e 7 Wertach, Bavaria F d 22 Weston, W.Va. E c 8 Whatcom, Wash. B a 14 White R. Mich. L f 11 Wertenberg, 111. C e 7 Weston Papids, Wis. G e 11 Whatcom, co. Wash. C a 14 White R. Mo. N q 12 Wertheim, Baden E d 22 Weston -Super- Mare , Somerset D e 18 Wl natelv, Mass. B i 5 White R. Utah H f 14 Werther, Westphalia E b 22 West Pascagoula, Miss. G cr 9 Wh.ate River House, E. Main N d 2 White R. Utah I f 14 Wesel, Rhenish Prov. I) c 22 West Pearl R. La. F g 9 Wheatland, Ind. F d 7 White R. Wash. B b 14 Wesel, Ober, Rhenish Prov. D c 22 Westphalia, Mo. P O 12 Wheatland, Iowa Q 1 12 White R. Wis. i! c 11 Wesenberg, Esthonia F d 24 Westphalia, prov. Prussia D C 22 Wheatland, Minn. D e 11 White Rapids, Mich. Ii d 11 Weser, R. Hanover E b 22 West Philadelphia, Wheatland, Mo. O 0 12 White River, Mich. L f 11 Wesley, Iona M i 12 Env. of Philadelphia B h 6 Wheatley, Oxford E e 18 White River, Vt. B e 5 Wesleyville, Pa. B d 6 West Pitson, Pa. F e 6 Wliea ton, 111. C c 7 White Rock, Mich. P f 11 Wessei 0. N. Australia F b 31 West Plains, Mo. P q 12 Wheaton, 111. D b 7 White Rock Prairie, Mo. M q 12 Wessel I. N. Australia F b 31 West Point, Ga. K e 9 Wlieatville, Tex. I c 10 Whitesand B iy, Cornwall B f 18 W essely, Bohemia D b 25 West Point, Ind. E c 7 Wheelersburg, Ohio K e 7 White Sand Hill, Tex. E d 10 Wessen, Miss. E f 9 West Point, Iowa P m 12 Wheeling, W. Va. E Or 8 Whitesboro, N. Y. F c 6 West Alexandria, Ohio H d 7 West Point, Ky. G e 7 Wheeling Creek, Pa. A g 6 Whitesburg, Ala. I c 9 Westanfors, Sweden H g 23 West Point, Miss. G d 9 Wheeloek, Tex. H d 10 Whiteslmrg, Ky. K f 7 We t Australia, Col. Australia C c 34 West Point, Mo. M 0 12 Whei-chow-foo, Ngan-whi L e 32 Wh ite Sea i Bieloie More), Archangel H b 2 West B. La. F h 9 Wejft Point, Nebr. H f 13 Whei-li-chow, Se-chuen H e 32 White Side Mt. N. C. B t 8 West B. Tex. I e 10 West Point, Nev. F g 14 Whernside Mt. York D b 18 Whitesides, 111. B b 7 West Baton Rouge, La. D g 9 West Point, New York G f 4 Whetstone R. Ohio I c 7 White Spring, Fla N S ? West Baton Rouge, Par. La. D g 9 West Point, N. Y. 11 e 6 Whibleyville, Tenn. K a 9 White Stone Peak, Nelson C e 35 West Bedford, Ind. F c 7 West Point, Prince Edward I. L c 4 Whidbey Is. S. Australia F 1 34 Whitestown, Ind. F c 7 West Bend, Wis. I f 11 West Point, Tasmania R u 35 Whidbey Pt. S. Australia E f 34 White Sulphur Springs, W. Ya. E d 8 West Bromwich, town, Stafford E d 18 West Point, Va. I d 8 Wliiddy I. Cork B e 20 Whitesville, N. Y. D d 6 Westbrook, Me. D e 5 Westport, 111. E e 7 Whinstone Hills, W. Australia B f 34 White Top Mt. Ya. D e 8 Westbury, Tasmania S u 35 Westport, Ky. G e 7 Whitburn, Linlithgow E e 19 White Umbrella, Mt. Otago B f 35 Westbury, bor. Wilts. D e 1? Westport, Mass. C g 5 Whitby, bor. York F b 18 White Valley, Utah G f 14 West Calder, Edinburgh E e 19 W estport. Mayo B c 20 Whitby, town, Ontario D e 4 Whiteville, N. C. G g 8 West Cambridge, Env. of Boston E g 5 Westport, Minn. B d 11 Whitchurch, Hants E 0 18 Whiteville, Tenn. F b 9 West Cape, Otago A f 35 Westport, Mo. M 0 12 Whitchurch, Salop D d 18 White Water, Ind. H d 7 West Channel, Mich. N d 11 Westport, Nelson C d 35 White, 111. D e 7 White Water, Mo. R p 12 West Charleston, Ohio H d 7 Westport, N. Y. H b 6 Whiteadder R. Berwick F e 19 Whitewater, Wis. I g 11 West Chester, Pa. F g 6 Westport, Oreg. B b 14 White B. Newfoundland P a 4 White Water Bay, Fla. M o 8 West Chester, co. N. Y. H e 6 Westport, Pa. D e 6 White Ball Head, Cork A e 20 Whitewater Creek, Mo. R p 12 West Columbia, W. Va. C e 8 Westport Bay, Mayo B c 20 White Bear, Minn. B d 11 Whitfield, W. Australia B f 34 West Concord, Vt. C d 5 Westport Point, Mass. C g 5 White Bear L. Minn. B d 11 Whitfield, co. Ga. L c 9 Westcott, Minn. D e 11 West Quincy, Mo. P n 12 White Bears Arm, Newfoundland P c 4 Whithorn, burgh, Wigtown D f 19 West Cowes, town, I. of Wight E f 18 West li. Md. E li 6 White Bird, Idaho E c 14 Whiting, Me. G d 5 West Depere, Wis. I e 11 West R. Vt. B e 5 White Bluff, Taranaki E c 35 Whiting, N. J. G f 6 West Elizabeth, Pa. B f 6 Westra Firth, Orkney Islands E a 19 White Bluff C. Fla. L q 8 Whiting Bay, Arran C e 19 Westellingwerf, Holland C b 22 Westra I. Orkney Islands F a 19 White Cape Mt. Me. D d 5 Whiting Bay, Waterford D e 20 West End Cape, Anticosti M b 4 West Rilling, York E c 18 White Cap Mt. Me. E c 5 Whitley, co. Ind. G b 7 Wester, Caithness E b 19 West lioxbury, Env. of Boston E g 5 Whitechureh, Cork C e 20 Whitley, co. Ky. Ji g 7 Westerns, Sweden I g 23 West Rumney, N.H. C e 5 White Cloud, Kans. I g 13 Whitney Mt. Cal. D g 11 Westerbotten, lseen, ' Sweden I d 23 West Rupert, Vt A e 5 White, co. Ark. D b 9 Whitueyville, Me. G d 5 Westerham, Kent G e 18 Westruther, Berwick F e 19 White, co. Ga. M c 9 \\ iutstable, town, Kent H e 18 Western, N. Y. F c 6 West Salem, 111. E e 7 White, co. Ind. F c 7 Whitsunday I Queensland H .1 34 Western Alps, France and Italy B b 26 West Salem, Ohio K c 7 White, co. Tenn. K b 9 Whitsunday Passage Queensland H d 34 Western Australia, Col. 34 West Sister I. Lake Erie, Ohio I b 7 White Comb, Mt. Peebles E e 19 Whittinjhum, Vt. B f 5 Western Islands, or Hebrides, West Troy, N. Y. 11 d 6 White Deer Creek, Pa. D e 6 Whittington, Ark. C c 9 Argyle an 1 Inverness B d 19 West Turkey Creek . La. D e 9 White Earth Creek, Dak. E b 13 Whittington Range, N. Australia E c 34 Western Mts., Great, Tasmania S u 35 West Union, Iowa P k 12 White Eartli Lake, Minn. B b 11 WhittleC. Quebec N a 4 Wester Norrland, Iseeu. Sweden I e 23 West Union, Ohio I e 7 Whiteface Mt. N. H, C d 5 Whittlesea, town, Cambridge F d 18 Western Port, Md. B e>. 6 West Union, W. Va. E b 8 Whiteface Mt. N. Y. H b 6 Whycoeomagh, Cape Breton I. N c 4 Western Port, Victoria H g 34 West Unity, Ohio H b 7 Whitefield, N. H. C d 5 Wliydah, Guinea E d 33 Western Runn, Great, Scinde D C 31 Westville Env. of Philadelphia B i 6 White Fish Bay, Lake Superior, Wia 1. Skye B c 19 Westervik, Gothland I li 23 Westville, Miss. F f 9 Dom. of Canada N c 11 Wiay I. Hebrides A c 19 Westerville, Ohio K c 7 Westville City, Ind. F b 7 White Fish Creek, Tex. F b 10 W ieamico Creek, Md. E. .h 6 Westerwald, Wiesbaden D c 22 West Virginia, State, U. States 8 White Fish L. Minn. C c 11 Wichita, Kans. II h 13 West Feliciana, par. La. D g 9 Westward Ho, Devon B e 18 White Fisli i J t Mich, M c 11 Wichita, co. G b 10 West Held, Ind. F c 7 West Warren, Pa. E e 6 White Fish R. Mich. li c 11 Wichita Mts. Ind. T. G b 10 Westfield, Mass. B f 5 Westwood, Queensland I d 34 Whitegate, Galway C d 20 Wick B. Caithness E b 19 Westfield, N. Y. B d 6 Wetherby, York E c 18 White Grove Mt. Va. F e 8’ Wiekenburg, Ariz. G i 14 Westfield, Pa. D e 6 Wet Mts. Colo. D g 13 Whitehall, III. B d 7 Wick, burgh. Caithness E b 19 Westfield, W.Va. E b 8 Wetter L. Gothland H g 23 Whitehall, Mich. L f u Wickl'ord, R. I. c g 5 Westfield R. Mass. B f 5 Wetterhorn, Switzerland I c 21 White Hall, N. Y. H c 6 Wickham Hills, N. Australia E c 34 West Fork Asher Creek, Mo. N P 12 Wetterstein (Zugspitz), Alps, White Hare, Mo. N p 12 Wickham R. N. Australia F c 34 West Fork, Calcasieu R La. B o 9 Bavaria F e 22 Whitehaven, Md. F h 6 Wickham R. N. Australia E c 34 West Fork, Coal R. W. Va. D d 8 Wetnmpka, Ala. I e 9 Whitehaven, Pa. F e 6 Wickham R. Queensland H c 34 West Fork, Mononganela R. W.Va E b 8 Wetzel, co. W. Ya. E b 8 Whitehaven, bor. Cumberland C b 18 Wicklitfe, Mo. O p 12 West Fork, White R. Ind. E e 7 Wetzlar, Prussia E c 22 White Head, Antrim F b 20 Wieklitfe Bay, Otago G f 35 West Fork, Sandy R. Ky. K e 7 Weverton, Md. D g 6 Whitehouse, Antrim F b 20 Wicklow. New Brunswick K c 4 West Fork, Trinity R. Tex. H c 10 Wexford, Mich. M f 11 Whitehouse, Ohio I b 7 Wicklow, .co. Leinster E d 20 West Franklin, Ind. E f 7 Wexford Bay, Wexford E d 20 White I. ( Whakari, active Wicklow, Co. Town, Wicklow E d 20 West Grove, Iowa 0 in 12 Wexford, co. Leinster E d 20 volcano). Auckland F b 35 Wicklow Head, Wicklow F d 20 West Hampton, L. I. B h 5 Wexford, co. Mich. M e 11 White I. - Me. E e 5 Wick war, Gloucester D e 18 West Haven, Conn. B g 5 Wexford, Co. Town Wexford E d 20 White I. Otago C f 35 Wicomico, co. Md. F h 6 West Haven, Vt. A e 5 Wexford Harbour, Wexford E d 20 White I. Siberia P a 24 Wicomico R. Md. F h 6 West I. Mass. B g 5 Wexio, Gothland H h 23 White L. Dom. of Canada G b 13 Widder, Ontario C e 4 West Indies, or W. India Weyamvega, Wis. H e 11 White L. N. Y. G e 6 Widdin, Danube K c 26 Islands, G e & L e 15 Weylersburg, Ya. G e 8 White L. Ontario D d 4 Wide Bay, Queensland I e 34 West Jefferson, Ohio I d 7 Weymouth, Mass. D f 5 White Mesa, Ariz. H cr 14 Widnes, town, Lancashire D c 18 West Kendall, N. Y. 0 c 6 Weymouth, N. J. G g 6 White Mouth L. Dom. of Canada I b 13 Wieliczka, Galicia G b 25 West Kingsville, Ohio M b 7 Weymouch, Nova Scotia L d 4 White Mt. Nev. D g 14 Wiener Wald, Mts. Lower Austria E b 25 Westland co. or prov. New Zealand C e 35 Weymouth, Tasmania S n 35 White Mt. Hot Springs, Wyom. PI C 14 Wien R. Austria E b 25 VV est Lebanon, Pa. B f 6 Weymouth Back R. Env. of Boston G h 5 White Mts. Ariz. I ll 14 Wieringeu I. Holland O b 22 West Liberty, Ky. I f 7 Weymouth Bay, Queensland G b 34 White. Mts. Nev. E g 14 Wiernoie, Russian Turkestan 1 d 28 West Liberty, Ohio I c 7 Weymouth, bor. Dorset D f 18 White Mts. N. H. C d 5 Wiesbaden, Nassau E c 22 West Liberty, Tex. I d 10 Weymouth Fore, R. Env. of Boston F h 5 White Mud R. Dom. of Canada B a 13 Wiesbaden, gov. Prussia E c 22 West Liberty, W. Va. E a 8 Weyna or Webbi, R. Eastern Africa E h 29 White Mud R. Manitoba G a 13 Wigan, bor. Lancashire D e 18 \\ est Lyons, Env. of Chicago B f 10 Wey, R. Surrey F e 18 Whiten Head, Sutherland D b 19 Wight, Isle of, Hants E f 18 West Mahantango Creel , Pa. D f 6 Wh'ai Ho, R. China L d 32 White Oak, 111. C d 7 Wight Bay, Isle of. Md. F b 6 West man land, or Westerns, Whaingaroa Harb. Auckland E b 35 White Oak, S. C. D a 8 Wigton, town, Cumberland C b 18 laeen, Sweden I o 23 Whakatane, co. Auckland F c 35 White Oak, Tenn. H a 9 Wigtown Bay, Wk 'town .X Kirkt. D f 19 Westmanna Ts. Iceland C C 17 Whakatane R. Auckland F c 35 White Oak, Va. D d 8 Wigtown, burgh, Wigtown D f 19 Westmeath, co. Leinster D C 20 Whale Bay, Namaqua Land F g 33 White Oak Creek, Ohio I e 7 Wigtownshire, or West Milford, N. J. G e 6 Whalefirth Voe, Shetland Islands A a 19 White Oak Creek, Tex. I c 10 W. Galloway, co. Scotland D f 19 Westminster, Mass. B f 5 Whalefish Is. Greenland P c 2 White Oak Grove, Mo. N P 12 Wilbarger, co. Tex. G b 10 100 GENERAL INDEX, Wilherforce Cape, N. Australia F b 34 Wilson Creek, Me. E c Wilcox, Ala. H f 9 Wilson Mt. N. W. Australia D d Wilcox, co. Ga. M f 9 Wilson Prom. Australia H A* ,.: ,i ^ HA ,-^ ^ ^ - WiiWfi hpAAhha^P' A a AMfMMpil AHHW /^. ,-J A' ■ /•> $$$ aSaU-A WO aAHR 'a!R!HAARAR & ^&SSRxyA MMR 1 1. ,* -'•A., V • "5 * ‘ / / ; :v' ■ . ’ . .- H v