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TOGETHER WITH HIS COMPLETE POEMS AND SPEECHES, EDITED BY MRS. JOHN BOYLE O’REILLY. INTRODUCTION BY HIS EMINENCE JAMES CARDINAL GIBBONS, ARCHBISHOP OF BALTIMORE. NEW YORK THE CASSELL PUBLISHING CO. 31 East 17th St. (Union Square) Copyright, 1891, BY MBS. JOHN BOYLE O’REILLYo All rights reserved. THE MER8HON COMPANY PRESS, RAHWAT, N. 3 . ) l 5 k 2. > \ INTRODUCTION. 0 tf) 3 £ ~T* o The best monument to a great and good man are the works with which his hand and his head have enriched the world. More fittingly than by towering shaft of granite or of marble will the name of John Boyle O’Reilly be immortal- ized by this collection of his writings. On this, his ceno- taph, aere perennius, I dutifully, though sorrowfully, lay this wreath of admiration for the genius — of love for the man. Few men have felt so powerfully the divinus afflatus of Poesy ; few natures have been so fitted to give it worthy response. As strong as it was delicate and tender, as sym- pathetic and tearful as it was bold, his soul was a harp of truest tone, which felt the touch of the ideal everywhere, and spontaneously breathed responsive music, joyous or mournful, vehement or soft. Such a nature needed an environment of romance, and romantic indeed was his career throughout. In boyhood his imagination feasts on the weird songs and legends of the Celt ; in youth his heart agonizes over that saddest and strangest romance in all history, — the wrongs and woes of his mother-land, that Niobe of the nations ; in manhood, because he dared to wish her free, he finds himself a doomed felon, an exiled convict in what he calls himself “ the nether world ” ; then, bursting his prison bars, a hunted fugitive, reaching the haven of this land of liberty penniless and unknown, but rising by the sheer force of his genius and his worth, till the best and the noblest in our country vie in doing honor to his name. With surroundings and a career like these, a man of his make could not but be a poet, and a poet he became of truest mould ; wooed to the summits of Parnassus by his love of the beautiful, his fiery spirit was calmed on its stilly heights, and grew into that poise and restfulness and self- V VI INTRODUCTION. control, without which poetry would lack dignity and grace. No writer understood better than he that the face and form of Poesy to be beautiful must be tranquil, that violent movements rob her of her charm — that even in the tempest of her love or wrath her mien must breathe the comeliness and harmony of the Divine. This lesson of the Muses gave grace and charm to more than his poetry, it gradually pervaded all the movement of his life. Seldom did he lose sight of what he has himself so beautifully expressed : Nature’s gospel never changes, Every sudden force deranges, Blind endeavor is not wise. Many a time was he subjected to trials calling for super- human self-control, and seldom was he found wanting under the test. Instances without number are related of his generous magnanimity toward those who deserved it least, of his patienee under insult and injustice, of his quickness to atone for any momentary, unguarded flash. There was a rhythm and a harmony in all his life like to that of his thoughts and of his style. But in all this there was more than nature. The Divine Faith, implanted in his soul in childhood, flourished there undyingly, pervaded his whole being with its blessed influ- ences, furnished his noblest ideals of thought and conduct. Even when not explicitly adverted to, Faith’s sweet and holy inspirations were there to shape his thought and direct his life. They had made his mind their sanctuary before its work began, and all its imagery during life instinctively bore the impress of their presence. Thus was he fitted to fulfill worthily the vocation of a poet. For it is not aimlessly that Divine Providence endows a human being with qualities so exceptional and exalted. The poet is one endowed with ken so piercing as through the veil of sense to gaze upon the world of the ideal, and through all ideals to penetrate to the archetypal ideal of all things ; — endowed with heart so sensitive as to thrill with unwonted tlirobbings at this vision of the true, the beauti- ful, and the good endowed with speech so subtle that it can fit itself to thoughts and emotions like these, so rhyth- mical and sweet that, falling on ears dulled by the hard din of life, it may charm them, and lift up earthly minds and hearts to thought and love of better things. The true INTRODUCTION. Vll poet realizes what O’Reilly sung in one of his latest and best productions : Those who sail from land afar, Leap from mountain-top to star ; Higher still, from star to God, Have the Spirit-Pilots trod, Setting lights for mind and soul, That the ships may reach their goal. The vocation of the poet is close akin to that of the priest, and it is not to be wondered at that during most of his life our poet’.s nearest and dearest friends were clergy- men. In his career as a journalist, the magnanimity and self- control thus variously impressed upon him and infused into him were especially manifested. Constantly obliged to deal with burning questions, he usually handled them wdth a conservative prudence scarcely to be expected in one so vehement by nature. Accustomed by long experience to have his most cher- ished convictions resisted and assailed, he met all oppo- nents with a chivalrous courtesy, as well as with a daunt- less courage, that instantly won respect, and often ended by winning them over to his side. No wonder, then, that he, far beyond the bulk of men, verified his own touching lines : The work men do is not their test alone, The love they win is far the better chart. Who can recall an outburst of grief so universal and so genuine as that evoked by his all too early and sudden death ? At the sad news numberless hearts in all the lands which speak our English tongue stood still as in anguish for the loss of a brother or a friend. In accents trembling with the eloquence of emotion, countless tongues in our own and in other climes have paid unwonted tribute to his worth ; great thinkers and writers have lauded his genius ; the lowly and unlettered are mourning him who was ever humanity’s friend. The country of his adoption vies with the land of his birth in testifying to the uprightness of his life, the useful- ness of his career and his example, the gentleness of his character, the nobleness of his soul. The bitterest preju- dices of race and of creed seem to have been utterly con- quered by the masterful goodness of his heart and the INTRODUCTION. Vlll winning sweetness of his tongue, and to have turned into all the greater admiration for the man. With all these voices I blend my own, and in their name I say that the world is brighter for having possessed him, and mankind will be the better for this treasury of pure and generous and noble thoughts which he has left us in his works. PREFACE. HE following pages have been written in the scant leisure of a busy life, made doubly so by the loss which called them forth. They make no pretension to being a critical study of their subject or a minute history of his life. I have aimed to present, concisely and truthfully, the leading events in a career as full of dramatic incident and striking change as the pages of a romance ; letting the story tell itself, wherever it has been possible, in the words of its illustrious subject. Having the advantages of access to his printed and private papers, as well as of a close personal friendship of twenty years, I have been able, I think, to draw a faithful picture of John Boyle O’Reilly as he was in public and private. The picture has not been overcolored by the hand of friendship. If there appear to be more of eulogy than of criticism in the work, the fact is not to be wondered at. It would be impossible for anybody who knew John Boyle O’Reilly intimately to think or write of him in any other strain. His public life and literary labors will be judged by pos- terity on their merits. I believe that the judgment will be even more favorable than that passed by his contem- poraries. Of his personal character there can be but one judgment. Those nearest him are best able to testify to its unvarying heroism, tenderness, and beauty; but no earthly chronicler can ever tell the whole story of his kindly thoughts and words and deeds. A few of them are here recorded ; the greater number are written on the hearts of the thousands whose lives he brightened and blessed ; the whole are known only to the God whose mercy gave such a life to the world — whose inscrutable wisdom recalled the gift so soon. James Jeffrey Roche. ix CONTENTS. TA«E INTRODUCTION BY CARDINAL GIBBONS, . v PREFACE, ix CHAPTER I. Birthplace — Childhood and Youth — Early Apprenticeship-Sojourn in England— Enlists in “ The Prince of Wales’ Own ” — Conspiracy, Detec- tion, and Arrest — “ The Old School Clock,” 1 CHAPTER II. Trial by Court-martial — A Prisoner’s Rights before a British Military Tribunal — The Stories of Two Informers— Found Guilty and Sentenced to Death— Commutation of Sentence — Mountjoy Prison— How O’Reilly Re- paid a Traitor, 22 CHAPTER III. Solitary Confinement — An Autobiographical Sketch — Pentonville, Mill- bank, Chatham, Dartmoor — Three Bold Attempts to Escape — Realities of Prison Life— The Convict Ship Hougoumont — The Exiles and their Paper, The Wild Goose, 48 CHAPTER IY. Prison Life in Australia— O’Reilly Transferred from Fremantle to Bun- bury — Cruel Punishment for a Technical Offense — Daring Plan to Es- cape — Free at Last Under the American Flag, 69 CHAPTER Y. Narrow Escape from a “ Bad ” Whale— He Feigns Suicide in Order to Avoid Recapture at Roderique — Transferred to the Sapphire off Cape of Good Hope — Arrival at Liverpool — Takes Passage for America — Lands at Philadelphia, . 84 CHAPTER YI. Arrival in Boston — Untoward Experience in a Steamship Office — Pub- lic Lectures — His Personal A ppearance — Characteristic Letters— Employed on The Pilot — At the Front with the Fenians — The Orange Riots in New York— O’Reilly Sharply Condemns the Rioters— A Notable Editorial, . 101 xi xii CONTENTS. PAGE CHAPTER VII. Civilian Prisoners in Australia Set Free — The Story of Thomas Has- sett — O’Reilly’s Narrative Poems — His Love of Country and Denunciation of Sham Patriots — Death of His Father— Speech for the Press— His Mar- riage, and Home Life — Pilot Burned Out in the Great Boston Fire — The Papyrus Club Founded, • 122 CHAPTER VIII. His Public Life — Editorial Condemnation of Bigotry — He Speaks for the Indian and the Negro — “ Songs of the Southern Seas ” — Death of Cap- tain Gifford — Poem on the Death of John Mitchell— Controversy with Dr. Brownson — His Poem for the O’Connell Centenary— O’Reilly Becomes Part Owner of the Pilot, 140 CHAPTER IX. The Cruise of the Gatalpa — The English Government Rejects the Peti- tion of One Hundred and Forty Members of Parliament for the Pardon of the Soldier Convicts — John Devoy and John Breslin Plan their Rescue — Good Work of the Clan-na-Gael — The Dream of O’Reilly and Hathaway Fulfilled — The Gatalpa Defies a British Gunboat, and Bears the Men in Safety to America, . 156 CHAPTER X. Death of John O’Mahony — O’Reilly’s Tribute to the Head-Center— Prison Sufferings of Corporal Chambers — He is Set Free at Last — O’Reilly on Denis Kearney — “ Moondyne,” and its Critics — “ Number 406,” . . 174 CHAPTER XI. Elected President of the Papyrus Club, and also of the Boston Press Club — Interesting Addresses Delivered Before Both — Speech at the Moore Centenary— Letter to the Papyrus Club— His Home at Hull— Visit of Par- nell to America — Founding of the St. Botolph Club and the “ Cribb dub , Justin McCarthy Describes the Poet- Athlete— Russell Sullivan’s “ Here and Hereafter,” 191 CHAPTER XII. His Editorials and Public Utterances— Honored by Dartmouth College and Notre Dame— The “Statues in the Block Ireland’s Opportu- nity Erin ”— Tribute to Longfellow— His Great Poem, “America,” Read Before the Veterans— The Phoenix Park Tragedy— Death of Fanny Parnell— “ To Those Who Have Not Yet Been President,” . . .204 CHAPTER XIII. His Kindness to Young Writers— Versatile Editorial Work— Irish Na- tional Affairs — Speech Before the League — His Canoeing Trips — A Papy- rus Reunion — Death of Wendell Phillips, and O’Reilly’s Poem — Presiden- tial Campaign of 1884— “ The King’s Men”— Another Papyrus Poem- Touching Letter to Father Anderson, 223 CONTENTS. PAGE CHAPTER XIY. O’Reilly’s Case in the House of Commons— Refused Permission to Visit Canada— Slander About “Breaking Parole” Refuted— A Characteristic Letter in 1869— His Editorial “Is it Too Late ? ’’—Bayard, Lowell, and Phelps— Another Speech in Faneuil Hall— Hanging of Riel— “ In Bo- hemia ’’—Farewell Poem to Underwood— “ Hanged, Drawn, and Quar- tered,” 247 CHAPTER XV. Article in North American Review , “At Last ’’—Address Before the Beacon Club of Boston— Defense of the Colored Men— The Five Dollar Par- liamentary Fund— “The American Citizen Soldier The Cry of the Dreamer ” — Another Characteristic Letter, 272 CHAPTER XVI. “ Boyle’s Log ” — No Memory for Dates — A Western Publisher’s Offer — Speech of Welcome to Justin McCarthy — Poem on “Liberty”— He De- fends his Democracy — “The Exile of the Gael” — Speech at William O’Brien’s Reception— Crispus Attucks — The British in Faneuil Hall, . 293 CHAPTER XVII. Public Addresses — Author’s Reading— The Irish Flag in New York — “Athletics and Manly Sport” Published— His Cruise in the Dismal Swamp— Interesting Letters to E. A. Moseley — Speech at the C. T. A. U. Banquet — Bayard, Chamberlain, and Sackville-West — Presidential Elec- tion — Poem on Crispus Attucks — Death of Corporal Chambers — Speech for the Heroes of Hull, 310 CHAPTER XVIII. Another Author’s Reading, “A Philistine’s Views” on Erotic Litera- ture — Poem on the Pilgrim Fathers — Another, “ From the Heights,” for the Catholic University — Attacked by La Grippe — Hopes of Another Canoe Cruise — Brave Words for the Negro and the Hebrew — “The Useless Ones,” his Last Poem — Lecturing Tour to the Pacific Coast — Definition of Democracy — Views on the Catholic Congress — His Last Canoeing Paper and Last Editorials— A Characteristic Deed of Kindness— His Death, . 333 CHAPTER XIX. Profound Sorrow of the Nation and of the Irish People — Tributes of Respect to his Memory — “ A Loss to the Country, to the Church, and to Humanity in General ” — Remarkable Funeral Honors — Resolutions of Na- tional and Catholic Societies — The Papyrus Club and the Grand Army of the Republic—" The Truest of all the True is Dead,” .... 354 XIV CONTENTS. CHAPTER XX. The City of Boston Honors his Memory — Great Citizens’ Meeting in Tremont Temple — Liberal Subscriptions to a Public Monument — Memorial Meetings in New York and Elsewhere — The “ Month’s Mind ” — Eloquent Sermon of Bishop Healy— The Poets Grave in Holyhood, , . . 366 CHAPTER XXI. Early Traits of Character — Letters from Prison — His Religious Nature Exemplified— An Ideal Comrade — Love of Nature and of Art — His First Poem— His Lavish Charity and Kindness— A Child’s Tribute — The End, . 375 POEMS. PAGE. THE WONDERFUL COUNTRY, .395 WHAT IS GOOD, 396 THE PILGRIM FATHERS, 397 FROM THE HEIGHTS, 405 MAYFLOWER, . 407 CRISPUS ATTUCKS, 408 THE EXILE OF THE GAEL, . . . . * . . . .414 THREE GRAVES, 418 AN ART MASTER, 420 LIBERTY LIGHTING THE WORLD, 420 THE PRESS EVANGEL, 423 THE USELESS ONES, 424 LOVE WAS TRUE TO ME, 429 TO MY LITTLE BLANID, 430 WRITTEN UNDER A PORTRAIT OF KEATS, .... 430 AN OLD PICTURE, 431 AT SCHOOL, 432 UNDER THE SURFACE, 433 CONSCIENCE, . . 433 TO MY DEAR OLD FRIEND, MR. A. SHUMAN, ... 434 TO A. S., ON HIS DAUGHTER’S WEDDING, .... 434 TWO LIVES, 435 MY TROUBLES ! 435 VIGNETTES, 436 A MESSAGE OF PEACE, 437 A MAN, 438 FOREVER, . 441 MY NATIVE LAND, 441 A YEAR, 443 THE FAME OF THE CITY, ........ 443 xv XVI CONTENTS. PAGE YESTERDAY AND TO-MORROW, 444 IN BOHEMIA, 445 SONGS THAT ARE NOT SUNG, 446 WENDELL PHILLIPS, 449 A SEED, 452 A TRAGEDY, 452 DISTANCE, ; 452 ERIN, 453 POET AND LORD, . 455 SPRING FLOWERS, 455 THE LOVING CUP OF THE PAPYRUS, 456 UNDER THE RIVER, 458 GRANT— 1885, 458 AT BEST, 459 THE RIDE OF COLLINS GRAVES, 460 ENSIGN EPPS, THE COLOR-BEARER, 462 THE CRY OF THE DREAMER, 463 MY MOTHER’S MEMORY, 465 THE SHADOW, 465 AT FREDERICKSBURG,— DECEMBER 13, 1862, ... 466 THE DEAD SINGER, 469 THE PRIESTS OF IRELAND, 471 A LEGEND OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN, 475 RELEASED,— JANUARY, 1878, 476 JOHN MITCHEL, DIED MARCH 20, 1875, 478 A DEAD MAN, 479 A NATION’S TEST, 481 LOVE, AND BE WISE, 486 WHEAT GRAINS, 487 THE PRICELESS THINGS, 489 THE RAINBOW’S TREASURE, 491 A WHITE ROSE, 492 YES? 492 WAITING, 493 CHUNDER ALPS WIFE, 494 A KISS, 496 JACQUEMINOTS, 496 THE CELEBES, 497 LOVE’S SACRIFICE, 497 CONTENTS, xvii nsE HER REFRAIN, 499 GOLU, 499 LOVE’S SECRET, 501 A PASSAGE, . 501 A LOST FRIEND. 502 CONSTANCY, 503 THE TEMPLE OF FRIENDSHIP, 504 THE VALUE OF GOLD, ,507 TO-DAY, 508 A BUILDER’S LESSON, ,509 THE KING’S EVIL, 510 30NE AND SINEW AND BRAIN, 511 THE CITY STREETS, 513 THE INFINITE, 517 FROM THE EARTH, A CRY, 518 PROMETHEUS— CHRIST 522 UNSPOKEN WORDS, .525 STAR-GAZING, 526 A DISAPPOINTMENT, 528 THE OLD SCHOOL CLOCK, ,528 WITHERED SNOWDROPS, ........ 530 A SAVAGE, 531 RULES OF THE ROAD, 532 LOVE IS DREAMING, * AMERICA 534 THE POISON FLOWER, 539 PEACE AND PAIN, HIDDEN SINS, 541 THE LOSS OF THE EMIGRANTS, 542 TRUST, THE FISHERMEN OF WEXFORD, 544 THE WELL’S SECRET, 547 LIFE IS A CONFLUENCE, 548 THE PATRIOT’S GRAVE, 549 THE FEAST OF THE GAEL, 553 MARY, THE WAIL OF TWO CITIES, 556 MULEY MALEK, THE KING, .558 HEART-HUNGER, XV111 CONTENTS. PAGE SILENCE, NOT DEATH, 563 RESURGITE !— JUNE, 1877, 564 IRELAND— 1882, 565 THE EMPTY NICHE, 568 MIDNIGHT— SEPTEMBER 19, 1881, 570 THE TRIAL OF THE GODS, 572 DYING IN HARNESS, 574 DOLORES, 575 THE TREASURE OF ABRAM, 577 THERE IS BLOOD ON THE EARTH, 580 LIVING, . 582 MACARIUS, THE MONK, 583 THE UNHAPPY ONE, 585 DESTINY, 588 A SONG FOR THE SOLDIERS 588 AN OLD VAGABOND, . 592 THE STATUES IN THE BLOCK, 594 THE THREE QUEENS, 600 THE LAST OF THE NARWHALE, 604 THE LURE, 609 THE FLYING DUTCHMAN, 610 UNCLE NED’S TALE— AN OLD DRAGOON’S STORY, . . 616 UNCLE NED’S TALE-HOW THE FLAG WAS SAVED, . . 625 HAUNTED BY TIGERS, 635 THE WORD AND THE DEED, . . 641 WESTERN AUSTRALIA, 647 THE DUKITE SNAKE, 648 THE MONSTER DIAMOND, 653 THE DOG GUARD, 658 THE AMBER WHALE, 665 THE MUTINY OF THE CHAINS, 677 THE KING OF THE VASSE, 685 CONTENTS. XIX SPEECHES. PAGE THE COMMON CITIZEN-SOLDIER, 713 A PATRIOT’S MONUMENT, 781 THE NEGRO-AMERICAN, 738 MOORE CENTENARY, 743 THE IRISH NATIONAL CAUSE, 747 IRELAND’S COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES, 758 ADDRESS ON HENRY GRATTAN, 780 INDEX, . 787 LIFE OF John Boyle O’Reilly. BY JAMES JEFFREY ROCHE. John Boyle O’Reilly. BY JAMES JEFFREY ROCHE. LIFE OF JOHN BOYLE O’REILLY. CHAPTER I. Birthplace— Childhood and Youth— Early Apprenticeship— Sojourn in England— Enlists in “The Prince of Wales’ Own ’’—Conspiracy, Detection, and Arrest — “The Old School Clock.” ROGHEDA is a town with a history, and, as it is an Irish town, the history is mainly a tragedy. Tradi- tion says that it was the landing place of the Milesians, the last and greatest of the early invaders of Ireland. A more enduring glory attaches to it as the place where St. Patrick landed wdien he came down from the North country to brave the power of the Druids, at the royal seat of Tara. Its name, “ Drochead-atha,” signifies the Bridge of the Ford, or, as it was Latinized, “Urbs Pontana.” Danes and Normans successively conquered and occupied the old town. It lies on both sides of the river Boyne, about four miles from its mouth, and two and one-half miles from Old- Bridge, the scene of the famous battle between the forces of King James and those of William of Orange. Forty years before that disastrous fight, Drogheda had suffered at the hands of a conqueror more ruthless than Dane or Norman. In 1649 the English nation kept public fast to invoke God’s blessing upon Cromwell’s forces, “ Against the Papists and others, the enemies of the Par- liament of England in Ireland.” The Protector came with the Bible in one hand and the sword in the other, not, as a Mohammed, to offer the choice of religion or death, but in the name of the one to inflict the other. He laid siege to the town on September 2. At five o’clock on the afternoon 2 JOHN BOYLE O’REILLY. of the 10th he effected a breach, and, after being twice repulsed, carried the place by assault. The defenders laid down their arms, on promise of quarter, whereupon the victors fell upon the defenseless people, massacring in cold blood twenty-eight hundred men, women, and children. Thirty persons were taken prisoners, to be eventually sold as slaves in the Barbadoes. The horrible massacre lasted during five days. The Irish vocabulary is not wanting in maledictory forms, but its bitterest imprecation is “The curse of Cromwell !” Banishment and confiscation were the mildest punishments inflicted on the vanquished. The Irish fought with desperate valor, but did not forget to be generous, even to a merciless foe. Conspicuous among them for generous and chivalrous acts was one chieftain, O’ Reilly of Cavan,, who not only gave quarter to his enemy in battle, but even sent his prisoners in safety within the English lines. The O’ Reillys were lords of Cavan for over a thousand years. They traced their descent from Milesius, through O’Ragheal- laigh, whose name is Anglicized into O’Rahilly, O’Riellv, ¥ < Wf^isayAi?ftldSP ins are sti11 found. In later times ^Mm9SS, an . above tlle town of CattaT^'iandl.adQf tedrlAbft i&i.bal name of Muintir fa^ptifti iwm i a i t0»% -py heRV nn Mfe* RbHjStMtterPwmife iHei'^afiiaslwvp ahdssWIWRbi^dfflii lgo^^ryj,^ town of Cavan, and adopted the tribal name of Muintir Maolmordha, the people of Milesius,— Milesius, or Miles, being a favorite name in the family. One of them, “Miles the Slasher,” was probably the last of the regular chiefs, lie was a brave and skillful soldier, and did good service HIS LIFE, POEMS AND SPEECHES. 3 under Owen Roe O’Neil, at the battle of Benburb. The family had its share of traditionary myths. In the County Cavan, near the old seat of their sovereignty, there still stands a tree on which one of their beloved chiefs was hanged in an ancient “ rising.” It is withered and leaf- less — tradition says it never bore foliage again after that day. The fortune of war overcame this race of gallant fighters. Many of them sought in foreign lands the career denied them at home, and the name, illustrious for centu- ries, gained new renown in France, Spain, Austria, and the wide domains of Spanish America. The O’Reillys were ever distinguished as soldiers, prelates, and scholars. Four miles above the town of Drogheda, on the south bank of the beautiful Boyne, in the center of a vast basin of the most fertile and storied land in Ireland, stands Dowth Castle, where John Boyle O’Reilly was born, on June 28, 1844. Within three hundred yards of it is the Moat of Dowth, built in the pre-historic period. Four miles to the west rises the hill of Tara, while three miles to the north is the hill of Slane, where St. Patrick lit his fire on Beltanes night.. 1 One! mile further; to The north are Jh e mafe slid r u in& i Mel lif onfe Ahhe^p ldsdate^J back hdgthenal^ss ttoi ^etBn|$igh IPsate, J amM&oshM stordiaiiea Merii t ghe IDgdLaqjL. lEtol^o ik etteOpreshnfrriMHi^ hYisuonpi^ rNieMerfii lUp *&n leeoe^rih JMfcnbhlBinanji