THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY 543 T 88t FOR ORES, IRON, COAL, STEEL, COKE, LIMESTONE, WITH TABLES, FOR THE USE OF |VIIJMER3,DEALEF!S an 'liJ ^ 1930 COMPILED AND PUBLISHED By' fUlD/Ofs H. A. TUTTLE, CLEVELAND, O. 1879. ^^^IVERSITY Short & Forman. Printers. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1879, by H . A . TUTTLE, In Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Wash- ington, D. C. :1 ‘C I % -J J 'Hi 5-^3 Tse^ TABLE OF WITH SYMBOLS AND ELEMENTS, COMBINING WEIGHTS. NAME. Aluminium Arsenic - Barium __ Bismuth- Boron Bromine- Cadmium Cassium Calcium Carbon Chlorine Cerium Cromium Cobalt Copper Didymium Erbium Flourine Glucinum . Gold Hydrogen - Indium _ Iodine __ Iridium- Iron Lanthanum—: Lead Lithium Magnesium — - Manganese Mercury Hg 200 , SYMB. Com.Wt. NAME. i SYMB. ' Com.Wt. A1 27*4 Molybdenum - Mo 96 Sb 122 ' As 75 Nickel — Ni 58*7 Niobium Nb i 94 Ba 137 Nitrogen N 14 Bi ' 210 i i 1 i 1 B 11 Osmium _ 1 Os 1 199*2 1 Br 80 Oxygen ' 0 ; 16 Cd 112 Palladium Pd 106*6 Phosphorus--- P 31 j Platinum- Pt 197*5 1 C ' 12 Potassium K 39*1 1 Cl 35*5 Rhodium Rh 104*4 (^e 92 Rubidium Rb 85*4 1 ( ^r ; 52-0 Ruthenium . __ Ru 104*4 : ! (V) 5S*7 Selenium Se 79*5 ! ( 'U 03-5 Silver 1 Ag 108 I) 96 j Silicon Si 28 TT 1 1 ‘) 1 Sodium Na 23 i Ti liZ ’ i Strontium Sr 87*5 i . F 19 Sulphur S 32 G1 9*5 Tantalum - Ta 172 Au 197 Tellurium Te 129 TT 1 Thallium T1 204 Xi 1 ! Thorium Th 115*7 In 74 I Tin Sn 118 I ' 127 Titanium - _ Ti 50 Ir’ 198 Tungsten i w 184 Fe 56 Uranium u 120 La 92 I*b 207 Vanadium V 137 : Li 7 Yttrium _ __ Y 62 Mg ' 24 i Zinc — Zn 65*2 1 Mn 55 ' 1 Zerconium Zr 89*6 ! 710725 STATE OR DISTRICT— 5 §>ci/AAnA/yi OHrvh^ Symbol. o w w a; a cS ^ 1 ' * vO Fe O Protoxide of Iron 9S:5-c.d i _ 1 Fe C O 3 Garb, of Iron ur2:> --•a— -ii— ! 1 _ TS— 1 ^ uk. {^a. 0 Dime - uy^ Mg 0 M AGNESI A >OJO j ^2 0 Potash NTq ^ n A S ^3 SUEPHURIO Ad A, DTTri«T3wnT?Trt Ar ITTi .OlC ^ Z 0 C 0 2 Carbonic Acid Si O 2 Siiiicic Acid j„^/tA.- C^A. — Ti O 2 Titanic Acic /(^aco H 2 0 Water _ Organic Matter- Total - - fhi^ cU Fe Metallic Irois S Sttlphttr r 1 P Phosphorus _ _ Chemist and Date. 6 STATE OR DISTRICT- 1 o I o s ' ORES. i Fe 0 Protoxide of Ikon Fe2 O3 Sesquiox’eofIkon 1 i i 1 [ 1 i I 1 A 1 - „ A T.TTTVTTTVr A Cr 0 Lime ! 1 ATcy n IVT A niVTrCsT A iyX^ W XYXALxxN HioiirV 'V Fk DrkT A cJTT SO3 SuEPHUKic Acid ^ P2 O5 Phosphoric Acid _ A TJTimvrTr' Aoth ■ I j 1 ^ i 1 V_y 2 \yAj\t>\jn Gi Gtt yPTr* AOTT) ! %^ji vX 2 OXJuXA/ivy -n.v^xj-' — — 'T'i T'tT'A'WTP a Pin i X 1 L/ 2 X X X iVJN XC/ -iTVC/iO Organic Matter-- 1 ! Total Fg M^etallic Ikon cs Gttt 'dtttta? i p Phosphorus 1 Chemist and Date. ! ilZ 7 8 STATE OR DISTRICT-J o 1 o s ORES. 1 i >» z (L \ 1 ^ 1 1 1 Fe O Protoxide of Iron Fe 2 O 3 Sesqtjiox’eofIron i i i 1 i 1 i ' ___ ! ' 1 A 1 „ n A T.TTTVTTIV A ■ i ^^12 W 3 Xl-J-J -TV Cr 0 Lime - IVT cr 0 AT A n-TCTT^sT A 1 IVlg yj l.TXi\.\jri> ! i 0 Potash ! 1 Nr 2 0 Soda , Q Ok „ •ilTTT ■PTTTT'RTP A OTD ! : 0 W 3 >o U J-il; Jj. -r\.v>xj-./ — P 2 O5 Phosphoric Acid -| PAT?Tin'MTP Aotd ' I CJi r\ _ Qtt Trim A nTTk i \J 2 lOXXiX^i^ — — Ti O2 Titanic Acto ! ; FT 0 0 W^ATER LX 2 Organic Matter— i 1 1 Totad- _ ! 1 1 ! Fe MetaTjTiTC Iron . I ! 1 S Stjdphtjr II j P Phosphorus Chemist Rnd DRte. i . ! 1 9 10 STATE OR DISTRICT--! 3 ■ a ! ORES. 1 i 1 \ 7 a m \ 1 ^ . j Fe 0 Protoxide of Iron Fe2 Og Sesquiox’eofIron 1 1 F6 C Og Carr, of Irois 1 i Oo Cobalt 1 1 1 i _A 1 2 0 g A-IiX-/ IVII 1 > A 1 jMg O IMagnesia j ' JV2 ^ jl UlAoxl 1 JNa2 vj OODA S Og Sulphuric Acid — , P2 O5 Phosphoric Acid _ C 0 2 Carbonic A-Cid i Si 0 2 Silicic Acid Ti O2 Titanic Acic Organic Matter- Total - 1 1 ! ! i i 1 Fg IVIetallic Iron — S Sulphur p Phosphorus Chemist and Date. ; 1 ■j| l|r II . . - 11 STATE OR DISTRICT- J Symbol. o W w 1 ! i 'omBM i Fe 0 Protoxide of Iron Fe2 O3 Sesquiox’eofIron Fg C D3 Carr, of Iron Mn M A ng- a nfse N ’N’toret- ' AI2 O3 Alumina ! Ca 0 Dime 'X M"" 0 M A.GNEST A K- ^ Potash ntp 0 r> SioE A S O3 Sulphuric Aci P2 O5 Phosphoric Ac CO2 Carbonic Acid Sli On SsTT.TflTn Ar.TD D nD_ Ti O'' TiTjANTO Anrn IT 0 A TER Organic Matter- Total Fe Metallic Iron S Sulphur P Phosphorus Chemist and Date. 12 STATE OR DISTRICT- o a m ores. 6 a c 3 1 Fe O Protoxide of Ikon i Mn Cu Co N Cr As AI2 0 CaO Mg 0 K2 0 ]Sra2 c f3 V^^XV-L.. i 1 i At a 1 i IVr A /"’'VTI'OT A 1 CTTTTX>xri A ID 1 w 3 >0 JZL U P2 O5 Phosphoric A' A -W-fc T» /^■VTTT/^ A /^TT CID-i \j yj 2 Si02 Ti02 H2 0 Fe S P CA 1 SO3 SuDPH URIC Acid -- T>„ A- DTTr»aT>TTr»T?Tr' A nTT» j i CO2 Carbonic Acid ftli A„ ftTT.Tr'Tn A riTTi 1 Ti O2 Titanic Acic ! fj2 0 Water Organic Matter- Total- Fe Metallic Irois R Sttt,p»ttttr [ P Phosphorus Chemist and Date. 1 16 STATE OR DISTRICT-! o a ORES. i m \ a? a o 3 Fe O Protoxide of Iron 1 Fe C O3 Garb, of Iron 1 X\-/ — — — — — A 1 „ At tttvtt'I'J' A ^,l2 v^s IVTcr AT A ri'I'J’Tf'iNT A vy AYi. Avjt-lN JV 2 W X A/X-cxoXi 1 ;S O3 Sulphuric Ac: P2 O5 Phosphoric A( C 0 2 Carbonic Acii .Ci 4 r\ CJtt -rri-rn A nTTA ID ' CID- ) 1 i i lOi V^2 TTH rA T^xrn A TSTT/^ A 1 i.1 iJ2 illA^lL/ i Organic Matter— | Total * Fe Metallic Iro: tq’ i ►OUXJJTXXX^XV p Phosphorus i ( Chemist and Date. 1 1 17 STATE OR DISTRICT-- o 0* a ORES. a m Fe 0 Protoxide op Iron Sesotttox’e OP Iron FftCOa Caub. OF Iron Mn Manganese €u Copper €0 COBAET FT Stored _ Cr Chromium; As Arsenic- _ Alumina Ca 0 Lime - Mg 0 Magnesia K2 0 POTASTT Na2 0 Soda S O3 Sulphuric Acid R2 O5 Phosphoric Acid _ CO2 Carbonic Acid Si02 Silicic Acid Ti02 Titanic Acic H 2 0 Water Organic Matter— Total. _ Fe Metallic Iron S Sulphur P Phosphorus — Chemist and Date 18 STATE OR DISTRICT — 1 Symbol. ORES. /-v-vrT/~< A r^TT\ Vj W 2 Si O2 Ti 02 H2 0 Fe S P KyJXJXxyyjM^ Ji\y xxv^xx C!tt A rTr< A r'TTk ■ 0 V/3 P2 O5 Phosphoric Acid - /~\ A Tr>T>/^‘VTX/^ A r^TTi \j \J 2 SiOa Ti02 H2 0 Fe S P CJtt a r A Cr 0 Lime JM" 0 ]M 'AGrNESI A 0 Potash xfo _ CirkT-k A XI SO3 SUEPHURICAC] P2 O5 Phosphoric A< CO2 Carbonic Acir C!i GItt TrtTr« A nTTA [D ' DID-! rpi r\ - T't't' a •xrrr' A firn X JL 2 X X X XViA JLA^ XXA>XXy H2 0 ^V^ATER Organic Matter- Total Fe Metallic Iroi a SlTTT.T>TTTTTf P Phosphorus i, Chemist and Date. 23 24 STATE OR DISTRICT— Symbol. 0 w in Name. Fe O Protoxide of Iron Fe C O3 Garb, of Iron A 1 „ ^ A T.TTTVTT'I'J' A J^l 2 V' 3 .xXJ -4 U A — Ga 0 TiTMF, JM" 0 M IGNESIA 2 0 Potash XTo „ n StrkT^ A SO3 SXJEPHURIC AC] P2 O5 Phosphoric A< GO2 GarbonicAcii Cli - Qtt Tr'Tn A r'TTA [D :iD_ \ 1 i Ti O2 Titanic [J2 0 AV^ater Organic Matter- Total. _ - Fe Metallic Iroi Q SlTTT.T»TTTTTf P Phosphorus Ghemist and Date. 26 STATE OR DISTRICT— 1 Symbol. ORES. 6 n c 3 Fe 0 Protoxide of Iron 1 i re 2 '^3 ^ ^ 1 ! Mn Cu Co N Cr As AI2 0 Ca 0 Mg 0 K2 0 Na 2 C 73 - i 1 1 ! 1 j j i i ivr A ni'a'TT^T A xiOi-rx i ^ V_/3 10 U XiA J3. U P2 O5 Phosphoric Acid _ j i yj \J 2 Si 02 Ti02 H2 0 Fe S P C!-rT A r^TTk OXXJiAyXA^ X 3 -V^xx^ 1 XliAJNXL/ jrx^XO i Organic Matter- Total- Metallic Iroi 1 i Phosphorus i 1 ! Chemist and Date. 1! 1 STATE OR DISTRICT- 28 STATE OR DISTRICT-I o 6 1 ! a ORES. a w. Fe O Fe2 O r 6 O L Mn 1 ou i ' oo N Cr ! As AI2 0 \utii yj IXTrr IVig 'J XT' IVXAvjt-lN JV2 1 J.'Ni1;2 SO3 SxnjPmjRic A-C P2 O5 , Phosphoric A CO2 Carbonic A-CI] Si O2 oIXjICIL/ -- T'Tm A "AXT/^ A Ti O2 CT XITAxslC j^X/XC' « Organic Matter— i Total . Fe S P Phosphorus 1 Chemist r and 1 Date. 11 29 30 STATE OR DISTRICT— 0 1 ORES. >> 02 a? a o 3 Fe O Protoxide of Iron Fe2 O3 Sesquiox’e OF Iron Ca 0 IiTiHE M" 0 IM AGNFi^^T A j ^2 0 Pot a stt ■Mo „ rk SirkT^ A S O3 Sulphuric Aci P2 O5 Phosphoric A( CO2 Carbonic Acii C3t r\ Ctt Tr AJ JJX P Phosphorus i 1 i 1 Chemist and Date. Ir ^ 11 !" 1 ! 1 35 STATE OR DISTRICT— . . 0 ■ 6 ORES. cc Fe O Protoxide of Iron F e2 O3 Sesqijiox’eofIron Fe C O3 Garb, of Iron Mn Manganese Cu Copper Go COBADT N Nicked Gr Chromium As Arsenic AI2 O3 Adumina Ga O Lime Mg O Magnesia K2 O Potash 1 Na2 O Soda S O3 SuDPHURic Acid P2 O5 Phosphoric Acid_ G O2 Carbonic Acid Si O 2 SiDicic Acid Ti O2 Titanic Acic H2 O Water Organic Matter— Totad Fe Metaddic Iron S SUDPHUR Phosphorus Chemist and Date. P 36 STATE OR DISTRI CT- Symbol.! ORES. d a 1 FeO Fe2 O ' ' ' ! mn i 1 Cu Co N 1 i Cr CULK-OIMIXJIM ! As ! AI 2 0 CaO Mg 0 X>i:1.2 V SO 3 f 1 StjUiPHURIC Acid — -t 2 ^5 i JzLUox^JnLVJxvXV-/ - U 2 Si O 2 Ti02 SiDicic Acid Titanic Acic 1X2 0 Organic Matter- 1 Total 1 Fe Metallic Iron — S i 1 P Phosphords j Chemist and Date. 11 . ! 37 STATE OR DISTRICT__ 0 1 ORES. i Ji \ 0 2 cS Fe O Protoxide of Iron i A C 2 - Fe C O3 Garb, of Iron i ^^2 O3 ALUMINjA Gtl 0 IiIMFi AI" 0 M \GNESI A K 2 0 POTASD ATo „ SlrvT^ A ■ SO3 SUBPHURIC AC] P2 O5 Phosphoric A( CO2 Carbonic AciP Cli Qtt mm A nTTA [D :iD _l Ti O2 Titanic Acic ££20 ATER Organic Matter- _ Total. Fe Metallic Iroj a aiTT.-pTTTTT? P Phosphorus _ - Chemist and Date. 88 STATE OR DISTRICT- 1 Symbol. 0 w Name. Fe O Protoxide of Iron 1 Fe C O3 Car:^* of Iron 1 i Cr 0 Lime IVTo- A/r A (^TCTT.CiT A AVX^ W XtX-^VXxN XjOX.^ j ^2 0 Potash AIo _ filrkTi A SO3 Sulphuric Ac] P2 O5 Phosphoric A< €02 Carbonic Acii di r\ . d-TT Tmn A nm [D 3ID- r\ _ T’t'T' a T'jTn A X 1 V/ 2 FT,^ 0 AUat'B'R JLL 2 vr AxxLixv Organic Matter- Total _ Fe Metallic Iroi a SIttt.-pttttt? P Phosphorus Chemist and Date. 39 STATE OR DISTRICT--! 0 pO s ORES. B cS m FeO Fe2 O3 FeCOs Mn Cu Co N Cr As AI2 O3 CaO Mg O K2 O Na2 O SO3 P2 O5 CO2 Si02 Ti02 H2 O Fe S P Protoxide of Iron Sesquiox’e of Iron Carb. of Iron Manganese Copper COBADT Nicked Chromium Arsenic Adumina — Lime Magnesia Potash Soda SuDPHURic Acid _ Phosphoric Acid Carbonic Acid — SiDicic Acid Titanic Acic Water Organic Matter- Totad Metaddic Iron- SUDPHUR Phosphorus Chemist and Date. 40 STATE OR DISTRICT— Symbol. o w U 1 0) a c 3 Fe O Protoxide of Iron J:'02 u xu-A. Xi A/j? -1- FeCOs Garb, of Iron m H XY-L Xi.rx UO i\.i2 '-'3 jAEUMlJNA Mg 0 Magnesia j ^2 ^ x UxixoXl 1 fcl 2 S O3 SUDPHURIC Ac P2 O5 Phosphoric A C O2 Carbonic Aci: Cl-: r\ CItt xr^Tn A f^TT\ CID- fel \J 2 fexljiCi-^ jA-XyXXJ — Ti O2 Titanic Acic . CX2 YY Organic Matter— TOTAD Fe Metallic Iro jq’ i p Phosphorus _ _ - Chemist and Date. ! 1 STATE OR DISTRICT- 1 0 6 .0 a 01 ORES. a Fe O Protoxide of Iron F e2 O3 Sesqijiox’eofIron Fe C O3 Garb, of Iron Mn Manganese Cu Copper Co COBADT N Nicked Cr Chromium As Arsenic 1 ! AI2 O3 Adumina Ca O Lime ^ Mg O Magnesia ; K2 O Potash i Na2 O Soda SO3 SuDPHURic Acid P2 O5 Phosphoric Acid - C O2 Carbonic Acid Si O 2 SiDicic Acid Ti02 Titanic Acic H2 O Water Organic Matter— Totad Fe Metaddic Iron S SUDPHUR P Phosphorus Chemist and Date. 42 STATE OR DISTRI CT—! 0 .0 a ORES. 6 a o3 ;zi Fe 0 Protoxide of Iron ' Fe2 O3 Sesquiox’e OF Iron — Fe C O3 Garb, of Iron Mn Manganese Cu Copper Co COBAET N Nickel Cr Chromium As Arsenic AI 2 O3 Alumina Ca O Lime Mg O Magnesia j- K2 O Potash Na2 O Soda S O3 Sulphuric Acid __ _ P2 O5 Phosphoric Acid - !_ C O 2 Carbonic Acid Si 02 Silicic Acid Ti02 Titanic Acic B[2 O Water Organic Matter- Total Fe Metallic Iron — ^ S Sulphur - p Phosphorus Chemist and Date. 11 43 STATE OR DISTRICT— I 44 STATE OR DISTRICT— i Symbol. o W i (fi 6 a c 3 Fe O Protoxide of Iron 1 ■ 1 r ^2 JoJiioW. u xa; A xii v^x* a Fe C O3 Garb, of Iron i 1 ' i i ^ 1 i : j i i ! 1 i Cr 0 Lime Mg 0 Magnesia XT ^ 0 T^at a mr 2 ^ "NTci Sr»T» A i>l d 2 lOlJ-U A j SO3 Sulphuric Acid _j "D _ _ XJ-rr/ACJ-DXTrk'OTr' A OTTA CO2 Carbonic Acii Gii SItt rr'TP Aptd 1 1 w 2 OXXjXA/XO xaV-'XJ-/ Ti O2 Titanic Acic _ IT _ ri TXT" A ! 1 > 1.J.2 - Organic Matter- Total 1 Fe Metallic Iroi a aTTT.T>TTTrTf S’ i 1 ! P Phosphorus 1 1 1 Chemist and Date. II j 45 STATE OR DISTRICT— 46 STATE OR DISTRICT __1 o 1 a i ORES. ^ 1 0) a o 5 Fe O Protoxide of Iron i? e 2 3 U J-U.A. x!j X Fe C O3 Garb, of Iron A.i2 O3 jADUMI-IN A i jyxg L/ IVX AvjtIN IliOXiX ; j.'N 0^2 ^ SO3 Sulphuric Ac P2 O5 Phosphoric A CO2 Carbonic Acii Oi r\ CStt a /^TT4 ID -- CID - ! ) 1 i 1 i W2 T^i r\ T'T'T’AT^Tr^ A PTP XI ^2 j 1 tl 2 VV AiJli-tv 1 Organic Matter- Total — Fe Metallic Iro CJ Gttt X>TTTTT? N I P Phosphorus — 1 Chemist and Date. 47 STATE OR DISTRICT-- 0 I ORES. rJ 2 1 Name. Fe 0 Protoxide of Iron Fe2 O3 Sesquiox’eofIron Fe C O3 Carb. of Iron 1 1 Mn Manganese Cu Copper Co (y'OBALT NT Cr ^ 'TTRnMTTTlvr - A S A AI 2 O3 Aeiimina Ca 0 Lime Mg 0 Magnesia K 2 0 Potash Na2 0 Soda S O3 Sulphuric Acid _ Po Oc PWOSEDORTO AOTD CO2 Carbonic Acid Si Or, STirTOTn AniD Ti O2 Titanic Acic H2 0 Water _ _ - Organic Matter- Total Fe Metallic Iron S Sulphur P Phosphorus Chemist and Date. 1 48 STATE OR DISTRICT - 1 o j a ORES. i (D S c 3 Fe 0 Protoxide of Iron i? 6 2 ^3 ^ xu-A- xii \JT} X Fe C O3 Card, of Iron 1 1 A.S Arsenic AI2 O3 Adumina XN ct 2 SO3 Sulphuric Ac P2 O5 Phosphoric A CO2 Carbonic Aci] cst r\ Qtt Tr-CTTTT? N 0 KJ JJX OJ. p Phosphorus Chemist and Date. • 49 STATE OR DISTRICT - 1 Symbol, i 1 ORES. 1 Name. | FeO Protoxide of Iron Sesqtjiox’e OF Iron j Fe C Oa Garb, of Iron ! Mn Manganese i Cu Copper 1 Co COBADT N Nicked Or Chromium As Arsenic.. AI2 O3 Adumina CaO Lime Mg 0 Magnesia K2 0 Potash Na2 0 Soda SO3 SuDPHURic Acid P2 O5 Phosphoric Acid _ CO2 Carbonic Acid Si02 SiDicic Acid Ti02 Titanic Acic _. H2 0 Water Organic Matter— Totad Fe Metaddic Iron. S SUDPHUR P Phosphorus Chemist . and Date. 50 STATE OR DISTRIC T- Symbol. ; 1 0 ORES. i I « i 1 Fe O 1 i Fe 2 O 3 SjiSQiXJlOX E OF Iron i Fe C (- Jg Cai^b. Oi Ibon ! Mn 1 1 ; i Cu i Co I N 1 Cr i 1 As A,r&enic 1 , AI2 0 g ji\-IjXJlVIIN A Ca 0 Mg 0 iVl AljriN i i i K2 0 Na 2 ( SO 3 SuEFHURiC) Acid — j P 2 Og CO 2 ; Phosphoric Acid _ L/ARBOJNIL/ ±\.yyXiJ Si O2 felDICiO fT'Tm A -vrx/^ A r^TP* 1 i . Ti O 2 ilTAJSlO 1 ET n Organic Matter— i 1 Tot AD 1 Metaddic Iron — 1 1 Fe ii i ■ 1 QtTT ■PTTTT'R S j i i P Phosphorus - - 1 J - 1 . Chemist and Date. JL 52 STATE OR DISTRICT-! cc ORES. FeO Fe2 O3 FeCOj Mn Cu Co N Cr As AI2 O3 CaO Mg O K2 O Na2 O SO3 P2 O5 CO2 Si02 Ti02 H2 O Fe S P Protoxide of Iron Sesquiox’e of Iron Carb. of Iron Manganese Copper COBADT Nicked Chromium Arsenic Adumina Lime Magnesia Potash Soda SuDPHURic Acid _ Phosphoric Acid Carbonic Acid — Silicic Acid Titanic Acic Water Organic Matter- Total Metallic Iron — j Sulphur Phosphorus Chemist and Date. 11 53 STATE OR DISTRICT-! 0 1 ORES, i a; s c; ;zi ! Fe O Protoxide of Iron Fe2 O3 Sesquiox’eofIron Fe E O3 Carr of Iron i Mr ^ A NO A NESE i AI2 O3 Aditmina _ - Ca 0 Dime Mg 0 Magnesia K 2 ^ Potash Na2 0 Soda S O3 SuDPHDRic Acid - DTTn«RTTnRTn AOTT) CO2 Carbonic Acid Si Do STT.Tnrn Aett> Ti O2 Titanic Anyc H- 0 Water Organic Matter- Total Fe Metallic Iron S Sttlrhttr, P Phosphorus CheRfiist and Date. 54 STATE OR DISTRICT — 1 O j OJ a , ORES, a \ 1 . . Fe O Protoxide of Iron Fe2 O3 Sesquiox’eofIron ^As A-RSENIC AI2 '-'3 ivDUlVLlJNii. IVLg L/ IVLiVlxiN iMcl2 0 /A CIttt toxxttT^T/^ a r^TTA 'te v_/ 3 te U Ijirxl U xCXl^' -^X/XX/ — P 2 0 5 Phosphoric Acid _ ' r\ O' A ■o'Rrk’NTTr' A ptt> \j \J 2, V^AXCXSUjN XU jtXUXJ-F Oi r\ Qtt Tr Ti O2 Tit A.NIC Aoio FT 0 A T'Tf’R 1 UL 2 V-/ VV oi.ialiXV Organic Matter—; Total Fe Metallic Iroj C! SIttt.-ottttt? I P Phosphorus Ghemist and Date. 57 STATE OR DISTRICT-: 58 STATE OR DISTRICT-- o 0 a ORES. a c 3 Ul . FeO PUN 1 Fe2 O 3 Sesquiox e of I 1 Fe C C i Mn 1 Cu ! Co N i i i Cr j As AI2 0 g A^EUMINA. Lime 1 Ca 0 Mg 0 ■XT' i-\ j JV2 X J.>i*2 J S O3 SUEPHURIC Ac P2 Oj i Phosphoric A C O2 Carbonic Aci] Si O2 Silicic -A-Cid — - Titanic Acic . ! Ti O2 iir C\ i i 0-2 ^ Organic Matter— ! I Total . Fe Metallic Iron — 1 1 S 0 u JUir xi u XV 1 i i P Phosphorus _ 1 i Chemist 1 1 ” i and 1 ! I Date. II _■ 59 STATE OR DISTRICT- i 0 m ORES. B CS Fe O Protoxide of Iron F e2 O3 Sesquiox’eofIron Fe C O3 Garb, of Iron Mn Manganese Cu Copper Co COBADT N Nicked Cr Chromium | As Arsenic | AI2 O3 Adumina Ca O Lime Mg O Magnesia K2 O Potash ^ Na2 O Soda S O3 SuDPHURic Acid P2 O5 Phosphoric Acid _ C O 2 Carbonic Acid Si O 2 SiDicic Acid Ti O2 Titanic Acic H2 O Water Organic Matter— Totad Fe Metaddic Iron S SUDPHUR P Phosphorus Chemist and Date. 60 STATE OR DISTRICT__| Symbol. 1 ^ ORES. A I ^ 1 Fe 0 ! ' i Fez O g SjdjjsCiTJiox E OF Ikon ! Fe C C )3 Cakb. of Ikois 1 Mn I ' Cu Co N i Cr As A.I 2 0 CaO , 1 Mg 0 Kz 0 Naz ^ SO 3 Stjephuric Acid — ; P 2 O 5 CO 2 , Phosphoric Acid - Carbonic Acib I Si Oz SlEICIC A-CID 1 1 Ti Oz Hz 0 XliATslC i ■ . ^ Organic Matter- ! ■ i Total ; TVT-C'rr' A T T T 1? OXT i Fe IVl Pi J_ A-Lii-jXC/ Xxviia> S P Phosphorus - ij ■ i 1 Chemist and Date. I: • 11 STATE OR DISTRICT- 61 Symbol. o rt w a; S ci Fe 0 Protoxide of Iron i 1 1 Fe C O3 Garb, of Iron 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 0 T'TMtt; ]VI®‘ 0 ]VI AGNEST ^ 1 TT ^ Ci DrkT' A STT ( Jtv 2 ^ vf±-rtLOXi KTa « Ci A 1 S O3 SUEPHURIC Aci P2 O5 Phosphoric A( CO2 Carbonic Acid Qi f^TT.Tmn AXoTTi 'D ' i 1 1 HD_ j 1 1 Ti O2 Titanic 1 H « n y\r \ trr 1 Organic Matter- Total 1 Fe Metallic Irois SI Sttt,t>ttttr r 1 P Phosphorus 1 Chemist and Date. 62 STATE OR DIST RICT--! o s ORES. ^ i ai a> S 1 1 Fe 0 Protoxide of Iron Fe C O3 Carb. of Iron A 1 „ A T TT'IVTTI'J A ^3 .^-Li u Cr 0 Lime TVTfr 0 1Vr A r’ INTTrClT A jyi.^ V_/ XVi AvxTN JujoXiTi. XT 0 Dot a JV 2 ^ T\J« - ri Grk-Pk A ' S O3 Sulphuric Ac; P2 O5 Phosphoric A< CO2 Carbonic Acii C5^ r\ a-TT Tnxrt A nTTA ED DID j 1 ) I i j i \J2 lOiAJXA/iVy ^ n^i r \ - T'xrr A -NTTr* A nyr* i ! J. 1 W 2 illiViNAC' .r\.V>-H.y 1 II2 0 ^V^ATER 1 Organic Matter- Total Fe Metallic Iroi C! QttT T5TTTTT? S' i P Phosphorus Chemist and Date. 63 64 STATE OR DISTRICT-! _ o a i ORES. ^ I 1 0) g ^ — Fe O Protoxide oe Iron X* G 2 ^3 U itjuV xj yjxf a FeCOs Carb. ofIrox IVin i>i AIN »jrAXN JliOXSi Cr Chromium As Arsenic AI2 O3 Alumina Ca 0 Lime Mg 0 Magnesia , ±^2 ^ xUlA-oXl , a. 2 SO3 Sulphuric Ac P2 O5 Phosphoric A CO2 Carbonic Acl - . CID- i Si 0 2 Silicic iVcid — Ti O2 Titanic Acic i □.2 »» Organic Matter- Total _ 'i Fe Metallic Iro ijq’ 1 1 0 U -Li-r JO. u p Phosphorus Chemist and Date. 65 STATE OR DISTRICT- Symbol. IRON. Name. i 1 Fe Iron C r Graphitic Carbon C 1 Combined Carbon : Si Silicon S Sulphur P Phosphorus • 1 Mn Manganese 1 Ti Titanium __ A1 Aluminium _ Ca Calcium i Mg Magnesium _ i Cr Chromium i Zn Zinc W Tungsten _ i ■ ' Sn Tin CoT>rkC!T7'Tk Six. A n Totad _ _ Chemist and Date. -d O) m w O 67 STATE OR DISTRICT- Symbol. IRON. Name. Fe Iron C f Graphitic Carbon C ■ 1 Combined Carbon Si SiDICON - S Shdphur P Phosphorus Mn Manganese Ti Titanium A1 Aluminium _ Ca Calcium Mg Magnesium ! ‘ Cr Chromium . i Zn Zinc i W Tungsten ! i Sn Tin COifeNi COBAIiT AND NiCKED As Arsenic Cu Copper Interposed Slag Total Chemist and Date. Ores Used. 68 STATE OR DISTRICT—' Mg Magnesium ; Cr Chromium Zn Zinc W Tungsten , Sn Tin Co&Ni Cobalt AND Nickel As Arsenic > j Cu Copper | Interposed Slag — Total Chemist and Date. o 69 STATE OR DISTRICT— o a m IRON. 1 Name. Fe Iron _ C r Graphitic Carbon _ C ■ [combined Carbon 1 1 Si Silicon _ __ 1 ! S Sulphur 1 1 P Phosphorus _ 1 Mn Manganese 1 Ti Titanium 1 A1 Aluminium _ 1 Ca Calcium _ _ ! Mg Magnesium i Cr Chromium 1 Zn Zinc __ 1 W Tungsten . , 1 Sn Tin COifeNi Cobalt AND Nickel 1 1 As Arsenic __ _ 1 1 Cu Copper 1 1 Interposed Slag 1 Total Chemist and Date. Ores Used. 71 STATE OR DISTRICT— I Symbol. IRON. 1 Name. | i 1 { Fe Iron _ _ _ _ 1 j C r Graphitic Carbon 1 1 c 1 Combined Carbon _ i 1 ■ Si Silicon _ __ _ 1 S Sulphur _ ; ! 1 P Phosphorus j ! j Mn Manuanese .. 1 i 1 Ti Titanium _ ! A1 Aluminium i Ca Calcium ! 1 1 Mg Magnesium i ^ ! Cr Chromium _ ! i i Zn Zinc 1 1 W Tungsten __ _ i 1 1 Sn Tin - _ i i CotfeNi Cobalt and Nickel i As Arsenic ! 1 Cu Copper ! i Interposed Slag 1 Total . Chemist and Date. 1 Ores Used. 1 72 STATE OR DISTRICT- Symbol. IRON. 0) a c3 Fe rt 1 Si S P Mn Ti A1 Ca Mg Cr Zn W Sn Co&l As Cu 1 1 0 'VLCIXJM IVr A niVTTClTTTlVr ■ 1 ! tJ IWL — — Q jj ' Zinc ^ 1 Tungsten 1 nPr-vr i Xjyi COBAET AND NiCKEL Arsenic 1 ■ Copper TTST'T'Tr'-DT>rkc:u'Tk SIt. a n Totae Chemist and Date. Ores Used. 73 STATE OR DISTRICT- Symbol. IRON. Name. Fe Iron C ( Graphitic Carbon ' C Combined Carbon Si Silicon S Sulphur P Phosphorus _ _ j Mn Manganese i 1 ! Ti Titanium _ _ 1 i A1 Aluminium 1 Ca Calcium Mg Magnesium Cr Chromium __ Zn Zinc W Tungsten Sn Tin 1 CoTTTT'Tn E A T?TiO'Nr 1 1 C (combined Carbo Si STT.Tftft'Nr N : ! 1 P Pdospdobtts i 1 Mb M a no a 1 Ti Tttantdm i A 1 A T.TiMT'isrTTTivr i • Ea, Eatettim 1 IVTg IVI A ONPJ^tttm ' Ep EpTlROlVTTDM } i : ! ZtT\ T-TNO ' i ; AV" TlT'NrOSTT'PN ! Sti Tin Co/^C!ij'Tk filT. A Total ' Chemist and Date. Ores Used. i 83 STATE OR DISTRICT- Symbol. IRON. Name. Fe c c Si S p Mn Ti A1 Ca Mg Cr Zn W Sn Co&N As Cu Irox ( (T-T? a -PTTTTTn n A RROT^ (Combined Carbo STT,Tnmsr N Sttbpttttr, Pttospttortts M A NO- A NESE TiTA'NrTTTivr A T.mVTT^TTTTVf riAT.riTTTTVT M A r^'NTTT'.STmvr riTrpmvTTXTTvr 7;T-i\rri TmvrrxsT'TT'.iNr Ttat i COBABT AND NiCKEL A PSETSTTn Popper I NTERPOSED St. A Totad- — Chemist and Date. Ores Used. 84 STATE OR DISTRICT- [ Symbol. IRON. Name. Fe c c Si S P Mn Ti A1 Ca Mg Cr Zn W Sn Co&ls As Cu (Combined Carbo N 1 1 ■]VT A A ' 1 ! TtT ANTTTM ! riATiCTTTM Magnestttm njfpnivrTXTivr ZiTNO 1 ! TUlS'GS'T'Tr»«Tr'n ftr. \ n i j 1 Total Chemist and Date. Ores Used. i i 1 85 STATE OR DISTRICT— i Symbol. I RON. Name. Fe c C Si S P Mn Ti A1 Ca Mg Cr Zn W Sn Co STi Cobalt and Nicked 1 i T'icrmT7»-r> ■o/^CJTP'ri CIt A n. 1 Total Chemist and Date. Ores Used. 89 STATE OR DISTRICT- Symbol. IRON. Name. Fe Iron € r Graphitic Carbon 1 C 1 Combined Carbon Si Stltoon ! S Sdt.phttr P Phosphorus Mn Manganese ! Ti Tttantttm 1 A1 Aluminium Ca Calcium _ _ _ _ Mg Magnesium [ Cr Chromium Zn Zinc W Tungsten 1 Sn Tin _ — CorkC!Tr'Tk Sir. An. Total. . Chemist and Date. Ores Used. 95 ST ATE OR DISTRICT- i q5 \ STEEL. Fe Iron C r Graphitic Carbon _ C (Combined Carbon __ Si Silicon S Shephhr p Phosphorus ]VIn Manganese Ti Titanium A1 Aluminium Ca Calcium Mg Magnesium — Cr Chromium Zn W Tungsten Sn Tin CoT»T^.T?. T'V'T'Tr\T?T>r>!CiTrT» ftT An ' Total _ Chemist and Date. Iron Used. 98 STATE OR DISTRICT- Symbol. STEEL. 6 CS Fe c G Si S P Mn Ti A1 Ca Mg Cr Zn W Sn co aj o u 1— 1 i 101 102 STATE OR DISTRICT— Symbol. STEEL, Name. C C Si S P Mn Ti A1 Ca Mg Cr Zn W Sn CocfelS As Cu i (Combined Cabbc 1 fi COBABT AND NiCKEB Copper XJNTJUK-t'USiii-U OJUAljr Totae 1 Chemist and Date. Iron Used. 103 STATE OR DISTRICT— Symbol. ST EEL. 6 cS . Fe C ( Graphitic Carbon _ 1 nmvr-RT'NTTr.Ti nAT?Tm-Nr Si S Siiiirn-NT SlITi'PTTTTTf p Mn M A NO A NRSP Ti Tttantttm A1 Ca Mg Cr Zn W A T.TTTVTTTSTTTTlvr CATiOTTTTVr IVT A O'NTTT.STTT'lVf riTT-RrklVrTTTTVr ZiT^n TTTTsroa'TT^i^r Sn Co&N As Ttat i rin'RAT.T' A-NTTk N'Tr'TTTi'T. A TJSTTlTVTTn Cu nnT>T>Tr:T? TisTT'Tr.'R-pnsTr.Ti ftT-Ar;:. Total . Chemist and Date. Iron Used. 104 STATE OR DISTRICT- Symbol. STEEL. 6 B cS Fe C C Si S P Mn Ti A1 Ca Mg Cr Zn W Sn Co&:^ As €u (Combined Carbc a COBADT AND NiCKED Arsenic UOJrr'-Ci-K Totae Chemist and Date. Iron Used. 105 STATE OR DISTRICT— Symbol, j COAL AND COKE. Name. H 2 0 C H isr 0 s p Total Fixed ^app^^ Volatile Combusti- ble Matter CCTTE •ftTTT.-PTTTTTf T1V rin'K'lT'. Phosphorus in Coke Chemist and Date. OD a a» Symbol. 106 STATE OR DISTRICT- GOAL AND COKE, H2 O Water C Carbon H Hydrogen __ N Nitrogen — O Oxygen S Sulphur P Phosphorus Ash Total. Fixed Carbon Volatile Combusti- ble Matter Coke Sulphur in Coke — Phosphorus in Coke Chemist and Date. 107 STATE OR DISTRICT— Symbol, j COAL AND COKE. Name. H 2 0 C H N 0 S P Total EXTrEU CAnTtcvr Volatile Combusti- ble Matter nntTTi'. StTT,T»TTTTT?. TTV COTTli’. Phosphorus in Coke Chemist , and Date. * OQ U c3 s Q pH Symbol. STATE OR DISTRICT- CO AL AND COKE. Ho O Water— C H N O s p Carbon Hydrogen — Nitrogen Oxygen Sulphur Phosphorus . Ash Total i Fixed Carbon Volatile Combusti- ble Matter Coke Sulphur in Coke — Phosphorus in Coke Chemist and Date. 108 110 STATE OR DISTRICT - 1 Symbol. || COAL 1 1 * ■ and I COKE. 1 ! H2 0 C H N 0 S P ] 1 1 i 1 1 j Phosphorus Total Volatile Combusti- ble Matter j i i U Julr XL U XV Xi.^ \^v^xv.Xi — — — 1 Phosphorus in Coke Chemist and Date. u a Ill STATE OR DISTRICT- Symbol. | coal AND COKE. Name. H2 0 C H N 0 s p Total Fixed Volatile Combusti- ble Matter nnTTT^. Rttt.'pttttt?, t'N' Phosphorus in Coke Chemist and Date. OQ c3 a 0 112 STATE OR DISTRICT- Symbol. j| COAL AND COKE. Name. H 2 0 C H N 0 S P Carron Oxygen S U UP H U R Phosphorus Ash Totae VoEATiEE Combusti- ble Matter U Ijir Jti U -K. X-L-n Phosphorus in Coke 1 1 Chemist and Date. CO a i ! ! 113 Symbol. 114 STATE OR DISTRICT- GO AL AND COKE. H2 O Water C Carbon H Hydrogen — N Nitrogen — O Oxygen S Sulphur P Phosphorus . Ash Total- Fixed Carbon Volatile Combusti- ble Matter Coke Sulphur in Coke Phosphorus in Coke Chemist and Date. 115 STATE OR DISTRICT— Symbol. | COAL AND COKE. Name. Hz O C H N O s p Total 1 Fixed Carbon Volatile Combusti- ble Matter - riniTE SIttt -PTTTTT? TTvr nrnriT; Phosphorus in Coke ! Chemist and Date. w c3 a (V 116 STATE OR DISTRICT— Symbol. | COAL AND COKE. Name. H2 0 C H N 0 s p Total . _ Fixed Volatile Combusti- ble Matter rinTT-R; Tisr Phosphorus in Coke Chemist and Date. 02 a (U Symbol. 118 STATE OR DISTRICT-- GO AL AND COKE. H2 O Water C Carbon Hydrogen — Nitrogen — Oxygen SUDPHUR Phosphorus . Ash TOTAE- Fixed Carbon VoDATiEE Combusti- ble Matter Coke Sulphur in Coke Phosphorus in Coke Chemist and Date. 119 STATE OR DISTRICT- Symbol, j COAL AND COKE. Name. H 2 0 C H N 0 S P TOTAIi FiXEU Ca'P'ROI'J' VouATiuE Combusti- ble Matter StTT.'PTTTT'R, T'N' COKli'. Phosphorus in Coke Chemist and Date. CQ u a (D Symbol. 121 STATE OR DISTRICT- Symbol. | GOAL AND COKE, Name. H 2 0 C H IST 0 S P Totad Fixed Carpoiv VoDATiEE Combusti- ble Matter rirkinT; ^TTT.'PTTTT'R. dOTTlT! Phosphorus in Coke Chemist and Date. w u a Q? Symbol. 122 STATE OR DISTRICT- GO AL AND COKE. Ho O Water- C H N O s p Carbon Hydrogen — Nitrogen Oxygen SUDPHUR Phosphorus . Ash Total- Fixed Carbon Volatile Combusti- ble Matter Coke Sulphur in Coke Phosphorus in Coke Chemist and Date. 123 STATE OR DISTRICT- Symbol. COAL AND COKE, Name. H2 0 C H N 0 S P i Totad - _ Fixed Carbon VoDATiEE Combusti- ble Matter _ ftTTT.T»TTTTT? TIKT nOTTir Phosphorus in Coke ! Chemist and Date. f-i o 3 a 0 124 STATE OR DISTRICT- Symbol, j COAL AND COKE. Name. - H2 0 C H N 0 S P CA.itBOi'f — Total - | Fixed Carbox Volatile Combusti- ble Matter csttt -dxtttt? TXT Ctrkinj'. OU-LiAXlUXv XaN y^yJSS-Jii — Phosphorus in Coke Chemist and Date. u a « Or 3 A T.TTlVfTN’ A SlTT.Tn A PTTOSRTTORTri A OTT4 I SI Oo SiTTT.'PTTTT'RTn A 1 CO 2 K 2 0 ]Sra2 0 H20 OARROATTr! AoTTI 1 1 Pot a stt ! 1 SOOA i Motstttrr i 1 Or.O- A T'TTri M A TTRR Total Sdt.pttttr Phosphorus _ _ _ Chemist and Date. Remarks. CO o STATE OR DISTRICT- 1 'limestone. Name. Ca Co 3 Carb. of Lime Mg C O3 Carb.of Magnesia Fe 0 Protoxide of Iron Fe 2 0 3 Sesqijiox’e of Iron 1 1 i I 1 I I AI2 C3 Ad U MINA 1 JSi O2 SiDiCA P2 O5 Phosphoric Acid— SO3 Sulphuric Acid — C O2 Carbonic Acid K2 0 Potash !Na2 0 Soda H2 0 Moisture Organic Matter- Total — Phosphorus bpf • oc Remarks. ! 1 1 1 I I I 131 STATE OR DISTRICT- Symbol. LIMESTONE. Name. €a Co ^o- n 3 Carr of liiMF 0 0 n A T?R nTP M A mVTTT.ST A Fe 0 Protoxide of Iron AI 2 0 Si02 3 At.TTMTN'A SlTiTOA PTTOftRTTORTr! A OTTk S O3 Stjdphuric Acii n On OATyTtOT^Tn AnTTi 1 K 2 0 Na2 0 H 2 0 Pot a stt ! 1 ftOT» A i Moisture 1 1 Oro- a TirTri M a ttf.r Total. Sttt.rttttr Phosphorus Chemist and Date. Remarks. - 1 B 2 STATE OR DISTRICT- 1 .LIMESTONE. Name. Ca Co 3 C ARB. OF Lime 1 Mg C O3 UARB.OFiViAUJNESlA Fe 0 Protoxide of Iron Fe 2 0 3 Sesquiox’e of Iron i AI2 O3 Adumina SI U2 P2 O5 Phosphoric Ac ID — S O3 Sulphuric a.cid — C O2 Carbonic Acid K2 0 Potash Na 2 0 Soda H2 0 Moisture Organic Matter- Total 1 Sulphur — — — — Phosphorus 1 Chemist and Date. ai 44 § QJ '1 133 STATE OR DISTRICT- Symbol. LIMESTONE. Name. Ca Co ivTo- n 3 Cat?.!? OE liTME j n r. n A Tf-R r»E M A ri-ivrEST A Fe 0 Protoxide of Iron AI 2 0 Si02 T>„ A- S O3 Sulphuric Ach n n A -RTirk-VTn Anr-n K 2 0 Na2 C H 2 0 ■PnT A STT \ Piri'n A lVrnTSTTTT?E ORn A Tv-Tn IVT a T"nr!T? Total Rttt.ettttt? Phosphorus Chemist and Date. Remarks. 134 STATE OR DISTRICT- Symbol. LIMESTONE. . Name. ! Ca Co 1 ^ i Fe 0 Protoxide of Iron 1 T 62 vJ AI2 0 Si02 3 OiliOW,UXwA jli KJJO ±JXKJXyi ! 1 Jr 2 ^5 i xlUolrxxAlxvx^ xtlV,/ 1 te> U3 CO2 K2 0 Naa ( Ha 0 0 u Ij J r^li U XXIJXXF ■p^m A QTT i irui Aoxi— — ^ Ci/^Tv A j oOJxA. W±tOriVi> ± V XYX A X X j Total Phosphorus Chemist and Date. Remarks. 136 STATE OR DISTRICT-^ 1 I LIMESTONE. 02 Ca Co 3 MgCOs FeO Fe2 Os AI2 O3 Si02 P 2 O 5 SO 3 CO 2 K 2 O Na2 O H 2 O Cakb. of Lime __ Carb.of Magnesia Protoxide of Iron Sesouiox’e of Iron Aeijmina SiDICA Phosphoric Acid.. SuEPHURic Acid- Carbonic Acid — Potash Soda Moisture Organic Matter- TOTAD- SUDPHUR Phosphorus — Chemist and Bate. . 137 STATE OR DISTRICT- Symbol. LIMESTONE. Name. Ca Co Mff C 3 Carr, of Tame Dq Carr-OeMaotstesta Fe 0 Protoxide of Iron Ffta Oa SESOTTTr>'X'’E OE TT?mvr 1 AI2 0 Si 02 Vo 0^ 3 A T,TTMTlSr A i Sttaea 1 1 1 Phosphoric Aotd i SO3 Sulphuric Acii COo Carronto Aotd > 1 1 K2 0 Na2 0 H2O Potash Soda ! ' Motstttr.e i ORaANTC Matter j Total 1 Sulphur Phosphorus __ _ Chemist and Date. s O) pH • 138 STATE OR DISTRICT— i- 1 1 LIMESTONE. Name. 1 Ca Co 3 Carb. of Lime Mg C O3 Carb.of Magnesia Fe 0 Protoxide of Iron Fe 2 0 3 Sesquiox’e of Iron AI2 O3 AIjIJMINA 01 W 2 ox.ux'./A P2 O5 Phosphoric Ac SO3 SHDPHHRIC A.C1D C O2 Carbonic Acid R 2 0 Potash Isa 2 0 bODA H 2 0 Moisture Organic Matter- Total — Phosphorus Chemist and Date. tH c3 140 STATE OR DISTRICT- 1 LIMESTONE. 1 ^ Name. Ca Co 3 Carb. of Lime ! Fe 0 Protoxide of Iron I Fe2 O3 Sesquiox’e of Iron 1 ; AI2 O3 Aeumina : Oi W2 ; P2 O5 Phosphoric Ac S O3 SUDPHTJRIC Aci Ly ^ 2 \_^A±C± 5 UiN XU .^UA-L^ J^2 0 ir OTAoH rsa2 0 CSODA j:jL 2 ^ ivxuxox u xixij Organic Matt: Total Phosphorus 1 Chemist and Date. cc c 3 O) 141 METALS. RELATIVE Lead J Tin 13^ Zinc 2 TENACITY. Silver Platinum Copper Iron 1 1 1 1 tilt III! till 1 1 1 1 till Gold - - - __12 Steel - _ 42 TABLE OF MALLEABILITY. 5. Platinum. 2. Silver. 6. Lead. 3. Copper. 7. Zinc. 4. Tin. 8. Iron. TABLE OF DUCTILITY. 1. Gold. 6. Palladium. 2. Silver. 7. Aluminum. 3. Platinum. 8. Zinc. 4. Iron. 9. Tin. 5. Copper. 10. Lead. TABLE OF CONDUCTIVE POWER FOR HEAT. 1. Silver. 7. Tin. 2. Gold. 8. Platinum. 3. Copper. 9. Lead. 4. Aluminum. 10. Antimony. 5. Zinc. 11. Bismuth. 6. Iron. TABLE OF CONDUCTIVE POWER FOR ELECTRICITY. Silver, 1000. 999 Nickel __ 131 Gold 779 Tin __ _ 123 Zinc _ 290 Lead 83 Palladium __ 184 Antimony 46 Platinum _ 180 1 Bismuth 12 Iron ._ 168 MELTING POINT OF METALS. DEGREES FAHRENHEIT. Platina — Cast Iron. Gold Silver Copper — 4,593 2,786 2,016 1,873 2,160 Antimony Zinc Bismuth __ Lead Tin 955 740 507 620 475 AREAS OF COAL-FIELDS. United States 200,000 Sq. M. I Great Britain_ 6,195 Sq. M. Europe 34,000 “ | British America- 2,200 AMERICAN COAL-FIELDS. Massachusetts i ^ , I Anthracite Rhode Island, j Pennsylvania “ Oregon “ Pennsylvania, Bituminous Maryland, “ West Virginia, “ Virginia, “ North Carolina, “ Tennessee, “ Georgia, “ Alabama, “ Kentucky, “ Ohio, “ Indiana, “ Illinois, “ Michigan, “ Iowa, “ Missouri, “ Nebraska, “ Kansas “ Arkansas, “ Indian Territory, “ Texas, “ Oregon, “ Washington Ter’y, “ West of Rocky Mts. “ Total- . 300 Sq . M. . 470 100 -12,656 tt _ 550 -15,000 ii - 225 _ 45 . 3,700 - 170 a _ 4,300 (( -13,700 _ 7,100 6,700 30,000 13,000 24,000 -21,000 “ 4,000 -12,000 -12,000 10,000 n - 3,000 _ 500 “ 750 _ 5,000 200,266 COAL AND COKE. AVERAGE WEIGHT PER BUSHEL. 1 bushel Anthracite 86 lbs. 1 “ Bituminous 80 “ 1 “ Coke (Connellsville) 40 “ 1 ' “ Charcoal (hard wood) 30 “ 100 bushels Coal will make 120 bushels Coke, 80 lbs. “ “ 48 lbs. ‘‘ 143 TABLES OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES, OR WEIGHTS OP BODIES WHOSE MAGNITUDES ARE EQUAL, BUT OP UNEQUAL DENSITIES. One cubic foot of pure fresh water at 62° Fahrenheit = 1000 ounces Avoirdupois; hence it is conveniently, and with propriety, adopted as the standard of comparison by which the densities of other bodies are generally referred, and also the means by which to ascertain the densities of other bod- ies hitherto untabulated. Atmospheric air == *0768, or is 820 times lighter than water. METALS. i Weight, water being 1000 Cubic inches in lbs. Avoir. Weight of 1 cub. in. in lbs. Antimony, cast _ 4500 6-244 -16 Bismuth, “ - 1 9810 2-818 -3545 Brass, average, “ 8357 3-308 -3023 Bronze, “ 8459 3-268 -306 Cadmium 8600 _ — Copper, cast 8667 3-19 -3135 “ wrought — 8788 3-146 -3178 Gold, pure 19258 1-435 -6965 Gun-metal, cast _ 8561 3-23 -3096 Iron, “ 7244 3-814 -2622 “ bar 7701 3-592 -2792 “ wrought 7792 3-548 -282 Lead, cast 11352 2-435 -415 Mercury at 32° Fahrenheit- “ 60° “ 13619 — _ 13580 2-035 -4914 “ 212° “ 13375 — — Nickel - - - 8270 1 1 3-342 .3 Platinum _ 20978 1-318 -759 Silver, pure- 10474 2-638 -3788 Steel, soft 7780 3-554 -281 “ hardened 7840 3-527 I -2835 Tin, cast 7291 3-79 -2636 Zinc, “ _ _ __ _ 7190 3-845 •26 144 TABLES OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES— (con^mwed.) VARIOUS BODIES. Sp. Gr. Cub.ft.lbs. Cub. feet = 1 T. Brick, red, common “ lire, Welch Burrs, French, average Clay, common Coal, average Coke, dry Glass, plate Granite, average Gravel, “ Ice, from fresh water Marble, average Salt, dry Sand, river Slate, average Sandstone, “ Tallow, “ 1684 1931 2484 1920 1319 755 2453 2651 1920 930 2720 2130 1520 2800 2350 942 105 120-7 151 120 82-4 47 153-3 165-7 120 58-1 170 134-5 95 112-5 147 59 21-4 18-5 14 18-7 27-2 47-6 14- 6 13-5 18- 7 38-5 13 18 25 19- 2 15- 2 38 LIQUIDS. Sp. Gr. W eight of W eight of Im. gal.lbs Alcohol of Commerce “ Absolute- Acid, Sulphuric “ Nitric “ Muriatic “ Citric 825 797 1850 1271 1200 1034 8-2 •0296 7-9 •0285 18-5 •0667 12-7 •0458 12 •0433 10-3 •0371 Ether, Nitric “ Muriatic 908 729 9-1 *0328 7-3 -0263 Oil, Linseed— “ Olive “ Rapeseed “ Whale 940 915 919 923 9-4 -0389 9-2 -0332 9-3 -0335 9-4 -0339 Sea Water, average. Spirits, proof “ of Wine 1028 922 830 10-3 9-2 8-3 •0371 •0332 •0299 Tar, from wood Turpentine 1015 870 10-1 8-7 •0364 •0314 Vinegar, distilled 1009 10 •0361 Wine, Bordeaux “ Port 994 997 9-94 9-97 .0358 145 TABLES OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES— (con^mited.) TIMBER, Seasoned. Alder Apple-tree - Ash Beech Birch, English “ black, American . Blackwood, Australian . Blue Gum, “ Box, French “ Dutch Cedar, American “ Sydney “ Canadian Cherry-tree Chestnut Cork Cowrie Pine, New Zealand Crab-tree Ebony, Indian “ American . Elm Hawthorn Holly and Hornbeam, each Iron Bark, Australian Laburnum I^ance-wood — Larch Lemon-tree — Lignum Vitse- Lime-tree Logwood Mahogany, Spanish — “ Honduras- Maple Oak, English “ American _ African Sp. Gr. Lbs. per Cubic feet Cub. ft. = 1 Ton. 736 792 46 49)4 48^ 45^ 845 52 43 852 53K 42 792 491^ 45^ 648 40U 55 662 4lk 54 1100 68^ 1328 83 27 912 57 39 561 35 64 560 34>^ 64 910 57 39% 715 45 50 610 38 59 240 15 149 512 32 70 768 48 46% 1208 75^ 29 1331 83 27 673 42 53 610 38 59 760 47^ 47% 1233 77 29 920 57)4 39 1023 64 35 530 31 72% 704 44 51 1336 760 913 831^ S’* 39% 720 45 50 560 35 64 752 47 47% 934 58 38% 672 42 53% 944 59 38 146 TABLES OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES— (concZucZec?.) TIMBER, Seasoned. Sp. Gr. Lbs. per cubic ft. Cubic feet = 1 Ton. 705 44 49M 660 41 543^ Pine, pitch. 736 46 m “ red. 672 42 53 “ white 456 283^ “ yellow 448 28 80 Poona 640 40 35 Poplar 384 24 9314 Plum-tree 785 49 45M : Red Gum AustT’f»li^^.Ti 901 56 40 Rosewood, black 1280 80 28 Sycamore 624 39 5734 Teak 750 46 4834 Walnut 671 42 W^illow 585 361^ 61^ Yew Spanish 807 4414 “ Dutch 788 49^ 45 J COLORS PRODUCED BY HEAT ON IRON. 502 680 932 977 1292 1472 1657 1832 2012 2192 2372 2552 2732 2912 Degrees Fahrenheit. ! 261 ' 370 500 525 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 14C0 1500 1600 Degrees Centigrade. r Violet, Purple, 1 Dull Blue, 1 Bright Blue, and [ Sea Green, f Coated with oxide i and softens. Nascent Red. Sombre Red. Nascent Cherry. Cherry. Bright Cherry. Dull Orange. Bright Orange. White. Brilliant White. 1 Dazzling White. o o o 147 WEIGHT OF A CUBIC FOOT OF VARIOUS SUBSTANCES. Water 62.5 lbs. Cast Iron 450 tt Wrought Iron 480 tt Coke 23 to 32 ‘* Coal, Anthracite, shaken 56 to 60 Coal, Bituminous, shaken 51 to 56 Sandstone ....150 Sand, well shaken 99 to 117 tt Brick work, pressed brick 140 “ Brick work, common 125 tt WEIGHT OF EARTH, ROCKS, ETC. Weight of cubic yard of sand about 30 cwt. (( a gravel ... “ 30 (( It tt mud 25 “ . tt tt marl “ 26 tt tt clay - “ 31 tt tt chalk iL 36 “ tt tt sandstone “ 39 tt tt shale “ 40 tt tt tt 1 quartz tt 41 tt tt tt granite tt 42 tt tt tt trap 42 “ tt tt slate “ 43 tt QUANTITY OF EXCAVATIONS IN WELLS AND CIR- CULAR SHAFTS FOR EACH FOOT IN DEPTH. Diam. of Exc’n Quantity Diam. of Exc’n Quantity Diam. of Exc’n Quantity Diam. i of Exc’n j Quantity Ft.In. Cub. Yds. jFt.ln. Cub Y.ds. Ft.In. Cub.Yds. Ft.In. Cub.Yds. 3.0 .2618 4.9 .6563 6.6 1.2290 8.6 2.1017 3.3 .3072 5.0 .7272 6.9 1.3254 9.0 2.3562 3.6 .3563 5.3 .8018 7 . 0 1.4254 9.6 2.6253 3.9 .4091 5.6 .8799 7.3 1.5290 10 . 0 2.9089 4.0 .4654 5.9 .9617 7.6 1.6362 10.6 3.2070 4.3 .5254 6.0 1.0472 7.9 1.7472 11.0 3.5198 4.6 .5890 1 6.3 1.1363 8.0 1.8617 12.0 4.1888 148 PROPORTIONS OF METALS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF USEFUL ALLOYS. ! Copper. Tin. Zinc. L’d. 11 2 0 0 8 1 1 0 Bronze 4K 1 0 0 9 1 0 0 “ for Statuary 91.4 1.4 5.5 1.7 “ for Medals 12 1 0 0 Brass, hard 3% 3 1 0 0 “ sheet 0 1 0 “ yellow 2 0 1 0 “ deep yellow 1 0 2 0 Bearings for Machinery 16 0 Muntz’s Metal 0 0 0 Babbit’s Metal 1 50 0 0 and 5 Regulus of Antimony Bell Metal, for large Bells 8 2 0 0 “ “ small “ 16 5 0 0 Spelter Solder for brass 1 0 1 0 “ “ “ copper and iron 16 0 12 0 Type Metal Antimony, 1 0 0 0 4 Tinman’s Solder 0 1 0 2 Plumber’s “ 0 . 1 0 1 Glazier’s “ 0 1 1 0 3 EARTH DIGGING. CUBIC FEET OF VARIOUS EARTHS IN A TON. 24 Earth and Gravel _ - . __ 17.8 Coarse S^'^d Clay and Gravel 14.4 Clay 18.6 Common Soil . - 15.6- 149 MELTING, BOILING, AND FREEZING POINTS OF VARIOUS BODIES, IN DEGREES OF FAHRENHEIT. DEGREES. Platinum Cast Iron, average Gold, fine Copper - Gun Metal Silver, pure Brass - Antimony Zinc - Lead-. - Bismuth - - Tin 1 and Lead 4 Tin and Cadmium, each Equal parts Tin and Bismuth Sulphur - Bismuth 5, Tin 3, and Lead 2 Bismuth 8, Tin 3, and Lead 5 Bees-wax - Spermaceti vv - - . o Bismuth 15, Lead 8, Tin 4, and Cadmium 3.... Tallow melts at 3080 2810 2786 2016 1996 1900 1873 18 9 810 773 594 476 460 442 283 226 214 210 151 142 138 72 Mercury.. Linseed Oil Sulphuric Acid Oil of Turpentine Nitric Acid Sea Water. Fresh Water “ in a vacuum boils at ii 660 600 590 560 242 213 212 98 Olive Oil. Fresh Water Vinegar Sea Water Wines, average Turpentine Sulphuric Acid. freezes at ii ii 36 32 28 14 1 Equal parts Alcohol and Water freezes at 7° below Zero. Acohol 2 and Water 1 R Mercury „ Nitric Acid ■*^34 Note.— ieed heat of a common fire equals about 1200° i^., and white heat of a smith’s forge 2900 F. 150 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT. drachms. 16 — 1 02. 256 __ 16 1 U). 7168 — 448 __ 28 __ 1 quarter. 28672 __ 1792 __ 112 __ 4 __ 1 cwt. 573440 — 35840 __ 2240 __ 80 __ 20 — 1 ton. 1 lb. — 14 oz., 11 dwt., 1514 gr. troy. 1 oz. __ 18 dwt., 51^ gr. troy. 175 lbs. troy __ 144 lbs. avoirdupois, lbs. avoirdupois x .009 — cwt. (approximate). X .00045 — tons. TROY WEIGHT. grains. 24 — 1 dwt. 480 — 20 — 1 02 . 5760 __ 240 — 12 __ 1 lb. APOTHECARIES’ WEIGHT. grains. 20 -- 1 scruple. 60 3—1 drachm, 480 — 24 — 8 — 1 oz. 5760 - 288 - 96 - 12 __ 1 lb. DONG MEASURE. inches. 12 — 1 foot. 36 — 3 ' — 1 yard. 72 — 6 — 2—1 fathom. 198 - 161^- 51 ^- 2^- 1 pole. 7920 — 660 — 220 — 110 — 40 — 1 furlong, 5280 — 1760 — 880 —320 — 8 — 1 mile, 1 link — 7.92 inches. 100 links — 1 chain __ 66 feet — 22 yards. 80 chains __ 1 mile. 1 geographical mile — 1.15 statute miles. “ “ — 6075 feet, nearly. Admiralty knot — 6080 feet. Lin. feet x .00019 __ miles. Lin. yards x .00057 — miles. SQUARE MEASURE. inches. 144 — 1 foot. 1296 — 9 — 1 yard. 39204 — 27214 — 3014 — 1 Pole, 1568160 — 10890 — 1210 — 40 — 1 rood, 6272640 — 43560 — 4840 — 160 — 4 — 1 acre. 151 ENGLISH WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. SQUARE MEASURE — {continued . .) Square inches x .007 __ square feet. Square yards x .0002067 __ acres. 1 chain wide — 8 acres per mile 10 square chains — 1 acre. SOLID MEASURE. inches. 1728 — 1 foot. 46656 27 I- 1 yard. Cubic inches x .00058 — cubic feet. Cubic feet x .03704 cubic yards. WINE MEASURE. pints. 2 — 1 quart. 8 — 4 __ 1 gallon. 336— 168— 42 — 1 tierce. 504 — 257 — 63 — 134 1 hogshead. 672 — 336 — 84 __ 2 — — 1 puncheon. 1008- 504- 126 -3 - 2 pipe. 2016 — 1008 — 252 — 6 — 4 __ 3 —2 — 1 tun. ALE AND BEER MEASURE. pints. 2 — 1 quart. 8 — 4 — 1 gallon. 72— 36 — 2— 1 firkin. 144 — 72 — 18 — 2 — 1 kilderkin. 288 144 — 36 — 4 2 1 barrel. 432 — 216 — 54— Q — ^ — ly I hogshead. 576 — 288 — 72 — 8 — 4 __ 2 \y — 1 puncheon. 864 - 432 - 108 - 12 - 6 - 2 3 - I34 — 1 butt. DRY MEASURE. pints. 8 — 1 gallon. 16 — 2 — 1 peck. 64 8 4 1 bushel, 512 — 64 — 31 — 8 — 1 quarter. 2560 — 320 — 160 __ 40 __ 5-1 wey. 5823 — 630 — 320 — 80 __ 10 — 2 — 1 last. 1 gallon in wine, ale, or dry measure, — 27734 cubic inches __ 16 cubic feet. — 10 lbs. of distilled water. Cubic feet x 6.232 __ gallons. Cubic inches x .003607 __ gallons. 8 bushels __ 2218.10 cubic inches. -- 1.28 cubic feet. 152 FRENCH WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, AS MOST FREQUENTLY REQUIRED FOR ENGLISH COMPARISONS. Weights. 1 milligramme = .015438 English Troy grains. 1 gramme = 15.438 “ “ “ or .002205 of a lb. Avoirdupois. 1 kilogramme = 2.2048 lbs. Avoirdupois. WEIGHTS AS POPULARLY ESTIMATED. lbs. oz. drs. Avoirdupois 1 gramme =0 0 OJ^ 1 decagramme = 0 0 5^ 1 hectogramme = 0 3 8^ 1 kilogramme =2.3 4^ Lineal Measures. 1 millimetre = .039371 English inches. 25K “ = 1 “ inch. 1 metre = 39.371 or 39% “ inches. or = 3.2809 feet = 3 feet 3% inches. Measures of Surface. 1 centiare = 1.196 English sq. yds., or 10.764 English sq. ft. •9.3 centiares = 100 “ “ feet. 1 are = 119.6 “ “ yards. 40.47 ares =1 “ statute acre. 1 hectare = 2.47 “ “ Measures of Solidity. 1 millistere = .035317 English cubic feet. 1 stere = 35.317 “ “ Measures of Capacity. 1 litre = 61.028 English cubic inches. POPULAR MEASURES OF CAPACITY. English galls. 1 litre = 0 1 decalitre = 2 1 hectolitre = 22 1 kilolitre = 220 qts. 0 0 0 0 pts. imp. : 0 Conversion English to French. Inches x .0254 = Feet X .30477 = Yards x .91438 = Miles X 1.6093 = Acres x .40467 = Imp. galls. X 4.54339 = Cubic inches x .01639 == of Equivalent metres kilometres hectares litres Bushels Quarters Troy grs. Troy lbs. Avoir, lbs. X .36347 = hectolitres X 2.9077 = X .06479 = X .3732 = X .4535 = grammes kilogrammes Measures. French to X 39.371 X 3.2809 X 1.09364 X .62138 X 2.4712 X .2201 X 61.028 X 2.75195 X .343:) X 15.424 X 2.6795 X 2.2048 English. = inches. = feet. = yards. = miles. = acres. = gallons. = cubic ins. = bushels. = quarters. = Troy grs. = Troy lbs. = Avoir, lbs. 153 DECIMAL APPROXIMATES FACILITATION OF FOR THE PRACTICAL CALCULATIONS IN BRITISH MEASURES. Avoirdupois lbs. X .009 = hundred-weights. U (< X .00045 = tons. Circum. of a circle X .31831 = the diameter. Circular inches X .00546 = square feet. Cube of dia. of a sphere x .5236 = the solidity. Cubic inches X .00058 = cubic feet. “ feet X .03704 = “ yards. “ inches X .003607 = Imperial gallons. “ feet X 6.232 = “ “ Cylindrical inches X .0001546= cubic yards. it ii X .002832 = Imperial gallons. “ feet X .02909 = cubic yards. “ feet X 4.895 = Imperial gallons. Diam. of a circle X 3.1416 = the circumference. « a X .8862 ' = side of equal square. il u X .7071 = side of inscribed square. Side of a square X 1.4142 = diam. of circum. circle. Diam. of a sphere X .806 = dimensions of equal cube. “ “ X .6667 = length of equal cylinder. Lineal feet X .00019 = English statute miles. “ yards X .000568 = “ “ Side of a square X 1.1284 = dia. of circle of equal area. (( (( X 3.545 = circum. “ “ “ Square of diameter X .7854 = area of equal circle. “ root of area X 1.12837 = diam. of equal circle. “ inches X .00694 = square feet. “ yards X .0002067= English statute acres. Sq. of dia. of a sphere X 3.1416 = convex surface of a sphere 183.346 circular inches equal 1 square foot. 2200 cylindrical “ “ 1 cubic ‘‘ o Q a, o o: X >1 tsl i i THE LIBRARY OF THE FEBl ^ 1930 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS