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L162 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2021 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign httos:// RAND MCNALLY & COS MILY ATLAS THE WORLD MAPS OF THE CONTINENTS, THE STATES AND DEPENDENCIES OF THE UNITED STATES, THE PROVINCES OF CANADA, AND ALL OTHER COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD; THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, AND A FACSIMILE, WITH SIGNATURES, OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE; AND PORTRAITS OF THE PRESIDENTS AND PORTRAITS AND SKETCHES OF EMINENT STATESMEN, PATRIOTS, ARMY AND NAVAL COMMANDERS, WRITERS, AND INVENTORS ALSO AN INDEX BY STATES, GIVING THE LATEST POPULATION FIGURES FOR STATES, COUNTIES, INCORPORATED CITIES, TOWNS, BOROUGHS, AND VILLAGES, AND AN INDEX OF NEARLY 2000 FOREIGN CITIES, WITH LOCATION ON MAPS RAND, McNALLY & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS CruicAco—New York, U.S. A. 1912 RAND, McNALLY & CO.'S NEW FAMILY ATLAS OF THE WORLD Copyright, 1912, by Rand, McNally & Co., Chicago Q. Ae Alder. TABLE OF CONTENTS. MAPS. PAGE PAGE PAGE PORT VORRELIGS s . y.c\thteatemn, OOS Maw vs ia8 95 ermiany MageAlnice ine. os ues 3: 92 OMG, 2c Gear atta ie Me aca: 21 19) Se) 20 ee 85 CAPONE EAN DISG es eave « a 9, s-0le ae (clan OMite cys cera cite ome ek tc By) PAT OMATIStA YM ceteeeeee y aid 5. es oes 86 German Southwest Africa....... 92 OUVTATIONd ek ee meee eee 54 PRLRVOR Se et wis eres ea 92 CTIDESLEAE 2 os emt ON she, oo hn oat 74 Orange Free State.............. 96 UE Sia hare 18 CPEs iristiCSi eee ECoG a ales es 70 OER COTE 86 pct ea ee ie he ae 46 ORIENT G0 rr rr 48 GreECe: ae en ree ae one, a 80 IPA a Tae a ee en ee a ee GS RUT are. oo e's ed ore 52 riecn anita cre Gaiex sos, saw 51 PATRONS Yenc, ) Weeereee Oy aun seh 67 (Ss 8 ie 3 Guiatemalaneasae wie es fs whe ws 62 PF CHUSVIVADIG +740 8ewe Oe ls eles 10 FANGOITA..... b 5 arent 74 CSIR eet nites areal Miceo <0 ee 66 Eelsiaris <> eee. iy wl aes 86 Anglo-Egyptian Soudan........- 95 ERATGI pb sca genes hela. SoBe! yin: camer aes 59 Bers cate » Se P LS se Rte os 68 IIMS ac S's sss § a aus ohhh wo) ane 92 be OCA 4 A ae a a ee 98 Philippine. lslandseaiy ey. 5 ..ds us. 89 mriied, Greater. .....5 40.5... 59 LOU RSet te axe eo BS che, eR 62 Polsr Revions An seen So ee, 50 Pavertied. Lessets 2 i$ ay elie eg es 22 59 INU PAC yee. sie, ho ds Kee 78 POrtOr iGo kate cb ae ok 60 AR 2 Vhars, exle's'S brai'ere tos 85 IG ZIEN TY 6 eae cen, Selly I ae BP 81 Portugal.. : Pee y ase 74 SRE ASR eA ye ase cet 0 8 67 AO Otte. atic y Gio s, < am ee 38 Portuguese East Africa ........ 92 oh a ey an or 42 RIE Giemeetereh: «cok etter, nie Ghee recs 23 Prince Edward RSlecerct., cf abate 55 SATE ETT RES S Le oe 29 LPSIG AY: Gel Wg ere ey Tae” 88 Wuebecc: et , see ce | 89 Bip Le ans 6 Renae eee ec 66 BAD EU Sor rates ho SS ichs, os gt 92 SIDeria:.. : .hpyeeee ee eee eee: 85 Bree tse COLUMIDIA. «5 wits Gans fale 57 DNechransiei nee ote... of cain. 0m 78 Sierra Leane tages aren. 22 92 Dene, ast Africa... ees 92 LPT ae os ad av a Ate 30 Salar Systems eee ey shy UG COVE eer i nr 66 ESuxrem pure 4a Aue oR ieee 76 Somali Coast, French .......... 95 PeMOR 4. spe. 2 ice oe 62 Luzon (Island) Ae caer ne gE a 91 Somali Land rite et. oe 95 Peved Gis eC AMR as Sue cei hice os, ws oes 88 Main Geet cin Suet. ar) 2 Somat Vand eireliene eee ee 92 STS Ue CLEC ata 70 IM aloiomia Gust to, 8s Bran cat iat cle 97 South Americhes.. ieee ees. one 64 AML WR Nc 52) Prd ietne puso aie ees 80 Manitoba.. AE ee te Noh 56 pouth Australia... ..... ae 100 IRGIETIN GES, pg <1. och oes 45 Maritime Provinces............. 55 South Carolina........ ies. | ae 15 Canada, Dominion of........... 52 Ranvier ts Zaoui: oc. ek 11 South Dakotas aie. ssa 36 . Canal Zone, Panama........... 63 Massachusetts... .. Fe Le 5 South Polarheesions™:. .-. Sees 50 GBI OF GOOG, LLODG. se. we eo ss 96 MexieG ys sutis sca nin\ « wh he chontek 61 Southern Nigeria ie sche 92 Cape Verde Islands............. 92 INF CHIDIas hers ce Meee te Saale Hee 24 Spain.. i) ie Oe 74 Cera) America... so.) i. 6k shee 3 62 Minnesota A Mila ee es ee ere 26 Straits Settlements............ 88 SE ALM as. Baked she eis 88 DLRSIMALD Din wate aatioe s vhal aay 19 Sweden sa aemecewnh cs cagueteins 83 UV oo ER re re 67 NEISSOUTIISE Steen ce hc ak Fokegits 28 Switzerlandeeee.o... Sees 82 “oo 0 aR eee ee a Fe 89 MONE CO were Sats. irk nae wear es 75 LASTS TGS eme ier aay cn . 3 eee 99 aimese DMipire.:...... 62. bn". 85 MOnCam ieee es li 2 ws Sei hes 37 Ténnesseetee. i tni« :). - >: joes 20 RMIT Feta) io, « wale oo we atenavs 65 MOR PEG CERO Mae tc 5-3 vc ssh ade 80 LOxsch. Ae: . keene 31 (Cilaretz ie Rots, rr ree ie AE INGTOGEMtee Ee aoe oe ake 3 Trans Valet ck. «ke eee 96 1 ROGER Par ri IY EAU PRIS eM aay Maps o/e cle go a 9 34 LYIPOM cree 5 da ss: Si Cnt, a 92 MP A Mr os Sik se we 75 I oe ee a5 ep er 88 Tunis.. SPM A a ah eal ene 93 Coli. CUE a ar 62 Netherlands) Cher, gi. cin wis eas 76 Turkey it inPAsIA: 5.) nacre 87 CNS) OES Bl 58 INCU ACO reat eens Ss i's ba ok 44 carkey in: Burope |... 4s. eee 80 OTP USN a 0000S SY ie 11 Newebruns Within: wry fa aie en a RRO G: 0Cin, ce ag eae ee 92 Ror ei A es. gs os eee 8 81 NeWiOUnGlanGoctagea ents’ sci.v b's ae 52 Union of South Africa....:..... 96 District of Columbia............ 11 New Hampshire. 6.5 05645004... . 3 Wriited otates.j oc Lets Hh: 1 Dominican Republic............ 59 INGIN ol CLNGY omer es shah os eon bre stapes 9 Uruguay css. Teen Ree ae 67 Dutch Guiana (Surinam)........ 66 New: Mexivo gems tatcacs 3 om 80 41 irks foro tro eek eer oe 3 BOTTI OF on i RO 97 New South Wales.;............ 100 Veneguels.. 9) i.) 22ee on eer sioust 65 Sein Ae ahs hs ee 68 ° Newey Or mrittas cre tact. ous 8 ViOPIMONt 4.5 chy ae erik eee 4 Ug er ae ee 94 Now Zealagiqnns tsetse ea 26 were alos 99 WiCtOtidie ti aa-n hoa ieee > Rte 100 Re vladd aud Wale: Ae 71 NICRTEO Uae aentinnr si3s's ono ee, 5 62 WAL HARA: ar dee ch Eo oe 12 RU ica G ES | vin ss. 95 Nottie AImerciameii. so UNE. x 51 VIE lees care ae tata hatred, area ety Redes 71 My Cee | A Ae oe 69 North: Carotitisinc se: tipo ne 14 PA nahingbens (ora dene besr saa 47 iy (hs CEST Oe 0 99 INOTUDUS ROLE c Meath a 6 2 Kis’ 35 Western Australia.............. 100 LS ge ee © oS 17 North Polar Regions. .«....... z 50 Wiest Incsedy . 25) Mee tc ee eee 59 UATE sy. 4 ge 75 INorthermeNiweriaii, flee late 92 WieSORVATSIIIG Ace! : ie let umes ah 13 French Equatorial Africa....... 92 Northwest Territories.......... 52 WV ISUOUSIN edie lee AY a oe, Oost as es 25 rene oe Se 104 Statesmen and Patriots, Eminent. 7.7.) .5 fee 132, 133 ATLAS OF THE WORLD. M08" s00enjVing ya EI *09 F ATeNOW ssenmig par ana Jo dem FT OF 008 ool 09 93 0 | eee id 2 GWE CWS Wi ‘youl L=1z ‘SOW 93NIe3S ig A QM Y AOS Se SA.LV.LS GALINA 77 Se wna YUMA mR d VEN Gans 1140791. ‘ol OIKOLNY NYG) S Sad oose = 7 n cf NIESny Rah sae \ EF wool \ 3 piawo)y2En. Le peas * k of) L 2 mosa(t) t L A f ——bueary ee 2 NEI oa, BOOYONAS = oe y T } 19%0N], SS gsaupifig OV 1S3 preweus! See OP aOISIAN 2 2 ee mks i bree oles we : mba OL hie me & : (90am, a tae Ny pues Pa FONE ANS P Pony z AVA sin {way t =F & (paeyques NVDLYRO, namely Oo a : udindug 4, f | j Eval ={h-\? a1nasqohnz vA Piecptgvow 3 a eau! da wHIINT ©. as OtoWlerntD nfo, < "9 ; Amir avid WaeydcA wouog a = < ere ved arsuogy 4 ‘ fe male od SoA ] O ewaavege : he S ~ ™ a ‘ = _ F a 5 oN wis £ \ ean a ots “ 5 KS eave ca : + a8 AS xR Proms : We Cua eaS oh, ~ dK 03 Sa 1M jonp ly) RADSO pe 1 1 IS es aes | iano 1a 4A pd ar _8NP4NOg oLage'f ee | m L— fe) *sToUy Pe OT * as sary Lees iH = ; A, or : - Qo; 4a & a re “FL &, wd, 7a, ek) a “W) § Ne EXey “bz oe puryduge iE: eg Lg —— t 3 VFX No, O y ; : ’ % omPAD ; j eel Zz R. Ne ai %, ACS KE g 2 , Dl sha PUTO) ) Shaaege fe 4 sof J) P oye {0019 oomayT | be he pos % aay yl pur: . q v npr? aU ° 06 dn sO A Rand, McNall) & Co.'s New llxi4 Map of Maine, Copyright, 18998, by Rand, McNally & Co. iP s Tourmerfte ATLAS OF THE WORLD. eS Bear St. Henri Chhudier ( Je. St. George Va PE i % "lo % % | Braet ‘ 7A eT as Baker He oo EI ' ‘Shallo Cau uomghnoe e 1) Lake Urtge Lake Tee. : - kin oy River w ; ltown Spencer tend ¥s é sR rie Rey, , (ifad-River eo Wilsons Mi guaines Lg | ae ee Madrid, Bemis d ° Fj Zircon . Z Rumford Gfbertville FOES, IN. Woodftyck Canton Fit TR ° “Redding ° 7s St) W. Pap oSE.S ¥. 9 Lireen wood 8 Snows BY (2) fuck: Paris Hebron = _dongitude Be. 8s, iat Ly F Vest from | Greenwich. pen 2 A gamundston “a = Upper Madaw iw et ( Ss. to lavid® Nom IMidale St:Frane nt Isle 4 ay bow eo Ft. Ken # rant Conno SHO SY sack evela’ ee aS s MSt.Agati Shake. c Eo! eo o 1 SY an Bure Xe vs Lie & Wallagrass ¥" ueretce, vs Oa > Grad Falls x = ay a Grand Lake § 4° ad nnongun ; . Li yer Brpok Linneus, o Oaktie ~ Hersey|o 3 Crustulo [oie igh P. 0, | ) ChesunGook' \\) Lake > Defiscor A dhe y See Unsu Spencer Pond _ Nahmakanta Lake Roach River Jo Many § Lake’ ia py ee Pond . oe gv ip Pona BS Barnarde = Vile» ND, “BrowDy”, | .gom\ : nderrools G neantlie JOR on fe i \ re 3) Lz, HlindeeZ 2) se 7 Shirley Millso 4 Shirley, awe ond] “Willimantic ude § Sj " : . talw La, & Pemadumcopk Packards Schoddic 7 B35 bale (A wamkeag Li ary d Falls, ite: Patten Jc. Sherman Mills (Shyrman “Haynes Vi WY 2 ara o S the icta Glenwood ° & Reed Plantati 8. a WY Salmon Ba ~ Fn lurray o aS Wytopii (~~ NY, ‘Macwanioe opitloc uy ee | ATs Kingm' n = i 4 S jlinoket, ma < forcross MedNey” Pon Pattagumpus — W44Seboois ndless Pond \y } Sc OS Lf Mattawainkeag Winn “Prentiss ‘ ct Baskéhgan Lake asane ming «of, Winn gyn ae CN Leeo ° (2) Nit Sle SoH oie Mog © Like \ the ° “chandicl F Amity? Orient | - onie? = eston » (Junior Tobique Lake roostooly Sta. Red Rapids | irfield } Perth 7 4 afoxaton ( oodstock = green/Vifle “ : lod ggon Deb& ed i ) cm ae YCGRANDLYWKE \* 2) 2 Login. @ vorrst City \\) DanfirthQrs Eaton || L. Sy. JES) ee mocto Lake “Br ROM, 38% > f f wie: ¥ 2 Couigermore Litermore 3 Hartigra ee” . J “Blahchard “Monson Jo™ BW, oDead R she not : Z Sei Garrebasspt Ki ingaba Mayfiea © Wellinylyno N= Dest Bi nghai o Lexington © Somerseo righton” wags bbe Orr of m4 pois yo 5 Guilford Y F Abbot Os : oxcroft > Dover Southey, a SMDHORE o exter b.. Concord a. 2 N, New Pxirtland- olon, vrtlanayyEmbde: ey Gland N\ Ansor ‘Anson, ine] rd Milla FY adis™ \ Skowh Allens Mills wm Starko ~ NG ok ° oy Pulley >C Ea eee fi tle irnonf 4 Belgrade & ) Side fee. 9 BY oo W. SH fineyo SS 6, Oo EF. x < eRe ijieta RY We. lon. ° Wayn a\Fanacoo} ne 4 pityield® | Manchester, Sia Ly STA x ‘ a oY wi 1 SPwaihor Nat aff s Sold Nowell J Po cute WwW. P ne oh yardi 3 00% t —Pittsyon7y a’ 3 ° Maifistream aly Ripley Athens o 2 ny Ln, Madison > 9 *—" Cornville nony LP WP Athens 08e % ©, : 4 hae, ef tland, \* Case R 0% ¥ 7.Pi teafieldo NYE piutsfiel ap . Troy o} A\Burnham o Ay Il FZ ‘0, Gfarlanul, o tend —“S qOwen ie Pep: 5 ar leston, , on Dy B Jc-e Bog

| Stewarts XQ Arlins, \ 2h Coleb y Meteo fff Ogiumbia “< . G ‘+ = ds Sims ooe* é dy Col mbin Bridge Sta. /, )) nF Cones] t J ap ol Copyright, 1895, by Rund, ate Nally & Co, ‘ow Ham, Yongitude “West fron. Greenwich. — ex KY Set vy altahola id Erro. : ‘ LN. Stratford Jone C 3 ASS ond AN. or Coos BO. JN ME vnrrcome wr. fy BSS Pi So / a vie Pi ada al 4 \ i ‘2 ues a) tah cr / ue yi! me ; >< G Pontoocook | Re <4 mn rov Kft \. = ST Ben, | / * Milan SU Maye ilar Scd}ck|woUNeEPY MT. EN 2, MO} // Barre aie : _ JJ Wivishas T: a / " fea Barre. are a ae fs Cr wm ie, “White River J 2 jan! Ponen is SS iah Fiat ‘Spr ong a i 0 : ne \ 008 Lake Sunapee ® Baas : 5 HP Syghariestym Bile Vat, YZ Fst ERAYS MT )Lo Unity? RE. Bee ~~. SS == fi pS. Londonderry | Y) Bellows Falls S ° Rey “A OM Yy) Sf pen al Pla wien Swe, Sa on “op, oe Sr an wh tot afton ‘Cent ° ES AB. Sullivan Loopy LEDGE i ae UME ae Plume touse 9 Bee Kinfman/Horgd N MT. cae gon 4 = sda HAR ASM ILAN HILLS \ © Br. : axe IT. Wi, Sat: CHO e ai ‘ me. Ho = Berlin eS o-Berlips Sta. <7iS HINGTON sone 323 pei Cratp dacrson~ Si WS Noe N NN ?. zreen Vale 8. Rumford Falls Jae | sm ee Strong \p/ And 70000 La Siding \ a AG ae Tocichaody ee fas Siding CP Gaede Lay locaide Pond New YWampton’o Lis RR is IN GEASS_MT, Bristdl,, E, SN oro i Gia {S/ Alexauidria 3) tent fs = \J8- S F. 3 Ags Dani bur fa af Digiads Corners ee are My msy. {00 . Be ‘car Gosavillo ei) Tent NU/insford 1, Washington W: Hopkinton “Digg HU NYOON CORY St fens Bas f ¥\ Jewett ennilt A Bte y) aophifo faa ee pata Bee eetd York Beach SS) =a aes é Wi|Not Henal C Hennike? Jo. ow EMIS | 3% yfPembro an == Hillshofto * / Robinson Va 06) oy. ore \, rAllenstown bao te : v), ie as 8, es efral “a Su Leavitey Hit 9 TLille 6rd Sq Suncoo 2 Np rth) { Lowe ho. wb: uj eres / pms Branc, Bolton Lge veh fom Durka bi ta Tonesonr ip onli Wi} /, Oharmamy, ea teins A \s a Pau Td i 4 ait Ss o! VAIS Lay Ae in Bta bd on Mi ML. Vit-P. =o) . . € AG DM ai S Prancestow? Now; 2 Sa ES ek evel A ay Daa ‘ Hancock; id 8. Bennirf CAS SHS ailancheste xs Bre twhod J xeler X i < iP y e O y} ” Brentwood /fN. Hamptony IY: ‘ | } ( 0 G - me YGreenfield 2 1, Lyn ates "\peaee dbs v ‘ Ay . Hamp’ on Ys le yi $ Wy Y) oh a 9h Falla N. Londonderry Sandown ,, ~ fe YE. ggheston Ae Fa Z : abo: Radeell \ ie f eet E.Der as Kensington point ook Sta. { eves ae 7S MTG Ver Seabrook P. Bea ny Go, H) Peterboro NOS, Lyhdebd 5 8. Hampton | nt? LULA (( p/Peterboro ene Banas BRS oy yaa stone anid 1)))) \\\ \ SW oN * Hampat 4 Se 1} }))3] }}) | Swe Agernn” 2 Ke P 8. IScubrook W. Wilton, Pee ~ 0) at inson, 2» > Mey Salitbiry WIV (Cd Pale, g 2) Milford ima oR; Sa ‘Merrimar, Rive oe i ew bury port) ° Joe M fo Srarel PO go PX Sy) bore yfountainvies) xf loulton V.” Doon Hold) Ponds eeptemne = ° d cS ‘S Melvin Viffoge "4 Center | “Pog P. 2 D % Eincoli ll TREMON: wn ATTITAS ee O q A N Gea = ee Peadetos NER: en bee Greens Ae Le MT. 4 “Thanks 4 See? @irview MT. -KANSAMAGUS CLIFFASS MOAT uy Shana, raintree 4 Piermont MT. QScEOLAS Het 2 SX “ he Slt \ Pier|ihe 2 GS es \. s yw Sots fia Sow: / NN S = The Wate F LS) = — ba | S/ Soapstone, > e : GESUNDAY MT. H D. c FS Ail ea I NW, SW di® QLow. Bpfter B, ee oO ae ‘ Gtortse \ iene 8 of ss OSES ooly PS]. BON tone rats CUBA MT?" Reservoir wings un Bs P a S § N if oS a4 Wik Me a) Ve “Campton r) Pd ee ie! SON aan as eg R pay aralestere W.-K mne, Blair Zi oe oe : ‘am ( Je : [> smarts oe eet ° Quincy Af bandwoich Shes Te AN via Ta ay ying him Falls é ca é ae "essires a f ofenter Ossiped 2 fingbam Y loult, Aifingham) | fens je Glitons Corner. “p\ Wakefield pa, ‘Tuttonbato: >Wakelficld Efro 1, SEL Wakefield Dofiot aay "Balch P. QO. J Wajkgiel “Greats ast Pond joFnyille Be ue eM 4 Vakefielf n mnae ighes Nort oat ae ~ si si ~Thives Ponds Miltom a ies Oy ey) Province Pond R oon Kiter Sia x. en | na Pond. rd Hayes Sta or ochester P, O. temagt on| B Riee \\ \\ aN 15 16 a Mooers Jc. > iF 2tz. Rivep / Chazy Lake Canada Je, % eorgia Sly vale ° Be Gri = AN Gegraia? Wh Ai \ Oy) ios teee ° ™% 2 } Ie ll \ SE org gia P. Stith Het) bes * bOI RON ACK INE A {ueen Cit WZ wide y eM It. F he Shell , 7 5 fovxe Se —* 1) bs © Stark. aves Jew Ean Mgils ATLAS OF THE WORLD. franklin é Tho ferkshire . Sheldon , Enosburg Hi 4 Le waa icy Lillwe: errick ta. Ee {nosburg a Faitfaz ee Oakla’ al Q Buck Hollow eas * Se Fletcher % ° Fletch . 2 ow a le E) “ S {Fletcher o ve Hunt V.)o Fai ° are in ds - \E, Fletchdrs ot A +O.0 Tale Moun Ke ‘az a fe Goss - oie Mr ae Ven * MO won W. Berlin o/ 27)" p) Northfield? Northfiel Falja/ A Link Warfren? ee bu SS ty, fA. Roxbury f P Pa 3) . Granville fof n = ° Rand, MeNally & Co."4 New 11x14 Map of Vermont. B Copyright, 1895, by Rand, McNally & Co, ‘Fort Edwards Cornwall 2} Shy Ves RQ ON. Orwell depe OREN S Ssuabur ‘ < \? : § unset Le Lake shar s : rtdgyille 2, &? Howard Hj |p Elorntine g Prensohe (ubbardion Foy SuLanding } E pita Ponoseen iy 7 Hut : (4 Mt. In i = Benso VaLBrookjield x an igor = V pas Putna m Ve Nee ¢ Adamant oN 8. Myjddlesex pe aarnes Mpre (oi Onion Sei ual ~ Monthelier, \TPELIER a “Novas bon LaBare T, ranstey| j Be Be Barret | . 7 \Williamstown bg/ sf Northyield “Rrookfield |S - Brookfield Ha awicks ox . Elmor* > N. ae St. a late “a Oo) / Calais Marshflelo Joes Ponde CabotS ww, & » Baesumpalef : arvi fe} 8S. Cabot Peacha: sPanesboro Ee of nor ost Bathe Wf *\e z Groton Pond Sta, < Mile Plaintel! : a} “a> Fgirmont aRicker Mills P. 0.} or pickers Sta, 2X: Ryegate ? |_a Ma ee Jox. te Kestvi ° . Barres ve Jc Ovange ehste ill rville w. Topsham > Washs ngton SES Orange = rr 3 Barre Ps — y Tm S. = E. Corint\ New bury ¥ ~ Corinth Beadjord /f¢4 Way ae Weatn ie SM wy Bari aes RV Mi eg lo ghby Sutton-9 38 Wheelock °o iE ee ‘ dfst.Johnabury i =e i Iclndoes Sta. or - on, Falls | in Sy O/B: \ ce s\\ mts Gulldhg \" Granby e Lunenburg? EJS ites Pond. —_ f E, Concord? o° Whitefield Vaterford necticut Waterford Cas N. Woodstock erhill 9 oO nter Heath , orinth = =e le at Braintree) ‘ E, Baintree = mn ~ O/ R raniille Le PGR BaNaolhr Con,fN> Randolph io E. Randolph NV. Tunbridge O§S,Randolph 9 EnBethel { ™\g rs. | Tunbridge Ro Ala. g Strafford =, 3S. Royalton Ae = is y ochesten}y,, ty Mts nee B idles ae Ee lp PSeler Sta, is Pittsford, i 0 nC | BY eudon INS G ~Delecta leant. sue 2 aon Nae upng ooduigey cD) Presper ere “Sh 1rewsbur ‘Shrewsbw con Clarendon ny 0 0 Plymouth =| | Py ‘mouth Uaton mae Pawlet Ply Four Cors,? = Rupert } — z ' olArgyle QW Rupert @ Manchester Cen Manchester - Depo, ee “Manchester 2 Sand, Gate (S.'Wallingford m ™ plcheille Ascutre Little Ascutn Andovero 1 | vs Strhonsville per nae Chester. Sa N. Windham d {_awHoughtonville? | Barnumville Sri We %. oWindham \ o Wink "GLOBE MTS: z A. Raweonvitle® wi all Cau LY "S. ‘Wwinahan Bare Lofidou Grafton idgeport\e ee Rive’ : _Athens WwW. To nshend E Jamaica P : or War poro/ Sta, tA ownshend\, Wardsboro maica Chelsea)O e N. rae “Owe Ds) e Des |} we Vershire ¥ A \-N Se : Post Mills ynbridge S. Fairlee ° Strafford N. Thetford 0, Thetford P oThet|)p: el 4 =... Sharon Union Village\p WwW. Norwich k OR I; drtland) d Four anes NOLSOS Bristol 7 B Brownsville Brook |Claremont Je. Wieathersfield ° 73°30! burg, i P. do a + elon} Harlboro °Mariboro i Yinsy 5 EB Wine ington Guilford, YJackson Vy> W. Halifax uNford we \ Y Sta. ((Davis oJackaonville enter OZ =" Bridge Greqn River Rbadsbor 7 ° Whitingham oHali iff erhon ay RE es ty 25. Whitingham Valley oGfovp = Sta: ord iii Sherman a s\\ Iieene an erston S. & oe S Contoocook -,~o/ CONCORD ui/ )N. Weare —8 VERMONT SCALE Statute Miles, 14—1 Inch, 10 20 Band, MoNally & Co,’ 6 New 1) x 14 Mop of. Vermont. Copyright, 1911, by Rand, McNally & Co. E T L M 5 Te) ATLAS OF THE WORLD. 9D 9 Cyogorg “powsy Xq “Tret WAS ekog ‘Treroqoearepy, jo dey FLX TT MeN 8,°00 # STTeNON “PoP —S SS 0% OL g ‘yout [= e7nNIe} f Ei Nave = )) J v 1 eeHar Fos) aod OF "Aaournnqui oF Not iv asp oTQuysuavg ody Oga85v00q 9 Fi = a oTqeast wx 4 010 aru 7 f //\_AIRUSAT, HOT? J ZEW af : EON g 08 Su 0h puod 0 pus Ae HW ‘oo 4noskon {7% + 29838 YOO yen rel. : Out onl sq Ata Ope five 2 98 yfofoney Sh, ty : Le, Jae UNWL97DM P sox qosunlougg Qua IMS ns Fioead & & te S21IW 40 31v9S 5 seoiun ody po axamaS pa M_ me ‘Lobe Yessy gh Paes /) asnopT PUPTUS EY 3, sta) PUNO py, Me \ \p.euagl eon hyuybuorg.s “22, fA Sik SpuvpupiEL MINION Vy 31D on “s x juoyr 2 4 ON%, Yaa) WHS 4 ae elfpynr any, tee, N a. RP UATE, ye 72g i Ting aaa tay y pe ~t \y /Z SLLASQHOVSSVNG UURTEN $1 oo + uOsTe| fy “ { anging WARY ? z coqdarfny 4 [ey eqoqseyTg** Ss soEo te NY “Of WOYMANT & £ Wen "SET 0. “¢ ; A\ : t p . ty | DaNer bf \ ee a Yt. NY p Chen xh Wzy > oyusaay . eWrspred AYS \ , . meni frac susnq yong Biwnka tne 2,9" NNN ‘ RAE PUN A wh y Pe: : 1) ty enon] . a } 2 2 ee os 2 = Chepachet 4 Burlingame Res, SO Te ar aM \ fi + Rock es Spring Grove \ } Smithfield \ a 1 lle Stillwater , 4 Réservoir Stillwater u es R H ‘RY D \ and’ Town Asylum \ SM | Ne rgiaville Pond ATLAS OF THE WORLD. 11 12. 71°30’ 13 14 xX Y BS ae : “A O Asa fi Ponsocket Joe, v7 eben oenet 7 ni°40' 8 22 11°10'23 24 : a 2 5 Ctine # pamlet A (eo) é, o7 i WOONSDKET |” Cc + pond ea OS \ 7 weeth ; —-—\, erri = - 4 Diamond Hill SrITBY, Paya 2 Woonsocket Hil re 1 a 71 : Argolds Mills in pas les %) Georgiaville \ 7" s Res, Harmony ° Spragueville onscott Rese 2 | see S yea Wooad © esmand estar [eth e on? TWaodvitle Py Waterman > Reservoir | Killingly, * ° Harrisdale anskiuck x ine sg act), a Es ; (juloswansicut allend uae oO % Elmaal€. Pond ~~ Lyma = nS Oak Swamp 2 Pe aT 1 Seay) i A: 1 ae ie ‘ cituate ~ é : \ _J O KAN Nr 2 7 Almly Reservoir = Dyerv' z S f —— | 3 SAUDGerETs| 0 \_ Hughesdatep 3 01 \- ae esi: ‘ neyville\ 4 i Danielsor ' ‘ \, iy UA ES \ organ Mills, \: nh 2 S3 , ? ‘orntou | «0,8 Gctinand ORG tee Foster Center,O 8 ben °§ aes ee oN I a8) H ~4 ny Wate, z Cranstoh¢ > use Hill Si ehtsvitleg : Mesha AtiCut, a : E ‘ a) ue 2 Dak > North Sterling a | © Oak Yaw MoosuptValley? 3 = v i > L fa Ny CrtCh “Hoje ) Fiskeville as 7. 7 Hoxsle OO —- -——- -_——- 2 T™Ppontiagc Stag \ co | Warwick Poni Cenwal Village . ; Jor ay, Porn PSutiac Hills GroveQ, & > Rice City . He sorta Clyde = Sterling 8 a Potterville As pate. Natick Shay \ ee le Hill 7%z ~— pret wee estcott _ f Greenwood omege, Vey, | Ane varhupmle save Ban H iver sd An B/W a Cae : Sl Bowens Hill S7Po, Bao tin, ef etic | Apponsug dc as Y. ANS en. WN fou, S — WT 6 2369/1 Washin Ge ev) C %, O V “yp » TY Varo Wen, ° Gs Quidnick Rese ‘HarkneyAill (( tt ty Cow : eQuidnick Res. y Tiogue Reservort s | 4 Plainfield Ekonk , —————— ee ae =~ Fa

drut oA yomin = = Ne ee ee 2 & Dishnock PondEast|Greenwicho sf > Fisher Hill ! 5 S af: er pi ae wig | Frenchtown Hopkins Hill Camm YI = Npose Neck Hill \! a ose Ne 4 i hamvi Ys Print Works ell} ARRINGTO Bagnin gto’ we P ay OF KG ‘ Wy aton . Norton P. 0. or Norton Sta. a lle 7 A\ 7 a Der ES) ] of * 40" f ) ZY StafordsRiha Ml w J) Sriverton Sta. V kK \w ahaa “Cove ly ALL =o MOUT, ) Hapkins Pond @) 3 x yy f y = Sat ra Bhat e@koon Pond © Pine Hill c<) | f \\W A a i i N A S Wickford fe. | Latayétiers » AEYADT a Centrut Vamps Pond Tr. asey Hill) Breter| {oA Estevennet . WAG E ir Ko Tiverton ' Cox ners Village ea ae = ie : eG )y Fc Fogland Pig )Nonguit Pong D — NS 1 Ne HCAS AY J y ere \ BAlvilie Pena yw Voll DG's IR LD Pmcviiti es <% Kj} Allentong G } 4 i} td é ie ville Teffis Hill ell y, > Middletown Y : . Sy - fy Town Farm jx Hamilton ll 27 ) Ns IS, Portsinou th, i 4 = Liberty Sf ~~ KINGSTOWN VEE 7 Sisto Hill va \ Sibeume Saunderstown (> ZZ Hy} = ee { ones . | ae Cocogy Hill \ ES >} Yaweoo Pon \ 3 \ INS MQN Dj Sher ~_/ } Hammond Hill Ug pepaey / Barb rs ad See = all) o | : an Po = | S ' Ay oly) Eas Pond » - »>W ZA SHS SH SR & G7 Tz 0 2N | . =u epev” Oo R “got \ e Hingston Sta, © Moresfield < iM Te ore ; | Cx ePnOnCRel Sits A 8) r", , ston P, O ) ARing tod. se! i Woodvilfe 4 rot oe sy Pets © 2 . ‘9 ; e 4/3) 5 ind, y | ziopri nton 6. Ry, OS 4 = L t OS = J. WV. Stonington 4 Q Ong Sy Qn, Shas Plainvillep re Vin ok Fa, | ~Ashaway GWoad River Je. Sta, shaw = > Fon i © Burdickville &, Padsquiset Pond 7 Potter Hil) UC / Aye Shumun Kanug Hill ¢ 1 Vy, Yn, Pond |; | WESTERLY! Ia Quonoe Pebcer Shep wonceen <6 Chg 18, Es {]> a, ot 27, ex “ape i “Vp Gen apm an’s tau? & & @u' ng Z go te ° aTcyHiLt Reer Dive ht RHODE ISLAND 10 SCALE Statute Miles,5=—1 Inch. t] 1 = 3 4 5 [== ee SS SS Se Ee Bend, McNally & Co.’s New 1] x 14 Map of Rhode Island. Copyright, 1895, by Rand, McNally & Co, —————— 1 2 7°80" 5 6 Copyright, 1910, by Rand, MeNally & Co, ry nae Q ) Sand Hills Tong Pond) PL Judit / \ P Hill 0 ‘ errysvt ( th 7 tf } Cras ) v 7 «11°40 g T ON e 8 : Ne) Quit¢ksand \ ‘ Pond a EEE pe han s » | i i] ofl H 3 {Ashton ¥ Se Noe ‘PIE $ smoyoemuog jo doy FT x 11 SON 8,°00 W ATTeNOME ‘PACH tog Aumyory ‘pany Ka 06 a1. ot $ rs 6 UO *youL 1=6'‘SPLW SINS I? A1TVOS ‘ ‘ . \Na \ a + “is J HI _ & as seqprsanig, } 4 Ce SWVL Ny =r _\ pqjomy0T o ort ony syedyud ny epafunng r >, u) LADILLOANNOO cep thf ro LYOdLIIM QL jis ceet w favg A AND ox . : ‘Kinyueso_< NWYN VO dkpry Su0qe ASR TPP YH oafigs YO ss ‘ z Dr youy 2 ” a suoh ee | ee EA 4) y.rodosppasy “Pld KO Mia N wodd | Pyaodaxplig saiua, uy - 189 AL i » anne UOTE AA \y q 2 S WOH TAL 9g ° nm Tape = sit Pregpapra"s X _ | °prayaspry x ae SUE eS, " = = 3 i Oasdoy| ze! en eee : > NO *d SUrpped “MPO -3 0018 ago rae ee pat 10 “84S Surppay, H - Baie Ae lA . es Ca s) a, es yeas ; FoF quganvys ee ‘aanaa ah Wee, tostpeyry No by oprdra Ane) \ Do, Brey MX —— NOL OF e Ky >, pio Fe Y \ Tees \ "Oey ee ¥ Oba attaubyarr \ zi re, VOT man p on qed NS So] ° wpz0Ly) L97bAD Jo!"BIS prayyyo fo paokys hd 8 1 - N pa? LZee vane iB A YNADNYaGse = 2238 one eget en Sy C2, ra oP a CaTTATWOM \" 0 “a aITAza# al Sees = =F] O / BRAT purse OAT L : Q\, 20 “278 spdodspooy Ne progzouyyyTe MA a 2 uy NC \ (i puotsyoge 3 s & f J a Loo 6 H és ee, E UY 5 JAMOTS nN avi! M, NO Wr Ch = cae Pee ae of ay | JeTeasjoorg Bee 8 es = HF W V NC L Oo ral f huagy RanPT \ Let A i aesoqoye O10 | WATS! laggy el" 1) WANE o woyan fe “ ' <. play yoorg \ \ Dppevams mag >, H LY ON Fes! eee 2 i es) ae | 10}, SUTIN 4o *B1S Spot Hi auf 112089, 2 wpnug- WS \@Ta (dd ¥4 wh 08 FA mo © i (ead sf Ba uke es s woppory aneT © snpokey 2h uNTEsAT ¥— preyaipPrn f “6 ta dowry 40 "yjnog : \ \ a a Ma N SIOUMOT, 7 _ QyYDT Uap.’ \ Y\- WAHZ i JUL | YAaLVM \ puag HLaa i OLONIB SVM 7 attradarauoyy JQ fq aypqas pity eS /4 es AS YON As 2g suDrtt i ‘ OAD FL? sit \ \ ag fangs ay, ATLAS OF THE WORLD. c ies) o "Ora Sanquatay/O * “iow - No aeey is aSprag ypaedoa’ " a y é yucysy | y ——— \ UHH 949927, , . or ¥ yynowliyy mopayy 6 reig woserg MONA) ayn ogo Sppyaerd "SE S. ' \ So oe bef at e r TAM.O}SETION = oft Pe a) STR MA. gino i WH gnmysoq prety by dn quorensy “F CE voysxoa , qunvedgss09), c OWANd i( SISYROHE = \ b i \ Wee AYIGWA100; BAAYNENOLSV I Ang oll \ agrahsar! we ‘“ 4d mt Ss . ‘A arguiniod sth YY han quorry9 WN &: situa \ / ! Ye ays erquintog, tor @ \ Vou g mosIPPY 2 = as ° : : Fey: \ o ~ Sign \o : joyous = $ : d Worhog ,UALSAHONYN| e ‘QYO4LUVH *3 \ oydng pum lowers z0atig/ ~ seuegyoue HLS ° monpepr pearipel H OTA tora NOLMIMYY Hl INOLONIIUN\ 3 ouorUuaing| 8 Gong nuD iT 19040) 49789 9UD Ho Q-219 wo0psurys | e aa}goqoue nL g \ vat uoplucn, * e 4 rr pe ES ie Oe ee See Oe oe iN whajiny psy nn: Sale LZ rosbusssar | 4 = Er [a agent (O42 | inal SRS LA M gl 0 fB rig read 1 NANO 18>) 28PIL ‘ erent ‘ Bis uojdae " | ‘bdogy *7T PL feuDyy a MOLIa i antl tag . ss aN Ps beat fe) weyeon a5 i Trea 09 yasomenter Tat } e SAA es yg Se ees. bi j \_ te / S | 20 Fig SME ee soo fo AUS IL, AM VT) oh 0 ab TE : E 7 ' h ! eur FT &. 2 gondozea 4 /.0 GHOsDYVH ! NO/LONIYYQ+L Tusyson” / Upnusoy > ° Wid . oe Tene 3 A) MA4N H (faytasing Nv Sigel H = ¥ gq fybunrey | , 1 : : : Beall pee --IWAHSO9/ - 21? ; ALAS Dy PyorHeH Mane ]--— —— 1 cc Saeed UI o7-! ae a2 OWONOUTAD fit) net ee 2 peaisulm yse\y f-~-----—- -_ ip dpm) ¢» 3 f uehesrymes ivi oo anith iy ° 4 am = if eBeHTA STIBA LS uppung ymoge esol WW 2 S iNWYV oO} ‘ A001spoo An WHON| D ° fs10720N—~ ~paory ote 29907 | i ne obra Enodp | bnodpyspy |) 6nvavysr yt, = 4 — JIS auteur 9 TRE \\Sagaurdnyg * — , ATLAS OF THE WORLD. <0 9 Aenere "pry 44 ‘eat “WAKdog ; “MOK MON jo tug PISTL MON 8,°09 7 AINE ‘POC o6L 2 I “pawl £9 “TI6T WNAHALOQ, yuo, mone jo dey PERIL AON 6700 7 MiIYNOTC DEVAL # 0g & Ob 0 4OUul |= Sz ‘SOLW 93N}eYS : ATVOS ene L rae ? Es neg 9 AIM NOW poome,dvyy ucroay 1951)UOHL = ‘ itt o} YE goynaqoody ort S PSorvnaiasy g oroe a WAL ds Ke fi ahs ny p potent oe " OUI KOT 7 projprag- 5%, 20e eas 3 tsthls Ca : un iiss Zhy00 poy 3 eae sO feat Orr Se “Sporto ( Zanssed SPY x00 : at KeuFf a opt! = mets YINog + z O11NY POO ay 0 ae \ wadenp 9909 /pusdepurpi{tastt®, Ax Lory ree ore PED 9, puyy [= av wing SH =< afaqav yg aS ! SATON i 49 popu = of aan 2 nese = Xs. i epuoyy 3. : puro; i \tuoar: , " b Pp fax ShH\, vj814 vuan,; ‘ TPG s Ph kqueg “Ms ~? eon BISA T- : 5 PONS Hog SQ uyo “Se . ECT SRE: wis ION)? <4 omoda H 3-8 3p atin Se Pe we REM APP |Z f d : NS Q it! a FG. OW, prquunnno 0. Nirertoiva eat Kojdayg ¥ SS = SF preyqary hawystiQ Joao on umuqeny * “HS Peuyeg UPA a n HO 1D eae Bay doy tae : “Songncodaure PUAPTPPHTY aoa shop a FS ra tod 207 ue ‘we og AT, ALBUS iho Handi BOOMON Yop BPG. ed gu0dorpprTy eee Fi Me emg bi ion A Pere Co fepmson puryod ' “eh 3 5 e os < y sm a 5 4 dagen a 8 UE oth Kurposy 30830. + Ss = Ge ; 4? LS Let ; eS Eh ee 8 OUT ioe > = mosuag— ~ 49 %,) te Loe 19959 Md AD uaaog OT 1A7I0. SIP ROCHLO eo. re om StecaA Nooedioy Axo Nas upyuog flo POPLI», eS ee Pe f = an . | _-— = oy i p : | S]kms 9039/0033 Pena cg Bi Aer ea NUTT AX, Kort ot wou © be oer nea Mors Forere DF 00 ans OI o., Fisuonn : 49 ae AM fapfuh Ag yausuarr 9rd Lvn7 ot 5 a eecdi uemang, 4 2s OL woe Sonesta nasun.t7o" Poa A 6 a © 5 GK, es 139 % pee oon aor aR 29710, Mf 3 ays 3 & PULDHO ° ao oul aossoxio1 fa / ni equiypani yy = ofangyuy af? or \ 0 UAL PAA! # mipburjur.g oy aimoenoy peysunuLig bo 5 ¥ Preytary oafoute M. i 4 84x O laye'y sostyg © t : “ = 2t wosn4d \ YQ PLLA MOT 4 “mem nd} Y th \ > 9 1D BALI 6 U0ps0T NA, ax tpuopy” a, 00K! ow te Ss awa Fy iM 2 3 Be eS Hall f nas ) bay Js bungsplanyy osadyemey, : tpaDdT ANZ AOQUEN NRL |p stauto\eIUtOT wosupory J : . i afncaraae.ayy ¢ puvyso/ yeu ey neugdog ee ne — upybot) aay pom) 7 purpny 'S, LanyfiunDn Ahundwoiy Sf pea, 140f 9 AWArY 1290 ay A * 3 SPT \ d YPAPUDLT ¥- -* - SPINS sre Uncen? “ = ayDT osvqyauy, id__arypavdoms| =? ANY BE CDS yi Ee Ot : oS, y : H4q |en seal Gerpul CZK ey. sat eyag QAO g yy Me j ? " } oF ov UT op-0f”, SqospyS Con 5 ey fe H ‘iz = ’ . : pegs nen PR | ms wag ogy Py bo 2 OUAoURT a LA FA utpinsr 4, #0 tt aS : uy Bt op v Z Oo ‘ : pissy ake F Sy ale 1 ti APUrY Wd v2, A unig] 23980y Tie BS Rae Dra Pia a OV ere moroaty eG H] Ao (ihre Ae dionyay J Pi) zs ouaha ASS. Ss Wun) rl ag VT soddn, ( 5 suetog ol kvy arr ouel s £0100) Beouto J) © Prozoq 7? A & A mes senor | e << D1 a Tis 1 es oe oO 2 Tey i J, a L ai = eh om bose y Z ow A OM DPM Tes TI AN/ - HAE Ee as G\ \ ‘0d YAN 7 niin < oe ByIO Og) nye ; nua, ‘ prenteas i es s1050y RM ‘( iz deantase nbuddvy; g wawth eng a cS 9 jaodaspy/a nfpeer sos aes RY Ord = + té panies ca 7 Shee eT] }Auo: ° & ssouqiey 7 aa ul " cr =x ba a thrr a uli V tofu Refs! & : : : + 4 » }° Lia Ni qoasas . aN %, TINANGTAUD a 4, IP UT ‘ 4, ae a >. Jpoouhsepy2°80U0A 4. 7 T uoyEny, i 45 Bi 8 } APeIBOO 7 vowlor Smmagucue ; No. Ne : b = ‘Zur r mydnory8 fe a } : \ \ ovd sTTearcsquaig “ fj h | a ; ae } A bones % 2 : &y ie} we, ) = -7/TIT AT LAHOLIT d Sony of — ) gy . ? ‘op Aya aahat 10900"791 ee ab Wig \) wv \ % Fa ia | at \ ! xy, alll a 97 9 Ps 0409 ENOWUDLS' Ww-O : aa ATVMNUOO \ x toa YOIMUIeIH WOIS 459M lOPNyLIUOT] ° : = - ——— —— ———— ni EEE at qian: aA gL i es eee || OL g iH ai ATLAS OF THE WORLD. 74° 30’ 2 75°30’ 3 + 75° 5 Port Jervis), 6 Longitude West from Greenwich ~— GF Hi h oa Milford gf Point ae . » QO Lake M zg Fi | WAYNE P 1 K 3 we Monta gue 37 " | WY (7 Mashipacsng. ZColesyille 2 —-— - —-—, S pi Hajpesv ihe Fa jlenwood e | ~ Tobyhanna $ §= inc McAfee Fas} loc S & S iehvilleg Pay ver os’ 2 Cres : vwesco <—wallpack Center/ ish Pocono ~ ° NS 2 Beaverrur c x = alnguste < Monroe P Fhirbugokyié Aes Wieraey Saf “hy Sathe . N JR OE fifi Ne Aalsey{WarlbasseHedensbs : 3 'tswoo' Spurt a aHouses i a materi lair 2 a ws " a: N ew én” Sparta Siwater ween Z 45 Andover Je.(Z SPARIT sea SSiiebaro: /NAndover Je. GC SPARITS ee Ein sioun a9" atsvilles \ mTsLa 7 Oreland as _ / Hainesburg ¢ Delaware ,. RS ve a Je. ars BS ore Hope’. eS _ ZF N y es R Scrat Ee etcong eter Ry Bis * ¥ Meadows vienna /JBudd Lake Ledceyood/ 4% “Honk Cong Jd. I 2 KS Ckettstownoe) Mut? O™ ¢ ooh pE Tabor) | o7 a By evils Townsburf™" ¢ is Olive? Oe as BY St i Beatyes¢ ile Drakestown. Je tronia? =) Pattzville =tho og Schooleys “Bartley As “es A Oxford >, Mountain a Manshst YU! 0 auch Chunk Martins Créek Port) Murr: hensb: = ce) Ao Ro ckesbur y A M al. 9. Sta. SP s Pledgaritgrove Colde sro Parker ogo PRrninards fy Sofa) Madishy =, Middle Valley y ——— New Vernon OAR A S ” Orelgnd Jo, Ponies and Xe Nera a Florhu _= 's S Ex rf sy segs 208 aun W. onset Sela Arlinit 5: arrisoi Vark |. SuE aN e eS, Orange |\ Civingston 3 Sterling Glen Ridge’ E 08 * ee Riversp< (9 segeld P laid 3S a = ups “f se Deana Fai wd Qsiecin! LA HUDSON D* \a ‘ lwnite Plains s As es. pus saddle fo, Waldwick | ay net Northvple Bet Ay Mind odd N yNorwy d Tarring) MY , eff Closty Dems Hobokus.’ Ez Ridgewood Oradell, Jew Milford: | awor <= Lodi AS Garfl flea Ritherforf/ y nts ett ‘Harmony Broadway’ His i ‘Changewater x Sew, Village o A Wow Hainpton ff Saisehnt stone gen, Village® si “Hilyon LTR f’ Sstevacts ile: ° Hampton = 9 Potter \Peapack Berg ang Ridge Sur i agra if | (? a , Califon “ville ¢ D. New Provideng Noppringtiel ¥ rt Ashi Glen Gardner >Mountainv}jle Far Hills =a { Rng: ee Ww {hier Bridge\y/ 2 ® Cokesbury, artery tb vty CoE Ot Gig nie ose KS f . ew aes Aunapdate + “Feermantor Whi inst s ters * ta a oF aes ~ 2 - Ag - sArwood - { Clinton a ea : Spisskar ia A oP Saas we io “= fife ando Whiteh : r ist lainfield “ey ner ao Fk Sidnesy candedotea == ‘stay RE ofpNotth Brapeh $) Warrenville, aah yoash Aa as t presse Pittstown, Sis ae? Rueda ae s Danellen / Coloniaore | STATEN, . nysite tant c : =a Pleasantstuake twne Saacinats a some Rye soa 7a Oak Ee sat farteret ays ring fd Rox? ere + Rayitan, aS i incoln_§,PYnintield .@ 52" Vs ee 7 \H UIN T E R ND. ON P te fs Tegoticin Wace Gel erer emeoae OE Kee Rear re See y Sees Sah hree Bridges (amet , Vv tenn und brook & Fe Lot Fh MM waren! New Yor Rk = : \- See Ce De ner MALLE, Milistop NSU ra YertirAmboy Lower |Bay Flemington? DB Aeshawis Ee en ere jaalebusDs Sloe: aU A) Kingwood Cl ak o Neshanio$/ Millffone 4,42 ea. Raritan Bay tancock a i 2 Redvillestement = JElackwelis . Amboy We yort FY ook Y ndbroo! % s Bryins oo «,xp¥ eaperalis Copperhill — fartingén, Franklin Park/ — ?\, yale * asery eno" oR > Sh* 08 eRosemont eeere Zigno a; ‘Og Gee filltowa X65 oh Kiver aN, eS: wo ven Roe yawen Uy Mati No Ns Stockton ‘Skill nang BIN oy fRocky Hill il Dot EJSE X SS NR 4 Mount Airy} Soutsbure ro ‘ oe Spotswood, fou Bridge , Pectin ‘hy SSS Highlands \\ Woodsvitléo Hopewell \ sjesston, sia sontiete Morganyiile fo eaten wont, Sout hope\Lambe\tville 7 Glen Moore Ly ne Hi ggumson 4 Dayt A. y +t: = p . \\ aa aE=Psineston / Dayton / (Helme ® Wwickatunk sai f ? sem Bright arbourton {Pennington 47 4 P A /Bradeyelt }= “tines * 6 \ Vos OS] Ns. y/ . al a 8 Pe Mercer = P Plait ee Marlboro $¢ bung Phatfnx smh £) ty nh 1on8 Branch AW? ay - ‘anderbu ae sz a S ' \ M. = R CE od Cranbury By nglishtowry Seobesyilie ay, tee 5 ae ~ td Envingville J Ee RS ens 7 stow Pane we Colts Neck eakhniets 7/ West End ST Witburt/ Trenton Jp Farrenee Stes Sietteg. = eMitnalapan\ Freehold +/ — af [Elberon DSS Me foerville , ql sot N MX.O U ~LPfeal Beach Sai Hiamitfon? = x Perrineyille Howell® = Shark River} en bury Par AN white es Se Ney Shayon b jadel pita ee Re ean ‘Grove, — mithbyrg Vi, : 5 Bradley Beoe' Morrisvib© Ny pYardvillea nds deo 2 Cla Pairs “anasqua» ities Avon by the Sea Q) ' ; overville N_)°)tmlaystown = ; ZPpile Co * Bordentow > aie icks nville/Holmeson | Maxim “2 — ae take Beach WA ZB f Fieldsboro Dayvis\,Creanividge Mantkqinn-c4 Will Park Flore cebling ©Chestdyfitld } | 7 Prosbessown, Van Hisexille Hines WY, tricite fh i Z sville y SJ D ION ai aces ee Lakewood / Per Pleasant & == —— : Point Pleasant | Cpe Nonlington Yootumbus Jacdbs {Ntw Egypt whitesville, —Gurrsville« easatt Pro yhead der seine ae aes A N “GS ALavallttte oS ‘Maple Sade =e yr Ross Whiting TO gitiver— co Wortley atville SAS Se PA. uck\ngham —? =e Senta sting eights ze ; ae \=S5 es Ingswood = RON 2 SOS 2 = Hscaside Park Westinont | ws , Bamber ad aN. Tt 28 << ‘Meaford x" Se Pass Ww Bayville} Qs ., ‘on* < don pe B ‘U R= Ns G= =o =Wl s x Laey VAs = re é “ya \tshiand Woaodmansie Oo Lanoka o Aa r arnolia Gibksboro , 5 y a suk i ee : & Forked River i Zz 4 fenWrold Indian Mills = Chatsworth e . = 5 ae ° Jackiwogd CNY. erin Als; 5 > & \ Waret a S = 42 = Mantua’ PA Grenlobh Sen iE rin ~ ion > 0 Ridge s Brookville y oY & Pedricktowen’ “OWenonah Sewell Turn egvitld 5, At sie Eoudé Nz] Ss \ = Yo Swedesboro ¢ < Willitmstown Jc, 2 ; 5 Os : JS Barnegat , oe ) Barnegat City Caan G ae ) Pitman o\ChesilhurstSSAtgion fa ¢ ave n 3 rey ; Auburn o 3 Richwood Ane: Keys, Sickles separ | Waterford Works\ 4 Jenki ae Waren Grove a V/: ¢Bassett Evan, Dowherq~ Brook \a ve 3 oy ee 4y) Foy & 2 Glassborp\ Gait Bluey NoREY = a) ‘Manahawkin , 4 \ é Sharptown 2 Harrisonville Aya / » ue ey tm : 5 =: [Sse a ]Se% 7 Warvey Cedars , =e = ES {yfaslow c. s\9 : & J : A Woodstown = ston Boa By, a osedale Nesco pBatsto wa a YOY surt Ee Yorktown Daretown ? 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ST ocsbups er bBelle Ploin.\ Ton » Port Norris¢ eesbuys Woodbine, 2 ' ortescue = Bivalves a4 {Fieister fille oy uri eye W ; ; purice iy Helmout elie = ele wilt Pp Dennisville dé aville ag baa Inlet f Egg Island Point© ) Dennis4 SO View Clermon tf: oshen> a Soh Sen Isle City Swaintpn? hy ‘ownsends Inlet DELAWARE BAY Dias Creek’y iy y yy VA alon ’ Jape M ic © sonal Piergts® vey Green Cref mee Poca Wilds ood Je » 6 74°30’ NEW JERSEY SCALE Statute Miles, 14=1 Inch. |40° — === 140° 139° “I130" 012345 10 15 20 25 SS et = 2 Rand, McNally & Co's New 11 x 14 Map of New Jersey. Copyright, 1911, by Rand, MeNally & Co, = 10 ATLAS OF THE WORLD. 10 md f o6L om ‘puey 4 “ETeL “W4aakdog = ON al sfuudg oe . Duopssasuy{ 4 “W : = N M puowospst KX ” “a ETA Fore ORIG ® worm | Tied : proa/sonte yy peter 10 alg 3 ul md 2, ; a » ogni miRsEORE TOS faba so i % Sorompogn pang” — senouny 7 onl a +) 3st ° 9, nN By aki by : bangewrrar soppy wuoewng J, smtenng, a atngedop 2 AM { Q Y Oss: bat puuj4iiog [aq[LAco]s) Ao of Yip fea 38 Saq(B AN, sesoungy) Sy ravyiey;) 1ay24_4,sdutigy ey ! eee! &, 9) aes Ge, S oa osippaAMAIO ey = fis 7 Less? Nd Pg —F OQ | OMG Male Wavoura wore Use 3 % Oop Ly yh Sisnas uny PUL eS 20 aaaig 4 ee \ 20 5 A Ke 3% 39 Dugan, 29 sehr SS Gs nouuog ad Ma parre uv] 2919 T TPO ° S Jyanqqsr) 22°! i 0M" dy Hopuy, Z Saep Uno): base, LI Ady, Soa ood.saav assy! S38 < ne 3 i . (easiones rae &, Siies % UW nyo z=aye S ye ad cS ee RENN 0? 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Pept? « ohayog shu pce ownpilhey ZA = __ Ssnosvany, TUL Hav SUyUAOI Dung) poet Hp oie gsP IAT? sure § a: > Suypr0g f°" gM PT ainse(qaog) i V or Avmorys << 7 wovPPA n ‘a *0D 9 ATO NOW ‘pavy Sq “coor “wyAIsKdog rmyoySar a Jo Mey FTX TE MAN 84°09 Y AIuNOTY *puey NANANNA AS ) \(H EL 1898 WP PR yor | pyyasmaunygo fe Sanquauwy MYO OD St erinunys o*flog BIN4O v208 TsasusD fo wi A angen 204¥ auopd Shae uot ag SON Piguves ot wpe ‘NNT pe. Par pair apo, nfinor? BS Sitaogjang o- 08, SO8VMO5 JONI mvys40 mo feupsg ~ Sp deg 9910 °uspdopre "NS ZORY iE Bawpsodia soot fe Mey [edorsprig MOd! ‘faver/ WV. Fvutaaste 3) ~~ ego INA Hairy si} A ream’ ason0g pang ay ax 3-4 -Va-8 sug ow oonaenty y +65 Peorafungerin's > WY 1 To? | M\PURIPHA vapurtepsy ugyfoRT Qy20 AL uvn 0; Yd soupy maar ATLAS OF THE WORLD. © ups) HAW 990 Wilda RY A OONNVH any Berth (Qe: ¥ “qormae 9 5 Auois’ | 1434 NT dae co Wi Kean L/= (3) gn ieee, OOS Ae AS Nias pp yap wots >= 2 uf pendanon dS = xo adm Rp SSeuogy ucoppoy peg ar fae 0. 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WAS £997 umoyi jg Mice Milli ~£anp mous a Py: 73499 OSuLYOUT oroqapye \ Y,_ Beiwos/e | 91 SQLet yun Keaivneg 3 ‘ BPTomod nog” Wy SS YE ZA = 1 yy =f Ws ™n uoyuyyy K = ZY Gj, Ay == fs IMsaajuntp 758 » Sarnvg OF 6c ‘SoIW 93Ne3S aATVOS VINIDUIA O-4 sagurian me ad ) Te = = aoe uno EA! sundg uaaiy \\ GRLAaqunypy yee > aseags ‘Fors N ayy WOE Le NOSAY ‘i be mosemeEe DN 2 oO) on ayy X qzoineyy NV pany Aq "tet I4ySshdop FLX TL MON 8°09 7 KNOT *pawy (VL UIT st omg ‘opuog NOILYOd NYaLSaM a1) m10a}/\183 A_apnqtaoy oft 0 08 o £8 olf t 9 » 6h poopy @ PA soe ON OSAYUS w_ River ve NV 13 ATLAS OF THE WORLD. 00 9 kwoxory ‘Pavy £4 ‘ene “SyBtstAen saowanne Nog smyjav ye MON F718 “Wopauaasy woay PM epnytsaoT 7a Nes Z M Savedog = a eer? ¢ | ayerey pis Of01g | : OF 0f 08 oT ES ey you] |= 2 ‘sonw e3N}eIS er aTVvos "7 ng msa;00g ’ So yndy Frog eyoreeX Peano rey AA NU rad Beak [ \ 4 { S a OM ES aN Al INI | ; ~t ; I oD rey wsAOqUY - [/ ~ oy. a Ko | aa ra x DAs Ex yi | / O apsampor vu V Y ae Bisfng qoo angst oa = eee i fasvez , = : i> \\ ot iS) ‘a SEE, - . c Bed! 2 7 i nS E at P sop tein ao Wop Nop °N | 2 “ Blaejzaquing Ma” ; L Ss ou 2 ° : ; ? \ wrx Vv e we A ‘pmo : . 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G ay SIEPUOAY, inset Fis pt ae “ough PIOUUTA dao a 8. lf > = SS 134 Ss iL 1107) \ pu oureld 18 eed, suvag =) ns ATLAS OF THE WORLD. 14 a= F =x 00 9 ANON “puny 4q ‘116 ‘aqatafdop “BUTIOIND WON JO uy FL X TL MON ‘8,09 F ABN ‘Pury, ee a a 09 os oF os 0 “Wouyl T = GE ‘SALW 9303UIS ATVOS VNITIOUV) HLYON “09 ¥ ALENOT “puny Aq “GoGT ‘eyatakdop “BUTLOAVD WON Jo duyy FL X 11 MON '8,°09 F AIUNOTY ‘PUP Has pleysauny v outa A ey00130 P awqeiays "IQ WVd u TWhari, yg o . : waressar” A {\\ WO Yse AS ily o4n W3 8| ssorg ddbqsiq ? F waoyeuld : : : sv NN} C TTSRBAL jpox8030 ON fara ft Z\sedoy are 2 == = aie LS paeqolqay b f pee o SAO/ASqIO™Y yaroqmMY fo, eo At = “\ 48 7 \yesdoy, ~~ yayog Cuera Ayo fuoxtqg 33 & Srngaideyy PPA PAEULALY zesayadg oC, ay “ BOTTA ce Ve sfoyouey,’ 1 suey 5 wiuex ° uvoig? 9 nemsT. ew i rdunbatyd o iraskuMy/~ —SPUPITOIY FV" oF ~~ wyousew) 4 4 sneasteH las\awuey Xo} xo}, BLALOF JIMSNN YE BS ~or0astitH 1 \ © EIDUOTY™ AT. 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Woy.toqran ° Rantnd ee = ae ajd O- Ppa) colriippug Pd PUNY, © \Aaryremory £ s emosos ern Tqt@arag rndog avo ota’ 2 sipa° 1° Soma ’ iba sot fey, \o ° inqsieyIwg YO te - wae joy ee te) CAroxey, O= es © soyeyonL £ p_sdursdsusa9g/- AN extesutH soor81N° poysatT pre's snjovtg > ee 1 aaA0[ Ho esata) <9 v japarog { \ mosyegs ' f° .9 Sanqurmey)> we Vp ae Tah ONVILOOSS 9 ra0 7? RTD SUI yoaioee u| ae esplag saquiny [wong / ZC goursepung osrolleoing NOSdWVWS rs 5 Gfaoo NY LOMO s{yatoy10N woqury) ‘ os ae 3H Oo ‘O} oadany LOTTEAO}4; Sinqmoeieg om ONV1YsIaWwno \ foyang® “" (Xf BN AoART S rerio sum spe J / la 2 ET IUVID § 03 cay y M uoena\? 7S. Looudy yeaotrang y my 5 LIINYVH wo oF wopsuyy SNHOP ya STI suostt A Zayadg UBB MOg/MOU MS nop ung “Se, sams S110H ory ° ‘dinghy ‘Re 2 2 out jyopuagt y © 2 SAMTABOITIO ay °s : 5 joker : ° As nqsdavysr~ ey 3/ \, yy) DIPULES siayadg,9 "p ST / & ° = ioe a vase uu & 4 ies Ay WOMANS © - Peso oLatct . ADYSPU_ , PIOPCUS S - pavyroqnny 0. 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Alea TSEISYALSSAHO No a 5 Lor} Wateree sou] SLSVONV \\ => qrq004 9 COUR ETE) (ime a[siaug HALSAHO x A NOINA AZ ta sony Doran Worm 7Q Tang TT E4007 ! =t A) % OE 1S Press Joxnany) uvds oo F sonqoory Fancy ezVdS A i) v fouog [1eay, W}PUy oyauojag & suasmg e101 suINgog < Fai mS 3 zode3 prag = op.LEULagyV: sie 9 oll s&1q 0 unqsHae yy z sKoqIeyy HY°H97 POLLEY gaged Forse 7 H8MON [eq s0q7 1‘ S10) AIM ahayaoy oi ANYUVAVO %s— preyeuq x piuesvatd “IT fa TAGA0%) x paoau0)> sorry oY sorted 8TPpo, NDIA conlayagh 7 AOL) A iepooy 2 voppoony °vysn/an SO[[ASYIO alAVG snot) PlewISo —Fonreh oumMot FAY 2TH poommn) 1 ‘nosy : rm ‘eLOUI(s ° * qdTy © dejung Shoss si f Toy many Oytdrig LOL a MOYRHD (08 2 SinqsyouT\ ee Aouyyy hraosogy = ai dotloas Sap M17) a § a BR Opie iy; 1 Top, 3 @) ‘ ey a} Write Yep FH | mise NWS) founy o fayurig sixoty\ eel syeoqsauo7T Z ’ osno37, \UO PU pOOUNT STURN 19, none Pee eadtpo TS) og oY S444 TIASPT moor) espoyo.t S|_cx0auog £209 < Actera fp WN Tsu Beene © ONUAWI/S “yaosoduEgt prog HYKOYSS — UMoneipurig o rapox way UENO A \yeasr Savy Soman ely Dog ayung 2 wNaqap iT Log oud WA” ays ri mrig ay Th y} Aospur Ary manag ¢ = 4 a sh orys0 GuYQ4LY3aH ouctge? }. eet / xe) “codog? 9% © yHoaplo“y TIPRSED amowisedo' roouny . 7 ' nyoualg ¥ Noaoaet wopP AN sone =s72020F vi J urasog™ nos NI] © yore ped 80g | A}TIANVSD Muang Lv” 8 vtvaq2souaaqaay° © NO T13MSV9. 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S ra) [| PUCpy ol SiR oe oF <1) qouniqa eg ° 26: bert « Siysog ® ON UPD 80H eo Ke A oesuarr 8 X\ \rounog 9, ¥ S 3 2 Asano sa[4eNi SYA AL » | or0q1I}8 WS b prqasoar : 4 >. o\ opuny ©) ak SHEN *4.2003300 wip woyg 21194 x \ etuuey- Yi Peay, frowwsy NS wren OL A S 39078 |POOMN, x a11yasynoT ° oss : Sa np in ‘09 0 40 gPe To SURUAT 2 S Fa Ve goon : Sam aTAsrepurg 9 ) fe) *Apou pop] ABO Sp fundys eae “et ; f > ome Avg..ied ¥ a9 Teapeo~ me a Dh i) [ede OR Sp tha : : S 3 : ~ Reo 9 pyhouogr posttgey ©ha4v0 Ct i 5 3 ~ a Soyasowynr, Cae ae IR pfpratsue RORS is) y t = J z : . lay Pepin a eg {soda etroms cig Ese ! 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G WM Vj ° it ea Ad 3 -) . J HOI * Bop WSFainds yoy Me OMTLIOLY \ “hemes sha. abun] So ya ouoy/ .F Oy ° 1 o A sAra tL Ge Pak Me Sa iilianesoya fies SRN sg ue 0 foannpers \oiueg eee dororspscegorvrg sduia! TATA coqsun nauoay opppbny a0gey, SLTASOMATIO Soidg cog yisPO PKL? 4 3, sv WN! PISA SO ML A mysyieugy \° PRIM ayy fun z° > mayan yy oz[8d Ip 6 ee) Frou woo) ONY Ts Sse & oBnoy uae RID mgt i Rasyoor, UU] vid, 9 10d ‘0 tty Gsm Se Be aa a ; e104) a ; =a 1% ~ aaysvoung as? ae ct WOT OM sKqqoH0 0 uyEMMO TN os rper yy Y umoproamy UOIOTYUD, smupy-| mot of ToAo1) wo a pUSAR’T = Ay, aug aCe ale 1 refAOISIT) ~2q COTW % oyrastyy® REPO 4 aap S14 “RP graoan MMorg2 nd Teed Toa Yb 12 ny TLVCY AE og dt PR, Bepnga vote co a) at Seah erent Nog anda ey END ee WHA. Sly ses HSUAEVH] 3 : ; a Sates wos) i 2 " Ql —~c Use woyUTAIT yaa ar pie Aesns° We i sookaae CH gO PsoT] \°4NO pon 5 y n 0 ny oh aoe Deaton ong \n P fuente eae Tee gMOoy Le Tepsapag = a bi = ae fa NS. THO - UIpIMEHL |S <4 Bi “TAO” nH Apura J Ruowizegy~ f TURP A uous y?? IEF ogo yy Wek if on ee Be ee, Las. oP aN PPE uop4O P copatynphe LMHS ,wecnattey 8S oat qyomecd ear» eas 501 drag TAS GSN Lez S Q 0°44 oy skophop Oo =p oleh 3 o Lye] Lon youuu oye nonzdorre i” Savy en, WRC \ sot Wa forces S SET 9 a ngs Mrigesorg Ee Baqauzawdges— y y, \remeargy RPK nompor) WPS Hi] ° aaqegam® — WAT houfry Mya dy, a” oo bivazeyy PAY MD ~ACUPICH || SAVE’ OPIOA aio. stag Sy ra d Sustoy "Gs ag ° oeq A Queii my ° : O 6° A Xiaojay MO ‘YOUAANVLY gisct 49, AIANa\ 349 2 wander Bewoonyl ae aD | ore ts conse ATS Te aa CR ee uosog?, SUN ae ie FY 99 eyinngo © MOBS “\ro\"1/9 0 \ Bes he ae cay cad oXRNZ a Ya rouyos” oxoug frees Sa a oe a Maetaaais Supe P as 5 : 9 suoUUtg | id Nati we at S30 #9 iw Spoosyy oll Share Sqeqoduuy Bella 3 apniteys eT —— coe by e\puohy - sake nant MOOD Ue wilt oN " OPH gi eX Nest \ Pat i wap eh ZAM i \afrivor8 gnapuwy \ 3 RE 1 abel ee a Litt aa 7, ey IW -AaBTey < i ol = . My < 4 2 o VINVATAS Shee er ? Zh \ONVTGA 10/ re ; =: 2 elias ae 7A ate y TLE en ol 6 8 oct L 9 S % i 16 ; ATLAS OF THE WORLD. D ad E , H er I I WE r Little i Greenwich a 4 ‘ Tellico Plains N ss N ~ ~ ° 6 iH K wo IX Is v ro Hendersonville ' 13 1 z Freee et (ss =* q 1 Nee TENS CLA leg sj = 4 3 CHEROKAE MA Rion! Se ‘ BRI DLEY = Alapachia 2 ‘ a2 e Cleveland’ Pp a %e, aoe aa BS z ve & OF EK re: i Ks “ee p A %, Murphy Re x ah Ae & ‘@ “e S CLAY srt Hi Tonnes 1 x DK River BD : 4 f_psenng McCay\_ Hayesville) 35 @ OP Ff Regeler fe Nughos:~) = : SCALE hgcold), Loran. | o “Mills olGregory /\ «Oasis a aay = yy Rankin FoA N * ‘ampcreek “Quartz Pine Mt P ie 4 Oy eas 3 oKormn ° cmpleryy | oNapoleodim 7 OF Sentara uartz_/ Pine Mtn.c er Pickers cénitoh eS udson as Ruralvale?}) Fadl ion Hidons Store of urpby Jy ee elisa lex ¢ Sey UN KS Greenville Statute Miles, 31 = 1 Inch. g 4 ett ue e Moubtain~}* : ? Eton/z o Hadsler SS THLiam i° ere due fl NFiis mee Wiley § 2 OCONEE (5 3 40 20 30 40 50 60 ‘ M 28 ie /Conne: Santa Arion a. = c cyloate A Bae Ae °Mhechero : Lio « by Qiares SS, © 9 Springplace fale Ae o/h \ if Ne SBoque eg Walhalla (}) Rand, McNally & Co.'s New 11 X 14 Map of Georgia. 2 ew ihe itawarth wie ° ise KE tm ie 7 Pallulah Falls Copyright, 1911, by Rand, MoNally & Co. pens 1° Taily SHijay ‘Lusk 7, ak Headen _ Seed ES alae, ‘ ea fown > Loudsvill 3 Epps <2 on, ., (Sarah h ‘o ny pe hy a ei ey 7 < i = ‘orton pI he 1) R rtscay, LUMAKIN, si} pn Clarl kes LY “oD MA Oakman } GP? © Roshuck’, « ‘Dahlonez4, bay Pom levels un [oe érest +0 Calhoun ola \ | Grace? l, Tesnatee eros VA. z Jobntown. A hraria Wahoo? > E! Raines ° Juno K_,\° ttatyway Clerménd, © iow AZ rend Q fa - ‘ coe 1 Mize Farmyille® Boner vi 4 er Cc K E\N SMa pis: Aarts, nvili¢ ayys JAA re Gi, Lavonia Sh 4 hi Jo. urn \ i ny AES iss ino Tet age Olen bid andrum ‘Hollingsw ort AJ N : IN Y | ¢ ir Sa age Sd ine tan te Dlajnsteyy Adairsville [/Sharptop° gfeda sillor Cit Cig Fo AS A BA AN K S Cart eerils fe Ate | N op Dewey o Rydal AN tye or ‘a Newberry | yal Waleska > Hightower Absalom? Gainesville er ogidon - SI B(A RTO Cc HE R/ ke E pDucktown ° = mo Girove vel oCremers, < 3 Rome M\Kingstom. — Sutalle Canton (ORSY THY? H A/L\L Ne Erastus ° \ 20 aoe Cc. i siete BRR v Noes Drew © Flowery{Branch o Oakwood ae tine >, 6 Alvin Gi (Siecceye om Ca rters-); {< : A emyning Belimon ye, Comnerce Hix vercree) Noy; cont 7 Vill | Nettiv‘ Hickory Tree) \ Apple Valley \2 Sorrells o ay i “Bred 3 5 cA Pigs plies Mills. =, J efte Si pRanielsy : z -Aldtoona ,° Payne] j SGraft Rosw Lge SP Zee eget els / C PASCO Tarpy Oo ~ e Suwanee . abies arlton erry” 2} Nootiday Mic TON Fence L \ SrOwny’ se A UU_DA / COLUMBIT: {Ced Own Crowsville 1 An 34° Be Walthealis Nite» inet co B\B Pt, Peter® ences no\ \ Aa = : Hie Foose IRbok Mart Roxana” Story %\— Jmizavedh o a \ as eco ma aS ei Cayee So te = = i /RKOE, #]Smithonia il U, onal farietta}: SY At /. mitho hes Bayon ' 2 iN — Pistolo cv Felton Powder Sprs> —wvi 4 . hi andy cross heute Wepun, TIPAU Hiram 2 Oalk es, “ie ye = ney | a Mallorys le ay stom i} Jrakbtow Austell £ Ae } an bu I \ HARALSGN Baker o ESS vi Vatkiusvilley y/o, j carted be Hyde o Sf Lincolnton 4 SS eS EL sou = : “mond yfors oRayle <) : : “ i I z : & = rt LN | Sihe ReaD Wine W)A\L]T O Nc van Ppeormase W.1 ' iLINCOL iT | Pra Hordee ‘nston -Atinnta 9 ie okha: ——fithonis Anteng Ms., |) DOUGLAS alpevllle-Ayriisteda “Mt. Zion\ | etyre FC AR RYO LiLBepane | OcK- gers) " eee rf rsey Leek 3 at ° Sisson aoe = ce ‘ ¢ 6. Bostwick ; z\Philomnth 7N Adasburg ° 5, AClayhill 6 (5 ¥ Campi ‘ ‘ampbellton sg Soci nie, eae \ Hine Ray ere © 7 Winfield —1 “LL \c/Lar\yTo\ny o Fay Waterloo: | 4 Carrolitor How oe ‘ton Tyrone ss | = Sola an, ie a eS i we Kavos Apaing® °Leoron ° Siver “7 Re sae Broughton <} TALIAFERRO { cOLUMBI 7 3 “Victory Roopyille é = 2 M fe) R GA nS : Crawford ile"t UF RETA Stay. i on f J © ee = Ninnerville “Barnett rovetowny GY iT ele 5 yu Newton Fata es Whiter? if Dresden Kew ni Fintoreek { |, Bhatt Jap rudaen See " ape owelton\\™ ‘ ut Weanwis = D| Sa W elt coking OE oy Mahe atetmton o, “Aart haley ° edowée ue . Spive A= ‘ore-) Le A y 5 || RANDOLPH Vente °Fravklin |Inda] Rest See R ha, ¢Batonton siiylider Mayfield | cn, Coriithe *_*/ Far: Farm, ale, Gallows ierd BUT ON A M Culverton ~~ S tte iy ee rs} et Lutherevill \¢o Aldine pe oe “HAN CA CK es Faved ° Lonepak Canal ncaa atillo o Glade: vil @ me stan ‘ordy lille Glenford Sparta Roanokedy Ps ° St Marke fe es = *lhivertyhin Hillsboro opton ° Carrs Sta, Mevereux A — F t i (le fo ville X te F Parhaps & a rere me » 6Zebujon, 3: nosing Roiat md Oak aa Et 3 aH NO Sheba Pe ee ts “fee MERIW ETH d er tovers a Andes : 2h rid P R O}U/P AP stovntvite Grecteinte KFA Ss Hester, Wayside A tvills * = JE ERSON, artvell BS 8 Greep: ile e rnesvillelortn: tap Veniun yside I 6. “{Milledgeville ; ° Bye.U 0 “ad arn —<_ folate Sat a drao der Forsyth © carily.o J O N\E S BA L/W LN v/ Warthen >granzé NA Vidette \E 33 00 cf) el o =) | er ieee Dury LX Topeka I Poted MONRQERM Gray, 2.7 Madoc’ 2 Swutsbordh7| WASH we aay ! y, 0 ‘ he Ro ie y Jamies He Sandersville? roup Fattory [Sas The Rock So" Stour Tk o Pottery? 0 panforth.- ei West Pt. Epi = 6" Greet e = eliginoks \ oFtade Yes (ase bee Hgrksasie = a a 8h) fo ath = Upsoq — Dyas Losaiie a Op On eres 2 Sort \4 Th dmaston Tobler® Rey qirel SE", @ /, Riddidville : Paulina Vigdoms Man ie haly beate, wannyilleg Cun) one, Macon Bartow | 6 i amilton (4 Shilob Ties Pleasanthill Economy Fahy ° Ceres >£.B iF Bl B \® —_.{ French, | sy ‘ Rutian HAR 1 A\LBOT > 5 Pome _ Knoxville ~ aa | ye || Jester \, Poplar A ‘rost | cel tt © Visa ha Lab ite See WILKINSON = aoe oes | a X BAC] Z = = | A Opelika Hatt o Asta Catauy cats = ? as = | 2, Gaillard oy die Prowsene 2 (a ge watt Oe i G =\° o Alo & iE ° quince oF Fonts = > TA vO R = \nart yeti : vadpwe Sta, 0|Detfwood t 4 Fea) oa Z2 20) Be “i OF, aor} Kgann P.O Q oe b f rate er )|- = SN, eee = Stonyheady Easterling 5 Laff ° i : Sevilley ST a pbevilleN at Ss © spindle o— c RII S*R o sey ye Cortez ¥ iph! Clayton Wenonal Malonds Sea ag | Brme R H ro bl BARBOUR aah a PES oF watnouevite te 8 Re 4. or Lambert P. mat Sivieg Lauke®, _ Roderick o Doles Tbany Je) Saini, Tears: 1 Cyclonett EDOMGHEAIT Gprip eee otek Pretoria Hardawa) °-Hiltbn Sta, mG rot 9 , Sowhatchee® Fitzhugho | Flint/< 4}, ONG Lucile) = MIT/(CHEL thee AF, o- Colqui tl ® Camilli : ° e Spy ngs Hy | = 2 HOUS rT 3) NS saftold | oultrielp WN, | o Spooner Sesiva LO 5P 2 a Neile, DS it ’ sDonalsonyille \~ re Bet fun iS WC troy 37° = Iron Citys. /S g j ly 8 ewe yeado > asta! cc, Lynn) fm a8 sia o Brinsoh ¢ Dees = = || {| Saini DE/c™ UR Choc Payoyt Joyce® 7 Bain ridgeyf otal Froese. bFairchild| = (0 sce d ‘ouraine FBR es, Co, 48 Fow}stown|y v — -—— y mye Je. a > y -\ zo ‘| Copyright, 1910, by Band, McNally & Co. Hampton Springs o =o TT 85° 83° E 17 +88 I H o8 +] a 098 a a 298 o a ol8 ve — ———S— 08 02 09 09 Oo oc oc org 0 LZ = oe BAe! dv addouv OI = “qouy T=6 ‘SOIT 89709075 {II : ; = ZN Ly saeyommp? A LA 3 4 SS = 3 g es A1VOS ns ‘ (CP Dy; 2 = tm, / - 4 _ VCIdO' 1A x J = vey f 6 : ae punow 22105 ole opaossy Bp pnaysomo yy . 8 id ee ae L 98S Maui] mo purjy 207 9 : S \S \\( 8 pe H wih) leat V fs Cas SS) - DM | <4 #3 2 o : : 2 v\ W ra ION | + | mrraoge of 2] PONE TE + funy aqpyte P80 | | | : | | i. erie, & © 008 Me! Wy - Sia ¥ ENOLONINGY OR TPUN uOnU YSU A VANCES “ | uryd ¥ ¢yades L I | 1% isis pat * \\ : \ aoe Sf wlio oO 68 omens S| PV eon | = = 0 08 fe) N olf Ww cr 0°88 I H ob8 “ 3) a 098 fa) c aa 18 ATLAS OF THE WORLD. 1 2 f : 88° 3 4 are 35° re 4 ia h Sere 87° 8 Lod —< = = i + he - f XN | a 1D) = @ yea Ree Sal : SS aA * oti ae Haddock [fo °Threet Py}: ag erate “y re a ; y : : ; a i VA, hatlanoo oxa les \\ t= ALCORN | \\ enter! Clo por UTE, Tein jects et0 pr, = = : f.S - ’ icrloog E } i= lore O33 no Atlas pgton Moust Roszell 8 Pan igereel SHE E \ 3 acetic 3 ] , i pe < et AU D "AD A cE Ee my mo Elkmont Vy. Géringy © % 5 d Binees “aN mR »\, CA ote che 5 4 Kirk 2.8 y Spts.] S@Flofian Whiehead® Eavigp Barker] Gipsy 5p coley Spray i ee 7, Br3 pret . dRipley a eet XS) Rhodesville yMars Hi)! cy. oCenter Star pey jy (Hayy Mill Ewell S y, im i . ! we, oaldana 3} Kingdon tin) Rogeravilleo gtzville athel t A neon y ; BON f y : : yore nre——a0!Vr 9 Te 3 A | iPPaH 2 ¢ | Re snemaipsee Bricks UCN LIMES TIO Ym © Boonville , E[ 8: Florence, Sostep, LAS Blackburn WHITFIE ‘ ay N. Alabama eS ° aN WaePtod, Creek AA oRipley| | erie es J ,/PRENTIsS = ears OF los seus L © ann Ni Lquidnunk P.Ofo grain | \ -+———____. 5 (i ver a réenbrier= ° Fj int Rodk\, AI ee By - S F 50% or ecatur eS lela aa ee ile ot Kaolin P.O. ley © Goo + is on? Mountain H NS cOneney : LS . y © Good Sprs. eget LAWREN Rte Hecat UF Se LA Fores | eS. oss Koads” 3 'f rs -— V : 7) CE it Cro < D\Conoord “Kimo °F Mtisar LabeYY gone Taos? WP Hobbs ; yi ° : s Tai KES wésbers ereville Ps co =] Wot Pricevitle Wit tone ae Coluri L : to =e) 5 eg farrpoca/ | i 6 ' Rea Bay aN Tah cash pugtoulton Sore Cee. og. N he ; nostra i x loo | — Bhik Sales Pike na Oakville) Sarr | *} Paes eas Ping o ger Jam\estown 9 Summerville » Calhoun San 5 ole, Templeton, edare” Ploretti %'¢ Blancyhe 1 i Keane Lem 1 = ime SA pores ° Pale od a Messcy ~ ak fe yan! Seat « Eddy, pair. hy - ZO _ ‘ole sham ® Lacon ponte (ar B | ( { Shottsvillfe® 2 Trades i Creek ‘Ashrid — mo “——Wilbitet a TY Jan & ; t ~ Fulton Cockrell jagkteburgs : Pebble ° ee ~~ oEllaville ‘oh Tinery \ Holmes Gap pions Joppa "A | cy ; —- \f TeEAG UTES \Haley ville oer a Tavera | hifty c\or Vinemont P. on Isqtio ¥, 2, ed Hill B 5 p sede (BO ; R150 N ff ppt ONT ON cults eNGEM AuNpona 73 Northingtyon caer ue ane? p Delmar Deer Houston! ! ullman & ) stp Holly Pond _/ ae aftiendship, Pe ' S ri mar: far’ ‘ | ° Derbi eri ron \* spar ee hee Sprihgs use nor a\, Ciaipacte Ce / oBrookoy eo Abra a Una | ; Bhe AL er 34°hr 5 — es ee vated Jobna ironies ie ‘Yo eet AY ETO ‘s z abe ye nes Ey a Arley © o Wheat Arch “oWynnyille Littlet: Vo tk CHEROKEE ° seape rs eat \’Archusa ,—& Hapevill town © > ay alls Cityo Stouts Mountain 4+ a tl be Gos Valley st ona d lanataCity >) \ Pless, Biyp YA oe pa rdell = = = ee 7 Se paeeuee Spite Ge ane gin : uokey Bangor q =): — Ay, arg—Ve ot |Blount Spring & Yowl;, Lei, ho 34° € z rhspect P Onéo: TMOX OWL P ay. Ie R x \Aberdeen : Crews ppera ace et BN ; R ue Bats fonfa ye rm 2 a eS —— ald lt Seon Ex Gatjnan Baller aeapiore ie een aragossi\, Manchest: Tees Vv niggrrne ay Mattawana 5” Petit Abton, 4 rook Springsyy-5 fh) oe i “te S a i ntonk C op 2 _ cee ? Bedford Bell Rena / aso ee OS Ve ay gir vy acer Alaney? 4 ar oe aigg oe = Cc | g “Ott J cHester oGilpen o Spencer © Warrior) Seltvill Ne Remt ti / ey RON ira 55 *) z is {Vernon FAYETTE = Gurley, Jo.y¥ ee Ss ome IN a 4 frellipeten} = L¢ Merrellton Qak Level $ a LAMAR bAtien sayette antl s0U- e. Jz ee SOV4 = st oe Hefti = 4 CARRY ‘ C) as m 3 ¢ : © S "Bedda rs - b Sh yasser © roe® o/rump i Sport >, SSA A FAR hy . pSenifer pees SIS Ma a are aero | ra ©Reubert oOregonia yf, S Bx pesinsirs ww" Wal al owe ~, Curry P am Oakfuskee aed ‘| 008 at j o\ Eiheleville eMoores Bridg poe ge VO: ord ANo\Dunnavant ggan fe .o9- Buck yee ke : a hone | Mec Borap® NT, n O\ Sterret oe oF Bees Fish Head «Bernice | & “eH Delmavilldo-—gr onc Gorm Ros mcusnnells 0 S Pay on o] 4 StH ny { Ironaton Deltacis tro om Lofty Gribvam OKTIBBEHA || A7t* Ageher Oban AR gc alt ee che gnc th See a yes \ a "8 randy c Tau Adega J pst | Qesme (Seema = = ¥,Stansel ols Mo oldon 3 rae a ae A._ Pyriton Sewell D | oat aa so ye- MeCalla a : f 3 Aa | Uffokensyitte ¥A/ thie Bova Ty gered ag, Bron wise oP eeeinnde KOA Se nag SS i see (x aE {Newnan a 2 e 3 ; : we pro —&\ ghamplee Od Pelham x es aa s man F ©Wedoweéd TA a eg ee eee SLX Car Giles f » A$ ‘Bituria Wileoavinie bildersburg Tolbut Corbin ° Omaha Yi; , z ° Ratdei Mayfield Tuscaldosa Ser] OK ZS 03 Raven cal ex a5, & Leslie® RANDOLPH D Mempfhiss Higkory © WAirove CN eyBloctgns ae ‘iew. ~<{Colun) _ f J a Nev Mo OM nn o West NOX\UBEE Any 7% a Thane Je. Aras lens z\ mS) Soe (Home © epi Gesiers Ocre L ieville le Boot By: haat Ss ‘Bi iby}Spre..Qe oP EIN ins Bluff Springs RS oF ano a. 3 Macon anti Ralph r Reiced Fee Eo acaiere ie Ce, 3: ost Eins Vogtle, Sikesville anoke 5 o8 =" le MERIWETHER id ‘ Lewiston |- ox unusaville Leste — yroutevslles e : Shelby a es : pW ieater 0 _ ag | flmond 4, Viola. Thee Mills ' © OK od ; ope Jow Welsh‘ | Pleasant a © — y ol eens 0. Seotteville” Oo B - A = rc ay go3) Marble Val./o ° Mt.Oliver? RG at : Rae, So & Lies oh 3 Arg nion ogvilt, Mound= oS : é *g ix|Mile {Brierfield ‘4 Ocampo ‘Woodbine, [Turps Profi’ “a ney V. O —. on? | woud 4 fs is 4 ann as GR Aj ville oline hte n 5 Jemi = a08. 2 Key. OV, 3 E EN E Somers M anse 3 ee, ee rot Quinsey Weogatka Coal Chutey > Hamletp _YConfrete Penton /Fivepoints, . 7 Clinton _(y./Stewarts qe Centerville >. ELMOR E % <¢ Chuteh, Hill Aus, dOpelika , a ’ 5° ieakaak 4 60" ecryvil} gq Terry side _Dgutsville “'22> Dexter =) Ury wh Wacoochee | a York, S/U Maou E| Rg? A anevite ul, ‘Gre ie Felix Jones} Andrew mie \ Guia — = Foo -Teiltes Ofo—e—"_ Chewaola” Balai ; LAUDERDALE | $s Koos a y SY a™ Sou, © “one Hea Shaye Ecoueay Prattville Jo. OG sWetumpka= reese Sy tig ei PRastond > aT > -—v —_- * Mepidian Ata, ot Cuba | whit f HOFer ah SP? +—.[ Browns ee Burnsville, ea lee Milos ZS Notasuig@—_* Siniths Sta Xo 7 Antercourss “eld Ye Jefferson eo sos] 800, > ‘potter s 5 ek a 780, Lp, s ehaw Pocket a oe Phenix Alamucheeg Ga\ston Se, Dayton Long Ima ye : RS Has ix {or, watt o Tusk VD, Crawford \ Girard a o Rosser Enoch Oe, o Ge Caos -. ‘ oo /S > a\ \ ALR SOufabatchie bs egee! “Ubland Brickyard ce ahi Linden ¢ iol Beloit ier Mac OO UN Heal artehet| F Ipba Jachin o Tas eS ~~ SS" led SS ae ae a, LONTCOMERY Calebeo Ochee > eard Fort Mitghell [| a Yantley \& nen a Cates * ee SF c/ C frill (ma Burk VL *LWiley panes - sledges gveet™® «st oe FPnsbot ela ))|Myrtlewood Oct: RE ov pesBerlin ° endon| —— a ~) 9 Sky ze Epuneton es MARE N GO. tere PDEA LXL A XS Soapstone > Morga. FiSnordoun: Mathews) indhel™s ‘ain $CineR™ Koad rs Ss ‘ Cyril Tompkisville) © Luthers Si 7 Lamlison js Hill 3 tos Charity o calle. Yin es Downing” 3 ie 2, F Be 77 But ler ¢ Arlington Richmond |~ LOWND 4% caner ° Union oe 32° o Bergaraot if Canton Bfad° oTilden of Minter Calhoun \pevebport Ramer Oakwbod BULL /O C Lasea Clayhill = * =. if o Braggs ° om = zi y/ £7 OCT L- © J CRockwest Ackérville/ = Sandy!Ridge + Tallore High Ridge /-¢ °Aberfoil Jd Melvin AW Baeble see J Pine Hil toa Ce. Se ee a: Deposit waftel SGadard\ [Gent LRichland /yycerBere a Ararat ° 3 °Glover Sunny South a Estelle RIBS ieee a -—— - Rum, f Coleman = Point} Omega o Indian “Batesville~o at 2S Eine se eae ile | 3 ' “Hestle LX is Ox siecle Bs. Mags) Edna” ay Ansl ees cell ear Seo as jE # =), > gham z sley S a hi ‘och r Te bees West Bend Rural} Sale ale me | eae Linwooa fs | eu Bord «oF White Oxy Euren praiOry ° Asabel eenah 9%, Forest Home Saville ° Harmony en A ieler Pring, ite gtk ~Utauy G ‘ = Branch Chilton meta, Eustis : °FatamaMc Pine Aptd 3), Pine Apple P. 0, Greenville — Petre Deleon ae y Ae Cléyt s = ‘Souwilpa 3 Fultouk<% T. Danton <, Camden Jo.J 2 SR . — oPine Flat ? Glasgow “se : P| | © Ko E slam a ° ‘ Buth i ort d ‘atalpa Ethel® Waynesboro y —- Matllews | mini ne j CLAR K\ Ws ohaned hy pians se | Pawnee & BLU TH) Se © Patsburg oquin L\ | e e Aquila Sta, + Gr vehills { Cobbyille hi Anues ; °Virdie J Boll Dek} CRENS (iy i, *PTroy Tatu topline penton Winn Pounceyq Vashti, 7 fea = e Stallings _[Seietington eps Rutledge o Little Oak Gee | arid pie (Acar Whatley J (( = neh burg a i tavike _ fp Chaproan, Vanpett March/Luverne Baltic, Briindidge Carat ‘ obalitpa - ainwright + Ajax Till Glenwood f el Jones Bintes2 Suge Sil Gospert\ ee a ¥ ae $ Runban, ¥ *(Georgjana p Sonne, Maricopa 9 Eii Y cera As Tepallies Ly “Lawrencevil 1 Su ih \ °Hixon®;¢ feterma: jowles re Fe jAike paabe' (| St. Steph SS Nichola, ggsville Gri a 434 gare? 2 st) Po VGlendon o Manila ¢ LS 4 o Betts Be ey Oaky, Streak © Leon ¢ 7 vedewle 4) —_ va /Dilarde Pe eae AXE Chatom — carssi,)Teckson “Bend a.) onroeville® \Sonrgé* Bermuda 4a MoKenie No 00d aA es f tz Eee : zo en! pw , reve Bi e ke oO) tattle, ortimer | S\Hammag 3 oDixie Pg ja ins ' ) Latham oe insony ile Fost] ny Mason To ' At, 120 s\o’ Bre ‘Robert 37° Sd op,” St, My My Peg tone | Gallagher, 5 u ay. Sa tg : Bradl | H 5 rote ge % Hp/rrington ey °) Falco W 2 PD sas ats F nicmfoseeane Wa é Bethel GEORGE z oS «| 43 I a i. z SANTA R —— ,e ej = OSA re ss ~—— -\Pheree spring Hill S| ig. 5 . 4 Crichton i sg Loxley Gateswoo 7a I Robertsdale Musvog - a“ Summerdale SCALE Statute Miles, 28 = 1 Inch J a o. Du 40 50 0 SSS=S=S=S=S= Rand, MoNally & Co.'s N 5 ew lix 14M. Copyright, 1911, by Rand, SaNahod Coes Rand, McNally & Co.’s New 11 X 14 Map of Alabama, 8s° Copyright, 1910, by Rand, McNally & Co. 3 4 Clea 5 ° 6 86 7 8 85° 9 ~~ DA{LY TRIBUNE: ths Monday} J 30, otk ¢ Part 1+-Page 1 INDIANS ROAMED IN SOUTH BEFORE KING TUT'S TIME Turn Up Civilization Dat- ing 1500 B. C. New York, July 29 [Special]— Archaeologists have discovered ‘evidence of civilization dating » back to 1500 B. C. in the Mississip- _ pi valley between Memphis and ‘Vicksburg at a place known as Jaketown site. People lived and developed their own primitive culture here 50 _years before Moses led the Israe- lites out of Egypt and 100 years before the fabulous King Tutank- hamen ruled that country on the «Nile. They were Indians who “fashioned their own stone and »flint implements and weapons “many centuries before the ceramic “age. It was also long before the “Indians chief defense weapon was .the bow and arrow. Deep down under the subsur- face at a point near Bellzoni, Miss., the excavators found flake knives made of flint and “throwing sticks’ which were designed to throw stones during times of war. The sticks were sliced along the grain of flint and fashioned to nestle a stone at one end. Pottery Fragments _; In layers above the subterranean .§trata and not far from ground level were found fragments of pot- ‘gery which yielded the ceramic Jchronology of the region between *3200. A. D. and 1600 A. D. There “were also burial mounds and the outlines of circular houses about 15 feet in diameter. The larger mounds which rose 15 to 25 feet were arranged around a court. One of them has a well defined ramp as tho once used as a stair- way.. * The exploration was conducted by Dr. James A. Ford, assistant curator of North American arche- ology of the American Museum of Natural History. He started in 1941 and resumed ‘again after World War II, working in collabo- ration with Dr. Philip Phillips, curator of eastern archaeology of the Peabody museum at Harvard university, and Dr. James A. Grif- fin, director of the anthropology museum at the University of Mich- igan. The findings are now at Har- vard for further study. this site to physiografic changes,” Dr. Ford said, “was studied by means of air photografs, a con- tour map made for the purpose and boreholes to test the subsur- face deposits. “ Assistance and advice in this phase of the work was provided by geologists of the waterways ex- periment station, United States army engineers, Vicksburg. The} evidence gathered indicates a cor- relation with the history of steam channel changes worked out by Dr. H. W. Fisk for the Mississippi river commission,” Dr. Ford also disclosed that charcoal samples for age determi- nation were secured from the lowest cultural deposits above the old Ohio sandbar and that these are being studied by the radiation laboratory of Columbia university in an effort to achieve more pre- cise dating of the archaeological chronology and the physiografic history. AUTO LOOTED OF COATS Nathan Boodlib, 6431 Newga + in- formed police yesterday that s automobile was broken into at Washington and Dear- born sts. and looted of two women’s cloth coats valued at $90. Shop with the family tonight — Store hours, Il a. m. to 8:30 p. m. 7 eave 1 7 e. ten- alist and y. Lu Red China’s Army Day Slogans Shun Stalin LONDON, July 29 [Reuters ]— Premier Stalin is not mentiongd in any of the 18 slogans issued by the Chinese communist govern- ment for Army day, Aug. 1. The slogans, as reported by the com- f CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNEs Monday, July 30, 1951 H Part 1—Page9 munist New China News agency, had two mentions of Mao Tzes-° tung, Chinese communist chief, | Neither the Russian nor the Koe rean army is mentioned. OF | | Sano Fy ALpuoTAy JO woljednds0 ueumy jo AIO}SIY BuO, ay} Jo Sdiysuonejer ayy, Hs PIIPNAS sojdueg yeoorry9 *‘puelsr ay} PetaAoo HIS JO s}tsodap }ea13 pue | PeULtOy Saeco] Teinjeu ‘1aA0 yoo} TOAII OOZBX 9y} pue asanod Sty} dn aae3 Ayenpess OIyUO eu} sy “OUOY JIeY} speur SUBIPUT 94} 34} PURIST sty? uO SM 4 ‘pueq dieys sit .909I1I00 0} qYsnos O1yO ay} se PuUeISI Ue oUIeD “9q 4938] YOIYM eq pues e& sem 9194} a}yeno1e 9Yy} Jo aprisur ou} UO ‘e}IS UMO{MOeL Je puaq 1Y43n B epeul ONO 84} *D ‘g COST ut yoeq IN “TIT ‘omreD ye yyrou sarrur 00€ TIAL B1q 94} SleeuI MoU pue ainor yey} dn 9aes gouts suo, 3] ‘sang “SHOLA JO APIUTOIA 8y} Ur TddIsstsstyr ay} sulutol ‘apis uzajsea 3y} umop POMOF J9ATI O1YO ay} pue Astrea TeEIANT[@ S}f JO aps uste}sam ayy Petdnoo0 zaarr Iddisstsstyq 94} ‘ose szeaf 00G‘¢ jnoqe Jo UOlVZITIATO punoj ATMeu sty} Jo aut} ay} +V SINGSYOIA IVAN pourop sx9dA 3 ATLAS OF THE WORLD. Longitude PD. West 90° from BH paseo FAYETTE : SS Olive|Branch to ©Mount Pied pant are oes mn Lambr Springhill BENTON ct Salem @ Finger® rt Ashland | jon Holly % Higdon! Shawnee = Biases Silver Springs t ° éBlue ard aa Moljno ae se! p He Graha =o Wheels oho ‘oGratz | o Piera Roe Ci mereville ot peste © Jagle \¥/Dundee W° Albany NGaston ay QWallervi! ; amie, nak ‘bbeville >. Noah as ;/ Holder Walton ee = Ingraham © 1 Qxtora Legis RSS! fay Acadefny Aatafied sh sorties” ° Pontotog| Brame T pels < og cis aoe ae Fault aus ° ay Froston ° Leggo Valley! Bannerg Sarepil : , Trusty a ed oGershorm) Levtis iN = UK® OColeville tha rlestor 34° Star City | LINCOLN t 3 : Ch - lL —| Monticello aeRO cLR NESW. 4 7 —_—_——-— - Lake baa 4 ar 2 Hamburg ASHLEY 6 ite | aa z YALOBUSHA ori ac ° iat Pon Bee ae | iW: oodland oMcCondy Gibson ay ARLES Av Pavadins o Unao Aes ore owns ot Cre Williamsville “ey, A Pt na Redding ee Sn eRe, Mantee inebluft o Montpelier] olerma Dolphins ° Bellefontaine | aa ee Cumberland, | Gel As Ast eT oe _— Duck ck Hin | ofa pete by Mill ° Sidney, Zo oe oe é > , Shellmolind Gree prey oho 2, ), Hg Faigoniag o \\ [igh Ye, Ping x », cenvil efstlonyis fowe'e = ‘ivy fetb - fiat Ga ah ake’ ‘co Reuben Lots} <\Nerfger 7 Isola y Winona up r) Se rete Ruff, Reforms axtivo nl e: »: A&heppardto vi file Bankston 7 = Black Hawk Vaiden > arksy Te Adal ’Keitn“Yiv.0 Aca ES pvalerd Fairp srt Bronk ille 3 oBevilh Lynner ek Dek S\\H | N-GJT o : Easy ile Pos ° Zebulon City *2 Auten’ ° e@ 9 Cornve! ittadumaplon se Hinze o Beelakes go ola o Fgarns Springs 33° =e —-—— fas a v & ey ee MOREHOUSE & Bastrop C ARR 5 P OL CCullinston _ J Coil A L 32° : — C. Pleasant 'Vowell ae a Lettie roHashuque njscent o Gholson Calyx o- ee bONEZEN, “fie dan J ios 4 bias iy AR Evoboy* Ae Rollin tars e Campbell 70% Palonao fa o Ma woo? Woodlawn p Yazoo Ci nal ( Gs f Lather® Edinburg Le AK ar hage ® Fre Wide oN 3 "S HJO B A 2h De Kalb ers Cushtuen , iMoscow o Mt. Nebo fia Cobpyille Sista O & Chana - ie - es \ ~? Cash bs ue? | & o Eaglebend bak 'Adelle Mabnsdale o e Robinso: art ee Gosbven Sate 2. x bi I eo" Sandbl Vers apealoone Topto b a Fore 5 Bey, paces Iasi 1) Mate? Marion Sta. Telctcic nas Fees bres oes Y yA ceridiant” eee = = ™m; aD, la° Perryt S lo Doloroso veri fs ‘pat ig hltineon o SSaais } WILKI . SO N ((Barkleys: Lessley Full = a 4 Mame Woodville Arist Z. osibley,, wt So Z Centerville ; M Zae é~ Ashwood Me 0 Newton} STarbert oPinckn Fy ville Wh jtak WEST(z gf [# es cjine Fy We & Z Cy é ,Jackson MISSISSIPPI SCALE Statute Miles, 28%4=1 Inch. 10 ° 6 10 20 50. 40 Rand, McNally & Co,’s New 11x14 Map of Mississippi. Copyright, 1911, by Rand,MoNally & Co, Copyright, 1909, by Rand, MeNally & Co, ‘verett Povertey M MIT year a ee oWilling — Vest © Fount) Currie oBezer aR 7 Toone OP | ® Braldyine Glancyo Geto Martinsville Clarke Homochitto Beauregard M usic Sou = 8, Peandensville Ss. thrie J EF FF Brot e Union 9 SS : ° ose Refer ales pce Idenburg Vetoo Keath AMZ 50 O-nartman = 4 Deen? Cs mer ° McCall Ot, A ler Rate = ——— $ See ba € °Sobiee ° Witkesbur (Spier. "er he » Bismarcko Lenoir oN We elder Sartinvil ps yp Rayten Lae Darbun skasawhay PR} calf? l)io ‘Chic Mp so) o™K Gloster ke ce = s"Leakes}il “Peoria” . Giading O/Nn Spar, Lum Odile 0 © Bilbo ‘ {Pdplarvifte PEARL / RIVER SoU, ) Dexter srickman oS apell Hurst|e ~ Boho “aise ~ \oayica “aig EAS Benndale' ? 2 Crossroads Chinquapin up Derby St. francisyilfe 9 } ee een ek: LIVINGSTON rr A B ATLAS OF THE WORLD. 20 sl ies at eb oe eee aes | i 209 77 ANNE "pay Kq "CBRL “WBlaKdog ee ts wNcat seassanuay pau Ayonquey JO dnyg FL x CL MeN 8 02 77 AIP NOW ‘prey ‘ y - ; 3 VEN ry d/ X I gg rinis 3P1y Ona y opusuieyy ‘s > qyur40g Pe Se, | © oaoideg = 2236 91115 fee / /* — ' _ eTPq fis Rta 7p tte, ESAS ete ee ¢t aw SHOEEL cok ea 34 LORE, worenofo ‘ STIS AY Ba 4 ot soyaih ( Eas K eo N AW M i “attadomog 4 AOL : au ale Nol Aran yer Spy foroqsousuyy Zod VH! 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Aer aeamioe swe 0 aos ie SSS We, 2, 22 oe : = be Puposit MPN 8A gosony, Sos ma, OR ete PRL OIyN4TSUO [ %a, y ee PETS Toyrenomy eS chro ‘00s owey D - 5 Oty jo, aN, ; 2 : Mp y Moy * ya 7s, ‘orp Ae meter 5 AS U/ol popup Bqexo I~ Bie. ppp tA 4 fay, eat . hE} puvel ) skiepl AKO by] waootlh ore NS N |S HL V facta arenes ase Ss ./ {4 i ay ; ; Ney Poor sory 38 BOG» WGP —mopangy HMM OY suisomry | NQRoaT nai | nk wo aa 8 ON otk PET HOPI Manze ys (dpa no PN 1 N Uo} Oy P7 SECS genig Ko gard SY \ Jovan wera = Smasigeas |, Nat 10/0904 RERAOIN 1 OO TPS Morudiony {aci\sers_ sunmMY A /#b bois poop Saye sl ing a i offiorhe sia. hg reakicaeal Prat: \ = ww “teeymnf ¢ Oe <9 as = y A Pelz 170499; ZN — ZA NY H Scaets noes KF tepaphy 1A Bea Ly fae, S ray hp Sto ws LENS} “eI shefhaerf(d AY MN -7 Ark tn eudsnrx® Lo Trae ea a 2 sors Qk [\z, suoqe sv 108}4) fuiod 8 ad othe i a y = ua N (spouse. frown, SW Y2A\os b D/ fs pun. BOM ILMOT qe IGIBLM Say 4S°vupeg Pyeunp v2) % 7 SK ry00 woyTM To zh Cf * = oN 1g Purely, » ance x91 AA! =33> R we If e203 0019 orf ast WyQS son ease PoE, den “PIE PAY} Pe y Va \Y veo 2° Sutuioa yh cea oe a | a, = SS & bee Se 1S Ossoon eUUULOT ma apne ULES oar | wasting) hy SY ym pte aee MUHA orshpdoy eso jow, LE Aat'f Yost anans ne Eh BE 7a peur re, Smads dhhecrornd: Serres OMA “A) ung Asani, wo Sou gi N_ VD eo WI fg tet, ; bingevcourgp 3A A AN S fe TA 8 dphisssonnd == = 2 |, oS} buguco; LP expatgg mt PAL = NF ON soho teen” Nesey | oNS WAY 0 1 dpa fy Aromede ae eee ‘hy Phoosanehy. sngsrouuhts = WD —Suapured =e | (ory —— Oo 4 0, SUI s}ou0,)oTE S = Is > map soog g Prayeaqoogy eeiuteig 3 NOS, Y} luoryjoyst ot Se o} [T 4107 . aud pUOIET a ° pjoysuys F pegaroopr ; amo Kueyuy 6 ABKO}[O: ra 2 sqgnrooT- . %, 2 a SBC i Fe ow os Cha en 3 ayy os cey vpindgs Yoduan : XEON \ CH prerurmige 5) TAO} HAOPA, 9 pve *s May a amet Gy Ung Dsovxoofrog: Ol 9 ent UD fio 2H yup wmoyuvmfowg 3. 6 Noss = 2s O4YOFW Sapa ——epuolly “MW a /|a er os we PAGED S huey \ b ao nd, vie ES te ‘ — as — (Prnore i See = Paces mint | YS ee uLeneyT sy Btosy 2pae7] id ¥26 \ deer uous, ~o° = r— 22 ATLAS OF THE WORLD. 88° ver Forest igre evbigrange Se VA'GR\ANGE | § TE Z y Mt, a opalel Center > os B Mont peli¢ 0 os” sae x J oodmat NOS DS yo hivarads ' key, O. Rreaes Bee uf LakeAvilla' ‘o Wilmot ares Center Laotto Ay) thaworth OF == 0 ' riam Ormas {__ Mer! Dinwiddie ate Hooyqntic® : 'Lorane o Churubusco | pe Kosclupko : = om Pierpel Lake RKZadoo Contrad? y larks a N re “Village wos Korea eh z Pp E/E = vax \ Medaryville Om Ripleyt ew. L : & ey A ° Kints f Core“ ghpwiaga jo P UL A K | L Pahoa tsT ms z Se eee = =: Mountayr/ + Surrey =/p ae sve Ambler © M 7 Liberty Mills Taudo N = i = Pogu es Sa JASP E Shc Bnet Abo! . He & \Haviland 0- 4 ol Rensselaer, ~ ¢ €\, Beaver Chey =| WwW L == | Brook’ > jiflfan MoCoysburg “i ney Ossiand a a tAde! Z 4A (Foresman : Markle lp S ows Y Peroy Jo. Xow ‘Hurlansburg x ° 5 es Oe | buen W, TSeg, im, hae 2 Rockereek Babe Pp. t. {Gor on Heyy HOF "mer \ 3 H Bi “Foe tersqn pRadnor| ; Carroll of", Duckrell P StS oR pe ns OS ae ) {Welch | ~ elina\, a Ambiya®™ on EN C. agon LA fs Bo ak % us \ 1 =, levnd Richs paxtore G28 pier 03h Roll j Montpelier Wall?) ° | [New Coryaons TE Sa vb Fftenay) S50 | oftorveim pS Battlesround | ngboioge PVC |S oe pide roar ZS LE 4g SmayzE Jonesboro RIL, gilts /Slocum? Wie a pike 9 Clan Grand = = so |, at eway,, Cree as / Slocum’ Bh > = - ‘Montmorenct Se kiongfke Meat! | -\ wild sp Ai 6 rece’ Normal oN ok i AGN ee A KFORD Pew vis Poting Ample eservoir : 9 el} ¢ " 16 Ferran ee SY Pine Villagg gee Owascoh Cutter] oKere] New Loridon Guy), 4 rabeety & 3 oNiartford CityPX Priam; Corkwell \/ Portland oe Laf. i Atay onitor Roseville\Sedulinp CGeetingsville F Phi [Lese n octal _ Ridertown 4 o gps C ‘afayette “ . ussiaville {Oakford 9 Sa achy py, oer Millgro & E. ts = Greenbill 4 oP ambria\, Moran Beard —-, - 0 RIOT EO es ville © Let payor Kiln ass 1 {Wiles | Benddum rate fre \ ; Jefferson a 4, Ol, Tiptome. Ef, OX & Clarkshill > >. FOUNTAI N Seine Hazelrigg mlemene W eu Recent 0 Olare: A BOS s0u C4 % Fev ‘ “ he ee, Sato ot) nondaleBNOzgO N E_©¢ ‘ AMILTONo LY Ae : Eigssl os Gasen , cr op a8 - , cyeste’” SL Middietown| ¢ 1 “Ye Voblesvill o\ | [OK Roge sviilee ants Clarksv ile} Pendleton Sy\phur prings>. ui OP Cadiz. as 3 SD alone He a NAR Yawn’ \, vet fainut bent Mills ewport Lusk Springs as , dstleton wd West Union— Brownsburg + ls Willow &- AS Snacks PP é os " SieCora ville G- Piece, ; Flacky —— t Maplewood : New}Maysville \inbridgeeH ENDRIC K S ayrone (Hadley WE Aico Soe 4 O fe > w% q ather-S/ Sand Creek + Re 1 {ua City, wood Rockville RI ville. mo RIC Abington peson - an 5 Van Oakland a > Plainfielg 9 o , Fle Pecksbur; -[ePVilomath S ih Vv. Fillm, Ceteenie Pe ent Camb ats Sie eClifton| /Limedale b Center Val. he ox Kitchel9 A: | ZW roe netl Seeepeoes - caer = le Union tonts C: 4 ae Mas yclittlepoint %, tgs ees © Minetreé yo = :: Charjeston =ieeleralle gin vesdale_| 5 to, pipet ere s . _ ss CONT x te Oliveton Bentley 5 = “i No Sat Mixersville | Franklin }, BATS e ESS ee ranch iw Ban c: “Amity® \ | to, 2, oy ileXo! : : "a {| a Nineveh q\ y ietin 4 Hutton Blackhawk \, i = . Eainbuey ‘Rock Pimento : regen eae semen Se A Re Corne}ius SSpearsfille Vigo Shady Grov 4 °Prairie Greek foe OY Meado 3 o Ramelton DE/CA ze R Bate; eats Fairbank armerst ir . u i =7, Helm! burg rt > air bank ®t E: yj c) a € ( Goailcit < vijle. o 7 Helms of ledna mm bert ¢~ Hartsville: Porestbill yTna o Standard (4 Elma\ A A HU. = re & Nashvi er Columbus Newberno ! aville/o " 7 ° ye . oOo; ' = ° 4 St 1 -_—<—— i Brookville hoon ieee Se we: S| Mt. Carmel Sulpburhill Clarksburg etamoi r z= o “ N N 1 St. Maurice ° RA pss pea A ae Winterroud , Greensburg —— Shelburn eb, ASE ye it myille x g © Staffordshi aS Coatmégat” Mt. Liberty 0 | BARTAD Loess 2 = x 7 re SAL, anchester $ Glendors [ Ghson Hill Y fuse PB RO {oo Lockspring \ | eae ae + Bullive a awsgu iS ,Lonetree “| orthington OE ome “IP ogtiville. : = = | | wo “oz, ting Carry Buddha ape 7 Belleview | ¢ Bruceville diyatt, Reon Mes rambles ¢Ss! Rivet val\ OY ih Writs? China © Moord SWITZERLAND \ . : 7 Saft FF ates = ‘ Mitchell © & eo Glascy LE FF E\R S 9, N eld Naskiand| gene 2 jnity Sprin: aN - Mill; 24 ehukfort 3 Creswe ion p ©, gnes sf DJAAVIES ig ee Nes oe: a : ce Madison. Brooksburg Vevay7 ares eaten. pro Georgia Bonoo} eKinl elaney & ° Day DIC ono | O R ¥ We 00 mo Loogoote: ee Eee sale Rane Lesterviile ‘Seditsburg es \ Craig Yy V a AULA: N = : Ss: as é = ° 3 3; o Sw mbH ‘ : Ne Verne | _- ——Siontgombry aha Bonlies “Banas, [FBoceek 3 aoe) Valley Uthyork°# 5 8 2 Nitineton Aber 5 olay) ay N i = St. Francisvill) Gai bi Monroe City ¢- ;Washington y Whitfiel Natcher_ a e Leipsic s ASHINGTDN |.teotag Hardy Norrell ped 6 Carrollton x Sn en homas .wiy\is NS Se =a ning _ Windom oe ck Campbells ron Salem New|Philadelphia o| Salada ° etter ERR OO > Veale 1° laysvi T - ——— . ° Beall > io River ee Al ordsy ille o Paoli Bromer p exaviils South Bos}onle (2s Marysville/? Marb! TRIMBLE ' Decker, 2, ws") Waco Bat “Clover® Hooker | Bartleo ' y - Otto < yo ° tt ORANGE ! east River 5 Henryyille ° < olva etionle Bethlehem o yw" =e ae Petersburg Reeves sou ike. Chambersburg oRosebud ee Memphis Vesta, Ly v7) V ‘ Algiers; _ Portersville Sat Youngs Rego° Haloo Pens en / eee aa Poy | aS Cato o { alates iabols: fee Creek Valeene Hardinsburg oH ie L is RK jf ie) t = He Patokar- ovine Pu/ | K E a PS, BY fet er Pees insbu bo ee od 3° /ia|Gran e be ! Albion a {Oakia, Ayfs raat fell, 2 Jasper Elon|° ae __o Fargo | SCodhdein oPalmra gE aus rlesfown O 5B pa lB Ch, Patan) Joy 0 BROS Wigklifie z, qeNiarenee» &/ ° oHancock 5) atord Scottsvillel > OLDHWA RATIGISGG f Oarthue d Schnellyille © Sou, ng yeh a Milltow Central, © | ford oGalena/ —— ° N Supeet oral 8t./ Anthor Birdseye, 2 “Dep uw Seoeor rney. Re LOY /D Ht Grayyviite Mt. Vernon Je. aR SE Hartwell s> De CRAW F ORD Ramsey Marl va et Z / a - TN- M * Fort Branch . /Mackty ee wot aq FHontingburg litte yy; ,Granteburgo 7, Corydon 4° Thi , * = g ZA TE tha Grifin_ a Buckskin pe lhe Ne West Fork ot arps Mills /-YEW }bany/ WEA FB : Oo; 3 enti co = 15 4 ° ‘owe! = Sou, ime = ynthi: a Tracewel £ Sealecvile Johns rg Ferd oSiferia /” iSuipbur, WrandoGee — hitecl, 0d Breck Hon (! Louisville 4 8 a & > Pp Seville ATStaser Elberfield Hemenway 0 ‘Selvin ante sions Taavenwo) Le Corydond eosin ¢ Pofnt\ € } ‘New Folsomville o Heilman # Dal oR iss nt Fredobi: \ ©Kings Sin : | A armony $ 2 Eby ° 3 ale ae illeo Oriole o a a HARRIS RSON PP a paren reho {LW AR BIC KA Aina iy PSE TR opNenty oy gelti | SE et ‘ NEP OF EAL Chena ete Foseat SBP Vall hiss py R ffrrxer iatenen Fish is te SENG Rivlado & eer Pen Pegonis/Sprinee SoppHusmar y Terry Shey best r, (nitus’ Valley Cit 5 Leh ee y G rwin St, Phili & nee he Boonvil 3 ‘ Lil Es) tus yy City 38° NS ee | Sara Mp OS \zip; ghtLine Jo. [{Chrisney ill pales Derby I= ‘ Elbprt Dos hiya OTA = pee £2 oParndise ys” SP E/N GER ° ! $ Rack por ° =f wwe x bE ES] Newburg yw? Sullock o "Doi {uan ° Geng a_Evans Landing, ‘ * “Q EZ ioc! os Hs a vine nN Lie Grand} View Tell Cit) o Clyde |! om ( e SN 3 es Od (Ness oe f en Yfa 5 torlnert |, Canfielton Ro BULLITT SCALES bis os atte atfield j GALLATIN \ ’ o Bureks exprise / YO Statute Miles, 24 = 1 Inch. 7 y ear, So Enter ; ° 9 ) Z ea aes Fate HANCOCK BS p18 29 30 49 50 l 2S. aN ENfE\RSON Mon Ai renbhots—— He Mest tate ea cine ae 9 = wen} bore Toapivade West f a * opyright, 1911, by Rand, McNally & Co, + 2 e vom Greenwic A 88 B Band, McNally & Co."s New 11x14 Map of Indiana. 87° ——S$S$j$?>?———s Copyright, 1909, by Rand, McNally & Co. D BE 86° F ° G be H Ao =—lé#&B Cc 91° eS nt PS haloe HS. Ke LAE, Veal 5 , Hickory Ridge J KNOX f Lima : , |Peo. : | 40° RE NX ATLAS OF THE WORLD. D Seward P 1c “KTO 8 6) yrtle a Parke ‘ } ae A Le) sa or aie \W\\\ & oe Pet E 3 I J K x ies 90 88° GRANT | | WW7q/ LAFAYETTE } | : o t Dub o. 2 tw ‘(iS : L ooeg (= 3 tp, — Ce ay) Bh, < e sitfe SRERHENSON oh) aa k jeago / ¢ \ 1, Peoat? Pe edtiniel Haft x \ cx > ny SS \\) Ridott]| Roc PS \\ = nae ger ngs Vall A Sheridas wa FN NY WA De jo 4°. o\ Maquon & Elmwohg MS Adams, Liberty, Pay eqn vie 39° 1 Dan\ille | ¥ CALILAWAY 1 Steelville | 9 er \\ co Marble Head Chestline (ramberaburg Hillsbo: fo) ro Ww BU scaalay foption p i ‘Morrisonville Ws t tage Soran °Eberl ‘i er le: ogotac St Mb Bible Grove ° ightund — ee Beoy, te, : oe A we se ae New’? lo, oF Minden,°2 Yo" anwick T@marog /~ Sw: 42°) Veedersb TAIN 9 +5 —— —= —————— PU\TNAM (Oakland City Ke WARRICK Boonville iss +. i> —t_ | i, Potosi o ‘ PHELPS | CRA/WFORD | 4q eI Ne I | | At bs 10 Bismarck K> Lo ' “S ILLINOIS SCALE Statute Miles, 32 = 1 Inch. 20 30 40 50 Rand, MoNally & Co.'s New 11 x 14 Map of Illinois, Copyright, 1911, by Rand, MoNally, & Co. Copyright, 1909, by Rand, McNally, & Co. 91° 11 0 5 60 — R DOLP Stay Generiers oe ey Genevieve ™ re Glielss > N \ STE Xe S : a ’ Farmington o, 4 £ GENEVIEVE | ee 0% ES eh eP {hedtfor : IRBASON ve ip fi arr : 5 i Di At ctonen ange ERY || 24 ATLAS OF THE WORLD. 5 87° 6 9 i. eerie 1 NORTHERN PORTION OF MICHIGAN. A hg SCALES. , 3) (| / Statute Miles, 44—1 Inch. =—— vIn. cw 0 er20ystiaoe s0%%...40'O Sean SS ii ~ pa a Ae / emBAY Seg a ay: al SAA SHA “if LB AND ey en eM) Antoine} Zi aM Grose ST E Ae eis FVUOF a \ Phillips| At Rup {nudes LY ER Uy? i EN 2G \ WRAL) VAS SOP \ . f \ NG MAW ( \ Be = EZ, Zz ofiUZ Ft. William 4S” /Monico per? Ss B)utterfeld, range! Maniste once + log Big, Bena Cadillac i= as Dolph “ 2 ES * fh © \| //// A Mer Gry Qi? ~ HobartdLucasa _. 72 » | / WN pee EL. Meta 2 honed Center Yas yma = Prescot = | Lig Mf iy eae ~\K 7 f Osceola. oy Park Laks Zot Skea, Hpaieg oMaple dT ner | ( Monit Y, ) / i ih, 4 *. eee 2 ; Br wo, Dighton? srerfat I oy Ne field ° 5 bh ‘as! ME Ridge= Ties W ] } anllow IC/X\/ = ters) = be, SFT \Tustin® Harty Q Pépnocks ? YY, R fo. Cr4 Wid, é * “A 3 yr) oO Kip 1 rit Og 4h, S 4 250 \G 44 WINE d My) \ 4 (; ( oy a a a3 oaedoy Cp sonlgiee i me HR yey 7 = Sterliur Omer aor EE ]] 7 1 ahi a KE? / » _ Oy 4 renc =) ok re Wk 7 = YY ainetor S| oo, od Ames OOM ONL AER metvee Tt Sh inash PORES LUN eAG Am ren op F Pinch ior F Ose Ni aiteon Te, 957 seers, NB fatton ily» Sed MI (eas jutversy ille NAO re SONGS —" Toit sO Chippewa axta we ae Coe We hy ee <= \))| || Revere aanistyre8 7 | Reed City Evart Sta. ? Bro Dosey tonsP ESE’, toy Sc. AT le teen S = WWilev eu Y 2 st ec. i é Kant PY Hey "Nokon OTRAS Ohigreey AE Slate cs eaensille/ SH it Fo ae rane SAY ZS if 1) penises Cee barge FA YR Roan ay Mee AL) BAA WN ee 2 oe = aan Go w/ ((Setien WY a> "Lake Aegp = idelbow LF Ui iM ‘ars Roin i se an Oy: Soy p iq] [fee tht ON eae acht ig » | >. tsa e eS) Viner 7 ecosta’ len, a ~ : MOS 7 HemodT Tr AB EAL A {% ees Dee EF \\\\pendng Stanwood. MinyeorlS ABEL A | ep) 5 SPEER 41 Crayford o Shepherd }_Br Fe-, Cross. Clay Bank® © Borland 4/tona Ay SPortere” \. Lapel? out ; oD Ae Bree Tost? o 8; y + Fre \ Flower Oro ge Reynold Sg Mla eke ee Re a, Se \\\ \\\ testis. Howard —<“Amble = te Sy % ; \ ite ° Cit. ‘% West VM = a c .= g 4 ae vate” ‘ay As Brae orig ‘onitmH; OPigtsofM & T C/AL Milas shland N ge ty >» SaTrufent 0 ' : ". j ore Lee. ® SP Langston Stahton GRA \ Milling- | Clifford \\\\ \\\\Dajton™ \ \Mters < \\ ae O11 HS \ Pti Shermanl” (G \ Lakeelsy a , erry we CS \\ \\\\ \ \\\ \\Y we . \ \ \ \ W NUN ton Fostoria [North asnovia 7 TS SF SSN Got pOMrsp x9 Gs 08" nO oo) - Sd FS OO ot ane OS ety go™ ae. GP oe a Q it ASS SF \SF— EO oak GS ea ee | g Sa F Miller, : ; ay Banh Edgerton alee Penwith Briogo cary 7 got. = 1 - Union Homeo. *Bannister page Wing RSs = : floc tathardaton ~Bisie) Woods) Cors, | Mapie Rapids Du Plat 1 Fowle: Shepardsville ?\ \ i HNN LN Lske fere Te: \' \\\ AUK {Mi 6 giwont . x 23 stot hs Peso ty De Raw Pos a 6 Fatlasfodre, 8° Mui Asana: I Ryne ‘St-Johns BUOY Mccoy Ads yorestal MH, CLINT ® NBenaington, Cea Saranac | } ollins ~ Westphalia ingsburgGo* 3 B.Riley 0% Ze ee . i] 9 ae 7p - N. LWA Dutton p> ty. Orange | APortland _ o's Acn, Aleka Qe Subdwa Bering a its gan RNG oa Teeporto o 1s ,, Leville off caved ma Boe: waaal ee Sioa i LANSIN at 4! stiles = 4 Pensaukee // == Osi irgeon Bay V/\\ eat ‘4 o , O% SMorriec L. Shay ss Pulgifer 7 “ Bf Gare A Tey ALTE a o ¥ 3 J = BES Cy ae ere on Manaws i} 4 ( FAV. we Der ~ Uh he B= Rosallon 5 ES : feo sieial Suing A Madeiy 9 W : \iehte// ° : hee fog 3 Gd, =/Greenieat™ Yeon BO: Bt “Yeart RSRSUL ER Pembarrass\) Laneyo Myembleg J = Ducks, sna /, Why YN or OD OI Bost 5 fa a Big Falla pce” PA - (5) ; = o Flintvillae Re ol o), ‘Say / Cf, // / SIO Fb. oP Perue Pease BS clinto ad a LAL + S&L Gomicrn gs Sola. Ca, Ep Rankin ///////// 5 EUlib ns Peree fy vv. Le, Pe PL eo FCO Lbpeaagy Ne Casimil: OF cg OGarie AGA ann F x ht NG ay a8 Ureek /} “ > ow 0) elds = Ge o 7 > 5) Se : ur Boone Vilts Sheriian M4 \W\ ekooes s Bancroft ProLone Piney pet ood Askeviaty 9c S Gia he ds \))) iti 7 ey oNew Rome To Jo : + 0 oRing ride ) line, nny) 00d SoS, << cEatop 27/))/)/]/ NOES emits aU Z me - a" m/f! i 7 eget Agen | re ercewien)//// Til; OAla KSeven|Mile Cree omedkhine Hldwards rov +. ‘Bove’ p* Fieota’*rdric,,, [Plainfield o = oasis => pf eMoneee Cotter, fost ws Spring 2, em re oy Far, i Wi A U 12) aes x CBee 40 Necedah o 4rkdale tpickrlrd > aise tm Pilot Knobs f 44° = a ees panonl_() = berty Blut. a n - ¥Friendshi @ a lame Grand Serio Ble 7S enelde gi\ Meg le rm renter” e] Mery Marsha | 0 Nwast su oe p YEaston —Lowrees Harrisville Teas MAR\QUETTE g sca eeh L- é vz ford & i stella? 2 b ee a aca nee POND, De NN sig quer. sis eB 3 GS) p ville} ? > ‘do SMapcheaterss % 4, ones a Oitignd Xingat % %Oa\iC ie wie OTharmsd Sotolne ye See a ae “it aa o£ Site Lae’ Ar Atwater 4 EG Php ot Poe etpor capris, JFox Lake Cally .HOUSTONo | Caledonia G— . ss nm . iv4 yo Hing //})] ‘yron\Campbelisport |o|"raldo 40, stby ] 6509 0} 5 Bee rss) ~ 4 ret 4) » VAL | ‘ ‘ond do. of Sst rane ts hy ) At i ih GaBwneeeseect AARLIP Oro far if ot¥OA C Greendush to" SSE LA *O\Elmore Silver Or. [DacadalG dar Gr j Ni ° Pru igi 8 mir Cpreatis ten hey, eke S2 Ash ur | & $Belzium | °foly/Cr: Druccker/, qa\milton Rathbun\® “N- o) UZ ) Bien SHEBOYGAN Aer [ Mn i Bocktow {Burr J \Umon Vente oy, 2 Wonewos 6 alley Laboro Dedatio o of WwW. uba ie /; =) Cuzenoviar M1, f /, aS> "Rando Bue 30 \ -/ Time Kilns PRockbrid Back Os Toyda | E- HAND we aot ae rol : DE"O oD Hujfetiafora ae . =3' «Norway, pe Daveh Oro 2 qh F Snoztury A Springfield. %s ij Ni Ve > d 5 eo Ane {laide“Kreo® eNg P ESP cao Wynn OES NE part = : iohgh Onion, Latto, Hydbo Bias posé Pian alere oe O° W | A paroerld MSG Summit, De \dserilig a le oe

onroe we Polk 8 Y* 5h CAvort a es 2 EETOINE ‘BO ONE |Woodstock’O 2 c. & N. -L\e” WISCONSIN SCALE 12 Statute Miles, 35 —1 Inch, 0 5 10 20 30 0 50 60 | = Ay HBA Ne r ot A gs° K rik ‘Rand, MeNally & Co.'s Newll x14 Map of Wisconsin, —— Sel A B 92° c i) 91° E. ATLAS OF THE WORLD. N. E. Corner of STATE OF MINNESOTA, — SHOWING ; sh COOK COUNTY. = = E. G Ac b asians Cedarbend ~ oPencer Ohe o ) Kennedy o Wannaska Teian “Enok Donaldson Thief Oy : Mo ; Rolls 2801 Oe ° | = fa Strandquist Me ern\ationa Falls LS ng Psa dae Lake suwrenstY Ingalls |2 | iG eo em y Tne 4 Bays? — Liyavet . i) FEE a / Situ L. : Bifcee 3. a, ; S } i, * Grygla°| Orbeimo © Malcolm ; IN QS , } ISLAND fi anor” Germantown co Carmel y Crooked Lake cel MMMM PD a ob LAA ; io 2 S| Warren>y »Brayo Stay, ‘Qin, RED LAKE = 4 ke. "LA ino. K°E Water SSS Sp | 0 Wank Quy Cys ke - BMcE ett Lake PRS SAD Sek SS I, aN - SYR" fives or & S fporothy P-O, eae: Hilltop] g yehirley RSER? [Hook ye 2 we ~ N = NS Hazelde oS n Lo pexD Gemmell 12 fre Si \ DEERYCREEK rr eG ryt : / Northome : -_—- d nd a RQ Deer Lake XR Vermillion 7) ed & (Aw Lit 4 Lake Hout? « atte ‘esfanley ee fs é Big duck Vancepass > York Rive’. Le Lam bert Rive, Q 3 Bow String Ls it) \TurtlA\Lakes D i] Pearl Lake %& Y © aa L can iS ° yy, ey, aug Key) Beltrami ScFosston 4 : »gsicc 5 Sletten “s |e 9 = TJuelson dv WPA Sah we River { Lockhart Sundalh WHITE EA NO RIM AN {Gary Nie 4 Cy, “e;, \Mahno Faithoh le = oer RecN Pio] Wheatrille Ty; KK. Calledonia Sy Shelly ? a, Trout LAW ain . 2»fWabano L@® wie fe %, Ga L. 0%, o OUP GZ Mud( Cohasset XO, ©) ; ISNc 1 Srstsie “. ?. gS in y ds Hubbard v= ° * uh Shell City ay 2 N. Pp “Otter Creek bel ian pH awndale \ » 5 sn aki E id su¥4 : og “Ge: Be | oStod OU po 2 ae as ! , are eo Aa ik AR TA % 7 Erharts ah 9 ae Gull Badar lake shoe ice Lake Finlan ~ f sxe A ) 0 AECR a7 R’. Moose 5 > a F ° Oo a T E Ramorh Thor {> —_ pockli. Mo pe ew ies 7 - -— --44—- ests AS cs —B fumacyo Maine? orter 25) Otter Tail Cy, Gao ., QB lizastfAS CRG=aBalDoral (faced * o oY We Be Batile Late, &Parkton . g Farm Island Lake f; Wealthwood, 2 mckeree erric! Ne 8 Hennin; SS Ze Wrightstow: Aa TAN ° &% %& “3 Np Vining Almora BS Hay ~ KBay be lonesvill6e! © nerd ich? Willpw River | 4 Eilson Ve Kettlp River Ae cs Finldyson( YES Batning? Philbrook ory Riverside P.O, rtha 4G, y NWA CESS # WAN d Wey Zz Leaf Mountain }Prairie Effingtong Kron Leaf elBY < atsttervi tvansvilles “ Kg 3 = ier, ,O 5 © Fneslanddo’/ Sani Hingkle ° issign Cr. * 4 | 7249 Pr70049 Littletalls7~ 0) Pp S ral akis ° d Pillsbury 0, Round ew Norcross Hoffm Herman iS ‘atehen® =z ‘ ls 3} Seroun. 14 oy lf ® Wheaton ~ x ' oss L. aS Boo! LA aay if Dumont~- STRAVE|RSE | M2%¢, 3 Collis’ AP, ONDA Prairie i o\ Rices Ne ot, ee ers > i “FYlexroh . oSt. Wendall : %, AWhippl {Sedan °t oN % OD 3\o Sedancl: bel a3 3 ed = ° G- Estes,Brook Q a i vill ON, Parent \7 Po. 6 ile s ¥ Sta. | Nes, lagerile We NOTE. 6t.Cloud°D\elm LK O, fo? 0’ Brig IKE. B4.Clou Be : Zo NQ\ Hevongantitfsee > CBrooten® Si atte Ns. ENE S ERBU AN\e g a lida NN. OfG, Clinton (_ by KA Batavia)’ / 3) °. ° J . : a he Clearwater Je, 57 See es Gienfi ¢, Gn. ae Mn atari rg Constr i7,cedar Uses St 7 = 4 Augasta 2 NS rorhGlita “Erjokad, ~oQeTmEE V<. 0 Sf Nivholaa. ON Clontarf Chip® \ Swift Falls Ring ONS Oghlson : gripes Prairie ‘Lake tit, y ig Ky & a ° Enfield 4h Benson &: Paco SiNKS, Ko Ortonville Fi ville, Bitoor E unction 8 Devratil, anne ge Hiner care x Anbat Nontioello™ Swenoda)°g Murdock ¥, 1,2. Ringd/i. A pnanngk (pal os ey EDar na s eet & Kerkhboveawi 2Nevada oD Me ot. oForelon$, Sepp agan—> = Pennock Sta. ont! lm, ; f BN GIbR BET Ey b 5 : Dine Oese | fs Bellinghom| © MITT sone Re 0. Not oes % Se, v igtld Ea y —J 8ST. PAUL LAC gui Farle SON LW ped, SKapsauepeetin |. Litehfleld QPS BO Y Vat is 4 Madison sd (CHIPPEWA “a Nb vou 2S. Bonniwelle Mille . rs At 4 Q 0 q S du Havelock Oy ~ Sieh o — L-? Rosendale 0. B= Howarth A$ TAs 45 ft ° BB iicabeth nleafo Sy n, Kejatone Lake ; l Kandiyohd La = Crow sil — Gf oH inateli Watertow Gets Pd a * Ae] Rosela ladon. ~ —- ftonY rso™ | LcineN acae é Fe 3 Tovator BS SCALE f ae NE Fg8 porta OULD 4 Bos | Tanley Sy5\ Statute Miles, 34=1 Inch, 10 20 30 40 Rang, MéNally & Co.’s_Now 1x 14 Map of Minnesota, Copyright, 1911, by Rand, McNally & Co. see " ST u f ae ‘ a Vt cE fakes uss Reopen tly Ned 5 —_ Ss ot) * alls “icks REN 50 oO Oo > TIF for Ry sear it Gare = esta 01 arshall W,|0 o'D ut Dale te @ st... % é 3 Henderson " hiag, Hendergon Sta) wo ty Burk Bier fa ~o~ ‘Noreolai Se VPs 20 OO ue / ny a sweden gy on We ee BND, Og, “Pe, ‘s ab, AL & NOSES YA rn E fleidabergo. " ‘Le dering o's SNe toe Concur ey ([{Henryo EN Sal So Ks oes o® A e mp ‘ )) i =| — — now —_— res alleen y, % a Ma, 1001) = BIAouy TP ToyuesuaLyy =r Oo SESE) —— - —— Y-~ Wee | yenag a out 4n0 ie (i a : aousfinrPatO o sarppen 3 ‘a pareisiewry Prsoawadn mings = =e ; fosea0n ” SUNN | mnoufog 3 “SS wowotty7 HD paooid} P\eadonang, —f sondpa A” 4 pee noaAny > Sonia pisvind oFNOW rue PUU[pOo AL © 9 IAW IW Forge PXOFPOA ' a . oAorH WOM 7 la 3 gt oe no aN eas Yn tiv oa a itt hd THN oer | uoa Tt 404 = f mwops.109, 1 by ' bs ae! eA01y) h oot es ay Fu/fdao ay SS 2 ie) 19 uouanYy! 5 » 2 tAstno'TyT Ss ree ”. PE SS | fe H §-V-0 gors0h™ | Posie ° W | "PUNK -aoworf 4 : p> rs Ta{AoN & Cousegr Loo tN. \ IN * BIQUIN]OD | ; er | lige seas ° ] la = © sulied pug ° QR j : ot q \ - r iv : > 5 Ea oa ie ai 2 eat eee fo 0 faye oF y; he TA, o \\\e mc! » Me, 4 (hs f 23puPid ongedog, TT Sy9qrT 4ON fueysy 99085) © yoosqaujadg NoSYNOVE Aad Je Rev: 5S \ ~ POOM® Tedor3e No 09 9 LTreNOW “pIeY fq “TIGL ‘qashdog sumo] Jo duyy $1 x 11 #ON 8,°09 F LUIeNOTE ‘PUTY T7 ot o s "youl T=L% ‘Sel 99N9vIS ATVOS or boas Sl hog woxn aoyayydoH | d uvayy a qurog £119q mts} UO yNB Me 2 1 202 33V NY aut Sas pow? 5 2 pred?s 48 ° m[ainqsiusEy v, y azepuny Yt ie ° AN assou Soa oz) sara M3IHSaM au0ysPPT9 FF Od ~~: Jeo td ~ Livog,_/] Nea yawn pug ay io yaroa 299099 L = & A | steqsn = WA & uoparg Soy aoy aTPAHeqItD o puomfuy z © 1978S pe qendo'”7 ‘ oqyApUviaatH adsay o _ 6? +4 mosses Ss Ww Cdl Sa me omy 19489 u arjquday° b Zang syolsape mosli10 pT fa38) a90re) parton SONS ON RSs A} gym N TS HEUIO PE | prrjoy Been 9Spiy 29 a1 TT ° } 5 “3inqaui luo Ss Wdtud OUTINGS ie LLL. ed ~ a =) & RS rt 6. % oO. vay, NOLONIHSYMA: Teg\s TYHYAD aognpn ° CIOL 1 2 2 2) “a ae eg 2 8 "op, oO \eyermn £ re i} b puryieqing 1invesyvs * fh ob6 S oq AIOUTTTL \z PleyIse AA. [3 ATLAS OF THE WORLD. ent yous. NOSIQaYV 9 ung 4°9]), U07104 APY e\ Deepest A) = 7 opuginie OF td VO ac more fy equeyt A DMOps u SARIAS. a EON ae Be akwa out 0 SeLOUUT oyna, ee “Ef ppeyevp —_ Suouoyqsoy = ‘eg WSO “eadhy Aunpy oTyssp esd fF WOO alto) O DF YY Ondeqg puta oua¥ | soso suyedys amy Daa 1 ros (e} Atos eg \« = Set Be eta’ Td = s80U optt as % Es "1 imyo of g ee % Tes eprad 4% | mouwz, ep MPA eraqusy, I1Asouyul) : SUT o ; = oo y ” sf ae “2 opp “sore msEyy 92M TISUS gay Gurpory Vonwyr. | 2 = ny AK y ouong Je] — = = = Cousyua = wong 2 waateg oe4 nemogry., = — % tay ounyod “aave, ’ Toon Op 200, Oi? \ for TAVIS oury, NV/1S1 p no a DIULNPT Ouy ' 910990. * 4 forte’ won ts \o 77 ane ore e =z °. spisquol Cyjoray ° sid SS mar Urea = 2 Sur]1219\ |. ey #8, 3) osne = oo wou ys apoule[y =o oxIN O /N SCTONAY ; —\-anxiong lh rete hh savy 1 L pacype C%, | \ . 3 A VaffTAcopuag > 5 pt Vo" L, s88900Qg° seoqg , foro MOP PPD o Ustree tN FG Sojnag a97e A pooh? TESST TT fe pes ctniel 7382) 9 8102.1n09 & pope re be podo Hour a ONTIUONIID of. Se rercs war} Li Ray yoo! 7 rs 5 180,04 Lore, sony W811 9 oes J mo. ‘ 0 || 0p NOISN 31X3 WANYOO 1S¥3 HLNOS ~ Pyapyy onady Ca a ey Ran poke jour, Bure eas pu feemienoy cee Re ed. 4 A HH Peueqgong yt a $3 ic Soe OUR SDeHIM WOE Se Bey % oe : d paudosush J 1B POL IB pen, EAC = Pm, quowseg? 4 50 y “% INH tory Avge CSue ahing> < ust o PFE BON 7 7, 30d) a: : foynad Ub dieaag paquites g A 990810, | won = + AHAWOD\LNO | SmqswrNl: Ady La ES AsO] es ; 5 oe — PEE y eS * xnopign PIGNOY o apnag, nT, oT = arwjgo| ° Carre | acct, i. aN ye u spo Le | Atri) © 5 cipe’ a = NE Sor ssenat 4 a) Buy d o Pe SUOT f re Oe MesIqoulea® Pam, tounge, see va "Ye, OW 1s V7 n gpg err apap aes? ang! Te 23 poomTy oa¥ cS S911} ; fragqaomuae] fi a . ¥u\D—- ioe Youd vggl Rxoyoyry, = 9,019) sees! é = ‘i = oro oH pidzeyy <3 x aao.ipy sz? \ ROY aotg anuprgih 0° UA? pT yeininaop = aan addoy, aaos Fry a ee | ~ a ng te C2 froupy et JUIN) “sie au-tng fing cs awa) folttin ) dio = [ SP One DO. SF “faymv, S| Spey A 4omog POTApaw osOny ° a o Lt spo’ #dtudg aaorp° Saye | is £3) Smquudy. —_= TD qusug, ‘Se 980d, 90 {3 : = eee) ae ees UKs °fayrey sadoaig AO S og. UR ramuafag ‘JV1N V GJ mea, % LNsT =] — tivook eta you » SUTHL Dyey— arog UDQM meth 9 QB yoo SUES PUM yor SP UPI wn As MOL eay> Srsqapa J | “0 92tULD JOM 5 OZIH> —97)1a.LN2HoaqT syupra 1049019] pwosquow> mi 5 Tata Z E ° 1) aS \ ay Spero ih yO *rdogg y 9 $,0gsuue, a ayuaed Pt ya. : myo Renin amsog hore POUT v fmba3} vruvazige =f) UO a 10749038) fora ° 977% Mo p Lott be Q°1A taepeoy 3100, FO, sag FL, OSE oy £ ie 2 a ee ee Se "oF AIPNOIN “PUY MG “TLEL F4BIEKdog — "0 7 ATENOW "POwy Aq ‘coat ‘4s thdon spnorepy 50 dupy sy x Treen #,°00 % “INO “PHP A 0s OF 08 0% or “youl | = €€ ‘SOUW 33P383S ‘ ATVOS Fonndg 44 Toye fv fosmneed ho Pag? Laegry J PPUR A, OFT | oysooN (TOMO op IN OL + ee PITTA Sagoo olf 3 3 stend " gadsepy 912 g WATE : bopagooy a} otot4%O pluMUT HopaTAL = 78 qyaey Hevysng =| “aud Os ee SS SS A YOM yDiiogy BB [twayo~ Sane SINT, F013 ff Loud fow0W Granags hyoosomnpT g27,.270210 | coat po omouieapt 4 Pas MLE Ow, onoqeantiug yoy qe yPittanda leony SS oy ONT YK Lg venetian Po prey? | AY 98q) ao y sou puryqey | §/ souapyaorg \\ Ae {AIG auywgoy Os paeenine vy mos of i fou. 2 2H go; ey Y ‘Ude1 90 ‘soxseoig, di 0,0 | (engunyop Aa 4 122 pail uapat A 1 <. wdoysio9 Qoorfae ys > selgmaiep Grecia TAOVIPPITA } ~Thyt ye Be oti T Se > 1H wg | Spon > N 1 “t= p=) SS ee SINqsapIEA, § ~~ ayO} 5? wy oy? ~ : 8, quan Spaofiisyy * Moyer f Z 7a 22 eanisindh, st kona © seers J Seok QS surpeon Pain TM CAPRIS IL | O14 VN ory vpDn Pang Ye Wear ° + noparsy } = AS O91 80; <4 waekan| wosr077 > euring, | Bin Srp wots o qotean "490, PPI p pale es onl Ae 2 ee 09, 10N™ E> us Tr : 5 4 Kong E oc ird Muayarog Luar) 0 Wee, [ 1 “% § a = J ——\ fox 0) = $ - qd a E J ounfap, ere: Seat TPP OM? o6803] ONT a = f wt To sua — Un Ane Poe wy | “88 __ Sturn ty ; t eUvpoy “hp eBpozy WORT O/\S - y Pedhsadg 9040, sugydayg f202) sod 3) IN ano yo! & sf Sangehoi NT o moazin’ 2 " is) “ aug |) Pom Oy y aE) | Tory oqu DIESTB US aH i oub ety (? foauesea, any" 0. es ae OPT — daxor NOS a) = 01 : 4OqUND oF 9D. { 10,9047 8 Wore wm). 2ady, Daag. y a) sty at Sof dappayy ¥so0/Bysh 2 ——> nl oO ' Gf Nemes mia cow cf feornoig on = B10 (ro a OO A NOS | E od Ran A fs how = u \ s03/o% i : NWA I Vy, bab j Tippay ed A prevent = fg 19019) Sf4 rug prvyqordg 4 “hes : Fz Aer ais a 1 mop in 0 uorpa o3 . ane Ps gy BMOIMEN fadoz o attapomrery 5 inp Rupe , — wopore P50/}42 F/ wOyUL AE WN ls Wihnik ubaay re ‘O WS Fig ae: Eye ae nei ep eer ee atpabenseys |? Gen i» Low M2 >: | 206 thy I off H 2] 028 a DD SS N 066 SSS = = == : SSS == Wo]MGoerg MOIy 789.4 opngsaoy ) ViduEVe TT ON 0 9 {SNOW ‘pawy 44 ‘TI6T “s4%afdog >. L — ana Bo NG at a 4 - N oe ol J “sesmreqzy 30 dey F1XTT HON 8°09 9 LIEN ‘P INAS) & y 8p OUT AN = . 88 ee — x s 2 “ ae ORV] PUB? — & \ ASH iL FABIO | r) os OF os 02 OL Py ° puyipeoy \ro yaaty M R exOI NY ra = obyaornhy yy, ostomy ) *qouy T= 6% ‘SOL 9907478 » Kt poet S ‘proxy =a : of} | emauty > og wropnig { yoIs0Ig = ATVOS ; boa como! VLE W re S199 © fo [OHH out — ¥ FP Is} é SVS NVIUV ee Py amor ff ot oi : Wg ovog T3RTER § STloH Fano zeTqds0 soit greia | TNH aedaeesy, TWA 4g Fi rrntet 220 anew = a Ly ec ae codpsg S r0jdy} o a ' aw fe Pu ¢ Acuagdorg’ Wg0de, x ae os — ued? aospja ~~ ~~ kpooyy == ATL PO0 AL \ CLI ft 0033ng ; : Mound Smaeuvih | Ys - ne ai adioa 9 | STPsqavyy plasty, 2mampal | kodeog MON \* op ipxd Fiscsougy operas © amu WUML9TOD) “SP 9 ‘ 4 ostaurpow |e > CTA fost YVAKLO A // ? Ksured eee ea = 7] aa 2402871 sou fryon, 9 areposoy , 0} YIN omg oY Le a eTyasouteq 319 & Si: KOC PAM NNOH1V9 ; 19-5, S| : 5 Srang eudioro o10qsiid NN woakay® 0 A gata a3 + oa b STHARQOG o leawogqN gat o o”* i MopsapAngy lz ow Samoa aniis5— 5 SFaradg © 2uy, casas. ; (he Ke bap etn z | Wao h, : PPy - fa} : {Tap PA feonTIN Aaqywasorw asf 2 (it (inenay 4 a = Yoits ULE Ss gS Soy prey wopAropun 4” e409 4 fpeq§ \ progseyy == ByqonDag é Sa “ly ‘ae VHV.LVWHSNd SUEATION, j S1dy ed! ‘d + atHiTH “940g Ayoa | TOUT 5 semuanae 19AOY 05° aT Asasagq { 72,, oSpjru9s—sy) ¥a02u D> MOpAUTETG “TEAL % 10 = =e 32g 2———“Sor yg inmu a — pavay’, ATLAS OF THE WORLD. off o 7 = 3 A : ay a = iaeg as eo AUC cory * AD W7PIOD o Gales vs = WEG 7 rote og of MadIV Yay on Cee) Smo naoyynog’ Out : eS y aaa wostalnyosa "1s 2 3 opp ATTAIERTTAD ©, 5 a O, o— eed VOxTAL uf . Sy at +, 4¥IN AA A oyjiasomnya esa oss > 4 ————— mec oa . © Jaf koot® © iors, Oo pafjoy o 1010 z ° ‘ “ty %%, Ue La a TOGA? < OX 1 ‘ee | © fayso a, “0 J ” bat ‘ ophora uote *OPUT -y— ~awoyaeny? ! J oqounpamg et y aKa “ty lg PRG ou, poduusary ez hosmaai P ee 0 TAISOOM BINOUQOSIOS cera aR = (=i omg Pe Ys. — ~) dounay = ayer ploysnady o yowrs® | —o UP \\ Ware | o maqoz, ~ 471109 Ba . Y LPH a cy f W 4a a 9 Lon 6 - 3 TWH 49}109 - MPUNu0Y lepueyo=—| 2 pully OI9N “WN 5 — ° fo NY! S uvdyqnday o AW ‘eEO-5=F synod 5 : oung ys a O, = Ther Bog? 27 NO sugn 3 o fo, = bed é Py au s——~< = 5 ° quan aS Bre eo osbe | S Pysttpoon *< png psOY.o Mo re OI SUL HOTT = STEMBpaTA ani? wou AR ose ptt eo fs : ' , 109) , fntia8 £1) )°xnd ° ) °ha0 Sopuing? ws YN 0 Batre at Fete aed i ofa? |= C l/ {let aang ee bax Hid io oe ; =i 30020 crate 19196) GF uwoigy TU aeO “ww Hye, Aaeqo/ fojtedny, { bars ea! SE: A\°| PrafasTeg eTTTAsapsug 77400 So VG Cap qr Seige HOH. apihe8OU. 5, HBA A329q) ; ° TITAse] 300 aI and ss seme puadzaye, SES l= oarhy conor oumnuatar | | Sr ee | of, Wena took PERKeI9 > ho = es 8 GY “= fio wba y = : set Tope, resid Sey mosreed o/— omjrenendsy 0) YO pecreriny ld Foe NY coo onary Aver {| |) aofgoqs yo {fosreyapuvag PDN T? mA Ne | some ye et = MSOULIOTS 7 oapnvig ~ f OUIt4833099-0 sSholwt TT oe Ss Sy pe eaicia BOUGE fg __ ousdaany 9 Spysavsuy yrvmueg: © oModua, he prroquda 10 = £ ari |. © LS SyIVP IO ons Sy of - > TY p4ada19 = 7140800 sir ° W xododng ‘o-" J! PSD) FG ef SoH = : eG jo jeuerow K zauqd cio} WeAekoo. say § 40 af BN\ = | = 15 Puujyyog? t Sores fopeclugs - SO ys070 cao Aw 4 ~ i.

modnog vq ous amp soyttotd sPhig.o a ae : fafoqavhs . | spaoy oO Opn axotta dy | ioah C\: are eee ° Z oqavig o 192001 ) my ated STI HNC o /AULAiins omOms umyuijg/o — otApumney Kroungy BRUM A? Po ES OF ranly s/f NOT prem a9q9g Ijdq° 5 ata 9 eee HOLY | 3.20, Trrqauny® fy joujeg f/m _opeso’| SY orAcSip {-——Pueg: pari. aSdeayy ° po SMTA 0.7 oat PATIO “Pal). Ve | qeqy ontes dau, F <= =a o fy Prd se, a = \y 1 Bers eine a otters San ueunye {4 A | To, aN es eel BIOINVTS Sauniogyo LP poote AEE AG? te) i) Y/M Y 1do Peurwein) PIS | ouanoqyayg 7" i ° hon9} aX Puoyedaryy — toalo soqerq Wes POUT Ahoy Pore) aMivtuss\ hPa gwand oF sine Samp PSY Tair oc ee eee “NOSIG VW 4) Lotmoayo hy AES “XO — guoueq\ | ALN OPUYS BUPWOAT gorkqo . BAlkgo Wea? 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PAUMPOOAL SS aWOdSdI7 i aXETT, hove 2A IS ? SUSU UST mozAatay, os feradmy pur =p _aiaiova— VitH AUCH : — ppd is 4, WVHY. HD 5 3 Tiny = P (org aa “purty mopanyo? — = MATA SEIT —S$diddinhd = purys YSILNOYS ° YadSO9 , SITEAYOONS poosry lvuvyKan | PAW ron sg 10rteMqoog) © aoysaw gy ! avsor, RS ATLAS OF THE WORLD. anyday aX “M pura. SOM © a - rnp N MA VN P| 2. OSNHOP eg ‘A HuMg \ Sol EZUPY viluorwig, | Be Sat sed, Fe a a) FONIHSYM, wos ani oF ayounymo,T ) zodoo! 22-13 = a see ya woysurd Aqyg xno} sy SS a / brs spidey por =~ | @ ° ITIVHS Wy QO yUU TT oq As Cau 2 o% TIL od SAY DOL SOF you ovly P faa0uns/, .O, ees unwed SrSeETTEN Sug sos qHed | BH. =p Neus; dats | 4s = ees Co] > povawpun nba, rout OONT TY sew othvowede —$KO ne” aro eli Suownoy, 70 WN _fouory i dy Ud 1V ean aylepg 7! © 11g MOTD RO 3119 ] o ‘Nod Sy o"o hoxoauoyy Dy E Fi euruung | zon, XN SdITTIHGE SS ae SA pep unatt0 é Vea CLUES BN “OL BUTOFR me Tispyig Tag Thee No Huey .9 SX any wart Nowayyorg |! BS “wenn 77 ote COS 0sP LVL hx99,, % 4 Sd13Hd > FZ Sweeter yapuyse me = (poo |g Se eT ee Bix Bajos” oye Be Ag TC PPM onnet er” x = We F als v= EE 4 Dyeroquy\\ * ——— ee i "0, mMoat AK baht OL Ss eo Opacity, 210d < a2 yOod SS ae *00 9 ATBNON “Pury ky “TIGL V4F Kop “op 9 AireNom ‘poe 44 “cesT “4A 2Kdo SSurCIGON JO COW EL ETL AONE,“ F AUMNOTU PS 4oul b=8e ‘Sell 93nze3S N UNLVOIGT MOTNIMG34Y ap aa S Peon NY, io SV¥NU °, Vv ea ps La, on meme SOD pawiyiog LLAUIED Saepype woOIMDaGS — CUR FN DOAUY > 2) 5 ? » eed 5 ae Benet 7 sieetses IS folie, A pane + for1ofMOND syuvry, | PUM 18 - i ——- yoojeg —_—_— --—-> ° m0, PesE 3 ee sepa”! ta ate | P1040H t id doa § ~ at : rea] youoea opp ™ — 1A nog. 1) Aasaocr” P. a T&S yi : uy 48° euooy “fof: 0 Hh ~ { wr? ouBMs j exang? mad S29UMIUGD, Ay d_ B2°T TEGO ., als oppup- | Oro -. pau} | gown tg TPAPINS : 9308"? xi PuULATdOY, , 5 Wop} o} so Re) H | puowway aN MH SS 2) KAN Se POC EAOS, ation, oro pryurgh 114308 y) By ~p9 t0yAN, 9 = oon aa Sopa hzumug | § poomyuyroeusoy ed i pew? 0 POON ' wosdmsg sdumoenyg © MOIASUT, ° prey, ig ¥ Of puTyyos jausawy Fea | W0s}aLIE 5) cs} —Fe Spay . 4 OPjooqs oO a aN & wpM avd a one Y ath Uosu)A Pit, a guanine Mla : ap > AoroBeE sb WW 2 Gast our Zan anopav stiateet os x a Ses j ie Ave a Ca XS ars = av? Gent OS No XEFIPO © oftors aeznngp AQT works | aes tS 3 Bey 4» eat KY Sy Niv_dY puoay eS a, f nyosufy of7n, — z vy \ asuapo G0Te. % DbanQ = any wo b Ot aoppys SQprerim roy say 2 4440 ihgo SS QQeopus, iN assaeg oS aipua | ; Xun otha —eerosqoH =N LeTLAS i T ppivd0yyT ON OU - = aS. IPrUNDS x Hoy5 S = O z owt m0s3] ws ie ayn 3 Q ( 1 © iy fel) 4 yeaa our] s\g rf} x “Vy = q ie 2 a WS 1 etude y) a C% “ sus Bb Lc tospne “yy YWs\z4 “Thy oe PSO INS ot, | Oi, % “% Va YD A 060, 0% oo, $i Xi eS OL, ile py, by Wee 2. ‘% (7 oF Xe ys os. = LA > Sch 141 Dvd ow Suet Yo woes? avAy y ° qe + 4y tg J OOS BI Y ) d A\OULIG uMop3unG Fee So AD. Sa ou PIS i] 2 y 2) J aa0d (Ayn | (3) w oO ' od , 3 1d j ‘ a = : 40 a —~Y -BuTDg °o I es - = Terry] oot Zsoowuoysavy| 5 YPN ed = A i169 ae ye = taqaa AA porfared o)ostid {-——-—" 4 FEU AL z« 5 Yee tag 2) aoganeyg® 3] __ ea\\ our PRI Norwesp |e bazrye 0G | Aozegp q famanog Up \ DOTA NM |? bs K ° “TD PPy Hl i Fh 85 oe ° ayDTPoOM, mPa > *Morpmy> i Se ae i eee Buradsyooxy © 6 Singsaes . << ~ 9 Y ° Batt o NAG oe ews POOF TE, | Pigott fetta Sag Ne? ei eotrn Be panes ee NS ee Osurrauyy — ie mov Gay | + yue(sHo J VRE & TseNisyMeH, ——— - BEPAPEM | \ noyueigh eneteg o nora: 0, FOTW. Vid L yeesno i RNs ie yO \a as: N oN ' ran 2 \ * 19 poqurgh, #72179) MOA TVS US| I = USS, OP 5 o ie t n ra] \ . °9000\. 4 sao zk qeIdy * i 2 preyue. e ! ot co TER OR 9 uemyseq |} | 5 WW Hoy oud, All 99utjo) eu ° yy99) 7 3 \, par[pat aes uoodmous, ss Ga an e. teas _G 4 , £ Fee ye Snoqeyecrhy ua[Sesoxy b ; PIP & 30S, OS y yy é IML Sxouy SRE Ge 2 EA = Satan ert <> eplardy © TH ot 2 = |, WS é == ‘shay Y OY 1 Oe SS gS} we <=, - } AiG 30 0 0 Roam a SinqauzT 0 S aA ay nan i OX poo epi 3 on "PD ppp PT dunigy ey Z go? sols j{ esoduenye >, 5, Ic 2 Be eee ee aia seine a q Fe ee ayn Se FAK 7 rapsyy) . oN ahd 0 s 14 Nal ge - 208 | uofays vu Ae get eZ. > | E ao ae t Cay ase fi APO ‘ yj ‘ Y Jenury piy.> i =O ae oad WZ eure aooeees ee Na £4 em: (eel fel DI Det a) y asl sh MWS NZ TRS wo Nips el ae AES ore i a LLL 2 Katt: P11 es oh e ‘ rs fw | LO rae ‘eytasnury .4, = \> Purpey aaoyemyors oy = afjiauoog ST ~spanorg ™ Versys o fy 2 Bezel ¢ eal eruzeg oon0gh |, FRUIT ggst v Saal » : ae : | 5 — ah FRAN eT rqees aT egy bt NEED RPO ‘voung 18 | cal 5 CmHomdg — £a%A4 © = = a» aa e, aay quire] ‘ eS We wg 5 oN oe = < oe! epeg Teuutth 7m] peso? : R > ee oS ‘S ad { PPA “Reon bie ween, - s,5] nnd AMPA > < oot Sheree peys ‘ae | TIVYLNNOW f aes % so e019 oa %9 0b _ + ' | * Ze 1999 =O W 8 ou ’ : < =, = ISAS “O\] of 29H popdor horfiame 4, ° Auy i) “\4 ( . ; = wo. “Sroq ariOrs eS 7 yyerqo He. = = * o + i . °x9d0g janet IOATOM \| puerta v es Sil 1 5 Hosioyor o i porqeney) yoruny STAYS ANG gans\ 3\I ie — yonod = Vf) pow s sasea > Y say) yo. s\no03) oe] PUrTs] o> \epea to = Be Bass < eprops HH Trrqesoy ° SAcNXo Weg } o ° : 3 MaTAQTIVA “5 o\ aXe eee NG Ly DOIN ge | vo ammo ee) as a | a 7 iS ae a uopsusy 27 aN atry00 { ywamne ye, wile! ’ at BCS Nv y " ae Pes: ’ , $1 ceuoye uapsorqe ota” RANE PON eA N RL ere icra 1 0 NSN S a Se Es BS Ha ts 2 CT nna ry " RAN |, Bies7 TP Fh Hroug | Opnlazes MOSS Miss L 7 giulhy P. 4 eat oleatins G myareg Dis\ 4 R110 Mond (Pes ; atloyyso Ay | { MN. & ; + 50g) 9 youu"? «| 6320S ° ie a4 160? o* Ms PT Mt, ia yea saprtg4 ase vNprield —* P bgt 69 Ths &* f= 6 9g POUT ope l oroqsuvyy WYOr “IS \ 77M: Nr rn, ON __pooarsayls. hax aie Heo? : o ta | Log nn 9 = = meen te = mel oe ee oe 3 F OG gomuy 7 * 2 wowUTstAL > ESSA is : = ae j —— euay Ss Pepaleys | van \ 4g ; 2 i aie" Ar ‘ eo oo ee oe a's — Wie, er 2 te ES purq" c “we ; wy Ho | | . SL saigay i I i wae ANT © j 390 . ‘ S —ves 6F 4%, | QuTerOTO: } : ~ g ° Pio 10h Ted js “sa E ay ae iL : 09 = — % : z - pected ee l 88a Nvo =, qouy T=ss ‘Son 0398s” +0) ‘ I “epourvlty aTvos v ‘ ‘HON jou. }" : - bao dy “NWO V \ 7 Fe Mor pase “Did, : *yo]Muapsy) wos 489A, }apny{saoT “lk O a d H Ae | O N eee el rat ul rs 9 ere v omy £ 2 ofl l ATLAS OF THE WORLD. 36 off ost o%F | ‘rosaun de me 0 buaquantn THOLN H —— age Wout D P29 ouowoyy "0D 8 TM NOW “puny dq “gs ‘ayBpshdog “BONE qING Jo dope HT X LL MPN #09 PATONG ‘prey tA wosuryyy 4 066 ANG LM MeeTH WOsZ 4834 apngrsu0" Ut uopueg. el d2—] OItUN’T © TOUT MA opae Hy olf Z 9 qaqois ToYBUIHONS pnqasoy ° d L 12) rapt = 2,2 -Spurrgaiy +09 79 ANOW “POY Aq “TEL '34F14Kdog “wa0qeq yynog jo duyy FL * TL #2N 8.99 9 ANON ‘PoeY og SG *"WOUL T=CE ‘SANIT 93NITIT aATVOS (ob , Ton Pe 4 ot ee sqT]Oy° (2, Honus, “9,4 oAPSPUTT 6 aq f= i oy x JONOYULSWHY) aaq A189 L0T a Tez koge uedjeyy oT, : 4 > ida g SoU Te PA ay png | Vdd Cl a eter wT g E a t purig ping xne f SS UT L 0079901029! = CITED (seer Hee a o 9 WPS ao 0 3 —— SEO IS sonny — Boone Morsqa i \ ¥ oe oo tlegty Ome” a — 10, =* yc men | 2 d — Sis iat "a % or 7 VS L Vv 2 ‘ig = A9AOpuy, fe) Po uhproye = x yuodaery Y= 3 7, fowl uoneng apna pee FO RESEG ——- SE Se a Pi aye, UMoige AE Toning = =3048 ls ' iy 10J0#FTS ics 2 st 1VHSHY P Nene i é 4 Pobre uo Ae f = pasa ‘ 7S eUI03g “some mea \ (Warr e ofppal JOpPHL BLOMELY o UeUslA, L o MOLIETL = Awan] | e o eo TONOTATET, | PUBIINA 4 = nosaryarst | “NW ‘34s Ono SON VRHOLM | ees mer | LN 9 all vs, | gout wi s ec ayoutoy 1H 4S iS ¥ 3 Hd oW e\suuetO "Yea, = wo}esOT MOTASTITH » prey? ByIINg ° syBpsuoT XS) oa) UC BEer soSurg’ 5 HLYOMITV Wo S AND PUNT Ss Py aourqo © MOPBoy aTfTy aul a1aym s uostg: Sung wats Es Sa BAoYy ° Te: == aa ia VANES aN Sajor SI AW = Sas Wy sng ae m05 POF MQ e) Fey, y Wp Uy y yyw ag YI MUaedg UIdIy ISAM BPNIysao0T | 001 6 8 o 10L L 9 Wloy 1aSuy oF ONILLGH | ! 220TH of0L £ tm oo = ——— — a = = = _ = om SZ PS cop 8S 8T go, XT Seer Ty ties! v on © —————— —— = = — ——— —— —=———==— > —= ———__ x — Ss 00 ¥ firenory ‘paey fq ‘Utot MOOI) WOIZ 499A OPNTZUOT op SHE i wreyuoyy JO duyy pT x [1 2, 99 3 SleNoN ‘pay PSS 09 ¥ AeNow ‘pawy fq ‘T1641 qsrskdog 292 sruamyuopy 50 Un HEX TE MAN 8709 9 STEN Spory 42 oer ea SE G 2 ¢ NG . res ¢ T : N re) ly. S 3 Z a 0 o¢ 0 : ve 0: OL 0 rT s 25 “yo = 2° 82) njes | |, OSVOMIN ) Re a Yea, T = €'SF ‘SATA, 9309038 / c) J = pe | | = aTVOS bb p ye Ph | ‘ = ; VNV.LNOW | —-= | | ! S d \ Dea al = J ‘e yy ojeyna cat I] = | = : 9 RS aypT “2 f ) | } ada ~S 2 by ° UO }SMONOL | | i ¥ AT] | | | OILY. I | | . Md f| = ayouoreg "4 914399/3 Sb CYAND Byaasy, =| Sager) A 29p = RY Sb Tey — g SUIBIE Ss PIAA 30 peasy /P roy y, ASNNIATHO “YON Fey aay wih: MYY3AID %, “eon asparpy sTunIseyy it07° snai0q i MOON UR [NE PL ey 2 Sad00MHOTL s ATLAS OF THE WORLD. a} Spitoy + fe) ; : 4 Go chem Ni Madd Ld OF aayoqr me ae. ——— x Sa 5 a @ bt ~ ® * 5 A OOM? Ml eS | IWH GOO SS, i, 3 BP irynoyng 8 éf V ee a S a Vv . . A aan ay Me, -09 ica (sung et foe cue ee eee 38 ATLAS OF THE WORLD. B 116° Cc 115° D 114° E 113° i) 112° G 111° H Longitude West from Greenwich =e oes oe eee ee eee ee ee IDAHO SCALE & is} i a Ds Statute Miles, 42 =1 Inch. 2 Aeiuieag 3 Oo 6 Oo 2 30 40 50 70 80 a Cy x* GREay ! ° 60 Rand, McNally & Co.'s New 11 x 14 Map of Idaho, Copyright, 1911, by Rand, MeNally & Co, Copyright, 1909, by Rand, McNally & Co ee Z ay ae fu Néwma a Aeon Oreilthe ha Bg) stiss Clark’ "hs A 4 42 & has ee Kane | | : Neihart | ollins/ = we ° ovill /S 7, a Elk River 4 \ Ne Marjeville, \ 7 ay Sony W) Kenan n° 4 A l " “ore Ai i | ~ pat he ick =9. p J Ww ST.p. p> fies IN . E R Le C2 & PSouthy ick = . a iin ccs Sy ME ae hur | Cer, 2|Cavendish = 7 F Ds @ White $ Sulp = 3 ierce @ SY ‘ eile ? Springs 3 Oo ° | \ Rimini) _— 2 | y “at deer ' J | Townsend_ © Lucile : sowpel Mi Eaking Norris ! (Ss o & 4 Bei Florence «s as o\Golk ‘ S | = g Salmon f s oi OK note AS ee of - | Va Resort Me HEAD : are @ 3. | na Sar cee Carmen) 97 Virginia)City ! Warren, egar Hill ee y L “5 Ac LeeSburg « ° Arai | SS < 5 as i ' ardine | aa MAD OW |-o Ee = ae = tse { Ry Y ELON jacket sevelt, . A yt rey \Armstead ; IX é ‘ ! eELowsTON fea rdito ae th % lh = v WEN i siyfz Alpine } = oCentey ies as Xt a | . M = i} ‘i = FMW: MQ KW Lie ani ok \ : a gindian Valley Qn. ot N Ns Ay ai ATION \5 im \ : te ;WASHING STONSalubrinS } IND) 2 iv A. Ni SN Toston | Marble ‘ Vz wha? ‘pCrawfoya? Lay Wes Leh LA ‘ 3 /) Thund 1 Vv ea , (aie "Ga Dee Y yor Ayer | > * Clay See let : ape tae °French t Ay Aya)" — a = | 7 d Pinel urst? Grass eg, cu yDimber : E ws Valle ag Mar, asl e ° 44° | Vale ji Seon mouth Ag Sep lersair ¥ ° aa Csquirrek=? 44 || Lo” les seas erry ED frame. 2 Pioneerville Suir Wit, 1 euBe7 stAmine I Rees on ARS Center ille Z CN bufg ee oletun Badger mmett orse xb, CoP Susar = ads es oc 3 = A eta ae F; U Ure iS 5g Haden i | i ss ORD Shey ie Z Driggs. | ts x a sha OM Roverts P. 0) ates? 0 | | 3 ate per | Homledale enit -—- ss < ~ | | ‘aile ANTELOPE | Martin@5> : H 6 5 M 4921 OYA . | bhters vise E 3 | N E Pow OF, 27) ore o Irwin 4 | # Nettie] odyral Spldier z © Crooks | oF Middle Butte S -Blosk N \ Ss woof ——s 4h opuelp | 3 nog sMorpuy slaUlDM 9 (9 oO oinysdurey «\\\l tite ee al ES 6 SNS Ss ES & © SNS TTT wo. Agi G1 ? sur mS © ‘ oplgto WU SZ poe 7¥Op 19[s0g_ Non] sodood ~ qnoyoo'T, 5 2\_s0diy, AF xe A o LOL ‘sonmas-- WW ros IZ L Z o801 *YOIMUQadE) UI01 ISAM apnysuo0T y S A Wy, \ ai Aton (1 EA Lh Picea pot wios ulgund? outs pen ® =: SEIS TT gp ef ap 0 a7ai4 7 B PUYOL » oor 1214S, | SyLos}1Mo su0s.10}9 ' heap, queuu0g °o { xnvosouv’T © v0? (Lae ° suoydos IS 4 S87 0a) aSON al ° z 30a V H ssou | ah xossng ‘9 hauuryoRnr e qodaq- 3” na Ses apmar nL "Yq snulmde ox!PUOT amin HST 7314 1022. voryoyse sy quog S0uezV euOGsO o0IT & "09 y ATENOIG “pawy Ae jakdog oav40709 Aourg 3 Ses, 2 5; ON IB 4Qz i SZ i PBIOPL(S E) ou OPEL, adn 7189. ay nee x saipwaddy en ee F = us) Apia5 AN? bar A pM Leng WS, cy ie , pO {PUrTpeAoyT o + ADT 8078, aor SSR HanOreT = = Hy ~ Qsiary andg ssunuers A = NF PS Pag wiydgs. q SAdgy anydy SY, 2 KY Ni OdVuOTOO BAT OT ET Ne OEO:AjOH 4 evs seh r- Sh ills pl ot a, KEL) lier q HANES. 1 ESS vue? wi Ss . uo IN *00 % SteNOM “PIU 44 *ogat YAaHAdOD 801 (4 oF 0g 4 1 9 601 [/ va , fg aogier? Oy ITY y ATLAS OF THE WORLD. 4] 2 3 DEY OT : 5 baal ot 8 ee 9 aa |) " uit hi} oes = eee — final, McNally’ Core New Il x 11 Biap of New Mexico | DoLoRs gtijerral a] ja aoe ae VOTES fare ae ce Pe Ge eg ee Th | } Rico ® ee S A[N A j ONS gon Wheel Gap Oo \ fi e { . Kaacr wae en on Seg A eee eS é J U YN H oY MINERAL — Del Norte YY UA Ty posal as Je. i lo ' i | * 5 | Ve «4 | fy ae GRANDES o : i . Alam'osay eal RES 2 nah ek aaa f | Jean of | a ay eee A. Ae AS ‘ ; c : Dirangoy i “Pagosa er Se ONES ue g \3 ARCHULETA \ 4s Chromo J ose ‘ Emery Gap Alps Veda Des Moines @ Tierra Amarilla Hopewell? Grande Tusus 5 Vallecitos Canjtlon° El Rito o Sex | eGallina 5S eee Coyotes Abiquin® “Shoemaker a Wewatrous — f Kroenigs Moq P Guava 2 lacita’ a= Vegas Sanchez Bell ¥ as Vegas OF. Las Vegas GUE Trementina en. erg = ‘ Gita’) ,Chaperito oo Sulzbucher =f <2, ),Bernay | 0 Ory ch o Cabra Chaves ¢ Fd anges i NN 2 Cubero Moriarty McIntosh = “Estancia Tome 2 = Torreor o T Salt Lake ° Quemado , Torrancd we ze Sumner a. } : af i Ly Ba r = Pap NON MT: é Corona: ks = = hr Ne t 7 7 oe foaninas Glen BA? ATA AN Canyon \ 34° 34° S Clemow | > Rosedale | C River H San Marcial. - Stockyards ry Pope Lava : Roswell g As" 7 ; et J Crs ane \ ao South SP* SS L Dee = a5 2 Big UN 7, Greenfiel ASS “lp NO HES! iN Hagerman) Cs 38° S RTECS y Lake Arthur, | Georg, |= Z\a & &-MT, Clouderoft Piers ries v = e Pinos Altos o 4 = Ft. Bayard, & Ti rtesia Silver Cltys 2 = K aa e€nhasco Dayto™ Lakewood Be nag Z ie Pas ZZ, Tomerlin Fy - as es y Longhorn mar ren’ ae =e 3 if S Fort Bliss te Sierra Blanca SCALE Statute Mites,40=1 Inch. 0 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 au Band, McNally & Co.'s Now 1] x 14 Map of New Mexican Copyright, 1911,by Rand, McNally & Co. Longitude West from\Greenwich. « 10 105° 42 ATLAS OF THE WORLD. 6 112° 7 ay RS Tas a) wut) R iS NA) Wy CA tf 2 INNS YS IN UL | i E Creek | RK? =z Bil) wy) Fi IN / d| Wie mg ; + SES = Ss = A EZ Diamond 7 | a 0 N We zh oo a =O/s Me) eecidicdseapy ts SWISS SW < NF Onil-chi-vi-txP ut : Spr. VY ‘Te-ve-ba- hit = : Lake Yilamo Spring 9 ay AS (BO To-a-de-pah-te , ‘ai-to Springo (tare itches Loot Sy, % UL, 4 0 : ile dite" ; tte "A NY a E Phage Ce y Ss yy y ep ffi ° oNic Doit Sa@ ai Tae <=m yy a attinoré oS AN SE inumo\Altar Ss ! eZ y Re We ‘< wey ‘ AIS Q\ So WL, ing | MNS 7 Mie iS cost owt 0° Dei h-tah-jini.PIAY Spring o ll 3" (Gh ans yor : aes Spri. of Z R SWI 0" a3 Spr.? * A Sie Carp Spritty Not‘lahn-de-lit Spr. * y “MOQUL, IND. RES. g = : mu’ i} : D = A ger Zi CA Ne <7) ; F< I Bw 42 -G 3 - L£Oraidi* SS Spolaces Ye B (S< wy, fs ine Spr Ora bi gut Atorcte> ‘=° oKeams Canypos We agle Crag D eiw & A VA, ¢oRtisayan, eZ Rasy? Sam 2S 3M Wagathile Gignts Chair I Tettyto 8; rind S > Qe igee = a Z VALPAS 9 Rn &! aAllifittyto Spring jai s@OIC YP” LAGE ti. WZ Mts , = Mountain Spr. Stevens» oo S)= ‘an S i ¢ = Wee N ae * 8S Care haels perkins igeenelspr. Serine Cs tinea 5 y Q2° oe JMonu eG 4 ems \ oxi S Eve! MZ 5 SRM Tipton. | Vie eed Pr5% i MELA G & AKG, = Sz re ea oo ee ee | Wome” ace) tae Bree A To SS OS SPA ay 2 Lie SSF RELA Tank KelndriGGPeaiios. » Ca | = “SAMY | a en 1G yuna see | Ye PTruxton | S LUIS soa ae is ZQ3,GY oe bs po en a) 1s £ ~ Chloride" SySiveroe J ; S AIKMAN A ISS AZ ; j ? s A Pottery Hi 33 SeG 2 GSpr. \ Crozier AIS ZAIN Di oS Cnt ONS RS es iis y FSS G IS fo a: Mineral ager a. NEA Ye, wen Se Lh Bah 2, ae i. sy —— > ab 5 os = mel perry RON ee me ee ee ee ie = iby,» ohh Ss wor i < ; . . ot Pineveta ry Von. ag bay's J Bie LTA 7S SRS GeChimnay Butte Ff «( Gat 9 ze %, Kingman \ Cross Se ny, ot Ne Ooty AWS ke’ Ally) oan® oO A antvore eGentle Spring \-writ panto Bul waite Wee fo® -SANTA® Be < JMilleryPk Es 40 gE YFlag , \ Meath. EsGring? SES U4. SVY/ yor Is oy Pinto peNavajo Sere Ti we SS Babbitta),, 49uret ZL. Dengi {i (ott Zyl Aa buat eee orwNavajo P. Es qe? - Rofk BRE | = Z.Born *& SEN 83 ‘ & | J7Bibo H Sy snug sieGemini = Timestone@anon OX P PN ee ee fi SP Oaa ) Beak Mare eaks erg \—- (oelarGladte “a0 oy, ih RS ee ye Pt Mana = 7) \ a WW LY aA Ee) s\\ = S A WW, a ot AE tom, Be D.. & oiies é A vy qbee0) eye Rid & y ly . pu lf We I moe On 9, \* Ao, ° Sl Zeahon Butte & ‘ S Z A’ A Me i WS 4 y . A . Ry, P Un ‘ ttle = a fe ZT wi n } | ee i= .— 4 3 28t; Joh BERNARDINO Foy, MN wae) Ese Se. Eiger ae =dl Y "ey, came LIC SHIN |” | Th : Wy, ts pps Ane ly frien Gy . . $ Tule a : Wy : Paceritag ; Tt ih ; Le, ss PS Ve & pic -p. Verde sa eon’ p< Pig \ ¢ cow 4 1% Volcanos Qy Veal DATESCRGEK’ Lo nT ; fl % = ZIRNSS 2 a re . 3 ie Yank ~ % Or. ms saw CACTUS | PLAINA Gouge? Fi) aM nif ae, \ MO—— rms , abe ay : : MN Comm yore® he age Poe TY ANT INNINSS%> ceo Ag yi ait = = ¥ ZB A Ny Ve N Uff, ¢uvd ro ays Sane sale ZsiWee Ball Orda Maron rant Biel oc /; ANN) a3 = ty AN Vl Sy + Pie ULE ST or Morristowy Allin 3) Pode \S : Wturegot: 9-¢S \ Mings © NadaX & i & Marinett > Ss 3 FS Avondale WY Ker Fas G ST,° Ait TugbulZ Paice TeUEQN ANS OLE: Witkelman 1 Vio | a Bon * = 25 | at Casa GrandeX?y lorence Reservitht Te Arizola \Se,, UNDULATING PL Toltec™ WE. Ne ie Ty Tanvue/i all &; rang a Butt’ \ Ms oe S Frat Z CBSE MY, S PHN Ang CaN. G 2 SRC se) 6 ” “Yep fing ee Fe =e art Mm MEA ne . Niji4 f Z Une “NZ Uy Was { - \. Tucson “2 i ] dls Bp tf (SI Rogeman ty - ay DN H 3 SG se AWE = E GAN RERA\ |S OF Bye 1, ae ZX ANWAR? &, G Pepe MN coe nico seuravrreen beige ne ZA 7} YY INS = : -§ a%, Us £ We Elf MY, S 5 OS iris gf iv Roe Re Te aS i ; \ AW YA\ Zfi® Chareo LIZZ i ab ‘ "0 i, its, Wy, a. % Bueno: = is $ Anivaca, bd (Psa 0 SCALE Statute Miles, 40=T Inch. | > WS { A S « 2 0 6 10 20 2 40 50 60 70 80 5 . ) \\\ AN ae }Rand, McNally & Co."s Now 11 x 14 Map of Arizona, \ \\ SS) < Rand, McNally & Co.’s Now 11 x 1M Map of Arizona, |] Copyright, 1895, by Rand, McNally & Co. Wik WN Yh . , Copyright, 1911, by Rand, MeNally & Cos ————— ees we Se See eee 1 2 ar 3 4 ue 5 6 12° 1 8 11° 9 10 ae 1 12 —— ee — a ATLAS OF THE WORLD. “West Portage ¢ Washakie\)? Ec z Sal SP HANSELS VALLEY i/ Richmond \94"4 Rnsofm or Cove P. 9. s Jd E6gan Vw \h o Providence [is = Wood aff LOOM ° ure (UAW sl SCALE Statute Miles, 32=—1 Inch. 0246810 15 20 30 40 50 Rand, McNally & Co's New11 x 14 Mnp of Utah, Copyright, 1911, by Rand, McNally & Co. > y fou MER ne MOR A NYE at Era yy rN Peterson re 3 is oa 5 Rey etnery \ | ey, Zyallage =e “GspisonW Th = “ved eS ZS SY ae J o Burbank a J —-—-—-—. — - m™ 1 5 WWM: AU Soa seeing vm SHS eS ‘ wy? 'o%0, E VALLE] a5 Bingnas 4, avh Foils @ 4 A\ REA) Vv Aa ofan 39% ‘i Gps! NAF toss 1a P 4) Aer? ES] dazida te, EF Supra Lark ¢ Tahate at» (o.2 Binnie erminn iufolSidOre ge" My) iWIN P osephy, Novo Ra he AJGlendale 8p ne ARUNUWENS a Three Lakes* AW NS a (diedmond weatete ANE Grass Creek — OY Pr nie \\ ol] Turray Aint an oF UT wind AI p Go Corto SOT R.G? DAT b/\ tan IWBERR’ WAY) = iy = % ISAS A= Blacktail Mt litte VALLEY YAS wii UB ZN VALLEY: Dass GAG NA IMSS) F River Banish’Fo > \it Fark els 2 PS niltagedinin ‘ Poul? Gy, g Har > on SS tay NY, gmc yy We Rg & = ie - Pe] | = ESSN neg son. Pk. 1 P, UTNE E ZO FOINTA HS “yy MM mm 4 P| Byori i k BR pawberry 77 Ore? yyy le ‘ SS \" + ill” < < cS ETS S : SR Kos PQQ S999" gy BUM say Sea eu Yeemnoad Land } SP Dine A ny Slt , Sati rites A ny CUT. WAT ab nye MB e, Wl Gates Castl OB Muy. Ss K\Wellingtom Ns ; ee —A »Huniingin© Desertlake abtleaale REDS ATEAUZ2 NI S | Bs, Ws G Zu WS ae Wg * \ ive) Do » \ . Sas ZS a, , Zeb Pitehoes ale Oe Ziel oS MNS AINS WWM ZH Tem " oF Vi 7 Miriam ite| Plains = as a ENS &, = am eae CO« *: UN B& {cDermitt 3 1 iy I\y my Wi Wiss Ws lew Me \ a N er| Or. fo PTLIABONS p aYPT nD wos}uM , ° = i £99.48) \ h M76, iby Yy, wy \ Za \, wy, “aan wily, Silu Ls “= u01sa' nt ) Wh Me iy oil ee Ins> ve ain, ‘iy ayaa STIRSSENS = I, oSulidspjog Ww Se ME A Uw, 7 09 ¥ SIM NOIE “pawY 4q “gop WIEAdod v oO FET 208019 Jo AUN FLETL MON 86°00 SUUNOIL POEY a £ TN “Puwe Aq “bubt “WApskdog WK | é y)\ Pat QV Zz FB, 7 2 Ke PYlAI9 ail € = aory 4 “oP Was = S00 yt ee 1 —tuny2 4. B a7) uw ‘2 - .2) sumo Ve 9 ao : ; ° Ns ee conmey 2 3s oOo. \e woyuyyun | f ond rT Ae tas94 yay Q y) ° "0 ATLAS OF THE WORLD. E SH kh 2 GE LAM oospg aN E AuryVrIye wyreds Se OO nS 9 95 ° uwingny sojdue Oy 23 § YMOTIVM < fun ne’ yy oft 09 09 oF 08 06 OL | ‘youl [=e ‘sow o7n}e4S Vv ATVOS = NOOdUYO UDUPADIT> aun) g?. 2 eee AL eaed 2 @ *PHoaodyayt Sy USA. d.OS iV 1 a" OBST, Lo NOGUN 4d off \ oF BUN v Smupy. FAWN : 3 IWS i £ 2 l o Ml *22 o8ft 12 47 ATLAS OF THE WORLD. WZ or. tA\Z? 4 Z if meet \Z" Wert IN AT ¥ )) ae ZW Ww Mss yy \ feed Fs oe OITAT so 12184qa084 2]: ‘youl I= Ze “SOW 93NIeIS ATVOS Sas os NS a me ul (Ve a) Wp So [PAIap UID Rnor “Smtpg 2/ 9 nan qod? s[epusplog © 5 quesvaiq® asnoy qo01g a ee SX o puvaaag[D DEK yy MOU Le __ sen gRMAAY 22} T i >. => SSeS Sonne ~ a Es ESA a " an Ny oF ig wig sroung VC x) X 0, oy gi ge Foor VN \\ 5 Le Pi = = % a £ | .\ =s ) _ camozeuye \l\ sss © Som «te ILvAda8 —S os °uoays oS y EEE me ef NILOSY. NVIGNI AW Pe a XY > sad” lt SS 5 v & eo why S sare |)) Par ay S 2S OW ofa | iiiit worse 2 s AS a: IV \\ lg S000, epetoy Daposy Ain pide < » Lom eueddog MON KY As hte id ee | WwnoyvIy ay08 V7) ° oot = BAI +e MOUNT, = Aegbao 400137) 8/0, Py | on Ne VWINVA CS ope Fei m0} [? , PULA ony A fey ne .7 a : pues wn ¢ ariel y ay \Q\eoata ts \ a, ks - Jado | yyy Coa Ate 0X aap ped anyynag A {ry Ss ana, Sanne eS aming RYE Maan 2 , ly, 7° “40 di or” ii, ld, oN L a poriis | °°. ort panniht VUyYVA GION WaG 2 Ly, s2rmaag sO 7 5 ro HON 3 2 Fi eZ POEs) ool Jigs AEMON D Bd Ae Hai\ 2 22 ppeq é one * £ BIT Aw uae y 2 ! 2 pura qind por a eet znd La <- uM yoosg ne x Si) SOULY ewvseuad 4 80}u7, 0001 9 we orn s 3 Ty 4 ~ Bd ty, RA WLATBO an. PD Pepin -} SULEEP 90» Ye 9 Pp) APB RN 04. Nt. Powe -aimemunE fs 7 ; HIAWA TO? fe. Fey ey yor 8 { d Wy fae Bad Upmoduy axvq 4 Ss — sagt wey » ~A. S036 ¢ og? SNe, iG sh, a2qopt gy) SHUT BEY ‘ Loar RIqUINION 3 Pus] Yoon . © TAQ SAW ss os, IS G Fate PAVEMIT (aires ply Y ce an woes | Merling roly pon te saaet N: SOD SARE & prone sia a SNL Noa eS “a ypoomngetd k Reto. (a mgarcinaly) Tes —— a. real Aerpoo Pe )} WYO fs of 2* t y es? Saw * s Wie Ou aajog” } y a ys ANS Y var er 4 ot \ a: 42 at SINR : NY 4 e oes £3 exrdey) ce - mos XR aan 2 2 A ' 4 = °7 z eS, x iO ae en ee ° Pres = shale Ne eran, 5 Cov noisaTay | SL ONE FAL ea nobh: p poajlo Ci Uddegs = IPI A 5 FY ir VEE SNE Boog £ng) a) —— fy > WW Yannr Pinoy kepac \ 24 aR ——} °, Lee aa fee 27/7 SY 9. oqynopee = ~~ : é, ce PAE. a unt iN RW \ Bec SS 398109 Pgr Oe ~ A 7 GA yi o ) Z he OTtATOD GY i i Ss = a = ulmpoo, a: oe S[[vq S19k2 WES = RS Syn ALY & Ye re =S> ws "2 Zine BE, : 2%, 2 4 q : . Puy bean’ b = SS Gs Pe TUNG x li. Yayo pou eS iS ee FL ys ~W/: j : - crm na ern eS # 5 QW. =5 » ROSS | VOLS ee # a, My yi 6 est 8 EEE sr rrmelt ee _ _= ois al —s - Il OToy: 6 tt 6S 4 0sk 9 S sor t & 39! T er rCCT) WOT] 15944 IPNPTAOT \ ae = — +09 ¥ Atenory ‘Pury 49 ‘OTGT “sqatrkdog - — soqecty Jo dey #E x TE AON 8,709 F ATeNOTY ‘PaTY . -\ — eer | 008 002 008 ~ 09 ® ' *Houl T= SET ‘SPA 29N}UIS ; S ATVOS : ; : \ O ‘T40nlumg ) ‘SI ALINIG, BOW j vatpay, 4*0 “380g ; i Sav UV @ 99 Hides cgi “PI Ayoywruy\ fing yoba & “ eduy MOEN Bere art '0 Ba 3) fog yorur oe A O = *) 7 Ondo a A any? te - ed Strona , gpsvancaovrt - : , L 4 * qaared “O r— 9° ee PS [<= 5 MI aXuwso0ay ah ptoy ! g 76: Teahee a Pp “ee au poo, O 2.” DY youayovy” <= 7 = iva 3 pooy N Z aVA | 4g‘9 e18ajo'O. = i Pee) : suit Axe | Burpens “O_ re & - a A _ wl e 09 a a 4 sy ernaxiop@™,| oa - ’ . 1 og Sole = Pd Rae enry - *\s1 AXVUWINS LOS ; oe ; Yo J) rr ee “ aie ‘S] KANO MLAS “Se +1 yaondarg, = tas) 4 ¥ anouo (um) ‘ : wat “ua $ HoImaxvs 1091 °0 ay s300H 1 week 7 2 ee “ug) *] preery Sse] ae) a Z *s] IsAnOg : (ua) doa eet 1 298) vixvg es BES jOT EON i Me ha Tia nad anti, SPBeudsy wyang *] qormnaarn (xa) aE: oe joxepodyay{ — (-ua) Ot (ma) S] GNVINIV pi pees hege 'r noqdueyh yp} Cum) » 1 8: nay (ua) i) (ua) — | dl | CRO MNETE AS N 4 Ge oD O 1 Se a “rpawqony “T0D TYAO”y oF il | *S]| 4aZ0Ng™s.*) patapg aoagel iviaaheas id icles SE in d i ql “T tav Marg: | a 7 , = Biop ung fonng} $i 4 uypound, souaplsorg ode Zi Gh \n Oat 6 anqnyg ass aNVIS] HINO! oF =A) (ua) nua py a07mng | axvast unos FA 7da) seat ‘ anvd us (ug) \ “1 WSnop* . ns ung So S129 4 ymoyy oyaang (un) “pT wvuavirg “Goa qoysty VANTOH VINYINSY, Re Ww Svywg op agmary : i O819N Bousng * KVaug, q S . | (ug | s (vi apie NOLONINN P Ser 6 ni Vehcmspr Bar *t7ms oa; ee | NVLSIUY, "Der 2 apie q | ae gy if Gf vf 2 E d aad TONYS Me ‘Sumo: PO ag lel " P .. r ? ony, gp oduy ysugq a = efaaerasce ” 19 adoft 000 Jo ade Ve eo “ F OTTuR) da Nes parjyony sate 6 3408 fBog ie eS RRNMOL 3dVD i oad BoviinvsS ANVIS] HLUON M3 P i uyanoey *O t nuisy not Ts op opera oy ogitard |= A Re edty q}20N d a TU SULE LT AL oft ava b 4 a F) O gunz Ligumd3.3 D2 : Bowe pamnboo, SEES Si le qoo0o fi 4 } < oe aida, V OOH wuaag vy MOT | sa 7 ‘ 7 hana ' = n ee OTN SD = anes won eh NOG. Loe ae 0230)990 Exo Goderdog *] romoln-k-v10g | ry MALIW AL 30 APE a) ‘81 wrasdoyy ouvgstt f errwaasay Burusuog oo TPR og a es (us) — — — one | etavannagin| _ ___sormeg “15183 38 L CET Oy Mes : hog usual £013g491 Ny is ~ Waootudyg|40 OidoUL =] = tB Zee SIN ibaa a i Panne ' oulanve 30 8] NOCD, + ~sgy moe * ‘sy cy (ua). SME OC) “MN 8 _ Savyem ce 4 c “ua) « Sa if “way ui)’ [*yixoa aenog as ST 2 bua|eF IS oanzag 01104 ane ” as HO YONOL-. (ua) ©. Nee UMN yy Ae | ‘ : iad I ee | Zid SIq1Uua FT Ma NO ahd a N iT i 5 7 = woo N V J . y Ujonoueg + TYE: ¢ n) | ese) : eu } al oy (un) *T 2aapt org DMN sy OHOKOD, " 7 < Veg Vh Q O iS: I \ N .. “BT YOR Vg .« z O Pao | bade (wa) * (ua) 1 SANYO Vg, Wy1VS-S3-"¥d J SRRVONVOT > F oonquituaa, (ha) > se " @ax yawy aha —5 ‘sy ONIIaay 8] soovug® (na) »” uval2NyZ : 4 (0g) (a) mapa AS eg “e] sysanduYy, 8] BITIg 5 Ma OL ¥§ YO 80000 “sy STWIaHoAag YsvanoK 3 Vege, “| aorsueosy [> Woes“ E (ae acrs mh =e V\W 4 g “J o|no1ON Op onniag® (openog) "8] XINSONY * dj Sy \ 0 | S e 2 . ae rea (ua) OOVTaa HOW f p Taka nen yo . ci g % : [ A “saxvaty manent adler tt * gael ott Se Patcenee AT ' ‘ 0 9 09 "0 aes iS TSYRASIUHO “eS . (xa) | 8 < f , WAOLI3N3 aS ; “S| sartvoov7q 4 4 OFT BI (ug) NN01394039, oe Cy 9), 9 oshyg : yaviog fs td at bs Pa 100 ; (ee ep qooy wordy, (aa0) = 8; ., SANVIS]"ARITOUV) cn us BISUNK LY : ‘sy VIVHSUYYS 72) (Cs -o “| hua gd . vy! I W r *y] meng? Ma osopurpy ¥ Oo 39) opiaa “OD (13) fe Cv TINTN OAS eee 9 mdavjeprng” =< N KF RD) Cs “ho (nuay) ¢ Koz ot 5 sspadua, ad tenpurs 6 r 4 ND *] MOLv}g 30 weoy waU “ + cavidvrs = Whips yeoman ym. 0 | Mg wkd ON Mango an (1 Pe, mmoNoH ae a Na | ‘4 : fcr [it eae oFa1q urg 4 svaoneH *O) Ae 2PM aSay 80°] 2) g s " e: i Se. NoeSIy {ozd) 2 LLL moemvsorg | - = 50200: ouyoopuayy * JOGATTT 9199% we MEA [Pavey 2 NITION, en Ses . xgan} “S @? pvitaaiy é » aeons a) | ~ ta . * Ving, A " my vorrei e BOTeAC jo pont y sf V.2s s mein y) } wale - € a - *y Sua: all q BIS vasa 2d jeu wyywyourvy « 4 XSLOHNO z saqiugan a *T AYN908Vep Att: DNIGSES yins979 * ® sanvasi aaxnio Hematy 7 god ’ ee 3 ee ; ee 9 “7 yrsmyseavy yy o 6 vas SS “bdr . mena conver havi Onan 74 pees as eR ROLE ee ip. ASIOWNO * I ¥,_ (xya) ‘<3; Ae NOS Ca PAZ 09 © BS saxvasy aouvy T ploynueic | om ASVEAU % aparg . 4 “yogi uo fv, Sl ides a rh ave f as Ls ¢ W up 7, aa aUZAYT 6 SE Z ps0ly 70 ot 4 AVG ° 4 \ f AD Sees Fe Cate) aunt | OS : 7 Py 2 « Ys | vax poly fasop zune, se “g soyuenyy VN \ EZ = a me Pe POUL “Id 0 ok waa a) “aag AyeauIpy N 3 — = Z : Z ZED Ee *Yeop “Tvuaas “3 NAS ao* Zi r 2 ; ZB, : LZ 27 qy el B Ras fia an ral SOT a ) BY V ve ray cL aK A uurms9799 “D : Zz Z Z g : 1 ke it val “]/Snsaavny Yo asiaavg HX BBLS f SANTIS! GRYSAONL iM LZ , 7 D| Veh. wae? Pod vod spor ; SANV1S1 anqzancyy Dee: 2480 1 a Deng nag yoromers “ON? A ZZ ELLA (i CS Ne ‘a Tensamuer VIdaadis M | ego) a1 fd Kpaola 02 soapy A OBE % 2 “ee [YMA ANN “7 wyfojsznoy ‘ To, 7 "1 ZANaUV i¢ NY axyviau0s satuyHo sons | : . ? UXT KATA VITD OND PE Lo, N39DYUSEZLIdS 1 ‘ 7 W094 | .s*9u80, 088 zl ‘g Guy ; - Uy gato = , NVI waa i. T Coot Be se 5% é-y mepaoyemy b j srromemen WE = NYT VUONYXAVo0 a Rerpy * maxarivie argh ONVI MIT Me or GNva. x ’-3350f ZNVUS ; Noy DEOT IPISH Aino, wAOXYISI NJAIS /| GXNVT £100AN 7IONMA XMOUD if GXYV1S904 L8VE HLHO 2 ouzoqeg-prbI9yg “D “Gxva aTuATa Yseg L097 “9 ToAusaap woay WEL Opnzi Tuo] 50 ATLAS OF THE WORLD. ———— 140° 120° /saxuatB\ J ISLAND , / SEA OF OFETTEOE ES HS {archangel 2 Onega ad SP ) “9 re) /, “Ss Peatigece Lgrty/River Zi Selligac ol! C S Narenteys ) 5 ‘ape ra ZB fNansen. "8 Lez, rove OO indwarar Fo + \ xo es N 4-7in me Wi Farane: | 2 CAG Rc STELNC a 4 Re | Cape Ozernyi hd Umugak KOTELNOIL A ‘ | Q ; \ ean » Wruezek Lanny ERANY iefosur >: ENTS <<. | 2 0D) NEW BERIA\S -<- G Aa Granaw Be L, LO Voxey7 /_—-—-—"~_ North Cape eo | A Kouwanoen (Fistanos STG" enn, sa ee ering SEA tannery g/t i | IsLaNps Boanrisasd 3 & ~ & CROWN-PRINCE 2 i OR Aurxasons Lanp ge OB) sa Paryit RUDOLF a, uf LA) ve Liromso® SO me 5, wf Mary Harmsworth 4 ae at. ie & 2 RANI on 7 < f Cape Olintorsk : d ee ree SY “a “5 aw ae / / ‘ “f° cal Seb Boek Lan Lororex\Istanbe® ‘es ‘Ason IsLaxp Sait) L$ K wes geese EN Anastasia | Bay - Wi S rst Si C. Shelagskiy mX [= AS apr. 17, 1895 Cagni, % : 2 Lut. 36914/ 2 ‘igen . F é NORTH | C, Navarin * : a 60: Zh y2 Cape Thomas 80° - 60° SEA 180°; it SARE: Roem U SHETLAND I a wey | Uf a, ANG: ‘D Is. i Anady! "Erno; OL ORKNEY IS.‘ ae Z| | a 2, Peary, Apr. 2%, 1906 i Spa er | BERING \SEA Lat. 8796" = Ce,.. | ST. La \ Y AENCR Lp) > || Prinmor C,Prinke l| e Cc of Wale} | || Ietaxps . ape \ | il ‘ ky Man “ Nuntvak ; 0 EN 1 PETERMANN PEAK Ve d Pe térmann Fa. SCORESBY LAND’) se WA! HINGION LAND =H PRINCE Pissiens G ue sect a aK joge Bay Peary,* Roosevelt” (AmMer.) ..cccseeecetenceeee ers J 4 Amundson’s.N. W. Passage— 4~—+—+— = A / KING Be McClure’s N. W. Passage___._-- _-- = iil i ay FREDERICK” VI Nordenskjéld’s N. W. Passage44++++4+4+4+- N Ziegler Polar Expedition —s—o—c—n—o—o— \ NORTH o = | \ : SCALE OF LATITUDE Ny POLAR pans Statute Miles, 570 =1 Inch, ‘ape _ || REGIONS es cr ee ee | ot Copyright, 1908, by Rand, McNally & Co. ; LZ 140° 60° 40° RMAN Jn 2M ambique ae f 3 AFRICA He § vassa C i ja Ae Great BRITISH poms. Australian CENTRAL 3 AFRICA KIN / Bight LAAN ih f/ \ —— ary : N Pe - RHODESI Sa Oe o! SEA VAAI Ni Palapye Tyne : ty alge ¥v [Rockbamp on Pretgtia £ ‘gy. 1841 oS pe as Lie he ( soa ZTead, > TRSMANTA ‘3 wo eae oo Brish = nae : a g ne emi. ca , E. ols 3} Bloemfontein on Ry (Marion AND . < a yy, eo Ont * Cape Byron : 160 20 at, /Kimberley 3, a [ss yer Prince Epwarp I. ~ = 4 " E \ By Nai x . + \ 3 2 Nokes, + ‘Challenger ‘fas > i % S = iPr, ie Feb, 15-1874 4 Kyo bate NSE e ; = GERMAN S.W.-- of fe Barry LVL not eR \ Ss pathos x 2 Sane Ae Te ¢ = \ . ( y es Nop Lanp\ NG c of . AFRICA RY. Expersy\Lanp xo 7 aT LAN ee a : te ee é : (pR.)\ , FR) s ¥ . \ 3 A = ae BY Fig “spxfure Land Lovarryilgpanos , q 2 )Diaap) ointment Macquerte I. e (#R.)\ ie H | + » Bay’ (pr.) a ORFOLK I. + eke 4 iz “eX Ey) > (pR.) D eae iB ce PEAK) hy T. Avcxzann Is. io + pene \ /, Sore, tpi "4 => (BR) of le 7? \Piscovery” “1904 + ja tnt, Campveu 1. iS vu ice L H sOUT --- | Shackleton, Jan. 9. ee a ey Y. IS at, 88°23" Lon. 102 "Scott, Dees 29, 10 mt ° > : ‘o 180 lz \ KERMADEC * , | : Ae J ISLANDS Hels fe J e 3 (ns-) i " By we | 1904 ay atts. Bruce NG EDW Zz! ' = j eR Dy DOF Mar. 13, 1903 Lo, epee fen / Deke \ Pe sf = Wedaétt, 2% ) t) “trey (¥ TonGa ISLANDS 1 wh So =. a A, re tua, _Scott, Discovery” Lani ' ‘ Goucu I. or \ xt4 Feb 2, 1823 Oot Greeaniaa 16° WL. 15: 12° BUF Sidhe \ | Deco Atvarez ee 10° Jan. 2. of 102 ee OF) Le i I SOUTH » Tristan pa Cunua I, € Vee Q vers 4 ! e ! T Cy é I PO LAR SANDWICH [ * 1 ISLANDS ‘+27 ‘ REGIONS oe I Cook, (Br) 1772-75 SOUTH GEORGIA ; Weddell, 182: v4 Balleny, 1839 — ad’ Urville, (Fr.) 1844 5 i > Ross, (Br.) 1840-43 ——_________ 7 al : ” o 20° Il De Gertache, « ‘Belgica’ ( Bel.) 1898-99. : = 5 [3 : F : rh / | 160 Chun, Valdivia” (Ger.) 1898-99__.__.______ os, =! /. ° ; G CooK ISLANDS Nares, “Challenger” (Br.) 1874 4+++4+4+4+4++4+44+- it uv. Drygalski, Gauss" (Ger.) 1901-03_. 4. ..4-- sv Z || Bruce, “Scotra’”’ (Br.) 1902-04 —— 543-4 fe = - Nordenshyild, dntarctic! Swed.) 1902-04 ......... ‘ : a Scott, Discovery” (Br.) 1001-044 — 4 4 — sheared 9 as TUBUAI ISLANDS,’. f SCALE OF LATITUDE. a? ea " Statnte Miles, 1100 =1 Inch, S O U H ey 0 SOCIETY 0100 , 300 500 | 700 900 1100 1300 1500 BGS: - # IsLanps- ° r 0 se as Larne Bay/San Jorge r - (eR. | Copyright, 1908, by Rand, McNally & Co. z Copyright, 1909, by Rand, McNally & cos| 40° ¢ 120° 140° | wae : ATLAS OF THE WORLD. F LAND ‘Ge Custa ve “Phud Ss, f Py We : KING CHRISTy, Ix | ergus HPs) L Is) os st-Cloudg Stillwater aie nneapolis,sst.Paw Huron “Weta ae Eh © Bau ¢ © Sioux FallsSMankato oe Zee e 4s SUPERIOR +>, ° uly Gh, 3 La CrosseP Fomi du Lye O [Sagin®*o Madison o, S = eles s City * enver Beatrice _t.-Losepb-{} 6 ‘S Colorado Springs na itehison’ pLeavenworth St, 8, Pour Pe a ens P yg aE S pop Autehi Fort AL N a \e oc. # eS ay Pittsburg G0) : on” 5 SSS it waters Woodward Ponca \Joplino ghringfield so Bieter, tye Bugle Syne § ST Reso Oklahoma FG Pemp! pin_9 = Chickasha SMALE Trig gck —¢ BE fi Oo P Helena col! % pas ° Ardmoi Hot Sprites sc, rdmore ot Spriugs ping Biull Birm pghin a BS Ce a gaan Greenville Zama 2 LM ortho EuARS g Monroe{ Jarksom Sn Nontgomerd ve) t icksburg troy® (Thomasville | Mobile u e e lighass Gaton Rouge 4) Pensacol® aioe r Lake cCharles z 2 rns Del/Rio “*- 5 0 New Orleans mere" Sin Antonio 2°xX Ss AS, Cepak Vietori / : Deltas of, the i ississipp . S, Bay's San Buenaventura iS § , U iL F Heid oe oh . ° Monclovac we esc GUANA ra Cw) Pe a (OPA AARON - la 24x07 > guin J sages? BE i Uas Q,, - Tis San B, 5 Wenteg Tres Manis’, )° 35 Leons Guanajuato, Cape Corrientes : wn ‘ofQueretaro co a ‘af % ‘ - a fat = N Mont % RES ro Gw "Mhiigons 3 7 MRR Z Graxp JA Saat - cy Ya, porto Be ; x<,, OMexico® Prchia CAMPEACH Y Gist! Oo, aR Sovorro I, Manzanillo \Colima . “i P! 0% E Warn Cruz A * ; (a Beata 9 Rio a Ee o K 70° CERARY U. OF |. URDARL-CHANP! ATLAS OF THE WORLD. 0 7 Aner "REAL AG ‘OAT “YB EKdon “wOLOMY THON YsHiag Jo dey FLT TL MON © 6°°D PATTENOTN “Poe 009 = (009. 00r 008 003 OOL 0S S60 . “PULL — SPF so.qowo oF og 008 00r "UPUT T= O86 PON ANITIS pup.p- waste Lodo ra te rose (i %}) ) , \ \ pnd et — . ooo OS cs : ‘y ce os ayy NE MORIMS se) wy Ee ) * —_ EEE st ees : OL oFL 4 Y\ yr orzunfowoozas00p¢ [NN ae | %,. bi Ree Te a ® A\ it “dug Uyeyy su oweg 3 avo Me obury CAD ((e 3 Et > s* *aTVOS XS ° wy. : ayC Es ic WeLi) ar in * . N ey 40 i avd \ASCNoltog NYSLSSMA s ‘- S| st 5 POPES | a Ly ue M43 WN BONT = 7 : : Tesuyad OTT ee en ee? eke i By / ; ~ WIT 2) >. ) sdujadg S00 9 Aig ‘puog 44 “Losi WBshdeg -op p Keone “puey A ‘cast “WApAdon . NG A) \ b : l SS a0) - ‘ SUMS oO ssegonh 30 dem pr ETT MON 8°00 % ATENOM ‘POW A a : ‘ Lenne J gp aneoye = y : Oe ——————— a — a Tey SL my 3 = pa a} ° - oot Or rat or % 08 OL © OO & OF . H Aninnyobo it *youy] [—=c9 ‘seaszOUIOL Hi ws OL 09 og OF og 06 ‘uoUul I=Ge ‘SOW 93nNeIS “sa1v90S unswoye ayn ow yf 2 3400! <5 . — PCR SC ON ae ey er ; 3 het : ‘s | = 3 e mais Peg Fao -a NI a = uae RS Ze ais in) Dy aaa Q a4 ¢] Nw a, | we) As { a SS y i 214% \\ J afery waa 9 Se as nF i : < za ie See ee J mony F= Ar ‘ Xe. ‘ > yemay C oats yal ° bh t 3 eS ee a : ~ (eZ “x eee: =) pot CAR \ ' . ed y20f STB OILY pp Be Xo 1 NEY byw go onburaymoe Bru SME io}zn fic = ATLAS OF THE WORLD. JOH GPE LPT = = ai Cony (Par REL OT TREE PPT PUBL eT = a = ii G bY: A — = u J — RA ee” Spuuit) oiee re LP Bouay a finuaniog 2% eT ; Zz =U Zi any 33 SSS : . = . OF Ss mi = = /savrcofi Wee 0 ff aa : = (ex = SN =—— = yESIOGOy = = Z 5 ORO a1-1OL = Saurmag 49 Bonaventure i awe Uy AE FUTCS TT —- $< eee SS NusLSVSH LS SESSA \ Yur wonnasen Ges v of8 Pavan Na \ "PAY Aq “eet “ay Brakdog . | = ‘ ; OL 09 0S «(OF 6% 605 «(OLS { WF S Ob OF 0% 5 ~ . Pea cot UNE Navy 5 ‘youl L=9¢ 'SseazowolM WHE =P J (CR 'SarLVOG zi Sal G Es (EF My z t J (cOTUVINO MAN) \ i OF 08 06 ors 0 SS) WW ve Foyurvay 19. y : ———™* K nO \yuon | N : rots Wis ayo od 2! o mY S x Ay” jae, : a: d » se = S ot = o - 5 —Eahi % Pog 4 yoyae. Ad Yor i & - Tau wey 385 sn Zaire. $e 1 A 2 gles oT hs ¢ 5, iN women : wh 5 P airanouna P 2 BS pom isos i fav <0 ‘ bith 7. | 0 ongund, ™ WON eae ™, — Sssufiqag Aopuhy ¢{W°S09H Creu yy) Wenz e Pe ae (em O° quon 7 : foanyy OmMOUNAoT “Neto? b propo F120 .0/ f qys0yvag \ > wong CLT aura 7 eounystiog° pogity “ps POOATY YEng ‘ b paeéyueH Swen A o ov Syetiieg 4 : : = OF Z 7 4ST seen” * i q Det ( AS IES a g 2 SS ANZ 5 “ i ssoiny 2 | | wema, paige = Orsaiqui = o UD pa nameneee te -s . . les LON V\ . ¥ ridin Daten Reade. 2PP2D oumayea Pra | AY rig 2 Ag .¢ = : i 2 fr “OZ “op uoyoog A “Damo \ uD j ; ZA) 2 (fing A pS : . goes Nig3 na : a : i NS PPIs ' p qIOULTOp e2omorg oN hie = 2 or 3 6 /1 if qnaout\’ aug ¢ J Vike, Paojyuy, foy0 HoT J. weg 432 , 33) ‘ ats { y |\poomkeuope Mp5 4¥9 SOV, X > pA TN BL quo ON 9° Soa” so = ALANS, iq -s3o¥ %, Cots) oe 2 y \ Jeong, EC \ NS Peis rie Oe ye) Li(4 OS ete ean ily Gao Q y ee = Sr v 81d) Keoy gOu0ie0 ginttacy yt SOS 2h ea cus BIDS / \s ry, Hey gg fetarqury A*1IOGS oh Vek, Zagcrn Rony, = 8 F D sae A Fy yi onmnmaiy “Aes Io | NG rete suis bX) o we CO” oO Kans 39 D “ Y y * vopia “py \ AMPrioy, wApyeog 0 THOMSINTO = ‘9 WALOPO TEAL fe g Z PLUS 7 Lr°GiS — 1 : “I P esorpkory auorinVANe Z Z woxequog KAUN Loumwale X Set , MN ; Ve 5>p00 yj AN Abparilopyng J. . \ oe} ‘ ea teional Stee ttg\, acini smug ; x ; ) thay Ge Hpumity a | OORT ao yesoaey TPP: REE | eaawaen Dy LE Grad? — rquop puerto unob c2op JOM AAVEM @ VPS SF Spy VOMPLy, Rs wi\nyy VY L434 2 i Paes, ° AROSE caaypon > aN S P10} OZ. ls tm \ saa, 4 as ue a: owamirt (7; Zaad: Sx3q _ 2 Br0j31004 ; I sSujadg poowdagso Zo vor CE wotmido, C2 ao HOLA NN | bo 6 Yopraun? “Ty YF Uopy Ht Sure HS SO SAINTS eR IO upnegh® ’ “ ~ $ 3 2 pip unqwersPUO sesnypakT_ VT. aX AagoamdMH | "3° “gosaiiarg Pop; aC noyogssB aye F \omiultapog? \ioWoos SS 2 2 ‘ x4 ~ 2 & Ae ~ = se QUES AEP CNT - wes oko \Pupyang * SPA ssdo09 t?2300uneg) I 3 f finxog = S\ 3 ( ® SS MEQ HT * > HQ TIBTIE. al ayo 6uorq 7 ououny om = ey I R Sanqsuap2Q WW / yav\ho Z 080, ‘ Cos qsnap [bork 5 Yess ie .oe \ pape A 4 4 O Ee es on = Fy ° oD) a 4 = q ayy Rc SF Q))ponvesssyy : i n 4 supa\)\ i E ay al Ct} (Site, Poy jrasaANsmescd hePPeas Seng wut hie rn N ° \pompdnmajoquvemyn yo, 1 “°K Jo wpdey MY e 4 Pee Gua é . Ka k , TH erly, 19840. Di car y ayivrn eunmuggy rer ES RBOAPID we"98 aw, \ 9% eS a) nls ~ euronisipq ° — s \muquoxEd 0 tdey 19m] b Qe wiaguy? of\T e11G Me! Sr son A ILAULLIQUiog 4 x a /wpyburyooyzo \) / a , tL eae oYDT i> ’ rs . % OF fo Foysruyu |p otnry 107213 0% p 3 : Se us Riou ‘ se jeyadory \S Re aydsnogo ee \ SS RO 4, = Fee! o PS $0 wt TipAs A Se = SESS COPS \ SY) \ (EE BD) / fi, Baa howyurp, = nue WHO aS & Wr. . \ —- is e 7 —— T PAL g F~Yaedg MorLy 2, & 1 ROME inboxysory) 1 < / ate QM a — Uh, 6 Ny SH1IVOS NY a q 992340 | : > RPA li cplop:- id eaia eh S H 2 N I A Ow’ d \ App presto} S, otoaheinjray /(/(( x dona 240u5. SOUT 3204 — A9NI0 IAL OATI [eere< ))!)))) = aWLLIVIN ¢ 2 ig *LaNNOg NOM]. BAY ET VITAE: 4 "7 8xosag, loge fo 2 / Valngenuryre , Sf fa =e S| /\eanyy vy! Toaxopy' . I LENO ps Sa } aaog:sfoo yp —— 8], 8805) == 5. ni reve SyvT \ Pe. Sones Ji Spe 2407 8 DAW] PUPLO ees 1PYALO, Wa ‘ PBS, (Upsuay sy 24, ) So Nb °f iosqouag’y 5 Ale —% bs Yo = + AN pes S = ( Braces / a @ 5 Wes4fa . ste / ; xo agPOH ondepue 5 he 2 PE ARSC y HT TRGORC MERIT NS) " Li CO ER ON sh. EDIT 29°90 3 Panes ge RS AS” LN ing 2 any s49K0 py pealieoen” oF i sowing __ Natty is . *Naoqae nr PS ya F ZEA . “aloe 9b al a 8 Luu" oqthooay e i ) 5 eurlerg vormynAO nog. | Rn eset ; e OR. es is enugoyo, a ) me, >aF9, k ueTOoe EN Leura WRG PueaiT nme OS oe e TO ; Griley BeicFosrtitts: LZ odpuw?7t | Dr, ; \Z Aaog #sapyg 09 ON ¥ = 2 \ ) I, NE 7. ae N =o: rasa a CDs: ares eadg, vorme, - si veh ay avn’ 9 ee He agazeens ee loasotn (yi U i: Bpassas e889 7 yn A Uc er) OD Venue Is *nooap eo. 9 sity dato Sroa0gs: oe Veen yorsprag eee 2 fo" Pauib cata Y Bygor Fy how uiw GaPOS oy Naajysan Ds $/ypm eI) 0 tO ON sopoaliaarrt eS gait ROG v4 r heey ’ ‘ > 1DbangT S = Sse body AK ogy. 5 PF uaw Funes 3 rc =A i ar fon o ou YINeS eet m3 fase: ba Harada mtd beh OF TY o“epGe|s| poss. does a win Pw Sono" 61g U\MOTIDT 9 Pr 2 i S Essa THE, =Deyntsqoua, bankas : 2 a 2a oxy pee ° 97 es ey oravponpoi : Puvsp Fyurog aenosrazO < Toca eae 3 A Fb 7 Siangsomtorg oy APT, 4 ANTYPON & ¢ fs aendanqnn o| / 8 e UI) 26a00g joy i QL Ppieugo> Oa CaIwI DY ek 40 es OLAIMAM AM sz = fi I IG Jaooy 1u0q— EY Es rs = Aly oe Id/verplequng ® sos! ete! Za sn Sed 7 { ((eti Ape mtorr f Y 9027 a ese REN © oF YY \ zrivoiad sng) <0 3040 greenies Ai reTs a ¢ ws 2 Alle ~ D.0bdpig Ny ALWS 7, onreomo; _ Saozueyy SND eh : feet or ORtwMr/ / | A / © suoUyT FPAUSUN )\o y I ; : Fi oe \ ‘ 49031 7 faeysoq. ““D- —_ y, re “| C2049 wowres oe ATLAS OF THE WORLD. rhvssaisop dy 3993, BBO, v PP LjoP Hak o gkwoung 2y9 i 2 é —— pts Oa, ee aa WPWUIG 27) : SIE AA IVATD Pata ‘ v = OWL 9 rh ~ 5 7 Hae DR nemo, os SO Sedan | \ , : woe LA eAsinepy i jo Io, OQLYN IDL); VON Ig Oh WNOoBEL “ ss oN STAT) A, ; 2180 Lavery, » r9ary contribs MY i 0) v » Ys ema, J V0 L% %oy hn [R we aseg 2), Ps %, tn eee yl Foon ag D p {7 400g re ay. QIpuoy Eo tAgovIg sodA vA bbc 7 necies tee Be xt s1939 YT ae = \vortigenta o/s tent 4 woe ~ moyadqty Ce y ppidvy Kory) “Oy va * } | (Loboaa ray ores 7 pe ats \ (( axepye f = % i TMG OLE A Ns», fs, PYPT PY. 26g SSO tay 3 cy INLW ..‘ | bys Uva noes Pe Pie, Saam12 oie } iF oth 3 > \ Nanaasy soviuod| x SMe 3 ie [ Pypier i moon *NIW SXHO! / y ie We oe se Linas AS DIY) | bike ey 3 5. : Nees Sr aent Se aonb wove neorn Auiog wi) | =7/1) | -yomraraugy moay yea apminort | \\\\\noo = 27//, EY W of) 1 y of9 t 1 89 >» . x J . A = bi " tb ‘ 4 J - ¢ ATLAS OF THE WORLD. 56 9T.96 86 Tr 00 9 firenere paey ad *LOBT WyAskdog seq so de py eejay seaqyeng aay 9,05 ¥ Aone ‘DOE oo On .—% or 4 "qoul I=8'0¢ ‘serjomOITy ov na oF oe % “‘Gou] T= TB ‘ser e3n484g aaa SATVOS VAO.LINVIN + i r 3 ee Tees APT Gurgystt Od TTA, ayeg woreeay Roots rand 0 a yea sno i = Ny mt | + des mae Hale gonoy Ae PSION anys YASH bb US fu u —— 7 ae Pgs. uIo.| YSyTE) \)\ ee a Te Ta \Siee VA | Sa x oh, Y 2101E v €,z01 ae eee! = Sere baa panpysaey FY aN pee SI \ = N = aoddn. TP Ne a Pe Joa s ge eS AWW? re E pale . ‘ = SS rp = es pws 4 9} Ty, ayauty tg | \e utp) tile 3 ax yn | WAx J atax | B06 (AX a3 Wat Sars LF hee | fa NX put a Aix at = Z Abaly F. by or] aS met s = en : d AA aks anh Payers Jp ND DN &, vorlmuny Sn % Sahat tS VEN NX Ape tn Jung Go — PPh Yoany, oFanquasuy Spr A Biivasayyy) Hg OpuNyL ag 6% 57 ATLAS OF THE WORLD. ey See Lt St Shee vl E formases m04y 904 opngj0d7 4 a 1 Ca ea aun OR 2 ? a? 5) re ONS ae emeD tage Lv ee, Pear Z Zz - / “S i 9 J ey S 6e, 2 are eu 92 ms Sz ouve ez IL .s2101 6 7 Silver FE ~ "Oi ee 9 + ezie z L jez {f 90 8 LINO 'PerE fa “s81 TUNED 9D © MITER rw as YL HMMs vey SMIGGMOD BERLE 0 Guy FHIIY wHOmIENG OK 8, OD BAIN POR Oc TZ,0zF re r —_ a < O1L Aol Ga 08 Of OF OF OF OF OL e W°Ol 1+ TG Pesiemouy i o ow oo o o 8 ot e POL l= 19K MMINg w SHTVOS 1 opandoxt aH 1099 \u | a TT 4109 NU A a VIGINNIOO eae pS SHSLETHa se RIAN a 63) SMOOVIN NOLUION IE apr 42fnq 2 271 2NPOON Le u 49ds7 S vie 4 SS "l Yavarg : Ye } > Gh Ribs r RIPSIN 17K, ao CD : OPS Oa an MNOS tonbnay ysl : Ts , BIEN <3) = a ee = =). = ioe i pra faz wh TD TAPLAVIE} I, {SMOOvaW Avy GOOD q\ 48015 epos Se hae a arice "4y [Oot "1'Tg aang SITVOS WN109 HSILigs 20 Luvs NUIHLBON ees AVAL¥ Id OF000M- se ONY? ONIzvYD , WMS GO0De.2 Wife, TTavey, t asuy S Saxviey O anr-aay ) ary \ 0 aren mosey Sete P4003 erry is zs 22 AN 2 Se Se ee ee ee se a, italien: iam ATLAS OF THE WORLD 58 “OsBOITD ‘BuoAvIaN “OD F Aire NOW ‘puny °o6L a oS? £ OL I old H o8L 5 ofl SfOdT ‘O IijlvH Ayr Yoreyy ourBL ev ome 'O yf 4 06! y on CAs ‘ EK 9 ele R.) Sh XS oe RY Ss A , pA 3 jee d 200 )| aaa : iy OWE ZABLE (eee sagqus Palin Te Wy, oo Meco dstage ee 1 seed puog, eo, outliog v c “b, 7 eee eel cer ee _ a oF8 Lbh ne MIUUGIS >, of &, . : nto bi in 'SP yo “Oo~ MNF oqeseSepyo hang YEAvAL' IS LDUdQnung 8p, o8a1g epugpey 2° ° gaua\ AVO — aNVIS] g axpovy 1vaay 4, Ss S ap *hL Aesiitat 09 7 TUN ‘Pury £q ‘COGT qs {4Kdog : 009° «002 ODF: = 008 )=— (008 «OME OL 09 O Pe *HON| L= Spb ‘S3ULSNO11Y 00F 008 006 og: OO of 0 L "HON| | = Z8@ ‘SSTIW 3LN.vis Re ‘ (4 : Cc. N 5 le sxvo P* eusoey” 02 OF 08 03 OLS0 an pease ee ee HON| | = Z6 ‘934L3WOTIY ba ‘ * Amy LIVS ' =76'! avoxorlo> xs 2 ae Ss, An by ee MNVEL < S _s 3 PA a, “ 2, ce syRYg: of L q aL oO: OF Of 08 O19 Q a (~) a + : Me af ncees NOLLATONOD J? ‘9 > _A0MC/\LTV8 ° tv "HON] | = 2G ‘SII 3LNLVLG ‘L wOaVAT 4vO L | + e + af A yz f_XYS2 —\ysras-t0 —}- —— ci tt | Py, 3 Sa1voS ~ Biers ea eee ney x 0 “4q snquintog 4d sIrAod <>, « a \i (Le AYO MOTIG.K Lt D Ns ty Va @) es » a) 03 a ANVISL ee 2. > mune aS 1 { ) wo WoW ii So WV = gy we — y : git? ae \) V - veo Vv ‘ syenssmet | Smt} colany aos % meQibot Xd a ae 0. ab ‘o quod "a "NC 0 co oy s* a Rye ys “ag te, & “sponta0g xu ANVISE me of tg “qWolmusary wo1s/38ey epnztu07y VUGHLAITA DPLAPLT $0 dog o> a 4 Sg - 089 $ rn See oe Ps a Bik est : 08 z snIOW Lal AG \ 2) a a RN LTETTR ICTR Cat SSS — . 43 P09T°D s, OT vue "Huse, fl ] O Ss ys 0D ¥ TWN VOU Sa “OLGL VqaTakdog SN ae Pa (=a) oqApourv pL x *2OrpU 149.MA ON) JO dey FL x TE MON 8,°09 ¥ LITeNOT ‘puRy avainiaL 4 oO wuesyz09 . ps Me obs 002 + = i) , oO TI[Inbucsieg “uot T= OFT “SOE eae os rs aq et = gi * Wa 4s Sted : - 081090) 9 ysnos00 008 Poe wyULS ATVOS a su; (- 1) oes g Op}. ] , STTATS Yor 2 + cy] vita dNvTg mC e “0 yrinio40 Cf 2: te | : pued 38 aa “ & PUySsUrOTT!M } ool j (ua) I —— 981009) 99 aos a) : Ske mA 3495 sayTeL PT! a, : 5 a apna mtd 2 “ee ig Sa cde x " 1. oie x wT Oe 75 a } bes fs y? pavnwaatg, ¢ 2 (14) pas \3/aano1gavnop opeisod 7 a3 Veo Hod SY WA rT ono ® ynoustd Ss g F “2 (3q)'1 avuussixoWV et epuopet = noms, (aa) Pa mg (aq)'l YOST. AS + BON Cn ha fpaeg < (ug) BSHAOUSTUND “FS ND moyesuTiO (xa) ¢s'n) ») tL Ee aryaty st tac ZANO “VIS & * % aal1P0% Sparta tee OI OLUOd z uoysulpod Dao (4) PA "@} ory . CaReod . 3 ganqsdyytd “b Me Mey, Oy, QD s - 2 y é, a, : Ze USER. coal, i, B) og OB LO ° (aq) 29 SL re) aor®) Rae 3)? 088 wpi0p WATA 4 ESS j ) ~ Gs) gaieare Nod oe? 3 \ ‘y, wyeysod 09 oily RF omy 09 : casa? ud ae Ge = ‘ eusouurexu0g mae “toe ee ae a fag “una uoy s & aie Td 9959 ¥1 oP vaovny ALI] D ree D 2% “tea tt AS ere) st os Feats thy saree SPO QOS Gp aimee : 2 +] vavg 2101] ee Tas cl Sone gt s oF yrs 2 ‘ es C= 0° oo? fvd 2 Spire A: AYO; P ote 1 Pm ay x f : 5 LT, a id Sie msay “LVDS “vay a "i Ss < v rid . ard “ abvss pou SOAMOdVUIPT Sane ii ir. ona Bo eso TE caluog, go ; Riser ee See ee ne) ae SNOLOg Fa gs “* oot Fae skup vuvyy. 2 a > Cy beg tf y aax0ONeeS 3° Dep ct AY. J 4 nt fay Pe hog puvag fe DOLIBIICD QL SS Bera ie oy eouert]) Soe" * onuinyy apa "fd pode pe 3 Oy auvEarT gv ® ‘L DNOT - DY 0xg atutry | ousid 1 BS 4qsezlog aqisLag avg uny * ‘I vwaxg : (AGF ‘ST 4990990 *T wopdoou0g 4 bodiot 5 auziysnos 31112 Avg pard Ss = (ua) VOI NUNOG Ee Are fanqmnjog zoqdors1aqg Jo Suypary) Si} punog 8, vg qodny oupee \fL : Ax | YOdVAIVS NVS UO ONTTIVAL a cbse, mo oi — snqmnjog V — ey woos UW 3d 1 Ayynousysog peed NS or AToW * oy os 0a 4, % ; espn Stags ‘woe "a ss TIVO," pence sat “a0 SGLNIVS SAT Oodle OLAOd ae na ‘ = A 4 . a ; 9«,, . ousorandie sn en O svg aaawesy wnosug vem 2 89 on : > a ae: Secs CB (ud) Go. VS ( Og HOLA yah 8'——-oquane eek oe uNO)G \AONTaTAONg MAN S A ane & hee! I : be sont Q” OVSSYNSP: OS 5 . | seer BA AN M(,8, NT Yleey “Od I VuanLoaatg o nore. A ; Sunt yTs saa ee eH donsv kv > Ts yor! ei gg etd “ties 1 Ee te ag oT r | = bil shay eee i Wp, woo UN : oo sate CUP ey . , > “oe Be ean ‘Fip soqaeyy oT SD y icy 2 a show moat, nN 40940 ys x KS Aoy opin © iy , YPYAMIeIH Wlosy 48944 EpNy|sUOT WOVE ass > oGL v € 329 B t a *YoMUIeIA) MOI} 489A, OPNzIZU0T Nowa Ll os heed 4q OB18D. 7 OU O OSIBO BIS NEXIIIIK) ‘T SANOLVY GI SVNaduvO “aNver © ‘AONOd LYOd "Y6), a svroH SVT AVO SYNBU YW : ae ¥, SLy IS] SVLVH eters yUTOCvavyOND UTOd OLBUdIBO > { oe ee 0 Ba i, Re ean ‘TYOHS +", VORVOUOW, : LP) | ae ZANOVAVIL 534617 Roo ALAC Dees UNYg LUaTTyS d39qy ODNOGNOWC DUT U adug ysaat1onr edeQ yy40pyr Fanavay =o = = == { “7 agayy ONOUUVOTY = —— > = SA es oqouesyy- H coe 3 = Sse SS ee MeL OLINON, Hi | ane 9 << x ' bi ae a 0 L af The > Rete VITILNOT ro ! PH : Fi 3 qv OZVIEY, So° viacomavg YON8 & t09 F Aire wore ‘pawyy hq ‘aget Fiakdog “09 y SIE akdory oonpouog Jo dey ON PIXIL®, OD @ AIENOW *pawye se oe se oz at ob Great ‘dey ulvyy sv oyvog omevg u ‘YOUL 1 = 6T ‘SerjJoWOTEST Piet re ee s st f oOgunogsy oul T= ST ‘Sem eInIeig & & HO .LSHAA SATVOS SGNV'ISIL spuny fe ute. MOLLOY gn NVIST I Yuraivg asvO Po NEZIO SEN LE . » . OOlad O.LUOd A _ ; ae A ep aoe aa 4 speoliey Ss ; : % = i NOLLYNV1dx¥ ; g SQ Kk ro i Ay N ae / 2 fo ? | ? *] SOLUBNYL ay ; re Ry H ites *a, ca sfiyon Zi Rod A, fet ‘ Wy, a, S 2, ephoO «5-71 wg On <9 © WY ee} yo s < os & Fs & #3 i eS Se od es ¥ & @” 3 ‘ LON ets CH Pe 32 © wnosy Lng AV aa i] Sp iL vimsy 1 vt & 3 02295 0)D.F ap\ ” 5 yDUyD! DR 746, ay t _ f SOU0lOT “IL vjnbyuwny 4g EH °, Lo, RY 2 209 mei! sd™ Oo eyaid-voog “tr ~4h Se, <2, o A pvay oman Wy « 470 vonaxyg it} a Be 5 4 % P Pan) ¥ “y souus ene eel ») S¥ICA “Id a : Cg e : ele lial soovoy ICs f 8ouna TOD BAL HC *% eOrisleriatk sox9japuvg “Id f- vofopirs Pom, = = ByslABueMg 9 = 5 nhop "T rl TEP “qq svusly Ho }oolawsoy ory! iyo S47 seuod TA ISB * ofequpPrap pias jerBeB LP -orang tuo a Eacnwur Iv “ey Sf, 3 = yl 2 S \ t fog, § yy <=, } seensexeg , PRAWN IW&AS g W oy 4q oqisuueny 2, % = SpHoly/? YP —_9ijspp opisemap = E optlloy ony 19 S Lf uopos °°, T 2 oos see 7 DLUOp Whe kor O fixe Buss : * Pozuaio °§ * ies 7, fing zanbohoy— a ¥ yp 2 aon SE1paigysu equ eS ae Ee aViI15) Lie SA ERSN — sxuarn, Coma SeUTS Te avahie soot Io SES —~ zs ee “essttag” eaa9 S ad Sonate 9 % youmnd* 4 sooun olavie Pe BRT NG 9 zondviOWE exviy zonseceyy "ee TPYBaVO (NG. f SUP Souscindoys OMe] \_ Sours wAelr 9 Gs 2 ; an A\eS a qT sow 00, o r S. % 93d 2IPIS opt Sououy v = eens: 3\ 2 b t eq\** ZB AYO *M * { oY nore CS y oO o°M °S ot 2 a See 2 oy <0 Bq}180 > avg 8808) S yy Lo Ay sr — te of \\ avo rs ) 84 SPieles LISP E o Age 190.10, ” . NINOTY OdNONVYZO , - < Da — , bes 4p os? Bes, CF ota eye = ee oS y & ° » osbzaqEy suf — == E pzuryradsy | “1 y ay, aes 0) PPR Z ze = 2D autos = ers rs oy =a = M08 q. “COINS ay = vye esa, Summing 4S + APO BINPEFIA gy I. SOOO < 5 uoyuy * 3 oft sofajsuary. 2 2 s bs, Se Wo.0%S: SLY Soe =e Ssulery ary DS). 21UBafual Z 2 coyaduymog * dd E| 2 O01 arg. 62 FS Pe Med arate So 2 banfege f= ya 9g s <. Re o Ss RS Ay her RY Bsunn a = = sepuqoda0, = eS Y ” S fs os j pedo] eoiEg buinusiey, © y(uese yy Lp witiavwnoy ~~ SSS : "Old o 4 < asd s 3 ov & AS 2, B| 06 Sd . f) ST oe SE : N k A v ‘ ‘QoIMu0e1p WoOIs 4saM OPNgLduoT : a . . t H 108 29 099 108.99 oS | el zi ny OL 6 g L 9 g y £ 29 2 1 © 2 rweanas : ; 61 ATLAS OF THE WORLD. oe H.z6 Fe eee a 001 tol = SS = - SS ————— = = OGVATVS/ nS y 72 Sato YOPMusary UOIF 4SAAA OPDFLIUOT =a mney \\ N yi VIKWALvay NO ene a dyed “$ T) IW an myy/ Y i = yA ah. Cz uours ‘SL = asin I7TTINV OAT. oe S \ s ooenuory “I AN chide SR Se woyTeX —_vadeynyny, © = padaqr], o on typo, SER EO EEL “g vantg SF aad, ARR tans NG) by aul UNNI “I eUOOTILY, "Af onvoniag “I aswel asatsanl) S } y ap vo0; T = SRP spa0g Spray 0499], a BSS % My, ayoutto = TE HOA YO yopangysed. surpaid ‘d Se ohnuny “Te soot 16 orundxyvig "T? f—o “WS ATIF yp {wana OF, oyrqounyy® nuyning Se DI = Tren nnEN® ‘i —eomeg ys? 05 ay = oerenn Se Z oO yayuars BaformtA jk OT Naymaor, ums ye OOF RENE sakay sf pe Of d oSapopwox Bin: Seqnay 5 OOIXNGIH 0% on 3 0 “oul T=8F ‘SUC IMIS 9 AUINNOD ONIGNNowUaAS ONY oO 31VLS got aL 0G pvyndag hog SUAIY “dL sDiopung fing WI Fl SOrpoyeny “eT opramay wy SOUL'S 2 nqy Topod acne; iS suropudngo) oymepy VON” goog SSrons0F, oor pep ts & UUy “ST & OF sppoasoy svynnboy mc peppy snsae oP ofS Soy 5 su ve) =, onnasno Se Sa aso yi ; — vos mops ATH < a | y . ws . nm a : y y nsyzqo su Ap vaya ape qa0d ¥oCU: Z - ns Z hog pp.obpyy, 7-2 30 ONVIT opuoyry neg dyer ayy fo FUMES M4 PZ SAUTZUOHT. 90! pode Ny QIK ozemn bs osuyyueg as of S9TBIIOD VANS Saar 2 5 4 TAG 5 Ne V8.0 Ya) ont SONVIISTYD SO7 "n\teye) “3 ry A. , oes sunz}00—y z sudee SF ‘zuUIey, smyISOLO FES TIIEINg wUpg 3 avo: H = #\H ==o onary YTV LO} = Tez1r309 ) -“9 SYIMIMVI BAU, *T OLINVAL * OAd3Rg FooItaye Zaeteury, oe [sennisroug = < tan wendy pnay s SL undnonay ap wa0, Qe sf fhe wo. 2 “3 S:. Caves 2Gran ky esvaoat) T SVIUVIC SAUL SVT des [bald ~~) Oquy stony ug \\ouarvin yowrive -p ‘Zadds0¢ ‘SI A ond Vor + YNOI "8 "107, Zax “g eulogy sivu4as pear Aysranvy, ES \a oT WSIedoy [moap_ "s+ td VinvKeg -YNIT a wo shgomney No) Vd NARUYD aaa 4 uy} Ov #OaYNOWO) ul BMT "09 ¥ Syenorg ‘pavy 4q ‘yigt ‘yqzjasdog Zags Yes. ered OPT Sg SOO Ue Aq TPq078;29, "Sta I Poury sq I Ve he: uowdaauo. wus yodeauog -y on, = ao, : 2 OSt DOr “ouy T=Se7 ‘sen ety SATVOS OOIXAWN odurmog +g « Maren 5 wiier hot we Ry o x Sofoarqy ce GA OdUT og "EZ ' os 0 be —eeEEOEeEEEUeeeEeEeEeEEeE—E—eEeeEeEeEEE = -_ OO —— il 8 008 4 x 0&8 9 ob8 SG 098 v 088 & 06 ta 006 T f 0 LOPE *] Nouvolp ; ; : er ‘ bse soe is Be 09 F SHENOW ‘puvy £q “OIGT VaaILdog 09 ¥ AIMNOW ‘pawy £q “FOOT ‘IYZALdog PROV N Fd power | st or sricre Ver \38 g30. | venvaxon seopomy Tye Jo dug FL x LEMON 8,109 7 ATUNOW PUY LO ONE L He Sees = See ae ees BR pel oovaag *. 5 Dao tLO See S OPS 10 a 4 c = —S : LVLG 40 FIVOS sr vavaor SSNs. a \ : Rk onal 00€ 002 oor a2 os 98 oO “jeurs pur peosjiey : Osurany IEYZ 0 vp 08 Gl y Urey svyausog WUL T= BET “ozromojry Jo uol}Z007 Suimoys A SHEL, 0 v ‘sy = - SSS 3 Reed A NO EA s|S¥oag “FOTN: 008 oat 008 si 0S Ob O6 OZ OL O VNWNVd “ SNWHLSI 7o7 © OFUYPUNGO sVUNITY Se “youl T —ss ‘sa aynqe Z et NG eae ‘ mae woul T = 88 ‘Sait oes AZ = Ee ° Pry sve “8 eepunay, Ouaeaug a’ / SHON ° piel SIGE UE SATVOS s We ca Uru ssivzxop owas 4\uowy | nae Ted s f sopondysteg “4d LW : O , Ms a, “8.0 Brauuene R SUNN HGS WH LOR ouasoyy “Wd = eat De coc BOS eau mnon eee mT mors) O Ae Pos Pe Z = SFA EZ ss tre ae l -? Uiuige SKS 3 Tey W - an = 2 i wa” F é ac eee! i {i o Ss oY. wonsog O ¢ 5 Leo Sf a aie \ Se ass ow” ae 40 a % Tlie) 3h ‘a, 2 OLIMOSOW OL - oOL e A ja = sr oO oe = “Ode hoy Do8esory) ZI *] NI09 LYTUD Hy. spor ZI ° = h ica] 2 “| anduaadaaty "o *y xuog atisiy D eduougycy ss an] SAVQ NAOLUNOD ve SAVQ T1VIg i= ou SMAYANY “LS AV ANNHOE? SAVQ ONT Fy SAVQ VUALS O sAVD aVAL 40 NVW (@) renee a 0 a” s w SF 2 ws oy 7 Yt % I . angi £ me ity . Pi A INU mH iy § | : — = wy in’ 3 LINSS / YA i\ k NLC Soy Proposed ¢ 8 zr ail Ng Me Fwy ININ)) | I =" Wy > we : r “4 = 3 4, Z 2 Z My es K aL es : ss 3 Diegog 3 e ; Bit gulate Stnipit Sip Juans a | AHORCA Level of Canal Dog.Bocas | 3 yt ae Oe Clare StF oo ic : Nol MK DAM | eR = | Zymed: 1g LIN 0 yy S ott BE & og ir uf INS | ra ii ; FAP desus\Mari: | a ani [Bag oo, | = y NS, w | | NS \\ ) | INTIN AS YINing | | | | | . | " ¥ Old Pinama Mahé SAN ATA, : RA (ANS a ae = HORMIGOE 5 2] * ok : # ‘ i 3 EW? e/ SY ; ae : Sty Gi Om\ gs £ ! “ay *, ny y q i mR) : % \%\ : , Se are 3 AN Petillo Point | i es 4 : 3 ; ayig or. * Panama Harbor : z hi : - a. R Q~_SS PANAMA e eB \ S Mal Z - ncon\Harbor 5 < “oo PERICO I. Z NCP FL antznco L 7 l A 3 ‘ : bay L B A } O # oe A N A M A % y SOR : Bruja Point | | : Nt Maines Vacamonte Pt. O Tortora I. | % N Pit | Zz | | z t A : is Loc EXPLANATION: = oo ~) TasoouiLta I Ry = 2 ° = - ‘ aS aa eee Panama Canal be tab bv ie Panama R. R. Present Location 6 eae —--———-——~—-—-— Panama R.R. Proposed Location O Mayoixea I. A p Cuame I, | Juanito Pt. pee {) Exsena I. fi | ees s oMasacuat I. BE VE Ff. ~~ SD Tavor I. O FF - > © Pacueca I. Chame Pt. ‘ LP y ; spvoe® ne I ae Conrapora I, 7 Me Ee Dyers I. 5 c I | se ae HAP . USS NN NCI ens , ¢ EZ ey ERA iw Chame 9 7 4802 Mw supe © Boxa I. Pavaros I! ds x, Va0P 82> 80° R BA. R L | is qiwo™ 10 2@) Buranog i , Cipraceon 1, had VWEO'SSO,0 12 TO Casay iS XY Rayoneta I. _ ee oe a - 9 err” 1, se y so re gk? G U Is FF ve f N; ANS : Ss, ce 4 Viveros I s Escuvo *¢ ae RY YES s* Q ; 8 ) a - 7 Goraarks 1 < 2 J a rrewe® Tawosa I. CANAS 5 a (Ages ay ae ee SE EArD c BRM peel ehonO Mens] \ itames 7 & oiogus I. Ve TeaRoe I Ss ly A N; Q@ ao" neem, aC O CLE \S * PepRo fee 4 ip —\4) « Calobre dicen Gonazies‘It [aps ae David + BY ey 8, Jose Ls eycay® al - | \ Bay Rd Rae 5 Fas oN Lmao ne ui wig e ay ee 2S Palinas© mF oSantingo ac “ ° ve Lisa Pt. Go “po Laprones Is.0 Sgecas'Is. San 7 7 REPUBLIC oF PANAMAcoisnse% a bas Tablas CCN St. Elmo SQ}sr. Fi “A “ . Elmo tT. Erao 9 ScaLes Maweavan ine 1s Qi? las Mines ot ere I ao” Ba ok Statute Miles. 88—1 Inch *. i) SANTOS s ! 0 10 20 30 40 60 700 8- brea Len Kilometres, 142=1 Inch é. BS Fv ananicolPt. 0 2 50 75 100 750 g2° i * Morro Pusteos 2 79 PROFILE OF PANAMA CANAL S 9 . . . . x = The Vertical scale is exaggerated 50 times n Ts a ac my = = Oo < cit, > Dw w % = 4 bE Sho Oo a < © Wg S ° = = | o 2 aD < : = cs i) ES = = : a a <= < ° fe) = = = = > 2 =e a) ae = a D < es ° = pu = So Ghee a a Bos. - Oat inagr Sate cee teen ON Oly S ey fa PRR > ras rr = 2 } ui & & OVE | os ES = Bak uso o83 = 3 Rp 2 w = < 9g rot a! = zee < ake ie au ° aw =o Onan < = Ree isi) ea ee or See re - ° ° = (3) = = eee we F ie a <> F 64 ATLAS OF THE WORLD... A linonDu roan ier 2M Sr. Sr. RTINIQUE ( Fr.) Lucia Br.) BarBapos INCENT” — (Br,) ( Br.) Marcartra. I he iy or > To PUGA Santa Fe dé Ant Qi ©. Corrientes ¥ Baudos XN MaAvrE.o T.¢ Buenavent Bahia del Choco She) Tumaco ty Punta Massie Eameraldas pa Punta Galer : r EQUATOR _Pedernalesgl ——— oo fig SUMA, STG. 45,900 LA eles <| 5 ou breelonn 3 Yorto gcelons bi AGO ? (Br) f Spain Trinipad(Br.) Maturin o* wae Or ino dararwy ir Delta cO Cape San Lorenzo, MT. CH) 2 Quaya 4 Punta Sta. Elena’ Pur Gulf of Guayaquil Tumbe: y Cape Blane Punta Parina, Payta Sechura By Punta Agujs ~~ Lambaye jel j Eteo . Ch hi 2. who ee & Pacasmay of Ze Trujill Son Gabriel , San Pedro ye? Sant U 8a Pabatinga 5; ayy ee pe & aS” gf Crato Humayta Pee Filla Bellaf Sauuarens » Aveiro. Itaituba 9 i Borba } = apucaiarocca) & S & \} i} | a ChimboteX Galapagos Islands (To Eeuador) Huaurd Pp at Huacho ere} ; as Sse Callao% Hus env Canes ae gable di *| Farnam 2 Hood Parlay Punta Panta Mari Cape Nascal San Juan Bautista’ ON THE SAME SCALE. ; if s Camand olslay /Desagiiade ‘D is E San M Mollendd Mu weeny = eee ae = XARAYES SA. = A : 3 : : a vat ) Wi rpir Oi ochabiamba = 9 San Jose = 23> } - Lo. y Carayellas i, ae FP Rivera E 81 De Tat 2 €Cailoma Juliacae 4 ZMTAILLAMPU hy salieste ce ATA} 21,500 Punog R Titic{ire sequipa ~« San Javi: he? 2 _etrare SS BMiegu! echaca, a Santiago OR CHUQUISACA a ( u Pisaguap a ~ e v is = Z auces * wae Grosso Dinmantino = y Vifla Bella)/ osari : e0] } s== ‘San Jorge dos Ithéos iquista i Y Belmonte 2M Porto Seguro sod ° y) _jBpon Matheus & __TROPIC OF CAPRICORN Iquique = Puna aS re) oCaniarges Tocopill: Mejillones del Sur, Antofagasta? Talta Chafiaral de las Animasé Caldera = Copiagio Carrizal Bujo ago del Ester: 18,300 Huaseo, ho ae Avellaned: La Serena Sy ibagy Pohtn Grosko5 ees = Bas Ss ab Se erraie f Bella Vista at © Jruguayana Rio Pardo \ Juan Fernanvez Is. \ Les (To e > ° Puerto de Corral Coquimbo, > Alegrete. RulysA Sao Gabriel ASanta Anna de Livray oaaminF Fé ‘lla Alea 7 SANTE Rang y Rio Grandé do Sul Puario jgoa Mirim BUENOS” ‘ARESS Chirilcoy. ‘Trenque ys Saladil e & Lauquen PUBLIC, ce “General Acha, Constitucion 0 Couque; ‘RE Chosma}al Babia Blanta ) Bahia * Plata Cape San Antonio , SI ‘Cape Corrientes Blanca 40° 12 Gvayrtecas Is. oguclri = ; ne Osorgo : Oh DSi Naliwel Huapi y Puerto SERS : . Gulf of San Mat Auaai ant Punta Norte Cuitoe 1S 5 SV ‘ vALnyEny pkny ae meet a.LD1ADNH lo \ ‘ LP N-1G NA SS: * =r: a Bie ON mee vo" VW VY ———— = Sericon orBINg ang Balled z¥d° ¥WNS 3g QlomeoT ATTA I UIT SS ----008*e % i wriahyeured,. 9 s i 4 "ST SYIVAYD poryy 01 52.1 Typ OADNN OTqong Re ane wRINDS MLD eae wropog *“o a = { AYUY 40 ‘SX ° > ‘2 . Snan = re 2 nee *j anaog? ry ynovang VIERLLNID 43° og = = ja Saas 0, 4 M5 tS Pas >a Ys ok cc RD yyw GS eyes ofa SOO AWS wusis09, 4 ofp Ue] VLIUVOUV IN 3 ra Sst of " st] “g= ut teq edo sxvug s0T ~ “on Sai Inqudy somsxy 507" : worst he gd PTA AZANAA : MANVYN) OAVO, prow se? =~ a 5 a SORVRESE SOT’, Oo uponsy YTUHOUG = x *s] (aurg) SHA eon vey 40 TTND : = | vrtiadsvig” doy Sor Le yi ; Se ain Suu! a \ san oP tap SO Gt “Onan O99 W aS. Se fe VxXvaove npudsq't}, tS aed AE Se *] GULVNOL ee (wxaq) voonqryaty)” AS Pe as ovevungg | re 4 AS oo SIDNOW SOT 2 (a0* We 5 089 a : a o0L a re 2 = as = m 4 . oy \ <—— A puBiy =a =urunaqe Ts “pe — aS Souarony =3 2 IS = ad SY DSanursego— SS pong? Sa ‘ LZ, II VIVAV. pjaunbnT: a Sing | v1 avg —— eae ee Se eal. Te) Omang . are 2227 "ST oayy. JB OI0ND lap VIYOT 9 mm nuapphy yt “T vuvoN 1 Brees "ed i = : ee SS sornpszuryy “Id “fine a = : i 2 330 ° ; ; 3 a ere = zs = fO10W a “St | SSIBOA wyv de Se = ny 1a SANG Amindody =O = pingnobup~T SSP (88-6 ELS ty SE HIAUIS, anDiHOnaN Wdenpo yy ‘i Stmsenp LER card PUR Tn mbrquu J. Ror aya 2st 2. dain sojouvase? é Mant gf 0909 ay vxoowop Se ise ed aN, Td > ify “wd y \ pinion gd BA varquivsiyg “rd opydunooy “— \ \ SopQPOyAY “VII NAIA FT 4O ATA MOso410 pg Swag ‘g J 1 aa “g inbog opnng "y b\ “T P779P9 by soquait309 "9 DLAI) 01d N ourpos Id Anes ESM B. ) OUD/OS ep “T » nautng wry = DADO DIYDT bo) Ad | ae} PUVNVd ~ Oy eS 5 LS ro oyaezuryy “4d "09 F AUeNOTC ‘prey 4q ‘eoGT Fue aKdog *00 9 AteNoe ‘pary 4q ‘GO6T ‘yyaskdog svpenzoua A PUL VIGUIO}OD Jo deyy FL X TL MON 8°00 F AyeNopy ‘pary oor oor 00z oor os ° = oo SS ———S =a “PUL T= 10% ‘saajowopyy, SSS 006 008 ook of 039 oF 08 0 - “PUL T=Csk SOW 87NIS R SATVOS VWIHOZANAA INV. -VIEGINOTOO 20 of ATLAS OF THE WORLD. L oy wi, PACU" 2 dl rae Ath mK * Waram: Jape Cachipur, Marac, vad = 3. Bento’ a ‘achipur . Purotu? Prance S= Sarl } N cat Grande iC FERD. es f Boarista) fo f PRDE LESSEPS % sean \ ; of : . OREMA, a fachoéiranha\ rh Pings ie % ‘\ aga I. = Bee, ine 6 = tC) o a 5: = Tw = 3 awe CG E , : = i mae S “Taliman’ * ay a “Mal and? ar = . Novo Cabs do Norte a? 7 RY ! (@) N 3 ° 3 vA CUYEN a Qe ov" 40" K = urumata —‘Taeale N = s Ba Pta. Grossa ” qv Cause: Pedto Iprgrd LB . 3 SR. ge ." ms Pipl. Baruique me ° 5 = Nalari % yw pana! ERA } ; 4 ovira XCachoci EC Zh KB rigoe EQUATOR Mahaua / |) SCastanhall Granden x a Sind ser oe or > : ene VPUNAS } x taka C ee do Laas iis AS: “ c LeOUr" + es d 2) Taurine XS = ? wistisulees i & 3 7 my z = at) 08 = ne WAY rAW A S Cacheoirare Ss 2 a be Tronco Villa Noya Carvolero’ Moura me 2. tver ~ mg \ \ Rinna = MANAOS ayrao\,¢ ARUAQUIS 4 Thi Hen! eS ah on / ——. Bey Hig , EP (Monte a bd (3 X Aldeiamento, “% 7 f = Ca banos, 9 2) ( amps mr, < a Anna? R Ya 7 Santee Boulet ( Silves, Z ieee So jouzel 4 Q\\ Manaos Sexy! —— pits do Cha ) TAM AZ Anche SS, -PAveiro — hirahy (LL. Mara/guiry .--~ ‘o Maues P a 5 o ¢ _ =e 7 Rozarintio oe 2 “Toa imo 68 Pavatéry (2- © Abacazis a Sy, cs | oe Coury’? * 5 ott ES > Canuman Uixitaba ig ve TURE y --7 aL. Hyapua ' i 6 Borba H i Sear iURveITES be orn ad ===S Vurkiin iB e+, _ Itaboca Cotaracts HES 7 Sapotaiarcca=cit %S (oa ex E 5° AM K Z oO PY rg Village fix oS % LiL EES PURUS River Boavista y ‘abort p=S Ss Yurunap : = r i Gabriel Jatuarana Le = “ee = alegs ee ARARAS oT = asce = | a Marmelos Ny, Ib Mundry, — ee == ag ‘ “a8 PONG icon Ne s Anie, hs v; 4 \. Ss. 2, R 6 il = Baetas, ‘ core’ Z tats ° \ \ Whe op xtremoz: i = { CATAHUICHI == <$ SS, pa Ee TACAIUNAS Natal | & Tapurup ~*\ TURAS \3 ee ©-Avary [José de Mipiba, aounoary Juma _§ AS = is U Ni Cuchoeiran as el at D wre Gha_g =, pide | sae Sy PERU ade =5 8 mM "fdas Capoeiras*<” * wes == s | ‘ama pare g aS Sees x be iatrea®: Humalte \PARINTINTINS : sashes i A, R mee ES Ss ape | = ~Boa Esperanza SSCS: = Vv | if ‘ = Fe 1& * . 8 i Sik ’ \ . S { oi = eh Silo Roque Mission : ve \ aS S) (Meese |PAMANAS 4 a 2. \ $ . Fernambueo- Oo : = 3 7 jae ‘3. Antoniou ES = E coda ot ey Bes A = gParreiros Lowa @*GARIPUNAS on , ls Bprto Calvo i 0. « My i e\ - 2 %, 7 aN* be, = we > Reortin arto das Pedras Mts e : © + EL Martias nels © Sento Se y Jacaré “ ea ~p AS Paar aceio A ae {© = Cataract "Billo Tombador Geremoabo) eh pn op eh roos 10° ZY, fof +, Toneuina Se No a jBertze od lasNova P ; rawananis\ieg 9 SSPE Pid ate Y’ | leer cA SE, pel = Un 3 = s bi na nas J 8h tn dd ABA is Yy ° a So MANIT~_7 p . = Soret Myon = 0. SS a pr Pom bal’ b x AU 8 = = t. do Hino a == Se, f. ‘ ~ V4 tantaraciants Ly - = Out N Aguas edras < i/) MATARUSES ae S$: Jéaquin bn eek ae TS Makdaleya a S Aon = } $s. Ramp E C/T 8S{_ paxainisi{ |S Bom (fesus . IB Riacho ~ cern | fi, ahia or S, Salvador 9 Llangs (de Helos ee Z Sumidouroch Sta. Izabel | | . oR" Marae Valeneay) © “Parieg Coneel ae {Pto, Velho | | SA oiitas Be Avelise i = aS. Pedtp } Te Baures « ri AC [SF 4S ae Taperoaci sma | e Re crs! uh oo wrse \ rat " 08 fe%e,, Santarem, vPRBA I, y nie Gan “np sen “Ny aE , y Fearn face a ell 9 = Y oN aie ge 5 Ossiahanbt Rx gt Ta boas) = |] Marabi 15° mt ; ZN Amis r Le Barra do R. de Contag ot 25, 8 ss * {Ilbeos TRON E = Zig aM fPrin ye aysao A Olivenga | de oe Gazal Anis Guiale® “Plateau “Off . > Leopolding ” *, Vin i iets #, oa Januaria © Victoria, da, } 15° Ascencion Vascd\o7 Salinas Sta. Bi Ss Guy aba [- ~~ Ponte de Pedra oti iusinho gh HESS Hawes Srgg Conquista {Comandatuba o 1. § Antoni Sangrad ii ° | Cannavieras 10 a(B. Luiz de Caceres, ot aia radour esistro, Goyaz ct Se ‘Amy Ph da Manga | 3 Dia — TUE (Villa Maria) Melgaco (theresa Cbris 4 R. Claro, ASS! odd Busty Drucuies 3B Angicos - elmonte Cuatro Pooone Coppy, 258, Ls fang Bor ta Lustane 9 ee q{S. Romi Santa C exe = eS Discalyado R 04,535 ghourengo Anicuns ; Urucuia Pont: g TuZ 10 ‘8: M iguele 1 “A <¥4, R ‘orto S | Xar 2 ay ‘S Matto Gro: 30 uy ' fe Pen 0 Seguro, 5 aratyes eS iS 7 Preto cL ee - Branc : e IAs Fernando & + SS Bella Vista © Spe = ee Se ees tS ee ee Yvan ay + ga! | iI} Sy 2 s 5 es ‘ yeAllemao Sta. racatu = =| Pry, ft Bibl % Fic TAY Sway 1p =) poke 7 ax Altoo Cruz | anaes os Rdg (/t ¥ L. Uberabay " I = ge Cruz = 3{ José, 8. = L. Gaibow Bananal = vy; Ny ess “Morrinhos. _¢ > Entitrios Alegres s 0 aie / 4 Poco de J Piaras : ing R. Verds. oy vatalao = Se Dj aptisaS As Us Dp e P aie a t / ° at The sohuola Picogay. a ae - es Man ¢ torr Sta. Rie OM I ON A $ ES RS A PPacts Alera Deans Sa =e ; Ss St Hp,- Ataguary eau auiES Myrada 2.4 P pagaio S se TAMBE 5,95 : § R) : ze > Milagro ‘Balin idem)Z, Cageres-—p(Ladafia * / BCT > Bagagemo 5.\Antonio a ova s Gas we garrett o fo, nton -/Barra de S. Matheus . DEt = Ss de ee José Pto- Su z ro Sac Mte. “Ale Patrochi a4 Patos VMS vello = Si Miguel 2S. Matheus alah aipura) = Salinas de f ill peg ey, ere trocinio Abaete’ Couceigagoz iro - Thares 5 “Santia: — ve R: » fs Dores do Indaia, Rhee 2ts Figve r Oy, Ligh® gov Coun p) < { yo Prata, ~——~Araxa Sete Ss oes ‘Oo ovoacao Guaycurus fy Fazenda Sta.-Anna do ©} ~ 9" Uboraba, “4 Pitang y SLagéas 22 oltabira Cuithe R. Se) | ------+-=5! va SES z > Parnnahyba of Ptoade Sta- Anna Fruetal_ o S. Sacramento nerwento a ee Sie . Ae | 3 ) 2 %, Ss = = | = 3: : : Cj i ie ie e canal =e uae EuERIaE aD Quangs = 4 Dirsnan's,§ 8 Raab iluby Caahvofrag ~__ Bello, Hort fone Wictorin Mt {| S r : S of) 2 Forquilhal Ne oF yn Idina 12 H O Camatatui © Loma ly sais deta Francisco fer 4 = ee Ton D ee cp Benayente |p Ly enzo 5 Se ———-- 5 }can/ocos = i one . Es STtapemirim | | = fItabapuana and R,- G 12 | < < f 'S. Joao da Barra, Brithant NS r ef ’ tS P A are = ae / yao Campa A sé ‘ampos deC= i * %, J|Amambahy ec mmo Bene % - copie Lp (| ge _CAPRICORN Sen jasuncion ee 4 » Vaty Reajahy Pa ran a ® @Porto Bella > =a <> F) f Corrientes ~ CO a i 8. Bb potest: ore si Desterro La Sabanag “vg UUs. Carnarmal.. 8. Joaquim oi ifs Pundo 2 Jimbituba HLaguna fy, C. de Sta. Martha = ce oes 2 a8 cas Be : = ova Metropol au fencer Wass) aay Vv ila) hiea Sta rs rue “ pel) EASTERN Monte’ BRAZIL Anp 13 25° 14 GUIANA AND PART OF BOLIVIA SCALES. "a Pfrosrariiny Statute Miles, 240— 1 Inch. mt Wu dos |Patos — = = = SS ; f 7 wrayla- : Ro 0 200 300 400 500 16 : Kilometres, = ie st. Joze do Norte aia 1 ci = —? ° 100 200 300 400 500 660 700 800 300 > ea ~ tats /Itio Grande do Sal 5 r CY Ay PA Mirim FOR WESTERN PART OF BRAZIL SEE MAP OF ECUADOR, PERU, Ete B Al priaoce ol Copyright, 1910, by Rand, Mallar £0, "Bland, McNally & Co."s:New 11X14 Map of Brasihand Gif, ee a = a sh Victoria foneinee West from Greenwich Re < Copyright, 1905, by Rand, Meaty, PC waty ; D EB Y Fr ie ood ay 1 #5 Se ATLAS OF THE WORLD. “,. ai MA VOL. . y, See to > SA Naa ee | 14 Aullagas Lak = GA\ VOL, ; ee S Confiuencia LENGUAS Gstéan Colonia del Apa San Salvadér pe Aquidabay Horqui nG® =a Belen = Punta Angamoy es7% = . = Mejillones del SPS G AS z , Ne p- ————t N oF CAPRICORN _ TROPIC OF punta Tetased Antofagast a as at) — Pun - Rosario Li SP =-*~8al, de f= Sas -\ Pt. y eTtacurubi dbl Rosa jSalinds Pocitos : Lg Fave, es : pS acurabi del Rasatto® aSan EStanislao SpArroyas-y Esterog y® : Racy San Joaquin > San Bernarding® © fe 2 oS 2 2 olfacurmh] \Caa-Guazy “2 ta ee 2 Se $ onday Viljarie = Vv Bar NG 5 ua . ¥poa HM ll” AZaraY > S ey ee i CHACO TERRITORY ta , eC = z AUSTE all puerto boheioy onQUI Qo y' Humaita Lta PD Sf Paso de lasPatrig=— ‘a Resistencia, °San Cosme an Luis es "ye=Canidelar) Posada = Recvung]u \ Independenci " & = Lilloes =] : Totora) ocd “egy lej/an ra Hersilia a SAIN A Ye 1 : : in Ori\xtobal is} Sa oni Po z i ° ain Eugenio del Ea Augustin —> = Chiquita Sol INS davierd AS Cuareim © (Valle Fertil) *clanoe 5 2 er 9 : Justay \ “es Carojya ae 3 f Si i | sordoba saute Ross. ycion Zu {e}vecit 4 Roque’ 30 Ez = = N Roques’ > = San Vincente viuanhe UO ASS OS 2 Tua i | P Gua amilla Pt. Cura jmach? Pedroy) Barade AQ Ks a } Lj, hs pe? Mercedes Lincolny~ or chi ilooy Pichilemug Cahuiyg ae aug! ay : = = Roca : pragedy 20 a, wo fee a 4Flora 9g 4e Julioy An SN F ay % Bis) ge™ Ry, — —)/ = ° =e = Sx Saladillg ae ange’ trenque a oe ey Alvear) [ask ‘is REHUEN-- == ss | oan Sou Tapal CHE Victorica 9% es : ° Sahtey Rosa de Tacy {Punta Norte | Cabo San Antonid 0 2 Olavarria / Lavalle, d e oa ‘yen i? ar Chiquita {/ { Mar del Plata C. Corrientes O > das Mar del Sur CHILE C ARGENTINA ‘arias PARAGUAY 5 8 I. Rracno N usted G9. S aS ~ [S Re : Fe ~ iy res , ro ST) Dei LoS nagp red a asl rin LB BF \ P y a f, ' is XE i pe . c ey y NS = P < ie € : . & cai angueiras OFt. s F St ¢ | Ka : w/ Funta Sur | » yee 4 anp URUGU,z angueira LF. S/Migue! a. Teresa Vincente do Castillo, ‘guna de Castiliog “ de Castillog Grandeg a fey 67 30° 40° 7) Punta Rubia 4 AY a®jien de Patagones NS “a : y SCALES % “Woke » Statute Miles, 145 —1 Inch, 7) Oo 2 50 75 100 150 200 250 00 Be hag \) = —== =| i fee Kilometres, 283 = 1 Ineh, | Puertg Punta Norte o 50 100 200 300 __ 490 or Esai f VALDES ob & For Extreme Southern Part of Chile and Argentine Repubjic SAN JOSE ; b oh maids PENINSULA See General Map of South America. Golfo ‘| a Rand, MeNally & Co.’s New 11x 14 Map of Chile, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay.” | ayer See Punta Delgada Longitude West/from Greenwich Copyright, 1910, by Rand, McNally & Co, Copyright, 1905, by Rand, McNally & Co. SS == SSS SSSaaSSSSS— ——SSS= — ——S ——— Cc 66° D 55° = BE ATLAS OF THE WORLD. WW: Pta. Manglares$ A 80° Pailon gy, bo ALS ———— CG sles Cc “76° D = ongepcion = =e z ———— — Ys S ENCABELLADOS \& \ BOUNDARY OLA: S439 ; ; °Archidona ee enn 8. Lorenzo Piata leg | Valdivi | Punta | Sta. Elena Canat det Mor Pura l Gulf of Guayaquil CS or a; A 4 Santo Ag tonio \ CaigaraXy ‘ | awe | Co Pat Tou | Tun Bata ~ | Zorrito: Punta de Sal |Mancoy Blane |_Pta. ceed mgo de i f | Parin ENSOT anne ra Hua Payg 5 Papayacy > = | Jeverose = < ALa ——— 2 Sta-Cruz : | | Sechv \Sechura B. Pta. Pisurg Pra. Agu = ary. a ese Acuracay % zompas | | | Loos Laaen x! N os f; oR Aroerat — Pitnente ‘ ' 5 || Mon Se Ph 5 | | || Chenrepe ue Fy 5 \\| Pacasmay ‘ Morte 3) | H San Pedro de Llé “TAMAMADYS" } Labrea 3] | Malabrig Pauynim S\ r Chocdp he ee pains <| P| ie Chucuriam q & aE g° Huanchacd&, Trujillog HYPUSRINAS Liggsn- uy, rey a AS | Huanapép |! Mae) HUANAPE Is, PERU | Cha Kier Se Antogiog i Santa 1 Fe! 6 Chimbote : cay : Ma% nie 6 | Sainanco¢ ies By g a ——— = i Pm Puerto a coal - Sea =. ESpINOS f Gibbon oO 2 | Casinage Oz . = " ; / es J R i ia BE: 5 U Tower Is] li B ere ee | Pe Deen a | QS a | i} a ®- Bartholomew me aS | {| J Narne Pe 9 § Seymour 11 tee B AW feria ae ate © : i | ete ©, Woodford Stephen, By Il|| Christophe Barrington | Pt Eases e a one mete Boy | OE re | (HOREANA) | @ztooe 111 jJ— Ee J CR | ii ON THE SAME SCALE. | 4 ECUADOR, PER ss 20 + 9 E U + a | | iD BOLIVIA | | | AND 12/)| hog Myc 5 4 AN Es & e 12 oS SCALES. 8 = = Statute Miles, 140 = 1 Inch. | == ——— = SSS=—>5 I 0 25 «50 100 200 300 } Kilometres, 225 = be Inch, <== 7 a : = " 0 50 100 200 300 400 500 FOR EASTERN PART OF BOLIVIA SEE MAP OF BRAZIL. he Rand, McNally & Co.'s New 11X14 Map of Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia, Copyright, 1905, by Rand, McNally & Co. Copyright, 1909, by Rand, MeNally & Co. a 80° : : cANYAS fn SNP 3} A B Cc i D EB ae F J fan = SS — 00 9 firexow ‘prwy £4 ‘ost Iqaualdog vedoing 30 dupe $1 X11 *9N 8,09 9 ClleNOW ‘pUeY eS O02 009 oos oor ove 00g oo. os 0 “PUT T= OOF ‘seajomoyry 69 SM .oz £ I H 2) opt ct: eee a @} o@ Vv Pry, S09) 1 viva ; "Ne oor oof Q02 008 % i; "youl T= 98s “SAT FES =| W 1 Systm TVIN SATVOS Seep aba + NVINOI ONzzNy "Oy qAdOUnNa Yury yg oo = s tury LOPES avew a woHors_oviwat Or Eq ITNY a5 SSNTFIN Ses y goaotnang 5 AS eg OS See a / \WIANA —— avian as \s ipseag-( 8 oes ¥ UN Sj d% 7 Sa, 2 : h ‘ 8137 fury,» | 1 » eqhjufavg : ? Z Nod. 207 ; , ¢ i to : ‘8 Mor 6 Deion \: Smpesions wf Mewse vez wey avons aque! (eh Usyin so | #3 re omhistae nhs a oe % w Heat feria OL (amy oe PHS 4 Asvy ne qyto'y a] zs 7, 2 soupaursomenis—~ = <= sure phn at — ( Me Yaouae, : ( EA glhig® ! ayes ds . : 5 ss) nan : . WOPuns FO : = Ju 2. Sod NZI o Bio T Ly he =ulOpeH : Cae eS 5 2uS065 SF, “ne x DPI —O 7 f Hey, asvid { zpoyT® 4s a J N VIA P8seyy LE &) y . ; NVHO. HSITON " ° 2 = { y i —~-ysaor] 891 Toso \ UNA TeIy Cafong q Stee see or Sm i 3 + Lit ry | O40, 7 . & yoqsopeser » een) pute — ro} rua E gy - ogee Sontag LF I I : s P 96102928 att ainaqod 19999 < ‘ e ? gsuuk a ; gave, = d| ‘ 2 Ziaqeunurg py I Qi sors wee F1ng412)8UT 4 $ : ‘ r gut spur “S] NVIBINT "7 koe “Sila Z Auaissoy o " tS ven 2 orn tS 29 YSUINE = BVI ; \ 5 ey Ny S ig Heqry De. 78, Zone 02380 J yput{o. V2 syius nvuled has sndtag ATLAS OF THE WORLD. Ste inva PDX Pune LNs 7 upiigi Uinyrapog ca ig 5% VT Of ow ‘maf pos, — sw2oed Soeent ¥ \ aor Q SyULAtN, : n> oO wong A = Crs ynod= x NG . "1 neu s) bas SJ ve ys @° Wonspony SANVI8T ONAONTG | (FJ HAOIVA HE 4 : OSUVAANTY Yorauoosy wos JsUq opnjisuo0T | ——~_ Woravearn wou 480.4, opng fue eR ° ge KGS: Dar" Soba a 30S Ss ATLAS OF THE WORLD. SSS SS es— SSS SSS BRITISH ISLES SCALES Statute Miles, 64 — 1 Inch. 25 50 100 58°! —= 54° 10 11 o ROCKALL ISLAND Gr, Biasker AL SOS Malio Kilometres, LO3 = 1 Inch. ° 25 50 100 200 CE —— - = = Rand, MeN cally & Co's. New 11% 14 Map of British Isles. Copyright, 1905, by Rand, McNally & Co. LB PLAaNay|Isuanps HEBRIDES Butt of Lewis A 72° B Cc D E H us I 4° J K Ronas vor i == re : Longitude “West from Greenwich SH ETLAND par’ ‘ ISLANDS St. ALugun\’ So Para S1°° = b 3) Fass J PaRe NVESERE North an. Troxapsuay 1, WeEsTRA Sd. Westra Ling, Sanvay I. Rousa id Sanday Sound PoMONA 0} L MAINLANDY) 2 Srronsay Stromness Stronsay Firth ORKNEY » ISLANDS %, not Ye & Copinsay L. S. Ronatpsuaw ae >, ty, Dunnee gy, ty Me, “s, 4 Thurso Viae 2} a io) @ Duncansbay Mead 5 = Sinclair’s Bay ick atheron Berriedale elmsdale C ° Sr. Kinpa L \ WEST Sound of ay ian Norra Uist “eo S ENBECULA errs an Y Sou q ISLA Warensay => ~ Mineunay fs : Z HEBRIDES ak BR Cen Point __- ngals Cave) &j Jona 1.UQ ae, oy, < Firth of por JOLONSAY * URONSAY SP cl : ee a melt BAN py Qil ettcrkenry, Gweebarra Bay Dunglow . MeenafiGeny Fil Lifford x Rossan Pt, eBligo Mang Blacktson NG i Gam ( Collooney j, Bat Lymore PAT ACHILL TAY X 7 lewport ag). Castle) a Boyle = rick on Cuane I, S Cleo 3 {Kiltamagh Drumo. a vf get Ballyhaunis y Castlereagh’ “ SUlifden Blyne Head 2 i se " Ovehterard Woy E\ Galy, ae oS E Sou mos ie ee Ballina’! $ NISHMORE Gale “ay ) B Alghrim)= ARAN Isiawps Pro p f quem E44 ‘wy yvazban ie oo “Fx Cortotin Crea tit sMi sout™ 1 oTulla oNevach ‘MuttO™ og Ennis g) Inisr 2 : Shaye W oi (Claremorris) é ongford =~ NISHBOFIN 2: ~~ Sheeff: Trp B re ee 3 PSL, Meag Pallltzave > Rostommond oiatoea N° igh “sTuam Mount MOOV iL, f Kilkees : illalog oTemplemory Carlow ie ¢ Loop Head & ee — Shannon Rive = ‘oom Tj regia P Cas el Tralee Bay sign i vm: oa el ‘4 on “ “i ae Ze os Si Dunmore Head << , «8 Sy ra}eetondford o ~ ) WDingte is ind? —— we, or ‘xia. = Blacky, rag Cillarne; Water, erat fs fey Dieudiga cane 3 tsiveen anre Macroom R, Lo ck Ss 1 eee a ee Sei ae sy Ant i Gast federg o% ax NIN * mh Carri) Donegal eee ‘eagh Derr e ‘Ygonnelly rtadown milton? ie lilltown ¢ bail feta) clones Eels Ne . AN ise MOURNE MTS. Port ErinS RWG lineford uF or MaNo io Shannon Gavan. Kingscourt/J La Drogheda Bellew a L. Ree aman Gort \YY4¢ =f ») ‘ sh, Bitblon Edender Yy oe feo ‘Clara ° Kildare aA ol \ Rs. e e L.Derg ae onstown Mow teat XO Howth Head Hoty I. Portumna AGBIre( Woodford pe Zour Basgerarkford te \ ISLAND Cigamel gn Suir (New Ross = u a tea a ae irth ol Fir = 0” vst Ness yt’ Mead ‘a . > Ae paserburgh 4 Nev) sligo Peterhead biel Buchan Ness, ) ¥than R. ‘BE Ra: i % Aberdeen: Hn Pius vee EN Cy, N ees 2) Stonehaven / Bervie urencekirk Montrose ¢ SS *o A fs Ferry \ Firth of Tay it. Andrews » Fife Ness | 1sue OF May Seirth of Forth 5 mline “x orth Berwick \ i L. Dee AY e bérglen Hamilton} atid Balladtpae eye ip ton ae = < \(\ Port Patric kfergus F potas L, ~S 2 onaghadee ree Pen if Gookermet Kes BELFA \. Whownards Applt © Lisbumh \ Mull of 4 Cleatde con ue Lurgan hangfora Galloway CUMB py ‘Amblés pl Point of Ayre. Downpatrick’ Vy i \ “Dit ndrum B. Newcastle “dale Bay Ribble RP Ming Roc Ibriggan Southpory” Balto’ G Boot (| sired qhampay L. A reat oO, = Ga Kine, 20 . a D arf Carmels Poigy rey Mes | Bir Silene > fee Rh pie Dublin Bay =p icingstewn Holyhead {h NBray ANGLESE Bursyf —— el P recedr. ciel ois le fa Menai St" ; q a ottil cro Carnarvon Bay¢ ; pon Troi Lon: erby a ; Vhitechure edeross ee li ose \ Burtou 4 Arklow Braich-y- peng si = A Stafford \ Ot yo Tred nee Barossy ae. Lie getd? Re dolin ee ee Wal 2) “Ferns ) Cabore Point Wolverhar pton ) ow Brow es forthy CARDIGAN f\ Bridgnorth \ aid iN PBR MINGEEAM § Wexford Aberystwith} Ludlow E ren! y Harbor wy BAY iP La iad ioe °-CLeamington r<>Greenore Point prance Vorcester No Say ‘Tuskak Rock < New Quay rm Me Snyors or ‘arnsore 4 Cardigan, ne 4 Point a> ¢ 8t.Da, a, St. Davids Head. Shine 3 \ ™ 1 Ramsey I, 9 iE Have ves f Wijtia: | F (YyGloucester St.Briaes BUY). ee Ws. Se C?/ Stroud. Sxomer 1.°RU SG Beli o y, ne LO gua’ Milford soo fiw a : p= For a) Unies byxy yies® n 8 7 Aber \ 4 ; St.Gover® vine ca™ yi Tifracom! ae Shee “Lunpy I. 0 é abu Barnstaple Bay * x OF Hartland Point = PGiilinguam South pre erborue Bud Bude Bay P Strattg Ginte Bay Sl a Avvernex lige Longitude West. fr —— Kee Roel UN ERsEY I. EK eerie UN a Ls » By HALSAY Sumburgh Head = ewbiggin South EN QTynemouth SSouth Shields (Sunderland Flamborough Head heerness We ORELAND = Hastings $ Boulogne’ “astbourne os ww x oF CHANNEL ISLANDS Valdfnes Le Havre er | Port ines Guernsey I, % Greenxyich. Carteret —— es | 54° 52° ATLAS OF THE WORLD. A a 4° BE os F * Ml = ° sae T\ 7) mod\ We oatbrid, irdri oy , \\ J Shenle: ag ] y ~Pping Jy] Port Charlot z Be | Airdrie Esk INBURGHCAMMERMUIR St, |Abb’s Head ‘idenham M Waltham Cross/, \(¥, Waltham/Abbey p | OaGLASGOW ee news 4, aL PN [so® Vt Ny ® dh Kelvedon Hatch’ Port - Motherwell” Sw \) = tts, \o~ Chipping Barnet ‘ily ops Ss eset nahavene< a Wishaw “™S Berwick-upon-Tweed Shon, } Watford / Ns is \ Enfleld $4) REA os poi Sed BAN mspittal J © Elstree\New Barnet) ~~ \ “as / “— yo » Lauder hake ee N ‘AN YO, Loughton. *) ¥ pomouth: r Nook td Totteridgés 1) \\Edinghton Gi 7° Be me °Kilmarnock | ‘ Budle ‘Bay ce eee VF hetatonias Ones [Wi Betoun Woe ° Dy F s. \, Edgware <~p-Woodg : ones Orava Vo Re, Den Tpke oe Pinner \ Helugitieiion Wdoatard, Havering ?>, i Cumn Beadnell Bay << au mELOW, : a bate Barking Side .-71 1 4 : tot on. the Hill ynstow / ~ Raruuiy I, co} Vacs x mL... ewton 7) be Ru sfip Brentehes, Wanstead. Aine ia = ps y = ‘ Sanqahary (J | WILLESDEN < 9S ar ones iors on Lull of*Kintyre ee »\s aaWarkworth | Northolt .)4°7 on SZ Page = s Daasakae } R 3 2 ff te Barki P Dagenharh | as ornhill UL ; we? Green fofrd (Front LOG re a) “a , ; yf oe 2 é gS ury heving ‘on pee ZG \ ZWESTH m<(7y, 4b D 2/ Langholm Newbiggin cl ink ten f S77 \ | Ne. % 3 F; st ae arpa C nlewie Up ee Corsewall Pt.” Dumfries), Lockerbie ee lyth Hoanslow ENAt detifa iy . =. Sa lewdrth {4 one hy Douglas % es, th mouth(N. Shields) \reetbietina atich mone Grayfotd i Miers Strankaer , outh Shiels Noe aes Putney, oe waa sites > \ vp . Bexley Port Patrick f ; ‘SUNDERLAND 3\\ \Sideup? fn one S P. ak Allgnb: Abbey Holme Seaham Harbour Ine Ay Bepkengmley SFoots Cray 5} ‘ort Logan ¢ 4 oy ut ss Bro cpisleburst_ 87] D a Marypo ‘Aspatria= e-Hole ur hit a © onaghadee ans = qtiepool ( (West Wickham \ be a) ‘ Cock skio} Ho Kk. B A ’ M Newtownards Mull of H age 20 SSS SHOT Hartlepool si eddingtom,. Y “Y| vm Crockenhid St. Mary Cray : Galloway ead Workingtonf S E«elll” we np Carsha hones) Keston Farnborough Whitehaven 2b: Cheam Addington \O Chelsfield 2 Cledfo y Shap? ¢ BX Epsom } stead Purley Downe, Shoreham fe Point of A: E \ MTS Orton Jy Bro) gh R. Da a \ ° Halsted : rtaferry nS eeiDride =X WESTMORELAND IZ pe ORES SEAT Crat’ Walton Statute =e ~ A ams: Rayenglas Winder oe ae ae et wo on the Hill ° = csi tan atts packers msey 2 pwned e G — 7 Kirkmichael, Maughold|Head Bro = i = es ughton-in-F \Cloughton s (aS Laxey Pat Scasbaroush Environs of LONDON. ‘ averis . | Fordale Mines" -F Douglas Dalton in Furnes: ed pFiley talks Port Erin. SF Barrow in Fr A y) yapedal (\Filey Bay ue Carr or May & Re Cam) it Nat D ‘Sf Langness Iste or Watrey Ys og) = Se ‘Flamborough Head | undalk| Bay © Bo? (oRs ; vs ibe \ al Bridlington | 54° Pl vs Morec®™ — Pitting @) B Fleetwoodg He ay) = Nea g i ~ Hornsea 4SY A at ack pool f= Aldbrougt Drogheda Lf; R fe iS Vee A E 4 \eRESTO! dbrouga Lytham pe Withernsea ythant 24a Pou Southpor f | ton ry Easington — re Ne > Orns \ Kilnsea T : Oe LK ;, # Spurn Head HE SKERRIES Waterloo] ao ap. Carmel Head, LIVERPOOLS “mber 3 Holyhead Bay) a “ Holyhead eddlethorpe | | Horyuean [ Sar Mablethorpe iseolyn Claythorpe Sutton on Sea Carnarvon®® Va yg n Horncastle Menai Strait gy (i N op Glass Point DERB Ib Ikestl a Braich-y-Pwllf a OAS Barvsey I. 4 gh eer D T | CN port 2 OY Barmout pos St, 4 \(( Wexford Bay ay os | = authwold - Chay 77 y ‘ "ae, i Dunwick RY tran», Ding Dy, 2 }/Leiston g big, “as 2 oui | Bea % 4 Ay ‘Aldeburgh | A Fishg air tYOrcford Ness Y St. Davids Head uf Morford Haven ||| 550 -» Se ) Ramsey Lg a | CM se. Brides | ate 1, 1 Pos j 6: Snowe 5 2 at PCiacton on Sea S gxoKt™ “yer RES P. Biack voce as ye Fic.’ ackwate milf pe R. Crouch WwW ; shoo car" y 3 io 5 Wo — e Sue oe ee XY, x TG, | oe as pete l psi Broadstairs | or Ly, wey a Ramsgate Deal Dover vo J AY AY 4) Vv a | Ml “ Boulogne (Exmouth Langton Heri y’ 4 Lyme Bay NS . Reel? Wake eiltoDy yes! l c 4%, Etaples ~] 6 1 | Eng gable Start Bay -Salcoin} OA Start Point ; Rue | Care Rickbam Somme R. | ° St. Vpllery- sur-Somme 50° | < ; Dieppe 4 N A | ‘\a b L casei? ( - 2 3 Fecamp Avperney I, Pointe de Barfleur XR | Cherbourg Bolbec AND | ES : BAIE DE LA SEINE maeee — fu Sampson's Cape la Heve _Harflear 7 St. PetérS Ws pn Rouen SCALES a “YP Sark I, iC} Statute Miles, 41 =1 Inche CHANNEL ISLANDS ° 10 20 30 40 60 ’ a JERSEY I, t+ Martins Elbent 7 Kilometres, 65 =1 Inch. Corblore Gorey ° 25 50 75 100 st, APP Se Fetter Rand, MeNally & Co,’s New'll x 14 Map of England and Wales. ‘4 Copyright. 1900, by Rand,.MeNally & Co. Copyright, 1910, by Rand, MoNally & Co. Ens Mexqutens ae Evreux DE. ongitude West{from Greenwich. Longitude’East from Greenwich, 72 SHETLAND ISLANDS. 1:4 ex 60° @: St. Ninian’s I. and B. OULA am St. Magnus *° Mucxie Roe Para Stour Qpgy R Li, SAXAVORD, he | %, piltaso Mp Bay BA LAG, lee = RAN aisav , Ung » vesting Bay . ATE + Score Head nv on™ : Noss RESSAY FAIR ISLE bs a Burs Qy So, unne “Mnsshureh? }Mousa;y sh ake ERNERA Channerw} Fitful Head Siggar Ness Quenaal® at yroe® 58° 10 e O 2, . f| Mowacu Ce sea See Gallon Head, Ye A 3° } Fivepenny 4 ATLAS OF THE WORLD. . F 5° H I 4° QNortn Roxa ? Norrn Barra Sour , % VALLE, South RONALDSHAY QR “2 Ge Pentla 3 ld Hea S % “ Ug 8 = CG %, ty %, G% Qeae praca Oe). | PENTLAND ee Yeo. 4 Margaret's Hope ewall ONALDSHAY Noss Head ¥4Pulteneytown Ellchenichbe Dusu ARTAcn, Ards! TRESUNISH * {nin ‘Kine 'Fincats Cove e 2 x, Ry sr" Ig, 4 ’ Un h (i Starral.e «L148 SKERRYY: Sf [3 ai ay ee Tona BR, ver Earrath con” ToRRAN, ‘, por Rocks | of "Convo _ Glengarrisda iloran Kinish Pt, Oronsay 1S oo Ard. Portnahaven 2 GicHa Ls, a Si: pr. Ardminj : Rbynns * “2a vArdmora B eS Port. Wem h is rossan a 7 a Saltcoat®” Nk Bat 1 wt r ” aguth of © Lao F = Wiz S Auehis ~ > Dds Pp, RA s Wass \> I ob *> Ant Sines 3 OS Kilkenzili % Ayr ¢ S 3 Re ie Campbeltp _ Head of Ayr, “ae Y : Bennan Hea Dunureg = £ 65 Pa a F white Potat/ oa" puxpbd BY ines 3 Turnberry Pt, Care me Kirkoswe = Mull ot sais Eyund AY ; Bg otf Dy Kinty: Sa’ ea, L : SCOTLAND SCALES Statnte Miles, 28 = 1 Inch, a ssa” a 1 tees 13 nave Pt,% Head {Vase oO ~ Kilchrenan® Lv »¥ Asa Crara%, Lendalfoot Ballantrae ¢ Corsewall Pty “* Girvanf Bennane Head @ Mitty, 4 Poing f 3 th te mi TEN callaiider Braco o SN ull” Poune Blackfor Rinloc! Togh Rannoch. ew szans .) Ey ueRonay| Yo id. ye ied = elday Benpecur ‘ 3s, op 2 : Craii Banko: ERNES }) 2 )ASeen cracnain a ula x a 1 i f > >/ s e ppleerpssCoulage. (pAriivachar Pt Qe. ¢ 140 ateriteiny f § Groen Ly) Over ep Ramasaig : b = N Howmor nat iti Pee y Q 5 _Uehinish Pt. Jdrigill F tale L, Brace oot WK, Rudhba Ardvula fT. HECLA Talisker VU [ae . Eynort L. Eynort ¥ : = palygied Dalibi a 4 D %, <2toTn/ faa) Sas ABulsdate Teale Tones Beta “Ss ¢ pore” sila olsdale - Dunan Pt. Ja z Be Port Augustus ae =a “ft fy) So, peIRLE le eae 1, Gee 5 fg e Ruimniedale aD 9 ne “ %, Scurrival Pt Ya - Canna I 4272 y ir ay ESE TS = ae % % : to \PERiskay OF THE . 2, os Arrisdale Tomdown 9 of d syle 3, & = ce Arm@dale gy? is aN rathie EKG a re Sanpay I. Dr. sercaort pe (SL. che , r - ZL : as 2 Es B ruernish Pt Hysker Is,,e = Harri ‘co, —‘Sleat p, pa 5 Loch —,—£, a & fastlebay " HASKIUN Ss x wr = ease Ang V ATERSAY i . Papnaita”s » = Rianne mae lL ° ‘apadil 7) a I, 9 ane ne: Ms 3 Bo CNS ‘ We seiy Ut Sy PRs, ime aS ees Tio Atle: oO" on De = : Rs LiNGALay Horse 1g “us — Muck I i Darra sBenxeray 5 SSG Dalnacardoch 7 Jensheo Head Faseadal FS, 8 ZB oe se a Se @ of Ardnamurchan Pe g or U = OS Stquat = Dlairsithole PoloskieS C rK a = t , : a8 I. M } "Oh, Paigamel sre ta oMyulio \, C2 pe y Toosd! Killigbonan "9 5 pitcshey Kirkmich isdale te ree Lay on Roi? Bankfoot Almond erthoQ Muthbillo r -Auchterard er Luiz ston > Dunes oUarsta' | Dalry New Galloway = ak > Y Matven 16) Glenarm z Rocks Larne Kirkd Se Black Hend “2. Arawell Bay 4} A Cc Tnyer Dunkel wn Frey here PRM SZ eViot Aberheth . EX Lockerbie Moni ie) Carsayilie le ’ Vigeans Jaen MORE portingall REDE us yeu “ne OY Aberfeldy ere — AG, | Monty i Kenmore — == a 2 g oeArbroath Pittenween @ Ist or MAY, N ysart irkealdy girth ies Ss ori ick { Hawick Chester So ys 7 F G let ee) 0 10 20 30 _ 40 2 === —_—————- White Head and Point . Port William\$ Kilometres, 45 = 1 Inch, ast Lough Aes) Port Logan a3 ucelBay Whi 10 5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 10 ba be pers ae Kirkmalaed Rocks? Glassertdn — aS Dr, . Rand, McNally & Co.’s New 11X 14 Map of Scotland. | uininore Workington Il Copyright, 1906, by Rand, McNally & Co. east wits si aphaey La [= oe 7 ° 6 ° = 5 ° 7 B J ylhelvie M Burnhaven Roddam ) 7 Collieston Newburgh ick Ripon Tweed 56 2 —————EE a ee ATLAS OF THE WORLD. 73 Longitude West from Greenwich, 4 C- Rome) ate Ardara Ns aN Ir alll ge Ratuun O'Binve 1.4 Ge Malin Bez Gm ‘ ad Lees Carrigan Be! Peck? oe HEM. BOY A Muckgroswynes ° © Ballintra- pusnowlagh Emy = = GlasloughoS ‘Lo, dc Ra bs 3 Corraun Point Ce ahs: Inisuxea Noati.- = ry b origienou —— c permite Al hogill adow Legoniel Crumli: ee Waringitown Salty, Dromore Se ry Pundruy 2 e Donaghadee Mill Lele SArdglass St. John’s Pt. 2 Bay Bally martin int x gee aS org Lough & INISHKEA sourng® Back Rock® 4a Brock 50 plac : ro keel A encastle = zee Ecenyre oe Po! = = 2 = 2 = * eptradone—cy = . Bay," (G, Camport Bay a Jf 5 = “| ¥e oa Shercock ‘aga FF SS = ugh\— winefor y is : & VA Carr Dundalk Bay”"? Pt. Kildavne A : - =~ =sS; ak = ban ~ y Tellananagh === Louth? att y IT z = = = <. y =i . f 9 Crosedoney = 3 PH Dromiskin Castlebar — fF Drunihawnagh Kingscourpg LOU Acostlebellingham = = — Ballyjam! =dutf 2 gor con® “A Annagasean a 2 ‘s =f anil \ - - b . a : SS ant : va Dunany Poin WE! =<— —— 3 - , Drumili: \ “Svirg! Ardee - Pepe 1 Loullp ’ estport. Quay. ~ S| | ——S_ >= 2 = = ean Juttazh SNoppe : Ht E Er I, - = F Mayoo : ox Granard AY a = Clogher Hea Inisuturx I Y : = ee ; 5 ee ages Newtown: Forbes © olf : AS. re © Collon Termonfeckii : : a — 1x5 Carlanatow: ‘ : Tabane : =o : Erma ¢ LONGFORD wi =) gis Drogheda Inisuvori I. i Sa Wee Ws a7 : S mia ae ‘ ~<é ornington |) Inisuarx 1 awe eal Se : 2 2 == = fa 3 BS, j Laytown py) 2 : ‘ Stonetown- € ee ie —S ‘ 1 Cleggan Bay < . = z= Dyinmore o = . Ez : eat e a ee 5 : Z sate — Pacintow ° Gianna © Rosdau a = bg. ave vee DD gavaragh : — ormanstow Or : f N a ama We = it aT Oey I? wa Se F : = Rabeen o == Choon = = VS a7) = =e \Multyfarnhan 2 _ waters J os SKERRIES Is, Ardbear Bags s SaaS M i = Kilbennans = Athi 5 Se Le 4 Owel Kitmessah_-= Skerr \ Loughshinny 5 - 0 7 cur —— , = Ww = é Mannin ,B. 3 di . 4 J bar Z : “suburn y EST EATH = == Dunslaughlia._ SESS a bt = = = rane o ullingar Lara = P us . E eB Shannonbridgey, x KING SC Sins ‘I = Gee = Kiltormer OUNA Y= 2 “Robertstown y, Tawin I. ¢ Craughell = yin 5 —- Buadnoon POrYLSouna BY Kinvarra B o> Loughrea yrecourts 9 |p rt Geashiis® —___—*#B° : == ee K Is? a Fe ‘Rillimor ao anager Frankford — —— Newbridge yu)" 7 Naas tee z 4 Corgarve 2 rtaplingt = 2 ewtown Cl lee = 4 2 EI — ie Sua Kildare ou OW Kileullen cS ? =< a sah / = Ao = = Kili wn = o Lisdoonvarna yF isherstreet = yorwush NJ Stradbaliye itbe: = Dunl Ballitoreo Maynooth £ Celbridge Sha ; DUB so Cloghran D LEN. neha [Elo ni u Sat blin Bay ack Ropk aRray Gray, Head feanyo \ | o\fiilcoole Yewtownmo} Ki flough $Greystones untkennedy Bally walter Abbey 7 abbin Ballyhalbert Killough Bay 3 Ballyferris Pt. WY Ballyquintin Pt. Mill Quarter . ® Killard Point Guns lL. . Bag ive Mile Point, iter ‘\Wvieklow VAthy COUNTY | Abbeyleix = Castle Liscannor Bay Z ybrophy on™ Rathdowney, SS o Cloet? FS Gai Durrow?\ 4 attanagh: beac: ——— Ar = astlecorer G Spanish Point 5 Mutton 1.7 ay Donegal Point. 6. Freshfordo * ‘rlingford * 14 Moore Bay | cf - 5 — ee Ses S y Thurles = = = == ue 2 ee o e SAS d ping : ‘ ell HIN SS Tullip iis 7 = = ° eS RSEs = ZA Scatrery 1. es Cay i ys blycross 9 New Bi ves S B SPIERARY/ t Ss Loop Head < cy ircret nO * ° Rillendiul cor ‘ oS -Killengule 9. Rive” Bally- Bo x ALG °Cashel |Mullinahoheo ~{y Callan bunni Kilmore Point Golden. Rosegrven / "Knocktopher, Y_' = "Fethard 5 ° Kilkenny > Eee el 5 fetioze © jonae® Kb i 2. Ballinga Pruff” Bruree } Borris ix a © Timahoe = Taltinglal mot = Hagketstown = arlow . a Ballon? 2 Clonegall , Cdgtlewarreno Bagenalstown P = =| Ferns >. Kiltealy SI =e SSS fSEnuideorthy se” outarto WE X FIO R D ay é ae : 5 Su william "_%(Tralleghkeen Macmine J>. Cant? oS Newtownbarry Camolin iinfigore 7 : = = e : o a b aad : aoe E S Ura ; Doonbeg Bay Y g tare % =o Baill Sy re iT ne : = f ‘ > LS = > P hk ———— J < s) WE SBenpitfouby® A Tullowy (—Thpabely, § A i ‘Z cAnSS wi -Ball = = : A) ees Fs) Ss & Instown Jragge ae uh ¢ A'R LO —* : B ay ) "A9U2TA ysor PH x oO, pig e} ep and ett) AV} [PP CAEN 0142) J] ap WOTPAISL, “ie : our qo10L // qaaqsyO ap Vled | BIOUIGT Qh wktorwtA Lb PI it pens9y, er vivfurepreny || wnodussay, oh epeariy gt mnoaoing g somuaeg / zolepeg 9 SIV ¢ spemy uoadoy 95 TPO o% vAULY | ‘eAnqeg pue ayedg yo dup $L x TT Me ———S 00% ost ~ 00F Rep, uvdery op vuyoyy ra Toma 1p ’EOOTY > & @?PUuezods 807] 20.1e¢7 a ap souug 7ADA, a nT nog ap (ry \ [eyuomGne7 op reFpo WIO L I \ WOT ep epuvsyyy 9 oz P10 °RY lg? PMOUOPT ay 2 7 Opaqn, 5 ny i OF T1109 *9 ‘SHONTAOWA NIVAS SMTOIISN o opayiavouyyy, S72 Bans. N 509 % S1UNOTY ‘pany AS “S y) \ a Ps es "UL T= Sat ‘seajemopry 1] | i — “WULF = Og ‘sort SAHTVOS TVONLUOd | GNV N —— ———— Pied SIG TUTAUO9AL) WOIT 45¥ YDIMUIEIH ULOIT 4S9A, OPNzIZUOT Lape 6 *saiiw 40 3nyog (HSINVAS) VINO opudjreaseqy s100"y oy YRITYLYD *S pinay fo tog ¥ Gan 4S 9 odsig o, vite a zalty eal P S°emosT yy 9p way Tm we} © B.11907, amo oe 5S! irene od Jxse5 POO B0AID +39 8°87 8VoKa7 oyunaeyy ‘Ss 20d &P earronayy HPA TOULagUO Wy P13Se) op wuuny, qurureg ee a ge gay 2D OL a etre | ~ 9T St —=—— es SHONIAOU AVPALUOd ATLAS OF THE WORLD. D ee H ee EE SS Longitude West from Greenwich, FRANCE SCALES Statute Miles, 70=1 Inch, 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Kilometres, 100 =1 Inch, 26 50 75 100 150 200 [=== — wy Rand, McNally & Co.’s New 11 x 14 Map of France. Copyright, 1906, by Rand, McNally & Co, Vopyright, 1909, by Rand, MoNally & Co. N Exeter (x ol f Portland Bil) 1. OF WiGuT SOUTHAMP TON , MOUTH Mon,’ JBarfleur 'P de Ay Ay, arg Baie dela Seine ry : _LE HAVRE & es Ye e. Mere Eglise “Seine River. Po, rN ft DE omy Bat (airs yy la —Ous QuideronQ?,, Beahroe L Hovat “ek aine: = aint as GJ. ge &N MERg - Horn.) we 7 St. Lowp St. Gilles-sur-Vic th a ee b wilde La Mothe Ag j Les Sables a’Q1, sas 3 | er tag, <— 7; See NEF Ihe DE REQ “a, St. Martin de Re C ertuis @ Ang, eee (Ki%e St. Pierre @Olerou Sp LE DO lero! 2) Pertuis de Maumusson La Trembl. Pte. de la Coubre Royarng le Verdon Lande Etang de Parent Paren| D Etang d’ Aureilhar J 44 = A 4. % Pamplona” x S Miranda Ny hy mA 5 : : de Ebr : i a 10 oe YLT SE — ee Pit pF NS “aM 0, » Na %, : Saftrouvil 45 42° g . Honfleu . M ontmoreaus j St./Pardoux a5 —————— ee = Longitude East from Greenwich, NO REY THE HAGUE/® £S ha EA RS dae O ONG YY ourtcoing Youbaix hi ‘\ Bs oupa . sur-Vienneg,/ Gaultier La Chiitre® <\Argenton-s 3 i g ha Crear Thivfers Montagrier y 3 $ - oPerigue 8 % Arcachon 5 e O Etang de Cazaly 3 = Q A Seyches ov AA : E ater oauds * q\lon;8Ur= nite ferimalss 1 \ Issoudui ts si aN a) ‘Chatillon sur-Seine lon’ 72 Semur e Montet-aux-Moines% Varennes-sur-, Paray-le-M Allier ¢ "oO . ( ‘areill: s \ Aigueperso, A\zances Pe" Felletin ~ |Eyg sel. wo 3 Clermont Ferrand be Puy Of DOME es Belles— PU a. odes ppetetas le Chat Sa w iN a 2 Ds Oi Ey "ny if i Lezignan Wayarbonne St. Hilaire, 4 Vistang de es ee ¥ Grwissanr ~ — . Leucate rm RY Vegele Cc. Cerbere C, de Creus ri Ss G, de Rosas Vitteaux —— a a to wes Blin _9C (Bourmont, | 1 Ain | 2 Aisne 3 Allier 6 Ardennes T Arlege | 8 Aubo | 9 Aude 10 Aveyron 11 Basses-Alpes 12 Basses-Pyrenées 13 Belfort (Territoire de) 14 Bouches-du-Rbéne 17 Charente Z 18 Charente-Inferleure | 19 Cher 20 Correze 21 Corse (Corsica) 2 Cote d'Or Cotes du Nord 4 Creuse > Deux-Sevres 6 Dordogne Doubs |28 Drome }29 Eure 30 Eure-et-Lolr 31 Finlstére 32 Gard 3 Gers | 84 Gironde 5 Hautes- Alpes Haute-Garonne Haute-Loire | 38 Haute-Marne , |39 Hautes-Pyrénees |40 Haute-Sadne Haute-Savole Haute-Vienne 3 Herault Ille-et-Vilaine |45 146 \A7 }48 49 |50 151 {52 53 54 nb 56 158 159 | 60 61 62 03 O4 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 = a Indre Indre-et-Loire Isere Jura Landes Loire Loir-et-Cher Loire-Lnferieure Loiret Lot Lot-et-Garonne Lozere Maine-et-Loire Manche Marne Mayenne Meurthe-et-Moselle Meuse Morbiban Nitvre Nord Oise Orne Pas-de-Calais Puy-de-Dome Pyrenees-Orientales Rhone Sa0ne-et-Loire Sarthe Savoie Seine 6 Selne-Inferleure Selne-et-Marne Seine-et-Oise Somme «) Tarn Tarn-et-Garonne Var 3 Vaucluse Vendée Vienne Vosges Yonne To, Lenois Dompalre Fraizé|, ? Epinal 9 Gérardm OG it Lamarphe— 86 Reiniremon' lontigny Vitrey® Amant p ¥e, md Sony oS ou 40 , oMonthard Selongey Sanit oa eocaase Is-eur-Tille 4 Autrey” yy Montbo: St. Seine’ Gray ,G: ° oA N77 OT OGY Mireveau™ < ‘aay = Dijo til © Vienne Tenne PTéomans * \ on. i /Valence be == 3 oChabeuil Voultey// oxott_Dii Saillans Loriol Lyc-en-Diois ~ & Montelimar | Grignan : | Nyons %$ ane as noite” | Speton, Orange R83 y »Carpentras Sault? — Hs Givianon Forcalquiey // Syyarreme Apt -/ | Castellaneo CA <5 Cavaillon AS - ° mm, Pertuls Yor, Hs OPesancon puxonnk Hans \2T OP “y Peyruis of Axes Mees gy. Bains So. A Jussey St. Loup &Luxeuil Lun, Belg; 5 aul, oO YHerieourt : wiimes Bons btHar. mon Zakougsmoniy BS ont’ o |Baffines c Paine s ippolytey 22 Morteau.” 4 ‘Phono: £Douvaine § GENEVA 7 ts Bonnevill Julien ai ‘Chamonix, 4, Annecy Se ei % Py sisteron 1 Yolonne Di 3) ne andre GIs RZ cou ou FI , Au) wp val od Priget-Theniers ee &, & “tee (J Memmert Saxon 1 $e, Ng. My, ty “6 “am O ermonnikoog 2 Peazens Sa % ¥ Vr, & Holwer fetslawi » &, py, = = RL Vlie Strom tan vy) Zoutka Very & = <= i Kol Mes Ase vid 5 gat Jacobi i scare = OUry ign GS G e oJ e aed aah UWARD eenwoude; aio arlingen o = i} Na cpoumey fogast 2 r De Leijtn 7 “ FR A M tr D arui AMSTERDAM Witraagfom\——7 | — _ AND 17S Z —— ENVIRONS, Bajsward, (Sneek: ae ; SCALE-OF MILES. 3| Oynrust ® = Met Donk —_—— >= = SS Huisduinen Helder Workuy (a? y — 53° = : _ Ouderkerk = Hindeloopen foe | E P leusseriyAStoter Sp Fara ae ony \ gendring ——— y pe: to recht Slicdrecht pAsperen:— J ‘oWamel °p; ; nee . pu 5 ‘ eS ec re PS Ss aa § 3 ‘preume aa ve > piney s yy ey = yy OL 0 Brouwersh *Strlien 2 BAS SHINE Wiha Sk Wee z SCHOUWEN a Oy sly : ae oglu “Aalst Kley LeeiGugeiei een i mansdor} ye f / Aimkerk Pepyt) a) i Drjel leu, sbeck wah - \ \ A Grave ' NoordLan ierikee ) ee = = rr Fe=§ cP pte Lierikaey ‘ oie o ae eusden _2| S-HERTOGENBOSCH aot SS %, 5 Sek, s \ = ~ Klunde: Terlieiden| a t ib oon. a OP Uden Ye D it. Annala . Stn Yr Lend BoxmeerQ omburg N. o} - \ Dongen Hely 207, ‘ (i f EVELAND “> Ne THOLEN Teterinzon 7 = eghel | Boekel vr Liv? Re WALCHEREN, Veere GSe RTholem Oudenbosek ije R Vierlli iL Bergen o Mace oe DS wWouw: prinseanaed c eda nave = ‘T Vierlingsbee! Ss ; Bee *SouTn Sozo,) Rozendaal Gienckep a “ti Ibur “term ijk = a — a : Flushin : elt Berea Zoom Alph > ee Oirs a ©) °.,| tan) &, (Viissingen yo Aredske ais ee Hirgren- © = 5 \{ cBaket \Venralj Geldern Tp 3 a Gr, reskens RO > 3 o beck Eindh oehyel Ni a2 elmond Horst eed 76, ay, Che IN ox Sey = 4 OveIni€ ° ssen qn, %, i “ong ON hep } < es Eas rlo Deurn cc ; oy Bierv list (dts / q « Hag. © Gellrop \ Sevenum Duisburg I; 7) m riheuze AY a == ez ° Aalst BS ~ 6 Ye, lg issew t ae Scr oZaamslag — \ omeren® ee nlo & cs A Nr, 4o, “¢, “jBreedene ‘Ss - urs (Qee A&el | Hul el _Valkenswaard? © Lecnde $ i l y f %s , ~) \ ‘ ‘a he ip ‘elen *;, Mon, %, i A BRUGE St Tenet sv OK. eS 5 " haooks ee ea See ao Be ti idezh. eco: a = W; ‘2 SoByfe Hejthui Ar yen Ks, ig 7 “Ghiaeien vs lAldezient (fe ae bielenRetby cans Ach cae . Elberfe a Mey ey z u RS NL Gea mo _ Walerschoo elza | ie zara z Fe e 4 elghein « Nicolas (7 : omtnel — q ert walmen MU ‘ } Xp EA Igiesheh Meri hetne Tsiesibgs FL R S NGhey Herenthal ~ Mo / Caueat to, Miunchen- 4 6 %, 3 oan rs 5 rete ee QE oO Saftelagri Lierre—5 ? E ee Gladbach Dasseldort | |__“"¥=Z Diem, W eo p yt = x a2 5 uokeren at Rae Y = Was = Se ee 2 Et RS Re NyrarethCee ae lost Wolv erthen aechi River_¥ a asnkinen sch ¢ f Sittarc : Boesingh = aa 0st) cs. Synger., Baelegen Aerachot é Genck i "i 51 operinghe: SB “A Toorseste == N She te asf vit has o,Rotselaer : SSELT™= Mechelen )' een Math bel To i Wane =a: EnENy Sottegem Herent /Kessel-Li Herdk1a-Viille jepenveek Sfe RS alee Zs ane i vat el Audenirde Ninove = Stes 2 Geet Betz a\sed Beek on Heer € af fe ea) i 7 ei. ‘ *) 7 y 7 cone SS ee SH] 0 Btichore AS ernatl PScherhce! ZA Tova, ; Tes Hoesseltd .a® we Kerkrade >; yo™ Pos c Mouseron aay Ze Ledun(St. Pierre RUSSEL Neerlintero-A~© § St. Troml a aA co \ ss TTourcoingr, pfcHerseau, SS MG ‘ sete : ~~ kf eanstricht Hazebrouck " Roubats. . ell = ? } RY A cn A = a winder Ton, ij eulpen Ge aSt. owe = *&rinéntiéres ee i ae Lembepg Rhode Wavre T U se - eee h Fez-Pecg —— Enghi : Frater Sodogne Aix Ja Chapelle ) Templeuy.\ ?¥elaines espaneetet Braine | CG aia 7 = may silly | fe Allens 9 AT eae nue BonmyX 7 OUrK: + Agines. au o Maylde Braine le Gomi Ni ea St. EH Perwez amie — Antoing 07, i " oe euze Solgnies) Beatssing) = po H aot a 23 /, Ghewee eS ( A J [ N va Te ~ Gemblov t y Perpiwel: o 22 St. Denis lz 1 FQueva me eS a) cs = en! D\ Qar, roast Houdeng #¥. NS J} -Ailgny V eahy [ets CO) Nits, gp [malities 8 ae yf SS : ONS ourcelle: = “2 -AJemeppe xis x ny i uss ‘2Ouesmes Binche files Ss x i oe 5 ay Aqieund ° fu P SS te Vi rare oust $e Ht ie So 77 “hia Se a re OM mie Fainbes archin : i steno: i d : ohetentas Se nese arc Hees \ : \ eure xtted 9 ciney | ANTWERP, GHENT, AND THE L' en, NAS Mies | ’ OWER SCHELDT. = ore < pAvseromme SLeen0n Mid mare o/ =Goct 7 Hlenrigux Henuelon ? last bas : ai 8 N ra ° = ergen uppey = NORTH eer Arendskerke Scheldt op Zoom SseSees BEET SEA Flushing Y, Krfininesime (Schelde) ~y Mariem , Nassogne = g Ealchen Robechie é Se . ; = Nines Ue (é Tennevilles Breske Si4Scy, ‘ aes Nes e228 Mierwart | ° ns g e LH. jini iguies =: “Gu ‘ .Kadzand “ey lat ) ‘ . | Wuestwerel SS aS gst EN St. Hubert yois Tjzendijke, i ‘S € f “Calmpthout \ 3 — o os } erneuzen { 50° 3 7 ‘ 7 \ sey (Heuzea} ial / _ Lillo Brechto Cin di ; ieldrec 5, oore FE cul x whi Cappellen\ Brasschact B Asseney y ‘Sar a0 3 Eeckeren Oostmalleo a B UF BOD inpe Sg = - - = 0 Orgoo | Neufehitean™?, Oy he Maldegea—Capry y, a fe WiySasvan ow - Calis — o Mer pSchooten “se © Leglise = TNS, —j ¢o Basseveld WeSePs, bys ACL St. Gilles : n = Y O%, )_ Bu o Anlier ESI se Ertyelde OSelzast ae . v @ 2Waes o F ty, An rp ; {Santhoven ~ Vf ae Va Mellier —Attert = (Fels 9 Oedelém XEecloo ° e = teke\ne Bever, a s F ah) Sedan % yoning Habay In Neuve ardingesk erect Consdorf 5 Rearmeye hoot o\ Sleydi sifelace Moerbeke St. Nicolas = = 7 ~ a AND Florenyille~ x iO SU Ir Fischen na ee . a ose a sinere ‘5/\ Vifoboken \ \Broechem— f Xe 2G a pattie: Grevepifiacher sf, t8el_fsomergemo/everghem Dacknain’ Tamise Pay Contich/o =, Beld A o Ger ville gC Li = SE AB! er Keltre? ent 2 j oy Lierré = Virton Mescancy GUYXEMBU SCALE AS Kd Lokeren /°Hymme 6 Boom \/Duffel Iteghem etingen = OF MILES. St Lele s Heyst = b oe oho BicmpaWillgbrofeck op SSS Bettembur é : 3 pers es mde) ,|Mechlin PRs (3 \ : ES SS E> - SS: O, = c Me F 5s A G H 6° fofAu em rze © oz d oO ot N Ww Tor Ds SSS —E ~_—— "00 9 fTreNon ‘pry £q ‘9061 F4Ftfdog —— SV 01 a re) or joie = —= supe ca {2 fit 9 TY pn, 7 AD NG “ ~ = ; == 00 ¥ Sienome *puvy &q ‘rot S409 AAR ee Ona LF Pa ae ai N ag th og NL verydeng uemaey jo dey FL X LI won ‘8°09 7 ATEN “puEY Pee PN eon A youradura yy sans GI “dosing od of Rian Be] — xy 1A ~ eens ee = sLoppamaniseaaqo MWA PugtEC asa i ye eT OTM retfsog— ——f qyusu | BR IOUNIEWD-dynry\ (Ge) ay Oct 6 OSt)SCOELSC«tSt*« La a er PN AES Po INUIT coe i “u an rete6a7 Y) f = a cei " 2 va D, + a “HOUT T= TOT ‘seazouroyyy SAN \ Saw \ostuuve SHI a0 ro iH | pun 2 neFdojpg / TyNdmey aN = > PIBLOG IMO ole ret AIMED Y = eh ’ 6 —- = — —— WUONS ACH as y mpstIacO yy) 128 wena ay myoaHT# Ak —_ OSE en & Tnogo., 001 0g 09 OF oe oF oO hy @o RNS + —— A Ht, womaqgU"S nosopoms pe / ~ “Heul T= so “sere oT pss a ° SnjnomiTy Sungiostemy dieu p ~7 [} 90) 4 a, picts | ‘ 7 © {N3HONNW)\// Tar ws 2 =: NNW) \f/ Sieqspary 4. is 5 (aseeam ae Bs Guy30 nox ASinnws Pet) _foronopmy ob SATVOS Re apye: Be Lae 36 neunvig Ss __anvqy, = eyoniMquayos./ f>*— AunMy joy LEESyoLip 23 = y = san ae cS : AU [ — os es aes ee Se K ee focqmnay? AUIdNA NVAYIO Fe : Bch) Copier ema Sa9quay (VT F Honor AAU] aq aap Baus Buy \—Ssrnqang Lees. qnysparype“Mejoyuoyyss , qouyory = “ “eps, 9 = Suyodard “wy ——— S justo ob, spur oA y, = wateyns xr Sinqnay au -208S ; = PaneN reat IBSTV 9% =e ae a OS SOL JAOPSIIT TLL 8 *ANOLINUAL TVINAAKI Bi /scx sofeoe ee gf fusions Sainquivyy ¢% _ }}s2av/aquonss : Re 'ote eeniinvag em = mies Saini mamaig ¥% eH, Fars Cee | oa te See oe: JZrS ‘cninows HEATER / AIAINT $s “qouy [= J ‘sexewolry see PS ONILOOHS|g a 9,8 Al S % ee -AU3TULEY— fy 97) 'SNMOL GAMA SSS Po 7S} “QoUy T =e" ‘Serr 97NINIg edd @ *S3vOS eddiy-3inquimeyqos 13 AOYOP YT “SNOMTANAH (NV oul] JaAuNod ‘ssnayy 08 } ! | : aul] Japia ‘ssney 6I (NVI tinadoyuria I ur aaeeied nen ae APOPIFAL ST adeno r pn TaSNRYysSi9pulog-F.1nqziVMyos LT IPRIS|OPNY-Bangzseamyosy OT *SALLITVdIONINd o TWyWuOY TET ‘T Peppa a fy Big WAG ane Sy A J AUAG | A ES ( ’ Ky = Ws _ wWeyUy ct zur a — == oy, cape = is. ~ 5 “ BqI0H Sinqoy-axvg FT ; __ ge =r === iS Fain SANQUAYV-OXVE ET - ead V2 aa == = Ss K UdISULUJAT{-AxVg ZT 08 pe woh pa S Sanqmmy ) uoSuysepy | ye £ 208 yornsunag 11 eeoris wen (Lm sak a. nojoUje3}u0y, ‘ :sammoaa mais Oy Oe SER ee a ee \, Sogo i / = Jo803f = a Hh Q Fanquapto or ; 3 To SN = = ce 2 : 2 21]911¢-SanqualyooK 6 pS a BLA F ARIA AM -AXBE g NY ——— shysated & faa UjJIMTOS-Sanqualyoayw L S — Sed } oO 4° Don 9 A Nee a ueptg ¢ EMOTIOPSAZ IS) = aa ae S P ga0q nad Cub ae ae 'SaINOOd GNVUYD . £ = Snq2ne, =a Baraqurayn AA F 4 BZaoq(spuv'y b —s o Auoxg § = eh noyortt DUSHON PVISSH SF = =e = BIIBAV Ss (ma rao . =a MBAR & ———— * Swan BTtd Hzang = oy Bissnig T > yonagsaa[odlE A fi rede 3} seas ee oar a rr = 4 3; our, bp 10 TROY = *SHOGINIM & | moron oo (SUS es ou nnue70y fc : =. n . + = Lt z BS, ord uiy UBLULTIH 9} JO SojVyS jen one worsen 2 ¢ | nowepy;, \ wong 2 = es LY > 2 Wh. | a & >y an aq 3 ot 3 = « Ley : Kee qrayavs: = s. 4 bat dpryedd, 2) Cc ney oN > ae aumagner \ SN it 5 q P % S = ‘e = OS, 4 Ss i woWosy S30" Braquany My >} q J B = ce wD aes = See ee : ot 2, . oplwaneyon == neys0 ys ep i x Pears zone < BF A ——— SESS = PPO Yexoqnoisr aoyong-“puh y WRVequenasy, — x ES = a = PLS ee pees = “ee Wie 19.q at, at H 3 I nayory 2 ph —— 680. unt S| Z 7 iL BES - = oo) v 9, urgiuay = = Sap D Foy YS}o, Pury, ES 06S = Se NaC ert WN CY copa : Se pavypalagdosissnarg “Sh S —_ mouTOH ST AO —_—— & = se f gee anodong =—= Sansa AL_emet psemex as Sey Re : 4 Ya yet = — You \ u 2 ° : Ben = eee 7 UPA AS “aon = € y Hoy S7aquazie1H f ake moTaNE NON nny (aad naignat a : aru A ~\ are a <— og 2, b > . ‘ 0 he ——- a Pe X es s* x stung > = ZT ohh vnag: rags vo a) Saves 3 ‘ OF =a Pr “sta 2S es} = * ey ee = Paxvs osaly ST-NVASL ty OG, ROS =", “a : ° ! irr . ee | OxvIOpTay : obS s/op eauaany FO0N Syst, ae rs ange = = : \fyang mramupsyyeu ; = — Li Aaah ESTAIUEITIN yosaTyOd dpors : c : "T xuyniay Seay yoddoz ap presi as Oniviexad og) ‘T WIOHNUOg YOausety wtoaz}] 4yseqy apni suo07 yi a +09 @ Steno ‘pary £q 'c06T 343128dop £rvdanq-weysny Jo duyy FLX TL MeN 8°09 9 A1NOTE ‘PUT =—ooeaeaaren ss EO OOl 06 O8 O£ 09 OS OF OF OF OF O “woul T= LOL Gaaeey more MOT q| M C a i ‘soaqomtojry, “youT T= £9 ‘Sele oyNgeS SATVOS = Oupzeson AUVONNH-VIGLSONV ; Veeromsl ma, rT Adds of Nos aoter Q ANyt fy .1wo98sT A ° Be atts ee Sy u ers BY i ie A Bw "MN Wizz, iil NS Vines ‘2 Mf bitten YZ Ny SW, eg, wilt ATAS OW J, a][aZsOA9 2 soTaIS Poteswes IVAOS1IZG— IVT og Wye Ss ee suniaya ; “Fusrwanzg)1? Mlle MOAN j . 5 a PEAVIP SFOS) ges sis pny & 3 -, 2 fi uw =i ca 8 = & ‘“AaTVOS ANVS NO VNIAOSIZIAH oS’ VILVNVIVE 410 NOWMYANTINOD arjodourqeg 2 7 Z oO ae =< S . qsounysug\o uvefempmyg o > SioluO MOI * fo fing Z9IN3IAZ AC) SLSL omy tonuenio al ovopunonoy Say Momwhoy stye-6 © o rat iBOLT a suiqeay ddmna), ES = \ git ere Ope 34928" I O29 O. SUAABZS + ‘ 3 3. 0901 1 SOIC ZS AOD, ods PUPA oftmog Saui1zS ojzsoqo2zg NPE, Zorn’ {1s3dvan a Wo, 22031 Sty v TOIUNS ua yo" Zt ae ON) 419. Ts wqmozy wmyjy We VZ89y,— BA puss Avast AS Snzeysouur Yuqor AS « x Q” (HosoT) 1891 Ay Suautiozsog npleH yeze eet o iS Aody a Wi a) ve ATLAS OF THE WORLD eT We My “aaey =) “LW soqaley, PHILS “aos ptayy-3uy} soTiueAMIS ROSSOW [PAL G B. ey Wes eS Me (2) Sine Ey) 5 HOvsPID pursuasyy Of Sarwan Sun pays CATE ior C og y——4 \ Niel Br |W /AINGNATAO YL Sot fy BP14O8N9}40 Sqouqnaasro wad aioH Vey YW "\Nes ee OY “ue zytazeny re = i Sroqaoqut AG (Zanqsuasaypyy ae, iM. g ERS Z}1MOUY: ° zypUssorg \ TATAOys0g Oo o pend fLawpmosrg’ ° avi0pot0 4 tg id le Sa ES 20 mS, pso20 yh Zoase> TeMesQo DOTMOATVAN O/ ye eeu aztd js £38301°D 0 gyoysoimyg? aawa ly. v IT ou gy ast AA BAOPLS e DOLAONTIY ae ind awe Js ts ULSOM Q ° aor ob emoimnens ¢ zoxto | 0348 4 aymTPLA © \. ZPLUPTOAs pos WS Ne [saa fay DOA > sneynan 9 hey: SF eesT Su LS SO pujog west, ev PUG o Mopusyjazy} J S sup PT Mkgosauag P I neyevz9 TA RY chitin Az euyoT9 ‘Morsoxa 78 AAS OF CCH RW ORD. 13° G H 15° a J K L HMI aa My Z, = = RN Luegrne = Y ‘orre-Quinto ES = = 5 - ——————— Ui a term’ Lig yy =S i " = + == = ae he “hea Fm, Th i 4 — \Xz__s. Onofrio ve ro Wt F Vila Mar\ia = : a a, ee of Z aN Za Ai —_ ar! y, Bs ha : 2 -— MT, MARIO; KS =f. ——— Geneva 5 VRE NY we. tom = —— Fort, 38 = eof tian F y = a ANS wll iggi SNe "Braschi ANS > 2Ysta Aenfese e = aegis - = amt Piers Vitla Ze = igi Villa\Filipp\ani SP) Borshese |p reonacolo\ See ee ; Ge Sta. > z Stein Zs == = THE YATIC(AN Leg > Z Portonacclo Fto g Zep enzy){ © T Z of) ¥alcanuta 3 t Ze . = = +— 46 Villa’ Boccanera aes g (9 T. Schiari | SY URELIA he oe SIA (. PRENESTINA ] > — Z Fort Prenesting | Frfsurelia Vila (GAZ o\Villa Certo ! ‘ -amphil Z Ville 8a = ‘ : Antica pail) : Yi a = : : . oe LAA Chiari Sopiechee FET _ Vigna Bucci 2 ovale x Ze Asi ‘, SS Te ani ° = = my i : ; & ri ila F coli > Crema °F! ion, Villa(Neri, 77 J} , Vil} Rossl Ft. Casilina Volta Maptovana = = a oe 2 |S: Paolo Ze Cremona “8. Da: Ni ee IVE LG OE b Villa Consorte «CFS p/{ tf aense . —- os a o oS r \Chioggia Parenzg ys equ rolato XN A % = j= = A Sante Sy Rovigno' YY = , Villa'Zega = sat 2) ov illa S> ¢ sAt oF = oft. Appia ra Fort Ardeatinad Ds 5 P x ¥ 2 < 3 : f ier rs i 4 rot EEN el Of ee spahnelie novo d a7 a ni 4 Faed ° A uM G ~ Valchetta "& Ponte Bottero : SCALE. Qq vs A Ens 1 o & 4 3 va = Statute Miles, 3144 = 1 Inch. = § int ; \ o> Environs of ROME. : ) NG ‘/Bolog: : : i ; y s = Obroyazzo 172 ———_——“' a4 f 2 ht = gs : NS ' MPa en i 4 y = Hp — to z : ; Sarajevo Ae 4. Pie fae S| = 5 Liyna Saraj ay Mgithne? g Porto Maurizio i Prato . S e - ] i pao itm Remo } i 5 GQ Nice | xe ty eS 4 flee nF Yi aS last Senigallia EP rr Sap ANCONA Gorcona I. ¢ U : . ‘ A. | E \ Mostar (5 va & Chiusdino sina JP r j Campiglia Marittify B yak Wes “ Metkovic q e 0 | ssa. |Marittim: M cee) = Capraga I, — = San a a Lissa I. A : Piombino) SO Fn I "= Ascoli Piceno Curzota I. f Montepescoli Radicofani ° a > in Se, Ragusa, 3 3 Lagosta I. Meveva I. res : - \° Grosseto = 1213 t Pe © Scansang 4 5 x) Talamyuee\ Lake Bo, “ \ 4 Pranosa I. rhetellot™ onteflasconé 7 as é + 7 ; Toseanella Viterbo Monte Cristo I. Gioia 1% oneigi fone > A | . Giexxuree LL | 4} 42° 4 || | 125 - AVieste rou | priola } °Apricena gnte Sant’ Angelo | } bree sak Severo - Manfredonia = f 5 5S anfre a j 6 Porto Vecchio = Me alf of J | esia\ AWanfredonia | h Bonifacio : . satos/y a> = 2. F \ syrees ; i ‘ein S i jie > frani ] P Zs 2 tilted i - : a Eenra ge Bov i ~ Molfetta q = esta 2 Carrera I, : “SL, BARI Asrnara I = 5 Oe =a ty 4 : = Monopoli id i, TavoLara I. “Partanota I. » o Zannone I. mn Fasano if. — * " 3 = ‘ >, emo stuni ¥ PC. Coda Cavallo GPosza 1 r u Bs Pa t DA je ei =u poet sndist C. Argentiera’ VeytoreneI 9 = N ‘Martina Franca See, Brin Sh, : = Iscuta I. ars < | Fare oe 7 s —— Pls aE RS iniscola Boy Ce 7 S *Latiano 0 ( : Carn I. Gulf of i Salerno Brosei Tag Sot oT ON 5 Coo Sea GY lw. ig? 4 Agropa Nes Gulf of Orosei Vallo det emo Wi7gr" Gulf of Orosei pLro\iSenise > I. A ‘ : Pisce z Y, 9 Lauria Or \ 1 | ¢ = ie NARGENTU Te }\Amendolara OF pLlortoli C, San M: iy Gulf of Oristano - Frasca) / Gullo TARANTO ‘Belvedere’ * Co hieli: > o Ce Cetraro\ cris _,ApgRAD SS, pariatt o Longobucco ZB Murayera Ciroo i Sarr . 5 nea, Savelli ostrongoli pe “ My a i oper S F =, Rye! Gri Petilia-Pot captro Carlofo Q artirandlij, © Cotrone Saxt'Anrioco 1.¢ C. Carbonara Nocera Tirines\ % * Cutrog~ "> ANZARO 90:7, oe RG VP, Rizzuto Spartivento ye a Stmowso11 L 1B iP Gulf 0 Tropea < Squillace o Ustica I. is = LIPARI ¥ a Awe = Satixa I. s 20 Aureurt L. 4 Q Nicytera | wv" Fexicuot |. s q Lipari L. © = Cafflonia me ISLANDS @| ° ° ° Vurcano I. PP” occella 2? 2 } PP scilla = Rerace 2 iS ugeteye pay Zey (weinfoors | 2P2, . og ae OS OS ANT 24 - is LP LEyanzo Lg : = oe a RU 4 : Manirtimo LQ 3 a a. ilies AAW Nae f iftciito di Porto Salvo a4 Mistrettao. ¢S il) Le Favicnana Tg : : Aine BaUTE = A i % Se ON. ~ Brontt, “Sse, 4 Nivosing yyy” EINAS Me Leonforte .s\i/AM Caltabelloita Tfacalny enti ati agironi o = saline LES, era o Vizz: >Niscemi C, Passero fi ITALY Gulf of SCALES C - Gozo I. 36°! Sf wees) oS all Statute Miles, 67 —1 Inch. ee poe 8 50 100 150 C) WSS Sy sural vs Kilometres, 110 = 1 Ineh. Monastir 0 25 50 100 150 200 \) amta a = = == > Rand, MoNally & Co.'s New 11x 14 Map of Italy. ey LAMPE usa I, ; Copyright, 1906, by Rand, McNally & Co. Longitude East from Greenwich. hs omnis | ‘. — ————————————— a Cc pir E F eG H 15] J ik ie ATLAS OF THE WORLD. WHE BOSPORUS - SCALE OF MILES. 7 SEA San Stefano E 227 F G 24° H SS j ~— Nignsiteas Ene East from Greenwich oN @, 4, “os rg MT. PIETROSD 6, sa Gradi Ste Af enue fe 10 ia ‘Cy oe 2) Duleigno $s Drin Alessio a Nx > Cape Rodonij . —— Sy Cape Pali - y) Durazzo Kavay, Punta Sa = Brindisi ce Bick: MM RB Vir Lake of Ssh — Gulf Pap °Kalmettl (Cape Laghi SB) a 2 Ss lig! Kbij Menurg, Sp Ommonog - Karu or 2, ; rr Marmora 1. J ALONIC) eo i We Pazaradbi® Stasrg > [2 2s : bss TuasosI. Gulf of of Sarospeger L Su eect ate pes DEW sof. Gey Sais -baregoel OU Nii ora “xe, SAMOTHRAKI 1<> Galli ; | to. _W dros. “by + = “pechurha ees hee ‘a Pin, ae ) g rasheri¢ e Pot ros Gy PA Os 5 ASrenninett ° = Sp Baryes Maidys ENP marr ee Samarina 2 Kassano 5 “en R Spar. ATHOS IMBROS wy )P Kalei Sultaniye : i Palerm ie _ Grevenac a gS Yen ae i oe Nivitsae ce os S SS . p es. = eo " h os a el = = on 1a Rapsani Karen 5%, hr Cape Drepanon a para ‘eS jap Butrinns a ppelakia Paliuri “<) Let Wy S : ] Fl ATA\KISSAVOS 5 : pepe tani : Wea6s tS _ Adramyti > © Cor $22Pivftintas” Presa. _. eas 4 Balikesri° £ pido S Zagora ara dg OM Hactosteatt 18 bes aAvuhias Sy 1URA Je Asprokavos a reariti oC. Vulear lio pie PeLaconest J, 5? q D °e a ( Pao “ Skulik ys Rome a wos ts Pipert 1. Vv * moe ae A 1 erate Perguma 2 See ‘Preveza sxotos1,| SNORTHERN MITILINI ISLAND “Faker a tg ;, ale SPORADES 1 euk i Hazia Anna ke: M Levxaghy pers > f i ae > Qa AS & = (Santa Mau? i~ 7590 Sxyros I, Z Hagios Petropiear({ ee C. Dukato” ot 0 Manissa se) PSke-gnot Phiskard, al “4. « Myrto Bay Wprnaca T, ee Smyrna /Alashehr CEPHALONIA | Lixouri Sami s demish Mogri Livada Bay “Tireh (Pp C. Skinarj TEN: GRY GF Pen 8) Pal BA LAKAN =e |“ 1 ‘Mitrovitam WS) cue i ‘Ralk anidele~ E =: Kumanovo ‘Kamenitzao *C o KratovONy ego Wem Radovivhe ¢ we U a avi ceo Racarl 9 Rogova oS = Bajaj, itera 5 p Slatina . V = “Severinn. Rapreni Dragasani Fi seth e i oe Carevo® Ne ZO Mehomiiay +5 oVin itza 2 he iP Zi, We cc PeenO BES, de Podaresiie Nemes \ Fe os ay Blagusha A Mirovtee Der, Ithisg wiiddisaies e Kukush O Nigrita® Suho "Takhino L. Vati {oy p Nf oO rE AN) G fA OR rid a, 2 SW ii aos |\ ‘ Tv tS + em ei Ler sew eh Auta r SY 00! ANY N NSonye US o Rovinari: | Zatreni A Strebaia. a = iash apalanka = a yy 5 _Ghirlamare —~__ a cA © On, eo Caracalny dine ore ileshich* — SST e oWaleni > aS i = As ——) Kustenji vv a $ SS (Constanta) - © Draganeschl *~>4 D ae 6 aitza 2 3 C Kala’ fat Neleje Krushovay Poear : 5 east kkorabia nandovo Lom Patankt) e = a 1), ° Belogradteh = Gig! e rom ig: Biela NikoP 7a) ENASS ciprav Borovan 7 aaieta/e ade RES. Tress Se Satedietikina Baya iT. eS ak = tt Kes Z 7. _Rebarcorc je ai ° ash OZ Ze Tetew a aul Sevlijcvo sss zoe D AE ae Trajan) =Aoabrore = ze sia ail ANS a ae ie =) Roveheleiy, a8 maurGrt © © Trievi sili ST x farnabat Egprivecion we 7 UM Russokastro, Potrié Kar plo Kalofer Nova Zagora ay 'o "f eA <4 TER, Stara Za or pambel Oe ag paar Sse eet RYAN" pale ==0 Karabdia— oF ty, x ai 7 ¥ °Studena Bisi Bulgarent OUMELIA~ & SS LLIPPOPOLIS 2 = 7 testa, Iss eae Mel Petri Sear} Ss iy Bes ‘ = Haskovo o Sa ¢-Chroina Bae 4 Fiskoo 4 pH @inanl SS Ri Kirjalii Mastanlii > Kiri Fy Tuas ES ape uae? z f ti ~Uzun Képrit = iol OPsoh Lifedsehi? 4 Sultankiol — ; ; no Ferejik ~ eS Malgaras Ppaniso co NSTANT! ie ie AR oF PEG oP Mee Mate’ po SEM OF M- ae Enog a e = Cape Malia cay Paros is ee) Ay Kanno I, a) o cad Kos o 2 2 at a Rikhia, 4 ia Aipakos wh 2] ae Amorgos P Monemvasia vet is I, e \e Metos I ‘Kastro Polykandros B ee a? . s Po.ykanvros IL. Thera - Ch, S @® Anarue lL. y ,, Aidin Samos L. Hermon aE Syos I. Q we) YaPaguos ty Y.CLA ES a o 8 ~\Amorgos L, q eer Anhodes i) RHODES SANTORLIN is /Pyrgos ae ISLAND zr 36° TURKEY IN EUROPE, ‘ SERVIA, ROUMANIA, BULGARIA, GREECE ys° MONTENEGRO. 13 SCALES. Statute Miles, 751 Inch. }0.510 20 30 40 50 60 76 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 c —t = =r SSS oo Kilometres, 1211 Ineh. 0 10 50 100 150 200 as ee er 3 Rand, McNally & Co.'s New 11 * 14 Map of the Balkan States. Copyright, 1906, by Raud, McNally & Co. Copyright, 1910, by Rand, McNally & Co. A ‘s) 20° Cc D 227 R oe e N E A C. Tripiti op CRETE (CANDIA) NV ScARPANTO I. (Bere) © KuPHONIst, gt bm ny Kee! 26 Ke ‘i 174 L ATLAS OF THE WORLD. DENMARK SCALES Statute Miles, 28 —1 Inch. 10 20 30 40 Kilometres, 87 —1 inch. 20 30 40 50 60 JAMMER 2, 027) Yer Eanes ; 930 Ba 6 gp BACH 7. Rikeaieiocs BA Hirtshals Hory Varbro R. odring Randers Fjord dby Fores, db a8 enaa | ru o a leated ernhattep Yoraminde Issehoved ( Onddjerg’> ~_e@NiGyllingnes' O F-aned; ene festa “aN olbyye 4 ralingslorg | an Dats ee a? Rosnes oe oh Ulstrup PP esser coe ae S : inpsHioLat oa ‘RSO MgO i \ Musnoum' > Ordrups Naxs SCALE OF STATUTE MILES. 010 2 ~40 saree te (To ogNmaRK) EGA T ne th ° QGreat Diamond Little Diamond Tisestid Q Sjellands Odde Overby Asmintrups BAY iHellerup Vv NX gle eriksberg se 7 yy Faxe Ladeplads “Chats ‘PRASTO BAY Exo QS Sving Baye Knudshovd Gay Veri@ ~~ Raac ‘selenter Lake 3°!" Cea, ; Rand, MoNally & Co." Now 11 x 14 Map of Denmark. Copyright, 1910, by “and, McNally & Co, Copyright, 1896, by Rand, McNally & Co. . ea age bar > j Longitude East |from Greenwich, . 1 5 6 °° desby jedser Odde © 4 Dares Point 82 ATLAS OF THE WORLD. oF olF be fj a19A0T j/ ow my =? opuosf anid jeu N 2 3 nS vizvuosta y WS 9") SK X W7 Rese PAWS? A \\ Ge Me So (zuesg \ pppy ( SS Y Wa G. ys ons ‘3 (eq i) 83 iS DS LES: fp tee We ~% o FY j Geom a, ; ay ‘S CULE [Ossopowoq= SS wae Svat ss f 8 ANN ai a) E} 13%) Ui Mle. SS Syl as am 4 q D ose n “pay, ueuue: : va »oddey \ RY, = S Aen =. Ag" 9 zs i oe "A SSF Naan hy: AW Ny 70" \ nS < x NY \s WH aanoeas Bll 5 Pt aN 2 RSS WYSBNIMG 3 AVS au iy 23 ts Ne AZ 01S | NIG AIS By = MW, \ s ip a4 esesy i 0 i Sw sts \\\ wees TT i ras Dia OAS Sore LOOK ya AN E> Ns Pete Hay f i \ SS! ee Nor ee 4, it fe tk sr 2 Mt il e WA gon v: * ues Ay SH i B. il \\ ier WS Be jul Ow ie) > = ENV Leino 4 S Wy, sayouut (eg = nopity 1 sagqonqudsoza0 Ff [equdesavy ny ans Mags PS eed wipes ( 3 ae z938un jy) xg as qt Xo 3 eouvUtsa Ey hoi suyeg. Loi SN SUS -82[-U0UOUL NEOHOSY. d sy a j INOAX ae, 3 i) en rye yt Wnt 7] WO sieiat Zpamannno wT woh?” Pagygo IA Wyk = . NCA = S110" MORAG 20. pape wa) Qo 2g hu ' sen a) Ai we SOP OS ot 9? zag 1g SP 410] Se" ie nunisSuia / “sacri GP ORO SE — Sal SS 2 onuogny QtNonuio BirFkav9 1308, i cnauaan s\n" panoa ry cy Z : : < =a coRuo yy oor => Smguoyuryg | 32 NG 9 Jo uwuesny © Sea hos marge = ae ea at ‘ACasteang cr ee 2 a3 iy = 7 cat 4 é Ig 2 BOO RL, uw mi > Eade = i noi} ES b& ¢ 4 eS oN. sussvag oT se ES { ce p) /9z2179 0 bas alee 0) BUONS'L D> Snowy es untpsamneiig7”," Alt, ca8noleg Lenoss0g) ; / : ae je BY Ze gor BRNO J ie sapriyGog . Laie . : wee sie | Torn Mat awl cry | Suey a a Earn Site J 4 PPvorre § “Neatareay 2 Teese 8 MOT ccufdasle efojauu0g ab oes {OMB S » | 3n9 °(faak y 3094) QD Se puy, U9) P19} cont > ausno : Braqs133ng °(Panogray) > Bu, + einznsanqsaioys! Se ngs F tWe BxOISNIINL, : by at Q ou. i oS 2] daosonst 2 Womsiok SL J a Pinas acre - Q Roqagsn ge Yeo) 7h 10199"9}g mud “gy cpio Sarpndg ctideynog Zonk $ fee a A ap °7 or ces Se eS ; SA aa * 4 ( OF Puig ta% anf q00H u\ % F sppon fnvasig’ pie si 10 ye aa Hes N, 5) zmR jngerp 5 RSERG a prey ae J { nora wloits< Sf nO » wary ua!qo — 104064 orlearg Mey ss ~wpoMutod, NOM sake Spor aUono Nos easy SNA Le PIVnjosyousry, ruy o TosuTO es = <é HOS y - AgeeHengusnouny Soi RY 5 800g Sey {uegepayy —~S29U2vY, eee 30S, y ES : oy ORI eqonaq dom Re ssh) Op Adana yy ° i liaseng y Shy. Tragoaqog .! 9) o 1097 S Saad {Ns : MnO Sx -xtawvat iy Sprint | (comma Arai : ae o 2 uoy ios. Pro t AY ) & ‘ an t : gt Sane ee BLO Z gouolagz eau al ayyerayl’ i °° on Vio 0041290) PA a r yourassng 5 (TZ oar = "4 A NUsLLIoH Ae dee H 9 x i oRSn Moya <\ eet nda Saaig yYoequeyerg = UatquLod Vos re “fness0H) Ses u if {eqyaaqang)) oo te arenopy RN WB EN v aes (ag nef Y ‘uasa (og nvuaysn7y | &. a* “J i 1epy9 oUqTe yy gonS BOA jes A ets Nea /3N Spine # d rey ugKaeg ho Sp, 02 38 aS 19H _/pasioW = ASS TE Pe \yortv 02)011 soqsuadey x) a - qouuzioy 7 pa ae Mors -6 &, ET Wh TULIJANOD’ Sa a ect ee A a rl a pe Stee pay Stl Ale Hou zuosog 9 Kh oS \ aw S_ lan ycof ar ay ~19 9} rainy HS wT ouaasnuvy” Cupra, “AO Age "Hl 4 DP PF Qaoqave Ny cs A Ke Saag qqouing NPAN nosarpag i ss [hoor le Sted See ° waaayzuy \Z. Sey n181 Typ SP°PERILD iqifyssost asf Bs Sinquanvl Geaky ey aa \ -- qouasg = SSSA ol “het e Dery t 8 a a SS — [psev w04s TESTS Plyjaonvsy aqyaosar eH = i) FS S a K \ F é Fy ‘ <4 CUO INN OPUS ——- “AN, Adaazuyyopuy nevis © , ally yy 2 yousutly J bag Px SSW! oe > parjzezy1ag KL * IT S@N “09 ¥ SyeNoT “pury <(7 7 ee ugd ‘ a *) dupe gous o Sy <>) ua Se c = =x Soa SayzN4) Haq INA 9 = “6 oS 7 X22 ayn wot soiminas Ns, Saar a A Si“ ey, st oy Ee wee ew os Ob ae og 2 Pa eal? rye sO aofurznory Walon SV al g Ute, 8 2 %, {| uneysdoyog = Ya, “ : PUT T= Gs ‘seaqouopry nesuty w 5 as Sncs2 hf Yas! si > ¢ 7) Ve jeysadoyas v lry 111041999 v ud oot = he ofS eg "Ys A ce ase! s < “Ary PLOFLIOD ar vy C35 : q oi uajne Pers Sut bu %, 4 os 02 Or s 0 = — OSs OA GLO ie “Ye hy 3 | ez Va < ‘youl T= St ‘Son oIVIEg igrules ARRAY oS ( ( x L oO LY “ee C 4 I re SAWHISVEOS y7 UEsUITYNIS at peuSx ussneyyn ‘4 SATVOS an Hoe Lea h Pre PNG UYLOYyo/YoS os \ BE Yr ia ewe: a a CNW TYUdZ.LIMS ; wasney [oz V ain nvuypoL, uesuq “YoIuaary Ulosz 4seq OpNnzIsu07 nay 48Ca r07 a enn wa —=—— a7 = Nw @.moyaAvs OM soaniga\ Ol Aguuog me ”) 7 NZ" £; I 08 o9 55°| 5 95 0 ATLAS OF THE WORLD. ws wu Riles ww, Fulchuk Ep» ONE dha foot Hi. redriksvern Ha 0 6 CHRISTIANA FJORD AND VICINITY. SWEDEN, PROVINCES (LANS) 1 Stockholm 2 Upsala 3 Sidermanland 4 Ustergétland 5 Jonkoping 6 Kronoberg 7 Kalmar 8 Gothland (Is1.) 9 Blekinge 10 Christianstad 11 Malmohus 12 Halland ORWAY, PROVINCES (AMTS) | 1 Smaalenene 10 Stavanger 2 Akershus 11 8. Bergenhus 3 Hedemarken 12 N. Bergenbus 4 Christian 13 Romsdal 5 Buskerud 14 8. Trondhjem 6 Jarlsberg & Laurvik 15 N. Trondfjem 7 Bratsberg 16 Nordland 8 Nedenes 17 Tromso 9 Lister & Mandal 18 Finmark 13 Gothenburg & Bohus 14 Elfsborg 15 Skaraborg 16 Vermland 17 Orebro 18 Vestmanland 19 Kopparberg 20 Gefleborg 21 Vesternorrland 22 Jemtland 23 Vesterbotten 24 Norrbotten SS Ringkjsvigey 8kj 3 C F G 15° H NORWAY anv SWEDEN SCALES Statute Miles, 97 = 1 Inch, 50 100 150 Kilometres, 156 = 1 Inch. o 2 $0 100 150 200 250 300 —————————— Ss —————aaeESSSS Rand, McNally & Co.'s New 11x 14 Map of Sweden and Norway. Copyright, 1910, by Rand, MoNally & Co, Copyright, 1906, by Rand, MoNally & Co. > in ~ y ab uksnes f Fiakstans Sag Sandbor Gildeskaal Me So Hesruanhi RANEN 99 1 up 2 [ms niqnalust® rei %, Fins cam o> eno ,.\Wittangt Be Ly a Junoeuanide Paar Kengié wanjel ver 2 = Gustaf a NY ee Of Ss. Toy phes 2) xi MN)] ‘Vv: Sal Falkenberg aD Getinge 7 or Halmstaty o > Laholm Ba, oc R Ku ten, Arettott Helsing; 0, a) i) giltorsens tore 8 EE Nestved Hedinge %% Stego ” ¢ 2 4, Moen I, wy 4 ing ir~ Longitude East! from Greenwich, \pygdea jRatan Stifvar | SNordingra QA Hemso §p) Hernosand \ —Njurunda eRanisjo _ nary 8] en. adiksvall Sy), HORNSLAND égerum LAND (‘To Kalmar) mar rbylangs GOTSKA. Saxpo » them i GOTHLAND Ostergarn ma | S ce 6 PUSH aves PNT so ae Fa” og Yad sammy cl, . FRucons 5 U °30/ N 3 Environs of STOCKHOLM | 's2%~ STATUTE Mi Les J KILOMETRES a ’® a ATLAS OF THE WORLD. we 9 eS ~y Pe sty ozavodsk” garda vala A Selfokochins hf yagi xy 46g 5 N XN, P Qe Lala’ STH pa eed & Cksy. pre Weistensesa TY: A : Se f rtp ha Ptalln 4 Le ove 4 oy Fine. 9 ius LUga dy 2 Jlry YF (tte Vy ov oF, = Colzyn Hlisabetherad)” Oy Fepravt—* if oS > =~. Ekaterinoslay > J Pant 2 Bovti tS EKATERR | TO ‘ Alexaridrovsh yi \Orylkhoy [Xa »DON =e Nakhio, 2 era. tt, 7 On ee i tree \2Don F Usp o . oN ee )/ Uy \ | Bux J, a] REsr Simpherofip Sohliisé <= {Ga g Byelozers iy “ \ — Re % OlR Cherepov, f Sra vais elikiya 1, Ki SR Rey ost OVE fu od : ee ; 1a"? 2S) NE foe 2 oKrasiio xi Ja ? Etremovyy ara Longitude} East from |Greenwich Matochkin Shay, $ Koatin Sha Q MezuywansxtY ‘R1 lL. C. Kanin , ,| C. Svyatoi. late ©. Gorodezki ete. 4 Snuiskoi wagon L y Gryadivets ‘ur ieveter7 AA A) Alin Serg|ebglciy’ \eaintg OSCOV 9 j x Egorjeysk\ S omna 5b, =) Buinsk =" shira oPemmikor SW Dorogo Se ve - ae ree Kkoyanoy, y ) orogobuzh RS erpukhoyx__A ‘Bs eal fatmaZ kU te BIRSK > bMithailo Saransk 3 Songile’ ; Shatsk S 3 a a) ¢ a i = : + zm 2h Brele rae L A 5 NZD 7: ‘Spasshel PENZA — 4 >: YB > hern Karensk Mokshan 5 \syzran z Vv = ——- Ryae ha ol ashanmk = enza et ZT ANTAMBOY ‘Chembar/ /)Praznetsk > Kozloy; amboy Bc) Lo _ Nikolaieyska Slobo L —~s Ust-Medyyedite™ fDdubovka CS) +eRRITOR 3585* J nekaya = Kremeo® EIS f ma ee MU, R / gansk OF THE =" yet viadimirovka OF THE ere: — Sarepha Dp SAG 5 = Kamengka aR irekayat gs eC it ae ae - eva. Tkassy | Si Ma. +O. S Sto, eisk. KC @,! Aq yy \ Stavropol ° Rivero, Sebastopal 9 Balaklava > Sp; ta Yy aay, Rew { Sinope IN EUROPE. SCALES. Statute Miles, 220 = 1 Inch, ‘KateFinedar oS lysk Kutais & 1) Poti y ——— 4 Batunis i Sstapr bal 0) % : # Yyoas® : = Unvnvaxy IFINAL agaxvuowon Ope = B10 Tws at 2 « 09 Ps J 8 9 \ $33 IHS y ange Aa Q- °) is! : 201 NBS San a WV avay yy cae { o, = f F arerdon ‘0 s]03uG z “wo, a ie ct TO Ag ele ges ee EQoey te cs S (1g) cowanx J = ws : <6 aha st 5 gi 0d" 8 ue ae . aa wh s\ ct at a> b> . : s ' apo er . ao oF oo? ere vg 22 as oF Bh = “ Shae (og . x 3 D Pos : 4 oe = 7 L “A << 30 ae oy ww < ; 5 : < : iS : : Sa e885 a ct 4 : “30 : ) a ae Wee xT we SANT bs SHES: 2 “ = ¢ Ror Le : : = Supa ee. A : . RK Bf Me oF 08 Ke oe > zr < 3 GE atl 7 5 7g s ra wo S Val peeves a* ae PS “s o* Eee iS = 1 ‘ 0 X% poled? 0 7 = oe 2 TS ION = ; f 2 “4 aE Vv a's ~ ae = —— Go a es fen 2 eam Py = Ma, ah Psd ys Gs > ; ! z 2) Wd IN3g MyEpedy =o : z — S = Pyse osoyug eH SUpENULIL' z os : gsurpnomyatN, c 3 45 ont? q Laer tb ty, wy 3 “3 o¥ soysndunj~ s—< Aguusmay pod YH, —- eee AE OSS Mas tig "eg ee La eR PAYG sy s St gg (tt 9 Goo v & osx 6 I O ° —__—_——] Sara te Sra ry ; *0p y AywNoye ‘puuy Aq ‘ogg, ‘AYTUKdog +0 y AIUNOIN ‘PUVY £4 “OTET “WPHAHPO eavTQOn]eg pus awysinvasyy “weg 50 dey FX IL MON #,°00 7 Seong ‘paey : ee = os 09 0% Ost OO Oo o d ‘wouy [= soz Sdaj0MO]] » : ost oot 09 Oh, 0202 OL 9 y ‘wouy [= a) eynye . ea wal = youl TL — Ost en 9929038 0 © pups PunyL8V¥ o : qeur? emyqdid sary, rues #& SH1IVOS ‘Y Ss ee ne haere ae) Ce ZW SQGNV.LSIHONTVE ANY. % wmyyera uyeus? “4 h tp an E BE dU HM — ad ; ¥, > Seplyl ay eqg uegonteg A Zi : N aN Pa sex S39. NV.LSINVHOAV N { 38 spe > onpay- uenomxee temmusprle s rT qynysoo,L? } snysDYJo _/ > ott emu pe | pea? Ovpne [Uy mle ae ioe os <4vy ee V ISddd S32 2 br TFayisnyy a aa SPA pal pe Hog X BV] aeopsomnpy eo fa yaunyd 1099 ik : % Pravanyto 5) { t Weandynyy TEM Cpe Nos ; zg AB NT AB oe J ouay 2 die b S W Z : a a y bx Ate = pee. upyouyng =< wnoyies z = SE prywy seo osqmugqeyg pryny® aS eer ed ae ae ae W | aued-+-qye Peqepnurynyy > Peg enP eH ° oRaqRi ensnyy 9Y™YDYy “A ; undyrg? que unyaog pequany ny puduaupreyy om Ke S | One jsvey pean mm Rp We 3 way y “hu WY = Ve cy O= = ene y AN ba Alvici~ cwox ZEONWIION Co) Ahaeg ny 7 = Qe yy ; ney tiv. |Hoy = anys)\ IBISITqBS 5 Liz Ss opequevaq yp oxdres! Ly Sis duysag GS ; QVAT,° \ eG, ees ’ qystgr 2! ST. ae Ueorgy W S D| 4 $ /ARNHYOO se TG : =o pogupmupr _Pettet. | aeyyen: Soeairg 9 YL OH Uvant “IW Se? ae sexo © gb-4-6opry- HOD wits 7 J ; unyqeyye 9 Uryseg- T4yauge ywqoye \ ° qv-ysm, uifnpup © v a parinpy #oNVWH3Y uviteg eye: }: B10) soy WWy.s\\) wnanyyo pe Ba || : PY” QH MW MqUUMUL nay poy UPON All = | j o Upwey Sint ys snes 0 BNE nal vl °. Sale we tZ ic = J °pequreasen: — o merug weqEy o BO TING & } orange? 2BABG Fl se | wea? x nH 4 Si wpa ‘ oreay meme . avy td 4" SPUN “w+ qepyag | —~ 2 Me AY Roquespulysy. PHAS pant avyy azeavds TT P - ol ®PU _- eee See Mi ae AQ vtMA ° wey = ene quyg@asuryend aes °2yopniy sa eee ae age 8 sR = eysuvmay \ & 2 eee ge 2d EE oat } J qein ofooywueqs ming, parqgo . = . = 4 i tea 7 Q N errays! meas Pama ea SAC NG UAH ere Ne _ ¥ ony aes ! yaUDz 24D. Aas a ‘qusopul eau 3 ( == 3 qeptfig o— mp ysort MISS ywgoy, ogni : uepeseg y Yo 4 3 ange l sda i Ri Hy TSUASL yee a qUTnPy ‘ } i! TSUN ye0ps apuny nyounhHs¥L qaea® wess9qayis® > Sy 4 Y = wae 4 a8 Si °s O09Z wat ~o\eurar i &. pyerhe J g e ie ; PERM won mpavo Le 7 [axe r = a ay e ee FZ = q a7 Ox WAIL Ley TL” : uepysxe qpav = £pumpugg o PCIe ZT = —Jafaitt death eth ways > 1 ater) — | ounqygtieL = ondng- Ppa (la # Hi \ : ed OO eriee amet eal quae | oS = @ ML oypyubs ARS = ( sup? pun nT quit? fora § 2- nuvy ay, SEs, eye a] : aN \ yoo, OTPSTS le yee \prexoy BAS Dwi \ Bat 29 “ev = DBT RIS HAH, SS ( a) La bie ha - = — ] \ i ‘on —S4 3 A yufarg aver Ny avsiny : Sisvo, nua Cy oS JESS SPQUG. R13 LY 20 298F pe & Pa ada, pa oe ee Ae uA ey bea SE : BY ivy 88 Pau ((@ ai SOR aah ) )t) Naim oL S| VA wr N wey} \\} | Wh r4 i, : b ‘ ») N ee y $ Uvarye cet +S yavWS BR \ j Haron sete es a df \ If | ove \ Passes 2 = | } Ni? f evgenug | Pat v é AL ie \ a ag 2 ae St Sy 7 —<* Avuvaves a By Re v Tan . YJ MM\\\ SZ ees 8 % bee 9 g o8F $ Ti oe a ——— -—— _ “ ASSES) = g ° wm Pa TN? 069 ol 6 86 | ea Se ee ee ee ee ATLAS OF THE WORLD. DQDYF [so snp 09 9 AieNoN ‘pucy £q “TT6T “34 “way a] Moyany Jo dow FIX [1 MON 6,09 F A = = = == = “WUT T=8OT ‘sor! 99N7vg ATVOS VISV NI AAWUALL “Mos Lage Some IC PURXOTy 7. qnsjoqs useNn Tio veal ov BAVUION © 2) qiajezaig)\ sujny nj9n2]9S-, SS vA d n vA e Sroupaaen y- Z3f nag : : — 9 (sujny nafiung ) al 2. 7D. n otinenta 2PM TL euoynaty papers §) suy = Vatyinlt] AYAL i) —_— — penne °Tauo TL aU ep Ie | ‘ Ns yosnffoy "9¥ frurajas ' d SUI] 3 == \ 5 A BS F 099.15 =\ e ulpecay ae f t vIsnAe Hemndg znL EAN oO sujny 0]89449y ¥ \ ueare Ry 8 \ BE stiavg ig #1 ° S\\ (suyny auung) uBug t = 722 : aw Dy424S WD|) : so ——Nipa-1e-3eepey So BYCT = 5 POLITE, T° - ae BIN Vp " — AMPLE o eg aN auoysalt qaciqer a LAPUL[ als oddoly 2apoy . arTaCAuD 5 ee “a y Taauay x Bovuley / WONVH qifeatd UIqIsIN ejlfo 2 3 “2 \gavmig-uqy-aazar Utpavyd ‘ piesien : J , weUede epexpre \aHeqasutat AL Se oO Svipua {8G ~ o Ombo ous a Five ‘F tha’ ‘My ite ry Ron QQ Nam-cho'’ cane A 7 . Darchan® sO Mo par Panel ue eng’! F; ~y NDA DEVI CoN an nt Tarogh-Cho is Coane Pakpattan 5 axilka/ oft hae OM, m La bo Dobo i Senne panera wed, “ ate et ran aye onan, aks i wealtargarie Races eT, The Ain bes : q &Sbujabad qi, rs ~ © Duksatilw: = 5 re ow é 4 SA NS oe nt iy Bahawalpur o Alwar Chattargarh & « ae 3%, 1 Singtl ik ae Reti Birsilpiirs € — at y “\> Islamzarh =! Bikaner “ Delwa’ R oy arkhang “Sse Sa Ratangarh® 5 eam = ikampur Xs A Narnauly® ain, = Khairpur © Kishangarh = Sujangarh Nawal a Firosparpe = Reo albu 2 2Sh > Kanod =. Panchun\ °Jasrasar cSikar Alward E z; aoe Pokaan S? Phatoat oKhata je" — Bhartpur ‘ 2 ° \ Khajwanal "hy De E ‘ \ R A ° J P \jwana) “A mbhary Jaipur “ty; Fege aee ee | Bibaks\ Sel Kot Imamgarh > Phalsund 3 AX oN An [Brora = Se BS ' i Sy ees / c Barmer, O 2 dev : Mindaun? Bhind, = = \s Ja O + Chotan ¢ Peau 4 bad Karault® of Gwalior. \ pyar es i co oKhipray g Balotra, ‘ana , ye SA Jo Morar. OMadhepuis) = Ie awe or Bee = ——> bi = Rai ur? Wee asupel x Nol | Ka Kotri? Aas wey 3 ae sa agate ss ala = oP. rtaba) a dladahpe’ Ranizgany The 2 Sindri —Seopur x == 5h cs Fee: RS “Umarkotl © Jo * Narwar c aie = 5 SS oo as oRhulpor See, DVL gg = ¥ 7 ah : = are Shans QyAllahabal <8 a a 2 Chelar, () = = {ty = : sat, = ; ae : at : Sid |“ Vira ? = alias d 4 \ o~eMa = Mitt, | nay aS <= fe a Jamulo | Banka e ve BE emer ~y Wao | ee handeri| i eS 0 Godds = Sir j za! Nfs Sbibbandar \o Diplal_ = aoe A, \\K ptr 7 aeons alitpmre = ae bie ynpur Bea ieab Ss: “e akhpaks Foor C es E = Raghugarh — geese Taba: A ie7- “ 4 ,geare 2. chan ee umbar xiao ae = aS m3 He =. = simone tes Re Seg = = anc rey ‘ == iro SN — chatja| Giridhi Lo oh ae we kal >——— q oF o Dungirpur 7 iron hy 4 9 a, Na oa twa njanie a=ToX | Jakh : M ‘2 (Y wy z =F my = are a arh/- n) Huai as? bed ene L pe = Cl <0 ay er te i * iiltrod 1Me idpurk hog ur gous ce = ws rish nagar | Ratlax a= kur — Dipalpuy S—\\ Dewas soe yo == oShaki ga Baravp "23 meas Lue Gai isos. ae 4 | Dwarka £8 xo eae 5 Aye bug > Dhar P Indgre oSatar Ve AC “Gar = Bhsrsowano Ze De es ofa | Ss ana ajkeot R be a Aro: Sdaipur Mh Sait oils N h Chalbs Sida our Ho 38s Yes il Bhogal Dhange oa Y ow gchoral Ttarsi Mohpanl r Sz een | Mi Gondat ; a P DS SFS Mandlesar = 2 Ses ia tants’ = pinmond Hal hts Kyranpia be an, e Verb = <2 —— c a: ‘ \ EUS —— Pang rr) Lae : atbl | op earwanl cher Oe ane Seoni) Man \ SS NK, Ks es Masnnat Ir] = jitan = Wikia i OSS * | Nawibands So Hose ail Kietwar jp ipla oBijagarh = Betul Liu = SEY RY, the Gand Cox's Bazar\yt t y MonweI? oa me 2s J 8 PU Se df Asirvari Magar. as Sa" Mouths °. \ | “Manzro! Datha’ Ss) Mandyi i ict 2e ee oe 165i i Sr Nast] } ZrO x Burk: Gawilgar =. : ¢ » Verawal Sata = é a a FOS ha = ——— ae save z bandas VS : oF i | Kout S Matkapu =% Sitabaldi (Nand: risa R fer 2 igen iu S Balapge® = = 2g mraoth aVeriha. —— Es ZL < SS “Point Polmyras 0 Bulsar’ Sonala io ° orks) I~ Baduera\ P R BR pYs ara L 20 < Daman ~ ie Akola Murtazapw 4 - 5 ka Ss False Point 20° | = ) ~BER R™ Hinginghat }/—-~ Rangl ‘* N cobarh & inert River I aba t o Basi Wai Barapurd ‘Jaw: ry ie = x = site 4 > Kanker Ye Mahim§\ Shahapuret Sten —— \ P dae Ambo =e zatho PE G <, > th oO ¥, | Pomel Wraaka 7; ee ae aithan ake al Porn = fg ouinake Le LOWER BURMA Satsette [ Wa Kalyan Abmadnagyej id : Berhampur SCALE BomeBayG esi = ¢ PGopalpur o] 295 Statute Miles =1 Tnch. rur apur ? SSS — ~~ Alibagh@@ 4 Ssizduda Barwa wa. be ane 300 Dion c Pundi u Jaa ae S 700° l Briwardhas Phalton = See = Kalingapatam = : 3 = hicacule Harnail’ Kh Sed a Vizianagram hantapilll 5 by) ERE : Satara. < Biml patna ' g-ning-fu 5 janwel§ Chiplun / Pandharpur kapable Jaygarh ¥ ae A pecn cana j 4 arvasiddhi | Ratnagiri bi maheodri } ae Raja J Gocanada Viziadrug eS ,Coringa 5 So) pannoD = re) Sawanby “Mouths of the Godavari | | ‘Vengur! Masulipatam | we) P. Point Divy - ‘anjin S22 : Poungbyli 15 liza © Marmagdo@\ TBapatin a acai Gbsitia} eae GOA (Port. Ss ngole = ' io ee tat? Karwarge— Ramiapatnam Ay Biappa “Kin = | * avali | | — J Kumptay Allur ~ Honawar >» Piceon Le/ * hellore a 9 ; a dur Bark }#Durgarayapatnam | Kandapur ton rmagon Zp) Nl aes iS Udipi WW Lake Pulicat qv i Mulki Pulicat 9 | > if : j 6 Mangalore =! = ‘SS = a MADRAS By Manes } ‘ Y§t. Thomas Mt. ane S Cuernaniany Resp + hel Kavai oni feram ees TA me ee | H Ps Beka ee = = a rae: ie . Comberanare, Bay’ x z EN 1 fe j hengalpat aukpyu SE Byrancore Reer re rz NSS Canann Naigajan “¢ == ig D fuiveram N J neat yy =e \ Berea Par, 2 Oniao. ichert [2 =Xerkad/- = he Pondichery Q) Cupuna LOY." ngeuns + P a) 5 Mota v \ Pr. Bs Unovan I. ene t ieee ELteatvent ti ddalore Q eal eh PEREMULPAR ReeF 44 Bank ° aa \Porto Novo iS My gue LACCADIVE por © Namakal= anubatrar = ( fa | Ry a Prrvie Sani Bank UNDEROOT CombaconuynZ Mayavaram y = P Hens Ponani == Lx ‘Pranquebar CS (Pap | ; oO an routed Karikal Ss _ Cannutes, Tried Home Tinie ye 9 p> _— Basgin'p | Straits Settlements,—S#Uvettrar, | ISLANDS Kodungalur ¥ seapeee f t SLANDS @ + Kavrenr Parayu' * 2 Point Calimere & Gips Hearse vy Exnakola a Pt . WwW > _ Cochin 1 Pageds Pr adi F Beragua Pe. Moa fra 5" Sharretalai 5 Kavecaux eo | \ Alleppi Preparis North Channet Gulf of WD = Co “iA Bebe Kayenkolam yer! | Martaban & reo bes =~ Quito’ South Channel “™) Oa yew 7D, Rae, Coco Cha’ »/ Gu, Coco I. Muppte Moscos’> > : oh ie an Sourn M Mie ; ut Lai gga nel ‘oscos ° Mh} ¢}Manixor I, bane * Barry Mavve = .Narconpam I2, Tavoy Pts agarly Port Cornwallis -» ‘Sitlangchong 1, T a Cape Comorin Trussuha: Canora, i NDAMAN Fs AY : © e ANDAMAN Kies 1 7 KaTCHuALL® ®Nancowry — |) Mip. ANDAMAN a ui { M. spol Channel Rea © BARREN Ross I Pran Scie ‘@Lit. Nicobar Port s ISLANDS W. Torres I. ” $0 GREAT Blaig, 2 * 4 ] Yew. ¢ ae ANDAMAN Bentincxs 1, ay ff My : NICOBAR ISLANDS — |} Duemog gi RUTAN? Mercer *¢ ye M. canStyrait 3 . ALDIVE ISLANDS Ingoi . ; is Lin. aS poate j Sunuva Pakchan + a r ae p a oe ros-peot®” TW arcwireaco: 5. Qf Kr j A oni , 0°] : gitude East from Greenwich. gla° so" 5 Sr. Maruews 1.7, re B 75° a i Mo oe oe a SE goo Cc 85 = > | “ E rT #90 ? on ( ATLAS OF THE WORLD 89 105° 3 110° 4 ICHINA, SIAM tN. AND INDO-CHINA SCALES = : M, ° Zagan-tuguriik Gaschun 2 o Sairus-ussa == O ao G Sintute Miles, 215 =1 Inch. ° 50 100 200 300 = Kilometres, 346 = 1 Inch. 4 = ° Khonichi Salt Lake = 0 80 100 200 300 400 500 4, Rand, MoNally & Co.'s New 11 X 14 Map of China, S = Tachau-ha Lak = . Siam, indo- ~ Copyright, 1000, by Rand. MeNally & Co. —— 4 Sudschi . a Copyright, 1906, Ly Rand, McNally & Co. 0 8B I D E S E rs esa ay 2 ° Chara-obo Olon-chuduk SB Fa My. 2y 2 ° : = "Y : : icy Burebanbulyk Chantai ° 4, Durbu- eae ieee & Tsagan-tschulutai moto o Tschan-min-j, M = aos _-Aschan » hu lk = g Ch Sanstau-ho-tere Page att gpreert™ 40° = arte = nheans == = Kwancil t »RoUGHTO! Glacis Pt. = | ee, Y Society Bay's PISA Taku _Sia-Ler-THIEN I. we palny GULF OF 5 Port Arthur PFE Phung Y ao-t el BAY ebbon vhou PECHILI Miazag snes B Saal Is, unger? ay G. By ung-ching Zw ‘Sang-kou Bay sing-hai-wet - Kiao-chou Bay « D\Ala-bo-6 (Gere) = * Tower Point yino-chow 5S} E A bi) YU-CHOW L nof the g 25 Hi-TEt-sHa L © Mouths of is = Yangtse- gd Se TEN UNG- MING L Py anghai 5 jang _ SADDLE Grovur Lu-shou_ Taiping-fu , Dean jiqo-hw = Wuweio Fang 2 H esp, . 30 Paw 2 ei = King-men 9 / Taieching 2 u ‘Wan-hsien’ ZN G A Ungbiantian dngngan. > Z “6. Ba ee GAN-KING Coa BOY «ax ARCHIPELAGO 30° - & Sheipa Sanmun Bay Tia-yu-su Prsxachs dee Rugged Poi zc ais te S acinvourt L vA > Haran FI8§Acre ) * ogag L. is. 1 » Yili. North Pe ve cne Sue \ O° 25° Ki pe, Samtian Pt. Vv“, 1 eee Ee EL AERHA ery Miyako }- 2 hes . 1. | Skane 1. AYONAKUNI i affismrorxt Ie \ Tri-OMoTE Konama\l. ORMOSA ze *Haperuma |. Sh “Tsing-yuen) Sam; =H =.) CA Pinam * SAMABAMA 2 ai es Boras Touaco Vere Reer Bi * chant Bashee th " BASHEE Rocks C) a s q + DorotHEA REEF Y Norte I. = Mavusis 1BaYAT 9 proco rae BATANES OR | 5 cay BASHEE IS- 6° pyuiwranc L. ‘ gn Lo o -7' 2Boro Is, 3 Stef AO-LAN Is, “Lei-efty Qaijip “Ba I, : Pag ua Muong, Quang-hows chou + Balintang Channel TONGKING Tan-chg x = CALAYAN ey Babuyay t. Escorpads 8. W. Cape U SLeong-st p™ ‘ Mul - aN ong Pt. m-muon “/ : Dong Yatt-chew v2), ig " mee Mindi QC Bungkwiua @. 5 & (Town aad B, : . rao Anson BANK F | M.Puh fay) guiega! 2 ua Kwang-binh Cc Vigan § = Norry, 3? ee, Rep Pe So cio bieu Linh PARACEL ISLANDS @ “S Ampurraite Group » . I Sle N | soLso3urg ‘| * 90 ATLAS OF THE WORLD. F G 2 Lo : 122° ; 4 ; H ‘ Sanch z Mira OG. Eugano j eee PAvaut ISLanp 2 Port 8, Yicente} : C, Bojeador Bangui i~ Dirique {Nae Sa < Pt. Escarpada ee ap Sel Cabugao Bay Salomague L., Lapog Bay .Piat * CRN Sola: 4 x C = Teuig Sio. Domingg¢ oS S aoe * __ §, Ildefon o > Bante) eS Sta, one D * oA) ‘Tuguegarao Mt. Dos Cue mos| iW i Ss. Cnvi, Divilacan Bay Sta. Mariag/’G Port 3. Esteban’ ° Palanan Bay Tg (S¥° Mt. Gulraya dn Digollovin Bay nT f Gir wy MNOS IS eam J Pt. Dinapiqui ) Ferhand ARE. sdis; San,’ yi f Dilasac Bay FAA x A Pt. Tarigtig T= NS Casizuran 7, vay es Gray ao as =! Asin C. S. Ildefonso Pt.Tambobo! a P A 3 ° — 18 Kilometres, 56— 1 Inch, 0.510 20 80 40 $80 60 70 80 _90_100 c =r —— x = > Ruud, MeNally & Co.'s New 11 x 14 Map of Luzon Island. 3 | Copyright, r010, by Rand, McNally & Co. 17 | ANG IS. a Waa z Mt Labo one Capra I! rat Matavatuan I, Calatagiaay | ' Lip a $i me = z =e “3, 092 ft, uba' gn «Maynaurl, -Z _Ragay, | Amoit I, 3 f 7 Labpi Y\ de eos meek Fooly A Cabangan jo el nalok ve Ny Et a S. Fel ; aco™ ies go" pau . Felipe lo a exidgo G ve j aren ae ~ san Pt. ate gin S_Narcifo ioe = ease GE vam erna Panampalan. ee ate. eat | e ‘loridabhan Sime Los Caponds (0: nk ‘ o = 7 ae Pt. Hook B. A\9 a Pt. Banla Fastilleivs 5 Subic bay Macqhebe 9 oer anges eMarcelinoPO a: 4 0% Uatals. x1. = “Din i aon Ls gaa NY oya Bay zee... New Ke] n Dago)na st alolos oF noe B P2 Pt. Gabriel Birdes “Sh. oe s Port Silanguin®2 Ix > OB it 2 Biguione Ne o baytaoL N bandon & | ; ou MA NIL Apt Tae aan ste QP POMS. hdc i: QPilar py 4 y Caloocapf| * oe ay akateds Fijpinsito JOMALIG I. ti Manilaés< : J Lampon Bay Pt. Agta Mt. Marivele: Pa P A fe, Sixont ) INACUAPAN I, ry 4 inom Py _ D re re 2 Caracua I. : E yorida, TN A P, INAGA Mariveles - Noveles: fr LAGYUN A i Monja L* , o Sta, Cha, le is RMuntint 2 pte 4 nD. »& ony Seep I. 0 SS oe jammer I connscioet hae "re jombinan /hauime® LAMON| BAY 4% ~% > “Sus & ae i Sixcaras® Amelia I. cae ae Sta. a fh CABALETE I. e g * Sr, & M +sParacale! hogan i ” ‘* »Baliscan L fea Main ‘4 an IATANDUMATEN I, ai 1M . Cadi ai, Ny 3 Pt. Colag 2 ff VinambacP wd San | Miguel —_——— © Qgxanue an|L. * apponanit. Pigos yo; J Sprara I. Conravor I. iy Aap I. f ROMBLON I syane® Rgmblon Sa" Pt. Canloay Odiongan| “TABLAS 4stV AN oem, 2 “Sy 1ev4x08 DEL Bayo ‘ Aro Les Meyon'f. Pt. Dongon Pt. Origon ; Pt. Duyagan Andagdo . CoLocoro on Nortu Rock Ss Fal Magaran N. W, Rock yi Mansalay Bay Pt. Bugui Masasa I Say b a et Pt. Bantigui cq) & “es Peris Bay Sa : 9 © Is7 “Pt. Locoloco ae fa > Pak ays Dy, Sigayan Bay a) Tuquian® SLC Pit Bantuin SBvenvet Pt. Malabrigo Pt. San Andres * Ge e a oka _ Pi ratero Bay Port Banalacan; meas \ We . Pt. pi - ditalayan Bay va taney B.Bacos Is. MOMPOG Le i y) Pusgo% Tanuan an? rit 6) } cw OF Foss lL Pt. Datinuaua RS zi, a Port Pusgods Pasacao oS . Fie a Ove es rus Harbor\ .» Lmuiceeo ae EIN M 2 'O}- Cr, Pt. Naguiba NOY Pt. Salomague \ Bonde) A Bay ogirigaty acd S’MieveLI, “4 O\Naujan Ys . » LIDIABAN I. @ Cacnaray [. Pt.|Caurusan oY Guininyan I. Pt. Balingauan re) 7 | Oo . Lagos BATAN , Gazpar I Qo CQ hy, MD : Melobon 2 < ? %e\ 3 a 2 Pantuo WSS B. I 7 r Pola Bay Ts Sota Pt. Suban off ne + oe f go peu iin L . > oI . ort O Ay Pt. Dumali , Aye Pt. Bondog TeMPLo 1 Jan Busainga \ VAR 00! Eco Ae Vis S g, Past mgs oo Carwora Ie pn Isavet I Pt. Guinduganan . bJovellar, Dos Ni 4 Pt. Balete HERMANAs Is. hase S7 BANTON I. = Pt. Catundulan / i BURI As) onde) Don Sol @ ° v Pt. Dumaquit MALUMARUAN I Pt. Ires Marias = Bacatao I. Biton oO CauixTpN ; Fi P L —- = 120° 21° B Cc 127 D Longitude ED East 122° tom F dreenwich, G 123° S, Fernanda |. vn 4 Sapu | gas H 4a CAP |\24 U2 20" ATLAS (OFVirh- WORLD: x E | P Ortendik y = g= aS ST. Louis {ec Daka ©. Verde pe Ulisg ge Bary, 2 THUR Ve ( Port : 3" e SANTI, 25 fa a # | “Pe Miri URascorg Ujett | JANTONIO, wen aon YOAVISTA “A Por «MAYO a0 75] ee ts Raya Pp 4 | eae ON THE SAME SCALE, Sp, Fe org cla attgs tar Tangle gaceuta © oe Ae Petuan °° Ory y Pe Bojador g ton = DESERT “zl emt? Z ee = Matrpg OF O F)olame fic =< = mele of “Ain Salah’ OR 20 Sema tee ectieee Eu —= = AOR alps x wd Tishit =a AGANET dor ene Salde ea Tenetu 4 Bikaso™ aw ri =o= alara\ ane CG OLA Men mie) VIENNA‘ ait airw n- M SEE Gabes “any G = send © Sins of fe a (en Ss q oS mS ee <\9° FERNAND, PRINCES I, O ip Carino 3. (PorT,) oy (SP ae a Bight of ee, ; A Knartums S ay Seas oTRAT. oC: sox! i Ree Z Kol xol Fi Fasher Ei Obeid? a Olo | ro) KORDOFAN Java “= oF Dara o Townisha ao Re we b c =e Amasagao iS Se ; s ( FORT DE Posse; abeq (A gg Bema SAMBEUN! 3 Carnot = “S09 Ab gh DOye Gaza 1 Bangi, BRITISH y ae! ZNCMT-NYIRO | Bt ‘ Li = nS Samp © oly Hapa sa tatle Bo Sy fio ws. Tangasi® Fa or? adisha, = Mogadisho) @ V ASCENSION 1, C) (BR) St. HELENA 06 (BR.) Xr) GUINEA Cape Verde Is. EQUATOR ST.THOMAS I. = SNjemps—_— Boratl 3 EQUATOR ° — Mie Eo CME MS ES - OS te Lae e eee 5 {Tame (PoRT,) . Lopez. & eo Wa KENT ANG , ANNOBON I. Ogowe RP AF R I (PAN.) SS XN Longitude Enct from Greenvich Statute Miles, 575 = 1_ Inch. 0 100 200 300 400 600 600 700 800 = <== = ——3 Kilometres, 925 =1 Inch, © 100 200 300 400 600 600 700 800 800 1000 —————— ==> 2 Rand, MeNally & Co.’s New 11 x 14 Map of Africa. Convright. 1904, by Rand, McNally & Co.- __Longitude West-from Greenwich —————= + » Seveurtins Is? Kabindaky (Br.) ren Banana’ = 8.AntonioX Ambrizett Ambri: AMIRANTE [5 (oR) LOANDA: Cc. Palmarinyas \ Kwan Kilwa Kisiwanj AuDapra Is.e5 (aeyF hy bY aac: Delgado) CO8MoLED, GR, se MORO —- GLORIO0 rg Novo Redondoy 0 18. FARoumag 18, Egypto)y Bi: + (BR, Bengueliyg 2: 180 Comoro i" dee po OHTLLAS SS (FR, ( Pomba i. .y™ de D vj se shh GR, iego Suarez e JORMA - 2088 Beg ty ernac < A Mossamede: Velo a oe ea g mboanio Pinda @ ; Gr. Fish Bay¢ y vA & SALISoURY = : ; {MATABELE \ re ar, , aS MELE oO LA Ags @ Ma, Swakopmund Walsish Bay Br.) tang DESERT Molopol: vc Land Pic oO HOLLAMS BURD 1. (ur) Spencer B. Pots Sateln ees Johanneshire Kuruman “OR. sconuava ee tance Y Angra Pequena iz Be Elizabeth a Erocht z PR are me $n bai a Orange Kanaan Convrisht, 1911, he Rand MeNaly & Co, ° A29 B (6) 0° ° D E wy F G fa S aa oO = = fy H fy oe) MD < ra a eury.P BUAIES | NOW ‘puwy £4 “post Gqaqkdon (8779.44 7° = ow ‘puvy 4q “GOGT syztaddog serif VN POM 43 Jo EVRY pexopuy s,09 wy LTTeNOTE fpolpey 13 HI) pexepuy &,°0) F ATRNOT “pary g utaoq¥s 19.0% uy T= 26 seajowo]y ie Q 3 GL 0s o% erg "PUT T— O9 “Seq 99nI8Ig get SH1VOS DyYqQaS H aes iL V Sa OODDOUOW ANY sn og G SINO.L ‘VINAD TV pyuayy ynog- ° essjoug LQ y ; S f ° qvire ae I an Awe Tosi UIE euvyoTH [ yJoreys |, eel Mayu unowrurt fmt SUJUVYCL | x3 % psoyjaqvL ZDUIT), °unybpy- % ce S119 AL UNDUDE Ja LL (8772.4 ) LJ Ss uvign° aa Duvboyy ° Kyavyauay, Dsy- seyey porr (8712.41 ) Sue ynopfaury 20190 % © pplayT 12-U- anes DPV Ja/noq 10100 =, Mi NW Tt N J ” “STRANS"> {az1ogroud Sysx08 12 perasv (212M) ezuvyyoOW tH ppynbsomny UT conte ° se U* auyqod “He PPV LRH OS aussie [od F ened), ; aplpryy 1? 2H essquatyy OOH . q (snaat) a gu2 eno Wo \Y aT qeoumoy © Nua 'W 19 SBYo ° ourg tH” 9 0 9 mTyvig [§ WUvyAyON | so lly Imbenenyy, UDPINO 12 : ee gS Ss wt! yessMoy sy BIST | (81124) “Jor01108, a 1) : (8112) 3 raiyeHn \ oqonyn You “a. peas i 4 ekvqo upoeue Ly 6,2 yj gangan yg © % (S112) upanbayt ie. qtnjany 1 SSS Rand, McNally & Co.'s New 1114 Map of Egypt. Copyright, 1905, by Rand, McNally & Co, : Ed Dory == Opel “Gui o on Mei ni? Alohamined el- Kofar o-Tel-el- Kufara 5 s:Surariya Nazlet-Abit El-Howarta OM, Bibba el-Kul Sits bi SHEhyAD NAT. ayy NY “Uy Gti Wf? | MMi, het! ‘gl Gahil Ag y \S iB % ‘alls = ue Zz a exw “OM, alll aA 2 NOMS anys = mg = = 7a se wr LIS. = Fn. vat N } Le Inve =\\)) ake Ly To. xy = aun Wins a ° Brombel *Karimat, My S ere. Méman si a’ wT ry nN, a Masgid sal suite Aw Hodeir MN, ait! » my wttreniyye® SW = aa ‘iy, wee, aay, z We eS LN PSN) a 80° 31° BE F 0 art!) el Masara Jel el- SE > Kafr.el\Battikb re si ON Kafr ¥ on" re owt in Kafr esh Shemiti}, #bUGHlID 6 ot ic wow ESolai ©! Hamul so", yi Salamib _Damyane Mit Aba Ghalib, o go ~ Kafr abi Arab (Coptic Monas' dey) Sawal PAzabet Keleshi awaler >p&o = ‘ay PAzabet Keles iat Silt ffual oe LAKE © *s? ; Port Said Tia KOM EL- ~~ Ka + el/Gerfiyida S/E1Dini * ¥ he ag oe es ee nee Bele) 8 lebin siya 7 he g ian Kafrlel GHarbio n)et-Tawil Wecnan (OF ff Tel Tenia. ae ee fe afrjel Gh -. Biyala endela Q Ok fiyen Pag a set gSbabtas el-Milb vee , - ime a Bagrg Berimbal el Lg fod 1 Wz ON 2 G \ glat widig 7Qadima da alat © Kas /él-Es¢ h ‘ P = by Bene *Daraksa. El Menzaleh el pay bb ‘“MENZA LEW || , Bi regi tee Let ie BY Baddala el-Nosorah 2 a ~~] 2 - ee ghal ie Bal JesO Teal? gXyNabaro///>/ Dekarnes EI Megniina ae Pelusian Neshart 4 oat Matout El Attaf) Vy fatkhaZ -Méballet- OshminJan: Fa Sr Mouth = pater Diraee ° ee Behbit el-Ha oF Dzmenna, Mit Fares 7% 2BEDe ae == Mehallet K3 ; Defi Mehallet Ziyado / | tat j= let Kot ——N Wilh, ge 7 = Es Salahst< EAzabet Abu Haga: 37° =— 8 5 5 Ninive KO retires = Miniya INS Sn Hehallet el-Kebir JY ae % ee ana oyafsr oZan el- 3 omy — SSsi : TH SA Co nlorrnt ee ae El Beyda afr lel-Gheti , it Sakr EL Baas gonna) El Ser = aa\a oe SAdaka = Abj-e -Mutamir ° | ‘ftosh Isa, Harar. 2 NEL ‘Bel ‘ iyatim i | E> >Diras ubra\ ur ur Ab Raked E] Bagaaieh i ay cARAVAN gort®, - a ney CShefawa Quraa\\. °/E: ba if Abu tes “Hassaina; Es-Siifiya A Ao co ao SYRIA ~~ \qeb Mehallet\Merlaf Aterbite A f , ub sg Nub Tarif oS Sembelldwen yaleken Ss ; Jakares © Berma at os 5) nt wa, Mit Fadalgt” o as aa = EE Managat rt) “#1 Kantara “hon Z 3 Delingat EpyarS > SX. nit = dinbul a va nin ey Sarkis Au hequq E] Gha: at or ate a g a j — Ge ‘ syle” Wy Cay Th A Kati ex Zaiyat M Ut wai) © Mit ae \ n Nauifao Se Se Balla ] akes “ hy und ah Dershay 6 arate Dy, Bi Berk. MEATANTA amy aa # Bilamtin Kafr Sake jantir? °Kah Gi re i Wildy “Wy, Care Yahiidiyah 5 Ka d oI Adawl, » 8 ray waniae a rash be ores +, El Buha Es Samaini_, Salihiye \ 1 = dt, uly = om Hara d mi} ‘, $= Wyte oe Ziadae Fie ot “‘/e\ t s/ektaa (igi ae re Sc El Arino FE] Bardi Farin, \ | ti EN Kasr BigAtaay Santac y °Ghabab Akyad el-Ghatowira yi (Bir Abu Aruk Bag dad \e Sie ; 2 can who eet An eb Ti é ee = Ferdaneh jf | - i bath El Jhffariga Diihanh ot ; Mahdiya,, o Takb_e/Qarm 5 see Wai Pi Ny : Ur) © Dandit / (“P+ Farsis. fMehya o £{ Sawaleh *s — / " = \\ Khfe-Hirinel-W4b oGisfa () = ? at = B } /) ‘Sabragh = iba K if E Ism ais: Ry fridvot el.Gi yall <= rket g aut antag ad adi KR Abu. Sie ax ma lig we Acyatet of the Khedive 7 ult —S Y A te El. rAduwa ot EF} -Qaraim Jb ee UF * 4 Syst =" AMA WSS vy My - Ae Areas - 2 AGAZJG aybilar i. got =e “ys a Wr SF see DSM Ue Mp ; Qué Gas PEs Sy ep an su © Ey Qitewiy) “pelle Kevin’ WNetish & Take Timsah wn = i} w HK ond re Abu Richah ; a IE era, y eactaldal Chenharedo—~ ‘Abbasa TAbalua |. hal t < {Tussin = os Linyet el-Qim\b ys aM ad’ i Tum utes \ cS 4 = a evel a daw, > iy, = : mi 7 Ns NW. ws t Sangéhur =, TNS wyyptinyss 1 ; Teak Kener T=ASY fit Heml a4 NSF Wy % Ye FVM Asselin MiySebile =— —— “SS soya t Bec 'g sDegua Mit Kehanah . ay ee tr a %, Leal 2S sg = Es ia X s Navtit, ¢ 9) ~~~ 42S .Regiim el Khel NDS Z y 1 ‘Mutshtahii i “es, s Ze » el Zuggu nD re Bie ih it E py ashvul+es-Suk eee a nt Moulouk _° OBE fe eh, i Seyafa| =} Deir 4 hibin el- -Qaniiter. x swiltipoon Wee, TRON = ay ay ; gy Kafr, Dawud. = = e a Wry queer “ey Paar cok. om Richa My, ALYUBI EyelMen’ir7 nt 8 “ee My sa a M 7 note Qbnel Paada\ NWS 1, ., Qabs| py jBpaies Pe [oad ally 4, Es Be Der INKY) a Bish so Der Macariueli pndiun Z| awein? eavi.z Zabel *, iE Mee, Lye millet ani Mh, top, SN oEL-Rhan Che < wo“ \ eg, DEERE HNN TW eeyy °nhi PEs- -Siryaqiis woe, NS ae NO rt us — Ziih Mie Hylfa f° BL Katag'™ ms tl ZL STG ane mu & AUHLELY ANS ALANS TDS Khosoug? /Station —— 11% OS JEBEL uwesiD snaie aw » 5, om = = HSS = = | AR foc B ae ad; = oy Kn’ ye Aig ee “Salty HT = oan 4.Fr Asaup Ti ABU ROASH PY Ah miDE, : = : E 2 i SOM Kerdassao GIZE ~ Siikiet. M kkio eh ar eer = AMG, I rf == - = 07 SPS Lee is am Fa ee : : NOt HUM Mu Suen” sgl Soa NG Ypern ' My an wii ass uN Wye ie) aL rea , Mi MP Tyas Min, = art = \ my gs A goltte ay WANS} iM S % 2 q “Une N % apbin « % = % : vr ca +. ™, "ay 5 Ative ite “at 1 ite an D ia iS. Ex, R Zs ‘ 5 We co / a Chorata, Ne I, = = “an N == | Manes 3 bu abe oF List 28° Qit tas SOUTHERN EXTENSION 3 Manarraqaf OF NILE RIVER. = - = é RUN ———“—}, Su BS uf ScALES. = Statute Miles, 58= 1 Inch. 10 20-305 40 = 5066 Kilometres, 93 =1 Inch. AM emyyyvs 0 € 10 20 30-40 50 60 70 80 90 100 ——_ oAbnub = Bl, Wasta Matmar e Shera Selin GEL -Bedari= Rabbania AS Milli] 777 = “Samht Fars tl Ww) 4 = OASIS OF" 4) at KURKUR™ ure ze 32° ~7Rayaina- Bal- Ketkata "HIN on WS Kom er- “Héorha fpr *Rahama Aglid Kom Ombo ee Daren Shékh Batam Se Ist Cataract —S ATLAS OF THE WORLD. 95 2 ° KAMARAN . _ — K L 4° M boa + Barnomosa Keverr A B Y S S I N I A / 4 “ fo dedi en Sracrer Wl ; S * . . app £ ti ya; é \s = 3 re T ; . I 3 * AND fataract Abu Egli BLLAH-TELLAN I, . By 2 bs : ale ares wrfengowaite 2 ANAgnkitat e SURROUNDING COUNTRIES & SF Stokard 3 re | ‘ aN f pat okar/AQRas Asis = } 1 E] Sulimanieh *) Mr. MuSMaR | Sct Se | Gu of Bakiai ° SCALES. | SeerwAGhnA “*\ ‘ ae ee = a Statute Miles, 101— 1 Inch. | t ) = 0 10 20 30 40 50 30 3s. Oe es 18° . Widan Kilometres, 163 = 1 Inch. i B SMT. UDEN\GADEIN x) . TA TE Bethia iso 200 ty o Tamagwet i aalteie Rand, McNally & Co,’s New 11 14 Map of Abyssinia, @Nakhela g ae : Bir Kaberel Shekh , I myst. Copyright, 1910, by Raod, McNally & Co, a aagen tradi HAMDAB , Want . J”, Copyright, 1901, by Rand, McNally & Coy 2 o omt,! ‘ 3 roe Adarama 7 ISkENAB Ly f a sinhdn 5 Jisan =e Ley >AbGACHI. Sheikoili 77 “++... 0 Subaja, : . Byeeam I. Siete) y o Khaivan El Mahjil 3 ae , a, qHuth : 4, Spee ° ENTAFO0sy eye Valed Hessuna qt 0 C Kotawa : ° °o BS 2 Se “Slgaden Senet Tek aN Marib|| 4 Ss /Amban: rab ee Gasn\Todlik, * ' Gi Goda pélassio” ° Gergaz\ Lacaterurak, tt >. Z Re, 40), \ Tes 7 Um. Ven “,,R. fs i Sei “&a| pe petit 4). ] : bog ‘ MT. ABTIYA My NR panes Maiknbas a SHIRE 2 11st nSA suit ( veer : R J x ee xe Gdein an i _ ‘ 3s ey Raoze 2 “Deh; a Ganatt “Mia, a. 3 Fand va Beneta B. B- sul Be Ras Bellul = Steaks eerie Felatao Wold Es° \Kamisa Dyfi er e! ‘Raha ie SHO 5 7 fh Sheikh Othmads ; & Didhay x es o MT. MUSA ING; “00 - ¥ ee ate . oO : 6 | : x re a ‘Himminu 6 ane R) E. NC Fg ‘Slide “ B MT. DEBE NET Obo 12° Sa -0 ~ @,\ Gohuin’ 70) pee? WADELA ES dn Qjurra Ove. og ate Hadele Gubo2e woh °0Musna L ican in: ob queen Koh heal Ho Ras Jibuti 40 : —~t \SQS MI=KIENAN © = S Be! ‘S DS ; my We as Mi. eS 3 : x . ; : a yee “Op Dungareta : vor a (aS ie = 2Barpdalla, o4 ; Majetie: : xine of Z jp Haris oe ore S| 2 (MT. FeYO: , ; adi Galla ioe Z o Buk : 9 St Bick na <0 oKobfara . nS SS Sires WardigMT- Ey = om a By ;° Gabolla ‘Ui 4 Ty h ofp). ie © Gorkivra Faaasyo a Woladeyi ae yl | Bs "Ca a Goria 2 4 As . BUNGOL I af A bi I A N | : rr = —_}—___— — 4 4° Gorili? OFFA oGok .,., wl” | | Sexity one 2 GOF oi pA. a a 45 we hake N Z FD .! = (ANT. Fen] | xf Wad li = ee ax rt SOMALI | kak : “sy q T. TENFE S 16 > y . 4 ? - eee : ¢ a aZ : 4 Seer. KUFFOLE g 2 Q >= ae NS = < Be ij ytoodsa(sorg~. ‘2 Fg O a {) Sa e _ WPORUION- 0; Ji sam S48 —! este rt ‘1ouaAso, & ant ee B : Avan{y > S Y Yee — t wed spoql e anh Gig — io A = Mo aS, cae, =u eupanayio ARentde Osdysndgyse q \ ene am ONOWHORS i > OOTP TY lc x ie dnqqain S = JuaureL as hio: ei pos de “oh Oy naan aie Mayaanre, Scale PaO TT REN aes ty i “i 194 ~ |. ny = Be ty: aps jsazsoe” 1 ° avy = %y (A di = ty ae cs ane Saget 2p: 2 eae We ready? =pea mood! ed Ono, TUUIs; = ¥ S fi } r ouoysdaqg j20 : Tey nord arog ee Why syeyye 3 = y q wien ae Soua a 9/2 gas bes : sora ae < NOAYWNH qroog WME d 33 > “oe an ae vow : a = “~~ & =e . = ‘4 —— = Wjmyava072019°T a ne’ | 0g o™)p Asoy d oT ~ : ‘ude TPS 1 Myer) ~ oma g / He erie ces Snes ait 43 es a {\nmoxe tue Sane prow is ASHE ae f =S= = 7 = Sep sens og ott 0 soar IzuDuoymp Shingay 92 ne Ke ®Ho OMS Sch iS {umousaniy ARG eles = ec 2 cusvodhaiey 900 g - ene duro Ne ake Te se auqaias ee TS = 008 mi — BY oqnst: geez rs ay =\ armas 49 tf, eae Pu Se + Swuuy NSE AY S < (TeJVNY 34 I) ueqing Susur we SS —_ ns ete ee 700k aN yarog 880 SN a ; ovp2AIeH. Snqaiping’ b Say YES=s=1 J i : ae = wavjnsa, fp pang logo ~ O13d0H = : z d == 7 wrpaoonoy OUNaZ1, e qYyrusaney pieATY eBatIO, Li | Avge = = z = y, : piwsaunwa SPAT oxatoy tt RIN wong eneN WER asf Ig GNVTSVv Ae” eka a amr - eunpyey = a rT —— v a 3 TInt Cy a, / x t907,4 28D Z = Fito SA WOLION + >i ee s T | ==" —— Rainy, r9.K9 eS Ksquei s ahoorcvoa 4_| (sewed rem aepue pu puquay es, = L 3 a = C224 or! = t 3) ci ATT i G il Se S tL Bad H: N STURN, oumled 3 } c == ——- = ° Se fv i ueyney * af BIA foot. Bad os T spanyny q == == = yoaaquaagy ogitaiy.” Mi (etn = R\ MOF WSMV 2) wony Vg odup, a 7 st}ON Is ¥ sae 3 aalyaas' ' x fog f ama LT = _ puget po. DwnTZ * 10014) No Se se ts 8a aa PNT IS aoa & <— te wae ie : lo — ae ~ | eZ Pie a ee _ Tepra odvg W3H31 Alaa | \e YS Suey y 81905) g |. 1# 08S jan 38 ferwoss 3 c= V a Be F : Ao BIVIONIS a ALsmugag wasn g. Zit t . = — Sat. soayeya Moy, a o Fy AL gow = ere Sod ee ean) J aay P taTCINH ViINOQGUYOOy .2 ea Slt Paes, = ————— 225 proqameezaag” = asia ora F: sau) BIPM o-- AS \eog mah ~— = = oqyay oS: : + a EqOeaeN © qoure B20q 7 nal o {\ suvsyae3: By Newsy are seqouge 2 : sy vNOWOT SEEM, pemnay r nae ‘ e) ce Taunting icone Fs “dy 89) Wy povud #7 oxtaaaanotd . o) | rows) aie V > SV H : ge ao OOH se a hog _}ert moreanasod. Ss = Beas sninge —% Ss Drstkg | = ————— Ss € stun IV ae ONOT ° ¢ t 2) 4 UW damon” eo +; s0aVHOT TWOOIPSJOYO OT da 20, pap se <= lk re eee t Gute: azapmozltyy 2 f _ PARES st eine iss forts ee WO af < Sf MEY parse ) S25 SS ~ 2 TS Rm a " 19) 96 Vator Corona, Hrwrioussid = CavMany = Sara = He : sfeosnsy |e 2 =y , ~ span AD Ang 3019000 5 ere Sc Mt 7 moyugytorr j — ———— o NUD “tek nqastagl > caagouiva, | beni SS al S 598 oneI0g advy nt BSD go unmfors <= borates SS Se ee <2, osuteny = oy essa Ang sooueds Sorc 0d07 EW WwW =: “so Suan yoroyy ee =\ =j st = aa Sop sl ~ =! = ? 2e) TUIPRIC = =S_juaqnyag., . = y z ~ Vv: aE : SI IMAL Wons MEU WPS ~ oy “5 se “9 ® sleraesy ia - TPIM ACT bh : ¢ NY Vv 2f] z ae = wopetye Sf Suaywieyy iF auloqud b > at H a | GN eS = : 32 : RES F jy 4 fog oospuned UPS @) * Pa \Z - \ Sasset - A , Dye fo odo Ho so oe we = 4 3 0 | S003 goal SAENZLSNY | yardon § aUUAKHOSON yfoyozo — ~ 5H=N=0=1-0 uYvd >. Sawos Monee 0 = i 2 Os, Z yv TT Le erry “fae omen | W/SG NG OH IAW BG .— cmounL TR : epong v7 OL A Es ah, Ags FSqmquany PIU AA 2 oud . wd a ; I]UeMIA 1 ie Cag) 8 rans | 3 - i 1u3ad F “s] OfaYRUSYy. ( ‘i ) 20 eta ? = 3 N V A — O 1g) 4g). +f = ee } = S ¢] dey N 4 I MI0FION * J = = = = {ivsu0g 08 H . O ; } = = Smolplaien . d = == = an a ye Ni op _ggmeosery |“ eayeuoy +] Spurg “19 Midas = = } =: —auaspr19 AW ui0g deaig "T raiquiey” =. Cig). 2 wank eo = a = 7S. Sees ‘ ——¥ vi rc » Sorta ‘sT wna oe ‘ er | Ca i Tae SeeeClesye. Uae — IdOul _ pf as uoRduB yD OAIwUIED SD ] Bue: TW) e. . J Byeucyl a) =r iso $ ARAPEE., E Th : z: S| S| Suvywursy, Imning » Gee a ar. SANV1ST . . TPM. oun ou AS : SS es = (ae 402 en *] tomy; vT PuvA-euey eH 4 Eat! ore ie ‘T eng se-1 NqeesUOL (ug)? nae indGsIVG : \ : ees Sore Po dal oes ‘S) ; Sey 7 + ee N “ST ALIVAOT ‘T BA 2: MIN . ae ogtan AVeavg “MN “| Winvy, ahs (ag )apl PEAY y ae VPS | s'] suuey » asi k= ‘S] HOOD (et 40 VONOL Se : ee ‘| of ueu10117 ge wf.‘S] NOAY a come J voerey TOVAY A qaaqoqay-una PETE ete See ELL EL , mito3a% 21 ~~ ; , ey : : "T yor 2° 2 S baie | se feted Saiiotenak at vasva S Thtdva MIN 4D Pope hae Clone aay, < . Sy "od °° | SI ALaIOOS Ai men ee f sri . pened al A oe Vas 1 °O ty i “is enuep”| Fake aa aa NyOOHL 1 ioany te Oy oyung nyindsy Howy = “(usp)” T HEARS» “st | be cal Lato ge . "s]|VOWVS a : TPE Sosy saus0y re ae , ; 9 ItyNye = *T ol oyiueg .. = os ee my Py haan! 5 ar kexydumntye - I pended a emueg tae ovisainony lo let pa aa yore & 1 aE Ge * . “| mag wuEgee TAVISINOT Vee > | 589 9 ocaog? ‘T2883 A. : unniyg4 ONL LG Z 5 *] Banyan yee BATYeYON 's*] BMorRsUOL (ug) | zr Senieey f= a Ss Lue es eS : TSA1a sandy Fonts Laos aNy (aq) © (va) #4 oH (aa) ‘s] ayIaNO]” ‘s (ug) a tiant a RL i vinueap> awe a Saat : = a RN Ts ve on SOURS $ 3 3 s (udts Q et 1 Stas SEs = SANVISI SVSANOUVIT SLI aN < oS] BOTTI. BS maar ees EN 18 ES "a 8] Loves se oD) : : "J Iason Wey Sing |woor 31 Lavy Ss *T yonqarys * CO ‘ST NOWOTOS oo 25) aT q ae A i *s[ S$, aMOH aos, WO” Orente " : Ps : : : Dust Saroag sa oak Wig 2 F007 = By fs ' *] uopreng Sree Nh : pie csp avenge O| YT were —_ _ ose = er maa - ea) cua) SVISaT HOY eS D4 VINSIG 4° E Bibe Sim oe cs] alae! Bs ‘é 3s, 0 “T staane neanyny zo wos. uvuoayndyy| | -7 edvung Eo Neetive moi e oT St YOLVNdA Ceca vill (19) St oo Pater. A shy “HI Che SI 39¥a (ag) - "J nine ea Do tls df ees ES Vx0, <{ Paral “1 204eg] SANV1S aan = a 2 Ss Ss ae maxaaig h T SVISTIRD ogy A jE *] purpAaox a yoo 9 4 BORG ai a Ses Fk 4 ouvg : (aq) ) 1 Te . oN Se 4 £ ie “] Suruury ¢ 4 a T duvidy oe" s & rat v (aq) o# GI eyeng = o|$ Nr evi “| w0,3ur Lhe a ne oS SSSTsNVINS ? Dr heneaen o eADsanyg 3 a4 aves. (aap) : is “PRyag ose pSpae ra Tad 03} c wried eae, Elnsi ieee he (up), ais NM ounaay Ss] Via) i Fi bp BER p ? $7 1 OL o M, v5 3 & *s] A1000R - ae : yay ove i ee be F + (19H) ; 7 ve 4 “dey dey “ASI VV "vet hy oL oe |< (aa) fens a's] NMoug recA ° e SANV'IS]| TIVHSUVW RYDD) : 4 ‘eursy * “sy Toxovy, "1 B10Y om *Tuedfag el UEIUNL + te(uay) ANIddITIHd “TL TVA go. 4 ot SUNV1S] ANNVIGVIN 5 49) & “a OUTED, 2s al ‘T unieg cy ‘ oan HIV AVH ' oe “*T wesisay ea nf ‘ * . 4 O-. aay pein *] stjanoqg 30 - Lcattest spent has wt, “a i at ‘| sorvfeg|ep uoyjuarg * wsTjasad * eT9A eas $81 MOVES _s° : 0g —o SE: ! = YSONVS JO dIdOUL ; iMas Rave (tae a Raia deel ty we I 7 Eee ie St (‘8 *n) i! z . ; : mien pnts Mae to tie oe = {APE Sy tel MR BE Net : ° : a ad VSONNOA ie 0} et ' « ST/ONVOIOA A wey W *] ues. F i y , LE sma aT rysuesyy f =Car)” : ¢ Me ka ah & 6 : s]NINOH So NY & Ce Se (‘s a) % ec } 4 P 5 S@s] AVM] . d& f ; Hos a Ne. 4 ye x eee, = =~ — * \ og 1 : : " - atnsary ¢ YF |- Cp sab *YPOIMUIOIH|MOIZ 4894, Opnz}Zu0T Yo" : eae = aa Sees HSS Bs lode epny3u07 ‘| ANONIHS 5? 3 o Obl q ‘dVW NIVK SV AITVOS ANVS NO IVMVH dO wm SITIM 068 a ee, ‘wyno noynvey 2» qujog vonmney + yooy votuvadey ping oynynvy Atu8 400 Shing fnunouoy SZ julog BYPA Ey juog vourry 1 fing onyoy 5) qaiog neyeg abvwoyouy 8yoog ! x1 ‘ aS © Sutpury PAG gt. oF quiog iwantg AOQADTT 1120 : u : fing njnviununyy -aeayrie MA cf —e[BS|EIe - - — a Wu}od |aley Suipury vpovureury; P oe Wi ivm qulog wuTY, Ql eq) ie sonaenreesry IvVaAVH Bred reresniggy =o WUlOd eouvey Buipury] tudey = : < HLYON amjod voloxeyt “A Avg opoqry AULOg * J hing ee VIVHOm Saeco BUM : fv ago oymeyey fing edonyouoy QO faoe ques HLNOS PP Fng vundon . = : o Bjonuey fivg apy.wawy a 091 rod SBqLBAVIT A. ‘ ———— —= i Z \ 00 @ ATreNoIy ‘Pawy £q ‘gost ‘FqAMlog — “6D ¥ AUN, ‘PABY £4 “YTST “FAALAdeg fan ‘ Wee yo dew pret) MN 8°09 F AubNon PV aRYy @ OL 09 os Or o£ 0z oO s ° ay a “oul T= Fe Ssaajenropry "s % fC —— —————— = Ss = AD, as \ os oF oe oz oO s ° \ "your T= Te “STC ONES F WY Sa1VOS © qujod | a Q yRyeyEyerry < z = : AMV TIOOHVH i FA “OLIN 23NeIS qui pMIV IVa ig ie 7HO a 7S oOo oy | << N1N1ONOH OS TaN eae 3 OS 8 en Ox aa “2 %, iS s < o ny x As d Ue a *% Koo := vs wens MoyyUAaaroy |i =: prox piney § J Ben, Ee 7%» ph Rens nies See Lon Jez U ow apt OVMVMYW Patoost'| 4D = IVNV1 3 Ss Sl lala} L0 (or oaners, moyere yf raqry =o ESS Avvo ves a —= 1404 : YF 1eqIL ah aynmoay, | = Lee ee Was FS BSS Seid! Saprete WNIVHV7 (9895 81) ~ 8 8% 9 x ooY [] povjed\uqeys 3+ S2[POON SALT ey ve. oe «oe =) \ ) ndouoy Phy © Qe a Pe a) Rr ~ Vs sth a af yo Buary be 9) < i oe ey, : = J VeMeyouoyy Ors. eH, H i= fing wdpx oe yn Beret [ ® x t 0 To" o —~ PR ae eee ee ees ee eee af ase, POR unos. So yorrn: Pg rea . SS = ere Bo) a oeet, a ea = Aa ey ren Peer to GNVI8] VNYNYTY'o Sy EST Snaipigtecapaae ie. SI7/W Ole’g ‘O0IXIW 'oDTNdYOV OL gaat aaah 5) Maree, A a > 3.9 as a ee SANY1S] Mewes | 0 a o 7/, ‘ 4 A ar aan ce ng onpny S > } " 089’ ‘oo1xaw ‘249. YNITYS OL qaN aes * J ODUIT AL S% Co. "T vaTonoyy 74 Sy by, ad - quiog ndvyoy coat zhrvewer f Mh Vv HOTUVH THOM” yoor®? =i = TIO T O1F) BYOOV' Yr RAO AS ‘Vice Gene Seta => julog tuary 7 F, 08%. ZANE = bd tS Oo | oe 48% Siog Dawmrn A a : S : < a “ + ve Bune yt == 1\ f/* SS Zp SS — ee een i Bae Se = a= = e oLlSt sow"? g¢) ZZ G 03 © z T ZZ ATLAS OF THE WORLD. 99 THREE KINGS . a] 1s: : = : oe ; a xe - A iss B bd os F oi o et ato im? 1 J i L M hod Cape Maria 176° 178 C, Wickham W. Sterng p 148 . ; Van DiemenS Weg Be >, ea rs 7 == === — — 7 ven BASS STRAIT: nscorie “wh © SurmL got tare | z Kuincs I. ¢ a 5 a i 4 ey ISLAND ges* “aie 3 * camEaas oe NEW ZEALAND a”, FURNEAUX | "eat leak Bay 1 | Stokes Pt. qin é 4 oe GROUP ne 4 Game yof Islands Fs escalpAitaTton Ly og pare. es ee Bay, Cape Brett Tasmania and Fiji Islands. oP | C. Barren NG a A OA 5 Otua SCALE. Hokianga River ¢ Statute Miles, 77 = 1 Inch, 0 10 20 40 60 80 100 15: eott a — ee Seen ‘ia 2 ‘ston ¢ 4 y: e Pt, ws Treen aad Ranh MeNally & Co.’s New 11 x 14 Map = of New Zealand, Tasmania and Piji Islands, a : « wHeN anv Cutcxens Copyright, 1903, by Rand, MoNally & Co, tapy a dage Helens Pt. area awai_ LITTLE Needle Point. | —__ | Area” Bannisn I 9 ee i) NL , eee St. Mary Oka ids ab feo pi tA oe - . 2 ey: raki . ; Long Pt. Kaipara Harbour, aot ont a bs "Cree el is 5 a i Gulf C. Colville eggy Pt. ukapalgalia J 3 | 42° ) ° N WAN MA, , * 4, D’Havasez Group 42 | Ielensy ie 9 Coromand 3 FREYCINET ree * ~ * ody “a5 Bat . Mercury Bay > | C. Sorell PENINSULA, Ona ary NDEL i] Soe ; ie Scnouren I, Manukau Harbour r|Surprer I, | fey \; Than I ’ ¥ Purl Xs Maria I, Maloroy ' = \ = Mayor I, Waikato River Asses ar alee . =~ Katiikath, TAKANA 2. - a an FORESTIER'S PEN, \ — ; S geurangs Barbone Ww ae T. Cape Runaway yoko Pt. Roe! ; weas &Morrins pMomn* Eniot © TASMAN. P! AHN Whaingaroa Harbou Gg = Bay of Plenty Pahay awe Kaw 4 A Maketu CG Pillar [ Avtea Harbour} A TASMANIA j,4 00 Imwhia Harbour * , ISLANID ae fore | SCALE, gout? e ] aS hs . ~ KYL A : Open Bay ——}| 38 Statute Miles, 72=1 Inch, CoP Eg * Sate SO ESRE AS t 0510 20 40 60 poe hey x ge a He ~~~_ Galdtea /: B rot — 146° got'Eoe = ) *°%ago Bay pers rte a 5 Mokau R. Ss! DGat North Taranaki Bight \ PF erent < 5 Waitep ‘% New Plymout ~— | Poverty Bay == | Whareongaonga | Oakura . Oky as —4 é TAR, \ ine Mahia ape Egmont DT Mop, alrog A Parihaks aka P| MAHIA Hawke \ TENINSULA OpunakOQ4ng SP ae AS = — — I Se ish 4 | I Otumutua Point : == yore Bay —Powtuann 1. Mana a Liga — Meanees Napie y ees r 6 A C fy ve South Taranaki Biy, Ht stokola = iy Z L Clive paterg = i Fee oan. Ki 6 Waverle: b \ A nls 2 “HA W y Cape Kidnappers Waitotor? aes , | Wan! mY w/ * Bane I, a 40° RnR TUNG es ree | ene 8 / —} 49° . Rangitikei Fe ingford 40 , x Cape Farewell MANAW, “Porongahau Wainui Massacre or | VA Cape Turnagal ® gwo Golden Bay pyetabitina PAkitio te 7 Fitton D URVILLE . WATR AAR pa Achanga ti | : ckaket E So <—_ | Mauricpvities/ Tasman =e Whakataki | i = naka - x fre Castle Point aa} — & on Karamea Bight "Waifoki esr -) Mokihinui Tel enheim Pre" = q J ; H = 3 Cloudy Nie a ; —— Te Awaite . Chg SS - FN) Bey Wee ate Mungaroa i 8 ‘Du, J }ASeddon = Cape Palliser . Cape Campbell 38 a ‘ Charleston, g ars "Li Al Flaxbourne = 2 ‘St. Kilda 8 ( rt / Kekerangu —— : ° Brighton, ‘ a” | 42 Clarence River en ee . ngamanu 7] 42 ura 9 | 9 = re 7 J Hurunui Rive y LSS =a 7 wf Stonyhurst | ! F = = / 7 | eS a ? raverley * . x 2 dpefton | Se re Koes nngiora CS ASUS ; LW oodend . 2 aiapoi Bay Ralelgy i ite\ Clits —s (Christchurch Arnott Pt. fel. =e thVen. Ay iteltun 7 10 Banks Peninsuta 10 roa , Bay %q Akaroa Harbour T 180° — 179° Jackson Ba, Los = ~ : con sirens /FIJL ISLANDS S | 7 Wilsichester Statute Miles, 81 = 1 Inch. —FArfowhenua al 16°} 44° Vashdyke F = —H rimaru Bight Vienna Harte, detindu Pt. ? 4 gst. Andrews RINGGOLD 6 Gee : udbolme Jo. jain0 re ISLANDS : ZI, cs 11 Aa aitakl ; ~~! aitaki Bridge ae - 1 s EPukeurl Jo. o 6 Caswell Sound 4 S : eX r hrgemate Noamia I, = Vaikareka Jo, atric Charles Sound © \ oy yuNA I. %. iv “J Thompson Sow Vv Z Sania < Secnerant T-(AT \ Aas of Sesto iQ | MOD 6 , Doubtful Sou : : > Karitane ot sound QS ; hn \S 9 ~f merston J cono I s SS] Oo) Daggs kine . < & |°66 % of) in & < TE yh + tage Harbour MANGO 1, 4 % 12 as mers 6 ce) -uka G O vA e O 8 se eo o 1 &) 18 ee ap aier % ANGAU I, SS PP ¢ * Oe rink ie MOALA I. % $ 2 F 6” 13 9 : a wv + TCTOYA lL a Ss Le a oe 7 19 * + 3 a MATUKU Lp & g Longitude West from Greenwich 179° 180° 179° ae oe = N20 Septet’ 3% Pree U3 S 5 3° ° E Pee eG: H 1it Ve 4 176 K Ty 178 M N 180 —— -_—_ = —— “. vw — ee a4 —_ * — ih. = ” ee SS - a _ = i oOPL ce a ,O8L a te) Oat a V er HD ‘OD = ‘ST S,atxay YoIMusely WO \4seq epnrsaoT ar sxrezoy 1 T onwayy® oOll Y fi ) O ‘T99vLN0y . | ut nao fog Uuang Sr NY = 228 pig wrtey, is) lout A = Sanyopat™ 5 ra ieee o J a aqay ese. a 9 BN owt at A\“ 2g MESS Cc ¢ (ob A mea ed -- sara Se i x NINGd x ard adh A 2, TL, — ST 5s 908 0 W grand *% ee, %2, % 2 ow v. 4; % TAA sopungqs oS asa a = mo Sorry 8820) ex T ! ese é nod My, % oes = —_ yd) vysuany 1 Srpuntyy by Sql awe a) ice R) PO Spey . tong és AqUp LID yy SS S ees awe e f a Oo = = Pra ode, = = PADAIA FYDT = eee mato one yeieide uo} 30 "ST any, tao) In Cy =] ‘siquizo OFATIEAL = 2 = nee SLADE aYNT = . : shag | vid Ke) i Mop, *) = V8 savas; yosjyv7 “Pra Mune, o40nts = f = = S Fao r= MOea Ny 2YDT = © c undiant® OR ago 4 efis/ == 2 Bunioo,, YT SSS 2 Bs Sd T 8youmavare’ Tony o/ Munakimg 0 TBE 8p S7 & 8% an See “at INve sill ( a sy = °_quqn me 72 OOQUAvATY AN ace OMI pay, ae Se SES SES area Pan, aviy (+ 2) IC = = | z DUCUD Drury | . =2 SOA: eaa| > == ayv Up = SS ee 7 eS eosaw = SS”: S. : 18 _ ee d ee nosoptV ad € UE i = = alee 2 N- a |. gayvolg Ah si oaan wuyqan | 27” saaog lid: bg ae : ; He) | = = ee sen” : < Pscxo go wen a’ rs NITONBH “LW SATE yor BEMTIIENCE “ax i si O-y RoRIONE f° | Foesuvg (any ¢ uw i) ts gout ) ne eid i Ke quongAaL ° MarUA Md 9799 ,.c07 pepo WAP. oy ATLAS OF THE WORLD. 1a oe Yauanoqeod “y AoW avd cA OLB B wag qty ayvy = == He Ws Sao rensny- = == re ZS oyPT. HPS: Be eel eee So =e 2oUdkOj Sue Soar eseeree ) PT Don = = —S= = = i Si aioobey URPT APPT? Gy idg ppos « ==? | “Bag -1)DS eS Bugtdg DUUnof fene UOMOT JOT Pup a Ss = Fe Zs, = = = N BEPTL Gg = Fosouly/ Fe y eS ey simmer] O 5 ae : = a \ ‘ AVS Ve (Bato Mei, — s Less 2d AON ruse 0 ae pe eal 8g dug — ee OD 50 GIS Mog ob unsbory % Awe wae A be = 4 = tunuobtjog : = = aon! ayonoyey “O fi oxX & a : : 2 SSS “Suny [fg | Se 7g Bene aut f fog spmarowt V Loa ear “% i= 39/ Cy df JONI S > "HS NooRey MuoyMY _/SUHog wa 5 OL) S[]MOE —- Sapdg 8 23 7 AS au0org, PIEIOE DR > woqs gy PULTO s = : == as am oH see ( AYOLYGUAL NYAHLUYON on et SD png in ona 7 T = > Worry od, ae < et” ; \ —— Py wm J pis ug =, I surg, y | #poodt Y put > si gp camara 8. : wy SSS wanerogy 2:44 Oy woxisag® .y x -ON¥T VUONVXATY az tI SE he ; Pe ‘ : oz puog sumy = BP votes i =) a] s * | 81918 ed m7 PRINN OWS Fe sia Sug = ag +09 ¥ SeNoRE ‘pIBY Ka “FOBT 248126409 T 8171144 Fy Ao ,00F Ag 3 S SS = = § seyerjen y Jo dug pl x [1 MeN 8°09 a MeNopy ‘paeyy TAYE Yxvig ries ih sng aie Ye ag rau 3 7 08 7 F oor 0s 0 ‘ STTYTANY " 3 002 00 00 oor 008 008 ‘ ‘A Si 2 008 dN0uy s MaTIgg auVmay wees “fs . Ss : =: : FINRA . ad yVMag yIg = aTE1 Sf ‘3 | ig ee = Wu T = ogg ‘seajowopry dILA AdaF)D Tn of pIeHUyeey ne. ace, 1s AB PULLED, ———— eee =. ———1 aybig uae ROT, VED ou j y % Py 3 =a 00s O0F Ove 002 OOF «0S 20127 tOg "QA e> ane & wren’ "You = 3% 'sa o7nye TQ ATAD swasvixgqy © LS OU coy ade ana2e ung Wul T = OFS ‘seTe enINIg : 49099 odvg " g.100u4 pa OF ‘ aoe WN y ert meh Sut Fe pePade pio Dai og SaTVOS = z fog PN © an} =patH | ‘81 Noda g208 proyy weg d of Dany epyery 2) fivg uoparn, =e a = Ve Oy 122s wOg oa WYog aqytng OP a a) T “ea HN UY ss Wt = ah 10g rs (f , 2 = OSAMU %r2-,, | PH doug ; meyury edugitey » 0104 Mer 889N psozry hog a svomaga— ¥ 304 oduy Gy 1 SALTY AA 40 SONIAT SS 710445 2 Se bl $8440 7 T ta vutaqy ° a > + _ eds ATLAS OF THE WORLD. 101 Population of the United States, at Intervals of Five Years, 1790 to 1910. 1910 . 23 a) 1910 1905 1905 1900 1900 1895 1895 1890 1890 | | 1885 Wonk 1880 1880 1875 1875 | cy tO a ie re I f eee 1870 0 i ae 3) ee oe Earns / riso 99 ff a, hare {——__—-97-956-999—____—_5 hes ; 2s Se eee ¥ x ee ] == ] Ws le a Se ee see ________ oof re Spee a |» 1850 ee a AE ee a ee Oe Ea eee eee ee ae: Paes eS 1845 SS ee MMS ete ——<—=££ st dens ————————————— Sy I 2: Seo ea sees cowl! i eee SS asss AREA AND POPULATION OF AREA AND POPULATION OF STATES AND TERRITORIES STATES AND TERRITORIES LSZO |e | GeansussotlGl02 a yea see eee eee Census of 1910 La SEES Land Water Land Water States and Territories. Surfacein | Surface in Population, States and Territories. Surface in | Surface in Population. Sq. Miles, Sq. Miles. Sq. Miles. Sq. Miles 1825 | ___| Alabama ______.___- 51,540 | 710 | 2,138,093 |------ a Nevada, 2izs- oes 109,740 | 960 81,875 |---| 1825 Alaska (total surface)_| 590,884 64,356 New Hampshire ___- 9,005 300 |. 430,572 ATEZ OMA pew ee. 2 ek 112,920 100 | 204,354 New. Jerseye-eo-me eo Meoen 290 | 2,537,167 IAT Kans aAste eee te 53,045 805 | 1,574,449 News Mexicotmeesess- 122,460 120 327,301 LSP Cee PORN tOrnid esse cee LBO A feaeoel Some 370,040 e = ———— - - -—- News YOricee saceee* 47,620 | 1,550 | 9,113,614 |--__ 1820 Coloradovss: so 103,645 280 799 024 North Carolina_____- 48,580 | 3,670 | 2,206,287 Connecticut _______- 4,845 145 | 1,114,756 North Dakota ______ 70,195 | 600! 577,056 f Delaware__.. _-___-- 1,960 90 202,522 OhiO ge asm eco 40,760 300 | 4,767,121 1815 |__| District of Columbia_ 60 10 Bot OO =—s— ee —ae Oklahoman eee. 5-0 69,830 600 | 1,657,155 |___| 1815 Hloridaaes i225 54,240 | 4,440 752,619 Orcgoneeer se eee 94,560 | 1,470 672,765 Georpingen es 2c se- 58,980 495 | 2,609,121 Pennsylvania ..-_..- 44,985 230 | 7,665,111 Hawaii (total surface)_| 6,449 191,909 = Porto Rico (t’'lsurface)) 3,435 1,118,012 Ded Of eee | Tanna a see se 84,290 510 325,594. ee Rhode Island ___...- 1,053 197 042610) |=) 4Gst0 MUingisy: tae ee 56,000 650 | 5,638,591 South Carolina_____- 30,170 400 | 1,515,400 Rridigyist cote vee cee 35,910 440 | 2,700,876 South Dakota _____- 76,850 800 583,888 TOW sre 22 eee eee a 55,475 550 | 2,224,771 Mennesseetenasseeok 41,750 300 | 2,184,789 LSOR ent PMansag@s oe Se 81,700 BeOnied 690,940" | a SSS J. a 262,290 | 3,490 | 3,896,542 |___| 1s05 Ren’ uoky 5S 40,000 | 400 | 2,289,905 OO a ae a ee 82,190 | 2,760 | 373,351 ouisianas222. 2 45,420 | 3,300 | 1.6£6,388 Wermont Jo 22-6024. 9,135 430 | 355,956 Nie une: se esr 29,895 | 3,145 742,371 Wirginiges 22252055 40,125 | 2,325 | 2,061,612 Reo} | Maryland ).- $205. o. 9860 |, 2.350] 1,295,346 |... mee Washington _____--- 66,880 | 2,300 | 1,141,990 | 1800 Massachus*tts ___- _- 8,040 | 275 | 3,366,416 West Virginia -_---- 24,645 | 135 | 1,221,119 [ Michigan) 322 -_ bes 57,430 | 1,485 | 2,810,173 Wisconsin ~.._...-.- 54,450 | 1,590 | 2,333,860 Minnesota____ _- ‘anae|. 79,205 | 4,160 | 2,075,708 Weyomitg. scl... 97,575 | 315 | 145,965 1795 Mississippi pe es ag en ta 46,340 470 1,797,114 Delaware Bay...... ........ sae 620 1795 ii a MARS DUP ee 68,735 | 680 | 3,293,335 weg nal me Thy Dey cabal ae ‘oi tre : Montana —2-2-22__<- 145,310 770 376,053 In pablic aarvioe stationed d Nebraska.___-_-_-_- 76,840 | 670 | 1,192,214 —— UNITED STATES. 22722727727 |crotat surface)! 3,622,983 03,400, 121 Ae OS SPS IS ee sO Pes OR ce BSE ee Aaa ee ee Ee | 1799 Copyright, 1911, by Rand, McNally & Co. 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ALC LAS* OR: THE WORLD. YEAR we maw ne 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 + 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 | 1822 1823 1824 i} 1825 + 1826 1827 1828 + 1829 }— 1830 1831 ‘OIGL OF TGA] Woiy Yul, UWeowewy eu, ‘seyeqg poylugQ 944 oyu syzoduq] siqeiynq WoO pozo]op (onTVA Jo osvyzUV0Ieg) Ayn JO 9¥Yy wavojypa po vSRl9vay Tenuuy oyy Aq poyeaysnqyy ax ZT mW OU AWHO ° n 3 Rand, McNally & Co. 103 104 ATLAS OF THE WORLD. COMPARATIVE DISTANCES OF THE PLANETS ; / + COMPARATIVE SIZE OF THE SUN AS SEEN FROM THE SUN. second term occurred the contention with England respecting the right of search —together with its logical sequence, the War of 1812, in which the principles for- ever established by American resistance to foreign outrage proved of incalculable benefit to the republic. In Jeffer- son the United States pos- sessed a most zealous defender of national honor, and to his firmness and sagacity at this decisive period was due the creation of a patriotic public sentiment which, finding a response in his successor, put a lasting quietus upon British pretensions. Unlike his predecessors in office, Jefferson abhorred elaborate forms and _ cere- monies. His severe sim- plicity of demeanor was exceedingly popular; yet its democratic extreme has not been found indispensable as a claim to general respect and honor, although in theory wholly compatible with republican institutions. How far his persistent advocacy of the doctrine of State-rights, as opposed to Federal authority, was beneficial to the nation is a matter of history as well as of opinion. His most ardent political opponents, however, must concede the rare worth and consummate patriotism of this distinguished man. THOMAS JEFFERSON. JoHN JAY, born in New York City, December 12, 1745, was a statesman whose life may be considered typical of the noble traits which adorned the character of the Revolutionary period. The confidence reposed in his judgment during the Revolution had been inspired by his conduct during the first Continental Congress, in which, though almost the youngest member, his temperate yet earnest arguments in favor of colonial rights had drawn to him universal esteem. During the New York Convention of 1776 scarcely a committee of importance failed to receive the benefit of his legal advice, and when continued reverses disheartened the army he issued an address the patri- otic fervor of which revived the sinking hopes of the patriots. Later, Jay was appointed member of a committee to frame a constitu- tion and bill of rights for his native State, and was also nominated and confirmed as one of the council of safety, invested with dictatorial powers. In 1778 he was accredited Minister to Spain, where his service to his country was marked by unfailing dignity and patriotism. Leaving Madrid in 1782, he proceeded to Paris with the purpose of joining the commission appointed by Congress to negotiate a treaty of peace with Great Britain. Upon Franklin and Jay alone devolved the primary task of formulating the compact, Jay’s services at this time being amply attested by the encomium of Adams. During the long controversy touching the adoption of the Federal Constitution, being strongly impressed with Hamilton’s view advocating a vigorous government, Jay eagerly joined him and Madison in the col- / 1794 was followed by the laboration of the ‘‘Federalist’’—advocating the marvelously wise instru- ment substituted for the ‘‘Articles of Confederation.’? Having been tendered by Washington a choice of the offices in his gift, Jay selected the Chief Justiceship of the United States, in which exalted station he was confirmed by the Senate September 26, 1789. His appointment as Minister to Great Britain in formation of a commercial treaty, in which Jay’s ripest powers were engaged. The results, however, were met with bitter hostility on the. part of the people, although \ a more dispassionate judg- \, ment of the situation justified # Jay’s wisdom. Upon his return to America .he was 4 elected Governor of New — York by a handsome ma- jority, his administration, by successive terms, lasting six years. The final acts of Jay’s public career related to the emanci- pation of slaves—a matter strongly urged by him in 1777. Crowned with the love and respect of his countrymen, he soon retired from active participation in affairs, dying May 14, 1829, in his eighty-fourth year. JOHN JAY. ANDREW JACKSON was born in North Carolina, March 15, 1767, and died near Nashville, Tenn., June 8, 1845. As a youth he was noted for his love of athletic sports, and an ungovernable temper. His devotion to what he conceived to be the national interests went far to palliate the excesses of his turbulent disposition. His spirit of com- bativeness may be judged from the fact that before reaching middle age he had killed one adversary in a duel, and shortly thereafter engaged in a dead'y affray in which he was seriously wounded, while his Indian campaigns were characterized by brutalities which did not escape the strong censure of his countrymen. The same dogged pertinacity, coupled with the physical endurance which had gained for him the sobriquet ‘‘Old Hickory,’’ was manifested in the important services rendered by Jackson in the War of 1812, his remarkable defense of New Orleans indicating the qualities of a great commander. Few public men in the country were less fitted, both by education and temperament, to fill with dignity the office of chief magistrate of the nation; and it must be admitted that, together with much good, the administration of Jackson brought with it unquestionable evils, includ- ing the baneful. precedent regarding removals from office for political opinions, which has been productive of incalculable harm since his day. His characteristic threat to cut off the ears of certain senators whose con- duct thwarted his purposes; his unreasoning denunciation of political opponents; and his obstinate adherence to fiduciary methods which ultimately led to financial disiress—these were scarcely compatible with true decorum or the claims of high statesmanship. On the other hand, the nation must recall with unstinted admiration Jackson’s heroic treatment of 1 geal nullification. Already, at a é FOE, banquet in 1830, he had given the famous toast: ‘*Our Federal Union: it must be preserved.’’? Now that the treasonable intent of Calhoun and his followers was evident, Jackson’s wrath was ex- pressed in a_ proclamation against disunion sentiment which electrified the country and raised him in the public estimation. What the conse- quences might have been but for Clay’s address in effect- ing a compromise may be inferred from Jackson’s ~ reply when asked what he § would have done had the nullifiers persisted in their course: ‘‘Hung them, sir, as high as Haman.’’ The life and character of the man leave little question that his conduct must have tallied with this laconic assurance. Seldom has a chief magistrate asserted his prerogatives more forcibly, yet at the same time with more steadfast honesty and patriotism. 7m ANDREW JACKSON. 118 ATLAS OF THE .WORLD. DANIEL WEBSTER was born in Salisbury, now Franklin, N. H., January 18, 1782, and died at Marshfield, Mass., October 24, 1852. A Scottish ancestry undoubtedly imparted to Webster’s family generation much of its sturdy physique and strength of character. ‘T'io his mother Daniel owed the earliest mental development, his op- portunities for school-educa- tion being extremely limited. Strangely enough, the gift of oratory, in which Webster becaine preéminent, was wholly deficient in him while a youth, he having himself averred that he ‘‘could not make a declamation.’? After many persistent sacrifices, © however, Daniel was enabled ‘to enter Dartmouth College, upon leaying which he secured a position in a law office in Boston. His acquisition of learning, especially in the departments of history and common law, laid the foundation of his forensic power; while a close study of classic English writers contributed to form a felicitous style and a command of impassioned eloquence which in the halls of Congress have seldom, if ever, been equaled. When war with Great Britain was declared in 1812, Webster instantly brought to bear on national questions the full force of his ripening powers, and although disparaging the opening of hostilities, his patriot- ism was thoroughly roused by the final resort to the arbitrament of arms. The oration at Plymouth, in 1820, was the first of many triumphs which distinguished Webster above all other American orators; and as his fame increased it was natural that his own and his friends’ ambition connected his name with the presidential office. As has been the case, however, with many a noted aspirant after this great prize, Webster’s dreams of the coveted honor were destined never to be realized. Fortunately for the nation his services were thus secured in the Sen- ate from 1827 to 1841—more than three successive terms. It was during this period, January 26 and 27, 1830, that he made his celebrated reply to Hayne, of South Carolina, an advocate of Calhoun’s nullification doctrines. Never was a more noted parliamentary success achieved than on this memorable occasion, when greater than any renown won by this splendid effort of Webster’s genius was the defense of the National Union and the Federal Constitution with which his speech was imbued. As an expounder of the Constitution his learning, his profound knowledge of jurisprudence, and his mastery of political details rendered his opinion of paramount importance, and many features of his public career attest too strongly his glowing patriotism to suffer his fame to be weakened by judgments which have taxed the ablest jurists in our his- tory. His speeches remain—a wonder and delight to American youth, in which the highest attainments of oratory are blended with an ardent love of liberty whose glory no casual detraction can diminish. DANIEL WEBSTER. Henry Cuay, the period covered by whose life was almost identical with those of Webster and Calhoun, was born in Virginia, near Rich- mond, April 12, 1777, and died in Washington, June 29, 1852. An early migration to Kentucky proved fortunate for young Clay, and in the position of clerk of the High Court of Chancery he laid the foundation of legal acquire- ments which, aided by re- markable activity of mind and a decided talent for public affairs, finally raised him to distinction. Clay’s first parliamentary essays, curiously enough, were en- listed in behalf of gradual emancipation. Fifty years later, in 1849, the same prin- ciples were advocated by him; and his recorded utterances, like those of Jefferson, show how clearly he perceived the moral wrong of an institu- ; tion practically defended in many of his most brilliant congressional speeches. With Clay’s election to the national Senate commenced the remark- able record of thirteen years as Speaker of the House—during which, as HENRY CLAY, AMERICAN STATESMEN—ConrtvINUvUED. Parton says, ‘‘not one of his decisions was reversed,’’ Clay having in this long interval presided over the turbulent assembly with that perfect blending of courtesy and firmness which charms while it restrains. Indeed, throughout his life Clay owed much of his power over men to the fascination of his personality and the persuasive eloquence of his oratory. His earnest attitude, however, regarding questions of public interest, influenced in the course of events by undisguised longings for the presi- dency, incurred bitter and lasting enmity on the part of his political enemies. In 1824, 1832, and 1844 his ambition was frustrated; yet it was greatly to Clay’s credit that, severe as was his disappointment, his loyalty to the Government was never disputed. As a master of compromise Clay easily controlled the national Congress at times when but for his political sagacity serious ruptures might have ensued. Yet it seems incredible that a statesman who declared that no earthly power should ever induce him to consent to the addition of one acre of slave territory to the United States, could have countenanced the concessions involved in the celebrated Missouri Compromise, though the discussion was the occasion of one of Clay’s most patriotic utterances: ‘‘I owe a paramount allegiance to the whole Union; a subordinate one to my own State’’—the essence of the Federal principle. These inconsistencies of. policy, while not detracting from their author’s prestige as a parliamentary debater, seriously injured his posi- tion with those who had predicted a far different course of conduct. The times were fraught with party strife and the contending claims of sections now wholly alienated by the forces of tradition and organic law. It had been the untiring purpose of Calhoun to compel acquiescence in South Carolina’s attitude:—Jackson’s terrible energy and Clay’s diplo- matic skill postponed the ‘‘irrepressible conflict.”’ JoHn ©. CALHOUN, born in Abbeville, S. C., March 18, 1782, was one of the trio of statesmen and orators with whom especially is associ- ated the most exciting period of congressional history which has fallen within our modern era. Together with Clay and Webster, the great exponent of the Southern slave-power held at intervals complete mastery of situations which demanded not only the exer- cise of personal courage and perfect equanimity, but the keenest command of con- troversial debate. Calhoun’s educational ad- vantages included a course of study at a private academy and a season at Yale College, where he graduated with the highest distinction in 1804. Further studies in the law school at Litchfield, Conn.— then the only institution of the kind in the country— rendered the young student admirably equipped for the conflict in which he was destined to become a prominent figure during national debates. His earliest parliamentary service, in 1811, was noted for its earnest devotion to the cause of America in her resistance to Great Britain’s growing importunity, Calhoun urgently advocating a declaration of war, which measure, strenuously pressed by him in committees, he was finally instrumental in forcing upon Congress. From 1817 till 1825 he acted as Secretary of War under Monroe, having already changed his opinion respecting the tariff of 1816 and become a pronounced free-trader—a policy which caused the estrangement of many former associates. With patriotic ardor Calhoun addressed himself to the task of secur- ing general internal improvements; aided in the enactment of salutary provisions touching public affairs; alone condemned Jackson’s invasion of Florida, during the Seminole War, as a violation of international rights; maintained the constitutional validity of the Missouri Compro- mise; and so strengthened his position among his adherents that his accession to the presidency appeared quite probable. ‘The vice-presi- dency, however, was the highest office he was called to fill. Disappointed in his ambition to obtain the coveted nomination, Cal- houn in 1832 resigned the ottice of Vice-President and was chosen to the Senate. From this moment until his death, in Washington, March 31, 1850, he openly defended slavery and the perpetuity of the sectional rights pertaining thereto through legal enactments. He boldly extolled the institution even in its moral aspect, contended earnestly that the action of Northern abolitionists was not only illegal but subversive of good order and prosperity in the South, and earnestly demanded a rigid enforcement of the fugitive-slave law. From the violence of these premises, maintained with all the fire of Calhoun’s ardent, uncompromis- ing nature, the doctrine of nullification, or secession, was but the log- ical sequence. ATLAS OF THE WORLD. Sam Houston, as he called himself and was generally known, was born near Lexington, Va., March 2, 1793, and died at Huntersville, Texas, July 25, 1863. Asa lad he read Homer’s Iliad, repeating much of it from memory, and the translation inspired him with a desire to know Greek and Latin. A refusal to teach these languages led to his leaving school and entering a store. Soon, however, he abandoned his position, and plunging into the wilderness lived three years among the Indians, one of the chiefs adopting him as a son. Upon the breaking out of war with Great Britain in 1812, young Houston enlisted as a common soldier, fighting against the Indians, and being severely wounded in the battle of Tallapoosa. Later he became Indian agent to negotiate a treaty with the Cherokees; exerted his influence to prevent the unlawful importation of negroes through Florida, then a Spanish province; and finally turned to a study of the law, beginning practice near Nashville. He was successively appointed Adjutant-General of the State, district attorney, major-general of militia, in 1823 chosen Representative in Congress, being re-elected in 1825, and in 1827 Governor of Tennessee. In 1829 he married, separated from his wife, resigned his office, and presented himself before his old Cherokee friends, with whom he remained for awhile. Meanwhile he had vigor- ously pleaded at Washington in behalf of the rights of the Cherokees, ousted half a dozen corrupt agents, and severely chastised an Ohio Repre- sentative who hinted at peculation on his part. Houston was mainly identified with the independence of Texas and its final admission to the Union. During the Mexican War the massa- cres perpetrated under the leadership of the bloodthirsty Santa Anna roused his utmost ire; and having received reinforcements he thoroughly routed the Mexican forces in the battle of San Jacinto, in which Santa Anna was captured. Shortly after this, in 1836, Houston was elected President of Texas, establishing a miniature republic, which, oddly : enough, maintained its inde- pendence until its incorpora- tion with the Union in 1845, when Houston was chosen to the national Senate. In Con- gress he strongly advocated measures insuring justice and humanity toward the In- dians, opposed the Kansas and Nebraska Bill, and voted against the Lecompton Con- stitution. His untiring efforts were in behalf of liberty; and when the Civil War occurred, having been chosen Governor of ‘Texas, * gave his unhesitating adhesion * to the Union, resigning his ' position rather than take the oath of secession required by the Convention. It was but natural that a man of Houston’s combative temperament should en- counter at times animosities in political life not easily dispelled. He was a remarkable example of the sturdiest and best characters of the South- west—a born fighter, of unquestioned loyalty and indomitable courage —possibly inculcated by his early enthusiasm for Hector and Achilles. SAM HOUSTON. CHARLES SUMNER was born in Boston, Mass., January 6, 1811, and died in Washington, D. C., March 11, 1874. Graduating at Harvard College in 1830, he entered the Cambridge Law School, where as a pupil of Judge Story, and afterward as a lecturer, his knowledge of juris- prudence attracted wide attention. In 1845 an oration delivered in Boston upon ‘*The True Grandeur of Nations,’’ in which he eloquently defended the principle of arbitration as opposed to war in the settlement of international disputes, established Sumner’s gifts of mind and heart, and attracted unusual comment. From the commencement of his political life, indeed from youth, the motive which dominated Sumner’s thought was an uncompromising hos- tility to slavery. His interpretation of the Constitution in this connec- tion became the subject of frequent criticism, and was certainly at variance with that of the majority of contemporary statesmen, although no one could question his absolute sincerity. Upon taking his seat in the national Senate, in 1851, Sumner’s powers as an orator and his mastery of parliamentary debate rendered him a ‘formidable adversary to the representatives of the slave power in Congress. The keenness of his logic, the ornate eloquence of his dic- tion, and the fearlessness with which he advocated his cause at a time when courage alone could save the national repute, all won for him the warmest recognition from his native State, as well as from the derided band of abolitionists, whose struggle was soon to be espoused, albeit unconsciously, by the united armies of the North. Sumner’s temerity in urging his principles during the debate on the repeal of the Missouri Compromise and on the contest of Kansas aroused Southern antagonism and provoked a personal assault from a Southern Representative. AMERICAN STATESMEN—Continvep. _ Still he pursued his policy of antagonism to the slave power, until with the opening of the Civil War and its inevitable bearing upon the institution he had mercilessly assailed, Sumner saw that the contest which had enlisted his highest energies was practically won. ‘The value of his services during the aan latter crucial period may be gathered from Lincoln’s re- mark to him in 1865: ‘There is no person with whom I have more advised throughout my administration than your- self.’ Never was states- man’s life more unselfishly devoted to the national wel- fare, nor brilliant talents more consistently dedicated to the highest truth and humanity. Sumner shared with Mr. Lincoln the motives of amnesty incident to the period of ‘‘reconstruction’’— | even going so far as to suggest the erasure of names of battles upon the regimental colors, a course which occa- sioned the censure of the Massachusetts Legislature in 1873, rescinded, however, the following year. At the same time, in his Freedman’s Bureau and Civil Rights bills, Sumner sought to secure by congressional legislation the status of the Southern negroes so dearly obtained. Like all the anti- slavery agitators in the North, Sumner incurred, during nearly a quarter of a century in the Senate, the bitterest odium of his political opponents. CHARLES SUMNER. Witi1Am H. Sewarp was born in Florida, Orange County, N. Y., May 16, 1801, and died in Auburn, N. Y., October 10, 1872. Being admitted to the bar in 1822, he began practice in Auburn, entering | political life in 1824. In 1838 he was elected Governor of New York, his term of office being noted for many important acts affecting the procedure of the courts, the privileges of aliens, and other reforms, all of which distinguished their author as a man of rare character and _ ability. A single principle maintained by him in a controversy with the Virginia executive, who applied for the rendition of two seamen charged with liberating slaves, was typical of Seward’s force of intellect as well as of his philanthropy. He contended that no State could properly sue for the requisition of those charged with an act held to be criminal only within its own borders, and by other States and the general standard of humanity regarded not only innocent but even praiseworthy. A similar appeal to abstract justice is found in Seward’s assertion, in 1850, that “‘there is a higher law than the Constitution.”’ In many speeches Seward continued to argue against the extension of slavery, his opinions being widely quoted. At Rochester, N. Y., in 1858, he uttered the memorable words, prophetic and tersely explanatory of the Civil War: ‘‘It is an irrepressible conflict between opposing and enduring forces.’? During the last session of the Thirtieth Congress he expressed his loyalty in the public declaration: ‘‘I ayow my adherence to the Union with my friends, with my party, with my State, or. without either, as they may determine; in every event of peace or war, with every consequence of honor Pre “ or dishonor, of life or death.”’ Nobility of soul like this recalls the patriotism of Patrick Henry, of Richard Henry Lee, and their peers. Called toaid Lincoln in the councils of State, his tenure of office covered the highly important periods of the Civil War and of reconstruction. History shows what wisdom lay in the appointment ; vet the deepest value of Seward’s clear intellect, commanding knowledge of affairs, and ardent devotion to his country’s cause can be esti- mated only by the results, in the glory of which he justly bore so large a share. At the last, the same hand which struck down the chief magistrate of the nation was Sd ai eats? WILLIAM H. SEWARD. ‘aimed at the invalid Secretary of State—happily with less fatal power. Seward lived to see the perfect triumph of the Union armies,the suppres- sion of slavery, and the dawn of regeneration in the national life. 119 120 ATLAS OF THE WORLD. AMERICAN STATESMEN—ContTINvUED. ABRAHAM LINCOLN was born in Hardin County, Ky., February 12, 1809, and died in Washington, April 15, 1865, his ancestors, it is sup- posed, having emigrated to America with the followers of William Penn. From his boyhood Lincoln was inured to toil. A solitary year’s school- ing was all that fortune bestowed to aid his intellectual development; for the rest, only labor in the field and rail-splitting to supply fencing for the fifteen-acre lot near Decatur, Ill., where in the log house on the Sanga- mon the closing years of Lincoln’s early manhood were passed. ‘“‘Of ate ain = se pe OLE _ ABRAHAM LINCOLN. course when I came of age,’’ he wrote, ‘‘I did not know much; still somehow I could read, write, and cipher to the rule of three.’’? Already he had been engaged in flatboat excursions on the Ohio and Mississippi, in which his strong physique had been remarked, and, too, his facility in stump-speaking and the originality and vigor of thought destined to win for him sure recognition in the field of politics, to which his natural tastes easily drew him. A singular instance of the youth’s activity of | mind is found in his invention of a novel apparatus for lifting vessels over shoals; consisting of the simple device of bellows attached to the hull beneath the water-line, to be pumped full of air; the artificial | buoyancy thus supplied having been successfully used to extricate one of his own boats. A model of the invention, patented by Lincoln, still exists in the Patent Office at Washington. During a trip to New Orleans, in 1831, young Lincoln saw slaves chained and flogged—and from this moment dates a life-long abhorrence of slavery which was to culminate in the Emancipation Proclamation. A short season as clerk in a country store, an enlistment in the volun- teer militia during the Black Hawk War, and such minor incidents as vanquishing a famous wrestler and piloting the first steamer which navi- gated the Sangamon, attest the activity as well as the versatility of Lin- coln’s career during this period. With the year 1832 began the long political life for which by nature and talents he was eminently fitted. Defeated, however, in standing for the Legislature, his former haphazard life was resumed, this venture being a partnership in a country store, resulting in bankruptcy, and his personal assumption of debts finally liquidated in 1849. A county surveyorship then fell to him, in which office he acquitted himself creditably until disaster compelled him to sur- render his instruments under a sheriff’s execution. In the same year, 1834, he was fortunately elected to the Legislature on the Whig ticket, being re-elected three successive terms. That his abolition principles had not abated meanwhile is shown by his formal protest against certain pro- slavery resolutions adopted by the House in 1837. Having been admitted to the bar after a brief study of the law, Lin- coln now established himself professionally in the new capital, Spring- field, where his ability in jury trials soon became evident. In 1840 and 1844 he was a candidate for presidential elector, canvassing the State in the Whig interest, and being often pitted in debate against his future rival, Stephen A. Douglas. He was a warm admirer of Henry Clay, and greatly disappointed by the latter’s defeat during his aspirations after the presidency. In 1840 Lincoln had attained distinction sufficient to insure his election to the Thirtieth Congress, of which he was the only Whig member from his State. As a representative in the national House Lin- coln’s character was marked and effective. He denounced the Mexican War as unjust; argued in favor of the respect due to anti-slavery peti- tions; questioned the. constitutionality of slavery in the District of Columbia, introducing a bill for compensatory abolition, and voted in favor of the Wilmot Proviso. These facts are significant in view of Lin- coln’s attitude during the Civil War, as conclusive evidence that in his heart he shared the feelings of the anti-slavery party, yet withstood all persuasion to transcend the constitutional limits of his prerogative, the humanity which actuated the man being subordinated to a purity of patriotism which enabled him to say: ‘‘My paramount cbject is to save the Union, and not either to save or destroy slavery.”’ In 1849 Lincoln contended for the United States senatorship, but was defeated. A little later he was offered the governorship of Oregon, which he declined; yet during the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, strenuously opposed by him as a breach of political faith, he became the acknowledged leader of his party in Illinois, and but for his Whig prin- ciples might have been chosen to the national Senate in 1855. The contest in the last-named campaign served to enhance Lincoln’s reputa- tion as a public speaker of exceptional force, his opposition to Douglas as author of the proposed repeal containing the sententious comment: ‘‘I admit that the emigrant to Kansas and Nebraska is competent to govern himself, but I deny his right to govern any other person without that person’s consent’’—an ideal definition of civil liberty. During the ensuing campaign against Douglas, in 1858, when the latter won the United States senatorship through a lucky redistricting of the State in favor of the Democrats, Lincoln gave utterance to the memorable prophecy: ‘‘A house divided against itself can not stand. I believe this Government can not endure permanently half slave and half free.’? The contemptuous sophistry with which Douglas derided Lin- coln’s early poverty and struggles recoiled upon their author with crush- ing effect. Lincoln’s genial rejoinders, permeated with transparent patriotism and lucidity of argument, raised him in the estimate of the people, until when the final conflict for supremacy came he was tri- umphantly chosen standard-bearer of Republican principles and elevated to the chief magistracy of the nation. A mighty crisis in the history of America had arrived.. The South, nurtured in the unwise doctrines of Calhoun, had long since foreseen the inevitable result of Republican ascendency. The election of Lincoln was to them the ‘‘handwriting on the wall’’; and although they overesti- mated his hostility to slavery as an institution indirectly countenanced by the Constitution, they were not mistaken in Lincoln’s life-long detestation of the curse, and his secret desire to eradicate it. Already the Southern arsenals had been stored with munitions of war; the minds of the people were inflamed with the fiery utterances of pulpit and press; the admission of Texas as the last slave State had imposed a limit upon representation in the national councils, and the time had come when the divergence between the two sections of the country was to pass into disunion. With a nobleness of spirit and a magnanimity of purpose born only of the loftiest patriotism, Lincoln contemplated undismayed the portentous signs of the gathering storm. inaugural address bore eloquent testimony to the Christian sentiments by which he was actuated, and no less to the inflexible resolve inspired by the crisis. ‘‘In your hands, my dissatisfied fellow countrymen,’’ said he, ‘‘and not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war. The Govern- ment will not assail you. You can have no conflict without being your- selves the aggressors. You have no oath registered in heaven to destroy the’Government; while I have the most solemn one to preserve, protect, and defend it.’? Even this conciliatory tone, however, was of no avail to stay the impending conflict. A few simple principles embody Lincoln’s conduct during that fright- ful ordeal, the events of which are too recent to require detailed recital. He utterly ignored the existence of secession, either de jure or de facto; he summoned all the energies of the Government to suppress what he was forced to regard as unlawful rebellion; and, thirdly, abiding by the strict terms of his constitutional authority, he cautiously felt the public pulse, argued long and deeply with the wisest counselors and with his own conscience, and at last, with a sagacity no statesmanship has ever surpassed, hurled upon the disunionists the thunderbolt of emancipa- tion. The instrument was founded upon no humanitarianism, but upon grounds of expediency as a ‘‘military necessity’’—a position which the President had a constitutional right to assume in virtue of his title as commander-in-chief of the army and navy ev-officto. To the thoughtful student of public opinion in 1863 the method of its operation, as well as the motive prompting the measure, will commend themselves as proof of its author’s consummate wisdom. ‘That his whoie heart, his tenderest humanity, and sterling love of country were enlisted in the scheme is obvious to one acquainted with Lincoln’s previous career. Mr. Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth while at Ford’s Theater, Washington, D. C., on the evening of April 14, 1865, his death occurring the following day. Fortunate, indeed, was it that the noble achievement of his hopes—the perpetuity of the Union and the extinction of slavery—were witnessed by him ere Lincoln’s great nature became a lamented yet living memory among men. He has been credited with following the popular will, and such was his own humble estimate of his worth; yet, in the truest sense, Abraham Lincoln led the people, his intuitions being in advance of the general thought, and his stalwart common-sense and judgment of affairs being of that high quality which may command the applause of the multitude —though the recog- nition be tardy—yet which seldom emanates from the public intelligence. = a a ee His first. | | ATLAS OF THE WORLD. 121 TBs. f. EMINENT ARMY AND NAVAL COMMANDERS GEN. ULysses StmpsoN GRANT was born at Point Pleasant, Oler- mont County, Ohio, April 27, 1822, and died at Mount McGregor, N. Y., July 23, 1885. As in the case of Sheridan, Grant’s graduating rank at West Point was little indication of future performance, his standing being twenty-one in a class of thirty-nine. The Mexican war developed the young soldier’s personal courage, but it was only with the beginning of the Southwestern campaign, during the Civil War, that Grant’s highest capacity as an officer was fully disclosed. Brilliant military successes had, it is true, preceded the fall of Vicksburg; yet this latter achieve- ment stamped General Grant as a commander of unquestionable skill, fertility of resources and inflexible determination. ‘The campaigns near Chattanooga, Knoxville, and Chickamauga increased the reputation already established; and it seemed in the natural order of events that to General Grant should have been intrusted the supreme conduct of the war during the marvelous movements which hastened its successful issue. Then, for the first time, Grant fairly confronted the soldier to whose comprehensive skill, calm and unwavering confidence in his armies, and faculty of inspiring courage and resolution even in disaster the Confeder- ate forces had owed many a signal victory. It was a desperate encounter —this duel between two great commanders; and from the earliest moment of the campaigu—in the carnage of the Wilderness, fruitless as it seemed to Grant’s detractors—the steadfast purpose of the Union leader was thoroughly felt and understood by his adversary. Fearful as was the sacrifice, it must be remembered that by those terrific and sustained onslaughts Grant placed Lee for the first time strictly on the defensive, mewing him in his intrenchments, from which he emerged only to ee " GEN. ULYSSES SIMPSON GRANT. surrender. It was Grant’s good fortune to enjoy the entire confidence of the Government, Mr. Lincoln being among his warmest admirers, and without hesitation intrusting to his skill and courage the conduct of the most arduous campaigns, assured that the issue would justify his trust. Nor was this certainty of Grant’s success, shared alike by the President and his cabinet, the result of chance or favoritism, but a profound con- viction arising from previous achievements in the field and the display of characteristics peculiarly adapted to the emergency long since patent to Mr. Lincoln’s insight. When, by thesplendid maneuvers of Sheridan, the final scene in the long and sanguinary drama was enacted at Appomattox Court House, it remained only for Grant to offer to the world an example of magnanimity in perfect consonance with the high motives which actuated the man and soldier. The highest military honors and a triumphant tour of the world, following two successive terms as President, failed to affect the innate modesty of General Grant, who remained to the last an ideal patriot and soldier, although not wholly free from errors of judgment as a civil magistrate. A salient trait of his character lay in his generosity, and from his fellow-officers he was never known to withhold the praise due to their merit in the field. In brief, as his ‘‘Memoirs”’ clearly show, General Grant’s was a genius for command which time will augment rather than diminish; nor will years impair the fame decreed to him by universal consent when, being removed from the visible traces of the late conflict, men shall come to regard more attentively the rare simplicity of demeanor, the silent force of will, the hidden gentleness of nature and purity of patriotism which history must proudly record. GEN. WILLIAM TECUMSEH SHERMAN was born at Lancaster, Ohio, February 8, 1820, and died in New York City, February 14, 1891. At West Point he graduated sixth in a class of forty-two, and upon entering active serv- ice rose rapidly, attaining the rank of captain in 1851. At this time he resigned his commission to engage in banking in California, and after many vicissitudes in the West finally secured the presi- dency of a military college in Louisiana. The War for the Union called forth Sherman’s strongest patriotism. ‘‘On no earthly account,’’ he wrote to the Governor of Louisiana, *‘will I do any act or think any thought hostile to or in defiance of the old Govern- ment of the United States.”’ The military services of Gen- eral Sherman rank among the most brilliant in history, and in the magnificent campaigns which ended with the famous march to the sea, made memorable by a masterly series of unprecedented flank movements, his title to the highest generalship was all but uni- versally conceded. Like Sheridan and Grant, Sherman meant war, in all its savagery and desolation; and to his unsparing severity of method his marvelous success was largely due. He never intended that his route to Savannah should be retarded by an enemy in pursuit, and to this end left only ruin in his track. ven had the Petersburg campaign failed in its immediate object, the war must have been speedily brought to a close, since no forces could long withstand the terrible blows inflicted by Sherman’s Southern campaigns. General Sherman was a man of remarkable individuality; stern in discipline, untrammeled in thought and action—although not without occasional prejudice—and gifted with tremendous purpose as well as the military skill to achieve great victories. GEN. WILLIAM TECUMSEH SHERMAN. GEN. Puitte H. SHERIDAN was born in Somerset, Perry County, Ohio, March 6, 1831, and died at Nonquit, Mass., August 5, 1888. Entering West Point in 1848, young Sheridan’s powers of application were less conspicuous than his general propensity for breaking rules and courting suspension. ‘The pugnacious character afterward so serviceable to his country delayed his graduation until 1853, Sheridan standing number thirty-four in a class of fifty-two. Entering at once upon active service, he passed six years in the extreme Northwest, and established his reputation as an Indian fighter. During the first year of the Civil War his modest wish that ‘the might get a captaincy out of the thing’? was granted in full measure. From the first moment of his service Sheridan displayed a remarkable command of cavalry, result- ing in speedy promotion—fully justified in brilliant skirmishes and the superb conduct of his troops. As chief of cavalry in the Army of the Potomac, Sheridan’s career was a succession of masterly evolutions equally marked by great tactical skill and the most indomitable Pre ERR a ~ ee ar courage and celerity of move- Cpe ment, his extraordinary mili- Ange ; tary capacity being alike notable in his control of all three arms of the service. ‘To his impetuosity and decision during the closing campaign were due the brilliant cavalry maneuvers, executed with astonishing rapidity, which ended in the final ‘‘rounding up’? of General Lee’s army and the compulsory | s ur- render at Appomattox Court House. Sheridan was, in short, like Murat, a born cavalryman—deeply attached to his profession, glorying in danger, and solicitous for the welfare of his troops, in whom he inspired enthusiastic devo- tion. As with Grant, war was to him no child’s play, é but a frightful necessity, best encountered heroically and with the sang- froid which is a primary requisite of the highest military achievement in the field. GEN. PHILIP H. SHERIDAN. 122 ATLAS OF THE WORLD. ~ - a EMINENT ARMY AND NAVAL COMMANDERS—Contrinvep. Gen. WINFIELD Scorr was born near Petersburg, Va., June 13, 1786, and died at West Point, N. Y., May 29, 1866. Being admitted to the bar in 1806, he im- mediately forsook the practice of the law for that of arms, joining as volunteer a troop of horse called out by Jefferson in view of British aggressions upon American commerce. During the War of 1812, which followed, Scott proved himself an active and efficient commander, the battles of Chippewa and Niagara being marked by his distinguished generalship and soldierly ™ courage. For his services he ©. was profusely honored by the Government—the rank of major-general, a vote of thanks by Congress, and the honor of a gold medal being accorded to him. In _ the Mexican War General Scott’s military ability was shown in various sieges and battles, all of which greatly enhanced his reputation as a soldier, his personal bravery and command of military strategy entitling him to the highest rank in the profession of arms. | Upon the conclusion of the war he declined a position in the cabinet, visiting Europe both in an official and diplomatic capacity, but returning to America during the uncertainty occasioned by the ‘‘'Trent”’ affair and its effect upon: our relations with England. During the nullification | troubles he commanded at Charleston, and his services were of great importance to the Government. In 1852 he was nominated for President | on the Whig ticket, but defeated by Pierce, the Democratic candidate. In 1855 the honorary title of lieutenant-general was conferred upon him, the rank to cease at his death, although the grade was subsequently revived. General Scott’s loyal services during the CivilWar were a fitting close to his eminent career. He gave his latest strength and counsel to his country, thereby crowning his patriotism with lasting honor. we GEN. WINFIELD SCOTT. Grn. Greorce H. THomas was born in Southampton County, Va., July 31, 1816, and died in San Francisco, March 28, 1870. Like General Meade, he was educated at West Point, served with distinction in the Seminole and Mexican wars, and by his bravery won promotion in the army and the grateful recognition of his fellow-citizens. ‘The War for the Union developed General Thomas’ highest energies as a com- mander. Beginning as a colonel of cavalry, he rose at once to the position of brigadier-general of volunteers, being assigned to the field of operations in Tennessee and Mississippi. Organizing the First Division of the Army of the Cumberland, with which his military achievements are identified, General Thomas soon evinced a coolness, courage, and mastery of tactical details which almost invariably resulted in victory to his forces. His methods were at times deliberate, in view of pressing emergencies; yet the event of the campaign or battle revealed a pro- found study of the situation, and the self-reliance that comes of carefully devised plans. At Shiloh, at Chickamauga, and on numerous well-fought fields General Thomas’ reputation as a soldier grew with each successive triumph. ‘Twice did he save the Union army from defeat by the tenacity of his resist- ance; and twice did he mani- fest the magnanimity of character which distinguished the man by waiving all thought of military advance- ment in behalf of others whose sensibilities or deserts ap- pealed to him. The quality of his leadership must be judged by the skill opposed to him in such commanders as Hood and Johnston, the latter regarded by Greeley as the ablest general of the Con- federate armies. Yet Gen- eral Thomas had often to con- tend with what to an inferior nature and less ardent patriot- ism might have appeared insupportable neglect. As it was, he proudly declined the brevet rank of lieutenant- general in 1868, maintaining that since the war he had done nothing. to deserve it, while as a reward for actual service it was but a tardy recognition. GEN. GEORGE H. THOMAS. GEN. GEORGE G. MEADE was born at Cadiz, Spain, where his father filled the post of American consul, December 13, 1815, and died at Philadelphia, November 6, 1872. Having been educated at West Point, he at once engaged in active military service, taking part in the Seminole War in Florida. From 1837 to 1842 he was employed in various Govern- ment surveys. During the Mexican War he distinguished himself in several important engagements, receiving a brevet lieutenancy for bravery and special honors from the citizens of Philadelphia. From 1856 to 1861 he was commissioned to take charge of surveys upon the Northern lakes—therein rendering im- portant and lasting service. The Civil War elicited Gen- eral Meade’s superior qual- ities as a commander. With the rank of brigadier-general of volunteers, he entered the national service in August, 1861, his gallant conduct being shown in the actions at Dranesville, Mechanicsville, Cold Harbor, and Fra- zier’s Farm, where he was severely wounded. In June, 1862, he was appointed major of topographical engineers. In the second battle of Bull Run, and in the Maryland campaign which followed, where he com- GEN. GEO. G. MEADE. manded a corps of the Army of the Potomac, General Meade’s efficiency — as a soldier was conspicuous, his general skill and his courage during the © battle of Antietam entitling him to the rank of major-general of volun- teers. But it was in the Gettysburg campaign that his highest military qualities were displayed. In the terrific struggles that marked this crisis in the Civil War General Meade’s strategical skill as commander of the Army of the Potomac was severely tested. His defeat of Lee must rank — among the great victories of history. In the closing campaign, ending with the fall of Richmond, General Meade retained the prestige of © previous services in the field. Davin G. FarraGut was born near Knoxville, Tenn., July 5, 1801, and died in Portsmouth, N. H., August 14, 1870. At the age of eleven years the lad entered the navy, serving on board the Essex during the War of 1812, witnessing the capture of the British ship Alert and the spirited conflict in the Bay of Valparaiso, resulting in the surrender of his vessel. In 1823 he participated in an action on the coast of Cuba, in which, after a twelve hours’ fight, the pirates of that region were sub- dued. Hecommanded the navy yard at Mare Island, Cal., from 1854 till 1858, attaining the rank of captain in 1855. The Civil War instantly called forth Farragnt’s patriotism. At the commencement of hostilities he was ste tioned at Norfolk, Va., where every pressure was brought to bear upon his loyalty by the advocates of secession. Scorning their persuasions, he repaired to Washington, offering his services to the Government, and receiving in 1862 the commission in the Gulf squadron, to which he brought lasting renown. The passage of the Lower Mississippi, the cap- ture of New Orleans, the assault upon Vicksburg, and, later, the remarkable exploits at Mobile are matters of familiar history. Nothing could withstand the impetus and tenacity of ‘‘Old Sala- mander,’’ as his sailors called him; and the hotter the action the more did Farragut seem to be in his true element. The eminent services of Far- ragut were signally rewarded by the nation, which bestowed upon him the grades of vice- admiral and admiral—dis- tinctions created in his favor. Farragut’s life was character- ized by an imperturbable resolution, united with calm judgment and a supreme and vigorous yet modest self- reliance. His entire con- duct in his country’s behalf was an example for all time to those who emulate naval honors, although few com- manders can hope to attain his rare knowledge of seamanship, his absolute disdain of fear, and the originality of his achievement. Eas ADMIRAL DAVID G. FARRAGUT, MAJ.-GEN. WILLIAM R. SHAFTER. ATLAS OF THE WORLD. Magsor-GeneRAL Wittram R. SHAFTER was born in Kalamazoo County, Michigan, October 16, 1835. He entered the army from civil life as first lieutenant, 7th Michigan infantry, volunteer service, 1861, and became lieutenant-colonel of the 19th Michigan, 1863. In 1864, he became colonel of the 17th United States infantry; in 1879, colonel of the 1st infantry, attaining the rank of brigadier-general, May 3, 1897. During the Civil War Gen- eral Shafter was engaged at the siege of Yorktown and the action of West Point and in ~ the battles of Fair Oaks, Say- age Station, Glendale, and Malvern Hill, also at the action of Thompson Station, Tenn. He was taken prisoner in March, 1863, and exchanged in May of the same year. He was appointed major- general at the beginning of the war with Spain and assigned to duty in Cuba. He left ‘Tampa, AMERICAN GENERALS OF SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. 123 MAsor-GENERAL WESLEY Merritt is a native of New York City, where he was born June 16, 1836. Academy at West Point from Illinois, and became a gradu- atein 1860. He was appointed captain in the 2d cavalry, 1862, and was subsequently promoted to the rank of brig- adier-general of volunteers. He was brevetted major-gen- eral for bravery in the battle of Gettysburg. In frequent opportunities for the display of great soldierly qualities, General Merritt has been fortunate. At the battles of Yellow Tavern, Hawes Shop, Winchester, Opequan, Cedar Creek, Fishers Hill, Five Forks, and Sailors Creek he acquitted himself with re- markable skill and gallantry. His promotions succeeded one another with rapidity, until, in 1865, he was advanced to the rank of major-general of volunteers. When in the early He was appointed to the Military MAJ.-GEN, WESLEY MERRITT. June 14, 1898, to take charge of the campaign against Santiago de A landing was made June 22. The attack was begun July 1 and July 11, the city was bombarded, and on the 17th, it Cuba. resumed July 2. was formally surrendered to General Shafter. MAsor-GENERAL NELSON A. MILHs is a native of Massachusetts, born at Westminster, August 8, 1839. His education was commenced in Westmin- ster and finished in Boston. Miles was among the first to raise a company of volunteers and take the field in defense of the Union, 1861. Beginning as a lieutenant in the 22d Massachusetts volunteers, he rendered notable service in McClellan’s Penin- sular Campaign, and became adjutant-general of a brigade. His merits were so conspicuous that by September, 1862, he had been advanced to the rank of colonel, commanding the 61st New York regiment, which he led at Fredericksburg and Chancellorsyille. In the historic battles of Wil- liamsburg, Seven Pines (where he was wounded), Gaines Mills, Savage Station, White Oak Swamp, Nelsons Farm, Malvern Hill, Fredericksburg (where he was seriously wounded), and Chancellorsville (where he was left for dead), Miles distinguished himself for skill and daring. He fought in all the battles of the Army of the Potomac, with one exception of the surrender of Lee at Appo- mattox Court House, Va. At the close of the Civil War he ranked as major-general of volunteers. MAsor-GENERAL JoHN R. Brooks, a native of Pennsylvania, was born at Pottsville, July 21, 1838. When the Civil War began, he enlisted command it. weeks of the Spanish-American War, 1898, it became necessary to send a military expedition to the Philippines, General Merritt was selected to Manila having surrendered to him, he returned to the United States and now commands the Department of the East. MAJ.-GEN. NELSON A. MILES. Preferring a military life to the mercantile pur- suits he had abandoned when he enlisted, he was appointed a colonel in the regular army. He was commissioned brigadier-general in 1880, and com- manded the Department of the Missouri for five years, being transferred to Arizona in 1886. Gen- eral Miles attained the rank of major-general in 1890, becoming in 1896 commander-in-chief of the army. Between 1875 and 1886 he conducted successfully several Indian campaigns, notably those against the Sioux and Apaches, becoming one of the most distinguished of modern Indian fighters. The valuable and efficient service which he rendered the West during this period was form- ally acknowledged by the legislatures of Montana, Kansas, New Mexico, and Arizona; and at Tucson, November 8, 1887, the citizens of Arizona honored him by the presentation of a handsome sword. The speedy and victorious termination of the Spanish- American War in favor of the United States forces, 1898, was in a large measure due to his energy and masterly generalship, though the only opera- tions in which he took an immediate part were those in Puerto Rico. MAJor-GENERAL JOSEPH WHEELER, an American soldier and legis- lator of note, was born in Augusta, Ga., September 10, 1836. tary studies were pursued at West Point, where he graduated in 1859. His mili- MAJ.-GEN. JOHN R. BROOKE, colonel and brigadier-general. F ere in in the 4th Pennsylvania infantry. At the organization of the regiment he was appointed captain, and in November of the same year he was made colonel of the 53d Pennsylvania infantry. He became brigadier- general of volunteers, by promotion, in May, 1864, and was brevetted - major-general of volunteers that year. July 28, 1866, he was appointed heutenant-colo- nel of the 37th United States infantry. Tue 37th infantry having been consolidated with the 3d infantry, Brooke was transferred to that organiza- we tion in March, 1869. He was “= promoted tothe rankof colonel, » commanding the 13th infantry, » in March, 1879, and was re- transferred to the 3d infantry in June of that year. For gal- lantry in the battles of Cold Harbor, Gettysburg, Spottsyl- vania Court House, and Toto- potomy he received brevets as Brooke was made major-general in 1897, and served with distinction in the Spanish-American War in 1898. His first active service was in New Mexico, as lieutenant in the cavalry. He resigned from the United States army in 1861, to take service as lieu- tenant of artillery in the Con- federate forces. His promo- tion to the command of a regiment, a brigade, a divis- ion, an army corps, was rapid. He was in command of the cavalry corps of the Western Confederate army from 1862 until the Civil War closed. General Wheeler declined the chair of philosophy in Lou- isiana State Seminary in 1866, preferring the life of a planter and lawyer at Wheeling, Ala. He was elected to the House of Representatives in 1880, was reélected in 1884, and has been in Congress ever since, until May, 1898, when he was appointed major - general of volunteers. ee ta MAJ.-GEN. JOSEPH WHEELER. General Wheeler served with distinction under Shafter, in the memorable campaign of the Spanish-American War, 1898. 124 ATLAS OF THE WORLD. AMERICAN NAVAL COMMANDERS OF SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. REAR-ADMIRAL WILLIAM T. SAMPSON was born at Palmyra, N. Y., ReEAR- ADMIRAL WINFIELD 8. ScotEY.— This distinguished naval in 1840. He went to the Naval Academy, Annapolis, in 1857, and was | officer was born in Maryland, October 9, 1839. He entered the Naval REAR-ADM. WILLIAM T. SAMPSON. graduated just before the Civil War commenced. His services soon advanced him to the rank of lieutenant. He was the executive officer of the Patapsco when she was blown up, off Charleston, in Jan- uary, 1865. His subsequent career, though brilliant, ran, for the most part, in rather quietchannels. Heserved two terms in the Naval Academy, spent some years in foreign waters, and was at different times Inspector of Ordnance and Chief of the Ordnance Bureau. In 1889 he was ad- vauced to the rank of cap- tain, and given command of the San Francisco, and, later, the Jowa. When the Spanish- American War opened, Cap- tain Sampson was placed in command of the North At- lantic fleet as acting rear- Academy, Annapolis, at fif- teen. His first service was on the United States vessel which convoyed home the Japanese Embassy in 1860, remaining in foreign waters until the breaking out of the Civil War. It was the good for- tune of Schley, by great skill and bravery, to secure the first prize-ship of the war — the General Parkhill. Sub- sequently he rendered valu- able service in Mobile Bay. After the close of the Civil War, Schley was prominent in several historic affairs. The rescue of the Greely Polar Expedition is not the least of his exploits. For a time he was the head of the depart- ment of modern languages at the Naval Academy. In the Spanish-American War, 1898, Schley, then a commodore, was ; | 1 | | | <" 5 ead F ; REAR-ADM. WINFIELD 8. SCHLEY. admiral. The successful blockading of Cuban ports and the annihilation of the Spanish fleet under Cervera are some of the laurels won by this gallant and capable officer. ADMIRAL GEORGE DEWEY was born at Mont- pelier, Vermont, December 26, 1837. He entered the Naval Academy, Annapolis, in 1854, and was graduated in 1858. His first assignment was as a midshipman on the Wabash, and two years were spent cruising in Mediterranean waters. Return- ing to this country in 1860, he secured his com- mission as a lieutenant and was assigned to the Mississippi, one of the West Gulf squadron. He participated in the capture of New Orleans, April, 1862, and in the taking of Port Hudson, and engagements with the Confederates below Donald- sonville in 1863. On the Agawam, of the North Atlantic blockading squadron, he had part in the two attacks on Fort Fisher, December, 1864, and January, 1865. During the second attack on Fort Fisher he rendered efficient service, dis- playing great bravery during action. He was warmly commended by Commodore Thatcher, his superior, and was early rewarded by a commission as a lieutenant-commander. After the Civil War he served on various shipsand stations, was Light- house Inspector, and Secretary of Light-house Board. Later he was given command of the Juniata, of the Asiatic squadron, and upon put in command of the Flying squadron. In the naval operations which resulted in the destruction of the Spanish fleet under Cervera, off Santi- ago, Schley won immortal fame by unsurpassed skill and bravery. ADMIRAL GEORGE DEWEY, attaining his captaincy was honored by appoint- ment to the Dolphin, one of the first vessels of the new navy, popularly known as the ‘‘ White Squadron.” In 1885 he commanded the Pen- sacola, then flagship of the European squadron. Dewey was advanced to the rank of lieutenant, 1861; of leutenant-commander, 1865; of com- mander, 1872; of captain, 1884; of commodore, 1890; of rear-admiral, 1898—Congress granting him a sword; of admiral, 1899. On the breaking out of the war between Spain and the United States Commodore Dewey was at Hongkong in command of the Asiatic squadron. Forced to leave British waters, with no coaling station nearer than Honolulu, the only course open to him was to take Manila. This, however, involved first the capture and destruction of the Spanish fleet, an undertaking fraught with many difficulties, but which he proceeded to carry forward most effect- ively. On May 1, 1898, he took his squadron into Manila Bay, engaged and destroyed the Spanish fleet of fourteen vessels of war and three trans- ports, thus annihilating the naval power of Spain in Asiatic waters, and achieving one of the most signal victories in the annals of naval warfare. Caprain Ropiey D. Evans is a native of Virginia. He was CAPTAIN CHARLES EpGAR CLARK was born in Vermont in 1843, appointed to the Naval Academy at Annapolis, 1860, and was promoted to the rank of ensign in 1863. His mother, who sympathized with the and appointed to the Naval Academy from that State in 1860, remaining CAPT. ROBLEY D. EVANS. Confederacy, when the war broke out sent in his resig- nation without consulting him, but he was loyal and repudiated it. In the Civil War he served on the Pow- hatan, was in both attacks on Fort Fisher, and in the land attack received two severe wounds. After the Civil War he was on duty in the Navy Yard at Philadelphia, in the Navy Yard at Washington, on the Piscatagua im the \ Asiatic squadron, on the Congress and the Saratoga in » the European fleet. Evans was advanced to the rank of lieutenant, 1866; of lieuten- ant-commander,1868; of com- mander, 1878, and of captain in 1893. In the Spanish- American War, 1898, Captain Evans commanded the battle- ship Jowa, under Rear-Ad- miral Sampson, and in the naval battle of July 3d rendered gallant service, justifying his sobriquet in the navy—‘‘ Fighting Bob.” there until October, 1863. In that year he entered upon active service in the Civil War as an ensign on the Ossipee,of the Western Gulf blockading squadron. He was with his vessel in the battle of Mobile Bay, and took part in the bombard- ment of Fort Morgan. With- in three years he had risen through the ranks of master and lieutenant to that of lieu- tenant-commander. In 1881, after duty on the training: ship New Hampshire and at the torpedo station, he went with the steamer Ranger on a sur- | vey trip in the North Pacific. © _ In 1896 he was promoted to ‘2 the rank of captain and as- signed to the command of the Monterey. He was in com- mand of the magnificent first-class battleship Oreyon, in 1898, on her memorable trip to join the North Atlantic squadron. In the battle with Cervera’s fleet off Santiago Captain Clark displayed great ability, and showed that his ship was a fine fighter as well as a fine sailer. : —_— * —_" ATLAS OF THE WORLD. EMINENT CONFEDERATE STATESMEN AND GENERALS, JEFFERSON DAvis was born in Christian County, Kentucky, June 3, 1808, and died at New Orleans, December 6, 1889. Having been educated at Transylvania College, Ken- tucky, and at West Point, he took part in the Black Hawk War on the northwest fron- tier during 1831-32, and in the campaigns against the Pawnees and other Indian tribes from 1833 to 1835. Set- tling in Mississippi, he was elected to Congress in 1845, but soon joined the forces of General Taylor as colonel of volunteers. In the engage- ments of Monterey and Buena Vista his conduct elicited high praise from his com- manding officer. He was then elected to the United States Senate, where he served 1847— 51 and 1857-61. During the administration of President Pierce he was the Secretary of War, 1853-57. In the House, during the discussion of the fave Oregon Bill, Davis had loyally espoused the cause of patriotism, saying in his speech, February 6, 1846, ** From sire to son has descended the love of union in our hearts,” and in alluding to the battle-fields of the Revolution as ‘“‘a monument to the common glory of our common country” he added, “‘ Where is the South- ern man who would wish that monument less by one of the Northern names that constitute the mass?” In the Senate the doctrine of State rights which ended in secession had begun to influence the mind of Davis, who ardently defended it and maintained the justice of slavery. As Secretary of War, Davis showed uncommon energy, and upon his return to the Senate his ability in debate was unquestionable. He had become one of the Southern leaders, and in January, 1861, he left the United States Senate. When the Southern States seceded and formed the short-lived ‘‘Confederacy,” Jefferson Davis was chosen President and in that capacity, in which he acquitted himself with rare ability and determination, he will be best known to history. JEFFERSON DAVIS. GENERAL THOMAS J. JACKSON was born at Clarksburg, Va., January 21, 1824, and died near Fredericksburg, May 10, 1863, being accident- ally shot by Confederate troops in the confusion which followed the battle of Chancellorsville. Like other Confederate leaders, he received his military education at West Point and served in the Mexican War. In 1852 he became a professor of sciences in a Virginia college, at the same time being appointed deacon of the Presbyterian church —in accordance with the strong religious principle which characterized the man, between whom and the soldiers of Cromwell a parallel might be drawn. His tenacity and courage were always conspicuous, the sobriquet ‘‘ Stonewall ” expressing his firmness under assault. General Jackson’s military ability was of a high order, as the campaigns in Virginia show. In the Shenandoah Valley, in 1862, he defeated superior Union forces; at Cold Harbor his command played an important part; and at Antietam his conduct achieved brilliant results, while im subsequent services, as leader of nearly half of Lee’s army, his strategy and activity in the field rendered him a most formid- able adversary. The char- acter of ‘‘Stonewall” Jackson was in many respects an ideal one, and well illustrates the entire subordination of the national integrity to State sovereignty in the minds of the foremost champions of secession. ‘To impugn the sincerity of such a man re- quires a degree of cynicism wholly at variance alike with good sense and good feeling. As with Lee, Stephens, and others, Jackson’s attitude to- ward the Union was but the logical sequence of political principles having their origin in the Articles of Confedera- tion and intensified by the economical results of slavery. It should be borne in mind, moreover, that previous to ' : and during the Civil War the liberties which the Confederacy sought to maintain found ample encour- agement in Northern sympathy openly and unmistakably expressed. GEN. THOMAS J. JACKSON. GENERAL Roper E. LEE was born at Stratford, Va., January 19, 1807, and died at Lexington, Va., October 12, 1870. He was the son of Henry Lee et cares Harry ”’) a and like all the prominent generals of the Confederate army, Lee was educated at West Point, his career as a cadet being remarkable in that during the entire course he was never reprimanded, never received a mark of demerit, and upon graduation stood first in his class. In the Mexican War he served with distinction, and upon the commencement of the Civil War reluctantly yet decisively cast his lot with the Con- federate cause. That he fully realized the seriousness of his position regarding the Union and the supreme obligations of patriotism is attested by his own utterances. Through- out the Civil War Lee dis- played consummate skill in his management of the Con- federate army. He made few mistakes, and to his extraordinary ability were due in great measure the disasters to the Union armies and the prolongation of the struggle. Much of his prestige was doubtless owing to his personal courage and self-possession, his’ self-denying sense of duty, and a loftiness of character seldom equaled in military annals. He was one of the greatest of modern commanders and to the last his qualities as a leader were conspicuously shown—as in the battles of the Wilderness and Cold Harbor, where he practically foiled General Grant in the execution of his original design, compelling him to change his base entirely. It was not possible for him to withstand the final combinations aimed at the overthrow of the Confederacy; yet the circumstances of his final surrender and the magnanimous attitude of General Grant must be considered conclusive evidence of the respect inspired by Lee’s sincere conviction of right in the position he assumed toward the National Government. In 1865 he became president of Washington College at Lexington, Virginia— now Washington and Lee University — where he remained until his death. GEN. ROBERT E. LEE. Masor-GENERAL JAMES LONGSTREBT, an eminent American soldier, was born in Edgefield District, South Carolina, January 8, 1821. His military education was gained at West Point, where he graduated in 1842. He was on duty in the Mexican War, 1846-48, and was wounded. Afterward, he served as paymaster in the United States army, and was promoted to the rank of major on the staff, in 1856. Longstreet resigned his commission in the National army to take part with the South in the Civil War, in 1861, and participated in the battle of Bull Run. In the early part of 1862 he was made major-general, and won a brilliant repu- tation in Lee’s campaigns against McClellan, Pope, Burnside, and Meade. Later, he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant-general and given the command of a corps. He rendered distinguished service in the bat- tle of Gettysburg, and was conspicuous for masterly strategy in the campaign of the Wilderness. His corps was ordered to Georgia to aid General Bragg in checking the advance of the Union army under General Rosecrans, and took an active part in the bat- tle of Chickamauga. From thereit marched to Knoxville, Tenn., and besieged that town, then held by General Burnside. Returning to the East, General Longstreet sur- rendered with General Lee, in 1865. The Confederate cause being irretrievably lost, General Longstreet decided that he could do the South the most service by accepting unequivocally and fully the results of the war. He did not hesitate to avow his opinions, and accepted the Federal office tendered him by his old army friend, General Grant. He has served the Govern- ment as surveyor of the port of New Orleans, commission- . er of engineers for Louisiana, minister to Turkey, and as commissioner of railroads, the position he holds now. MAJ.-GEN. JAMES LONGSTREET. 125 126 WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE was born at Stratford-on-Avon, April 23, 1564, dying in his native town in 1616, on the fifty-second anniversary of his birth. Accounts of his boyhood are extremely meager and even of his career as actor and dramatist but few authen- tic details are available. His marriage with Anne Hatha- way at the age of nineteen, the death of his only son in 1596, his sojourn in London, and some history of the period during which his earlier plays were produced have been re- corded with variations by many biographers. The fact, too, of Shakspeare’s worldly prosperity seems to be well established, and the records of his native village bear suf- ficient evidence of the esteem * in which he was generally » held. The testimony of per- sonal friends, moreover, especially Ben Jonson, attests the warm-hearted generosity of which the plays of Shak- speare oear internal proof. In an epoch when the heroic exploits of Tell, Joan of Arc, Columbus, and others are called in question or rele- gated to the realm of tradition, it seems quite consistent with the iconoclastic thought of the times to challenge the authenticity of the Shakspearean dramas. Much scholarly discussion has been devoted to the subject; yet, in view of contemporary judgment and the well-estab- lished records of Shakspeare’s general career, it is impossible to gainsay the concurrent opinion of more than two and a half centuries. The development of his marvelous imagination, the universal instincts and knowledge of human nature, and profound analysis of character are features of Shakspeare’s intellectual life which no commentary can adequately portray, and must be sought in the creations of genius with which he has enriched the world of literature. Only by studious perusal of these immortal dramas—in youth, in middle age, and again in later years—are the transcendent sweetness and power, the compre- hensive insight, and human passion of Shakspeare’s works revealed. ee ee es WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE, ALFRED TENNYSON was born at Somersby, Lincolnshire, August 6, 1809, and died near Haslemere, Surrey, October 6, 1892. In youth Tennyson was carefully educated; yet in the essentials of learning he was self-taught, his own observation and literary tastes instinctively leading his studies in the direction of the culture to which the poet’s imagina- tion owed its rare development. At the time he was chosen laureate, in 1850, he was yet unknown to many of the most prominent thinkers in Europe, although to all lovers of poetry his verses had long been household words. Probably the greatest elegiac poem of any age had appeared, commemorating the death of his friend Arthur Hallam, in that noble lament “‘In Memoriam,” which alone would crown the muse of Tennyson with imperishable fame. With neither the enthrall- ing genius of Byron, the nervous force of Browning, nor the homely pathos which marked the lyrics of Burns and Wordsworth, Tennyson excelled in a certain refined delicacy of insight and grace of expression peculiar to his style, occasionally rising to heights of sublime feeling and enthusiasm for liberty widely opposed to his natural conservatism of thought. Twice did the poet refuse a baronetcy, yet in 1884 he was prevailed upon to accept a peerage. Hislater efforts were devoted to the drama, opinions differing widely as to the merits of his plays. Regard- ing his rank among poets of the Victorian age there is no question. He may be proper- ly considered the founder, and only master, of a new school of lyric poetry which died with him. Personally, Tennyson wasa recluse, dwell- ing apart from men, while keenly interested in passing events. He dearly loved England, its government and institutions, seldom manifest- ing toleration for republican- } . ism, although it were not difficult to find among his verses the most ardent expressions of demo- cratic feeling—as in ‘‘ Locksley Hall” and <“‘ Maud.” ALFRED TENNYSON. ATDAST OPS TE Tew OLD: EMINENT ENGLISH AND AMERICAN WRITERS. Henry WapswortH LONGFELLOW was born at Portland, Maine, February 27, 1807, and died at Cambridge, Mass., March 24, 1882. Graduating at Bowdoin Col- ; lege, he was retained by that oR: institution as professor of modern languages, mean- while, for purposes of study, making an extended tour of Europe. In Longfellow the associations of boyhood, the youthful fervor of the scholar, and the benign influence of / nature all conspired to nurture the feelings so beautifully ex- ‘ pressed in Moriturt te salu- — tamus:— “« The love of learning, the seques- tered nooks, And all the sweet serenity of books.” His long professorship at Har- vard University was attended by unceasing literary activity and a period of prolific intel- lectual achievement. Already his ‘‘ Coplas de Manrique” and ‘* Poems on Slavery” had appeared, and now “‘ Voices of the Night,” ‘‘ Evangeline,” and numer- ous other productions elevated him to the highest rank of American poets. The unaffected feeling, classical refinement, and scholarly char- acter of his verse were still more apparent in **'The Spanish Student,” ‘* Flower-de-Luce,” and the exquisite Indian poem ‘‘ Hiawatha.” ‘‘' The Golden Legend,” “ Birds of Passage,” and many other well-known lyrics and dramatic essays maintained the fame already firmly established. The “Sonnets on Translating the Divina Comedia” are among the finest in the language, and the translation itself—occupying nearly thirty years—is a marvel of conscientious study. The personal life of Long- fellow, in its ideal beauty and perfection, seems the very flower of mortal attainment. Imbued with a deep religious sentiment which the most poignant bereavements could not affect, his faith is strikingly reflected in his verse. Few men in the history of literature have been so tenderly beloved as he, and few have touched the heart of humanity so gently, so nobly, and affectionately. HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW. JOHN GREENLEAF WHITTIER was born at Haverhill, Mass., Decem- ber 17, 1807, and died at Hampton Falls, N. H., September 7, 1892. The family generation preceding the poet’s were Quakers, and to that sect Whittier adhered. The youth was from earliest years accustomed to toil, and in obtaining an education worked at shoemaking to pay his expenses at Haverhill Academy. Much of his early life on the ances- tral farm is portrayed in one of his later poems, ‘‘ Snow Bound ”—an idyl of rural New England in winter sure of permanent popularity. The anti-slavery agitation enlisted Whittier’s warmest sympathy, and, as with Longfellow, many of his most stirring lyrics were suggested by the sufferings graphically portrayed in ‘‘ Uncle Tom’s Cabin.” Many minor poems, marked by fine sensibility and grace of expression, were published from time to time; and the period of the Civil War drew from Whittier such patriotic fire as is found in ‘‘ Laus Deo” and other poems of the time. ‘Throughout his poetry there is a strong undertone of religious feeling, now and then rising to an exalted strain of prophecy or stately lament, recalling —— the voice of the Hebrew psalmist. As a prose writer Whittier was widely known in America, his political papers relating to emancipa- tion, ‘‘Supernaturalism in New England,” ‘‘Leaves from Margaret Smith’s Journal,” and ‘Literary Recreations” establishing his place among the most noted authors in this line and likely to insure his literary fame, at least among his countrymen. The close of the war and the efface- ment of slavery inspired the calmer resignation uttered in ““My Psalm,” ‘The Eternal Goodness,” and ‘*Our Mas- ter”; but to the last Whittier retained his profound interest in national affairs, never re- moved from the world of larger politics, and always ; ; ready with tongue and pen to vindicate the rights of the oppressed, from whose unhappy lot the poet had drawn life-long inspiration. a JOHN GREENLEAF WHITTIER. ATLAS OF THE WORLD. EMINENT ENGLISH AND AMERICAN WRITERS—ContTINUvED. Srr WALTER Scott was born in Edinburgh, August 15, 1771, and died at Abbotsford, September 21, 1832. Although his manhood was marked by a remarkably ro- bust physique the boy was sickly, becoming afflicted with a lameness which lasted through life. From earliest boyhood Scott was an omniy- orous reader, especially of ballads and romance, storing in his mind a thousand details of border warfare destined to enrich his pages and give to _ his historic novels a_ vivid - picturesqueness unequaled in similar literature. Lis pre- ™, ferment in public office ren- © dered him at an early period » comparatively independent, and certainly no writer ever employed his leisure to more fruitful advantage, poems and romances appearing in rapid succession in the midst of official cares and the exac- tions of a baronial hospitality which endeared Abbotsford to personages of note and stray pilgrims from every land. ‘The phenomenal ascendency of Lord Byron dissuaded Scott from the pursuit of poetry, and in its stead he turned his attention for a while exclusively to the series of prose works of which ‘‘Waverley’’ was the initial volume.- Pitiful indeed is the record of Scott’s financial embarrassment, his generous aid to Ballantyne and the silent partnership in enterprises which, through the negligence and incapacity of others, ended, in 1825, in Scott’s personal liability of $631,800. Then began his heroic and most honorable task of bending all his energies to the complete satisfaction of his creditors—a labor which gave to the world a signal example of probity and to literature many of its rarest treasures, yet which shortened the life thus dedicated to honor and lent to his declining years pathetic interest. From January 1, 1826, to January 1, 1828, £40,000 were passed to Scott’s credit as the result of his super- human exertions. SIR WALTER SCOTT. WASHINGTON IRVING was born in New York City, April 3, 1783, and died at Sunnyside, on the Hudson River, November 28, 1859. Although bred to the law, he quickly discovered an aptitude for liter- ature, and in a series of papers, including the humorous Knickerbocker chronicles, he attained instant popularity both at home and abroad. F7 21,984 Lawrence.........A4 4 Pickensville....... 1OAt TAallassee ... 6 6c oisici0 ‘ 29,030 Butler............G@5 ~ 32/867 Lee.............. E 8 2,226 Piedmont......... C7 11181 Thomasville... /... G3 Incorporated Cities, Towns, and Villages 39,115 Calhoun. .cntsac..: C7 26,880 Limestone........A4 641) Pinckard’:,..j. aenskl ? 263 Thompson........ F7 Pat Alexander) jeer si<10 Fa4 3,639 Hope. waa en: G7 760 River Falls... <.... H5 A226. WaGleyGrvniisins ists Daz 1 520u Augistac eee H3 88 Tokuneueine ese 28,321 Cullman..........B5 24,659 Randolph ........D8 277 Riverside.........C6 204 Walnut Grove, 117 Austin Station....F 4 7,123 Jonesboro. )..c.a.4 T2 21,608: Dalecs i.e... am. EL ZOO ty EVUSBEl Law cee tee Ee 2,034 Roanoke......... D8 Etowah ...:..-. B6 617 Baldknob Boor es 746 Judsonia.........- qs 53/401) Dallas. cvoa. teria B4 20,715" St. Clair ry. ctean > C6 349 Rock Mills........D8 660 Warrior........... C5 22 Bates iwc riences B4 1,065 Junction City..... E7 28,261 Dekalb. —~B? 26,949 Shelby. ...j.50 eas D5 210 Round Mountain..B7 435 Waterloo ........ A2 3,399 Batesville... .G2 131 Kimberley........ 28.245 Miniore. promenk eee 28,699 Sumter sack ae 2 2,046 Russellville....... B38 2OG VW EDD iccs cureret cate H8 439 Bearden.......... E 6 445 Kingsland........ F6 18,889 Escambia ........H4 37,921 Talladega......:.. D6 230 Rutledge......... G6 435 Wedowee........ D8 873 Beebe Sy.) -aumen: G3 362 Knobel, parcnmee I1 39,109. Htowah. cone «65 B6 31,034 Tallapoosa.......- E7 1:35 0 SaIMsOlee et eens H6 892 West Blocton, Bibb 142 Beebranch.. ..... F3 Kresa.....0 0 ee C7 16,248 Fayette. .....>..63 47,559 Tuscaloosa........ D3 491 Sandusky, Jefferson D4 335 Belleville......... C3 448 Lake City.. the De 19,369 Franklin.......... B3 37,040: Waller soo... sec eO14 C5 1,103 Wetumpka........ E 6 431 Ben Lomond ..B6 1,074 Lake Village . foe H7 26,280 Geneva. ic... 005 EL 7, 14,454 Washington ......H 2 742. Sanford osc neshls H6 187 “Whatleyc< a... G3 1,708 Benton. St SEA 620, Lamaye eee D3 2a; 717 GreenGeanruic earn: E3 33,810 Wilcox...........G4 1,019 Scottsboro........A7 249 Whiteoak Springs .G 8 1/956 Bentonville....... Bl 398 Leola ts ee E 5 27,083 Tale; .ovemate sso 5 E 3 12,855 Winston.......... B4 312 Seale.............-F 8 933 Wilsonville....... D5 785 Berryville... eee | 154 Léepantossse eee J2 20,943 Henry .i sens a8 120 Searieht.i.ccle «cise H5 AD “Winh6ld See nescruls C3 435 Bigvers ei eee 12 1,898 Leslie ).5e eee E2 133 Seddon........... C6 710 York,.........-..F2 1,078 Blackrock........H1 292) Lincoln. ues B24 13,649 ‘Selmar. ese vreasiteue F4 296 Blissville......... oF 45,941 Little Rock. ..E4 Incorporated Cities, Towns, and Villages 3,849 Blytheville 2 748 Lockesburg.. BS @ 811 ety ss : ri pis one z pe 4 2141) ADDEVINEy cele, ctete G8 636 Fayettes 2, oe. ccs C3 i 1,631 Booneville. om , onoke : ‘d 649 Adamsville....... C5 398 ee AO re F7 ALASKA. Population, 64,356 382 Bradford...... -G3 193 Lowell... Boe 4,313 Alabama City..... B7 197 Flint. otis eh: TOWNS 128 Bradley..........- C7 677 Luxoras., .seacen K 2 1,544 Albertville.... -B6 539 Flomaton........ H4 dl. Brannon. ced etesns C3 637 McCrory.......... H3 1/710 Alexander City ...E7 2439 ‘Plorala taper. aie H6 3i8 Afopnal. <.cacsae65 6 241 Klawock......... F12 1,740 _ Brigkleyi: s.55 in H4 1,157 McGehee. .,...:.. H6 , 640 Aliceville......... D2 6,689 Florence..........A3 VSL, AN Vik 5 fo sitarclartoa es 245 Klukwan......... Ol” Bryant.5. oes E4 271 McNav icc .ceeeee C6 L07t Altoona... s4s.u85 B6 893 Fort Deposit......F 5 446 Barrows. ssc and. A5 438 Kodiah..... 40.486 240 Buckner..2 (oes D7 482: McNeill. -2e-eeeee Dis 2,480 Andalusia........ HS 1,317 Fort Payne. ...... B7 L4dClrele Sas micccae C8 231 Koserefsky....... D4 441 Cabot............ G4 968 Magazine......... C3 12,794 Anniston .........C7 257 Fruithurst........ C7 337 Cape Prince of Wales 602 Metlakatla....... F12 401 Calico Rock....... Fi 216 Magness.......... G2 Sl Ariton to. ceiaeen G7 5178 Fulton... ssscseree- G3 C2 2-600 DNoOnIC. abe Soke C2 3,995 Camden,......... E6 2,045 Magnolia......... D7 479 Ashford..........H8 120 sarang. aes G5 18> 1GhiNna Meee cee D7 OSOMMilatos Sn are ee 100 Cargile stiri: is vc iae = E 6 272 Mountainview..... F2 3,500 Blocton,......,-. 4 750 "Gurley cota. < A6 : sae penne Bee eons a A pe ets Nebo.... ‘2 z 287 Blountsville...... 5 286 Hackleburg...... B3 * ’ ardanelle........ OILY: - cine 117 Blue Springs.://°G 7 1,111 Haleysville 1. B3 ARIZONA. Population, 204,354 244 Datto...........- 516 Murfreesboro... .. . C5 1,010 Boaz. cee! a) 422 Hamilton.........B3 246 Decatur.......0.. Bl 2,374 Nashville......... C6 350 Bolling. . par A 464 Hanceville drsroseniege B5 COUNTIES it pany eer J i eee Nee Res ae ae A: 803 Brantley. Uns eacaratans 5 300 Hardaway........ F7 39 sDellghtemaeiane Ware G25 iis wane 2,185 Brewton.......... H4 1,159 Hartford. .0//////H7 B10 G A DBCBC, pracy te OS | Slee OBA VO ante Os 168 ell ce oer K2 3,557 Newport.....225. H 2 ae : K 34,591 Cochise -L 12 14,603 Navajo J 5 397 Ogd 2,025. Bridgeport...5..5 6 A7 13874. Hartsell >. uc cewe B5 8'130 Coconin a4 19'686 Pim Fi Wo7 Denning Mecteva. C3 {900} rhe ne cit B6 1,502 Brighton, Jefferson 1,090 Headland......... H8 16/348 Gila : wots 91045 Pinal ye O10 2,018 Dé Queens... s.. <-> B5 399 Okolona : .D6 C5 $39) Hofing eer 23,999 Graham. SR 10 6766 S ne TCrun eT 1s 1,662 Rete BOO ODOIGs = H7 516 (Ola 2g- er eee D4 623 Brookside......... C5 202 Hillsboro......... A4 , Greene roene ' igh +4 ae tie E6 1,061" Dekaron oii vivrca es G4 1,769 Osceolat. s,s). snes J2 815 Brundidge........ G7 344 Hobson, Calhoun. .C 7 aba iniGrata m Cc oh 9 7'733 Yum DON Rare cae ae Ce 924 Deen eis: wieisuenn H4 OZan ig ccotemheenee C6 754 Calera issn ae eal: D5 688 Hollins. Tepes bls} 34488 (Manoa aaen ba 8 , Be oe Si otaamee 831 Dewitt. eee EL: 1,146 Ozark... eee C 3m 648 Camden........... G4 234 Hollywood........A6 : a Ee Seog 272) Dierks on asia eta G5 3 Palestine..... ae edad 896 Camp Hill... .2... E7 7,611 Huntsville. eas: Rese 298 Douglana onsen EL G6 5,248 Paragould.........11 403 Capital Heights, we 764 Hurtsboto 0°! Ritaley. Incorporated Cities and Towns 385 Dover Sat Are ate aes D3 ; _ Paraloma ace ae Ca Montgomery... . 982 Ironaton......... D7 ; ra a 4 Ne) UA SIREN Ovens ’ OTIS oc, elevale etaeneee 1,627 Carbon Hill :....: Gis 572 Irondale..........D5 Mae theta eatery OF Ee ge ene ene L/B42. Marlé.< ik .hcartic ats 383 Parkdale. 00/07, H7 . A26 Cardiff, .cckesvee Ow 1,379 Jackson,....2 0. HS 4,874 Clifton...........M9 "929 Safford.........K 10 342 Edgemont........ 355 Perryville.........E4 444 Carrollton........ D3 2,231 Jacksonville. . ae 6.437 Douglas..... “AbRU Bon Solomonsvilles 12/10 4,202. Hldotado..cnecden E7 1,150 Piggott...... vad ’ 225 Castleberry.......H4 2,509 Jasper....... od 11633 Flagstaft.... oe Sree 1.473 Tempe eats 270 Emmeti.aneus oso D6 335 Pike City.. C5 256° Center. .:2.. sare a. 413 Jemison. : 1.E 5 "807 Rlorence® sa eae aa H 9 "904 hatenes Pea Ten 1,407 England. ea (ES 15,102 Pine Bluff. a ge 730 Centerville .-E4 104 Jenifer. . aed 083 CGlohome ee “19 1.582 Tombstone ......K 12 606 Eudora...... Bs Wars 853: Plainview... 2.4 D4 , 269 Cherokee. . ~A2 442 Jones Mi H3 2 S09 FTero mie IG 13'193 Tucson ......... 111 3,228 Eureka Springs....C 1 151 Pleasant Plains ...G 2 449 Childersburg .....D6 1,979 Jonesboro........ D4 1802) Moanin ee "EO NVIGHERD ULE ee OEIS 289 Evening Shade....G1 495 Plummerville...... ES a 935 Citronelle ........-H2 UOT SODDA ss seccate ie on B5 5010 eM orenclnee. L 9 1 oue Williams Ly F5 53 Fair Oaks......... 13 1,547 Pocahontas... ...H1 4 Dei23 “Clanton wees. «+s E5 261 Kennedy ccie ice nes C3 31514 Nogales ||. .....:1 13 2°381 Winslow .!.......- 16 4,471 Fayetieville....... Bl 367° Portia. ae pg 15130) Clayton, .0. 5.0.8 G7 O40% Kinsey soit a6 sce H8 11-134 ‘Phoenix. 4) ihe F8 2'914 yin a en AITO 273 Felsenthal........ yy, 823 Portland....... Gt DEO “Clio. oa coo ots oe Gn, 1,632 Lafayette ........ E 8 2 po eae te aa : WES REN ER UGS ePisher he ccs ecborse 13 205 Pottsville......... E3 685 Coal CY J05%.:2i ee C6 a SZ20-Lanette. Gas eects E8 2,404 “POIGY O04 cists elite te F6 191 Powhatan... 2.05 Hi 503 Coffee a ieee se a — 7 314 ses dee ie oGnsor B6 ANSA 1.57 aoacs oo ee venes isletay cers : : : ce laters Ft wees 5 A | 673 Collinsville........ SVOsbeods cy mnwscce sree C5 i ; ort Smith........ ‘ rescott..... oe | 1,122 Columbia.........H8 540 Leighton......... A4 ARKANSAS. Population, 1,574,449 177 Frostville.........07 132 Princeton....,.... E.G 1,079 Columbiana....... D6 600 (Linden trirprcin,y F3 COUNTIES 647 Fulton stun. ctor. C6 683 Pulaski Heights. . L947 COVdOV EB a.02)8 Oa air fove C4 1,053" Linevilles Ss H 6 38,136 Montgomery...... F6 13,481 Cleveland.........F6 16,056 Madison. eee | 202 Griffithville....... G3 159 St. Joe.... a 315 Eclectle:. « deni.5). «ne Di 2,316, Sta pse ewer eteee OF 4,259 Eufaula....... .G8 $01, New Hope.<...0°-..A-6 20,638 Pranklin’.......'... C2 12,560. Pike. Scns err C5 1, 7SOVTLATHOLG a amehiee B3 396. Star City. 25.050. G6 $21 -Eunola). dcentision “H7 624 Newton..0s5.0.... H7 12,293 Fitton ek os Gil 12,791 Poinsett........... 12 621 ‘Havana sisarsen.c: C3 572 Stephens......... D7 15001 “Eutaw 2 sss nrs E 3 522 Newville......)..H 8 27,271 Garland Shit Sage! i@,2i6. Polk cisco ease BS 687 Hezeny ics «tenia G4 465 Strong: .). sesame pe 1/582 Evergreen.......- H 5 500 Northport........ D3 0'425) GYranibyscctve aio F5 24,527. Pope...... art Stee D3 85772: Helena. zs .crcciren « ee 2,740 Stuttgart......... H5 690 Pairhope $'<....03. si J3 512 Notasulga........ E7 23,5802) GreGHO ici. ceeiees 0s 11 13 853 Prairiows semua H4 247 Hermitage........F7 870: Success’... csig esas peal 237 Fairview, Morgan.B 5 1,065 Oakman..........C4 28,285 Hempstead........ C6 86575 LP ulaskiv on cataees Fa4 336 Bigdéent ote wes F2 1,126 Sugar Loaf ....... 335 Falkville......... B5 609 Qneonta..........C5 15,022 Hot Spring........ E 5 18,987 Randolph......... bap I 192 Higginson........ G3 252 Sulphur Rock..... H2 352 Faunsdale........ F3 4,734 Opelika........ oem 16,898 Howard.......... I 22,048 St. Franois........ 13 536 Hollygrove....... H4 500 Sulphur Springs...B1 ATLAS OF THE WORLD. 135 Pop.1919 a Gk ieee ar COLORADO. Population, 799,024 CONNECTICUT—Continued oF. Pop.1910 x Pop.1910 Pop.1910 0 Swifton.......... H2 399 Washington....... C6 COUNTIES 34 Fenwick ...... K 17 6,637 Putnam ....,.... B 22 5,633 Texarkana.,......C7 232 Weiner...... eee D2 Pop.1910 Pop.1910 3,886 Greenwich .......M1 1,114 Ridgefield ..... .J 2 611 Thornton.........E 6 694 Wesson ..........E 7 Shoe haams C10 10812 La Plat H3 1,895 Groton /. 120 7,977 Rockville........C 15 ASO) SEAMAE cate turn 'ara's ysis G6 116 Westpoint........H3 TO EAEATA ETO OE oo C10 25'270 va i ap eeeeees Cre 1,608 Guilford. ‘ol: 4,807 Shelton........ i: 228 Traskwood .......E 5 330 Wheatley......... 14 3302 A is Cre eae H 33°68 ye il 98,915 Hartford. 11 3,714 Southington .....G 10 583 Tuckerman....... H2 42 White Cliffs.......C6 EE ag eer pear ieee age ate Tae mae 3,023 Jewett City. * 21 8,968 South Norwalk ..M 4 205; PiupelO.c fi... oss H3 245 Widener.......... 13 rene mane hee Te onan se dela se eeeeeees ree 903 Litchfield. .E 6 3,059 Stafford Springs .B 16 TROUT Ct ao eer G5 929 Wilmar. G6 BS SOROuIaGe ee. BB 22°197 Meee Pee a en's 27,265 Meriden... 711 25,138 Stamford ..... M 2 236 Umpire) "vices B5 Gee Wilmot. oe ce aie wes G7 7622 Seotes serene eee E6 1239 Mineral vides Sia 01978! G5 11,851 Middletown .. 712 2,083 Stonington...... J 22 G2 Upland. oo uawen E7 204 Wilton........... B6 ase pe Sit Fae APRA , Pr i tebe eens B3 12,722 Naugatuck. . .H8 15,483 Torrington ......D7 3,878 Van Buren... .... B3 289 Winslow.......... B2 5001 Cle ta ei oa cater ““p 0: - 1 in Routt C 43,916 New Britain. . F 12 8,690 Wallingford .....H 10 920 Varner. he ntente ¢ G6 552 Womble ......... C5 41°385 C nai reek. rresee 5,029 oP; nel. in Routt at 1,672 New Canaan .L3 73,141 Waterbury... G7 149 Walcott pairs 2,353 Wynne...,........ 13 5408 Gostilte secre eran 7 10'201 Movteoeee ero 133,605 New Haven. 1.39 8,543 West Haven....... J10 BOFEWAIOON ve5 cre res.3 D7 Sree WOM VLG gc aise El +47 Cust eee et 3 95 pec seen eeeee B11 19,659 New London . 119 11,230 Willimantic .....E 19 900 Waldron....... . B4 136 Youngstown...... 13°688 Sale Pa age Aap OL oa oi EP 434 Newtown . srr ae 7,754 Winsted .......5..08 1,798 eae a psi star air na deh MONIT So's "ss ternta ee El 213.381 OOnaEE Oe aE CO 2G.c07 ple Ga CEN OR F3 6,954 Norwalk.. .L3 194 Woodmont....... 8 2,057) WEITER co. c cen =< F6 RAzeIOlorese ae eke G1 2'492 Peres SSig ates) Sieh are 8's D7 20,367 Norwich ... -G19 8,192 Douglas... . “D9 3,179 Phillips. . vss A 14 : SEALs stelelereia: sfaucs BO 66 SPICE es wcteeierne + ° CALIFORNIA. Population, 2,377,549 Goaat El PER ER: BEbee Pe eS DELAWARE. Fopalation;7202,322 COUNTIES 18,181 Fremont)... 5.6.05. E8 2,332 Rio Blanco........ B3 COUNTIES 10,144 Garfield...... 0... D2 6,563 Rio Grande....... G6 3272s Konteonaes eins D12 46,413 Sussex.......... F 12 246, ei perce epeatace ‘e : eoste MEE poe rhs Sooo “ ates ae Base cure crimes is i ee Routt. Pewee: & 8 123,188 Newcastle...... Bi2 DING CS 55 oa cee = ‘ ROOD a ses cals SO2u Grandes ss,sisie)-« ; aguache......... 27901 Butter <..1.01./D a 3a\e08 Riverside... 98 G46 Hinsdale. w......G4 4700 San Miguel... 8 3 Incorporated Cities and Towns eee aererse Rete ante fe 4 Si.e0e ae As ae #10 Meee Ci setae Mel eeicnsl a8 he roel eae nak ae che dices SOs) es Le < a 285 WV apopiead Selene B ie : SLUSH). wutacstsa tee ; an Benito........ : QOKSON Mess t ree ummit.........--C6 | 212 Bowers ......... 210 Magnolia........ BL-G74 Contra Costa ie ete B 9 eee San Diego -H 3 Ta23) Jeferson ena caste 3 oe aot ener pooh ies Ae: ee Seat seeeee = ag 1, hs pr etic oon - e | el. Norte. 060. ae an, Diego. va a. ; OWN se tentetele Sones ashington...... ele asap 2,603 Milford........ 2 7,492 Eldorado......... E5 416,912 San Francisco....C7 7,483 Kit Carson....... Didmo 1 te Weldetra pentane A10 223 Cheswold........ D 12 451 Millsboro........ F 13 Leoed Eresno Beet rer ees ae Gs 59, 731 San em Seg oae oF ‘ 10,600) Lake. ccc-ey.. «2 D6 8,409 Yuma...-....... C14 (pee pathy ee vet eeeee oe 43 tinea tbe . ++ C9 705 Ordway..... Bere bed 6,294 Lee. c.0.+..00- 010 16,403) Washington ......D 2 masarcaitohe + “38 G7 Wits Shr st C6 1,644 Ouray.. eS 10/427, Leon 24026-45226 2 PSS 2ICOMISA a a are F 10 278 Chester, Dodge...F 384 Bartow.......:... H6 312 Chickamauga ....B 381 Barwick...... E 10 742 Chipley Harris. ..C $3i-Baxley.c.c ae H8 528 Clarkesville....... E O58 Bese a. jn ors H 8 349 Clarkston, Dekalb. D 193 Bellton, Hall...... E3 1, O08 Claxtoni, pnts I 209 Bethlehem ......E 4 547 (Cla y-tonty.2 2) oe once F 104 Between, W alton .E 4 328 Climax, Decatur .C 1 14 Beverly, Elbert...G3 254 Cobbtown ....... H 463 Bibb City Muscogee 1,638: ‘Cochran aaa F C6 250 Colbert erect ices F 268 Bishop, Oconee...F 4 354 Coleman, RandolphC 1,235 Blackshear....... H9 2,173 College Park, Fulton 203 Biatrsville..% < 5...% E 2 D 1,838 (Blakely: cat out ees B9 327 ‘Collins wht onee H 898 Blue Ridge....... D2 600 Colquitt.......... Cc S20 JOIN CON ae meer & C8 20,554 Columbus......... B 257 ae ed Oconee...F 4 868 Comer, Madison...F 111 Bold Springs, Walton 2,coo Commerce \ ois... F E 4 450 Concord, Pike ....D 144 Bolingbroke...... E 6 3803 Coolidge, Thomas E 1 13180 Bostonse. «en 1,919 Conyers E 333 Bostwick ........ E4 5,883 Cordele .... E 541 Bowdon, as alow 147 Corinth B 398 Bowersville. ..G3 1,114 Cornelia...... .E 738 Bowman...... G3 290 Cotton, Mitchell. M2} 64 Boykin, Miller....C 9 2,697 Covington ....... E 95 Braswell, Paulding C 4 150 Covington Mills, 890 Bremen...... Ba Newton....... E 214 Brewton ..........G7 220° Crandall wos sis. Cc De PONMUMOROUOWNOAN A BSWANIANIOCMNPMAMAINID PO Ch COD WMWORWOPRWOROUMWOONNIIOQ@O PNR OO GEORGIA—Continued ae Deer 838 159 198 365 305 341 3,210 1 829 C D 864 Hapeville......-.. D H Cc G 1 1Grawilord) nari ses Crawfordville..... Crest, Upson... . Crosland, Co Culloden. ¥ Cumming. . farsi Cusseta J: 525 os Outhbert. 5. ..ass Dacula, Gwinnett. Dahlonega........ DaBaes ence ot cues Danville ... Darien.... Davisboro obs DAWSOD. «50. orshvis an Dawsonville....... Decalhur sta Demorest.. Deepstep, WwW ashing BOM mate ie ate De Soto, Sumter .. Dexter, Laurens... Pua te mean ee ao DEP WOORMORWOLMOANWEOANWADAUR yak hy x Gz Dickey, Calhoun. .C 8 Diffee, Decatur ..C 10 Dillard? sabe de a F 2 Dixie, Brooks ...E 10 Doerines cess E9 Donalsonville ..... C9 Dooling’ 55 tee ee E 7 Doraville, Dekalb. D 4 DOURIAN «sr eusietats G8 Douglasville ...... C4 Dublin Kes exve ee G7 Duluth, Gwinnett .D 4 DiIPontincntoen G 10 East Ellijay, Gilmer : East Lake, Dekalb.D 4 Eastman......... F East Point . -D East Thomaston, WiPSON «seas kee Eastville, oie htia Eatonton. ; Edison>, 20a sce Elberton oi. cabs Elizabeth C1 ee ken Bllaville. Mirch. PNG Ay Tis teas el osete Emerson. Enigma, Berrien. Epworth, Fannin. Etna, Polk hic. ss TOCOM ieee arent seats Fair burns. Sas cfelesle Fairmount....... Fayetteville....... Ficklin, Wilkes... Pinleysonciescn « Fitzgerald. ....... Flint Stone, Walke Flovilla, Butts... . Flowery Branch . Folkston......... Forest Park, Clayto: ae Coe ee 87 bnws I OTSY tS eines ote Fort Gaines ...... Fort Valley. . PrankUn sists on Frazier, Pulaski . Fry, Fannin ..... Funston, Colquitt. Gainesville .... Garfield, Emanuel. Gay, stm hN as A Geneva. ; ee oe aube Gilevilié, Hall. Girard arnpsuknce Glennville.. 4... .E5 Glennwood, Mont- COMETY LS cs se Godfrey, Morgan . Good Hope, Walto al G F n E GOordonee cc aiid GrahamrAnaona tees G 2 Grantville, Coweta .C Gratis, Walton ...E Graymont....5...; H Grayson, Gwinnett D Graysville, CatoosaB Greensboro....... F Greenvillesa neti Cc Griffin. oD, Grovania, n BE FE J E Grovetown....... GUY COM: oid otek et Haddocks... « Fh agian 20 tahs aleve ewe I 1 Hampton, Henry . Harlem, Columbia . Haralson, Coweta . Harrison ic mine Harrisonville, Rich- mond Hartwell. oot. caw» Hawkinsville ..... Hazlehurst....... Meléng. 2 5s. Hephzibah........ Herod, Ferrell... Hiawassee .... Hickox ont F SMISHOLOY cos om E Hilton. 33 eters Hinesyilleprnce. .. I RATAN, oy aver lovedeyase Cc Hogansville....... C Holly Spring, Chero- pTLA Cua See D HOMO! 5.63 saeco F Homerville coc. G Hoschton ... < 25. s% E Howell, Echols .. Ha tare F Ideal, Macon..... D Tron City . irwinton. 2. 2.75. TSapelia cree cies Jackson. .. Fr Jakin, Barly... Jasper s,.4.5)00 Jefferson... Jeffersonville Jenkinsburg... Jersey. Walton TORU padi sete tie JONESDOTO.... deateise'e D Junction City, Talbot, iisGc0h Cc Kennesaw, Cobb ..C Kestler = sitet Cc Kingslandisc.- a. lial Kingston jist Cc fo) A = Pop. 1910 267 4 Louvales so. a. os i 5 Maysville, Banks. . 3 Raccoon Mills.... Kingwood, Colquitt E 9 Kirkwood, Dekalb D 4 Kite, Johnson..... 6 Knoxville. 203... ¢ Lalayette:.. s.00e « La Grange c oa. Lake Park, 6. o.55 F Lavonia. vis saree leoheo}op) wo = UORMUABAANCONMOUSAMAFOAU FOR Our NOUNGCweoerNbseubo fe Nae ae ohEeouw See eens Cc Pores ee Soros Leon, Dodge mae F Leslie, Sumter ....D Lexington Biegrc.45 F Tilly, Dooly ase E Lincolnton....... H Linwood, Walker .B Lithia ees Douglas . Cc Tithonia\. ee NMODIAC athe = lak Monroe. oe Montezuma... Monticello. Moreland......... MOTgAD.. tis adie Morganton, Fanni poieine Sit a DOOCOSCAPPNONANNDHNUDOW HOR AVTGOSORwWOOCUD HOU COmUAIN MH COM Baurhoacur MOTRVET weit ce F Moultrie. .E Mountairy, Haber- BRAIN viet ces E Mountain City, Mente. Bron ces Nashville...22.... Naylor os ocecaere F Neilieviile, Rich- MONG Se eke ore Nelson, Pickens... Newborn, Newton. New England, Dad ING WTA Tilscacc peetelatese Newton... 2... « Nicholls, Coffee. . Nicholson../..... INOLCTOSS & 2.205 2. = Norman Park... Norristown ...... Norwood. G Nunez, Emanuel . H Oak Park, Emanue Oakfield, Worth ..E Oakhurst, Dekalb. D Oakwood .: Sica.) E BU > oO Sik ene ie ° fo) yet ° fe) i=" B ® ) ie) _ H Ogilethorpe’.......- D Ohoopee sii ee at H Oliver Omaha. Omega . Orland . Oxford. Palmetto ‘Campbell. Parrott. Patten, Thomas. EB 1 Patterson, Pierce as Pembroke, Bryan..J 8 Pendergrass, ch dil Penfield, Greene...F 5 Pepperton, Butts. E 5 Perry 7 Pineunee Dooly. .E 7 Pineview, Wilcox. F 8 Pitta <<) are mapae F Plains. wD: Plainville, Gordon.C Pooler, Chatham. .J Poulane eens E Cc C D at Powder SPUnEE Preston. a Prestoria ........ Primrose, Meri- wether . ag Princeton, ‘Clarke. F Pulaski I Quitman 2. Lewis ss eetsiats B38 19,242 Bannock ......... G7 12,676 Lincoln cvs. sclnsts em 7,729 Bear Lake... 0.4 G7 24,860 Nez Perce... 23 ccc C3 23,006 Bingham....%..... F 6 15,170 Onelda i. ase Be Byh0 1. Diainee os cadets D6 4,044 Owyhee ........ vc nha 5,250 Boise ..C5 13,963 Shoshone......... C2 13,588 Bonners. 2550.5 < 55 Bl 13,543 Twin Falls........ DYe tBonneville...... G6 11,101 Washington....... B5 25,3823 Canyon...........B6 7,197 Cassia..... ee! a 6 * Population included in t Clearwater C3 Washington County. 3,001 Custer... -D5 7 Population included in © 4,785 Elmore C6 Bingham County. a 24,606 Fremont .F5 t Population included in q 125384 Tdahoicwn. oon were C4 Nez Perce County. 22,747 Kootenai B2 + Population included in 18,818. Latah. c.... 20% sea A3 130 Centerville... 5... C6 1,411 Mountain Home...C6 y 838. Challisoes 2 hae cone D5 1,667 Mullan’) 7 eee C2 7,291 Coeur d’Alene..... B2 4,205 Nampa vss.=s ser B6 555 Cottonwood...... B3 274 New Plymouth ...B5 ’ S12 Councils tare B5 599 Nez Perce ...:... B3 : AS6 CUldOSAC mens «as B3 O11, Oakley. ohne E7 L851 sErhmettioct.. ann B6 $84 Orofnd, -.e. sos B3 rat We OR Rene, we D7 1,038 Paris. Rey Erie 534 Franklin... ....-- G7 432. Parker si. ota she G6 742 (Genesee. neces B3 338: Parma), 4.) .5)4 doe B6 410 Georgetown...... G7 1,948 Payette. 2. ce eee B5 150 (GITOrds.. ne sri B3 123 Péarl oc. oe +76 800 Glenns Ferry..... C6 2360Peck aac. 52) Se 1,444 Gooding..... Dig. 187 Placerville 6 1,534 Grangeville C4 9,110 Pocatello. -F7 1 23 clatley cee .D6 658 Post Falls. ..B2 932 Harrison...., ecpca @ Ehe 2,110 Preston .2...!< o Die 501 Soda Springs ..... G7 1,869 Wardner. 2. ccs: B2 1,179 amt City; 24:8 847 Fairmount ssa 6 3,248 Johnston City . .H10 2,201 Momence......... J3 206 Soldier... 6... D6 BEBOO. “WOISOF vro-e pre nicreusi ox B5 9,680 Centralia. sae] 482 Fairview...... .E4 SES TOv TOURU) 05 cw cele o> a 12 411 Monee, i. ois eins J3 885 South Boise, Ada. B 6 482 Wendell...;..... D7 876 Cerro Gordo. H6 215 Fancher, Burlby we: Gi 1,169 Jonesboro .......G11 9,128 Monmouth .,.....D4 907 Spirit Lake ...... B2 308 Weaton:.....+:.> F7 527 Chadwick. . E 2 774 Farina. .H8 734 Joppa, Massac...H 11 371 Montgomery....... I2 S00. Stites C3 12,421 Champaign. . 1d 1.630 Farmer City .H5 516 Joy, Mercer...... D3 1,981 Monticello......... 16 884 Chandlervilie .—ES 533 Farmersville re. 300 Junction City ....110 347 Montrose. oes ate eae tome Will...J 3 Base pase Pe .E4 ree: Kampsville... ae) ui ee Lang Park, “Cook : 3 . Fea bs Peele ‘ayetteville, 5 ENG: cc's PETERS © ; OTTIB Saas tore eee ¢ ILLINOIS. Population, 5,638,591 5,884 Charleston. 16 St. Clair ain 9 380 Kangley 'JH3 2)410 Morrison.......... P 2 666 Chatham. F6 299 Ferris.... 50'S. 13,986 Kankakee ..03 1,126 Morrisonville .....G7 COUNTIES 1,112 Chatswort 14 211 Fidelity. Py i ¢ 945 Kansas ieee 6 1,004 Morton ..........G4 590 Chebanse. 14 227 Fieldon...... EZ TAS Kap pace shstenane «ae A 836 Morton Grove.....: J1 64,588 Adams........... C6 OT LOO EO rls 0S 8 Uscite oe G2 1,314 Chenoa. ..H4 499 Fillmore, Mon 142 Kaskaskia, 2,837 Mound City ..... Gill 22,741 Alexander. Gil 40,465 Livingston. . ae 1,048 Cherry, Bureau. ..F 3 gomery. ee ef Randolph ...... F 9 1,686 Mounds........ G 11 17,075 Bond.. -G8 30,216 Logan....... G5 433 Cherry Valley ....H1 827 Findlay... .H6 405 Keensburg ....... J9 194 Mound Station, 15,481 Boone. ri st F 26,887 McDonough. .D5 2,747 Chester...... F 10 850 Fisher... LS 1,515 Keithsburg....... D3 Brown V- cadet D6 10.397 Brown. -D6 32,509 McHenry.. plat 364 Chesterfield.. E7 386 Fithian. J5 269 Kempton......... 14 463 Mt. Auburn ...... G6 43 975 Bureau -F3 68,008 McLean.. ..—H4 2,185,283 Chicago...... K 2 590 Flanagan. H4 881 Kenilworth, Cook..J 2 6,934 Mt. Carmel........3 9 8,610 Calhou -D7 54,186 Macon... --G6 14,525 Chicago Heights...J 2 840 Flat Rock. J8 B70 Kenney «oA. niece G2 1,759 Mt, Carroll. Sas But 18 035 Carroll. Fy cae 50,685 Macoupin aro 1,851 Chillicothe... rena 2,704 Flora..... gee a 9,307. Kewanee, ..5.15 2 E 3 299 Mt. Erie. ek Biot -OORB . 35. o.0.0 E 6 89,847 Madison. Orc es} 1,198 Chrisman... ....:.J3 6 385 Fordville, 670 Keyesport........G8 276 Mount Greenwood, 51,829 Champaign I5 35,094 Marion........... G8 1,825 Christopher, Williamson....G 10 371 Kinderhook.......C 6 Codk Ate. Ae 2 34 594 oe te G7 15,679 Marshall. 1 --G3 Franklin . .H9 392 Fordyce, Jackson G 10 424 Kilbourne ....... E5 1,132 Mt. Morris .......F 1 23,517 Clark. -:J 7 17,877 Mason... ........ F5 14,557 Cicero, Cook ety. 606: Forest Citys cnecu.s F5 294 Kingston.. Bol 3,501 Mt. Olive.........F7 18 661 Clay -H8 14,200 Massac. -H11 379 Cisco..... H6 6,594 Forest Park, Cook .I 2 492 Kingston Mines ...F 4 1,511 Mt. Pulaski. Seas 22,8382 Clinton G8 12,796 Menard Aces 373 Cisne 19 967 co tatue 14 997 Kinmundy....... H8 1,986 Mt. Sterling....... D6 84.517 Coles. -I6 19723 Mercer... . D3 652 Cissna Park a4 870 Forreston, a al 219 Kinsman, 7 “is 8,007 Mt. Vernon.......H 9 2.405.283 Cook... . J2 18,508 Monroe.. -+.-E9 186. Claremont .. RAR 90 Fosterburg, Madison 685 Kirkland. GE 4 330) Mb. Zlots sans ae H6 26,281 Crawford.. J8 35,311 Montgomery.,.... G7 230 Clarke City. . 13 F 8 926 Kirkwood........ D4 1,513 Moweaqua...... -H6 14,281 Cumberland .. As 34,420 Morgan...........E 6 837 Clay City .. si 1,575 Fort Sheridan.....J1 1,818 Knoxville... E4 716 Mulberry Grove...G 8 33,457 Dekalb. H2 14,630 Moultrie atk. 940 Clayton,... C6 400 Fox Lake..... To 1,495 Lacon. ees 251) Muncie sans sees J5 18,906 Dewitt.. G5 27,864 Ogle. --G1 634 Clifton. .... 14 273 Frankfort. J 3 1,910 Ladd, 13 7,485 Murphysboro ....G 10 19.591 Douglas 16 100,255 Peoria. oa0-P4 5,165 Clinton...... H5 696 Franklin..... E6 287 Lafayette. Stark ..F 3 450 Murrayville.......E 6 33,432 Dupage. 12 22,088 Perry... . ae anon G9 2,667 Coal City...... 13 “572 Franklin Grov -.Q2 5,282 Lagrange......... J 2 3,449 Naperville. . woke 27,336 Edgar .. J6 16,376 Piatt. Ste EO 190 Coal eter -D3 683 Franklin Park Pisces 1,131 Lagrange Park, 457 Naples........... D6 10,049 Edwards Be) 28622 Pike... ord: bors D6 262 BoE dig Fe oO 1,397 Freeburg.... ..F9 COOK aca tereenis ae 2,135 Nashville. -F9 20,055 Effingham ep ir 11,215 Pope .-Hil 988 Cobden. .G11 17,567 Freeport. Pago e | 1,849 La Harpe.........04 253 National City, St. 28,075 Fayette -G7 15,650 Pulaski --Gil 980 Coffeen. Giz 2,174 Fulton BE 2 726 Lake Bluff........ J1 Olaletaperat ties 6 F9 17,096 Ford 14 7,561 Putnam. atGue 1,445 Colchester. Pea ee: 745 Galatia .H 10 3,349 Lake Forest.......J 1 1,020 Nauvoo ... ......C4 25 943 Franklin wl 9 29,120 Randolph. aoe 965 Colfax..... ..H4 4,835 Galena apie | 342 Lake Villa, Lake... ni a 520° Nebo. t... adhere «Sas D7 49 549 Fulton. .-B5 15,970 Richland. oat te 7,478 Collinsville........ F8 22,089 Galesburg ..E4 304 Lake Zurich.. Pals 1,074 Neoga case ven. ae 17 14 628 Gallatin. -110 70,404 Rock Islan ee Ur 2,076 Columbia. . ._E9 2,498 Galva .-E3 555 Lamoille.. ee 542 Neponset. .F3 22 363 Greene, EOD 119,870 St. Clair. See 134 Columbus, Adams .C 6 946 Gardner ..13 1175 Lanark... Fil 406 Newark, Kendall ..I 2 24,162 Grundy... ..13 30 204 Saline..... -H10 378 Compton.. .G2 290 Garrett . nets 1,060 Lansing, Cook.....J 2 1,131 New Athens....... F9 18,227 Hamilton -H9 91,024 Sangamon........ F7 332 Cooksville . Sense 685 Gaskins City 18% La. Prainies.. 5.2, Dd5 1,372 New Baden...... F9 30 638 Hancock ee a 14,852 Schuyler. ae Ss 324 Cordova. ..E 2 Saline... 2 T 40 415 La Rose, Marshall. G3 690 New Berlin........ F6 7,015 Hardin... «bit 10,067 Scott.. 7 D6 536 Cornell... aah “ak y 11,537 Lasalle... .,. .H3 718 New Boston....... C3 9,724 Henderson .D4 31,693 Shelby. «H 7 207 Cortland. . arin ES A358) ta thatd eae G6 569 New Burnside ...H 11 41.736 Henry E3 10,098 Stark.. .-FS8 949 Coulterville aK: 12 3,235 Lawrenceville. ....4 18 473 New Canton....... C6 35,543 Iroqouis JoA4 36,821 Sh ere eed Fld ‘Cowden sau... G7 FT 469 Leaf River ....... Gil 499 New Douglas .....F 8 35 143 Jackson -G10 34,027 Tazewell. Pal ue 446 Crainville....... G 10 Georgetown. . J 6 1,907 Lebanon..........F8 490 New Grand Chain, 18,157 Jasper. Pew Ur 21,856 Gil 936 Creal Springs....H 10 711 Germantown... F9 599 Ledford 0 Pulaski t.e.5 Gil 29,111 Jefferson.. --G9 77,996 Jd 5 341 Crescent City...... J4 144 German Valley ian SOS) Leet eee ee Tho 514 New Haven...... 110 13 954 Jersey..... srees-ET7 14918 ne S25 Oreston\ec. s-.5-.G 2 2,086 Gibson City H5 5a, Weland << sopeleeees 2 387 New Holland .....F 5 22 657 Jo Daviess. csp 23,313 -D4 B40" Crates sve ccte ss us 268 Gilberts. Se 2,284 Lemont 2 1,264 Newman, Douglas .I 6 14 331 Johnson... Hil = 18,759 .G9 $74 (Crossville:......;.-. 19 2,241 Gillespie F7 1,168 Lena... .. Fil 243 New Memphis, 91 862 Kane.......- eebre 25,697 y ..19 1,005 Crotty, Lasalle...H 3 1,305 Gilman. 14 463 Lenzburg. F9 Cltntorn’<3. ys). ¢ Ss 40752 Kankakee J 8 28,052 . 19 1,242 Crystal Lake, 1,891 Girard.... F7 208) Deonorectacaceims.« H 3 245 New Minden ..... G9 10777 Kendall Bee 4 34,507 Whiteside. 2 McHenry..... et 385 Gladstone C4 LADY Ee rable). isco ss: 34 260 New Salem ...... D6 46,159 Knox. -E4 84,371 Will. . 33 S01 Cubase. E5 625 Glasford.. F4 Sole Lerma runmeeery LZ 2,108 Newton...........18 55,058 Lake ..I-1 45,098 Williamson. G10 V9 CUlloNi ss oe atalans 14 215 Glasgow .D6 fei 0 2a Le ROY ree H 5 G85cNiantions . .. vate G6 90 132 Lasalle -H3 63,153 Winnebago. 1G S24 Cutler psc eee F9 1,220 Glen Carbo 2,312 Lewistown ....... E 5 569 Niles, Cook....-:..3 2 22,661 Lawrenc .J38 20,506 Woodford......... G4 311 Cypress, Johnson.H 11 Madison’ i... 43- F8 1,318 Lexington........H4 568 Niles gad Cook. J 2 2M - 654 Dahlgren......... H9 1,899 Glencoe. J1 1,724 Libertyville....... 11 401 Nilwood. mat Incorporated Cities, Towns, and Villages gen idee eae pee Soro! 1,763 Glenellyn, ‘Dupage - 2 oF uae ie rinee Zee Oe : oe ey 3s oer 2S 1, allas ty Aree C4 652 Glen View, Cook . 2 ,892 Lincoln, nS : okomis. eens eG? 2,464 Abingdon..... ... ae 362 Benson G4 400 Dalton City....... H6 581 Glenwood, Cook...J 2 197 Lisbon.. 13 261, Nords! duos Ree Fil 269 Addieville........ fe 4 Seely nls Rae ed 949 Dalzell, Bureau...F 3 68 Godirey sn 6 os E8 5,071 Litchfield. <0... F7 4024+ Normal... o 3043 Soest HS 1SS9) Depuesacce: F5 461 Herscher...... 13 2,004 Marissa....... ..F9 Montgomery....G 7 B10 475 Butflalo. 12 5G6 1,493 East Peoria....... B4 306 Hettick....... E7 1,025 Marks, Putnam ..G 3 LOShPanolaceas aves: « G4 Ava i e 4 1,046 Bunker Hill ...... E7 58,547 East St. Louis ....E 8 681 Heyworth..... H5 1160! Maroe.h cscs. H6 183 Papineau......... J4 2,668 soars lle, Peoria. ee Dod ULCAU cs, Soy F3 367 East Wenona, 100 Fildaleore es. « els (ee 494 Marquette, Bureau F 3 T0484) Parvised oe. fos sare ae J6 397 Aviston ........-- ie 187 Burksville, MonroeE 9 Lasalle. 0.6.25. H 3 2.675 Highland.. F8 3,291 Marseilles .H3 283 Parkersburg....... J8 865 Avon, Fulton.... 282 Burlington, Kane. .I 2 400 East Wood River. 4,209 Highland Park ....J 1 2,569 Marshall. eet 2,009 Park aie ite = J 2 144 Baalton Stephenson 328 Burnham, Cook...J 2 Madison....... F 8 1,219 Highwood, Lake ..I 1 1,500 Martinsville sad 676 Patoka. ..G8 fans ae DOD DUBH syne s oe G 10 145 EBddyville......... Hil 351 Hillery, Vermilion.J 5 312 Martinton.........34 1,399 Pawnee. veuse D6 358 Baldwin.......... . Z,OLO Bushnell 22... wn. E4 419 Edgewood........H8 3,424 Hillsboro....... MeGur 742 Marysville, 709 Pawpaw..........G@2 252 Barclay. . ‘FE 6 268) Butler sy sccces oo ET 918 Edinburg......... G6 328 Hillside, Cook....J 2 Vermilion....... J5 2,912) Paxton acer, + 15 285 Bardolph. re 932) BYTON. sacs G 1 543 Edison, Cook...... oe 309 Hillview, Greene « BZ 729 Maryville, Madison F8 467 “Payson: sects C6 1,444 Barringto on 321 Cabery 4 5,014 Edwardsville ..... F 8 661 Hinckley.. be set 2 2,081 Mascoutah. F9 842 Pearls Gah ona D7 1,647 Barry.... : 360 Cable. 3 3,898 Effingham ....... H7 498 Hindsboro......... 16 345 Mason..... 8 485 Pearl City........ Fil 344 Bartelso..... . -F8 14,548 Calro.. iy 677 Eileen, Grundy... 13 2,451 Hinsdale. gy 1,842 Mason City 5 1,022 Pecatonica .......G1 408 Bartlett, Cook.....J 2 323 Camargo . 6 61a EID ee ieee ee 480 Hodgkins, Cook....J 2 461 Matteson. 2 90,8972 Pekines cians F4 255 Basco.... -C5 1,272 Cambridge 3 T95e i Darace.cas ne oe: D6 196 Hollowayville, 11,456 Mattoon. . 6 966,950. Peorla.. 2.2.0 deem F4 4,436 Batavia.. 12 414 Campbell Hill 0 3,366 Eldorado,........ 110 Burea.e. ci. +. F 3 512 Maunie, V 9 582 Peoria Heights, _ 300 Batchtow TORT, 1,148 Camp Point 5 BAL Widredieumicc. cr D7 T3086) Homer, sahes >in aD 8,033 Maywood..... 2 Peorla) stocueean F4 475 Bath....... -E5 241 Campus 3 25026: Dlgiiie cm ind seen: eet 713 Homewood........ dao 471 Mazon...... 3 1,207 Peotone: ous. sn 33 385 Baylis..... D6 10,453 Canton 5 03 Elizabeth......... El 4,698 Hoopeston........ Ait 417 Mechanicsbur 6 1,083 Perey.k<, soe F 10 6,107 Beardstown ES 318 Cantrall 7 633 Elizabethtown 1 ie 586 Hopedale.........F 5 226 Media, Henders 4 649 Perry can aes D6 401 Beaverville.. J4 366 Carbon Cliff, Rock 438) Elkhart 6665 us oss G5 451 Hoyleton.........G9 444 Medora.... es 7,984 Peru G3 764 Beckemeyer. G8 ieland.ce. . 3. D3 78a FlKVIUC. 0 cds .G10 $75 Hudsome. ci. <.as- H4 4,806 Melrose Par 2 376 Pesotum, 543 Beecher..... - 33 562 Capron ."scns 07h alee lh S71 Elllotte eee 14 PY dia it) ORs ee ae Gs 509 Melvin.. 4 Champaign...... 15 355 Beecher City...... H7 5,411 Carbondale...... G10 252 Ellis Grove ......F 10 GAT ri wll... asi atvaranciee C6 640 Mendon 5 2,587 Petersburg .......E 6 433 Belgium, Vermilion 820 Carbon Hill........ 13 218 Ellisville. .5 icc .<0s E4 356 Humboldt 16 3,806 Mendota. 2 105 Phillipstown. sees J9 J5 2,061 “Caray ov 2. > we 0% I3 2,360 Elmhurst, Dupage. I 2 Wie ELUERO:. fc s:eteraataniecs J6 951 Meredosia 6 662 Philo. 0b eee 16 404 Belknap......... Hil 3,616 Carlinville........ E7 1,390 Elmwood......... E4 Da FLUNG des lve atel ae Mees we 694 Metamora i4 679 Phoenix, Cook....J 2 87 Belle Prairie. aes i) D982 Carlyle sigs cc cece G8 1,470) Bl Pagoe\ae.« ves: H4 210. PAUUELCY: 50.0.0, c07 4 ® Hil 449 Metcalf. 6 2,722 Pinckneyville..... G9 312 Bellerive... aaah @ e800: Cain Os. 505 slr 19 267 Bisel iin enieacves 52 E8 345 Hurst,Williamson G10 4,655 Metropolis City 1 135 Pingree Grove, 21.122 Belleville. . Ree Oe 1,128 Carpentersvitie, 250 Elvaston....... too 722 Hutsonville........ ae 751 ee hehe = 5 KANE... eeeeees T2 394 Bellflower........H5 seats. 21d Biwoods neat ot ~ 13 849 Illiopolis.......... G6 727 Milan. 3 663 Piper City .......,14 550 Bellmont...... ... J9 1.558 Carrier Lega Maer H 10 411 Pmden scan. ar G5 484 Ina, Jefferson..... G9 1.316 Milford. 4 2,095 Pittsfield......... D6 943 Bellwood, Cook...J 2 2,323 Carrollton......... E7 190° Emington......... 14 365 Indianola......... J6 221 Mill Creek. 1 227 Pittsburg, 7 253 Belvidere..... ...H1 2,971 Carterville. Ae a 937 Exfield.j2.. oases. . 19 SEO: Tndustry..c. 03s D5 630 Milledgeville. r 2 Williamson ....G 10 1,530 Bement... 2.5. H6 2,873 Carthage.......... C5 1,180 Equality........ H10 OSS Ipava cece core sek E 5 417 Millersburg... . 3 1,019 Plainfield......... 12 205 paves City, 679 ary Station....... Le 04 Erie, ..E2 286 Iroquois.......... J4 223 Millington . . 3 251 Plainville, Adams .C 6 Madison ....... F8 2,157 Casey. Bae Grin 342 Essex, Kankakee .J03 O76: TIVINS Cede ws ne Oe 700 Mill Shoals.. 9 L627 PIANO. veces ete) 2 Debi ee BOT cud erates F7 613 Caseyville... ...., .F8 1,525 Eureka. ri oe 225. Irvington ..7. 2.» <).> G9 1,140 Millstadt. 9 576 Pleasant Hill .....D7 443 Bensenville Dupage 952) Cathy, ics jae «cs w5 24'978 Evanston......... ee 333 Ttasoe. Dupage ae 330 Milton... ered O 625 Pleasant Plains 6 y 12 306 Cave in Rock,,..I 11 562 Evansville........ ta 364 Tuka... . se es 349 Mineral ..- ...--. 3 829 Plymouth... .. 5 138 ATLAS OF THE WORLD. ILLINOIS—Continued I Pop.1919 ng PORABLO INDIANA. Population, 2,700,876 ocahontas....... Q ,096 Stockton......... Ei 2 528 POlDugac ae rate ata 2 1,118 Stonington -G 6 COUNTIES 6,090 Pontiac.......... 4 ARS (Stover Sas Fop3 1910 Pop.1910 285 Pontoosuc. . 4 526 Strasburg.......- H7 21,840 Adams. ..... 3 30,625 Lawrence........- D7 297 Poplar Grove Hil 277 Strawn............14 93, 388 AMOI: Piety ote teas me G2 65,224 Madison.........- F4 642 Port Byron......- 32 14,253 Streator.......... H3 24,813 Bartholomew..... F6 263,661 Marion.......... E 5 3,194 Portland, Lasalle..H 3 762 Stronghurst ...... D4 12, 688) Benton Ase shoe C3 24,175 Marshall eS arr E 2 343 Posen, Cook..... J2 287 Sublette.........-.G2 15,820 Blackford’, ..i\den <0 G4 12,950 Martin SRS epee D te 719 Prairie City ...... E4 2.621 Sullivan..*....22. H6 24,673 Boone............E 4 29,850- Miami... 25 enn ce cde 511 Prairie du Rocher .E 9 337 Summerfield, St 7,975 Brown. zie A 2832265 MOUTOS ales ps 4,131 Princeton ........ F3 Clair she gee es F9 17,970 Carroll : -D 3 29,296 Montgomery..... -D 4 982 Princeville........F 4 949 Summitizcsjncee son sue 36,368 Cass. . --E3 21,182 Morgan..........- i 1,083 Prophetstown ....F 2 1,413 Sumner. J8 30,260 Clark -F8 10,504 Newton........... g 3 592 Pulaski.........- Gil 889 Swansea, St. Clair.F 9 32,535 Clay -C6 24,009 Noble as $6,587 Quincy......----- C6 97 Swedona......... D3 26,674 Clinton... 23 fase ee 4,829 Ohio... Ah Wr) 238 Raleigh..........1 10 3,926 Sycamore....... [H 2 12,057 Crawford........-D8 17,192 Orange. Di 769 Ramsey.......... G7 157 Symerton, Wili...J 3 27,747 Daviesscveticsatets os C7 14,053 OWern occa aieiels wee D6 658. Rankin:..+.k< nee JI5 544 Table Grovescwne oc D5 21,396 Dearborn... ..4.- H 6 22,214 Parke lscci asia as C5 370 Ransom.........-H3 7a2 Walla Senate atte ETC 18,798 Decatur.......... 6 18,078 Perry. 22 soos 2: Ds 1,884 Rantoul... ca... 15 P10! Tamaroanccs eae G9 25,054 Dekalb...........G2 19,684 Pike............-. wp 143 Rapids City....... E 2 400 Tamms......... Gil 51,414 Delaware. wncecse. G4 20,540 Borteras. cue cet: C 2 881 Raymond.,........ F7 849 Tampico.. F 2 19,843 Dubois. sig DBE PZT GO, OSG Ys ee nirtalnet rene 8 1,240 Red Bud... 00. E9 380 Taylor Springs, 49,008 Elkhart........... Eb 43.812 Pulashl sw \2s<2e% 2 0Dee 288 Reddioks.. 235-4 13 Montgomery....G7 14,415 Fayette.......... G5 | 20,520 Putnam,.........D5 240 Redmon,.........< J6 5,446 Taylorville........ G6 $0,203 Floyd... .. 2.0... BGT co 018; Randolp naa: ef 658 Reeves, Williamson 274 Tennessee........ D5 20,439 Fountain......... C4 19,452 Ripley..........- G6 G10 359 Tessville, Cook....J 2 rE AE Rae a Che eae Be oe aa pad, Renault pacnnae re E 9 592 Teutopolis....... abe? 16,879 Fulton........... B2 84,312 St. Joseph. sol Sea a El 367 Reynolds.........D3 318 Thawville, Iroquois J 4 30,1387 Gibson........... B8 8,323 Scott. Brpuries ey 554 Richmond......... 111 1,012 Thayer 6 51,426 Grant Pe COTO F4 26,802 Shelby. Secrets iiiead! acal sie 4 366 Richview... G9 717 Thebes 1 36,873 Greene...........D6 20,676 Spencer. ........-.C9 967 Ridge Farm. A006 321 Thomasboro, 27,026 Hamilton.........E 4 10,967 Starkews eo octets D2 1,054 Ridgway..... ‘110 Champaign...... 15 19,030 TRAN COCK a srsiemieiertne FS 14,274 tEUDEM wake al ee G1 173 Ridott:> 208 eee 573 Thompsonville..... F7 20,232 Harrison a reltabatapehienate. E 8 Oe,409 Sullivan... ae o C 6 234 Ripley........... D5 487 Thomson. ‘Ee 20,840 Pend niCks\insee wie 5 9,914 Switzerland, . “a 7 917 Riverdale........ J2 1,030 Thornton, Cook. ..J 2 20288 Heuty senna oe Tippecanoe... eke 2,456 River Forest, Cook J 2 774 Tilden, Randolph. -F 9 SOs LC GOEL W BEG vera Aa), © SakD kt a ee ws 418 Rivergrove, Cook ..J 2 TO CULEOM eA ween Bawls 5 28,982 Huntington...... -E 3 6,260 Union ets 5 1,702 Riverside. rae PC) 158 Time, Pike, D6 24,727 Jackson...05....- 7 77,438 Vanderburg SOON B 8 de Odd PR Verto seer F 6 309 Tinley Park, Cook. .J 2 13,044 Jasper............ She NEL esG 8 CIO Sere 312 Riverview, Cook...J 2 857 Tiskilwa. car bate 24,961 Jay.... G4 Cie E s x 20,483 Jefferson. G7 "3 1,311 Roanoke.......... G4 900 Toledo. Sresgeet a 6 ms ; 4 466 Roberts......-.-..14 760 Tolono.,.....-....16 14,208 pa tla -E7 C8 3,863 Robinson .........J 7 2 d07) alice saa e et 74 20,394 Johnson. --E6 21732 Rochelle..........G2 483 Tonica........... 3 39,188 Knox. ............07 wate 444 Rochester......... F 6 130 Topeka... ican ON ett Kosciusko........ et Ss 275 Rockbridge.~.....E7 514 Torino, Will...... J 3 ae te Lagrange. act : 122 Rock Citys. ...0% Fl 1:208°Toulone. cae aeeoe. F3 2,864 Lake.............. C eee a 1,101 Rockdale, Will....J3 3 404 Towanda. aH 45°7 07. Daportees 2p ae 1B 16,8 Baby Ata aie ens a cay ie 2 3598 Rockefeller. .....).- 1 igs 1,040 Tower jeg Aone G7 Pot , 2,657 Rock Falis........F 2 782 Tremont. Antaee aa) Incorporated Cities, Towns, and Villages 45,401 Rockford.........G@1 1,694) Trenton Varna.n2.o.. eae 4 22,476 Anderson......... Fa4 19,098 East Chicago...... Cl 182 Round Lake. . Ea 160) Vienedyscerestarok. oO 957 Andrews.........-F3 706 East Connersville, 357 Royalton, F ranklin Bre VeEniGe yn eek . D6 2,557 Sandwich........ Gill 125015 Virginia. Seen an E 6 443 Battle ore D4 961 -Elnora..eansccs se Ole 446 San Jose... ......F5 270 eee vee e ence BZ, 8,716 Bedford. 2. PAB 1028" Hlwood’. Scee ae eee 49 Sato, Jackson ...G 10 261 Waldron. ee bc 568 Beech Grove . Sito ¥a 2 E 5 Hos Mpelish’, fo. sees 8 357 Saunemin........ Ha 763 Walnut. an 3 1,316 Berne. ee ene Lae 431 Etna Green.......E 2 3,691 Savanna.........-E1l 169 W alshvilie.. sey ¢ 2'794 Bicknell........-- C7 69,647 Evansville ........ 9 445 Sawyerville, 498 Wapella.. G5 439 Birdseye.......... D8 2,506 Fairmount.. een vee Macoupin ......F7 1,331 Warren. ee at 2,069 Bloomfield........- D6 630 Fairview Park, 805 Saybrook......... H5 504 W arrensburg. evetints G6 528 Bloomingdale. C5 Vermilion ... G5 388 Scales Mound..... E 1 2 -2o4 . Warsaw carcbken C5 8,838 Bloomington E6 1,115 Farmersburg......C6 516 Schram City, 777 Washburn........G4 4,987 Bluffton... .G3 907 Farmiand......... G4 Montgomery . G7 1530 Washington G4 3,984 Boonville... 6... C8 827 Ferdinand.2. 2-24 D8 160 Sciota. -D4 444 Wataga....n 0s. E38 122 Boston, Ween . G5 188 Fishers Station, 301 Scottville EE 2,091 Waterloo). .s15%. cn E 9 814 Boswell. aieeland Hamilton )..... E4 236 Sears, Rock Island 398 Waterman........ H2 1,163 Bourbon. 2 1,386 Flora, Carroll..... D3 D3 525 Watertown, Rock 336 Bowling Green ‘Clay, C6 111 Forest Hill, Decatur $26 Seaton s.-ca-... D 3 Island. 0% «ns s-a10 = D3 05340 Brazil iing ou 2 C5 F 6 1,370 Seatonville....... G3 2,476 Watseka..........d 4 2,008; Bremen... 5.055. . E2 1,182 Fort Branch...... B8 S08) .S6COravuaiaebe as. « i 4 350 Watson A oe sar fe H8& 535 Bristolon. i tose Fil L174 Fortvilles cede ee oak 1,5292-Sesser./ 2548 vig. >. G9 368 Wauconda, Lake...I 1 770 Broadripple....... E5 63,933 Fort Wayne....... G2 594 Shabbona ........G 2 16,069 Waukegan.'...... Ji 300 Bronson, Randolph 448 Fountain City.... H5 633 Shannon .........F1 1,538. Waverly..io70:...B 6 H4 1/491 (Powlefa.c cnc eee C3 1,863 Shawneetown ....1 10 620 Wayne City, 1,067 Brook. C3 293 Fowlcrton .......F 4 1,009 Sheffield..... ans DiIpage ns woene 12 572 Brooklyn, Morgan E 6 729 Francesville, 3,590 Shelbyville..... H7 546 Waynesville....... G5 150 Brooksburg.. be Cine Pulacih coe see 1,143 Sheldon....... J4 ode WelG Oni ene ctareies H5 907 Brookston........ D3 A407 Francisc)=:..:- .B.8 506 Sheridan...... -H 2 1,442 Wenona. a eine 2,169 Brookville........G6 8,634 Frankfort..... rope lat 441 Shermerville, Cook J 2 266 West Brooklyn. eeG-2 876 Brownsburg....... 25 4,502 Pranklin =... 23.2. 000.6 906 Sherrard), 2.=.. D3 2,878 West Chicago...... 12 1,492 Brownstown...... E7 936 Frankton........-F4 395 Shiloh Valley, St. 905 Western Springs, 469 Bryant, Jay....... G4 271 Fredericksburg....E 8 Olair oo'.cmmmapnarat F 9 Cook. : Beetle 668 Bunker Hii ss. 27 E38 694 Fremont... /: 3... Fed oo2 Shipman..:..:... E 7 927 Westfield.......... J7 489 Burnettsville, 1,803: Prench-icker D7 306 Shobonier........ G8 2,111 West Frankfort..H 10 Wohi tev. eee eance 3 296 Fulton... << eli 291 Shumway........ BM] 4,948 West Hammond, 1/828 Butler tennessee a 2 658 Galveston, Cass,..E 3 BOO (SLDIEW?.n.naaieyani cries 14 Gooksiasucee een J 2 2090 (Caden teats «6 ko! 4,149 Garrett.. 2 (41, Sidell. 2 J6 292 West Point. 5 2,237 Cambridge City 5 16,802 Gary.. it 481 Sidney. 6 725 West Salem arses bate} 907) Camacny. ys. eer -2.3 3,224 Gas City... ane 308 Sigel. Bea Ber ors 2,602. Westville, cece 6 666 Campbellsburg....L 7 638 Gaston, Dcliware.G 4 1,163 Silvis, ‘Rock Island.D 3 218) Wetaug ius. cee 1 300 Cannelburg, 1,140 Geneva faite, os tates 113 161 Simpson ee ate 1,593 Wethersfield, Daviess. sts ae 7 383 Gentryville, Spenccr 399°SimS..74 Se: ae 19 FLCHUY, (8s oe ale E 38 2/1380 Cannelton: 22... D9 8 301 Smithboro........G8 $1423, Wheaton 2c... 0k 2 493 Carbon, j/scase eas 5 331 Georgetown, Floyd F 8 389 Smithfield........ E 5 255) WVHCCler beri parang, 850 Carlisle cone =e sn e, 266 Glenwood........ Gb 380 Smithton.........F 9 260 Wheeling.......... s | 626 Carmel....222).4.4 <5. 4 1,105 Goodland. Den Old: 591 Somonauk Pp 353 White ren William- 873. Carthage®....6. 6.544 5 8,514 Goshen. Seas ae 1,018 Sorento. sae SOMi is d-ck arte G 10 194 Castleton. FS 776 Gosport, ‘Owen....D6 552 South Chicago 421 White City, 911 Cayuga. Hata £7) 735 Grandview. 09 Heights, Cook... .J Macoupin ...... Fe 7 414 Center Point...... 6 3,790 Greencastle. Sieh LO 580 South Elgin, Kane 2,854 Whitehall......... D7 1,019 Centerville. ....5.5. 5 697 Greendale, Dear- Lz 480 Williamsfield, 518 Chalmers,........D3 DOTE Lee oa 6 1,065 South Holland, Knox. : .E4 864 Charlestown....... 8 4,448 Greenfield......... F5 Cook, sho. J 2 648 W illiamson, *Madi- 285 Chesterfield ...... 4 250 Greensboro, Henry G 5 2.403 South W ilmington. 13 SONS cana mtereiens ie rs 1,400 Chesterton........ nf 5,420 Greensburg Ee Bele G6 461 Sparland.......... F 3 600 Williamsville...... F6 524 (Chrisney:4.).o. sina 8 1,166 Greentown........ E4 3,081 Sparta <7) ssa,ask o 1,082 Willisville........ F 10 870 Pe le ped E 2 227 Greenville, Floyd. .F 8 308 Spaulding, 444 Willow Hill....... Lai, 990 Cicero. ss fepahar eh ee 1,608 Greenwood........ E 5 Sangamon...... F 7 4,948. Wilmette s..: 2 oa. J1 463 Clarks Hill........ D4 D7 Git awa eee B8 249 Spillertown..... H 10 1,450 Wilmington....... 13 2,743 Clarksville, Clark..F 8 Dzo Griththen. cs aie C2 119 Spring Bay, Wood- 204 Wilmington, Greene, L203" Clay City saa C6 936 Hagerstown. a 5 TOR GS o cwcatete osm ave G4 E 7 408 Claypool. . wk 2 579 Hamlet..... 2 418 Springerton....... 13 1,639: Winichesters. . 2.5 ER 6 3880 Cla iysburg, ‘Clark. .F 8 20,925 Hammond.... 1 51,678 Springfield , ee G6 987 Windsor.. t 7 497 Clayton, HendricksE 5 396 Hanover’. ..ds0-->-8 « 334 Spring F orest, ‘Cook J 2 660 Windsor 3 205 Clermonts........ E 5 254 Hardinsbure......F8 203 Spring Grove, 415 Winnebago, 210 Clifford . fee 6,187 Hartford City.....G4 McHenry... ..5.% « j tp! Winnebago..... Gil 6:22 0 Clinton aetna 308. Hartsville... iG 7,035 Spring Valley..... F 3 3,168 Winnetka. 01 624 Cloverdale........D5 648 Hazleton.......... C8 1,065 St. Anne. Sica ec 439 Winthrop Harbor, 472. Coatesville... 22. D5 S20) Hebrou. 2 ees sa ee 187 St Augustine Beas E4 Lake sis cetetens 1 ie 801 Colfax. D4 528 paige: re ~ C4 4,046 St. Charles........ 12 426 Winslow. Boles! 1038 College Park, ‘Hun-- 1,753 Hobart. wale 915 St. David ........ F5 2,170 Witt. ees ington ci. 22.0. G3 1,223 Hope.. +F'6 1,227 St. Elmo. yy 175 Woodburn, ‘Macoup' n 3,448 Columbia City. Mee shoe 390 Hudson, Steuben. .G1 1,391 St. Francisville. J 8 Rez. 8,813 Columbus......... 6 2,464 Huntingburg ‘selec ate D8 534 St. Jacob. SORES 692 Woodhull... 5.5.1) 3 7,738 Connersville..... G5 10,272 Huntington.......F3 STOMSt. JOHN. ih. v enere G9 295 Woodland.........< Ja 1,164 Converse... 75... % a a 197, Huronon otis Li 681 St. Joseph, 315 Woodlawn, .G9 S18: Corunna iret +: G2 1,515 Hymera, Sullivan. C 6 Champaign...... 15 84 Wood River, “Madi- 1,703 Corydon... Pet Gin 233 650Indianapolis revaleven: F5 pes. St. Libory........ F 9 SON. adeeb Srcheee tensions F8& 2,069 Covington. SE C4 S22 ingalls.o..%.., erie F5 450 Ste. Marie. 18 257 Woodsen...a5 en a. hn 6 133 Crandall, Harrison. LE 8 690 Jamestown....... D5 313 St. Peters, Fayette G7 4,331 Woodstock,....... rs 9,371 Crawfordsville... D4 3,295 Jasonville, Greenc.D 6 7938 Standard, Puilnam.G 3 LOS2s Worden ies. es: oe i 8 520 ‘Cromwell... ...2.. - F2 2) 196-0 BSDEF one lee eneiens D8 625. Stanford «..t./. wis G5 8727 WYaRCtecs ciclo F3 1,038 Crothersville...... Pa 10,412 Jeffersonville..... . F8& 5,048 Staunton.........F 8 1,506 Wyoming.........F3 2,526 Crown Point. .... C2 1,573 Jonesboro... Are er 708 Steeleville....... Baud 634 Xenia............118 810: Culver. 29% Cos .2 2 213 Jonesville ... ... F6 ZBAGCL -StGZero, oc + cleiehl-aive 586 Yates City........E4 610 Cynthiana........ B8 141 Judson, Parke.....C5 7,467. Sterling «5.2. coer F2 L690) York’. varie. soi cle 6 Bei 683 Dalene on ee Ss 600 Kempton, Tipton. 4 ) 353 Steward... ..ictuee- It2 431 “Yorkville: 5, - 025% bea 748 Dana, Vermilion...C 5 4,981 Kendallville AG2 720 Stewardson ..... H7 4, 789 -ZION sels e sim pres J1 1,640 Danville,......... a 449 Kennard. ...,....F5 eran INDIANA—Continued Pop.1910 ag 1,209 (Kentlands. %c. cnc 3 0 Pennvilles: .-. 0. a G4 728 Kewanna. ne 2 40/910 (Peru oa asec E? 242 Keystone, Wells... G3 2,170 Petersburg... ....C8& Ssoe Kingmania canes * C5 817 Plerceton........% F2 699 Kirklin.... mim, Moe 352 Pine Village ...... C4 2,008 Knightstow -G5d 408 Pittsboro, Hendricks 1,081 Knightsville. 2D: E 5 1644 Knox itinccae ae ae 1,303 Plainfield. oe EEK 17,010 Kokomo......-.5. E3 38,838 Plymouth.. otter: 683 La Fontaine....:. F 3 308 Poneto, Wells..... G3 82 Laconia, cerry 8 1,060 Port Fulton, Clark.F 8 1,148 Ladoga.. ..D5 524. Porter’ 5 voeacenernt Cl 20,081 Lafayette. . .C4 5,180 Portland! aici s H4 1,772 Lagrange.. Gd 780 Poseyvilles aw. B8 463 Lagro, W abash....F 3 6,448 Princeton......... B8 227 Lakeville: 4. s.s-. E 1 1,714 Redkey :ge. eee G4 290 Lanesville......... F8 982 Remington........ C3 1,045 Lapel, Madison....F 4 2,393 Rensselaer........C3 10,525. Laporte .cs..00e- = Di 377 Reynolds. cee. cee D3 503 Laurel. wre eae 22,324 Richmond........ H5 3,930 Lawrenceburg. seek 6 440 Ridgeview, Miami. 5 690 Leavenworth. 5 ras Er8 1,302 Ridgeville:. 24. Ga4 5,474 Lebanon: :+......- D4 1,513 Risingsun./...... H7 401 Leesburg. cen aces F2 1,505 River es St. 446 Lewisville......... G5 JOSEP retreats E1 15838 \Liberty-.. e.ceele ae H5 863 Bipcenae! Delaware 2.173 Ligonier... ic. sas F 2 G4 596. Linden wea aie 4 849 Roachdale........D5 5,906. Lintom i. io. .acen C6 447 Roann. jn ccansatee F3 195 Little York,...... E 7 699 Roanoke......... G3 197 Livonia: oi cse es E7 3,364 Rochester........ E 2 224 Lizton, Hendricks. E 5 2,736 Rockport: .....5 ..oe 19,050 Logansport.......D3 1,943 Rockville Oso) 2,154 poseporeds Sores cise D7 1,166 Rosedale. C5 1,235 Lowell: Ar a Oar] 677 Rossville D4 O27 LY BD. SS ae d H4 909 Royal Center, Cass. E 3 297 anvils Werrick C 8 4,925 Rushville......... G5 993 Lyons, Grecne....D 6 443 Russellville, 320 Macy, Miami..... PBS Putham ye eniaee D5 6,934 Madison....5..0..G7 169 Salamonia. 2, H4 686 Marengo sJic55 65k 8 2,283. Salemi... ster aterasip ane 19,350 Marion (605 0c F3 162 Saltillo, 820 Markle vice suc oy G3 Washington.....E7 334 Marshall, Parke...C 5 445 Sandborm........ C7 4,529 Martinsville....... D6 410 Saratoga Garmin H4 688 Matthews........ G4 1,669 Scottsburg........ F7 279 Mauckport........ E8 1,188 Seely ville aaa C5 710 Medaryville...... D2 676 Sellersburg .......F8 ote DiClotte. cam aes oe c4 850: Selmia.ins semis G4 728 Mentone. jun eae 2 bee 6,305: Seymour =. ..054,-85 2 Sot | ae B6 2,065 ‘Shelburniimes.saaae C6 19,027 Michigan City..... 1dak 9,500 Shelbyville .......F 5 395 Michigantown..... E4 1,768 Sheridan......... E4 600 Middlebury....... Fil 1,519 ‘Shirley. <>... F5 1,174 Middletown.......G4 375 Shirley City, Allen G 2 557 Milan...... 2G 6 1,015) Shoals. eee DIT: 814 Milford...... 2 783 Silver Grove,Floyd F 8 169 Milford, Decatur. .F 6 493 Silver Lake F2 638° Miller taiawincn vo cen | 53,684 South Bend -_E1 428 Millersburg....... Fl 352 Southport........ E5 211 Millnousen, DecaturF 6 866 South Peru, Miami E 3 586 Milltown ........ E 8 1,176 South Whitley ....F 2 601 Milton sc siete tejer G5 2,150 Spencer.....0..5. D6 11,886 Mishawaka....... El 622 Spiceland ..° some. F5 3,438 Mitchell...icca. .. 0 D7 122 Spring Grove, 261 Modoc, Randolph.G 4 Wayne:.ii- Gers H5 15184 MONON rc smi yersterel: D3 391 iSt.\S0C... vam semen H 2 S34 MOnTOeR ina) tsa H 3 261 St. Leon.s ste ane H6 630 Monroe City....... C7 538 St. Meinrad....... D8 910 Monroeville ...... H3 194 State Line........ C4 260 Monterey ....-.-. - D2 746 Staunton, Clay....C6 1,537 Montezuma, Parke.C 5 497 Stinesville........ D6 511 Montgomery ..... D7 234 Straughn, Henry..G 5 2,168 Monticello........D3 4,115 Sullivan... .-s-eee C6 2,786: Montpelier aan... >= G3 209 Sulphur Springs...F 4 94 Moorefield ....... G7 1,387 Summitville, 455 Mooreland, Henry.G 5 Madison... sates F4 424 Moores Hill, 353, Sunmanin. eases G6 Dearboriicn «.. H6 836 Swayzee.. ...8..-f eo 1,608 Mooresville....... E5 1,379 SyracUse.. ... cua aa F2 667 Morgantown..... E 6 3,969. Tell Citya ccs D9 027 Moroccdiss jcc). oi). ois C3 371 Tennyson... + 3s eS 622 Morristown....... F5 58,157 Terre Haute .C6 167 Mount Auburn, 1,508 atlases D4 Walylle: icon ialeie Hd 4,075 Tipton.. .F4 231 Mount Ayr....... C2 510 Troy.. it page BLS) 142 Mount Carmel....H 6 3,209 Union ‘City. Brahe! sts ane H4 148 Mts Etna. ss. onc. F3 189 Uniondale ....... G-3 5,563 Mt. Vernon....... Bg 102 University Heights, 24,005 Muncie. Pee ye. Marlonacmoaeo ae E5 543 Munster, Lake....C 2 1,080 Upland|. ceases F3 2,260 Nappanee.....2...- E 2 6,987 Valparaiso........ C2 354 Nashville.........E6 1,189 Van Buren, Grant.F 4 20,629 New Albany...... F 8 1,757 Veedersburg7...+-. C4 134 New Amsterdam. .E 8 133 Vera Cruzanedecn ae G3 455 Newberry, Greene D 6 453. Vernon) aac eae F7 1087 Newburg.) «a. C9 486. Versailles. opus G6 612 New Carlisle...... El 1,256 Vevay...a: ce oaeneree G7 9,446 New Castle....... G5 14,895 Vincennes. ....... C7 10% New Chicago, ete 2 8,687 Wabash.......... F3 1,229 New Harmony....B 8 859 Wakarusa........ E2 1,038 New Haven ...... G2 1,003 Walkerton........ D2 334 New Market...... D5 Wallace: lfewirn eee C4 145 New Middletown ..E 8 579 Walton: 3.40 e E3 450 New Palestine ....F 5 1,189 Warren: tapes, cus G3 246 New Pekin, Wash- 4,430 Warsaw.........5. F2 IN PEON Fete caedeinere E7 7,854 Washington. C7 341 Newpoint .G6 1,167 Waterloo.. -H2 732 Newport.. ..C5 676 Waveland... D5 350 New Providence, 734 Waynetown D4 Clare nat: cota F8 700. Westiteld. vee E4 464 New Richmond, 746 West bees Montgomery ....D4 OTanges Aver os E8 296 New Ross........ D5 432 West College Corner, 5,073 Noblesville .......F 4 Union. sili 30 ee H5 1,122 Normal City, Dela- 281 West Harrison, WATE a. 5.1.07 Shea G4 Dearbor: 2.165% H6 1,143 North Judson ....D2 3,867 West Lafayette, 681 North Liberty .—E1 Tippecanoe .....D4 2,428 North Manchenter .F2 642 West Lebanon ....C 4 569 North Salem ..... D5 675 Westport ia..0.cate F6 2,915 North Vernon ....F7 3,083 West a Haute, 2,370 Oakland City ..... C8 Vigo Scie owe! S 608 Oaktown......... C7 503 Westville, Pe i D1 +,064-000R.. teens D7 357 Wheatfield.) snus C2 956 Oldenburg ....:.. G6 343 Whiteland. ...... E;5 1,079 Oolitic, Lawrence. E 7 112 Whitewater... ...H 5 420 Orestes, Madison .F 4 6,587. Whiting G..-....- Ci 1.367. Orleans, «5 Sona D7 1,243 Willlanisaate earetecs C4 141.69) ‘Oszood\yoc.cmemiee «© G6 1,607 Winamac.. ..... D2 GOlCOsslani: crassa G3 4,266 Winchester....... G4 652 Otterbein... 2. 7.2.. C3 899 Windfall. ........ Fa4 1,237 Owensville .......B8 446 Wingate, 101020 xfardiei-. sree ee C4 eee .D4 25a) Palmyra. ccc sicicte 3 E8 932 Winslow .. C8 1,278 Paoli... HT 873 Wolcott. .c3 409 Paragon ne 6 627 Wolcottville. . G2 800 Parker Gane 1,732 Worthington ..... D6 657 Patoka aode win 833 Woodrull, Marion E 5 340 Patroten cnet. a? 840 Zionsville ........ E4 1,293 Pendleton. / 2... .. F4 « IOWA. Population, 2,224,771 COUNTIES 145420 CAGaIP sin ns ein E5 20,017 CATEOU serait stehaee 10,998; Adams. Sais. E4 19,047. CSS Nowe ee ae 17,328 Allamakee.......A11 17,765 Cedar..... 28,701 Appanoose......-. F8 25,011 Cerro Gordo 12,671 Audubony.j.) 2 <5 D4 16,741 Cherokee....... 23,156. Benton... 222.6 C9 15,375 Chickasaw. 44,865 Blackhawk........ c9 10,736 Clarke. . ss (sae 27,626 BOOnCe. 5.5 ares C6 12,766 (Clay. iis Ssaraetae 15,843: Bremers 5c, anb oe 25,576 Clayton..... . 19,748 Buchanan........ C10 45,394 Clinton... 15,981 Buena Vista 3 20,041 Crawford .. 17,119 Butler 8 23,628 Dallas. es 17,090 Calhoun.... 4 13,3815 Davis ..... WUGCKMK CROHNS : ATLAS OF THE WORLD. 139 1OWA—Continued IOWA—Continued T1OWA—Continued Pop.1910 Pop.1910 Pop.1910 Pop. 1910 Pict 1910 Pop 1910 16,347 Decatur.......... F6 30.279 Marshall.,........C7 2,325 Emmetsburg., ...A4 233 Laporte iis “ride C9 A026 OUAWA). da saates 29 Se C1 334 Smithland........ C2 17,888 Delaware........ Cil SOGL 27 BAe eos a sane E2 520 Epworth... .. ...C 12 434 Larchwood. andl d 214. OusloW....+0.0 m6 012 167 (Soldiers Hic eis ox D2 36,145 Des Moines...... Fil 13 435 Mitchell ......... A8& DO MOBBOX ora, al dote.c. 6,6 F3 158 Larrabee..... PA 1374 Orange City ......Al 450 ‘Solon aa wees Dil Stet Dickinson, ...04s.« A3 16,633 Monona,. ... ...C2 3,404 Estherville .....A4 ord Latimer,.k.e. 5. «et O¢S ONTiehy, 26.0) Aisaur E5 J69 Someries. 2s x sie he C5 57,450 Dubuque........ C8 fe: Be 25.429 Monroe, .....-... F8 BOs VOL Src tale cen Oo 179 Laurel.. ea &i 108 Orleans... Ga0.2 se 338 South English ....E 9 9,816 Emmet ..........A4 16.604 Montgomery. ....E3 COE. LOSI cara go as i0 eed 4 S17 Laurens.) cc wers scr B4 DA OBA SE hcp alae dy tarer spt 3,005, SPCNCEF vais aoe as A 3 27,919 Fayette... pot tO 29,505 Muscatine....... E 11 660 Exline..... nye Gre Oo BOT" Tia wiere sire aisiatecs BO 2,416 Osceola.... E 6 820 Spillville..... .--A10 17,119 Floyd... oeek8 t7 262 O' BFIGR iss aah A2 618 Fairbanici.... ss. B10 138 Lawton rea un! 9,466 Oskaloosa E8 1,162 Spirit Lake....... A3 14,780 Franklin Eo rd 8 956 Osceola.. Mer ser S970 PAlMela . Otc 3s F 10 690 Le Claire Pub ke 749 Ossian... 0 217 Springbrook aS 15,623 Fremont one 24,002 Page.... .F3 676 Farley...... cere a 222 Ledyard AS 97 Osterdock 1 94 Spring Hill . .E 6 16,023 Greene.. 3 eo 13,845 Palo Alto.. Aad 259 Farmersburg Bll 338 Le Grand D8 268: 'Oto0 . D2 12,904 Ringgold... -.....% F5 Taye ereusonee. sc. 1... D8 185 Le Roy eee 501 Pacific Junction. ..F 2 Go i. haulers. : cme 18,640 Henry... 06 6s. F10 TE 55S (Saoet gaa nde « cysce 53 C3 2G MeErtileno. pts sels AZ 244 Lester ae ap | 264 Packwood........ E9 407 Stacy ville. 3.09.0. A8 12,920 Howard... ....... AQ 60,000 Scott ai atgieiekle ie 6-6 D12 ae LOSE ys oan 25 A8& BSS. LOU <5, «doe dia vieers E11 177% Palmer. finns 6 cac DA 281 Stanhope... ......'.. C6 12,182 es rena tbe, BS 165552 Shelby ace fs.o sa oe D3 OTB OUGR ic: eae ws B4 COS" Lewis pee os E4 B08. Palos aim ete nc ies C10 653 ‘Stantogic. «sao F3 11,296 Ida............5: C2 25,248 Sioux............ Al 789 Fontanelle........E 4 114 Lidderdale........C 4 232 Panama. So gible 511 Stanwood....... D 11 18,409 Iowa... D9 24, 08 8UStOLY veri nescn.s acs 01 C6 15601, Forest: Olty.. a. A6 498 Limespring....... A9 1,080 Panora. Pere ol Be 898 State Center......D7 BL.e08 ABCESOD, . ca5en sss C12 eeck OO TAMA m eerie eta: C8 289 Fort Atkinson ....A9 fol b em OMe gas D5 938 Parkersburg. ae 8 378 Steamboat Rock ..C 8 PELE CRBDED C oecie cess 'c 0s 1% 16,312 Taylor vsiecekoan > « F.4 15,543 Fort Dodge..,....B5 600 Lineville. Rakeane 369 Parnell. .D10 265 Stockport . .F 10 15;051 Jefferson .......: E10 16,616 Union. “oieccsss 3 F5 8,900 Fort Madison....F 11 846 Lisbon.......... Dili 858 Paton. Sategsiets chore 138° Stockton:........ Dz 25,914 Johnson.........Di0 15,020 Van Buren....... F10 270 Poster cheese c- F8 894 *LiscomD!. 7.5 seis os C8 147 Patterson......... E6 2,428 Storm Lake.. ....B3 AOU G0 PORES... .cuve seas Cil 37,740 Wapellos.......:. F9 138: Pranklin uc... < Fil 166 Littleport....... Bill 96.7 Alina we a aia ecto 1,387 ‘Story City a. ieee Mian SCOOKUL s 4). ais. canes E9 18,194 Warren. Saas. 6 Ci PE ERROL fh piotataiaile aaa C6 471 Little Rock.......A2 SB Oate Pel aea ca iene. > E8 boa Stratiords jon aacins C6 21,971 Kossuth Ad 19,925 Washington. eave aces E10 558 Fredericksburg ...B 9 390 Little Sioux...... D2 QZ GSO CECILY cs, fet atietsras-« D5 1,052 Strawberry Point B 11 RG MO DGBO 6 wee cis rie © S+« of Fil TO 184) Wayne... vs ssn F7 140 Frederika....c a... B9 578 Livermore........ B5 3858 Persia D2 327 Struble . Bl 2s INT faith -e minlsyeos\ is C10 34,629 Webster.......... C5 BOP CE VEMONt ei rsisia:s se E9 1,453 Logan............D2 ASO PCOVETSON jaccenaas « B38 T8260 90UarG i ee aie yon E 5 Oe) AaOUINB ers. one, ehends E11 11,914 Winnebago....... A6 UC OEE VEL eo pti isliey ae a «it C3 674e bonrville..ic2 och. C4 216. Bicrsonyy wa iaaie * C2 262 Sullyagie) eae D8 TS;462 Lucas......-e.02: 7 21,729 Wimnneshiek......410 eo Pe GAO? witine ci sart ls Bil C820 ONE UTE. ah) cians E il 347 Pilot Mound...... C6 1,404 Sumner. ...c<. et i) 14,624 Lyon 1 67,616 Woodbury........ C1 611 Garden Grove..... F6 645 Vormoriii ante 6 92 Ploneek. aseoe ee. B5 154 Superior..........A4 15,621 Madison 5 9.950 cen tren A7 342 Garnavillo...... Bit 523 Lost Nation..... D 12 Sl2UPISgan | wets she ces D2 664 Sutherland..... epee 29,860 Mahaska 8 TEBE, Wee RU esa + ile. B6 TOZR Gamer ais es <= A6 SOA) eo villa; taint eeeney ka 288 Plainfield.... 0b: 9 235 Swaledale......... B7 22,995 Marion.... 7 438 GarrisoM ........%. C9 584 Lowden......... eT 200 Pleasanton ... .F6 202) Swallwee on eee = E7 : Hs a: Maroc thea oth > ae oe Moor I he 174 Pleasant Plain E 10 402 Fie City. ‘ me “ orated Cities, Towns, and Villages eneva oo 6 Lucas E 691 Pleasantville ..... E7 909 Tabor.... aE Incorp Village 606 George.. ‘A2 130 Luther..... D6 358 Plymouth..... WROTE) 82/200) Tani. Been AS Aaj 6,936 Centerville .. wake 8 436 Germania. ASB 501 Luverne B5 987 Pocahontas....... B4 278 Templeton . eh 4 E7 558 Central City . 0 3% sO GLIIMAN shetty sie) Sin D8 160 Luzerne D9 310° Polk ‘Citys D6 2a: Terril:: eae oe A3 .E4 nite Charitonind cccceeiss F7 689 Gilmore City ..... B4 370 Lynnville... D8 815 Pomeroy..... nee eee £98 Jia yer ssw Beet lO -D5 5,892 Charles City ...... A8& 869 Gladbrook........ C8 309 McCallsburg....... Nz 200 Popejoy.. yaeiaay! 500 Thompson........A6 E5 356 Charlotte........ D 12 4,052 Glenwood........ BE 2 184 McClelland... ....E 2 347 Portsmouth....... D3 994 Dhor hae ees ..E9 734 Charter Oak....... C2 So0NGliddene. jess C4 1,259 McGregor, 2.....< Bll 952 Postvilley.... anes All 233, Thormburg «.'. 0 a> E9 =e LO 131 Chatsworth Bel 618) Goldfield... «1. B6 487 MclIntire..........A9 187 Prairieburg...... C11 271 Thornton ........ B7 Bl 307) Chelsea. oo os ae cran D9 2A0eGOoGell) 7 saccicrkens:< B6 857 Macedonia........E 3 “04 Prairie City... 32. 7 BOO TRULIA S gasses ores F2 B3 4,884 Cherokee,........ B2 110 Goose Lake..... D138 197 Macksburg........ E5 AAO Prescot. oanieslcates Fa4 276 RMS, Sears... D10 oH 8 266 Chester... 02.5022 AQ 829 Gowrie........ meee 1,191 Madrid fee 642 Prestom:...g.0.- 55 Cis S80 Tingley) 22 c. n-k 6 2.08 18? -Chillicothets. 2... E9 556 Graettinger ...... Aa4 SCL Malconn onsale ts st) D8 Woo. Primenars oes: ee 2048 Tipton jasseu oi Dil B7 667 Churdan.. .......C4 085 Gratton. ccd AZ Bol Mallard? acsseues = B4 $79 Princeton .....-.-D 13 278. Titonka wa setae AG B7 1,355 Cincinnati........ ‘arg 1,012 Grand Junction ...D 5 127 Maloy Far ne 274 Promise City...... F7 16267 Poledol ns rae sr awe C8 AS5 200 ‘Clare’ cea ees oe BS 428 Grand Mound ...D 12 1 od Malvern ogi ieps eon. F2 163; Protivities sae 2 ke W373 “UTacris. scion oe leas cq F7 662 Clarence......... iD 333 Grand River......... F6 2,758 Manchester....... C10 $82) Pulasioe sn sens .F9 122) Wreynor a5 426i E 2 B8 3,832 Clarinda ......... F4 374 Grand View .....E 11 Si De Manila Oh atic D3 394 Quasqueton... ..C 10 755 Tripoli.........-- B9 B38 2,065: Clarion: in ain ome < B6 2 MG TANSEL ator. aye D6 SAG6mManly: 6 eee ane Ae 268 Quimbyectoisdes ies B 2 SAD) LTUrO 2 eee E6 A8& 895 Clarksville........B8 162 Grant City. ..... C4 1,434 Manning, ........ D3 TO Quincey... esccan. 154) Porn... tas ee D2 Bl £45 ('Claytonh er circus Bit 400 (Granville: 0. ....B2 eo SOe MAnsOnAn or. lone C4 660 Radcliffe.......... C7 86 Odell... 5 ier see eS: 7; 625: Clearfield 2 arya F4 AD GLAVIGY setarscararsiete Fa4 1,100 Mapleton......... C2 16S) Hake seis ates ence A6 271 Underwood....... E2 Al 2,014 Clear Lake........ AZ LAS Gra yee eis, ere D4 3,570 Maquoketa....... Gilg 175. FLAlSbOnie tae ste tices C5 540 Union oe mena ele C6 $6. Cleghorn..3. «....« B2 386, Greeley... 16-5 11 532 Marathon........5B 4 123. Randalian..2. cc oe 5s Bl 3,187 Missouri Valley ...D 2 GLoe Russell. oe ee eke 7 457 Wesley..... ...«: A5 527 Battle Creek ...... C2 769 Dallas Center..... D6 168 Hollands sz yas << Cs 251 MICCHEllacen oes A8& 655 Ruthven......... AA 679 West Bend........ B5 527 Baxter. ..+..+-+. D7 LSS) Daa wee cieie. viene cove C5 036 Holstein 4.0 22.0 C2 869 Mitchellville...... D7 PTD FUUP aI eet eel 643 West Branch ....D11 530 Bayard... 24 2+ D4 508. DANDuUry/ ie siecle a0 C2 A435 A Oly-CrOssia Loe 2s OS79 Modales sf eaesee D2 Bite RYyarmnnon sees Cii 1,206 West Burlington . Fill 623 Bacon. ..—E8 263 Danville.........F 11 103, 2 6 420 Mondamin,.......D1 918, Sabula 2 nels nn C13 222 Westchester ... ‘E10 148 Beaconsfield......F 5 43,028 Davenport ......D 12 797 Hopkinton....... C11 AA Moneta: eee AS 2,201 Sac City EOS 143 Westfield.........B1 220 Beaman.......... C8 489 Davis City........F6 245 SLOTHICK errs aee. Orn 221 Monmouth....... D 12 OO Saleniscosnmenmie F 10 232 Westgate.........B9 1.888 Bedford, ...%).4 2.5 F5 20! DAWSON cece ssc aie D5 581 Hospers: 9s. 06. ne A2 792 Monona......... Bll 390 Salix. CY 1 1,666 West Liberty ...D 11 3,121 Belle Plaine ...... D9 717 Dayton...........C5 568 Hubbards. ....e..+ C7 800 Monroe..... ....-D7 Ie'24) Sanborn eeemer Ave 126 West Mitchell....A 8 13776 Bellevue... ...- + «-« C12 856; Decatur, acces oun F6 S72 TAUGSOI 2) aceain c9 1,172 Montezuma. ree DIY 120 Sandyville........ 570 West Point. ..<2- F 11 1,224 Belmond::.. 5... + + B6 33592 Decorah, 22... «AL 10 658) Hull. Secs eee Al 2,043 Monticello....... Cat 1290 (Scarville 42>. ee. 6 367. Westside iv <4n6. C3 pas Bennett,./.+<.+:..D 12 Sop eld amiss sy eien.e D4 1,809 Humboldt........ B5 380 Montour. sq hs05.0 = D8 646 Schaller..oc..:.e+. C3 1,652 West Union...... B10 LEOMBERION Cys e335 F5 467 Deep River D9 1,006 Humeston........ 7 708 Montrose.......-F 11 455 Schleswig.........C2 1,720 What Cheer.. ....E 9 141 Bentonsport..... F 10 411 Defiance,......... D3 336: Huxley seene sc. oD) 6 366 Moorhead........ Di2 845 Scranton......... D4 539 Wheatland ...... Dit2 OS Bernard... 20s C12 S7o DEIniSiiiols ene ea Cli 1874 Lda Grove pen aces C3 137 Moorland... «i. 0+. O.5 226 Searsboro: occ. D8 S76. W biting eee C1 909 Bettendorf ....... 548 Delmar.......... D12 $41 Imogene.<...-...« F 3 682, MoravVidiee. asc oe F 8 525 Sergeant Bluff..... C2 518 Whittemore... A5 572 Birmingham..... F 10 208 Deloit............ C3 3,517 Independence. ...C 10 897 Morning Sun..... E11 2,290 Seymour .........F7 219) Whittenost rnc C8 241 Blairsburg........ C6 P28) DEM A ee alee ofa 50' E 9 3,283 Indianola.........E7 LTS Morrisoniys cee: C8 245 Shambaugh ......F4 457 Williams.......... C6 532 Blairstown. ....C 10 3,133 : diere eae seereees- DB 595 Inwood... peck. t 1e235 Motos, 1m F 8 292 Shannon City ..... F5 1,060 Williamsburg..... D9 408 Blanchard,....... F3 224 Denver. Acai asit!) 298 Ionia. ‘gnc! Mt, Auburn...... c9 181 Sharpsburg. . pA LADT Wilton oes Dil 283 Blencoe... abe 326 Derby Wa aur 10,091 Iowa City ee 1G O46) Mts Ayr Geiser « F5 824 Sheffeld. mE ee 934 Winfield ........ E 11 648 Blockton.. sole 86,368 Des Moines. NG, 2,797 Iowa Falls may, 3,874 Mt. Pleasant.....F11 586. Shelbys ceyadeoan D3 2,818 Winterset ........E 5 2,028 Bloomfield........F 9 1,634 Dewitt.... ..D12 631. Ireton s).0y °eB. 1 232 Mt. Sterling. .F 10 202 Sheldahl ..... 6 529 Winthrop ....... C10 223 Blue Grass....... D 12 767 Dexter... megs) PA SMB 'c0 1G8 Bech carne oy Oke D3 195 Mt. Union... Hit 3.944) Sheldon.out osu see A2 239 Wiota... E4 ALOE BOG NE sanctus es B5 509 Diagonal. F5 160 Jackson Junction.A 10 1,532 Mt. Vernon.. SDeLt 741 Shell Rock.......- B8 162 Woden A6 597 Bonaparte.......F 10 2b5 Dickens,,....4....- A4 S70 damalcar ict = D5 552) Movillomew.we ee Cle 527 Shellsbure......- C10 1,538 Woodbine........D2 287 Bondurant ....... D7 DR Gu EesGectarha atin ores C8 269 Janesville......... B9 7O6 MurxTayiosc.sass «6 - E6 4,976 Shenandoah ......F3 420 Woodburn........F6 10,347 Boone...... mp cucaree C6 107) DoOWVers Mee cuss Aad Ad tC. SORETSON osseous D5 16;178 Muscatine. ...... E 11 L850) CIDE ye career A2 712 Woodward,....... D6 364 BOYOEN: so esascan A2 337 Donnellson....... F 10 CU yA ib eloin o ccc a C10 2,663 Mystic. ....ccscees F8 LOLS Sidiey i... ie he F 2 264 Woolstock ....... B6 283 Braddyville.......F 3 581 Doon............ Al O4TeJewell sick mesa sc C6 15102) Nashua: 2. 4c..--- BS 2,032 Sigourney..7.: 2. E 9 314 a A HOt 175 Bradgate......... B5 171 Dougherty........ B8 250 WOUCY ccccws cv mrns C4 O26 Neolég i. st) Detead E 2 416, Sliver Gity aes be 721 Wyoming... wah Ad 200 Brandon........ C10 462 ow or. Pee cichen: D2 466 Kalona E 10 2186 NEVAGAt on cecil: « D7 1,064 Sioux Center...... Al 273. NAIC SS eee D5 137 Brayton. ........ D4 892 Dows............ B6 262 Kamraricasccnsee C6 588 New Albin....... cAL ArT 47.828 Sioux City........B1 107) Vetter; Macatee .7.O)4. 374 Breda..........-. C4 249 Drakesville Sie Sel pha F8 398 Kanawha.........B6 728 Newell,.......... Ba 868 Sioux Rapids..... B3 228 Yorktown......... F3 365 Bridgewater...... E4 38,494 Dubuque........ C.12 503 Kellerton.........F6 2,275 New Hampton....A9 473 Slater. .D6 AGl. Zeating yr. eee 776 Brighton........ E10 550 Dumont..........B7 G10) KelOrg Bldoras coos. Giirg 3,190 Knoxville,........ E7 315 Norwalk.......... E 6 4,248 Cheyenne.........B1 3,121 Gray. -F4 L2t Carpenter... 11... A7 Eldridge D1i2 SLY Dacomy oy ceepsewn bree 479 Norway........-.D10 BOBS OLATICS o.% og. ore G5 1,335 Greeley. . ea es | 3.546 Carroll............C4 564 Elgin ........... B10 260 Ladora..,....--.-.D9 659° Numa ..... 4.2055. F8 Dyer, OLY cict Ae cas cos oye C10 16,060 Greenwood....... F 12 640 Carson........... E 3 1,181 Elkader......... Bll 2,043 Lake City......... C4 1,105 Oakland..........E3 18,388 Cloud............09 3,360 Hamilton......... E 1 1 268 Cascade .. C12 SPRIKNATL oc dss. nas D6 1,214 Lake Mills........A7 389 Oakville.........E 11 15,205 Coffey..........-E 13 14,748 Harper. :,<: ss s0-haS 735 Casey D4 210 Elkport......... Bll 552 Lake Park........ A3 595 Ocheyedan .......A3 3,281 Comanche.,,...... i G6 49;200, Harvey. 4. F 10 230 Castalia......... A 10 S28 BMlott: o.00 wa. « wed 514 Lakeview......... C3 1,285, OGeboltac widen os C3 31,700 Cowley... .«.....- Gill 903. Haskell.....0g. a1) Eis 364 Castana.........0: C2 208 Ellstonicn. pcs. F5 1,542) anion ie ses ace F 6 6.028 Oelwein......... B10 81 478 Orawtord oc. > 44 G15 2,930 Hodgeman........ E 5 5012 Cedar Falls.. .....C 8 406 Ellsworth......... C6 671 Lamont...2.%..% B10 1298 Ogden Pnasnans 3 D5 8,076 Deoatur,.... 6.5 os. B4 16,861 Jackson.,.....+:+ C13 ae tas Cedar Rapids....D 10 BOT WES cowie cieb tse © AQ 288 La Motte........012 PEG Olds: oe eae E 10 24,361 Dickinson....... D10 15,826 Jefferson......... C14 99 Center Junct.. 8 11 TOD By ee ss, ieee D10 268 Lanesboro........ C4 B50. OM iia ee Dili 14,422 Doniphan........ B14 18,148 Jewell... .........B8 jo2 Center Point,..,.010 478 Emerson.........E 3 1,542 Lansing.....,..-A11 289 Ollie...., ee OL 24,724 Douglas.........D14 18,288 Johnson......... D15 a ATLAS OF THE WORLD. 140 7 KENTUCK Y—Continued Pop.1910 MCh Ew Seop ho ee Oo D8 11-460 PLDIDSOW). ow cin «isisrs a8 F P°BSS P: ree aT Res OlinhT ee Caz 7,067 Spencers... .:4-= KANSAS—Continue Pop.1910 Cll 255 Prescott ........ rae bas “OLGhAge Re oe cu 17-387 Spencer... Pop.1910 . B2 376 sous AF E2 278 Preston.........- ae 14.248. Owen. 7 eee C12 11,061 Taylor. <2... ePR: 1910 E.2 6,380 Rawlins...:...... 18 288 Leoti. sales Ne 327 Pretty Prairie .... 7070 Owsler ak bas ‘Bld, 161488 Todd..0...0...0. 06 Kearney. ........ G8 37.853 Reno. AOC ; 861. Tie/Roy.s...senee E13 bey ve rotly Pcmieiaany Gs 1797 Owsley 0000000. ae ils Meet : n Eng, sit 15;106 Hiden: teensy P rie. Likert Goes &3 556 Quenemo....... DA 41,250) -Perryconeica hea B16 19/886 Union Sones ee Bi FARE lg at 1385 Liberts 13 pt eepasa supa VES aa $1,079 Pike. 3 D14 30,579 Warren...... ; Laborers. sc a E 4 £5,788) RNC Ye cacsinaieles = eae Liberty ae Gis 450 Quinter. 1... #8 1ge8 Paka 00000000 Bi fee Lane.. weve eee O14 11,282 (ROOMS)... cae ete eee 4 ees Lee ee 8 269 Ramona. 200.003 i "0808 Powel 20220000. Be re eee piel ae he 6,800 Heussetl?20002.02: eeoes Tinwoade ee : 455 Randolph ....... Cc 4,121 Robertson....... 3 20,974 Webster.......... Linco accen sen B12 10,800 Russell D7 "323 Linwood. enya Ci Sha neta ee D5 12121 Robertson -...-.B is 20818 Webster ns P Satin cg Laeeeeb'S 201858 Sdlinetas. sae sees Dg Se wae caer oa 204 Hansom «00. : i das Ravi : Ge Ue co 0 Logan. Shit OBE TS ,047 Scott. cers BS 714 Logan. Rg 232 Redfield......... ae iO Ratna eee Bl 191864 Wolte 2202020" Lyon... erson is SIE 9 73/095 Sedgwick. - EQ ii Lane vee 4 : fi coat ie al ae ti SiN nego 4, 5 Bie faite he 2 12 ek teen Se Monn Shawnee......... D Springs'///D 10 53 Richfield ..2. 2 <- | ; Marshall......... FGA) Re et eres C4 Gos Voutepure ieee Di5 343 Riley «020... cil Re Metis Het liwe gate D 15 car, Pe Hie a ; 246 Louisville....... R48 ats Rosedale Garg ere van aglitorporated Ci ie ls ote o a WAS 5 ee F SOLER So sy pivicieienele < eaten Se : dale at ‘ ae i 1089 Mitchell 7220... G13 i210 Sune ee Ra 573 Lucas. een 960 Hoseland re aie a8 Aden eget 1207 Morne nee: 0 See "Re 672 Rossville ... j pean ers Ar eet! oe sy eam sa ee eereee, : ise : - : 1,692 aid pres A a i ase face oe ou 138 Foster... ie HB i Fon reeereatt : G3 68 Sabet i Drs woes 52 ag Ate eee ae ee oe Nemaha votes a 14 ewe ae 388 McFarland C 13 1,768 Sabetha B18 , 55 Anlingto Deol. i r it 19408 Reson eee A nn Ras Nosson, meee BE 5 D12 | £388 McFarland...... 344 0,688 (Salina 2s -c-rosrm Fy : Aaa Bilin : eld Norton... : Vabaunsee...... 5 Tsowth: weer G burg...... EF 197 ’ "R83 421 Fredoni. 11614 epee t ss , 4 12, Wallace Sraneoa ate he Jae 3 346 MePhersoi see eees as 2 335 three! Se teh a8 : 631 sia. Rees Re ns : 172 Frenehb gee Dit 2827 Osborne. Jashington ..... ES ae cle apse F "579 Scandia.........: : . 3075: Fulton. a0 sack Se 12827 Osborne , au: Wietitee Sou cde) : a eee Boe ieee 370 Scandia eeeret Bo 787 ent oe a i Rate ; EEE é 13.430 Woodson 2. F 13 S50 Monebantee eae 6 10 248 Scottsville,....... C8 337 apnea tee Bs ssf 14 n -C12 8,859 Pawnee. 6 9,450 Woodson....... -F 5 250 Manchester...... C 1 770) Scranton jen wae D138 1,633 Barbou ville. it 05 Geone ae Sees a ‘7 eee See a) ks SE reece dent) § Os 21 Tw Sedan: Serer G12 Cp te ed pat ioa nce F4 287 Germantown, 13 @ Ha Been we | 1155 Mankato 50202007, S12 ~ ae Scdgwink Greer 40 LOS? DOUaN ON aoa Bracken it ¥ oe See e 277 Melee ae Meat, E 1 297 peldendese ce cas ae 532 ee sen i i 23 bes Sieh). RO D (806eSéen6o0as, ac. ey ore Incorporated Cities, Towns, and ee E7 hee Peon Teates oe Be 1 383 Severance ...... ced ‘2 270 Baskett , Hender- 6 : i pba es ) faraey ulcer SET (lV vak ao ote oaee gay Agra 000 BS 3404 Ble 2200S Ds 2,360 Marysville... ee S60 Shae G7 te Bee eee 0 S47 ACTA Teme ee ie 2/041 Ellsworth ....... -D8 "337 Mayetta........ en 440 Sharon Springs .. aS 762 Beaver | m. 8 0 S8ouAlien., a eaeenite C12 "253 Elmdale... ...: E11 Bot bay other Serna qa 440 Sharon Springs «| ; 702 ee : vic Bo ee grt: 3 636 Blwood......2. 2 13 E65 aici eee 13 oie Simpsoniesa tear Cc . 208 Bellevue.......... 5 43 Gordo eS eRe j tos Bie Wie 2 $6 Elwood... ........ B15 505 Melvern......... 2 Smith Center..... B 6,683 Sait he 157 Gracey....... in : 7 1) ue 636 . E 12 C13 1,29 Gis A acs : a eS ee 98 “Cr "518 Englewood... 5 San pettonvelee: ae C9 A58 (Soldterunee cares 10 OD Berea yn eer eo 3 10 C14 : 606 Altamont........ C7 518 Englewood........ G B25 UN tonvale ieee of? 358 Soldier. .......- g ti itt ni et Se eng Aa SAN GON eae oom D7 706 Enterprise.......D 10 "1,770 Mineral......... C9 483 South Haven ....G 33 Bethlehem, HenryC 11 213 Gratz, a Gls 4 1,462 oat ames D 12 17800 Brie. -eenen Nat ae 1,895 anne Dene: fe Share 387 South stab a0 8 at Birmingham...... 5 oe pepe one bores aoe #7 Andale, 100.1. 8 +347 Esbon : 348 Minneola......... ( Beiic a RE | SE BRMRGISOTSS 38 Gio ci 207 ANGGles sets Fe . 294 Eskridge .D12 808 Moline’... /o. 0225 A -F 576 Spearville. setae coe 449 Blackford, ae a a Greenup. he i: 2,669 Anthony........ F 15 640 Eudora. -Di4 559 Moran. Pee ai 6 252 Spivey. Ge 8 avepster «--. Dé 1 880 Greenvl pe aie 7 694 Arcadia......... G9 2,333 Eureka..... -.+-F12 285 Morganville..... nee 5 605 Springhill . D Le 136 Blaine... verse 116 1 coe He ates Bi gs Arkansas Gity .1 G1 seeueeivico B13 398 Morrill... Bele 492 St. -Prancis PF 352 Bloomfeld....... Dil 366 Hardin, Marshall... F 3 7,508 Arkan: y..-Gil 386 Fairview........ 388 Morn 6220.2. B13 | 92 St. Francis Bt Sov rne Ee cat 450 Arlington ........ 15 383 Fall River....... 1a 13 698 Mound Gity...... F 1,785 St. jou , 3532 ei Ae in an wi Be 327 Arma, Crawford..F 15 58 Florence......... E10 626 Mound Ridge. .... E ; Bet ee aa Eh ; ero Po 73? Hardmsbure. + : 910 aoe Baty sieue ok p 3 ee Pontana sus. sca ere 956 Mound oe ae ete 4 Hee Stafend Sb cYeate agro ed 257 Bonnieville. <3 het aia Harrpdsburs’ i. D. 2 246 Assaria.......-.-. BOD. ROFG yo. nutvsa ees fl 519 Mount Hope...... 1927 Stafford...00.... 7 ee jie ‘ 16,429 Atchison Cine ae ote: 9 a if 453 Formosa......... ae 997 Mulberry........ ees 2,133 SSLOLUN Gia rere ss ne 93 Boston. Stati oh ee (eee Haweselic ee ‘Ds a4 ae tease eee G8 10,463 eek sag ee 4 Hn eee PP G 10 DOL 7 WSEOCKCOD . sls icre son eae os eee ane 337 Hazard ooo B : pyrite PO et OR OWLGSE isialevars¥s jae ne 1, rel ere Wy tockton ........ a : 680 Atwood......... rae 1 426 Frankfort........ Bll 275 Munden......... D : aoe Sennen. Sou ee 330 oe a vk ae 535 Heller reas Bs ; d2e0: AUCUSER sae e os C9 "151 PYEGETIGH ve kee E 8 491 Muscotah. ...... an 464 Sylvan Grove..... ve 482 Branden aE Henderso ros BGO LAUTOLA Ss areerateis is a B 12 3,040 Fredonia........ F 13 278° Naka eee B 9 464 Sylvan Grove... i magne ae Lis om at c eam ese 396 Frontenac, 2.2 ¢ 15 ATE heed eee 3 0,126 Syracus€. sc. .F iensburg, Mar- 148 Hic r, xe Park ERE 8 nu wate Fulton 20.) F 13 oreet Neoeha Tala Pi P26 MEADE: orate on'ere E 10 oh, Breuer eee a F5 1,077 Highlene eae 425 Barnard........ Bll "416 Fulton.......... F 15 571 Neosha Falls..... e 13 AZ TeSscoth «mete tue ue es prose oe ae “eerson : Abd Barnes scene css: ‘G14 S,09CuGalenancen tenon G15 256 Neosho Rapids... 2 431 Tescott <0...) A r es prod or ae ata ms ee pce 15 322 Galvan. 22.) “Bo 350 Netuw eee ee B13 1,018 Tonganoxie...... Cc 13 4 2 Brooksvill .B 13 370 iseville maculae F 10 cee he 17) eamdel Gi t 213 New Albany. 12 43,684 Topelis ..<-.2,-D 3 31 Brownsville.......E9 | 179 H apaneinie D0 1,598 Ea Springs. . ae 3,171 quae athe ING 7 4 213 dade) cites — 10 "627 roens a taskdeeigistete x + o18 pert le “ 2 12 4 ; 74 Hodgensvile.. ioe 20 497 Bea See eRe R GS 296 Garden Plain..... r 7,862 Newton ......... a Soh Toe Bryanisville.“<: ) | aie cat 849 Belle Plaine ..... 10 614 Gardner!) 2. ..1.:..D 14 1 LOScNiGkerso nh 273 Towanda .......1 ll ofp Bane | 18 Hoe ff 2,224 Belleville. as sar tleld mete enin ay: E 6 '317 Niotaze......... pe eC leope er eS B14 679 Burgin’. 700... Die 10) ee S082 Helote... Goatees = “ 2,334 tance Hoc topare vie ee tae Noroatur,... me fs x e 372 race Fs aici te hale sa ES 817 pcr eee oF be Huntsville, ee . BH Heaieon a Be ceo eebeeees Bi "638 Norton . Se ee re 0 2 Burlington. ..2:. A 12 Hustonville......E 12 215 Benedict........ C10 308 Gaylord 7 638 Nortonville ‘ Saar ae ee G 10 i$ Burlington. => WE ra = a a Se ee 254 Geuda Spi 10 468 Ostlned 256 Uniontown ......F 1 Ast oe Butler seca 316 Hy ndence...-B 12 240° Benton: .c.e~- - D8 254 Geuda Springs. ae 10 1 agsnOaliand 4 256 Uniontown «.....F 14 7 une de... : oat 8 Hun of 335 Beverly ........- Bl 2,446) Girard’, 25 oe. stabi 15 681 Oakley "B83 1,129 Valley Falls. Cc a3 088 as a ae D6 381 Ines Be SS 190 Bird City....... ‘E15 720 Glasco. oe) 1,157 Oberlin ? '366 Vermillion . aa: HO. «eee e sees D & 36) ine Aa eee 596 Blue Mound Bou 565 Glen Elder........08 230 Ogden A 191 Vining ....... .. 6:10 742 Calhoun 0.021. Di 272 Iles ui 1,756 Blue Rapids SS wag 225 Goddard ......... tt 253 Oketo B i 191 Vining... : ° i catia Pre Ps i pb as 307 Bluff City... os ..015 AZ) GO ee erence Bit 3,272 Olathe E 12 883 Wakeeney ....... Jp 4 Calvert Cliy. 5 Ms Mises De 1,462 Bronson na ‘IP 14 1,993 Goodland. B 3 215 oe Sodas tata Zayas C12 514 ced Sees Sothern 2, : ‘ 269 Came DelsouEe ds E il 1.346 Jackson... ae D's 595 ) ie 9 196 Gove. tees 759 Onaga ssc. pees Bas Wahine eae sve... 1 ook 280 Brookvilie........D 9 309 Grain cB zi Oneida. es te 639 Walnut .........G15 $26 ;Cenpe as Ba 343 Bers t¢ eee see ,622 Téav. Bend 2... 205% 2 .432 Osage City ...... a See aes eS eS SOO | ROR er ge | TE ae ee 242 Bunkerhill...... Gl 289 (Greet 2 pee case as C 10 1,566 Osborne,......... 14 1,547 Washington .....B 7 131 Canmer, art... .E 10 sree ierea orien AQA BUEAEN J2i.)- aap ‘D138 781 Greenleaf........B 10 351 Gobnicca Ee c i ‘S47 Washington... Bi , iBt Sa ne aa f gees 1,422 Burlingame ..... E 13 1,199 Greensburg.:..... by 6 2,017 Oswego’. jcsee ec of ‘a 777 Wathena........ B +2 1,906 Sah Ape EE ae Jonesvil Begs. 12 2,180 Burlington ..... "Bl Hie. Grenolas seen ne 7,650: Ottawaiscu-seere G10 WoL, Waverlyioc= ssi zs +s 298 Carrsvi lessen one tat Jnetion City ae: 1 i Mngt ce aoe Hada 279 Paleo... 202.2.) ee SH pe be een emer Os G9 Caseyville, Union. D 6 2 Knottsville, Daviess L132 Burr Oak yee. > - E9 408 Haddam........ B 10 279 Paleor toy. wneeeis D15 7,034 Wellington .......G ‘ 230 Casey ee a oc a GSO) UretOl ars < o's E8 1,004 Halstead.......... F 9 3-207 Paclak Maen 15 1034 Wellingto eek uf 323 cain i saa a ac f 208 Hema Bi 137 Parkervitié 012°. an ass Wesctuoraniy oe 42 $90 Contértown Onha nik Soe Latarotte ae een m301 ancy ee has Haneven Ce B it 137 ater oeaa G14 484 Westmoreland .. ee 13 ht Gonna Oltyceaue Ee rth a Gomes Ballard BE 3 ot eee : a 33 1688 Harper 0000. “as viede Partridge. (ce. E 8 483 Wetmore ....... Dit arene Cerulean’ ess ceen fe F6 452 La Grange....... G11 i Sane aa OB Haig oy 58 Pawnee Rook. is peeve Chae 4 Chaplin, Nelson. .D10 1, Lairsville, Russell E 11 ia aaa f ea ny 416 Peabody cee t Leis Woe wat oe 168 hicago, Marion..D 11 12. La her. D 12 870 Cawker City . "642 331 Harveyville.....D 12 1,416 Peabody ...%> «<4 "518 155 Chicago, CravacheD 1,507 Lancenkaree ates D1 B65 Centralia. 20) 227 Hots oe ne (400) Perry ee C14 376 Clarkson, E6 1,723 Lawrenceburg. . Aina : meee hs ; “G2 | 1388 BiMsspaee Bs 1088 Cay canes ct 3,077 Lebanouiaet o....< nes a ett 362 Poilpsbin 18 j Clay City........D13 Lebanon JunctionD 10 a Ee op ees 308 Haviland... Rs 1733 Picabange a, nae 1S 1 th Clinton cee ue 360 ‘Lee Cite eS See 14 781 lapmé om Haviland... .: 755) Pittehurels eee ao) elton arse ; i | ce i st SS loverport..... itchfield 2 Ee toi ce leasanton |. 1,403 Cloverp 511 1,053 Leite a onclautana ae “Bs Haze faa 1373 Pleasanton Saad oe D i Ayes Colnmnamose Pee 65 Lenoxburg, B13 : oe : mgtoa 222 D Portis tue ee Pea eee eace ote tary gal ie 2870, Goleninereeeae B15 .. (Brackensaeee 734 Cheney. Fol. 9 3 Bee eee BO eae Dee Ke) nae Portis ... mien Clr 4 213 Conco i, Whithey: Aaa 253 Lewlaburg-s ose F3 He of i Bf Hiaath ni 316 Powhatan... 22. B13 2,589 pat a te OLS 596 Lewisport. . eo nae ious ems Hi 14 2,974 Hiawatha........ B14 316 Powhatan B13 589 Corl a ( te ait Leta Bs 1,548 Chetopa... _F3 '763 Highland........B 14 191 Prairie View ..... B6 ae an Boa: 889 Lexington. 222. : fie 2) Hog) | i AE = etek cee Semen Ee aan 265 irclev wren ee G IT aoe gale . 4 | : ‘afl eh ONe| 1,134 ] 5 ie Ea eee 554 Claflin cep EG 1,975 Hoisington........ E 7 lation, 2,289,905 nae oe ete FY 1,220 Livermore errs Ba 2438 aw tonne sR ioe 2,842 Hp ifr CRORE KES KENTUCKY. Popu ation, 2, : is ee a ie He oe earwater........ coca [0 coun ete eee | itis ner | 569 Clearwater. ae Ber Bones Fo Saas ae D8 cates, a Ne 138 Cropper, io 11 8 foe He wg i ea oo crestin ete is'sa2 Allen ae 221808 Hanan aha Fis Oe ee Diz 2280s8 Eouisvilie: see? 82 Soitevite coo. pees. S03 101d 4 2 10,566 Harlan.... ae 5,420 Danville. cone. <2 4,163 Ludlow 12,687 Coffeyville or +2 HAS te) Moret ania oe "63 10'146 Anderson O12 soneo Hanan ae 13 5420 eee ete aE 3 oe sieht | P90: Colby... teres G6 253 Hudson.......... E;,7 12 oS coe 4D 18173 Hart eek rart a pate 118 Ey is ia a 684 Coldwater........ 4 LOD -HUgoton. cee ws ans G2 20,2 x abe soaks Hee De tee eapbell Big s30 Mellen : 530 petegte Se ty wi i % ts 2,548 Humboldt....... NS i; bear Bell : F14 aks ee te arte a 75 Deane ad, Ds 146 Maal sso eS? 964 Columbus ....... . ee ean ms | ‘ ibn ear genet mi De USS ecg 7088 Golwich 68 Suibreusrap ae ae 12429 Boone .-........B 12 4,201 Hopkins <0. 27. BS dip Bes oR can watt Coney Springs... ce... .C ; 10, ACKRONA reise 8 wt i oS Baa S626) Mancics aaa ee ee ee ee cee ieee vommeee BH |e Bee a een oe a . ee : Dis 17,482 Jonmson «2.2.7: nae a é Sai 1,627 Marion geen: B12 484 Inma 10,308 Bracken Amon Dié akesboro, Te 9 Cottoniged Falls ) Re eee 4 5 17,482 Johnson . 160 Martinsburg, 809 Core Falls E = eae aes 17,540 eae vo -D 15 17,482. 3ohnsds ae 13 te padllenbérg. oe ee a 2,545 Council Grove ...D 10 222 Isabel . G7 21,034 acti soan DLO" UnL0201. Knott een? E 16 125 Dunmer Lig - 7 aes me ree i 454 Courtland... 1. F 13 228 Iuka.. R7 18306 Butior.2 2 ee eek 22,116 Knox. Sieeeue 14 he Dunnvitie.. a 2 916 evtatly nile ft 227 Coyvillé......... BQ 462 Jamestown........ C9 14063 Caldwell |. 111)... E6 10,701 rane he ae A 176 Dyeusbung a ES er tiinleccet i AGG Cuba saa er F7 259 Jennings......... B4 ‘867 Calloway......... F5 19,8 oe ae gto 41 ilgicasey BH LOT Cyllison. sere se 9 317 Jetmore, 5 ..6..5% E 5 19,8 enh HY 20067 Laren 3G 16 31 Baril sade nd Oh MG - S2CLCul vers... eee D 8 S30 ewelite s: crise. C8 59,369 Campb -112+ B43 0,067 Lawrence........ Dit 0 ae oH 33 Middle cay if 395 por eaenes: Se MATOB:., sr td Ore B5 iiasaOwenton......., B12 Tees Rte ce veeeee epee 1,076 Marksville ....... D7 346 Saline, Bienville ..B 4 COUNTIES : 942 Owingsville...... O14 ba anne Sh: Chales" ea E 6 85 Marthaville....... C4 239 Scott, Lafayette. .F 6 27,542 Barnstable F13 63,327 Be oar Peineviie oe 151 St. Helens, Lee ..D 14 Vase MarmenL oe Gaahc bed senabore rs tay 38 318,373 Berkshire........C2 669 15. Middlesex... or } $942 Paintsville ...... 154 St. Mary....... Ay Tae \ 2hi686. Mer Rouge! 2 oe : Simsboro. ....... B5 SVs oBristolives aa ot E 10 2,962 N hae »= 91 Paradise 381 Stamplas G d 536 Mer Rouge ....... A7 287 Slaughter E8 4,504 Dukes G ,962 Nantucket ...... Gi4 z Slaughter ........ 3504: Dukes). . jenn ced 2 187,506 Norfolk Muhlenberg ....E 7 1,882 Stamtprde eee 12 3,002 Minden.......... A4 2,188 Slideli F 11 436,477 Essex Bi ese SSA D 10 5,859 Paris........--- 013 SeTR Stantone Powells. E12 10/209 Monroe |......... B7- 966 St. Francisville . E 43,600 Franklin ........ De RT gt Peat hr ha Bll ~~ "104 Pellville, Hancock. D 8 205 eee igh DS 174 Montgomery...... O5 740 St. Joseph ...... 08 231,369 Paegaeen Rong cade OT Womesier s, we _@31 Pembroke .......- F7 1,467 Sturgis Stee ¢ “ = Moreauville ...... D7 2,318 St. Martinviile . ey f So cl aed ’ orcester .......07 68 Penrod.......... E7 255 Sulphur... ......0 11 TE Sica sa NOD SERS Gs 377 Sunset........-.- F 6 incorporated Cities, Towns, aud) Villages 407 Perryville ....... D12 320 Summersville....E 10 ra iy I Sapo 847 Tallulah -. 2... B8 spre pa een abe Dil 11,448 Meth SOs, Peterabire fe...) Al2 gee Tagiorevies. Dat Pe Goupee:.nniss E7 394 Tangipahoa...... E9 13,026 Adams .......... B2 8,214 Middlebe rs okies a 651 Pewee Valley .-..C 11 113 Tilton ......... C14 37 Morse, Acadia....F 6 3,824 Thibodaux ....... G9 9,894 Amesbury....... A St eis O58 Milford oes ata 1,280 Pikeville ........ B16 180 Tolu, Crittenden. E 5 1,201 Napoleonville.....G8 633-- Toga. «sss 2: D 6 5,112 Amherst ......... C4 7/924 Milton... rte 2}161 Pineville |... ... F 14 639 Tompkinsville....F 10 cr pt peer ep gee C4 1,345 Vidalia... .....D8 Peet hgAnOOw er fuse 2: B10 6,866 Montague... yy 934 Pittsburg....... E 13 653 Trenton F7 st de id ar eo BS 603 Ville Platte....... E6 11,187 Arlington.........F 2 91866 Natick... an 522 Pleasureville..... Oil 115 Turners eae cy qG90 Wor DhCria Slogan o 826 Vivian .......... A2 8,536 Athol............ BS 5,026 Ne dh See eee - 178 Poole, Webster’. -D 6 Henry ...... P3045 ae ees PORN I Naat eg Frais Bamoste be #10 96.052 New Bedford <2. F 11 nip Dininate . OL 852 New Roads....... p , elmoatinss stage: = Sea Poreoval. 2. c 7 tees 8 gd a aa a 182 New Verda, Grant.C5 1,528 Washington ...... 2h 18,650. Beverly......:.. Bi 39'806 Nore oo 14 1,120 Prestonsburg ....D 16 Tat Uptonvss ans. E 10 453 Noble ........... Gs 445 Water Proof ...... C8 5,648 Blackstone....... D8 22/019 North Ada oe ”'162. Prestonville, 1,145 Vanceburg .::.:. Bis 398 Oak Grove....... ABs) 1.8500 Welsh’ 5) rhe PS 670,585 Boston.......-.- a. WES SIG Norte Andover as Carroll.... ...B11 2,268 Versailles... ... D 12 332 Oak Ridge ....... A7 1,127 West Monroe..... Bb 8,066 Braintree ........ H4 197431 North ndover. .B 10 2.015 Princeton :-! SS ID Vine Grove «1° 10 208 Obed’ RG Buag Waltecaote.\-r ge | BO808 Brockton 01. Pag Bebe Moreh lobo @ eae a ide oe P ~ La Salles. 7.% TON ah ee ,792 Brookline ........ 2,084 Providence... 1). E6 ind Walnut eoveuk. Cll 4,623 Opelousas ........ 7 2,925 Winnfield ... 1... a 104,839 Cambridge ..... C10 Be et ccnees See 242 Pryorsburg ....... F4 Morgan ......D 15 2,998 Patterson........ G8 821 Winnsboro....... B7 5,010 Chelmsford....... Bo nOl4-Norwood fa mes ae pe 285) QHINOy 64. 45... B15 650 Walton....-.--- B12 277 Pearl River ..... Fil 328 Youngsville ...... F7 $2,452 Chelsea ......... Cli 5,282 PMc A) “D9 _ ° 182 Raywick, Marion .D 11 900 Warsaw... 1.0... ae 1,212 Pineville ..../....D6 419 Zachary ....... BB 25,401 Chicopee......... Wy aoed 6010. Palaer 4 ota BS se sod Rieter hak 433 Washington .....B 14 SERRE EER 973 Zwolle ..+ ++ og phasi Coneeds ss eee G& 15.721 Peabody. 00 cu , ORG: S25 a>, « D13 2 ae , oncord. AG, 312 Soe Aaa arc : a5 Richpond, Warren .F 9 Fett wey ee eae Dé 9,407 Danvers, Essex ..B W 12141 Plymouth: mete SF re ES ; ore Roches, etre ‘Dy 1,751 West Covington, MAINE. Population, 742,371 ney Ded Fa Seto -D 10 32,642 Quincy... yeas 658 Rockp are 2 enton . .-B12 5/139 Eas ca ,818 Reading........ B 10 ere sua a. tees. - COUNTIES S384 Everetnc cs. eAaWns 8 o48 Hosbiahds oe a ne we 192 West Louisville .. o0.7 50.822 Androscoggin ..... Oy - 186,256 Oxford) ata. 28 B6 5,122 Fairhaven... ... Fil 43,697 Ropklana aes Dat ee 82 Spy eoot Mant 490 Wheateroft .... G8 ii aie Cucabetland 2:2. G8 191887 Piscataqul ha ay 36 Fitch River...:..F10 8,047 Saugus Pee “ES EHDOME Fo. dat 5: « E7 281 White Plains, 19,119 Franklin......... , scataquis. E4 (826 Fitchburg ........B8 77,236 S attests: 166 Rosine........... E 8 HGuEta TS 3575 ranklin.........B5 18,574 Sagadahoc ‘D8 12,948 Framingham C9 12'592 Southb aes oe ae leiowenbe basse 11 SAS Rae = a a a E6 ea Hancock .........G6 36,301 Somerset . Ol 5,641 Franklin Sore b 6740 Southbridge ......D 6 _ 233 Rowletts, Hart ..E 10 452 Whitesville, hay 62.863 Kennebec ........D7 28,883 Waldo... [E6 141699 Gardner .........B7 88.926 pence: ead eo C6 413 Rumsey ....... “E7 D; wee e, GOS Te ino ne ere ea E7 42,905 Washington -H5 24/398 Gloucester ...... B12 7,09 ee ae ae 1,038 Russell ses 87 Wee Ssuinsicl “i D7 18/216 Lincoln..........D7 68,526 York...... BB 5.705 Grafton......... D8 0002 SLOMERA TE ii a C10 D Pecator ess . i oi tres ; Ruste eee 6,316 Stoughto 104 Russell Springs. . rye? lit ieee 5,926 Great Barrin Twasapasaites i mag 3,111 Russellville... p's 177 Willard. 2 ee castes oe Incorporated Cities, Towns, and Villages 10,427 Groanieta oe bie Ba 341259 Penton ot SEO te « Gale 8 shit Wierd ane 2 0.18 Renae Kunarn SR ae MR Lateral aay 44:115 Haverhill....... A10 11,404 Wakefield ......: B 10 407 Sadievitie ... ee 004 Williamsburg ....F 13 Roca Rupee ee OT se Sao te eae ee 7 57,730 Holyoke ......... D4 27'834 Waltham.......-C9 S20 Galen ...5..0. 2.5 E5 7,156 Winchester......D 13 24'803 Bangor ...-----:- F6 1,167 Lincolm,........-F 5 6,743 Hudson. ......... G 8° © 8,774 Ware ...2. ee os G8 45 Saloma, Taylor ..E 11 404 Wingo ......---- Fa 91396 Bathiy, . terse: D8 2,408 Madison......... Dé 15,507 Hyde Park...... D10 12,875 Watertown ....... an 532 Salt Lick ....... C14 217 Woodburn........ Fo 4,618 Belfast .........- E7 2'215 Norway....-..--. B7 5,777 Ipswich.........B11 11,509 Webster ascee ; 5 310 Salyersville ..... D15 173 Woodbury, Butler. FE 8 834 Bethel. .........-- But 6,317 Old Town........ F6 85,892 Lawrence....... B10 5,413 Wellesley ........ ee oo Pare ea ee Tian codes, 8 See ee ee ne a17, Ole Weel ae F 6 17,580 Leominster. C7 Baga: Westboroitics tes. De 160 Sandy Hook.-.... C15 98 Yosemite ........ B12 BO nr BYeWCRe cs ss, cae - ae OF 262 ‘Parisi havee ane C7 106, af Lowell ecm. sae Bd 16,044 Westtfi Id Ret Onl nS 261 Sardis, Mason....B 14 224: AGN eRinnoe ees D7 1,474 Bridgton......... B7 823) Philliustseaeee 80350) Lynnes ated ee C11 91224 West Springfield... Da 257 Science Hill..... Bint ay oe Ne eee 51341 Brunswick ......- D& 2,231 Pittsheld..... 0... ee Find Mallen oe ato 1280s Wermonth en tS 357 Buckfield...... .- C7 58.571 Portland ..-...--. C8 5,183 Mansfield. ...... D 10 7292 Whitman... ....1 sek 6,136 Valais eee sna i 5 21938 Presque Isle...... G2 rates Marbioheaits aoe O41 5,678 Winchendon. .. Seta A : GUS dete es 2 695 Rangeley ........ 4 Qs aie saint, 4 8 9.309 Wi s Mer eit LOUISIANA. Population, 1,656,388 2061 Eastport .... 02... 16 8,174 adds “Ree a os 6,390 Maynard......... C9 10,132 Winton By: a Be 056, 31549 Ellsworth ........G6 5.427 Rumford .........C7 ot SES peta dae bg C9 15,308 Woburn,........ C10 Se pigolebatrfeldaaded sn D6 Sn8x Shon ee ee se 715. Melrose’. asic ec: C10 145,986 Worcester .......07 1,240 Farmington.......C 6 5.341 Skowhegan.......D6 —— nt RamuaGediaN So va... W 6.) asso7s “Odea Ad 1,620: Fort Fairfield... ..H 2 11542 South Paris ......B7 23'887 Ascension ........ F9 25,830 Ouachita..// 1!!! Bo eee os CS ee cathy SOU se Doreen MICHIGAN. Population, 2,810,17 Ores aa ae deanery coe BS 540 Fryburg......... B7 Cumberland ....0 8 - » 2,810,173 34/102 Avoyelles........ D7 25289 Pointe O tee 5,811 Gardiner... 2%.) .- D7 11,458 Waterville ....... D6 co Beek B , ointe Coupee ...E 7 2'864 Hallowell 2 UNTIES eine tents ot <5 Tage Hed RvOEEE « D6 ee a el ae Dit eg S282 ROSE TOONS Sur aee C8 5,703 Alcona F9 4,939 Lake »738 Bossier .......... 11,402 Red River... at 4 7078 Alger ive. us Sue Pope Sal HS Bs:200, Caddo’... 2s... A 3 is 766 Die , POR ee crane cad iets’ ks. O 26,033 Lapeer... 110 62,767 Calcasieu....-- ea and,........ By atk ‘ 39,819 Allegan...........J 5 10,608 Leelanau........ es ol a a F4 19,874 Sabine. - 0... D4 MARYLAND. Population, 1,294,346 19,965 Alpena <0... 9 47,907 Lenawee cre ewes phate Gacberen ss G4 111207 St. Charles . 21.216 10 COUNTIES g'640 Avenac @) sar Go eibeince. aoe 23 £5,050 Claiborne ........ Ao ssanoe Begone a 62,411 Allegany . “Ble 27/965" Harfords set. cm: - BQ 6,127 Baraga .......... B3 9,249 Mackinac......... C8 14/278 Concordia... :.. Teen 14538. He obaeine. | F9 39.553 Anne Arundel ....D8 16,106 Howard.......... C7 22,635 Barry J6 82,606 Macomb.....--.. 310 7 Gale ee se BS beeen e 122,349 Baltimore....... C8 16,957 Kent......:.... D 10 68,288 Bay....-.-.++--- H8 26,688 Manistee........ G4 34°580 East Baton Rouge.E 8 66,661 St. Landry... Fie 558,485 Baltimore City...C8 32,089 Montgomery ..... D5 ABSA pte F5 46,739 Marquette .......B 4 cee eee E8 66.661 St. Landry ....... E6 10,825 Qalvert -.. 0-5 F8 36,147 Prince George ....E7 53,622 Berrien .......... [i Aye SOep Mason cee ee G4 20/055 Hast Feliciana....59 39,368 St.Mary........ .F7 191216 Garoline ........ E11 161839 QueenAnne.....D 11 25,605 Branch .......... L6 19,466 Mecosta......... H6 qs'ohe Mrapklin .. °c. B7 -018.017 St, Tammany... 3 G8 85,084 Carrolld ae, 0% :.B6 26.455 Somerset ....... Hil 56,638 Calhoun ......... K6 25,648 Menominee... .... D5 1500S: Grant.ia...0--6-. Pee tho Inigioniee Bt 23,759 Ceol <2 ee... ee B10 17,030 St.Mary....... G8 20,624 Cass......-..----L4 14,005 Midland ..-...-.. H8 31,262 Tberla........... PBL ll) vai et a E 10 16,386 Charles -.-......, G7 19,620 Talbot.......... E 10 19,157 Charlevoix ....... 6 10,606 Missaukee......-. G6 | 30/054 Iberville... 1... Ee eee C8 28,669 Dorchester ...... G10 49,617 Washington ...... B3 17,872 Cheboygan ......-E7 82,917 Monroe. ......... Lg +t, ta eee F 8 28,320 Terrebonne ...... H 9 52,673 Frederick....-.--.C 5 26,815 Wicomico .......G12 24,472 Chippewa ......... C8 32069 Montcalm ....... 16 48:247 Jefersot .,-.....G10 26390 Vermilion... 1... A6 20,105 Garrett .......... G2 21,841 Worcester ...... H 13 9,240 Clare...........-H7 3,755 Montmorency ....E 8 AG acne aaa 20 26,390 Vermilion ........G6 28,120. Clinton ee. sie sists. J7 40,577 Muskegon ........14 33,111 Lafourche....... G10 18,886 Washington .....1 D4 Incorporated Cities, Towns, and Villages 3,934 Crawford...000.... F7 19,220 Newaygo........ H5 anaes re = of epator °C 6 19,186 Webster age ee me Aan phe | op fOr B10 248 Grantsville G2 30, bod Dickinees 5 noe C4 18°37 Gocenat Fo te aye ‘485 Lincoln ....0..... 5 12,636 West Baton Rouge E ,609 Annapolis ....... .E 8 609 Greensboro... ...1 30,499 Eaton.......----. A parapet te ai 10,627 Livingston ....... F9 6,249 West C eo a 9 Arundel-on-the-Bay 16,507 H en gta a 0,490) Baton... ---+ 0+. are S907 Cpois teas G8 10,676 Madison ../...... Be 134449 West Feliciana. . Bee ee Randel Gee ee mabiosial ade ee se cch Geucme Shee D7 8,630 Ontonagon .......B 2 ae 786 Morehouse ....... AZ 18.357 Winn a nats ae 558,485 Baltimore .......C8 893 teed its Las ok B 3 oR 413 Gladwin eet I é 3 Ott feet pay be ae ‘ Natchitoches...... C4 1,005 Belair .. .. B2 4,212 Havre de Grace ..B 10 23,333 Gogebic....-----. GS Bisse Gisaee kee ee re : ates 209 Hillsboro ....... Ell 23'784 Grand Traverse ...F S300 Ottawa ae Incorporated Cities, Towns, and Villages 262 Bishopville G14 °98 Hyattsto SET a tale 29.673 Gratiot est i 11340 Presqut Isle... i 5 + 2,907 Abbeville ........ G6 685 Delhi 460 Bladensburg...... E7 Montgomery D3; 4 38:098 Bouceean ce Sere BS etre obit ee 365 aoe St. Etiepeeicce oe 372 Bloomington, Go it Hyattsville Ha E, 6 34,758 Huron.......--- Hid 331930 Sanilac .222000..1i 44 I many 11 715 De Quine is 3 ¥5 .G2 37 Keedysville....... C4 53,310 Ingham........ ee 8,681 S ecb i ae 41,218 Alexandria . D6 yaaa TG Ridder ee FA 759 Boonsboro C4 689 Kensington D6 33,550 Ionia .........-.. ,681 Schoolcraft ........C 6 S1'677 Amite .......... ae AG od aed OU sie rece, eke E4 496 Bowie . BRYY/ 865 Kitzmillerville, eee a Bi Rn pantie ote Poh ca a J6 33,246 Shiawassee ....... as Fs RagtAnpla wt chink. Ell bosd ae at tiene B5 19 Bridgetown Vee Dili Gaareel , aa 15164 ao Bicfs telly) o(eheiaye, s G 9 92,341 Shs. Cis he bee © i vontanena foe ae 090 Dona lsonviile. nS Saba Brockevilleten D6 veo Te Pt eet ee or 32 O25 te eas db oa C3 25,499 St. Joseph........ L5 279 Arnaudville Ramen Dusen, Latayeiic Ad 3,721 Brunswick .....--C4 2,415 Laurel... 0000... D7 Sag26 Jackson 1 ito... DF ee Stace race: ey Ee BIA PAtELS'; se. B 5 Peg or eree Fe 228 Burkittsville, 133 Laytonsville.. |... D6 Allows walnmasode iL yi peed aioe ake ag 311 Atlanta.........- C5 288 Beho, Rapides. ..D 6 . Frederick .....-C 5 526 Leonardtown ..---G8 8'007 Kalkaska ..-.--- MS UMee Ada athe ten mt AG 854 Bastrop.......... A7 679 Erath oo. - az 6,407 Cambridge F 10 216 Loch Lynn Height ORE es co Ns pein ye be SE 236 igtey Baton Mouse. cc? os, Jackson ....B 5 518 Cecilton.. Cll ghts, ONG. se lee ele 15 20,769 Wexford ......-.: G5 630 Bayou Sara... B7 1,084 ip Acadia 6 1,435 Centerville......D10 ‘1,553 Lonsconing roRaey re LEA eal ne a i on eRiEGhow oo. AS eee Ame SGiny seat E6 274 Charlestown ..... Bil ‘Allegany 4 Incorporated Cities and Towns of 5000 and over Pateiernlck’:. 6 ene. ras 508 atl cae Rinenae sid, 1,016 Chesapeake City .B 11 523 Manchester 7 474 Addison K 8 4,119 Beldi Dish Gerwite ae $98 Farmerville - - -.. A 5 2'735 Chestertown.....D 10 692 Middletown.... 4 10,763 Adrian.......--- L8 1050) Hella eou. r§ 606 Bienville .........B4 Se oa ere 306 ae --D 19 1,173 Midland . ie Bere | 766 Ahmeek, Keweenaw 486: Belleville aca C, E§ By Bonita 6 22c11 -/ : a‘ ; . NEtOM sees FUG. cere dee _ TS Bossler Civ. a 3,857 Franklin. ....... i 3,468 Cane gu 335 Mountain Os Soa eae 473 Alanson.......... E7 9129 Benton Harbor i 4 i ae A’ aoe Fullerton eee D4 21,839 Cumberland .G4 622 Mt Airy oie 5 oe 1204 Ripon SAC eee Sil 380 Berrien Spri igs... L3 1,339 Breaux Bridge ....F 7 485 Grand Cane ......B 4 170 Damascus. . C5 1,242 Mount Rainier, 31419 Allegan .......-. J5 4,583 Besser Wee ot Fo Rey 485 Grand Cane»: --» B 3 205 Darlington . B 10 Prince Georges..E 7 2.757: MlDaR swide ss ss hie 17 41519 Big Rapids... 6 . Lafayette ...... F7 268 Greensburg....... E9 988 Deer Park .H 2 320 New Market, 675 Almont ......... J10 11607 Birmingham ...... 10 500 Brass Dending: Roe Rea OCS 9 959 Delmar... G12 Frederick ......05 12,706 Alpena..........: E10 ia7e Bimgheldss woe eer welt Baton Poetadeydab 5-275 -k8 1,481 Denton ......... Ell 446 New Windsor ....B 6 14,817 Ann Arbor .......K 9 ‘501 Bloomingdale’... KS poms Beene? ees Se B 8 361 Harrisonburg. C7 3 ee Speabe lala seieg pa is : on permeate Pelee BA ue redone kes as, toats DAS 52 Boardman... A ie 8 aacher ne oa tase Haynenviie cit Aa Lisi Ellicott Cliy 00.602 1,401 oan City dit 748 Armada ..12.-.:-J11 5.218 Boyne Olty «++. Be eee ee eee ‘ ? se , eere o oho s eae 8 4 5 5 B Spe ei GOs Oarencro hans vee spits ee ee A5 1/054 Emmitsburg .....B 5 635 Porty ville ; 43 se ect Fae s = : age pesckvnries atin 17 ist Chatham jaci8on b i 5458 Hombeck........ D4 : 1,050 Federalsburg Bd 1 73 Piscataway hot Seahasianeee ee & 219 Breedsvil Osea K 4 ville slat 6 milenho eet 411 Frederick ........ y PEN ase, One. UGable Where 10) a: S205 BYIMOOM aten) seat ee ee ere 0 ap hee snGependents..) 10 466 Friendsville...... G1 2,369 Pocomoke City //H 12 Speer Bnd Ase. sat sed Hitt, 1,020 Bronson topescces Lb O18 Clintons... . 0. B9 S tae tsenthed wee R5 6,028 Frostburg ........G3 175 Poolesville Ds, ‘502 Baldwin ......-. H 5 cae Eecciigh eee L, 6 1,049 Colfax... De ea a e246 Jackson «jie. -E 8 568 Funkstown ieee $7 B4 1,394 Port Deposit, 543 Bancroft ........-« 8 690 Brown City See Tai . 333 Collinston. :/ 2.2! Aree oes teoiage eh es 262 Galena... ----C 11 288 Preston Pat ie ea ae eo Be pk eee: woe ee ete . Pn ne Fs CRE AIO ee ee , araga .....+-++-De uckley........-G5 B56 Cottonport oot. E7 de sae dGneeborcsee ee oe BS 185 ee vg Park, 1,006 Princess Anne ..H 12 2 Baroda, Berrien...L 4 237 Burlington Seni sks, © aeaot popes 7 ge ee B4 287. Jonesville 0... C7? 325 Gara ae : cat 5 279 Queenstown ...../ 10 411 Barryton......-- H 6 752 Burr Oak ....2..%% L6 Serene ah eee F10 396 Junction City, tree....... 13 943 Ridgely.... eve it 25,267 Battle Creek ..... K 6 427 Byron ......-.++> J8 mee Cromley chia E 6 Ginihidhian sec. A5 203 eee ee ie 416 Rising Sun ......B.10 45,166 Bay Clty .......- HO 8,375 Cadillac.......... G6 Y , Iberia. G 7 315 Kaplan, Vermilion G 6 201 Goldsboro ry. “Hy 781 Rock Hall .. =p 8 504 Bear Lake ......- G4 422 Caledonia ......-; J6 ia Mi Sm TI Fe ee 8 1,181 Rockville ...---,-D6 418 Beaverton ......- H7 20,000 Calumet......... Ad 142 ATLAS OF THE WORLD. EE ee ee eee ee re CEES ae ee ee a —Continued MICHIGAN—Continued ‘ rch mae WEE. Tio aero MINNESOTA Pop, iste Pop.1910 Pop,1910 ee ge x Fug) MAP D8 00 Invergrove.......1 10 Bo2 Camden eae: L7 71 Lake Ann. Perry 7) 1,347 Sebewaing ....... ae 5, ere Poo ares ers ae ne ere Ree aa D7 cae ‘Tons Sees “Diz 761 Capac . -T10 9 740 ate City, « SR " : 3,260 Srey ed Pap. let ae H7 12,115 Traverse City..... F6 217. Danube sot ee F 10 76 Iron Junction, 7308 Garcon & eee tT? Tbe Lake rea ee OIG 436 Sheridan ......... Leech 24 Trenton noe K 10 215 Danvers.......... Re eh oc Louls, . Soa. 14 401 Carsonville.//. 1.411 954 Lakeview......... is 260 Sherman .........G5 $71 Tustin A ge G6 oie Darfur, W ‘Watonwan 18 Tsantt, Isantl.\ ---1 8 JABETUNG. Seas e's 10 708 L'Anse J. gon O00 Tce tau eee 308 fe ae ey 5 31,229 Lansing .......... J7 681 South Frankfort ..F 4 442 Ubly ae uete Dawson Henhaviives 184. Tyanneea ae Cin: 1126 Cass City ey = Ot) 6,946. Lapeer... ec. 8 110 3,577 South Haven..... K4 1,340 Winter City : iv 1. 907 EJ acksonuaeeen E12 1.358 Cassopolis Siinteter L5 8,537 Laurium 615 South Lyon......K 9 456 Unionville -H9 234 Deephaven, | 19 q 1vaitaneavilon ae Hi ‘947 Cedar Springs.....15 Houghton...... B3 1,097 South Range, 496 Utica...... J 10 pin... 19 Aza Jancavillo +. H iL 13 1 file Seta 663 Lawrence K5 Houghton......B3 371 Vandalia . 6 La S18 Deer Creek = BA) Delaven inte. 12k aoe 8s aK andiv annie 9 76d Scien frths, ee | 8 B19 pexieE ton aie ag pte Be Chet reignite -J 11 Jetp Ts abe A Dict. 42 a : “ter Denes etiam it +2 A Karlstad, Kittson, B 2 1,363 Chesaning ........ s 138 LAB COU i cigie ao: z : 5 Waldron......... ire 184 Dennison ........3 11 700 Kasota......... Shey ado H7 550 Linden . lO Wayne.......K 10 435 Waldron. ........ seas Se, Po eS TE BB lasses Pak Bion a ke | gag ge detmee NGS Waller ¢ |Z Bente ae Keewatln, Trasea1 5 372 7 ; : 6 itchfie aa ; : seers e ee ed Pan 0 O19 981, Dexter, 2. sb as dul2e. One204. Kelliher saan 308 pire been i -110 1,760) Lowelliy jachinces J6 5,936 St. Joseph....... K 3 728 Watervliet Re ee Piece a ta Bok. oy a ere ede Beate wait 425 Climax . -K6 9,182 Ludington....... H3 1,940) St. Louis... 33.6. 17 725 Wayland Ji.5. 0 J 957 Dodg Sent: 232 Kenned B2 1 opiate K9 ‘626 Luther G5 1,322 Stambaugh .......C3 1,268 WayNel.) n-ne K 9 132 Donaldson ....... eee i es th ae ee hire eee Pe Boas us 2) I7 "828, Standish... ..252 H9 349 Webberville ...... J 8 276 Donnelly ...-.... wee on ons SOR ci aeee Ds “foe Gslomge ccc? MBM GS | ME Sieben oe gre Meme Gh | Ge Bod Rete Jol Schema! igaiey 714 Mackinac Isiand ..D 7 527 Stephenson ...... D5 648 White Cloud ..... HS 174 Dresbach «-+ ++. M12 432 Kerkhoven .......6 9 B53) Colon. sh ae L6 697 Mackinaw........ D7 243 Stevensville ......K3 1,437, Whitehall «2.2: 0... 78,466 Duluth § .< .605,..% aw a Milne eay Hi. 9 Columbiaville 110 1,200 Mancelona FP 6 663 Stockbridge ......K 8 667 White Pigeon..... L5 188 Dumont ......... 208 Kilkenny « “Hid 5d Cone ee Te cee aes K8 3,635 Sturgis........--- L6 218 Whittemore...... G9 357 Dundas ...------ 11 $12 Kimball .. G9 343 Concord - miee 2 Fae teen f385) Sunticld wemocne Ger ae 1.042 Serre Op aeitee ae 175 ae e a3 agi Knife River. 'L 6° 400 Or comin ae Gal nists Me ee 1,061 Tawas Clty, ) G10 304 Woodland ....... J6 551 Eagle Bend ...:).F7 $72 La Crescent (M12 490 Copemish........ 0 a "339 mseh........ K9 8,287 Wyandotte .....K 10 231 Eagle Lake 11 195 Lafayette ....... 1,384 Corunna......... ae 529 Maple Rapids .. oe ‘ Bios Toe . oar 1923 Yate Til 2.533 East Grand Forks .B3 844 Lake Benton ... c il 1,380 Croswell . «% 1,047 Marcellus ........ oa bis Samar pooping) SEN z ’ 3 rene ae H12 3,142 Lake Cityn. see Ae pihaee Newaygo . - ‘ Pato ene OLY Sentences vi 815 Thompsonville, ae e re poten iy at & : re pee Baty acre aa 11035 Take Crystal ti G i 3,775 Crystal Falls...... ALON. ete ee Ge Meet OEE ke yr aman ns Portier rata Se 280 F9 akefield eee a ue a Shee aes = : 57 Marlborough, rome = : 1,175 Three Oaks.....:. L3 ae Sp pehes nate oie 1 Lake Fremont, oa e28 Dee e Clit rae 1,191 Edina Mills...... K 9 erburne...... 349 Dansville .........3 8 1,062 Marlette...:...... 110 ; Bt ERba or ee Kl 740 Lake Park ....... D6 O78 Davison ad: eee I9 11,503 Marquette ....... BS MINNESOTA. Population, 2,075,708 151 Elba... ..-----Kul 740 bakes ee Tis 911 Dearborn... ., Rog 4,286 Marshall pe COUNTIES 324 Bigin.......... Kil 219 Lake Wilson... .D 11 1,286 Decatur .......-. S ason .. vee ethene D7 652 Lamberton ...... sas ackcentlens eu Eo a at oy bre Seats 3 10;871 Aitkin yoo ete te 16 17,518 sends, Ppa Oya S Tee Ht Elizabeth Same ae i ie cs pence se eeeee ae 10 el A nRho ArasaEn LEUENe wore nal 12-493 JATio kat ee. a eeeeeee I 7,022 Meeker .. Pie S|, 867 Biktoniee ern anesboro ...... DR OUT See a Sine ane is ear = it aGen a 18'840 pehees ees 2059) 8 16:703 Millelacs .. -H7 oer Fllendaié, § Steele. Citi 140) Laporte ares F5 465, ‘760 Detroit eae at pe n < anilac ‘S41 19,337 Beltrami . .F3 24,053 Morrison Ae foe 536 Ellsworth . DP 12 i3s La a ee Ce ae 5a ees seeatehe tes 7 768 Mendon........... L 5 ohs0 58 Sent eny. dae “G0 Liteey Bree ee ate 795 Elmore ......... G12 167 Laasby ve D4 485 Douglas... 4 10.507 Menominee....... D5 Baas eee Re AAG 1AGS6 Niccdes See eG aA aes Bieeiae Case ay" H11 420 Lester Pra lnewclen 5,088 Dowagiac . if 505 Merril See 6 ce a : 20,134 Brown ........-.F 11 15; 200 INO DIES Paki ie e- D 12 223 Emmons, 1,755 LeSueur theese Hil 1,070 Dundee *.. 9 Bre Motumnara Becht 47,589 Carlton. .2.5s.g'8 113446 Norman jy 2-255 not oa peeteeborn 112 val Tewistgnc --HAt : ieee 4) 804 Middleville vce ie 2,490 Carver nie. tes , msted ........ 324 Erskine..........D4 473 Lewiston........ 2,315 Durand .......... . 804 Middleville . ~~ «32. ap6 i G6 8 46.036, Ottertallcevenc DL dof = eerecacae: cae ae F 11 218 Lewisville .......G12 133 Eagle ......... iggo ’ 527 Midland... ..... ae 1a a6R’ Chip paws ieecee eum pieze Pennington.......C 3 See eccrine ee E7 522 Lindstrom ’........J 9 B00: et Se ee he Lie 13,537 Chisago .......... J Ge SA5878 Pine eee aes wee F OS6-Hvelbtue 4 anes K4 268 Lismore, Nobles .D 12 Bait East vondan te HO, 3 oes aMiordr ee aes 38 19,640 Clay ....-......+. C6 9,553 Pipestone ....... war 1,015 Excelsior ....... H10 2,833 Litchfield ........ Fo ast Jordan......E6 = 973 Milford........... , $ : “) = : 6,870 Clearwater ....... E4 86,001 POM sie rel uu ee 4 Eyota ie ; 802 East Lansing, 519 Millersburg....... E8& 5386:.Cook) tet ae Reo ee O746 Panes eee E8 .F 10 104 Littlefork . ‘Hs Ing hee cea a Pe Siete tit igre Je 12'881 Cottonwood .. 1. Bi BoNors Barasey’c000 060 19 eons atone Caen Fie 161 Long Lake......H 10 Bieee ose beswee wears bar PE eesti a a a 16,861 Crow Wing.:.....G6 6,564 Red Lake........ C3 '426 Fall Lake, St.LouisJ4 1,250 Long Prairie... ... F8 AyO04) Paton Repies 25 52 T Mt gp G09 NontoS: arms. tale 25,171 Dakota ......... 110 18,425 Redwood ....... Ell Soot eatibaule ‘Tit 271 Lonsdale, Rice ...I 11 307 Eau Claire .......L4 942 Montague ........ 14 12'094 Dodges ee & J12 23,123 Renville ........ F 10 Bs Warley, Beltcamtes F3 88 Louisburg. . Co 1,068 nN a To yatpheger ates I On 362 wy eee 7 17,669 Douglas ..)..0.. 0. me heted Rice. Bote Ye oct ; aS 1,024 Farmington...... 110 aes Lowry. 0 -3-;D8 - 5 aon ati {paultiss no. xe Hi LO; OCK .,..--0058> iS LGRG es ater , 1,673 Elk Rapids. .-..- ae 348 Montrose ....2.. 0+) 2 25.680 Fillmore 222 de 11/338 Roseau.......... D2 dS one eee D8 139. Luce: 45) eee D6 553 ee ace dane see 8 peu Marsnes ie Sihctele its ; 22,282 Freeborn ........ T2592 14,888) Scott: . 3-2-1 eae get 10 1491 Felton soe oes C5 2,540 Luverne ........ ¢ as Bee ee cee meena wi a Me eee Be 31,637 Goodhue ........ Ji1 8,136 Sherburne ....... H 9 6,887 Fergus Falls ..... D7 552 Lyle sess 22 B73 Binple fo. ae F4 7,707 Mt. Clemens 1... 25°11 9,114 Grant ............ ghey Are eta hed ce gas soy 614 Fertile ..... +... C4 126 McGregor.........16 Sy pecan en eae a's BOTS Bie) Pee ae ve Oy Houston seer 12 47,733 Stearns........ Be Hs Ay: Paehee ee B4 411 McKinley ........K 4 iets ol a Sami AP ELS ot 5 9,831 Hubbard......... F5 16,146 Steele .. ‘ 481 Floodwood ....... 16 abel. ..q Ata 1,386 Evart ..........- as 463 Muir. ............ J 6 edi St cit. 68 18 8,293 Stevens . 13088.) m. vrdg Boley arene ie H8 1,273 Madelia.... 2.20. Gil 437 Fairgrove .......-H9 312 Mulliken ......... ae 47/208 Vinses Ski icabe ate aaa ein oe ee D9 See een ae ee ee E8 1,811 Madison ......--. C8 564, Farmington, ++. 104 02,952 Munising. nd). © BG 14/491 Jackson. . HP 23-407 Todds. eee ae F7 bab Fore Lace 19 335 Madison Lake ...H 11 522 Farwell... 2... .: H7 24,062 Muskegon ........ 14 Gkotannheoe Leta 8.049 Traverse.....-...- C8 904 Foreston sone ck oe H8 189 Magnolia ........C 12 Se eee One ters 600 “Muskegon aes 18,969 Kandiyohi .......F 9 181554 Wabasha....... Kl | a7n \Fouston. cane D4 796 Mahnomen .......05 ee Dea Takeo ats 446 eee ee aaa 9,669 Kittson..........B2 . 8.652 Wadena ...?.... ws 31 Bouitaian ae K12 78 Mallard, SS - ; Pe an ee 6,431 Koochiching ..... R3 13,466 Waseca......... owlds, Beltrami .E 3 ea. aivhelete EA lal ap LE 9 - 9 8-460 Negaunee........ an 15,435 Lac qui oak ...:C10 26,013 Washington ....... J9 eon Por Lacien ae: C7 10,365 Mankato ......--G@ 11 689 Ford City Wayne 920 New Batti more. . . ji 8,011 Lake ............ M4 11,382 Watonwan ...... Hee 439 Franklin........E 11 410 Mantorville ...... HO 2 GEE ore Cliy es Wey 020 ‘New Baltimore.r. 18,609 Lesueur ........ He Ai | 9/063 Wilkin--mtcecu mas B7 1615 Trazes: ee D6 522 Maple Lake ..--.- Sige ae os Henes Ree ea ees a 9.874 Lincoln......... Cll 33,398 Winona 0.0... 12 “Ano. Waceport rs 809 Mapleton.“ -.:-HA12 Ep Eee s Eee 5 eek = Dit ee 28,082. Witlehitn piiannie dete aaa ee , sae B76) DOWIE! wel..s ileum te 17 478 New Haven...... Jil ae Ane Ha ¥en & G10 White Earth Indian ove Bree Bi oe ae 12 338 Marietta ..... .Cc9 905 Fowlerville ....... J8 5,156 Niles ............ L4 3,249 Mahnomen .......D 5 Reservation ....D 5 59 Funkley, Beltrami. F 3 491 Marine Mills J 9 “be S aapene (oe AAS ST oe Roun pls ey qT aoe 16,338 Marshall ......... C3 15,406 Yellow Medicine .D 10 160 Garfield.......... B 8 2 is eee te a} PEP Spee sjoisie * ei Bee atoreR Muskegon . = . Incorporated Cities, Towns, and Villages ae Coyord At ee i G10 386 Maynard + oa D 10 460 Freeport. .......:06 4,668 Noveege ct K 9 Ad 2° Adas ie se race ae B5 352 Bricelyn........H12 140 Geneva.......... 112 41k Mapes ea 2,009 Fremont ......... 14 4,974 Norway ..........C4 S76 Adams: ic. ch ceil J 12 101° Bronson waece en oe B 2 ae arene Be ay 3.591 Melrose see eee F8 330 Fruitport.........14 237 Oakley %iot.c dace 18 1 die PAdrian ne ee ocds D 12 160 Brookston ...... .J 6 Se Gibo oe eas 346 Menahga .........F6 358 Gagetown....... H 10 781 Oakwood, Wayne K 10 1638" Alt kAnier arene H6 562 Brooten ......... E8 Oh) Gibers StaLOuis mars 245 Mendota.........- M9 2387 Galness enc. a: 'a ar J9 O27 ‘OUVEE He .xciemierns K 6 657 “Albany sacs cms F8 633 Browerville,...... F7 170 i » ot. ‘610 229° Mentor see C4 656 Galesburg........ K 6 367 omer Shey -G9 6,192 Albert Lea....... 112 264 Brownsdale ......J 12 1,788 econ tg tem eins a 40 $4 Mecate ee “Ka 405 Galien ........... L383 2,702 Onaway .. ..E8 222 Albertville....... H9 361 Brownsville .....M 12 368 pet cal on en ota nic a 149 Middle River, 4975 Gardenia semis «icle crere C6 324 Onekama G4 44, Alden’? Sits ent che 112 509 Brownton.......G10 > 2,161 ale Bap crcucycw ne Marahalle tee O38 1,538 Gaylord.......... E7 398 Onsted. 0... K 8 3,001 Alexandria geeks £8 1,058 Brown Valley eae rhe Gulden valley ae 1.102 Milaca eee ee HS 211 Gladstone ,....... 1,964 Ontonagon a8 223 Bh. sie fois inh Sa, 2 TUNO «ses eeee eee 19 -* 468: Milan Bonas Gieleiieet oe H7 7 Homeets Sees J 10 200 altuna ke tld 137 Buckman........ H 8 108 Gonna - B Pi Mertipeee Free EB? 537 phlieket Ne ents * i Pe pxenieug Sieestie tite e ee mnie ee Marshall Es ee Jae ree ts Ais ms a A blak ee 136 Millville - Nie ms ul ,856 Gre Ne eae 4 (Oscoda co eainntsG Oats) se eASo) Amboy Seer aries np : ee cee ial 4g agli Gung o ER |S Aiea “Gg ade BARN ae | GES cs soe Minicapols ees ed 112,571 Grand Rapids . 2;81.2) OLSCLO" Gis oui erate c 3) O0-> ANOKAPeatelete tree melee UTM eee PB] Sea Granade: ceri ves $95 Minnewha i: AS quan ners a : ; At Otter Dake maven: Pa ae epicion + erahatas. ie Hirt Bere oF * ass aoud ean Be ae 819 Minneota. ace - a TAN ae tithe ta BOL Or OVI i ren arctns eres TCO, dae he eel ee wo7e BV TON Ieee i amesGtn ie 760 Grass Lake ...... K8 285 Owendale.:... sit 10 WAAL AT oy lapse etd B3 1,372 Caledonia . .M12 none aore ere ES A45. Miviriesota Dalceneiel> Peco) Grayline ee nts eer m7 9,638 ‘Owosso vcr lan eee J8 733 Arlington ....... G10 276 Callaway, Becker..D 6 1,4 a Ranatnek & 166 Minnetonka Beach, 4,045 Greenville ........ 16 1,191 Oxford... -J 10 304 “ASHDY vic ca eyes D7 245 Calumet, Itasca ..H 5 189 ca : Hennepin..-.«.. 19 ' 830 Grossepoint.. >... Kil SOO Parma: nutcase K7 600 Atwater comamace F9 900 Cambridge 8 274 poke S ae é 149 Mizpah, 862 Grossepoint Farms, 1,643 Paw Paw........ K5 300 Audubon ..... eres 303 Campbell . ORs tes y deh ie eo Koochiching ...H 3 Wayne . 2.4.5 K 10 LiSVP Ook an seh one ee! 1,919 Aurora, St. Louis ..J 4 1,528 Canby....... Zoho DD: 7 : iv rai : eG 177 Monterey .....-- 2 290 Grossepoint Park, 1,089) Pellstonm wikia stents D6 6,960 Austin 12 1,385 Cannon Falls ....J 11 ey bien bo HEE wale 3,056 Montevideo . . 0 a ee ee et K lo biee file Ddodbs-oe 28 212 at Be nee Gaston Soto Eee ‘ee mene ay te ae iy 1287 Montgomery H 3,5 amtramck, 88 Perrintony 3. 277 Avon Se Eee aTlos sicko aw aa eS °° 186 Hadley iio oan 858. Montisellon ie Sadr seb eg o aigrelytae ere Red ory, na ae ue roe Backus, ‘Cass... + 2 oor jr aiiieiis uxt et 3 ute panos weateaiPal aaa a Er Montrose, aad : 9 4 ANCOck Senet 490 Petersburg ....... 305 Badger. .suieer oe ee Lee Fyn aie ae CO an 8 20 EMCO ORE cane S64. Hanever.. ee K 8 4,778 Petoskey lee ah E 6 801 Bagley SAAT eee E8 2,011 Cass Lake........F 5 153 Hamburg . gees = c eo epee gt ve a 2 1,556 Harbor Beach ...H 11 289 Pewamo..sse oes iV or¢ 364 Balaton ........ Dil 252 Center City .......J39 271 peace co 892° Mora < eee 8 1,805 Harbor Springs . ._E6 18S Pierson.!;0 os ene 15 140° Banning. . pon pres J7 3300 Ceylone eae ste ce F12 241 ae ee ceee 110 553 Morgan ...:. c++ 1 336 Harriette ........ G5 B87- Pigeon! J. eer H10 1,353 Barnesville ,...... C6 220 ‘Chandler cn. se. D 12 190 Hampton........ D9 1685 Morish ee 8 543 Harrison ..,......G7 477 Pinckney . ..J3 8 262 Barnum ..........37 164 Chanhassen, 524 Hancock........ wie B92. Moristown ae 1 444 Harrisville ...... ore: 677 Pinconning 5 oe! 278 pone. ne tehteneratens poe Bera Ree ety ars = 49 oh Baatey cals eles 761, Morte; eee 9 OOO Lalbs cpets oil gelriarc, 1,493 Plainwel Sate ok 105 Barry .. ae asSKa .......-- reed ent Oven cee Haan. eee cre 11268 HMarttord stots ke K4 1,671 Plymouth........ K 9 567 Battie Lake eia.t D7 1,228 Chatfield ....... K 12 310 Bansks 3 52 este V3 a tage Mote te take Seas 4,383 Spa o wfext tapas e : 14,532 ones ake a a8 897 pene ero hut ne a zi6 Pepe beta ao, tia 19 Bee Hariong otis ie. K 2 1,343 Mount Iron ....... 2 ‘ 310) Hersey iis so sites 533 Port Austin..... ASl, Beardsleyion....siee sholm, St. Tg A 9288) Murdock amen 462 Hesperia......... H4 344 Port Hope...... H 11 195 Beaver Creck ....C12 Lows esses K4 673 Harris . « Sat icels oe ae Noreen Pe F5 4,120 Highland Park, 18,863 Port Huron...... Jil ZLOUBeCOkerias see ee H9 328 Chokio ...........C8 es Hever eo “EA 271. Nasu ee C7 Wayne....... K10 1832 Portland......... Iz 448 Belgrade .........E 9 587 Clara City ...... E10 S060 Basing naa ae C6 2,080 Nashwauk.......- 15 411 ae ata : ee 216 Port Sanilac..... “ae 1,204 ee Nca: ss auscereis one ne pee Btakoa ae wee spy a wela sree eee 5412 791.3 Nags Tee c 2 ,001 Hillsdale .... nao) 56268 PORRRS [9256-0 5 n Me ele Ulede Say peta Oe a ae tee SNe OOD OE a Ae eee i 225 Hilltop, Bertier ela 4 430 Potterville 3 Sons J7 149 Bolaraga Ter aco rece oe 603 Clarkfield .......D 10 aet Seen eiislons = - any - partrentd here 111i 10,490 Holland .,........ 7 ; 1 347 beet PD ie eS as rat eota fen enc Oa Era oe cae pane dns ciahars a - et Rstaetbure Cpe H 10 238 Nevis........... at UP Sb ame CoN a Tt one Sin WA Se L102 Reading c=. tien. 5,099, Bemidji cn cues earwaters.../.5 G9." | 111 Heldelburg--. 1. New Auburnee. ns TOOSS Homers eee et K7 328 Redford, Wayne.K 10 79). pas ans G5 132 Clements, ee Soe ete S Beha c G10 ae bad Brightons- teins 5,113 Houghton........ A3 4,211 Red Jacket, 167-70 DeDSON val. see E 9 Redwood ..... E11 Hendvien 210 New Germany ...G 10 1,046 Howard City...... a) Houghton ...... B3 42 Benton, Carver. .H 10 212 Cleveland sabe ee oe Honan : 7 418 New London .. 28 FO9 (450 Habbartslan f2ocTt aes Roane eee 19 221 Bethel Th © eeabarcunon en “Ba 604 Herman gi eie0 Now Mania eee 50 Hubbardston ..... SCEO FE. apie ita ISURERT ercre ree vconenrte : 190 New Munic H 1.059 Hubbell, 278 Richland ...,.... K 6 195 Bigelow ........ D 12 187 Clitherall ; ed ues oe eres Lee i 370 Newport . ‘L9 Houghton...... B3 1,277 Richmond .......J 11 325 Big Falls .H3 153 Clontarf . D9 pa aks eM ue 1,554 New Prague .....1 10 ange oe be sats ae pas peer Rouge . Pipe 4 ane eae is : 7,031 Cloquet .. ae tA SES rly othe High vorest. Olmsted 685 New Richland H 12 1,174 Im Wty ts eae 1,516 Rochester ....... 2 i ake obden ......... er . ate 65080 Ionia oc 78a J6 843 Rockford .......\.16 285 Bingham Lake... F 12 521 Cohasset....2.. 2. HS 220 Hl City, Aitkin KA 41s ee Oa 9,216 Iron Mountain ....C4 705 Rogers's ics osteo E 9 931 Bird Island ..... F 10 GIS ECOKRtON males eraiele G9 y, 2 474 New York Mills...E 6 Bees ie Haver aya divi a “ tine oe aisistes taste ae ‘ee 1,690 iat tte sien se a Z s ae Coleraine. = ee eeee ¢: : oes His iey tea eenes - SERA Nicolini cose Gat 12,82 ronwood ........ 4 oscommon...... 942 Blackduck ....... , oleraine,.o....%. 177 Norcross ....-.--- 12.448 Ishpeming ....... Ba4 542 Rose City........ G8 854 Blooming Prairie .I 12 390 Cologne ........ H 10 391 Homman salale materee “ 642 Noith: Branches 79 1,876 ta Pei utes ony S ig eateta oe One easy : 2,319 ee Earth ©), . 2. Bg 590 Columbia Heights, 19 oe Herne. Gt eariaueis 3,265 Northfield .......- m1 31,433 Jackson ......... 0,510 Saginaw . vee 148 Bluffton ©: ovat. 5 OK a meee wis ee ’ 1,279 North Mankato, 1,396 Jonesville... L7 816 Saline... K9 1,377 Bovey, Itasca... H 4 238 Comfrey ........ Fil ges pollens sea G41 Nicollet....... Gil 39,437 Kalamazoo ...... K 5 370 Sand Lake, Kent ..1 5 164 Bowlus, Morrison .G 8 LOZiOorrelly.-.nsne eee C9 : Heide 306 Noxthomon eae G4 1,415 Kalkaska ........ 4 : ats pga Sanilac Tit 431 9Boyd wens trees oa ae Shel oak ho ie Se ieee asca.. 42 143 North Redwood, ae 467 Kent Clty .... 72. 84 ATANAG.e a. tsieneietee's 406° Braham. i. ow ottonwood ....D 10", Ws” 700) Houston seni. ce Redwood SCO ekiride i .0 janie H 10 621 Saugatuck ........ J4 8,526 Brainerd .........G7 208 Courtland ....... Git B26 Howard Lake aga 1,404 North St. Paul ...M8 497 Kingsley ......... F5 12,615 Sault Ste. Marie ...B 9 276 Brandon <35,.224 E 8 143 Cromwell .........J36 S368 Hue ARERR G10 522 Norwood......-- G10 302 Kingston ........ 110 816 Schoolcraft ...... K5 1,840 Breckenridge ..... C7 7,559 Crookston........ B4 , utchinson ..... more, Beltrami.F 3 487 International Falls.1 3 834 Ny: , 703 Laingsburg....... J8 891 Scottville ........ H9 311 Brewster........ D a 629 Currie 5. s.cewsed At 1,487 Inte : : cay | ATLAS OF THE WORLD. 143 s rors MINNESOTA—Continued MISSISSIPPI—Continued MISSISSIPPI—Continued op. Pop.1910 ‘ ESy 1910 Pop.1910 Pop.1910 Pop.1910 oP ate Pee ny C9 10,600 St Cloud ........ G8 S06 ANGU Fe one yc» D1 6,237 McComb......... D8 175 oral ot aly E7? B80 Wiggins..... eg | Uae Oia sac wets F 12 468 St. Hilatre........ C3 LO? Baird Weve. ye 0 4 422 MoGool of..4s'. cuit = dine F 3 i 390 Osseo ......-. +++ 19 Washington ....J 9 220 Belden, Lee ...... G2 146 Marletta ...... ++. Gi MISSOURI. Population, 3,293,335 76s Ottertall..i.% von E7 4,176°St. Peter..o6. <2. Gil 19Se Belen: acess coe: D2 670" Maria's; Sete D2 COUNTIES 5,658 Owatonna....... Til 328 St. Vincent....... A2 160 oliot on tabie: .F3 151 Martin .........:. C7 383 Parkers Prairie ...E 7 2,558. Staples ../......< F7 367 Belmont......... H2 576 Mathiston ........F 3 22,700 Adair.........+.. AZT 25,253 Linn ............ B6 1,801 Park Rapids...... F6 497 Starbuck ........ D8 1,050: Belzont,0.. thyssa 3% C4 185 Mayersville....... B5 15,282 Andrew.......... B3 19,453 Livingsten.......B5 901 Paynesville.......F 9 618 Stephen ......... B3 2 Bonoltine. cere shes C3 180 Mayhew......... G4 13,604 Atchison .......-- A2 138,539 McDonald Ha 1,019 Pelican Rapids ...D 6 412) Stewarts #08. G10 S69 Beulahiweim ssc C3 260 Meadville ........ OF 21,687 Audrain.......... C9 30,868 Macon .. - BT 189 Pennock ......... E9 794 Stewartville .....J3 12 $049 FBUGR cit. che slats: F9 606 Mendenhall ...... E7 DS ROO RATEY: oan aliens H5 11,273 Madison ..G 42 260 Pequot. ce... G6 10,198 Stillwater ........ J9 650 Blue Mountain ...G1 23,285 Meridian .........G6 16,747 Barton........... F4 10,088 Maries .. -E9 1,876 Perham,......... D6 183 Sturgeon Lake....J7 167 Blue Springs ..... G2 241 Merigold ......... C3 25,869 Bates........ 1.4 30,572 Marion . bbe SBN PONEY ci were oo 3 B5 397 Swanville ........ F8 841 Bogue Chitto..... D8 328) Merrill’ pncta sah - G9 14,881 Benton ..... -E6 12,335 Mercer, AS 266 Peterson ........ L12 549 Taconite, Itasca. .H 4 6S2 Bolton 2.4% i Sen > D6 54 Michigan City ....F 1 14,576 Bollinger’ eat -G12 16,717 Miller E8 BERD RIOTS Re cee ces G8 TAO TROD ae cess oer gee. SSGeBondtac. nee bh F9 $21 Mitetnden cise o E7 30,538 Boone ..........-D8 14,557 Mississippi ......H 14 216 Pillager.......... G7 205s Taunton got © in: C10 1,837 Booneville ....... Gil 450 Monticeilo Pens Pros D8 93,020 Buchanan.. ..B3 14,375 Moniteau........ D7 2,268 Pine Clty......... 38 454 Taylors Falls .....J39 4446 Boge Saget) C3 427 Montrose ........ F 6 20,624 Butler...:. i 12 18,304 Monroe .......-.5 C8 834 Pine Island ......J 11 USSa TERNGY lel ave c/aierese B7 720 Brandon .,.......E 6 506 Moorhead .........D4 14,605 Caldwell . .B4 15,604 Montgomery ....D10 $29 Pine River....... F6 250 Tenstrike, 286, Braxton! vou. «scien E 6 S74 Morton ote: aa ae ore E 6 24,400 Callaway . ..D9 12,863 Morgan..........E7 2,475 Pipestone ....... C12 Beltrami . .F3 5,293 Brookhaven ......D7 241 Moselle .......+.- F7 11,582 Camden ......... EZ 19,488 New Madrid’! //H 13 1,175 Plainview....... K il 3,714 Thief River Falls .D 3 850 Brookville ....... G4 3,054 Mosspoint....... G10 27'621 Cape Girardeau..G13 27,136 Newton ......... H4 BSBPIALO G5 > 9 aot es G10 169 Thomson ........ K 6 421 Bucatuma ....... G8 537 Mound Bayou ....C 3 23,098 Carroll .. \.C5 28,833 Nodaway ........ As 139 Plummer......... C4 SUPA TIDAL, 20ek hie a oes C8 231 Buena Vista...... G3 1,077 Mount Olive......E 7 5,504 Carter . Hii 14,681 Oregon .........H10 BOSE POTCOT xi /.00/ <0 a C10 107 Tonka Bay, Hennepin 336 Burnsville ....... H1 130 Mt. Pleasant ..... Fil 22,973 Cass. -D4 14,283 Osage ..........- E9 WetOd PYeston..).. <-/++' B12 H 9 SiteByhallarie. swe - El 255 Myrtle . Vref 16,080 Cedar... F5 11,026 Ozark * cones 4 dears H 8 1,555 Princeton......... 18 PATOTOWEer soensteets 4 137 Caledonia . HS) 9115701) Natchez) c.)2 ee 4h B7 23,503 Chariton - .B6 19,599 Pemiscot 5 162 Prior Lake....... 110 ART OM LTAGH sitet cies e« Dat 477 Calhoun City’. edt, INGSDICE Vora scree © El 15,832 Christian H6 14,898 Perry.........-. 3 2,243 Proctor.......... K6 243 Triumph ........F 12 3,929 (Canton «us vende. E5 733 Nettleton........ G2 12,811 Clark AQ 33,913 Pettis 6 25 Rainy Lake City, TAT rosy esuitverets Ox2 608 Carrollton........ E4 2,032 New: Albany...... F2 20,302 Cla .C4 15,796 Phelps . 9 Koochiching....H 3 450° Trumar (cn « G12 old Carthages loess. E5 191 Newhebron, 15,297 Clinton Ba 22,556 Pike .... 0 195 Randall.......... G7 108 Turtle River...... F4 BO. Casollladeswon sen D3 Lawrence ....D 7 21,957 Cole..... .D8& 14,429 Platte C3 182 Randolph.......-. J 10 543 Twin Valley ...... 05 216 Cedar Bluff ...... G3 1,878 Newton cons sok 6 20,311 Cooper SiDiZ 21,561 Polkiac goin cree 012 6 190 Rainier Pe cee: 13 4,990 Two Harbors .....L 5 865 Centerville ....... B8 348 Nicholson...... .E9 13,576 Crawfor -F10 11,438 Pulaski .......... F8 334 Raymond . .E9 OL4 Ul vlorg ee fast. ‘G11 1,834 Charleston....... D2 ISOLNOMA Pee aka acct D7 15,613 Dade ..G@5 14,308 Putnam.......... A6 1,757 Red ‘ake Falis ...C 4 ARS Wien’? Merce ese ee G5 62° Chesteneneas «18 Fa 8800 Norfleldier= a. clul C8 13,181 Dallas -F6 12,918 Ralls ............ C9 9,048 Red Wing ...... K 10 172 Utica . at z 280 Chunky . G7 275 St. Bonifacius...H 10 208 Zumbro Falls ...K 11 330 Guntown ........- G2 4165) SCODCY Malet sob ee E3 523 Atlanta . Ae LS, 540 Center wrote cus C10 1,159 St. Charles ......K 12 1,138 Zumbrota ....... Jil 234 Hamburg........ Cz 8. S6GODS tly ee nic cao G5 267 Augusta Pc Oa ie | 285 Centertown...... D8 Bee usstien CAAAE os os ee 3 12 Oh | 907 Handsboro...... F 10 B26 Seminary) coe. E8 166 Aullville . are 2,116 Centralia .... Os 166 Hardy Station ....E 3 1,275 Senatobia -—El 4148 Aurora. heap ae 2,082 Chaffee, Scott: G 13 MISSISSIPPI 1 1 {1 179 Harperville...... a 6 Bea Spannor See ate einen Springs... 2 : : en eget de es! act Se i 253 Harriston..... mug, B71 Shaw as oarankinies 3 4 UU VARRON oe oi : arleston ...... - Population, 1,797,114 11,733 Hattiesburg ...... F8 645 Shelby Gis Wise Ava neni ea hee 6,265 Chillicothe ....... B6 COUNTIES 2,056 Hazlehurst .......D7 353 Sherman G2 379 Baring.. -. A8& 384 Chula ............B6 FAG A477 Heidelberg..2..... F7 POSE SRLVELS conte elie ore D7 338 Barnard Fee S 1,322 ClarenGer.a. spies B8 25,265 Adams .......... B8& 36,290 Leflore .......... D3 300 Hermanville ......C7 {PBS Shubita eee s G7 118 Barnett .. E7 $00) Clarkisen some oon C8 18,159 Alcorn.........-. G1 28,597 Lincoln ..........D7 660 Hernando ,.......E1 636 Shuqualak ....... H5 316 Bell City, 399 Clarksburg .......D7 22,954 Amite ..........-- C8 30,703 Lowndes......... H4 600 Hickory.........- F6 SOt: Sidon neeeroe ner D4 Stoddard ..... H13 416 Clarksdale ........ B7 28851, Attala o1..- 0s 0-- E4 33,505 Madison ......... E5 261 Hickory Flat ..... Fl 341 Silver City, Yazoo D 5 O22 eBeltonwae-ntat ays D4 918 Clarksville....... Cl 10,245 Benton ....-.+.-. F1 15,599 Marion .......... E8 104 Highpoint, Winston 4 544 Silver Creek ..... E7 320 Benton .. Gi4 682 Clarkton ....... D 14 48,905 Bolivar .......... C3 26.796 Marshall......... Fl 217 Hiwamee, Wayne .G 7 175 Slate Springs .....F 3 233 Benton City ......09 140 Claryville ....... F 13 17,726 Calhoun.......... F3 35,178 Monroe . +. H3 152 Holcomb ...+....D3 179 Smithville ....... H2 742 Bernie ..H13 263 Clearmont ....... A2 23,139 Carroll........... E4 17,706 Montgomery ..... E38 481 Hollandale ....... C4 1162): SO8OMe erie oe F7 346 Bertrand . Re ciet 248 Clever, Christian H 6 22,846 Chickasaw ....... G3 17,980 Neshoba.......-. FS 163 Holly Ridge, 2,698 Starkville ........G4 1,931 Bethany ...-,:---A 5 43902 Clinton........... BS 14,357 Choctaw ......... F4 23,085 Newton .........-F 6 Sunflower ....0 3 363 State Line ....... G8 935) Bethelicses0cetuns = B 9 368 Clyde, Nodaway ..A3 le eae ta go C% 28,503 Noxubee .........G 4 2,192 Holly Springs.....F 1 188 Stewart . Fa 1,900 Bevier ...5....--- B7 349 Coffey .....-4°:. A5 Big oa 2) SS oshepbnp rack G7 19,676 Oktibbeha ....... G4 389 Houlka.......... G2 137 Strayhorn, Tate ..E 1 156 Bigelow.......... A2 910 Cole Camp ....... E 6 BOiZ0S Chay as aire =e 7 > ¢ G3 31.274 Panola ...-...-.- E2 1,400 Houston ......... G3 267 Stringer .......-. F7 760 Billings .......--- G6 230 College Mound... .B 7 Best iiQoahoma.~-+>.--. De 10,609, Pearl River -<...- ed 106 Independence ....E 1 $21 Sturgiai rei ve cae or F4 497 Birchtree....... G10 259 Colline . wc... 20> F5 35,914 Copiah .......... D7 7,685 Perry..,..-.-++-- G8 1,098 Indianola ........ C4 1,471 Summit .......... 18 136 Birmingham ...... C4 9,662 Columbia ........ D8 16,909 Covington ....... E7 387,272 Pike .........--- D8 234 Ingomarin....: 44. G2 64a Sumneruc eo ster ne D3 848 Bismarck........F 11 544 Commerce ...... G4 23,130 De Soto .......-. El 19,688 Pontotoc......... F2 221 LMVernessi «us ste. C4 14% Daylories cence > E 2 389 Blackburn.. enOi6 132 Conception ...... AS power Forrest or... +--+. PS 16,991 Prentiss.........- G1 278 Taola Sepa er C4 623 Taylorsville |... E7 371 Blackwater ...... D6 931 Concordia.......- D6 Oo EE ered a Se eet Lr PUSS SPURDEABN Ste ia) 4 De 1,427 Ittabena.........D4 478 *Tehula...% v6.6 .0%- D4 288 Blairstown .......D 4 652 Connelsville,Adair A 7 8,500) George, ...- +--+. Go 23,944 Rankin .........- E6 PROT. Tica Go tiape te stehelarars H1 A7B MOLTy, eens ler ale a D6 359 Bland, Gasconade 196 Conran, New 6,050 Greene .........-- G8 1G, FO COU bas a cavers [osanenece F6 21.262 Jackson .....---- D6 143 Thaxton ......... F2 E10 Madrid ..... H 13 1 OT oe ile cater d a Lye nc ae conte BO a8 170 Johnston Station..D 8 64 Thornton ......-- D4 422 Blodgett ........G 13 394 Conway........-. G7 Speer er ceueeths--..-2- 8 10 (0d 7,205 Sunpsons.\.» ats 367 Jonestown.......- C2 163 Tillatoba ........ E3 1,147 Bloomfield ......H12 110 COTA we +s eseeeee A6 eRe al ne de BD .ae 1 0,608" Suatthic ce Te at Y, 380 Kilmichael ....... E4 212 Tishomingo, 67 Blue Ridge .-.... A5 649 Corder ...........05 a aap Oe DO) 28,787 ‘Suntiower & o>: as C'S 168 Knoxville ........B8 Tishomingo ..H 1 561 Blue Springs ..... D4 253 Corning.......... A2 Be eeee ees ero nc DS 20,075 Tallahatchie ae 2,385 Kosciusko........ B4 233 Toccopola .......-F 2 345 Blythedale ....... A4 170 Crosby .......... B 3 pel EE aces lS ae Cite 10714 Late oe lie 193 Kossuth ......... Gi 57 Tocowa.......... D2 316 Bogard . ten 6 170 Cottonwood Point 15 HAS te ees id ie aL 214,001 (Ripped +08. 25s ne G 1 140 Lafayette Springs .F 2 198 Tomnolen ........F 4 376 Bolckow . AS 363 Cowgill ........ E4 1,027 Braymer .........B 5 261. Dalton... vsneet C6 se tera cer, Suna ST EE oooh pc Ui ar 1,026 Long Beach ....-F 10 180 Vance ........ D2 1,025 Breckenridge .....B 5 113 Danville 700.2... Dg SE eer tee eho, peer mer One tires ore ath 1,181 Louisville ..2..... F4 439 Vardman ....--.. F 3 181 Brewer ..... nee 13 352 Darlington ....--. A4 2 ee 190 Longview........ G4 558 Verona .......-.- G2 129 Bridgeton....... D 12 186 Dean Lake, , 2 69 Louise, Yazoo....D 5 20,814 Vicksburg ........C6 104 Brimson, cranny A5 Chariton ..... B6 Incorporated Cities, Towns, and Villages 108 Love Station ..... D1 107 Wahalak ........ G5 263 Bronaugh . ~. BA 499 Dearborn .......- C3 243 Abbeville ........ F 2 2 LPP aeAINOTY. sre pn efor G3 160 Lula, Coahoma ...C 2 199 Walnut Grove ....F 5 5,749 Brookfield . .B6 1,398 Deepwater......- E5$ 3,708 Aberdeen ........ H3 BUSRATCOLA:Y i ecvaw d=: C4 797 Lucedale ...<...., H 9 171 > Walthall)’. 25 535... F3 629 Browning . ae O 129 Deerfield ........ F3 1,398 Ackerman........ F4 217 Arkabutla ....... Di 153 Lucien,Franklin ..C 8 4,275 Water Valley ..... F 2 348 Brownington . Mae tn SOLS $01 Dekalb... 5.8 50a B38 328 Albertson, Jones ..F 7 535 Artesia .......... G4 2,122 Lumberton......- E8 554 Waveland ....... F 10 1,606 Brunswick ......- C6 175 Deray, Cape 152 Algoma, Pontotac.F 2 © 146 Ashland....... Free ve 228) LYON isice nee cs ~ 652 Waynesboro...... G7 790 Bucklin.........+ B7 Girardeau ...G 13 144 ATLAS OF THE WORLD. Pas 1910 287 4,721 423 2,322 160 715 72 9 Federal, St. 2 Fenton, St. 7 Foley 5 Gallatin .. MISSOURI—Continued Hebe % ge 0 DOs AtGs tacvase- Gill De Sotorn.. oy. Dewitt. 0% Gea C6 DOXtOr Niece sme H 13 Doniphan. . Dover. DUG Ys cpr oles H 13 Fagleville -....... A4 Hash LDN wie es D MIAStON tae acne B Edgerton, Platte ..C PiGiNa. cope aeenee ca A Edna, Scott . .G Eldon: s< sse ate +m E Eldorado Springs. .F FOLMOR in eranein, ke eae B JUTE Siac Upancis oe EISberry: <. 2 es. Cc ELVinS) 20. 2s) <» F Eolia, Pike ...... Cc FOSSOK 2) ee aleneinse H E THOL).oc otte ae Ree B D F G Pewing Sioa A Excelsior Springs. .C TSXOGCY onesie ste H WAIT K erecta smiste ts A Fair Haven F Fair Play . F Farber .......-. Cc Farley Cc Farmington ..... F Fayette... ian. Cc Francois..... F Lows. iis. D FOP eUsSOM eas tes D FOS6US eimuuis ware ko WUIMOLE |S oy. ele as B Flat River ...... F Florissant....... 5 PRE = PPORONOLROMORNIAU NMR MMOMND PO NM OOUE RNP OCW DAIWONME RAIN WOOO RRR Forest City...» B Forest Park, Lawrence ... Fosterts.taecisi ei Frankford .......C Fredericktown ...F Freeburg, Osage . Freemans aie te =e Panton taka este: Gainesville ....... Galena .... a Galt scion ace Garden City... GeTHTY comic ett ee Gerald, Franklin..E 10 SID DS weeks sere B8 Gibson, Dunklin..E 14 bybwitnuon 702 Gideon, New Madrid H 13 58 Gifford, Macon....B7 S99 Gilliath Grek coe C6 537 Gilman City ......A5 1,507 Glasgow ......... Loy 106 Glenallep....... G13 375 Glenwood ........A7 S8e GOlGEN fasta. cae H5 170 Gordonville, Cape Girardeau ..... G13 84 °GOrihy.. 6 ave as A8& 370 Gower .......0.+- B3 $365. Graham 2... 00.5% A3 133 Grain Valley..... D4 ZA4LS “Granby... rere stes a H4 1,207 Grant City ....... A4 454 Greencastle, Sullivan ....... Aé6 844 Green City . 2 ANG 1,434 Greenfield. Ge 436 Green Ridge Hae. 6 275 SA LCCDLLOD tare os er> A8& 914 Greenville....... G12 207 (Gitlfordessetiye set Ad 87 VP ale ene aie. a C6 195 Hallavillers.. i. 35% C8 1,761 Hamilton ....:... B5 18,341 Hannibal ........ B10 S30 Harding. -7 « ..CcSs 395 Harris, Sullivan...A 6 146 Harrisburg, Boone D 8 1,947 Harrisonville.....D4 175 Hartsburg, Boone D8 507) Hartville. vipeon os G8 201- Harviell )un ee H 12 208 Harwood......... F4 299 Hawk Point, Lincoln 130072 Hay tl tere. srarere E 15 191 Henderson oun tr rh ~ x & _ So on 305 664 11,850 395 84 456 32,073 1,758 248. 381 oe ns Oltysn is. 631 K 190 3,033 963 306 235 2 STOMA ay Sate cee New Madrid ...H 13 Henrietta, Ray rng Hermanns ents D10 3 Hibbard, bes yes 84 Higbee <0... seen s Higginsville ...... FERISDONO: 7c scue 3 ok Holcomb ....... ELOIG EN 0 eudcacaeotts Hollywood, Dunklin EP Olt shine cece tepars, tern HOpEING Sinan atehac Hornersville ..... El FrOUStON oii... siete Houstonia ....... D Humansville......F FIUMOyo late tere E Humphreys...... A Hunnewell 25.255 B D C A F Huntsdale, Boone. Huntsville........ Hurdland, Knox... Therla: wes erro Illmo, Scott..... G Independence ... Trondale........ Tronton .....%..>5 JOCKBON | 35 ite Jacksonville .... Jameson .... Jamesport ....-°: Jamestown....... JASPEL Vacs ee +142 Jefferson City .... Jerico Springs ... Johnstown ......- Jonesburg.......- D J ony Pe als eee ore G BHOKA, .aism > « El Keytesville .......C RUGS. oss ae eee B Kimmswick ,.... El 335 238 6,347 4,171 670 395 452 1,017 740 _ oo o te 2 C4 B4 1,114 Osceola ... .E5 204 Osgood, Sullivan. sk 6 453 Otterville . Se OMTY 677 Owensville ...... E 10 Sid “OZaLk Bo tere states os H 6 15418 Pacthe rire wc3 E 11 2,168 Palmyra ...).-.... BY 87 Papinsville........ E4 7 Matthews, New 1. Modena st ta54.040) 6 King City . Kingston ......:.- Kingsville .4 3... % Kirksville mates ste Kirkwood....... Knobnoster Knox City .... Koshkonong La Belle... Lacledox. wn. ties rif Laddonta «sims secre La Grange ...... Lakenan vic. .a GaMar ities sede Lamonte.:. 2 isa .% Lancaster ....5:.. ae PUG orate s hvars TUATOCO)S. aeisters para ers Lees Summit . iGSCOWM eines ibd tery Levasy, Jackson. . Lewistown ....... Lexington 2.23. =. . IRAberal er vetaure sets PAberty.: . «ssocn en Licking Lilbourn, New Madrid D A B B G Cc Cc TODARONE Ser ea cers F D D D B Cc F Cc G it WAS eh attic pos Linn’ Creek ....... Linneus... . Lithium ... Lockspring. Lockwood ...... Longtown....... Louisiana ....... Lowry City..... TALCCINO oo ieetat sven Lupus, Moniteau..D Luray .. he eae TAA. Lutesville ...... G12 MeKalls Siac eins Aa McKittrick...... D 10 Macon’. sene sins as B7 Madison isn 2 a s}es] Oty bEOFow" S. (Malden: to sncetias D4 C6 Manley, Dunklin. E 14 Mansfield G8 Maplewood, St. ot 1 Marble Hill...... Gil Marcelin@ si ae «ale B Marionville.......H Marquand,...... Gil Marshall... eo Marshfield 3 Marston ...... Mk Martinsburg ......C Martinsville ...... A Maryville.........A = Madrid Maysville fran <1. B Mayview.......... C Mead ville. o.26 san: Melbourne: Aiea Mem phis.4 Wales ars A Mendon’ FT iiaiates un Mercer). nes nmmmars A E E F Cc C bi AAODH AOL OWOUAwDUAUTIES SHON Moo wlhs Merwint irene ert ike Metz. Fort ech ais Miami. vox Middlebrook . see | Middlegrove. . Bazi: Cc Middletown....... Cc Milan 2. ioeniee-ne A Miller: scizdea te G Millersville, Cape Girardeau mee ht = Mindenmines, Bertani Goan aac F Mineral Point....F Missouri City ..... Mobetly?* #055445 3] = Cc Cc A Mokane. i kc.A in. D Monegaw Sernee§ E Monett . -H Monroe City. Be teens B Montevallo .......F piece Beet City D1 Monticello. -A Montrose. ey 0} Montserrat....... D Mooresville....... B Morehouse ......H Morley. wiincas dass G Morrison: 5:1 +. 26 D Morrisville’. ..-. 5. . G Moscow Mills....C Mosolle 3274.5. 2 E Mound City ...... Moundville ...... Mountain Grove .. Mountain View... Mt. Moriah Mt. Vernon.. Napoleon.. - Naylor... sa al Neck, Jasper ..... G Neelysville...... H PVCISON Sais ew ejace 30 D Weosho fans ene Wevada, Wisj0% oxen F B F B aoPaosp aus” POUIONOOH LOR ROE UNO ARMRPOMNOWWOCIONMOOCCOUMOUOSEE EH Boo = ra Newark: 3. .ce.c0% NOWDUTE cece a New Cambria..... New Florence ....D New Franklin ....D New Hamburg...D1 Newhampton..... A New Haven ..... E10 New London .... New Madrid..... New Market ......C 3 Newtonia ......... H4 Newtown ......... Aé Nixa, Christian... INOVCIty Asaratisvers B8 Novingerot > oy:alce AZ Oak iGrovein..- ote H 23 Cos.) 12,725 Dawson......... E 22 TOs Sd SPATS Aan stele ih Bi2 12,988 Deerlodge........ H7 5,904 Powell one 175 S60 ETP US rehe ene e F15 11,666 Ravalli -G5 185785) Platheadss,. tO 7,985 Rosebud........ H 20 14,079 Gallatin .........111 930d ANUEIs ye tires D3 2,042: Granite. o.3.. sl 0 G7 56,848 Silverbow........ H8 5,601 Jeerson 45 seiner H9 4,029 Sweet Grass..... H 14 21,853 Lewisand Clark...F 9 9046 “Teton sor citemencls C9 3,638 Lincoln ...... ees 13,650 Valley... chun sie 7,229 Madison......... 110 22,944 Yellowstone..... H17 Incorporated Cities, Towns, and Villages 10,184 Anaconda........ G7 806 Laurels cacace. « H16 302 Bear Creek...... 115 2,992 Lewistown ...... F15 561 Belgrade’... ..% Hii 630" LADDY ice. ie aio eae C2 LOS FBElULEN wasn oreo E 12 5,359 Livingston...... 113 1,022 Bigtimber.......H 14 433 “Malta..osc) 20). tue sis C18 10,031 Billings......... H17 4,697 Miles City....... G 22 5,107 Bozeman. ),..+).H 11 12,869 Missoula..........F6 id Bridger sti stcn) ate 116 DCO ARLOOTE tak Eisai tare F 14 39,165 Butte. Teueie 5 stk ae 268. Neihart... ..... 0... F 12 780 Chinook. -B15 1,109 Philipsburg ...... G6 601 Columbia Falls... .C 6 431° Plaine Soe Were coe E4 521 Columbus....... ““H 15 309, PONG Mahe a H 10 888 Conrad it ' aiasne « C10 4,860 Red Hodes. 528 Culbertson...... C 25 1,513 Roundup... 2,070 Deerlodge ........G8 399 Sheridan .... 15835) Dillon.) Ques ot 19 796 Stevensville 6038 Eureka ;..2...... Ba 325 Thompson Falls, 1,398 .FPorsyth...3...- G 20 Sanders ew ous D3 365 Fort Assinniboine C 14 674 Three Forks..... H10 1,004 Fort Benton.....D13 759 Townsend....... Gil 1,158 Glasgow.........C 20 491 Twin Bridges ..... 19 2,428 “Glendive... ~ oO i=] ARO VOR ST OUD DATO 51 OM MB OTT NI 00 00 OUR BOD WENO NINN WOR ARAAAWDAUAONAE POT AI 700 Ansley .. 901 Arapahoe.. 618 Arcadia .... 645 Arlington 231 Arnold) 2.5 wus y. 742 Bancroft ......-- 118 Barada.........- 228 Barnston.....-.-- 611 Bartley sie ce oie 383 Bassett......-.--. 597 Battle Creek ..... 261 Bayard 77 Bazile Mills fh ceric 9,356 Beatrice ......... 975 Beaver City ...... J 542 Beaver Crossing ..O 207 JBC x jess es ee oO 494 Beemer .. aA oe 247 Belden .. oO 400 Belgrade. M 596 Bellevue R 397 Bellwood Oo 475 Belvidere ......-. oO 386 Benedict......... N 538 Benkelman...... S Q -Q Q tr ou o > ot = 5 e WHEROZURRPOLOnURaL Sale! 457 Bennet oo. + 220 276 Bennington ...... 3,170 Benson, Douglas. 196 Berlin 22222 oss. 642 Bertrand ......... SERA BIGAT sao oceans tele 1,264 Bloomfield ....... N 554 Bloomington .....K 761 Blue Hill......... L 712 Blue Springs ..... 4 233 Boelus.....-...+-i 359 Bradshaw........ N eo So o les] 5 ry J 1,029 Cambridge........ I 578 Campbell ........ L 393 Carleton ......... 882 Carroll. #....2.-.55 296 Ceresco ....-...-- 2,687 Chadron .......- 266 Chapman .......- 329 Chappell .....-.«- 560 Chester ..:.....+.. 605 Clarks... 647 Clarkson 233 Clatonia . 1,065 Clay Center 414 Clearwater . 185 COKE ZOMRHOKWOOR DH ZZ ZArOOs SIC OO C1 CUR ROOST CIA ANTE OO ROR SINICA COD MACNN AISI OOO 20 York fs es ae cea Dalton, Cheyenne....... Cc Danbury... .2% 2 se I Dannebrog......- Darr, Dawson... Davenport ......-. David ters. DayKin' caieetrcies Decatur. sc\5 parr = Deshler Dewitt. Diller.” .a5 DIXON 35: Dorchester 2%... - ivy ZOOWOZYE Dundee, Douglas. . is] [=] lax ° = n OoOwoookny HOA CONIAIA MAIO NIAIAICIR OO DIRHAM OR MrNecorl Fagile.s..(: 7 sienreee Eddyville... 0.38 Edgar |. icc easier EGison\ivsi.5 eters c oy M Ele Creek ..... Soo") Blichorn s4).-t\s sue Elm Creek ....... kK Elmwood. ae .c kites Q BL WOO 2 S:caete sian Fe 0 Emersofi csi bau Endicott ......-.. P Feustis 55 sccusna a eters Ewing. . Exeter.. Fairbury Fairfield .. Fairmont .. Falls City ... 2 Farnam ........-- q mzkoze HB OB 00 00 G0 00 NI > C100 NT 00 Co SINT AD Co 09 ONIN OOOO CS NII AINININI CO ONIN RO AAN AOE ARPANAN ANSON BNO HO NINID Florence .... R R Fort Crook, Sarpy .Q Foster, Pierce ....N Franklin. ue. 02 K Fremont... + sptaes Q Friend Occ seston oO M Oo N N B oO Garrison......++++ Gering ys.c she etenatelers Gothenburg....... 1 Grafton hi in gate Gross, Boyd . Guide Rock . Hartington....... Harvard Hastings 2s eee Havelock. ..../.>+> Hay Springs. . Hebron=....- . Hemingford . Henderson ....... ise) @ =] =z a | ce Hildreth. s20 «so K Holbrook... ovens I Holdrege.e este - Howell, «0 56 0. om Hubbard) sec Q Hubbell.:..j.0.u tne O Humboldt... R Humphrey . Cy Huntington, Hamil- Occ! ar sree ATLAS OF THE WORLD. 145 . NEBRASKA—Continued : s ° wrat Pop.1910 ethan NEW JERSEY. Population, 2,537,167 a Ny MEE EG Ome 290 Jackson.......... P4 1,359 Ravenna ........ K7 Incorporated Cities, Towns, Etc. aoe sparen be Be itera ety o8 236 Raymond ........ P7 COUNTIES Pop.1910 Pop.1910 pleases 1 ee bate Hepublioan” Gity 1K 9 paca vib rad SE ee a ua neeere stk ican Ain! Hagerman ciel nib Get Tent, oat? Sie tevecie y. a 71,894 Atlantic..........H6 114,426 Middlesex ....... E7 Sparen ae ee are ee nas 6,202 Kearney... L7 156 Richland,........06 Picwecencua Fe a ee a me 1,736 Carlsbad ........P'16 344 Lake Arthur....N 15 5 , eee tee , eeeeor reer ee ™ “J >) ay Sieh Sone pes aces A or ae 142,029 Camden.........G4 21,318 Ocean....2....../G7 taba OR SR tre hee prea ciepon ba Ps 454 Kimball.../2.222! BG 129 Roca, Lancaster .:P 7 Pe ee eer kage 0 <: 218.808 PamMes meer he 3,258 Clovis. secs Fist age Portales, he R19 BREA cok OA S61 Hoowviie ee 55,153 Cumberland.......14 26,999 Salem........... H3 Bee Wretas ies Le Es heengecdg er AORPTAwrenhGa Neon ck. M8 Roel Ragerss hes Bie 512,886 Essex..:..-..... C7 38820 Somerset......... D6 he Ae ae z ett noe ee al Lb want Tt Gratin ee ts iene Se: Be 37,368 Gloucester ....... H4 26,781 Sussex........-.- B 6 Vir hate on BO OLE SRR TE Cepek a Nee MTS 567 Lele 1 ae ee: 5 UE op ple One a Je 4 537,231 Hudson......-.- 18.559 140;197 Union sears D7 tik lt Sapa N EA ech dee Se te 86 Leshara, Saunders P 6 @bi; Hulot.. tre S8 eg aces hale D5 43,187 Warren .......... C5 Sree Si ne et 1a ae Gehl Sonaice. eS 2,059 Lexington «..-. 37 633 Rushville Ds A2S.OGS. BESTCOR +. ss F038 5 E6 . 17 Fstancla tal 850 Springer... pis SOD ES A ch I Rl ee Lat OO IO Incorporated Cities, Towns, and Villages BEM VON oe ee 4 PexiCO. ..- +--+: 43,973 Lincoln .........- D7 ORM SO1.“ Salam’. :.:20 coe: : ion: Cansinay NS rh nee ee eode © Hee A heccone eae 16 iad “lkay weed ae os 484 Folsom, Union ..E 18 2,526 Tucumcari...... H 17 329 Linwood .... 11:06 2,152 Schuyler ........-P6 mae peeeaale Reese Se ae 1138 ee es C6 03 Litchfield.........K 6 328. Scotia. acc. hee Le. | 7808 Allenhurst... ~-.-.- 5 y erchantville....: ; aces 2. De Asie Sonuhiene. BS 634 Allentown........ F6 2:138 Metuchen ........D7 NEW YORK. Population, 9,113,614 781 Long Pine........34 SOP Scribner, . acskccss P5 377 Alpine, Bergen....C 8 2,001 Midland ae Apieiee C8 BOR LOGIE. «oc oy sea J8 2,106 Seward)... ss. =.» P7 884 Andover..........C5 157 Millstone. 13 85,6 COUNTIES HME Gorton si.'2 «+. ys > Q7 503 Shelby........ 06 10,150 Asbury Park......F 9 1,584 Milltown......... E7 173,666 Albany ........ H18 154,157 Oneida.........F 13 778 Louisville.........Q7 1,005 Shelton ... MOET,’ 46,150 Atlantic City...... 17 123461 ‘MUllViINO ss Foca cee 15 At412*Allegany&, 42> . o.L.6 200,298 Onondaga...... Gill 1,128 Loup City........ L6 429 Shickley......... N8 1,645 Atlantic Highlands E 9 485 Monmouth Geeech 78.809 Broome ......... 7120), 52,286. Ontatlosa deo. a G8 205 Lushton..........N7 311 Shubert ......... R8 1,843 Audubon.......-.. G4 21,550 Montclair. ....C8 65,919 Cattaraugus ...... I3 116,001 Orange.:........A2 BESeDeMON eles M3 1,185 Sidney .......... C6 POON AVAIOT eat ects aie J6 522 Montvale......... B8 67,106). Os yugar oss Sn us G10 32,000 Orleans.......-.-+. F5 BGSVTV ONS... Lovee: Q5 "379 Silver Creek ......N6 426 Avon by the Sea...F 9 638 Moonachie........ 105,126 Chautauqua ..... 11 71,664 Oswego........+- E11 3,765 McCook.......<+- H8 A196) Sioux cose cords OS 70 Barnegat City ....H 8 12,507 Morristown ....... C6 54,662 Chemung ........- £90) 047,216 Otsegoynae tae ke O 369 McCool Junction ..N 7 190 Smithfield 78 281 Bayhead .........F8 362 Mountainside..... D7 35,575 Chenango ....- “puis. . 14/668. Putnam ssieacs- ss A4 1,708 Madison... .....-N5 ghar Snyders: cesses «: P5 55,545 Bayonne......... D8 277 Mt. Arlington..... C6 48,230 Clinton s/s s«rr-© A19 284,041 Queens......... D4 | 124 Madrid. G7 125 Southbend....... Q7 272 Beachhaven...... H8 $25 National Park 1+.-G4 43,658 Columbia........ 119 122,276 Rensselaer...... G19 178 Magnet, Cedar....04 26,259 South Omaha .... R6 1,433 Belmar...........F8 488 Neptune. . + 297249 Cortland..-..----H11 85,969 Richmond | eet ae D3 214 Malmo........... P6 637 Spalding Se anths 1,764 Belvidere......... C4 1,532 Netcong..........05 45.575 Delaware ........115 46,873 Rockland. weB3 290 Marquette........N7 671 Spencer ......--.. L3 1,991 Bergenfield ....-..C 8 347,469 Newark......... D7 87,661 Dutchess ........ 318 61,917 Saratoga |.......F 18 291 Martinsburg ...... P4 463 Springfield)... 2. Q6 2,140 Beverly.......... F5 23,888 New Brunswick... 7 528,085. Bxie . secs. con G3 88,235 Schenectady..... G17 480 Mason City...-.-- K 6 216 Springview wey 's P25: OR OCa er. a cls ale te 873 New Providence ..D7 SS ADS VEBBCR. cee caiwele ts C18 23,855 Schoharie .......- H 16 289 Maxwell......... H6 814 St. Edward 01.00.03 N 5 15,070 Bloomfield........08 4,467 Newton.......... B6 45.717 Franklin ........B17 14,004 Schuyler......... HO 443 Maywood AME Oy 148 St. Helena .......03 600 Bloomsburg. ..... D4 437 North Arlington. . 44,534 Fulton: «...<-s. F16 26,972 Seneca.........-- G9 RA) Wend: 2. 38 cc 6 P6 1,336 St. Paul seers. M6 4,930 Boonton..........- C7 595 North Caldweil... 37,0108 ‘GENGSES> <7. e)ete ie oo F5 89,005 St. Lawrence ....B 14 388 Meadow Grove ...N 5 301 Stamford ........ T8 4,250 Bordentown ......F 5 866 Northfield,Atlantic H 6 80,214) Greeneso. nee T4179 83,302 Steuben c.c ache 7 162 Memphis......... P6 1,342 Stanton..........05 3,970 Boundbrook...... D7 749 North Haledon. ... 4.373 Hamilton....... E16 96,138 Suffolk........... C7 ASO. WOTTIAG:. ofl eke T6 228 Staplehurst ...... O7 1,807 Bradley Beach....F 9 6117 North Plainfield ..D 7 56,356 Herkimer....... F 15 $3,808 Sullivan. Sonat. % aes 254 Merriman ........ F3 300 Steele City ....--. P8 663 Branchville.......B 5 833 North Wildwood. . 80,382 Jefferson....-4:-012, (25,624 Moga soc. >-- 1 10 716 Milford .........- O7 248 Sterner: Ae Q8 14,209 Bridgeton.........14 564 Norwood ......... c9 1,634,351 Kings......... D3 33,647 Tompkins....... H10 260 Millard, Douglas ..Q 6 ASOcStallA eae. R8 67 Brigantine......-.. ey, 6,009 Nutley, Essex.....C7 24,849 Lewis. Sas) 13a Ol; 760) Ulster Yon saree sPalyg MSO MASON ooo icse tava. K7 714 Sterling hapa Q8 8,336 Burlington ....... F5 568 Oakland. Pena bo 38,037 Livingston Ae ae G6 $2,223 Warren ...-=:..-8 18 336 Milligan.......... 08 601 Stockham........ M7 2,265 Butler............C7 653 Oaklyn. axon seG A 39.289 Madison.........G13 47,778 Washington .....F 19 338 Minatare.......-. C5 232 Stockville....... 18 2,236 Caldwell........-. C7 1,950 Ovean Gity......2.:16 283.212 Monroe...-.-----F 6 50,179 Wayne........... F8 1,559 Minden eee Ta 238 Strang SINT 'g 94,538 Camden.......... G4 305 Old Tappan...... 57,567 spfonroe. .-: Seok G 16 283,055 Westchester .....B4 Reet Mitcnell ot... BS Ser Stn es be ee 2'471 Cape May.. -J5 29,680 Orange........... C7 83,930 Nassau.......---- C5 31,880 Wyoming........G5 109 Monowi.......--- L3 1,355 Stromsbure CO N6 162 Cape May Point ...J 4 1,411 Palisades Park ....C 9 2,762,522 New York ..... C4 183642) Yates geome ate G8 282 Monroe .........- N6 AG?! StuIATts bodes ofa... K4 8,807 Carlstadt... «+. C8 1,401 Park Ridge....... B8 92,036 Niagara.......... F3 346 Morrill... ........ BS 321 Sumner..........K7 Reet CBStHATL. 24 = D7 54,773 Passaic..........- C8 ee i 196 Morse Bluffs ......P6 2,106 Superior ..... N8 246 Chesilhurst....... HS5 125,600 Paterson......... C8 Incorporated Cities, Villages, Etc. 222 Murdock ......... Q7 "323 Surprise |... ..-.. O06 1,926 Clayton: ..-.9-.-- H4 2,121 Paulsboro ........G3 1,458 Adams D11 ‘2,549 Cold Spring Re 300 Naper oe ead 447 Sutherland... ..... G6 3394 Cliffside..........- G9 797 Pemberton ......- G6 2'004 Addison.....--- 18 "407 Constableville, _ 195 Naponee ........ K§o = 15702Sutton .20.226-- 2 N7 836 Clinton ..........D5 2,118 Penngrove .......H3 29eAltci aes ELIS Lewis "| ..D13 5488 Nebraska City....R7 | "285 Swanton ......-.. P 8 BRA SE BROIRY ners eee | aH 722 Pennington....... E6 600 Akin..........-G_17 2,484 Cooperstown ....H 14 1,566 Neligh........... N4 842 Syracuse ......... Q7 4,795 Collingswood...... G4 32,121 Perth Amboy.....D8 1,677 Akron.......-.- F4 "585 Copenhagen .. -.D 13 978 Nelson........... M8 814 Table Rocks aac Q 8 550 Creaskill..- 0+: C9 13,903 Phillipsburg. ..... D4 100,253 Albany .......H18 413 Corfu GA 325 Nemaha.........- R8 461 Talmage ......... R7 273 Deal Beach ...,.-.F9 1,950 Pitman .......... H4 BiGUGEAIbIDINe See ee F5 2,166 Corinth.......-. F 18 436 Newcastie..!..... P3 205 Tamora..........07 1,005 Delford.......... 20,550 Plainfield.........D7 P8328 t Alden. qe AG the G3 13/730 Corning .......» 18 850 Newman Grove ...N 5 121 Tarnov.......... O05 560 Demarest........-C9 4,390 Pleasantville. .-... 16 212 Alexander.......-. G5 2'658 Cornwall, Orange..A 2 268- Newport K4 1,748 Tecumseh ........ Q8 A085 DOVER TER seem C6 1,003 Point Pleasant 1,899 Alexandria Bay .-C12 11,504 Cortland H 11 822 Niobrara.........N3 11524 Tekamah ........05 1,785 Dumont....------ C8 Beach..........- F9 759 Alfred v.16 2,494 Coxsackie ...... 114 6025 Norfolk.......... 05 "112 Thurston, ‘Thurston P 4 1,990 Dunellen......... D7 1,060 Pompton Lakes... .B 7 1,286 Allegany....--.--- 14 "621 Croghan......-- D 18 1,105 North Bend P6 ~° 901 Tilden. N5 356 East Millstone ....D 6 405 Port Republic ....H7 674 Altamont........-G17 1,806 Croton-on-Hudson "519 North Loup.......L6 445 Tobias H2O%8 5,208) HORe NCWELIE: st 5,136 Princeton ,.......E 6 363 Altmar........-B 12 : Westchester ....B 4 4793 North Platte... /H 6 Ce ees G8 34,371 East Orange ......C 8 2,719 Prospect Park .. .. 2,517 Amityville....... D5 1,556 Cuba aks 237 Oak eC INS 228 Uehling.......... Q5 4,275 East Rutherford. 9,337 Rahway .......-. D7 31.267 Amsterdam......G17 1,146 Dannemora .....A 18 631 Oakdale......... ‘M4 ~ 551 Ulysses 0000000. 06 2,655 Edgewater........C9 1,667 Ramsey. ......... BS 414 Andes.......... 115 3,938 Dansville../.... H7 1073 Oakland Q5 209 Unadilla ......... Q7 eAb tee cerror City. -H6 3,672 Raritan.......... D6 1,136 Andover......... 16 901-736 Delhins erates 115 245 Oconto.....-.-- ET6 S08 Vinloh... 40.2... R7 Wet ate cade --D8& 7,398 Red Bank........ E8 11056 Angelica.......... 16 3,921 Depew........ +> G4 REET OR Fea. ons P8& 3,200 University Place ..P 7 Phe eic ot Range aera 966 Ridgefield ........C9 "808 Angola......-----H2 1,864 Deposit ......... 113 643 Ogalalla... F6 "390 Upland K8 767 Emerson. ......... C8 5,416 Ridgewood ....... C8 974 Antwerp... eis "538 De Ruyter......' G12 3 Obiowa.....+...-- 08 520 Utica O07 9,924 Englewood .. ..--: 9 736 Riverside........ 1a 1,294 Arcade ....----- H4 1,005 Dexter, Jefferson .C 12 124, Ode Omaha .0002: cae Q6 1,098 pene Meee H3 pg eb alas as 4,788 Riverton ..+-.-- 3H 4 '537 Ardsley, Wesiches- 3,455 Dobbs Ferr 04 Nei ese Pe TEE Wallev se. See, Q6 468 Englishtown...... ‘E7 1,902 Rockaway........ Cis ter v> Ba 2°685 Dolgeville Seheiey F 16 385 Cae pee ae N8 BAot Vainaininoy cca P6 442 Essex Fells .......C7 502 Rocky Hill ....... E 6 231 Argyle...-.----- F 19 '345 Dresden .........H9 532 Orchard ........ M4 Vestverdel ¢ Krox oe: N3 2,441 Pairviews..-2- > =. C8 6,786. Roosevelt........ 1,956 Athens ........- E18 709 Dryden......... H 11 TT Tis See a ee ra 403 Verdigtis ae 471 Fanwood......... Die 486 Roseland......... 1 R6OLAtiican: eee ee. G5 1,228 Dundee......... H9 942 Orleans eet et J8 406 Vorton Fe Seraewe Ee RB 416 Farmingdale ipohsr eae F8 2,725 Roselle. eg Dn. 34'668 Auburn i ae cg Cc 10 17,221 Dunkirk ......... Hil 1,105 Osceola .........-N6 154 Virginia .......-- Q8 480 Fieldsboro...:.:.°F 6 3,138 Roselle Park... “493 Aurora........- G 10 874 Earlville ........ H 13 967 Osmond ’..2-..... os 203 Waco..--...0.... O07 IE Ep ae Se A ES Ee bi dg Sberce’ fea. E9 1,057 Avoca.........-- H7 2,781 East Aurora. .... G4 574 Overton ......... K7 2,168 Wahoo.....-----. P6 558 Florham Park.....C7 © 7,045 Rutherford. ....... C8 2'053 Avon ........----G6 ‘593 East Randolph... .1 3 Boe Oxfaid oclk<: .. 2%. 8 861 Wakefield Spepensner s\e.* p4 282) POIGOMWON hs ore H5 488 Saddle River ..... B8- 2'600 Bab lon 7b inte at) 6 2.398 East Rochester. ies 380 Palisade .......-.H 8 175 Wallace..0./.11./G7 Gear oth Lee ees oe Oe ite Soler hee eS 11159 Bainbridge.......113 1,200 East Rockaway 373 Palmer.......... M6 RLF Walthilee a Q4 3,288 Freehold:..........F 8 1,220 Sea Bright . AT Heer E9 3/099 Baldwinsville i att F 10 ~ Nassau v C5 334 Palmyra ...-----. Q7 199 Waterbury ..-_... P4 984 Frenchtown ......D 4 551 Sea Isle City....... J 6 4138 Ballston Spa....G18 3,274 East Syracuse ...F 12 ri, Se taal 7 Peet et Dotena Oe 10,213 Garfield .......-.-€8 101 Seaside Park......G8 ate Darker sae CEE 4 SORE astocod Ses 624 Papillion......... Q6 map CUaunelacst eke 1,118 Garwood.......-. D7 4,740 Secausus. -. Cg 11,613 Batavia.......... G5 Onondaga G11 1,610 Pawnee City ..... R8 604) Watisai tad. vans N4 3,260 Glen Ridge .......C7 604 Somers Point......16 3°RS4) Bathe ert H8& 476 Edwards ...-.-.-C14 "804 Pender... =. P4 397. Waverly=iae ck ok P7 1,055 Glen Rock........ 5,060 Somerville ....... D6 "344 Belleville «2020s D 11 CPN iit RS See F5 MEOMDEEE Ci hb none. RB Paci Warne Wigecrsiereuet nae PA 9,462 Gloucester City ...G4 7,007 South Amboy ....E 8 419 Bellport..--.-... 06 AIRE arid coy oe meee 533 Petersburg he N5 1067 Won fave ATG oe ig Q 7 5,647 Guttenberg .......C9 1,024 South Boundbrook D 7 1,094 Belmont......--.. he Onondaga Gli 274 Phillips Sri eure i99 We er 68 14,050 Hackensack ...... (om) 6,014 South Orange ....D8 ‘ae7 Bergen. F5 505 Elizabethtown ...0 19 1,200 Pierce ....--1----O04 200 West Lincoin, ""” 2,715 Hackettstown..... C5 4,772 South River......E7 48,443 Binghamton..... -. 112 3,114 Ellenville e147 ‘471 Pilger ........--- P4 akcadior | P7 4,142 Haddonfield... ... Gob 623 Spottswood....... E7 916 Black River ....-D 13 "985 Bllicottville .......14 941 Plainview ........N 4 432 Weston ..........P.6 at ay at a deny ht Bac Spring Lalo 6 849 Blasdell, Erie.’ ...G 3 702 Ellisburg ..:....D 41 Wray tmamous oc? aie wuber nooo 58 5,088 Hammonton......H6 1,031 Stanhope......... C6 SLE ee 1 CO BE gies Seg 257 Pleasant Dale ....07 382 Wilcox......... K 8 ee fo nie a oy G05 Stockton. .\..-. ~~. ms 1,794 Boonvilie ...... Rien id Chemung .......19 252 Pleasanton.......K 7 385 Wilsonville |... J8 ASAE Ie NSCS Seg AS ng 9 tre pg eat ae 1,296 Brewster...-.....A5 (P.0.Elmira) awe Stage 7 eg es he hk aestonte phoTavel saree SE 33 Harvey Cedars...H 8 4313) SirssOx Ge gust heer B6 950 ee A ioe 2 Ba 2,303 poveaaen sracee.= 0% 1,000 Ponca ...........P3 450 Winside ..--.---- O4 Sa VoL MAS OEM ery Waele nee Sao 245 Bridgewater .....G 14 Schoharie .....H 16 aie ieacns Howard .. ae gee bd ord ek eS -, z 588 Haworth, Bergen. .C 8 1,130 Totowa.... recess aay age ah Be he aA ae c $445 Robius: SEoens 1 122 Preston.......... R9 796 Wood River ghee i Pars et alert piles oo 3 eet oe os eck a 2 1/863 Bronxville, West- 571 Fairhaven....... F 10 Demme Lt. bos Wrndt ss assece. 63 1,545 High Bridge’---.D 5 21,023 Union, Town of, |, 305 Brookileld |... Gis 214i Felepner vs... re ne et oe AR BENT VOL bo: aia os aio = : . De seee af ees yee a : Falconer ......+..11 yo ee eee K8 CU Bie i) 9 aa oo er NZ 1'386 Highlands........ E9 (P.O. Weehawicen) 854 Brownville ...... Cii 1,567 Farmingdale ebtelth D5 1137 Randolph . ..04 S59. Vital ss. cess .Q6 1879 Hightstown E7 Moe vention 425; 715 EE BULaIOna witless G12 940 Parnhamecane., H2 70'324 Hoboken......... D9 ARATE ero Tales nen e7 $82. Burdett ss oss. %«. H9 1,481 Fayetteville ..... G12 ying saben te ere eg iStyiaciend Gee. G : 1,290 Caledonia ........G 6 516 Fishkill.......... A4 NEVADA P 1.875 1,907 Holly Beach....... 35 3,448 Wallington..... ; Ot Smeor ea ad “f 13 1295 Floral Perks oan f ° Population, 8 ’ 146 Hopatcong....... 3,567 Washington’...... C4 C7 GSE CamiNun ooo oe ae Gli : N 4 fe » A 1,073 Hopewell......... E6 645 Wenonah ........ G4 2.273 Canajoharie »....G4.16 b tookMaune eae G17 COUNTIES 11,877 Irvington......... D8 844 West Cape May ...J 5 a oaa Gana ndAtpinetice G7 507 Poreat ett ae * °.811 Churchill ES SSés Lyon FS 313 Island Heights. ...G 8 494 West Caldwell.... 754 Ganaecrsars oe: H6 inde F13 3,321 Clark ..........-L12 7 (pate ae H 4 20a OF CEEACSDURE wo. cie? E6 6,420 Westfield ........ D7 3,247 Canastota ......-F 12 731 Forestville... 2 H 2 1895 Douglas ........ G2 (Po GPR oe gore 267,779 Jersey City...... D9 35,403 West Hoboken....C 9 737 Candor Tapes te ee nea ae Bete SMM 2. B 10 Noa Co ) 18.659 Kearney, Hudson. .C & 879 West Long Branch.F 8 2.259 Canisteo.. inh Sel 877 Fort Covingt CALL 9.369 Esmeralda ...... H5 7,513 Nye ake 779 Kenilworth....... D7 13,560 West New York .. 2'701 Canton .......-.! B14 3,762 Fort Edward... .F 19 1830 Eureka.......... tpUL Peat Oonkby ee ne F2 3,554 Keyport..........E 8 10,980 West Orange .:..- C7 e195 Cape Vincent ....¢11 2:762 Fort Plain ......G.16 6,825 Humboldt...-.. eae Sue Storey rat ee F2 4,657 Lambertville...... E5 1,870 Westwood........ C8 31563 Carthage “'''D13 32303 Frankfort ....... F 14 1,786 Lander .......... eit 47-482. Washoe 20...2. 2.02 We pers ere oe cape, Fa nel toe alae eas 1,040 Castile .........-H5 473 Franklin, 3,489 Lincoln ......... J12 7,441 White Pine...... Fi11 6101 Linden: .. sa... Sen D8 103 Wildwood Crest...J3 5 ae8 es See divs a i‘. oeee ee shia, th Tas Seger Cities, Towns, and Villages : nay ed eye cers Rl nae ave S 5,296 Catskill .......-- 118 5,285 Fredonia ..... .H2 : B °2°399 Woodbine........ 4 3.6 fred eae ae City.. eas 2 387 Searchlight..... Nii ; , A1S8; Godt: ace C8 4°642 Woodbury ....... G4 get Cen ne Ske G nen wate eo oe ie ee 2,055 Ely.........00.. Pine a pool tomepab oe a7 hd gh pes sees on ag Tae SiG CO aeE eos aa 1,861 Cazenovia.../.:G12 1,218 Friendship. .... 15 "741 Fallon .......... F 3 oad Virginia Clty... 5 He eerie: tae ee EOE a SOD Vy otety OPK. bs tae "619 Celoron, — 10;480 Fulton...-.....-F 11 AH hme ty faeeortt 2 4 ,244 Virginia City..... F 3 4,658 Madison.......... Giz 1,043 Woodridge, Chautauqua T1 R12) Fultdnvilie aes. Giz I a tet AD ba apa a 1,582 Manasquan... BS cae BORDER Dn 7 hm as 429 Central Square.. .F 12 327 Gainesville, $0, BE7 TROUOS:. c5 oie «ba stn. it) a eee oh ee aoe, Cee A NR ed ALA Mata Wate feo. c eg hina ira EES 1,280 Champlain...... 1 Wyoming ...... G5 Dee Mata Was eee aa 8 1,938 Charlotte.........F7 112 Galway.......... apse restouaeey Pals cis : a: a ree! pee pay wh eeriecas G6 q 72 athame re 46 Geneva ........ .G8 NEW HAMPSHIRE. Pop., 430,572 NEW MEXICO. Population, 327,301 708 Chaumont....... Ci 455 Gilbertsville..... H14 . 606 Cherry Creek...... 12 522 Glen Park, COUNTIES COUNTIES 792 Cherry Valley ...G15 Jefferson ...... Ci2 21.309 Belkna J12 126.072 ml 1-210) Cheater .gics <<» -'.2 B2 15,243 Glens Falls ......F 18 aa st6 a ny SOP as ahs a0" Er He oe EY jm BDOLO:.4 as os 23,606 Bernalillo ....... H8 14,912 Quay oa 1B 3 678 Chittenango .....F 12 20,642 Gloversville ..... F 16 a s68 ant a aap aetal ais bed 5 Merrimack ...... 16,850 Chaves.... .M17 16,624 Rio Arriba fee LS 565 Churchville....... F6 3,08] Goshen -.2,). 7-7. A2 ek tee CRITE Fiche s 51s: 4 ax 88 Rockingham - 16,460 Colfax . .D14 12,064 Roosevelt. .K 18 1,941 Clayton ......... Cli 4,128 Gouverneur ..... C14 rhiete4 tee BIg eter ees 8,951 Strafford........ 11,443 Curry . Sip}. 8,579 Sandoval . v8 649 Clayville, Oneida. F 13 2,012 Gowanda........ H3 * QLEOT cig oe <)3'ers H9 19,337 Sullivan......... : Hes Bd A Ana. is aS 8,504 San Juan . Dis 687 Cleveland nota hehe F 12 368 Grand-View-on- Incorporated Cities, Towns, and Villages 14'813 Grannice ACK : Re 2 1a770 Seg ‘ ‘g 10 1236 eal ald : “ais 3,920 Ghwvuis See we E19 11 780 $5050 Littleton. ©. Sra... G7 10,927 agit leg a3 -114 3,536 Sierra . ..N6 SAAB ONTO yanic ss aisle ie F9 1,275 Greene) ti eee Ta ere ey geared: Shere eS 44 aoe rt pass Tle ere) Bpcokry agh 2,088 I een ake oe Ae 4,737 a Island, a . , BSONUB 2 bcc pa , wie as A aos ONOCtON ...-ses- ORY... steve 6 132 11,269 Portsmouth ,.... M14 12,963 McKinley . ..G3 10,119 Torrance Fe i 24,709 Cohoes ......... G18 (P. 0. roy) ue 10.068 K 8,868 Rochester ....... L13 12,611 Morarthare sss. reas 11,404 Union... 18 858 Coldbrook, 3,089 Greenport........ B8 10 183 7,069 OterOinwc en eens P16 13,320 Valencia.... 14 Herkimer ,....F 15 2,314 Greenwich.......F 19 6,704 Somersworth ....M18 12 . a | ea? sie a 146 ATLAS OF THE WORLD. NEW YORK—Continued NEW YORK—Continued NORTH CAROLINA—Continued Pop.1910 Pop.1910 Pop.1910 Fen: eh! FPR 1910 Pop.1910 1,260 Groton).), cxtcia H10 393 Oneida Castle.. .F13 3,931 Waterloo ........ G9 6 West Winfield, 240 Goldston,Chatham " 7 628 Pee Dee, 875 Hagaman, 9,491 Oneonta ........ “"H14 26,730 Watertown...... Di12 Herkimer ..:). .”. F15 2,504 -Grahams: 7 ore C6 Richmond ....D 6 Montgomery ..G 16 131 Oramel, Allegany ..1 5 1,410 Waterville ...... G13 4,917 Whitehall ....... E19 381 Granite Falls ..... C3 258 Pembroke........ E7 O64, LAMpDUEE atta +. G3 892 Oriskany Falls...G 13 15,074 Watervliet ...... G18 15,949 White Plains ..... B5 363 Granite Quarry, 62 Pendleton....... Bil 1,689 Hamilton ....... Gs 13e- 11,480 Ossining | etan on B4 2,817" Watkins i.e ect H9 2,375 Whitesboro, Rowan......... C4 210 Pikeville . -D10 404 Hammond ...... B18 23,868 Oswego......... E10 4,855 Waverly ........; J10 Oneida. .F13 15,895 Greensboro....... B6 652 Pilot Mountain . meets 1,254 Hammondsport...H 8 676 Otego0::e. Phoenixville Mit 19°074 Ash6l. sche eee Be 17.132 Lincoln ........ D3 9,525 High Point .......C6 370 Rhodhiss, TS .O17, TLORNGL satiate ter tere iT 1,380 Piermont, to a Avery "be eh B2 15 SoS MeDowell ses. eeee Gé6é 140 Hildebran .,......C 2 Caldwell. via... C2 1,778 Horseheads ....... 19 Rockland ...... B3 30.877 Beaufort .......- C12 1? LOL SMAGOn emo H3 857 Hillsboro ........ B7 210 Richfield. 5. een D5 1A 07 JETIGSOT tes ercici ars 118 422° PING seat tere H5 23039 Bertie ......../. Bil 20.132 Madison.......... F5 165 Hobgood........ Bil 445 Richlands....... Ell 5,189 Hudson Falls, 417, Pine Hil soe. 116 18.006 Bladen’ Se E8 17.797 Martin . ; Pee Ot 175 Hoffman , og eG: 367 Rich Square eae pint Bat Washington .. .F19 152057 Pittsford”. ccna. F7 14/432 Brunswick F9 67.031 Mecklenburg. eek) A 261 Holly Springs. - esc ee C8 147 Ringwood Mite lease B10 408 \ Hunters 2. . os ees 117 ai, pe Plattsburg’...5.% A19 49'798 Buncombe ....... G5 17.245 Mitchell : F6 204 Hookerton ...... D10 1,670 Roanoke Rapids .B 10 6,588 Tlion?}......2.-%.- Gi4 427 Pleasant Valley ..J 18 21'408 -Burke ona C2 14967 Montgomery ae D6 964 Hope Mills....... E 8 122 Robbinsville..... H3 693 Interlaken, 2, 307 Pleasantville, 26 240 Cabarnisecnnae nh D4 17.010 Moores eee: D7 443 Hot Springs...... G4 422 Roberdell Sous E6 SGMECH fa sisth iets iene 27,936 Poughkeepsie Fee bel. 25,594 Craven .........D11 7 6A0 Polk 2 See 6 85 Keelsville, me -C 11 145 Rosman: .2)5. 25405 H5 443 Lacona ..i2...<. E 11 684 Prattsburg . SPIEL (o 35,284 Cumberland % SED 29.491 Randolph ........ C6 o16> Kelfordy. oo 2. ws (B 11 787 Rowland F727 632 Lake George ....E 19 278 Prospect. ....<.5: F14 7/693 Currituck .......B 13 19,673 Richmond ....... D6 270 Kenansville ...... E9. 1,425 Sy pmae tor B8 1,682 Lake Placid ..... B18 1,788 Pulsaids prea ek 4'841 Dare ae eee ele 51,945 Robeson ......... E7 G26 Kenly, % Maka tie oe ore C9 4 Roxobel ...5.<.. Bill 564 Lakewood ........ 2 1,298 ‘Randolph. 4..42-26 13 29,404 Davidson .. Mie ae C5 36,442 Rockingham ..... B6 1,128 Kernersville seers B5 437 Royall ‘Cotton Mills, 4,364 Lancaster........ G4 457 Red Creek........F 9 13,304 “Davie Sean ee C4 $7,521 Rowan 20 ccs eos. C4 L7O “Keyser ents ce iat D6 " ~ . 4)...Wake tates C8 1,958 Larchmont, West- 960 Red Hook .......J 18 25.442 Duplin Aen E 10 28,385 Rutherford....... D2 2,218 Kings Mountain ..D3 1,062 Rarthertorateae 1p't ChESter Feet os B4 421 Remsen... ..)...': Fi14 35,276 Durham ......... B8 29,982 Sampson........- E9 6,995 Kinston .,...... Dil 7,153 Salisbury......... C4 1299 La Sane 5, Sarco: = F3 10,711 Rensselaer ......H19 32.010 Edgecombe > soNt C10 15,363 Scotland Re alg 242 (Kittrell! pice Vance sae ee Bg 8,364" Lenoir) oo. 5 eee. C2 121 Sharpsburg ...... C10 684 Limestone .......- 14 20,497 Romie... 73s... F 13 37.646 Halifax [ae ONES TSC) 63.229 Walestea ee Cg 279 Lewara, Rich- $,127 Shelby s..0eee D3 $29 Lisle 2... ieee 112 1,125 Rosendale .......J17 22,174 Harnett ......... D8 20,266 Warren ..........B9 mond... sec... D6 308 Shore.....:...... B4 12,273 Little Falls ...... Fi5 1,638 Rouses Point ....A 19 21,020 Haywood .......- G4 11,062 Washington ..... C12 262 Lewiston........ Bil 895 Siler City ........ C7 1,368 Little Valley ......13 463 Rushville........ G8 16,262 Henderson .......H5 13,556 Watauga......... B93 4,163 Lexington ........Ci 1,347 Smithfield’ ....... D9 1,388 Liverpool ....... Fil 5,004 Rye, wae ecu oe C4 15,436 Hertford et a 35,698 Wayne.......... D9 ’ 474° TADELtY a see oe C6 450 Snowhill. 3... D10 823 Livonia Station...G7 868 Sackett Harbor ..D 11 | cope 2e OKO ce eee Cel E73 0.28 2 Sl keg arene B3 386 Lilesville......... D6 238 South Biltmore, 17,970 Lockport......... F4 3,408 Sag Harbor....... C9 55840 Todo cc ee ke tne daee sad Wliosa Gaee ee 019 380 Lillington ........ D8 Buncombe ..... G5 eee pak ee nig gies mage ous Soe eren iciocareite A ane 34.315 Iredell __ C4 15.428 Yadkin B4 aes Pico Revere ies D3 202 Scryer Waaeeboraan 5 47 Lyndonville...... , lor Weisser ‘998 JACKAOn aoe "O72. Vancey inde coe e ; ittletones mar cer B10 nson > ene 4,460 Lyons eigen colt ; 617 Sandy Creeks Py: a3 M1 12,998 Jackson ......... H4 12,072: Yancey love octemac G6 243 Long View, y 542 Southern Pines re ‘Dz 75 yons Falls..... , aranac Lake ,... ities, Towns, Villages, Etc. atawba........ 3 1,484 Southport........ 931 McGrawville.....H11 12,693 Saratoga Sp’gs ...F 18 sed ses, E 1,775 Louisburg... BO 199 Sparta........... B3 536 Macedon . F8 3,929 Saugerties .......118 159 Abbotsburg........F 8 DL; LOU Cltonis cetera strate E9 876 Lowell, Gaston ...D3 1/915 Spencer sc piace C5 309 Madison, Madison G 13 521 Savannah ........ F9 WDA. Aberdeen .Gr. sis D7 344 Clyde, Haywood ..G4 266 Lucamas te ocs as C9 1,246 Springhope.......C9 6,467 Malone ......... Al7 587 Savona wae... cies. 18 283 Advance......... C4 169 Coates, Harnett...D 8 165 Lumber Bridge...E7 A19 St. Pauline E8 5,699 Mamaroneck...... C5 765 Schaghticoke ....G19 924 Ahoskie. 2. 5-5... B12 189: Colerainc2 40... B 12 2,230 Lumberton....... E8 321- Stanley’ Sens D3 881 Manchester, 72,826 Schenectady.....G18 zZ,116 Albemarle’ .2:5..<0 D5 80 Collettsville....... C2 983 McAdenville...... D4 204 Stantonsburg, Ontario ........G8 576 Schenevus...... H 15 118 Alexander, Bun- 848 Columbia ....... C13 186 McFarlan........ E5 Wilson cca, Cc 10 1,314 Manlius......... G12 996 Schoharie .......H17 COMDE 2.5 os G5 122 Columbus........ H6 189° Macon 29... -ens.. BO 239 Stare.c.c, sees D6 330 Mannsville ...... E 11 1,614 Schuylerville ....F 19 110; Alexis’. Steak iteg a: D3 8/719) Concorde, eso: D4 1,033 Madison ......... B6 4,599 Statesville........ Cs 1,079 Marathon ....... H 12 2007 SCOUR.. c leitee ates 98 Almond, Swain....G3 158) Conetoe..!. 2... C10 653 Magnolia........ E10 159 Stokesdale ....... B6 917 Marcellus, 1,694 Sea Cliff, Nassau ..C 5 936 Andrews.......... H3 424 (CONOVEN ois weiss el C3 664 Maiden= -2 50s te C3 404 Stoneville, Onondaga..... Gil 6,588 Seneca Falls...... G9 Dad CAMPSIE seve ieee aint oe D8 246 Contentnea, 220 Manly, Moore ....D7 Rockingham ...B 6 669 Margaretville ....115 458 Sharon Springs ..G 15 486 ements Rint ton D5 Greene 52.7... D110 408 Manteo .....:.. 0%. C14 161 Stonewall, 920 Marlboro....... K 17 960 Sherburne ...... H13 681 Apex seca ees ae C8 833 Cornelius, 52 Mapleton ....... B12 Pamlicosee-car D 12 2,951 Massena ........ Al5 836 Sherman *...02.52... Ld 145 Aronanle ich oD Mecklenburg....D 4 107 phat hae ee Fpatt 82: Stout. 2.0. cee E4 6,727 Matteawan ......-A4 423 Sherman Park.... P51) “ATG en ace wonts ore rene fe G5 74 Council, Z -_E9 1.510) Marion: saver. ee C2 305. Stovall ua ponies B8 590 Mayfield........ F17 1,112 Shortsville .225. 7. G8 1,865 Ashboro. .. 35 tbls « C6 308 Cove City, CravenD 11 225 Marlboro, Pitts... O44 185 Swanquarter ....D13 1,122 Mayville..:.2..-.. 11 2,007. Sldneysiiateck on « 113 18,762 Asheville... 2. 2...7% G5 324 Creedmoor. od est 802 Marshall......... G5 390 Swansboro...... E11 6,634 Mechanicville....G 18 2,512 Silver Creek...... H2 524 Altantice sc. ci. E13 329 Creswell-......... C13 301, Mars Hilla aes. G5 698 Sylva, Jackson ...H 4 5,683 Medina .......... F4 974 Silver Springs ....H 6 643 -Aulanger wc. « Bill 289 /Oronly Friars: eae ro 499 Marshville ....... E5 4,129 "Tarboro 7s. kee C10 326 Meridian, Cayuga G 10 542 Sinclairville .......12 G40 CAUTOTA ie ce atetanels D 12 175, Crouse Ho, ees D3 396 Matthews........D4 662 Taylorsville.......C3 15283 Mexico: Garesct E11 1,615 Skaneateles ..... G10 77. BUY y VIG Slee stole D9 300 Cumberland ..E8 A821. Maxton}. scontoeies E7 154: Teacheys it asa E10 1,114 Middleburg ..... H 15 1.269 Sloan 3: hocaarne 0900 Ayden: fic .4 5: Dili 1,065. Dallas Seno ee D3 874 Mayodan ........ B5 3,877 Thomasville ...... C5 1,530 Middleport....... F4 257 SmyTnarsoe ass 13 195 Baileys, Nash..... C10 1,056 Davidson ........ D4 345 Maysville....... Ell 269.Tillery soem B10 15,313 Middletown ...... A2 5,139 Solvay, OnandaenG 11 416 Bakersville ....... F6 s20, Denton sneer C5 693 Mebane ..........B7 331 ‘Trenton =. Dili 625 Middleville ...... F15 (P.O.Syracuse) 283 Bath Ql eere D 12 282 Denver v.68 . 58 Pal ie bb | 2.079 Mohawk ........ G14 Rockland...... B 3 2,863 Belhaven........ C12 1,823 Dunn eee os D8 86 Mineral Springs, 155 Union Mill, 1,195 Monroe, Orange...A 2 (P.O.Nyack) 1,176: Belmonts. 555 «- D3 18,241 Durham ost fotenayai ahs C8 Union. ; aya ie. Rutherford.....D 2 941 Montgomery ..... A2 569 Spencer’ ater a's). 110 800. Benson os an er D9 522 East Bend ....... Ba4 194 Mint Hill, 392 Vanceboro...... Dili 1,941 Monticello ...... K 15 1,000 Spencerport ...... F6 1,529 Bessemer City ....D3 383 East Kings Mountain, Mecklenburg ...D 4 296 Vandemere...... D12 1,208 Montour Falls..... 19 2,353 Spring Valley.....B3 469 Bethel icc cece. Cil1 Gaston, .D3 1,063 Mocksville........ C4 278 VSS s. ves eens 560 Mooers :........ A19 2,246 Springville .... SeELS 162 Biglick, Stanley...D5 577. East Laurinburg, 100 Moncure.......... Crd 420 Vaughane-. ssn B10 1,324 Moravia ........ Hit 2,536 St. Johnsville....G16 173 Biltmore, Bun- Scotland 22.2..0 E6 4,082° Monro6’=.+.cse oe E4 185: Waco:cmevoeente. D3 535 Morris... si. wales H 14 073 ‘Stamford. scene. H15 Combe wAviis. wt Guo 881 East Lumberton, 254 Montezuma, 2,876 Wadesboro ....... E5 540 Morristown...... B13 1,004 Stillwater ....... F 19 PO om1s SCORN events eter D6 Robeson........ E7 Mitchells; souece F6 287 Wakefield cs. Co 500 Morrisville ...... G13 2,663 Suffern .:2......¢ B3 219 Blackcreek...... C10 1,729 East Spencer, 198 Mooresboro, 1,448 Wake Forest......C 9 304 Moscow..........- 169 Sylvan Beach..... 311 Black Mountain, Rowan. 2-14 Cleveland ......D 2 A44 Wallace... ...0... E10 2,802 Mt. Kisco ....-+..-B5 137,249 Syracuse ....... Gil Buncombe ..... G5 2,789 Edenton . ~ eOul2 3,400 Mooresville ....... C4 215 Walnut “)07 see G5 2782 Mt. Morris....... H6 660 Tannersville, 276 Bladenboro.... E8 171 Edward. aware DizZ 2,039 Morehead City...E 12 480 Walnut Cove..... B5 30,919 Mt. Vernon....... C4 Greene i... ssh e 261 Blowing Rock ....B2 8,412 Elizabeth City ...B 13 2,712 Morganton ....... C2 127 Walstonburg, LOSS Naples «00 ci05% in Syd 5,600 Tarrytown....... Ba4 796 Boardman........F8 117 Elizabethtown ....E 8 151 Morrisville. ..C8 Green€ 20 eae D10 529 Nassau, Rensse- 932 Theresa, Jefferson C 12 85. _Bonsal.. esas CS 886 Elkin..... -B4 261 Mortimer, Cald- 807 Warrenton ....... B9 IACI, Mea G19 2,475 Ticonderoga..... D19 L792 BOOue ne :. Be 377 Elk Park.. .F6 le Pe en A C2 723 Warsaw ..<.cnteaue E9 737 Nelliston, Mont- 1034s DIVO aces ie! evens) s 118 282 Boonville Pee | 293 Ellenboro . D2 498 ‘Morven eos coer os E5 6,211 Washington ..... C12 gomery .......G16 8,290 Tonawanda.......F3 ZOUNBOSUC .a.8 ae ee 590 Elm City -C 10 347 Mourning fae 602 Waxhaw . Pee: | 765 Nelsonville, Put- 289 LIEN tON: see osi0.0 01 919, Brevard).csa care H2 200 Elon College: ae Doe Gaston D3 2,008 Waynesville . Pe 2) NAM tee aie Aa 26,8132 ELOY wists ele cterecs G19 50 Bridgersville, 1,167 Epfield) seni 0 35844 Rit cAirg. = a.crarian B4 442 Weaverville ...... G5 6,227 Newark . Se 8 1,188 Trumansburg ....H9 Wilson. . -C 10 81 Enochville......... 4 723 Mt. Geek a eee D6 1,999 Weldon ........- B10 925 Newark Valley . 6) Gh ik 2,722 Tuckahoe, West- 348 Bridgeton. . A bee ed 162 Eureka, Wayne...D9 526 Mt. Holly ...,....D4 846 West Hickory, 1,114 New Berlin ..... 1H 13 Chester ici s5. B4 149 Broadway........ D7 146 .Everetts ..2..73..; 1 2071, Mt: OVE? dec ca Dg Catawba). :.-. oe. C3 27,805 Newburgh ........ A3 551 Tully ras 725 Brookford, 248 Evergreen, 753 Mt, Pleasant ..... D5 (P.O.Hickory) 354 Newfield..... .110 38,067 Tupper Lake .... Catawba..........03 Columbus ...... 8 418 Mt. Tabor, 231 West Lumberton, 1,195 New Hartford ...Gi4 612 Bryson City ......G3 AA. Palrblivil a cnc ele 8 Columbus ......F8 RODESOMIEL we eee E7 108 New ee teaoe Pe 66 Buies, Robeson... E 7 730 Fairmont, 809 Murfreesboro ....B11 755 Whitakers ...... B10 1,230 Newpaltz. eile Gf U 249 Buies Creek, Robeson. ese E7? 977. Murphy aan dae H2 179 Whitehall .......< F9 583 Newport... -F 15 Union Springs ... Harnett. oe) Be § 519. Faison sin).c -D9 750 Nashville......... C9 1,368 Whiteville........ F8 28,867 New Rochelle.....05 S5t Unionville: sce. a. 956 Burgaw... E 10 132 Falkland, Pitt Oot 160 Nebo, McDowell ..G 6 216 Whittier: .0.sees G3 4,766,883 New. York .....C4 591 Upper Nyack, 4,808 Burlington Ub: 2 816 Farmville .. -C10 9,961 Newbern........ DAL 45 Wilbank. Wilson.C 10 2,331,542 Manhattan’ Rockland...... 422 Burnsville .F6 7,045 Fayetteville .E8 95 New Hill, 799 Wilkesboro....... B3 430,980 Bronx (P.O.Nyack) 259 Cameron. D7 1,592 Forest City -D2 Waker nee C8 53 Williams. Yadkin .B 4 1,634,351 Brooklyn 74,419 Utica edt 2A 160 Candor. 6 137 Forestville ... 2.039 812 New London .....D5 1,574 Williamston 11 85,969 Richmond 1,219 Valatie, Colum- 1,393 Canton, Haywood . G4 189 Fountain, Pitt aout! $21 Newport o.e2.. sb le 25,748 Wilmington . 10 284,041 Queens 10) (ee eA 119 1,892 Caroleen . D2 329 Four Oaks . .D9 2°316 Newtons. ccs. C3 6,717 Wilson..221% 10 30,445 Niagara Falls ..... F3 835 Valley Falls, 863 canthogs D7 379 Franklin... -H3 73 Newton Grove....D9 684 Windsor. 12 533 Nichols:......... Jil Rensselaer bia re Se Be) 383 Cary..... OS 809 Franklinton At ette! 1,902 North Wilkesboro B3 289 Winfall . 13 1,311 North Pelham. 476 Van Etten .. , 219 Castalia. MG ciernon as B10 951 Fremonticc..... D 10 928 Norwood ........ D5 22,700 Winston-Salem -BS5 2,096 Northport . C5 452. Vernons, 2.0 wee - 222 Catawba, Catawba C 3 251 Oak City eiec.> <3 ae ey 484 Winterville... 7D 41 5,421 North Tarrytown, B61 “Viator: sass se ae 222 Cedar Falls . ..C6 oo 8 778. Old Fort »..-. <<) G6 624 Winton......... 12 Westchester ....B 4 748 Victory Mills, 323 Cerrogordo .. pS . C8 4 Ore Falla acer cee (efre 312 Woodland, " 11,955 North Tonawanda.F 3 Saratoga ......F 18 1,242 Chadbourn .. .F8 Garysburg .B10 645 Oriental ........ Di12 Northampton..B 11 1,130 Northville METZ 533 Voorheesville .H 18 1,149 Chapel Hill Shah 5,759 Gastonia. . .D3 3,018 ‘Oxford iio ste B8 187 Woodleaf 1.2. .% C4 7,422 Norwich... H 13 731 Rape doe ..Al14 34,014 Charlotte . D4 203 Gatesville Pes a 154 Pactohis. | eee be 393 praren ya 1,993 Norwood. -Al4 4,004 Walden..... K17 76 1. C13 154 Germanton. ed) 94 Palmyra........ Bill Randolph ...... C6 1,043 Nunda .. a 2 8} 2,103 QWaltOnees aso nL 1,153 Cherryville .. -D3 1,162 Gibsonville aH edie 324 Pantego, 54 Wrightsville Beach, 4,619 Nyack .... oo :4 212 Wampsville ee 852 China Grove C4 308 Glen Alpine FAL ay-4 Beaufort ......@:12 New Hanover. .F 10 1,236 Oakfield |<: .F4 3,195 Wappingers Falls.A 4 127 Chocowinity Cil 119 Glenwood . Sie eked 67 Parkersburg ......E 9 130 Yadkin College... .C*5 330 Odessa, Schuyler. -H9 3,206 Warsaw.......... G5 297 Claremont. C3 102 Godwin.... ..-D8 219: Parktou 234 soe E8 432 Yadkinville ....-. B4 15,933 Ogdensburg ; A 14 2,318 Warwick......... B2 247 Clarendon, .4i... 0:2 F8 304 Gold Hill .. ond S 272 Parmele......... Quy 338 Yanceyville ..... -B7 465-Old Forge ...... E 15 631 Washingtonville, 276 Clarkton, Blanden.E 8 126 Gold Point, 86 Patterson, 431 Youngsville, 14748. Olean Svcs om 14 Orange: ee. ar. A2 1,441 Clayton. i045. 3..5% C9 Martin .. rogue a Caldwell........ C2 Franklin .......B9 B,817. Onelds 2251.00 F13 3,245 Waterford ...... G19 426 Cleveland ........C4 6,107 Goldsboro.......D10 232 Peachland....... E 5 483 Zebulon; Wake, i & Pe ee ee ee fend ATLAS OF THE WORLD. 147 NORTH DAKOTA. 77.0 OHIO—Continued OHIO—Continued R Pop., 577,056 Pop.1910 Pop.1910 Pop.1910 Pop.1910 COUNTIES 460,732 Hamilton ....... F3 57,488 Muskingum ...... E 9 2,659 Franklin ......... Fa4 1,592 Lowellville ...... Bil 37,860 Hancock .........C5 T8601 Nope: 3.100 erste E 10 614 Frazeysburg...... D8 287 Lower Salem, Pop.1910 Pop.1910 $0,407 Hardin... .....<2. C5 22,860 Ottawa.ccc. cme: A6 507 Fredericksburg....C 9 Washington ...F 10 5,407 Adams .......... G4 14,496 McLean ......... D7 19,076 Harrison........ D10 22,730 Paulding......... B3 1,021 Fredericktown....D 8 272 Teas «3,22 as hs C8 18,066 Barnes.......... F138 4,747 Mercer........... E6 25,119 Henry . ioe Bay 351896 Perry of as wots E 8 624 Freeport ........D 10 923 Lynchburg....... F5 12,681 Benson ......... Dil 25,289 Morton .......... Pz 28.711 Highiand.. wg «Owl 926,158 Pickaway’ .i-cm- >> E6 733 Freeport. ........ 208° LYONS shiv f ables Aa 10,186 Billings .......... F2 8,491 Mountrail........ C4 23,650 Hocking ......... PST 15.728) Pikes ease soe: F6 9,939 Fremont ......... B6 1,107 McArthur....... F8 17,295 Bottineau ........B8 10,140 Nelson ......... D 13 E7, OOO MOINES nic eles <- C® 30,307 Portage......... B10 294 Gahanna......... D7 547 McClure ......... B5 4,668 Bowman ......... G2 S572 ORGORA dies os E7 $4,206; Hurot )t es k 60. BY) 23,834 Prebles sou. oe sh E3 7,214 Gallows 0. wears’ C7 1,088 McComb ... ‘B5 9,064 Burke ........... B5 14,749 Pembina ........ Bl4 30,791 Jackson.......... PW). 29972) Putnamig.. esa: B4 5,560 Gallipolis ........ G8 1,831 McConnelsville....E 9 13,087 Burleigh ......... F8 9,740 Plerce ........... C9 65,423 Jefferson........ D11 47,667 Richland . a he Cag 537 Gambier . DS 491 McGuffey ........C5 33,935 Cass............ E15 15,199 Ramsey......... C12 SV ASL) KNOX ee eet ie D:8).) $40,069) Ross. : cakeoenat F 6 1,001 Garrettsville.....B 10 454 Macksburg....... E9 15,659 Cavalier ... -Bl2 10,345 Ransom .........@14 DA OST LAO. das yells cies A10 385,171 Sandusky ........ B6 2,496 Geneva ......... All 863 Madison ........ A10 9,839 Dickey .... -Gi12 7,840 Renville ..5c00.. B 6 39,488 Lawrence........ G8 48,463. Soloto) (tiie. cic nie G7 BLT ‘Genoa neta ss B6 5,193 Madisonville...... F4 6,015 Divide. . B2 19,659 Richland........ G15 55,590 Licking..........D7 42,421 Seneca .......... B6 1,580 Georgetown ...... G5 155 Magnetic Springs D6 5,302 Dunn... E4 9,558 Rolette ......... B10 30,084 Logan ........... Dib © 24.668" Shelbveoeowacee cs D4 1,778 Germantown ..... E4 556 Magnolia ........C 10 4,800 Eddy... 12 9,202 Sargent .........G14 26,037) Lorain’ «2s snek , : BSP) 122,087: Starker) sor O10 320 Gettysburg....... D4 245 Maineville... ..... F4 9,796 Emmons . G9 8,103 Sheridan 9 192,728 Lucas ........... A5 108,253 Summit......... B9 140: Geyer..... 345 Malinta..........B4 5,313 Foster ..... 212 12,504 Stark............ 4 19,902 Madison ......... E6 52,766 Trumbull....... B11 1,864 Gibsonburg dere B6 O71 "Malia Jods. owe E9 27,888 be cai Fork O14 7,616 Steele .......... 4 116,151 Mahoning ......B 11 57,035 Tuscarawas ...... D9 345 Gilboa’,....:2+ 1-5 5 753 Malvern......... © 10 6,274 Grigg: -E13 18,189 Stutsman 1 $5\071- Marion 5. arches o> - OLS vat, 871s Unilontmete yee ses D6 8,736 Girard .....+....B11 1,966 Manchester. oR ok: G6 6,557 Hetuinger -.G4 8,963 Towner ......... 1 23,598 Medina .......... B98") 20,119 Van Werts..--. «-- C3 558 Glandorf .........B4 20,768 Mansfield. ie anO'S 5,962 Kidder. . “File 12,545 Traill........... 5 25,594 Meigs..........-: F8 13,096 Vinton,.......... F7 1,741 Glendale |.......: F3 721 Mantua .........B 10 10,724 Lamoure -G12 19,491 Walsh 4 27,536 Mercer ..........- @.3) 24,497 Warren 47.62. « F4 269 Glenmont ........ C8 88 Marble Cliff....... 6,168 Logan .. -G10 25,281 Ward 6 AS, O47. MIA TOI. lel-eyerauehors. « D4 45,422 Washington..... F10 23521 G12 374 Maddock.......:D10 15,083 Alliance. . . C10 143 Centerville.. a 1,019 Hamden, Vinton ..F 7 4,271 Miamisburg ...... E4 454 Berthold .....--..C 6 3,873 Mandan........-. F8 402 Alvordton. aNd 353 Centerville . ~E A 276 Hamersville ...... F5 640 Middlefield ......B 10 275 Binford........ aby 2 ‘207 Mapleton ....... F 16 484 Amanda .... -F7 1,931 Chagrin Falls ....B 10 35,279 Hamilton ........ F3 607 Middlepoint ...... Gs 444 Bisbee Bit 790 Marmarth........ G2 417 Amelia. ..... -F4 209 Chambersburg 506| Hamler seers: -i0 B4 3,194 Middleport ....... F8 5,443 Bismarck ........ F8 BRB Max. e Snicaciie. D7 267 Amesville ... -E8 Gallia .. 8 361 Hanford .......-- 13,152 Middletown... F3 1,331 Bottineau ........B8 AAOMMAXHASAE ELLE 2 2,106 Amherst ... B8 1,542 Chardon 662 Hanging Rock ....G7 327 Midland.........- F5 - 651 Bowbells.........B5 1,070 Mayville 22.122: B15 1,041 Amsterdam 270 Chatfield, 331 Hanover.........D8 483 Midway.......- Fy 302 Bowdon ........ B10 "343 Medina ......-.. Fil 902 Andover . All Crawford . --C7 317 Hanoverton ...-. O11 163 Miflins eee ae C8 481 Bowman ........ G3 78 Merricourt...... G12 460 Anna.... D4 821 Chauncey .. . 239 Harpster......... C6 696 Milan... 20.2000; B7 203 Brinsmade ...... Cll 449 Michigan ......--C.14 656 Ansonia . Ds 541 Chesapeake. .- 286 Harrisburg .......E 6 1,321 Milford. PA 186 Brocket ........- C13 641 Milnor..........G15 169 Antioch... E10 410 Chester Hill .-F9 1,368 Harrison......-.-F 3 685 Milford Center. ..-D 6 Sait putlalo: S20: ws F 14 410 Milton .......... B13 1,187 Antwerp .. BS Chesterville -D7 364 Harrisville ...... Dil 276 Millbury ......... A6b 1,882 Cando ........-- C11 510 Minnewaukon....C 11 400 Applecreek Oe .-F3 474 Harrod ....-.-+-. C4 187 Milledgeville... ... E6 115 Canton, Pem- 6,188 Minot............07 380 Arcadia. . Sal 410 Hartford, 218 Miller City ....... B4 Biase bie! B14 (701. Minto 5 Go.s80 2 C15 1,361 Arcanum iby -B7 Trumbull ..... Bil 2,020 Millersburg ....-.-C 9 257 Carpio ..--------» 7 493 Mohali “1B 6 1,082 Archbold . -Ba Chickasaw . -D3 2,823 Hartwell, 350 Milton Center, 1,217 Carrington...... E12 238 Monango......-.G 12 798 Arlington ........ C5 14,508 Chillicothe. F6 Hamilton ...... F3 Wood eee B5 17553 Casselton .....-- F15 98 Mylo, Rolette ...B 10 468 Arlington Heights, 364,463 Cincinnati. F3 359 Harveysburg .....F 4 92 Miltonsburg .....E 10 225 Cathay......----E 11 528 Neche.......... B14 Hamilton ...... F3 6,744 Circleville . -E7 391 Haskins ......... B5 1,032 Mineral City .....0 10 652 Cavalier: ne B14 120 Nekoma, Cavalier B 12 240 aie, 0. Pittsburg). ube Claeiebure ae as3: Haviland era ne 759 Mineral Ridge ...B 11 aes? a7 G15 rit tee eRe 2 ayesville.......- 1,3 incGEVGoeo....200 G10 a7 eres Ferry « -Cll $37 Parken OR ae 6,795 Ashland . C8 425 Clarksville. F5 677) Hebronieeec ase. E7 4,049 Mingo Junction ..D 11 418 Cogswell . G14 218 Nomex 2. sess.) F14 706 Ashley. -.D 6 560,663 Cleveland . -B9 305 Helena.......... B 6 1,583 Minster..........D4 225 Columbus ......-- B4 153 Noonan.........- B3 18,266 Ashtabula All 2,955 Lobes S Heights. 452 Hemlock........- E8 438 Mogadore ...-..- 610 184 Conway ........-C14 432 North Minot, 972 Ashville . -E@ 1,423 Cleves . “FS 2,395 Hicksville ........B 3 255 Monroe.......... F4 1,019 Cooperstown ....E 13 WAT aime C6 226 Athalia ... -Gs 239 Clifton. . ES 417 Higginsport ...... G5 1,152 Monroeville ...... B7 539 Courtenay .....-E 12 769 Northwood......D 14 5,463 Athens... .. -F8 305 Clinton .. ..C9 272 Highland ........ F 5 SOR eM Oncor insane D3 279 Crary Potre Jone pl,46O Oaken:. (2... 5 65-13 ante Seneca Pe Pabies che cee Gor 370 Hilliard, Franklin .2 6 2,759 Montpelier... A4 2 ROO OE Ma 2499 OaKeS .....22ees ainbri Ome a ule 7e-- 58 R Si ut J 4, SbOrO.e ee ee. 334: Morraliac. snare eu Bi Fes tpaeniock es. B13 240 Bairdstown, Wood B § 1,759 Coalgrove G7 422 Hirant..2.-----B.10 280 Morristown .. D 10 Beh os ek > ee A altic ..... ) , sere . ; olgate.........+ 83 OLTO Wakao te cist ck 4 365 eae af E 13 sik Recercnent eB S 551 Baltimore . -E? 869 Coldwater ........03 287 Hollansburg.....- D3 327 Moscow........--: .F4 TOMDecring’... «sos C8 479 Page SE 15 9,410 Barberton. eal eye!) 379 College Corner -E3 786 Holloway .-....-.-- 497 Mt. Airy, 5,157 Devils Lake .:--.C 12 177 Palermo.......-.- C5 4,233 Barnesville. ..... D10 1,979 College Hill...::..F 3 320 Holmesville....... 09 Hamilton ...... F3 "187 Dickey :....G13 1,008 Park River .....- O14 TR i 1,582 Columbiana .....C 11 391 Hopedale ....... Dil 451 Mt. Blanchard ..:.C 5 3,678 Dickinson ........ F4 ‘717 Pembina ........B 15 INscurawass S00 181,511 Columbus . eS 404 Hoytsville ....... BS 290 Mt. Cory .C5 "320 Dogden.......... D8 231Averth on os dss BL ope a B7 1,802 Columbus Grove ..B 4 1,699 Hubbard........ Bit 208 Mt. Eaton........ C9 297 Donnybrook ......0 6 353 Petersburg C14 1,034 Batavia. pia 234 Commercial Point .E 7 1,021 Hudson’)... .- B10 1,673 Mt. Gilead 1 id oe erie erage oe Se te ale Ee 282 Batesville . E 10 164 Congress... 220'9 328 Huntsville....... D5 1,799 Mt. Healthy ‘Re B48 Drake w.0+ ++ +--+ D9 2d, PIAL snc scor teas C6 BOE BS es San rele ee ee rae 1,756 Huron ...........B7 539 Mt. Orab...... 2... F5 587 Drayton .....--- B15 491 Portal ........... B4 671 Beach City oO, aed Te Continental ae 221 Idlewood........- : 701 Mt. Pleasant.) /D 11 478 Dunseith....---.. B9 561 Portland ........E 15 564 Bealisville.......B 10 741 Convoy .. C3 13,147 Ironton ........-- G7 1,071 Mt. Sterling .... 2. E 6 84 Eckman, ZAG) 41 Sk guess aca 03 286 Beaver..........-F7 $70 Coolville’ . pee 100 Ithaca, Darke ....D3 9/087 Mt. Vernon .....- D8 Bottineau ..... B8 198 Reeder...........G4 455 Beaverdam . ‘C5 1,564 Corning. -B 8 Bags Jackeota ot een F7 740 Mt. Victory....... C5 749 Edgeley .......- G12 412 Reynolds ....... D15 1,783 Bedford........--B 9 612 Cortland . Suis 55 Jacksonboro, 984 Mt. Washington..G 13 300 Edinburg . -C14 647 Richardton....... F5 12,946 Bellaire. Dil 146 Corwin,Warren ...F 4 Butler hers cies F3 326 Mowrystown ..... F5 344 Edmore...--..-. C13 194 Rock Lake ..... Bll 283 Bellbrook .. -E5 9,603 Coshocton .......D 9 685 Jackson Center ...D 4 1,386 Murray ........-. F8 266 Mecland.....0... Bé6 408 Rolette OST 889 Belle Center... D5 1,848 Covington ... D4 1,285 Jacksonville . i a F8 134: Mutualiten ae D5 1,389 Ellendale ../. G12 587 Rolla...........B10 8,238 Bellefontaine.....D5 3,807 Crestline ......... C7 11133 Jamestown .......E5 4,007 Napoleon ........ Ba 1/540 Enderlin . Pa oman an Pt 1,630 Rugby ce. oe ee C9 689 Belle Valley... E 9 970. ‘Créston: o. os <6 2 4 C9 1,461 Jefferson . = eee | 268 Nashville......... C8 "353 Esmond ~ Re eet CAL? PURGE EE ee Ds 5,209 Bellevue .... oii) 526 Cridersville .......C4 716 Jeffersonville ..... E 6 1,357 Navarre......... C10 140 Fairdale, Wate (014 161 Russell: Bottineau BS 1,056 Bellville.......-..-C7 3,028 Crooksville, Perry E 8 SER Tenor Meee. C5 TSS Noli Ges Ee 387 Fairmount .. EL 17 224 Rutland.......- H14 572 Belmont.... pt Ci) 295 Crown City....... G8 314 Jeromeville ... C8 6,082 Nelsonville ....... F8 14,331 Fargo seek 16 B38. Ry deren ne st D6 298 Belmore .....--.. BS 609 Cumberland ...... E9 458 Jerry City, Wood. REED 889 Nevada ..........C86 "713 Feaseaden NG D 10 390 Sanborn ........- F13 510 Beloit ........-- cil 345 Custar . BS 242 Jerusalem . ..E 10 ZONE VILLGMn ocnene: G4 516 Finley .........- D 14 346 Sarles...........B12 1,249 Belpre .....-.... F9 4,020 Cuyahoga Falls ...B 9 917 Jewett.......... D 10 215 New Albany ..... D7 301 Flaxton..-.-----+ B4 327 ‘Sawyerssnskisse as. C7 352 Benton Ridge ....B 5 699 Cygnet .......... Bd 805 Johnstown ....... Dit 198 dda Newarieen ine E8 221 Forbes.......... H 12 214 Scranton, 2,609 Berea ........---- B9 599 Dalton........... C9 811 Junction City....-E 8 376 New Athens..... D 10 233 Forest River....- C15 Bowman ..C2 1,011 Bergholz........ Dil 373 Danville......... D8 T70e Kalidawngenss-1e)- C4 S65) Now Beniineo ee 610 352 Forman OTS 304 Sharon......--- D 14 554 Berlin ek: “Bz 233 Darbyville ....... E6 1,017 Kelleys Island ....B7 304 New Bloomington 206 Fullerton ...- G13 358 Sheldon......--- F15 1,201 Bethel... .)). LFS DIGO77 Dayton secon vs E4 1,561 Kenmore.:.....-. Martone: .. D4 1.058. New Curlislosn seni 2,229 Grafton ....---+: C15 246 Starkweather ....0 12 185 Bloomfield....... 373 Dellroy . -D 10 400 Killbuck ......-.. C9 2,943 New Comerstown D 10 12'478 Grand Forks ....D 16 500 Steele........ TF 10 610 Bloomingburg ....E 6 5,038 Delphos.-..-----. C3 277 Kimbolton ......D 10 683 New Concord..... D9 "455 Granville.....--..C8 273 Strasburg .......- G9 754 Bloomville ....... B6 1,689 Delta............ A4 815 Kingston......--. F 6 804 New Holland .....E 6 191 Great Bend......G 16 276 Sykeston........ Ell 1,953 Bluffton........-. c5 4,008 Dennison ....... D 10 130) Kirbye eee C6 487 New Knoxville ...D4 Sassi tinruo eae 4 108 Vagus McG. are C6 567 Bolivar .....-.--- C9 1,016) Deshlerr wn aeeeroun ot B4 297 eae eis SR ae 202 New. Lebanon, 213 Hamilton ....... B15 105 Thorne..........B 10 289 Boston....-.-.--- 235 Dexter City ...... E9 123 Kossuth.......... C4 Montgomery ...E4 1,503 Hankinson ..... H 16 203 ‘Tioga s2 scien. 2-0 4 579 Botkins........-. D4 ‘1,519 Dillonvale...... Di1 418 Lafayette, Allen...C 4 297 New Lebanon. "340 Hannahford \...P 13 250 Tolley’...-0...10..8 6 142 Bourneville....... F6 202 Donnelsville ......E 5 467 Lagrange .......- B8 Miami . ay 1,443 Harvey ene 10 S091 oli meee eet? D 13 514 Bowerston ...... D 10 877 Doylestown.......C 9 528 Lakeview ........ D5 (P.O.Potsdam) 666 Hatton......-.. D15 452. Tower City ack 14 297 Bowersville ...... E5 1,549. Dresden... .-.... D9 15,181 Lakewood, 2,559 New Lexington ...E 8 387 Havana ........ H14 691 Towner........--- C8 5,222 Bowling Green....B5 299 DiUbUn sae se >> D6 Cuyahoga ....-. B9 1,557 New London ..... B8 597 Hebron ......---- F6 422 Underwood ...... E 8 1,844 Bradford ......-.. D4 1,109 Dunkirk ......... C5 13,093 Lancaster.......-E7 628 New Madison. .... E3 766 Hettinger........ H4 296 Upham, McHenry C 8 890 Bradner ......... B6 334 Dupont . _-B4 M72 arden nes aot e io C6 711 New Metamoras .B 10 1,237 Hillsboro ..... E 16 4,606 Valley City...... F 14 690 Bratenahl........ 9,179 East Cleveland :.B 10 330" Tiattyandeaes Ao oe B3 870 New Paris ....... E3 “1768! Hoople ...<.. «2s C14 PRET eLUAS ewe D8 025° Bremen... 450-2 E8 20,887 East Liverpool. ..C 11 SOPs Lavra cnet. eo ecs D4 8,542 New Philadel- 909 Ho o eT eite! ae chs B14 235 Verona > ae! G13 3,974 Bridgeport ......D11 3,537 East Palestine .. C 11 457 Laurelville....... F7 Dhia. ho, en D10 306 Hunter .........316 2,467 Wahpeton ...... Giz 742 Brilliant ........ Dil 479 East View........ 2,698 Lebanon......... F4 1,733 New Richmond ...G4 353 Inkster .-.------ Giz "592 Walhalla........ B13 341 Brink Haven .....D8 4,972 East Youngtown. . $28. Tecsburg.s oo. ts F5 268 New Riegel....... C6 4,358 Jamestown ..... F 41 657 Washburn ....... E 8 400 Brooklyn Heights.. 3,187 Eaton........... E38 194 Leesville .......- D10 149 New Salem, Fair- 11437 Kenmare ........B5 592 Westhope........ B7 383 Brookside, 1,072 Edgerton ......... B3 115 Leesville Cross Heldnwe eerie onde "456 Kensal Nes AGEN 4.5 264 White Earth...... C4 Belmont..... -D10 S87. Edisons fences... C7 WROAGS To sy scstene.o > C7 2,242 New Straitsville...E 8 108 Kermit ..0)-0:. 5s B3 $124 Williston esau. 0c. O38 1,187 Brookville ....... E4 678 Edon . 22622 AS 2,665 Leetonia .......- Cll 757 Newton Falls ....B 11 330 Knox ....---=:. C10 623 Willow City ...... B9 195 Broughton ....... B38 321 Eldorado ........ E3 E778 “LelpstGn ts. eioetet: B4 142 Newtonsville..... F4 181 Kramer.......... B8 AST WilGON feist cl E 8 3,641. Bryan ois. cscs B 3 129 Elgin, Van Wert...C3 BAETOG Ss cis oa tb ip 546 Newtown......... G40 Wound het ia assis G12 571. Wimbledon ..... E13 ° 1,180 Buchtel . ates ed | BAT: Blida ween ak oh C4 672 Lewisburg ....... E3$ 793 New Vienna . _F5 1,023 Lakota.........D13 432 Wishek ......... G 10 269 Buckeye City.....D 8 937 Elmore.......... B6 291 Lewisville, 889 New Washington. .C 7 "929 Lamoure. G13 439 Wyndmere......G15 . ar ueaet Pay S oer c F ieee Sy Place .. = : Ip, Monroe ....... eay a08 New Waterford ..C 11 eae eB 12.) © | 103, Zecland’...-02 sh: , ucyrus..........C ; TIA, Fo Ae Hchent Lexington ....-.-. 258 New Weston...... Bcl4 Langdon ....-..- LPS EO, ZOOM mo ie nis 351 Burbank .........C8 509 Empire .-.....-- C11 647 Liberty Center... .B 4 208 ‘Neyed sone B13 236 Burkettsville...... 249 ‘Bhon o.c-ES SOLG08 atimaneen trees cee C4 8:861) Niles saves. tee Bll 124 oe herbed es er ee as ee arty adap ore wper cas ee ‘Hh Timaviite, cps ae .C 10 2,503 ore Sec ea 2s : i O Butler eee goin 3 BIDE. in Seccays fs 991 Linden Heights 560 North Bend ...... OHIO. Population, 4,767, 96 Butlerville, 2,263 Fairport........ A 10 501, Liandseysens oes os.e B6 793 North Lewisburg..D 5 COUNTIES Warren <2... <2: Fa4 346 Fairview........ D10 512 Linndale......... 1,030 North Olmsted... . 3,156 Byesville........ E10 437 Farmersville...... E 3 0,084 Laisbowaces: sas -aO n? 62 North Randall.... 24,706 AGAME. 6%... 60 ciate G6 30,121 Coshocton ....... D9 UOT Cade tes c ces Dil O16 Fayette ssc: 2 ccs A4 331 Lithopolis........ E7 155 North Robinson...C7 BG, USOC Aller via tists neopets C4 34,036 Crawford......... [ord 87):Calais' Ayia E 10 370 Fayetteville ...... F5 136 Little Sandusky...C 6 7,858 Norwalk ......... B7 22,975 Ashland.......... C8 637,425 Cuyahoga .......B9 1,430 Caldwell........ E 10 578 Felicity ..........G@4 307 Lockbourne ...... 186 Norwich ......... E6 59,547 Ashtabula....... All M2033 DArke 2.5.5 3058 ares D3 562 Caledonia ........ C6 305 Fernbank, 166 Lockington ...... D4 16,185 Norwood........ G12 47,798 Athens......+.... F8 24,498 Defiance. ...5 2... B3 11,327. Cambridge. ...... D9 Hamilton ...... F 3 3,439 Lockland......... F3 2,387 Nottingham . B9 31,246 Auglaize ......... C4 27,182 Delaware........ D6 899 Camden ......... 13 14,858 Findlay.......... B5 POLS Adl ese ns es B8 1,559 Oak Harbor . ‘A 6 7a EBBuHelNOnET hice DELO 1) (88827 BUC s..oa5 aoeiae® « B7 6,621 Canal Dover..... D 10 137 Fitchville........ B7 4'850 Logan.......-.-- F8 1,148 Oak Hill . -G7 24,850 BOW soo os nes G5 39,201 Fairfield ......... E7 978 Canal Fulton ....C 10 $76 Fletcher ......... D4 3,530 London ..-E6 1,639 Oakley, Hamilton 0: 201 UB ULOTY. Se tse eles BS) 6215744. Payette. 7% on as os E6 740 Canal Winchester .E 7 234 Florida .......... B4 BRIRNS pIUOLAMI ic teiy ici oa B8 F 3 DB 701 CALVO oo whats aan C10 221,567 Franklin........E 6 685 Canfield ........ Bll 868 Flushing ........D10 489 Loramie......... D4 358 Oakwood......... 26,351 Champaign....... 2 : Bae Bet nde Sho cade aie 451 ver nents ae pees ereee 2 Sales ad oF ; Lexe. ow. riasreahd oe § an ee ip amen oa oe 66,435 Clark ............ ne PUTT ee enee nites ee i uskingum ....E ort Jennings..... ‘ oudonville ...... . ernie... coe 29,551 Clermont......... Fa 14,670 Geauga ......... B10 50,217 Canton.......... C10 1,193 Fort Recovery....D3 1,678 Louisville ....... C10 Ol: Oota..: «i tes0. cee 23,6860 Clinton .......... F5 290,733 Greéné ........ -E5 1,349 Cardington....... D6 9,597 Fostoria ......... B6 1,421 Loveland.........F4 860 Ohio City ........ C3 76.619 Columbiana .....C 11 42,716 Guernsey .........D9 B 225 oORTSH sia 9 te ore cos C6 734 Frankfort ........F6 669 Lowell...........F9 394 Olmsted Falls ....B9 148 ATLAS OF THE WORLD. OHiO—Continued OKLAHOMA—Continued OKLAHOMA—Continued Bort 1910 ky 1910 Pop.1910 Pop.1910 Pop.1910 Pop. aaa 185 Orangeville. Aris th ip | 127 Springhills, 12,744 Murtay~ os acct ei H9 12,861 Roger Mills....... Di 548 Porum B52 Lath rccctely rae tvare ete D 14 By LOL POE Vie. Geass ¢ C9 Champaign.....D5 52,743 Muskogee 5 Maer ae 17,736 “Rogers..i..:ci. A one. B14 1,830 Poteau 2,891 Tahlequah... ...D16 866 Osborn ... 443 Spring Valley..... E5 14,945 Noble.... meee 3h] 19,964 Seminole.. ae 20 1,025 Prague... 840 Talala oii 18 214 Osgood .......... D3 5,002 St. Bernard, 14,223 Nowata.. A114 25,005 Sequoyah .E 16 P7T98 PIVOL cana oeteleie 491 Talihina G16 448 Osnaburg 4 Hamilton ..«... F3 19,995 Okfuskee.. E11 22,252 Stephens Sushy¢ 2,740 Purcell 468 Taloga... O38 431 Ostrander 6 1,393 St. Clairsville mi Oe i | 85,232 Oklahoma........E8 11,682 Swanson .G4 3855 Quinlan 498 Tamaha .. .-£15 2,182 Ottawa. 4 560: St. Henry:...-..-.b's 21,115 Okmulgee. .)...20 E 13 14,249 Texas... -.03 597 Ralston 1,626 Tecumseh . oF 10 477 Ottoville 3 244 St. Louisville .....D8 20,201) Osagern. o> aaa ee 18,650 Tillman..... ee 3 725 Ramona 852 Temple . cain Bi 234 Otway... 6 5,782 St..Marys*. 22.255. % C4 15,713 Ottawa..... ware ee UE 34,995 Tulsa....... .-C13 574 Randlet 573 Terral... aan 2.0870 Oxtord. ee uieeeese 3 i 261 (Sb arises: carer ck & 17,3382 Pawnee......-...C 10 22,086 Wagoner........ Di4 556 Ravia. .. 372 Texhoma J3 5,501 Painesville...... A110 174 Stafford wa wos, E 10 25,100) PAYMCs...c civ cones C9 17,484 Washington. ....A 13 350 Red Fork. 361 Texola.. ety | 216. Palestivie i042... D3 22,391 Steubenville..... Dil 47,650 Pittsburg........G13 25,084 Washita..........E3 398 Red Oak 1/371. Thomass icin ase D4 562) Pandora’... .25 2s C4 438 Stockport ........ F9 24,331 Pontotoc........ G10 17,567 Woods..... Oar A4 378 Redrock 441 Tipton....,. BR ir te bee) 800 Pataskala ........E7 144 Stone Creek ...... 43,595 Pottawatomie....F 10 16,592 Woodward... ....B2 207 Renfrow 1,408 Tishomingo. ....111 191 “Patterson .2ha5: 3. C5 835 Strasburg ....... C10 10,118 Pushmataha..... H14 411 Rentiesville 1,776 Tonkawa s-:..5 20- A8 ply ss Me Mivatteinte ts ee ween Struthers’. =.=... eis eae qaewoce B is 43 an wets se dere asa a es 1,20 BNO. 5. Fase 1,026 ‘Stryker iis ku. ities, Towns, Vi P : pley . UISA cc ceeccens 921 Peebles .......... G6 389 Sugar Creek ..... . oa ae or witless, bil pater Rte ate 378 Rocky... 387 Tupelo..... eng ouss slat 1,006 Pemberville...... B6 368 Sugar Grove......E7 Cty neti 740 Gotenae See rent 1,044 Rots. aeg ote 794. Tuttle.>. cin eee F7 536 Peninsula ....... B10 489 Summerfield.....E 10 Tas Adan ray 330 Cornel : Jas 228 Roland 656 Valliant. 9... .... Jeb5 1,913 Perrysburg ....... B5 485° Sunbury, .ch ens Did org A oo 0 1.529 Granite. “G2 298 Roosevelt a5 812. Verasa.caeetwiee B13 541 Perrysville ....... C8 1,058 Swanton .........A5 366 ie SA an Gh oh ak oie 416 evant Co ag 823 Rush Springs...... G7 B24 Verdensi cn cuce see F6 343 Phillipsburg...... 977 Sycamore Re SR C6 786 ee BTS tee 888 Grove. B16 1,207 Ryan... J7 794. Vian castes ane E 16 310 Pickerington, 1,002 Sylvania .........A5 Hippy uiniies es Oey B 305 Guertie, Hughes. F 12 2,479 Sallisaw......... E 16 4,082 Vinita \.4 cio sete B15 Palrhelas 22:54." E7 S02) Tarlton ne cae s: F7 645 All ist Se 11,654 Guthrie. D8 8,283 Sapulpa......... C12 4,018 Wagoner........ Di4 668 Piketon.......... G6 495 Taylorsville, Tigoy Alia { Lis AON GUInE ao 73 241 Sasakwa....0...- Gil 405° Wakita fancntadiaes AZ 660 Ploneer.......... A838 Muskingum ....E 9 3688 Altar aa False ali ae 2.024 Halleyvilles to G14 200"%Savanne ones Gis 1,877 Walter tone eae H6 Mido? Plein Gltyesiii-B6 | SS Hamiton t.....F 3 3.439 Anadarko. ..00... P50 "147 Hallett 20000. .0.11 1OT) Scuba, LLLLLLO 286 Wann 01s2 SAB 215 Plainfield ........ D9 411 Thornville ....... E8 1 as eae ciple oie eine 4 S56 Haneis ee eo S62 Gelling cue. C4 948 Wapanucka ..... Hii 788 Pleasant City..-H10 11,894 ‘Tiffin .di....00.- B6 713 TNs ppee se si is 2.963 TTartchecnoes ae 14 476 Seminole.. .. ..F 11 1,723 Watonga.......4 «D6 571 Pleasant Hill.....D4 2,038 Tippecanoe City ..E 4 5 BLS eArarioie ee TO Can? Tapiall Cee ae D 13 S5¢ Sentinels F3 533 Waukomis.......- C7 1,769 tater Fe as ready ES seen eng ae < i ee aes Rates es Heaunge teense ie aie H oe Sabra Scone fee 2 : a4 Waves act i ‘ amilton. =..... OLEGO Ri acrnears oe eg ROO Bors pe ICO ROTO ; P Gl. 2332 Wayne co ecueese 608 Pleasantville ..... E 8 314 Tontogany .......B 5 Herta ke o roe A eatin ec. 12474 Shawnee [E10 ~—-1,160 Waynoka ......:. B4 fer Lb fatale Ses eras ot sn Ed Cup ue Le es Ale Pak gear S80 Fluleaas es BG Abe Ppa Bee ‘ =a ah aan Webbers Fal Ries re 367 Poland... . 4 TCTGOD ss cic si sis 6s « Res S ances See eee edee... : ebbers Falls... 250) Polls eee oie .C8 711 Trimble, Athens...F 8 ease Bartesvii: wetees ae ane HOnAPeaSy ss ste ot 606 SitaG B12 684 Welch onal aoe Fomeroy ries BS ‘ 348 Trotwood eos at EB 4 rt eco SD "350 Blckore oie rs 10 ade eae naa +S4 1,229 Weleetica.. oe 450 Portage.......... ° ‘ POViiie creel teuets ed Tiwari Si! s 200 ODEL = 5 ean eliston ..... Ae 3007 Port Clinton......A6 471 Tuscarawas ..... D 10 ae Bennington. . siaiose ils re nee ee SO e “ 196 Sonth Coffeyville. Al4 802 Westville.......:C 17 233 Port Jefferson ....D4 4,751 Uhrichsville .....D10 365 repels i hoskhadn ies 3.815 Hobart oc oes A271 Sparkss Ohootaweee bok: 9 526 McOurtain....... F 16 11808 Bandon s.2... G23 459 Silverton.......-- 258 Wilmot ........-- C9 oho Oe ee Be ee anny eee RE hore Ce eae ee 20 oes ee 187 Sinking Spring....F 5 927 Winchester, 220 Crone Raa Ee AGS 2A 88 MUU Ea eA Teco qQi2 "364. Madtas: Green cate 589 Smithfield ...... D1i Adams a. gant G6 52D Deowace Se Pia 626 Mill Creék. Pear geen S15 Gobiew ast BET 3980 MEATenn ald nee Teo 447 Smithville........C9 261 Windham .......B11 AGES Chania OEE ap 706 Mine seta ag ag Go urg Sone Hat 2,980 Mare field ....... J? 1,286 Somerset......... E8 2,502 Woodsfield ......E11 BSA Bie gS AIO OD CCA BA 225 M dee EA a o4 9 Con SPAR ee 1380 Milton oa leew exers B21 349 Somerville ....... E3 310 Woodstock....... D5 Fae Ce a ae cos Mon ns BD en F 22 tO Miloauie ee Se 212 South Bloomfield .E 6 807 Woodville........ B6 304 Dever Bete ipaate 1s D 10 327 pens and........ C9 30 ea a BON PS 33 310 Mitenell CO ea aiaas F15 1,181 South Charleston .E5 6,136 Wooster. wane 9 Obi Daido ee is OO MEO ne ok D413 Be tarde eon 9, cb 110: Mexumene ane Bir Cie Were pae a ey re Worthington ic were 1,416 Davis......-....-H9 449 Mountain Park....G 3 45c2-Cotvallla iidoceck 5 493 Monmouth ..:....E 5 '316 South Point g-- G8 1.893 Wyoming. 166 Deer Creek........ A8& 855 Mountain View....F 4 1,834 Cottage Grove ....H 7 878 Moro: f.cce eae C13 SI Oth Golem hee vee ; Yramilton F3 662 Delaware........ A138 671 Muldrow....... E17 AS3= Covelinne teas’. D 22 545 Mt. Angel ....... .E7 Sina ee Lpsrean eee I 1,344 Dewey.......... A13 441 Mulhall...........08 367 Creswell ......-. ~H6 429 Myrtle Creek |... /K 6 420 South Solon......E5 5, .O6m WOnIA Wis ee ear E 4 240 Dill F3 25,278 Musk B14 2.124 E5 836 Myrtle Poi JT2 499 South Webster ...G7 1,360 Yellow Springs ...E 5 278 De Pi SEP ny 9 ean ee OFRE aoe ae Bf Vee eevee Ne/aike fo 5m 5 ‘De Ets Nohale oint...... o4 853 South Zanesville, 182 Yorkshire ........ aee Oe eee C7 p77 Nadia eee er 3 12 : Ne map eee Muskingum ....E7 79,066 Youngstown..... B11 PE aioe re H7 S48 Nechviiee nous ¢ 15 57 +o storia, eed TOL Spartans coe D7 A478) Zales. ccceaceee > F8 ae Dereie: seme gia 112 149 Navin, Ccipte-selete)c Ds 21 2.260 N oe Epon 7 1,748 Spencerville ...... C4 250 Zanesfield........ D5 2 579 ease Pele) re ON F13 1.902 Newkicl He ASS 3 or Toit 12 Hs Now erg... ak: 355 Springboro ...../:F 4 28,026 Zanesville . LEO ET harclact ene St Es F 10 "403 Noble... PAs D7 2,078 Nomth Bend: Goos.3.3 sgh ES) geietn dopa EN Hi 182 Zoar, Tuscarawas .D 9 2,090 Edmond.. E8 3,724 Norman. ‘FB J3 ds North Powder D i ace Adore soar - or 3 oe hh Enid... er ‘i +s 449 NYSS0 = ie eee Z : 8 Elgin........ see , OWwWailei Wate ake 467 Oakland ....2iim. os OKLAHOMA. Population, 1,657,155 3,165 Elk City..........B2 366 Oakland......... 110 12.) (4,248 Ontationa. saute G 24 266 Elmore..¢ 3 .s-<0.-s. 8 199 Oakwood........ D4 1,242 Enterprise....... C 24 4,287 Oregon City ...... D8 COUNTIES 7,802 BL Reno, vos. nek 6 550 Ochelata......... B13 405 Estacada, : 4,460 Pendleton ..-....C€19 13,202 MnIG oe tisere cicisuniee B7 402, Okareheais. snc cok £ Clackamas..... D9 505 Philomath........ F5 LO, BSS AGaIT S nacn anda whee D16 30,909 Grady i... ssn. G7 915 UMirick ic. etek ws Fil 920 ‘Okeene sec ecvos oe C6 9,009 Bugene ....:....-, G6 ey Phoenix | svecowee M7 18,138 SAltAlta ssw. eceon este ASS 18,760). Grant. sec cies oe P| 2,507 Bufawldaett caus F 13 1,889 Okemah:.......: E 12 204 Fairview .........- C8 7 FALOtrOCk 1. aia ones C19 +5, 80B\ ALORA - 26)... tceiels H 12 16,449 Greer: cdi scene G2 S19. Pairftaxy 5 o2.2 os 1d 64,205 Oklahoma........ E8 969 Falls City .......- E 5 207, Ai Portland = v.aeen (ely 4 £3,631 Béaver........00.: 35 14,328 Harkion Secreto Gl 569 Fairland......... A116 4,176 Okmulgee........ E 12 Sit. Wlovencescsue esse H3 48 Prairie City ..... F 20 19,699 Beckham.........F1 8,188 ‘Harper 2s.3.ok 2s Ase 2,020 Fairview..........C5 324 Olktaka. >on n: E14 1,772 Forest Grove ..... C6 ay He Prineville ....... G12 17,960 Blaine...........D5 18,875, Haskell vos. ac. 2015 248 "Pallisin eevee castes D9 850" Ohustec.caiacrecd sn: H 2 421 \ oasis aaa tela: E 14 15359 Rainier... eee ANT 29,854 lo becgeh | er ie.” aia G, J 12 24,040 Hughes: 2s..26. 0. - F 12 S44 Rarvo- passe saa aw 255 Oologah......... B18 532 Freewater, 384 Richland .....°.... E 24 35,685 Caddo -.......... F5 25; 707 SACKSOD? orc olen sa: H2 2L5 Maxoneern isco se H5 340 Orlandos’:. aoces es C8 , Umatiba cn. os © 20 187, Riddles=:;..a:siees K5 23,501 Canadian ........ E 6 17,480 Jefferson: 62 2, cs ees 374 Fletcher, Comanche 373 OWase0:.. o-5 eo eae C138 391 Gardiner......... H3 ! 4,738 Roseburg.........3 6 BOOS VOATLOR Ay. 5.5 eho ete 19 16,734 Johnston ........ 110 H5 419. Paden. je) is. E11 276 °Gervaleis encase ee 14,004 ‘Salem. aoews wn oe E7 16,778 Cherokee ....... D15 26,900, Kay's . mmr <9 A9 AS ‘Porvakens a4 as ae All 310) Panamacgas vera F 16 646 Glendale......... K5 2O5SSclo ancl save wa hatene eg 21,862 Choctaw......... 114 18,825 Kingfisher........D7 382 Fort Cobb........ F5 239 Paoli. Yao Ge 423: (Gold. Hilly... as L6 1,121 sSeasidevr...< >. ee .4,553 Cimarron ........ Fie | T7A78 Kiowa.22.2325-.23G-8 1,344 Fort Gibson...... D115 2,689 Pauls Valley .. Re H8 89 Granite, Grant...F 18 495 Shaniko ........ E14 18,843 Cleveland ........F9 11,321 Latimer......... G15 697 Fort Towson..... 115 2,776 Pawhuska....... Bil 3,897 Grants Pass ...... L5 1,021 Sheridan....... Dba OBA GCORL ye ant sieiteen ey tort H 12 AVplon LSPPIOLO: pect -i G16 625 Mossi opera. E 3 2,161 Pawnee,2.e.5-cn- B10 342 Grass Valley ....D13 115 Sherwood ........ D7 39,855 Comanche ....... H5 34,779 Lincoln.......... D10 081. Francigy cess Gil 263 Peres. whe aeie ns C15 28 Greenhorn, 1,588 Silverton..... oan: Rt AOE ORAS cr pire enacdica she 4.15 154 40 oO PAINE elas pies cere D8 3,027 Frederick:........- H4 135 pectin: Ottawa...A 16 Baker. ........F 22 110 Sodaville.... Lard 265223. Creek aes ss os 1115 "CTO.230r LO VOmee Me nei: J9 924" Gare sien eer! 603 Perkins....... “[D 10 540 Gresham, 1,838 Springfield .. G7 migeol (CUSTEE oss euities D3 ESO0O MOLAR eons tienen F 8 351 Gans.. .E 16 3,133 Perry.. .C8 Multnomah... . 742 St. Helen -B8 11,469 Delaware ....... B16 20,681 McCurtain........ 116 382 Garber eS 680 Phillips. x H 12 428, Haines ooo hc 4,872 St. den 7 C7 14,132 Dewey ......... 3 20,961 McIntosh........E 14 957 Garvin. J 15 255 Piedmont . ae. 186 Halfway........ t. Paul. el My d PDS 7 of) PNUS Ue ey on bye ate « C1 1S 248 Maj Or os: a=. shales, C5 1,452 Geary.. .B5 25021. PONGH seen ese as B9 SO MAlSCY werctela sleraa ioe G6 818 Stanfield, 48,050 Garfield.......... B7 11,619 ptael ag serene 110 186 Geronimo......... H5 1,113 Pondcreek........ B7 }... Hardman....... D17 Umatilla...... B20 26,545 Garvin .......... G9 13,596 Mayes........... C15 373 Glencoe....... phe, is 637 Porter..:.......D14 08 Harney). 3 Hic: 119 703 Stayton......... .E7 ATLAS OF THE WORLD. 16 OREGON—Conti eon: Poke Leh a Pop.1910 ea os ne ee ee it 339 Warrenton .... A3 eg 98.0 a PeR.taIe gis Smee cere Hh PES Wate: o- Oa POO 5 A eee Wertsany TE te Lae Ses CTIOO .2 2s cece et 4,880 ‘The Dalles Pats “ob 149 Westfall... 2.2. G23 Peswriionnen we. DA se aia ieee ues & ae ane f i Wer : te Daleytown: airton 984 ite Fe Kitee ee 42,694 arp orebumberiand D8 1 ans phe es tae ates LONGI cures vite ; i ae wee Eaee Svél Dallas NY ees. , cKees ie ; Hr pe Nee tor Troutdale ........ G8 at ee a Cue Dele eye is 20 1 S76 DDSMRS Po icis, oes v0 G9 1 aus Glen HODG.. 3.1m ‘Da mate: Meicees Hoo UB x 156 Oakmont, ‘Alle: 2 noes a . ees, sete itso 884 Dallastown eae ,159 Glen Olden, Dela- 1 ae McMahan....... 436 Oakmont, Alle- Beer , Gio 7,517 heen ST Wia.e pats C10 1,263 Glen R Giant ea Bae bis Meveytawn 2 “Be ba! aie ee 1,483 A eee eras 246 C 20 376 Wilawina Soca OK} 6,305 Dae Riles sea. Braet are 5 : COINS 2. cue ice ingt 5 Halifax . TAGs es 21078 Marietta, 3+: 800 bare 54,526 Bradford» ‘B5 80,813 Lycomin C9 Lip Dee st: El 472 H UBS 36 eaten: Da 1 ai f peated RE RMR OR |S BN cg eee ge aie , canescens ees DB , Soiate nti hae ae over, York... Mite i Tenover ate 7 Markleysbure y j Re i | ett a ree : 2 27785 Mii gee ees Ds Sere Doe Sor R ie ar eas Hanover. Pe a FB 3 1 315 Markleysburg at ake i 3 3 gor Rapa Heights 7 ae i 22,941 Monroe 22... Bast ylestown. ....E 11 64,168 H Py sdtonsh A ais D1 920 ars ace me | 3,967 P on, Cambria ..D 4 ae “C5 Teb.3h0 Monte eee Ee 8 ravosburg...... 168 Harrisburg .......E 8 Martinsbure..... LE 5 462 Pen ATEV Ieee se 11 2 Set is iehaeo ee aH itt Drittwood Ro ae ah eet an wot atone (8 eee arene Pera) or Sar bony f 2 oeenen a = oe : a Ca st iain py ds a 160 Hartevon, ee se asontown, Fayette. * ae Penns Ration Le : $ : : feo fe oa : 682 Dubolsiowan «1.11: 7 , es 1,388 ,141 Penns 5 5 Seen me came GE cere maa BE | Meum BS Paehe § : : SORE Tap oe Phi 0 Lh ISAC OBS: Tathorg i tee | FI A oo eere P sbure ...... 61,565 Crawford ..... Be 29,729 Potter ree OR: Pag 1,263 Bascal Sacer E7 705 Hatheld, “Mont- * ier 12.780 Meadvil Cae Bi 184 etal i ‘ hae erland ... SOVELT Wien ee DD 150 Dundaif, Susque- gen Git davies Seat ee 4,469 Mechanicsburg... ‘BT '5.385 BI Phulstephia i 12 , PRN 6 cats ste ws E8 ’ Ie Scio D7 hanna 4 aWley 2. 502 Media. - rag Diet : ae Sa avs cou Pe ie tenner es ae eee Sap ate ye 3,56 anicsburg . - Ce rg, SMSTIMI et. Pal end1 293: Suilivan’ oc. acs E6 , ig RnR ARs Ptr F8 1 (P.O.Conemaugh) 18 985 Homer City ......D 3 Tp eee ae tia Plomlligns 2 D8 ,235 East Greenville ..E 11 ‘713 Homestead... ... EB 2 HORE ae ast partic Incorporated Citi 2'118 East McKeesport, 2,945 Honesdale HE Te neces Oe aap Polat Ma : eee ines O45 Honesdaie <2. ue ¢ S84 MiMintown, 7 ->:- D7 1.389 Poi ato OL 300 Adamsburg » Etc. Allegheny... b Op | Honey Brook. E 10 oye Milford a, P12 | Ot gee cz Westmoreland ..E 2 1,898 Brockwayville, 3,458 East Mauch ee 990 poirionn seers B08 ML Creak 8 ae thea 675 Adamstown, 3,003 B Jefferson .,.....C3 28,523 manent a RW 2 A Dit 304 Hop Bottom B40 ii ut cae ze G ee Ve i 7 Lancaster ......E 9 1/300 os aralatoaetehs C3 5,615 Hae On eee Se Dili 590 an ottom ....B 10 2,394 Mi iersburg.....- aol Port carton. cB TOPARTON a. aps7are- sc E9 2’ rownstown..... st Pittsburg, 136 pewell ........ ES illerstown ee 170 ion rt Be 150 JAYS Seer eee B8 324 Brownsville, Fay-— 316 Allegheny...... Di Hopewell Cotton 349 Millerstown.....- 649 porters. Dt Py ccomeat Se : malig ne vers ee 549 Millerstown......-E 7 170 Portersville ..... ; D1 661 Aldan, Delaware .F 11 650 Bruin. os. iss. C2 Space Seg noe te oe ate ees ee oe w926 Muluean 50223 8 33 era oy 432 Alexandria. .....D5 1,268 Burgettstown.. EI oy East Apoukesthe: 607 Houtzdale ....... D5 Set Millvele, Allegheny D4 3 a8 Portree 3 1,743 Aliquippa, eee 142 a Brad- aoe east Sides. sn 2 444 Soe Meanie eae D6 7900 Mill Vill rae a apo portaue Dyes AVE Piya se: cts Ty ee ADS “Biinsides Clean oe B8 ast Springfield, 1,650 ughestown .... SCT ire eet a 8 tet ett 2002. Pe He ae Met: a ao nee Bie nttlee Gen sgl ' et pe eek nictteereke 7 $60 ie ne ee aM OS. "263 Pes ES D9 i ae i ios ma 2 pam Bast Siriidsure é HT f caod le, ae a Sau o Mines Mis ae D8 338 Prospect... Cate 5.205 Ambridge Beaver. D 1 2}230 California |.... ene Bae Wee incion 4 oath Hinting eee i 2 eet 3,006 “Apollo. ..2. 6. + ‘D2 198 Callensburg...... C3 Washington ....E 1 "315. Huntingdon ......E 6 Leg atobatene ee oe 2804 Quekergna Ba i Aes: baer 188 GC 63 E ew genington <5 $15 Hyde Park....... D2 1,536 Mohnton........ "739 Quakertown . ...E 11 so A Bs 185 Gallen eB 2 908 has ae, ace Hydetown LyRialeya B2 by ,376 Monaca, Beaver...D1 Quarryville, Lan- 383 Arendtsville 875 Camp Hill, Cum- 34 Bastvale......... 51749 I eon ae eee ce attorelad * ee 2: Andamnm.. 02 Sse 9 berland . ...E7 1.9 7 Eau Claire....... 2/037 apap TATE et Ds smongane vi ne 82 Armagh, Indiana..D 3 3,801 Canonsburg ...... El iter Ebensburg ....... E4 , ngram, Alle- 7,598 Monongahela...... El 308 R jliroad York ..F'8 1,818 Beno Westmore- s7ioen penren teen eee B8 , mica y stone, Dela- 800 eae ae ee OD D1 1 490 Taemeton = vios O43 Hansa aes ah .E 10'3 arbondale......B 11 616 Ate et eer dd 2,886 I G Renee S 1 outourevilie, 6 8 oa ie es 683 Arona, W = "303 Carlisle ...... Bdenbure: ‘ twitee es o, : Pager) eset oe anki. Aile~ 6,855 mee Westmore- 10,009 Carmichaels eee ft 2,596 Edgewood, Alle- 360 Meera Jente: al 3904 Meas eo i : wee ia >: ; shiand ........ , amegie.........E1 | ©. _ @.O. Pittsburg) ckspnvilies : a efi nee Toa le gles Sa aoa SGA Sha ade Carrelitowa Di 1,229 wes Oe Paitabis As pee ea ee ce ide hie SOE Pana Reading orc k pa Atiegheny ; geworth....... Theis stustans ,071 Morton... ....-- F ; aac cee 2,592 Aspinwall, D4 306 Cassandra ....... BA 8 somereedeniin. ri we Fedo, tase « : eae : a en : Allegheny..... Di 166 Casselman........ F3 Saeeerrrnue 367 Fellewon cence. BE BEM Fal Siac a " e ees ; : es i ae: st eo te," my 31 Jellerton Pees pee Mt, Carmel......- D8 3,189 spe be Rhpoenions C6 sao acest Caos a) a pevillo, Hunt aA 944 co, Washington E 1 2,968 Je eTsON Le kee F 8 ee Mt. Holly Springs E7 "671 Reynoldsville Seow 514 Attleboro...... 1) 0 Catasauqua ..... D 10 1,235 Elderton......... D2 "109 enkintown .....E 11 ,771 Mt. Jewett........ B4 121 Biecviiee es sae 191 Atwood.......--- D3 ,930 Catawissa ........D8 SLOOP ENATOG, cow ideleisie® B5 3,15 Jennertown ...... E 3 Pres tac eons Se, Fi 562 team Bp 921 Auburn. ........D9 500 Center Hall’... D6 aaa Blgine oystapeaes B2 Saat i hore... -. Bor 424i ML Oliver, “Ati i. ae Boe a 2.041 Austin oon BS pA tad ip epteniecae e B2 Mee Johanne ea ts eee ny Rag : pucks | SS B3 iN capi ie ae Fllzabet avin ES é 334 gonnehinN Ee ss 785 Mt. ape ed So fee 1 ee Ridgway ....... spar 796 Avis, Clinton ..... C6 1,413 Centerville, Wash- ae. TOMI AMS orelare aids ure B7 608 Lepieete mee f) ae 31338 Me Union. 20.2. BS 1 ae a Gam A VOCE) «alee vic.e ce. C10 2,42 IUECONG Sold ste.cts « E1 3°90 RLISWOLED:. verere's) sie. 5,285 anata Diese Be 1304 Muncy i occoee G8 ize pone oe 2 668 Avondale.. ..... F 10 429 Centralia 111.111) D9 ;902 Ellwood City ...-. Di 6626 Kane fst. 2B 4 303 Mou a BS SE Tne Sima H 1,262 Avonmore ....... “19, 808 Chalfont. E11 Sear Maa oes, eel 283 Karns Cig G2 a a gets Z Bee i ss At mt 8 Ghrlione. 2c 3.901 Bimharst... +. ei i zee Karns City . C2 es Munhall, AlleghenyD 1 5903 ae Spring ...E5 Mt Bangor. ....... Dili Chapman Quarries, 21916 Balen TAGE C2 6.449 Rien, Square. .F 10 1700 Natberte Mont. ne Br ae ee 2 535 avacebord. Cam- 9 Northampton..D 11 M2 Mporlame i -ere B5 4731 Heike os fone nna 300 SE eg ae i be s ‘O18 Emporium’: 13 aE Serdar Cah ie gomery......- Ell 1,300 Rockledge ....... $38 on. ay ag guanerot en EB S iptcd eS ae ,651 See Alle- 3,978 Nazareth .....-.. D112 "222 Spain 9 So oak F3 057 Bath iiss. 11 4, 113 Cherry Valley... . 3354 Enon Valley ..... D1 SHENY ee Di Roce Nels eee B7 pe Ao B9 221 Bear Lake ....... B3 yuo, OWSStGr... T-s). ec Fil 66. 92 Ephrata .........E9 84 . O. mist Lad a3 New Mian. Bs : oh es 3,456 Beaver .......... D1 74 Chester Hill...... 5830 Erle ........+-++- Al 2 360 earn eu 6 303 New Alesana , G48 Hovspete o: Ree eet Chester Hi. 5830 Etna a eages oe ae eee Kutztown Si amhs ‘D 10 05 New Alexandria, 648 Rosedale + ie 1.530 Beaver Meadow .D 10 317 Cambria 6.0 os D4 vansburg, Butler, D 2 528 Tanne te ere .. C8 ve amore

: Delaware...... Fil 55 Fallston, Beaver..D 1 ; reagent Te eumenand & ane é 1,922 Bentleyville, Wash- 335 Clintonville....... C2 bab Eevente Cie ee Be 3 plume. 21 B40 ae H : ae ' ington ...... El 1,758 Clymer’... .« $2. 2,005 Fayette City ..... E2 so tepone ee os 729 New Freedom... Bi ig Gage 719 Benton .....----- C8 816 Coal Center ...... E 2 $14 Ferd: _ x 288 rapagviy ss a fa a | Saas Pas Bowin .. 6-5 «6+: Pa 311 Coaldale ........ 514 Ferndaié, Cambria eee WAT uzer ne irene Be REE AB ace Z 308 Bernville, Berks. [E10 5,164 Coaldale ........ D 10 D4 8 Luzerne. .’...... C9 De tel Net nae SE ett 1,424 Sealp Level «i Bd 377 Berrysburg, Dau- 228 Coalmont........ E 5 1 644 Finleyville ....... El cays LAtLODES Ue i stale E3 Patty Rew. Reneineion? D2 a Senet bare," Be * PHD sneer E 11 nt Coalport...3.<....D 4 pace Fleetwood....... E 10 ot Tawreieartionc: ‘64 Ne ahanote Poni 332 Berwick, Adams..F 7 ,084 Coatesville'......F 10 seedy is tae % Lebanon 02S BS ss nara sil pan z 5,357 Berwick......... re: 1 695 Cochranton ...... B2 Clintons esse: C6 Ai Lebanon .........E9 sw Milford 0 ite Eee tiated 130 Bethany, ; 302 Cokeburg. ....... 4.850 Ford City .....--; Da. iio Lectedsle...... ee fie New Oxtprd. ey eee Wayne ...... Bll 9 Cokeville......... B3 5,749 Forest City...... B10 ‘316 Lenighton ...... tee cas aa oe nf 12,837 Bethlehem .... 'D 10 1,787 College Hill...... Di 333 Soar Bore a 11398 Lemoyne? Ga an su Sea . 3 a Sie '032 Big Run .........D3 1, 621 Collegeville...... EB li 2,353 Forty Fort...... 1,393 Lemoyne, Cum- 2,512 New Philadelphia i's72 Selleraviile Ate: at eee Ae ee 388 Roun 53 Le etand +B? 2,009 Newport... -....- E7 :572 Sellersville "18 11 i Me "s i ede ‘ ‘388 Founeabe Tu Piet Seen pee EE 6 New Ringgold, even Valleys, ae ES GI +r rst ta a EWS fie ages D9 SECIS HE VEV NO ec oe ny Ree Ba i Semis c - 3 378 — Dae src Bit E6 p00 pelt den SaRTC NE etre 2 as Frankfort Spring. E 1 3 ret Lewlsb ee tire a New Re ee oie oa coe , airsville........ onfmuence .....4 - ‘ Secret tae ; ewistownt <<... | erat Hani | a 51345 Blakely, Lacka- B38 #28 Conneaut CAzeL cbt Sra dienkusteie: bh Ero Fewlstown 1.02.06 $10 Newton Hamilton i 4 aie i ui STC eae O-~ 12 867 Conneautville.....B 1 Gre eRe. Gf 253 Piper eee 2 ii Aa on Hee =o : Si 2 See ae H eee eee ENT aos Livery cso) ae 1,675 Newtown. reel ep ba | 1,401 Sharon RA Sr 1 762 Bloomfield . 400 Conoquenessing, oer Freedom.......... Di ore yeas Me ate cronks E3 id New Waanisgtony, er coer (P. O. New Bloomfield) 7,480 Butler <..2.62 D2 197 Freeland 10 Searing Bi eee cee SI Sa a 7 150 Blooming Valley ..B 2 1.48 Conshohocken ...E 11 2 mee Freemansburg ...D 11 2,08 ee oe Bl 758 Se wibineten Gt pete Sharpevile fee gi .413 Bloomsburg ...... C8 483 Conway. .....0... ,248 Freeport ......... D2 ee. Lickin wendowsint, Be Nicholson enn 1 ° ue ag if 2,303 Blossburg ........B7 406 Conyngham..... 103 Friendsville ......B9 ~ 156 Little Meadows ...B 9 Sigtiecscwnes. 17 Shelocta ees B 518 Bolivar .. .E3 nee Coopersburg.....E 11 4,027 Galeton..........B6 ina Esveamare soc BS “brr20 Northampton, N re TUTE Rae ooo 8 1,878 Boswell. ES 2 81 Cooperstown...... O2 3,504 Gallitzin ......... E4 hy ph aga oe D7 007 ae “bat 13 Meee as a 2,433 Boyertown . .-E10 aS Coplay os oes is a: Dil 848 Garrett ......... FA 7 596 Liverpool ........ D7 1,0 Seasapit ae es mre Shugo arenes 3,134 Brackenridge ,252 Coraopolis ...... Di 917 Gaysport........ ,772 Lock Haven ..... C6 Ree etghte te oe gle 19'357 Braddock . “pe §,091. COmry een cae se B2 aa6 Gone ee? 208 Lofantll, rie 8 tana ‘iE ae f aenee Bradford.........B4- 3 et Corsica, Jefferson. .C 3 269 Georgetown, ze 298 Loganville, York ..F 8 11824 North Braddock, 3 Shippenvll fais gi ,860 Bridgeport . keene eae Ad ir 0 Coudersport ...... B5 Hiaebeee Pr 240 Loretto, Cam ap nar aa a oor ae Bridgeville . eae del ane Courtdale, Luzerne C 9 4,030 Gettysburg are a ep bao ne i pruncaragauia “0 i oe as 562 Bridgwater . DT 4 0 Covington........ B7 5,401 Gilberton . D9 363 Lumber City, "080 North Gharlerol 232 § ren ack F t 459 Brisbin . “D5 ,583 Crafton ... Bt 1,165 Girard ... Ertl 5 ane ae wore North East. ae pees = 9,256 Bristol... ‘His 563 Creekside D3 41396 Girardviil Boe de Sie mee w8d6 North Trwia a2 Rag bi 478 Broadtop, ‘Hunt- 1,470 Cresson.. E4 203 Glasgow .. 2,043 Lykens .. .-D8& B17 Northumberland « * 754 jane ingdon.........E5 $38 Sone D9 5,540 giana Alie- ° 2 3,389 ee Schuyl- oto For aan : y } 7A St erat “8 5 essona -..---D9 | (2 gheny ........ D1 579 McConnellsburg .. Q o Blea seal E1 ‘0 Slippery Rock .. C nie abies | aR Mepeagnne BE | 6 Rep Sis Bee , 5 cDonald.. i : a s pare, BY ood Seaion, | 17280 Smokes Indiana,.......D3 150 ATLAS OF THE WORLD. PENNSYLVANIA—Continued PORTO RICO—Continued SOUTH CAROLINA—Continued Pop.1910 Pop.1910 Pop.1910 Pop.1910 ye a Pop. mer O49 SMmithnheld =. cic « F2 2,221 Upland, Delaware _ J 2,663 San Lorenzo ...... C9 1 667--Vega Altai crise B6 Bi ped ke tiee eK at 4 225; Tatuimern.s «, sans D17 784 Smithton.:...:.. E 2 BSG /UTSINAo. ceae ce, *3 1,920 San Sebastian ....B 2 3,082 Vega Baja ....... B6 177 Reidville. . ented 1,708 Timmonsville Sak 16 643 Snow Shoe....... C6 265 Utica, Venango.. ft 2 1,290 Santa Isabel ...... C3 3,158 Vieques...52.0.4 D12 245 Richburg. .. ee Sy a Stat th | 128 NirZalweacs\e + aes Cil 288 Snydertown, North- 240 Valencia.......... D2 1,759 Toa Baja.........B7 2,816 Yabucoa........ D 10 330 Ridgeland....... Mil 255 Townville ....... D4 umberland ..... D8 1,198 Vanderbilt ....... 573 Trujillo Alto ..... B9 6,589" Vatico 6. cere «sates D3 505 Ridgespring....... G9 60 Travellers Rest, 180 Somerfield, 3,876 Vandergrift.. -D8 3,208 sUtuado \..5 o. een aw C4 300 Ridgeville....... J 14 Greenville or O'S Somerset....... F3 3,438 Vandergrift Heights, FSF 370 Ridgeway........ F12 207 JPrentonsi.cs omens H8 2,612 Somerset... 4.4 a 4 Westmoreland... E 2 Sart ese ERIG So rset Ay 1. ate hee pope, Fawn ee 75 Souderton..:.... = 11 85 lling, Lacka- A UDP ek sere ah « See deie ote Teta South Allentown: Sina hia AERO RHODE ISLAND. Population, 542,610 508 Rowesville 142 190 Ulmers T10 439 South Bethlehem . 251 Venang Bl 139 Salem... Mele: ; nion at 19.973 South Bothiefien. Dil 2,849 Verona: 1.2 COUNTIES 311 Salley.. H 10 7 Vance .114 3,943 South Brownsville. 1,437 Versaille e 17,402" Bristol oeioeeek. K 19 424,353 Providence ...... E8 610 Saluda. Pee vss 542 Varnville . Kil ‘e South Canonsburg. 1,410 Vintondale. -_E4 SCS TOLaent oer tases K 10 24,942 Washington ...... Q9 189 Scotia.... aa O 362 Wagener.. Peres eee H10 4,592 — Fore aa .E4 ; ae Volant. Bars Ae EE | 39,335 Newport ........0 20 ah San Pace Wee . re ae bared: Sate hia ‘e as 1,748 South Greensburg. 1962 Fall occ ewes eee ainiele aherer otatate A ows sei South New Castle. 1,039 Walnuiport .....D-10 Incorporated Cities, Towns, Etc. ns 108 Shendoas, 2c 42. O1ai Waveien or eeeaeene 434 South Philipsburg. "980 Vramapann Ee Di 2,000 feed seen K 10 5,000 Manville ........ Ci4 374 Sharobeecenesere C10 $70) ‘Wellford’. at swans CMe 805 South Renovo MNOSO Warners. cee Ace aS 3,100 Arctic. --J 12 1,708 Middletown ..... 018 113 Sieglingville...... J10 1,576 Westminster ..... .D3 Clinton Goes 1,251 Warrior Run... 2,107 Ashton .. C15 (P.O. Newport) 521 Simpsonville......D 6 328 West Union...... 03 (P. O. Renovo) 18,778 Washington.......E1 1,400 Block Island... ..Z 12 2,325 Natick ..... -J 13 109 Smyrna......-..-- C9 847 Westville ....... B13 10,190 South Sharon '560 Washington Boro, 8,565 Bristol ...... -K19 27,149 Newport . : 338 Snelling... ... ee Ga) 85 White Rock .....F 10 é Mercer ....-....C1 Lancaster .E9 1,270 Centerville ......K 12 2,010 Pascoag.......... C6 17,517 Spartanburg....... C8 1,045 Whitmire ........ E9 1,084 South Waverly, 183 Washingtonville. :.C 8 22,754 Central Falls ....E 16 51,622 Pawtucket .....- F 16 438 Springfield........ 110 1,957 Williamston ...... D5 "" “Bradford .....:B 8 724 Waterford...... ..B1 1,037 Charlestown ......F 8 2,194 Phenix .......... Jit 957 St. George . us 365 Willington .. G5 (P.O. Waverly, N.Y.) 1,950 Watsontown..... .C8 eae Onenen totes ee 228i Portsmouth teste a oe 1,377 St. Matthews... oH 12 F 824 Williston oe J 10 78 yest. Greens- , oventry ........K 9 224,326 Providence ..... 408 § Helis sasa 3 : nnsboro ...... Bee ware ae Sis W sete a ae 21,107 Cranston ....... Hi4 2,000 River Point...... Jil gai eresertion owas 190 Woodford....... Hil 3,734 South Williams- wanna. C10 3,420 East Greenwich ..L13 1,271 Riverside .......1H17 2,355 Summerville ..... J14 1,880 Woodruff ........ D7 Pee egotts Lycoming .C 7 412 Waymart...).///B 11 15,808 East Providence ,G 16 2,739 Smithfield ...... D 12 SZ Stimmitsat ten G 10 250 Yemassee i ..5. > L12 2,700 Spangler, Cambia.D 4 7,199 Wayne ° 6 778 Exeter ......... N12 4,032 Tiverton. ....... M 22 8,109) Sumter (ve ees sc Gi4 2,326 Yorkville........ Cll "460 ane tansburg......B2 3.545 Waynesburg 1 ae] bei HL SDE G Gio 4 : ts A at demos HA an 523 Swansea ........ = 7 195 Zion civ erste Sule 283 = 3D arrisville; sce. - ; seeeeee 99 Sycamore........ Ay Spears, Washingtony ' 2,501 Weatherly, nereR aS 3 Lait Hope Valley cin ya P 6 Aas were wee eses - ‘ ycamo nf. IR RE OE eT 3 Tei . ,32 opkinton........R 5 4 @LWIGK ce cneasare a a 2,880 Spring City...... E 10 638 Weissport........ D 10 a Was SAimectoumn Q17 8°696 Westerl i c Springdale 2 Te rs a sifo Jamestown ...... Vi Vestaig wos eve T2 Pepe Shoe Gare a Pip ais cleo hee te Ae) 1,276 Little Compton ..P 21 38,125 Woonsocket ..... A12 SOUTH DAKOTA. Population, 583,888 ’ Allegheny . ne fs om q oe Moles, Yo “ eae 4,500 Lonsdale'.. 5.5.2 D 16 COUNTIES CE Pee Peny, PRESS Pond a Armstron D7 12,712 Lincoln G16 1,152 Spring Grove.....F 8 5,512 West Berwick, é mat ire g "+." i 42 |. 0848 oyman eee 5640 St Clair ee 2,036 West Brownsville. 5 2 SOUTH CAROLINA. Population, 1,515,400 15,776 Beadle.......... E13 9,589 McCook... ...... Fis FR eT PAL a oe a ee 176 * (Bennett): saline vere i cPherson ...... we koe een mcg 5 A ape a Se) Dhester ee +8 COUNTIES 11,061 Bonhomme ..... Hi14 8,021 Marshall ........ B14 6,346 St. Marys.........C4 “Montgomery... 11 34,804 Abbeville 34,225 Greenwood : Fa 148 Brookings bc tetath ¥ 16 12,640 Meade - econo Bd "453 St. Pete rsburg. Une ae C2 1,083 West Easton ..... 41,849 Aiken .... 25,12 ampton -L 867 Brown. weisss ss eer ee cule © = A 3s iF oeveoe ¢ Bi ad Je Sli : 2 69,568 Anderson ... 26,995 Horry ..... .-G19 6,451 Brule .. Pp Sida Oe ’ MeL. sca 7 1 435 State Gollere Leb ater D6 O05 Wen Ena. a oe P 18,544 Bamberg 27,094 Kershaw ...,.... E138 1,589 Buffalo Fee ak ee ae Es 14246 Steelton Se te Ot 1,207 Westfield......... B6 34,209 Barnwell 26,650 Lancaster ....... D13 4,993 Butte .. bee 8,695 Moody..... sae ‘674 Stewartstown..... F8 1,261 Westgrove.......F 10 30,355 Beaufort........ 41,550 Laurens ......... E7 5,244 Campbell .......- B9 12,453 Pennington, ES 179 Stillwater. .cC9 4,715 West Hazelton, 23,487 Berkeley ........ 25,318" hee: .chie onto nie F15 14 899 Charles Mix .....G12 11,348 Perkins ... -B4 761 Stockdale, W ashing- Luzerne......... C9 16,634 Calhoun .,...... 32,040 Lexington....... G10 10,901 Olark¢s22 ¢2aew: Di4 4,466 Potter .... --C10 ton Stare eS El (P. O, Hazelton) 88,594 Charleston ......K 17 20,596 Marion ......... F18 BLA OA Vane at Fa tealanw ils 14,897 Roberts......... B16 426 Stockertown ..... 3,009 West Homestead, 26,179 Cherokee......... B9 31,189 Marlboro ....... D17 14,092 Codington ...... D15 6,607 Sanborn .........F 13 1.074 Stoneboro........< Cit ; Allegheny...... Dil 20,425 Chester actoe. .. <0 10 34,586 Newberry ........ E9 23920) COTO Marke at spausye si By Schnasse .........06 355 Stoystown, Somerset 589 West Kittanning. . 26,301 Chesterfield ..... D15 27,887 OCONCE.5 weet eis (6p 4ADS. Custerias sesreone ae F2 15,981 Spink cas weitere D13 een 7 436 West Leesport ....E 9 32,188 Clarendon ...... H14 55,893 Orangeburg ..... Hii 11,625 Davison, .......F 13 14,975 Stanley .......... E7 885 Strasburg Re ape, 199 West Liberty..... errs peas Risse hats a 2 eeeae SE Soe ry BA arcs ma rp aie Bee on Ror ac ior oon MS Eh aa Sheep Pero cho ar oe. De 376 Strattanville, 57 West Mi sSEX.... 6,027 Darlington ......E 55, ichland Re. ’ aeiyeta 164 Todd-.......5.5... lade’ Heretics RY Saks aah Week Mindictowiee & 22'615 Dillon.......... E18 20,943 Saluda......./. 2. G8 1145 Dewey ..... s+>-s O08. _8.323- ‘Tripp... aoe G9 4,379 Stroudsburg..... Dil Washington.....E1 17,891 Dorchester.......J 14 83,465 Spartanburg ...... C8 6,400 Douglas ........ Gi3 13,840 Turner ......... G15 ‘459 Sugar Grove.....-B3 1,468 Westmont........ 28,281 Edgefield ........ G8 388,472 Sumter......... G14 7,654 Edmunds ....... Cil 10,676 Union .......<3. H16 2.439 Suga r Notch.....-- C9 2'880 West Newton ee 29,442 Fairfield ........ Ell 20,918 Onion 7 scm ee D9 3200: Fall River 2.x. ¢- G2 6, 488 Walworth ........ C9 a ore shirnerhill oe E4 E60 Westover Some D4 35,671 Florence ........F16 37,626 Williamsburg....H 17 6,716 Faulks. ese me Cll Washabaugh .....G6 863 Summerhill....... 569 CStOVEL a fajcmel a 9,0 1 G 616 t Washington G5 609 Summerville C3 6,848 West Pittston 22,270 Georgetown ..... H18 ATSC AY OF Gok < ftaendrorerta C10 O;30Se Granta - tele ashington .....- eee nite ee at : ae : 68,377 Greenville ........C6 13,061: Grégory’ .5.3..'.\<-< Gil 13,135 Yankton........ H15 4,209 Summithill...... ae Tee reas C9 , .: 7475 Hamlin Dis 1 doleziebachieee D6 13,770 Sunbury.... .: ( ittston) atx - yon EEA Ace ce lel ‘ $ 1 3,478 Susquehanna,.....B 10 2,064 West Reading . Incorporated Cities, Towns, Villages, Etc. ee pandas See my e 6,607 Pine Rite 5 917 Suterville..... 2 933 West Rey noldsville 4,459 Abbeville.........F5 L870 ‘GreCrer mcs ceatteien C6 4.228 Harding .. pe aie, Oe B2 3,960 Rosebud Indian 1,899 Swarthmore, Dela- E 283 West Sunbury, Butler 8,910 Alken sn eee 67 Grover,Dorchester J 14 “6/2717 Hushess 2 eee aE Reservation ee Gs 7,381 Swissvale, nee 664 West Telford Gr jges' tiigminess oes $10 190 eee WL eta Bee te Peace een aha rp eee ei 4, > Assi BY a Lah Nede gheache dah FOTN 5 CHOC sawn arleyvi - Pine gean osebu D1 1,626 Westview ........ D2 9,654 Anderson.........E 5 2,365 Hartsville........ B15 tnd arescearione 5,396 Seer ee Ce Set ee nao 156 Appleton......... J 10 452 Heath Springs... D 12 Population included in y Serere 7x00 VCS ii pena reonaie 1,987 Bamberg: 7-242 =. elena, fpeseiactepten ine Ridge Ind. Reser- 1,756 Sykesville.......- c4 955 Wheatland, Mercer C 1 1,324 Barnwell......... J 10 319 Hendersonville. .K 12 a g oat Senate Re Moa | keep Raveune sooc@ 48 HB Hoy Grove 00 : 9,462 lamaqua.....-.- rae e ven. ...- 48 CATLOTE cisccisie teats / 2 OUEES’. scene D rig ; 7,414 Tarentum........ D2 2.775 Wickboro, Arm- 1,652 Belton Deke cone erent D5 342 Holly a2 HNC pen oie a3 Incorporated Cities, Towns, Villages, Etc. 512 Tatamy,.....-...D11 _ _Strong.......... D2 2,646 Benneitsville.... D16 1,763 Honea Path....... E6 10,753 Aberdeen ....... B12 408 Frankfort .......D13 De CR ee Ph RES A the Nie bd C10 317 Bethune........ Ela 114 Akaska,Walworth -C 9 433 Frederick ....... B13 207 Telford ........ 2) 92 ilkinsburg....... or 6) Bingham’ \jeceD 125 9) 267 Irmo. se erate cll ene |e tbo Al bee easements ep anecns 882 Terre Hill ||...) E9 (Ind. Sta. Pittsburg 1,659 Bishopville,, 2B 14 5 409 Alcester ........ H 16 109, Galena: Seem E2 293 Thompsontown, P.O.) = 1,119 Blacksburg So 54 Jacksonboro.....K 14 955 Alexandria ......F 14 668 Garretson sot Juniata.......+- E6 1,523 Williamsburg ..... ES 192 Blackstock. Dili 390 Jefferson.. D14 417 Alpena... ..E 13 477 Gary . Shae, 322 Thomson ....... B10 31,860 Williamsport ..... C7 1,278 Blackville Iii 943 Johnston.. -G8 110 Altamont -D 16 257 Gayviile -H15 230 Thornburg......- : 2,904 Williamstown ....D8 228 Blenheim.. B16 969 Jonesville.........C9 446 Andover . C14 701 Geddes .. ..G12 248 Three Springs,....E 6 6,133 Wilmerding ...... E2 577 Bluffton......... N 12 92) Kelton ar avckeris D9 146 Ardmore ........-G3 936 Gettysburg ..D10 5,133 Throop, Lacka- 314 Wilmore ......... E4 160) Bolenadiet ene Le 62 Kemper, Dillon. .E 18 791 Arlington ....... E 16 182 Glenham......... C9 oe wanna C 10 1,108 Wilson, . : S272 Bowman menses EL 682 Kershaw......... D13 968 Armour......... G13 145 Goodwin........ D 16 eee ens $iceee- ie : 8,013 W indber, “Somer- ae 279 Bradley, Green- ae 1,872 Kingstree Saoales H 16 583 Artesian Lapham E 14 1,142 Gregory aeeieee g 1 9383 Tioga.. ......--- 3 a : WOOd Waserc ls uke NE sce eee LO meat 4 e430 “Ash tonienwaaere ,108 Groton c.ceaeeee A 4 phere scene he Bee Mad DaEEY 2 ‘. ei 1,471 Branchville...... 3 e aad Lake CltYira ne 3 se . e ae ace G pate 2 16 Mes Harnsbure sotess G ‘< 933 Titusville + Ba 397 Windsor +f 610 “Brunsons: o.8 soos c amare: ween OD. sess coeds 14) 2998230" Harrold 809 Topton.. E10 238 Winterstown ..... 215 Calhoun...... +... D4 2,098 Lancaster........ D 13 278) Baltlo’gan keene F 16 648 Hartford ........ F15- 4,281 Towanda........-B8 5,280 Winton ......... 10 296 Calhoun Falls.....F 6 449 Landrum.....+..+ B7 1,352 Belle Fourche ....D 1 220° Hazel tovcskiediacs D15 2,325 Tower City........ D8& 1,301 Womelsdorf......E 9 3,569 Camden 2 as... F 13 1, SHS eUACTA itn Sere E 18 3,117- Beresford! genvastee G16 A62 Heclay.acanoeane B13 317 Townville, Crawford 255 Woodbury ....... E5 421 Cameron........ H 12 4,818 Laurens........., E7 551 Big Stone City...C 16 441 Henry .......... D15 ee Bl 130 Woodcock, Craw- 255 Campobello.......B7 980 Leesville......... G10 566 Blunts. cnet ace: E9 114° Hermosas. 2 .rne F3 Feed peo tOn a . igdinery ide es Pee seaeiges ae 367 Carlisle... Bectst ‘De 162 Lewledale Cree G 10 583 Bonesteel Ae G 11 414 Herre SAS = ae é Trappe, Montgo se odlawn....... SSE cCentralt somes exington....... OWwdle san oer vainnenete B 809 Wormlcysburg.... SLoU Cha Dinca wecie oe F 10 1008s Libertye ses aaaoene O15 S51) Bradley. i.e C14 223 Hetland is ceeceae E15 2,067 ‘Tremont. “D9 436 Worthington, 150 Chappelis, New- 341 Lincolnville... ...J 15 158 SBrandt auctions: D 16 1,084 Highmore .......E 11 260 Troutville, Clearfield Armstrong ..... D2 DEITY seatrcsee ee E9 440 Little Mountain ..F 10 934 Bridgewater ..... F14 271, Hill Olty s. seaeees F2 C4 Pate OREO. Ae 58,833 Charleston.......L 16 99 Little Rock...... E 18 444 Bristol ..........C14 259 Hitchcock 13 1,288 Troy........ o.++-B8 eg qq SOD vee ence eee C3 23878 (Oheraywcoeantaen D 16 168 Livingston........ 901 Britton .........B14 217 Hosmerse. creole 11 622 Tully tor a aoe ;B 11 280 Ww Hiehisviie pene. = : 591 ed Falls. gt zee pone a ao a prookinse Fercgrn nets a ag aoeee pepe gt se 522 Tullytown, Bucks E 5 alusing ....... 4,754 Chester Sik 50 Lowndesville qlee eae stk 116°. « +209 Hoven Jsaqcneneee 1,598 Tunkhannock.....B 9 3,010 Wyoming ....... C10 618 Chesterfield. ..... CALs 343 Lowryville....... 625, /Bryant.s.cae seo D15 1,026 Howard......... 15 661 Tunnelhill, Cambria 985 Wyomissing......... 4,90) Clifton, Spartan- 139 Lucknow........ 280 Buffalogap ....... F3 404 Hudson......... 16 F D4 894 Yardley ........ E12 burg... were 466 Lynchburg... Sit. Burkes ssn as G11 506. Hurley, :«.see aes 15 4 a a ee seeeeee oa 3 aie Pap iage FE, teneee 3,27% Clinton : or: ; Is HeBee B14 120 amp: Dipole Bate a. ee ees aes 13 Dp AUTTIC CTCCK..... = “ » VCla- 78 Clio... : i cOoll, carta the anastota .. ...- 468 Twilight......... WAL = Se Orletssal> 5 nan Tp 1,200, Clover.x., .% Bat 279 McConnellsville..C 10 311 Canova .. .F14 263 Irene, Clay 16 7,176 Tyrone........... D5 567 Yoe, York........F8 756 Cokesbury. .F7 613 McCormick........ G6 2,103 Canton .. G16 578 Iroquois .. 14 3,684 Union City...,.... B2 44,750 York ...........- r 8 26,319 Columbia.... -F 12 96 Mallory......... E18 554 Carthage. . .E14 ATS cS BVO antes Aank 83% G0) 355 Union Dale...... B 10 793 Yorkhaven .......E8 ik? 2e Conway eeaek an G19 1,854 Manning......... H 15 594 Castlewood...... D 16 407 Jefferson....... 16 13,344 erupts eee .F2 hy de Springs .....F7 174 Cope, Orange- 3,844 Manor fe Te .F18 ae are ei Z ae ee we - niontown au- 323 Youngstown, bute Soeerorece Hi 473 te ville, Charles- enterville ...... mnebec....... phin.......... E8 Westmoreland ..E 2 199 Coronaca, Re pat F8 i Rae ae renee Lb 15 296 Central City ...... E2 718 Kimball....<.he. F 12 343 Unionville|.... D5 148i Youngwood...\... isipl Gompans sau ae ae aie bs vayeiie. Fiz ttt) Chancellor TARMERG 18 202 Lake Norden ane ville. ...... 5 ’ : . 10 OWPEDS.....-++-- WAY cere eees a or, ‘ , (P, O. Fleming) 1,388 Zelienople........ 1 558 Gross PE ees a8 108 “Modo0¢ & .2us ects H7 294 Claremont, Hamlin .....2.D 15 3,789 Darlington.......F 16 122 Monetta, 0.22... G9 Browns ose B13 1,007 Lake Preston ....E 15 gee BOM aE ME gt MOMRRGRARCT “ot [MEG GE Sce CoB Me ans Tame gma og . Zot TALON ny een eee i 7 oultrieville..... ar tO we icD 16° 9 ABS Kangtordap esse PORTO RICO. Population, 1,118,012 '268 Donalds.........: E 6 264 Mt. Carmel........ G5 362 Colman. ......+.-E 16. 8,392 Lead*s.0.4 Aaseees E2 F : 169 Dovesville....... E15 1,346 Mt. Pleasant..... K 16 407 Colton: ,..0....0.F 16 210 Le Beauinta. eae C9 DEPARTMENTS 672° Due West. occas: ‘ 6 : ee patra a anes woe oe adept tate IST S me . epee peers 25 dea Sue ae f aa 190 Duncans. ...0c ue © 83 UNL eles ets OMIMLE ie earth ere ba ennox maven fee Sie ee Ga tse ee ee ae "2,983 Easley. 010100... 8 143 Neeses 70-211 11 286 Corsica, Douglas.G 13 484 Leola. 00.2.1 Bie hp. ar celts eine ek patient LE Rae MS cg eA Sh TREE Oy Ba 237 Bastover vac u..o us 9 ew Brookland, TOSDAIG a sane! sia estervillé oy... . ay 86 oe anes eens 160,046 San Juan .......B7 1,234 Eau Claire, Rich- Lexington..... G10 602 \Custer.csseeces st F2 402 Letcher ......... F 13 5 Be ae anid acs traci F 12 5,028 Newberry.....-.-.F 9 1,277 Dallas.......... Gil 476: LAly tome Se 014 Citi 190 eee wok York. pee ao ae A ave estebene a a i tthe es Gave Seer ES aa power i “Gaccen e ities 1,771 Edgefiel a inéty Silks... cues 9 3, eadwood ....... E os fo) 1,406 Adjuntas D4 5,159 Humacao .......C10 113 Edgmoor....... .D 14 180 Norris, Pickens ...C 4 1,367 Dell Rapids ..... F 16 3,187 Madison =. os. as. E15 909 Aeimaa Bee Se ore ES ee 2,092 Juana Diaz ...... D5 315 Ehrhardt......... J 12 BO1y NOTth fick wae 1 369 Delmont ........G13 462 Marion: Ts5;.00¢s. G15 6,135 Agu Siege seats. 7 Fs 4,141 qanous tia Saher agentes ae : 114 Elko er re Ree rehei Augusta.. 4 +e Dears Ae a py egg et te G 7 1,166 Fu Zuenas..... wa IAS: 1G etaemenace orway 5 (0) . 2153 Rbomiee aS : were 2,751 area i Goes, a B3 14 230 Olanta, Florenc 6 211 Draper, Lyman. .F 9 210 Midland, stanley; EL? 3,064 Anasco’.:.....- C2 4,439 Manati .......... B6 ne ay . oe oo tea i ats vee sons Falls Gaz gone fe ae Uae 9,612 Arecibo .... Ba4 ida Manicno..,, seus. cre ye rangeburg....... FEMONE Vee oe ; Ae ae 31220 Geren . ee 8 952 tAneaen 5 a D9 -K 10 410 Pacolet. 8 46 Hoenn Pe B15 6,515 Mitchell ........ F13 1,008 Bayamon ........ B7 16,563 Mayaguez ........ CL as te 360 Pageland, Chester- < i ae tf va hots Zines ist auecs - i. sort ee re at 693 Barceloneta ......B5 15585 Moca ™.....d000 sede s.2) 9 e~ SUS BP OnestOR ti cert) BOs eats oe eld crt seer »20 oint......- Onroe ........- 3,847 Cabo Rojo ....... D2 1,063: Morovisiae....sine C6 18 157 Pages Mill...... E 19 Ther Wit aac sis cays E 16 442 Montrose........ F15 L0804«Cagias.ic-. oa ud C8 3,303 Naguabo ........C10 204 Fort Lawn....... D 12 197 Parksville. 32... G6 446 Emeryc a. sean F14 222 Morristown,CorsonB 7 3;c44 Carolina Desde. BO 2,228 PStUIEs ogee LD 1;616 (RortuMall ieee.» C12 98. Patrick j:ciiences D115 230) Brwintccceaates E15 614 Mt. Vernon .....F13 MAGS Cawey?);. cs. vette f D8 1,042. Penuelas. oof. aus D4 392 Fort Motte....... H13 175: .Paxvillev.s.. se H 14 509 Estelline ........D16 S72 Murdo:..ocueus E 8 O20). Galbe. oc wo ce whee B6 85,027. POROE or ic ase D4 979 Fountain Inn..... D7 SS) Peak... aasusee apt LO, 912 Ethan ya ase F13 392 Northville .....:.012 1,663: Glales 2%.) ames C5 1,224 Quebradillas...... A3 4,767 Gafiney.j cc. Sass be 822 Pendleton... 30... D5 O61 Burekains« ousterece B10 285 Oacoma,. 5 cist F 10 LJaO) CLATE Pichi cents C8 9308) Rincon: 40 oe. 4 5,530 Georgetown....... 118 LUD CPORTY a c,c)eee io erence H 10 500 Fairfax ....... 7 -Gi12 150. Oelrichs «....52 56%. G3 5,509 Coamd. Jon eee D6 1,843 Rio Grande ...... Bl 178 Glenn Springs..... C8 897) Pickens!>.cc% sissies C5 107 Fairview ........G16 355 Oldham... x00... ke 15. 1,908: Comerio....\ ink see C7 3,084 Rio Pledras:.... .!. . B8 hit" Govan. coat Jil 424 Pinewood....... H 13 ,802 Faulkton ....... D12 138 Olivet. Mio see: Gi4 L302" Corozal, 655. 9s eee 2,636 Sabana Grande ...C 5 284 Gray Court....%-. .. D7 145 Plum Branch..... G6 1,484 Flandreau....... E17 319. Onida os ning ene D9 6,086 Fajardo ........:€ 10 SBS: alinan a gem. eiice s E7 630 Greelyville....... H15 363 Port Royal...... M13 270 Florence, 192° Ortley oa aees cy eh} 8,321 Guayama........ E8 4,999 San German...... D2 15,741 Greenville.........C6 182 Princeton.... ....E 6 Codington.....D15 1,224 16 2,280 -Giarabo....0% 4.08" c9 46716Gan. duan cA. ,.ov. A8 6,614 Greenwood........ ua 737 Prosperity .. ss.ccak' 0 792 Fort Pierre.......E 9 970 Parkston....... AG 14 \ ATLAS OF THE WORLD. 15] P Ot eet eo TENNESSE E—Continued R78 Philip. .... Re Sgt Ee Ps Pop.1910 : Pap isin TEXAS—Continued . 314 Plerpont’........ cu 675 POP ata Orme eot TAG) 1400 Seater eee Pop.1910 Bea nian, ge Dad aia ee ROO PIGEO 6b. os ce ames E 0 Turton ........- Se) SRS OIE I , Sparta .....+.-- 11 10 wy Pop. 1910 Fie Pica cc iEaE ESS Putas sss ote | Saat Bank MACS GS ag Snags SL | Ege alee EE aan Fapontet coo , oe es all" ro. 2 ee H14 iaog Betertaie. i Spring City .....H12 n186 AllCO J vesn ss we wx 678 Laporte ae ees M 5 304 Pollock .... BO "103 Utica ee a eee eer ied Tt a 18 2,085 Springfield F8 1,155 Alvarado K2 14,855 Lar teteeee eM 5 i Vigseny Sista e emer OE | MR MANRY Od MARIN) 0 90d 50 ose 8 ds 2 r) Id... sss. - aTado ......-- 4,855 Laredo ...... ee WTOSNG ciiiiewicna st F9 331 Valley Springs .. ay 16 579 fSechnegey bas oes eG: ag! 695 Spring Hill, Maury H 7 1,453 Alvin, PEE .L5 900 eae : Gat A H 194 Pukwana ....-... Fit 173 Veblen, Marshali..B 14 2.928 Pulaski. ES 2.426 St. Elmo,Hamilton! 11 fe ot Amarillo... “C7 980 Liberty... 1.6...) M 5 ere ey LOOM selbiee scot "25 : 00 Summertown .....17 1842 OD wees ene 658 L Nha baht ot, 3,854 Rapid City ......-.F3 2,187 Vermilion... nis | 340 eae Henry. --G5 , 1,850 Sweetwater .....H13 1,197 Aransas Pass .....1 7 Peat Linde <2 sas i eee * 4 ALO VION se unk = woe EUPIA te azewell..,...:.G14 25 Archer City ......I1 2,945 chart, 4.021ci085 3,060 Hedded 00.0013 453 Vienna 2220200 BM LEGS pean ET a Roe dal 1704 Arlington sa... 2 “750 Lookmey 00.8 A MIS 7 568 Volga ....... D has CLUS shi aitts s oun ane 2 Co ah wie Oe 3 756 A ape Se 286 E.uckham, Faulk.C 11 286 Volin........... His Samer ere OL 843 Tiptonville....... G2 1,604 Atlanta.......... Mi 5,138 Longview 1..///..M2 ah eee Paha G ut ee Wagner Be ates G13 1,500 Ridgedale as cog « T id Ports Toone pect oats Fe J 4 aye cael vetesreens od 4 O53, Laraloe ck ee tes seeteesice : Wakonda .... PeTig Panel oe ae 402 Trenton .........- 4 pPIOEB alr hir ap lon etc HT 2 1,021, Lott. seca. aon 3 ADRs salem. cA sie E 15 a Wall, Permingion. #2 2 O11 Ripley”. ere aS Dh os pe aoe Save Shes arc! G 3 ick nee Se Sa na G3 11938 Lubbock... °. et Ni eo Wallace......... C15 AER RINGS L SOLTLTOV AN oes vine zS 2 ge Doe 2749 Lufkin ... Me RE SELD Ysals. ole wleinjeiein’> C10 72 Ward Rivesno. saxo eo G3 3,049 Tullahoma........ 19 1,857. Bartlett ........,.3 4 TA0A Dulin Gun snare 5: 138 Crean aaa Cohen cre Watertown ../.2/D is Poae ovatus ee ioe ass Tite eS oe ae! Bastrop biele asters J5 er Ree ee Oe Ne AT nce 803 Waubay ........ ‘ eee artraceys vs 3-19 , gaa ee c 5 1,864 McGregor ....... 14.004 Slour Pails VR 1S a,f13 Webster 220000001 14s Hotevile, payetien tg Siz Watertowa.. G9 | 22940 Betumont <0. MB A714 Mekiney v.00 Me Oe cet ld aie 329 Wentworth...... & |e) 11tSambure. 2... x = averly ..5..567.H6 , OVAe wc... eee J6 633 McLean......... 335 Southshore ......C 16 ove Woeeaes ace 111 Samburg..-...... G3 357 Waynesboro ...... 16 181 Beleherville. wa 027 Mansfield...” ey s 132 South Sioux Falls, 1,093 mareeon Spgs. E 13 199 Saulsbury |... |... 13 Pate Sieee ie eet G itd Beton gc <1 1,061 Marble Palis ......14 Spier biter. cd .a..8a0. ra ce ey | UR pete eee ogame ae ee ey NITRO so)... ds 8 ,164 Belton .......... *R7RU Matinee. coe eT I 4 Bane Spearfish ........ D2 507 White Lake . soe 12 e78 ea ere 14 370 West Point....... 16 850 Bessmay......... 11'452 vr bea 9 ove - 3 06 Spencer... so. 0s F 15 368 White Rock ..... B16 on Sk CVG ete = 115 419 White Bluff...... G7 4,102 Big Spring ....... F2 2,039 Mart ...0.... Yoree 675 Springfield)... .. H 14 390 Whitewood....... E3 » 008 Sharon «1... G4 741 Whiteville ........13 Obs Hlecrine GeOte oC 6. L O86 Memphio ae Fer aun oe Sigos vB LL 437 Willow Lake ....D 14 Sint omiercilles coe H8 1,351 Winchester .....-, 19 871 Blossom ......... vd 1,209 Mercedes ......._ Ey oa eke : eodburyes osm or CTHO wile nies oe ere LO 718 Meridi tte sb eae 1,739 Sturgis... :. 22... E3 Sai Winkel ok: Bis 1,391 South Fulton,Obion G2 %) ote qhck Boake G07 Wey wae 2,008 Moree eek 33 Pee Be tas sae) Oe. erates: RY Ee TX AG Sandia a ROGET. 2,874 Bowle.....-....-. Jt ‘Gb7-Menqulisee. Sak 9d Teas. <...<....-G-16 +H he coumoree sae E13 AS. Population, 3,896,542 SrGRy ee ee ee oa 9.604 Mellas s+ +s :.K 2 142 Tolstoy.......... C10 3,787 Yankton........ H15 COUNTIES 2000 Bridgeport lee 5 1 2,192 Midland . ; ’ OLUsitraipe << 6 i at eat cae Sy 20960 Ander coos ES M602 Kars ge | yg SR BemmC ic GR Take Mls eG e : 17,70 Ath DET: eg Ratasiris ee ; rownsville....... J8 766: Milford s-).sn ee TENNESSEE. Population, 2,184,789 vices M3 4,517 Kendall ../.--/... 14 Poet Reownwacd 2. a Sm 2700 Mincsiae erate a 6,525 Archer ... lad Gl 4,32 BIVAN: «sie ee oe 4 3,950 Mineral Wells ..... ing COUNTIES peas Areaupia ae 18 H4 981 Burnet . ee aa 284 Montague ie j 1 17,717 Anderson ,...... G13 8,704 Lake G2 10,004 Atascosa .........-16 web 4 1,476 Caldwell . ee O85 Moody: ements 33 : 22,667 Bedford ,........ H9 21,105 Lauderdale |. //.. H2 17,699 Austin ... “K5 Gl 2,579 Calvert ..........K 4 RSI" Moreancs weet Ae “4 kt boot eo aa H9 21,105 Lauderdale ...... r2 te Sees ae ae G5 3/263 Cameron......... J4 3,137 Mount Pleasant ..M 6,329 Bledsoe......... Hil C033. Lewin alana 17 4,921 Bandera arr es H1 1,648 Canadian........ D7 956 Munday sss. 20,809 Blount ......... 14 25,908 Lincoln........... 18 25,344 Bastrop ya L1 1,400 Canyon .......... C8& 3,369 Nacogdoches ..... M3 16,336 Bradley ......... Pico 18.612, Loldonee esa. H 13 8,411 Baylor .......--.H1 Bl ATO Carbon savages ne I2 15178, Naples ’ ISON «we sewers ,840 Colorado .......-. 2) 517 Pe ESO ease . 30,257, Fayettecc.:..o.-. 13 20,023 as bap ae ¢ +7 12'973 Callahan. it? 10549 one Ba a vs M2 2;756 Comanche ........ 1s 1,371 Biotpoint sae K 7,446 Fentress ........ Gd2Men15-410. Rhea wads ine. H 12 27,158 Cameron........ J8 ERS Mason he fe a4 phe bec emp eg Fg Li 1,916 Pittsburg ......1- = int Eh ae ame G3 25'460 Roane... -..-..-H 12 eee Caren Diente Br AN OUA Matagorda cs). 6 Behe Uocisigen ante. Pe OME eee Plainview. ....... Fi ESCO NE EROS OMLY, 66: brs - ONZALES setae et a6 5 See So 692 Camden BeeR 5 65 B15 Kenton G16 eee Franidin .......-, 1 26,428 Shelby ..... 0... M 3 809 Gordan .......... it sie taylan ee G2 elhr a NEStOMN. + sae SEL ’ ie es ’ , weet ee ee OMmankounee. ol 2 2 Pc RN ake, 2 ENI pee gap beg Scho == 36,346 Knoxville H ‘< ett te ie ica : . eee oe Fema ae se a pag naee Roar home Lz Brae Pade are -K3 SOO , a Follette......G1 Tee eed T ; y teeteees ’ ranbULy = sche. ewe ees is eee eae Til 308 La Grange ST3 pp eos eaiea, cae, ay uae: srenuelig sk 12 1,065 Grand Saline, Van 10,093 Templess.-cil... da 5,549 Gleveland........1 12 OEE Spite et EIS 17 9,447 Gillespie.......... 14 1,493 Sterling.......... G3 TCL Usa ies =e) L2 491 Tenaha...... MS ,659 Lebanon ......... G9 , F Ne esclt al staies ré 1,018 Grandview ....... J2 408 Nerre ‘ : ee eon Neen or eg ne 16 31392 Lenoir City .....H 13 a'kne aoe ae et eeees oF 5,320 Stonewall ........G2 1:708 Granger ..........3 4 5 790 Naan te = oc8 K 2 Cre Ra lee HB 28,055 Gonzales ......... Pee ois Griese eee ae 681 Grapevine........ J 2 "678 Thornton <2... Kk 3 7102 INtON 2. cscs. G13 1,497 Lexington ....... is , Bone ee Tse 7 4,012 Swisher .......... C8 8,850 Greenville ........-L2 1528 Tenpdotaes K 3 aus ay uel Peleg a G13 1,421 Livingston... ... Gil 65,996 Grayson ......... NE Se ti eee we 1,454 Groesbeck ....... K3 es Toe ee 5802 Collierville ......-; I3 2/391 Lonsdale, Knox..G 14 14,140 Gregg Ki 26,203 Taylor .......... H 2 1,379 Halletsville ...... K5 288 Tom Bean, Gray- aa Beet, Ponte 208 o's H8 631 Lookout Mountain, 21,205 Grimes ........«-. Jpn WAR Gy Gee Gana E5 1,548 Hamilton ........ J3 Prodi bv hls eed 348 Cookeville... +-+- Gil Hamilton...... Ti1 24,913 Guadalu| Sea ae 1h , CTY Pe tertea iia S- El A:978) arnlin sieve ass gates 1,052 Toyah: .....222.. RI 290 CS foal es 4 8 995 Loudon a pate eae H13 368 Hi DGw shots os " : ease eon ts a : 2,436 Haskell ......-.. H1 ‘ee ODT en tOhee oes Ue D 3 BAD ynchburg.. 19) a7 OueT all eee ee eee e vette eee eee 2852 Hearne....2.+...-K 4 > spn BOW Sag Peete eth kg H2 596 Lynnville......... Lz e518 Hall eeuee oy AR Ta leah G3 2)104 Henrietta......... Ti Ui Eirypry abt Rue Sipe Crossville ‘Hi aslo chacuteeee Gé ERE ease a ape an 55,620 Travis ........... J4 1,750 Hereford .. <<... B8 10,400 ‘Tyler ae coon C8 a4? Cumberland ‘Gap. nis 1,322 MeKenzie ae 2 G5 11,213 Hardeman ....... H1 10,250 ree ac ER oe L3 1,437 Fico |20s desi as 13 3,998 Uvalde... J.20... ie Bp OC ra Sl a ; ile... HH 10 2'947 Hardin .......... 1290 Tyler.........+.- "115 Hillsboro .........0 3 708 Valley Millg. 2 2 1001 Dayton... ...%..- 111 963 atneiees 1 Eigeh her eae M4 19,960 Upshur ..... M 2 778 Holland 708 Valley Mills....... ages BEADEGACUER oh acne 112 2.228 Morin OF ...... 110 116,693 Harris .......... L5 HOI Upton cen ee ae Pet cos ers were es J4 1,441 Van Alstyne ..... Ki 1,022 Decherd 2 ea 2 cGy Martin ss ofes Sac G4 by dia Harmon. M2 be 11 235,.Wvalde-.. wee.) r Sat IS A yt Ean 495 Venus .....-...4 K 2 } ee Corie i ryville 14 , BGO sii ae H5 78,800 Houston ......... L5 3,195 Ver zee DiekSOM: > ot. te 2s H6 391 Mason cns x20 « H2 De eae Haskell Behe wacaiets B iz 8,613 Valverde .........F5 6,984 Houston Heights, aes bl 5s Ate Hi nt ews 192 Mayland, 15,518 Hays... 6.0... Selmer ise oe eMail L2 HANGS /5'ijehl? = L5 26,425 Waco ...........; 58 708 Dresden «1.2... Soi Cumberland ...G 11 31170 Hemphill... D7 . te00) Walker tec... oH 581 Howe ...5<.+.+.- Ki “1340 Walnut Springs .23 3 #108 Dirpadenies 6-22 G4 $20 Medina, Gibsons: G3 SOT Ne ae De 16, Waller i. wstas-5' L4 1,843 Hubbard ........ K 3 476 Waterman . =. Mt 3 EE (OG be os A ae Fiber dente 105 Memphis Rau. 1 13,728 Hidalgo ........- Eg 13,198. Waller w..0..->-> K 9 2,072 Huntsville ....... L4 6,205 Waxahachic......K 2 , settee ee eee tone eee CP AGnE tT Ae 760. HILL: se eee mae A Aa ey for 7 no ROW rae got pee gp 4,149 Dyersburg ........ G3 1,605 Milan......-.... 4 matt, Hockley pe eaeric ce CUR Pee NE IR eg ee kas Ka Rita Niereene s eg (one webinar saknte eed 334 ap My oittia seas ¢ Se 554 Millington........ 1 TO OORiOOd A fate ead 7 z acres Web). eb gern H 7 DT SO61tascn 7G wii ie es J3 779 Weinert ......... 3 284 East and, White. Hil 1,107 Monterey ....... itt peer ee tions J 21,123 W nero ae K 5 1,480 Jacksboro ........ 12 576 Wellington....... ty ee pie demir Nee BOTEDOR 2 +5: 29,564 Houston ......... 13 16004 Wichita 2.000000. ti fain Gon a. ses wien Mebeniaa 3 5 Besa athena ras , town..:..-G15 | 8,881 Howard.......... 7 : apse OEE 9 G8 BY UON \e 'ceiaiciavsei e's G1 1.505 Whar 4 58 Ellendale...... T2 211 Moscow 8,881 Howard.......... F2 12,000 Wilbarger H1 ,505 Wharton ...... cS pice cs Gh e MLOBCOW, 6.3 0 vicste. cus I : > , teen eee 2,515 Jefferson.........M2 ie. Thites * 38 Se eee ae Pome ae 48,116 Hunt... ....... 2 5 35, Willacy......... G 8 586 Jewett .......... K 3 11563 Whitewnent fee aes Ri 1.149 Erwin sia, G12 1,436 Mountain View, 4.283 “ErtOD hex te anes GUE 17b00 Wilson oe. ten 74 1,959 Kaufman 1.01.16 2 766 Whitney ........ 13 Bbemig see 14. | 11,817 Jack:...¢1:.20%.~ a eR Nae Oe i ew) ’ SON6dy.« avidiele ss : f Ret ett ees mass Fayetteville te tee 18 1,973 Mt. Pleasant |... re ie cee crtetie Ae aye ie : . 442 Winkler ......... E3 945 Kerens. Nienidays fn K 3 1508 Witis Points Racite L ; 3 204 Finley, Dyer .....G3 329 Munford, Tipton . 12 TL DOG SANDER ee Oe K5 26,450 Wise:............ TA 1,843 Kerrville ........ H5 1.741 Winnsboro ....... ae Maa Glameteks i, ...H8 4,679 Murfreesboro .....H 9 1,678 Jeff Davis....... Bama at MODs crs somes L2 4,265) Killeen. ij. 4s. 34 1,347 Winters ......... Se ainesboro ......G.10 110,364 Nashville Wes cake 38,182 Jefferson Piety cor one ee ee 704 Kosse ........... K3 1,402 Wolfe City 1.1... Wi AY , ewbern..........G3 ie ells ; EE hcp Ha geet JIC sien cs ees 35 899 Wortham........ .% 13 2,003 Newport... 5 VERE A “TZ 3,809 Zapata .......... 17 1,293 Ladonia... ..... K1 bef ge eM eet ba & 3 H2 1,293 Obion...... 3 24,299 Jones .... “2 ,889 Zavalla .........+ H 6 1,850 La Grange........ 35 4,657 Yoakum.....0... 72 2;119 Lampasas ........ 14 1,180 Yorktown ........5 6 a ao RLD. ATLAS OF THE WO 152 d —Continue GTON 10 WASHIN Tithe Mae 4 akima.. ‘- 16 14 sdale....<.. E4 : eR de pathed Vee eee ree ACS Oakvilis ue ea —Continued con Geeemecten sage ley 127 Ocoste :.+.-z.-». D 13 VIRGINIA ERA Stes Be AB Be D8 288 Tew Os meas oft Dione ie 10 "S070 Stafford ........ ae 431 Bridgeport. ©... .¢ D6 $11 Ok snege ee B10 C7 i be EO ERAT kley ....... = B ga ia, ee ee Pop.1910 abana ae ir re fae 1'302 Burlington... “G6 108 fone ee ae lation, 373,351 7415 Hichmond == .- 1 Ba ooh pee teacwel if ee 02 1125 Gamas He ieee C9 ett Oring s24.2) i Ds 7, Ke ....+-- E4 » Warren ..... PKS ’ BSc ane ay F 00 Oe a wee Popula i 54,497 Roano 1d OR coy 6 8,589 rwick ..... B4 625 Cas Rock ..... F3 7 Pacific’ ...... E 16 Grol IES 24,416 Rockinannes ae hs B 4 = 26,246 Waihinsian Sai D 10 998 Castle Metes.ienton E5 413 Palouse .. ....-- F 12 COUNT 10 aa O "903 Bee ae B 39,077 Wa tmoreland ... B3 352 Papas oats oS 5 1,549 SCO Ma cee Eee F15 Pop.1910_ nadanee direc D5 34, 5) RO acces B38 re citer 1 311 Centralia. suieO 2,083 Pa ha City..... E4 1.883 Ric Lakoiee es. 79 23,4 eke G3 Te C6 162 ae eee eae aa) G Oe Charleston ... ..E5 a7) Rate Lee 12 1,426 Salt wae 23,814 Sc doah .... ae ABE the..... F10 1,062 lis ...... -On0 Fe EU eerie E 16 0 noe ae 131,426 | Juan .... G5 "942 Shenan rants) Dye Te Weanen ms eieaiore "507 Cheha ae) See eee 3 id ee .B2 pA SE alee CA ES 5 20,942 S yeh sc leer G9 20, 7% MOTE nse eet Se er EUS READS 08 Pome rg J 's0d Boxelder.. B5 6,704 Sanpete.. i ok aR : 20,326 Set ete veniee D8 7.75 682 oe peacanmes ee et aR aa Angela wie ie 25 062 Cache 12220051: DS 8.778 Sevier ss. scss ss oe 26,302 Spottsylvania aes 11 1,207 Gueweail aS 9 F 16 arts Port pear Be 23 062 Ca ots) SAS oe rarer ie D5 "200 Summit. ... kee 5 15,809 Spo dent Cities ee ee G 823 C KSEOD. soles D9 6 1 Port Towns eon: Beat Len Lune ‘G7 7024 ‘Pooele «=. 202. E Indepen Soph lien RENE IP aks Biee ee “B16 418 ulsbo. . Fla Pa A Bee et ae ‘ Ben ence ee E5 67,45 rsburg . Gil Y Cle Elu .E 364 Po t 1 10191 D Dery Seer aeke J5 £090 eee eer a 7 +++ .C09 24,127 Pete uth ..... 2 2,749 lfax .. E 16 02 Prescott . Se a SON nes field ec asses =e ‘O42 ital oe aA Alexandria ....--. Ba 3,190 Portsmouth .... .( F2 2°783 Co ee Ris 5 8 “Prosser ee “B16 3660 Gar EARS OOnIoe ior J2 37,942 Wasatch ... oe KI 15,329 sutol sae E5383, teatro pale F9 Be Gotten oe ms eee 10 1,29 liman Soe NT 1595 Grand ......+ +. «1 8.920 W. hington .. 16 6,247 Bri Vistawces 4,20 ichmond. . Fa4 2 Colville .. oni} 2100 e Ee eee 1 1595 Gi Deeeeeeee eres P2 BABS Uy Soul USeAE ote 3 ‘SaGeBieaA file ....D7 127,628 Ric ke hideteaeis 6 1,54 conully .... B6 554 Puyallup eee Di 8 ee re ae ene K 4 749 Wayne «2.000. +- c 3,24 rede bs ae FO 374 Roanoke «4... +. D ci once ee 3 4,5 TOY «ona F 3 CB mela De eh ies a. a 1,74 Eas oie 6,765 Cha Forge... 34,87 nton ... F10 Concrete er; 264 Qu Gn. can axepete 5 1,682 Kane.-.<.esee0: G2 179 Webe "248 Clifton 2 oh 10,604 Stau sburg .... 2 945, smopolis .... O12 50 Raymon ose 1,652 tillard a Signe C5 35, 5,7 0 Danville ... re.) .D8 2'714 William tere cee B 1,132 Co lee City. 21... BS girs Restcee ames .D6 6,118 Mi ‘an ge ewe 14 19,02 edericksbu FOS : 64 Winches 276 Cou ile ....... 14 5 Renton ee A13 Eo ae Pe phe pricipc fat bdo 5,8 oupev ero ee Ee ae P75i Phute ted Cities, Towns, Ete, E4 20,404 Nowart NeW RGAS Towns, villares, Bic, =) E sea ete Ed 2 889 Flevile se “pis e py sherpa es 0,20 ities. To ’ encev ose 'B 4 pe eine sees ty I 1,8 rford eee 16 Incorporated { 1,047 Me yale. .. .F5 2 ted Ci 33 Lawr edge A nport . F15 Rockfo ».-D -_E5 pete a Fa Bs orpora 1,7 OR B9 rie abba pS eel te 663 alla 5 Ss". 9 Sad 8 5 1,760 Midv ere 12 Inc B4 6 Leban Sa Be Tye neee3 16 Rosalia ea ines ee es Pe ihte Bi eolinoe ; a a 36 Te san 4 Hae BN sic ge Cc 167 ee 5 77 Americas Fork AE gt Medd Ae | upp apiagdane re eee “pe | 2a Batonville .2.2/..8'8 “318 Boy, -.:.acehee DS 2,797 2 Riv . "353 Mi ille........ 0 5,329 z hia... 0.6% 8 ; Loop a aco B Bo Me aaah con SITE TS Oy MRO Oe C6 463 a * D4 Minersvi DET A 15, Appalac a. eh 172 Lo WG cee 7 Edmonds 2 780 Rae er ea , : 7on . at Be i Gh) rein 1,090 land). TOvEsist Pe 1,114 n, Whit: 15 Seattle. . A6 1899 Bea ham Canyol D4 15 Moab .. Boneh te 1,324 Ashla eights, TE ete whens 2 F5 "330 pee --..B 237,194 Woolley .. D4 2,881 Bing vrul - ES 6 Monroe .... LenS 1, Barton H Be oR) 1,218 Luray i ee oe Wes foge pram strat As. D 10 pe0) Sears Coa 1,677 Bountiful .....-.. 3 1,227 PEs? Bon a 1,388 nrico., D5 ‘494 Lynchbu ate ed, DUE en se D4 2, Shelton ¢ tte C8 1,677 pa en G7 Hepat ron rg betas pe 6 He Olty Wie ces 4 29,49 {cDowell .... C9 4,209 Ellens! ee eeee 1,163 komish.... C6 3,685 “spe to Daleta. 2). F6 223 Moroni .. ant ih ee 3 632 Basic Clty eee 13 139 N GSAS tae B5 532 Elma. oss... E15 238 Sky mish... ... D? 693 Cas legate.....--- T2 if 80 Mt. Pleasa Saley MATTE aie Bedford Pee en on 1,217 Man ee ry hye to G4 1, Lie Ast tad woe OE D 12 3,244 sie tear Sauer B3 nae Osler Ge ee a Ga ae Me bo rele 73068 Belle Haven. en Bay AE raph pra eal 5 2 323 Ephrata <2... 0 C6 279 Snoqu Nese d 5 Cedar ae SCAR ORET ae B5 296 ville .. -_B2 2 Martinsy Sed 323 Ep on pact 16 uth Ben ..D6 1,705 Ced rleston ... B4 759 Nephi .......---. 876 Berry Gap.. 3,368 hanicsburg. C8 14 Everett . er sT) 3,023 So Prairie. . : 283 paar seine ie D5 2,759 Moki este Saar as C5 90 Big Stone Pee ENS 97 Mec DUTE sda ore 7 24,8 8 Fairfield ..... -D 16 ‘264 South Prairie. BOA CIA ESED 4 880 Ogden ss. esses E4 2,59 etal heed heed 8 He vipe eyed ee B 30 car pot eae 99 Spangle... 976 Coalville C SS0 Catan area oe 6 875 NE™. ote 1 iddletown D8 rh ge eter pr heap aS 2 kane 976 Coalvill H4 25,580 Yi et ED Uae G 86 Blacksto ree E 363 M Bel aie oe D4 1 Ferndale. . St Es art Spo se: te pa mapsn H6 648 Orangeville. -J4 tea Baad Vise NescenBes 86 Miner eevinadss: 6 oe fi Seleea elt 110 Sprague . 231 Cor ; 5 Nang es 0 Fri Zoe sei dale . 656 Elsino1 : "65 64 Panguitch . . BS 2 Bond, Wise ae 240 Monter TOT teres D 40 Garfield... . .G9 251 Spring 525 Emery .. aaa is 1,338 dise .. D5 305 ling Green . Gu 228 Mt. Craw Speke) 932 ndale . 11 St.John... ..B veo 1b FRAN cc oe ARDY 20 Paradis R oe 433 Bow se ecee 22 Jackson .. Dis 03 Golde i 421 od 296 Ephra ae) ee 62 k City .. eT s vdton ... ‘.G9 Lh Re reap opened? to: ee ndview. F 10 4 owe ee “ 846 Escalante. . ..P4 Pie ake 5 hie te oe = Sidney . D5 Bee arenes ee 54 buck... D7 ois Barska Ceo. F6 1156 Parowan = 01. E ate OD G9 221 Mt. Augusta, Pp epckiees en EEN BZ 761 Star oars Sureke are 156 TROW seeks 5 505 hville.. . D6 Narrows, Ts 453 ite Falls... q eilacoom . -G4 erent Pee eRe ads Pesta ; Grove ...E ay We tar pecleeney AS" BAD etc antne Fut aid Granite Pola eecy B HB hmmm ete 1,218 Poeninods Si cals 1,618 Pleasant Grove ... BT Ee ain Sesh Dag Tv Oy, Ba 3,500 pee Mea tome ne 405 Hamilton ....... D 14 387 Sieven aoe er Meat retron eck oe kae H4 ott Price -.. ++ -.1--BS 247 Be ah oy bern Sak Se eens oe er. Coe ee C12 576 Sultans 20s See 651 Ferron. seeseees HA 102 lee UE E5 6, (P.O. Bris Be O'S 160 New 16 ...06 BF Ee a ate E13 Oe ee ee oes 1,202 Forest Dale woos DB foaee aes oe BS 416 Broadway a 733 Nem tone wee ee 208 eet Hatton Sociane G36 B32 Sonatas Me soes Ful 1,549 F ain Gr .B4 533 Ran bie) ae 4 Brook BE 10 rket ...... 0 Seat eonaes | 1.079 Sunny ee ee 6 et he hs Salcg ae : aa nond ... HA 50 hanan.. E5 New Ma .Gi1 8,27 aria F2 , Tacoma Dt 875 Fo Deca ais H5 ERE Sle has OL VEN, 792 Bucha stan ore 638 ort News. ‘611 171 Hoqui haart See ee E5 600 Gar wood... 2... F5 pr nies pace hl Bod 245 Buena Vis FT 20,205 Newnan. ‘A 5 8: 4 Ilwaco ..... -- 07 1606 TekOn sane 5 Epp cera ak D3 1362 Htichmond K2 Bere Burkeville... +. Fe lee ace Nace Tazewell . Sora diy Indes 002202.0) A16 1,038 Tenino -......... es ae Gennaio ie G8 11760 St, George 120.10, E5 $35 Cambria. les ....F 12 ‘$42 North Tazewell ... C9 bbe pe Sn D7 "375 Toledo aa Be 154 Gran ‘ EG Do rate a OY, s ACT cholereremin .H5 5 ape Charles . ¢ ff Pe npsiae anges irs 63 saquiah.... 5 ee Ole} 98 Toppen oe ee D 1 628 Garnier veeeeee a 8 4 ee: Salina 3. City... D4 tees Chantotte sietond 3 uz 8 1 246 po aoa ve vee Kahotus Pe ad a. ett ee A ee ae 950 Gu Pe Te we he tong ger Sanaa Be | MR Gta Cnet lle. a Eero Ngai > 6 Ot ene Se ape, aoe ae 6 286 Helper a se G : pees SE pee oe z . 6.765 chaottesi Sayep G . G74 Becta Oltyseces : ; - Has Kelso. ae Be 227 Twisp ais E 6 1 tira ieee Se G 915 Santaquin........ 662 Chase City ....-.. isburg ....... B2 219 Kennewick «4.1 4 MLV Cliente F14 553 Hine ington .... B5 BSS eect agen Bd 1, 3 Chatham.. 470 Peari: ton Gap .. 8 1, ent ..... Al4 pe a rien 9 ag Smithfield... .... : é 8 Ke Ease 4 9,30 itsburg . Gi4 800 ae teens B5 el Smithfield . jaan ey Of nate Chincoteague ...B 138 792 petepenee ee ee et rte Kettle Fa ting ...D7 1,237 Wai la ....-- 0 699 ycert OK SE K3 S69 Pi gerry oh Le IA G6 1,41 Island ..... FS AE Seach 2 Ty G aes irkland, K BS 364 Wallawalla ...... ae : 7 . Rae 464 Spal Citveen: a 5 istiansburg .. 9 24, hoebus .. ut 532 K ee 0 19, ators G6 1,838 ae ween e eee H3 3, See Cy in ae E oe ieee ty el Dona F 2,394 P hontas,..... D9 03 La Conn ae oes | 400 Wap uigal Sane ee td his, eancsh See C$ 31356 Springville 21.21: a eee rete RE ae G9 3°482 Pos MFilles soca. 11 222 Laxeside «<0. D 16 256 washers aaen Gas nao aceyoriion eee F53 °'258 Stockton. 1.2.01. Dia Zod Clarkeville 2.2. C9 194 Port ons ac 339 Latah -<.. nee C9 rt tiebrmee tere So 6 Ley Sarr taba ret F5 738 ‘Tooele. 0.00. E10 goa Clifton ree... ie et pee Poin alae 9 551 Leavenworth». -E13 Hp ae fest 2964 Lehi pre es 2,75 Vernal. {caves KK 2 20 lifton Forge .. B3 559 Potomac, Alex- — Cc 1,55 a0 ere FA 18 Waverly . SY i. ev evan .. bs 36 ington . 7 5,748 Cli Mince 3 ndria. . .F 2 831 Li Mig *. cies 31 atchee . ‘G7 722 ole aa B5 i Washing .F 252 Clinchpo ae eK A Si ae 8 1 Little Fa A 5 4,050 Wen Salmon |. 3 Ee ero as 3 42 Wellington. . ‘BS 25 Clintwood........ G6 807 Pulaski filet oe B 63 Lynden ...... 10 ‘682 White Salmon . «- C1 522 Logan .......+... G 398 Jelisville . C'S 342 C VET. cictenvaterecure B3 4, 88 Purcellvi 1 F2 1,148 Aes vee B6 Dts ee D7 522 Wein e oe | ee , ilies of ae Une oee HS 110) Weluvhle E15 Coebuni’ 2: Te? 4,808 Radford... NEL 1,238 Marysville 201. “De 889 Wilkeson’ 2. Pee 53 abe pag ep B4 Zo pons See re m ea inti aan UF 9 730 Medical Lake ... 405 lock ......... G5 ieuiMeman econ e {$7 Columbia G9 28 aa ae 448 Milton. D3 1,140 Winlo d....... 6 459 Mendon, : 355,956 15 Courtland | .E 3 27, 628 Richm -G 44 Monroe... -0+2. +. D3 ‘$84 Woodland. ....... G tion, 2 283 ington el ees Siena ONT Pa 1,552 tesano ..... B6 SCO saa E10 Popula 4,234 Covi ‘D7 aNoKe .... » G3 eset Me Vernon 7 263 Yakima. .1. ONT. 3 1802 Crewe .. -D 34,874 #80 ky Mount oe asi }381 Mt. Ver dicate c 263 Ya VERM TIES ; Be aay es 1,802 Culpeper. . ..B5 967 Rocky {il ee 2, North Ben A15 Oe nope hws ts 1200) Daiaoona. sa G5 ay ound nih aces ie foe Noriaportss).. B 16 12,585 Lar on rapoee J2 Rey ge homer eee ee OS 6 37 es Me aad B5 1,199 Nor Atucwcs io cle .D6 BR ed Re cian CE , Danville . aT) Bee) alent eo coer , Northpo 119 Soeorg i128, 7 leans =... FA) 19,020 BAAS eae 3, Saltville .. Sele 476 . 221, 21/378 Bennington»... .i12 a136 Runland 0 ~— 1.033 Dendron3002.00.8 g Has Scotto be INIA. Population, 1, 21,578 Be ledonia ......-- E4 '702 Washi eG "703 Drakes Br .G 247 Se doah=..a-ne IRG ° 26,031 Caledc den .....-. 12 41,7 2 Windham ... amet) 703 Borksiey ss F2 Shenando: k- EST V s ae) 42.447 Chitten a. oN 26,932 W ee Case aie Lote raree 1,431 dun, Roc D6 Ww OUNTIE ineral ....... ope 42,447 C pen ee ON c Fl 33.681 Windso 50" Bait tana cs B3 shea Ariens tha 6 Cc G74) Mineral “a ae E ea ane atineee Wo 2 "98; i22 Dumield 22/220: C9 aa oor c B6 16, Wingo 7 ae A6 29,866 Franklin ......... LHe cir ees ee a len... 18 44 oe NOL on oo 19,431 alia... a5 eet Grand Isle . d Cities and Villages lier aes 2 3 158 pay stone Gap: eet aan Smithield. a “Ga 6 15,858 Bocce Ac cone aR A eae Mantes dara ag hea te osele ase ti + 397 a eee tee 1, itera RS 1,999 Be Bi jec ee 13, AD wees ee eee D5 Incorpora’ 15 7,856 I risville .... K 6 2 Eastville . ME ee: 3,516 Sou Hill, Mec 2 21, 1 Boone ... aye eee New cae 1 : Sais 1,445 Morr hee otears © B74 Edinburg’... G5 '732 South rere G nti teers Se Ell ‘699 Nicholas ... -. El © wees eee oIe ase ee eee: ote ribet eee D6 lenD UTR, ge C7 23,023 Ke sh tte sages ee eee ee C8 10,734 Barr De eee Tae 36 Newfane ... eee BO EO acini pias 78 anleyton... .D6 retire ee OE oe 4 57,572 dleton . B4 330 Barto age. - 1 Yewport .... ne Elkton .. cge: ep arpa A eee JI! , Capel see haga Se G "349 Pen 2 : 4883 Bon otion ae, a 2,546 North penne sen 2,018 Emporia 35530) fi C8 past peers te Ba 11-258 Cathoua. Be. aor Pocanonee a 5211 Be Benning. 603 North Benning- 6 ee ee Co Ree ee : say tire) Gee 4 pce eae zy EEE oo ae oe nonthsda’ -110.7d8 ee aes or, rt Se escen | [ona pecs RE Ae Ree a8 wie ise K6 1, ete, Ue '971 Farmville ..- ear 388 rasan (903 Fayette... : Be ay LOT ne ae K6 771 Nort Orleans. . 5 2,971 Fe castle..... G3 eg ratte gre 51,90 imer B8 33 Raleigh ... Pacey lford ..... BEES Neh SiGe I S78 Rincas ea maaan G9 7,0 Tacoma...... eo 11,379 Gi D5 25.6 Randolph ..... B4 631 Pca ae ate 1, lainfield ... D9 9 Floyd . see 69 hannock.. 5 8 Grant . veeeeD ay ere ee io : Ap Rectiny geo a 5 36 klin .... D8 Tappa ; 7,83 brier .. BQ ’ Ritchie .. -.C4 1,608 Brattleboro toe E6 Len Poultney . «+H 8 2,271 Fran ksburg . 2 ac8 zewell ..... 6 24,833 Green iT s ie sre)si eis 1 17,875 NO? ie nee E5 S.oT7 “Bra tol... .....+-. D4 pate Proctor ....... G7 5,874 Fredericksburg « « e 7 1,230 ae nberville. . . 694 Hampshire .... Di 21,543 Roa TB! 6 oles sir 6 stol. --9b4 2,786 Proctor .-...... te URSNeare f= , 11,6 ck C9 , Summe Bo!) habs Buslagtons.. bay ec ee Henman: es 1,775 Fries. pa hes BON a Troutdale, ie 1 ny Teta peor pig oe 5 AOS in eee B7 20,468 Bw OR “Er pris F3 137 Readsboro Sih aaiec eia 433 Front irae .G AS OP rentdaley Gray 8 9163 Hardy ... pat pee = 16,554 aoe or tos oe a BS Be ee eae ent 835 Re ford ..... Fa4 al, alax... B38 Wille” we hs , Harrison .. C3 oto nee 595 Cambridge . H 11 Set a oe, 75D it 4 ereil c. -E 10 48,381 a OR A 18, ler B9 WOO Seebert 5. joeysc 0 2,047. Keystone ........ E3 1,070 Shepherdstown ..B 11 PML SUSY ONG. 6 cc's cae 1,224 Shinniston ....... B6 Togo wmimball,......0. 2,684 Sistersville ....... Aa4 800 Kingwood........ B7 765 Smithfield. 333 Laneville......... 681 South Buckhannon 156 Layopolis........ 692 South Keyser.. 144 Leatherwood..... 1,224. Spencer... +++». e4 TO ee See C3 135 Springfield ....... BO 803 Lewisburg ....... E5 15209 St Albans <5 os... D3 Mle EALMCTON . co. oe ws Aid 245 St. George ........ B7 ROA TIO AI oo oes cc ais ns E 3 T8587 StrMatys) 2c. B4 656 Lumberport......B6 318 Star City. , 561 Mabscott.. A 511 Stealey Heights. ae 1,153 Macdonald .E4 697 Stuart........ D4 2,921 McMechen .. .E 10 204 Summersville. D5 295 Madison.......... T Paty SUttOM aac jasists see Ore 2,672 Mannington ......B6 1,126 Terra Alta .....-. B-< 1,045 Marlinton ........D6 P,O04 THOMAS . x icc. ee B8 10,698 Martinsburg ...... E5 $15. "Thurmond: gases. E4 TOA DEABOD oioccs cours Ho B2 261 Triadelphia ..... E11 520 Masontown ......B7 PAAS TT OY: ous tae vaste eyes C5 588 Matewan. .E 2 792 Tunnelton ....... BZ 546 Middlebourne «. BS v8. Uinioni.g aus wdc E5 740 Mill Creek. we 123 Wardensville .....B9 SOs MUTON fo. ese oe D2 11 Watson, Hampshire 2,084 Monongah ....... Chee ME ty PP kewets ityace ate abe B9 1,888 Montgomery ..... D4 500 Webster Springs..D 6 122, Montrose. ........ B.7. TO a6 VWCLCH fag ofarstcnertel sl aus E 3 646 Moorefieldm...... B9 4,189 Wellsburg....... E 10 9,150 Morgantown...... A7 212 West Milford ..... BS" 8,918 Moundsville .....E 10 2218 Weston: cw tices B5 BVALELTS TIODE) oc 'ece interes E4 779 West Union .....: B5 823 Newburg......... Be 41,641 Wheeling ....... E10 1,807 New Cumberland D 10 338 White Sulphur 2,176 New Martins- Springs: Soccer 6 Willers ease stercte oe ed: 650 Whitmer.......... Aas Worthfork:... 92... 134 Wileyville......... 452 North Point 120 Williamsburg.....D5 Pleasant....... ~ 3,561 Williamson....... E2 764 Oak Hill. -D4 1,139 Williamstown ....B4 278 Oakvale. Pir -ige 291 Winfield ...... ee 220 Oeeana « 00 E3 665 Womelsdorf : 210 Ogden City. «2. 831 Woodsdale. 17,842 Parkersburg ...... B4 292 Worthingto WISCONSIN. Population, 2,333,860 COUNTIES 8,604, AGAams) i065. G8 55,054 Marathon ........ G6 219609 ASHaAnG os 6 ce. E3 33,812 Marinette ........ J5 2OvET4. BGYTONW 2. © 5.01 eal cs C5 10,741 Marquette ....... H8 15,987 Bayfield ......... D3 433,187 Milwaukee ......K 9 54,098 Brown .......... Kee 28,881 Monroe. oa. -5 <4 E 8 16,006 (Butlalo a5... ic «/ C7 2OODts OCOMLG oxieie ets ie oss J6 0;026 Burnett....5.0.-. B4 Mi 430) OnewW ar. .rs cclous as G4 26,701) Galumet 2 ors ton awe x J7 49,102 Outagamie........37 32,103 Chippewa ........ D5 P7228) Ozsukeé iis... KD O0,074 CLOT esse ke 6 ROME a PCDI Fis bys ch leit C6 31,129 Columbia ........ H9 Be, 070 Pierce J. 3-0.\.% << ac B6 16,288 Crawford ........ E 9 BOOT POUT ace 21 cours Ba Shh g aE EADLC sil ote sods ee H9 30,945 Portage ......... EZ 47,436 Dodge . 9 LS LOD PTICEL mates cueiats ea F4 LB, dl tm WOOL a to acs less 6 07,424 Racine 2 ieee «eos J 10 47,422 Douglas 3 18,809 Richland... 4.2... F9 20,200 DUNN Jo... ees 6 56,698 Roek. ... ooo cn. H10 32,721 Eau Claire 6 11,160 Rusk D5 3,381 Florence 4 32,860 Sauk i020. .00..0 G9 51,610 Fond du Lac 8 6,227 SAaWYeL ... 26s an D4 COMBA PORCH sects ee aes 4 31,884 Shawano......... 16 39,007 Grant 0 54,888 Sheboygan ....... K8 21,641 Green . 0 8 1A Sts nOLOLR eine cw. chal B5 15,491 Green Lake 8 POsOAL OL aVIOR cai oite cts ates E5 22,497 Iowa .. 9 22,928 BaD es ah epee BAY 6 8,306 Iron 3 28,116) Vernon... . £8 17,075 Jackson 7 6,019 Vilas .-. ». G's 34,306 Jefferson ......... 19 29,614 Walworth . te] 19,569 Juntan ...2.5.3.. F8 8,196 Washburn........ C4 32,929 Kenosha ........ J 10 23,784 Washington ...... J9 16,784 Kewaunee....... K7 37,100 Waukesha .......J 10 43,996 La Crosse ........D8 2) 1be, WWAUDACH vice accreted: 20,075. Lafayette ....... F10 18,886 Waushara ....... fis rp 17,062 Langlade ........ H5 62,116 Winnebago....... i ye TOO62 Miticoin 2... ......3-G5 30;083 (WOO. cose cco nes F7 44,978 Manitowoc....... K7 Incorporated Cities, Towns, Etc. 947 Abbotsford ....... F6 2,082 Algoma s...25+55.446 444 Ableman......... G9 1,011 Alma Bek Sr | 669 Albany .........H10 417 Alma Center ..... Bt WISCONSIN—Continued Pop.1910 yay rb y Mf PATMNOUGN se, af okals ale is ig 824 PATE O OMB re pete ecnis are D OOO AMOT YT. oa pillars» B5 629 Amherst .........- 7 ee PRAIA WY Gaile, Shahave’ a ain, ass H5 TLDs MTDC ea wiewne cress H5 16;773 Appleton:...4.55...1 7 Teo LA ATCA GIG co cigleis can bo DY 60S ATTVIO eos vie. G10 11,594 Ashland ......... E 2 904 Athens........... F5 297 Auburndale...... G6 1,405: Augusta ¢.-.24... D6 436 Avoca... ih 584 Baldwin..... -B6 279 Balsam Lake. ASB B92) BAR OTe. «sus ore E 8 6,324 Baraboo......... G9 33:7 Barnoveld sean... G9 1440) Barron fer asia wie one C5 252 Bay Cuy oo wee B6 6,758 Beaverdam ....... 19 216 Bell Center......; E9 422 Belleville ....... G10 582 Belmont ....:...F 10 15,125 Beloit... oi 6s H 10 652 Benton . «9... 20s. F 10 A636 Beri oss pe yecie oe 18 678 Birnamwood .....H 6 516 Blackcreek ....... J7 479 Black Earth...... G9 1,917 Black River Falls .E 7 BSG lBIAIT es caetacone wie) © D7 643 Blanchardville ...G10 1,204. Bloomer .. 0)... D5 620 Bloomington ....E 10 1 Oa Boscobelis. a ccmsy E 9 Bee OVE ate ae catia D6 684) Brandon). hen... 18 HOS Bullion tea. oe J7 1,517 Brodhead . “3.10; 458 Brokaw, Marathon G 6 362 Brooklyn Mieusnd sisi H 10 222 Browntown ..... G10 565 Bruce; sigecte oes D5 205, Biffalovs (ces ‘C.7 $)212 Burlington (2.02... J 10 417 Butternut) jac -k Uo 760 CAGOLbicutoea ae D6 CBZ) CHB MAG creer et ees 18 507 Cambridge ...... H10 562 Cameron .... .C5 650 Campbellsport. . nie 8 473 Camp Douglas....F8 568; Cashtom: v.25 oc... E 8 890 Cassville ........E10 392 Cazenovia ........F 9 B51: -Gecti ys ceraslacnurdsres J6 1,777 Cedarpurg ........J3 9 498 Cedar Grove ..... K8 301 Centuria, Polk ....B5 829 Cheteles. si. 1 5.0 C5 AOS OR ORION, wiset eiclass ant I7 8,893 Chippewa Falls ...D 6 220) Clay tO. a =e tae B5 498 Clear Lake 85 897 Clinton.... 0 1,747 Clintonville iy 23 BUD Lana mene 0 869) Collbyzspriact. oir F6 436 Coleman .o...). «0.15 O00 COMBX <5 sieve ane o01m 2 C6 2,528 Columbus........ H9 291 Coon Valley...... D 8 B25 OOrs Secs che oye, K 10 1833, Crandon siete clas 14 967 Cuba............ E 10 3,601 Cudahy. > 2... K 10 1,445 Cumberland ......B 4 342) Dallas sreraete ia - star C5 296. Dane \.saas os os G9 1,808 Darlington......Gi10 533 ‘Deerfield-.%....... H9 ASI De POKES oon ss. we H9 25450) Delavan. o.. 0s wr. 10 BaTT DEVeYe Ns) ne wes KZ SSL DS SOO Mat evenieraters D9 1,791 Dodgeville ...... F10 476 Dorchester ....... F6 319 Downing Woe sie. C5 259 Doylestown...... H9 2,503) Durango 6505 05.0 C6 339 Eagle .. eu 1 O 233 Eastman ........ D9 707 East Milwaukee .. 673 East Troy, he Worehe.. soak 20 18,310 Eau Clatreseieed D6 TAG) HAGAN ook. Mesereie on G6 2513) HOgerton .,.c asl LO 868 Bland 200. uno H6 319) Eleva) oc. < ots. ee D6 499 Elkhart Lake ....K 8 L707 Elkhorn’ \ seo LO 302 Elk Mound ...... D6 1,005 Ellsworth . «6 585 Elmwood, Pierce .B 6 Aten TOW wisneds eel ateree' F8 283 Embarrass........ 16 2.061 Evansville ...... H10 O78 Fairchild vis Se 2s. E 6 891 Fair Oaks, Dane..H 9 525 Fallerceki 3.5.30. D6 360: Fall River....... H 9 1,159 Fennimore: 5... < E 10 220 Fenwood 2. 0: on... G6 18,797 Fond du Lac...... J8 3,877 Fort Atkinson,....110 1,031 83 373, 837 Milwaukee ......K 2,925 1,325 4,410 1,104 558 671 482 1,048 615 798 1,054 3 Hertiana 5. sce 5 Hustisford ........ Fountain City ....C Fox Lake ys 42.01: I ETOQOrIOF . Hers mie'e B PYOMDUG wists ness I Friendship ....... G Galesville ........D Grays Mills ...... E Genoa Junction ..J 1 SCG eso tenes oun J Glenwood .....5.5B Grattone tomes: K Grand Rapids ....G Grantsburg....... A Gtatlot iy “lace. Green Bay ... Green Lake . oe I Greenwood . F Gresham, Shawano I Hammond B Hancock i... H Hartford, - oa cme oa J J Hazel Green... .::. E1 Highland <...54:«° F Ebert scans aes J FRIIS DOLO Neh dele was « F Hollandale, Iowa. .F Horicon ast ccrtnra. : I Independence..... Cc FR OTART ie cciaie acer cus E DOla. Brokat nals wisiete de Janesville........ ta UGHETSONG ce tis ces « Ii Johnson Creek ....1 WUNCAW sas 0.06 = Al Kaukauna ........J3 3) 0 LR er gicio ond F Kennan... E Kenosha... Kewaskum . Kewaunee........ L Bieler ces. cicero © J (KAT POUT iors eis ts erer- G KA DD tae Giapereane Cc La Crosse ........D Ladysmith .......E Laat are ws wate as E Lake Geneva ....J Lake Mills ........I Lake Gl dahon te 8 1 F = Lancaster ..... [BE Teavallens ceive. Linden... ....5; F Lowell fectas es + Luxemburg ..... Lyndon Station .. Lynxville ........ Madison ...... Maiden Rock Manawa..... Manitowoc ....... Marathon ....... Marinette ........ IMATIONS Scien = ole Markesan ........ Marshalbeyiiane Marshfield........ Mattoon nae cmelns I Mauston ........: ~F May ville) asso... J Mazomanie....... Medford teins eter Mellen wi dis aie > Menasha tip ascent Menomonie....... Merrill; fomieleiaeite a es =} =I rt) B QABRSEyoyAD DH ANMMOMWDOUNANBDOSCOROOCHDOAOGOSOHOONNGOAUWMDOMDARAROWDAMANUNRMPORABOHDNUPAOOHONOCHOWOOCWDUDADMDNIDORMUIDODOCONAUNORNOOBDUNOHOONRPARHRBOPNOCUNREH ONS R OA] 5] s2] sf eal Merrimack ....... Middleton........ Milltown....... Se MEL GONL eye ustaetohenotens J1 Mineral Point....F 1 Mondovi.... Monroe Montello. . fon Montfort........ Monticello ...... Mosinee... Mercer Mt. Horeb ...... G Mukwonago......J Muscoda .........E Necedah: o7.). -1... .G Neenah” 4.25 avakiels to J E G awa: APNG RZ aNo) Neillsville ........ New Auburn ..... New Glarus ..... Gl New Holstein ....K New Lisbon ...... F New London ...... I New Richmond ...B North Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac....I North Freedom ...G WISCONSIN—Continued Pop.1910 Pop.1910 1,860 North Milwaukee ..1 9 667 Soldiers Grove ....E 9 502 Norwalk .. - 8 6,092 South Milwaukee ‘kK 10 522 Oakfield . shh ges Aa OO Fa SDalthan oa mee sem 8 3,054 Oconomowoc rae J9 362 Spencer ,>.....%5...F 6 5,629: ‘Ocontor aks .acen K 6 1,453 Spooner, 2 osu oes C4 1,427 Oconto Falls ...... J6 730 Spring Green ,.... F9 P26 OMITO sora eteceiet ate LZ 972 Spring Valley.....B6 1,146 Onalaska ...... 2... D8 309 St. Cloud...) o..06- J8 883 Ontarlo ..........E8 569 St. Croix Falls “he 5 880 Oostburg........ K 8 2,675 Stanley . EB 6 412 Oregon... 27s 0d 10 253 Star Prairie, St. 449 Orsfordville ..... H 10 Croixes Ak ..B5 634 Osceola .,........A5 282 Steuben! s éc\s snus E9 33,062 Oshkosh...... ...38 8,692 Stevens Point ....G7 B48; OR80G) Fo o5.<)s:0.8 D6 328 Stockbridge,...... J7 745 Owen. A aye ge 204 Stockholm ....... B7 649 Palmyra. i Lek 343 Stoddard .., .D8 987 Pardeeviile. aaeer he CLO 4,761 Stoughton .. 110 1,072 Park Falls ...-..:. E4 768 Stratford ...... Gb 307) Pepine icine cncie ay B7 4,262 Sturgeon Bay.....L6 TD7O PesSHbIEO! Jc sais eee ioe OF 1,119 Sun Prairie ...... H9 749 Pewaukee ........39 40,884 Superfor ......... C2 1,948" Phillips’ ..owe. «enn F4 5), PMELOSHUNh is erulattreate J9 450 Pittsville......... F7 TAA. THROTY sacs serene niece E 6 723 Plainfield ........H7 728) Pigerton 2 seh e 4452 Platteville ...... E 10 3,410 “Voniah 2c ayvecoes E8 3805 Plum City, Pierce. B 6 2,907 Tomahawk ....... Gs 3,094 Plymouth ........ K 8 535 Trempealeau .....D7 5,440" Portage ..52.°.7.. H8 442 Turtle Lake .,....B5 758 Port Edwards ....G7 4,850 Two Rivers ...... L7 3,792 Port Washington..K 9 616 Union Grove..... J 10 AGL POLO oes hs Helen's E 10 363) Unity... cm weteeenets F6 656 (Poynette’ =...) 4... H9 B71 VA0 la hos aiecs ert arenes 3,149 Prairie du Chien ..D 9 2,059 Viroqua ........ E9 699 Prairie du Sac ....G9 755 Walworth ....... J11 368 Prairie Farm ..... C5 3,830 Washburn ....... D2 CO6e Prentice o5 6. ween: F5 581 Waterford, Racine 936 Prescott ......... A6 J10 1,269 Princeton ........-H8 1,220" Waterloor. 2 asicie ss 19 436 Pulaski ........ J 6 8,829 Watertown ....... 19 88,002 Racine ........'.K 10 8,740 Waukesha .. ..... J9 937 Randolph........ H9 550 Waunakee ....... H9 408 Random Lake, 2;789 Waupace. 2h oie. fs Sheboygan ...K 8 8,362 Waupun,..... cote ip} 515 Readstown .......E9 16,560 Wausau ......... H 6 1,521 Redgranite.. 8 964 Wautoma ey! 2,615 Reedsburg i9 3,346 Wauwatosa . ..J0 9 550 Reedsville 7 476 Wauzeka... fe Ot) 352 Reeseville........ 19 341 Welcome, Outa- O29 ROWEY secede c ve E 10 gamie.... Pick Jae 5,637 Rhinelander ...... G4 6,645 west Allis, Mil- 1,018 Riblake ..........F5 waukee ........K 9 3,968 Rice Lake . Ow 2,462 West Bend.......J39 2,652 Richland Center mak Uy) 902 7 WeStDY: a. We chee ae E8 437 Ridgeway . AE BLY) 729. Westfield... 3 sha. H8 POLS enectepe csc) a= H9 a0) VN CSPOIR oiel since iaital » C6 3,739 Ripon Mycatabiete ae. 18 840 West Salem ......D8 1,991 River Falls....... A6 967 Weyauwega ......H7 DOaELVGSHOL ta ehiecrtysce H 6 371 Weyerhauser..... D5 867 Sauk City ........G@9 542 Whitefish Bay, 355 Scandinavia...... H7 Milwaukee .....K 9 538 Schleisingerville ...J 9 703. Whitehall .......:,.D°7 889 Schofield). 2)... G6 3,224 Whitewater ...... 110 ue ze Seymour ink week. J7 551, Wild Rose.......-H7 STP LSHATOING. sevaleieneies Dat DAO AVILGOI Ts este rotararegs E8& 2,923 Shawano......... J6 940 Winneconne ...... 17 26,398 Sheboygan ..... = 8 AAS. Withee. wet. eee E6 1.630 Sheboygan Falis ..K 8 1,090 Wittenberg ...... H6 902 Shell Lake Act. 5 4 789 Wonewoc..... > 8 536 Shiocton ..>...... J7 525 Wrightstown......J37 1,063 Shullsburg ...... F 10 423 Wyocena........ H9 WYOMING. Population, 145,965 COUNTIES 5745 A DAILY eesccle eis te tate 519 National Park 8,886 Bighorn B8& Reservation. ..B 4,766 Natrona A: 9OO#Parkeee o> ~ ts. oe 16,324, Sheridan .......-. 11,575 Sweetwater 16,982 Uinta ..... Sats 4-960 Weston ......... GAS 2° Orogls | cireere ats = f 11,822 Fremont 33 3,453 Johnson .. 26,127 Laramie Incorporated Cities, Villages, Etc. STOMAT ONG eds ealewer E 2 aie Lander ic sen. wos E 6 Ossi ears iewceter, 5 B7 8,237 Laramie ........H12 CREEL Baal Ch Coyote oes cis f B 10 C00. Lovell siniise Semele E 15 2,080) CASDEL. ayaa ears E11 127 Medicine Bow ...G 11 11,320 Cheyenne Me LTA 207 Meeteetsei>.......B 5 Dees OU Van taipaciae = sort © B5 178 Moorcroft ...... B14 DPE COWLCY < cic vies 5 AZ 975. Newcastle .......C15 313 Dayton... AQ 246*Pinebluff 3.)-... - H15 4,296 Rawlins ......... G9 eer sms 49 Riverside....... H 10 .E 12 483 Riverton,Fremont D 6 .G10 123 Rock River..... G12 421 Encampment....H 10 5,778 Rock Springs Ge a 2,583 Evanston ........H 2 557 Saratoga..... H 10 448 Gillette .... 5. ..% B13 8,408 Sheridan .........A9 1,313 Green River...... H5 604 Shoshoni........ ED). 7, 258 Grey Bull..G.. ... B8 347 Sublett, Uinta....E 2 274 Guernsey........F 14 281, Sundance. on-. B15 OGM be teestere is wells G5 1,524 Thermopolis ......C7 235 Hartville, 155: -Torringtonn un. F 15 TGA TATUMG sate G14 244 Uptons 0 coe B15 $19) Hudson yo... 796 W heatland . eG. 14 843 Kemmerer....... G3 265 Worland:.:.::. :-C8 lation figures. of the place is found on the map. Principal Cities of the World. (Exclusive of the United States and its Possessions) An alphabetical index of the principal cities of the world, exclusive of the United States and its possessions, with the latest available popu- ABBREVIATIONS. Following the name of place is the name of the country, with the index reference letter and number, by means of which the location The page in the atlas of any desired map may be found by referring to index pages 3 and 4. ANYSS nce ie Sater aps etter . Abyssinia Dents, ER MY ee Gro die ores: Denmark Ger EM Deere seuss eteratets German Empire Pala cecaveivars iets stele oececcvees Paraguay IAT esirc ei . erate . Afghanistan Dom. Rep. ......-Dominican Republic Ger. S. W. Af.....German Southwest Africa dS Hs OEY IS rr Pe cuce: Prince Edward Island Anglo-Egyp. Sud....Anglo-Egyptian Sudan Dutch E. In. . Dutch East Indies GUAGs eine rated a ioncs Meraa AA Guatemala POFG sat ane aa Portuguese East Africa DG y i ane ne mare pis com wee Argentina Dutch Guid... ...Dutch Guiana FROG iieaite sta histone, ences a) ees eer Honduras QUE ob acca Gh tote ened Seat Quebec ASlatic- RUS... = ss skis . Asiatic Russia Eng... Rare te hr Ret ee ee England Madara ie che ras a Rise, ceeded beiepsree Madagascar WGI VS ate so < Gly. .aees hg, aber ieee ene Salvador Asiatic Tur.. .Asiatic Turkey Bur. RUS.6 :.< .European Russia MATIN) = 12.0 coe uyhsoea aces Shee iewenera eee Manitoba Sask, 1 2:5 viscciers erste ere ee Saskatchewan Austas.. 28 By: . Australia Hur, Tur. .. European Turkey Mart. asic hoe 3G on ie okies oe Martinique Slerra Dy). .5o,2. 8. stops nal rete Sierra Leone Aust.-Hung Austria-Hungary Er. Con,.e ...French Congo MEX 4. Secon eee Miron ae ee Mexico SU Ape oo GG. nai ck ater Switzerland Ton Clan tes . British Columbia Br. Guias. os ....French Guiana N.B ......New Brunswick ROS ISR Nhe Bn Ae Beeson Union of South Africa Bechl'd.. . Bechuanaland Fr. Guinea ...French Guinea Wie Soci eee se Be ASA s eed ote tena mere Nova Scotia MONS FES npomcnon Oar nono: oor Venezuela Belle soa neater conrets a eee Belgium LAD he Cae ....French India NY Zeal = che con ee he een New Zealand W.. Did srcto, antec is ea eee West Indies Brit. E, Af. .British East Africa Fr. Indo-Ch. .. French Indo-China Dreth ef tise ani te Serene Netherlands ZANZ x 10's + « «eis aie,ajeieists\oholels eternal Zanzibar Bulieeoehas ..... Bulgaria Fr. Som. Coast .French Somali Coast INICaricts 4.2 RA eters: Seas eee Nicaragua OOlOTIGE, sir ot nto WEL ee anes Colombia Ger. EK. Af, 2.0 .German East Africa Ont oO. 6 Aas eae eetpren wae Ontario Pop. City Country Pop. City Country Pop. City Country Pop. City Country Pop. City Country \, A 386286 Ashkabad,Asiatic Rus.,.D5| 30885 Bisceglie, Italy,20m.N.W.| 38379 Cambridge, England, H 4} 10000 Comayagua, Honduras,B4 9581 Eidsvold, Norway, F 6 43890 Ashton-under-Lyne, Eng., es fa Bari, J 6| 385000 Campinas, Brazil, G 15 59673 Combaconum, India, C 6 38353 Eisenach, Ger. Emp., F 6 Po Cit Country F 3)| 40000 Bitlis, Asiatic Turkey, I 3 | 4C000 Campos, Brazil, J 12 38895 Como, Italy, C 2 43239 Ekaterinburg, Eur. Rus., Pp. y Asmara, Africa(Eritrea) G4 | 30617 Bitonto, Italy, J 7 22774 Candia, Crete, 1 13 18277 Concepcion, Peru, D 7 ’ L 31509 Aalborg, Denmark, C 7 86482 Asnicres, France, suburb | 138064 Blackburn, England, E 3 | 30420 Cannes, France, L 9 46806 Constantine, Algeria, R 2| 70977 Ekaterinodar, Asiatic 138836 Aalesund, Norway, D 5 of Paris, H 4} 583876 Blackpool, England, D 3 26449 Cannstatt, Ger. Emp., E 8 | 1200000Constantinople, Eur.Tur.. Russia, B 4 55193 Aarhus, Denmark, F 7 38045 Asti, Italy, B 3 40399 Blagovyeshchensk, Asiatic | 1250000Canton, China, E 4 1, 8 | 156511 Ekaterinoslav, Eur. Rus., 43365 Aberdare, Wales, D 4 77326 Aston Manor, Eng., F 4 Russia K 3{ 28948 Cape Coast Castle, Africa, | 426540 Copenhagen, Den., G 15 F5 181918 Aberdeen, Scotland, M 5 23000 Astrabad, Persia, D 11 4706 Blewfields, Nicaragua,D 5 (Gold Coast) B 5 | 89267 Copparo, Italy,11m.N.E.| 170118 Elberfeld, Ger. Emp., C 5 46637 Abo,European Russia, D 2] 186841 Astrakhan, Eur. Rus., 16] 16866 Blida, Algeria, P 2 77668 Cape Town, Union of S. ; Ferrara, E 3| 58631 Elbing, Ger. Emp., O 3 15000 Abome,Atrica(Dahome)D5] 60259 Asuncion, Paraguay, D 2| 83833 Bloemfontein, Union of S, “i Africa, G 3 15712 Coquimbo, Chile, A 3 27975 Elche, Spain, G 11 . 14842 Accra, Africa (Gold Coast) | 167479 Athens, Greece, G 11 Africa, E 7] 29000 Cap Haitien, Haiti, B 5 41573 Corato, Italy, J 6 45696 Elets,(Yelets) Eur.Rus ,G4 C 81215 Aubervilliers-les-Vertus, 40000 Blumenau, Brazil, G 14 72429 Caricas, Venezuela, F 2 53000 Cérdoba, Argentina, C 4 68710 Elisabethgrad, Eur. Rus., 43122 Accrington, England, E 3 France, 5m. N. Paris, H4 34336 Bobruisk, Eur, Rus., E 4 13000 Carapequa,Paraguay, D 3| 65160 Cérdoba, Spain, G 7 F5 35418 Acireale, Italy, I 10 109781 Auckland, New Zeal., 13 | 186916 Bochum, Ger. Emp., C 5 30720 Carcassonne, France, H 9} 18978 Corfu, Greece, G 9 37806 Elisabethpol, Asiatic Rus, 6000 Acoyapo, Nicaragua, D 5/ 122694 Augsburg, Ger. Emp., G 8 | 101496 Bogoti, Colombia, C 5 24280 Cardenas, Cuba, D 2 76632 Cork, Ireland, D 8 128 m. S. E. Tiflis, C 4 37744 Acton, England, G 5 39255 Aussig, Aust.-Hung., E 1 Bolama, Africa, (Portu- 182280 Cardiff, Wales, D 5 18000 Corrientes, Argentina, D 3| 13864 Elsinore, Denmark, F 14 25000 Adalia, Asiatic Turkey C3} 48312 Avignon, France, J 9 guese Guinea) A 4} 45480 Carlisle, England, D 2 29343 Cortona, Italy,14m.S. E.| 13881 Elvas, Portugal, F 4 45000 Adana, Asiatic Tur., E 3 5000 Axum, Abyssinia, G 5 165000 Bologna, Italy, E 3 42097 Carrara, Italy, D 3 Arezzo, E 4| 42738 Enfield, England, H 5 184393 Adelaide, Australia, F 5 14346 Ayacucho, Peru, D 8 180885 Bolton, England, E 3 » 80000 Cartagena, Colombia, B 2} 46570 Corufa, Spain, A 3 34201 Enschede, Neth., J 4 41222 Aden (Peninsula and 28697 Ayr, Scotland, G 9 Boma, Africa (Belgian 99871 Cartagena, Spain, G 11 25330 Courbevoie, France, 2 m Entebbe, Africa, (Uganda) town) C7 Congo) E 6 5839 Cartago, Costa Rica, D 6 N. W. Paris, H 4 > G5 25859 Aderno, Italy, H 10 B 776006 Bombay, India, B 5 31793 Casale Monferrato, Italy,| 85200 Courtrai, Belgium, C 7 28080 Epinal, France, L 4 30000 Adis Abbeba,Abyss., H 11 . 36004 Bona, Algeria, T 2 2/ 106377 Coventry, England, F 4 111461 Erfurt, Ger. Emp., G6 83000 Adrianople, Eur.Tur., J 7| 35039 Badaioz, Spain, F 5 87967 Bonn, Ger. Emp., B 6 25504 Cascina, Italy, 8m. S. E.| 15469 Covilha, Portugal, D 4 28910 Erivan, Asiatic Rus., C 4 3000 Adua, Abyssinia, H 95 75000 Bagdad,Asiatic Tur., J 5 21541 Boras, Sweden, G 7 Pisa, D 4| 1503818 Cracow,(Krakau)Austria- | 25893 Erlau, Aust.-Hung., L 4 188022 Agra, India, C 3 230000 Bahia, Brazil, K 9 71127 Borbeck, Ger. Emp.,com-| 382709 Caserta, Italy, 17m. N.E. Hungary, K 1| 80000 Erzerum, Asiatic Tur., 61002 Agram, Aust.-Hung., H 6] 30585 Bakhmut, Eur. Rus., G 5 mune in circle of Essen,C5 . Naples, H 7} 46000 Craiova, Roumania, G 4 H2 44800 Aguascalientes, Mex., E 4| 177777 Baku, Asiatic Russia, C 4 | 251917 Bordeaux, France, E 8 32841 Castellammare, Italy, H 7| 37693 Cremona, Italy, C 2 28371 Eskilstuna, Sweden, H 6 185889 Ahmadabad, India, B 4 46615 Ballarat, Australia, G 6 29575 Borgerhout, Belgium, E 6| 30583 Castellon de la Plana, 42074 Crewe, England, E 3 294629 Essen, Ger. Emp., C 5 8000 Ahuachapam, Salv., C 3 47810 Bamberg, Ger. Emp., G7} 34000 Botosani, Roumania, J 1 Spain, E 12] 169559 Croydon, England, G 5 32364 Esslingen, Ger. Emp., D8 36250 Aidin, Asiatic Turkey,A 3| 28000 Banam, French Indo-Ch. 10491 Bougie, Algeria, R 2 24449 Castelvetrano, Italy,20m.]| 87547 Csaba, (Békés-Csaba) 8281 Esteli, Nicaragua, C 4 43150 Aintab, Asiatic Tur., F 3 ? G3] 11156 Boulder, Australia, C 4 S. E. Marsala, F 10 Austria-Hungary, L 5 | 24930 Eszek, (Osjek) Austria- 22288 Airdrie, Scotland, I 8 159046 Bangalore, India, C 6 51201 Boulogne-sur-Mer, 27308 Castres, France, H 9 52216 Cuddalore, India, D 6 Hungary, J 6 29418 Aix, France, K 9 628675 Bangkok, Siam, G 1 France, G 2] 25826 Castrogiovanni,Italy,H 10] 380000 Cuenca, Ecuador, B 3 16020 Evora, Portugal, F 3 156044 Aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen) | 15000 Barbacena, Brazil, I 12 49969 Boulogne-sur-Seine, 163000 Catania, Italy, 110 10000 Cuman4, Venezuela, G 2 48660 Exeter, England, D6 Ger. Emp., b 6} 587219 Barcelona, Spain, C 14 France,suburb ofParis,H4 | 31824 Catanzaro, Italy, J 9 27065 Cuneo, Italy, A 3 73839 Ajmere, India, B 3 12785 Barcelona, Venezuela, G2| 44133 Bourges, France, H 6 197170 Cawnpur, India, D 3 12198 Cura, Venezuela, E 2 36294 Akita, Japan, G 2 131208 Bareilly, India, C 3 78677 Bournemouth, England,| 12426 Cayenne, Fr. Guia., F 2 15000 Curic5, Chile, A 4 F 32470 Akkerman, Eur. Rus., E 5 50000 Barfrush, Persia, D 9 F 6 33000 Ceard, Brazil, K 5 51364 Cuttack, India, EF 4 15000 Alagoas, Brazil, L 7 77478 Bari, Italy, J 6 _ i 288505 Bradford, England, F 3 25565 Celaya, Mexico, E 5 15000 Cuyaba, Brazil, D 10 40370 F Ital 5674 Alajuela, Costa Rica, D 5] 25000 Barlad, Roumania, K 2 24202 Braga, Portugal, C 3 34195 Cerignola, Italy, I 6 10500 Cuzco, Peru, E 8 75085 Faisdnid aad F3 51809 Alcamo, Italy, F 10 42022 Barletta, Italy, J 6 60000 Braila, Roumania, K 3 42240 Cesena, Italy, F 4 30106 Qzegl d, Aust-Hung., K 5| 33085 Falzabl Mere 3 32053 Alcéy; Spain, F 11 169201 Barmen, Ger. Emp., C 5 53595 Brandenburg, Ger. Emp., 4500 Cetinje, Montenegro, C 6 86870 Czernowitz, Aust.-Hung., 11582 Fal ui 5 cotland, H 8 30974 Aldershot, England, G 5 41086 Barnsley, England, F 3 H 4! 33246 Cette, France, I 9 Tavee Ee ua mere H5 210000 Aleppo, Asiatic Tur., F 4| 103790 Baroda, India, C 6 10408 Brandon, Manitoba, G 7 13000 Ceuta, Morocco, G 3 69525 Czestochowa, Eur. Rus.,| 6253 Porehapeen H3 bd 71298 Alessandria, Italy, B 3 31476 Barquisimeto, Venez., E2| 16619 Brantford, Ontario, G 7 10958 Chalkis, (Euripos) Greece, . C4 ascae Pee Te pain peer 3 332246 Alexandria, Egypt, A 2 43849 Barranquilla, Colombia, 27389 Breda, Netherlands, F 5 . G10 clegyhaza, Aust.- be va 30616 Alexandropol,AsiaticRus., : C 2| 246827 Bremen, Ger. Emp., E 4 26737 Chalons-sur-Marne, D 82310 F Italy, E . 75m. S. W. Tiflis, C 4} 63775 Barrow-in-Furness, Eng.,| 70614 Brescia, Italy, D 2 , France, J 4} gg542 Dacca, India, F 4 25281 Peco 6 a ba 42186 Alexandrov-Grushevskoi, D 2/511891 Breslau, Ger. Emp., M 6 29058 Chilon-sur-Sadne, France,| 740949 Dairen, China, (Japanese 2 errol, Spain, A 3 Eur. Rus., 27 m.N. E.| 131914 Basel, Switzerland, G 2 85294 Brest, France, A 4 , Terr) B 6 140000 Fez, Morocco, G 4 Novocherkassk, G5| 7456 Basse Terre, West Indies] 47694 Brest-Litovsk, (Brzesc) 22816 Chandarnagar, India, 24831 Dakar, Africa(Senegal) 34 oeae ar Aust.-Hung., F 6 — 138240 Algiers, Algeria, P 2 (Guadeloupe) A 7 European Russia, D 4 (Fr. Ind.) E 4} 38752 Damanhur, Egypt, © 2 eer ORR ered urg, oe Emp.,F 2 51165 Alicante, Spain, G 11 25425 Bastia, France, M 11 2500 Bridgetown, West Indies, | 800000 Chang-chou-fu, China,E 5] 359900 Damascus, Asatie ‘Tur 27 Florence, (Firenze) Italy, 70434 Aligarh, India, C 3 33131 Batangas, Philippines,D11 (Barbados) D 7 | 230000 Chang-sha, China, D 4 F 3 25 LR E4 172032 Allah4bid, India, D 4 138551 Batavia, Dutch E. In.,| 10029 Brighton, Australia, H 6 27396 Charleroi, Belgium, E 8 29354 Damietta, Egypt, G1 oo ee ise 8 eggs J3 45198 Almeria, Spain, He Ee ley eae B5 131259 Brighton, England, G6 | 805181 Gharlottenburg, Ger.Emp, 170347 Danzig, Ger -emp., N 2 26111 Foligno tile. =e é 8895 Alost, Belgium, E 5072 sh, E nd, E 5 25317 Brindisi, Italy, L 7 Saya ‘ ed ’ ’ 39977 Altenburg, Ger.Emp.,H 6] 8000 Bathurst,Africa (Gambia) | 143077 Brisbane, Australia, 14 | 12080 Charlottetown, P.P.1., L4| 99244 Batbhangah. India, E 3 | 30650 Folkestone, England, 15 63272 Altendorf, Ger. Emp. sub-| __ A 4/ 357059 Bristol, England, E'5 20976 Charters Towers, Aus’a, (Ger: E- Af) 36 | gaagoe eeoerc Gee urban district of Essen,C5 | 30321 Batley, England, F 3 31000 Broken Hill, Australia,G 5 G2] 44511 Darlington, England, F 2 0 . Sele ow, China, D 5 40672 Altenessen,Ger.Emp., 80008 Batum,Asiatic Russia,C 4] 57585 Bromberg, Ger. Emp.,N 4| 87057 Chatham, England, H 5 87085 Darmstadt,Ger.Emp.,D 7 4370 ree i, Italy, F 3 S y suburb of Essen, C5] 39094 Bauan, Philippines, C11] 53995 Bruges, Belgium, C 6 4868 Chatham, N. B., H 3 7bbO6- Deprecsen wate ser dne pee. Posh. oe Emp, J 5 172533 Altona. Ger. Emp, E3 10015 Baill, Venezuela, E3 ac 125008 Briinn, Aust.-Hung., H 2 49439 Cheltenham, England, BS . : M4 0 ort de Bena Bie 56771 Alwar, India, C : 327 autzen, Ger. Emp., 143397 Brunswick, (Braun- 28734 emnitz, Ger. Emp., * : | 30000 Amasia,Asiatic Tur., F 1 27601 Bayonne, France, D 9 schweig) Ger. Emp., F 4} 800000 Chengtu-Fu, China, C 2 erabee Sere are E4 eaten gta! Ger. Emp.,D 7 . 78638 Ambila, India, C 2 _ _| 84481 Bayreuth, (Baireuth) Ger. | 110000 Brusa, Asiatic Turkey,B 1| 43837 Cherbourg, France, D 3 123433 Derby, England, F 4 re 30 Ea urt, Ger, Emp.,J 4 | 9731 Ambalema, Colombia, 5| | _ Emp., G 7 | 649846 Brussels, Belgium, E'7 30197 Chernigov, Bur. Rus., F 4| "56590 Dessau, Ger. Emp., H 5 714 Fredericia, Denmark, H 6 — 10000 Ambato, Eeuador, B 2 35144 Bedford, England, G 4 (including suburbs) | 39038 Chester, England, E 3 109729 Deutsch Wilmersiorf.Ger 7117 Fredericton, N. B., E 5 90920 Amiens, France, H 3 150000 Beirut,Asiatic Turkey, E5] 19718 Bucaramanga, Colom.,C 4] 26233 Chiba, Japan, G 4 mate hag 16237 Frederiksberg, Den., G 13 214000 Amoy, China, E'5 25483 Békés, Austria-Hungary, | 732322 Budapest,Aust.Hung.,J 4| 26368 Chieti, Italy, H 5 27787 Deventer, Netherlands 4| tecag tree ee 162429 Amritsar, India, C 2_ 42 m.S.W.Grosswardein, | 45137 Budweis, Aust.-Hung.,F 3| 95000 Chifu, China, B 6 81694 Devonport, England, © 6 eee Fredrikstad, Norway, F 6 566131 Amsterdam, Neth., G 4 N4 Buea, Africa, (Kamerun) | 39061 Chihuahua, Mexico, D 2 | 33999 Diarbekir. Asiatic Tur 7682 Freetown, Sierra L.A 5 56835 Ancona, Italy, G 4 10000 Bela, Baluchistan, N 23 D5] 33000 Chillan,Chile, A 5 a . G3 36237 Freiberg, Ger. Emp., 1 6 58654 Anderlecht, Belgium, __—_ | 100000 Belem, (Para) Brazil, G 4 | 1314163Buenos Aires, Arg., D 4 14000 Chimaltenango, Guat..B 2] 74113 Dijon, France, J 5 oases Bret bares Ger. Emp., D 9 suburb of Brussels, E 7| 385492 Belfast, Ireland, I 2 61537 Buer, Ger. Emp.,9m.N.B,| 10542 Chinandega, Nicar., 0'4 46355 Dordrecht, Neth. F 5 0297 Freiburg, (Fribourg) 74816 Andijan, Asiatic Russia, 32567 Belfort, France, L 5 Essen, C 5] 184000 Chinkiang, China, C 5 214333 De bee a Ge b 05 Switzerland, E 5 73m. N.E. Kokand, F6| 84235 Belgrade, Servia, D 4 300000 Bukarest, Roumania, I 4| 30563 Chioggia, Italy, F 2 33619 Dou a ee eee Pipe sl 19346 Fremantle, Australia, A 5 80000 Andkhui, Afghanistan, C22| 10397 Belize, British Honduras, | 75000 Bukhara,Asiatic Rus., E 4] 13116 Chiquinquira, Colom.,C 4| $9223 Douclas, Ene’, (ele of | 20226 Eukul, Japan, E 3 5231 Andorra, (Republic and ‘ A 3] 31489 Burgos, Spain, 0 8 39117 Chita, Asiatic Russia, J 3 desert 9 Sie ore o2| sop0S Eukuoka, apenas town) B 13| 58247 Bellary, India, C 6 106337 Burnley, England, B 3 | 138000 Cholon, Fr.Indo-Ch., G3 | 41794 Dover, England, > 20844 Funchal, Madeira Is., A 2 49569 Andria, Italy, J 6 209331 Benares, India, D 4 38766 Burslem, England, E 4 10820 Choluteca, Honduras, C 4] 34904 Drammen Naway E6 43982 Punfkirchen, (Pécs,) Aust.- 82935 Angers, France, E 5 33741 Bendery, Eur. Russia, E 5] 48275 Burton-on-Trent,Eng.,F 4] 25298 Choshi, Japan, G 4 546882 Pete oneys 16 a ung. J 5 27825 Angora, Asiatic Tur., D 2] .44100 Bendigo, Australia, G 6 20000 Burujird, Persia, G 5 85923 Christchurch, N.Zeal.,G 10 | 399979 Dublin T ea Ee 66535 Firth, Ger. Emp., G7 37507 Angouléme, France, F 7_| 30000 Berbera, Africa (Brit. 58649 Bury, England, E 3 243801 Christiania, Norway. E 6 |“51092 Dudley, England, B 4 31600 An nae: Sele ea || G5R6d Bordichey, Mie hoe a a | tite Buscw) Rounauian? © 15154 Christlansand, Norway. | 229478 Duisburg, Ger. Emp., B 5 G 14000 Antigua, Guatemala, B 2] 27247 Berdyansk, Eur. Rus..G5| °4270 he 9 tee ene 11569 Christianstad, Sweden,G 7 yee ere tap ere Re ae 26445 Antofagasta, Chile, A 2 47772 Bergamo, Italy, C 2 80190 Byelostok, Eur.Rus., D 4| 18912 Christiansund, Norway, 169409 Dena aren ee ae ; 66000 Galatz, Roumania, K 3 617171 Antwerp, Belgium, E 6 76917 Bergen, Norway, C 5 Oss : = 4| "59899 Dun ane ohare as 37316 Galle, Ceylon, C 7 47206 Aomori, Japan, H 1 2070695 Berlin, Ger. Emp., I 4 590000 Chungking, China, D 3 25250 Dunf at : Sa tnd 20000 Gallipoli, Eur, Tur., J 8 35626 Apeldoorn, epee in aan Seat ee, molubing ee) Cc gosee cee eal = 3 38287 Dunkirk, ocelget et ar J 7 116928 Gateshead, Gnsiand, F2 s 974 erlin, Ontario, F 6439 Citti di Castello, Italy, F 4 . g 712) a, Z 56260 Arad, Aust.-Hung., M5 | 85264 Bern, Switzerland, G 5 | 15000 Cachoeira, ‘Brazil, K 9 11686 Ciudad Bolivar, Venez.,| 34083 Durango, Mexico, D4) | 33200 Gasione Australia, G 6 10000 Araure, Venezuela, E 3 33609 Bernburg, Ger. Emp., G5| 67174 Cadiz, Spain, H 5 + 3| 30460 Dur an cae ” 35203 Gefle, Sweden, I § Rane pdt be ERAS, os be 7 pores ily SE lee L a ‘ eanae — ee fa 58363 Clermont, France, H 7 357702 Disecldort, Ger Hinp.D 5 | 13211 Gellivara, Sweden, I3 53 Archangel, Eur. Rus., euthen, Ger. Emp., 5 agliari, Italy, 41787 Clichy la Garenne,(Clich si MACE. ot 39500 Arequipa, Peru, F 10 52268 Béziers, France, I 9 8333 Caibarién, Cuba, F 3 gs) i (Crane | 89884 Dvinsk, Dinap ee eee. 169530 Gelsenkirchen, Ger. ad 4 Arezzo, Italy, E 5760 Agalpur, India, E 4 654476 Cairo, Egypt, E 5 20898 Clydebank, Scotland, H 8 - 58050 29314 Arles, France, J 9 56442 Bhaunagar, India, B 4 12000 Cajamarca, Peru, B 5 36991 Coatbridge, Scotland, 1 8 E 276000 Ga te eee 29401 Armentiéres, France, H 2] 77023 Bhopal, India, C 4 66627 Calais, France, G 2 30770 Coban, Guatemala, B 2 53176 Georgetown, Brit. Guia 10294 Arndal, Norway, E 6 rs 78334 Bielefeld, Ger. Emp., D 5 | 1216514Calcutta, India, E 4 24512 Cochabamba, Bolivia,H10| 33031 Ealing, England, G 1 ‘ cl 64019 Arnhem, Netherlands, H5| 238583 Bienne, (Biel) Switz., F 4] 11967 Calgary, Alberta, H 3 53080 Coimbatore, India, C 6 52544 Eastbourne, England, H 6 1123 Georgetown, P. E.1.,M 4 25813 Arras, France, H 2 53075 Bikaner, India, B 3 76981 Calicut,’ India, G 6 18144 Coimbra, Portugal, D 3 _| 96018 Eastham, England, I 1 49283 Gera, Ger. Bmp., G 6. 29831 Aschaffenburg, Ger. Emp., 93536 Bilbao, Spain, B 9 31000 Callao, Peru, C 8 38373 Colchester, England, H 5|/ 25220 East London, Un. S. Af.,| 30324 Ghardaia “Algeria, Q6 E7 Bingerville, Africa (Ivory | 44879 Caltagirone, Italy, H 10 516167 Cologne(Koln), Ger. Emp., 8 | 10000 Ghazni, (Gnuznee) Atg 28968 Aschersleben,Ger. Emp., 8 ee ee Coast) oe ee Colao ttaly. H 10 ; 6| 34369 Eccles, England, E 3 : G24 ts ue irkenhead, England, amagtiey, Cuba, G 4 158228 Colombo, Ceylon, C 7 355366 Edinburgh, Scotland, J 8 28882 Ascoli Piceno, Italy, G5 | 525960 Birmingham, Eng., F 4 26586 Cambfal, France, I 3 13000 Colon, Panama, B 2 11167 Edmonton, Alberta, H 3 phn RL ae) et ast Beigvinn 71 * ATLAS OF THE WORLD. 155 nnn —— a Sc =] So 85790 25432 39581 167813 50177 118799 14368 35147 10880 11923 69410 88625 (448466 25070 87875 46455 101556 101718 932080 60000 50000 13993 18500 32766 152 73939 44500 75697. Po 46 Ipswich, City Country Ghuzzeh, hese Turkey, D 6 Glarre, Italy, I 10 Gibraltar (town and col- ony), I 12 Giessen, Ger. Emp., D 6 ae Japan, E 3 ijon, Spain, A 6 Gillingham, Eng., E 6 Gilly, Belgium, E 8 Girgenti, Italy, G 10 Giurgiu, et ag ra T5 Glace Bay, N.S.,S4 Glasgow, Scotland, H 8 Glauchau, Ger. Emp.,H 6 Gleiwitz, Ger. Emp., 'N 6 Gloucester, England, E 5 Gomel, European Rus.,F 4 Gondar, Abyssinia, F 7 Gorakhpur, India, D 3 Gorlitz, Ger. Emp., K 6 Gorz, Aust.-Hung., E 6 Gotha, Ger. Emp., F6 Gothenburg, (Goteborg) Sweden, F 7 Gottingen, Ger. Emp., ES Gouda, Netherlands, F 4 Goulburn, Australia, H 5 Govan, Scotland, H 8 Graaff Reinet, Un. S. Af., G6 Grahamstown, Un. S. a Granada, aeceragune D5 Granada, Spain, H Graudenz, Ger. not O03 Graz, Aust.-Hung., G 4 Great Yarmouth, Eng. 14 Greenock, Scotland, G8 Greenwich, England, I 1 Grenoble, France, K 7 Greytown, Nicaragua, D 6 Grimsby, Eng., G 3 Grodno, Eur, Rus., D 4 Groningen, Neth., D2 Grosswardein, (Nagyvi- rad) Aust.-Hung.,N 4 Guadalajara, Mexico, D5 Guanabacoa, Cuba, C 2 Guanajuato, Mexico, E 4 Guanare, Venezuela, E 3 Guanarilo, Venezuela, E 3 Guatemala, Guat., B 2 Guayaquil, Ecuador, B 3 Gubbio, Italy, F 4 Guben, Ger. Emp., J 5 Guelph, Ontario, G7 Gwalior, India, C 3 Gympie, Australia, IT 4 H Haarlem, Neth., E 4 Hagen, Ger. Emp., % 5 Haidarabad, India, A3 Hajda, Boszormény,Aust.- Hung., M4 Hakodate, Japan, D 2 Halberstadt, Ger. ae Halifax, os peg F3 Halifax, N.S., K7 Halle, Ger. Emp., G5 Halmstad, Sweden, F7 Hamadan, Persia, F 5 Hamah, Asiatic Tur., F 4 eee Ger. Emp.,6 m. W. Oberhausen, B5 Hanes Ger. Emp.,F3 Hamilton, Ontario, H 7 Hamilton, Scotland, H 8 Hamm, Ger. Emp., C 5 Hanau, Ger. Emp., D 6 Handsworth, England, Fa4 Hangchow, China, C 5 Hankow, China, C 4 Hanley, England, E 4 Hanoi, Fr. Indo-Ch., E 3 Hanover, Ger. Emp., F4 Han-yang, China, C 4 Harbin, China, A 7 Harburg, Ger. Emp., E 3 Harrar, Abyssinia, K 10 Hastings, England, H 6 Havana, Cuba, C 2 Heidelberg, Ger.Emp.,D 7 Heilbronn, Ger. Emp., E7 Heliigengrabe, Ger. Emp., .N. Berlin, I 4 Helder, Netherlands, F 3 Helsingborg, Sweden, F 7 Helsingfors, Eur. Rus.,D 2 Herat, Afghanistan, F19 Heredia, Costa Rica, D 6 Herford, Ger. Emp., D 4 Herisau, Switz., M3 Hermannstadt, (Nagy-Sze- ben), Aust -Hung., O 6 Hermoupolis, (Syra) Greece, T 11 Herne, oe Emp., 11m. . E. Essen, C 5 Hildesheim, Ger. Emp.,E5 Hille, Asiatic Tur., J 5 Himeji, Japan, D 8 Hirosaki, Japan, H 1 Hiroshima, Japan, C3 Hobart, Tasmania, D Hoé6dmez-Visirhely, Aust. ee » L5 Hof, Ger. Emp., Homs, Asiatic bi Sey Fa4 Hope Town, Brit. Canes Horde, Ger. Emp., C 5 Hornsey, England, H 1 Horsens, Denmark, G 6 Hove, England, G 6 Howrah, India, E 4 Hubli, India, C 5 Huchou, China, C 6 Huddersfield, ppelene, F3 Hue, Fr. Indo-Ch., F 3 Hull, Quebec, J 6 Husi, Roumania, K 2 iyo England, E 3 I Tbague, Colombia, B 5 Ibarra, Ecuador, B 1 Ichang, China, C 4 Tiford, England, H 5 Imola, Italy, E 3 Tmoski, Aust.-Hung., I 8 Indore, India, C 4 Innsbruck, Aust.-H bier # Tnowrazlaw, Ger.Emp., ae Insterburg,Ger, Emp. 1Q2 Invercargill, N. Zeal., C 13 Inverness, Scotland, ‘HO Ipiales, Colombia, A 6 ustralia, I 4 Ipswich, vs land, H 4 TIquique, Chile, A 2 Irkutsk, Aatatic Puss. 13 * ' Pop. 31294 25000 80000 98131 28585 71748 41074 33607 90316 26894 45000 33879 160167 10000 67735 34295 26791 15000 63473 80000 55724 11000 13899 9317 60437 220304 26971 9246 17800 60000 15526 63640 100000. 15000 54000 53803 13123 46796 15536 51939 401385 19745 110994 60000 26519 24537 116663 20380 27448 134161 17191 22402 40102 35000 153078 43175 161365 35000 57812 41564 20069 65000 49708 30000 60000 40000 21000 16400 206315 20956 50000 12000 64554 25000 31881 30000 30429 35000 211044 30818 320000 34165 34331 57122 17961 46542 278024 34375 aenhe 16000 127487 36000 42000 49295 378197 56478 38279 49882 112428 31615 12530 54373 43657 40520 45000 245853 72642 44893 48792 75350 43039 15596 46919 129412 63212 28804 City Country Iserlohn, Ger. Emp., C 5 Ismid, Asiatic Tur., B1 Ispahan, Persia, H 8 Ivanovo-Voznesensk, Eur, Rus., H 4 Ivry-sur are France, 5m Paris, H 4 Txélies, Belgium, suburb Brussels, E 7 sopping Ear, Rus, 145 W. Perm, K 3 Ismail. Eur, Rus., E J Jabalpur, Sore D4 Jaén, Spain, G 8 Jatla, (Yafa) Asiatic Tet Jaffna, Ceylon, C 7 Jaipur, India, C 3 Jalalabad, Afg., F 27 Jalandhar, India, C 2 Jarrow, England, F 2 Jasz Berény, AAC SHURE:. 4 Jauja, Peru, D7 Jerez de la Frontera,Spain 6 Jerusalem, Asiatic peey : 6 Jhansi, India, C 4 Jibuti, Africa (Fr. Som. Coast), K 8 Jinotega, Nicar., C 5 Jinotepe, Nicar, D 4 Jodhpur, India, B 3 Johannesburg, Un. S. ay Jénképing, Sweden, G7 Jovellanos, Cuba, D 3 Juticalpa, Honduras, B 5 eos”, Kabul, Afghanistan, F 26 Kadina,Moonta and Wall- aroo, Australia, F 5 Kagoshima, Japan, A 4 Kaifung, China, C 5 Kairwan, Tunis, V 3 Kaisarieh, Asiatic Tur.,E2 Kaiserslautern, Ger. nb Kalamai, Greece, E 12 Kalisz, Eur. Rus., C 4 Kalmar, Sweden, H7 Kaluga, Eur. Rus., G 4 Kamenets Podolsk, Eur, Rus., E 5 Kampen, Neth., H 3 Kanazawa, Japan, E3 Kandahar, Afg., I 22 Kandy, Ceylon, D 7 Kanea, Crete, G 13 Karachi, India, A 3 Karikal, India, (Fr. eae (Carlscrona) Sweden, H 7 Karlsruhe, Ger. Emp., D8 Karlstad, Sweden, G 6 Kars, mone Rus, 115 m. W. Tiflis, C 4 Kaschau, (ieeska) Aust.- Hung., M 3 Kashan, Persia, G 8 Kassel, Ger. Emp., E 5 Kattowitz,Ger, Emp., N7 Kazai, Eur. Rus., 1 4 Kazvin, Persia, D 7 Kecskemét, wineries a A Keighley, England, F 3 Keneh, Egypt, I 9 Kerbela,Asiatic Tur., I 5 Kerch, Eur. Rus., G 5 Kerkuk, Asiatic Tur., I 4 Kerman, Persia, J 14 Kermanshahan, Persia,F3 Kezanlyk, Bulgaria, I 6 Khabarovsk, Asiatic Be Kharkov, Eur. Rus., G 5 Khartum, Anglo-Egyp. Sud., A Khatmiandu, Nepal, E 3 Kheldt, Baluchistan, L 23 Kherson, Eur. Rus., F 5 Khoi, Persia, B 2 Khojent, Asiatic Rus., E 4 Khotan, Asia, (China), F5 Khotin, Eur. Rus., 14 m. S.W. Kamenets deed Karlskrona, Kiao-chou (town and dis- trict), B 5 Kiel, Ger. Emp., E 2 Kielce, Eur. Rus. ae | Kiev, Eur. Rus., F 5 Kilmarnock, Scotland,H 8 Kimberley, Un. S. Af., E 6 King’s Norton, Eng., F4 Kingston, Ontario, N5 Kingston, W. Indies, (Ja- matica) OC 3 Kingston - upon - Hull, Eng., G3 Kingston-upon-Thames, Eng., G5 Kirkcaldy, Scotland, 37 Kirk-Kilise, Eur. Tur., X7 Kishinev, Eur. Rus., E5 Kiukiang, China, D 5 Kiung-chou, China, F 3 Klausenburg, (Kolozsvar) Aust.-Hung., O 5 Kobe, Japan, D 3 Koblenz, Ger. Emp., C 6 Kochi, Japan, C 4 Kofu, Japan, F 3 Kokand, Asiatic a F6 Kokura, Japan, A 3 Kolding, Denmark, H 5 Kolhapur, India, B 5 Kolmar (Colmar); Ger. Emp., C8 Kolomea, Aust Hung. ,Q3 Konakri, Fr. Guinea, A 5 Konieh, (Konia) Ele | fin bar 8 4 KOonigsberg, Ger. Emp., P2 Konigshiitte, Ger. Emp. Kostroma, Eur. Rus., H 3 Kottbus, Ger. Emp., J 5 Kovno, Eur. Rus., D4 Kozlov, Eur. Rus., G 4 Kraguyevats, Servia, E5 Krasnoyarsk,Asiatic aene Krefeld, Ger. Emp., B 5 Kremenchug, Eur. aoe Krimmitschau,Ger. Emp., 8m. N,W. Zwickau, H6 Pop. 36646 59525 15000 35000 61233 50000 100679 56588 35928 40271 80000 43000 200000 442462 10000 24536 3000 10151 63926 30356 32687 30584 445568 36522 108000 132430 227242 58253 40001 587635 85721 12696 65467 206574 63263 62569 5000 13647 61920 7783 98912 20000 30000 40000 64502 3000 81101 176893 66620 19605 205602 140884 9224 38403 88597 38245 57294 73352 22157 67859 37934 356009 746566 20106 27811 393526 10000 19822 3610 27343 City Country Kronstadt, (Brass6) Aust-. H »,Q6 ung. Kronstadt, Eur. Rus., F 3 Kuching, Malaysia, (Sara- wak) C 4 Kum, Persia, F 8 Kumamoto, Japan, B 4 Kungcheng, China, B 3 Kure, Japan, C 4 Kursk, Eur. Rus., G 5 Kurume, Japan, B 4 Kutais, Asiatic Russia, 151 m. N: W. Tiflis, C 4 Kwanchingtsu, (Kuang- chang-tsu), China,A6 Kwangyen, Fr. care ik ae 3 Kweihwacheng, China,A 4 Kyoto, Japan, E 3 L L'Abbaye, Switz., B 6 La Chaux de hope th Lachine, Quebec, J 10 La Concepcion, Chile, A 5 Laeken, Belgium, E 7 Lagos, Africa, (Southern Nigeria) C5 La Guaira, Venezuela, F 2 Lahore, India, B 2 Laibach, Aust.-Hung., F 5 La Linea, Spain, H 1 6 Lancaster, England, E 3 Lanchou-fu, China, B 2 Landsberg, Ger. Emp., K4 Landskrona, Sweden, Gz Laoag, Philippines, C 2 La Paz, Bolivia, H 10 La Plata, Argentina, D 4 La Pointe-a-Pitre, W.Ind., (Guadéloupe) A 7 Larissa, Greece, F 9 Larnaca, Cyprus, D 4 La Rochelle, France, E 6 La Serena, Chile, A 3 Las Palmas, Canary Ts., capital, Gran Canaria I., B3 Latacunga, Ecuador, B 2 Launceston, Tasmania, D2 La Union, Salvador, C 3 Laurvik, Norway, F 6 Lausanne, Switz., C 6 Laval, France, E 5 Lecce, Italy, L 7 Le Creusot, France, J 6 Leeds, England, F 3 Leeuwarden, Neth., H 2 Leghorn, (Livorno) aa 4 Le Havre, France, E 3 Leicester, England, G 4 Leiden, Neth., E4 Leigh, England, E 3 Leipzig, Ger. Emp., H 5 Leith, Scotland, J 8 Le Locle, Switz., C 4 Le Mans, France, F 5 Lemberg, Aust.-Hung.,P2 Leon, Mexico, E 4 Leon, Nicaragua, C 4 Leopoldville, Africa, (Bel- gian Congo) E 6 Leskovac, Servia, E 6 Levallois Perret, France, suburb of Paris, H 4 Levis, Quebec, G 15 Leyton, England, I 1 Lhasa, Asia (China), H 6 Liangchou, China, B 2 Liau-yung, China, A 6 Libau, Eur. Rus., D 3 Libreville, Africa, (Fr. Con.) E5 Lichtenberg, Ger.Emp.,N8 Liege, Belgium, H 7 Liegnitz, Ger. Emp., K 6 Lierre, Belgium, F 6 Lille, France, I 2 Lima, Peru, C 8 Limasol, Cyprus, D 4 Limerick, Ireland, D 6 Limoges, France, G 7 Lindres, Spain, G 8 Lincoln, England, G 3 Linden, Ger. Emp., E 4 Linkoping, Sweden, H6 Linz, Aust.-Hung., F3 Lipa, Philippines, D 11 Lisbon, Portugal, F 3 Liverpool, England, D 3 Loanda, Africa, Geely Lodi, Italy, C 2 todz, Eur. Rus., D 4 Loja, Ecuador, B 3 Lokeren, Belgium, D 6 Lome, Africa, Ne) Lomza, Eur. Rus., D 4 7537196 London, (Greater Lon- 387981 40799 35815 69836 46403 20000 don), Eng., G5 London, Ontario, E 8 Londonderry, Ireland, G 2 Longton, England, F 4 Lorca, Spain, G 10 Lorient, France, B 5 Los Anjeles, Chile, A 5 8053 Los Guines, Cuba, C 3 18872 9849 42893 98612 62222 74971 39152 264049 32298 83297 27415 26945 20139 8000 36404 20928 520795 37483 63991 34624 33000 509346 279685 Loulé, Portugal, H 4 Lourengo Marques, Africa (Port. E. Af.) G8 Louvain, Belgium, F 7 Liibeck, Ger. Emp., F 3 Lublin, Eur. Rus., D4 Lucca, Italy, D 4 Lucerne, Switz., J 4 Lucknow, India, D 3 Liidenscheid, Ger. Emp,,_ 19 m. S. E. Barmen, C 5 Ludwigshafen, Ger. Emp, ; Lugo, Italy, F 3 Lugo, Spain, B 4 Lund, Sweden, G 7 Luque, Paraguay, D 3 Luton, England, G 5 Luxemburg, saeemibaes a: Lyons, France, J 7 M Maastricht, Neth., H 7 Macao, taty and prov- ince) China, E 4 Macclesfield, England, E 3 Maceid, Brazil, L 7 Madras, India, D 6 Madrid, Spain, D 8 Madura, India, C 7 Maebashi, Japan, G 3 Magdeburg, Ger. Emp., “oS Pop. 10095 80125 33516 84327 110634 12200 33722 136192 30000 59211 88158 31200 34872 40000 714427 183816 219928 67093 60000 193379 25121 40279 29344 15819 34284 52000 44166 15000 80000 54946 40000 37320 25446 118129 47955 33684 33875 56000 562300 32000 11000 61999 12018 80999 60000 149778 8279 68667 470659 25383 104787 584000 10933 97997 79862 43096 35011 38435 64843 48962 53718 7205 55682 65659 40135 30000 19121 45000 9026 8000 27324 380506 28779 81006 28939 316000 35062 77114 267730 35904 42599 75128 39116 36012 50000 27756 City Country Mahé, French India, C 6 Mibrisch-Ostrau, Aust.- Hung., J 2 Maidstone, Eng., H 5 Maikop, Asiatic Russia, 60 m.S.E. Ekaterinodar, B4 Mainz, Ger. Emp., D7 Maitland, East and West, Australia, 1 5 Mak6, Aust. Sry » L5 Malaga, Spain, H 7 Malatia, Asiatic Tur., G 3 Malines, (Mechlin) Bel. F6 Malmo, Sweden, G 7 Malstatt-Burbach, Ger. Emp., C7 Managua, Nicaragua, D4 Manaos, Brazil, C 5 Manchester, England, F 3 Mandalay, India, E 6 Manila, sees te? C9 Manipur, India, E 5 Manissa, Asiatic Tur., A 2 Mannheim, Ger. Emp.,D 7 Manresa, Spain, C 13 Mansura, Egypt, F 2 Mantua, Italy, D 2 Manzanillo, Cuba, H 5 Maracaibo, Venezuela, D2 Marash, Asiatic Tur., F 3 Marburg, Aust.-Hung.,G 5 Marchienne au Pont, Bel., 8 BE Mardin, Asiatic Tur., H 3 Margelan, Asiatic Rus,,F4 Marianao, Cuba, C 2 Maria Theresiopel, (Szab- adka) Aust.-Hung., K 5 Mariupol, Eur. Rus., G5 Marsala, Italy, F 10 Marseilles, France, K 9 Martina Franca, Italy,K 7 Maryborough, puswre Masaya, Nicaragua, D 4 Maskara, Algeria, M 3 Maskat, (with Matrah) Asia, (Oman), D 6 Massa, Italy, D 3 Massaua, Africa, Perle! Matagalpa, Nicar., C 5 Matinzas, Cuba, D 2 Matsue, Japan, C 3 Matsumoto, Japan, F'3 Matsuyama, Japan, C 4 Matto Grosso, Brazil, B 10 Maturin, Venezuela, G3 Maulmain, India, E 6 Mecca, (Asia) Asiatic Tur., 6 Medellin, Colombia, B 4 Medina, Asiatic Tur., K 6 Medinet-ol-E ay lm Eee pe, Meerane, Ger. Paap» H6 Meerut, India, C Monallgt-el-Rebir, Egypt, pectoris Ger, Emp., 10 W. Essen, C 5 Melesen, Ger. Emp., 16 Mekines, Morocco, G5 Melbourne, Australia, G 6 Mendoza, Argentina, B 4 Mercedes, Uruguay, D 4 Mérida, Mexico, H 4 Merida, Venezuela, D 3 Merthyr-Tydfil, Wales,D 5 Meshed, Persia, D 16 Messina, Italy, 19 Metapa, Nicaragua, C 5 Metz, Ger. Emp., B7 Mexico, Mexico, F 5 Mez6 Tur,Aust.-Hung., L5 Middlesbrough, Eng., G 2 Milan, Italy, C 2 Mile End, Quebec, T 10 Minsk, Eur. Rus., E 4 Mirzipur, India, C 2 Miskolcz, Aust.-Hung.,L 3 Mitau, Eur. Rus., D3 Mito, Japan, G 3 Modena, Italy, E 3 Modica, Italy, H 11 Moghilev-on-Dnieper, Eur. s »E4 Mojanga, Madag., H 7 Moji, Japan, B 3 Molenbeek St. Jean, Bel., suburb of Brussels, E 7 Molfetta, Italy, J 6 Mombasa, Africa, (Brit.E. Af.) H 6 Monaco, (principality and town), M9 Monastir, Eur. Tur., E 8« Moncton, N. B., 15 Monrovia, Liberia, B 5 Mons, Belgium, D 8 Montauban, France, G 9 Montceau-les-Mines, France, 10 m. S. W. Le Creusot, J 6 Monterrey, Mexico, E 3 Monte San Guiliano, Italy, 5 m. N. E. Trapani, F 9 Montevideo, Uruguay,D 4 Montlugon, France, H 6 Montpellier, France, I 9 Montreal, Quebec, I 11 Montreuil-sous-Bois, France, D 11 Monza, Italy, C 2 Moradibid, India, C 3 Morelia, Mexico, E 5 Morioka, Japan, H-2 Morocco, Morocco, E 7 Morshansk, Eur. Rus.,H 4 1468563 Moscow, Eur. Rus., G 4 19528 70000 30418 31093 10000 35083 158132 94967 112602 53428 87394 66410 595053 90283 125381 27003 60042 68111 47562 12040 39242 Mostaganem, Algeria, L 2 Mosul, Asiatic Tur., I 4 Motherwell, Scotland, 1 8 Mountain Ash, Wales, D 5 Moyobamba, Peru, C 5 Mihlhausen, Ger. Emp., F 6 Mukden, China, A 6 Miilhausen, Ger. Emp.,C 9 Miilheim, Ger. Emp., B 5 Miilheim, Ger. Emp., C 6 M‘itin, India, B 3 Miinchen-Gladbach, Ger. Emp., A 5 Munich, (Miinchen) Ger. Emp., G9 Miinster, Ger. Emp., C 5 Murcia, Spain, G 11 Mush, Asiatic Tur., H 2 Muttra, India, C 3 Mysore, India, C 6 N Naba, Japan, D 2 Nacaome, Honduras, 4 m. N. W. Choluteca, C 4 Nagano, Japan, F 3 Pop. 176480 378231 127734 26407 24843 26638 73279 31886 110570 267000 27673 65500 266671 75000 83700 6499 134232 35000 61616 99002 90076 121493 259942 45248 26972 49559 41513 6968 332651 46841 33088 37469 89897 33478 40547 520000 75593 93421 30115 147495 42779 62572 380367 167955 33907 100499 30098 81641 86796 26951 32894 68614 20670 43483 65956 42759 91281 42869 59928 59249 53193 53049 City Country Nagasaki, Japan, A 4 Nagoya, Japan, E 3 Nagpur, India, C 4 Nagy Becskerek, Aust.- Hung., L6 Nagy Kikinda, Austria- . . Hungary, L 6 Nagy Ko6rés, Aus Une A Namangan, Asiatic Rus., 50 m. N.E. Kokand, F 4 Namur, Belgium, F 8 Nancy, France, L 4 Nanking, China, C 5 Nantes, France, D 5 Napier, New Zealand, L 6 Naples, Italy, H7 Nara, Japan, E 4 Narbonne, France, T 10 Nassau, W. Indies, (Ba- hamas), A 3 Nawinagar, India, B 4 Neder Kalix, Sweden, K 3 Negapatam, India, D 7 Nelson, England, E 3 Neuchftel, Switz., E 5 Neuilly, France, B 11 Neumunster,Ger.Emp.,E3 Neunkirchen, Ger. Emp., 37 m. S. E. Tréves, B 7 Neusatz, (Ujvidek) Aust.- Hung., K 6 Neuss, Ger. Emp., B 5 Neu-Weissensee, Ger. Emp.,3 m.N.E.Berlin,I 4 Nevers, France, I 6 Newcastle, Australia, 15 Newcastle-on-Tyne, BNE f Newchwang, China, A 6 Newport, England, D 5 New Westminster, B. C., K 16 Nice, France, M 9 Nictheroy, Brazil, IT 13 Niigta, Japan, G 2 Nikolaiev. Eur. Rus., F 5 Nikosia, Cyprus, D 4 Niksic, Montenegro, B 6 Nimeguen, Neth., H 5 Nimes, France, J 9 Ningpo, China, D 6 Nish, Servia, E 5 Nizhne-Tagilsk,Eur. Rus., K 3 Nizhniy ONE See Eur, Rus., H 4 Nordhausen, Ger. ery, 5S Norrkoping, Sweden, H6 Northampton, Eng., G4 Norwich, England, T 4 Nottingham, Eng., F 4 Novara, Italy, B.2 Novgorod, Eur. Rus., F 3 Novocherkassk, Eur. Rus., G5 Novorossiysk, AsiaticRus., 60 m.S. W. ee eet 4 Numea, Oceania (New Caledonia) H 7 Nuremberg,Ger.Emp.,G 7 NV nb D. Seed) EEA TUS: 4 Nyiregyhiza,Aust.-Hung., M 3 O Oaxaca, Mexico, F 5 Oberhausen, Ger.Emp.,B5 Odenburg,(Sopron) Aust.- Hung., H 4 Odense, Denmark, H 8 Odessa, Eur. Rus., E5 Offenbach, Ger. Emp.,D7 Okayama, Japan, C 3 Oldenburg, Ger. Emp., C3 Oldham, Eng., E 3 Omdurman, Anglo-Egyp. Sud., A 4 Omsk, Asiatic Rus., F 3 Onomichi, Japan, C 4 Oporto, Portugal, D 3 Oppeln, Ger, Emp., N 6 Oran, Algeria, L3 Orebro, Sweden, G 6 Orel, Eur. Rus., G 4 Orenburg, Eur. Rus., K 4 Orihuela, Spain, G 11 Orizaba, Mexico, D 6 Orléans, France, G 5 Oruro, Bolivia, H 10 Osh, as Russia, 54 m. N. Margelan, F 4 Onnnteiens, Ger.Emp.,D 4 Ostend, Belgium, B 6 Otaru, Japan, D 2 Otsu, Japan, E 3 Ottawa, Ontario, P 3 Ouro Preto, Brazil, I 12 Oviedo, Spain, A 5 Oxford, England, F 5 1226590 Ozaka, Japan, E 4 11293 38620 82281 91930 15000 319000 68359 10289 12390 28759 40801 29716 100000 10000 32000 34795 27000 P Paarl, Un. S. Af., G3 Pachuca, Mexico, F 5 Padua, Italy, F 2 Paisley, Scotland, G 8 Palapye, Union of S. Africa, eu) AZ Palermo, Italy, G 9 Palma, Spain, E 14 Palmerston North,N. “ei Palmira, Colombia, B 5 Pamplona, Spain, B 10 Panama, Panama, D 5 Pantin, France, D 11 Para, (Belem) Brazil, G 4 Paraguari, Paraguay, D3 Parahiba, Brazil, L 6 Paramaribo, Dutch Soha et Paran4, Argentina, C 4 2846986 Paris, France, H 4 49340 13600 54298 53545 134785 37724 35044 35447 26000 700000 41591 63499 31976 46219 120000 38898 Parma, Italy, D 3 Parramatta, Australia, H5 Partick, Scotland, H 8 Patiala, India, C 3 Patni, India, E 3 Patras, Greece, E 10 Pau, France, E 9 Pavia, Italy, C 2 Paysandi, Uruguay, D4 Peking, China, B 5 Pelotas, Brazil, F 16 Penza, Eur. Rus., H 4 Périgueux, France, F 7 Perm, Eur. Rus., K 3 Pernambuco, Brazil, L 7 Perpignan, France, I 10 Pop. 54354 36906 61385 251038 95147 30872 11239 69084 16539 47929 40000 36064 20000 31207 81165 10634 27938 38114 73579 38460 10000 61321 62606 15000 121104 21145 30612 48000 112v4z 45000 10000 39302 70145 50401 46738 32316 1533820 28448 3901 11820 75000 32959 52740 80000 60000 19000 12317 49884 231165 68840 85011 28940 50841 28989 27000 39981 31922 78758 20963 234881 38438 52540 64031 87688 31053 21551 75214 44415 58490 6169 29681 63811 City Country Perth, Australia, A 5 Perth, Scotland, I 7 Perugia, Italy, F 4 Pesaro, Italy, F 4 Peshawar, ee B 2 Peterborough, Eng., G 4 Peterborough, Ontario, K5 Pforzheim, Ger. Emp.,D 8 Philippeville, Algeria, S 2 Philippopolis, Bulgaria,I 7 Phyongyang, Chosen, B 6 Piacenza, Italy, C 3 Piatra, Roumania, H 4 Pietermaritzburg, Un. S. Af, E9 Pilsen, Aust.-Hung., ‘BE 2 Pinar del Rio, Cuba, B 3 Pinsk, Eur. Rus., Eb 4 Piotrké »w, Eur. Rus., C 4 Pirszus, Greece, G11 Pirmasens, Ger. Emp.,C 7 Pirot, Servia, F 5 Pisa, Italy, D 4 Pistoja, Italy, E 4 Pitesci, Roumania,H 4 Plauen, Ger. Emp. H 6 Plevna, Bulgaria,,H 5 Pjock, Eur. Rus., D 4 Ploesci, Roumania, J 4 Plymouth, England, D 6 Pnompenh, Fr. Indo-Ch. 3 r 2 Podgorica, Montenegro,C 6 Poitiers, France, F 6 Pola, Aust.-Hung., B 7 Poltava, Eur. Rus., F 5 Pondichéry, India, (Fr. Ind.) D6 Pontypridd, Eng., D 5 Poona, India, B 5 Popayan, Colombia, B 6 Portage la Prairie, Man., GTi Portalegre, Portugal, F 4 Port Arthur, Kwan-tung, B 6 Port au Prince, Haiti, C 4 Port Elizabeth, Un.S. Af., H 6 Port Louis, (Mascarene Is.) Africa, J 8 Porto Alegre, Brazil, I 16 Port of Spain, W. Indies, (Trinidad) E 7 Perto Novo, Africa, (Dahome) D 5 Port Pirie, Australia, F 5 Port Said, Egypt, I 2 Portsmouth, Eng., G 6 Posen, Ger. Emp., M 4 Potosi, Bolivia, I 11 Potsdam, Ger. Emp., I 4 2 Pozarevac, Servia, E 4 Prague, Aust.-Hung., F 1 Prato, Italy, E Pressburg, (Pozsony), Aust.-Hung., 13 Preston, England, E 3 Pretoria, Un.S. Af., C 8 Prince Albert, Sask., 13 Prishtina, Eur. Tur., E 6 Przemysl, Aust.-Hung.,N2 Pskov, Eur. Rus., E 3 Puebla, Mexico, F 5 Punakha, Bhutin, F 3 Pyrgos, Greece, E 11 Q Quebec, Quebec, G 15 Queretaro, Mexico, E 4 Quezaltenango, Guat., Quito, Ecuador, B 2 B2 R Raab(Gy6r) »Aust.-Hung. ’ r4 Rabat, Morocco, F 5 Radom, Eur. Rus., D 4 Ragusa, Italy, H 11 Rampur, India, C 2 Randers, Denmark, E 6 Rangoon, India, E 6 Ratibor, Ger. Emp., N 7 Ratisbon, (Regensburg) er. Emp., H 8 Ravenna, Italy, F 3 Rawal Pindi, India, B 2 Rawtenstall, England, E 3 Razgrad, Bulgaria, J 5 Reading, England, F 5 Reggio di Cane : y.J3 Reggio nell’ Emilia’ ss D3 Regina, Saskatchewan, 14 Reichenbach, Ger. Emp., H 6 Reichenberg,Aust.-Hung., Gi 109859 Reims, France, J 3 72176 75640 35000 9311 26752 68644 44003 1138735 31672 318400 43203 11095 18000 811265 18000 3800 4569 237378 35516 91437 36694 30590 Remscheid, Ger. Emp.,C 5 Rennes, France, D 5 Resht, Persia, C 6 Retimo, Turkey in Europe, (Crete) H 13 Reus, Spain, D 13 Revel, Eur. Rus., E 3 Rheydt, Ger. Emp., B 5 Rhondda, Wales, D 5 Richmond, England, G 5 Riga, Eur. Rus., E 3 Rimini, Italy, F 4 Ringsaker, Norway, F 5 Riobamba, Ecuador, B 2 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,I 13 Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, F 16 Rivas, Nicaragua, D 5 Rivicre du Loup, Quebec, E 18 Rixdorf, Ger. Emp., M 9 Roanne, France, | 7 Rochdale, England, E 3 Rochefort, France, FE 7 Rochester, England, H 5 Rockhampton, Aus’a., I 3 Rome, Italy, F 6 Rosario, Arwenting. C4 Rossland, B Rostock, Ger. Emp., H 3 Rostov-on-Don, Eur. Rus., H 5 Rotherham, England, F 3 Rotterdam, Neth., E 5 Roubaix, France. I 2 Rouen, France, G 3 Rousselaere, (Roulers) Bel., C 7 Rufisque, Africa (Senegal), A Rushchuk, Bulgaria, J 5 Ryazafi, Eur. Rus., G 4 Rybinsk, Eur. Rus., H 3 156 ATLAS OF THE WORLD. Pop. 12151 36051 12393 66254 48783 611038 70621 42727 231380 174000 18000 35063 15000 36210 96600 95801 66166 10420 11903 17440 11313 28951 26682 10000 15312 11500 10500 82946 11439 24768 8000 34885 59540 47894 30040 48120 16702 20535 53403 33000 64329 10888 378000 45470 20000 35000 19000 17832 32000 332000 70084 111701 38083 197822 20000 93051 38268 38355 38161 73395 18010 32024 172902 31330 42518 2475) 67752 2188 Ss City Country Sabac, Servia, C 4 Saga, Japan, A 4 Sagua la Grande, Cuba,E3 Saharanpur, India, C 4 Saigon, Fr. Indo-Ch., G3 Sakai, Japan, D 4 Salem, India, C 6 Salerno, Italy, H 7 Salford, England, E 3 Salisbury, Africa (Rhode- sia) G7 Salonica, Eur, Tur., G8& Salta, Argentina, B 2 Saltillo, Mexico, E 3 Salto, Uruguay, D 4 Salzburg, Aust.-Hung.,D4 Samarang, Dutch E. In., (Java) C5 Samara, Eur. Rus., J 4 Samarkand, Asiatic ae San Carlos, Venez., E 3 San Cristobal, Venez., D 3 Sancti Spiritus, Cuba, F 4 San Felipe, Chile, A 4 San F2rnando, Spain, H 5 San Jcsé, Costa Rica, E 5 San José, Uruguay, D4 San José de Cucuta, Colom., C 3 San Juan, Argentina, B 4 San Luis, Argentina, B 4 San Luis Potosi, Mex. E 4 San Marino (republic and town), F 4 San Miguel, Salvador, C 3 San Pedro, Paraguay, D 2 San Pier d’Arena, Italy, suburb of Genoa, B 4 San Salvador, Salv., C 3 San Sebastian, Spain, A10 San Severo, Italy, I 6 Santa Ana, Salvador, B 3 Santa Clara, Cuba, F 3 Santa Cruz, Bolivia, J 10 Santa Cruz de Teneriffe, Canary Is., A 3 Santa Fé, Argentina, C 4 Santander, Spain, A 8 Santa Rosa, she Seb ght Santiago, Chile, A 4 Santiago, Cuba, K 6 Santo Domingo, Demezep 5 Santos, Brazil, H 13 Santo Tomas, Sree, 3 San Vicente, Salvador, C 3 Sao Luiz de Maranhao, Brazil, I 4 Sio Paulo, Brazil, H 13 Sapporo, Japan, D 2 Saragossa, Spain, C 11 Sarajevo (Bosna _ Serai), Aust.-Hung., J 8 Saratov, Eur. Rus., H 5 Sari, Persia, D 9 Saseho, Japan, A 4 Sassari, Italy, B 7 Savona, Italy, B 3 Scarborough, Eng., G 2 Schaerbeek, Belgium, E 7 Schaffhausen, gy K 2 Schiedam, Neth., 5 Scho6neberg, Ger. Emp, x 9. Schweidnitz,Ger.Emp.,L 6 Schwerin, Ger. Emp., G3 Sebenico,Aust.-Hung.,H 8 Sebastopol, Eur. Rus., F 6 Selkirk, Man., F 14 Pop. 31965 25000 97944 42893 30571 12261 22074 155366 10000 76458 651000 96000 454653 11765 34928 58254 50000 48744 75288 22275 57956 24494 23292 38665 51959 62110 39442 65000 15000 40062 11870 82400 30000 25141 70681 47094 63346 146788 37657 61157 96566 21192 9883 40711 31501 24679 35762 34087 37866 City Country Semipalatinsk, Asiatic Russia, F Semnan, Persia, E 10 Sendai, Japan, H 2 Seraing, Belgium, H 7 Serpukhov, Eur. Rus., G4 Setif, Algeria, R 2 Setubal, Portugal, F 2 Seville, Spain, G 6 Sfax, Tunis, W 4 Shahjahaapur, India, C 3 Shanghai, China, C 6 Shashi, China, OC 4 Sheffield, England, F 3 Sherbrooke, Quebec, J 14 s' Hertogenbosch, JR a Shimonoseki, Japan, B 3 Shiraz, Persia, K 9 Shizuoka, Japan, A 4 Sholapur, India, C 5 Shumla, Bulgaria, J 5 Sialkot, India, B 2 Sidi-bel-Abb¢s, naeie ee 3 Siedlce, Eur. Rus., D 4 Siena, Italy, E 4 Simbirsk, Eur. Rus., I 4 Simpheropol, Eur. PEER Siut, Egypt, G 8 Sivas, Asiatic Tur., Sir-i-pul, Afg., D 22 Sinj, Austria-Hungary, 17 m. N. E. Spalato, H 8 Skien, Norway, E 6 Skutari, Asiatic Tur.; B 1 Skutari, Eur. Tur., C 6 Sliven (Slivno), Bul., J 6 Smethwick, Eng., B 4 Smichow, Aust.-Hung., F2 Smolensk, Eur, Rus., F 4 Smyrna, Asiatic Tur., A 2 Socorro, Colombia, C 4 Sdderhamn, Sweden, 15 Sofia, Bulgaria, G6 Sokota, Abyssinia, G 7 Solingen, Ger. Emp.. B5 Solothurn, Switz., F 74 Sons‘n, Colombia, B 4 Sonsonate, Salvador, C 3 Sorel, Quebec, H 11 Soul, Chosen, B 7 Souris, East, P. E. 1., N 4 Southampton, Eng., F 6 Southport, Fngland, D 3 South Shields, Eng., F 2 Spalato, Aust.-Hung., H 8& Spandau, Ger. Emp., H 4 Spezia, Italy, C 4 Spoleto, Italy, F 5 Srinagar, India, C 3 St. Boniface, Manitoba, G St. St. St. St. F2 14 Catharines, Ont., 17 Denis, France, H 4 Denis, (Mascarene, Is.) Africa, I 8 Btienne, France, 17 St. Gall, Switz., N 3 St. Gilles, Belgium, suburb of Brussels, E 7 St. Helens, Eng., E3 St. Henri, Quebec, I 10 St. Hyacinthe, Que., I 12 ns John, N. B., F6 t. John's, Newfoundland, rT St. Louis-du-S‘n¢gal, Africa, (Senegal) B 4 St. Nazaire, France, C 5 St. Nicoias, Belgium, E 6 St.OQuen-sur-Seine, France, C10 Pop. City Country 1907708St Petersburg, Eur. Sat 52778 11485 29628 160389 27545 37118 49613 24751 236145 3841986 108693 51478 234553 33767 33981 285589 500000 23416 2875 27575 151162 16855 150198 119306 10000 1121 24354 12482 114673 26881 102991 31307 25379 200000 65474 53794 42578 33603 39961 38040 8761 51950 43690 St. Quentin, France, I 3 St. Thomas, Ontario, E 8 Stanislau, Aust.-Hung.,P3 Stara Zagora(Eski Saghra) Bulge £26 Stargard, Ger. Emp., K 3 Stavanger, Norway, D 6 Stavropol, Asiatic Rus.,C4 Steinamanger (Szombath- ely), Aust.-Hung.,H4 Stettin, Ger. Emp., J 3 Stockholm, Sweden, I 6 Stockport, England, E 3 Stockton on Tees, Eng.,F2 Bioke- Sper epee S Stolp, Ger. Emp., M 2 Stralsund, Ger. Emp., H 2 Strassburg, Ger. Emp.,C 8 Stratford, Ontario, F 7 Stuhlweissenburg (Sz¢kes Fejérvar) Aust.-Hung.,J4 Stuttgart, Ger. Emp., D8 Suchou, China, C 6 Sucre, Bolivia, I 11 Summerside, P. E. I., Sumy, Eur. Rus., F 4 Sunderland, Eng., F 2 Sundsvall, Sweden, I 5 Surabaya, Dutch EF. In., (Java) C 5 Surat, India, B 4 Susa, Tunis, W 3 Suva, Fiji, J13 Suwalki, Eur. Rus., D 4 Svistov(Sistova), Bul., 15 Swansea, Wales, C 5 Swatow, China, E 5 Swindon, England, F 2 K4 0 Sydney, Australia, IT 5 Sydney, Nova Scotia, R4 Syracuse, Italy, I 10 Syzrafi, Zur. Rus., I 4 Szarvas, Aust.-Hung., L 5 Szatmar Németi, Austria- Hungary, O 4 Szegedin, Aust.-Hung., L5 Szentes, Aust.-Hung., L 5 Szolnok, Aust.-Hung., K 4 T Tabriz, Persia, B 2 Taganrog, Eur. Rus., G 5 Tainan-fu Formosa, (Japan) E 6 Takamatsu, Japan, D 4 Takaoka, Japan, F 3 Takasaki, Japan, F 3 Talca, Chile, A 5 Tamatave, Madag., I 7 Tambov, Eur. Rus., H 4 Tammerfors, Eur. Rus.,D2 Tangier, Morocco, G 3 Tanjore, India, C 6 Tanta, Egypt, E 3 Tarabulus (Tripoli), Asi- atic Tur., E 4 Taranto, Italy, K 7 Tarbes, France, F 9 Tarnopol, Aust.-Hung.,Q2 8 Tarnow, Aust.-Hung., M1 Tarragona, Spain, D 13 Tashkend, AsiaticRus.,E 4 Tash-kurgan, Afg., D 25 Tatar Pazardzik, Bul., H6 Tavira, Portugal, H 4 Tegucigalpa, Hond., B 4 Teheran, Persia, E 8 Temesvar,Aust.-Hung.,L6 Terni, Italy, F 5 73 Pop. 271280 27238 65561 City Country The Hague(s’Gravenhage) Neth., E - Theodosia, Eur. Rus., G 6 Thorn, Ger. Emp., N 4 Three Rivers, Que., H Tientsin, China, B 5 Tiflis, Asiatic Rus., C 4 5 Tilburg, Neth., G 5 Tilsit, Ger. Emp., Q 2 Tipton, Eng., E 4 Tiraspol, Eur. Rus., E 5 Tirnovo, Bulgaria, I 6 Tiziuzu, Algeria, Q 2 Tlemsen, Algeria, K 4 Tobolsk, Asiatic Rus., E 3 Tocuyo, Venez., E 2 Tokat, Asiatic Rus., B 12 Tokushima, Japan, D 4 2186079Tokyo, Japan, G 3 31247 67419 14087 208040 33625 28143 33299 28310 102541 32682 103549 149438 81671 37824 67601 15506 57437 31800 59452 51000 24908 48975 33987 104721 229475 17809 11197 11600 30110 30000 10958 57882 45228 26725 53447 4000 5993 79759 33000 30000 41229 55000 109730 33373 230000 371000 59528 58822 12581 37942 68278 12198 41858 55817 Toluca, Mexico, B 6 Tomsk, Asiatic Rus., G3 Toowoomba, Australia, I 4 Toronto, Ontario, I 6 Torquay, England, D 6 Torre Annunziata, Italy, 12m5S. E. Naples, ts lay 4 Tore del Greco, Italy, 7m. S. E. Naples, H 7 Totonicapam, Shee 9 aon var Tottenham, England, H 5 Tottori, Japan, D 3 Toulon, France, K 10 Toulouse, France, G 9. Tourcoing, France, I 2 Tournay, Belgium, D7 Tours, France, F 5 Townsville, Australia, H 2 Toyama, Japan, F 3 Trani, Italy, J 6 Trapani, Italy, F 9 Trebizond, Asiatic aul Trent, Aust.-Hung., B 5 Tréves, (Trier) Ger. ea Treviso, Italy, F 2 Trichinopoli, India, C 6 Trieste, Aust.-Hung., E 6 Trikkala, Greece, F 11 Trinidad, Cuba, E 4 Trinkomali, Ceylon, D7 Tripoli (Tarabulus) Asiatic Tur., E 4 Tripoli, Tripoli, E 3 Tripolis, Greece, F 11 Trivandrum, India, C 7 Trondhjem, Norway, F 4 Troppau, Aust.-Hung., J 1 Troyes, France, I 4 Trujillo, Honduras, B 5 Truro, Nova Scotia, L 4 Tsaritsyn, Eur. Rus., H 5 Tsing-tao, Kiao-chou, China, B 7 Tsitsihar, Asia (China) K 4 Tsu, Japan, EB 4 Tucuman, Argentina, B 3 Tula, Eur. Rus., G 4 Tunbridge Wells, Eng.,H5 Tunis, Tunis, W 2 Turin, Italy, A 2 Tver, Eur. Rus., G3 Tynemouth, Eng., F 2 U Uddevalla, Sweden, F 6 Udine, Italy, G2 Ufa, Eur. Rus., K 4 Uitenhage, Un. S. Af., G6 Uj Pest, Aust.-Hung.,K 4 Uln, Ger. Emp., E 8 Pop. 31016 25960 44658 55000 30000 40000 20000 4123 119006, 47114" 1206 26946 38654 238348 30946 62000 71703 1155 180600 26133 30000 41317 14590 160000 29164 31154 74271 25199 54820 48084 19147 13596 33175 44777 20816 136900 20944 City Country Umajfi, Eur. Russia, F 5 Upsala, Sweden, H 6 Uralsk, Asiatic Rus., C 3 Urfa, Asiatic Tur., G 3 Urga, Asia (China) I 4 Urumia, Persia, C 1 Usktib, Eur. Tur., E 7 Usulutan, Salvador, C 3 Utrecht, Netherlands, G 4 Utsu-no-miya, Japan, G 3 Vj Vaduz, Liechtenstein, A 5 Valence, France, K 8 Valencia, Venez., E 2 Valencia, Spain, E 11 Valenciennes, France, I 2 Valetta, capital of ary Valladolid, Spain, C 7 Valleyfield, Quebec, J 9 Valparaiso, Chile, = 4 Vancouver, B. C., K 15 Van, Asiatic Tur., I 2 Varna, Bulgaria, L5 Vejle, Denmark, G5 Venice, Italy, F-2= s Vera Cruz, Mexico, F 5 Vercelli, Italy, B2 Verona, Italy, E 2 Versecz, Aust.-Hung., M 7 Versailles, France, G 4 Verviers, Belgium, H 7 Vesteras, Sweden, H 6 Vevey (Vivis) Switz., D7 Viborg, Eur. Rus., E 2 Vicenza, Italy, E 2 Victoria, .B.C.,M15 Victoria, Hong-kong, E 4 Viddin, Bulgaria, F 5 2030850 Vienna, (Wien) Aust.- 15000 10000 25000 29220 167959 39265 77303 41413 53579 92130 95131 35212 72178 764054 . 27430 Hung., H 3 Villa Concepcion, Para.,D2 Villa del Pilar, Para., D 3 Villarica, Paraguay, D 3 Villeurbanne, France, 3m. EF. Lyons, J 7 Vilna, Eur. Rus., E 4 Vincennes, France, D 11 Vinnitsa, Eur. Rus., 5 Vitebsk, Eur, Rus., F 4 Vitoria, Spain, B 9 Vittoria, Italy, H 11 Viadikavikaz,Asiatic Rus., 80 m. N. Tiflis, C 4 Viadimir, Eur. Rus., G 3 Viadivostok, Asiatic ee Volos, Greece, G 9 Vologda, Eur. Rus., G 3 Volsk, Eur. Rus., I Voronezh, Eur. Rus., H 4 Vranja, Servia, F 6 Vyatka, Eur. Rus., I 3 Vyernyi, Asiatic Rus., F 4 Ww Wakamatsu, Japan, G 3 Wakayama, Japan, D 4 Wakefield, Eng., F 3 Wallasey, Eng., D 3 Walsall, Eng., F 4 Walthamstow, Eng., H 5 Wandsbeck, Ger. Emp.F 3 Pop. 25884 150000 34581 33586 109033 89171 114811 41652 12153 90153 25066 20873 37422 95333 84233 117178 47987 46772 800000 59000 129000 84387 18477 7274 27990 42234 200000 4586 20000 120000 6430 71923 80000 42313 60000 45000 380704 394303 35380 82297 4000 11305 42308 24579 25905 34999 13580 35262 32506 33097 28588 89108 24000 37084 29609 Warrington, England, E 3 | 189088 Warsaw, Eur. Rus., D4 Waterford, Ireland, G7 73538 34055 City Country Wattrelos, France, 2m.N. E. Roubaix, I 2 Weilaiwei (territory sy town) China, B 6 Weiinar, Ger. Emp., G 6 Weissenfels, Ger. Emp. G : Wellington, N. Zeal., J 8 Wenchow, China, D 6 West Bromwich, Eng., F4 Wes: Ham, England, H 5 West Hartlepool, Eng.,G4 West Selkirk, Man., F 12 Wiener Neustadt, Austria- Hungary, G4 Wiesbaden, Ger. Emp.,D7 Wigan, Eng., E 3 Willesden, Eng., G5 Wimbledon, Eng., G5 Windhoek, Africa, Neat = W.Af.) E Windsor, Ontario, A 9 Winnipeg, Manitoba, G 14 Winterthur, Switz., L 3 Wishaw, Scotland, I 8 Witten, Ger. Emp., C 5 Wolverhampton, Eng.,E 4 Woodgreen, Eng., H 1 Woolwich, Eng., I1 Worcester, Eng., E 4 Worms, Ger. Emp., D 7 Wuchang, China, C 4 Wu-chou, China, E 4 Wuhu, China, C 5 Wiirzburg, Ger. Emp.,E 7 Wynberg, Un. S. Af., H 3 yi Yakutsk, Asiatic Rus.,K 2 Yamada, Japan, E 4 Yamagata, Japan, H 2 Yanping-fu, (yen-ping) China, D 5 Yanaon, French India,D 5 Yanina, Eur. Tur., D 9 Yarkand, ere (China) * 5 Yarmouth, N.S., F 9 Yaroslavl, Eur. Rus., n? Yassy, Roumania, K Yeisk, Asiatic Rus., t12 m. N.W. Ekaterinodar, B4 Yenchou, China, B Yezd, Persia, I 11 Yokkaichi, Japan, FE 4 Yokohama, Japan, G 3 Yonezawa, Japan G 2 York, England, F 3 Yoro, Honduras, B 4 Ystad, Sweden, G 7 Yuriev, (Dorpat) Eur. Rus., E 3 Z Zaandam, Neth., F 4 Zacatecas, Mexico, E 4 Zagazig, Egypt, F 4 Zante, Greece, D 11 Zanzibar, Africa, (Zanz.) Zara, Aust.-Hung., G7 Zeitz, Ger. Emp., G 5 Zenta, Aust.-Hung., K 6 Zhitomir, Eur. Rus., E 5 Zinjan, Persia, D 5 Zittau, Ger. Emp., J 6 mba, Africa, BN eo and) G7 Zombor, Aust. tee. K6 Zurich, Switz., K 3 Zwickau, Ger. Emp., H 6 Zwolle, Neth., 13 ei 3 ; “02 : j 08 ‘qorauooay OF qsvq 08 apngisu07] 0 Worn ; ’ o1044 ° OF r x 09 epngqisu07] 08 % c © 0aI o OFT ee T ) “\'N"'00 F paoumup‘g*9 £q 9921£dop : PLO ONL Jo du IT x g s,pucmmey ‘BISY puv voy apn[oUl OF paptazxa Ss] OUIAqIS 1O[OD sIqy f2AOq su 08 Onv 9 C VIHOLOIA J PaIO[OD 918 suoIssossod UF{a10} Iuyaey saliyan0g HLNOS —— s2]u0jog fiat is junudag 49ul4oy anv? 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ZIdaIH-ssnoy Z senoft Teg, \ coro Howarpany 20" FO '* uasurpyney S31V1S —— yf TSS ge ST] SPO ZUG seein 407° preyosmuey a Saunpayoayos naps > SA 2 Ga Jlopuaxomey NVIDNIYNHL 3 4 Hb € A “youqueyoley ae , $a o¢ H LAS 4 Tosneysutpyooty Tt Vd 2 1 pee uogsyUry | rey sandy serrees 1OQUVY | ara a gars mouoN § d-* Banquypen eat wEpsiod ++ Wasog “*uaned - StuesBulitd LLOYZIOJT “MoyuBd U1oqiaped yonaqvuso ptt ujaddo “** Ainqueplo tee SITIO. “ees qouqueyO SN akigse “ > Ly as ang rae F uopsa1gs Tyo ee wf > 2hA0N f\, jazyn ulequessory 4 =) ang ~* nae Yat, 2 Pe \ ‘ w << Sy) BOANI AD Q neal! ac = me ii apatg nwLog 2 oat Ree, Gans iP “th 38103 a 7 zyssnan ) a » OARS us ph ¥ SUV? seme Me > 4 PAK 7 tpiody KS Seemt, ea a | ia dosneqttn c Q ra) - Ke AV OAK te < SNquanayr meoste he — eA\ amqonsoyg arent ‘\ 58 No qstep } sR DBOL TED” on eve eneq ~ srquo a’ = ROS “**TrAsNBYyIeqdO d*** Siaquiaany (** “UasnvypioNn qo ssnan suoqoTyunaN ww a Z ann a TUNA * OSSION AN QUINGN * Jaqsunyg *-qorunyy ss ayy ey} UO WTEYTO qo aut out UO WHEY NIT sq" wesneqTynW zstle HS usstT ‘i git zoqait. eg Se q! 9) ae a = a = DD HOD OD OD wt HOD 09 HOD eH 09 02 09 09 09 CR HH ODOR gcc uapUIN en UY ION cr + PULA gi uasslalt £i + oURIaOTT neyjaae79 aes aypros ae Foo WreyuUBAL Serle te RP 7S eqang neste ; gee ts eee: minons tam ZULEY Re eS Bainqoepsvyy S11 cosy BONY Sastiherteao) ee BUDS NL Hee etesa dere PRET (>AS roma Nags a Nf PEA ee ga singout] § qoarned semen \ prusres\ ¥ Bat deb Sr peg te! % . < Repwnmeg pate) ged ma deal : t fe) MOQ BIE) ; S f = . jiInqmel(, = f| at amen | A) \: =npWel Nw =) cm is Kod see as 0 ppg I S soyfory, ¥4 Open, “5 aemst 2, storing Ae Aowsopaoys SI uvisajsy SD murupuas! 110 any eM ao Y Sinqua PIO? Sihqaafin 2uyspuyy Saioqspury qouuznery + snqi10¥4 an yssruo aioassuon * S19q1O4 Tory ZIM 07IVY FAR ARORAKOARAOUAAO Ng sang yl usauyay Q Jespofy ty MO Mami Ula NBSsOs Tey que “wuop seeeee+ UOLTaSy -** Sanqaoqsu 7) ABISBLAOW (panusyuog) ANVINUIS ORD DH HD OD 09 oH OD HOD 02 09 OR ON OR CR OR OD HH OR OR SH ZS 19q91849pU HT e081 IBA: Be ce DENMARK COUNTIES Aalborg Aarhuus.. 5 Bornholm.....F 1 Copeuhayen... 1" 6 Fredeviksborgl’ 6 Hjorring ai B ILolbels Maribo . Odense. Praesto Randers a Mba i ceecexss B Ringkjobing ..B 5 Schleswig C7 Soro.. 17 Svendborg....D 7 ‘Thisted.. .B4 WONG. mest eae C6 Viborg.........65 CITIES-TOWNS Aalborg... Behe oj Aarhuus D5 Aeroesk jobingD 8 AIDoOge'.... 2 .n5 5 Apenrade.,,...C 7 Assens.. 7 Bedsted. 17 Bislev. 4 Blousti 6 Bogens 6 Brede. BT Copenhagen... 1} 6 Ebeltoft.. 5 Wilakkeberg...1 7 Whlingt......... 3 Elsinot 5 Writso... Wsbjerg... Vaaborg . Vramile Vrederici: lVvedericks- berg. l'vederick- shavn. ....D 3 Gemising......B & Gilleleie....... 5 Gjedser Odde.F 8 Gjenner....... C7 Gvreis 56 Hadersleben .C 7 Hadsund...... D4 Halk OT Halsk 7 Terning....... 5 Hillerod....... 6 Hjorvring. Holbek... Holstebro Horsens........ Houhaven.... Humlum.. Juelsininde Kallehive ... Kjerteminde., . IC JORT Sn cankstoes 7 Klampenborg KOreors sini ceot Da Kronborg Lemvig.. . Logstor.. Lunderslov Lyngb 6 Mavrib Middlef: N. Sundby. Nakskoy. Nestived 7 Nibe. O4 Nordberg C7 Nyboreg.. D7 Nylkjobing . B4 jobing .. 6 Nykjobing....18 Odden ZeeDiG Odense. eT Ovchoved 18 Orre... -B5 Praest IT Runde 5 Reikiavile (lee land).......B 2 Ribe Ringe. 3 Ringk; ing.. ‘BB Ringsted pe Rodby 8 Noeskilde ... av 4 Roholte.. Rorvig'.. Rudkjobing, et it Sueby...... Saxkjobing Silkeborg Skagen.... Skandeborg. reed Skelskor, said. Skive B4 Slagelse... ....7 Sonderburg...C 8 Soro.. W7 Stege.... Aird Store Hedc inge, 4 0 Strib..:... us Stubbekjobing i 8 Sundby.. 8 Svendborg Svenstrup... DATING. se Thisted..... Thorstrup. Tingle Tjaeveborg. Tonder... Tyboron. Vaar Vandrup Varde. Vedbek. Veile.. vera) iborg. Viby i Vinding . 4 Vordingborg. Telelslkel-b-|-lel-t-1-lel=) NINTH A AMA OR ONDA OR Sr Toa ico] ATLAS OF THE WORLD 16° Greenwich 14° E A es aes Raufarhayn — | Phisti C. Le Fd ‘Thorsbavn Longitude 20° West 182 from SUPPLEMENT Bre it hi Fiord Stykkisbolm * hors, ‘cal = ZN, Jokull A Le i Ba 5 S File k Bay Albek < hofdi x as , f LKRAGESKOWS ROCK Angholt 6 f Binds rup (' a jet by Mos “ne HIRTSHOLM ) A © Ming . DEGET Bee Se ICELAND «1 wea Scale of Miles 0 lw 20 40 60 80 N. Sask LASO S| K Jammer % QP. bE, C77 oF 205 lo ‘ tp ia ay Sioy, (SS ‘ 0, Hansted-~ & eri Te, ain Li K lige Pyed Pommerby YQ a” elssd Oster Hee ““S.RONNER Orhage (TRINDELEN RINGLE RON PHORNFISK RON Te ts : SJ 1sted Qa, #SILOERON Ee Longitude East 15° from Greenwich BORNHOLM Scale of Miles pee se 0 6 lb] D Hammeren Pt. Sandvig spERTHOLMENE) A ORAL opto ed, Bay Stirslev. (Se by Bande ra Fiord o Py truptund Staunshoved ‘oW0en Nisswm Fiord Thorsminde| 8. Nissi mo AT Vium, iusy Av HodSager ‘Qkarup Tb ping? sues LGronik BEB ing $ eg N G Selling ‘Leuther/, hilum/ OVoldbyl) EB; 3 Sinding. © y ganfo /B. Sunde de Giedyg ase tere eid oS yg Boating... << ore \ Sondervig ] i ! 2. : 7c - -inga Frame S* aria \o-Btier eg Yo Miesing Bs fe ee, bd £. Kusnitent r Cong? Soy” R_ Hu S7Tulgtrup Tsschoved “9g SED, «ON. Sled S Peuitin *-BOSSERNE * By Feullined 5 Brand esteros ‘Aale ¥ : sfo° -\Harter ~ iv Barinae ° ° i ROCK Ss b: orrinda A, = Onsberfo SAMSO) eb Giyskud OHIARNO Lraniebe esser ISeiet Koldby|o f, mdby -! So. a Inuushton & Refs Vron Uletrip (SS Mucleminde ett sy, ; Rusenyold AEBELO basse eat ised Q Ager C. Fyenshoved ato 7 Si o eB 7; ‘am —ol SB NIB Verse tine Exe, Dare "te “Aastrup Bete Ge : dsholm “if oF Leo ae Ro 4 ORT ae eS 0 . yy 8 ROMSO Poe 5 i it : > onsild G ahilo Aigt A ‘aal Yi Ca ie Ui o” ELM wantne han i J ~ eae gees ile’ ‘andbo. - SB ; one bloy ernve/do.. = Ts rt, Vilsjevo DUEUP edaiego eds bv Ss FANO Sonderbo Rodding |=" rishiubsfeldt 2 ie BS a} BOGO aiut . Grama TES q © Toftlund =) ROM Arri} Kongem ce SNC He Hes) SW ML 9 ee oO ath XX ped sy He pay Vodder edsteg-« ener “Lug uri loster,y, i feria avy eos at’ = Ogterbbist_o : Be Seana A bane KoOWimnites © ae y, Atybull \ co —— moe es ole S Z A A a Kojanl yp SOnderbur aa ON ee oy A rs = xpuiete Medel, - OGtuckéltrg _ ee we Va tactrog Pecan O Ebze me eC% (Reto rcrupy xX (shay Satriy i BS Tu, HooceC\ Viel iS MORCERCOS 3 BS for UOenO gage NOROST PA fh / ae KTEL BAY SUDEAOIIG>.Y 4 Se us | awe SUPA’ Brie oe poy \usum ase Race cee overt dee] (ter -=ES6 “J Weed 2 aes (came &, np, Ordicg Plo, ot as Garding it et R- Hens aN —) Theradort oe # Be > Z . orl oa, KlanxYul “A ISLANDS Petteradirf Mouth 2 per 2 Oo L Wesselburtn? i as be ye . Pilon M ti “Aschevor aad en . f td o Perdoit U oe : a SI 1 = =f Stadt y : ytedt | _j7\Neumanstert. Tubeck |Bay GELG LAND HELGOLAND BAY Heide Busuuk romitz BUSCHSANO\\ _HeLmsano! B ” Longitude 10° East 115 ANHOLT icine Bay 3 LYSE GRUND / iv @RESSELO \ SJELLANDS *\REER NY FLAK Gnibe Laholm Bay HALLANOS WADERO & NEXELO a = Vest e Enudshoved — VEIRO oC Vording Do Sbaie 0 “Dragor Osslrod Kjoge Olsomagle Bay \Kjoge sits Heddinge Hoirup ts 7 Rodwig RAS » Neca Srasto Bay navy Nese, es SKALO 0 Dahmeshoved Greenwich JH) 5 D-20 DENMARK Scale of Miles 10 20 30 Railroads Canals Copyright by C.8.Harnmond & Co.,N.Y. 12° a5 ops SALTHOLM almoss ‘¢, Falsterbo/ \ 6 N 16 ATLAS OF THE WORLD SUPPLEMENT 7 =< 7 —— BELGIUM fmetand no Eo age | PROVINCES aggertonely g | Antwerp > cH ad b ‘| rabant.... y Weet Terschelisfg{,_/* oe ie ; East Flanders.C 6 ‘ ; z | |f Hainaut........C6 Ease Vite | Ras - é| ae ) 2 * ee se Gt.Jakobi/ , Jimburg i" NETHERLANDS Viieland ae 3a ae A\t CG Taxembu BS vB e Pk f | NAIDU: RY ono, \, j , See ope E5 Size of type yy i o SSSA, moO doorn | SOVETEN we eaeee D5 relative importance of places . a \. Westorbork@, yi N. |} Binche cadmas Dz SOGII GS a cnneie dE CM sietumi oh) EN THE Vem Medemblik ‘i bt AS ee oy C7 S| be repel . 5 Braine le Comte L jEnkhuizen| aes a, ¥ : D6 ZA Urk : 2 T BYUMES c dae aes Bb axe Oobterleek ee Pease of j Brussels ..... 16 ZUIDER a SL ofrint| Chaeeheeaed i ‘GrimabergeD f mim ay Chatelet Dy Chatelineau... Cheneeé.........G Couillet . ( ( ( | | | ( p ; Ri 2 | oE Le > Neuenhaus' fourcelle ~All North Sea Canat_|7y\ 6—m> é “~- jourtrai vl Timula esMeS....64 \ : Dampremy ...D7 Deurne . D5 Dison... Dour .. Eecloo. E TAMETIES. 2.4. Gentbrugge... GREP aaa anne ff Ghent wear € Gilly es) Gosselies...... Grammont.....06 Grivegnee ....G Hal cerca Hamme . Hasselt .. Herstal... Hoboken <6 HOrnu...... | 4 ! Mechilia.. ..B \ i ‘a qx . I ipa \y Ly Menin...... .-B /| Bruges\! tt 2 ff / S i= /\ NOD Merxem:...... dD SF I™. , | Wit IAI te Meulebeke..... B y, 7 f i << ‘ : . | X\ Molenbeek \ & i SS z ¥, 7 ] St. Jean.... 2 | Moll .c. 4 Monceau sur 9 Sambre.... MNGSIOR. . . ciceeateee Montegnee .... Montignies sur Sambre.... =) Oo mt Mont Saint Amand .... Mouscron...... EN =a feat oe A all \ aanne RY e's . Ts K ‘) Nivelles........ N penny ee Ostend ........ fi) i ] Ougree ~ 3 gree.. ASE 4 _— MY x P \ |] Paturage: Pong rea nx 4 3 3 9 Peruwelz.... ms i . sy Poperinghe ... y) “Alten f<@ way | uaregnon.... Any Yoerstal.( s A Ransart ....... 3 ea : 3 Tecan 4 : ro isonbny ; Fv / | sg . . FOORFroRwaQ Eh] SAVNVEIVWSGEeENSAG VQ QW ARH SoIVeIinQ SMAI AIaawanaan Roule ROE os skeen Saint Gilles ... Saint Josse ten Noode ..... Saint Nicolas. . Saint Nicolas.. Saint Trond ... Schaerbeek . Seraing.. Soignies. Tamise.... Termonde.... Thielé. fac04.00 0 Thourout.. Tirlemont Tongres . Tournay. Turnhout.. LS z a Renaix. bowabe i] 420 by Willebroeck Ypres . ZElC... .vevccess D PUOrQvabEWORwkObby AAARPANAAAARPAAMAAIISAAAaawnirw a LUXEMBURG CITIES -TOWNS Charis. ns ascees G7 Diekireh...... H8 Echternach...H 8 Esch.... nina Ettelbruck....G8 Grevenmacher H8 Luxemburg...H Mersch .......- H w Hammonds &x 11 Map of The Netherlands and Belgium. Remich .,.....H 80 |] Vianden.......H JL opyrlgnt by C. 8, Hammond & Oo., N.Y. aS eho eset 2s f ee a = Wiltz ....0e0e00G | eee oe eel = : = Z sevcveveseG B 3°30! ClLongitude4° East ID from 4°30’ = _HiGreenwich 5° ‘ 8 8 8 8 8 NETHERLANDS ”n MNMWMD oe AN FINO PAGOSA SS ND.O3. GREG 09 69 SM O9 $$ 09 HOD ER CR 09 C3 99 WH ID 774 SH HNN 99 1 2 OD'TR C2 rH CO GR OD1G. 6D HOD OD OD OF 8 OD 0 OD HOD HO HD HOD HHH HOD HHH HM HOH HMO HHO BMH MHOMMHHHOMMHMOD Se eee be ak leper anna Ree cli ol oY gies ial ope ee eye tr eee ee coer rest Ree reL on a es chis S Stn (rR Mei ecit ueeme wrest © a Sie Tat gc. 6. oe ere : yee in SE ANS gisre et ene tres SFU a.e Stamens seve a ae ee a ‘ * ae aye Sse oe Ser = Eisai teria Oo: A 4 ¢ pee LF ey $ * Set eae air . =, sme itl vee PROVINCES an 13::92 ‘pas: Re ig ta SF cieh i Df: = Cd el aa =| OC 12:21:28 eg iiiiga Si:igiwiiisiige isis idiag: y= Shp NS eye ae] SB igi iseae A A Oo i: i8:2 Drenth S isisede SS 6g 18 139 Si iS GR ites :i8s tae ‘3 [Se Baog: Eis. ga (39 igq (8936 eS S2¢8 (Sq: Friesland ee aenta g23¥sSscbces Eivekee ges 228 “Seed [es bee ge osckeesad ouEoe be ipaseecses a. 38 2534 :23e Gelderiand k=} 22 S458 3 Ose B 2 aS lsc S & 35 2G6 56 -Soc2nogs = 9VAs ‘oo8 weide =S5RES ho sae PNod '845'5 Aum teacs oD mwkk Yeas R S 24st Sos on nee [Aa @ re: rhe Beec Saeaecaden 8 a3 LEH SRO SM ROESSESESacd 2roog Bag iS2 94 Se sazsess 5 Z=56¢953 Groningen SESS RE gRREGES 5 SSSPESSSS SSSR REALS SE SSSELE Baoe8 PEROesIss 23eE 523554. Be BESgzeo) Limburg...... 5 Z ZASaPNG 444444868 BRSSeSORASSR SSE eeeERSSSoSs ERIM SS,9,9.9e Slolol ett Re: EEESSN8q North Brabant PS ATLAS OF THE WORLD SUPPLEMENT D8 MUS UE (yo1su09) aSuYoo 40 INGNLNVaga youd our pB419E oso ODI v tT Sota sie i mis Sa froovs § Se eu) [#% ¥ Asal ED ind ak youausarg ©) s og ‘ ‘0 spay 2a A susoowy i wu ie reer Fs aoe (gaingsstys TNOGSHYS| moj sey Eo opnyduot of 17 Ww rea dee 0 ATA Se SuoYy o Ee mn ars | \g ye “KN “09 # puommuny *g *9 £4 ayZiakdog sour jo dey [| xg 8, puommey seoetd Jo courziodut SATYR[Or SoyBOTPUT ad.Ay Jo OZTg oe” sSpucouryi1edeq jo syuytdep ee ~~ siemurery queziodary ——— ~~ geiqeg eulremqng tP eo syeweg —o—ere speortrey, 001 08 09 OF 02 0 S31IW 40 31vOS \ y ada y ‘ | | 20 ouulry XY mn ae, S = 'yorsngd) & o> th i SeTTEqeT\\< * oF a Le ‘ : A Sew B91QUg got t = : a Sl 3S es Se, P'1 a anvag ‘Si alod2tnowaroy = NS € a tq oT pt) ajag MrToroq Ny 9 tt at ot a OF O.y'8/ unua, Caace 9300 19 \ Q BH. au0g 7 OP Fd \ DZ f PSX ota] {pure} uo, aN ( ‘ sidupzg 0 unpyer. 7 - . % A {reqtony Tarnow \ ‘ QA ea nae aN a TO) Lapetinans ong a CS raha ossreautoinon PSL MC SOLE SOA Ne omaha "go mUDDUT A Geauraonog” \ °F rags) \ JAY i xnue 8 sorts 4 “ATION wots vor Teen Taw Kain 4/ nveze — raya 4 a Ss 1s Fmt" UNnps9 Ay moqaueyy*o’ Suto S 8 cS Sjutnvogys SAI 0 : “St j AT teewsay PRG 2P°81d— n,n, \. qe A a Xnug uo Sova 4g SS Way 2H 7 ap un [Eas f dhon) dora —— Ss a Se ZHU — a = SiN b x ‘ ; 45 = * Pvoay Pavnzi7 \/ *\ |°81 ATtios wnol/ apugsei a p = Y= H a SN ! 2) aS 8 0g — ) moqooH 7) yf — N- N —— PADIS = 0g - $dosnyoon y f See ae t ; a" AN fi o uaATN i ee WH rea et71900 \/. iy ta, yp? purpsog fo ing hola ge a pS FOL, MO, Crp, WOM SO) hag suk i x1veqnoys Ass not Rea "Push 2> - } Wnomsa 7 U0}8000n Sarg i | ; Py, oes: 2 @ pa oe A Se a Wf : : ¥ eeza Vssuyjen aL we SITSSAUTS ew agaKoOS no mS Bile ( Weed ry y 8 Dig OL EH 8 x —— aay fo wns Z A Set 7 7 : i 7 gg ey f\ BAUT[PA BIE) se Ic ty — s et qa und Ae eet ; : oO a E AE (7) aM dS Be a lr ae! Hoot UD DOOR OD 9 SH OD SH OR OR OD MH US HAD HOR HOD 09, 1S HOD OR OD 09 HOD HH OD ORD mH HH OD OR gg OR ON OTOD BI OD IO eH = DRAIN SSR SOREQRamEE ZO HORA : . tht BOA HOO OLE, Cee oS ore : D IOI ODED GTE9 an SS HAG SRR ER OD SH NH rt ORAS OR OR AH OD 1D ER A 1D EOF OD ADA OD OR H vet ORO OD CR AH HOR Ht HID ID 1D IDOL 4 OD HOD EVER ee wie : 3 toe Sy ee a eel te a O ABRAD 12e0mh0RC8 2 AaeH ARERR RE POROORORSURARA uimsuains, wwely ZuUzap| s Pike neuayoiery BFppleM uiaysyanod ~ a “tosuwayy SQ ae \ Binquesyses sey ar] ZUUIEW ~ 2 oryoeidy cE gece N 24 3 20049 gmqranang) We YRC “PRS gIOPs OH iN \ Cura) xu Yering aN ioe - ’ i sfontagsussyy\2 ISS S57 eee / SUAS ? 2. — “a ay oA uayiay C neuaiqy Buylo o Burpiay S019, J yas Fu0dyj0,y 1S Guasiig as NESEY, BuyT ng Jt a 9 ATLAS OF THE WORLD SUPPLEMENT © uagadyne|yeyey ~~ a ie 91 8 -y 3 BUaBIaS C Ty yt ou UN = bo UaZOYSJoUDSI_, eae oSuaqyoor ) § “9plesieego 1 PUNY, () Z é ¢ uunigiagar f> 1 b= 3 gzmKs b ay ‘uueyor’: ~ yeep er) erFI7Tp ae jsopuay \ uraye He “8 ads way Gueyodul useqoy ~ — > eypequury — Los 2 VOXEL IS Wey v perp f Noauty Ouaresey y= es — = _ ay, 9 UMmspog ~~ am a MYINII —s_zud gu. gyi WIeASED PEGRIIMO Pee ee ¥ purereo 39 pew N Ce lal Hon q Suney Hig 4 flew VS Penis ae ae \ ‘ee Suojeurary CSwMOwweo wn IDHMONMOARNRMO MOONS MOM oOwmoOrw CUSAHOMOSOSCHMMOAMMOSCMUAMOMOHOMBOOSCWMMOW 2 aha al Bebe soow ” le : =m >| : BBOChS BKEESGEA BRS=QOCOCSeROCOCoeEocEroinm C - c CRSEPpPSse EN Ons oO f “ yaRyDEy nepaiy 9 Vy CASionyuassta, JajNUBaMo & Surprey> i (fom urepsoy yet Sino 9 Urgsuasty of psunzyy aS q ulaysuaH[ey N04 B.S = SS SET x ownyy 5 y neuaiin = el Ge VIaisn or 2 _ Bgidowwpso sus _ ~ Seoejd jo souejsodut SAQE[PI So}eDIput VdAj fo 221g eae Hh asiqaid Aq Papoep 2q 0} Arepunog [euOneUsa}UT [urewsenrs jo. easy Aq peploep Arepunog [euoneusayuy tae a A a ee eee Oe es. ie “speyided feuonen ff ,, — “Si ne 10 ATLAS OF THE WORLD SUPPLEMENT all oa ee Snes, te\ oe ae ITALY RK om SS a A ste OV Srieertae 7 th a Vl yy ae é Ra oF Zeli——_--=4 Blscbofshovén [Tv PAST Give pital an A Aucerne =) eae aN ins Of, as S q Ancona. ve saes D3 ea”, Lucerne s am fandeck | ay : i ae SCALE OF MILES es fn Dg r=) abet Ty Bees a ay tine A Spittal 0 10 20 30 40 50 100 'CZZO.... ww een S > ached b ante pated OY Ons Ny {etter ae eae Be ee Fugit 4 £o-n j oo U re is gro indicates Belluno ....... D Benevento Bergamo Bologna relative importance of places The Kingdom of Italy is divided into rescit Provinces, of which boundaries are Brescia 5 ‘: ‘ u Caglia shown and capitals of same are desig- Caltanis nated thus ; © name of Province is in Campobass all cases thesame as capital towns. The mnbiohookl 1 4 2 2 2 5], 6 Caserta t y larger divisions, known as Comparti- Catania: 6 2 Ln Arona : ‘ Peaibina menti, are not now recognized as Gatanzar 5 Espey: \ TNO Yee SN : rs) Ye! St.Peter: ss legal divisions, The newly annexed Chieti .. --3 Pak SN ent NC ia \ Bust Arsizio) Lfeaprino Citthdatey eS Gulf of Sap \ territory is as yet unorganized. Como. ..BQ & Nai sv ivren lovar tia f WWicenzayd a \bsirel7n¥ > Triesteee ates Ce) 2 Cosenza .......F5 Pa GénisPAyaroie Santhi T Verona} bbe O * Z Capodigtria \oastad yx Genin: CB [gy Me Eten Ching 1 ere AN NG : <5 Tenice Gulf of ogy tremona . OB Hoey Sei Pp iviteg,| p-Vercel AYigeys efyinnteancs «o/s yven Oe mic vipdeca sera +4 ¥ ‘Up, eye 2 cS p 2 ; = A C2 aoD aR RT) F . SX Yo SN e sate : adua 0] TA 7; Pearence «oon [eye Dyn eeia Vrnchter! Casale N88, 207g) Forli ..........D2 ieetede ws" ON 10 Pf SoS ND Cosy Genoa... Bia ‘ z Asti — dp teat? Z/Borgd 22s lore cireees. ‘ a3 ad OKO FE ps prdomngs Ps, Z , Po = Sf xrosseto.. . 1 f hi z 5 z 4 i Tacee : ‘Gi 3 oe) nee! wee e : MK z yn WI therso I? Banialuka Leghorn ......498 Akg KA Ry Ree dio LN oe the 28 a M cerata ‘D3 ute ma, as oe af ea «Pago, é Mantua me 02 See ¢ ; élogi i Lussin I ont eS a Massa e Spurs : NS myCohde« > Tere 15 S) See ; mato} FVaenz ; Selve Sedat : j : NS) MOE ee LATS im; Cs ea) : Kesciini... Ls Of yn Bd ,2 DMelada I, Fr IN Mien ces pa el Beaten’ cp Atbenga Gulf of WSS ~ oKma eerie atts Modena. Oe NE Fs 4 C.Mele Genoa C en Ta A ad \ : es oe é Oneglia Grossa |, rer “S\ fpernis 7 ovara. 2 Pe 5 a) Sebeni i Padua .. 02 D5 Gato “ey Lb IGURIAN Serchio Re oes ak Ancoronata Tas, pepenee Y Air} P C= Palermo 5 as Sh ie3 *acste ae isa ORR42 Empoli’ g s mS oa ) Parma........-03 ll |P@ Xe >" 24% Ne Leetlornt\T NUNS Ch ast shrcteto £ mote Perugia .. D3 %y NE SEA shorn i es NY bat © == tsplet) 2? @ Pesaro e Urbino = Gorgona 5 ee a “€ ‘Bol oe es S 2 y, ostar Piacenza BB AX —- Brazzd~Vz vy Jf f ace . PING coo. .C3 ee aS Ig toner ~ oR? = a g, eitores TA olapraja be at ois heed Re iS : = Cssa KT e ye 2 otenza .. Ef Js = el te 2 sk ~P ui) 5 Ravenna. D2 SS Plombino\f NY ee ye eo. seo, nate porte - = Curzola ea SS ay Oe Reggio di ie : Porto| Férrajo ~* s A ah 4 — qrevinje (S86 Calabria..E5 “)° ELBA ‘ " \ ae. a % + Reggio nell St-Flofent Oo Lagpstd f,. ~ Seleda te nati Y\ Emilia ...0 2 A Ombrone R, be (Dubroy nik) \ Rome..... D4 dPianosa /. J Rovigo. C2 Orbetello) )Bolse ig ¢ Salerno. . ce 4 Porto ar ee is ue S*, 9° Pelagos Ee, Sassari . ..B4 .. 2 Giglio IY 49 A Ae . ~ Siena . C3 sto I, Nee : iF oe . a 1.. SY ene : Be mt.Ar f REIN Le t. = Pee & 42 Syracuse ...... ne} an? Waramo: : D 3 . “AND 7 puoumey sD 49 sysUKSoR soopyjd jo souepiodunt PANK[eI sayeo1put adAy Jo az1S ~“saLrepunog yeroutaosdsayu] y) eMyeaoisoysez7) Aq powrep Arepunog [evoneusa}uy } se -——-20u0 12002 a0eeg Aq Pepioep Arepunog feuoneuss}u] PTWUjOUYIS: fered Pumwsse” Pl os wading) SUIT ONG Gh gee PIAL NV id 39 ZIQ"lo yreuse > yrrd or, Sopurs NaN Apa ae r TOR e } — SET | soquaskBey ~~! ‘uyopod uopurty 7 pi DepE pie eal JN 2utuen , 1 ieytund Benorrs K Panos SONA xh Has9.M\ YPHN 3 od Pha ay 1% on Yo i r 7 ¥ © ugsneyiyny je A a oS neq x r 2 p 3 3 eg) * ‘is \ 2 RuguTC r P " t at ow R d 5 N x} ‘a ede Ae Si | de a tai rth 1 oe N Be Sf mn bd Saa2quolps A, | Hrewusiom a e be rexs engo: tuMmay us Aeuidgp 2 ~ YWenuaga be X p, NX Suaquasth set Pp Bu, haoghinag. VPRO SOT | Ry SN peal Tea a L tbe wey RED gio eA, v Na het Ts rf Bar. We off a ~~ Jn Dinas = Ip|o A y Q7e3atiuoW n fa ay Y a & ~ PIaMSIAIOH AERIGA Rhacour: Aldabra Islands G6 Algeria.,.... C2 Avglo-Dgyptian Sudan.i fo... Ii 4 Angola, D7 Anjouan IT. G7 Annobon Island C6 Ashen... a0... C Ascension Islands Ashanti Bahr el Ghazal EF Basutolund....1u Bechuz Prot E8 Bechuané iF and British.. E8 Islands Ad Bissagos Bonavista Island Gg rts A D4 .G10 Borku Bornu . Brava Island. British East Africa. ......F5 BrothersIs. ..HW4 Canary Islands A3 Cape of Good Hope ..... B9 Cape Verde Islands «G10 Chad Territory D4 Comoro Islands G7 Cyrenaic 2 Dahon C6 Damerghu.....C4 Dar Fur........E4 Demaraland...D8 East Africa, Portuguese. .F7 Eastern Province £6 BYP. secs. xs E3 El Juf.. -.--B3 Eritrea. ........ 4 Fernando Po Island... Ferro...... Fezzan 5 Fogo Isl: ind. ‘6 10 French /quator- ial Afvica....D5 French West AINIOR.. sie os C4 Fuerteventuraa 3 Gabun.. .. Gambia Gold ( Gomera..... Great Nam: iqui a SAM cis st aeed Gran Canaria, Grande Comovo I. G7 Guinea, French A4 Guinea, Portu- guesi wo A 4 Guinea, Spanish bd Gurma ifni.., = Ivory Coz Jebadol... Kamerun Kanem... Kordofan Lainpedusa I Lamu Is Lanzarote. Liberi VNC Made eee Madei: AD Mafia Is sland. .G6 Maio Island.. “G10 Malta’. J.P sces b2 Mauritani Ad Mayotte I......G7 Middle Konge D6 Mijertini..... H5 Military Territ- ories, Brencups Mohelil.. wie gy Morocco. ..B2 Mossi B4 Mozambique... F7 Natal 8 New Kamerun.D5 Nigeria........ C5 Nopal su secc G5 Northern Algeria C2 Northern Rhodesia, .,..E7 Northern Territory....B5 Nossi Be Island ; G7 Nyasaland Protectorate. F7 Obbia +56 State 18 Palme 3 Porto Santo... A2 Pembo Island. F 6 Princes Island.C 5 Rio de Oro....,A3 Sainte Marie Island.. «H7 Saint Helena Island. . B7 Saint Ja G9 Saint Mar H7 Saint Nie sholas _Asland:....2.. G 9 5 island .......G9 SallIsland......49 San Antonio Island... .., 9 Eeneeal 4 A5B coda Islandtt 4 Somaliland Prot. Somali Coast Prot. (Fr.)....@4 Somaliland, Italian......, G5 ATLAS OF THE WORLD SUPPLEMENT * 30° Malaga (Gy, ca ra es MAJORCA es rns fe = consica ARQINIA = \Stuinonca © = TOWN oAS A | 30° \ re aE Ss |10 Konakrye anil | |[ FREE-. cone ae za Fis Kurussa, © Bowed PERS ey a 2Dioulasso yt 0 am py PS ae A CENSION (Br) fg *ST.HELENA (Bry aspen ABaghsen Mts. "Bkoro 4 \Kano Zariao re PeyreariA B\L A Ok Cv Oasis Bilma MILITARY “jMaseenya’ e-TERRI ORY > etuan Op, ea ats RS ALGH Ey, LO.Sush MAL rN Sf <__ Mplilta S * Ssfax ares P12 =| “PRor. 5d cyfnus Damascus | N Fe cS ai anf Be Gulp of Gabes avout : A | oo te | MADEIRA 18. evenBloain re “si “ay (Pars) gs, #PORTO GANTO ue Afila " ACER gy Safty M /QaEO ce Cc 98 | Gbarian ody, | , Mogadoy@ ’ A ey 7 | | Marakesh Wy 4 s ie 6 . | Agadir-Igirp (Morey \ gy oe Tull a rs oOkadia fi Tanta i - re, A | ia pee Ve e Cs ~, ee th ae ‘4 Pant eee Oasis, el an, é i _ Medinet el- raiy a | ven’ Uns Nur Zi ) a ¥ . JEBEL ool Poa ss EAT {ei Homra eeekne 1 siva ELMinya Steyanneiis He 0 oxtub Tamoenpi TSR) ae. * ©) Egan ; ‘ FERRO. af TAY, be Plateau’ H a Assidut |e a iy ee a, Ml (LIBIA ITALIANA) 7 7 BiY A N ‘ | tC. Bajador RIO 4 ER T 2 ng Keine "te ! aI PeZZ Agee Taiserbo i Ee Gay q ae { oH | € Z%, Hee . 3 i Ds. 2 ) eS } ee Plateau %, "* Ghat Murzuk 6 Wau bee Ca Khargao eth = | DE | ors, El Eglab f AHAGGAR ; 7 PELMedina oe VILLA C ISNEROS. 2 Ci TROPIC OF CANCER oldeles | = Z gL EN EEE EEE | Has ORO, Areg cL SHEA. |) og ” Baas i gO NS Se eee Lie, | Ca: EEE reine Gee iE, Oe i = Sutu H Mecca, oho —— 4 & Hammadea Tuman aes = A EtJu as Ps 4 g| Bianco AORAR «| Bir Onan A : LK ee ee — rr ai Abu Hamed (Port Sudan he 0. Mirik & Tiajifajar Lip ‘\Suakin ¥ 24 z) Inferpuan 0 Pays % 4 STishitt jth Cataract Ty “NH WE Ss ie Hh Cataract Onjdurman KUARTUMS PNA oe Pee ee b . as 7a) | El Fasher 0 Posrn Bi it ae \ 2 rg pa * =I lo vhd: aroed a r El Obei} Ags a Oe. iden OF Ere = Es ne n ee ore SU. Guanfay (To Sp. Guinea) Sette Cama N eChela Novo Redondo Katumbella Benguel Kunene Karibib Swakopmun Orange R. Port Nollot CAPE TOWN: Leo oldville WALFISCH BAY PWInpito mn ne ne ee - (Ty 0-0 node) Ca : aaet Baran; pert Dok ba os iF de Possel Arata gue \ i b iia ol Pens? 5 * OMAEILAED IS Ankobers a Hartar “Ss PROT lpprs AED ats a Mogdishu Kj/[E N ¥, jA “3 paMlagadozo) 0" atay 35 Pr isdath CHitfenval ws = Oo {pington ad = Prieska2 Inaryong APE ican pas a Jumbo ps a Pictorial aaah “eet Yo ? Kismayu— Yy ae > nd IROB Kivu) Nowa nded bier 7 MWanva Killmanjaro"’ ’ Malindi Uyi : Mosbi® z A Basongo TANGANYIKA bp. ore ane: i Luke ani and pe ‘abora Korogwee3¥o Sica ANZIEAR G 4 TERRITORY * (ZANZIBAR, : Babato A bu S ERR agamoyvos SFanzibar PROT. Tanginyika eineane: DAR-ES-SALAAM Kae Mrpxoka : sy bag ous = AFIA te nd ja Aberdorh- £5") Ritwa Kivinje | ie # ) Fito GNew Labgeny MT nal “ALDABRAGHey Hl. Ay : aronga at ikindani 10 (2 Ft. Rosebery o ppcele Rig pear] o- Delgada ond ony mee = Saaae ‘sk ithe en x MOHELL 6e 7 if Neois dy ifteJamy font 4 oy] Noss! Be “i rE op win dD van (Fre) ae wae | ‘z: Grahamstown “tC BYRY Kanatsy p f & lovoranto |, ay - RU 1aee 28 20 4 eat i s | DEMARALAND fr G a Pe . oWaterbere | BRCHT ae AND © sanity S f- Kitombo bf ee | Ts - . Serowe Tie eee ~) O-Pianarani PROPECTORATE— 47 | EK KIA L AH AR 1 Saberones mnQus) a ee ee Rehoboth oN — aa ipyswsbane Kee (To Union of “diel tae ae is Joss ba rf So-Taperina ls mee Africa) in a, o4 7A etagot Bay | es Ft. Dauph: | AT N t, % i NAMRGUA gq ewan OQURENCO MARQUES Ste. Marie Seelieim = etic: Bee i Ralkfonte dete | ORD f= N D 1 aye / O C >East Londou 7 ©. of Good Hope to, Port Elizabe 9 Je v ; os 4 i SCALE OF MILES ——t : & 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 REFERENCE 40°" British Portuguese French Spanish i Italian Belgian 10) Former German } Under British Control APE VERDE Is, Colonies Under French Control | (To Portugal) ‘tah Same scale as.jarge map Hammond's 8 x 11 Map of Africa - 4 Copyright’by C.8 Bate & Se -Y. = 7) —S=> —= = ca ——— = = 20} A 10° 0° @ 10° Longitude ID 20° East EX from 30 I" Greenwich 40° G 50” mo Oo = CSE 8 e eo 35: ibs RG ot r=] Nn F-19 , ht Oe Boece S255 z22 BasE< PRP P ” Za = c ; Ree a | » $35.0 bh M5, mt; Ga Ww ss2.2s © 424445 (OOD Re DH EMD EY 49 49 18 om 9 18 65 109 9 OL GD C9 9G Fe OP 1S 9 45 OS HB OB POCO Te he APES Set tS 18 1D IS E9119 ODO HOE OTE AMS EY — CDEP HH OD EP OO Em SO OS pa at mt Be DUS DAP 1S 6 OF 1B 6 BP ot 0 09 00 001 OT et DAS BRAC AAS MOMAS ASSAM OROEM AAR OARRAO mea COSA ROZUSMEEEOOMREMOEZACR MASS SONOONT AZ SHMOSE RON SAQamOCOQs emma Zemm Se che vais) Cai ate Nae renity List ee fo, Bea Seer CMay = ia : Pe seen : Sere 2 Poe SS 5 Sey Teretemeen ele ame) ash! Sonarueine, “te delay nani ae aa gn eR mee faked her ss 8 te ure Ther : es re : : ‘ wat Ws aS he g ow : D aes : 2:8: eee io i ele ee fal Ree fis tg Sas: tog: iS ::a : 2 #8 ao: a io: : : tit ales J =: ERE Re. ee re tian = op Sag Pa a :Ss0 igi: igng: Arm : : a) te os: Sata oe gy Meets Sy, Shee Sr ae “ . ee eee | Sen O-S5aegm: ia io: 23 pre eS 33 Sea: = ee 77 : Ses ees Et Hea: Mt ted so + She Rg PS a - end mS se cs ety Bee (PRS SSED BH HRHS CSS: Bh @osss (32808 ‘40°: : : =~ i320 «3 De Sh eg sige mee Gis 80'S Ge ee ot = os ks = msgs thea mee Os (SS S89S 5a Olah et aoe S (2-453 (SSE coe gO Shh :o a.2~ 338 = Dee aneehvon’ -3o “seas oe ius egae es SGanadesta eat AP ee EM Shee 2OCus OSM sQBe ws 3-8 aaa ame Sst ee oe mi. Ss5d 2 7 ae asaeava 3) a STeVsecmhice i Sor Setceu 4 oF Me, S42 Moms asmeoePzta eta s aa 52nNne See ‘mz os a0 7 Cr ms OS Ssfaga2 tae os Sas eatessitos DOHREzO8a5 S2 fo CCHS ees ea SSK ASR OS saSus esses eeOdsgtSs Ma AAg: sosas=a 8a nSTESSOROOL a ua PEESERESESTE SSS ES sletsanwks S5 SEE ASSESS ER WHE ERLE H ESO OE ESS RC ELS RA SE SISA Rte SeeSe 2 Om amma COO0.s ZEASR SORSPSVIVRAS WMA KH RGZORAS AHH RK Ok eek Oke eeaa CUSmmOOSSS DHSCOCOCRS RE SHOVIAOSOSSOS Se eR OBESE GSOSCCOR OS aac ow Ome ona ARDOO DOASAAARARARRARESR EER OOOOOO MMA SMMMMM MMMM MMMM AOAAAASSSA BSS SSSARARaAAZAZAOCOCOOCAAAARMMnnMDmD Siancaoaaee 13 81 0g a oF Oo oF N 0S8 WW {Of Wau T 6% moly ST avg 0G 501 ‘> ac Sa 30 ot RS CH PM COL pnotsnadey ps0 ey ee es — . = —— SS — — ATLAS OF THE WORLD SUPPLEMENT QO «YVIVS-s%-9 - s . . ~ “A'N‘'00 F puommeyy G9 Lq aydssdog Hi = ie \ . 4 | 34 , UPN. * BoIJY wWsqWON jo dug [[ xX g s,puowmmeuyxy } avers 7 BYEIZPYZ 8 rit 3 3 ey | S'S pms saoryd Jo aourzzodutt SAI}E]AI SoyroTpul ed4y Jo ezIg OL "1 Vawa. > A k : 3 ‘ ; 3 7 1asdy, ae SOT VK) ——— Speoryrey s ~ 3 : ral I . Bsuqmoyg S tundra) JOrju0g ¢ PPQUY ONG moa \egso4 VMIANVONVL: fy JorqU09 1 + TTS TA Reo elo Wy AT gusting gajano tere uvis[ed UBILNa] "8 DWV AS YOEN Iron aH. veoxe i ait se == SSb rug opag ysjundg qouedy > IG 2. 7 ° names Ona TB a a > ohgui te : Comamppwedty o£) ssonanqlog qsiig neqiaig lrg o : 9 NOBON : ae eo HOUT spzupiys Sy NO GYD] TAA puoasag “°S BSON3SYSSgSY oseusty 7 joLanyy 4 BAINL { Yolsoaaa 340792 ser _ sthoaequrey ~ f I 5 ie UH 34,0 rn S dew] 1 zado7’ 009 00S ~=—00F_~=—s00-—s00_—S—s 0 4 OAM Pgh BL AQO) gi tee AXING al Ys ra (ogy ‘ an eS SSS 2 paeiwg a a Neen — TT te = ER ET S31IW 40 31VvOS ———— . oar NY pal @ofue aT saaqupe “U3WOHL's i H duomg urj407 \N_ an oF 0"0 Sho b yes yONVONNG as Jt aati = (eg) VOTUAV NYAHLUON i . » y pévry} wR Ay ane 1 S3QNIWd | bos =< V- rs N of ie OT Savy ANTOD gaatoniy: Gear ae ey ae ae i nsonyy Ariana Ue wa tran: J < Hojuyg ta qty a 7) SAARI 7 > ye NVdS ag s wap | ALVUOLOALONA wi a r < fata) oyoy emis Gay? 2 {Fara abe : Can oe Sia Pea et” | LO FTA, 5 "4 ANU 4 a 2 vopq) &% x = Ca fosmid ofpuse 9: domnnya dS qe. 8 Pe gees ¥} eas ars OO, Y = opanex zs, 2 é f sox! 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Z 2. \prua Wy ae, Dy A lip ag Oe ag, A Nie | Cis Gna ama ; q SI haat se! or ft i ou ~ iS I eknoziqe Ay M ngs . spuryujaex “7 COS apna ig oer t ho oqoy + TY HO puntra Sossog Oaopuyz, Saad ON, steata 1G; j H SKY) raerbic PA, “Q N¥4OGHOM | en — susaqy © Ga. ggorw 4) 24D Ty cata? ereserusea ee anyisiN 1 Sanh E Pee apis We . Nas add. Gee NOLIMUMAL ESE pe SaTMO[OD Je ug iepun}| UeUller 19007 a mon \iwaravHHy” 2} UnpICUY Kuvwsipug, sy ‘a ~ *\, | 30u3aW 4 V1 3 a .> 4 ) 2a 1 rm 2 ~ Gs 2IVLYIDI 129) ZN 2PK i iF t geapusy | semriaZ- OV s) N WV ‘ gresuiylo "Sy uasybng j A PAM wig PIO! t OF jk Y ad OF] CUpweOT MAX | gad Qronan maf, Gesruyy “6 waving WN IEF AupuVyy ep10-1F IDAVIDY PLE uM, LEELA cts 030379" ore WNL eiagg 8 swesene™ TOUT, oy sprminey Y IpavquaN rp NWII RN NS TV Sysor ft oe ey , 7 aa ( fe (aenoesy)g he weansy 7 2h, 5 eo Ylousveswer fiiv' sq eet eC JO B1sUO PIT 15 \d| xX ey SVWNWVHS aisaar Caney -¢ sl ABYNYOD” fcr9ne. reyoong rove Aerae arnaH ged Bajorug PUTA A*S! VuIda¥W ee ‘e see ee *nies0nz aepurzZ “BULOZ * TeqIzueZ Bae Sizunue “wITeH ADEM V TuBpey pew “"* HOPBAL SOIDUSIO BIITA verses * BEIOROTA, “**sTuny, “od aE, *-naswielL “na yNquILE “**" OQUILE “uBnIaL ---mBL Leena wosuey (penuyjuog) SNMOL-S3ILID 5006 Sees AA a Renmtos 2 MNO RHO MOO MRNOOOE g -s BA ATLAS OF THE WORLD SUPPLEMENT 14 | (Cag) SAILINW “| ANadu2S “| HdISOMLS* 709 ¥ puommepy’g*O Aq yyaskdog BoLZY UsoqyNog pur [eryusy jo duyy [[ x g s,puommeuyy seoryd yo sounztodurt eArqeor SeyeorpUT od4q Jo azIg Sprolirey seruo[og UvULIIy LIUTIO UBI[BI] ; Youed T qsug — HONSAYSAsgaY OOF 008 006 -_ 001 S31IW 40 31Vv0S VOINAV NYAHLIOS GQNV TVUOINGA) uvis[egq ysrurdg esousnjiog O peywpny TaN IL ag 7 aes Gees a 4D W"AIS'D 4 €qTaey 8, Duj4adn7y"D/ Ayququy/o ousd qoquy, onvanuryy (+47) aaaoparig NOINN 3: pInOT*} Houag av Lea | 3300 gon agen *STAOT LUOd many Hod UAT IS wuyfaezisyg 4 of Svavyopoy OWwuoyise yy Cuaupey O)vyououvavyy ojouvguyy/P — oynyagq o oyansohopuy 4 @aupuOty, e1r91q * “ M1 Bluvw'sig// = nujov) Fe = otruuvonyy =) eal v teas Eee OATAVNYNVE SY Spun? 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D1.L0391A Olwndgs ore aaa whi 14 or warn ea) 4 npavyuy “ a HONIAO’W uzon b sah vuvoutur gS nnzay led —— {qsdestie ae ee ~ 3o"* tyonsueg TPquinzey ESE: 1), buqmal Very. C 3s VONYO? rahul 7 ea Lz vat 7 2) 7 SVANVOT fe 2yqMy \ ansomaae OATH Qenezaqury >se g Winbur HODHOOCO RA NH eH FRERAROCOORSE Voodstoek orcester. V Ww Z anzibar. Zomba.. Zumbo,.... 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P y swieusopa say Moan cae S oo) Nay @ Tey 107 mn q ri RS Bibs = Lyf erep rb, iS WY, ANd yn drm VE + ay | ‘, yy \ TONEY) nod) i" equa ur i) ony PRT ESR xdjanpif Symaig © _— sii ae sa Niiiie ui Nive Sa Whe | ls ay 5 ouey NS met 9 LOK OYOM aQecaars Pais RS... F. Ogesum? d ams. > ij Ne oe ByyZUIN “YY, , — v Wy saa vy sy i yi a , “18909 ‘ | oan sou-anhy ete ae ened ~ ~ NV) er ae Biraypihiy Yvonasa ee POR aad y Wowk (AeA Tovey v SMe ally, gt ny => . ee ~ 3 a STI BTP IN me 0 Esa He Nn ie ATLAS OF THE WORLD SUPPLEMENT ont ont & oct Xr 7%. O oT a it ATLAS OF THE WORLD SUPPLEMENT 16 4g ot Mi teary ,0LT moa c 9M OST VT FT “3 ° as abel (—— seurt ydessereg ~~ Pt hy "K'N' YO 7 puomUNET SD £9 yas akdog ‘wpte909 Jo doy Tf X g #,.pnomanpy - shearer ° s2Tqep eutremqng a So[Tur [woyyNeT UI soouEysTp UIT saqnoy Ieurveyg 1e309 NOTLLOGLOUd SHOLVOUAW NO Lita. : eaeGaese —L~ OIWIOVd WHHL ANV es Se ne aed 8 a VIN SSS ie AUVBOH B/NMO13dV0 ‘NOGNOT ~~ VaOO y nee l aa = 2 Naw ion | nf eT OF = a) cad & 3 we a aa Q ran ayy vLvd? = I vbunryo S =) nee ‘ 7 Pt eee e e e - OL -aS O45 755 = » ee Soe $82! GNVINONY O1 AANGAS OL Sarviaav™ ZL age 8 : ee Lav) 08 = (47) 8 oar Ca)" > yf qeiep* | 77 ‘J anoy ° ® “ey oapv 87 sen; * . asadp « = r Crewe. Seen ON ae Ths acopunog a ribeearts {4 02 S01Z0a 1 o| aiaos UR id Wr eojangy cme 0g Car DT POT 2 “ unyenp” ‘81 ‘vita UNG iat DT Wig ai z "ae | 3 SS ae ee eee uapumoD Vrivairisnve a oS NG ors g ow wypaunzy, T uLngys0g ¥ 9 a "[Raooiwa¥5 es SS + Vane ae Sic Ss n V “ mn "a aide Sie | eee sau : rinbwonl, (-ag7) for swore poodle Bouciy mene Ses St weet lose) an. 1ioushe 5 “aq Tue (aq): ‘ HV o) Nau bays 7) Nudg ; “g7 a2s90n07% gvbuo yoo maynwyy = 7 )iy,wamno yy (“47 ) DOT OO = 2 ey Be ZS NUGiLs 0 (hooytantony “67 07 nor fo aynq rampgSt ATANHE NO OOD “Bubs IBY ou asyseones pitied PH SR VSI ABW NY INOTHIVO Jor wre aN W TRS a a fs Quy eRe, Seen Se .\MorT uns LYRA 9 gr|__ YA LAI (es ae RITV OT ye MAN (fea So Los ‘aatomajoy. POUT AA het yussaq fi Jel son ela este A oS UDG Eres PTE Neo miner rt eae : WPT ON od aon mony. dynin SE pqUiayD’y. vo! es oinnyogenenon I Peye OUD or hopueqan £A04tII9, | | ne" 1 UD Ut, Fe Lets rows WU DT — —Caz) . yrenny” (“4g ) "ST pbb a 4 uy’ bjpo} Ne gi Vinnie puning?| Suuny, vey dawg la EMO NO tl oY) pusgZnH\ ig abun < 8: AB tadg vunay euinog dort poo . & oo” Sat SANVISI-ALaIOOS Tee SLIMY T dnolip nvan,y ~~ a= oSunuo.sty D (ay fu) Bs 7 sy way “N ES. P 4 OE "aT \_ Buy seqdupang: 80YDT NBS AE ee OUTTA 1 PEI viay 10 moar Nl, Cag) ong paver 1 ey Saag * 8 MT Hpemsstinecsod co aipoarnt 39019 avaus, | J 000 ek OL MINOT 0B” puis ft Po 24 tay LYDIAWN sgyanqnara yet tea pra ' ‘ot ‘Aiea a0, meee sai eqs 2 ». Cpanuy vou” OL es ui omg *T Ans iE satay, O br a5 som AMAT nox vnvapsT P-19Y BUS “ao P. ss i UAIOGIAION ens ie 0% Ss ro! Ln Py? So. % asa pode, LO] VONOL 93-7 bh) nor pete dy = Ste oll ee IN obunsrAcour oj ALE a o,8 patna Se pmiiore Peygt Mmmenrn png rote ae MPN hdr machg se joy bong MED oe map| wtINe ihd e a e : J “id mpna PA * Thad? >, rte hn, “S C87 a) enone &: aoe maf : “fh : pew ge pioune ) aN yung durig Noh Sct ed dei f pa ooyeatesy id x ot Ig : “: aL yanvnly Pia (ag) amid 8 tnepronion “p Fo aT UIOE NOT, Re cage HibinaaHPy : ha aa Lode, * ay Joavang oe AT “sy SyUDT os, A ‘Goat By [ot ou ia ae "T nvsangr+ ch ee ug oypmnjoy ordomny, ecay 98440 4 vas 'Iv4o ua wes KS 8) ok Naaey: Common youre Pak Q e : . (agyT foaydung + = Mies 4 om mos J d t,o Or Be ore yee Taz (cag T Mune *, = dabung = orig "TAs 5 “( a) Sart Tonopeo ewunyy Hoes ae ¢ ‘am % " ne | Wi “¢ ohn re oe A, "ST SVSaNOUuvie = S —e Puy “~ yung veino7y "Ss] ZAWO fouo 7 "7 1898p" a? 3. TTAD SN F (en a wayoynn “7 xo804 porodt + _|wanvs + ‘sr foo. neha! or sn atin wou DA grdo ne I — 250 & ‘e se T re e ot Goo pun MYNNT ee “ey WORM > Suan Ppon: oth og = pid ative, eres > Od Fa a (a7) NOIND i “ epee ¢ pi.Loen Mayr vane sau if Rite 2? 2) VAS HOWL, "T epwjarey ? *pzopnq i cae yoy « Die Ose 7 1en0 PS mdng-7 asf Se wos worn z etd | Cag) YY, ji + HO *7 punptonrenr is ae Neney tay snyptica LUNE Pey pam A No vas vunav ay. en at er CS a Vi ‘3 OOVT . a Tse SaNVISI 3 QU mo "uno Oia Tfewayts stl ° ee =e P fee Saat : 00) : “ospngy xoWOTOS saan “mM OM 9 MS nsiiwe 7 x We 2) THAW. -jauyeniny ig n 1S F—siosunyiang Wo ‘T wry * ws 2 (amy T ouRID 1 Zot mat < Bo a NU ? wri ; TIN 7 A) ‘odoson/-o avian’ a *7 vane Buojug * As < jduye py oun ess aie } 4 a A 0 uo, oH oe > .manug A> * {7 seajounyy, t fx — ® Ae ky aren 3 "T s10Udu, / 9 (O) io att aN oe ip “p]uoaheg ie ‘= / a” ber eee ene Prd . = Bye [oBI A o1. cs sek creme rng Ogun — O Peiertitg aad (fae Coed “Ag TynOW A = rn ae nn ne ee ee ee DD aes < One i ° “7 pu. pump. 3 Sey ae aes Cy ai 04-0 7 oyung@aXPEANS (sa) ee sce iy rs stony | Tremueips Tr < ees Perit r ey eat ita: ° 3 « e : 8] OHI Pete : / / Monn » dicen: fe a d- I et ~ Sraptog Sy + 9 gd € croup wes) |p stowia fo SSegeee ‘ HO y vy Cah 2 Piast /s + T WoIOE sh ay By 4onbnyy Y Vas hi Typ 1s z vay savadpnyy “L Mong es ¥P10 a ay wm mers = af yoo). Lop Rian =e 4 ep anving eo opay ES is T PPX ay nowny y OW lo» o™ NIAVINGS dees! T guating ° “ST oe %2, = Sey Ss Avr ug = > 1 nye? ydvugy? “ - opp on» Jo1sRUes * aurindny or § 2 Lt ueee0 0 a ‘st TIVE ‘a oponig* (uv dv p) 10408) a MINT +, (aap) | oy e a Tek 2 2 v5 Sod ee vig ye ea Ole eee sSIMaTad | ree: eee, i> Fs “oy Cobo p+. SY wou saLocinonvic ol Oa UV 0 sreountay .. | uvkusego) & | oie af ouneg ungs |S Hin VA aN re WW, Y *9]-89UL»—$z 287 ang af \ Se 4 s s/s / f DB asl(undnp) OUT ENON SOE Od oF ax ecak ° wae ie : w ~. s 0) 2 feof IS SANVISI O =, TIVHSUVIE ( ee wpe Wpimiang a LPT mowers | Sea ss eee SS no on wunww _| HY NSS alts Aes gortormnrmg, dye } = aa ie aq] Pompano WSS OugitNiie,” jer WS Be i / jeune a cory undsop ~ joomovoray ee =e ES el | wip y i : iy , {T U0pwUyOp. e = punjeye ay Sea undfog ** (av p>), + exooy janhiy's } or a 2 == T PAE + suntoruy? S l Baar ts td YIN , ‘4. S'N OL ‘ivMYH 40 AUOLIHUL ) is Sor eyDMs shee z SANVISI bey | Hd Nt 08 out SaNV'IST SS = —_=— es 2 uvning * e | aa \, uefezu Supt dao iH a cs ee s oT YPM 7 eas, upnbowuny My j190ug ae 1 Bard iy (G Se E- ss Lo ae; ( SYN. LIVMVIE PUT 8 DT Se Aospmy ! rane aa Ay ronvy) SBoVaT = Yooy UlIpsursnt yy ‘ paqmng 40 FD oe c. ee Qe D/Bn0¢ 7 youuny? Bin; -+-------/------- eo fo TRAE eT B08 * pa : SPIO L 80 T rm wk 7 «Gaur ‘aoe “ey uvpog -> 2 724s mie 5 St - - - -- ~~ . enyovesDyr L eZ MS ols mDPity YUP, r ~~ ___¥30NvO 40 pnOuL 2 eS ee eee Sot roe sie api puny foayy sitsosying Noy, ehaineee ened eS a eS Sra ae Sao Ea teed, ny-n- Y KO KS ae “T 49upany* SL usivy ~~ _ ‘T enouvjyy* sunsndnP gy: —~------- 8 Wo -4------- 8 Sunt a Pst ~ KOO LAY BE Sy Aysumeyy > ‘ex srdupip, “ME UPA. T AnUdNS rerum — > os Qrsowh = >< i 7 ~ : } v BN om 42 “87 uvaog o*7 sof Vii 10 so1epsoyy S f Xs 08 540+ 0 i Bass S VAOWS> “odsyqozuy | IPA , Soe S) Peas 7 See ST svunyog adnppponp» pdnoupy Racogy zt iy, s oe f Le PL 2M 10T ah puny) )Poyd A SSE neggmgas© = At = K $ “I obnlurtts aa OFT TAG ae rT = Tou ‘1 oon : = pues aa 4 : a : ‘ sal —— 3 - : 7 -09T i MI oOLT Sh 0ST Er ; s “ng in YF ywysuny ea 7 9y-fayg © 08 n : - — a 2 * oOLT x) 091 a Oot = = = Guvry-I7 Bul Awe MUO Bela pa OD HONDO ye WD ox! 22 ¥ PIERS EE = mn a O&T Oo 08 < Sr aAeM O8mom aA eMuSrA M4 Ot WEE ae eate ae 9 ESRORe a samen aie ES ee — ee a o OTT wv 00r = a qP: fea sss ia ae ZaSAZA BgosZO @ BQROOSesA O4rHe.7 A wre pt pte papers te chek no = = \2 mS Sigedasangs 4 Ong ie tai) th: Wi ft Bee ef :gi3a g@ 35 i tI 3 WO4 SAM SROSRARG yA i as tg @ Meseeansoca sa boy fg took a de ond Se OSES Sst Rea @ ig GSee09 ‘39 @ iga::: lings : o aa oa & HEV SH ews mos ia fs q¢ cova a 4 3gn 44 BS Re eae gO" 7 faze aan, en © tne: A 30d . 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