5 > VI ».»•• r iV '^.:^ ^f,^^H*^^ • J* V ,-, L I E> RA RY OF THE U N IVLR5 ITY or ILLl NOIS HD^ Eaginee ring lAlDtkvy^ DKDlCATEn, BY PERMISSION, TO THE CHAIRMAN AND DIRECTORS OF TIIK I.OXnON AND BIRMIKGHAM RAILWAY COMTANV. f^:Jr^\ — Places E. of Station. Stunmore '2i miles. Edsreware 4| — Elstiee 5 — IIarrow-on-the-Hill, the conspicuous church of which has for many miles formed so interesting an object in the landscape, lies about a mile to the south of the station. It is chiefly distinguished on account of its Free Grammar School, founded in 1571, in the reign of Elizabeth, and which ranks amonsf the most celebrated classical schools in England. The founder, John Lyon, a native of the neighbouring hamlet of Preston, amongst other regulations, directed that the pupils should be instructed in archery; and it was customary, till about the middle of the last century, for the scholars, at an annual festival holden on the 4th of August, to shoot at a mark for a silver arrow. The town has no staple manufacture, its trade depend- ing almost exclusively upon the school, and numerous visiters from the metropolis. The population is 3,862. The learned Dr. Samuel Parr was born here in 1747; and in the nave of the church is the tomb of Sir Samuel Garth, a celebrated poet and physician. The church is a spacious structure, with a tower and lofty c 2 20 LONDON TO WATFORD. spire at the west end ; and was founded by Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury, in the reign of William the Conqueror. On account of the delightful prospect which the churchyard affords, it is a place of frequent resort. There, on the serene evenings of summer, leaning on the moss-covered tombstone, may be seen the ardent lov'er of nature gazing with rapture on her peerless beauties. The wide rich valley through which the Thames rolls its mighty waters stretches before him in all its incomparable loveliness ; the high grounds and richly wooded scenery in the neighbourhood of Stan- more bound the view towards the north ; and on the south and south-west the eye ranges with delight over a charming variety of landscape in Middlesex and Berkshire. But there is also thrown over the whole scene a deep and overpowering interest by the lofty turrets of the royal castle of Windsor rising in the distance, and the mighty metropolis reposing in stillness with all its busy myriads and swelling bosoms. Other scenes may vie with this in loveliness, but certainly none can be viewed with deeper interest. Upon leaving Harrow station Little Stanmore appears on the right. It is a small village, containing 876 inhabitants. The church is an elegant little structure, partly erected by the munificent Duke of Chandos, who bestowed some very costly decorations on the interior. For its consecration Handel com- posed the sacred drama of Esther ; and within its walls is a vault constructed by the Duke of Chandos for the members of the Handel family. Great Stan- more is two miles distant, and stands in a very LOISDON TO WATFORD. 21 elevated position, and in a neighbourhood abounding with handsome seats and villas. It is celebrated as being the place at which, on the conclusion of the late war, Louis XIV. had his first interview with the Prince Regent, the Emperor of Iiussia, and the King of Prussia. The respectable village of Edgeware, con- taining 591 inhabitants, lies at a distance of half a mile from Little Stanmore ; and from its favourable position with regard to the metropolis, is become the residence of numerous opulent and respectable families. It stands on the line of the Roman Watling- street : as does also the neighbouring village of Elstree, which is said to have been first erected out of the ruins of tlie ancient city of SuUoniacim, of which there are still some vestiges about one mile southward. After passing through a short cutting the little village of Hatchend, which closely adjoins the railway on the right, appears pleasantly situated on the gentle slope of a hill. The bridge, beneath which we are here carried, connects Hatchend with the village of Pinner, which, with the trees scattered around it, and the rich foliage of Pinner Park, forms a landscape of very considerable beauty. Beyond Pinner, but not visible from the line, is the village of Ruislip ; and three miles and a half furdier south the town of L^xbridge. By looking back the last glimpse may now be obtained of Ilarrow-on-the-IIill. On the left appears Oxhey Ridge. This ridge is part of a chain of hills which extend from Chipping Barnet to Uxbridge, and for a considerable distance form the b(mndary be- tween ^Middlesex and Hertfordshire, The materials c 3 22 LONDON TO WATFORD. of which they are composed are principally sand and clay ; and it was on account of the difficulty of carry- ing a tunnel through such a description of ground, that the railway was made to cross them by a cut- ting, notwithstanding their great elevation. In passing through this excavation, we cannot avoid being struck with astonishment at the immense amount of labour which its construction must have required ; it being a mile and a half in length, and in many places between thirty and forty feet deep. It is crossed by several bridges, the principal of which is Oxhey-lane bridge, — a noble structure of three arches, but attracting attention chiefly by its extraordinary height. A short opening which occurs immediately after passing this bridge enables us to catch a glimpse of Oxhey Wood; and, upon the termination of the cutting, we behold amid some prettily wooded scenery on the left, the little village of Oxhey, with its anti- quated chapel and remarkable churchyard, — remark- able, indeed, if we may place any credit in the asseverations of a rustic, who solemnly assured us that its silent denizens were wont to be buried in a bolt upright posture. AVe have now entered the county of Hertfordshire ; and as our elevated position affords us a very extensive prospect, we have an opportunity of forming a tolerable estimate of its general appearance. Its beauties are principally of the gentler sort, and are greatly enhanced by the villas and ornamented grounds which abound in every direction. The well-watered valley of the Colne stretching before us forms a pleas- ing and extensive landscape ; and delightfully situated LONDON TO WATFORD. 23 at the western extremity of the valley, may be distin- guished the market town of Rickmansworth. We may observe, respecting Rickmansworth, that the manor originally formed part of the demesne of the Saxon kings, and was bestowed by Offa, of Mercia, upon the abbot and monks of St. Albans ; and that it subsequently passed through the hands of Ridley, the martyr, and the notorious Archbishop Bonner. After crossing Watford Heath, we proceed along Watford embankment, and obtain a very interesting prospect, in which the town of Watford in the hollow, and the church of Watford on the hill, form conspicuous objects. Moor Hall, the residence of Lord Grosvenor, may likewise be distinctly perceived among the distant trees on the left. This splendid mansion has been the abode of an unusually large number of illus- trious personages ; it has been successively occupied by Archbishop Neville, Cardinal Wolsey, the unfor- tunate Duke of Monmouth, son of Charles the Second, and by Lord Anson, the circumnavigator. We now come to the celebrated viaduct over the Colne ; but if the traveller has been anticipating the pleasure of beholding it, he will suffer a severe dis- appointment ; it being totally hidden from the view of those who rapidly thunder across its lofty arches. In this respect, the humble pedestrian has the ad- vantage ; and we can scarcely avoid feeling some touches of envy when we look down into the valley, and behold him wandering through the verdant meadows, and gazing with admiration on the noble structure which stretches across the stream, and is reflected in the bosom of its limpid waters. A lovelier and more enchanting c 4 24 LONDON TO WATFORD. scene can scarcely be imagined than is presented by this viaduct, when the sinking sun is diffusing over the face of nature his richer and more mellowing tints. Nature always appears most lovely just before she assumes her sable mantle ; but here, art reposes so sweetly in the bosom of nature, that the departing sun seems compelled to throw on them his brightest, sweetest smile, ere he draws over them the curtain of night, and leaves them in each other's embrace. The entire length of the viaduct, which consists of five arches of thirty feet span, is 300 feet; and its height is no less than fifty feet above the stream. The view of the river winding through the meadows on the right is extremely beautiful, and may in some measure com- pensate us for the loss of a peep at the viaduct itself. The Watford embankment, which is continued a short distance after crossing the Colne, is a work of immense labour. It is the longest embankment on the line, being a mile and a half in length, and is in many places carried over unstable and marshy ground. The material employed in its formation is chalk, which substance forms the substratum of the whole of the county. At the termination of the embankment is WATFORD STATION. Distance to Loudon, 17^ — Birmingham, 94| miles. DISTANCES BY ROADS FROM THIS STATION TO THE FOLLOWING PLACES: — Places W, of Station, Watford | mile. RicKMANSwoRTH .. .. 4 miles. King's Langley .. .. 4| — Beaconsfield . . . . 13 — Places E. of Sfaiion. St. Albans 6 miles. Abbot's Langley .. .. 3^ — Hunton Bridge 3^ — The accommodations at this station, which is the first principal one on the line, are much superior to LONDON TO WATFORD. 25 those at Harrow; and the arrangements with respect to entermg and leaving the carriages, are very similar to those which are observed at Euston Grove. The town of Watford is three quarters of a mile from the station, and is situate on the banks of the Colne. It derives its name from its vicinity to Wat- ling-street, and to a ford over the river, to which its origin is attributed. It consists of one principal street, about a mile in length, which is built in a very irregular manner. Its population is 2,960, which is chiefly employed in the manufacture of straw plat, and in the throwsting of silk. The town is bounded on the north by Cashiobury Park, the grounds of which are exten- CASHIOEURY AB3EY. sive, tastefully laid out, and highly ornamented. The river Gade and the Grand Junction Canal both pass through them, and it was originally intended that the 26 LONDON TO WATFORD. railway' should do so likewise ; but the noble pro- prietor, happening to differ from the directors as to the picturesque effect of a railway upon a prospect, opposed them in the House of Lords, and by his influence there compelled them to abandon their design. The hamlet of Cashiobury lies a mile and a half north-west from Watford, and derives its name from its having been, in the time of the early Britons, the seat of Cassibelaunus, king of the Cassii. It was afterwards the residence of the Saxon kings of Mercia, and was included by Offa in the possessions which he gave to the monastery of St. Albans. Seven miles north of the station is St. Albans, with the eventful history and numerous antiquities of which we might fill many pages ; but as our engine is now beginning to move, we must content ourselves with remarking, that this venerable city was the metropolis of ancient Britain ; that it was the scene of the cele- brated assault upon the Romans by Boadicea, in which 70,000 Britons fell ; and that in its Abbey Church the tomb of king Offa,* its founder, is still to be seen. * This prince, whom we have so frequently had occasion to mention, ascended the throne of Mercia, one of the kingdoms of the Heptarchy, in 755, and was contemporary with Charlemagne. He reigned tliirty-nine years, and distinguished himself equally by his crimes and his acts of piety. He treacherously murdered Ethelbert, a neighbouring monarch, and then, to appease the re- morses of his conscience, gave the tenth of his goods to the church, performed a i)ilgrimage to Rome, and levied the celebrated Peter's Pence, which the Roman Pontiti" afterwards claimed as a tribute. — Hume's Hist, of England. WATFORD TO TRING. 27 CHAPTER in. WATFOED TO TRING. Fourteen miles. And now, having received a fresh supply of water, we are again "yoked with whiilwinds and the raging hlast," and sweep the long tract of a narrow ravine, which appears as if cut in rivah'y of those which nature in her playful mood has formed among the mountains of Wales and the higiilands of Scotland. One would suppose that precipitous banks, sixty feet in height, would be almost sufficient of themselves to exclude the light of day ; but after we have passed between them for upwards of a mile, we are again plunged into one of those gloomy burrows which afford so sensible an ilhistration of what is implied in " darkness that may be felt." The necessity for the construction of this tunnel arose from the unwillingness of the Earls of Essex and Clarendon to allow the railway to pass through their parks ; and accordingly it is usual for the second class passengers, as the damp and smothering wind drives against their improtected faces, highly to extol the rchned taste of these noble peers, and that nice perception of the picturesque to ^^hich they are indebted for their delightful subterraneous airing. The length of this tunnel is one mile and eighty yards, 28 WATFORD TO TRING. and the number of ventilating shafts is five. Upon issuing from the tunnel, the traveller will scarcely avoid noticing the very mean appearance of the northern entrance compared with that at the southern extremity. Indeed, it is observable of all the tunnels and bridges on the line, that they invariably present their most handsome front to those who are letiving the metro- polis. When first we remarked this singular cir- cumstance, we were reminded of Dr. Johnson's picture of a Scotchman, whom he always repre- sented as having his face turned to the south ; and of whom he was accustomed to say, that although he had some truly wild and romantic scenery in his native highlands, yet the noblest prospect which a Scotchman ever beheld was the high road which led him to England. The excavation continues for a short distance after emerging from the tunnel ; and the Hazlewood road is carried across the railway by a bridge which is more than fifty feet above the level of the line. Upon the prospect opening on the left, we behold among the trees the village of Langley Bury. In the rear may be perceived Grove Park, the richly w^ooded seat of the Earl of Clarendon ; and beautifully situated on the distant rising ground is the ancient village of King's Langley. This interesting place derives its regal appellation from its having been the occasional residence of some of the kings of Eng- land. Henry HI. built himself a palace here, and in it was born Edmund de Langley, the fifth son of Edward III., and Duke of York. In the parish church lie the ashes of the same Duke of York; as did also the remains of that unfortunate prince, king WATFORD TO TRING. 29 Richard II., for some time after his tragical death at Pomfret. To the lovers of the marvellous it may be interesting to know, that a few years ago this village and neighbourhood were thrown into consterna- tion by the discovery of a gigantic human skeleton ; to account for the existence of which, however it might puzzle the savans of the British Association, would doubtless be a matter of very little difficulty to the ancient Elspeths of such a place as King's Langley. We now enter upon an embankment ; and in crossing Hunton Viaduct obtain an interesting view of the village of Himton Bridge, reposing in the hollow of a sylvan amphitheatre. About half a mile beyond this village may be seen Bury Langley House, the seat of Francis Whittingstall, Esq., and on the right of the line a neat edifice called Rose Hill House. The sight of the Grand Junction Canal, which here runs close to the line, naturally causes our mind to turn upon the comparative merits of railways and canals, and the immense superiority of the former ; and whilst sweeping across the lofty viaduct, we can scarcely avoid a smile of contempt as we look down upon our pitiful rival, — " Which like a wounded snake drags its slow length along." What would Brindley, the celebrated canal engineer, who, when asked why Providence had created rivers, replied, he supposed it must have been to feed canals — what would he say, were he to behold one of Stephen- son's engines flying with the speed of a racehorse, with a load heavier than was ever placed in the hugest canal 30 WATFORD TO TRING. boat? He would, one would think, have changed his mind as to rivers being created to feed canals, and have made the design of their creation to be that of supplying water for locomotives. The reign of canals has been o short ; it being only eighty years since the first English Canal Act was passed. Should the triumph of rail- ways be as short lived, and should travelling by steam be superseded in another eighty years, by some other invention as far surpassing it as it does the old methods of transportation, metaphysicians may begin to tremble for the tenability of their hitherto undis- puted axiom, that a person cannot be in two places at one and the same time. The Grand Junction Canal will now remain in sight for a considerable distance ; and, forming a prominent feature in almost every landscape, will prove an agreeable and interesting companion. We now pass Gallows Hill on the right, and after crossing the viaduct which bears its name, obtain a view of Abbot's Langley. This village is also on the right ; and, from the summit of the eminence upon which it stands, the square tower and short spire of its ancient church rise conspicuously. The parish of Abbot's Langley has had the honour of giving birth to the only Englishman that was ever raised to the papal crown, namely, Adrian IV. A little further onwards is Home Park Paper Mill, the property of Messrs. Longman and Dickenson, who have several other extensive establishments in the immediate neighbourhood. The pretty little village which is seen across the meadows on our left, and which continues for some time to form an interesting WATFORD TO TRING. 31 object in the beautiful landscape which lies in that direction, is King's Langley, of which we have already given some account. After crossing the King's Langley Viaduct, we presently come to a bridge over the Grand Junction Canal, from which the prospect is extensive and beautiful. On the left, we behold llickmans worth and Moor Park in the distance, and Primrose Green and King's Langley in the foreground. On the right, and near to the line, are Nash Mills ; a little beyond them a picturesque dingle, called Boggy Bottom, and in the distance Gorhambury Park, the seat of Earl Verulam. Mr. Dickenson's handsome new house, standing on an eminence, and the anti- (|uated cottages of his workmen interspersed amongst the trees, and almost covered by the foliage, give con- siderable interest to the scenery, until it is hidden from our view by the banks of a slight excavation. Upon emerging from this cutting, the same interesting objects again appear in sight ; and with the village of Two Waters, of piscatory celebrity, and Corner Hall, surrounded with rich foliage, form an unusually pleas- ing landscape. The cutting which we now enter is nearly two miles long, and in some parts forty-five feet in depth. It is crossed by two bridges; the first of which supports the road leading from the town of Ilemel Hempstead to a village called Bovingdon, which lies three miles west of the line, and contains a population of 962. Upon gaining once more the open country, we immediately arrive at the Boxmoor station. 32 WATFORD TO TRIKG. Boxznoor Station. Distance to London, 24^ — Binniugham, 87| miles. DISTANCES BYROADS FROM THIS STATION TO THE FOLLOWING PLACES: — Place W. of Station. Bovington 2| miles. Places E. of Station. Hemel Hempstead .. .. li mile. Redbourue 5| miles. The moor, from which this station derives its name, is situated at some little distance from it ; and the sur- rounding scenery is very different from what we should expect to find at a place bearing the appellation of Boxmoor. No wild and barren heath stretches around : a lovely and fertile valley smiles before us. As we leave the station, and proceed along the embank- ment, the charms of the scenery grow and increase. On the left, Rowdon Common, with the richly wooded hills v/hich rise beyond it, and the Boxmoor cottages, almost buried in beautiful foliage, presents a highly picturesque appearance. Yet this view can scarcely be said to excel that on the right, in which are comprised the interesting village of Two Waters ; a considerable extent of country, interspersed with the pretty cot- tages of the paper makers ; and the church of Hemel Hempstead, which lifts its lofty spire among the distant hills. The town of Hemel Hempstead is one mile and a half east of Boxmoor station, and twenty-three miles from London. Its name is derived from two Saxon words, hean and hampstede^ and signifies a dwelling ill a high place. There is no mention of it previous to the Heptarchy ; but it was included by Offa in the pos- sessions which he gave to the abbey of St. Albans. WATFORD TO TRING. 33 A charter of incorporation was granted to its inha- bitants by Henry VIII. ; a copy of which, as renewed by Cromwell, is still preserved. The town is pleasantly situated on the declivity of a hill, and consists princi- pally of one street, which is nearly a mile in length. Althoiish its streets do not form those res-ular mathe- matical figures which we frequently find in the mushroom towns of a single generation, yet it has upon the whole a very neat and respectable appear- ance. The principal article of manufacture is straw plat; and the number of its inhabitants is 4,75v9. The church, which forms so pleasing an object from the railway, is a spacious cruciform structure, with an embattled tower, and lofty spire. At the west end is a finely painted window, presented by the eminent Sir Astley P. Cooper, whose seat is not far from the town. Crossing the Box-lane Viaduct we run for a consi- derable distance by the side of the Grand Junction Canal, the smooth silvery surface of which forms another lovely feature in the picturesque scenery of this beautiful valley. We cross the canal by a hand- some iron bridge, and continue to proceed along an embankment, the elevation of which is very favourable for the prospect. The hamlets of Felden and Long- croft appear pleasantly situated on the left ; and Counters End, Hill End, and Pouching End, are suc- cessively passed on the right. The pretty village of Eourne End soon afterwards forms an interesting object on the left; and after passing it, the embank- ment along which we have proceeded for more than a mile terminates, after having frequently D 34 WATFORD TO TRING. reached a height of from twenty-five to thh-ty feet. A slight cutting now hides from our sight the land- scape which has charmed us so much ; but it will quickly make amends by introducing us to one still more picturesque. After passing under Haxter End bridge, the right hand bank of the cutting ter- minates ; but the country is not visible in the other direction until we arrive at Bank Mill bridge, when the bank on the left hand also terminates, and a land- scape of surpassing beauty bursts upon our view. The rural cottages of Bank Mill, the unruffled waters of the canal, and the rippling stream of the Gade, are in themselves " beautifull exceedinglie ;" but they appear still more so when contrasted with the dark rich foliage which envelopes the distant hills. After we have caught a glimpse of the tower of Berkhamp- stead church, the town itself, and the ruins of its ancient castle, we rapidly dart through a cutting, sweep along an embankment, and arrive at Berkhamp- stead station. Berkhampstead Station. Distance to London^ 27| — Biiiuingham, 84^ miles. DISTANCES BY KOaDS FROM THIS STATION TO THE FOLLOWING PLACES ! Places W. of station. Chesham 4f niiles. Amersham li — High V\ vcojibe .. .. 14f — Place E, of Station. Nettledeu 2^ miles. The elevated position of this station, affords a delight- ful prospect of the lovely valley in the bosom of which WATFORD TO THING. 35 the town of Berkhampstead reposes. The mtrinsic beauties of this romantic vale are in themselves GREAT BERKHAMPSTEAD. calculated to excite our warmest admiration ; but the interest with which we survey it is heightened tenfold by the remembrance, that in its groves and meadows the amiable Cowper first imbibed that ardent love of nature, which breathes throughout his incomparable poems. This was the scene of his childhood. Here, where the rushing trains now drown every softer sound, Cowper was wont to listen undisturbed to the sweet warblings of the songsters of the grove, as he wandered pensive and alone by the rippling waters of the Bulbrooke. What would have been his feelings had he beheld his lovely valley divided by an artificial embankment, and sullied with the smoke of steam engines ! We can imagine a tear bedimming his eye, D 2 36 WATFORD TO TRIXG. as he beheld the beauties of nature thus marred by the hand of man. But too true a lover of his country was he, to allow the feelings of the poet to predominate over those of the patriot. As a poet, he might lament the disfiguring of nature ; but as a patriot, he would exult in what constituted the glory of his country ; and in- stead of launching a minstrel's curse on the rude invader of the lovely scenes of his childhood, he would weave a poetic wreath for the brow of those who were encircling the head of Britannia with a halo of glory scarcely less bright than was gathered around it by those who fought her battles on the burning sands of Egypt, and the sultry plains of Hindoostan. As we have been led to associate poetry with steam, we will take this opportunity of expressing our surprise that poetry has not yet presented her tribute to an agent so powerful and grand. The sons of Apollo have sung sublimely of those who have wielded the thunder- bolts of destruction, and shattered the foundations of society ; and shall no lofty lyre be strung in honour of those who have drawn its bonds of union closer, and fixed its foundations deeper and firmer '? It is a grand sight to behold a master spirit rising from amid the chaos of anarchy, gathering the scattered elements of revolutionary fire and fury, and forging them into one mighty thunderbolt for his own grasp ; but is it not as noble a sight to behold a fellow mortal gathering together the elements of nature, and moulding them into an engine of terrible might, enduing it with the power of self-motion, clothing it with thunder, winging it with lightning, and flinging it from his hand as a specimen of his power '? On such a subject the bard WATFORD TO TRING. 37 would have no ground to complain of a want of sub- lime imagery ; and he would have the advantage of wandering in fields hitherto untrodden by the muses' feet, and visiting streams as yet untouched and virgin. Seeing, then, there is so ready a path by which the wanderer on Parnassus may reach its loftier cliffs, may we not expect that the next immortal poem which shall issue from the British press, will begin with — I slug the Railway, I who lately sung, — —we will not say, " Thalaba," "The Pelican Isle," or, the " Corn Law Ehymes," through fear of dis- couraging those whose brows have never yet been shaded by an olive wreath. The town of Berkhampstead, in which the author of "The Task" was born, is beautifully situated in the bottom of a deep valley on the left of the line. It stands on the banks of the Bulbrooke, and is a place of considerable antiquity. It was called by the Romans Durohrwce. Its Saxon name was Berghamstede, sig- nifying a town standing on a hill ; but as this appears a rather unaccountable appellation for a town lying in the bottom of a valley, we must suppose Berc/hamslede to be a corruption of Burghamstede, which signifies a town beside a fortress, and then we shall have an explanation of its name perfectly consistent with its actual position. The kings of Mercia had a castle here ; and here, at the time of the Conquest, William received the submission of Stigand, Archbishop of Canterbury. A castle was built by Bobert, Earl of Moreton, to whom the Conqueror gave the town ; but it was subsequently razed to the ground by Henry I., on D 3 38 WATFORD TO TRING. account of the rebellion of Moreton's son. The castle was rebuilt in the reign of John, and soon afterwards besieged by the Dauphin of France, who had come over to assist the barons in their contest with the king. James I. having selected Berkhampstead as a nursery for his children, granted the inhabitants a charter of incorporation ; but they were so impoverished during the civil wars, that they were unable to maintain their privileges, and the charter became forfeited. There are still, on the north side of the town, slight vestiges of the palace of the Mercian kings ; and at the north- east end of Castle-street are the remains of the castle, consisting of elliptical walls, double and triple moats, and two wide piers, between which was probably the drawbridge. The church is a spacious cruciform structure, ornamented with a richly sculp- tured tower. The population is 2,369, the greater part of which are employed in the manufacture of straw plat. The prsenomen " Great" is affixed to this town to distinguish it from Little Berkhampstead, which is a small village in the neighbourhood of Hertford, and twenty miles distant from its superior namesake. After leaving this station, we see the houses of the town extending by the side of the line for a consider- able distance, whilst White Hill is the most interesting object in the contrary direction. After crossing the Berkhampstead viaduct we obtain a distant view of Wigginton ; and, accompanied by our interesting companion, the Grand Junction Canal, pass Lady Grimstone's grounds, which lie on the right. Here the embankment terminates ; and, after passing under WATFORD TO THING. 39 an accommodation bridge, we enter a cutting, which quickly brings us to Northchurch tunnel. As this tunnel is only a quarter of a mile long, and is made through a stratum of chalk, we pass through it with less trepidation than we did its predecessors ; never- theless we are not at all displeased when the light of day again bursts through the windows of our carriage, and we find ourselves once more on an embankment, with a charming prospect before us. Ashbridge Park, the seat of the Countess of Bridgwater, lies on the right ; and on the left the village of Northchurch, with its pretty towered church. This village, which is also called Berkhampstead, is a mile and a quarter from Great Berkhampstead, and contains 1,156 inhabitants. It is situated in a valley, and is composed principally of mean cottages. On the top of the western hill are the small but interesting ruins of Marlin chapel, which is supposed to have been demolished by Oliver Crom- well. As we proceed onwards, with Northchurch Common on our right, we pass Duds well bridge, and the hamlet from which it takes its name. Here the embankment terminates, and the line is crossed by Holybush bridge. Berkhampstead Common lies on the right ; but is very soon excluded from our view by a deep excavation. Upon emerging from this cutting, which is rather more than a mile in length, a beautiful prospect is unfolded on each side ; but, after passing Wigginton Bridge, the rich foliage of Ash- bridge Park, which is now not very distant from the line, together with Oldbury Wood, and the Chiltern Hills, form a landscape of still greater beauty. The simple monument erected by Lady Bridgwater, in D 4 40 WATFORD TO TRING. memory of the late duke, may be distinguished amongst the distant trees in the park. At the foot of the Chiltern Hills, the summits of which are crowned with thick plantations, is pleasantly situated the village of Aldbury. On our left is Pendley Park, and also the village of Wigginton, near which is an extensive common, that has been the scene of many a well-fought battle, even as early as the days of Roman supremacy. Tring Park next appears on the same side of the line ; it is beautifully situated among hills which are clothed with fine beech, and contains a splendid mansion, which was originally built by Charles II., for his favourite mistress, Eleanor Gwynn, but which has since been decorated in a more modern style. After passing under an elegant three-arch bridge, connecting two portions of Lady Bridgwater's domains, we speedily arrive at Tring station. Tuiis'a sTATzorr. Distance to London, 31^ — Birmingham, SOJ miles. DISTANCES BY ROADS FROM THIS STATION TO THE FOLLOWING PLACES: — Places W. of Station. Place E. of Station. Tring 2i miles. Ivinghoe Smiles. Meutmore 6| — Wen DOVER 7l — Aylesbury 9| — Princes Kisborough 12| — At this station the railway reaches its greatest eleva- tion, being 420 feet above the level of the sea, and 300 above that of Camden Town depot. This elevation is attained by a series of gradients never exceeding 1 in 330, a section of which the reader will fmd on the engraved map at the commencement of this volume. The town of Tring lies two miles west of the railway, WATFORD TO TRIXG. 41 and contains a poiDulation of 3,488. It is a place of remote antiquity, and is supposed to have derived its name from its shape having originally been triangular. In Alfred's time, it was called Treung^ and was con- sidered of sufficient importance to give its name to the hundred in which it was situated. The Roman Ick- nield Way, leading from Dorchester to Colchester, passed in its vicinity. It consists of two principal streets, of which the longer is crossed at its upper extremity by the shorter. Its appearance is neat, and its atmosphere very salubrious. The church is a handsome embattled structure, in the ancient English style, with a large tower at the west end, surmounted with a low spire. Four miles beyond Tring, at the foot of the Chiltern Hills, and near the entrance of the vale of Aylesbury, stands the market town of Wendover. This place contains a population of 2,008 inhabit- ants. It returned members to parliament, from the twenty-eighth year of the reign of Edward I., to the second of Edward II., when the right ceased. It was restored, however, by the parliament of James I., notwithstanding that monarch's declaration " that he was troubled with too many burgesses already." During the five parliaments preceding the protectorate, Wendover "troubled" one of James's successors with one who durst venture to call a king to account for daring to trample upon the laws of the realm, — the courageous Hampden. However, the appearance of its name in the unlucky schedule A of the Reform Act has finally disfranchised its 130 potwallopers. 42 TRING TO WOLVERTON. CHAPTER IV. TRING TO WOLVERTON. Twenty-one miles. Immediately after leaving the Tring station, we enter a deep cutting through the Chiltern Hills. These hills are part of a great chain of chalk hills, extending from Norfolk south-westward into Dorsetshire. They here form the northern boundary of the basin of the Colne, and separate it from that part of Buckingham- shire which is designated the Vale. The almost impervious nature of the woods with which these hills were anciently covered, rendered it necessary for the king to appoint an officer to keep them clear of banditti, and thus was originated the stewardship of the Chiltern Hundreds, — an office which still exists, though its duties have long since ceased. They are still plentifully wooded, chiefly with trees belonging to the beech family. In passing through these hills, the traveller cannot avoid being powerfully struck with the whiteness of the sides of the cutting, which will form a striking contrast to the sombre hue of the cuttinQjs through the Staffordshire coal dis- trict. Two walls of chalk, sixty feet in height, and running two miles in a straight line, cannot but present a very singular appearance; whilst three bridges spanning the deep chasm serve to remind the traveller of nothing more forcibly than the TRING TO WOLVERTON. 43 perilous adventures of the Orkney bird catcliers. Upon making our exit from this cutting, a great extent of country becomes visible on both sides of the line, and the villag-es of Pitstone and Great Seabrook appear in sight. After admiring the pretty tower and steeple of Pitstone church, and the variegated range of the Clipperdown and Wards Combe Hills, we may cast our eye across Pitstone Green, and behold, in an elevated situation, on the side of a chalk hill, the town of Ivinghoe. The manor of Ivinghoe formerly be- longed, according to tradition, to the Hampden family ; and the ancient couplet, — " Tring, Wing, and Ivinghoe did go, For striking the Black Prince a blow," — Would seem to intimate that it was Hampden of Hampden's choleric disposition that occasioned the loss of his manorial possessions. The population at present is 1,665; and the only manufacture is that of straw plat. On the left the tower of Marsworth church appears among the hilly fields ; and shortly afterwards the rich vale of Aylesbury opens on our view, and the eye ranges delighted over a wide extent of beautiful fields and meadows. The natural fertility of this vale has been highly extolled, and is almost unrivalled. It lies between the Chiltern Plills and a parallel range of hills of calcareous stone, running at a distance of only a few miles along the western side of Buckinghamshire. Eich clays and loams compose its soil, and the greater part of the land is occupied by grazing and dairy farms. Proceeding along the side of the canal, we have on 44 TRING TO WOLVERTON. our left Cheddington Hill, which, for a short time, hides the village of Cheddington from our view. On the right, the villages of Eddlesborough, Northall, and Ivinghoe Aston, lying at the foot of the chalk hills, form, with Crawley Wood and Clapperdown in the distance, an interesting landscape. Cheddington church now appears on the left ; and in the opposite direction the most favourable view may be obtained of the town and church of Ivinghoe. The next bridge beneath which we pass is Cheddington bridge ; and here, at a distance of thirty-six miles from London, the Aylesbury Railway joins the London and Birmingham line. The town of Aylesbury, for the accommodation of which this branch has been formed, lies nine miles west of the line. It derives its importance chiefly from its being the mart for the produce of the rich vale in which it is situate. In the reign of the Conqueror it was a royal manor, and some parcels of it were granted by that monarch upon the extra- ordinary tenure of providing straw for his bed, sweet herbs for his chamber, and two green geese and three eels for his table, whenever he should visit Aylesbury. The houses are principally of brick, and several hand- some residences have lately been erected at the entrances from London and Buckingham. Aylesbury can boast of a Florist's and Horticultural Society, which has always been liberally supported ; and of giving the titles of Earl and Marquis to the ancient family of Bruce. The church is an interesting structure, in the decorated style of English architecture. The popula- tion of the town is 4,907 ; and its only manufacture is that of bone lace. TP.IXG TO WOLVERTON. 45 The embankment by which we are crossing Ayles- bury vale is here upwards of twenty-five feet in height, and affords an extensive prospect in every direction. The interesting chalk hills still bound the easterly view, and the fertile valley extends to the west. On the right, the village of Mentmore may be distin- guished on the side of a gentle slope ; and after cross- ing Horton viaduct, the villages of Horton and Slapton are on the right, and the first glimpse is caught of the elegant spire of Leighton Buzzard church. The pro- spect now embraces the lovely country beyond Leio-h- ton Buzzard, and the villages of Great and Little Bellington and Stanton ; but the attention is quickly diverted from every other object by the appearance of I.eighton Buzzard itself. After passing Ascot church on the left, the embankment along which we have been proceeding during the last six miles terminates ; but a short cutting soon brings us to another, from which the prospect is beautiful and extensive. Pottisgrove and Battlesdon Park appear on the high ground above Leighton Buzzard ; and on the left, are Ledbury Green, the village of Wing, which contains 1,152 inhabitants, and the little hamlet of Ascot, where the Empress Maud founded a Benedictine Priory, which, after the suppression of monasteries, came into the possession of Cardinal AVolsey. Another cutting and another embankment bring us to Leighton Buzzard station. 46 TRING TO WOLVERTON. Iieighton Buzzard Station. Distance to London, 40^ — Birmingham, 7]| miles. DISTANCES BYROADS FROM THIS STATION TO THE FOLLOWING PLACES: — Places W. of Station. Wing 2^ miles. Stewkley 4i — Aylesbury 10 — Whitchurch B — Mentmore 4 — Places E. of Station. Dunstable 8 miles. Eddlesborough 5i — Stanbridge 3| — Great Bnckhill 4i — The town of Leighton Buzzard, which, with the fine massive tower and octagonal spire of its noble church, LEIGHTON BUZZARD CHURCH. has formed so interesting an object during the last few miles, lies a little to the north of the station, and is in TRING TO WOLVERTON. 47 the county of Bedfordshire. It is supposed to be the same as the Lygcan-hurgli of the Saxon Chronicle, and its present name is said to be a corruption of Leigliton Beau Desert. In the centre of the town there is an ancient and elegant cross, of pentangular form, and elaborate workmanship ; but concerning the origin and design of which, both history and tradi- tion are silent. However, as it is reported to have existed more than 500 years, and as there was formerly a cell of Cistercian monks in the neighbourhood, it has most probably been in some way connected with that establishment. It was repaired in 1650, the expense being defrayed by a rate of fourpence, levied on each of the inhabitants. The chief articles of trade are timber, iron, lime, brick, and corn, and several females are employed in making lace and straw plat. The population is 3,330. Seven miles from Leighton Buzzard is the town of Dunstable, so celebrated as the emporium of those unclassic coverings of the female face which have con- tributed more to produce the marble complexion of " the pale unripened beauties of the north," than even the unkindness of Phoebus, whom the poets of softer climes roundly charge with this direful crime. It was formerly distinguished for the number of its inns, and was wont to derive considerable wealth from the numerous travellers in whose route it lay ; but it has now, in a great measure, suffered the fate of Babylon, when Cyrus had cut off the waters of the Euphrates, — the tide has been turned into a difierent channel. With regard to antiquity, Dunstable will yield to no town we have yet described. The ancient Britons 48 TRIXG TO WOLVERTON. had a settlement here, called Maes Gtvyn, or the " White Field," and with which the Magiomnium of Antoninus is thought to have been identical. The derivation of its present appellation has been a subject of controversy ; some deriving it from Dun., a hill, and staple, a commercial mart ; whilst others contend that the first syllable was the name of a famous freebooter, who spread terror through this neighbourhood in the reio-n of Henry I. The town was rebuilt by Henry after he had cleared the country of robbers ; and by him, also, a royal residence was erected, and a priory of Black Canons was founded. In the chapel of our Lady at the Priory, Archbishop Cranmer pronounced the sentence of divorce between Henry VIH. and Catharine of Arrao-on. The church, which is now almost all that remains of the ancient Priory, was originally a magnifi- cent and extensive cruciform structure ; but after Henry VIII. had abandoned a design which he had had of converting it into a cathedral, a considerable part of it was demolished. The remains consist of the west front, the nave, and two aisles ; and exhibit both the Norman and the early and later English styles of architecture. The town of Dunstable con- sists of four principal streets, which intersect each other at right angles, and correspond exactly with the four cardinal points. Its population is 2, 11 7. Upon leaving the Leighton Buzzard station, we traverse a larger extent of level country than we have yet met with ; the inclination during the next fifteen miles being seldom more than 1 in 1,100. Yet natural obstacles have not been wanting. The first which presents itself is Jackdaw Hill, which is perforated by THING TO WOLVERTON. 49 a tunnel a quarter of a mile in length. The tunnel is succeeded by a short cutting, the perpendicular sides of which are sixty feet in height ; and shortly afterwards we make the sharpest turn which occurs on any part of the hne. Upon again reaching the open country, Linslade Wood is seen on both sides of the line, and Linslade Hall and Church quickly appear on the right. The village of Linslade has little to recom- mend it to our notice, unless it be that six centuries ago it was highly celebrated on account of a holy well to which our deluded forefathers were wont to make many a long and toilsome pilgrimage. The next object to which we would direct the atten- tion of the traveller, as we pass through some common- place scenery, is the town of Great Brickhill, standing on one of the hills which lie to the right. In the same du-ection, but close to the line, is Stoke Hammond ; whilst on the left are Stewkley, Soulbury, and Lis- combe Park. Of these places the most important is Stewkley : it has a population of 1,053, and is deserv- ing of notice on account of its church being one of the most enriched and complete specimens of the Norman style of architecture now existing. Near the town is a lime quarry, which would probably repay a visit from those who are fond of geological researches, as there have been found in it many curious antidi- luvian remains, and large fossil shells. Liscombe Park is the property of Lady Lovatt, and contains a tine mansion, standing on the brow of a gentle emi- nence, and commanding a beautiful view of the level country which is traversed by the railway. As we proceed, the scenery improves considerably ; £ 50 TRING TO WOLVERTON. and after passing through a short cutting, and under one or two accommodation bridges, Great and Little Brickhill, with the simple spires of their respective churches, appear on the right, and form interesting objects in the landscape. The hills on the right are mantled with rich foliage, and the little village of Bow Brickhill can just be discerned peeping from amongst it. In the contrary direction there is little to attract attention, save the spire of Stewkley church, and a distant windmill, which marks the site of Drayton Parslow. As the line now preserves a rectilinear course for several miles, the traveller who is willing to venture his head out of the window of the carriage, at the risk of its assuming the appearance of that of the luckless rider of Edmonton, may have an uninterrupted prospect of the railway, with the cuttings through which it passes, almost as far as Denbigh Hall. We, however, would advise him to suspend his observations until he can make them at Bletchley station, without putting his hat and wig into jeopardy. Bletcliley Station. Distance to London, 47 — Birmingham, 65} miles. J^lSTANCKS BY KOAUS FIIOM TIJIS STATION TO TilK FOLLOVVINU PLACES: — Plates W. of Station. Bleti'hley 1 miJe. Newton Lontrville . . , . 2i miles. Places E. of Station. Fenny Stratford. . .. 1 mile. AVoBURN -5^ miles. Bow Brickhill 4 — In taking a survey of the surrounding country from this station, Bletchley appears close to the line on the left. On the extreme left, Drayton Parslow can be distinguished, and a little in advance of it is the village TRIXG TO WOLVERTON. 51 of Newton Longville. More distant is Whaddon Chace and Hall, in which Queen Elizabeth was enter- tained by Arthur Lord Grey ; and in which Spencer, the poet, who was secretary to that nobleman, fre- quently resided. The village of Whaddon contains 889 inhabitants, and is celebrated as having been the birth-place of Richard Cox, one of the principal com- posers of our English Liturgy, and also as having given to Villiers, the celebrated favourite of James I. and Charles I., his first title, namely, that of Baron. On the right of the station, and standing on a gentle eminence, at a distance of rather more than a mile, is the little market town of Fenny Stratford. This place takes its distinguishing appellation from the nature of the ground by which it is surrounded. In 1665, it was almost depopulated by a plague, and it has not yet recovered from its effects. It at present contains 635 inhabitants, who are chiefly supported by travellers and lace making. Continuing our survey from the Bletchley station, the village of AVater Eaton is seen on the right, in the fore- ground ; and on the richly wooded hills which rise be- yond, the three Brickhills are still discernible. In the beautiful vale beyond these hills, and, of course, invisible from the railway, stands the healthy town of Woburn. This town is about six miles from the sta- tion, and occupies a gentle eminence on the main road from London to Leeds. It is surrounded with planta- tions of evergreen, and consists of four broad and handsome streets, which intersect each other at right angles. In the centre of the town is a noble market house, erected by the Duke of Bedford, in the Tudor E 2 52 . THING TO WOLVERTON. Style of architecture. The church was erected by the last abbott of Woburn, and being nearly covered with ivy, has a remarkably beautiful appearance. In the immediate vicinity of the town is Woburn Abbey, the seat of his grace the Duke of Bedford. It occupies the site of an ancient Cistercian Abbey, and is sur- rounded by a noble and extensive park ; but to attempt to describe all the splendid adornments of this magnificent seat, — the statues, paintings, galleries, and columns, — the noble Ionic entrance, the artificial lake, the miniature temple, and all the other valuable works of art, which unbounded wealth and refined taste have collected together, — would be very incon- sistent with the brevity required in a Road Book, We will, therefore, here conclude our survey, and suppose ourselves again bounding with the fleetne'ss of the mountain roe along our iron pathway. After rapidly sweeping through a cutting, we cross the London road by a stupendous iron bridge, which has a most noble appearance from below, and come to what was formerly known as the Denbigh Hall station. Here, for several months after the first opening of the railway, the trains were accustomed to stop, and the traveller had to adopt the ancient methods of convey- ance, for the performance of the next thirty-eight miles of his journey. To describe in all its serio- comic reality the scene which this now secluded spot was wont then to present, would require the pen of a Washington Irving. Luggage lost, tickets missing, coaches overfilled, and a thousand other disastrous occurrences, altogether formed a spectacle which we would defy the most sorrowful disciple of Heraciitus TRING TO WOLVERTON. 53 to view without a smile. All the busy multitudes, however, that so lately thronged this spot, and rendered it a scene of intense animation, have now vanished, like the fabric of Mirza's vision ; and as we rapidly sweep by, and look in vain for some tokens of anima- tion, we are reminded of the feelings which travellers have had while sitting on the ruins of some ancient city. The building called Denbigh Hall, respecting which it is very probable our reader may have formed the same conception as ourselves, and imagined it to be the august mansion of some illustrious grandee, is nothing but a paltry public house, or " Tom and Jerry shop," as we heard an indignant fellow-traveller con- temptuously style it, which has taken the liberty of assuming this magnificent appellation. Tradition ascribes the origin of the name to the circumstance of Lord Denbigh having been compelled, to tarry here for a night, through an accident happening to his car- riage ; and also inforais us that his lordship left some property to his host in return for the kindness with which he had been entertained ; but whether this story is deserving of credit, or has merely been in- vented for the amusement of the visiters at this Denbigh Hall, we pretend not to say. After leaving this ci-divant station, and passing through a cutting three quarters of a mile in length, we perceive on the left the church of Loughton, and also that of Shenstone, which is a very good specimen of the Norman style of architecture. Close to the line on the risht is the village of Bradwell, where was formerly a priory of Black Canons, founded in the reign of Stephen, and of which the abbey, transibrmed into a farm house, may E 3 54 TRIKG TO WOLVERTON. Still be seen standing on the left of the line. A short cutting, which is crossed by a bridge handsomely faced in a rustic style, brings us to Wolverton station. WOLVEBTOiM STATION. Distance to London, 52| — Birmingham, 59| miles. DISTANCES BY ROADS FROJr THIS STATION TO THE FOLLOWING PLACES! — Places W. of station. Buckingham.. .'. .. 10| miles. Bracklet I7| — Stoney Stratford . . 2 — Places E. of Station. Wolverton . . .... . . 1 mile. Newport Pagnell . . .. 4 miles. Fenny Stratford .. .. 2 — Olney 9 — This being the central, and consequently the most important station between London and Birmingham, the buildings connected with it are on a scale of unparalleled magnificence. In addition to the loco- motive engine house on the left, where these immense machines are manufactured, repaired, and kept in store, there is an extensive depot for goods on the right, and an area of several acres set apart for the re- ception of cattle. The style of architecture chiefly employed is the Doric ; the beautiful simplicity of which harmonises well with the character of the build- ings. But no useless ornament is employed : all is simple, grand, and imposing. Those passengers who wish to take some refreshment after a ride of fifty-two miles, have here ten minutes allowed them for that purpose. The town of Wolverton, hitherto unnoticed on the map of Great Britain, is now rapidly rising into importance ; houses are springing up on every side, streets are being laid out, and a large and busy popu- lation is rapidly gathering ; whilst its fame as the birth- place of English fire steeds is spreading through the civilized world. Previously to the commencement of TRING TO WOLVERTON. OO the railway, it contained only 417 inhabitants ; but now, the railway company alone give direct employ- ment to nearly a thousand hands. This station will be found the most favourable for travellers proceeding to the towns of Stoney Stratford, Buckingham, Newport Pagnel, and Olney. The first of these places stands on the banks of the Ouse, one mile south-east of the station, and contains 1,700 inhabitants. It is celebrated in English history as having been the place where Eichard III., when Duke of Gloucester, seized Edward V. It has suffered greatly from accidental fires, 53 houses having been burned to the ground in 1736, and 113 in 1742. Prior to the introduction of v/aggons, it was a noted place of rendezvous for pack horses conveying goods to London, and the traflfiic through it is still very great. Eight miles south-west of Stoney Stratford, is the ancient county town of Buckingham. Respecting the derivation of its name, etymologists diflfer widely ; but it appears most probable that the Saxon JBucca^ which signifies a stag, lies at the root, since, in the early ages, the neighbourhood abounded with forests well stocked with deer. It is pleasantly situated on the river Ouse, which nearly encompasses the town, and is crossed by three stone bridges. The trade chiefly consists in the sorting of wool, the tanning of leather, and the manufacture of lace. The church stands on the site of an ancient baronial castle. It is a hand- some structure, with a square embattled tower, and is internally elegantly fitted up in the Grecian style of architecture. Two miles west of Buckingham is Stowe Park, the magnificent seat of the Duke of Buckingham E 4 56 TRING TO WOLVERTON. and Chandos. The mansion was originally built by Sir Richard Temple, K.B., who died in 1697 ; it was enlarged by his son, Lord Cobham, and was brought to its present state of unrivalled magnificence by the late Marquis of Buckingham. The gardens or pleasure grounds of Stowe are more celebrated than even the mansion itself : they comprehend a space of more than 500 acres ; and contain a broad lake, a beautiful cascade, and a noble monument to Lord Cobham ; together with a profusion of statues, temples, and every species of architectural adornment. A building in the flower gardens contains the mineralogical and geolo- gical collections of the Abbe Haiiy, and an immense number of specimens in every branch of natural history collected by the Duke of Buckingham. Newport Pagnell is a well built market town, lying six miles north-east of the station, and containing 3,385 inhabitants. The latter part of its name is derived from the family of Paganell, to whom the manor descended from the powerful baron, William Fitzansculfy who held it at the time of the conquest. The church stands on an eminence which affords a fine prospect of the surrounding country ; and in the churchyard may be seen the beautiful epitaph, written by Cowper, on Thomas Abbott Hamilton. The other town which we mentioned as lying at a convenient distance from the Wolverton station, was that of Olney. This town lies ten miles north-east from the station, and, in common with the two last mentioned places, stands on the banks of the Ouse. It has a population of 2,418. The bridge over the Ouse is a handsome structure, consisting of five large arches, TRING TO WOLVERTON. 67 and two smaller ones. In the church, which is a large and ancient edifice, an unusually large number of celebrated literary personages have regularly officiated ; amongst whom we may notice Moses Browne, author of Piscatory Eclogues ; John Newton, the popular preacher and writer ; Thomas Scott, the celebrated biblical commentator ; and Kenry Gauntlett, \^ho wrote on the Apocalypse. Of all the great names, however, that are associated with Olney, there is none which recals so many pleasing remembrances as that of the poet Cowper. It was to this place that he retired to seclude himself from intercourse with a world, the rude gaze of which was alone sufficient to frighten his timid spirit ; and here, under the pastoral care of the Rev. John Newton, referred to above, he was in some measure relieved from that deep religious despondency into which he had foUen, and was enabled to form truer conceptions of that Divine system of religion which professes to be to all mankind glad tidings of great joy. Should our traveller be visiting Olney, we would sincerely recommend him to pay a visit to the house and garden of this amiable poet; and if he has ever dropped a tear on the grave of Byron's dog, in Newstead Abbey, perhaps he may not be unwilling to bestow the same tribute of sympathy on Cowper's hare, in his garden at Olney ; for, although Puss may not perhaps have been bewailed in elegiac strains quite so pathetic as those inscribed on Boatswain's tomb, yet her memory, also, is preserved in immortal verse, and future ages will hear of her inno- cent attempts to divert the melancholy of her sorrowful master. 58 WOLVERTON TO ROADE. CHAPTER V WOLVERTON TO ROADE. Seven miles and a half. Upon leaving Wolverton station, we behold directly before us the lofty steeple of Hanslope church, which, in point of conspicuousness, may almost vie with that of Harrow church. The delightful prospect which is now unfolded before us in every direction, includes Brad- well Wharf, Linford, and Mill Mead, on the right, and the village of Wolverton on the left. After crossing the Grand Junction Canal by a handsome iron bridge, and the Newport Pagnell and Stratford road by one of a more ordinary description, we arrive at the stupendous viaduct over the Ouse valley. This magnificent struc- ture consists of six arches of sixty feet span, besides six smaller ones placed in the abutments ; and, to a spectator in the valley below, presents a most noble appearance. The view of the surrounding country, from the viaduct, is also exceedingly interesting. That on the right is thus beautifully described by a hand more graphic than ours : — " Here Ouse, slow winding through a level plain Of spacious meads with cattle sprinkled o'er, Conducts the eye along his sinuous course Delighted. There, fast rooted in their bank, WOLVERTON TO ROADE. 59 Stand, never overlooked, our favourite elms, That screen the herdsman's solitary hut ; While far beyond and overthwart the stream, That, as with molten glass, inlays the vale, The sloping land recedes into the clouds ; Displaying on its varied side the grace Of hedge-row beauties numberless, square tower, Tall spire, from w liich the sound of cheerful bells Just undulates upon the listening ear, Groves, heaths, and smoking villages remote." The Task. One could almost imagine that the poet had written these lines while leaning on the parapet of the viaduct, and viewing the distant spire of Haversham church, and the pretty cottages of Mead Mill. On the left the scenery is not less interesting. There also — The Ouse, dividing the well-Avatered land, Now glitters in the sun, and now retires As bashful, yet impatient to be seen. And not far distant is the stupendous embankment and cast iron viaduct by which the Grand Junction Canal is carried over the valley ; the towers of the two churches at Stoney Stratford rise above the viaduct ; Wolverton is seen amonoj the rich foliage on the ex- treme left ; whilst the village of Cosgrove appears a little more in advance, and Castle Thorp in the distance. After the termination of the Wolverton embankment, we pass through a short cutting ; and then proceed along another embankment, through some finely wooded country, with a fertile valley on the left, and the village of Hanslope, with its lofty church spire, which now appears to the greatest 60 WOLVERTON TO ROADE. advantage, on the right. Another cuttmg. a quarter of a mile in length, being passed, we discover on the left the villages of Stoke Bruern, Yardley Gobion, Potters- bur}^ and Furthro, and also Whittlebury Forest, all of which are in the distance ; whilst, amongst the adjacent woodlands, the picturesque village of Grafton Regis, with the tower of its venerable church, can be distinctly perceived. This village is celebrated in history as having been the place where the clandestine marriage between Edward IV. and the widow of Sir John Gray, of Groby, was solemnized. On the right is the village of Hartwell, and the forest of Salcey, which, together with that of Whittle- bury, which bounds the view on the left, is under the superintendence of the Duke of Grafton. These forests formed part of the ancient woodlands of North- amptonshire, the remains of which are still very exten- sive. The three forests of Rockingham, Whittlebury, and Salcey, occupy 20,000 acres ; and the chaces, purlieu woods, and plantations, are computed to cover 20,000 more; so that this county contains upon the whole about 40,000 acres of woodland territory. The scenery on the left retains its interest for several miles. The country surrounding Stoney Stratford forms a fine rear view ; and Easton and Stoke Parks soon add to the beauties of the landscape. The former of these, which, till lately, belonged to the Earls of Pomfret, has been rendered eminent by the splendid collection of ancient marbles and pictures with which the mansion was decorated. The statues were presented to the university of Oxford, in 1755, by the Countess who was so highly celebrated on WOLVERTON TO KOADE. 61 account of her literary attainments. Stoke Park is a highly decorated spot ; and the mansion, which was erected in the reign of Charles I., is a noble edifice. Immediately after coming within sight of these parks, we cross the boniidary line between Buckinghamshire and Northamptonshire ; and are prepossessed in favour of the latter county, by the interesting appearance of some })retty thatched cottages, which stand on each side of the line, and constitute the village of Ashlon. Here the embankment, which has extended nearly a mile, and afforded so many delightful prospects of the surrounding conn try, comes to a termination. After })assing through three moderate cuttings, and under Roade skew bridge, — which is a handsome erection, faced with dark grey stone, — we reach the Hoade station, IlOB.SE STATIC n. Distance to Loiidou, GO — Birniiiighaii], o'J^ lUilcs. UlST.VNCtS BY UOADS FEOli THIS STATION TO TUi. iOLLOWl::giiam The Platers bestow the requisite form upon the articles which they manufacture by means of stamps ; finishing them, when necessary, with a punch and hammer. The stock of die-moulds, which this system renders it necessary to keep on hand, is immense : some of the foctories possess no fewer than 300,000, all of different patterns. This manufacture can be witnessed with the greatest facility at the works of Messrs. Collis and Co., in Church-street; and we vrould particularly call the attention of the stranger to this establishment, as he may there also witness the manufacture of guns, medals, buttons, and various kinds of jewellery ; and may examine, in the extensive show-rooms, a magnificent collection of the choicest specimens of Birmingham art, in all its departments. The productions of the sister manufactories of Shef- field may be advantageously viewed in connexion with those of Birmingham, by persons inclined to in- stitute a comparison betv/een them, at the show rooms of Mapplebeck and Lowe, in the Bull-ring, and of Edwards and Ball, in High-street; and we certainly do not think that the opportunity of making such a comparison ought to be neglected by the intelligent visiter who is in search of amusement combined with instruction. Of metallic buildings for horticultural purposes, Messrs. Daft and Son, of Paradise-street, and Mr. Thomas Clark, of Lionel-street, are the prin- cipal manufacturers. Those erected by Mr. Clark, in the Botanic Gardens, at Edgbaston, are well worthy of inspection. The conservatory is composed entirely of metal and glass, and is a beautiful specimen of the taste and skill which is now displayed in this branch of art. AND ITS MAiSUFACTURES. 103 Of all the remaining manufactures, that of steel pens is perhaps the most interesting. These little substi- tutes for the grey goose quill are made by means of a standing press, and auotiier little machine which rounds the nibs and cuts the slits. They are afterwards polished by mutual attrition caused by agitation in an eccentri- cally revolving cylinder. In the manufacture of this apparently insignificant article, upwards of one hundred tons of steel are annually consumed, and a vast number of hands constantly employed. Owing to the rapidity with which it has sprung into importance, a vast influx of wealth has been the consequence to the fortunate speculators who were the first to enter the field. One individual has lately reared a gigantic factory on New- hall-hill, and calculates that he manufactures upwards of thirty-six millions of pens every year. Japanning is another staple manufacture of Birming- ham ; and its productions, in this branch of art, already bid fair to rival their oriental architypes in fanci- fulness of design and brilliancy of ornament. The show-rooms of the principal japanners will carry the visiter back, in imagination, to the gorgeous halls of Arabian fable, adorned, not by the art and labour of man, but, by the creative power of invisible genii. This cursory survey of the leading manufactures will be sufhcient to give the stranger a general idea of their character. They are of that class which has raised England to her exalted rank among the nations : and the practical traveller will here find more objects worthy of engaging his attention than he would pro- bably do during a three months' tour through the most famed cities of the continent. All knowledge is here H 4 104 BIRMINGHAM rendered practical. The antiquarian comes from the sacred vales of Greece and Italy, laden with designs of classic elegance, grace, and beauty, to enrich the pattern book of the plater and founder. The chemist issues forth from his laboratory to show what effect the agents with which he is conversant will have upon the various metals made use of, and what alloys can be advantageously substituted for more expensive ma- terials ; and the mathematician descends from his abstract speculations to regulate the construction of machinery, and furnish the engineer with infallible data. In short, Art here holds her imperial court, and the magician Science bows in obsequious vassalage. At her command he waves his potent wand, and nature owns her authority, and the elements murmur sub- mission to her sway ; Earth opens to her his hidden treasuries; Fire pours at her feet the puri- fied riches; Water, reconciled to his bitterest foe, puts forth his latent power, and places at her dis- posal his gigantic and hitherto undiscovered energies ; whilst Air affords her his tribute of service, by waft- ing her merchandise from land to distant land, as far as the swelling waves of ocean have ever rolled. For further information respecting the history, topography, and famed manufactures of this town, we must refer our reader to the " Picture of Birmingham/' — a picture which possesses qualities which no artist has ever been able to communicate to his most elaborate productions ; as it unites the brilliancy, faithfulness, and animation, of the camera obscura, with the miraculous properties of the Italian necro- mancer's mirror, across which visions of the past, and AND ITS M A?{ U FACT U RES. 105 shadows of the future, were wont to flit; — and we will content ourselves with giving the following list of a very few of its numerous manufacturers: — PRIXCIPAL SHOW ROOMS AND MANUFACTORIES. Sdlio, Handsworth. BRASS FOUNDERS. Audertou, W., and Sous, 6, Wliittall street. Barber, J., and Green, 15, Newhall- street. Bouni, John, 31, Lionel-street. Docker, Thomas, and Sons, Wliittall- sti'eet. Heaton, Ralph, 70 and 71, Bath-street. Honi, Thomas, Temple-roAv. liingham Brothers, 1 70, Little Hampton-street. Messenger, Thomas, and Sons, 22, Broad-street. RatclifF, J. and E., St. Paxil's Square. Simcox, Pemberton, and Co., 42, Livery-sti'eet. Smith, Timothy, and Sons, 4, Bartholomew- street. Standley, James, 43, Stani forth- street. Swift, James, 7, Whittall-street. Winfield, R. W., Cambridge- street. BRITISH PLATE MANUFACTURERS. Brown and Ball, Paradise-sti-eet. Kvans and Askin, George-street, Sand Pits. MeiTy and Co., Cherry-street. Sturges an(J Son, 26, Lichtield-street. BUTTON MANUFACTURERS. Armtield, Edward, Newhall-street. Aston, J., St. Paul's Square. Bartleet, T., and Sons, 126, Great Gharles- street. Elliott, W., Frederick- street. Regent-street. Hammond, Turner, and Sons, Snow-hill. Hai'dman, J., and Co., 12, Paradise-street. Jennens and Co., Old Meeting-house-yai'd, Deritend. Ledsam, Thomas, and Sons, 10, Great Charles-street. lOG BIRMI.NGIIAM Smith, C. v., 14, NtMvhall-slreet. Steadman, R. Jim., 35, Edmund-street. CUT AND PLAIN GLASS MANUFACTURERS. Bedford, Sarah, and Co., 16, New-street. Henderson, (Staiuer of Glass,) New-street. Price, Higli-street. Rollason, Thomas, (Manufacturer to the Royal Family,) Steel- house lane. Osier, F. and C, Broad-sU-eet. GLASS WORKS. Bacchus and Green, Union Glass Works, Dai-tmouth- street. Gammon, W., and Co., Belmont Glass AYorks, Great Brook-street. Goold and Co., ^tna Glass AVorks, Broad-street. Harris, Rice, Islington Glass Works, Sheepcote- street, Broad-street. Thomson and Shaw, Bagot- street. GUN AND PISTOL MAKERS. Busby, J., 30f, New-sU'eet. Dugard, R., 29, Whittall- street. Jones, Charles, 16, Whittall-street Meredith, H., and Son, 48, St. Paul's Square. Powell, W., 49, High-street. Pritchard, W., 135, New street. Redfei-n, B., Caroline-street. Richards, Westley, 82, High-street. Sargant and Son, 74, Edmund- street. Wheeler, R., and Son, 27, Snow-hill. HOTHOUSE AND HORTICULTURAL BUILDING CONSTRUCTORS METALLIC AND COPPER SASH MANUFACTURERS. Clark, Thomas, Jun., 55, Lionel-street. Daft, Thomas, and Son, Towti Hall Foundry, Paradise- street. IRON FOUNDERS. Boulton, Watt, and Co., Soho. Capper, Chai'les Henry, Broad-street. Jones, George, Phoenix Foundry, Snow-hill. Jones, Thomas, and Sons, Bradford -street. AND ITS MANUFACTURES. 107 Mole, T. and W., Pagoda V/orks, Bordesley. — Shjw Rooms, Smiibfield. Smiili and Hawkes, Eagle Foundry, Broad-street. MALLEABLE IRON FOUNDERS. Clive and Cardall, 50, Stauiforth-street. JAPANNERS. Bill, R. and G., 1 i, Summer-lane. Jennens and Bettridge, (Paper Tray Makers to her Majesty,) 99, Constitution-hill. Lane, Thomas, Great Hampton-street. Room, James, 28, Summer-row. JEWELLERS, SILVERSMITHS, AND EMPORIUMS FOR EVERY DESCRIPTION OF CLTLERY, PLATED WARES, &C. Soho Plate Company, Handsworth. Collis, G. R., Church-street. Edwards, Ball, and Co., 82, High-street. Mapplebeck and Lowe, Bull Ring. LAMP, CHANDELIER, CANDELABRA, LUSTRE, &€., MANIFACTIUERS. Aspinall, T., 33, Lower Temple street. Blakeway, John, Edgbaston-street. Blake way, Thomas William, Broad- street. Messenger, Thomas, and Sons, Broad-street. Osier, Follett, Broad- street, Islington. Phipson and Evans, Newhall-street. Ratclifl', John and Charles, 140, Suffolk-street Salt, Thomas Clutton, 17 and 18, Edmund-street. Smith, Timothy, and Sons, 4, Bartholomew-street. METAL ROLLERS. Cooke, Roome, and Harley, Fazeley-street. Mimtz, George Frederick, AVater-street. Phipson, William, Fazeley-street. Union Rolling Mills, Cambridge-street. PIN MAKERS. Phipson, T., and Sons, Broad-street Latham and Kilmister, Lancaster- street. 108 BIRMINGHAM AND ITS MANUFACTURES. PLATERS, AND MANUFACTURERS OF SILVER AND PLATED WARES. CoUis, G. R., Church-street. Dixon, Matthew, 137, Snow-hill. Parkei', J,, and Sons, 23§, Summer-row. Parker, John Frederick, 72, High-sti'eet. Ryland, William, 167, Great Charles-street. Soho Plate Company, Soho. Spooner, Painter, and Co., 12, New Market-st., Great Charles- st. Watei-house and Son, 22, Hill-street. Wilkinson, Thomas, and Co., 15, Great Hampton -street. Willmore and Co., Bread-street. STEAM ENGINE MANUFACTURERS. Boulton and Watt, Soho, Handsworth. Capper, C. H., Broad-street. Donaldson and Glasgow, 53, Suflblk- street. Smith and Hawkes, Eagle Foundry, Broad-street. Jones, George, Phaniix Foundry, Snow-hill and' Lionel-street. Penn, Samuel, Great Lister Street Steam Mill. SCREW MANUFACTURERS. James, J., Bradford- street. Ledsam, Messrs., Edmund-street. Ryland, H., Oozell-street, Broad-street. MISCELLANEOUS MANUFACTURERS, &c. Knight, Heni-y, Machinist, 15, Aun-sti*eet. Middlemore, — , Holloway-head, Saddlers' Ironmonger. Room, W. and F., Pai-ade, Wholesale Saddlers and Bridle Makers. Rodgers and Co., Broad- street. Brace and Belt Manufacturers. Bright, H., Jeweller, 2, Union-street. Farmer, R., Upholsterer, 11, New-street, and 30, Bath row. Harris, T., Upholsterer, 9, New sti'eet. INNS. The Royal Hotel, Temple-row, and The New Royal Hotel, (kept hy ]Mr. Lambley, successor to Mr. Radenhurst,) New-street, ai-e the principal Family Houses. INDEX. Al.DBlRY, 40 Alderman Hill, 67 Allesley, 92 Appevton, 18 Ascot, 46 Ashhridge Park, 39 Ashted, 96 Ashlon, 61 Aston, 96 Avon, the, 81 Aylesburgb, 44 Baginton, 83 BalLrook Grange, 81 Balsal Grange, 93 Bank :Mill, 34 Barr Beacon, 96 Barston, 93 Battle;^don Park, 45 Beech Wood, 92 liuinel, ih. Bellington, 4o Belmont, 18 Bentley Priory, ib. Berkhampstead, 34 Berkswell, 92 Bilton, 80 Birmingham, 98 station, 96 iron manufactures, 99 fomidries, 100 steam engine manufac- tories, 101 metal rolling mills, ib. plated ware, 102 giins, ih. medals. Hi. buttons, il). Birmingham, horticultural buildings, ih. steel pens, l(i3 japanning, ih. character of its manu- factures, 104 list of principal manu- facturers, 105 Binley, 83 Bletciiley, 50 Bliswortii, 63 Blythe viaduct, 93 Borough Hill, 70. 73 Bourne End, 33 ' Boxmoor, 32 Bradwell Wharf, 58 Bradwell, 53 Brandon, 82 Brent, river, 18 Brickhill, Great, 49, 51 Little, 50, 51 Bow, ih. Brockhall Park, 72 BroAvnsover, 76 Buckby Wharf, 73 Bugbrook, 66 Downs, 62, 66 Buckingham, 55 Camden Town, 10—12 Carriages, fittings up of, 8 Cashiobury, 26 abbey, 25 Castle Thorp, 59 Chalk Farm, 13 Cheddington, 44 City railway, 7 Claycolon, 76 110 INDEX. Chiltem hills, 40—42 Clapperdo-mi, 44 Clifton, 76 Clipperdo-mi hills, 43 Coleshill, 94 Colne, valley of, 22 viaduct, 23 Combe abbey, 83 Cosgi-ove, o9 Counters End, 33 CoAentrv, 84 — 88 _ ^ history of, 85—87 legend of, 85 trades of, 87 , buildings of, ib. clmrches of, 88 Cowper, 35 Crackley Wood, 92 Crawley Wood, 44 Crick, 73 Daventry, 69 Denbigh hall, 52 Derby and Birminghara Junc- tion Railway, 94, 96 Drayton Parslow, 50 Duddestou hall, 96 Dudswell, 39 Dunchurch, 75 Duns] and, 76 Dunstable, 47 Dunstou Wood, 62, 64 Easton Park, 60 Eddlesborough, 44 Edgeware, 21 Edgeware-road, 14 Elradon Park, 95 Elkington, 76 Elsdon-lane, 92 Elstree, 21 Ernsford Grange, 83 Escote, 93 Euston Grove, 7, 8 Farthingstone, 67 Felden, 33 Fennv Stratford, 51 Floore Hill, 72 Furthro, 60 Gavton church, 62 — '- Wharf, 64 Grafton Regis, 60 Grand Excavation, 9 Great Brington, 64 Great Seabrook, 43 Grove Park, 28 Guy's CliflF, 89 Hall Norton, 73 Hampstead, 15 Hampstead-road, Hampton-iu-Arden, 93 Han slope, 58 Harpole, 64 . Hill, 62 Harrow-on-the-Hill, 19 Harstone Brook -sdaduct, 6" Hartwell, 60 Hatchend, 21 Haver sham, 59 Haxter End, 34 Hearshall common, 92 Hemel Hempstead, 32 Heyford, Upper, 67 . Nether, ib. Higham, 67 Highgate, 12 Hill End, 33 Hinckley, 91 Horton, 45 Hunsbury Hill, 02 Hunton Bridge, 29 Icknield Way, 41 Ivinghoe, 43 Aston, 44 Jackdaw Hill, 48 Kenilworth, 89 IISDEX. HI Kensal Greeii tunnel, 16 Kilbum, 14 Kilsby tunnel, 74 King's Langley, 28 Langley Bury, 28 Lawford, Church, 80 Little, ib. Long, ih, Leamington Priors, 90 Ledbury Green, 45 Leighton Buzzard, 46 Liibounie, 76 LLiilbrd, 58 I,in.slade, 49 Liscombe Park, ih. Littleborough, 67 London, history of, 2 greatness of, 3 antiquitv' of, 2 its plagues, ih. its fires, 3 traffic of, ih. railways entering, 4 London and Binniughaia Rail- way, history of, 6 Longcroft, 33 Loughton, 53 Luttenvorth, 79 Makidown, 95 Marston wood, ih. Marsworth, 43 Maxtoke castle, 94 piiory, ih. Mentraore, Ao Mercote hall, 93 Meriden, ih. Midland Counties Railway, 79 Mill Mead, 58 Milton, or Middleton, 62 Moor Hall, 23 Moretou Hill, 76 Mount Pleasant, 81 Nene, valley of the, 64 Newbold, 76 Newbold-upon-Avon, 80 Newport PagneU, 56 Newton, 76 Newton Longviile, 51 Northall, 44 Northchurch, 39 tunnel, ih. Northampton, 64 Nuneaton, 91 Oldbury Wood, 39 Olney, 56 Ouse Aiaduct, Oxhey, 22 Oxhey ridge, 21 Packington Park, 93 Packiugton, Little, 95 Paik-street bridge, 10 Pattishall, 67 Pinner, 21 Pitstone, 43 Pottersbury, 60 Pottisgrovc, 45 Pouching End, 33 Primrose Kill tunnel, 13 Regent's Park, 12 Rickmansworth, 23 Rigton End, 93 Roade, 61 Rothersthorpe, 64 Rugby, 76 — 79 school, 78 Ruislip, 21 Ryton, 82 Salcey, forest of, 60 Saltley Excavation, 96 Shakspeai-e, 81 Sheldon, 95 Shenstonc, 53 Sherbounie viaduct, 84 Slapton, 45 Solihull, 94 112 INDEX. Soulbury, 49 St. Albans, 26 Staumore, liittle, 20 Great, il>. Stanton, 45 Stephenson, Robert, 7 Stewklev, 49 Stitchfoi-d, 95 Stoke, 83 Stoke Brueni, GO Hammond, 49 Park, 60 Stoney Stratford, 55 Stowe, 67 Stowe bill timnel, 67 Park, 55 Sudbury, 18 Telegraph, electro magnetic, 1 2 Ten Sliilling wood, 92 Towcester, 63 Travelling, pleasures of, 1 Tring, 40 Tunnels, 75 Two ^Yaters, 32 Twyford, 17 Upper Classthorpe, 64 Uxbridge, 21 Vauxhall, 96 Walsal End, 93 Wards Combe Hills, 43 Warwick, 88 Water Eaton, 51 AVatford, 73 ■ 25 tunnel, 27 Weedon, 68 AVendover, 41 Whaddon Cbace, 51 Wbilton, 73 White Hill, 38 Whitley abbey, 84 Whittleburv Forest, 60 WillenhairWood, 83 Wing, 45 Wigginton, 38, 40 Wimbley, 18 Woburn, 51 abbey, 52 Wolverton, 54 Wooton, 62 Green, 93 Wriothesley-street bridge, 9 Yardley, 95 Gobi on, 60 Yelvcrtoft, 76 Sf BW o o ^ H ^ M- 1 1 ^. '^. ^ i^^^ "i: ■^ N § ^ •'^ K X ^ ^ ;« J .\^ J 5P vv. x> • 4 5 P.M. 5 30 6 50 |745 10 6 20 6 35 825 9 56 9 16 10 54 9 50 10 6 11 60 10 40 11 10 1 t tbe Aylesbury Junction. Up Tr ains f ro m Birm ingham^ MIXED, from Wolvln MIXED .... 'MAIL •MIXED .... •MIXED, 1st CI. Stns. •FIRST .... MIXED .... 1^11 10 2fi 5 2 2.5 lO' 3 31 Sunday Trains. ivili call at the Aylesbury Ju MIXED, from Wolvt •MAIL •MIXED . . . . iieral, under the powers granteil by act of Parliament, - - ■ - -. -- . ' jijctioii Railway ; suffi- a female attendant. e of the GrandJu e Square ■ -y.Aldg -, Aldr -,HonioriiBaisI 6 — Golden Cross 2 t Garden, Piazza. 2 I and Anchor, Strand 2 iwich Kiiihv ?r Cof. Hse .Dsf.l.St. 2 irn.George&BlueBoarl 2 14 Lad Ln. Swan with two Necks 2 6 18 Loudon Hospital . . 4 2 8 lnstitn,.MoorfleId8 3 2 Loudon Bvidpe Wharf . 3 2 Lambeth, Three Stags . 3 C 3 4 Mint, Tower Hill . . 3 2 4 Marsh Gate, Lambeth . ,10 3 Middlesex Hospital . 1 Q 10 Opera House . . 2 14 Obelisk, St. George's Fields 3 6 2 4 Porimau Stiuare . . 2 14 Pantheon Bazaar . . 16 10 Pantechnicon, KnightsbridgeS a 2 Ratcliff Higwy.CoachSland4 6 3 RgntCircus, Oxford Street 1 fi 10 JtKDt.Cir.PiGdly.,Chap.0ffice2 14 Soho Squsre . . I 6 10 Somerset House . . 2 14 Saddlers Wells Theatre 2 14 Sessions House, Cierkenwell2 I 4 SnireyCbapel.BIKfrs.Road 3 6 2 4 Shoreditch Church St. Paul' St James's Palai Wharf . tiUil Ludi'ute Hill Conduit House . 2 Wood Street, Cross Keys 2 Yorkshire Stingo . . 2 ZooIogicaIGrdns.,Rguts.Prk.2 4 6 3 AB'iilOLET FARES p :nn, Bristol Rd. . 1850-16 ingham Canal, Use St, . . onemile-l ent, (any part) • 1 6 Dees Royal Hotel ■ 98.'j-l Deaf & Dumb Insts. . 3050-2 6 Deritend Bridge . . 1120-1 EtIgbtn.Ch., by Bi-stl, Rd. 3900-2 6 by Broad Street 3050-: School, New Sti-eet 1130-10 General Hospital . onemile-l Old Square, Stork Hotel 840-1 Post Office . . 1433-1 Plough & Hanow Inn, Hapley Road . , 3670-2 6 Swan Hotel . . . 1065-1 St. Martin's Church . 1000-10 St.PhlpsCb..(Dee'sHotI.) 990-1 St. George's Church . 1980-16 St. Mary's Chapel. . 1030-10 Sl.PaursChpI.Lgtfi.Hill 1860-1 6 Sand Pits Toll-gate . 2990-2 Trinity Chapel, Deritend 3000-1 6 Town Hall . - . 1590-1 Theatre .... 1430-1 and every 20 n the Station le mile of tbe ;ediog4n,6d. for being detained. and Inn' AYLESBURY RAILWAY, Ziondon and Birmmgham Sailway. The Hovm of J>f,mr{,7rr ore as miJe}-.— . calling a Ziondon to Aylesbury. t. calling I. do. onlj I. joins 6| Btrmingha i to Aylesbury. buryt rom Wo BERKHMPSTD. m It 4 ill ii: 10.6 i: :: -_ ■ 7-1 - ". ^ t.a « 6.6 S °;° 2.6 it: ■« s ;::: ;;': :r ia.o 1" 9.0 !::: .3.1 .:■: LONDON AND BIRMINGHAM RAILWAY 1^ P.M. ditto Ditto Catling only at 1st Class do. Aylesbury to Birmingham. I i.M, Train Irom London, calling at all the Stations. On Sundays.— Ztondon to Aylesbury- " ditto ' ditto Birmingham to Aylesbury. , Calling at all the Stiitiuns. Ihie nt CwLDDlNGTOf Aylesbury to London. joins 6J4.M. Train from Wolvf.uton. .jailing i .. IJP.M ditto ElUMINGIIAM. Aylesbury to Blrminghi all tbe Stations. ERPOOL AND les of departure fr._ Liverp^l-road, Mancheslei Uverpool to Manchester. " ^- id 'i,A%, 7, {mixed,) p.m.— and 2J,54,7, (stopping only MANCHESTER RAILWAY, Lime.street, Liverpool iQpl-rr"-' ■»' — ' First Class, "t^ W,'vi Second Class, TJ, 10, llj, at Newton,) p.m. _. Prom Manchester to Liverpool. First Class, , 9 lU. a.m., and 2, 5, 7. {mixed.)p.m— Second Sl*'i?''iv^°' "i'«™- and 2i,' flj, 7, {stopping only at ot start till 3. ..and 5} p.m. 5, p.m.— 2ud Class, Fares. Royal Mnil Newtou,) Except IstClnss, By First D By 2ud ( B Charge for the Conveyance ofF. Ditto Two-wheeled ditto .. Horses— For 1 Horse, Hs —2 Horses, i N.B. — All Horses must be embarked Station, EDGE HILL, (Wavertree-lane.) unless u which they belong; i Company'! For better se Carpet Bags an every descriptio ! requested to take eipht allowed for each Passenger is Wlbs,, beyond R^, Mixed; 11. Fiisti Second Class ; 4J, Mixed. , -'i ; On S ■ARES.— From i.nir|i<,>i>l i.r Muiichesterto Preston, Is 7s. 6d.; 2nd Class 59.— Ditto to Wigan, Ist. Class 5s Class 3s. 6d. To Bolton. First Class, SJ, 11, a.m.— Second Cla8S,2J,flJ,p. 1st Claaa.9, m.'am.— 2nd Class, 23, 5J, )n Sdndays (both u'oys;.— 2nd Class, 7, a.m., a "ares.— From Liverpool, In, fis. 6d., Out, 48.; Manchester, 2s. 6d. and 2s, d^i,] Secoud Class, 7^, 10, llj, a.m., and 2}, 5\, p.n Second Class, 7J, 10, llj.a.m., and 2|, 5j, p.n On SvsDkY'A (both Hflj/s/— 2nd Class, 7a.ro., and i Fares. — From Livei-pool, In., 3s., Out,, 28, 6d.; ac Mancbeeter, From Liver; On Sundays (hoth u-aj/sj.— 2nd Class, To Buneorn Gap. OOL — Second Class, 74 a.m. - .?iu.,. Liverpool, In., 3s,, Ou Manchester, 4s. and 3s. Parcels and 2} p.n "l^-^ i '-i^- igan, Pre! ^ Dui and M Manehester, and Lii ■or tbe Intermedia Railway may beki Liverpool Oflici i.and The North, are booked o hestcr Parcel Offices, {Market-; Liverpool); and the Coach ipping Places on the Non at tbe Liverpool and Ma t Class Carriages, carrying Six Inside, and of Second Class is a small roof lamp inside by day and aigbt.— Children, Parcels by Weight. ningbaui. as fur as WuIvlHuu r further than Wolvertou ... VTagon ( a London anil Hi k liagic, Gracechurch-s and SliU, Oxford-stri Chickens. In Cov N.B.— Persons des paid for accordingly. n\\ be dismi In addition U leceivinp Hou; nay beoblained; — In London: — Swan with Two Necks, Lad-lane; Cross Keys, Wood- itreet; Golden Cross, Charing Cross; Eagle, Regent Circus; Spread ly, " Per Railway," nd all Passengers t ud Packages 1 i Offices E I, there beini ouch Trains, foundation Officers of, theliondon & Birmingham Bail^nr^ ■ B. CREED, Engineeiriu Chief. . . .R. STEPHENSON, Esq. Resident Eni . FOX, Esq. .. DOCKRAY, Esq. Agen Great IVastern Ballviray. Slough &\ Slough Slough &\ DUATTON calling at Hanwell and Ealing. Sundays \, \\, 4^, and 8^, .— J8, Jll, i3, and J7 t Ealing & Slough 6 direct t( •?.Drytii.& .. 8 calling 1 Slough j 9 t7.Di7tn,& .. . Slough p.m., calling at Ealing <. — ^8, and ^7, calling ADVERTISEMENTS. Geneva aad Improved Patent Lever Watches. HENRY BRIGHT, WATCH MAKER, AND JEWELLER, 2, UNION STREET, BIRMINGHAM. Geneva, Repeating, and other Watches, expeditiously and accurately repaired. *«* Mourning Rings, Watch Appendages, ^'c. JAMES BROWN, MANUFACTURER OF TABLE SERVICES, AND EVERY OTHER DESCRIPTICTN OF BKITAOTIA MI2TAiL WARES, Paradise-street, Bi't'xningliaxn. ADVERTISEMENTS. STAINED GLASS WOEKS, CHINA, GLASS, EARTHENWARE, LAMPS, BRONZES, &,C._, {Opposite the New Roijal Hotel,) 62, NEW. STREET, BIRMINGHAM. R. HENDERSON EXECUTES IN THE FIRST STYLE STAINED CLASS WINDOWS. IN HERALDIC, HISTORICAL, AND ORNAMENTAL SUBJECTS • AND HAS CONTINUALLY ON SALE AT HIS UNRIVALLED ESTABLISHMENT EVERY DESCRIPTION OF CHINA, CUT &; PLAIN GLASS, BABTHEN & ST017B WARE, LAEOPS, LUSTRES^ BRONZES, &c.. In Great Variety, OF THE MOST MODERN PATTERNS AND APPROVED SHAPES, SELECTED FROM THE BEST MANUFACTORIES IN THE KINGDOM. Circular eonbri ffilassw, AND FRENCH COVERS, OF EVERY SIZE. ADVERTISEMENTS. Wholesale and for Exportation. JOSEPH GILLOTT, PATENT STEEL PEN MANUFACTURER, 59, NEWHALL-ST., AND GRAHAM-ST., BIRZKEirrGKAUfX. Joseph Gillott has been for nearly t^venty years engaged in the manufacture of Sieel Pens, and during that time has devoted his unceasing attention to the im- proving and perfecting this useful and necessary article : the result of his persevering efforts, and numerous experi- ments upon the properties of the metal used, has been the construction of a Pen upon a principle entirely new, combining all the advantages of the elasticity and fineness of the quill, with the durability of the metallic pen, and thus obviating the objections which have existed against the use of Steel Pens. The Patentee is proud to acknowledge that a discerning public has paid the most gratifying tribute to his humble, though useful labours, by a demand for his Pens far exceeding his highest expectations. The number of Steel Pens manufactured at Joseph Gillott's Works, from October, 1837, to October, 1838, was 35,808,452 or 2,984,03 7 2-3rds dozens or 248,669 gi'oss, 9 dozen, and 8 pens. This statement will show the estimation in which these Pens are held, and it is presumed will be an inducement to those who desire to have a really good article, at least to make a trial of JOSSPK GIIiIiOTT'S Steel Pens. *»* The universal celebrity of these Pens has induced certain disreputable Makers to foist upon the Public a spurious article, bearing the mis-spelled name of the Patentee and Sole Manufacturer, thus ," GILOTT ," by omitting the"L"; and in some instances the omission of the final " T " is fraudulently resorted to, in order to re- tain the same SOUND as GILLOTT: but observe, NONE ARE GENUINE BUT THOSE M.VRKED IN FULL, JOSEPH aiZ.I.OTT. Printed by James Drake, o2. New-street, Birmingham, I 2 ADVERTISEMENTS. THOMAS & JAMES UPFILL, 157, GREAT CHARLES STREET, Birmingliazu. MANUFACTURERS OF WROUGHT AND CAST IRON GATES, PARK FEMCIWG, HURDLES, INVISIBLE WIRE FENCE, HAIR FENCE, RACKS, MANGERS, CHAINS, NAILS, BOOK CASES, TIN, IRON ARMS, &c. BIRMINGHAM COMMERCIAL AND PIRITATE BOAMBIE'O- MOILJBEj BTo. 12; Union Passage MR. AND MRS. JONES Respectfully inform their Friends and the Public, that Ladies and Gentlemen visiting or i)assing through Binningham will meet with every atlendon and comfort at this Establishment, at very reasonable charges. THE HOUSE IS CENTRAL AND RETIRED. ADVERTISEMENTS. V. ^^m^^^m R. MAPPLEBECK AND LOWE'S EMPORIUM FOB THE MANUFACTURES OF BIRMINGHAM, LONDON, AND SHEFFIELD, aiANUF^CTUEIXG AND FURXISHIXG IRONMONGERS, "Wliclesale and Hetail. BY APPOINTMENT, Agents to Messrs. JOSEPH RODGERS and SONS, Sheffield, Cutleis to Her Majesty. The Nobility, Gentry, and Strangers, visiting BiiTningham, are respectfully invited to this Establishment, whether as Purchasers, or Parties in search of amusement. The Show Rooms contain the finished articles for Sale that are manufactured in this Town, London, and Sheliield, — and are open to ail per- sons of respectability. Cards of admission, to inspect some of the distin- guished Manufactories, may be obtained at this establishment. Cutlery Shoinr Kooms^ Contain an elegant and splendid assortment of every description of articles in Cutlery, and beautiful specimens from the Manufactory and Show Rooms of Messrs. Rodgers and Sons, and various other articles which present novelties of unusual taste and variety ; also, an extensive variety of rich Sheffield Plated Wares, (with strong Silver edges and shields for engraving anns or crests upon,) German Silver and Britannia Metal Goods. Furnisliing Sliov^ Boom, Contains splendid Patent Fire Places, elegant Bronzed Steel and Or-molu Stove Grates, Fenders, Fire Irons, and Supports. Bronzed Tea and Coflfee Urns, Kettles on Stands, &c., &c., of the best manufacture, and entirely new patterns. A splendid assortment of the best Japanned Papier Machee Trays and Waiters; also, Ladies' Work Tables, Fiie Screens, Card Racks, and Cases, from the first manufacturers. Bronzed Inkstands, Lustres, Thei-mometers, Card Racks, Wax Tapers, &c., &c. Chandelier, Table, Hall, Candle, and other Lamps, and Candelabras in Bronze and Or-molu. Establisliiuent for Furnishing Gentlemen's Seats, Halls, Houses, &c.,in the most complete manner and first style of elegance ; Kitchen Ranges, on most improved principles; Economical Cooking Apparatus, with the latest improvements, and every description of Ironmongery, and superior Braziei-y Goods ; improved Shower Baths, with Pump; Warm, Cold, Hip, and Feet Baths; Horticultural Implements in great variety, viz., Tool Chests, Fumigating Bellows, Scott's Portable Garden Pumps, Engines, and Mennogrammes (or improved Labels) for Flower Pots, &c., highly approved of by the first Horticulturists. EXPERIENCED BELL-HANGERS AND LOCKSMITHS SENT TO ANY PART OF THE COUNTRY. The Wholesale Ironmongery business connected with this Establishment, is conducted at No. 1, Golden Court, adjoining. *»* Goods for Exportation and Shipping Orders, executed on the most advantageous terins. 6, Bull Bing^, Birmingliam. __ ADVERTISEMENTS. ECONOMICAL AND SUPERIOR CLOTHING, AND NA^EST OF ENGLAND CLOTH MART, 38, New-street, (next door to the Journal Office,) 93irmmgf)am. H. JOWETT & Co. WOOLLEN DRAPERS, AND TAILORS, A Suit of Clothes made in six hours. Price and quality not to be exceeded by any establishment in Birmingham. THE ILITEI^FOOIL TEA COMFAE'T, 9l3olti=$trcct, Sibtrpool, F. HORNBLOWER & Co., FAMILIES VISITING LIVERPOOL WOULD FIND THIS ESTABLISHMENT UNEQUALLED EITHER FOR PRICE OR QUALITY. F. H. and Co. have always on hand a large assortment of the most useful Teas, in Chests and Boxes, from tnelve to eighty- four povuids' weight, for family use, so that orders received from the country wovild meet with iromediate attention. FINEST COFFEES, SPICES, AND REFINED SUGARS. ADVERTISEMENTS. LIVERPOOL, No. 24, CHURCH STREET, CORNER OF POST OFFICE PLACE. W. B. PROMOLI, (successor to THOMAS WOOLFIELD,) OOILBSMITM ^ JEWjEILILEIR, IMPORTER OF FRENCH CLOCKS & GENEVA WATCHES, Manufacturer of Desks, Dressing Cases, and Work Boxes. WARRANTED OF THE BEST QUALITY AND NEWEST FASHION; gTJFERB CILOCKSc, IN ORMOLU, BRONZE, PORCELAIN, AND ALABASTER; Oil. AND GAS Z.AIXCFS AND CHANDEIiIEBS ; Fane;/ Bronzes and other Chimney Ornaments ; RODGERS 8c SONS' SUPERIOR CUTLERY,- farina's EAU DE cologne, FRENCH DRESS SHOES, COMBS BRUSHES, RETICULES, PURSES, PAPER CASES, AND FOLIOS; AND AN ALMOST ENDLESS CHOICE OF ALL THE VARIOUS FAS'CT MAE'irjIF ACTUIKES OF ENGLAND, FRANCE, AND GERMANY. AU kinds of Instruments for fitting up Work Boxes and Dressing Cases. Visiters and Strangers in Liverpool, and the Public in general, are respectfully invited to visit this tinique Establishment, whether as purchasers or parties in search of amusement ; the whole of the stock (certainly one of the largest and most varied in England) being conveniently arranged for their in- spection, and the price plainly marked on each article, from which no deduc- tions are made, nor credit given. Every article warranted perfect, and the quality fairly and honourably stated; the object being to establish a Concern where the public may pui-chase with such confidence and economy, as to insure their future favour and support. VT. B. Promoli begs to assure the Public, that the great and unpre- cedented patronage bestowed upon his Predecessor, Thomas WooLFiELD,will incite him to persevere in selecting, both from Loudon and the Continent, such articles of taste and novelty as are likely to be pleasing to an extensive connexion, and to maintain an Establishment in Liverpool decidedly superior to any other single concern in London or the Empire, the choice of goods being greater, their quality the best, and the prices extremely moderate. Fixed Cash Prices. — No Abatement nor Credit given. . . __ AEVERTlSEMEM'g. ■> ^\J ^\ EDWARDS, BALL, and CO., 82; High-street; Birzuingliazn, JEWELLERS, SILVERSMITHS, CUTLERS, &c., FOR THE MANUFACTURES OF BIRMINGHAM, SHEFFIELD, AND LONDON. Established nearly a century. This spacious suite of Rooms offers to the inspection of the Visiter, an extensive selection of fashionable Jewellery, Gold and Silver Plate, and a large assortment of second hand Plate ; Plated Wares of every variety; Fancy Silver Goods; Gilt Jewellery and Trinkets; Gold and Silver Watches; Gei-man Silver and Plated-ou-Steel Articles; Wan-anted Cutlery, Elastic Razors, and Strops; Fancy Hearth Brushes; Papier Machee Trays and Japanned Wares; Bronze Tea and Coffee Unis; Britannia Metal Goods; Bronze and Or Molu Suspenduig and Table Lamps; Candelabra, Lustres, Inkstands, &c.; Regulation and Dress Swords; Patent Corkscrews; Snuffers and Polished Steel Articles of every description. N.B. Canteens made and fitted to contain Plate. Livery Button Dies cut, and Buttons made to order on the shortest notice. Medals and Seals for Public Companies and Scientific Societies, Communion Seiwices, Presentation Plate, and Silver Cups, designed and executed in the first style of Art. 'arms, ©rests, antJ jDHlottos Sngrabetr. FURNISHING IRONxMONGERY IN GENERAL. ADVERT 1 SEMENTS . SMITH AND HAWKES, GENERAL IRONFOUNDERS BTOTIE (&MATE MAE'UJIFACTIJIEEMgp SMITHS AND ENGINEERS, EAGLE FOUNDRY, BROAD STREET. Established llliy. Who also manufacture every description of Chilled and Sand Rolls, for Rolling Metals; Mill Work; Steam Engines, with the Patent Self-feeding Fire Regulator and Smoke Consumer; Sugar Mills for exportation; Saw Mills; Cranes upon an improved construction, capable of raising from One to Ten Tons; Bone Mills; Malt Mills; the Patent Bark Mill, and improved Leather Rolling Apparatus ; Clay Mills, to work by hand, horse power, or steam; Pumps; Pully Blocks; Stamp Anvils, Hammers, and Press Castings, of every description ; Weighing Machines, from Ten Cwt. to Ten Tons, for Railway or common Roads ; Heating Apparatuses, by warm water, steam, or warm air; Dr. Arnott's Stoves ; Garden and Meadow Rolls; Book Case Doors and Frames; Patent Safety Fire Proof Chests and Deed Boxes ; Cast and Wrought Iron Palisades, Fencing, Hurdles, Verandahs, Geometrical Stairs, Balustrades, Iron Windows, with every kind of Stove, Stove Grate, Kitchen Range, Cooking Apparatus, Ovens, Hot Closets, Bath Boilers, Stewing Plates, Hay Racks and Mangei-s, Water Troughs, &c. S. and H. have constantly on hand a large assortment of Grates, Stoves, and Fenders, both of their own and the Sheffield make; also. Kitchen Ranges and Cooking Apparatuses, Stewing Stoves, and Hot Closets. N.B. — The whole of the Iron is Tested, of which the Rolls and Machinery are made ; and they believe they are the only Foundeis who have systematically pursued this plan for the last fifteen years. Books containing Lists of Patterns may be forwarded on application. 10 ADVERTISEMENTS. CLARK'S ORIGINAL ESTABLISHMENT FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF METALLIC CONSERVATORIES, AND HORTICULTURAL BUILDINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION; ISron'jftJ ©opper Sasl^es for ilWansiottS, GOTHIC AND OTHER ORNAMENTAL WINDOWS, Sky-lights^ Fan-liglits^ GARDEN HAND-GLASSES, (^c. ^-c. ^r. 55, LIONEL STREET, BIRMINGHAM. proprietor, Mr. THOMAS CLARK, Jun. SUPERINTENDENT OF THE MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT,- MR. JOHN JONES. ADVERTISEMENTS. H JOHN RODERICK, AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, GENERAL AGENT, AND SHARE BROKER. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL llealer in ^aptx J^angings* OFFICES, 54, NEW STREET, AND OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, {Comer of Bennett's Hill,) AND SALE ROOMS, No. 16, UPPER TEMPLE STREET. TO THE LICENSED VICTUALLERS' AND GENERAL FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, Adelaide Place, Irvation, by William Robertson. Demy 8vo., with plates, price 7s. 6d. ^loth. The Law and Practice of Landlords a?. tw?s, with the mcst approved modern Precedents. By R. Shipman editor of " Jones' Attorney's Pocket Book," and author of the " Att. New Pocket Book." Twc Parts, Demy 12mo., price 17s. cloth. A Stepping Stotie to the Law of Real Propt iing an elementary Trtatis* on the Statute of Uses. Royal 12mo., s. boards. Municipal Corporation Guide. By R. S' ., Esq. Price Is. A Treatise on the Diseases of the Ey R. Middlemore, M.R.C.S. Surgeon to the Birmingham Eye Ii y. Two thick volumes, 8vo. price 35s. boards. *^* This book has become of standard auiuurity and reference, and is highl; commended in all the medical reviews and periodicals in which it ha been noticed. Facts and Observations on Midwife^-y, in seven sections, embracing some c the most important diseases incidental to females. By J. T. Ingleby M.R.C.S.L. Senior Surgeon to the General Dispensary; Surgeon to th Magdalen Asylum, and Lecturer on Midwifery at the Royal School o Medicine, Birmingham. Demy 8vo. 9s. A New Edition of Watts' Psalms and Hymns, beautifully printed on fin demy paper, 32mo., embossed roan, price 2s. 6d. A New Arithmetical Table Book; and Conntirg House Guide. Price Is. 6d. A Poptdar View of the Progress of Philosophy among the Ancients. B] Joshua Toulmin Smith. 12mo., cloth, 8s. Flowers of Literature, selected from Blair's Preceptor. Price 3s. 6d. bound. The Monitor s Guide, or the fii-st four rules of arithmetic. Price Is. Acts of Parliament:— TAe Reform Act; The Highway Act; Charter Oj the Incor-poratiov of Birmingham ; Bread and Marriage Act. Birmingham Almanacs:— DraAre's Birmingham Sheet Almanac, on a sheei of royal paper, price 8d. Drake's Pocket Almanac and Mercantih Diary, price Is. ; ditto in roan tuck, 3s. 6d. Birmingham :— Printed by James Drake, 52, Xew-street. uNivERsrrv of illinois-urbana 3 0112 073711464