lliilii !?l3ti ^^'" UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY Class Book Volume MrlO-20M -^^^ 16i DEC 2 3 5s. / >v A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE, EDITED BY THE AUTHORESS OF ' FLIRTATION.^ " I was compelled to her — but I love thee By love's own sweet constraint." IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. I. LONDON: HENRY COLBURN, NEW BURLINGTON STREET. 1828. MA LONDON: IBOTSON AND PALMER, PRINTERS, SAVOY STREET, STRAKD. no I PREFACE, The following pages, which I now offer to the public, may, perhaps, not attract general interest; they contain merely a few passages in the history of the heart and feelings of an individual placed in singular and trying circum- stances; but those who should recog- nize beneath the feigned name of Lady Fitzhenry, one whom they may remem- ber to have seen in the gay scenes of IV PREFACE. fashionable life, will probably feel some interest in the events which occasioned her first introduction into the world, and her sudden disappearance from it. THE EDITOR. MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. CHAPTER I. A mon avis, I'Hymen et ses Hens Sont les plus grands, ou des maux, ou des biens ; Point de milieu ; I'etat du manage Est des humains le plus cher avantage. Quand le rapport des esprits, des coeurs Des sentimens, des gouts, et des humeurs, Serre ces liens tissus par la nature Que I'amour forme, et que Thonneui epure. L'Enfant Prodiol-e, Towards the end of a London spring, that is to say, about the middle of Au- gust, was married by special license, VOL. I. B 2 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. at her father's house in Harley Street, Emmeline Benson to Ernest, Lord Fitz- henry, only son of the Earl of Arlingford. The ceremony was like most others of its kind ; the drawing-room was crowded with relations and friends on both sides, dressed in congratulatory smiles, and new bridal finery. Emmeline's father, an opulent city merchant and banker, appeared arrayed in a complete new suit for the occasion. The first gloss was not off his coat, which hung stiff upon him, as if not yet reconciled to the homely person to which it was destined to belong, while each separate bright button reflected the collected company. His counte- nance glowing with happiness, he busied himself in attentions to his guests, pro- A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 3 yoking, by his remarks, those congra- tulations which flattered his pride and parental fondness ; and, with bustling joy, making the necessary preliminary arrangements for the ceremony about to take place, which was to raise his only and beloved child to that elevated situ- ation in life, in which it had ever been the first wish of his heart to see her placed, and which his partial affection thought her so well fitted to grace. Mrs. Benson's feelings seemed of a less joyous nature, and sometimes, even a tear started into her eye, in spite of herself, when she endeavoured to smile in return to the kind wishes of her friends. She was too fond a mother not to feel painfully the loss of her daugh- ter; and that feeling was not unmixed B 2 4 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE- with anxiety, in giving her to one of whom (of late years at least) she per- sonally knew but little. All were now assembled excepting the bride and bridegroom. The father of the latter, apparently as much de- lighted as Mr. Benson himself with the intended union, being of course among the company. But Lord Fitzhenry did not appear! Various conjectures were formed as to his absence. One person declared he had observed his carriage at the door of his lodgings as he had passed ; another, that he was certain he had seen him in a distant part of the town not long before. The delay was be- ginning to be awkward, and at every dis- tant sound of wheels, both fathers looked anxiously along the street, but in vain. A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 5 Gradually the conversation of the guests lowered itself into whispers, as some new surmise was started with re- gard to the possible cause of this strange absence of the most important personage at so important a moment. But even these whispers died away from lack of new ideas on the subject, and the now total silence was only occasionally broken by the rustling of the clergyman's surplice, when he left his post before the large family prayer-book- (laid open ready at the marriage ceremony) with the benevolent wish, by some common- place observation, to dissipate the un- pleasant feelings which seemed to infect all present; or when he followed Mr. Benson to the window, whither he had taken up his station of observation in 6 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. the hopes of being the first to give the much wished-for news of the approach- ing bridegroom. Poor Mrs. Benson's cheeks became momentarily of a deeper and deeper dye^ and she betrayed her anxious agitation by the nervous twitch- ing of the gold chain round her neck, to which was suspended her daughter's portrait, and the constant arranging of her lace shawl, which she regularly each time pulled off her shoulders. At last, the welcome rattle of a carriage driving furiously was heard. It stopped at Mr. Benson's door, and in a minute Lord Fitzhenry, with a flushed cheek, hurried into the drawing-room. Awkward as such an entrance must naturally be, still his agitation seemed even beyond what the circumstances of A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 7 the moment would have been likely to produce on a young man of the world. Lord Fitzhenry, at twenty-seven, was remarkably good-looking; and on his countenance and whole figure was that stamp of high birth, which, even where beauty does not exist, more than com- pensates for its absence. The general character of his countenance was that of openness and good humour; but an agitated, even a melancholy expression now clouded it, which all noticed. " Marriage is certainly an awful cere- mony," whispered an elderly lady to Mrs. Benson ; '' and 1 am glad to see his lordship betraying so much feeling and seriousness at such a moment. It is a good sign in a young man." The poor trembling mother scarcely heard the 8 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. remark, nor was there much time for more observation, for Mr. Benson had already left the room, and in a few minutes returned, leading in his daugh- ter. Emmeline was nineteen. She was slightly formed, had a most winning countenance, innocent laughing eyes, and a delicate, fair complexion, al- though now deepened into crimson, in her cheeks, by the agitation of the mo- ment, as w^as very apparent, even through the folds of the beautiful lace veil that hung all over her. The marriage ceremony commenced immediately. As it proceeded, the bridegroom trembled violently. When called upon to pronounce his vow, his voice was scarcely audible ; and as he A MARRlAfJE IN HIGH LIFE. U placed the ring on his bride's hand, he nearly let it fall to the ground. But all was soon finally said and done — so few are the words which, once read over, totally change our existence, and fix our fate in life for ever! The usual congratulations passed, and the chaise and four, decorated with bridal favours, rattled to the door. Emmeline threw herself sobbing into her mother's arms — the first sob, since those of childhood, which had ever been wrung from her light heart. Her proud father gaily kissed her cheek, address- ing her by her new title of '* Lady Fitz- henry ;" then, drawing her arm within his, hurried her down stairs, placed her in the carriage, into which the bride- groom followed, and the '* happy pair" 10 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. drove off as fast as four post horses could convey them. How blank such moments are to those who remain behind ! The company soon separated after the usual breakfast, and Mr. and Mrs. Benson were left alone. All excitement over, the deserted mo- ther's spirits then sank; mournfully she paced the now silent room, and mecha- nically removed from the table Emme- line's work-box, which she had left behind her, gazing on her name, en- graven on the lid, till her tears burst forth. Her distress roused Mr. Benson from the trance of exultation in which he had been lost as he watched the last bridal carriage that had driven from the door, and he kindly hastened to his wife. A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 11 ** Why, my good woman, crying! and on such a day ! when you should be so happy — for shame! for shame!" Mrs. Benson shook her head mourn- fully. *' God grant it indeed prove a happy day! may our beloved child be so!" and she sighed deeply. " Why, how can you doubt she will ?" said her husband; ** she has everything this world can give; rank!" (and he laid a great stress on that word,) '' riches, youth; and, for a husband, a most ex- cellent and accomplished young man, of whom every one speaks well. None of your gamblers, jockies, spendthrifts. T am sure Emmeline and ourselves are the envy of all our acquaintance. Any one might be pleased and proud to see his daughter so well married." 12 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. Mrs. Benson again sighed, wiped away her tears, and then quietly re- turned to her usual avocations. Meanwhile, Lord and Lady Fitzhenry travelled on, and a few hours brought them to Arlingford Hall, which, on his son's marriage. Lord Arlingford had given up to him, meaning to reside himself at a villa at Wimbledon ; his health, which had of late been very pre- carious, making a near residence to town advisable. Arlingford Hall, which was in Hamp- shire, had been completely repaired and refurnished for the new married couple ; Lord Fitzhenry having himself been much there lately, superintending the alterations. At least, that occupation was always mentioned as an apology for A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 13 his absence from town, and for his not attending more assiduously on his future bride. During the journey, Lord Fitzhenry's agitation and abstraction rather en- creased, and it could no longer escape Emmeline's observation. His conver- sation was forced ; in his manner towards her he was punctiliously attentive and civil — but perfectly cold and distant. When they arrived at Arlingford, all the servants were assembled in the hall to receive them; a numerous and re- spectable group, who, by the tears of joy which some of them shed, seemed most sincerely to partake in the supposed happiness of their young master. One of them, who stood apart from the rest, even ventured to address him with par- 14 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. ticular congratulation as with the fami- liarity of an old friend, and to give Emmeline his blessing. ** Thank you, Reynolds, thank you," said Fitzhenry hastily, as he shook the old man by the hand. Emmeline's heart was cast in nature's best mould, and this simple action of her husband found its way to it. She smiling raised her tearful eyes to his face, but the expression she there found, soon made her again cast them down. The scene seemed to have totally dis- composed him ; and, in an awkward, hurried manner, thanking the rest of the servants, he led the way to the drawing-room. Dinner was ordered directly, and all seemed so zealous to serve their young master and mistress, A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 15 that it was not long coming, but still there was an awful pause. Lord Fitzhenry walked up and down the room, forced himself to speak, then, suddenly, as if recollecting that some degree of gallant attention was to be expected from him, a bridegroom of only six or eight hours, he hurried up to Emmeline and helped her off with her shawl ; but his manner was so odd, so unlover-like, that it at last alarmed even her innocent, unsuspecting mind, and she timidly asked if he was not well. He started at her question, and seemed much embarrassed; but, after a mo- ment's pause, replied, ** The journey, the hurry, I suppose ; indeed, I hardly know what, but something has given me a dreadful headache." 16 A MARRIAGE IN HIGU LIFE. And then, as if roused by her remark to a sense of the strangeness of his be- haviour, he put more force upon himself, showed her the public rooms, her own sitting room, in which were collected books, musical instruments, and every possible means of amusement. In an- swer to her enquiries, explained to Em- meline who were her new relations that hung framed on the walls; and, when she admired the comfort of the house, and particularly of her own boudoir, he said something about hoping she would be happy in it, but the phrase died away in uncertain accents. Dinner at length came to his relief; he then was attention itself, but the re- past could not last for ever; and, when the servants had left the room, Lord A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 17 Fitzhenry's embarrassment returned worse than before. Emmeline had lived so little in society, and, consequently, had so little the habit of general conver- sation — and the six years during which she and her husband had been sepa- rated, had so entirely broken off the first intimacy which had existed between them when children, that, timid in his company, and now unassisted and un- encouraged by him, she felt it impos- sible to keep up any thing like conver- sation. It was, therefore, no small relief when, after an awkwardly protracted silence, she saw him leave the room. As the door closed upon him, Emme- line involuntarily fell into a reverie not of the most pleasing nature. *' This is all very strange!" thought she; and over 18 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. her usually gay countenance a sadness crept. She sighed, she hardly knew why; and, when her thoughts wandered back to her former happy home, her parents, and their doating fondness, some '' natural tears " stole down her cheek, and she felt herself, as in a dream, neglected and deserted. But Emmeline was not in love; and her husband's behaviour, though it as- tonished her, and though she felt it was not what it ought to be, did not wound her heart as it otherwise would have done. Emmeline was very young, even for her age. With a most superior mind and character, with tender, even romantic feelings, her innocence and simplicity of heart were so great, and all her qualities A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 19 had as yet lain so dormant, that her cha- racter was scarcely known even to herself; and, to common observers, she passed for a mere gay, good-humoured, pleasing girl. She was, however, no common character, nor what one would have sup- posed the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benson to have been. Nature sometimes seems to amuse herself with playing such fanciful tricks; and Emmeline's natural superiority made it appear as if she had been thrown into a sphere to- tally different from that for which she had been originally designed, and that she now was only restored to her own proper station, when raised, by her marriage, to be the companion of Fitz- henry. To explain how such a being came to 20 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. be thus passively united to a man who seemed already to have repented the step he had taken, it will be necessary to go back a little in our narrative. A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 21 CHAPTER II. Do I entice you ? do I speak you fair ? Or rather, do I not in plainest truth Tell you — I do not, nor I cannot love you ? Midsummer Night's Dream. Lord Ar ling ford had, early in life, entangled himself in pecuniary difficul- ties by every species of thoughtless ex- travagance, in which an expensive, fashionable wife had assisted him. Her fortune and health both soon declined, and a consumption rapidly carried her to the grave while still in the prime of life, 22 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. and when her only child, Ernest, was but ten years old. That which extravagance began, indolence soon completed ; and long before his son came of age, Lord Arlingford found himself, in the language of the world, to be totally ruined. Mr. Benson had been always much employed and consulted by Lord Arling- ford's family in all matters relating to business; and to him, in the present des- perate situation of his affairs, his lordship was obliged to have recourse for advice and assistance. Mr. Benson had toiled all his life as a merchant, and was now one of the most opulent bankers in London. He had an only child ; and to her he meant to bequeath all his wealth, provided she made a marriage to his choice ; by which, he meant one in A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 23 that rank of life, which Mr. Benson, with all his useful good sense, he had the folly to imagine essential to human happiness. Being every way an excellent man of business, Mr. Benson was appointed to be one of the trustees, into whose hands it was now deemed necessary to consign Lord Arlingford's estate; in order, if possible, to retrieve his affairs, and pro- tect the interests of his son. One day, when talking over his difficul- ties with his client, and when Emmeline was but seven years old, Mr. Benson first proposed, in the form of a joke, as a means by which all might be set to rights, that their children should be united in marriage. He finished his speech by a loud laugh ; but it was one of mere agitation, for he anxiously looked 24 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. into Lord Arlingford's face to see how such a proposal agreed with the ancient, aristocratic pride of the Fitzhenrys. Lord Arlingford for a minute made no reply ; he kept his eyes fixed on the parchment he held in his hands. The table before him was covered with deeds, bonds, mortgages, and every awful sign of the irretrievable state of his affairs ; and, strange as it may appear, he caught immediately at the idea, as to that which alone could save him from utter ruin. His answer, when at last it came, transported the ambitious banker with joy ; and by degrees, and by constantly treating of the subject, the two fathers seemed to think it was a matter they had but to settle between themselves, and that there could be no difficulty whatever in a scheme A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 25 which was to give to both, what they both wanted. Mr. Benson's promises were most liberal, and Lord Arlingford subdued all the hereditary pride of his feelings, and seemed quite content to lay himself and his family under obliga- tions to a man on whom he in return conferred so much honour. As a first step towards bringing about this favourite scheme, Ernest, when at home for his holidays, was constantly sent to Mr. Benson's, where he was of course indulged in his every boyish fancy, and every species of amusement imagined for him in which little Emme- line could take a part. On her birthday every year, a ball was given by Mrs. Benson, which was opened by her and young Lord Fitz- VOL. I. c 26 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. henry, while the two fathers looked on in admiration, and declared that they were born for each other. At twenty, Fitzhenry left Oxford ; he was then to remain abroad for three years; and, at his return, it was settled that the marriage should take place ; although as yet, nothing had been said on the subject to either of those most concerned in the plan. Before his departure, however, Lord Arlingford thought it proper to open the business to his son, and also to lay before him the embarrassed state of his affairs. Such disclosures make little impres- sion on young minds, to whom, as yet unacquainted either with its value or want, money is but a vague sort of bles- sing ; and Lord Arlingford was forced to overcharge the picture to give it due A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 27 influence on his son. He talked much of his own distresses, his sacrifices for the sake of his dear Ernest, and, when he had worked on his filial afi^ections, mentioned merely as a passing thought the long projected plan of his union with Miss Benson. Ernest, starting, co- loured, and stammered out some unde- cided words. But finding no positive objection mvide, Lord Arlingford pushed on the affair — praised Emmeline — (then only thirteen years old,) extorted from Ernest first, that he thought her a fine girl, and at last a sort of agreement that he would think of the proposal, and, on his return from abroad, marry her, and make his father happy. Mr. Benson was informed of the fa- vourable progress of their scheme, which c 2 28 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. he furthered by every means in his power; and Emmeline was soon taught to look upon Ernest as her future hus- band. On his taking leave of them be- fore his departure for the Continent, he kissed her smooth young cheek, ad- dressing lier by the name of his little wife. But neither the kiss nor the ap- pellation brought even an additional tinge of colour into that cheek ; although she might childishly have grieved at the loss of her almost only companion. During the first months of his absence. Lord Fitzhenry wrote two or three times to Emmeline, once when sending her a watch from Geneva, and again with a chain from Venice; but he soon found more interesting occupations than com- posing letters for the capacity of a mere child: th§ boy had grown into a man, A MARRIAGE JN HIGH LIFE. 29 and if he did not actually forget the en- gagement into which his father had drawn him, he allowed it but little to occupy his thoughts. Lord Fitzhenry first visited Italy ; at Naples, he formed an intimacy with the English minister then residing there ; and, on the removal of that minister to Vienna, Ernest followed him. The three years allotted for his re- sidence abroad, had already nearly elapsed ; but, having acquired a taste for the habits of the Continent, Ernest beg- ged for longer leave of absence ; and by his letters, no less than by the accounts of all those who met with him, his foreign life seemed so much to have improved his mind and manners, that Lord Arlingford, whose purely worldly character saw little beyond such acquirements, agreed to his 30 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. prolonging his stay ; and he was the more willing to acquiesce in his son's wishes, as Emmeline, scarcely yet six- teen, was still in appearance and man- ners so much of a child, that any con- templation of her immediate marriage would have been premature. Lord Fitzhenry, at twenty-three, with excellent and even superior abilities, naturally noble feelings, strong sentimen ts of honour, and a warmly affectionate heart, wanted only those serious princi- ples of conduct, which his father had neither bestowed on, nor ever required from him. Had Lord Arlingford been asked whether or no he was an atheist, he would have resented the question as an affront; but, nevertheless, religion had never occupied his own thoughts,- A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 31 and had never in any distinct form en- tered into the education of his son. The companion he selected for him during his residence on the Continent- was a young man of considerable abilities, who had been destined for the law ; but who, having been early led abroad, and having a decided turn for a wandering life, was too happy to return to scenes in which he delighted, and to give up Lincoln's Inn, and studies, for which he had no relish, for the existence he preferred, in present, and the future chance of Lord Arlingford's patronage. Such a companion, gay and thought- less as himself, was not likely to supply the neglected part of Lord Fitzhenry's education ; and thus, although gifted by nature wilh a mind and heart formed 32 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. for virtue, in its highest acceptation, Fitzhenry was turned adrift on the world without any help or defence against its snares, except those common rules of worldly honour by which men, who may infringe nearly every law, human and divine, fancy themselves to be guided. At Vienna, Lord Fitzhenry became acquainted with Lady Florence Mostyn, and that chance acquaintance influenced his whole future life and conduct. Lady Florence, who had early in life been married to a man whom she had never loved, and whose understanding and character she could not respect, had every allurement, every charm to capti- vate, except that of innocence. Such a deficiency one might have hoped would have preserved a refined mind like that A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 33 of Fitzhenry's from her chains ; but, un- der the influence of passion, artfully ex- cited, and the example of the society in which he lived, he fell completely into the snare purposely laid for him, and be- came the slave of an artful, bewitching, and violent woman. In the intoxication of her society, every thing was forgotten or disregarded. In vain were his father's repeated in- junctions, that he should return home ; in vain his self-reproaches at losing, in idleness, some of the best years of his life. And it was only when alarming ac- counts of Lord Arlingford's health roused his better feelings, that he was induced to tear himself away from Greece, whither Lady Florence and her passive, accom- modating husband had accompanied c 5 34 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. him ; and, in the middle of winter, to set off for England with the hope and promise that they would join him there early in spring. Six years had now elapsed since Lord Fitzhenry had left home. His person, character, manners — all had changed. His ** Little Wife" was nearly forgotten ; and when she did chance to cross his mind, he looked upon his engagement with her as a mere joke of childhood, and trusted his father would do the same. From Italy, where he found the ac- counts of Lord Arlingford were still very alarming, he travelled day and night to make up for past negligence, and found his parent on his arrival, but slowly re- covering from a very dangerous illness. Real feeling and affection broke forth A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 35 from Fitzhenry's selfish, worldly father, on again beholding his son ; and behold- ing him, as in truth he was, a son to be proud of. Lord Arlingford's illness, by weaken- ing his nerves, had given to his manners an appearance of sentiment unusual to him ; and Ernest almost wondered how he could have been such a monster as so long to have deserted him. A constant visitor in his father's sick room, he found Mr. Benson. With a feeling not un- mixed with remorse he warmly thanked him for having supplied his place, and inquired after Mrs. and Miss Benson, as after old friends of his boyhood. *' Well, quite well," said Mr. Benson ; '* but Emmelineis so grown, that you will hardly know her again:" however she 36 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. is not altered in any way, I assure you ; she has not forgotten her old playfellow ;" and he looked cunningly into Fitz- henry's face, to observe the effect of this flattering assurance. '' You have been a sad rambler. Lord Fitzhenry," he con- tinued ; *' but now you are returned to old England, we shall, I hope, all live comfortably together ; and I am sure you will be quite delighted with Emmy, although perhaps she is not just like your foreign madams ; but none the worse for that I suspect — they don't make such good wives ; and now that you have, as I may say, sown your wild oats," he added with a laugh, '*you will not be sorry to sit down at home and enjoy a little home-bred, quiet English comfort." Fitzhenry saw but too plainly the drift A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 37 of all this, and he was totally at a loss for an answer. His eyes, fearful of meeting those of Mr. Benson, wandered round the room, till they fell on a view of Na- ples which hung over the chimney. The sight was not favourable to the picture of English happiness which Mr. Benson had just been presenting to him. Hours of rapture produced by the first intoxication of passion, beneath an Italian sky, and amid scenes calculated to enhance every feeling of romantic enjoyment, rose up before him in an instant, and formed such a contrast to the homely, domestic com- fort just held out to him, that his very soul sickened at the thought ; and, mak- ing some awkward sort of vague answer to Mr. Benson's very pointed xemdixky he abruptly left him. 38 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. Ernest had expected to have found his father irritated against him, in conse- quence of his long absence and his fre- quent excuses for not obeying his sum- mons to return home. He also feared that the real cause of his protracted stay- might have reached England, and he dreaded how much of his story, since they had parted, might have been made known to Lord Arlingford. But the manner of his father was so perfectly kind and cordial, that it reassured Ernest as to his secret being as yet safe, and at the same time filled his affectionate heart with gratitude and self reproach. Some days after his arrival, when talking on various subjects connected with the place, estate, &c.. Lord Arling- ford suddenly said, '* Mr. Benson, as A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 39 soon as I am a little better, and fit for visitors, you must write in my name, and invite Mrs. Benson and Emmeline to come here. Ernest must be impatient to see his little wife.. £h, my boy ? " Ernest did not parry this second at- tack any better than the first — he started, and stammered out something about *' pleasure, honour." But his father did not, or would not, see his reluctance to touch on the subject ; he returned again and again to the charge, said his happi- ness, his life even, depended upon the marriage ; and by the nervous irritation which illness had produced, and which opposition to his will increased, Ernest feared he spoke truly. Harassed and perplexed, Ernest at last took courage, and resolved to confess to 40 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. his father the attachment he had formed abroad — his unalterable, violent, de- cided devotion to another. Lord Arlingford seemed breathless with an- ger and anxiety, and imperatively desired him to inform him who was the object of it. Lord Fitzhenry cleared his voice, rose from his chair, paced the room, and twice, in vain, tried to speak ; but at last making an effort, '' she is a married woman," he said, '' Lady Florence Mostyn." The name was scarcely au- dible. ** And is that all?'' replied his father, much relieved. '' Don't think you are telling us any thing new ; we have heard of your pranks abroad, my boy ; but you will not make the worse husband for A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 41 having passed through the fire. And as for your unalterable attachment, that is all nonsense. So I thought, at your age, with my first love ; for I had two or three affairs of the sort before I was married ; and, indeed, never quite forgot one of my favourites." '* But surely. Sir, with such feel- ings !" ** Feeling! stuff again," replied Lord Arlingford. ^' Why really, Ernest, you have learnt little of the world in your travels ; I am sure any one of your young friends would laugh to hear you give such a reason for refusing a most excellent, and, I must add, advan- tageous marriage." Although without principles, Ernest was shocked at his father's levity; he 42 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. was in all the heroic romance of passion ; to love more than one, to plight his faith to another, did not strike him as morally, religiously wrong, but as sacrilege to the one adored being. All he could ob- tain, however, was delay, and that his father would allow him some little time for reflection. Thus passed some months. Lord Fitzhenry occasionally met the Benson family; but Emmeline he hardly looked at, hardly noticed; although, when in her society, his manner towards her was perfectly civil ; but it was the civility of indifference; his thoughts were fixed on another, and had he been asked the colour of Emmeline's hair or eyes, he probably could not have answered. Spring arrived, and with it Lady Flo- A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 43 rence. This event did not further Lord Arlingford's plan. Fitzhenry was more and more decided in his objections, and in his determination not to fulfil what his father called his engagement. Many violent altercations passed be- tween them, and, at last, in one of these agitating scenes, Lord Arlingford was seized with an apoplectic fit, and (as Ernest thought) fell dead at his feet. Horror-stricken, he raised him from the ground; medical assistance was pro- cured, and life and hope returned after some days of dreadful apprehension and suspense; but the impression left was too strong on his mind to allow of fur- ther resistance ; and, in an unguarded moment, Fitzhenry, attacked on every side, gave his reluctant consent to the \ 44 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. hated union. His father allowed him no time to retract. His proposals were immediately made; though not without a secret hope, on Fitzhenry's part, of their being rejected, which, owing to the marked neglect with which he had ever treated her whose hand he claimed, seemed not unlikely. But, contrary to his expectations, his offer w^as accepted. Emmeline, as has before been stated, was remarkably young and innocent for her age; she had been brought up in the idea that Lord Fitzhenry was to be her husband; and, although without any very decided preference for him, and with a heart perfectly free, she had looked to her marriage as to a thing of course, and as to an event that was to secure her happiness. A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 45 His indifference, however, had not escaped her observation ; and, her cheek reddening with offended pride, she men- tioned it to her father, when, breath- less with delight, he came to announce to her that Lord Fitzhenry claimed her as his bride. Mr. Benson ridiculed what he called her conceit, her romance ; exaggerated into compliments many a simply civil thing which Fitzhenry had, or possibly had not, said of her; set forth all the ad- vantages of the marriage; used every ar- gument which he knew her affectionate deference to him would give weight to; even hinted at his word being pledged, till he succeeded at last in silencing her doubts and scruples. The good and pious Mrs. Benson too was not quite free from worldly vanities; she told her- 46 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. self, and she told Emmeline, that so good a son must make a good husband ; that it would be such a comfort to see her settled in life with one whom she had known since a boy, and of whom she knew so much good. At last, with something between a smile and a sigh, Emmeline gave her con- sent, and all was thus finally arranged : Seven thousand a-year was firmly settled on Lord Fitzhenry, and the resi- due of Mr. Benson's immense property promised at his death. He added like- wise a few thousands of ready money for plate, jewels, equipages, &c.; *'in order," as he said, '' to set the young people a-going." Every one was satisfied but poor Ernest. To his feelings, all this was hateful ; and he was doubly shocked A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 47 when he found, during the legal details into which he had now to enter, that Arlingford Hall, the abode of his child- hood, although it had been long in the family, yet from not being entailed like the rest of the property, had only been saved by Mr. Benson's liberality; and, that in the involved perplexity of his fa- ther's affairs and the urgency of his cre- ditors, all the expenses of his late elec- tion had been defrayed from the same source. Sick at heart, as soon as he could ex- tricate himself from lawyers and papers, Ernest signified his intention of leaving town, in order, as he let it be under- stood, to superintend the repairs at Arlingford, but, in fact, to fly to Lady Florence, who was still in the country. 48 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. It was their first meeting since his marriage had been declared; and with an unprincipled, impassioned woman, he had to undergo scenes still more agoniz- ing than those with his father. Fitzhenry's love for Lady Florence was far beyond her power of appreciating — unable to do justice to his character, she could not trust to such devotion as he expressed, and as he really felt. He believed that for his sake she had sacrificed both honour and virtue, and his whole life, his every affection, he conceived would hardly repay tlie debt. Ernest's heart was capable of love of the purest, noblest kind; and, even towards so unworthy an object, it par- took more of the nature of his own character than of her's who had inspired A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 49 it. During the period employed in pre- parations for his nuptials, instead of attending on his bride, Fitzhenry never left Lady Florence. Her power seemed strengthened by the very circumstances that should have lessened it ; he accom- panied her to town; and, even the morning of his marriage, on her entreat- ing to see him, if but for a moment, he had flown to her bewitching presence. A most violent scene ensued ; it ended by a solemn vow on his part to remain true to her, his first, his only love, in thought, word, and deed. That Em- meline should merely be the mistress of his house ; that, in public, he should be- have to her with perfect attention and civility, but nothing more. Hardly knowing what he did, and not VOL I. D 50 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. till long after the hour appointed for the celebration of his nuptials, he left Lady Florence for Mr. Benson's house. Hence his flushed cheek, and his agi- tated manner, the too true indications of his troubled soul. Fitzhenry had no distinct religious feelings ; but still, when he heard the sacred vow he was to pronounce, (and of which he had never thought,) with his lips still vibrating with that he had pledged to Lady Florence ; no wonder those lips quivered. Although no dread of the anger of his God appalled his mind, yet, as a man of honour, he felt the atrocity of the act. Of Emmeline, of the poor victim, who stood trembling beside him, he hardly thought. He looked upon her as a mere obedient A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 51 child without a character; perhaps, even worse, an ambitious, worldly being; and all his thoughts, all his compassion, were bestowed on Lady Florence and himself. Fitzhenry wanted neither decision nor character. During their melan- choly journey to Arlingford Hall, he had sufficiently surmounted his agita- tion to have decided on his conduct. He resolved to tell all to Emmeline, to let her fully enjoy the honours, the worldly advantages of the situation he thought she had in her union with him sought; to assure her he would ever en- deavour to make her happy, but that she must never hope for his affections. Often, after an awful pause, he re- solved to speak, but each time his cou- d2 52 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. rage failed him ; and finding all expla- nation by word of mouth impossible, he then resolved on writing to her. It was to compose this letter, therefore, that, after dinner, he left his bride, as has before been said. Such a letter was not easily written ; and Emmeline had some time to rumi- nate on her situation, before he returned. At last he came. He seemed in the feverish state of one who has taken a desperate resolution : he hurried up to Emmeline ; asked her if she was pot fatigued? if he should ring for candles? and then, without waiting for an answer, rung the bell violently till it broke. His hand shook so much, that he tried in vain to tie the string together again. Emme- line smiling said, she supposed she was A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. o3 more used to strings and knots, and besffifed to assist him. As she took the cord, her hand accidentally touched his — it was icy cold. Reynolds, the old servant, brought in the candles, and asked, if his lord- ship, *' if my lady," would not have any supper ? any wine and water ? ** Yes, some wine directly," said Fitzhenry, as if hardly conscious of his demand. When it came, he endeavoured to pour out some for Emmeline ; but twice, from the nervous shaking of his hand, he was forced to put down the bottle. Emmeline was really alarmed. ** Sure- ly," again, she said timidly, '*you are very unwell." He did not seem to heed her, but drank off a large goblet of wine, and then, with a steadier voice and 54 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. manner said — *' I have something on my mind which I must make known to you — perhaps I should have done it sooner — I thought it best for both of us to write it," and he held out his letter—*' Take, it with you into your own room," he added, seeing she was going to break the seal. He took up a candle, gave it her, went with her to the door, put his hand on the lock, and said—*' When you have read this, forgive me if you can ;" then hastily seizing her hand, which he almost convulsively grasped, he left her. What poor Emmeline's feelings were, can be better imagined than described. In one short moment, a thousand vague fears and horrors passed through her mind. It was her turn now to trem- A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. OO ble, as, with the dreaded letter in her hand, she hurried to her o\yn room. She there found her maid, whose pre- sence disconcerted her much ; but she resolved to take off her gown speedily, and then dismiss her. Never before, she thought, had her attendant been so slow and tedious. She entangled or pulled every string into a knot. At last, her gown off— that beautiful lace gown in which her poor mother had that morning, with so much pride, arrayed her — all her bridal finery laid aside, she told her maid she wanted nothing more. " Nothing more, my lady !" said the maid astonished ; *' shall I not put up your ladyship's hair? Shall I not wait to take away your candle ? Mrs. Ben- 56 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. son desired me to" and she stop- ped short. *' No, I want nothing," again said Emmeline, in a voice she could hardly command. The woman stared, busied herself still some time in the room, and, at length, reluctantly departed. When she was gone, Emmeline sat for several minutes with the letter in her hand, before she had courage to open it. At length, taking a violent resolu- tion, she broke the seal, and read as follows : — ** When you have read this, you will, I fear, be tempted to upbraid and curse the writer ; but I act according to my conscience, to my sense of honour, in imparting to you what I am going to un- A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 57 fold— at least, you shall not now accuse me of deceiving you — I think, I trust, I never have done so ; for little as you have, I believe, lived in the world, still, unless purposely, artfully concealed from you, you must have been aware, that my affections have long since been dis- posed of, and that, at my return from abroad, they were no longer mine to bestow. " Under such circumstances, I never should have renewed the offer of my hand; but parental authority, and the distressing and perplexing situation in which 1 found myself placed, extracted from me my consent to our marriage. But even in so doing, I did not attempt to deceive. You cannot accuse me of having, in any way, endeavoured to gain d5 58 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. your affections. You saw me as I was, indifferent to you, and you were at liberty to refuse me : but you were content to become my wife on these terms— that is to say, of bearing my name, and sharing the poor advantages which rank affords. ''These you still may, still shall en- joy : but nothing more can I offer you ; for every feeling of my soul is another's — forgive me for saying so ; but this is no moment for disguise of any sort. To that other, I am bound by every tie, every vow of affection and honour. You will be shocked at hear- ing such sentiments from we^from your husband ; and I should consider myself to be indeed the unprincipled villain you may deem me, if, with such feelings, 1 could, for a minute, look upon you in any A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 59 Other light than that of a sister. 1 know full well what love is ; and you do not, can- not love me. Therefore I feel not your injuries to be what they otherwise would. You shall enjoy all the worldly advantages you have sought in your marriage with me — all the happiness which wealth— your own wealth — can bestow ; and it shall be my endeavour, as far as I can, to make your life happy. You shall be com- pletely mistress in your own house, and of all your actions. Your comfort shall ever be consulted ; and 1 think I can venture to say for myself, that you may depend on my kindness, and even on my friendship ; but my affections as a lover, as a husband, while the same heart beats in my breast, can never be yours. 60 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. ** If I may venture, claiming no other right of a husband, to make a reque&t, it is that this subject may never, in any way, directly or indirectly, after this fatal day, be mentioned between us. With regard to your own parents, and to my father, your own good sense and delicacy will, I dare say, dictate to you what conduct to pursue. But if you cannot agree to these, I confess humili- ating terms— if you desire an immediate separation, you have but to name your wishes. I will tell all to the world, bear all the blame, and agree to any arrange- ment which you and your father may choose to dictate. ** Whatever you have to say, write im- mediately, and put your letter into the adjoining room. In a short time all will A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 61 be at rest in the house. I will then my- self go for it. If possible, every thing must be fully settled and understood between us before we meet to-morrow morning. **FlTZHEXRY." 62 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. CHAPTER III. My husband ! no not mine — but we were wedded ; This ring was here in hallowed nuptial placed ; A priest did bless it. Elleic. A L L those who have had trials in this world —and who has not ?— must know that there are moments in our life during which we seem to live centuries 1 and that a few hours sometimes are sufficient to rouse, influence, and form a character for ever. So was it with poor Emmeline ! She who had never known a sorrow — she who had looked to her future life as to A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 63 one scene of bright enjoyment, on a sud- den saw the picture changed, and be- held nothing but trials, disappointment, mortification, and sorrow. She had at once to decide, and on one of the most important steps probably in her life, without a single friend to counsel and uphold her : and he, who should have been that friend, that support, was the one against whom she had to arm her- self, and exert energies of character, of which she did not even know herself to be possessed. What Fitzhenry had said was true — she did not love him ; that is to say, was not i?i love with him ; but she had entertained a sort of girlish affection for the companion of her early youth, and it was impossible not to admire the hand- ^4 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. some, accomplished, informed being he now was. Her innocent mind adding to these prepossessions, the light in which she had ever been taught to con- sider him, of her future husband, gave to her feelings something sacred and tender, so that she had looked to her union with him with stronger anticipa- tions of happiness, than those which mere obedience to her father's wishes could have given. Fitzhenry's letter fell from her hands, and almost hysteric sobs escaped from her heart. " What have I done to be so cruelly used, so scorned, so upbraided!" she could ftot help ejaculating ; and again she seized the fatal letter. '* He despises me for having trusted him ; he even reproaches me for that, in which A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 65 he alone is to blame. She would leave him ; leave those paltry honours which he thought had been her object ; leave him that wealth which had been the mo- tive (she could no longer doubt it) of her having been sought in marriage by him ; and with the vehemence of indignant feeling, she directly seized on a pen, in order to demand an immediate and total separation. But scarcely had she written the first word, when, with the natural timidity of a young girl, she shrunk from the responsibility and enterprise of so des- perate a step, and from all the publicity which she would, by it, draw on her- self. She laid down her pen ; pressed^ with both hands, her throbbing tem- ples, as if to quiet their agitated pulsa- 66" A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. tions ; and then, returning to the fatal letter, she perused it again and again, till gradually her most angry feelings were calmed. She could not curse him — would not upbraid him. His language to her, though harsh, was so open, so honourable 1 and then, with the happy buoyancy of youth, and of an innocent, unbroken mind—'' I will make him love me yet," she thought — ** I will so consult his wishes in every thing ; so play my hard part, that he shall see I am not the mere child, the worldly insensible fool he thinks me ; he must in time love me, and we shall still be happy." This was what her feelings dictated ; and this line of conduct she told herself her duty to her parents required of her. She would not break their hearts by let- A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. U7 tins: them know how thev had been de- ceived ; but, for their sakes, she would submit to her fate. Happy in having thus reconciled her duties to her inclinations, she could not help picturing to herself that future to which, with such fortunate credulity, she fondly looked, when she should have overcome her husband's unfavourable opinion of her, and won his affections ; and, in indulging such flattering dreams, Emmeline sat some time lost in thought, till roused by the sound of hurried steps in the adjoining room. That room was Lord Fitzhenry's. The drawing-room opened into a gal- lery, the first door in which, was that of Emmeline's dressing-room ; her bed- room was beyond ; and beyond that 68 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. again, but, having no communication with Emmeline's apartment, was Lord Fitzhenry's ; it had been his when a boy; and that now allotted to Emme- line had been his father's. The sound of measured steps in that room, like those of a person suffering from impatience and anxiety of mind, reminded her that she must answer her husband's letter. But, what could she write ? She took her pen, but for long had not power to express a thought. At last, not trusting herself to look a second time at what she had said, she hastily wrote, and folded up a paper, containing the following words. '* I will not curse, I will not upbraid you ; yet I have been most cruelly used A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 69 and deceived. Your wishes shall be laws to me. You need apprehend no childish weaknesses or complaints on my part. In time, you will learn better to know her whom you have made your wife. And to God alone shall I apply for relief or assistance under any trial that may assail me. " Emm ELI NE." She opened the door into the gallery — all was silent. With hurried, trem- bling steps, she went into the drawing- room, placed her letter on a conspicuous part of the table, involuntarily looked round the room, as if to recall some of those gay, bright anticipations with which she had that day first entered it ; and then, with noiseless steps, regained 70 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. her own apartment. As she went to it, she saw light beneath the door of Lord Fitzhenry's room. Satisfied that he was still up, and that he would look for her letter, she closed her door, and sat breathless, with flushed cheeks, to hear him pass into the drawing-room for it. In a little while, she heard him tread softly along the gallery. At the door of her room he paused — then went hastily on. On his return, he again paused. ** He listens," thought Emmeline, *' to hear if all is quiet, and whether the in- sensible fool whom he has made his wife sleeps soundly ;" — and tears of mortifi- cation again made their way down her face ; again the doo^: of her husband's room closed, and all was quiet. The dawn of day found poor Emme- A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 71 line in the same listening attitude in which she had sat when Fitzhenry passed her room — her hands clasped to- gether, her eyes fixed on vacancy. She was roused by the extinguishing candle falling into its socket, and looked up astonished to see broad day light. She went to the window to throw open the sash, that the fresh air might cool her eyes and cheeks : in drawing up the blind for the purpose, the string caught the rings on her finger. She started on seeing her wedding ring, and, above it, the circles of diamonds, rubies, &c., the presents of doating parents, and perhaps envious friends, on the morning of that ceremony, which was, they imagined, to secure her future happiness. ** Alas !" thought she, *' how they were mis- taken ! " 72 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. Emmeline soon felt chilled by the fresh morning air. She hastily bound up her loose locks, laid herself on her bed, and the fatigue of her mind, (a feel- ing so new to her,) procured for her the rest she needed. She awoke with that confused impres- sion of distress, which the unhappy know so well ; which oppresses the mind even before we can clearly remem- ber what occasions it. Still she was refreshed by those few hours of sleep, and felt better able to encounter the dreaded meeting with her husband than she could have thought possible. She got up and rang for her maid. From her window, she had seen Fitz- henry out before the house, and she hurried herself to be in the breakfast- room before his return. While she was A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 73 dressing, she schooled herself in the part she was to act, and resolved to meet him with the unembarrassed kindness of friendship. Had she had to expect him o)ie minute longer, her nerves would have failed her; but she saw him hurry towards the house. The servants had fortunately left the room. She heard his footsteps on the stairs, the door opened, and in he came. He was deadly pale ; Emmeline went up to him, — held out her hand. Hardly knowing what she said, she made some remark on the weather, the heat, and, without pausing, in a hurried voice, asked him some other indifferent questions. Fitzhenry returned the pressure of her hand, once looked in her face, appa- rently with surprise ; tried to speak, VOL. I. E 74 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. and at last, in time, overcame his agita- tion ; but never again did his eyes meet hers, or were they even ever raised towards her. He had brought into the room with him some greyhounds, appa- rently as subjects for conversation. They fawned and jumped on their mas- ter ; and the noise and bustle they made — the feeding them, and Emmeline's endeavours to ingratiate herself in their favour, was a something to do, and a relief. During that melancholy breakfast, of which neither eat, Emmeline was the one who played her part the best. When it was gone, Fitzhenry said, *' I have some letters I must write" — and, struck with the possible interpretation of his own words, he coloured deeply; *' but A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 75 they will soon be written," he added hastily, " and probably you too will wish to write to tell your mother of your safe arrival ; and," — again embarrassed, he stopped short. However, in a minute, he recovered himself, and said, ** The post leaves at one ; after that, if the day con- tinues fine, you will perhaps like to go out and see the place. I don't know what sort of a horsewoman you may be, but I have a very docile animal, if you will venture to mount him." Emmeline, who had ridden much, and thought that that species of exercise, with a groom attending, would, under their awkward circumstances, be better than a tete-a-tete walk, directly said she had no fears, and would prefer riding. Thus they parted; and Emmeline went E 2 76 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. to her own room to write to her parents. It was then that the melancholy of her prospects overcame her with a bitterness she had not before experienced. She had taken her pen in her hand — placed the blank paper before her ; but the moment she was going to address her mother, an involuntary burst of tears escaped from her, and she laid her head down on the table, unable to write ; for, alas ! what could she write to that doat- ing mother? what feelings express, but those of mortification, and the anticipa- tion, the conviction, indeed, of certain future unhappiness to them as well as to herself? Perhaps equally, if not more poignant, would be the feelings of many women, were they but a few years after their fate in life is thus fixed, to re-peruse A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 77 the letters written during the early period of their marriage, breathing nothing but the belief of continued felicity and of unalterable love. But no such even transient dream of bliss existed to poor Emmeline. Again she took her pen, v/iped away the tears that had blotted her paper, and, as well as she could, made out a letter to satisfy her mother's anxious heart. There was no lover at her side, fondly to follow each motion of her hand, each thought that her pen traced, and with the playfulness of overflowing love and happiness, to guide that hand when, for the first time, signing his name as her own. When the hour fixed on for their ride arrived, Emmeline went to the appoint- 78 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. ment with as cheerful a countenance as she could command. Fitzhenry left it to the groom to put her on her horse, and never looked at her when mounted ; but, otherwise, was careful of her safety ; and this cold neglect on his part she at the minute rejoiced at, as she had feared he must have observed the trace of her tears. The fresh air and a new and agreeable country revived her spirits, by nature at all times inclined to cheer- fulness. The awkwardness and mental absence of her companion also a little wore oif, and, on the whole, they got through the morning better than she had expected. Fitzhenry told Emmeline that his fa- ther was coming to them the Wednesday following, and that he had invited some A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 79 friends for the end of the week. She re- joiced to hear of these arrangements ; not but that her feelings towards that father had much changed since the truth had begun to break in upon her ; but then, any third person would be such a relief! When she thought of the way in which their honeymoon was to be passed — that after hurrying away from town and the world with all accustomed bustle — and, although only married four and twenty hours, they both already looked to so- ciety for relief, the absurdity of their situation struck her for an instant as so ridiculous, that involuntarily a smile, which she saw did not escape her com- panion, stole over her features ; but, as it faded, a deep-drawn sigh succeeded. 80 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. and she averted her head, to conceal from Fitzhenry, the revolution of feeling which she was conscious was painted in her face. A long train of reflections passed through her mind, as, absorbed in thought, she carelessly with her whip brushed from the bushes, as she passed them, the drops remaining from a late shower; and so deep was her reverie, (the first almost in which poor Emme- line had ever been lost,) that Lord Fitz- henry twice spoke to her before she heard him, and when she did, the tone of her voice in answer, had in it, (per- haps unknown to herself,) a something of repulsive coldness, unusual to her. Whe- ther it so struck him or not, cannot be ascertained ; but the remainder of their ride was performed nearly in total silence. A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 81 Emmeline at once wisely took to her own occupations, and allowed her hus- band to go his own way. It would be often wise and prudent if even new-mar- ried lovers did the same ; for, shocked as they may be at the idea, even real love will at last become dull and wearisome ; and many a fondly devoted bride has, I dare say, during the very first week, often wished for her usual occupations, as much as her lover has for his gun and pointers. But with Lord and Lady Fitzhenry, there was no form, no farce of sentiment to keep up. Each felt hap- pier when apart from the other; and, by having many an hour for reflection, Em- meline was enabled to school her mind to the trials to which she felt she must be exposed — trials but too likely to in- E 5 82 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. crease ; for gradually her irritated feel- ings gave way. When Fitzhenry's letter, and its harsh expressions of de- termined indifference towards her re- turned to her recollection, then her offended pride enabled her to act her part with spirit ; and she could talk, and even laugh, with apparent gaiety, to show him he had not had power to wound her feelings deeply. For, amia- ble as was Emmeline's disposition, enough of human infirmity lurked about her — enough of the ** Woman scorned," to allow her a degree of pleasure in mor- tifying one, who had shown so little scruple in more than mortifying her. At moments, too, her natural gaiety was not to be restrained ; and when, on the third evening of their residence at A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 83 Arlingford, her laughing eye caught the look of astonishment in the old butler's countenance, when, as he entered the room, he found the supposed lovers oc- cupied with their books at opposite ends of the apartment, apparently as uncon- scious of each other's presence as any indifferent pair after a dozen years' mar- riage, — she could not command the in- clination to laughter that overcame her. Lord Fitzhenry looked up astonished. *' I am much diverted with what I am reading," said Emmeline, to account for her sudden burst of mirth, (colouring at the same time, with the consciousness of her departure from truth,) although per- haps not sorry of an opportunity of show- ing him, that even in his society, when so totally neglected by him, and after all 84 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. he had said and done to depress her spirits, she was still disposed to cheer- fulness. *' May I ask what book you are read- ing, that I may benefit also by the enter- tainment," replied her husband. '' Perhaps you would not be equally amused by it," said she. '* Sometimes little things tickle our fancy, without our being able to say why ; and much depends on the humour we are in." Lord Fitzhenry looked a little discon- certed, and Emmeline could not be so generous as to regret it. But in his society, she soon ceased to show either spirit or triumph ; soon forgot to be angry. The mildness of his manners, the charm of his conver- sation, when sometimes for a little he A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 85 seemed to forget their peculiar situation, and to give way to his natural habits and disposition, soon won upon Emmeline, and, with a sigh, she thought, *' How she could have loved him !" When gal- lopping on before her, and when certain she should not be observed, her eyes were fixed on his manly, graceful figure, and she admired the ease, and inde- scribable elegance (if one may use a word so degraded) of all his actions. There is something in the manners and conversation of an intelligent man of the world, which it is impossible ade- quately to describe, — which, without being either information or wit, pleases more than either. It is, perhaps, the art of giving to each subject no more than its due proportion of time and 86 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. thought, which prevents conversation from becoming tedious, and hinders any idea, however serious, from weighing too heavily on the mind. Fitzhenry pos- sessed this art in a superlative degree ; and Emmeline, to whom such conversa- tion was almost totally new, and who by nature was formed to appreciate every refinement, was powerfully captivated by it. And, added to this, there was a certain foreign gallantry of manner> Cthat among her father's acquaintance she had certainly never experienced,) and a ha- bit of attention to women, which, in Fitzhenry, was so strong, that his beha- viour, even to Emmeline, partook of it — to her, whom he never looked at, nor apparently noticed. The whole plan of his present life, the A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 87 footing upon which he meant Lady Fitz- henry and himself to live together, was, perhaps of foreign growth. A true-bred Enoflishman would never have behaved with the civility of good breeding to a wife so forced upon him. He could never have thought it possible to have established any one in his house on the terms on which Emmeline was to be placed. But although Lord Fitzhenry looked upon the observance of English customs in a total retirement after mar- riage as particularly irksome, it never could make him wanting in respect, and even in kindness, to one of Emmeline's sex. His will once made known, — told, as it had been, very plainly and de- cidedly, — there was nothing more to settle between them, and he behaved to 88 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. her with that sort of general observance and attention due from a man to a woman. In short, he could not help being agree- able, although differing so cruelly from the animated, enthusiastic Fitzhenry, known to his friends. Perhaps such conduct was more cal- culated to excite despair than even ap- parent dislike would have been to one, who, like Emmeline, aimed at winning his love ; but, quick as she was, her inexperience prevented her from being aware, that these attentions of civility were paid by him from mere force of habit ; she therefore gave way to the charm which daily captivated her, and did not always suspect that those words on which her ear delighted to hang, and A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 89 which sometimes even wore the sem- blance of gallantry, were uttered by him generally in total absence of mind, with his thoughts fixed on another. Who that other was, Emmeline no longer doubted. Something she recol- lected having heard of Lord Fitzhenry's admiration for Lady Florence Mostyn, when abroad ; but he had then been so long out of England, Emmeline's thoughts were little occupied about him, and the intelligence had made but slight impression on her young mind. Now, putting various circumstances together, she could no longer doubt that Lady Florence was her favoured riv^al, if in- deed a rival she could be called, where there was no competition. For, much as Emmeline might wish 90 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. to propitiate her husband, and though even a little vanity and pique might enter into the feeling, yet she had no idea of any of the arts of coquetry, and if she now exerted all her powers of agree- ableness, it was from the simple wish to make their present melancholy life pass as well as the awkward circum- stances in which they were placed al- lowed. If she might hope in time to win her companion's affections, she gave up, as perfectly hopeless, all attempts to captivate his imagination. And that very feeling made her more at ease, and therefore more agreeable than she could otherwise have been. On all general subjects, Fitzhenry was more than will- ing to converse. The publications of the day opened a wide field for discus- A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 91 sion. It was neutral ground, on which they could meet and parley. There was a peculiar liveliness, and originality in all he said, which Emmeline was not only able to appreciate, but, by taking up his ideas with quickness, to encourage fresh remarks, and even improve upon them. The merits of Sir Walter Scott, Miss Edge worth, and Southey, were all thoroughly commented upon. Lord By- ron came too near home, and, as if by mutual consent, they always avoided him and his writings. One evening — the last they now had to pass alone — Emmeline had somehow wandered in her conversation to Italy ; but she immediately observed a cloud of recollections darken her husband's brow, and, making rather an awkward retreat. 92 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. she resumed the book she was reading, and which had given rise to her unlucky remark; and never took her eyes from it till the usual time for retiring to her own room. Fitzhenry had also remained si- lent ; but the moment she moved, he started up as if roused from a reverie, lit her candle for her and wished her good night, hoping the slight headache she had complained of would be better next day. The tone of his voice was so agreeable, the expression of his countenance so mild, that she felt with Juliet, " Parting is such sweet sorrow, That I could say good night till it be morrow." When she reached her own room, un- conscious of what she did, she leant her head on her hand, and stood thus for A MARHTAOE IN HIGH LIFE. 93 some time at the chimney-piece, on which she had placed her candle, lost in thought. Had she been asked what those thoughts were, perhaps she could not have defined them ; but at length, a deep sigh escaped her as she ejaculated to herself '* How pleasant he is ! and if so to me, whom he dislikes, despises, what must he be to her, to whom his whole mind and heart are laid open ? With me it is almost impossible to avoid forbidden subjects — Italy, I see, I must never touch upon. Not only the present but the past belongs to Lady Florence ; / am only connected with the future in his mind, and a future to which he looks with dis- like and dread." The next day was th^t on which they expected Lord Arlingford ; and Emme- 94 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. line, when she met her husband at break- fast, was concerned to see that all those miserable, agitated feelings, which had apparently much subsided, had now re- turned worse than ever. During that meal, he was so hurried, so abstracted, that when after it was over, he had placed himself at the window to read the newspaper, she ventured to go up to him, and purposely said something about his father's arrival, hoping that she might dispel the anxiety which seemed to oppress him, by showing him how little Lord Arlingford's presence would add to her awkward feelings. She therefore, to open the subject, asked at what time he thought he would arrive. Fitzhenry, without taking his eyes off the paper, said he did riot expect him A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 95 till dinner-time — there was a pause, Em- meline not knowing well how again to begin— at length, Fitzhenry himself broke the silence by saying, '' Had you not better write to Mr. and Mrs. Benson, and propose their making us a visit here soon? You will probably be anxious to meet them before long." ** Thank you very much," exclaimed Emmeline, quite moved by the kindness of his proposal, and feeling as if she could have seized with affection on the hand that rested on the edge of the window near her. For a minute, the temptation was strong; her breath came quick, and the blood rushed into her cheeks. But those cruel words in Fitzhenry's letter, *' my affections can never be yours," flashed like lightning across her mind, 96 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. and prevented her from forgetting her- self. Still lost in thought, there she stood. It seemed as if he felt the awk- wardness of the moment, and made a motion to go. *' Perhaps then you will give me a frank for my father," she said timidly, and wishing to detain him. ** Certainly, with pleasure ;" and he sat down to the table to write it. As he gave it her, his hand trembled. Again Emmeline's better judgment failed her — again her feelings, unused to conceal- ment, got the better of her prudence. Sorry to observe his excessive pertur- bation, and wishing as far as she could to alleviate it, while taking the frank from his hand, and without raising her eyes from the writing, she said in a tre- mulous voice, *' Don't distress yourself — A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 97 indeed you may trust nie." Alas ! these words had the direct contrary effect from what she had meant and hoped. Fitz- henry started up, and hurried out of the room. ** What have I done !" thought poor Emmeline, as the door closed upon him. *' I have forgotten my promise, broken my word — I have displeased him!" and she sank on the chair he had quitted. She hoped he would return ; but he did not come. She then thought she would write to him, but, fortunately, nothing which she could express, satisfied her feel- ings ; and, at length, she resolved that she would rather try and make him forget one unguarded word, by never referring to it, and never again so offending. Sadly she retired to her own sitting- VOL. 1. V 98 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. room, and saw no more of Fitzhenry, till, at their usual hour for riding, a servant came and told her the horses were ready, and that my lord was at the door waiting for her. Emmeline hurried down stairs. She dared not even look at her husband, for the wish to please had begun already to make her timid ; but, by the tone of his voice, she soon judged that all anger at least, if ever entertained against her, was gone. He even exerted himself more than usual to talk on indifferent subjects. Lord Arlingford arrived to dinner — Emmeline met him with the cordiality of a daughter. He seemed in high spirits, delighted with her, with the improve- ments in the house, with every thing. Many a time, did the blood rush into Emmeline's cheek at the allusions he A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 99 made to their late marriage, his railleries on the honey moon, and such common hackneyed subjects, which, trifling as they are, generally possess a power of pleasing where happiness really exists, but which to her and Lord Fitzhenry were torture. She turned all this off as well as she could ; sometimes almost hating herself for having already become so artful. They thus got to the end of the first day of Lord Arlingford's visit better than she had expected. The father and son had much to look at, much to talk over about the place, plantations, &c. and after the first two days, their party was enlarged by some young men, friends of Fitzhenry. Emmeline now found her task com- paratively easy ; she was of course the f2 100 A UARSIAGE IX mCH LIFE. object of much attention with all her new guests ; all were anxious to please her, and to court her acquaintance as Lord Fitzhenry's wife ; all, too, seemed surprised at finding Emmeline Benson, the banker's daughter, the agreeable, intelligent, and perfectly well-bred per- son which, in truth, she was. At first, timidity made her feel em- barrassed in her new situation ; but that soon wore off, and, naturally gay, her spirits rose with the gaiety and lively conversation of those around her. She could not be indifferent to the flattering attentions paid her; and, to her own surprise, Emmeline soon found herself at her ease, and happy. For Emmeline s heart was as yet comparatively free ; an all-engrossing passion had not yet de- A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 101 stroyed its happy tranquillity, and a gay, joyous laugh often showed the innocent lightness of that heart. Once, from the other end of the dinner-table, she found Lord Fitzhenry's eyes fixed upon her, but whether it was surprise at the part she was able to take in conversation, or displeasure, perhaps even disgust, at the gaiety which had thus attracted his at- tention towards her, she knew not. But that look — although his eyes were imme- diately withdrawn on meeting hers — had power instantly to check her mirth ; and her neighbour scarcely recognised in the absent, silent person that now sat be- side him, the gay companion, who, a few minutes before, entered so readily into all his ideas, Emmeline now, nearly for the first 102 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. time, heard herself called by her new name. Her husband, too, forced some- times to designate and address her, called her *' Lady Fitzhenry.'* To hear oneself spoken to by a name so dear, that form- erly one hardly dared pronounce it — to be thus reminded, each time, that we are indissolubly bound to that being we adore, is delightful. But in her hus- band's mouth it was to poor Emmeline an insult. It only seemed to cast her further from him, and remind her of the distant footing of mere form on which they lived, on which they were ever to live ; for *' Emmeline," the name which when a child she had so often heard him pronounce, when she cared not for the endearing intimacy of the aj)penation, now never passed his lips. A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 103 She now saw him but h'ttle, and never alone ; for he never came into her own sitting-room, and seldom into the draw- ing-room, except at those hours, when he was certain of finding some of the rest of the party there also. She felt that since they had had society in the house, she had rather lost than gained ground with him, and she now regretted the week they had spent tete-^-tete, much as she had wished it over at the time, as then they were compelled to have some sort of intercourse together. Gradually, Emmeline's abstraction in- creased, and her spirits changed ; for, almost unconscious to herself, when in Fitzhenry's society, her thoughts and attention were entirely occupied by him. The most flattering compliments that 104 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. gallantry could suggest, had sometimes to be twice repeated to her, and were at last received with a vacant smile ; for if she caught the distant tone of Fitz- henry's voice, she heard nothing else ; and if, during the day, he had more than usually spoken to her, or paid her some attention of mere civility, her spirits rose even beyond their natural level, and thus gave to her manner at times an appear- ance of caprice far from her nature. A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 105 CHAPTER IV. '* Unhappy Psyche ! soon the latent wound The fading roses of her cheek confess, Her eyes bright beams in swimming sorrows drown'd. Sparkle no more with life and happiness, Her parents' fond exulting heart to bless." It was now about six weeks since the fatal day on which Lord and Lady Fitz- henry were married. His feelings to- wards her, to all appearance, remained the same ; but, with Emmeline, the hap- piness which depends on insensibility was gone. r5 106 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. Business had hitherto always prevent- ed Mr. and Mrs. Benson from accepting the invitation to Arlingford Hall; but their visit was now fixed to take place as soon as the present company in the house were gone. Emmeline respected her father, and dearly loved her mother ; but still she had by nature so nice a tact, that she was soon aware that herself, as well as Lord Fitzhenry, would be better pleased that they should not fall into a set and style of society which they could not suit, and which would not suit them. Emmeline rather dreaded her mother's visit, dreaded the quick eye of tender affection, and the gossip of servants. '' But," thought she, " this visit once over, 1 have nothing more to dread ; all will then go on smoothly — smoothly and A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 107 sadly to me," she added. '' But I will hope a time may come when he will care for me — already I think he is used to my society; at least, he does not dislike it, for I am no longer a constraint to him — I must be patient." And with a deep- drawn sigh, she turned over the leaves of her as yet unopened music-books, and sat down to practise some of her father's favourite songs, which since her marriage she had neglected ; for Fitzhenry had never asked her to play or sing, and, unso- licited, she had not had sufficient courage. Since Lord Arlingford had been with them they had dined late, and cards and conversation had filled up the evenings. At length, the day came on which Mr. and Mrs. Benson were expected. Em- meline's heart beat thick the whole of it, 108 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. and her eye was on the road which led to the house, her ear watching for every sound all the morning, although it was impossible they could arrive till late in the day. Fitzhenry sent his horses to meet them at the last stage, watched for their arrival, was at the door of the house to receive them, helped them out of the carriage, and himself conducted them up to Emmeline's room. There, for a few minutes, he left them to fold to their hearts their beloved child. For it was not a scene that he wished to witness, or in which he felt, circumstanced as they were, he had any part to play. Emmeline's feelings were worked up to the utmost. Joy, fear, a thousand confused ideas conspired to weaken her nerves, and she fell quite overcome into A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 109 her mother's arms. It was some time before she could compose herself. But agitation at that moment was so natural, that it seemed to cause no astonishment, nor raise any suspicions. '*MyowndearErameline!" exclaimed Mrs. Benson, as she kissed her again and again, ** how happy I am to see you once more, and to see you, as I trust I do, everyway so happy;" and she looked round with complacency on the refined comfort of her room. Emmeline pressed her mother's hand, she could not speak, and with difficulty forced a smile. *' And how well my lord looks," said her father: *' the last time I saw him, on your wedding-day you know, Emmy — Lady Fitzhenry, I mean; I beg your lady- 110 A MARRIAGE IxN HIGH LIFE. ship's pardon," said he, chuckling, while making her a formal bow in order to pass off for wit, what was in fact the real overflowings of his vanity at her newly- acquired rank :---'* on that day, the nine- teenth of August, eighteen hundred and twenty-three^ I did not like his looks at all. I really was afraid he was not well ; but I was told it was natural agitatioru ^o\y I can't for my life conceive why a man is to look red and yellow and melancholy on the happiest day of his life. I dare say I did not when I was married to my good woman there— Eh, Mrs. B. ?— How- ever, now a wholesome country life, and true domestic English happiness, you know, my Lady Fitzhenry, seem to have made quite another man of him. Emmeline tried again to smile. A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. Ill *' It was SO good of him," continued Mr. Benson, ** to press us so often to come — but it was impossible sooner; business must be attended to — my old saying, you know ; — and then the kind- ness of sending his horses for us, although I dare say there were plenty to be had at the inn ; but still your old father liked very much to be brought to Arlingford Hall in a manner in triumph, driven by two postilions in the handsome old Fitz- henry livery, with the coachman on be- fore to show the way, although I suppose the drivers knew it quite well ; but it did not signify, I liked all that, egad I did — and I am not ashamed to own it. And then, thought I, a man so full of pretty attentions to his father-in-law, must make a good husband to my dear girl." 112 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. Luckily a kiss of rapture, which he then imprinted on that dear girl's face, saved the necessity of a reply. By this time, Fitzhenry again made his appearance, apologizing for his ab- sence under the plea of having had some orders to give his coachman. '* No apology, my lord," said the ex- cellent old citizen, seizing his hand, vi^hich he heartily shook; ** I consider myself at home here ; you and Emme- line are one, you know, and it would be hard indeed if I did not feel at home in my daughter's house." Fitzhenry endeavoured to say some- thing in return, but failed, and as a retreat from observation, walked to the window. '' She is a dear, good little girl, this A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 1 13 daughter of mine — is she not, my lord ?" continued Mr. Benson, patting Emrae- line's cheek ; •'* and happiness, and your good care of her, have given her such a colour^ that I declare I think you must have already taught her to wear rouge, as your fine ladies do." And Mr. Benson laughed heartily, in gaiety of heart, at his own wit. Alas ! poor Emmeline's colour was the flushed crimson of nervous agitation. Again Fitzhenry had recourse to looking out of the window at the horses and carriages, which luckily had not yet driven off. ** Ay, they are beautiful animals," said Mr. Benson, following him ; *' bred here I believe; and then they are so well matched. I have been admiring them all the way here. Do you ever drive them 114 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. yourself? though woz^ I suppose Emmeline has taken the reins into her own hands — Eh, Lady Fitzhenry?" '' This will never do," thought Emme- line ; her heart sank within her, and to put an end to the present trying moment, she proposed showing her mother her room ; she trusted that her father's exu- berant spirits would before long vent themselves, and at any rate, separately, both she and Fitzhenry could better bear such attacks. So leaving her father and husband together, she went out of the room with Mrs. Benson. The house — her apartment — the view from the win- dows — the attentions of the old house- keeper who, in a rustling silk gown, came to make her reverence and offer her services, all delighted the latter. A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 115 They had much to talk of, aunts, uncles, cousins to enquire after, and Emmeline's spirits became more composed. At length, it was time to dress for dinner, and Emmeline retired to her own room. But when there, alone, her head sank on her hand ; and a shiver of unhappiness — (I write only to those \vho have hearts, and to all such these sensa- tions are but too well known) — the cold deserted shiver of unhappiness crept over her frame — '* Oh ! mine is a hard fate !" thought she, '' to have eternally a part to act, a secret to conceal, with one, for one, whose heart is for ever closed to me." The sight of her father and mother had revived all the affections and associations of Emmeline's early youth ; and, dis- appointed in all her dreams of happiness. 116 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. the mad, the desperate thought of con- fessing her real situation, of leaving Fitz- henry and Arlingford for ever, and return- ing to her parents, crossed her mind. But a feeling which every day was gain- ing ground in her heart, almost unknown to herself, made her, the next minute, start with horror at the thought; and, almost terrified at the idea of the irre- trievable step which in a moment of hopeless depression she might have been tempted to take, she resolved that she would keep her word with her husband, conceal and bear all, and trust to time and heaven. Emmeline cooled her burning eyelids, rang for her maid, and dressed for dinner. Fitzhenry was perfect in his manner and attentions to Mr. and Mrs. Benson. He A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 117 seemed instinctively to know how to please the former; sent for the oldest wine out of the cellar for him, filled his snufF-box on purpose, bore with his bad jokes, adapted his conversation to him, asking him questions — the replies to which perhaps he never listened to — but which gave the appearance of seek- ing information from him ; and, in the gratitude of her heart for all this kind- ness, when she ventured to raise her eyes on her husband's handsome, manly countenance, smiling in goodnature on her parents, Emmeline wondered how the idea of leaving him, betraying him, ever could have entered her mind, and she thought that to live with so amiable a being, on any terms, would be hap- piness. 118 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. As soon as the servants had left the dining-room, Mr. Benson filled his glass to a bumper. Emmeline, who observed the smile on his face as he deliberately poured in the wine, dreaded what was coming. ''I am an old fashioned old man," said Mr. Benson, '* and I love all old customs, so I must beg leave to pro- pose a toast — My Lord and Lady Fitz- henry," said he, bowing to them exult- ingly, '* and may they, and may I, see many happy returns of the nineteenth of August." , Emmeline coloured, and fixed her eyes on the table before her. '* This is the happiest day of my life I believe," continued Mr. Benson, '' not even excepting my own wedding-day; my heart had been so long set on seeing A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 119 my Emmy happily settled as your wife ; and I must congratulate myself, as well as you, my Lord, at its having at last come to pass. For you too have had it long in your head, or I am much mis- taken," added Mr. Benson, nodding sig- nificantly to Lord Fitzhenry. *' Well do I remember, when Emmy was not above so high, your calling her your little wife, and saying you had a right to kiss her, when you took leave of us, on going abroad. I warrant you have not forgot that any more than myself." And in the exuberance of his joy, he again held out his hand to his son-in-law. Emmeline dared not look up to see how her husband stood this trial ; her heart beat so violently that she felt as if its pulsations must be heard during the J 20 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. dead silence, which for an instant fol- lowed Mr. Benson's speech. Lord Fitzhenry was the first to break it ; and, hastily drinking off his glass, as he bowed in return to Mr. Benson, *' You will find this wine very good,. I think," said he ; " it is some which a friend of mine brought me from Madeira, and has never been in a wine-merchant's hands." *' Yes, indeed, most excellent," re- plied Mr. Benson, '* and I hope by this time next year I may drink some of it, to the health of a little heir to the family." On poor Emmeline's cheek, a deadly paleness so rapidly succeeded the deep crimson of a minute before, that it caught even Mr. Benson's eye, who, although not quick at observing such dumb indi- A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 121 cations of feeling, was sorry to have distressed her, though he hardly guessed how he had done so. His spirits were elevated by the exultation of the mo- ment, and the *^ excellent wine" beyond his usual hilarity— and even beyond his control. '* Come, come, Emmy,'" said he, smiling on her — *' I meant no offence : but you know such things often, indeed I may say commonly do happen, as peo- ple having little boys and little girls after they are married ; and I hope you may have a little boy some of those days, that's all ;" and he winked his eye face- tiously at Lord Fitzhenry. The latter however was, as well as Emmeline, examining the pattern of the China-plate before him; so that poor VOL. I. G 122 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. Mr. Benson meeting with no encourage- ment from any one, was forced to change the subject of conversation, and Emmeline soon proposed to her mother to leave the dining-room. Mrs. Benson took no notice of what had passed ; and Emmeline gradually re- covered herself, although, on the gen- tlemen joining them, she found it im- possible to encounter her husband's eyes, and, hastily getting up, she went to the pianoforte. At first, her hand trembled, but a feeling of pride steadied it; and on her father asking for one of his old favourite songs, she com- plied. Fitzhenry gradually approached her, and when she had finished singing — '' That is very beautiful," said he, '' You A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 123 have never before indulged me with any music." '* No!" replied Mr. Benson, *' that is a great shame, when I paid I don't know what to a Signor what do you call him ? for teaching her. She can sing you any of your fine bravuras; but a plain English song, for my money ; it is worth all your Italian airs, for there is some sense, some meaning in that, but, as for your foreign nonsense, one can't understand what the words are about ; no one can make head or tail of them." Emmeline could not help smiling; and, looking up, her eyes met Fitzhenry's. He too smiled, and smiled so kindly on her that, for an instant, she fancied there was affection, even fondness in their expression. g2 124 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. '' Perhaps," said he, ** you will never- theless indulge me with one of the un- meaning songs Mr. Benson complains of." Emmelinesang one of Rossini's. Fitz- heniy sat down by the pianoforte op- posite to her, his head leaning on his hand ; and, at first, he looked attentively at her, but when the song was over, he seemed so lost in thought as to have to- tally forgot the singer. He said no- thing ; suffered her to leave the instru- ment without making any attempt at detaining her, and soon after left the room. On his return, he proposed a game at whist ; Emmeline had early learnt it to make up her father's party, so a card- table was rung for. Of course, Mr. and A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 125 Mrs. Benson were to play together, and many cruel things were said about not parting husband and wife, &c. But Fitzhenry's behaviour that evening had been to Emmeline (in spite of his dis- regard of the song he had asked for) an additional draft of love, and she bore all most bravely, for she felt it was for him she was bearing it ; she did not venture to observe him while all this was pass- ing, but by the tone of his voice, he seemed to endure these trials with pati- ence and unruffled temper. Mr. Benson and his wife won every game, for their adversaries knew little of what was going on, trumping and taking each other's tricks with the most perfect mutual indifference. But Mr. Benson only exulted in his superior play, 126 A x\IARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. as chuckling, he put his daughter's money into his pocket, and he retired to bed in high good humour. The next morning, after breakfast, Fitzhenry took Mr. Benson to show him the farm, stables, &c. and Emmeline and her mother were left together. Mrs. Benson for some time fidgetted about the room, giving dry laconic answers to all Emmeline's observations, which she knew well, was a s^ymptom of her working her- self up to say something unusual, and she dreaded what it might be. At length, Mrs. Benson came up to her daughter, and folding her to her heart, as she printed a fond kiss on her forehead V.;Well, my ^eai* child," she said, '' I trust I See you as happy as heart— as even my foolish heart can wish ?" A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 127 '' How can you doubt it ?" answered Emmeline, greatly embarrassed by so direct a question. *' You see bow kind, how excellent he is" — and to avoid her mother's anxious gaze, she stooped down to caress an old poodle of Fitzhenry's that had lately established himself in her room. " Speak, Tiber," said she to the dog — *' Have we not a most kind master?" There was a pause, but Mrs. Benson returned to the charge. " I find you live quite fashionahlij , in separate apartments. I must say I think that is a silly new fangled refinement which I don't approve of at all, and I hope it is no fancy of yours ?" Emmeline coloured deeply. — '' Lord Fitzhenry," she replied, '* had so long 128 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. lived abroad, was so used to foreign cus- toms, that she did not wonder he liked to adopt them at home." *' But, Lord Fitzhenry was not a mar- ried man abroad, I presume ?" said Mrs. Benson, forcing a laugh. Emmeline forced one too, but her lip quivered, tears came into her eyes, and again she was obliged to stoop and coax the dog. " By the bye, Emmeline," said Mrs. Benson, after a moment's silence, *' I have brought you your work-box which you left in Harley-street; I wonder you did not miss it, for I suppose you have a good deal of time to yourself now, and are more alone than you used to be with us ?" ** All women must be a good deal A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 129 alone when they leave home," replied Emmeline, with as steady a voice as she could command, — " for the occupations and amusements of men are so differ- ent, particularly in the country." '' Then you are chiefly by yourself," said Mrs. Benson, hastily, as if catching at the confession, as something she was seeking for. '' Oh dear no, I go out riding with some of the gentlemen nearly everyday." '' Oh, you do, do you ?" said Mrs. Benson; '* and Lord Fitzhenry, does he go too ?" *' Yes, generally." ** I thought he had not," said Mrs. Benson rather vacantly, and appearing to be engaged in some ruminations of her own. G 5 130 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. Emmeline took advantage of the mo- mentary pause that followed, to start a new subject of conversation. She trusted, that when her mother saw how perfectly good humoured and indulgent Lord Fitzhenry was to her ; in all things allowing her to be her own mistress, as well as mistress of his house, that the doubts and suspicions which she saw had been raised in her mind, either by her own observations, or her maid's gos- sipping reports, would subside. For, as Emmeline suspected, this conversation had, in fact, been brought on by some stories which Mrs. Benson had already heard. Her maid and Emmeline's were old acquaintance ; and what maid or mis- tress can help talking over her neigh- bour's affairs ? The truth was, that Mrs. A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 131 Brown, the old housekeeper, and Susan, Emmeline's maid, (now promoted to Mrs. Jenkins,) had already quarrelled ; for the latter soon began to throw out hints, which Mrs. Brown, think- ing herself bound to stand up for her master, resented violently ; so that by the time Mrs. Benson arrived, Mrs. Jenkins and Mrs. Brown were open enemies; and the former lost no time in securing on her side her old companion Warren — Mrs. Benson's maid. As soon, therefore, as they had swal- lowed their tea, at which solemn and important ceremony Mrs. Brown had presided in all the pomp of housekeeper civility, the two friends retired; and while Mrs. Benson's clothes were ar- 132 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. ranged in the drawers by the maid, Jen- kins, with many a sigh over poor Miss Emmeline, and many an exaggera- tion, gave an account of the dreadful way in which Lord and Lady Fitzhenry lived together, and of my Lord's shame- ful neglect of her. *' In short," she ended with saying, '' things are come to such a pitch, that Mrs. Brown and I are scarce on speaking terms, and I am, as you see, very distant even with Mr. Reynolds. People must see what they does see, except those people who wo'nt see, and I am quite resolved on one thing — which is, to be as uppish as pos- sible both with Mrs. Brown and Mr. Reynolds till I see my lord behave bet- ter to my lady. I am but a servant, certainly ; but I can't for a]l that, help A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 133 thinking it a very strange thing the way they go on." *' And what does Mrs. Brown say to this ? " enquired her auditor. *' Oh she says, forsooth, that it is all my vulgar notions, and because I have not been used to quality." ** Quality, indeed ! " echoed her friend. ** Fine airs, upon my word. Miss Emmeline was as good as Lord Fitzhenry any day in the year, I am sure. I should like to know who had the most money, and the best of the bargain ? Poor thing ! she is much changed ; and when she said to me, * How do you do, \yarren ? ' I could plainly see that all was not right between her and Lord Fitzhenry. You know / was always against the match." 134 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. The conversation was here interrupted by the entrance of Mrs. Brown, who came to enquire whether any thing was wanted in the rooms. '* Nothing ma'am, thank you," said Warren dryly, endeavouring to throw into her manner that dignity which Jen- kins said she was determined to keep up till Lord Fitzhenry was a better husband, and which Warren, as her sworn ally, thought it right to adopt also. And then pretending to be busily occupied, she took no notice of Mrs. Brown. Warren's behaviour was so different from what it had been when they had parted at the tea table, that the consequential housekeeper guessed directly to whose influence the change was owing. She said nothing; but settling the shawl that A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 135 was pinned on her shoulders, and cast- ing an angry glance at Jenkins, she bustled out of the room, saying, she would send the housemaid to attend upon thera ; and resolving to be revenged on the two friends. " You have affronted Mrs. Brown finely," said Jenkins, as soon as she had, with somewhat of a jirk, closed the door after her; ** but I am glad of it, for really that is the only way to mend mat- ters, and I feel it my duty to my lady, to quarrel in a manner with Mrs. Brown, though, as far as T am myself concerned, I am, as you know, the most good naturedest of people, and willing to live in peace and harmony with every one." ** That you are," replied Mrs. War- 136 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. ren ; for, at that moment, she thought it good policy to forget, as well as Mrs Jenkins did, the many regular pitched battles they had fought, when the latter was simple Susan, and nominally under Warren's controul. The result of this conversation was a mysterious and sorrowful expression on Warren's countenance when she at- tended her lady, Mrs. Benson, at bed- time ; and a significantly melancholy tone of voice when she said, *' I hope you find Lady Fitzhenry pretty well, ma'am ? " '* Quite well," said Mrs. Benson. '* She has not been ill that I know of. Susan does not say she has been unwell, does she ? " '' Oh no ; Mrs. Jenkins says her lady- A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 137 ship's health is wonderfully good, con- sidering," replied AYarren. ** Considering what ? said Mrs. Ben- son, turning quickly round, and looking her in the face, '* What do you mean by comidering ? " '* / mean ? dear me, how should / mean any thing ? " " Why, you speak as if you did mean something; and I desire if you know any thing about Emmeline's health, that you will tell me." ** La, ma'am ! there is nothing the matter with Miss Emmeline as I know of, only I thought perhaps she might not be so lively-like as she used to be, living so much alone." *' What do you mean by alone ? I suppose Lord and Lady Fitzhenry are 138 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. as much together as other married peo- ple are ? I don't expect he sits all day at home with her, any more than Mr. Benson does with me." *' I believe you will find it is very different from you and my master," said Warren, with a significant sigh. " What can you mean by all this ? " said Mrs. Benson, alarmed. '* Why, I mean, ma'am, that Miss Emmeline, (Lady Fitzhenry, that is to say,) is always alone." " Always alone V repeated Mrs. Ben- son ; ** really Warren I don't know what you would be at — and I don't believe you know yourself." " Yes, ma'am," said Warren, bridling up ; '* and I only say what I know to be true. Lord Fitzhenry sleeps in his own A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 139 room alone all night, and Lady Fitzhenry sits in her room alone all day ; and, if that is living like a married pair, I don't know what a married pair is." *^ Who tells you all this nonsense ? " said Mrs. Benson, angrily, and yet wish- ing to hear more. ** Why, Mrs. Jenkins, to be sure, ma'am. She says, that my lord quar- relled with my lady on their very wed- ding-day — for that she herself heard high words between them and doors shut in a passion-like — and ever since that terrible scene — which Jenkins can swear to — they have continued to live in this strange way. For my part, I don't think if I was Mrs. Jenkins I would re- main in so unpleasant a family, although to be sure all is in very high style, and 140 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. the housekeeper's room as good as many ladies'drawing-rooms, with a nice Turkey carpet ; but still all can't be right. How- ever, I should be sorry to tell tales and make mischief; but you know, ma'am, you forced me to speak, otherwise I am sure I should have held my tongue about it all to my dying day, for I am sure I would not for all the world make you uneasy, ma'am." '* Well, I desire you will hold your tongue to every body else," said Mrs. Benson gravely, *' and bid Susan come to me to-morrow morning." Susan told her story, heightening the picture as much as she could ; and, after all this, it will not be wondered at that Mrs. Benson endeavoured to discover the truth from Emmeline. Her answers. A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 141 her praises of Fitzhenry, staggered her ; and, as Emmeline had anticipated, the appearance of perfect good humour on the part of her husband, often even of gallant attention towards her, made Mrs. Benson think the whole was no more than the common gossip of ser- vants ; and, at any rate, she had too much good sense to endeavour to pry into matrimonial secrets and arrange- ments, which her daughter did not seem to wish to have noticed ; so, resolving to be very watchful, she said no more. A day or two after, several of the neighbours, who had been invited, came to Arlingford. Mr. and Mrs. Benson were of course delighted on seeing the deference and court paid to their daugh- ter; and the bustle occasioned by the vi- 142 A MARRIAGE IN HFGH LIFE. sitors, the driving about in the morning, viewing the country, and returning visits, occupied Mrs. Benson's time, if not her thoughts, so entirely, that she and Emraeline being seldom alone together, the latter v^as spared any more distress- ing conversations. At the end of about a week, Mr. Ben- son received letters which obliged him to return immediately to town on some mercantile business. *' But," said he, casting a doubtful, enquiring look on Lord Fitzhenry, ** I need not carry off my good lady wife, if you will give her house-room a little longer, and I can perhaps return for her ; or, at any rate, I think I may by this time trust her to travel alone, whatever other husbands may" — winking his eye at Emmeline. A MARRIAGE IN HIOH LIFE. 143 Lord Fitzhenry directly expressed great pleasure in Mrs. Benson prolong- ing her visit, and then, after a moment's pause, added, *' Indeed it will be par- ticularly kind to Lady Fitzhenry if she will, for I myself shall be obliged to leave home in a day or two." Emmeline gave a start, and involun- tarily looked up towards her husband. For an instant their eyes met ; but, as if by mutual consent, both were instantly withdrawn. *' He catches at the first opportunity to leave me," thought she. " Glad his penance is over." Whither he was going, Fitzhenry never said, and Emmeline dared not ask ; in- deed, she hardly knew whether, during his absence, he would expect her to write to him; and therefore, if even under that pretext she could venture to enquire. VOL. I. G 12 144 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. On the day settled for his departure, when the carriage was ready at the door, he came into the drawing-room to take leave. Mrs. Benson was there with Emmeline. '' If there come any letters for me," said he, ''I have desired Reynolds to send them to the house in town, and I shall leave word there to have them forwarded." Still he said nothing about her writing to him. He staid some time in the room, seemingly uncertain what to do or say, or how to take leave of her. At length, apparently summoning courage for a disagreeable effort, he walked hastily up to Mrs. Benson, shook hands with her, came up to Em- meline and did the same, adding, in rather a low voice, '* I shall be glad A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 145 to hear from you ; '' and, not waiting for any answer, he hurried out of the room. It was the first time their hands had ever met since that morning after their marriage, when she had herself offered hers to Filzhenry in token of forgiveness and goodwill. Since then, now nearly two months, her sentiments towards him had taken a totally different character ; her face blushed crimson ; but he, whose slightest touch had thus thrilled to her heart, and had power to raise that blush, almost before the '' eloquent blood " had reached her cheek, was already gone. From the window she sadly saw him drive off; whither and to whom he was going, she could not doubt. VOL. I. H 146 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. Several days passed, and she heard nothing from him ; at last, a letter, franked Fitzhenry, was put into her hands ; she opened it hastily — her heart beating with emotion — but it merely enclosed a printed one from some trades- person in London, applying for her cus- tom. In a fit of vexation, almost of anger, she was nearly throwing the whole into the fire, when some writing on one of the flaps of the cover caught her attention, and she found these words. *' The longer Mrs. Benson can stay with you the better; I believe I shall not be home for a fortnight. Should she not be able to remain, perhaps you had bette r go and pay your father a visi ; and I will let you know when I am A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 147 likely to be at Arlingford again; but now, and always, do whatever you your- self like best. I hope soon to hear you are well. ** Yours, **FlTZHEXRY." ** So you have got a letter from your husband," said Mrs. Benson; ** and a fine thick packet. I hope he is well? " *' Quite well," said Emraeline, sadly. ** What news does he give? what has he been about?" ** News ? " repeated Emmeline, ab- sently — ** Yes ; I mean — what does he say ? " '' Say? oh, nothing." ** What ! nothing in all that quantity of paper and writing ? Lord, child ! H 2 148 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. you are quite in a dream" — and Mrs. Benson took off her spectacles, and her eyes from the newspaper she was read- ing, and fixed them attentively on her daughter. This roused her from her reverie, and suddenly recollecting her- self, she said, '' Oh yes, I forget ; he says, he can't come home yet, and we had better go to Charlton to my father till his return." " Well, I think that will be a very good plan," said Mrs. Benson : '* some business, I suppose, detains him." ** I suppose so," echoed Emmeline. Mrs. Benson still kept her eyes fixed on Emmeline, and both remained for some time in silence and abstraction. Again all her former doubts and suspi- cions returned to her mind ; and when A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 149 she looked on her absent, dejected daughter, who still sat gazing on the let- ter in her hand, she almost resolved to speak to her, and force herself into her confidence. But though with little of the outward refinement of the world, Mrs. Benson had great delicacy of feeling, as well as excellent sense : she felt that when she was not called upon to give advice, or to reprehend what was wrong, she had no business to interfere between her daugh- ter and her husband ; and indeed, here, what could she say ? Emmeline was cer- tainly changed ; she was no longer the gay, light-hearted being she used to be, but apparently her husband behaved per- fectly well to her ; at least nothing had ever passed, that Mrs. Benson could have named as a proof of unkindness ; and 150 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. as for Emmeline, she was to him gentle- ness — acquiescence itself ; but still, Mrs. Benson could not help feeling that all was not right, although she could not perhaps have given any po- sitive reason for her suspicions. How she longed to bid her confide to her every feeling, every care of her heart, as in days of yore, when she hushed her young sorrows to rest on her bosom, and kissed away her childish tears ! But when a mother resigns her darling child to him who is to be the arbiter of her future destiny, she loses, in a great measure, that dear prerogative of affec- tion. Mrs. Benson, feeling this, wisely forbore ; and the next day, without any thing more passing between them on the subject, they set off together for A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 151 Charlton, where Mr. Benson had, since Lady Fitzhenry's marriage, chiefly re- sided. When there, Emmeline wrote to her husband. There is something so private, so sacred, in a letter — we can, in writing, express so much, which, either from shyness, or emotion, we cannot bring ourselves to say by word of mouth, that Emmeline longed to give way to her inclinations, and pour out on the paper her feelings towards him ; but she felt that the utterance of one word which could in any way be interpreted into an allusion to her painful situation, would be breaking her agreement ; and she merely told him of her journey and her safe arrival ; glad of having even such uninteresting subjects to treat of, and 152 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. that to Fitzhenry! to whom she could have written volumes ! In about ten days she got an answer ; it had no date : (his letters to her never had beyond the post town on the frank.) In it, he named the day for his return to Arlingford. Two days previous to it, notwithstanding Mrs. Benson's remon- strances, and her father's railleries, Em- meline would return home. *' He might possibly arrive," she thought to herself; ** something might bring him back be- fore the day he had fixed upon, and she was resolved on departure/' But, exactly the contrary happened from what she had anticipated ; that day passed in anxious but vain expectation ; and the next — and the next. At length, on the fourth, Reynolds, with a counte- A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 153 nance expressive of the share he had taken in the disappointment, put a letter into her hand, with the well-known, well-beloved signature of Fitzhenry. And it did not, this time, merely enclose a printed petition, but was from himself. He said in it, that the unexpected ar- rival of his friend Mr. Pelham, (the minister at Vienna,) had detained him in town, as he had waited till he could accompany him to Arlingford, which he now hoped he should be able to do in a couple of days. Mr. Moore, his for- mer travelling companion, would also come with him, and they would soon be followed by his cousin. Lady Saville, her husband, and sister. Emmeline had just seen Lady Saville, when she had paid a visit of form to the Benson family, H 5 154 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. on the match being declared ; and on the wedding-day she was present at the ceremony. A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 155 CHAPTER V. As t'other day my hand he seized, My blood with thrilling motion flew : Trembling all o'er, like one ill pleased, Perhaps I from his hold withdrew. T'was fear alone — he read me wrong — Had he retained my hand, ere long He had felt its pressure too. Gay. Two tedious solitary days were still to be passed before Emmeline expected Fitzhenry at Arlingford. Being secure, that she had the house all to herself she felt a strong inclination to go into his room, which she had never yet en- 156 A aMARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. tered. It would be, she thought, the next best thing to seeing himself. Treading softly, as if fearful he might hear her, she put her hand on the lock- looked round to see if she was observed, and then hastily turned it. The door was locked. The noise she made brought a house- maid out of an adjoining room '* The door is locked my lady : when my lord went away, he desired the housekeeper to keep the key, but I will step to Mrs. Brown and fetch it, if your ladyship wants any thing." ** Oh no, it is of no consequence," said Emmeline, colouring deeply, as if detected in some crime. Emmeline was the most single-hearted of beings. She had not sufficient pre- A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 157 sence of mind to think of any excuse for wishing to go into her husband's room ; and with a feeling of awkward- ness, almost of shame, she returned to her own. Disappointed, and dispirited, she knew not what to turn to ; and for the first time in her life, felt it impossi- ble to occupy herself; the day appeared endless, and her time, an insupportable weight. As she wandered about her own room, her eyes fell on a petition she had had from a poor man residing on the estate, whose house and mill had been nearly destroyed by fire. He lived a few miles off, and Emmeline deter- mined to enquire of Reynolds about him, and, glad to have found an object, to ride to his abode in order to see what could be done for the family — rather ashamed of herself for having allowed her mind 158 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. to be SO entirely engrossed by one sub- ject, that she had totally forgotten this petition^which she had received while at Charlton. Emmeline went into the dining-room and summoned Reynolds. In this room hung a picture of Fitzhenry, painted at the time of his leaving school, when a boy about sixteen. It was much less handsome than he now was ; his cha- racter was not then, as now, marked on his countenance, giving it that look of manly openness, and yet of feeling, for which it was so remarkable; but, (as the eyes looking out of the picture seemed to smile on the beholder,) it was so agree- able to Emmeline to gaze on it, that, lost in thought, she forgot entirely what brought her there. How long she had remained, she knew not, but on turning A MARREAOE IN HIGH LIFE. 159 round she saw Reynolds in the room quietly waiting her orders. *' Did you ring, my lady," said the old man, with a benevolent smile. *' Oh yes," said Emmeline, rather embarrassed. *' But at this moment I have forgotten ." ^' Ah, many a time have I forgot my- self looking at that picture," answered Reynolds. '* It was considered an ex- cellent likeness when it was done ; it was just when we left Eton." '* Why, were you there with Lord Fitzhenry ?" ''Oh yes!" my lady, I have been with my Lord ever since he was seven years old ; Lord Arlingford did not like to have nursery-maids about him, so I had entire charge of him — went with 160 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. him to school, to Oxford, and then abroad; so no wonder I love him, I may say as my son. I hope no offence," added he, tears starting into his eyes. " What, you were abroad with him ?" said Emmeline, hastily catching at the word; why she did not know, except that it seemed always as if that word contained the history of her husband's life and affections. *' Yes, my lady, I was in Italy and at Vienna with him. I was three years abroad, and then, when he returned again to Italy .... (he paused) — I felt I was too old to begin again ; I thought some younger servant would suit my lord better, and I begged leave to come home ; and though certainly it was not my place, yet I tried hard to A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 161 persuade my lord to come home too ; for I own I thought little good would come of living so much out of one's own country — people get a love for rambling, never can settle, and learn bad foreign ways ." And again he stopped short, as if he feared he might already have said too much. Emmeline longed to hear more, and yet she also thought perhaps she had allowed him to go too far ; and making no comment on what he had said, she hastily ejaculated — '* Oh ! I remember now what I rung for. I want to know where that man of the name of Rawlins now lives, who wTote me this petition, and if you know any thing about him, and what can be done for him." " Rawlins whose mill was burnt ^ 162 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. Oh yes ! my lady, I know him very well, but all that is settled. My lord, to whom he also applied, wrote to me to find him employment, and to give him and his family, for the present, a cottage that chanced to be vacant^ and he also desired me to give the wife some allow- ance weekly till they had a little reco- vered themselves, and till he could see what more could be done for them, for they are honest industrious people, and my lord is so good. I have his letter somewhere about me, if your ladyship would like to see it," added Reynolds, searching in a large pocket-book, in which among heaps of bills and papers he at last found it, and gave it to Em- meline. Her heart overflowed towards her A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 163 husband. '* How good I how kind he is ! thought she, and she ahnost added, ** kind to every one but me." The letter said nothing more than what Reynolds had repeated ; but still, even to see his hand-writing was agree- able. She was just going to return it to him, when on the other side of the page, a postcript and her own name caught her eye, and with a beating heart, she continued : — ** I hope you have attended to those alterations in the greenhouse which Lady Fitzhenry wished to have made — and desire the groom to exercise her horse properly for her before her return, for when I last rode him he was much too spirited." Emmeline read and re-read these few words expressive of care and thought 164 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. for her, till she exaggerated their mean- ing far beyond their original import, and on them built many a visionary castle of future happiness. She mounted her horse, and many an additional caress and kind word she addressed to the ani- mal, now that it was connected in her mind with Fitzhenry, and with the first expression of interest about herself that had ever escaped him. She found the Rawlins family overflowing with grati- tude, and offering up prayers for her husband, in which it cannot be doubted she most heartily joined. Buoyed up by all these exhilarating feelings, she had almost forgotten her real situation, and the terms on which she and this beloved Fitzhenry lived ; and in these flattering dreams, the two inter- vening days quickly passed, and that on A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 165 which she was to expect him at last ar- rived. The whole of the morning was spent in restless anticipations of happi- ness, picturing to herself their meeting, fancying what he would say to her, how he would look at her, till she actually heard his carriage drive up to the door. With a beating heart she flew to the window, and her delighted eye caught the first glance of the face she loved. His two friends were with him, and all three entered the room together. Emmeline was so overjoyed at seeing him again after a month's separation — (a century in love's calculation of time,) that fearful of expressing too much, she remained as if spell-bound in her place. Fitzhenry came up to her, but his man- ner was, if possible, more cold, more 166 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. embarrassed than ever. How unlike the meeting that she had indulged her- self in acting over and over in her own mind ! He introduced his two compa- nions to her. Mr. Pelham had one of those calm but expressive countenances which directly obtains our interest ; and when he held out his hand to Em- meline, claiming the friendship of his friend's wife, the interest seemed reci- procal. Indeed, his look of anxious curiosity when presented to her, would have been embarrassing, had not his manner been marked with a peculiar appearance of kindness. Very different was the impression made on Emmeline by Mr. Moore. Al- though he looked clever and lively, she shrunk at once from him; the glance of A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 167 his eye had something penetrating and satirical which she dreaded. With a pure guileless heart, and an unreproving conscience, poor Emmeline could not help fearing a quick observer of feel- ings in all the little daily occurrences of life. The rest of the party that Fitzhenry had announced followed the day after. Lady Saville was what might be called agreeable in society, although more from possessing the polish and easy manner of the world, than from any decided talents or accomplishments. At first, she and her sister had, with the true im- pertinence of fine ladies, settled be- tween them, that Emmeline could only be fit to laugh at ; and they anticipated no little amusement in quizzing the 168 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. banker's daughter. But when they found her, as even they were them- selves obliged to allow, quite on a par with themselves, perfect in man- ners, and in fact possessing the outward good breeding of the world, although free from that falsehood and selfishness which so often destroys its charm, they changed their tone, and resolved they would patronize her, declaring, ** she was quite a person to be brought for- >vard." And they soon, found real pleasure in her society and conversa- tion. Some of the county neighbours, with whom Lady Saville was previously ac- quainted, joined the party, and the house was quite full. This, Emmeline plainly saw was now Fitzhenry's plan of A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 169 life when forced to be at Arlingford ; and she was compelled with a sigh to own it was the best for them both ; for in so numerous a society of course they were necessarily apart, and any cold- ness was little remarked. She could not help being aware that the distance between them, and the awkwardness of their manner, had rather encreased than worn off. And could it be otherwise ? Two people no way connected can live under the same roof mutually cold and careless, and still be perfectly good friends, for the one would think so little about the other, that, when thrown toge- ther by chance, their manners would wear the ease of indifference. But be- tween Fitzhenry and Emmeline, this was impossible. Both entirely en- 170 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. grossed by one feeling, which was to be concealed from the other, they had no po'mt de reunion, no neutral ground on which to meet ; and the more poor Em- meline's affections became engaged, the more — and she felt conscious of it her- self — the more timid and cold her manner grew towards her husband, and that of course reacted on Fitzhenry's. He evidently too was now much out of spirits, and looked ill. Mr. Moore's gaiety seemed too much for him; he ral- lied him too much on his gravity, and on his lately acquired married importance, as he called it, appearing to Emmeline purposely to take pleasure in tormenting him. Mr. Pelham seemed the friend he pre- ferred, and yet, after their being long A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 171 together, Fitzhenry always appeared more than usually abstracted and de- jected. Mr. Pelham too was the person who seemed to pay the most attention, and to take the greatest interest in her- self. She fancied, indeed, that he watched them both ; but it was always with such a kind, compassionate, benig- nant look, that she did not, as with Mr. Moore, shrink from his scrutiny. The winter was now far advanced ; hunting and shooting kept the gentlemen almost entirely out of doors, and Em- meline and her female companions were generally all the morning left to them- selves. One rainy day, on which it was impossible for them to leave the house, and when Lady Saville had run through or yawned over every novel and review I 2 172 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. in the drawing-room, she proposed, for the sake of exercise, to go all over the house. " I have never yet even been admitted into your sanctum sanctorum, Lady Fitzhenry, pray let me go." *' Oh ! pray do," echoed a young lady, starting up from a table at which she had been seated the whole morning, with most laudable industry engaged in work- ing a purse, and endeavouring to make a hearts-ease out of invisible blue and yellow beads. ''Do let us go; it will get us through this dull morning so nicely ; and really without Mr. Moore and the battledoor and shuttlecock, one don't know what to do with oneself." Emmeline, always wishing to be obliging, led the way to her apartment. *' How comfortable ! how pretty !" all A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 173 exclaimed. *' Did you fit up this room yourself?" enquired Lady Saville. Em- meline answered, that she found it as it was when she first came to Arlingford. *' What a delightful, gallant husband!" said Lady Saville. '' Now that was his foreign education ; all men should be sent abroad before they marry, to be properly drilled ; it improves them won- derfully." Poor Emmeline could not quite assent to this observation. *' Oh! dear, dear Lady Fitzhenry!" said the purse-making young lady, (by name Miss Selina Danvers,) flying up to her and seizing her hand with ecsta- tic fondness, ** I have the greatest pos- sible favour to ask of you ; pray, pray grant it — it is to let me see your wed- ding-dress ; I shall be more obliged to you than I can express." 174 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. *' There is nothing remarkable to see," said Emmeline, coldly, not feeling the smallest wish to behold, or have dis- cussed, what brought back so painfully to her mind the day on which she wore it. " That is really being very modest," said Lady Saville, *' for it was beautiful, and, moreover, you looked remarkably pretty in it ; and I own I was rather pro- voked at my worthy cousin Fitzrhenry's excessive stupidity or bashfulness, for I don't think he ever looked at you. 1 never saw a man appear so completely stupified, and put out as he was at his marriage ; and when I wished him joy, he stared, and looked as silly and sheep- ish as possible. Love certainly had upon him the direct contrary effect from what it had on Cymon." A .AJARRFAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 175 '* Dear, how odd !" exclaimed Miss Danvers *' But who is Mr. Cymon, and what did it do to him ? Now don't laugh at me so, one can't know every body ; and I don't go every year to London as you do." This new scent about Cymon, however, could not put the wedding finery out of Selina's head, and she teazed poor Em- meline till she obtained from her a re- luctant consent that her maid and the gown should be rung for ; and soon the whole paraphernalia was exhibited with pride and pomp by Mrs. Jenkins. Miss Seiina went into ecstasies at each separate flower and flounce, and putting the veil over her head, she flew to the glass to look at herself. *' What a beauty it is!" she exclaimed. ** Dear, how I 176 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. should like to be married ! one looks so interesting in a lace gown and veil. Lady Fitzhenry, were you very much frightened at the ceremony? did you cry ? For my part, I don't think I should be able to keep my countenance for laughing." *' At what?" demanded Lady Saville. '* Oh ! I don't know at what, in parti- cular ; but I think it would be so odd for me to be married." *' Why should it be more odd to you than any one else ?" rejoined Lady Saville. " Oh ! I can't tell, only because I think it would be so droll — but I should like it of all things — and then the new chaise- and-four, and the favours, and driving off in such a bustle, and all the people in the street staring at one; and one's A MARRrAGE IN HIGH LFFE. 177 wedding-ring, and one's new name ; it would all be so charming. If I was you, Lady Fitzhenry, I think I should have rung the bell the minute I was married, to have had the pleasure of hearing the servant say, ' Yes, my Lady' Oh! I have another great favour to ask," continued Miss Selina, who had by this time satis- fied her curiosity about the gown and veil ; ** do let me see your picture of Lord Fitzhenry." Emmeline assured her she had none to show her. ** No? Dear, how odd! I thought when people were married, they had always their picture painted in miniature as a thing of course, and I had even settled beforehand how oum should be done — I all in clouds and thin drapery by Mrs. Mee, you know, and he in armour." J 5 178 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. '' And who is the he whose costume you have already fixed upon ?" enquired Lady Saville. ^* Oh! I don't know; whoever I may chance to marry. But, Lady Fitzhenry, how did it happen that you had no minia- tures done ? for yours was a regular mar- riage, was it not ? Every body delighted, and jewels and plate, and all that sort of thing; and then Lord Fitzhenry is so handsome. Lady Saville, don't you think Lord Fitzhenry is the most beautiful man you ever saw, and the most agreeable ?" '' Why I don't know how far I may venture to answer that question. What would Sir George say?" replied Lady Saville, laughing. '' Oh ! Sir George is very tall and good looking too, and dresses himself very well ; but still he does not put on his A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 179 neckcloth near so well as Lord Fitz- henry ; and after all, the neckcloth is the principal thing in a man, and Lady Fitz- henry is certainly the most fortunate of people; but she takes her good luck very quietly, I must say — not even to have talked of her wedding gown ! was it not strange ?" By this time every thing was tho- roughly admired, examined, and de- scanted upon in Emmeline's room, and many a question put to her, which she found rather difficult to answer. ' ' Well, where do we proceed to next ?" said Lady Saville, going out into the gal- lery. '' What room is this ?" pointing to Ernest's. '' Oh! that is Lord Fitzhenry's," an- swered Emmeline hastily; '' we had bet- ter not go there." 180 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. " Why not?" enquired Lady Saville. *' He may be engaged with business," replied Emmeline, conscious she was co- louring. ** Engaged ? why you know he is out hunting twenty miles off; but at any rate, we may knock and demand admis- sion." And she knocked at the door. No sound was to be heard, and she turned the lock. '* Why I really believe, Lady Fitzhenry," continued she, " you are afraid of going in, for fear of finding all my worthy cousin's former cheres amies hanging round the room on pegs, like Blue-beard's wives." At this sally, Miss Danvers laughed violently. *' I am dying to go in. — Dear tady Saville, pray, pray open the door; I am sure we shall find something odd." Emmeline could think of no further A MARRIAGE IN HIGH UFE. 181 reason to give for not entering ; and, in truth, felt rather glad of the opportunity so forced upon her to visit that room where Fitzhenry had passed and still passed so many hours of his life. A per- son's apartment is certainly the next best thino^ to their society, and even ranks in the gratification of our feelings before a letter ; we seem to be admitted into all their occupations, even into their very thoughts. Then the little things belonging to them scattered about identify them so much to us. Every one must have expe- rienced this when going into the room that has been inhabited by some dear friend immediately after their depar- ture ; the pens they have used still ly- ing wet on the table, the books they had been reading — a glove, or handkerchief 182 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. forgotten. How strongly do such trifles sometimes affect us, and give us a de- ceitful feeling of their presence ! Lady Saville had opened the door into Fitzhenry's room, and Emmeline had gone in with the rest, when luckily, after Miss Selina had expressed her astonishment at Lord Fitzhenry's sleep- ing in the little couch bed, and had en- quired of Lady Saville whether it was not very droll— a book of French carica- tures attracted and fixed the attention of the whole party, and Emmeline was thus left at liberty to look at every thing in the room, and indulge in her own reflections. There was the table at which he wrote, the chair on which he sat, and she placed herself in it. On the ta- ble, among a confusion of parliamentary A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 183 papers, pamphlets, bills, &c. was a vo- lume of Petrarch, lying open, as if lately read, and by it the cover of a letter recently torn open. It was di- rected to Fitzhenry, and in a woman's hand. On the seal, were the words— ** Tout on rie?r— words that said vo- lumes to poor Emmeline's heart. She tried to make out the post-mark, but it was so blotted over that she could only decypher the date, which convinced her it had been that very day received! With a sort of shudder she threw it down again, and, getting up from her seat, her eye was attracted by two drawings that hung over the chimney- piece — they were evidently views in Italy and Greece. In both these, were the same two figures : below one of 184 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. the drawings, these lines from Lord Byron were written :— '' Sweet Florence! those were pleasant times When worlds were staked for ladies eyes. Had bards as many realms as rhymes, Thy charms might raise new Anthonies. " Though fate forbids such things to be. Yet, by thine eyes and ringlets curled, I cannot lose a world for thee. But would not lose thee for a world." Beneath the other drawing, was a Greek inscription. They were slight sketches, and the figures were small; one of them had an air of Fitzhenry not to be mistaken by her who knew his every look and gesture. The other was a female figure. Emmeline's eyes were rivetted on the drawings; she could not doubt who, and what they repre- A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE, 185 sented; some days of peculiar enjoy- ment, some tender moments were thus recalled, and poor Emmeline's spirit groaned within her. On the mantle-piece, lay Fitzhenry's pencil-case, pocket-book, and several of those sort of trifles that seem so inti- mately connected with the person to whom they belong. Emmeline had a gratification in taking them in her hand, and examining them minutely : at last, she found a small turquoise brooch which she had often observed in his neck-handkerchief; it had apparently been originally meant for a woman's ornament. Emmeline had on one al- most exactly similar. The temptation to exchange them was too strong to be resisted — with trembling fingers she un- did her own pin; but again carefully 186 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. examined Fitzhenry's, for fear of his de- tecting the exchange. At the back of his, in small letters, she saw *' Firenze," but they were almost worn away ; her courage however nearly failed her, although she thought she might con- trive to scratch something on her own broach to resemble the inscription, but, just at that minute. Lady Saville, who had finished her book of caricatures, and looked at every thing in the room, coming up, proposed their proceeding to the rest of the house — Emmeline almost started with the em- barrassment of guilt: she had no time for further doubt, she hastily threw down on the marble-slab her own brooch, and carried off her husband*s. Almost terrified at what she had done, when they met in the drawing-room be- A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 187 fore dinner, she looked anxiously at Fitzhenry's handkerchief, and, when he turned towards the light, she had the satisfaction to see her own pin placed as usual, and, consequently, that he had not discovered her robbery. To those who may be inclined to think the feelings of Emmeline on such a trifle exaggerated, we have only to say, that proving themselves never to have been in love we can no more attempt to speak to their feelings than to describe colours to a person born blind. Delighted and elated with her prize, poor Emmeline's spirits rose above their now usual state, and when, after dinner, Lady Saville declared she w^anted ex- ercise to get rid of a headache, and proposed dancing, Emmeline readily forwarded her wish and offered her 188 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. service as musician. Every one will- ingly acquiesced, and they soon made up a quadrille. Fitzhenry and Mr. Pel- ham were the only two who did not join in the dance, but continued standing over the fire, seemingly engaged in very earnest conversation. When the qua- drille was ended, Emmeline played a waltz ; this was still less to be resisted, and the whole party immediately swung round the room. *' I can play a waltz," said Mrs. Dan- vers, the purse-making young lady's mother, who had just then entered the room — ** I can't bear to see you. Lady Fitzhenry, labouring at the pianoforte, do let me play who can do nothing else; and do you go and join the dancers." — And she insisted on Emmeline resigning her post. A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 189 All were engaged : there was no one left to waltz with. Emmeline was young ; by nature gay, she liked dancing as all gay young people do. The music, the sight of others dancing, all had re- vived her former love for the amuse- ment, and, not liking to deprive any one else of her partner, she set off alone after the rest. Unsupported, and lately out of practise, she soon grew giddy, the room turned round, she knew not where she went, and, to save herself from falling, she caught hold of some- thing she had run against, putting her other hand over her eyes till the dizzi- ness had gone off. When it had sub- sided, still keeping her hold, she looked up to see where she was. It was her husband's arm she had hold of. 190 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. She could scarcely check a scream of alarm which burst from her on seeing what she had done: she hastily with- drew her hand, her flushed cheek turn- ing deadly pale. Fitzhenry was looking at her attentively, but with apparent surprise, and indeed, even apparent dis- pleasure. The whole occurrence, which did not occupy above a minute, had been mis- taken by the dancers. They thought she was proposing to him to waltz with her, and Mr. Moore hastily said, '* That is right, Lady Fitzhenry ; make that lazy fellow dance. No one waltzes so well or was so fond of it; and it is too ridicu- lous his giving himself already the airs of an old married man ! " *' Lord and Lady Fitzhenry dance to- gether! Oh! that will be charming," A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 191 exclaimed Miss Selina, clapping her hands in foolish ecstasy. " Come, come along, Fitzhenry," re- joined Mr. Moore : *' don't be bashful ; ask Lady Fitzhenry in proper form to do you the favour of dancing with you." ** Certainly," said Ernest, rather em- barrassed : '* certainly — with pleasure, if Lady Fitzhenry wishes 1 mean, if she will waltz with me, and can get no better partner." '• Oh ! I never meant that — I was only giddy ," said Emmeline, hardly knowing what she said or did. The other waltzers stopped. *' Now, Lady Fitzhenry, we will follow you/' said the persecuting Mr. Moore. Any further explanation or objection was impossi- ble : waltz together they must — and Fitzhenry put his arm round her. 192 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. All those who talk of the waltz as of a dance possessing no other attraction, no more interest than that of any other, and owing the ill name it bears merely to a cry raised against it by prejudice in a country w^here as yet it is but newly introduced^ have never waltzed with him or her they love ; for then their own feel- ings would answer, and silence them. Emmeline felt her husband's arm round her waist ; her hand was clasped in his, and his breath played on her forehead. Her feelings almost overcame her! Her heart beat so violently that she could hardly breathe, and again her head turned round. Fitzhenry, as Mr. Moore had said, was an excellent waltzer — he had waltzed much at Vienna, where his intimacy with Lady Florence had commenced by her A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 193 teaching him this very dance. Without any seeming effort, he bore along Em- meline's slight form — for already she could hardly support herself. She fan- cied he pressed her more closely to him — it could, alas ! be only fancy ; but quite overcome, and complaining of faintness, she begged him, in a scarcely audible voice, to stop. He immediately with- drew his arm, took her to a chair, and seeing her really near fainting, fetched her a glass of water. Every thing conspired to overpower poor Emmeline : it was with difficulty she restrained her tears, and as soon as she could trust herself to walk, she left the room. But no Fitzhenry followed to ask an explanation of her conduct ; and in darkness, and alone, she no longer endeavoured to stifle her feelings. Fitz- VOL. I. K 194 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. henry was evidently not pleased : there had been an expression of displeasure, of formal, almost ironical civility on his countenance, when forced to offer him- self as her partner, that she had never seen before, and which penetrated her heart. And then, though mere common compassion had made him assist her when unwell, yet it was almost beyond his usual coldness to allow her to leave the room alone, careless of what had affected her, or whether she had reco- vered or not. It was impossible to endeavour to ex- plain herself before others, and Fitz- henry now carefully avoided their ever being tete-a-tete, '* Thus ends," thought Emmeline, ** the vain dream — the last hope of ever winning him ! Indifference is growing into dislike; and soon we A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 195 shall be more than total strangers to each other." As she uttered these words, a gentle knock at the door made her heart beat. It could only be him — and in an instant passing to the most delightful anticipa- tions, with a trembling voice, she gave leave to enter. The door opened: but even through the darkness of the room, she soon saw her mistake, for it was merely Lady Saville who came to enquire after her. ** My dear Lady Fitzhenry," said she, ** I fear you are not well, so I ventured to come and doctor you a little." ** Oh! it is nothing," replied Emme- line, with difl&culty restraining fresh tears of disappointment : *' I have not waltzed lately, and it made me very giddy, that is all." ** And perhaps you should not have K 2 196 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. waltzed now," added Lady Saville; *'for really you have not been looking well lately ; we have all remarked it. You overfag yourself with your constant en- deavours to amuse our good country neighbours, and with those long rides which you will take, for I am sure you are not strong." Emmeline, wishing to avoid all con- versation on the subject of her looks and health, conscious that both had suffered from herJoss of happiness, hastily got up, declaring she was quite recovered ; and, after bathing her eyes and temples with some cold water, she proposed returning to the drawing-room. ** But are you quite sure you are well enough ?" said Lady Saville—'' had you not better lie down a little, for you still look pale." A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 197 Emmeline insisted on going. ** Well, I understand your not liking to make a fuss and excite enquiries ; for one's friends will teaze one so with reme- dies : so if you are really able, come along, lean on me;" and she drew Em- meline's arm within hers. When they entered the room, Fitz- henry went up to them : hoped Emmeline was quite recovered, and brought a chair for her ; but all was done in cold civility, and no more passed. Mr. Pelham came immediately and sat by her, evidently and purposely entering into conversation to save her from being an object of at- tention to the rest. The dancing went on ; but Emmeline^s spirits were gone, and she took no more part in what passed around her that evening. 198 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. *' What capital fun we have had !" said Selina, as they all left the drawing-room for the night. I am sure I could dance all day long: could not you, Lady Fitzhenry? Don't you like dancing of all things ? I am sure you must, you dance so well." Emmeline absently answered — '' I have liked it, but it is a taste that soon goes off." " Soon, indeed !" said Mrs. Danvers, who had been playing the waltzes and quadrilles to them for the last hour, *' if it is already gone with you : why you talk as if you were an old woman. Lady Fitzhenry. I don't think it is many months since I saw you apparently enjoying the amusement as much as any one — indeed, not many minutes." A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 199 Emmeline, vexed at her forgetful- ness, did not answer. She saw her hus- band's eyes were fixed upon her ; and, anxious to put an end to so disagree- able an evening, wishing them all good night, she hastened into her own room. When there, she found that the brooch — the precious brooch, was miss- ing. She dared not tell her maid of her loss, for fear that any enquiry after it would lead to a discovery of her theft ; but, as soon as she was gone, and all quiet in the house, Emmeline examined every part of her own room, of the gallery, and of the drawing-room ; but all in vain. Tired and annoyed, she was at last obliged to give up the search, trusting that daylight would betray its hiding place. 200 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. CHAPTER VI. It grieved her not a little, tho' She seemed it well to beare. And thus she reasons with herself — ' Some fault perhaps in me, ' Somewhat is done, that so he doth : ^ Alas ! what may it be ? * How may I winne him to myself? ' He is a man, and men * Have imperfections ; it behoves * Me pardon nature then. ' The Patient Countess. The next morning, before her maid came to her, Emmeline renewed her search, but with as little success as on the night before. It delayed her dress- ing ; and when she entered the break- A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 201 fast-room^ all were assembled — Mr. Moore coming in at an opposite door at the same minute. ** Who owns a turquoise pin ?" said he, in a loud, sententious voice, as he approached the breakfast table, *' with some mysterious, and, I conclude, very sentimental letters at the back." Fitzhenry, who was reading the news- paper, instantly laid it down. He felt for his brooch, and forgetting that he had not put on any that morning, ex- claimed, at the same moment with Emmeline — '* I do!" Both looked at each other, and coloured. ** Well, I never knew such a pattern pair," said Moore ; *^they have so con- scientiously every thing in common, that they have but one brooch between K 5 202 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. them, and I suppose wear it alternately. Pin of my pin — brooch of my brooch," added he, laughing : ** without the help of Solomon, I really don't know how to decide the matter between you, for it is quite a law case in his line, and much beyond me." *' Pray give it me," said Emmeline, in a low voice, inexpressibly annoyed. ** The brooch is mine," said Fitz- henry, holding out his hand for it, and apparently not much less discomposed. ** Hold, if you please," said Moore; **I have not studied the law, up three pair of stairs in Lincoln's Inn, and poured over musty books for nothing. I must have proofs and witnesses before I adjudge the disputed prize. Let us call into court the letters at the back, they A ilARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 203 may throw some light on the subject — Let me see," continued he, putting on his nose the spectacles of one of the com- pany, and affecting an important, legal tone, '* Fi is very easily distinguished, but what the deuce is it that comes be- tween that and z e, which are plainly the letters at the end. F i looks a little as if it really did belong to one Lord Fitz- henry, I must own ; (if he is so unsenti- mental as to wear his own name next his heart ;) but even under that extra- ordinary supposition, I can't turn z e into r yhy any trick of law or logic — so I am still at a loss ; for do what I will, I cannot, with these letters, speW^dek, or Jidelita, or any of those pretty words." Emmeline said no more; she tried to busy herself with the breakfast-things, 204 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. but poured out every thing wrong, and made all sorts of strange mistakes. Fitz- henry got up, and went to Mr. Moore. *' Come, Moore, no more of this non- sense ; give me the brooch, and Lady Fitzhenry and I can afterwards settle to which of us it belongs." *' As lord of the manor, I suppose you claim all stray goods," rejoined Moore ; '' otherwise I must say yours is a most despotic measure, and a little like the lion in the fable." At this. Miss Danvers, who had been some time tittering, burst into an immo- derate fit of laughter. *' How droll Mr. Moore is !" she ex- claimed : *' pray. Lord Fitzhenry, let me look at this brooch ; there is such a fuss about it that it must be something very A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 205 extraordinary, and I am sure I could make out the letters," said she, looking significantly at Moore, *' for I know all sorts of mottos, and sentiments, and those kind of things, for brooches, and brace- lets, and purses, and seals," — and she held out her hand for the brooch. '* It is not worth looking at," said Fitz- henry, coldly, as he put it into his pocket. '' I think the lion is a little gruff," whispered the young lady to her neigh- bour at the breakfast-table, and again laughed violently at what she imagined to be wit. " Well," she continued, ** I give notice, that when I marry, I mean to have my own way, and be my own mistress, and not be so submissive as Lady Fitzhenry. 206 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. I shall have as many brooches as I please, given me by whom I please ; for I sus- pect," added she, significantly, '' there is some story about this brooch — some mys- tery we none of us know ; but I am de- termined I will find it out: it is just the sort of thing I like — and see how Lady Fitzhenry blushes — I am getting near the mark, I suspect." ''Don't rattle on so foolishly, Selina," said her mother, trying to check her talkative daughter. " That is what mamma always says," retorted Miss Danvers, pettishly, and looking round for support in her denial of the charge of folly. '* Mamma never lets me speak, which is very hard, for I am sure I am saying no harm," added she, addressing Mr. Moore, A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 207 whom she seemed to have dubbed her champion. " I never presume to contradict mam- mas," answered he ; *' otherwise I should say that such a mouth could never utter any thing which it would not be agree- able to hear." The young lady giggled, and, encou- raged by the compliment, went on — ** Pray, Mr. Moore, seriously, as you are a lawyer, will you tell me, have husbands a right by law to read all their wives' letters, as well as seize on their naughty brooches 1 Lady Fitzhenry, does Lord Fitzhenry read all your let- ters ?" *' I should think he w^ould be sorry to take the trouble," said Emmeline, forced to reply to so direct a question, 208 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. although from the quickness with which one silly idea chased another in Se- lina's mind, she seldom required any answer. " Why ? have you a great many cor- respondents ? I do so like correspon- dents, don't you ? and to get letters all crossed^ and written under the seal, and every where ; is it not delightful ? I have so many friends I doat upon, that there is not a day I don't write two or three long letters, and tell them every thing I feel and think ; and then it passes away the morning so well; don't it, Mr. Moore ?'' *' Why, I really cannot boast of as many confidential friends, or as much capacity of heart as you seem to be blessed with," said he ; "and, moreover. A MARK [AGE IN HIGH LIFE. 209 I have nothing to confide ; so that I fear a very small note would contain all my feelings and thoughts." ** Dear, how shocking! and how odd! I have so many charming friends, to whom 1 have so much to say, that I could write to them for ever; and then, when we have nothing particular to tell, we suppose ourselves people in a novel, and so carry on a story, you know, under feigned names : mine is Celestina." *' It must be very interesting; and may I ask," continued Moore, " who is the hero worthy of such a heroine ? " *' Oh, that I won't tell," said Miss Danvers, slyly — **that is a secret; but, if you choose to guess, I will tell you when you are wrong. So far I will go ; but I won't allow of any questions about tall 210 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. and short, and fat and thin, and that sort of thing.'' Here all laughed ; and Selina, quite satisfied that it was at her wit, glanced round the table with an eye of triumph, till, encountering Fitzhenry's grave, pre- occupied countenance^ which, plainly showed that he had not joined in the applause, the said : " Ah, Lord Fitz- henry is still thinking of his brooch, and of that blush of Lady Fitzhenry's, which seems to stick in his throat." ** I am sure you are very good to take so much interest in what concerns us," replied Fitzhenry, dryly. " Oh no, it is not good at all ; for it is my greatest amusement to find out every body's little secrets, and I am determined I will get at the bottom of A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 211 this somehow." After a pause, she ad- dressed Emmeline. " By the bye, now I recollect, you were very busy poking about all Lord Fitzhenry's things in his room, yesterday morning ; but what that may have to do with all this, I can't just now make out." Fitzhenry looked up astonished, and his eyes were fixed on Emmeline's crimson cheek ; but, though he looked at her attentively for a few minutes, he said nothing ; and, by this time, the frowns from Mrs. Danvers had become so re- peated, and so decided, that they at last succeeded in checking the exuberant loquacity of the lively Selina. An awkward silence ensued ; every one seemed disconcerted, and Fitzhenry, 212 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. for the first time, to Emraeline's observ- ation, appeared totally out of humour. He soon got up from the breakfast-table, and left the room. It was a thoroughly wet day ; even the gentlemen could not go out— and, to pass the morning. Lady Saville proposed practising some songs, in which one of them took a part. Poor Emmeline, who could not rally her spirits at all, felt little inclined to sing — but she complied, till at length, fatigued and harassed, she gave up her place at the pianoforte to Selina, and went to her own room. There on the table she found a note ad- dressed to her, in Fitzhenry^s hand- writing. She trembled as she opened it— it contained her own brooch, and these words : — A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 213 *' I return you, what I suppose to be yours; how it came into my possession, I know not. I have kept to my promise — I do all in my power to promote your happiness— do then the same by me, and respect feelings which I have honestly confessed to you. ** FiTZHEXllY." Emmeline read this over and over, scarcely knowing what the latter words could refer to ; so perfectly innocent did she feel of any infringement of their agreement, and so satisfied that she had never, directly or indirectly, to him or others, hinted at her cruel situation. However, at last, calling to mind the way in which Selina had that morning so provokingly entertained the company with her silly remarks, she felt convinced. 214 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. in spite of Fitzhenry's well-known con- tempt for the person who made them, that they had raised suspicions in his mind of her having taken advantage of his absence to invade his apartment, and pry into his secrets ; perhaps had even led him to imagine that she had stolen his favourite brooch with the foolish in- tention of wantonly tormenting him. Wounded tenderness, and offended pride, alternately wrung her heart. To clear herself was impossible, without confessing feelings, which she could not bring herself to avow to one who evi- dently despised and abhorred her. In total despair at the cruelly unfavourable light in which untoward circumstances always placed her before him, whom it was the first, almost the only wish of her A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 215 heart to conciliate and please, poor Em- meline wept in bitterness of soul. Some explanation on her part, how- ever, was absolutely necessary, but it was long before she could resolve on what to say. At length, entering into no particulars, she wrote merely these words, '' You do me great injustice, and to- tally mistake me : explanation, how- ever, is impossible — indeed, would pro- bably be only uninteresting and irksome to you, and therefore I shall not attempt any." ** Emmelixe." How to give this to Fitzhenry unno- ticed was the next difficulty, without the risk of a Utt-a-teU interview, which in the present nervous and irritated state 2J6 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. of her feelings, she had no courage to seek. She heard him in his room, which joined to hers, and there he remained all the morning alone. With her note concealed in her hand, and with tell-tale eyes, Emmeline joined the party at the usual hour of luncheon, in case her absence might create sur- prise. Mr. Pelham's attention was soon attracted towards her. *' I fear you have not yet recovered your waltzing of last night," said he kindly, as if to account for her disordered appear- ance, which no one could help observing: *' you have still a headache I am sure, and I am not surprised at it. When you give balls, you should put out your stoves ; I wonder how any of the dancers could stand the heat of the room last night : a A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 217 walk would do you good ; I think it is clearing up ; will you let me accompany you ? " Emmeline feeling, in spite of her endea- vours, that tears still forced themselves into her eyes, and aware that ^he was not quite in a fit state to make the agreable to her company, readily agreed. The fresh air revived and composed her, and, by degrees, her usual spirits returned. Pel- ham first talked on indifferent subjects. At length, some improvement in the place which he was observing, brought in Fitzhenry's name, when, after a mo- ment's pause, he said — *' I see my friend Fitzhenry has no patience with that poor silly girl, Miss Danvers. I have often lectured him on the subject of his want of toleration for folly, and of the way VOL. I. L 218 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. that he is apt to take things that should only be laughed at, au grand serieiLv, It is the fault of all grave, substantial cha- racters like his ; and he allows trifles to go too deep with him. To be sure, the poor Selinais a fool, cmnme on en voit peu ; but it is not necessary to attend to her, and I should be almost tempted with regard to her, to give you the same ad- vice as to Fitzhenry, not any way to notice the nonsense that flows from her. There are some people who can make themselves important in society only by teazing others ; and if they once find out this power, they never let it rest unemployed. I am very impudent I think," added Pelham, *' in presuming to give you advice ; but, as the friend of Fitzhenry, I feel that I have a sort A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 219 of established right to lecture even you." Emmeline looked up and smiled, to show in what good part she took what was so kindly meant. '* You are very young, my dear Lady Fitzhenry," continued he ; '^ very new to the world, and your own character is naturally so open, so natural, — that you are perhaps too artless. Some part we almost all must, to a degree, act in this world. We are all sometimes obliged to put a mask on our features and feel- ings. You know I am a diplomate by profession," said Pelham, endeavouring to give a light turn to his advice, seeing how much at the moment his thin skinned auditor needed the mask he talked of. '* Fitzhenry has been much used to the l2 220 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. world— to women of the world," con- tinued he, with a quick, embarrassed manner. '* Perhaps you are too much without art, for him to believe you art- less, paradoxical as this may sound. In short, as you are destined to live in a wicked, unfeeling world, I could, I be- lieve, wish you to be a little more wicked and unfeeling yourself." At this moment, Fitzhenry, with his gun and dogs, appeared at a little dis- tance, and when he saw them, came towards them. It was fortunate, for it would have been difficult for Pelham and Emmeline to have extricated themselves from the conversation in which they were engaged ; for, vague as it might have appeared to any third person, those con- cerned both feared they had gone too A MARRIAGE IX HIGH LIFE. 221 far ; the one, in what he had said, the other, in what she had listened to. As Fitzhenry approached, Emmeline resolved she would endeavour to exert that degree of self-control which Pel- ham recommended, and a feeling of offended pride, and of injustice towards her on Fitzhenry 's part, enabled her to succeed. She drew her bonnet over her face, and though her heart beat, and at first her voice trembled, she forced her- self to speak on indifferent subjects, as if nothing had past, or rather, as if what had passed, had not had power to wound her ; and, taking an opportunity when Peiham was a yard or two behind, she held out her note to Fitzhenry. For a minute, he seemed reluctant to take it ; but the next, received it from her hand. 222 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. and putting it hastily within his waist- coat, immediately began talking with Pelham about the view he was then looking at. When they met at dinner-time, Fitz- henry's manner to her was as usual; bat the party was so large; that they could have little intercourse. In the evening, to avoid any possibility of the waltzing scene of the preceding night, Emmeline immediately took out her work, about which she pretended to be particularly interested, and left the rest of the party to provide for their own amusement. She and Fitzhenry still appeared to be the objects of Mr. Moore's particular observation, and for that purpose, seating himselfby Emmeline,*' I hope LadyFitz- A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 223 henry," said he, '' you have forgiven me for not proving myself a better advocate for you this morning ; but really Fitz- henry's frowns were so very eloquent and conv'mcing, that I could say no more on the subject." '' And you need not say more now," answered Fitzhenry, rather impatiently, without taking his eyes from the Review he was reading ; ** that foolish affair is settled ; we have both our own, and both are satisfied." *' Alas !" thought Emmeline, *' how much he is mistaken V Moore looked at them alternately with an air of incredulity. '* Well, you are strange mysterious people,'' said he; " but if you are content, I am sure so am I ; " and, laying his hand on the first 224 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. book he saw, and which proved to be Childe Harold, he read some lines of it aloud. " Are you a great admirer of Lord Byron, Lady Fitzhenry ?" said he. '' Of course," replied Emmeline, forcing a smile. " Of course of his poetry," continued Moore ; ** but I hope not of his sen- timents : his descriptions of scenery are beautiful, and sometimes those of feeling and affection ; but when he comes to paint his own dark^ venom-spitting mind, he is hateful ; and it always pro- vokes me, that he should feel the beau- ties of nature so deeply, and not be the better for that feeling. Have you ever been in Italy, Lady Fitzhenry ?" ^ No, never," said Emmeline shortly, A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 225 not much liking to get on such tender ground. '^ I should have sworn you had ; I have heard you talk as if you knew all Italy by heart ; and you have in your compo- sition, that suavity of mind and temper, which the sun, the air, the beauteous scenes of Italy, the dark blue of its seas give. I should have been ten times more detestable than I am, had I not passed so much of my life in the pure, soft atmosphere of Italy. I don't know, by the bye, that my friend Fitzhenry there proves my doctrine true ; I don t think he has benefited much by such education ; vide the pin affair. But I suppose it is only the effect of change of climate, and that the cold, dark fogs of this country, have again contracted 226 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. his heart, and made it selfish and En- glish." Fitzhenry said nothing, and appa- rently was engrossed by his book. Mr. Moore continued. ** Many a battle Fitz- henry and I have had about Lord Byron — I wonder what side you would take. I never can feel for his imaginary woes. What the deuce is the matter with the fellow ? what does he want ? He has had every thing this world can give. All the fools and fine ladies running after him, and paying him court a Venvi fun de V autre; and yet he went grumbling and whining about, despising, and turn- ing up his nose at us all, who are ten times better than himself. He chose, too, to hate and ill-treat his wife, after he had insisted, almost against her own A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 227 will, or at least against her judgment, to marry her, and she an heiress, into the bargain. This was to be a new dis- tress; and on this he begun, de plus belle, to grumble and whine, and moreover to blackguard. Now, Fitzhenry, how do you defend all this?" ** I don't pretend to defend him in any thing," said Fitzhenry, very impa- tiently ; '* I only say, that persons with totally different feelings and characters cannot judge of each other. What would be keen suffering to one, might be none to another. I might an- swer you in the words of Madame de Stael — " Les gens mediocres ne cessent de sHonner que le talent ait des besoins dif- ferens des leurs ; and as for Lord Byron's private history, neither you nor I have 228 A MARRIAGE IN HICH LIFE. any business with it, or know any thing about it." *'The deuce we don't?" said Moore, '* many thanks, par parenthese, for your pretty compliment to me, an siijet de la 7nediocrite; but we will let that pass : 1 am well used to such from you," said he, laughing; " but I cannot give up so qui- etly Lord Byron, who certainly has had the bad taste (to say no worse) to take pains to tell us all what a villain he is, so that few of us can be ignorant of his private history." Fitzhenry said nothing; and resuming his book, turned away, as if the light hurt his eyes. '' Lady Fitzhenry, don't you agree with me about Lord Byron," continued the indefatigable Moore. A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 229 " I believe not," said Emmeline with a tremulous voice — *' I should not — I think no one can, or should presume to judge of the feelings, hardly of the situ- ation and conduct of another." An in- voluntary sigh finished the sentence ; fortunately it escaped her neighbour's ear, as he was hastily turning over the leaves of the book^ reading a line here and there. '' // faut pourtant etre juste,'' said Moore; '' and, to give the devil his due, Lord Byron is in truth a most delightful poet. We all find that he describes our own thoughts and feelings, which we have not had the wit to put into rhyme ourselves. Here is a pretty specimen of sing-song sentiment, for instance : — 230 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. ' Florence^ whom I will love as well As ever yet was said or sung, (Since Orpheus sang his spouse from hell,) Whilst thou art fair, and I am young ; * Sweet Florence, those were pleasant times When worlds were staked for ladies eyes ; Had bards as many realms as rhymes. Thy charms might raise new Anthonies. * Though fate forbids such things to be, Yet, by thine eye and ringlets curled, I cannot lose a world for thee, But would not lose thee for a world.' Prudent vows those, making them to depend on his own youth, and his fair one's beauty. What think you of that moral sentiment, Lady Fitzhenry?" Emmeline dared not speak ; she feared a double meaning might be given to whatever she said ; but the crimson oil A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. 231 her cheeks betrayed how well she knew the lines. Fitzhenry, for an instant, looked up — his face was scarcely less suffused than hers, and hastily rising from his seat, he left the room. **Alas!" thought Emmeline, *' again he will accuse me of braving him ; of purposely wounding his feelings !" and it was with difficulty she could conceal from Mr. Moore how much he had dis- composed her. The next day, when she went through the gallery, the door of Fitzhenry's room chanced to be open, and as her eyes eagerly wandered into it, she observed that the two drawings had disappeared from over the chimney. What this meant, she could but too well guess : she plainly saw that he suspected her of meanly 232 A MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. endeavouring to pry into his feelings, and to trace each thought inimical to herself, with a view (perhaps he con- cluded) to gain at least the power of tor- menting him, when hopeless of obtain- ing any other. '* Oh, Fitzhenry !" thought she, ** will the time ever come, when you will know me better, and learn to do me justice?" - ^^^'^y^ ^^->^^^ .^m-' m >/. L*a -,"%.". #s — ^ ■y . .h ••.-. \. >^^^*^:. W ^^^§^^"^^fe^^'^"^:^#^,^ i^ UNIVERSITY OF ILUNOI9-URBANA 3 0112 041768125