'LI E) R.AFIY OF THE UN IVLRSITY or ILLINOIS 01(6.71 \4 C73e no. a\-28 CIIY PI' Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/housingforelderl27vanc (i.(f?- ^A' Councilpcggp^tauftiioisi Librarians EXCHANGE BIBLIOGRAPHY November 19 6 3 HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY Mary Vance, Librarian, City Planning and Landscape Architecture Library, University of Illinois, Urbana. CONTENTS I. Bibliographies II. Indexes III. Lists, Reviews and Abstracts IV, Directories V Background on Aging and the Aged VI. Housing for the Elderly - General References VII. Community Facilities and Services VIII, Economic Aspects IX. Design Requirements and Standards X. Housing Types Geographic Index Author Index No. 1- 33 34- 37 38- 44 45- 56 57- 414 415- 874 875-1067 1068-1250 125 1-1350 1351-1676 page 129 page 135 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY Exchange Bibliography no, 27 Additional copies available fronn: Exchange Bibliographies Council of Planning Librarians P.O. Box 5211 Eugene, Oregon 97403 Price per copy: $ 3. 00 CPL, Exchange Bibliography 27 I. BIBLIOGRAPHIES 1. American Labor Education Service. THE AGING AND THE AGED; ANNO- TATED BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR USE IN LABOR EDUCATION. New York: 1959. H p. 2. Great Britain. Building Research Station. REFERENCES ON HOUSING FOR OLD PEOPLE. (Library Bibliography no. 176R.) Garston, Eng. : 1959. 17 p. 3. Hawaii. Dept. of Planning and Research. PUBLICATIONS ON HAWAII'S AGED POPULATION, 1952-1962. Honolulu, 1962. 4 p. (Its Re- search Report no. 20. ) 4. Kassabaum, George E. , "Housing for the Elderly -- Functional Pro- gram, " AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS JOURNAL (Oct. 1962), p. 51-52. 5. Leeds, Morton and others. ADMINISTRATOR'S BIBLIOGRAPHY: SELECTED TOPICS IN ADMINISTRATION OF THE HOME FOR AGED, prepared for the first Institute on Administration of Homes for the Aged, sponsored by the National Association of Jewish Homes for the Aged. Indianapolis: Indiana State Com- mission on Aging, 1962? 16 p. 6. Leeds, Morton. MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION OF HOMES FOR THE AGED: ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY. Indianapolis: Indiana University Medical Center, 1957. 13 p. 7. Minnesota. University. Industrial Relations Center. SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY: PROBLEMS OF AGING. Minneapolis: 1952. 19 p. 8. National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials. HOUSING FOR THE AGED: A BIBLIOGRAPHY. Chicago: 1946. I SELECTED REFERENCES FOR COMMUNITIES CONCERNING THEMSELVES WITH HOUSING FOR THE AGED. Chicago: 1961. 8 p. (NAHRO Publication no. N421.) ). SELECTED REFERENCES ON HOUSING FOR THE AGED. Washington, D. C. : 1963. 14 p. '.. National Committee on the Aging. Library. A GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY ON AGING. New York: I960. 8 p. '•• A SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY RELATING TO SHELTERED CARE OF OLDER PEOPLE AS OF NOVEMBER 1952. New York: National Social Welfare Assembly, 1952. 13 p. 1'. National Council on the Aging. Library. RECENT PUBLICATIONS ON 1 AGING, 1961-1962. New York: 1961-62. 2 vol. CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 14. National Council on the Aging. Library. AGING,, RELIGION AND THE CHURCH, A BIBLIOGRAPHY. New York: 1963. 3 p 15. CENTERS FOR OLDER PEOPLE: A BIBLIOGRAPHY New York: 1962. 5 p. 16. RETIREMENT PLANNING: SELECTED REFERENCES New York: 1962. 3 p. 17. National Housing Center. Library. HOUSING FOR OUR SENIOR CITIZENS, Washington: 1961. (Reference List no. 35,) 18. New Jersey. Bureau of Assistance. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON AGING, Trenton: 1956. 6 1 p. 19. New York University. Graduate School of Public Administration. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MANAGEMENT OF HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY 1962. 28 p. 20. "Publications, Films, News on the Elderly, " ONTARIO HOUSING (June 1963), p. 18-19. 21. Shock, Nathan W. A CLASSIFIED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF GERONTOLOGY AND GERIATRICS. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1951. 599 p. SUPPLEMENT ONE -- 1949-1955. Stanford: Stanford University Press. 525 p. SUPPLEMENT TWO -- 1956-1961. Stanford: Stanford Univer- sity Press, 1963. 624 p. 22. Stageman, Anne and Anna Mae Baney. HOSPITAL-NURS.ING HOME RELATIONSHIPS: SELECTED REFERENCES ANNOTATED, Washington; U, S Public Health Service, 1962. 25 p. 23. U.S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare. Library. SELECTED REFERENCES ON AGING; AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY Washington: 1950. 110 p. 24. Special Staff on Aging. SELECTED REFERENCES ON AGING NO. 4. Washington: 1962. 22 p. 25. Federal Council on Aging. FEDERAL PUBLICATIONS ON AGING; SELECTED REPORTS BY FEDERAL AGENCIES Wash- ington: GPO, 195 8. 31 p. 26. - - - - Federal Security Agency. Committee on Aging and Geri- atrics. SELECTED REFERENCES ON AGING. AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY Washington: 1952. 36 p. 27. - - - - Government Printing Office. Division of Public Documents SELECTED GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO THE AGED AND AGING. Washington: 1963. 5 p. CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 28. U.S. Office of Education. EDUCATION ON THE AGING, by Betty Arnett Ward. Washington: GPO, 1958. 145 p. 28-a. Housing and Home Finance /feency. HOUSING FOR THE AGED; A READING LIST FOR ARCHITECTS Washington: Office of the Administrator, HHFA, 1963. 25 p. 29. Public Health Service. COSTS OF OPERATING NURSING HOMES AND RELATED FACILITIES, AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOG- RAPHY. Washington: 1959. 18 p. 30. STATE AND LOCAL SURVEYS OF NURSING HOMES AND RELATED FACILITIES, ANNOTATIONS OF SELECTED STUDIES, prepared by Anne Stageman, Anna Mae Baney, and Betty Watt Brooks. Washington: GPO, 1962. 42 p, 31. - - - - Senate. Committee on Labor and Public Welfare. STUDIES ON AGED AND AGING, SELECTED DOCUMENTS. Washington: GPO, 1956. V. 7: Bibliography. 32. Small Busmess Administration. MOBILE HOMES, BIBLIOG- RAPHY, by Edward L. Wilson, rev. Washington: 1962. 4 p. (Small Business Bulletin no. 41, rev. ) 33. Welfare Council of Metropolitan Chicago. SELECTED PUBLICA- TIONS ON SERVICES FOR OLDER PEOPLE. Chicago: 1959. 2 p. Also: Many of the publications listed on the following pages contain bibliographies and bibliographic footnotes, 11, INDEXES 34. APPLIED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INDEX,, 35. ART INDEX. 36. INTERNATIONAL INDEX. 37. PUBLIC AFFAIRS INFORMATION SERVICE. III. LISTS, REVIEWS AND ABSTRACTS ;38. Joint Reference Library, Chicago RECENT PUBLICATIONS ON ! GOVERNMENTAL PROBLEMS, (weekly) '39. JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGY, (quarterly) Contains "Index to Current Periodical Literature. " i 5 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 40. JOURNAL OF HOUSING, (monthly) 41. The National Council on the Aging. Library. CURRENT LITERA^ TURE ON AGING, (formerly: Selected Acquisitions, quarterly) 42. SOCIOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS. (5 times a year) 43. U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Special Staff on Aging. AGING, (nnonthly) 44. - - - - Housing and Home Finance Agency. Library. HOUSING AND PLANNING REFERENCES, (bi-monthly) IV. DIRECTORIES 45. American Association of Homes for the Aging. DIRECTORY OF NON-PROFIT HOMES FOR THE AGED, 1962. New York. 1962. 154 p. 46. American Association of Retired Persons. LIST OF HOTELS FOR RETIRED PERSONS. Washington: 1962. 47. LIST OF HOTELS OR RESIDENTIAL FACILITIES TOGETHER WITH NURSING HOMES. Washington: 1963. (A list for each state.) 48. Council of State Governments. STATE ACTION IN THE FIELD OF AGING, 1960-61. Chicago: 1962. (Includes a Roster of State Agencies on Aging. ) 48-a. Iowa. State Department of Health. Division of Hospital Services. LICENSED NURSING HOMES IN IOWA. Ames: 1962. 17 p. 49. National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials. HOUSING AND URBAN RENEWAL DIRECTORY, 1961-1962. Washington: 1961. 282 p. 50. U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. HANDBOOK OF NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: PLANS, PROGRAMS AND SERVICES IN THE FIELD OF THE AGING. Washington: 1959. 51. Public Health Service. DIRECTORY OF STATE AGENCIES HAVING PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE LICENSURE AND/OR REGULATION OF HOSPITALS, NURSING HOMES, AND HOMES FOR THE AGED. Washington: 1961. 5 p. p CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 52. U.S. Public Health Service. DIRECTORY OF STATE AGENCY AND PROGRAM DIRECTORS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LICENSURE OF HOSPITALS, NURSING HOMES, AND HOMES FOR THE AGED (AS OF JUNE 1, 1959), Washington: 1961. 14 p. 53. ---- _--- Division of Hospital and Medical Facilities DIRECTORY OF STATE AGENCIES HAVING PRIMARY LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR STANDARDS OF HOSPITALS, NURSING HOMES, HOMES FOR THE AGED, AND OTHER SIMILAR FACI- LITIES EXCEPT THOSE OPERATED BY STATE AND FEDERAL GOVERNMENTS, Washington; 1956 54. - - - - Senate. Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, DIRECTORY OF VOLUNTARY ORGANIZATIONS IN THE FIELD OF AGING a Report by the Subcommittee on Problems of the Aged and Aging. Washington: GPO.. 1961. 365 p. 55. .... NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS IN THE FIELD OF AGING, HEARINGS. Washington. GPO, 1959 336 p 55 -a. Webber, Irving L. and Carter C. Osterbind. A PRELIMINARY LIST- ING OF RETIREMENT VILLAGES AND OTHER RETIREMENT LIVING ARRANGEMENTS IN FLORIDA, Gainesville; University of Florida Institute of Gerontology 1958. 3 1 p, 56. White House Conference on Aging, Washington, D C. , 1961. HAND- BOOK OF NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS WITH DELEGATE STATUS AT THE WHITE HOUSE CONFERENCE ON AGING. WITH PLANS, PROGRAMS, SERVICES IN THE FIELD OF AGING Washington: 1961. 117 p V. BACKGROUND ON AGING AND THE AGED 57. "AHEA Workshop on Aging, " JOURNAL OF HOME ECONOMICS (Oct. 1962), p. 685-706. 58. 'Advisory Body on Aged Named: FHA Briefs Staff on Aging, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Dec. 1956), p. 418-419- 59. "Aging and Retirement, " AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY (Jan. 1954), entire issue. 60. "Aging and the Aged, " UNIVERSITY OF CHJ.CAGO REPORTS (Nov. 1961), entire issue. 61. Albrecht, Ruth, "Relationships of Older Parents with Their Children," MARRIAGE AND FAMILY LIV.TNG (Feb. 1954), p. 32-35. CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 62. "The Aging Population: National and State Trends: 1950-1960-1970," AGING (May 1962), p. 12-17. 63. Allen, William D. and Samuel V. Bennett. SURVEY OF SENIOR CITI- ZENS IN KALAMAZOO. Kalamazoo: Western Michigan Univer- sity, 1961. 64. American Home Economics Association. WORKSHOP ON AGING, PROCEEDINGS. Lafayette, Ind. : Purdue University Memorial Center, 1962. 105 p. 65. Amulree, B. S. W. ADDING YEARS TO LIFE. London: National Council of Social Science, 1951. 66. Anderson, J. E. , "A Developmental Model for Aging, " VITA HUMANA (1958 no. 1), p. 5-18. 67. Arthur, Julietta J. HOW TO HELP OLDER PEOPLE: A GUIDE FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippmcott Co , 1954. 500 p. 68. Bair, Frederick H. , Jr. , "Downtrend in Retirement Migration," FLORIDA PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT (May 1950), p. 1, 4. 69. Baltimore. Urban Renewal and Housing Agency. Research Division. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ELDERLY POPULATION OF BALTIMORE, I960 Baltimore: 1962. 70. Barron, Milton Leon. THE AGING AMERICAN. New York: Crowell, 1961. 269 p. 71. Beran, Robert J. , "White House Conference on Aging, " MORTGAGE BANKER (March 1961), p. 32-35. 72. Birren, James E. HANDBOOK OF AGING AND THE INDIVIDUAL. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, I960. 990 p. 73. "History of the Psychology of Aging, " GERONTOLOGIST (June 1961), p. 69-77. 74. - - - - "Sensation, Perception and Modification of Behavior in Rela- tion to the Process of Aging, " in: Birren, J. E. and others, ed, THE PROCESS OF AGING IN THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Spring- field. 111. : Charles C, Thomas, 1959- p. 143-165 75. Blanchard, Fessenden S. WHERE TO RETIRE AND HOW: A COMPRE- HENSIVE GUIDE; PLANNING; JOBS, HOBBIES AND HOUSING, COSTS OF LIVING, CLIMATES AND PLACES, New York: Dodd Mead & Co. , 1953. 299 p. 76. Boynton, Paul W SIX WAYS TO RETIRE. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1952. 145 p. CPL, Exchange Bibliography 27 77. Breckinridge, Elizabeth, "The States and Their Older Citizens," STATE GOVERNMENT (July 1951), p. 195-197. 78. Brockett, Eleanor. HOW TO RETIRE AND START LIVING. London: Staples Press, Ltd. , 1955. 164 p. 79. Brunot, Helen Hardy. OLD AGE IN NEW YORK CITY; AN ANALYSIS OF SOME PROBLEMS OF THE AGED. New York: 1943. 80. Buckley, Joseph C. THE RETIREMENT HANDBOOK; A COMPLETE PLANNING GUIDE TO YOUR FUTURE, rev. ed. New York: Harper, 1962. 360 p. 81. Burgess, Ernest W. , ed. AGING IN WESTERN SOCIETIES. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, I960. 492 p. 82. - - - - "Social Relations, Activities and Personal Adjustment, " AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY (no. 59, 1954), p. 352- 360. 83. California. Governor's Conference on Aging, Sacr3.mento, Oct. 3-4, I960. BACKGROUND MATERIAL. Sacramento: I960. 77 p. 84. - - - - Governor's Conference on Problems of the Aging. PRO- CEEDINGS. Sacramento: 1951. 296 p. 85. - - - - University. Heller Committee for Research in Social Economics. THE DEPENDENT AGED IN SAN FRANCISCO. Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press, 1928. 127 p. 86. Carver, Humphrey, "The Extra Slice of Life," HABITAT (Mar. - Apr. 1961), p. 7-11. 87. Cavan, Ruth S. and others. PERSONAL ADJUSTMENT IN OLD AGE. Chicago: Science Research Associates, 1949. 204 p. 88. Central Atlantic Regional Conference on Services to the Aged. THE DISTURBED AND DISTURBING AGED PERSON. New York: Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, 1955. 27 p. 89. Chicago. University. Chicago Community Inventory SOME FACTS ABOUT METROPOLITAN CHICAGO'S POPULATION AGED 65 AND OVER; a Report to the Office of the Housing and Redevelop- ment Coordinator and the Chicago Plan Commission. Chicago: 1956. 90. Close, Kathryn. GETTING READY TO RETIRE. New York: Public Affairs Committee, Inc. , 195 2. 24 p. (Public Affairs Pamphlet no. 182.) CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 91. Cohen, Elias S. , "The Aging Population and State Government," STATE GOVERNMENT (Summer 1962), p. 168-175 92. Cohen, Wilbur J. and Donald P. Kent, "New Horizons for the Aged: Legislative Gains 1961-62; Gains in Services, Information and Guidance, 1961-62," HEALTH, EDUCATION AND WELFARE INDICATORS (Jan. 1963), p. v-xx. 93. Colby, Evelyn and John G Forrest. WAYS AND MEANS TO SUC- CESSFUL RETIREMENT. New York: B. C. Forbes and Sons, 1952. 250 p. 94. Collins, Thomas. THE GOLDEN YEARS, AN INVITATION TO RETIREMENT New York: John Day Co. , 1956. 25 1 p 95. - - - - "Retirement Planning -- What You Don't Know Can Hurt You," MANAGEMENT REVIEW (April 1962), p. 31-38, 96. Community Council of Greater New York. RETIREMENT PRACTICES FOR OLDER WORKERS. New York: 1958, 34 p. 97. Confrey, E. A. and M. S. Goldstein, "The Health Status of Aging People," In: C. Tibbitts, ed. HANDBOOK OF SOCIAL GERON - TOLOGY. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, I960, p. 165-207. 98. Connecticut. Commission on Services for Elderly Persons, AGING REVIEW, A FACT BOOK ON THE AGED AND PROGRAMS IN CONNECTICUT, by Elizabeth Street Mason and Donald P Kent. Hartford: I960. 72 p. 99. - - - - Commission on the Potentials of the Aging. REPORT, pre- pared by Walter C. McKain, Jr. Storrs, Conn, : University of Connecticut, 1954. 125 p. 100. Council of Social Planning, Alameda County. County Committee on Aging. ALAMEDA COUNTY'S OLD PEOPLE. Oakland; I960 54 p. 101. Council of State Governments. MOBILIZING RESOURCES FOR OLDER PEOPLE, PROCEEDINGS OF THE FEDERAL STATE CONFERENCE ON AGING, WASHINGTON, D. C. JUNE 5, 6, 7, 1956. Washington: GPO, 1957. 120 p. 102. PROBLEMS OF AGING: SUMMARY OF ADDRESSES AND DISCUSSIONS AT THE MIDWESTERN REGIONAL CONFERENCE, JULY 23, 1957. Chicago: 1957. 28 p. 103. RECOMMENDED STATE ACTION FOR TliE AGING AND AGED Chicago: 1956. 104. STATE ACTION IN THE FIELD OF AGING, 1956-57; A PROGRESS REPORT. Chicago: 1958. 74 p. 10 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 105. Council of State Governments. STATE A CTION IN THE FIELD OF AGING, 1960-61; A PROGRESS REPORT. Chicago: 1962 98 p. 106. STATE PROGRAMS FOR THE AGING; A REVIEW OF THE PROBLEM AND OF RECENT ACTION IN THE STATES Chicago: 1956. 53 p. 107. THE STATES AND THEIR OLDER CITIZENS. Chicago: 1955. 176 p. 108. Cowgill, Donald Olin and others. OUR SENIOR CITIZENS, rev. Wichita: University of Wichita, I960. 84 p. 109. - - - - "Trends in the Ecology of the Aged in American Cities, 1940-1950," JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGY (Jan. 1957), p. 75-80. 110. Gumming, Elaine and William E. Henry. GROWING OLD; THE PROCESS OF DISENGAGEMENT. New York: Basic Books, 1961. 293 p. 111. and Isabel McCaffrey. SOME CONDITIONS ASSOCIATED WITH MORALE AMONG THE AGING, Paper read at American Psychopathology Association, New York, I960. 112. Curnow, R. N. , "Preparing Ten-Year Plan for the Aged," MUNI- CIPAL JOURNAL (Dec. 7, 1962), p. 3756. 113. Danielsen, Finn. CARE OF THE AGED IN NORWAY, Oslo, Nor- wegian Joint Committee on International Social Policy, 1959. 56 p. 114. Davis, Milton S. AGING, ILLNESS AND DEPENDENCY, A STUDY OF CONVERGENCE OF ATTITUDES. (Unpublished Master's Thesis, Purdue University Department of Sociology. ) 115. Denver Area Welfare Council. THE AGING POPULATION OF THE DENVER AREA; AN EXPLORATORY STUDY. Denver: 195 1. 113 p. 116. Derber, Milton, ed. THE AGED AND SOCIETY; A SYMPOSIUM ON THE PROBLEMS OF AN AGING POPULATION. Champaign, 111. : Industrial Research Association, 1950. 237 p. (Industrial Relations Research Association, Pub. no. 5.) 117. Desmond, Thomas C. , "America's Unknown Middle-Agers, " in: BRIGHTENING THE SENIOR YEARS. Newburgh, N. Y. : New York State Joint Legislative Committee on Problems of the Aging, 1957. p. 57-60. 118. "When You Retire Look Before You Migrate," TODAY'S HEALTH (Jan. 1957), p. 20-23. 11 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 119. Donahue, Wilma, "Programing to Create Opportunities for the Aging, Ft, I," PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION SURVEY (Nov. 1958), p. 1-6. 119-a. - - - - and others, "A Study of the Socialization of Old People, " GERIATRICS (Dec, 1953), p. 656-666. 120. Drake, Joseph T. THE AGED IN AMERICAN SOCIETY. New York: Ronald Press Co. , 1958. 431 p. 121. Dunn, Halbert L. HEALTH AND DEMOGRAPHY. Washington: GPO, 1956. 94 p. (Public Health Service Publication no. 502 ) 122. Eastern States Health Education Conference. THE SOCIAL AND BIOLOGICAL CHALLENGE OF OUR AGING POPULATION, PRO- CEEDINGS. New York: Columbia University Press, 1950 183 p. 123. "Environmental Needs of the Aging: Synriposium; " GERIATRICS (Apr. 195 7). 123-a. "FSA Conference on Aging, 1950," MONTHLY LABOR REVIEW (Oct. 1950), p. 489-490. 124. Farmer, L. , "Old People, " HARPERS (Dec. 1951}, p. 79-82, 125. Federal-State Conference on Aging, Washington, June 5-7^ 1956 MOBILIZING RESOURCES FOR OLDER PEOPLE, PROCEEDINGS .... sponsored by Council of State Governments and Federal Council on Aging. Washington: GPO, 1957. 120 p. 126. "Federal-State Conference on Problems of the Aging, " MONTHLY LABOR REVIEW (Sept 1956), p. 1052-1054. 127. Feldman, Harry H. , "Action for Ohio's Senior Citizens, " OHIO CITIES AND VILLAGES (Jan. 1963), p. 12-13. 128. Florida. Citizens Advisory Committee on the Aged. FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE FLORIDA CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON THE AGED; prepared for the White House Con- ference on Aging, Tallahassee: Florida Development Comnnission, I960. 53 p. 129. LOOKING AT AGING IN FLORIDA, FACTS ABOUT OUR OLDER PEOPLE AND THE ACTIVITIES AND PROGRAMS AFFECTING THEM. Tallahassee: I960. 177 p. 130. Development Commission. FACTS ABOUT FLORIDA RETIRE MENT. Tallahassee: 1962. 18 p. 131. Governor's Conference on Aging. SET THE STAGE FOR AGE; PROCEEDINGS OF THE .. . Oct. 16-17, 1958. Tallahassee: 1958. 110 p. 12 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 132. Florida. University. Institute of Gerontology. INSTITUTE OF GERONTOLOGY SERIES: V. 1 Problems of America's Aging Population. 195 1. V. 2 Living in the Later Years. 1952. V. 3 Health in the Later Years. 1953. V. 4 Econonnic Problems of Retirement. 1954. V. 5 Aging and Environment. 1955. V. 6 Aging: a Current Appraisal. 1956. v. 7 Services for the Aging. 1957. V. 8 Organized Religion and the Older Person. 1958. v. 9 Society and the Health of Older People. 1959. V. 10 Aging: a Regional Appraisal. 1961. V. 11 Aging in a Changing Society. 1962. 133. Ford, Norman D. AMERICA'S 50 BEST CITIES IN WHICH TO LIVE, WORK AND RETIRE. 2nd ed. Greenlawn, N. Y. : Harian Publications, 1957. 104 p. 134. WHERE TO RETIRE ON A SMALL INCONE. 9th ed. Greenlawn, N. Y. : Harian Publications, 1957. 63 p. 135. "Frauds Against the Aged, " CONSUMER REPORTS (Mar. 1963), p. 131. 136. Friedmann, Eugene and others. THE MEANING OF WORK AND RETIREMENT. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1954. 197 p. 137. RETIREMENT -- rA NEW WAY OF LIFE: A GUIDE TO THE LATER YEARS. Madison: University of Wisconsin Extension Division, 1956. 41 p. 138. Furfey, Paul H. and Thomas J. Harte. WILMINGTON'S SENIOR CITIZENS. Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 1961. 32 p. (Studies from the Bureau of Social Research, Dept. of Sociology, The Catholic University of America, no. 1. ) 139. Geddes, Ezra W. AGING POPULATION IN NEW MEXICO; FACTS ON NUMBER AND EMPLOYMENT. Albuquerque: Division of Research, Dept. of Government, University of New Mexico, 1955. 52. p. 140. Georgia. Governor's Commission on Aging. GEORGIA'S STORY OF HER AGING AS TOLD BY THE .... written by Lois G, Huff. Atlanta: I96I. 149 p. 141. Geschickter, C. F. , "Sonne Fundamental Aspects of the Aging Process, " in: V. A. PROSPECT US RESEARCH IN AGING. Wash- ingtoni D. C. : Veterans Administration, 1959. p. 83-99. 142. Gilbert, Jeanne G. UNDERSTANDING OLD AGE. New York: Ronald Press Co. , 1952. 422 p. 13 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 143. Giles, Ray. LIVE BETTER AFTER FIFTY. New York: McGraw- Hill Book Co. , Inc. , 1953. 205 p. 143-a. Gleason, George. HORIZONS FOR OLDER PEOPLE: WE ARE MOVING TOWARD THE GOAL OF MAKING OUR LATER YEARS NOT A TIME TO BE FEARED BUT TO BE ENJOYED. New York: Macmillan Co. , 1956. 137 p. 144. Click, Paul C AMERICAN FAMILIES New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. , 1957. 240 p. (Census Monograph Series, ) 145. Goldstein, Sidney CONSUMPTION PATTERNS OF THE AGED. Philadelphia: Wharton School of Finance and Comnnerce, Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, I960.- 304 p. 146. Gordon, Margaret S. , "Changing Patterns of Retirement, " JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGY (July I960), p. 300-304. 147. - - - - "Work and Patterns of Retirement, " in: Tibbitts, Clark, ed. HANDBOOK OF SOCIAL GERONTOLOGY: SOCIETAL ASPECTS OF AGING. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, I960. 148. Corn, Janice L. , ed. TOWARD BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF THE AGED; A REPORT ON THE SEMINAR ON AGING; ASPEN, COLO. , 1958. New York: Council on Social Work Education, 1959. 149. Gottrell, Fred, "Governmental Functions and the Politics of Age, " in: HANDBOOK OF SOCIAL GERONTOLOGY. Chicago: Univer- sity of Chicago Press, I960. 150. Govan, Elizabeth. THE NEEDS OF THE AGED. Canadian Welfare Council, 1951. 12 p. 151. Governor's Conference on Aging, Hartford, 1958. CHARTING A POSITIVE POLICY FOR AGING; SELECTED PAPERS, e d. by Donald P. Kent. University of Connecticut, I960? 26 p. 15 1-a. Governor's Conference on Aging, 2nd, Lafayette, I960 STATE RESPONSIBILITY AND COMMUNITY EFFORT: THE ELDERLY IN INDIANA, ed. by Leonard Z. Breen. Lafayette ?: Indiana State Commission on the Aging and Aged, I960. 152. Governor's Conference on Aging, Minnesota, Nov. 1956. REPORT. St. Paul?: 1956. 153. Governor's Conference on the Aging Population, Madison, Wis. WISCONSIN'S GOVERNOR'S CONFERENCE ON AN AGING POPU- LATION, i960. Madison: Governor's Interdepartmental Com- mittee on an Aging Population, 1961. 141 p. 14 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 154. Gravatt, Arthur E. , "Family Relations in Niddle and Old Age: a Review," JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGY (Apr. 1953), p. 197-201. 155. Greenleigh. L. F. PSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLEMS OF OUR AGING POPULATION. Bethesda, Md. : U.S. Public Health Service, 1952. 156. Hall, Harold J. SOME OBSERVATIONS ON EXECUTIVE RE = TIREMENT. Boston: Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration, Division of Research, 1953. 298 p. 157. Hamilton, Clarence H. YOUR REWARDING YEARS; NEW- MEANING, PURPOSE AND HAPPINESS FROM THE MIDDLE YEARS ON. New York: Bobbs -Merrill Co. , Inc. , 1955 219 p. 158. Hansen, Gary D. and Samuel S. Yoshioko. AGING IN THE UPPER MIDWEST; A PROFILE OF 6300 SENIOR CITIZENS, a project of the Midwest Council for Social Research in Aging and Com- munity Studies, Inc. Kansas City, Mo. , 1962. 109 p. 159. Harlan, Williams, "Aging and Retirment, " AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY (Jan. 1954). 160. Hart, Gifford K. A NEW OUTLOOK FOR THE INDIVIDUAL. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co. , 1957. 197 p. 161. Hart, Evelyn. SO YOU'RE GETTING OLDER ! New York: Public Affairs Committee, Inc. , 1958. 32 p. (Public Affairs Pamph- let no. 276. ) 162. Havighurst, Robert J. , "Flexibility and the Social Roles of the Retired, " AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY (1954), p. 309-310. 163. and Ruth Albrecht. OLDER PEOPLE. New York: Long- mans, Green and Co. , 1953. 415 p. 164. "Successful Aging, " THE GERONTOLOGIST (Mar. 1961), p. 8-13. 165. Hazell, Kenneth. SOCIAL AND MEDICAL PROBLEMS OF THE ELDERLY. London: Hutchinson Medical Publications, I960. 216 p. 166. Health and Welfare Council of the National Capital Area. AFTER 65, STATUS OF OLDER PEOPLE IN METROPOLITAN WASH- INGTON. Washington: 1959. 74 p. (Its Publication no. 4.) 167. Henry, W. E. and Elaine Gumming, "Personality Development in Adulthood and Old Age, " JOURNAL PROJECTIVE TECH- NIQUES (v. 23, 1959), p. 383-390. 15 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 168. Hitt, Homer L. , "The Demography of America's Aged: a Current Appraisal," in: AGING: A CURRENT APPRAISAL, Irving L. Bebber, ed. Gainesville; University of Florida Press , 1956. p. 12-41. 169. - - - - "The Role of Migration in Population Change Among the Aged," AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW (Apr. 1954), p. 194-200. 170. Hopkins, William S. and others, ed. AGING IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, A REPORT. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1961. 171. Hunter, Woodrow W. and Helen Maurice. OLDER PEOPLE TELL THEIR STORY; Report of a Survey of the Needs of Older People Undertaken in Grand Rapids, Michigan and Recommendations for Community Action Developed by a Local Forum on Aging. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, Institute for Human Adjust- ment, Division of Gerontology, 1953. 99 p. 172. Illinois. Commission on the Aging and the Aged, REPORT TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Springfield: 1959. 173. Indiana. State Commission on Aging and the Aged. AGING AND THE AGED IN INDL^NA; A SET OF BACKGROUND STATEMENTS, ed. by Leonard Z. Breen. Indianapolis: 1958. 174. AGING IN INDIANA, ed. by Morton Leeds and Martin Tarcher. Indianapolis: 1959. 6 vol. (See especially V. 5: Housing and Living Arrangements, ) 175. AGING IN INDIANA; READINGS IN COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION, ed by Morton Leeds, Indianapolis: 1959. 416 p. 176. COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION TO MEET THE NEEDS OF OLDER PEOPLE. Indianapolis: 1957. 177. HOW TO ORGANIZE THE COMMUNITY TO MEET THE NEEDS OF OLDER PEOPLE, ed. by Morton Leeds. West Lafayette, Ind : Purdue University, 1957 38 p. 178. STATE RESPONSIBILITY AND COMMUNITY EFFORT; THE ELDERLY IN INDIANA, ed. by Leonard Z Breen. Lafayette, Ind. : I960. 179. "International Mortality Trends at the Older Ages, " METROPOLI- TAN LIFE STATISTICAL BULLETIN (Sept. 1961), p. 1-3. 180. Iowa. Study Commission for Care of the Aging. CARE OF THE AGED, REPORT TO THE GOVERNOR. Des Moines: 1959. 16 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 181. International Association of Gerontology. AGING AND SOCIAL HEALTH IN THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE, REPORT OF AN INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR HELD AT MERANO, ITALY, JULY 9-13, 1957; compiled and edited by Clark Tibbitts. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Division of Gerontology, 1959. 186 p. 182. International Union of Local Authorities. CARE OF THE AGED, A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE BERLIN CONGRESS, JUNE 18-23, 1959. The Hague: 1959. 183. "Jobs for the Aged, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (May I960), p. 193. 184. Joint Conference of Cook County Committee for the White House Conference on Aging and the Illinois Gerontological Associa- tion. BLUEPRINTING THE FUTURE FOR THE AGING: PRO- CEEDINGS .. . MAY 19, I960, CHICAGO. Chicago?: I960. 119 p. 185. Kalamazoo, Mich. Committee on Aging. SURVEY OF SENIOR CITIZENS IN KALAMAZOO; A STUDY SPONSORED BY THE . . . WITH THE COOPERATION OF THE W. E. UPJOHN INSTI- TUTE FOR EMPLOYMENT RESEARCH, by William D. Allen and Samuel V. Bennett. 1961. 58 p. 186. Kansas. Legislative Council. Research Department PROB- LEMS PERTAINING TO AGING. Topeka: 1955. 61 p 187. - - - - State Interdepartmental Committee on Aging SITUATION REPORTS. Topeka: I960, var. paged. 188. Kean, Robert W. , "Guidelines for Action; the White House Confer- ence on Aging, " STATE GOVERNMENT (Spring 1961), p. 130- 136. 189. Kent, Donald P. , "Aging-- A National Concern," JOURNAL OF HOME ECONOMICS (Oct. 1962), p. 683-684 190. Kerpen, M. C. , "Spotlight on the Older Population, " MANAGE- MENT RECORD (Sept. 1961), p. 15-21. 191. Keyes, Walter E. , "State Planning for the Aged, " ASPO PLAN- NING (1951), p. 96-105. 192. Kish, Henriette. QUESTIONS OLDER PEOPLE ASK. New York: E. P. Dutton and Co. , Inc. , 1955. 156 p. 193. Kutner, Bernard and others. FIVE HUNDRED OVER SIXTY; A COMMUNITY SURVEY ON AGING. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1956. 345 p. 194. Lang, Gladys, ed. OLD AGE IN AMERICA. New York: H W. Wilson Co. , 1961. 182 p. 17 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 195. Leader, George M. OVERALL PHYSICAL^ ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL STATE LEVEL PLANNING FOR OLDER PEOPLE; A CHALLENGE IN THE CONSERVATION AND WISE UTI- LIZATION OF HUMAN RESOURCES, prepared for the Seminar on Basic Considerations in State Level Planning for Older People, National Council on the Aging, March 4-9, 1962, Arden House, Harriman, New York. 196. Leeds, Morton. EMERGENT FUNCTIONS FOR STATE UNITS ON AGING, prepared for Conference of State Executives for Aging, Washington, D. C , April 1962. 197. Lenzer, Anthony COMMUNITY ACTION ON AGING, A REVIEW OF TPiE EXPERIENCE OF LOCAL COMMITTEES ON AGING IN MICHIGAN, Ann Arbor: Michigan Legislative Advisory Council on Problems of the Aging, 1959. 14 p. 198. and others. MICHIGAN'S OLDER PEOPLE: SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND OVER SIXTY-FIVE, Ann Arbor: Michigan State Legislative Council on Problems of the Aging, 195 8 90 p. 199. "Life Begins at Fifty, " TIME (Mar. 10, 1961), p 89. 200. Likshin, Helen, "Critical Issues in Serving an Aging Population, " SOCIAL CASEWORK (Jan. 1961), p. 21-27. 201. The Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod. Department of Social Welfare. PROGRAM PLANNING GUIDELINES FOR A WORK- SHOP ON SENIOR CITIZENS. St Louis: 1961 lip 202. McCaslin, John. FACT BOOK ON AGING. Frankfort: Kentucky Governor's Commission on Aging, 1958. 76 p. 203. McGuire, Marie C. and Thomas B. Thompson. INCREASING THE SPAN OF INDEPENDENT LIVING. San Antonio: San Antonio Housing Authority, 1962. 204. - - - - "People Live Longer Today -- So San Antonio Adjusts Its Public Housing Program to the Increased Life Expectancy, " AMERICAN CITY (Jan. I960), p, 99-100. 205. - - - - "Toward Independence for Senior Citizens, " RETIRE- MENT LIFE (v. 35, I960), p. 7-10. 206. Maine. State Committee on Aging. BLUEPRINTS FOR CREATIVE LIVING IN LATER MATURITY. Augusta: 1956. 24 p. 207. MAN AND HIS YEARS: AN ACCOUNT OF THE FIRST NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGING, sponsored by the Federal Security Agency. Raleigh, N. C. : Health Publications Institute, Inc. , 1951 311 p. •18 CPL Exchange Bibliogi;phy 27 208. Manley, Charles R. , Jr, , "The Migration of Older People, " AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY (Jan. 1954). 209. Marquette University. Bureau of Business and Economic Research, A STUDY OF QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE CHARAC- TERISTICS OF ELDERLY FAMILIES AND INDIVIDUALS RE- SIDING IN THE CITY OF MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN Mil- waukee: 1958. (Monograph no. 3 Series 4.) 210. Marris, Peter. WIDOWS AND THEIR FAMILIES. London: Rout^ ledge & Kegan Paul, 1958 172 p. 211. Martel, Martin U. SITUATIONS OF AGING IN AMERICAN SOCIETY. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms, 1957 212. Maryland. State Coordinating Commission on Problems of Aging CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS ON AGING IN MARYLAND, Annapolis: I960. 213. FACTUAL REPORT ON AGING IN MARYLAND; GROUND^ WORK FOR OUR BLUEPRINT FOR THE FUTURE Baltimore: I960. 80 p. 214. Mason, N. P., "Even Business Women Grow Older, " NATIONAL BUSINESS WOMAN (Jan. 1961), p. 6-7.' 215. Massachusetts. Special Commission on Audit of State Needs. NEEDS OF MASSACHUSETTS' OLDER CITIZENS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO STATE PROGRAMS AND SERVICES Boston: Wright & Potter Print Co. , 1959. 222 p 216. Mathiason, Geneva, ed. CRITERIA FOR RETIREMENT. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1953. 253 p. 217. A NEW LOOK AT RETIREMENT. New York: National Council on the Aging, 1962. 15 p. 218. Michigan. Commission on Aging. MICHIGAN'S RECOMMENDA - TIONS TO THE WHITE HOUSE CONFERENCE ON AGING, Lansing: I960. 46 p 219. PROGRAMS AND SERVICES FOR THE AGING IN MICHIGAN, ALSO MICHIGAN'S OLDER PEOPLE. Ann Arbor: I960. 85 p. 220. - - - - Governor's Commission to Study the Problems of Aging REPORT. Lansing: 1953. 221. - - - - Legislative Advisory Council on Problems of the Aging. RECOMMENDATIONS MADE AT PUBLIC HEARING ON AGING, NOV. -DEC 1956. Ann Arbor: 1957. 16 p. 19 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 222. Michigan. University. Division of Gerontology. AGING IN THE MODERN WORLD, GUIDEBOOK FOR LEADERS: A SERIES OF ADULT STUDY DISCUSSION PROGRAMS, prepared by Clark Tibbetts and Wilma Donahue. Ann Arbor; 1957. 68 p, 223. Conference on Aging. GROWING IN THE OLDER YEARS. Wilma Donahue and Clark Tibbitts, eds. Ann Arbor- University of Michigan Press, 195 1 234 p. 224. LIVING THROUGH THE OLDER YEARS, Clark Tibbitts, ed. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1949. 193 p. 225. ... - THE NEW FRONTIERS OF AGING, Wilma Donahue and Clark Tibbitts, eds. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1957. 2^09 p. 226. ---- PLANNING THE OLDER YEARS, Wilma Donahue and Clark Tibbitts, eds. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1950. 248 p. 227. POLITICS OF AGE. Wilma Donahue and Clark Tibbitts, eds. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Division of Gerontology, 1962. 226 p. 228. Michigan Conference on Aging, I960. MICHIGAN'S RECOMMENDA- TIONS TO THE WHITE HOUSE CONFERENCE ON AGING. Lansing: I960. 4? p. 229. Michelon, L. C, "The New Leisure Class. " AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY (v 59, 1954), p. 371-378. 229-a. Miller, H. C. THE AGING COUNTRYMAN. A SOCIO-MEDICAL REPORT ON OLD .AGE IN A COUNTRY PRACTICE. London: National Corporation for Care of Old People, 1963. 230. Minnesota. Commission of Aging. MINNESOTA S AGING CITIZENS: A REPORT ON THEIR EMPLOYMENT, RECREATION, LIVING ARRANGEMENTS, ECONOMIC WELFARE. St. Paul: 1953, 68 p 231. - - - - Governor's Citizens' Council on Aging. MINNESOTA'S AGING CITIZENS, RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ACTION. St. Paul: Minnesota Department of Public Welfare, I960, 18 p 232. Missouri Conference on the Aging. PROCEEDINGS OF THE WORK- SHOP. 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OLDER PEOPLE AND THE INDUSTRIAL COMMUNITY, Elma Phillipson, ed. New York: 1957. 45 p. 239-a. National Council on the Aging. GUARDIANSmP AND PROTEC - TIVE SERVICES FOR OLDER PEOPLE, ed. by Geneva Mathiasen. New York: 1963. 184 p. 240. NCOA TOWARD A BETTER LIFE IN THE LATER YEARS, New York: 1962? 16 p. 241. Nelson, Walter C. , "White House Conference on Aging, " MORTGAGE BANKER (Mar. 1961), p. 32-35. 242. Netherlands Information Service. CARE FOR THE AGED IN THE NETHERLANDS. New York: 1961. 3 p. 243. Neugarten, Bernice L. , "Personality and the Aging Process, " in; Williams, R. H. and others, ed. PROCESSES OF AGING. New York: Atherton Press, 1963. 244. New Jersey. Division of Aging. CITIZEN' S GUIDE FOR THE WHITE HOUSE CONFERENCE ON AGING Trenton: I960. 64 p. 245. NEEDS AND RESOURCES OF THE AGING IN NEW JERSEY, REPORT I. Trenton: I960. 69 p~ 246. PATTERSON, A SURVEY OF THE AGING, THEIR NUMBERS, THEIR NEEDS. Trenton: 1959. 22 p. 247. WHAT DO WE WANT FOR OUR SENIOR CITI- ZENS? 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S. , "Changing Group Norms in a Home for the Aged, " GERIATRICS (1959), p. 680-686. 307. Rosow, Irving. ADJUSTMENT OF THE NORMAL AGED; CONCEPT AND MEASUREMENT. (Unpublished paper. Western Reserve University. ) 25 CPL Exchange Bibliography Z7 308. Rosow, Irving. OLD AGE -- ONE MORAL DILEMMA OF AN AFFLUENT SOCIETY, Washington: Washington Center for Metropolitan Studies, 1961. 18 p. 309. Rose, William G. THE BEST IS YET TO BE. New York: Austin- Phelps, Inc. , 1951. Z12 p. 310. Ross. Sidney Scott. HOW TO ENJOY YOUR LATER YEARS. New York: Grossett and Dunlap, 1962. 311. San Francisco. Community Commission on the Aged. ONE IN TEN; FACTS ABOUT SAN FRANCISCO'S OLDER PEOPLE. San Francisco: 1955. 36 p. 312. San Francisco State College. PROCEEDINGS OF THE CONFER- ENCE ON THE AGING PROCESS, AUGUST 15, 16, 17, 1957. San Francisco: 1957. 80 p. 313. Schorr, Alvin L. , "Filial Responsibility and the Aging, or Beyond Pluck and Luck, " SOCIAL SECURITY BULLETIN (May 1962), p. 4-9. 314. Selye, H. and P. Prioresch, "Stress Theory of Aging, " in: N. W. Shock, ed. AGING: SOME SOCIAL AND BIOLOGICAL ASPECTS. Washington: American Association for the Advance- ment of Science, I960, p. 261-272. 315. Seminar on the Aging, Aspen, Colorado, 1958. TOWARD BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF THE AGING, ed. by Janice L. Corn. New York: Council on Social Work Education, 1959. 127 p. 316. "Senior Citizens: the Federal Spotlight Finds Them," ARCHITEC- TURAL RECORD (Jan. 1957), p. 32, 360, 364. 317. Shanas, Ethel and Robert J. Havighurst, "The Challenge of the Aged," STATE GOVERNMENT (May 1951), p. 133-134. 318. FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS OF OLDER PEOPLE, LIVING ARRANGEMENTS, HEALTH STATUS, AND FAMILY TIES OF THOSE AGED 65 AND OVER. New York: Health Informa- tion Foundation, 1961. 64 p. (Health Information Research Series 20. ) 319. Sheldon, Henry D. , "The Changing Dennographic Profile, " in: Tibbetts, C. , ed. HANDBOOK OF SOCIAL GERONTOLOGY. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, I960. 320. THE OLDER POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES: THE CHARACTERISTICS AND CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE NATION'S OLDER PEOPLE. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. , 1958. 223 p. (Census Monograph Series. ) 26 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 321. Shenfield, Barbara E. SOCIAL POLICIES FOR OLD AGE; A REVIEW OF SOCIAL PROVISION FOR OLD AGE IN GREAT BRITAIN. London;Routledge and Kegan Paul, Ltd. , 1957. 236 p. 322. Shock, Nathan W. , "Some Facts of Aging, " in: N. W. Shock, ed. AGING SOME SOCIAL AND BIOLOGICAL ASPECTS. Washing- ton; American Association for the Advancennent of Science, I960, p. 246-260. 323. TRENDS IN GERONTOLOGY. 2nd ed. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1957. 214 p. 324. Silverman, Betsy Marden, ed. POSITIVE HEALTH OF OLDER PEOPLE. New York: The National Health Council, I960 325. Smith, Ethel Sabin. THE DYNAMICS OF AGING. New York: W. W. Norton & Co. , Inc. , 1956. 191 p. 326. 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New York: New York State Division of Housing, 1958. 56 p. 334. Stern, Edith M. and Mabel Ross. YOU AND YOUR AGING PARENTS. New York: A. A. Wyn, Inc., 1952. 212 p. 335. Stieglitz, Edward J. THE SECOND FORTY YEARS. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co. , 1952. 317 p. 27 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 336. Stone, Carol and W. Slocum. A LOOK AT THURSTON COUNTY'S OLDER PEOPLE. Pullman, Wash.: State College of Washing- ton, 1957. (Washington Agricultural Experimental Stations, Bulletin no. 573.) 54 p. 337. Stoudemire, Robert H. , "The Aging in South Carolina," UNIVER- SITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA GOVERNMENTAL REVIEW (Aug. 1961), entire issue. 338. Strehler, B. L. , "Dynamic Theories of Aging, " in: N. W. Shock, ed. AGING; SOME SOCIAL AND BIOLOGICAL ASPECTS. Washington: American Association for the Advancement of Science, I960, p. 273-301. 339. Summit Co. , Ohio. Commission on Aging. REPORTS I960, 340. Taeuber, Conrad and Irene B. Taeuber. THE CHANGING POPULA- TION OF THE UNITED STATES. 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Chicago: University of Chicago Press, I960. 775 p. 349. and H. D. Sheldon, "A Philosophy of Aging, " ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE (Jan. 1952), p. 1-10. 28 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 350. Tibbitts, Clark, "Significance of the Conference on Aging for Public Health, " AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH (Feb. 1951), p. 176-181. 351. and Wilma Donahue, ed. SOCIAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF AGING. New York: Columbia University Press, 1962. 352. ed., "Social Contribution by the Aging, " ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE (Jan. 1952), entire issue. 353. Tompkins, Dorothy L. C. THE SENILE AGED PROBLEM IN THE UNITED STATES. Berkeley: University of California Bureau of Public Administration, 1955. 354. Townsend, Peter. THE FAMILY LIFE OF OLD PEOPLE; AN INQUIRY IN EAST LONDON. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1957. 284 p. 355. Tuckman, Jacob and Irving Lorge. RETIREMENT AND THE INDUSTRIAL WORKER; PROSPECT AND REALITY. 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TOMORROW IS TODAY, REHABILITATION PROBLEMS OF OUR SENIOR CITIZENS, edited by David Wayne Smith. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, I960. 61 p. 411. World Health Organization. MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS OF THE AGING AND AGED. Geneva: 1959. (Technical Report Series no. 171.) 412. Zelditch, Morris. TRENDS IN CARE OF THE AGED. New York. Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, 1957. 15 p. 33 CPL. Exchange Bibliography 27 413. Zehmer, George B. , "People Are Living Longer in Virginia; They Want Nothing So Much as to Share in the Daily Responsibilities and Enjoyment of Their Communities, " AGING IN VIRGINIA (Summer 1962), p. 7-8. 414. Zimmerman, Gereon. THE SECRETS OF SUCCESSFUL RETIRE- MENT. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1963. 343 p. VI. HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY -- GENERAL REFERENCES 415. Abrams, Albert J. , "Trends in Old Age Homes and Housing for the Aged in Various Parts of the World, " in: NO TIME TO GROW OLD. Newburgh, New York: New York State Joint Legislative Committee on Problems of the Aging, 1951. p. 265-282. 416. Ackley, Coburn. REPORT ON HOUSING FOR THE AGED Van- couver, Urban Renewal Dept. , I960. 1 1 P- 417. Agan, Tessie and Elinor M. Anderson. HOUSING THE RURAL AGED IN KANSAS. (Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 427). 1961. 27 p. 418. "The Aged, a Special Housing Dilemma, " PUBLIC HEALTH RE- PORTS (Dec. 1962), p. 1048-1054. 419. "The Aged Gain from Housing-Is-People Ideas, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Mar. 1958), p. 84-85. 420. "Aging Conference Emphasizes Housing, " ARMY-NAVY-AIR FORCE REGISTER AND DEFENSE TIMES (Jan. 28, 1961), p. 27. 421. AGING IN CONNECTICUT (Summer I960), entire issue. 422. Alameda Co. , Calif. Welfare Department and Council of Social Planning, Alameda County. HOUSING CONDITIONS OF OLD AGE SECURITY RECIPIENTS IN ALAMEDA COUNTY 1961. 13 p. 423. American Association of Homes for the Aged. GUIDELINES TO GROWTH. New York: n. d. 424. American Public Health Association. Committee on the Hygiene of Housing. HOUSING AN AGING POPULATION. Lancaster, Pa.: Lancaster Press, 1953. 92 p. 425. American Society of Planning Officials. Planning Advisory Service. INFORMATION REPORT NO. 148: AGING POPULATION, by Jerome Kaufnnan. Chicago: July 1961. 34 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 426. Arnett, William T. , "Housing Florida's Older People, " in: AGING; A CURRENT APPRAISAL. Florida University Institute of Gerontology Series no. 6. Gainesville, 1956. p. 142-151. 427. - - - - "What Sort of Housing Does Florida Need for Swelling Flood of Retired Persons?" FLORIDA PUBLIC WELFARE NEWS (July 1956), p. 7-13. 428. Aronov, Edward, "Report on Housing Accommodations of Elderly Persons in the City of Milwaukee, " MARQUETTE BUSINESS REVIEW (Feb. 1959), p. 28-34. 429. Ashley, E. Everett, 3rd. BETTER HOUSING FOR OUR OLDER CITIZENS. Washington: U. S. Housing and Home Finance Agency Office of the Administrator, 1956. 430. A HAPPY HOME FOR THE LATER YEARS, A GUIDE FOR SELECTING RETIREMENT HOUSING. Washington: U.S. Housing and Home Finance Agency, 1957. 9 p. 431. "Housing for Senior Citizens, " PUBLIC HEALTH RE- PORTS (May 1962), p. 398-400. 432. "Housing for the Elderly," CONSTRUCTION REVIEW (Mar. 1958), p. 4-11. 433. HOW OUR OLDER FAMILIES ARE HOUSED: address . . . before the fifth annual University of Michigan Conference on Aging, July 24, 1952. Washington: U.S. Housing and Home Finance Agency, 1952. 434. - - - - and M. C. McFarland, "The Need for Research toward Meeting the Housing Needs of the Elderly, " in: C. Tibbitts and W. Donahue, ed. SOCIAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF AGING. New York: Columbia University Press, 1962. p. 303-326. 435. OLDER PEOPLE AND THEIR HOUSING NEEDS. Washing- ton: U.S. Housing and Home Finance Agency, 1957. 21 p, 436. and M. Carter McFarland. TOWARD A BETTER UNDER- STANDING ON HOW BEST TO MEET THE HOUSING NEEDS OF THE ELDERLY; THE NEED FOR RESEARCH; a paper presented at the Fifth International Gerontological Congress, San Francisco, Calif. , Aug. 9, I960. Washington: U. S. Housing and Home Finance Agency, I960. 437. "Types of Housing for the Elderly," CONSTRUCTION REVIEW (May 1961), p. 6-11. 35 CPL, Exchange Bibliography 27 438. Ashley, E. Everett, 3rd. WHAT'S NEW IN HOUSING THE ELDERLY? Remarks by . . . at the Fourth Annual New England Conference on Aging, Woodstock, Vernnont, Oct. 24 and 25, I960, rev. Washington: U.S. Housing and Home Finance Agency, Office of the Administrator, 1961. 439. THE WHYS AND WHEREFORES OF HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY. Washington: U. S. Housing and Home Finance Agency, 1957. 21 p. 440. and Thomas E. Davis. FACT FINDING IN THE ELDERLY HOUSING FIELD, AN ANALYSIS OF 50 STATE AND COMMU- NITY STUDIES AND REPORTS. Washington: U. S. Housing and Home Finance Agency, Office of the Administrator 441. Austin, J. K. G. , "Alberta Houses Its Senior Citizens, " HABITAT (July-Aug. 1961), p. 8-10. 442. Baltimore. Urban Renewal and Housing Agency. Research Divi- sion. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ELDERLY POPULATION RELOCATED FROM THE CAMDEN URBAN RENEWAL AREA, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. Baltimore: 1963. 443. HOUSING CONDITIONS OF THE ELDERLY IN THE BALTIMORE AREA, I960. Baltimore: 1962. 7 p. 444. Bates, Stewart. REMARKS, by President, Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation to the Canadian Home Economics Associa- tion, Ottawa, Ontario, July 3, 1962. 10 p. 445. Bauer, Catherine, "Social Questions in Housing and Community Planning," JOURNAL OF SOCIAL ISSUES (v. 7:1-2, 1951), p. 1-34. 446. Bell, William G. , "So You Want to House the Elderly, " ONTARIO HOUSING (June 1963), p. 4-6. 447. Beyer, Glenn H. , "Living Arrangements, Attitudes and Preferences of Older Persons, " in: C. Tibbitts and W. Donahue, ed. SOCIAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF AGING. New York: Columbia University Press, 1962. p. 348-369. 448. - - - - "The Elderly and Their Housing -- A Survey of the Problem in a Selected 15-County Upstate New York Area, " CORNELL UNIVERSITY AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BULLE- TIN (to be published 1963). 449. and F. H. J. Nierstrasz. HOUSING THE AGING TODAY -- AN OVERVIEW OF 13 WESTERN COUNTRIES (tentative title, to be published late 1963 by Elsevier Publishing Co. , Amster- dam, Holland, in English). 36 CPL Exchange Bibliography Z7 450. and Margaret E. Woods. LIVING AND ACTIVITY PAT- TERNS OF THE AGED. Ithaca, N. Y. : Cornell University Center for Housing and Environmental Studies, 1963. 29 p. (Research Report no. 6. ) 451. Bohn, Ernest J. , "Housing Plus for the Aged, " JOURNAL OF HOME ECONOMICS (Nov. I960), p. 725-726, 452. Borcherding, C. H. , "Housing for the Aged, " MARYLAND MEDI- CAL JOURNAL (v. 9, I960), p. 146. 453. Brook, W. M. , "Housing of Old People, " HOUSING (June 1957), p. 10-13. 454. Brookings Institution. Committee on Problems of the American Community. HOUSING THE AGING; RESEARCH NEEDS, edited and with an overview by George W. Crier. Wash- ington: 1962. 455. "Buildings for the Aging, " ARCHITECTURAL RECORD (Dec. 1962), p. 109-124. 456. Burgess, A. M. , "The Care of the Aged in Israel, " RHODE ISLAND MEDICAL JOURNAL (v. 43, I960), p. 303-304 457. California. Senate. Interim Committee on Public Health. HOMES FOR THE AGED; FIRST PRELIMINARY REPORT, CREATED PURSUANT TO SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 108 AS AMENDED. Sacramento: 1957. 98 p. 45 8. ---- ---- Interim Committee on Housing and Recreational Needs of the Elderly. REPORT, 1959. Sacramento: 1959. 94 p. 459. REPORT. Sacramento: 1961. 130 p. 460. Cameron, Jean. A STUDY OF HOUSING CONDITIONS OF OLD PEOPLE IN MONTREAL. Ottawa: Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation, 1957. 461. Canadian Welfare Council. ADEQUATE LIVING ACCOMMODA- TION FOR THE AGING; papers delivered at a workshop held under the auspices of the Committee on Aging, Canadian Welfare Council, May 29, 1961, Ottawa, Canada. Ottawa: 1962. 5 p. 462. Cannon, E. B. , "Route for Retirement; Santa Barbara to San Diego," TRAVEL (Nov. 1957), p. 46-49. 37 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 463. Carp, Frances and Abraham Carp. DEMOGRAPHIC AND PSY- CHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF APPLICANTS FOR PUBLIC HOUSING FOR THE AGED IN SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. Austin: Hogg Foundation for Mental Health, Univer- sity of Texas, 1962. 464. Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation. HOUSING FOR OLD PEOPLE. Ottawa: 1963. (Kit of 23 pieces. ) 465. HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY. Ottawa- 1962 8 p. 466. Chapin, F. Stuart, "Some Housing Factors Related to Mental Hygiene," JOURNAL OF SOCIAL ISSUES (v. 7 no 1-2. 1951), p. 164-170 467. Chevey, G. R. , "One Aspect of the Problem of Older Persons; Housing Conditions, " in: C. Tibbitts and W. Donahue, ed. SOCIAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF AGING. New York: Columbia University Press, 1962. p. 98-110. 468. Churchill, Henry S, , "Some Random Thoughts on Housing for the Aged, " Citizens' Housing and Planning Council of New York HOUSING NEWS (v. 10, no. 6, 1952). 469. - - - - "Some Randonn Thoughts on Housing for the Aged, " in: LIVING IN THE LATER YEARS. Gainesville: 1952. (Florida University Institute of Gerontology Series no. 2. ) 470. City-County Planning Department, Tucson-Pima Co. , Arizona. HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY IN TUCSON AND PIMA COUNTY, ARIZONA; A CURSORY SURVEY OF FACILITIES EXISTING, UNDERWAY AND PLANNED, by Frank Sortelli. Tucson: 1962. 13 p. 471. "Cleveland Experience: Successful, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Oct. 1958), p. 327. 472. Cleverley, Mary. ADDRESS ... at the Second New England Conference on Aging. 1958. 473. "Housing for Older People, " SENIOR CITIZEN (Mar. 1959), p. 35-37. 474. HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY, address. 1957. 475. AN INFORMAL SURVEY OF HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY IN NINE EUROPEAN COUNTRIES, A REPORT TO THE HOUSING ADMINISTRATION. Washington: U. S. Public Hous- ing Administration, I960. 113 p. i CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 476. Cohen, R. G. , "Living Arrangements and Mental Disorders among the Aged, Workshop, 1958. 3: The Contribution of a Private Residence Program in a Family Agency to the Healthful Living of Aging Persons, " AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHO- PSYCHIATRY (v. 29, 1959), p. 713-720. 477. Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority. EXISTING AND PRO- POSED LOW-INCOME HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY FAMI- LIES IN OHIO; A STATEWIDE SURVEY PREPARED FOR THE GOVERNOR'S COMMISSION ON AGING. Columbus: I960. 12 p. 478. HOUSING AND OTHER RELATED NEEDS OF THE ELDERLY, a report of a workshop sponsored by . . . and United Comnnunity Council of Columbus. Columbus: 1959. 16 p. 479. THIS IS A PREVIEW OF THE HOUSING NEEDS OF THE ELDERLY PEOPLE IN COLUMBUS, OHIO. Columbus: 1959. 13 p. 480. 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"Conference on Housing for Aged Draws Over 400, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Aug. 195 2), p. 271. 39 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 488. Conference on Housing Our Senior Citizens. SUMMARY REPORT ON HOUSING OUR SENIOR CITIZENS; A Conference held May 28, 1958, sponsored by National Housing Center and National Association of Home Builders. Washington: National Housing Center, 1958. 489. Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds. PLANNING FOR THE CHRONICALLY ILL AND THE AGED, by Louis Stern, Franz Goldmann and Robert Morris. Assembly Papers, 27th General Assembly, CJFWF, Nov. 13-16, 1958. New York: 1958. 22 p. 490. Council of Social Planning, Alameda County. BETTER HOUSING FOR OLD PEOPLE,. Oakland, Calif.: 1959. 491. HAZARDOUS HOUSING. Oakland, Calif.: 1962. 12 p, 492. OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALAMEDA COUNTY'S OLDER PEOPLE -- A BETTER COMMUNITY. Oakland, Calif.: 1963. 14 p. 493. 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New York: Columbia University Press, 1962. p. 206- 211. 500. Donahue, Wilma, ed. HOUSING THE AGING; Report of the Univer- sity of Michigan Fifth Annual Conference on Aging, Ann Arbor, July 24-26, 1952. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1954. 280 p. 40 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 501. Donahue, Wilma and E. E. Ashley, "Housing and the Social Hea.lth of Older People, " in: 4TH CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF GERONTOLOGY. Fidenza: Tito Mattioli, 1957. V. 3 p. 226-232. 502. PHYSICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL CHANGES WITH AGE AND THEIR RELATION TO THE MANAGEMENT OF HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY. Ann Arbor: Michigan University Institute of Gerontology, 1963. 33 p. 503. SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY AND HOUSING THE ELDERLY. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Division of Gerontology, n. d. 30 p. 504. Drake, Joseph T. , "Homes for the Aged, " in: Drake, Joseph T. THE AGED IN AMERICAN SOCIETY. New York: Ronald Press, 1958. p. 327-355. 505. Drew, Noble, "How Ontario Serves the Housing Needs of Elderly Persons, " ONTARIO HOUSING (Feb. 1962), p. 16- 17, 22. 506. Eckersberg, Alfred K. , "Housing for the Elderly, " APPRAISAL JOURNAL (Oct. 1962), p. 523-536. 507. "Housing for the Elderly, " URBAN LAND (Nov. 1961) , entire issue. 508. "Emphasis on Housing the Aged Continues, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (June 1955), p. 201. 509. Empson, M. and G. McKenzie, "Recent Experiments for Housing the Old, " HOUSING REVIEW (Mar. -Apr. I960), p. 46-50. 510. "Experts Make Recommendations on Senior Citizens Housing," AGING (Nov. 1962), p. 1, 12. 512. "First USHA Occupancy, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Oct. 1962), p. 437-445. 513. "For the Aged, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Oct. 1958), entire issue. 514. Frean, R. M. and M. C. Solomon, "Old People's Housing," HOUSING REVIEW (Mar. -Apr. 1959), p. 41-46. 515. Frieden, Elaine, "Social Differences and Their Consequences for Housing of the Aged, " JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN INSTI- TUTE OF PLANNERS (May I960), p. 119-124. 516. Gardner, Donald H. , "Issues in Housing the Aged, " ONTARIO HOUSING (Oct. 1961), p. 8-9. 41 CPL, Exchange Bibliography 27 517. Gardner, Donald H. , "Living Arrangements and Community Ser- vices," ONTARIO HOUSING (June 1963), p. 9-10. 518. Gaynor, James W. , "Housing for the Aging, " in: New York State Office for the Aging. SUMMARY OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE STATE WIDE CONFERENCE ON AGING, MAY 1, 1962 Albany: 1962. p. 3-7. 519. Geld, Solomon, "Reflections on Group Living of the Aged," GERI- ATRICS (Aug. I960), p. 579-588. 520. Goldberg, Arthus Abba, HOUSING THE ELDERLY. (M.A. thesis, American University, Washington, 1959- 26 p ) 521. Goldner, Jack, "Locating Housing for the Aged, " CANADIAN WELFARE (Sept. 15, I960), p. 217-219. 522. Goldstein, Sidney and Basil G. Zimmer. RESIDENTIAL DISPLACE - MENT AND RESETTLEMENT OF THE AGED; A STUDY OF PROBLEMS OF REHOUSING AGED RESIDENTS DISPLACED BY FREEWAY CONSTRUCTION IN DOWNTOWN PROVIDENCE. Providence: Rhode Island Division of Aging, I960. 73 p. 523. Goulding, William S. , '"Housing for Older People, " CANADIAN WELFARE (Dec. 15, 1952), 4 p. 5 24. "The Need . . . What to Do? Look Around You . . . , " ONTARIO HOUSING (June 1963), p. 7-8, 10. 525. Great Britain. Ministry of Local Government and Planning, "Housing for Special Purposes" in: Supplement to the HOUSING MANUAL, 1949. London: 1951. 5Z6. HOUSING OF OLD PEOPLE. London: HMSO, 1957. (Circular no. 18/57.) 527. Crier, George W. , ed. HOUSING THE AGED: RESEARCH NEEDS. Washington: Brookings Institution, Committee on Problems of the American Community, 1961. 528. Griffin, J. J. , "The Sheltering of the Aged, an Analysis of the Living Arrangements of 1900 Old Age Recipients, " JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGY (May 1950), p. 30-43. 529. Gumper, M. and others. WHERE AND WITH WHOM SHOULD OLDER PEOPLE LIVE? UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO ROUND TABLE. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1951. 530. HABITATION (Dec. 1959), entire issue. 531. Hanson, Harold, "Retirement Housing, " MINNESOTA COMMUNI- TIES (Mar. 1962), p. 74, 88. 42 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 532. Hatcher, Flora Y. , "Housing, Environment and Opportunity, " YMCA MAGAZINE (Oct. -Nov. 1962), p. 13-14, 29. 533. "Housing for Older People," MEJ:H0DIST WOMAN (Sept. I960), p. 13-14. 534. "Housing Older People, " JOURNAL OF HOME ECONOM- ICS (May I960), p. 336-339. 535. - - - - "Trends Significant to Planning by Community Groups, " JOURNAL OF HOME ECONOMICS (May I960), p. 336-339- 536. Hawaii. Economic Planning and Coordination Authority THE POTENTIAL FOR INCREASING RETIREMENT RESIDENCE IN HAWAII. Honolulu: 195 7. 5 1 p. (Staff Report no. 15) 537. Housing Authority. REPORT ON HOUSING LOW-INCOME INDIVIDUAL PERSONS 65 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. Honolulu: 1956. 538. 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Hoge, Evelyn B. , "A Unique Service for the Aged; Way in Which Fulton County, Atlanta, Georgia, Department of Public Wel- fare Acts as Intake for Nonprofit Private Honnes for the Aged," PUBLIC WELFARE (Oct. 1957), p. 139-141. 544. Hole, V. and P. G. Allen, "Dwellings for Old People; Tenants' Views Investigated by the Building Research Station, " HOUSING REVIEW (July-Aug. 1962), p. 117-119. 545. "Homes for Education's Senior Citizens, " NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION JOURNAL (May 1959), p. 34-35. 43 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 546. "Homes for Old Age Pensioners at Gentbfte, " ROYAL ARCHITEC- TURAL INSTITUTE OF CANADA JOURNAL (Aug. 1949), p. 237. 547. "Homes-for-Elderly Program Receives Greater Attention, " CHICAGO DAILY CONSTRUCTION NEWS (Feb. 29, I960), p. 1. 548. "Homes for the Aged, " ART AND INDUSTRY (May 1953) , p. 160-161 549. Hospital Council of Greater New York. AGED HOME CARE PATIENTS IN NEW YORK CITY, HOUSING AND RELATED FACILITIES NEEDED. New York: 1955. 550. Housers Foundation. A NEW FOUNDATION DEDICATED TO EN- COURAGE THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN IDEAL HOUSING PRO- GRAM FOR SINGLE INDIVIDUALS, ESPECIALLY FOR BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL WOMEN, AND FOR SENIOR CITIZENS. Dover, Del.: I960. (Folder.) 551. "Houses, Apartments, Hotels for Older Folks, " CHANGING TIMES (Mar. 1959), p. 35-38. 551 -a. "Housing and Institutional Care for the Aged, " LIBRARY COUN- SELOR (-'ipril 1957), entire issue. 552. Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee. A REPORT ON HOUS- ING ACCOMMODATIONS OF ELDERLY PERSONS IN THE CITY OF MILWAUKEE, AUG. 1958. Milwaukee: 1958. Variously paged. 553. "Housing Canada's Old People," HABITAT (Apr. -May 1958), p. 23-24. 554. "Housing for Aged, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (May 1956), p. 163. 555. "Housing for Aged, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Nov. 1955), p. 407. 556. "Housing for Aged Opposed, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (June 1957), p. 201. 557. "Housing for Elderly Is Needed, " JOURNAL OF HOME BUILDING (July 1958), p. 16. 558. "Housing for Low Incomes, " SENIOR CITIZEN (April 1962), p 35-38. 559. "Housing for Senior Citizens," NEW JERSEY BUILDER (June 1958), p. 7. 560. "Housing for Senior Citizens," PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTS (May 1962), p. 398-400. 561. "Housing for the Aged, " INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION FOR HOUSING AND PLANNING BULLETIN (no. 4, 1961), p. 100-121. 44 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 562. "Housing for the Aged; Ideas from Sweden and England, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (June I960), p. 221-224. 563. "Housing for the Aged in Sweden, Some Examples from the Office of Boustedt and Heineman, " ARCHITECTURAL RECORD (Oct 1958), p. 179-186. 564. "Housing for the Aged in Switzerland, " HABITATION (Jan. I960), p. 16-23. 565. "Housing for the Aged: Problems and Progress Noted at Home, Abroad," JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Apr. 1954), p. 112. 566. "Housing for the Aged: Recognition of Need Is Growing, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Feb. 1956), p. 46-49. 567. "Housing for the Aging; 11 Institutions and Projects Cited as Outstanding at U. of Michigan's 12th Annual Aging Confer- ence, " ARCHITECTURAL RECORD (Nov. 1959), p. 12-15. 568. "Housing for the Elderly, " ARCHITECTURAL RECORD (Aug. 1959), p. 36. 569. "Housing for the Elderly, " PROPERTIES (June 1958), p. 56. 570. "Housing for the Elderly, " RESEARCH DIGEST v. 7 pt. 1, item 3 and v. 8 pt. 2 item 5. 571. "Housing for the Elderly News, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (June I960), p. 217-220. 572. "Housing for the Elderly News, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Jan. 1961), p. 15-22. 573. "Housing Needs and an Aging Population, " HOUSING REVIEW (Mar. -Apr. 1961), p. 37-38. 574. "Housing Needs of Old People, " HOUSING REVIEW (Mar. - Apr. 1958), p. 31-32. 575. "Housing Problems of the Aged Gaining Official Recognition, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (July 1954), p. 220-221. 576. "Housing Shortage Threatens Older Single Persons in New York City," AMERICAN CITY (Jan. 1956), p. 21. 577. "Housing Needs of the Aged in Sweden, " LOCAL GOVERNMENT ABROAD (May 1959), p. 6-11. 578. "Housing the Aged, " AMERICA (Nov. 29, 1958), p. 261-262. 579. "Housing the Aged, " HOUSING REVIEW (Mar. 1958), p. 110-121. 46 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 580. "Housing the Aged, " SOUTHERN ARCHITECT (Mar. 1962), entire issue. 581. "Housing the Aged in Surrey; a British Competition, " ARCHI- TECTURAL RECORD (Nov. 1956), p. 17. 582. "Housing the Aged in Sweden, " ARCHITECTURAL RECORD (Oct. 1958), p. 179-186. 583. "Housing the Young and the Old, " HOUSING REVIEW (May-June 1957), entire issue. 584. "Housing Workshop Featured at Michigan Conference on Agings " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Aug. -Sept. 1955), p. 262. 585. "How Our Aged Families Are Housed, " HOUSING RESEARCH (Winter 1951-52), p. 19-22. 586. "How the Aged Live, " HOUSING YEARBOOK (1956), p, 56. 587. Indiana. State Commission on the Aging and the Aged. HOUSING AND LIVING ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE AGED, ed. by Morton Leeds and Martin Tarcher. Indianapolis: 1958? 45 p. 588. Journal of Housing. TOWARD GOOD HOUSING FOR THE AGING: SELECTED ARTICLES FROM THE JOURNAL OF HOUSING. Chicago: 1956. (NAHRO Publication N394. ) 589. Kassabaum, G. E. , "Notes in Passing: Excerpts from Paper Delivered at the White House Conference on Aging, " ARTS AND ARCHITECTURE (Sept. 1961), p. 9, 31. 590. Industry Advisory Committee on Housing for the Elderly. REPORT, MAY 7-10, 1957. Washington: U.S. Federal Housing Adminis - tration, 1957? 1 v. 591. "Interest Keen in the Elderly, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Dec. 1959), p. 405. 592. Isaacs, Reginald R. , "Are Urban Neighborhoods Possible?" JOURNAL OF HOUSING (July 1948), p. 177. 592-a. Jacobs, Jane, "Housing for the Independent Aged, " ARCHITEC- TURAL FORUM (Aug., 1958), p. 86-91. 593. James, B. , "Housing for the Elderly in England, " in: 4TH CON- GRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF GERON- TOLOGY. Fidenza: Tito Mattiolo, 1957. v. 3, p. 273-278. 594. Jennings, V., "Cushioned by Gratitude, " READER 'S DIGEST (Aug. 1962), p. 75-78. 46 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 595. Jensen, Orla, "Homes for the Aged, " I. U. L. A. BULLETIN (Dec. 1949), p. Z7-31. 596. Kaplan, Bernard, "Public Housing of Elderly in Chicago, " GERIATRICS (Dec. 1961), p. 655-663. 597. Kent, Donald P. , "Housing Senior Citizens: Private and Public Responsibility, " AGING IN CONNECTICUT (Sumnner 1960), p. 22-28. 598. Kleemeier, R. W. , "An Analysis of Patterns of Group Living for Older People," in: I. L. Webber, ed. AGING; A CUR- RENT APPRAISAL. Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 1956. p. 167-179. 599. DIFFERENCES OF ADJUSTMENT; SEGREGATED OLD AGE COMMUNITIES VS. UNSEGREGATED COMMUNITIES; a paper presented at the Northwestern University Centennial Conference on Problems of an Aging Population. 1951. 600. Klein, Clarence C. , "Housing for the Aged, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (July 1952), p. 248. 601. Kosaki, Mildred D. CARE OF THE CHRONICALLY ILL AND DIS- ABLED AGED. Honolulu: Legislative Reference Bureau, University of Hawaii, I96I. 441 p. 602. Kosinski, Peter. HOUSING THE ELDERLY (Thesis: Yale Univer- sity, 1961). Abstract in AIP JOURNAL (Feb. 1963), p. 58. 603. Kraus, Bertha, "Housing Our Older Citizens," ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE (Jan. 1952), p. 126-138. 604. - - - - "Older Persons Have Special Housing Needs," JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Jan. 1950), p. 17-20. 605. Kraus, T. C. , "Suburbanitis Is a Real Plague for the Elderly," NEW MEDICA MATERIA (v. 3, 1961), p. 51. 606. Krooth, David L. HOW COOPERATIVE HOUSING CAN HELP URBAN RENEWAL. Stamford: FCH Company, Inc., 1962? 607. Ladimer, Irving, "Housing and Health Facilities for Our Senior Citizens," PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTS (Dec. 1952), p 1196- 1202. 608. Lake, W. S. , "Housing Preferences and Social Patterns, " in: C. T. Tibbitts and W. Donahue, ed. SOCIAL AND PSYCHO - LOGICAL ASPECTS OF AGING. New York: Columbia Uni- versity Press, 1962. p. 341-347. 47 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 609. Lamme, L. , "New Concept in Retirement Homes, " GP (v. 24, 1961), p. 179-191. 610. Langford, Marilyn. COMMUNITY ASPECTS OF HOUSING FOR THE AGED. Ithaca: Cornell University Center for Housing and Environnnental Studies, 1962. (Research Report no. 5.) 49 p. 611. "Legislative History of Public Housing Traced through Twenty- five Years, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Oct. 1962), p. 431-436. 612. Leigh-Breese, P. L. , "Housing for Special C lasses, " BRITISH HOUSING AND PLANNING REVIEW (July-Aug. 1962), p. 17-19. 613. Levin, R. J. , "Our Cruel Problem with Old Folks at Home, " GOOD HOUSEKEEPING (May 1959), p. 64-65. 614. Linden, Maurice E. , "The Older Person in the Family, " SOCIAL CASEWORK (Feb. 1956), p. 75-81. 615. - - - _ "The New Philosophy of the Domiciliary Care of Non- psychotic Aged, " GERIATRICS (v. 14, 1959), p. 777-783. 616. "Living Arrangements and Mobility of the Aged, " METROPOLI- TAN LIFE STATISTICAL BULLETIN (Aug. I960), p. 6-8. 617. Loring, William, "Housing for the Elderly, " ARCHITECTURAL FORUM (May 1961), p. 101-109. 618. Los Angeles Co. , Calif. Regional Planning Commission HOUSING FOR SENIOR CITIZENS. Los Angeles: 1961. 29 p. 619. "Low-Rent Home for Aged," BUSINESS WEEK (April 27, 1957), p. 48. 620. Lund, Harald Hans. REPORT OF THE HOUSING NEEDS OF THE ELDERLY OF HARTFORD. Hartford, Conn.: Housing Authority of Hartford, 1959. 35 p. 621. Lutheran Church in Annerica. Board of Social Ministry. HOMES FOR THE AGING; A PERSPECTIVE. New York: 1963. 40 p. 622. Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod. The Committee on Service to the Aging. GUIDELINES FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF HOMES AND SERVICES FOR THE AGING. St. Louis: I960. 24 p. 623. McCuish, J. T. , "Housing for the Aging, " CATHOLIC CHARITIES REVIEW (Feb. 1961), p. 11-12. 624. McFarland, M. Carter, "Housing Our Senior Citizens, " New Jersey Health Dept. PUBLIC HEALTH NEWS (Aug. 1959), p. 267-271. 48 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 624-a. McGuire, Marie C. , "Basic Considerations in the Management of Housing for the Elderly, " Position Paper presented at a Seminar on Housing of the National Committee on Aging, Lake Mohonk, N. Y. , June 13-18, I960. Variously paged. 625. and Scott D. Schmalhorst. HOUSING FOR THE AGED. San Antonio: San Antonio Housing Authority, 1957. 112 p. 625-a. "Planning for the Elderly," THE TENNESSEE PLANNER (Dec. 1962), p. 42-48. 626. McKinney, David E. , "Sheltered Care for the Aged, " PUBLIC WELFARE (May 1950), p. 110-111, 627. Mackintoch, J. M. HOUSING AND FAMILY LIFE. London: Cassell and Co. , 1952. 628. McMaster, Jennie, "Churches Pioneer in Housing, " SENIOR CITIZEN (Sept. 1961), p. 35-38. 629. "The Cost of Permanent Security, " SENIOR CITIZEN (Mar. I960), p. 35-36. 630. - - - - "Homes in Florida and South Carolina, " SENIOR CITIZEN (May. 196.1), p. 35-41. 631. - - - - "An Inspiring Record of Home Building, " SENIOR CITIZEN (Mar. 1962), p. 35-38. 632. "Jewish Homes for the Aging, " SENIOR CITIZEN (July 1961), p. 35-38. 633. "Oregon Residences for Seniors," SENIOR CITIZEN (v. 7 no. 1, 1961), p. 35-38. 634. Manitoba. Department of Welfare. ELDERLY PERSONS HOUSING; INFORMATION FOR SPONSORS, A MANUAL, Winnipeg: n, d. 16 p. 635. Maryland. Commission on the Aging. COMMISSION MEMORAN- DUM IN RE HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY. Baltimore: I960. 4 p. 636. Maryland. State Planning Commission. MARYLAND'S NURSING HOME PLAN. Baltimore: 1959. 30 p. (Pub. no. 103.) 637. "Massachusetts; a Pioneer, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Oct. 1958), p. 315-317. 638. Mathieson, Geneva, "Housing for Older People, " in: New York State Legislative Committee on Problems of the Aging. ENRICHING THE YEARS. Newburgh, N. Y. : 1953. 49 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 639- Mathieson, Geneva, "Trends in Housing for Older People, " ARCHITECTURAL RECORD (Dec. 1962), p. 110-124. 640. Maylott, John P. , "Housing for the Elderly in Connecticut, " CONNECTICUT HOME BUILDER (Feb. 1961), p. 6. 641. Mellor, Hugh W. , "Housing of Old People: the Need for a Clearer Policy," HOUSING REVIEW (Mar. -Apr. 1958), p. 51-53. 642. - - - - "Retirement to the Coast; Incidence in Great Britain with Recommendation that This Be Encouraged and Provided for in Housing and Planning Policies, " TOWN PLANNING REVIEW (Apr. 1962), p. 40-48. 643. Meredith, G. T. , "New Approach to Providing Old People's Homes," MUNICIPAL JOURNAL (July 3, 1959), p 1837-1838 644. Merriwether, C. R. AN INVESTIGATION OF THE HOUSING PROB- LEMS OF THE AGED AS RELATED TO URBAN PLANNING. (Master's thesis, University of Washington, Seattle, 1958. ) 645. Metcalf, Richard. DETERMINANTS OF DEMAND FOR HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY; SURVEY OF ELDERLY APPLICANTS FOR LOW-RENT PUBLIC HOUSING, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN., 1960. Washington: U.S. Public Housing Administration, 1961. 5 p. 646. "Miami Housing for Elderly Enjoys Communitywide Support, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Feb. I960), p. 65. 647. M.chigan. Commission on Aging. HOUSING FOR SENIOR ADULTS -- PHILOSOPHY AND ACTION. Lansing: to be published in 1963. 648. Mickel, Ernest, "Housing for the Aged; Federal Program Makes Progress Slowly," ARCHITECTURAL RECORD (May 1958), p. 32, 406. 649. - - - - "Lenders Oppose Segregation of Housing for the Aging, " ARCHITECTURAL RECORD (Nov. 1952), p. 310. 650. - - - - "Senior Citizens; the Federal Spotlight Finds Thenn, " AR CHITECTURAL RECORD (Jan. 1957), p. 32. 651. Milwaukee Housing Authority. A REPORT ON HOUSING ACCOM- MODATIONS OF ELDERLY PERSONS IN THE CITY OF MIL- WAUKEE, AUGUST 1958. Milwaukee: 1958. 27 p. 652. Minnesota. Department of Health. HOMES FOR AGED AND CHRONICALLY ILL PERSONS IN MINNESOTA. 1959. 99 p. 50 CPL Exchange Bibliography Z7 653. Monroe, Robert T , "Needs and Problems," in: Wilma Donahue, ed. HOUSING THE AGED. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1954. 654. Moore, Elon H. , "Homes, Hostels and Other Institutions for the Aged," JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGY (July 1948), p. Z07-214. 655. Mumford, Lewis, "For Older People -- Not Segregation but Inte- gration, " ARCHITECTURAL RECORD (May 1956), p 191-194. 656. - - - - "For Older People, Not Segregation but Integration, " COMMUNITY PLANNING REVIEW (Sept. 1956), p. 92-97. 657. _ . _ _ "Housing for Older People: Against the Isolation of the Elderly in Special Housing Groups, " TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (Nov. 1958), p 440-447 658. "NAHRO Program Resolution," JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Dec. 1957), p. 422. 659. Municipal Housing Authority, Buffalo. CHARACTERISTICS OF AGING FAMILIES, HOUSEHOLD HEAD; 62 YEARS OR OVER FEDERALLY-AIDED HOUSING. Buffalo: 1962. 7 p. 660. National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials. MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS ON HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY. Washington: 1963. (Kit of materials. ) 661. TOWARD GOOD HOUSING FOR THE AGING; SELECTED ARTICLES FROM THE JOURNAL OF HOUSING, Chicago: 1956. 40 p. 662. Southwest Regional Council. REPORT OF THE WORKSHOP ON HOUSING THE ELDERLY HELD FEBRUARY 27, 28, 1961, HILTON HOTEL, FORT WORTH, TEXAS. Washington: U.S. Public Housing Administration, 1961. 99 p. 663. SIX CONVERSATIONS ON HOUSING FOR TliE ELDERLY. San Antonio: I960? 6 pieces. 664. National Conference on Nursing Homes and Homes for the Aged, Feb. 25-28, 1958, Washington, D. C. THE NATIONAL CON- FERENCE. Washington: U. S. Public Health Service, 1958. (Public Health Service Publication no, 625. ) 665. National Council on the Aging. BUILDING FOR OLDER PEOPLE: LOCATION, CONSTRUCTION,, FINANCING AND ADMINISTRA- TION. New York: 1961. 666. EXPLORATORY CONFERENCE ON HOMES FOR THE AGED, OCT. 20, 21, I960: REPORT. New York: I960 Various pages. 51 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 667. National Federation of Housing Societies. HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY, issued jointly by the . . . and the National Old People's Welfare Council. London; 1963? 24 p. 668. National Housing Center. SUMMARY REPORT ON HOUSING OUR SENIOR CITIZENS; a Conference Held May 28, 1958, sponsored by the National Housing Center and National Association of Home Builders. Washington: 1958. 32 p. 669. National Social Welfare Assembly. National Comnaittee on Aging, STANDARDS OF CARE FOR OLDER PEOPLE IN INSTITUTIONS. 2 vol. New York: 1953. 224 p. 670. Neal, May, "Report from Saskatchewan, " ONTARIO HOUSING (June 1963), p. 11-12. 671. Nevada. Legislative Counsel Bureau. HOUSING AGED PERSONS IN NEVADA. Carson City: 1952. 39 p. (Bulletin no. 19.) 672. "New Homes for Old Folks, " TIME (Dec. 26, I960), p. 53. 673. "New Homes for the Old, " ILLINOIS HEALTH MESSENGER (v. 30 no. 8, I960), p. 29-32. 674. "New Homes for the Old in London, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Jan. 1950), p. 20. 675. New Jersey. Bureau of Housing. FEDERAL LOW RENT PUBLIC HOUSING PROGRAM IN THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY, UNITS RESERVED FOR THE ELDERLY, JUNE 30, 1962. Trenton: 1962. 3 p. (Report no. ELD.) 676. Division on Aging. HOUSING FOR AN AGING POPULA- TION, A REPORT OF THE CONFERENCE, OCT. 10, 1962, NEW BRUNSWICK, NEW JERSEY. New Brunswick, N. J. : 1962. 60 p. 677. "Housing for Older Adults," ADDED YEARS (v. 2 no. 10, 1961), p. 1-3. 678. New York (City). Mayor's Advisory Committee for the Aged. A STUDY OF HOME CONDITIONS AND NEEDS OF OLDER PERSONS RESIDING IN PUBLIC HOUSING. New York: 1956. 9 p. 679. - - - - Mayor's Committee for Better Housing. Subcommittee on Special Problems, Such as Housing for the Aged and Large Families and Discrimination and Integration REPORT, New York: 1955. 27 p. 52 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 680. New York (State). Commissioner of Housing. HOW TO PROVIDE HOUSING WHICH THE ELDERLY CAN AFFORD; A GUIDE TO ITS DEVELOPMENT BY BUILDERS, ORGANIZATION SPONSORS SUCH AS UNIONS AND DENOMINATIONAL GROUPS, AND OTHER PRIVATE AND PUBLIC INTERESTS, rev. Albany: 1961. 36 p. 681. NEW YORK STATE'S HOUSING PROGRAMS FOR SENIOR CITIZENS New York: 1962. 19 p- 682. Division of Housing. CHARACTERISTICS OF HOUSING AND FAMILY GROUPINGS OF THE AGING POPULATION IN NEW YORK STATE, 1957, by Edward M. Bopp, Jr. and David Talmas, Sr. Albany: I960. 38 p. 683. HOUSING PROBLEMS AND PREFERENCES OF AGED APPLICANTS INELIGIBLE FOR PUBLIC HOUSING IN NEW YORK CITY. New York: 1958. 66 p. 684. ---- __-- Bureau of Research and Statistics. AGED HOME CARE PATIENTS IN NEW YORK CITY: HOUSING AND RELATED FACILITIES NEEDED. New York; 1958, 40 p. 685. HOUSING PROBLEMS AND PREFER- ENCES OF AGING PERSONS ON THE SITE OF BORGIA BUTLER HOUSES, A STATE-AIDED LOW RENT HOUSING PROJECT IN NEW YORK CITY. New York: 1958. 686. - - - - Division of Housing and Community Renewal. INFORMA- TION GUIDE FOR LIMITED PROFIT HOUSING COMPANIES, New York: n. d. 687. HOUSING FOR SENIOR CITIZENS: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR LIMITED PROFIT HOUSING COMPANIES WITH SPECIAL ATTENTION TO NON-PROFIT SPONSORS, New York: n. d. 688. "New York; Money, Research for the Aged, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Oct. 1958), p. 318-319. 689. New York State Association of Councils and Chests. Committee on Shelter Care for the Aged and InfLrm, A HOME IN THE LATER YEARS, New York : 1953. 29 p. 690. New York University, Graduate School of Public Administration. MANAGEMENT OF HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY. New York: 1963. 2 vol. 691. Nichols, E. M. , "An Urgent Need -- a New Solution, " ONTARIO HOUSING (Oct. 1961), p. 10-11. 53 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 692. Nicholson, Edna E. , "Housing as a Basic Need of Senior Citizens, " JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (Oct. 26, 1957), p. 1058-1062. 693. 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EXISTING AND PRO- POSED LOW-INCOME HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY FAMILIES IN OHIO, I960. Columbus: I960. 12 p. 699. "Old People's Housing," HOUSING REVIEW (Mar. -Apr. 1961), entire issue. 700. Ontario. Department of Public Welfare. HOMES FOR THE AGED: PEOPLE, PLACES, PROGRAMS. Toronto: 1962. 34 p 701. ONTARIO HOUSING (Oct. 1961), entire issue. 702. ONTARIO HOUSING (June 1963), entire issue. 703. Oregon. Laws, Statutes, etc. LAW AND REG ULATIONS GOVERN- ING THE OPERATIONS OF HOMES FOR THE AGED IN OREGON. Salem: 1959. 9 p. 704. Osterbind, Carter C. , "Housing and Living Arrangements for Older People in Florida; Problems and Prospects, " FLORIDA UNIVERSITY ECONOMIC LEAFLETS (April I960), p. 1-4. 705. "Overseas Experience, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Oct. 1958), p. 306-311. * 54 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 706. Page, George M. CARE OF THE AGED IN SCANDINAVIA. Austin: Texas Governor's Committee, White House Conference on Aging, I960. 3 1 p. 707. 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"The Housing Preferences of Elderly People," APPRAISAL JOURNAL (Oct. 1962), p. 515-522. 770. - - - - "The Housing Preferences of Elderly People," JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGY (July 1961), p. 261-266. 771. HOUSING PREFERENCES OF ELDERLY PEOPLE. Berkeley: University of California Institute of Business and Econonnic Research, 1961. 5 p. (Real Estate Research Program Reprint no. 26. ) 772. Smith, Whitney R. , "Housing for the Elderly, " MODERN MATURITY (Aug. -Sept. I960), p. 10-12. 773. Sofge, Haley, "Influence of Senior Citizens' Housing on the Com- munity, " FLORIDA PLANNING AND ZONING ASSOCIATION PROCEEDINGS (1961), p. 87-96. 774. "Southern Illinois, Retirement Center for the Midwest, " SOUTHERN ILLINOISAN (1959). 775. "State Efforts, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Oct. 1958), p. 315-321. 776. "State News, Section 4: Housing for the Aged, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Feb. 1957), p. 57. 59 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 777. "States Lead Off in Housing Aged, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Oct. 1955), p. 349. 778. 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State Department of Health. THE TWILIGHT YEARS, COMFORT, CONTENTMENT, COMPANIONSHIP. Austin: 1962? 792. "There's No Place Like Home for the Old Folks, " THE MUNICI- PAL JOURNAL (May ,2, 1958), p. 999-1000. 793. "Thinking of Retiring in Florida?" ARMY-NAVY -AIR FORCE REGISTER (Jan. 23, I960), p. 40. 794. "This Home Takes Aged Off the Shelf, " MODERN HOSPITAL (v. 96, 1961), p. 111-113. 795. Thompson, Jean, "Planning for the Needs of Old People, " COMMUNITY PLANNING REVIEW (Aug. 1952), p., 77-80. 796. Thompson, Warren S. , "Planning for an Aging Population, " ASPO PLANNING (1951), p. 89-96. 797. "Three Schemes which Cater to Old People's Individual Needs, " MUNICIPAL JOURNAL (Aug. 14, 1959), p. 2227-2229. 798. Tibbitts, Clark, "The Elder Population -- Facts for Planners," ASPO PLANNING (I960), p. 76-84. 799. - - - - "Environmental Planning for the Elderly, " GERIATRICS (June 1962), p. 396-401. 800. Townsend, D. D. 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United Community Services of Metropolitan Boston. HOUSING PREFERENCES OF OLDER PEOPLE; A CASE STUDY OF FORTY-SEVEN EVICTIONS FROM A RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. Boston: 1957. 806. HOUSING PREFERENCES OF OLDER PEOPLE. STUDY NO. 2. Boston: 1959. 91 p. 807. U.S. Bureau of the Census. HOUSING SURVEY OF PERSONS 65 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER IN THE CITY OF HONOLULU. Washington: GPO, 1956. 21 p. 808. UNITED STATES CENSUS OF HOUSING, I960, VOL. VII: HOUSING OF SENIOR CITIZENS, UNITED STATES, STATES, STANDARD METROPOLITAN AREAS. Washington: GPO, 1962. 297 p. 809. Federal Housing Administration. HOUSING FOR THE AGED. Washington: 1957. 810. HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY. Washington: 1958? 811. HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY, ANNUAL REPORT. Washington: 1957. 812. HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY, FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION INTERIM REPORT AND CASE STUDY OF VINE COURT, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. Washington: 1959- 7 p. 813. - - - - House. Committee on Banking and Currency. TPIE SENIOR CITIZENS HOUSING ACT OF 1962, HEARINGS. Wash- ington: GPO, 1962. 420 p. 814. Housing and Home Finance Agency. HOUSING AND THE SOCIAL HEALTH OF OLDER PEOPLE. Washington: GPO, 1957. 815. ---- --__ Office of Housing for Senior Citizens. PROGRESS SUMMARY. Washington: 1963. 9 p. 816. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE HHFA ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON HOUSING FOR SENIOR CITIZENS, WASHINGTON, D. C. , OCT. 15-16, 1962. Washington: 1962. 6 p. 817. Office of the Administrator. HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY, A FACT BOOK, by E. Everett Ashley and Thomas E. Davis, rev. Washington: I960. 1 v. 818. HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY, A REVIEW OF SIGNIFICANT DEVELOPMENTS. Washington: 1959. 38 p. 62 I CPL Exchange Bibliography Z7 319. U.S. Housing and Home Finance Agency. Office of the Admin- istrator. NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN THE FIELD OF HOUSING FOR OLDER PEOPLE, Washington: 1956. 520. A REVIEW OF RECENT DEVELOP- MENTS IN HOUSING FOR SENIOR CITIZENS. Washington: 1962. 8 p. 521. SENIOR CITIZENS AND HOW THEY LIVE; AN ANALYSIS OF I960 CENSUS DATA. 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Chicago: American Public Welfare Association, 1962. 32 p. 897. Bowen, Georgene E. SUMMER IS AGELESS; RECREATION PRO- GRAMS FOR OLDER ADULTS. New York: National Recreation Association, 1958. 31 p. 898. Braun, Viola K. , "Older Adults Need Fellowship, " INTERNA- TIONAL JOURNAL OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION. (Nov. 1953), p. 21-22. 899. Bream, C. C. , "Recreation and Education as Therapy for the Aged," in: SERVICES FOR THE AGING. Gainesville, Fla. : University of Florida Press, 1957. 900. Breckenridge, Elizabeth. NEW DIRECTIONS IN PUBLIC WEL- FARE SERVICES FOR THE AGING. Chicago: American Public Welfare Association, 1955. 16 p. 901. Bunker, Rush, "Creative Activities through Handicrafts, " ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE. (Jan, 1952), p. 93-97. 902. Burgess, Ernest W. , "Social Relations, Activities, and Personal Adjustment, " AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY (Jan. 1954), p. 352-360. 903. California. Department of Social Welfare. 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COMMUNITY PLANNING FOR OLDER ADULTS; proceedings of a seminar sponsored by The National Council on the Aging and others in cooperation with Brandeis University, Summer, 1961. New York: United Connmunity Funds and Councils of America, 1962. 112 p. 916. Community Services of Greater Worcester, Inc. Committee on Agmg. A PROPOSAL FOR WORCESTER; A MULTI-SERVICE CENTER FOR THE AGING. Worcester, Mass.: 1962. 28 p. 917. Cornell University. Center for Housing and Environmental Studies. COMMUNITY ASPECTS OF HOUSING FOR THE AGED, by Marilyn Langford. Ithaca: 1962. 49 p. (Cornell Research Program on Housing for the Aged, Research Report no. 5. ) 918. Council of Community Services, Williamsport, Pa. REPORT OF THE INSTITUTIONAL CARE STUDY COMMITTEE. Williams- port, Pa. : 1959. 25 p. 919. Council of Social Agencies of Montclair, N.J. STUDY REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON AGING. Montclair, N. J. : 1956. 70 CPL, Exchange Bibliography 27 920. Council of Social Agencies of Summit County, Ohio. 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Gainesville, 1958. folder. 71 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 932 Ford, R.A. ^ "How Catholic Charities Can Cooperate with Homes for Aging, " CATHOLIC CPiARITIES REVIEW (v. 46 no. 6, 1961), p. 3-5. 933 Frazier, Loudell and Dorothy L. Gebhart. THE COMMUNITY AND INSTITUTIONS FOR THE AGED Chicago: American Public "Welfare Association, 1957. 16 p. 934. "Fun for Old Folks -- Project Groups Provide Social Outlet, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Feb. 1950), p. 65. 935. Glassford, A F , "Study Shows City's Role in Serving Aging Population," PUBLIC MANAGEMENT (Mar. 1962), p. 60. 936. Goldfarb, Alvin I. , "Senior Citizen Housing and the Use of Health and Welfare Services; Mental Health, " in: New York State Office of Aging. SUMMARY OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE STATEWIDE CONFERENCE ON AGING, MAY 1, 1962. Albany: 1962. p. 11-16. 937. Gustafson, Howard F. , "Essential Community Services for Older Persons, " PUBLIC WELFARE (Oct. 1962), p. 209-213. 938. Harlan, W. H. , "Community Adaptation to the Presence of Aged Persons; St. Petersburg, Florida, " AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY (Jan. 1954), p. 332-339. 939. Havighurst, Robert J. , "The Leisure Activities of the Middle- Aged, " AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY (Sept. 1957), p. 152-162. 940. - - - - "Social and Psychological Needs of the Aging, " ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE (Jan. 195 2). 941. Health and Welfare Council, Inc. , Philadelphia. Services Division. TO BRIGHTEN THE LATER YEARS. Philadelphia: 1962? 942. Hedges, Sidney George. FUN FOR THE NOT -SO- YOUNG. New York: Philosophical Library, 1958. 142 p. 943. Hennepin Co. , Minn. Welfare Board. SENIOR AGE CLUBS; A GUIDELINE OF CREATIVE GROUP ACTIVITY FOR THE OLDER CITIZEN, by Jerome Kaplan. Minneapolis: 1950. 34 p. 944. Hickeison, Mary G. , "Senior Citizen in Suburbia, " RECREATION (May 1963), p. 209. 945. Hill, Beatrice H. , "Recreation and Education, " in: New York State Office of Aging. SUMMARY OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE STATEWIDE CONFERENCE ON AGING, MAYl, 1962. Albany: 1962. p. 23-26. 72 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 946. Hoben, Edmond H. , "Planning Considerations in Urban Communi- ties, " in: Wilma Donahue, ed. HOUSING THE AGED Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1954. 947. Hoge, Evelyn Brown. DEVELOPING CLUBS FOR OLDER PEOPLE. Chicago: American Public Welfare Association, 1954, 16 p. 948. "Home for the Aged Provides Good Nursing Care, " MODERN HOSPITAL (Mar. I960), p. 90-91. 949. "Housing for the Elderly News, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (June I960), p. Z17-220. 950. Houston, Raymond W. , "Some Social Welfare Problems of the Aging, " in: NEW CHANNELS FOR THE GOLDEN YEARS. Newburgh, N. Y. : New York State Joint Legislative Committee on Problems of the Aging, 1956. p. 59-63. 95 1. - - - - "Public Welfare," in: New York State Office for the Aging. SUMMARY OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE STATEWIDE CONFER- ENCE ON AGING, MAY 1, 1962. Albany: 1962. p. 8-10 952. Hunter, Woodrow W. , "A Proposed Activity Center for Older People," GERIATRICS (Mar. -Apr. 1961), p. 121-128. 953. Indiana. State Commission on the Aging and Aged. CHURCHES AND THEIR OLDER ADULTS; SURVEYING THE SITUATION Indianapolis: 1962. 8 p. 954. PUBLIC HEARING ON HOW TO ORGANIZE THE COMMUNITY TO MEET THE NEEDS OF OLDER PEOPLE, by ... in cooperation with the St. Joseph County Health Council and the Council of Community Services of St. Joseph County. West Lafayette, Ind. : Purdue University, 1957 38 p 955. ____ -___ Committee on Leisure Time and Recreation. AGING IN INDIANA, RECREATION AND LEISURE TIME ACTIVITY. Indianapolis: 1962. 46 p. 956. International Conference on the Church and Older People, THE FULFILLMENT YEARS IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION; A PRO- GRAM FOR OLDER PERSONS. Chicago: National Council of Churches of Christ in the U. S. A. , 1953. 32 p. 957. Jacobs, H. Lee. CHURCHES AND THEIR SENIOR CITIZENS. Grinnell, la. : Congregational Christian Conference of Iowa, n. d. 958. Johnson, Ronald D. , "Location of Facilities for Senior Citizen Clubs," RECREATION (Sept. 1957), p. 266. 73 CPL Exchange Bibliography Zl 959. Kansas. Interdepartmental Committee on Aging. SERVICES FOR THE AGING; A SUMMARY OF SERVICES PERFORMED BY KANSAS GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES FOR PERSONS IN LATER LIFE. 1958. 960 Kaplan, Jerome, "Community Recreation for Our Senior Citizens, " ADULT LEADERSHIP (Mar. 1958), p. Z36-238. 961. - - - - "Functions and Objectives of a Senior Citizens' Center, " GERIATRICS (Nov. 1962), p. 771-777. 962. MOBILIZING COMMUNITY RESOURCES. Chicago: American Public Welfare Association, 1955. 16 p. 963. A SOCIAL PROGRAM FOR OLDER PEOPLE, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1953. 158 p. 964. and Gordon J.ALdridge, ed. SOCIAL WELFARE OF THE AGING. New York: Columbia University, 1962. 372 p. 965. Kaplan, Max, "Pressures of Leisure on the Older Individual, " JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGY (July 1958, sup. no. 2), p. 36-41. 966. "The Uses of Leisure," in: C. Tibbitts, ed. HANDBOOK FOR SOCIAL GERONTOLOGY. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, I960, p. 407-443. 967. Kellam, Constance E. and Johnnie A. Williams. CASEWORK SERVICES FOR OLDER PEOPLE. Chicago: American Public Welfare Association, 1957. 12 p. 968. Kent, Donald P. , "The Challenges of Leisure for the Aging Popula- tion, " in: SELECTED PAPERS PRESENTED AT THE 43rd NATIONAL RECREATION CONGRESS. Detroit, Mich.: 1961. p. 15-21. 969. Kentucky. Commission on Aging. RECREATION FOR SENIOR CITIZENS. Louisville: 1962. 970. Kimmel, Dorothy G. HOMEMAKER SERVICE FOR OLDER PEOPLE. Chicago: American Public Welfare Association, 1955. 15 p. 971. Kleemeier, Robert Watson. AGING AND LEISURE; A RESEARCH PERSPECTIVE INTO THE MEANINGFUL USE OF TIME. New York: Oxford University Press, 1961. 447 p. 972. Kubie, Susan H. and Gertrude Landau. GROUP WORK WITH THE AGED. New York: International Universities Press, Inc. , 1953. 214 p. 973. Kyplan, Louis, "Municipal Recreation Facilities, " ASPO PLAN- NING (1957), p. 196-204. 74 CPL Exchange Bibliography Z7 974. Laue, Helen G. , "A Community Plans a Recreation Program for the Aged, " JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGY (Jan. 1953), p. 86-89. 975. Leeds, Morton. AGING IN INDIANA; READINGS IN COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION. Indianapolis: Indiana State Commission on the Aging and Aged, 1959. 416 p. 976. THE AGED, THE SOCIAL WORKER AND THE COMMU- NITY. Cleveland, Ohio: Harvard Allen Publishers, 1961. 114 p. (Social Work Series, vol. 2. ) 977. Levine, Harry A. , "Connmunity Programs for the Elderly, " ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE (Jan. 1952), p. 164-170. 978. Levy, Janet J. A DIRECTORY OF COMMUNITY LEISURE TIME ACTIVITIES FOR OLDER PEOPLE IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. Sacramento: California Division of Recrea- tion, 1961. 135 p. 979. McCarthy, Henry L. DAY CENTERS FOR OLDER PERSONS Chicago: American Public Welfare Association, 1954. 16 p. 980. MacLean, Janet R. , "The Challenge of Lei sure in Old Age, " RECREATION (May 1963), p. 213. 981. Mathiasen, Geneva, "The Role of Religion in the Lives of Older People, " in: CHARTER FOR THE AGING. Albany: Governor's Conference on Problenas of the Aging, 1955. p. 423-437. 982. Maves, Paul B. , "The Church in Community Planning for the Aged," GERIATRICS (Nov. -Dec. 1950), p. 339-342. 983. and J. Lennart Cedarleaf. OLDER PEOPLE AND THE CHURCH. Nashville: Abingdon-Cokesbury Press, 1949. 272 p. 984. Maxwell, Jean M. CENTERS FOR OLDER PEOPLE. 120 p. 985. "Miami Authority Strides Ahead to Elderly Housing Facilities," JOURNAL OF HOUSING (May 1961), p. 211. 985-a. Michigan. University. Division of Gerontology. AGING IN THE MODERN WORLD, ADDED YEARS TO LIFE! MORE FREE TIME. WHAT WILL YOU DO WITH THEM? Ann Arbor: 1957. Folder. 985-b. Miller, W. J. , "Bright Corner Added to Philadelphia Riverview, " AMERICAN CITY (Aug. 1957), p. 133-134. 986. Moberg, David O. , "Life Enrichment Educational Needs of Older People," ADULT LEADERSHIP (Dec. 1962), p. 162-164, 185. 75 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 987. Mumford, Lewis, "The 'Good Life' Must Be Goal of City Plan- ning, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Jan. 1949), p. 7-10. 988. National Conference on the Churches and Social Welfare, 1955. THE CHURCHES AND SOCIAL WELFARE. 3 vol. n. d. V. 1. Backmann, E. Theodore. THE ACTIVATING CONCERN. 120 p. V. 2. Cayton, H. R. and S. M. Nishi. THE CHANGING SCENE. 214 p. V. 3. Backmann, E. Theodore. THE EMERGING PER- SPECTIVE. 300 p. 989. National Council of Jewish Women. NO TIME TO RETIRE; A SENIOR SERVICE CORPS. New York: 1962. 28 p. 990. National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. Depart- ment of Social Welfare. PROCEEDINGS OF NATIONAL CONFER- ENCES OF CHURCHES AND SOCIAL WELFARE; two confer- ences in Cleveland and one in Atlantic City. 991. National Council on the Aging. CENTERS FOR OLDER PEOPLE; GUIDE FOR PROGRAMS AND FACILITIES. New York: 1962. 120 p. 992. National Federation of Settlements and Neighborhood Centers. A ROOF IS NOT ENOUGH; TOWARD BETTER SERVICES FOR THE AGING. New York: I96I. 32 p. 993. National Recreation Association. RECREATION ACTIVITIES FOR ADULTS. New York: n. d. 994. SUGGESTIONS FOR RECREATION ACTIVITIES IN HOMES FOR THE AGED. New York: n. d. 995. "Needs of Aged for Health and Social Services Surveyed in Detroit Housing Project, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Mar. 1955), p. 83. 996. "New Ways to Full Lives; Senior Center, San Francisco, " LIFE (July 20, 1959), p. 87-89. 997. New York (State). Department of Education. Adult Education Coun- cil. RECREATION FOR TPiE ELDERLY; A CITY AND A STATE RESPONSIBILITY. Albany: 1957. 10 p. 998. - - - - Legislature. Joint Legislative Committee on Problems of the Aging. ADVANCED PLANNING FOR COMMUNITY PRO- GRAMS FOR THE AGING: AGE IS NO BARRIER. Newburgh: 195 2. 999. Office of the Aging. DIRECTORY OF SERVICES FOR TfiE AGING IN NEW YORK STATE; A GUIDE TO PROGRAMS FOR THE AGING IN THE 62 COUNTIES. Albany: 1962. 118 p. 76 CPL, Exchange Bibliogr3.phy 27 1000. "Next to Tahiti, " NEWSWEEK (June 26, 1961), p. 88. 1001. North Carolina. State Board of Public Welfare. HOMEMAKER SERVICES FOR THE AGED IN NORTH CAR OLINA. Raleigh: I960. 12 p. (Information Bulletin no. 30 ) 1002. - - - - University. Institute for Research in Social Science. A MANUAL OF ORGANIZATION; CLUBS FOR SENIOR CITI- ZENS. Raleigh: North Carolina Recreation Commission, 1956. 31 p. 1003. RECREATION FOR LATER MATURITY. Raleigh: North Carolina Recreation Commission, 1956 23 p. 1004. RECREATION FOR THE AGING IN NORTH CAROLINA Chapel Hill: 1956. 217 p 1005. O'Grady, John, "Catholic Charities of the United States -- Background and Present Outlook, " in: Ernest F. Johnson, ed. RELIGION AND SOCIAL WORK. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1956. p. 29-48. 1006. Ohio Citizens' Council. Committee on Aging. CLUBS AND CENTERS FOR OHIO'S SENIOR CITIZENS; A SURVEY. Columbus: 1958. 16 p. 1007. "Oldtimers Make Whoopee in Project Recreation Hall, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Mar. 1954), p. 101. 1008. Oregon. State Board of Health. OREGON'S HANDBOOK FOR VOLUNTEERS SERVING THE AGED; A GUIDE TO ASSIST VOLUNTEERS, COMMUNITIES, ORGANIZATIONS, GROUPS, NURSING HOMES AND HOMES FOR THE AGED, Portland, 1962. 50 p. 1009. Pennsylvania. Department of Public Welfare. Office of the Aging. PRACTICE GUIDES; SERVICES FOR THE AGING SERIES; COMMUNITY SERVICES. Harrisburg, 1962. 1 v. 1010. - - - - Governor's Committee for the 1961 White House Con- ference on Aging. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT ON FREE TIME. Harrisburg; I960. 7 p. 1011. Pettit, Lois. AGED AND ALONE IN DETROIT. Detroit: United Community Services of Metropolitan Detroit, 1962, 1012. Ray, Marie Beynon. THE BEST YEARS OF YOUR LIFE. Boston: Little, Brown and Co. , 1952. 300 p. 1013. 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"Recreation and Aging, " ADDED YEARS (June 1962). 1020. Reisch, Harold W. , "The Church and the Aged; an Appraisal, " LUTHERN SOCIAL WELFARE QUARTERLY (June 1962), p. 9-15. 1021. Reynolds, L. W. and F. McKenney, "Report from the 1950 Con- ference on Aging, " JOURNAL OF HOME ECONOMICS (Jan. 1951), p. 42. 1022. Rodstein, M. and F. D. Zeman, "The Utilization of General Hospitals by the Population of a Modern Home for the Aged, " AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH (v. 50, I960), p. 1901-1904. 1023. Romney, L. S. , "Extension of Family Relationships into a Honne for the Aged, " SOCIAL WORK (v. 7, 1962), p. 31-34. 1024. Roney, Jay L. and Constance E. Kellam. RURAL PUBLIC WELFARE ADMINISTRATION OF SERVICES FOR THE AGING. Chicago: American Public Welfare Association, 1962. 32 p. 1025. Salamone, Anthony, "Social Life and Recreation in Homes for the Aged, " HOSPITAL PROGRESS (Jan. 1956), p. 55-57. 1026. "San Antonio: Housing, Welfare Team Up," JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Oct. 1958), p. 325-329. 78 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 1027. "San Antonio Tries Elderly Housing -- Community Services Tie In, JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Aug. -Sept. I960), p. 316. 1028. "San Francisco, Columbus also Have Golden Age Center-Housing Ideas," JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Oct. 1958), p. 329. 1028-a. Santa Rosa, Calif. Planning and Development Department. CARE FACILITIES FOR THE AGED. 1961. 1029. "The Senior Citizen in the Comimunity, " New Jersey Health Dept. PUBLIC HEALTH NEWS (Aug. 1959), p. 251-304. 1030. Shore, Herbert, "Can Hospitals and Homes for the Aging Work Together in Peace, " PROFESSIONAL NURSING HOME (Aug. 1962), p. 34-35. 1031. - - - - "Group-Work Program Development in Homes for the Aged," SOCIAL SERVICE REVIEW (June 1952), p. 181-194. 1032. Shumard, W. W. , "Effective Program for Seniors: Need for Reevaluation, " RECREATION (Jan. 1961), p. 23-25. 1033. Snyder, Ruth M. COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES FOR THE AGING, Chicago: Research Council for Economic Security, 1955. 20 p. (Pub. no. 107. ) 1034. "Somerville Project Planned Especially for Older Couples," JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Aug. 1952), p. 267. 1035. Stafford, Virginia and Larry Eisenberg. FUN FOR OLDER ADULTS. Nashville: Parthenon Press, 1956. 112 p. 1036. OLDER ADULTS IN THE CHURCH. New York: The Methodist Publishing House, 1953. 96 p. 1037. Starin, Irving and others. "Queensbridge Health Service for the Elderly, " PUBLIC HEA LTH REPORTS (Dec. 1962), p. 1041-1047. 1038. "Swedish Homes Are Part of the Community, " MODERN HOSPITAL (Mar. I960), p. 95-97. 1039. "Symposium: Environmental Needs of the Aging, " GERIATRICS (April 1957), p. 209-251. 1040. Thompson, Morton. STARTING A RECREATION PROGRAM IN INSTITUTIONS FOR THE ILL OR HANDICAPPED AGED. New York: National Recreation Association, I960. 79 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 1041. Tibbitts, Clark, "Understanding the Needs of Older People -- a Basis for Program Planning, " in: SELECTED PAPERS PRESENTED AT THE 42ND NATIONAL RECREATION CON- GRESS, I960, p. 148-156. 1042. United Community Services of Metropolitan Detroit. SURVEY OF THE HEALTH, WELFARE AND RECREATION NEEDS OF TPIE AGING IN HERMAN GARDENS HOUSING PROJECT, by Shirley M. Terreberry. Detroit: 1958. 47 p. 1043. U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Special Staff on Aging. A CASE STUDY OF A COMMUNITY CRAFT PROGRAM, by Helen Zollinger. Washington: I960. 22 p. (Guideposts to Effective Action in Aging, Case Study no. 4. ) 1044. A CASE STUDY OF A SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER, by Peninsula Volunteers, Inc. , San Mateo Co. , Calif. Washington: I960. 44 p. (Guideposts to Effective Action in Aging, Case Study no. 3. ) 1045. PATTERNS FOR PROGRESS IN AGING, no. 1-date. ( 196 1 to date. ) Case Study no. 1. A Community Nursing Home. no. 2. A Vocational Training and Placement Program for Older Workers, no. 3. An Activity Center for Senior Citizens, no. 4. A Community Craft Progrann. no. 5. Retirement Preparation: Chicago Plan, no. 6. A Senior Citizens Association, no. 7. A Vocational Counseling Program for Older Workers, no. 8. A County Health Department Geriatric Program, no. 9. The TVA Preretirement Program, no. 10. A Senior Citizens Service Center, no. 11. Senior City at the New York State Fair, no. 12. A Low Rent Public Housing Project for the Elderly, no. 13. A Friendly Visiting Program, no. 14. Senior Housing -- Golden Age Center Program. 1046. Vainstein, Rose, "The Role of the Public Library in Education for the Aging, " ADULT LEADERSHIP (May I960), p. 2-5. 1047. Wahlstrom, Catherine Lee. ADD LIFE TO THEIR YEARS, New York: National Council of Churches, n. d. 77 p. 1048. - - - - "Religion and the Aged, " in: Ernest F. Johnson, ed. RELIGION AND SOCIAL WORK. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1956. p. 113-127. 80 CPLi Exchange Bibliography 27 1049. Watkins, Elizabeth G. FRIENDLY VISITORS. Chicago: American Public Welfare Association, 1955. 16 p. 1050. Waterman, Leroy, "Religion and Religious Observance," in: Wilma Donahue and others, ed. FREE TIME: CHALLENGE TO LATER MATURITY. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1958. p. 133-140. 1051. Webber, Irving L. , "The Organized Social Life of the Retired: Two Florida Communities, " AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY (Jan. 1954), p. 340-346. 1052. ed. SERVICES FOR THE AGING. Gainesville: Florida University Institute of Gerontology, 1957. (Ser, no. 7. ) 159 p. 1053. Weil, Helen K. , "An Outresident Program in a Home for the Aged, " JEWISH SOCIAL SERVICE QUARTERLY (Spring 1953), p. 310-315. 1054. Welfare Council of Metropolitan Chicago. COMMUNITY SERVICES FOR OLDER PEOPLE: THE CHICAGO PLAN. Chicago: Wilcox and Follett Co. , 1952. 240 p. 1055. FOR A GOOD OLD AGE -- ACTION TO IMPROVE AND INCREASE SERVICES FOR OLDER PEOPLE; A SIX-YEAR REPORT, 1951-1956. Chicago: 1957. 16 p. 1056. 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Y.: 1953, p. 108-117. 1068-a. Alderfer, Evan B. , "Instant Housing, Mobile Homes, " FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF PHILADELPHIA (Dec. 1961), p. 3-9. 1069. "After the Gold Watch; an Economic Discussion of Older People and Retirement, " APPRAISAL JOURNAL (July 1961), p. 377-388. 1070. "After the Gold Watch; an Economic Discussion of Older People and Retirement, " Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia BUSINESS REVIEW (April 1961), p. 3-13. 1071. "Aged Persons and Housing Aged Persons; How the Old Age Market Looks, " BUSINESS WEEK (Feb. 13, I960), p. 72, 77-78. 82 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 1072. Alberta. Laws, Statutes, etc. ACT TO MAKE AVAILABLE FOR THE USE OF ELDERLY RESIDENTS OF THE PROVINCE LOW RENTAL HOUSING AND HOMES IN CO-OPERATION WITH MUNICIPALITIES. (Ch. 29. Statutes 1959 ) 1073. Armstrong, Florence Arzelia. COST OF LIVING FOR AGED PERSONS. Washington: U. F. Social Security Board, Bureau of Research and Statistics, 1943. 44 p. 1074. Ashley, E. Everett. A BRIGHTER FUTURE FOR THE LATER YEARS: A REVIEW OF FEDERAL HOUSING AIDS FOR THE ELDERLY. Washington: U.S. Housing and Home Finance Agency, 1958. 33 p. 1075. FEDERAL FINANCIAL AIDS IN HOUSING OF ELDERLY PERSONS. Washington: GPO. 33 p. 1076. - - - - "Financing of Homes Purchased by Our Elderly Citi- zens," JOURNAL OF HOMEBUILDING (Nov. 1957), p. 43-44. 1077. GETTING BETTER HOUSING FOR OUR OLD FOLKS: A REPORT OF PROGRESS. Washington: U.S. Housing and Home Finance Agency, Office of the Administrator, 1957. 23 p. 1078. - - - - "Housing Our Senior Citizens; a Summary of Federal Aids," GERONTOLOGY SOCIETY NEWSLETTER (Sept. 1959), p. 35-37, 48. 1079. WHAT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT CAN DO TO HELP FINANCE HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY. Washington: U.S. Housing and Home Finance Agency, 1958. 1080. "Association Finances Rental Housing for Senior Citizens, " SAVINGS AND LOAN NEWS (Sept. 1962), p. 29-32„ 1081. Bair, Frederick H. , Jr., "Statistics," FLORIDA PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT (v. 8 no. 11). 1082. "Growth Indicator -- OASI Payments," FLORIDA PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT (Jan. 1961), p 10. 1083. - - - - "Retirement, Social Security and Migration to Florida, " FLORIDA PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT (Aug. 1958), p. 1, 3; (Oct. 1958), p. 5; (Oct. 1959), p. 5; (Nov 1959), p. 4-5; (Sept. I960), p. 1, 4-5; (Aug. 1961), p. 1-2; (Sept. 1961), p. 1, 4-5, 10; (June 1962), p. 1, 10-11. 1084. Beran, Robert J. , "Housing for the Elderly; a New Problem and a New Market for Mortgage Bankers, " MORTGAGE BANKER (April 1961), p. 26-30. 83 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 1085 "Better Deal for the Aged -- New Housing Laws Spur Action Across Nation, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Mar. 1957), p. 89-92. 1086. Beyer, Glenn H. ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF HOUSING FOR THE AGED. Ithaca: Cornell University Center for Housing and Environmental Studies, 1961. 59 p. (Research Report no. 4. ) 1087. Blodgett, Ralph H. , "Finances for Living in the Later Years, " in: LIVING IN THE LATER YEARS. Gainesville, Florida University Institute of Gerontology. 1952. (Series no. 2. ) 1088. Brill, E. E. , "Billion Dollar Market, " BESTS INSURANCE NEWS (Life ed. ) (Feb. 1962), p. 18. 1089. "A Budget for an Elderly Couple, " SOCIAL SECURITY BULLETIN (Feb. 1948). 1090. "Building for the Elderly Boom, " ENGINEERING NEWS-RECORD (Sept. 24, 1959), p. 28. 1091. Canada. Department of National Health and Welfare. Research and Statistics Division. LEGISLATIVE CHANGES IN GEN- ERAL ASSISTANCE, MOTHERS' ALLOWANCES, AND LIVING ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THE AGED IN CANADA, 1958, 1959, I960 and 1961. Ottawa: 1962. 41 p. (Memo- randum 18, General Series. ) 1092. LEGISLATIVE MEASURES AFFECTING LIVING ACCOMMODATION FOR ELDERLY PERSONS IN CANADA. Ottawa: 1961. 181 p. (Memorandum no. 16, General Series. ) 1093. "Caring for Old People, " LONDONER (April 195 7), p. 68-72. 1094, Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation. HOUSING FOR OLD PEOPLE. Ottawa: 1963. Kit. 1095. NHA LIMITED DIVIDEND LOANS. Ottawa: 1961. Folder. 1096. Civic, Miriam. INCOME AND RESOURCES OF OLDER PEOPLE. New York: National Industrial Conference Board, 1956. 95 p. (Conference Board Studies in Business Economics, no. 52.) 1097. Close, J. A. , "Financial Problems of Our Senior Citizens, " COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL CHRONICLE (June 8, 1961), p. 2508-2509. 1098. Coffin, Tris, "Retirement Housing Offers New Market, " NATION'S BUSINESS (May 1956), p. 14-17. 84 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 1099. Cohen, Wilbur J. and Donald P. Kent, "New Horizons for the Aged," HEALTH, EDUCATION AND WELFARE INDICA - TORS (Jan. 1963), p. v-xx. 1100. Cole, Albert M. , "The New Break in Houses for Seniors, " JOURNAL OF LIFETIME LIVING (Dec. 1956), p. 16-19. 1101. Connecticut. Laws, Statutes, etc. ACT CONCERNING DEVELOP- MENT OF RENTAL HOMES FOR ELDERLY CITIZENS OF THE STATE. (Public Act no. 600., Acts 1959.) 1102. - - - - Public Works Department. Housing Division. CONNECTICUT RENTAL HOMES FOR ELDERLY CITIZENS. Hartford: 1961. various paging. 1103. SIGNIFICANT FEATURES OF THE CONNECTICUT STATE HOUSING PROGRAM FOR ELDERLY PERSONS. Hartford: 1963. 6 p. 1104. "Conquering Space: a Case of Mind over Matter, State-aided Housing for Elderly at Needham and Fitchburg, Mass. , " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Feb. I960), p. 59-61. 1105. Corson, John Jay and John W. McConnell. ECONOMIC NEEDS OF OLDER PEOPLE. New York: Twentieth Century Fund, 1956. 533 p. 1106. Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, Inc HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY -- PUBLIC FINANCING RESOURCES. New York: 1961. 6 p. 1107. PUBLIC ASSISTANCE TO RESIDENTS OF JEWISH HOMES FOR THE AGED. New York: I960. 15 p. 1108. Dickerman, John M. , "Why You Should Build for Senior Citizens," AMERICAN BUILDER (July 1958), p. 17. 1109. Distalhorst, Robert, "Senior Citizen Housing, " SAVINGS AND LOAN NEWS (Oct. 1961), p. 46-50. 1110. Douglas Fir Plywood Association. BUILDER'S GUIDE TO THE RETIREMENT HOME MARKET; AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MARKET FACTS, BUYER PREFERENCES, DESIGN FEATURES AND COMMUNITY PLANNING, FINANCING, CONSTRUCTION, MERCHANDISING. Tacoma: 1961, 1 vol. nil. Downie, Leonard, "Housing for the Elderly, " MORTGAGE BANKER (June 1959), p. 18-21. 85 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 1112. Downs, Anthony, "The Market Is Ripe for Retirement Commu- nities, " JOURNAL OF PROPERTY MANAGEMENT (June 1958), p. 244-258. 1113. "Elderly Housing; What's In It for Speculative Builders, Average Builder to Get Help in Selling Retirement Homes; Communal Type Projects, " CALIFORNIA BUILDER (Feb. 1961), p. 8- 12, 30. 1114. "Elderly Housing Program: HHFA Ready for Applications, " DAILY CONSTRUCTION NEWS (July 20, I960), p. 1. 1115. Epstein, Lenore A. , "The Aged in the Population in I960 and Their Income Sources, " SOCIAL SECURITY BULLETIN (July 1961), p. 6-10. 1116. ---- "Economic Resources of Persons Aged 65 and Over, " SOCIAL SECURITY BULLETIN (June 1955), p. 3-19, 32-33. 1117. - - - - "Money Income of Aged Persons; a Ten-year Review, 1948-1958, " SOCIAL SECURITY BULLETIN (June 1959), p. 3-11. 1118. "Money Income of Aged Persons, Mid- I960, " SOCIAL SECURITY BULLETIN (Jan. 1961), p. 12-17. 1119. SOME PROBLEMS IN MEASURING THE ECONOMIC STATUS OF THE AGED IN THE UNITED STATES, paper presented at the Fifth International Congress of Gerontology, San Francisco, Calif. Aug. I960. 1120. - - - - "Sources and Size of Money Income of the Aged, " SOCIAL SECURITY BULLETIN (Jan. 1962), p. 12-20, 24. 1121. - - - - "State Variations in Income of the Aged, " SOCIAL SECURITY BULLETIN (Jan. 1963), p. 3-9. 1122. "Exennpt Homes for Aged Make 'In Lieu' Payments, " PUBLIC MANAGEMENT (California) (Nov. 1959), p. 263. 1123. "FHA Pushes New Plan for Housing the Aged, " HOUSE AND HOME (Jan. 1957), p. 77. 1124. "FHA Readies Plan for 4-Year, 4 1/4% Loans to House the Aged before Public Housers Do, " HOUSE AND HOME (Dec. 1955), p. 52. 1125. Federation of Community Services, Alameda County. BETTER HOUSING FOR OLD PEOPLE, AN OPPORTUNITY FOR PRIVATE INVESTMENT. Oakland, Calif.: 1959, 21 p. 86 CPL, Exchange Bibliography 27 1126. "Federal Financial Assistance Programs, " AGING (Feb 1963), p. 3-7. 1127. Feldman, Frances Lomas. THE FAMILY IN A MONEY WORLD. New York: Family Service Association of America, 1957. 188 p. 1128. Foley, R. M. , "Is There an 'Elderly Housing ' Market, " PRAC- TICAL BUILDER (July 1958), p. 17. 1129. "14 Million Americans over Sixty-five; a Neglected Market ?" BUSINESS WEEK (Feb. 4, 1956), p. 86-87. 1130. Gidlow, E. , "Senior Market, " MANAGEMENT REVIEW (Jan. 1962), p. 26-28, 1131. "Senior Market," SALES MANAGEMENT (Oct, 20, 1961), p. 35-39. 113 2. "Given a Strong Housing Market and Sufficiently Large Down Payments, a Florida Association Says . . . Senior Citizen Loans Are Safe, " SAVINGS AND LOAN NEWS (Feb. 1963), p. 61. 1133. "The Great Market Potential in Building New Homes for Our Senior Citizens, " PRACTICAL BUILDER (Feb. 1961), p. 128-131. 1134. Hayes, Richard L. HOW TO LIVE LIKE A RETIRED MILLION- AIRE ON LESS THAN $200 A MONTH; A FASCINATING TRUE STORY OF COUNTRY CLUB LIVING FOR RETIRED PEOPLE OF MODEST MEANS. Beverly Hills, Calif.: 1962, 64 p. 1134. "Here Is Still More Evidence that Today's Market for Retirement Housing Is Really Hot, " HOUSE AND HOME (April 1961), p. 177. 1134-a. Hoad, William M., "Residential Trailers -- Low Cost Housing of the Future?" MICHIGAN BUSINESS REVIEW (Jan. 1962), p. 22-25. 1135. "Housing for the Elderly Gets Dollar Limit Increase, " DAILY CONSTRUCTION NEWS (July 17, 1958), p. 1. 1136. "Housing for Aged -- Recognition of Need Is Growing, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Feb. 1956), p. 46-49- 1137. "Housing Older People: a Growing Market, " NAHB CORRELATOR (Mar. 1956), p. 71-106. 87 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 1138. "Housing Our Senior Citizens," PF, THE MAGAZINE OF PRE- FABRICATION (Apr. 1956), p. 42-45. 1139. "How Old Are Home Buyers?" THE MONT HLY BUILDER (Mich. ) (May I960), p. 13. 1140. "How the Old Age Market Looks, " BUSINESS WEEK (Feb. 13, I960), p, 72-78. 1141. Hurff, George B. , ed. ECONOMIC PROBLEMS OF RETIRE- MENT. Gainesville, Fla. : Florida University Institute of Gerontology, 1954. 180 p. (Ser. no. 4.) 1142. Jones Web A , "Proposition no. 4 Is Really Public Housing in Disguise," HOME BUILDERS JOURNAL (June 1962), p 38-39 1143. "Kalamazoo Tries New Financing Formula for Housing Its Aged, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Jan. 1955), p. 12. 1144. Kelly, R.A., "Senior Market Maturing Fast, " TODAY'S HEALTH (Nov„ 1962), p. 36-37. 1145. "Las Vegas Builds Nonassisted Project for Elderly," JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Feb. I960), p. 64-65. 1146. Linden, Fabian, "Consumer Markets; the Sixty-Fives and Over," THE CONFERENCE BOARD BUSINESS RECORD (Nov. 1962), p. 34-35; (Dec. 1962), p. 30-31. 1147. Loring, William C. , "A New Housing Market: the Old, " ARCHI- TECT URAL FOR UM (Dec. I960), p. 110-113; Mar. 1961), p. 119-121, 1148. McFarland, M. Carter. THE PLACE OF THE FEDERAL GOVERN- MENT IN THE HOUSING OF OLDER PEOPLE, Washington: 1956. 3 p 1149- Malcolm, Richard, "Homes for the Aged in Claremont, Calif. , Create Special Tax Problems for the City, WESTERN CITY (Aug. 1959), p. 38. 1149 -a. Manitoba. Law, Statutes, etc. BILL: AN ACT RESPECTING HOUSING ACCOMMODATION FOR ELDERLY PERSONS 1959. 1150. MargoliuSj Sidney, "High Pressure Promoters Exploiting New Elderly Persons Housmg Program, " INTERNATIONAL OPERATING ENGINEER (Dec. 1958), p. 16. 1151. Massachusetts. State Housing Board. EXCERPTS FROM THE HOUSING AUTHORITY LAW PERTAINING TO HOUSING OF ELDERLY PERSONS OF LOW INCOME. Boston: 1961. 3 p CPL. Exchange Bibliography 27 1152. Murray, Robert W. , Jr. , "Today's Neglected Retireinent Market; Here Is V/hat Every Housing Professional Should Know, " HOUSE AND HOME (Feb. 1961), p. 94-109 = 1153. National Association of Home Builders. " FHA Financing for Nursing Homes under Section 232; 'Hypothetical Ca,se. '" Washington: 1962. (Kit of materials. ) 1154. HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY WITH FHA FINANCING; ILLUSTRATIVE CASE, SECTION 231, PROFIT AND NON- PROFIT. Washington: 1962. (Kit.) 1155. HOUSING OLDER PEOPLE -- A GROWING MARKET. Washington: 1956 1156. National Association of Housing and Redevelopnnent Officials. ASSETS ALLOWED APPLICANTS FOR PUBLIC HOUSING; FAMILIES IN GENERAL AND THE ELDERLY. Chicago: I960. (NAHRO Survey Service Report no. 1. ) 1157. "A Neglected Market -- Housing for the Elderly," LONG ISLAND HOME BUILDER (Mar. 1958), p. 20. 1158. "New Aid Program for Housing of Elderly, " CONGRESSIONAL DIGEST (June 1961), p. 171. 1159. New York (State). Division of Housing and Community Renewal. HOUSING FOR THE AGING PROSPECTUS AND NEW YORK STATE'S PROGRAMS AND FUNDS AVAILABLE THROUGH THE STATE DIVISION OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY RE- NEWAL. New York: 1962. 5 p. 1160. NEW YORK STATE'S HOUSING PROGRAMS FOR SENIOR CITIZENS. New York: 1963. 21 p. 1161. PRIVATE HOUSING FINANCE LAW. New York: n. d. 1162. "Old Age Assistance Housing Survey: Part I: Opinions of the Needy Aged Concerning their Housing, " Kentucky Dept. of Economic Security, Research and Statistics Division STATISTICAL JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC SECURITY IN KENTUCKY (July 1952), p. 1-12. 1163. "Oldsters; Housing's Youngest Market, " AMERICAN BUILDER (May I960), p. 83-87. 1164. Opelka, F. Gregory, "How to Appraise Senior Citizens Housing, " SAVINGS AND LOAN NEWS (Oct. 1961), p. 67-68. 89 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 1165. "Opportunities for Home Builders in Elderly Housing Field Cited," DAILY CONSTRUCTION NEWS (June 4, 1958), p. 1. 1166. "The Over-Fifty Market -- It's Everyv/here -- Bigger than Ever," AMERICAN BUILDER (June 1961), p. 79-89. 1167 "PHA Commissioner Gets LHA Director's Views on Carrying Out New Housing Act Provisions, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Oct. 1961), p. 389. 1168. Pederson, Oscar, "Financing Retirement Housing through Insured Loans," URBAN LAND (July-Aug. 1962), p. 5-7 1169. "People and Places, " NATIONAL REAL ESTATE AND BUILDING JOURNAL (June 1958), p. Il„ 1170. "Plywood Casts Its Eye on Retirement Housing, " BUSINESSWEEK (Dec, 10, I960), p. 82-83. 1171. "The Population Over 65 What Impact Will Its Increasing Size Have on the Economy?" BUSINESS IN BRIEF. (July-Aug. I960), p. 6-7. 1172. "Private Money, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Oct. 1958), p. 330-342. 1173. "Programs for Housing Elderly Advance, " AMERICAN CITY (Feb. 1957), p, 185-186,, 1174 Reinecke, John Alfred. ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECT OF AGE UPON FAMILY EXPENDITURES. (University of Illinois thesis, I960. ) 1175. "Retirement Home Building; New, Big, Fast-Growing and Easy to Finance, " PRACTICAL BUILDER (May 1957), p. 207-209; (June 1957), p 134=135; (July 1957), p. 116-119; (Aug. 1957), p. 124-125, 1176. "Retirement Housing -- a Substantial Market, D. F. P. A. Makes First Overture to Big New Housing Market, " LUMBER CO- OPERATOR (Jan, 1961), p. 42-43. 1177. "Retirement Housing: Giant Warm-Climate Builders Are Running Away with a Half Neglected Market, " HOUSE AND HOME (Apr. 1963), p 110-119. 1178. "Retirement Housing Field Beckons, " .JOURNAL OF HOME BUILD- ING (May 1961), p 27-28. 1179. "Retirement Housing Offers Great Business Possibilities, " PRACTICAL BUILDER (Jan. 1961), p. 151. 90 CPL, Exchange Bibliography 27 1180. "The Retirement Market, " JOURNAL OF HOMEBUILDING (July 1961), p. 51-70. 1181. "The Score of FHA Programs for the Elderly, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Oct. 1958), p. 317. 1182. Seager, G. S. , "Dwellings for Old People, " LOCAL GOVERN- MENT FINANCE (Aug. 1961), p. 187-190. 1183. "Senior Citizen Housmg Booms, " AGING (Sept. 1962), p. 1-2, 15-16. 1184. "Senior Citizen Housing Is Well Received, " NATIONAL SAVINGS AND LOAN JOURNAL (Jan. I960), p. 11. 1185. "Senior Citizen Loans Are Safe, " SAVINGS AND LOAN NEWS (Feb. 1963), p. 61. 1186. "Senior Citizens Housing Program; HHFA Direct Loans," AGING (Aug. 1961), p. 3-4. 1187. Shanas, Ethel. FINANCIAL RESOURCES OF THE AGING. New York: Health Information Foundation, 1959. 14 p. (Health Information Research Series 10. ) 1188. Sharp, K. E. , "Retirement Housing; What You Should Know About It," BUILDINGS (Mar. 1963), p. 60. 1188-a. "Six More Nonprofit Groups Get HHFA Housing for Elderly Loans," JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Aug. -Sept. 1961), p. 319. 1189. Sparkman, J. , "Housing Older People; a Growing Market," NAHB CORRELATOR (Mar. 1956), p. 106. 1190. Spector, Sidney. ROLE OF GOVERNMENT IN HOUSING FOR SENIOR CITIZENS, address before Western Gerontological Society, San Francisco, Calif. Washington: Housing and Home Finance Agency, 1962. 10 p. 1191. "Two Builders Find Retirement Houses Offset Building Slump, " ADVERTISING AGE (July 31, 1961), p. 61. 1192. Steiner, Peter O. and Robert Dorfman. THE ECONOMIC STATUS OF THE AGED. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1957. 296 p. 1193. "Summary of Senior Citizens Projects Approved under Section 16 of the National Housing Act, " COMMUNITY PLANNING REVIEW (Sept. 1956), p. 104-'06. 91 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 1194. Swaim, William T. , Jr. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS AT VARIOUS HOMES FOR THE AGING. Dillsburg, Pa.: Pres- byterian Homes of Central Pennsylvania, 1959. 17 p. 1195. Tickton, Sidney G. GOVERNMENT PAYMENTS TO THE AGED OR FOR THEIR PUBLIC CARE IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK IN THE PAST, AT PRESENT, AND A DECADE AHEAD, New York: 1956. 86 p. 1196. "Today's Big Retirement Market Is Right on Your Doorstep," HOUSE AND HOME (April 1959), p. 12Z-128, 237. 1196-a. "Toward an Equitable and Workable Program of Mobile Honne Taxation," YALE LAW JOURNAL (Mar. 1962), p. 702-719. 1197. United Nations. Economic and Social Council. WELFARE OF THE AGED; OLD AGE RIGHTS; SUMMARIZED DOCUMENTA- TION ON MEASURES FOR THE BENEFIT OF AGED PER- SONS AND THE EFFECT OF SUCH MEASURES ON THEIR STANDARD OF LIVING, Report by the Secretary General, Jan. 1950. Lake Success, N. Y. : 1950. 1198. U.S. Advisory Council on Public Assistance. PUBLIC ASSIST- ANCE, A REPORT CONTAINING FINDINGS AND RECOM- MENDATIONS. Washmgton: GPO, I960. 137 p. 1199. Community Facilities Administration. FACTS ABOUT DIRECT LOANS FOR HOUSING THE ELDERLY. Washington: 1961. 3 p. 1200. HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY, A DIRECT LOAN PROGRAM; INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS. Washington: I96I. 7 p. 1201. SENIOR CITIZENS HOUSING LOAN PROGRAM; FACT SHEET ON THE PROGRAM OF FEDERAL LOANS TO FINANCE HOUSING FOR ELDERLY PERSONS OF MODERATE INCOME, rev. Washington: 1962. 4 p. 1202. - - - SENIOR CITIZENS HOUSING LOAN PROGRAM: INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS. Washington: GPO, 1962. 15 p. 1203. SENIOR CITIZENS HOUSING LOAN PROGRAM, POLICIES AND GUIDES FOR PROJECT DESIGN. Washington; 1961. 8 p. 1204. - - - - Department of Agriculture. Farmers Home Administra- tion. HOUSING FOR SENIOR CITIZENS IN RURAL AREAS; INSURED LOANS FOR RENTAL HOUSING FOR SENIOR CITIZENS IN RURAL AREAS. Washington: 1962. 4 p. 92 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 1205. Li.S, Department of Health, Education and Welfare. PROGRAMS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION AND WELFARE AFFECTING OLDER PERSONS. Washington? 1958. 30 p, 1206. - - - - Federal Council on Aging AIDING OLDER PEOPLE;: PROGRAMS AND RESOURCES IN THE FEDERAL GOVERN- MENT. Washington: 195 8, 34 p. 1207 - - - - -.,... 1962 REPORT TO THE PRESIDENT -- HOW THE GOVERNMENT WORKS FOR OLDER PEOPLE. Washington: GPO 1962 110 p 1208. ^ - - - ... - PROGRAMS FOR OLDER PEOPLE; ACTI- VITIES RESOURCES, DOLLAR DIMENSIONS Washington: GPO, I960 71 p. 1209 PROGRAMS FOR OLDER PEOPLE; REPORT TO THE PRESIDENT, 1959 Washington: GPO, 1959 83 p 1210, - - - - A REPORT TO THE PRESIDENT, 1957. Washington: GPO. 195 7. 20 p. 1211. Federal Housing Administration. DIRECT LOANS; HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY, EXCERPTS FROM HOUSING ACT OF 1959, AS AMENDED THROUGH JUNE 30, 1961 Washington: 1961. 2 p. 1212. - - - - FHA MORTGAGE INSURANCE ON HOUSING OF THE ELDERLY (SECTION 231 OF THE NATIONAL HOUSING ACT): FACT SHEET Washington: 1962 4 p 1213. - - - ^ . ^ . . HOUSING FOR YOU WHEN YOU RE 62: WHAT FHA DOES ABOUT IT. rev. ed. Washington: GPO. 1961. 19 p. 12 14 - - - - - - - ^ NURSING HOME MORTGAGE INSURANCE rev ed. Washington: 1962. 16 p. 1215. - - - - - - - . SECOND PRELIMINARY REPORT OF FHA HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY MULTI-UNIT PROJECTS And proposals as of may 31, 1958 Washington: 1958. 1216 -.--.- PROGRESS REPORT OF FHA SECTION 207 HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY; PROJECTS AND PRO- POSALS AS OF MARCH 31, 1959 Washington: 1959 4 p 1217 - - - - . . _ ., Industry Advisory Committee on Housing for the Elderly. REPORT Washington: 1957 unpaged. 93 CPL, Exchange Bibliography 27 1218. U.S. Federal National Mortgage Association ELDERLY PERSONS HOUSING MORTGAGES Washington: 1961 Folded leaf. 1219. - - - - House. Committee on Banking and Currency, THE SENIOR CITIZENS HOUSING ACT OF 1962, HEARINGS BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON HOUSING OF THE ELDERLY, JULY 11, 12, and 13, 1962 Washington: GPO, 1962. 1220. Committee on Ways and Means COMPILA- TION OF SOCIAL SECURITY LAWS. INCLUDING THE SOCIAL SECURITY ACT, AS AMENDED AND RELATING ENACTMENTS THROUGH DECEMBER 31. 1962 Wash- ington: GPO, 1963 645 p. 1221. - - - - Housing and Home Finance Agency THE FACTS ABOUT FEDERAL PROGRAMS FOR HOUSING THE ELDERLY. Washington: 1961. 6 p. 1222. FEDERAL PROGRAMS FOR SENIOR CITIZEN HOUSING; FACT SHEET ON THE FEDERAL ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE THROUGH DIRECT LOANS„ FHA MORTGAGE INSURANCE AND PUBLIC HOUSING TO HELP PROVIDE HOUSING FOR SENIOR CITIZENS Washington- 1962 3 p 1223. FEDERAL LAW, DIRECT LOANS -- HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY. Washington: 1961 1224. FEDERAL RESPONSIBILITIES IN THE FIELD OF HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY Washington: 1959 1225. 14TH ANNUAL REPORT, 1961, Washington: GPO, 1962. 414 p. 1226. THE HOUSING AND HOME FINANCE AGENCY AND ITS ROLE IN THE FIELD OF HOUSING FOR THE AGED, Submitted by Henry O. Talle Washington: 1959 27 p. 1227. NURSING-HOME MORTGAGE INSURANCE. Washington: 1962. 4 p. 1228. SENIOR CITIZENS HOUSING LOAN PROGRAM -- INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS- AN HHFA PROGRAM GUIDE. Washington: 1962 1228-a. ---- ____ Office of Housing for Senior Citizens^ FEDERALLY FINANCED RENTAL HOUSING FOR SENIOR CITIZENS, CURRENT STATUS, JUNE 30, 1962 Washing- ton: 1962. 80 p. 94 CPLi Exchange Bibliography 27 1229. U.S. Housing and Home Finance Agency Office of the Administrator. FEDERAL PROGRAMS FOR SENIOR CITIZEN HOUSING: FACT SHEET ON THE FEDERAL ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE THROUGH DIRECT LOANS, FHA MORTGAGE INSURANCE AND PUBLIC HOUSING TO HELP PROVIDE HOUSING FOR SENIOR CITIZENS Washington; 1962. 4 p 1230. ---- -.-- HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY, DIRECT LOAN PROGRAM POLICIES AND REQUIRE- MENTS OF THE HOUSING AND HOME FINANCE ADMINIS- TRATOR. Washington: I960 12 p 1231 - - - - PROGRAM OF DIRECT LOANS FOR HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY UNDER THE HOUSING ACT OF 1959; POLICIES AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE HOUSING AND HOME FINANCE AGENCY. Washington: I960. 13 p. 1232. ._-. Office of the General Counsel. SUMMARY OF THE HOUSING ACT OF 1961. Washington: GPO, 196L 1233. Public Housing Administration. PUBLIC HOUSING- FACT SHEET ON THE PROGRAM OF FEDERAL AID TO COMMUNITIES FOR THE PROVISION OF PUBLIC HOUSING FOR LOW-INCOME FAMILIES. Washington: 1961 4 p. 1234. THE PUBLIC HOUSING PROGRAM FOR SENIOR CITIZENS', FACT SHEET ON THE PROVISION OF HOUSING FOR ELDERLY PERSONS THROUGH THE PROGRAM OF FEDERAL AID FOR LOW-RENT PUBLIC HOUSING Wash- ington: 1963. 4 p, 1234-a. - - - - Senate. Committee on Banking and Currency. SENIOR CITIZENS HOUSING ACT OF 1962- REPORT Washington: GPO, 1962. 25 p. 1235. - - - - _ - _ - Committee on Labor and Public Welfare. FEDERAL PROGRAMS FOR THE AGED AND AGING, HEARINGS Washington: GPO, 1959. 339 P- 1236. - - - - Special Committee on Aging BASIC FACTS ON THE HEALTH AND ECONOMIC STATUS OF OLDER AMERI- CANS. Washington: GPO, 1961. 38 p. 1237. RETIREMENT INCOME OF THE AGING: HEARINGS Washington: GPO, 1962 9 parts 1238. - - - - Social Security Administration. N OW THAT YOU ARE RETIRING. Washington: GPO, 1961. 31 p. 95 CPL, Exchange Bibliography 27 1239. Vaughan, J. G. , "The Big New World of Housing for the Elderly, " MORTGAGE BANKER (Sept 1961). p. 28-32. 1240. Voris, J. R. , "Retirement Homes; Untapped Resource, " CHRISTIAN CENTURY (Feb. 21, 1962), p. 226-228 1241. "What Florida Builders Have Learned," NAHB CORRELATOR (Oct. 1956), p. 77-97. 1242. "What Housing Aid Can Old Folks Get?" U. S NEWS AND WORLD REPORT (Aug. 2, 1957), p. 78. 1242-a. "What You Should Know About Retirement Housing, " JOURNAL OF HOMEBUILDING (July 1961), p 52-70 1243. Wheaton, W. W. A GUIDE TO FINANCING AN ELDERLY HOUSING PROJECT -- PRIVATE MORTGAGOR - - NON-PROFIT, Chicago: Mortgage Bankers Association of America, 1961. 23 p. 1244. White House Conference on Aging, Washington, D. C , 1961 BACKGROUND PAPER ON IMPACT OF INFLATION ON RE- TIRED PERSONS, Washington: GPO, I960 56 p 1245. "Who Will Build for the Nation's Aged?" HOUSE AND HOME (July 1955), p. 136-137. 1246. Williams, Constance and Deborah S Peterson HOUSING COSTS AND CHOICES OF THE OLDER CONSUMER: AN EXPLORA- TORY STUDY. Boston; Women's Educational and Industrial Union, Special Services Department, I960 56 p. 1247. "Wisconsin Firm Markets First Elderly Homes Issue, " BURROUGHS CLEARING HOUSE (Mar 1963;, p 8 1248. Zimmerman, Julian H. , "For Nursing Homes; FHA Insured Mortgages," AGING (June I960}, p. 8-9 1249. Zimmerman, Katharyn, "Family Economics for Older Citizens," JOURNAL OF HOME ECONOMICS (Nov. 1962i, p. 780-78L 1250. Zukosky, Jerome J. and Thomas W. Bush, "Housing for the Aged; It Becomes Big Market as Oldsters' Incomes Rise, Life Spans Grow," WALL STREET JOURNAL /Feb 9, I960), p. 1. 96 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 IX. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARDS 125L "A. B.C. Old Peoples Homes Competition. " ROYA L INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS JOURNAL (Nov, 1955), p. 25. 1252. Alexander, Robert E. , "Designing the Right House for Aunt Lizzie," in: HOUSING YEARBOOK (1956), p. 52-53, 1253. "Announcing Architectural Competition for a Home for the Aged to Include an Infirmary and Rehabilitation Facilities, " ARCHITECTURAL RECORD (May 1956), p. 195. 1254. Belluschi, Pietro, "Prize Winning Designs and Report of the Jury; Home for the Aged Competition, " ARCHITECTURAL RECORD (Jan. 1957), p. I6I-I68; correction: (Mar. 1957), p. 16, 1255. Bendixson, T. M. P. , "Designing for Old People, " Council of Industrial Design DESIGN (Oct. 1962), p. 54-61. 1256. Board of Hospitals and Homes of the Methodist Church. SHEL- TERED CARE FOR OLDER PERSONS; STANDARDS AND SUGGESTIONS. Chicago: 1955. 70 p. 1257. Booz, Allen & Hamilton. EFFECTIVE STANDARDS FOR INSTI- TUTIONAL CARE OF THE INFIRM AGED, prepared for the Charitable Research Foundation, Inc. ; Summary and Con- clusions compiled by Ernest N. May. Wilmington, Del. : 1962. 271 p, 1258. Boucentrum. BUILDING FOR THE AGED, ed. by F. H. J. Nierstrasz. Amsterdam: Elsevier Publishing Co. , 1961. 187 p. 1259. "Buildings for the Aged: Building Types Study," ARCHITECTURAL RECORD (Sept. 1954), p. 185-208. 1260. "Buildings for the Aging, " ARCHITECTURAL RECORD (May 1956), p. 191-226. 1261. "Buildings for the Aging, " ARCHITECTURAL RECORD (Dec. 1962), p. 109-132. 1262. "Buildings for the Handicapped and/or Aged, " BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS (Nov. 195 1), p. 1-14, 1263. Cameron, Jean. OLD PEOPLE IN MONTREAL. Ottawa: Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation, 1954? 13 p. 97 CPL. Exchange Bibliography 27 1264. Cerny, Robert G. and Noakes, H. , "A New Planning Approach to Homes for the Aged, " GERIATRICS (Dec 1952>, p 347-350. 1265. Cole, Albert M. , "What the Aged Need in Their Homes; Dwell- ings for Older Persons Require Special Safety Features; Equally Important, However, the Honnes Should Be Where Their Occupants Can Join Fully in the t^fe of the Comnnu- nity, " NEW YORK TIMES MAGAZINE ^Aug 4. 1957), p, u, 20, 23. 1266. - - - - "What the Aged Need in Their Homes, " in: Poyntz Tyler, ed. CITY AND SUBURBAN HOUSING New York; H W. Wilson Co. , 1957. 1267. Connecticut. Commission on Services for Elderly Persons. SUGGESTED CRITERIA OF DESIGN STANDARDS FOR STATE-AIDED HOUSING PROJECTS FOR ELDERLY PERSONS. Hartford: 1958 (Bulletin no, 7.) 1268. Cornell University. Housing Research Center HOUSING REQUIRE- MENTS OF THE AGED; A STUDY OF DESIGN CRITERIA under- taken for New York State Division of Housing, Ithaca, N. Y. : 1958. 1269. Cowgill, Clinton H. FACILITIES FOR THE AGING AND INFIR^. Washington: American Institute of Architects, I960 lAIA Building Type Reference Guide, BTRG 8-4,5, ' 1270. "Facilities for the Aging and Infirm, " AMERICAN INSTI- TUTE OF ARCHITECTS JOURNAL (May 1960>, p, 63-72; (July I960), p. 73-80, 1271. "Design for Aged Single Persons: Chicago-Cleveland," JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Jan. 1953), p 17. 1272. "Design Review: Geriatrics; Design for Old People, " INDUSTRIAL DESIGN (Mar. 1963), p. 86. 1273. "Designed for Scientific Care of Aged; St Vincent s Retreat for the Aged, Inc. , " ARCHITECTURAL RECORD (Sept 1954), p. 206-208. 1274. "Dining Facilities for the Aged Are Specially Designed for Com- fort, " MODERN HOSPITAL (Mar 1960' p 140 1275. "A Dozen Ways to Keep Grandma and Grandpa Safe, " reprinted from FAMILY SAFETY, by National Safety Council, Chicago: n. d. 4 p. 1276. Drewery, J. L. , "Special Housing Designs for the Very Aged, " HOUSING (Mar. 1962), p. 142-147. 98 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 1277. Empson, Mary, "The Housing Needs of Old People, " ARCHI- TECT'S JOURNAL (May 11, 1961), p. 697-704. 1278 Great Britain. Ministry of Housing and Local Government SOME ASPECTS OF DESIGNING FOR OLD PEOPLE. London; HMSO, 1962. 14 p. (Design Bulletin no. 1. ) 1279 Coble, E. , "Claustophobia for the Aged, " ARCHITECTURAL RECORD (Nov. 1962), p. 9. 1280 "Homes for the Aged, " INTERIORS (Mar. 1959), p. 128-143. 1281. "Homes for the Aged; New British Bill Spotlights Planning Re- quirements for Old People. " ARCHITECTURAL FORUM (Jan. 1948), p. 12-13. 1282. "Housing for the Aging; 11 Institutions and Projects Cited as Outstanding," ARCHITECTURAL RECORD (Nov. 1959), p. 12-25. 1283. "Housing for the Aged -- Action Programs Are Beginning to Take Shape," JOURNAL OF HOUSING (June 1952), p. 197. 1284. "Housing for the Elderly, " ARCHITECTURAL FORUM (May 1961), p. 101-109, 1285. Housing Research Council of Southern California, Inc. THE ARCHITECT LOOKS AT HOUSING THE AGED. Pasadena: 1954 16 p. 1286. Illinois Department of Public Welfare. MINIMUM STANDARDS, RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR SHE LTERED CARE HOMES Springfield: 1957. 37 p. 1287. University. Small Homes Council. A CHECKLIST FOR RETIREMENT HOUSES, byH. A. Steinberg. Urbana: 1958. 14 p. 1288 Johnson, Ralph J. and M. Allen Pond. HEALTH STANDARDS OF HOUSING FOR THE AGING POPULATION. Washington: U.S. Public Health Service, 195 1. 13 p. 1289 "Jury Selects the Best Designs in Competition on Homes for the Aged, " MODERN HOSPITAL (Jan. 1957), p. 62-64. 1290. Kansas State Department of Nursing Homes. KANSAS LAW AND REGULATIONS FOR LICENSING NURSING HOMES AND HOMES FOR THE AGED. Topeka: 1959. 63 p. 99 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 1291. Kassabaum, George E. , "Housing for the Aged -- Site Selec- tion, " AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS JOURNAL (Aug. 1962), p. 65-68 1292. - - - - "Housing for the Elderly, Functional Program.; Check- list and Bibliography, " AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHI- TECTS JOURNAL (Oct. 1962), p. 51-52. 1293. - - - - "Housing for the Elderly; Technical Standards of Design, " AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS JOUR- NAL (Sept. 1962), p. 61-65. 1294. - - - - "On the Design of New Housing for the Aging, " AMERI- CAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS JOURNAL 'July 196 iv, p. 78-80 1295. Keith, C. , "Safety, Maintenance Decoration in Homes for the Aged," HOSPITAL PROGRESS (June I960., p 112 1295 -a. Kennedy, R W , "Housing of the Elderly; Standards of Design; Summary," ARCHITECTURAL FORUM (Nov, 1954), p. 210; and HOUSE AND HOME (Sept. 1954 , p 178 1296. Kennedy, Robert M. , "Sociopsychological Problems of Housing Design," in: L. Festinger and others. SOCIAL PRESSURES IN INFORMAL GROUPS: A STUDY OF HUMAN FACTORS IN HOUSING New York: Harper and Bros ., 1950, p 202-220. 1297. Kira, Alexander, "Housing Needs of the Aged with a Guide to Functional Planning for the Elderly and Handicapped, " REHABILITATION LITERATURE (v. 21 no. 12, I960), p. 370-377. 1298. Loring, William C. , "Design for a New Housing Market; the Old; Meeting the Special Housing Needs of the Elderly Involves a New Approach to Apartmient Design and Sire Plan, " ARCHI- TECTUR"aL FORUM (Mar. 19611. p 119-121 1299. McKee, Tally, "Designing for the Elderly. " CHARETTE ^Dec. 1956), p 10-11, 26. 1300. Manitoba. Age and Opportunity Bureau. A HANDBOOK OF STANDARDS FOR HOUSING PROJECTS FOR ELDERLY PER- SONS, Winnipeg: 1963 32 p. 1300-a. Martini, Eugene R. , "Mobile Honnes, Immobile Landscape, " LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (Fall I960), p. 15-18 1301. Massachusetts. State Housing Board HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY; STANDARDS OF DESIGN, Boston: 1954 17 p 100 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 1302. Masur, Jack, "Establishing Housing Standards for the Aged, " PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTS (Dec. 1952), p. 1192-1195. 1303. Mathiasen, Geneva and Edward H. Noakes, ed. PLANNING HOMES FOR THE AGED. New York: F. W. Dodge Corp. , 1959. 119 p. 1303-a. "Meeting the Challenge of Mobile Living, " HORIZONS (Nov. 1961), p. 1, 2, 4. 1304. Mersdorf, Doris, "How to Protect the Elderly, " HOME SAFETY REVIEW (Winter 1959), 4 p. 1305. - - - - "Living the Fuller Life: Senior Citizens Can Now Live a More Complete, Independent Life -- Thanks to Special Aids which Compensate for Their Failing Abilities, " HOME SAFETY REVIEW (Winter, 1958), 4 p. 1306. The Methodist Church. Board of Hospitals and Homes. SHELTERED CARE FOR OLDER PERSONS -- STANDARDS AND SUGGESTIONS. Chicago: 1955. 1307 Mickel, Ernest, "Background Paper for Conference on Aging Sees Today's Design Trends as Problem, " ARCHITECTURAL RECORD (Sept. I960), p. 68, 364. 1308. "Minneapolis Golden Age Homes -- Space Problems Solved with an Award Winning Design, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Mar. - Apr. 1962), p. 134-135. 1309 Mumford, Lewis, "Buildings for the Aging, " ARCHITECTURAL RECORD (May 1956), p. 196-226. 13 10 - - - - "For Older People -- Not Segregation but Integration, " ARCHITECTURAL RECORD (May 1956). 1311. - - - _ "Recommendations for Special Neighborhood Designs When Planning Housing for Elderly, " AMERICAN CITY (July 1956), p. 174. 1311-a. Musson, Noverre and Helen Heusinkneld. BUILDINGS FOR THE ELDERLY. New York: Reinhold, 1963. 216 p. 1312. - - - - "Designing Interiors for the Elderly: Furnishings/ Lighting/Color," INTERIORS (Feb. 1963), p. 94-97. 1313. National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials. MAINTENANCE MEN LOOK AT HOUSING DESIGN. Chicago: 1959. 40 p 101 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 1314. National Council of Churches of Christ in the US A Depart- ment of Social Welfare. STANDARDS AND LICENSING OF CHURCH RELATED INSTITUTIONS FOR SHELTERED CARE. New York: n. d 1315. National Council on the Aging. BUILDING FOR OLDER PEOPLE; LOCATION, CONSTRUCTION. FINANCING AND ADMINIS- TRATION, New York. 1961 365 p, 1315-a. National Fire Protection Association HOMES FOR THE AGED Boston: 1963. 16 p. 1316. National Safety Council, "Honne Safety Program Guide- Aging and Safety Issue, " HOME SAFETY REVIEW (Summer 1962), 8 p. 1317. "New Design Directions for Nursing Homes Suggested in Report on Aging, " ARCHITECTURAL RECORD (Apr 1960^ p, 54, 402. 1318. New York (State), Department of Social Welfare RULES; RECOM- MENDATIONS AND PRINCIPLES^ PRIVATE HOMES FOR THE AGED. Albany: 1959 48 p 1319. Division of Housing ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THE AGING. New York: 1955, 6 p 1320. RECOMMENDED STANDARDS FOR STATE- AIDED LOW RENT PUBLIC HOUSING PROJECTS FOR SENIOR CITIZENS New York 1961 18 p 1321. New York University, Bellevue Medical Center A FUNCTIONAL HOME FOR EASIER LIVING. DESIGNED FOR THE PHYSI- CALLY DISABLED, THE CARDIAC, AND THE ELDERLY, by Howard A Rusk New York: 1959 12 p 1322. Nierstrasz, F H J BUILDING FOR THE AGED Princeton, N. J. : Van Nostrand, 1961, 187 p 1323. Oregon. Laws, Statutes, etc, LAWS AND RULES, REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS FOR NURSING HOMES IN OREGON, Salem: I960. 17 p, 1324. Paper, H. S. , "Safety for Our Senior Citizens, " NATIONAL SAFETY NEWS (Aug 1958), 5 p, 1325. Philadelphia Housing Association, Committee on Housing for Older People TOWARD INDEPENDENT LIVING FOR OLDER PEOPLE, A REPORT ON HOUSING AND COMMUNITY SER- VICES. Philadelphia: 1958, 40 p 102 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 1326. Randall, OUie A. , "Changing Needs of Older People; Improved Homes for the Aged, " ARCHITECTURAL RECORD (May 1956), p. 208-212. 1327. Reeve, C. 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Vivrett, Walter K, , "The New Program and the Architect, " ARCHITECTURAL RECORD t May 1956), p 212-217 1344. Warren, Ellen, "After Discharge from the Hospital, How Do Older People Get Along at Home?" GERIATRICS (Apr. 1957), p. 233-240. 1345. Weiss, J. D, BASIC CONSIDERATIONS IN PHYSICAL PLANNING OF HOUSING FOR OLDER PEOPLE New York: National Committee on Aging, I960, 40 p, 1346. Welfare and Health Council of New York City SUGGESTED STANDARDS FOR HOMES OF THE AGED New York: 1954 1347. Welfare Council of Metropolitan Los Angeles WHAT TO LOOK FOR IN SELECTING A SUITABLE HOME OR SANITARIUM FOR AN AGED OR SICK PERSON. Los Angeles: 195 2 1348. Winslow, C. E, A ^ "Housing Our Aged," in: New York State Joint Legislative Committee on Problems of the Aging GROWING WITH THE YEARS, Newburgh: 195 7 p 124-125 1349. "Problems of Heating and Ventilation," in: CONSTRUC- TION AND EQUIPMENT OF THE HOME. Chicago: Public Administration Service, 1951 p 5-15. 1350. 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"The Architect and His Community; Stevens and Williamson Home for Retired Persons Baptist Village, Waycross, Ga. ," PROGRESSIVE ARCHITECTURE (Feb 1959), p 156 1365. "Arizona.. Retirement Mecca , " ARIZONA HOMES AND SOUTHWEST LIVING (Sept 1960;, p 13 1366. Baker, C. V. , "A Village for Old People; the Story of Miles Mitchell Village, Plymouth, Eng , " HOUSING i June 1959), p. 19-22. 1367. Bartley, Ernest R. and Frederick H Bair Jr MOBILE HOME PARKS AND COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY PLANNING, Gainesville, Fla. : Public Administration Clearing Service, University of Florida, I960, 147 p. 1368. Bainum, Robert, "So You're Going to Build a Nursing Home," NURSING HOMES Man, 1963-, p 5-7- (Feb 1963>, p. 18-21. 1369. Bair, Fred H , Jr, , "Florida Mobile Homes and Parks -- 1962," FLORIDA PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT (June 1963), p. 7-16. 1370. "Mobile Homes as Housing," NEW YORK STATE PLANNING NEWS (Sept. -Oct 1961), p. 3-4. 9 1371. "Regulation of Mobile Homes, a New Look," FLORIDA PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT (June 1963;., p. 1-6 1372. Bartholomew, H L , "Operating a Trailer Park, " URBAN I^ND (Dec I960., p, 5 = 7. 1373. Baum, Arthur W , "No Housing Worry Here, " SATURDAY EVENING POST , p 110-114 1405. Conference on Retirement Villages, Palm Beach, Fla. , I960. RETIREMENT VILLAGES, edited by Ernest W. Burgess. Ann Arbor; University of Michigan, Division of Gerontology, 1961. 1406. Construction Industries Research, Inc. AN APPRAISAL OF MOBILE HOME LIVING, THE PARKS AND THE RESIDENTS. Los Angeles: Trailer Coach Association, 1962. 108 CPL, Exchange Bibliography 2? 1407. Construction Industries Research, Inc. FACTORS INFLUENC- ING SOCIAL PATTERNS IN MOBILE HOME PARKS, Los Angeles: Trailer Coach Association, I960. 1408. Cooper, FA. , "Wanted: a New Kind of Old People's Home, " AMERICAN HOME (Jan. 1952), p. 18, 89. 1409. Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds. APARTMENT HOUSE AND RESIDENCE CLUB PROJECTS FOR OLDER JEWISH PERSONS. New York: 1957. 1410. - - - - BUILDING AND STAFFING THE SMALL HOME FOR THE AGED. New York: 1962. 13 p. 1411. GUIDELINES FOR INSTITUTIONAL SERVICE FOR THE AGED IN THE SMALL JEWISH COMMUNITY. New York: 1959- 22 p. 1412. THE SMALL HOME FOR THE AGED: COST AND STAFFING. New York; 1956. 1413. Council of Social Agencies, Columbus, Ohio. A SURVEY OF THE ALUM CREST HOSPITAL AND THE FRANKLIN COUNTY HOME. Columbus: 1958. 25 p. 1414. Crawford, Lawrence, "Nipponia -- A Home for Aged Japanese Canadians," ONTARIO HOUSING (June 1963), p. 13-15. 1415. Crombargar, Estelle L. , "Village for Elderly People of Illmois," PUBLIC AID IN ILLINOIS (Dec. 1950), p. 1-5. 1416. Dean, John P. , "Public Housing for the Aged, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Sept. 1946), p. 203-204. 1417. "Dearborn Voters Say No to Buying Florida Haven for Their Oldsters," BUSINESS WEEK (Apr. 6, 1957), p. 54. 1418. Decair, C. M., "Senior Citizens Residence, Kalamazoo, " JOURNAL OF THE MICHIGAN MEDICAL SOCIETY (v. 59, I960), p. 767-770. 1419. "Demonstration House Suitable for Elderly Will be Exhibited, " JOURNAL OF HOMEBUILDING (Jan. 1961), p. 135. 1420. "Dignity at Twilight, the Story of One County's Efforts to Add Graciousness to the Lives of Its Elderly Citizens, " COUNTY OFFICER (Nov. 1961), p. 391, 418. 1421. Doan, Mason C HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY, FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION INTERIM REPORT AND CASE STUDY OF VINE COURT, HARTFORD, CONN. Washington: U.S. Federal Housing Administration, 1959. 7 p. 109 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 1422. "Doctor in the House* Rossmor Leisure World, California, " TIME (Feb. 16, 1962), p 86 1423. Doucette, E. , "Where Life Begins at 80: Old Men's Town, Maine," SATURDAY EVENING POST (Apr. 26, 1947), p. 36-37. 1424. Douglas Fir Plywood Association, THE HOUSE OF FREEDOM IDEA AND WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU Tacoma, Wash. : I960. 1425. HOUSE OF FREEDOM? 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"Experience of Flats for Old People; Bingham Breaks Away from the Small Housing Unit.; Cuckfield Avoids Anything that Smacks of Hostel, " MUNICIPAL JOURNAL (Apr. 3, 1959), p. 929 1435. "FHA Helps Convert Hotel into Housing for Aged in Detroit, " ARCHITECTURAL FORUM (Sept, 1957), p. 12, 1436. Fellowship Square Foundation, Washington, D. C FELLOW- SHIP SQUARE RESIDENCE FOR WASHINGTON'S SENIOR CITIZENS. Washington: 1961 Unpaged, 110 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 1437. Fisher, Jacob, "Trends in Institutional Care of the Aged, " SOCIAL SECURITY BULLETIN (Oct. 1953), p. 9-13. 1438. "Five Homes for the Aged, " JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL ARCHI- TECTURAL INSTITUTE OF CANADA (Aug. 1962), p. 35-46. 1439. "Five Retirement Villages, " SENIOR CITIZEN (Feb. 1962), p. 35-38. 1440. "Flatlets for Old People, " HOUSING (Dec. 1958), p. 73-82. 1441 Florida. Development Commission, LIST OF RETIREMENT HOTELS. Tallahassee: 1963. 2 p. 1442. LIST OF RETIREMENT VILLAGES, Talla- hassee: 1963. 2 p 1443. Flower Hospital. CRESTVIEW: CLUB APARTMENTS, Toledo: 1961. 1444. "For Senior Citizens; Alberta Builds Units to House 3, 300, " CANADIAN BUILDER (Sept. I960), p. 31. 1445. "For the Golden Years, " ARIZONA HOMES (July 1958), p 24 1446. Ford, N. D. , "Retirement Hotels, " TRAVEL (Apr. 1963), p. 36-40 1447. "Foster Homes for Old People, " LANCET (v. 1, 1959), p. 1082-1083. 1448. Fox, Flora, "Home Care Programs of Homes for the Aged, " JEWISH SOCIAL SERVICE QUARTERLY (Spring 1953), p. 302-309 1449. Frakes, M , "Desired Haven, " CHRISTIAN CENTURY (Nov. 30, 1959), p. 1397-1399. 1450 "From Package Vacation House to Year-Round Retirement Home; 'Second Home' Building Opportunities, " PRACTICAL BUILDER (Apr. 1963), p. 74. 1451, "Georgian Manor, Simcoe County Home for the Aged, Penetan- guishene, Ontario," ROYAL ARCHITECTURAL INSTITUTE OF CANADA JOURNAL (Nov. 1957), p. 428-431. 1452, Gerletti, Crawford and Perkins. NURSING HOME ADMINISTRA - TION Downey, Calif.: The Attending Staff Association, 1961 472 p. 1453, '"Ghost ' Town Being Revived to House Retired Persons, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (July 1953), p. 236. Ill CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 1454. Gillaspie, Mamie Jo, "Programs by Organized Retirement Communities, " in: AGING: A REGIONAL APPRAISAL, Gainesville: Florida University Institute of Gerontology, 1961. (Series no. 8 ) 1455. Gillett, J. A. , "The Changing Pattern of Donniciliary Care; the Older Citizen, " JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF HEALTH; LONDON (v. 79, 1959), p 593-597 1456. Gittins, P. C. and E, L Bringard, "The Presbyterian Village, " JOURNAL OF THE MICHIGAN MEDICAL SOCIETY (v. 58, 1959). p 1466-1467. 1457. Glober, Lee J. , "The High Rise Apartment as Housing for the Elderly, " GERIATRICS (Mar, 1962), p, 147-150. 1458. Goble, E. , "Buildings for the Aged, " ARCHITECTURAL RECORD (July 1954), p 136-139. 1459. "Claustrophobia for the Aged, " ARCHITECTURAL RECORD (Nov. 1962), p. 9 1460. Goldfarb, Alvin I , "Homes for the Aged -- Helpful or Harmful to the Mentally 111 Residents?, " NEWSLETTER- GERON- TOLOGY SOCIETY (v 7, 1960^ p. 20-21, 25 1461. PATTERNS OF MALADJUSTMENT IN HOMES FOR THE AGED: THEIR BACKGROUND AND MEANING, New York: Community Council of Greater New York, 1958 6 p. 1462. - - - - "Psychotherapy -w/ith Aged Persons; Pattern of Adjust- ment in a Home for the Aged, " MENTAL HYGIENE (Oct. 1955), p 608-621 1463. Goldmann, Franz and others JEWISH HOMES FOR THE AGED; ORGANIZATION, FUNCTIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS. New York: Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, 1959, 45 p. 1464. and Neva R. Deardorff. ORGANIZATION OF PERSONAL HEALTH SERVICES IN HOMES FOR THE AGED, New York: Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, 1958 30 p. 1465. - - - - "Personal Health Services in Homes for the Aged, " AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH (v, 50, I960), p. 1274-1Z87 1466. - - - - "A Profile; Residents of Homes for the Aged, " GERI- ATRICS (v. 15, I960), p. 329-337. 112 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 1467 Gould, William L, , "A Modern Home for the Aged," GERIATRICS (Mar, 1954), p. 176-180. 1468, Great Britain, Ministry of Housing and Local Government. FLATLETS FOR OLD PEOPLE. London: HMSO, 1958. 1469. - - - GROUPED FLATS FOR THE OLD PEOPLE, A SOCIOLOGICAL STUDY. London: HMSO, 1962. 38 p. (Design Bulletin no. 2. ) 1470 -. . - - . „ - _ MORE FLATLETS FOR OLD PEOPLE. London; HMSO, I960. M'^l "Greenacres Home for the Aged, Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto, Newmarket," ROYAL ARCHITECTURAL INSTI- TUTE OF CANADA JOURNAL (Nov. 1957), p. 422-427. 1472 Griffith, John R. , "Extent of Home Care in a Small Community, " PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTS (Jan. 1963), p. 81-89. 1473, Hafrey, D J , "Presbyterian Village, " GERIATRICS (v. 14, 1959', p. 728-733, 1474 "Hartford Builds New Home for Aged, " AMERICAN CITY (May 1955;, p, 213. 1475 "Hastmgs County Home for the Aged, Belleville, Ontario," ROYAL ARCHITECTURAL INSTITUTE OF CANADA JOUR- NAL (Dec. 1952), p, 362-363. 14''6 Heinisch, F, C , "Home of Their Own; Help for Retired Teachers,' NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION JOURNAL (Mar, I960), p 51. 1477 Herz, KurtG, and Morris Zelditch, ed. ADMINISTRATION OF HOMES FOR THE AGED: SELECT PAPERS ON MANAGE- MENT AND PROGRAM PLANNING. New York: Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, 1952 116 p. 1478 Herz. Kurt G. THE JEWISH HOME FOR THE AGED, TROY, NEW YORK: SURVEY REPORT. New York: Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, 1953 58 p. 1479. Hoad, William M , "Residential Trailers -- Low Cost Housing of the Future?" MICHIGAN BUSINESS REVIEW (Jan. 1962), p 22^25 1480 Hoffman, H. D. , "Hospital or Infirmary? The Challenge of an Aging Population; Facilities of the New District of Columbia Village Infirmary at the Municipal Home for the Aged and Infirm, Known as Blue Plains, " AMERICAN CITY (Aug. 1954), p. 113-114. 113 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 1481. Hoftyzer, William A , "Palm City, New Retirement Community, " ARMY-NAVY-AIR FORCE REGISTER (Oct 7, 196li, p 30- 31, 43. 1482. Hollender, Marc H , "Psychiatric Evaluation of Applicants to a Home for the Aged, " JEWISH SOCIAL SERVICE QUARTERLY (Mar. 1953), p. 325-330. 1483. "Home for Aged, Riverview Extension Home, Philadelphia, " PROGRESSIVE ARCHITECTURE (Apr. 1958.1, p 132-135 1484. "Home for the Aged, Lafayette, California/' PROGRESSIVE ARCHITECTURE (Nov 1956), p. 120-121 1485. "Home for the Jewish Aged, Kansas City, Mo , " ARCHITECTURAL RECORD (Dec 1950V p 112-117 1486. Home for the Jewish Aged, Philadelphia. PROPOSAL; APARTMENT HOUSE FOR AGED Philadelphia: 1957. Various pagings. 1487. "Home for Aged, " PROGRESSIVE ARCHITECTURE (Apr. 1958), p. 132-135. 1488. "Home for Retired Persons, " PROGRESSIVE ARCHITECTURE (Feb. 1959), p 156. 1489. "A Home for the Aging, Show Biz Style, " PROGRESSIVE NURS- ING HOME (May I96 2t, p 20-23. 1490. "A Home of One's Own in Sussex, " BRITISH HOUSING AND PLANNING REVIEW (Mar, -Apr, 1961), p. 14-15 1491. "Homes for the Aged; Modern Version; Proposed Baptist Nursing Home, District of Columbia, " ARCHITECTURA L RECORD (Mar. 1958), p 216-217 1492. "Homes That Old Folks Can Afford, Denver Senior Homes," CHANGING TIMES (July 1956), p. 35-36. 1493. "House of Freedonn; Experiment in Housing for the Elderly, " ARCHITECTURAL RECORD (Sept, 1961), p. 286, 291. 1494. Hoyt, G. C. , "The Life of the Retired in a Trailer Park, " AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY (v 59, 1954), p. 361-370. 1495. Iowa. State Department of Health. Division of Hospital Services. IOWA PLAN; AN INTEGRATED PROGRAM FOR HOSPITALS AND RELATED HEALTH FACILITIES 15th rev. ed. Ames: 1962. 114 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 1496: Irwm, Theodore, "Should Your Parents Move to a Retirement Village?" AMERICAN HOME (Jan, -Feb. 1963), p 8-10. 1497. James. A., "It's Never Too Late, " AMERICAN MERCURY (Sept 1960), p. 87-89. (Old age homes. ) 1498. Jewish Home for the Aged, Houston, Texas. (7 piece information kit), I960. 1499. Jewish Home for the Aged of Greater Miami. DOUGLAS GARDENS. Miami: I960. (Kit of 22 pieces.) 1500 Johnson, John E. , "Nursing Home Care for Elderly Ought To Be the Best Possible, " in: New York (State) Legislature. Joint Legislative Committee on Problems of the Aging. REPORT, 1961, Batavia, N. Y, : 1962. p. 28-30. 1501 Jones, Leslie and others. "Practicalities in Mobile Home Park Development; a Symposium on Factors in Planning and Opera- tion of Mobile Home Parks, " URBAN LAND (Dec. I960), p 1-8. 1502, Kansas. State Department of Social Welfare, GUIDEBOOK FOR ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT OF NURSING HOMES FOR THE AGING. Topeka: 1955 1503 Kaplan, Hirsh A COMMUNITY NURSING HOME. Washmgton: U. S Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare, Special Staff on Aging, 1961. 16 p. 1504, Karsch, C.G. , "A Right Place for Retirement Time, " PRES- BYTERIAN LIFE (Oct 15, 1958), p. 8-10, 26-27. 1505 Kentucky. Legislative Research Commission. HOMES FOR THE AGED. Frankfort: 1957. 88 p (Research Publication no. 48 ) 1506 "Kiwanis Village 1954; Victoria, B. C. , " ROYAL ARCHITECTURAL INSTITUTE OF CANADA JOURNAL (Dec. 1955), p. 455. 1507 Kleemeier^ Robert W , "Moosehaven: Congregate Living in a Community of the Retired, " AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY (Jan. 1954), p. 347-351. 1508. Krauss, T. C. , "Problems of Medical Management in Homes for the Aged, " JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN GERIATRIC SOCIETY (1959), p. 660-663. 1509 Lambert, Edouard, "Pensioner s ' Villages in France, " lULA QUARTERLY (June 1958), p. 44-46. 1510. "Last of Life, " ECONOMIST (Nov, 17, 1962), p. 684-685. 115 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 1511. "Later Years Need Not Be Lonely: Boarding and Nursing Home Care," LADIES HOME JOURNAL (Oct 1958>, p, 35-36. 1512. Layton, Layton and Rohrback, St Louis. MASTER PLAN REPORT ON A DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM "88 RETREAT" FOR CONVALESCING AND GERIATRICS, LOCAL 88 MEAT AND RELATED INDUSTRIES TRUST FUND, ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI St. Louis; I960 1513. Leake, Chauncey D. , "Public Housing for Older People, " GERIATRICS (Dec. 1959», p. 821. 15 14. "Lease/Investment Plan for Retirement Housing Community, " WESTERN BUILDING I'Feb 1963), p 14 15 15. Lee, H. , "Retirement with Room Service; Parkside Residential Club," CORONET (July 1957), p 110-112. 1516. Lee, Kendall H. , "Asbury Park's Housing for Its Senior Citizens, " NEW JERSEY MUNICIPALITIES (Mar. 1959), p 29-30. 1517. Leeds, Morton, ed„ THE COUNTY HOME IN INDIANA, rev, Indianapolis: Indiana State Commission on the Aging and Aged, I960. 30 p 1518. LET'S SPONSOR A HOME FOR OUR AGED Indianapolis: Indiana State Commission on Aging and Aged, I960 7 p, 1519. Lenzer, Anthony. PUBLIC HOUSING AND THE AGING IN MICHIGAN. Ann Arbor: Michigan Legislative Advisory Council on Problems of the Aging. 1958 12 p. 1520. "Like to Retire in Capital Area'' New Concept in Retired Living Outlined by Pomonio, " ARMY-NAVY -AIR FORCE REGISTER AND DEFENSE TIMES (Mar. 5, I960), p. 32. 1521. "Life-Filled, Low Priced Housing; Cleveland Project," LIFE (July 20, 1959), p 90-91 1522. Lutheran Senior Citizen Foundation GOLDEN CLIMATE FOR GOLDEN YEARS; EAST RIDGE, A RESIDENTIAL COMMU- NITY FOR RETIRED PEOPLE. North Miami, Fla : 1959? 14 p. 1523. "Macassa Lodge, Hamilton, Ont , " ROYAL ARCHITECTURAL INSTITUTE OF CANADA JOURNAL lAug 1957;>, p 312-314. 1524. McKenzie, G. M. , "Flatlets for Old People, " HOUSING (Dec. 1958), p, 73-83. 116 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 1524-a. McKibbin, Beatrice, "Housing with a Heart -- Geddes Project in Syracuse, " in: New York State Legislature. Joint Committee on Problems of the Aging. REPORT, 1961. Batavia, N. Y. : 1962. p, 34-36, 1525. McMaster, Jennie, "Crestview in Suburban Toronto, " SENIOR CITIZEN (Apr. I960), p. 35-36. 1526. "East Ridge in South Miami, Florida," SENIOR CITIZEN (Jan. I960), p. 35-36. 1527. "Five Retirement Villages, " SENIOR CITIZEN (Feb. 1962), p. 35-38. 1528. "Good Samaritan Village, " SENIOR CITIZEN (Jan. 1962), p. 35-38. 1529. "Homes for Retired Teachers," SENIOR CITIZEN (Nov. 1961), p. 39-43. 1530. "Homes that Courage Built," SENIOR CITIZEN (Aug. 1962), p. 35-38. 1531. "Homes with Sick-Care, " SENIOR CITIZEN (Sept. 1962), p. 35-38. 1532. Malmborg, B. D. , "Old Folks ' Homes, " THE MUNICIPAL JOURNAL (May 20, I960), p. 1632, 1637, 1639-1641. 1533. Mandel, William, "The Nursing Home, " CALIFORNIA'S HEALTH (Oct. 15, 1962), p. 57-60. 1534. Manitoba. Department of Health and Public Welfare. HOSTELS; RESIDENTIAL CARE FOR THE ELDERLY; MANITOBA'S SMALL HOSTEL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. Winnipeg: 1961 Unpaged. 1535. Massachusetts. State Housing Board. TENANT SELECTION POLICIES AND PROCEDURES: HOUSING FOR ELDERLY PERSONS OF LOW INCOME. Boston: 1958. 7 p. 15 36. Matthews, Olive, "Annex Flats for Elderly People, " HOUSING REVIEW (Mar. -Apr. I960). 1537, Matthews (W. R. ) and Associates. CASE STUDY: A SENIOR CITY FOR GRIMES COUNTY, TEXAS. Bryan, Tex.: I960? 1538. "Mayor Plans a Sunny Southland Paradise for Retired Dearborn Families," AMERICAN CITY (Apr. 1956), p. 173. 117 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 1539. Mays, Arnold H. , "Zoning for Mobile Homes, a Legal Analysis, " AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF PLANNERS JOURNAL (Aug 1961), p. 204-211 1540. "Meeting the Challenge of Mobile Living, " HORIZONS (Nov. 1961), p_ 1-2, 4 1541. Megowen, V A. HELPING OLDER PEOPLE FIND GOOD NURSING HOME CARE Chicago: American Public Welfare Association, 1955 15 p 1542. Memphis Housing Authority FOR THE ELDERLY WHAT? A REPORT ON SENIOR CITIZENS IN PUBLIC HOUSING. Mennphis: 1961 4 p. 1543. Minnesota. University Center for Continuing Study CARE OF THE AGED IN INSTITUTIONAL HOMES, MARCH 13-15, 1950. Minneapolis 1950 52 p. 1544. "Mobile Homes and Travel Trailers Gain in Popularity, " RETIREMENT PLANNING NEWS (Dec 1959), p. 1-3. 1544-a. Mobilehome Dealers National Association BROOKHILL , A RESIDENTIAL MOBILEHOME DEVELOPMENT. Chicago: I960. 1545. "Model Scheme of Old People's Flatlets at Oxford, " SURVEYOR (Jan. 23, I960), p. 79-80. 1546. "Moosehaven Laboratory for Gerontology and Geriatrics" Newly Established Laboratory, " AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY (July 1949), p 97-98. 1547. Morris, Robert, "The Future of Institutional Programs for the Aged," SOCIAL SERVICE REVIEW (v. 33, 1959), p. 142-147. 1548. Mother Bernadette de Lourdes. WHERE SOMEONE CARES; THE MARY MANNING WALSH HOME AND ITS PROGRAM FOR COMPLETE CARE OF THE AGING; A DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF MODERN CONCEPTS IN ACTION. New York: Putnam's, 1959 252 p 1549. "Motion Picture Relief Fund's Home in Woodland Hills Adds a Hospital," ARCHITECTURAL FORUM (Dec 1948), p 104-108. 1550. "Mountainview: the Metamorphosis of a County Home for the Aged," AGING (v. 33, 1957) 155 1. Mulvihill, Roger, "Problems in the Management of Public Housing," TEMPLE LAW QUARTERLY (Winter, 1962), p. 163-194 118 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 1552. "De Nachtegal -- an Old People's Centre in Rotterdam, " HOUSING REVIEW (Mar. -Apr, 1958), p. 48-50. 1553. National Committee on Aging. STANDARDS OF CARE FOR OLDER PEOPLE IN INSTITUTIONS. New York; 1953-54. 3 vol. 1554. National Old People's Welfare Council, London. BOARDING- OUT SCHEMES FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE. London: National Council of Social Service, I960. 17 p. 1555. "Neighborhood Villages for the Aged Proposed, " AMERICAN CITY (Dec. 1951), p. 163. 1556. "Neptune and Thomas Have Masterful Plan for Housing Elderly in San Diego, Calif. , " SOUTHWEST BUILDER AND CON- TRACTOR (Apr. 1959), p. 6-9. 1557. Neuman, S. , "Town of Older People, " MATURE YEARS (v. 2 no. 4, 1956), p. 16. 1558. "New Apartments for Elderly Due in Dallas, " TEXAS HOME BUILDER (Sept. -Oct. I960), p. 19. 1559. "New Elderly Housing in Trenton Stresses Comfort, Economy, Safety," JOURNAL OF HOUSING (July 1961), p. 302. 1560 "New Health and Welfare Village Is a 12 Year Dream Come True, " AFL-CIO NEWS (Jan. 12, 1957), p. 7. 1561. "New Home Away from Home for the Aging, " MEDICAL WORLD NEWS (Aug. 31, 1962), p. 36-37. 1562. "New Homes for Old Folks, " TIME (Dec. 26, I960), p. 53. (Hotels. ) 1563 "A New Industry: the Active Old. A Difficult Social Problem -- The Nation's Fast-Increasing Older Population -- Is S pawning a New Industry, the Exclusive Retirement Communities, " LOS ANGELES (July 1961), p. 21-24. 1564 New Jersey. Bureau of Housing. FEDERAL LOW RENT PUBLIC HOUSING PROGRAM IN THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY; UNITS RESERVED FOR THE ELDERLY. Trenton: 1962. 1565. New Mexico. Department of Public Welfare. WELFARE PRO- GRAMS FOR THE AGING AND CHRONICALLY ILL; MEADOWS HOME FOR THE AGED & CHRONICALLY ILL & EL MIRADO HOME FOR THE AGED. Santa Fe: 1952. 31 p. 119 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 1566. "New Projects for the Oldsters: Retirement Homes," BUSINESS WEEK (July 11, 1953», p. 125-127 (Upholsters Internation Union home i 1567. New York (State). Division of Housing and Community Renewal. EXPERIENCE WITH SPECIALLY DESIGNED APARTMENTS WITH THE AGING IN NEW YORK STATE-AIDED LOW RENT PUBLIC HOUSING PROJECTS (To be published Summer 1963. ) 1568. Social Welfare Department RULES RECOMMENDA- TIONS AND PRINCIPLES: PRIVATE HOMES FOR THE AGED Albany: I960? 48 p 1569. "New Village for Elderly Offers House for $4, 990, ' JOURNAL OF HOMEBUILDING (Nov 195 7), p. 47-48. 1570. Nichols, E. M. , "Co -Operatives Accept Responsibility for Senior Citizens " ONTARIO HOUSING (Oct. 1961). p 10-11 1571. Nicholson, Edna. PLANNING NEW INSTITUTIONA L FACILITIES FOR LONG-TERM CARE New York: G. P Putnam's Sons, 1956 1572. Nims, R. , "Designing a Retirement Village, " Conference on Retirement Villages, American Society for the Aged, Inc. , Palm Beach, Fla., Feb. 21, 1958 4 p. 1573. "Nursing Homes for the Aged, Architectural Record Prizes: Problem, Critique, Awards," NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR ARCHITECTURAL EDUCATION BULLETIN ■: June 1957^ p. 2-7. 1574. "Nursing Homes -- Bad & Good; Many Are Unsafe and Dirty; Others Are Living Morgues but a New Kind of Care for Older Folks Is on the Way " CHANGING TIMES (Mar. 1963), p 17-20. 1575. "Nursing Homes; What Housing Professionals Should Know about a New and Fast-Growing Housing Market, " HOUSING AND HOME (Apr 1963;, p li4.119 1576. "Old Age; Among Homes for the Aged: Ward Manor Ranks High, " FORTUNE (Dec. 1946), p. 122-125 1577. "Old Folks and Bright Lights in Detroit, " TIME (Oct '^ , 1957), p. 50. 1578. "Old Folks at Home? Rossmoor Leisure World," NEWSWEEK (Feb. 25, 1963), p 84. 120 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 1579- "Old Folks at Home, Ryderwood, Wash. ," TIME (May 4, 1953), p. 93-94. 1580. "Old Hotel Becomes Home for the Aged, Carmel Hall, Detroit, " ARCHITECTURAL RECORD (Mar. 1958), p. 218-222. 1581. "Old People's Flats, Merrow, " BUILDER (Dec. 21, 1962), p. 1225-1226. 1582. "Old People's Home; Bethnal Green; Old People's Housing: Crawley," ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW (Jan. 1958), p. 72-73. 1583. "Old People's Home, High Wycombe, " ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW (Mar. 1962), p. 209. 1583-a "Old People's Home; Kirby-in-Ashfield, " ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW (Jan, 1957), p. 53. 1584. "Old People's Home, Leylands Estate, Derby," ROYAL INSTI- TUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS JOURNAL (Nov. 1956), p. 9-13. 1585. "Old People's Home, Lewisham, " ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW (Jan. 1961), p. 28-29. 1586. "Old People's Home at Chingford, London," THE BUILDER (May 22, 1959), p. 918-920. 1587. "Old Persons' Flatlets; House Conversion Schennes by Chisle- hurst," SURVEYOR (June 6, 1959), p. 592. 1588. Olympia Inc of Monmouth. OLYMPIA, A PIONEERING DESIGN FOR LIVING IN THE SENIOR YEARS. New York: 1959. 1 v. 1589- Onondaga Co. , N. Y. Regional Planning Board. ROLLING HOMES; MOBILE HOMES IN ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Syracuse: 1961. 1590. "Orange Gardens -- Retirement in Florida, " ONTARIO HOUSING (Oct. 1961), p. 16-17. 1591. O'Rear, Edward P. STARTING A HOME FOR THE RETIRED, SUGGESTIONS. Los Angeles: Pacific Homes, 1957. 9 p. 1592. Owen, Ruth Edison and others, "Campus Living for the Aging, at the Kundig Center in Detroit, Elderly Persons Can Continue to Live an Independent Existence and Still Avail Themselves of the Protective Services and Facilities Usually Found Only in Institutional Life, " AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NURSING (Dec. 1958), p. 1676-1678. 121 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 1593. Pacific Homes, Los Angeles PERMANENT SECURITY. Los Angeles: 1961 (Kit of 12 pieces.) 1594. Pastore, A. R, . Jr , "Retirement City, " TRAVEL (Sept. 1958), p. 20-22. 1595. Philadelphia Housing Authority PUBLIC HOUSING PLANS FOR THE ELDERLY. Philadelphia: 1962 3 p 1596. "Philadelphia's York House for Aged under Construction, " GERONTOLOGY SOCIETY NEWSLETTER (Dec. 1958), p. 9. 1597. Pieper, Dean, "Old Folks Home Operated by County Housing Authority," JOURNA L OF HOUSING (Feb 1956), p. 50-52. 1598. "Place in the Sun- Retirement Cities," TIME (Aug. 3, 1962), p. 46-48. 1599. "A Place to Live, Not to Die; San Antonio s Victoria Plaza Demonstrates How an Imaginative Public Housing Agency Can Offer New Life and Dignity to the Aged, " LOOK (Nov 8, I960). 1600. Plymouth Place 1944 ■- THE SEED WAS SOWN La Grange Park, 111. : I96I 16 p 1601. Pomeroy, Hugh R. , "Mobile Home Parks vs Planning and Zoning," NEW YORK STATE PLANNING NEWS (July-Aug 1961), p. 6-9. 1602. "Portland, Oregon Converts FHA 608 Projects to Public Housing; Helps Meet Elderly Need, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Oct. 1959), p 326-327 1603. Posner, W. THE ESSENTIAL CHARACTER OF A FOSTER HOME PROGRAM FOR OLDER PERSONS, Seminar on Housing, Lake Mohonk, N Y June 13-18, I960. New York: National Committee on Aging, I960. 5 p 1604. "Practicalities in Mobile Home Park Development; a Symposium on Factors in Planning and Operation of Mobile Home Parks, " URBAN LAND (Dec I960), entire issue 1605. Pratt, R. P. , "They Bridge the Gap Between Self-Care and Insti- tution, " JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIA- TION (Nov. 21, 1959), p. 1704-1705 1606. Presbyterian Hospital Association of Colorado PARK MANOR Denver: I960? 24 p. 122 CPL, Exchange Bibliography 27 1607. "Project in the Sun -- Ridge Manor Development of J. Earl Miller, " NATIONAL REAL ESTATE AND BUILDING JOURNAL (Feb, 195 8), p. 28. 1608. PUBLIC HOUSING, DESIGN FOR THE FUTURE; PROCEEDINGS OF THE 9TH ANNUAL ONTARIO HOUSING CONFERENCE, JUNE 5-7, 1961. Toronto: Ontario Departnnent of Econonnics and Development, Housing Branch, 1961. 191 p. 1609. "Public Housing for the Elderly Expands in Numbers, Ideas; Enjoy Good Local Support, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Mar. 1963), p. 77-92. 1610. "Public Housing for the Elderly, " PROGRESSIVE ARCHITEC- TURE (Mar. 1961), p. 144-159. 1611. "Public Housing Helps to Brighten Sunshine Years for Oldtimers, " JOURNAL OF HOUSING (Apr. 1959), p. 123-125. 1612. Ralston, W. , "Comment on Homes for the Aged, " JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL ARCHITECTURAL INSTITUTE OF CANADA (Aug. 1962), p. 31. 1613. Ratigan, A. E. and others, "The New Saint Anne's Home, " HOSPITAL PROGRESS (Mar. I960), p. 74-76. I6l3-a. "Redhill --a Development in Grouped Dwellings for Elderly Persons," HOUSING (June 1963), p. 19-21, 26. 1614 "Retirement Apartments, " HOUSE AND HOME (July 196 1) , p 132-137, 1615. "Retirement Cities Gaining Popularity," LAWYERS TITLE NEWS (Sept. 1962), p., 7-9. 1616. "Retirement Haven; Salhaven, " TIME (Dec. 17, 1956), p. 92. 1617. "Retirement in Two Ways; Work, Tranquil Home, " LIFE (July 20, 1959), p. 92-95. 1618 Retirement Research and Welfare Association. PRACTICAL GUIDE TO PLANNING A RETIREMENT RESIDENCE. Washington: 1962. 41 p. 1619 "Retirement Village in Nebraska, " CHRONIC ILLNESS NEWS- LETTER (Oct. 1958), p. 2-4. 1620. Roberts, G. W. , "Boarding Out of the Elderly, " JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF HEALTH, LONDON (1959), p. 246-25 2, 123 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 1621. Rosen, Theodore. THE EFFECT OF SOCIAL CHANGE ON THE PURPOSE AND FUNCTION OF THE JEWISH HOME FOR AGED, presented at the Western States Regional Assennbly, CJFWF, Jan. 12, 1961, Tucson, Ariz. New York: Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, 196 1 2 p 1622. Rudolph, Mae, "Sailor s Snug Harbor , " GERIATRICS (Oct 1959), p. 644-651. 1623. "Ryderwood, Washington, a Thriving Community for Retired Workers," AGING (Jan 1954), p. 2-3 1624. Sahle, R RETIREMENT VILLAGE PLANNING IN FLORIDA Tallahassee: Florida State Development Commission, 1952 1625. San Antonio Housing Authority VICTORIA PLAZA APARTMENTS, San Antonio: I960 9 p 1626. "Seaside Hotel Has New Role as Flatlets for Old People, " MUNI- CIPAL JOURNAL (Oct 14, 1960>, p 3215. 1627. "Self-Contained Flats and Extra Comforts for Old People; That's the Harpenden Way, " MUNICIPAL JOURNAL (v= 68), p. 823-824. 1628. Senior Citizen Hotels SENIOR CITIZEN HOTELS PROUDLY PRESENT A PLAN FOR LIVING IN THE GOLDEN AGE OF RETIREMENT, Sapulpa, Okla, : I960? 1629. Senior Homes of Colorado Cooperative ARTICLES OF INCOR- PORATION Denvei: 195 7 Unpaged 1630. Sharon Gardens Co-Operative Christian Community PRESENT- ING COOPERATIVE LIVING IN SHARON GARDENS; PHOENIX, ARIZONA, Phoenix: n, d. Unpaged 1631. Shively, Morris V, , "The Retirement Hotel' What Factors Should Management Consider before Converting a Hotel into Housing for the Growing Number of Retired Persons?" CORNELL HOTEL AND RESTAURANT QUARTERLY (Feb 1961), p 29-33 1632. Siegel, S. THE RETIREMENT HOTEL -- A NON -INSTITUTIONAL RESOURCE FOR OLDER PEOPLE Miami, Fla. : Jewish Family Services, 1959 16 p. 1633. Slocum, Kenneth G, , "Homes for the Aged; Nursing Homes Ex- pand, Add Luxuries as More Investors Enter Field; They Battle Bad Reputations of Some Older Units; Fees Run up to $750 a Month; Problem of 'Bootleg Homes, " WALL STREET JOURNAL (Nov. 1, 1960i, p, 1 124 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 1634. Smigel, Joseph 0= and others. NURSING HOME ADMINISTRA- TION. Springfield, 111.: Charles C. Thomas, 1962. 227 p. 1634-a. Snellgrove, Douglas R, THE ELDERLY HOUSEBOUND. London: White Crescent Press, 1963. 1635. "Somerville, Massachusetts Constructs Public Housing for Elderly, ' AMERICAN CITY (Aug. 1957), p. 27. 1636. Southern California Presbyterian Homes. ROYAL OAKES MANOR, A RESIDENCE IN DUARTE, CALIFORNIA. Los Angeles: I960. 10 p. 1637. Spiwak, H J. , "Large Scale Housing for the Old, " HOUSING REVIEW (Jan. -Feb, 1961), p. 22-25. 1638. "Strdmbacken and Motala Homes for the Aged in Sweden, " ARCHITECTURAL RECORD (Oct. 1959), p. 201-206. 1639. Suedkamp, W. F. , "Kunig Center; a Fresh Approach, " JOURNAL OF THE MICHIGAN MEDICAL SOCIETY (v. 58, 1959), p. 1464-1465. 1640. "Sun City, Arizona; Life Begins at Fifty," TIME (Mar. 10, 1961), p. 89. 1641. "Sun City -- Residential Community for Retired in Booming Ari- zona, " CONCRETE MASONRY REVIEW (Aug. I960), p. 20. 1642. Swaim, William T. , Jr. ADVANTAGES OF A SMALL CENTRAL SITE FOR A HOME FOR THE AGING. Dillsburg, Pa. : Office of the Executive Secretary, Presbyterian Homes of Central Pennsylvania,, 1958. lip. 1643. - - - - "Advantages of a Small Central Site for Homes for the Aging," HOSPITALS, Chicago (v. 34, I960), p. 30-35. 1644, APARTMENTS FOR THE AGING. Dillsburg, Pa.: Presbyterian Homes of Central Pennsylvania, 1959. 13 p. 1645 Tarbox, T. , "Youngstown, Ariz., USA, " ARIZONA HIGHWAYS (Jan 1957), p. 6-9. 1646. Taubenhaus, Leon J. and John G. McCormick, "The Aging Lodging House Resident; a Comparison of Lodgers and Non- Lodgers with Special Emphasis on Utilization of Health Resources, " JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGY (July 1962), p. 310-314. 1647. Terreberry, Shirley M. SURVEY OF THE HEALTH, WELFARE AND RECREATION NEEDS OF THE AGING IN HERMAN GARDENS HOUSING PROJECT. Detroit: Neighborhood Services Organization, 1958. 47 p. 125 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 1648. "Things to Consider in Planning a New Home, " PROFESSIONAL NURSING HOMES (Mar 1961), p 8-9, 1649. Tomlinson, Ray, "The Willows, " ONTARIO HOUSING (June 1963), p. 15. 1650. "Toronto's Jewish Home for the Aged -- on the Eve of Expansion," ONTARIO HOUSING (Oct 1961), p 12^14 1651. "Toward Planned Communities for the Retired, " AMERICAN CITY (Jan, 1958), p 110. 1652. Townsend, P. THE LAST REFUGE -- A SURVEY OF RESIDEN- TIAL INSTITUTIONS AND HOMES FOR THE AGED IN ENGLAND AND WALES. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1962. 1653. "Trends in Residential Community Development -- A Symposium, " URBAN LAND (July-Aug. 1962), p. 1, 3-7. 1654. "Why the New Appeal of Apartment Living, " U. S. NEWS (Dec. 10, 1962), p 100-102 1655. "Union Makes a Home for Landlocked Seafarers, " BUSINESS WEEK (Jan 3, 1953), p. 74-75 1656. U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare Special Staff on Aging. A COMMUNITY NURSING HOME. Washington: GPO, 1961, (Patterns for Progress in Aging Case Study no. 1, by Hirsh Kaplan, ) 1657. . ^ - - A LOW-RENT PUBLIC HOUSING PROJECT FOR THE ELDERLY Washington; GPO, 1962. (Patterns for Progress in Aging Case Study no, 12 i l657-a. Federal Housing Administration. REMODELED BUILD- INGS AS HOUSING FOR ELDERLY TENANTS. Washington: 1958. Folder 1658. Public Health Service. THE OLDER PERSON IN THE HOME.: SOME SUGGESTIONS FOR HEALTH AND HAPPINESS IN THE 3-GENERATION FAMILY Washington: GPO, 195V 34 p. (Public Affairs Service Pub no 542. ) 1659. SELECTED ARTICLES ON NURSING HOMES. Washington: GPO, I960. 287 p. (Public Health Service Pub, no. 732.) 1660. - - - - Senate. Committee on Labor and Public Welfare. THE CONDITION OF AMERICAN NURSING HOMES. Washington: GPO, I960. 27 p. 126 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 1661. Van Tuyl, Mary C. , "I Live in a New Kind of 'Home'; Presby- terian Village, Redford, Michigan," SATURDAY EVENING POST (Nov. 8, 1958), p. 44-45. 166Z. "Village of Old People; Presbyterian Village, Redford Township, Mich.," ARCHITECTURAL FORUM (Sept. 1955), p. 136-137. 1663. Vivrett, Walter K. , DESIGNING A RETIREMENT VILLAGE, Conference on Retirement Villages, Ainerican Society of the Aged, Inc., Palm Beach, Fla. , Feb. 21, 1958. 22 p. 1664. Warne, R.M,, "We Built a Senior Citizens ' Home, " HABITAT (Sept. -Oct. I960), p. 20-22. 1665. Webber, Irving L. and Carter C. Osterbind. RETIREMENT VILLAGES AND CERTAIN OTHER RETIREMENT LIVING ARRANGEMENTS IN FLORIDA. Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 1958. 1666. Weil, Julius, "Life in the Home for Older Persons , " GERIATRICS (Aug. 1953), p. 459-462. 1667. Weiant, C. W. , "Proposed Center for Retired Scientists in Mexico," SCIENCE (Nov. 16, 1962), p. 961. 1668. Welfare Council of Metropolitan Chicago. HOMES FOR THE AGED;: THEIR PLACE IN THE COMMUNITY, RESPONSI- BILITY TO RESIDENTS. Chicago: I960. 68 p. 1669. "West Coast Hotel Is Designed to Appeal to Retired Oldsters, " BUSINESS WEEK (no. 146, 1956), p. 18. 1670. "Why the New Appeal of Apartment Living, " U.S. NEWS AND WORLD REPORT (Dec. 10, 1962), p. 100-102. 1671. Weining, Clifford V. , "The Fifield Manors -- a New Type of Residence for Elderly People, " WESTERN HOUSING (May 1956), p. 7, 22; (July 1956), p. 7. 1672 Williams, Ralph C. and others. NURSING HOME MANAGE- MENT. New York: F. W. Dodge Corporation, 1959. 230 p. 1673. Women's Educational and Industrial Union. Special Services Department. IF YOU NEED A NURSING HOME; POINTS TO CONSIDER IN CHOOSING A NURSING HOME IN THE BOSTON AREA, by Constance Williams and Irene K. Thresher. Boston: 1962. 67 p. 1674. Worden, W. L. , "Town That Wants Only Old Folks, " COLLIERS (Jan. 8, 1954), p. 30-34. 127 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 1675. Youngstown, Arizona, YOUNGSTOWN, ARIZONA; ARIZONA'S ORIGINAL RETIREMENT COMMUNITY. Youngstown: 1961? 14 p. 1676. Zelditch, Morris. THE HOME FOR THE AGED -- A COMMU- NITY, presented at the National Conference of Jewish Communal Service, May 28, 1961, Boston, Mass. New York: Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, 1961. 15 p. 128 CPL Exchange Bibliography Z7 GEOGRAPHIC INDEX Akron, Ohio: 566, 1136. Alameda Co. , Calif.: 100, 422, 490-492, 921, 928, 1125. Albion, Mich. : 1472. Alton, 111. : 1358. Apple Valley, Calif.: 1527. Arizona: 1365, 1445. Asbury Park, N. J. : 16 Baltimore, Md. : 69, 442, 443. Beverly Hills, Calif.: 1134. Boston.^ Mass.: 805, 806, 1673. Buffalo, N. Y : 65 9. California: 83, 84, 457-459, 462, 766, 767, 903, 904, 978, 1142, 138f 1389, 1422, 1533. Camden, N. J. : 840. Canada: 150, 277, 341, 416, 441, 460, 461, 464, 465, 495, 496, 505, 516, 521, 523, 546, 553, 566, 595, 634, 670, 691, 700-702, 707, 708, 730, 762, 764, 765, 845, 869-a, 1072, 1091-1095, 1149~a, 1195, 1263, 1300, 1331, 1392, 1395, 1399, 1403, 1414, 1438, 1444, 1451, 1471, 1475, 1506, 1525, 1534, 1570, 1608, 1649, 1650, 1664. Chicago, 111.: 33, 89, 279, 363, 591, 697, 858-a, 889, 909, 910, 974, 1054-1056, 1271, 1396-1398, 1668. Claremont, Calif.: 1149, 1527. Cleveland, Ohio: 471, 912, 1013, 1271, 1401, 1521. Cleveland Heights, Ohio: 1666. Colorado: 1629. Columbus, Ohio: 477-478, 804, 1028, 1413. Connecticut: 98, 99 151, 421, 640, 775, 1101-1103, 1267. Cook Co. , 111. : 1066 Cumberland, R I. : 735. Dade Co. , Fla : 788. Dallas, Tex.: 1558. Dearborn, Mich.: 1417, 1538. Decatur, 111. : 287, 288. Denver, Colo.: 115, 1400, 1492, 1606. Detroit, Mich.: 389, 995, 1011, 1042, 1429, 1435, 1577. 1580, 1592, 1639, 1647. Duarte, Calif. : 1636. East Ridge, Fla. : 15 22. Europe: 449, 475. Fitchburg, Mass.: 1104. Florida: 55-a, 68, 128-131, 426, 427, 630, 704, 761, 793, 1081-1083, 1241, 1369, 1417, 1441, 1442, 1538, 1555, 1624, 1665. 129 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 France: 787, 1509 Franklin Co. , Ohio: 1413. Fresno, Calif.: 618 Fulton Co. , Ga. : 543. Georgia: 140 Grand Rapids, Mich.: 171. Great Britain: 2, 112, 210, 229-a. 268, 290, 321, 354, 453, 480, 509, 514, 525, 526, 539, 544, 564, 573, 574, 579, 581, 583, 612, 641-643, 667, 674, 705, 727, 779, 7.83, 792, 797, 853, 854, 868, 871, 1093, 1183, 1276, 1278, 1281, 1351, 1366, 1381, 1387, 1434, 1447, 1455, 1468-1470, 1490, 1524, 1532, 1536, 1545, 1554, 1581-1587, 1612 1613-a 1626 1627, l634-a, 1637, 1652, Grimes Co. ,, Tex : 1537. Hartford, Conn.: 620, 812, 1421, 1474. Hastings, Neb. : 16 19 Hawaii: 3, 536, 537, 601. Hennepin Co. , Minn. : 943. Hidalgo Co. , Tex. : 1597. Honolulu, Hawaii: 807. Houston, Tex. : 1498. Illinois: 172, 184, 774. 1415 Indiana: 15l-a, 173-178, 587, 953, 955, 975, 1517, 1518. Iowa: 48-a.. 180 1495. Israel: 456. Kalamazoo, Mich.: 63 185, 1143. Kansas: 186, 187, 417, 959, 1290^ 1502. Kansas City, Mo. : 1485. Kentucky: 202, 1065, 1162, 1505. Kissammee, Fla. : 1590 Lafayette, Calif. : 1484. La Grange Park, 111.: 1600. LaJolla, Calif.: 1000, 1377, Lake Co, , Ind. : 967. Lanark Village, Fia. : 1527 Las Vegas, Nev : 1145. Long Beach, Calif. : 484. Los Angeles, Calif.: 840, 1347, 1671 Los Angeles Co. , Calif : 859. Louisiana: 717. Maine: 206. Maryland: 212, 213, 635, 636. Massachusetts: 215, 498, 637, 775, 777, li51, 1534, Memphis, Tenn. : 1543, Mexico: 1667. 130 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 Miami, Fla : 646, 985, 1499. Michigan: 197-198, 218-221, 228, 344, 647, 1519. Milwaukee, Wis.: 209, 428, 552, 651, 888. Minneapolis, Minn.: 391~a, 645, 1308. Minnesota: 152, 230, 231, 652, 1402. Missouri: 232. Montclair, N. J, : 919-. Monroe Co. , N. Y : 1058. Moosehaven: 1546. Multnomah Co„ sOre.:1373. Nashville, Tenn. : 238. Needham, Mass.: 1104. Netherlands: 242, 694, 695, 705, 1258, 1552. Nevada: 671. New Jersey: 244, 245, 247-249, 675-677, 1564. New Mexico: 139, 1565. New York (City): 79. 96, 234, 250, 406, 482, 483, 549, 554, 576, 578, 579, 684, 685, 721, 857, 858, 860, 1033, 1073, 1357, 1433, 1448. New York (State): 234, 251-263, 333, 448, 482, 483, 518, 638, 680- 683, 686-689, 775, 777, 780, 781, 876, 908, 998, 1068, 1159-1161, 1195, 1318-1320, 1567, 1568. Newark, N. J. : 840. North Carolina: 267, 696, 709, 1001, 1004. Norv^ay: 113, 706. Oak Park, IlL : 269. Oakland, Calif. : 270. Ohio: 127, 271-a, 698, 930, 1006. Old Men's Town, Maine: 1423. Omaha, Neb,: 1273, 1361. Onondaga Co. , N. Y. : 1589. Oregon: 278, 633, 703, 1168, 1323. Orlando, Fla. : 1051. Palm City, Calif.: 1386, 1481, 1527. Pat err son, N. J. : 246. Pennsylvania: 285, 1009, 1010. Philadelphia, Pa.: 481, 711-715, 941, 985-b, 1014, 1325, 1483, I486, 1487, 1594, 1596. Phoenix, Ariz.: 566, 1630. Pima Co. , Ariz. : 470. Plymouth, Mich. : 935. Pompano, Fla,: 1372. Port Charlotte, Fla.: 1352. Portland, Ore.: 729, 840, 1602. Prairie du Sac, Wis. : 1527. Providence, R I. : 522, l6ll. Redford, Mich.: 1661, 1662. Rhode Island: 302, 303. 131 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 Riverview, Fla. : 1569 Rochester, N. Y. : 566, 1058, Ryderwood, Wash.; 1390, 1453, 1579, 1623, Sacramento, Calif. : 1404. Sacramento Co, , Calif. ; 486. St. Joseph Co. , Ind. : 954. St. Louis, Mo. : 555, 1512. St. Paul, Minn : 391 -a, 743, St. Petersburg, Fla. : 394, 938. Salhaven, Fla : 1560, 1616. San Antonio, Tex , 203, 204, 463, 560, 625, 744-746, 1026, 1027, 1374, 1391, 1599, 1625. San Diego, Calif. : 1556 San Francisco, Calif,: 85, 311, 840, 996, 1028. San Mateo Co. , Calif, : 1044, Santa Barbara,, Calif. : 566. Sapulpa, Okla. : 1628. Schenectady Co., N. Y. : 485. Scotland: 749. Seattle, Wash.: 1247, 1514. South Carolina: 329, 337, 630. South Miami, Fla. : 1526 Springvale-on-Hudson, NY. 1080, Stelling Village, Fla. ; 1569. Summit Co. , Ohio: 339, 920 Sun City, Ariz.: 199, 618. 1386, 1428, 1640, 1641. Sun City, Fla. : 1615. Sweden: 562, 563, 577, 582, 705, 706, 737, 738, 1038, 1379, 1532, I63i Switzerland; 530, 564, 705. Syracuse,, N, Y. : 1524-a. Tacoma, Wash. • l6ll. Tennessee: 343. Texas: 790, 791, 1334. Thurston Co. , Wash. : 336. Toledo, Ohio: 1443, 1611. Trenton, N. J. : 1559, Troy, N. Y. : 1467. Tucson, Ariz. : 470. Virginia; 390, 413. Wales: 1652. Waltham, Mass : 566, 1376. Washington, D. C. ; 166, 840, 926, 1436, 1480, 1491, 1520. Washington (State); 170, 392, 393. Waycross, Ga. ; 1364. West Palm Beach, Fla. : 1051. Wichita, Kans. : 108. Williamsport, Pa. ; 918. Wilmington, Del.: 138. 132 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 Winnetka, 111. : 922. Wisconsin: 153, 407, 493, 494, 870. Worcester, Mass.: 916. Youngstown, Ariz. : 1645, 1675. 133 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 AUTHOR INDEX Abbe, Leslie Morgan: 1353. Abrams, Albert J : 415, 875, 876, 1068. Abramson, M. : 1352. Ackiey, Coburn: 416. Adler, Sydney: 1354. Agan, Tessie: 417. Alameda Co. , Calif. Welfare Dept. : 422. Albrecht, Ruth: 61, 163. Aiderfer, Evan B. : 1068-a. Aldrich, Gordon J. : 964, 1356. Alexander, Robert E, -, 1252. Alger, Johanna: 1357. Allen, P. C: 544. Allen, William D.: 63, 185. American Association of Homes for the Aged: 45, 423. American Association of Retired Persons: 46, 47. Americ3,n Baptist Home Mission Societies: 1359- American Home Economics Association: 64. American Institute of Architects: 1269. American Labor Education Service: 1. American Library Association: 878. American Public Health Association: 424. American Public Welfare Association: 236, 878-887, 890, 896, 933, 947, 962, 967, 969, 1024, 1049, 1060, 1541. American Society of Planning Officials: 425. Amulree, B. S. W, : 65. Anderson, Elinor M. : 417. Anderson, J, E : 66. Andrus, Ethel P. : 734. Apsler, A. : 1363, Armstrong, Florence A. : 1073. Arnett, William T. : 426, 427. Aronov, Edward: 428, 888. Arthur, Julietta J. : 67. Ashley, E. Everett, 3rd: 429-440, 501, 817, 822, 1074-1079. The Attending Staff Association: 145 2. Aukes, Iva: 889. Austin, J. KG : 441, Backm3,nn, E, Theodore: 988 Bainum, Robert: 1368. Bair, Frederick H. , Jr.: 68, 1081-1083, 1367, 1369-1371. Baker, C. V. : 1366. Baltimore. Urban Renewal and Housing Agency: 69, 442, 443. Baney. Anna Mae: 22, 30. Barbour, Philip: 868. Barnett, Esther D : 890. 135 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 Barron, Milton Leon: 70 Bartholomew, H. L. : 1372. Bartley, Ernest R. : 1367. Bass, Stanley: 891. Bates, Stewart: 444. Bauei, Catherine: 445 Baum. Arthur W. : 1373, 1374. Baun, Viola K.: 898 Beall, R. M. : 1375 Beattie, Walter M. : 892. Bell, William G. : 446. Belluschi, Pietro: 1254. Bendixson, T. M. P. : 1255 Bennett, Samuel V, : 63. 18&. Beron, Robert J.: 71, 1084. Bare M. : 893. „„, Beyl;, Glenn H.: 447^450. 894, 1086. Biller, Newman M, : 895. Birren, James E. : 72-74. Blake, Mary: 896. Blanchard, Fessenden S. : 75, Blodgett, Ralph H.: 1087. Bohn, Ernest J.: 451. Booz, Allen & Hamilton: 1257. Bopp, Edward M. , Jr. : 682. Borcherding, C. H. : 452. Boucentrum: 1258, Boustedt, P.: 1379 Bowen, George^eE : 897. Boyd, DA., Jr : 1380 Boynton, Paul W : 76 Bream J C. C : 899 Breckenridge, Elizabeth: ?7 900. Breen, Leonard Z. : I51-a, 173, 178. Brill, E,E.: 1088 Bringard, E L, 1456 Brockett, Eleanor: 78 Brook, W.M.: 453. Brookings Institution: 454, b d. ( . Brooks, Betty Watt: 30 Brown, P. G : 1382. Brunot, Helen Hardy: 79. Buckley, Joseph C. : 80, Bunker, Rush: 901 Burgess, A M. Sr. : 456 ^^^^ Burgess, Ernest W. : el, oc, ju^, Bush, Thomas W.: 1250. Bywater, A. Edgar: 1387. California. Assembly, --rim Committee on Soc.al Welfare: 1388. California. Dept. of Social Welfare: 903, 1389. California. Division of Agmg: 9^8- 136 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 California, Governor's Conference on Aging: 83. California. Governor's Conference on Problems of the Aging: 84. California Senate Interim Committee on Public Health: 457. California. Senate. Interim Committee on Housing and Recreational Needs of the Elderly: 458, 459. California. State Recreation Commission: 904. California. University. Bureau of Public Admiinistration: 353. California. University. Heller Committee for Research in Social Economics: 85„ Cameron, Jean: 460^ 1263. Campbell, Oscar P. : 905. Canada. Dept. of National Health and Welfare: 1091, 1092. Canadian Welfare Council: 461. Cannon, E, B. : 462. Carp, Abraham: 463. Carp, Frances: 463. Carter, R, : 906. Carver, Humphrey: 86. Castan, S. : 1391. Catholic Hospital Association of the U.S. and Canada: 1392. Catholic University of America. Bureau of Social Research: 138. Cavan, Ruth S. : 87. Cayton, H. R. : 988. Cedarleaf, J. Lennart: 983. Census Monograph Series: 320, 340. Central Atlantic Regional Conference on Services to the Aged: 88. Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation: 464, 465, 1094, 1095, 1263, 1392. Cerny, Robert G. : 1264, Chalfin, L. : 907. Chapin, F. Stuart: 466. Charitable Research Foundation, Inc.: 1257, 1394. Charnas, Theodore: 908. Cherniak, A, D : 1395. Chevry, G, R. : 467. Chicago. Mayor's Commission for Senior Citizens: 909 Chicago Housing Authority: 889, 1396. Chicago University Chicago Community Inventory: 89- Chown, S. M. : 1399. Church, David M. : 911. Churchill, Henry S. : 468, 469. City-County Planning Dept. , Tucson -Pima Co. , Ariz.: 470 Civic, Miriam: 1096. Cleveland Metropolitan Housing Authority: 1401. Cleverly, Mary: 472-475. Clifton, C. Stanley: 1402. Close, J. A. : 1097. Close, Katheryn: 90. Cluff, A. W. : 1403. Coffin, Tris: 1098. Cohen, Elias S. : 91- Cohen, R G. : 476 137 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 Cohen, Wilbur J. : 92, 913, 1099. Coburn, Fern M. : 914 Colby, Evelyn: 93 Cole, Albert M. : 1100, 1265, 1266. Collins, Thomas: 94, 95. Colunnbia University Teachers College: 355. Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority: 477-479. Committee on Housing for Older People: 481. Community Council of Greater New York: 96, 482, 483, 1461. Community Services of Greater Worcester, Inc, : 916. Community Studies, Inc. : 158. Community Welfare Council, Long Beach, Calif : 484. Community Welfare Council of Schenectady County: 485. Community Welfare Council of the Greater Sacramento Area, Inc. : 486. Conant, I.E.: 1404 Conference on Retirement Villages: 1405. Conference on the Aging Process: 312. Conference of State Executives for Aging: 196. Conference on Housing Our Senior Citizens: 488, Confrey, E. A. : 9^ Congregational Christian Conference of Iowa: 95 7. Connecticut. Commission on Services for Elderly Persons: 98, 1267, Connecticut. Public Works Dept. Housing Division: 1102, 1103. Construction Industries Research, Inc. : 1406, 1407 Cooper, F, A. : 1408. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station: 786 Cornell University. Center for Housing and Environmental St udies: 450, 610, 894, 917, 1086. Cornell University. Housing Research. Center: 1268, 1357. Corson John J,: 1105. Council of Community Services, Williamsport, Pa. : 918. Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds: 88, 235, 412, 489. 802, 1106, 1107, 1409-1412, 1463, 1464, 1477, 1478, 1621, 1676 Council of Social Agencies, Columbus, Ohio: 1413. Council of Social Agencies of Montclair, N. J, : 919 Council of Social Agencies of Summit Co, , Ohio: 920 Council of Social Planning, Alameda County: 100, 422, 490-492, 921. Council of State Governments: 48, 101-107, 125. Council on Social Work Education: 148, 315. Cowgili Clinton H. : 1269, 1270. Cowgili, Donald O. : 108-109- Cowles, May L, : 493, 494 Crawford, Lawrence: 495, 1414. Crippen, Dorothy M. : 734 Crombargar. Estelle L ; 1415 Gumming, Elaine; 110, 111 16"7. Cumnnings, Milton C : 922 Curnow, R N : 112 138 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 Daniels on, Finn: 113. Danzig, Louis* 49'^. Davis, George P. : 498. Davis, Milton S. : 1 14. Davis, Thomas E. : 440, 817. Dean, John P. : 1416. Deardorff, Neva R. : 1464. Decair, C. M. : 1418. Denver Area Welfare Council: 115. De Ruitzler, C. W. : 499- Desmond, Thomas C. : 117, 118, 923. Dickerman, John M. : 1108. Distelhorst, Robert: 1109. Doan, Mason C. : 1421. Donahue, Wiima: 119, 119-a, 222, 223, 225-227, 346, 351, 500-503, 924. Dorfman, Robert: 1192. Douglas Fir Plywood Association: 1110, 1424, 1425. Downie, Leonard: 1111, 1426. Downing, Joseph: 925. Downs, Anthony: 1112. Drachman, Roy P. : 1427. Drake, Joseph T. : 120, 504. Drew, Noble: 505, Drewery, J. L : 1276. Duncan, Otis D. : 330. Dunn, Halberr L. : 121. Earle, H ; 1428. Eastern States Health Education Conference: 122, 386. Eckersberg, Alfred K, : 506, 507. Eisenberg, Larry: 1035. Empson, Mary: 509, 1277. Engh, Hans: 1430. Entman, S. : 1431 Episcopal Chuich Home of the Diocese of Washington: 1432. Episcopal Diocese of Washington: 926. Epstein, Lenore A: 1115-1121. Federation of Community Services, Alameda County: 928, 1125. Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies, New York: 929. Federal-State Conference on Aging: 125. Feldman, Frances L. : 1127. Feldman, Harry H. : 127, 930. Fellowship Square Foundation: 1436. Fisher, Jacob: 1437. Florida. Citizens Advisory Committee on the Aged: 128, 129. Florida. Development Commission: 128, 129, 1441, 1442, 1624. Florida Governor's Conference on Aging: 131. Florida. State Improvement Commission: 394. Florida, University. General Extension Division: 931. Florida. University. Institute of Gerontology: 55-a, 132, 1405, 1665. 139 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 Flower Hospital; 1443. Foley, R. M. : 1128, Ford, N D.: 1446. Ford, Norman B : 133, 134. Ford, R A : 932. Forrest, John G. : 93. Fox, Flora: 1448 Frakes, M. : 1449 Frazier, Loudell: 933 Frean, R. M. : 514 Frieden, Elaine: 515 Friedmann, Eugene; 136, 137. Furfey, Paul H. : 138. Gardner. Donald H. : 516, 517, Gaynor, Tames W : 518. Gebhart, Dorothy L : 933. Geddes, Ezra W 139 Geld Solomon 5 19 Georgia Governor s Conference on Aging; 140 Gerrelli, Crawford and Perkins: 1452. Geschickter, C F, : 141 Gidlow, E. : 1130, 1131 Gilbert, Jeanne G, : 142, Giles, Ray: 143. Gillaspie, Mamie Jo; 1454. Gillett, J. A.,: 1455. Gittins. P. C : 1456, Glassford, A, F : 935. Gleason, George; 143-a. Click, Paul C : 144. Glober, Lee J. : 145" Coble, E. : 1279, 1458^ 1459- Coldberg, Arthur Abba: 5 20, Coldfarb, Alvin I. : 936, 1460-1462. Coldmann,Fr anz: 489, 1463-1466. Coldner, Jack: 521 Goldstein, M S. : 97, Goldstein, Sidney; 145, 522. Gordon, Margarets.; 146, 147. Corn, Janice L. : 148, 3 15. Gottrell, Fred: 149 Gould, William L. : 1467 Goulding, William S : 523, 524 Govan, Elizabeth: 150 Governor's Conference on Aging, Hartford; 1958: 151. Governor's Conference on Aging, Minnesota: 152. Governor's Conference on the Aging Population, Madison, Wis. : 153 Cravatt, Arthur E. : 154. Great Britain. Building Research Station: 2. Great Britain. Ministry of Government and Planning; 525, 526. Great Britain. "Ministry of Housing and Local Government: 1278, 1468-1470 Greenleigh, L. F. : 155. 140 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 Grier, George W : 454, 5Z7. Griffin, J. J„ : 5 28 Griffith, John R : 1472. Gumperj M. : 529. Gastafson, Howard F. : 937. Hafrey, D, J, : 1473. Hall, Harold J. : 156. Hamilton, Clarence H. : 157. Hansen, Gary D. : 158. Hanson, Harold: 531. Harlan, W H : 159, 938. Hart, Evelyn: 16 1. Hart, Gifford K. : 160. Harte, Thomas J.: 138. Harvard University. Graduate School of Business Administration: 156. Hatcher, Flora Y.': 532-535. Havighurst, Robert J. : 162-164, 317, 939, 940. Hawaii. Dept, of Planning and Research: 3. Hawaii. Econonnic Planning and Coordination Authority: 536. Hawaii. University. Legislative Reference Bureau: 601. Hawaii Housing Authority: 537. Hawkins, Charles E. : 538. Hayes, Richard L. : 1134. Hazell, Kenneth: 165. Hazlett, R. R. : 539. Health and Welfare Council, Inc. , Philadelphia: 941. Health and Welfare Council of the National Capital Area: 166. Health Information Foundation: 318. Health Publications Institute, Inc. : 207. Hedges, Sidney George; 942. Heinisch, F. C. : 1476. Hennepin Co , Minn. Welfare Board: 943. Henry, William E. : 110, 167. Herz, K-rtG.: 1477, 1478. Heusinkveld, Helen; 1311 -a. Hev/es, Harry: 540. Hickerson, Mary G. : 944. Hill, Beatrice H. : 945, Hili, Richard W. , Jr.: 541, 542. Hitt, Homer L : 168, 169- Hoad, William M. : 1134-a, 1479. Hoben, Edmond H. : 946. Hoffman, H D, : 1480. Hoftyzer, William A. : 1481. Hoge, Evelyn B. : 543, 947. Hole, V. : 544. Hollender, Marc H. : 1482, Home for the Jewish Aged, Philadelphia: 1486. Hopkins, William S. : 170. Hospital Council of Greater New York: 549- Housers Foundation: 550. 141 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 Housing Authority of Hartford: 620. Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee: 552, 651, 888. Housing Research Council of Southern California, Inc. : 1285. Houston, Raymond W : 950, 951. Hoyt, G C : 1494, Huff, Lois G. : 140. Hunter, Woodrow W : 171, 952 Hurff, George B. : 1141 Illinois. Commission on the Aging and the Aged: 172. Illinois. Dept. of Public Welfare: 1286. Illinois. University. Graduate School of Library Science: 1015, Illinois. University, Small Homes Council: 288, 1287, Illinois Gerontological Association: 184. Indiana, State Commission oh the Aging and the Aged: 151-a, 173-178, 587, 953-955, 975, 1517-1518. Indiana. University Medical Center: 6. Industrial Relations Research Association: 408. Industrial Research Association: 116. Industry Advisory Committee for the Elderly: 590. Institute for Volunteers and New Staff Workers: 395. International Association of Gerontology: 181. International Conference on the Church and Older People: 956. International Union of Local Authorities: 182. Iowa. State Dept of Health. Division of Hospital Services: 48-a, 1495. Iowa. Study Commission for Care of the Aging: 180, Irwin, Theodore: 1496. Isaacs, Reginald R. : 592. Jacobs, Hans: 957. Jacobs, Jane: 592-a,. James, A, : 1497. James, B. : 593. Jennings, V.: 594. Jenson^ Orla: 595. Jewish Home for the Aged, Houston, Tex. : 1498 Jewish Home for the Aged of Greater Miami: 1499. Johnson, John E. : 1500 Johnson, Ralph J. : 1288. Johnson, Ronald D : 958, Joint Reference Library, Chicago: 38. Jones, Elise C. : 282,. Jones, Leslie: 1501. Jones, Web A. : 1142. Kansas. Agricultural Experiment Station: 417. Kansas, Legislative Council: 186 Kansas. State Dept. of Nursing Homes: 1290. Kansas, State Dept. of Social Welfare: 1502. Kansas. State Interdepartmental Committee on Aging: 187, 959. 142 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 Kaplan, Bernard: 596. Kaplan, Hirsh: 1503, 1656. Kaplan, Jerome: 943, 960-964. Kaplan, Max: 965, 966. Karsch, C. G. : 1504. Kassabaum, George E. : 4, 589, 1291-1294. Kaufman, Jerome: 425. Kean, Robert W. : 188. Keith, C. : 1295, Kellam, Constance E. : 967, 1024. Kelly, R. A, i 1144. Kennedy, R. W. : 1295 -a. Kennedy, Robert M. : 1296. Kent, Donald P. : 92, 98, 151, 189, 591, 968, 1099. Kentucky. Commission on Aging: 969 Kentucky. Governor's Commission on Aging: 202. Kentucky. Legislative Research Commission: 1505. Kentucky, University. Agricultural Experiment Station: 1065. Kerpen, M. C. : 190. Keyes, Walter E. : 191. Kim-mel, Dorothy G.: 970. Kira, Alexander: 1297. Kish, Henrietta: 192. Kleemeier, Robert Watson: 598, 599, 971, 1507. Klein, Clarence C. : 600. Kosaki, Mildred D. : 601. Kosinki, Peter: 602. Kostickj Abraham: 697. Kraus, Hertha: 603, 604. Kraus, T C. : 605, 1508. Krooth, David L. : 606. Kubie, Susan H. : 972. Kutner, Bernard: 193. Kyplan, Louis: 973. Laidimer, Irving: 607. Lake, W. S : 608. Lambert, Edouard: 1509. Lamme, L. : 6C9. Landau, Gertrude: 972. Lsng. Gladys: 194 Langford, Marilyn: 610, 917. Laue, Helen G. : 974 Lavall, M. : 357. Layton, Layton a.nd Rohrback: 15 12. Leader, George M. : 195. Leake, Chauncey D. : 1513. Lee, H. : 1515 Lee, Kendall H : 1516. Leeds, Morton: 5, 6, 174, 175, 177, 196, 587, 975, 976, 1517. Leigh, BreeseP. L. : 612. 143 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 Lenzer, Anthony: 197, 198, 1519. Levin, R. J. : 613. Levine, Harry A. : 977. Levy, Janet J. : 978. Linden, Fabian: 1146 Linden, Maurice E. ; 614, 615. Lokskin, Helen: 200. Lorge, Irving; 355, Loring, William C. : 617, 1147, 1298. Los Angeles Co. , Calif. Regional Planning Commission; 618. Loyola University. School of Social Work; 279. Lund, Harold Hans; 620 Lutheran Church in America. Board of Social Ministry: 621. Lutheran Church. Missouri Synod. The Comnnittee on Service to the Aging: 622. Luthera,n Church. Missouri Synod, Dept of Social Welfare: 201. Lutheran Senior Citizens Foundation: 1522. McCaffrey, Isabel: 111, McCann, Charles W, ; 484. McCarlin, John: 202. McCarthy, Henry L. • 979. McConnell, John W. : 1105. McCormick, John G. : 1646. McCuish, J. T. : 623. McFarland, M. Carter: 434, 436, 624, 822, 1148. McGuire, Marie C, ; 203-205, 624-a-625-a. McKain, Walter C. , Jr. ; 99. McKee, Tally: 1299. McKenney, F. : 1021, McKenzie, G. : 509, 1504, McKibbin, Beatrice: 1524-a. McKinney, David E. ■ 626, Mackintosh, J. M. : 627. MacLean, Janet R. : 980. McMaster, Jennie: 628-633, 1525-1531. Maine. State Committee on Aging: 206. Malcolm, Richard: 1149- Malmborg, B. D. ; 1532. Mandel, William: 1533. Manitoba. Age and Opportunity Bureau; 1300. Manitoba Dept. of Health and Public Welfare: 15 34. Manitoba. Dept. of Welfare: 634. Manley, Charles R. , Jr. : 208. Margolius, Sidney: 1150. Marquette University Bureau of Business and Economic Research: 209. Marris, Peter: 210 Martini, Eugene R. : 1300-a. Martel, Martin U. : 211. Maryland. Commission on the Aging: 635. Maryland. State Coordinating Commission on Problems of Aging: 212, 213. Maryland. State Planning Commission; 636. Mason, Elizabeth Street: 98. 144 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 Mason, Norman P : 214, 734. Massachusetts. Special Commission on Audit of State Needs' 215. Massachusetts. State Housing Board: 1151, 1301, 1535. Masur, Jack; 1302. Mathiason, Geneva: 216, 217, 239-a, 638, 639, 981, 1303. Mathews, Olive: 1536. Matthews (W. R. ) and Associates: 1537. Maurice, Helen: 171 Maves, Paul B . 982, 983. Maxwell, Jean M. ; 984. May, Ernest N. : 1257. Maylott, John P. 640 Mays, Arnold: 1539. Megowan, V, A. : 1541 Mellor, Hugh W. : 641, 642. Memphis Housing Authority: 1543. Meredith, G. T 643. Merriwether, C R : 644. Mersdorf, Doris 1304, 1305. Metcaif, Richard: 645. The Methodist Church,, Board of Hospitals and Homes: 1256, 1306. Michelson, L, C. : 229. Michigan. Commission on Aging: 218, 219, 647. Michigan. Governor's Commission to Study the Problems of Aging: 220. Michigan Legislative Advisory Council on Problems of the Aging: 197-198, 221, 1519. Michigan. State University. Institute for Community Development and Services: 344. Michigan, University. Conference on Aging: 223-227, 500. Michigan. University. Division of Gerontology: 171, 181, 222, 502, 503, 985-a. Michigan Conference on Aging: 228. Mickel, Ernest: 648-650, 1307. Midwest Council for Social Research in Aging: 158. Miller H. C : 229-a, Miller, W, J : 985-b. Milton, Derber: 116. Minnesota Commission on Aging: 230. Minnesota. Dept. of Health: 652. Minnesota. Dept. of Public Welfare: 231. Minnesota. Governor's Citizens' Council on Aging: 231. Minnesota, University- Center for Continuing Study: 1543. Minnesota. University. Industrial Relations Center: 7. Missouri Conference on the Aging: 232. Moberg, David O. : 233, 986. Mobile Home Dealers National Association: 1544-a. Monroe, Robert T. : 653. Moore, Elon H. : 654. Morgan. Christine Margaret: 234. Mocris, Robert: 235, 489, 1547. Morrissey, Rosemary: 236. Mortgage Bankers Association of America: 1243. 145 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 Mother Berna.dette de Lourdes: 1548.. Muggs, Robert; 709 Mullan, Hugh: 237. Mulvihill, Roger: 1551 Mumford, Lewis: 655-65?, 987, 1309-1311, Municipal Housing Authority, Buffalo: 659. Murray Robert W. , .Jr.: 1152. Musson, Noverre: 1311-a, 1312, Nashville, Tenn. Mayor's Committee for the Aging 238, National Association of Home Builders- 488, 668, 1153-1155. National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials: 8-10, 40, 49, 660, 661, 1156, 1313 National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials Southwest Regional Council: 662, 663, National Committee on the Aging: 217, 239, 750, 850, 1345, 1553. National Committee on the Aging. The Library: 11, 12, 16. National Conference on Nursing Homes and Homes for the Aged; 664. National Conference on the Churches and Social Welfare: 988. National Corporation for Care of Old People: 229-a. National Council of Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. : 956, 990, 1047, 1314. National Council of Jewish Women; 989. National Council of Social Services: 65, 1554. National Council on the Aging- 13, 195, 239-a, 240, 665, 666, 991, 1315. National Council on the Aging The Library: 14, 15, 41 National Federation of Housing Societies: 66? National Federation of Settlements and Neighborhood Centers: 992, National Fire Protection Association: 1315~a. National Health Council: 324, National Housing Center: 17, 488, 668, National Industrial Conference Board: 1096 National Old People's Welfare Council: 667. 1554 National Public Relations Council of Health and Welfare Services: 911. National Recreation Association: 897, 993, 994, 1040, 1042. National Safety Council: 1275, 1317, National Social Welfare Assembly: 12, 669 Neal^ May: 670. Neuman. S, : 1557 Nelson, Walter C. : 241. Netherlands. Information Service: 242 Neugarten, Bernice L. : 243. New Jersey. Bureau of Assistance: 18, New Jersey. Bureau of Housing; 675, 1564 New Jersey. Division of Aging: 244-247, 676, 677. New Jersey. Old Age Study Commission: 248 New Jersey State Dept. of Health: 249 New Mexico Dept. of Public Welfare: 1565 New Mexico University. Dept of Government: 139. New York (City). Mayor: 250. New York (City). Mayor's Advisory Committee for the Aged: 678. New York (City). Mayor's Committee for Better Housing: 679. 146 CPL Exchange Bibliography 2"7 New York (State) New York (State). New York (State) New York (State). New York (State). New York (State), New York (State) New York (State), Commissioner of Housing: 681. Committee of One Hundred: 251. Dept. of Education: ^^'^ Dept. of Social Welfare, 1318 Division of Housing- 333. 680, 682-685, 1319, 1320. Division of Housing and Community Renewal: 542, 686, 687, 1159-1161, 1567. Interdepartmental Committee on Pioblems of the Aging: 25 2, 25 3. Legislature. Joint Legislative Committee on Prob- lems of the Aging: 254-264, 998 New York {State). Office of the Aging: 265, 518, 999. New York (State), Social Welfare Dept. : 1568. New York State Association of Councils 2.nd Chests: 689. Nev/- York State Conferer.ce on Problems of the Aging: 266. New York University. Bellevue Medical Center: 1321. New York University. Graduate School of Public Administration: 19, 690, Nevada.. Legislative Counsel Bureau: 671. Nichols, E. M. : 691, 1570 Nickolson. Arnold: 693. Nickolson^ Edna E. : 692, 1571. Nierstrasz, F. H. , Jr.: 449, 694, 695, 1258, 1322. Nima, R. : 1572. Nishi, S M. : 988. Noakes, Edward H. : 1303. Noakes, H. : 1264. North Carolina, Governor's Coordinating Com.mittee on Aging: 267, 696, Recreation Commission: 1002, 1003. State Board of Public Welfare: 709, 1001. Uni^^ersity, Institute for Research in Social Science; 1002-1004, 1064 : 697. Norwegian Joint Committee on International Socisl Policy: 113. Nuffield Foundation: 268. North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina Novick. Louis Oi.k Park, 111 Dept, of Planning and Development: Oakland, Ca'iif. Housing Division: 270. Ogg, Elizabeth: 271, O'Grady, John; 1005. Ohio Governor's Commission on Aging: 27-a, 4''7 Ohio State University: 27 2. Ohio Citizens' Council. Committee on Aging: 1006. Oiympia. Inc. of Monmouth: 1588. Onondi.ga Co. , N. Y. Regional Planning Board: Onta:jio. Dept. of Economics and Development Ontario Dept. of Public Welfare: 277, 700. Opelka, F. Gregory: 1164. O'Rear, Edward P. : 1591 Oiegon. State Board of Health: 1008 Oregon. State Council on Aging: 278. O'Reilly, Charles T. : 279, 280. Osterbind, Carter C. : 55-a. 281, 282, '04. 269 698 1589. Housing Branch: 1608 147 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 Owen, Ruth Edison: 1592-. Pacific Honaes: 1591, 1593. Page, George M. : "^06 Palmer, Edward Nelson: 283 Paper, H. S. : 1324. Parker, Florence Evelyn: 284. Pastore, A. R. , Jr.: 1594 Patterson, Thomas: 708. Pederson, Oscar: 1168 Pemberton, Annie May: 709- Pembroke, Margaret M. : 279. Peninsula Volunteers, Inc. : 1044. Pennsylvania. Dept. of Public Welfare, Office of the Aging: 1009. Pennsylvania. General Assembly Joint State Government Commission: 285. Pennsylvania. Governor's Committee for the 1961 WMte House Conference on Aging: 1010. Pennsylvania. State College, College of Home Economics: 327. Pennsylvania. University. Wharton School of Finance and Comnnerce: 145. Pension Research Council: 292, 294. Perrott, G. St. J. : 825. Peterson, Deborah S : 1246. Pettit, B. M : 710 Pettit, Lois: 1011 Phelan, Helen: 1013 Phelps, William Neal: 286. Philadelphia Health and Welfare Council, Inc. Division on Aging; 7 11 Philadelphia Housing Association: "^12, 1014, 1325, Philadelphia Housing Authority: 713-715, 1594. Phillipps, Bernards.: 287, 288, Phillipson, Elma: 239. Phinney, Eleanor; 1015 Pickworth, F. W. : 716. Pieper, Dean: 1597 Pilgreen, A. T. : 7i7. Pines, Maya: 719. Pinner, Frank A : 289- Plymouth Place: 1600 Pollak, Otto: 292-294. Pomeroy, Hugh R. : 1601. Pond, M. Alien: 1288. Posner, W, : 1603, Pouder, Margaret: 295. Pratt, R P. : 1605. Presbyterian Home of Central Pennsylvania: 1642, Presbyterian Homes of Western Pennsylvania: 1194. Presbyterian Hospital Association of Colorado: 1606. Prioresch, P.: 314, Prussin, Dorothy V. : 721. Public Administration Service: 1332, 1349. Public Affairs Committee, Inc.: 90, l6l, 271 Public Health Institute: 3 70. 148 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 Rabe, Henrietta F, : 1018. Rabinovitz, P.M.: 724, 725. Ralston, W . :. 1612. Randall, Ollie A. : 726, 1326. Rarigan, A. E. : 1613. Ray, Marie Beynon: 1012. Reeves, C. L. : 1327. Reichard, Suzanne: 299. Reinecke, John Alfred: 1174. Reisch, Harold W. : 1020. Reisman, D. : 304. Retirement Council, Inc. : 300. Retirement Home Planners, Inc.: 732. Retirement Research and Welfare Association: 734, 1618 Reynolds, L. W. : 1021. Rhode Island Division of Aging: 302, 522, 735 Rhode Island. Governor's Commission to Study Problems of the Aged: 303. Rienov/, L. T. : 301. Reinow, R. : 301 Robbins, Ira S. : 736. Roberts, G. W. : 1620. Robertson, Nan: 737, 738. Rodstein, M : 1022. Romney, E. S. : 306, 1023. Roney,, Jay L. : 1024. Rosahn, Beatrice G. : 739. Rose, William G. : 309. Rosen, Theodore: 1621. Rosow, Irving: 307, 308, 740, 741. Ross, Mabel: 334. RosS; Sidney Scott: 310. Royalton- Kisch, A. : 742. Rudolph, Mae: 1622. Rusk, Howard A.: 1321, 1329. Sihle, R. : 1624. St. Paul, Minn. Housing and Redevelopment Authority: 743. Salamone, A.nthony: 1025. San Antonio Housing Authority: 203, 625, 744-746, 1625 San Diego County Welfare Council: 747 San Francisco. Community Commission on the Aged: 311. San Francisco Sta.te College: 312. Santa Rosa, Calif. Planning and Development Dept : 1028~a. Saul, Shura: 697. Schifferes, Justus J. : 305. Schmalhorst, Scott D. : 625. Schorr, Alvin L. : 313. Schreiber, Marvin S. : 748. Science Research Associates: 87. Scotland. Dept. of Health: 749- Seager, G. S. : 1183. 149 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 Selye> H. : 314 Seminar on Housing and Living Arrangements for the Later Years: 750. Seminar on the Aging: 315. Senior Citizen Hotels: 1628. Senior Homes of Colorado Cooperative: 1629. Shaffer, Helen B, : 754. Shanas, Ethel: 317, 318, 755, ^56 1187, Sharon Gardens Co Operative Christian Community: 1630. Sharp, K.E. : 1188 Sheldon, Henry D. : 319, 320, 349. Shenfield, Barbara E. : 321. Shively, Morris V. : 1631, Shock, Nathan W,: 21, 39, 322, 323. Shore Herbert: 757^ 1030, 1031. Shumard, W, W. : 1032. SiegaL S, : 1632, Silk, Leonard S. : 758. Silverman, Abner D : 759. Silverman, Betsy Marden: 324, 760. Skinner, H. : 762. Slocum, Kenneth G. : 1633. Slocum, W. : 336 Small, Edith R, : 763 Smigel, Joseph O. : 1634. Smith, David Wayne: 410. Smith, Ethel Sabin: 325. Smith, J. C, : 1331. Smith, Joel: 3 26. Smith, Luciie M : 825. Smith, Robert J. : 764, 765. Smith, Wallace F, : 766-771. Smith, Whitney R. : 772, Smith, William M , Jr.: 327. Sneilgrove, Douglas R. : l634-a. Snyder, Rurh M. : 1033 Social Science Researcht Council: 293, Sofge, Haiey: 773. Solandt, D. Y. : 1332, Solomon, M. C. : 514, Sortelli, Frank: 470. Soule, George: 328. South Carolina. Legislative Committee for the Study of the Aging: 3 29 Southern California Presbyterian Homes: 1636. Sparkman, J.: 1189. Specta, Sidney: 1190 Spengler, Joseph J. : 330. Spiwak, H. J. : 1637. Stafford, Virginia: 1035, 1036. Stageman. Anne: 22, 30. Starin, Irving: 1037. Steinberg, H A. : 1287. Steiner, Peter O : 1192. 150 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 Stemie (John G ) & Associates: 333. Steptoe, J. t 779 Stern, Edith M. : 334, 1333. Stern, Louis" 489. Stickman, Herman T : 780, 781. Stieglitz, Edward J. : 335. Stone, Carol: 336. Stoudemire, Robert H. : 337. Strehler, B. L, : 338. Stratton, P. R. U. : 782. Suedkamp, W. F. : 1639^ Summit Co. , Ohio. Commission on Aging: 339. Swain, W, T. , Jr.: 784, 1194, 1642, 1643. Sweeney, Clara G. : 494. Szokoloy, J. P, : 785 Taeuber, Conrad: 340. Taeuber, Irene: 340. Taietz, Philip: 786. Takos, MrhaelJ. : 788. Talle, Henry O. : 789. Talmar, David, Sr. : 682. Tarbox, T. : 1645. Tarcher, Martin: 1^4, 587. Tator, Helen 341. Taubenhaus, Leon J. r 1646. Taylor.. Eugene J, : 1329. Temme, N. : 342. Tennessee. Legislative Council Committee: 343. Terreberry, Shirley M. : 1042, 1647, Texas Governor's Committee, White House Conference on Aging: 706, 790, Texas. State Dept. of Health: 791, 1334. Texas, University. Hogg Foundation for Mental Health: 463. Thaden, J F, : 344. Thompson, Jean: 795 Thompson, Morton: 1040. Thompson, Thomas B. : 203. Thompson, Warren S. : 796. Thompson, Wayne Edwin: 345. Thresher, Irene K, : 1673. Tibbitts, Clark: 181, 222-227, 346-352, 725, 798, 799, 1041. Tickton, Sidney G.' 1194. Tomiinson, Ray: 1649. Tompkins, Doiothy L. C. : 353. Townsend, D. D. : 800. To^vnsend, Peter: 354, 801, 1652. Trailer Coach Association: 1406, 1407. Tuckman, Jacob: 355-357. Turtletaub, David: 802. The United Christian Missionary Society: 803. United Communiry Council of Columbus: 478, 804. 151 u. s u. s. u. s. u. s u. s. u s u,. s u. s. CPL Exchange Bibliography 2"' United Comnncnity Funds and Councils of America: 915. United Community Services of Metropolitan Boston: 805, 806. United Community Services of Metropolitan Detroit: 1011, 1042. United Nations. Economic and Social Council: 1197. U.S. Advisory Council on Public Assistance: 1198 Bureau of the Census: 807, 808. Connmittee on Aging: 358. Community Facilities Administration: 1199-1203, 1335. Dept of Agriculture, Farmers Home Administration: 1204. Dept of Health, Education and Welfare: 50, 359-361, 401, 1205, 23. Dept. of Health Education and Welfare. Special Staff on Aging: 24, 43. 362-368, 385, 1043-1045, 1503, 1656, 1657. Federal Council on Aging: 25, 125, 369, 1206-1210. Federal Housing Administration: 809-812, 1211-1216, 1336, 133:', l65''-a U. S. Federal Housing Administration. Industry Advisory Committee on Housing for the Elderly: 1217. U.S. Federal National Mortgage Association: 1218. U. S. Federal Security Agency. Committee on Aging and Geriatrics: 26, 370, U S Government Printing Office: 27. U. S House. Committee on Banking and Currency: 813, 1219. U.S. House. Committee on Education and Labor: 371-373. U.S. House. Committee on Veterans' Affairs: 374., U. S House. Committee on Ways and Means: 1220 U. S Housing and Home Finance Agency: 430, 433, 435, 436, 439, 814, 1221-1228, 1338, 1339- US. Housing and Home Finance Agency Library: 44. U.S. Housing and Home Finance Agency. Office of Housing for Senior Citizens: 815, 816, 1228-a U. S. Housing anu Home Finance Agency. Office of the Administrator: 28-a, 429, 438, 440, 817-823, 1129= 1231. U. S, Housing and Home Finance A,.gency. Office of the General Counsel: 1232 U.S. National Advisory Committee for the White House Conference on Aging: 374-a, 397, 824 U-S. National Health Survey: 375. U. S, Office of Education: 28., U, S President: 376, U, S President's Council on Aging: 376-a. U.S Public Health Service: 22, 29, 51-53, 155, 375, 664, 825-827, 1288, 1658, 1657. U.S. Public Housing Administration: 30, 475, 645, 662, 759, 828- 834. 1045-a, 1233, 1234, 1340-1342, U.S. Senate. Committee on Banking and Currency: 835-837, 1234-a. U. S. Senate.. Committee on Labor and Public Welfare: 377-382, 838, 1235, 1660, U.S. Senate. Special Commattee on Aging: 383-385, 401, 839-841, 1236, 1237. 152 CPL Exchangs Bibliography 27 U.S. Small Business Administration: 32. U. S Social Security Administration: 1238. U.S. Social Security Board. Bureau of Research and Statistics: 1073. United Steelworkers of America: 842, S43. Upjohn (W. E. ) Institute for Employment Research: 185. Vainstein, Rose: 1046. Valoras, Vasilios G. : 386, 387. Vance, Rupert B. : 388. Vancouver Housing Association: 845. Vancouver Urban Renewal Dept. : 416. Van Tuyl, Mary C : l66l. Van Zonneveld," R J.: 844. Varchaver, Catherine: 389- Vaughan, J. G. : 1239. Veenstra, T, A. ". 846. Virginia. Commission to Study Problems of the Aging: 390. Vivrett, Walter K. : 391, 391-a, 848-852, 1343, 1663. Voris, J. R. : 1240. Wahlstrom, Catherine Lee: 1047, 104S. Ward, Betty Arnett: 28. Ward, J. D. U. : 853. Ward, Thomas C. : 854. Warren, Ellen: 1344. Warne, R, M. : I6b4 Washington (State) Agricultural Experiment Stations: 336. Washington (State). Governor's Council for Aging Populations: 392. Washington (State). Governor's Council on Aging: 393. Washington Center for Metropolitan Studies: 308, Waterman, Leroy: 1050. Watkms, Elizabeth G. : 1049. Wax, M. : 855. Webber, Irving L. : 55-a, 394, 1051, 1052, 1665. Weil, Helen K. : 1053. Weil, Julius: 1666. Weiant, C. W. : 1667. Weinberg. Jack.; 395, Weining, Clifford V. : 1671. Weiss, J.D. : 1345. Weiss, Stanley J. : 856. Welfare and Health Council of New York City: 857, 858, 1346 Welfare Council of Metropolitan Chicago: 33, 858-a, 909, 1054, 1056, 1668. Welfare Council of Metropolitan Los Angeles: 859, 1347. Welfare Council of New York City: 860 Wenziick (Roy) Research Corporation: 861 Western Michigan University: 63. Western Reserve University: 307. Wheaton, W W. : 1243. Wheeler, Howard: 105 7. 153 CPL Exchange Bibliography 27 White, Dorothy Watts: 1058, White, Ruth M. : 878. White House Conference on Aging: 56, 184, 374-a, 397-402, 1059, 1244. Wickenden, Elizabeth- 1060, Willard, Joseph W. : 863, 864. Williams, Arthur; 106 1, 1062. Williams, Constance: 1246^ 1673. Williams. Johnnie A. t 96 7. Williams, R. H. : 404. Williams, Ralph C. : 1672. Williams, Wayne R. : 1063. Williamson, Geoffrey: 405. Willing, Stanleys.: 406, Willmott, Peter: 868, Wilner, Daniel M. : 865, 866 Wilson, Ed^ward L : 32 Wilson, Maud: 869 Wilson, Robert L. : 1064. Winslow, C. E,A.: 1348, 1349. Wisconsin, Agricultural Experiment Station: 494, 870, Wisconsin Governor's Interdepartmental Committee on an Aginj Population: 15 3. Wisconsin State Board of Health: 407 Wisconsin. University. Extension Division: 137. Witte, Edwin E. : 408 Wofinden, R, C. : 87 1. Wolff, Lewis N. : 872. Women's Educational and Industrial Union: 1246, 1673. Woodbury, Coleman: 8^3 Woods, James H. : 409. Woods, Margaret E. : 450, 894. Worden, W. L., : 1674. World Health Organization:: 411 Yoshioka, Samuel S, : 15 8. Youmans, E. Grant: 1065. Zahrobsky, Mary: 1066. Zborowski, Mark: 106 7. Zehmer, George B. : 413 Zeldirch, Morris: 412, 874, 1477, 1676 Zeman, Frederic D. : 1022, 1350. Zimmer, Basil G , : 522. Zimmerman, Gereon: 414. Zimmerman, Julian H. : 1248. Zimmerman. Katharyn: 1249, Zollinger, Helen: 1043 Zukosky, Jerome J.: 1250 154