14. GS: CIR I A3 Cl)Zctf SuQX>lX^j State of Illinois Dwight H. Green, Governor Department of Registration and Education Frank G. Thompson, Director Division of the /{. STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY t^Q M. M. Leighton, Chief HO, '$ ^ Urbana, Illinois 3&^ No. 123 CIRCULAR July 1946 AGSTONE USED IN ILLINOIS IN 1945 By Walter H. Voskuil and Douglas F. Stevens 'f STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 3 3051 00004 6718 PRELIMINARY REPORT AGSTONE USED IN ILLINOIS IN 1945 Reports of producers to the Illinois State Geological Survey show that the amount of agstone (ground limestone, dolomite, and marl) used for soil improvement in Illinois during 1945 amounted to more than 4,220,000 tons. This was about 10,000 tons more than that used in 1944 and establishes again a new all-time high record. Table 1. - Agstone Used in Illinois, 1944 and 1945* 1944 1945 Tons Value Tons Value Produced in Illinois: Limestone Dolomite Marl 2,500,261 1,561,956 10,832 $2,709,514 1,546,597 10,596 2,311,000 1,915,400 7,500 $2,622,200 1,952,800 7,400 Total produced in Illinois Less marketed in other states 4,073,049 173,211 4,266,707 181,500 4,233,900 190,200 4,582,400 197,500. Produced and used in Illinois Produced in other states and used in Illinois 3,899,838 314,762 4,085,207 303,679 4,043,700 181,200 4,384,900 168,400 Total agstone used in Illinois 4,214,600 $4,388,886 4,224,900 $4,553,300 * From canvass made by Illinois nois Agricultural Association tute. Geological Survey, in cooperation with Illi- and Midwest Agricultural Limestone Insti- This large production of agstone, exceeding slightly the record made in 1944, was accomplished by the industry in spite of many serious difficulties. The last three months of 1945 brought the end of actual hostili- ties after nearly four years of war, but the stone industry found that labor was very scarce' and that it was almost impossible to obtain repairs for badly worn machinery and equipment. PRELIMINARY REPORT The value of agstone for improving soil fertility is so firmly estab- lished that the demand for this product has caused the Illinois stone industry to produce an enormous tonnage. This is shown in Table 1 by the increased amount marketed in other states at the same time that the amount produced in other states and used in Illinois decreased about 42 percent. The progressive increase of the use of agstone on Illinois farms dur- ing the years for which figures are available is shown in Table 2. Table 2. - Agstone Used in Illinois Annually, 1927-1945* Year Tons Value A v. Year Tons Value Av. 1927 647,155 $579,639 $0 90 1937 1,310,513 $1,279,981 $0.97 1928 565,001 511,005 91 1938 1,251,263 1,247,150 1.00 1929 947,798 843,693 89 1939 1,497,458 1,318,173 .88 1930 868,426 740,785 86 1940 2,365,663 1,999,850 .84 1931 268,874 241,376 90 1941 3,084,855 2,873,536 .93 1932 164,933 140,969 86 1942 3,866,568 3,600,313 .93 1933 227,466 165,667 73 1943 3,221,477 3,152,608 .98 1934 491,644 319,604 65 1944 4,214,600 4,388,886 1.04 1935 379,555 268,139 71 1945 4,224,900 4,553,300 1.08 1936 1,114,466 871,862 78 U. S. Bureau of Mines, 1927-29; canvass by Illinois Agricultural Associa- tion, 1930; canvass by Illinois Geological Survey, 1931-45. During 1945, agstone wls produced in 44 of the 102 counties of the State. Of the total amount used during the year, 95.7 percent was produced in Illinois. Table 3 gives the use of agstone by counties in Illinois during 1945, showing the amounts produced in Illinois and in other states. It also shows the arable land and plowable pasture in each county and the average quantity of agstone used, in pounds per acre of such land in each county. These data are from producers who reported sales of agstone in specific counties, or are estimates by county farm advisers, whichever is the larger. Production not accounted for in the county totals is given at the bottom of the table marked, "counties not specified." The total amount used in Illinois is the actual total of deliveries in Illinois reported by producers. PRELIMINARY REPORT Table 3. - Agstone Used in Illinois, by Counties, 1944 and 1945* Total used Tons used in 1945 Acres of arable land Av. N poun o. of County Produced Produced Total dS a/ ere — in 1944 (Tons) in Illinois in other states used in Illinois and plowable pasture (1940 Census) per a 1944 1945 Adams 49,000 50,000 50,000 328,009 299 305 Alexander 9,200 3,200 3,200 58,779 313 108 Bond 40,000 33,800 1 ,200 35,000 168,876 474 414 Boone 15,700 16,900 16,900 139,691 225 241 Brown 10,000 12,000 12,000 119,648 168 200 Bureau 101,300 100,000 100,000 440,808 460 454 Calhoun 16,000 18,000 18,000 70,886 456 507 Carroll 33,000 36,000 36,000 200,264 330 360 Cass 25,000 30,000 30,000 157,002 319 382 Champaign 30,000 80,000 80,000 560,583 107 285 Christian 51,700 75,000 75,000 373,342 277 402 Clark 40,300 58,500 58,500 217,376 372 539 Clay 30,100 21,600 3 ,000 24,600 201,735 299 243 Clinton 37,000 35,200 2 ,200 37,400 210,349 352 356 Coles 30,000 40,000 40,000 254,255 236 315 Cook 46,400 21,400 3 600 25,000 199,206 466 251 Crawford 30,000 30,000 30,000 193,868 310 309 Cumberland 30,000 25,000 25,000 157,832 373 316 DeKalb 50,000 75,000 75,000 349,131 286 429 DeWitt 4,500 13,200 13,200 211,909 43 124 Douglas 4,000 20,000 20,000 231,817 35 172 DuPage 26,100 46,600 46,600 116,731 450 796 Edgar 30,000 30,000 30,000 307,538 195 195 Edwards 16,900 11,300 2 100 13,400 108,888 310 247 Effingham 39,500 37,700 300 38,000 213,369 371 309 Fayette 20,500 27,000 200 27,200 275,732 149 109 Ford 20,000 22,000 3 ,000 25,000 280,058 143 178 Franklin 17,200 24,800 4 300 29,100 146,843 235 395 Fulton 11,000 39,000 1 ,000 40,000 338,466 65 236 Gallatin 30,000 20,000 20,000 127,951 470 312 Greene 17,700 17,700 17,700 226,052 157 157 Grundy 18,000 20,000 20,000 218,241 165 183 Hamilton 15,700 10,400 4 300 14,700 179,698 175 135 Hancock 47,000 21,400 400 21,800 340,637 276 128 Hardin 31,300 13,600 13,600 50,649 1,240 533 PRELIMINARY REPORT Table 3. - Agstone Used in Illinois, by Counties, 1944 and 1945* County Total used in 1944 (Tons) Tons used in 1945 Illinois Produced in other states Total used in Illinois Acres of arable land and plowable pasture (1940 Census) Av. No. of pounds / Henderson 55,400 41,400 41,400 156,071 716 531 Henry 90,000 85,200 4,800 90,000 423,236 425 425 Iroquois 60,000 64,500 500 65,000 611,482 197 213 Jackson 21,100 16,100 200 16,300 188,088 224 173 Jasper 50,300 37,800 37,800 240,290 420 315 Jefferson 72,000 28,100 17,900 46,000 242,802 593 379 Jersey 17,500 35,000 35,000 134,766 260 518 Jo Daviess 30,000 24,500 500 25,000 225,208 267 223 Johnson 9,000 14,000 14,000 112,452 161 250 Kane 71,000 60,100 60,100 255,882 556 469 Kankakee 64,000 77,000 77,000 348,647 367 441 Kendall 30,000 25,000 25,000 168,326 357 298 Knox 57,200 52,800 12,700 65,500 317,827 359 412 Lake 9,600 12,000 12,000 140,960 128 170 LaSalle 125,000 128,000 128,000 585,735 426 437 Lawrence 15,600 9,500 1,000 10,500 165,983 188 126 Lee 125,000 130,700 130,700 385,196 648 680 Livingston 87,700 196,900 196,900 595,765 294 661 Logan 79,700 46,300 46,300 346,615 459 267 McDonough 30,000 25,000 25,000 270,917 222 185 McHenry 40,200 39,900 39,900 262,434 306 305 McLean 75,000 110,000 110,000 656,782 228 335 Macon 33,800 26,900 100 27,000 305,531 222 176 Macoupin 16,800 28,600 1,000 29,600 342,781 98 172 Madison 40,000 36,300 2,700 39,000 307,651 261 253 Marion 37,600 25,000 11,900 36,900 239,131 314 309 Marshall 10,600 36,700 36,700 189,489 112 384 Mason 33,000 38,800 38,800 248,797 266 312 Massac 11,000 12,100 12,100 89,357 247 272 Menard 21,400 20,000 20,000 154,392 278 259 Mercer 20,000 19,400 600 20,000 251,449 159 159 Monroe 39,400 40,000 40,000 155,971 506 513 Montgomery 36,700 70,300 400 70,700 322,306 228 437 Morgan 20,000 35,200 35,200 261,346 156 266 Moultrie 16,800 24,000 24,000 178,794 188 268 PRELIMINARY REPORT Table 3. - Agstone Used in Illinois, by Counties, 1944 and 1945* County- Total used in 1944 (Tons) Tons used in 1945 Produced in Illinois Produced in other states Total used in Illinois Acres of arable land and plowable pasture (1940 Census) Av. No. of pounds per acre *' 1944 1945 Ogle 60,000 73,700 73,700 383,404 314 385 Peoria 75,000 74,500 500 75,000 243,380 616 616 Perry 16,800 14,200 8,700 22,900 156,265 215 293 Piatt 20,000 45,000 45,000 246,223 163 366 Pike 40,000 40,000 40,000 341,756 235 235 Pope 6,500 5,000 5,000 92,321 141 108 Pulaski 12,500 5,100 5,100 68,920 363 148 Putnam 11,800 20,100 20,100 66,867 354 600 Randolph 50,000 50,700 4,300 55,000 227,475 440 484 Richland 24,400 17,500 2,500 20,000 186,383 262 215 Rock Island 75,000 39,500 500 40,000 156,111 960 512 St. Clair 78,400 74,900 100 75,000 258,552 582 579 Saline 23,700 17,000 2,300 19,300 145,818 326 264 Sangamon 60,500 64,900 100 65,000 425,644 284 305 Schuyler 2,500 7,300 100 7,400 144,306 35 103 Scott 15,000 21,000 21,000 103,624 290 404 Shelby 36,500 46,000 100 46,100 374,712 196 246 Stark 12,800 26,000 2,900 28,900 148,213 173 391 Stephenson 50,000 75,400 75,400 283,408 353 533 Tazewell 30,000 40,000 40,000 304,959 197 262 Union 24,700 20,800 20,800 123,799 399 335 Vermilion 50,000 70,000 70,000 451,146 222 310 Wabash 10,000 4,800 11,800 16,600 103,459 193 322 Warren 75,000 60,000 60,000 271,171 553 442 Washington 55,000 4,400 15,800 20,200 242,105 455 166 Wayne 60,000 14,200 30,100 44,300 330,724 363 267 White 55,400 37,400 17,600 55,000 240,726 460 458 Whiteside 85,000 100,000 100,000 350,544 484 569 Will 39,100 47,500 47,500 396,213 197 239 Williamson 25,000 15,300 15,300 128,514 389 237 Winnebago 25,000 30,000 30,000 219,494 228 274 Woodford 21,200 29,400 29,400 258,560 164 227 County not 411,300 42,700 3,900 46,600 -- - - specified Total 4,214,600 4,043,700 181,200 4,224,900 25,133,474 336 (Av.) 336 (Av.) * Compiled from canvass made by Illinois Geological Survey, in cooperation with Illinois Agricultural Association and Midwest Agricultural Limestone Institute, a/ Calculated from columns 5 and 6. 8 PRELIMINARY REPORT Table 4 gives the total amount of agstone produced in other states but marketed in Illinois. Table 5 gives the total amount produced in Illi- nois which was marketed in other states. The map shows the average amount of agstone used in each county in pounds per acre of arable land and plowable pasture. In previous re- ports the averages have been based on acres of arable land, but in this re- port plowable pasture land is also included in order to give a broader basis of comparative use for agstone in the various counties. Table 4. - Agstone Produced in Other States and Used in Illinois, 1940-1945* (In tons) Amount Percent of Year sold in total Illinois Illinois consumption 1940 106,912 5.9 1941 95,226 3.2 1942 171,035 4.5 1943 166,518 5.3 1944 314,800 7.5 1945 181,200 4.3 * From canvass made by Illinois Geological Survey. Table 5. - Agstone Produced in Illinois and Marketed in Other States, 1940-1945* (In tons) Year Wisconsin Iowa Missouri Kentucky Indiana Other states Total 1940 950 ._. 353 5,450 3,800 15,225 25,778 1941 100 867 940 1,800 1,125 4,832 1942 450 __- 203 9,700 28,811 19,853 59,017 1943 11,000 1,192 1,000 34,579 28,200 75,971 1944 7,683 8 8,900 46,302 110,318 173,211 1945 --- --- 2,700 23,600 46,000 117,900 190,200 From canvass made by Illinois Geological Survey. Marketed outside Illinois, destination seldom specified. AGSTONE IN ILLINOIS IN 1945 County averages in pounds per acre of arable land and plowable pasture Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/agstoneusedinill123vosk