3P1 no & <", f 7 \S THE PORT OF ALBANY AND PORTS ON HUDSON RIVER, NEW YORK Port Series No. 6 Revised 1979 WITHDRAWN University of "^nai* Litarar. at Ur^ana-Chairi: CORPS OF ENGINEERS U.S. ARMY !>*' .\096 CORPS OF ENGINEERS U. S. ARMY PORT SERIES No. 6 REVISED 1979 THE PORT OF ALBANY AND PORTS ON HUDSON RIVER, NEW YORK p£? ostf otct ■M ,r^ U qtteOi r- = PREPARED BY THE BOARD OF ENGINEERS FOR RIVERS AND HARBORS UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1979 For sale by The Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors , Kingman Building, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060 Price: $4.75 Ill CONTENTS PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS : Location and General Description,, o ...<,<> 1 Harbor and Channel Improvements by the United States ••.••...•.•••••••.•••.••, 2 Tidal Ranges and Currents „ . „ .<>•.• » « o <> 4 Anchorages . „ o • <> • • « 5 Bridges . . . ... „ .... „ . . . . » „ 6 Weather Conditions 00 «... . <> <, . <> <> • • • • « 9 PORT AND HARBOR FACILITIES : Piers , Wharves , and Docks „ „ .... o . <> ... » ... o <> . . o 15 Oil Handling and Bunkering. „ .... „ .... a 56 Grain Elevators . <, . <, . . . . <> a • » • . « o o . . 56 Open Storage . o <> ... ° a » .... » . 57 Hoisting Equipment - Ashore and Af loat . „ . . . . „ 58 Marine Repair Plants . , e . „ . .<,... . » . . . 58 Floating Equipment . . „ . . . „ „ o o 58 Rail Lines . . . ... . . . .... . .... » . o . . . „ o o . . D 59 ILLUSTRATIONS : Selected Views of Waterfront Facilities. » ... « » 11 LIST OF TABLES : Channel Depths . . o o . . o . » » .... » .... o .... „ » 7 Bridges over Hudson River Between Mouth and Waterf ord . o o . . » o . o o o . o . 8 Meteorological Data . . . . . o « « . . » 10 Summary of General Cargo .... » . ■ . . . « ....... . 16 Purpose for which Used . „ 17 Piers , Wharves , and Docks 19 Oil Handling and Bunkering. . .... „ „ . . .... „ ... „ 60 Storage Warehouses . „ 62 Marine Repair Plants . . o . ,„ = . . . o 63 Marine Railways . . „ . e ... .... „ 64 INDEX OF PIERS , WHARVES , AND DOCKS . . . Q . . „ . . „ . 65 IV LIST OF CURRENT REPORTS PORT G.P.O. SERIES SALES NO. PRICE 1 The Ports of Portland and Searsport, ME, and Portsmouth, NH, 1976 $ 3.25 3 The Port of Boston, MA, 1979 4.75 4 The Ports of Southern New England, 1976 (Providence, RI ; Fall River, MA; New London, New Haven, and Bridgeport, CT) 4.00 5 The Ports of New York, NY and NJ, 1978 10.50 6 The Port of Albany and Ports on the Hudson River, NY, 1979 4.75 8 The Ports of Philadelphia, PA, Camden, NJ , Wilmington, DE, and Ports on Delaware River, 1978 7.00 10 The Port of Baltimore, MD, 1978 4.25 11 The Ports of Hampton Roads, VA, 1971 (Norfolk, Portsmouth, Chesapeake, Newport News, and Hampton) 4.60 12 The Ports of Wilmington and Morehead City, NC, 1970 2.30 13 The Ports of Charleston and Georgetown, SC, 1970 ** 14 The Ports of Savannah and Brunswick, GA, 1972 1.80 15 The Port of Jacksonville, FL, 1978 4.50 16 The Ports of Miami, Port Everglades, and Palm Beach, FL, 1972 2.70 17 The Ports of Tampa and Port Manatee, FL, 1979 5.00 18 The Port of Mobile, AL, 1979 4.75 19 The Ports of Panama City and Pensacola, FL, and Pascagoula and Gulfport, MS, 1979 6.50 20 The Port of New Orleans, LA, 1970/77 4.50 21 The Ports of Baton Rouge and Lake Charles, LA, 1979 * 22 The Ports of Port Arthur, Beaumont, and Orange, TX, 1969 : 2.00 23 The Ports of Galveston and Texas City, TX, 1979 4.75 24 The Port of Houston, TX, 1979 * 25 The Port of Corpus Christi, TX, 1978 4.25 26 The Ports of Freeport , Port Isabel, and Brownsville, TX, 1969 2.00 27 The Port of San Diego, CA, 1978 4.25 28 The Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, CA, 1979 4.25 30 The Ports of San Francisco and Redwood City, CA, 1974 2.25 31 The Ports of Oakland, Alameda, Richmond, and Vallejo, and Ports on Carquinez Strait, CA, 1974 4.60 32 The Ports of Sacramento, Stockton, Pittsburg, and Antioch, CA, 1975 3.15 33 The Ports of Coos Bay and Astoria, OR, and Longview and Vancouver, WA, and Ports on the Columbia River, 1975 3.05 34 The Port of Portland, OR, 1974 2.35 35 The Ports of Tacoma, Grays Harbor, and Olympia, WA, 1975 3.90 36 The Port of Seattle, WA, 1975 3.50 37 The Ports of Port Angeles, Port Townsend, Everett, Anacortes, and Bellingham, WA, 1976 4.00 38 The Ports of Anchorage, Nikiski, Whittier, Seward, Valdez, and Ketchikan, AK, 1976 3.50 41 The Port of Buffalo, NY, 1971 2.15 42 united States Ports on Lake Erie, 1972 (Erie, PA, and Conneaut, Ashtabula, Fairport Harbor, Lorain, Huron, and Sandusky, OH) 4.40 43 The Port of Cleveland, OH, 1970 ** 44 The Port of Toledo, OH, 1972 1.15 45 The Port of Detroit and Ports on the Saginaw River, MI, 1972 3.20 46 The Port of Chicago, IL, 1975 3.80 47 The Port of Milwaukee, WI , 1972 2.10 48 The Ports on Lake Michigan, 1973 (Green Bay and Manitowoc, WI; Muskegon and Escanaba, MI; and Indiana Harbor and Burns Waterway Harbor, IN) 4.45 49 The Ports of Duluth, MN, and Superior, WI, Taconite Harbor, Silver Bay, and Two Harbors, MN, and Ashland, WI, 1974 2.25 50 The Ports of Hawaii (Honolulu, Hilo, Kawalhae, Kahului, Nawlliwili, and Port Allen) , 1969 ** ♦Under revision. **Stock exhausted. NOTE: Copies of the Port Series may be obtained by ordering directly from the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors, K i n^.tn.-m Itul l M OS z o CO OS u > o CO w o Q 1-1 OS CO c C c 3 o o o •I-l ■--1 •H •H co co CO a> CO c c 3 i-i 3 (D X cu X 0) •o . 4 • 1 X toOX ■ • 3 • X •> 3 -H 3 ■H 3 •H •H s -H CO •I-l 3 -H H CO fa CO fa CO fa fa CO fa pa fa CO fa 4J • ,-n O C o o o O O o o o O O O O o o o o o o ^ x: • cu CO CX in o r~- r-- cn -X) CT> m o m O r-l m cn CN m ^D vC m cn CN m 00 Nt H 0) J • 4-1 CN i-l H i-i i-i ■-I i-i r-l I-l I-l * * r-l C_> X! 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T3 CD 4J J2 :^> w ro IS to O. 3 3 B 4J C U U 91 U M 3 0) IJ 00 60 01 o X l-l • : X. iH rH • • rH O r-l • r-l ON o • r-l CO o m r-l r^ o • rH vD o • pi rH in w o • > rH M qj w s (U • O C 3 UJ g : u to r-l 4-1 5 J 4J • r-l O as 00 w • 6 QJ C £ •ri X> • n QJ to 00 QJ r-l • U U Ph W C Q H n o •H O <: ■ 00 u 8 :< 1-1 to O 4-1 o o rH d< u X SSI d o to XI 3 EC C to X> XI 00 •H Pi (.. RIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Hudson River 19 Corps of Engineers Port Code No 03002 03010 REFERENCE NUMBER ON HAP NO. 1 1 Dock Code No. 201 2 Dock Code No. 250 3 Dock Code No. HI NAME Powell Boatyard Pier. Petersen Dock. Hudson River Aggregates, Loaded Barge Mooring Pier. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Nyack, approximately 5,600 feet above Tappan Zee Bridge. Upper Nyack, approximately 2.0 miles above Tappan Zee Bridge. Haverstraw, approximately 7,500 feet below Bowline Point. OWNED BY Powell Boatyard, Inc. Julius Petersen, Inc. Hudson River Aggregates, Inc. OPERATED BY Not operated. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Not used. Mooring small vessels for repairs; shed on dock used for storage and repair of small craft. Mooring loaded barges. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked, 4-foot wide, L-shaped pier. Part timber and part concrete bulkhead with asphalt-surfaced solid fill; tim- ber pile fender system; row of timber piles extend from upper end in line with face. Timber pile, timber-decked pier, sections 7 feet wide. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 20 146 150 65 100+140 25 3 160 160 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. Dries. Dries. Dries. 10 3-10 10 14 0-14 0-14 Usable Berthing Space Do. - - - 165 w/dolphs 240 - - - 140 Width of Apron Do. Open. 30 Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 8 Unlighted. 8 Lighted. 5-5.5 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. One 50-ton mobile boat lift; one 20- ton, A-frame, stiff-leg derrick with 70-foot boom. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Piermont Avenue, asphalt, 24 feet wide. Via road, asphalt, from Van Houten Street, asphalt, 20 feet wide, from Broadway, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Via plant road, from Riverside Avenue, asphalt, 24 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. Through small hose connections. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. A.C, 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. A.C. , 110 volts, single-phase, 60-cycle FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) None. Standpipes and hand extinguishers. Watchmen . REMARKS Marine repair plant located in boat- yard to rear of. pier. One 20-ton marine railway located above inner end of pier. Marina basin located on lower side. 100-ton marine railway located on upper side. Portions of pier are 7 feet wide. 20 RIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Hudson River, Haverstraw Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 03010 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 1 Dock Code No. Ill Dock Code No. Ill Dock Code No. HI Hudson River Aggregates, Dock flo. 1. Hudson River Aggregates, Light Barge Mooring Dock. Hudson River Aggregates, Dock No. 2. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 7,400 feet below Bowline Point. Approximately 7,250 feet below Bowline Point. Approximately 7,150 feet below Bowline Point. Hudson River Aggregates, Inc. Hudson River Aggregates, Inc. Hudson River Aggregates, Inc. OPERATED BY PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Shipment of crushed rock by barge. Mooring empty barges. Shipment of sand and screenings by barge . TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, concrete -decked pier, parallel to earth embankment along upper side and connected to embank- ment by 2 timber walkways. Timber pile, timber-decked offshore, 3- foot wide walkway supported by tim- ber piles; connects to Dock No. 1 at lower end and Dock No. 2 at upper end. Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf. DESCRIPTION Lower side Upper side Depth Alongside at MLW Usable Berthing Space Height of Deck Above MLW Do ■ Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted. Lighted. Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Nuaber and Type of Construction Length and Width Height Inside Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 32 - inch , e lee trie , covered , be 1 1 - conveyor system discharges crushed stone into revolving chute at the end of a 30-foot boom, rate of 840 tons per hour; winch for positioning barges located on lower side. Sand and screenings are dumped from trucks into hopper serving a 30-inch, electric, belt conveyor which discharges material into barges, rate, 10 tons per hour. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via plant roads, from Riverside Avenue, asphalt, 24 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 4. Same as Ref. No. 4. WATER SUPPLY (Aval labia to Vessel «) Through hose connections. Same as Ref. No. 4. ILtttftic cvUHmt (Available to V<-»«el«) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. Same as Ref. No. Same as Ref. No. 4. TTWr PWOTFVTTOTI Hand extinguishers and watchmen. Same as Ref. No. 4. Same as Ref. No. 4. Crusher and screening plant located about k mile In rear. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Hudson River, Haverstraw 21 Corps of Engineers Port Code No 03010 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 1 7 Dock Code No. m 8 Dock Code No. 131 9 Dock Code No. 12I NAME Hudson River Aggregates, Dock No. 3. Rockland Fuel Dock. Keahon Brothers Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 7,000 feet below Bowline Point. Approximately 4,000 feet below Bowline Point. Approximately 3,700 feet below Bowline Point. OWNED BY Hudson River Aggregates, Inc. Rockland Fuel Oil Co., Inc. Keahon Brothers, Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring tugs and loaded scows; minor repairs to vessels. Receipt of petroleum products by barge. Receipt of sand by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Lower end: Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill. Upper end: Concrete bulkhead with solid fill. Timber bulkhead with solid fill. Part concrete and part timber sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face Dimensions (Feet) 150 150 300 approx. Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 14 8 8 Usable Berthing Space Do. 150 150 200 Width of Apron Do. Open. 10 Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 9 Lighted. 5 Lighted. 7 Load Capacity per Sq . Ft . (Lbs.) " Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. One 25-ton, diesel crawler crane with 75- foot boom. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via plant roads, from Riverside Avenue, asphalt, 24 feet wide. Via plant road, from Dr. George W. Girling Drive, gravel, 20 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 8. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through hose connections. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. None. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hand extinguishers and watchmen. None. None. REMARKS Three 6-inch and one four-inch pipe- lines extend to 14 steel storage tanks in rear, total capacity 58,280 barrels, 22 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Hudson River Corps of Engineers Port Code No 03010 03013 03015 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 1 10 Dock Code No. 100 11 Dock Code No. 101 12 Dock Code No. 201 NAME Bowline Point Generating Station Fuel Oil Unloading Pier. United States Gypsum Company Dock. Tompkins Cove Landing Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Haverstraw, Bowline Point. Stony Point, approximately 2,000 feet below Grassy Point. Tompkins Cove, approximately 4,000 feet above Stony Point. OWNED BY Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc., and Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. United States Gypsum Company. Hudson River Aggregates, Inc. OPERATED BY Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of fuel oil for plant con- sumption. Receipt of gypsum rock. Shipment of crushed rock by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Tubular steel pile and frame off- shore, two-level deck platform with timber fender system, connected to shore by 505- by 15- foot steel approach; one steel pile and frame breasting dolphin on each side; con- nected by (Continued under Remarks) Steel pile concrete decked offshore platform with steel pile supported conveyor approach; 2 steel pile concrete decked breasting dolphins in line with face and 2 similar mooring dolphins in rear of line of face all connected to shore by steel catwalks. Timber pile, timber-decked offshore platform with 3- foot wide timber walkway approach. Row of timber piles in line with face connected by walkway. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Outer side Inner side Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 40 41 41 50 100 100 fiS 1? 12 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 24 - - 24 - 25 25 25 Usable Berthing Space Do. 280w/dolphs - - 195 @ dolphs - - 700 w/piles - - Width of Apron Do. - - _ Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 20 upper; 7 lower Lighted. 8 Lighted. 9 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Nuaber and Type of Construction None. None. None . Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Two 10-inch marine unloading arms with 41-foot envelopes are located on upper deck . Self-unloading vessels discharge into receiving hopper served by a 42- inch electric, covered belt-conveyor sys- tem extending to plant in rear; rate of 1,200 tons per hour. Vessels are loaded by 48- inch, electric belt-conveyor system extending to platform; rate of 1,200 tons per hour. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One surface track serves plant in rear, connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via plant roads, asphalt, 20 and 24 feet wide, from Samaondale Road, asphalt, 24 feet wide. Via Grassy Point Road, unpaved, 15 feet wide, from River Road, and from Main Street, each asphalt, 22 feet wide. Via plant road, unpaved, from Elm Street, asphalt, 20 feet wide, from U.S. Highway 9U, asphalt, 24 feet wide . (Available to ViimIi) lOOf . 11 yU -• 1 /.' in. h 1 inc. Nunc . unuj ewwMn (Available to Vcwaeln) A.C., 110 volts, tingle-phase, 60- cycla. A.C., 440 volts, 3-phate, 60-cycle. A.C., 110 volta, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60 -cycle. FIFF PI/WTI6U tfeM ' i t y / Foam system, hydrants, and hand extinguish* re. Hand extinguishers. Hand extinguishers. catwalks and one steel mooring dol- phin located outside of and to the rear of each breasting dolphin; fronted by rubber tire fenders. One 24-inch pipeline extends ft wharf to 6 steel storage tanks In rear, total capacity 870,000 barrele. Rook quarry located 600 feet in rear. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Hudson River 23 Corps of Engineers Port Code No . 03015 03035 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 1 13 Dock Code No. 101 14 Dock Code No. 101 15 Dock Code No. 1Q g NAME Lovett Plant Fuel Dock. Texaco Dock. Affron Tank Terminals Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Tompkins Cove, approximately 1.1 miles above Sandy Point. New Windsor, approximately 3.3 miles below Newburgh-Beacon Bridge. New Windsor, approximately 2.9 miles below Newburgh-Beacon Bridge. OWNED BY Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc. Texaco , Inc . Affron Tank Terminals, Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. Affron Tank Terminals, Inc.; Cities Service Company; and Amoco Oil Company. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of fuel oil for plant con- sumption. Receipt of petroleum products by barge . Receipt of petroleum products by barge . TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel pile, concrete-decked platform with 240- by 4-foot approach; one steel sheet pile, concrete capped, cellular breasting dolphin on each side connected by steel catwalks; fronted by rubber loop fender system. Three steel sheet pile, cellular breasting dolphins connected by steel catwalks ; fronted by rubber fender system; center dolphin is topped by a steel cantilever deck and is connected to shore by a 700- by 3-foot, steel sheet pile (Continued under Remarks.) One steel and one wooden permanently grounded barges side-by-side with 120- by 4-foot approach; barges fronted by 2 timber breasting dolphins. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 25 25 25 70 25 25 90 268 ?fifi Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 40 - - 35 12-15 6-12 6-12 Usable Berthing Space Do. 285w/dolphs . - - 268c/c dolphins. lOOw/dolphs. _ _ Width of Apron Do. - 1 1 Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 12 Lighted. 14 Lighted. 8 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One stiff-leg derrick for handling hose; small boat lift for pollution control boat located on lower side of approach. Steel tower for hose handling. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One surface track at plant in rear connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. Consolidated Rail Corp.: Two surface tracks located between dock and storage tanks do not connect with terminal. Same as Ref. No. 14. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via plant roads, asphalt, 15 feet wide, from Elm Street, asphalt, 20 feet wide, from U.S. Highway 9W, asphalt, 24 feet wide. Via plant road, from River Road, asphalt, 24 feet wide, from U.S. Highway 9W , concrete, 50 feet wide. same as Ref. No. 14. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 440 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle. None. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. (Other than City) Hand extinguishers. Hand extinguishers. land extinguishers. REMARKS Two 8- and two 6-inch pipeline con- nections becoming one 10-inch pipe- line extends to 3 steel storage tanks at rear, total capacity of 213,850 barrels . cell supported steel catwalk; one steel pile, steel-decked mooring dolphin located at outside and rear of each outside breasting dolphin. Jne 16-, two 8-, and one 6-inch pipe- lines extend to 8 storage tanks at terminal in rear, total capacity ^76,190 barrels. Affron Tank Terminals, Inc . : One 8 - and one 6-inch pipelines extend to 5 storage tanks total capacity 109,520 barrels. Cities Service Co.: Two 6- inch pipelines extend to 7 steel storage tanks total capacity 69,430 barrels. Amoco Oil Co.: One 6-inch pipeline extends to 4 storage tanks, total capacity 66,670 barrels. 24 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Hudson River, New Windsor Corps of Engineers Port Code No 03035 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 1 16 Dock Code No. 109 17 Dock Code No. 109 18 Dock Code No. 119 NAME Exxon Co., U.S.A./Sunmark Industries Dock. Mid-Valley Petroleum Corp. Dock. Mobil Oil Corp. Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 2.9 miles below Newburgh-Beacon Bridge. Approximately 2.4 miles below Newburgh-Beacon Bridge. Approximately 2.3 miles below Newburgh-Beacon Bridge. OWNED BY Exxon Co., U.S.A., and Sunmark Industries , Inc. Mid-Valley Petroleum Corp. Mobil Oil Corp. OPERATED BY Exxon Co., U.S.A. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of petroleum products by barge . Receipt of petroleum products by barge . Receipt of petroleum products by barge . TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Two steel sheet pile, cellular breasting dolphins with 475- by 3- foot steel approach extending from shore to upper dolphin; small boat lift for pollution control boat located at center of approach. Steel pile, steel-decked offshore platform with 200-foot steel approach; row of 4 timber breasting dolphins in line with face. Steel pile, steel-decked offshore platform with 210- by 4-foot steel approach; one steel pile, concrete capped rectangular breasting dolphin and one steel sheet pile, cellular breasting dolphin located above and below the platform, (Continued under DESCRIPTION Breasting Dolphins Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 100 34 30 30 60 35 35 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 17 21 - - 32 - - usable Berthing Space Do. 100 130w/dolphs. _ _ 230w/dolphs. _ . Width of Apron Do. _ . _ Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 10 Lighted. 8 Lighted. 8 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Nunber and Type of Construction None . None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Opacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None . Steel tower for handling hose. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via plant road, from River Road, asphalt, 24 feet wide, from U.S. Route 9W, concrete, 50 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 16. Some? as K.-l . Nu, Ih . lain ' rm y (Available to f ■«■■!«.) None. None. None. BJI HUN OnVI (Available to ri—llU) None. None. None. PI RE PWOTTTTIOTI Hand extinguishers . Foam cart, portable water pump (In plant), and hand extinguishers. Il.in.l .■>[ Inguishera . "» UH Exxon Co.. U.S.A.: Three H In-), nka , total Three 8- %m tanks, rels. One 12-, five 8-, end one 6-lnch respectively; eteel catwalks connect pipeline* to 6 storage ta capeclty 128,030 barrels. lurwaark industrial. Inc.: Inch pip* line ■ to 4 a tor a t0t«1 rapacity SI ,200 bar pipelines extend to 10 storage tanks In reer, total capacity 275,000 barrels. dolphins to platform fronted by rubber tire fenders. One 12-, two 10-, two 8-, and one 6-lnch pipelines extend to 7 storaga tanks, total capacity 411,000 barrels. RIERS, WHARVES, AISJD DOCKS Right bank, Hudson River, Newburgh 25 Corps of Engineers Port Code No 03036 REFERENCE NUMBER ON HAP NO. 1 19 Dock Code No. 101 20 Dock Code No. 105 21 Dock Code ^No. 113 NAME Steel Style Pier No. 2. William Parrott's Dock. Newburgh Landing. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 2.2 miles below Newburgh - Beacon Bridge. Approximately 1.3 miles below Newburgh - Beacon Bridge Approximately 1.2 miles below Newburgh - Beacon Bridge. OWNED BY Steel Style, Inc. George Kohler and Ralph Risio. City of Newburgh. OPERATED BY do. William Parrott's Sons, Inc. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring barges and shallow draft vessels for repairs; handling con- struction equipment; and mooring small vessels. Mooring company-owned floating equipment. Mooring excursion boats and other vessels . TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Pier formed by timber retaining walls with solid fill. Offshore row of timber piles with 45- by 4-foot timber catwalk along rear of upper end, extending from timber bulkhead with solid fill at lower end. Timber pile, timber-decked offshore wharf with 75- by 21-foot timber approach; one timber breasting dolphin on lower side in line with face. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 90 600 600 150 75 25 25 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 10 6-10 5-10 14 15 - - Usable Berthing Space Do. 90 600 600 250 175 w/dolph. - - Width of Apron Do. Open . 40 - Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 3 Lighted. 6 Lighted. & Load Capacity per Sq . Ft . (Lbs.) " Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors *♦ MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 100-ton diesel, crawler crane with 200-foot boom; two 10-ton stationary tower cranes with 70-foot booms. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None . HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via plant roads, asphalt, from Water Street, asphalt, 24 feet wide. Via private road, asphalt, 20 feet wide, from Front Street, concrete and asphalt, 30 feet wide, from River Road, asphalt, 24 feet wide. Via Front Street, asphalt and concrete, 30 feet wide, from Water Street, asphalt and concrete, 24 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through hose connections. Through small hose connections. None . ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. None . FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hydrants . Hand extinguishers. None. REMARKS Pier No. 1, located about 100 feet above Pier No. 2, was not usable at time of survey." One ship side launchway located north of Pier No. 1 and one ship side launchway located south of Pier No. 2. Marine repair and ship building plant located in rear. 26 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Hudson River Corps of Engineers Port Code No 03036 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 1 22 Dock Code No. 135 Dock Code No. Dock Code No. m Agway Petroleum Dock. Amerada Hess Roseton Dock. Roseton Generating Station Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Newburgh, approximately 0.2 mile below Newburgh- Beacon Bridge. Roseton, approximately 1.5 miles below Dannskammer Point. Roseton, approximately 0.6 mile below Dannskammer Point. Agway Petroleum Corp. Amerada Hess Corp. Central Hudson Cas & Electric Corp., Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. , and Consoli- dated Edison Co. of New York. Inc. OPERATED BY Central Hudson Gas 6 Electric Corp. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of petroleum products by barge. Receipt of petroleum products by tanker and barge, and fuel oil for plant consumption. Receipt of fuel oil for plant consu tion. Three steel sheet pile, cellular breast- ing dolphins connected by steel catwalks; a 300-foot steel shore approach extends to center dolphin; fronted by rubber loop fender system; concrete cellular mooring dolphins located in rear of line of face. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked offshore platform with 2-foot wide timber approach; one timber breasting dolphi on each side in line with face; 4-foot wide timber walkway located at rear of platform extends northward to shore . Timber pile, timber-decked offshore platform with 4-foot wide timber approach; one steel pile, concrete- capped, breasting dolphin on each side connected by steel catwalks; fronted by rubber tire fender system. DESCRIPTION Lower side Upper side Lower side Depth Alongside at mlw Do- lt* Usable Berthing Space 100 w/dolphs idth of Apr Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. Lighted. Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Constructio Length and Width Height Inside (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Two swivel-jointed unloading arms . MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Steel hose-handling tower with three 8-inch hose connections. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One surface track serves power plant; connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. Via River Road, asphalt, 22 feet wide Via plant roads from River Road asphalt, 24 feet wide, asphalt, 24 feet wide. HIGHWAY roNNFXTIONS Via plant road, asphalt, 18 feet wide, from North Montgomery Avenue, asphalt, 36 feet wide. Through 2-lnch line. PPI.V 'Available to VeieeJa) fxtCTwk CURRENT (Available to Veteels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60-cycle. TTTnrpTOTTTT' Hydrants and fire pump system on approach. Three-Inch water main with 24j-lnch hose connection and dry chemical cart. Hand extinguishers. "Four "5-lnch barge and three 8-inch tanker connections from one 10-inch pipeline. sactMldlnj to 10 storage tanks In roar, total repsclty 1,462,000 barrels, and 2 storage tanks at Danns kammer Power Plant located approxl- >ne mile north. Cot*] 4) barrels. Two 10- inch hose connections to one 24 -Inch pipeline extending to 6 storage tanks In rear, total capacity 1,100,000 barrels. Two 8-inch pipelines extend to 4 storage tanks at terminal In rear, •parity 73,000 barrels. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS 27 Corps of Engineers port Code No . 03048 03050 03069 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 1 25 Dock Code No. 101 26 Dock Code No. 801 27 Dock Code No. 035 NAME Shell Oil Co. Dock. Power Test Dock. Kingston Oil Supply Corp. Port Ewen Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Right bank, Hudson River, Milton, approximately 2.0 miles below Blue Point. Right bank, Hudson River, Highland, approximately 0.8 mile above Mid- Hudson Bridge. Right bank, Rondout Creek, Port Ewen, approximately 1,400 feet below U.S. Highway No. 9W bridge. OWNED BY Shell Oil Co. Clay's Oil Terminal Inc. Kingston Oil Supply Corp. OPERATED BV do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of petroleum products by barge . Receipt of petroleum products by barge . Receipt of petroleum products by barge . TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked offshore wharf with one timber breasting dolphin on each side in line with face; timber walkway extends from bulkhead to wharf and continues to lower dolphin. Timber pile, timber-decked wharf with one timber breasting dolphin on each side in line with face. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with asphalt- surfaced solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Face Dimensions (Feet) 250 50 50 20 70 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 33 - - 17 ~ 9 Usable Berthing Space Do. 350 - - 35 w/dolphs. 70 Width of Apron Do. - - Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 15 Lighted. 4 Lighted. 7 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One twin-boom and one single-boom- derricks for handling hose, no longer used. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None . HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Dock Road, brick, 16 feet wide. Via terminal roads, gravel, from River Road, brick, 20 feet wide. Via North Broadway, asphalt, from U.S. Highway No. 9W, asphalt, 30 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None . None . ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Four-inch water line and hand extinguishers . Dry chemical cart. Hydrant and hand extinguishers. REMARKS Two 8- and one 6-inch pipelines extend from wharf to ten storage tanks at terminal in rear, total capacity 190,820 barrels. Six 6-inch pipelines extend to 11 storage tanks in rear, total capacity 94,690 barrels. Three 6-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 10 storage tanks In rear, total capacity 85,380 barrels. 28 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Rondout Creek Corps of Engineers Potl.'Cade No 03069 REFERENCE NUMBER OSt^jHB- 1 28 Dock Code No. 125 29 Dock Code No. 115 30 Dock Code No. 112 NAME Connelly Marine Slipway. Callanan Industries Port Ewen Plant Dock. Kingston Recycling Depot Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Right bank, Connelly, approximately 0.5 mile above U. S. Highway No. 9W bridge. Right bank, mile above C Bridge. Esopus, approximately 0.5 onsolidated Rail Corp. Left bank, Kingston, approximately 0.5 mile above Consolidated Rail Corp. Bridge. OWNED BY Chester National Bank. Callanan Industries, Inc. Kingston Recycling, Inc. OPERATED BY Nicholas Hollingsworth. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USETj Removing small vessels from water for storage or repair. Shipment of crushed stone by barge. Shipment of scrap metal by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Two parallel 40- by 8-foot, timber pile, timber-decked piers extend from timber bulkhead with solid fill form- ing 18-foot wide slipway. Curved steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill. Steel bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Slipway Face Face End East side West side Dimensions (Feet) 18 40 40 600 150 Depth Alongside at MLW Do, 8 8 8 10 9 Usable Berthing Space Do. - 40 uO 600 150 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 6 Lighted. 5 Lighted. 6 Load Capacity per Sq . Ft . (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unlighted Unlighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo booi a MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 25-ton mobile marine lift. One 30-inch, electrical, covered belt-conveyor system operates at a rate of 400 tons/hour. One 35-ton, diesel, crawler crane with 60-foot boom; one 20-ton, gasoline, mobile crane with 50-foot boom. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None . None . iiosvai i omm riflfca Via Center Street, asphalt, 15 feet wide. Via plant roads, from New Salem Road, asphalt, 24 feet wide. Via plant roads, from Abe el Street, asphalt, 24 feet wide. Uv.i labia to fNMlt) Through l-in< h i , ... None. Nun.' . ■ ■ t*i' ( HUM (Available to V«- ■■•!■) A.C.i 220 volts, 3-pheae, 60-cycle. Nmim U rrwr pporrrTTOH None. Hand extinguishers. Rom ■UB Marine repair Itfld at rear, below the southern pier la a 100-ton ■marine railway. Boatyard wai for ■ale at tine of survey. Rock quarry located In rear. Scrap metal storage yard in rear. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Rondout Creek, Kingston 29 Corps of Engineers Port Code No 03069 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 1 31 Dock Code No. 100 32 Dock Code No. 070 33 Dock Code No. 060 NAME Island Dock Lumber Dock. Exxon Plant Dock. Kingston Terminal Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 300 feet below U.S. Highway No. 9W bridge. Approximately 3,500 feet below U.S. Highway No. 9W bridge. Approximately 3,700 feet below U.S. Highway No. 9W bridge. OWNED BY Island Dock Lumber, Inc. Kingston Oil Supply Corp. Kingston Oil Supply Corp. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of sand by barge, occasional mooring of barges . Receipt of petroleum products by barge . Receipt of petrol^m products by barge . TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber bulkhead with solid fill. Timber bulkhead with solid fill. Timber bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face Dimensions (Feet) 300 50 400 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 15 11 11 Usable Berthing Space Do. 300 50 400 Width of Apron Do. - 6 6 Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 7 Open. 1 Lighted. 7 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) " Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None . None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do . Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 30-ton, diesel crawler crane with 70-foot boom. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via private road, from Abeel Street, asphalt, 24 feet wide. Via plant road, from East Strand Street, asphalt, 24 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 32. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) None. None. Hand extinguishers . REMARKS Three 6-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 4 storage tanks In rear, total capacity 33,330 barrels. One 6-inch pipeline extends from wharf to 2 storage tanks in rear, total capacity 40,380 barrels. 30 RIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Kingston Corps of Engineers Port Code No 03069 03070 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 1 3* Dock Code No . 050 35 MAP NO. 2 Dock Code No. 004 36 MAP NO. 2 Dock Code No. 02 SAME Ballard Plant Dock. Garraghan Kingston Terminal Dock. Austin R. Newcombe Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Left bank, Rondout Creek, approxi- mately 4,000 feet below U.S. Highway 9W Bridge. Right bank, Hudson River, lower end of Kingston Point. Right bank, Hudson River, upper end of Kingston Point. OWNED BY Kingston Oil Supply Corp. R. W . Garraghan Co . , Inc . Austin R. Newcombe & Co., Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH UM Receipt of petroleum products by barge . Receipt of petroleum products by barge . Receipt of petroleum products by barge . TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile bulkhead with solid fill. Ten- by eighty-foot rubble jetty with 12- foot wide timber walkway and pipe trestle adjacent to lower side extending from shore to 11 feet beyond outer end; two timber cluster pile dolphins in line with face of walkway. Timber bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Face Lower side Face Dimensions (Feet) 250 12 91 250 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 11 18 _ 13 Usable Berthing Space Do. 250 100 w/dolphs. - 250 Width of Apron Do. 6 Open. 13 Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 7 Lighted. 7 Lighted. 7 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Nu.ber and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None . None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via plant road, from F.aat Strand Street, asphalt, 26 feet wide. Via private road, unpavcd, from Delaware Avenue, asphalt, 20 feet wide. Via plant road, from Delaware Avenue, asphalt, 20 feet wide. »«r>e .< ppi y (Aval labl. to V.aaala) Nona. None. Nona ■ 1UCTIIC CURRENT (Available to bmlll Nort None . None. T7PT PPGTTVT ' than III,) Hand ext Ingulahera . Rom . Hand extinguishers. -, ... . Three 6-lnch pipeline! extend from wharf to 4 atoraga tank* In rear, total capacity 42,140 barrels. One 6- and two 6-lnch pipelines extend from faca to 5 atoraga tanka in rear, total capacity 47,620 barrels. Four 6-lnch pipelines extend from wharf to 13 storage tanks in rear, total capacity 89,650 barrels. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right Bank, Hudson River, Kingston 31 Corps of Engineers Port Code No 01070 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 37 Dock Code No. 006 38 Dock Code No. 007 39 Dock Code No. 008 NAME Jova Manufacturing Corp. Dock. Colonial Oil Dock. Independent Cement Corp. Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 2,000 feet above Kingston Point. Approximately 2.4 miles below Kingston-Rhinecliff Bridge. Approximately 2.3 miles below Kingston- Rhinecliff Bridge. OWNED BY Jova Manufacturing Corp. Colonial Sand and Stone Co., Inc. Colonial Sand and Stone Co., Inc. OPERATED BV Not operated. Not operated. Independent Cement Corp. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Not used. Not used. Shipment of cemerft by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber bulkhead with solid fill. Timber pile, timber-decked offshore platform with timber supported steel catwalk; 5 timber pile, timber-decked breasting platforms in line with face; inner 3 dolphins connected by steel catwalk. Timber pile, timber-decked offshore wharf with 40-foot timber approach and L-shaped, steel sheet pile bulkhead with 15-foot wide concrete apron. DESCRIPTION Face Face Offshore Wharf Bulkhead Side, each Face Face Dimensions (Feet) 200 100 13 8 45+100 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 12 20 - 20 18 Usable Berthing Space Do. 200 300 w/dolphs. - 150 wharf and bulkhead. Width of Apron Do. 30 Open. - | Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 7 Lighted. 10 Lighted. 10 .wharf; 8, bulkhead. Load Capacity per Sq . Ft . (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 10-ton, twin-cantilever boom, gantry crane with 40-foot outboard reach, flush to brick storage ware- house in rear; overhead bridge crane in warehouse transports brick onto gantry crane for loading barges. Gantry crane was not in use at time of survey. None. One steel-supported, 16-inch air slide conveyor pipeline on bulkhead. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. Surface tracks in rear connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. Same as Ref. No. 38. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via plant roads, from North Street, asphalt, 24 feet wide. Via plant roads, unpaved, from North Street, asphalt, 24 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 38. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None . ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) None. Chemical carts. River water pump, dry chemical cart, hand extinguishers . REMARKS Brick manufacturing plant located in rear. One 12-inch pipeline with two 8-inch connections extends from wharf to one 95 ,240-barrel storage tank at rear; line was blanked at time of survey . One 12- and one 10-inch cement pipe- lines extend to wharf from cement plant in rear. 32 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Corps of Engineers Port Code No 03070 03079 03085 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP no. 2 40 Dock Code No. 007 41 Dock Code No. 501 42 Dock Code No. £15 NAME Colonial Stone Dock. U. S. Coast Guard Saugerties Station Dock. Alpha Portland Cement Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Right bank, Hudson River, Kingston, approximately 2.1 miles below Kings ton-Rhinecl if f Bridge. Left bank, Esopus Creek, Saugerties, approximately 0.4 mile above mouth of Esopus Creek. Right bank, Hudson River, Cementon, approximately 0.8 mile below Silver Point. OWNED BY Colonial Sand and Gravel Co., Inc. United States Government. Alpha Portland Cement Industries. OPERATED BY do. United States Coast Guard. Alpha Portland Cement Industries and Paul Blum Co., Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Shipment of crushed stone by barge; occasional mooring of small vessels on lower side. Mooring U.S. Coast Guard vessels. Lower end: Shipment of cement by barge. Upper end: Receipt of gypsum rock. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel sheet pile bulkhead with concrete-surfaced solid fill. Timber pile, concrete-decked wharf; extending from timber bulkhead; one small aluminum float moored to lower side of bulkhead. Concrete retaining wall with concrete surfaced solid fill on timber reliev- ing platform supported by timber piles, fronted by timber fender system; one steel pile, steel-decked breasting platform with rubber loop fenders, con- nected to lower side by steel catwalk. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 175 40 10 60 25 25 300, approx. 35 5 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 20 - - 11 II 11 14 - - Usable Berthing Space Do. 175 40 _ 300 w/bulkhead 380 w/dolph. Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. 2 & Open. Height of Deck Above ^LW n °- 10 Lighted. 6 Lighted. 6 and 8 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unlighted Lighted . TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None . None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 30-inch, electric belt-conveyor system with 25-foot outboard reach. One 10-ton, diesel, mobile crane with 30-foot boom. One pneumatic pipeline with 40-foot telescoping boom for loading cement onto vessels, extends from storage bin at rear of lower end; a 60-inch electric belt-conveyor extends to plant from upper end for gypsum rock; rate 300 tons per hour. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None . None. Plant trackage connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via plant roads , gravel, 15-20 feet wide, from North Street, asphalt, 24 -feet wide. Via facility roads, asphalt, from Light Houae Drive, asphalt, 20 feet wide. Via plant roads, from U.S. Highway 9W, asphalt, 24 feet wide. WATCH SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. Through hoae connections. None. ILtcTntc CURUNT (Available to Vessel*) None. A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle; A.C., 440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. None . J IRK PIOTtcTrOR Chemical certs and hand extinguishers. Fire line and hand extinguishers . None. E.I M«kf Dock house located on apron at rear Alnha Portland Cement Industries: One of bulkhead supports belt -conveyor. 12-lnch pipeline extends from wharf to one storage tank total capacity 9,850 tons not in use at time of survey. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS 33 Corps of Engineers Port Code No 03085 03093 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 43 Dock Code No. 605 44 Dock Code No. 120 45 Dock Code No. 105 NAME Lehigh Portland Cement Co. Dock. Marquette Cement Manufacturing Co., Barge Loading Dock. R. E. Smith Fuel Co. Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Right bank, Hudson River, Cementon, approximately 0.6 mile below Silver Point. Right bank, Hudson River, Cementon, approximately 0.6 mile above Silver Point. Left bank, Catskill Creek, approximately 0.1 mile above mouth of Catskill Creek. OWNED BY Lehtgh Portland Cement Co. subsidiary of Heidelberger Portland Zement Werk A.G. Marquette Cement Manufacturing Co. R. E. Smith Fuel Co., Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Shipment of cement by barge. Shipment of cement by barge. Receipt of petroleum products by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked wharf, with 3 timber approaches; fronted by con- crete retaining wall; and rubber tire fenders . Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill. Timber bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 281 430 100 15 15 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 17 32 9 - - Usable Berthing Space Do. 281 430 100 . Width of Apron Do. Open. 1 15 Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 7 Lighted. 13 Lighted. 5 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) . Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None . None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Twelve steel hose line connections (See Remarks) . Seven 28-foot, air slide telescoping, loading booms extend from 6 storage bins located one-foot to rear of bulk- head; rate 500 tons/hour (See Remarks). None . RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Plant trackage connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. Same as Ref. No. 43. None . HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via plant roads, from U.S. Highway No. 9W, asphalt, 24 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 43. Via terminal road, gravel, from Main Street, concrete, from State Highway No. 385, asphalt, each 24 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None . Through hose connections. None . ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C. , 440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. A.C, 110/220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. None . FIRE Protection (Other than City) Hand extinguishers. Three river water pumps and hand extinguishers Hand extinguishers. REMARKS Cement is loaded directly from trucks to barges through hose connections at docks ide . Cement is pneumatically conveyed via 6,500-foot long pipeline from plant to six 750 -ton storage bins at a rate of 150 tons/hour. Three 6-inch pipelines extend to eleven storage tanks in rear, total capacity 69,050 barrels. 34 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Hudson River Corps of Engineers Port Code No 03093 03097 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 46 Dock Code No. 110 47 Dock Code No. 210 4g Dock Code No. 205 NAME Amos Post Catskill Terminal Dock. Peckham Dock. Phelps Terminal. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Catskill, approximately 800 feet above the mouth of Catskill Creek. Athens, approximately 0.3 mile below mouth of Murderers Creek. Athens, approximately 0.2 mile below mouth of Murderers Creek. OWNED BV Amos Post, Inc. Peckham Materials Corp. Raymond E. Phelps . OPERATED BY do. Peckham Materials Corp., and A . L . Moon , Inc . do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of petroleum products by barge; occasional mooring of small vessels . Receipt of petroleum products and asphalt by barge. Mooring marine construction equipment. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, concrete-decked wharf; fronted by 3 timber breasting dolphins . Steel sheet pile, solid-filled, 20- foot diameter cell with 45- by 6-foot timber approach; fronted by timber fender system; one timber breasting dolphin in line with face. Natural bank. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Bank Dimensions (Feet) 250 20 20 10 500 approx. Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 18 _ _ 15 0-10 Usable Berthing Space Do. 250 - - 130 w/dolph. Open mooring. Width of Apron Do. 15 and 20 - 1 Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 8 Lighted. 9 Lighted. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unlighted Unlighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) t irgo r* . i . r s MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. None. RAILWAY COHNECTIOMS None. Rone .. None. HIGHWAY COKMECTIOK3 VU terminal road, asphalt, from Main Street, concrete, 24 feet wide, from State Highway No. 385, aaphalt, 24 feet wide. Via plant roads, gravel, from State Highway No. 385, asphalt, 24 feet wide. Via private road, unpaved, from State Highway No. 385, asphalt, 24 feet wide. ■ ATM SUPPLY (Available to Weasels) None. Nona . None. UniN E0HD1 'Available to Veaaela) lOBI . None. Nnni- . MWT PROtTTTHHI Qmmta*] earl nd '■•""> Nctlaguiahers. lOM . Nnni- . ■ >*>-, One 6- Inch pipeline extends from Peckham Mnt« i Lnls Corp. < .1. H In, ll f to 3 ear, total . h |. 1 pi 1 i iii ge tank. wharf to 14 total capacl itorage tanks ty 52,980 bar in rear, ill. |, Ipr 1 in> . - l'-M<1n I [ mil wl..ir asphalt storage tanka in t capacity 33,810 barrels. A . L. Moon j I m '»ii. <■ i i '■■'" IwirrH Horn PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Hudson River 35 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 03097 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 49 Dock Code No. 205 Dock Code No. 705 51 Dock Code No. 708 Amos Post Athens Terminal Dock. Powell & Minnock Dock. Atlantic Cement Loading Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Athens, approximately 500 feet below mouth of Murderers Creek. Coeymans , approximately 0.5 mile above mouth of Coeymans Creek. Coeymans, approximately 1.2 miles above mouth of Coeymans Creek. OWNED BY Amos Post Inc. Powell & Minnock Brick Works, Inc., subsidiary of General Dynamics Corp. Atlantic Cement Co., In of Newmont Mining Co. a subsidiary OPERATED BY PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of petroleum products by barge . Shipment of brick by barge. Shipment of cement by barge and receipt of gypsum rock by ship. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Tinier bulkhead with solid fill. Timber bulkhead with solid fill. Marginal wharf: Concrete bulkhead, with solid fill; 2 steel pile, concrete- capped breasting dolphins on each side in line with face connected by steel catwalks; fronted by rubber fender system. DESCRIPTION Lower side Upper side Depth Alongside at MLW 32 Usable Berthing Space 666 w/dolphs 30 and open Open. ight of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted. Lighted. Lighted TRANSIT SHEDS and Type of Construction Length and Width Height Inside Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 10-ton, twin-cantilever boom gantry crane with 40-foot outboard reach; flush to brick storage ware- house in rear, overhead bridge crane in warehouse transports brick onto gantry crane to load barges; rate 100 tons /hour. Air slide telescoping boom extends over vessel from 500-ton capacity receiving hopper on wharf; a 48-inch electric belt-conveyor serving hopper extends to cement plant 1^ miles in rear; rate 1,000 tons/hour. One 48-inch, electric, belt-conveyor serving hopper extends from north dolphin to yard at rear for receipt of gypsum rock; rate 1,000 tons/hour. One swivel- jointed unloading arm was not in use at time of survey. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Plant trackage; connects with Con- solidated Rail Corp. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via terminal road, gravel, from State Highway No. 385, asphalt, 24 feet wide. Via plant roads, from State Highway No. 144, asphalt, 24 feet wide. Via plant roads, gravel, from U.S. Highway 9W, asphalt, 24 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 4-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) A.C., 120 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C. 440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. Dry chemical cart. Hand extinguishers. Chemical cart, fire hose, extinguishers . Four 6-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 11 storage tanks in rear, total capacity 107,140 barrels. One 10-inch pipeline extends from wharf to 2 storage tanks in rear, total capacity 37,600 tons; not in use at time of survey. 36 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Hudson River, Bethlehem Corps of Engl Port Code No. REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 Dock Code No. 010 Dock Code No. Oil Dock Code No. Q15 Sears Oil Co. Tanker Wharf. Sears Oil Co. Barge Wharf. Exxon Co. U.S.A. South Dock LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 2,200 feet above Van Wies Point. In rear of and adjacent to inner end of approach to Tanker Wharf. (Ref. No. 52). Approximately 2,800 feet above Van Wies Point. Sears Oil Company, Inc. Sears Oil Company, Inc. OPERATED BY PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of petroleum products by tanker. Receipt of petroleum products by barge. Receipt and shipment of petroleum products by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel H-pile, concrete-decked, off- shore wharf with 80- by 20-foot approach; and row of four 22-foot, steel sheet pile, concrete-capped, cellular breasting dolphins in line with face; all connected by catwalks . Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill; fronted by timber fender system. Steel pile, concrete-decked, steel plate surfaced, offshore wharf with steel approach at north end; three 23-foot, steel, sheet pile, cellular breasting dolphins in line with face of wharf; connected by catwalks. DESCRIPTION (Feet) Upper side Upper side 20 Depth Alongside at 31 27 Usable Berthing Space 191 w/dolphs 192 w/dolphs Width of Apr Open. Open. Open . Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. Lighted. 14 500 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. Length and Width Height Inside Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Steel tower on platform for handling hose. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via terminal road, asphalt, 25 feet wide, from State Highway No. 144, concrete, 24 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 52. Via terminal road, gravel, 10 feet wide, from State Highway No. 144, concrete, 24 feet wide. ■ ATM SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) IUcteIc ttUWt 'Aval J-M- tO Voseels) TTwrvfrnrmm — St earn line, hand extinguishers , and watchmen. Same a* Ref. No. 52. Hydrants, hoae, and hand extinguishers. Ten 8- Inch pipelines extend from wharf and connect with one 16- snd four 12- Inch pipelines extending to 12 storage tanks In rear, total capacity 2,000,000 barrels. Five 8- inch pipeline connections at wharf connect with 16- and 12-lnch pipelines described under Rrf. No. 53. Three 14-, one 12-, and five 10-lnch pipelines, with fifteen 8-lnch con- nections extend from wharf to 20 storage tanks, total capacity 1,400,000 barrels. Tanks sre located along both sides of State Highway No. 144. In addition, one 6-lnch ballast waterllne extends to wharf from one 16, 700 -barrel storage tank at rear serving company* North Dock (Ref. No. 55). PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Hudson River, Bethlehem 37 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 03130 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 Dock Code No. 017 Dock Code No. 020 Dock Code No. 022 Exxon Co. U.S. A North Dock. Texaco Ballast Dock. Texaco North Wharf. Approximately 3,400 feet above Van Wies Point. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 3,700 feet above Van Wies Point. Approximately 4,200 feet above Van Wies Point. Exxon Co. U.S.A. Texaco, Inc. Texaco, Inc. OPERATED BY Not operated. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Shipment of petroleum products by barge. Receipt of petroleum products by tanker; receipt and shipment of petroleum products by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION One steel sheet pile, cellular, breasting dolphin with rectangular concrete deck and 100- by 5-foot steel approach; a similar dolphin is located north of and in line with face. One large, steel H-pile, breasting dolphin with 50- by 4-foot approach from shore, and a smaller steel, H-pile breasting dolphin located on lower side. Steel H-pile, concrete-decked, off- shore wharf, with steel approach at south end- two 25-foot, steel sheet file, cellular breasting dolphins in ine with face; fronted by rubber tire fenders. Catwalks extend from shore to each dolphin and from north dolphin to north side of wharf. DESCRIPTION Lower side Upper side Dolphins Lower s ide Upper side 125 Depth Alongside at MLW 20-25 32 Usable Berthing Space 80 w/dolph. Open. 125 230 w/dolphi Width of Apron Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Load Capacity per Sq . Ft . (Lbs.) 14 500 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction 14 Lighted. 14 500 Lighted. None. None. None. Length and Width Height Inside Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Steel hose handling tower. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One 300-foot, surface track west of State Highway No. 144 serves tank car- loading rack; connects with Consolidated Rail Corp; not in use at time of survey. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via terminal road, gravel, 10 feet wide, from State Highway No. 144, concrete, 24 feet wide. Via terminal road, asphalt, from State Highway No. 144, concrete 24 feet wide. Ref. No. 56. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hydrants, hose, and hand extin- guishers . Hand extinguishers. Chemical cart, 2-inch *-iver water line hose, and hand extinguishers. Seven 6-inch pipelines extend from dock and connect with pipelines described under -Ref. No. 54. In addition, one 6-inch ballast line extends to wharf from 16 ,700-barrel tank described under Ref. No. 54. Wharf also can be used for the receipt of petroleum products by barge . One 6-inch, ballast, pipeline extends to wharf from storage tank and ballast water pond In rear. One 12-, two 10-, four 8- and three 6-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 13 storage tanks, total capacity 838,000 barrels. 38 RIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Hudson River Corps of Engineers Port Code No . 03130 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 58 Dock Code No. 023 59 Dock Code No. 025 60 Dock Code No. Q35 .SAME Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. Albany Steamplant Dock. Agway Petroleum Wharf. Cibro Petroleum Ship Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Bethlehem, approximately 1 mile above Van Wies Point. Bethlehem, approximately 750 feet above mouth of Island Creek Diversion Channel. Albany, approximately 2,900 feet above mouth of Island Creek Diversion Channel OWNED BY Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. Agway Petroleum Corp. Albany Port District Commission. OPERATED BY do. do. Cibro Petroleum Products, Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of fuel oil for plant consump- tion. Receipt of petroleum products by tanker; receipt and shipment of petroleum products by barge. Receipt and shipment of asphalt by barge; occasional receipt of asphalt by tanker; receipt of crude oil and petroleum products by barge and tanker. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel pile, concrete-decked offshore wharf with steel deck extensions on each side; fronted by timber fender system; 20-foot wide concrete approach from shore; one steel pile, steel- decked, 30- by 35-foot breasting dolphin (continued under Remarks) Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 70- by 8-foot approach; row of 5 timber pile, triangular- shaped breasting dolphins in line with face. Concrete bulkhead with concrete- surfaced solid fill; row of 3 rec- tangular breasting dolphins in line with face; fronted by timber fender system. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Face Dimensions (Feet) 60 27 27 24 12 12 100 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 33 - - 30 - - 28 Usable Berthing Space Do. 380 w/dolphs.(See Remarks.) 260 w/dolphs 280 w/dolphs. Width of Apron Do. Open. ] Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 25 Lighted. 11 Lighted. 10 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - Lighted or UnUghted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Two swivel-jointed unloading arms, each with 35-foot outboard reach. One A-frame derrick equipped with 2 booms and winch for handling hose. Two swivel-jointed unloading arms, each with 50-foot outboard reach. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One surface track serving plant in rear connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. Two 350-foot, surface tracks serve adjacent fertilizer plant of Agway, Inc.; connect with Delaware and Hudson Railroad. Two surface tracks along north side of property serve tank car-loading rack, capacity 10 cars; connect with Albany Port Railroad Corp. which connects with Delaware and Hudson Railroad. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via plant roads, asphalt, from State Highway No. 144, asphalt, 24 feet wide. Via Cabbage Island Road, asphalt, 20 feet wide from Port of Albany road , asphalt , Via Port of Albany roads, partly paved, 20 feet wide from South Pearl Street (State Highway No. 32), asphalt. MTU n PPM (Available to Veaeels) Through 8-lnch main reduced to 3-inch 1 ine on wharf. None. Through hose connections on hydrant. ELECT* I C CUMENT (Avi. Wis) None. None. A.C., 440 volte, 3-phase, 60-cycle. FIRE PtOTTTTIOB than Cite) Portable foam and C0 2 carts, hydrants, and watchmen. Hand as) Lngulehei i Hydrant and hand extinguishers . on each aide fender ayatei grating catw shore. One 20-lnch 10- J tit 1 «torege tenk ' h«rr h steam Wharf <- an ha ! r. \r-r,y fronted by rubber loop ■; 3-foot wide steel ■Ike connect dolphins to [>ipel lne extend* f i 01 Three 8-lnch pipelines extend from wharf to 6 storage tanks, total capacity 334,310 barrels. Metered pump with 2-lnoh hose line located on wharf; not In use at time of survey. Two 10-lnch pipelines extend from wlunl to 7 asphalt storage tanks, total capacity 193,140 barrels; one 14- and one 12-lnch pipelines extend from wharf to 9 fuel oil storage tanks, total capacity "j^.Iho barrels. Ine connections to 3 i * apaclty llal. In addition, one line exi BOdl ' Vhfl ■ 1 idle vesaels up to 780 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Hudson River, Albany 39 Corps of Engineers Port Code No 03130 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP N q. 2 61 Dock Code No. 035 62 Dock Code No. 045 63 Dock Code No. 060 NAME Cibro Petroleum Barge Dock. Port of Albany, Berth No. 10. Port of Albany, Berths Nos. 9, 8, and 7. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 3,100 feet above mouth of Island Creek Diversion Channel. Approximately 4,000 feet above mouth of Island Creek Diversion Channel. Approximately 5,000 feet above mouth of Island Creek Diversion Channel. OWNED BY Albany Port District Commission. Albany Port District Commission. Albany Port District Commission. OPERATED BY Cibro Petroleum Products, Inc. do. Albany Port District Commission and National Molasses Co. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of asphalt and petroleum products by barge; receipt of crude oil by barge. Shipment of scrap metal in foreign trade. Receipt and shipment of grain; receipt of molasses by tanker and shipment by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, concrete-decked, offshore wharf with 75- by 4-foot timber approach; one timber pile, concrete- capped breasting dolphin on each side and in line with face; connected by timber walkways; one additional timber mooring dolphin located on upper side. Concrete retaining wall with solid fill on timber relieving platform supported by timber piles . Concrete retaining wall with solid fill on timber relieving platform supported by timber piles. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Face Dimensions (Feet ) 20 10 10 300 50 1,270 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 28 - - 30 - 32 Usable Berthing Space Do. 210 w/dolph. - - 300 (See Remarks.) 1,270 (See Remarks.) Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 10 Lighted. 16.75 1,000 16.75 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 1,000 Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None . None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. Four diesel crawler cranes: one 80-ton with 80-foot boom, one 60-ton with 70- foot boom and extensions up to 140 feet, and two 35-ton with 60-foot booms and extensions to 100 feet with magnets and clamshell buckets. Sand, gravel, and stone is unloaded from rail cars or trucks into receiving hoppers on wharf by use of diesel, crawler cranes with 50- to 75-foot booms and 1- to 2-cubic yard clamshell buckets; hoppers are served by an elec- tric belt-conveyor extending to ready- mix concrete and asphalt mixing plant in rear operated by Albany Asphalt & Aggregates Corp. One pneumatic unit with 8 grain- unloading hoses at Berth No. 8, total unloading rate 20,000 bushels/hour; not in use. Two conveyor galleries extend from grain elevator to 2 loading units on apron; each unit equipped with 2 surge tanks; south unit, no longer in use, at Berth No. 9 has two 20-inch loading spouts; north unit at Berth No. 7 has two 20- and six 12-inch load- ing spouts; maximum loading rate 45,000 bushels per hour. Electric grain trim- mers supplied by stevedore companies. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Two surface tracks along north side of property serve 10-car capacity tank- car loading rack; connect with Albany Port Railroad Corp., which connects with Delaware and Hudson Railroad. Albany Port Railroad Corp.: One sur- face track on apron and one surface track in rear join additional trackage serving Port of Albany Terminal; con- nect with Consolidated Rail Corp., and Delaware and Hudson Railroad. Albany Port Railroad Corp.: Two surface tracks on apron join trackage serving grain elevator, feed mill, warehouse, 120-car-holding yard in rear, and addi- tional trackage serving Port of Albany Terminal; connects with Consolidated Rail Corp., and Delaware and Hudson Rail HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Port of Albany roads, partly paved, from South Pearl Street (State Highway No. 32). Same as Ref. No. 61. Same as Ref. No. 61. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through hose connections. Through hose connections. Through 2^-inch hose line with portable water meter. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. None. ft.C, , 110 volts , single -phase, 60-cycle; A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hydrants and hand extinguishers. Hydrants, hose, and watchmen. Same as Ref. No. 62. REMARKS Three 10- and two 8-inch pipelines extend to storage tanks described under Ref. No. 66. Berths Nos. 10 thru 1 (Ref. Nos. 62- 68) are in line and contiguous, pro- viding a total of 4,070 feet of continuous berthing space. Berths Nos. 10 thru 1 (Ref are in line and contiguous total of 4,070 feet of con ing space. Cargill, Inc., operates th bushel grain elevator in r Nos. 9 and 8. Feed mill, not in use at t is connected to grain elev trie belt-conveyor and by nearby molasses tanks. National Molasses Co.: Tw . Nos. 62-68) , providing a :inuous berth- is 13,500,000- sar of Berths Lme of survey, 3tor by elec- aipeline to a 12-inch pipe . 7 to 4 stor- apacity lines extend from Berth No age tanks at rear, total c 4,500,000 gallons. 40 RIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Hudson River, Albany Corps of Engineers Port Code No 03130 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 64 Dock Code No. 060 65 Dock Code No. 060 66 Dock Code No. 07Q NAME Port of Albany, Berths Nos. 6 and 5. Port of Albany, Berth No. 4. Port of Albany, Berth No. 3. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 5,800 feet above mouth of Island Creek Diversion Channel. Approximately 6,500 feet above mouth of Island Creek Diversion Channel. Approximately 6,900 feet above mouth of Island Creek Diversion Channel. OWNED BY Albany Port District Commission. Albany Port District Commission. Albany Port District Commission. OPERATED BY Albany Port District Commission and Pacific Molasses Co. do. Albany Port District Commission and United Brands Co. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign and domestic trade; receipt of molasses by tanker and shipment by barge. Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign and domestic trades. Receipt of bananas in foreign trade. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete retaining wall with asphalt- surfaced solid fill on timber reliev- ing platform supported by timber piles Concrete retaining wall with solid fill on timber relieving platform supported by timber piles. Concrete pile, concrete-decked wharf. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face Dimensions (Feet) 750 425 425 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 32 32 32 Usable Berthing Space Do. 750 425 425 Width of Apron Do. 45 75 35 Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 16.75 1,000 Lighted. 16.75 1,000 Lighted. 16.75 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 1,000 Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Two - steel frame, metal-covered, concrete floors. (See Remarks.) One - steel frame, metal-covered, concrete floor. One - steel frame, metal-covered, concrete floor. Number and Type of Construction Shed No. 5 Shed No. 4 Shed No. 3 Shed No. 2 Length and Width (Feet) 300 by 114 400 by 114 440 by 80 400 by 120 Height Inside Do. 23 23 14 1st floor, 14; 2d floor, 12 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 34^200 45,000 3 5,000 96,000, total Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 2,000 2,000 2,000 1st floor. 2.000; 2d floor. 400 Cargo Doors Shipside: seven. Others: eight. Shipside: nine. Others: ten. Shipside: ten. Others: eleven. Shipside: 1st floor, 20; 2d floor, 9 Others: 1st floor, 9 MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Steel cargo transit shed Stevedoring required. Albany Port necting surf tional surfa two platform of transit si 375-car hold car loading solidated Ra )eams c ■quipmc n roof of each nt available as d Corp. : Two con- cks and one addl- k on apron, and tracks along rear in trackage serving d and molasses tank- connect with Con- . , and Delaware and Stevedoring equipment available as required. Albany Port Railroad Corp.: Two platform- level tracks along rear of transit sheds join trackage serving 375-car holding yard; connect with Consolidated Rail Corp., and Delaware and Hudson Railroad. Steel cargo beams on roof of transit shed. One 5-ton, electric, freight elevator Inside transit shed. Four electric, traveling, gantry, banana unloaders transfer boxes of bananas from ship's hold to transit shed. Same as Ref. No. 65. ice trc e trac •level <■■(■; ]< ng yar -acks ; LI Corf Hudson Railroad. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Port of Albany roads, paved, from South Pearl Street (State Highway No. 32). Same as Ref. No. 64. Same as Ref. No. 64. VaVfU *' m y f Aval table lo ¥•>■•)■) Through 2^-lnch line. Same as Ref. No. 64. Same as Ref. No. 64. u wu en (Available to ¥•««•!■> A.C., 110 volta, single-phase, 60- cyclt; A.C., 220 volta, 3-phase, 60-cycle. Seme as Ref. No. 64. Seme as Ref. No. 64 ft nt piryrrrrxm Automatic alarm anc sprinkler systems ydrants, hose, and Seme as Ref. No. 64. Same es Ref. No. 64. In tranalt ahada, I watchman,, ktm^t » 12-lnch h No. 6 to Tl "< V ■ !'•'■■ ■' ■'!■' ■"• . ' "' ' ' ' "' i transit shed, and to plat 1 along rear of transit shed. Trucks have access to apron, Interior pipallnaa extend from Bert of transit shed, and to p rear of transit ahed. latform along cepecJ Appro* Lmatal) iloragt area t rani It shad On* prlvetel md In r • i heve <ad. None. curving, surface track ext from 375-car-yard In rear with Consolidated Rail Coi Delaware and Hudson Railrc platform-level tracks alo transit shed join trackag from 375-car-holding yard with Consolidated Rail Co Delaware and Hudson Railr HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Port of Albany roads, paved, from South Pearl Street (State Highway No. 32) . Same as Ref. No. 67. Same as Ref. No. 67. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2Jj-Inch line. Same as Ref. No. 67. Same as Ref. No. 67. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C. , 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle, Same as Ref. No. 68. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hydrants, hose, and watchmen. Automatic alarm and sprinkler systems in transit sheds. Hydrants, hose, and watchmen. Hydrants, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. REMARKS Berths 10-1 (Ref. Nos . 62-68) are in line and contiguous, providing a total of 4,070 feet of continuous berthing space. Port of Albany Storage Warehouse "A" located in rear of transit shed (S.W. Ref. No. 1) . The nearby Delaware and Hudson Railroad's 1,102-car-capacity Kenwood Storage Yard connects with tracks serving Port of Albany Terminal. Float is removed during winter to prevent damage from Ice. 42 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Hudson River, Albany Corps of Engineers Port Code No 03130 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 70 Dock Code No. 090 71 Dock Code No. 092 72 Dock Code No. 094 NAME Mobil Oil Corp. Ship Dock. Mobil Oil Corp. Lower Barge Dock. Mobil Oil Corp. Asphalt Plant Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 1.1 miles below Parker Dunn Memorial Bridge. Approximately 1 mile below Parker Dunn Memorial Bridge. Approximately 0.8 mile below Parker Dunn Memorial Bridge. OWNED BY Mobil Oil Corp. Mobil Oil Corp. Mobil Oil Corp. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of petroleum products by tanker and barge. Receipt and shipment of petroleum products by barge; fueling small vessels. Receipt and shipment of petroleum products by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel pile, concrete-deck wharf with steel approach end; one steel pile, cone mooring platform on lower one steel sheet pile, eel ing dolphin on upper side nected to shore by steel approve hps ; fronted hv ru ed, offshore to lower rete-decked side, and Lular breast- , each con- catwalk bher 1 oop fen Concrete retaining wall with solid fill on concrete relieving platform supported by timber piles; fronted by rubber fenders. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 50 25 25 460 100, approx. 25 55 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 29 - - 16 10-12 - - Usable Berthing Space Do. 200 w/dolphs - 460 100, approx. - - Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 16 500 Lighted. 12 1,000 Lighted. 12 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unlighted Lighted . TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feel 1 Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Steel hose-handling cower on wharf. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Plant trackage in rear serves tank- car loading racks and company ware- houses; connects with Delaware and Hudson Railroad' s 1 ,100 -car -capacity Kenwood Storage Yard at rear of property. Same as Ref. No. 70. Same as Ref. No. 70. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via terminal roads, from Church Street, concrete, 18 feet wide, from Broadway . !..im»- .is K. 1 . No, ,'lt Same aa Ref. No. 70. WATER SUPPLY (Available to fMNU) 1 '•"■ y\ ' - i n. 1. II •«■ . Through 1 *> — and 2-lnch hose connec- tions . Nunc . I »' FIN * HUH (Available to rilMll) None. None. N<',■■ . Two storage tanks, total capacity 36,190 barrels, located in rear. A 6-inch pipeline extending from dock to one of the tanks has been removed. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Hudson River 45 Corps oT Engineers Port Code No 03145 03143 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 79 Dock Code No. 030 80 Dock Code No. 050 81 Dock Code No. 906 NAME Norlite Corp. Barge Wharf. Matton Shipyard Dock. Corps of Engineers Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Cohoes, right bank, approximately 0.4 mile above Troy-Cohoes Bridge. Cohoes, right bank, approximately 0.5 mile above Troy-Cohoes Bridge. Troy, NY, at Hudson River Lock. OWNED BY State of New York, Office of General Services . Matton Shipyard Co., Inc., subsidiary of Turecamo Coastal ^Harbor Towing Corp. U.S. Government. OPERATED BY Norlite Corp. do. Corps of Engineers. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Shipment of crushed stone by barge. Mooring vessels for repair and out- fitting. | Mooring U.S. Government vessels. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete bulkhead with solid fill. Steel sheet pile retaining wall with solid fill. Concrete bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Dimensions (Feet) 340 45 70 70 230 60 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 11 8 4-8 0-8 11 14 Usable Berthing Space Do. 340 45 70 - 230 60 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 7 Lighted. 10 • Unlighted. 10 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 36-inch, electric belt-conveyor with 10- to 20-foot outboard reach, extending from wheeled hopper; loading rate 260 tons per hour. One 13-ton, diesel crawler crane with with 30-foot boom and one 7-ton diesel mobile crane. One 25-ton, gasoline, mobile crane with 80-foot, hydraulic, telescopic boom. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via road, gravel, from Delaware Avenue, asphalt, 15 feet wide, from Ontario Street (State Highway No. 470), asphalt, 35 feet wide. Via plant road, gravel, from Delaware Avenue, asphalt, 15 feet wide, from Ontario Street (State Highway No. 470), asphalt, 35 feet wide. Via facility roads, asphalt, from Bond Street, asphalt, 18 feet wide, from River Street (U.S. Highway No. 4), asphalt, 40 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. Through hose connections. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. Same as Ref. No. 80. (Other than City) None. Hand extinguishers . Hydrant. REMARKS Marine repair plant in rear; side launchway located above wharf. Corps of Engineers Area Office located at rear. 46 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Hudson River, Troy Corps of Engineers Port Code No . 03141 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 82 Dock Code No. 040 83 Dock Code No. 055 84 Dock Code No. 010 NAME Clemente-Latham Dock. King Service South Troy Plant Dock. Chevron U.S.A. Troy Terminal Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 1,800 feet below Troy- Congress Street Bridge. Approximately 750 feet above Troy- Menands Bridge. Approximately 700 feet above Troy- Menands Bridge. OWNED BY Clemente-Latham Concrete Corp. King Service, Inc. King Service, Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. Chevron U.S.A. , Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of sand and stone by barge. Receipt of petroleum products by barge . Receipt of asphalt by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete bulkhead with solid fill. Timber pile, timber-decked offshore wharf; 3 steel sheet pile, cellular, breasting dolphins in line with face connected by catwalks; dolphins are shared with Ref. No. 84. Timber pile, timber-decked offshore wharf with 114- by 5-foot timber approach; 3 steel sheet pile, cellular breasting dolphins in line with face, dolphins are shared with Ref. No. 83. DESCRIPTION Face Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Dimensions (Feet) 250 15 35 15+20 15 15 15 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 10 15 - - 14 - - Usable Berthing Space Do. 250 148 w/dolphs. - 148 w/dolphs. - - Width of Apron Do. 20 Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 9 Unlighted. 15 Lighted. 15 Lighted or Unllghted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Nimber and Type of Construction None. None . None . Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 50-ton diesel, crawler crane with 60-foot boom and 1-cubic yard bucket. Boat lift located at rear of wharf for launching small pollution control boat. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One surface track in rear of plant connects with tracks of Boston and Maine Corp. One surface track in rear connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. One surface track in rear of plant connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via plant road, gravel, from Washing- ton Street, asphalt, 30 feet wide, from Second Street (U.S. Highway No. 4), asphalt, 36 feet wide. Via plant road, gravel, from Main Street, asphalt, from U.S. Highway No. 4, asphalt. Same as Ref. No. 83. WATER SUPPLY (Available to ¥•■■•)■) Nona. Through hose connections. None. rXIcf*ic oHtAitiT (Aral labia t* vr*«*u) Nona. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60 -cycle. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- . y< 1 ■■ , PIRI PRDTI/'TlfJN Nona. Plant fire department, hy water pumps, and hand ext drent , river Chemical cart and hand extinguishers. (Other than ' lnguishers. ■ i m"t Ready-alx concrete plant located at rear. ind one 6-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 7 storage tanks, total capacity 190,480 barrela. Wharf Is connected to Ref. No. 84 by r cetwolk. Oni 1 h |>l |>. 1 Inr i-x I ri.ii' i ■ ■■-■■ ■■■ii m i to 8 storage tanks located below Troy- Menands Bridge, total capacity 106,000 lull 1 I 1 Wharf is connected to Ref. No. 83 by timber catwalk . PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Hudson River, Rensselaer 47 Corps of Engineers Port Code No . 03135 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 85 Dock Code No. 065 86 Dock Code No. 055 87 Dock Code No. 052 NAME Port of Albany Lumber Terminal Wharf. Bray Terminals Wharf. Shell Oil Co. North Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Above turning basin. Approximately 1,000 feet below turning basin. Approximately 0.2 mile below turning basin. OWNED BY Albany Port District Commission. Bray Terminals, Inc. Shell Oil Company. OPERATED BY Albany Port District Commission and Ashland Oil Co. Bray Terminals, Inc. and Getty Refining and Marketing Company. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of lumber and occasional receipt of caustic soda by barge; mooring tugs. Receipt and occasional shipment of petroleum products by barge. Receipt and shipment of petroleum products by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION South 605-foot portion: Concrete deck supported by cellular concrete caissons. (See Remarks.) North 600-foot portion: Concrete retaining wall with asphalt-surfaced, solid fill, on timber relieving platform supported by timber piles. Timber pile, timber decked offshore wharf with 110- by 10-foot approach and pipeline trestle; 2 timber and 4 steel H-pile mooring dolphins in line with face. Timber pile, 15-foot wide, timber- decked pier extending at angle from steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill; row of timber pile, mooring dolphins in line with face. DESCRIPTION Face Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Dimensions (Feet) 1.205 60 25 25 19 35 35 Depth Alongside at WLW Do. 32 23.5 - - 14 - Usable Berthing Space Do. 1,205 250 w/dolphs. _ 100 w/dolphs . _ Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 16.5 500 Lighted. 12 Lighted. 7 Load Capacity per Sq . Ft . (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None, None . None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Seven steel cargo masts in rear of north 600-foot portion of wharf, not in use at time of survey. Lumber and stevedore companies supply straddle trucks, fork lift trucks, and other mechanized equipment as required. Two hand-operated mast and boom derricks for handling hose. Boat lift on lower side of pier for pollution control boat. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Albany Port Railroad Corp.: trackage in rear serves open, lumber storage area and warehouses; connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. Two surface tracks on apron were not connected to other trackage at time of survey. One unused surface track on north side of property serves tank carloading rack; connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Port of Albany roads from Riverside Avenue, concrete, 18 feet wide. Via terminal road from Riverside Avenue, concrete, 18 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 86. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. Through one 3-inch line. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60-cycle. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hydrants, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Foam trailer, hose, waterline, and hand extinguishers. Same as Ref. No. 86. REMARKS South portion of wharf was under con- struction at time of survey, to be completed in 1980. Twenty acres of open lumber storage area and 3 ware- houses for private storage of lumber located in rear; combined floor area of warehouses is approximately 43,000 Bray Terminals, Inc.: Foi lr 10- and id from Lonal plpe- >ank in rear iks , total .ng Company : Four 8- and two 6-inch pipelines extend from pier to 21 storage tanks described under Ref. No. 88. two 8-inch pipelines extei wharf and join with addit lines located along river which serve 10 storage tar capacity 381,500 barrels. Getty Refining and Market square feet. Ashland Oil soda through extending to storage tank Co.: Receipt one 4-inch p one 500,000- of caustic Lpeline gallon One 12-Inch pipeline extends to 7 storage tanks, total capacity 264,330 barrels. 48 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Hudson River Corps of Engineers Port Code No 03135 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 88 Dock Code No. 050 89 Dock Code No. 040 90 Dock Code No. 035 NAME Shell Oil Co., Rensselaer Terminal South Dock. Atlantic Richfield Co., Rensselaer Wharf. Metropolitan Petroleum Co., Barge Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Rensselaer, approximately 0.3 mile below turning basin. Rensselaer, approximately 0.4 mile below turning basin. East Greenbush, approximately 0.5 mile below turning basin. OWNED BY Shell Oil Co. Atlantic Richfield Co. Metropolitan Petroleum Co., Inc. OPERATED BY Shell Oil Co. and Gulf Oil Co. -U.S. Atlantic Richfield Co. and Gulf Oil Co. -U.S. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of petroleum products by barge. Receipt of petroleum products by tanker and barge. Receipt of petroleum products by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked pier extending from steel sheet pile bulk- head with solid fill; row of timber mooring dolphins at angle to face. Steel pile, concrete-decked, offshore wharf with 107- by 12-foot approach and pipeline trestle; 7 steel pile, timber-decked, rectangular-shaped, mooring dolphins connected by steel catwalks in line with face; rubber loop fender system. Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 160- by 18-foot approach and pipeline trestle; timber mooring dol- phins on each side connected by catwalks in line with face. DESCRIPTION Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Dimensions (Feet) 14 30 30 110 30 30 30 18 18 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 14 - - 33 - - 12 - . Usable Berthing Space Do. 100 w/dolphs - 295 w/dolphs. - 180 w/dolphs - - width Of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW °o. 7 Lighted. 11 500 Lighted. 11 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None . None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. One electric, stiff-leg derrick with twin booms for handling hose. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via plant road from Riverside Avenue, concrete, 18 feet wide. Via plant road, asphalt, 15 feet wide, from Riverside Avenue, concrete, 18 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 89. (Avallskle to Veaaele) : t <>ut- . Through one 2-inch Una. None. ■JEHU CBBVI 'Available to Vc.vl.) None. None. Nona. nwr pnrmcTTm Hydrant*, hoae , and hand extin- guishers. Hose reels and hand extinguishers. M.M1.I .-II II, .1, i ■ 1 .< 1 '■ ►> •'. r Shall Oil Co,: Two 8- and two 6-lnch pipelines extend from pier to 21 storage tanka, total capacity 638,010 barreli . Lull Oil Co. -U.S.: Five 8- Inch pipe- line* extend from pier to 19 storage ranba deirrfbed under Ref. No. 89. U Richfield Co.: One 16/14-, one 10t, and five 8-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 14 atorage tanks, total capacity 630,000 barrala. Gulf OH Co, -U.S.: One 16- and three 12-inch pipelines continuing aa threa 8- inch pipelines, extend lr<*i> wharf torage tanks, total capacity K) barrels. Two 10- and one 8-lnch pipelines (each with one 6-inch hoaa connection) extend from wharf to 6 storsge tanks In rear, total capacity 651,000 barrala. PIERS, WHARVES, AND Left bank, Hudson River 49 ^rps Port Code No. REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 91 Dock Code No. 032 Dock Code No. 020 93 Dock Code No. 410 Amerada Hess Corp. Wharf. Amoco Oil Co. Dock. Shotmeyer Oil Corp. Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT East Greenbush, approximately 0.8 mile below turning basin. East Greenbush, approximately 2 miles below turning basin. Hudson, approximately 3.5 miles above Rip Van Winkle Bridge. Amerada Hess Corp. Amoco Oil Co. Shotmeyer Oil Corp. OPERATED BY Amerada Hess Corp. and Sunmark Industries, Division of Sun Co. of Pennsylvania . PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of petroleum products by tanker and barge; occasional shipment by barge . Receipt of petroleum products by tanker; shipment by barge. Receipt of petroleum products by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel H-pile, concrete-decked, off- shore wharf with 100- by 25-foot tim- ber approach; one rectangular-shaped, steel H-pile, steel-decked breasting dolphin located on each side in line with face; fronted by rubber tire fender system. Steel pile, concrete-decked, L-shaped, offshore wharf with 275- by 4-foot ap- proach; row of 4 timber breasting dol- phins in line with face. Timber pile and concrete caisson-supported, timber -de eked, L-shaped wharf; 3 timber breasting dolphins in line with face. DESCRIPTION Upper side Lower side Upper side Lower side Upper side Lower side Depth Alongside at 30 34 10 240w/dolphB. 180w/dolphs . 180tydolphs. Open. Open, Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction 12 Lighted. Lighted. Length and Width Height Inside Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One mast-and-boom derrick for handling hose. One mast-and-boom derrick for handling hose. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One surface track serves 3-car- capacity, tank-car loading rack at Sunmark Industries terminal approxi- mately % mile Inland; connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via driveway from River Road, asphalt, 20 feet wide. Via terminal road from River Road, asphalt, 20 feet wide. Via terminal roads, gravel, from Water Street, asphalt, 20 feet wide, from 5tate Highway No. 9G, asphalt, 30 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Steam line and hand extinguishers. Foam system, hydrants, hose reels, fog nozzles, and hand extinguishers. Hand extinguishers. Amerada Hess Corp .: Two 10- and one 8-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 14 storage tanks, total capacity 875,000 barrels. Sunmark Industries : Two 12- inch pipe- lines extend from wharf and connect with two 8-inch pipelines extending 5 storage tanks located approxi- mately % mile in rear, total capacity 170,610 barrels. Three 10-, one 8-, and one 6-inch pipe lines extend from wharf to 12 storage tanks, total capacity 401,000 barrels. rhree 6-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 10 storage tanks, total capacity 92,850. 50 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Hudson River, Poughkeepsle Corps of Engineers Port Code No 03052 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 1 94 Dock Code No. 702 95 Dock Code No. 692 96 Dock Code No. $90 NAME A.C. Dutton Dock. Spoor-Lasher Dock. Sousa Poughkeepsle Terminal Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 1 mile above Mid-Hudson Bridge. Approximately 1 mile below Mid-Hudson Bridge. Approximately 1.2 miles below Mid- Hudson Bridge. OWNED BY A.C. Dutton Lumber Corp. Spoor-Lasher Co., Inc. J.R. Sousa 6 Sons, Inc. OPERATED BY Not operated. Spoor-Lasher Co., Inc.; Effron Oil Corp. i P.S. Potter & Sons, Inc.; and Amerada Hess Corp. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Not used. Receipt of petroleum products by barge receipt of sand by barge. Receipt of petroleum products by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked wharf extending from timber bulkhead with solid fill. Timber bulkhead with solid fill. Timber pile, timber-decked offshore wharf with 60- by 6-foot approach; 3 timber breasting dolphins on each side in line with face. DESCRIPTION Face Upper side Face Upper side Face Upper side Lower side Dimensions (Feet) 450 75 345 15 25 15 lb Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 32 - 13 - 40 - - Usable Berthing Space Do. 450 - 345 - 150 w/dolphs. - - Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 10 Lighted. 10 Lighted. 10 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) " Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. Spoor-Lasher Co., Inc.: Cranes equipped with clamshell buckets avail- able as required. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One surface track at rear of wharf connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. None. None. HICHWAY CONNECTIONS Via plant road, asphalt, from Ducheae Avenue, concrete and asphalt, 36 feet wide, from Water Street, asphalt, 20 feet wide. Via plant road, from Prospect Street, asphalt, 12-24 feet wide, from U.S. Highway No. 9, concrete, dual lane. Same as Ref. No. 95. MID .1 PPI.Y (Aval Jabl* to VeaaeU) None. None. None. KLtCTWIC CURRENT (Aval - .<•!*) Nun.-. Horn . None. flKT PHOTTrTiOH Hydrants. Chamll ■] 1 irl 1 Bnd hand exl Lnj « ' Foam ays tarn and hand extinguishers. ►tmr Wharf waa formerly usad for r< of 1 unbar. Effron ()U Corp. : One 10 and one 6-Inch pipelines upper and of wharf to 11 tanks, total capacity 287 P.S. Potter & Sons. Inc.: -, one 8-, ■xtand from itoraga ■ ■ Two 6-lnoh i . ml i VHMll) None . Nona . None. mwf Pnott/'TFoTI Horn- . H.umI .'.1 Ini'ii i -,1m i ■. . Nrmr . B IUO One 8- Inch pipeline extends to 3 ■ torege tanka , total capacity 10,710 be rre 1 • . 1 -v" * 1, | 1 (■• 1 • ■ t • .1.1 wharf to 6 storage tanks located on opposite side of. railroad tracks, total capacity 110,000 barrels. One 6-, one 4-, and one 3-lnch pipeline! extend from pier to storage tanks In plant; formerly used for receipt of molasses and fuel oil. At titnr oi plant was closed and most of the buildings had been torn down. A vinegar plant 800 feet In rear was stl 1 1 In «i|icr«t ion. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Hudson River 53 Corps of Engineers Port Code No 03019 03016 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 1 103 Dock Code No. 202 1Q4 Dock Code No. 300 105 Dock Code No. 051 NAME Consolidated Edison Co. Indian Point Station Dock. Georgia Pacific Corp. Unloading Dock. Keefe Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Buchanan, Indian Point. Buchanan, approximately 1 mile below Indian Point. Verplanck, approximately 2,300 feet above Verplanck Point. OWNED BY Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. Georgia Pacific Corp. Ferry Slip Inc . OPERATED BY do. Georgia Pacific Corp., Gypsum Division. Peter J. Keefe. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of fuel oil for plant con- sumption by barge; occasional mooring of personnel barge. Receipt of gypsum rock by self- unloading vessel. Receipt of petroleum products by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel pile, concrete-decked wharf fronted by timber fenders. Timber, L-shaped float at lower side used for mooring small, environmental monitor- ing boat. Steel pile, concrete-decked, offshore wharf with steel conveyor /walkway ap- proach; 3 steel pile, concrete-capped breasting dolphins in line with face on upper side, connected by steel frame, timber catwalks; all fronted by rubber loop fenders. Three 12-foot-square timber sheet pile, dolphins with solid fill; a 112- by 5- foot, timber pile, steel-decked approach extends to center dolphin. DESCRIPTION Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Dolphins Dimensions (Feet) 248 61 61 26 57 57 200 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 26 - 26 38 . _ 12 Usable Berthing Space Do. 248 _ Floating dock. 410v/dolphs. 200 Width of Apron Do. 61 - Height of Deck Above MLW Do- 14 Lighted. 9 Lighted. 7 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unlighted Unlighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECBANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. Vessels discharge into a receiving hopper on platform; served by a 60- inch, electric belt-conveyor transfer- ring rock to a 48-inch, electric belt- conveyor extending to gypsum wallboard plant in rear; rate 1,000 tons per hour. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None . None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via plant road, asphalt, from Bleakley Avenue, asphalt, 24 feet wide, from U.S. Highway No. 6, asphalt, 24 feet wide. Via plant roads from Broadway, asphalt, 24 feet wide. Via Sixth Street, asphalt, various widths, from Broadway, asphalt, 24 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 1%-inch line in screen house to rear. Through hose connections. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. None. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hydrants, hose, and hand extinguishers, Hand extinguishers. None. REMARKS Two 8- and two 6-inch pipelines with 8-inch connections extend from wharf to 2 storage tanks, total capacity 23,670 barrels. Helicopter pad located on lower end of wharf. Nuclear power plant located in rear. Plant in rear manufactures gypsum wall- board. Two 6-inch pipelines extend from center dolphins to 6 steel storage tanks at rear, total capacity 38,100 barrels. 54 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Hudson River Corps of Engineers Port Code No 03016 03006 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 1 106 Dock Code No. 031 107 Dock Code No. 010 108 Dock Code No. 020 NAME Sunmark Industries Verplanck Dock. Mobil Oil Corp. Ossining Terminal Dock. Maue Oil Co. Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Verplanck, approximately 1,900 feet above Verplanck Point. Ossining, approximately 2,700 feet below Tellers Point. Ossining, approximately 2,900 feet below Tellers Point. OWNED BY Sunmark Industries, Division of Sun Co. of Pennsylvania. Mobil Oil Corp. Maue Oil Co. OPERATED BY do. do. Not operated. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of petroleum products by barge. Receipt of petroleum products by barge . Not used. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked offshore wharf with steel pile, timber-decked approach; one rectangular timber pile, breasting platform on each side in line with face. Timber pile, timber-decked island wharf with one timber breasting dolphin on each side in line with face. Timber pile, timber-decked pier extend- ing from timber bulkhead with solid fill; two timber mooring dolphins located in line with lower side of pier DESCRIPTION Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Dimensions (Feet) 24 13 13 20 6 6 6 55 55 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 13 - - 13 - - 6 0-6 0-6 Usable Berthing Space Do. 150 w/dolphs. - - 150 w/dolphs. - - 155 w/dolphs. Width of Apron Do. 1 ripen . Open . Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 6 Lighted, 6 Unlighted. 6 Load Capacity per So,. Ft. (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unlighted Lighted . TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None . None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Carn<; bobfs MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None , HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS VI* Sixth Street, asphalt, various widths, from Broadway , asphalt, 24 feet wide. Via Qulmby Road, part asphalt and part gravel, 30 feet wide, from Westerly Road, asphalt, 24 feet wide. Via plant road from Westerly Road, asphalt, 20 feet wide. ■ ATM (Avai .<•!•) None. None. Notu - (Aval None. N . None. rrwr pp/w* ■ Hand extinguishers. Nona, None. On* 8- and on* 6-Inch pipelines extend from wharf to 4 storage tanks on Seventh Street, total cipn I irnli, Three 6-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 7 steel storage tanks . /ir total capacity 3,631,000 barrels. One blanked 6-inch 11ns extends from pier to on* 13,690 barrel ■ t« Kg! r nil . RIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Hudson River 55 Corps of Engineers Port Code No . 03001 REFERENCE NUMBER ON HAP NO. 1 109 Dock Code No. 021 110 Dock Code No. 031 111 Doc 1 * Code No. 061 - NAME General Motors Corp, Oil Barge Dock. Frank's Fuel, Service Wharf. Westchester Industries Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT North Tarrytown, approximately 4,000 feet above Tappan Zee Bridge. North Tarrytown, approximately 3,800 feet above Tappan Zee Bridge. Tarrytown, approximately 3,300 feet above Tappan Zee Bridge. OWNED BV Westchester Industries. Frank's Fuel Wholesale, Inc. Westchester Industries. OPERATED BY General Motors Corp, General Motors Assembly Division. Frank's Fuel Service, Inc. Upper portion: County Asphalt, Inc. Lower portion: Westchester Concrete, Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of fuel oil for plant con- sumption. Receipt of petroleum products by barge. Receipt of sand and gravel by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill; row of 4 timber mooring dolphins front bulkhead; elevated catwalk located above bulkhead. Timber pile, timber-decked offshore wharf; one timber breasting dolphin on each side in line with face. Part concrete and part timber sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill; fronted by timber fender system. DESCRIPTION Dolphins Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Dimensions (Feet) 2U0 25 6 6 800 200 100 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 9 7 - - 12 - - Usable Berthing Space Do. 200 125 w/dolphs , _ _ 800 _ _ Width of Apron Do. 5 - 20 and open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 10 Lighted. 10 10 Load Capacity per Sq . Ft . (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted Unlighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None . None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Cmpacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. County Asphalt. Inc.: One 60-ton, 80-foot boom It plant at : One 60-ton, 72-foot boom ctric belt y-mlx concrete diesel crawler crane with unloads into bins at aspha rear. Westchester Concrete, Inc. diesel crawler crane with unloads onto a 36-inch ele conveyor extending to read plant at rear. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Trackage serving plant in rear connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. None. One surface track in rear connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via plant road, paved, from River Street, asphalt, 24 feet wide. Via plant roads from River Street, asphalt, 24 feet wide. Via plant roads from West Main Street, asphalt. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. Through hose connections. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None . FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) None. None. Chemical cart. REMARKS One 10-inch pipeline extends from bulkhead to 2 storage tanks, total capacity 38,100 barrels. One 6-inch pipeline extends from platform to 3 storage tanks, total capacity 22,300 barrels. 56 THE PORT OF ALBANY AND PORTS ON THE HUDSON RIVER, NY OIL HANDLING AND BUNKERING Sixty-three oil-handling facilities are located along the Hudson River between the Tappan Zee Bridge and the Mohawk River. Nineteen of them are located in the Port of Albany; 12 on the right bank, and 7 on the left bank of the Hudson River. On the Hudson River above and below the Port of Albany there are forty-four oil-handling facilities; 23 on the right bank, and 16 on the left bank; one on the right bank, and three on the left bank of Rondout Creek; and one on the left bank of Cat skill Creek. Tne nearest terminal facilities for supplying oceangoing vessels with bunker fuel are located at New York Harbor; this service is usually obtained by vessels either before or after calling at the Port of Albany. One of the oil-handling facilities at the port is equipped with metered pumps and hose for supplying small vessels with diesel fuel. The tabulation on page 60 gives information on the 60 facilities equipped to handle petroleum products; details of these facilities are given in the table of Piers, Wharves, and Docks under the reference numbers shown on the list. Tank storage at marine service stations is not included. GRAIN ELEVATORS A 13 ,500,000-bushel, grain elevator is located at the rear of Port of Albany Berths 7,8, and 9 (P.W.D. Ref. No. 19) ; this elevator is owned by the Albany Port District Com- mission and operated by Cargill, Inc. Receipts and ship- ments of waterborne grain are handled over a 1,270-foot section (Berths 7, 8, and 9) of the Albany Port District Commission's 4,070-foot, concrete, bulkhead wharf (Berths 1-10, P.W D. Ref. Nos. 62-68). A pneumatic, unloading unit for transferring grain from barges to the elevator is located on the apron of the wharf at Berth 8. This unload- ing unit consists of a steel tower supporting 8 suction hoses, each having a maximum capacity of 8,000 bushels of grain per hour, and a combined, maximum, unloading rate of 45,000 bushels per hour. Two overhead, grain galleries with electric belt conveyors extend from the elevator to 2 vessel-loading units, each consisting of 2 elevated surge tanks with loading spouts. The south unit, no longer in use, 57 PORT AND HARBOR FACILITIES is at Berth 9 and is equipped with 20-inch spouts; the north unit, at Berth 7, has six 12- and two 20-inch spouts. These spouts have maximum and average loading capacities of 45,000 and 30,000 bushels per hour, respectively, per unit. Steve- doring companies furnish electric grain trimmers which are suspended under the loading spouts in the vessels' holds. Additional equipment at the elevator includes facilities for weighing, cleaning, washing, drying, bleaching, screening, and clipping o Grain is received by rail cars at the rear of the elevator and is unloaded by a car dumper or by power shovels into a car pit. The capacity of the dumper is 10 cars per hour. Cars also can be loaded with grain for rail shipment by a loading spout at the rear of the elevator. A feed mill and warehouse located north of the grain elevator was not in operation at time of survey. The mill has a storage capacity for 100,000 bushels and is connected with the grain elevator for direct transfer of grain. It is also equipped with power shovels and car pits for receiving grain by rail and a carloading system which can load up to 50 cars per day with bagged feed. Surface tracks of the Albany Port Railroad Corp., serve the grain- and feed-handling facilities at the elevator and mill. These tracks join the railroad's adjacent holding and transfer yard at rear of the elevator which has a capacity for 120 cars . OPEN STORAGE In addition to the long- and short-term, covered storage facilities for waterborne cargo, the Albany Port District Com- mission has 2 open areas available for storing commodities not requiring protection from the weather; each is served by paved roadways and tracks of the Albany Port Railroad Corp At the Port of Albany Terminal, approximately 35 acres of open area are in the rear of transit sheds Nos . 2, 3, 4, and 5 (Berths 3-6, P.W.D. Ref. Nos. 64-66). On the opposite side of the river, in Rensselaer, 20 acres of fenced, open area are lo- cated in rear of the Port of Albany Lumber Terminal Wharf (P.W.D. Ref. No. 85) „ This area is used exclusively for the storage of lumber „ Three warehouses in the rear of the wharf are leased to private operators for the storage of lumber; 58 THE PORT OF ALBANY AND PORTS ON THE HUDSON RIVER, NY these warehouses have a combined floor area of about 43,000 square feet. HOISTING EQUIPMENT - ASHORE AND AFLOAT General cargo at Albany usually is handled to and from vessels by ships' tackle. Crawler and truck cranes with lifting capacities up to 140 tons may be obtained from crane rental services in Albany. No floating cranes or derricks for making heavy lifts at shipside are based at the port. MARINE REPAIR PLANTS Five plants operate waterfront facilities, 4 on the Hudson River and 1 on Rondout Creek, for the construction, repair, or outfitting of tugs, barges, floating drydocks , and other types of small vessels. Three of the facilities operate marine railways with haul-out capacities ranging up to 100 tons . Boiler and electrical equipment repair companies, welding and machine shops, and other maintenance firms in the Port of Albany perform limited marine repairs at their shops . Some of these concerns also maintain portable equipment for making repairs on board vessels at berth. The nearest facilities for handling major repairs, drydocking, or hauling out large, deep-draft vessels are at the Port of New York, New York and New Jersey and are described in Port Series No. 5, The Port of New York, New York and New Jersey, revised 1978 „ FLOATING EQUIPMENT The Turecamo Coastal & Harbor Towing Corp., has one towboat based in the Port of Albany at the Lumber Terminal Wharf (Ref . No. 85) . The Margaret Turecamo is a diesel- powered towboat with 1800 horsepower, a length of 89„4 feet, a breadth of 26.6 feet, and a loaded draft of 11 feet. 59 PORT AND HARBOR FACILITIES Other floating equipment operating in the Port of Albany and on the Hudson River below the New York State Barge Canal System are based in the Port of New York and in the canals above Albany. Additional information on floating equipment can be obtained from Transportation Series No. 5, titled "Transportation Lines on the Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific Coasts." This report published annually by the Corps of Engineers, Department of the Army, describes the American flag vessels engaged in the carriage of freight and passengers, listing the net registered tonnage, length, width, draft, horsepower, carrying capacity, and other details of construction; and describes the operations of each vessel operator, listing the waterways used and the localities served. Copies of this publication are for sale by the District Engineer, U.S. Army Engineer District, New Orleans, P. 0. Box 60267, New Orleans, LA 70160. RAIL LINES The Port of Albany is served by 2 line-haul, rail carriers: the Delaware and Hudson Railroad and the Con- solidated Rail Corp The Albany Port Railroad Corp., a terminal switching line, serves the waterfront facilities and property owned by the Albany Port District Commission and connects with the two line-haul carriers „ The Boston and Maine Corp., serves one waterfront facility (P.W.D. Ref„ No. 82) in Troy. The Consolidated Rail Corp. has trackage along both sides of the Hudson River. 60 OIL HANDLING AND BUNKERING P.W.D. OPERATOR AND /OR USER USABLE BERTHING SPACE (FEET) DEPTH ALONGSIDE MLW (FEET) STORAGE TANKS REF. NO. NUMBER CAPACITY (BARRELS) 8 Right bank, Hudson River 150 280 268 100 100 130 230 100 210 325 350 35 70 50 400 250 100 250 300 100 250 130 300 191 400 192 80 230 380 260 280 210 200 460 100 60 48 (6) 148 148 2 50 100(7) 100(8) 295(9) 180 240 8 24 35 6-15 17 21 32 16 32 35 33 17 9 11 11 11 18 13 20 9 18 15 7 31.5~\ 14 J 27 -y 20 J 32 33 30 28 28 29 ~) 16 \ 10-12 J 10.5 8 13 15 14 23.5 14(7) 14(8) 33(9) 12 30 14 6 8 5 4 7 6 4 10 7 4 10 2 6 10 11 10 4 2 4 5 13 1 11 14 3 1 11 12 20 13 3 6 7 9 29 13 16 4 7 8 10 7 21 19 14 6 14 58,280 870,000(1) 476,190 109 520 10 14 15 16 66,670 69,430 128 030 17 18 22 23 24 25 26 Sunmark Industries, 51,200 275,000 411,000 73,000 1,462,000 35,700(1) 1,100,000(1) 190,820 94,690 27 32 Right bank, Rondout Creek Left bank, Rondout Creek 85,380 33 330 33 40 380 34 do 42,140 35 Right bank, Hudson River 47,620 36 89,650 38(2) 95,240 45 Left bank, Catskill Creek R. E. Smith Fuel Co., Inc 69,050 46 Right bank, Hudson River 52,980 47 33,810(3) 23,670 49 107,140 52 53 do 2 ,000 ,000 54 55 do 1,400,000 57 838,000 58 59 671,660(1) 334,310 60,61(4) 193,140(3) do 55,180 70 71(5) do 1,936,180 72 do 75 285,710 76 77 Tenneco Oil Co., Division of Tenneco, Inc.. 199,000 95,240 83 Left bank, Hudson River 190,480 84 106,000(3) 86 Bray Terminals, Inc. Getty Refining and Marketing Co 381,500 264,330 17,88 638,010 19 1 1 oi i Co. u. a 805,870 630,000 651,000 ')\ 875,000 OIL HANDLING AND BUNKERING 61 USABLE DEPTH P.W.D. OPERATOR AND /OR USER BERTHING SPACE ALONGSIDE MLW STORAGE TANKS REF. NUMBER CAPACITY NO. (FEET) (FEET) (BARRELS) Left bank, Hudson River, continued Sunmark Industries - - 5 170,610 92 180 34 12 401,000 93 180 10 10 92,850 95 345 13 11 287,000 P. S. Potter & Sons, Inc - - 4 17 30 000 220,000 96 150 230 220 100 40 12 5 0-9 10 4 10 3 23,810 98 38,540 99 57,570 100 10,710 101 150 14 6 110,000 103 Consolidated Edison Company of 247.75 200 26 12 2 6 23 670 105 Peter J . Keef e 38 100 106 Sunmark Industries. 150 13 4 30,950 107 - - - - 108 Maue Oil Co 155 200 0-6 9 1 2 13,690(2) 38,100(1) 109 110 125 7 3 22,300 TOTAL - - 541 20,351,400 (1) Fuel oil for plant consumption. (2) Wharf and storage tanks were not being used at time of survey, (3) Asphalt products. (4) Crude oil. (5) Fueling small vessels. (6) One barge capacity. (7) P.W.D. Ref. No. 87. (8) P.W.D. Ref. No. 88. (9) P.W.D. Ref. No. 89. 62 STORAGE WAREHOUSES (For public merchondise only) WAREHOUSE REF. NO. ON MAP 1 2 I OPERATOR AND ADDRESS Albany Port District Commission, Administration Building, Port of Albany, Albany, NY 12201 Randlett Inc. - The Warehouse P. 0. Box 686 Albany, NY 12201 George Terminal Warehouse Inc. 28 Railroad Ave. Albany, NY 12205 BUILDING DESIGNATION S Warehouse A - - LOCATION Church Street Colonie and Montgomery Streets Railroad Avenue KIND OF STORAGE Dry. Dry and cold. ury ana cooler. COMMODITIES USUALLY STORED General merchandise. General merchandise and perishable food commodities . General merchandise and perishable food commodities. DESCRIPTION Type of Construction Concrete block with concrete floor. Reinforced concrete with concrete floors. Steel frame, concrete block walls, with concrete floor. Number of Floors One. Eleven. One. Clear Height for Storage (Feet): 18 Ib-lU 13 _ 10 - Load Capacity (Lbs/Sq.Ft .) : Unlimited. 1.000 Unlimited. 250-450 - AREAS FOR PUBLIC STORAGE: DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE General Storage (Sq.Ft.) 1OS.000 is:, ooo 30 t 000 U.S. Customs Bonded. (Sq .Ft.) Available 1.227,000 66,000 Freezer Space (Cu.Ft.) 1,552.500 Convertible Space. .. (Cu.Ft.) RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Albany Port Corp. Railroad one platform- level track along north side of warehouse; connects with Con- solidated Rail Corp. and the Delaware and Hudson Railroads. Consolidated Rail Corp 2 platform- level tracks inside second floor of warehouse, capacity 22 cars; 12 car siding connects to Consolidated Rail Corp. Consolidated Rail Corp 5 surface- level loading stations. TSOCKLOADINC STATIONS Access to interior through south doors . 30 platform. 8 platform. HANDLING EQUIPMENT Eight 3- and one 5-ton electric freight elevators. Three li- , one 1- , and one 1 1/2- ton LP-gas fork lift trucks. FIRE PROTECTION Automatic sprinkler and detection service, hydrants, hose, and watchmen. Sprinkler system, hydrants, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Automatic detection and sprinkler system. REMARKS Divided into 10 sections by concrete firewalls. Brine cooling system; temperature range -9° to 36° F. Freon cooling system; temperature maintained at 50° F. WAREHOUSE REF. NO. ON HAP u b OPERATOR AND ADDRESS Sperry Warehouses. Inc. 1 Monroe Street Troy, NY 12181 Distribution Unlimited, Inc. P. 0. Box 98 Gullderland Center, NY 12085 BUILDING DESICHATIOM/S - - LOCATION Monroe Street. - riND Or STORAGE Drv. Drv. COMMODITIES USUALLY STORED Ceneral merchandise. General merchandise. DESCRIPTION Type of Construction Scael f raise, brick walls. Concrete walls and floor. • Dm. Qd| . Clear Helatit for Storasa (Put) ■ 24 U.-Jh Oth.r Floor. - - Load Opacity (Lbe/Sq.rt ,) : Unlimited, 250 areas rem rvw.ic storage, 1*Y STORACE ..)!.!, BTORAGI DRY STORAGE ' l-OHAi !■ DRY STORACH i mi ii '.i,ii,'Ai:i ■"••'■ ' •:• . >■ > J 10.000 1. .000 D.I. Cuatoaa loodad.fla.rt.i Coolar Ipaca (Cu.rt.) rn—»t »p*c. (cu.rt.) ■>: ->t sNBM ilrfat.d Rail Corp. , and Delaware and Hudson Railroads; 7 platform- level loading stations. Consolidated Rail Corp; Delaware and Hudson Railroads; 1856 (eat of continuous platform- level track. •»-i.> :•• ATlom ! dour. ."< diuii . BLU V\ Irwin 40-ton 66 LP-gas fork lift trucki. r:»r mnu-ii'm Sprite l • i •-'! , j.i i and looal tin dapartaatnu. 63 MARINE REPAIR PLANTS REF. NO. OF NEAREST PIER OR WHARF 1 • 2 OPERATOR AND ADDRESS Powell Boatyard, Inc. 93 Piermont Avenue Nyack, NY 10960 Julius Petersen, Inc. 1 Van Houten Street Upper Nyack, NY 10960 LOCATION OF PLANT Right bank, Hudson River, approximately 5,600 feet above Tappan Zee Bridge. Right bank, Hudson River, approximately 2.0 miles above Tappan Zee Bridge. REPAIR SHOPS AND EQUIPMENT Woodworking and painting shops; one 20-ton marine railway. Machine, woodworking, painting, electrical, and plumbing shops; welding units; 100-ton marine railway; one 50-ton, rubber-tired, mobile boat lift; and a 20-ton, A-frame, stiff-leg derrick with 70-foot boom. NATURE OF WORK UNDERTAKEN Repairs and painting for small vessels; engine repairs; minor fiber glass repairs; and complete restoration of wooden boats , Above- and below-waterline repairs to steel and wooden hulls; outfitting and general repairs to small vessels. LARGEST SHAFTS PRODUCED None . None. LARGEST CASTINGS PRODUCED None. None. VESSEL CAPACITY AT PLANT One on marine railway. (See Remarks.) One on marine railway, others at wharf. REMARKS Two buildings in rear have total capacity for 8 boats. REF. NO. OF NEAREST PIER OR WHARF 19 78 OPERATOR AND ADDRESS Steel Style, Inc. 401 South Water Street Newburgh, NY 12550 Nicholas Hollingsworth First and Center Streets Kingston, NY 12417 LOCATION OF PLANT Right bank, Hudson River, approximately 2.2 miles below Newburgh-Beacon Bridge. Right bank, Rondout Creek, approximately 0.5 mile above U.S. Highway No. 9W bridge. REPAIR SHOPS AND EQUIPMENT Steel fabrication, plate, electrical, mechanical, paint, and propeller shops; welding units; two launchways ; one 100-ton, diesel, crawler crane with 200-foot boom; two 10-ton, tower cranes with 70-foot booms. Machine, wood, and paint shops; welding units; one 25-ton, mobile marine lift; one 100-ton marine railway. NATURE OF WORK UNDERTAKEN Above-waterline repairs of any nature and vessel construction. Above- and below-waterline repairs to wood hulled vessels; engine and fiber glass repairs. LARGEST SHAFTS PRODUCED None. None. LARGEST CASTINGS PRODUCED None. None. VESSEL CAPACITY AT PLANT One vessel on each launchway and others at pier. One on marine railway. (See Remarks.) REMARKS Open storage space in yard can be used for repairs; building above marine railway used for storage and repairs . Repair plant was for sale at time of survey. REF. NO. OF NEAREST PIER OR WHARF 80 OPERATOR AND ADDRESS Matton Shipyard Co., Inc., Subsidiary of Turecamo Coastal & Harbor Towing Corp., Delaware Avenue, Cohoes, NY 12047 LOCATION OF PLANT Right bank, Hudson River, approximately 0.5 mile above Troy-Cohoes Bridge . REPAIR SHOPS AND EQUIPMENT Pipe , machine , carpenter , fabrication, electrical , and sheet metal shop3; painting and sandblasting equip- ment; one launchway; one 13-ton, diesel, crawler crane with 90-foot boom; and one 7-ton, mobile, diesel crane. NATURE OF WORK UNDERTAKEN Complete above-waterline repair capability at this yard; below-waterline repairs at the New York State drydock in Waterford, NY. LARGEST SHAFTS PRODUCED 12-inch diameter by 15-foot bed. LARGEST CASTINGS PRODUCED By subcontract. VESSEL CAPACITY AT PLANT Two at dockside, one at drydock, others on launchway. REMARKS Plant can construct vessels up to 200 feet in length. 64 MARINE RAILWAYS REF. NO. OF NEAREST PIER OR WHARF 1 2 28 OWNED BY Powell Boatyard, Inc. Julius Petersen, Inc. Chester National Bank. OPERATED BY do. do. Nicholas Hollingsworth. ADDRESS 93 Piennont Avenue Nyack, New York 10960 1 Van Houten Street Upper Nyack, New York 10960 First and Center Streets Kingston, New York 12417 LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Right bank, Hudson River, approxi- mately 5,600 feet above Tappan Zee Bridge. Right bank, Hudson River, approxi- mately 2.0 miles above Tappan Zee Bridge. Right bank, Rondout Creek, approxi- mately 0.5 mile above U.S. Highway 9W Bridge. TYPE DIMENSIONS (FEET) : Marine railway. 25 40 12 4 4 Crandall. 50 23 8 8 Marine railway. 75 50 25 2 2 Clear width of cradle ar cop Depth over keel blocks at MHW Aft HAULING POWER (TONS) 20 100 100 MEAN RISE AND FALL OF TIDE (FEET) 3.5 3.5 3.7 CRAKE SERVICE None . None. None. UTILITIES AVAILABLE A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60-cycle. A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle; water line; compressed air. A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle; one-inch water line. LARGEST VESSEL HANDLED (FEET) 40 feet long. 70 feet long. 75 feet long. DATE BUILT AND/OR REBUILT 1944/1970. 1943. 1958. REMARKS REF. NO. Of NEAREST PUR OR WHARF OWNED BY OPERATED BY ADDRF-SS location on uariotmt nrt DIMENSIONS (FEET): Clear width of cradle at top of keel blocks Depth over keel block! at KHW Aft moumc torn *a» f.'.r an:, (am