UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY at URBANA-CHAWIPAIGN. bcokstacks in 2016 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates ’JumsmoF. lumois LmAHr APfi 1 I ^ S5 ■it ii: REPORT THE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE APPROPRIATION BILL FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1910 JOHN F. HIGGINS, PRINTER AND BINDER 279-285 B. MONROE STREET CHICAGO, U. S. A. V \‘3 \ 0 ONIVEBSnYOF ILLINOIS IIBRARY t APR 1 ^ ijai? REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. > Nj m I s\ / Chicago, January 10, 1910. ’ To the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Chicago in City Council Assembled: Your Committee on Finance, to whom was referred the Departmental and Comptroller's estimates for the fiscal year 1910, having had the same under con- sideration beg leave to submit herewith for your approval a draft of an appropriation ordinance for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1910. The ordinance as submitted represents the result of careful and painstaking in- vestigation of the^\\vork and needs of the various departments of city government, in an effort to equitably apportion the meagre revenues of the municipality to the various municipal functions. Heretofore Chicago has had a small margin of bond-issuing ])ower each year, which could he availed of as a certain income and thus included in the annual ap- ])ropriations. This year, however, no bonds may be issued except upon a referendum vote, so that the only certain cor])orate income which can be positivelj^ appro- priated against is the current income of the year from taxation and from miscel- laneous revenues. The estimated income for the fiscal year 1910 from these sources is placed by the Comptroller at $20,442,155.20, a sum which your committee finds barely * sufficient by the practice of the most rigid economy to cover the ordinary corporate expenditures for salaries, and other expenses of maintenance and operation. Kor this reason your committee is led to recommend the submission to popular vote proposed bond issue to be expended for the most immediately needed permanent rovements. ; The form of the appropriation ordinance submitted differs somewhat from that >t other vears, by specifying the ])urposes in detail for which the moneys are to oe expended and giving to each actual account a definite code designation, thereby furnishing a real basis for audit and accounting control. No lump sum items a])peai in the proposed ordinance, so that the Council by passing this ordinance will for the first time insure the expenditure of Chicago’s income for the specific purposes for which it is appropriated. The pioposed appropriations for the fiscal year ending December 31st, 1910, are as follows: Corporate Purposes Fund $20,975,467.76 Appropriations contingent on bond issues ^ 11,998,163.00 Water Fund 6,159,986.41 Sinking Funds 1,713,229.16 Total city appropriations $40,846,846.33 - Schools $18,362,475.00 Public Library 510,000.00 Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium 431,155.60 Grand total $60,150,476.93 Less contingent bond issue 11,998,163.00 Total from assured income .$48,152,313.93 The ward appropriations are segregated into the various municipal functions which are carried on under ward supervision, thus enabling the Council to control the expenditure, for each function, in detail. The amount thus recommended is $42,555 more than was appropriated last year and about $98,000 more than was actually expended. No ward receives less than was appropriated for 1909, while some increase is allowed in twenty-six wards, the effort being to apportion the in- crease to the territory where most urgently needed. Your committee recommends the passage of the ordinance as submitted, confi- dent in the belief that it is an equitable division of the revenues of the city for the year. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) B. W. Snow, Chairman. 2 AX ORDINANCE Making appropriations for Corporate, School, Public Library and Tuberculosis Sani- tarium Purposes for the fiscal year from January 1, 1910, to December 31, 1910. Be it ordained hy the City Council of the City of Chicago : Section 1. That the following amounts, or so much thereof as may be author- ized by law and as may be needed, be and the same are hereby appropriated for the corporate purposes of the City of Chicago, and also for school, library and tuberculosis sanitarium purposes as hereinafter specified, for the fiscal year begin- ning January 1, 1910, and ending December 31, 1910. Section 2. That for purposes of accounting control the first figures of the code designations set forth in this bill shall constitute the department, bureau or group numbers, and the letters and remaining figures of the code designations shall con- stitute the account numbers of the respective departments, bureaus and groups. Section 3. That the Comptroller and the heads of the other departments, bureaus and offices of the city government shall administer the amounts appro- ])riated in this bill by accounts as specified by code numbers, and they are hereby prohibited from incurring any liabilities against any account in excess of the amount herein authorized for such account and from changing any salary or wages item herein. MAYOR’S OFFICE. Salaries and Wages — Mayor $ 18,000 00 Secretary 5,000 00 Assistant Secretary 3,000 00 Stenographers, 2 at $1,500 3,000 00 Messenger 1,500 00 lA $ 30,500 00 lAl Special Tax Expert and such technical and expert assistance and expense as may be required in the investigation of tax revenues of Chicago 10,000 OO 1C Ceneral supplies 200 00 IH Printing and stationery 1,000 00 IS All other operation 300 00 Total $ 42,000 00 3 BUREAU OF STATISTICS. Salaries and Wlages — City Statistician . .$ 3,000 00 Assistant City Statistician 1,300 00 Stenographer 960 00 2A $ 5,260 00 2C General Supplies , 400 00 2H Printing and Stationery 800 00 Total $ 6,460 00 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. Salaries and Wages — Traction Expert $ 3,000 00 Stenographer 960 00 3A $ :5,960 00 3C General Supplies 75 00 3H Printing and Stationery 50 00 3J Street Car Tran.s])ortation 125 00 3S All other operation 50 00 4’otal $ 4,260 00 CITY COUNCIL. Salaries and Wages — Aldermen at $3,000, 12 months, 37 $ 111,000 00 Aldermen at $3,000, 8 3-5 months, 33 70,950 00 Aldermen at $1,500, 3 2-5 months, 33 14,025 00 Chairman Committee on Finance, 3 2-5 months at $3,500 991 67 Chairman Committee on Finance, 8 3-5 months at $2,000 1,433 33 4A Total $ 198,400 00 4 COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. Salaries and Wages — Secretary of Finance Committee $ 3,600.00 Clerk and Stenographer 1,500 00 5A $ 5,100 00 5C General Supplies 50 00 5H Printing and Stationery 2,500 00 Total... $ 7,650 00 COMMITTEE ON LOCAL TRANSPORTATION. Salaries and Wages — Secretary and Engineer $ 3,600 00 Extra clerk and stenographer hire 1,850 00 6A $ 5,450 00 6G Furniture and fittings 600 00 6H Printing and Stationery 3,000 00 6S All other operation 55,950 00 Total $ 65,000. 00 COMMITTEE ON GAS, OIL AND ELECTRIC LIGHT. Salaries and Wages — > 7A For clerical services as required $ 1,500 00 7C General Supplies 100 00 7H Printing and stationery 250 00 7S All other operation 5,150 00 Total $ 7,000 00 COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC LANDS. Salaries and Wages — 8A For clerical services as required $ 3,000 00 8C General supplies 300 00 $ 3,300 00 Total 5 HARBOR COMMISSION. Salaries and Wages — 9A' Office assistant $ 1,020 00 9K Rents . 1,080 00 Total $ 2,100 00 COMMITTEE ON HARBORS, WHARVES AND BRIDGES. Salaries ami Wages — lOA For clericnl services as needed $ 1,500 00 IOC General supi)lies 100 00 lOH Printing and stationery 150 00 lOS All other operation 1,000 00 Total $ 2,750 00 CHICAGO PLAN COMMISSION. Salaries and Wages — Secretary $ 3,000 00 Stenographer and office assistants 1,200 00 llA $ 4,200 00 lie General Supplies 750 00 IIG Purchase of furniture and fittings 250 00 IIH Printing and stationery 1,500 00 IIS All other operation 550 00 Total •$ 7,250 00 CHICAGO COMMISSION ON CITY EXPENDITURES. Salaries and Wages — 12A Employes as may be required ($35,000.00 less $10,000.00 to be paid from Water Fund) $ 25,000 00 12C General supplies 250 00 12H Printing and stationery 3,250 00 12K Rents 2,000 00 12G Furniture and fittings 250 00 12J Street car transportation 250 00 12S All other operation 9,000 00 $ 40,000 00 Total 6 OFFICE OF CITY ClERK. Salaries and Wages — City Clerk $ 5,000 00 Chief Clerk 3,600 00 Reading Clerk 2,500 00 Secretary and stenographer 2,040 00 Clerk 2,040 00 Clerks, 2 at $1,680.00 3,360 00 Clerks, 2 at $1,500.00 3,000 00 Clerk 1,500 00 Clerks, 2 at $1,320.00 2,640 00 Clerk 1(,200 00 Stenographer 960 00 ' Messenger 720 00 Janitress 720 00 Sergeant-at-Arms 1,000 00 Official stenographer. Council 1,680 00 danitor and caretaker, Council Chamber. . . . 1,200 00 15A $ Extr^i clerk hire, account Council meetings. $ 600 00 Extra work, emergency, 75c per hour.... 120 00 15A1 t^xtra clerk hire, account license period... 15C General sup])lies (including unpaid bill, C. H. Hanson, .$100.50) 15G Purchase of furniture and fittings 15H Printing and stationer}^ (including unpaid bill, •1. F. Higgings, $600.00) 151 Advertising (including unpaid bill, Chicago Daily Journal, $91.26) 15S All other ojjeration Total $ .DEPARTMENT OF LAW. Bureau of Corporation Counsel. Salaries and W^ages — Corporation Counsel '. $ Assistant Corporation Counsels, 3 at $6,000 Assistant Corporation Counsels, 3 at $5,000 Assistant Corporation Counsels, 5 at $4,000 Assistant Corporation Counsel 10,000 00 18,000 00 15.000 00 20.000 00 3,600 00 33,160 00 720 00 2,880 00 500 50 200 00 18,600 00 891.26 3,900 00 60,851 76 DEPARTMENT OF LAW— Continued. (Salaries and Wages — Assistant Corporation Counsels, 3 at $3,000.$ 9,000 00 Assistant Corj)oration Counsels, 2 at $2,500 5,000 00 Assistant Corporation Counsels, 3 at $2,000 6,000 00 Assistant Corporation Counsel, 1 at $1,500. 1,500 00 Assistant Corporation Counsel, 1 at $1,500, one month 125 00 Assistant Corporation Counsel and Attor- ney, Fire Dej)artment 3,000 00 Chief Law Clerk and Secretary to Corpora- tion Counsel 2,500 00 Law claim investigator 2,000 00 Law and docket clerk 1,500 00 Law clerks and trial investigators, 3 at $1,200.00 3,600 00 Law clerks and preliminary investigators, 5 at $1,000.00 5,000 00 Law clerk and messenger 900 00 Law and filing clerk 1,200 00 Law clerk and telephone operator 720 00 Law clerks and stenographers, 2 at $1,200.00 2,400 00 Law clerks and stenographers, 6 at $1,000.00 6,000 00 Law clerk and stenographer for Attorney, Fire Department 1,200 00 Assistant Corporation Counsel and Attor- ney, Board of Local rmprovements .... 5,000 00 Assistant Corporation Counsel and Assist- ant Attorney, Board of Local Im- provements 4,000 00 Assistant Corporation Counsels and Assist- ant Attorneys, Board of Local Im- provements, 2 at $2,800.00 5,600 00 Law clerk. Board of Local Improvements, Law Department 2,400 00 Law clerk. Board of Local Improvements, Law Department 1,500 00 Law clerk. Board of Local Improvements, Law Department 1,200 00 Law clerk, Board of Local Improvements, Law Department 1,000 00 8 DEPARTMENT OF LAW— Continued. •Salaries and Wages — Law c'lerks and stenographers, Board of Local Improvements, 4 at $1,000 $ 4,000 00 Assistant Corporation Counsel and Attor- ney, Water Department 2,500 00 Law clerk and stenographer for Attorney, Water Department 900 00 Janitress 720 00 $ 147,065 00 Less amount payable from Water Fund. . . . 20,400 00 16A $ 126,665 00 16C General supplies 050 00 16G Purchase of furniture and fittings 150 00 16H Printing and stationery (including unpaid bill, Guntliorp-Warren Co., $9:L06) 2,093 06 16J Street car transportation 200 00 16S All other operation (including unpaid bills, G. W. Browning, $850.00; F. H. Stephens, $242.04; Lindsay & Wyman, $299.35) 18,091 39 Total $ 148,149.45 Bureau of Prosecuting Attorney. Salaries and Wages — Prosecuting Attorney $ 4,500 00 Chief Assistant Prosecuting Attorney.... 3,000 00 Assistant Prosecuting Attorneys, 3 at $2,400.00 7,200 00 Assistant Prosecuting Attorneys, 16 at $2,000.00 32,000 00 Docket and law clerk 1,500 00 Stenographer and law clerk 900 00 •Stenographer and law clerk 1,000 00 17A $ 50,100 00 17C General supplies 300 00 17H Printing and stationery 500 00 17K Rent 1,380 00 17S All other operation 1,016 00 $ 53,296 00 Total . DEPARTMENT OF LAW— Continued. Bureau of City Attorney. Salaries and Wages — City Attorney $ 6,000 00 Chief Assistant City Attorney 3,800 00 Trial attorneys, 4 at $3,600 14,400 00 Trial attorney 2,500 00 Assistant trial attorneys, 2 at $2,150 4,300 00 Assistant trial attorney 2,100 00 Assistant trial attorneys, 2 at $1,800 3,600 00 Assistant trial attorney 1,500 00 Trial attorney, “action over” 3,000 00 Appellate Court attorney 3,000 00 Assistant City Attorneys, 2 at $li,800 3,600 00 Supervisor of Investigations T,800 00 Chief Clerk : 2,100 00 Docket Clerk 1,800 00 Stenographer 1,200 00 Stenographer 1,000 00 Stenographers, 2 at $900 1,800 00 Copyists, 2 at $720 1,440 00 Switchboard operator 900 00 Messenger 600 00 Chief investigator _ 2,400 00 Assistant chief investigator 1,500 00 Investigator, charge of Circuit Court 1,500 00 Investigator, charge of Superior Court.... 1,500 00 Investigator, charge of Municipal Court . . . 1,300 00 Investigators, 24 at $1,200 (trial) 28,800 00 Investigators, 23 at $1,000 (preliminary) .. 23,000.00 $ 120,440 00 Less amount payable from Water Fund 75,000 00 18A $ 45,440 00 18C General supplies 975 00 18G Purchase of furniture and fittings 200 00 18H Printing and stationery 2,000 00 18J Street car transportation 3,800 00' 18K Rents 8,108 64 All other operation — SI Court reporting 8,000 00' DEPARTMENT OF LAW— Continued. Emergency trial attorneys, extra Appellate Court work $ 3,000 00 Light, water and office repairs 1,000 00 Miscellaneous 31,800 00 Total $ 104,323 64 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. Comptroller’s Office. Salaries and Wages — Comptroller $ 10,000 00 Deputy comptroller and auditor 4,000 00 Chief clerk 3,600 00 General accountant 3,000 00 Assistant general acountant . . li,500 00 Clerks, three at $1,320 3,960 00 Clerks, five at $1,200 6,000 00 Clerks, four at $1,080 4,320 00 Clerks, three at $960 2,880 00 Clerk 840 00 Special Assessment Divisidn. Accounting clerk in charge 1,800 00 Clerks, two at $1,320 2,640 00 Clerks, six at $1,200 7,200 00 Stenographer 960 00 Clerks, six at $1,080 6,480 00 Clerks, three at $960 2,880 00 Messenger 600 00 Audit Division. Clerk in charge 2,400 00 Expert accountant 2,400 00 Clerks, two at $li,500 3,000 00 Clerks, four at $1,200 00 4,800 00 Clerks, five at $1,080 5,400 00 Clerks, two at $960 1,920 00 Paymaster’s Division. Paymaster 3,000 00 Assistant paymasters, two at $1,680 3,360 00 Clerks, two at $1,200 2,400 00 Clerks, four at $1,080 4,320 00 ■'■ ^ •V,-% ' . ':-i * 'f ■ ■ ■ ; v-’-'-je' til -, ‘s.i ■, .', ■ ia"" ' ^ ■ .\: ' /■' ■ r . — /'•,■■»■•* ® ' i^’' ;*('■ ’.'"i’. •• '; V. .;-/ •■ y -Jt., .•■ .JS -y .,;jr/; ■:.■:■ ■'■ \ .. . - -vr,. /HJ i /* r • . , . ■ >-■?.. .':; -yyrtl-;'. .’.wHy; '-, -T^P. ■ ... 'v.;:: t. fev. ', V/,y. '- .,t. <( ,'<' *' ' M.P : ' ?# -' ;;M '‘Uiilfe::. ’’-■ •■'- ■:/ ■ ' >r ■-'■• V,- .ov:.-.:v;-^v ' 'iP 'W.: ,,.y ■■' .iiyl’jr'- ^yy..'' y.i.y'y..'yy, ...i ....:y;.'.«' ,, '.'."ir' , y yy y-.y.yiy.'yy ,i|s_ ''-■■■ y ' -. .('.-V.;.; ' ■ t’t ■ 4 t . • " ■ . .. : . : - • V %’!/■ ■ ■ ■ ' '■ ■ ' ■*•• '■ • •• ••• • ' • ■ • ' ■• ■ '• ■ •• - ’ : .‘ A ■'•■ y>^ ' *4 V ’■«* . r ■iv'T's* n '■ ', ‘ A ■ ' ■ -lyU '- . '■Vv> : y/. t : ■ 1 ' ’ ‘ 'flPrf M ■ v: .'■'.s' . .. "'* ■- t ■' ' '.v' ''' " .;f, r>-;,r - , ■' . . > ' .. . X' ’■ v>' ■ ?!.■ 'J. . .♦ I DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE— Continued. General Clerical Division. Real estate agent ..$ 1,800 00 Paying teller li,500 00 A.ssistant paying teller 1,200 00 Clerk 1„080 00 Clerks, four at $960 . . : 3,840 00 Messenger 720 00 Total ..$ 105,800 00 Less amount payable from Water Fund., 13,500 00 20A $ 92,300 00 20A1 Extra for overtime of regular employes. 3,000 00 The Comptroller may, on making written request, require the service of any engineer, bookkeeper, clerk or other employe in any de- partment for the purpose of investigating, ex- amining or auditing any voucher or account of any work performed or material furnished, or the cost thereof. During the period of such em- ployment he shall be under the jurisdiction of the Comptroller and during the time of such temporary service the salary of such employe shall be transferred from his salary appropria- tion to Account 22A and paid therefrom. 20C General supplies 1,900 00 20G Purchase of furniture and fittings 750 00 20H Printing and stationery 4,700 00 20J Street car transportation 75 00 20S All other operation ($6,000.00. less $1,000.00 payable from Water Fund) 5,000 00 Total $ 107,725 00 Department of Finance — Interest. 21P Interest on bonded indebtedness $1,176,733 75 21P1 Interest on bonds anticipated in 1910 120,000 00 Miscellaneous Interest — 21P2 Interest on anticipation tax warrants 275,000 00 21P3 Interests on judgments 15,000 00 $1,586,733 75 Total . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE— Continued. 22A 22H 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 *22S7 2258 2259 22510 22511 22S12 22S13 22S14 Miscellaneous. For services of special accountants and investi- gators as occasion may require For printing municipal bonds To cover cost of auditing and closing accounts for 1909 Art Commission of the City of Chicago For payment of claims on account of moneys de- posited in the Corporate Fund from “Un- claimed Wages Acct.,” “Suspense Acct.,” “Bicycle and Vehicle Tax Acct.,” and re- funding duplicate payments and payments made in error For miscellaneous items Expense of converting tax sale certificates into deeds One-half of cost of maintaining .Juvenile Court for 1910 Telegrams of departments (current year) Unpaid telegrams of departments Contingent Fund for contingent and other ex- penses for corporate purposes not otherwise provided for, to be expended under the di- rection of the Mayor and the City Comp- troller For payment of costs on judgments For the payment of petty injury and damage claims, refunds, etc., to be expended under the direction of the Finance Committee . . . For the payment of property stricken off or ])ur- chased by the City in special assessment pro- ceedings at the annual sales on account of default of bidders Unpaid bills of Calumet and South Chicago Rail- way Company, Chicago City Railway Com- pany, and Chicago Railways Company for street car transportation of plain clothes officers For payment for services in adjusting claims for damages to be expended under direction of Finance Committee $ 10,000 00 3.000 00 1.000 00 100 00 5.000 00 1,500 00 ^ 15.000 00 20.000 00 1.000 00 902 99 20,000 00 4,000 00 4,450 OO 80,000 OO 91,157 60 12,000 00 13 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE— Continued. Miscellaneous. 22515 For personal injury claims to be expended under direction of City Attorney 1,000 00 22516 Unpaid bill of John M. Ewen for supervision of construction of new City Hall 5,000 00 22517 For claim of Prindiville & Co., damages to Steamer “City of Benton Harbor” 157 39 22518 For bill of Merle & Heaney Co 123 75 22519 For loss and cost collecting corporate taxes.... 350,000 00 Total $ 625,391 73 Contingent on Bond Issue. 22X Judgment Funding Bonds $ 200,000 00 CITY TREASURER’S OFFICE. Salaries and Wages — City Treasurer $ ' 12,000 00 Assistant City Treasurer 5,000 00 Chief Clerk 3,000 00 Cashier 3,300 00 Assistant cashier ' 2,400 00 Assistant cashier and paymaster 2,400 00 Special assessment clerk 1,680 00 Clerk 1,680 00 Clerks, 10 at $1,200.00 12,000 00 Stenographer 960 00 Janitress 720 00 23A : r $ 45,140 00 23G Purchase of furniture and fittings 100 00 23H Printing and stationery 930 00 • 23J Street car transportation 15 90 23K Rents 60 00 23S All other operation 10,781 10 $ 57,027 00 Total 14 CITY COLLECTOR. Salaries and Wages — City Collector $ 6,000 00 Deputy Collector 3,600 00 Cashier 2,600 00 Chief Clerk, Special Assessments 1,800 00 Clerk 1,500 00 Bookkeeper 1,500 00 Special assessment clerks. 21 at $1,500.00.. 31,500 00 One Collector in Charge 1,500 00 Collectors, 3 at $1,200.00 3,600 00 Clerk 960 00 Messenger 960 00 Clerk 1,200 00 24A $ 56,720 00 24A1 Overtime, special assessment work by extra and regular men making delinquent re- turn to County Collector, at 75c per hour 5,950 00 24A2 Extra clerk hire, 145 months at $90 13,050 00 24C General supplies (including unpaid bill of C. H. Hanson, $490.00) 4,800 00 24H Printing and stationery 1,500 00 241 Advertising 800 00 24J Street car transportation 400 00 24S All other operation 2,100 00 $ 85,320 00 Vehicle Tax Division. (Expense of this Division shall be paid from Vehicle Tax Fund.) Salaries and Wages— Clerk in charge $ 1,800 00 Six clerks at $1,200.00 7,200 00 Two clerks at $1,320.00 2,640 00 Stenographer 960 00 24A3 12,600 00 24C1 General supplies 3,000 00 24H1 Printing and stationery 400 00 Total $ 101,320 00 15 BOARD OF ELECTION COMMISSIONERS. Salaries and Wages — Clerks, 4 at $1,800.00 $ 7,200 00 Clerks, 15 at $1,500.00 22,500 00 Clerks, 10 at $1,400.00 14,000 00 Clerks, 23 at $1,300.00 29,900 00 Clerks, 2 at $1,000.00 2,000 00 qierk 900 00 Attorney 5,000 00 25A $ 81,500 00 25A1 Extra clerks, 173 days at $5.00 per day.'. . . 865 00 25A2 Extra clerks, 11,726 days at $4.00 per day. . 46,904 00 25C General supplies 5,125 65 25E Repairs and replacements by contract or open order 2,811 00 25H Printing and stationery 35,986 28 251 Advertising 5,937 46 Rents — 25K Offices of Commissioners 22,906 36 25K1 Polling places 50,965 00 All Other Operation — 2551 Temporary election, employes (judges, clerks, etc.) 139,070 00 2552 Sundry expenses 16,277 28 Total . . $ 408,348 03 DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL SERVICE. Main Division. Salaries and Wages — Civil Service Commissioner, President ... .$ 5,000 00 Civil Service Commissioners, 2 at $3,000.00 6,000 00 Chief examiner and secretary 3,000 00 Attorney to Civil Service Commission .... 3,000 00 Examiner in charge 1,800 00 Examiners in charge, 2 at $1,680.00 3,360 00 Examiners, 8 at $1,200.00 9,600 00 Examiners, 3 at $1,080.00 3,240 00 Clerk 1,800 00 Clerk 1,500 00 16 DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL SERVICE— Continued. Main Division. Salaries and Wages — Clerks, 2 at $960 $ 1,920 00 Shorthand reporter 1,500 00 Stenographer 1,080 00 Telephone operator 960 00 Messenger 720 00 26A $ 44,480 00 26 A1 Special examiners, not to exceed $5 per day 5,000 00 Efficiency Division. Salaries and Wages — 26 A2 Employes as may be required 23,800 00 All Divisions. 26C General supplies 1,800 00 26G Purchase of furniture and fittings 500 00 26H Printing and stationery 4,000 00 261 Advertising 1,000 00 26S All other operation 424 00 Total $ 81,004 00 DEPARTMENT OF SUPPLIES. Salaries and Wages — Business Agent $ 6,000 00 Chief buyer 2,400 00 Buyer 2,040 00 Buyer 1,500 00 Buyer 1,500 00 Sales clerk 1,320 00 Bookkeeper 1,800 00 Clerk 1,080 00 Stenographer 960 00 Stockkeeper 2,040 00 Feed inspector 1,500 00 Material inspector 1,500 00 Messenger 720 00 $ 24,360 00 Less amount payable from Water Fund 12,072 00 27A $ 12,288 00 17 DEPARTMENT OF SUPPLIES— Continued. 27C General supplies $ 850 00 27G Purchase of furniture and fittings 115 00 27H Printing and stationery 300 00 271 Advertising 245 00 27J Street car transportaion 150 00 27K Rents 3,600 00 27L Fuel 225 00 27S All other operation 215 00 Total $ 17,988 00 DEPARTMENT OF POLICE. Administration. Salaries and Wages — General Superintendent $ 8,000 00 Assistant General Superintendent 5,000 00 Secretary of Department 3,600 00 Private Secretary to General Superintendent 2,500 00 Chief Clerk of Department 1,800 00 Clerk in Secretary’s office 1,500 00 Clerk in Secretary’s office 1,320 00 Stenographer in Assistant General Superin- tendent’s office li,200 00 Stenographers, 3 at $1,200 3,600 00' Operator and private secretary to Assistant General Superintendent • 1,200 00 Stenographer 960 00 30A $ 30,680 00' Subordinate Commanding Officers. Salaries and Wages — , Inspectors, 8 at $2,800.00 $ 22,400 00 Captain, Mounted Squad • 2,250 00 Captains, 16 at $2,250.00 36,000 00 Drill Master 1,500 00 Lieutenants, 68 at $1,800.00 122,400 00 Sergeants, 371 at $1,500.00 556,500 00 30A1 $ 741,050 00’ 18 DEPARTMENT OF POLICE— Continued. Patrolmen. Salaries and Wages — 3QA2 Patrolmen, First Grade at $900, Second Grade at $1,000, Third Grade at $1,200 $4,482,382 00 Detective Bureau. Salaries and Wages — Captain of Detectives $ 2,500 00 Lieutenants of Detective Bureau, 3 at $2,000 6,000 00 Chief Clerk 2,500 00 Stenographers, 2 at $1,200.00 2,400 00 30A3 $ 13,400 00 Bureau of Identification. Salaries and Wages — Superintendent of Bureau of Identification. $ 2,250 00 Finger print operator 1,200 00 Photographers, 2 at $1,100.00 2,200 00 Stenographer 960 00 30A4 $ 6,610 00 Departmental Stables. Salaries and Wages — Superintendent of Horses $ 2,400 00 Veterinary surgeon 2,400 00 Hostlers, 27 at $960.00 25,920 00 30 A5 $ 30,720 00 Telegraph Bureau. Salaries and Wages — Chief operator $ 2,000 00 Assistant chief operator 1,500 00 Operators, 146 at $1,000.00 146,000 00 30A6 $ 149,500 00 30A7 Sub-operators at $2.73 per day 20,000 00 19 DEPARTMENT OF POLICE— Continued. Repair Shops. Salaries and Wages — Superintendent of construction $ 1,800 00 Clerk, repair shop 960 00 Automobile caretaker 780 00 30A8 $ 3,540 00 30A9 Laborers, not to exceed $2.50 per day 4,500 00 All other mechanics, as follows, to be paid not to exceed union rate of wages — Plumbers $ 1,878 00 Blacksmiths 6,260 00 Wagon-makers 6,260 00 Carriage trimmers 1,565 00 Carpenters 5,048 60 Turner 1,408 50 Machinist 1,565 00 Carriage and wagon blacksmith finishers 5,634 00 Harness maker 1,408 50 Carriage painters 2,754 40 Painters 5,508 80 C lazier 1,377 20 Station repairer 1,252 00 30A10 41,920 00 Miscellaneous. Salaries and Wages — Custodian $ 1,800 00 Electrician 1,800 00 Sergeant in charge of Bureau of Records.. 1,700 00 Printer 1,500 00 Pressman at $22.50 per week I,li70 00 Chief Matron 1,200 00 Matrons, 46 at $900 41,400 00 Pensioners, 4 at $1.200 • 4,800 00 Special investigators, 3 at $1,000 3,000 00 Janitors, 56 at $780 43,680 00 Scrub-women, 23 at $540 12,420 00 30A11 $ 114,470 00 30A12 Engineers at 37l^ cents per hour 35,733 00 DEPARTMENT OF POLICE— Continued. Other than Salaries and Wages. 30C General supplies $ 20,112 00 SOD Material for repairs and replacements by de- partmental labor 4,000 OO 30E Repairs and replacements by contract or open order 11,000 Ob’ 30F Apparatus, machinery, vehicles, harness, etc., including care and storage 22,475 Ob 30G Purchase of furniture and fittings 2,500 00 30H Printing and stationery 11,000 00 30K Rents 17,500 00 SOL Fuel 34,700 00 SOM Purchase of horses 0,600 00 SON Forage, shoeing and' boarding horses 63,008 00 SOS All other operation . 34,500 00 Grand total — Police Department chargeable to Corporate Fund $5,904,900 00 All Construction and Betterments Contingent on Bond Issue. New Buildings — Central Station, Madison street and river.. $ 600,000 00 Mounted police barracks 100,000 00 Police, station, vicinity of 35th and Halsted streets 70,000 00 Police station, vicinity of Oakley avenue and West li3th street 40,000 00 Police station, vicinity of Randolph and Halsted streets 90,000 00 Police station, vicinity of 43d avenue and Randolph street 38,500 00 Police station, vicinity of Chicago avenue and May street 87,000 OO Police station, vicinity of 63d street and Ashland avenue 40,000 00 For purchase of police station site, Austin.... 5,000 00 Total $1,070,500 00 21 MUNICIPAL COURT. Office of the Chief Justice. Salaries and Wages — Chief Justice $ 7,500 00 Associate judges 162,000 00 Assistant to the Chief Justice 4,000 00 Executive assistant to the Chief Justice. . . 4,000 00 Assistant to the Chief Justice 1,800 00 Assistant to the Chief Justice 1,500 00 Auditor 2,500 00 31A $ 183,300 00 31G Purchase of furniture and fittings 3,500 00 31H Printing and stationery 3,000 00 31K Rents 89,000 00 31S Contingent Fund 8,000 00 Office of the Clerk. Salaries and Wages — Clerk $ 6,000 00 Chief deputy clerk 4,000 00 Attorney 3,000 00 Deputy clerk 3,000 00 Deputy clerk 2,800 00 Deputy clerk 2,500 00 Deputy clerk 2,100 00 Deputy clerks, 11 at $1,800 ; 19,800 00 Deputy clerks. 2 at $1,650 3,300 00 Deputy clerks, 27 at $1,500 40,500 00 Deputy clerks, 6 at $1,440 8,640 00 Deputy clerks, 15 at $1,380 20,700 00 Deputy clerks, 12 at $1,320 15,840 00 Deputy clerks. 42 at $1,200 50,400 00 Deputy clerks, 3 at $1,000 3,000 00 Deputy clerk 900 00 Deputy clerk 300 00 31A1 186,780 00 31G1 Purchase of furniture and fittings 1,000 00 31H1 Printing and stationery 8,000 00 31 J1 Street car transportation 300 00 All Other Operation — 3151 Contingent Fund and expense of jurors 1,000 00 3152 Jurors and witness fees 90,000 00 22 MUNICIPAL COURT— Continued. Office of the Bailiff. Salaries and Wages — Bailiff $ 6,000 00 Chief deputy bailiff 4,000 00 Assistant chief deputy bailiff 2,500 00 Deputy bailiffs, 56 at $1,500 84,000 00 Deputy bailiffs, 51 at $1,260 64,260 00 Deputy bailiffs, 2 at $li,000 2,000 00 Deputy bailiff 900 00 Binergeney deputy l)ailiffs, 6 at $1,000.... 6,000 00 Attorney 3,000 00 Deputy bailiff 1,320 00 31A2 $ 173,980 00 31C2 General siip])lies 550 00 31G2 Purchase of furniture and fittings 500 00 31H2 Printing and stationery 700 00 31J2 Street car transportation 3,500 00 31S3 All other operation 10,200 00 Total — Municipal Court $ 763,310 00 HOUSE OF CORRECTION. Salai'ies and Wages — Superintendent $ 3,600 00 Assistant superintendent 1,800 00 Chief engineer 2,100 00 Engineers, 3 at $1,200 3,600 00 Engineer, 1 at $1,200 for 6 months 600 00 Hqisting engineer , 1,200 00 Hoisting engineer, 6 months 600 00 Stone crusher operator 1,020 00 Steam drill operator 900 00 Water tenders, 2 at $900 1,800 00 Resident physician and surgeon 2,400 00 Eye, ear, nose and throat specialist 300 00 Internes, 2 at $300 600 00 Surgical nurse 780 00 Chief clerk 1,800 00 Supervisor (construction) 1,200 00 23 HOUSE OF CORRECTION— Continued. Salaries and Wages — Supervisor (bakery) $ 1,200 00 Supervisor (tailor shop) 1,200 00 Supervisor (grounds) ‘ 1,080 00 Supervisor (kitchen) 1,020 00 Supervisor (brick yards) (7 mouths) 875 00 Supervisor (stone quarry) 1,680 00 Supervisor (school) 1,440 00 Assistant supervisor (grounds) 900 00 Assistant supervisor (brick yards, 6 mos.) 510 00 Investigator 900 00 Stenographer 1,080 00 Head matron 900 00 Supervising matron (school) 780 00 Supervising matron (sewing room) 780 00 Supervising matron (laundry) 780 00 Supervising matron (dormitory) 780 00 Matrons, 4 at $660 2,640 00 32A $ 32A1 Guards (1st class), 141 months at $100 per month 32A2 Guards (2d class), 3 at $1,080 32A3 Guards (3rd class), 162 months at $85 per month 32A4 Guards (4th class), 246 months at $75 per month General Supplies — 32C Provisions 32C1 Drugs, medicines and surgical instruments.. 32C2 Clothing and bedding for prisoners 32C3 Material for manufacturing 32C4 Other supplies 32D Material for repairs and replacements by de- partmental labor 32F Apparatus, machinery, vehicles, harness, etc... 32G Purchase of furniture and fittings 32B Hire of teams, horses and carts • 32H Printing and stationery 321 Advertising 32L Fuel 42,845 00 14,100 00 3,240 00 13,770 00 18,450 00 73.300 00 2,500 00 16,000 00 8,375 00 7.300 00 12.300 00 2.300 00 800 00 3,000 00 800 00 70 00 25,000 00 24 HOUSE OF CORRECTION— Continued. 32N Forage, shoeing and hoarding horses $ 4,042 00 320 Special contract obligations (houses of shelter) . 30,000 00 All Other Operation — Unpaid Bills of — J. W. Butler Paper Co $ 1 25 Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co 1 25 (luarantee Electric Co 1 50 Jul. King Optical Co 1 27 Devoe & Raynolds Co 1 59 Crerar, Adams & Co 1 83 Link Belt Company 2 01 Jones & Laughlin vSteel Co 2 10 Philip Buxton 2 50 Simplex Electric Heating Co 2 75 Illinois Northern Railway 2 99 Fuller & Fuller Co 3 19 E. S. McDonald 3 37 Chicago Leather Merc. Co 3 93 Standard Oil Co 4 20 Crane Co 4 32 Chambers Bros. Co 5 00 Standard Oil Co 5 78 Devoe & Raynolds Co 6 00 Slade, Hipp & Meloy 6 06 E. A. Aaron & Bro 6 50 Chicago Roller Co 650 Crane Co 6 30 Bullard & Gormley Co 643 Jno. Banholzer 6 50 Durand & Kasper Co 6 63 Enterprise Wire Cloth Co 6 65 Ingersoll-Rand Co 6 80 Chicago Medical Book Co 7 00 Fuller & Fuller Co 7 40 Jno. J. Canvin 741 Simplex Electric Heating Co 7 50 Sullivan Oil Co 8 16 Slade, Hipp & Meloy 8 50 Fuller & Fuller Co 8 79 Bradner, Smith & Co 8 80 ' Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co 8 90 25 HOUSE OF CORRECTION— Continued. All other operation — Unpaid bills of — Wisconsin Lime & Cement Co $ 9 00 Chicago Roller Co 9 00 Empire Paper Co 9 07 Emj)ire Paper Co 9 18 B. E. Brandsetli 9 21 A. C. McClurg & Co 9 25 Bradner, Smith & Co 9 72 Durand & Kasper Co 10 20 Vaughan’s Seed Store 10 80 Peter Schuttler Co 10 90 Bowman Dairy Co 11 11 ^Vestern Electric Co 11 20 Shar)) & Dohme 12 76 National Boiler W orks 12 95 Fuller & Fuller Co 13 06 Seifert & Mann 13 35 B. Lavezzorio & Co 13 70 John W. Thomas 14 00 Seifert & Mann 14 08 Marshall Field & Co 15 00 E. A. Aaron & Bro 15 60 Chicago Telephone Co 16 76 E. A. Aaron dt ]R‘o 17 68 Bullard & Corniley Co 17 70 Win. d. Aloxley 18 00 Chicago Telejihone Co 18 21 WL M. Hoyt Co 18 35 E. S. McDonald 18 44 Jones & Langhlin Steel Co 18 62 M. Shields Co 18 75 Bradner Smith & Co 19 58 Wayman & Murphy 20 75 Knickerbocker Ice Co 22 80 Knickerbocker Ice Co 26 00 B. PI. Brandseth 26 43 Safety Electric Co 31 50 \Vm. Hereley 32 31 Chicago Fire Brick Co 33 50 Xeal & Co 39 00 26 HOUSE OF CORRECTION— Continued. All other operation — Unpaid bills of — Tlios. OTIearn & Co $ 41 00 E. A. Aaron & Bro 41 70 John Foley 46 38 Win. J. Moxley 47 40 Chicago Fire Brick Qo 50 95 Illinois Northern By 52 75 . Marshall Field & Co 57 18 E. S. McDonald 58 69 • Trnax, Creene & Co ' 61 79 W. H. Dudgeon 66 00 Coyne Bros 69 50 Sprague, Warner & Co 73 50 Crane Qo 74 02 N. \V. Architectural Iron Works 75 73 Coyne Bros 85 25 Empire Paper Company 93 13 Marshall Field & Co 95 67 J'. B. Lavezzorio & Co 95 84 Thos. O’Hearn & Co 100 65 Truax, Creene & Co 117 87 Wm. Hereley 119 29 M’estern Electric Co 124 65 Carson. Pirie, Scott & Co 150 45 SteeleAN'edeles Co 115 00 Enterprise Wire Cloth Qo 154 33 Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co 196 55 Empire Paper Co 228 64 Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co 248 25 Irwin Brothers 642 09 Richard J. Collins 1,482 40 32S $ 5,711 83 32S1 Sundry expenses 2,100 00 32X All construction and betterments — erection and completion of new cell house under existing contracts and agreements (to be reimbursed by bond issue) ^ 10,000 00 Total $ 296,003 83 27 HOUSE OF CORRECTION— Continued. Contingent on Bond Issue. Erection and completion of new cell house (ex- isting contracts — proceeds to be used to re- imburse corporate fund accounts for same included in 1910 Budget) $ 1,0,000 00 DOG POUND. Salaries and Wages — Superintendent $ 1,600 00 Kennelman 1,200 00 Dog catchers, 9 at $1,200.00 10,800 00 Hostler 900 00 33A $ 14,500 00 33C General supplies 150 00 33L Fuel ' 100 00 33N Forage, shoeing and hoarding horses 1,700 00 33S All other operation 125 00 Total $ 16,575 00 DEPARTMENT OF FIRE. Salaries and Wages — Fire Marshal $ 8,000 00 First Assistant Fire Marshal 5,000 00 Second Assistant Fire Marshal 4,000 00 Third Assistant Fire Marshal 3,500 00 Fourth Assistant Fire Marshal 3,500 00 Secretary 2,500 00 Chief clerk and bookkeeper 2,200 00 Assistant secretary 2,040 00 Stockkeeper and clerk 1,815 00 \^eter inary surgeon 2,500 00 35A $ 35,055 00 Chief of Battalion $ 3,250 00 Chiefs of Battalion, 18 at $2,750.00 49,500 00 35A1 52,750 00 28 DEPARTMENT OF FIRE— Continued. 35A2 Captains, 153 at $1,815.00 $ 277,695 00 35A3 Lieutenants, 156 at $1,529.00 238,524 00 Engineers, 25 at $1,518.00 $ 189,750 00 Marine engineers, 6 at $1,680.00 10,080 00 Assistant engineers, 116 at $1,265.00 146,740 00 Stokers, 20 at $1,265.00 25,300 00 35A4 371,870 00 35A5 Pipenien, truckmen ami drivers of all classes, salary of first class to be $1,247.00; salary of second class to be $1,155.00; salary of third class to be $1,056.00.. 1,430 000 00 35A6 Pilots, 15 at $1,680.00 25,200 00 Hostlers, 8 at $960.00 $ 7,680 00 Chaiiffenrs, 2 at $1,247.00 2,494 00 35A7 10,174 00 Repair Shop. Salaries and Wages — Superintendent of macbinery $ 2,000 00 Machinist and foreman 1,800 00 Mechanical engineer 1,212 00 Driver 1,247 00 l^aborer, 365 days at $2.50 per day. 912 50 J.aborer, 313 days at $2.50 per day 782 50 Watchman for 365 days at $2.50 per day.. 912.50 Clerk 960 00 35A8 9,826 50 Mechanics as follows, not to exceed union rate of wages — Blacksmiths $ 3,130 00 Blacksmiths’ helpers 2,504 00 Wagon blacksmith finishers 3,756 00 Boilermaker 1,408 50 Boilermaker’s helper 1,001 60 Brass finisher 1,565 00 Molders 2,817 00 Painters 7,825 00 Steamfitters 3,443 00 29 DEPARTMENT OF FIRE— Continued. Repair Shop — Continued. Mechanics as follows, not to exceed union rate of wages — Machinists . . .$ 10,955 00 Steamfitters’ helpers 2,191 00 litters 3,756 00 Woodworkers 4,695 00 Plumber 1,721 50 Plumbers 3,300 00 Harnessmakers 2,817 00 Wheelwrights 3,130 00 Carpenter and caulker 1,408 50 Patternmaker 1,690 20 35A9 63,114 30 Fire Alarm Telegraph. Salaries and Wages — Chief operator $ 2,600 00 Superintendent of construction 2,500 00 Operators, 3 at $2,000.00 6,000 00 Assistant operators, 3 at $1,700 00 5,100 00 Assistant operator 1,320 00 Repairer 1,200 00 Chief electrical repair shop 2,500 00 35A10 21,220 00 35A11 Machinist (not to exceed union rate of wages 1,565 00 Branch Office. Salaries and Wages — Operators, 3 at $2,000.00 $ 6,000 00 Assistant operators, 3 at $1,700.00 5,100 00 35A12 11,100 00 All Other than Salaries and Wages. 35C Ueneral supplies (including unpaid bills, E. Hines Lumber Co., $253.95 and $196.01)... $ 74,949 96 35D Material for repairs by departmental labor.... 20,486 25 35E Repairs and replacement by contract 60,00'0 00 30 DEPARTMENT OF FIRE— Continued. 35F Apparatus, machinery, vehicles, harness, etc.... $ 2,500 00 35G Purchase of furniture and fittings 4,871 50 35H Printing and stationery . . .• 3,970 00 35K Rents 12,602 08 35L Fuel 99 816 40 35M Purchase of horses 25,000 00 35N Forage, shoeing and boarding horses 137,561 00 35S All other maintenance and operation (including unpaid bill, Peoples Gas, JJght & Coke Co., $8.b0) 11,308 00 4’otal $3,001,158 99 All Construction and Betterments Contingent on Bond Issue. New Fire Station Buildings — 3454 Avondale avenue $ 27,900 00 611 West Lake street 22,000 00 1721-23 Greenleaf avenue 25,000 00 546-8 West 69th street 22,000 00 In vicinity of West Chicago avenue and May street 32,000 00 In vicinity of 35th street and Emerald ave. 28,000 00 In vicinity of Evergreen and Washtenaw avenue 36.200 00 111 vicinity of Bowen and Champlain avenue 43,000 00 In vicinity of Irving Park boulevard and Perry avenue 36,200 00 In vicinity of Potomac avenue and Lawndale avenue 36,200 00 In vicinity of Sacramento avenue and Con- gress street 37,200 00 In vicinity of 69th street and Indiana ave. . 37,000 00 In vicinity of 52d street and Armitage ave. 40,000 00 In vicinity of Winchester avenue and West Van Buren street 37,200 00 In vicinity of Kedzie and Montrose avenues. 41,000 00 In vicinity of Addison and Racine avenues. 42,000 00 In vicinity of 103d street and Centre avenue 40,000 00 In vicinity of 85th street and Buffalo ave.. 41,000 00 In vicinity of 5th avenue and Harrison st. . 130,000 00 In vicinity of 46th and Halsted streets.... 40,000 00 31 DEPARTMENT OF FIRE— Continued. New Fire Station Buildings — In vicinity of 29tli and Union streets $ 40,000 00 At 130-132 West Foster avenue 22,000 00 For purcliase of fire engines 60,000 00 Total , $ 915,900 00 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS. Salaries and Wages — • Commissioner of Buildings $ 6,000 00 Deputy Commissioner of Buildings 4,000 00 Assistant Deputy Commissioner of Buildings 2,500 00 Secretary 2,400 00 Assistant secretary 1,680 OO Architectural engineers, 2 at $2,400.00 4,800 00 • Building inspectors in charge, 3 at $1,800. . 5,400 00 Elevator inspector in charge 1,700 00 Examiner of plans 1,800 00 Clerk 1,320 00 Clerk 1,320 00 Clerks, 6 at $1,200.00 7,200 00 Clerk 1,080 00 Stenographer 1,200 00 Fire-escape inspector 1,399 00 Building inspectors, 36 at $1,399.00 50,364 00 Structural iron inspector 1,399 00 Elevator inspectors, 10 at $1,399.00 13,990' 00 36A $ 109,552 00 36C General supplies 800 00 36G Purchase of furniture and fittings 100 00 36H Printing and stationery 1,000 00 36J Street car transportation 1,219 00 $ 112,671 00 Total if rm hh »V;v‘h;' .' r ■■ \i : { ' ■ t ; ' ,' ^ >; /■ 'rl ‘■.V V IL ^ - i ■' Vh ’■■V ’4 v?;‘ > /' '' » j.-i. > t . ;i ' • .,T. u ■ -V i‘ , ' . 'fSt ' 32 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. Commissioner’s Office. Salaries and Wages — Commissioner of Health $ 8,000 00 Assistant Commissioner of Health 4,000 00 Secretary 3,000 00 Assistant secretary 2,040 00 Accountant 1,200 00 Stenographer 1,200 00 Clerk 840 00 Messenger 600 00 Messenger 720 00 37A : •$ 21,600 00 Division of Contagious Diseases. Salaries and Wages — Bureau chief $ 3,600 00 Assistant hureau chief 2,400 00 Health officers, 30 at $800 24,000 00 Health officers, school physicians, 700 mos. at $66.66 per month 46,666 66 Clerk in charge 1,200 00 Clerk 1,080 00 Clerks, 2 at $960 1,920 00 Clerks, 4 at $840 3,360 00 Stenographers, 2 at $960 1,920 00 Disinfector in charge 2,040 00 Disinfectors, 20 at $1,000 20,000 00 37A2 • $ 108,186 66 37 A3 Nurse in charge, 10 months at $75 per mo. 750 00 37A4 Nurses, 400 months at $60 per month 24,000 00 Vital Statistics. Salaries and Wages — Bureau chief $ 2,800 00 Assistant bureau chief 2,040 00 Clerk 1,200 00 Clerk 1,080 00 Stenographer 960 00 Funeral inspectors, 6 at $1,000 6,000 00 37A5 , 14,080 00 33 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH— Continued. Isolation Hospital. Salaries and Wages — Superintendent $ 1,000 00 Resident attending physician 1,800 00 Nurses, 3 at $800 2,400 00 Helpers, 2 at $360 720 00 Helper 900 00 37A6 $ 6,820 00 Contagious Disease Hospital. . Salaries and Wages — Superintendent $ 1,S00 00 Engineers, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Firemen, 2 at $900 1,800 00 Janitor 360 00 Nurses, 10 at $780 7,800 00 Maids, 5 at $240 1,200 00 Cooks, 2 at $420 840 00 Helpers, 4 at $240 960 00 37A7 17,160 00 Hospital and Ambulance Service. Salaries and Wages — Bureau chief $ 2,500 00 Clerk 1,080 00 Ambulance surgeons, 16 at $1,200 19,200 00 Ambulance attendants, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Chauffeur 1,200 00 Orderly 780 00 Porter 480 00 37A8 27,640 00 Public Baths. Salaries and Wages — Superintendents, 13 at $1,200 $ 15,600 00 Assistant firemen, 16 at $900 14,400 00 Helpers, 20 at $660 13,200 00 37A9 43,200 00 34 37A10 37A11 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH— Continued. Ice, Meat, Milk and Food Inspection. Salaries and Wages — Bureau chief $ 2,100 00 Fish inspector 1,900 00 Food inspector in charge 1,500 00 Food inspectors, 31 at $1,000 '. . . . 31,000 00 Food inspectors, 10 at $1,100 11,000 00 Laborer 780 00 Stenographers, 2 at $960 1,920 00 Clerk 960 00 Clerks, 2 at $840 1,680 00 Clerk in charge 1,200 00 $ 54,040 00 Sanitary Bureau. Salaries and Wages — Bureau chief $ 2,500 00 Assistant bureau chief 1,800 00 Supervising inspectors, 4 at $1,600 6,400 00 Plumbing inspectors, 23 at $1,404 32,292 00 Sanitary inspector for rendering plants . . . 1,400 00 Sanitary inspectors, 43 at $1,200 51,600 00 Clerk 1,500 00 Clerk 1,200 00 Clerk 1,080 00 Clerks, 5 at $960 4,800 00 Clerks, 4 at $840 3,360 00 Stenographers, 2 at $960 1,920 00 109,852 00 • Board of Plumbing Examiners. Salaries and Wages — Examiner $ 1,500 00 Clerk 960 00 37A12 2,460 00 35 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH— Continued. Laboratory. Salaries and Wages — Superintendent $ 2,500 00 Bacteriologist 2,000 00 Assistant bacteriologists, 2 at $1,600 3,200 00 Chemists, 2 at $1,500 3,000 00 Assistant chemists, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Milk chemist 1,200 00 Clerk 960 00 Stenographer 960 00 Messengers, 2 at $480 960 00 Laborer 720 00 Laborer 780 00 37A13 $ 18,680 00 37A14 Overtime for milk chemist, as needed 400 00 Municipal Lodging House. Salaries and Wages — Superintendent $ 1,400 00 Assistant superintendent 900 00 Janitor and watchman 720 00 37A15 3,020 00 Other than Salaries and Wages. 37C General supplies 31,000 00 37E Repairs and replacements by contract or open order...' 9,000 00 37H Printing and stationery 11,200 00 37J Street car transportation 2,700 00 37K Kents 4,620 00 37L Fuel 9,758 00 37N Forage, shoeing and boarding horses 6,500 00 37S All other operation 16,225 00 Total $ 542,891 66 36 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH— Continued. All Construction and Betterments Contingent on Bond Issue. Public batli, vicinity of Larrabee and Willow streets $ 24,000 00 Public bath, vicinity of 18th and -Jefferson streets 24,000 00 Public bath, vicinity of Leavitt street and Armi- tage avenue 24,000 00 Public bath, vicinity of 14th and Throop streets 24,000 00 Total $ 96,000 00 CITY PHYSICIAN. Salaries and Wages — One city physician $ 4,000 00 x\ssistant city physician 2,000 00 38A $ 6,000 00 38C General supplies 75 00 38H Printing and stationery 30 00 38J Street car transportation 200 00 38S All other o))eiation 58 50 Total $ 6,363 50 DEPARTMENT OF TRACK ELEVATION. Salaries and Wages — Commissioner track elevation $ 5,000 00 Engineer, track elevation, 3 months at $550 1,650 00 Engineer, track elevation, 9 months at $350 3,150 00 Secretary and stenographer 1,500 00 39A $ 11,300 00 39C General supplies 100 00 39H Printing and stationery 300 00 39J Street car transportation 26 50 39S All other operation 298 50 Total $ 11,925 00 37 DEPARTMENT FOR THE INSPECTION OF STEAM BOILERS AND STEAM PLANTS. Salaries and Wages — Chief Inspector of Steam Boilers and Steam Plants $ 3,600 00 Supervising mechanical engineer 3,000 00 Clerk in charge 1,500 00 Clerks, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Clerk 1,080 00 Clerks, 2 at $960 1,920 00 Stenographer 1,080 00 Deputy boiler inspector 1,800 00 Boiler inspectors, 8 at $1,300 each 10,400 00 Boiler inspectors’ lielpers, 11 at $900 each.. 9.900 00 Extra salaries for boiler inspectors and helpers for Sunday inspections, 52 Sun- days, 6 men at $3.61 and 6 at $2.50. . . 2,000 00 Cooling plant inspectors, 2 at $1,500 3,000 00 40A $ 41,680 00 40A1 Boiler inspector, 4 months at $108.33 per mo. 433 32 40C General supplies 749 00 40E Repairs and replacement by contract or open order 475 00 40F Apparatus, machinery, vehicles, harness, etc., including care and storage 750 00 40G Purchase of furniture and fittings 90 00 40H Printing and stationery 500 00 40 J Street car transportation 600 00 40M Purchase of horses 600 00 40N Forage, shoeing and boarding horses 3,040 00 40S All other operation 50 00 Total $ 48,967 32 DEPARTMENT OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Salaries and Wages — Inspector of Weights and Measures $ 3,600 00 Chief Deputy Inspector of Weights and Measures 2,100 00 Deputy Inspectors of Weights and Meas- ures, 7 at $1,200 8,400 00 38 DEPARTMENT OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES— Continued. Salaries and Wages — Deputy Inspectors of Weights and Meas- ures, 6 at $1,100 6,600 00 Deputy Inspectors of Weights and Meas- ures, 5 at $1,000 5,000 00 41A $ 25,700 00 41A1 Salary of one mechanic, 90 days, not to ex- ceed $4.50 per day 405 00 41C General supplies 240 00 41E Repairs and replacements by contract or open order 300 00 41H Printing and stationery 300 00 41J Street car transportation 265 00 41M Purchase of horse 200 00 41N Forage, shoeing and hoarding horses 2,268 00 41S All other operation 235 00 Total $ 29,913 00 DEPARTMENT OF SMOKE INSPECTION. Salaries and Wages — Smoke Inspector $ 4,000 00 Chief assistant smoke inspector 3,000 00 Deputy smoke inspector in charge 1,800 00 Deputy smoke inspectors, 11 at $1,500.... 16,500 00 Assistant smoke inspectors, 14 at $1,000.. 14,000 00 I Clerk 1,500 00 Stenographer 960 00 Clerks, 3 at $960 2,880 00 Stenographer 840 00 42A $ 45,480 00 42A1 Advisory Board of Engineers 540 00 42C General supplies 891 00 42G Purchase of furniture and fittings 240 00 42H Printing and stationery 500 00 42J Street car transportation 650 00 42S AW other operation 270 00 Total $ 48,571 00 ** * I bi. ■V.‘ -I, V . ■'. ■ '■•T m:.. " 'V' '■ .r‘" ■^■- o; . I - ^\x. . i>:'" '■ i - '’■■;■> •'v*'i.T-> ^ • -'■>•" r' - ,Y>. • , ^ -V m '■ . ■ - •) ‘ 'r ■ . v” s ’v-JiLo ,'i'l .V ‘ • V' . ''■^■■4 ' ‘^'t' ■‘4 K': • '"•■ ,x'- ','t • ■ ■■ '. ■-,: ■ % r-yM y f .1 t . 'V .' • I _ »*f ' ' v 7 V h'‘ ^i'viV ' ■ K.|ii ■■ • A 'Vv'. 39 BOARD OF EXAMINERS (ENGINEERS). Salaries and Wages — Clerk $ 1,500 00 License inspectors, 3 at $1,200 3,600 00 Stenographer 960 00 43A $ 6,060 00 43C General supplies 57 40 43H Printing and stationery 300 00 43J Street car transportation 200 00 43S All other operation 25 00 Total .$ 6,642 40 HOSPITALS. All other operation — 42S Amount to be paid to Chicago City Infants Hospital for supplies and maintenance in the reception and care of abandoned and destitute children, not including salaries 4251 Amount to be paid for services rendered on city cases by Plome for Destitute Crippled Children 4252 Amount to be paid for services rendered on city cases by Children’s Memorial Hos- pital Total BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS. Salaries and Wages — President of Board of Local Improvements. $ 5,000 00 Members of Board of Local Improvements, 4 at $4,000 ' 16,000 00 Superintendent of special assessments and ex-officio Secretary Board of Local Im- provements 4,000 00 Chief clerk, Division of Special Assessments 3,000 00 Assistant chief clerk. Division of Special Assessments (pending promotion) .... 2,040 00 $ 12,000 00 3,000 00 3,000 00 $ 18,000 00 40 BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— Continued. Salaries and W'ages — Special assessment clerk 2,400 00 Special assessment clerks, 6 at $2,040. . . . 12,240 00 Accounting clerk in charge 2,040 00 Recording secretary and stenographer 1,800 00 Special assessment clerks, 4 at $1,800.... 7,200 00 Special assessment clerks, 2 at $1,500 3,000 00 Special assessment clerks, 5 at $1,500 7,500 00 Secretary and stenographer (pending pro- motion) 1,200 00 Account clerks, 15 at $1,320 19,800 00 Special assessment clerks, 12 at $1,200.... 14,400 00 Accounting clerks, 10 at $1,200 12,000 00 Stenographers, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Stenographers, 4 at $1,080 4,320 00 Typewriter operators, 6 at $1,080 6,480 00 Special assessment clerks, 7 at $1,080 7,560 00 Special assessment clerks, 2 at $960 1,920 00 Telephone switchboard operator 960 00 Stenographers. 2 at $840 1,680 00 Clerks, 5 at $840 4,200 00 Messengers, 2 at $840 1,680 00 Messenger 720 00 Usher 720 00 Vault clerk 720 00 Care taker 720 00 Engineer, Board of Local Improvements... 3,600 00 Chief Street Engineer 3,600 00 Paving inspector in charge of repairs (pend- ing promotion) 1,800 00 Superintendent of Sidewalks 3,000 00’ Assistant superintendent of sidewalks .... 1,500 00 Civil engineers, 11 at $2,160 23,760 00 Civil engineers, 3 at $1,800 5,400 00 Assistant engineers, 12 at $1,300 15.600 00 Rodmen, 18 at $1,080 19,440 00 Paving inspectors in charge, 7 at $1,500. . . . 10,500 00 Engineering draughtsmen, 2 at $1,320.... 2,640 00 Cement tester 2,400 00 Sewer inspectors in charge, 2 at $2,000.... 4,000 00 Sewer pipe inspector in charge 1,500 00 41 BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— Continued. Salaries and \Vages — House drain inspector in charge $ 1,500 00 Asphalt chemist 2,200 00 Assistant asphalt chemist 1,400 00 Asphalt inspectors in charge, 4 at $1,500.. 6,000 00 Paving and sidewalk inspectors, 20 at $1,188 23,760 00 Brick inspector in charge 1,416 00 Brick inspectors, 3 at $1,200 3,600 00 $ 286,316 00 Less amount to be paid from Water Fund. 80,991 00 50A $ 205,325 00 50A1 Paving and sidewalk inspection, 380 months at $100 per month 38,000 00 50A2 Sub-paving inspection, 495 months at $100 per month 49,500 00 50A3 House drain inspection at $100 per month.. 4,200 00 50A4 Mason inspection at $140.40 per month... 35,100 00 50A5 Labor, not to exceed $2.50 per day 250 00 50A6 For special additional work in collection and disbursing on Special Assessment War- rants heretofore omitted from returns to City and County Collectors 4,000 00 50C General supplies 750 00 50E Repairs and replacements by contract or open order 800 00 50G Purchase of furniture and fittings 500 00 50H Printing and stationery 8,750 00 501 Advertising 12,000 00 50J Street car transportation 7,000 00 All other operation — 50S Expert witness and commissioners’ fees.... 43,000 00 5051 Court costs 25,000 00 5052 County Collector’s collection charges 40,000 00 5053 Sundry expenses 6,602 93 Public Benefits — 1910 — PAVING. First Instalhnent. Warrant. Street. Amount. 34878. Indiana .street $ 769 29 42 BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— Continued. Warrant. Street. Amount. 35018. .Jackson Park avenue $ 3,508 00 35443. Forty-seventh street 3,917 52 35452. Robey street 297 21 35901. South Fortieth avenue 969 83 35960. Halsted street 053 30 35978. Thirty-hftli street 1,305 12 36560. JJlue Island avenue 198 44 36564. One Hundred and Sixth street . . . 796 65 .3()913. South Paulina .street 383 06 .36916. Wells street 1,762 20 37073. Ashland i venue 1,143 01 37081. West Twelfth street 1,112 97 37212. Forty-seve’.ith street 1,100 06 30164. Robey street, 1-5 lusts •. 1,240 47 36780. State street 0,105 81 36794. Arinitage avenue 1,637 52 36795. Armita^e avenue 3,175 90 30800. Wallace street ' 078 80 37143. West Twenty-second street 767 74 37223. West Randolph street 1,015 70 30103. Wallace street 5,122 83 32820B Sup’l.Champlain avenue 336 00 34829. Foster avenue 1,131 81 34607. Clybourn avenue 1,260 00 35457. South Western avenue 5,750 00 Total $ 46,139 90 Interest on above — Tnsts. 1-5 4,980 00 50S4 $ 51,119 90 Second Installment. IVarrant. Street. Amount. 34298. Blue Island avenue $ 439 51 34434. Kedzie avenue 981 96 34824. Blue Island avenue 376 25 34825. Blue Island avenue 2,003 40 34827. North Clark street 4,327 41 34830. Fifty-ninth street 8,500 00 35013. South Centre avenue 901 40 50S5 50S6 a:‘. BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— Continued. Street. Amount. 3.' 042. Cottage Grove avenue $ 5,877 79 35050. Milwaukee avenue 2,880 00 3527G. Market street 210 07 35277. Morgan street 4,620 00 35297. Indiana avenue 2,621 25 35300. j.ooniis street 289 39 35431. Ashland avenue 11,155 70 35454. Seventy-ninth street 667 74 35468. Ashland avenue 435 00 35480. Torrence avenue : 300 00 34829. Foster avenue 1,059 99 35610. Ashland avenue 2,334 61 35865. Lowe avenue 592 28 35967. Higgins avenue 151 00 36089. Addison street 982 03 36167. South Union street . .' 330 24 36209. West Randolph street 6,000 00 Total $ 58,637 02 Interest on above — ^Insts. 2-5 13,215 00 $ 71,852 02 Third InstaUment. 33680. Forty-third street $ 1,164 39 33890. Jmoinis street 335 43 34023. North avenue 468 00 34605. South California avenue 5,543 57 34811. Union avenue 1,954 19 34833. Lincoln avenue 8,154 52 34833A. Lincoln avenue 3,900 00 34872. Erie street 630 45 34915. Lowe avenue "System” 1,074 25 35023. West Twenty-first place 1,437 50 35027. West End avenue 1,111 16 35043. Dearborn street 260 89 35299. Lake avenue 493 45 Total $ 26,527 80 Interest on above — Installments 3-5 4,600 00 $ 31,127 80 •1 1 BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— Continued. ' Fourth Installment. Warrant. Street. Amount. 32844. Park street $ 719.54 33473. Cottage (irove avenue ‘ 1,676 71 33478. Orleans street 136 02 33485. Twenty-sixtli street 702 11 33589. West Twenty- second street 1,666 71 33823. Alaska street 300 00 33829. South Halsted street 2,443 74 33842. West Twenty-second street 2,866 12 33844. Thirty-fifth street 337 48 33873. Thirty-first street 603 90 33875. North Union street 177 07 33888. Eighteenth street 240 16 33889. South Halsted street 2.670 00 33951. Fowler street 701 56 33957. Ogden avenue 5,593 47 34009. North Ashland avenue 2,760 00 3401 O&A. South Ashland avenue 2,085 00 34013. Canaljiort avenue 284 47 34025. North Oakley avenue 569 13 34092. West Eighteenth street 1,381 29 34094. South Halsted street 1.586 84 34098. South Paulina street 645 65 34100. Root street 3,28196 34304. South Morgan street 140 82 34361. South Halsted street 5,250 40 Total $ 38,820 15 Interest on above — Installments 4-5 4,900 00 50S7 $ 43,720 15 Fifth I nst ailment. A'arrant. Street. Amount. 33183. Fullerton avenue $ 1,215 00 33274. Canalport avenue 878 99 33307. North Clark street 636 05 33308. Evanston avenue 1,552 63 33340. Sherman street 233 34 33382. West North avenue 1,834 86 33388. Webster avenue 890 00 4.*) 50S8 50S9 50510 50511 50512 BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— Continued. ^\'an•ant. Street. Amount. 33408. Erie street $ 309 35 33410. South Ilalsted street ‘ 1,395 00 33411. West Madison street 363 73 33412. Orleans street 293 10 33416. West Twenty-second street 1,200 54 33482. Sheffield avenue 411 09 33494. North Clark street 825 58 33513. Vincennes road 861 90 33576. Wabash avenue 2,270 79 33684. South Halsted street 958 96 Total $ 16,130 91 Interest on above 1,300 00 $ 17,430 91 t^mVERS. Hecoml Installment. Warrant. Street. Amount. 35686. Jackson street $ 265 91 36155&A. Kedzie avenue “System" 2,409 94 36248&A. Western avenue 17,700 23 Total $ 20,376 08 Interest on above 4,800 00 $ 25,176 08 125 85 12,500 00 32 00 SIDEWALKS. One Year Plan. Warrant. Street. Amount. 35916. South Ashland avenue $ 6 66 36266. North Seventy-second avenue ... 9 51 One Year Plan. 36581. Fifty-ninth street 34932A.SupT. Wentworth avenue “System" Condemnatio)i. 37119. Alley, Fulton .street, Lake. 4G BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— Continued. Warrant. Street. Amount. 36277. West Fifty-first street $ 21 98 36280. West North avenue 10 41 36281. West 67th street 104 66 36282. West Seventieth street 43 94 36288. West One Hundred Seventh street 149 07 36291. West Lake street 25 68 36411. West Fifty-ninth street 25 57 50S13 $ 397 51 % COURT ORDRRH. Warrant. ' Street. • Amount. 21598C. System of Sewers in South 45th avenue $ 1,703 62 35750. Sidewalks, system of streets on • south side West 111th street, etc 20 12 50514 1,723 74 50515 36638. Widening North Harding avenue 200 00 50516 35S23A. Sui)plemental — Drains in Vin- cennes road 314 00 50517 23866. Paving Sacramento square, etc.. 4,581 81 .Total $ 741,079 70 CITY REAL ESTATE AND BUILDINGS. 51C General supplies $ 200 00 51E Repairs and replacements by contract or open order 900 00 51K Kents 1,860 00 All Other Operation — 51S Taxes and s])ecial assessments 140 00 51S1 To ]>ay and cancel special a.ssessment certifi- cate of sale 24,000 00 $ 27,100 00 Total 47 CITY MARKETS. Salaries and Wages — Market master (Haymarket square), 12 months at $78.75 $ 945 00 Market master (Dayton street), 10 months at $100.00 • 1,000 00 52A Total $ 1,945 00 SPECIAL PARKS COMMISSION. Administration. Salaries and Wages — Secretary $ 1,800 00 Stenographer 840 00 GOA $ 2,640 00 60C General supplies 300 00 60H Printing and stationery ' 700 00 601 Advertising 100 00 60J Street car transportation 300 00 Total $ 4,040 00 Small Parks. Salaries and Wages — 61A Superintendent of parks $ 2,500 00 61A1 Landscape gardeners at $3 per day 4,380 00 61A2 Gardeners, not to exceed $2.25 per day. .... 3,284 00 61A3 Laborers, not to exceed $2 per day 18,560 00 61A4 Attendant, not to exceed $1.25 per day 756 00 GIB Hire of teams, horses and carts 12,250 00 61C General supplies 3,900 00 61E Repairs and replacements by contract or open order 6,000 00 61S All other operation 650 00 48 SPECIAL PARK COMMISSIOIN— Continued. Small Parks. Construction and Betterments — For construction work at Say re- Rutherford park $ 1,000 00 For construction of small park at 79th street and Lake Michigan (including play- ground and bathing beach) 2,500 00 For construction of park on 27-acre tract of land bounded by Oakley, Foster and W'innemac avenues and Robey street, leased by Board of Education 1,000 00 For construction of tool houses, shelter- and dressing booths for wading pools at ])arks, water sup])ly and drains at parks 2,500 00 Total $ ,59,280 00 > Playgrounds. Salaries and Wages— Superintendent. . . . $ 1,800 00 Playground directors, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Playground directors, 10 at $1,140 11,400 00 Playground directors, 1 for 12 months at $85 ])er month, and 1 for 8 months at $85 per month 1,700 00 Playground directors, 8 months, 2 at $85 per month 1,360 00 Assistant playground directors, 2 months, 11 at $60 per month 1,320 00 Physical instructor, 3 at $60 per month . . . 2,160 00 62A $ 22,140 00 62A1 Laborers at $2 per day 7,920 00 62B Hire of teams, horses and cars 2,000 00 62C General supplies 6,166 00 62D Repairs and replacements by contract or open order 8,725 00 62F Apparatus, machinery, vehicles, harness, etc.... 1,908 00 62L Fuel 350 00 62S All other operation 1,500 00 1 ') SPECIAL PARK COMMISSION— Continued. Construction and Betterments — For construction work on proposed play- ground in Thirty-fourth Ward $ 2,000 00 For construction work at various play- grounds (),T75 00 Total $ 59,484 00 ('ontingent on Bond Issues. For playground in vicinity of Sangamon street and West Chicago avenue $ 125,000 00 City Forester. Salaries and Wages — 63A City Forester $ 2,000 00 63A1 Ti ■ee laborers, at $2 j)cr day 1,650 00 63B Hire of teams, horses and carts 500 00 63C General supplies 750 00 63E Repairs and replacements by contract or open order 100 00 d'otal $ 5,000 00 Bathing Beaches. Salaries and Wages — Bathing beach director, i> montlis at $80 per montli $ 240 00 Bathing beach director. :> months at $75 per month 225 00 Bathing beach assistants, 10, 90 days each at $2 per day 1,800 00 Caretakers, 2, 108 days, each at $1 per day. 108 00 64A $ 2,37;’> OO 64C General supplies 1,119 00 64E Repairs and re])Iacements by contract or open order 484 00 Construction and Betterments — , All construction and betterments at various bathing beaches 90000 4 otal $ 4,876 00 Total for Special Park Commission $ 132,680 00 50 DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICITY. Office of City Electrician. Salaries and Wages — City Electrician $ 6,500 00 Chief clerk and bookkeeper 2,800 00 \ onclier clerk 1,500 00 Clerk 1,500 00 Clerk 960 00 Stenographer 1,200 00 80A ’ : $ 14,460 00 80H Printing and stationery 1,000 00 80S Other operation 150 00 $ 15,610 00 Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph. Repairs and Replacements. Salaries and Wages — Ceneral foreman of aerial and underground electrical circuits $ 1,800 00 Foremen of linemen, 2 at $1,500 3,000' 00 Foreman of painters, 4 mos. at $125 per mo. 500 00 Ceneral foreman of nndergronnd construc- tion, 4 mos. at $125 per mo 500 00 Stockkeeper and clerk 1,200 00 Assistant fire alarm and police telegraph re- pairers. 17 at $1,080 18,360 00 Croundman 900 00 81A $ 28,260 00 81A1 Proportionate amount specified in Account 83A 2,000 00 81A2 Proportionate amount specified in Account 84A1 10,317 25 81B Hire of teams, horses and carts 783 91 8ID Material for repairs and replacements by depart- mental labor 5,000 00 81E Repairs and replacements by contract or open order .• 2,000 00 81M Purchase of horses 750 00 ■■-r 51 DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICITY— Continued. Operation. Salaries and Wages — Assistant fire alarm operator $ 1,700 00 Fire alarm and police telegraph repairers, 18 at $1,500 27,000 00 Assistant fire alarm and police telegraph repairers, 2 at $1,080 2,160 00 Batteryman 1,199 88 Batterymen, 2 at $999.84 1,999 68 Driver 900 00 81A4 $ 34,959 56 81A5 Laborers, at $2.50 per day 1,825 00 81C General siipjjHes 4,500 00 81K Rent 681 25 81N Forage, shoeing and hoarding horses 3 600 00 81S All other operation 1,400 00 $ 96,076 97 Electrical Inspection. Salaries and Wages — Electrical inspector in charge $ 2,000 00 Electrical ins])ectors, 22 at $1,500 33,000 00 Collector 1,500 00 Clerks, 3 at $960 2,880 00 • Stenographer 1,080 00 Stenographers. 2 at $960 1,920 00 82A $ 42,380 00 82C General supplies 125 00 82H Printing and stationery 600 00 82K Rent 936 00 82S Other operation 843 00 $ 44.884 00 MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC LIGHTING SYSTEM. General Expense. Salaries and Wages — Chief Engineer $ 2,500 00 Mechanical and electrical engineer 1,600 00 Dynamo tenders, 2 at $1,116 2,232 00 52 DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICITY— Continued. Salaries and Wages — • Electric light station rei)airers, 2 at $1,110.$ 2,202 00 Fireman 1,080 00 Clerk 1,080 00 Electrical engineers, 3 at $1,500 4,500 00 Draughtsman (map) 1,400 00 Draughtsman (map), 4 months 399 96 $ 17,063 96 Less proportionate amount of last four items t o be paid from Account 81A1 2, (KM) 00 83A $ 15,063 96 83C Ceneral supplies 221 12 83K Rent 2,043 75 83L Enel 150 00 83S Other operation 300 00 $ 17,778 83 Circuits, Conduits and Posts. Salaries and Wages — Oeneral foreman aerial and underground electrical circuits, 2 at $1,800 $ 3,600 00 Electric light repairers, 13 at $1,500 19,500 00 Electric light repairer, 8 months at $125.. 1,000 00 Clerk 1,080 00 Interior wireman 1,650 00 Drivers, 3 at $900 2,700 00 Driver for 4 months at $75 per month 300 00 Load dispatcher 1,500 00 Foreman of linemen at $1,500 1,500 00 Foremen of linemen, 3 for 4 months at $125 per month 1,500 00 84A $ 34,330 00 Linemen, not to exceed $4 per day $ 15,600 00 Cable splicers’ helpers, not to exceed $3 per day 1,800 00 Laborer, not to exceed $2.50 per day 750 00 $ 20,850 00 53 84A1 84B 84D 84E 84M 84N 85A 85B 85D 85E 85A1 85A2 85C 85C1 85C2 DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICITY— Continued. Less j)iopoi-tionate amount to be paid from account 81A2 $ 10,317 25 $ 10,532 75 Hired teams, horses and carts 4,106 25 Material for repairs and replacements by de- partmental labor 14,000 00 Repairs and ie])lacements by contract or open order 1,200 00 Purchase of horses 450 00 Forage, shoeing and boarding horses 800 00 $ 64,635 09 Arc Lamps. Repairs and Replacements. Salaries and Wages — Arc lamp trimmers, 8 at $1,200 $ 9,600 00 Arc lamp trimmers, 6 at $1,000 6,000 00 Hire of teams, horses and carts Material for repairs and replacements by de- partmental labor Repairs and replacements by contract or open order $ 1,800 00 19,836 00 80,000 00 1,825 00 Operation. Salaries and Wages (Trimming) — Chief arc lamp trimmer Arc lamp trimmers, 19 at $1,044 Arc lamp trimmers, 80 at $1,000 Laborers, 2 at $2.50 per day . . 15,600 00 8,212 50 9,000 00 250 00 $ 103,461 00 Emergency labor 200 00 General Supplies — Globes * 4,564 00 Carbons 34,000 00 Miscellaneous 500 00 $ 175,787 50 54 86D 86A 86D1 86E 86A1 86A2 86C 86L 86S 87D 87A 87D1 DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICITY— Continued. H. N. May Plant. titeani Plant — Repairs and Replace in ents. Materials for repairs and replacements by de- ])artniental labor $ 100 00 Electric Plant — Repairs and Replacements. Salaries and Wages — Armature winders, not to exceed .$4 ])cr day, and laborers, not to exceed $2.50 per day 1,000 00 Alaterial for repairs and replacements by de- })artnient labor 500 00 Repairs and leplacements by contract or open order 500 00 Electric Plan t — Opera t ion. Salaries and Wages — Mechanical and electri(‘al engineers, 2 at $1,5G() Si 3,120 00 .Firemen, 3 at $l,0S0 3.240 00 $ 0,360 00 Emergency liremen 100 00 (General supplies 400 00 Fuel and ])Ower 35.5S0 00 Other oj)eration including bill. R. W. Hunt Co.. $100 200 00 $ 44,740 00 Plant No. 6. Hicani Plant — Repairs and Replacements. Materials for repairs and rei)lacements by department labor * 200 00 Electric Plant — Repairs and Replacements. Salaries and Wages — Armature winders, not to exceed $4 per day, and laborers, not to exceed $2.50 per day 1,600 00 Material for rc])airs and replacements by de- partment labor 1,000 00 55 DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICITY— Continued. 87E Repairs and replacements by contract or open order $ 1,400 00 Electric Plant — Operation. Salaries and Wages — Mechanical and electrical engineers, 2 at $1,560 $ 3,120 00 Dynamo tenders, 2 at $1,116 2,232 00 Firemen, 4 at $1,080 4,320 00 87A1 $ 9,672 00 87A2 Emergency li remen 100 00 87C General snp])lies 500 00 87L Fuel and power 35,250 00 87S Other operation 500 00 $ 50,222 00 Plant No. 8. Steam Plant — Repairs and Replacements. 88D Materials for repairs and replacements by de- partment labor $ 100 00 Electric Plant — Repairs and Replacements. Salaries and Wages — 88A Armature winders, not to exceed $4 per day, and laborers, not to exceed $2.50 per day 1,600 00 88D1 Materials for repairs and replacements by depart- mental labor 1,000 00 88E Repairs and renewals by contract or open order. 1,400 OO Electric Plant — Operatioyi. Salaries and Wages — Engineer $ 1,560 00 Mechanical and electrical engineer 1,560 00 Dynamo tenders, 2 at $1,116 2,232 00 Firemen, 3 at $1,080 3,240 00 88A1 • $ 8,592 00 88A2 Emergency firemen 100 00 ' 88C General supplies 500 00 56 88L 88S 89D 89A 89D 89E 89A1 89A2 89C 89L 89S DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICITY— Continued. Fuel and power Other operation $ 23,000 00 400 00 $ 36,692 00 R. A. Waller Plant. titeam Plant — Repairs and Replacements. Materials for repairs and rei)lacenients by de- partment labor $ 100 00 Electric Plant — Repairs and Replacements. Salaries and Wages — Armature windeis, not to exceed $4 ]>er day, and laborers, not to exceed $2.50 per day 1,000 00 Materials for repairs and re])lacements by de- partment labor 100 00 Repairs and renewals by contract or open order. . 800 00 Electric Plant — Operation. Salaries and W'ages — Mechanical and electrical engineers, 2 at $1,560 $ 3,120 00 Dynamo tenders, 2 at $1,116 2,232 00 Firemen. 3 at $1.080 3,240 00 Emergency firemen . Deneral supplies Fuel and power Other operation 8,592 00 100 00 300 00 30,000 00 200 00 $ 41,192 00 Emerald Avenue — Sub Station. Repairs and Replacements. Salaries and Wages — Armature winders, not to exceed $4 per day, and laborers, not to exceed $2.50 per day $ 300 00 90A DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICITY— Continued. SOD Materials for repairs and re])laeeineiit by de- partment labor^ $ 150 00 90E Repairs and re])laeements by contract or open order 50 00 Operation. Salaries and Wages — 90A1 Electric light switcbboard o])erators, 2 at $960 1,920 00 90A2 Laborer, not to exceed $2.50 per day 912 50 90C General supplies 50 00 90L Enel and i)Ower 12,000 00 90S Other operation 50 00 $ 15,432 50 Wentworth Avenue — Sub Station. Repairs and Replace me nls. Salaries and ^^'ages — 91A Armature winders, not to exceed $4 per day, and laborers, not to exceed $2.50 per day $ 250 00 91D Materials for repairs and re])lacement by de- partment labor. 50 00 91E Repairs and replacements by contract or open order 200 00 Operation . Salaries and Wages — Electric light switchboard operators, 2 at $960 $ 1,920 00 Laborer, not to exceed $2.50 per day 912 50 91 A1 • $ 2,832 50 91C General supplies 50 00 91L Fuel and ])ower 14,500 00 91S Other operation 50 00 $ 17,932 50 58 DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICITY— Continued. Wood Street — Sub Station. Repairs and Rejdacements. Salaries and Wages — •. . 92A Armature winders, not to exceed $4 per day, and laborers, not to exceed $2.50 per day $ 92D Materials for repairs and replacement by de- })artment labor 92E Rej)airs and rei)lacements by contract />r oj)en order Operation. Salaries and Wages — Electric liglit switcliboard oj)erators, 2 at $960 $ 1,920 00 Laborer, not to exceed $2.50 per day 912 50 250 00 200 00 50 00 92A1 92C General supplies 92K Kent 92L Fuel and power 92S Other operation $ 2,832 50 50 00 30 00 13,500 00 20 00 $ 16,932 50 Garfield Park — Sub Station. 93L Fuel and power Operation. 94A Chicago Avenue — Sub Station. Operation. Salaries and Wages — Electric light switchboard operators, 2 at $960 $ 1,000 00 $ 1,920 00 GAS LIGHTING SYSTEM. Gas Inspector’s Office. Salaries and Wages — Inspector of gas and gas meters $ 3,600 00 Gas lamp inspector 1,596 00 59 DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICITY— Continued.^ Gas Inspector’s Office — Continued. b'alaries and Wages — (las street lighting supervisors, 3 at $1,416.$ 4,248 00 Cas lamp testers, 5 at $1,199.88 5,999 40 Gas lamp checker 1,199 88 95A $ 16,643 28 95C General supplies 300 00 95S Other operation 300 00 $ 17,243 28 Tetametric Stations. Operation. Salaries and Wages — Chief gas tester $ 2,500 00 Assistant gas testers, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 95A1 $ 4,900 00 95C General supplies 1,000 00 95K Rent 960 00 95S Other operation 100 00 $ 6,960 00 Maintaining Gas Lamps. Operation. Salaries and Wages — 95A2 72 lamp lighters — lighting, cleaning and ex- tinguishing gas lamps, at Ic per lamp per night, and earing for mantle gas lamps at 10c per lamp per month $ 78.500 00 95A3 Gas lamp fitters, 2 at not to exceed $3 per day 1,872 00 95B Hire of tearns, horses and carts 10,530 00 95C General supplies 8,910 00 950 Special contract obligation — ^^Cost of gas consumed 188,500 00 $ 288,312 00 60 DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICITY— Continued. Street Lamp Repair Shop. Repairs and Replacements. Salaries and Wages — 96A Assistant sui)erintend<>iit stieet lamp repairs $ 1,416 00 96A1 (las lamp litters 000 00 96A2 Etehers, 3 at not to exceed $4.40 per day. . . . 3.S.14 40 96A3 Tinners, 2 at not to exceed $4.r)0 per day.. 2,.'53S 00 96A4 (las lamp trimmers, 3 at not to exceed $3 per day . . . .^ 2.808 00 96B Hire of teams, horses and carts 1,.)G0 00 96C Ceneral supplies 800 00 96D Materials for re])airs and replacements by de- partmental labor 6,000 00 96E Repairs and replacements by contract or oj)en order 1.000 00 96S All other maintenance 200 00 $ 21,076 40 Miscellaneous. 97A Salary of 1 electrician — City Hall lighting... . .$ I.-IOO 00 97J Street car transportation 4.S00 00 Special Contract Obligations — 970 Rental of gasoline lami)s 189,000 00 9701 Rental of electric lamps (including lighting of Xational Ouai’d and Naval Reserve Armories) 6.7,000 00 Board of Puhlic Motor Vehicle Registry. Salaries and Wages — 97A1 Mechanician, 1 for 3 months at $125 ])er mo. 375 00 97H Printing and stationery 40 00 Board of Examhiers of Moving Picture Operators. Salaries and Wages — 97 A2 Examiner 1,200 00 97K Rent 270 00 97H1 Printing and stationery , 100 00 97S All other operation 230 00 Total, Dept, of Electricity to be paid from Corporate Fund. $1,238, 926 48 61 DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICITY— Continued. All Construction and Betterments Contingent on Bond Issue. Con.striietion of electrical conduits and jdaciiig city wires therein $ 100. 000 00 Installation of street signs 170,000 00 Extension of fire and police alarm system 75.000 00 Extension and imj)rovement of Municipal Elec- tric Lighting S.ystern — to he expended upon order of the City Council 1,500,000 00 $1,845,000 00 62 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. COMMISSIONER’S OFFICE. Salaries and Wages — < Commissioner $ 10,000 00 Deputy commissioner 5,000 00 Chief accountant • 2,250 00 Secretary and stenographer 2,100 00 Contract clerk 2,000 00 Jiookkeeper 1,500 00 Vouclicr and ])ay roll clerk 1,500 00 Clerks, 4 at $1,320 5,280 00 One investigator 1,320 00 Messenger 960 00 $ 31,910 00 Less amount to be paid from Water Fund. 28,899 00 lOlAl lOlH lOlJ lOlS $ Extra ])ay for overtime of regular employes ($750, less $675 to be paid from Water Fund) Printing and stationery ($3,750, less $3,375 to be paid from Water Fund) Street car transportation ($30, less $27 to be paid from Water Fund) All other operation ($720, less $648 to be paid from Water Fund) 3,011 00 75 00 375 00 3 00 72 00 'hotal \eir City Hall. lOlX Construction under existing contracts (to be reimbursed from bond issue) Continyent on Bond Issue. For construction of new City Hall BUREAU OF COMPENSATION. Salaries and Wages — Superintendent $ Clerk Stenographer $ 3,536 00 $3,500,000 00 3,500,000 00 2,400 00 960 00 1,080 00 102A $ 4,440 00 63 BUREAU OF COMPENSATION— Continued. 102C General supplies *. $ 150 00 102H Printing and stationery 100 00 102S All otlier operation 50 00 Total $ 4,740 00 BUREAU OF MAPS AND PLATS. Salaries and Wages — Superintendent $ 3,000 00 Legal description clerk 1,500 00 Legal description clerk 1,320 00 Map draughtsmen, G at $1,320 7,920 00 Map draughtsmen, 3 at $1,200 3,600 00 Map draughtsmen, 11 at $1,080 11,880 00 Title expert 1,800 00 Assistant title expert 1,200 00 Stenographer 1,080 00 $ 33,300 00 Less amount to be paid from Water Fund. 24,975 00 103 A $ 8,325 00 103C General supplies ($1,500, less $1,125 to be paid from Water Fund) 375 00 Total $ 8,700 00 BUREAU OF ARCHITECTURE. Salaries and Wages — City architect (including transportation) . .$ 4,500 00 Architectural draughtsman 1,500 00 Draughtsman 2,000 00 Clerk 1,500 00 104A ., $ 9,500 00 (Any additional employees needed for work to be done for various departments shall be paid for out of appropriations for such work.) 64 BUREAU OF ARCHITECTURE— Continued. 104C General supplies $ 250 00 104G Purchase of furniture and fittings 100 00 104H Printing and stationery 350 00 Total $ 10,200 00 BUREAU OF CITY HALL. Salaries and Wages — Chief janitor $ 1,800 00 Watchman and light tender 900 00 Elevator starter .’ 1,100 00 Elevator operator 1,000 00 Care takers, 4 at $720 2,880 00 Oiler in charge of city water distiller 1,080 00 105A $ 8,760 00 Wood finislier, not to exceed union rate of wages $ 1,252 00 Carpenter, not to exceed' union rate of wages 1,353 60 Cabinet maker, not to exceed union rate of wages 1,252 00 105A1 3,857 00 105A2 Laborers, not to exceed $2.50 per day 1,500 00 105C General supplies 2,500 00 105K Rents ($133,665.04, less $8,160.88 to be paid from Water Fund) 125,504 16 105S All other operation 17,500 00 Total $ 159,621 76 BUREAU OF STREETS. Superintendent’s Office. Salaries and Wages — Superintendent of streets (including trans- portation) $ 5,000 00 First assistant superintendent of streets (in- cluding transportation) 3,000 00 G5 BUREAU OF STREETS — Superintendent’s Office — Continued. Salaries aiul W ages — Second assistant superintendent of streets in charge of street and alley cleaning. .$ 3,840 00 Wdird superintendent (including transpor- tation) 2,200 00 Two clerks at $1,800 3,600 00 Clerk 1,320 00 Clerk 1,080 00 Clerk 1,200 00 House moving inspector 1,500 00 Stenographer 1,500 00 Clerk 960 00 Engineers, two at $1,800 3,600 00 ■Rodmen, two at $1,080 2,160 00 Inspectors of street openings and obstruc- tions, 7 at $999 6,993 00 201A $ 37,953 00 201A1 Extra pay for overtime of regular employes 300 00 201C General supplies 1,000 00 201H Printing and stationery 400 00 201J Street car transj)ortation 800 00 201S All other operation 350 00 $ 40,803 00 Ward Supervision. Salaries and Wages — Ward superintendents, 35 at $2,200 (includ- ing transportation) $ 77,000 00 Timekeeper, 1 in Ward 1 1,200 00 Yardmen, 12 at $75 per month 10,800 00 202A $ 89,000 00 All Other Operation — 202S1 $800 for Ward 1 and $400 eacli for \\hirds 2 to 202S35 to 35, inclusive 14,400 00 $ 103,400 00 66 BUREAU OF STREETS— Continued. Cleaning of Streets and Alleys, Including Sprinkling and Oiling — by Wards, Salaries and Wages — ( Laborers not to exceed $2 per day, and sub- foremen not to exceed $2.25 per day.) 203 A1 Ward 1 $ 118,500 00 203A2 Ward 2 19,()00 00 203 A3 Ward 3 19,000 00 203A4 Ward 4 16,300 00 203 A5 Ward 5 . 12,000 00 203A6 Ward 6 18,000 00 203A7 Ward 7 20,000 00 203A8 Ward 8 13,000 00 • 203A9 Ward 9 13,900 00 203A10 Ward 10 15,000 00 203A11 Ward 11 14,800 00 203A12 Ward 12 14,500 00 203A13 Ward 13 16,600 00 203A14 Ward 14 13,500 00 203A15 Ward 15 16,900 00 203A16 Ward 16 16,800 00 203A17 Ward 17 13,000 00 203A18 Ward 18 21,000 00 203A19 Ward 19 16,000 00 203A20 Ward 20 9,300 00 203A21 Ward 21 17,350 00 203A22 Ward 22 15,750 00 203A23 Ward 23 12,000 00 203A24 Ward 24 12,000 00 203A25 Ward 25 11,000 00 203A26 \¥ard 26 14,200 00 203A27 Ward 27 19,300 00 203A28 Ward 28 13,200 00 203 A29 Ward 29 11,000 00 203A30 Ward 30 13,200 00 203 A3 1 Ward 31 11,000 00 203A32 Ward 32 12,600 00 203A33 Ward 33 14,000 00 203 A34 Ward 34 11,000 00 203 A35 Ward 35 9,500 00 $ 614,800 00 67 BUREAU OF STREETS— Continued. Hire of teams, liorses and carts— 203B1 Ward 1 $ 42,400 00 203B2 Ward 2 5,000 00 203B3 \A'ard 3 4,500 00 203B4 Ward 4 2,000 00 203B5 Ward 5 3,600 00 203B6 Ward 6 5,800 00 203B7 Ward 7 5,500 00 203B8 Ward 8 3,600 00 203B9 Ward 9 6,000 00 203B10 Ward 10 6,200 00 203B11 W^ard 11 5,000 00 203B12 Ward 12 3,300 00 203B13 Ward 13 5,000 00 203B14 Ward 14 : 4,500 00 203B15 Ward 15 4,000 00 203B16 W^ard 16 8,000 00 203B17 Ward 17 8,200 00 203B18 Ward 18 20,000 00 203B19 Ward 19 8,000 00 203B20 W'ard 20 7,700 00 203B21 Ward 21 8,000 00 203B22 Ward 22 9,250 00 203B23 W4ird 23 5,500 00 203B24 W^ard 24 5,200 00 203B25 Ward 25 5,200 00 203B26 W^ard 26 6,000 00 203B27 W ard 27 4,000 00 203B28 AVard 28 . . 6,000 00 203B29 W ard 29 5,300 00 203 B30 Ward 30 2,000 00 203B31 W ard 31 3,250 00 203B32 W^ard 32 3,000 00 203B33 Ward 33 2,300 00 203B34 Ward 34 3,600 00 203B35 W ard 35 2,750 00 $ 229,650 00 t 1 'V t \ 1 68 BUREAU OF STREETS— Continued. GJeneral supplies — 203C1 AVard 1 $ 4,000 00 203C2 Ward 2 700 00 203C3 Ward 3 , ' 500 00 203C4 AVard 4 ,500 00 203C5 AA^ard 5 400 00 203C6 Ward 6 700 00 203C7 AA'ard 7 ' 900 00 203C8 Ward 8 400 00 203C9 W^ard 9 400 00 203C10 Ward 10 400 00 203C11 W4nd 11 400 00 203C12 W ard 12 500 00 203C13 WAard 13 400 00 203C14 Ward 14 400 00 203C15 AAaird 15 400 00 203C16 W ard 16 500 00 203C17 AA^ard 17 400 00 203C18 W ard 18 •. 600 00 203C19 Ward 19 600 00 203C20 W ard 20 400 00 203C21 AA’ard 21 . 650 00 203C22 W’ard 22 600 00 203C23 Ward 23 , 400 00 203C24 AVard 24 400 00 203C25 W ard 25 400 00 203C26 Ward 26 400 00 203C27 W’ard 27 400 00 203C28 AA^ard 28 400 00 203C29 AA'ard 29 400 00 203C30 AVard 30 • 400 00 203C31 AA’ard 31 .■ 350 00 203 C32 AA’ard 32 ' 400 00 203C33 AA’ard 33 400 00 203C34 AA’ard 34 400 00 203C35 AVard 35 350 00 $ 19,850 00 Total cleaning of streets and alleys by AVards. .$ 864,300 00 69 BUREAU OF STREETS— Continued. Removal and Disposal of Garbage, Ashes and Refuse — by Wards. Salaries and Wages — Laborers not to exceed $2.00 per day and sub- foremen not to exceed $2.25 per day. 204A1 Ward 1 $ 6,000 00 204A2 Ward 2 3,750 00 204A3 \\ aid 3 3,750 00 204A4 Ward 4 5,500 00 204A5 Ward 5 5,000 00 204A6 W ard 6 6,000 00 204A7 Ward 7 7,500 00 204A8 W ard 8 4,500 00 204A9 Wbird 9 3,750 00 204A10 W'ard 10 2,500 00 204A11 Ward 11 3,000 00 204A12 Ward 12 6,500 00 204A13 W^ard 13 4,000 00 204A14 Ward 14 7.000 00 204A15 Ward 15 3,750 00 204A16 W^ard 16 4,750 00 204A17 Wdird 17 4,250 00 204A18 Wbird 18 2,250 00 204A19 W ard 19 4,750 00 204A20 W^ard 20 6,500 00 204A21 Ward 21 4,200 00 204A22 Ward 22 4,750 00 204A23 W^ard 23 5,000 00 204A24 W'ard 24 6,250 00 204A25 Wbird 25 11,000 00 204A26 Ward 26 5,750 00 204A27 W ard 27 4,000 00 204A28 Wbard 28 ^ 5.000 00 204 A29 Wbard 29 3,750 00 204A30 W^ard 30 4,850 00 204A31 Ward 31 . 6,250 00 204A32 W^ard 32 4,250 00 204A33 Ward 33 3,250 00 204 A34 Ward 34 6,500 00 204A35 Ward 35 6,000 00 $ 175,800 00 70 BUREAU OF STREETS— Continued. Hire of Teams, Horses and Carts — 204B1 Ward 1 $ 24,750 00 204B2 Ward 2 30,000 00 204B3 W^ard 3 30,000 00 204B4 Ward 4 18,250 00 204B5 Ward 5 15,750 00 204B6 Ward 6 42,450 00 204B7 Ward 7 39,250 00 204B8 Ward 8 13,250 00 204B9 Ward 9 21,500 00 204B10 Ward 10 20,250 00 204B11 Ward 11 20.250 00 204B12 Ward 12 19,250 00 204B13 Ward 13 29,250 00 204B14 Ward 14 23,250 00 204B15 Ward 15 24,500 00 204B16 WTird 16 21,000 00 204B17 Ward 17 27,500 00 204B18 Ward 18 19,500 00 204B19 W^ird 19 29,000 00 204B20 Ward 20 ... 41,250 00 204B21 Ward 21 • 34,650 00 204B22 Wai-d 22 28,000 00 204B23 Ward 23 26,750 00 204B24 tt'ard 24 22,500 00 204B25 VWard 25 50,750 00 204B26 Ward 26 38,000 00 204B27 Ward 27 * 21,750 00 204B28 Ward 28 23,750 00 204B29 IVard 29 19,000 00 204B30 W^ard 30 24,000 00 204B31 Ward 31 27,500 00 204B32 W^ard 32 . 31,500 00 204B33 Ward 33 19,500 00 204B34 Ward 34 22,250 00 204B35 Ward 35 22,250 00 $ 922,350 00 204C1 General Supplies — to 204C35 $250.00 eacli for W'ards 1 to 35, inclusive. . . $ 8,750 00 I'otal, Removal and Disposal of Garbage, Ashes and Refuse, by Wards. .$1,106,900 00 71 BUREAU OF STREETS— Continued. Repairing Unimproved Streets, Sidewalks and Emergency Street Work — by Wards. Salaries and Wages — Laborers not to exceed $2 per day and sub- foremen not to exceed $2.25 per day — 205 A 1 Ward 1 $ 000 00 205 A2 Ward 2 30000 205A3 Ward 3 350 00 205A4 Ward 4 325 00 205 A5 W^ard 5 1,50000 205 A6 Ward 6 320 00 205A7 Ward 7 , ^ 400 00 205A8 ^Vard 8 1,750 00 205A9 Ward 9 ’ 325 00 205A10 Ward 10 800 00 205A11 Ward 11 800 00 205 A12 Ward 12 85000 205 A13 W aid 13 475 00 205A14 W'ard 14 350 00 205A15 W'ard 15 . 350 00 205A16 IVard 16 350 00 205A17 Ward 17 400 00 205A18 Ward 18 400 00 205 A19 W^ard 19 ; 325 00 205 A20 W^ard 20 35000 205A21 Ward 21 400 00 205A22 Ward 22 400 00 205A23 W^ard 23 375 00 205A24 Ward 24 500 00 205A25 Ward 25 500 00 205A26 Ward 26 800 00 205 A27 Ward 27 , 2,500 00 205A28 W^ard 28 400 00 205A29 Ward 29 1,600 00 205A30 W ard 30 2,000 00 205 A31 W^ard 31 400 00 205A32 Ward 32 625 00 205A33 lYard 33 1,600 00 205A34 Ward 34 625 00 205A35 \Vard 35 800 00 $ 25,145 00 I 72 BUREAU OF STREETS— Continued. Hire of Teams, Horses and Carts — 205B1 Ward 1 $ 800 00 205B2 Ward 2 000 00 205B3 Ward 3 350 00 205B4 Ward 4 325 00 205B5 Ward 5 1,500 00 205B6 Ward 6 • 320 00 205B7 Ward 7 400 00 205B8 Ward 8 1,750 00 205B9 Ward 9 325 00 205B10 Ward 10 800 00 ^05E11 Ward 11 800 00 205B12 Ward 12 850 00 205B13 Ward 13 475 00 205B14 Ward 14 350 00 205B15 Ward 15 350 00 205B16 Ward 16 350 00 205B17 Ward 17 400 00 205B18 Ward 18 400 00 205B19 Ward 19 325 00 205B20 Ward 20 350 00 205B21 Ward 21 400 00 205B22 Ward 22 400 00 205B23 Ward 23 375 00 205B24 Ward 24 500 00 205B25 Ward 25 500 00 205B26 Ward 26 800 00 205B27 Ward 27 2,500 00 205B28 Ward 28 400 00 205B29 Ward 29 1,600 00 205B30 Ward 30 •. 2,000 00 205B31 Ward 31 400 00 205B32 Ward 32 625 00 205B33 Ward 33 ; 1,600 00 205B34 Ward 34 625 Od 205B35 Ward 35 800 00 $ 25,045 00 73 BUREAU OF STREETvS— Continued. Material foi- rej)airs and i('i)lacements by departmental labor — 205D1 Ward 1 $ 400 00 205D2 Ward 2 190 00 205D3 Ward 3 140 00 205D4 Ward 4 150 00 205D5 Ward 5 600 00 205D6 ^^^ard 6 100 00 205D7 Ward 7 140 00 205D8 Ward 8 1,030 00 2C5B9 Ward 9 150 00 205D10 Ward 10 400 00 205D11 Ward 11 400 00 205D12 Ward 12 ‘ 500 00 205013 W ard 13 250 00 205.D14 Ward 11 190 00 205D15 Ward 15 200 00 205D16 Ward 16 200 00 205D17 Ward 17 200 00 205D18 Ward 18 200 00 205D19 V\ ard 19 140 00 205.D20 Ward 20 190 00 205D21 Ward 21 165 00 205D22 Ward 22 _ 200 00 205D23 Ward 23 190 00 205D24 Ward 24 240 00 205D25 N\ ard 25 240 00 205D26 Ward 26 400 00 205.D27 W ard 27 1,000 00 205D28 Ward 28 200 00 205D29 Ward 29 800 00 205D30 Ward 30 1,000 00 205 D31 Ward 31 200 00 205.D32 Ward 32 350 00 205D33 Ward 33 800 00 205D34 W^ard 34 350 00 205D35 Ward 35 400 00 $ 12,305 00 Total, repairing sidewalks by Wards $ 62,495 00 Total, all work done by Wards including Ward Supervision .$2,137,095 00 74 BUREAU OF STREETS— Continued. Recapitulation of Ward Appropriations Showing Total Amount Recommended for Each Ward. Ward 1 . . $ 200,000 00 Ward 2 . . 60,490 00 Ward 3 .. 59,240 00 W'ard 4 . . 44,000 00 Ward 41,000 00 Ward () . . 75,240 00 Ward 7 . . 74,740 00 ^^'ard 8 . . 39,930 00 Ward 9 . . 47,000 00 \^’ard 10 . . 47,000 00 Ward 11 . . 47,000 00 Ward 12 . . 47,800 00 Ward 13 . . • 58,000 00 Ward 14 . . 51,090 00 Ward 15 . . 51,100 00 Ward 16 . . 53,500 00 Ward 17 . . 55,000 00 Ward 18 . . 65,000 00 Wa rd 19 . . W^ard 20 . . 66,690 00 Ward 21 . . 67,365 00 Ward 22 . . 60,000 00 Ward 23 . . 52,140 00 W^ard 24 . . 48,240 00 Ward 25 . . 80,240 00 Ward 26 . . 67,000 00 Ward 27 . . Ward 28 . . 50,000 00 Ward 29 . . 45,000 00 Ward 30 .. Ward 31 .. Ward 32 . . 54,000 00 Wai*d 33 . . 45,000 00 Ward 34 . . 46,000 00 Ward 35 . . $2,060,095 00 kSalaries of 35 Ward Superintendents 77,000 00 $2,137,095 00 BUREAU OF STREETS— Continued. Cleaning of Streets and Alleys, Including Removal and Disposal of Snow — Other Than by Wards. Cleanwg Righi-of-Wag of T motion Companies {to Be Reimhursed by the Companies for Whom the Work Is Done.) Salaries and Wages — 206A Laborers not to exceed $2 per day and sub- foremen not to exceed $2.25 per day.. $ 106,000 00 206B Hire of teams, liorses and carts 41,000 00 206C Heneral supplies 3,000 00 $ 150,000 00 Cleaning t^t reels by ('ontract. Special contract obligations — 20701 Cleaning streets in I.oop District (Citizens’ Clean Street Association) $ 36,000 00 20702 C leaning Haymarket Square 4,200 00 $ 40,200 00 Removal of linow in First Ward. Salaries and Wages — 208A Laborers, not to exceed $2 per day and sub- foremen not exceed $2.25 per day $ 13,000 00 208B Hire of teams, horses and carts 11,500 00 208C Ceneral supplies 500 00 $ 25,000 00 Repairs of ISnoa^ Dumps {to Be Expended as Ordered by the Commissioner of Public W^orks.) Salaries and Wages — 209A Laborers not to exceed $2 per day and sub- foremen not to exceed $2.25 per day. . . $ 1,200 00 209B Hire of teams, horses and carts 200 00 209D iMaterials for repairs and re])lacements by de- partmental labor 2,500 00 I 76 BUREAU OF STREETS— Continued. Removal and Disposal of Garbage, Ashes and Refuse — Other Than by Wards. Maintenance and Operation of Loading kitations, kicows, Wagons, Etc. Salaries and Wages — 215A Foreman $ l.OSO 00 215A1 Meelianics not to exceed the union scale of wages 7,200 00 215A2 Laborers not to exceed $2 per day and suh- forcmien not to exceed .$2.25 per day. . . . 2:).0')0 00 215B Hire of teams, horses and carts 1.700 00 215D Material for rej)airs and re])la('ements hy de- partmental labor 7,660 00 2150 Special contract obligations (boat hire) 15.360 00 $ 56,000 00 Maintenance and Operation ^of Dumps. Salaries and Wages — General superintendent (including transj)or- tation) $ 2,200 00 Foremen, 4 at $90 per montb 4,320 00 216A , : $ 6,520 00 216A1 Laborers not to exceed $2 ]>er day and sub- foremen not to exceed $2.25 per day. . . . 37.500 00 216B Hire of teams, borses and carts 1,350 00 216D Material for repairs and replacements by depart- tal labor 1.200 00 216E Repairs and replacements by contract or open order 3,430 00 $ 50,000 00 Maintenance of Waste Faper Boxes. Salaries and Wages — 217A Laborers not to exceed $2 pei- day o26 00 217B Hire of teams, borses and carts 1,174 00 217D Material for repairs and replacements by depart- mental labor 200 00 Reduction of Garhage. 2180 Special contract obligations $ 2,000 00 47,500 00 77 BUREAU OF STREETS— Continued. Repairing Streets and Sidewalks — Other Than by Wards. Repairs of Improved streets and Alleys {to he Paid from the Receipts of Vehicle Licenses.) Salaries and Wages — Assistant Superintendent of Streets in charge of street repairs . .$ 3,600 00 Engineer • 1,600 00 Chemist 2,000 00 225A •. . $ 7,200 00 225A1 Rodrnen, 12 months work at $90 per month. . 1,080 00 225A2 leaving inspection, 48 mos. inspection at $100 per month 4,800 00 225A3 Pavers at $5 per day, steam roller engineers at $4.50 per day, laborers and watch- men not to exceed $2.50 per day 48,720 00 225B Hire of teams, horses and carts 42,000 00 225D Material for repairs and replacements by depart- * mental labor 63,000 00 225E Repairs and replacements by contract or open order 230,000 00 $ 396,800 00 Restoration of streets Where Excavations Have Been Made hy Plumbers, Sewer Builders, Etc. (To he paid from Special Deposits.) Salaries and Wages — 226A Pavers, not to exceed $5 per day ;laborers, not to exceed $2 per day, and sub-fore- men, not to exceed $2.25 per day 226B Hire of teams, horses and carts 226D Material for repairs and replacements by depart- mental labor 226E Repairs and replacements by contract or open order 8,000 00 2,200 00 4.800 00 35,000 00 $ 50,000 00 ■U'-. ■ • /■" :v .V. ■; . ' '■..'h j. - , ; , i-' -•• Ft . t- - \ i-vv '-•0 '\-'p. -I -■r , , ,-: ,i 5 4 78 BUREAU OF STREETS— Ccntinued. Ditching in the Fifth, Eighth, Twenty-fifth, Twenty-sixth, Twenth-seventh, Twenty- ninth, Thirty-first , Thirty-second, Thirty-third, Thirty-fourth and Thirty-fifth Wards. 227 A Salaries and wages $ 8, GOO 00 227B Hire of teams, horses and carts 1,800 00 227C General supjdies 3G0 00 $ 10,850 00 Miscellaneous. kiurveys for the (Juidance of the Hoard of Local I niprovenients in Establishing Lines, Etc. 235S All other operation $ 2,000 00 Public Utility Inspection. Salaries and Wages — Public utility inspectoi in charge $ 2,000 00 Pidjlic utility ins])ectors, IG at $1,800 28,800 00 236A $ 30,800 00 236A1 Assistant pid)lic utility inspectors not to ex- ' ceed $4 per day 12,000.00 Ward Yards. 237K Rents 7,500 00 Construction and Betterments. 250X Widening subway at 49th street and Asliland avenue (City’s proportion of cost) 13,000 00 250X1 Construction of sidewalk in front of School Fund property at Foster ave. and Robey stret. . . 1,800 00 250X2 Purchase of two cars for hauling street dirt and refuse 3,G80 00 Total Bureau of Streets $3,080,928 00 79 BUREAU OF SEWERS. Superintendent’s Office. Salaries and Wages — Superintendent $ 4,000 00 Assistant engineer (street grades and benches) 2,500 00 Rodmen 1,080 00 Stenographer 1,080 00 Clerks, 2 at $1,500 3,000 00 Draughtsman 1,200 00 301A $ 12,860 00 301H Printing and stationery 300 00 301J Street car transportation 1,400 00 $ 14,560 00 Kensington Pumping Station. Operation. Salaries and Wages — Mechanical engineer $ 1,500 00 Assistant mechanical engineers, 2 at $1,460. 2,920 00 Firemen, 3 at $1,080 3,240 00 302A $ 7,660 00 302C General supplies 500 00 302L Fuel ‘ 1,700 00 Repairs and Replacements. 302E Repairs and replacements by contract on open order 1,200 00 $ 11,060 00 Pullman Pumping Station. Operation. Salaries and Wages — Mechanical engineer $ 1,500 00 Assistant mechanical engineers, 2 at $1,460. 2,920 00 Firemen, 3 at $1,080 3,240 00 303A $ 7,660 00 80 BUREAU OF SEWERS— Continued. 303C General supplies $ 500 00 303L Fuel 2,300 00 Repairs and Replacements. 303E Repairs and rei)laceiueuts by contract or open order 1,000 00 $ 11,460 00 Stony Island Avenue Pumping Station. Operation. Salaries and Wages — Chief mechanical engineer $ 1,600 00 Assistant mechanical engineers, 3 at $1,460. 4,380 00 Firemen, 3 at $1,080 3,240 00 Oilers, 3 at $1,080 3,240 00 Laborer, at $70 per month 840 00 304A $ 13,300 00 304C General supplies 1,000 00 304L Fuel ’ 5,000 00 Repairs and Replacements. 304E Repairs and replacements by contract or open order 6,000 00 $ 25,300 00 Hegewisch Pumping Station. Operation. Salaries and Wages — 305A Mechanical engineers, 3 at $1,460 . $ 4,380 00 305C General supplies 200 00 305L Fuel 1,080 00 Repairs and Replacements. 305E Repairs and replacements by contract or open order 100 00 $ 5,760 00 SI . ■ BUREAU OF SEWERS— Continued. Ninety-fifth Street Pumping Station. Operation. Salaries and Wages — Chief inec-hanical engineer $ 1,600 00 Assistant mechanical engineers, at $1,460. 4,380 00 Firemen, 3 at $1,080 3,240 00 Oilers, 3 at $1,080 3,240 00 Laborer, at $70 j)ei’ montli 840 00 306A $ 13,300 00 306C General su])plies 1,000 00 306L Fuel 5,000 00 Repairs and Replacements. 306E Repairs and replacements by contract or open order 500 00 $ 19,800 00 Repairing Sewers. Salaries and \\ ages- — Foreman and bricklayers $ 2,200 00 Assistant foreman, r(‘|)airing sew(*rs 1,800 00 Timekeej)er 1,080 00 Civil engineer, track elevation 1,800 00 Sewer pipe inspector 1,080 00 310A $ 7,960 00 310A1 Laborers, nto to exceed $3 per day 26,292 00 310A2 Brick masons, not to exceed union rate of wages ($11,831.40 less $2,088.00 to be l)aid from api)ropriation for building new catch basins) 9,743 40 310B Hire of teams, horses and carts 10,345 00 310D Material for repairs and replacements by depart- mental^labor (including unpaid bill of Ed- ward Hines Lumber Co.) 2,531 69 $ 56,872 09 t; BUREAU OF SEWERS— Continued. Catch Basins and Manholes. Repairs and Replacements. Salaries and Wages — Asst, foreman, in charge sewer pipe yards. .$ 1,800 00 Foreman carpenter 1,600 00 Watchman 720 00 311A $ 4,120 00 311A1 Mechanics not to exceed union rate of wages. 11,268 00 311A2 Laborers not to exceed $3.00 per day 1,878 00 311B Hire of teams, horses and carts 4,695 00 31 ID Material for rej)airs and replacements by depart- mental labor 5,000 00 $ 26,961 00 Restoration of Streets. 312A Salaries and wages, by deposit $ 1,500 00 312E Repairs and replacements by contract or open order 2,000 00 $ 3,500 00 House Drains. Salaries and \¥ages — House drain inspector in charge $ 1,800 00 Clerk 1,500 00 Clerks, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Mason inspector 1,800 00 Draughtsman 1,200 00 Junction setters, 2 at $1,800 3,600 00 313A ^ $ 12,300 00 313A1 Flouse drain inspection, 324 months at $100 per month 32,400 00 313H Printing and stationery 500 00 $ 45,200 00 \ 83 BUREAU OF SEWERS— Continued. Cleaning Sewers. Salaries and Wages — Foreman, District No. 1 $ 1,800 00 Foremen in Districts 2, 3, 4 and 5, 4 at $l’,080 6,720 00 314A $ 8,520 00 314A1 Assistant foremen — Districts 1. 2, 3, 4 and 5, 6 at $4.30 per day 8,075 40 314A2 Laborers, at $3 per day — District No. 1 .... 27,512 00 314A3 Laborers, at $3 per day — District No. 2 . . . . 20,658 00 314A4 Laborers, at $3 per day — District No. 3 . . . . 20,658 00 314A5 Laborers, at $3 per day — District No. '4.... 20,658 00 314A6 Laborers, at $3 per day — District No. 5 . . . . 18,780 00 314A7 Laborers, at $3.30 ])er day — District No. 1.. 7,230 30 314A8 Laborers, at $3.30 per day — District No. 2.. 2,065 80 314A9 Laborers, at $3.30 per day — District No. 3 . . 4,131 60 314A10 Laborers, at $3.30 per day — District No. 4.. 4,131 60 314A11 Laborers, at $3.30 per day — District No. 5.. 2,065 80 Hire Teams, Horses and Carts — 314B1 District No 1 26,135 50 314B2 District No. 2 ' 10,172 50 314B3 District No. 3 7,825 00 314B4 District No. 4 8,607 50 314B5 District No. 5 10,172 50 314C Ceneral supplies 970 50 314K Rent (sewer ])ipe yards) 150 00 $ 208,520 00 All Construction and Betterments. 300X New catch basins (including $2,088 deducted from 310A2) 5,000 00 300X1 New bencli monuments (including 1 civil engineer at $1,800, and 1 rodman at $1,080 3.820 00 300X2 Connecting sewers in Grove and La Fayette ave- nues across Garfield boulevard 1.400 00 Total — Bureau of Sewers $ 439,213 09 84 BUREAU OF ENGINEERING— DIVISION OF BRIDGES AND HARBORS. Superintendence. Salaries and Wages — Engineer in charge of bridges $ 5,000 00 Structural iron designei- 3, GOO 00 Clerk, 1 at $1,200 1,200 00 Stenographer, 1 at $1,200 " 1,200 00 Messenger, 1 at $600 600 00 Clerk, 1 at $1,800 1,800 00 $ 13,400 00 Less 80 per cent to he paid from a])j)s. for construction $' 10,720 OOj t 401 A ' $ 2,680 00 401A1 Mechanics and inspectors detailed for cor])o- lation ins])ection — to he reimhnrsed ( $6,000 less $4,800 to he paid from ap- propriations for construction) 1,200 00 401H Printing and stationery ($1,000 less $800 to he paid from ap])roi)riation for construction). 200 00 401J Street car and railroad transj)ortation ($2,000 less $1,()00 to he ])aid from appro])riations for con.struction ) . . . 400 00 401S All other o])er;ition 2,422 00 $ 6,902 00 Bridge and Viaducts Repairs and Replacements. (Jeneral Work. Salaries and Wages — Assistant engineer in charge (repairs) . . . .$ 2,100 00 Shop keeper 1,380 00 Marine pilot 1,200 00 Marine engineer 1 ,200 00 Deckhand 900 00 Watchman at $60 per month 720 00 Foreman of machinists 2,000 00 f'H' »» ■ ■? ] ' ,*"iiS'iA..' \ V ; '• ‘ • j-t .•.. ■ ,tS' 7 V- . , / I' ^ *'■ 1 j*.. T' ' ’4 :i. ■y ' •■■.*16 ■,'■■: '1 i': • 'W'J- -1 85 BUREAU OF ENGINEERING— Continued. Sa!:iri(‘> and \\a"es--- For(*inan of tdectric railway ineclianies . . . . $ 2,000 '00 Foreman of repairs, 2 at $2,000 4,000 00 Assistant foremen of re])airs, 2 at $1,680.. 3,360 00 Foreman of painters 1,620 00 402A $ 20,480 00 Mechanics as Follows: Not to Exceed the Union Rate of Wages — Carpenters $ 51,158 67 Painters 6,600 00 Electric railway mechanics 14,850 00 Machinists 13,500 00 Structural iron and bridge workers 18,000 00 Stone cnttei’S 1,350 00 Pattern makers 1,620 00 $ 107,078 67 Less $6,000 to he paid from appropriation “R(‘pairing for Railway Companies,” $6,000 to be paid from a])})ropriation “Damage to Bridges,” and $3,000 to he paid from appro))iiation “Bridge Oper- ation.” 15,000 00 402A1 ‘ $ 92,078 67 402A2 Laborers not to exceed $2.50 per day 17,220 00 402B Hire teams, horses and carts 3,600 00 402D Material for repairs and replacements by depart- mental labor ( including unpaid bill of Keith Lumher Co. for $105.58) 63,500 00 402E Repairs and replacements by contract or open order 55,000 00 402F Apparatus, machinery, etc 20,000 00 $ 271,878 67 Repairing for Railway Companies {to Be Reimbursed) . ^ Salaries and Wages — 403A Mechanics not to exceed union rate of wages, and laborers not to exceed $2.50 per 6,000 00 403D 403E 404A 404D 404E 405A 405A1 405C 405L 406A 406C 8G BUREAU OF ENGINEERING— Continued. Material for repairs and replacements by depart- mental labor $ 4,000 00 Repairs and replacements by contract or oj)en order 40,000 00 $ 50,000 00 Damage to Bridges {to Be Reirnhursed) . Salaries and Wages — Mechanics not to exceed union rates, and laborers not to exceed $2.50 per day.. $ 6,000 00 Material for re])airs and replacements by de])art- inental labor 3,300 00 Repairs and leplacements by contract or o])en order • 700 00 $ 10,000 00 2,616 00 79,200 00 103,500 00 $ 185,316 00 Mechanics detailed for instruction of new bridgetenders and emergency operation of bridges 3,000 00 $ 188,316 00 General supplies 6,000 00 Fuel (including powei ) 24,000 00 Bridge Operation. Salaries and Wages — Su})erintendent of bridgetendei-s $ Hridgetenders, 66 at $100 per month Bridgetenders. 115 at $75 per month Operation of Ferries. Salaries and Wages — Operation of ferries . General supplies $ 218,316 00. $ 1,400 00 150 00 $ 1,550 00 87 BUREAU OF ENGINEERING— Continued. River and Harbor. f^alaries and Wages — Assistant engineer $ 1,500 00 Rodmen, 2 at $1,080 2,160 00 Harbor master 1,800 00 . Assistant harbor masters, 5 at $1,200 6,000 00 Vessel dispatcher 1,200 00 Assistant vessel dispatchers, 2 at $1,080.. 2,160 00 Bridge telephone operators, 4 at $800 3,200 00 407A 407E Repairs and replacements by contract or open order 407C General supplies 407S All other operation $ 18,020 00 13,000 00 350 00 60 00 All Construction and Betterments. 420X Bascule bridge at 100th street over Calumet River, estimated’ cost, $300,000, to he ex- pended in 1910 for preliminary survey.... 31,430 00 500 00 Also the Folloicing Accounts to Be Reimbursed from Bond Issue: 420X1 Polk Street Bridge (existing contracts) 10,000 00 420X2 Erie Street Bridge (existing contracts) 35,298 00 420X3 Equipment for movable bridges 2,500 00 420X4 Rental of site occupied during construction of Polk Street Bridge 375 00 Total Division of Bridges to be paid from Corporate Fund $ 638,749 67 Construction and Betterments Contingent on Bond Issue. Any additional help needed to make designs, su- pervise and inspect construction to be paid out of amount appropriated for construction of new bridges. New Bridges — New bridge at La Salle street $ 360^000 00 New bridge at Lake street . . ., 360,000 00 New bridge at Washington street 360,000 00 88 BUREAU OF ENGINEERING— Continued. New Bridges — New bridge at Fuller street $ 175,000 00 New bridge at Tliirty-fifth street 260,000 00 New bridges at California avenue west fork and at Drainage Canal 150,000 00 New bridge at Indiana street 250,000 00 New bridge at Chicago avenue 250,000 00 New bridge at Weed street 225,000 00 New bridge at Ninety-second street 350,000 00 Other bridge construction (proceeds to be used used to reimburse Corporate Fund accounts for bridges included in 1910 budget — Polk Street Bridge 10,000 00 Erie Street Bridge 35,298 00 Equipment for movable bridges 2,500 00 Rental of site occupied during construc- tion of Polk Street Bridge 375 00 $2,788,173 00 t VARIOUS PENSION FUNDS AND MISCELLANEOUS. Firemen’s Pension Fund. For one per cent of all licenses collected by the city during the year, made payable to this • fund by an act of the General iVssembly, ap- proved May 13, 1887, in force duly 1, 1887. Also 50 per cent of the amount received from 2 per cent insurauce tax, made payable to this fund by an act of General Assembly, approved April 24, 1901, as amended May 12, 1905 Police Pension Fund. For amounts provided for in an act of the General Assembly, approved and in force May 16, 1903 Chicago Erring Women’s Refuge for Reform. The amount of fines of police courts made pay- able to this fund by an act of the General 89 VARIOUS PENSION FUNDS AND MISCELLANEOUS— Continued. Assembly, approved Alarcb 31, 1869, being ■oiie-balf of the fines imposed upon inmates of houses of ill-fame House of Good Shepherd. The amount of fines of police courts made pay- able to this fund by an act of the General Assembly, approved March 31, 1869. being one-half of the fines imposed upon inmates of houses of ill-fame Illinois Humane Society. For all fines collected imposed throngb the agency of said Humane Societ}^ for the pre- vention of cruelty to animals ami children, provided by act of the General Assembly, approved dune 23, 1885, in force July 1, 1885 SINKING FUND ACCOUNTS. Water Loan Sinking Fund. Water Loan Bonds due -Inly 1, 1912 $ 41,050 00 Water Loan Bonds due dannary 1, 1914 6,500 00 Water Loan Bonds due duly 1, 1914 22,300 00 Water Loan Bonds due July 1, 1915 74,250 00 Total $ 144,100 00 Sewer Sinking Fund. Sewer Loan Bonds due duly 1, 1912.. $ 24,500 00 Sewer Loan Bonds due duly 1, 1914 39,125 00 Total $ 63,625 00 River Improvement Sinking Funds. River Improvement Bonds due July 1, 1912 $ 12,450 00 River Improvement Bonds due didy 1, 1913 25,000 00 River Improvement Bonds due July 1, 1914 17,175 00 River Improvement Bonds due July 1, 1915 63,150 00 Total $ 117,775 00 00 SINKING FUND ACCOUNTS— Continued. General Sinking Funds. Municipal Bonds due January 1 1914 $ 3,000 00 Tunnel Bonds due January 1, 1916 5,000 00 Tunnel Bonds due January 1, 1918 5,000 00 Tunnel Bonds due January 1, 1919 4,900 00 Tunnel Bonds due Octol)er 1, 1918 5,000 00 Tunnel Bonds due January 1, 1918 4,900 00 Municipal Bonds due January 1, 1919 27,350 00 Municipal Bonds due September 1, 1919 11,400 00 World’s Fair Bonds due January 1, 1921 214,650 00 Total $ 281,200 00 Summary. Water Loan Sinking Fund $ 144,100 00 Sewer Sinking Fund 63,625 00 River Improvement Sinking Funds 117,775 00 General Sinking Fund 281,200 00 Judgment Funding Bonds due .January 1, 1912 335,000 00 . Bermanent Improvement Bonds due January 1, 1912 168,000 00 General Corporate Purposes Bonds due -January 1, 1912 125,000 00 General Corporate Bonds due January 1, 1912 410,000 00 Total $1,644,700 00 Loss and cost in collecting tax 68,529 16 $1,713,229 16 Total Sinking Funds 91 APPROPRIATIONS FROM WATER FUND. CHICAGO COMMISSION ON CITY EXPENDITURES. W12A Salaries and wages $ 10,000 00 CORPORATION COUNSEL. W16A Salaries and wages 20,400 00 CITY ATTORNEY’S OFFICE. W18A Salaries and wages 75,000 00 COMPTROLLER’S OFFICE. W20A Salaries and wages 13,500 00 W20^' All other operation 1,000 00 Total, Comptroller’s office $ 14,500 00 INTEREST. W21P Interest on Water Loan Bonds $ 184,471 25 W21P2 Interest on Judgments 1,500 00 W21P3 Interest on Water Certificates 62,500 00 W21P4 Interest on Water ipe Extension Certificates... 15,000 00 Total interest $ 263,471 25 MISCELLANEOUS. W22S8 All other operation (costs on judgments) $ 1,000 00 W22X Judgments 24,000 00 W22X1 Redemption of Water Certificates 1,000,000 00 W22X2 For the ])ayment of maturing Water Pipe Exten- sion Certificates and the redemption of such other water certificates as shall be ordered paid by the City Council 100,000 00 Total miscellaneous $1,125,000 00 DEPARTMENT OF SUPPLIES. W27A Salaries $ 12,072 00 BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT/^’. W50A Salaries and wages $ 80,991 00 All Other Operation — Public Benefits — WATER MERELY. One Year Elan. Warrant No. Street. Amount. 36357. West North avenue $ 607 22 36668. Belle Plaine avenue 50 02 36669. South Centre avenue 1,018 66 36672. Glenlake avenue 103 96 36680. North Spaulding avenue 448 04 36685. North Wliii)ple street 190 32 36686. Sixty-ninth avenue 247 01 36687. Alleys, Cottage Grove avenue, Drexel boulevard 62 75 36942. West Addison street 216 78 36961. Central avenue 428 07 37148. West Chicago avenue 623 04 W50S $ 3,995 87 Installment Elan. 36963. South Central avenue, 1-5 insts..$ 218 38 Interest on above 41 00 W50S1 259 38 'Total, Board of Local lmi)roveinents $ 85,146 25 nEPARTME^T OF PUBLIC WORKS. COMMISSIONER’S OFFICE. WIOIA Salaries and wages $ 28,899 00 WlOlAl Extra pay for overtime of regular employes 675 00 WIOIH Printing and stationery , 3,375 00 WIOIJ Street car transportation 27 00 WIOIS Other operation 648 00 Total, Commissioner’s office $ 33,624 00 93 BUREAU OF MAPS. W103A Salaries and wages $ 24,975 00 W103C (ieneral sui)i)lies 1,125 00 Total, Bureau of Maps $ 26,100 00 BUREAU OF CITY HALL. W105K Bents $ 8,160 88 BUREAU OF ENGINEERING. (Exclusive of Division of Bridges and Harbors.) Salaries and Wages — City engineer $ 8,000 00 Accounting clerk in charge 1,800 00 Chief clerk 2,600 00 Messenger 720 00 Stenographer 1,200 00 Clerk 1,500 00 Clerks, two at $1,200 each 2,400 00 First assistant engineer 5,000 00 501 A $ 23,220 00 501A1 Extra pay for overtime of regular employes. 550 00 501H Printing and stationery 675 00 501J Street car transportation 1,150 00 501S All otlier operation 2,040 00 $ 27,635 00 Testing Division. Salaries and Wages — Chief tester $ 3,000 00 Metallurgical chemist 1,800 00 Cement inspector 1,500 00 Laboratory assistant 1,200 00 Instrument man 1,200 00 Civil engineer 1,400 00 502A ' $ 10,100 00 502C General supplies 1,000 00 5026’ All other operation 800 00 $ 11,900 00 94 BUREAU OF ENGINEERING— Continued. Cribs. Operation. Salaries and Wages — Crib keepers, five at $1,200 $ 6,000 00 Assistant crib keepers, ten at $1,000 10,000 00 Diver 2,400 00 Divers’ helpers, three at $100 per month . . . 3,600 00 503A $ 22,000 00 503A1 Laborers, not to exceed $2.50 per day 10,000 00 503A2 Mec'hanieal engineers for 3 months at $100 per month 4,500 00 503C General supplies 3,157 50 503L Fuel 1,842 50 S})eeial Contract Obligations — 5030 Tug service 14,000 00 50301 Aleals at 30 cents each 7 200 00 Repairs and Replace inents. 503E Repairs and replacements by contracts or open order 12,500 00 503F Apparatus, machinery, vehicles, harness, etc 600 00 $ 75,800 00 Pumping Stations. Operation. Salaries and Wages — Chief engineer of all j)umping stations $ 3,000 00 Chief engineers, 8 at $2,500 20,000 00 Mechanical engineers, 28 at $2,000 56,000 00 Mechanical engineer 1,400 00 Mechanical engineers, 2 at $1,320 2,640 00 Mechanical engineers, 8 at $1,200 9,600 00 Hoisting engineer 1,200 00 Swinging derrick engineer, not to exceed $5 per day • 1,825 00 Boiler washers, 8 at $1,260 10,080 00 Oilers, 101 at $1,080 109,080 00 Firemen, 90 at $1,080 97,200 00 Coal passers, 44 at $1,000 44,000 00 95 BUREAU OF ENGINEERING— Continued. .Salaries and Wages — Rigger $ 960 00 danitors, 10 at $900 9,000 00 Clerk 1,320 00 Clerk 1,200 00 Well tenders, 4 at $1,000 4,000 00 504A $ 372,505 00 504A1 Emergency laborers', not to exceed $2.50 per day 10,000 00 504A2 Laborers, not to exceed $2.50 per day 21,600 00 504C General supplies 32,000 00 504L Fuel 425,000 00 504S All other operation 13,000 00 Repairs and Replacements. Salaries and Wages — Chief steamfitter $ 1,800 00 Machinists, 10 at $1,440 14,400 00 Machinists’ helpers, 2 at $925 1,850 00 505A’ $ 18,050 00 505A1 Steam fitters, 8 at $5.50 per day 12,584 00 505A2 Steamfitters’ helpers, 8 at $3.50 per day .... 8,008 00 505D Materials for repairs and replacements by depart- mental labor, including unpaid bill of Gar- den City Sand Co., $450 15,000 00 505E Repairs and replacements by contract or open order 155,000 00 $1,198,082 00 WATER FIFE EXTENSION. Water Waste Surveys — Operation. Salaries and Wages — Pitometer expert $ 3,000 00 Pitometer expert 2,400 00 Civil engineers, 2 at $1,820 2,640 00 Draughtsman 1,200 '00 Engineer 1,200 00 Rodman 1,080 00 506A $ 11,520 00 96 BUREAU OF ENGINEERING— Continued. 506A1 For extra hire of plumbing inspectors at $117 . per month and laborers not to exceed $2.50 per day. The services of these men are contingent on emergencies and are only to be emploj^ed when needed. . $ 32,600 00 506S All other operation 10,700 40 $ 54,820 40 Mains, Hydrants and Valves — Repairs and Replacements. Supef'intendenVs Office. Salaries and Wages — Superintendent $ 4,500 00 Assistant suj)erintendent 2,100 00 Civil engineer 2,160 00 Clerk 1,800 00 Clerk 1,500 00 Clerks, 3 at $1,200 3,600 00 Clerk 1,080 00 Stenographer 1,080 00 Draughtsmen, 5 at $1,200 6,000 00 Plumbing inspector in charge *. . . 1,800 00 Clerk 1,200 00 Less 60 per cent, to be charged to con- struction 26,820 00 16,728 00 507A 10,728 00 Pipe Yards. Salaries and Wages — Superintendent $ 1,800 00 Foremen, 4 at $100 per month 4,800 00 Foreman of carpenters 1,600 00 Clerk 1,080 00 Watchmen, 5 at $75 per month 4,500 00 $ 13,780 00 Less amount to be charged to construc- tion $ 8,268 00 507A1 $ 5,512 00 4 97 BUREAU OF ENGINEERING— Continued. 507A2 Laborers, not to exceed $2.50 per day ($15,500, less $9,300, to be charged to construction) $ 6,200 00 507 A3 Carpenters, not to exceed union rate of wages ($12,000, less $7,200, to be charged to construction) 4,800 00 $ 16,512 00 Replacement of Fire Hydrants in Town of Lake. Salaries and Wages — 508A Laborers at not to exceed $2.50 per day. ... $ 10,000 00 508A1 Calkers at not to exceed $3.00 per day 2,500 00 508B Hire of teams, horses and Ciirts 2,500 00 508D Material for repairs and replacements l>y de- paremental labor 35,000 00 $ 50,000 00 • Other Repairs and Replacements. Salaries and Wages — Foreman $ 1,620 00 Foremen, 8 at $1,500 per year 12,000 00 Assistant foremen, 23 at $112.50 per month 31,050 00 Timekeepers, 11 at $100 per month 13,200 00 Watchmen, 10 at $75 per month 9,000 00 $ 66,870 00 Less amount chargeable to construction. . . . 40,122 00 509A $ 26,748 00 Mechanics as follows, at not to exceed the union rate of wages — Mason foremen . $ 5,990 40 Bricklayers 25,920 00 Bricklayers’ helpers 1,000 0-0 Calkers 27,490 00 $ 60,400 40 Less amount chargeable to construction. . . . 36,240 24 509A1 24,160 16 98 BUREAU OF ENGINEERING— Continued. 509A2 Laborers not to exceed $2.50 per day ($329,190.00, less $175,528.16, charge- able to construction) $ 153.661 84 509A3 Laborers not to exceed $2.50 per day and mechanics not to exceed union rates of wages (these employees to be used in repairing fire hydrants and in doing spe- cial work for Fire Department) 30,000 00 509A4 Laborers not to exceed $2.50 per day for emergency shut-off works 7,500 00 509B Hire of teams, horses and carts ($60,000 less $30,000 chargeable to construction) 30,000 00 509D Materials for repairs and replacements by de- partmental labor ($272,500 less $210,370 chargeable to construction) 62,130 00 509E Repairs and replacements by contract or open order 90,000 00 509H Printing and stationery ($2,000 less $1,200 chargeable to construction) 800 00 509J Street car transportation ($1,085 less $651 charge-able to construction) 434 00 509M Purchase of horses 500 00 509N Forage, shoeing and boarding horses ($3,915 less $2,349 chargeable to construction) 1,566 00 All Other Maintenance — 50951 Payment of claims for damages to property caused by bursting of water mains, tunnels, etc 15,00000 50952 Special surveys for electrolysis 10,000 00 50953 Telephone service, etc., ($1,000 less $600 cliargeable to construction ) 400 00 $ 452,900 00 Tapping and Retapping. Salaries and Wages — 520A Foreman of laborers $ 1,500 00 520A1 Tappers, 176 mos. tapping at $100 per mo.. 17,600 00 520A2 Plumbing inspection, 144 months at $117 per month 16,848 00 520A3 Laborers not to exceed $2.50 per day 8,000 00 •sS' ■-.; i-t-WG. . - M' \''-X*''''~*‘ . ■i 7 ..: ::• --V ■'■A -i . ■• /■' ' - ;rv 4 X^^’:: V VV, ::3 •U-. . ’ ' ' '*■.•. «'/ *\ A \ 'e- . ■/ . >*•' „ . r- - V A ■- ’■ \ i , '. i "■ 'j: '' - f.W 'S ■•' ^ ’ -'f .J:i t i‘ - ;<^V: .;i ^^•; .*y- •>:' .- \ - ; J- ■ ■ - » ''■ V i*’"' - ‘ '?! > < ■ ' - 'ir »■' • •■> i. . w- .'V':^;^;:. '■/ y-i ■ ■ ■■ ■.; . . fy. . ■ :V;, ' •'>/j.- ,■« ivf ■ • •.. - f' '->r [)[) BUREAU OF ENGINEERING— Continued. Salaries and Wages — 520A4 Plumbers not to exceed union scale $ 8,000 ()() 520B Hire of teams, liorses and carts 11,500 00 520D Materials for repairs and replacements by de- partmental labor 20,100 00 $ 83,548 00 Water Works Shops and Repairs Division. Salaries and Wages — Superintendent $ 2,500 00 Assistant superintendent 1,800 00 Foremen of carpenters 1,800 00 Foreman of painters 1,620 00 Foreman of tinners 1,620 00 Architectural draughtsman 1,500 00 -Clerks, 2 at $ 1,200 2,400 00 Stoekkeeper 1,080 00 Assistant stoekkeeper 960 00 Mechanical engineer 1,200 00 Billing machine operator ■ . 900 00 Watchmen, 2 at $900 1,800 00 521A 521A1 Foreman of boiler repairs and all other me- chanics to he used in repairing shops, buildings and machinery at not to ex- ceed the union scale 521C General supplies 52ID Materials for repairs and replacements by de- partmental labor 521F Apparatus, machinery, etc 521H Printing and stationery 52 IJ Street car transportation 521S All other operation $ 19,180 00 6,996 80 $ 26,176 80 200 00 2,800 00 15,000 00 200 00 500 00 1,500 00 $ 46,376 80 100 BUREAU OF ENGINEERING— Continued. Chicago Harbor. Salaries and Wages — . Dredging inspectors, 6 at $1,200 $ 7,200 00 Harbor police, 6 at $1,080 6,480 00 522A $ 13,680 00 Fullerton Avenue Pumping Station. Salaries ami Wages — Chief engineer $ 1,600 00 Assistant engineers, 3 at $1,460 4,380 00 Firemen, 3 at $00 per month 3,240 00 Oilers, 3 at $90 per month 3,240 00 Laborer at $2.50 per day 840 00 523A $ 13,300 00 523C General supplies 750 00 523E Repairs and replacements by contract or open order 1 .500 00 523L Fuel 6,000 00 ' 523S All other operation 600 00 $ 22,150 00 Carter Harrison, Sr., Intercepting Sewer Pumping Station. (Appropriations for two months only.) Salaries and Wages — Mechanical engineer at $208.33 per month. $ 416 66 Mechanical engineers, 3 at $121.66 per month 729 96 Oilers, 6 at $90 per month 1,080 00 . Firemen, 3 at $90 per month 540 00 .Screenmen, 3 at $90 per month 540 00 Boiler washer at $105 per month 210 00 Electric crane operation at $101 per month 202 00 524A $ 3,718 62 524A1 Laborers at $2.50 per day 1,200 00 524C General supplies 472 00 524D Materials for repairs and replacements by de- partmental labor 85 00 101 BUREAU OF ENGINEERING— Continued. 524E Repairs and replacements by contract or open order $ 1,165 00 524L Fuel 4,135 00 524S All other operation (including bills of Robt. W. Hunt & Co., $1,683.38) 1,783 38 $ 12,559 00 Lawrence Avenue Intercepting Sewer Pumping Station. (Appropriation for two months only.) Salaries and Wages — Chief engineer at $133.33 $ 266 66 Mechanical engineers, 3 at $121.66 pea' month 729 96 Oilers, 10 at $90 per month 1,800 00 Coal passers, 3 at $83.33 499 98 Firemen, 3 at $90 ])er month 540 00 Screenman at $90 per month 180 00 Machinists, not to exceed union scale 266 66 Laborers, not to exceed $2.50 per day 375 00 Crib laborers at $2.50 per day and meals at 30 cents each 207 00 525A $ 4,865 26 525C General supplies 500 00 525D Materials for repairs and replacements by de- partmental labor 65 00 525E Repairs and replacements by contract or open order 185 00 525L Fuel 1,875 00 525S All other operation 100 00 $ 7,590 26 Miscellaneous. Maintenance of Tunnel Plants and Shafts. 540S All other maintenance $ 5,000 00 Maintenance of Intercepting Sewers. 540S1 All other maintenance 7,500 00 Total, operation and maintenance — Bureau of Engineering (exclusive of Division of Bridges and Harbors) $1,971,268 62 103 BUREAU OF ENGINEERING— Continued. All Construction and Betterments. 550X Capital account for waterworks repair shops to be reimbursed by departments liaving work done ISeicers. 550X1 Reversal of sewers in 51st and 56th streets Tunnels. Existing Contracts — 560X New Southwest Land and Lake Tunnel, Sec- tion No. 3 (including engineering and inspection) 560X1 New Southwest Land and Lake Tunnel, sluice gates and putting tunnel into service (including engineering and inspection) 560X2 Connecting tunnel, between Southwest Land and Lake Tunnel and 68th Street Pump- ing Station (including engineering and inspection). Total estimated cost, .$158,- 000.00, to be spent in 1910 New Work — 560X3 Completion of crib for Southwest Land and Lake Tunnel hoisting apparatus (in- cluding engineering and inspection) . . Pumping Citations. Existing Contracts — 570X Rogers Park Pumping Station, new filters, setting new boilers, including piping and appurtenances ( including engineering and inspection ) 570X1 Sixty-eighth Street Pum])ing Station, new boilers and appurtenances and remodel- ing north half of boiler room (including engineering and inspection). Total es- timated cost, $130,000.00) to be spent in 1910 570X2 Roseland Pumping Station. Two (2) 25,- 000,000 gallon pumping engines, includ- ing foundations, boilers and appurte- nances (including engineering and in- spection). Total estimated cost $380,- 000.00, to be spent in 1910 20,000 00 9,000 00 560,000 00 35,000 00 148,000 00 30,000 00 5,000 00 125,000 00 155,000 00 103 570X3 570X4 570X5 570X6 570X7 580X 580X1 580X2 580X3 580X4 580X5 580X6 BUREAU OF ENGINEERING— Continued. Existing Contracts — Roseland Pumping Station. Engine house, boiler room, chimney, etc. (including engineering and inspection ) . Total es- timated cost, $300,000.00, to be spent in 1910 Roseland Pumping Station. Engine pit, suc- tion well and foundations (including en- gineering and inspection) Chicago Avenue Pumping Station. Repairs to walls and finishing interior below main floor (including engineering and inspection) Chicago Avenue Pumping Station. Repairs to walls and finishing interior above main floor (including engineering and inspection.) Total estimated cost, $55,- 000.00, to be spent in 1910 Lawrence Avenue Pumping Station. Wells, and building Water Pipe Exteusion. New Work (including laying of high pressure water pipes for fire boat service in South Chicago) — Proportionate amounts to be charged to construction and betterments, deducted from maintenance and operation accounts of water pipe extension — repairs and replacements of mains, hydrants and valves. ^ Superintendent’s office — salaries “507A” . . . Pipe yards — salaries, “507x\l” Pipe yards — wages of laborers, “507A2”. . . . Pipe yards — wages of carpenters, “507A3”. . Other repairs and replacements — salaries, “509A” Other repairs and replacements — wages of masons, bricklayers and calkers, “509A1” Other repairs and replacements — wages of laborers, “509A2” $ 255,000 00 7,500 00 942 29 52,250 00 5,000 00 16,092 00 8,268 00 9,300 00 7,200 00 40,122 00 36,240 24 175,528 16 104 580X7 580X8 580X9 580X10 580X11 .580X12 590X 590X1 BUREAU OF ENGINEERING— Continued. Other repairs and replacements — hire of teams, horses and carts, “509B” Other repairs and replacements — material for repairs and replacemnts by depart- mental labor, “509D” Other repairs and replacements — printing and stationery, “509H” Other repairs and replacements — street car transportation, “509J” Other repairs and replacements — forage, shoeing and boarding horses, “509N”. . . Other repnirs and replacements — telephone service, etc., “509S3” Amount needed foi- water pii)e extension for work done for Board of Local Improve- ments, including one ( 1 ) clerk to han- dle refund vouchers for tlie laying of water service pipes, at $1,080, one (1) clerk in charge of estimates and con- tracts for street improvements at $1,680 per year, one ( 1 ) general water pipe in- spector at $1,500 per year and sub-in- spectors at $1,200 per year, also includ- ing incidentals at $150 per year Private work and laying water pipe by spec- ial deposit 30,000 00 210,370 00 1,200 00 651 00 2,349 00 600 00 11,830 00 125,000 00 Total, Construction, chargeable to Water Fund $2,072,442 69 Total, Bureau of Engineering, chargeable to Water Fund. . 4,043,711 31 CONTINGENT ON BOND ISSUE. New Work — Feeder mains from Roseland Pumping Sta- tion to Englewood 336,750 00 Feeder mains from Roseland Pumping Sta- tion to South Chicago 255,840 00 Reconstruction, enlarging and equiping Lake View Pumping Station 605,000 00 Total Contingent on Bond Issue. . . $1,197,590 00 105 BUREAU OF WATER. ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION OF WATER RATES. Superintendent’s Office. Salaries and Wages — Superintendent $ 4,500 00 C'liief accountant 2,040 00 Cashier 2,500 00 Assistant cashier 2,040 00 Registrar 1,500 00 Clerks, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Clerk 1,080 00 Clerks, 2 at $960 each 1,920 00 Secretary and stenographer 1,500 00 Stenographer 960 00 * Messenger 600 00 601A ' $ 21,040 00 Collection Division. Salaries and Wages — General Subdivision — Chief clerk $ 2,800 00 Addressographer ahd stamping machine operator 720 00 Watchman 900 00 Scrubwomen, 2 at $720 each 1,440 00 Clerk 1,080 00 Janitor 1,200 00 602A 8,140 00 Assessed Rates Subdivision — Division clerks, 6 at $1,500 each 9,000 00 Night clerk in charge 1,500 00 Clerks, 40 at $1,200 each 48,000 00 Clerk 960 00 Stenographer 960 00 602A1 60,420 00 Meter Rates Subdivision — Assistant chief clerk $ 1,500 00 Rate takers, 15 at $1,200 each 18,000 00 106 BUREAU OF WATER— Continued. Meter Rates Subdivision — Voucher clerk (pending promotion) $ 1,320 00 ' Clerks, 13 at $1,200 each 15,600 00 Clerk 1,320 00 Clerk 960 00 Expert meter and plumbing examiners, 2 at $1,350 each 2,700 00 602A2 $ 41,400 00 Assessor’s Division. Salaries and Wages — General Subdivision — Assessor $ 3,500 00 Deputy assessor 1,500 00 Assistant assessors, 5 at $1,320 each. . . 6,600 00 Clerk ,1500 00 Clerk 1,200 00 Notaries public and custodians (2) at $1,200 each 2,400 00 Stenographer 960 00 Field assessor in charge 1,800 00 Clerk •. 1,200 00 603A . 20,660 00 603A1 Field assessing (360 months, at $100 per month) 36,000 00 $ 56,660 00 Shut-off Subdivision — Foreman $ 1,080 00 Shut-off men, 20 at $900 each 18,000 00 603 A2 J’errriit >in(i !Vhip So hOi vision — v.ierk i V K . . !ji ii r« Draughtsmen, *.5 Rt 1.080 eacii I, 500 Hj t.M,- J. 5,;ow » o 19,080 00 603A3 107 BUJ^EAU OF WATER— Continued. All Divisions. 604A Overtime and extra clerk hire $ 8,000 00 Other Than Salaries and Wages — All Divisions. Hire of teams, horses and carts — 602B Meter rates subdivision $ 14,700 00 603B Shut-off division 8,400 00 $ 23,100 00 General supplies — 605C Postage 14,000 00 605C1 Sundry other supplies 2,500 00 605H Printing and stationery 4,000 00 605J Street car transportation 2,700 00 605K Pvent 17,419 92 All other operation — 605S Refunds on erroneous assessments ,etc.... 12,000 00 605S1 Sundry expenses 2,000 00 Total for assessment and collection of water rates $ 302,059 92 REPAIRS, PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF METERS. (Meter Mechanical Division.) General Work. Salaries and \^'ages — General foreman : Clerk in charge Assistant general foremen, 2 at $1,500 each Clerks, 5 at $1,200 each Clerk Stenographer 2,400 00 1,320 00 3.000 00 6.000 00 960 00 960 00 $ 14,640 00 Less amount to be paid from appropriation for construction and betterments, 650X 4,392 00 606A $ . 10,248 00 108 BUREAU OF WATER— Continued. Repairs and Replacements. Salaries and Wages — 607A Night watchmen, 2 at $720 $ 1,440 00 Mechanics as follows, not to exceed the union rate of wages — ■ Plumbers $ 3,080 00 Machinists 5,600 00 Expert meter testers 1,400 00 Meter setter as storekeeper and shop foreman 1,540 00 Meter setters 18,200 00 Carpenters . ; 1,344 00 Tinsmiths 1,260 00 Cement finishers 927 00 Cement finishers’ helpers 679 80 $ 34,030 80 Less 30 per centum chargeable to con- struction 650X1 10,209 24 607A1 23,821 56 607A2 Laborers at not to exceed $2.50 per day ($9,800 less $3,372 chargeable to con- struction, 650X2) 6,428 00 607B Hire of teams, horses and carts ($15,830 less $4,749 chargeable to construction, 650X3.. 11,081 00 607D Material for repairs and replacements by de- partmental labor 14,000 00 607S AW other maintenance 1,000 00 Purchase and Installation of Meters. Construction and betterments — Proportionate amount to be charged to con- truction and betterments, deducted from maintenance and operation accounts — 650X General Work, Salaries, 606A , 4,392 00 650X1 Repairs and Replacements, Wages of Me- chanics, 607A 10,209 24 650X2 Repairs and Replacements, Wages of. La- borers, 607A2 3,372 00 109 BUREAU OF WATER— Continued. 650X3 Repairs and Replacements, Hire of Teams, Horses and Carts, 607B $ 4,749 00 651X Purchase and Installation of Meters, Special. . . . 50,000 00 $ 72,722 24 $ 442,800 72 Total, Bureau of Water 110 BOARD OF EDUCATION. School Tax Fund. For building purposes $4,000,000 00 Fstiniated loss and cost of collection 160,000 00 Total for building purposes $4,160,000 00 For educational ])ur})oses $13,650,000 00 Fstiniated loss and cost of collection 546,000 00 Total for eilucational purposes For indebtedness acocunt — For bonds $ For interest l]stimated loss and cost of collection.... $14,106,000 00 5,000’ 00 1,225 00 250 00 6,475 00 Total, Board of Education $18,362,475 00 Ill CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Salaries, main library Salaries, branch reading rooms Salaries, delivery stations Delivery stations, miscellaneous Branch reading rooms, miscellaneous Books Binding Finding lists Printing and stationery Newspapers and periodicals Miscellaneous expense Fuel Heating and generating plant Electric supplies and repairs Elevator supplies and repairs Janitors’ expense Furniture and fixtures Insurance Freight and expressage Postage ■ Books lost and paid for — refunds Repairs, alterations and improvements Loss and cost collecting taxes Blackstone branch library Total Contingent on Bond Issue. Branch public libraries in the vicinity of 55th street and Halsted street, 91st street and Commercial avenue, Milwaukee and Cali- fornia avenues and Fullerton and Lin- $ 225,000 00 32.000 00 26.000 00 10,000 00 14.000 00 80.000 00 25.000 00 3.000 00 5.500 00 10.000 00 5.000 00 12,000 00 2.500 00 1,400 00 800 00 1,250 00 10,000 00 2,500 00 700 00 1.000 00 350 00 15,000.00 15.000 00 12.000 00 $ 510,000 00 coin avenues $ 250,000 00 112 45X I MUNICIPAL TUBERCULOSIS SANITARIUM. For amount necessary to purchase ground to erect and equip suitable buildings and pay all other expense of operation and mainte- nance $ 416,575 45 (Assessed valuation $833,150,597.00, rate one-half mill) Loss and cost of collection 14,580 15 $ 431,155 60 113 REiCAPITULATION OF APPROPRIATIONS FROM CORPORATE PURPOSES FUND. (Not Including Amounts Contingent Upon Bond Issue.) Mayor’s office .$ 42,000 00 Bureau of Statistics 6,460 00 Department of Transportation 4,260 00 City Council 198,400 00 Committee on Finance 7,650 00 Committee on Local Transportation 65,000 00 Committee on Gas, Oil and Electric Light 7,000 00 Public Lands Commission 3,300 00 Harbor Commission 2,100 00 Committee on Harbors, Wharves and Bridges. . . . 2,750 00 Chicago Plan Commission . . . 7.250 00 Chicago Commission on City Expenditures .... 10,000 00 City Clerk 60,851 76 Corporation Counsel 148,149 45 Prosecuting Attorney 53,296 00 City Attorney 104,323 64 Comptroller’s Office 107,725 00 Inters! 1,586,733 75 Department of Finance — miscellaneous 625,391 73 City Treasurer 57,027 00 City Collector 101,320 00 Board of Election Commissioners 408,348 03 Civil Serivce Commission 81,004 00 Department of Supplies 17,988 00 Department of Police 5,904,900 00 Municipal Courts 763,310 00 House of Correction 296,003 83 Dog Pound 16,575 00 Department of Fire 3,001,158 99 Department of Buildings 112,671 00 Department of Health 542,891 66 City Physician 6,363 50 Department of Track Elevation 11,925 00 Department of Inspection of Steam Boilers and Steam Plants 48,967 32 Department of Weights and Measures 29,913 00 Department of Smoke Inspection 48,571 00 Board of Examiners (Engineers) 6,642 40 Hospitals 18,000 00 114 Board of Local Improvements $ 741,079 70 City eal Estate and Buildings 27,100 00 City Markets 1,945 00 Special Park Commission 132,680 00 Department of Electricity 1,238,926 48 Department of Public Works — Commissioner’s office 3,536 00 New City Hall 3,500,000 00 Bureau of Compensation 4,740 00 Bureau of Maps and Plats 8,700 00 Bureau of Architecture 10,200 00 Bureau of City Hall 159,621 76 Bureau of Strets 3,080,928 00 Bureau of Sewers 439,213 09 Bureau of Engineering (bridges and har- bors) 638,749 67 .$24,533,640 76 Less I’eimbursement fiom bond issue. . 00 Total a|)proj)riatioiis from Corporato I’ Fund (not ineliidinn' iunonnts conli7if>ent ii])on doiid issue . $20,975,467 76 RElCAPITULATION OF APPROPRIATIONS FROM WATER FUND. Not Including Accounts Contingent Upon Bond Issue. Chicago Commission on City Expenditures . . . 10, 000 00 Corporation Counsel 20,400 00 City Attorney 75,000 00 City Comptrollers office 14,500 00 Department of Finance — Interest 26.4,471 25 Department of FinanceMiscellaneous 1,125,000 00 Department of Supplies 12,072 00 Board of Local Improvements 85,146 25 Commissioner’s office .33,624 00 Bureau of Maps 26,100 00 Bureau of City Hall 8,160 88 Bureau of Engineering 4,043,711 31 Bureau of Water 442,800 72 Total appropriations from Water Fund (not in- cluding amounts contingent upon bond issue) $6,159,986 41 115 RECAPITULATION OF APPROPRIATIONS CONTINGENT UPON BOND ISSUE. Corporate Purposes Fund. Department of Finance (judgments) $ 200,000 00 Department of Police 1,070,500 00 House of Correction 10,000 00 Department of lire 915,900 00 Department of Health 96,000 00 Special Park Commission 125,000 00 Department of Electricity 1,845,000 00 Department of Public Works — New City Hall 3,500,000 00 Bureau of Engineering (bridges and har- bors) 2,788,173 00 Total, appropriations from Corpor- ate Purposes Fund contingent upon bond issue $10,550,573 00 Water Fund. Bureau of Engineering 1,197,590 00 Public Library. Branch libraries 250,000 00 Total appropriations contingent upon bond issue $11,998,163 00 RECAPITULATION OF APPROPRIATIONS FOR ALL PURPOSES. Corporate Purposes Fund $20,975,467 76 Water Fund 6,159,986 41 Appropriations contingent upon bond issue.... 11,998,163 00 Sinking Funds 1,713,229 16 Schools ' 18,362,475 00 Public Library 510,000 00 Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium 431,155 60 Total appropriations for all purposes $60,150,476 93