Drexel Institute OF Art, Science, and Industry PHILADELPHIA, PA. Library School Register of Graduates 1893-1904 1904 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/libraryschoolregOOdrex 02 . 0.1 \\ "D 11 x- DREXEL INSTITUTE LIBRARY SCHOOL FACULTY— 1892-1904 5 i 1892-93 Alice B. Kroeger (graduate of New York State Library School), librarian, in charge, instructor in library economy and cata- loging. Bessie Rutherford Macky, A.B., B.L.S. (graduate of New York State Library School) , assistant librarian, instructor in library economy and cataloging. John Thomson, lecturer in bibliography. 1893-94 Alice B. Kroeger, librarian, in charge, instructor in cataloging and library economy. Bessie Rutherford Macky, A.B., B.L.S., assistant librarian, instructor in library economy and the history of literature. Annie P. Shedden (graduate of Drexel Institute Library School), instructor in library economy. James MacAlister, LL.D., President of the Institute, lecturer in the history of books and printing. John Thomson, lecturer in bibliography. Lucina A. Ball, instructor in business forms and accounts. Carl Lewis Altmaier, instructor in typewriting. 1894-95 Alice B. Kroeger, librarian, in charge, instructor in cataloging, library economy, and reference work. Bessie Rutherford Macky, A.B., B.L.S., assistant librarian, instructor in library economy and the history of English literature. Annie P. Shedden, instructor in library economy. 3 4 James MacAlister, LL.D., lecturer in the history of books and printing. Adele Millicent Smith, instructor in proofreading. Carl Lewis Altmaier, instructor in typewriting. Frederic W. Speirs, lecturer on current events. 1895- 96 Alice B. Kroeger, librarian, in charge, instructor in cataloging, library economy, and reference work. Bessie Rutherford Macky, A.B., B.L.S.. assistant librarian, instructor in library economy and the history of English literature. Miss Macky died in April, 1896; and from January, 1896, until June, 1896, Elizabeth Hale (graduate of New York State Library School) filled the position. Helen Ridgway Morris (graduate of Drexel Institute Library School), assistant librarian, instructor in library economy. James MacAlister, LL.D., lecturer in the history of books and printing. Adele Millicent Smith, instructor in proofreading. Carl Lewis Altmaier, instructor in typewriting. Frederic W. Speirs, lecturer in current economic problems. 1896- 97 Alice B. Kroeger, librarian, in charge, instructor in cataloging, library economy, and reference work. Helen G. Sheldon, (graduate of New York State Library School) assistant librarian, instructor in library economy and the history of English literature. Helen Ridgway Morris, assistant librarian, instructor in library economy. James MacAlister, LL.D., lecturer in the history of books and printing. Adele Millicent Smith, instructor in proofreading. Carl Lewis Altmaier, instructor in typewriting. Frederic W. Speirs, lecturer in current economic problems. 1897- 98 Alice B. Kroeger, librarian, director, instructor in cataloging, library economy, and reference work. 5 Sarah W. Cattell (graduate of New York State Library School), assistant librarian, instructor in library economy and the history of literature. Helen Ridgway Morris, assistant librarian, instructor in library economy. James MacAlister, LL.D., lecturer in the history of books and printing. Adele Millicent Smith, instructor in proofreading. Carl Lewis Altmaier, instructor in typewriting. 1898-99 Alice B. Kroeger, librarian, director, instructor in cataloging library economy, and reference work. Sarah W. Cattell, assistant librarian, instructor in library econ- omy and the history of literature. Helen Ridgway Morris, assistant librarian, instructor in library economy (until January 31, 1899). Position filled by Lucy W. Mitchell (graduate of Drexel Institute Library School), who died in April; and then by Mary I. Thompson (graduate of Drexel Institute Library School), until July, 1899. James MacAlister, LL.D., lecturer in the history of books and printing. Adele Millicent Smith, instructor in proofreading. Carl Lewis Altmaier, instructor in typewriting. 1899-1900 Alice B. Kroeger, librarian, director, instructor in cataloging, library economy, and reference work. Sarah W. Cattell, assistant librarian, instructor in library econ- omy and literature. Mary P. Farr (graduate of Drexel Institute Library School) , assist- ant librarian, instructor in library economy. James MacAlister, LL.D., lecturer in the history of books and printing. Adele Millicent Smith, instructor in proofreading. Carl Lewis Altmaier, instructor in typewriting. 1900-01 Alice B. Kroeger, librarian, director, instructor in cataloging library economy, and reference work. 6 Sarah W. Cattell, assistant librarian, instructor in library econ- omy and studies of books and authors. Flora B. Roberts (graduate of Drexel Institute Library School), assistant librarian, instructor in library economy. James MacAlister, LL.D., lecturer in the history of books and printing. Adele Millicent Smith, instructor in proofreading. Carl Lewis Altmaier, instructor in typewriting. 1901-02 1902-03 Alice B. Kroeger, librarian, director, instructor in cataloging, library ec nomy, and reference work. Sarah W. Cattell, assistant librarian, instructor in library econ- omy and studies of books and authors. Julia Duncan Brown, A.B. (graduate of Drexel Institute Library School) , instructor in library economy, assistant librarian. James MacAlister, LL.D., lecturer in the history of books and printing. Adele Millicent Smith, instructor in proofreading. Carl Lewis Altmaier, instructor in typewriting. 1903-04 Alice B. Kroeger, librarian, director, instructor in cataloging, library economy, and reference work. Ella R. Seligsberg, B.A., B.L.S. (graduate of New York State Library School) , assistant librarian, instructor in library econ- omy and studies of books and authors. Fannie S. Mather (graduate of Drexel Institute Library School), assistant librarian, instructor in library economy. James MacAlister, LL.D., lecturer in the history of books and printing. Adele Millicent Smith, instructor in proofreading. Carl Lewis Altmaier, instructor in typewriting. John T. Holdsworth, instructor in business forms. REGISTER OF GRADUATES The Library School was organized in November, 1892, with a class of ten students. Since that date, there have been enrolled in the classes 254 students, including those taking the full and special courses. The graduates of the full course number 167. In addition, six partial certificates were granted to students of the first and second classes who had completed either the course in cataloging or that in library economy. After ]une, 1894, the certifi- cates for partial courses were discontinued. Twenty students are .now admitted to the School each year The register includes a list of students who have received certifi- cates, and gives the year in which they were graduated, their library record since graduation, and offices in local library associa- tions. GRADUATES, BY STATES Colorado 1 Connecticut 3 Delaware 5 District of Columbia 2 Georgia 1 Illinois 4 Indiana 1 Iowa Kansas Kentucky Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Missouri .... 2 Nebraska .... 1 New Hampshire .... 1 New Jersey New York 14 North Carolina .... 1 Ohio 5 Pennsylvania .... 76 South Carolina .... 2 Texas Vermont .... 2 Virginia West Virginia .... 1 Wisconsin 3 Total 173 7 8 POSITIONS FILLED. BY STATES Alabama i Connecticut 9 Colorado 1 Delaware 2 District of Columbia 14 Georgia 2 Idaho 1 Illinois 3 Iowa 2 Louisiana 2 Maine 2 Maryland 2 Massachusetts 21 Michigan 10 Minnesota 4 Missouri 2 Montana 1 New Jersey 27 New Mexico 1 New York 30 North Carolina 2 Ohio 2 Oregon 1 Pennsylvania 230 South Carolina 1 Texas 2 Vermont 6 Virginia 1 West Virginia 2 Wisconsin 1 Total 385 REGISTER OF GRADUATES Abbott, Alvaretta Porter Milford, Conn. Certificate, 1899. Graduate, Connecticut State Normal School. Cataloger, State Normal School, Willimantic, Conn. Jan.-Jul. 1900; cataloger, South Church Sunday-School Library, New Britain, Conn. Sep. -Nov. 1900; organizer, Palmer Memo- rial Library, Montville, Conn. Jun.-Aug. 1901 ; clerk, Con- necticut Public Library Committee, Hartford, Conn. Aug. 1901-Apr. 1902; cataloger, Willimantic Public Library, May-Aug. 20, 1902; cataloger, Union Library Company, Hatboro, Pa. Oct. 1902-Jan. 1903; organizer, Public Library, Atlantic City, N. J. Feb.-Mar. 1903, librarian, Apr. 1903-date. Allen, Jessie May Wichita, Kansas. Certificate, 1901. Graduate, Lewis Academy, Wichita; special student, Univer- sity of Missouri, 1902-04. Assistant cataloger, University of Missouri Library, Columbia, Mo. Mar. 1902-May 1904. Allen, Mary Smedley Media, Pa. Certificate, 1896. Graduate, Westtown Boarding School, Westtown, Pa. Organ- izer, The Bayard Taylor Memorial Library, Kennett Square, Pa. Sep.-Oct. 1896; librarian, Friends’ Library, Philadelphia, Nov. 1896-date; organizer, Media Free Library, Media, Pa. Jul.-Aug. 1901. Atwood, Alice Cary Rochester, N. Y. Certificate, 1902. Graduate, Canton Union School, Canton, N. Y. ; St. Law- rence University, Ph. B. Cataloger, Arnold Arboretum (Harvard College), Jamaica Plain, Mass. Sep. 1902-Jun. 1904; scientific assistant in library science, Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Jul. 1904-date. Bache, Edythe Markoe Philadelphia. Certificate, 1901. Evening assistant, Library of the University of Pennsyl- vania, Oct. 1903-date. Bache, Mrs. Elizabeth (Forsyth) Columbus, Ohio. Certificate, 1903. Chief of the Reading Room, Free Public Library, Newark, N. J. Oct. 1903-date. Baer, Lena Katharine Philadelphia. Certificate, 1894. Graduate, Friends’ Central School. Cataloger, George School 10 Library, George School, Pa. Jul. 1894; cataloger, Private Library, 1895. Died, Nov. 8, 1898. Bailey, May Munhall, Pa. Certificate, 1897. Graduate, Pittsburg Female College, Pittsburg, Pa. Assis- tant librarian, Carnegie Library, Homestead, Pa. Nov. 1897-1901. Died, 1901. Baldwin, Grace Peckham Worcester, Mass. Certificate, 1899. Bryn Mawr College, 1892-94. Cataloger, Worcester County Law Library, Worcester, Mass. Jim.— Dec. 1899; organizer, Public Library, Millbury, Mass. Dec. 1900-Oct. 1901. Bechtel, Mary E. (now Mrs. Arthur Blake Eilbeck) Germantown, Pa. Certificate, 1897. Cataloger, Friends’ Free Library, Germantown, Pa. Oct. 1897— Nov. 1898; cataloger, Library of the University of Pennsylvania, Jan. 1899— Feb. 1902. Becker, Susan Katherine Lebanon, Pa. Certificate, 1903. Graduate, Lebanon High School; Millersville State Normal School; Lebanon Valley College, 1901—02. Temporary cataloger, Library of the University of Pennsylvania, Jun.- Oct. 1903; librarian, William McCann Library, Norris- town, Pa. Nov. 1903-May 1904. Binford, Marie Estelle Macon, Ga. Certificate, 1903. Graduate, Toronto Presbyterian Ladies’ College, Toronto, Canada. Organizer of small libraries for Carnegie Library, Atlanta, Ga. May 1904-date; organizer, Carnegie Library, Newnan, Ga. May-Jun. 1904. Blaisdell, Viola Margaret Camden, N. J. Certificate, 1895. Graduate, Junior Domestic Science Department, Drexel Institute, Philadelphia. Assistant, Free Library of Phila- delphia, Jun.-Aug. 1895; cataloger, North Baptist Church Library, Camden, N. J. Dec. 1895-Jan. 1896; teacher, Public Schools, Camden, N. J. 1896-date. Blandy, Julia W. Orange, N. J. Certificate, 1897. Graduate, Putnam Seminary, Zanesville, O. Cataloger, New York Public Library (Astor Library), Dec. 1897- May 1900; cataloger, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. May 1900-date. Bogle, Sarah Comly Norris Howard, Pa. Certificate, 1904. Organizer, Juniata College Library, Huntingdon, Pa. Jul. 1904— date. Bolling, Roberta (now Mrs. Robert G. Henry) Baltimore, Md. Certificate, 1899. 11 Graduate, Bryn Mawr Preparatory School, Baltimore, Md- Cataloger, Haverford College Library, Jun. 1899-Jun. 1900- Brown, Adeline S. (now Mrs. Alfred Akerman) New Haven, Conn- Certificate, 1900. Gettysburg College, 1892—93; Mt. Holyoke College, 1894. Assistant, New Haven Public Library, Mar. -May 1901, Aug. 1901-Sep. 15, 1902. Brown, Greta Elizabeth New Britain, Conn. Certificate, 1900. Graduate, High School, New Britain. Assistant, New Britain Institute Library, New Britain, Conn. Jul. 1900- date. Brown, Julia Duncan Tarkio, Mo. Certificate, 1901. Tarkio College, A. B. Librarian, High School, Hamburg, la. Nov. 1898-Jun. 1900; organizer, Tarkio College Library, Tarkio, Mo. Jul.-Aug. 1901; assistant librarian, and instructor Library School, Drexel Institute, Philadelphia, Sep. 1901-Aug. 1903; librarian, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Sep. 1903-date. Buhrman, Louise Frances Smithsburg, Md. Certificate, 1899. Graduate, Pennsylvania State Normal School. Cataloger, Library of the University of Pennsylvania, Jun .-Sep. 1899; librarian, Girls’ Normal School, Philadelphia, Oct. 1899-date; treasurer, Pennsylvania Library Club, Dec. 1902-May 1904. Bunting, Helen Moore Darby, Pa. Certificate, 11898. Graduate. Darby Borough Public School; Junior Domestic Science Department, Drexel Institute. Reference librarian, Free Library of Philadelphia, Jun. 1898-date. Campbell, Katherine J. Philadelphia, Pa. Certificate, 1894. Carey, Mrs. Eliza Packer Philadelphia. Certificate, 1898. Graduate, State Normal School, Trenton, N. J. Carter, Helen Stearns (now Mrs. Joseph L. Fassett) Leominster, Mass. Certificate, 1895. Cataloger, Public Library, Bradford, Vt. Jul.-Aug. 1895; cataloger, Public Library, Leicester, Mass. Nov. 1S95-96; cataloger, Private Library, Dec. 1896-Jan. 1897; cataloger Bowdoin College Library, Brunswick, Me. Mar.-Sep. 1897; cataloger, Public Library, Spencer, Mass. Jun.-Jul. 1897 ; cataloger, Public Library, West Brookfield, Mass. Oct. 1897-Mar. 1898; cataloger, Public Library, Sturbridge, Mass. May-Sep. 1898; cataloger, Public Library, Hollis- ton, Mass. Oct. 1898. Present address, Ware, Mass. 12 Castleman, Virginia Carter Herndon, Va. Certificate, 1899. Graduate, Herndon Seminary; Edgeworth Institute, Balti- more. Cataloger, Library of the University of Pennsyl- vania, Jun.-Aug. 1899; library instructor, National Cor- respondence Institute, Washington, D. C. Jan. 1900-04; teacher and librarian, St. Margaret’s School, Boise, Idaho, Sep. 1903-Jun. 1904. Chamberlin, Edith Julia Bradford, Vt. Certificate, 1903. Graduate, Bradford Academy; Salem Normal School, Salem, Mass. 1894-95. Assistant librarian, Public Library, Bradford, Vt. Oct. 1901-02. Chidester, Eva Maud Evanston, 111 . Certificate, 1904. Graduate, Northwestern Academy, Evanston, 111 .; North- western University, 1901-03. Clark, Bessie H. Philadelphia. Certificate, 1895. Clark, Elizabeth Voshall Wyoming, Del. Certificate, 1900. Assistant, Drexel Institute Library, Sep. 1900-Mar. 1902; assistant, Haverford College Library, Mar. 1902-date. Clark, Marianna Buckner (now Mrs. Hugh Ellmaker Hale) Wash- ington, D. C. Certificate, 1904. Graduate, Convent of the Visitation, Georgetown, D. C. Clark, Sara Cameron Unadilla, N. Y. Certificate, 1904. Woman’s College, Baltimore, Md., B. A. Assistant, Library of the University of Pennsylvania, Jul. 1904-date. Clevenger, Eliza Jones Philadelphia. Certificate, 1904. Graduate, Friends’ Select School, Philadelphia. Assistant, Free Library of Philadelphia, Jul. 1904-date. Condell, Lucy East Orange, N. J. Certificate, 1904. Graduate, Lake View High School, Chicago, 111 . Conner, Martha Jean Willow Springs, Pa. Certificate, 1902. Graduate, State Normal School, Bloomsburg, Pa. Librarian, State Normal School, Bloomsburg, Pa. Aug. 1903-date. Craig, Mary Margaret Rimersburg, Pa. Certificate, 1904. Wilson College, 1902-03. Cruice, Mary Zita Philadelphia. Certificate, 1896. Cataloger, Bryn Mawr College Library, Sep. 1896; evening assistant, Drexel Institute Library, Oct. 1896-Mar. 1897; assistant, Free Library of Philadelphia, Mar. 1897; assist- ant librarian, Library of the American Philosophical Society, Apr. 1897— Jun. 1904; head cataloger, Pratt Insti- tute Free Library, Brooklyn, N. Y. Jul. 1904-date; treas- urer, Pennsylvania Library Club, Feb. 1900-Oct. 1902. 13 Dacus, Ida J. Rock Hill, S. C. Certificate, 1902. Librarian, Winthrop College, Rock Hill, S. C. 1897-date. Day, Anna Bonnell Trenton, N. J. Certificate, 1901. Graduate, Pittsburg Female College. Organizer, Carnegie Free Library, Grove City, Pa. Nov. 1901-Mar. 1902; sub- stitute, Carnegie Library, Pittsburg, Pa. Jun.-Sep. 1902; librarian, Carnegie Free Library, Connell sville, Pa. Jan. 1903-date. Day, Mary Louise (now Mrs. George Demming) Philadelphia. Certificate, 1895. Librarian, Darby Library Company, Darby, Pa. May 1898- Sep. 1899. Dickson, Caspar Gregory St. Paul, Minn. Certificate, 1899. Macalester College, St. Paul, Minn., A. B. Librarian, Mac- alester College, Aug. 1899-Jan. 1900; assistant, Copyright Office, Library of Congress, Jan. 1900-date. Dougherty, Anna Roney Philadelphia, Pa. Certificate, 1896. Graduate, Convent of Mercy, Philadelphia. Assistant, Art Department, Free Library of Philadelphia, Mar. 1896- date. Drinker, Florence Lydia Madison, Wis. Certificate, 1900. Graduate, High School, Madison, Wis. Assistant, Public Library, Portland, Ore. Jun. 1902-Apr. 1903. Duble, A. Blanche Williamsport, Pa. Certificate, 1901. Graduate, Packer Collegiate Institute. Assistant, Young Men’s Christian Association Library, New York City, Jun. 1902-Sep. 1902, Jun. 1903-Sep. 1903, Mar. 1904-date; cataloger, Private Library, Nov. 1903; cataloger, Bennett School Library, Irvington-on-Hudson, Nov. 1903-Mar 1904. Earhart, Frances Elizabeth Chicora, Pa. Certificate, 1902. Grove City College; University of Michigan. Substitute, Public Library, Duluth, Minn. Oct. 1902-Feb. 1903; cata- loger, Public Library, Buffalo, N. Y. Oct. 1903-Mar. 1904; cataloger, Public Library, Duluth, Minn. Mar. 1904-date. Edsall, Emily Rose Pittsburg, Pa. Certificate, 1898. Substitute, Carnegie Library, Pittsburg, Pa. Jun. 1898; cata- loger, Carnegie Library, Pittsburg, Pa. Jul.-Dec. 1898. Ehrlich, Charlotte Berlin, Wis. Certificate, 1895. University of Wisconsin, B. L. Assistant, Philadelphia Museums Library, May-Jun. 1896; cataloger, Free 14 Library of Philadelphia, Jun.-Jul. 1896; assistant, Medina Free High School, Medina, Wis. 1900-01; instructor in English and German, Kewaunee High School, Kewaunee, Wis. 1902— date. Eilbeck, Florence Marion (now Mrs. Harold Griffith Murray) Ger- mantown, Pa. Certificate, 1897. Cataloger and organizer, Friends’ Free Library, German- town, Pa. Oct. 1897-Nov. 1898. Present address, Flush- ing, N. Y. Erskine, Mary Louise Newville, Pa. Certificate, 1904. Wilson College, Chambersburg, Pa., B. A.; Amherst Summer School of Library Economy, Jul. 1902. Assistant, Drexel Institute Library, Dec. 1902-Jun. 1903; librarian, William McCann Library, Norristown, Pa. Jun. 1904-date. Evans, Aida Thomas Malvern, Pa. Certificate, 1897. Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pa., B. L. Cataloger, Haverford College Library, Jan. 1898-Jun. 1900, assistant librarian, Jul. 1900-Jul. 1901, cataloger, Feb. 1902. Evans, Charlotte Elizabeth Erie, Pa. Certificate, 1900. Graduate, Erie High School. Assistant, Public Library, Erie, Pa. Oct. 1900-date. Evans, Jane Burlington, N. J. Certificate, 1903. Graduate, St. Mary’s Hall, Burlington, N. J. Librarian, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, New York City, Jul. 1903-date. Farr, Mary Parry Philadelphia. Certificate, 1895. Graduate, Girls’ Normal School. Assistant, West Phila- delphia Branch Free Library of Philadelphia, Jim. 1895-Aug. 1896; cataloger, American Catholic Historical Society Library, Aug. 1897; cataloger, Library of the University of Pennsylvania, Aug. 1898; organizer, State Library, Harrisburg, Pa. Jun. -Aug. 1899; cataloger, Free Library of Economics, Philadelphia, Jan. -Apr. 1899; librarian, Girls’ Normal School, Philadelphia, Sep. 1896- Sep. 1899; assistant and instructor, Library School, Drexel Institute, Oct. 1899-Feb. 1901; cataloger, Ameri- can Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, New York City, Jan.-Mar. 1901 and May 1902; cataloger, Col- lege of Physicians’ Library, Apr. 1901 ; organizer, Johnson Public Library, Hackensack, N. J. May 1901-May 1902; organizer, Public Library, Derb} r , Conn. Sep.-Dee. 1902; 15 organizer, State Library, Montpelier, Vt. Dec. 1902-May 1903, Oct. 1903-Jan. 1904; organizer, Public Library, Middleboro, Mass. May 1903-Oct. 1903, Feb.-May 1904; organizer, Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, Vt. Jun. 1904-date; secretary, Pennsylvania Library Club, Feb. 1897-Feb. 1900. Faulds, Bertha B. Kingston, Pa. Certificate, 1898. Graduate, Wyoming Seminary, Kingston, Pa. Cataloger, Library of the University of Pennsylvania, Jan.-Apr. 1899. Fell, Emily Jane Urbana, O. Certificate, 1903. Graduate, Urbana High School; Urbana University, 1901- 02. Librarian, Urbana Public Library, Jan. -Dec. 1898; Desk Assistant, Free Library of Philadelphia, Jul.-Sep. 1903, assistant cataloger, Sep. 1903-May 1904; evening assistant, Library of the University of Pennsylvania, Nov. 1903-May 1904; cataloger, Public Library, Brook- lyn, N. Y. Jun. 1904-date. Fornance, Mary Norristown, Pa. Certificate, 1893. Amherst Summer School of Library Economy, Jul. 1893. Cataloger, Public Libraries of Philadelphia (Branch 2), May 1893; organizer, Woman’s Christian Association Library, Philadelphia, Oct. -Nov. 1893; cataloger, Free Library of Philadelphia, Dec. 1893— May 1894; organizer, Carpenters’ Hall Library, May-Aug. 1894; evening assist- ant, Drexel Institute Library, Mar. 1895, Oct. 1895-Mar. 1896 ; organizer, West Chester Free Library, West Chester* Pa. Apr. -Jun. 1896; cataloger, Private Library, Jul. 1896;; substitute, Drexel Institute Library, Aug. 1896; assistant,. Free Library of Philadelphia, Aug. 1896-Mar. 1897;, organizer, State Library, Annapolis, Md. Mar. 1897-Jul. 1901; cataloger, Private Library, May-Aug. 1898;, organizer, Starr Center Library, Mar. 1900; cataloger,. Private Library, May— Jul. 1900; organizer, Alexandria. Memorial Library, Alexandria, Pa. Sep.— Nov. 1900; cata- loger, Private Library, Feb.-Apr. 1901; organizer, Somer- ville Library, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pa. Mar. -May 1902; indexer, Girard Estate, Philadelphia, May 1902-date. Gawthrop, Edith Newlin Wilmington, Del. Certificate, 1899. Swarthmore College, 1878-80. Cataloger, Library of the University of Pennsylvania, Jun.— Dec. 1899, assistant in charge of the Delivery Desk, Jan. 1900-date. \ 16 Gibson, Elizabeth Philadelphia. Certificate, 1895. Cataloger, Library of the University of Pennsylvania, Jan.- Jun. 1899; librarian, McLean Hospital, Waverley, Mass. Jan. 1900-Jan. 1902. Goding, Sarah Elizabeth Philadelphia. Certificate, 1893. Graduate, Mt. Holyoke Seminary. Cataloger, Public Libra- ries, Philadelphia, Jul.-Nov. 1893; first assistant, Free Library of Philadelphia, Nov. 1893-date. Goodison, Alice Dorothy Ypsilanti, Mich. Certificate, 1895. Graduate, Michigan State Normal School. Assistant, Mer- cantile Library, Philadelphia, Jun. 1895-Dec. 1898; cata- loger, Library of the University of Pennsylvania, Jan.-Sep. 1899 ; clerk, Leary, Stuart & Co. (Second-hand Bookstore) , Philadelphia, Sep. 1899-date; librarian, North Baptist Church Library, Camden, N. J. Oct. 1901-date. Griswold, Alice S. Washington, D. C. Certificate, 1896. Assistant, Free Library of Philadelphia, Oct. 1897; cata- loger, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. Oct. 1897- date. Halsey, Rosalie V. New York City. Certificate, 1903. Hannum, Charlotte Kennedy Philadelphia. Certificate, 1900. Graduate, Friends’ Central School, Philadelphia. Cata- loger, Library of the University of Pennsylvania, Dec. 1901- Feb. 1902; assistant, Drexel Institute Library, Mar. 1902— date. Hanson, Laura E. Merion, Pa. Certificate, 1897. Graduate, Friends’ Central School, Philadelphia. Cata- loger, Private Library, Jul.-Dec. 1897, Oct.-Dec. 1898; cataloger, Free Library of Economics, Philadelphia, Mar.- Apr. 1898; cataloger, Library of the University of Penn- sylvania, Jan.-Feb. 1899, shelf-lister, Feb. -Apr. 1899, reviser, May 1899-Jul. 1900; organizer, Bourse Library, Philadelphia, Jan.-Mar. 1901; organizer, Century Club Library, Philadelphia, Feb. 1901; cataloger, Private Library, May-Oct. 1901. Harjes, Helen G. Narberth, Pa. Certificate, 1898. Assistant, American Philosophical Society Library, Phila- delphia, Aug. 1898-Dec. 1901; instructor in History and German, Girls’ High School, Philadelphia, Jan. 1902-date. Harris, Isabella Philadelphia, Pa. Certificate, 1895. Graduate, High School, Belfast, Me. Cataloger, Franklin 17 Institute Library, Philadelphia, Jun. .1895-Jun. 1899; cataloger, Richmond Hill, L. I., Library, Jul.-Aug. 1899; cataloger, Public Library, Tottenville, S. I. Oct. 1899; organizer, Public Library, Patchogue, L. I. Nov. 1899; cataloger, Public Library, Milton, Mass. May 1900-Mar. 1904. Present address, 1340 Pacific street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Haynes, Emily Maud Sturbridge, Mass. Certificate, 1902. Graduate, High School, Southbridge, Mass. ; Wheaton Semi- nary, Norton, Mass. 1900—01. Librarian, Joshua Hyde Public Library, Sturbridge, Mass. Jan. 1898-Sep. 1902; librarian, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Mass. Sep. 1902-date; cataloger, Private Library, Worces- ter, Mass. Jun. 1904-date. Hegeman, Minnie Burtis Jamestown, N. Y. Certificate, 1901. Graduate, Jamestown High School. Substitute, Public Documents Office, Washington, D. C. Oct. 1901-Feb. 1902 ; cataloger, Feb. 1902-date. Hellings, Emma Lightner Philadelphia. Certificate, 1901. Evening assistant, Drexel Institute Library, Oct. 1903— Mar. 1904; cataloger, American Philosophical Society Library, Jul. 1904-date. Henderson, Lucia Tiffany Jamestown, N. Y. Certificate, 1897. Assistant cataloger, Public Library, Buffalo, N. Y. Sep. 1897- Oct. 1900, order clerk, Oct. 1900— Jan. 1901, assistant reference librarian, Jan. 1901-date. Hickin, Eleanor Maude South Milton, Mich. Certificate, 1904. Graduate, Elk Rapids High School, Elk Rapids, Mich. Hilles, Margaret Hill (now Mrs. Joseph Esrey Johnson, Jr.) Wil- mington, Del. Certificate, 1899. Bryn Mawr College, A. B. Cataloger, Haverford College Library, Jun. -Sep. 1899. Present address, Longdale, Va. Hixson, Laura Bell Elizabeth, N. J. Certificate, 1899. Graduate, New Jersey State Model School, Trenton, N. J. Cataloger, Library of the University of Pennsylvania, Jun. 1899-Feb. 1900; librarian, Starr Library, Philadelphia, Apr. 1900-May 1902. Present address, College Settle- ment, Philadelphia. Hobart, Frances L. Cambridge, Vt. Certificate, 1904. Graduate, Burlington High School, Burlington, Vt. Assist- ant organizer, Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, Vt. Jun. 1064-date. 18 Hodge, Louise Alexander Wilkesbarrd, Pa. Certificate, 1898. Graduate, Female Institute, Wilkesbarrd, Pa. Assistant, Osterhout Free Library, Wilkesbarrd, Jul. 1898-date. Holmes, Marjorie Louisa Oxford, Me. Certificate, 1899. Graduate, Bellows School College. Cataloger, Public Library, Washington, D. C. Jun.-Aug. 1899; assistant, Drexel Institute Library, Sep. 1899-Aug. 1900. Died, Aug. 14, 1900. Holston, Isabel Woodbury, N. J. Certificate, 1901. Librarian, Deptford Institute Free Library, Woodbury, N. J. Dec. 1897-Mar. 1903. Humphrey, Gertrude Priscilla Lansing, Mich. Certificate, 1901. Graduate, Lansing High School; Olivet College, Olivet, Mich., Ph. B. Assistant, Olivet College Library, 1895- 1901; assistant, Michigan State Library, Lansing, Jul. 1899-Sep. 1900, cataloger, Jul.-Nov. 1901; organizer, Public Library, Lansing, Mich. Nov. 1901 -Jul. 1902, librarian, Jul. 1902— date. Hunt, Marietta Louise Portland, Me. Certificate, 1901. Graduate, Portland High School; Portland Normal Training School. Cataloger, Public Library, Paterson, N. J. Apr.- Jun. 1902; cataloger, Public Documents Office, Washing- ton, D. C. Jul. 1902-May 1904. Ingersoll, Elizabeth Sage West Bay City, Mich. Certificate, 1899. Graduate, West Bay City High School. Cataloger, Library of the University of Pennsylvania, Jun.-Sep. 1899; cata- loger, Haverford College Library, Nov. 1899-May 1900; assistant in charge of Order Department, Library of Cor- nell University, Jun. 1900-date. Janvier, Mary Booth (now Mrs. Joseph M. Pugh) Wilmington, Del. Certificate, 1895. Present address, Lansdowne, Pa. Janvrin, Charles Edwin Hampton Falls, N. H. Certificate, 1902. Graduate, Putnam Free School (High), Newburyport, Mass.; State Normal School, Bridgewater, Mass.; special course, University of Pennsylvania, 1896-98; Harvard Summer School, 1899 and 1900. Librarian, Jefferson Medical Col- lege, Philadelphia, Oct. 1902-date. Jennings, Bessie Homer Ogontz, Pa. Certificate, 1900. Graduate, Ogontz School, Ogontz, Pa. Cataloger, Private Library, 1900-01; assistant, Bryn Mawr College Library, Sep. 1901-date. 19 Johnston, Hetty Stuart (now Mrs. Edward Charles Drake) Phila- delphia. Certificate, 1899. Cataloger, Library of the University of Pennsylvania, Jun. 1899-Jun. 1900, Dec. 1901-Feb. 1902; substitute, Drexel Institute Library, Oct.-Dec. 1900; evening assistant, Oct. 1902-Apr. 1903. Jones, Mrs. Johnnie A. San Antonio, Texas. Certificate, 1902. Graduate, High School, Whitesboro, Texas; Howard College, Gallatin, Tenn., B. A. Assistant librarian, Public Library, Dallas, Texas, Nov. 1902-May 1903; librarian, St. Mary’s College, Dallas, Texas, May-Nov. 1903. Kane, Florence Bayard West Chester, Pa. Certificate, 1898. Indexer, American Philosophical Society Library, Philadel- phia, Jun. 1898; assistant librarian, Bryn Mawr College Library, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Sep. 1898-Sep. 1899; library organizer and secretary, State Library Commission for the State of Delaware, Dover, Del. Nov. 1901-Jul. 1902; organizer, Free Public Library, Dover, Del. Jul.-Aug. 1902 ; organizer, Willette Free Library, Willette, R. I. Sep. 1903; cataloger, Private Library, Wilmington, Del. Jan. 1904- date. Keiser, Helen A. Cornwall, Pa. Certificate, 1903. Graduate, State Normal School, Millersville, Pa. Librarian, State Normal School, Millersville, Pa. Sep. 1903— date. Keith, Amy (now Mrs. Charles Roy Miller) Gettysburg, Pa. Cer- tificate, 1898. Cataloger, Library of the University of Pennsylvania, Jan.- Jul. 1899; shelf-lister and reviser, Jul. 1899-May 1901; organizer, American Catholic Historical Society Library, Jul.-Aug. 1901; shelf-lister and reviser, Library of the University of Pennsylvania, Dec. 1901-Mar. 1902. Kenley, Harriet R. Level, Md. Certificate, 1894. Keyes, Virginia Morley Windsor, N. Y. Certificate, 1900. Cataloger, Arnold Arboretum (Harvard College), Jamaica Plain, Mass. Feb. 1901-Jun. 1902; acting librarian, Town Library, Lancaster, Mass. Jul. 1902— May 1903, librarian, May 1903— date. Kidder, Ruth Mary Bloomfield, N. J. Certificate, 1904. Graduate, Bloomfield High School. Kingman, Helene Agnes Vineland, N. J. Certificate, 1900. Graduate, Vineland High School; Cornell University, 1 year 20 Cataloger, Public Library, Trenton, N. J. Jan. 1901-Apr 1904. Died, April 22, 1904. Knauff, Theodora C. (now Mrs. Lorin Blodgett) Philadelphia. Certificate, 1898. Graduate, Girls’ High School, Philadelphia. Assistant, Free Library of Philadelphia, Jun. 1898-Sep. 1900. Krichbaum, Mary Chambersburg, Pa. Certificate, 1901. Graduate, State Normal School, Millersville, Pa. Cataloger, State Library, Harrisburg, Pa. Jul. 1901— Jan. 1902 ; organ- izer, Public Library, Huntington, W. Va. Jan. -Mar. 1902 ; assistant to Secretary of Pennsylvania Free Library Com- mission, Mar. 1902-date. Kuhn, Emily Jane Huntingdon, Pa. Certificate, 1900. Assistant organizer, Alexandria Memorial Library, Alexan- dria, Pa. Oct. 1900; organizer, Carnegie Library, Oak- mont, Pa. Apr. 1901; librarian, Carnegie Free Library, McKeesport, Pa. Nov. 1901-May 1904. Lamberton, Edith Van Dyke Philadelphia. Certificate, 1895. Graduate, Girls’ High School, Philadelphia. Cataloger, Library of Art Club, Philadelphia, 1896—97; assistant, Library of the University of Pennsylvania, Mar. -Aug. 1898; assistant, Ridgway Branch, Library Company of Philadelphia, Apr.— Oct. 1897, Sep. 1898-date. Laws, Anna Cantrell Philadelphia, Pa. Certificate, 1896. Cataloger, American Catholic Historical Society Library, Philadelphia, Jul.-Aug. 1897; assistant, Drexel Institute Library, Oct.-Dec. 1897, Mar. 19-31, 1898; cataloger, Carnegie Library, Homestead, Pa. Jan.-Mar. 18, 1898; assistant, Library of the University of Pennsylvania, Jun. 1898-May 1901 ; cataloger, Library of Congress, Jul. 1901- date. Leiper, Katharine Stockton Philadelphia. Certificate, 1900. Graduate, Girls’ Normal School, Philadelphia. Shelf-lister, Library of the University of Pennsylvania, Aug. 1900-date. Lindale, Grace Wyoming, Del. Certificate, 1904. Graduate, Friends’ Central School, Philadelphia; Pittsburg Female College, 1891-92. Linn, Cora June Denver, Col. Certificate, 1904. Graduate, North Side High School, Denver; Denver Uni- versity, Jun.-Dec. 1902. Liveright, Ada F. Philadelphia. Certificate, 1896. Assistant, Philadelphia Commercial Museums, Oct. 1896- 21 Mar. 1897; organizer, Public Library, Phoenixville, Pa. Oct.-Nov. 1897; assistant, Library of the University of Pennsylvania, Mar. 1898— Jul. 1899; assistant, College of Physicians’ Library, Philadelphia, Sep. 1902-date. Lowe, Elsie Morgan Philadelphia. Certificate, 1894. Cataloger, Mt. Holly Library, Mt. Holly, N. J. Jul. -Aug. 1894; cataloger, Free Library of Philadelphia, Apr. 1895- Mar. 1896; teacher, Philadelphia Public Schools, Mar. 1896-Jun. 1897; cataloger, Private Library, Dec. 1898- Nov. 1899; cataloger, Library of the University of Penn- sylvania, Dec. 1898-Nov. 1899. Died, July 31, 1900. Lyon, Eveline Crandall Fergus Falls, Minn. Certificate, 1898. Cataloger, Library of the University of Pennsylvania, Mar.- Jul. 1899; librarian, Hennepin County Medical Society Library, Minneapolis, Nov. 1900-date. Me Alarney, Kathrine H. Philadelphia. Certificate, 1902. Assistant, Free Library of Philadelphia, Kensington Branch, Aug. 1902-date. McCord, Bessie Joliet, 111 . Certificate, 1903. Graduate, High School, Hampton, Iowa; Iowa College, Grinnell, Iowa, 1896-98. Librarian, Steel Works, Joliet, 111 . Oct. 1901-Sep. 1902; librarian, Bozeman Free Library, Bozeman. Mont. Oct. 1903-date. Mac Ritchie, Euphemia Dawson Hillsdale, Mich. Certificate, 1902. Graduate, Hillsdale High School; University of Edinburgh, Scotland, M. A. Assistant, State Library, Lansing, Mich. Nov.— Dec. 1902; cataloger, Public Library, Akron, Ohio, 1903-date. Marot, Helen Philadelphia. Certificate, 1895. Cataloger, Century Club Library, Jun. 1895; Literary Bureau, Ladies’ Home Journal, Nov. 1895-Apr. 1896; organizer, King Library, Andalusia, Pa. Apr. 1896; cata- loger, Free Library, Wilmington, Del. Sep. 1896-Nov. 1899; organizer and librarian, Free Library of Economics and Political Science, Philadelphia, Jun. 1897-May 1901; compiler, “ Handbook of Labor Literature,” 1899. Present address, Chappaqua, Westchester County, N. Y. Mather, Fannie S. Wellsville, N. Y. Certificate, 1901. Graduate, Wellsville High School; Elmira College, 1897-99. Assistant organizer, Johnson Public Library, Hackensack, N. J. Jun. 1901-May 1902 ; organizer, Westtown B ardi 22 School Library, Westtown, Pa. May-Jim. 1903; assistant librarian, and instructor Library School, Drexel Institute, Sep. 1903— date. Mitchell, Lucy Wright Philadelphia. Certificate, 1897. Assistant, Osterhout Free Library, Wilkesbarre, Pa. Jun. 1 897— Jxirr. 1898; evening assistant, Drexel Institute Library, Oct.— Dec. 1898; assistant, Library of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, Dec. 1898— Jan. 1899; assistant librarian, and instructor Library School, Drexel Institute, Feb.-Apr. 1899. Died, April 20, 1899. Morris, Helen Ridgway Pemberton, N. J. Certificate, 1895. Graduate, St. Mary’s Hall, Burlington, N. J. Assistant librarian, and instructor Library School, Drexel Institute, Oct. 1895-Feb. 1899; assistant, Library of the University of Pennsylvania, Feb.— Jun. 1899; bibliographer, J. B. Lip- pincott Company, Jun. 1899-date. Mortland, Inez Montezuma, la. Certificate, 1901. Graduate, Montezuma High School; State University of Iowa, Iowa City, 1898-99. Cataloger, Library of the State University, Baton Rouge, La. Feb. -Aug. 1902, assistant librarian, Aug. 190 2 -date. Mumford, Harriet A. Brooklyn, N. Y. Certificate, 1897. Librarian, Ursinus College, Collegeville, Pa. Aug. 1897-Aug. 1898; cataloger, Library of the University of Pennsyl- vania, Jan.-May 1899; classifier, May 1899-Dec. 1900; library organizer, Bourse Library, Philadelphia. Jan.-Mar. 1901 ; cataloger, Private Library, Jun.— Sep. 1901 ; librarian, Hill School, Pottstown, Pa. Oct. 1901— Jun. 1902; organ- izer, McCann Library, Norristown, Pa. Jul.— Nov. 1902; cataloger, Private Library of Rare Books, New York City, Jan. 1903-May 1904; cataloger, Free Public Library, Paterson, N. J. May 1904-date. Murphy, Almira R. Philadelphia. Certificate, 1895. Assistant, Free Library of Philadelphia, Nov. 1895-Apr. 1897 ; cataloger, Riverton, N. J. Library, Apr. -May 1898; cata- loger, College of Physicians’ Library, Apr. 1900-Jul. 1902. Present address, 1729 Vine street, Philadelphia. Nagle, Kate E. Wilkesbarre, Pa. Certificate, 1895. Graduate, Wilkesbarre High School. Substitute, Osterhout Free Library, Wilkesbarrd, Jul.-Dec. 1895, Jul. 1896-Apr. 1897; assistant, Free Library of Philadelphia, Jan. -Apr. 23 1896; Literary Bureau, Ladies’ Home Journal, Philadel- phia, May-Jul. 1896; assistant cataloger, Free Library of Philadelphia, Apr. 1897— date. Neal, Margaret Elizabeth Portland, Me. Certificate, 1901. Assistant organizer, Johnson Public Library, Hackensack, N. J. Jun.-Jul. 1901 ; cataloger, Library of Congress, Sep. 1901— date. Nelson, Ina Forrest Morgantown, W. Va. Certificate, 1903. Graduate, Fairmont State Normal School; West Virginia University, 1901-02. Assistant, West Virginia Univer- sity Library, Morgantown, W. Va. Sep. 1901-Aug. 1902; cataloger, Library of the Jefferson Medical College, Phila- delphia, Jun.-Jul. 1903; assistant. West Virginia Univer- sity Library, Sep. 1903-Jun. 1904; librarian, Randolph- Macon Woman’s College, Lynchburg, Va. Jun. 1904-date. Newman, Alice Horton Jackson, Mich. Certificate, 1902. Graduate, Jackson High School; University of Michigan, 1899-1901. Substitute, Public Library, Jackson, Mich. Oct.-Dec. 1901, Oct.-Nov. 1903; assistant, State Library, Lansing, Mich. Jan.— Apr. 1904. Notz, Cornelia E. Watertown, Wis. Certificate, 1904. University of Wisconsin, B. A. ; special courses, University of Pennsylvania, 1902—03. Palen, Ruth Philadelphia, Pa. Certificate, 1895. Organizer, Art Club Library, Philadelphia, Apr.-May 1895; organizer, Board of Education Library, Philadelphia, Jul.- Sep. 1895; cataloger, Private Library, Philadelphia, Jan.- Mar. 1896; cataloger, Free Library of Philadelphia, Mar. 1896-Jul. 1897; cataloger, Union League Library, Phila- delphia, Nov. 1897; cataloger, Private Library, Philadel- phia, Feb. 1898; cataloger, Philadelphia Museum and Textile School Library, Mar. 1898; cataloger, Library of the University of Pennsylvania, Dec. 1898— Jun. 1899, Sep. 1899-Jan. 1901; cataloger, Private Library, Germantown, Jan.-Jul. 1901; cataloger, Library of the University of Pennsylvania, Dec. 1901-Mar. 1902, department librarian, Feb. 1903-date; cataloger, Art Club, Mar. 1902-May 1904. Pancoast, Edith Frances Portland, Me. Certificate, 1901. Graduate, Portland High School. Cataloger, Private Li- brary, Jul.-Nov. 1901; cataloger, State Library, Augusta, Me. Nov. 1901-Nov. 1902; assistant organizer, State 24 Library, Montpelier, Vt. Jan. 1903-Jan. 1904; cataloger State Library, Harrisburg, Pa. Feb.-Jun. 1904. Perkins, Caroline Belle Malden, Mass. Certificate, 1901. Graduate, Kennebunk High School. Assistant, Free Library of Philadelphia, Sep.-Dee. 1901; assistant, Mercantile Library of Philadelphia, Jan. 1902-Mar. 1903, first assist- ant, Apr. 1903-date. Petty, Annie Florence Archdale, N. C. Certificate, 1899. Graduate, Guilford College, Guilford County, N. C. Libra- rian, State Normal College, Greensboro, N. C. Aug. 1895- date; organizer, Public Library, Greensboro, N. C. Dec. 1902. Preston, Nina Kate Ionia, Mich. Certificate, 1903. Graduate, Ionia High School; University of Michigan, 1892- 93. Librarian, The Hall-Fowler Memorial Library, Ionia, Mich. Aug. 1903-date. Randall, Susan Williams Chestnut Hill, Pa. Certificate, 1897. Graduate, Visitation Convent, Georgetown, D. C. Substi- tute, Drexel Institute Library, Sep. 1897; cataloger and organizer, Friends’ Free Library of Germantown, Pa. Sep. 1897-Nov. 1898; organizer, Chestnut Hill Academy Li- brary, Chestnut Hill, Pa. Nov. 1898-Jan. 1899; head of the Reorganization, Library of the University of Pennsyl- vania, Jan.-Dee. 1899, assistant librarian, Jan. 1900— date. Ray, Elizabeth Chesson Florence, Mass. Certificate, 1901. Smith College, A. B. Assistant, Forbes Library, Northamp- ton, Mass. Oct. 1899-Aug. 1900, Dec. 1901-Apr. 1902; assistant librarian, Public Library, Holyoke, Mass. Apr. 1902— date. Rhoades, Lillian lone Trappe, Pa. Certificate, 1895. Graduate, Ursinus College, College ville, Pa. Librarian, Ursinus College, Collegeville, Pa. Jun. 1896-Jul. 1897; librarian, Board of Education Library, Philadelphia, Sep. 1897-date. Rice, Sutia Alberta Sewickley, Pa. Certificate, 1901. Graduate, High School, Bridgeport, O.; Lake Erie College, Painesville, O. 1883-84; Northwestern Business College, Sioux City, la. Librarian, Public Library, Sewickley, Pa. Oct. 1899-Jun. 1900; assistant organizer, Johnson Public Library, Hackensack, N. J. Nov. 1901-Jan. 1902; cata- loger, Private Libraries, Feb. 1902-date. 25 Rick, Bertha Elizabeth Jamestown, N. Y. Certificate, 1902. Graduate, Jamestown High School. Organizer, Plumb Memorial Library, Shelton, Conn. Jan.-Aug. 1903; assist- ant cataloger, Public Library, Buffalo, N. Y. Mar. 1904- date. Roberts, Flora B. Lapeer, Mich. Certificate, 1899. Graduate, Lapeer High School. Cataloger, Library of the University of Pennsylvania, Jun.-Aug. 1899; cataloger, Library of Northwestern University, Evanston, 111 . Dec. 1899-Aug. 1900; assistant, Drexel Institute Library, and instructor in Library School, Oct. 1900-Aug. 1901; assist- ant, State Library, Lansing, Mich. Sep. 1901-date; secre- tary, Michigan State Library Association, 1903-04. Rose, Grace Delphine Scranton, Pa. Certificate, 1898. Cataloger, Public Library, Buffalo, N. Y. Jul. 1898-Oct. 1901 ; head of Open-shelf Department, Oct. 1901-Oct. 1903, head of School and Traveling Libraries Department, Oct. 1903- date, superintendent of branches, Dec, 1903-date, libra- rian, Welcome Branch, Jan. 1900-date; secretary, New York State Library Association, 1903. Rowland, Caroline Vanferson Cheltenham, Pa. Certificate, 1896. Cataloger, Branches, Free Library of Philadelphia, Jan. 1897-date. Sabin, Daisy B. Hinsdale, 111 . Certificate, 1904. Graduate, Gilman High School; University of Michigan, 1902—1903. Sawyer, Jessie Salanda Evanston, 111 . Certificate, 1902. Graduate, Streator High School, Streator, 111 . ; Northwestern University, Ph. B. Assistant librarian, Armour Institute, Chicago, 111 . Feb.— Aug. 1903; assistant cataloger, Iowa State University Library, Sep. 1903-date. Scott, Jennie Fern Mooresville, Ind. Certificate, 1904. Indiana University, B. A. Shaffner, Mary Hey Burmont, Pa. Certificate, 1894. Graduate, Friends’ Central School, Philadelphia. Assistant, Drexel Institute Library, Jul. 1894, Oct. 1894-Jan. 1899; shelf-lister, Library of the University of Pennsylvania, Jan. —Aug. 1899; organizer, Public Library, Lansdowne, Pa. Apr. 1899; clerk, Registrar’s Office, Drexel Institute, Sep. 1899-date; evening assistant, Drexel Institute Library, Oct. 1901-Mar. 1902. 26 Sharpless, Helen Haverford, Pa. Certificate, 1901. Graduate, Miss Baldwin’s School, Bryn Mawr, Pa. ; Bryn Mawr College, 1894-96; Amherst Summer School of Library Economy, July 1898. Assistant, Haverford College Library, Sep. 1898— Jun. 1900, Sep. 1901— Feb. 1902; organizer, American Catholic Historical Society Library, Jul.-Aug. 1901 ; assistant, Order Division, Library of Congress, Mar.- Jul. 1902, assistant, Catalog Division, Jul. 1902-date. Shedden, Annie P. (now Mrs. Thomas G. Cooper) Lansdowne, Pa. Certificate, 1893. Graduate, Girls’ Normal School, Philadelphia. Instructor in English and Library Economy, Drexel Institute, Sep.— Jun. 1893; instructor in English, Drexel Institute, Sep. 1893— Jun. 1894, instructor in English and General History, Sep. 1894-Sep. 1901. Shultz, Grace Emily Bordentown, N. J. Certificate, 1898. Moravian College for Women, Bethlehem, Pa., B. A. ; Linden Hall Seminary, Lititz, Pa., B. L. H. Organizer, Public Library, Allentown, Pa., Jul. 1898; cataloger, Philadelphia Museums, Nov.-Dee. 1898; cataloger, Library of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, Jan.-Dee. 1899; cataloger, Long Island Historical Society Library, Dec. 1899— Dec'. 1900; registrar, Crocker- Wheeler Company, Manufacturers, Ampere, N. J. Jan. 1902-date. Smith, Alice Lilian Starkey, N. Y. Certificate, 1904. Graduate, Starkey Seminary, Starkey, N. Y. Smith, Daisy Mary Piqua, O. Certificate, 1903. Graduate, Piqua High School; Wesleyan University, Dela- ware, O. 1890—91. Children’s librarian, Public Library, Piqua, O. Sep. 1903-date. Smith, Isabel M. (now Mrs. George W. Lewis) Kingston, Pa. Cer- tificate, 1894. Assistant, Osterhout Free Library, Wilkesbarre, Pa. Oct 1894— May 1896. Smith, Margaret Clark Martin’s Ferry, O. Certificate, 1903. Graduate, High School, Martin’s Ferry, O. ; Wilson College Chambersburg, Pa., A. B. Smith, Ora Ioneene Belton, S. C. Certificate, 1903. Graduate, Winthrop Normal and Industrial College, Rock Hill, S. C. Cataloger, Library of the University of Penn- sylvania, Jun.-Dec. 1903; cataloger, Library of Congress, Jan. 1904-date. 27 Snyder, Mary Beck Williamsport, Pa. Certificate, 1902. Graduate, Williamsport High School. Assistant, Aguilar Branch, New York Public Library, Oct. 1903-date. Spencer, May Hotchkiss Lawrence, Kan. Certificate, 1895. Stanger, Marion Estes Philadelphia. Certificate, 1899. Cataloger, Library of the University of Pennsylvania, Jun.- Dec. 1899, departmental librarian, Jan. 1900-May 1902, shelf-lister, Jun.-Sep. 1903, cataloger and shelf-lister, Jan.- Jun. 1904. Stebbins, Elfreda Shelton, Neb. Certificate, 1903. Graduate, Shelton High School. Librarian, Public Library, Fort Collins, Col. Oct. 1903-date. Stewart, Rose Gemmill Philadelphia, Pa. Certificate, 1893. Cataloger, Public Libraries, Philadelphia, Jul.-Nov. 1893; chief cataloger, Free Library of Philadelphia, Nov. 1893- date. Stiles, Helen Ackley Haddonfield, N. J. Certificate, 1903. Graduate, Friends’ Select School, Philadelphia. Assistant, Free Library of Philadelphia, Sep. 1903-date. Stubbs, Julia Eastman Merion, Pa. Certificate, 1895. Cataloger, Free Library of Philadelphia, Jul.-Sep. 1895; cataloger, Haverford College Library, Jan. 1899-Jun. 1900; cataloger, Library of the University of Pennsylvania, Dec. 1901-Feb. 1902. Subers, Helen Danetta Ashbourne, Pa. Certificate, 1903. Graduate, Cheltenham High School, Ashbourne, Pa. Sub- stitute, Bryn Mawr College Library, Bryn Mawr. Pa. May 1904. Surdam, Alvena M. Morristown, N. J. Certificate, 1902. Graduate, High School, Candor, N. Y. Head assistant, Delivery Desk, Public Library, Trenton, N. J. Jun.-Dec. 1902; assistant organizer, State Library, Montpelier, Vt. Jan.-May 1903; organizer, Public Library, Bernardsville, N. J. Aug.-Oct. 1903; assistant organizer, State Library, Montpelier, Vt. Oct. 1903— Feb. 1904; cataloger, Public Library, Paterson, N. J. Mar.-Jun. 1904. Thomas, Edna Vickers Ednor, Md. Certificate, 1904. Graduate; George School, Newtown, Pa. Assistant, Library of the University of Pennsylvania, Jul. 1904-date. Thompson, Mary Iredell Philadelphia. Certificate, 1893. Organizer, Mount Holly Library, Mount Holly, N. J. 28 Nov. 1893-Jan. 1894; assistant, Drexel Institute Library 1894-Aug. 1895, Jan.-Jun. 1899. Thurston, Anna L. Pittsburg, Pa. Certificate, 1897. Upton, Mary Haskell Salem, Mass. Certificate, 1897. Graduate, Miss Low’s School, Stamford, Conn. Clerk, Regis- trar’s Office, Drexel Institute, Aug. 1897-May 1898 ; clerk, Registrar’s Office, University of Pennsylvania, May 1898- Mar. 1899; classifier, Library of the University of Penn- sylvania, Mar.-Jun. 1899; student, Cobden-Sanderson Bindery, London, Mar. 1900-Mar. 1901; bookbinder, Philadelphia, Oct. 1901-date. Walker, Katherine Fuller Dayton, O. Certificate, 1894. Webster, Caroline Farr Geneva, N. Y. Certificate, 1900. Assistant, Public Library, Buffalo, N. Y. Oct. 1900-Jun. 1901; librarian, Wadsworth Library, Geneseo, N. Y. Jul. 1901-date; organizer and librarian, State Normal School Library, Jul. 1904-date. Weeks, Virginia (now Mrs. David Long Summey) Sharon Hill, Pa. Certificate, 1899. Cataloger, Library of the University of Pennsylvania, Jun.- Oct. 1899. Wells, Emma Charlotte Montclair, N. J. Certificate, 1898. Graduate, Brooklyn High School; Brooklyn School for Teachers. Assistant, Aguilar Library, New York City, Dec. 1898-Feb. 1899; assistant, Public Library, Mont- clair, N. J. Feb.-Apr. 1899; cataloger, Library of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, Apr. 1899-May 1900; cataloger, Library of Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, Tuskegee, Ala., Dec. 1901— May 1902; cataloger, Public Library, Paterson, N. J. May-Aug. 1902; cataloger, American Bible Society, New York City, Aug.-Dee. 1902 ; cataloger, New Jersey Historical Society, Jan. 1903-date. Weston, Lydia Burlington, N. J. Certificate, 1897. Librarian, Public Library, Burlington, N. J. Jun. 1897-date. Wharton, Miriam Burbank Ryde, Pa. Certificate, 1902. Organizer, McVeytown Public Library, McVeytown, Pa. Oct.-Nov. 1902; cataloger, Library of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland, Baltimore, Nov. 1902- Jun. 1903; substitute librarian, Carnegie Free Library, McKeesport, Pa. Jun 1903-May 1904, librarian, Jim. 1904-date. 29 Wheeler, Florence Ethel Leominster, Mass. Certificate, 1900. Graduate, Leominster High School. Assistant librarian, Public Library, Leominster, Mass. Oct. 1900-Feb. 1902, librarian, Feb. 1902-date. White, Beulah Sansom New Lisbon, N. J. Certificate, 1900. Organizer, Public Library, Trenton, N. J. Apr.-Sep. 1901; cataloger, Library of the University of Pennsylvania, Dec. 1901— Feb. 1902, departmental librarian, May 1902-Mar. 1903. White, Cornelia Cushing Cazenovia, N. Y. Certificate, 1898. Graduate, Cazenovia Seminary. Organizer, Library of Knox College, Galesburg, 111 . Aug.— Oct. 1898; cataloger, Library of the University of Pennsylvania, May 1899— May 1901; cataloger, Buffalo Public Library, Oct. 1901-Jul. 1902; organizer, Cazenovia Seminary, Cazenovia, N. Y. Feb.- Jul. 1903. Wilde, Mary Pembroke Ashland, Ky. Certificate, 1904. Graduate, Pasadena High School, Pasadena, Cal. Assistant organizer, Juniata College Library, Huntingdon, Pa. Jul. 1904-date. Wilder, Bertha Ithaca, N. Y. Certificate, 1902. Winans, Irene Du Pont Rochester, N. Y. Certificate, 1903. Graduate, Rochester High School. Assistant, Paschalville Branch, Free Library of Philadelphia, Oct. 1901-May 1902; assistant cataloger, Library of the University of Pennsylvania, Jul. 1903-date. CERTIFICATES FOR PARTIAL COURSES 1893-94 Barnes, Alice Ypsilanti, Mich. Certificate, Library economy course, 1894. Graduate, Michigan Seminary, Kalamazoo. Assistant, Library of Michigan State Normal College, Ypsilanti, Mich. Dec. 1900-date. Blodgett, Margaret St. Louis, Mo. Certificate, Library economy course, 1894. Hall, Georgiana Philadelphia. Certificate, Library economy course, 1894. Cataloger, Carpenters’ Hall, Philadelphia, Jun.-Jul. 1894; evening assistant, Drexel Institute Library, Oct. 1894- 30 Mar. 1895; cataloger, Private Library, Jan.-Feb. 1895; assistant, Free Library of Philadelphia, Mar. 1895; clerk, Book Department, John Wanamaker, Apr. 1895-date. Styer, Mrs. Emma G. Plymouth Meeting, Pa. Certificate, Cata- loging course, 1893. Cataloger, Philadelphia Museums, Jun. 1897-date. Tatum, Sarah Philadelphia. Certificate, Cataloging course, 1893. Cataloger, Wagner Institute, Jul. 1892-May 1894; cata- loger, Public Libraries, Philadelphia, Central Bureau, May 1894-Dec. 1895; Ladies’ Home Journal Office, Jan. 1896- Mar. 1897; assistant, Apprentices’ Library, Philadelphia, Jul. 1897-Jun. 1898; clerk, Leary, Stuart & Co. (Second- hand Bookstore), Jul. 1898-Sep. 1899. Voute, Lydia Philadelphia. Certificate, Library economy course, i 8 93 - Librarian, Woman’s Christian Association, Philadelphia, Dec. 1884-date. GRADUATES, BY CLASSES 1892- 93 Fomance, Mary Certificate, full course. Goding, Sarah Elizabeth Certificate, full course. Shedden, Annie P. Certificate, full course. Stewart, Rose Gemmill Certificate, full course. Styer, Mrs. Emma G. Certificate, cataloging course. Tatum, Sarah Certificate, cataloging course. Thompson, Mary Iredell Certificate, full course. Voute, Lydia Certificate, library economy course. 1893- 94 Baer, Lena Katharine Certificate, full course. Barnes, Alice Certificate, library economy course. Blodgett, Margaret Certificate, library economy course. Campbell, Katherine J. Certificate, full course. Hall, Georgiana Certificate, library economy course. Kenley, Harriet R. Certificate, full course. Lowe, Elsie Morgan Certificate, full course. Shaffner, Mary Hey Certificate, full course. Smith, Isabel M. Certificate, full course. Walker, Katherine Fuller Certificate, full course. 31 Blaisdell, Viola Margaret Carter, Helen Steams Clark, Bessie H. Day, Mary Louise Ehrlich, Charlotte Farr, Mary Parry Gibson, Elizabeth Goodison, Alice D. Harris, Isabella Stubbs, Allen, Mary Smedley Cruice, Mary Zita Dougherty, Anna Roney Rowland, 1894- 95 Janvier, Mary Booth Lamberton, Edith Van Dyke Marot, Helen Morris, Helen Ridgway Murphy, Almira R. Nagle, Kate E. Palen, Ruth Rhoades, Lillian lone Spencer, May Hotchkiss Julia Eastman 1895- 96 Griswold, Alice S. Laws, Anna Cantrell Liveright, Ada F. Carrie Vanferson 1896- 97 Bailey, May Henderson, Lucia Tiffany Bechtel, Mary E. Mitchell, Lucy Wright Blandy, Julia W. Mumford, Harriet A. Eilbeck, Florence Marion Randall, Susan Williams Evans, Aida Thomas Thurston, Anna L. Hanson, Laura E. Upton, Mary Haskell Weston, Lydia 1897- 98 Keith, Amy Knauff, Theodora C. Lyon, Eveline Crandall Rose, Grace Delphine Shultz, Grace Emily Wells, Emma Charlotte White, Cornelia Cushing 1898- 99 Buhrman, Louise Frances Castleman, Virginia Carter Dickson, Caspar Gregory Bunting, Helen Moore Carey, Mrs. Eliza Packer Edsall, Emily Rose Faulds, Bertha B. Harjes, Helen G. Hodge, Louise Alexander Kane, Florence Bayard Abbott, Alvaretta Porter Baldwin, Grace Peckham Bolling, Roberta 32 Gawthrop, Edith Newlin Hilles, Margaret Hill Hixson, Laura Bell Holmes, Marjorie Louisa Ingersoll, Elizabeth Sage Brown, Adeline S. Brown, Greta Elizabeth Clark, Elizabeth Voshall Drinker, Florence Lydia Evans, Charlotte Elizabeth Hannum, Charlotte Kennedy Jennings, Bessie Homer Johnston, Hetty Stuart Petty, Annie Florence Roberts, Flora B. Stanger, Marion Estes Weeks, Virginia 1899-1900 Keyes, Virginia Morley Kingman, Helene Agnes Kuhn, Emily Jane Leiper, Katharine Stockton Webster, Caroline Farr Wheeler, Florence Ethel White, Beulah Sansom 1900-01 Allen, Jessie May Bache, Edythe Markoe Brown, Julia Duncan Day, Anna Bonnell Duble, A. Blanche Hegeman, Minnie Burtis Hellings, Emma Lightner Holston, Isabel Humphrey, Gertrude Priscilla Hunt, Marietta Louise Krichbaum, Mary Mather, Fannie S. Mortland, Inez Neal, Margaret Elizabeth Pancoast, Edith Frances Perkins, Caroline Belle Ray, Elizabeth Chesson Rice, Sutia Alberta Sharpless, Helen Atwood, Alice Cary Conner, Martha Jean Dacus, Ida J. Earhart, Frances Elizabeth Haynes, Emily Maud Janvrin, Charles Edwin Jones, Mrs. Johnnie A. McAlarney, Kathrine H. 1901-02 Mac Ritchie, Euphemia Dawson Newman, Alice Horton Rick, Bertha Elizabeth Sawyer, Jessie Salanda Snyder, Mary Beck Surdam, Alvena M. Wharton, Miriam Burbank Wilder, Bertha 1902-03 Bache, Mrs. Elizabeth Forsyth Binford, Marie Estelle Becker, Susan Katherine Chamberlin, Edith Julia 33 Evans, Jane Fell, Emily Jane Halsey, Rosalie V. Keiser, Helen A. Me Cord, Bessie Nelson, Ina Forrest Preston, Nina Kate Bogle, Sarah Comly Norris Chidester, Eva Maud Clark, Marianna Buckner Clark, Sara Cameron Clevenger, Eliza Jones Condell, Lucy Craig, Mary Margaret Erskine, Mary Louise Hickin, Eleanor Maude Wilde, Smith, Daisy Mary Smith, Margaret Clark Smith, Ora Ioneene Stebbins, Elfreda Stiles, Helen Ackley Subers, Helen Danetta Winans, Irene Du Pont 1903-04 Hobart, Frances L. Kidder, Ruth Mary Lindale, Grace Linn, Cora June Notz, Cornelia E. Sabin, Daisy B. Scott, Jennie Fern Smith, Alice Lilian Thomas, Edna Vickers Mary Pembroke Drexel Institute of Art, Science, and Industry PHILADELPHIA LIBRARY SCHOOL List of Positions held by Graduates 1904 The following is a list of positions held by students of the Library School, December, 1903. Colorado Fort Collins Public Library Librarian Connecticut New Britain New Britain Institute Li- brary Assistant New Haven Public Library “ District of Columbia Washington Library of Congress ft ft U (C a u “ Documents Office Cataloger (5) Assistant (Copy- right Office) Assistant (Order Dept. ) Cataloger (2) Iowa Iowa City Iowa State University Cataloger Louisiana Baton Rouge State University Library Assistant Librarian Massachusetts Boston (Ja- maica Plain ) Holyoke Lancaster Leominster Milton Worcester Michigan Ionia Lansing a Minnesota Minneapolis Missouri Columbia Montana Bozeman New Jersey Atlantic City Burlington Camden Newark it Trenton New Mexico Albuquerque Arnold Arboretum Public Library u a Worcester Polytechnic Insti- tute The Hall-Fowler Memorial Library Public Library State Library Hennepin County Medical Society Library University of Missouri Li- brary Free Library Public Library ct a North Baptist Church Li- brary New Jersey Historical So- ciety Library Public Library ii U State University Library Cataloger Assistant Librarian Librarian