i ‘ ■-a < -■ 4N ) books for physicians. m ON SYPHILIS, Oak Street UNCLASSIFIED ITS TREATMENT WITH SUBCUTANEOUS SUBLIMATE INJECTIONS. BY pAoFBSSO^^T feKORGE LEWIN, /ERSI'Af AND SURGEON-IN-CHIEF OF THE SYPHILITIC WAR. DISEASES, CHARITE HOSPITAL, EERLIN. TRANSLATED BY L PRCEGLER, M.D., and E. H. GALE, M.D., SURGEONS U. S. ARMY. • WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. m PHILADELPHIA : P. BLAKISTON, SON & CO., [012 WALNUT STREET. Price 75 cents each. VALUABLE BOOKS. “ Who would not give a trifle to prevent What he would give a thousand worlds to cure?” — Young. MALARIA. WHAT IT MEANS AND HOW AVOIDED. Its Causes, Consequences, etc. l By Dr. Joseph F. Edwards, of Philadelphia. BY THE SAME AUTHOR. DYSPEPSIA, AND HOW TO AVOID IT. Just Issued. 12mo. Cloth. Price 75 cents. / HOW A PERSON THREATENED OR AFFLICTED WITH BRIGHT’S DISEASE OUGHT TO LIVE«gg 2 mn. Cloth. Price 75 cents. CONSTIPATION PLAINLY TREATED WITHOUT THE USE OF DRUGS. Second Edition, with additions. 12mo. Cloth. Price 75 cents. f % The author of these little books, a gentleman of large experi- ence, believes that the many slight ailments of mankind can be prevented if people only understood their nature, and the proper way of living. The books are written from this standpoint, in plain, untechnical language, and the thousands sold testify to their popularity and usefulness. For sale by all booksellers, or will be sent, postpaid, upon re- ceipt of price. PRESLEY BLAKISTON, BOOKSELLER AND PUBLISHER, 1012 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. JSii^ Send for Mr. Blakiston’s List of Works on Health and Popular Medicine. # * HANDBOOKS FOR PHYSICIANS. COMPACT, RELIABLE$BOOKS, AT LOW PRICES. The publishers of this series, realizing that the demand frQm professional men is not only for cheap, but for good, reliable books, have endeavored to com- bine these qualities, and furnish physicians and students with a list of books of literary and professional merit, at a really nominal price, in a form worthy of preservation in the library. Printed from good type, on heavy paper, and substantially bound. Price of each Book, in Cloth Binding, - - $1.25 “ “ “ Paper “ - .75 Five Volumes or more taken at one time, Cloth, each, 1.00 “ “ “ “ “ “ Paper, “ .60 POSTAGE PREPAID. DISEASES OF WOMEN. Clinical Lectures. By Lombe Atthill, m.d. Fifth Edition. Revised and partly Rewritten. With Illustrations. 342 pages. HEADACHES ; Their Nature, Causes and Treatment. By Wm. Henry Day, m.d., author of “A Systematic Treatise on Diseases of Children.” Third Edition. With Colored Plates and other Illustrations. 322 pages. THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. A Handbook for Physicians and Students. By M. 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HANDBOOK OF THE DISEASES OF WOMEN. By Alfred Lewis Gallabin, m.d. With 63 Illustrations. 370 pages. H ON SYPHILIS, and its Treatment with Subcutaneous Sublimate Injec- tions. By Dr. George Lewin, of Berlin. Illustrated. 249 pages. THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE PAGES FOR 1^° Send for Complete Circular. P. BLAKISTON, SON & CO., MEDICAL PUBLISHERS, No. 1012 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Unlv.of 111* Library 52 * JO L> 3 HkM-V . » ■«»■■ — II ON SYPHILIS AND ITS TREATMENT WITH SUBCUTANEOUS SUBLIMATE INJECTIONS. BY DR. GEORGE LEWIN, PROFESSOR AT THE FR.-WILH. UNIVERSITY, AND SURGEON-IN-CHIEF OF THE SYPHILITIC WARDS AND SKIN DISEASES, CHARITE HOSPITAL, BERLIN. TRANSLATED BY CARL PRGEGLER, M.D., and E. H. GALE, M.D., SURGEONS U. S. ARMY. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. . ti 1012 WALNUT STREET. 1882. COPYRIGHTED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. c Dedicate TO IIIS HIGHLY ESTEEMED COLLEAGUE Dr. NICOLAUS KOSLOFF, PRESIDENT OF THE IMPERIAL RUSSIAN MEDICAL AND SURGICAL ACADEMY, MEMBER OF THE MEDICAL COUNCIL OF THE SECRETARY OF TUB t, MEMBER OF SEVERAL LEARNED SOCIETIES, ETC., ETC., ETC. A TOKEN OF HIS ESTEEM. *• $ I' TRANSLATORS’ PREFACE. One of the translators having witnessed the success- ful workings of the subcutaneous use of sublimate in the cure of syphilis, at European hospitals ; both translators having had pleasing results in the number of cases treated here in private practice, — together with the well-known standing of Professor Lewin in all matters pertaining to syphilitic diseases, they have been induced to translate the result of his experiments in the Venereal Wards of the Royal Charity Hospital, Berlin, and lay them before their American readers. We hope our fellow-practitioners will receive the views advanced as to pathology and treatment, with the same spirit as have some of the best surgeons in Europe. And trust whatever of value inheres in his conclusions will be tested and adopted. While we do not think that the hypodermic method is the only way to eradicate syphilis, still, in many cases, we think it the best, inasmuch as it is speedy and sure. All who are opposed to introducing large quantities of 1* vi translators’ preface. mercury into the system cannot fail to endorse this method, if the drug is to be used at all, — since from 1J gr. to 2J gr. of sublimate are sufficient for a cure on an average. The tables and statistics given are very instructive ; the report of cases is full and accurate in details of treatment and diagnosis ; the deductions seem logical and conclusive. We have aimed at accuracy, rather than elegance, in our rendering, and hope the defects of the translation will not be viewed too critically. - P. & Gr. Aurora, Illinois, August 1, 1872. PREFACE. Nearly seven years have elapsed since I introduced the subcutaneous sublimate injection into the syphilitic wards under my charge of the Royal Charity Hospital, Berlin. During this time I have treated by this new method upwards of 2000 patients, including my private practice. The very favorable success of the method may justify me in responding to the numerous wishes of my colleagues here and elsewhere. And I present here to the reader my work laid down in the 14th volume of the Charity Annals, con- densed and improved. I remarked there the advantages of my treatment, espe- cially the qmckness and precision of the results, the small amount of relapses, &c., and more than all those theoretical arguments ; I give here the following statistical data, which speak for themselves. In Berlin the law exists that every woman given to pros- titution may be under police surveillance , and those who lead a suspicious life have to be examined weekly, and any exploration giving a warrantable proof of syphilis, gives the examining surgeon the right to send them to my syphilitic VJ11 PREFACE. wards. I have treated all these women exclusively, since March, 1865, by my new method, and their number already is about 1400. At the end of July, 1869, there had not been more than 20 female patients who had returned to my wards on account of syphilitic relapses , which were of a very light character, as the following cases will show. But I am far from thinking, notwithstanding its remark- able results, that the injection method is the only cure to be adopted, and I earnestly protest against such a onesidedness on my part. I express my profound obligation to all my colleagues, who, unbiased and with a scientific zeal, have tried my new method ; especially would I name Regimental Surgeon Der- blich; Dr. Gruenfeld, assistant to Professor Siegmund, at Vienna; Professor Bamberger, Wuerzburg; Dr. Bergson, Professor in our University, and Dr. C. W. Richter. Lewin. CONTENTS I. Definition II. The Manner 1. Instruments 2. Place for injection ...... 3. Medicated fluid for injection 4. Doses III. On the Appearances occurring after Injection 1. Local appearance . . . a. Inflammation b. Formation of abscesses .... c. Injury to vessels d. Jnterruption of sensibility 2. General symptoms a. Disturbances of digestion . . • . b. Disturbances of respiration and circulation . c. Disturbances of the urinary organs . d. Disturbances in the functions of the skin and hair ....... e. Disturbances in the osseous system /. Disturbances in the formation of blood g , Disturbances of the nervous system Symptoms of intoxication . . IV. Dietetic Rules a. Concerning the body b. Psychical considerations Y. Indication for Injection 1. Initial syphilis . . . . . 2. Condylomata lata a. In women 1. Seat of condylomata lata . b. In men . c. Therapeutics of syphilitic sclerosis and broad condylomata lata .... PAGE 13 13 13 15 IT 19 20 20 20 21 22 23 25 25 32 32 32 33 33 35 37 39 39 42 43 44 47 51 54 54 56 X CONTENTS. PAGE 3. Swelling of the lymphatic glands ... 63 4. Affection of the mouth and pharynx ... 66 Cavum pharyngo-orale . . . . . 67 Region of the sebaceous glands . . . 68 Region of the acinous glands ... 69 Cases 1 and 2 70, 71 Plaques opalines 72 Condylomatous granulations ... 73 Foveae tonsillaris 73 ♦ Cavum pharyngo-nasale .... 75 Choanse, tuba eustachii, tonsilla pharyngea 75 Case 3 76 Condylomatous and papillary on the palate Cases 4-8 . . . . Deep ulcerations and defects in Cases 9-18 .... Infectio per os Cases 19-27 .... • Infection of nurse and child 5. Syphilitic affections of the larynx Syphilitic catarrh of the larynx Differential diagnosis Submucous infiltration Prolific granulations Ulcerations Gummous processes Differential diagnosis Therapeutics . Cases 28-40 6. Syphilitic affection of the skin Maculous exanthem . Exanthema coeruleum Papulous exanthem . Miliary and lenticular species Cases 41-43 Squamous exanthem Cases 44-45 Condylomatous exanthem the granulations . 78 . 79-82 pharynx 86 . 88-95 . 9£> . 98-101 . 103 104 . 104 105 . 106 107 . Ill 1 14 . 115 116 118-130 131 . 131 134 . 135 136 137-139 140 142, 143 144 CONTENTS. XI PAGE Cases 46 and 47 . 146 Ulcerous exanthema and rupia syphilitica 147 Cases 48-50 148-150 Knotty syphiloid ..... 151 Lupus syphiliticus ..... . 152 Cases 51 and 52 155-157 Gummata of the subcutaneous cellular tissue . 159 Cases 53 and 54 .... 161-163 7. Syphilitic affection of the eye .... . 164 Cases 55-60 167-171 8. Syphilitic tumors of the scrotum . 171 Case 61 173 9. Syphilitic diseases of the bone . 175 Therapeutics- 176 Cases 62-64 177-179 10. Visceral-syphilis 180 A. Syphilitic diseases of the liver . 181 Perihepatitis .... 181 Cirrhosis ..... . 182 Icterus .... 182 Cases 65 and 66 184, 185 B. Syphilitic diseases of the kidney 186 Cases 67 and 68 ... 188-190 C. Syphilitic affection of the brain 191 Apoplexy, epilepsy, hemiplegia . 191 Psychosis 191 Cases 69-71 196-199 VI. Considerations with Sublimate Injections . 202 Age. Sex. Menstruation. Acute diseases 202-203 Dyscrasia 203 Cases 72 and 73 204-205 VII. Quantity of Sublimate to be Injected 206 Statistics of 800 patients ..... . 207 Results . . . * 209 nil. Relapse of Syphilis . 210 Devergie ........ 211 Desruelles Fergusson 212 Thom. Clarke . . . ... . 212 Xll CONTENTS. PAGE Royal Swedish Sanitary Commission . . . 213 Calderini • . . . 213 Hermann . 213 Diday 214 Yvaren 214 Engelsted 215 Boeck 215 Auzias Turenne 216 A. Oewre 217 Depres 217 Statistics taken from the Charite Journals concerning the prevalence of relapses after sweat and mercury cure 217 Quality of the relapses . 222 u 11 11 with botanic treatment . 224 “ 11 11 li mercury treatment . . 225 11