D2-S\_,a \W ORDER OF EXERCISES AT COMMENCEMENT, DARTMOUTH COLLEGK, JULY 18, 1867, . ^arlmoullj |lr£ss. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/orderofexercises00dart_4 ORDER OF EXERCISES. FRA YER. MUSIC. 1. Salutatory Oration in Latin. CHARLES FRANCIS KING, Lowell, Ms. 2. English Oration. The Educating Power of Democratic In¬ stitutions. SAMUEL COLCORD BARTLETT, Peoria, III. 3. Dissertation. Place of Charlemagne in History. FREDERIC GREGORY MATHER, Cleveland, 0. 4. Literary Disputation. Has Prose Fiction been a more po¬ tent Element of Literature than Poetry? JOSEPH HARTWELL LADD, Orange, Vt. WILLIAM ALEXANDER KETCHAM, Indianapolis, Ind. 5. English Oration. The Literature of Nations as affected by their History. JOSEPH GARDNER EDGERLY, Manchester. 4 MUSIC, 6. English Oration. Extremes of Social Life in England. ABKAM BROWN, Caxterburt. 7. Dissertation. National Holidays. SAMUEL PLUMEll PRESCOTT, Jr., Haverhill, Ms. 8. English Oration. Influence of the Clergy in the American Devolution. CHARLES CARROLL WOODMAN, Great Falls. 9. Dissertation. Idiosyncrasies. JOHN NICHOL IRWIN, Keokuk, Ia. 10. Philosophical Oration. The Law of Compensation in Cre¬ ation and Providence.. . CHARLES HENRY MERRILL, Haverhill. 11. Dissertation. Voices of the Dead. AMOS WILLETS WRIGHT, Srrixgboro’, O. | MUSIC. , 12. English Oration. John Quincy Adams. BAINBRIDGE CHAPLIN NOYES, Georgetown, Ms. j 13. Ethical Disputation. Is crime diminished b3" the advauce- i ..... i ment of Civilization? i EZEKIEL WEBSTER WHIPPLE, Jersry City, N. J. ! : GEORGE ABIJAH MOSHER, Sharon, Xt. j 1 14. English Oration. Obligations of Self-made Men to Men of i 1 Scholastic Culture. i ^ IIORACP] GOODHUE, Jk., AVest Westminster, Vt. ; : 15. Dissertation. Modern Discoveries in Electricity. i CHARLES HAMILTON MANN, Boston, Ms. | i I 16. English Oration. Pagan and Christian Heroism. CHARLES MONTGOMERY REED, AA'est Bridgewater, Ms. MUSIC. 17. Dissertation. Trades-Unions. ELISHA BURR MAYNARD, Springfield, Ms. 18. Forensic Disputation. Ought the Public Money to be given | to Catholic Schools? ALMON EIFIELD CATE, Epsom. ROBERT MOORE AYALLACE, IIenniker. 19. Philosophical Oration. The Philosophy of Pteform. ROBERT GIBSON AIcNIECE, Topsuam, A"t. 20. Dissertation. Hie Memory of Burns. ALFRED ADDISON THOAIAS, Dayton, 0. 21. English Oration, with the Valedictory Addresses. Mission of the American Scholar. WALTER HENRY SANBORN, Epsom. G MUSIC. 00 OnATioN. Greece since 1.821. MR. JOIIX CARROLL PROCTOR, Lowell, Ms., A Candidate for the Degree op Master op Arts. MUSIC, DEGREES CONFERRED. MUSIC. FliA YE It 9 / 0 J ACADEMICAL DEPARTMENT. Atwood, Charles Francis, Malden^ 3h. Bartlett, Samuel Colcord, Peoria^ 111. Brickett, Benjamin Franklin, Haver!dll^ Ms. Brown, Abram, Canterhimj. Cate, Almon Fiiield, Epsom. Dearborn, Josiah Greene, So. Weave. Edgerlj, Joseph Gardner, Manchester. Goodhue, Horace, Jr., West Westminster.^ Vt. Greene, John Bradley, BuffaloN. Y. Haywood, Rufus Cassius, Predonia^ H. Y. Henderson, Henry Clay, Williamstown, W. Ya. Hill, Howard F., Concord. Irwin, John Nichol, KeoJculc.^ la. Ketcham, William Alexander, Indianapolis., Ind. King, Charles Francis, Lowell, Ms. Ladd, Joseph Hartwell, Orange, Vt. Lecky, Thomas, Boston, Ms. hlann, Charles Hamilton, Boston, Ms. Mather, Frederic Gregory, Cleveland, 0. Maynard, Elisha Burr, Springfield, Ms. McDavitt, John Joseph, Boston, Ms. McMurphy, Henry James, Berry. McNiece, Robert Gibson, Topsliam, Vt. Merrill, Charles Henry, Haverhill. Mosher, George Abijah, Sharon, Vt. Noyes, Bainbridge Chaplin, Qeorgetown, Ms, 3 0112105724303 8 Palmer, James Wesley, Patterson, John Henry, Prescott, Samuel Plumer, Jr., Reed, Charles Montgomery, Sanborn, Walter Henry, Thomas, Alfred Addison, Wallace, Robert Moore, Whipple, Ezekiel Webster, Willard, James Richard, Wilson, Albert Gallatin, Woodman, Charles Carroll, Wright, Amos Willets, G-reat Falh. Dayton^ 0. Haverhill, Ms. West Bridgeivater, Ms. Dayton, 0. Ilennilcer. Jersey City, N. J. Olivet, 31ich. llusselville, 0. Great Falls. Syringhoro\ 0. SCIEKTIFIC DEPARTMENT. Allen, George Henry, Colcord, Doane Elood, Dudley, Arthur Winthrop, Lane, George Byron, Hanover. Buchsport, Me. Breyitwood. Bo Chester^ /