This book is sent with the compliments of the Trustees of THE NEWBERRY LIBRARY CHICAGO THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY Acei N42c Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. A charge is made on p 11 overdue Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign THE NEWBERRY LIBRARY A CHECK LIST OF MANUSCRIPTS IN THE EDWARD E. AYE R COLLECTION COMPILED BY RUTH LAPHAM BUTLER CHICAGO THE NEWBERRY LIBRARY *937 Aof/ TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION v ABB RE VIA TIONS viii CHECK LIST OF MANUSCRIPTS NORTH AMERICA i X r\ ■C* SPANISH AMERICA ug PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 160 HA W All AN ISLANDS 185 INDIAN LANGUAGES 186 PHILIPPINE LANGUAGES 214 HA W All AN LANG UAGES 222 INDEX 223 l\ INTRODUCTION For many years the manu- script resources of the Edward E. Ayer Collection have been known only to the few specialists who have been able to consult them. This check list, therefore, has been compiled to acquaint a greater number of students with this material. It claims no merit beyond that of a finding list and in many instances the descriptions are not definitive. An ana- lytic catalogue and calendar will be completed for library use as soon as time permits. About fifty years ago Mr. Ayer began to collect his library with the idea of specialization in the archaeology and ethnology of the American Indian. From this original emphasis upon the history and life of the Indian which involved many phases of exploration and colo- nial and frontier history, he expanded his interests to include such marginal subjects as pre-Columbian geography and the development of the cartography of America. He further added supplemental subjects, among which were the history of the Hawaiian and Philippine Islands and the ethnology of their aboriginal peoples. Important collections were thus accumulated which go beyond the original interest. This is true of the manuscripts no less than of the printed books. Because of the wide diversity of subject matter, an exact classifi- cation of the list has seemed impracticable. As a matter of convenience, however, a fivefold division has been adopted: (/) North America, covering all historical and geographical material concerning the North American continent, except the Spanish settlements; (2) Spanish Amer- ica, which includes all Spanish history of North, Middle and South America within the colonial period; (3) The Philippine Islands; (4) v VI INTRODUCTION The Hawaiian Islands; (5) Linguistics, which includes Indian Lan- guages, Philippine Languages and Hawaiian Languages. The largest division in this general arrangement is the first; yet the less extensive sections on Spanish America, the Philippine Islands and Linguistics are possibly of equal importance. In the detailed and unclassi- fied index, effort has been made to bring together closely related or over-lapping materials. The form of entry is by author, title, or official heading. To some anonymous items, headings indicating regional significance or sub- ject matter have been arbitrarily assigned. Bound volumes and bundles of manuscripts relating to the same subject are treated as single items, since it was impossible in a list of this preliminary character, to de- scribe each document. On the other hand, a single paper acquired as a separate item, or not directly related to other material may be com- pletely described and hence may be given an undue appearance of importance. Titles given in the manuscripts are followed carefully in capitali- zation, spelling and punctuation. Long titles are often abbreviated, however, for economy of space. Supplied information in author and title headings is indicated by brackets. Descriptions of letters are as brief as possible and short references to contents are added as notes. The number of pages noted in the collation includes only pages of text, not endorsements or added title-pages. Bibliographical references are infrequent, but an exception is made in the case of the Philippine Islands section. So many of these manuscripts have been listed pre- viously by Miss Blair and Dr. Robertson in The Philippine Islands, v. 53 that reference is made to that bibliography for further descrip- tions. Maps cited in the collations are fully described in the List of INTRODUCTION Vll manuscript maps compiled by Clara A. Smith, now custodian emerita of the Ayer Collection, and published in multigraph form in 192J. Exhaustive search has not been made to ascertain whether a manuscript has been published, but when data were at hand, citation is given. Photographs, photostats and transcripts are listed in the same form as originals, the locations of originals being indicated when possible. Although the check list is not sufficiently detailed to give exact information concerning separate items, it is hoped that it will offer adequate clues so that the student in a particular field may be able to recognize, in every case, materials on his subject. RUTH LAPHAM BUTLER 31 July 1Q36 ABBREVIATIONS AGI BM BN BR HEH LG NYPL Archivo General de Indias, Seville. British Museum. Bibliotheque Nationale. Blair, Emma Helen, and Robertson, James Alexander. The Philippine Islands, 1493- 1803. Cleveland, 1903-igog. The Henry E. Huntington Library. The Library of Congress. The New York Public Library. via A CHECK LIST OF MANUSCRIPTS IN THE EDWARD E. AYER COLLECTION A CHECK LIST OF MANUSCRIPTS IN THE EDWARD E.AYER COLLECTION NORTH AMERICA ABBOTT, JAMES To Ramsay Crooks, Detroit, June 13, 1822. 3 PP- 2 5 cm - Dealings with traders, Anderson and Forsyth. To O. N. Bostwick, Detroit, Aug. 31, 1824. 1 p. 24.7 cm. Forwarding draft. ABBOTT, SAMUEL To Ramsay Crooks, Phil., Apr. 26, 1822. 1 p. 23.3 cm. Goods for American Fur Company at Custom House. ABERCROMBY, JAMES (1706-1781) To Sir William Johnson, Albany, Dec. 27, 1757. 3 pp. 23.6 cm. Advance of enemy upon Schoharie. ABLES, T. J. [A trip across the plains.] Petaluma, Cal., Oct. 12, 1857. ig pp. 2J.6 cm. TS. ABRAHAM, Chief of the Mohawks A Speech of the Mohawks to the Majestrates and Committee of the Town of Schenectady and Major Corporation and Commit- tee of the City of Albany &c delivered by Little Abraham. Interpreted by Sam 1 Kirkland, Miss y , May 20, 1775. 2 PP- 3 T '5 cm- The Indians answer. Present as before Old Abraham Speaker [I775]- 2 pp. 32.8 cm. Indian participation in the Revolution. NORTH AMERICA 8 [AN ACCOUNT of a visit lately made to the people called Quakers, in Philadelphia, by Papoonahoal, an Indian chief, and several other Indians, chiefly of the Minisink tribe], July, 1760. 4 pp. 31.5 cm. The manuscript varies from the text printed in London in 1761. 9 AN ACCOUNT of the Indians In Virginia And of some Re- markable Things in that Country. Collected out of some Let- ters from A Minister in Virginia. Some few things are inserted concerning the English there, & the Bucaniers in some places of America. An Dom 1689. 44 pp. 1 8. j cm. 10 AN ACOUMP [sic] of a scout sent to North River under the Command of Cap* Tho s Wells of Dearfeild July 1724. 1 p. 30.5 cm. 11 AN ACOUNT [sic] of what I Lost at the fort machushit. 1747. 5 pp. 11 cm. General accounts of provisions and supplies. 12 ADAMS, JOHN United States to Leut. [sic] Adams, Dr. July 17 th 18 14 [$30.50, paid in full for 44 public horses brought to Nashville by order of General Jackson]. 1 p. 26 cm. 13 ADDA, JERONIMO, marques de (1815-1881) 2 letters to [Henry Harrisse], Milan, May 6, July 2, 1870. 5 pp. iy.8 cm. Columbus letter. 14 ALBANY COMMITTEE. 1775. Extract from the minutes of the Albany committee containing a copy of a letter to Guy Johnson concerning the disturbances in Tryon county. Dated May 23 and June 21, 1775. Copy certified by Mat. Visscher, formerly secretary to the committee, Apr. 24, 1780. 7 pp. 32.4 cm. Indian disturbances in Tryon County, oaths of allegiance, committee to Indian Abraham. 15 ALGER, ABBY LANGDON (b. 1850) To J. W. Powell, Boston, May 18, [1885]. 2 pp. 1 j. 4 cm. Vocabulary of Passamaquoddy dialect. NORTH AMERICA 16 AMERICAN BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR FOR- EIGN MISSIONS Transcripts of letters from missionaries among the Indians of Minnesota, Dakota and Oregon, 1830- 1878. 6,976 pp. 27.8 cm. 17 AMERICAN FUR COMPANY The papers of the American Fur Company, 1 831-1849. A transcript of calendar and index, and a brief estimate of their significance. 6 vols., 1,943 PP> 2 7-5 cm - 18 Dousman papers. Packing account of goods delivered Joshua Palen on account of H. Farnham's outfit, St. Louis, Aug. 10, 1822; Agreement, Ramsay Crooks and Joseph Rolette, Her- cules L. Dousman, and Henry H. Sibley, Michilimackinac, Aug. 15, 1 83 1 (letter press copy); Miscellaneous papers. 24 notes to H. L. Dousman, agent, 1836- 1844, and report to H. L. Dousman by M. L. Martin; Notarial statement, signed by Arch. Campbell, Dep. Secretary, 10 May, 1838; Certification of tran- script of 2 acts to incorporate the American Fur Company signed, W. L. Marcy, 10 May, 1838; Attached to "An act to incorporate the American Fur Company; Mrs. H. L. Dous- man, in account with B. W. Brisbois, Nov. 8- May 1, 1845, Prairie du Chien, May 1 , 1 845 ; Memorandum of agreement, Oct. 8, 1 841, between P. Chouteau, H. L. Dousman, H. H. Sibley, and Joseph Rolette; Debts to western outfit, 1841; The estate of the late Joseph Rolette, dr., to American Fur Com- pany's western outfit, 1841; Appointment of H. L. Dousman by Ramsay Crooks as his substitute and attorney, in the name of the American Fur Company, Sep. 24, 1842; Articles of agree- ment made and concluded at New York, Feb. 26, 1842. Signed: P. Chouteau, H. L. Dousman, H. H. Sibley, and Ramsay Crooks; Transfer of property of the American Fur Company to George Ehninger, Sep. 10, 1842; Ramsay Crooks to H. L. Dousman, Mackinac, Sep. 24, 1842 (transfer of American Fur Company to George Ehninger); Hercules L. Dousman, esq., in account with the American Fur Company, 1842-44; Pierre NORTH AMERICA Chouteau, Jr., and Company, appointment of H. L. Dousman as attorney for collection against the estate of Joseph Rolette, St. Louis, Aug. 1 6, 1843. Certified by S. D. Barlow, Aug. 17, 1843; Pierre Chouteau, Jr., and Company, accounts, Aug. 16, 1844-July 28, 1848; July 26, 1845-July 14, 1846, July 31, 1846- Aug. 6, 1847, Au g-> 1847-July 1, 1848, Western Outfit, 1845, June 30, 1 848- Apr. 1, 1849, July x 8, 1848- Apr. 1, 1849, Dec. 15, 1849-Sep. 6, 1849, June 30, 1851-Sep. 15, 1851, June 30, 1 85 1 -June 7, 1853; Steam boat Ariel and Owners to P. Chou- teau, Jr., and Company, St. Louis, Apr. 1, 1849; List of notes belonging to the western outfit, 1845; George Ehninger to H. L. Dousman, New York, Oct. 21, 1846; H. L. Dousman in ac- count with American Fur Company, 1846-48; Owners steam boat Ariel in account with P. Chouteau and Company, Aug. 10, 1844-Oct. 24, 1848; American Fur Company in account with H. L. Dousman, Aug. 1848- 1856; Pierre Chouteau, Jr., statement, St. Louis, Apr. 1, 1849; Account book. Dousman papers; Vocabulary notebook. Dakota language. 147 pp. Various sizes. 19 AMHERST, JEFFERY (1717-1797) To William Thomas, Camp at Oswego, July 30, 1 760. 2 pp. 31.8 cm. Relief for British soldiers. 20 ANDERSON, WILLIAM P. To G. W. Campbell, Nashville, Jan. 9, 1809. 7 pp. 24.5 cm. Indian lands. 21 ANDREW, SAMUEL An estimate of court and prison expenses of the County of Middlesex, Cambridge, June 8, 1696. 1 P- 3°-3 cm- 22 ANDREWS, CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS (1829-1922) To E. B. Washburne, Stockholm, May 25, 1870. 3 pp. 2J.1 cm. Government's Indian policy. 23 ANOOSAMAYE, JOHN: and others. Massachusetts Indians Testimony in regard to the sale of fifty acres of land, Dec. 18, 1682. Attested by Daniel Gookin. 2 pp. 20 cm. D.s. NORTH AMERICA 24 ANTELOPE, FAUSTINUS W. To Field Columbian Museum, Arapahoe, Wyoming, Aug. 23, 1918. / p. 25.3 cm. 25 To E. E. Ayer, enclosing letter to E. A. Hutchison, Arapahoe, Sep. 7, 1918. 4 pp. 20.2 cm. Sun dance of the Arapahoe. 26 APPY, JOHN To Thomas Hancock, N. Y., Mar. 2, 1760. 1 p. 22.g cm. Cherokee hostilities. 27 APTHORP, CHARLES 29 letters, originals and author's file copies, to John Thomlin- son, 1 738-1 739, 1 751: Boston, Apr. 24 (2 copies), May 11, May 23, June 10, Aug. 4 (2 copies), Aug. 25 (2 copies), Sep. 10 (2 copies), Oct. 6, Oct. 30 (31), Nov. 14, Dec. 9, Dec. io(?), l l?fi\ J an - 2 > J an - l 9 ( 2 copies), Feb. 23 (2 copies), Feb. 27, (2 copies), Mar. 7 (2 copies), Apr. 4, 1739 (2 letters, one with copy of letter of Gideon Ball, Boston, Apr. 4, to John Thom- linson), Aug. 5, 1751. 44 pp. Various sizes. Sale and shipment of merchandise. 28 Bill of provisions sent to Louisburg in 5 sloops, Aug. 26, 1746. / p. 38.8 cm. 29 ARKANSAS— GOVERNOR, 1840-1844 (ARCHIBALD YELL) To Winfield Scott, Little Rock, Oct. 28, 1843. 4 pp. 25 cm. Protection of Arkansas frontier. 30 ARMSTRONG, JOHN (1755-1816) To , Fort Hamilton, Jan. 27, 1792. / p. 15. 1 cm. Acknowledgment of letters. 31 ASHE, JOHN BAPTISTA (1748-1802) To Richard Caswell, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1787. 3 PP- 3 1 '3 cm - Resolution introduced into Congress by Colonel Blount and Ashe against violations of Hopewell treaty. 32 ASHLEY, ALGELINE JACKSON (b. 1830) Diary of Mrs. Algeline Jackson Ashley. Crossing the plains in 1852. 13 pp. 27. g cm. TS. from a copy in the San Diego Public Library. NORTH AMERICA 33 ASHLEY, JONATHAN To Jean Baptiste de Saint Pe, "Superior of the Jesuits In the College at Quebec" [Deerfield, Dec., 1747]. 2 pp. 20 cm. Kindness to John Norton during captivity. 34 ASHLEY, JOSEPH C. To Jonathan Ashley, Fort Dummer, June 13, 1746, and verso of letter, notes for a sermon in the handwriting of Jonathan Ashley. 2 pp. 19.5 cm. Service as chaplain. 35 ASTOR, JOHN JACOB (1 763-1848) To Samuel Abbott, N. Y., Dec. 23, 1822. 2 pp. 23 cm. Quotations on skins, shipping directions from New Orleans. 36 To Messrs. Pratte, Chouteau & Co., in St. Louis office, N. Y., Aug. 30, 1 834, enclosing copies of letters from J. J. Astor to P. Chouteau, Jr., N. Y., Aug. 30, 1834, and W. B. Astor to P. Chouteau, Jr., N. Y., Aug. 23, 1834. 3 pp. 25 cm. Payments from office of American Fur Co. 37 ASTOR, WILLIAM BACKHOUSE (1792-1875) To James Abbott, N. Y., July 13, 1832. 1 p. 25 cm. Introducing Alexander Philip Maximilien. 38 ATKINSON, HENRY (1782-1842) To W. S. Hamilton, Louisville, Dec. 21, 1825. 6 pp. 24.5 cm. Expedition up Missouri River for negotiation of Indian treaties. 39 ATKINSON, THEODORE To John Thomlinson, Portsmouth, May 22, 1738. 1 P- J 9-9 cm - Introducing Samuel Waldo. 40 To , Portsmouth, Dec. 24, 1740. 2 pp. 30.2 cm. Boundary of New Hampshire and Massachusetts. 41 ATWATER, CALEB To Parker Cleveland, Circleville, Ohio, Nov. 15, 181 8. 2 pp. 32.9 cm. Acknowledgment of Cleveland's work on mineralogy and discussion of his own Notes on Ohio Valley region. 42 AUDUBON, JOHN JAMES (1785-1851) To Parker Cleveland, N. Y., Sep. 17, 1833. 3 pp. 24.J cm. Birds of America. NORTH AMERICA 43 AVAUGOUR, PIERRE du BOIS, baron d' (d. 1664) Memoire sur la Golonie de Quebec, Plaisance, Gaspe et Cap Breton, Aug. 4, 1663. 6 pp. map. 23.4 cm. Copy by Pierre Margry. Translation in Docu- ments relating to the colonial history of state of New York, IX, pp. i 3 -i 7 . 44 BACKHOUSE, RICHARD To Samuel Hodgdon, Durham, June 15, 1793. 1 p. 31.8 cm. Ammunition supplies. 45 BADER, — Extracts from the diary . . . Oct. 26, 1755-Dec. 14, 1794. 12 pp. 28 cm. TS. 46 BAILLY, ALEXIS Calendar of bound volumes in the Bailly Papers, 1820-1852. 2J7 cards, 3 x y in. Copy. Fur trade. 47 BANCROFT, HUBERT HOWE (1832-1918) To E. E. Ayer, Bancroft Library, Dec. 21, 1890. / p. 21 cm. Visit from Mr. Ayer. 48 BARABfi, NICOLAS Petition to the intendant of New France and the province of Louisiana to establish guardianship for persons and property of seven minor children of Marie Anne Maillot, his deceased wife. Compliance signed by Frangois Bigot, Quebec, June 20, 1754. 3 PP- 36.5 cm- 49 BARBER, JOHN WARNER (1798-1885) Receipted bill to Hezekiah Howe, Jan. 29, 1835-Feb. 24, 1836. 1 p. j items. 19.5 cm. 50 Notes on Samuel Johnson, May 13, 1878. 1 p. 24.2 cm. 51 BARGE, WILLIAM DAVID Notes collected by W. D. Barge concerning Shabonee, the white man's friend. 61 pp. 28.2 cm. TS. 52 BARNARD, ALONZO (b. 1817) 2 postal cards to J. G. Pilling, Benzonia, Dec. 5, 1889, [1889]. 2 pp. ij.i cm. 8 NORTH AMERICA 53 4 letters to J. C. Pilling, Benzonia, Dec. 16, Dec. 27, 1889; Jan. 9, Jan. 30, 1890. 8 pp. 20.2 cm. 54 To J. P. Schell, Benzonia, Dec. 25, 1889; note from J. P. Schell to J. C. Pilling in reply to Barnard's request. 2 pp. 20.2 cm. Educational and missionary activities among the Chip- pewas, translations into Chippewa language, biographical notes. 55 BARNARD, TIMOTHY The following interrogatorys were put by the Governor [Ed- ward Telfair], to Timothy Barnard, which produced the fol- lowing answers, Augusta, July 6, 1 786. 3 PP- 2 3 cm " Hostility of Creek Indians. 56 BARTHOLOMEW, JOHN To Mrs. Samuel Hodgdon, Vallery, July 23, 1793. 1 P- 33-5 cm " R en t payment. 57 BARTLETT, JOHN RUSSELL (1 805-1 886) To Brantz Mayer, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1845. 1 p. 25.5 cm. Welsh Indians. 58 BARTON, THOMAS (1 730-1 780) To Richard Peters, Redding, Feb. 6, 1756. 2 pp. 24.2 cm. Indian atrocities at Juniata and Sherman's Creek. 59 BATES, FREDERICK (1777-1825) To [Rene Auguste Chouteau], Missouri Territory, Executive Office, Aug. 11, 1819. / p. 15 cm. Acknowledgment of copy of Kickapoo treaty. 60 BAYLIES, FRANCIS (1783-1852) To Theophilus Parsons, Wash., Dec. 16, 1823. 2 pp. 24.8 cm. Republican party caucus. 61 BEALL, THOMAS B. To Rufus Ingalls, Lapwai, Idaho Terr., July 12, 1870. Note on back from Ingalls to E. S. Parker recommending Beall for agency, N. Y., Aug. 3, 1870. 2 pp. 24.J cm. 62 BEAUBIEN, JEAN BAPTISTE (1780-1863) 2 letters to O. N. Bostwick, Chicago, Sep. 11, Oct. 24, 1823. 2 pp. 31.8 cm. Orders for goods. NORTH AMERICA 63 BEAUGHAMP, WILLIAM MARTIN (1830-1925) Mission Service for the Six Nations of Indians. Bibliographical note and short biography of the author, George Morgan Hills, Mar. 25, 1893. 2 pp. ig.4 cm. 64 BEEDE, AARON McGAFFEY (1 859-1 934) Western Sioux Cosmology and Letting Go of the Ghost. 67 pp. 27.8 cm. TS. from original in the North Dakota Historical Museum. 65 BELL, ADAM Incidents at and near Fall Hill — death of Warner Dygert & Nicholas Bell, [1851]. 3 PP- 3°-5 cm. 66 BENEZET, ANTHONY (1 713-1784) To Jonas Thompson, Phil., Dec. 6, 1757. 3 pp. 24.9 cm. Friends' School, Philadelphia. 67 BERMEN de la MARTINIERE, CLAUDE [7 documents] Du Registre des Insinuations du Conseil Sup- perieur de La Nouvelle france estably a quebec . . . Dec. 15, i5 8 5"J une 28 > l l 02 > Quebec, 1726-1753. 68 pp. 36 cm. 5 certified copies, 1 later transcription of part and 1 frag- ment of pay-roll including 2 lines, autograph of de la Martiniere. Concerning noble descent of Claude Bermen de la Martiniere, articles of marriage of Louis de Bermen de la Martiniere. 68 BERNARDUS ALBINGAUNENSIS Explanatio super Gosmographia Ptolemei . . . 1497- 1502. Colo- phons: First MS. Laus Ex divina Magdalena 1506 Die 25 May. Second MS. Hoc exiguum Opus edidit Donus Bernardus Al- bingaunensis Monachus Ceruarie professus: existens in Eremi- tario Divinae Mariae Magdalenae: apud Monte Rubrum: a Genuae Liguriae regionis Urbe primaria: distante Milibus Quinquaginta; Die 18 Juny 1502 Indictione currente. Third MS. Affectiones autem signores et planetares quas astronomi Naturas seu Complexiones dicunt sunt habe (habere) . 154 pp. 31 cm. Astronomical tables from the Cosmography of Ptole- maeus,from Regiomontanus and £acutus. 10 NORTH AMERICA 69 BIENGOURT de POUTRINGOURT, CHARLES de (1590?- 1638?) [Pouvoir donne au Sieur Francois de Vaux d'administrer cer- taines proprietes.] Paris, 1638. 1 P- 35 cm ' D.s. 70 BLACKBURN, GIDEON (1772-1838) To Jedidiah Morse, Maryville, Dec. 17, 1808. 3 pp. 24.5 cm. Progress of civilization among the Cherokees. 71 BLAIR, JOHN D r . The United States In account with John Blair C r . j p. 31.8 cm. D.s. Major Corn's battalion. 72 BLANEY, WILLIAM The Province of ye Massachusetts Bay To W m Blaney, D r . To Bording & tacking Care of Rob*. Bozard from march y e 23 d to July y e 6 th .. . [Roxbury], 1768. / p. 12.1 cm. 73 BLOOD, JAMES A. Diary . . . Peoria, 111. to Sacramento, Cal., Apr. 24-July 20, 1850. jo pp. 20.5 cm. TS. from original in California State Library. 74 BLOUNT, WILLIAM (1 749-1800) 5 letters to David Henley, Knoxville, Oct. 20, Dec. 2, 1794 (warrant and receipt of William Rickard); Dec. 17, Dec. 23, 1795; Feb - T > 1796. 8 pp. Various sizes. 75 To John Lowry, Knoxville, Jan. 28, 1795. 2 pp. 23.2 cm. L.s. On back, receipt to John Lowry from Samuel R. Davidson, Jan. 30, 1795. 1 p. 76 Receipt to Captain Henry, Knoxville, Feb. 15, 1795. 1 p. 16.3 cm. L.s. 77 To Thomas Mitchell, Knoxville, June 11, 1795. 4 PP- 3 2 -6 cm " Copy. 78 To Robert Rhea, Knoxville, Dec. 11, 1795. 2 pp.30. 9 cm. Copy of letter to David Henley, Knoxville, Dec. 23, 1795. 79 To John Pitchlynn, Knoxville, Jan. 4, 1 796. 2 pp. 36.7 cm. NORTH AMERICA II 80 To Ensign Houston, Knoxville, Jan. 16, 1796, enclosing note to Ensign Ashburne. 2 pp. 34.2 cm. 81 To William Rickard, Knoxville, Mar. 28, 1796. j p. 31.8 cm. L.s. Military orders, Tellico Blockhouse, Chickasaw and Choctaw Indians, administration of Indian agency in Northwest. 82 BLUE HORSE (SHUNKAWAKANTO) Ogalala Dakota To E. A. Burbank (through his interpreter Ista Tanka) [1900?]. 3 pp. 26.J cm. Experiences with white man. 83 BOLLAERT, WILLIAM (1807-1876) Notes and memoranda, Jan. 24, 1837-Mar. 31, 1838. 199 pp. 20.1 cm. 84 Private journals, marked II-VI, 1841-1849. 349 PP- Various sizes. 85 Diary, Apr. 20-July 2, 1844. 150 pp. 14.3 cm. 86 Texas in 1842 — by a Traveller. 37 PP- 24.7 cm. 87 Personal Narrative of a Residence & Travels in the Republic of Texas by W.B. During the Years 1840-2 & 3-4. 2 37 PP- Various sizes, some clippings and sketches. 88 [Notes on Texas 1 843-1 844.] From Galveston to Columbus- Austin & journey to San Antonio. 224 pp. Various sizes. 89 Gherokees Memos: to publish For an Article on the Gherokees 1843. 20 pp. Various sizes. Manuscripts and clippings. 90 Notes and view of Galveston Island; notes on Indian slavery in Mexico in 1843, etc. 33 PP- Various sizes. 91 Texas sketches. 38 pencil drawings and charts. Various sizes. 92 Notes for a life of William Kennedy, Dec, 1846, 1849. 9 PP- 3 J -5 cm - 93 Miscellaneous notes concerning Texas. 16 pp. Various sizes. 12 NORTH AMERICA 94 BOND, SAMUEL R. Journal Kept by Samuel R. Bond on Captain Fisk's Expedi- tion of 1862. 242 pp. 27.3 cm. TS from copy in the Minnesota Historical Society from the original owned by the Ipswich Historical Society. 95 BONNELL, GEORGE WILLIAM BonnelPs observations, 1838-9. Copied by W. J. Bollaert, 1844. 24 pp. 25.3 cm. Indian tribes of Texas. 96 BOONE, DANIEL (1734-1820) A deposition relating to lands in Kentucky surveyed by Daniel Boone, Mason Co., Mar. 19, 1799. 1 p. 32.5 cm. 97 BOSTWICK, OLIVER N. To Menard and Valle, Vincennes, Nov. 22, 1823, enclosing letter to Samuel Abbott, Nov. 22, 1823. 3 pp. 30.1 cm. Order of goods. 98 BOURDAS, ALBERT To Edmond Le Netzel, Plouer, Oct. 27, 1858. 2 pp. 21 cm. Voyage on the Heros. 99 To M. Wazon, St. Malo, Mar. 21, 1864. 3 pp. 20.8 cm. Death of Le Netzel. 100 [BOWLES, WILLIAM AUGUSTUS] (1763-1805) Draft of a letter to , Wekiva, Oct. 31, 1799. 8 pp. 21. J cm. Photostat from the original in AGI, Papeles de Cuba, Leg. i8y. Creeks and their lands in the Gulf States, Spanish and British relations with Indians and treaty results. 101 BOYD, GEORGE License to Augustin Grignon to trade with the Indians, Green Bay, Oct. 2, 1836. 1 p. 33.1 cm. 102 BRACKENRIDGE, HENRY MARIE (1786-1871) To Richard Smith, Cincinnati, Apr. 30, 1831. 2 pp. 24.8 cm. Pay-roll. 103 BRADDOCK, EDWARD (1695-1755) Orderly books, Feb. 26-June 11, 1755, and June 12-June 17, 1755. "A copy in typewriting, page for page, from the original NORTH AMERICA 13 manuscript in the early handwriting of George Washington made when the stolen original was in my possession. W. E. Benjamin." 128 pp. 27.5 cm. 104 BRADSTREET, JOHN (i7ii?-i774) Instructions to Cap*. Howard of his Majesty's Seventeenth Regiment Foot [in relation to taking possession of Fort Mich- ilimackinac] . Detroit, Aug. 31, 1764. 2 pp. 32 cm. 105 BRAINERD, JOHN (1720-1781) 2 letters to Eleazar Wheelock, Eggharbour, June 23, 1767, Princeton, Apr. 22, 1774. 6 pp. 22.5 cm. Indian missions and treaty to be negotiated with Indi- ans by Sir William Johnson. 106 BRANT, JOSEPH (THAYENDANEGEA) (1742-1807) Memorandum of several things wished by the Mohocks that Sir John should be acquainted by Major Scott, Quebec, Nov. 6, 1784. 2 pp. 22.3 cm. 107 To Thomas Morris, Niagara, Oct. 3, 1797. 2 pp. 33 cm. Congratulations on treaty recently concluded. 108 BREZfi, ARMAND de MAILLfi, marquis de Concession accordee au Sieur Claude Rousseau et ses associes de faire la peche a la Nouvelle Zemble, Groeland, Spitzberg, Grand Baye et Detroit d'Anian. Paris, Aug. 4, 1644. 1 p. 5g.$ cm. Parchment. 109 BRIEFE DEUTSCHER AUSWANDERER aus Nord-Amerika, 1 833-1 834. 287 pp. 20. y cm. Includes excerpts from James Stuart's Three Years in North America, Lond. 1833. no BRODHEAD, JOHN ROMEYN (1814-1873) To Thomas Aspinwall, Lond., Feb. 29, 1848. / p. 22.8 cm. Introducing H. Douglas. in BROOKS, ALDEN R. (1840-1932) Grand trip across the plains, 1859; Reason for the trip. 5/ pp. 1 8. 1 cm. 14 NORTH AMERICA 112 BROWN, ALEXANDER (i 843-1 906) To E. E. Ayer, Norwood, Jan. 5, 1891. 2 pp. 22.8 cm. The Genesis of the United States. 113 BROWN, J. ROBERT Journal of a trip across the plains of the U. S. from Mo. to CaL, Apr. 29-Oct. 6, 1856. 136 pp. ig.3 cm. Photostat from the original in private ownership. 114 BROWN, THOMAS To Lord George Germaine, Savannah, Apr. 6, 1782. 7 PP- 3 2 -7 cm - disposition of Southern Indians toward Americans and Spanish. 115 To G. W. Campbell, Kingston, Tenn., Dec. 25, 181 3. 3 PP- 33-7 cm ' Volunteers returned from Creek war, prisoners taken, need for draft of 2,500 men, etc. 116 BROWNING, WILLIAM To Sir William Johnston [sic], Niagara, Apr. 30, 1764. 1 P- 3 2 -3 cm - Pontiac's war. 117 BRUIN, PETER BRYAN and WOOLLEY, MELLING Certified copy of a bond given to Hooe and Harrison for the sum of £195 current money of Virginia, Sep. 15, 1787. En- dorsements by J. Philip Marsteller and others, Jan. 13, 1792. 2 pp. 62.J cm. 118 BRUNET, JEAN BAPTISTE and GRIGNON, CATHERINE Extrait de 1 original du contrat du mariage du Sieur Brunet, May 30, 1789. 4 pp. 22.6 cm. 119 [BUCKNER, WASHINGTON P.] [Account of a voyage on the ship Constitution, leaving New York May 30, 1844, and arriving at Manila Bay Sep. 12, 1845.] 188 pp. i8.y cm. Voyage around the world by way of Cape of Good Hope. 120 BURBANK, ELBRIDGE AYER (1858-) 346 letters to E. E. Ayer, Mar. 12, 1897-Sep. 8, 1909, June 21- July 21, 1 9 14, from various Indian villages of the West and Southwest. 1,505 pp. ^Various sizes. Experiences drawing portraits of Indians. NORTH AMERICA 15 121 [BURBEGK, HENRY] (1754-1848) Draft of address to the Indians, [Mackinac, Aug., 1797]. 2 PP- 3 2 -5 c m - 122 Speech to Indians at council called at Mackinac, Oct., 1799. 2 PP- 32-5 cm - 123 BURCH, JOHN CHILTON (1826-1885) Missouri to California in 1850. 58 pp. 2J.5 cm. TS. from the original owned by the Association of Territorial Pioneers of California. 124 BURR, AARON (1756-1836) Burr papers, 1 806-1 81 6. 549 PP- 33-5 cm " Photostats from originals in the Library of Congress. Handbook of manuscripts in the Library of Congress, p. 52. 125 BURRALL, GEORGE P. A trip across the plains in 1849. 33 PP- 27 >6 cm. TS. from the original in private ownership. 126 BURTIN, NICOLAS VICTOR (b. 1828) To J. C. Pilling, Caughnawaga, Apr. 12, 1892. 4 pp. 20.4 cm. Father MainvilWs Iroquois hymn-book. 127 BUTLER, DAVID To John Tayler, N. Y., Mar. 17, 1818. 3 pp. 31.8 cm. Mary Doxtater, Indian. 128 BUTLER, JAMES DAVIE (b. 1815) To J. C. Pilling, Madison, Oct. 3, 1894. 1 p. 21.3 cm. Eliot Bible. 129 BUTLER, JOHN (1728-1796) Barnabis Cain v. Arent Van Pattin. Special bail. Tryon Co., court of common pleas, Sep. 12, 1774. / p. ig.5 cm. 130 CADILLAC, ANTOINE de la MOTHE (c. 1656-1730) Relation du Sieur De lamotte Cadillac capitaine en pied, aiant une compagnie de la Marine en Canada, cy deuant comman- dant De Missilimakinak et autres postes filoignees ou il a ete pendant trois annees . . . 1718. 112 pp. 14$ cm. Printed in Margry, Pierre, Decouvertes et Etablis- sements . . . Paris, 1876-86, v. 5, pp. 75-132. l6 NORTH AMERICA 131 CAMPBELL, JOHN (1840-1904) To J. G. Pilling, Montreal, Oct. 6, 1892. 2 pp. 18.1 cm. The affiliations of the Algonquin languages. 132 CANADA— GOVERNOR, 1636-1648 (CHARLES JACQUES HUALT de MONTMAGNY) Acte de la prise de possession de l'lsle d' Orleans pres de Que- bec, par le Gouverneur de la Nouvelle France, Quebec, 1638. 2 pp. 30.8 cm. 133 CANADA— GOVERNOR, 1685-1689 (JACQUES REN£ de BRISAY, marquis de DENONVILLE) Copie de L'ordonnance de M Le marquis de Denonuille pour courir sus Les Anglois, deserteurs frangois et autres qui uont en traitte sans conge. Quebec, Feb. 28, 1686. 3 pp. 37 cm. 134 6 letters to M. Arnaut, Quebec, May 8, May 8, Oct. 28, Nov. 10, Nov. 10, Nov. 14, 1686. 23 pp. Various sizes. Colonists, supplies from France, military pro- tection vs. English. 135 CANTO, ERNESTO do To Henry Harrisse, He St. Michel, Mar. 22, 1884. 4 pp. 20.1 cm. Introducing B. G. Haliburton. 136 CARPENTER, mrs. HELEN (McCOWEN) (1838-1917) Diary, May 2 7- Oct. 22, 1856; excerpt from the diary of George McCowen under date of June i6th-Oct. 22. go pp. 32.8 cm. TS. from original owned by author. 137 [CARPENTER, WILLIAM OSCAR] (b. 1823) A California pioneer of the fifties. [1850-1855.] 36 pp. 2J.6 cm. TS. Selections from letters with notes compiled by Frederic Ives Carpenter. 138 CARRUTH, E. H. and MARTIN, H. W. Report of E. H. Carruth and H. W. Martin to William G. Coffin, Camp on Grand River, July 19, 1862. 6 pp. 24.8 cm. Treaty, Aug., 1861, of Cherokees with the Confederacy, claims from the United States Government, allegiance during Civil War. Printed in U.S. Office of Indian affairs, Report of the Com- missioner, 1862, pp. 302-304. NORTH AMERICA 17 139 CARSON, CHRISTOPHER (1 809-1 868) [Autobiography dictated to Dewitt C. Peters, at Taos, New Mexico, 1 858- 1 859.] 99 PP- 3°-3 cm - Printed at Taos, 1926; Chicago, 1935. 140 Note of certification that Dewitt C. Peters only person author- ized to write life, Taos, Nov. 3, 1858. jr p. 25.2 cm. 141 CARVER, JONATHAN (1 710-1780) Historische en Aardrijks-kundige Aantekening op Noord- America, Die nende tot voorafgaand onderrigt voor de Reize van Carver door J. B. J. Breton. I 73 PP- 2I cm - Partially paraphrased in translation. 142 Journals of the travels of Jonathan Carver in the year 1766 and 1767. 118 pp., maps. 30.2 cm. Photostat from manuscript in BM, Add. 8949. 143 [Journals of the travels of Jonathan Carver 1766 and 1767.] g2 pp., maps, illus. 32.4 cm. Photostat from manuscript in BM, Add. 8950. Printed in revised form, Carver, J., Travels through the in- terior parts of North America . . . 1766, 1767, and 1768. Lond., ijj8, and later editions. 144 CASTRO, HENRY and EMMENECKER, JOSEPH Contract between Henry Castro and Joseph Emmenecker for concession of land in Texas, in accordance with laws of the Republic of Texas of Feb. 4, 1841 and Feb. 5, 1842. Paris, Sep. 21, 1843. 3 PP- 3 6 -9 cm - D -s- 145 CATALDO, JOSEPH M. To J. C. Pilling, Miles City, Mont., Nov. 26, 1891. 2 pp. 20.3 cm. Information about Antonio Morvillo. 146 CATLIN, GEORGE (1796-1872) To W. L. Stone, Utica, Jan. 7, 1827. / p. 25.2 cm. Commission probably for a painting. 147 To , [1840?]. / p. 18.4 cm. Album for sale at £30. 148 To Benjamin Silliman, Lond., Oct. 20, 1841. 6 pp. 22.9 cm. Defending his book on Indians. l8 NORTH AMERICA 149 To Professor Harper, [1870]. 6 pp. 24.5 cm. Inquiries relative to Piegan massacre. 1 50 An account of an annual religious ceremony practised by the Mandan tribe of North American Indians. [Lond., 1865.] 42 pp. 20.1 cm. Copy. 151 CAVELIER, JEAN Copie Du journal de voyage Du Sieur Cauelier pretre frere de mons r De La Salle, Lesquels entreprirent tous les deux par mer La decouverte du fleuve Missisipi L an 1684; 2 letters of Armand Louis Lahontan, Lisbon, Sep. 1, Sep. 7, 1699. 4J pp. 21.6 cm. Photostat of original in AGI. In the handwriting of Baron de Lahontan. 152 CAYUGA NATION Supreme Court In the matter of the application of the People of the State of New York, on relation of the Cayuga Nation of Indians, resident in the State of New York, of David Warrior, Elon Eels, and Ernest Spring, Chiefs and members of the Cayuga Nation of Indians, and of Adelburt Mort for a man- damus against the Commissioners of the Land Office, [191 1]. 21 pp. 23.4 cm. TS. 153 CHAMBERLIN, AMORY NELSON 2 letters to J. C. Pilling, Vinita, I. T., Mar. 6, 1890, Keys, I. T., Feb. 19, 1894 (appended to son's letter, A. F. Chamber- lin to J. C. Pilling, Keys, Ind. T., Dec. 15, 1893). 6 pp. 25 cm. Cherokee pictorial book and need for more books in the Cherokee language. 154 CHASTELLUX, FRANQOIS JEAN, marquis de (1734-1788) Voyage de Williamsburg en Virginie Amerique Septentrionale A Charlotte-ville, Natural Bridge, Petersburg, Richemond &c. 1782. 155 pp. 21.6 cm. 155 CHEROKEE DELEGATION To George Graham, requesting that Gideon Morgan, Jr. may by military force be put in possession of certain reserves leased to him for 20 years, Wash., Mar. 22, 181 6. / p. 25.4 cm. Copy. NORTH AMERICA ig 156 To Luke Lea, Wash., June 17, 1852. 2 pp. 24.g cm. Land-treaties 1835 and 1846. 157 CHEROKEE NATION A Talk from the Head Men Warriers of the Cherokey Nation at a meeting held at Ustinare . . . 20th November, 1788. Addressed to the Honorable Richard Winn, Esquire ... in answer to a talk sent by him dated the 12th Octo r ., 1788. 3 PP- 38 - 2 cm * Restoration of hunting grounds. 158 CHOUTEAU, AUGUSTE PIERRE (1786-1838) Invoice of Merchandise taken by A. P. Chouteau to be traded with the several nations of the Osages and other Indians re- siding on the Osage and Arkansaw Rivers and Dependencies, St. Louis, July 23, 1823. 5 pp. 41.8 cm. 159 CHOUTEAU, PIERRE, jr. (1 789-1865) To H. Moore, St. Louis, Apr. 5, 1833. 1 p. 24.6 cm. Introducing Baron de Braunsbergh. 160 To C. P. Chouteau, N. Y., May 4, 1852. 2 pp. 2J.1 cm. Accounts, fur shipments, conditions of business in New York office. 161 CHURCH, BENJAMIN (1639-1718) Proclamation to soldiers concerning scalping, prisoners, plun- der and rewards, Boston, July 14, 1696. / p. 1 1. j cm. 162 CLAPP, DANIEL [Journal during Sullivan's expedition] Mar. 30-Sep. 16, 1779. jo pp. 14.5 cm. 5/ pp. of journal, ig pp. later accounts and notes. 163 CLARK, DANIEL To Cohen Isaacs & Mordecai, Richmond, Mar. 4, 1783. / p. 12.J cm. Order for payment to Robert Lawson. 164 To Moses Tandy, Richmond, Aug. 1, 1783. 3 PP- 33- 2 cm " Shipping on Fortitude and Pluto. 165 To M r Isaacs, [Phil.], Dec. 26, 1783. / p. 22.5 cm. Remittance of £500. 166 To John Fitzgerald, Richmond, Feb. 17, 1784. 1 p. 22.6 cm. Acknowledgment of tobacco notes. 20 NORTH AMERICA 167 CLARK, GEORGE M. To J. C. Pilling, Lond., May 26, 1892. 4 pp. 20.2 cm. Bible translations into Tukudh and Slave. 168 CLARK, JOHN H. A trip across the plains in 1852, Apr. 22-Sep. 5. 73 PP- 2 4-5 cm " TS. from original owned by California State Library. 169 CLARK, STERLING BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1825-1852) Diary, Mar. 11-Sep. 1, 1849. 11 p. 27.3 cm. TS. Overland journey. 170 CLARK, WILLIAM (1770-1838) 2 letters to Josiah Snelling, St. Louis, Sep. 7, 1823; Mar. 10, 1825. 4 pp. 25.3 cm. L.s. Whiskey for Indian trade; Indian murder at Lake Pepin. 171 To H. Atkinson, St. Louis, Mar. 25, 1833. 1 p. 25 cm. L.s. Introducing Mr. Braunsbergh. 172 License to Messrs. Pratte, Chouteau and Co. to trade with Indians on Upper Missouri, St. Louis, Apr. 22, 1836. 1 p. 42.2 cm. D.s. 173 Instructions to M r Turcotte to deliver messages to the Sauks and Foxes and other Indians in regard to the holding of a treaty. Signed, William Clark, Ninian Edwards and August Chouteau, St. Louis, May 16, 181 5. 2 pp. 32.8 cm. D.s. 174 CLAUS, DANIEL (1727-1787) To Sir William Johnson, Montreal, Mar. 19, 1761. 4 pp. 30.7 cm. Army affairs, Indians and reprinting of prayer-book and catechisms in Mohawk. 175 COALTER, GEORGE To G. W. Campbell, Fayetteville, Tenn., July 2, 1814. 3 PP- 2 5-7 cm " Report on Campbell's lands in Giles, Lincoln, Bedford and Franklin. 176 COCHRANE, GAVIN Treatise on the Indians of North America Written in the Year 1764. 1 j pp. 36.5 cm. Copy. Addressed to George III. NORTH AMERICA 21 177 COLBERT, JEAN BAPTISTE (1619-1683) To , Seaux, July 29, 1683. 2 pp. 33 cm. L.s. Defence of Canada from Iroquois. 178 COLDEN, GADWALLADER (1688-1776) To Peter Collinson, N.Y., Apr. 23, 1756. 4 PP- 3°-9 cm - Attitude of British, lack of martial spirit in colonies, Franklin's activities. 179 COLORADO (TERR.)— GOVERNOR, 1869-1873 (EDWARD MOODY McGOOK) To E. S. Parker, Denver, Nov. 4, 1870. 2 pp. 26.7 cm. Gratitude at being relieved of Indian duties. 180 COLVIG, WILLIAM M. (b. 1845) "The Covered Wagon." Address Delivered ... at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Oregon Pioneers, Jacksonville, Ore- gon, Sep. 1, 1898. [Medford, Or., 1898.] 28 pp. 2J.2 cm. TS. signed by author. 181 COMPANY FOR PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL IN NEW ENGLAND Circular letter of commissioners to Josiah Cotton concerning the Indian missions, Boston, Feb. 10, 171 2/13. 2 pp. 30.8 cm. 182 CONNECTICUT (COLONY)— GOVERNOR, 1708-1724 (GURDON SALTONSTALL) Commission to John Williams as captain in a foot company, Hartford, July 9, 1724. 1 p. 31 cm. D.s. 183 CONVERSE, S. To Henry Stephenson, Lond., July 8, 1843. 4 PP' 2 5-5 cm - Texan Land Company. 184 COPWAY, GEORGE (i8i8?-i863) To Mr. Pohlman, Albany, Apr. 3, 1847. 2 pp. 32. 5 cm. Assistance to Indians for education. 185 To , [N. Y., 1850]. / p. 25 cm. Meeting for the cause of the Indians. 186 To J. W. Thornton, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1851. 1 p. 24.J cm. Lecture on European peace congress. 22 NORTH AMERICA 187 To R. Vaux, Phil., Mar. 26, 1858. 1 p. 25 cm. Arrangements for public meeting. 188 CORAM, THOMAS (1668-1751) To Honorable Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians in New England, Lond., June 17, 1745. 2 pp. 30.6 cm. Indians in New England. 189 COSHER, THOMAS The Publick to Thos. Cosher, 1755 D r . j p. 10.2 cm. Combs for Cherokee Indians. 190 [COX, CORNELIUS C] Notes and Memoranda of an overland trip from Texas to Cali- fornia in the year 1849. 75 PP- 3° cm - Photostat from the original at the University of Texas. 191 CRAWFORD, MAZIE To W. M. Camp, Feb. 18, 191 6. 1 p. 21. 1 cm. TS. Nez Perces dictionary and Spalding translation of Matthew. 192 CREEK NATION Proclamation that Malatchi Opiya Mico be Prince of Creek nation and transact all affairs of the Creek nation, Frederica in Georgia, Dec. 14, 1747. 2 pp. 45.6 cm. 193 CRESAP, MARY To J. B. Howard, [1785?]. 3 pp. 24.9 cm. Personal investments. 194 CRISP, BENJAMIN Deposition in regard to the Squaw Sachem's land. Attested upon oath 7- (8), 1656. 1 p. 13.5 cm. 195 CROGHAN, GEORGE (d. 1782) To Sir William Johnson, Fort Pitt, Mar. 12, 1763. 3 pp. 23.2 cm. 196 To Thomas Gage, Fort Pitt, June 17, 1766. 2 pp. 32.8 cm. Copy. 197 To Thomas Wharton, New London, June 22, 1768. 2 PP- 3°-5 cm - NORTH AMERICA 23 198 To Major Funda, June 6, 1769. / p. 11. 3 cm. Printed in Papers of Sir William Johnson, Albany, 1924, IV, pp. 62-63. 199 To David Franks, Fort Pitt, Dec. 25, 1770. 2 pp. 23.1 cm. Western lands, survey by Mr. Hutchins, Indians on frontier, Cherokees, Creeks, Six Nations and Shawanese. 200 CROGHAN, WILLIAM (1752-1822) Order on the Bank of the United States to pay William Davies 40 dollars and 66 cents, Dec. 16, 1791. 1 p. 13.4 cm. 201 CROOKS, RAMSAY (1787-1859) 3 letters to Samuel Abbott, N. Y., May 11, Michilimackinac, Sep. 2, Sep. 3, 1822, enclosing note from Robert Stuart. 8 pp. Various sizes. 202 To James Kennerley, St. Louis, June 29, 1822, enclosing cal- culation of the Factory Skins, June 25. 2 pp. 25.2 cm. 203 To Augustin Grignon, Mackinac, Aug. 12, 1836. / p. 24.7 cm. Patent for land in Yarmouth, Upper Canada, supplies for Indian trade, purchase of Mississippi and Missouri skins, shipments of furs to New Orleans. 204 CUMING, sir ALEXANDER (c. 1 690-1 775) [Georgia and the Cherokees], 1755. 56 pp. 19.6 cm. Letters and memoranda concerning his Cherokee scheme, presenting his claims as former "King of the Cherokees." 205 CUNKAPOT, CAPTAIN To Nehemiah Bull, Housatunuck, Feb. 5, 1734/5. 1 p. 25.6 cm. Sickness among the Indians. 206 CUOQ,JEAN ANDRfi (1821-1898) 4 letters to J. C. Pilling, Montreal, Apr. 22, Oct. 13, 1879; Oka, Nov. 7, 1894; Oct. 15, 18-. 6 pp. 1 8.1 cm. Linguistics, Iroquois. 207 CUSICK, JAMES N. Account of a conference in Washington relative to the removal west of Iroquois Indians, Utica, Sep. 24, 1845. 3PP-3 I -3M- 24 NORTH AMERICA 208 CUSTER, GEORGE ARMSTRONG (1839-1876) Report of the Resolutions of the Officers of the 7th U.S. Cav- alry, Dec. 4, 1 868, upon the death of Captain Louis M. Hamil- ton. Signed by G. A. Custer, President. 3 pp. 20.3 cm. D.s. 209 [DABLON, CLAUDE] (1618-1697) [Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plvs remarqvable avx mis- sions des peres de la Compagnie de Iesus en la Novvelle France es les annees 1676 & 1677.] 63 PP- 22 - 2 cm " Copy. Printed in The Jesuit relations, ed. by R. G. Thwaites, Cleveland, igoo. v. 60, pp. IJ2-309. 210 DADE, CAPTAIN Despatch concerning the massacre of Captain Dade and his men. Fort Drane, East Florida, Jan. 22, 1836. 1 p. 26.1 cm. 211 DART, BENJAMIN Order for provisions at public expense for two Indians . . . Charlestown, Jan. 13, 1755. 1 p. 7 cm. 212 DART, JOHN Jan. 1, 1 740/ 1 ... six Indian horses eight days at Twelve Shillings and Six Pence for Week . . . j p. 20 cm. 213 The publick of South Carolina to John Dart, supplies . . . 1742. 3 pp. 29.2 cm. 214 DATI, LEONARDO (d. 1425) supposed author [La sfera, libri quattro in octtava rima, scritti nel secolo XIV.] 48 pp. 2J cm. Parchment. Early ijth century copy. 215 DAVENPORT, GEORGE (1783-1845) To O. N. Bostwick, Rock Island, Sep. 9, 1824. 2 pp. 31.9 cm. War party of the Sac and Fox and Sioux Indians. 216 To Russell Farnham, Rock Island, Nov. 19, 1826. 2 pp. 32.1 cm. Indian fur trade on Rock River. 217 To Messrs. Pratte, Chouteau & Co., Rock Island, Nov. 22, 1834. 2 pp. 24.1 cm. Indian fur trade, difficulties between Fox and Me- nominee tribes. NORTH AMERICA 25 218 DAVIDSON, GEORGE (1825-1911) The discovery of Humboldt Bay . . . // pp., maps in photostat. 2J.8 cm. TS. 219 DAVIES, G. and COMPANY To J. C. Pilling, Seattle, Dec. 5, 1891. 1 p. 21.4 cm. Chinook jargon by T. W. Prosch. 220 DAVIS, JEFFERSON (1808-1889) To Robert McClellan[d] (?), Apr. 30, 1853. / p. 25.2 cm. Policy in relation to Texas Indians. 221 DEAN, JAMES (1748-1823) To Stephen Williams, Dartmouth College, Nov. 12, 1774. 2 pp. 20.g cm. Missionary work among Canadian Indians. 222 DECKER, GEORGE P. To Sampson, Rochester, Feb. 28, 1906. 1 p. 2J.J cm. Cayugas. 223 To Charles Van Voorhis, Albany, Feb. 26, 1907. 2 pp. 25.5 cm. TS. 224 DEED. 1656 (MAINE) Deed of land on Pascataqua River, from Bryan Pendleton, Richard Waldron, and John Seeley, agents for the Widow Wootten to Richard Tucker, Jan. 20, 1656. 1 p. 26.J cm. 225 DEED. 1714 (RHODE ISLAND) Deed of land in Squamonitt from John and James Mosher to William Champlin of Westerly, Rhode Island, June 2, 1714. / p. 31.2 cm. 226 DEED. 1721/22 (CONNECTICUT) Deed of land in Ridgefield from Nathan Saintjohn to the pro- prietors of Ridgefield, Feb. 17, 1721/22. / p. 33 cm. 227 DEED. 1795 (CONNECTICUT) Deed for land from Ebenezer Barnard, Jr. and Enoch Perkins, of Hartford, in the county of Hartford and State of Connecticut to Nathan Elliot and James K. Garnsey, for the consideration of $26,437.25 . . . 9,613^ acres . . . Dec. 31, 1795. 2 pp. 76.4 x 68.5 cm. Parchment. 26 NORTH AMERICA 228 DEED. 1828 (GEORGIA) Deed of land in Lee County, acquired by treaty from the Greek Nation of Indians, from John Forsyth, Governor, to Michael Hansome, Jan. 15, 1828. 2 pp. 26.4 cm. 229 DEED. 1833 (GEORGIA) Deed of land in Muscogee County, acquired by treaty from the Creek Nation by Treaty of Feb. 1 2, 1825, from Wilson Lumpkin, Governor, to Memory Walker, Mar. 13, 1833. 2 pp. 25 cm. 230 DELACROIX de CONSTANT, CHARLES (1 740-1805) To L. J. F. Truquet, Paris, Feb. 28, 1796. 1 p. ig.2 cm. Propositions of Creeks for alliance with France. 231 DELAVILLEBEUVRE, JEAN Journal du voyage faite par Ordre de M r . Le Gouverneur a la Nation Chaktas . . . Sep. 24- Nov. 24, 1787. 1 J pp. Various sizes. Photostat from original in AGI Papeles de Cuba, Leg. 200. 232 DELLENBAUGH, FREDERICK SAMUEL (1853-1935) To E. E. Ayer, N. Y., Dec. 14, 191 5. 5 pp. 21.6 cm. Benavides 9 Memorial. 233 DENISON, DANIEL (1613-1682) Instructions for Capt. William Hathorne, Comande r in cheife of the forces now Employed to the Eastward, Ipswich, Aug. 29, 1676. 2 pp. 31.4 cm. 234 DENNEY, LOUIS: and others Petition of Louis Denney, Louis Denney, Jr., Martin Denney and Jonathan Denney, Oneida Indians, to the Legislature of New York, to retain 640 Acres of land to be divided equally among them. Genessee Road, Mar. 13, 1802. 3 pp. 31.8 cm. 235 DE PEYSTER, ARENT SCHUYLER (1737-1822) Instructions to Charles Michel de Langlade and to Gautier de Vierville, Fort Michilimackinac, Oct. 26, 1778. 3 PP- 35-9 cm - Rebels in Illinois country. NORTH AMERICA 27 236 Order that all traders send canoes for the service of the king. Michilimackinac, May 10, 1778. / p. 23.1 cm. 237 DEWOLF, DAVID (1822-1862) Diary of the overland trail, 1849, and letters, 1849-50. 66 pp. 32.5 cm. TS.from original in private ownership. 238 DIBB, WILLIAM DENTON Diaries of Dr. William Denton Dibb on Captain Fisk's Expe- ditions of 1862, 1863, and 1864 across the Plains . . . 104 pp. 2 7- T cm - TS.from photostat owned by the Minn. Hist. Soc. 239 DICK, JOHN To Lewis Gordon, Wyoming, Aug. 1, 1771. 2 pp. 18.3 cm. Pennsylvania and Connecticut men in Wyoming Valley. 240 DILLON, H. C. Mexican rule in California, 1824-48. Paper read before the Badger Club, Los Angeles, Mar. 3, 1909. 13 pp. 21.4 cm. TS. 241 DINSMOOR, SILAS 5 certificates; delivery of a rifle to Creek interpreter, Knoxville, Oct. 27, delivery of powder and lead to the Cherokees, Fort Tellico, Oct. 29, 1795, employment of John Woods as black- smith and armourer to the Cherokees, Apr. 30, employment of John Woods . . . Sep. 30, employment of masons' tenders, Antonio and Praspapa, on the blockhouse, Nov. 22, 1796. 5 pp. Various sizes. 242 Report respecting the Goods of the Yearly Stipend of the Cherokees for the proposed conference with the Cherokee Indians agreeably to the directions of Alexander Hamilton, Esq. . . . Aug. 28, 1793. A Schedule of Indian goods at the public Magazine at Knoxville taken the 19th day of March, 1794. Invoice of sundries furnished by Tench Francis. 4 pp. 34.4 cm. 243 4 letters to David Henley, Eustinahli, Mar. 18, July 8, Sep. 2, Fort Tellico, Oct. 29, 1795. 8 pp. Various sizes. Relation of whites with Cherokees and Creeks, whiskey trade with Indians. 28 NORTH AMERICA 244 DIONNE, NARCISSE EUTROPE (1848-1917) To Justin Winsor, Quebec, Nov. 9, 1889. 2 pp. 25.2 cm. Jacques Gartier. 245 DIXON, JOSEPH KOSSUTH To E. E. Ayer, Phil., Feb. n, 1914. 2 pp. 26.3 cm. L.s. Lecture The farewell of the chiefs. 246 DOHERTY, DAVID JESSUP To , Chicago, Jan. 23, 1904, enclosing his copy of the first recorded marriage in Kaskaskia, the contracting parties, John Baptist St. Gene and Mary Louisa La Croix, May 20, 1725. 2 pp. 25.3 cm. 247 DOMBOURG, JEAN FRANgOIS BOURDON, sieur de (1602-1668) Aveu et denombrement du fief et seigneurie de Dombourg, Quebec, Oct. 8, 1668. ig pp. 30 cm. D.s. 248 DORSEY, JAMES OWEN (1848-1895) To J. C. Pilling, Wash., Apr. 3, 1894. / p. 20.4 cm. L.s. Omaha hymns. 249 DOTY, JAMES DUANE (1799-1865) To Jacques Porlier, Jr., Astor, Feb. 26, 1836. 1 p. 20.1 cm. 250 DOXTATER, MARY Note for six dollars to John Tayler, Albany, Mar. 5, 1823. / p. ig.y cm. 251 DRAKE, SAMUEL GARDNER (1798-1875) To C. W. Squires, Boston, Aug. 21, 1873. / p. ig cm. 252 Indian incidents . . . 1873. 25 pp. 21.4 cm. Extracts from letters and periodicals, concerning cap- tivity of Massy Herbeson, expedition of John Doughty to the Choctaw nation, Creeks in Georgia, letter of A. McGillivray to E. Telfair, etc. 253 DRAPER, LYMAN COPELAND (1815-1891) Copy of John Sevier's letter to Amos Stoddard, Knoxville, Oct. 9, 1 810. 3 PP- 3 2 cm - S ent to Brantz Mayer, concerning Welsh Indians. NORTH AMERICA 29 254 To Brantz Mayer, Rose- Hill, near Baltimore, Dec. 30, 1845, enclosing copy of letter from G. S. Rafinesque to Caleb At- water, Rose- Hill, Dec. 30, 1845. 7 pp. 32 cm. Indian antiquities. 255 DRAYTON, WILLIAM HENRY (1742-1779) A talk from the Honourable Will m . H. Drayton Esq 1 "., one of the Beloved Men of South Carolina To the Beloved Men, Head Men and Warriors of The Cherokee Nation At the Congarees, Sep. 25, 1775. 9 PP- 33 cm- 256 DUANE, JAMES (1733-1797) To George Clinton, Phil., June 30, 1779. 2 pp. 30. y cm. Importance of choice of Indian agents. 257 [DUMONTdit MONTIGNY, JEAN BENJAMIN FRANgOIS] Memoire De Lxx Dxx Officier Ingenieur, Contenant Les Evenemens qui se sont passes a la Louisiane depuis 1715 jusqu'a present [1747] ainsi que ses remarques sur les moeurs, usages et forces des diverses nations de L'Amerique Septen- trionale et de ses productions. 455 PP--) maps, drawings. 25.4 cm. Printed in paraphrase in Dumont de Montigny, Memoires historiques sur la Louisiane . . . ed. by J. B. Le Mascrier, Paris, 1753. 2 v. 258 DUNCAN, WILLIAM (b. 1832) 2 letters to E. E. Ayer, On Board Steamer Ancon, Jan. 25, 1889; Metlakahtla, Alaska, Apr. 29, 1890. g pp. 24.8 cm. Affairs at Metlakahtla. 259 DUNN, JACOB PIATT 2 letters to E. E. Ayer, Indianapolis, Feb. 7, Feb. 12, 191 3. 9 PP- 2 5- 2 cm - Peoria-French dictionary attributed to Father Le Boul- anger. 260 DU PONCEAU, PIERRE fiTIENNE (1760-1844) To Lewis Le Couteulx, Phil., Feb. 27, 1803. 2 pp. 25.4 cm. Advice on indemnity from British for imprisonment. 261 DURIEU, PAUL (1830-1899) To J. C. Pilling, New Westminster, B. C, July 2, 1892. 2 pp. 16.J cm. Chinook vocabulary by Father Lejeune. 30 NORTH AMERICA 262 DU RU, PAUL (1666-1741) Journal D'un Voyage fait avec Mr. d' Iberville de la Rade de Bilocchis dans le haut de Mississipi avec un detail de tout ce qui s est fait depuis ce temps jusquau depart du vaisseau par Le R. P. Du Ru Jesuite. Feb. i-May 8, 1700. 122 pp. 32.7 cm. Translation published by the Caxton Club, 1934. 263 EAMES, WILBERFORGE (1855-) 2 letters to J. C. Pilling, N. Y., Nov. 12, 1890; Jan. 10, 1892. 5 pp. 20.2 cm. Potawatomi manuscript by Robert Simerwell and the New Testament in Tukudh. 264 To , N. Y., Dec. 22, 1890. 2 pp. 13.6 cm. Advisability of publishing Pote's journal. 265 To W. F. Poole, N. Y., Apr. 5, 1892. / p. 20.J cm. Acknowledgment of broadside of Laguna alphabet. 266 EATON, WILLIAM (1764-1811) To Stephen Jacob, Camp near Fort Washington, June 24, 1 793. 3 pp. 33. 5 cm. British and Indians on frontier. 267 EDDY, THOMAS (1758-1827) Diary of one of the commissioners, appointed to examine the internal navigation of the westerly parts of New York, N. Y., June 30-July 16, 181 o. 133 PP- J 7-4 cm > 268 EDGAR, MATILDA To J. C. Pilling, Toronto, Jan. 5, 1891. 4 pp. iy.y cm. Sending Shawanese vocabulary. 269 EDWARDS, HENRY The memorial of Capt. Edwards of Newfoundland to Coll. [Samuel] Vetch, [1709]. 2 pp. 23.J cm. Petition for commission and a sloop. 270 EELLS, WALTER CROSBY Number systems of the North American Indians . . . Chicago, 1911. 1J4 pp. 2J.8 cm. TS. 271 EGGIN, FLORENCE and HARDING, GODFREY The following is A true Relation of ye long sufferings of Godfrey Harding and Florence Eggin and two others being taken NORTH AMERICA 31 Prisoners by the French in 1739/40 theire maner of being taken the Usage they Recei d . and thier Long confinement . . . Prison Royall in Brest, Dec. 25, 1746. 4 pp. 31.4 cm. 272 ELLFRYTH or ELFRID, DANIEL Allfryth's account of the Cariba Islands. 1607. To the Right Honorable Companye of Adventurers of the Cittye of West- minster for the Island of Providence . . . 39 PP- T 9-3 cm. 273 ELLICOTT, GEORGE and HOPKINS, GERARD T. [A visit to the Delaware, Miami and Eel River Indians, Sep. 23, 1802-May 27, 1803.] 1 j pp. 2J.8 cm. TS. from the original in the Friends' Historical Li- brary, Swarthmore. 274 ELY, WILLIAM DAVIS To J. C. Pilling, Providence, Dec. 12, 1892. 1 p. 17.5 cm. Work on Algonquian languages. 275 ENOS, JAMES E. Recollections of the plains. 12 pp. 24.5 cm. TS. Overland journey from Omaha to Sacramento, May 12-Sep. 7, 1855. 276 AN ESSAY Evenly Discussing the Present Condition and Interest of Barbadoes. And considerations for y e Rendring Peaceable to itselfe and usefull to this common Wealth without the Hazard 6 y e Charge of sending a ffleet to reduce it. [1680.] 20 pp. 30.3 cm. 277 ETHERINGTON, GEORGE (d. 1787) 7 letters to Charles Michel de Langlade fils, June 10, (D.s.). Arbre Croche, June 16, June 18, June 21, June 21, July 11, July 14, 1763. 10 pp. Various sizes. Command of post of Mackinac, ransom of soldiers from savages, supplies. 278 FARNHAM, RUSSELL (1784-1832) 2 letters to Samuel Abbott, River des Moin, Nov. 24, 1823; Fox Channel, Jan. 30, 1824. 4 PP- 3 - 2 cm - 32 NORTH AMERICA 279 To O. N. Bostwick, Flint Hills, Feb. 1, 1826. 2 pp. 24.3 cm. L.s. Fur trade with Sacs and Fox. 280 FARWELL, JOHN VILLIERS (1858-) The story of the trip of John V. Farwell Jr. (aged 1 1 years) to Kansas, in August, 1870, with his father and John D. Lang and Vincent Colyer, of the Board of Indian Commissioners . . . 27 pp. 28.1 cm. TS. 281 FEVRET de ST. MESMIN, BENIGNE CHARLES Journal d'un voyage fait avec mon fils en 1793. en allemagne, en hollande, en angleterre. suivi d un autre journal de notre navigation d' angleterre a halifax en nouvelle Ecosse plus de celui de notre voyage de halifax au Canada et a new york aux etats-unis. [1793.] 235 PP- 2 5-5 cm. 282 FISHBOURN, BENJAMIN To , Augusta, June 26, 1787. 4 PP- 2 9-8 cm ' Indian problem, election of Tom Gibbons to assembly. 283 FISK, JAMES L. Report of Expedition (North Western) to Montana in 1864 for the protection of Emigrants under his Command. jo pp. ig.5 cm. Photostat from photostat copy owned by the Minnesota Historical Society. 284 FISKE, JOHN (1842-1901) To E. E. Ayer, Cambridge, Mar. 20, 1900. j- p. 24.7 cm. L.s. Catalogue of books in Ayer Collection. 285 FISKE, NATHAN WELBY (1 798-1847) Miscellaneous papers, letters and notes concerning churches, missions and other social institutions in Georgia, 1824. 21 pp. Various sizes. 286 FLORIDA, CITIZENS OF [BLACK WATER] We, the subscribers, do hereby agree to pay the sum placed opposite to our respective names, for the purpose of raising a fund to be distributed, as a bounty, among those whose pa- triotism may induce them to Volunteer to march against the hostile Indians in Florida, [1836]. / p. 40.7 cm. NORTH AMERICA 33 287 FOGG, JOHN S. H. To J. C. Pilling, Boston, Feb. 14, 1885. 2 pp. 20.2 cm. Experience Mayhew's letter of Mar. 20, IJ21-22. 288 FORBES, WILLIAM CAMERON To E. E. Ayer, S. S. Lapland, Nov. 17, 19 14. 13 pp. 25.4 cm. L.s. Enclosing address at Lake Mohonk, Oct. 75, igi4. 289 FORDHAM, ELIAS PYM Extracts from Letters written, on a Journey to the Western parts of the United States, and during a residence in the Illi- nois Territory, By an English Farmer. [May 18, 1817-Oct. 30, 1818.] 130 pp. 24.1 cm. 3 maps, 1 drawing. Printed, Fordham, Elias Pym, Personal narratives of travels in Virginia, Maryland . . . , Cleve- land, igo6. 290 FOREMAN, GRANT (1869-) Needs of the restricted Indians of Oklahoma. Delivered at Mohonk conference, Oct. 22, 191 5. g pp. 2 j. 8 cm. TS. signed by author. 291 FORSYTH, THOMAS (1771-1833) To Samuel Abbott, St. Louis, Feb. 1, 1822. 2 pp. 24.5 cm. Location for business in St. Louis. A List of Licences Granted by Thomas Forsyth Indian agent to Sundry persons to Trade with the different Indian Nations, 1822-1827. 7 pp. Various sizes. Photostat of Draper manuscript, Wisconsin His- torical Society. 292 FOSTER, ANTHONY To Col. Haynes, Oct. 25, 1795. 1 p. 33.6 cm. Battle of Creeks and Chickasaws. 293 FRANCE— COLONIES. 1702-1750. [A collection of memoirs concerning French possessions, 1 702- I 75 -] "A l a svbstitvtion dv Valdec proche Solevre en Svisse 1 725-1 732." The titles following are a brief list of those which concern America. For maps which accompany these, see Manu- script maps in the Edward E. Ayer Collection, 1927. [I] Memoire par raport au Traitte de la paix generale concer- 34 NORTH AMERICA nant les Colonies, la Navigation, et le Commerce a M rs Les Commissaires Plenipotientaires du Roy a Riswick, pp. 1-296; Memoire Sur les affaires presentes du Canada, Et l'Etablisse- ment du Cap Breton, pp. 1-73; Memoire pour jetter les pre- miers fondements de PEtablissement propose dans l'lsle du Cap Breton, Quebec, Aug. 20, 1708, signe Raudot, pp. 74-118; Memoire Sur l'Etablissement du Cap Breton . . . Quebec, Feb. 27, 1 710, Signe Raudot, pp. 1 19-134; Memoire Sur les Limites de l'accadie, pp. 135-155; Memoire sur la domination des francois en Canada jusqu'en 1687, pp. 156-168; Memoire his- torique Sur les mauvais Effets de la Reunion des Castors dans une meme Main, Paris, Feb. 12, 1705, pp. 169-231. [II] Copie d'une Lettre Ecritte de Pensacola Le 15° Janvier 1 714: par M. Le Maire Missionnaire dans cet Pays . . . pp. 1- 46; Memoire des connoissances que le S r . Beranger a tirees de la Province de la Louisianne . . . 1 697-1 722, pp. 47-104; [Bien- ville, Jean Baptiste Le Moyne] Sauvages de la Louisianne, leur nombre, Et le commerce qu'on peut Faire avec Eux, pp. 105- 129; La Louisianne. Sauvages qui habitent depuis les Alibamons jusques a la Caroline, pp. 129-132; Delisle, Guillaume, Con- jectures sur 1' Existence d'une Mer dans la partie Occidentale du Canada Et du Mississipi . . . pp. 133-149; Memoire du Roy au S r . Comte Desmos Champmeslin . . . pp. 149-223; Memoire Sur les Negres de S*. Domingue qui sont chez les Espagnols, pp. 223-239; Memoire sur l'lsle Jamayque . . . pp. 239-259; Memoire Sur la Valeur que doit avoir 1' Argent dans les Isles de l'Amerique . . . May 20, 1726, pp. 259-266; Copie de la lettre Ecritte du Fort Royal de la Martinique au Sujet de la Revolte arrivee dans la Colonie en 171 7, pp. 267-355; Coste de la Brador, dans le Golfe de St. Laurent, pp. 356-362; Dal- bon, Memoire concernant La Colonie de Cayenne, 17 18, pp. 363-498; Description de la Riuiere Douyapo . . . Douanary . . . Prouac, [etc.] Fait par M r . Gabares de Lerondiere . . . Dec. 21, 1 716, pp. 499-524; (remainder of volume concerns Africa and India, to p. 853). [III] Remarques Sur l'origine des Peuples de l'Amerique par NORTH AMERICA 35 M r . Bobe . . . pp. 1 -1 07; Memoire pour la decouuerte a faire de la Mer de Poiiest ... en Auril 1718 par M. Bobe . . . pp. 109- 226; Relation de la decouverte que M r . de la Salle a faite de la Riuiere de Mississipi en 1682. Et de son retour jusqu'a Quebec ... La Rochelle Jan. 17, 1683, pp. 229-264; Memoire concer- nant le pays Illinois, Montreal, Oct. 20, 1721, signe De Gannes, pp. 264-362; Relation du sieur de La Mothe Cadillac . . . pp. 362-449; Relation du poste de Natchitoches, Natchitoches June 12, 1724, pp. 450-459; Relation De la Californie, pp. 460-462; Extrait du memoire de Guadalaxara au Mexique presente au Gonseil Royal le io e . de feurier 1702 par le pere Picolo Jesuite Compagnon du Pere Salvatierra dans la Mission de la Californie, Guadalaxara, Feb. 10, 1702 pp. 462-472; Ex- trait d'vne relation des Jesuites imprimees a Paris en 1 705 . . . pp. 474-76; Description geografique de L'Isle de S te . Domingue en 1 71 2, pp. 476-505; Journal du Voyage que le S r . Roussel . . . a fait ... a la Louisiane, et de son retour . . . pp. 505-560; Extrait d'vne Relation de Groenland dans le detroit de Dauis Ecrite en Groenland en 1721. et 1722. par le Pilote Selgen- Dal, Danois, qui a hiuerne dans le pays, pp. 563-578; Recen- sement general de la Colonie du Canada Annee 1726, pp. 579-616; Reueiie Generalle de l'lsle de la Guadeloupe faite par M r . de Mont S*. Remy Commandant En l'absence et pre- sence de M r . le Gouverneur Sous son authorite en Consequence de son ordre en datte du 23. 8 bre . 1726, pp. 617-626; [blank leaves] pp. 627-700; Memoire sur le commerce en general et sur tout sur celuy qui a raport a S*. Domingue fait par ordre du conseil . . . S*. Domingue, Sep. 20, 171 7, signe Mithon, pp. 701-740; Copie de la Lettre ecrite par Monsieur Le Comte de Pontchartrain a Monsieur Mithon, June 26, 1709, pp. 741-742; Memoire Sur Les pretentions des anglois dans la partie Meri- dionnale de la Nouuelle france, pp. 743-761. [IV] Memoire de L' Etablissement des Isles Francoises du Vent de L'Amerique, Oct. 26, 1728, pp. 1-176; Dissertation pour prouver la conformite de la Cronologie des chinois avec celle des Chretiens 1728 . . . Conformite de la Cronologie des Tar- 36 NORTH AMERICA tares Depuis la creation du monde jusqu'a present avec la notre, pp. 177-253; Relation des Troubles de Constantinople arrivees le 28 Septembre 1730, pp. 255-375; Relation de la sedition arrive a Constantinople la nuit du 24®. ou 25®. Mars, 1 73 1, pp. 376-385; Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus re- marquable sur le massacre, que la nation Sauvage des Nat- chez, a fait de la Garnison du Poste, et des habitans de FEta- blissemens . . . 1729 . . . 1730. pp. 386-393. 2,534 pp. Various sizes. Copy. Memoir of De Gannes in v. HI of this manuscript printed in Collections of the Ills. State Hist. Library, Springfield, 1934, XXIII, pp. 302-396. 294 FRANCE— CONSEIL d'£TAT. 1702 Extrait des registres du conseil d'estat Le Roy ay ant fait exa- miner en son conseil les propositions faites par robert cauelier Sieur de la Salle . . . May 13, 1675. 13 pp. 30.y cm. An official copy of decree granting to La Salle and his heirs Fort Frontenac, etc., Nov. 13, iyo2, Quebec. 295 FRANCE— CONSEIL d'£TAT. 1724 Order reserving to jurisdiction of Commissioners for the Com- pany of India, the suit between Claude Francois Bidal, marquis de Asfeld, and Alexandre Guillermet and Anne de Blaches, his wife, Bidal asking damages for loss of two concessions in Louisiana, various perquisites, damages, and salary of 3000 livres and costs. Versailles, Dec. 30, 1724. 6 pp. 33.3 cm. Parchment. 296 FRANCE— SOVEREIGNS, 1610-1643 (LOUIS XIII) Grant of property to Sieur de Frontenac, signed by Louis XIII and countersigned by the Queen Regent, May, 161 2. 1 p. 37.5 cm. Parchment. 297 FRANCE— SOVEREIGNS, 1830-1843 (LOUIS PHILIPPE) Lettres de Chevalier de TOrdre militaire de Saint-Louis, Jac- ques Gabriel Le Netzel . . . Paris, Sep. 23, 1840. 1 P- 39-5 cm * Parchment. D.s. 298 FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN (1 706-1 790) The life of Benjamin Franklin, written by himself. 223 pp. 33.5 cm. Photostat from original in HEH. NORTH AMERICA 37 299 FRANQUET, sieur Voyage Du Sieur franquet au port La joye, au havre De S*. Pierre, au port des trois Rivieres de L'isle S*. Jean, a la Baye verte, a Beausejour, au fort de Gaspareau sur Le Continent du Canada et au port toulouze De L'isle Royalle. Avec des Remarques sur ces endroits de L'Etat actuel des postes qu'on y a etably, des forts qu'on y a Construits, des augmentations dont ils sont susceptibles pour Les mettre en etat de DefFense, Louisbourg, Apr. 20, 1752. 84 pp. 32.4 cm. Copy. 300 Voyage du Canada 1752. Memoire des Remarques faites sur Les principaux endroits que j ay parcourus dans ma tournee de Montreal, du Lac Champlain et autres Lieux Depuis Le 24. juillet jusqu'au 23. aoust 1752. Quebec, Dec. 27, 1752. 6y pp. 32.4 cm. These manuscripts, 2 parts, include: Plan Du Fort Du Sault S l . Louis et Du village Des Sauvages Iroquois. Instructions for other plans given at various places in the text. 301 FRISBIE, LEVI (1 748-1806) To Eleazar Wheelock, Ipswich, Dec. 30, 1775. / p. ig.y cm. Appreciation of his friendship. 302 FRONTENAC, ANTHOINE de BUADE, sieur de [Acte par lequel le Sr. de Frontenac vend au seigneur Paul Phelipeaux la terre et seigneurie de Pontchartrain] Paris, 1609. 12 pp. 28.J cm. 303 [Hypotheque consentie sur ses terres et proprietes de Pont- chartrain, Pallau, etc. en faveur de plusieurs creanciers.] Paris, 1626. 7 pp. 28.J cm. 304 FRYE, JOSEPH (1711-1794) Orderly book of Joseph Frye at Fort Gaspereau, afterwards renamed Fort Moncton, Nov. 26, 1755-Mar. 16, 1756. 34 PP> J 9-9 cm- 305 FULLAM, FRANCIS Examination of Joshua Ompatawin, an Indian, for stealing James Biglo's black mare, Weston, Feb. 17, 1720/21. / p. 31.2 cm. 38 NORTH AMERICA 306 FULLER, A. G. To G. J. Faulkner, Wash., Jan. 24, 1859. 3 pp. 25.2 cm. Request for military post at Lake Preston. 307 GAGE, THOMAS (1721-1787) To Charles Langlade, Montreal, July 17, 1763. 2 pp. 2g.j cm. Acknowledgment of assistance at Fort Michilimackinac. 308 3 letters to Sir William Johnson, N. Y., June 9, June 16, 1766 (enclosing copies of letters from Lieut. Col. Campbell at De- troit of Apr. 10 and May 10); Mar. 18, 1771. 12 pp. Various sizes. Indians on frontier near Detroit and St. Joseph; Indian lands; ill-treatment of Indians; rumors of war with Spain. 309 To John Penn, N. Y., July 2, 1766. 2 pp. 32.8 cm. Aggression of settlers against Indians in western Penn- sylvania. 310 GAINES, EDMUND PENDLETON (1777-1849) To H. Atkinson, Louisville, June 12, 1822. 1 p. 24.J cm. Copy. Order to military officers relative to ardent spirits in the Indian country. 311 To Israel Pickens, Creek Agency, July 4, 1825. 7 PP- 3 2 -5 cm * &eek Indian lands. 312 GAITHER, HENRY (1751-1811) To , Fort Fidius, Georgia, June 14, 1793. 2 pp. 23 cm. Expedition against peaceful Indians. 313 GALPHIN, GEORGE (d. 1790) 4 letters to Benjamin Lincoln, Jan. 7, 1778 (enclosing "A Talk from the Young Tallassee King from the Uper and lower Towns, of the Creeks ... At Ogeechee, Dec. 15, 1778"); Silver Bluff, Feb. 16, 1779; Nov. 7, 1779 (enclosing "A Talk Delivered at Silverbluff the Third Day of November 1779 to George Galphin Esq r . and A Talk Delivered by George Galphin Esq 1 ". . . . "); Jan. 9, 1780. J 5 PP- Various sizes. Friendship of Creeks; French, Spanish, British relations. 314 GANO, JOHN S. To James Wilkinson, Columbia, Feb. 12, 1792. 1 p. 14.7 cm. Enlistment of men. NORTH AMERICA 39 315 GARIN, ANDRfi MARIE (b. 1822) To J. C. Pilling, Lowell, Sep. 11, 1888. / p. 20.5 cm. Missionaries among Indians. 316 GARRIOCH, ALFRED CAMPBELL (b. 1848) To J. G. Pilling, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, Nov. 16, 1891. / p. 20.J cm. Copy of Athabascan vocabulary. 317 GAYASHUTA Speech of Gayashuta an ancient Chief of the Seneca Nation, on the borders of Pennsylvania as given in charge by him to one of the Sachems of that Nation, in the year 1 790 . . . 4 pp. 22. J cm. Appeal to Penrfs descendants for aid. 318 GEORGIA— GOVERNOR, 1785-1786 (SAMUEL ELBERT) To the Kings, Head Men and Warriors of the Creek Nation. 3 pp. 35.4 cm. Peace with Creeks. 319 GEORGIA— GOVERNOR, 1786, 1790-1793 (EDWARD TELFAIR) To Brig. Gen. Clark, Augusta, Sep. 15, 1786. 4 pp. 23.2 cm. Precautions to be taken in Creek country. 320 GETTY, HENRY H. A collection of articles by different authors on the discovery of America centuries before the expedition of Christopher Colum- bus . . . Translated from French by Henry H. Getty. 81 J pp., maps, illus. 2J.8 cm. TS. 321 GIBBONS, WILLIAM (1726-1800) Order to Thomas Rosberg for one pound of Osnaburg's thread, etc., Oct. 3, 1759. / p. 10.5 cm. 322 GIBSON, JOHN (1740-1822) Order on Robert Callender to pay to Samuel Sample, £20 . . . Logs Town, Dec. 30, 1772. / p. ig.8 cm. 323 To , Fort Pitt, Sep. 7, 1781. 1 P- 3 2 -5 cm - L.s. Provisions. 324 GILBERT, WILLIAM W. Diary . . . Apr. 15-Oct. 5, 1853. J2 pp. 2J.5 cm. TS. of copy owned by Minnesota Historical Society. 40 NORTH AMERICA 325 GIOSAN Je done pouuoir a mr de la gorgendiere de prandre mon pany ou il le trouuera et dont dispousai comme il jugera a propos il se nome michel amontuer . . . Mar. 20, 17 14. 1 p. 10.8 cm. Entire document quoted. 326 GIRAUD, MICHEL To Pierre Chouteau, Marais des Cignes, Mar. 18, 1836. 2 pp. 25.2 cm. Shipment of pelts. 327 GLEN, JOHN Order to Arent Schermerhorn to deliver provisions for the In- dians to Sir William Johnson, Schenectady, Dec. 24, 1 764. / p. 29.5 cm. 328 GOOD, JOHN BOOTH (b. 1833) To J. C. Pilling, Nanaimo, July 9, 1888. 1 p. 20.4 cm. Acknowledgment of Bureau of Ethnology Report. 329 GOOKIN, DANIEL (1612-1687) To the constable of Chelmsford. Order to arrest Thomas Wilkinson for stealing from an Indian . . . May 5, 1669. 2 pp. 7.7 cm. 330 The Province of the Massachusets Bay, to Daniel Gookin, D r . for printing, etc., Nov. 25, 1748. 1 p. 16 cm. D.s. 331 GORDON, mrs. ELEANOR LYTLE (KINZIE) (1835-1917) To W. N. C. Carlton, Mar. 6, 191 2. 2 pp. 1 7. 1 cm. Presenting Lord's prayer in Potawatomi language. 332 To E. E. Ayer, Savannah, May 11, 1912. 9 pp. 18 cm. Indian tribes of Northwest. 333 To Miss C. A. Smith, May 30, 191 2. 3 pp. 18 cm. Fort Dearborn massacre. 334 GORGES, sir FERDINANDO (1630-1718) To , Lond., July 7, 1670. 2 pp. 29.5 cm. Rights and claim to Province of Maine. 335 GOULD, CHARLES (1824-1913) Diary of Charles Gould of the "Boston and Newton Joint Stock Association" in crossing the plains 1849. 64 pp. 2J.2 cm. TS. NORTH AMERICA 41 336 GREAT BRITAIN— ADMIRALTY OFFICE Letter from the Admiralty and victtualling offices to James Cook, Dec. 23, 1765 (verso letter from Admiralty Office from Mr. Cook, Apr. 5, 1765 and letter of Dec. 14, 1765, signed Phil. Stephens). 2 pp. 32.5 cm. Supplies for schooner Grenville. 337 GREAT BRITAIN— BOARD OF TRADE To the Earl of Bellomont, Whitehall, June 21, 1700. 3 pp. 31.6 cm. Supplies for troops, presents to Five Nations, etc. 338 To the Right Honourable the Lords of the Committee of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, Whitehall, Oct. 17, 1739- 3 pp. 31.8 cm. Separation of New Hampshire from Massachusetts Bay. 339 [Plantation reports.] An office book containing minutes, re- ports, letters, queries, instructions and political papers relating to the administration of the colonies in America, 171 7- 1722. 158 documents. 584 pp., map. Various sizes. Probably belonged to Daniel Pulteney. 340 GREAT BRITAIN— SOVEREIGNS, 1 727-1 760 (GEORGE II) Memorandum relating to the Instructions relating to the New Hampshire Boundaries [1739?]. 2 pp. 2g.8 cm. 341 GREAT BRITAIN— SOVEREIGNS, 1760-1820 (GEORGE III) Additional Instruction for our trusty and well Beloved Robert Monckton Esq r . our Captain General and Governor in Chief of our Province of New York . . . Dec. 9, 1761. 3 PP- 3 Z '5 cm - Copy. Indian lands. 342 GREEN, SAMUEL (1615-1702) Order to attach the goods or person of John Stedman on the complaint of Samuel Andrews [Cambridge], Nov. 29, 1665. 2 pp. 14.8 cm. 343 GREGG, JOHN To John Tayler, Augusta, Jan. 24, 181 9. 2 pp. 19.5 cm. Removal west of North Stockbridge Indians. 42 NORTH AMERICA 344 GRIGNON, AUGUSTIN (i 780-1860) Document conferring power of attorney on Daniel Whitney, Green Bay, Jan. 27, 1834. 4 pb. 25.5 cm. D.s. 345 2 letters to Oshkosh, Butte des Morts, Feb. 1, 1846; Mar. 18. 1847. 3 pp. 25 cm. Affairs of his nation. 346 Memorandum of an agreement between Augustin Grignon and Ewing, Chute & Co., Butte des Morts, Mar. 8, 1851. 1 p. 25.5 cm. D.s. 347 GROUARD, EMILE 2 letters to J. C. Pilling, Mission de la Nativite, Lac Atha- baska, May 28, Aug. 1, 1894. 5 pp. 20.3 cm. Missionaries to Athabascan Indians; publications in Indian languages. 348 H., M. A. Historical Traditions of Tennessee. The Captivity of Jane Brown and Her Family, Cornersville, Tenn., Dec, 1851. 78 pp. 20. g cm. 349 HABERSHAM, JOHN (1754-1799) 2 letters to Jared Irwin, Savannah, Apr. 4, Apr. 13, 1796. 3 PP- 3 2 - 2 cm - Preparations for treaty with Creek Indians. 350 HADLEY, LEWIS FRANCIS To J. W. Powell, Anadarko, Ind. Ter., Aug. 25, 1887 (en- closing proof-sheet of A list of the primary gestures in Indian sign- talk) . 3 pp. 25.7 cm. 351 HALIBURTON, R. G. To Ernesto do Canto, St. Michael, Azores, Mar. 17, 1884. 6 pp. 20.4 cm. Ancient settlement at Gaspe. 352 2 letters to Henry Harrisse, Lisbon, Nov. 19, 1888; St. Helena, Mar. 15, 1889. 4 pp. 18 cm. Works on Cabots and Cortereals. 353 HALL, R. D. To [E. E. Ayer], Greenville, Cal., Apr. 6, 1916. 2 pp. 28 cm. L.s. T.M.C.A. among the Indians. NORTH AMERICA 43 354 HALLECK, HENRY WAGER (1815-1872) To R. B. Mason, Monterey, Mar. 1, 1849 (enclosing report on the land laws of California, Monterey, 1 849) . 62 pp. 30.8 cm. Printed in 31st Gong., 1st Sess. Ex. Doc. no. 17, p. ng ff. t except for letter. 355 HAMILTON, J. A. PALMER To Henry Langstaff, N. W. Indian Territory, Fort Union, Oct. 25, 1833. 2 pp. 25 cm. Introducing Baron Braunsbergh. 356 HAMILTON, PHILIP (1802-1884) To Benson J. Lapaig, Poughkeepsie, Feb. 5, 1869 (enclosing Extracts from an order of General Custer dated July 6, 1867 and letter transmitting the series of resolutions adopted by the Officers of the 7th cavalry upon the death of Captain Louis M. Hamilton. 6 pp. printed). 4 pp. 20.2 cm. 357 HANCOCK, WINFIELD SCOTT (1 824-1 886) To D. S. Walker, Fort Leavenworth, Aug. 4, 1867. 33 PP- 2 5- 2 cm - L.s. Report concerning Indians of the Department of the Missouri. 358 HARRISON, CHARLES To J. C. Pilling, Massett, May 7, 1894. 3 pp. 20.6 cm. Books in Haida language. 359 HARRISON, RICHARD (1750-1841) To Manuel de Gayoso, Phil., Feb. 16, 1792. 3 PP- 3 2 -3 cm - Debt of Peter Bryan Bruin. 360 HARRISSE, HENRY (1830-1910) Caiques et fac-similes d'anciennes cartes sur l'Amerique avant 1550 . . . (tracings used by Harrisse in preparing his books on cartography) . 68 pieces. Various sizes. 361 Decouverte et evolution cartographique de Terre-Neuve et des pays circonvoisins 1497-1501-1769 essais de geographie historique et documentaire . . . 74 PP- °f mojmted proofs of maps. 21.6 cm. Includes proofs of all maps for this printed work of Harrisse but none of the text. 44 NORTH AMERICA 362 Notes Relating to the Original Editions of the Jesuit Rela- tions sent from Canada to Paris, 161 6-1 688. 87 pp. 14.5 cm. Bibliographical notes. 363 Sebastien Cabot, pilote-major de Charles- Quint, 15 12- 1547 . . . 2 v. 61, 50 pp. 2 j cm. V. 2 is revised copy ofv.i. Printed in Revue historique, v. 102, Paris, igog. 364 HARTLEY, THOMAS (1 748-1800) To Edward Hand, Yorke, June 3, 1779. 2 pp. 34.2 cm. Soldier tried for murder. 365 HARWICH. SELECTMEN: and others Indenture, Harwich, June 9, 1731. 1 p. 30.8 cm. Binding Rebeckah Chin, Indian girl, to service. 366 HAUPT, HERMAN, JR. North American Indians. Ethnology of the Dakota, -Sioux, -and Ojibway, -Chippeway -Indians. 1897. 353 PP^ Mm- 27.4 cm. 367 Manibojou Stories, collected by H. Haupt, Jr. 20 pp. 27.4 cm. TS. 368 HAWKINS, BENJAMIN (1754-1818) 4 letters to David Henley, Col . Ores, 42 miles from Knox- ville, July 20, 1797; Tuckabatchee, June 5, Tellico Block- house, Oct. 20, Oct. 25, 1798. 8 pp. Various sizes. Conduct of Indian affairs in his department. 369 To James Jackson, Cowetah Tallauhassee, Aug. 14, 1800. 3 PP- 2 3 cm " Bowles, Trudeau and the Florida Indians. 370 A Sketch of the Creek country in the years 1798 & 1799 [copied from the original by Andrew Pickens, Jr. for his father, General Pickens], June 18, 1802. 157 pp. ig.4 cm. Another copy among the John Howard Payne manu- scripts from the original manuscript of Col. Hawkins. 105 pp. 2j cm. Published in the Coll. Ga. Hist. Soc, v. 3, p. 1. 371 3 letters to Judge Toulmin, Creek Agency, Aug. 19, Aug. 26, Sep. 16, 1812. (Copy) 5 pp. Various sizes. Southern Indians and situation in East Florida; Seminole outbreaks. NORTH AMERICA 45 372 HAWKS, JOHN (1707-1784) An account of what John Hawks of Deerfield and Moses Scot of Hatfield Lost by the Enemy at Hoosuck, Sep. 8, 1 748. / p. 19.4 cm. D.s. 373 A List of Names of men that Go in Pursute of the Enemy from Deerfield May 10th, 1748. j p. 20.5 cm. 374 HAWLEY, GIDEON (1727-1807) To Samuel Cooper, Mashpee, Dec. 31, 1770. 2 pp. 32.3 cm. Longevity of the Indians. 375 To Eleazar Wheelock, Mashpee, Aug. 10, 1775. / p. 31.8 cm. Samuel Gilbert. 376 HAZEN, WILLIAM BABCOGK (1830-1887) Instructions to Lt. Doyle, Medicine Creek, Feb. 1, 1869. 2 pp. 24.7 cm. Property belonging to Comanche and Kiowa agency. 377 To W. T. Sherman, Medicine Creek, Feb. 5, 1869. 1 p. 24.6 cm. Funds for Indian subsistence. 378 HECKEWELDER, JOHN GOTTLIEB ERNESTUS (1743- 1823) 5 letters to William Alexander, Bethlehem, Mar. 23, June 18, Aug. 10, Aug. 14, 1790; Feb. 8, 1791. 9 pp. 23.3 cm. Purchase of western lands, Indians on frontier. 379 HECKMAN, WALLACE (1851-1927) To E. E. Ayer, Chicago, Dec. 7, 1915. 4 pp. 2J.J cm. TS. Interview of his grandfather with James Logan. 380 HICHfi, HENRY [Cession faite par le sieur Henry Hiche, procureur du roy, et Marguerite Legardeur de St. Pierre, sa femme, aux Dames Religieuses de l'hopital general de Quebec] Aug. 23, 1727. 4 PP- 35-5 cm. D.s. 381 HILL, ROBERT C. To D. Ruggles, Camp in Rush Valley, Utah, June 12, 1859. 3 pp. 24.9 cm. Utah expedition and conditions there. 382 HODGE, FREDERICK WEBB (1864-) To E. E. Ayer, Wash., Sep. 30, 1901. 2 pp. 20.3 cm. Purcell map. 46 NORTH AMERICA 383 HODGDON, SAMUEL Orders for rations for horses in military service, Sep. 15, Sep. 21, 1791. 2 pp. 9.2 cm. 384 HOLMES, WILLIAM HENRY (b. 1846) To E. A. Burbank, Wash., Sep. 18, 1908. 1 p. 25.4 cm. L.s. Painting of the Snake dance. 385 HOOKE, FRANCIS (d. 1695) 3 letters to William Stoughton, Kittery, Dec. 17, Dec. 23, Dec. 31, 1694. 3 PP- 3 2 ' cm - Protection of frontier. 386 HOPKINS, RUFUS The Commissioners for the Province of the Massachusets D r . To 4 Teams from Albany to Fort Edward with Cloathing, etc., Albany, Oct. 29, 1756. / p. 13.2 cm. 387 HORDEN, JOHN (b. 1828) To [J. C. Pilling], Bishop's Court, Moose, Ottawa River, Can- ada, [Mar., 1887]. 2 pp. 2 1. j cm. Sending copies of his books in Indian languages. 388 HORSFORD, EBEN NORTON (1818-1893) 2 letters to Mr. Whycher, Cambridge, May 8, Dec. 10, 1891. 3 pp. 21 cm. Origin of name, America. 389 HOTILLER, — [Description of a journey to New York and Albany, 1793.] 22 pp. 34.5 cm. 390 HOUGHTON, TIMOTHY To Samuel Livermore certifying to Albert Vanderworker's ac- count for carrying provisions, Halfmoon, June 11, 1756. 2 PP- 19-3 cnar t> 2 3-4 cm - Voyage around the world from Le Havre. 510 Lettres de Chevalier de l'Ordre Militaire de Saint-Louis En faveur de S r . Le Netzel, Sep. 23, 1840. 1 p. 38.2 cm. Parchment. 511 LESLYE, WILLIAM Order to Charles Michel de Langlade, to order inhabitants of Michilimackinac to surrender all arms in their possession, Michilimackinac, Sep. 30, 1761. 1 p. 30 cm. D.s. NORTH AMERICA 63 512 LEWIS, ASA K. To Green Clay, Thornhill, June 9, 1813. 7 PP- 3 2 - 2 cm - Particulars of military action, May 181 3. 513 LEWIS, LIEUTENANT COLONEL, Shawnee Indian To , Phil., Sep. 21, 1781. 1 P- 3 2 -3 cm " Recommending Nicholas Jorda, an Indian interpreter. 514 LINCOLN, BENJAMIN (1733-1810) To John Hancock, Boston, Mar. 4, 1 788. 3 PP- 3 2 cm - L.s. Late transactions with Penobscot Indians. 515 LINING, JOHN and CHALMERS, LIONEL The Public, D r , to Lining and Chalmers for medicines and visits to the Cherokee Indians, July, 1753. 1 p. 28.5 cm. 516 LISTER, CHRISTOPHER To Samuel Pringle, Feb. 14, 1709/10, enclosing a copy of a letter from the Board of ordnance to the Earl of Sunderland, [Lond.], Office of Ordnance, Jan. 17, 1709/10. 2 pp. 30.2 cm. Matrosses and bombardiers in New England. 517 LITTLE BILLY Receipt to Herman Le Roy, a trustee of certain Seneca chiefs for Si 00, Buffalo, June 5, 1830. 1 p. 20.g cm. D.s. 518 LITTLEMAN, PETER D. Note and security for $5.00 borrowed of the Stockbridge tribe, Stockbridge, Wis., Aug. 14, 1848. / p. 25 cm. D.s. 519 LIVINGSTON, P. R. To James Tallmadge, Jr., Nov. 29, 1812. 1 p. 20.4 cm. Payment of judgment in lawsuit. 520 LIVINGSTON, PHILIP (1686-1749) Memorandum for Sundry Goods which I desire Mess rs . Storke & Gainsborough to send me . . . Albany, Nov. 20, 1734. 3 pp. 23.4 cm. 521 LOCHRY, ARCHIBALD (d. 1781) To Edward Hand [1777]. / p. 28.5 cm. Defense against Indians at Conemoch and Kiskamenatus . 64 NORTH AMERICA 522 LOGAN, JAMES (1674-1751) To William Penn, Newcastle, Sep. 22, 1704. 8 pp. 21. g cm. Charter of Pennsylvania. Partially printed in Corre- spondence . . . William Penn and James Logan, 7, 344-348. 523 To John Wright and Samuel Blunston, Phil., Sep. 2, 1728. 3 PP- 3 2 -5 cm - Ration of English and French with the Indians. 524 To John, Thomas and Richard Penn, Phil., Nov. 16, 1729. 4 pp. 31 cm. Estate to be settled in America, relations with Indians. 525 LORRAIN, NARGISSE ZEPHRIN (b. 1842) To J. C. Pilling, Pembroke, Canada, Feb. 4, 1889. / p. 20.5 cm. Father Garin's sermons. 526 LOSSING, BENSON JOHN (1813-1891) To J. W. Thornton, Poughkeepsie, May 21, 1858. 3 pp. 25 cm. Life of Philip Schuyler. 527 THE LOST DAUGHTER. 22 pp. 25.2 cm. A fictitious interview with Bienville. 528 LOTBINl£RE, LOUIS THfiANDRE CHARTIER de (161 2-1 690) Donation aux Recollets de Quebec, faite par M. de Lotbiniere, procureur general du Roi en la Nouvelle France, d'une terre portant le nom de terre des Recollets laquelle lui avait ete concedee par le Baron d'Avaugour . . . Quebec, Oct. 23, 1670. 2 PP- 33 cm - 529 LOUDOUN, JOHN CAMPBELL, 4th earl of (1 705-1 782) 2 letters to William Denny, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1756/7, Jan. 21, 1758. D.s. 7 PP- 33- 2 cm " Interference with Sir William Johnson in Indian affairs. 530 LOUISIANA Relation de la Lovisianne [c. 1735]. 267 PP'i ma P' J 7 cm - "Kened" on binder's title. Pp. 1 18-165 printed in Bureau of Ethnology Bulletin, no. 103, pp. 243-258. 531 LOUISIANA TERRITORY— GOVERNOR, 1806-1809 (MERIWETHER LEWIS) Order on Bank of the United States to pay Joseph Charles or order, the sum of Si 00, St. Louis, Apr. 29, 1808. 1 p. 12.3 cm. NORTH AMERICA 65 532 LOVELY, W. L. To David Henley, Tellico, Apr. 5, 1796. / p. 25 cm. Appointment as commander of militia. 533 LOWDEN, JAMES Bond to prosecute Thomas Joseph, an Indian, for stealing, Middlesex county, May 5, 1683. 1 p. 31 cm. D.s. 534 LOYARD, JEAN BAPTISTE (1678-1731) Memoire Sur l'Etat present des abnaquis, 1724. 3 PP- 3 2 - 2 cm - Copy. Printed in Jesuit relations . . . ed. by R. G. Thwaites. Cleveland, 1900, v. 67, pp. 120-124. 535 LUGKE, JACOB Province of Massachusetts Bay D r . To Jacob Lucke, Nov. 30, 1756. / p. 12. 1 cm. 536 LUDLOW, ROGER (fl. 1590-1665) To William Pyncheon, Windsor, Feb. 8, 1639. 1 p. 30.3 cm. Complaints of Indians against restraint of trade. 537 LYKINS, WILLIAM H. R. To [J. W. Powell], Kansas City, July 1, 1889. / p. 27.3 cm. Catechism in Potawatomi language. 538 LYMAN, AARON 1747. April. Province of the Massachusetts Bay D r . To Riding Express from Northampton to Boston . . . £4. May 2, 1747. / p. 6.5 cm. 539 McCAY, CHARLES T. To William McCay, Athens, May 22, 1836. 4 pp. 24.9 cm. Florida campaign against the Indians. 540 McCLEARY, ROBERT To Whitelaw Sanders, Oct. 11, 1917, enclosing copy of letter to J. C. Foss describing battle of Port Hudson. 3 pp. 21.4 cm. L.s. Captivity of Mrs. Morgan. 541 McCOWEN, GEORGE (b. 1833) Journal ... of Mining experiences and conditions in Cali- fornia in the early sixties. Sep. 16, 1854-July 6, 1861. 36 pp. 32.2 cm. TS. from original in private ownership. 66 NORTH AMERICA 542 Notes of a journey across the plains [in 1854]. 64 pp. 32.5 cm. TS. from original in private ownership. 543 Mcdowell, malcolm Indian employment in Arizona, Wash., Nov. 6, 1923. 20 pp. 2J.8 cm. TS. 544 McFARLANE, JAMES To J. B. Treat, Arkansas, Dec. 10, 1808, enclosing copy of instructions from Meriwether Lewis concerning agency in New Madrid and the Arkansas, St. Louis, Oct. 9, 1808. 2 pp. 24.8 cm. 545 McGAFFEY, JOSEPH (1821-1850) Journal of a voyage to California by sea and by land, Feb. 24- June, 1849. 86 pp. 22.5 cm. Photostat from original in private ownership. 546 McGROARTY, JOHN STEVEN (b. 1862) The mission play. A pageant play in three acts . . . 191 1. 85 PP- 2 7-8 cm - TS. Printed in Pasadena, 1923. 547 McINTYRE, DONALD: and others Petition of Donald Mclntyre and others to William Tryon, complaining that they had been driven from their lands in the County of Albany . . . 1771. 1 p. 31.6 cm. D.s. 548 McKELVEY, WILLIAM The publick to W m . M c . Kelvey D r to provisions for one hun- dred and thirty Indians . . . Dec. 3, 1755 and Jan. 1, 1756. / p. 30.5 cm. 549 McKENNEY, THOMAS LORRAINE (1 785-1859) To Henry Thompson, Georgetown, Apr. 19, 1820. 1 p. 25 cm. Sale of deer skins. 550 To William Clark, Office Indian affairs, May 29, 1826. 2 pp. 31.6 cm. Copy. Liquor trade with Indians, American Fur Com- pany. 551 To W. B. Lewis, Office of Indian affairs, Mar. 18, 1830. / p. 24.5 cm. L.s. Arkansas Cherokees. 552 To Mr. Jackson, Portland, Me., Mar. 15, 1843. 2 pp. 24.5 cm. Lectures on Indian history. NORTH AMERICA 67 553 Mackenzie, sir Alexander (1755-1820) Note to Messrs. Cadell and Davies concerning request of Sir Alexander MacKenzie for books, Adelphi, Feb. 7, 1807. j p. 16 cm. 554 McKENZIE, KENNETH (1801-1861) To Pratte, Chouteau & Go. [1835]. 1 p. 24.7 cm. Incomplete. Request for news by express from St. Louis. 555 To Baron de Braunsbergh, Fort Union, Mar. 20, 1834. 3 pp. 24.7 cm. Le Gros Come. 556 McNULTY, JAMES M. Report to W. A. Hammond concerning the march of the California column from the Pacific Ocean to the Rio Grande, Apr. 13 to Aug. 8, 1862. 41 pp. 31.7 cm. 557 MADISON, JAMES (1751-1836) To [Richard Rush], Montpelier, Apr. 21, 1821. 7 pp. 25.1 cm. Increase of American population. Printed in Writings of James Madison, edited by Gaillard Hunt, v. g, pp. 44-55. 558 MAGRUDER, ALLAN B. (1775-1822) Report concerning lands of Louisiana; settlements on Indian lands under Spanish government without title, surveys and claims after transfer to United States jurisdiction, Commis- sioners for settlement, Opelousas, Mar. 5, 1806. 7 PP- 33-5 cm. 559 MAHOMETT, Mohegan Indian To His most High and Excellent Majesty, George the Second, King of Great Britain, Anno 1736: Petition of Mahomett Pre- tended Sachem of the Mohegan Indians. 54 PP' 39 cm - Mutilated. Request for protection against injuries by people of Connecticut. 560 MALCOM, JOHN Bill for work on Sloop Saley, Nov. 1, 1756, £2/7/7. / p. 28 cm. 561 MANSFIELD, JARED (1759-1830) To J. H. Larwell, Cincinnati, Jan. 29, 1812. 1 P- 2 5-3 cm " Surveying on the Wabash. 68 NORTH AMERICA 562 MARGRY, PIERRE (1818-1894) To Lambert Tree, July 21, 1891, enclosing a list of maps. 2 pp. 20.8 cm. 563 To 2 pp. 20.7 cm. Reply to enquiry concerning articles by him on the his- tory of the United States. 564 MARQUETTE, JACQUES (1637-1675) Tout ce qui regarde le voyage du P. Marquette; Lettre et Journal du Frere P. Marquette, Oct. 25, 1674-Apr. 6, 1675. j 1 pp., fold. map. 23.7 cm. Photostat from original in Archives of St. Mary's College, Montreal. 565 MARSAG, M. Relation of the proceedings of Mons r . Marsac, who was sent by order of Col°. Bradstreet to the falls of S t . Marie to speak to the upper Nations agreeably to his Instructions and replies. Detroit, July 29, 1765. 3 pp. 32.8 cm. D.s. 566 MARSHE,JOHN To D. P. Campbell, Prairie du Chien, Apr. 17, 1831. 2 pp. 23 cm. Mississippi Land Company of New York, Carver tract, peace with Sioux and Chippewas. 567 MARTIN, WILLIAM July 30 th 1747. The publick to William Martin, To Expences had by William Cardd for The Cherokees Indians going up from Charles Town, etc. / p. ig.i cm. 568 MARYLAND (COLONY)— GOVERNOR, 1 731-1742 (SAMUEL OGLE) To Patrick Gordon, Annapolis, May 7, 1732. 2 pp. 22.6 cm. Cresap's abuse of certain Indians. 569 MASSACHUSETTS (COLONY) 1750 Province of the Massach*. Bay Dr. May 24* ... for taking affidavits, . . . Relating to the ancient boundary between this province and the Colony of Rhod Island . . . May 24, 1 750. Signed Joseph Heath, June 2, 1750. 1 p. ig cm. NORTH AMERICA 69 570 MASSACHUSETTS (COLONY)— COMMISSIONERS FOR INDIAN AFFAIRS, BOSTON Vote on report of Stephen Williams and Nehemiah Bull to send missionary to Indians at Housatonack, Boston, Aug. 16, 1734- / p. 31 cm. Copy. Signed and written by Adam Winthrop. 571 MASSACHUSETTS (COLONY)— CONVENTION OF THE GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL, 1689 Commission to as lieutenant of the foot company of soldiers in an expedition against the Kennebeck and Eastern Indians, Aug. 29, 1689. Signed by Isaac Addington, sec, for Governor and Council, and Ebenezer Prout, clerk, for the Representatives. / p. 30.7 cm. 572 MASSACHUSETTS (COLONY)— GENERAL COURT, 1706 At a great & generall Court . . . Begun at Boston the 29th day of May 1706 & Continued by prorogation unto the 7 th day of August following. Articles of High Misdemenour Ex- hibited against John Philips Ju r of Charlestown, Marriner. Aug., 1706. Signed Paul Dudley Attor: Gen 11 . 1 P' 3°-9 cm - D'S' 573 MASSACHUSETTS (COLONY)— LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, 1692-1701 (WILLIAM STOUGHTON) Instructions to Symonds Epps, Boston, Feb. 5, 1696/7. 1 p. 31. g cm. L.s. Readiness for attacks against the enemy. 574 MASSACHUSETTS (COLONY)— GOVERNOR, 1702-1715 (JOSEPH DUDLEY) Memorial to her Majestie's Board of ordnance, concerning an expedition against Nova Scotia, particularly Port Royal, Bos- ton, Oct. 24, 1709. 2 pp. 32 cm. 575 MASSACHUSETTS (COLONY)— LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, 1716-1723 (WILLIAM DUMMER) Instructions to Coll. Thomas Westbrook appointed Com- mander in Chief of the Forces Eastward. Boston, Jan. 18, 1722. 3 PP- 37-4 cm- D.s. 70 NORTH AMERICA 576 MASSACHUSETTS (COLONY)— GOVERNOR, 1723-1728 (WILLIAM DUMMER) To Edmund Goffe, Boston, July 27, 1724. 2 pp. 2g.g cm. L.s. Instructions for forces on western frontier. 577 MASSACHUSETTS (COLONY)— GOVERNOR, 1 730-1741 (JONATHAN BELCHER) Papers concerning the boundary commission — New Hamp- shire and Massachusetts Bay. Certification of Joshua Winslow as agent of His Majesty, Jan. 13, 1740: Declaration of expense, of Commission to settle the boundary lines and for executing the same. Boston, Dec. 30, 1740, signed Benjamin Pollard; At the court at S*. James's, Report, Apr. 9, 1740; An account of the cost of the commission, dated 1737. 4 documents, g pp. Various sizes. 578 MASSACHUSETTS (COLONY)— GOVERNOR, 1741-1757 (WILLIAM SHIRLEY) A declaration of war against the Cape Sable and St. John's Indians, Boston, Oct. 19, 1744. 3 PP- 3 - 1 cm " D' 5 - 579 Commission to Joseph Frie as Lieutenant, given at Boston, June 14, 1746. Broadside. 40 cm. 580 To Benning Wentworth, Boston, Dec. 6, 1746. / p. 32 cm. L.s. Order for forces to proceed to Crown Point. 581 Passport for John Hawks to go from Deerfield to Canada to redeem from French and Indians, Samuel Allen, Boston, Dec. 14, 1747. 1 P- 3 J '7 cm ' D' s - 582 3 letters to Sir William Johnson, Camp at Oswego, Sep. 28, enclosing extract from Governor Lawrence's letter to General Braddock, dated Halifax, July 16, 1755, Albany, Nov. 13, 1755; Ma Y 3°> J 75 6 - ( L - s 7 pp. Various sizes. Reduction of Crown Point, garrison at Fort Hunter, Indians, Captain Rogers's intelligence of the French army. 583 To Henry Fox, N. Y., Jan. 14, 1756. 4 PP- 3 2 cm " L.s. Reduction of Canada. NORTH AMERICA 71 584 MASSACHUSETTS (COLONY)— GOVERNOR, 1760-1769 (FRANCIS BERNARD) To the Gentlemen of the Council, and Gentlemen of the House of Representatives, in regard to taking proper measures for defending the settlers against the Indians, Concord, June 5, 1764. 5 pp. 32 cm. 585 MASSE Y, EYRE (1 719-1804) To Sir William Johnson, Quebec, Aug. 20, 1 767. 3 pp. 22.6 cm. Recommending Major Hughs as a successor to Capt. Claus, high opinion of General Carleton. 586 MAUMESTAU, GEORGE To y e Hon d County Court holden at Cambridge y e 7 th of Aprill 1 685 The Humble Petition of George Maumestau, with severall of y e Rulers of Natick . . . 1 P- J 9-3 cm * D- s ' That Edward Joseph, servant indented to Ben- jamin Mills, be delivered to care of his brother, the petitioner. 587 MAYER, BRANTZ (1809-1879) To F. I. Dreer, Bait., Nov. 13, 1859. / p. 1 j. 8 cm. Sending letters of Colonels Benton and Fremont. 588 MAYER, FRANK BLACKWELL (1827-1899) Diaries and sketch-books. Memoranda, etc. Journey from Baltim e to St. Paul's, Minnesota, May 7 to June 20 th , 1851; June 23 rd to , 1 851; Treaty of Traverse des Sioux. 221 pp. 14.8 cm. Also 7 note books of pencil sketches and miscellaneous larger drawings of Sioux Indians and material pertaining to Treaty of Traverse des Sioux. Partially printed as With pen and pencil on the frontier in 1851, ed. by Bertha L. Heilbron. St. Paul, igj2. 589 MAYHEW, THOMAS Declaration of transfer of title of land to himself and his posterity from Indians, Jan. 9, 1670. / p. 13,6 cm. Copy. Agreement with Chief Rochanowin to Christianize Indians and secure lands. 590 MEEKER, EZRA (1830-1928) Ox team days. 6 pp. 27.8 cm. TS. Inscription by Ezra Meeker, 1923. 72 NORTH AMERICA 591 MELVIN, ELEAZAR Account of Lovewell's fight at Pequaket, May 8, 1725. 3 pp. 32 cm. 592 MfiMOIRE pour M. Le Cardinal sur les sauvages Abenakis, Canada, 1723. 11 pp. 32.2 cm. 593 [MfiMOIRE sur les] Sauvages Abenaquise, 1 718-1726. 7 PP- 35 - 2 cm - Excerpts from letters. 594 MEMORANDUM of the Meddels in the Box for the Chickasaw Chiefs. (For the 16 chiefs who joined Anthony Wayne's army.) 1 p. 24.4 cm. 595 MENARD, PIERRE (1 766-1844) To Pierre Chouteau, Kaskaskia, Mar. 19, 1840. 1 p. 24.5 cm. Shipment of Indian corn. 596 MENARD and VALLfiE To Ramsay Crooks, Kaskaskia, July 9, 1822. / p. 24.J cm. L.s. Trade with Bostwick instead of Hunt. 597 MENDOCINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Articles of apprenticeship of Indian men, women, and chil- dren, Sep. 24, 1 86 1. Signed by A. O. Carpenter and W. Henry. 3 PP- 33 - 1 cm " TS.from original in private ownership. 598 MERIAN, G. To Mr. Brewster, Brooklyn Heights, Nov. 14, 1863. 3 pp. 26.8 cm. Eleazar Williams. 599 MERRILL, SAMUEL P. To J. C. Pilling, Rochester, Mar. 1, 1892. 2 pp. 21.4 cm. L.s. Publications on Otos and Siouan family. 600 MESSLER, ABRAHAM (1800-1882) The Indians of the Raritan [c. 1840]. 42 pp. 24.8 cm. 601 MICHIGAN (TERRITORY)— GOVERNOR, 1813-1831 (LEWIS CASS) Regulations of Indian affairs in the Northwest Territory and proposals for the better organization of the Indian Depart- ment. [Detroit, 181 5.] 3J pp. 25.2 cm. Copy. NORTH AMERICA 73 602 To Alexander Wolcott, Detroit, July 3, 1828. 2 pp. 24.5 cm. Treaty with Potawatomies. 603 To Joseph Gales, Jr., Wash., Nov. 16, 1831. 1 P- 2 5-4 cm - introducing Mr. Ward. 604 MILLET, FRANCIS DAVIS (1846-1912) To E. E. Ayer, Wash., Dec. 3, 1910. 2 pp. 20.4 cm. Commission of Fine Arts. 605 MILLET, PIERRE (1655-1709) Account of his Captivity among the Oneidas in 1 690-1 691. Translated by Mrs. E. E. Ayer. 7/ pp. 18.J cm. 606 MITCHELL, DAVID BRYDIE (1 766-1837) To J. C. Calhoun, Creek Agency, Nov. 24, 181 8. 1 p. 22.8 cm. Losses sustained by Seminoles. 607 Order prohibiting sale of spirits to the Creek nation, Camp at Thleanootcheau, June 15, 181 8. 1 p. 21 cm. 608 MORGAN, GEORGE (1742-1810) To John Hancock, Bait., Jan. 4, 1777. 3 PP- 34 cm - Report concerning western Indians, their lands and the white settlers. 609 MORRIS, THOMAS To John Bradstreet, La Prairie des Mascoutins, Sep. 2, 1764. / p. 23.2 cm. Indians at Detroit. 610 MORVILLO, ANTONIO 4 letters to J. C. Pilling, Lewiston, Idaho, Oct. 14, 1888, Mar. 18, June 10, Aug. 18, 1892. 13 pp. Various sizes. JVez Perce's grammar and dictionary. 611 MURPHY, TIMOTHY T. Indenture for payment of debt . . . 18th day of June in the year of our Lord 1 8 1 8 . . . / p. 32.1 cm. 612 [MUSTAFA IBN ABDULLAH, called Katib Chelebi or Hajji Khalifa] {c. 1 600-1 658) [A description of the new world.] 212 pp., maps and miniatures. 25 cm. 74 NORTH AMERICA 613 A MUSTER ROLL of Captain William Brown's Company in the first Regiment of Artillery in the Service of the United States, commanded by Colonel Charles Harrison, for the Month of July & August, 1780, Fort Schuyler, Sep. 1, 1780. 2 pp. 41. 5 cm. 614 NATONAMAGE, JAMES, Indian Complaint against Nathaniel Mott for selling liquor to In- dians. Cambridge, Oct. 25, 1663. / p. 30.3 cm. D.s. 615 NEVILL, VALENTINE The Reduction of Louisbourg. A Poem Inscribed to the Honble Edward Boscawen: Revised & Corrected V. N. [1758]. o pp. 22.6 cm. 616 NEVILLE, PRESLEY (1756-1818) To Thomas Mifflin, Pittsburg, Aug. 3, 1792. 2 pp. 31.3 cm. Indian affairs in Northwest. 617 NEWCOMB, SILAS Journal [of an overland trip to California and Oregon], Apr. 1, 1850-Mar. 31, 1 85 1. 232 pp. 30.2 cm. Photostat from original in W. R. Coe Collection. 618 NEW HAMPSHIRE (COLONY)— GENERAL ASSEMBLY Vote concerning "Accounts relating to the Expedition against Louisburgh," Dec. 11, 1746. / p. 31 cm. Published in Provincial Papers . . . New Hampshire, v. 5, p. 471. 619 Letter to John Thomlinson relating to expedition against Louisburg, June 4, 1 747. 2 pp. 31.2 cm. Copy. 620 Clauses from four acts, Feb. 16, 1744, July 6, Oct. 5, 1745, and July 12, 1746, for funds for the Louisburg expedition, with letter of Benning Wentworth certifying copies attached. 9 PP- 3 J -5 cm - 2 copies. 621 NEW HAMPSHIRE (COLONY)— LIEUTENANT- GOVERNOR, 1697-1703 (WILLIAM PARTRIDGE) Minutes of a Council held at Portsmouth, Aug. 23, 1703. 1 P- 33 cm - Defense against Indians. NORTH AMERICA 75 622 NEW HAMPSHIRE (COLONY)— GOVERNOR, 1741-1767 (BENNING WENTWORTH) 6 letters to John Thomlinson, July 16, Aug. 1, 1742; June 11, Sep. 2, 1749; Mar. 20, 1753; Jan. 20, 1754. 21 pp. Various sizes. New Hampshire- Massachusetts, Connecticut- New York boundary dispute and Canada expedition. 623 To the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury, Ports- mouth, June 12, 1749. 4 pp. 31.8 cm. D.s. Funds for Louisburg expedition. 624 NEW HAMPSHIRE (COLONY)— HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Vote of thanks to John Thomlinson for services in relation to settlement of boundary, Feb. 5, 1739/40. 1 p. 28 cm. Published in Provincial Papers . . . New Hampshire, v> 5> PP- I3-I4- 625 A true copy of the journal of the House of Representatives, New Hampshire, from July 23 to Aug. 7, 1 740, sent to John Thomlinson, with instructions to apply for a separate gover- norship. 16 pp. 38.2 cm. 626 NEW HAMPSHIRE (COLONY), INHABITANTS OF Petition to the king against the division of New Hampshire and Massachusetts by inhabitants of New Hampshire, [1739]. 1 p. 39 cm. Copy, unsigned, sent to John Thomlinson, London. 627 NEW HAMPSHIRE (COLONY)— TREASURY, 1706-1709 Expense account of the Indian squaw, Epachey, 1706/07- 1709. 3 pp. Various sizes. 628 NEWHOUSE, SETH Prediction of "De-ka-na-wi-dah." 9 pp. 32.8 cm. 629 NEW JERSEY (COLONY)— LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR, 1755-1756 (THOMAS POWNALL) To Sir William Johnson, Albany, Nov. 11, 1755. 2 pp. 30.3 cm. Military and Indian affairs. Published in The Papers of Sir William Johnson, //, 289-90. 76 NORTH AMERICA 630 NEWNHAM, JERVOIS ARTHUR (b. 1852) To H. N. Stevens, Alpha House, Colwyn Bay, June 7, 1901. 5 pp. 17.3 cm. Hymn-book in Swampy Cree language. 631 NEW YORK (COLONY)— COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN AFFAIRS Letter from the Com 88 of Ind n . affaires ... at Albany 4 th . Mar. 1733 to Governor William Cosby. 3 pp. 27.2 cm. D.s. 632 NEW YORK (COLONY)— COUNCIL Minutes of the Council of New York, Nov. 24, 1 745-July 1 8, 1749- 368 pp., maps. 35 cm. 633 Minutes of Council commencing the 26th November 1750 and Ending the ig 1 . June 1751. 38 pp. 32.5 cm. 634 NEW YORK (COLONY)— LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR, 1702-1709 (RICHARD INGOLDESBY) Order concerning purchase of arms May 22, 1709 and report of committee, N. Y., May 23, 1709. 2 pp. 2g.8 cm. 635 Memorial . . . July 4, 1 709. / p. 37.5 cm. Expedition against Canada. 636 NEW YORK (COLONY)— GOVERNOR, 1743-1753 (GEORGE CLINTON) [Speech of] His Excellency The Governour ... to the As- sembly touching the Expedition [against Canada] June 6, June 18, July 4, July 8, 1746, and replies. // pp. 32.5 cm. 637 Document commanding William Johnson to meet the Far Nations in council at Onondaga Castle, Pokepsie, Dec. 2, 1 746. / p. 32 cm. D.s. Printed in The papers of Sir William Johnson, Albany, 1921, I, pp. 67-68. 638 Att a Meeting of His Excellency The Honor ble George Clinton . . . with the Six Nations of Indians at Albany, July 1, 1751. 28 pp. 32.5 cm. Variation from version in Documents relating to Colonial History of New York, v. 6, pp. 717 ff. NORTH AMERICA 77 639 NEW YORK (COLONY)— LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR, 1761-1776 (CADWALLADER GOLDEN) 3 letters to Sir William Johnson, Fort George, Dec. 19, 1763; Apr. 22, 1764. L.s.; Springhill Flushing, May 25, 1764. 4 pp. Various sizes. Indian trade, disposition of troops on frontiers. 640 NEW YORK (STATE)— ATTORNEY-GENERAL (JULIUS M. MAYER) Report before the commissioners of land office of the state of New York, concerning the memorial of the Cayuga nation, Mar., 1906; Horace McGuire to Mr. Samson, Apr. 10, 1906. 10 pp. 2J.8 cm. 641 NEW YORK (STATE)— ATTORNEY-GENERAL (WILLIAM SCHUYLER JACKSON) Report sent to C. E. Hughes, Governor, concerning treaty rights of the Oneida Indians, Oct. 28, 1907. Covering letter: George P. Decker to Mr. Samson. 17 pp. 32.2 cm. TS. 642 NEW YORK (STATE)— COMMISSIONERS APPOINTED TO HOLD TREATIES, 1789 At a Meeting of the Commissioners appointed to hold Treaties with the Indians, within the State — Feb. 27* . 1789. Present His Excellency Governor Clinton [and others]. Resolution to pay £2000 to Richard Varick certified by Egbert Benson. 1 p. 16.2 cm. 643 NEW YORK (STATE)— GOVERNOR, 1 777-1 795 (GEORGE CLINTON) To Edward Hand, Pokepsie, Nov. 17, 1778. / p. ig.y cm. L.s. News from Cherry Valley. 644 Address to the Wolfe tribe of the Oneida Nation, N. Y., Nov. 13, 1790. 3 PP- 32-5 <™- 645 To William Colbreath, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1792. 3 PP- 3 2 - 2 cm * Murder of an Onondaga Indian. 646 Message to N. Y. legislature on Indian affairs, Albany, Mar. 18, 1794. / p. 32.2 cm. D.s. 78 NORTH AMERICA ^ ^ ^ JSSSSSSSS ^ ■■■■■ 647 NEW YORK (STATE)— GOVERNOR, 1804-1807 (MORGAN LEWIS) Message to the legislature concerning purchase of two reser- vations from the Cayuga tribe, Albany, Mar. 6, 1807. 1 p. 25 cm. 648 NEW YORK (STATE) GOVERNOR, 1810-1819 (DANIEL D. TOMPKINS) To Elbridge Gerry, Albany, Apr. 30, 181 2. 2 pp. 33 cm. Holland purchase. 649 NEW YORK, NEW JERSEY, CONNECTICUT and PENNSYLVANIA (COLONIES)— COUNCIL Minutes of council at Fort Anne, May 18-June 25, 1709. 9 PP- 37-8 cm - Expedition against Canada, Col. Nicholson. 650 NEW YORK. NEW STOCKBRIDGE, INHABITANTS OF (1810) Petition to Daniel D. Tompkins, Governor of New York, of the inhabitants of New Stockbridge (white and Indian) in regard to the rights of the white settlers [c. 18 10]. 4 PP- 3*'4 cm " D- s - 651 NICOLET, JEAN (c. 1598-1642) Inventory of effects of Jean Nicolet, signed by Pierre Nicolet and Marguerite Couillard, Nov. 27, 1642. 10 pp. 34.8 cm. 652 NO EARS, JOHN, Indian Chronology of the Ogallalla Sioux. From 1759 to 191 2. Com- piled by an old Pine Ridge Policeman Named John No Ears, and His Brother, and Translated by Charles Nines. 4 pp. 2J.8 cm. TS. 653 NORGATE, ELIAS 2 letters to J. T. Pettigrew, Lond., Dec. 22, 1824, Ma Y 2 4> 1826. 3 pp. 18.4 cm. Sailings to America; defense of John Dunn Hunter. 654 NORTON, JOHN (TEYONINHOKARAWEN) Letter-book. Letters to John Owen, David Barclay, Robert Barclay and others. Report of Council of English and Five Nations. Written in England and America, 1805-18 10. J 49 PP-i clippings. Various sizes. Travels in England and America. NORTH AMERICA 79 655 OCGOM, MARY FOWLER (fl. 1750) To [Eleazar Wheelock], New London, Jan. 15, 1767. 1 p. 14 cm. L.s. Her son, Aaron. 656 OCGOM, SAMSON (1723-1792) To Eleazar Wheelock, Mohegan, Mar. 14, 1774. / p. 33.5 cm. Removal of New England Indians to Oneida lands. 657 ONDERDONK, HENRY, jr. Life and times of Tecumseh, 1842. 41 pp., maps. 25.3 cm. Photostat from original in Library of Congress. 658 ONEIDA INDIANS Agreement between the Oneida nation and Jedediah Phelps concerning depredation of cattle by Indians, referring to clause in land lease, Oneida, Nov. 12, 1787. / p. 29.4 cm. 659 To [John Taylor], Oneida, June 8, 1805. 2 pp. 32.2 cm. Annuity of Lewis Cook. 660 Speech of the Oneida and Stockbridge Indians to John Taylor concerning sale of Stockbridge lands, Oneida, Feb. 27, 1806. 2 PP- 3 J -5 cm - 661 Petition to legislature of New York for remuneration for houses and improvements on lands sold to the state, Oneida, Feb. 7, 1814. 3 pp. 31.8 cm. 662 Documents authorizing Aaron Smith, William Cornelius, John Honyart and Moses Scuyler to represent the pagan party of the Oneida Indians in all business that is necessary to transact with the Governor, Feb. 19, 18 14. / p. 25.8 cm. 663 To Samuel Royce and others of Clinton Agents, Trustees as Committe in behalf of the Oneida Nation of Indians, for the support of the Gospel Ministry amongst said Nation, Oneida, Oct. 29, 1 82 1. 2 pp. 32 cm. 664 To Samuel Royce and Lodewick Morrison, Green Bay, Sep. 28, 1833. / p. 32.8 cm. Notice that Eleazar Williams is no longer a missionary. 80 NORTH AMERICA 665 ONONDAGA INDIANS Receipt for $1,000 for annuities, Buffalo, May 28, 1821. 1 p. 32.2 cm. D.s. 666 OSHKOSH (1795-1858) Menominee Chief To W. H. Bruce, Point Boss, Jan. 15, 1850. 1 p. 31. J cm. Murder of one of his boys by Kayio. 667 To John V. Suydam, Butte des Morts, Jan. 30, 1854. 2 pp. 31.2 cm. Removal of Menominees from Lake Shawanon to Ocaton River. 668 OTIS, JOSEPH E. (1867-) [Report on Indian Affairs 1 920-1 923.] 54 PP- 3 2 -5 cm ' TS. From the author to Mr. Ayer. 669 OTTAWA INDIANS Appointment of Augustin Hamelin, Jr., to be head chief, by the chiefs of the Ottawa tribe of Indians at L'Arbre-Croche, Little Traverse, and elsewhere, and of the Chippewas residing near Mackinac, Little Traverse, May 3, 1835. 3 PP- 2 5 cm - Totems of 56 chiefs. 670 OUILMETT, ANTOINE To James Moore, Racine, June 1, 1839. / p. 31.8 cm. L.s. Reminiscences of Chicago in iygo. 671 OWONECO and BEN UNGAS The complaint and prayer of Owoneco and Ben Uncas, 1 700. Signed by Samuel Mason, William Whiting, Ebenezer John- son, Ephraim Minor, and Amos Avery, interpreter, who were appointed by the General Court to hear and report the com- plaints of Owoneco and Ben Uncas concerning injuries done them in the settlement of Colchester. 2 pp. 30.9 cm. D.s. 672 PAGE, JOHN Deposition of John Page of Groton against Richard Blood, for selling liquor to Indians, [Jan.] 22, 1666. / p. 20.3 cm. 673 PARKER, ALBERT To his mother, Chicago, Oct. 25, 1839. / p. 28 cm. TS. Trip from Groton, Mass. to Chicago. NORTH AMERICA 8l 674 PARKER, ELY SAMUEL (DO-NE-HO-GA-WA) (1828-1895) A fourth of July address. 4PP'3 J '5 cm. 675 [Notes for an address on Indian dances, games, and customs.] 31 pp. 25.4 cm. 676 [Notes on Indian traits and relationship with whites.] 31 pp. 32 cm. 677 To Mrs. Converse, addressed as "Cousin Gayaneshaoh." 6 pp. ig.6 cm. Mistreatment of the Indians by the whites. 678 To Mrs. Pearsall. 4 pp. 20.1 cm. Indian name for a cottage. 679 PARKER, J. N. To his mother, Chicago, Dec. 3, 1838. 2 pp. 28 cm. TS. Trip from Boston to Chicago, partly by Great Lakes. 680 PARKER, MOSES To the Honred Court Sitting In Charlstowne this 18 th of June, 1684. / p. 25.2 cm. Petition concerning fine for trading with Indians. 681 PARKER, RICHARD, jr. To Benjamin Lincoln, Augusta, Jan. 1 7, 1 780. 1 p. 32.y cm. Indian disturbance in Georgia. 682 PARKER, S. J. To J. C. Pilling, Ithaca, Oct. 12, 1892. 4 pp. 20. J cm. Publications of his father in Indian languages. 683 PARKINSON, E. Sketch of a Trip to the Wilderness in . . . August 1843. 11 PP- 3° cm " 684 PARKMAN, FRANCIS (1823-1893) To G. R. Morse, Boston, Aug. 28, 1877. 2 pp. 20.3 cm. Indians and profanity. 685 To Pierre Margry, Boston, Feb. 9, 1892. 4 pp. 1J.3 cm. Maps for Memoires . . . and notes in Margrfs handwriting. 686 PARRISH, JASPER To M. F. Miller, Canandaigua, June 14, 181 9. / p. 2 j cm. Indian Council at Buffalo. 82 NORTH AMERICA 687 PARSONS, SAMUEL HOLDEN (1737-1789) Joint letter, with James Davenport, to Samuel Huntington, Phil., Apr. 6, 1789. 7 pp. 26.1 cm. Treaty with Indians concerning lands of Connecticut lying west of Pennsylvania. 688 [PARTRIDGE, SAMUEL] Account of expenses for the public service, 1724 — posts, scouts, etc. 4 PP- 3°-5 cm. 689 PAYNE, JOHN HOWARD (1791-1852) Papers concerning the Cherokee Indians. 14 volumes. I. Tra- ditions of the Cherokees. 172 pp. II. [Notes.] 273 pp. (Miscel- lany of notes and letters pertaining to George Gist, Tecumseh, John Ross, and others.) III. Indian Antiquities. 83 pp.; Cher- okee Antiquities. 45 pp. IV. Letters to Payne from John Ross, D. S. Butrick, and others, 1 826-1 840; notes concerning the origin of the Indians and the ethnology of the Cherokees. 619 pp. V. Letters to Payne concerning missions and the relations of the Cherokees and the government, 1 836-1 839. 74 pp. VI. Notes on Cherokee history, June 9, 1839-Nov. 4, 1839. 177 pp.; National characteristics of the Cherokees. 65 pp.; Evans, I. P., Sketches of Cherokee characters. 38 pp. VII. Copies of letters and documents and printed excerpts concerning the Cherokee Indians, 181 4-1 836. 391 pp.; Conference with Certain Chiefs and warriors of the Cherokee nation at Philadelphia, June, 1794. 25 pp. VIII. Letters from missionaries among the Cher- okees, 1828; Ridge, John, Sketch of the condition of the Cher- okee Nation, 1826, Strictures on "the Report of the Joint Committee on the State of the Republic" in the Legislature of Georgia, on the Subject of the Cherokee Lands. 181 pp. IX. Letters to Payne and to Elizur Butler, 1831-1841. 116 pp. [X.] A Sketch of the Creek Country in the years 1798-99, by Benjamin Hawkins and others, copied Aug. 15, 1835, from the original manuscript by Payne. 52 pp.; Letters to Payne 1835- J 839. 23 pp.; Turner, William, A description of the Emigra- tion . . . of the N. Western Indians. 27 pp.; Evans, I. P., Cus- NORTH AMERICA 83 toms and manners of the Sioux Indians. 19 pp.; Heckewelder, John, Names Given by the Lenni Lenape or Delaware Indians, 1833. 48 pp. (printed) [XI.] [Early History of the American Indians.] 298 pp. [XII.] Memoranda on the execution of the Cherokee treaty of 1835. 53 PP- [XIII]. Memoranda in regard to a contemplated examination of the Commissioners under the 17 th article of the treaty of 1835, wrtn tne Cherokees. 68 pp. [XIV]. [Wirt, William.] "Publications justifying the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in the missionary case." 35 pp. 2,882 pp. Various sizes. 690 To Jessie Gibson, Wash., Nov. 30, 1841. 4 pp. 23 cm. Death of Miss Gibson's brother. 691 PEAIRS, SARAH Sarah Peairs her pamphlet James Peairs her Brother and Ann Peairs her Sister. 7 5 PP' *9-5 cm - Journey from Kentucky down the Mississippi to Natchez, to New Orleans, and return by boat to Philadelphia, 1 778-1 783. 692 [PEIRCE, JOHN] Notes, on a visit to Several Tribes of Indians, 1 796. 67 pp. 27.8 cm. TS. from original in Friends' Library, Swarthmore. 693 PENHALLOW, SAMUEL and WENTWORTH, JOHN Report with John Wentworth concerning the location of the meeting-house at Stretham, Aug. 24, 1716. / p. 31.8 cm. 694 PfiNICAUT, ANDRfi Relation ou annalle de ce qui s'est passe dans le pays de la Louisiane pendant vingt-deux annees consecutives, depuis le commencement de l'Etablissement des francois dans ce pays, par M r Dhiberuille, et M r le Comte de Surgere, 1 699-1 721 . . . 39° PP' 2I -7 cm - C°Py by Gabriel Gravier from copy in BN. See Historical collections of Louisiana and Florida, ed. by B. F. French, NT., i86g. 695 PENN, THOMAS (1702-1775) To [John Penn], Lond., Dec. 10, 1763. 1 p. 22.5 cm. Indian troubles, the assembly, issue of paper money. 84 NORTH AMERICA 696 To Sir William Johnson, Lond., Sep. 7, 1764. 2 pp. 22.6 cm. L.s. Penn policy of paying Indians for lands. 697 PENN, WILLIAM (1644-1718) Grant of one thousand acres of land to William Jenkins in the Province of Pennsylvania, Oct. 26, 1681. 51.6 x 66.1 cm. Parchment. 698 PENNIMAN, MOSES and REBECCA Power of attorney to John Thomlinson to sell their estate, Dec. 13, 1738. 2 pp. 37.8 cm. D.s. 699 PENNSYLVANIA (COLONY) — COMMISSIONERS TO THE GOVERNOR Report to the governor concerning protection of frontier against the Indians. June 14, 1756. 2 pp. 33 cm. 700 Report to the governor concerning provisions for Col. Arm- strong's battalion, Phil., Jan. 25, 1757. 2 pp. 37.4 cm. 701 PENNSYLVANIA (COLONY) — LIEUTENANT - GOV- ERNOR, 1 709-1 71 7 (CHARLES GOOKIN) To Francis Nicholson and Samuel Vetch, Phil., June 17, 1709. 2 pp. 18.2 cm. Refusal of assembly to raise money for Canada expedi- tion. 702 PENNSYLVANIA (COLONY) — GOVERNOR, 1 754-1 756 (ROBERT HUNTER MORRIS) To William Shirley, Phil., Aug. 19, 1755. 3 pp. 31.2 cm. Difficulty of raising money for French and Indian war. 703 PENNSYLVANIA (COLONY) — LIEUTENANT - GOV- ERNOR, 1763-1771 (JOHN PENN) To Sir William Johnson, Phil., May 23, 1765. 3 pp. 31. 5 cm. Indian trade and lands along the Susquehanna. 704 PENNSYLVANIA (STATE)— EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Grant of land to Samuel Pleasants in Bedford County. Wit- nessed by Benjamin Franklin, President of the Supreme Exec- utive Council, June 21, 1787. 46 x 34.5 cm. Parchment. NORTH AMERICA 85 705 PENSONEAU, LAURANT To J. B. Sarpy, Kickapoo trading house, Aug. 5, 1836. / p. 24 cm. Outfit for fur traders. 706 PERINAUT, — Certificat de la vente d'une maison au Sieur Grignon. Mack- inac, July 13, 1777. 1 p. 24.6 cm. 707 PERONNEAU, ISAAC The Publick To Isaac Peronneau . . . Dr. July 11, 1753, to Entertaining 13 Cherokee Indians one Day. / p. 20 cm. 708 PERRAULT, HYACINTHE Protestation of the Recollet fathers against Mgr. de Quebec, July 6, 1694. 5 pp. 24.4 cm. 709 PERRY, HENRY Letters written on trip from New York around South America to California, Jan. 25, 1849 to Sep- 28, 1850. 14 documents. 4g pp. Various sizes. 710 PESHKEWAH, Micmac chief (c. 1761-1841) Why Indians are now to be permitted to vote, under certain conditions ... To Me-she-kun-nogh-quoh (Little Turtle) Great Chief — and my Father. Prepared by A. P. Edgerton. 4 pp. 31. g cm. L.s. 711 PETERS, RICHARD (1704-1776) To Timothy Stanfield, Phil., Apr. 15, 1757. 1 P- 2 3-3 cm - Provisioning Teedyuscung and Indians on journey to Philadelphia. 712 Order to pay Frederick Post 50 pistoles . . . Feb. 18, 1760. Receipted by Christian Frederick Post. / p. 31.2 cm. 713 PETERS, WILLIAM and DUCHfi, JACOB Statement of William Peters and Jacob Duche, regarding the actions of the Quakers at Easton, Pennsylvania, during con- ference between William Denny and the Indians, 1757. 6 pp. 33 cm. D.s. 86 NORTH AMERICA 714 [PETITION] A Messieurs S*. Ange, Capitaine et Command* De La partie francoise aux ilinois, et Labuxiere Juge et procureur du pays. St. Louis, May 8, 1 768. 8 pp. 57.5 cm. Copy. Prohibition oj sale of alcohol to Indians. 715 PETITOT, £MILE FORTUNE STANISLAUS JOSEPH (b. 1838) Chants indiens du Canada Nord-Ouest recueillis, classes et notes par Emile Petitot . . . 1889. 18 pp. 2J cm. 716 PETOGKOM, SIMON Testimony of Simon Petogkom and Benjamin Indian against Blood for selling rum. 1 p. 22.2 cm. 717 PEYTON, JOHN LEWIS (1824-1896) To Isabella C. Frances Walsh, Jan. 21, 1871. / p. iy.y cm. Over the Alleghanies . . . 718 PHELPS, OLIVER (1 749-1809) In account with Connecticut Land Company. Statement to pay to Jos h . Brandt Si 02.60, Jan., 1809. / p. 23.6 cm. 719 PHILLIPS, HENRY E. When The First Ship Landed in Alaska, according to Thlinget tradition, Sitka, [1922]. Note by A. P. Kashevaroff. 6 pp. 26. g cm. TS. 720 DE LA PHILOSOPHIE . . . 580 pp. 20.6 cm. French manuscript text-book of 18th c. on natural philosophy. Pp. 208-210 concern North and South America. 721 PHIPS, SPENCER (1685-1757) To John Stoddard, Boston, Sep. 26, 1745. 1 p. 18.J cm. L.s. Appointment of Stoddard as commissioner to the Convention with the Indians of the Six Nations at Albany. 722 PIAMINGO, Chickasaw chief A Talk Delivered Gen 1 Joseph Martin ... the 28 th of Sept., 1 789 for his Excellency Samuel Johnson, Esq r . Governor of the State of North Carolina. * PP- 3°-5 cm > NORTH AMERICA 87 723 PICKENS, ANDREW (1729-1817) To Elijah Clark, Long Cane, Apr. 3, 1782. 3 PP- 2 5-3 cm - Expedition to Cherokee country. 724 [PICKERING, JOHN] The way and manner y*. S*. Johns was taken according to y e best information Could gett of both french and English [1709]. 6 pp. 20.8 cm. 725 PIERCE, JOHN To E. E. Ayer, Albany, Oct. 18, 191 5, enclosing copy of his letter to the Times- Union, June 14, 1909. 2 pp. 2 y. 8 cm. 726 PIKE, ZEBULON MONTGOMERY (1779-1813) To Henry Dearborn, Sackett's Harbor, Apr. 8, 1813. 2 pp. 2j.j cm. L.s. Command of expedition and request for supplies. 727 PILLING, JAMES CONSTANTINE (1846-1895) 2 letters to C. A. Cutter, Wash., May 24, May 27, 1890. 4 pp. 20.4 cm. Potawatomi book in Boston Athenaeum library. 728 PILSBERRY, JOSHUA A Detail of the towns thro which we traveled at the Capture of Burgoyne in 1777. 2 pp., map. 34.8 cm. Itinerary from Dracutt, Mass., and return Oct. i-Nov. 8, iyyy and map showing position which the army under Burgoyne took at Saratoga, Sep. 10, iJJJ. List of Taverns, Towns and Distances as far as Fort Edward. 729 PINCKNEY, WILLIAM Order to supply five Cherokee Indians on their way home with provisions at the public expense. Charles Town, July 13, 1755. 1 p. 18.8 cm. 730 PLACIDE, TOM Account of the Welsh Indians. 4 PP- 2 5-5 cm. 731 POINTEAU, PIERRE Power of attorney given to Louis Rouer de Villeray for man- agement of his tenants, estates, taxes, fur trade in New France, in the vicinity of Quebec. Paris, Mar. 21, 1692. 5 PP- 33 cm- 88 NORTH AMERICA 732 POLLARD, BENJAMIN 4 letters to John Thomlinson, Boston, Aug. 25, Oct. 30, Nov. 15, Dec. 20, 1738. 14 pp. Various sizes. Massachusetts officials and government. 733 POTE, WILLIAM, jr. (1718-1755) Journal during his captivity among the French and Indians, May 17, 1745-Aug. 8, 1747. 2 34 PP- *7 cm > Published in New York, i8g6. 734 POTTER, REUBEN MARMADUKE (1802-1890) The Fall of the Alamo . . . being a revision of an article pub- lished in July i860, Fort Wood, N. Y., July 19, 1875. 18 pp., diagram. 29.5 cm. Published in Old South leaflets. General series no. 130. 735 POUND, CUTHBERT W. To W. H. Samson, Lockport, N. Y., Feb. 23, 1907. 2 pp. 26.8 cm. Bill for relief of Cayuga nation. 736 PRATTE, BERNARD, jr. (1803-1887) To Peter Chouteau, Jr., Boonville, Mo., Apr. 28, 1836. 1 p. 25.5 cm. 737 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Bond of the Covenant Sworn by the Ministers of the Associate Presbytery, Dec. 28, 1743. 6 pp. 31.8 cm. 738 [PRESTON, LEANDER A.] (1838-1907) Items of travel of the Carner families and others across the Plains in i860 and 1861 from Strawberry Point, Iowa, to Yuba City, California. 8 pp. 32.8 cm. TS.from original in private ownership. 739 PREVOST, AUGUSTINE (c. 1 725-1 786) 2 letters to Sir William Johnson, Croghan's Forest, Mar. 20, N.Y., July 7, 1772. 7 pp. 22. J cm. "New Collony on the Ohio" regimental movements. Printed in The Papers of Sir William Johnson, VIII, 426-27, 531-33- 740 PTOLEMAEUS, CLAUDIUS Cosmographia and other tracts by various authors. Colo- NORTH AMERICA 89 phons: Claudij Ptolemej viri allexandrini Cosmographiae Octavus et ultimus liber explicit; Tabula Johannis de Lineriis de sinibus et circulis invendi; Hoc instrumentum factum est per inveniendum gradum ascendentem dicetur itaque orosco- pus; Circulus eccentricus dicitur; Tractatus de fluxus et refluxu aquae maris . . . compilatus a Jacobo de Dondis [15th c] 267 pp. 29 cm. 741 Cosmographia. Colophon: Claudij Ptolemei Alexandrini cos- mographiae Octavus et ultimus liber a Jacobo Angelo e Graeco in Latinum traductus . . . [Florence, 15th c] 346 pp. 28. j cm. 742 Cosmographia (Noviter idiomate germania contextam). A paraphrase of the Geography by Johann Cesarinus Juliacensis (?). Germany, dated 1502. 5/ pp. 19.1 cm. 743 T€(oypa(f>L/crj v^rjyrjo-is; A guide to geography annotated and corrected. Constantinople (?) 14th c. 230 pp. 40.8 cm. 744 Quadripartitum, i.e. Tetrabiblos syntaxis, and the Centilogium or Karpos; excerpts from other works of Ptolemy, with the commentary by Haly. Italy, 15th c. 468 pp. 28.9 cm. 745 Tahrir al-Majisti; i.e. an abbreviated version in Arabic of the Almagest by Nasir ad-Din at-Tusi. 1666. 429 pp. 18.9 cm. 746 Tractat del Stralau del gra Strolech Tholomeu. Catalan trans- lation of the Almagest. 15th c. 213 pp. 1 7. 1 cm. Parchment. 747 QUEBEC Proces verbal d assemblee des trois estats, habitans ce pays que depute M rs . d auteiiil, Juchereau et pacaud sur Le Castor. Quebec, Oct. 3, 1699. 2 pp. 35 cm. 748 QUEBEC. PROVINCE Tableau de toutes les seigneuries concedees Et Etablies dans l'Etendue de la Province de Quebec, Extrait des Registres 90 NORTH AMERICA d'Intendance Et du Conseil Superieur. Note on back, signed Bigot: Boundaries & Extent of the estates of the Province of Que- bec extracted by order from the Bureau of the "Intendant." i p. 147 x 135 cm. 749 RAND, HATTIE B. To J. C. Pilling, announcing the death of her father, Silas T. Rand, Hantsport, Oct. 12, [1889]. Postal card 13 x J.5 cm. 750 RAWSON, GRINDALL (1659-1715) To Welstead Meritt, Mendon, Feb. 2, 1 712/13. / p. 26.2 cm. Treatment of indentured servants. 751 RECENSEMENT GENAL fait au mois de Nouembre mile Sept cent huit de tous les Sauuages de L Acadie qui resident dans la coste de L'est, et de ceux de Pintagouet et de Canibeky; famille par famille, Leurs ages, celuy de Leurs femmes et En- fants auec une Recapitulation a la fin de la quantite d'hom- mes et de garcons capables d'aler a La guerre Comme aussy Le recensement des francois establis a La ditte Coste de L'es. 1708. 43 PP- 34-5 cm. 752 [REDMAN, J. T.] (b. 1843) Reminiscences and Experiences on My Trip Across the Plains to California Sixty-one Years Ago When I drove Four Mules to a Covered Wagon. Marshall, Missouri, June 17th, 1924. 6 pp. 2j.g cm. TS. from original in private ownership. 753 REEVE, WILLIAM DAY (b. 1844) To J. C. Pilling, Winnipeg, Sep. 2, 1891. 2 pp. 2J.3 cm. Linguistic titles, succession to Bishop Bompas. 754 REPORTS for the summer of the year 1757 (to July 10th, 1758) concerning the surrender of Fort William Henry, the proposed evacuation of Fort Edward, the fall of Louis burg, etc. 2 pp. 32.2 cm. 755 RHEA, JOHN (1753-1832) To John Armstrong, Wash., May 25, 181 3. 2 pp. 25.2 cm. Suppression of the Seminoles, volunteers from East Tennessee. NORTH AMERICA 91 756 RHODES, ISAAC Selectmen of Sheffield to Isaac Rhodes, D r . To tending Nursing & Bord g . John Dalhoon of Capt n . Wright's Comp a .etc. Sheffield, Jan. 13, 1757. / p. 31.5 cm. 757 RICHARD, EDOUARD To Agnes Laut, Ottawa, Mar. 5, 1903. 6 pp. 1 J. 8 cm. Material in archives at Ottawa. 758 RICHARDSON, JOHN DUNN Journal of a trip in 1867 to the Northwest, by Missouri River and overland. 188 pp. 24 cm. Photostat from original in private ownership. 759 RICHEBOURG, M. de To , Fort Louis de la Louisianne, Oct. 20, 171 8. 2 pp. 30.4 cm. Thanking him for Cross of St. Louis. 760 RIDDLE, JEFF C. [The history of the Modoc war, 1872-1873.] 221 pp. 25.4 cm. Printed in San Francisco, igi4. 761 RIDGE, JOHN (1803-1839) To James Monroe, F. M. S. Cornwall, Conn., Mar. 8, 1821. 2 pp. ig.2 cm. Visit of Jedidiah Morse to the Indians. 762 To G. R. Gilmer, [Wash., 1835]. 2 pp. 25.3 cm. Desire of Cherokees for delegate in Congress instead of agent. 763 RIDGEFIELD, CONNECTICUT, PROPRIETORS OF General release of lands in Ridgefield . . . 1734. / p. 30.6 cm. 764 RIDLEY, WILLIAM (b. 1836) To J. C. Pilling, Metlakatla, Apr. 11, 1887. 4 PP- T 7'8 cm - 765 To Messrs. Hibben & Co., Metlakatla, Jan. 22, 1892. 3 pp. 18 cm. Translations of books into Tsimshian, Kwakiutl and Niska languages. 766 RIGGS, ALFRED LONGLEY (b. 1837) To J. C. Pilling, Santee Agency, Mar. 17, 1893. / p. 22.8 cm. Dakota dictionary. 92 NORTH AMERICA 767 RINGGOLD, THOMAS To W. Woodworth, Fort Dade, East Florida, Mar. 7, 1837. 3 pp. 25 cm. Treaty with Seminoles and removal to Arkansas. 768 RIORDAN, DANIEL M. Report to the Commissioner of Indian affairs on the Navajo Indians, Fort Defiance, Aug. 14, 1883. 16 pp. 2J.2 cm. TS. 769 ROBERTS, BENJAMIN To Sir William Johnson, Lond., Apr. 27, 1770. 2 pp. 32.5 cm. War with France in America. Printed in The Papers of Sir William Johnson, VII, pp. 606-608. 770 ROBERTSON, ANN ELIZA (WORCESTER) (b. 1826) 3 letters to J. C. Pilling, Muscogee, June 15, 1891; Mar. 8, 1892; Oct. 13, 1893. 10 pp. 20.4 cm. Book of Genesis and New Testament in Creek and Muskokee translations. 771 ROBERTSON, BEVERLY H. To Col. , Fort Conrad, Feb. 15, 1852. 6 pp. 25 cm. Indian activity against military posts of New Mexico. 772 ROBISON,JOHN (1739-1805) To , Edinburgh, Feb. 13, 1790. 6 pp. 22.6 cm. On the mode of preserving meat in Hudson's Bay. 773 [ROGERS, DANIEL D.] A schedule and catalogue of some Indian receipts and cures together with the receipts; A memorandum of circumstances relative to Millers and Riquerts business; A memorandum of some items relative to affairs in 1828. 144 pp. 1 5.1 cm. 774 ROGERS, ROBERT (1731-1795) To Paul Burbeen, N. Y., Feb. 15, 1761. 4 pp. 30.2 cm. Settlement of accounts of the "Rangers." 775 Agreement between Robert Rogers and Simon Stevens to sub- mit the settlement of their accounts to John Stark, Thomas Parker, Stephen Holland, Nathan Stone and Andrew McMil- lan, Londonderry, Apr. 23, 1764. 2 pp. 30.8 cm. D.s. NORTH AMERICA 93 776 ROLETTE, JEAN JOSEPH (1781-1842) To Augustin Grignon, Prairie du Chien, Jan. 8, 181 3. 2 pp. 23.2 cm. 777 To O. N. Bostwick, Prairie des Chiens, Sep. 4, 1824. 3 pp. 24.5 cm. 778 To Messrs. Pratte, Chouteau & Co., Prairie du Chien, Sep. 29, 1836. 2 pp. 25.2 cm. 779 Agreement with Pierre Chouteau, Jr. and Co. for trade of Upper Mississippi Outfit, Prairie du Chien, Apr. 20, 1842. 1 P- 2 5-5 cm " Trade injurs in Mississippi Valley. 780 ROSECRANTZ, N. A Memorandum April 24* . 1788, [of expenses incurred in Indian service at Canandaigua], / p. 30.4 cm. 781 ROSS, JOHN (1 790-1866) Report of the killed and wounded in Col°. Gideon Morgan's j r . Regiment of Cherokees . . . 3 pp. 24.5 cm. Battle of Horse Shoe Bend, Mar. 27, 181 4. 782 To David Crockett, Head of Coosa, Cherokee nation, Jan. 13, 1831. 5 PP- 2 5-5 cm - Georgia and the Cherokees. 783 ROSS, LEWIS To H. A. Wise, Cherokee Agency, June 18, 1838. / p. 30.4 cm. Plight of Cherokees being transported west. 784 ROSS, WILLIAM P. and D. H. Isaac M. Ashton in account with W. P. & D. H. Ross, Tahle- quah, Nov. 18, 1851. 2 pp. 24.8 cm. Insurance on bill of hats and caps. 785 ST. CLAIR, sir JOHN To Governor Morris, Williamsburg, Feb. 14, 1755. Request for maps of Pennsylvania, supplies for Braddock's expedition. 2 PP'3 J -9 cm- 786 ST. JOHN'S BAY, NEWFOUNDLAND Articles of ransom between the inhabitants of St. John's, Petty Harbour, Torbay, Portugal Cove, and vicinity and St. Ovide 94 NORTH AMERICA de Brouillon, Lieutenant-Governor of Placentia. St. John's, Newfoundland [1709]. 2 pp. 28.8 cm. 787 ST. JOHN TRIBE OF INDIANS (MALECITE) [Petition] To the Governor and Council of the State of Maine assembled at Augusta, Jan. 1, 1839. 2 pp. 25.1 cm. D.s. Choice of governor. 788 ST. LUC, LA CORNE de (17 12-1784) To John Hawks, Montreal, Oct. 15, 1749; Note, unsigned, apparently from Hawks to La Corne, Derfeald, Apr. 10, 1752. 1 p. 30.3 cm. 789 SANBORN, JOHN WENTWORTH 3 letters to J. C. Pilling, Batavia, Aug. 31, 1883; Lockport, N. Y., Feb. 4, 1890; Naples, N. Y., Nov. 21, 1891. 4 pp., postal card. Various sizes. Publications in Seneca. 790 SARGENT, WINTHROP (1753-1820) Speeches ... to the Chipwas, Sep. 6, 1796 and to the Ot- towas, Sep. 7, 1796, [Mackinac], 1796; To the Chipwas 6 th . September 1796; To the Ottowas 7 th . September 1796. 6 pp. 38.7 cm. Peace with whites and justice to both, Treaty of Green- ville, distribution of presents. 791 SCAMMELL, ALEXANDER (1747-1781) To Ebenezer Thompson, Ti[conderoga] June 27, 1777. 2 pp. ig.6 cm. Burgoyne's campaign, manoeuvres of Canadians. 792 SCHOOLCRAFT, HENRY ROWE (1793-1864) To D. C. Goddard, Wash., May 25, 1850. / p. 25.4 cm. Request for letter of recommendation. 793 To R. W. Griswold, Wash., Feb. 28, 1855. 2 pp. 15.4 cm. Government publications concerning Indians. 794 To A. C. Hamlin, Wash., Mar. 27, 1856. 3 pp. 20.1 cm. Indian pictography. 795 SCOTT, CHARLES (1733-1813) To the commanding Officer of Mason county, Danville, July 5, 1 79 1. 3 PP- 3°-4 cm ' CuM f or volunteers for 2d detachment of 500 men authorized by St. Clair. NORTH AMERICA 95 796 SCOTT, JOHN So th . Carrolina ... To 39 Tommy Hawks with Pipes for the Cherokee Indians. Feb. 18, 1757. / p. 18. 1 cm. 797 SEAGROVE, JAMES To James Jackson, enclosing a speech by Methlogee June 14, 1799 and the reply by James Seagrove, Point Peter, June 17. 14 pp. 25.4 cm. Abuses of Indians by Americans and by Spanish. 798 SENECA, STOCKBRIDGE, ONONDAGA, TUSCARORA and ONEIDA NATIONS [Memorial] To the Secretary of War concerning their right to treat with the Menominee Indians . . . Oneida, June 23, 1823. 3 PP> 33-2 cm. D.s. 799 SENER, SAMUEL MILLER 2 letters to J. C. Pilling, Lancaster, Oct. 9, Oct. 12, 1889. 6 pp. 22.2 cm. Teates* Shawanese vocabulary, other linguistic items. 800 SERGEANT, JOHN (1710-1749) 2 letters to Stephen Williams, Housatunnuk, May 14, 1739; Stockbridge, Oct. 24, 1743. 3 pp. Various sizes. Messages from Shawnees to Mohicans, and education of Indian children. 801 SEVIER, JOHN (1745-1815) To Amos Stoddard, Knoxville, Oct. 9, 1810. 2 pp. 36.5 cm. Relations with Cherokees, exchange of prisoners, etc. 802 SHEA, JOHN DAWSON GILMARY (1824-1892) To J. C. Pilling, Elizabeth, Aug. 13, 1887. 3 pp. 20.2 cm. Acknowledgment of books by Powell and TrumbuWs Chippewa Testament. 803 SHENODOA and PETRUS This speech Delivered to the Oneidas by ... to His Excel- lency General Schuyler, Oneida, July 21, 1783. 3 PP- 2 3-4 cm - Friendship between Six Nations and Americans. 804 SHEPARD, JEREMIAH To Stephen Sewell, Lyn, Sep. 15, 1708. 3 pp. 20.J cm. Requesting Shepard to become guardian of John Wainwright. 96 NORTH AMERICA 805 SHILLABER, JOHN To Mrs. Rush, Wash., Mar. 22, 1849. 3 pp. 15.8 cm. Introducing John Howard Payne. 806 A SHORT DISCOURSE on the present State of the Colonies in America with Respect to the Interest of Great Britain [1 750]. 28 pp. 22.2 cm. 807 SIBLEY, HENRY HASTINGS (1811-1891) 2 letters to P. Chouteau, Jun. & Co., Mendota, Dec. 1, 1845; June 29, 1846. 4 pp. 25 cm. Fur trade at St. Peter's, Red River trade. 808 SIEVERS, T. To J. C. Pilling, Frankenlust, Mich., Sep. 17, 1889. 2 pp. 20.5 cm. List of E. R. Baierlairfs publications. 809 SINCLAIR, PATRICK (d. 1820) [Ordre a Capitaine Langlade] a faire la Guerre Contre touts Rebelle, touts Sujets D'Espagne, ou d'aucun Puvoir Etranger ou Domestique allie avec Les Dits Rebels. [Michilimackinac, 1780.] 3 PP- 3^5 cm. 810 [Ordre a Capitaine Langlade] de faire partir Assin, Michio- quiss et les jeunes Gens qu'ils vont avec Assin. [Michili- mackinac, 1780.] 1 p. 24.8 cm. 811 SMITH & CO., BENJAMIN The Public To Benj. Smith & Co. Dr. ... To 12 saddles Bridles . . . etc. for the use of the Creek Indians, Jan. 21, 1756. / p. 18 cm. 812 SMITH, I. M. A Trip across the Plains, 1859. 6 pp. 24.5 cm. TS. 813 SMITH, JOHN JAY (1798-1881) To James Monroe, Phil., Oct. 27, 1846. 3 pp. 28. j cm. Publication to be called "The National Album." 814 SMITH, R. V. D. An Ojibway tale. 10 pp. 31 cm. NORTH AMERICA 97 815 SNELLING, HENRY HUNT (1816-1867) Memoirs of a Life From My note book and Journal, with additions and reflections, 1 829-1 867. 578 pp. 25.4 cm. Author's note: Marty of the sketches of character and incidents herein transcribed have been published in New York weekly papers, under the "noms de plume" of "Timothy Busy" and "Peter Piper." My note book and journal was commenced at twelve years, etc. 816 SNOW MERCURY Log of Snow Mercury on a voyage from New York toward Bristol. Sep. 1766 to Oct. 30, 1766; Miscellaneous sailing notes and information concerning ports of call. /// pp. 20.1 cm. 817 SNOW WENNIE Log of Snow Wennie on a voyage from Bristol to the West Indies and the North American colonies, from Nov. 1765 to June 1766. Captain, The Right Honorable Lord Hope; Mis- cellaneous sailing notes and notes concerning ports of call. 148 pp. 20.1 cm. 818 SOLIS, JOSEPH, fils Indictment of Joseph Solis fils for seditious writing, New Orleans, Dec. 19, 1809. 4 PP- 324 cm - 819 SOUTH CAROLINA (COLONY)— COMMITTEE ON ACCOUNTS Further Report of the Comm e on Acc s N°. 208-220. White Outerbridge for repairs at Fort Moore; Margaret Olivier for victualling French prisoners; Commissary Pinckney's account for provisions supplied the Acadians, etc., Apr. 28, 1757. 3 PP- 3°-3 cm. 820 N°. 221 and 222: An Ace 1 of Capt. John Stewart for Sundry presents, Alledged to be by him made to Severall Cherokee Indians, . . . May 6, 1757. / p. 30.1 cm. 82 1 To Jacob Mott, Vouchers of food impressed for the use of the army in the expedition against the Cherokees 1 759. 1 p. 12 cm. 98 NORTH AMERICA 822 SOUTH CAROLINA (COLONY)— GOVERNOR, 1 700-1 703 (JAMES MOORE) Message to the Assembly regarding the pay of soldiers en- listed for Garrison at the Savana Town. / p. 15.9 cm. 823 SOUTH CAROLINA (COLONY)— GOVERNOR, 1785-1787 (WILLIAM MOULTRIE) Message to the House of Representatives of South Carolina, Charleston, Feb. 9, 1786. 1 p. 23.4 cm. L.s. Treaty with Cherokee Indians. 824 SQUIER, EPHRAIM GEORGE (1821-1888) To Bartlett, N. Y., Dec. 11, 1870. 1 p. 20.J cm. Acknowledging note and enclosure from M. Berendt. 825 STANDAGE, HENRY Journal of Henry Standage from July 19* 1846 to July 19, 1847, Sabbath. 34 pp. 28 cm. TS. 826 STARR, FREDERICK (1858-1933) To E. E. Ayer, Chicago, May 1, 1902. 4 pp. 1 j. 8 cm. Work on Mexican Indians. 827 THE STATE OF BARBADOS; Survey of Barbados, S r . Richard Dutton Governor in chief 1683/4; Abstract of the Militia; Revenue; Names of the Council in July 1684, etc. 28 pp. 34.9 cm. 828 STEEL, HENRY To Robert Steel and sister, Luk-fo-a-ta, Chahta Yakne, Mar. 22, 1836. 4 pp. 25.3 cm. Mission work among Choctaws. 829 STEPHEN, ALEXANDER MAITLAND (1882-) The ancient builder. 184 pp. 33 cm. TS. 830 To T. V. Keam, Walpi, Mar. 28, 1893. 12 pp. 24.6 cm. Classification of Hopi pottery. 831 STERLING, ROBERT Petition for lieutenant's portion of land [West Florida], 1776. 3 pp. 32.2 cm. NORTH AMERICA 99 832 STEVENSON, JAMES, Seneca Indian Document conveying his power of attorney to John Stevenson of Albany, Newark, Canada, May 3, 1796. 3 PP- 33-5 cm - D - s - 833 STINSON, THOMAS To Elias Blanford, Glasgow, Dec. 6, 1755. / p. 12.4 cm. To certify that members of IngersoWs company had received 2 meals. 834 STOBIE, CHARLES T. The descriptions of Mr. Stobie, explanatory of his Ute Indian paintings . . . ; The Scalp Parade. Ignacio Ute Agency, Colorado, 1900. 6g pp., drawings. Various sizes. 835 STOCK, HARRY THOMAS A history of Congregational missions among the North Ameri- can Indians, . . . Chicago, 191 7. 167 pp. 2J.2 cm. TS. 836 STOCKBRIDGE INDIANS Promissory note to pay for 150 bushels of Indian corn in ginseng roots, New Stockbridge, July 1, 1789. 1 P- 33-5 cm- Ds. 837 Petition to legislature of New York concerning the education of their children, New Stockbridge, Oct. 11, 1802. 2 pp. 32.3 cm. D.s. 838 Memorial to Dewitt Clinton concerning the murder of one of the tribe, New Stockbridge, July 12, 181 9. 2 pp. 32 cm. D.s. 839 Appointment of J. W. Quinney as their representative to transact business with Congress, Green Bay, Sep. 24, 1830. / p. 24.J cm. D.s. 840 Request for payment from Daniel Whitney to John Yoccom $10 in goods, Stockbridge, Nov. 12, 1839. / p. 13.5 cm. 841 Oath of John W. Quinney to perform duties as Councillor of tribe, Stockbridge, Feb. 9, 1841. / p. 1 1. 3 cm. 100 NORTH AMERICA 842 Request for payment of $10 to Daniel Whitney or Bearer . . . Stockbridge, Feb. 27, 1845, Accepted, J. W. Quinney. 1 p. g.8 cm. 843 Letter appointing J. W. Quinney and Daniel Whitney to collect money due from the United States, Nov. 11, 1845. 3 PP- 3? -2 cm - 844 Appointment of J. W. Quinney as attorney, Stockbridge, Apr. 27, 1846. 2 pp. 26.y cm. Copy. 845 Petition to the legislature of N. Y. for payment of land profits. 5 PP- 3 2 cm " Pointed: [Albany] 1848. 846 Agreement to payment of John Crawford $165, Stockbridge, July 3, 1849. 2 pp. 24.8 cm. 847 Bruce, William H. To J. W. Quinney, Green Bay, Aug. 4, 1849. 1 P- 2 5-5 cm " Indian funds. 848 Request to A. E. Quinney for payment of $150 from money allowed by National Council, June 24, 1850. j p. io.y cm. 849 To A. E. Quinney, to pay bearer $25 out of monies in treasury, Stockbridge, Nov. 20, 1850. 1 p. 13.8 cm. 850 Document conveying power of attorney to Jeremiah Slinger- land, Stockbridge, Wis., Jan. 7, 1852. 4 pp. 31.4 cm. D.s. 851 Subpoena to Ezekiel Robinson or his Deputy to appear before Joseph M. Quinney, to give evidence in case between Daniel Metoxen Plaintiff and Elias Konkapot and Leah Konkapot defendent on Feb. 11, 1852. / p. 16.3 cm. 852 Agreement with O. P. Clinton, Stockbridge, Mar. 9, 1852. 2pP-3 J -9 cm - 853 Report of National Treasurer of Stockbridge tribe, Simon S. Metoxen, Aug. 3, 1852. / p. 62 cm. NORTH AMERICA IOI 854 Document conveying power of attorney to Z. T. Peters and J. W. Quinney, Mar. 15, 1853. / p. 31.3 cm. 855 To J. B. Macy, Wash., Apr. 17, 1854. j p. 20.2 cm. Request for money. 856 Remarks by J. W. Quinney for tribe concerning sale of lands in Wisconsin [1856]. 8 pp. 31.9 cm. 857 A List containing the names of all who have a share in the $18,000 due the Stockbridge Tribe of Indians from the State of New York, made by the Head men June 7, 1858. I p. 58.5 cm. 858 Notes concerning life of J. W. Quinney. / p. 31 cm. 859 STODDARD, AMOS To John Sevier, Fort Columbus, N. Y. harbor, Aug. 30, 1810. j p. 24.8 cm. Inquiry concerning book owned by Cherokee woman, written in Welsh characters. 860 STONE, FREDERICK DAWSON To B. F. de Costa . . . Phil., Sep. 2, 1882. 1 p. 20.4 cm. Publication of Penn letters. 861 STONE, WILLIAM LEETE (1 792-1844) To James Tallmadge, Jr., Hartford, Apr. 19, 181 9. 2 pp. 24.9 cm. Father's pension. 862 To Q. I. G. Percival, N. Y., July 21, 1825. / p. 25.4 cm. Bond's offer. 863 To J. C. Spencer, N. Y., Dec. 22, 1844. 1 P- 2 5-5 cm - Soliciting advertising for Commercial Advertiser. 864 To Luther Bradish, Saratoga Springs, Dec. 6, 1862. 2 pp. 20.3 cm. Life ... of Sir William Johnson. 865 STONER, NICHOLAS (i762?-i853) Power of attorney to Ebenezer Irving, Sep. 5, 1825. / p. 24.7 cm. D.s. 866 STREET, ALFRED BILLINGS (1811-1881) To E. S. Parker, Albany, Sep. 3, 1838. 3 pp. 20.3 cm. Indian name for the Indian pass. 102 NORTH AMERICA 867 The Indian Girl or The Dawn of Christianity by Palmer. 8 pp. 21.4 cm. 868 SUBSTANCE of an Occasional Conversation with Several Indians after Dinner at Israel Pembertons on the 19th of the 4 m °., 1756. 8 pp. 23.3 cm. 869 SUMNER, JOSEPH Trip to the Far West, Jan. 11 -May 7, 1856. 52 PP- 33 cm - 870 SWAN, JAMES GILCHRIST (b. 1818) To J. C. Pilling, Port Townsend, Sep. 27, 1893. 1 p. 22.6 cm. Vocabulary of Makah Indians. 871 TACH£, ALEXANDER ANTONINE (1823-1894) To [J. C. Pilling], St. Boniface, Manitoba, Jan. 14, 1894. j p. 20.g cm. Father Camper's address. 872 TAIT, CHARLES (1768-1835) To D. B. Mitchell, Wash., Mar. 21, 181 8. 4 PP- 2 5 cm - Ratification of Creek treaty. 873 TALOTUSKEE, COLOMISKEE and NELLY, Cherokee Indians. Power of attorney to Gideon Morgan, Nov. 18, 1825. 2 pp. 31.5 cm. D.s. 874 TAYLER,JOHN (1742-1829) Order on treasurer of N. Y. to pay Samuel Lewis £29.195 for money advanced to pay Indians rent, Albany, Aug. 4, 1791. j p. 18 cm. 875 TAYLOR, AUGUSTUS F. Diary ... on a trip to California by sailing vessel in 1849. 24 pp. 34.3 cm. Photostat of a TS. 876 TAYLOR, ZACHARY (1 784-1850) To R. K. Call, Fort Misanopy, Mar. 11, 1839. 4 pp. 24.8 cm. L.s. Seminole war. 877 TECHTAMA and HOMWHYOWA, Cherokee chiefs Message to the Delawares, as it was delivered by Cowe, the messanger at Philadelphia, to Mr. Peters and Israel Pember- ton, June 20, 1 758, John Hart, Interpreter. 4 pp. 31.4 cm. NORTH AMERICA IO3 878 TEED, MATTHEW (b. 1828) Life (completed Apr. 17, 1900). 26 pp. 27.5 cm. TS. 879 TENNESSEE— GOVERNOR, 1803-1809 (JOHN SEVIER) Letter (printed) to the Governor of Connecticut, Knoxville, Jan. 28, 1806. / p. 24.3 cm. D.s. Sending copy of resolution entered into by Legislature of Tennessee to be laid before Legislature of Connecticut. 880 TERNAUX-GOMPANS, HENRI (1807-1864) Notes on Waldeck's papers on Mexican antiquities. 11 pp. 29 cm. 3 copies. 881 TEXAS Projet de colonisation a Texas, fitats-Unis d'Amerique. 10 pp. 30.3 cm. 882 THAYER, JOHN MILTON (1820-1906) To [J. D. Cox], Omaha, Oct. 17, 1870. 2 pp. 25 cm. Cattle for Upper Missouri Indians. 883 THEUS, SIMEON The Publick to Simeon Theus, D r . To Victualling 2 Cherokee Indians a Day, 1754. j p. 19 cm. 884 These are to Certifie that Simeon Theus Supplyed with one Days Provisions one Hundred & Thirty Cherokee Indians a going to Charles Town, Dec. 1, 1755. 2 pp. 15-5 cm. 885 THOMAS, ISAIAH (1 749-1831) To Isaac Beers, Worcester, Feb. 10, 1796. 1 p. 26.3 cm. Offering discount on books. 886 THOMLINSON, JOHN Petition to the king in council concerning boundary disputes of New Hampshire and Massachusetts and support of Fort Dummer, Jan. 4, 1749. 7 PP> 33-2 cm. 887 THOMPSON, HARLOW CHITTENDEN (1837-1905) Across the Continent on foot in 1859, 1902. 101 pp. 32.2 cm. TS. } Ukiah, California, 1923. 104 NORTH AMERICA 888 THOMPSON, JACOB (1810-1885) To Riggs & Co., Wash., July 9, 1857. 2 pp. 32 cm. L.s. Investment of Indian funds. 889 THOMPSON, PETER (b. 1856) Story Of the Battle of the Little Big Horn, June 25-26, 1876. 101 pp. 27.5 cm. TS. from original owned by author. 890 THWING, NATHANIEL To John Thomas, Boston, Jan. 1 6, 1 760. 2 pp. 32 cm. Discharge of troops. 891 TOBLER, JOHN and ULRICK The Publick, d r . [to John and Ulrick Tobler] to Cheriky Indian on ther Journey form [sic] Charlestown . . . 1 758-60. 2 pp. 20 cm. 892 The Public of South Carolina [dr.] To John & Ulrick Tobler. To Cherokee Indians on their Return from Charlestown for Diet, 1758-60. 2 PP> 3°-5 cm- 893 The Publick of South Carolina to John & Ulrick Tobler. To Expenses incurred by receiving in & providing for Persons drove by the enemy from their habitations . . . 1 760. 2 pp. 30.4 cm. 894 TODD, CHARLES STEWART (1791-1871) To Isaac Shelby, Chillicothe, Mar. 2, 181 5. 2 pp. 24.5 cm. Fear of hostilities of Indians at the St. Joseph. 895 TOLLOWO MICCO Claim for Si 4. 50 for 4 kegs of whiskey taken from him by the white people at Fort Lawrence, Camp near Fort Mitchell, Jan. 14, 1815. 2 pp. 21.4 cm. D.s. Endorsed by Benjamin Hawkins. 896 TONTY, HENRY de (1650-1704) [Engagement pardevant Pierre Duquet, notaire, de deux Coureurs de bois, Jacques, Nepveu et An*. Madry, a Henry de Tonty . . . ; le 27 septembre 1684; ces deux coureurs devront monter au fort incessamment pour y faire la traite avec les Sauvages]. 2 pp. 32.J cm. NORTH AMERICA IO5 897 TOOKER, WILLIAM WALLACE (1848-1917) Some errors in the Eagle Almanac. / p. 26.8 cm. 898 TOWNSEND, ISAAC (d. 1765) To Thomas Apthorp, Kingston, June 24, 1 746. 2 pp. 29.5 cm. Provisions for His Majesty s ships. 899 TO-YAH-WO-NAK An indenture whereby To-yah-wo-nak of the Chickasaw nation, sells to Joseph Caruthers two sections of land in Mis- sissippi, May 4, 1836. 2 pp. 41.4 cm. D.s. 900 TREE, LAMBERT (1832-1910) Certificate of the authenticity of the Margry collection of tracings of maps in the Edward E. Ayer collection. 4 PP- *5-3 cm. TS. 901 To E. E. Ayer, Chicago, Jan. 16, 1903. j pp. 20 cm. L.s. Margry collection of tracings. 902 TRUGUET, LAURENT JEAN FRANgOIS, comte (1752-1839) Minute d'une lettre . . . au Ministre des Relations Exterieures [Charles Delacroix de Constant] . . . Sur les propositions de Francois Tastaneguy [Milfort] . . . Paris, Mar. 11, 1796. 1 p. 31.7 cm. 903 TUPPER, MARTIN FARQUHAR (1810-1889) To Daniel Webster, Albury, Surrey, England, Dec. 19, 1851. 2 pp. 22.5 cm. Sale of Catlirts American Museum. 904 TURNBULL, GEORGE Passport for M. Langlade with two engagees to go to La Bay with merchandise, Michilimackinac, Aug. 6, 1770. / p. 31 cm. 905 To , Michilimackinac, Aug. 18, 1771. 2 pp. 22.5 cm. Praising generalship. 906 U. S.— ARMY (AMOS BEEBE EATON, COMMISSARY GENERAL) To J. A. Rawlins, Wash., Mar. 30, 1869; note signed by W. T. Sherman, Apr. 2, 1869, concurring with Eaton on 106 NORTH AMERICA proposal to reduce subsistence allowance to Indians from army supplies. 3 pp. 24.6 cm. L.s. 907 U. S.— BOARD OF INDIAN COMMISSIONERS Minutes of the meetings of the Board of Indian Commis- sioners, 1 869-1 9 1 7. 539 PP- 26.4 cm. TS. 908 Reports on Reservations and Schools, 1915-1919. Bulletin no. 49. 776 PP- 26.2 cm. TS. 909 Returned Student Survey, 191 6-1 91 8. Bulletin no. 24. 463 pp. 26. 5 cm. TS. 910 [Peyote.] Memorandum for the Members of the Board. 45 PP- 26.4 cm. TS. 911 Papers collected by Mr. Ayer . . . 191 3-1 9 19. 4,661 pp. Various sizes. TS. 912 U. S.— COMMISSIONERS OF THE BOARD OF TREASURY A call for a loan of five hundred thousand dollars ... to be used in paying the troops engaged in the Indian war on the western frontier, Nov. 23, 1786. Signed: Samuel Osgood, Walter Livingston, and Arthur Lee. 4 pp. 34.7 cm. D.s. 913 U. S.— DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE Spanish paraphrase of the Declaration of Independence; Spanish translation of the first part of the speech of Mr. Kersaint at the Provincial convention of Orleans, Jan. 2, 1793, transcription of same, Cadiz, Mar. 16, 1796. 34 pp. 31.5 cm. 914 U. S.— GENERAL LAND OFFICE Land certificate to William Powell for 108^ acres at Green Bay, Wis., Wash., Sep. 1, 1846. Signed by James K. Polk. / p. 24.8 cm. Parchment. D.s. 915 Land certificate to Augustin Grignon for 36 acres at Green Bay, Wis., Wash., Sep. 1, 1848, (signed) James K. Polk. / p. 25 cm. Parchment. D.s. NORTH AMERICA IO7 916 U. S— INTERIOR DEPT. (JAMES HARLAN, sec.) To E. M. Stanton, Dept. of the Interior, Wash., Sep. 11, 1865. 2 pp. 25.2 cm. L.s. Transmitting order of President appointing Commissioners for treaty with Comanches, Kiowas, Arapahoes and Apaches. 9l y u. S— PENSION OFFICE Miscellaneous Indian Files, Wis. Hist. Soc. [1 808-1 840]. 21 pp. 33 cm. TS.from copy made by N. W. Jipsonfor W. D. Barge. gi 8 U. S— PRESIDENT, 1789-1797 (GEORGE WASHINGTON) To Yockonahoma great medal Chief of Soonacoha, Yocke- hoopoir leading Chief of Bugtoogoto, Mingohoopie, leading Chief of Haskooqua, [and others], N. Y., Dec. 17, 1789. 3 pp. 23.8 cm. L.s. Photostat from original in Papeles de Cuba. 919 U. S— PRESIDENT, 1901-1909 (THEODORE ROOSEVELT) To E. E. Ayer, Wash., Dec. 7, 1901. j p. 22.J cm. L.s. Acknowledgment of Phoenixiana. 920 U. S.— SUPERINTENDENT OF INDIAN AFFAIRS (WILLIAM CLARK) Permission to Baron Braunsbergh to pass through the Indian country to the Rocky Mountains, with Charles Bodmer and David Dreydopple, St. Louis, Apr. 2, 1833. 1 P> 39-3 cm - D - s - 921 U. S— TREASURY DEPT. (OLIVER WOLCOTT, sec.) 13 letters to David Henley, Wash., Mar. 11, Mar. 24, May 13, June 13, July 8, 1795; Nov. 23, 1796; Mar. 29, Apr. 7, May 12, May 18, June 29, 1797; Oct. 8, 1798; Dec. 11, 1800. 30 pp. Various sizes. Instructions concerning Indian agency. 922 U. S.— WAR DEPT. (HENRY KNOX, sec.) To William Alexander, War Office, Apr. 10, 1790. 2 pp. 32 cm. L.s. Guard for surveys. 923 To Joseph Howell, War Dept., Dec. 27, 1791. 1 P- 39-9 cm - Cherokee Indians. 924 To Samuel Hodgdon, War Dept., Mar. 14, 1793. / p. 32.1 cm. Supplies for camp at Treaty of Sandusky. 925 Appointment of David Henley as agent, Aug. 31, 1793. 7 P' 3 2 -3 cm - D' s * Agent for territory south of Ohio River. 108 NORTH AMERICA 926 U. S.— WAR DEPT. (TIMOTHY PICKERING, sec.) 19 letters to David Henley, War Office, Mar. 23, Mar. 23, Apr. 2, May 11, May 25, May 29, May 29, May 30, July 22, July 23, July 31, Aug. 26, Aug. 31, Nov. 9, Nov. 26, Nov. 28, Dec. 11, 1795; Dec. 14, 1797 enclosing Memorandum of John Hinson; May 11, 1798. 39 PP- Various sizes. 927 Extract of a letter to Governor Blount, Mar. 23, 1795. 4 pp. 32.1 cm. 928 Joint letter, with Oliver Wolcott, to John McNairy, May 30, 1795- 2 pp. 25 cm. L.s. 929 Joint letter, with Oliver Wolcott, to David Henley, May 30, 1795- / p. 25.2 cm. L.s. 930 To David Campbell, Aug. 28, 1795. 11 pp. 32.2 cm. General subject of the above letters is Indians of the Northwest. 931 u. S.— WAR DEPT. (JAMES W. McHENRY, sec.) 2 letters to Arthur St. Clair, War Dept. Apr. 30, L.s., Aug. 15, 1799. 6 pp. 31. 5 cm. British activities among the Shawnee and other Indians. 932 To Samuel Hodgdon, War Office, Apr. 7, 1797. 1 p. 24.2 cm. Goods for Creek nation. 933 u. S.— WAR DEPT. (SAMUEL DEXTER, sec.) To David Henley, War Dept., Nov. 19, 1800. 3 pp. 24.7 cm. Mission of John Peter Brown, Chickasaw Indian. 934 u. S.— WAR DEPT. (HENRY DEARBORN, sec.) To Israel Chapin, War Department, Wash., Sep. 4, 1802. 4 pp. 25.3 cm. Complaints against Chapin as agent. 935 To Edward Tiffin, War Department, Wash., July 6, 1807. 3 pp. 24.8 cm. Call for militia in Ohio. 936 U. S.— WAR DEPT. (WILLIAM HARRIS CRAWFORD, sec.) Answer to memorial of the Six Nations relative to their re- moval west, War Office, Feb. 12, 181 6. 3 PP- 33-3 cm - D - s - NORTH AMERICA IOg 937 To David Holmes, War Department, May 10, 181 6. 2 pp. 24.9 cm. Foreign trade with Indians. 938 U. S.— WAR DEPT. (GEORGE GRAHAM, sec.) To Andrew Jackson, Dept. of War, Jan. 13, 181 7. 2 pp. 25.5 cm. Copy. Chickasaw and Cherokee lands. 939 To G. W. Campbell, Dept. of War, Jan. 18, 181 7. / p. 25.5 cm. L.s. Chickasaw lands. 940 U. S.— WAR DEPT. (JOHN CALDWELL CALHOUN, sec.) To William Clark, Dept. of War, Mar. 27, 1818, enclosing copy of a letter to Lewis Cass, Mar. 25. 2 pp. 32.4 cm. Copy. Conditions concerning employment of foreign boatmen and interpreters for trade with Indians. 941 To Jasper Parish, Dept. of War, Oct. 5, 1818. / p. 25 cm. L.s. Expense attending visitation of Indian chiefs to Government seat. 942 U. S.— WAR DEPT. (WILLIAM L. MARCY, sec) To R. J. Walker, Wash., July 7, 1848. 1 P- 2 5-5 cm - General Butler's return of draft for $450,000. 943 U. S.— WAR DEPT. (JOHN AARON RAWLINS, sec) Report communicating in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of February 19, 1869, information in relation to the Seminole Indians in Florida, Wash., Mar. 20, 1869. S pp. 31.5 cm. 944 VAN SCHAICK, GOZEN (1737-1787) Minutes & proceedings of the Onondaga Expedition, Fort Schuyler, Apr. 24, 1779. 4 pp. 33 cm. D.s. Printed in Magazine of American History, v. 3, pp. 688 ff. as "Journal of March from Fort Schuyler." 945 VAN SCHAICK, HOLMES D. Journal, Mar. 22, 1852-Aug. 5, 1854. 223 pp. 1 8. j cm. Overland journey from North Manlius, TV. T., to Cal. 946 VASQUEZ, BENITO To O. N. Bostwick, containing 2 receipts signed by Vance Murray Campbell, Sep. 15, 1826, for goods received from American Fur Company, Portage des Sioux, Sep. 20, 1826. 3 pp. 31.2 cm. 110 NORTH AMERICA — _ 947 VERWYST, CHRYSOSTOM A. (1841-1925) 3 letters to E. E. Ayer, Bayfield, Nov. 21, Dec. 4, Dec. 11, 191 7. 12 pp. 24 cm. Chippewa dictionary. 948 VETCH, SAMUEL (1668-1732) Copies of letters to the Governors of Connecticut, Pennsyl- vania, and Rhode Island, Boston, Apr. 30. 1709. 6 pp. 37. 5 cm. Canada expedition of 1 yog. 949 Instructions to Captain Pickering, instructions to the two Indians to be sent to Montreal and Quebec, May 3, 1709. 4 PP- 37-5 cm - 2 copies. 950 VETROMILE, EUGENE ANTHONY (1819-1880) To J. C. Pilling, N. Y., May 29, 1881. / p. 17.4 cm. Publications. 951 VIGNAUD, HENRY (1830-1922) To Henry Harrisse, Paris. 1 p. 10. 1 cm. Columbus article in Saturday review. 952 VIRGINIA (COLONY)— LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR, 1751-1758 (ROBERT DINWIDDIE) To James Hamilton, Williamsburg, Jan. 29, 1 754. 3 PP- 37-3 cm " L.s. Washington expedition to Ohio country. 953 To R. H. Morris, Williamsburg, Nov. 12, 1755. 2 pp. 2 j. 1 cm. Arms for French and Indian war. Printed in Coll. Va. Hist. Soc, J, 63-64; II, 264-265. 954 VIRGINIA (STATE)— GOVERNOR, 1776-1779 (PATRICK HENRY) To George Wythe, May 27, 1777. / p. 20.3 cm. L.s. Ratification of peace treaty with Cherokees. 955 VIRGINIA (STATE)— LAND-OFFICE. TREASURY WARRANT, No. 2361 Warrant to survey and lay off for George Rogers Clark, his heirs or assigns, 560 acres of land, Jan. 29, 1780. / p. 16.2 cm. D.s. 956 VISSCHER, MATTHEW State of N. Y. to Matthew Visscher, dr., for search and copies of old Dutch records relative to western lands, Mar. 5, 1780. 1 P- 34 cm ' NORTH AMERICA III 957 VREBOSCH, ALOYSIUS To W. M. Camp [St. Xavier, Mont.], Jan. 21, 1914, and copy of letter from W. M. Camp, Chicago, Jan. 16, 19 14. / p. 2 1. 5 cm. Bosschi's Crow grammar. 958 WADE, FERRALL and KREUSER, — To Sir William Johnson, Osswigachey, Aug. 5, 1772. 2 pp. 33.5 cm. Departure to Montreal to buy stores and canoes. Published in The Papers of Sir William Johnson, VIII, 560-61. 959 WADSWORTH, JEREMIAH (1 743-1804) Agreement as to division of property, signed by Jeremiah, Abigail, Eunice and Eliza Wadsworth, Hartford, Aug. 10, 1765. 4 PP- 3 6 -3 cm- 960 WALDO, SAMUEL (1696-1759) 4 letters to John Thomlinson, Boston, Apr. 24, June 9, June 10, 1738; Feb. 24, 1742, enclosing copy of letter of Jan. 17, 1742 concerning William Shirley, p pp. Various sizes. Troubles with Governor Belcher. 961 WALDRON, RICHARD (1615-1689) To William Waldron, Dover, Sep. 19, 1675. / p. 21 cm. D.s. Order to destroy Indian enemy. 962 The remonstrance of Richard Waldron, asking the protection of the General Court, in suit of Christopher Palmer, for liber- ating Walter Barefoot from prison to act as surgeon in expedi- tion against Penobscot Indians, May 23, 1677. / p. 31 cm. D.s. 963 WALL, OSCAR Diary of the Indian Expedition of 1863. 81 pp. 2J.2 cm. TS. from the original in private ownership. 964 WASHINGTON, GEORGE (1 732-1 799) To Charles Williamson, Mount Vernon, 19th of Jan y 1798. / p. 22.g cm. Introducing Mr. Burwick. 965 WATSON, ROBERT A trew Relation given the 25 of May 1690: Concerning the taking and destroying Casco bay. Signed by Samuel Wheel- wright, Samuel Sherborne, and others. / p. 2g.i cm. 112 NORTH AMERICA 966 WAYNE, ANTHONY (1 745-1 796) To Henry Knox, Pittsburg, Oct. 3, 1792. 2 pp. 32.6 cm. 967 Appointment of officers to command the mounted volunteers of Kentucky, Headquarters, Hobsons Choice, July 1, 1793. 2 pp. 31.5 cm. 968 To Charles Scott, Hobsons Choice, Sep. 4, 1793. 2 PP> 33- 6 cm - 969 To Arthur St. Clair, Greenville, Aug. 19, 1795. 3 pp. 31. j cm. Indian affairs of Northwest. 970 WAZON, A. To , Feb. 24, 1885. 2 pp. 31.8 cm. Offer of picture of Heros, ship of Le Netzel, to Musee de la Marine. 971 WEITZEL, CASPAR To Jasper Yeates, Sunbury, Nov. 30, 1773. 1 p. 30.3 cm. Payment of debts. 972 WENTWORTH, SAMUEL 1 7 letters to John Thomlinson, Mar. 3, Apr. 24, May 24, July 3, Sep. 9, Oct. 26 (2 copies), Oct. 27, Nov. i, Nov. 14, Dec. 22, 1738; Jan. 27, June 26, July 10, Aug. 30, Oct. 31, Nov. 23, 1742, with copies of letters of Oct. 31 and Nov. 20. 31 pp. Various sizes. Snow Lucitania shipping from Boston to Lisbon and other shipping trade. 973 Prime Cost of Snow Lucitania, Will m . Wentworth Master when She Sailed from Boston to Lisbon Jan. 7, 1737. Boston, Mar., 1738; Affidavit before Benjamin Pollard concerning loss of the Snow Lucitania, Oct. 17, 1741. 4 pp. Various sizes. 974 WEST, ROBERT W. To the editor of the Poughkeepsie Daily Eagle, Camp on N. Fork of Canadian River, Indian Terr., Dec. 6, 1868. 1 p. 24 cm. Death of L. M. Hamilton. 975 WHARTON, SAMUEL (1732-1800) To his partners, N. Y., Mar. 19, 1765. 4 PP- 3°-8 cm - Indian trade. NORTH AMERICA II3 976 WHILEY, R. C. License to George Fortie to trade with the Indians on the Woolfs River until June 1, 1803. Michilimackinac, Aug. 20, 1802. / p, 25.2 cm. 977 Licenses to August Grignon to trade with the Indians, Aug. 20, 1802, June 18, 1804. 2 pp. 25.2 cm. 978 WHITEHOUSE, JOSEPH Journal, May 4, 1804-Nov. 6, 1805. 287 pp. 19 cm. Printed in the Original journals of the Lewis and Clark expedition, 1 804-1 806, edited by Reuben G. Thwaites, jv. r., 1905, v. 7, pp. 29-190. 979 WIED-NEUWIED, MAXIMILIAN ALEXANDER PHILIPP, PRINZ VON (i 782-1867) To H. L. Bronner, Neuwied, July 10, 181 8 (and translation). 4 pp. 24 cm. Concerning proofs of illustrations for his book. 980 WIGGIN, ANDREW To John Thomlinson, Stretham, N. H., Aug. 19, 1742. 1 P- 33- 2 cm - Boundary between New Hampshire and Massachusetts. 981 WILKINSON, J. A. Across the plains in 1859, Mar. 8-Aug. 23, 1859. 122 pp. 16.9 cm. From Dowagiac, Michigan, to Hanks Corners, California. 982 WILKINSON, JAMES (1757-1825) To The Miami, Shawanese, Delaware, Tawa, Wyandot, Pottawatamie, Huron, & the Chippeway & all other nations of red people . . . now at war with the united States of America, Fort Washington, Apr. 3, 1792. 7 pp. 22.4 cm. 983 7 letters to Samuel Hodgdon, Fort Hamilton, Jan. 26, Fort Washington, Mar. 8, Mar. 9, Apr. 16, 1792; Detroit, July 7, 1797; Fort Washington, July 16, 1798. L.s.; Mar. 26, 1801. 10 pp. Various sizes. 984 To John Armstrong, Fort Washington, July 15, 1792. 3 pp. 19.9 cm. 114 NORTH AMERICA 985 Order, Greenville, July 13, 1796. / p. 16 cm. D.s. 986 To William Simmons, Pittsburgh, June 1, 1798. / p. 22.2 cm. 987 To , Pittsburgh, June 6, 1 798. 1 p. ig.3 cm. 988 To Francis Jones, Natchez Landing, Mar. 3, 1 799. 2 pp. 32.J cm. 989 To Captain Ricard, Apr. 29, 1799. 2 pp. 22.5 cm. L.s. 990 Order for pay to Daniel Newman, Wash., Oct. 14, 1800. 1 p. 25 cm. 991 2 orders for payment for services of Choctaw chiefs, Occhum- mia and Phufeiahomia [1802]. 2 PP- 32-5 cm. 992 2 letters to B. Shamburgh, New Orleans, July 11, 181 2; Mar. 27, 1818. 3 pp. 20.6 cm. Indian affairs, supplies for army, etc. 993 WILLARD, JONATHAN The province Dr. ... for Bringing in William Wheler four miles [and tending him eight days], Sheffield, Oct. 9, 1756. / p. 18.8 cm. 994 WILLARD, SIMON (1605-1676) The deposition of Samuel Davis against Richard Blood for selling liquor to Indians, Feb. 2, 1666. 1 p. ig.y cm. 995 WILLETT, MARINUS (1740-1830) To George Clinton, Fort Schuyler, Apr. 8, 1778. 4 PP- 33 cm. 996 To P. J. Schuyler, George Clinton and John Jay, Fort Schuyler, Apr. 29, 1778. 4 PP- 3 J -7 cm " Copy. 997 To Hendrick Harkamer and other justices of peace along the Mohawk river, Fort Schuyler, May 23, 1778. 2 pp. 31.7 cm. Importance of retaining friendship of Six Nations, road building with help of Oneida Indians. NORTH AMERICA II5 998 Account of the campaigns of 1 779-1 782 in New York includ- ing an account of the battle of Johnstown, with an explanatory note by his son, William Marinus Willett. 4 PP- 32-5 ™. 999 WILLIAMS, ELEAZER (1788-1858) To John Tayler, Oneida, Mar. 29, 1822. 2 pp. 31.2 cm. Relations with Oneida Indians. Scrap book, containing letter book, drafts of 12 letters, Apr. 14, 1804-July 7, 1806, autobiographical notes, 1818-1821, notes concerning John Williams of Deerfield, sermons, and other miscellaneous notes, in Indian, in French and English. 512 pp. Various sizes. 1000 Decision of the Commissioner in the Claim of E. Williams. G. Bay, Dec. 12, 1834. Henry S. Baird, U. S. Commissioner. Copy by Eleazer Williams who sent it to the Honorable Charles Sumner. 2 pp. 24.5 cm. 1001 WILLIAMS, ELIJAH Province of the Massachusetts Bay to Elijah Williams D r . to Subsisting 10 Men at West Hoosuck, attested by John Wheel- wright, Boston, Dec. 27, 1757. / p. ig cm. 1002 Province of the Massachusetts Bay to Elijah Williams for Sun- dry Supplies for the Fort Massachusetts, Nov. 30, 1758. / p. 18 cm. 1003 To Henry Van Schaack [Great Barrington], Jan. 3, 1775. 2 pp. 25.1 cm. Order of goods. 1004 WILLIAMS, JOHN (1644-1729) To Stephen Williams, Deerfield, May 14, 1716. / p. 13.8 cm. Eunice and Warham Williams. 1005 WILLIAMS, STEPHEN (1693-1782) To Davenport Williams, Col. Schuyler's, Sep. 5, 1756. 1 p. ig.4 cm. Illness which prevents him from returning to army. 1006 WILLIAMSON, CHARLES (1757-1808) The Williamson papers. Letters and documents relating to Charles Williamson, his early activities, his work as a col- Il6 NORTH AMERICA onizer of the "Genesee country" of western New York, 1 775— 1803, and his relations with statesmen, 1 803-1 808. The papers from 1775 to 1791, preliminary to his Genesee colo- nizing scheme, relate to army commissions, plans to enter the Indian service, his decision to join Lord Cornwallis in Amer- ica, his capture as prisoner of war, and his arrival in Boston; they contain drafts, memoranda, and letters showing monies advanced by his father after Williamson returned to Scotland, his journal of a journey to Constantinople in 1784, and his man- agement of the farm at Balgray, Scotland. The documents dated 1791 to 1803 include the papers of Charles, Alexander, John and Mrs. John Williamson describing the activities of Charles Williamson in the "Genesee country" to 1795, dis- cussing family, business, official, and political matters, and letters to Charles Williamson, 1791 and 1793 to 1797, relating to land transactions in early New York, letters to and from Charles and David Williamson, Sir William Pultney, Robert Troup, and others, 1801 to 1809, regarding the settlement of affairs in New York. The documents covering the period 1 803 to 1808 contain general letters to Williamson dealing with business affairs, his approaches to members of British cabinets, including letters from Robert and Thomas Morris, Samuel Swartwout, Robert Troup, Lord Melville, Anthony Merry, Aaron Burr, and others, and miscellaneous letters from more obscure persons. Among these documents are also important letters from Charles Williamson to his brother David, dis- cussing contemporary conditions in London, in continental Europe, and in the Americas, letters to business associates, such as Alexander Baring, and to possible patrons, George Canning, Charles Hammond, and others. There are letters of David Williamson and William Armstrong to Charles William- son. Armstrong describes Miranda's expedition against Vene- zuela and conditions during the embargo. Letters of and reports to Charles Williamson in 1808 relate to affairs in the West Indies, where Williamson was sent on a special mission. 684 documents, 2,620 pp. Various sizes. NORTH AMERICA 117 1007 WILLIS, WILLIAM (1794-1870) To , Portland, Oct. 8, [18- ]. / p. 24.4 cm. Lectures by Mr. Giles. 1008 WILSON, BENJAMIN DAVID [Overland journey, 1833.] The following narrative of B. D. Wilson, was dictated by him at the request of Hubert Howe Bancroft, who was gathering data of California history, and a copy retained by him for himself and family, from which copy this is taken, George S. Patton. 6 y pp. 26.5 cm. Photostat from the original in the Henry E. Huntington Library. 1009 WILSON, HENRY (1812-1875) To E. S. Parker, Wash., Jan. 28, 1867. 1 p. 24.8 cm. Parker's ideas on Indian affairs. 1010 WINANS, E. B. To J. Sterling Morton, Mule Creek, Dec. 22, 1850. 4 pp. 2j.g cm. TS. Gold rush. ion WINSOR, JUSTIN (1831-1897) To Henry Harrisse, Cambridge, Oct. 10, 1891. / p. 21. 5 cm. Columbus'' 's first letter, Italian text. 1012 WISNER, MRS. SARAH A. A Trip Across the Plains in 1866. 2Q pp. 2J.4 cm. TS. from the original in private ownership. 1013 WOOD, JOSEPH WARREN Diary, Apr. 9, 1849-Apr. 4, 1853. 758 PP- J 4-7 cm - From Walworth, Wisconsin, to California. Photostat from copy in the Henry E. Huntington Library. 1014 WOOD, L. K. Discovery of Humboldt Bay. 20 pp. 2 J. J cm. TS. 1015 WOODBRIDGE, TIMOTHY Petition to William Tryon, Stockbridge, Dec. 8, 1775. 2 pp. 32.3 cm. Recompense for service of Stockbridge Indians in war. 1016 WOODWARD, CHARLES L. To Bishop Hurst, N. Y., Dec. 24, 1890. 2 pp. 26.6 cm. Publication of Pote's journal. Il8 NORTH AMERICA 1017 WORCESTER, SAMUEL AUSTIN (1798-1859) To W. B. Sprague, Park Hill, Cherokee nation, Feb. 24, 1840. 4 pp. 24.8 cm. Protest against Georgia for stopping work of A. B.C. F.M. among Cherokees. 1018 WRIGHT, DAVID To Noah Wright, Deerfield, Oct. 27, 1745. 1 P- 3 T '3 cm - Capture of Nehemiah How. 1019 WYANDOT NATION. CHIEFS To William Ward and Simon Stantun, Big Rock, Aug. 25, 1799- 2 pp. 32.3 cm. Signed by 8 chiefs; concerns killing of 2 white men by Wyandots. 1020 YOCCUM, JOHN Petition to Congress for compensation for services rendered to Stockbridge commission, Stockbridge, Wis., Feb. 24, 1844. 2 pp. 2 j cm. D.s. 1021 YOUNG, FREDERICK Oath of office as justice of peace, N. Y., June 29, 1805. / p. 20.5 cm. 1022 YOUNG KING Receipt for annuity for 1807, Buffalo Creek, Apr. 1, 1808; receipt for annuity for 1829, Buffalo, June 5, 1830. 2 pp. 20.7 cm. 1023 ZEISBERGER, DAVID (1721-1808) To John Heckewelder, Goshen, Sep. 5, 1801. / p. 22.1 cm. Moravian mission at Goshen. SPANISH AMERICA 1024 ADAM, QUIRIN FRANQOIS LUGIEN (1833-1918) To [J. C. Pilling], Rennes, Aug. 12, 1894. 3 pp. 21 cm. Mosquito and Chiapanec dialects. 1025 ALBRIZZI, CARLO Lettera del Gesuita Carlo Albrizzi [a suo padre]. Quito, M ay 4> l 75 6 - 20 pp. 28.6 cm. Two years' voyage to Quito, Cartagena, Porto Bello, Cigres, Panama and La Tacunga. 1026 ALEGRfA, ANDRfiS de Oaxaca. Afio de 1732. El S or . fiscal de este S. ofizio . . . Andres de Alegria Mulato; vezino de Oaxaca Por Sospechas de Casado Dos Vezes, Oaxaca, 1 731 -1732; letter of Jose de Baldivieso, Dec. 14, 1737, denouncing Alegria to Royal Court. 14 documents. 44 pp. 31.5 cm. 1027 ALMAGRO, DIEGO de (1463-1538) Original affidavit referring to the dispute with Francisco Pizarro concerning respective domains in Peru, Almagro, Peru, Nov. 2, 1537. / p. 30.6 cm. Photostat from original in HEH. Translation in From Panama to Peru, London, 1925, p. 3. 1028 ALTAMIRANO, JUAN de NAjERA Papers concerning his appointment as officer of the Inquisi- tion, Mexico and Campeche, 1629-30. 5 documents. 64 pp. 30.4 cm. 1029 ALTAMIRANO, PEDRO IGNAGIO (1693-1770) [Memorial sobre los diezmos de los Jesuitas en la Nueva Espana 1739.] 36 pp. 30 cm. Addressed to the King of Spain. 1030 ALVARADO, PEDRO (1485-1541) Algunas noticias de la Conquista, y batalla que D n . Pedro Alvarado gano en el Pinar de Quesaltenango. El dia 13 de Mayo de 1524 . . . ; deposition by Pedro Alvarado concerning the conquerors of Quesaltenango, May 15, 1524. 21 pp. 21.3 cm. Copy. 1*9 120 SPANISH AMERICA 1031 ALZATE y RAMfREZ, JOSfi ANTONIO de (1729-1790) Memoria sobre la naturaleza, cultibo, y beneficio de la grana. Dedicala al rey Nfo. Senor Don Carlos Tercero (q e . Dios gue) por mano del Exmo. S or . B°. Fr. D n . Antonio Bucareli, Virrey Gov or . y Cap n . g 1 . de esta N. E. . . . Mexico, 1777. 276 pp., illus. 29.6 cm. 1032 ANZA, JUAN BAUTISTA de (b. 1735) Diario de la Ruta y Operaciones que Yo el Ynfraescripto Capitan de Cavalleria de el Real Presidio de Tubac en la Prov a . de Sonora practico en solicitud de abrir Comunicacion de dha Prov a . a la California Septemptrional por los Rios Gila y Colorado . . . [Tubac, Jan. 8-Tubac, May 27, 1774]. 49 PP- 3° cm - Copy. 1033 Diario de . . . 119 pp. 31.2 cm. Slight variation in title. Photostat of original in private possession. Translation in Bolton, H. E., Anza's California expeditions, Berkeley, 1930. v. 2. ARANDA, PEDRO PABLO ABARCA de BOLEA, conde de See Spain — Consejo de Guerra. 1034 ARAOZ, JUAN de To Juan de Langara, Havana, Sep. 26, 1797, enclosing a copy of the diary report of Jose Rosi y Ruvi during the re-conquest by the Spaniards of the Island of Roatan, Truxillo, June 27, 1797- 25 pp. 30 cm. L.s. 1035 ARf OLA, ANDRfiS de To Conde de Cifuentes (?), Vera Cruz, July 8, 1696. / p. 28.4 cm. Annual message. 1036 ARNAYA, NICOLAS de (1558-1622) Carta annua de la Provincia de la Comp 8 de Jhs de Nueva Esp a de 1 61 6; Residencia de Guadiana y Rebelion de los Indios Tepehuanes y muerte de ocho de nros P 8 . y otros Relig 8 . y Espafioles; Relation de algunas cosas particulares de la Vida y muerte de los ocho P es . q murieron por la Religion a manos de los Indios Tepehuanes . . . Mexico, May 18, 161 7. 144 pp. 29.3 cm. SPANISH AMERICA 121 1037 Carta annua de la Provincia de la Comp a de Jhs de la nueua Hespana del anno de 161 7. 86 pp. 29.3 cm. 1038 ASCENSION, ANTONIO de la (i56g?-i632?) Relacion de la Jornada que hizo el General Sevastian Vizcay- no al descubrimiento de las Californias el afio de 1602. Por mandado del Exmo Sor Conde de Monterey, Virrey . . . 246 pp. 20.J cm. Translation in Wagner ; Henry R., Spanish voy- ages to the northwest coast of America in the sixteenth cen- tury, San Francisco, ig2g. 1039 ATIENZA, LOPE de (/. 1580) Compendio historial del estado de los Yndios del Piru, con mucha doctrina y cosas notables de Vitos costumbres e inclinaciones q e . tienen, con otra doctrina y avisos para los q e . viven entre estos Neophitos . . . 146 pp. 28.8 cm. Photostat from the original in NTPL. 1040 AVENDANO y LOYOLA, ANDRES de Relacion de las dos entradas que hize a la conuersion de los Gentiles Itzaex, y Cehaches Yo fr Andres de Avendafio y loiola Predicador conuentual del conv to grande de Merida, M ro de la B e orden terza de penitenz 8 , y Comiss Mission App co p a dhas missiones ... en compania de m'y PP y Pre res fr Ant Perez de S. Roman, notar° App co del primer viaje; Fr Jose de Jesus M a notar° App co del segundo viaje, y fr Diego de Echabarria; La qual prim a entrada himos el dia 2 de Jun° del afio pasado de 1695, y la segunda en q entramos en la nazion de los Itzaex fue a 13 de Diz e de dho afio y voluimos a esta Ciudad de Merida el dia 6 de Abril deste afio de 1696. 132 pp., map. 31.3 cm. Copy. Translation by P. A. Means in Papers of the Peabody Museum, VII, Cambridge, igiy. 1041 BARRIENTOS, PEDRO de Relaciones de los Sres. Don Garcia Tello de Sandoval co- rregidor de la ciudad de Mexico y Dona Isabel Tello de Por- tugal su muger que a virtud de mandato certifico Don Fran- cisco Carrillo en Mexico. Nov. 19, 1654. 2 pp. 31 cm. 122 SPANISH AMERICA 1042 BELEftA, EUSEBIO BUENAVENTURA (1 736-1 794) Informe de D n Eusebio Bentura Belefia Al ex mo . S or . Virrey Marques de Croix, con descripcion de las Provincias de So- nora, y Cinaloa, Parajes donde se cobra el Tributo, funda- mentos legales para su exaction, repartimientos de tierras, y otros varios Puntos de consideration. Alamos, May 16, 1770. 40 pp. 30.2 cm. Copy. 1043 BELMAR, FRANCISCO (b. 1859) 2 letters to J. C. Pilling [1891], Oaxaca, Nov. 15, 1891. 2 pp. 26.6 cm. Z^potecan grammar by Los Reyes and Mixe grammar by Quintana. 1044 BENAVIDES, ALONSO de {ft. 1600-1664) Memorial a la sanctidad de Urbano 8 n'ro sefior acerca de las conuerciones del Nueuo mexico hechas en el feliciss tpo del gouierno de su pontificado . . . Feb. 12, 1634; Ristretto della Relatione del nuovo Messico . . . ; Relatione delle Conver- sione del Nuovo Messico . . . Apr. 2, 1634. 28 pp. 30.3 cm. Photostat from original in Propaganda Archives, Rome. 1045 BERGHES, CARL de Beschreibung der Ueberreste Aztekischer Niederlassungen auf ihrer Wanderung nach dem Thale von Mexico durch den gegenwartigen Freistaat von Zacatecas. Nach ortlichen For- schungen und Vermessungen zusammengestellt . . . im Mu- seum zu Mexico . . . Munsterpumpe bei Stolberg, 1855. 115 pp., illus., maps. 21.2 cm. 1046 BOGAERT, LEON To [J. A. Robertson], Paris, Mar. 7, 1903. 6 pp. iy.8 cm. Pigafetta manuscript. 1047 BRODIE, JOHN PRINGLE (1807-1869) [Journal of a Voyage to Mexico, 1 824-1 832.] 261 pp. Various sizes. From Greenock, Scotland, to West Indies, to Mexico by way of Alvarado, to Mexico City and many towns to the north. 1048 BUELNA, EUSTAQUIO (b. 1830) To J. C. Pilling, Mexico City, June 16, 1894. 2 pp. 25.6 cm. Peregrinacion de los Aztecas. SPANISH AMERICA 123 1049 CABELLO de BALBOA, MIGUEL (16th c.) Miscelanea Antartica. pp. 257-799. 21.2 cm. Photostat from original in JVTPL. Partially translated in Ternaux-Compans, H., Voyages, relations et me- moires . . . Paris ,1840, v. 15, and a translation of Ternaux-Compans* text, Romero, C. A., and Urteaga, H. H., Coleccion de libros y documentos referentes a la historia del Peru, Lima, 1920. 2d ser., II. 1050 CABREDO, RODRIGO de (1560-1618) Carta annva de la Provincia de la Comp a . de Jesus de la nueua Espafia. Afio 161 5. Mexico, May 1, 1616. 5/ pp. 30.5 cm. 1051 CADEREYTA, LOPE Df AZ de ARMENDARIZ, marques de [Documentos relativos al proceso establado por Don Luis de Touar y Godinhes y Don Phelipe Moran de la Zerda, secreta- ries de gobernacion de la Nueva Espafia contra el Ex mo . S r . Marques de Cadereyta virrey de la dicha Nueva Espafia en pagamento de una cantidad de pesos por no haber el dicho Ex mo Sr. Marques cumplido con las reales cedulas relativas a gobierno de la Nueva Espafia.] Madrid and Mexico, 1646- 1647. Signed by Charles II and six members of the Council. 118 pp. 30.5 cm. 1052 EL CADETE MEXICANO Obra Moderna de vn Yncognito. C. de O. Afio de 1832. 1 9827 pp. 21 cm. A romance. 1053 CAMPA, MIGUEL de la Diario del viage, q e . con el fabor de Dios emprende hacer a bordo de la fragata del Rey nombrada el Santiago, desde el Puerto de San Bias al nuevo descubrimiento por la costa de Monterrey hasta el grado sesenta y cinco. [Mar. 16-Nov. 20, I775-] 79 PP- 3*-3 cw " Photostat from certified copy in private ownership. 1054 CARAVERO, FRANCISCO Testamento cerrado de Fran co . Carauero, abierto en Panama en 26, de Junio de 1556. 34 PP- 3 T '8 cm " Mutilated. 124 SPANISH AMERICA 1055 CARBONELL, ESTEBAN Relation del biaxe de la California, Hecho por El Capp n fran- cisco de Horttega . . . Este afio de 1632 . . . 15 PP- 3 I -2 cm. 1056 CASAS, BARTOLOMfi de las (1474-1566) Historia de las Yndias . . . 5^95 PP- 3 z -5 cm. I 9 in century copy of entire text as printed. 1057 Historia de las Indias . . . Libro segundo . . . 392 pp. 30.2 cm. 16th c. copy, secretary's hand with author's signature. 1058 CASTANEDA de NAjERA, PEDRO de (16th c.) Narrative of the Expedition to Cibola undertaken in 1540; in which all the populations inhabiting that Country, as well as their manners and customs are treated of . . . Translated into English by Brantz Mayer. Bait., Nov., 1851. 121 pp. 31.3 cm. A translation from the French of H. Ternaux- Compans. Spanish text, and translation by G. P. Winship in 14th Ann. Rep. Bur. Eth., Washington, 1896. Pt. I, pp. 412-546. 1059 CATHOLIC CHURCH— LITURGY and RITUAL Misa Catalufia. 30 pp. 26.2 cm. Parchment. Copy of the Misa Catalufia preserved in the Museum of Old Mission, Santa Barbara, California. 1060 CAVALLERO, FERNANDO Carta de pago por Don Fernando Cavallero marido de Dona Juana de Yllescas Villarreal de 67.752 maravedis del 2 . 3 C1 °. de venta del afio de 161 8, por la de un Juro en el almojari- fargo de Yndias . . . Aug. 2, 161 8. 2 pp. 31.4 cm. 1061 CHARENCEY, HYACINTHE, comte de (1832-1916) Card to J. C. Pilling, [1891]. 1 p. 6 cm. Chrestomathie Maya. 1062 CHAVES, MELCHOR de Melchor de Chaves dio Poder d a . Ferera de Rivera su muger, para vender Casas en Espartinas, y tres pedazos de tierras, y vifias en Villal villa, a Juan Luis de Chaves; y ratified la Venta; ante Juan Roman. Mexico, Feb. 15, 1577. 5 pp. 30.8 cm. SPANISH AMERICA 125 1063 CHESTER, PETER To [Luis de Unzaga], Aug. 12, 1770. 2 pp. 24.1 cm. Photostat from original in AGI, Papeles de Cuba. Appointment as Governor of West Florida. 1064 CLAVIGERO, FRANCISCO XAVIER (1731-1787) Historia de la antigua 6 baja California . . . Traducida del Italiano, [por Nicolas Garcia de San Vicente, c. 1800]. 406 pp. 31.7 cm. Copy. Printed, Mexico, 1832. 1065 COLOMBIA— VICEROY, 1789-1796 (JOSfi de ESPELETA y GALDEANO) Ano de 1796. Relacion del Gobierno del Exmo. Sefior Don Jose de Ezpeleta, &, en el Nuevo Reyno de Granada. Con expresion de su actual estado en los diversos ramos que abraza, de lo q e . queda por hacer, y de lo que puede adelantarse en cada uno. Formada en cumplimiento de lo dispuesto por las Leyes de Yndias, para entregar, Al Exmo. Sr. D n . Pedro Mendinueta . . . electo Virrey Gobernador y Capitan Gener- al de dicho Reyno. Santa Fe de Bogota, Dec. 3, 1 796. 349 PP- 30 cm. Copy. 1066 COLUMBUS, CHRISTOPHER (c. 1446-1506) Photographs of documents in the archives of the Duke of Veragua, 1488-1537; Book of privileges, copied in 1502. 268 plates, index. 2 copies slightly varied in form. For a complete list of documents included see The Official Directory of World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893, pp. 140-142. 1067 To Nicolao Odorigo, Mar. 21, 1502. 1 p. 24.1 cm. Photograph. Printed in Fernandez de Navarrete, Martin, Coleccion de los viajes y descubrimientos . . , v. 2, p. 314. Progress of 4th voyage. 1068 COMPENDIO HISTORICO de las NAUEGACIONES PRACTICADAS por Oficiales, y Pilotos en Buques de la Real Armada, sobre las costas Septentrionales de las Californias con el objeto de descubrir, y determinar la extension, y po- sicion de sus distritos, e Yslas adyacentes. Ordenado Por un oficial de la Marina Real Espafiola. Mexico: Ano de 1799. 397 PP- 28.9 cm. 126 SPANISH AMERICA 1069 CORDOVA y GUZMAN, MARTfN FERNANDEZ de Poder otorgado ... a favor de D. Gonzalo de Cardenas y Cordova. Ante Melchor Gutierrez . . . Oct. 16, 161 3. 8 pp. 31.5 cm. 1070 Copia del Testamento cerrado que en 19 de Mayo de 161 8 otorgo D. Martin Fernandez de Cordova y Guzman Capitan a guerra y Alcalde mayor de la villa de Guadalcazar Pro- vincia de Tehuantepeque . . . ante Baltazar del Castillo, Escribano publico de dicha Villa . . . May 25, 161 8. ig pp. 30.4 cm. 1071 CORTES, HERNANDO (1485-1547) Carta tercera de Relacion Embiada Por Fernando Cortez . . . a S. M. del Emperador . . . May 15, 1526. J 3° PP- 3°-7 cm - C°Py- Various printed editions. 1072 Carta de Relacion enviada a su S. Magestad del Emperador nro sefior por el Capitan general de la Nueva Espafia . . . 482 pp. 31 cm. Copy. 2d and 3d letters and a memorial. 1073 COSTANSO, MIGUEL (fl. 1769-1811) [Diario del viaje de tierra hecho al norte de la California.] July 14, 1769-Jan. 24, 1770. 138 pp. 31 cm. Photostat from certified copy in private ownership. Text and translations in Academy of Pacific Coast History Pub- lications, II, no. 4. 1074 COZAR, PRUD . de Diario de lo ocurrido en la Toma, y destruccion de la Ysla Roatan, p r . las Armas Espanolas, al mando del Mariscal de Campo D n . Matias de Galvez, Presid te . y Cap n . Gral del Reyno de Guatemala. Playa de Truxillo, Mar. 24, 1782, signed Prud°. de Cozar. 13 pp., map. 21.2 cm. 1075 CRESPf, JUAN (1721-1782) Diario y description de las dilatadas Caminas, que a mayor gloria de Dios, y Servicio del Rey N. S r . que Dios g de . hicieron los R R. PP. P. P. Apostolicos del Colegio de San Fernando de Mexico del orden de N. S. P. S. Fran co . recien entregados de las Missiones de la California, azia el Norte de aquella SPANISH AMERICA 127 Peninsula desde la Mission Frontera de aquel rumbo llamada S ta . Maria de los Angeles, hasta los famosos Puertos de San Diego, Monte Rey, y San Fran co . toda tierra poblada de innu- merables gentiles: en los afios del Senor. 1769 y 1770. 264 pp. 30 cm. Photostat from certified copy in private ownership. Copia de lo particular q e . vio la expedicion de mar, en las Gostas del Norte, Sacada del Diario orig . q e . se formo a bordo de la fragata por los P.P. Fr. Juan Crespi, y Fr. Thomas de la Pena, q e . iban en dha expedicion. T 5 PP- 3° cm ' Photostat from certified copy in private ownership. 1076 CUBA. ARCHIVO NACIONAL Blue prints of typed copies of MSS. in the Archives of Cuba, B. de Galvez, letters to J. de Galvez, 1 777-1 781, letters to Juan Manuel de Cagigal, 1 777-1 781; Indian trade, 1 783-1 821; Manuel Garcia, Reconquista del Fuerte de Apalache, 1800- 1802; Proceso de Tomas Portell, 1803 -1806; Cedulas y ordenes, 1 770-1 807. 1,619 pp. 2J.6 cm. 1077 . . . DIARIO de la EXPEDICCION q e . p r . Mar se hizo el afio pasado de 72 con destino de reconocer las Costas de la California septentrional hasta la altura de 60 grados de Latitud al Norte p a . cuio efecto en el mes de Junio, salio del Puerto de S n . Carlos de Monterrey, la fragata de S. M. nom- brada Santiago, alias la nueva Galicia no occurrio cosa par- ticular, hasta el 20 de Julio en q e . descubrieron tierra . . . 38 PP- 3° -7 cm - Photostat from copy in private ownership. 1078 DIAZ de la VEGA, JOS£ Memorias piadosas de la Nacion Yndiana recogidas de varios autores . . . 1782. 338 pp. 30.7 cm. 1079 DIOS GONZALES, JUAN de Reconocimiento Que se manifiesta por el adjunto plan de la Provincia de Yucatan y parte de la Costa de Honduras desde punta de Castilla pasando por el Oeste, y Cavo de Catocha hasta la Ysla de Fris 6 Presidio del Carmen . . . Feb. 18, 1766. j 1 pp. 24. 5 cm. Photostat from original in BM. 128 SPANISH AMERICA 1080 EMINARD, JEAN BAPTISTE d' To J. D. Powles, Bogota, Apr. 16, 1824. 7 pp. 26.5 cm. Report on conditions in Colombia. 1081 ESCALANTE, SILVESTRE de VELEZ de (fl. 1768-1779) 2 letters to F. A. Gomez, Zuni, Aug. 18, Nov. 7, 1775. 23 pp. 31.3 cm. Copy and photostat from certified copy. 1082 3 letters to Ysidro Murillo, Zufii, Apr. 30, May 6, Santa Fe, July 29, 1776. 41 pp. jo.g cm. First two photostats from certified copies. Letter of Apr. 30, printed in Maas, Otto, Viajes de misioneros franciscanos a la conquista del Nuevo Mexico, Sevilla, igij. 1083 Derrotero y diario . . . July 29, 1776 to Jan. 3, 1777. 6g pp. 31 cm. Printed in Documentos para la historia de Mexico, Mexico, 1854, 2d ser., v. I, pp. 375-558 and last 24 pp. in Maas. 1084 To Juan Augustin de Morfi, Santa Fe, Apr. 2, 1778. 15 pp. 31 cm. L.s. Translation in Land of Sunshine, Mar. and Apr., 1 goo, p. 274, p. 3og. 1085 ESPINOSA y TELLO, MANUEL de Poder otorgado a favor de su hermano D. Jose de Espinosa y Tello. Valladolid, Michoacan, 20 de julio de 1801, y quien lo sustituye a favor de D a . Isabel Tello. Madrid, Jan. 19, 1803. 5 pp. 31 cm. 1086 Escritura del Poder otorgado por el Coronel Don Manuel Espinosa y Tello a favor de su hermano D. Jose M a . Espinosa . . . Ante D. Juan Francisco Cardena. Xalapa, June 19, 1807. 7 pp. 31 cm. 1087 FAXARDO, JUAN ISIDRO Copia del papel, que en primero de Febrero de este ano de 1725, escribio a D n . Luis de Salazar y Castro D n . Juan Ysidro faxardo; remitiendole la defensa critica a la dedicatoria del Libro de Carta de Guia de Casados y respuesta de D n . Luis de Salazar; Descripcion de Cantabria y de la Prov a . de Guipuz- coa y quando se incorporo a la corona de Castilla; Prov a . de Alava quando se Incorporo a la corona de Castilla; letter to Luis Barth me . de Salazar y Castro, Madrid, Feb. 1, 1725. 164 pp. 30.2 cm. SPANISH AMERICA I2g 1088 FIGUEROA, FRANCISCO ANTONIO de la ROSA (18th c.) Bezerro gener al . Menologico y Chronologico de todos los Religiosos que de las tres Parcialidades conviene a saber Padres de Espana, Hijos de Provincia, y Criollos ha avido en esta S ta . Prov a . del S to . Evang°. desde su fundacion hasta el pres te . ano de 1 764. y de todos los Prelados assi' nros M. R dos . P.P. Comissaf. como R . P.P. Provinciales que la han go- vernado Dispuesto . . . [Mexico, 1 755-1 764]. 420 pp. 29.8 cm. 1089 FONSECA, DOMINGO de [Escritura p r la cual se ofrece el Capitan Domingo de Fonseca a pagar veinte y cuatro mil r 1 q e le presto D n . Pedro Jimenez de Encisos para equipar la Nao de q e era duefio el dho Capitan y estaba p a . salir a un viaje al reyno de Angola p a . comprar Esclavos. Ante Felipe de Santiago.] Sevilla, Apr. 1, 1639. I 5 PP> 3 T 4 cm- 1090 [GALLARDO, JOS£ RAFAEL RODRiGUEZ] [Informe sobre Sonora y sus misiones, 1 749.] I5 1 PP- 3°-3 cm - 1091 GALVEZ, JOSfi de (1 729-1 786) [Informe sobre el estado de Mexico, California, Sonora y pro- vincias remotas de Nueva-Espafia.] 1 768-1 778. 348 pp. 29.9 cm. Copy. 1092 GARCfiS, FRANCISCO TOMAS HERMENEGILDO (1738-1781) To Diego Jimenez, 1762. 12 pp. 30.3 cm. Copy. Missions of Sonora. 1093 To Juan Bautista de Anza, July 29, 1768. 1 p. 30.3 cm. Mission at San Xavier. 1094 3 letters to Juan de Pineda, July 29, 1768; Feb. 21, July 23, 1769. 8 pp. Various sizes. Mission at San Xavier del Bac, Tucson. 1095 GARCIA, GENARO [To Henry Harrisse], Mexico, Oct. 22, 1902. 1 p. 22.J cm. Copy of Dos antiguas relaciones de la Florida. 130 SPANISH AMERICA 1096 GARCIA de LEON y PIZARRO, JOS£ Compendio Historico, y Cronologico, que demuestra el Descu- brimiento del Mar del Sur, y de las Californias, hecho p r . los Espafioles; y asimismo el Fundamento, que asiste a Espana, para excluir a todas las Naciones de la Navegacion de los Mares de Yndias, y de Establecerse, y comerciar en ellas, consentido y observado p r . sus Soberanos y Goviernos . . . Ano de 1796. 337 PP- 29.3 cm. 1097 GARCIA ICAZBALCETA, JOAQUlN (1825-1894) 2 letters to J. C. Pilling, Mexico, May 18, Aug. 31, 1888. 3 pp. 2J.3 cm. Reprint of Gabriel de San Buenaventura's Arte de la Lengua Maya. 1098 GONZALEZ de MENDOZA, FRANCISCO Carta de pago que otorgo el Maestre de Campo D n . Francisco Gonzalez de Mendoza de 9,293 pesos, 6, tomines y 6}4 granos de plata ensayada en favor del Maestre de Campo Garcia Tello de Sandoval. Sana del Peru, Mar. 16, 1639. 4PP-3 I -3 cm - 1099 GUAJARDO, ALONSO To Gonzalo Fernandez de Cordova y Cardenas, Mex co . Oct. 15, 1618. / p. 29.6 cm. L.s. Announcing death of Don Martin de Cordova. 1 100 GUATEMALA. CATHOLIC CHURCH. Sobre el Auto de Cofradias, y guachivales de 5 de Diz e . de 1 741 a dado por esta R 1 . Aud a . con el motivo de la R 1 . Zedula de 31 de Enero de 1740 para su complim to . y la observancia de las Leyes, que en el se citan tocantes a Curas, y Doctrineros sobre las raciones, sustentos, servicios personales, y otras cosas . . . Guatemala, Apr. 14, 1744. 46 pp. 31 cm. 1101 [HELPS, SIR ARTHUR] (1813-1875) [Calendar of] Letters relating to the Spanish conquest in America, copied from the Coleccion de Mufioz in the Royal Library at Madrid (1 504-1 563). 363 pp. 23 cm. SPANISH AMERICA 131 1 102 HERNANDEZ, GERONIMO FLORENCIO To Federico Balde [i.e., J. F. Waldeck], Palenque, Tepetitan, June 27, 1832. 2 pp. 21.4 cm. Delivery of 200 pesos. 1 103 HERRERA y TORDESILLAS, ANTONIO de (1559-1625) Description of the islands and continents of the ocean which are called the West Indies. 261 pp. 32.2 cm. Name of translator unknown, translation made for Henry Stevens. 1 1 04 General history of the deeds of the Castilians in the islands and continent of the [western] ocean . . . 2,681 pp. 33.2 cm. Only the fast three decades. Translation made at order of Henry Stevens. 1 105 IBARRA y MARiN, JOAGHIN de (1725-1785) Elementos para la historia de los Jesuitas, Cuzco, y mayo 30 de 1777. *73 PP- 20 -6 cm - Memorials and reports, 1J58-1JJJ, by members of the Jesuit order. 1 106 YGLESIAS de INDIAS A miscellaneous collection of 30 documents, reports and letters, 1620-49, concerning Chile, Peru, Mexico and California; reports concerning war of Chile, 1633-38, letter of the Gov- ernor of Chile to the King concerning fortification of Valdivia, 1636; letters and reports concerning the ecclesiastical founda- tions in Michoacan, 1645-49; acts of the synod of Honduras, 1630-31; relation concerning provinces under the Orden de la Merced; ordinances of Pedro de Melian for government of Chimaltenango; Bishop's reports to King concerning tributes of Arequipa, 1640-44; papers of Montezuma family; declaration of order of Franciscans concerning California, 1649; account of voyage of J. Pujada de Gamboa, 1649; rela- tion concerning Porto Rico, 1649; relation of bishop of Cuba, 1620; instruction relating to nopales. £>74 PP- 3* >8 cm. 1 107 YNFORME anonimo. Al Governador de Yucatan y Campeche de un Sugeto que con la experiencia de treinta y ocho anos de 132 SPANISH AMERICA avecindado en aquella Provincia, manifiesta las vejaciones conque los curas seculares y Regulares destruyen y despue- blan a los Yndios con las quantiosas contribuciones que a titulo de limosnas han introducido: y propone el medio de q e pagando los Yndios a S.M. en cada tercio de S n . Juan y Navidad 5 reales . . . 15 pp. 24.2 cm. Photostat from original in BM. 1 108 IXTLILXOCHITL, FERNANDO de ALVA (c. 1568-1648) Relaciones historicas . . . 567 pp. 30.5 cm. Copy. 1 1 09 Sumaria relacion de todas las cosas . . . 235 PP- 304 cm - copy- 1 1 10 Sumaria relacion. . . . 292 pp. 35.7 cm. Copy. Slight variations from printed text. nil JIMENEZ de ENCISO, ANDRES Poder que otorgo Andres Jimenez de Enciso vecino de Carta- gena de Yndias, a Diego y Pedro Jimenez de Enciso sus hermanos para que reclaman los bienes que le pertenecen por la legitima de herencia . . . Cartagena, July 8, 1596. ?3 PP- 3 1 -* cm. 1 1 12 [LABAT,JEAN BAPTISTE] (1663-1738) Singularites des isles de l'Amerique tires des voyages U R. P. J. B. Labat de Fordre des freres precheurs A Besancon le 13 8 obre M.DCC.LXVIII. ny pp., illus. 18.8 cm. 1 1 13 LA GASCA, PEDRO de To Pedro Hernandez Paniagua, Panama, Oct. 14, 1546. / p. 32 cm. Photostat from original in HEH. Purchase of ship in which to sail to Payta and await Paniagua. Partially translated in From Panama to Peru, London, 1925, p. 143. 1 1 14 [LAMBESTYE, le marquis de] Histoire des Cara'ibes Nation Sauvage qui habite les Isles du Vent en Amerique et partie de la Terre ferme ou Continent. A son Altesse Serenissime Madame la Marg-grave regnante de Baaden Dourlac. [1760.] 299 pp. 18.5 cm. SPANISH AMERICA I33 1 1 15 LARA MOGROVEJO, ANTONIO de D n . Antonio de Lara Mogrovejo del Consejo de S.M. oydor de la Chancilleria de Mexico se obligo a pagar al Capitan Cris- toval Gruzalegui Maestre de plata 3000 pesos de oro, ante Pedro Moreno de Velasco en dha Ciudad. Mar. 28, 1666. 7 pp. 31.4 cm. 1116 LEON, NICOLAS (1859-1929) Ensayo de una Historia General del Estado de Chiapas . . . 674 pp., illus., maps, clippings. Various sizes. 1 1 17 To J. C. Pilling, Guadalupe Hidalgo, Feb. 13, 1895. 1 p. 20.6 cm. Works in Aztec. 1 1 18 Los Popolocas. Conferencias del Museo Nacional, Seccion de etnologia, Num. 1, 1905. 274 pp. 22 cm. 1 1 19 LE6N CARDONA, JUAN de Documentos sobre la casa de Leon Cardona. Nueva Goathe- mala, Aug. 13, 1783; Lineage papers of Juan Martines de Zevallos, Nueva Guatemala, Oct. 20, 1793 and Oct. 18, 1794. 35 PP- 3^2 cm. 1 1 20 LIBRO de la DESCRIPZION poblacion y conquista de las Provinzias del Paraguay y Rio de la Plata. Desde su descu- brimiento asta el afio de 1573. en que feneze la historia con la Entrada de el Adelantado Juan Ortiz de Zarate al Govierno de dhas. Provinzias. 203 pp. 21. j cm. 1121 [L6PEZ, GREGORIO] (1560-1614) [Chronica de Nueva Espafia en el anos, 1 552-1 553.] 680 pp. 30.8 cm. Incomplete: contains ff. 25-372. 1 122 LOS REYES, ANTONIO MARIA de . . . Breve description, y relation de la parte mas util, y digna de atencion, de esta America, en la gobernacion de Sonora, y de las Misiones que en esta remota Provincia, administran los PP. Misioneros del colegio de Propaganda fide de la Santa Cruz de Queretaro, Colegio de San Fernando y Mexico. Apr. 2, 1772. 18 pp. 31.4 cm. Copy. 134 SPANISH AMERICA 1 123 LOS RIOS, MELCHOR de To Christoval de Cardenas, Mexico, Oct. 16, 161 8. 2 pp. 30.3 cm. Acknowledgment of letter. 1 124 LOUISIANA— GOVERNORS, 1766-1791. Dispatches of the Spanish governors of Louisiana, 1 766-1 791. z&fy PP- J 9- 2 cm - Photographs of manuscripts in the Archives of the Indies, Seville. 1 125 LUCENILLA y TORRES, FRANCISCO de Relation del viaje hecho a la California por el Capitan Fran- cisco de Luzernilla y Torres cavo y Gobernador por S.M. de la gente de Mar y Guerra que de presente esta en el Puerto de Chacala jurisdiccion de la Ciudad de Compostela para conduzir y pasar a la Pazificacion y Poblacion del Reyno de las Californias, 1668. 12 pp. 31.5 cm. 1 126 LUTHEREAU, JEAN GUILLAUME ANTOINE (b. 181 1) Decoration de premiere classe Commandeur de TOrdre ameri- cain de San-Juan, Grey-Town, May 1, 1857. / p. 26.3 cm. Parchment. 1 127 LUTHEREAU, JEAN GUILLAUME ANTOINE and CHARLES de VILLERY Histoire des Republiques Centro-Americaines, ou Grey- Town devant 1' Europe. Paris, chez les Principaux Libraires, 1858. 203 pp. 30.5 cm. Manuscript ready for printer. 1 128 MACHADO FIESCO, FRANCISCO XAVIER Ynstruccion reservada que han de observar los comisionados que nombrarse en decretos particulares para executar en este Reyno la Soverana determinacion de S.M. sobre el extrafiam to de los jesuitos de todos Sus Dominios. Mexico, June 16, 1767. Signed by the Marques de Croix, followed by his orders to Francisco Xavier Machado Fiesco as Comisionado principal y en Jefe para la Expatriacion de los Regular es de la Compania re- spectivos a los cinco Colegios de Puebla de los Angeles, and the reports of Machado Fiesco concerning his activities, lists of the priests, etc. 23 documents. 140 pp. 30.7 cm. SPANISH AMERICA 135 1 129 MARINER, JOAN Libreta de Cant Pla de Fra Joan Mariner. Enseynada per lo P. Nado en Gerona en lo afio 1769. yg pp. 20.6 cm. 1 130 MARTINEZ, CHRISTOBAL 1629. Salaya. Pleyto Criminal Contra el B r Christoval Marti- nes, Por Palabras defactadas Contra vn Comiss de este S to ofi°. Selaya, 1629. 13 documents, 48 pp. 32 cm. 1 131 MARURE PAPERS Miscellaneous papers evidently of Alejandro Marure. The earliest, dating 1 779-1 786, are copies of treaties and conven- tions, and accounts of military affairs; for the period, 1800- 1876, the documents concern political affairs; 41 letters, 1 823-1 876, include correspondence of Alejandro Marure and his associates; 75 pp. are printed material. All of these con- cern the domestic affairs of Guatemala. The majority of the papers relate to the period, 181 0-1850. 1,028 pp. Various sizes. 1 132 MATAMOROS ARCHIVES Photostats of manuscripts and periodicals from the Archives of Matamoros concerning the early movements in Texas and New Mexico, the Texas revolution and the relations with the Republic to 1845, tne Mexican war period and border rela- tions until about 1880. Among the periodicals are incomplete files of Mer curio del Puerto de Matamoros; Atalaya; El Argos de Matamoros; El Telegrafo de Mexico; El Democrata; El Restau- rador de Tamaulipas. 12,781 pp. Various sizes. For further description, see Bolton, H. E. y Guide to materials for the history of the United States in the principal archives of Mexico, Wash., igij. pp. 44J-448. 1 133 MEDRANO, MIGUEL de Carta de pago que otorgo Miguel de Medrano de 2225 pesos a favor de Miguel Ramos por ante Francisco de Carlos en San Felipe de Puerto Velo July 23, 1634. 3 pp. 31 cm. I36 SPANISH AMERICA 1 134 MEMORIAL de Los hijos de Conquistadores de esta Nueua Espana y ciudad de Mexico que Vibian El ario de 1590. 14 pp. 30.8 cm. Copy. Genealogical. 1 135 MENENDEZ y BRUNA, SALVADOR Diario del viage al Puerto del Realejo Para Reconocer y levantar pianos del Troso de Costa comprehed . Entre el Puerto de Acapulco y el Surgidero de Sonsonate. Amas la exploracion del Golfo de Conchagua con el Bergantin de Su Magestad el Activo Ano de 1794. Comandante D n . Salvador Melendez y Bruna Teniente de Navio. 113 pp., maps, tables. 27.3 cm. 1 136 MEXICAN ARCHIVES Transcripts from manuscripts in the Archives of Mexico City. The documents relate chiefly to the early history of Texas and to the history of Louisiana and New Mexico during the Spanish period. They are of the same general character as those from the Spanish archives listed later. 174,425 pp. 27.8 cm. TS. As an analysis for this material an anno- tated copy of Bolton, H. E., Guide to materials ... in the prin- cipal archives of Mexico, Wash., igi 3, is used. The Richman Collection of transcripts of material, collected by Irving B. Richman chiefly from manuscripts in the Mexican archives concerning the early history of California. The Richman Collection includes also transcripts from the British Museum, of Bolanos' Derrotero, Ortega's Relacion, 1632, and Crespi's Copia del informe . . . al Virrey el Gobernador de Sonora . . . Dec. 15, 1774, and from the British Foreign Office, copies of letters of Eustace Barron, Apr. 19, 1845, °f J- A. Forbes, Jan. 27, 1845-July 14, 1846 and of Charles Bankhead, Aug. 13, 1846. 5,090 pp. 27.8 cm. 1 137 MEXICO [Documentos para la Hist a . Eccles a . de Mexico.] Descriptio Provinciae Mexicana et Guatimala, 1633. Signed Fray Roque de la serna; Mexicana deputationis Syndici Die 11 Februarii 1689; Mexicana confirmationis erectionis Confraternitatis SPANISH AMERICA 137 Charitatis . . . Memoriale Signor Cardinal Carpegna; Suc- cinta Relazione Del sucesso nelP apostasias della Fede Catto- lica . . . fatta degP Yndi della Provincia di Zendali . . . 171 2; Letters of Pedro Garcia Mayorase to P e . Gral del Orden de Predicadores, May 29, 1772-Sep. 15, 1772; Letters of El Conde de Valdellanos to P e . General del Orden de Predicadores, Oct. 27, 1772-July 9, 1773, etc. 33 documents. 330 pp. 26.2 cm. Copy. 1 138 MEXICO— INQUISITION. 1777. Inquisicion de Mexico. Afio de 1777. Expediente formado en q e . se ponen las Certificaciones que remiten los Comisarios en Distrito, y Jurisdiction de este Santo Oficio, con motivo de la Publicacion del Edicto, q e . se publico en esta Capital el Domingo 14 de Septiembre de este afio; broadside. 84 documents, no pp. 32 cm. Acknowledgments of printed edict listing prohibited books and manuscripts. 1 139 MEXICO— REAL AUDIENCIA Borradores de consultas con que se ha dado q ta . al R 1 . y sup mo . cons, de Yndias de los autos q con ellas se han remitido por el R 1 . Acuerdo, 1 663-1 707; Copia de cartas que se escriben a S.M. p. la R 1 Au a de Mex co en Respuestta de R 1 Zedul as . . . 1 707-1 709; Indize de los despachos de su Mag . que se remiten a los sefiores Virrey Pres te y Oidores . . . ; [and other docu- ments relative to affairs of Audiencia], 1 720-1 732. 2g documents. 113 pp. 31.2 cm. 1 140 MEXICO— VICEROY, 1535-1550 (ANTONIO de MENDOZA) Ordenancas Hechas Por el Visorrey don antonio de Mendoga sobre Las minas De La Nueva Spafia. Afio de M.D.L. 16 pp. 30.2 cm. 1141 MEXICO— VICEROY, 1 766-1 771 (CARLOS FRANCISCO de CROIX) Copy of license granted Juan Jose Goebel, S.J., to leave New Spain for Germany, Mexico, Oct. 20, 1766. Counter- signed by Antonio Maria Bucareli y Ursiia. 4 PP- 3°-9 cm - Co Py- I38 SPANISH AMERICA 1 142 MEXICO— VICEROY, 1789-1794 (JUAN GUfiMEZ PACHECO de PADILLA HORCASITAS y AGUAGO, conde de REVILLA GIGEDO) Instruction de Gobierno que el Virrey de Nueva Espafia Conde de RevillaGigedo dexo a su Succesor Marques de Branciforte, June 30, 1 794. 612 pp. 2g.i cm. Copy. 1 143 MEXICO (CITY)— CABILDO Copia paleografica de los antiguos libros de Cabildo del exmo. Ayuntamiento de esta capital . . . desempefiada por el Lie. Ygnacio L. Rayon, 1 524-1 564. 4->3 I 3 PP- 3 T '3 cm " C°Py> Printed, Mexico, i88g. 1144 MEXICO. ANTEQUERA (1750) Ano de 1750. Diligencias practicadas, para la fabrica de la Hermita de Nra S a . del Patrosimo, y Licencia a su proposito concedida por el Sefior Provisor Vicario gral de este Obispado, Antequera, 1 750-1 789. 27 documents. 604 pp. 30.8 cm. 1 145 MEXICO. CHACHILTEPEQUE (1754) Sup r . Gov 110 . 1754. Autos fhos a pedimento de don Candido Peres vecino, y minero del real de Chachiltepeque P. q. se le conceda licencia para la fabrica de una Capilla, 1754; Testim . de los Dilig 8 . que se practicaron p a . la concession de la liz a . que se proposa en el, 1754. 6 documents. 31 pp. ji.i cm. 1 146 MEXICO. COLIMA (1732) Villa de Colima. Ano de 1732. Nombramiento de Comisario de este Santo Officio (en ynterin para la villa de Colima) obispado de Mechoacan a fabor del B r . Don Diego Beltran Vicente Presbitero. 8 documents. 12 pp. 57.5 cm. 1 147 MEXICO. DOLORES (1809) Ano de 1809. Sobre fundacion de un convento de Monjas capuchinas en la congregation de Dolores. Sria del Virrey- nato, 1 809-1 8 10. 2 documents. 88 pp., 77 pp. 31.7 cm. SPANISH AMERICA I39 1 148 MEXICO. DURANGO (1812) Durango. Afio de 181 2. Carta Pastoral, exhortatoria, dirigida a los Parrocos, y demas Eccos. del Obispado de Durango, por el V e . Sor. Dean y Cabildo Governador Sede vacante, en los terminos que adentro se expresa. Nov. 28, 181 2. 44 PP- 3 T -5 cm - 1 149 MEXICO. GUANAJUATO (1776) [Peticiones] Sobre que la Vispera y dia de Ntra Sefiora de Guadalupe, haya repique de campafias a buelta en todas las Yglesias. Afio de 1776. 8 pp. 2 1. 5 cm. 1 150 MEXICO. LEON (1609) 4 documents relating to a lawsuit brought by the alcalde of Leon against the alcalde of Lagos, Leon, 1 609. 42 pp. 2g.8 cm. 1151 MEXICO. MALAGA (1723) Sup r . Gov 110 . 1723. Autos en Virt d . de R 1 Cedula sobre que se pida limosna p la fabrica de la Yglesia y Combento de Capu- chinas de la Ciudad de Malaga. 2 documents. 13 pp. 31.5 cm. 1152 MEXICO. MALINALCO (1752) Sup r . Gov 110 . 1752. Autos fhos. de Pedimento del vecindario de Espafioles y Naturales del Pueblo de Malinalco, Sre que se les Conceda liz a . para la Ereccion de una Capilla, 1752. 5 documents, ij pp. 31.2 cm. 1 153 MEXICO. METEPEQUE (1755) Afio de 1755. Diligencias practicadas por la Justicia del par- tido de Metepeque, en Virtud del Superior Despacho del exfno Senor Virrey de este reino sobre que se reconosca la fabrica de la Iglecia de esta Cauezera, y se proseda a la regulacion de la cantidad, que sea necesaria para concluir dha obra . . . 1 j documents. 5/ pp. 31.2 cm. 1 154 MEXICO. OAXACA (1696) Diligencias fechas en Virt d : del Rl Despacho en Orden a la excursion del Donattius Voluntario que se pidio en la Villa del Marq do . del Valle de Oax ca . entre sus Pueblos vezinos y Mo- 140 SPANISH AMERICA radores por D n Joseph Nunez de Villa Viz°. y Horosco Alcalde maior de este dha Villa . . . ig documents. 42 pp. 31.2 cm. 1155 MEXICO. OAXAGA (1750) Sup r . Gov 110 . 1 750. Autos fhos a pedimento de Cura de Chalca- tongo Jurisdiction de Oaxaca sobre que se asigne vna parte de los reales tributos de aquel Partido conq e poder fabricar la Iglecia Parrochial . . . 4 documents, ig pp. 31.5 cm. 1156 MEXICO. PLAN del RIO (1772-1777) Sup r . Gov 110 , afio de 1772. Autos fhos. a instancia del Illmo S or . Obispo de la Ciu d . de la Puebla sobre fundar una nueba Ygle- sia en el Sitio del Plan del Rio, q se halla en el Territorio de Xalapa, 1 772-1 777. 20 documents. S3 pp. 31.2 cm. 1157 MEXICO. PLAN del RIO (1788) Sobre reedificacion de la Yglesia del Plan del Rio, Obispado de la Puebla, a costa de los mismos vecinos. Mexico, 1788- 1794. 34 documents. 153 pp. 31.2 cm. 1158 MEXICO. PUEBLA (1774) [Documentos de un proceso intervenido entre el ilustrisimo Cabildo de la iglesia Catedral de la Puebla y el Illmo. Senor obispo de la misma Don Victoriano Lopez Gonzalo sobre nombramiento de un colector de diezmos en Atlixco]; Poder Otorgado Por el mui Yltre Venerable Senor Dean, y Cauildo de la S ta . Iglesia Cathedral de esta Ciudad A los Seiiores. D r . D n . Joseph Perez Calama Canonigo Lectoral, y D n . Joseph Hierro Prevendado para lo que dentro expresa; Exped te . for- mado a Representaz 11 . del Illmo. S r . Obispo de la Ciu d . de la Puebla, sre el modo conq e . su Cavildo lo deve citar, p a . las Elecciones, y demas, q. en el se ofrescan; Quaderno de Instru- ments producidos por el Illmo S r . Obispo de Puebla; Qua- derno de Instrumentos producidos por el Ven e . Cabildo Ecles co . de Puebla. Puebla y Mexico, 1774. 75 documents. 555 pp. 31. 1 cm. SPANISH AMERICA 141 1159 MEXICO. QUERfiTARO (1791) [Diligencias] Sobre fabrica de la Yglesia de San Felipe Neri de la ciudad de Queretaro. 1 791 -1793. 13 documents. 38 pp. 30.5 cm. 1 160 MEXICO. TEMPOAL (1752) Sup. Gov 110 . Ano de 1752. Autos fechos a ynstancia del Ba- chiller don. Joseph Miguel Pereli. Cura de tempoal, sobre hallarse sin Yglesia. y pidiendo se le de alguna parte de los tributos, para su fabrica, 1 752-1 754. 8 documents, jg pp. 31.2 cm. 1 161 MEXICO. TEPOSCOLULA (1752) Diligencias fhas en Virtud del superior Despacho que las Co- miensa s re . el terremoto acaecido en la Parrochia de teposco- lula y pedimento de su Cura s re . se le asigne vna parte de reales tributos para su fabrica, 1 750-1 755. 75 documents. 61 pp. 31.4 cm. 1 162 MEXICO. TLAXCALA Concessions and privileges granted to the Republic of Tlax- cala by the Spanish monarchs for its assistance during the Conquest, 1 732-1 808: copies of original concession of 1531, confirmation in 1563, petitions [1578] and 1585, and confirma- tions, memorial of the Indians to the Viceroy in 1 787 relating to the decadence of Tlaxcala owing to the foundation of Puebla; the decrees forbidding Spaniards residence in Tlax- cala; rights of free petition by the caciques; petition for own government and non-inclusion in the Intendencias ; Proclama- tion of the Tlaxcalans in favor of Ferdinand VII, 1808. 15 documents. 63 pp. 30.8 cm. 1163 MEXICO. ZACATLAN (1750) Dilig as . Executadas en Virtud de Decreto del Ill mo . S or . Arzbo Obpo de la ciu d . de los Angeles por el B r . D n . Augustin Ortiz de Espinosa comis. del s to . Oficio de la Ynquisis on . de este Reyno cura proprietario y Jues eclless . de este partido de Zacatlan, Para la fundac on . de Dom as . de Capillas en los Barrios de Xico- lapa y Thomatlan de dha Doctrina, 1 750-1 753. 31 documents. 161 pp. 32.5 cm. 142 SPANISH AMERICA JSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ^^^ ^"*™"* am ""*" ^ S5SBBBBB ""** ^ ^— — ™^^^™ 1 164 MIERA y PAGHEGO, BERNARDO de Traslado de la Carta para nfo Rey y s or . . . . Chiguagua, Oct. 26, 1727. 6 pp. 31.6 cm. 1 1 65 Traslado del Memorial . . . 1777. 2 pp. 31.6 cm. 1 1 66 Traslado de la Carta al Primer Ministro de Su Mag d . . . . Chi- guagua, Oct. 26, 1777. 2 pp. 31.6 cm. Missions in California. 1 167 MISCELLANEA di opvscoli sv di uarie materie, che nella se- guente Indice si annotano, [Napoli, 1790]. Saggio Geografico Istorico suir America Settentrionale; Saggio Geografico Isto- rico sulP America Meridionale; Notizie varie sugli oratori Greci, e Latini, etc. 641 pp. 2g cm. 1 168 MONTEZUMA PAPERS Wills, copies of rights accorded the Montezuma family, claims of heirs, genealogical tables, chiefly 19th century or 19th century copies of early documents presenting missing claims of the Montezuma family, 1 753-1 885, to settle the question of pension granted to heirs of Montezuma in 1526. 50 documents, 489 pp. Various sizes. 1 169 MORFI, JUAN AGUSTfN (d. 1783) [Diario del viage del Pe. Morfi a las misiones de Texas y Nuevo Mexico], Aug. 3, 1777-Nov. 9, 1778. 587 PP- 3°-3 cm " Varies from text printed in Documentos para la historia de Mexico, 3d ser. 1 1 70 [Informe sobre el viaje de los Padres Dominguez y Escalante a California.] 16 pp. 30.3 cm. 1 171 [Noticias sobre el Parral.] 1778. J 5 PP- 2 $'7 cm - 1 1 72 MOTA PADILLA, MATfAS ANGEL de la (1688-1766) Conquista Del Reino de Nueva Galicia En La America Sep- tentrional . . . 1742. 824 pp. 32 cm. Copy. SPANISH AMERICA 143 1 173 MUftOZ, GABRIEL Descripcion Ygnografica De la Provincia de Yucatan desde la Laguna de Ferminos hasta Cabo Catoche Sondada, y levan- tada nuevamente de orden de Rey por el primer Piloto de la R 1 . Armada . . . 1767. iy pp. 17.8 cm. Photostat from original in BM. 1 174 MUNOZ CAMARGO, DIEGO (16th c.) Fragmentos de la Historia de Tlaxcala . . . Copiados en 1852 del manuscrito que posee D. Joaq 11 . Garcia Icazbalceta en Mexico. 274PP-34- 1 *»• 1 175 NACOGDOCHES ARCHIVES Transcripts of papers from the Archives at Nacogdoches, Texas, selected by Winnie Allen. They cover the period 1729 to 1836 and contain a considerable amount of material for the social history of this frontier, documents concerning Indians of the Texas region, border and boundary questions of the United States, Texas under Spain and Mexico, and Anglo-American emigration and immigration. 23,3°5 PP- 27.8 cm. TS. 1 1 76 NEVE, FELIPE de (d. 1784) [Noticias sobre las misiones de California.] Mexico, Sep. 12, 1774. 6 pp. 32 cm. 1 177 [NOBILIARIO genealogico de varias casas de espafia.] 16th c. 312 pp. 28.7 cm. Colored drawings of coats of arms in text. From the library of Don A. Canovas del Castillo. 1 178 NOTICIA BREVE de la expedition Militar de Sonora, y Ci- naloa, su exito feliz, y ventajoso estado en que por conse- cuencia de ella se han puesto ambas Provincias. Mexico, June 17, 1771. 8PP- 2 9-5 cm. 1 1 79 NOTICIA de lo acaecido en la Pra de Son a . en los Meses de Sepbre, y Octbre de este pres e . afio de 73 . . . con los Ene- migos Apaches. 2 pp. 31 cm. 144 SPANISH AMERICA 1180 NOTICIA del Principio, y progresos del Establecimiento de las Missiones de Gentiles en el Rio Orinoco, por la Comp a . de Jesus con la continuacion, y oposiciones que hicieron los Ca- rives hasta el afio de 744 . . . 1 731-1744. ij8 pp. si. 1 cm. 1 181 NOTICIAS y reflesiones sobre la guerra que se tiene con los Indios Apaches en las provincias de Nueva-Espafia. 55 pp. 22.8 cm. 1 182 NUNEZ de LEON, CHRISTOBAL Summary of documents concerning conquest of the Indies, laws governing them, officials and their duties, jurisdiction over lands and natives and regulations for treatment of na- tives, etc., [1595]. 286 pp. 32.8 cm. 1 183 OPUSGULOS VARIOS A collection of miscellaneous documents, some originals, some transcripts, some printed, relating chiefly to the 19th century. They include letters to Mariano Otero, to Joaquin Herrera, to Mariano Riva Palacio, to Manuel Reyes Veramendi, to Fernando Ramirez; of Ignacio Valdivieso, of B. Lozano de Armenta; Estracto de los existencias de polvora, salitre . . . 1768; Resumen del numero de personas de que se compone esta Jurisdicion de Xpa, 1777, Reglamento que deber a ob- servarse en las casas de mugeres publicas, aprobado por ... la comision de salud publica, Mexico, 1864; Tapia Zenteno, C. de, Noticia de la lengua Huasteca; Informe sobre abilitacion a los labradores por los Molineros y panaderos, Mexico, 1792, and other documents. 6*5 PP- 3 2 -5 cm. 1184 OTAZU, LORENZO (1 759-1824) Viages a la America y buelta a Espafia . . . Quaderno para el viage de Fr. Geronimo Cortazar Comisario nombrado para colectar mision con su Companero Fr. Lorenzo de Otazu para el Golegio de Propag da . Fide de la Sta. Cruz de Queretaro . . . Nov. 25, 1795-Sep. 10, 1804. 4 l 9 PP- J 4'4 cm. SPANISH AMERICA 145 1 185 OVENO RABAGO, JOSfi de Announcement of his arrival, as Secretario del secreto del Santo Officio de la Inquisicion de Mexico Reynos y Provincia de la Nueva Espafia, Mexico, May 18, 1770. 2 pp. 31.4 cm. 1 186 PADILLA, IGNAGIO Visita del Obispado de Yucatan hecha por su Obispo El Ylus- trisimo S n . D n Fr Ygnacio Padilla y Noticia Del estado de cada Pueblo y de la capital, distancia de unos a otros y numero de Personas a quienes administro la confirmacion . . . 1757. jo pp. 24 cm. Photostat from original in BM. 1 187 PALAFOX y MENDOZA, JUAN de (1600-1659) To Philip IV, Tlacotepeque, Sep. 13, 1643. 9 2 PP- 3°-5 cm " C ase against the Duke of Escalona. 1 188 Carta Pastoral Del Ul mo . y R mo . Sefior, Don Juan de Palafox y Mendoza . . . A los subditos De su Obispado sobre la deuida y necessaria paga, de los Diezmos y Primicias [1647]; Suspiros de un Pastor . . . ; Lagrimas de las Ouejas del Obispado de la Puebla de los Angeles . . . Angeles, Aug. 26, 1647, signed, El Liz do . D. Antonio Altamirano. 241 pp. 20.2 cm. 1 189 Informacion hecha a pedimiento del Promotor fiscal Del Obis- pado de la Puebla de los Angeles, para informar a su Santi- dad y donde mas combenga de los escandalos danos injurias y molestias que los Religiosos de la Compania de Jesus de los tres collegios de la Giudad de los Angeles han hecho en menos precio y vilipendio de la dignidad Episcopal . . . 1648. 33 8 PP- 3 1 - 8 cm - 1 190 PALOU, FRANCISCO (c. 1722-c. 1789) To Melchor de Peramas containing a copy of a letter from P. Juan Crespi, San Loreto, June 15, 1772, enclosing copy of letter of Miguel Costanso, Mexico, Oct. 9, 1772. 7 pp. 29.8 cm. Copy. Translated in Out West, v. 16. 1 191 To A. M. de Bucarely y Ursua, Dec. 10, 1773. 33 PP- 3 2 cm - Photostat from copy in private ownership. News of the California missions. I46 SPANISH AMERICA 1 1 92 Gopia de una Carta del P. Fr. Fran co . Palou en que extrata el Diario formado p r . el P. Grespi a bordo de la fragata S n Tiago, de la exped n . de mar a las costas de Norte del afio de 1774. Gopia de lo particular q e . vio la expedicion de mar, en las Gostas del Norte, sacada del Diario orig 1 . q e . se forme a bordo de la fragata por los P. P. Fr. Juan Grespi, y Fr. Thomas de la Pefia . . . 13 pp. 32 cm. Photostat from copy in private ownership. 1 1 93 Recopilacion de Noticias de la antigua, California del tiempo q e . administraron aquellas Miciones, los Micioneros de la re- gular obserbancia de Nuestro Serafico Padre San Francisco . . . ; Establecimiento y progresos de las Misiones de la Anti- gua California Dispuestos por un Religiosos de la Provincia del San tt0 Evangelio de Mexico; Memorias Para la Historia natural de California . . . Afio de 1790. 1,804pp. 30.7 cm. Noticias . . .printed in Documentos para la his- toria de Mexico, 4th ser., VI- VII, Mexico, 1857, San Francisco, 1874 and translation, Berkeley, ig26. 1 194 PfiREZ de GARAYA, JUAN Partida de la muerte del general D. Juan Perez de Garayo, que mando el navio Santisima Trinidad, fechada en Veracruz lugar de Estancieva, Nov. 7, 1692. 2 pp. 31. 2 cm. 1 195 Testamento del General D n . Juan Perez de Garayo (que pa- rece fallecido segun partida de muerte en la ciudad de Vera- cruz lugar de estancieva a 7 de Noviembre de 1692). Esta otorgado en Costas Rica, Nueva Espafia, Nov. 2, 1692. 11 pp. 31.5 cm. 1 196 P£REZ de RIBAS, ANDRfiS (1576-1655) Coronica y Historia Religiosa de la Provincia de la Compania de Jesus de Mexico en Nueba Espafia . . . J >999PP- 33 cm " Copy from the original in LC. Printed in Mexico, i8g6. 1 197 PERU [Borrador inedito sobre la revelion de Tupac Amaru.] Lima, Apr. 19, 1785; letter of de Croix to Moscoso y Peralta, Lima, Feb. 23, 1785; Carta de un ciudadano del cuzco a un Amigo SPANISH AMERICA I47 suio resid te . en Potosi; copy of letter from the King to Fran- cisco de la Serna, Feb. 3, 1791; letter from Manuel de Guirion to Ignacio de Castro, Lima, Feb. 28, 1779; letter to Augustin de Jauregui, Cusco, Aug. 27, 1781. 386 pp. 31.2 cm. 1 198 PERU— VICEROY, 1680-1689 (MELCHOR de NAVARRA y ROCAFULL, DUQUE de la PALATA Relacion de Govierno por el Ex mo . Serlor Dvqve de La Palata. Virrey que fue del Reyno del Perv. Al Ex mo . Sefior Conde de la Monclova Sv Svbcesor. Lima, Dec. 18, 1689. Trasumptada en Mexico afio de 1734. 581 pp. 31.5 cm. 1 199 PERU— VICEROY, 1784-1789 (TEODORO de CROIX) Libro de la correspondencia del Exmo S or . Virrey. Jan. 1 785- Jan. 1788. i,ij8pp. 30.2 cm. Chiefly correspondence with Jorge Escobedoy Alarcon. 1200 PIftA y MAZO, PEDRO Respuesta Fiscal. Que en vista del IV concilio Provincial de Mexico dio en su aprovacion D n . Pedro de Pina, y Mazo Fiscal del Peru en Agosto de 1774. 1,430 pp. 21 cm. 1201 PINILLA, JOSfi To Melchor de Peramas, [1773]. 6 pp. 30.2 cm. Report on Indian tribes and missions of the Rio Grande. 1202 PIZARRO, FRANCISCO Affidavit referring to dispute between Pizarro and Almagro as to their respective domains in Peru, Lima, Nov. 1537. / p. 30.6 cm. Photostat from original in HEH. For translation, see From Panama to Peru, p. 3. 1203 PIZARRO, PEDRO To Gonzalo Pizarro, "On the Coast," Dec. 8, 1547. / p. 2g.i cm. Photostat from original in HEH. For translation, see From Panama to Peru, p. 434. 1204 [PLUTARCO, LINO] Viages de un Espafiol p r . los Estados Unidos de America, em- pezando p r . su Capital Filadelfia; donde escrivio varias Cartas I48 SPANISH AMERICA a su Paysano establecido en otra Ciudad, y despues continua de las demas p r . donde transito, explicando costumbres, creen- cia, cultos, industria, Comercio, Nabegacion, y demas parti- cularidades obserbadas por el mismo a favor de la instruc- tion piiblica en su Patria, 1801. 4*3 PP- 2I cm - Letters addressed to Calixto Diogenes. 1205 QUADIOS, GARCfADE Testamento q e . otorgo el S n . cap n . Garcia de Quadios el afio De 1 62 1. Mexico, 1 62 1. 35 PP- 3*5 o»- 1206 RAMOS, MIGUEL Obligation que otorgo Mig 1 . Ramos de pagar 3420 pesos de a 8 rs . de plata a favor de los Capitanes D n . Baltasar de Espinosa y Fernando de Saavedra. San Felipe de Puerto Velo, Aug. 27, 1633. 7 pp. 30 cm. 1207 [REGUEIL de formules juridiques et de modeles d'actes.] Tra- tado general de residencias; Pratica de residencias para las Yndias; Avisos para examinar bien un testigo; De escrip- turas peregrinas y otras Gosas; De menudencias de avissos a todo genero de escrivanos. [c. 1550.] 466 pp. 30.3 cm. French title as given by Leclerc 1241. 1208 RELAGION de los Pueblos que comprehende el Obispado de Chiapa Numero de gente que tiene cada uno de todas edades y castas su caracter e inclinaciones Frutos y Gosechas que cul- tivan, Guratos que hay en el y Ministros que los administran. Remitida por el Obispo de dicha Diocesis el Ano de 1774. 0/ pp. 24.2 cm. Photostat from original in BM. 1209 RUIZ VENEGAS, HERNANDO BERNABE Informe . . . acerca del desague de Huehuetoca, 1564. 8 pp. 31.5 cm. 1210 [SALAZAR y HERRERA, PEDRO de] Description de la Provincia de Yucatan con informe de su govierno secular y eclesiastico, comercio, cultivo, amenidad, situation, &c, Merida de Yucatan, 1766. 220 pp. 22.3 cm. SPANISH AMERICA 1 49 1211 SALGEDO, LUIS de Estracto del Diario de la Navegacion y Operacion de la Es- quadra y Egercito de S. M. G. mandado este por el theniente General D n . Pedro Zevallos . . . Nov. 13, 1776-Feb. 27, 1777; Diario de las operaciones del Ex t0 . en la America meridional, del mando del Exmo Sefior D n . Pedro de Cevallos . . . Golonia de Sacramento, June 13, 1777. Signed Juan de Echavarria; Noticias que se han recopilado de otras diferentes que desde Prenta Grosa en la Ysla de S ta . Cathalina dominacion de los Portugueses en Buenos Ayres. Mar. 7, 8, 1777. Signed Juan Pandino; Noticias sobre la America Portuguesa. Signed Igna- cio Ocanas; 2 letters concerning Cevallos, Sep. 3, 1775 and Apr. 13, 1778. 42 pp. 20.8 cm. 1212 SAMPER, JOS£ MARIANO Superior Govierno afio de 1 780. D n . Joseph Samper Minero y dueno de Hacienda de Metales en el R 1 . de Huautl s re . fabrica de una Capilla, 1 780-1 782. 12 documents, 61 pp. 31.2 cm. 1213 SANTA BARBARA MISSION, CALIFORNIA 79 letters from early California missionaries, 1 768-1844. 40J pp. 24.8 cm. Photographs from the Archives of the mission. Letters of J. de Galvez, Lasuen, Bucareli, Sena, Palou, Neve, Peramas, Salazar, Morales, Durdn, Alvarado. 1 2 14 Old Mission Music. From Santa Barbara, Cal. Records. 14J pp. 20. g cm. Copy. 1215 SANTA INES MISSION, CALIFORNIA Old mission music. From records at Santa Ifies Mission, Gal. 1 3 PP- 2 6-7 cm " Parchment. Copy. 1216 SARDANETAy LEGASPI, VICENTE MANUAL de Testymon . a la letra de la Real Executoria de Hydalguia y Filiazion Armas, Timbres, y blazones, y Mandam t0 . de Amparo de Nobleza perthenez te . al Sefior . . . Sardaneta, y Legaspi Rexidor, Capitular Alc e . Prov 1 . dela S ta . Herm d . y Ordinario de primera eleccion de la Ciudad de Guanaxuato. 1763. 493 PP- 3°-2 cm. 150 SPANISH AMERICA 1217 SELER, EDUARD (1849-1922) To J. G. Pilling, St. James House, Oct. 12, 1887. 1 p. 10 cm. Publications. 1218 SERRA, JUNfPERO (1713-1784) Diario [de el Viaje para los puertos de San Diego de Monte- rey] . . . Loreto to San Diego, Mar. 28-June 30, 1769. 35 PP- 3 1 cm - Translated by C. F. Lummis and published in Out West, igo2 t and in 1936 by The Franciscan Missionaries of Mary. 1 2 19 To Guardian de S n . Fernando, S n . Diego, Mar. 31, 1774. 10 pp. 32 cm. Photostat from copy in private ownership. 1220 [SIGUENZA y GONGORA, CARLOS] (1645-1700) Alcaldias maiores y corregimientos que proueen los S res . vir- reyes de mex co . por obispados y por abecedario, y de los que se proueen por espafia y por el marques del valle . . . 3 pp. 31.2 cm. 1 22 1 [Reconocimiento del Puerto y Baia de Pansacola y assi mismo su costa hasta la de Spiritu Sancto de Movila y el Rio que llaman los franzezes Goluert.] San Juan de Ulua, May 15, 1693- 52 pp. 31 cm. 1222 SOLORZANO PEREIRA, JUAN de (1575-1655) Libro primero de la Recopilacion de las cedulas, cartas, Pro- uisiones, y ordenanzas Reales, que en diferentes tiempos sean despachado para el gouierno de las Indias Occidentales . . . Puesta en Forma breue de Leyes y reducida a titulos, y ma- terias por el Doctor Ivan de Solorzano Pereira . . . 1622. 481 pp. 30.3 cm. 1223 SOUTHWELL, THOMAS Copia del Manifiesto que presento D n . Tomas Southel a la Superioridad en el ano 1769, proponiendo el establecimiento de pescas en las Sondas de las Yndias Occidentales e Yslas como el medio mas seguro para poblar, y conservarlas; y las Costas adjacentes con algunas noticias que tal vez sera util tenerlas presentes en los Tratados de Paz y comercio con los Yngleses. Pardo, Feb. 8, 1783. /// pp., map. 20.2 cm. SPANISH AMERICA 151 1224 SPAIN— GONSEJO de GUERRA Votos de los once compreendidos en el Proceso formado con motibo de la rendicion de la Plaza de la Havana a las Tropas de S. M. Britanica el dia de Ag to . de 1762: . . . Madrid, Feb. 5, 6, 7,8, 1765. 60 pp. 19.5 cm. Copy. 1225 SPAIN— SOVEREIGNS, 1516-1558 (CHARLES I) Declaration concerning Central America, Yucatan and Florida, Saragossa, Jan. 6, 1534. 4 PP- 3°-4 cm " D.s. Mutilated. 1226 Document concerning the apartimiento . . . 1543. 10 pp. 31.2 cm. D.s. Mutilated. 1227 SPAIN— SOVEREIGNS, 1556-1598 (PHILIP II) 3 letters: to the Presidente and oydores of the Audiencia Real of Mexico and New Spain, Seville, Sep. 27, 1565; Madrid, Feb. l 9> J 572; June 4, 1576. 3 pp. Various sizes. Edict against Fr. Antonio de San Isidro, Autos concerning tributes in towns of New Spain. Claims of Augustinians , revenues of Carmelites. 1228 Copia de cedula real en favor de D n Isabel Moctezuma, Dec. 5, I590- 6 pp. 31.6 cm. 1229 SPAIN— SOVEREIGNS, 1598-1621 (PHILIP III) To the Viceroy, Presidente and oidores of the Audiencia Real of Mexico City, Aug., 1599. 2 pp. 30 cm. Edict concerning catedrdticos of University. 1230 Passport to Pedro Cortes, Aranjuez, Apr. 29, 161 7 for New Spain, and accompanying letter, Madrid, June 9, 161 7. 3 pp. 30 cm. 1231 SPAIN— SOVEREIGNS, 1621-1665 (PHILIP IV) 13 letters and documents, 1 642-1 651: Molina, July 3, 1642; Madrid, May 7, May 25 (5 letters), May 28, June 4, Oct. 25, 1649; July j j Sep- 18, 1650; May 5, Sep. 18, 1651. 30 pp. 31 cm. Chiefly matters of New Spain, forms and orders issued, regulations concerning licenses for clerics wishing to visit Rome, sums due Viceroy. 152 SPANISH AMERICA 1232 SPAIN— SOVEREIGNS, 1665-1700 (CHARLES II) Real titulo de Governador de la Provincia de Yucatan, en la Nueva Espana, a favor de Don Juan Bruno Tello de Guzman; dado en Madrid a 15 de Mayo de 1,682 — con la toma de posesion que se efectuo en la ciudad de Merida de Yucatan el 14 de Julio de 1683 como se acredita por Acta que contiene . . . 20 pp. 30.2 cm. D.s. 1233 SPAIN— SOVEREIGNS, 1 700-1 756 (PHILIP V) To Viceroy, Presidente and Oydores of City of Mexico, San Lo- renzo, June 13, 1 71 7. 5 PP' 3°-5 cm - Church and convent at Puebla. 1234 SPAIN— SOVEREIGNS, 1788-1808 (CHARLES IV) To the Viceroy of Peru from Juan Manuel Alvarez, the royal decree commanding military officers to devote themselves solely to their duties, San Ildefonso, Aug. 13, 1799. 1 p. 30.1 cm. Copy. 1235 Royal order relative to delegation of duties of Jose de Ezpe- leta y Galdeano, Viceroy of New Granada, during his ab- sence from the city of Santa Fe de Bogota, San Ildefonso, Aug. *7> 1799. 2 pp. 30.1 cm. Copy. 1236 SPANISH ARCHIVES Transcripts of manuscripts in the Archivo General de Indias, Archivo de Simancas and the Archivo Historico Nacional at Madrid. The largest portion of these is from the Archivo General. The selections from the Archivo Historico Nacional are only the two items, Fernandez de Pulgar, Historia general de Florida and Pedro Zorilla, Residencia, 1765. These transcripts relate, in general, to the history of Spanish North America, from 15 18-1835. This collection of documents is by no means exhaustive. It is merely a selection of the more important material relating to Indian affairs and to the history of "all territory of the United States formerly under Spanish dominion." While there is considerable material for the early period, the greatest number of documents relate to Spanish administration from 1 761-182 1. The diplomatic rela- SPANISH AMERICA I53 tions in the Mississippi Valley during the American Revolu- tion and the period immediately following are particularly well covered. 186,184 pp. 2 j. 8 cm. Chiefly typewritten. 1237 SPILSBURY, JOSEPH HENRY GYBBON Religious Beliefs of some Native Tribes in South America. 18 pp. 33 cm. 1238 STRANGEWAYS, W. T. To M. de Waldeck [London, July 18, 1838]. 3 PP- 3 T -5 cm " Arrival of Waldeck? s drawings. 1239 TABAT, T. Letter on the peaceful state of Cuba, Havana, Mar. 16, 1822. Bound in same volume: Apuntes que da el oficial encargado del negociado de las Islas Antilles y Filipinas en cumpli- miento de la orn de 24 del corriente. Palacio, Jan. 31, 1822. Signed, Francisco Santoya; America meridional. Signed Sevas- tian de Solia; Letters of Simon Bolivar, Caracas, Dec. 10, 1809, Jan. 14, 1810, Dec. 7, 1810. 6 documents, 2g pp. Various sizes. 1240 TARAVAL, SIGISMUNDO (1700-1763) [Journal, 1 734-1 737.] Historia de las Misiones Jesuitas en la California Baja desde su establecimiento hasta 1737. 374 PP' 2I '& cm - Mutilated, pp. 1-4 and 8, end pages missing. Trans- lated and edited by M. E. Wilbur, The Indian uprising in Lower California, Los Angeles, 1931. 1241 TELLO de GUZMAN, JUAN BRUNO Certificacion dada por Don Juan Bruno Tello de Guzman teniente de Contador de la Real Aud a . de la C a . de la Con- tratacion de las Indias, a 4 de mayo de 1681 de la Provision de S. M. de 29 de febrero de 1560. Dada a la parte de Dn Diego Jimenez de Enciso. 8 pp. 31.3 cm. Ordinance concerning gold, silver, etc. 1242 TELLO y PORTUGAL, ISABEL Testimonio de Autos formados ante el Licenciado D n . Alvaro Saens Alcalde del Crimen de Mexico en 4 de Noviembre de 1662 por D a . Ysabel Tello de Portugal V da . y sobrina de 154 SPANISH AMERICA Garcia Tello de Sandoval del orden de Calatrava del Consejo de S. M. . . . para que se testimoniasen varias Cartas del Licenc a D n . Diego Martinez de Alamos Administrador de la Hacienda de su marido, Nov. 16, 1662. 2 documents. 32 pp. 31 cm. 1 243 Dona Ysabel Tello de Sandoval dio poder a favor de Juan y Francisco Llorente . . . Mexico, Nov. 16, 1662. 4 PP- 3*-3 cm - 1244 TOVAR GODINEZ, LUIS de Treslado de los autos sobre la division y augmento de parro- chias de Esta ciudad. Mexico, June 1, 1623. 28 pp. 31 cm. Copy. 1245 ULLOA, LEON Relacion Historial y Geografica de las Republicas de la America Espafiola con una resefia de los Grandes Descubri- dores y noticias de las Montafias mas altas de la America, y de la latitud y longitud de varias provincias americanas . . . 1830. 66 pp., maps, ig.8 cm. 1246 URRUTIA, BERNARDINO de Relazion del Tumulto de Mex co . de 14 de henero de 1624 • • • Angeles, June 24, 1625. 882 pp. ig.4 cm. 1247 VALENCIA, PEDRO AGUSTfN de D n Pedro Agustin de Valencia Vecino y Thesorero de la Real Casa de moneda de la Ciudad Popayan. Memorial al Rey D. Carlos III, Madrid, 1768. 79 PP- 20 - 2 cm " C°Py- Mines of Popayan. 1248 VARGAS, DIONYSIO de Papers defending Dionysio de Vargas, native of Seville and resident of Manila, against findings of an agent of the In- quisition charging him with bigamy, Mexico, 1 608-1 610. g documents, jg pp. 31.6 cm. 1249 VELAZQUEZ, JOSEPH Diario hecho de Correo por Joseph Velazquez Soldado de Cuera del Real Presidio de las Californias, [1769]. 2 pp. 32 cm. Photostat from copy in private ownership. SPANISH AMERICA I55 VELEZ de ESCALANTE, SILVESTRE de See ESCALANTE 1250 VfiLEZ de la MADRIZ, JUAN JOSfi Apuntes, que ofrece a L. R. P. del Rey N. S. D n . Carlos III el Sabio . . . Cadiz, May 4, 1762. 94 pp. 22.4 cm. 1251 VENETIAN ARCHIVES. BIBLIOTECA NAZIONALE di SAN MARCO Cod. It. VI, 454. MS 1 070 1. Relazione dei viaggi d'Alvise Ca da Mosto. 15th c. 46 folios. Photostat. 1252 Viaggi VI, 208. Contarini A. Tratado del viazo fato p le nave del re di portogalo a cholochut . . . ; Copia del viazo de Lisbona a cholocut de lengua portogallese in lengua taliana. Contarini B. Viazo a Colochut. Folios 56-76. Photostat. 1253 Viaggiatori antichi. MSCR, Ital. CI. 6, No. 208, Accounts as contained in Paesi novamente retrovati, Vicenza, 1507, but in condensed form. Folios 8g-i6o. Old numbering 79-150. Photostat. 1254 VESPUCCI, AMERIGO Nota d'una letera schrive Amerigho Vespucci di Chadisi, di loro ritorno de l'isole d' India; Chopia d'una altra letera venuta di Lisbona da Bartolomeo Marchionni, soto di 27 di giungno anno 1501; Chopia d'una lettera schritta [da] Amerigho Vespuci de l'isola del Chapo Verde E nel mare oceano . . . iiii di giungno 1501; Nota d'una letera venuta d' Amerigho Vespuci a Lorenzo di Piero Francesco de' Medici l'anno 1502 da Lisbona . . . ; Chopia d'una lettera venuta di Lisbona della tornata delle 4 charovelle di Chalicut cholle spezierie; Nota d'una letera di Portoghallo, de' xx di maggio anno 1503 . . . ; Chopia di piii chapitoli d'una lettera di Portoghallo de' 24 di maggio anno 15 13; 1 una letera schrive e re di Portoghallo al Santo Padre papa Lione decimo . . . Folios 41-61, 139-143 of MS. Riccardiano 1910. Photostat from original in Riccardiana Library. I56 SPANISH AMERICA 1255 Document concerning the election of Angelo Sachetti as Prior e del Popolo, Nov. 1 , 1 5 1 1 . 12.2 x 17.5 cm. Parchment. Probably a forgery or by another man of this name. 1256 VILDOSOLA, JOSfi ANTONIO de Diario de la Expedicion que el infraescripto Teniente Goronel y Gomandante de la Provincia del Nuevo Mexico practica de ella a la de Sonora a efecto de abrir transito para la comuni- cacion y Comercio de una y otra con mayor rectitud que el que hasta el presente es conocido, con expresion de el numero y clases de Yndividuos conque se efectua, Nov. g-Dec. 10, 1780. 34 pp. 31.2 cm. Copy. 1257 VILLALBA, JUAN de Memorias concernientes a la expedicion que vajo de las hordenes del Ex mo . S or . D n . Juan De Villalba . . . Aug. 20, 1 764- Apr. 30, 1769. 1 jo pp. 21 cm. 1258 VIZCAINO, JUAN GONZALEZ de Diario . . . [Feb.- Apr. 6], Ano de 1769. ig pp. 32 cm. Photostat from copy in private ownership. 1259 VIZARRON y EGGIARRETA, JUAN ANTONIO Documents concerning the establishment of a College of Jesuits at Santa Fe de Guanajuato, 1735. 3 documents. 10 pp. 31 cm. 1260 WALDEGK, JEAN FRfiDfiRIC MAXIMILIEN, comte de (1766- i 875) Catalogue de dessins, Mexico, June, 1829. 147 pp. 16.3 cm. 1 26 1 Journal, Mar., 1826-Sep., 1829. 5/ pp. 18.2 cm. 1262 Journal de notes. No. 2 (Copan) Notes et traditions no. 2, re- cueillies d'apres les auteurs espagnoles et indigenes de l'Ame- rique Centrale, sur l'origine de sa premiere civilization, la- quelle prit naissance dans P Yucatan et las Chiapas. 136 pp. 18.3 cm. SPANISH AMERICA I57 1263 Journal et nottes du voyage aux ruines del Palenque annees 1832, 33. *79 PP- 32-5 cm - 1264 Journal de poche . . . de J. F. Waldeck. Nottes de theogonie Azteque et variete d'autres, pour servir en voyage Palenque. No. 24. 86 pp. 16.3 cm. 1265 Nottes ecrites par Monsieur Waldeck, 1834. Premiers essaies de mis idees sur Farcheologie d'Amerique. Tome 25. 1 jo pp. 19.2 cm. 1266 Vol. 26 de mon Journal de Notes de Pannee 1833, 34. 166 pp. 19 cm. 1267 Journal de notes No. 1. Relevees des differens ouvrages que j'ai le temps de lire entre mes autres occupations, i860 a 66. *35 PP' ffi- 2 cm - 1268 Notes for the Encyclopedic Archeologique and notes to accom- pany his drawings. 1,100 pp. Various sizes. 1269 Additional notes, passports, personal papers, prospectuses, 12 newspapers announcing his expedition. 95 PP-) 22 5 sketches. Various sizes. 1270 Damian, Miguel. Document relating to the descendants of Don Miguel Damian, the apportionment of property. 1 leaf. 39.3 x 38.5 cm. Maguey. As described by E. Seler. 1 27 1 The following Aztec maps and Aztec documents on maguey, are also among the Waldeck papers: Document Mexicain- Carte peinte a Poccasion d'un proces, on y remarque en haut a gauche la ville de Temascaltepeque, c. 1560. 77.2 x 59.8 cm.; Document concerning property of Pedronilla Francisca and Costantino de San Felipe.42 x 36.5 cm. (as described by E. Seller) ; A fragment from a pictograph manuscript of historical character, the defeat and assassination of a chieftain of the Azcapotzalca, by name Macatl, through Motecuhcoma Ilhui- camina, the subsequent king, are represented, at the time when Itzcouatl was king of Mexico, and Maxlaton was king of Azcapotzalco. 33.5 x 24.1 cm. (as described by E. Seler); 158 SPANISH AMERICA Map showing houses, etc. and general description of property. 41 x 39.3 cm.; Mexican calendar showing disc of the sun and the sequence of years. 36x32 cm.; Pedigree of a family four generations by one wife and four by another wife, the one significant name appearing, Juitlatlatin, the son of the second named wife. 39.9 x 38.7 cm. Certificado de matrimonio. Mexico, 1 6th c. 2 pp. 47.3 cm. 1272 X. de C, F. Extracto de la Descripcion Politica y Geografica de las Pro- vincias de Campeche y ( Yucatan) hecha en el afio de 1766 . . . por orden del S or . D. Josef de Galvez, Merida, July 12, 1766. 1 j pp. 28 cm. Photostat from original in BM. 1273 ZARATE SALMERON, GERONIMO Accounts of everything seen and learned in New Mexico, both by sea and land, from 1538 until 1676. go pp. 34 cm. Copied from original in the Biblioteca National, Madrid. 1274 Relaciones de todas las cosas que en el nuevo Mexico se han visto, y sabido assi por Mar, como por tierra . . . 1538- 1626. 252 pp. 31 cm. Copy. 1275 ZUMARRAGA, JUAN de, ZARATE, JUAN de: and others Carta original de los Illmos Senores Obispos de Mexico, Goa- temala, y Oaxaca, sobre la ida al Concilio General, y piden sobre distintos puntos, asi de Diezmos, como otros para la buena Planta, y permanencia de la Fe en este Nuevo Mundo, de Mexico fin de Noviembre de 1537. 18 pp. 51.5 cm. Title from printed text in Appendix of Lorenzana's edition of the Concilios provinciales primero, y segundo . . . 1769. 1 276 Carta preciosa de la Junta y Concilio que hicieron en la ciudad de Temistitan and Tenuxtithlan Mexico de Nueva Espafia, en Diciembre de 1542. 22 pp. 30.5 cm. Title from printed text in Appendix of Lorenzana's edition of the Concilios provinciales primero, y segundo . . . 1769. SPANISH AMERICA 1 59 1277 2 letters to (?) [after 1536]. 3 pp. 30.3 cm. Mutilated. Antonio de Aguilar, Order of St. Augustine, monastery at Coquita. 1278 ZUNlGA CEBALLOS y CASTRO, JUAN de Espediente de la Nobleza de Don Juan de Zufiiga Ceballos y Castro y D a . Bernardina de Ontiveros, su muger. Mexico, Feb. 19, 1652. 109 pp. 30.5 cm. 12 79 Justificacion y diligencias sobre los servicios y meritos de Don Juan de Zufiiga Ceballos y Castro, y sus ascendientes. Mexico, Feb. 14, 1652. 14 pp. 30.5 cm. 1280 ZUNlGA y ONTIVEROS, ALONSO Partida de bautismo de Alonso, hijo de Don Juan de Zufiiga y de Dona Bernardina de Ontiveros en el Convento de San Francisco de Quantitlan del Arzobispado de Mexico. Nov. 28, 1629. 4 PP- 3 1 cm ' PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 1281 ABELLA, BENANGIO de Ynstruccion para el gobierno y manejo del Subdelegado de Hacienda de la provincia de Misamis D n . Francisco Hidalgo y Caballero en la recaudacion, cuenta y razon de los intereses de la Hacienda que han de estar a su cargo. Manila, Aug. 13, 1853. 44 PP- 3 1 -5 cm - Co Py- 1282 AGUINALDO y FAMY, EMILIO (b. 1869) Gopias de las cartas que el Generalisimo Emilio Aguinaldo, dirigio M. R. P* 1 . Fr. Tomas Espejo, Gura parroco del pueblo de Pateros . . . Jan. 8, 21, 1897. 7 pp. 20. J cm. Independence from Spain. 1283 Extract from Resena veridica de la Revolution filipina, 1899, trans- lated into German. 1 j pp. 28.9 cm. Spanish and English editions printed in Tarlak, Sep. 1899. 1284 [Edict regarding prisoners held by Guerrillas, and future surrender of imperialist soldiers.] Aug. 3, 1900. (Translation appended). 3 pp. 32.6 cm. BR 53:417. 1285 AHUJA, FRANCISCO To the Ayuntamiento de Manila, Aug. 2, 1871. 2 pp. 26.8 cm. Recommendations for development of agriculture, com- merce and industry in the Philippine Islands. 1286 ALCAZAR, PHELIPE del To Conde de Aranda, Manila, June 15, 1772, enclosing copies of communications between Simon de Anda y Salazar and himself after his arrest. 11 PP- 3°-5 cm - BR 53 : 359- Letter of Alcazar, from prison, clearing himself. 1287 ALVARES, PEDRO Proyecto de reconstruccion de una yglesia en el pueblo de Boac, provincia de Mindoro. [19th c] 5 sheets (cloth). 31 cm. 160 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS l6l 1288 AMELOY, JULIAN de: and others Nombram to . de Consultor del s to . oficio de la Inq on . de Mexico a favor del S or . Liz do . d n . Fran co . Leandro de Viana del Consejo de S. M. y su Alcalde de Corte en la R . Sala del Crimen de dha Ciudad. Mexico, June 17, 1768. 2 pp. 38 cm. BR 53:353. 1289 ANDA y SALAZAR, SIMON de (1701-1776) Espediente sobre haber recaido la representacion de la R 1 . Aud a . y los empleos de Gobernador y Gapitan Gral en el . . . D. Simon de Anda y Salasar y las providencias q. como tal ha tornado en la invasion de los Yngleses a esa capital. Oct. 5, 1762-Oct. 16, 1764. 31 documents. 126 pp. 31. 1 cm. BR 53:344. 1290 To Carlos III, Manila, Jan. 18, 1772, enclosing Testimonio de las diligencias que sub-siguieron a los expedientes formados sobre la receptacion de varios Impresos, que hablavan de la Conducta de los Regulares Jesuitas hiso el S or . Doctor D. Domingo Bias de Basaraz como Comisionado por este superior Govierno en la Causa de extrafiamiento de los mismos, 1770- 1772. 24 pp. 30.1 cm. BR 53:345. 1 29 1 3 letters to Conde de Aranda, Manila, July 21, July 21, July 30, 1772. 3 PP- 3°-4 cm - BR 53 : 345- Property of banished Jesuits. 1292 ANDA y SALAZAR, SIMON de: and others Documentos para la historia de la invasion y guerra con los Ingleses en Filipinas desde 1762 a 1764 . . . 55 documents. 128 pp. 30.1 cm. BR 53:228. Synopsis in BR 49:132- 1293 ANDRADE, ANTONIO de To Conde de Aranda, Manila, Jan. 13, 1772. 3 PP- 3° cm - &R 53 : 359' Expulsion of Jesuits. 1294 ANGELES, JUAN de los: and others Endorsement of Francisco de Montemayor y Mansilla, Manila, June 11, 1665. 2 pp. 31 cm. BR 53:297. 1 62 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 1295 APOSTOL, JOANA BERNARDA Copy of her accounts of her mother's fortune, Manila, July 22, 1799. 4 PP- 3^5 cm. BR 53:370. 1296 APUNTES biograficos de Ismael Alzate [1887]. 8 pp. 32.9 cm. BR 53:411. 1297 APUNTES, Ynformes sobre Filipinas [1787?]. 24 pp. 21.5 cm. 1298 APURA, SILVESTRE and MAGALONA, PRAXEDES 2 letters to J. B. Guidi, Molo (Iloilo), Jan. 12, Jaro (Iloilo), Feb. 7, 1903. 8 pp. 32. g cm. TS. Missions. 1299 [ARAGONESES, FRANCISCO] Suceso Espantoso acaecido en la Erupcion del Volcan de Albay en la Ysla de Luzon una de las llamadas Filipinas. Madrid, 1815. Imprenta de Nunez Con licencia. 74 pp. 16 cm. BR 53:377. Printed in 1814, in Philippine Islands. 1300 ARCO, VENTURA del Documentos datos y relaciones para la historia de Filipinas hasta hora ineditos fielmente copiados de los originales existentes en Archivos y Bibliotecas por Ventura del Arco, Auditor de Marina oficial de la Contaduria General de ejer- cito. I: 1586-1630, II: 1637-1672, III: 1674-1690, IV: 1694-1764, V: 1 701-1792. Madrid, 1859-1865. 117 documents, 3,298 pp. 23 cm. TS.from originals in Real Academia de la Historia, Madrid, chiefly from Jesuit papers. For analysis of contents, see BR 53:399. 1301 ARZADUN y REVOLLEDO, JOSEPH IGNACIO de [Visita a las provincias de Cagayan, Ilocos, Pangasinan y Pampanga y ordenes para el buen govierno de los Islas.] Manila, 1743. 68 pp. 30.3 cm. 1302 ASIA A manuscript account of Asia, with date, May 17, 1750, on inside cover of v. 2. (v.i, pp. 337-419, Philippine Islands). 2 v. 1,279 PP- J 9-3 cm. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 1 63 1303 BLANCO ERENAS RIERA y POLO, RAMON (1833-1906) Memoria acerca del estado de la Provincia de Zamboanga. I 862-1871. 133 pp., fold, table. 21.3 cm. Copy. 1304 BOCALAN y VASQUEZ, JOAQUIN (c. 1780-1866) Estracto de la Navegacion del Archipielago de Filipinas por el B r . de la Armada Nacional ... en la revista de Ynspeccion a los Apostaderos de Fuerzas Sutiles sobre la Lancha Ysabel 2 a . . . . A bordo de la Lancha Ysab 1 . 2 a . en el Arsenal de Cavite. Aug. 23, 1843. 79 PP- 3 - 1 cm- BR 53 : 3 8 3- 1305 BUCARELI y URSUA, ANTONIO MARIA (1717-1779) To Conde de Aranda, Havana, May 15, 1770, enclosing list of 2 1 Jesuits landed in Havana on way from Philippines. 8 pp. 30.1 cm. BR 53:355. Expulsion of Jesuit order from the Philip- pine Islands. 1306 BURRIEL, JUAN NEPOMUGENO Ytinerario de la escursion hecha a Mindanao y Jolo de orden del Excmo. Sr. Capitan General, Don Rafael Echague . . . Nov. 5, 1862-Jan. 22, 1863. 215 pp., maps, illus., charts. 32.4 cm. BR 53:400. 1307 CABEZAS, PROTASIO: and others Testimonio Literal de los Titulos y meritos del Mfo Don Protacio Cauezas Comissario del s to . officio del Obispado de Zebu. Manila, Sep. 5-Oct. 29, 1722. 48 pp. 31 cm. BR 53:331. 1308 CACHO, ALEXANDRO To Antonio del Campo, May 29, 1739 1 P- 2 5-3 cm - Photograph from original in Archives, Nueva Viscaya. Congratulations on appointment of Campo as Vicar of missions, suggests consultation with Jose Gonzales. 1309 GAMACHO y AVILA, DIEGO: and others Copia demostrativa de las exegencias que sobre el examen de los libros parroquiales tuvo el arzobispo Camacho. 1698- 1699. 20 pp. 31 cm. BR 53:225. Translation in BR 42:46-64. 164 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 1310 BALABAG Reformas en Balabac. Orden del Gob°. disponiendo que la Ynspeccion gral. de Presidios se traga cargo de la Golonia Agricola de Reforma de Balabac. Manila, 1875. 18 pp. 21.9 cm. 131 1 BARRIENTOS, GINES: and others To J. A. Pimentel, Nov. 16, 1688, enclosing copy of PimentePs letter to the King, June 23, 1689, appealing for justice, and a document entitled, Por la justicia que favoreqe al Capitan Juan Antonio Pimentel . . . en la Causa que fulmino contra su perssona el Liz do Don Franc Campos y Valdivia, June 24, 1689. 3 documents. 13 pp. 30.4 cm. BR 53:314. 131 2 BAT ALL A, J. [Proclamation by] Secretaria del Gobierno Superior Civil de Filipinas-Instruccion publica. Manila, May 7, 1871. 7 5 PP' 34- 2 cm - Copy. Education of children. 1313 BAUTISTA, PEDRO: and others [Agreement not to enter certain parts of Japan under penalty of 2,000 taels.] Nangasaki [sic]. Mar. 18, 1612. 1 p. 25.3 cm. Photograph from original in Archives 3 M. M. 1 3 14 [Endorsement of Licentiate Don Francisco de Montemayor y Mansilla.] Manila, June 9, 1665. 2 pp. 30.g cm. BR 53:223. Translation in BR 37:274. 1315 BERENGUER de MARQUINA, FELIX: and others Oficio a S. M. dando cuenta de la pretension de los Hospita- larios de Manila que querian se aplicasen al hospital de San Juan de Dios los bienes que habian sido de los Jesuitas. May 10, 1792, enclosing Testimonio literal del Exped te . promovido p r el P e . Prior y Vic°. Provin 1 . De la orden De San Juan de Dios . . . Dated from Madrid and Manila, April 23, 1774- May 10, 1792. 68 pp. 29.9 cm. BR 53:364. 1316 BERNALDEZ PIZARRO, MANUEL Dictamen sobre las causas que se oponen a la seguridad y Fomento de las Yslas Filipinas. [Manila, 1827.] 161 pp. 29.2 cm. BR 53:235. Translation in BR 51:182-262. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 165 1317 CAPILLAS, FRANCISCO de To Juan de los Angeles, Fo-gan, Nov. 22, 1647. 1 p. 25.3 cm. Photograph from original in Archives 3 M. M. Missions to China. 1318 CARRASCO, FRANCISCO [Indice de] Documentos existentes en el Archivo de Yndias referentes a las expediciones al Maluco en los afios de 15 18 a 1606. Coleccion del Patronato. Sevilla, Sep., 1880. 7 5 PP' J 6'4 cm ' 1 3 19 [Indice de] Documentos existentes en el Archivo de Indias referentes a las expediciones a las Islas Filipinas y de Salomon en los afios de 1520 a 1607. Coleccion del Patronato. Sevilla, Sep., 1880. 15 PP- J 5- 8 cm - 1320 [Indice de] Documentos existentes en el Archivo de Indias referentes a descripcion, poblaciones y derroteros de viajes en Nueva Espafia, Florida, Guatemala, Nueva Granada, Sto. Domingo, Puerto Rico, Peru, Chile, Rio de la Plata, Maluco, Indias Orientales, y derroteros de expediciones, 1545- 1602. Sevilla, Oct. 5, 1880. 33 pp. 16.4 cm. 1 32 1 [Indice de] Documentos que existen en el Archivo de Indias pertenecientes a las expediciones, descubrimientos, conquistas y poblaciones de Nueva Andalucia, Terra firma, Nueva Granada, Guatemala, 1527-1628. Sevilla, Sep., 1880. 31 pp. 16.4 cm. 1322 [Indice de] Documentos existentes en el Archivo de Indias referentes a las expediciones al Estrecho de Magallanes en los afios de 1529 a 1620. Coleccion del Patronato. Sevilla, Sep., 1880. 21 pp. 16.4 cm. 1323 [Indice de] Documentos que existen en el Archivo de Indias pertenecientes a noticias sobre Corsarios en Indias, Casa de Contratacion de Sevilla, e Indice en general. Sevilla, Sep., 1880. 15 pp. 16.4 cm. BR 53:405. 1 66 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 1324 CARTA DE LA DEFENSA y Defensa de la Carta del R. P e . Maestro Theologo, en la que se hace Demonstracion de la Justicia, y equidad de las Cesuras, en la Trutina de la verdad. Por el menor de sus Discipulos . . . [Manila], May, 1771. 144 pp. 29.4 cm. BR 53:357. 1325 CASTRO y AMOEDO, PEDRO ANDRES de Carta Edificante 6 Viaje a la Prouincia de Taal, y Balayan: Historia de svs Pveblos, y Naciones . . . Taal, June 20, 1790. 52 pp. 21.2 cm. 1326 CEBEY, FRANCISCO 2 letters to Jose de Azcarraga, Cadiz, May 10, May 12, 1828. 8 pp. 30 cm. Copy. Expedition of the Constancia. 1327 COLECCION de objetos y efectos que dan a conocer los usos, costumbres y religion del habitante infiel de la gran Cordillera central del Caraballo, vulgarmente llamado Tgorrote; aunque este nombre varia segun la localidad que en ella 6 a sus inmediaciones ocupa, Sus Necesidades, Industria local, Armas, &c. Manila, Mar. 5, 1887. 64 pp. 2 1. 1 cm. 1328 COMPENDIO DE LOS SUCESOS, que con grande gloria de Dios, Lustre, y Honor de las Catholicas Reales Armas de su Magestad, En defensa de estas Christiandades, e Islas de Bisayas, se consiguieron contra los Mahometanos Enemigos . . . ; Relacion de la valerosa defensa de los Naturales Bisayas del Pueblo de Palompon en la Isla de Leyte, de la Provincia de Catbalogan, en las Yslas Philipinas, q. hicieron contra las Armas Mahometanas de Ylanos, y Malanaos, en el Mes de Juniode 1754 . . . [1755]. 85 pp., fold. map. 20 cm. First part printed in Manila, 1755, second part in 1754, but without map and 8 pp. explaining map. 1329 CONTRERAS, LUIS de: and others Escritura por la cual D n . Fran co . Tellos de Guzman agrego al Mayorazgo de su Casa, una Espada, y Daga, una Jarra y Salva de ora, y un Cuerno de Bada, labrado, de gran virtud para la salud. Manila, June 7-10, 1597. 5 PP- 3'-5 cm - BR 53^68. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 167 1330 CRUZ de OYANGUREN, JOS£ (d. 1859) Primer reconocimiento de gran rio Mindanao . . . Manila, July 7, 1855. 252 pp., maps. 21 cm. BR 53:389. Accounts of the first Spanish conquests in this part of Mindanao. 1331 DEFENSA CANONICA por las sagradas Religiones del s or . s to . Domingo, San Francisco, s 11 . Augustin, La Gompania de Jesus, y la de Recoletos descalzos de dho senor s 11 . Aug n . sobre la Visita que intento, y en parte executo el Ill mo . S or . D or . D. Diego Camacho y Abila Arcobispo de Manila . . . remitio a los M. R. P es . Prou les . de las sagradas Relig nes mani- festando los motiuos que le asisten por donde puede y deue, no solo examinar a todos los Religiosos de este Arzobpado, y a los que han de entrar a exercer el Ministerio de Curas en el officio que se dize officiando, sino tambien pasar a corregirlos, y en casso necess d . excomulgarlos, segun esta mandado por el santo Concilio Tridentino. [Manila, c. 1698]. 138 pp. 30.6 cm. BR 53:318. 1332 DEMOSTRACION historica de cuantas depredaciones llevan cometidas los Moros desde que se incorporaron estas Yslas a la Monarquia Espafiola, medidas de toda especie tomadas por el Gobierno para contenerlos; y indicasiones que se presentan para hacerlos la guerra con mejor fruto que hasta aqui, a fin de que las Visayas se vean libres de las continuas opresiones q e . sufren. [1835?]. 561 pp. 30.3 cm. BR 53:382. Translation of parts of this document in BR 53:218. 1333 DESCRIPCION de la Provincia de Ilocos, [c. 1794]. 10 pp. 29.9 cm. 1334 DESCRIPCION historica y politica de las Yslas Filipinas. [c. 1825]. 1 4J pp. 20.3 cm. 1335 DIARIO del viaje del E. S. Gobernador, Capitan General de las provincias de Capiz, Antique y Cebii. Jan. 26-Feb. 17, [i860]. 10 pp. 31.4 cm. l68 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 1336 [DISERTACION anonima acerca de la fundacion de un Hos- picio en Manila], [Manila, c. 1780]. 16 pp. 29.4 cm. BR 53:361. 1337 DOGUMENTOS y apuntes para la vida y obras del Doctor Antonio Morga sacados del Archivo de Indias. Mexico and Quito, Mar. 15, 1614-Apr. 21, 1638. 66 pp. various sizes. BR 53:282, 412. 1338 DON MERLIN Apologia Contra Maleficarum Defensores. Gompuesta para preservativo de incautos, desengafio de incredulos, e in- strucion de los que desean tener alguna noticia de esta materia. Por uno que le llaman El Rancio de Nuevo-cufio . . . [18 14]. 117 pp. 22.5 cm. BR 53:377. 1339 ELORRIAGA, MIGUEL de 4 letters to Marcelo Angelita, Manila, July 22, 171 2; July 26, 1713; June 13, July 18, 1714. 9 PP- 3° cm - BR 53 : 3 2 8- Chinese in Philippine Islands. 1340 ESPINOSA de los MONTEROS, FRANCISCO de: and OTHERS Gopia de los autos del litigio sostenido por el Bachiller D. Francisco de Espinosa contra el Capellan Mayor de la capilla de la Encarnacion de Manila. Manila, June 15-22, 1689. 54 pp. 30 cm. BR 53:314. 1341 ESTORGOS GALLEGOS, FRANCISCO XAVIER To Conde de Aranda, Manila, Nov. 16, 1768, enclosing notarial testimony of his arrival, Manila, July 18, 1768. 5 pp. 30.4 cm. BR 53:353. 1342 EXTRACTO y noticia Yndividual del tiempo, y forma en que los Religiosos de la Compania de Jesus, entregaron a admini- strar en la Ysla de Bohol, Provincia de Zebu. [c. 1771]. 1 p. 31.5 cm. BR 53: 359. 1343 FARANDO, JOSEPH Memorial to the King concerning his services, c. 1770. 4 pp. 29.3 cm. BR 53:355. 1344 To Conde de Aranda, Cavite, Jan. 19, 1770. 2 pp. 29.1 cm. BR 53:355. Request for reward for services. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 169 1345 FARANDO, JOSEPH: and others [Petition to Manila cabildo for endorsement of services and the desired endorsement], Dec. 20, 1769-Jan. 12, 1770. 3 pp. 29.4 cm. Copy. BR 53:355. 1346 FERNANDEZ CABEZA de VACA, JOSfi [Special powers or credentials presented to various persons in political office], Manila, June 26, 1690. 5 pp. 31.2 cm. BR 53:304. 1347 FERNANDEZ CABEZA de VAGA, JOSE: and others [Expediente of his services, etc.], Manila, Jan. 13, 1667- June 21, 1690. 44 PP- 3 1 - 2 cm - BR 53 : 3°3- 1348 FERNANDEZ de OVIEDO y VALDES, GONZALO (1478-1557) Libro XX de la Segunda parte de la general historia de las Indias. Que trata del estrecho de Magallanes . . . 1557. 164 pp. 26 cm. In Madrid, 1852 edition of Historia general y natural de las Indias, v. 2, pp. 1-110. 1349 FUENTE, ANGEL de la Informe acerca de las obras pias de correspondencia fundadas en la provincia y colegios de Filipinas; plan de las cantidades que cada una tiene . . . Manila, June 23, 1797. 64 pp. 30.9 cm. BR 53:235. Synopsis in BR 51:57-58. 1350 GALAN, BARTOLOM£ Ynforme, sobre la provincia de Tayabas. Tayabas, Apr. 8, 1823. 23 pp. 29.9 cm. BR 53:379. 1351 GARCIA, GANDIDO [Official communication entering complaint against the par- ish priest and his village]. Manila, Jan. 17, 1888. 24 pp. 31.3 cm. BR 53:411. 1352 GARCIA, MIGUEL: and others Ruego y encargo del Mmo Sor. Garcia, pidiendo la obser- vancia de los Decretos Gonciliares relativos a la Visita Dio- cesana: en la sesion de 29 de Sep. de 71. Oct. 16, 1771 (ad- dressed to the Augustinian provincial, Jose Victoria); Re- 170 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS spuesta del P e . Provincial, Oct. 18, 1771; Exhorto du D or . Clemente Procurador del Yllmo. de Zebu sobre lo dicho. Oct. 17, 1 771; Respuesta q dio el Provincial. Oct. 18, 1 771. 5 pp. 28.7 cm. Copy. BR 53:358. 1353 GARCIA GOMEZ, NICOLAS Consulta acompafiatoria De el Extracto General N os . 1, a 34, De la ocupacion, y extrafiamiento de los Regulares De la Compania expulsos De estas Yslas. Manila, Dec. 15, 1771. 31 pp. 29.9 cm. BR 53:358. 1354 GARCIA SERRANO, MIGUEL (1569-1629) [License to Dominican friars to evangelize Ituy]. Apr. 28, 1625. 2 pp. 24.9 cm. Photograph from original in Archives, Nueva Viscaya. 1355 GAVIRIA, MANUEL: and others Cartas originales, borradores de contestaciones, informes y otros documentos que mediaron entre la intendencia de Palacio y la de Filipinas pidiendo aquella dinero para la Real Familia, con los estados detallados de los pagos hechos por tal concepto espresando las fechas de los libramientos . . . 1835 a 1839. Madrid and Manila, Oct. 16, 1838-Sep. 17, 1841. 73 PP- 32-2 cm. BR 53:382. 1356 GENOVA £ ITURBE, JOS£ El archipielago filipino. Ligeros apuntes sobre su coloni- zacion. Madrid, 1896. 255 PP- 28 cm. 1357 GOICOECHEA, MARIANO de Memoria sobre la fortificacion y defensa de las Yslas Fili- pinas . . . Nov. 22, 1840. 355 PP- 3 J -2 cm. BR 53:383. 1358 GONZALEZ, JOSfi (1704-1762) To Manuel del Rio, Sep. 10, 1739. / p. 25 cm. Photograph from original in Archives, Nueva Viscaya. Congratulations on appointment as Superior of Dominicans. 1359 HISTORIA general sacro-profana, politica y religiosa, de las Yslas de Poniente, llamadas Filipinas. J62 pp. 30.4 cm. Copy. BR 53:380. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 171 1360 INVASION nuestra en Jolo, [c. i860]. 8 pp. 21.6 cm. 1 361 JUNTA especial para las reformas de administracion y Go- bierno de las Yslas Filipinas. [c. 1872]. 10 pp. 32.1 cm. 1362 LAFUENTE, GASIMIRO Carta e Ynforme sobre el Ympuesto de Carruajes, Garros y Caballos, que el Padre Cura Fr. Gasimiro Lafuente, dirige al Sefior Alcalde mayor de dicha Provincia. Santa Barbara, Aug. 22, 1885. 36 pp. 31.3 cm. 1363 LEDESMA, SALVADOR de: and others [Expediente regarding an encomienda in Batangas of which Ledesma was overseer.] Manila, Mar. 14-June 30, 1720. *90 pp. 31 cm. BR 53:330. 1364 LIBRO que contiene el todo de las Ynstrucciones vigentes, de la Real Renta de Vinos de Filipinas, 1 730-1 823, afio 1823. 3°5 PP- 3°-7 cm- 1365 LOS REYES y FLORENTINO, ISABELO de Un descubrimiento (Translation by Ferdinand Blumentritt of article in El Eco de Panay and article by Blumentritt on same subject. Mar. 8, 1887). 4 pp. 29 cm. Pre-Spanish coins discovered in the Philippines. 1366 LUMBAY GRUZ, JUSTO: and others Documentos del Vicario Foraneo de la Isla de Marinduque. Boac, 1 868- 1 896. 4 documents. 7 pp. 31.5 cm. Certificates of baptism, marriage and death. 1367 MADRE de DIOS, JUAN de la: and others [Endorsement of Montemayor y Mansila], Manila, June 10, 1665. 2 pp. 31.2 cm. BR 53:300. 1368 MANILA— GABILDO (CLERICAL BOARD) [License to Dominican friars to evangelize the Gagayan Valley], June 14, 1595. / p. 24.8 cm. Photograph from original in Archives, Cagayan. 172 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS ESEEEEEEEE "^ EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE *" 555 555555B 555555E — ^ ^— ^— ^^^^^— 1369 MARIN, JOSfi TOMAS (1710-1769) To Provincial, July 5, 1741. 1 p. 24.9 cm. Photograph from original in Archives, Nueva Viscaya. Road from Cagayan to Ilocos. 1370 To Provincial, Aparri, Sep. 19, 1752. 1 p. 25 cm. Photograph from original in Archives, Nueva Viscaya. Appointment of alcalde. 1371 MARTEL de GAYANGOS, ANTONIO La Ysla de Mindanao. Su estado actual y las reformas que reclama [after 1850]. 165 pp., maps. 30.1 cm. BR 53:386. 1372 MARTINEZ de ARAQUE, DIEGO Statera veritatis En la respuesta que, a los figurados cargos de d n Josef Basco y Vargas Gobernador, Capri General, y Presidente actual de la Audien a . de Manila da el Reg te de la misma D n Diego Mrz de Araq e . [1779?]. 250 pp. 29 cm. BR 53:361. 1373 MATTA, JUAN MANUEL de la Apolinario de la Cruz. Relation en que se da cuenta de haber estallado la conspiracion de Apolinario en Tayabas. Manila, Nov. 16, 1 841. 8 pp. 26.5 cm. 1374 MAURA, L. A.: and others Consulta sobre el Colegio-Universidad de Santo tomas de Manila, y dictamen emitido por los Sres. Montero Rios, Gamazo y Maura. [1890]. 15 pp. 26.3 cm. BR 53:326. Translation in BR 45:319-331. 1375 MENDOZA, ANDRES de [Letter concerning expeditions of his people of Diadi and Amanga to lowlands], June 2, 1754. / p. 25.2 cm. Photograph from original in Archives, Nueva Viscaya. 1376 MENDOZA, JOSEPH: and others Espediente instruido por iniciativa de los Hospitalarios en solicitud de que se les dieran las Haciendas de Calamba y Nagtaja . . . Manila and Madrid, Dec. 31, 1771-May 7, 1774. 19 pp. 31.2 cm. BR 53:359. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 1 73 1377 MERCADO, IGNAGIO (d. 1698) [Libro de medicina casera. Gompuesto por un P. Agustino]. Caption title: Declaracion de las virtudes de los arboles y plantas que estan en este libro [c. 1698]. 299 PP- J 9-5 c™> Copy- BR 53:318. 1378 MESIA, JUAN Extracto de la causa formada sobre los acontecimientos navales ocurridos en la silanga de Pasanhan entre un Panco Moro y las Faluas de Guerra de aquel apostadero la tarde del i° de Setiembre de 1846. Manila, Sep. 11, 1848. 25 PP- 32-6 cm. BR 53:386. 1379 MONTEMAYOR y MANSILLA, JUAN de: and others Expediente regarding administration of the Santa Gruzada in the Philippines. Manila, July 11-26, 1667. 43 PP- 3^2 cm. BR 53:304. 1380 MOURlN, JOSE MARfA Recuerdos de una expedicion a la Panpanga en Diciembre de 1876 ... (In same volume: San Agustin, Gaspar de, Letter of June 8, 1 720. 50 pp. copy; Azcarate, Jose, Poetical de- scription of the Philippines, Dec. 10, 1760. 11 pp; Mourin, J. M., Una expedicion al santuario de Antipolo, May, 1877. 16 pp.; Extracts from a cause tried in Tondo, 1877. 8 pp. Information concerning the celebrated tulisan, Tancad, Aug- ust, 1877, and clippings concerning his execution. 13 pp.) 208 pp. 20.J cm. BR 53:402. 1381 MUNOZ BUSTAMANTE, PEDRO: and others [Documentos relativos a sus servicios en Filipinas]. Manila, Feb. 14, 1 724- Aug. 22, 1736. 27 PP- 3 1 cm. BR 53:331. 1382 MUNOZ de HERRERA, PEDRO Testimonio . . . sobre plieto acerca de un tributo a favor de D n Juan Tello de Guzman, Manila, July 8, 161 1. 6 pp. 30.3 cm. BR 53:281. 1383 NAVARRETE, JOSE Derrotero De las Costas del Estrecho de San Bernardino. Ynstruccion sobre las corrientes Mareas y Vientos reinantes 174 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS que se experimental! en el. Navegacion que se deve hacer para atravezarlo en todas Monzones de E. a O. y de O. a E. senalando los parages en que conviene fondear en estos casos. Manila, July i, 1814. 84 pp. 30.7 cm. BR 53:376. 1384 NIETO, LADISLAS Mindanao. Paginas sueltas. Zamboanga, 1885- 1887. 273 pp. 21. 1 cm. BR 53:410. 1385 NORTON y NIGOLS, NICOLAS Gomercio de las Islas Philipinas e conveniencias que pueden dar a S. M. Carlos III . . . Manila, [1759]. 40 pp. 30.4 cm. BR 53:227 Translation in BR 47:251-284. 1386 OfRTEGA], G[ASPAR] de Cartilla de las Obligaciones y derechos del Contribuyente Gobernadorcillo y Cabeza de barangay con relacion a los im- puestos de Hacienda por G. de O. 2 a . edicion. 4og pp. 21.5 cm. Printed in Manila, 1886. 1387 PALACIO, ANTONIO de: and others Ynstrucciones sobre el cultivo del Tabaco. Jan. 10, 1814. 5 pp. 28.9 cm. Copy. BR 53:376. 1388 PAN AY [Portion of a letter concerning the Jesuit establishment in Panay, and the opposition received by the Augustinians, c. 1669]. 2 pp. 31.4 cm. Copy. BR 53:305. 1389 PEDROCHE, CRISTOBAL (1645-1715) To Bishop of Oviedo, Manila, June 4, 1 708. 2 pp. 30.7 cm. 2 copies. BR 53:325. 1390 PEREZ, MIGUEL: and others Cronica semi-historica de Filipinas y en especial de las Yslas Bisayas desde 1877 a 1887. [Manila, 1887]. 10 pp. 27.2 cm. 1391 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Transcripts of documents collected from various Spanish ar- chives by Dr. James A. Robertson for his own use and that of Miss Emma Blair in the preparation of their work The Philip- PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 1 75 pine Islands. Of these transcripts, 16 volumes, dating 1564- 1800, are from manuscripts in the Archivo General de Indias, 1 volume, 1 523-1 765, from Archivo General de Simancas, 3 volumes, 1 573-1 735, from the Real Academia de la Historia, 1 volume, 1 573-1 770, from the Archivo Historico Nacional and 3 volumes, 1 493-1 843, from various other archives and libraries of Spain. 10,800 pp. Various sizes. 1392 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS— ARMY [Order book], Apr. 17, 1890 to Jan. 12, 1891. 343 PP- 3 2 cm - Imperfect: pp. 1-6, and several pp. at the end missing. 1393 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS— CARGEL de BILIBID Carpetas and other official papers regarding prisoners of the Carcel de Bilibid. Manila, 1 883-1 899. 35 documents. 93 pp. 20.9 cm. 1394 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS — GOVERNOR, 1584-1590 (SAN- TIAGO de VERA) License to found the convent of S t0 Domingo de Maria, Aug. 7, 1587. 1 P- 2 5-3 cm - Photograph from original in Archives, Convent, file, Obras Pias. 1395 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS— GOVERNOR, 1593-1596 (LUIS PEREZ DASMARINAS) License to Dominican friars to found convents and evangelize in Cagayan Valley, Manila, June 13, 1595. 1 P- 2 5-3 cm - Photograph from original in Archives, Cagayan. 1396 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS— GOVERNOR, 1 609-1 61 6 (JUAN de SILVA) License to Dominicans to evangelize Ituy district, Oct. 26, 1609. j p. 24.9 cm. Photograph from original in Archives, Nueva Viscaya. 1397 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS— GOVERNOR, 1618-1624 (ALON- SO FAJARDO de TENgA) Auto approving the founding of the college of Santo Tomas, Nov. 14, 1 61 9. 1 p. 30.5 cm. BR 53:285. 176 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 1398 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS— GOVERNOR, 1684- 1689 (GA- BRIEL CURUZELAEGUI y ARRIOLA) 2 letters to the Duquesa de Abeyro Arcos y Maqueda, Manila, July 3, Dec. 12, 1686. 7 pp. 2g.y cm. Missions in the Marianas. 1399 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS— GOVERNOR, 1765-1770 (JOSfi RAON) Report to king on merits of Jose Farando, Teniente Coronel of the royal army, and governor and castellan of the fort of Cavite. Manila, Dec. 9, 1769. 2 pp. 29.4 cm. BR 53:353. 1400 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS— GOVERNOR, 1778-1787 (JOSfi de BASGO Y VARGAS) [Portion of a letter to the king]. 1783. 2 pp. 3°-3 cm. BR 53:362. 1401 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS — GOVERNOR, 1793-1806 (RA- FAEL MARIA de AQUILAR y PONCE de LEON) [Letter from Governor and Audiencia acknowledging receipt of royal decree of Aug. 29, 1794]. Manila, Jan. 16, 1796. 2 PP- 30-3 cm. BR 53:367. 1402 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS — GOVERNOR, 1816-1822 (MA- RIANO FERNANDEZ de FOLGUERAS) To Joaquin Blasquez y Vargas, Manila, Aug. 18, 1819. 2 pp. 2g.g cm. BR 53:378. Proposed re-establishment of Jesuits. 1403 PIMENTEL, JUAN de: and others [Traslado de tres escritos en solicitud de que continuase siendo alcalde de Tondo el Teniente General de la Artilleria Don Juan Antonio Pimentel]. Manila, September 16, i688-June22, 1689. 26 pp. 30.6 cm. BR 53:313. 1404 [Expediente incoado por D. Juan Ant° Pimentel para depurar hechos en su defensa]. Manila, Dec. n -14, 1688. 24 pp. 31. 1 cm. BR 53:313. 1405 Notarial copy of certain proceedings requested by Pimentel. Manila, June 10-11, 1689. 8 pp. 30.7 cm. BR 53:313. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 177 — —^ ^— — — — ^ ^ ^ i^ — 1406 EL PIRATA KOSENG. 1663. 28 pp. 21.5 cm. Copy. 1407 PISSON, FRANCISCO XAVIER de: and others Execucion del R 1 . Dec to de Extranamto. de los Regular 8 , de la Compania, y ocupac on . de sus temporalidades. Afio de 1 769. Copia autentica de los Poderes otorgados por el Padre Ber- nardo Bruno . . . Manila, Nov. 17, 1769. 18 pp. 31 cm. BR 53:354. 1408 QUIBAOZA-HUN (SULTAN OF MINDANAO) Carta al gobernador de Filipinas, ofreciendo al rey de Espafia pruebas de amistad y adhesion, en que le habla de cuatro espafioles y una mujer que fueron apresados y de un contrato de ganados. Royal Palace of Mindanao, Sep. 28, 1789. 2 pp. 31.2 cm. BR 53:365. 1409 REGLAMENTO para el servicio personal en el Archipielago; Voto particular del Sor. Govantes Enmienda. Reglamento del Consejero Sor. Govantes al proyecto de la Direccion del Ad- mon. Local. Manila, 1866. 116 pp., fold, table. 31.6 cm. 1410 RELACION del viaje e Jornada, que larmada de su Mag d . hizo del descubrimiento de las Islas del Poniente, que partio del puerto de la navidad del afio 1564 de que fue por general el muy Ill re . Sefior Miguel Lopez de legazpi. 68 pp. 31 cm. Printed in Coleccion de documentos ineditos . . . de Ultramar 2d ser. II, 217 ff. 141 1 RELACION expresiva de los principales acontecimientos de la titulada Cofradia del Sefior San Jose desde las primeras no- ticias oficiales adquiridas sobre ella, hasta su acabamiento y fin en i°de Noviembre de 1841; Noticias que compendiosa- mente dio el M. R. P. Cura del pueblo de Lucban a la Capi- tania General de estas Yslas, relativas a las fanaticas opera- ciones de Apolinario de la Cruz . . . 192 pp. 31.3 cm. 141 2 REPORT of an English expedition to the Philippine Islands. Jan. 5, [185-]. 4 pp. 32.1 cm. I78 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 1413 REPRESENTAClON de los Ciudadanos Espanoles Filipinos. Manila, Jan. 5, 181 4. 10 pp. 29.9 cm. 1414 RETANA y GAMBOA, WENGESLAO EMILIO (1862-1924) Apuntes historicos, geograficos y estadisticos de la provincia de Batangas y breve estudio etnografico . . . 1885, 1886. 800 pp. Various sizes. BR 53:409. 1415 REVILLA, JUAN BAPTISTA de Extracto de las Consultas que dirigio a su Mag d . el Sefior D. Joseph Raon, dando cuenta del recivo del Real Decreto de Extranamiento de los Regulares de la Compania, y de las providencias que tomo para su cu[m]plimiento y execusion. Manila, Dec. 15, 1771. 38 pp. 28 cm. BR 53 : 35 8. 1416 REVOLUGION contra el Emperador de China [1740?]. 280 pp. 30.6 cm. BR 53:334. 1417 RIZALy ALONSO, JOSfi (1861-1896) Agenda de bufete o libro de memoria. [Jan. i-Nov. 2], 1884. 81 pp. 32 cm. BR 53: 40 y. Printed in Retana, W. E., Vida y escritos del Dr. Jose Rizal, Madrid, 1907, pp. J2$. 141 8 Clinica medica. [Diary and clinical notes]. 1 881 -1887. 2 47 PP- 2I -4 cm - BR 53 : 4°6- 141 9 Memoir concerning the significance of Chinese names of islands of the Philippines, Lond., Dec. 6, 1888. 9 pp. 18 cm. 1420 17 letters to A. B. Meyer, Lond., Jan. 7, Feb. 14, Feb. 27, Mar. 4, Paris, Aug. 22, Aug. 29, Dec. 1, 1889; Lond., Jan. 7, Mar. 5, 1890; Dapitan, Oct. 24, Nov. 20, 1893; Apr. 10, May 9, July 31, Nov. 21, 1894; Jan. 15, Mar. 14, 1895. 64 pp. Various sizes. Chiefly political; some concern linguistics. 142 1 RODRIGUEZ de RIVAS, VICENTE: and others To Josef de Galvez, Madrid, July 27, 1785, enclosing Extracto de la primera Junta General de la Real Compania de Filipinas celebrada en los dias 9 de Septiembre de 1791, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, y 20 de Marzo de 92, y 16 de Julio de 93, Madrid MDCCXCIII. 16 pp. 20.8 cm. BR 53:363. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 1 79 1422 [ROXODELRIOyVEYRA, MANUEL ANTONIO] (rf.1764) Relacion de las operaciones del Arzobispo de Manila Gover- nador, y Capitan Gral de las Philipinas del tiempo de su Go- vierno, de las expedidas en tiempo del sitio, 6 asedio de los Ingleses a la Capital de Manila, de su toma por assalto: y de las q e . subsiguieron a esta desgraciado sucesso . . . [1763]. 104 pp. 30 cm. BR 33:231. Synopsis in BR 49:104-131. 1423 S. M., P. de Reflexiones imparciales de un Espanol avecindado en Manila, sobre Las causas de la decadencia de las Yslas Filipinas, y medios de juzga mas a proposito para hacerlas productivas a la Metropoli, y restituirlas al estado de que son susceptibles por su ventajosa posicion. Madrid, 1827. 102 pp. 29.8 cm. BR 53:235. Outline in BR 51:263-273. 1424 SAAVEDRAy meneses, aureliano Ynforme sobre Filipinas. Madrid, Mar. 19, 1854. 10 pp. 32.3 cm. Copy. BR 53:387. 1425 Informe sobre el plan propuesto por el J. de N. D. Aureliano Saavedra y Meneses. Apr. 10-Aug. 9, 1854. 12 documents, some in shorthand. 48 pp. Various sizes. BR 53:387. 1426 Informe sobre un nuevo plan de trabajos hidrograficos en Filipinas, por D. Aureliano Saavedra. Madrid, July 7, 1854. 20 pp. 21.8 cm. BR 53:387. 1427 SALAZAR, DOMINGO (1512-1594) License to Dominicans to erect edifices on site now occupied by Santo Domingo church, Aug. 21, 1587. 1 P' 2 5-3 cm - Photograph from original in Archives, Convent, Obras pias. 1428 SALGADO, FRANCISCO (1629-1689) To the Duquesa de Aveyra, Manila, June 8, 1682. 4 pp. 30.3 cm. Missions of Marianas. 1429 SAN AGUSTIN, GASPAR de (1650-1724) Carta de Fr. Gaspar de San Agn, aun Amigo suyo en Espafia, que le preguta el natural i genio de los Indios naturales de estas Islas Philipinas. Manila, June 8, 1720. 64 pp. 20.5 cm. Copy. BR 53:226. Translation in BR 40:183-283. l8o PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 1430 SAN JACINTO, JUAN de: and others Declaration of formal possession by the Dominicans of prov- ince of the Igorots for purposes of evangelization, by act of notary. 1620. 4 pp. 25.3 cm. Photograph from original in Archives, Nueva Viscaya. 1431 SAN JOSEPH, MIGUEL de: and others Expediente formado a representacion del R. P. Procurador de la Proa del Smo Rossario de estas Islas, sobre que se le satis- fagan los gastos que han ocasionado la estada del M. R. P. Bernardo Pasuengos Proal de los Regulares de la Gompania, en el R 1 . Golegio de S. Juan de Letran. Manila, Sep. 1, 1769- Jan. 23, 1770. i3PP-3°c m - BR 53'354- 1432 SANCHO DE SANTA JUSTAy RUFINA, BASILIO (^.1787) Informe sobre los meritos de D. Joseph Farando. Manila, Jan. 2, 1770. 2 pp. 29.3 cm. BR 53:353. 1433 SANTISTEBAN, MANUEL de (d. 1756) Carta que desde Manila envio, el General Santisteban, dando cuenta de sucesos politicos en Filipinas. Manila, 1730. 32 pp. 30.6 cm. BR 53:226. Translation in BR 44:196-224. 1434 SANTOS, FR. To the Regent of the Audiencia of Manila, Zebu, June 25, 1838. j p. 24.J cm. BR 53:382. Machine of which model sent to Regent. 1435 S e . UN TRATADO de Comercio y navegacion entre las Comp as . Ynglesa y Espafiola. [c. 1796]. 16 pp. 30 cm. BR 53:370. 1436 SOLORZANO, EMMANUEL de (1649-1684) To Francisco Garcia, S. Ignacio de Agadfia, May 20, 1681. 12 pp. 30.5 cm. Jesuit missions in the Marianas; conditions of natives. See reference in BR 53:122, note. 1437 SORIA, DIEGO de (1558-1613) License to Dominicans to evangelize Ituy district, up to Cara- ballo sur, Dec. 6, 1609. 1 p. 24.8 cm. Photograph from original in Archives, Nueva Viscaya. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS l8l 1438 SPAIN— SOVEREIGNS, 1569-1603 (PHILIP II; and others) Cedillas reales dirigidas a estas Yslas Filipinas. Gopiadas fiel- mente de las originales, o authenticas que se guardan en el archivo de la Real Audiencia de Manila. [1 569-1 603]. 127 documents. 392 pp. 2g.g cm. Copy. BR 53:248. Contains the Me- morial of 1586. 1439 SPAIN— SOVEREIGNS, 1621-1665 (PHILIP IV) To Luis Enriquez de Guzman, Madrid, Sep. 18, 1651. 1 p. 29.8 cm. Departure of the archbishop of Manila for the Philippine Islands. 1440 SPAIN— SOVEREIGNS, 1682-1736 (CHARLES II; and others) [Cedulas reales despachadas a Manila], 1682-1736. 794 PP- 29-9 cm - Co Py- 1441 SPAIN — SOVEREIGNS, 1768-1801 (CHARLES III; and CHARLES IV) Reales Ordenes Formadas por el Superior Gobierno y Real Acuerdo de estas Yslas en 26 de Febrero de 1768. Para el buen Gobierno de los Gobernadores, Corregidores y Alcaldes mayo- res de sus provincias, alivio de los naturales y observancia de las leyes . . . 1801. 106 pp. 31.7 cm. Printed in Sampaloc, 1801. 1442 SPAIN— SOVEREIGNS, 1808-1833 (FERDINAND VII) Instruccion general de Rentas Reales de 181 6. 182 pp. 30.5 cm. 1443 SUAREZ DESLIVERA, MIGUEL: and others Expediente promovido por el licenciado D. Manuel Suarez para que se le devuelvan 40,000$ que presto a las Reales Cajas en 1666. Manila, Feb. 15, 1672-Nov. 29, 1676. 39 PP- 3°-4 cm " BR 53 : 3°7- Contains various accounts rendered by the royal officials. 1444 TAPIA, JUAN de (d. 1636) Pruebas de la genealogia y limpieza de el maestro fr. Ju a . de Tapia de la orden de S. Augustin natural de Toledo, comiss . de los frayles de filipinas para Calificador, Manila, afio 1629. 21 pp. 31.6 cm. 1 82 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 1445 TAVARNIER, PEDRO: and others Copia legal del expediente promovido por los Jesuitas para probar que ellos no tuvieron parte en la insurreccion del pue- blo de Silan. Manila, June 21 -July 9, 1745. 14 PP- 3*-3 cm - BR 53:335- 1446 TELLO de GUZMAN, JUAN Ejecutoria del pleito seguido entre Religiosos de la Gompania de Jesus y el senexal D n . Juan Tello de Guzman como marido de D a . Margarita Figueroa, sobre los bienes de su hermana D a . Juana, dada en Manila 23 de junio de 1606. 1 J pp. 31.1 cm. BR 53:280. 1447 TELLO de GUZMAN, JUAN: and others Testimonio de autos seguidos en 1606 ... en que condeno a muerte a Antonio Layton, por haver muerto al Alferez Gre- gorio Alvarado, y por la Real Audiencia se mando que no se le pagasen a D a . Margarita de Figueroa, muger de dho D n Juan Tello sus encomiendas. Manila, May 10, 1 606-1 607. 16 pp. 31.7 cm. BR 53:279. 1448 VARONA, GASPAR: and others Documents referring to the expulsion of the Jesuits from the Philippines. Madrid and Manila, Nov. 6, 1743-Aug. 13, 1799. 86 pp. Various sizes. BR 53:335. Treating chiefly of the obras pias which were managed by the Jesuit order. 1449 VELASGO, PEDRO (1 706-1 769) Razon de los Pueblos, Tributos, Reservados de Hedad, y En- fermedad, Solteros, Doncellas, Escuelas, de Nifios, y Ninas, Infantes, Missiones, Cathecumenos, y Nuevos Baptizados, de las Provincias, y Ministerios, que estan a cargo de la Religion de Nfo P e . San Augustin . . . Tondo, Apr. 16, 1760. 2 pp. 55 cm. BR 53:228. Translation in BR 48:52-58. 1450 VENEGAS, AMBROSIO: and others Petition regarding the notaryship of the Parian. May 25, 1708. 140 pp. 30 cm. BR 53:325. (Decrees, acts, etc. 1 703-1 708). 1 45 1 Credentials to Juan Basilio Loche, S. J., and others for mis- sion to Madrid and Rome. Manila, June 9-12, 1708. 4 pp. 31.5 cm. BR 53:325. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 1 83 1452 VIANA ZAVALA VEHENA SAENZ de VILLAVERDE, FRANCISCO LEANDRO de Demostracion del misero deplorable estado de las Islas Phi- lipinas: de la necessidad de abandonarlas, 6 mantenerlas, con fuercas respetables: de los inconvenientes de lo primero, y ventajas de lo segundo; de lo que pueden producir a la Real Hacienda: de la Navegacion, extension, y vtilidades de su Comercio. Con Refleccion 8 . que convencen la vtilidad de for- mar vna Compafiia, bajo la Real Proteccion, para hacer feliz, y gloriosa la Monarquia Espafiola, y priuar a sus Enemigos de las ganancias, conque la destruyen, en paz, y en guerra . . . Manila, Feb. 10, 1765. 767 pp., 170 pp. 28.4 cm. 30.1 cm. BR 53:232. 2 copies, one in the handwriting of the author, both apparently autographed. Synopsis in BR 48:197-338. 1453 Demonstraciones de lo que contribuien a S. M. los Naturales de las Yslas Philipinas: De lo que se gasta en su Adminis on . espiritual: De lo que el estado ecc co . percive del REY, y de los Yndios: Y de los diversos ahorros, y aumentos que puede tener la R 1 . Hacienda para mantener estos Dominios, con Fuer- zas respettables, sin necesidad del Real Situado, que annual- mente viene de Mexico, y con la ventaxa de que el R . Herario resarza en lo succesivo los gastos hechos en los 202. anos que han corrido desde la Conquista de dhas Yslas . . . Manila, July 10, 1766. 48 pp. 29.9 cm. BR 53:233. Translation in BR 50:77-1 iy. 1454 Expediente original de la guerra de los Ingleses. Manila, and other places, 1 762-1 767. 14 documents, no pp. 31.5 cm. BR 53:348. 1455 Libro de Cartas, y consultas, dirigidas a S. M. y S res . Ministros en el afio de 1767. 13 documents. 94 pp. 28.6 cm. BR 53:233. Translation in part in BR 50:91, 92, 1 18-136. 1456 Respuestas Dadas por El Fiscal de S. M. . . . Sobre Diversos Asuntos de estas Islas Philipinas. Manila, 1765. 580 pp. 23.7 cm. BR 53:348. 184 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 1457 VILLA ABRILLE, FAUSTINO To a friend in Manila enclosing a map of the lake of Buluan, Davao, Apr. 5, 1878. 4 pp. 27 cm. BR 53:404. Description of Davao. 1458 VILLAFAftA, MATHEO (1679-1771) Manifiesto en que se evidencia ser gravemente ilicita la per- mision de los entierros solemnes en sepulchros publicos de los sangleyes infieles difuntos en la Alcaizeria Parian . . . Manila, 1738. 29 PP> 30 cm. Copy. BR 53:334. 1459 VILLANUEVAy CHAVARRI, FRANCISCO XAVIER de Breve Resumen, y Noticia Del Descubrimiento de la Nueva Esparia, Demarcation, y Description, de aquellas Provincias, Divididas en las cinco Audiencias que la goviernan; Estado de sus Yglesias; sus Erecciones; Noticia de los Obispos que hasta aora los han Governado, Division de sus Diezmos, Bulas, de la Concesion de estos, del Patronato, y de la America a los Reyes Catolicos; con otras Noticias mui importantes de aque- llos Dominios, 1750. 3Qi pp. 29.3 cm. Copy. BR 53:337. 1460 YRURETAGOYENA, G. de and OTADUI, EUGENIO de To Lorenzo Calvo, Macao, May 27, 1830. 5 PP* 3 2 -9 cm - Compania de Filipinas. 1461 ZAPATER y GOMEZ, FRANCISCO, comp. [Indice de] Cedulas, Ordenes, etc. espedidas desde el afio de 1620, hasta el de 1841, referentes en su mayoria a las islas Filipinas. 375 pp. 30 cm. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS 1462 ACCOUNT of travels in the Hawaiian Islands from Honolulu to Hilo, 1875. 16 pp. 31.5 cm. 1463 ALEXANDER, WILLIAM DEWITT (1833-1913) To H. C. Carter, Honolulu, May 11, 1899. 1 p. ig.y cm. Concerning bibliography of books on Hawaii. 185 INDIAN LANGUAGES ALGONQUIAN 1464 CATHOLIC CHURCH— LITURGY and RITUAL [Prieres, etc. en la langue Algonkin]. 178 pp. 18. 5 cm. 1465 PERRAULT, DENIS ROMULUS La Stenographic Duploye adaptee aux langues des sauvages de la Baie d Hudson . . . ; La stenographic Duploye adaptee a 1' Algonquin . . . ; La Stenographic Duploye adaptee a la langue des sauvages du St. Maurice . . . 1889. 5 PP- 33 cm - AZTEC 1466 BIBLE— NEW TESTAMENT. SELECTIONS Incipiunt. Epistole et Evangelia que in diebus Dominicis et festibus per totius ani circulu leguntur. Traducta in lingua Mexicanam. 502 pp. 13.4 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in British Museum. Translation attributed to Pedro Oroz> 1467 Incipiut Epte et Evagelia, que in diebus dominicis anni totius circulum legut r . Traducta in lingua Mexicana . . . 16th c. 553 PP- J 4-5 cm " Translation attributed to Alonso de Molina. 1468 [BURIAL RECORD], 1611-1615. (1612-1615 entries are signed by Fr. Miguel de Cuenca, and Fr. Al°. de Paz). 18 pp. 20.5 cm. Register of children of San Francisco Ontlazpan. 1469 CALENDARIO. Epistole et evangelia . . . ; Epistole et Evan- gelia Dominicalibus officiis congruentias . . . ; Evangelia que per anni totius Fractum leguntur in diebus festis. 314 pp. 10.4 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1470 C AMI NO del Cielo en Mexicano. jgo pp. 22.1 cm. 1 j manuscripts of the iyth c. bound together. The first is a Confesionario, the others are sermons and religious instruc- tions. 186 INDIAN LANGUAGES 187 1471 CODEX AUBIN Nican y cuiluihtica yninxi tlapoval catca mexica canauhtetl yniuh quitova ce aca 11 . quitlamia. xiii. acatl. ce tecpatl. quitlamia. xiii tecpatl. ce calli quitlamia. xiii. calli. ce tochtli quitlamia. xiii. tochli . . . mexico, xxvii dias del mes de Septiembre 1576. as. 158 pp. 1 j cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1472 CODEX CEMPOALLAN [Village book containing names, description of Cempoallan, portraits of founders and of chieftains of the village]. 30 pp. 27.3 cm. Maguey. 1473 CODEX de 1576 Fragment d'une copie du codex 1576 . . . avec une traduction en Espagnol; Ephemerides de Gama, no. 1 et 2, copie et traduction, par M. Aubin, du Codex de 1576 . . . 76 pp. 14 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Bibliotheque Nationale. 1474 [CODEX VALERIANO] Manuscrit figuratif . . . Livre des comptes des tributs a payer par les Indigenes de San Pablo Teocaltitlan a leur gouverneur D. Antonio Valeriano. [Mexico, 1574]. 57 pp. 16.3 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Nationale. 1475 [CRONICA MEXICANA] Fragment d'une Histoire du Mexique, en langue nahuatl. 60 pp. ig.4 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Nationale. 1476 DEEDS OF PROPERTY, 1571-1679 Documents pertaining to several pueblos of the Provincia de Chalco, Cuitlauac (Tlahuac), Tlalmanalco and Chalco, some to Coyoacan, Tlalpam, etc., in Aztec and Spanish. 84 documents. 158 pp. Various sizes. Many mutilated. 1477 DEEDS OF PROPERTY, 1678-1751 Documents pertaining to deeds of land in Metepec of San Pedro de Cahmaya, 1 678-1 751. ig documents. 40 pp. 31 cm. 1 88 INDIAN LANGUAGES 1478 DIGTIONARIUM ex bismensi [sic] in latinum sermonem, in- terprete Aelio Antonio Neprissensi Lege foeliciter . . . [1590]. 314 pp. ig.i cm. Attributed, possibly erroneously, to B. de Sahagun. 1479 FRAGMENT of a village book, village unidentified. 20 pp. 26.J cm. Maguey. Legends in Nahuatl but houses are not adobe with flat roofs as they occur on the high plateaus, but those which appear in warmer districts of Mexico. 1480 IRAGORRI, JUAN FRANCISCO (1728-1783) [Vocabulario y notas gramaticales]. 82 pp. 20.g cm. 1481 [MANUSCRITOS EN MEXIGANO], 1580-1847 A volume containing 14 manuscripts and 3 printed docu- ments. The earliest documents concern the parishes of Santa Maria La Redonda and Santiago de Tlaltelolco; copies of three Aztec plays, Las almas y las Albaceas, Del nacimiento de Tsac, del sacrificio que Abraham su padre quiso por mandado de Dios hacer, de la primera Jornada, Coloquio sobre el modo con que Santa Elena hallo la Santa Cruz (with Spanish translations) ; Francisco Antonio de la Rosa Figueroa's Platica primera, prohennial y principio a los explicaciones de la Doctrina Xpiana, etc. 4°9 PP- 32 cm. 1482 MEXICO [Maguey picture manuscript, figures of persons, buildings, plants and animals]. Text in Nahuatl, 17th c. 30 pp. 22 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in British Museum. For part, see Pub. no. 6 of the Maya Society, The Azcapot- zalco, Bait. 1935. 1483 [OLMOS, ANDRES de] (1491-1571) [Arte y vocabulario en lengua mexicana]. 576 pp. 14.6 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1484 SAHAGUN, BERNARDINO de (d. 1590) Comienca Vn Exercicio en lengua mexicana sacado del sancto Evang°. y distribuido por todos los dias de la semana contiene meditaciones deuotas muy prouechosas para qual- quier xpiano que se quiere llegar a dios. 1574. 86 pp. 21.9 cm. INDIAN LANGUAGES 189 1485 Siguense unos sermones de dominicas y de sanctos ... no traduzidos de sermonario alguno sino copuestos nuevamente a la medida de la capacidad de los indios . . . 1540- 1563. 202 pp. 39.5 cm. i486 Tratado . . . Siguense veynte y seis addiciones Desta Postilla • • • [1579]. 88 pp. 29.J cm. 1487 [SERMONARIO con evangelia . . . i6thc.]. . 636 pp. io.8 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in British Museum. 1488 [SERMONES in lingua mexicana]. In nomine domini incipiunt sermoes dominicales per totum anni circutus . . . 1,222 pp. 14.4 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in the Bancroft Library. 1489 SPAIN— SOVEREIGNS, 1556-1598 (PHILIP II) Ordenangas de su Mag*. [1560]. jo pp. 13.1 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in the Bancroft Library. 1490 [OrdenackSn real del Rey Felipe in Nahuatl]. 30 pp. 13.9 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1491 TEPEXIG Libro, donde se asientan Los que se mueren en este pueblo de Tepexic desde margo, de 1605, en adelante . . . 1 605-1 643. 190 pp. 20.8 cm. 1st 14 leaves mutilated. 1492 VOGABULARIO mexicano. 1598. 236 pp. 14.2 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. Attributed to Francisco Araoz. CAKCHIQUEL 1493 ALARG6N, BALTASAR de: and others Sermones en lengua Cakchiquel, escritos por varios padres de la Orden de San Francisco y recogidos por el M. R. M. Padre Fr. Baltasar de Alarcon. 337 PP* J 5-3 cm - Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Nationale. 1 90 INDIAN LANGUAGES 1494 [ANGEL, fr.] (18th c.) Arte de Lengua Cakchiquel ... [17- ]. 188 pp. 16.3 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Nationale. 1495 [Vocabulario de la lengua Cakchiquel]. 45 2 PP- z 4-9 cm - Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Nationale. 1496 [Vocabulario de la lengua Cakchiquel.] j 18 pp. 15.8 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1497 [ARANA XAHILA, FRANCISCO ERNANTEZ] [Memorial de Tecpan-Atitlan]. 54 pp. ig.j cm. Imperfect: begins with ch. xiv. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1498 CALENDARIO de los Indios de Guatemala. 1685. Copiado en la Ciudad de Guatemala, Marzo, 1878. 25 pp. 15.8 cm. Copied by C. H. Berendt. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1499 CATHOLIC CHURCH— LITURGY and RITUAL [Doctrina Christiana y arte en Cakchiquel, 1692]. 21 J pp. 13.6 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in American Philosophical Society. 1500 COTO, THOMAS Vocabvlario De la Lengua cakchiquel, v, [sic] Guatimalteca ... 17th c. 955 PP- 2 $ cm - Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in American Philosophical Society. 1501 [GUZMAN, PANTALEON de] Libro Yntitvlado Compendio de nombres en lengva Cakchi- quel ... En doce tratados . . . Oct. 20, 1704. 346 pp. 22. 5 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1502 [MALDONADO, FRANCISCO] Ha nima vuh vae theologia yndorum ru binaam [c. 1671]. 346 PP- *7-4 cm - Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Nationale. 1503 Arte pronunciacion y ortographia de la lengua en el mismo ydioma Cakchiquel. 158 pp. ig.2 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. INDIAN LANGUAGES igi 1504 Sermones super euangelia, que in Sanctorum festivitatibus leguntur: Cum eorumdem vitis, et transitis idiomathe Guathe- malensi Cakchiquel . . . Anno D. M. 1671. 316 pp. 23.1 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Nationale. 1505 MENDEZA, JUAN de [Vidas de santos en Cakchiquel, 1605]. 432 pp. 1 5. / cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in American Philosophical Society. 1506 NOTICIA brebe de los vocablos mas vsuales de la Lengua Cakchiquel . . . [17th c.]. 182 pp. 11. 5 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Bib Ho- theque Nationale. 1507 SANTO DOMINGO, TOMAS de Vocabvlario en la lengva Cakchicel, 1693. 286 pp. 13.8 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Nationale. 1508 SAZ, ANTONIO del Afio 1662. [Platicas] Compuesto en lengua cakchiquel Por el Padre predicador Fray Antonio, del Saz hijo de esta Prouincia del Sanctissimo nombre de Iesus de Guatemala. 322 pp. 14.6 cm. Copy. Imperfect: lacking 2 folios, 1509 TORRESANO, ESTEVAN Arte de lengua Kakchikel . . . Afio 1 754. 143 pp. 1 3.1 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Royale. 1510 VARELA, FRANCISCO de Calepino en lengua Cakchiquel . . . 477 PP- J 6 cm - Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in American Philosophical Society. 151 1 VICO, DOMINGO de (fl. 1544) [Theologia de Los Indios, 6 Industriacion de ellos en la fee Catolica por sermones sobre la vida de Christo, Evangelios, y fiestas de Santos, en lengua Indiana. 55 1 PP- J 5-7 cm - Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in the Bibliotheque Nationale. 1 92 INDIAN LANGUAGES 1 512 Vae rucam ru vuhil nima Viitz Theologia Indorum, ru binaam, tihobal quichim Yndio Cristiano, pa ru chabal Dios Nima Ahau pa cacchequel chicovi [1620]. 260 pp. 21.1 cm. Copy by J. Ruiz. 1513 BOGABULARIO en lengua Cak chi qel Y qiche . . . yo6 pp. 22.4 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1 5 14 VOGABULARIO en lengua castellana, y guatemalteca. que se llama: Cak chi quel chi. 500 pp. 23 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1515 XIM£NEZ, FRANCISCO (1666-*. 1722) Arte de las tres lengvas Cacchiqvel, Qyiche y Tztvhil . . . Tratado segvndo de todo lo qve deve saber vn Ministro para la bvena administracion de estos natvrales . . . 362 pp. 29.3 cm. 1 5 16 Primera parte de el tesoro de las lengvas Cakchiquel, Quiche y Tzvtvhil, en que las dichas lengvas se traducen en la nvestra espafiola . . . 43° PP- 22 -9 cm " Photograph, W. E. Gates. CHEYENNE 1517 [PETTER, RODOLPHE] Cheyenne grammar (condensed), Cantonment, Okla., May 6, 1909, copied Jan. 191 3. 148 pp. 26.1 cm. TS. CHIAPANECA 1518 ALBORNOZ, JUAN de Arte de la Lengua Chiapaneca . . . 1691. 44 pp. j 4.2 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Nationale. Printed in Paris, 1875. 1519 BARRIENTOS, LUIS (d. 1588) Doctrina en lengua Chiapaneca. 16 pp. 14.2 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Nationale. Printed in Paris, 1873. INDIAN LANGUAGES 1 93 1520 LIBRO de Cuentas de la Cofradia del Rosario en el Pueblo de Suchiapa desde 1796 hasta 1821 . . . 241 pp. 13.7 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original formerly owned by D. G. Brinton. 1521 NUNEZ, JUAN (d. 1586) Algunas Cossas Curiosas en lengua Chiapaneca . . . 1633. 108 pp. 13.2 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Nationale. 1522 Sermones de Doctrina, en lengua Chiapaneca . . . 162 pp. 13.6 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Nationale. CHINOOK 1523 TATE, CHARLES MONTGOMERY, tr. Nothing but the blood of Jesus. 1 p. 20.8 cm. CHIPPEWA 1524 GAFRON, JOHN List of Errata, 1884 (Jesus od yitwawin). 4 pp. 20.3 cm. 1525 A POCKET VOCABULARY of Terms alphabetically arranged, 1822. 43 PP- 8- 1 cm - 1526 [WHEELER, LEONARD HEMENWAY] (1811-1872) Notes for a grammar of the Chippewa language, hymns. 136 pp. Various sizes. CHOLTI 1527 MORAN, FRANCISCO Arte en lengua cholti . . . ; Libro de lengua cholti; Fin del arte . . . ; Confessionario . . . ; Vocabulario . . . 1685- 1695. 182 pp. 13.2 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 194 INDIAN LANGUAGES GUNA 1528 LLISA, PEDRO de Gonfesionario en idioma Choconate, Paya, Tapaliza . . . 8 pp. 10.2 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. HEVE 1529 LOAYSA, BALTHASAR Arte De la Lengua Hegue . . . 164 pp. 13.7 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Rationale. HUASTEGA 1530 TAPIA ZENTENO, CARLOS de Paradigma apologetico, Que desea Persuadir ingenuo, escri- biendo desapassionado la notia de la Huasteca a los VV. Sacerdotes, q pueden cultivarla. Description de su paiz, Y demonstracion evidente de la vanidad de el horror, que se le tiene; Noticia De la Lengua Huasteca. 177 pp. 21.2 cm. Latter section printed in Mexico, 1767. IXIL 1531 CATHOLIC CHURCH— LITURGY and RITUAL Doctrina y Confesionario en lengua Ixil. Precedidos de un corto modo para aprender la lengua y Ritual de Matrimonio por el Cura Parroco de Nebah. 1824. 47 pp. 14 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. KEGHUA 1532 SPILSBURY, JOSEPH HENRY GYBBON Diccionario Quechua-Castellafio. so pp. 33-5 cm- INDIAN LANGUAGES 1 95 1533 Diccionario Quichua- Castellafio- Dictionary Quichua- English. 22 pp. 32.4 cm. 1534 Notes for a Quichua- English dictionary and a Quichua- Spanish dictionary; translations from Joshua and Acts. I0 3 PP- 34-5 cm - 1535 [Quichua- English dictionary]. 122 pp. 36.9 cm. KEKGHI 1536 GANGER, LUIS (d. 1549) Varias coplas, versos e Himnos en la lengua de Goban de Verapaz, sobre los Misterios de la religion para uso de los Neofitos de la dicha provincia . . . 66 pp. 21.5 cm. 1537 [CARDENAS, TOMAS de] (1534-1580) [Arte de la lengua cacchi de Coban, en la Verapaz]. 150 pp. 14.4 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Nationale. 1538 [TESTAMENTO en lengua Kekchi de Vera Paz], Aug. 14, 1565- 5 pp. 14.6 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. KICHfi 1539 [ALGUNOS sermones en lengua Quiche de Rabinal. 18th c.]. g6 pp. 15 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Nationale. 1540 ANLEO, BARTOLOMfi Arte de lengua qiche . . . [1744]. 136 pp. 11. 8 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Nationale. Printed in London, 1865. 1 541 ARTE de lengva Qiche. Yllustrado con algunas Notas que estan puestas al fin, para su perfecta inteligencia . . . 1793. 215 pp. I3.g cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Nationale. 1 96 INDIAN LANGUAGES 1542 [BARRERA, FRANCISCO] [Vocabulario castellano- Quiche; preguntas de la Doctrina Christiana, Confesionario, 1745]. 201 pp. 14.5 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1543 BASSETA, DOMINGO de Vocabulario de lengua quiche . . . [1698?]. 172 pp. 16.2 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Nationale. 1544 Vocabulario quiche, 1698. 320 pp. 16.2 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Nationale. 1545 BORRADOR PARA la formacion del vocabulario de lengua Kiche; El Santo Evangelio . . . segun San Lucas. 56 pp. 20.5 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. Has been attributed to Father Elgeta. 1546 CALENDARIO de los Indios de Guatemala, 1722, Kiche. Copiado en la Ciudad de Guatemala, Apr., 1877. 61 pp. 14.2 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1547 [CALENDARIO y doctrina en Quiche]. 24 pp. 14.4 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1548 [CALEPINO GRANDE, castellano y quiche]. 480 pp. 14 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1549 [CALVO, THOMAS] [Bocabulario espafiol-quiche], 1726. 144 pp. i4.g cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1550 CATHOLIC CHURCH— CATECHISMS Catecismo de la doctrina Christiana en idioma kiche y castel- lano, se diuide en tres partes co el fin de que cada parte se alterne los Domingos, y dias festiuos de todo el afio. J9 pp. 15.8 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Nationale. 1551 CATHOLIC CHURCH— LITURGY and RITUAL Nabe Tihonic . . . 146 pp. ij.g cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1552 Para administrar el viatico en Mexicano. 8 pp. 13.2 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. INDIAN LANGUAGES 197 1553 [GOMPENDIO QUICHE, 1711-1713]. 49° PP- T 4-3 cm - Photograph, W. E. Gates. A collection of sermons. 1554 [DISCURSOS breves en lengua Quiche, una explicacion de la Pasion de Cristo], Mar. 26, 1803. 73 PP- I 4-5 cm - incomplete; pp. 23-48 lacking. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1555 DOCTRINA CHRISTIANA en la Lengua Vtlateca, alias Quiche, Del vso de Fr. Jossef Ant. Sanchez Viscayno, 1 790. 21 pp. 16 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Rationale. 1556 [DOCUMENTOS de Totonicapan, afio de 1690 a 1808]. jg pp. 20.3 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. Some signed by Juan Basquez, 1778, some by family, Cobocah. 1557 [ESCRIPTURA de testamento en Quiche, 1756]. 43 PP- I 4-3 cm - Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1558 HERNANDEZ SPINA, VICENTE Apuntamiento del idioma Kiche. June, 1854 . . . 27 pp. 22.3 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Nationale. HISTORIA DE LA gentilidad Americana . . . See Popol vuh. 1559 [LIBRO DE LA COFRADfA de San Nicolas, 1664-1855]. 53 1 PP- I 3-7 cm ' Photograph, W. E. Gates. Many pages mutilated. 1560 MARTINEZ, MARCOS (d. 1598) Arte de la lengua Utlateca 6 kiche, vulgarmente llamada el Arte de Totonicapan . . . I 3° PP- J 4-9 cm - Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Nationale. 1561 [ORDENANZAS de la Cofradia del Rosario, ario de 1689]. 22 pp. 20.5 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. ORDONEZ y AGUIAR, RAMON de See Popol vuh. 1562 PETICION vug ahau Presidente. 31 pp. 14$ cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Nationale. Models of letters to civil and ecclesiastical au- thorities. 198 INDIAN LANGUAGES 1563 POPOL VUH Historia de la gentilidad americana . . . 5<9 pp. 23.1 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Nationale. 1564 Historia de la gentilidad americana (commentary and trans- lation by Ramon Ordonez y Aguiar). yog pp. 23 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1565 [Historia de la provincia de predicadores de Chiapas y Guatemala] tr. by Francisco Ximenez. 183 pp. 2 1. 5 cm. Photograph, from original in Staatl. Museen, Berlin. 1566 Popol vuh. (Translated into English by Colonel Beebe from the French translation of Brasseur de Bourbourg). 264 pp. 31 cm. 1567 [REGLAMENTO] de la santissima cofradia de santa Vera Cruz de este pueblo de San Miguel de Totonicapan, [1777]. 5/ pp. 21 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1568 RIVEIRO, TOMAS, tr. Explicacion de la doctrina Christiana . . . Coban-Republica de Guatemala, [1798]. J4 pp. 21. 5 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1569 [SAZ, ANTONIO] (fl. 1662) Marial sacro y Santoral. Sermones en la Lengua Qijche, Escritos por varios Autores, principalm te . por vn Yndio, por lo qual hay mucho que correjir . . . 1796. 266 pp. 75.5 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Nationale. 1570 [SERMONES en la lengua quiche]. 35° PP- J 3-8 cm - Mutilated. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1571 [SERMONES y marial en la lengua Quiche]. 436 pp. 13.4 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1572 [THEOLOGIA indorum de Zacapulas]. 59 2 PP- I 4- 1 cm ' Photograph, W. E. Gates. Many pages mutilated. 1573 TUM, MIGUEL [Frases] en castellafio y en Lengua [1900]. 30 pp. 20.2 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. INDIAN LANGUAGES 1 99 1574 VICO, DOMINGO de (i6thc.) Arte de lengva quiche [o] Vtlatecat; Modo de ayudar a bien morir, etc. 69 pp. n.y cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Nationale. 1575 [Theologia indorum], 1553, 1605. 377 PP- J 3-4 cm - Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1576 [Theologia indorum de Lemoa en Quiche]. 286 pp. 13.4 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1577 [Theologia indorum. Yndustriacion de los Yndios en la fe, en la qual se trata vida y milagras . . . 17th c.]. 37° PP' x 5-3 cm - Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Nationale. 1578 [Theologia indorum], 1553 (including fragment of Kiche- Spanish glossary on f. 103). 20J pp. 13.2 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Nationale. 1579 [Theologia indorum]. 502 pp. 13.5 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1 580 [Theologia indorum] . 4 T 5 PP- I2 -9 cm - Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1 58 1 [Theologia indorum de Cunen en lengua quiche]. 289 pp. 13.2 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1582 [Vocabulario Quiche- Cakchiquel]. 57 2 PP- J 7-5 cm - Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Nationale. 1583 [VOCABULARIO de la lengua castellafia y quiche]. 18th c. 200 pp. 13.5 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Nationale. 1584 VOCABULARIO de las Lenguas Qiche y Kahchiquel. 19th c. T 47 PP- 2 5 cm - Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Nationale. 1585 BOCABULARIO de lengua Quiche. 78 pp. 14.8 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1586 BOCABULARIO en lengua Quiche y Castellana. 372 pp. 13.6 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 200 INDIAN LANGUAGES 1587 [VOCABULARIO ESPAftOL-QUICHfi], Nombres de Pa- jaros, Volatiles; Comidas, y Comestibles; Bevidas, etc. 19th c. 32 pp. i6.g cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque JVationale. 1588 [ZAKIGOXOL. Baile de la conquista en lengua Quiche]. 425 pp. 13.7 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. KLICKITAT 1589 BIBLE. SELECTIONS Selections from the Book of Genesis and the Gospel of St. Mark and St. John, translated by Stephen Gascoigne. 67 pp. 14.5 cm. MAM 1590 [ELGUETA, MANUEL] [Vocabulario] Mam i Espafiol. 17 pp. 22.2 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1591 [FUENTES, MANUEL] Preguntas, p a . administrar el Santo Sacram t0 . del Matrim . en Mam, conformes al Manual q e . usamos. 18th c. 14 pp. 14.7 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Rationale. MASSACHUSETTS 1592 COTTON, JOSIAH Sermon . . . 1710. 75 pp. 1 7. 1 cm. MATLALTZINCO 1593 BASALENQUE, DIEGO (1577-1651) Arte De la lengua Matlaltzinga . . . 1640. 242 pp. 14.7 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. INDIAN LANGUAGES 201 1594 Vocabulario de la lengua Matlaltzinga, buelto en la castellana . . . 1642. 286 pp. 14.6 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1595 Vocabulario de la Lengua Castellana buelto en la Matlalt- zinga . . . 1642. 41 1 pp. 13.5 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1596 SERMONES sobre los Evangelios y fiestas del ano en la lengua Matalzingue de las Indias, 1 7th c. 57° PP- J 4-3 cm - Imperfect: lacking leaves 1-62, 136-140. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Bibliotheque Nationale. MAYA 1597 ALGUNOS apuntes sobre la historia antigua de Yucatan. 25 pp. 11 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Nationale. 1598 [BACABS, Ritual of the]. 2 37 PP' IJ ' 2 cm " Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1599 [CACALCHEN, Libro de. Documentos de Gacalchen, en lengua Maya], 1 647-1 826. i6y pp. 24.2 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1600 [GALKINI, Ghilam Balam de]. [pp. 11-40]. 1 4. 1 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1601 [GHIGXULUB, Gronica de]. Godice Nakuk-Pech. [1542-62]. 26 pp. 22.8 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in private ownership. 1602 GOLEGGION de platicas doctrinales y sermones en lengua Maya por diferentes autores. Copiados en Merida . . . 1868. 258 pp. 14.8 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in the University of Pennsylvania Library. Contains work of Dominguez y Argaiz, Carvajal and anon, sermons. 1603 [DEL ser de Dios, 1750?]. 12 pp. 14.5 cm. Fragments. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1604 [DOCUMENTOS varios en lengua Maya desde el ano 1561, 1663-1869]. 1 12 pp. 21.4 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 202 INDIAN LANGUAGES 1605 [EJEMPLOS, discursos y vidas de santos, 1750?]. I 44 PP- J 7'^ cm - Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1606 IZIL, CHILAM BALAM DE 85 pp. 2J cm. Photograph of original in private ownership. 1607 [JUDIO, Libro del. Medicina Maya]. 156 pp. 16.4 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Peabody Museum. 1608 [MEDICINA MAYA]. *59 PP- T 5 cm - Photograph, W. E. Gates. Attributed to Fr. Carlos Mena. 1609 [MEDICINA MAYA. Libro de Sotuta]. 108 pp. 1 7. 4 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1610 [MOTUL, Diccionario de]. Vocabulario . . . 93° PP- x 7'^ cm " Photograph, W. E. Gates, from copy in John Carter Brown Library. 161 1 [NAH, Chilam Balam de]. Signed by Jose Maria Nah. 56 pp. 21.2 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1 61 2 NOTICIAS de varias plantas (de Yucatan) y sus virtudes. 2Q pp. 13 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from copy by Berendt of original in private ownership. 161 3 [PAS I ON de Jesucristo, en lengua Maya]. 2d part. Discursos sobre los misas. Copied by Baltasar Mutul, Teabo, 1803. 46 pp. 14.8 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1614 [PEREZ, JUAN PIO] [Recetarios de Indios]. Indices de plantas medicinales y de enfermedades coordinados. 5(9 pp. 23 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1615 POMO de AYALA, PHELIPE GUAMAN El primer Nveva coronica i bve gobierno . . . ioyg pp. 14.8 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1616 [PRAYERS IN MAYA]. 28 pp. g.i cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1 61 7 [SAN FRANCISCO, Diccionario de]. Maya-espafiol, espafiol- Maya. 402 pp. 25.7 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in private ownership. INDIAN LANGUAGES 203 1618 SIERRA, BERNARDO Para ayudar a buen morir en lengua yucateca, traducida del Ramillete de Divinas Flores, y fue Compuesto por D n . Ber- nardo Sierra, expurgado del Santo oficio del Real Consejo de Castilla. 76 pp. g.2 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1 61 9 [TEKAX, Chilam Balam de]. The book is dated: Apr. 13, 1833. 36 pp. 22 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. Partially printed in Pub. no. 11, The Maya Society, Bait., igjj. 1620 [TIGUL, Documentos de]. 1642-1761. 62 pp. 1 8. j cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1621 TIZIMIN, CHILAM BALAM DE 55 PP' 2 5 cm - Signed: Tizimin, Marzo 23 de i8yo. Manuel Luciano Perez- Photograph of original in private ownership. 1622 [XIU chronicles] 1608-18 17. "Also called the Ticul manuscript and the Cronica de Oxkutzcab." 164 pp. 18.8 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Peabody Museum. MAZAHUA 1623 GAONA,JUAN DE (1507-1560) Goloquios de la paz y tranquilidad Christiana. Interlocutores: un Religioso y un Collegial. 2Q2 pp. 13.9 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. Printed in Mexico, 1582. MAZATECO 1624 QUADERNO del Ydioma mazateco de las cosas y terminos mas comunes y usuales, para instruccion de principiantes, afio de 1827. 102 pp. 14.5 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1625 EL TEXTO De la Doctrina Christiana. 48 pp. 14.5 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1626 [VOCABULARIO Mazateca-castellano] . 20 pp. 15 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 204 INDIAN LANGUAGES MIGMAC 1627 CATHOLIC CHURCH— LITURGY and RITUAL [Selections from the Catholic prayer book in Micmac]. 20 pp. 36.5 cm. In hieroglyphs. 1628 RAND, SILAS TERTIUS (1810-1889) Sentences in Mic Mac [translated into English]. 64 pp. 18.2 cm. MIXTEG 1629 BAPTISTA, JUAN Testamento Mixteco, Mar. 3, 1727. 4PP- 31-5 cm - 1630 [DOCTRINA cristiana en lengua Mixteca]. 143 pp. 13.2 cm. Mutilated. Photograph, W. E. Gates. MOHAWK 1631 [GUICHART DE KERSIDENT, VINCENT FLEURI] Sermon ... 20 dimanche apres la pentecote Sur Le bon usage des Maladies, 1808. 1 j pp. 18.6 cm. 1632 RINFRET, ANTOINE Pour Le St. jour de paques sur Le mystere du jour, 1 799. 13 pp. 18.6 cm. MONTAGNAIS 1633 GAGNON, PHILfiAS (b. 1854) To J. C. Pilling, Quebec, Dec. 28, 1888. 2 pp. 21.5 cm. Enclosing tracing of La Brosse's prayer book, ed. of 1844. 1634 H[IND], H[ENRY] Y[OULE] Letter to Hudson Bay Co., Minigan, by a Montagnais, 1861. 3 pp. 22.7 cm. INDIAN LANGUAGES 205 MOSQUITO 1635 GRUNEWALD, EDUARD Grammatik der Moskito Yndianer Sprache . . . ; Moskito- deutsches und Deutsch-moskito Woerterbuch . . . 125 pp. 20.8 cm. NEW ENGLAND 1636 [NOTES on Indian names and on Indian languages]. 45 PP' II -8 cm. In various dialects. NEZ PERCYS 1637 MORVILLO, ANTONIO To J. G. Pilling, St. Joseph's Mission, Oct. 14, 1888. 6 pp. 20. 3 cm. Excerpts from his grammar. 1 638 Sample of two pages of Nez Perces dictionary sent for inspec- tion to the Bureau of Ethnology. 1892. 2 pp. 25.2 cm. NIPPISING 639 [MATHEVET, JEAN CLAUDE] [Sentences in French and Nippising], 1750. 3 pp. 24.9 cm. OPATA 1640 BARBASTRO, FRANCISCO ANTONIO [Discursos en Opata]. 4ji pp. 1 4. 1 cm. Pp. 1-2J missing. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1641 LOMBARDO, NATAL (1684-1704) Arte de la Lengua Teguima Llamada vulgarme te . Opata. 4J2 pp. 2 1. 5 cm. Printed in Mexico, 1J02. 206 INDIAN LANGUAGES OTOMI 1642 CASTAftO, BARTHOLOMfi Lo que precisamente debe saber el Christiano . . . 1 j pp. 13.7 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1643 CATHOLIC CHURCH— LITURGY and RITUAL. CATECHISM. Catessismo Nathonate . . . [1750]. 8 pp. 2 1. j cm. 1644 Cathecismo y breve explicacion de la doctrina Christiana en idioma Othomi. 33 PP- *3-7 cm - Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1 645 Methodo breve para confessar a un Yndio en idioma Othomi. 33 PP- J 3-7 cm - Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1646 DOS sermones en lengua Otomi. 17th c. 7 pp. 21.6 cm. Mutilated. 1647 EXAMEN critico de la Gramatica Otomi de Neve y Molina; Discurso critico de la Doctrina Otomi. 143 pp. 21.3 cm. 1648 GAONA, JUAN de (1507-1560) Colloqvios de la paz. y tranquilidad Christiana. Interlocu- tores: un religioso, y un collegial. 458 PP- J 5 cm - Printed in Mexico, 1582. 1649 MIRANDA, FRANCISCO de (1720-1787) Catecismo Breve En lengua Otomi . . . Impreso en Mexico, en la Imprenta de la Bibliotheca Mexicana, 1759. 24 pp. 13.7 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. Manuscript edited by author for printing. 1650 SANCHEZ de la BAQUERA, JUAN Modo Breve de aprender a ler, escrevir, pronunciar, y ablar el Idioma Othomi . . . Ano de 1747. no pp. 75 cm. 1 65 1 [SANCTURALE hiemale]. Recueil de sermons pour les fetes de differents saints. (At end: Del uso de P. Orroz). 17th c. 132 pp. 14.2 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Nationale. INDIAN LANGUAGES 207 1652 URBANO, ALONSO Arte breve De la lengua otomi . . . go pp. 1 8. 1 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1653 VARGAS, MELCHIOR de, tr. Doctrina Christiana, muy util, y necessaria en Castellano, Mexicano, y Otomi: . . . Ordenada por mandado del Yll mo . y Rev. Sr. D. Pedro de Moya de Contreras . . . Mexico, 1576. 73 PP- T 3-7 cm " Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1654 [VOCABULARIO OTOMI. 1750]. (Spanish- Otomi). 571 pp. 31 cm. POGONGHI 1655 AGUILAR, FRANCISCO de Platica en lengua Pocomchi . . . Tamahun, Dec. 17, 1822. 24 pp. 13.7 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in University of Pennsylvania Library. 1656 Platica Para que los Indios digan al Ministro . . . Afio de 1822, en Poconchi. 2 9 PP- I0 -5 crn " Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Univer- sity of Pennsylvania Library. 1657 AGUILERA, HIPPOLITO de Doctrina Christiana en Pocomchi Escrita por Fr. Hippolito de Aguilera, Predicador, Cura de este Partido de el Pocomchi Santa Maria Tactic. 16 pp. 13.4 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1658 CATHOLIC CHURCH— LITURGY and RITUAL Confesonario en Castellano y Poconchi. Tactic, afio de 18 14. 42 pp. 13.3 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1659 DOCTRINA Christiana en Pocomchi, Afio de 1810. 41 pp. 13.2 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. Copied by Berendt. 1660 MORAN, PEDRO Arte breve y compendiosa de la lengua Pocomchi de la Pro- vincia de la Verapaz . . . Apr. 10, 1720. 17 pp. 23 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Nationale. 208 INDIAN LANGUAGES 1 66 1 PL ATI C A de los principales misterios de la Religion, en Po conchi con unos Actos de fe, esperanca y caridad. [19th c.]. 28 pp. io.y cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Nationale. 1662 SERMON de Nra. Sra. del San Rosario, ano de 1818. yy pp. 11 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1663 [SERMONES EN POGONCHI]. 37° PP- ^ cm - Many pp. mutilated. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Peabody Museum. 1664 [SERMONES, oraciones en lengua Poconchi]. 754 PP- 2 7-5 cm " Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1665 VIANA, FRANCISCO de (d. 1609) [Sermones en Poconchi]. c. 1550. 428 pp. 20.8 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. POKOMAN 1666 MORAN, PEDRO Bocabulario de solo los nombres de la lengua Pokoman . . . 242 pp. 20.5 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1667 RUANO SUAREZ, ALBERTO [Estudios y vocabularios, Pokoman y Chorti]. 121 pp. ig.g cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. POTAWATOMI 1668 [SIMERWELL, ROBERT], tr. Catechism and hymns translated into the Potawatomi lan- guage, preceded by alphabet and a few notes on phonetics. 61 pp. i8.g cm. SAC AND FOX 1669 BATICE, WALTER (SHEET LIGHTNING) To W. D. Barge, Chicago, Feb. 27, 191 9. j pp. 25.2 cm. ABC's in Sac and Fox. INDIAN LANGUAGES 20g SALISH 1670 TATE, CHARLES MONTGOMERY, tr. Sweet by and by. / p. 20.8 cm. SHAWNEE 1671 [RIDOUT, THOMAS] (1754-1829) [Sundry words of the Shawanese language] 1 788. 10 pp. 34.5 cm. Printed in Edgar, Mathilda. Ten Years of Upper Canada . . . Toronto, i8go. 1672 YEATES, JASPAR A List of Shawanese Words, 1776. May 18, 1889. 4 pp. 22.2 cm. Copy. TANANA 1673 BOULET, JEAN BAPTISTE To J. W. Powell, New Whatcom, Wash., May 22, 1893. / p. 21.4 cm. Lord's prayer in Tanana language. TARASCAN 1674 [CALENDARIO de Michoacan]. Copy by Veytia, 1756. g pp. 14.2 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Rationale. 1675 [CALENDARIO TARASCO Y NAHUATL] [16th c.]. 33 PP- J 6- 2 cm - Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Rationale. 1676 CATHOLIC CHURCH— LITURGY and RITUAL Cathecismo breve en lengua Tarasca, y recopilacion de algunos verbos los mas communes para el vso de la misma lengua. Dis- puesto por El B r . D n . Joseph Zepherino Botello Movellan . . . Afio de 1756. Sancta Fee del Rio y Septiembre 27. 106 pp. 14.5 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 210 INDIAN LANGUAGES 1677 [Doctrina en Tarasca]. 16th c. 80 pp. 13 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original owned by Nicolas Leon. 1678 [GILBERTI, MATURINO] (16th c.) [Diccionario grande castellafio-Tarasco]. 2 59 PP- 22 -5 cm - Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Sociedad Mexicana de Geo graft a estadistica. 1679 [Diccionario grande Tarasco castellano]. 300 pp. 22.3 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1680 [Sermones breves en lengua de Michoacan]. Sigvense vnos breves sermones . . . para cada domingo del afio . . . orde- nados por El p e f mathurino gilberti . . . 39 2 PP- T 3'8 cm " Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1 68 1 [Sermones en la lengua Tarasca]. 446 pp. 14.4 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1682 [Vocabulario Tarasco Castellano . . . 1569]. 2g6 pp. 2j cm. Mutilated. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1683 [IRIARTE, JOSEPH de] [Sermones en lengua de Cintzuntzan, 1697]. 394 PP- *4-4 cm - Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1684 MENESES, FELIPE de Tratado de la Doctrina . . . vertido al idioma de Michoacan por Fray Maturino Gilberti . . . 1568. 421 pp. ig.8 cm. 1685 [SERRA, ANGEL] [Vocabulario, arte y confesionario en lengua Tarasca]. 238 pp. 15 cm. Mutilated. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1686 BOCABULARIO BREBE y manual de la lengua de Michoa- can, June 28, 1647. 136 pp. 20.7 cm. TSIMGHIAN 1687 TATE, CHARLES MONTGOMERY, tr. I'm going home to die no more. / p. 20.8 cm. INDIAN LANGUAGES 211 TZENTAL 1688 ARA, DOMINGO de (16th c.) Egregium opus fratris Dominici Dehara. De comparacionibus 6 similitudinibus. In festo sanctissimi sacramenti. Modus ad- ministrandi sacramentum matrimonii . . . 180 pp. 15.1 cm. 1689 Bocabulario en Lengua Tzeldal. [1571]. 328 pp. 14.5 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1690 CATHOLIC CHURCH— LITURGY and RITUAL Modo de administrar los sacramentos en castellafio y Tzendal. 1707. Tuxtla Gutierrez, 1870. 46 pp. 16 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1691 GARCIA, PEDRO MARSELINO Informe sobre la sublevacion de los Zendales . . . June 5, 1716. 160 pp. 23.3 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1692 [GUZMAN, ALONSO de] Bocabulario de lengua Tzeldal segun el orden de coPana- Bastla. 2 94 PP- T 4-3 cm - Photograph, W. E. Gates. 1693 TEMPORAL, BARTHOLOMfi Libro de Comparaciones y de moral cristiana . . . [c. 1600]. 340 pp. 14.5 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates. TZOTZIL 1694 CASTILLEJO, CLEMENTE Frases en lengua Zotzil . . . 1830. (Fragmentos). Proclama- cion del Gobierno de Chiapas a los Indios sublevados en lengua Zotzil, 1869. 7 PP- z 5'5 cm - Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in University of Pennsylvania Library. 1695 DOCTRINA CHRISTIANA abreviada en Lengua Zotzlem, [19th c] 21 pp. 75.5 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Nationale. 212 INDIAN LANGUAGES TZUTUHIL 1696 [VICO, DOMINGO de] (16th c.) Sermones en lengua Achi 6 Tzutuhil compuestos para el uso de los Padres de la Orden de Santo Domingo de Guatemala, a principios del siglo XVII, conforme al estilo del Ven. P. F. Domingo de Vico. 346 pp. 14.4 cm. Imperfect: lacking leaves 1-30. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Bibliotheque Rationale. 1697 [Theologia indorum en Tzutuhil]. 375 PP' I 4-5 cm ' Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Nationale. YAQUI 1698 VOCABULARIO Hispano-Hyaqui. [18th c] 999 PP- *9-8 cm. ZAPOTECA 1699 ARTE ZAAPOTECO, Confessonario, Administracion De Los Santos Sacramentos, y otras Guriosidades, que en el se con- tien 11 . Perteneciente al Mui R. P. L. Fr. Juan Francisco Ter- ralba . . . Sacado de su Original en esta Cavez a . de Ocotlan, 1800. 3°9 PP- 20 cm - 1700 BELMAR, FRANCISCO (b. 1859) Disertacion sobre las lenguas zapoteca, chinanteca, mixe y trike y comparacion con el zoke y el mixteco . . . 1891. iQ4 pp. 26.4 cm. 1701 CUEVA, PEDRO de la (d. 1612) Parabolas y exemplos sacados de la naturaleza y de los cos- tumbres del Campo, aplicados a la moral cristiana, obra es- crita en lengua Zapoteca para el consuelo e instruccion de los naturales de la misma lengua . . . 2J2 pp. 13 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque Nationale. INDIAN LANGUAGES 213 1702 MANUAL de la lengua Gastellana y zapoteca . . . Nov. 16, 1696. 104 pp. 2 1. j cm. ZOQUE 1703 GONZALEZ, LUIS Arte breve y Vocabulario de la lengua Tzoque, conforme se habla en el pueblo de Tecpatlan; dividese en dos partes, en la primera se trata de las quatro partes de la oracion, de- clinables ... La segunda se compone de un vocabulario, lo todo compuesto por el padre Fray Luis Gonzalez . . . ano de 1672. 33° PP- J 3-9 cm ' Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque JVationale. 1704 [POZARENCO, JUAN] Arte de lengua Zoque para la mayor gloria de Dios Nuestro Sefior. 32 pp. 16 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque JVationale. 1705 Doctrina Christiana, En Lengua Tzoque, seguida de un Con- fessionario y del modo de dar el viatico a los enfermos . . . 1696. 64 pp. 16 cm. Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in Biblio- theque JVationale. 1706 Vocabulario De La Lengua Qoque, 1733. 354 PP- 2I cm - Photograph, W. E. Gates, from original in John Carter Brown Library. PHILIPPINE LANGUAGES 1707 ROJO, PABLO Corona Lengiiistica de los Espafioles de Filipinas (Francisca- nos). [Manila, Feb. 25, 1887]. 32 pp. 31. g cm. BR 53:410. Biographical and bibliographical matter concerning Franciscans who produced works in Filipino languages. Added note on title-page: Toda la parte que se refiere a los dialectos de Filipinas, la incluyo en los Apendices del Teatro tagalo . . . 1889. BIGOL 1708 MELANDRERAS, FRAY Poesias ineditas . . . ; dedicatory letter to Manuel Crespino, undated. 23 pp. 21.6 cm. BR 53:418. Written in the Philippine Islands and dealing with matters concerning the country, "particularly beautiful de- scription of the Region of Bicol." BISAYA 1709 ARTE de la lengua Zebuana, de los naturales bisayas en Fili- pinas. [1800?]. 79 pp. 29.2 cm. BR 53:374. 1710 MANILA. PHILIPPINE LIBRARY Photographs of 3 ancient manuscripts antedating Spanish oc- cupation. Old stories of the Bisayans. 3 plates. 25 cm. 1711 OVIEDO, JUAN ANTONIO de (1670-1757) Ritual o Libro de las Costumbres, y vsos, que deben guardar todos los Nuestros en la Provincia de Bisayas Corregido, y confirmado por el P e . Juan Antt°. de Oviedo . . . 1 724. (Bound in the same volume are many other miscellaneous documents, abstracts of law, instructions for the teaching of the Indians, ecclesiastical treatises, recipes, etc. in Spanish and Tagalog). 603 pp. 20.1 cm. BR 53:332. 214 PHILIPPINE LANGUAGES 215 ILOCANO 1712 CHRISTIE COLLECTION (EMERSON B. CHRISTIE) Ballaag. Quen no casano ti panagnovenit ituy. Signed Ylde- fonso Tayloga. 38 pp. 13 cm. 1 7 1 3 Candon. Unpublished chronicles of the town of Candon, Ilo- cos Sur, copied from a manuscript in the Presidencia, Benito Ilustre, Interpreter. §4 pp. 21.5 cm. 1 7 14 Catalogue of Mr. E. B. Christie's collection of works in the Ilocano language. 7/ pp. 26.3 cm. 1 715 [Doctrina Christiana]. 4J2 pp. 20.3 cm. 17 16 Extracts from Benito's diary, note concerning Candon, etc. i2g pp. 21.5 cm. 17 1 7 A history of the revolution at Candon, 1898, copied from the manuscript of Fernando Guirnalda, ex- President of the Re- public of Candon. 65 pp. 21.5 cm. 1 718 Iloco narratives from the book of Pascual Agcavdo. 58 pp. 21.5 cm. 1 719 Misterios principales de Nvestra Santa Fee. 34 pp. 22.4 cm. Book I, ch. I-X only. 1720 Poems and songs in Ilocano. J 49 PP- 21.5 cm - 1 72 1 Salsaleta ti maysa a Baquit. (An old woman's story). 1 j pp. 21.5 cm. 1722 Sermones y doctrina . . . (incomplete, pp. 13-78 and Tabla de lo que contiene en este Libro). yi pp. 22.4 cm. Inscription: A uso de Fr. Fran 00 . Ant . Abella. 1723 CORRIDO 6 romance en idioma Ilocano, de lo sucedido a Dn. Feodorico en una ciudad Europa, en Espana. Agoo, Oct. 1, 1896. Copy made for W. E. Retana, date, that of copying. 104 pp. 20.g cm. BR 53:415. 2l6 PHILIPPINE LANGUAGES 1724 LOYOLA, IGNACIO de (1491-1559) Exercicio de S. Ygnacio de Loyola. Traducida en lengua Yloca por el M. R. P. Pred. Fr. Manuel Garris . . . Afio de 1755. 294 pp. ig.6 cm. 1725 RESURRECCION, PRIMITIVO Metodo para ensefiar a los jovenes la gramatica castellana por medio del idioma Ilocano . . . Namacpacan, 1886. 323 pp. 20.3 cm. MANGYAN 1726 BAMBOO ROLLS on which are scratched in Mangyan char- acters Mangyan songs. These are translated into Tagalog by three Mangyans, Bocon, Damdam and Gobla. 22 rolls. Various sizes. Mainly begging and courting songs. 1727 GARDNER, FLETCHER Mangyan songs. Translated into Tagalog by Bocon, Damdam and Cobla, [1905]. English version. 8 pp. 26.1 cm. BR 53:418. PAMPANGA 1728 BRAVO, ANTONIO Yslas Filipinas. Guestionario y Vocabulario de la lengua Pam- panga dialecto . . . recogidas por el S r . Fr. Antonio Bravo en el pueblo de Candaba el dia 10 de agosto 1886. 30 pp. 30.6 cm. 1729 Cuestiones grammaticales: sus contestaciones. Candaba, Aug. 10, 1886. 3 pp. 26.8 cm. TAGALOG 1730 ASUNCION, DIEGO de la (d. 1690) Obras predicables en idioma Tagalog . . . Manila, 1680. 131 pp. 28.2 cm. PHILIPPINE LANGUAGES 217 1731 BENCUCHILLO, FRANCISCO (1710-1776) Arte poetico Tagalog . . . Prologo de toda la Obra al celoso Ministro Evangelico, y Curioso de Saber. Manila, 1759. 32 pp. 20.2 cm. Printed in Retana, W. E. Archivo del Bibliofilo filipino, Madrid, i8g^ t 1. 1732 CASTRO, JOSEPH IGNACIO CARBALLO de El medico de si mismo modo practico de curar toda dolencia con el vario, i admirable uso de el Agua . . . Pamplona, 1754; a composite volume including also sermons, partly translated into Tagalog, written or delivered, 1 781-1783, by Fr. Manuel Delgado of the Recollet Augustinian convent of St. Sebastian de Manila; pamphlet attacking the clergy. Sampaloc, 1821. 500 pp. ig.8 cm. 1733 CORRIDO precioso: vida de la Princesa Celira y el Rey Ys- mefio de Atenas y de los pastores Ardino y Gilmena. Tradu- cido por Ramon M a . Coll, maestro de Mogpog (Mindoro). Manila, 1886. J4 pp. 20 cm. Tagalog printed text bound in same volume. 1734 CORRIDO y vida que pasaron el principe Orontis y la reina Talestris en el reino de Tamesita. Traducido por la Srta. D a . Ana Romero de Llamaz. 336 pp. 20 cm. Tagalog printed text bound in same volume. 1735 CUENTO y vida de Los 12 Pares de Francia, Vasallos del Emperador Carlo Magno, hasta que fueron vendidos por Galalon a la muerte en Roncesvalle. Traducido por Emiliano Navarrete. 428 pp. 15.2 cm. Tagalog printed text bound in same volume. 1736 DOMINICAS DOCTRINALES en Lengua Tagala por un pa- dre Agustino de estas islas. Sampaloc, 1701. 258 pp. 26.1 cm. 1737 DOS milagros de la Virgen: el i° la horrorosa vida de Volfango y Lucrecia; y el 2° la muy admirable vida de Alberto y Dioni- sia. Traducido por Feliciano Lopez Castillo. Manila, 1886. 100 pp. 1 j. 1 cm. Tagalog printed text bound in same volume. 1738 HISTORIA de Florante y Laura en el reino de Albania. Sa- cada de los cuadros historicos o pinturas que espresan los 2l8 PHILIPPINE LANGUAGES sucesos que ocurrieron en los tiempos pasados en el Ymperio de Grecia. Traducida por Alejo Custodio maestro de Vitas. Manila, 1886. J 59 PP- 20 -8 cm - Tagalog printed text bound in same volume. 1739 HISTORIA de la pastora Blancaflor, y del principe Floristo en la isla Florista. Traducida por Jose Serrano . . . Manila, 1886. 134 pp. 1 4. 1 cm. Tagalog printed text bound in same volume. 1740 HISTORIA de la vida de Tablante de Ricamonte y de los consortes Jofre y Bruniesen, en el reinado de Camalor que esta bajo el dominio del Rey Artos y de la Reina Ginebra. Traducida por Rufino Santiago, maestro de la 2 a . escuela de Tondo. Manila, 1886. 2 97 PP- *5- 2 cm - Tagalog printed text bound in same volume. 1 741 HISTORIA de los dos amantes D n . Felizardo y D a . Rogeria en el reino de Barcelona, traducida por Pedro Enriquez . . . Manila, 1886. 8g pp. 15 cm. Tagalog printed text bound in same volume. 1742 HISTORIA del Principe Florinio hijo del rey Olfredo y la reina Emilia. Traducida por Pedro Serrano. Manila, 1886. 143 pp. 15. 1 cm. Tagalog printed text bound in same volume. 1743 HISTORIA del Principe Igmidio y de la Princesa Gloriana hija del rey Grimaldo, del reino del Gran- Cairo. Traducida al cas castellano, por Pedro Serrano. Manila, 1886. Q4 pp. 14.8 cm. Tagalog printed text bound in same volume. 1744 HISTORIA famosa de Bernaldo Carpio Hijo de D n . Sancho Diaz y D a . Jimena en el Reino de Espafia. Traducida por Ilde- fonso Mendoza, maestro de San Felipe Neri. Manila, 1887. 232 pp. 14$ cm. Tagalog printed text bound in same volume. 1745 HISTORIA y aventuras que paso D a . Maria en el reino de Murcia. Traducida por Ramon Leogardo . . . 93 PP- 2 ' 1 cm " Tagalog printed text bound in same volume. 1746 HISTORIA y vida pasada por Manrique en el condado gober- nado en el reino de Francia por el hijo de Guillermo de Lima y Leonor hermana de Guiller. 176 pp. 13.5 cm. Tagalog printed text bound in same volume. PHILIPPINE LANGUAGES 2ig 1747 LAMENTABLE historia Rey Villarba, de su esposa Dona Maria tambien de sus tres hijos, todos naturales del Reyno de Aeruel. Manila, 1886. 2 99 PP' J 3-9 cm - Tagalog printed text bound in same volume. 1748 PAGLAYONAN, FABIAN Ytonamay ang escrito nang Gapitan D n Fabian Paglayonan sa Sefior Alcalde mayor bagay sapag y va sacaniya ni lorencio Mamili. 10 pp. 2g.8 cm. 1749 RELACION de la muy triste vida que pasaron los siete Ynfan- tes de Lara y su infelis Padre en el Reino de Espafia. Tradu- cida . . . por Ciriaco Espejo, Manila, 1867. go pp. 14.6 cm. Tagalog printed text bound in same volume. 1750 RELACION de la vida que pasaron los 3 hermanos principes, hijos del rey Fernando y de la reina Valeriana del reino de Berbania. Manila, 1886. go pp. 20.8 cm. Tagalog printed text bound in same volume. 1 75 1 RELACION y vida de los esposos la Reina D a . Beatrix y el Rey D n . Ladislao en el Reino de Ungria . . . Manila, 1887. T 55 PP- 7 5 cm " Tagalog printed text bound in same volume. 1752 SERMONARIO Tagalo trabajado por varios padres agustinos en las misiones de Filipinas. [17 12]. 274 pp. ig.g cm. Manuscript note of W. E. Retana in book, Aug. 15, i8g4, describing the work. 2 pp. 1753 SUCESOS de la vida del Conde Urbano, en el reino de Yrlanda, y de la Princesa Rosamunda . . . Manila, 1886. 59 PP- J 5 cm - Tagalog printed text bound in same volume, 1754 [TAGALISCHES WORTERBUCH]. 401 pp. 34.3 cm. 1755 TRADUCCION literal de la historia del Principe D n . Juan Fe- fioso por P. D. Manila, 1887. 212 pp. 14.8 cm. Tagalog printed text bound in same volume. 1756 TRAGEDIA de la vida que pasaron Don Rodrigo de Villas y Dona Jimena en el Reyno de Espafia. Traducida por Balbino Excequiel. Manila, 1887. 369 PP- 15 cm* Tagalog printed text bound in same volume. 220 PHILIPPINE LANGUAGES 1757 TRAGIGA vida de D. Jose Flores y la Princesa Virginia, hijos del Rey Magalones de Turquia. Traducida por Jose E. Flores, y Egidio Fernandez. Manila, 1886. 212 pp. 14.2 cm. Tagalog printed text bound in same volume. 1758 TRISTE vida de Dona Ynes en el reyno de Portugal educada desde su infancia por una princesa Espafiola. Traducida por Paulina Saldativas. Manila, 1886. 2 9 PP- 7 5 cm - Tagalog printed text bound in same volume. 1759 VERA, HONORATO de D a . Ynes Cuello de Garza y el Principe Nicanor . . . [Manila]. 488 pp. 2 1. 5 cm. Comedy in Tagalog, written about 1882. 1760 VIDA de Dona Marcela y de un Mercader en el reino de Por- tugal. Traducida por D. Ramon M. Coll . . . 112 pp. 20 cm. Tagalog printed text bound in same volume. 1 761 VIDA de Gonzalo de Cordova llamado el Gran Capitany dela Princesa Zulema 6 La conquista del reino de Granada por el Rey D. Fernando y su esposa D a . Ysabel la Catolica . . . Tra- ducida en castellano por Maximino de Jesus . . . Manila, 1887. 12 J pp. jj cm. Tagalog printed text bound in same volume. 1762 VIDA de la Princesa Adriana, en el reyno de Antioquia y del Principe Pantinople, en el imperio de Francia. Traducida por Ariston Aguilar . . . Manila, 1886. I2Q pp. 15 cm. Tagalog printed text bound in same volume. 1763 VIDA de la princesa Estrella y el principe Rojer, en Berbania, traducida al castellano. Por Ramon M a . Coll . . . Mindoro. Manila, 1887. 120 pp. 20.3 cm. Tagalog printed text bound in same volume. 1764 VIDA de Leopoldo y de la Princesa Arintina, hija del rey Aronte del imperio de Francia, y del desastroso y lamentable fin de Leogarda y de los dos hijos de esta naturales de la Villa. Manila, 1887. 152 pp. 1 5. 1 cm. Tagalog printed text bound in same volume. 1765 VIDA y sucesos de D n . Jaime del Prado hijo de D n . Enrico y D a . Ysabel, Reyes de Undria. Traducido por D n . Ramon Leogarda . . . Manila, 1887. 161 pp. 1 j cm. Tagalog printed text bound in same volume. PHILIPPINE LANGUAGES 221 ZAMBALA 1766 SAN DAMlAN, BLAS de (b. 1720) Arte de la Lengua de Masinloc que escrivio el P. Fr. Bias de S n . Damian, afio de 1755. 814 pp. 19.5 cm. HAWAIIAN LANGUAGES 1767 COELHO, W.J. [Hawaiian lessons]. 21 pp. 33 cm. TS. 1768 REMY, JULES (1826-1893) [Vocabulaire Havaiien- Frangais]. i6y pp. j. 2 cm. 1769 Vocabulaire Frangais- Havaiien. Recueilli dans l'archipel de Havaii pendant les annees 1 852-1 855. 250 pp. 22.5 cm. 222 INDEX REFERRING TO ITEM NUMBERS Abbott, James i, 2, 3y Abbott, Samuel 3, 35, gy, 201, 2y8, 2gi Abella, Benancio de 1281 Abella, Francisco Antonio 1J22 Abercromby, James 4 Abeyra, Duquesa de 1398, 1428 Abies, T. J 5 Abnakis 59^,593 Abraham {Mohawk chief) 6, y, 14 An account of a scout sent to North River 10 An account of a visit lately made to the people called Quakers 8 An account of the Indians in Virginia g Account of travels in the Hawaiian Islands, i8yj 1462 An account of what I lost at the Fort Machushit // Adam, Qj. F. Lucien 1024 Adams, John 12 Adda, Jeronimo, Marques de 13 Addington, Isaac 57/ Agcavdo, Pascual iyi8 Aguilar, Ariston iy62 Aguilar, Francisco J 655> 1656 Aguilera, Hippolito de 1 ^57 Aguilar y Ponce de Leon, Rafael Maria de 1401 Aguinaldo y Famy, Emilio 1282-1284 Ahuja, Francisco 1285 Alarqon, Baltasar I 493 Albany committee 14 Albornoz, Juan de 1518 Albrizzi, Carlo 1025 Alcazar, Phelipe del 1286 Alegria, Andres de 1026 Alexander, Thomas 468 Alexander, William 3y8, g22 223 224 INDEX Alexander, William DeWitt 1463 Alger, Abby Langdon 75 Algonquian language 1464, 1465 Algunos apuntes sobre la historia antigua de Yucatan .... i$gj Algunos sermones (Kiche) *539 Allen, Samuel j8i Allen, Winnie II 75 Almagro, Diego 1027, 1202 Altamirano, Antonio 1188 Altamirano, Juan de Ndjera 1028 Altamirano, Pedro Ignacio i02g Alvarado, Gregorio 1447 Alvarado, J. B 1213 Alvarado, Pedro 1030 Alvares, Pedro 1287 Alvarez, Juan Manuel I2 34 Alzate, Ismael 1296 Alzate y Ramirez, Jose A, de 1031 Ameloy, Julian de 1288 American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions . . 16 American Fur Company .... 3, ij, 18, 36, gy, 202, 203, 215, 2yg, 2gi, 326, 554, jg6, 77^779 Amherst, Jeffery ig Ammon 418 Amontuer, Michel 325 Amory, Nathaniel 1006 Anday Salazar, Simon de 1286, I28g-i2g2 Anderson, W. P 20 Andrade, Antonio I2 93 Andrew, Samuel 21, 342 Andrews, C. C 22 Angel, Fr I4g4~i4g6 Angeles, Juan de los I2 94 Angelita, Marcelo 1339 Angelo, Jacobo 74 1 Anleo, Bartolome 1540 INDEX 22J Anoosamaye, J 23 Antelope, Faustinus W. 24, 25 Antequera, Mexico {1750) 11 44 Antonio, Indian 241 Anza, Juan Bautista de 1032, 1033, I0 93 Apostol, Joana Bernarda 1293 Appy, John 26 Apthorp, Charles 27, 28 Apthorp, Thomas 898 Apuntes, informes sobre Filipinas I2 97 Apura, Silvestre 1298 Ara, Domingo de 1688, 1689 Aragoneses, Francisco I2 99 Arana Xahila, Francisco Ernantez 1497 Aranda, Conde de . 1033, 1286, 1291, 1293, 1303, 1341, 1344 AraoZy Francisco 1492 Araoz, Juan de I0 34 Arco, Ventura del 1300 El Argos de Matamoros 1132 Ariola, Andres de I0 35 Arkansas-Governor {Archibald Tell) 29 Armstrong, John 30, 700, 755, 984 Armstrong, William 1006 Arnaut, 134 Arnaya, Nicolas de 1036, 1037 Arte de lengua Qiche 1541 Arte de la lengua Zebuana I 7°9 Arte £aapoteco, Confessonario J ^99 Arzaduny Revolledo, Joseph Ignacio de 1301 Ascension, Antonio de la 1038 Asfeld, Marquis de 295 Ashburne, Ensign 80 Ashe, John Baptista 31 Ashley, Mrs. Algeline Jackson 32 Ashley, Jonathan 33, 34 Ashley, Joseph C. 34 226 INDEX Ashton, Isaac M 784 Asia {1750) 1302 Aspinwall, Thomas no Astor, John Jacob 35, 36 Astor, William Backhouse 36, 37 Asuncion, Diego de la I 730 Atalaya 1132 Atienza, Lope de I0 39 Atkinson, Henry 38, 171, 310 Atkinson, Theodore 39, 40 Atwater, Caleb 41, 254 Aubin, Joseph Marius A ^473 Audubon, John James 42 Avaugour, Pierre Dubois a" 43 Avendano y Loyola, Andres de 1040 Avery, Amos 671 Aveyra, Duquesa de 1398, 1428 Ayer, E. E. . 25, 47, 112, 120, 232, 245, 258, 259, 284, 288, 332, 353, 379, 3fc> 393, 445, 604, 725, 826, 901, 911, 919, 947 Ayer, Mrs. E. E 605 Azcapotzalca 1271 Azcarate, Jose 1380 Azcarraga, Jose de 1326 Aztec language 1 466-1492 B Bacabs, Ritual of the 1598 Backhouse, Richard 44 Bader, 45 Baierlain, E. R 808 Bailly, Alexis 46 Baird, Henry S 1000 Balabac 1310 Baldivieso, Jose de 1026 Ball, Gideon 27 INDEX 22J Bamboo rolls, Mangyan 1726 Bancroft, Hubert Howe 47 Bankhead, Charles 1136 Baptista, Juan i62g Barabe, Nicolas 48 Barb astro, Francisco Antonio 1640 Barber, John Warner 4g, jo Barclay, David 654 Barclay, Robert 654 Barefoot, Walter g62 Barge, William David 51, giy, i66g Baring, Alexander 1006 Barlow, S. D '. 18 Barnard, Alonzo 52-54 Barnard, Ebenezer, Jr 227 Barnard, Timothy 55 Barrera, Francisco 1342 Barrientos, Gines 1311 Barrientos, Luis I 5 I 9 Barrientos, Pedro de 1041 Barron, Eustace 1136 Barry, John 1006 Barry, Thomas 1006 Bartholomew, John j6 Bartlett, John Russell 57, 824 Barton, Thomas 5<9 Basalenque, Diego I 593~ I 595 Basaraz, Domingo Bias de 12 go Bascoy Vargas, Jose de J 372, 1400 Basseta. Domingo de *543> J 544 Batalla, J 1312 Bates, Frederick jg Batice, Walter i66g Bautista, Pedro I 3 I 3i I 3 I 4 Baylies, Francis 60 BealL Thomas B 61 228 INDEX Beaubien, Jean Baptiste 62 Beauchamp, William Martin 63 Beebe, Colonel 1566 Beede, Aaron McGaffey 64 Beers, Isaac 885 Belcher, Jonathan 577, 625, 960 Belden, John 415 Belena, Eusebio Buenaventura 1042 Bell, Adam 65 Bell, Nicholas 65 Bellomont, Earl of 337 Belmar, Francisco 1043, 1700 Beltrdn Vicente, Diego 11 46 Benavides, Alonso 1044 Bencuchillo, Francisco 1731 Benezet, Anthony 66 Benito 1716 Benjamin, Indian 716 Benjamin, W. E 103 Benson, Egbert 431, 642 Benton, Thomas H. 587 Beranger, 293 Berendt, C. H 149S, 1612 Berenguer de Marquina, Felix 13 15 Berghes, Carl de . 1045 Bermen de la Martiniere, Louis de 67 Bernaldez Pizarro, Manuel 1316 Bernard, Francis 584 Bernardus Albingaunensis 68 Bicol dialect 1708 Bidal, Claude Franqois 2g$ Biencourt de Poutrincourt, Charles de 6g Bienville, Jean Baptiste Le Moyne de 2Q3 Bigot, Franqois 48, 748 Bilibid, Carcel de 1393 Bisaya dialect I 7°9~ I 7 TI INDEX 22g Blaches, Anne de 295 Black Water, Florida 286 Blackburn, Gideon 70 Blair, Emma 1391 Blair, John 71 Blanco Erenas Rieray Polo, Ramon 1303 Blaney, John 72 Blanford, Elias 833 Blasquezy Vargas, Joaquin 1402 Blood, James A 73 Blood, Richard 672, 994 Blount, William 74~8i, 927 Blue Horse 82 Blumentritt, Ferdinand 1365 Blunston, Samuel 523 Bobe, 293 Bocaldny Vasquez, Joaquin I 3 ( >4 Bocon 1726, 1727 Bodmer, Charles 920 Bogaert, Leon 1046 Bolanos, Francisco 11 36 Bolivar, Simon IS ^39 Bollaert, William 83-93 '> 95 > 47 * Bond, P 1006 Bond, Samuel R 94 Bonnell, George William 95 Boone, Daniel 96 Borrador para la formacion del vocabulario de lengua Kiche . 1545 Boscawen, Edward 615 Bostwick, 0. M. 2,62, 97, 215, 279, 777, 946 Botello Movellan, Joseph Z e P nerino 1676 Boulet, Jean Baptiste J&73 Bouligny, Francisco 1124 Bourdas, Albert 9$>99 Bowles, William Augustus 100, 369 Boyd, George 101 2J0 INDEX Bozard, Robert 72 Brackenridge, Henry Marie 102 Braddock, Edward 103, §82 Bradford, K. J 1006 Bradish, Luther 864 Bradstreet, John 104, 565, 609 Brainerd, John 105 Branciforte, Marques de 11 42 Brandt, Josiah yi8 Brant, Joseph 106, ioy Brasseur de Bourbourg, Charles Etienne 1566 Braunsbergh, Baron de 159, iyi, 355, 555, g20 Bravo, Antonio 1728, 1729 Bread, Peter 429 Breton, J. B. J. 141 Brewster, 598 Breze, Armand de Maille 108 Brideswell, Benjamin 422 Brief e Deutscher Auswanderer aus Nord-Amerika 109 Brisbois, B. W 18 Brodhead, John Romeyn no Brodie, John Pringle 1047 Brbnner, H. L 979 Brooks, Alden R in Brooks, David 429 Brouillon, St. Ovide de 786 Brown, Alexander 112 Brown, J. Robert 113 Brown, Jane 348 Brown, John Peter 933 Brown, Thomas 114, 115 Brown, William 613 Browning, William 116 Bruce, W. H. 666, 847 Bruin, Peter Bryan 117, 359 Brunei, Jean Baptiste 118 INDEX 23I Bruno, Bernardo 1407 Bucareliy Ursua, Antonio Maria 1031, 11 24, 1141, ugi, 1213, 1305 Buckner, Washington P 119 Buelna, Eustaquio 1048 Bull, Nehemiah 203, 370 Burbank, Elbridge Ayer 82, 120, 384 Burbeck, Henry 121, 122 Burbeen, Paul 774 Burch, John Chilton 123 Burial record (Aztec) 1468 Burr, Aaron 124, 1006 Burrall, George P 125 Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno 1306 Burtin, Nicolas Victor 126 Butler, David 127 Butler, Elizur 689 Butler, James Davie 128 Butler, John 129 Butrick, D. S 689 c Cd da Mosto, Aloise 1231 Cabello de Balboa, Miguel I0 49 Cabezas, Protasio I 3°7 Cabredo, Rodrigo de 1030 Cacho, Alexandro 1308 Cadell and Davies 533 Cadereyta, Lope Diaz de Armenddriz 1051 El Cadete Mexicano 1032 Cadillac, Antoine de la Mothe 130, 293 Cagigal, Juan Manuel de 1076, 11 24 Cain, Barnabis 129 Cake hi que I language 1493-13 16 Calcalchen, Libro de I 599 2J2 INDEX Calendario de los Indios de Guatemala, 1685, 1J22 . 1498, 1546 Calendario de Michoacan I ^74 Calendario, Epistole, etc. (Aztec) 1469 Calendario Tarasco y Nahuatl !^75 Calendario y doctrina en Quiche I 547 Calepino grande, castellaho y quiche 1548 Calhoun, John Caldwell 606, 940, 941 Calkini, Chilam Balam de 1600 Call, R. K 876 Callender, Robert 322 Calvo, Lorenzo 1460 Calvo, Thomas I 549 Camacho y Avila, Diego 1309, 1331 Camino del Cielo en Mexicano 1470 Camp, W. M 191, 957 Campa, Miguel de la 1053 Campbell, Archibald 18 Campbell, D. P 566 Campbell, David 930 Campbell, G. W. 20, 115, 175, 939 Campbell, John 131 Campbell, John 308 Campbell, Robert 496 Campbell, Vance Murray 946 Campo, Antonio del 1308 Campos y Valdivia, Francisco 131 1 Canada. Governor, Charles J. Hualt de Montmagny .... 132 Canada. Governor, Jacques R. Brissay Denonville .... 133 Cancer, Luis x 53^ Canning, George 1006 Canovas del Castillo, A 1177 Cantine, John 429 Canto, Ernesto do 135, 351 Capillas, Francisco de I 3 I 7 Car aver 0, Francisco I0 54 Carbonell, Esteban I0 55 INDEX 233 Cardd, William 567 Cardena, Juan Francisco 1086 Cardenas, Christ oval de 11 23 Cardenas, Tomds de 1537 Cardenas y Cordova, Gonzalo de io6g Carleton, Sir Guy 585 Carlton, W. N. C 331 Carlos, Francisco de 1133 Carpegna, Cardinal 1137 Carpenter, A. 5P7 Carpenter, Frederic Ives 137 Carpenter, Mrs. Helen McCowen 136 Carpenter, William Oscar 137 Carpio, Pedro del 1060 Can, 446 Carrasco, Francisco 13 18-1323 Carrillo, Francisco 1041 Carruth, E. H. . 138 Carson, Christopher 139, 140 Carta de la defensa, ijji J 3 2 4 Carter, H. C 1463 Caruthers, Joseph 8gg Carvajal, 1602 Carver, Jonathan 141-143 Casas, Bartolome de las 1056, iojy Cass, Lewis 601-603, 94° Castaneda de Ndjera, Pedro de 1058 Castano, Bartholome 1642 Castillejo, Clemente i6g4 Castillo, Baltazar del iojo Castro, Henry 144 Castro, Ignacio de ngy Castro, Joseph Ignacio Carballo de I 73 2 Castro y Amoedo, Pedro Andres de I 3 2 5 Caswell, Richard 31 Cataldo, Joseph M 145 2J4 INDEX Catlin, George 146-150 Catoonah, Indian 415 Cavallero, Fernando 1060 Cavelier, Jean 151 Cayuga nation 152 Cebey, Francisco 1326 Cempoallan, Codex 1472 Cespedes, Manuel de 1124 Cevallos, Pedro de 1211 Chachiltepeque, Mexico. 1754 II 45 Chalco, Provincia de *476 Chalmers, Lionel 515 Chamberlin, Amory Nelson 153 Chamberlin, Arthur F 153 Champion, Henry 434 Champlin, William 223 Champmeslin, Comte Desmos 293 Chapin, Israel 934 Charcoal, Indian 496 Charencey, Hyacinthe de 1061 Charles, Joseph 531 Charles I 1225, 1226 Charles II ioji, 1232, 1440 Charles III . 1031, 1247, 1250, 1290, 1343, 1385, 1400, 1441 Charles IV *234> J -??5> i 44 i Chastellux, Franqois Jean, marquis de 154 Chaves, Juan Luis de 1062 Chaves, Melchor de 1062 Cherokee Delegation 153, 156 Cherokee Nation 157, 255 Chester, Peter 1063 Cheyenne language I 5 I 7 Chiapaneca language 1318-1522 Chicxulub, Cronica de 1601 Chilam Balam de Calkini 1600 Chilam Balam de Izil 1606 INDEX 2J5 Chilam Balam de Nah 1611 Chilam Balam de Tekax 1619 Chilam Balam de Tizimin 1621 Chin, Rebeckah 365 Chinook language 1523 Chippewa language 152 4- 1526 Chippewa Nation, Treaty 982 Cholti language 1527 Chouteau, Auguste Pierre 158 Chouteau, Pierre 18, 160 , 326, 474, 595 Chouteau, Pierre, Jr 36, 159, 160, 500, 736, 779 Chouteau, Pierre Jr. & Co 807 Chouteau, Rene Auguste 59, 173 Christie, E. B I 7 I 4, 1715 Christie Collection, Ilocano language 171 2-1722 Church, Benjamin 161 Church, J. B 1006 Cifuentes, Conde de I0 35 Clapp, Daniel 162 Clark, Daniel 163-166 Clark, George M 167 Clark, George Rogers 955 Clark, John H. 168 Clark, Sterling Benjamin Franklin 169 Clark, William 170-173, 550, 920, 940 Clarke, Elijah 319, 723 Claus, Daniel 174, 585 Clavigero, Francisco Xavier 1064 Clay, C. C 448 Clay, Green 512 Cleveland, Parker 41, 42 Clinton, DeWitt 838 Clinton, George . . 256, 428, 433, 636-638, 642-646, 995, 996 Clinton, 0. P 852 Coalter, George 775 Cobla 1726, 1727 2j6 INDEX Cochrane, Gavin iy6 Cocking, Matthew 496 Codex Aubin I 47 I Codex Cempoallan 1472 Codex Valeriano 1 474 Codex de 1576 1473 Coelho, W. J 1767 Coffin, William G 138 Cohen, Isaacs & Mordecai 163 Colbert, Jean Baptiste lyy Colbreath, William 645 Colden, Cadwallader 178, 457, 6jg Coleccion de objetos y efectos del Caraballo 1327 Coleccion de pldticas doctrinales en lengua Maya 1602 Colima, Mexico. 1732 11 46 Coll, Ramon M. *733> I 76°> I 7^3 Collinson, Peter 178 Colombia. Viceroy, Jose de Espeletay Galdeano 1065 Colomiskee 873 Colorado. Governor, E. M. McCook 179 Colquohoun, P 1006 Columbus, Christopher 1066, 1067 Colvig, William M. 180 Colyer, Vincent 280 Company for Propagation of the Gospel in New England . . 181 Compendio de los sucesos contra los Mahometanos 1328 Compendio histdrico de las nauegaciones sobre costas de las Californias 1068 Compendio Quiche (1711-1713) 1553 Connecticut, Indian Deed. 167 1 407 Connecticut, Indian Deed. 1702 413 Connecticut, Indian Deed. 1708 415 Connecticut, Indian Deed. 1727 417 Connecticut, Indian Deed. 1729 418 Connecticut, Indian Deed. 1739 421 Connecticut. Governor, Gurdon Saltonstall 182 INDEX 237 Connecticut Land Company 434, 718 Constant, Charles Delacroix de go 2 Contreras, Luis de J 3^9 Converse, Mrs 677 Converse, S 183 Cook, James 336 Cook, Lewis 6^g Cooper, Samuel 374 Cooper, Thomas 1006 Copockron 414 Copway, George 184-187 Coram, Thomas 188 Cordova, Martin de *099 Cordova y Cardenas, Gonzalo Fernandez de I( >99 Cordova y Guzman, Martin Fernandez de io6g, 1070 Cornelius, William 662 Cornhill, Richard 4og Corrido 6 romance en idioma Ilocano I 7^3 Corrido precioso: vida de la Princesa Celira 1733 Corrido y vida que pasaron el principe Orontis J 734 Cortazar, Geronimo 1184 Cortes, Hernando ioji, 1072 Cortes, Pedro 1230 Cosby, William 631 Cosher, Thomas i8g Costa, B. F. de 860 Costanso, Miguel I0 73t 11 9° Costantino de San Felipe 1271 Coto, Thomas 1500 Cotton, Josiah 181, 1592 Couillard, Marguerite 651 Coventry, A 1006 Cowett, Webb 404 Cox, Cornelius C igo Cox,J.D 882 Coyoacan 1476 2$8 INDEX Cozar, Prud. de I °74 Crawford, John 846 Crawford, Mazie igi Crawford, William Harris gj6, gjy Creek language 770 Creek Nation . 192, 318 Cresap, Mary igj Crespi, Juan I0 75-> JI 3^ 9 JI 90, 1192 Crespino, Manuel 1708 Crisp, Benjamin ig^. Crockett, David 782 Croghan, George *95~ 1 99> 457 Croghan, William 200 Croix, Carlos Francisco de 11 28, 11 41, 11 97 Croix, Teodoro de IZ 99 Crdnica de Oxkutzcab 1622 Crdnica Mexicana T 475 Crook, Jacob 412 Crooks, Ramsay 1, 3, 18, 201-203, 472, 5g6 Cruz, Apolinario de la I 373> 1411 Cruz de Oyanguren, Jose I 33° Cruzalegui, Cristdval 1115 Cuba. Archivo Nacional 1076 Cudworth, James 405 Cuenca, Miguel de 1468 Cuento y vida de los 12 Pares de Francia 1735 Cueva, Pedro de la 1701 Cuitlauac 1476 Cuming, Sir Alexander 204 Curia language 1528 Cunen 1581 Cunkapot, Capt 205 Cuoq, Jean Andre 206 Curuzelaegui y Arriola, Gabriel I 39^ Cusick, James N. 207 Custer, George Armstrong 208, 356 INDEX 2jg Custodio, Alejo 1738 Cutter, C. A 727 D D,P 1755 Dablon, Claude 209, 461 Dade, Captain 210 Dalhoon, John 756 Damdam 1726, 1727 Damian, Miguel 1270 Daniell, Captain, Indian 411 Dart, Benjamin 211 Dart, John 212, 213 Dasmarinas, Luis Perez T 395 Dati, Leonardo 214 D'Auteuil, 747 D'Avaugour, Pierre du Bois, Baron 328 Davenport, George 213-217 Davenport, James 687 Davidson, George 218 Davidson, Samuel R 73 Davies, G. & Co 219 Davies, William 200 Davis, Jefferson 220, 393 Davis, Samuel 994 Davison, Alexander 1006 Dean, James 221 Dearborn, Henry 726, 934, 935 Decker, George P 222, 223, 641 Deed. Connecticut. 1721/22 226 Deed. Connecticut. 1793 227 Deed. Georgia. 1828 228 Deed. Georgia. 1833 229 Deed. Maine. 1636 224 Deed. Rhode Island. 1714 223 240 INDEX Deeds {Aztec). 1571-1751 1476, 14JJ Deeds, see also Indian deeds 404-422 Deffensa candnica 1331 De Gannes, 293 Delacroix de Constant, Charles : 230 Delavillebeuvre, Jean 231 DeLancey, Stephen 414 Delgado, Manuel J 732 Delisle, Guillaume 293 Del ser de Dios 1603 Dellenbaugh, Frederick Samuel 232 El Democrata 1132 Demostracion historica de depredacidnes Moros *332 Denison, Daniel 233 Denney, Jonathan 234 Denney, Louis 234 Denney, Martin 234 Denny, William 529, 713 Denonville, Jacques Rene de Brisay 133, 134 De Peyster, Arent Schuyler 235, 236 Descripcion de la Provincia de Ilocos I 333 Descripcion historica y politica de las Tslas Filipinas . . . 1334 Desliettes, sieur 293 DeWitt, Simeon 432, 433 Dewolf, David 23J Dexter, Samuel 933 Diario de la expediccion. . .en la fragata de S.M. nombrada Santiago I0 77 Diario del viaje del E.S. Gobernador de Capiz I 335 Diaz de la Vega, Jose ioy8 Dibb, William Denton 238 Dick, John 239 Dictionarium {Aztec, Spanish, Latin) 1478 Dillingham, John 408, 410, 411 Dillon, H. C 240 Dinsmoor, Silas 241-243 INDEX 24I Dinwiddle, Robert 932, 953 Diogenes, Calixto 1204 Dionne, Narcisse E 244 Dios Gonzales, Juan de I0 79 Discursos breves en lengua Quiche *554 Disertacion anonima acerca de la fundacion de un Hospicio en Manila 1336 Dixon, Joseph Kossuth 243 Doctrina Christiana (Mazateco) 1623 Doctrina Christiana en lengua Mixteca 1630 Doctrina Christiana en la lengua Utlateca I 555 Doctrina Christiana en Poconchi J ^59 Doctrina Christiana en lengua Z oi zlem 1695 Documentos de Totonicapan I 55^ Documentos para le historia ecclesidstica de Mexico . . . . n 37 Documentos varios en lengua Maya 1604 Documentos y apuntes para la vida del Doctor Morga . . . 1337 Dodge, Henry 437 Doherty, David Jessup 246 Dolores, Mexico. 1809 1147 Dombourg, Jean Franqois Bourdon 247 Dominguez, F. A 1170 Dominguezy Argaiz, F. E 1602 Dominicas Doctrinales en Lengua Tagala 1736 Dondis, Jacobo de 740 Do-Ne-Ho-Ga-Wa 674-678 Dongan, Thomas 409 Don Merlin I 33& Dorsey, James Owen 248 Dos milagros de la Virgen 1737 Dos sermones en lengua Otomi 1646 Doty, James Duane 249 Doughty, John 252 Douglas, H. no Douglas, Samuel 1006 Dousman, Hercules L 18 242 INDEX Dousman, Mrs. Hercules L 18 Dousman Papers 18 Doxtater, Mary 127, 250 Doyle, Lt 376 Drake, James 1006 Drake, Samuel Gardner 251, 252 Draper, Lyman Copeland 253, 254. Drayton, William Henry 255 Dreer, F. I. 587 Dreydopple, David 920 Duane, James 256 Duche, Jacob 713 Dudley, Joseph 574 Dudley, Paul 372 Dummer, William 375, 376 Dumont dit Montigny, Jean Benjamin Franqois 237 Duncan, William 238 Dundas, James 1006 Dunn, Jacob Piatt 259 Du Ponceau, Pierre Etienne 260 Duquet, Jacques 896 Duquet, Pierre 896 Durdn, Narciso 1213 Durango, Mexico. 181 2 11 48 Durieu, Paul 261 Du Ru, Paul 262 Dutton, Richard 827 Dygert, Warner 63 E Eames, Wilberforce 263-263 Eaton, Amos Beebe 906 Eaton, William 266 Eddy, Thomas 267, 479 Edgar, Matilda 268 INDEX 243 Edgerton, A. P 392, 710 Edwards, Henry 269 Edwards, Ninian 173, 401, 402 Echavarria, Diego de 1040 Echavarria, Juan de 1211 Echague, Rafael 1306 Eels, Elon 152 Eells, Walter Crosby 270 Eggin, Florence 271 Ehninger, George 18 Ejemplos, discursos en la lengua Maya 1605 Elbert, Samuel 318 Eldreg, Elisha 412 Elgueta, Manuel *590 Ellfryth [or Elfrid), Daniel 272 Ellicott, George 273 Elliot, Nathan 227 Ellis, Manoah 412 Ellis, William 1006 Elorriaga, Miguel de I 339 Ely, William Davis 274 Eminard, Jean Baptiste d* 1080 Emmenecker, Joseph 144 Enmienda, Govantes J 4og Enos, James E 275 Enriquez, Pedro I 74 I Enrique z de Guzman, Luis z 439 Epachey, Indian 627 Epps, Symonds 573 Escalante, Silvestre de Velez de 1081-1084, 1170 Escobedo y Alar qon, Jorge 11 99 Escriptura de testamento en Quiche, 1756 1537 Espejo, Ciriaco 1749 Espejo, Tomds 1282 Espeleta, Joseph de 11 24 Espeletay Galdeano, Jose de 1063, 1233 244 INDEX Espinosa, Baltasar de 1206 Espinosa de los Monteros, Francisco de I 34° Espinosa y Tello, Jose de 1085, 1086 Espinosa y Tello , Manuel de 1085, 1086 An Essay Evenly Discussing the Barbadoes 2j6 Estorgos Gallejos, Francisco Xavier 1341 Etherington, George 2JJ Evans, LP 68g Ewing, Chute & Co 346 Examen critico de la Gramatica Otomi J ^47 Extractoy noticia del tiempo, Provincia de Z e ^ u 1342 Farquhar, Herries 1006 Fajardo de Tenqa, Alonso i$gj Farando, Joseph I343~ I 345> J 399> 1 43^ Farnham, H. 18 Farnham, Russell 216, 278, 2jg Farwell, John Villiers 280 Faulkner, Charles J 306 Faxardo, Juan Isidro io8y Fenno, Charles 1006 Ferdinand VII 1162, 1442 Ferera de Rivera, Doha 1062 Fernandez, Egidio 7757 Fernandez de Folgueras, Mariano 1402 Fernandez Cabeza de Vaca, Jose 13469 *347 Fernandez de Oviedoy Valde's, Gonzalo 1348 Fevret de St. Mesmin, Benigne Charles 281 Figueroa, Francisco Antonio de la Rosa 1088, 1481 Figueroa, Juana 1446 Figueroa, Margarita de 1446, 1447 Fishbourn, Benjamin 282 Fisk, James L g4, 238, 283 Fiske, John 284 INDEX 245 Fiske, Nathan Welby 285 Fitzgerald, John 166 Flores, Jose E 1757 Florida, Black Water 286 Fogg, John S. H. 287 Fonseca, Domingo de 1089 Forbes, J. A 1136 Forbes, William Cameron 288 Fordham, Elias Pym 28Q Foreman, Grant 290 Forsyth, John 228 Forsyth, Thomas 291 Fortie, George 976 Foss, J. C 540 Foster, Anthony 292 Fox, Henry 583 Francis, Tench 242 France — Colonies. 1702-1750 293 France — Conseil d'Etat. 1702 294 France — Conseil diktat. 1724 295 France — Sovereigns {Louis XIII) 296 France — Sovereigns [Louis Philippe) 297 Francisca, Pedronilla 1271 Franklin, Benjamin 298, 704 Franks, David 199 Franquet, 299, 300 Freeman, Nathaniel 374 Fremont, J. C 587 French, Philip 414 Frisbie, Levi 301 Frontenac, Anthoine de Buade, sieur de 302, 303 Frontenac, Louis de Buade, comte de 296 Frye, Joseph 304, 579 Fuente, Angel de la 1349 Fuentes, Manuel 1591 Fullam, Francis 305 246 INDEX Fuller, A. G 306 Funda, Major 198 G Gafron, John 1524 Gage, Thomas 196, 307-309, 457 Gaines, Edmund Pendleton 310, 311 Gagnon, Phileas 1633 Gaither, Henry 312 Galan, Bartolome I 35° Gales, Joseph, Jr 603 Galphin, George 313 Gallardo, Jose Rafael Rodriguez J ogo Galvez, Bernardo de 1076, 11 24 GalveZf Jose de .... 1076, 1091, 1124, 1213, 12J2, 1421 Galvez, Matias de I0 74 Gamazo, German *374 Gannes, de 293 Gano, John S 314 Ganoda chant 438 Gaona, Juan de 1623, J ^4^ Garces, Francisco Tomds Hermengildo 1092-1094 Garcia, Candido 1351 Garcia, Francisco 1436 Garcia, Genaro 1095 Garcia, Manuel 1076 Garcia, Miguel z 352 Garcia, Pedro Marselino 1691 Garcia de Leony Pizarro, Jose 1096 Garcia de San Vicente, Nicolas 1064 Garcia Gomez, Nicolas 1353 Garcia Icazbalceta, Joaquin I0 97 Garcia Serrano, Miguel T 354 Gardner, Fletcher 1727 Garin, Andre Marie 315, 50 5 INDEX 247 Garnsey, James K. 22J Garrioch, Alfred Campbell 316 Garris, Manuel *7 2 4 Gascoigne, Stephen I 5^9 Gaviria, Manuel I 355 Gayaneshoah 6yy Gayashuta 317 Gayoso, Manuel de 55P Genova e Iturbe, Jose I 35^ George II 340, $$g George III 341 Georgia. Governor, Samuel Elbert 318 Georgia. Governor, Edward Telfair 31 g Germaine, Lord George 114 Gerry, Elbridge 648 Getty, Henry H. 320 Gibbons, Tom 282 Gibbons, William 321 Gibson, Jessie 6go Gibson, John 322, 323 Gilbert, William W. 324 Gilberti, Maturino 1678-1682, 1684 Gilman, Peter 457 Gilmer, G. R 762 Giosan 325 Giraud, Michel 326 Gist, George 68g Glen, Jacob 420 Glen, John 327 Goddard, D. C jg2 Goebel, Juan Jose 1141 Goffe, Edmund 576 Goicoecha, Mariano de 1357 Gomez, F. A 1081 Gonzalez, Jose 1308, 1358 Gonzalez, Luis I 7°3 248 INDEX Gonzalez de Mendoza, Francisco 1098 Good, John Booth 328 Gookin, Charles yoi Gookin, Daniel 23, 329, 330 Gordon, Mrs. Eleanor Lytle (Kinzie) 33 I ~333 Gordon, Lewis 239 Gordon, Patrick 568 Gorges, Ferdinando 334 Gould, Charles 335 Graham, George 755, 938, 939 Great Britain. Admiralty Office 336 Great Britain. Board of Trade 337~339 Great Britain. Sovereigns {George II) 340 Great Britain. Sovereigns {George HI) 341 Green, Samuel 342 Greenland 293 Gregg, John 343 Gridley, Richard 458 Grignon, Augustin . 101, 203, 344-34$, 397> 7 o6 > 77^ 9 J 5> 977 Grignon, Catherine 118 Griswold, R. W. J93 Grouard, Emile 34J Grunewald, Eduard 1633 Guajardo, Alonso 1099 Guanajuato, Mexico. 1776 11 49 Guatemala, Ciudad de 1498 Guatemala. Catholic Church 11 00 Guichart de Kersident, Vincent Fleuri 1631 Guidi, J. B 1298 Guillermet, Alexander 293 Guirion, Manuel de ZI 97 Guirnalda, Fernando I 7 I 7 Gutierrez, Melchor 1069 Guzman, Alonso de 1692 Guzman, Juan Tello de J 3^2 Guzman, Pantaleon de 1501 INDEX 24g H H., M. A 348 Habersham, John 349 Hadley, Lewis Francis 350 Haida language 358 Haliburton, B. G 133, 351, 352 Haldimand, Sir Frederick 491 Hall, Charles 1006 Hall, Sir James 1006 Hall,R.D 353 Halleck, Henry Wager 354 Hallett, Robert 1006 Hamelin, Augustin, Jr 669 Hamilton, Alexander 242 Hamilton, James 952 Hamilton, J. A. Palmer 355 Hamilton, Louis M. 208, 356, 9J4 Hamilton, Philip 356 Hamilton, W. S 38 Hamlin, A. C J94 Hammond, Charles 1006 Hammond, W. A 556 Hancock, John 514, 608 Hancock, Thomas 26 Hancock, Winfield Scott 357 Hand, Edward 364, 521, 643 Hanley, Thomas 417 Hansome, Michael 228 Harding, Godfrey 2JI Harkamer, Hendrick ggy Harlan, James gi6 Harper, Professor 149 Harrison, Charles 35 8, 613 Harrison, Richard 359 2J0 INDEX Harrisse, Henry . . 13, 135, 352, 360-363, 951, ion, 1095 Hartley, Thomas 364 Harwich, Selectmen 365 Hatherly, Timothy 403 Hathorne, William 233 Haupt, Herman, Jr 366, 367 Hawkins, Benjamin 368-371, 427, 689, 895 Hawks, John 372, 373, 581, 788 Hawley, Gideon 374, 375 Haynes, Col 292 Hazen, William Babcock 376, 377 Heath, Joseph 569 Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus 378, 689, 1023 Heckman, Wallace 379 Helps, Sir Arthur 1101 Hendry, Anthony 496 Henley, David . 74, 78, 243, 368, 532, 921, 923, 926, 929, 933 Henry, Captain 76 Henry, Joseph 482 Henry, Patrick 934 Henry, William 397 Herbeson, Massy 252 Hernandez, Geronimo Florencio 1102 Hernandez Spina, Vicente 755 8 Herrera, Joaquin 1183 Herreray Tordesillas, Antonio de 1103,1104 Heve language 1529 Hibben & Co 765 Hiche, Henry 380 Hidalgo y Caballero, Francisco 1281 Hierro, Joseph 1158 Hill, Robert C 381 Hills, George Morgan 63 Hind, Henry Toule I 634 Hinson, John 926 Historia de Florante y Laura 1738 INDEX 2$I Historia de la gentilidad Americana I 55& Historia de la pastor a Blancqflor I 739 Historia de la vida de Tablante de Ricamonte I 74° Historia de los dos amantes, Dn Felizardo y Da Rogeria . . 17 41 Historia del Principe Florinio 1742 Historia del Principe Igmidio 1743 Historia famosa de Bernaldo Carpio T 744 Historia general sacro-profana I 359 Historia y aventur as que paso Da Maria I 745 Historia y vida pasada por Manrique I 74^ Hodgdon, Samuel 44, 383, 924, 932, 983 Hodgdon, Mrs. Samuel 56 Hodge, Frederick Webb 382 Holland, Stephen 775 Holmes, David 937 Holmes, T. 1006 Holmes, William Henry 384 Homwhyowa 8yy Honyart, John 662 Hooe and Harrison ny Hooke, Francis 385 Hoo-wan-nee-kaw 477 Hope, Henry 1006 Hope, Lord 817 Hope, William Johnstone 1006 Hopkins, Gerard T. 273 Hopkins, Rufus 386 Hopkinson, Joseph 431 Horden, John 387 Horsford, Eben Norton 388 Horttega, Francisco de I0 55 Hotiller, 389 Houghton, Timothy 390, 391 Houston, Ensign 80 Howard, Captain 104 Howard, D. W. H. 392 2fj2 INDEX Howard, John B igj Howe, Hezekiah 49 Howell, Joseph g2j Huasteca language 11S3, 1530 Hudson's Bay Co 4g6, 1634 Huggins, Eli L jgj Hughes, C. E 641 Hughs, Major 585 Humain, Francis N. 496 Humboldt, Alexander, freiherr von 394, $gj Hunt, Abijah 1006 Hunt, Samuel jg6 Hunt, Thomas jgy Hunter, John Dunn jg8 Hunter, Thomas Holmes 1006 Huntington, Samuel 68y Hurst, Bishop 1016 Huske, Ellis jgg Hutchins, igg Hutchison, E. A 25 I Ibarra y Marin, Joachin de 11 05 Ibbotson, Henry 400 Iberville, Pierre Le Moyne a" 6g4 Icazabalceta, Joaquin Garcia JI 74 Iglesias de Indias 1106 Ilhuicamina, Motecuhcoma 12JI Illinois Territory — Governor, Ninian Edwards .... 401, 402 Ilocano language 1J12-1J25 Importance of attaching the Indian tribes to the English interest 403 Indian deeds 404-422 Indian petition to the general assembly, Apr. 1, 1J4J . . . 423 Indian treaties 424-438 Informe anonimo al Governador de Yucatan y Campeche . . noy INDEX 25% Ingalls, Rufus 61 Ingoldesby, Richard 634, 635 Innes, Harry 439 Invasion nuestra en J old 1360 Iragorri, Juan Francisco 1480 Iriarte, Joseph de 1683 Irving, Ebenezer 865 Irving, John Treat 440 Irwin, Jared 349 Irwin, John 441 Isaacs, 165 Ista Tanka 82 Itzcouatl 12J1 Ives, Benjamin 442 Ixil language 1531 Ixtlilxochitl, Fernando de Alva 1108-1110 Izil, Chilam Balam de 1606 J Jacket, John 443 Jackson, 552 Jackson, Andrew 12, 938 Jackson, Halliday 444 Jackson, James 369, ygy Jackson, William Schuyler 641 Jacob, Stephen 266 Jamaica 293 James, George Wharton 445 James, Indian 446 Japporneck, Indian 41 j, 418 Jduregui, Augustin de lI 97 Jay, John 996 Jefferys, Thomas 447 J e ff r y> James 624 Jenkins, William 697 2^4 INDEX — ssssssssssss gggg OSSSSSSSSSSSSSS — ^ ^^ m^^— ^— Jesup, Thomas Sidney 448 Jesus, Jose de 1040 Jesus, Maximino de 1761 Jimenez de Enciso, Andres //// Jimenez de Enciso, Diego 1092, mi, 12 41 Jimenez de Enciso, Pedro 1089, mi Jipson, N. W. 917 Johnson, Charles B 449 Johnson, Ebenezer 671 Johnson, Guy 14, 450 Johnson, Jimmy 451 Johnson, Sir John 452, 489 Johnson, Joseph 453, 454 Johnson, Samuel 50, 455, 722 Johnson, Thomas 455 Johnson, Sir William . 4, 105, 116, 174, 195, 308, 327, 450, 456-458, 582, 585, 629, 639, 696, 703, 739, 769, 958 Johnson, £achry 459 Johnston, Joseph Eggleston 460 Joliet, Louis 461, 462 Jones, Captain 463 Jones, Francis 988 Jones, Griffith 464 Jones, James Athearn 465 Jones & Co., Thomas K 440 Jorda, Nicholas 513 Joseph, Edward 586 Joseph, Thomas 533 Josselyn, Amos P 466 Jouett, Charles 434 Juchereau, 747 Judio, Libro del 1607 Juitlatlatin 1271 Juliacensis, Johann Cesarinus 742 Juneau, Solomon Laurent 467 Junta especial para las reformas 1361 INDEX 255 K Kakentecus 414 Kanner, Philip Jacob 468 Kashevaroff, A. P yig Keam, T. V. ■ 830 Keating, Edward 469 Kechua language I 533~ I 535 Keeler, Samuel 415 Kekchi language 1536-1538 Kelly, John L 4J0 Kennedy, William 92, 471 Kennerley, James 202, 4J2 Kenton, Simon 473 Keokuk 4J4 Kern, R. H. 475 Kersaint, 913 Kiche language 1539- 1588 Kilby, Thomas 476 Kinzie, John 477 Kirkby, William West 478 Kirkland, Joseph 479 Kirkland, Samuel 6 Klickitat language J 5^9 Knox, Henry 922-925, 966 Konkapot, Elias 851 Konkapot, Leah 851 Kreuser, 958 Kwakiutl language 763 L Labat, Jean Baptiste 1112 La Brosse, 1633 Labuxiere, 714 2$6 INDEX La Calle, 480 Lacombe, Albert 481-483 La Come de St. Luc y88 La Croix, Mary Louisa 246 La Fayette, Marquis de 489 Lqffite, Jean 484 La Fort, Abram 485 Lafuente, Casimiro 1362 La Gasca, Pedro de 1113 La Gorgendiere, de 325 Lahontan, Armand Louis 151 Laidlaw, William 486 Laisne, Edouard 487 Lambestye, Le Marquis de 1114 Lamentable historia Rey Villarba I 747 Lamson, Caleb 488 Lang, John D 280 Langan, B 489 Langara, Juan de I0 34 Langlade, Charles Michel de 235, 2JJ, 30J, 490,311, 809, 810,904 Langlade, Charlotte Ambroisine 491, 492 Langstaff, Henry 355 Lanman, Charles 493 Lapaig, Benson J 336 La Palata, Melchor de Navarray Rocafull, Duque de . . . 1198 Lara Mogrovejo, Antonio de 11 15 Lamed, William L 494 Larwell, Joseph H. 495, 561 La Salle, Robert Cavelier, sieur de 151, 293, 294 Las Casas, Luis de 1124 Lasuen, 1213 Laut, Agnes J$J Laut transcripts 496 Lauzon, Charles de 497 Law, Richard 459 INDEX 2J7 Lawrence, Charles 582 Lawrence, Thomas 4g8 Lawson, Robert 163 Layton, Antonio x 447 Lea, Luke 156 Le Boulanger, J. I. 2jg Lebret, Louis Marie 4gg Le Claire, Antoine 500 Le Couteulx, Lewis 260 Ledesma, Salvador de I 3^3 Lee, Arthur gi2 Lee, Rebeckah 50/ Leeds, Caroline H. 503 Leeds, Mark H. 502, 503 Legoff, Laurent 504, 505 Le Jeune, Jean Marie Raphael 261, 506 Le Maire, Francois 293 Le Moyne d? Iberville, Pierre 262, 508, 6g4 Le Moyne, Simon joy Le Netzel, Edmond g8, jog, 510, gyo Le Netzel, Jacques Gabriel 2gy Leogarda, Ramon I 745> J 7^5 Leon, Mexico. i6og 1150 Leon, Nicolas 1116-1118, i6yy Leon Cardona, Juan de mg Lerondiere, M. Gabares de 2g$ Le Roy, Herman 517 Leslye, William 511 Lewis, Asa K. 312 Lewis, Meriwether §31, 544 Lewis, Morgan 647 Lewis, Samuel 874 Lewis, Shawnee Indian 513 Lewis, W. B 551 Libro de Cuentas de la cofradia del Rosario en el Pueblo de Suchiapa 1520 2^8 INDEX Libro de la Cofradia de San Mcolds J 559 Libro de la descripzidn del Paraguay y Rio de la Plata . . . 1120 Libro que contiene el to do de las Tnstrucciones vigentes . . . 1364 Liddon, J 1006 Lincoln, Benjamin 313, 514, 681 Lineriis, Johannis de 740 Ling, Matthew 414 Lining, John 515 Lister, Christopher 516 Little Billy 5/7 Little Turtle yio Littleman, Peter D 518 Livermore, Samuel 39°, 468 Livingston, P. R 5/p Livingston, Philip 520 Livingston, Walter gi2 V Hommedieu, Ezra 43 I ~433 Llisa, Pedro de 1528 Llorente, Juany Francisco 1243 Loaysa, Balthasar 1529 Loche, Juan Basilio 1451 Lochry, Archibald 521 Logan, James 379, 522-524 Lombardo, Natal 1641 Long, James 484 Lopez, Gregorio 1121 Lopez Castillo, Feliciano *737 Lopez de Legazpi, Miguel 1410 Lopez Gonzalo, Victoriano 11 58 Lorrain, Narcisse Z e phrin 525 Los Angeles, Juan de 1317 Los Reyes, Antonio Maria de 11 22 Los Reyes, Antonio de I0 43 Los Reyes y Florentino, Isabelo de J 3^5 Los Rios, Melchor de 1123 Lossing, Benson John 526 INDEX 2jg The lost daughter §27 Lotbiniere, Louis Theandre Chartier de 528 Loudoun, John Campbell §29 Louis XIII 296 Louis Philippe 297 Louisiana 530 Louisiana. Governors, 1766-1791 11 24 Louisiana Territory. Governor, Meriwether Lewis .... 531 Lovely, W. L 532 Lowden, James 533 Lowry, John 75 Loyard, Jean Baptiste 534 Loyola, Ignacio de *724 Lozano de Armenta, B 1183 Lucenillay Torres, Francisco de 11 23 Lucke, Jacob 333 Ludlow, Roger 336 Lumbay Cruz, Justo 1366 Lumpkin, Wilson 229 Luthereau, Jean Guillaume Antoine 11 26, 11 27 Lykins, William H. R 337 Lyman, Aaron 338 Lyman, William 1006 M McCoy, Charles T. 339 McCleary, Robert . 340 McClellan, Robert 220 McCook, Edward Moody 179 McCormack, Daniel 1006 McCowen, George 136, 341, 342 McDowell, Malcolm 343 McFarlane, James 344 McGaffey, Joseph 545 McGillivray, Alexander 232 260 INDEX McGillivray, Simon 496 McGroarty, John Steven 346 McGuire, Horace 640 McHenry, James W. gji, gj2 Mclntyre, Donald 347 McKay, William 339 McKelvey, William 548 McKenney, Thomas Lorraine 549~552 MacKenzie, Sir Alexander 333 McKenzie, Kenneth 554, 333 McMillan, Andrew 773 McJVairy, John g28 McNulty, James M. 336 Machado Fiesco, Francisco Xavier 11 28 Macy, J.B 8 55 Madison, James 337 Madre de Dios, Juan de la 1367 Madry, Antony 8g6 Magalona, Praxedes I2g8 Magruder, Allan B 538 Mahomett, Mohegan Indian 339 Maillot, Marie Ann 48 Malaga, Mexico. 1723 1131 Malatchi Opiya Mico ig2 Malcolm, John 560 Maldonado, Francisco 1113, 1502-1304 Malinalco, Mexico. 1732 1 132 Mallock, Richard 1006 Mam language 1590, 1391 Mamangquat 416 Mangyan language 1726, 1727 Manila — Cabildo {Clerical Board) 1368 Mansfield, Jared 493, 561 Manual de la lengua Castellana 1702 Marchionni, Bartolomeo I2 34 Many, William L 18, 942 INDEX 26l Margry, Pierre 43, 562, 563, 685 Marin, Jose Tomds 1369, 1370 Mariner, Joan 1129 Marquette, Jacques 564 Marsac, 565 Marshall, Hubert 457 Marshe, John 566 Marsteller, J. Philip 117 Martel de Gayangos, Antonio 1371 Martin, Joseph 427, 722 Martin, M. L 18 Martin, William 567 Martines de Z em ll°s> Juan // 19 Martinez, Christobal 11 30 Martinez, Marcos 1560 Martinez de Alamos, Diego 1242 Martinez de Araque, Diego 1372 Marure Papers 1131 Maryland, Governor, Samuel Ogle 568 Mason, R. B 354 Mason, Samuel 671 Massachusetts. Commissioners for Indian affairs, Boston, 1734 570 Massachusetts. Convention of the Governor and Council, 1689 . 571 Massachusetts. General Court, 1706 572 Massachusetts. Governor, Jonathan Belcher 577 Massachusetts. Governor, Francis Bernard 384 Massachusetts. Governor, Joseph Dudley 574 Massachusetts. Governor, William Dummer 373, 376 Massachusetts. Governor, William Shirley 57^~5^3 Massachusetts. Governor, William Stoughton 573 Massachusetts, Indian Deed. 1639 404 Massachusetts, Indian Deed. 1653 405 Massachusetts, Indian Deed. 1691 411 Massachusetts, Indian Deed. 1692 412 Massachusetts, Indian Deed. 17 10 416 Massachusetts language 1392 262 INDEX Massey, Eyre 585 Matamoros Archives 1132 Mathevet, Jean Claude . I ^39 Matlaltzinco language I 593~ I 59^ Matta, Juan Manuel de la I 373 Maumestau, George §86 Maura, L. A 1 374 Maximilien, Alexander Philip, see Braunsbergh, baron de Maxlaton 1271 Maya language ijgy-i622 Mayer, Brantz 57, 253, 254, 587, 1058 Mayer, Frank Blackwell §88 Mayer, Julius M. 640 Mayorase, Pedro Garcia 1137 Mayhew, Experience 28J Mayhew, Thomas j8g Mazahua language 1623 Mazateco language 1 624-1 626 Medici, Francesco de J 254 Medicina Maya i6oy-i6og Medrano, Miguel de JI 33 Meeker, Ezra §go Melandreras, ijo8 Melian, Pedro de 1106 Melville, Lord 1006 Melvin, Eleazar §gi Memoir e pour M. le Cardinal sur les sauvages Abenakis $g2, $g3 Memorandum of the Meddels in the Box for the Chickasaw chiefs 5Q4 Memorial de los hijos de Conquistador es de JVueva Espana, ijgo 11 34 Mena, Carlos 1608 Menard, Pierre 5$5 Menard and Vallee g7, $g6 Mendinueta, Pedro 1065 Mendocino Co., Cal §g7 Mendoza, Andres de J 375 INDEX 263 Mendoza, Antonio de 1140 Mendoza, Ildefonso I 744 Mendoza, Joseph 1376 Mendoza, Juan de 1503 Menendezy Bruna, Salvador JI 35 Meneses, Felipe de 1684 Mercado, Ignacio 1377 Mer curio del Puerto de Matamoros 11 32 Meredith, Spencer JV. 7006" Merian, G jg8 Merrill, Samuel P $gg Merritt, Welstead 730 Merry, Anthony 1006 Me-she-kun-nogh-quoh 710 Mesia, Juan I 37^ Messier, Abraham 600 Metepee 1477 Metepeque, Mexico. 1755 JI 53 Metoxen, Daniel 831 Metoxen, Simon S 833 Mexican Archives 1 136 Mexico City. Cabildo 11 43 Mexico. Real Audiencia JI 39 Mexico. Viceroy, Carlos Francisco de Croix 11 41 Mexico. Viceroy, Antonio de Mendoza 11 40 Mexico. Viceroy, Conde de Revilla Gigedo 11 42 Mexico, Antequera. 1730 11 44 Mexico, Chachiltepeque. 1754 II 45 Mexico, Colima. 1732 11 46 Mexico, Dolores. i8og XI 47 Mexico, Durango. 181 2 11 48 Mexico, Guanajuato. 1776 II 49 Mexico, Leon. i6og 1150 Mexico, Malaga. 1723 1151 Mexico, Malinalco. 1732 1152 Mexico, Oaxaca. i6g6, 1730 II 54> II 55 264 INDEX Mexico, Plan del Rio. 1772, 1788 1156, u 57 Mexico, Puebla. 1774 1158 Mexico, Queretaro. 1791 XI 59 Mexico, Tempoal. 1752 1160 Mexico, Teposcolula. 1752 1161 Mexico, Tlaxcala 1 162 Mexico, Zacatlan. 1750 11 63 Meyer, A. B 1420 Michigan. Governor, Lewis Cass 601-603 Micmac language 1627, x ^28 Mieray Pachecho, Bernardo de 1164-1166 Mifflin, Thomas 441, 616 Milfort, Franqois Tastaneguy go2 Miller, M. F 686 Millet, Francis Davis 604 Millet, Pierre 605 Mills, Benjamin j86 Mills, Isaac 434 Mingohoopie 918 Minor, Ephraim 671 Miranda, Francisco de 1649 Miro, Estevan 1124 Miscelanea di opvscoli su di uarie materie 1167 Mitchell, David Brydie 606, 607, 872 Mitchell, Thomas 77 Mithon 293 Mixtec language 1629-1630 Mollhausen, Baldwin 395 Mohawk language 1631, 1632 Mokquaroose 421 Molina, Alonso de 1467 Monckton, Robert 341 Monclova, Conde de la 1198 Monroe, James 761, 813 Montagnais language 1633, 1634 Montemayor y Mansilla, Francisco de . 1294, 1314, 1367, 1379 INDEX 265 Montero Rios, E T 374 Monterey, Conde de 1038 Montezuma, Isabel 1228 Montezuma family 1106 Montezuma Papers 1168 Montmagny, Charles Jacques Hualt de 132 Mont St. Remy, de 293 Moore, H. 139 Moore, James 670, 822 Moore, Thomas 1006 Mordn, Francisco J 5^7 Mordn, Pedro 1660, 1666 Mordn de la Zerda, Phelipe 1031 Morfi, Juan Augustin de 1084, 1169-1171 Morga, Antonio 1337 Morgan, George 608 Morgan, Gideon 873 Morgan, Gideon, Jr 153, 781 Morris, Robert 1006 Morris, Robert Hunter 702, 783, 933 Morris, Thomas 107, 609, 1006 Morrison, Lodewick 664 Morse, G. R 684 Morse, Jedidiah 70 Mort, Adelburt 132 Mort, Nathaniel 614 Morton, Earl of 447 Morton, J. Sterling 1010 Morvillo, Antonio 143,610, 1637, 1638 Moscosay Peralta, 1197 Moses, Indian 417 Mosher, James 223 Mosher, John 223 Mosquito language I ^35 Mota Padilla, Matias Angel de la 1172 Mott, Jacob 821 266 INDEX Motul, Diccionario de 1610 Moultrie, William 823 Mourin, Jose Maria 1380 Moya de Contreras, Pedro 1653 Munoz, Gabriel JI 73 Munoz Bustamante, Pedro 1381 Munoz Camargo, Diego IJ 74 Munoz de Herrera, Pedro 1382 Murillo, Tsidro 1082, i2ig Murphy, Timothy T. 611 Mustafa Ibn Abdullah 612 Muster roll of Captain William Brown's Company, ij8o . . 613 Mutul, Baltasar 1613 N Nacogdoches Archives 1175 Nado, P H2g Nah, Chilam Balam de 1611 Nah, Jose Maria 1611 Nakuk-Pech, [1542-1562] 1601 Natonamage, James 614 Navarrete, Emiliano 1 735 Navarrete, Jose J 3&3 Navarro, Diego Joseph 11 24 Nebah 1531 Nelly, Cherokee Indian 873 Neve, Felipe de 1176, 1213 Neve y Molina, Luis de x ^47 Nevill, Valentine 615 Neville, Presley 616 Newcomb, Silas 61 j New Hampshire. General Assembly, 1746/1747 . . . 618-620 New Hampshire. Governor, Benning Wentworth . . . 622, 623 New Hampshire. House of Representatives, 1739/1740 624, 625 New Hampshire. Lieutenant Governor, William Partridge . 621 INDEX 267 New Hampshire, Treasury, iy 06-1 yog 62 y Newhouse, Seth 628 New Jersey. Lieutenant Governor, Thomas Pownall .... 62g Newman, Daniel ggo Newnham, Jervois Arthur 630 New Plymouth, Indian Deed. 1653 406 New Plymouth, Indian Deed. i6y6/yy 408 New Plymouth, Indian Deed. i68g/go 410 New Stockbridge, N. T., Inhabitants of 650 New Tork, New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania — Council 64g New Tork. Attorney General, William Schuyler Jackson . . 641 New Tork. Attorney General, Julius M. Mayer 640 New Tork. Commissioners of Indian affairs 631 New Tork. Commissioners to hold treaties, iy8o 642 New Tork. Council, iy4g, iy$i 632, 633 New Tork. Governor, George Clinton . . . 636-638, 643-646 New Tork. Governor, Morgan Lewis 64y New Tork. Governor, Daniel D. Tompkins 648 New Tork, Indian Deed. 1685 40 g New Tork, Indian Deed. iyo3 414 New Tork, Indian Deed. iy3j 420 New Tork, Indian Deed. iy8y 422 New Tork. Lieutenant-Governor, Cadwallader Colden . . . 63g New Tork. Lieutenant-Governor, Richard Ingoldesby . 634, 635 Nez Perce's language I ^37, 1638 Nicholson, Francis yoi Nicolet, Jean 651 Nicolet, Pierre 6ji Nieto, Ladislas T 3^4 Nines, Charles 652 Nipissing language !^39 Niska languages y6j Nobilario genealogico de varias casas de Espana IX 77 No Ears, John 652 Norgate, Elias 653 Northwest Company, 181 8-1 81 g 4g6 268 INDEX Norton, John 33, 654 Norton y Nicols, Nicolas 1385 Notes on Indian names 636 Noticia breve de la expedicion Militar de Sonora, iyyi . . iij8 Noticia brebe de los vocablos mas usuales de la Lengua Cakchiquel 1506 Noticia de lo acaecido en Sonora. 1773 nyg Noticia del Principio . . . Missiones en el Rio Orinoco . . 1180 Noticias de varias plantas de Tucatan 161 2 Noticias y reflesiones sobre la guerra con los Apaches . . . . 1181 Noyes, Oliver jgg Nunez, Joseph JI 54 Nunez, Juan 1521, 1522 Nunez de Leon, Christobal 11 82 Oanohkoe, Indian 413 Oaxaca, Mexico. i6g6, 1750 II 54> ji 55 Ocanas, Ignacio 121 1 Occhummia ggi Occom, Mary Fowler 655 Occom, Samson 656 Odorigo, Nicolao 1067 Ogden, Peter Skene 4g6 Ogle, Samuel 568 Olmos, Andres de T 4^3 Olmsted, Daniel 421 Ompatowin, Joshua 305 Onderdonk, Henry, Jr 657 Oneida Indians 658-664 Oneida Indians, Memorial. 1823 jg8 Onondaga Indians 665 Ontiveros, Bernardina de 1278 Opata language 1640, 1641 Ordenanzas de la Cofradia del Rosario, i68g 1561 index 26g Ordonez y Aguiar, Ramon 1561, 1564 O'Reilly, Alejandro, Conde de 11 24 Oroz, Pedro 1466, 1651 Ortega, Francisco de 1136 Ortega, Gaspar de 1386 Ortiz de Espinosa, Augustin 11 63 Ortiz de Z arate > J uan II20 Osburn, Richard 417 Osgood, Samuel gi2 Oshkosh 345, 666, 66y Osoup, Indian 4g6 Otadui, Eugenio de 1460 Otazu, Lorenzo 1184 Otero, Mariano 1183 Otis, Joseph E 668 Otomi language 1642-1654 Ottawa Indians 66g Ouilmett, Antoine 6yo Oveno Rabago, Jose de 1185 Oviedo, Juan Antonio de ijii Owen, John 654 Owoneco 6ji Oxkutzcab, Cronica 1622 p Pacaud, J4J Padilla, Ignacio 1186 Paesi novamente retrovati 1253 Page, John 672 Paglayonan, Fabian 1748 Palacio, Antonio de 138J Palafox y Mendoza, Juan de n8y-n8g Palen, Joshua 18 Palmer, Christopher g62 Palmer, John 4og 2J0 INDEX Palou, Francisco ugo-ngj, 12 13 Pampanga language 1728, 1J29 Panay 1388 Pandino, Juan 1211 Paniagua, Pedro Hernandez 11 13 Papoonahoal 8 Parker, Albert 673 Parker, Ely Samuel . . . . 61, iyg, 451, 674-678, 866, ioog Parker, J. JV. 6yg Parker, Moses 680 Parker, Richard, Jr 681 Parker, S. J 682 Parker, Thomas 775 Parkinson, E 683 Parkman, Francis 684, 685 Parrish, Jasper 686, g4i Parsons, Samuel Holden 687 Parsons, Theophilus 60 Partridge, Samuel 688 Partridge, William 621 Pasion de Jesucristo en lengua Maya 16 13 Pasuengos, Bernardo 1431 Patton, George S 1008 Paya 1528 Payne, John Howard 68g, 6go, 805 Paz, Alonso de 1468 Peaks, Ann 6gi Peairs, James 6gi Peairs, Sarah 6gi Pearsall, Mrs 678 Pedroche, Cristobal ij8g Peine, John 6g2 Pemberton, Israel 877 Peha, Tomds de la J 075, IJ 9^ Pendleton, Bryan 224 Penhallow, Samuel 6gj INDEX 2JI Penicaut, Andre 694 Penn, John 309, 457, 524, 695, 703 Penn, Richard §24 Penn, Thomas 524, 695, 696 Penn, William §22, 697 Penniman, Moses 698 Penniman, Rebecca 698 Pennsylvania. Commissioners to the Governor, 1756 . . 699, 700 Pennsylvania. Executive Council 704 Pennsylvania. Governor, Robert Hunter Morris 702 Pennsylvania. Lieutenant-Governor, Charles Gookin .... 701 Pennsylvania. Lieutenant-Governor, John Penn 703 Pensoneau, Laurant 705 Peramas, Melchor de 1190, 1201, 12 13 Percival, Q. I. G 862 Peres, Candido 1145 Perez, Juan Pio 1614 Perez, Manuel Luciano 1621 Perez, Miguel I 39° Perez Calama, Joseph 1158 Perez de Gar ay a, Juan II 94> IJ 95 Perez de Ribas, Andres 1196 Perez de S. Roman, Antonio 1040 Perili, Joseph Miguel 1160 Perinaut, 706 Perkins, Enoch . 227 Peronneau, Isaac 707 Perrault, Denis Romulus 1465 Renault, Hyacinthe 708 Perry, Henry 709 Peru. Viceroy, Teodoro de Croix IJ 99 Peru. Viceroy, Melchor de Navarray Rocafull, Duque de la Palata 1198 Peshkewah, Micmac chief 710 Peter, Rodolphe 1517 Peters, Dewitt C 139, 140 2J2 INDEX Peters, Richard 5#, yu, yi2, 8yy Peters, William 713 Peters, £. T. 854 Peticidn vug ahau Presidente 1562 Petition a Messieurs St. Ange J14 Petitot, Emile Fortune Stanislaus Joseph ........ yij Petogkom, Simon yi6 Petrus, Indian 803 Pettigrew, J. T. 633 Peyton, John Lewis yiy Phelipeaux, Paul 302 Phelps, Jedidiah 638 Phelps, Oliver yi8 Philip II i22y, 1228, 1438, 1489, 1490 Philip III 1229, 1230 Philip IV n8y, 1231, 1439 Philip V 1233 Philippine Islands. Army 1392 Philippine Islands. Car eel de Bilibid I 393 Philippine Islands. Governor, Rafael Maria de Aguilar y Ponce de Leon 1401 Philippine Islands. Governor, Gabriel Curuzelaegui y Arriola 1398 Philippine Islands. Governor, Alonso Fajardo de Tenqa . . i3gy Philippine Islands. Governor, Mariano Fernandez de Fol- gueras 1402 Philippine Islands. Governor, Luis Perez Dasmarinas . . . 1393 Philippine Islands. Governor, Jose Radn I 399 Philippine Islands. Governor, Juan de Silva J 39^ Philippine Islands. Governor, Santiago de Vera T 394 Philippine Islands. Governor, Jose de Bascoy Vargas . . . 1400 Philippine Library, Manila iyio Philips, Henry E yig Philips, John, Jr 5y2 De la philosophic y20 Phips, Spencer y2i Phufeiahomia 991 INDEX 2?3 Piamingo, Chickasaw chief 722 Pickens, Andrew 370, 427, 723 Pickens, Andrew, Jr 370 Pickens, Israel 311 Pickering, John 724, 949 Pickering, Timothy 926-930 Pierce, John 725 Piernas, Pedro 1124 Piero, Lorenzo di *254 Pike, Albert 438 Pike, Zebulon Montgomery 726 Pilling, James C. . . 5 2 ~54, **£ ^8, 131, 145, 153, 167, 206, 219, 248, 261, 263, 268, 274, 287, 315, 316, 328, 347, 358, 387, 478, 483, 499, 5° >4* 5° 6 , 525, 599, 6l °, 6 $2, 727, 749, 753, 7 6 4, 7 66 , 77°, 7#9, 799, 802, 808, 870, 871, 950, 1024, 1043, I0 48, 1061, 1097, 1117, 1217, 1633, 1637 Pilsberry, Joshua 728 Pimentel, Juan Antonio 1311, 1 403-1 405 Pina y Mazo, Pedro 1200 Pinckney, William 729, 819 Pineda, Juan de I0 94 Pinilla, Jose 1201 El Pirata Koseng 1406 Pisson, Francisco Xavier de 1407 Pitchlynn, John 79 Pizarro, Francisco 1027, 1202 Pizarro, Gonzalo 1203 Pizarro, Pedro 1203 Placide, Tom 730 Plan del Rio, Mexico. 1772, 1788 1156, H57 Pldtica de los principales misterios de la Religion 1661 Plutarco, Lino 1204 Pocket vocabulary {Chippewa) 1525 Poconchi language 1655- 1665 2J4 INDEX Pohlman, 184 Pointeau, Pierre 731 Pokomdn language 1666-166 7 Polk, James K. 914-915 Pollard, Benjamin 577, 732, 973 Porno de Ayala, Phelipe Guzman 161 5 Pontchar train, Louis, comte de 293 Poole, W.F 265 Popol vuh 1 563-1 566 Porlier, Jacques, Jr 249 Porlier, L. B 467 Portell, Tomds 1076 Post, Christian Frederick 712 Post, Frederick 712 Pote, William, Jr 733 Potawatomi language 1668 Potter, Reuben Marmaduke 734 Pound, Cuthbert W. 735 Poutrincourt, Charles de Biencourt de . 69 Powell, J.W. 15, 350, 537, 1673 Powell, Thomas 1006 Powell, William 914 Powles, J. D 1080 Pownall, Thomas 629 Pozarenco, Juan 1704-1706 Praspapa, Indian 241 Pratt, Erastus 1006 Pratte, Bernard, Jr 736 Pratte, Chouteau & Co 36, 172, 217, 486, 554, 778 Prayers in Maya 1616 Preston, Leander A 738 Prevost, Augustine 739 Prince, Thomas 406 Pringle, Samuel 516 Prout, Ebenezer 571 Ptolemaeus, Claudius 68, 740-746 INDEX 275 Puebla, Mexico. 1774 1158 Pujada de Gamboa, J 1106 Pulgar, Fernandez de 1236 Pulteney, James 1006 Pulteney, Sir William 1006 Pyncheon, William 336 a Quaderno del Tdioma mazateco 1624 Quadios, Garcia de 1205 Queretaro, Mexico, 1791 TI 59 Quibaoza-Hun [Sultan of Mindanao) 1408 Quinney, Austin E 840, 848, 849 Quinney, J. W. ... 839, 841-844, 847, 851, 854, 836, 858 Quintana, Augustin de I0 43 R Radisson, Pierre Esprit 496 Rafinesque, C. S 234 Ragoor, Guillaume 462 Ramirez, Fernando 1183 Ramos, Miguel IZ 33> 1206 Ramsay, George 1006 Rand, Hattie B 749 Rand, Silas T. 749, 1628 Randolph, D 1006 Radn, Jose 1399, 1415 Raudot, 293 Rawlins, John Aaron 906, 943 Rawson, Grindall 446, 730 Rayon, Ignacio L JI 43 Recensement general de tous les sauuages de P Acadie 1708 . . 731 Recueil de formules juridiques, c.1530 1207 Red Jacket 443 2j6 INDEX Redman, J. T. 752 Reed, Jacob 429 Rees, James 1006 Reeve, William Day 753 Regiomontanus 68 Reglamento de la santissima cofradia de santa Vera Cruz • . J 5^7 Reglamento para el servicio personal en el Archipielago . . . 1409 Relacion de la muy triste vida de los siete Tnf antes de Lara . . 1749 Relacion de la vida de los tres hermanos principes I 75° Relacion de los Pueblos que comprehende el Obispado de Chiapa 1208 Relacion del viaje e Jornada, que larmada de su Mag d . . . . 1410 Relacion expresiva de los principales acontecimientos de la titulada cofradia del Senor San Jose 1411 Relacion y vida de los esposos la Reina D a . Beatrix y el Rey D n . Ladislao 775/ Relation de la Louisianne 530 Remy, Jules 17^8, iy6g Report of an English expedition to the Philippine Islands . . 141 2 Reports . . . concerning the surrender of Fort William Henry . y^4 Representacidn de los ciudadanos Espanoles Filipinos . . . 1413 El Restaur ador de Tamaulipas 1132 Resurreccidn, Primitivo 1J25 Retanay Gamboa, Wenceslao Emilio .... 141 4, 1723, 1752 Revilla, Juan Baptista de I 4 I 5 Revilla Gigedo, conde de 11 42 Revolucion contra el Emperador de China 1416 Reyes Veramendi, Manuel 11 83 Rhea, John 755 Rhea, Robert 78 Rhodes, Isaac 756 Ricard, Captain g8g Richard, Edouard 757 Richards, James 40J Richardson, John Dunn 758 Richebourg, 759 Richman, Irving B 1136 INDEX 2JJ Richard^ William 74, Si Riddle, JeffC 760 Ridge, John 689, 761, 762 Ridgfield, Connecticut, proprietors 763 Ridley, William 764, 763 Ridout, Thomas 1671 Riggs, Alfred Longley 766 Riggs & Co 888 Rinfret, Antoine 1632 Ringgold, Thomas 767 Rio, Manuel del J 358 Riordan, Daniel M. 768 Riva Palacio, Mariano 1183 Riveiro, Tomas 1568 Rizaly Alonso, Jose 1 417-1420 Roberts, Benjamin 769 Robertson, Ann Eliza ( Worcester) 770 Robertson, Beverly H. 771 Robertson, Colin 496 Robertson, Gilbert 1006 Robertson, James A 1046, 1391 Robin, Indian 408 Robinson, Ezekiel 831 Robison, James 1006 Robison, John 772 Rochanowin, Indian 389 Rodriguez de Rivas, Vicente 1421 Rogers, Daniel D 773 Rogers, Robert 774, 773 Rojo, Pablo 1707 Rolette, Jean Joseph 18, 776-779 Roman, Juan 1062 Romero de Llamoz, Ana *734 Roosevelt, Theodore 919 Roque de la Serna, 1I 37 Rosario, Cofradia del 1561 2j8 INDEX Rosberg, Thomas 321 Rosecrantz, JV. 780 Ross, Alexander 496 Ross, D. H. 784 Ross, John 68g, 781, 782 Ross, Lewis 783 Ross, William P 784 Rosiy Ruvi, Jose I0 34 Rousseau, Claude 108 Roussel, 293 Roxo del Rio y Veyra, Manuel Antonio 1422 Royce, John 409 Royce, Samuel 663, 664 Ruano Suarez, Alberto 1667 Ruggles, D 381 Ruiz Venegas, Hernando Bernabe 1209 Rush, Richard 557 Rush, Mrs. Richard #05 s S. M.,P. de 1423 Saavedra, Ferndndo de 1206 Saavedray Meneses, Aureliano 1424-1426 Sac and Fox language / 669 Sachetti, Angelo I2 55 Saens, Alvaro 1242 Sahagun, Bernardino de J^7#> 1484-1486 St. Ange, Messieurs 714 St. Clair, Arthur 931, 969 St. Clair, Sir John 785 St. Gene, John Baptist 246 St. John tribe of Indians 787 St. John's Bay, Newfoundland 786 St. Luc, La Come de 788 St. Martin, Adhemar 492 INDEX 2jg Saint Pe, Jean Baptiste de jj St. Pierre, Marguerite Legardeur de 380 Saintjohn, Nathan 226 Saintjohn, Samuel 417 Salazar, Domingo 1427 Salazar, Jose 1213 Salazar, Luis de 1087 Salazar y Castro, Luis Bartholme 1087 Salazar y Herrera, Pedro de 1210 Salcedo, Luis de 121 1 Saldativas, Paulina T 75^ Salgado, Francisco 14.28 Salish language 1670 Saltonstall, Gurdon 182 Salvatierra, Juan Maria 293 Samawaer 414 Samper, Jose Mariano 1212 Sample, Samuel 322 Sampson, 222, 640, 641 Samson, W. H. yjj San Agustin, Gaspar de 13S0, 1429 San Damidn, Bias de 1766 San Francisco, Diccionario de 16 17 San Francisco Ontlazpan 1468 San Isidro, Antonio de 1227 San Jacinto, Juan de I 43° San Joseph, Miguel de 1431 San Miguel de Totonicapan 1567 San Nicolds, Cofradia de I 559 San Pablo Teocaltitlan J 474 San Pedro de Calimaya 1477 San Xavier del Bac 1094 Sanborn, John Wentworth 789 Sanchez de la Baquera, Juan 1650 Sanchez Viscayno, Jose Antonio 1555 Sancho de Santa Justay Rufina, Basilio 1432 280 INDEX Sancturale hiemale 1651 Sanders, Whitelaw j^o Santa Barbara Mission, CaL, 1768-1844 .... 1213, 121 4 Santa Ines Mission, Cal 1215 Santa Maria La Redonda 1481 Santa Vera Cruz, Cofradia de i$6j Santiago, Felipe de io8g Santiago, Rufino 1740 Santiago de Tlaltelolco 1481 Santisteban, Manuel de I 433 Santo Domingo, Tomds I 5°7 Santos, I 434 Santoya, Francisco *239 Sarah, Indian 408 Sardanetay Legaspi, Vicente Manuel de 12 16 Sargent, Winthrop 790 Sarpy, J. B 705 Saz, Antonio 1508, 1569 Scammell, Alexander 791 Schell, J. P 54 Schermerhorn, Arent 327 Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe 792-794 Schuyler, Philip J 429, 526, 803, 996 Scot, Moses 372 Scot, Robert 1006 Scott, Major 106 Scott, Charles 795, 968 Scott, John 796 Scott, Winfield 29 Scuyler, Moses 662 Seagrove, James 797 Seamor, Matthew 415, 421 Seeley, John 224 Seler, Eduard 1217 Selgen-Dal 293 Selkirk Papers, 1812-1824 496 INDEX 28l Seneca Indians, Memorial, 1823 yg8 Sener, Samuel Miller ygg Sergeant, John 800 Sermon de Nra. Sra. del San Rosario, 181 8 1662 Sermonario {Aztec) 1487 Sermonario Tagalo 1752 Sermones (Aztec) 1488 Sermones en Poconchi 1663 Sermones en la lengua quiche J 57°, I 57 I Sermones, oraciones en lengua Poconchi 1664 Sermones sobre los Evangelios en la lengua Matalzingue . . 1596 Serna, Francisco de la ngy Sena, Angel 1683 Sena, Junipero 1213, 1218, I2ig Serrano, Jose iyjg Serrano, Pedro J 742, 1743 Severance, Joseph 412 Sevier, John 253,801, 8^g, 8yg Sewell, Stephen 804 Shabonee 51 Shamburgh, B gg2 Shawnee g82 Shawnee language 1671, 1672 Shea, John Dawson Gilmary 802 Sheafe, Jacob 476 Sheet Lightning 1669 Shelby, Isaac 401, 8g4 Shenodoa 803 Shepard, Jeremiah 804 Sherborne, Samuel g6j Sherman, W. T. 3JJ, go6 Shillaber, John 805 Shirley, William 456, 578-583, 702, g6o A short discourse on present state of colonies, 1750 .... 806 Shunkawakanto 82 Sibley, Henry Hastings 18, 80 j 282 INDEX Sidney, Lord 452 Sierra, Bernardo 1618 Sievers, T. 808 Siguenzay Gongora, Carlos 1220, 1221 Silliman, Benjamin 148 Silva, Juan de 1396 Simerwell, Robert 263, 1668 Simmons, Thomas 455 Simmons, William g86 Sinclair, John 1006 Sinclair, Patrick 8og, 810 Slatter, Edward 1006 Slingerland, Jeremiah 850 Smith, Aaron 662 Smith, Clara A 333 Smith, Eben 421 Smith, I. M 812 Smith, John Jay 813 Smith, R. V. D 814 Smith, Richard 102 Smith & Co., Benjamin 811 Snelling, Henry Hunt 81 5 Snelling, Josiah 170 Snow Mercury 816 Snow Wennie 817 Sobre un tratado de Comercio [1796] I 435 Soheag, Indian 407 Solia, Sevastidn de I2 39 Solis, Joseph, fils 818 Solorzano, Emmanuel de 1436 Solorzano Pereira, Juan de 1222 Soria, Diego de 1437 Sose-ha'wa 451 Sotuta, Libro de 1609 South Carolina. Committee on accounts 819-821 South Carolina. Governor, James Moore 822 INDEX 283 South Carolina. Governor, William Moultrie 823 Southwell, Thomas 1223 Spain. Consejo de Guerra 1224 Spain. Sovereigns, Charles I 1225, 1226 Spain. Sovereigns, Charles II 1232, 1440 Spain. Sovereigns, Charles HI 1441 Spain. Sovereigns, Charles IV J 234, 1233, 1441 Spain. Sovereigns, Ferdinand VII 1442 Spain. Sovereigns, Philip II . . . 1227, 1228, 1438, 1489, 1490 Spain. Sovereigns, Philip HI I22g, 1230 Spain. Sovereigns, Philip IV 1231, 1439 Spain. Sovereigns, Philip V 1233 Spalding, Simon 422 Spanish Archives 1236 Spence, Professor 481 Spencer, J. C 863 Spilsbury, J. H. G 487, 1237, I 532~i535 Sprague, W. B 1017 Spring, Ernest 132 Squier, Ephraim George 824 Squires, C. W 231, 493 Standage, Henry 823 Stanfield, Timothy 711 Stanton, E. M gi6 Stanton, Joseph 413 Stanton, Thomas 413 Stantun, Simon ioig Stark, John 773 Starr, Frederick 826 State of Barbados, The 827 Stedman, John 342 Steel, Henry 828 Steel, Robert 828 Stephen, Alexander Maitland 82g, 830 Stephens, Phil 336 Stephenson, Henry 183 284 INDEX Sterling, Robert 831 Stevens, H. N. 630 Stevens, Simon 775 Stevenson, James 832 Stewart, John 820 Stinson, Thomas 833 Stobie, Charles T. 834 Stock, Harry Thomas 835 Stockbridge Indians yg8, 836-858 Stoddard, Amos 253, 801, 8jg Stoddard, John 721 Stone, Frederick Dawson 860 Stone, Nathan 775 Stone, William Leete 146, 861-864 Stoner, Nicholas 865 Storke and Gainsborough 4g8, 520 Stoughton, William 385, 573 Strachey, William 496 Street, Alfred Billings 866, 86 7 Strangeways, W. T. 1238 Stuart, James iog Stuart, Robert 201 Suarez Deslivera, Miguel J 443 Substance of an occasional conversation with several Indians, 1756 868 Sucesos de la vida del Conde Urbano I 753 Suchiapa 1520 Suarez, Manuel J 443 Sullivan, 162 Sumner, Charles 1000 Sumner, Joseph 86g Sunderland, Earl oj 516 Surgere, 6g4 Suydam, John V. 667 Swan, James Gilchrist 870 Swartwout, Samuel 1006 INDEX 285 Sweetland, Eleazar 453 Symmes, John Cleves 473 T Tabat, T. 1239 Tache, Alexander Antonine 871 Tagalisches Worterbuch 1 754 Tagalog language 1730-1765 Tait, Charles 872 Tanana language 1673 Tarascan language 1674-1686 Tawa 982 Talotuskee 873 Tallassee 313 Tallmadge, James 519 Tallmadge, James, Jr 861 Tancad 1380 Tandy, Moses 164 Tapaliza 1528 Tapia, Juan de *444 Tapia Zenteno, Carlos de 1183, 1530 Tar aval, Sigismundo 1240 Tate, Charles Montgomery I 5^3, 1670, 1687 Tavarnier, Pedro I 445 Tayler, John . 127, 250, 343, 431, 432, 659, 660, 874, 999 Tayloga, Tldefonso 1712 Taylor, Augustus F 875 Taylor, Z acnar y 876 Techtama 877 Tecpan-Atitlan 1497 Tecumseh 657, 689 Teed, Matthew 878 Teedyuscung 711 Tekax, Chilam Balam de 1619 El Telegrafo de Mexico 11 32 286 INDEX Telfair, Edward 55, 252, 319 Tello, Isabel 1085 Tello de Guzman, Francisco T 3^9 Tello de Guzman, Juan 1232, 1241, 1446, 1447 Tello y Portugal, Isabel 1041, 1242, 1243 Tello de Sandoval, Garcia 1041, 1098, 1242 Temascaltepeque 1271 Temistitlan 1276 Temporal, Bartholome 1693 Tempoal, Mexico. 1752 11 60 Ten Broeck, Dirck 416 Tennessee. Governor, John Sevier 879 Tenuxtithlan 1276 Tepexic 1491 Teposcolula, Mexico. 1752 1161 Ternaux-Compans, Henri 880 Teralba, Juan Francisco , . . 1699 Testamento en lengua Kekchi 1538 Texas ^3~93 Texas — Projet de colonisation 881 Teyoninhokarawen 654 Thayendanega 106, 107 Thayer, John Milton 882 Theologia indorum de Z aca P u ^ as J 57 2 Theus, Simeon 883, 884 Thomas, Isaiah 885 Thomas, John 890 Thomas, William 19 Thomlinson, John 27, 39, 619, 622, 624-626, 698, 732, 886, 960, 972, 980 Thompson, Ebenezer 791 Thompson, Harlow Chittenden 887 Thompson, Henry 549 Thompson, Jacob 888 Thompson, Jonas 66 Thompson, Peter 889 INDEX 28j Thornton, Edward 1006 Thornton, J. W. 186, 526 Thwing, Nathaniel g8o Ticul, Documentos de 1620 Tiffin, Edward gjj Tilden, Joseph 405 Tizimin, Chilam Balam de 1621 Tlahuac 1476 Tlalmanalco J 47^ Tlalpam I 47^ Tlaxcala 1162 Tobler, John 891-893 Tobler, Ulrick 8gi-8g3 Tobocah gi8 Todd, Charles Stewart 8g4 Tollowo Micco 8g§ Tompkins, Daniel D 435, 436, 648, 650 Tonty, Henry de 8g6 Tooker, William Wallace 8gj Torresano, Estevan I 5°9 Totonicapan I 55^ Toulmin, 371 Tovar Godinez, Luis de 1051, 1244 Townsend, Isaac 898 To-Tah-Wo-Nak 8gg Traduccion literal de la historia del Principe D" Juan Fehoso 1755 Tragedia de la vida que pasaron Don Rodrigo de Villas y Doha Jimena 1756 Trdgica vida de D. Jose Floresy la Princesa Virginia . . . 1757 Treat, J. B 544 Treaties, 1765-1861 424-438 Tree, Lambert 562, goo, goi Triste vida de Doha Tnes 1758 Troncoso, Bernardo 1124 Troup, Robert 1006 Truguet, Laurent Jean Franqois, comte de 230, go 2 288 INDEX Tryon, William 547^ 1015 Tucker, Richard 224 Turn, Miguel I 573 Tunnicliff, William 419 Tupac Amaru i J 97 Tupper, Martin Farquhar 903 Turcotte, 173, 402 Turkey, Betty 421 Turnbull, George 904, 905 Turner, William 689 Tzental language 1 688-1 693 Tzotzil language 1694- 1695 Tzutuhil language 1696-1697 U Ulloa, Antonio de 1124 Ulloa, Leon J 245 Uncas, Ben 671 U.S. — Army. Amos Beebe Eaton 906 U.S. — Board of Indian Commissioners 907-911 U.S. — Commissioners of Board of Treasury 912 U.S. — Declaration of Independence 91 3 U.S. — General Land Office 914, 915 U.S. — Interior Department, James Harlan 916 U.S. — Pension Office 917 U.S. — President, Theodore Roosevelt 919 U.S. — President, George Washington 918 U.S. — Supt. of Indian Affairs, William Clark 920 U.S. — Treasury Department, Oliver Wolcott 921 U.S. — War Department, John Caldwell Calhoun . . . 940, 941 U.S. — War Department, William Harris Crawford . . 936, 937 U.S. — War Department, Henry Dearborn 934, 935 U.S. — War Department, Samuel Dexter 933 U.S. — War Department, George Graham 93 8, 939 U.S. — War Department, Henry Knox 922-925 INDEX 28g U.S. — War Department, James W. Mc Henry .... gji, gj2 U.S. — War Department, William L. Marcy g^.2 U.S. — War Department, Timothy Pickering 926-930 U.S. — War Department, John Aaron Rawlins 943 Unzagay Amezaga, Luis de 1063, 1124 Urban VIII 1044 Urbano, Alonso 1652 Urrutia, Bernardino de 1246 v Valdellanos, El Conde de ujy Valdivieso, Ignacio 1183 Valencia, Pedro Agustin de 1247 Valeriano, Antonio *474 Vallee, Menard and jg6 Vanderworker, Albert ggo Van Pattin, Arent i2g Van Schaack, Henry 457, 1003 Van Schaick, Gozen g44 Van Schaick, Holmes D 345 Vansittart, Nicholas 1006 Van Voorhis, Charles 223 Varela, Francisco de 1510 Vargas, Dionysio de 1248 Vargas, Melchior 1 ^53 Varick, Richard 642 Varona, Gaspar 1448 Vascoy Vargas, Jose de I 372, 1400 Vasquez, Benito g46 Vaux, Franqois de 6g Vaux, R 187 Velasco, Pedro J 449 Velasco, Pedro Moreno de 1115 Velazquez, Joseph i24g Velez de Escalante, Silvestre de 1081-1084, i24g 2g0 INDEX Velez de la Madriz, Juan Jose 1250 Venegas, Ambrosio 1450, 1451 Venetian Archives. Biblioteca nazionale di San Marco 1 251-1253 Vera, Honorato de I 759 Vera, Santiago de *394 Veragua, Duke of 1066 Verwyst, Chrysostom A g^y Vespucci, Amerigo *254> 1255 Vetch, Samuel 26g, 701, gj.8, g4g Vetromile, Eugene Anthony g50 Veytia, Mariano I ^74 Viana, Francisco Leandro de 1288, 1665 Viana Z ava ^ a Vehena Saenz de Villaverde, F. L. de . 1452-14.56 Vico, Domingo de . . . . 151 1, 151 2, 1574-1582, i6g6, i6gy Vida . . . de D" Jaime del Prado 1765 Vida de Doha Marcela 1760 Vida de Gonzalo de Cordova 1761 Vida de la Princesa Adriana 1762 Vida de la Princesa Estrella I 7^3 Vida de Leopoldo y de la Princesa Arintina I 7^4 Vierville, Gautier de 235 Vignaud, Henry 35/ Vildosola, Jose Antonio de 1256 Villa Abrille, Faustino *457 Villafaha, Matheo J 45^ Villalba, Juan de I2 57 Villanuevay Chavarri, Francisco Xavier de T 459 Villeray, Louis Rouer de 731 Villery, Charles de 1127 Virginia. Governor, Patrick Henry g54 Virginia. Land Office. Warrant 2361 955 Virginia. Lieutenant-Governor, Robert Dinwiddie . . . g52, g53 Visscher, Matthew 14, g56 Vizarrony Eggiarreta, Juan Antonio I2 59 Vizcaino, Juan Gonzalez de 1258 Vizcayno, Sebastian 1038 INDEX 2gi Vocabulario brebe de la lengua de Michoacan 1686 Vocabulario de la lengua castellana y quiche .... 1 583-1 j8y Vocabulario en lengua cakchiquel y qiche I 5 I 3 Vocabulario en lengua castellana I 5 I 4 Vocabulario Hispano-Hyaqui i6g8 Vocabulario Mazateca-castellano 1626 Vocabulario mexicano T 492 Vocabulario Otomi I ^54 Voluntario, Donattius JI 54 Vrebosch, Aloysius gjy W Wade, Camlet 1006 Wade, Ferrall g$8 Wadsworth, Abigail g$g Wadsworth, Eliza g$g Wadsworth, Eunice g$g Wadsworth, Jeremiah g$g Wainwright, John 804 Waldeck, Jean Frederic Maximilien . . 1102, 1238, 1 260-1 271 Waldo, Samuel jg, g6o Waldron, Richard 224, g6i, g62 Walker, B 1006 Walker, Duncan S 557 Walker, Memory 22g Walker, R. J g^2 Wall, Oscar g6j Walsh, Dudley 1006 Walsh, Isabella C. Frances Jij Wampatuck, Josiah 405 Ward, William 473, ioig Warrior, David 152 Washburne, E. B 22 Washington, George 430, gi8, g64 Watson, Robert g6$ 2g2 INDEX Watts, John 457 Wayne, Anthony 430, g66-g6g Wazon, A gg, gyo Webster, Daniel goj Weitzel, Caspar gyi Wells, Thomas 10 Welsh, Patrick 1006 Wentworth, Benning 580, 620, 622, 623 Wentworth, John 6gj Wentworth, Samuel gj2, gyj Wentworth, William gyj West, Robert W. gj4 Westbrook, Thomas 575 Wett Hams, Indian 418 Wharton, Samuel gj5 Wharton, Thomas igy, 457 Wheeler, Leonard Hemenway 1526 Wheelock, Eleazar 105, 301, 375, 453, 655, 656 Wheelwright, John 1001 Wheelwright, Samuel g6$ Wheler, William gg3 Whiley, R.C g76, g77 Whitebeans, Thomas 42g Whitehouse, Joseph g78 Whiting, William 671 Whitne, John 415 Whitney, Daniel 344, 840, 842, 843 Whycher, 3^8 Wickennuth, Joseph 4ig Wied-Neuwied, Maximilien Alexander Philipp see Braunsbergh, baron von Wiggin, Andrew g8o Wilkinson, James 314, 43g, g8i, g82-gg2 Wilkinson, Thomas 32g Willard, Jonathan gg3 Willard, Simon gg4 INDEX 2g3 Willett, William Marinus 995~99^ Williams, Davenport 1005 Williams, Eleazer $g8, 664, ggg, 1000 Williams, Elijah 1 001-1003 Williams, John 182, ggg, 1004 Williams, Stephen 221, $jo, 800, 1004, iooj Williamson, Alexander 1006 Williamson, Charles g 6 4, 1006 Williamson, David 1006 Williamson, John 1006 Williamson, Mrs. John 1006 Willis, William 1007 Wilson, Benjamin David 1008 Wilson, Henry ioog Wilson, James 4g6 Wilson, Robert 1006 Winans, E. B 1010 Wing, John 408, 410, 411 Winn, Richard 157 Winslow, Joshua 577 Winslow, Kenelm 410, 411 Winsor, Justin 244, 1011 Winthrop, Adam 570 Wirt, William 68g Wisner, Mrs. Sarah A 1012 Wise, H. A 783 Wolcott, Alexander 602 Wolcott, Henry 407 Wolcott, Oliver g2i, g28, g2g Wood, Joseph Warren 1013 Wood, L. K. 1014 Woodbridge, Timothy 1015 Woods, John 241 Woodward, Charles L 1016 Woodworth, W. 767 Woolley, Melling 117 2Q4 INDEX Wootten, Widow 224 Worcester, Samuel Austin 1017 Wright, David 1018 Wright, Francis 1006 Wright, Noah 1018 Wyandot Nation, Chiefs of ioig Wyer, Samuel 1006 Wylde, Sergt 496 Wyllys, Samuel 407 Wythe, George 954 X X. de C, F 1272 Ximenez, Francisco i 5 i 5j I 5 J 6 i I 5$5 Xiu chronicles 1622 r Taqui language i6g8 Teates, Jaspar gyi, 1672 Tell, Archibald 2g Toccum, John 840, 1020 Tockehoopoir gi8 Tockonahoma gi8 Young, Frederick 1021 Toung King 1022 Tile seas Villarreal, Juana de 1060 Truretagoyena, G. de 1460 Z Zacatlan, Mexico. 1750 1163 Zacutus 68 Zakicoxol. Baile de la conquista en lengua Quiche .... 1388 Zambala language 1766 INDEX 2gj Zapater y Gomez, Francisco 1461 Zapoteca language i6gg-iyo2 Zarate, Juan de 1275-1277 Zarate Salmeron, Geronimo *273, I2 74 Zeisberger, David 1023 Zevallos, Pedro 1211 Zoque language 1J03-IJ06 Zorilla, Pedro 1236 Zumarraga, Juan de 12J5-12JJ Zuniga Ceb alios y Castro, Juan de 1278, i2jg Zunigay Ontiveros, Alonso 1280 PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE NEWBERRY LIBRARY IN AN EDITION OF 5OO COPIES AT THE LAKESIDE PRESS R. R. DONNELLEY & SONS COMPANY CHICAGO i