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Alden. . Geo rge, . . .Lewi 3
entitled -The. ..Hy.&r.olys ia... of... Aromatic... Sulphonic. -Ac-ids-
DEGREE OF.. Ba.chelo.r*...oT..Sc.lence-in.....Cheinlat-r.y..
Jacobson (7) in 1887 found that when sodium
pentamethylbenzenesulphonate is shaken with concentrated
sulphuric acid and light petroleum, hydrolysis occurs and
the hydrocarbon is obtained on evaporation showing the
effect of a number of groups in the ring on hydrolysis.
Later Friedel and Craft (8) used aluminum chloride
and phosphoric acid to bring about the hydrolysis of the
aromatic sulphonic acids and obtained good results; the
yields in the relatively few cases tried were greater than
those with sulphuric acid. In the present work it was
found that almost invariably with phosphoric acid the yield
is about the same or greater than the yield with sulphuric
acid as a catalyst.
Fournier (9) in 1892 used Friedel and Craft methods
to obtain diethyl benzene from diethyl benzene sulphonic
acid with almost theoretical results.
Later in 1901 J.M. Craft (IQ) studied the rate
of hydrolysis of sulphonates; chiefly metaxylene sulphonate
for 10 - 35/£ of hydrochloric acid heated in sealed tubes
at 100. The amount of hydrolysis was noted for different
amounts of hydrochloric acid and the velocity of reaction
was found to be proportional to the concentration of the
catalytic agent. With an increase of 6 % in concentration
there is a velocity four times as great. Craft does not
fully understand the reason for this phenomena.
III Theoretical
Most of the previous writers have mentioned the
fact that benzene sulphonie acid can be hydrolyzed almast
quantitatively but these results could not be duplicated.
When we introduce an (OH) group in the benzene
ring the ortho and para hydrogens are greatly activated
and hydrolysis seems to take place easier. Thus para phenol
sulphonie acid hydrolyzes very easily; the rate being
greater with phosphoric acid as a catalyzer than with sul-
phuric acid as a catalyzer.
They yield of napthalene from alpha and beta
napthalene sulphonie acids are almost theoretical using
sulphuric acid a3 a catalyzer. With phosphoric acid as a
catalyzer the rate of hydrolysis is faster and the yield
is about the same. The alpha napthalene sulphonie acid
comes over fcapidly at first and suddenly stops which seems
to indicate that the sulphonie acid group is split off and
r^S UT phrvrm t.pg in t.Viia ‘hara chloro benzene sulphonate was
then hydrolyzed and the introduction of another group in
the ring had a marked effect on the amount of hydrolysis,
the hydrolysis with both sulphuric acid and phosphoric
acid as catalyzers being about Q0%,
With the use of sodium ortho dichloro benzene
sulphonate we have a similar reaction, the hydrolysis with
sulphuric acid being about 65$. In this case the hydrolysis
with sulphuric acid is greater than with phosphoric acid
as a catalyzer. Similarly with ortho xylene sulphonic acid
we have tho same effect of additional groups in the ring
although the yield is not the 3ame as the yield with the
sodium ortho dichloro benzene sulphonate.
It has long been known that camphor when steam
distilled in the presence of a dehydrating agent gave
cymene. It was found that in a similar manner camphor
sulphonic acid breaks dov/n to cymene very readily.
Sodium benzyl sulphonate was studied to see what
effect hydrolysis would have on an aliphatic hydrocarbon
in comparison with an aromatic hydrocarbon. Sulphuric acid
and phosphoric acid were both used as catalyzers but with
negative results.
In the preparation of lauryl benzene by the
Friedel and Craft reaction an intermediate compound
perhaps dodecylene, was isolated. It gave the bromine test
for unsaturation and its boiling point and specific gravity
was like that of dodecylene. This may be evidence in
favor of the theory that the first steps in the ordinary
Friedel and Craft reaction is a splitting out of the
halogen acid from the alkyl halide.
IV Experimental.
Apparatus .
The apparatus used was a simple steam distillation
apparatus. The distilling flask was connected to an air
condenser which in turn was connected to a water condenser.
All the connections leading into the flask were made of
pyrex tubing and because of the high temperatures of hydrolysis
the thermometer was incased in a pyrex tub? which was filled
with cotton seed oil. This precaution was taken to prevent
the thermometer from being broken and to prevent the numbers
on the thermometer from being effaced.
Preparation of Compounds.
The following compounds were already prepared
and therefore there is no need of discussing their methods
of preparation: sodium benzene sulphonate, sodium beta
napthalene sulphonate, sodium para brom benzene sulphonate,
sodium meta nitro benzene sulphonate, sodium para chlor
toluene sulphonate, sodium ortho dichloro benzene sulphonate,
sodium ortho xylene sulphonate, methyl ether of carvocrol
sulphonic acid and camphor sulphonic acid.
Sodium alpha napthalene sulphonate:- This com-
pound was prepared affic&rding to the method of Barnett (12)
which will not be described here. It was found that when
the alpha napthalene sulphonic acid was boiled with water
to remove the napthalene that a considerable amount was
hydrolyzed and it was almost impossible to obtain a product
uncontaminated with napthalene. Sodium carbonate was added
to the solution and it was found that the sodium salt was
relatively stable to boiling with water so that in this
manner the compound could be easily purified.
Para phenol sul phonic acid:- This compound was
prepared according to Vanino (21). Two hundred (200) grams
of phenol was melted at 35° - 40° , 100 grams of fuming
sulphuric acid was added care being taken that the temp-
erature does not rise too high. This mixture was heated
slightly and allowed to stand for about twenty-four hours.
The two layers gradually disappeared and on standing the
sulphonic acid crystallised out. The slight excess of
sulphuric acid was not removed because it was not necessary
for the experiment.
Sodium napthol (2) sulphonate (l):- To about
40 grams of b-napthol about 100 c.c. of sulphuric acid
(mixture of * 1 % fuming sulphuric acid and concentrated
sulphuric acid) was added and the whole mass heated on
an oil bath to 160° until the two layers disappeared.
The excessof sulphuric acid was neutralized with barium
hydroxide, the barium sulphate filtered off and the filtrate
added to a saturated sodium chloride solution. The yield
was poor, about 9 grams.
Sodium ortho toluene sulphonate:— Several methods
were tried in the preparation of sodium ortho toluene sul-
phonate. The amide of 0 -toluene sul phonic acid was refluxed
for several hours with a sodium carbonate solution but with
little success.
The method of hydrolysis described in Winther (13)
which uses chlorsulphonic acid was tried. This method
consists in heating the amide with chlorsulphonic acid for
several hours at 130 - 150^ extracting with ether and
hydrolyzing with sodiu$ carbonate. The reaction did not
Finally a mixture of ortho and para toluene
sulphonyl chlorides were separated by vacuum distillation
as used by Majert and Ebers (14). About thirty parts in
a hundred were distilled over giving us the ortho compound
and by a series of vacuum distillations the ortho compound
was obtained pure. This sulphonyl chloride was hydrolyzed
by refluxing with a saturated sodium carbonate solution
with almost theoretical results.
Sodium meta toluene sul phonate:- This compound
was prepared according to the method of Metcalf (15) and
Griffin (16). To 100 grams of para toluidine was added
200 grams of 7 % fuming sulphuric acid. This mass was
heated until fumes of sulphur dioxide came off and the
mixture kept at 180 for an hour. After cooling the mixture
was Poured into twice its volume of water and a dark pasty
mass resulted consisting mainly of the meta and ortho
sul phonic acids of para toluidine. The remaining sulphuric
acid was precipitated by an excess of barium hydroxide,
the solution boiled to remove any unchanged toluidine and
. . ' ■> --*?** If
the barium sulphate filtered off. On cooling the long sulphur
yellow needles crystallized out. This was filtered off and
the ortho and meta sul phonic acids we re separated by difference
of solubility ina potassium hydroxide solution. The para
toluidine meta sulphonic acid is insoluble while the para
toluidine ortho sulphonic acid is soluble in the potassium
hydroxide solution.
Twenty-five (25) grams of the potassium para
toluidine meta sulphonate was suspended in a 150 G,c. of a
92 %> solution of alcohol to which hydrochloric acid had been
added. This was placedin an ice bath and when the temp-
erature was at 0° sodium nitrite was added and the temperature
gradually allowed to rise up to 46 until the reaction was
complete, which requires about 30 minutes. The pinkish
white crystals were filtered off by a filter pump and washed
with alcohol.
Twenty (20) grams of this diazo compound was
decomposed in 200 c.c. of absolute methyl alcohol to which
9 grams of dried sodium carbonate had been added. This
reaction was carried on at 0 and the solution gradually
warmed to 30. This solution was allowed to stand over
night and then heated to 35. The alcohol was distilled
off and the resulting mixture was so contaminated with
sodium chloride that it was almost impossible to obtain a
pure product.
Instead of sodium nitrite, amyl nitrite was used
with better results, because a sodium salt was not formed.
This method is practically the same except that the diazo
compound was prepared and decomposed in the same alcoholic
suspension. The yield was poor M i about 25 grams of the
potassium para toluidine meta sulphonate only 6 grams of
the dark impure potassium meta toluene sulphonate resulted.
Sodium para toluene sulphonate:- This compound
was prepared by refluxing para toluene sulphonyl chloride
with a saturated sodium carbonate solution for about an
hour. The reaction goes very easily and the yield is
almost quantitative.
Sodium para chi or benzene sulphonate:- This
compound was prepared by the same method as used by
Langmuir (17) in preparing sodium para iodo benzene sul-
phonate. 60 c.c. of chlor benzene was heated with 120 c.c.
of an equal mixture of 7 % fuming sulphuric acid and
concentrated sulphuric acid on an oil bath for several
hours or until the two layers had disappeared. This
solution was added to the same amount of water and finally
when cooled poured into a saturated sodium chloride sol-
ution. The sodium para chlor benzene sulphonate was
filtered off by suction. The yield was good, about 70 grams.
Sodium para iodo benzene sulphonate:- This
compound was prepared by the previous mentioned method of
Langmuir. From 50 grams of iodo benzene, 35 grams of the
sodium para iodo benzene sulphonate was obtained.
Sodium para ethyl benzene sulphonate:- To 50 c.c.
of ethyl benzene 100 c.c. of a mixture of 7 % fuming sulphuric
acid, and concentrated sulphuric acid was added and the
mixture heated gently on a steam cone until the two layers
mixed; allowed to stand several hours and added to 100 c.c.
of water. The excess of acid was neutralized with sodium
carbonate and then the mass was added to a saturated
sodium chloride solution. The sodium salt crystallized
out in beautiful leaflets; yield about 35 grams.
Secondary Butyl benzene:- Two runs were made
in the preparation of this compound. In the first run
45 c.c. of normal butyl bromide and 140 c.c. of benzene
were dried over calcium chloride and then refluxed with
20 grams of aluminum chloride for about three-fourths of
an hour. The mass was then poured into water. The two
layers were separated and the benzene extraction dried
over calcium chloride for about four hours. The benzene
was distilled off and the remainder was fractionated;
the fraction boiling at 172°- 176° at atmospheric pressure.
The yield was 34 grams.
In the second run 50 c.c. of normal butyl bromide,
200 c.c. of benzene and 20 grams of aluminum chloride were
used. The yield was 35 grams.
This reaction according to Schram (18) who used
normal butyl chloride instead of normal butyl bromide . gives
the secondary butyl benzene. The boiling point of the
compound (173 - 175) and the specific gravity (0.865) found,
corresponded to that for secondary butyl benzene.
Sodium secondary butyl benzene sulphonate:-
- . .
34 grams of secondary butyl benzene, 50 c.c. sf concentrated
sulphuric acid and 20 c.c. of 7$ fuming sulphuric acid were
allowed to stand dor several hours in the cold but there
was no reaction. The mass was then heated on a steam cone
for several hours until the two layers disappeared. The
excess of acid was neutralized with sodium carbonate and
the resulting mixture added to a saturated sodium chloride
solution. The yield of the sodium salt was 15 grams.
Lauryl bromide:- This compound was prepared
according to the method of Kamm and Marvel (19). In a
250 c.c. round bottom flask 40 grams of lauryl alcohol,
85 grams of hydrobromic acid (34$) and 42 c.c. of sulphuric
acid were refluxed for about three hours. The solution
was diluted with water, the bromide separated by difference
of specific gravities and then washed with sulphuric acid,
water and dilute sodium carbonate solution successively.
The bromide was extracted with ether. The ether was then
evaporated off and the product distilled under a vacuum
O o
of about 40 mm., the bromide coming over at 196 - 200.
The yield was 30 grams or about 55$ of the theory.
Undoubtedly the low yield is due to the fact that a 34$
solution of hydrobromic acid was used while the directions
call for a 48$ solution.
Lauryl benzene:- The reaction of Priedel and
Craft was used in the preparation of this compound.
29 grams of lauryl bromide, 250 c.c. of benzene and 25 grams
of aluminum chloride were refluxed for four hours. The
resulting solution was poured into water and the two layers
separated. The benzene lawyer was dried over calcium chloride
over night, benzene was distilled off and the remainder
distilled under a vacuum of 46 mm. Two fractions were
collected, the boiling point of the first fraction was
o ©
100 - 110 and the yield was 8.50 grams, while the second
was 190°- 197° and the yield Was 10 grams. The first fraction
is perhaps dodecylene because is gave a positive test for
unsaturation and the specific gravity was almost that of
dodecylene, while the second fraction is undoubtedly lauryl
benzene. The specific gravity of lauryl benzene was found
to be 0.9225 at 20° and its boiling point 190°- 197°at 46 mm.
pressure. In odor and general appearance lauryl benzene
resembles the higher aliphatic hydrocarbons.
Sodium lauryl benzene sulphonate :- To 7 grams
of lauryl benzene 20 c.c. of concentrated sulphuric acid
and 10 c.c. of 7 % fuming sulphuric acid were added.
This mixture was occasionally shaken and sulphonated very
readily in the cold. It was poured in a similar amount
of water, the excess of acid neutralized the sodium car-
bonate and finally added to a saturated sodium chloride
solution where the sodium salt crystallized out. The yield
was very poor; about 2 grams. This poop yield may be
explained by the fact that hydrolysis took place when it
was poured into water.
Sodium benzyl sulphonate:- The potassium salt
of this compound was first prepared by Bflhler (20), by
refluxing benzyl chloride with potassium sulfite. To 100 grams
of benzyl chloride a solution containing 125 grams of sodium
sulfite was added and this mixture refluxed for about five
hours. When the reaction was finished there remained an oil
which had a boiling point of 190° and ifc evidently benzyl
alcohol. On cooling the solution the sodium benzyl sulphonate
crystallized out in beautiful leaflets. The yield is 85
grams or about 45^ of theory. The yield of benzyl alcohol
was 40 c.c.
In figuring the yields in the following data
the author in each case endeavoured to prepare the mono
sulphonic acid and all the yields are figured approximately
on this basis.
I '
DATA (Continued)
Sodium para
secondary buty!
50 c.c. H a S0 4
benzene sul-
" fl h 3 pq,
Sodium lauryl
lyzes almost quar
ely on
benzene sul-
of sulphuric
phonate .
Sodium para
35 c.c. H, S0„
i W
chlor toluene
It tt ^ TT ^
50 " H 3 P0 y
Sodium ortho
25 c.c. H d S0 v
dichloro ben-
ti n ti
TI fl
zene sul phonal
e 10
" M H 3 P0,
35 mir
Sodium ortho
25 c.c. H, S0 V
1 ,
xylene sulphon-
Tt If tl
ate .
Methyl ether of
25 c n c. H §0,
25 mir
. 3.86
carvocrol sul-
phonic acid.
Camphor sulphon-
25 c.c. H a S0 4
ic acid.
50 " H 3 P0 4
Sodium benzyl
25 c.c. H a SO w
40 ” H 3 PO v
it ti
Sodium para
25 c.c. H.SOu
bromo benzene
25 "
sulphonate .
25 c.c. H 3 P0*
I The following compounds were prepared and the amount, tine
and temperatures of hydrolysis studied: Sodium benzene
sulphonate, Fara phenol sulphonic acid, Sodium beta
napthalene sulphonate, Sodium alpha napthalene sul-
phonate, Sodium napthol (2) sulphonate (1), Sodium
ortho toluene sulphonate, Sodium meta toluene sulphon-
ate, Sodium para toluene sulphonate, Sodium para
chloro benzene sulphonate, Sodium para bromo benzene
sulphonate, Sodium para iodo benzene sulphonate,
Sodium meta nitro benzene sulphonate, Sodium para
ethyl benzene sulphonate. Sodium para secondary
butyl benzene sulphonate, Sodium lauryl benzene
sulphonate, Sodium para chlor toluene sulphonate,
Sodium ortho dichloro benzene sulphonate, Sodium
ortho xylene sulphonate, Methyl ether of* carvocrol
sulphonic acid. Camphor sulphonic acid, and Sodium
benzyl sulphonate.
II It has been shown that the time and amount of hydrolysis
of aromatic sulphonic acids depends on:
(a) Kind of groups in ring.
(b) Number of groups in ring.
(c) Position of groups in ring.
III Phosphoric acid was used as a catalyzer and in many
cases was superior to sulphuric acid as a catalyzer.
IV Sodium benzyl suLphonate was found to act very differently
from the other compounds studied showing the charact-
eristics of the aliphatic compounds.
V Lauryl benzene has been prepared and its physical
constants determined. It was shown that it sulphon-
ates very readily but that the sulphonic acid was
relatively unstable.
1. Annalen 120:80 (1861)
2. " 133:36 (1865*
3. Ber. 11:19 (1878)
4. Ber. 11:1697 (1878)
5. J. Chem. Soe. 45:148 (1884)
6. Ber. 19:92 (1886)
7. Ber. 20:900 (1387)
3. Comptes Rendus 109:95 (1909)
9. Bulletin de la Societie Chemie (3) 7:652 (1892)
10. Ber. 34:1350 (1901)
11. Ber. 22:994 (1889)
12. Barnett "Preparation of Organic Compounds” 232 (1912)
13. D. R. P. 105870
14. D. R. P. 95338 or Ber. 38:730 (1905)
15. J. Chem. Soc. 15:301 (1893)
16. " " n 19:183 (1897)
17. Ber. 28:91 (1895)
18. Monatsheft 9:620 (1898)
19. J. Am. Soc. 42 : Feb. (1920)
20. Annalen 154:50 (1870)
21. Vanino "Organic Chemistry" p. 611 (1914)