u.s. • tlBR. OP CONGRESS ^(VISION OF BlBl-loGRA PH/ LIST OF PUBUtCA- tions on pub li- cit/ FOR the: STATES WAS H I NGToN . J).C., « 19I&. 0 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/listofpublicatioOOIibr Asn3 r\ LIBP.AFT Of C0H0KI31 . DIVISION Of BIBLIOGRAPHY UST or PUBLICATIONS OH PIALICITT fOR THB 3TATXS Chief Bibliogr^l^sr 1 Bettor Ne* Koglaad eenferenee end exhibit • Portland, He* ^ril 24*38, 1916. Piirpoeet Te celleet faeta regarding natural reaoureea, epper- tunitien fer davelepmantt and eeeial oendiiiona fer use in the bettevMnt of the Hew ^gland states, indlrlduallyy and eolleet* ively. . 6 2 *ladiaM. Bureau ef Isgielativs imferaation. Digest ef laws relating te stSts pnblieity or state adtrsrtieing astirltiss* Sept* 1914* 11 p* Typewritten. S ALABAMA. Dent, of asr icultuTt sad UAuitrLsd. The AlabsM eppertunity. [Nentgenery , 1906J 199 p* f226.A227 4 — — State dspt i ^rfi 111^911- AlaboM... HentgoMry, Ala., The Breen printing eowpany, 1913. 92 p« HC10T.A4A4 1912 On eevert Alahena*s new era, W,2. 1913. A nagasias ef pregrsos and deeelopwent. g AlabaM 'needs 30,000 famsrs. [Uentgonery, Ms., 19-T] 4 p, HC10T,A4A4 1912 • Ths sheapsat rlsh land in the world. Pub. by tbs Alabena ttate departMst ef inidgratiea.., Mentgensry. Ala., The Brown printing vewpany, 1912. 96 p. HC10T.A4M 1912n On eeeer: /labia *s new era. w.2, 1912... A nagaiiae of pregris and dSTolopaiant. y AIKAHSA8 8t. Lsnis. In Heuntain A Sonthsni railway ssnpaaf, Arkansas m i a^- wltial stats* Issued by Isold dspartwsnt*.* Little Reek, Arh*, [190 tj 22 p, illua, S431.At82 8 m^mmm Manufituriag eppdrtunitiw in Arfean,,, 4th sd. By 8* L. Kay* Issued by Land dspartaieat... Little Reek, Ark. [19043 29 p, (World's fair industrial seriw, ne,8) HC107.A8822 ■arsh 2, 1914 LIBRARY OF THE ^ERSITY OF ILLINOI -t- 9 St. Louis, Iron Mountain ft Southom railway «o. Minoral vaaltli of Arkanoao. Induotrlal oorioa. no* ft. (M ad*) laaaad by Laad dapart* aout... Uttla Reek. Ark. [l904l] &9 >. Vl'M.ASKt Xo Stock raising ia Arttanoao. Xssuoci ty lauici dopartnaat... ftd ad. Little Reek, Arte. [190 T] 29 p. (Induetrial aarlaa. ae.l) Issued ether publieatiena of a aisdlar aharaeter. BfftT.ftSC£ 11 -ehfe’tleek. J. F. Raaoureea of Arkanaaa. A evsBaary of the atata'a hiddWA wealth. Cenpilaiaata of J. F. Vhitleak, State Cartel, lAttla Reok. Ark. 14 p. MaOT.ASVft II CALik'OKNIA doreleiaieat boai'd , San ^riflftnf- Califendai Raaeuraaa aad petisibilitiea . . . Tvaatt'-fourth annaal report for the yaar 19IS. Lan Franeioco, Callfeinia darolopaMat beard. 1914. (4 p. HOlOf.CtASlt X 3 . — .. Monthly bulletin. Net. 1911 « data. [Saa Franaiaaet] 1911«>19II. 14 Tha California preaotien aeaaittee, San Franaiaaa . California aaanal) January, 190T. By Claranaa B. Bdwarda. San Franaiaaa, The Galifamia proateiion oonaittao [itCft] 24 p. HG109.C2C2S Xt Smi Franaiaoe and ita anrirona. San Franaiaaa, Tha Oalifemia proBMtion aenaittea, 1901. 112 p. FMB. 22014 16 COLORADO pronotioa and publicity eanaiitoa, Danvar . Colorada} ita aanu* fsoturoa. Oanror, Col., The abdth-Brooka ptg. aa., 1904. 19 p. UClOf.CTAl IT CONNSCncUV. state board jx£, awriauitura . Ceanaatiaut agrleultura. Llat of farm for sale, 1915. Pub. by diraatien of tha Beard, Laonard Honlwi, saaratary. [Putnan, Printed by tha Brana brotharo, IBlft] 1S7 p. iaa46.08M 191ft 18 nxT.A4AR2. State board of a ffieui tnrp. Ualaaara, the diamm atata, tha garden spot of tha oountry, osais piatnraa, faata and figuraa of asnaaial walua to prespootiwa aattlara. loauad by tha fttata board of agriottltura, Deyar, Delaware. Viliiagtea, Dal., Tha Mav ftaatal ■agafine ooapany, 1911. 97 p. 84ftl.0tA4 1911 19 FLORIDA. Pant , of anlcultnra . Florida. A paisphlot daaariptiwa of ita histonr, topography, olinata, soil, raaouraea aad natural adyantagaa, in ganaral and by oountiaa. Prepared in tha intaraat af iaaigrmtioa by the DaparV.oat of agriaultura, B.B.MaLia, aamiaaienar. Thllnhaaaaf Fla., I.B.Hllsoa, 1904. 991 p. mi.Ff2 20 Florida yaar book aad alaanaa 1911. A oenpilation of anthoritatira data aa tha state's raaonraaa and iadnstrioa. Jaakaonwilla , Fla., J.AJtolla- aon [1912] 9ft p. HdOT.FfFS - 3 - ai 030RC1A . Bmw 2l iqdwiriM iBSiiZBiiSA* 0«*rgia. Istuad by Sanual C. Oualapi eomlasioasr. Atlanta, Qa. , Prase of X.V.AIlen A eeapaay, 1910. 47 p« ii0107.07AS 1910 2S pant * ef afri eultara* AdTanAngoa of Oaorcla for thoaa dooiriug hoaiaa ia a ganial aliaata«>* Atlanta, Oa. , Cl907j[ 1S8 p» (Bullatia of tha OeargBi Oapt. of agriaultura. * aarial no* 4S A) r291.a31B 81 •*""*•* — Oaorf^a, hlntorloal •ui** La-^'jtatrlal* uy th# Oapanaont of agriaultura, 0. B. Staraaa. aeaniaaioaor, R.F.Wrlgbt, aaat* cooniaaionar. Atlanta, Oa*, O.W.Harrlaon, 1901. 955 p* FSBfi.OSa 84 — — — — Oaorgia atatiatloa 1908-1909* Prapc-tad under tha diraation af T*0*Kudaon, aonaiaaionsr of agrieultura, by J.T.borry and R.F.Wrlf^t. [ Atlanta rl C.P.Fyrd, 19C9. 134 p* lU884*Ab 1909 ”Ab inrantory of the «».iar povera of Coorgia, by S.ii.MaCallia, atata goologlaft p*80-88. ti — Oaarglai tha anpira atata of the South: ahat aha ia and will ha. Atlanta, On., Byrd print, ia*, 1913* 104 p* illua* Ha07*04Aa 1913 %$ M.— Proaparoua OaorgLa) tha Idoal hona far all oiaaaoa... By Jaaaph t. Oarry and RtFaFrig^t. Atlanta, Chaa. F. Byrd, 1911* 818 p* (Bnllatla. Oaorgia Oapartnant of acrianltura* ^wiml ho* IS-B.) — — Snpplamant* .. Ratiaod and aorractad atatiatiaai data aa raoaalad by laat raport of tha U. H. Corjiw of 1910^ April, 1918* [Atlanta, 1918] » p* (Bnllotia, Barial no* U-C.) HC107*04A1 1918 87 Oaorgia ahanbar of aomorao, AtiMutA. Goorgla; aonconirutad tmtho of thlnga aa they am in tha Rnpim atata of tha South, oonp. for oaay roferanoa for tha bnay ana* Atlanta, Oa*, Oaorgia ahanbar of ooonorao, 1914. 40 p. ''Coav*...by fia. F. Parkhurat** HC107*a4A4 1914 88 ILLINOIS. B nraau af labor otatigtlco . Bullatia* Industrial opportunitiaa* ...Sprlngfiald, 111*, Zllinolo state journal oo*, 1911* 171 p* H0107.ZSA4 39 KAISAS. State board of ajrrloultura * Kansas atatiatloa. Tabloa ahowlnf tha stata*a papulation by eountioo and eitioa, aaaaoaod valuation , aaroo, yialda and valua of agriaultural products, and nunbera and lalna.iof 11 vo itaak for tha yaara 1899 and 1900, togathor aith othor tablao and diagrana aheviag yialda and valuaa af aunarous produatiens far vnrioua parioda* Topaka, W.T.Uargait, atata printar, 1901* 87 p* "Fraa Twalfth blaanial mport of atata board of Agrieultura.** HA184.A9 1900 80 [Cabum, Faotar D. Kansaa aad her raoouraao* [ChieagoT] Panaangar dapt*, Iba Atahioan, Tapakn A Santa Fi mllaay aonpany, 1908* 69 p* (Hona- ooakara* aarlao, no*T) F481.K16 81 Fritta, John ?. Kanaas, door atap to tho tanpla of plenty; a eaapllation. C^paka, Kana*, Adana hrathora a#*, 1910] 64 oolmna. illua* HC107.K8F8 32 Kargert CharlM U. Publieity for a atato. IndapaxUlont , Aug. 11 • 1911, ▼.71: 478-481. AP1.I53,t.71 Hbouboob tbe publicity aampnit^i of tha Kwiiaaa 9t*ta board af agriouliurc. 39 rw.TU'TirY, Bureau cf >;;>a-loul»v.rc . labor aiia atatiaUei . Handbaak of K«atuaky. laaued by lluLbort Vroolnad, cosTalaaioaQr of agrieultura. LauiaTiUa, ly . I Hie Globe pivatiitg ow.. l'»08. 643 p. F4&1.K375 Gaviiuti) biuenial rapo:i. Buraau of agneultura. 34 Stata devalopaent ooDTaation. Proeaadiaga. Sixth hald uadar the auaplara cf the Ksi-tuaky aiaic dsyalaumaai aaaoaiatioa. Laulcvilia, ky.i Wcv. 19-21, 1SC7. [Louiatillal 1907! J 210 p. RaiOT.1457 35 LOUISIANA. Stata board arrieultura ag ^ ltd ay at tpa . Oaaart tha kroakant join the bosjior'j. foraard nareh ia oar aatta. CSaton Souga, 19153 8 p. 32 A hand-boak of Louisiana glviag ganorai and agriauitural faaturas, togathar aith arepa that aaa ba groaa, daaartpiian o^ oaah parloh, oli:u&.ta, bMilth, aduaatiea, induatidaa, railroads, aataraoumso, foraatry, ate. lanuod by tha Louisiana at^a board of aiprleultura a)«l IfnlgiMtija, 2!. 0. ili* all principal eannaraial peiata, toon populatiotia and railway (Uat&noaa. Chisago, Oaory:a f. Cnua, 19141 It Daria, George H. Iiu8li.actag<;s far iax^igrai/.s, papavially teraars. aarufaaturara . and oa}• >'“<^ "‘i-*— mr ?T..^o<>* *• 1«3 R«l bosk rA. by ttb bbrmy- •» Ijkbar s ‘tail ail a* > w-ouri. 19W-1S-14. flawourow, •f a tarivxae eoia. wnwaaitk. . . •lii.aaurl boo.iar i«iipWtt R«4 baak." Jaffaraaa Citj , Ja.i ^ba Hup*? natJan* T 1912-14 &12 ji« ilius. Praloda ia S4th annval rwpart. MOiTAiu. iitumi dL > a’A. y ii la gt» Igjj: * ’ "•'**““* iBdapaudani puBiishiag ea., atata prlntarw, 1*09. 21B p. J.K.Hall> aoMBdaBianar. ^ 50 U — IS ^ — iBsuad by tho Dapar^TW^i af puhl4c-^y of W'« •f a^ioul^ura, labor and iaiuatry of ♦kho aiato of aaJS^siaaar. ^4. af 19U. Halana, Uaat., ladapandaat pubi^aiag co., 1912. aoft p* > t 09 faata about J^aiaaa... ta*u«'» ^4tr nuthority * X # ManijcHA bv tha Stala dapartaaat of agrtouliura lai pabLkO-cjr* H^aL! -:aai., ladapaadart pablishiag aa. [l*15T] 14 p. HC109.1I4A# 1915 ■Wilkin BRAKY ^ ■ THE Y OF iLLINOli; f»/^, »«* J ( Oo « t 54 - 4 - 'ontana. Dapt . of agi*ieultura and publicity . Th# raaour*#* and app^rtimltla* of iiontana, 1914 ad., by tha Uapartmant of agrleultura and publiaity* J.U.Kannady, aomiiaaionar. . . Halana. Uoat.i ladapaadeai publiahlag eompauy, 1914. 304 p. HCIOT .14944 1914 "Inatruetiona undar tha thraa*yaar Haaaataad lav. Oaparteaat af tha intarior. Oanaral land effiea. (Ciraular ao.278} lav.lt 1911.” p. 291-295. 55 - — — Tba raaouraaa aad oppox^vBitias of Maaiaaai 1915 ad. By tha Oapartaaat of agriaultvira aad publieityt J.M.Kaanadyi aovlaaioaart Sath Uaxvall. ahiaf olark. Halana. Mont.. Zadopondanao pub. ao.. 1915. 94 p. 54 Elliott. Hovard. Mantaaa; an addraaa dalivarad at tha Zataratata fair. Botaaan. Mont., 'lapt. 1. 1910. [Soiat Fault 1910] 14 p.HC107 .11915 57 NCBRASKA. B^. 2 L labor gBjl induatrial atatlatlaa . Habraska*s iaduatriaa and raaouroaa. Oanaral daaerlptioa af tha otaia; aouatiaa and tavnahipa daaeribad; Oonha, Liaeola and South (hiahai atatiaiiaal aunary...by Cyma 1. JVataoa, stata daputy ooaaiaaioaar of labor. Liaaoln. Mabr., 1902. 245 p. (1^ Bullotin, bo.2) F644.Ht4 > 58 - — — ..... Raaouroaa of Nabraaka. Bullatla no. 28. Aug.l. 1914. Linooln. Nabr.i Watara-lamhart print, ae.. OMaha. 1914. 41 p. H0107.I2A4.BO.18 59 NKYADA. Buraau si Induatnr . aarioultnra ja^ kgrlaultural NoTada, by C.A. Morarosa, aaoaiaaioaar induatry. agrloultura and irrigation. Zsauad by Sunaat aagagiaa honaaaokara buraau. San Fnuudaaa. Cal. [Saa Fraaaiaaa, Sunaat publiahing hausa. 1911] 41 p. 8451 jnAS 19U 60 N£V JrOlSIY. BOArd af agrleultura . Mav Jarsay hand-baok. Fub. by tha Stata beard of agrlaultura. aa authorliad by tha Ixaautiva aaoBittaa. Id. by Franklin Oya. aoeratary. Trantoa. N.J., 1901. 117 p. 7184.IIM 61 — Buraau of induatrial atatlatlaa . Iba induatrial dlraatary af Mav Jaraoy.. .1915. Candoa, M.J.. S. Chav A aena ae., prlatarv, 1915. 742 p. Hot. avary third year. Zndaa to induatrial opportualtloat p.lll. H010T.M5A5 1915 62 NORTH OARCLINA . Pant , of arrloultura . North Carolina. Candlilaaa lavltlag faming, truaklag, aattla-ralalng aad dairying. Solla and allaata. Ralal^ Cl.M.Otiall A eo., atata prlntara, 1905T] 42 p.9i51.N8A4 61 Gaalogj aal aunray . 1891- Sana fnata and flguraa about North Carolina and har natural raaouraaa. praparad by tha North Qarallaa gaologloal and aaeaoaie aurroy. Halalghi I.M.Osiall A ao.. atata print- am. 1913.54 p. HCI0T.1ISA5 64 Tha Nova and obsanrar, Pifli Xlluatratlva of North Oarallaa'a prograaa. Tebaaee. aotton. fumitura. hortlaultura, raaort. Imbar, Ufa iaauranaa. flra Inauranao... Ralglihi 1907. 71 p.HQ107JI8M5 laauad aa SupploBaat to Nava and abaarrar. Mav.6. 1907. c. North Dakota and hor magnifieont roaoureaa* 'S/hat twonty*tM xoars has aooompllohod for this thrlTing and progrossiTo stata. CBlaaarekt N.O., Bisaarek tribune eo., 1913] 37 p. [North Dakota Oopt. of agrieulturo*] i" 636 • 04 7 North Dakota Eagatino; the otato's roooureos * agricultural, industrial A coLinoreial* t.1-4. Bianarok , N,D., Agricultural dopastment, 19?C» 1911. 4 T. Monthly, irrogular. >'631.N71 CPSCCN. "tato board of l aaiCTmtion - The state of Oregon, ite roocuroeo and errortunitios; offieial pemphlot publiehod for the information of home- seekers, settlers and investere, by the Oregon state imuit^tion agent under the authority of the T^pantyAsixth Legislative asseably... 3tate imnigraticn conniBsinn, Thomas C. Burke, president... Salem, Ore., ' ' 9 . S. Ouniway, state printer, 1913. 144 p. F876.072 ..... University, Bussn e. Sesendi' annual eossnonvealth couferencs held at the University of^Tegon... Feb. 11 and 12, 1910. [Eugene, 1910] 46 p. (Its Bulletin, new series, v.B, no.4. Oee. 1910.) Iill.07 Contains papers on organisations and ageneles for seeiiring pubkioity in public affailrs, ete. iit fcltg later eonferanees. Developnent league, Pert land . Biennial report of Oregon State liaaigration eonsdesicn. . .iradprution areat...aBd Oovalepsient league, fros January 1, 1913, to Oeeenber 31, 1914. Portland, 1914. 40 p. niiott, Hovard. The relation of the railsay to community and statewide advertising; address... before the Oregon development league in annual oonvention, Salmo, Ore., Nov. 39, 1910. [at. PaulT 1910 T] 14 p. Hr6161.U8E5 Portland, Ore. Chamber of ooameree. The Chamber of coiiimoroe bulletin; offieial organ of the Portland Chamber of conDeree. Devoted to the development of the Paeifie Northwest. Portland, Ore., The Portland Chamber of conneree, 1904-1914. 19 v. la U. HC107.07P9 . ..... Oregon, the land of opportunity. Chamber of eosneres, 1911. 33 p. Portland, Or., Portland r881.Pa63 - — — ifhat to see and hew to aee it; hand book and guide, contain- ing valuable inforvation about Portland and vicinity, together with an account of the Lewis and Clark expedition... Portland, Cr., Pub. by Kultneaah printing co., inc., under auspices of Portland O'hBsber of eeraneree, 1905. 138 p. F884.P8P83 PENH3Y1&VANIA. Dept . si. Xubor and industr y . Bureau of statlstiee fl£d fomatlen . Firet industrial dirsetory of Ponnsyivo/da, 1913. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Bureau of statistics and infor-uation, 1914. Harrisburg, Pa., V.s.Bay, stats printer, 1914. 778 p. John Pries Jackson, eomnlscionar. HC107.P4A9 75 SOinn CAROLINA. Dent , ef axricultura . sonnsrss and industries . Handbook of South Carolina; reseursss, institutions and Indus trios of the state; a euBBca^y sf statistiss of agrisultura, manufasturas , geography, slinats, geology and physiography, ninsrals and mining, odueatlen, transportation, semmoras, government, etc. 1. J. batson, eoEtaiseionor. 2d ed. 1908. The Stata dsparfaasnt of agrisultura, somrisrss and immigration... Columbia, 8,C., The Stats company, 1908. 615 p. F869.S735 LIBRARY OF THE ERSITY OF ILLINOIS -8 7C jcuv. Jaruliuu. utpi . £f uirricu lturg , oo mwr ee » BuTl*»'tinX Joreti coiidi LiaKS in SouttT CarcULaa. ~ Haport of r'rflliJ’rf.nary ••xa'iina- tiii: uad s'irvfti by W. it. fioera, foroflt , U,S. Baref.u of forastry* JiUiiJJV, 1910. Coliiubia, 3.C,, 1910. 1 ▼, HC107.37M 77 South Carolina; the garden country of Anerlcn; a maanary of •tatijtiua of the atate. 1^10 atata'a iaritatton to sattlara and a riauai of rare opportuaitiea of farad. The goograiihy, elinata, topography, rauoureoa, itiJuatrlaa and gaaeral eondittona, tojothor ’clth nn offlelal list of lunio ani proporiiaa available to oettlem in 3oiith Carolina. Coup. (Tj il.J.Vaisoa, oo.^rdseioner. Ceklsabia, S.C., Tha State departmaat of agriculturo , eonoorea and iaaiigration, 1908. 7S p. HDS66.86A4 1908 78 lYoar book of South Carolina, 1914] aeventh annual report. l'J14. Goluubia, 3.C. Oonialaa i Bryan, otata ’printers , 1915. 390, 138 p FfC107.37A3 1914 79 t'olfe, Stanley L. ^uod-uaing induatrios of South Sairollna, by Stanbby L. falfa foraat oaoistant, Foraat aarvioa, 1913. Colianbla, S.C,, The B.L.Bryan ooLipciay , 1913. 53 p« KD975T.AtW7 80 SOUTH OAKOTA. Duraau of ia ioigration . Com in king In South Dakota; a publicity booklat for 1914... An official publieation laaued by tha atata of South Dakota... Pub. by tha South Dakota Buroau of iaoigration, [1914] 31 p. HC107.88A5 1914 Chan. SeCaffreo, ooriaiaaioner of iKiigration. 81 — — — - JUd-Oakota, dia raiehate Kemkannar dar Walt. Ein Land voll ionnanaaholn, gaauudaa Kllna, glileklleha Manaaban. Salna Pruolrtt baran Paldar, blUhonJan StHdta und aaahaandaa Induatrlaa ladaa Buah a-n ual biAan iSueh goldaaa Galagaahaitan lur KxLataag. Abardaaa, [1913] 31 p. Publiahad also in Behe^aian, Norwagian and Paliah. B3 .'iurdau of Imigratiop . Kont a«ar Tannasaaat Hat land van vooruitsicht. Gaan landngantaahap. Paitan varsanald dear hat Stnata* bureau Tan landbau*. Chioa^, 111., 1915. 16 p« 83 -Sant , of agri^|ultura . Paata about Tannaaaaa. [Agrieultuml and othar rasouroaa.j Dapartiiiant of agrioultura. . OapartBent of publia inatri'Ctiin. CNaahvilla, 1915.] 52 p. 84 ilandbook of Taonaaaoa, eontairdag daaerlptiTa and atatiatiaal Batter ralatiT# to tha raaoureaa and produeta af tha state. By Tbonaa N. Peine, eonrioeioner of agriculture. Nashrilla, Tann., McGulddy printing; company, 1903. 292 p. P436.TS74 85 — . — ..... ’^4^ of Toonaaaaa ahowiag acrrl cultural and niaaral raaouraas, population and odueatioaal statiatica . . .ieauad by tha Tonnaasaa depart* Boat of agrioultura and tha Bureau af iaaiigmtian. NnshTilla, 1913* 23 p. CoTsr title used; i.p. reads: Tanneasaa, tha land of oppartunlty* HC10T.T3A8 1913b B6 TEXAS Kittrall, Neman 0. Eauit Tanas, a land for honaa and invaatment. [Houatan, Tan., OaaiyAday-L'lgln sonpany , 1915] 16 p. HC10T.T4K5 -9 8T '^•r«haBta* as«oai«tien of Nnw Turk, lie natural rcaoureea and •oononio eoaditieno of the etate of ^exn*; report of an osimlaatioil made by a spaeial ooandttea of tha Uerehonta* avaoeiation of N«« York, by InTitatloB of tha fOTomor and I^ogiela.tura of -‘axaa, ^aeamber, 1901. CNov Yorkl 1901] 149 p. . }391.tf55 hC107.14N7 68 Tasaa ^pliad oeoaonlas tlub. ^tudlaa in the iaduairial raaouroaa of i'dxaai .»*ad« by Lavla H. Haney. Auatta, Tax., Taa linlvaraity , 191b. 105 p. (BttlloUn of tha UnlYaraity af Taxaa LlHS] ao.Sj UC107.T4745 Contaiaa atudiaa oat 3oll baliai ellMata; tanparatura and raiAfall; papwlatioa; priaeipal eropa; eottan aaad product*; luabnr industry; 'Irrigation; raileay aareiaa; banks; eaalth; iadax. 89 Studiaa ia tha land prablaa lu Texas..., ad. by Laela H. Haaey. Austia, Tax., Tha Oniraralty [1915] 181 p. (Bullotia of tho University af ^axaa. 1915. no. 39. July 10, 1915} Hj)21x.T4T5 Bibliagraphias at end of soma diaptars. Caataias studios iai Land prabloai la Taxaa; raeoat iaeraaso ia tananey; ais« of fame; housing eoaditioas aaon|^ taannt farmers; laprovad ayataas af tsaaaey; hanaatsad law; Tarraaa aystax af land rafrlatratlea; ntats old ta Inad purchase; Consarvatlon of aiaaral and luabar rasoureaa; SanaarTation of water raaoureaa; hublie lands; Taxation of alanrsl lands; Taxation of rursl lands, Ifrbnn land tax- atioa rafarv aahoaas; Sisfla tax. 90 UTAH. Baraau af laMljn»atioa i labor and atatlstiea . [Faeta and figures par* tslalno ta Utah. ) Saaoad ranort, 1913*1914. Salt Lake, Utah, 1915. 487 p. HC107.UBAB 91 TsmONT. Saerwtary af stats . Industrial Varmoat; tha aiaural, aanufaetuT' lag, sad aatar power raoeuraaa of the Oraaa Uountaia ataia, iasuad by tha Varmoat buTMu af ptablleity, affiea of aaorotary af state. [Xeatpaliar, 'Capital alty praas, 1914] 300 p. HCi07.V5Ab 191i 92 Tarmaat tha land of ^rsaa Mountains... laauad by tha Vermont Bureau of publicity, affiea of eaeretary of state. £seex Junetioa, Vt., Lini] 202 p. f54.V45 93 — — Vermont fanes. Bone facts and figures ooaeaming the agri* aultural raaoureas and eppartuni ti as of tha Orson Hauntaia stats, laauad by tha Temoat Bureau af publ laity, affiea of aaoratary of otata. Kaaax Jvaetioa, Vt. CldlSl] 126 p. 5451.V&A4 1911 "Agriaultural publlmtiaBa'*! p.65*78. "Varmoat fame and raaidaatial proaartlas far sale"; p.79-126. 94 — *** St ate board fX arri aultu re. Varvaat, its appaz^unitiaa for iavaataant ia sgrieultura, aanufaotxtra, alnarals, ltd attraatloas for suouner haass... [St. Albans, baasaarer asrtrtaay print, 1901] 62 p. F74.B&4 BRAH/ F THE Y OF ILLINOIS - 10 - viP^iNiA. D*£t.i At "sias.a 1314 1‘JU. ^aJu.ona, ^attoM, l>*15. !•« P* A hanebo«k of jVKouii’. •f a^Ticuituro oiii i»-igi^tioi^..f^. . ^0 ran. vest i:vr.i*ti wldci 00.1 19^1. •^''4 P* UrBini.: UfonL.tlo. for tl.. U.0 -wu .C.5; .f ue.i.aiu« ''••»-'‘'‘j;;;i.,;r I lAolwi no I l'-^3 72 j. r.nr.a.on. -.y .dairy any otfcor at.t*. P« ^^^2- lAiLWiNCVaH. (Jiail) iL - ISl'eoSS i^iS^^^^Sa^^'cSSiitUoa of Agri.uliurtdi aanufaoturl^ wd 8 » atati.tiM* nfn-ienltur. w»d iani.xation. Olya*>ia, aat... o.Jiiciio, HC10T.»aA> 1903) ran. wsa la. tM.uti.. «t th. •»»*• •>• S^U^orirMbui by Hwry P- dbyjby ocu.:d.iiioBar. )r*P • • *r8«l.b3.b prxiitdri 1316» ii^ i*« 95 p. - »uid. =*“ivLJSSi!'iSu?'..rt^Sr^3»w- OilaOl d.F«9y oouaiioBioner. 01y»p a» • • 112 p. Tb. lr..,.*.a A11..4, '^opUby oo» la3iou«r. Olynpifti *1 HDlT39.waA6 1910 1910. 99 p. ... 'll. lOKFWl-off la«d« n. iORB^ »* r.L.BoardmMi, rrint.r» dopuxy .oi»rii»ioi‘'»*>r. aiyiopiot ao..i • h(Jli3T.W3A8 1911. 71 p. - ivyiati.. of to. UBltod dt.tM ». 1 M- 'r .• p.bll. brl.t.r, ini. •nu iiini "ration. Oljru:: I .. • HA€9a.U 19U 29 p. .X * • . '-y.iNdi* 'jiddM of ftyoBlnc. Infus'd Vy Otpmrt- motartO. oX Aliiaijfcak**oJi* ® | ^ rL.T^ie Tfiraslf ro Vbll«» -i.ty.rr... »/•.. I’™- CUrwde, .i,aprj.y, prl3tb.r.j 1^0^- P« - a. .Ud. .f .>»!.»; . b.rit •' JrtitS** by ..tl.i.rlty tf t.. UbC UkUI.Ui*. SkiyxBn., by, tapll«r .dltitn. lutuKl by tit. .ooratarj ef oiate. 3.ilb..ri .r lxxdwti«- t».yMB., «y.. Itb. arintaraD 1908. 48 p» .ad raalaaatioB. oaklia Rf^ •-W