2S3.I H0& g £ MINUTES OF THE - 7 — Proceedings of the Fifteenth Council OF THE First Synod in the Dominion of Canada OF THE Reformed Episcopal Church OTHERWISE KNOWN AS The Protestant Church of England, HELD IN Christ Church, Toronto, Ontario, ON Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 5th and 6th, 1906, Also the Revised Constitution and Canons. *sr BELLEVILLE : THE INTELLIGENCER PRINTING AND PUBLISHING HOUSE, LIMITED. 1906. MINUTES Ti;: uarr CF 7 N(J|/ 1- |02g OF THE UNIVERSITY !?F !LL!N Proceedings of the Fifteenth Council OF THE First Synod in the Dominion of Canada OF THE % Reformed Episcopal Church OTHERWISE KNOWN AS The Protestant Church of England, HELD IN Christ Church, Toronto, Ontario, ON Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 5th and 6th, 1906, Also the Revised Constitution and Canons. w BELLEVILLE : THE INTELLIGENCER PRINTING AND' PUBLISHING HOUSE, LIMITED. 1906. NOTICE. The Sixteenth Council of the First Synod in the Dominion of Canada of the Reformed Episcopal Church will be held (D. V.) in Emmanuel Church, Belleville. The attention of Ministers and Church Wardens is called to the importance of sending their Parochial Reports and List of Delegates at least TEN DAYS before the meeting of the Council. Send the List of Delegates to the Secretary, and the Parochial Report to the Chairman of the Committee on the State of the Church. 2t^»i ' DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES OF THE REFORMED EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Adopted December 2d, 1873. I. The Reformed Episcopal Church, holding “the faith once delivered unto the saints/' declares its belief in the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as the Word of God, and the sole Rule of Faith and Practice ; in the Creed “commonly called the Apostles’ Creed in the Divine insti- tution of the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper ; and in the doctrines of grace substantially as they are set forth in the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion. 1 11 This Church recognizes and adheres to Episcopacy, not as of Divine right, but as a very ancient and desirable form of Church politv. III. This Church, retaining a Liturgy which shall not be imperative or repressive of freedom in prayer, accepts the Book of Common Prayer, as it was revised, proposed, and recommended for use by the General Convention of the Pro- testant Episcopal Church, A. D. 1785, reserving full liberty to alter, abridge, enlarge, and amend the same, as may seem most conducive to the edification of the people, “provided that the substance of the faith be kept entire.” IV. This Church condemns and rejects the following erroneous and strange doctrines as contrary to God’s Word : First. That the Church of Christ exists only in one order or form of ecclesiastical polity. Second. That Christian Ministers are “priests” in another sense than that in which all believers are “a royal priesthood.” Third. That the Lord’s Table is an altar on which the oblation of the Body and Blood of Christ is offered anew to the Father. Fourth. That the Presence of Christ in the Lord’s Sup- per is a presence in the elements of Bread and Wine. Fifth. That Regeneration is inseparably connected with Baptism. ©fficers of tbe Council 1906*07, President, BISHOP SAMUEL FALLOWS, D. D., LL. D. 967 West Monroe St., Chicago, Ills. Vice-President, REV. A. M. HUBLY, Belleville, Ontario. Secretary , REV. A. B. HUBLY, 652 St. Andre Street, Montreal. Asst-Secretary, REV. WILLARD BREWING, 326 Markham St., Toronto. Treasurer, MR. GEORGE C. COLES, Barrie, Ontario. 5 ©fftcers of the Council. COMMITTEES. Standing Committee. Rev. J. Eastburn Brown, Moncton, N. B. Rev. A. M. Hubly, Belleville, Ont. Rev. Walter Witten, A. M., Ph. D., Barrie, Ont. Rev. A. D. Cousins, Ottawa. Samuel Steen, Toronto. E. Roberts, Montreal. Alex. Hall, Toronto. W. M. Lockhart, Alliston, Ont. Thos. Hoare, Ottawa. Board of Trustees. Rev. Walter Witten, A. M., Ph. D., 5 years. Rev. Geo. Orman, 1 year. T. Williams, 3 years. W. Sloan, 2 years. A. Mackey, 4 years. Constitution and Canons. Rev. Walter Witten, A. M., Ph. D. Rev. J. B. Donaldson, J. H. Spencer, Chas. E. Palmer, His Hon. Judge J. A. Ardagh, State of the Church. Rev. A. B. Hubly, William Cairns, Rev. Willard Brewing, Alex. Hall. Publication. Rev. Geo. Orman, Rev. Willard Brewing, Thos. E. Davis, Dr. George Hill. Memorials and Resolutions. Rev. A. B. Hubly, Rev. Willard Brewing, J. W. Barlow. Audit. Thos. E. Davis, W. Smyth. MINUTES FIRST DAY. Toronto, Ont. Sept., 5, 1906. The Fifteenth Council of the First Synod of the Reformed Episcopial Church in the Dominion of Canada held its opening session at 1 1 :30 a. in. in Christ Church. The devotional service was conducted by the Rev. A. D. Cousins, and, in the absence of the President, the Synod was called to order by the Vice-President, Rev. A. M. Hubly. LIST OF MEMBERS. Clerical. *Bishop Samuel Fallows, D. D., L. L. D., 967 West Monroe Street, Chicago, 111. Bishop Edward Wilson, D. D., Metuchen, N. J. *Rev. A. M. Hubly, Belleville, Ont. Rev. J. Eastburn Brown, Moncton, N. B. *Rev. Walter Witten, A. M., Ph. D., Barrie, Ont. *Rev. A. B. Hubly, 652 St. Andre Street, Montreal. *Rev. Arthur Dixon Cousins, Ottawa. *Rev. Geo. Orman, Shaw Street, Toronto. *Rev. Willard Brewing, 326 Markham Street, Toronto. Rev. Edward C. Russell, Ottawa. Rev. J. B. Donaldson, Ottawa. Rev. Archibald H. Grace, M. D., Allahabad, India. *Rev. A. Worger Slade, Alliston, Ont. Rev. William J. Gilliland, Philadelphia, Pa. 7 8 Lay. Emmanuel, Ottawa — J. H. Spencer, * William Cairns; Alter- nates, D. McCann, Thos. Lowry. Christ, Toronto — *Alex. Hall, Dr. G. E. Hill, Samuel Wright; Alternates , *Thos. E. Davis, Wm. Farley, Chas. Palmer. St. Bartholomew’s, Montreal — E. Roberts, W. Sloan ; Alternates , Thos. Spindlo, *W. Smyth. Emmanuel, Belleville — J. W. London, E. T. Thompson ; Alternates , George Naylor, * Jesse Barlow. Christ, Barrie — *Geo. Coles, * Richard Bidwell; Alternates, *R. J. Gallagher, Oliver Patterson. Emmanuel, Toronto — *Samuel Steen, ^Robert E. Holt; Alternates, John Pindrel, Robert Stephens. St. Paul’s, Moncton — T. Williams, J. E. Masters. St. David’s, Ottawa — Rev. J. B. Donaldson, Robert Ingram; Alternates, Wm. Moore, Dr. Wm. Ralph Bell. Grace, Alliston — Robert Henderson, Alternate, *W. M. Lockhart. St. John’s, Sussex — No Credentials. ( Those marked * were present.) I do hereby solemnly declare that I am a member of the Reformed Episcopal Church in the Dominion of Canada and an enrolled communicant of the same, and assent to the prin- ciples of the said Church as set forth in the declaration of principles thereof. J. W. Barlow, Belleville. R. J. Gallagher, Barrie. Wm. Cairns, Ottawa. W. M. Lockhart, Alliston. Alex. Hall, Toronto. Thos. E. Davis, Toronto. W. Smyth, Montreal. Geo. Coles, Barrie. R. Bidwell, Barrie. * Samuel Steen, Toronto. Robert E. Holt, Toronto. The Rev. A. B. Hubly was re-elected to the office of Secre- tary of the Synod. The roll was then called and, a quorum being present, the chair declared the council legally opened for the transaction of business. On motion, the order of business of last year was adopted as the order for the present council, as follows : — consisting of Messrs. S. Steen, Geo. Coles and Rev. A. B. Hubly. On motion of Rev. Dr. W. Witten the minutes of the last Council of Synod were confirmed as printed. The following Report of the Standing Committee was read by the Rev. A. D. Cousins. 10 REPORT OF STANDING COMMITTEE. During the year the Standing Committee of the Synod received an application for admission from the new parish of Grace Church, Alliston. The parish was duly entered on the list of churches. The Committee recommend that the name of Rev. A. Worger Slade be added to the list of Clergy. The letter of dismissal from the English Synod was duly received from Bishop Philip Eldridge. Your Committee recommend that the proposed Constitution and Canons, submitted by Dr. Witten and His Honor Judge Ardagh, be considered by the Synod at the session to-morrow morning. i Prayer was offered by the Rev. A. M. Hubly. The Committee on Credentials reported through its Chair- man, Mr. S. Steen, that the certificates of lay delegates had been examined and found correct. The Bishop presented and read his Episcopal Report, which on motion was received. 11 REPORT OF BISHOP FALLOWS. To the First Synod of The Reformed Episcopal Church in the Dominion of Canada. Dear Brethren: — My report will necessarily be brief on account of my recent appointment as Bishop in charge of the Synod by The General Council of the Church. Immediately upon being assigned to the oversight of its interests, I entered upon a correspondence with each Rector and Minister in charge of its respective parishes so as to be en rapport with the whole Church within its bounds. I found every parish except the one at Sussex provided for in this particular. Efforts had been made by Bishop Hoffman, my faithful and able predecessor, to secure a Rector in place of the Rev. A. M. Plubly, who after many years of devoted service had resigned to take charge of the church at Belleville, and of the Rev. William J. Gilliland who had succeeded him for a short period. The Bishop had not been able, however, to find a clergyman suitable for the place. I am very anxious to meet the needs of this most important parish at the earliest possible moment. On Wednesday evening, June 27, I made a short address before the congre- gation of Emmanuel Church, Belleville, and on the following evening, June 28th, I preached and confirmed eight persons presented by their Rector, the Rev. A. M. Hubly. I found the members of the parish in a justly jubilant mood on account of the signal success which had attended their efforts to liquidate the debt upon their church property. It was my intention to lecture on Friday evening, June 28th, at Emmanuel Church, Ottawa, and meet the congregation in a social way afterwards. The train was so far behind time that I could not reach the city to meet the engage- ment. Flowever, an informal and delightful reception was given me on Saturday evening, June 29th, by the communicants and friends of the church at which I spoke a few words of greeting and congratulation. On Sunday, July 1st, I preached to a large congregation in the same church and confirmed 13 persons presented by the Rector, the Rev. A. D. Cousins. In the afternoon I had the great pleasure 6f baptizing a dear little boy, Ralph Whitcomb Bell, the grandson of Dr. and Mrs. Bell. In the evening I preached in St. David’s Church and confirmed 8 persons presented by the Minister in charge, the Rev. Edward Russell. Aug. 25th I received Letters Dimissory of the Rev. Arthur Worger Slade, as Deacon from the Rt. Rev. Phillip X. Eldridge, D.D., Presiding Bishop of the Re- formed Episcopal Church in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to the First Synod in the Dominion of Canada. Mr. Slade at once upon his arrival in Canada became Minister in charge of Grace Church, Alliston. I find that the omens are all propitious for our cause in the Dominion. There is progress along the whole line. New courage has been infused into the hearts of our congregations. Church debts are being lifted. Confidence in our princi- ples has been deepened and strengthened. We can claim with increasing assur- ance the power of the Holy Spirit to help us in our work of faith and labor of love. Respectfully submitted, Samuel Fallows. 12 The Treasurer, Mr; Geo. Coles, presented his report which, upon motion of Rev. Geo. Orman, was received with, a hearty- vote of thanks. TREASURER’S REPORT. Receipts . 1905 Sept. 12 — To Balance in Bank $27.89 “ “ Rev. F. T. Reynolds, balance of Prayer Books 3.62 “ “ Collection from Service at Synod 19.68 “ “ Rev. A. M. Hubly, Subscription to Synod for 1904 from Emmanuel Church, Belleville 10 00 Oct. 31 — From Christ Church, Barrie to Synod for 1905 10.00 Dec. 22 — From Christ Church, Toronto to Synod 1904. 14*85 1906 Jan. — Cheque from Bishop H. S. Hoffman, D. D 48.25 April 11— ; Christ Church, Toronto to Synod for 1905 9.85 May 7 — Emmanuel Church, Toronto to Synod for 1905 10.00 $154.14 Payments. 1905 Oct. 31 — Expressage on Treasurer’s Book 25 Jan. 17 — Mr. J. M. Armstrong for Printing 4.03 “ “ — Belleville Intelligencer for Printing ... 44.50 Jan. 30 — Mr. R. Bidwell, for Alliston Expenses 11*25 May 7 — Emmanuel Church, Toronto 45.00 June 5 — Rev. Dr. Witten for Alliston Expenses 8.45 June 20— Rev. Dr. Witten for Alliston Expenses 5.50 A u g* 30— Stamps 25 $119.23 Balance on Hand 34*91 $154.14 GEO. C. COLES, Treasurer. Audited and found correct, Sept. 5th, 1906. THOS. E. DAVIS, REV. GEO. ORMAN. Rev. A. B. Hubly presented and read the report of the Committee on the State of the Church, calling attention to the gratifying growth in numbers and contributions, and the exceptional co-operation in securing very full statistics from the various churches. It was moved by Mr. Alex. Hall and seconded by Rev. Dr. Witten that the report be adopted. Name and Lc of Churc jj | 5 5 5 Foreign Missions. Other Contributions. Total Contribution. Buildings. Insurance. Value of Unen- cumbered Property. St. Paul’s, Monc 4 s 8 82 170 20 1347 82 3 6800 8300 Christ Church, B 1 61 60 00 .• .. 1306 25 1 5 °°o 6000 Emmanuel, Belle 48 92 77 352 78 1390 65 2 2500 3200 St. Bartholomew ; 00 75 00 50 00 1162 00 Emmanuel, Tore 00 30 00 1103 00 1 1500 1450 Christ Church, T ) 00 120 00 980 00 3179 00 1 4500 3500 Emmanuel, Ott£ 5 64 192 53 938 75 3353 57 1 6c 00 9000 St. David’s, Ottj i 74 32 79 254 98 1293 65 2 3000 3600 St. John’s, Susse 3 2200 4370 Grace, Alliston. 7 72 175 97 3 67 611 91 2746 71 1431 1 9 i 14 3 I 5 °° 39420 REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE STATE OF THE CHURCH. Name and Location N J 5 'o CJ E c 0 .£ ui c 0 1 a c c _o So S 0 »873 35 5 _ 69 1128 11 16 86 6 33 5 36 6 66 5 48 8 82 170 20 1347 82 8300 3 OoOO Christ Church, Barrie... . Rev. W. Witten, A. M. l’h. D. 1876 102 8 7 3 10 3 72 1095 84 10 00 15 00 15 00 3 00 10 80 10 00 86 61 60 00 1306 25 1 5000 6000 Emmanuel, Belleville.. . Rev. A. M. Ilubly. . . 1 888 80 10 . 5 15 8 5 99 839 89 9 CO 5 00 4 CO 8 00 13 73 10 00 55 48 92 77 352 78 1390 65 2 25OO 3200 St. Bartholomew’s, Mon- Rev. A. B. Hubly 1877 42 9 5 60 892 00 10 00 135 °o 75 00 50 00 1162 00 treal Emmanuel, Toronto . . Rev. Geo. Orman .... 1894 79 9 13 12 71 982 00 91 00 30 00 1103 00 . 1500 1450 Christ Church, Toronto.. Rev. Willard Brewing . 1874 260 23 20 2 150 1722 00 25 00 18 00 15 00 19 CO 280 00 120 00 980 00 3179 00 1 4500 3500 Emmanuel, Ottawa. . . Rev. A. D. Cousins 1874 140 14 7 13 94 1894 13 14 05 153 64 192 53 938 75 3353 57 1 6coo 9000 St. David’s, Ottawa . . . Rev. E. C. Russell . 1889 70 10 4 8 40 928 14 78 74 32 79 254 98 1293 65 2 3000 3600 St. John’s, Sussex 1874 55 5 150 635 00 3 2200 4370 frrnrp Alliston Rev. A. Worger Slade 1906 25 3 31 168 25 7 72 175 97 J 00 00 00 96 64 5 i 18 10 791 10285 36 44 00 36 86 43 33 41 36 57 58 26 66 893 6 7 611 91 2746 71 143U 91 14 31500 39420 13 Bishop John Pope of the Independent Methodist Episcopal Church was introduced to the Synod and delivered an inter- esting address. The Rev. W. Witten, A. M., Ph. D., presented the report of the Nominating Committee as follows : — Vice-President — Rev. A. M. Hubly. Secretary — Rev. A. B. Hubly. Asst. Secretary — Rev. Willard Brewing. Treasurer — George C. Coles. COMMITTEES. Standing Committee — Rev’s. J. E. Brown, A. M. Hubly, W. Witten, A. M., Ph. D., A. D. Cousins, Messrs. Samuel Steen, E. Roberts, Alex. Hall, W. M. Lockhart and Thos. Hoare. Trustees — Rev. W. Witten, A. M., Ph. D., Rev. Geo. Orman, Messrs. T. Williams, W. Sloan and A. Mackey. Constitution and Canons — Revs. W. Witten, A. M., Ph. D., J. B. Donaldson, Messrs. Chas. E. Palmer, J. H. Spencer and His Honor Judge A. Ardagh. State of the Church — Rev’s. A. B. Hubly, Willard Brewing, Messrs. William Cairns and Alex. Hall. Publication — Rev’s Geo. Orman, Willard Brewing, Messrs. Thos. E. Davis and Geo. Hill, M. D. Memorials and Resolutions — Rev’s. A. B. Hubly, Willard Brewing, and Mr. J. W. Barlow. Audit — Messrs. Thos. E. Davis and W. Smyth. # Respectfully submitted, WALTER WITTEN, GEO. ORMAN, THOS. E. DAVIS, JESSE BARLOW. 14 By unanimous motion the Secretary was instructed to cast a single ballot for the officers and committees named in the report. The Secretary cast the ballot and the President announced their election. The Rev. Willard Brewing read the report of the Prayer Book Committee. On motion of Rev. Dr. Witten the report was adopted. REPORT OF PRAYER BOOK COMMITTEE. Cash Received. From Emmanuel Church, Belleville $15.00 “ Rev. A. M. Hubly « . . 1.00 “ St. Bartholomew’s, Montreal 15.00 “ ChristChurch, Barrie 14*70 “ Emmanuel Church, Ottawa , 550 “ Grace Church, Alliston 4.60 “ Christ Church, Toronto 7.50 “ Emmanuel Church, Toronto . . . , 15*00 “ Individual Sales 5.00 “ Copies left by Rev. F. T. Reynolds 3.00 Cash on hand from last year 3.62 $89.92 Due from Churches 7.50 Expenses. To Bryant Press for printing 1000 Corrections, etc “ Binding 400 plain copies (15) . .... “ “ 50 Morocco copies (70) Cash Received 97*42 $85.00 • 2.50 60.00 35.00 $182.50 97*42 $84.08 The Rev. Geo. Orman presented his report as Business Manager of the Canadian Edition of the Episcopal Recorder. After discussion by Bishop Fallows, Rev. A. M. Hubly, Rev. Dr. Witten and Mr. Alex. Hall, the report was unanimously adopted. It was moved by Mr. W. M. Lockhart, seconded by Mr. Thos. E. Davis and carried, that the draft of the Constitution and Canons be read the first and second times ; and that then 15 the Synod go into committee of the whole to consider the same. On motion the Synod adjourned. Prayer was offered by the Rev. A. Worger Slade. The Synod convened in committee of the whole at 7 p. m., to consider the Constitution and Canons. At 8 p. m. a well attended public service was held and inspiring addresses were given by Bishop Fallows, Rev. Messrs. A. D. Cousins, A. M. Hubly, George Orman and Dr. Witten. SECOND DAY. Toronto, Sept. 6, 1906. Morning Session. After a devotional service conducted by the Rev. Geo. Orman, the council was called to order by the President, Bishop Fallows, D.D., L.L.D., at 10 p.m. The committee of the whole reported progress and begged leave for further time. The minutes of the last session were read and approved. The committee of the whole rose and reported that they had adopted the articles in the constitution. On motion of Mr. W. M. Lockhart, the constitution was adopted as reported by the committee of the whole. On motion of Mr. Geo. Coles the council went into com- mittee of the whole for the consideration of the Canons. The committee of the whole rose and reported that they had considered the constitution and Canons. It was moved by Mr. Win. Cairns and carried unanimously that the revised constitution and Canons, as reported by the committee of the whole be adopted. 16 Mr. Alex. Hall moved and Rev. A. D. Cousins seconded a vote of thanks to Rev. Dr. Witten and his colleague, His Honor Judge J. A. Ardagh. A unanimous vote was extended by rising. The Rev. A. D. Cousins moved that the constitution and canons be printed with the minutes, and that plates be secured for permanent use. Also that a copy be sent for publication to the Canadian Edition of the Episcopal Recorder. On motion, it was ordered that five hundred copies of the minutes be printed. On motion the Synod adjourned. Prayer was offered by the Rev. W. Witten, A.M., Ph.D. AFTERNOON SESSION. The council was called to order by the President at 2 p.m. Prayer was offered by the Rev. A. B. Hubly. On motion of Rev. A. M. Hubly the Treasurer was in- structed to pay liabilities for the past year. The President suggested that the obligation of two hun- dred dollars incurred by Emmanuel Church, Ottawa, several years ago be remitted, and after discussion a motion to that effect was moved by Rev. A. M. Hubly and carried. Rev. A. D. Cousins expressed the thanks of Emmanuel Church to the Synod. Pledges were then received as follows for the support of the Synod : Christ Church, Barrie $15.00 Christ Church, Toronto 20.00 Emmanuel, Belleville 15.00 Emmanuel, Toronto 10.00 Emmanuel, Ottawa 25.00 St. Bartholomew’s 10.00 St. John’s church, Sussex 10.00 St. Paul’s, Moncton 10.00 Mr. William Cairns ...(paid) 1.00 Rev. A. Worger Slade (paid) 1.00 17 The following paid contributions were received for Grace Church, Alliston : Rev. Dr. Shepherd $ 1.00 J. W. Barlow 1.00 Rev. Geo. Orman 1.00 Rev. Dr. Witten 1.00 William Cairns 1.00 Rev. W. Brewing 1.00 Thos. E. Davis 1.00 Alex. Hall 1.00 On motion of Mr. Geo. Coles the sum of fifty dollars was granted by the Synod to Grace Church, Alliston. On motion of Mr. J. W. Barlow, seconded by Rev. Geo* Orman, the sum of ten dollars was given to the Secretary’ Rev. A. B. Hubly. On motion the officials connected with the Canadian Edition of the Episcopal Recorder were re-appointed. At the request of Rev. A. B. Hubly, it was ordered that all available information in connection with their annual report be forwarded to the committee on memorials and resolutions. The council then extended thanks to its President, Bishop Samuel Fallows, D. D., LL. D. Remarks of appreciation were given by Revd’s. A. M. Hubly, A. D. Cousins, Geo. Orman and Mr. William Cairns. At the request of the Vice- President the council rose and sang the Doxology in recogni- tion of the thirtieth anniversary of the consecration of Bishop Fallows. The Bishop in replying, referred to his English birth, his Canadian consecration and his United States adoption. On motion of Mr. Geo. Coles, the Secretary was instructed to forward a resolution congratulating Bishop Edward Cridge on the attainment of the thirtieth anniversary of his conse- cration. On motion of Rev. W. Witten, A.M., Ph.D., the Secretary was requested to forward a letter of condolence to the Hon. Sir James Robert Gowan, K. C. M. G. 18 Mr. Alex. Hall moved that the thanks of the Synod be extended to the Press of Toronto including the “Globe” with its representative, Mr. Rutherford, and the “Telegram.” Mr. Rutherford acknowledged the Synod’s expression of thanks with a brief address. Rev. Dr. Witten presented the question of the “Van Horn Furlough Fund,” reporting amounts already received from Canadian churches and soliciting additional contributions for that purpose. On motion the Synod accepted the invitation extended by Mr. J. W. Barlow to hold the next Synodical council at Belleville. A committee on transportation was appointed consisting of Rev. A. M. Hubly and Mr. Barlow. On motion of Rev. A. D. Cousins the committee on Sunday Schools was re-appointed. Acting upon the recommendation of the Standing Com- mittee, a programme committee was appointed, consisting of Rev. A. M. Hubly, Mr. J. W. Barlow and Rev. A. D. Cousins On motion a rising vote of thanks was tendered for hos- pitality to delegates in the church and in the homes. On motion of Rev. Dr. Witten a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to the Rector and officers of Christ Church. Rev. A. D. Cousins reported the receipt of a letter from Bishop Philip X. Eldridge, expressing interest in the work of the Canadian Synod. It was moved, seconded and unanimously carried that we assure Bishop Eldridge of our sympathetic interest in the Reformed Episcopal Church in England, with the hope that he might be present at the next annual council of our Synod. On motion the Synod adjourned sine die . Prayer was offered by Rev. Willard Brewing and Rev. A. M. Hubly, and the benediction was pronounced by Bishop Samuel Fallows, D. D., LL. D. A. B. HUBLY, Secretary. 19 CONSTITUTION. ADOPTED IN SYNOD IN TORONTO, SEPTEMBER, 1906. Article I. — Name. This Synod shall be known as the First Synod in the Dominion of Canada of the Reformed Episcopal Church (otherwise known as the Protestant Church of England). Article II. — Authority of General Council. This Synod, as a constituent part of the Reformed Episcopal Church, accedes to and adopts the Constitution and Canons of that Church, and acknowledges the authority of the General Council. Article III. — Membership in Synod. The Synod shall consist of one or more Bishops, ordained Ministers, whether Presbyters or Deacons, in good standing, and representative laymen elected by each congregation now in existence, or hereafter to be organized in connection with the Reformed Episcopal Church, who shall in all matters therein have chief legislative and administrative power and jurisdiction. Provided , Deacons may speak at these meetings but not vote. Article IV. — Lay Deputies. Each organized congregation shall be entitled to one delegate, and to one additional delegate for every fifty communicants up to one hundred communicants. No congregation shall be entitled to more than three delegates Every such delegate shall be elected annually, and shall be an enrolled communicant of this Church, and shall, before taking his seat, sign a declaration in the following form : — F'orm of Declaration. I do hereby solemnly declare that I am a member of the Reformed Episcopal Church in the Dominion of Canada, and am an enrolled communicant of the same, and assent to the principles of the said Church as set forth in the declaration of principles thereof. Article V. — Representation. No delegate shall represent more than one congregation, and in case of alternates, the alternate delegate shall be elected by the congregation he represents. Article VI.— Officers. The officers of this Synod shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, an Assistant Secretary, and a Treasurer. They shall perform the usual duties appertaining to such offices until their successors are elected. The Bishop of the Synod, or of the jurisdiction, shall b ^ ex -officio President, but, if the Bishop or Vice-President should not be present, the Synod shall elect a President, and a ballot shall be had, and anv member of the Synod may then be elected by a two-third vote of the members present. Article VII — Meetings. The meetings of the Synod shall be held at such times and places as may be agreed upon at the next preceding meeting, or at the call of the Bishop, or Standing Committee, notice of which must be given thirty days prior to meeting. .20 Article VIII. — Quorum. Three ministers and six lay delegates, representing not less than three congregations and entitled to seats in the Synod, at any time duly assembled, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, except that a smaller number may adjourn from time to time. Article IX.— Elective Committees. The following committees shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Synod : — (A) A Standing Committee, consisting of four presbyters and five laymen, five of whom shall constitute a quorum, who shall be a council of advice to the Bishop of the Synod, and have such powers and perform such duties as generally pertain to standing committees under Episcopal Organizations, or as may be committed or assigned to them by the Synod . In case of a vacancy in the Bishopric, the Standing Committee shall perform the executive duties devolving on the Bishop. (B) A Board of Trustees, consisting of two presbyters and three laymen, whose duties shall be to hold in trust and invest all funds arising from bequests or donations known as Trust Funds. After the first election of this Board there shall be one vacancy and one election therefor at each annual meeting. The retiring member shall be eligible for re-election. Vacancies from any cause occurring between Synods shall be filled by the Bishop and Standing Committee. The Bishop shall be the convener of this Board. (C) A Committee on Constitution and Canons, consisting of two clerical and three lay delegates. (D) A Committee on the State of the Church, consisting of two clerical and two lay members, one of whom shall be the Secretary, whose duties shall be to examine the annual reports of the parishes, and present a general statement as to the condition of the Church, including amount of property, number of communi- cants, general growth, &c. ( E) The Bishop shall be Chairman of all Committees, and the Secretary a member, ex-officio. Article X. — Election of a Bishop. The election of a Bishop of this Synod may be made at any regular or special meeting of Synod. Thirty days’ notice, dating from issue, of the election shall be given to every minister and congregation, through its wardens, in the .Synod, by the Secretary of the Synod. The vote shall be by ballot, and a majority of both orders shall be necessary to a choice. Article XI.— Principles. The Principles of this Church, as set forth in the Declaration of Principles adopted by the General Council of the Reformed Episcopal Church held in New Vork on the second day of December, 1873, are, and shall be unalterable. Article XII — Vote by Orders. A vote shall be taken by orders, when called for by five members of the Synod. Article XIII. — Alterations in Constitution. This Constitution shall be unalterable, unless the proposed amendment shall first be approved by one Synod and finally agreed to in the ensuing Synod, provided that alterations may be made at any Synod by unanimous consent. 21 Article XIV.— Alterations in and Enactment of New Canons. No Canon shall be valid or binding, save or in so far as it is consistent with this Constitution, and the Constitution and Canons of the Reformed Episcopal Church, and no Canon shall be altered or rescinded, n©r shall any new Canon be enacted save by the vote of three-fourths of the members present and finally ratified by a similar majority at another meeting of the Synod, to be held not less than three calendar months after the date of the holding of the meeting at which such alteration or rescision shall have been proposed, and carried, provided such alteration or rescision may be made at any regular meeting of the Synod by unanimous consent ; provided also that such alteration or rescision may be made by unanimous consent at a special meeting of the Synod, when at least thirty days’ notice of the proposed action has been given to the members of the Synod. Article XV. — Presiding Officer. The Bishop x)f the Synod shall preside at its meetings, and may deliver his sentiments on any subject after it has been discussed, and before a vote thereon. In the absence of the Bishop the Vice-President shall preside, or a president pro tem. shall be elected from among the members present. — :o: CANONS. TITLE I. —THE SYNOD. Canon I. — Of a List of Ministers. Within one week before the meeting of the Annual Council, the Bishop, or if there be no Bishop, the Standing Committee, shall prepare, or cause to be pre- pared, a list of the names of all the ministers under the jurisdiction of this Synod, with the names of their respective charges, or if without charge their places of residence. And also, with particulars of time and place, the names of all ministers who have been ordained or received from other churches, or who have resigned or died, or may have been subjected to discipline since the preceding annual Council. Such list shall be laid down before the Synod immediately after it shall have been called to order, and the names of the clerical members called therefrom. This list shall be published in the Journal, and the Secretary of the Synod shall send a copy of the same to the Secretary of the General Council. Canon II. — Of the Secretary. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to take minutes, and record all proceed- ings of the Synod, to attest its public acts, preserve its records, notify the parishes and ministers, thirty days in advance, of the times and places of all meetings of the Synod, and for election of a Bishop. In giving notice of the meeting of the annual Synod he shall send a form of parochial report, as set forth in appendix to the Journal of the General Council, and of a certificate of election to lay delegates to the Synod. He shall tabulate the parochial reports when returned, and present such tabulation to the Synod, and incorporate it in the minutes. He shall direct the printing and distribution to the parishes of the Minutes, within ninety days of the adjournment of the Annual Synod, and shall carefully preserve in the Synodical Archives at least five copies thereof. In case of a vacancy, the Bishop shall appoint a secretary to serve till the next meeting of the Synod. 22 Canon III. — Of the Treasurer. Sec. i. — It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all moneys of the Synod, the collection of which shall not otherwise be regulated, to disburse the same upon orders signed by the President and Secretary, and to collect from each parish its dues or pledges to Synodical Funds. His accounts shall be rendered to the annual meeting of Synod, and shall be audited by a Committee appointed by vote of Synod. In case of a vacancy the Standing Committee shall appoint a Treasurer to fill the unexpired term. Sec. 2. — The Treasurer shall give such bonds as the Synod from time to time may require. Sec. 3. — The Treasurer shall, by virtue of his office, be a member of the Synod, and have full privileges cf membership. Canon IV, — Standing Committee. In addition to its ordinary duties the Standing Committee shall have control of all moneys raised by pledge, subscription, assessment, or otherwise (except such permanent funds as are properly under control of the Board of Trustees), for all current expenses of the Synod. In particular it shall have the oversight and control of all expenditures for the missionary work of the Synod, and shall exercise special care that parish property which shall have been acquired, in whole or in part, by grants from the Synod, be secured to the Reformed Episcopal Church, and it shall make the amount of its grants to any parish a perpetual lien upon its property, or its proceeds, after sale, payable to the trustees of the Synod, whenever such property, or its proceeds, shall be alienated from the use of the Reformed Episcopal Church. Canon V.— Of the Trustees. Sec. 1. — The Trustees shall have the care of all permanent and trust funds of the Synod, and of such as may by gift or devise for any special purpose become the property of the Synod, unless trustees are named by the donor or devisor. Sec. 2. — It shall be the duty of the Trustees not only to care for all property placed in their charge, but to take all legal measures needed to establish a title to the property of extinct parishes. Sec. 3. — The Trustees shall give such bonds as the Synod, from time to time, may require, and shall make a full report to each annual meeting of Synod of the condition of their trusts. Sec. 4. — It is the duty of Trustees to see that the Wardens of each Parish shall have all Church Property, within their care, fully insured against fire. TITLE II.— THE PARISH. Canon I. — Membership. A Parish or Congregation consists of all persons enrolled as Communicants or stated worshippers in that Congregation, and whose names appear on the Treasurer’s roll as regular contributors to the support of the Church. Canon II. — Of the Admission of Parishes. Sec. 1. — The consent of the Standing Committee is a prerequisite to the formation of a new parish of this Synod. 23 Sec. 2. — For the organization of a new parish the following article of association and conformity shall be signed by at least twelve persons of adult age who intend to be supporters of the parish, to wit We, the undersigned, do associate ourselves for the purpose of maintaining the worship of God, and preaching of the Gospel, according to the doctrine, discipline and worship of the Reformed Episcopal Church, under the name of Church, in the Town (or City) of ... . ..... , and Province of . . . , and do promise conformity to the Constitution and Canons of the Reformed Episcopal Church, and of the First Synod in the Dominion of Canada. Sec. 3. — A Parish already in communion with the Reformed Episcopal Church may be admitted to this Synod by the Standing Committee, on presenta* tion, with its petition for admission, of a declaration of its acceptance of the Constitution and Canons of this Synod, duly certified as the act of a parish meeting by the Secretary thereof, provided that in every case the consent of the Bishop and Standing Committee, or if there be no Bishop, of the Standing Committee of the Synod or jurisdiction, to which the Parish has belonged, be given. Sec. 4. — A Parish of another Church that may desire to be received into union with this Church and Synod, may be received by the Bishop and Standing Committee, upon presentation to them of a declaration of its acceptance of the Constitution and Canons of the Reformed Episcopal Church, and of this Synod, and of the doctrine, worship and discipline of this Church, duly certified as the act of a parish meeting, by the Secretary thereof. Canon III. — Of the Annual Parish Meetings. Sec. 1. — In each parish, annually during Easter week, or on some other convenient occasion, an annual parish meeting shall be held at which there shall be an election for Wardens, Vestrymen, Parish Council, Deputies to the General Council and Synod, and such other officers as the parish may appoint. Wardens, Parish Council, and Deputies shall be chosen from among the communicants, and, when practicable, Vestrymen also. The Vestrymen shall be so chosen that if possible one-third of the entire number shall be elected each year. Sec. 2. — A Parish or Congregation consists of all persons enrolled as communicants, or stated worshippers, in that congregation, and whose names appear on the Treasurer’s Roll as regular contributors to the support of the Church. All such persons being of full age are entitled to vote for Wardens and other officers of the congregation, but only communicants can vote for the Parish Council, Deputies to the Synod and General Council. The Rector shall be ex-officio Chairman of the Vestry, and all other parochial bodies and meetings. Sec. 3. — In each Parish the Communicants duly enrolled as members shall, annually, during Easter week, or on some other convenient occasion, elect two or more communicants, to be nominated by the Rector or Minister, as a Parish Council, who shall be the special advisers of their Minister in the spiritual government of the Parish, and shall be associated with him in the reception, dismission, or discipline of church members. Sec. 4. — The elec! ion of Deputies shall be certified by the Vestry, Clerk or Wardens in the following form : — This is to certify that the number of communicants in good standing at the time of the Easter Meeting of 19...., in the Parish of . . Church , was ; that Messrs were duly elected the Deputies of this Parish to the first Synod for the current year, and that Messrs ... were also elected as alternate Deputies. (Date) (Signature) 24 This certificate shall be sent to the Secretary at least ten days before the meeting of Synod, and by him be laid before the Committee on Credentials, after the Synod is duly convened. Sec. 5. — At the annual parish meeting reports in writing shall be made by those in charge of the various departments of work in connection with the Parish. All who have acted as Treasurers shall present itemized reports with vouchers, and these reports shall be audited. Canon IV.— Of Wardens and Vestry. Sec. 1. — The Wardens and Vestry shall meet, as soon as practicable, after the annual election, and organize by the election of such officers as may be necessary, and they shall thereafter meet at least once in each month. Special meetings may be called by the Rector or Wardens, or . w H wiuraquLJlid by any three members of the Vestry. Sec. 2. — Vacancies, occurring during the year, in the Vestry may be filled by the remaining members. Sec. 3. — It is the duty of the Wardens and Vestry to take charge of the property of the Parish, to care for the buildings, to regulate all its temporal concerns, to provide for the maintenance of the Rector or Minister in charge, and, with the Rector, to employ such assistance as may be necessary for the proper rendering of the music. It is also their duty, subject to the approval of a congregational meeting, to elect and call a Rector. Sec. 4. — It shall be the duty of the Rector and Wardens to present to the Bishop for his inspection, on the occasion of an official visit, or at other times upon his request, all the books, papers, accounts, and other property of the Parish, and to give him all the information concerning the temporal and spiritual interests of the parish, in their possession. Sec. 5. — It shall be* the duty of the Rector and Wardens to provide that all collections and assessments, ordered by the General Council or Synod, are made, and the amounts promptly paid to the Treasurers of the respective funds. Sec. 6. — A full report of each parish in accordance with the standard forms of the Church shall be sent to the Secretary of the Synod, and by him to the Chairman of Committee on the State of the Church, at least seven days before the annual Session of the Synod, by the Minister in charge, or in the event of a vacancy in the pastorate of the parish, by the Wardens and Vestry Clerk. I i